                    Про Laine
Nevanlinna Theory and
Complex Differential Equations
Walter de Gruyter
Berlin • New York 1993

de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 1 Riemannian Geometry, Wilhelm Klingenberg 2 Semimartingales, Michel Metivier 3 Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables, Ludger Каир and Bur chard Каир 4 Spaces of Measures, Corneliu Constantinescu 5 Knots, Gerhard Burde and Heiner Zieschang 6 Ergodic Theorems, Ulrich Krengel 7 Mathematical Theory of Statistics, Helmut Strasser 8 Transformation Groups, Tammo torn Dieck 9 Gibbs Measures and Phase Transitions, Hans-Otto Georgii 10 Analyticity in Infinite Dimensional Spaces, Michel Herve 11 Elementary Geometry in Hyperbolic Space, Werner Fenchel 12 Transcendental Numbers, Andrei B. Shidlovskii 13 Ordinary Differential Equations, Herbert Amann 14 Dirichlet Forms and Analysis on Wiener Space, Nicolas Bouleau and Francis Hirsch
Author Ilpo Laine Department of Mathematics University of Joensuu P.O. Box 111 SF-80101 Joensuu Finland Series Editors Heinz Bauer Mathematisches Institut der Universitat Bismarckstrasse 1 lA D-8520 Erlangen, FRG Jerry L. Kazdan Department of Mathematics University of Pennsylvania 209 South 33rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6395, USA Eduard Zehnder ETH-Zentrum/Mathematik Ramistrasse 101 CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30-02; 34-02; 30D35, 34A20 ) Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI to ensure permanence and durability. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Laine, Ilpo. Nevanlinna theory and complex differential equations / Ilpo Laine. p. cm. — (De Gruyter studies in mathematics ; 15) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 3-11-013422-5 (alk. paper) 1. Nevanlinna theory. 2. Differential equations. 3. Functions of complex variables. I. Title. II. Series. QA331.L24 1993 515/.35-dc20 92-35852 CIP Die Deutsche Bibliothek — Cataloging-in-Publication Data Laine, Ilpo: Nevanlinna theory and complex differential equations / Ilpo Laine. - Berlin ; New York : de Gruyter, 1993 (De Gruyter studies in mathematics ; 15) ISBN 3-11-013422-5 NE: GT © Copyright 1992 by Walter de Gruyter & Co., D-1000 Berlin 30. - All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Germany. Disk conversion: Danny Lee Lewis, Berlin. Printing: Gerike GmbH, Berlin. Binding: Dieter Mikolai, Berlin. Cover design: Rudolf Hubler, Berlin.
Preface This book arose from a relatively long process. The idea first appeared many years ago, due to my longstanding research collaboration with Professor Steven Bank (Urbana). While visiting Urbana in 1987,1 prepared the first draft, which appeared later on as a survey article in Finnish. The second draft was used for my lectures at the University of Erlangen in 1989. Several parts of the manuscript also served as a basis for a large number of graduate seminars at the University of Joensuu. Finally, the finishing touch was made during the Spring School in Potential Theory, organized by the University of Prague, in the inspiring scenery of the Krkonose Mountains in April 1992. From the many colleagues who owe my gratitude, Professor Steven Bank (Urbana) had the most essential influence on the subjectmatter of this book, due to our numerous discussions during almost twenty years. He also commented several parts of the manuscript. Nevertheless, the responsibility for any errors or defects in the book is mine. Professor Heinz Bauer (Erlangen) encouraged me to complete the writing process. He also proposed that the book could be accepted in the Walter de Gruyter series Studies in Mathematics. Concerning the staff at the Department of Mathematics, University of Joensuu, I am pleased to mention in public Kari Katajamaki and Liisa Kinnunen who helped me by checking a multitude of details and by commenting several versions of various chapters. Their efforts can be found in many passages throughout my exposition. My research secretary, Riitta Heiskanen, converted my drafts into a readable form with an admirable skill. Academy of Finland, University of Joensuu and University of Erlangen have been the institutions which provided me with financial support. With a probability which is very close to one, this book would have never appeared without this support. Last, but definitely not least, my warm thanks are due to my family. Their patience with the seemingly endless process of writing has been simply astonishing. I hope they have not been persistent in vain. Joensuu, April 1992 Про Laine
Contents Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Results from function theory 5 Chapter 2 Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions 18 Chapter 3 Wiman-Valiron theory 50 Chapter 4 Linear differential equations: basic results 53 Chapter 5 Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case . 74 Chapter 6 Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative 110 Chapter 7 Higher order linear differential equations 127 Chapter 8 Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 144 Chapter 9 Basic non-linear differential equations 165 Chapter 10 The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 192 Chapter 11 First order algebraic differential equations 221 Chapter 12 Second order algebraic differential equations 248
viii Contents Chapter 13 Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 257 Chapter 14 Algebraic differential equations and differential fields 285 Bibliography 311 Index 339
Introduction Differential equations in the complex domain is an area of mathematics admitting several ways of approach. The local theory is perhaps the most investigated of these approaches. Its basic results, say the local existence and uniqueness theorem of solutions, singularity theory etc., can be found in a large number of text-books of differential equations. Our focus of interest is different. The basic existence and uniqueness theorem and the basic linear structure of solutions of linear differen- differential equations are the only results from the local theory we assume the reader is familiar with in advance. The global theory, where our interest lies, can also be studied in many different ways. For instance, one may consider it from the al- algebraic point of view, see e.g. Matsuda [1], from the differential equations point of view, see e.g. Jurkat [1], or one may consider complex differential equations from the direction of function theory, which is the approach of this exposition. Precisely, our aim has been to show how the Nevanlinna theory may be applied to get insight into the properties of solutions of complex differential equations. The first such applications were made, to the best of our knowledge, by F. Nevanlinna [1] in 1929, who considered the differential equation/" +A(z)f = 0 in the case of a polynomial A(z) in connection of a study of meromorphic functions with max- maximal deficiency sum, by R. Nevanlinna [1], who considered the same equation in connection of covering surfaces with finitely many branch points and by K. Yosida [l]-[5] who proved the celebrated Malmquist theorem via the Nevanlinna theory in [1]. The first one who made systematic studies in the applications of Nevanlinna theory into complex differential equations was H. Wittich beginning from 1942. From the early contributions in this area we still add the article by A. Gol'dberg [1] which is perhaps the most important paper treating general algebraic differen- differential equations before seventies. Now, apart from a few other earlier contributions, one had to wait up to the end of sixties before the global theory of complex dif- differential equations, in connection with Nevanlinna theory, became more popular. During the last two decades several active groups of mathematicians in different countries have played a remarkable role. However, up to now, only a few survey articles (see Nikolaus [6], Eremenko [3], Mues [7]) and a relatively small number of books (see e.g. Bieberbach [1], Wittich [9], Herold [1], Hille [3], Petrenko [1], Jank and Volkmann [3], He and Xiao [5]) exist where at least a substantial part has been devoted to complex differential equations. Despite of the many advantages of these surveys and books, some of their limitations perhaps justify to offer a new reference. Especially, concerning most of the above books, their main emphasis is something else than the title of this book. The best source hitherto is perhaps the book by Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 163-241; nevertheless, the major part of [3] is
2 Introduction devoted to the Nevanlinna theory itself. To avoid unnecessary repetition, we have omitted here some material and some technically complicated proofs which can be found in the book of Jank and Volkmann. The aim of this book is twofold. First of all, we have tried to give a concise treatment of Nevanlinna theory applications into the global theory of complex dif- differential equations, beginning from the classical results and ending, at least for the major part, up to current research trends. Reading of this book certainly be- becomes easier, if some familiarity with the Nevanlinna theory is preassumed. As mentioned above, the prerequisites from the theory of differential equations are practically nonexisting, restricting themselves to the usual undergraduate material. Our second aim lies in the hope that an interested graduate student could find here an easy access to this special area of differential equations. The most important mathematical background a graduate student needs is a reasonable working knowl- knowledge of function theory, say e.g. on the level of Veech [1]. We also hope that the material of this book could be useful for graduate level lecture courses and seminars. The material in this book has been organized as follows. The first three chap- chapters contain some background material, mostly from function theory. Specially, Chapter 2 collects the relevant parts of the Nevanlinna theory, from the point of view of applications into differential equations. If a proof has been omitted here, an exact reference has been pointed out. One of the key results in Chapter 2 is the famous Clunie lemma, see Section 2.4, presented here in all details, including several variants and related results. Chapter 3 contains the central results from the Wiman-Valiron theory, sometimes more powerful than the Nevanlinna theory itself, to estimate the order of growth of an entire function. With one exception only, proofs have been omitted in this short chapter. This is due to the fact that Jank and Volkmann [3], Chapters 4 and 21, gives an excellent exposition the reader will be advised to consult. The next five chapters are devoted to linear differential equations. Chapters 4 through 6 form the elementary part, consisting of basic applications of the Nevan- Nevanlinna theory, mostly into the second order homogeneous linear differential equa- equations in the complex plane. Despite of their elementary nature, most of what can be found in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 originates from the last decade. Concerning higher order linear differential equations and non-homogeneous differential equa- equations, it may be somewhat surprising that Nevanlinna theory applications are still fairly few. However, some recent investigations, see Frank and Hellerstein [1], Bank and Langley [3] and Langley [7] show that surprisingly much similarity with the second order, resp. homogeneous, case appears. The problem is that the meth- methods of proof tend to be rather complicated. Therefore, Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 don't try to be complete. On the contrary, we have tried to extract from the existing very few original sources those parts where the proofs remain reasonably simple. The last six chapters consider non-linear algebraic differential equations, mak- making some occasional returns back to the linear theory. Chapter 9 gives a short
Introduction 3 excursion into the simple non-linear equations, consisting of the Riccati equation, some of the Painleve equations, and the Schwarzian differential equation, while Chapter 10 gives a justification to their special status via the nowadays classi- classical Malmquist argument. For the Riccati type differential equations, this argument gives a complete classification today, while the situation remains incomplete for the Painleve type. Chapters 11 through 13 then present Nevanlinna theory applica- applications into the global theory of algebraic differential equations in general. The final Chapter 14 is of a bit different nature, written to show how Nevanlinna theory and abstract algebraic reasoning together may produce interesting results in the area of complex differential equations. We feel that Chapter 14 is introductory. In fact, the author is convinced that the topics of this chapter should be investigated in more details to obtain some really deep results. For more references related to Chapter 14, we mention here Bank [28] and Rubel [1]. Essentially all results given in this book can be found in the original literature, at least in a closely related form. However, a number of proofs have been modified to make them more easily accessible to a non-expert reader. Straightforward com- computations have been mostly omitted. In fact, in easy situations, this should bring no difficulties to the reader, while modern symbolic software may always be used to check the more complicated cases. Concerning our extensive reference list, we have given a minimum number of references only from function theory and other areas of mathematics. In fact, we give nothing more than those references which have been strictly needed in our argumentation. On the other hand, we have tried to include as many articles from the global theory complex differential equations and closely related areas as possible. For the convenience of the reader, we have included the necessary review information to almost all items, mostly based on Mathematical Reviews and, occasionally, on Jahrbuch der Mathematik or on Zentralblatt fur Mathematik. Since we have tried to compile an exposition which gives a reasonably easy access to the value distribution theory of solutions of complex differential equa- equations, some aspects of recent research have been omitted intentionally. Such ar- areas are, for instance, the following ones: A) Most of the recent results based on Phragmen-Lindelof type advanced arguments, see e.g. Bank and Langley [2]-[4]. B) Factorization theory of meromorphic solutions of complex differential equa- equations. In this area a good reference book recently appeared, see Chuang and Yang [1]. The reader should observe that factorization theory in itself presents an excel- excellent example of the applications of the Nevanlinna theory. C) Algebroid solutions of complex differential equations, see He and Xiao [5] which creates, however, lan- language problems to many of the eventual readers. D) Tsuji value distribution theory applications into complex differential equations, see e.g. Rossi [3]. E) The recent research related to the asymptotic integration of complex differential equations, due to several mathematicians by the end of eighties, including the important papers by Bruggemann [1], [2] and Steinmetz [20]. F) The applications of the Strodt theory into the value distribution of solutions of complex differential equations, see e.g.
4 Introduction several papers by Bank. Many of these omitted areas are still, at least partially, under strong development. One should perhaps wait some years before it can be seen how an exposition about these topics should be compiled.
Chapter 1 Results from function theory This chapter contains some background material which seems to be of frequent use in the theory of complex differential equations. However, the Nevanlinna the- theory and the Wiman-Valiron theory will be considered separately in the next two chapters. 1.1 Two lemmas from real analysis These two elementary lemmas find their use when exceptional sets typical in the Nevanlinna theory have to be avoided from the conclusions. Lemma 1.1.1. Let g : @, -boo) —> R, h: @, -boo) —> R be monotone increasing functions such that g(r) < h(r) outside of an exceptional set E of finite linear measure. Then, for any a > 1, there exists r$ > 0 such that g(r) < h(ar) for all r > r0. Proof. Denote a := JEdry and choose ro = a/(a - 1). For any r > tq, the interval [r,ar] meets the complement of E. In fact, ar dt = r(a - 1) > ro(a - 1) = a. r Therefore, taking t e [r, ar] \ £, we get g(r)<g(t)<h(t)<h(ar). □ Lemma 1.1.2. Let g: @, -boo) —► R, h: @, -boo) -^ R be monotone increasing functions such that g(r) < h (r) outside of an exceptional set E of finite logarithmic measure. Then, for any a > 1, there exists r$ > 0 such that g(r) < h(ra) holds for all r > ro. Proof. Denote now Л := $е^г1г < °°> an(* choose ro = exp(A/(a - 1)). For any r > ro, the interval [r,ra] meets the complement of is. As in the preceding
6 1. Results from function theory proof, — = logra-logr =(a- l)logr >(a- I)logr0 = Л. Therefore, taking now t e [r, ra] \ £, we get g(r)<g(t)<h(t)<h(ra). П 1.2 Canonical products Of course, basic knowledge on infinite products of complex numbers, canonical products, the Weierstrass factorization theorem and the Hadamard factorization theorem is contained in every course of complex analysis. These notions play a decisive role in some reasoning of complex differential equations, so we recall the basic notions and results here. A very readable presentation may be found in the book of R. Ash [1], p. 131-156. To begin with, we recall that using the Weierstrass primary factors Eq(z):=1-z ( z z Mz) :=(l-z)exp I z + y+ ••• + — one may prove the following two theorems, see Ash [1], Theorem 4.2.3 and The- Theorem 4.2.5. Theorem 1.2.1. Let (an)ne^ be a sequence of non-zero complex numbers (not necessarily distinct) with limw-^oo|^w| = oo, arranged according to increasing moduli. Ifmn > n — 1, then the infinite product defines an entire function f whose sequence of zeros is exactly (an)ne^. □ Since a zero at z — 0 may be handled by multiplying by zw, this means that we may construct an entire function having zeros precisely at given points, with prescribed multiplicities.
1.2 Canonical products 7 Definition 1.2.2. Let (an)ne^ be a sequence of non-zero complex numbers (not necessarily distinct) with limw_+oo \an\ = oo. The exponent of convergence of the sequence is defined by Г X:=infla>0 A-2.1) Theorem 1.2.3. Lef f/ie sequence (an)ne^ of non-zero complex numbers have a finite exponent of convergence X and let к be a nonnegative integer > Л — 1. Then the canonical product defines an entire function having zeros exactly at the points an, with prescribed multiplicities. □ The above two theorems may now be combined to obtain the Weierstrass factorization theorem: Theorem 1.2.4. Let f be an entire function, with a zero of multiplicity m > 0 at z = 0. Let the other zeros off be at a\y a^ ... , each zero being repeated as many times as its multiplicity implies. Thenf has the representation ^) A.2.2) л=1 V nJ for some entire function g and some integers mn. If (ап)пещ has a finite exponent of convergence X, then mn may be taken as k — [Л] > Л — 1 in A.2.2). □ Recall now that l^^l A.2.3) where M{rJ) := max|z|=r \f(z)\, defines the order of an entire function. We add two remarks concerning the above theorem: A) If an entire function/ has a finite exponent of convergence X(f) for its zero-sequence (an)ne^, and we write the representation A.2.2) in the form applying Theorem 1.2.4, then we have X(Q) = a(Q) = X(f), see Ash [1], Theo- Theorem 4.3.6.
8 1. Results from function theory B) If the entire function/ in Theorem 1.2.4 is of finite order cr, then g in A.2.2) is a polynomial of degree < a. This is the essential contents of the Hadamard factorization theorem. A couple of other elementary results concerning the exponent of convergence are frequently used. To this end, consider the sequence (an)ne^ from Defini- Definition 1.2.2. Denoting now n(t) := card((aw)wGN П {\z\ < f}), A.2.4) A.2.5) we recall, see Hayman [2], Lemma 1.4, that the series Y1T=\ \an\~a in A.2.1) and the integral f£°(n(t)/ta+l)dt converge simultaneously. Therefore, the exponent of convergence of (an)ne^ also satisfies (.2.6) Moreover, it is easy to prove by the above notions, see Boas [1], Theorem 2.5.8, that A = iimsupJ^. A.2.7) An immediate consequence of A.2.6) is now the following most useful Lemma 1.2.5. Let {an)ne^ be a non-empty sequence of non-zero complex numbers (not necessarily distinct) with a finite exponent of convergence Л. Then for every Proof Given e > 0 and r > 0, we see by A.2.6) that Therefore, the integrated counting function A.2.5) satisfies Jo t Jo tx+£+l - Jo tx+£+l - Let/ be an entire function, or, more generally, meromorphic, and let (an)neN denote its sequence of zeros, each repeated according to its multiplicity. Denote
1.3 Complex polynomials 9 by X(f) the exponent of convergence of this sequence of complex numbers. Then it is easy to obtain the following Lemma 1.2.6. Let f\, /2 be two entire functions with no common zeros. Then for E =/1/2 we get A(£) = max(A(fi),A(fc)). Proof. The inequality max(A(/i), X(f2)) < X(E) is trivial. To prove the converse inequality, we may assume that A (is) = A > 0. Then, for any e > 0, the integral r°n{t)dt diverges, with n(t) being the unintegrated counting function A.2.4) for the zero- sequence of E. With the corresponding notations n\(t), n2(t) for/i and/2, we have Therefore, at least one of the integrals [°° nx{t)dt [°° n2(t)dt Jo *A+1-C> JO t^-e diverges which means that max(A(/i),A(/a)) > A - e. Since e is arbitrary, we have the assertion. □ 1.3 Complex polynomials For the convenience of the reader, we recall here two useful results concerning complex polynomials. The first one is the following self-evident lemma, see Jank and Volkmann [3], Satz 1.2: Lemma 1.3.1. LetP(z) = anzn+an_izn~l-\ Ьао with апф0Ье apolynomial. Then, for every e > 0, there exists r$ > 0 such that for all r — \z\ > tq the inequalities hold. П
10 1. Results from function theory Our second lemma is an easy estimate for the roots of a polynomial, see Marden [1], Theorem 27.2: Lemma 1.3.2. LetP(z) — anzn+an-\zn~l4 \-a$withan ф 0 be a polynomial. Then all zeros ofP(z) lie in the diskD{0, r) of radius r<l+ max (\ak/an\). 0<k<n-\ Proof. Denote M :— maxo<£<w-i(|tfA:/tfw|)- Assume |z| > 1. Since \P(z)\ > \an\\z\n-(\ao\ + |e,||z| + ... + k-iHzl"), we see that A.3.1) \z\-l-M |z|-l Hence, if |z| > 1 +M, we have \P{z)\ > 0. Therefore all zeros of P(z) in |z| > 1 must satisfy the inequality A.3.1). On the other hand, all zeros of P(z) in jzj < 1 satisfy A.3.1) trivially. □ 1.4 The Wronskian determinant This section contains a number of basic properties of the Wronskian determinants. However, we don't list properties which are just elementary facts of general deter- determinants. We shall follow rather closely the presentation given in the thesis of G. Hennekemper [1], p. 11-19. Definition 1.4.1. The Wronskian determinant functions /i, ... , fn is given by /l ,...,/w) of the meromorphic fn Jn J J\ n'-l) J Jn n-1)
1.4 The Wronskian determinant 11 Moreover, we denote, for v — 0, ... , n — 1, by ВД,...,/„) the determinant which comes from W(f\,... ,fn) by replacing the row Proposition 1.4.2. Let f\, ..., fn be meromorphic functions. Then W(/i,... ,fn) vanishes identically if and only iff\, ... , fn are linearly dependent (over C). Proof The sufficiency being trivial, let us assume that W(f\,... Jn) = 0. We may also assume that/i does not vanish identically, hence W(f\) ф 0. Therefore, there exists i/ € {1,..., л — 1} such that W(/b.-.,/«/)^0, W(fi,.-.,/i,+i)=0. A.4.1) Let now a e С be chosen so that f\, ... , fu+\ don't have a pole at a and that W(/i,... ,/i/)(a) 7^ 0. By A.4.1), the column vectors of W(/i,... Ju+\) are linearly dependent. Hence, for some constants Q, ... , Cv G C, fi(a) Hence, defining V we get Moreover, by A.4.1) and A.4.2), ^ll^l = 0. A.4.3) Expanding W(/i,... Jv, u) by the last column, we obtain by A.4.3) ^4ти(*)=0. A.4.4)
12 1. Results from function theory By repeated differentiation of A.4.4), we see that ц(м)(а) = о for/ieN0. By the elementary uniqueness theorem of meromorphic functions, и A.4.2),/i, ... ,/„_!_! are linearly dependent. Proposition 1.4.3. Letf\, ... ,fn, g be meromorphic functions and c\, complex numbers. Then (a) W(d/i, • •. ,СдГл) = С! • '-cnW(fu... ,/„). 0. By □ , cn be l,z,...,- (b) (с) (d) Proof, (a) This is nothing else but a basic calculation rule of determinants. (b) This follows immediately by repeated determinant expansion according to the first column vector. (c) Expansion according to the last column vector. (d) A standard reasoning shows that gf\ gfn A.4.5) holds for v = 0, ... , n — 1. In fact, for v — 0 this is just the definition of i > • • • > gfn)' To prove the inductive step, we may assume that f\,... ,/„, g, g(n~l) ф 0, oo at a given point aGC. Since g' holds for / = 1, ... , n, the induction at a G С follows by subtracting the first I/+1 rows, multiplied by (^t1) (g(u+l~~fi)g~~l respectively, from the (и+2)^ row
1.4 The Wronskian determinant 13 of A.4.5). The final inductive conclusion now follows by the elementary uniqueness theorem of meromorphic functions. For v = n — 1 we therefore obtain W(gfl,...,gfn) = gfx gfn :g"W(fh...,fn). (e) By the preceding parts, r r (т) C^l I- □ Proposition 1.4.4. Letf\, ... ,fn be meromorphic functions. Then d Proof. Applying the standard Leibniz formula, see Kowalsky [1], p. 87, to define a determinant we obtain E An~l) An~l) /i fn fn Jn-\) Лп-\) 1 • • • Jn Proposition 1.4.5. Letf\> .. have /i /Г /л Jn fff Jn f(n Jn /l /l' .(Л-2) fn fn A Jn n-2) Jn (n) П ,fn be meromorphic functions. Then, for n = 2, we =/1/2 -Ml
14 1. Results from function theory and for n> 3, Proof. The case of n = 2 is trivial. For n > 3, we see that /l (n-2) (Л-1) ••• fn-2 /l ••• fn-l fn Лп-Ъ) Jn'-Ъ) Jn-Ъ) h ••• Jn-2 h Jn-2) Jn-2) Jn-2 h Jn-l) Jn-l) Jn-2 h Jn-Ъ) Лп-Ъ) Jn-\ Jn Jn-2) Jn-2) Jn-\ Jn Jn-l) Jn-l) Jn-l J" A.4.6) by an apparent row addition operation. We now apply the Laplace expansion rule (Kowalsky, [1], p. 92) to the equation A.4.6), for the (n - l)th to Bn - 4)th rows on the right hand side and the (n — l)th to {In - 3)th columns on the left hand side. This results in
/l fi (n-3) fn-2 Jn — (/1-3) 1.4 The Wronskian determinant 15 /l ... fn fi (n-l) Jn-l) /l Jn-2) Jl /l Jn-2) Jl ••• fn-l Jn-2) ■ ■ ■ Jn-l •■■ fn-2 Jn-2) •■ ■ Jn-2 Jl An-3) Jl Jn-l) Jl fn Jn-2) Jn /l Jn-2 An-3) Jn-2 Jn-l) Jn-2 /l" Jn-l) /i Jn fn Jn-l) Jn fn-l fn-l Jn-l) Jn-l which is just the assertion. □ Proposition 1.4.6. Letfi, ... , fn be linearly independent meromorphic functions and define \-l Wv(fU...,fn) A.4.7) for v = 0, ... , n — 1. Then the meromorphic functions an,v have their poles among the zeros ofW(f\,...,fn) or the poles off\, ... ,fn. Moreover, an,n-l=-(W(fu...,fn)) l-^ A.4.8) Finally, f\, ... , fn satisfy the homogeneous linear differential equation /i-l A.4.9) i/=0 Proof The first assertion is straightforward. Next, A.4.8) follows from A.4.7) by Proposition 1.4.4. To prove A.4.9), let h be any meromorphic function. Expanding i,... ,//i, h) according to the last column we get i/=0 The assertion A.4.9) now follows immediately. □
16 1. Results from function theory Proposition 1.4.7. Let f\, ... , fn be linearly independent meromorphic functions satisfying a homogeneous linear differential equation /i-l /(Л)+Х>(*У(|')=О. A.4.11) i/=0 Then {..Jn))~lWJ/(fl,...Jn). A.4.12) Proof Denoting an,n := 1 and an := 1, we may consider A.4.9) and A.4.11) as linear system of equations to determine an^{z), resp. av(z), at a given z. Since W(/i, • • • »//i) 7^ 0, such a linear system has a unique solution, and therefore we get A.4.12) for v = 0, ... , n — 1, at least outside of zeros of W(/j,... ,/„) and poles of the functions in consideration. By the elementary uniqueness theorem of meromorphic functions, A.4.12) holds in the whole complex plane. □ Proposition 1.4.8. Let f\, ... , fn be linearly independent meromorphic solutions of with meromorphic coefficients. Then the Wronskian determinant W (f\,... Jn) sat- satisfies the differential equation Wf + an_\(z)W = 0. Specially, if an_\ is an entire function, then for some С G C, W (f\,... Jn) = С ехр <p where (p is a primitive function of —an_\. Proof. for i - Since = 1, ... с , n, we see by Proposition l> ao(z)fi 1.4.4 that /l fl ft2) f(n) ... fn ••• Л -(n-2) Jn A") Jn
/l 1.4 The Wronskian determinant 17 fn •л n-2) /l ••■ fn f{ -. /„' (n-2) -(n-2) l ■ ■ ■ Jn n-1) Jn-l) l ■ ■ ■ Jn ri"-1) ao(z% = -an_l(z)W(fl,.:.,fn) = -an_xW. The second assertion, for the case of an entire an_\, is trivial. D
Chapter 2 Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions This chapter is not intended to be a complete introduction to the Nevanlinna the- theory. Although written in a self-contained manner, the selection of the material is determined by the needs of applications into complex differential equations, and some technical details will be omitted. An interested reader may consult Nevan- Nevanlinna [2], Hayman [2], Gross [2] or Jank and Volkmann [3] as well as original research articles to look for omitted details and to obtain information on those parts of Nevanlinna theory which are not presented here. 2.1 The first main theorem The starting point to prove the first main theorem is the Jensen formula which is a consequence of the elementary fact that log \f{z)\ is harmonic as soon as/(z) is analytic and Ф 0, combined with the mean value property of harmonic functions. Theorem 2.1.1 (Jensen). Let f be a meromorphic function such thatf(O) Ф 0, oo and let a\, п2, ... (resp. b\, &2> • • • ) denote its zeros (resp. poles), each taken into account according to its multiplicity. Then E log|fj- E 1о*Щ' Proof. We give the proof for the case that/ has no zeros or poles on \z \ = r, in order to recall the essential idea behind the Jensen theorem. For the case where zeros or poles appear on \z \ = r, we refer to Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 43-47. Denote
2.1 The first main theorem 19 Then we have g ф 0, oo in \z\ < r, hence log\g{z)\ is a harmonic function. By the mean value property of classical harmonic functions, 1 f2n log|g@)| = — / \og\g{rei(p)\d(p. B.1.1) But since we get log|g@)| = log l/*@)| + ^^ l°g]—г~ У^ log tt—r- B.1.2) Finally, for any z = relip, we have r2-Jb77 I r2 - atz r{z -a() r ~ bjt r(z-bj) for all au ty, hence \g{re^)\ = \f(re^)\. Combining this fact with B.1.1) and B.1.2) we obtain the assertion. □ Remark. The Jensen formula relates the zeros and poles of/ inside of a disc \z | < r with the mean value of/ on the boundary circle. As we immediately see, this is nothing else but the basic idea behind the first main theorem. Definition 2.1.2. For every real number a > 0, we define log a := max@, log a). Basic properties of this truncated logarithm are contained in Lemma 2.1.3. (a) log a < loga; (b) loga<log/?/0ra</?; (c) log a = log a- log ^; (d) | log a| = log a + log ^; (e)
20 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions Proof, (a)^(d) These are immediate consequences of Definition 2.1.2 and the mono- tonicity of the ordinary logarithm function. (e) If fli=i ai ^ 1' then the assertion holds trivially. On the other hand, if П?=1а/ > 1. then (f) By (b) and (e) above, (П ч П ^2 a/ 1 < log f n max az- J < log л + log f max az- j < log л + ^ log a;. 1 = 1 Z = l a The first main theorem can be considered as a reformulation of the Jensen formula. To this end, we need to define the Nevanlinna counting function and the Nevanlinna proximity function. Definition 2.1.4 (Unintegrated counting function). Let/ be a meromorphic func- function, not being identically equal to a e C. Let i(z,a,f) denote the multiplicity of an a -point of/ at z. Then we define J aJ \z\<r f(z)=a i.e., n(r,a,f) counts the number of the roots of f(z) = a in \z\ < r, each root according to its multiplicity. For the poles of/, we define similarly n(r,oo,/) =n(r,f) = n{r,oo) := /(z)=oo Definition 2.1.5 (Counting function). For a meromorphic function/, we define supposing / ф а е С and n(t, oo) — n @,oo) +n@,oo)logr.
2.1 The first main theorem 21 We now proceed to the first main theorem through a few intermediate steps. Lemma 2.1.6. Let f be a meromorphic function with a-points a\, с*2, ... , an in \z\ < r such that 0 < |c*i| < \aj\ < • • • < \oin\ < r, each counted according to its multiplicity. Then n{t,aj) rn{t,aJ)-«{0,aJ) у _^ Proof Denoting r/ = |a,-|, / = 1, ... , n, we obtain n о<Ы<г ' il 1=1 r/ rir/1 1=1 /1-1 = ^/(logr/+1 -logr/)+n(logr-logrw) 1=1 ^4 rn+idt rr dt fr n{t,a) J = }i —+n —= ^—tdt. П fr[ Jn t Jrn t Jo t An intermediate step between the Jensen formula and the first main theorem is the following Proposition 2.1.7. Letf be a meromorphic function with the Laurent expansion at the origin. Then Proof Define the meromorphic function h by setting h(z):=f(z)z-m, zeC. Clearly, m = л@,0,/) - л@,оо,/) and h@) ф 0, oo. The functions h and/ have the same poles and zeros in 0 < \z \ < r. The Jensen formula, together with
22 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions Lemma 2.1.6; implies log|cw| = log|*@)| 1 f2n - _ v^ r v^ r —— / log \f{r€l^)r m\d(p-\- } log •:—-— у log]—г 2тг Уо ^^/ \bj\ ^^ \ai\ 1 r2* 2тг Уо /%гдг(г оо)-дг(Ооо) Л л(г,0) - л@,0) + / Л - / Л Jo t Jo t П Definition 2.1.8 (Proximity function). For a meromorphic function/, we define m d(p supposing / ф а е С and r2n 2?r Jo Definition 2.1.9 (Characteristic function). The characteristic function of a mero- meromorphic function / will be defined as T(rJ):=m(rJ)+N(r,f). Theorem 2.1.10 (First main theorem). Letf be a meromorphic function, let a e С and let ,-z', стф0, тег, i=m be the Laurent expansion off — a at the origin. Then where r |v>(r,e)|<log2 + log|a|.
2.1 The first main theorem 23 Proof. Assume first a = 0. By Lemma 2.1.3(c) and Proposition 2.1.7 we obtain log|cOT| = — I log If (r + N(r,f)-fl -^ J lo+g 1 dip , =m(rJ)-m{r,j)+N(rJ)-N{r,j), hence тГг,^+^Гг,^=т(г,/)+^(г,/)-1оё|сш|, B.1.3) r(r.7)=:r('-./)-l0S|cm|, which is the assertion with <p(r,0) = 0. Proceeding now to the general case а ф 0, we define h :=f — a. Clearly and Moreover, Iog|fc|=loglf-fl|<loglf|+log|fl|+log2, <log|fc|+log|fl|+log2. Integrating these inequalities we see that m(r,h) < m(r,f) +log|a| +log2 m(rj) <m(r,^)+log|a| +log2, hence r,a) :=m(r,h)-m(r,f)
24 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions satisfies " \ф,а)\ <log2 + log|fl| Applying B.1.3) for h we obtain = m{rj) + N{r,f) -\og\cm = T(r,f) - log \cm | + <p(r, a). D Remark. The first main theorem may be expressed as B14) for all a e C. Note that the bounded error term 0A) depends on a e C, hence some caution is necessary, e.g., in integrating B.1.4). Proposition 2.1.11. Letf,f\, ... ,fn be meromorphic functions and a, /3, 7, 8 G С such that a6 — /?7 ф 0. Then (a) Г(г,/, •••/„)< ELl r(rj$)/<v r > 1, (b) Г(г,/Л) = пГ(г,/), n € N, (c) Г (г, YH=\fi) < E?=i Г(г,Л) + log n /or r > 1, (d) г assuming/ ф —8 Proof. Follows easily by elementary pole considerations combined with Lemma 2.1.3. The details may be omitted in (a), (c) and (d). For (b), it is enough to observe that \fn\ = \f\n < 1 if and only if \f\ < 1. □ Remark. The characteristic function offers a natural way to define a measure for the growth of a meromorphic function: Definition 2.1.12. The order a(f) of a meromorphic function/ is defined by For elementary properties of the order a(f), see Nevanlinna [2], p. 217-222. Specially, we recall that the basic algebraic operations never increase the order. Moreover, a meromorphic function and its derivative both have the same order, see
2.2 Rational functions and Nevanlinna theory 25 Remark to Corollary 2.3.5 below and Nevanlinna [2], p. 217-222, or Whittaker [1], p. 82. Recalling the notion of the exponent of convergence for the zero-sequence of a meromorphic function/ from Chapter 1, see A.2.6) and A.2.7), we add here the following elementary Proposition 2.1.13. For any meromorphic function f\ \(f) < a(f). Proof. Of course, there is nothing to prove if \(f) = 0 or a(f) = oo. Obviously, for r > 1, / jx Г3гп{*>т)-п(°>т) ( l\ N K-) - /o . *+- Ыlos3r dt + n @,- )log3r y\ -n (o,j\) I°g3 + n U,j\ Iog3r - n (r,-J Iog3 -f n M), -J logr > n (r,-j . Therefore, by A.2.7) and the first main theorem, logn(r,i) X(f) = limsup ^—]-L < limsup logr < limsup logr r^oo logr log(rCr,/) + O(l)) logrCr,/) < limsup \— —-—'- = hmsup & v ^ r^oo log 3r - log 3 r^oo log 3r 2.2 Rational functions and Nevanlinna theory Several inequalities of the Nevanlinna theory depend on an error term whose growth is of type О (logr). Hence, it is important to characterize meromorphic functions whose characteristic function has the growth of this type. To this end, we recall the Poisson-Jensen formula, whose proof can be found in several text-books. Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 43-47, gives all details. Theorem 2.2.1. Let f be a meromorphic function such thatf(z) ф 0, oo and let a\, a2, ... (resp. b\, &2> - - -) denote its zeros (resp. poles), each taken into account
26 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions according to its multiplicity. Suppose z = rei(* and r < R. Then \a,\<R An immediate consequence is now \bj\<R R2 - bjZ Proposition 2.2.2. Let g be an entire function and assume that 0 < r < R < oo and that the maximum modulus M(r,g) — maxui_r \g{z)\ satisfies M(r,g) > 1. Then T(r,g) < logM(r,g) < ?-±LT(R,g). к r к — r Proof. The first inequality is trivial: T(r,g) = m(r,g) = <\ogM(r,g) = \ogM (r,g). To prove the second inequality, take zo such that zo = relQ and that \g{zo)\ = M(r,g). Recall that \R(z -a()/(R2 -aiz)\ < 1 whenever \z\ < R. Therefore, the Poisson-Jensen formula results in log|g(,0)| < ± (R+r){R-r) {R - rJ + 2Rr A - cosFi - ip)) D Remark. It is easy to see that by Proposition 2.2.2 the order a(g) given in Defini- Definition 2.1.12 reduces, in the case of an entire function g, back to the classical order notion defined by limsup,.^^ log logM(r,g)/ log r, see A.2.3). We are now ready to give the anticipated characterization of rational functions. Theorem 2.2.3. A meromorphic function f is rational if and only ifT(r,f) = O(logr).
2.2 Rational functions and Nevanlinna theory 27 Proof. Let first/ be rational, Let us begin with the case m > n. Then \\m)[Z^OQf{z) is finite, hence for some ro > 0 we get Therefore n(r,f)=m, r>r0. >r° n(t, oo) - л@, oo) _ , Г m - л@, оо) -dt +n@, oo)logr ro = (m-n @, oo)) (log r - log r0) + л @, oo) log r + О A) = mlogr — mlogro +n@, oo)logro -f 0A) = mlogr -f 0A), N{rJ)=mlogr On the other hand, by Lemma 1.3.1 we may assume that \P(z)\ = \an\r"(l +o(l)), \Q(z)\ = for r > tq. Therefore, B.2.1) and m(r,/) = 0(l). B.2.2) Combining B.2.1) and B.2.2) we obtain T(rJ) = mlogr + 0A) - O(logr). In the case m < n we may apply the Jensen formula and the first part of this proof to get T(rJ) = T[^j) + 0A) = n logr + 0A) = O(logr).
28 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions Assume now that/ is a meromorphic function such that T{r,f) — O(logr), i.e., for some r0 > 1 and for some ^>0we have T(rJ)<K\ogr for r>r0. B.2.3) We may assume that/ is non-constant. By B.2.3), N{r,f) < К logr forr >r0. Then for all r > tq, we obtain (n(r,oo)-n@,oo))logr = (л(г,оо)-л@,оо)) / — Jr * < Г2 «(r.oo)- «@,oo) д^ r2^,oo)-»@,oo)^+n@oo)logr2 Jr t JO x = N(r2J) < К logr2 = 2A: logr. Therefore n(r,oo) < 2£+n@,oo) for all r > tq. This means that/ has at most finitely many poles, say b\, ... , bn, in the complex plane. Define now an entire function g by P(z):=(z-bl)-iz-bnI g(z):=f(z)P(z). By the first part of the proof we may assume that r(r,P)<(rt + l)logr, r>r0, hence T() <(£+ + l)l Ll r > r0. By Proposition 2.2.2, with R = 2r, we see that logM(r,g) < 37Br,g) < 3Llog2r = 3L(logr + log2) < 6Llogr = logr6L for all r > maxB, r0). For these values of r, |*(z)| <M(r,g)<r6L
2.2 Rational functions and Nevanlinna theory 29 for \z\ = r. By the Liouville theorem, g must be a polynomial and therefore/ is a rational function. D In some parts of the Nevanlinna theory as well as in the theory of complex differential equations it will be frequent to encounter with quantities which are of growth o(T(rJ)) as r —> oo outside of a possible exceptional set of finite linear measure, / being a meromorphic function. Such quantities will be denoted by S(r,/). Observe that the exceptional set may be different for different quan- quantities. Moreover, the sum of finitely many quantities of type S(r,f) is again of type S(r,f). Even more is true: Proposition 2.2.4. Letf be a meromorphic function. Then the family s(f) := {# meromorphic \ T(r,g) = S(r,f)} is a field and an algebra. Proof. Follows immediately by Proposition 2.1.11. □ The following theorem, due to G. Valiron [1] and A. Mohon'ko [1], is of essential importance in the theory of complex differential equations. The proof below can be found in Mohon'ko [1]. Theorem 2.2.5. Letf be a meromorphic function. Then for all irreducible rational functions inf, {224) with meromorphic coefficients ax (z), bj (z) such that (T(r,ai)=S(r,f), i=0, ..,p \T(r,bj)=S(r,f), j=O,...,q, K ■ ■ } the characteristic function ofR{z,f(z)) satisfies T(r,R(zJ)) = dT(rJ) +5(r,/), B.2.6) where d = max(p,q). Before going to prove this theorem, we need the following
30 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions Lemma 2.2.6. Let A(z,f) := ЫгУ + ---+<pP-l(z)fp-1 +fp)fp~2 P+f2p-2, P>2, be a polynomial inf with meromorphic coefficients. Then there exist щ, ... , up-\, Q0> - • > Яр-2 which are polynomials in (p\, ... , <pp-\ with constant coefficients, such that satisfies p-2 /=0 Proof. We define first qt := щщ + щщ_\ + • • • + щи0, i = 0, ... ,p - 2. It remains to determine щ, ... , up_\ such that p-2 C(zJ):=B(zJJ -A(zJ)-^2^f i=0 p-2 ^2 1 + •. • + м;но)/' p-2p-2 p-lp-l+i p-2 i /=0 j=i i=0j=p-\ i=0 j=0 vanishes. It is not difficult to see that the first and the third double sums above cancel each other. Rearranging the terms in the second double sum we obtain i=0 j=i i=0
2.2 Rational functions and Nevanlinna theory 31 where (pp := 1. Clearly, C(z,f) vanishes, if mq, ... , up-\ are determined recur- recursively via p-\ ^2^ир_1+(^ = (р1+1, i =p- 1, .., , 0. B.2.7) 3=i Fixing up_\ := 1, it is easy to see that B.2.7) then determines m^_2, ... , щ uniquely. D Proof of Theorem 2.2.5. In this proof, Proposition 2.1.11 will be applied repeatedly, without pointing out this argument explicitly. Assume first that q = 0. Clearly, we may assume that b$ = 1. Since i=0 ^ ^ 1=1 p an immediate inductive argument results in " B.2.8) i=0 7 i=0 By B.2.5), ) ()() B.2.9) i=0 ^ To prove the inequality converse to B.2.9), assume first that/? = 1. Then hence T(r,ao + a]f) = T(r,f)+S(r,f). Assume next that B.2.6) has been established for all polynomials P (z,/) in / of type B.2.4) such that degy P(zJ) = s < p - 1, i.e., T(r9P{zJ)) =sT(rJ)+S(r,f). B.2.10)
32 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions For the inductive step, we write We now apply Lemma 2.2.6 to ■(pp_-]fp~ "P where щ = а(/ар, i = 1, ...,/? — 1. Clearly, T(r,(pi) = S(r,f) for i = 1, ... ,p-l. Moreover, for м0,... , up_\, q$,... , ^_2 determined by Lemma 2.2.6, we also have Т(г,щ) =5(r,/)f i =0, ... ,p- 1, and Г(г,^-) = S(rJ),j = 0, ... , /? - 2. By Lemma 2.2.6, /7-2 and degy B(z,f) = p — I. Therefore, our inductive assumption B.2.10) applies to B{z,f)> whose coefficients are meromorphic functions of type S(r,f). Applying also B.2.8), we obtain 2(p - \)T(rJ) +S(rJ) = 2T(r,B(z,f)) = T(r,B(z,fJ) P-2 hence and we have completed the case q = 0. We now proceed to the general case q > 0. By the Jensen formula, we may assume that p > q. Even more, p > q may be assumed. In fact, if p = q, then S := bpP - ^Q =(^ - apb-l)bp<2, where degy 5 <p — l.lfS/Qis reducible, i.e., if there exists a non-trivial common factor Si,S=S\S2,Q= SXQ2, then S S2 u u P = =bRa = ba
2.2 Rational functions and Nevanlinna theory 33 and so P=Sib-l(S2+apQ2). Therefore S\ is also a common factor of P and Q, a contradiction. Hence S /Q must be irreducible. Since and T(r,R) =т(г,Ьр1^] +S(r,f) = т(г,Ьр^\ +S(r,f), we see that the case p = q reduces back into p > q. To prove next the inequality T(r,R)<pT{rJ)+S{rJ) B.2.11) for p > q > 0, we first note that the case q = 0 is contained in the first part of this proof. Assume now that B.2.11) holds for all rational functions R in/ of type B.2.4) such that degy Q = к < q - 1, degy P =p > k. Since R{zJ) may be written as the first part of the proof, together with our inductive assumption, implies that ) +qT(r,f) +S(r,f) =PT(rJ)+S(rJ). To prove finally T{r,R)>pT{rJ)+S{r,f) B.2.12) for/? > q > 0, we may again assume that q > 0. By Cohn [1], Theorem 7.4.2(iii), there exist two polynomials U and V in/ with meromorphic coefficients in S(r,f), see Proposition 2.2.4, such that PU +QV = 1.
34 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions Denoting s := degy U, t := degy V, we see at once that p > q implies t > s. Clearly, =(p + t)T(rJ) +S(r,f). B.2.13) Since t > s, we get by B.2.11) Combining B.2.13) with this inequality, we obtain the final assertion B.2.12). □ Corollary 2.2.7. Letf be a meromorphic function. Then for all irreducible rational functions R(z,f) inf, see B.2.4), with meromorphic coefficients ai(z), bj{z), the characteristic function ofR (z ,/(z )) satisfies T(r,R(z,/)) = dT{r,f) + О (Щг)) + S (r,f), where !?(r)=max{(r(r,fl/),r(r,ftj)}. ho Proof In fact, this is the original result due to A. Mohon'ko in [1]; our preceding proof is nothing else than a simplification of the original one into the case where the coefficients я/(г), bj(z) are all of type S(r,f). □ 2.3 The proximity function of the logarithmic derivative The second main theorem of the Nevanlinna theory depends essentially on an estimate of the proximity function of the logarithmic derivative, namely that m\r,Jj\=S(r,f) B.3.1) holds for all transcendental meromorphic functions. This is perhaps the deepest detail of the basic Nevanlinna theory, being most vital for applications to complex
2.3 The proximity function of the logarithmic derivative 35 differential equations at the same time. Despite of this situation, we omit the proof here, since the proof given by V. Ngoan and I. Ostrovskii [1] could only be repeated here, see also Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 63-66. Therefore, we just recall Theorem 2.3.1. Let f be a mewmorphic function such that /@) ^ 0, oo. If 0 < r < R and 0 < a < I, then т г,- < - Before getting the estimate B.3.1), we need the following lemma from real analysis, well-known as the Borel lemma: Lemma 2.3.2. Let T: [ro,oo) —> [l,oo) be a continuous, increasing function. Then т(г+щ)<2Т{г) outside of a possible exceptional set E С [ tq, oo) with linear measure < 2. Proof See Hayman [2], p. 38-39, or Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 67-68. □ Theorem 2.3.3. Letf be a transcendental mewmorphic function. Then and iff is of finite order of growth, then Proof. Multiplying/ by zm for a suitable m e N, we may assume that/(O) ^ 0, oo. Let first/ be of finite order, i.e., T(rJ) = O(rk) asr->oo for some k G N. Take a = j, R = 2r, and we obtain from Theorem 2.3.1 m\ r.-r
36 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions for some К > 0 and all sufficiently large values of r. This implies Suppose next that/ is of infinite order. Taking now R — r — l/T(r,f) and a = j, we apply Theorem 2.3.1, Bemerkung 8.2 in Jank and Volkmann [3] and Lemma 2.3.2 to obtain m (r/j^j < 21og(l + 48A + rT{rJ)f2 ■ 2T(r,f)) outside of a possible exceptional set of finite linear measure. This implies imme- immediately Remark 1. The result of Theorem 2.3.3 may be written as m (r/j^=O(\ogT(r,f)+\ogr), outside of a possible exceptional set E of finite linear measure, as one can see from the above proof. A similar precisement also applies to Corollary 2.3.4 and Corollary 2.3.5 below. Observe that the standard notation E for such an exceptional set of finite linear measure will be applied in what follows without explanation. The set E may be different from orie instance to another. Instead of E, we may also say that an (in)equality holds n.e. as r —* oo. Remark 2. In the finite order case, a bit more careful estimate proves the result due to V. Ngoan and I. Ostrovskii in [1]: < max@,<т(Л - l). i logr Corollary 2.3.4. Let f be a transcendental meromorphic function and к > 1 be an integer. Then m(r/-j-\=S(f,f),
2.3 The proximity function of the logarithmic derivative 37 and iff is of finite order of growth, then Proof By Theorem 2.3.3, we already have the assertion for к = 1. Assume next that we have proved Then W < m (r/-^-) + m(r,f) = m(r,f) + S(r,f). If/ has a pole of order д at zq, then /^ has a pole of order /x + p <{p + at zo, hence Therefore This implies immediately m and therefore mlr /—j—\ <mlr D By the above proof, we immediately get the following Corollary 2.3.5. For any transcendental meromorphic function f, T(rJf)<2T(rJ) + S(rJ). Remark. Obviously, Corollary 2.3.5 means that a(ff) < a(f). Actually, the equal- equality is true here, see Whittaker [1], p. 82.
38 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions To close this section, we include a theorem due to W. Hayman [1], Theorem 4, which seems to be of interest in the theory of complex differential equations. Theorem 2.3.6. Let f be a transcendental meromorphic function not of the form P. Then Proof. Let us denote (p :=f/ff. Then the zeros of <p, which are all simple, are of course nothing else than the poles of the logarithmic derivative/7//. Hence Since 'J-ff" ,^(f'Y-ff"_x ff" the zeros of cp' - 1 are among the zeros of/ and/". In fact, at a pole zo of/ with the Laurent expansion we get for ф := ff"/(f1I by elementary calculation VUo) = 1 + «-1 an(i so (^'(zo) ф 1. Therefore Now, Theorem 3.5 in Hayman [2] implies that ^) ^). B.3.4) Combining now B.3.2) and B.3.3) with B.3.4) we get the assertion. П Finally, we add an elementary lemma related with the logarithmic derivative of a meromorphic function frequently needed below. This lemma has nothing to do immediately with Nevanlinna theory. Concerning its fairly obvious inductive proof, see Hayman [2], Lemma 3.5.
2.4 Lemmas of Clunie type 39 Lemma 2.3.7. Letf be meromorphic, and denote g :=ff/f. Then for each n G N, where Рп~з{8) ^ fl polynomial in g and its derivatives with constant coefficients and of total degree < n — 3. □ 2.4 Lemmas of Clunie type J. Clunie proved in 1960 a lemma, see Clunie [1], Lemma 1, which has got nu- numerous applications to complex differential equations. The original lemma due to Clunie was the following Lemma 2.4.1. Suppose that Qn(f) is a polynomial of total degree n at most in the meromorphic function f and its derivatives having meromorphic functions as coefficients. IfT(r) is the maximum of the characteristics of the coefficients, then / log\f-nQn(f)\dtp = O(logr + logT{rJ) + T{r)) B.4.1) \f\>\ n.e. as r —» oo. □ While applying this lemma to complex differential equations, one has usually the case that all coefficients in Qn (f), see B.4.1), are small functions in the sense of Proposition 2.2.4. Moreover, looking at the proof given in Hayman [2], p. 68-69, we easily observe that instead of T(r,a(z)) being small it is enough to assume that m (r, a (z)) is small for all coefficients of Qn (f). Hence we take as our starting point the following variant of Lemma 2.4.1: Lemma 2.4.2. Let f be a transcendental meromorphic solution of f"P(z,f) = Q(z,f), B.4.2) where P(z,f) and Q(z,f) are polynomials inf and its derivatives with meromor- meromorphic coefficients, say {a\ \ Л G / }, such that m(r,a\) = S(r,f) for all Л G /. If the total degree of Q(z,f) as a polynomial inf and its derivatives is < n, then m(r,P(z,f))=S(r,f).
40 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions Proof, Defining El:={f€l0M\\f(rei*)\<l}, E2:=[0,2it}\Eu we may consider the proximity function m(r,P{zJ)) in two parts: 27rm(r,P(z,f))= f log\P\d<p + f l$g\P\dip. JE\ JE2 Writing, with Л =(/0,..., /Д Xel Xel we have for z £ E\, \Px(z)\ < Mz)l|j i=i llA =s{rj). / Therefore, by Corollary 2.3.4, / log J E\ Hence / log\P\dcpKY" f log \Px{reiv)\dip + 0A) = S(r,f). B.4.3) JE\ J^ JE\ To consider E2, write Q(z,f) = XeJ XeJ By our assumption Iq + • • • + lv < n for all Л =(/o, • • •, lv) ^ J- Therefore, for z e E2, XeJ <YAbx(z)\h\ - XeJ T
2.4 Lemmas of Clunie type 41 and, for some К > 0, f ^ ^(^) =S(rJ). B.4.4) XeJ j=\ \ J I Combining B.4.3) and B.4.4), we get the assertion. □ One should perhaps remark that the Clunie lemma appears in numerous variants in the mathematical literature, all of them being equally well of potential importance in applications to complex differential equations. Most of these variants follow through a careful study of the above proof. Examples of such variants are the next two lemmas: Lemma 2.4.3. Letf(z) be a transcendental meromorphic solution of finite order a of B.4.2), where P(z,/) and Q{z,f) are polynomials inf and its derivatives, with meromorphic coefficients of order at most d < a. If the total degree ofQ(zJ) as a polynomial inf and its derivatives is at most n, then for any e > 0, Lemma 2.4.4. Letf(z) be a meromorphic solution of infinite order of B.4.2), where P(z,f) and Q(z,f) are polynomials inf and its derivatives, with meromorphic coefficients a\, Л G /, satisfying an estimate of the form w(r,£iA) = 0(^ +log Г(г,/)) n.e. as r —> oo for some fixed C > 0. If the total degree ofQ(z,f) as a polynomial inf and its derivatives is at most n, then m(r,P(z,/))=O(r/4logr(r,/)) n.e. as r —* oo. Differently formulated is the next lemma, see He and Xiao [5], p. 218-220. However, this lemma may equally well be considered as a result of Clunie type: Lemma 2.4.5. Letf(z) be a transcendental meromorphic solution of Q(zJ)n(z,f) = P(zJ),
42 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromdrphic functions where k=0 j=0 are polynomials inf with meromorphic coefficients such that m(r,ak)=S(r,f), k=O,...,p, m r B.4.5) and O(z,f) is a polynomial in f and its derivatives with meromorphic coeffi- coefficients a\, Л€/, such that If q >p, then Proof. Denote Clearly, m(r>a\) = s(r,f), Xe m(r,n(z,f))=S(r,f). bq-j(z) B.4.6) B.4.7) B(z) := max \ 1, 2 bq{z) bq-j(z) bq{z) hence logB(z) < ^ 4 flog |*^(г)| + 1о8 —i->)+21og2 + log*. j=l 3 \ \Dq\Z)\/ By B.4.5), Consider now B.4.8)
2.4 Lemmas of Clunie type 43 Denoting for Л =(i0, ...,!„) e /, |A| := i'q H h in, we get for z G E\(r), Xel i\h An) f and Xel f Xel hence f JE -!- f \og\n(z,f)\d<p = 2* J() by B.4.5), B.4.6) and B.4.8). On the other hand, if z € E2(r) := {\z\ = r} \Et(r), then \f(z)\>B(z)>2 bq{z) for j = 1, ... , q. Therefore and \f(z)\j>2j bq{z) bq(z) \f(z)\i -V For z € £г(г) we obtain q 1 - bq-l(z) bq(z) bo(z) bq(z) B.4.9) \Q(z,f)\ > \bq{z)Mz)\ Since \f(z)\ > 1 for z G £2@. we use ^U,/) = P(zJ)/Q(zJ) to obtain
44 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions and therefore i- / Iog\f2(zj)\dxp 2тг JEl{r) Combining B.4.9) with this inequality, we get the assertion B.4.7). 2.5 The second main theorem Surprisingly, the second main theorem has not found many applications in the theory of complex differential equations. Most likely, this is not the final situation. Therefore, we include the second main theorem, for the reason of completeness. Theorem 2.5.1. Let f be a non-constant meromorphic function, let q > 2 and let z\, ... , Zq £ С be distinct points. Then q ( 1 \ Em r'7Z— < Proof. Denoting it is well-known that for some constants an G C: P(f) Therefore, m n = l J ll/ /1 = 1 and m I r,
2.5 The second main theorem 45 Clearly, => N r By Theorem 2.2.5, T(r,P(f))=qT{rj) Therefore, by the first main theorem, + N (r,l) + S(r,f) = T(r,p(f)) -"(г> = qT(r,f) - £JV (r, _L-) + ^ ^r, i) +S{r,f) Hence, ('jr^) Jj) +S(r,f) < m(rJ)+N(r,f) - N (r, i) + 5(r,/) = T(r,f)+N(r,f) -N(r,f) - N (r,j^ +S(r,f)
46 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions and <m(r,f) + T(r,f)+N(r,f) - N(r,f) - N (r,j^j +S(r,f) = 2T(r,f) - ^N(^,pj+2N(r,f)-N(r,ff)^ +S(r,f). Denoting by N(r,f) the integrated counting function for distinct poles of/, we see that 2N(rJ) - N(r,f) = 2N(rJ) -N(rJ) - N(rJ) = N(rJ) - N(rJ) > 0 and therefore q q ( 1 \ n=\ V J ZnJ We close this section by mentioning a few consequences of the second main theorem, most notably the defect relation. Even the most simple version below is a far-reaching generalization of the great Picard theorem. However, one should keep in mind, that much more is known today about defects, see, e.g., W. Fuchs [1] and its extensive bibliography. The second main theorem, combined with the first main theorem, immediately results in Corollary 2.5.2. Let f be a non-constant meromorphic function, let q > 2 and let z\, • • • , zq £ С be distinct points. Then (q - l)T(rJ) < N(rJ) + £> (r, -M + S(rJ). n=l V J ZnJ In what follows, the second main theorem means either Theorem 2.5.1 or Corollary 2.5.2, depending on the situation. Corollary 2.5.3. Denote the deficiency of a by ml,') N<r,J-)
2.5 The second main theorem 47 for a non-constant meromorphic function f and for a G С := С U {oo}. Then 8(a,f) = 0 except for at most countably many values of a G C. Moreover, X) «(*,/)< 2. B.5.1) aeC This corollary immediately follows from the second main theorem. A bit more careful inspection results in a number of further results, see e.g. Wittich [9], p. 18-24. We restrict ourselves to mention here a few of them, related to the appearance of multiple points. Denote where every a -point in n(t,a) is counted only once, independently of its multi- multiplicity. Moreover, we denote To obtain counting functions for multiple points, we use the notations NB(r,f) ~N(r'jj) +2N(rgf)-N(r,f), Now, a routine inspection of the expression N(r,j^+2N(r,f)-N(r,f)
48 2. Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions above shows that the following version of the second main theorem is a conse- consequence of the same proof; the second assertion follows by substituting m(r,f) = T(rJ) - N(rJ), resp. m (r,^) = T(rJ) - N (r,^) + 0A), into the first assertion, and observing that N(r,f) = N(r,f) - N\(rJ), N (r, j^J = Corollary 2.5.4. Letf be a non-constant meromorphic function, let q > 2 and let Z\, ... , Zq € С be distinct points. Then J; (m (r,— и==1 \ \ J ~ and я - q — f 1 \ (q - l)T(rJ) < N(rJ) + Y,N(r> 7^— Corollary 2.5.5. For a non-constant meromorphic function f, the following in- inequalities hold: Y, F(a,f) + 0(<i,/)) < J2 в(-а^ ^ 2> <2-5-2> aet aet /) ^2- a A point a G С is called a completely ramified value of/, if all a-points of/ are at least of multiplicity two. Then of course n(r,a) > 2n(r,a) and therefore 'f-a hence 0(a,/) = l-limsup From B.5.2) we immediately conclude
2.6 The Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic function 49 Corollary 2.5.6. A non-constant meromorphic function f admits at most four com- completely ramified values. □ 2.6 The Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic function Iii some order considerations, the Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic function, mea- measuring the weight of the image of / on the Riemann sphere, is more suitable than the usual Nevanlinna characteristic function. Omitting the proofs, which may be found in Hayman [2], p. 10-13, we just mention the basic definition and the correspondence between these two characteristic functions. In fact, the Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic function will be defined by where ,2* Г{ 1 f* f2 Now, an essentially geometric analysis on the Riemann sphere results in From this it is rather obvious to see that the difference of 7o(r,/) and T(rJ) remains bounded (by a constant independent of r), provided/@) ^ oo.
Chapter 3 Wiman-Valiron theory The Wiman-Valiron theory is an indispensable device while considering the value distribution theory of entire solutions of complex differential equations. Fortu- Fortunately, the monograph by G. Jank and L. Volkmann contains an excellent pre- presentation, see Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 30-38, 187-199. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to give here just a short review of basic notions and most important results. The difference of what follows below to [3] is that we consider entire functions g : С —> С only, while [3] considers vector-valued functions g : С —> С" whose components g\, ... , gn are entire functions. Let now g be an entire function whose Taylor expansion is Clearly, the power series J2T=o\an\rn converges for every r > 0. Then, for a given r > 0, lim 7I-»OO and the maximum term »() i(,g)\n\ n>0 is well-defined. This makes it possible to define the central index u(r) = v{r,g) as the greatest exponent m such that \am\rm — \i{r,g). Clearly, for a polynomial P(z) = anzn H h a0, an ф 0, we have /х(г,Р) = ЫЛ v{r,P) = n' C.1) for all r sufficiently large. In the general case, \an\rn <»{r,g) foralln>0, \an\rn < /i(r,g) for all n > v(r,g).
3. Wiman-Valiron theory 51 Because of C.1), we may assume that g is a transcendental entire function while considering basic properties of the maximum term and the central index. Here it is enough to recall that A) ii(r,g) is strictly increasing for all r sufficiently large, is continuous and tends to +oo as r —■> oo; B) v(r,g) is increasing, piecewise constant, right-continuous and also tends to +oo as r —■> oo, see Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 33-35, In applications to complex differential equations, two results are of major im- importance: Theorem 3.1. Ifg is an entire function of order a, then \ogv(r,g) log log ii(r,g) a = hmsup , = hmsup —— . r_oo logr r_oo logr Proof See Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 36-37. D Theorem 3.2. Let g be a transcendental entire function, let 0 < б < | and z be such that \z \ = r and that \g(z)\ >M(r,g)v(r,gr?+s holds. Then there exists a set F С М+ of finite logarithmic measure, i.e., JF dt/t < +oo, such that holds for allm>0 and all r £ F. Proof. See Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 187-199. □ The above two theorems form a powerful tool for order considerations of entire solutions of linear (and algebraic) differential equations. The corresponding techniques can be found below in their natural connections. In addition to what one can find in Jank and Volkmann [3], we shall need the following proposition: Proposition 3.3. Let g be a transcendental entire function of order cr(g) = 0. Then, for all k G N, / G N,
52 3. Wiman-Valiron theory Proof. Clearly, it suffices to prove that r—xx> r Take e > 0 small enough so that ke < 1. By Theorem 3.1, we obtain a(g) = limr_oo(logv{r,g)llog r) = 0, and so logv(r,g)k =k\ogv(r,g) <k\ogv(r,g) <ke\ogr = \ogrke for all r sufficiently large. Therefore r _ , Г Г Since ke - 1 < 0, we obtain C.2).
Chapter 4 Linear differential equations: basic results This section is devoted to consider homogeneous linear differential equations /<") + an.i{z)f(n-l) + • • • + ao(z)f = 0, ao(z) ф 0, D.1) with entire coefficients ao(z), ... , an_\(z). More precisely, the results in this section have been selected to motivate some more specific questions connected with linear differential equations, to be considered in the subsequent sections. As is well-known, all solutions of D.1) are entire functions, see, e.g., Herold [1], Satz 1.3.2. Perhaps we should comment this usual but somewhat inexact asser- assertion that all solutions of a differential equation are entire functions. This is, of course, nothing but an abbreviation of the more precise statement that all local solutions admit an analytic continuation into the whole complex plane, meaning by the monodromy theorem that an entire global continuation exists. Concerning the classical local existence theorems, see Herold [1], Kapitel I. The fact that the global continuations of local solutions still satisfy the same differential equation is an immediate consequence of the elementary uniqueness theorem of analytic functions. , We begin with the following "classical" theorem due to H. Wittich, see Wittich [15], Satz 1. Observe that the application of the Wiman-Valiron theory, appearing in the proof below and in some later proofs, will be carried through in all details, in order to familiarize the reader with this method. Later on, we gradually proceed to apply the Wiman-Valiron method in its usual short-cut form. Theorem 4.1. The coefficients uq, ... , an_\ of D.1) are polynomials if and only if all solutions of D.1) are entire functions of finite order. Proof Assume first that the coefficients a$,... , an_\ are polynomials. Let/(z) be a transcendental solution of D.1) and let u(r) be its central index. By Theorem 3.2, let F с М+ be a set of finite logarithmic measure such that D.2) holds for / = 0, ... , n and for r = \z\ £ F, z being chosen as in Theorem 3.2. For instance, we may assume that \f{z)\ = M{r,f). Substituting D.2) into D.1)
54 4. Linear differential equations: basic results we obtain t +oo(z)(l + o(l)) = 0, since A + o(l))/(l + 0A)) as well as l/(l + 0A)) are both of type 1 + 0A). Hence we get ()r) + zna0(z)(l+o(l))=0. D.3) Denoting Qn-i{z) := zlan-i{z) = щ 3=0 we have to consider »{гу + a,_i(z)(i+осожг)"-1 + • • • + eo(z)(i+o(i)) = o. If r ^ F is sufficiently large, we may assume, by Lemma 1.3.1, that for these values of r we have \Qn-i(z)(l +0A))| < iMf™, i = 1, ... ,n. By Lemma 1.3.2, we must have u(r) < 1 + max \Qn_i(z){l+o(l))\ < 1 + 2 max (|clVJr*). Therefore, there exist a < oo and AT > 1 such that holds for all г ф F sufficiently large. Given now any a > 1, we see by Lemma 1.1.2 that
4. Linear differential equations: basic results 55 holds for all r sufficiently large. Hence logi/(r) hm sup < olg. r-+oo log Г Since a > 1 is arbitrary, we see that 1+ ( Л limsup ——— = a(f) < a < oo. r-oo logr To prove the converse assertion, let the coefficients ciq, ... , an_\ of D.1) be entire functions and assume that D.1) possesses a solution base/i,...,/« of entire functions of finite order of growth. Clearly, the Wronskian determinant /l fi (n-l) fn fl Jn Лп'-l) is an entire function. By elementary order considerations, W is of finite order of growth, see Definition 2.1.12 and Remark to Corollary 2.3.5. We may now express the coefficients a$, ... , an_\ in terms of/i, ...,/„. In fact, by Proposition 1.4.7, an-q(z) = -Wn-q(fu... Jn)(z)/W(z), q = 1, ... , я, see also Definition 1.4.1. By elementary order considerations again, all coefficients ciq, ... , an_\ must be of finite order. We now apply the standard order reduction procedure by substituting into D.1). Let v{ X) :=///b i.e., (vf X))' = vb and define an := 1. Then f(k) = E E m=0 *=o,...,n. D.4)
56 4. Linear differential equations: basic results Substituting D.4) into D.1) we obtain «—1 n—j—l ,. к / f x «—1 n—j—l ,. x m=0 Ч У j=-l m=0 Ч 7 *=0 m (—1)//•(«) . Лп — 1) m i • Since/i solves D.1), the v|~ -term vanishes. Dividing by/i we obtain vj"-0 +altn_2(z)vln-2) + ---+ah0(z)v1 =0 D.5) where -^ /,(m) m=l for j = 0, ... , n — 2. By elementary order considerations again, a\Q, ... , are meromorphic functions of finite order. Moreover, the meromorphic functions are solutions of D.5) of finite order of growth. To prove that vii,... , v\n_\ form a solution base to D.5), it remains to show that they are linearly independent. But if for some Q, ... , Cn_\ e С we have then Hence there is a constant Co € С such that • • • + с„_л = о. Since /i, ...,//, are linearly independent, we must have Q = C\ = Cn-i = 0.
4. Linear differential equations: basic results 57 Next we show that m(r,aij) = O(\ogr), j = 0, ... , л- 2, D.8) implies т(г,а() = О (log r), i=0,-... ,л-1. D.9) In fact, a^n_2=an-i + nj- implies m{r,an_x) <т{г,ах,п_г) +mL/j-\ + O{\) = O{\ogr) by Theorem 2.3.3. Assume now that we have proved D.10) for / = n — 1, ... , n — k. Since Am) we obtain ) + ---+т(г,я„_*) r^~L7 by Corollary 2.3.4 and by D.10). Therefore we see that D.10) holds for i = 1, ... , n — 1. Since ao does not appear explicitly in D.6), we have to use A») A»-1) ri /l /l л to see that m(r,ao) = O(\ogr).
58 4. Linear differential equations: basic results We may now proceed as above to reduce the order of D.5) further. In each reduction step, we obtain a solution base of meromorphic functions of finite order corresponding to D.7), and the reasoning corresponding to D.8) and D.9) remains valid. Hence, we finally obtain an equation of type u'+A(z)u=0. Since и is of finite order, m(r,A)=m\r,--\ = O(logr). Therefore, by D.8) and D.9) and their counterparts in the subsequent reduction steps, m(r,aj) = O(\ogr) holds for i = 0, ... , и — 1 and so uq, ... , an_\ must be polynomials. □ Remark 1. It is easy to see that all entire solutions of the more general differential equation an(z)f{n)+an_l(z)f(n-V + -.-+a0(z)f = 0, ao(z)^O, an(z)^0, D.11) with polynomial coefficients are of finite order too. In fact, applying the reasoning of the first part in the preceding proof, we have to consider where Щ Qn-i(z) = Y^cijzJi / =0, ... ,/l, j=0 and r £ F. If r is sufficiently large, then |6»-i(z)(l +o(l))| < 2|cM;|r"i, i = 1, ... , n, while
. 4. Linear differential equations: basic results 59 Lemma 1.3.2 now implies that v(r) < 1 + max Qn-i(z){\+o(\)) < 1 + 4 max 11ШЛ I and we may continue exactly as to above. Remark 2. From the above reasoning we also conclude that all transcendental entire solutions/ of D.11) with polynomial coefficients satisfy a(f) > 0. In fact, assume that a(f) = 0 and consider D.11), written in the form /=o D.12) where \z\ = r <£ F and where z satisfies \f(z)\ = M(r,f). Denote m := Considering the powers zJ in D.12), assume that D.12) possesses one term only with zm, say azm{l+o(l))v(rM, a^O. D.13) Dividing D.12) by zw, the term D.13) reduces into a(l+o(l))u(rY and so tends to H-oo, if s > 0, and to а ф 0, if s = 0, for r —» oo. On the other hand, all other terms take, after the division by zm, the form where к > 0 and / > 0. By Proposition 3.3, all these terms tend to zero for r —> oo, a contradiction. Hence, D.12) possesses more than one term of the form D.13), say i=\ where t > 2. By the above reasoning, Хл=1а/A + o(l))i/(rMi tends to 0 as r —> oo. This defines, for each r, an algebraic equation for v(r). By Lemma 1.3.2, v(r) remains bounded, which contradicts the fact that v(r) tends to -boo as r —> oo, see Chapter 3.
60 4. Linear differential equations: basic results Remark 3. Actually, the possible orders of growth of the solutions/ of D.1) are rational numbers, see Wittich [9], p. 65-68. Determining a set of rational numbers which includes the possible orders, follows by a simple geometric construction, see Helmrath and Nikolaus [1] as well as Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 199-208. We omit these considerations here. The above order reduction procedure may be applied to obtain the following theorem due to M. Frei [2], p. 207. Theorem 4.2. Let aj be the last transcendental function in the coefficient sequence од» • • • > #n-i of coefficients of D.1). Then D.1) possesses at most j linearly inde- independent solutions of finite order. Proof By our assumptions, aj is now transcendental entire while а^+\, ... , an-\ are polynomials. Let then/i, ... ,/j+i be linearly independent solutions of D.1), all having a finite order of growth. If j = n — 1, and so/i, ... ,/„ are all of finite order of growth, then Theorem 4.1 implies that all coefficients a^ ... , an_\ must be polynomials, a contradiction. Hence we may assume that j < n - 1. We now apply the same order reduction procedure as in the proof of Theo- Theorem 4.1. For convenience, we use the notation vq instead of/ and ao,o> • • • » a0,n-\ instead of «o,... , an_\. Now, for the general reduction step corresponding to D.5) and D.6) we have after k steps 4"~k) + ak<n-k-l(z)vjin-k-l) + ■ ■ ■ +akfl(z)vk = 0 D.14) where 1+M\ ft \ak_ld+l+m—— D.15) 2^ kld+l+m m=\ Ч ' k \,\ Clearly, determines at each reduction step a solution base of D.14) in terms of the preced- preceding solution base. After j reduction steps we may arrange the coefficients in the equations D.14) for k = 0, .,. , j in the following scheme, where the rows cor- correspond the equation D.14) for vq, ... , Vj, and the columns from n to 0 give the coefficients of these equations, while the last column lists those solutions whose
4. Linear differential equations: basic results 61 order is finite. n - 1 n-2 n-3 0 solutions of finite order a0,n-\ fl0,«-2 aO,n-j aJ~l,n-j «0,1 «0,0 «1,0 ai,o >v0J+l Observe that the boldface coefficient oqj is the first transcendental coefficient from the left in the first row corresponding to the differential equation for vq, i.e., in D.1). By elementary proximity function estimates using D.15), we see that "*(>*>«*,/) = O(\ogr) holds in each row for / = n — (k + 1), ... , j + 1 — к, i.e., for all coefficients to the left from the boldface coefficient а^^_^. On the other hand, D.15) also implies that m(r,akJ-k)^O(\ogr) for к = 1, ... , j. Specially, we obtain r,ajj) = O(\ogr) for/ =n-(j while m(r,ajj0) ^O(logr). But from the equation D.14) for vj \ we obtain D.16) D.17) ( — • • • — at and therefore r^j,o) = O(\ogr) D.18) by D.16) and the fact that Vji is of finite order. The contradiction D.17), D.18) proves the assertion. □ The remaining part of this section is devoted to consider deficiencies of solu- solutions of D.1). The basic result about deficiencies is
62 4. Linear differential equations: basic results Theorem 4.3. Letf be an admissible meromorphic solution of D.11) in the sense that T(r, at) = S(rJ) holds for i = 0, ... , /i. Then for all а Ф 0, oo. Especially\ this is true for transcendental solutions of D.11) with polynomial coefficients. Proof Writing D.11) in the form an{z)(f -a)(") +aB_1(z)(f - a)*") + • • • + ao(z)(f ~ a) = - we obtain f-a aa0 if-a)' f-a and therefore m {r>fk)=s™ by our assumptions and by Corollary 2.3.4. The assertion follows. □ Since all solutions/ of D.1) are entire functions, Theorem 4.3 therefore means that a = 0 is the only complex value for admissible solutions of D.1) which may have problematic deficiencies. Observe, however, that this simple situation does not remain true, if we consider non-admissible solutions too. In fact, the following result based on Nikolaus [2], p. 32, shows that any entire function may appear as a solution of an equation of type D.11) with entire coefficients. Theorem 4.4. Letf\ be an entire function. Then there exist entire functions а$Уа\> «2 such that ji satisfies the differential equation / = 0. D.19) If all zeros off\ are simple, then 02 = 1- Proof. Suppose/1 = eh, h entire, has no zeros. Then, /" _ h'f _ h»f = 0 is the desired differential equation.
4. Linear differential equations: basic results 63 Suppose next that/i has at least one zero, and that all zeros of/i are simple. By Proposition 1.4.8, we have to determine in this case entire functions p and/2 such that /1 /2 /,' /2 D.20) and therefore we must have We may assume that the zeros of/i have been arranged according to their increasing moduli: At the zeros cn of/i, we must have/2(cn) ф 0 by D.20). Since/2 has to be an entire function, the Laurent expansion of g =/2//! at cn is -cn) hence and therefore g{z)=l-i(z-cn) l +70 + ^(z) = -7-1 (г-с„Г2 +71+ z —cn D.21) at cn. Since f{~ep has double poles only, a simple computation results in lim f - z-+cn \ dz Mi) [{cn) + \f['{cn){z - cK) + ••■)- (f»(cn) z " f/(cB) + ^/1"(c«)(z - с„) + • • • K
64 4. Linear differential equations: basic results hence Construct now an entire function (p such that (p(cn) = bn at each cn (Gelfond [1], p. 170). Since F = (p + gf\, where g is an arbitrary entire function, also satisfies F(cn) = bn at each cn, we may assume that <p is transcendental. Define now p as a primitive function of ip. By D.21), f^2ep admits a meromorphic primitive function яр, see e.g. Narasimhan [1], p. 75-76. Define/2 := ipf\. Then the poles of яр, which are all simple poles, appear at cn, hence /2 is an entire function. Finally, define Then D.22) is the required equation D.19), solved by/i and/2. In fact, by D.20), /l /2 rii fit h h Therefore, D.22) may be written as /l /2 /2 /1 /," /2 /2" // /," /2' /2" which means that / /1 /2 /' // /2' =0. /" /," /2" This proves the assertion for this case. In the general case, let (bn)ne^ be a sequence of complex numbers obtained from the zero-sequence of/1 by repeating fc-fold zeros of f\, к > 2, exactly k — 1 times, and let /3(г) be an entire function whose sequence of zeros is exactly (^л)лбН» see Theorem 1.2.1. Then g := /3/! has simple zeros only, and the assertion follows by applying the preceding part of the proof for g. □ Concerning zero-deficiencies of solutions of D.11), or even of D.1), this is still a wide area for research. The case of second order in D.1), which is more thoroughly investigated, will be considered in the next section. For completeness, we give here the basic result, due to G. Frank (Frank [1], Satz 10), known for the general case, although this result has a vague connection only with the Nevanlinna
4. Linear differential equations: basic results 65 theory. See also the remark following the proof concerning recent developments. The proof below is technically complicated, although elementary. If the reader wants to proceed without studying the proof, no difficulties should appear after- afterwards. Theorem 4.5. The linear differential equation D.1) with polynomial coefficients admits a solution base /j,... ,/„, all of whose members have zero as their Picard exceptional value in the sense that each fc has at most finitely many zeros, if and only if there exists a polynomial q such that the transformation f = equ results in an equation for и of the form D.1) with constant coefficients. Proof (first part). Assuming such a transformation exists, it is elementary, see e.g. Herold [1], Satz III.3.3, that the corresponding equation for и admits a solution base all of whose members are of the form zre5Z, where r is an integer > 0 and s G C, hence zero is clearly a Picard value for all members of the corresponding solution base/j, ...,/„ of D.1). Assume now that a solution base/i,... ,/„ of D.1) is such that every fj has zero as its Picard value, i.e., /j@ = Pj(z)e^z\ j = 1, .... л, D.23) holds for some polynomials pj, qj. The case n = 1 is immediate. In fact, from f'(z)/f(z) — ~ao(z) we see that/ has no zeros. Hence, any polynomial q such that g=<7i+7Z,7€C\ {0}, gives the desired transformation. To prove the assertion for n > 2, we consider the Wronskians for/j, ... ,fk-\,fs f°r all s and к such that 1 < к < s < n. By D.23) we obtain (..,A-i,/^^/^"^-lH D.24) and w'(fi,...,A.ufs) = (PkA<ii + --- + <iic-i+<!,) +PUeqi+'''+qk-l+q° <4-25> where P^ s is a polynomial. By Proposition 1.4.5, we have W(fi,...,fk-i)W(fu...,fk,f5) = W(fl,...,fk)W/(fl,...Jk^,fs)-W{fb...,fk^,fs)W'(fi,...Jk).
66 4. Linear differential equations: basic results Substituting here the corresponding expressions from D.24) and D.25) we obtain Pk-l,k-lPM,5 = PtfiPkAd ~ Як) + pkJtP'kj ~ pk,kPk,s D.26) for к > 2, s — к + 1, ... , n. For к = 1, s — 2, ... , /i, we obtain similarly Pl,s = PlPs{q's-q[)+ P\p's ~PxPs• D.27) We denote now: «l,/ := deg(p,-), / = 1, ... , /i; /?jfI- :=deg(<7/-<7J), j = 1, ... , л - 1; i=j + l,...,n; D.28) aj,/ := deg(PJ5/), j = 2, ... , /i; i = j, ... , /i. After this first part of the proof, we proceed to establish the following Lemma 4.6. Suppose the sequence q'v...,q'n of derivatives of qi from D.23) con- contains r distinct functions y r <ny such that each of the distinct functions appears m/ times, while m\ + • • • + mr — n>_ 2. Then n n-\ n r an,n = J2a^ + J2 J2 hi - iJ2m^mi - V- D-29) /=1 j=\ /=j+l i = l Proof The idea below is to express the degrees a^,s m terms of a\( and Cjj. The assertion then follows by taking k — s — n. Since we consider the degrees of polynomials only, we may assume, if needed, that \z | is large enough. The proof will now be divided in three sections. A) Assume first that m\ = • • • = mn = 1, i.e., that for all i, j = 1, ... , /2, i Ф j, we have q'. ф q[. Denoting ao,O = °> D.26), D.27) and D.28) immediately result in the recursion formula <**+l,j = ak,k + &k,s + Pk,s ~ ak-l,k-\ D30) for к > 1, s — к + 1, ... , п. We now assert that A: — 1 k-2 k-\ k-\ aKs = J2 aM + ]C ]C hi + ahs i=\ j=i ;=j+i
4. Linear differential equations: basic results 67 for к > 1, s = k, ... , n. Observe here and below that a sum of type Y^=i ls considered to disappear whenever i\ < /q. For к = s — n, D.31) reduces back into D.29): n-\ n-2 n-\ n-\ Otn,n = Al-1 П Е Е ftv- Now, for it = 1, s = 1, ...,«, D.31) holds trivially. For it = 2, s = 2, ...,«, we obtain «2,5 = «1,1 + «1,5 + A,5 = «1,1 + «1,5 + A,5 - «0,0 from the recursion formula D.30). But this is nothing else than D.31) in this special case. Assume now that we have proved r-\ r-2 r-\ r-\ r\ r\ Е hi+ам + E for 1 < r < it — 1, s = r, ... , /i. By the recursion formula D.30) we obtain, using D.32),
68 4. Linear differential equations: basic results k,s = ak-\,k-\ + <*k-l,s + /%-l,j - <*k-2,k-2 k-2 k-3 k-2 k-2 k-2 k-3 k-2 i^ + E E E /^ + *ui + E#*i + EaM + E E j=i/=j4-i i = i i = l j=\i=j+i k-2 k-3 k-4 k-3 k-3 Е E /^v-au-2-E# /C 1 AC J? AC £ fC jC E /'i.i | = 1 jz=l 1=7 + 1 / = 1 A:—3 A:—3 A: — 1 j=l 1=1 1=1 k-\ k-2 k-\ jfi A: — 1 м + Е E /?*«•+ai,5 + X> j=\ i=j+l i = l which is just D.31). B) Suppose now that at least one of m\, ... , mr is > 1. We may assume that the solution base D.23) has been arranged in such a way that all possible repetitions of a given q[ come immediately after the first occurrence in the sequence, while all derivatives q[ appearing only once are before repeated derivatives q[. In other words, derivatives q\ will be grouped in r blocks, each having equal members q[ and different blocks having different derivatives q[, while blocks of length — 1 be- begin the whole sequence. Moreover, we may assume that the corresponding numbers d\ ( = deg(p/) form a strictly increasing sequence inside of each block. This may be achieved, if necessary, by replacing the functions fj by suitable linear combina- combinations of them, which obviously does not destroy the assumed Picard property. In fact, if there are several equal degrees ay, we may reduce these degrees by linear combinations for all but one of these solutions. Continuing down to the lowest degree we get the desired situation. Let now q'm, ... , q'm+t be the first block of length > 1. Since q[, ... , q'm are all distinct, Part A) remains valid and we see that D.31) still holds forl<ife<m,j=ife,...,/i. Observe that this is also true for m = 1, i.e., in the case that all blocks are of length > 1. Also in this case, we apply ao,O — 0, if needed. Proceeding now to compute a^,s for m + 1 < к < m + t + 19 s = k9 ... , n, the use of D.26), hence of the recursion formula D.30), changes since q's—q'k = 0 for m < s, к < m + t. In this case, the degree of Рк,кР'к s ~ ^k k^k,s nas t0 be
4. Linear differential equations: basic results 69 computed. To do this, we first observe that m-1 m-2 m-1 m-1 ^2 Yl Pit + Y2, &> j=\ ,"=j+i i = l m-1 m-2 m-1 m-1 it - Yl it Yl j=\ i=j+i i=i m-1 - m for s = m + 1, ... , m + r, since a1?I- increases strictly along with i and /3(iS — deg(^ - q[) = deg(^w - ^/) = AjW for j = m + 1, ... , m + r. Therefore, we see from (p \f LULL] p / *m,m/ that Hence, from D.26) we get 1,5 = am,m + ttm,j ~ «m-l,m-l -1) m + l<S <m + t. For .y > m + r, we again have q's—q'm Ф 0, meaning that D.30) becomes applicable and therefore = am,m + «WjJ +/3w,s - aw_lw_i, m +f + 1 < S < П. Observing that /?WjJ — 0 for m + 1 < s < m + f, we have therefore _ f аИ,и + От,5 + Pmi5 ~ «m-l,m-l - 1, m + \<S <m + t 1'5 \ «m,m + «m,5 + Pm,s ~ «w-ijW-l, m + t + 1 < S < П. Denoting the left hand side of D.30) temporarily by aw+15, we may write the preceding formula as am+l s' m + 'l<s <m + t
70 4. Linear differential equations: basic results To proceed, we have * a f or m + 2 < s < m + f, hence we obtain from p p p p' p' p - p2 ( rr r r r r — rm+l,m+l I p / rm + l,m+l/ that *Ji+lm+l -1 +  -1 ' -1-2 for m + 2 < s < m + t. Similarly, for m + t < s < n, we get l,s ~ am,m = al l ~ 1 + al + /^+l ~ a ~ 1 + a m+l,s We assert now that for all 1 < i < t we have Assume that D.33) holds for all aw+j5j, j < i — 1. Repeating the same reasoning as above, we obtain — am m+i-2
4. Linear differential equations: basic results 71 for m + i < s < m + f, since /?jjS — fi^m+i-\. Hence, from D.26) and D.33) we obtain for m + i < s < m + t: a m+i,s — = am+i-l,m+i-l ~ 2*0 " !) + am+/-l,5 " = a since /3m+I-_i}J = 0 for w + i < .y < m + r. On the other hand, if m + t < s < n, then we get /-l,s ~ am+i-2,m+i-2 aiL+i-i,, " l(^' " 1H' " 2) -2 + lO " 1H " 2) which proves D.33). To reach the next block, we still need control over aw+f+1 s for m + t < s < n. But in this case q's - qfm+t ф 0 and we obtain from D.26): — am+t,m+t + <Xm+t,s + fim+t,s — am+t-\,m+t-\ = <* ~ \t{t + 1) + aXm+tj - \t{t - 1) = <* C) The preceding part clarifies the first block of length > 1, proving the first induction step towards |_Wjt -f/-i mx+-+mk+i-\
72 4. Linear differential equations: basic results for mj + • • • + rrik + i < s < m\ + • • • + т#+1 and m\-\ |-т*+/ — 1 aWl+...+mjk+I-,J = ]T ahi i=\ j i=\ i=\ for mi H Ьт£+1 <s < n. The general induction step may be arranged similarly as to Part B). Finally, for n —т\Л hmr, we get the assertion of Lemma 4.6. □ We are now ready to continue the proof of Theorem 4.5: Proof (second part). By D.24) and Proposition 1.4.8, we have where <p' — —an_\. Hence, the polynomial Pn,n must be a constant and we have OLn,n = 0. In the case A) above, m\ = • • • = mr = 1 and we have, from D.29) or D.31), n — l n i=\ hence a\\ = • • • = a\n = 0 and Cjj = 0 for j = 1, ...,«- 1 and i = j + 1, ... , л. This means that in D.23) all polynomials pj reduce to constants and similarly q[ — q1- is a non-zero constant for i ф j. Hence we must have where q is a polynomial and £,- Ф bj, i ф j, are some constants. In the cases B) and C), at least one of пц > I. Recall that in each block, was strictly increasing. Therefore,
4. Linear differential equations: basic results 73 for i = 1, ... , rafc+i- Again, an,n = 0, and we obtain from D.29) n n — \ n r E ftri r—\ n—\ n k=\ j=\ i=j+i Therefore, we have /3^ = 0 for j = 1, ...,« — 1; / = j + 1, ... , n and <*1,т,+...+т* = 0 for к = 1, ... , r - 1. Hence, r— 1 r— 1 mjt+i-l r— 1 Jk=O i=\ k=0 and therefore al,mi4--4-mjfe4-i = *"> 1=1,..., Hence, the solution base D.23) consists of r blocks of functions Jj,i \Z) — z e , j — l, ... , mM for i = 1, ... , r. □ Remark. H. Wittich [19], p. 368, already conjectured the assertion of Theorem 4.5 to hold under the weaker assumption that the equation D.1) admits a solution base /b •••»/«» all of whose members have zero as their Borel exceptional value, i.e. X(fi) < a(f() for i = 1, ... , и, instead of being Picard exceptional. This has been recently proved, see Briiggemann [1], Section 5, Briiggemann [2] and Steinmetz [20]. We omit this result here, since its proof needs the theory of asymptotic integration, not to be treated in this book. For an extension of these results, see Briiggemann [3]. Anyway, Theorem 4.4 alone shows that there is still much to be done concerning deficiencies of solutions of D.1), even in the polynomial case. The situation becomes much more complicated if some, or all, of the coefficients are transcendental. Therefore, we continue our study of linear differential equations in the next chapter by restricting ourselves into the basic case of second order homogeneous linear differential equations.
Chapter 5 Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case To consider the zero distribution of solutions of S// + ai(z)*/ + fl0(z)*=0, E.1) where ao, a\ are entire functions, it is elementary to observe that considering of f"+A(z)f = 0, A(z) entire, E.2) is sufficient. In fact, if b is a primitive function of —\a\, hence b1 = —\a\, then the transformation g = /exp(b), applied to E.1), results in Assume first that A(z) is a polynomial: f"+P(z)f = 0, E.3) where an^0. E.4) If P(z) = ao is a constant, E.3) may be solved explicitly; hence we may assume that n > 1 in E.4). This will be done without any more mention. Before going to consider the zero distribution, we need the following Proposition 5.1. All non-trivial solutions f of E.3) have the order of growth o(f)={n+2)/2. Proof The reasoning here follows the pattern given in Theorem 4.1. Letf(z) be a non-trivial solution of E.3). Clearly, by E.3),/(z) must be a transcendental entire function. Let v(r) be its central index. Following Theorem 3.2, let F С R+ be a set of finite logarithmic measure such that
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 75 holds for r — \z\ £ F, where z is chosen so that \f(z)\ = M{r,f). Therefore 0. E.5) By Lemma 1.3.1, we obtain v{rJ = \v{r)\2 = \anzn+2 + ■■■+ a0z2\\l + o(l)\ > \\an\rn+2 for all r ^ F sufficiently large. Hence logr - 2 w and therefore \ogu(r) n+ 2 hmsup , = a(f) > . r_oo^ logr v/~ 2 On the other hand, by E.5) and Lemma 1.3.1 again, we have for some К > О, v(rf < K2rn+1, outside of a set of r-values of finite logarithmic measure. Hence, given a > 1, v{r) < Кг*? implies by Lemma 1.1.2 that for all r sufficiently large. Therefore \() n+2 limsup ——— < a- r-+oo log r 2 Since a > 1 is arbitrary, we get /r\ ^ n +2 П
76 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case Before proceeding, we do some general analysis concerning the equation E.2). One should observe that these formulas remain valid for meromorphic solutions of E.2) whenever A(z) is a meromorphic function. Let/i, /2 be two linearly independent meromorphic solutions of E.2), let E = /1/2 be their product and let W(f\Ji) — /1/2 ~ f\fl be their Wronskian determinant. Differentiating we obtain by E.2) that hence W(f\,fi) must be a constant, say W(f\,fi) — c- Therefore ffl\' _W(fuf2) _ с W " /i2 ~/i2 and /2 f[ h /1 /2//1 hfl Mi E' In passing, we should perhaps remark here that by the preceding formula all zeros of E are simple. Now, from E =/1/2 we obtain that K+K = ~e~' hence *' =-|r + ?r. E.6) /2 E Using the elementary formula f"_(f'\'+(fl\ T~\f) \f) we obtain from E.6) that On the other hand, by differentiation of E.6) we get
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 77 Therefore we see that Finally, writing E.7) in the form 4AE2 =(E'J -с2- 2ЕЕ" and differentiating once more we get £'" + 4A(z)Ef + 2A'(z)E = 0. E.8) Theorem 5.2. Let f\, /2 be two linearly independent solutions of the polynomial case E.3). Then the order of growth and the exponent of convergence of the zero- sequence ofE =/1/2 is Moreover, Proof By Proposition 5.1, a(f\) = a(f2) =(n + 2)/2 and therefore a(E) < (n + 2)/2, hence \'e) = by Theorem 2.3.3. Rewriting E.7) in the form and using the trivial fact T(r, P) = O(log r), we get from E.9) by the elementary Nevanlinna theory and Corollary 2.3.4 that '\2 E" \ J 1 ,^-J -2— -4P ,- )+O(logr),
78 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case hence T(r,E) = О Ы(г,^) +logr) . E.10) Let v{r) be the central index of E. If now a(E) <(n+2)/2, then we may choose a, 1 < a <(n -f 2)/2 so that u{r) < ra holds for all sufficiently large r. Applying Theorem 3.2 to E'\2 fc\2 E" we see that \P{z)\<Kr2a~2 E.11) for a sequence of r-values tending to +oo and for some К > 0. To apply Theo- Theorem 3.2, we have to assume, of course, that E is transcendental. But E.11) obvi- obviously holds even if E would be a polynomial since then E'/E —> 0 and E"/E —♦ 0 as r -+ oo. By E.11) and Lemma 1.3.1, we now see that hence \an\ <2Kr2a~2-n for the r-values in question. Since 2a — 2 — n < 0, we obtain by r —♦ oo the contradiction \an\ = 0. Therefore, a(E) ={n + 2)/2. If now X(E) <(n+ 2)/2, then we obtain by Lemma 1.2.5 for some /3 <(n H-2)/2, since all zeros of E are simple. By E.10), we would have and therefore a{E) < C <(n + 2)/2, a contradiction. Finally, Lemma 1.2.6 immediately implies that max(A(/a X(f2)) = X(E) = ^
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 79 Actually, much more refined results about the zero distribution of solutions of E.3) than the above theorem are known, see, e.g., Gundersen [1], p. 279-292, Hellerstein and Rossi [1], [2] and Bank [31]. However, these results need some more sophisticated methods like the asymptotic integration, see e.g. E. Hille [3], Chapter 7.4, or the Strodt theory (see Strodt [1]). Since the Nevanlinna theory has no central role in these considerations, we don't go into details in this direction. However, to give the reader some idea of these results, we state a couple of them below, omitting the proofs. See Gundersen [1] for details. Theorem 5.3. Given e > 0, the zeros of any non-trivial solution/ of E.3), apart from at most finitely many exceptional zeros, are inside of the sectors Wj(s):= {z eC\ |aigz-0j|<e}, E.12) where j = 0, ... , я + L E.13) □ The rays argz = 0j in E.13) are called critical rays for E.3), while the corresponding sectors E.12) are called critical e-sectors for E.3). Theorem 5.4. Let f be a non-trivial solution of E.3) and let p(f) denote the number of critical e-sectors for E.3) which contain only finitely many zeros off. Then p(f) is an even number and W) = P(f) Finally, given E.3), there always exist two non-trivial solutions f\, /2 such that P(fl)*p(f2). О We now return back to f"+A{z)f = 0, A(z) entire, E.2) assuming that А (г) is a transcendental function. We first observe the following
80 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case Proposition 5.5. All non-trivial solutions/ of E.2) are of infinite order of growth. Proof Since A = -f'/f, a(f) < oo would imply by Corollary 2.3.4 that hence A would be a polynomial by Theorem 2.2.3, a contradiction. П Remark. In the case of E.1), non-trivial solutions of finite order may appear. See e.g. Gundersen [2] and [4] for some results concerning this question. The basic result about zeros of the solutions is given by Theorem 5.6. Letf\,f2 denote two linearly independent solutions of E.2), while f denotes an arbitrary non-trivial solution. Let a denote the order of growth ofA(z) and let Л (A) denote the exponent of convergence for the distinct zeros ofA(z)* Then we have: A) If a e@,+oo) \ N, then max(A(fi), A(fe)) > a. B) There exist f\, f2 having no zeros in the complex plane, if and only if A(z) may be represented as where (p is a non-constant entire function and h is a primitive of e^. C) // A(A) < a €@, +00], then \(f) > a. D) // max(A(/i), X(f2)) < 00, then \(f) = +00 holds for allf not being of the form af\ or af2, a € C. Remark. Before proving Theorem 5.6, we remark that actually max(A(/\), \(f2)) = +00, if a < \ and max(A(/>1), \(f2)) > 1 for \ < a < 1. The case <J < \ was proved in Bank and Laine [3], Theorem 2(A). For the case a = i, see Shen [2], Theorem 1, and Rossi [1], Theorem 1. The assertion for \ < a < 1 may be best found in Shen [3], Corollary 2. We omit these results here, since the methods needed to prove them are, although standard, beyond those ones we want to apply here. Namely, we would need either some minimum modulus estimates or the Beurling-Tsuji estimate for harmonic measures, see the references mentioned in this remark. Proof of Theorem 5.6. A) Denote E =f\f2 and assume that X(E) = max(A(/\), A(fc)) < a, E.14)
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 81 see Lemma 1.2.6. Recall that we already proved see E.7) and E.9). In the same way as we got E.10), we now obtain T{r,E) = О ш(г, ^Л + Г(г,А) + log Л n.e. as r -> oo. E.15) Since E.14) implies N(r,l/E) = O(r&) for some C < a, E.15) immediately results in <j(E) < a. On the other hand, elementary order considerations applied to E.7) yield a(E) > a. Therefore, a(E) = a G@,+oo) \ N is not an integer. The Hadamard factorization theorem, see Theorem 1.2.4 and the remarks to that theorem, now implies X(E) = a, contradicting E.14). B) Let first (f be a non-constant entire function and h be a primitive of e^. Moreover, denote g = —j(<f-\-h). Then, it is an elementary calculation to verify that the two linearly independent functions f\ = eg,f2 = eg+h both satisfy the differential equation On the other hand, assume that E.2) admits two linearly independent solutions /b/2> both having no zeros in the complex plane. Denote g =/i//2. Clearly, g is an entire function with no zeros. Since /_ W(fuf2) _ с h h we may calculate the Schwarzian derivative of g to get On the other hand, since g has no zeros, there exists an entire function h such that g =eh. Therefore, and we get easily A(z) = fa = \Sh - \{h'f. E.17)
82 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case A zero of h\ with the Taylor expansion h!(z) = ca{z — zo)a-\ around zq, would be a pole of g"/g\ with the Laurent expansion g (z)/g'(z) = a(z - zo)~l H around го- By E.16), we obtain Sg(z) — —Ba + a2)(z — zq)~2 H , hence го would be a pole of A(z), which is impossible. Hence, hf has no zeros and there exists an entire function (p such that h! = e^. Substituting this into E.17) proves the assertion. C) This part could be proved by direct methods relying on Clunie type reason- reasoning, see, e.g., Bank and Laine [3], Theorem 2(C), where X(A) < a was assumed instead of A (A) < a, or Bank, Frank and Laine [1], Korollar on p. 356, with a bit different phrasing of the result. However, we prefer here a short reasoning based on Theorem 2.3.6 due to W. Hayman. See also Bank and Laine [5], Theorem 5 and its proof. Since a > 0, the non-trivial solution / of E.2) is transcendental entire and cannot be of the form eaz+P. Hence, by Theorem 2.3.6, TVT) =0\N\r^i+N\r^i) ne- By E.2), we see that hence n.e. as r —♦ oo, E.18) Since A(A) <a, we have N(r, I/A) = O(r^) for some /? < a by Lemma 1.2.5. Assume now, contrary to our assertion, that \(f) < a. Since all zeros of/ are simple, we obtain N(r, \/f) = О(г@), changing /3, if needed and so, by E.18), By E.2), we easily see that
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 83 hence a contradiction. D) Let now f\, /2 be two linearly independent solutions of E.2) such that A(/i) < 00, Л(/2) < oo, and let/ be a non-trivial solution of E.2) not of the form afi or o/2, a £ C, such that \(f) < 00. Denote now E =/1/2, F =ff\. Clearly, X(E) < 00 and X(F) < 00. Since E.15) again holds for E and F, we have for some P > 0 n.e. as r —♦ 00, and Now, there are non-zero constants a\, ai £ С such that/ — a 1/1 + 0:2/^ therefore F =ffi - By Corollary 2.3.4, we have n.e. as r —♦ 00, T{rjx) = O(T(r,A) + г**) = 0(т(г,Л) + r^ = 0 (m(r/j-^j +r^ =0E^) hence Г(г,Л) = О(г^) n.e. as r -> 00. By Lemma 1.1.1, /1 must be of finite order of growth. This is a contradiction to Proposition 5.5. □ Remark. The case of E.2) with two linearly independent zero-free solutions, i.e., the case of A(z) = -\(e2v(z)+v>'{zJ_2(p»{z)) Eл9) is of course such that either a (A) = +00 or a (A) is an integer. In fact, by Clunie [2], Theorem 2, Вт 1Щ = 0,
84 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case and therefore, by Corollary 2.3.5, we get from E.19) T(r,A) =2T(r,e*)+S(r,e<<>) = B + By the classical P61ya theorem, see Hayman [2], Theorem 2.9, and by Hayman [2], p. 7, we conclude that a(A) = +oo, if (p is transcendental and a(A) = deg<^ € N, if (p is a non-constant polynomial. The above observation gives rise to the conjecture, still remaining open, that max(A(/j), A(/*2)) = +oo should hold whenever 2a €@, +oo)\N. Actually, many papers written since 1982 give partial results towards this conclusion. On the other hand, Theorem 5.6C) proposes that \(f) = +oo might be true for all non-trivial solutions of E.2) as soon as A(z) admits no zeros. By Theo- Theorem 5.6C), this is trivial whenever a = +oo. In the finite order case, the assertion also holds, as described by the next theorem, see Bank and Langley [2], p. 457-458. Theorem 5.7. All non-trivial solutions/ of = 0, E.20) where P(z) is a non-constant polynomial, satisfy X(f) = oo. A few words are needed before we proceed into the proof. Namely, the method below seems to be a bit complicated at the first look. In fact, the proof of The- Theorem 5.7 takes a considerable part of this chapter. The point is that this kind of reasoning has appeared quite powerful recently, see, e.g., Bank and Langley [4]. Therefore, we give a complete proof despite of its length. What follows is nothing else than a simplified version of the proof of a more general result due to Bank and Langley [2], p. 459-469. Namely, Bank and Langley obtain the same conclu- conclusion in the case of /(*) + (ep^ + Q{z))f = 0 as well, where k > 2, P and Q are polynomials and their degrees dg, dp satisfy dg + k < kdp. Actually, their result holds even more generally forfW + (тг^)^*) + Q(z))f = 0 under some restrictions for n(z). We need a sequence of preliminary results, which are of some interest on their own right. Definition 5.8. An R-set in the complex plane is a countable union of discs whose radii have finite sum. Obviously, the union of two fl-sets is again an fl-set. Moreover, we have Lemma 5.9. The set of angles в for which the ray rel° meets infinitely many discs of a given R-set has linear measure zero.
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 85 Proof. Let |J~i B(, Bt =В(ц,п) be a given Д-set, hence Ya^i ri < °°- We таУ assume that the radii r,- have been ordered decreasingly. Let О denote the set of angles в such that the ray rel° meets infinitely many discs of the sequence E|)ieN- Figure 5.1 Now, given e > 0, we take i£ such that Looking at Figure 5.1, we have Sin Oi = -r±r. \zi\ We may assume that for all i > i£, \ц\ > 1 and 0/ < 2sin0j. The latter inequality of course follows from lim^_,0 0~l sinO = 1. Now, the set Oe of the angles 0 such that rel° meets at least one of the discs #,-, i > i£, has the linear measure i=ie i=i£ i=i£ Clearly, О is contained in all sets 6>e, e > 0, hence \9\ = 0. □
86 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case Lemma 5.10 (Gronwall). Let u, v be nonnegative integrable functions in [ 1, / and let с > 0 be a constant If u(t) <c + I u(s)v(s)ds holds for all t € [ 1, to], then u(t) < cexpl / v(s)ds ) holds for all t € [Mo]. Proof Clearly, <v@- c + f{u(s)v(s)ds Integration from 1 to / results in logfc-f / u(s)v(s)ds) -logс < / v(s)ds \ J\ J J\ and so u(t)<c+l u(s)v(s)ds <cexpf / v(s)ds). П Lemma 5.11. Let f be transcendental meromorphic, and let (cfc)fc€N denote the sequence of all zeros and poles off, with due account of multiplicity and ordered by increasing moduli. Then there exists Rq > 0 such that for any z with \z\ = r > /?o» f [z) ф 0, oo, we have where \Ck~Z\ Proof Let (ajt)fceN» resP- (^it)it€N» denote the sequence of all zeros, resp. all poles, of/. By differentiation of the Poisson-Jensen formula, see Theorem 2.2.1
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 87 with R = 2r, and Hayman [2], p. 22, we obtain = nJ0 Brei(P-zJ d(f 1 № - E ak provided/(г) ф 0, oo. Therefore — But now, by Lemma 2.1.3(d), л2тг 1 \Ck\ E.22) ^)\\d^ < 2тт1тBг,/) +mUr,j < 4nTBrJ) -f 0A) < 5irT{2rJ) for all r sufficiently large. Moreover, by an elementary application of the triangle inequality, we also have 4r2 - ckz ~ 4r2 - 2r2 1 The last sum in E.22) contains nBr) terms. Hence, splitting the last sum in two parts, we get f(z) П \ck\<2r Proposition 5.12. Letf be a meromorphic function of finite order. Then there exists N =N(f) >0 such that f(z) = 0(r») E.23) holds outside of an R-set. Remark. By Lemma 5.9, the estimates E.23) and E.26) below hold as z = rew -> oo along the ray arg z = 0 for all 0 outside a set of angles which is of linear measure zero.
88 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case Proof. It suffices to analyze the right-hand side of E.21), under the additional assumption that/(г) ф 0, oo. An estimate of type TBr,f) = O(rN) clearly holds, since/ is of finite order. Concerning nBr), we see that for лBг,/), and similarly for n Br, \ J. Hence, nBr) < 12_ГDг>/)> E.24) and the required estimate holds for nBr). It remains to consider Given r = \z |, we denote by an annulus such that z € Av. We may assume that v > 1. Denote further ^ := 2-l/ > 0. Clearly, j- = 2У < r. We now apply the Cartan lemma, see e.g. Veech [1], p. 185-186, to c\, ... , cmu, whose number is at most nDr). By this lemma, there exist finitely many closed discs D\v, ... , Dqvj, whose radii have the sum = 2dv such that for each z ф |jj= i £*;>»mere ^s a permutation 71,... , ^mv of c\,... , cmu for which holds for all j = 1, ... , m^. Therefore E.25) satisfies < mDr)(l+logmI/) < mDr)(l +lognDr))
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 89 outside of D\u, ... , Dqui1/. By E.24) and the fact that/ is of finite order, the required estimate follows. Let now v vary over v > 1, and assume that oo qv Clearly, £ is a countable union of discs, being an R-set since the sum of the radii 2dv equals to □ Corollary 5.13. Letf be a meromorphic function of finite order. Then there exists, for each к € N, an M^ = M^(f) > 0 such that f = 0{rMk) E.26) holds for j = 1, ... , к outside of an R-set. Proof. It suffices to prove E.26) for/(*V/, k > 1. In fact, from > provided the assertion already holds f J + f f we obtain / < (/(*V/)' / + / I/ The assertion now follows from Proposition 5.12 (applied to/ and to/(*)//)» the inductive assumption and the fact that a finite union of R-sets is again an R-set. □ Remark. More precise statements than those in Proposition 5.12 and Corollary 5.13 hold for estimating [C-| outside of an R-set, see G. Gundersen [3]. Moreover, Gundersen [4] contains a number of other useful logarithmic derivative estimates applicable to complex differential equations. For the next lemma, let P(z) ={a + iC)zn4 real, and denote be a polynomial with a, /3 :=acosn6- CsinnO.
90 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case Lemma 5.14. Let P(z) be a polynomial of degree dp — n > 1, and consider the exponential function A(z) := exp(P(z)) on a ray гегв. Then we have: A) // S(P,0) > 0, there exists an r@) such that \og\A(rei6)\ is increasing on [r@),-boo) and \А{гегв)\>^{\8{Р,в)гп) holds there; B) if 6(P,6) < 0, there exists an r@) such that log|A(re'^)| is decreasing on [r@),+oo) and holds there. Proof Writing P(z) ={a + iE)zn + Pn-\(z), we see that where ir(z) := exp(Pn_i(z)), and so Denoting now ф(г) := log \A(reie)\ = log \n{reie)\ -f 8{Р,в)гп, we get ф'(г):=п6(Р,в)гп-1+О(гп-2), from which the assertion follows. □ Lemma 5.15. Let P(z), S(z) be two polynomials with degrees p > 1, s respec- respectively, and let 6q be such that 6(P, Oq) — 0. Consider where a G С is fixed. Then there is a rational function Q(z) such that for any 0 ф 0q we have H{reie) = Q{reie) + c{9)e^n^ + 0{r~2) E.28)
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 91 as r —> oo, where с (в) is a constant, provided 6(P, в) > О, while H{reie) = Q(reie) + O(r~l) E.29) holds as r -> oo, if S(P,0) < 0. Proof We define two sequences (Sj)je^, (Qj)je^ of rational functions inductively by SX:=S/P', QX:=S[ and Sj+xi^Qj/P', Qj+l:=S'j+l forj>\. Looking at the degrees p, s of the polynomials P(z), S(z), we see immediately that \Qm(z)\<Km\z\s-mp E.30) holds for a constant Km > 0 provided \z\ is sufficiently large, say \z\> rm. Take now the integral from the right-hand side of E.27). Integration by parts results, for each m £ N, in Г S(t)e-l2p^dt = -2 ГSx{t)e-\p^ + 2 Г = /\-2Sx{t) 2mSm(t))e-ip^+2m Г la Ja Select now m large enough so that s — mp < —3. If Qm = 0, we have just to define Q:=-2S{-4S2 2mSm. Otherwise, we have to estimate /flz Qm{t)e~l2P^dt. By E.30), we see that \Qm(z)\<Km\Z\-3 for all \z\ sufficiently large. If now 6(P,0) > 0, we see by Lemma 5.14 that the integral /•o / Ja
92 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case converges. We may fix the path of integration to be along the ray argz = 0 for all / sufficiently large. Thus we have Г Qm(t)e'l2p^dt = 2-mc@) - Г Ja Jz By Lemma 5.14 again, e~~2PM decreases along the ray argz = 0 for all / suffi- sufficiently large. Therefore, for \z | large enough, /o s~3ds. E.31) Defining again Q:= -2SX-4S2 2mSm, we see from E.31) that H(reie) - Q(rew) - с{в)е^п^ must be of type O(r~2). It remains to look at the case 6(P,6) < 0. Assume r to be sufficiently large, so that all needed estimates hold at го := y/reie. To estimate /flz Qm{t)e~^p^ dt again, we may write Qm(t)e-^')dt= r>Qm{t)e-bpUdt+ f''Qm(t)e- Ja Jzo By Lemma 5.14, we may assume that |e2PM| is decreasing, hence for some constant В while zo It is now easy to check that E.29) holds, with the same choice as above for Q. □
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 93 Lemma 5.16. Suppose a ray arg z = 0 is given such that Гг\ер^\с1г<<х>. Then any solution f of f" + eP(z)f = 0 satisfies f(reW) = O(r) as r —> oo. Proof. Define G(z):= [Z(z-s)f"(s)ds = - [Z(z-s)ep^f(s)ds. Jei9 Jei9 By elementary differentiation, G'{z) = - f^e ep^f (s) ds and G"{z) = f"{z), hence for some constants c\, C2 we obtain = Cl+c2z- [(z-s)epWf(s)ds. E.32) ei Consider now the ray tel° for / > 1. Defining h(z) = n^¥, and dividing E.32) by \z | = r we see that and so h(z)\ < ^ + Ы + \ j\r - t) ■ ф'(*">||Л(гв")| dt Г t\ep^\h(teie)\dt. By the Gronwall lemma (Lemma 5.10) we now obtain A(z)|<O(l)exp I t\ep(te><h>\dt < 0A)exp Г' t\ep{-teit>\dt = 0A),
94 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case hence f(rei0) = O(r) as r -> oo. □ Proof of Theorem 5.7. Suppose that/ = ттен is a non-trivial solution of E.20) and assume тг to be of finite order. From E.20) we obtain » + 2 -h' + — + ep = 0. E.33) 7Г 7Г Rewriting E.33) in the form 7Г 7Г and observing that wfr, ^J = O(logr), wifr, ~j = O(logr) by Corol- Corollary 2.3.4 and that ep is of finite order of growth, the Clunie lemma (Lemma 2.4.2) immediately results that <r(hf) = a(h) is finite. Differentiating E.33) and elimi- eliminating ep from E.33) and the differentiated equation results in h\2h"-p'h') = -h'"+(p' - 2 ^ A similar Clunie argument shows that the entire function S(z) :=h" -\P'hf E.34) must be a polynomial, hence for some V > 0, \S(z)\<rv, uniformly in \z | > tq for some ro > 0. Now, an elementary integration of E.34) gives E.35) where И0 fZpVdt. E.36) By Lemma 5.15, there exists a rational function Q(z) such that E.28) and E.29) hold, provided 0q is given such that 6(P,0q) = 0. Let now a G С be fixed but sufficiently large by modulus and define CO*
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 95 We may assume that Q has no poles in \z \ > rg, hence W(z) is analytic in \z \ > r$ and its growth is of finite order as r —> сю. Moreover, W " тг +4 +Q' Combining Proposition 5.12 and the reasoning used to prove Corollary 5.13 with the finiteness of order of тг, we see that for some M > 0, W(z) <rM, W"(z) W(z) <r M E.37) both hold outside an R-set E. Take now 0q such that S(P,во) = 0 and в\, 02 such that 6(p,el)<o, 6(p,e2)>o. Moreover, we may assume that the rays argz = #i, argz = 02 don't meet E for |z| >r0. We first prove that lim 1 r—>oo = 0. E.38) By Lemma 5.14, j^° r\ep(re' l^\dr < сю, hence we may apply Lemma 5.16 on the ray argz = 0\ to obtain E.39) as r —> oo. Now, combining E.29), E.35) and E.36), we see that h'(z) = Q{z) holds on argz = 0\ as r —> oo. By Lemma 5.14, this implies through integration from a to rel0] that ?'"')= Г Q(t)dt + O{logr) Ja
96 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case as r —» oo. Therefore, for some b > 0, by E.39). Since 6(Р,вх) < О, this implies E.38). It remains now to prove that lim W(rei02)=J E.40) r—>oo for some J ф 0, oo. In fact, we may take 0\, 9j sufficiently close to 9. Combining E.38), E.40) and the finite order of growth of W as r -» oo to apply the Phragmen- Lindelof principle, see, e.g., Holland [1], Theorem 7.3, we conclude that/ remains bounded in the sector between the rays argz = #i, argz = 92, provided \z\ > r$. By Holland [1], Theorem 7.6, E.38) then implies 7=0, which is a contradiction. To prove E.40), we consider/ in the form/ = WeG, where, by the definition of W, G' = -\Pf-Q+hf. Consider now the rays argz = 9 so close to #2 that 6{P,9) > 0 in the ^-interval in question. By E.35) and E.28), G'fciO) = -\P\reie) + Ce№> + с{в)е№> + O(r~2) = С1@)*И*") - \p'{rei0) + O{r~2). E.41) Hence, and so, by Lemma 5.14, as r —> 00 along the ray argz =9. Since G'e~2p is of finite order of growth in the ^-interval as r —> 00, we may use the same Phragmen-Lindelof device as above to conclude that c\ (9) does not depend on 9 in this ^-interval. If c\ (9) = 0,
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 97 E.41) would result in \G"(z)\ = O(rbi), j = l,2, E.42) as r —> oo in the ^-interval we consider. Substituting / = WeG into E.20) we obtain ^ + 2G'(z)^ + (G"(z) + G'{zf + epV) = 0 E.43) Using E.42), Proposition 5.12 and Corollary 5.13 we obtain from this for some 7 > 0 as r —> 00 along the ray argz = #2> contradicting Lemma 5.14. Therefore we must have c\ := c\F) ^ 0. Now, from E.41) we obtain Substitution of this and E.41) into E.43) results in О{г~ъ) Recalling E.37), and using Lemma 5.14 in the case <S(P,#2) > 0 we see that c\ + 1 = 0 and we have where the right-hand side is of polynomial growth along the ray arg z = #2 as r —> 00. But this implies that along argz = 62 as r —> 00. By this estimate, we may take a neighbourhood of argz = #2 with no poles and no zeros of W. Fixing a branch of log W(z), an
98 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case immediate integration along arg z = #2 results, for some К > 0, in provided r\, r2 are large enough. Hence, limr_>oolog W(rel°) exists as well as \imr^oo W(reie*) = limr-.oo^s^^2). To see that E.40) holds for a finite J Ф 0, it suffices to observe that for all r large enough. □ By Remarks to Theorem 5.6, both preceding and following the proof, it is certainly of some interest to determine entire functions A(z) with a (A) G N such that the equation E.2) admits two linearly independent solutions/i,/2 with max(A(/\), A(/*2)) < 00. In full generality, this also remains an open problem. To give some partial results, we first give Theorem 5.17. Let P be a polynomial of degree deg P = A > 0, and Q be an entire function of order cr(Q) < A. Suppose that f+{ep + Q)f = 0 E.44) admits a non-trivial solution f such that X(f) < A. Then f has no zeros, Q is a polynomial and Moreover, E.44) admits in this case two linearly independent zero-free solutions. Proof The solution / may be written in the form / = He8, where g is entire transcendental and H is the canonical product formed with the zeros of/, hence a(H) < A. Substituting/ into E.44) we obtain -*V = g" + 2^g' + ^-+ep+Q. E.45) Since m(r,H'/H) = O(logr), the Clunie lemma, see Lemma 2.4.2, applies and we see that g' has to be of finite order < A. On the other hand, a simple order consideration implies the reversed inequality, hence a(g) = cr(gf) = A. Differ- Differentiating E.45) and subtracting E.45), multiplied by Pf, from the differentiated
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 99 equation, we obtain g'Bg"-P'g') = -g'" Applying the Clunie lemma once more, we get g"-$Pfgf = S{z), • E.46) where a (S) < A. Writing now E.45) in the form and substituting E.46) we obtain -eP ={g'J + B|^ + ^P') 8'+^+S+Q. E.47) Differentiation of E.47) and substitution of E.46) yields - P'ep = /"(g'J + (Vf^y + P1^- + \P" + \{P'f + 2s) g' + Q'+2S^-+l1P'S. E.48) Multiplying now E.47) by P' and subtracting then from E.48) implies Я' //\ f и I и II \ II 1 / / / Elementary order considerations now imply a contradiction, unless ^-) - P'jj- + \P" - \{P'J + 2S = 0 E.49)
100 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case and I7//\ / rjlf тт/ * -Pf— + 2S—+S' + Q' -P'Q - \PfS =0. E.50) Since E.49) is a linear differential equation for H'/H with entire coefficients, Hf/H is an entire function. Hence / admits no zeros and we may assume that H = 1. Therefore we get from E.49) and E.50) S = _|/>" + |(P'J E.51) and Q' - P'Q + S' - \P'S = 0. E.52) Substituting E.51) into E.52) we obtain Immediately, solves E.53). By the elementary theory of linear differential equations, the corre- corresponding homogeneous equation is solved by ep and so E.54) is the only solution of E.53) of order < Л. It remains to prove that E.44) admits two linearly independent zero-free solu- solutions. Now, E.44) may be considered as E.2) with A{z) =ep + \P» - ^(P1J = -\ (ер+^-*1 - P" Defining now 2ip = P + log 4 — тг/, we have By Theorem 5.6B), we get the remaining assertion. □ Remark 1. In the special case of P(z) = z, i.e., in the case of f+(ez+Q(z))f = 0, E.55)
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 101 a non-trivial solution/ such that X(f) < 1 exists only, if Q(z) = — j$. In fact, E.55) has then two linearly independent solutions/i,/2 such that This observation leads in a natural way to ask when actually the differential equation f"+{ez -K)f = 0 E.56) has a non-trivial solution with X(f) < 00. Before we are able to characterize this situation, we need some basic analysis about E.2) in the case where A(z) is periodic. For more details on such periodic equations, see Bank and Laine [4]. Remark 2. The passage from Theorem 5.7 up to Theorem 5.17 as well as the corresponding references above describe an area of research where new results are to be expected. For another related reference, see Chiang [1], Chapter 5. Lemma 5.18. Let G(z) be analytic in 0 < \z\ < 00, with an essential singularity at z = 00. Then G may be represented as G(z) = zm<P(z)u(z), E.57) where m G Z, Ф is analytic in 0 < |z| < 00, Ф(оо) ф 0, and и is entire and transcendental. Proof. Let Q be the canonical product formed with the zeros of G. Of course, we take Q(z) = 1, if G has no zeros. Consider F ={G/Q)'/(G/Q), which is analytic in 0 < \z\ < 00, since G/Q is analytic and has no zeros in 0 < \z\ < 00. By Narasimhan [1], p. 37, F possesses a convergent Laurent expansion in 0 < \z\ < 00, which may be split in two parts: 171 Let now D be the domain obtained from 0 < \z \ < 00 by cutting it along the ray [0, ex)) on the real axis. By Narasimhan [1], p. 75-76, (p admits a primitive function H on 0 < \z I < 00. Therefore, if zo £ D, we obtain Г Jz F{z)dz=H{z)+m\ogz
102 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case in D, by incorporating the additive constant in H. On the other hand, log(G/Q) is an analytic primitive of F in D. Hence we get E.58) again changing H(z) by a constant, if needed. Clearly, Я is a converging Laurent series in 0 < \z \ < oo, which will be split in two parts: OO -1 ,-ч H(z) = J2aizi+ ]Г ^=:*(г) + Ф1(-). E.59) i=0 i=-oo ^ ' Clearly, g is an entire function, while Ф\{\^) is analytic around z = oo, with Ф\@) = 0. Combining E.58) and E.59) we obtain in D, which is of the form E.57). It remains to prove that m is an integer. But rewriting E.57) as zm = G{z)Wz)u(z))-1 E.60) we see that the right-hand side of E.60) is single-valued in 0 < \z \ < oo. Hence m must be an integer and E.57) extends to hold in the whole domain 0 < \z \ < oo. □ Lemma 5.19. Let A(z) be a non-constant entire function of period ш and let f be a solution of E.2) such that X(f) < oo. Thenf(z) andf(z + 2u) are linearly dependent. Proof If f(z) and/(z + a;) are linearly dependent, the conclusion is immediate. Hence, we may assume that/(z) and/(z + a;) are linearly independent. Then, of course,/(z + a;) and/(z + Ты) are also linearly independent. Denote now E3(z):=f(z+w)f(z+2uj) and assume that the conclusion fails. Clearly, each of /(z), f(z + w), f(z + 2w) is a solution of E.2) and by Lemma 1.2.6, A(E,-) < oo for i = 1, 2, 3. Therefore, by E.15), T(r,Ei) = O(ra + T(r,A)) n.e. as r-> oo E.61)
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 103 for some a > 0. Since/2 = E\E2{E{)~1, it follows from E.61) that T{rJ) = O(rQ + T{r,A)) n.e. as r -> oo. E.62) Since T(r,A) = m(r,A) = m (r,y) = 5(r,/), E.62) implies that T(r,f) = O(rQ) n.e. as r —> oo. By Lemma 1.1.1, this means that/ is of finite order, contradicting Proposition 5.5. □ We now proceed to prove a representation theorem for solutions/ of E.2) in the case of a periodic A(z), assuming X(f) < oo. We need the following Lemma 5.20. Let f be an entire function such that the exponent of convergence X := X(f) > 0, and let exp denote the exponential function ez. Then the exponent of convergence off о exp satisfies X(f о exp) = oo. Proof Let/ have MO zeros in the annulus 1 < \w\ < et = M(r,exp), counted according to their multiplicity. By A.2.7), l0gn(r) l0g/i(f) ,. log МО л л hmsup ~ v y = hmsup л *,' = hmsup -—*,к } ч = Л > 0. r->oo logr r-^oo log(^) ^oo logM(r,exp) Hence, for some r > 0, and for any k e N, there exists a sequence (tn) tending to +oo such that Mb) > (М(г„,ехр))г =(^-)т > tkn. E.63) Clearly, the exponential function exp takes in \z \ < t2 every complex value w in the annulus 1 < \w\ < et = M (r,exp), provided t is large enough. Hence,/ о exp has at least MO zeros ш Ы ^ f2- Making use of E.63), we obtain by A.2.7), X(f о exp) = limsup > limsup V) r^ log Г ~ „_>о/ \og ji{tn) logr* k > hmsup \ > limsup ' = -. n->oo logr^ n->oo \0gt£ 2 Since к G N is arbitrary, the assertion follows. □ Proposition 5.21. Suppose thatf is a non-trivial solution of f"+A(z)f = 0
104 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case where X(f) < oo and A(z) is a non-constant entire function rational in ez. Then the following hold: (a) Iff (z) andf (z + 2тг/) are linearly dependent then f(z) has a represen- representation where ф is a polynomial, [i and v are integers with [i <vy and d, d^, ... , dv are constants with dj ф 0 for some j ф 0. (b) If f(z) and f(z + 2тп) are linearly independent then the product E{z) =f{z)f{z + 2m) satisfies where ф(д) is rational and is analytic in 0 < \g\ < oo. Proof (a) We first write A(z) = B(ez), where B(g) is a non-constant rational function. Observe that/ may be written as f(z) = ePzU(z), E.64) where /3 is a suitable complex constant and U is an entire periodic function of period 2тг/. In fact, defining U(z) := e^zf{z), and making use of f(z + 2тп) = Kf(z) for some К ф 0, we get U(z +27Г1) - U(z) = e^zf(z)(Ke~2^ - 1). Hence, we obtain the desired representation E.64), provided we have chosen /3 G С so that К = e2*1^. Moreover, by Remmert [1], p. 254-256, U can be written as U(z) = G(ez\ E.65) where G(g) is analytic in 0 < \g\ < oo. Substituting now E.64) and E.65) into E.2) we see that G(g) satisfies the linear differential equation g2G" + g{2C + \)Gf + (B(g) + /?2)G = 0. E.66) We next assert that G(g) admits at most finitely many zeros in 0 < \g\ < oo. If this is not the case, we may arrange the zeros of G(g) in an infinite sequence {gn)neN- Clearly, a subsequence converging in the extended complex plane exists. Let g* be such a limit point. Trivially, we have either g* = oo or g* = 0. Assuming
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 105 first g* = oo, G has an essential singularity at g = oo. From Lemma 5.18, we recall E.57), С(д) = дтФ(д)и(д), where m G Z, Ф is analytic at g = oo, Ф(оо) ф 0, and и is entire and transcen- transcendental. Substituting E.57) into E.66) we get о „ / Ф'\ , g2u" + g I 2m + 2/3 + 1+ 2g— J и E.67) + m(m - l)+B/J+ \)m + 5(^) + /?z+Bm +2/?+ lb—+ £2— ) и = 0. \ Ф Ф J Since Ф;/Ф and Ф/;/Ф remain bounded around g = oo, a similar Wiman-Valiron reasoning as in the first part of Theorem 4.1 results that и is of finite order of growth. Therefore we may write и = He@, where Q is a polynomial and Я is the canonical product formed with the zeros of u. From f(z) = e^zG{ez) = е we conclude that A(w oexp) < X(f) < oo, hence А(м) = Л (Я) = 0 by Lemma 5.20. Therefore Я is a transcendental entire function of order zero. On the other hand, substituting и = Не® into E.67), we see that Я satisfies a second order homogeneous linear differential equation with coefficients of polynomial growth at g = oo. Therefore, a similar reasoning as in Remark 2 to Theorem 4.1, results in a contradiction a(H) > 0. Therefore, g* = oo is not possible. Similarly, if we consider F(t) = G(t~l) instead of G(r), we may apply the above reasoning to see that g* = 0 also cannot hold. This means that G(g) admits at most finitely many zeros in 0 < \g\ < oo. Since the zeros of/ are simple, the same is true for the zeros of G, say g\, ... , gq. Denoting &{o) ={q — Q\)'"{q — Qq)> we таУ consider the function <p(g) = G(g)/&(g) having no zeros in 0 < |£>| < oo. Therefore <p(ez) is an entire function with no zeros, hence where v is entire. Now, ev^ is periodic of period 2тг/, hence also vf(z) has the same period, since it is the logarithmic derivative of ev^z\ By Remmert [1], p. 254-256 again,
106 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case where W(g) is analytic in 0 < \g\ < oo. Therefore we have the representation f(z) = ePz¥(ezy(z\ E.68) Differentiating E.68) twice and substituting into/" + B(ez)f = 0 we see that W(g) satisfies in 0 < \g\ < oo a differential equation with rational coefficients. Since v' = W(ez) and v" = ezWf(ez) = gW\ we have R0{ez) + Rx{ezy + v;/+(v'J = 0. E.69) Writing E.69) in the form we see that hence This means that vf = W(ez) is of finite order of growth, hence W must be a rational function. Moreover, W does not vanish identically. In fact, E.68) would then imply a(f) < oo which is impossible by Proposition 5.5. Since W(g) is analytic in 0 < \g\ < oo, it must be of the form where n,k > 0 are integers, cq, ... ,cn are constants, cn ф 0, and cq ф 0 provided к > 0. Therefore we have j=0
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 107 Integrating this and substituting into E.68), we obtain the asseited representation. To ensure that a if) = oo, at least one of the constants d^, ... , dv has to be non-zero. (b) By Lemma 5.19, /(z) and f(z + 4тп) are linearly dependent. Denote E(z) := f{z)f{z + 2tti). Then we must have E(z + 2tti) = KE(z) for some complex constant К ф 0. This implies that E'/E and EnjE are periodic of pe- period 2тг/. Since A also has the same period, it follows from E.7) that E2 is periodic of period 2тп. Again by Remmert [1], p. 254-256, where ф(д) is analytic in 0 < \g\ < oo. Finally, since \(f) < oo implies X(E) < oo, we see from E.15) that a(E) < oo. Therefore ф must be rational. □ After these preparations, we are ready to prove our result concerning E.56): Theorem 5.22. Let К E C, and suppose that E.56), has a non-trivial solution with \(f) < oo. Then К = q2/l6, where q > 1 is an odd integer. Conversely, if q is such an integer, then E.56) admits two linearly independent solutions f\, /2 such that max(A(/i),A(/2))=0 provided q = 1 and otherwise. Proof. Suppose first that/(z), f(z+ 2тп) are linearly dependent. By Proposi- Proposition 5.21 (a), where (yf\ E.70) where ф is a polynomial and d, /i, v, d^, ... , dv are as in Proposition 5.21(a). Substitution into E.56) results in o2G"{Q)+{2d + 1)qG'{q)+{q -K+ d2)G{6) = 0. E.71)
108 5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case By E.70), G'jG is a rational function. Therefore we have, near g = oo, asymptot- asymptotically G(Q) G"(q) 2 2m G(Q) ав where m G Z, а ф 0. Substituting these expressions into E.71) we obtain a contradiction. Therefore, we may assume that/(z),/(z + 2ni) are linearly independent and, by Proposition 5.21(b), E(z) =f{z)f{z + 2tti) satisfies where ф(д) is rational and analytic in 0 < |£>| < oo. Substitution into E.7) results in д2фф" - 1д2{ф'J + дфф' + 4{g - К)ф2 + с2ф = 0 E.72) for some с ф 0. Since ф is rational, E.72) implies that 4(g — К) + с2ф~1 has a finite limit at g = oo. Therefore, ф(д) must have a simple zero at £ = oo. Hence, for q > 1 and cjc^ ^ 0, we have Substituting into E.72) and gathering up powers of g~2q we get (q + l)q-lq2-q-4K = 0, hence К = q2/l6. To see that q is odd, observe that, for some ai, ... , a^_i G C, E(zJe«z = cxe^-^z + • • • + cq = cx{ez - щ) • • \ez - aq_x). Since the left-hand side has only double zeros, the numbers aj must occur in pairs, meaning that q — 1 must be even. To prove the converse, suppose that К =Bn + 1J/16 for n > 0, and define recursively m=0
5. Linear differential equations: zero distribution in the second order case 109 where a$ = 1 and 16c(m + l)am+i ={4m2 + 4m - 16K + l)am holds for m > 0, where с = ±/. Then W(z) = Q{e~z'2) satisfies W"+BcW2 - 5)W;+(^ - K)W = 0 and therefore /2-|) E.73) satisfies E.56). For n = 0, we know by Remark 1 to Theorem 5.17 that E.73) results in max(A(/i), A(/2)) = 0. If n > 1, Q has finitely many zeros in C, hence Q(e~zl2) defines the zeros of/b/2 to satisfy max(A(fi), А(/2)) = 1. П Remark. Theorem 5.22 depicts a situation where max(A(/i), A(/2)) < oo for an equation /" +A(z)/ = 0 implies that max(A(^j), A(^)) = oo is true for all equations gf/ + B(z)g = 0 such that В ф A is sufficiently close to A in some sense. It is conjectured that such a behaviour holds in general. However, no such general result exists, at least to our knowledge. For a related result, indicating that this conjecture could be valid, see Bank, Laine and Langley [2], Theorem 3.1.
Chapter 6 Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative The main part of the preceding chapter was devoted to considering the differential equation f"+A(z)f = 0 F.1) with entire coefficients. Of course, if A(z) is permitted to be general meromor- meromorphic, the basic difficulty before any considerations concerning the zero (or pole) distribution of solutions become meaningful is the question about the existence of global meromorphic solutions. It appears that this is closely connected with the Schwarzian derivative of meromorphic functions. Actually, our starting point is the following classical theorem, see, e.g., Herold [1], Satz VII.2.1: Theorem 6.1. Let A(z) be analytic in a simply connected domain G. Then, for any two linearly independent solutions f\, j2 of F.1), their quotient g =f\/f2 is locally injective and satisfies the differential equation F'2) Conversely, let g be a locally injective meromorphic function in G and define A(z) by F.2). Then A(z) is analytic in G and the differential equation F.1) admits two linearly independent solutions f\, /2 such that g =fi/f2- Proof The first part of the assertion is nothing more than a straightforward cal- calculation to see that g satisfies F.2). If g would not be locally injective, say at z0 e G, then either g\z) = k{z -zO)a + • • •, a > 1, or g{z) = k(z-Zjo)~a + • • •, a > 2. Computing Sg around z = zo, and recalling that Sg has to be analytic, we get 2a + a2 = 0, hence a = — 2 in the zero point case and 2(a + 1) =(a + IJ, hence a = ±1 in the pole case, a contradiction. Conversely, let g be locally injective and meromorphic in G and define A(z) by F.2). If g is analytic at zo € G, then A is clearly analytic at zo- If g has a simple pole at zo, from g(z) = k(z —го) + <Kz), where ф is analytic around zq,
6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative 111 we see easily that g"(Z) 2 2 g'{z) z-zo hence Sg(z) = 3c\ + O(\z — zo|), and so A has to be analytic around zo- Hence, A(z) is analytic in G. Take zo € G such that g'(zo) ф оо. Since ^; has no zeros, we may fix an analytic branch cp of the square root of (gf)~l near zo, i.e., there is an analytic function ip in a neighbourhood of zo such that <p2 =(gf)~*. An elementary computation shows that By Herold [1], Satz 1.5.3, all solutions of F.1) are now analytic in G. Hence, ip possesses an analytic continuation into G, say/2. Defining/1 := gfi, we see from /2" +A(z)/2 = 0 and from 2(fj/f2) = -g"/gf that/i also satisfies F.1). П Remark. In the above locally injective case, Theorem 6.1 has an immediate con- consequence: If Sg = Sh, then g = а о h, where a is a Mobius-transformation, i.e. ^, ol\Pi - P\OL2 ф 0, and conversely. In fact, denoting Sg=Sh=:2A{z), and using Theorem 6.1, there are linearly independent pairs of solutions of F.1), say mj, м2 and vi, v2 such that м2 v2 But then, for some constants aj, a2, /?j, /?2, V2 The condition ai/?2 — /?ia2 ^ 0 follows immediately from the linear independence of vj, v2. The converse assertion is just a trivial computation. In order to characterize Schwarzian derivatives, the above theorem is sufficient for locally injective meromorphic functions only. To get the general result, we must be able to consider meromorphic functions with branch points. To this end, we begin by proving the following two lemmas:
112 6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative Lemma 6.2. (a) Let A{z) be meromorphic in a domain D, and assume that F.1) possesses two linearly independent meromorphic solutions f\, /2 in D. Then g := /l Ifl nas tne following properties: (i) All poles of g in D are of odd multiplicity; (ii) All zeros of g1 in D are of even multiplicity; (iii) 2A(z) = Sg(z). (b) Conversely, let g be a non-constant meromorphic function in a simply con- connected domain D such that the properties (i) and (ii) hold, and define A(z) by (iii). Then F.1) possesses two linearly independent meromorphic solutions f\, /2 in D such that g =/i//2. Lemma 6.3. (a) Let A{z) be meromorphic in a domain D, and assume that F.1) possesses two linearly independent meromorphic solutions f\, f2 in D. Set E :=/j/2 and с := W(/i,^). Then E has the following properties: (i) All zeros ofE in D are simple; (ii) All poles ofE in D are of even multiplicity; (iii) At any zero zo ofE in D, the number с /E'(zq) is an odd integer; (iv) 4AE2={E'J-c2-2EE". (b) Conversely, let E be a non-vanishing meromorphic function in a simply connected domain D, and let с ^ 0 be a constant such that (i), (ii) and (iii) above hold. Then, if A(z) is defined by (iv), the equation F.1) possesses two linearly independent meromorphic solutions f\, f2 in D such that (v) £=/ifcc = W(fb/2); (vi) f[lh = WlE - clE)JHf2 = \(E'IE + c/E). Proof of Lemma 6.2(a). It is a routine calculation to see that (iii) holds. Denoting с := W(/i,/2), see Proposition 1.4.8, we get at once gf = -cf^1, from which (i) and (ii) immediately follow. □ Proof of Lemma 6.3(a). Set g =f\/f2- Then (i), (ii) and (iii) of Lemma 6.2(a) hold. Moreover, 7 = -tf2~2(/i//l) = -|:. F-3) Hence, the assertion (i) is immediate. Furthermore, any pole of E of multiplicity m must be a zero of g1 of multiplicity m, hence m must be even by Lemma 6.2(a)(ii). To prove (iii), let zo € D be a zero of E. By F.3), g has either a zero (of multiplicity m) or a pole (of multiplicity n) at zo- Since the zero of E at zo is simple, we get Res £■£! = um ((z _ zq)^^ - -c lim , \\ Z°, ч = —=£-^r. F.4) *=zos(z) z>zoV E(z)J z->zoE{z)-E{zO) E'{z0)
6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative 113 If now g has a zero at zo, then either m = 1 or m - 1 is even by Lemma 6.2(a)(ii). Hence m is odd. Since we have the conclusion (iii). If g has a pole at zq, then n is odd by Lemma 6.2(a)(i) and the conclusion (iii) follows from F.4). For (iv), see E.7). □ Proof of Lemma 6.3(b). Let E be a non-vanishing meromorphic function in a simply connected domain D, satisfying (i), (ii) and (iii) in Lemma 6.3(a). Define и l(E> c\ н 4E> + Clearly, any pole zo of H\ or Щ must be either a zero or a pole of E. If E (zo) = 0, the zero is simple and we obtain around zo where ф\ is analytic in a neighbourhood of zo- By (iii), either Hi is analytic at zo or it has a simple pole there with an integer residue. A similar result holds for H2, too. Next, let zo be a pole of E. Then c/E is analytic at zo and by (ii) Hi and Щ have simple poles at zo with an integer residue again. Hence, all poles of H\ and #2 in D are simple with integer residues. By Saks and Zygmund [1], p. 193, there are meromorphic functions/1,/2 in D so that ft rf »l=f H2=ff. /l /2 This proves (vi). From (vi), a routine computation shows that f\, /2 are solutions of F.1), when A(z) is defined by (iv) of Lemma 6.3(a). Adding now the two relations in (vi), we get №)' = e' № E' hence E = Kf]f2 for some К ф 0. Subtracting the same relations, we see that // /2 _ W(fl,h) _ с _ с /l /2 /1/2 E Kfif2 and so W(fbf2) = c/K, which implies W(Kfi,f2) - с Hence Kfhf2 are the asserted solutions of F.1). □
114 6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative Proof of Lemma 6.2(b). Let g be a non-constant meromorphic function in a simply connected domain D, with the properties (i), (ii) of Lemma 6.2(a), and define A(z) by (iii). Define now By this definition, all zeros of E are trivially simple. The poles of E are exactly the zeros of g', hence of even multiplicity by Lemma 6.2(a)(ii). Finally, if E(zo) = 0, then g has either a zero or a pole at zo, sav of multiplicity a. By Lemma 6.2(a), a is odd. By a simple calculation, = Hm = —а. E'(z0) ^o g'(zJ - g(z)g"(z) By a routine computation, Lemma 6.3(a)(iv) defines, with E = —g/gf and с = 1, the same Л (z) as Lemma 6.2(a)(iii). Hence, by Lemma 6.3(b), F.1) has two linearly independent solutions/j,/2 such that E =/1/2, ^(/ь/2) = 1- Therefore, and so 8f Jl /2 = /l /2 /l//2 ' hence g = С (ft//2) for some С G C. Thus, Cf\ and/2 are the asserted solutions of F.1). □ The above two lemmas have several interesting consequences, see Bank and Laine [5]. We give a couple of examples below. Proposition 6.4. Let E be a non-vanishing entire function. Then E is the product of two (entire) linearly independent solutions of F.1) with an entire A(z) if and only if there is a constant с ф 0 such that at every zero zo ofE in D, we have either Proof. Let A(z) be entire and let/^/2 be two linearly independent solutions of F.1) such that E =Мг- By Lemma 6.3(a), 4AE2=(E'J-c2-2EE" with с = WtfiJj) Ф 0- Since A(z) is entire, E'(zoJ = c2 at every zero zo of E by the above formula.
6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative 115 Conversely, let с ^ 0 be such that Ef(zo) = ±c at every zero zo of E. Then (i), (ii), (iii) of Lemma 6.3(a) are satisfied by E. By Lemma 6.3(b), the equation F.1), with A given by (iv) of Lemma 6.3(a), admits two linearly independent solutions /b/2 sucn that E =/1/2. It remains to show that Л is entire. Writing 4AE2 = h :={EfJ - c2 - 2EE"', we see that h' = —2EE'". Therefore, at every zero of E, the entire function h has at least a double zero. Therefore, from h = 4AE2 we conclude that A must be entire. □ Remark. There is an interesting example, due to S. Bank, which shows that the above property can hold at zeros of E with one exception only. Namely, the function E(z) = 2^/Jsin y/z is an entire function of order j. Now, E\z) = (v/F)sinv/F + cosv/F. At z = 0, we have Ef@) = 2, while at all other zeros of E(z), we have Er(z) = ±1. Theorem 6.5. (a) Let A(z) be meromorphic, and assume that F.1) possesses two linearly independent meromorphic solutions f\, /2, each of finite order of growth. Then g =f\/f2 is a non-constant meromorphic function of finite order such that (i) all poles of g are of odd multiplicity, (ii) all zeros of g' are of even multiplicity, (iii) 2A(z) = Sg(z). (b) Conversely, suppose that g is a non-constant meromorphic function of finite order, satisfying (i) and (ii) above. Then, withA(z) defined by (iii), F.1) possesses two linearly independent meromorphic solutions f\, /2, each of finite order, such that g= fxi% Proof. The first part (a) is trivial by Lemma 6.2(a). To prove the second part (b), we conclude from Lemma 6.2(b) that F.1) possesses two linearly independent meromorphic solutions/1,/2 such that g =f\/fi- Since gf = —cjf^h must be of finite order, and by/1 = gfi, the same is true for/j. □ The above results, Lemma 6.2, Lemma 6.3 and Theorem 6.5, have an important defect, namely that we need to use an auxiliary function before being able to reach the characterization which is looked for, respectively. The existence of global meromorphic solutions of F.1) can be settled, resulting in the characterization of Schwarzian derivatives, see Theorem 6.7 and Corollary 6.9 below. We first need a lemma from the local theory of linear differential equations. For a more complete presentation, see Herold [1], p. 115-127.
116 6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative Lemma 6.6. Suppose h is analytic in \z — zq\ < R, R > 0, and consider the differential equation ,+ f o (z - zoJ in the disc \z — zq\ < R. Let p\, p2 be the roots of p(p-l)+A(zo) = O, assuming that p\ — p2 G Z \ {0}. Denote by D = D(r) the slit disc D:={z\\z-zo\<r}\{zo + t\0<t<r}. F.5) F.6) F.7) Then F.5) admits in some slit disc D = D(r), r < R, two linearly independent solutions f\, /2 of the form "о Ф 0, i=0 - Z0) i=0 where either к = 0 or k = I. Proof The idea of the proof is to find correct substitutions of the form 00 f(z) =(z - zo)pJ2ci(z - *>)*> co Ф 0. F.8) 1=0 To this end, we may use the Taylor expansion F.9) /=0 of h in \z - zo| < R- Substituting F.8) and F.9) into F.5), we obtain (p + n)(p + n PiCn-i = 0 F.10) i=0
6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative 117 for n = 0, 1, ... . Denote now for convenience Г <A)(p) := p{p -1) + /% /* 11\ { / Ч ^ ^т F.П) ]^ ^.(p) :=Д. for/ e N. Using F.11), one gets from F.10) coMp) = 0 F.12) cn<p0{p + n)+ cw_!^i(p + *-!) + ... + cxvn_x(p + 1) + coy>,,(p) = 0 Since cq ф 0, the first equality gives the indicial equation which is nothing else but F.6) and has therefore the roots Pi, P2- By our assump- assumption, p\ — P2 is a non-zero integer and we may assume that к := p\ — P2 > 1. Now, for p = p\, F.12) determines recursively the expansion coefficients c,-, / G N, for F.8), since </?o(Pi + w) ^ 0 for all n e N, defining a formal power series of the type required for f\(z). For p = P2 this is not possible in general. In fact, for cK, we have </?o(P2 + «0 = <A)(Pi) = 0. Therefore, to be able to proceed after having determined first cq Ф 0, c\, ... , cK_j, we must have cK-l<Pl(p2 + л - 1) + • • • + ciy?№_i(p2 + 1) + co^K(P2) = 0. F.13) If this is true, we may determine cK arbitrarily and then proceed normally for cK+\, ... , defining this way a formal power series of the type required for/2B) with k = 0. Clearly, f\ and /2 are linearly independent in this case, provided the convergence of these formal power series has been proved. On the other hand, if F.13) does not hold, the process cannot be continued for p = P2- So, depending on whether F.13) holds or not, we get either two or only one formal power series of type F.8) which formally satisfy F.5). In both cases, we have to prove that the formal series converges, at least locally around zo- In order to consider the formal solutions simultaneously, if we have the case of two solutions, we consider them in the form F.8), i.e., 1=0
118 6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative If we can prove that for some r €@,/?) and some M > 0, \сУ <M F.14) holds for / = 0, 1, 2, ... , we have and therefore F.8) converges in \z - zo\ < r. Since p satisfies F.6), there clearly exists an integer p > 0 such that (fo(p +p) = 0 and <po(p + n) > 0 for all n > p. Since </?o(p) — 0, we therefore obtain (po(p + n) = </?o(p + n) — <A)(p) —(p + n)(p + n ~ l) + A) — p(p — l) — - 2p-Г for all n > p. Hence, there is с > 0 such that ЫР + ")\>сп2 F.15) for all n > p. Since oo mo = £/%(*-zo)f i=0 is analytic around z = zq, Y^L\Pi{z — zoY represents a continuous function around z = zq, vanishing at zo- Hence, decreasing r, if needed, we may assume 1=1 Moreover, we define Af =max(|co|,|ci|r,...,|cp|rP)>O and assume that F.14) holds for i = 0, 1, ... , n — 1, where n > p. From F.12) and F.11), we obtain 1=1 1=1
6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative 119 Therefore 1=1 1=1 and, by F.15), \cn\rn < c-ln~2Mc{p + IJ < M. So, the formal solutions F.8) represent local solutions around z = zo- Hence, if F.13) holds, we have proved our assertion, having got the case к = 0. It remains to settle the case where F.13) is not true and we have just one solution f\ of type F.8), i.e., Ml) =(z~ZOr J2a^-Z°y ='^-1о where a$ ^ 0, and so ф is analytic around z = zo with ф^ъ) ф 0. Hence, we obviously have where ip{z) := ф{г)~2 is analytic around z = zo. Since p\ + p2 = 1, we have -2pi =P2- 1 -pi = -«- 1, hence where H(z) is analytic around z = zo- Now, it is obvious that/j possesses a meromorphic primitive function F\ in a slit disc of type F.7). In fact, where G(z) is analytic around z = zo- Defining now we see that
120 6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative and so fi =fi = Hz) /2 /1 (z-zoJ' Hence/2 is a local solution of F.5) in D. Changing f\ by a multiplicative constant, if needed, we obtain, with к = 1, where F(z) is analytic in D. By the presence of the logarithm, it is obvious that /l»/2 are linearly independent. □ We are now ready to characterize equations of type F.1) such that the quotients of any two local solutions admit global meromorphic continuations. In fact, we have Theorem 6.7. Let G С С be a simply connected domain, such that A(z) is mero- meromorphic in G. The quotient of any two local solutions of F.1), f"+A(z)f = 0, is meromorphic and admits a meromorphic continuation into the whole G if and only if at all poles ofA(z), if there are any of them, the Laurent expansion ofA(z) around zo has the form where and {z - = 1 — m , D(z0) = 1 -m 0 b\ 4-2m &2 b\ bm-2 bm_3 bm-\ bm_2 z-zo m integer > 2, 0 @) (m — 1) —(m — \)m F.16) F.17) b2 h = 0. F.18) Moreover, these continuations g of local quotients all satisfy the differential equa- equation F.2), Sg=2A(z), inG.
6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative 121 Proof. Suppose first that g is a meromorphic continuation into G of the quotient of two local solutions f\, /2 of F.1) in a disc D с G, not containing poles of A(z). A routine calculation, see Theorem 6.1, shows that g satisfies F.2) in D, hence by the uniqueness properties of meromorphic functions in the whole G. By Theorem 6.1, g cannot be locally injective at a pole zq of A(z), which means that its Laurent expansion around zq is of the form ck{z-zo)k, m/0, ±1, k=m кфО But this implies immediately that where ф{г) is analytic around zo, hence F.16) and F.17) hold. To prove the determinant condition F.18), we see from h(z) :=(z - zoJA(z) = that h(zo) = \{\ — m2). Therefore the indicial equation for p, see F.6), p(p - 1) + *(zo) = P(P - 1) + 1A - m2) = 0, has the roots 1 + m \ — m P\ = —5—' Pl = —7—' hence the assumptions of Lemma 6.6 hold. Therefore, in a slit disc D around see F.7), the following local solution base exists: ' where ф\, 02 are analytic around zo, ^2(^0) Ф 0 and к = 0 or к = 1. But/i//2 has to be meromorphic in a neighbourhood of zo, hence the logarithmic term in F.19) must vanish and so we have к = 0. By the proof of Lemma 6.6, F.13) must hold. Denoting ц = c//cq, we get from F.12) and F.13) an overdetermined non-
122 6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative homogeneous system of linear equations (l-m)r, Ml+D - 2m)t2 b2t\ + Ь^2+(9 - 3m)t3 bm-2h bm_2t2 bxtm_2 + ((m - lJ-(m - = -b2 = -b3 F.20) n-\= -bm-\ which must be uniquely solvable. Since this system contains m — 1 unknowns and m equations and since the column vectors of the matrix /1 -m b\ 4 — 2m b2 bx \ @) Ьщ-2 \ bm-\ Ьт-Ъ bm-2 .. b\ (m — lJ — (m — \)m b2 b\ / F.21) are linearly independent, the unique solvability of the system of equations above implies by standard linear algebra, see e.g. Janich [1], p. 116 and 158-159, that D(zq) = 0. To prove the converse assertion, we first observe that F.18) and the fact that the columns of the matrix F.21) are linearly independent, means by Janich [1], that the system of equations F.20) is uniquely solvable, i.e., that F.13) holds. Therefore, at all poles of A(z), the local solution base given by Lemma 6.6 does not contain the logarithmic term. Hence, at every pole zo of A(z), the quotient/i//2 is meromorphic in a disc around zo, since p\ — P2 = m is an integer by F.17). Let now g be any (non-constant) quotient of two local solutions of F.1) around some point £ e G, and let D(C,^) with r^ > 0 be a disc where g is meromorphic. By the local existence theorem of linear differential equations, see Herold [1], Satz 1.5.3, the local solutions possess analytic continuations into G \ {£ I C a P°le of A(z)}. Let now £ e G be an arbitrary pole of A(z) and let D(€ir0' rZ > 0, be a disc around £ such that the local solution base/1,/2 exists in D(^r^) \'{£ + t \0 <t < r^} and that/i//2 is meromorphic in D(^r^). We may assume that £ is the only pole of A(z) in D(£, r^). Let Л be a disc contained in D(£, r^) \ { £ + / I 0 < / < r£ }. Take now a non-selfintersecting path 7 in G from С into some point in Д such that 7 avoids the poles of A(z), see Figure 6.1. We may assume that g has a meromorphic continuation along 7 such that the con- continuation domain contains A. Since Sg =2A(z) holds in Д g is locally injective in A. Therefore gf has no zeros in A and all possible poles of gf in A must be double. By Lemma 6.2(b), there aff two linearly independent solutions u\, uj of F.1) in A such that g = u\/u2. Clearly щ = a^/i + «2/2»  = Pifi + Plfl f°r
6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative 123 some ab a2 and /?b /32 such that |ai|2 + \a2\2 > 0, \C\\2 + \C2\2 > 0. From = Q]/i + Q2/2 ^ P\fl+Plf2 we see that g is теготофЫс in D(^,r^), since/1//2 is теготофЫс in D(^r^). Since this process holds for all poles of A (z) in G, we conclude by the monodromy theorem that g has а теготофЫс continuation into the whole domain G. □ Figure 6.1 We are now able to give the characterization of the Schwarzian derivatives by proving Corollary 6.8. Let G С С be a simply connected domain and letf be a meromorphic function in G. Thenf is the Schwarzian derivative of a meromorphic function g if and only if at every pole zo off, the Laurent series of jf is of the form F.16), satisfying F.17) and F.18). Proof Suppose first the conditions F.16), F.17) and F.18) hold for the Laurent series of \f at all poles zo of/. By Theorem 6.7, the теготофЫс continuations g of any two linearly independent local solutions of satisfy Sg =/. Conversely, assume that Sg =f holds for а теготофЫс function g in G. As in the proof of Theorem 6.7, we see that F.16) and F.17) hold for the Laurent
124 6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative series of \f at all poles zo of/. To prove that F.18) holds for the Laurent series of \f at zo, let w\, W2 be a local solution base of defined by Lemnfa 6.6, in a disc А с G. For simplicity, we may assume that A contains no poles of/. Clearly, Sg = SW{/W2 holds in A. By Remark to The- Theorem 6.1, there is a Mobius-transformation a such that w\/w2 = <J о g holds in A Since aog is meromorphic in G, w\/w2 admits a meromorphic continuation into G. By Theorem 6.7, F.18) holds. □ Remark. Closely related with the Schwarzian derivative is the Schwarzian differ- differential equation (Sg)n=R(z,g) where n G N and R(z,g) is rational in g with meromorphic coefficients. This differential equation will be considered in Chapters 9 and 10 below. Our second corollary characterizes those equations F.1), which admit two linearly independent global meromorphic solutions. Corollary 6.9. Let G С С be a simply connected domain such that A(z) is mero- meromorphic in G. The differential equation F.1) admits two linearly independent mero- meromorphic solutions in G if and only if at all poles zq ofA(z), if there are any of them, the Laurent expansion of A{z) is of the form F.16), satisfying F.17) with an odd integer m > 3 and F.18). Proof Let first/i,/2 be two solutions of F.1) meromorphic in G, and let g be their quotient. Let zo be a pole of A(z). Clearly, F.16), F.17) and F.18) hold at z0- By the proof of Theorem 6.7, zo is a branch point of g of order m. Lemma 6.2(a) implies that m is odd and > 3 by F.17). Conversely, suppose that F.16), F.17) with an odd m > 3 and F.18) hold at all poles zo of A(z). By Theorem 6.7, there is a non-constant meromorphic function g such that F.2) holds. At a pole zo of A(z), g cannot be locally injective, i.e., g has a branch point at zq. So, g has a Laurent expansion around zq of the form k=m
6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative 125 where cm ф 0 and m ф 0, ±1. As in the proof of Theorem 6.7, it is immediate that where ф is analytic at zo, i.e., g has a branch point of order m at zo- The differ- differential equation F.1) admits two linearly independent meromorphic solutions by Lemma 6.2(b). □ Fox a number of examples illustrating Theorem 6.7, Corollary 6.8 and Corol- Corollary 6.9, see Laine and Sorvali [1], p. 124-128. Remark. In the case of two linearly independent meromorphic solutions of F.1), say in C, characterized in the above Corollary 6.9, it remains the general open ques- question about concluding the properties of the solutions from the properties of A(z). By now, for the corresponding results characterizing properties of solutions, one needs an auxiliary function, see Theorem 6.5 above, as well as Bank and Laine [5], Theorems 2A, 2B, ЗА and 3B. To be more precise, Theorems 2A and 2B in Bank and Laine [5] characterize the situations when all solutions of F.1) are meromor- meromorphic functions of finite order of growth, while Theorems ЗА and 3B characterize the situations with two linearly independent zero-free solutions. To be satisfactory, these characterizations should be given in terms of A(z) only. This remains an open problem presently. We close this chapter by the remark that many of the results about the zero- distribution of solutions given in Chapter 5 for the entire case, seem to have an analogue in the meromorphic case too, provided we consider the zero-distribution and the pole-distribution of solutions simultaneously. Another essential difference, when compared with the entire case, is that the solutions may have multiple zeros in the meromorphic case. To give an example, we prove the following theorem from Bank and Laine [5]: Theorem 6.10. Let A{z) be a transcendental meromorphic function of finite order a > 0, where a is not a positive integer, and assume thatf\ andfj are two linearly independent meromorphic solutions of F.1). Then тах(А(Л)Д(£),АA//,)) > а, F.22) where A(/j-), i = 1, 2, denotes the exponent of convergence of the sequence of distinct zeros off. Proof Assume that F.22) fails to hold. By Lemma 6.3(a)(i), all zeros of E are simple, hence A(E) (A(ft)A(fc)) < a.
126 6. Complex differential equations and the Schwarzian derivative Let now zo be a pole of E, say of order 2k, see Lemma 6.3(a)(ii). Denoting 8 :=hlf\ and с = W(/i,/2), we see from gf/g — c/E and gf = cf^~2, as in the proof of Lemma 6.3(a), that gf must have a zero of order 2k at zo, hence/i has a pole of order k at zo- Therefore, by our assumption, we must have \{\/E) < a. Since X(E) < a, it follows by E.15) that a(E) < a (A) = a. On the other hand, from 4AE2 ={E'J — с1 — 2ЕЕ" we immediately conclude the reversed inequality. Thus a(E) = a. Write now E ={G\/G2)eG where G\, G2 are the canonical products formed with the zeros, resp. poles, of E, and G is a polynomial. Since a(G\) = \{E) < a and a(G2) = A(l/£) < a, we must have a(eG) = a. This is a contradiction, since a is not an integer. □ Remark. See Bank and Laine [5], Theorem 5, Theorem 6 and Corollary 7 for additional results of the same type.
Chapter 7 Higher order linear differential equations In this chapter, we continue to study the growth and the zero distribution of solu- solutions of L(f):=f{n)+an_l(z)f(n-V + --'+al(z)ff + ao(z)f = O, ao(z)^O, G.1) with entire coefficients. Recall from Chapter 4 that all solutions of G.1) are en- entire functions. A few classical results were given in Chapter 4. As mentioned in Remark 3 to Theorem 4.1, the possible orders of growth for solutions of G.1) are some rational numbers, obtainable by a simple geometric construction, see Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 199-208. We restrict ourselves here to give a well-known order estimate, which appears to be useful in later considerations. Proposition 7.1. Letf be a solution of G.1) with polynomial coefficients i=0 Then the order a(f) off satisfies a(f) < 1 + max —3—. j=0,...,n-\ n - j Proof We may assume that/ is transcendental of order a := a(f) > 0. Making use of Theorem 4.1 we conclude that a < +oo. Recall now the asymptotic equality D.3) for the central index v(r) of/, v(r)n+zan-i(z){l+o(l))v(r)n-l + ... + zn-lal(z){l+o(l))v(r)+zna0(z){l+o(\))=0, and assume that <7>l+(degflj-)/(«-i) G-2> for each j = 0, ... , n — 1. Using Theorem 3.1, we see that v(r) < ra+e
128 7. Higher order linear differential equations holds for all sufficiently large values of r, say r > tq, while holds for a sequence {rm)me^ of r-values tending to +00. By Lemma 1.3.1 and our assumption G.2) we see for each term with j = 1, ... , n on the left-hand side of D.3) that Since j i^j2- + I—04 +(n - j)e < —ne < 0, provided e > 0 is sufficiently small, we obtain for j = 1, ... , n whenever m is sufficiently large. But these inequalities mean that the sum of the terms with j = 1, ... , n is of smaller modulus than \v(rm)\n, contradicting D.3). □ As a slight improvement of Proposition 7.1, we remark that the assertion ex- extends easily to the case where the coefficients ao, ... , an_\ in G.1) are rational functions. To formulate the proposition, consider a rational function R(z) which behaves asymptotically as cr@, с ф 0, as r —» 00. We define the degree of R(z) at infinity as deg^R := max@,/3). Proposition 7.2. Letf be a meromorphic solution of G.1) with rational coefficients a$, ... , an_\, and let otj denote the degree of aj at infinity, j = 0, ... , n — 1. Then rx • v(f) < 1 + max j=0,...,n-l П - J Proof We may assume that/ is transcendental of order a(f) > 0. Obviously all poles of/ must be situated among the poles of the coefficients, and so there are at most finitely many of them. Let /?/, i = 1, ... , k, denote the principal parts of/ at each of its poles z\, ... , Zk- Then i=\
7. Higher order linear differential equations 129 is an entire function and we see that g satisfies a non-homogeneous linear differ- differential equation gW+an-l(z)g{n-l) + ---+a0(z)g=R(z) G.3) with rational coefficients a$, ... , an-\, R. Slightly modifying the reasoning in Remark 1 to Theorem 4.1, we observe from G.3) that <r(g) = a(f) < oo. A similar modification in the proof of Proposition 7.1 applies, since the right-hand side of D.3) now replaces by |#(z)|/|g(z)| which is of type <?A), and therefore it may be incorporated into the last term on the left-hand side of D.3). □ Another generalization of Proposition 7.1 is to make use of the iterated or- order of entire functions, see Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 96-113, for an extensive treatment of this notion. Bernal [1] applied this idea for solutions of linear dif- differential equations G.1) with entire coefficients. Our treatment below gives, es- essentially, the main result due to Bernal [1], Theorem 4. Our method of proof is slightly different. To fix our notations, we define, inductively, expj r := er and exP/+l r = exp(expj r), / G N. Similarly, for all r sufficiently large, we define log! r = logr and logI+1 r = log(log; r), / € N. For an entire function /, the iterated order will be defined by G.4) By A.2.3), a\{f) coincides with the usual order a(f) of/. Observe that our defi- definition G.4) is slightly differently expressed as the corresponding definition in Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 96-98. Moreover, we define the growth index i (f) of/ by set- setting i(f) = 0 for a polynomial/, and defining i(f) := min{ j G N | <Jj(f) < +oo }, whenever/ is transcendental and some j £ N with <Jj(f) < +oo exists. In the case that (Jjif) = +oo for all j e N, we set i(f) = +00. Considering now the solutions of G.1) with entire coefficients, we define 0} G.5) for i G N and 6:=sup{i(f)\L(f) = 0}. G.6) We are now ready to formulate Theorem 7.3. Consider the linear differential equation G.1) with entire coefficients ao, ... , aw_i, define p := max{ i(aj) \ j = 0, ... , n - 1 }, and assume that 0 < p < +00. Then we have 6 < p + 1. Moreover, ^ур+\ < a := max{ap(aj) |
130 7. Higher order linear differential equations Proof. Recalling again D3), we have for v(r) := i/(r,/), outside of a possible exceptional set F of finite logarithmic measure, + z»-iai(z)(l+o(l))v(r)+zna0(z){l+o(l))=0. Since gp(aj) < +oo for j = 0,... , n — 1, it is obvious that M (r,aj) < exp^ for any e > 0, provided r is sufficiently large. By Lemma 1.3.2, u(r) < 1 + max |z"- U 1 < 1 + max |2rn outside of possible exceptional set F of finite logarithmic measure. Given C > 1, Lemma 1.1.2 results in for all r sufficiently large. By Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 36-37, see the inequali- inequalities D.12) and D.15), we obtain for each e > 0, logAf(r,/) < log fi(rj) + log(i/Br,/) +2) < !/(r,/) log г + logBi/Br,/)) log 2 < Consequently, (r,/) < /3(a + 4e) log r, G.7) and therefore, crp+i(/) < oo. Hence /(/) < p + 1 for each solution/ of G.1). Clearly, by G.6), this means that б < p + 1. To prove the second assertion, we conclude from G.7) that hence, by G.5), 7p+l < sup{ap+1(f) | L(f) = 0} < a, since f5 > 1 and e > 0 were chosen arbitrarily. □ Let us now return back to the value distribution of zeros of solutions of G.1) with polynomial coefficients. Recalling Theorem 5.3 and Theorem 5.4 from the second-order case, it is natural to presume that Nevanlinna theory is not the best
7. Higher order linear differential equations 131 device to treat G.1) with polynomial coefficients. In fact, the Strodt theory, see Strodt [1], [2], is more optimal here. For completeness, we mention the following recent result due to S. Bank [41], Theorem 1. Theorem 7.4. The solutions f of G.1) with polynomial coefficients satisfy one of the following possibilities, called the global oscillation property and the finite oscillation property, respectively: (i) For any 9 e( — тг,тг) and any e > 0, there exist 6, 0 < б < min(£,0 + 7Г, 9 — тг), and К > 0, and a non-trivial solution f of G.1) having infinitely many zeros on the domain {z eC\ \z\>K, \3igz-0\<6}. (ii) There exist Л > 0 and a\, ... , <т\ belonging to ( — тг, тг] such that for any e > 0 and any non-trivial solution f of G.1), all but finitely many zeros off lie in the union of the sectors | argz - 0>| < e, k = 1, ... , Л. □ Bank [41] gives a detailed analysis to decide whether the sectors in (ii) of Theorem 7.4 actually possess infinitely many zeros of/. Again, the Strodt theory plays a decisive role. We now proceed back into the general case of G.1), assuming that at least one of the coefficients a0, ... , an_\ is transcendental. By Theorem 4.3, our main concern is the zero distribution of solutions, although one should keep in mind Theorem 4.4. Perhaps this is the correct place to remark that the value distribution of zeros of solutions of G.1) in the general transcendental case is still an area to be looked forward for more detailed investigations. In fact, Bank and Langley [2], [3] considered some special cases, while for results of a more general nature, we have to refer to the very recent papers by Bank and Langley [4], [5], Langley [9] and the forthcoming article by Hellerstein, Miles and Rossi [2]. We have to make some restrictions on the results to be presented below. In fact, most of the existing results rely strongly on asymptotic methods of proof, not to be treated in this book. Before proceeding into details, we remark that the restriction, if needed, into the special case of an-\ = 0, i.e. /to + an_2(z)f{n-2) + • • • + al(z)f' + a0(z)f = 0, ao(z) ф 0, G.8) means no loss of generality for zero distribution considerations. In fact, if Ф is a primitive function of an_\, then the standard substitution г --Ф which does not change zeros, provided we consider G.1) with entire coefficients, shows that у satisfies a differential equation of type G.8).
132 7. Higher order linear differential equations We need the following technical lemma, which may be considered as a com- completion of Lemma 2.3.7. Concerning the origin of Lemma 7.5, see Frank and Hellerstein [1], p. 418. Lemma 7.5. Let f be a meromorphic function. Then, for each j e N, f^/f may be represented in the form G.9) where where E is a possible exceptional set of finite linear measure. Proof. By Lemma 2.3.7, we have the representation G.10) G.11) where Pj_i(y) is a differential polynomial, with constant coefficients, of total degree < j — 1 in/У/ and its derivatives. Each term in P^_iD), written as ft where 7 e C, may be rewritten in the form r Vn) Hence, collecting in G.11) all terms with the same power of /'//, we obtain the representation G.9), where the coefficients bji(z) are some polynomials, with con- constant coefficients, in (f'/f)f/(ff/f), (ff/f)"/(ff/f), and so on. Now, G.10) is an easy consequence of Remark 1 to Theorem 2.3.3, combined with Corollary 2.3.4. □
7. Higher order linear differential equations 133 Lemma 7.6. Let f be a meromorphic solution of G.1) with meromorphic coeffi- coefficients a$, ... , an_i, and define Ф(г) := max(m(r,ao), • •• ^m{r^n-\))- Then m (г/Л = О (log Г (r/j} +Ф(г) + log Л , г £ £. G.12) Proof Dividing G.1) first with/, we may apply Lemma 7.5 to conclude the following reformulation of G.1), Rearranging terms in this expression according to the powers of /'//, we obtain i=0 where each q is a finite sum of terms of type —aj (z )bji (z), where we have denoted an := 1, bjj := 1, %) := 1. Then, we may use a similar inductive argument by elementary Nevanlinna theory estimates as used to obtain the corresponding inequality for the characteristic function in B.2.8) to conclude that /j)+O ( nm r,— <(n-\)m r,— )+0 logT г,— + Ф(г) + \о%г , г Ф E. \ f J \ f J \ \ f J J This implies G.12). □ Lemma 7.7 below, see G. Frank and W. Hennekemper [1], Lemma 5 and G. Hennekemper [1], Lemma 1.4.5, appears to be important while considering non- homogeneous linear differential equations in the next chapter. Lemma 7.7. Letf\, ... ,fn be linearly independent meromorphic solutions of a lin- linear differential equation of type G.1) with meromorphic coefficients aQ, ... , an-\. Then for each j = 0, ... , n — 1, the following properties hold: A) the proximity function of aj satisfies r $ E, G.13)
134 7. Higher order linear differential equations B) the poles of aj must be among the poles off\, ... , fn and the zeros of the Wronskian W :=W(fu...Jn), C) the multiplicity of the poles of aj is < n — j and so Proof We may apply induction by n. In fact, for n — \,f\ satisfies//+ao(z)f\ = 0 for a meromorphic function a$. But then, by Remark 1 to Theorem 2.3.3, (r,eo) = m (r/A = O(log7(r,/i) +logr), The remaining assertions are trivial. Assume now that we have proved the assertion for linearly independent mero- meromorphic functions/i, ... ,/„, with ano, ... , ann_\ being the corresponding coef- coefficients. Observe that the coefficients anQ, ... , an^n_\ in G.1) are uniquely deter- determined by Proposition 1.4.7. So, consider now/j, ... ,/w+i, being still linearly in- independent meromorphic functions. Obviously, W(/i,... ,/w+i) and W(/i,... ,fn) do not vanish identically. Denote now (d W(fu...,fn+l)\ I (W(fh...Jn+1)\ "+1- \dz W(fu...,fn) ) I \ W(fu...,fn) )• Now, for an arbitrary meromorphic function g, see Proposition 1.4.6, ^ /_,an+\,v\Z)S — Ur,f t ч ^ W [fu • • ■ Jn+V W(fu...,fn+i)W(f1,...,fn)W(fu...Jn+l,g) W(fu..-,fn) (W(fh...,fn+1)J W(fl,...,fn+l)d dzW(fi,...,fH+iY
7. Higher order linear differential equations 135 where we have applied Proposition 1.4.5 to obtain the last equality. Proceeding further, we see that i/=0 d f W(fi, ...,/„) W(fi,...Jn,g) d\W(fJ) W(ff) !,•••,/«) * Wl,---,/n+l) W(fi,...,fn) dW(fu...Jn,g) W(fu...Jn,g) •k 71 + 1 dz W(fi,...Jn) n — 1 \ / n — 1 dz ^ ■ » ' - ,=o w-1 Comparing the coefficients, we obtain Now, G.13) for the inductive case, G.15) m(r,an+ltV) = О Hog г + log (max (T{r, fx),..., Г(г,/„+1))) V г ^ £, follows immediately by G.15), the inductive assumption, elementary Nevanlinna theory estimates, and the fact that, r £ E.
136 7. Higher order linear differential equations Moreover, we have to observe that, by Proposition 1.4.6, m{r,a'nv) <m I r,-^ I +m(r,a/I,I/) = m{r,an^) + O(logr + \ogT(r,an^)) \ an,u I The second assertion has been proved in Proposition 1.4.6 earlier. The third asser- assertion G.14) follows immediately by G.15). □ The following two theorems seem to be rather technical at the first sight. However, these results are likely to be more important than expected today, at least in considering solutions of G.1), or G.8), with relatively few zeros. Theorem 7.8. Let a$, ... t an_2 be entire functions of finite order, an_\ be a polynomial, and assume that G.1) possesses a solution base f\, . . . , fn such that ^(fj)< +oo for j — 1, ... , n. Then the product E :=f\ • • -fn is of finite order of growth. Proof. By Proposition 1.4.8, the Wronskian determinant W := W(/\,... ,/„) has to be of finite order of growth, being a constant / 0, whenever an_\ vanishes identically. Dividing now W = by E =fi • • •/„ we obtain W /l /2 fi fn ( h ^-0 £-|>. ,<„-,> /l /2 ' ' ' fn By Lemma 7.6, we now have for each / = 1, ... , n, 1 i ■ 1 G.16) m "*■
7. Higher order linear differential equations 137 for some /3 > 0. By our hypothesis and by Lemma 1.2.5, where we have enlarged C, if necessary. Hence, and now Lemma 1.1.1 implies thatf{/ft must be of finite order of growth for i — 1, ... , n. From G.16) and Lemma 2.3.7, we see that W /E may be written as a polynomial in/j'/Zb • • • »/«//« ап(* of their derivatives. Hence, from I - J_ YL E ~ W "W we see by Remark to Corollary 2.3.5, and by elementary order considerations that \/E has to be of finite order of growth. □ Theorem 7.9. Let f, g be two linearly independent solutions of G.8), where a§ ф 0 is transcendental entire and a\, ... , aw_2 are entire functions of order < a(ao), resp. polynomials, if cr(ao) = 0. Then и =f /g is of infinite order. Proof Consider first the case of cr(ao) > 0, and suppose that и is of finite order. By addition of fM = ug{n) + m'g{n-l) + . . . + uWg, with multipliers a$, a\, ... , an_2, 0, 1, respectively, and dividing the resulted equation by nu' we see that g satisfies a differential equation of the form g{n-l)+Bn_2(z)g{n-2) + ---+B0(z)g=0, G.17)
138 7. Higher order linear differential equations where each Bj(z), j = 0, ... , n — 2, is a linear combination of 1, u"/u', ..., u(n'/uf, with coefficients which are rational multiples of a\, ... , an_\, an := 1. By Remark 1 to Theorem 2.3.3, т (г, — j = О (log T(r,g) -flog г), г ^£. G.18) To estimate log r(r,g), we apply the Wiman-Valiron method to G.17). Choosing fj, such that max(cr(ai),... ,cr(aw_2)) < \i < cr{ao), we observe that М{г,щ) < exp(r^) holds for i = 1, ... , n — 2, provided that r is large enough, and recalling Corollary 5.13 to make use of the fact that a(uf) = a(u) is of finite order, we may apply a similar reasoning as in Theorem 4.1, see also the proof of Theorem 7.3, to conclude that for some К > О i/(r,g)<£exp(r") G.19) outside of a possible exceptional set of finite logarithmic measure. By Lemma 1.1.2, we infer from G.19) that, given a > 1, i/(r,g)<exp(ra"), r>r0, G.20) holds for some r$. But now, fixing e > 0, making use of Proposition 2.2.2, and the estimates for the Wiman-Valiron quantities from Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 36-37, see again the inequalities D.12) and D.15), we conclude by G.20) that hence \ogT(r,g)<ra»+£. G.21) Now, taking r such /x < r < cr(ao), and selecting a and e to satisfy a/x -f e < r, we may combine G.18) and G.21) to conclude that G-22) Now, making use of Lemma 7.5 and G.21), we see that a similar estimate as G.22) holds for all m(r,g^')/g), j > 2. By Lemma 1.1.1, enlarging r slightly if needed,
7. Higher order linear differential equations 139 we get / n(j)\ m r,^- =0{rT), r>r0, i=l,...,n. G.23) From G.8), we now obtain j=i g and this results with G.23) and the fact that m(r,aj) = O(rr), j = 1, ... , n - 2, in m(r,a0) = O(rr), hence <r(ao) <r< a(ao), a contradiction. A similar, but easier reasoning applies, if cr(ao) = 0. □ The above two theorems have their origin in Bank and Langley [4]. Our proof for Theorem 7.9 is more in the spirit of the Nevanlinna theory. Now, these two theorems seem to be important devices to penetrate into the value distribution of higher order linear differential equations. However, up to now at least, some asymptotic methods have been unavoidable to obtain more specific conclusions. We refer to Bank and Langley [4], and Langley [9], recalling below three of their results. The proofs will be omitted. Theorem 7.10. (Bank and Langley [4], Theorem 2) Suppose that n > 3 and that a§, ... , aw_2 are entire functions such that (i) a§ is transcendental and o{ao) < 1/2, (ii) if a(a0) > 0, then a(aj) < a(a0) for j = 1, ... , n - 2, while ah ... , я„_2 are polynomials, whenever cr(ao) = 0. Then the differential equation G.8) cannot have two linearly independent solutions f\, /2 each with \(fj)<-\-oo. □ Theorem 7.11. (Bank and Langley [4], Theorem 3) Suppose that n > 3 and that ao, ... , aw_2 are entire functions such that cr(aj) < a(ao) < -foo for j = 1, ... , n — 2. Let f\, ... , fn be linearly independent solutions of G.8), each with X(fj) < сг{ао). Then cr(ao) is an integer and a(f\ ♦••/«) = cr{ao). □ Theorem 7.10 has been modified by Langley [9], who was able to dispense with the assumption that ao is the dominant coefficient: Theorem 7.12. (Langley [9], Theorem 2) Suppose that n > 3 and that ao, ... , aw_2 are entire functions of order < 1/2. Suppose further that one of these coefficients, say aj, is transcendental and dominant in the sense that for each i ф j, either aj is a polynomial or crfa) < a(aj). Then the differential equation G.8) cannot have linearly independent solutions f\, ... fn, each with X(fj) < -foo. □ Moreover, a stronger result follows if an_\ in G.1) is dominant, see Langley [9], Theorem 3. Hellerstein, Miles and Rossi [2], Theorem 1, improved Theo-
140 7. Higher order linear differential equations rem 7.12 to the following theorem which can be extended to cover some non- homogeneous situations as well: Theorem 7.13. Consider the differential equation G.1) with entire coefficients, and assume that one of the coefficients, say aj, is dominant in the sense that max{ a(a() | 0 < i < n - 1, i Ф j } < a(aj) < \. Then all solutions f of G.1) are of infinite order. To close this chapter, we point out that M. Gregus wrote a nice monograph about third order linear differential equations, mostly considering real domains. However, much of the material in GreguS [1] seems to be of interest from the function-theoretic point of view. The first step towards extending these results into the complex domain has been made recently by K. Ishizaki [9]. We try to give the reader some idea of this fascinating topics below. For more details, see the forthcoming paper by Ishizaki. The first two propositions below can be found in Gregus [1] while the remaining results are due to Ishizaki, see Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.2 in [9]. We now consider a special case of third order linear differential equations corresponding to G.8) with meromorphic coefficients, i.e. we assume that the co- coefficient a2{z) vanishes identically. Then, it is just a matter of normalization to write the equation in the form /'" + 2A(z)f' + {A'(z) + b(z))f = 0 G.24) with meromorphic coefficients A(z), b(z). An important role is then played by the adjoint equation to G.24), namely /'" + 2A(z)f + (A'(z) - b(z))f = 0. G.25) The importance of the adjoint equation is immediate by the next proposition. Proposition 7.14. Iff\,f2 are linearly independent meromorphic solutions of G.24), then g := W(f\,f2) satisfies G.25). Moreover, iff\,f2>fo ^ a meromorphic solu- solution base of G.24), then W(fxJiifo) *s a non-zero constant, and g\ := Wfoifo), £2 := W(/3,/i), £з := W(fi,f2)form a meromorphic solution base of G.25). Proof This is, in principle, nothing else than an elementary computation, see GreguS [1], p. 2-3. For the convenience of the reader, we sketch the proof. So, we know by assumption that f //" + 2A(z)f{ + (A'{z) + b{z))h = 0, I fi" + 2A{z)fi + (A'(z) + b{z))f2 =0.
7. Higher order linear differential equations 141 Eliminating/i,/2 from G.26) we obtain /1/2" -//"/2 + Щг)Шг -flfi) = 0, /l /2 fin h +: M( z)g Differentiating g = W(f\,f2) twice we get g" = /i /2 + ff\ and so g" + 2A(z)g = fi /1" Differentiating G.27) once more we obtain g'" + 2A(z)g' + 2A'| [z)t ? = = 0. /2 /2" /2 /2" /l /Г fi fi" Eliminating next/p/2 from G.26), we find that (A'(z)+b{z))g = f[ fi rill rill h h G.27) G.28) G.29) Now, G.28) and G.29) imply the first assertion. The second assertion results immediately from Proposition 1.4.8. For the last assertion, it remains to observe that g\, g2, #з are linearly independent. □ Proposition 7.15. Let f\, /2 be linearly independent meromorphic solutions of G.24), and define f := C]f\ -\-c2f2 for some c\, ci G C, and g := W(f\,f2)- Then f" f 2' 2 Proof See GreguS [1], Theorem 1.6, observing that g satisfies G.25) by Proposi- Proposition 7.14. □ Theorem 7.16. Let f\, /2, /3 be a meromorphic solution base of G.24), and let g\ := W(f2j3), gi := W(f3Ji), g3 := W(f\J2) be a meromorphic solution base of G.25). If now a(fi) > a(f2), then cr(f\) = G.30)
142 7. Higher order linear differential equations Proof Clearly, (f\/f2)' = W(f2J\)f^2 = ~g?f^2- Since differentiation does not change the order of growth, see Remark to Corollary 2.3.5, we get By elementary order properties, see Nevanlinna [2], p. 217-222, a(f\) > a(f2) implies that cr(f\/f2) = <r{f\). Therefore, G.31) and a(g3) < a(f2) result in a(f}) < max(a{g3),a(f2)) = a(f2), a contradiction. Hence, a(g3) > cr(f2), and so a(f\) = тах(сг(£з),сг(/2)) = cr{g3)- Moreover, by the obvious duality between G.24) and G.25), we see that Now a(f\) = cr(g3) > a(f2), and so cr(f2/g3) = сг(#з). Similarly as to above, we obtain cr{g\) = сг(#з). Moreover, cr(f?>/f2) = &{gi/f2) and this implies cr{g\) = сг(/*з). Finally, If now a(g2) > cr(g3), then by G.32), a(g2) < ma.x(<j(fi),cr(g3)) = a(g3), a contradiction. Hence, cr(g2) < cr{g3), and we have got G.30). П Corollary 7.17. Letf\yf2if3 be a meromorphic solution base of G.24). If a{f\) > v{fl)> then for anon-trivial solution f of G.24), a(f) = a(f2) if and only iff = /3f2 for some /3^0. For all other non-trivial solutions of G.24), a(f) = <j(f\). □ Theorem 7.18. Let A(z) be a transcendental meromorphic function with finitely many poles, and letf\, f2 be linearly independent meromorphic solutions of G.24). Then max(a(fi),a(f2)) = 00. Proof Define g3 := W(fxJ2). By Proposition 7.15, ГМ) < . (r.f) + „ (,,£) + я (г, Й) + . (,, f) + O( ,og ,).
7. Higher order linear differential equations 143 Suppose now that max(cr(/i),cr(/2)) < oo. Then also cr(g^) < max(cr(/i),cr(/2)) < oo, and we see by Theorem 2.3.3 and Corollary 2.3.4 that T(r,A) = O(logr), hence A is rational, a contradiction. □
Chapter 8 Non-homogeneous linear differential equations Non-homogeneous linear differential equations present an area of complex dif- differential equations which is still surprisingly defectively investigated. According to our main theme, we are mostly looking at growth estimates and at the zero distribution of solutions of (8.1) where we assume, for simplicity, that all coefficients a$ ф 0, a\,... , an_\, F Ф 0 are entire functions. As always in looking at non-homogeneous linear differential equation (8.1), the corresponding homogeneous equation G.1), plays a certain role in the reasoning. Moreover, non-homogeneous linear differential equations always reduce back to homogeneous ones if needed. We give below two methods to make such a transformation. We believe, in fact, that such ideas could be more useful than has been realized earlier. As a basic observation, the well-known fact that all solutions of (8.1) are entire functions goes back into the corresponding result for homogeneous equations. In fact, we give the following Proposition 8.1. Suppose all coefficients of (8.1) are entire functions. Then all solutions of (8.1) are entire functions. Proof. We may assume that a$ ф 0 and F Ф 0. Recall that all solutions of G.1) are entire functions, see Chapter 4. So, let/i, ... ,fn be a solution base of G.1). Recall next Proposition 1.4.8 to infer that the Wronskian of f\, ... , fn satis- satisfies W(f\y... Jn) — е~ф, where Ф{г) is a primitive function of an-\(z), hence
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 145 W(/\, • • • Jn) has no zeros. Therefore, the system of equations (8.2) n-l) defines uniquely entire functions Afv ... , A'n. In fact, by the classical Cramer rule, we obtain where each Gj(f\,... ,/„) is a differential polynomial of f\, ... , fn and of their derivatives, with constant coefficients. Take now some primitives A\, ... , An of A\, ... , A'n, and define/o := Aj/i H Ь Anfn. It follows by (8.2) that + А^ (8.4) Multiplying the equations of (8.4) with uq, ... , an_\, 1, respectively, and adding all these equations, we get/0(w) +an_i(z)f^n~l) +• • - + яо(г)/о = F(z), hence/0 is an entire solution of (8.1). By the elementary theory of linear differential equations, all solutions of (8.1) can be represented in the form/ = fo + Cj/l H + Cnfn for Сi, ... , Cn G C, and the assertion follows. □ Corollary 8.2. If uq ф 0, a\, ... , an_\ are polynomials, and F ф 0 is an entire function of finite order, then all solutions of (8.1) are of finite order. Proof By Theorem 4.1, the solution base /j, ...,/„ of the corresponding ho- homogeneous equation G.1) consists of entire functions of finite order. Moreover, the Wronskian W(f\,... ,/w) = e~^ is of finite order, since Ф is a polynomial as a primitive function of an_\. Hence, by (8.3), the entire functions A\, ... , An needed to form/o are of finite order. □ Remark. Let a be the minimum among the orders of growth of the solutions of G.1). Then, it is completely elementary that (8.1) may have at most one solu- solution /o of order cr(/o) < a. Of course, such an exceptional solution may appear. For example, all non-trivial solutions of/" +A(z)f = 0, A(z) transcendental entire,
146 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations are of infinite order, see Proposition 5.5. But/o(z) = ez is a solution of finite order of f" + ezf = ez + e2z, while /0(z) = ez\ of order a(f0) = 2, solves f"+{e-z2 -4z2-2)f = l. We first give a growth estimate for solutions of (8.1), assuming that the coef- coefficients ao, ... , aw_i, are polynomials. Theorem 8.3. Let ao ф 0, a\, ... , aw_i, he polynomials in (8.1), and assume that F ф 0 am/ cr(F) < 1 + тах^=о,...,л-1 ((^eg«j)/(n — j)). Especially, F may be a polynomial. Then all solutions of (8.1) a/so satisfy deg a.,- cr(/) < 1 -f max —2-±. (8.5) j=0,...,n-\ n — j Moreover, if F is a polynomial, then all transcendental solutions of (8.1) satisfy Proof To prove the growth estimate, recall that all solutions of the corresponding homogeneous differential equation G.1) satisfy the required estimate (8.5), see Proposition 7.1. Therefore, it suffices to prove that cr(fo) < 1 + max -^Щ- =: 7, j=0,...,w-l n - j where/o '-= A\f\-\ h Anfn is formed by (8.3) as in the proof of Proposition 8.1. The assertion follows immediately from (8.3), if we just know that <т{еф) < j. But clearly, deg#= 1 -fdegaw_! < 7, and we have got the assertion (8.5). To prove the second part of the assertion, write (8.1) in the form f(n) f{n-l) By Corollary 2.3.4, we conclude immediately that m (r,l) <m(r±) +m (r, f ) = O(logr), since all transcendental solutions of (8.1) are of finite order by the first part of the proof. Therefore, X(f) = cr(f). Moreover, we see from (8.1) at once that for any transcendental solution/, there exist at most finitely many zeros of/
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 147 of multiplicity > n -f 1, and so \(f) = \{f). In fact, we have then N(r,f) < nN(r,f) -f O(logr), and the equality follows by Lemma 1.2.5. □ For a more advanced treatment of (8.1) in the case of polynomial coefficients ao, ... , an_\, F, we refer to Bank [39] where a detailed analysis concerning the zero distribution of solutions of (8.1) has been done. Unfortunately, from our present point of view, the proofs in Bank [39] make strong use of asymptotic methods, most notably of the Strodt theory. Therefore, we don't go into details here. For the convenience of the reader, we shortly mention the main result due to Bank. Observe the essential meaning of the following theorem: In contrast to the homogeneous case, see Bank [41] and Theorem 7.4 above, a mixture of the finite oscillation property and the global oscillation property may appear in the non-homogeneous case. For a concrete example of this type, see Bank [39], p. 266-267. Theorem 8.4. (Bank [39], Theorem 1.1) Given a non-homogeneous linear differ- differential equation (8.1) with polynomial coefficients a$ ф 0, a\y ... , an_\, F ф 0, there exist a nonnegative integer t and some real numbers sq, ... , st+i satisfying —7Г = sq < s\ < • • • < st+\ = 7Г, such that for each k G {0,1,...,/} either (a) for any 0 €(.fyjty+i) and any s > 0, there is a solution f of (8.1) which has infinitely many zeros in the sector | argz — 9\ < e, or (b) for any s > 0, any solution f of (8.1) may have at most finitely many zeros in the closed sector s^ + e < arg z < ty+i — s. □ We next proceed to consider non-homogeneous linear differential equations (8.1) such that the coefficients a$, ... , an_\ are polynomials while F is transcen- transcendental. We consider first in some detail the equations of type (8.6) where ao ф 0, a\, ... , an_\, Po, P\ ф 0 are polynomials. We may assume that Po is non-constant. The equation (8.6) has been studied to some extent recently, see Gao [4], [6], Gao and Chen [1], and Laine [7]. Our presentation below essentially follows Gao [6]. Lemma 8.5. If the differential equation (8.6) has a solution such that a(f) > C := dzgP0, /3>1, then max j=0,...,n-i n-j
148 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations Proof. Denote, for convenience, ay := degay for j = 0, ... , n — 1, and assume, contrary to the assertion, that C > 7. Differentiating (8.6) we get hence /(n+1) + M*)/(n) + --- + bo(z)f = O, (8.7) where pi b0 := af0 - a0^- - aoP'o bj := a'j + ^_i - a^ - fl^, j = 1, ... , n - 1, (8.8) bn'=an_x--±-P'Q. Let /3j denote the degree of bj at infinity, j = 0, ... , n. Now, observing that P[/P\ behaves like z~l as r —> 00, and that ay <(n — j)G — 1), an elementary inspection of the degrees on the right-hand side of (8.8) implies that if we just remind that 7 < C. Now, we may apply Proposition 7.2 to (8.7), and this implies a(f) < 1 -f max Ц : < {3, a contradiction. П Remark. An alternative proof is as follows. Assume again /3 > 7. Let /q be a solution of (8.6), as constructed in the proof of Proposition 8.1, and let/j, ... ,fn be a solution base of G.1). Then f = f0 + C\f\ H -f Cnfn for some Cj G C, j = 1, ... , n. Since (j(C\f\ + • • • + Cnfn) < 7 by Proposition 7.1, we have a(f0) > p. Looking at (8.3) with F = P\ep°, we have a(F) = /?, <t(Gj) <1<P and а(еф) = deg# = 1 + degaw_! < 7 < p. Hence сг(Лр <ftj = l,...,n, and therefore cr(/o) = cr^j/j H +Anfn) < P, a contradiction. A second auxiliary result before we are able to discuss (8.6) is the following elementary
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 149 Lemma 8.6. Let Q andh be entire functions and define f := Qeh. Thenf^ may be represented, for each p G N, in the form \ (8.9) \ \ 1 I "I I where Hj_\(hf) stands for a dijferential polynomial of total degree < j — 1 in h' and its derivatives, with constant coefficients. Proof. This is an easy exercise by induction on p. □ Theorem 8.7. Suppose C:=dtgP0 > 1+ max -^?- =: 7 (8.10) holds in the equation (8.6). Then all solutions f of (8.6) are of order a(f) = j3, and (8.6) has at most one solution f which doesn't satisfy \(f) = J(f) = a(f) = p. (8.11) If dtgP\ < n(/3 — 1), no such exceptional solution exists. If degP\ > n(/3 — I), such an exceptional solution /0 may exist, being of the form /0 = Qoep° where Qq is a polynomial of degree deg Qq = —n(/3— 1) + degPj. Proof. By (8.6), we see that a(f) > degP0- By Lemma 8.5, a(f) > degP0 would immediately contradict our assumption (8.10). Hence, a(f) = degPo must hold for all solutions of (8.6), provided (8.10) is true. Writing now / = Qep°, we may apply Lemma 8.6 to obtain a differential equation for Q. A lengthy computation, using (8.9), results in (8.12) where the polynomial coefficients bQ, ... , bn-\ may be expressed in the form bn-\ = an-\ +nPQ for j = 2, ... , n. Here we have denoted an := 1.
150 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations If B is transcendental, then we conclude from (8.12) by Theorem 8.3 that = X(Q)=J(Q)=X{f)=X(f). Hence, to prove (8.11) for all transcendental solutions Q of (8.12), it suffices to prove that cr(Q) = /3. The assumption (8.10) immediately tells that an4 := dtgan4 < j{{3 - 1), j = 1, ... , n. It is then elementary to deduce from (8.13) and (8.14) that 0n4 := dtgbn4 = j{C - 1), j = 1, ... , n. (8.14) (8.15) In fact, the term ^~^Х){Р$ in (8.13) is of degree j(/3 - 1) while all other terms are of strictly lower degree, due to (8.14). Assume now, for a while, that a transcendental solution Q of (8.12) is of order cr(Q) < {3. By Theorem 3.1, for any a such that cr(Q) < a < /3, and for all r sufficiently large, we have i/(r) := v(r,Q) < r°. To apply the standard Wiman-Valiron reasoning, we write (8.12) in the form {*-i) ^ (8.16) Estimating the terms of (8.16), we may consider for each \z\ = r admissible by Theorem 3.2 such points where \Q{z)\ = M(r,Q). Let Cj denote the leading coefficient of bj. Then it is clear that \bo(z)\ > j\co\rnW~l>> by Lemma 1.3.1, while the transcendentality of Q immediately implies that \P\(z)/Q(z)\ = о (I) as r —> oo. Using now Theorem 3.2 together with (8.15), we see that Q{n\z) Q(z) and, for j = 1, bn-j(z) .. , n - 1, Therefore it is clear that |^o(^)l alone dominates the modulus of the sum of all other terms in (8.16), which makes a contradiction. Hence, we must have cr(Q) > /3. Since a(f) = f3, this results in a(Q) = /3.
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 151 If degPj < n(/3 — 1), a simple term degree comparison in (8.12) implies that (8.12) doesn't admit polynomial solutions. On the other hand, if degPi > n(/3— 1), the existence of a polynomial solution Q for (8.12) cannot be eliminated. If such a polynomial solution Qq exists, it is clear by term degree comparison that deg Qq = —n(/3 — 1) -f deg Pi. Finally, if Q\, 02 are two such polynomial solutions, then their difference Q\ — Q2 solves the homogeneous differential equation G(w) + *л-1 Ш{п~1) + • • • + ЪоШ = 0. (8.17) Recalling (8.15), and comparing term degrees in (8.17), we get a contradiction. Hence, (8.12) admits at most one polynomial solution in the case deg Pi > n{/3-\). n Example. An exceptional solution in the case deg Pi = n(f3 — 1) may in fact appear. A simple example is f(z) = exp(z3) which solves the differential equation /" +/43z2 + 6z)f = 9z4exp(z3). Theorem 8.8. Suppose deg aj /?:=degP0 < 1+ max —^ =: 7 i0,n-l n-j holds in (8.6). Then all solutions of (8.6) satisfy P<(j(f)< 7- (8.18) Moreover, if a(f) > /3, then X(f) = J(f) = a(f). Proof Again we see by (8.6) that a(f) > /3. If now a(f) > /3, then Lemma 8.5 implies that 7 > f3. We may again differentiate (8.6) exactly as in the proof of Lemma 8.5, and we get (8.7) with the coefficients (8.8). We have the same degree estimate for bj at infinity as in the proof of Lemma 8.5. Since /3 < 7, we obtain fcj <(л - j + 1)G - 1), 3 = 0, • • • , n. (8.19) By Proposition 7.2 we get, making use of (8.19), that (f)+. У and we have proved (8.18).
152 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations To prove the last assertion, suppose that a(f) > /3, and write again/ = Qep°. Then a(f) = a(Q) > C = a(ep<>), and so X(f) = X(f) = X(Q) = X(Q) = a(Q)=a(f). n Remark 1. Concerning the existence of exceptional solutions with a deficient number of zeros, see Laine [7], Theorem 3.1, for a special case of Theorem 8.8. Specific examples may be given by/(z) = zez solving/to +z2f =(z3 +z +n)ez for each n > 2. Remark 2. The above considerations may be extended to cover some non-homoge- non-homogeneous linear differential equations of type (8.6) with rational coefficients a0, ... , aw_i, P\, or even of type (8.1) with rational coefficients a$, ... , an_\, and a meromorphic coefficient F of sufficiently small order. Of course, the considerations must be restricted to deal with meromorphic solutions only. Concerning more details, see Gao and Chen [1]. The above two theorems contained, in some cases, the possibility that a solution of a given equation of type (8.6) has a relatively small amount of zeros. This type of situation, in the case of finitely many zeros, has been analyzed earlier, indirectly, by G. Frank and S. Hellerstein [1]. In fact, recalling the well-known transformation g =№~Ф, where Ф is a primitive function of ^aw_b they assume that (8.1) has been reduced into the special form /to + an_2(z)f{n-2) + • • • + ao(z)f = F(z). (8.20) To obtain Theorem 8.12 below, see Frank and Hellerstein [1], Theorem 1, we need some auxiliary results, also due to Frank and Hellerstein. The importance of these lemmas should not be underestimated; we believe that their power in investigating non-homogeneous linear differential equations is still incompletely explored. Lemma 8.9. Letf\,... ,fnbea solution base of the homogeneous linear differential equation, corresponding to (8.20), /(w) + <>n-2{z)f{n~2) + •••+ ao{z)f = 0, a0 ф 0, (8.21) with polynomial coefficients, n > 2. We may assume that the Wronskian W (/ь •" Jn) = 1. Let H be a meromorphic function such thatf\H —f[, ..., fnH — /„' is a solution base of a differential equation /=0, (8.22)
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 153 see Proposition 1.4.6. Denote An := 1, and define (8.23) /or any meromorphic function w. Obviously, Lno(w) = Ln(w). Denote further Л_1 := 0, a_i := 0, and recall that an_\ = 0. Then Ln,v(H)-avH =AV_X -Mn-rD + ^-l) (8.24) for v = 0, ... , n — 1, An-2 ~ On-2 J~An-l ~ ~^n~An) ^ ~ "-^-K-lK-X +An-3 + П-^-а'п_1 - an_3 - ?-Z-A'n_2. (8.25) Proof. Since Ln is a linear differential operator, it is immediate from (8.22) that Ln(fiH)=Ln(f!), 1 = 1,...,*. (8.26) We may apply the Leibniz formula to evaluate the derivatives of the product/;H on the left-hand side of (8.26). Making use of (8.23), while collecting the terms according to the increasing derivatives of//, we obtain /x=0 ) = ±fU ± u=0 V=v and so ^# i = 1. • • • . n. (8.27) These equations may be considered as a linear system of equations to determine 1я,1/(Я) for i/ = 0,... , n -1. Since W(/\,... ,fn) = 1, we may apply the Cramer
154 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations rule to solve (8.27) for Ln^{H). Denoting by WJ'(/j,... ,fn) the determinant ob- obtained from the Wronskian W(f\,■ ■ -Jn) by replacing the row щ ,.. ■ ,/л ) by (/l , ■ • • Jn: ). we may write the solution !„,„(#) of (8.27) in the following form: /l /л /г f( = -я /l /n w f(n-\) /l ••■ fn fi /l (v-1) •• fn ■ ■• /i ... fi ... /i (v-1) n-l) /i=0 The determinants WJ'(/i,... ,/Л) can be easily computed. In fact, W^ = W(/i,...,/n) = 1 trivially. Proposition 1.4.7 implies Wn(ft,...,/Л) = while .. ,/„) = 1, ... , n, results by an easy computation in Wn+l(f\,...,/«) = -(a^ + аи)- Finally, i,... ,/„) =0 for other values of j. Hence, we obtain at once that , =auH v ) and so we have proved (8.24). To obtain (8.25), we just compute M(H) :=Ln^2(H)-an_2H - rLzl±Ln^ ^
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 155 twice, making first use of (8.23) and then of (8.24). Applying first the defini- definition (8.23) of Ln,t,(H), we get M(H) = An_2H+(n - l)An_xHf + n{jl~ l)AnH" - an_2H - ^-U.-iO^-itf +nAnHf) - izl^An-xH+nAnH') In 2 az if we just remind that An — 1. On the other hand, we apply (8.24). Recalling an_\ = 0, we obtain 1 M(H) = А„_з - an_2An_i-(a'n_2 + ап_ъ) —An_x{An_2 - an_2) n-\ d {А) = Ап_ъ - an_2An_i - a'n_2 - ап_ъ —An_xAn_2 n — 1 n — \ i n — \ i "• 2n~^n-\an-2 2 «-2 ~\ 2 an-2' Collecting terms, these two expressions for M(H) result in (8.25). □ Concerning the subsequent part of this chapter, we remind the reader, see Remark 1 to Theorem 2.3.3, that the possible exceptional set E is of finite linear measure. The set E may vary from one instance to another. Lemma 8.10. Letf be a solution of (8.20) with polynomial coefficients a$ Ф 0, a\, ... , an_2, n > 2, such that F ф 0 is entire. Letf\, ... ,fn be a solution base of the corresponding homogeneous equation (8.21), assuming that W(f\,...,fn) = 1. Define ft h3 :=fjT~fji j = 1, ... ,n, and let Aq, ... , An_\ be the meromorphic functions defined by Proposition 1.4.6 so that h\, ... , hn becomes a solution base of Then ((/-\+]о%Л, r$E, (8.28)
156 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations and N(r,Aj) <(n-j) (V (r, i) +N (V, i)) , (8.29) for j = 0, ... , n — 1. Moreover, (8.25) /w/ds w/f/i Я replaced byf'/f. Proof. We have to prove first that h\, ... , hn are linearly independent. But their linear dependence would easily imply, by the definition of h\, ... , hn, that/ would be a linear combination of/i, ... ,/«. Hence,/ could not solve (8.20) due to F Ф 0, a contradiction. Therefore, we deduce that W(h\,... ,hn) ф 0, and the assertions of the lemma become meaningful. The last assertion follows immediately by Lemma 8.9. By Proposition 7.1, /j, ... , fn are of finite order of growth. Therefore, for some C > 0, m(r,ft,-) < m ^r,^ + mirjj) + m(r,//) + Iog2 = m (г/Л + O(A and, clearly, both for j = 1, ... , n. Hence, we have T(r,hj) < T (r/j\+O(rP), j = 1, ... , n. (8.30) By Lemma 7.7A), we get for j = 1, ... , n, ))У г g £. (8.31) Combining (8.30) and (8.31), we obtain (8.28). By Lemma 7.7C), we know that the pole multiplicity of Av{z) is bounded by n — v. By Lemma 7.7B), all poles of Av{z) must be among the poles of/7/ and the zeros of W := W(h\,..., hn). Therefore, hence N(r,Av) <{n - v) (n (r, j\ +N(r, ±X\ . (8.32)
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 157 To compute N(r, ^), we use A.4.10) and Proposition 1.4.3 to obtain ?_0 = fW (f/y ~f{,-..,fny-ff) =JW(hb...,hn), and so F=fW{hh...,hn)=fW. (8.33) Since/ is entire, Combining now (8.32) and (8.34), we conclude that (8.29) holds. □ Lemma 8.11. Letf be a solution of (8.20) with polynomial coefficients a$ ф 0, a\, ... , an_2f n ^ 2, such thatF ^0 is entire. Then either m (r>y) <2N(r,j\+2N(r,^+o(logT(r/-Pj+\ogr), r $ E, (8.35) orf and F both have no zeros and F fn + lf n-lF'\n 7 {ьГ7 ^ГТ) • (836) Proof. Let A := А„_2 - а„_2 - be the coefficient of/У/ from (8.25), see Lemma 8.10. By the proof of Lemma 8.10, all poles of A(z) must be among the zeros of/ and F, see (8.29), and their
158 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations multiplicity is < 2. Therefore, Suppose now that A does not vanish identically. By (8.28) and (8.37) we conclude that m(ryA) = О flog Г (г/Л +log/) , r $ E. Observe that A'n_^ brings no difficulties while computing m(r,A). In fact, since Wn_x{hx,...,hn) T(r,An_i)=T(r, for some C > 0 by Proposition 1.4.6 and by (8.30). Hence Rewriting (8.25) here, we have J- - n + l л - n~l r ^ ^n—2.**n — 1 л **n—2,**n- j 2n 2n n — 3 , n — 1 . 2 n-2- W(hu...,hn) . (8.38)
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 159 Similarly as to compute m(r,A) above, we get (r,Afy) = О (log Г (r/j\+\ogr\ , r £ E. (8.39) m (r By (8.38) and (8.39), we now conclude that f'\ ( f'\ ( 1 ,7- I < m I r,A — ) +*и I r,- < 2N (r,j\ + 2N (r, j)+O (logГ (r/j\ + \ogr\ , r ^ £, and so we have proved (8.35), provided А ф 0. From now on, we assume that A vanishes identically. By (8.37), we now have By (8.24), since %_i = 0, (f_\_A _a -IzIa' n ~ lA2 Making use of the definition (8.23), we obtain n lf 2 я_1+ 2n n-V This elementary differential equation can be easily integrated locally. By the el- elementary uniqueness theorem of meromorphic functions, we find a meromorphic function G such that j = ^-An_i+G, (8.40) where j*- = — n~^An-\. Supposing first G = 0, (8.28) and (8.40) immediately result in /я г,т =
160 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations Hence, we may now assume that G ф 0. By Proposition 1.4.8, and (8.33), we see that On the other hand, since n^- = ^-,we have Gn = CW for some С ф 0. By (8.40) we obtain F (fin) f(n-2) To continue, we may write (8.41) in the form and assume that С ^ 1. We may now expand the right-hand side of (8.42) by the binomial formula. Next, using (8.41) and Lemma 7.5, we may represent the left- hand side of (8.42) as a polynomial in/У/, the coefficients being small functions in the sense of (8.28) and G.10). Rearranging terms, we obtain from (8.42), V / j=0 \J / where т(г,с,) = О (log Г (r,"M + logrj , r £ £, for j = 0, ... , n - 1. But now, (8.43) implies that / f'\ ( f'\ ( ( f'\ \ nm I r/— J <{n- \)m ( r,— 1 +0 ( log Г I r, — j + logrj , r (£ E, see the proof of Lemma 7.6. Therefore, m [r/j\ = О (log Г (г/Л + log Л, г £ E. It remains to prove that/ and F have no zeros in the case of С = 1. By (8.36), which follows from (8.41) at once, each zero zq of / is a pole of multiplicity n
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 161 of F/f. In fact, if F/f has no pole at zo, the pole of n + 1/' n-\F' f + I F In f + In F at zo must cancel, hence F must also have a zero at zo, say of multiplicity /3, while / has a zero of multiplicity a at z0- If F/f has no pole at zo,we must have /3 > a. On the other hand, from the right-hand side of (8.36) the condition for cancelling a pole at the zeros of/ and F reads as n + 1 л - 1 Л Л ——a+ ——/3 = 0 2n 2n which results in n =(/3 — a)/(/3 + a) < 1, and this is not possible. Therefore, each zero of/ is at least of multiplicity n. If F has a zero of multiplicity /3 at zo, a similar reasoning shows that / too must have a zero at zq, say of multiplicity a, and a = n + /3. To finish the proof, let/ have now a zero of multiplicity a > n at zo- Then F must have a zero of multiplicity /3 = a — n at zo- By the right-hand side of (8.41), we may compute the Laurent expansion around zo getting where g\{z) is holomorphic in a neighbourhood of zo- But we may also apply (8.36) to obtain the same Laurent expansion, resulting in /Г (in A- WoiA-in — l^fo! — n\\ 1 Po G \ —-(z) = I -I t г—h 7 ч i , (8.45) / V 2n / U - ^o)w U - zo)" where ^2(^) is again holomorphic in some neighbourhood of zo- Since the expan- expansions (8.44) and (8.45) must agree, we have ((л + 1)а+(л - 1)(а - n)f ={2n)na{a - 1) • • -(а - л + 1). We may write this in the form 9 =:-^(а-/:)^(а(а-1)---(а-п + 1)I/п. But this is a contradiction with the standard inequality between the arithmetic and geometric mean. D
162 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations Theorem 8.12. Letf — Pe8, where P is a polynomial and g is entire, be a solution of a non-homogeneous linear differential equation fW + an-2{z)f[n-Z) + • • • + ao{z)f = Q{z)e^z>, (8.46) where a$ ф 0, a\, ... , aw_2> л ^ 2, Q 7^ 0 are polynomials and h is an entire function. Then we have that either A) h, g are polynomials and h — g is a constant, or B) P, Q are constants, and there exists a polynomial S such that h — g = nS and that g(z) where uj is an nth root of unity, u/1 = 1. (8.47) Proof By assumption, / and F == Qeh both have finitely many zeros. We may now apply Lemma 8.11. In the first possibility (8.35), we must have Г(г,4) = O(log r), hence/'// is a rational function. But then, we see from/7/ = P'/P +gf that g must be a polynomial, and so/ is of finite order of growth. Hence, h has to be a polynomial. Substituting/ = Pe8 into (8.46), we immediately conclude that eh~8 is rational, hence a polynomial, and therefore h - g must be a constant. We may now restrict ourselves to consider the other possibility (8.36) permitted by Lemma 8.11. Hence,/ and F have no zeros and we may assume that P = Q = 1. In this case, (8.36) takes the form f - -,«..*■ „.. ■- , • (8-48) Define now an entire function S by setting nS := h — g. If S reduces to a constant, then h' — g1. From (8.48) it follows that hf and gf are constants, hence h and g must be (linear) polynomials. Therefore, we may assume that S is not a constant. Then (8.48) implies, for some пш root uo of unity, that (8.47) holds. Suppose now, contrary to the assertion, that S is transcendental. From (8.46) we get enS = eh-g = e-g(f(n) + a^rfin-2) + ... An) f(n-2) = J—+ an^—j- + • • • + oq. (8.49)
8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations 163 Using Lemma 2.3.7, we obtain by (8.49) that nS m n{n - 1) tn-2 „ n(n-l)(n-2) ,п-ъ ,„ ), (8-50) where Pn-${gf) is a differential polynomial in gf of total degree < n - 3. Substi- Substituting now (8.47) into (8.50), we find after a lengthy computation 72-2 Y^Qj(S')ejS =0, (8.51) i=o where Qj{Sf) is a differential polynomial in Sf, with polynomial coefficients. More- Moreover, я(я1)(я + 1) /|(я1)(у| + 1)р// , ^ Сл-2E ) 24512 If Qn_2{Sf) does not vanish identically, then a standard application of the Valiron- Mohon'ko theorem to (8.51) results in T{r,eS) = O(T(r,S')) = О(Г(г,5)), г £ E, contradicting Clunie [2], Theorem 2(i). Hence, we must have Qn_2{Sf) — 0. But then, by (8.52), the entire function Sf satisfies a Riccati differential equation c /2 o c // 24 n(n - !)(„ with polynomial coefficients. By Lemma 2.4.2, whenever S is transcendental. This is a contradiction, and so S must be a polyno- polynomial. □ Remark. The complete versions in Frank and Hellerstein [1] for the above results are slightly more general, see their original article. As mentioned above, the global theory of non-homogeneous linear differential equations in the complex plane has not been adequately investigated, and the article by Frank and Hellerstein [1] is clearly the main reference in this area. Concerning
164 8. Non-homogeneous linear differential equations (8.1) with polynomial coefficients a$, ... an_\, and with F transcendental entire being more general than in (8.6) and (8.46), only a few results exist in the literature. We give here one example only of these results, see Gao [4]. Theorem 8.13. Let F ф 0 be a transcendental entire function of finite order of growth o-(F) in (8.1) with polynomial coefficients a$ ф 0, a\, ... y an_\. Then every solution f of (8.1) satisfies \(f) > X(F). Proof By Corollary 8.2,/ must be of finite order a(f). Substituting the Hadamard representations/ = Hep, F — Ge@, where P and Q are polynomials, into (8.1), we see that H must solve a non-homogeneous linear differential equation Я W + *я_1(г)я(л-1) + • • • + bo(z)H = G{z)e<lM-pM (8.53) with polynomial coefficients bo,... ,bn-\. Since G has the same zeros as Ge®~p, we may apply Proposition 2.1.13 and standard order considerations into (8.53) to conclude that A(F) - A(G) = \{GeQ'p) < a(Ge^~p) < a{H) = \{H) = X(f). □ To close this chapter, we remark about two forth-coming articles dealing with non-homogeneous linear differential equations. Both of these articles, due to G. Gundersen and E. Steinbart [1] and to S. Hellerstein, J. Miles and J. Rossi [2], extract out situations where all solutions, or at least all transcendental solutions, of (8.1) with entire coefficients, under certain growth conditions for the coefficients, are of infinite order.
Chapter 9 Basic non-linear differential equations Looking at an algebraic differential equation ^(г,/,/;,...,/(л))=0, (9.1) where P (z, щ,..., un) is a polynomial in the n + 2 variables z, wo* ... , w«, it is usually not easy to decide, whether (9.1) possesses global meromorphic solutions. Since Nevanlinna theory, in the first line, is a theory of meromorphic functions, we restrict our considerations to meromorphic solutions of (9.1) only in the subsequent chapters. In some special cases, one can prove that all solutions of a given non- nonlinear differential equation are meromorphic. The basic such cases, the Riccati differential equation and the Painleve differential equations, will be treated in the first two sections below. Our third basic non-linear case, the Schwarzian differential equation which is closely connected with Chapter 6, will be treated in the last section of this chapter. 9Л The Riccati differential equation To prove that all solutions of the Riccati differential equation /' = ao(z) + ax{z)f + a2(z)f2, a2(z) ф 0, (9.1.1) with entire coefficients are meromorphic, we need two preparatory results: Proposition 9.1.1. If the Riccati differential equation (9.1.1) with coefficients a$, a\y a2 meromorphic in a simply connected domain G С С possesses three solutions f\yflyh meromorphic in G, then (9.1.1) possesses a one-parameter family (fc)ceC of meromorphic solutions in G with the property that any solution f ^f\ of (9.1.1) meromorphic in G satisfies f =fc for some CgC. Proof We first observe that the elementary transformation f-J—u ai{z) a'2{l) (9 12)
166 9. Basic non-linear differential equations transforms (9.1.1) into the special case u' =A(z) + u2 (9.1.3) with 2 аха' 1 a" Since (9.1.2) clearly defines a one-to-one correspondence between the solutions of (9.1.1) and (9.1.3), we may restrict ourselves to consider (9.1.3) only. Thus, let mj, «2, из be three meromorphic solutions of (9.1.3) in G, and denote wx :=(щ - u2)~\ w2 :=( ~ «з); both of these functions satisfy the linear differential equation w' + 2uxw = l (9.1.4) in G. Denote further v0 :— w\-W2^ 0. Then of course Vq + 2mjVo = 0. Consider now the family of distinct meromorphic functions in G, we = wi + CVo, С GC. Obviously, we satisfies (9.1.4), hence wq Ф 0 and so is meromorphic in G for every С € С. Trivially, uq satisfies (9.1.3) for every С €C. On the other hand, let и Ф u\ be any meromorphic solution of (9.1.3) in G. Then w :=(u\ — u) satisfies (9.1.4) and V=-
9.1 The Riccati differential equation 167 Therefore, w w\ Vq Vq for some С € C, and so w = w>i resulting in и = uq . П The following localization principle appears to be useful in proving that the solutions of (9.1.1) are meromorphic. Proposition 9.1.2. Let G С С be a simply connected domain and F С G be a sim- simply connected subdomain. Suppose that the Riccati differential equation (9.1.1) with coefficients meromorphic in G admits a one-parameter family Q '-—{u\)U(uc)ce€ of meromorphic solutions in G. Then Q\F is the family of meromorphic solutions of (9.1.1) in F. Proof. Trivial, by using the preceding proposition. □ Theorem 9.1.3. Suppose that the Riccati differential equation (9.1.1) has entire coefficients. Then all local solutions of (9.1.1) admit meromorphic continuations into the whole complex plane. Remark. Clearly, the meromorphic continuations of local solutions also satisfy (9.1.1) by the standard uniqueness theorem of meromorphic functions. Proof. Let c\, c2, сз be three distinct complex numbers, and consider the system of differential equations P'= ao(z)Q + ai(z)P Q> = -a2(z)P. m5) By the local existence theorem for solutions of systems of linear differential equa- equations, see Herold [1], Satz 3.1, (9.1.5) admits three solutions {P\,Q\), (f*3, Q3) of pairs of entire functions such that Pi@)=ch G/(O) = 1, i = 1,2,3. Therefore, a routine calculation shows that Щ := §-, i = 1, 2, 3, are three meromorphic solutions of (9.1.1) in the complex plane.
168 9. Basic non-linear differential equations Let now w be a local solution of (9.1.1) in a disc D, satisfying the initial condition w(zo) = wq G C, zq G D, and defined by the local existence theorem for solutions of first order differential equations. Observe that also the initial condition w(zo) = oo defines a unique meromorphic local solution by using the transforma- transformation и = w. By Proposition 9.1.1, (9.1.1) possesses a one-parameter family of meromorphic solutions in the complex plane, say Q ={w\)U(wc)ce€- By Propo- Proposition 9.1.2, w = W\D in D for some W G G- Hence w admits a meromorphic continuation into the complex plane C. □ By Proposition 9.1.1, the Riccati differential equation (9.1.1) with meromor- meromorphic coefficients in a simply connected domain G с С possesses either infinitely many, two, one or no solutions meromorphic in G. In considering these cases, we may restrict ourselves into the special case (9.1.3), see the proof of Propo- Proposition 9.1.1. Before going into these questions, we give two lemmas to improve Proposition 9.1.1 in some sense. Lemma 9.1.4. Let u\y u^ he two meromorphic solutions of (9.1.3), with A(z) meromorphic, in a simply connected domain G С С. If all poles of u\ are simple and the residues of 2u\ are integers at all poles of u\> then (9.1.3) possesses a one-parameter family (wc)cgC of meromorphic solutions in G with the property that any meromorphic solution и ф u\ satisfies и = uq for some С G C. Proof Clearly, wq :=(u\ — i^) satisfies the linear differential equation wf + 2u{w = 1. (9.1.6) Since 2m i has integer residues only, there is a meromorphic function у in G such that 2u\ = y'/y by Saks and Zygmund [1], p. 193. Writing (9.1.6) in the form wf + y—w = \ (9.1.7) У we see that all solutions of (9.1.6) are meromorphic in G. In fact, wq is a particular solution and the family of solutions of (9.1.7) is wc:=wo + Cy-\ CeC. A routine calculation shows that
9.1 The Riccati differential equation 169 satisfies (9.1.3) for all С € С. The meromorphic functions uc, С € С, are distinct, since the functions we, С € С, are distinct. On the other hand, let и Ф u\ be any solution of (9.1.3) meromorphic in G. Clearly, w —{u\ — u)~l satisfies (9.1.6). Hence for some С € С, resulting in и = uc- □ Lemma 9.1.5. Suppose that the Riccati differential equation (9.1.3) admits a solu- solution uq meromorphic in a simply connected domain G such that at some pole ofuQ, the residue of 2щ is not an integer. Then (9.1.3) possesses at most two distinct meromorphic solutions. Proof. Suppose (9.1.3) possesses three distinct solutions щ, u\, u2 meromorphic in G. Following the proof of Proposition 9.1.1, we obtain ^ = -2u0 (9.1.8) for a meromorphic function vo in G. By (9.1.8), the residues of 2щ would all be integers and we have a contradiction. □ Before we are able to characterize Riccati equations (9.1.3) with infinitely many meromorphic solutions, we need the following proposition: Proposition 9.1.6. If A(z) has a simple pole in a simply connected domain G С С, then the Riccati differential equation (9.1.3) admits at most one meromorphic solution in G. Proof. We may assume that zo is the only pole of A(z) in G. Let и be a mero- meromorphic solution of (9.1.3); и must have at least one pole in G, namely at zo- Clearly, all poles of и are simple, with the residue -1. Therefore, и = —g'/g for an analytic function g in G, hence g"+A(z)g=0. (9.1.9) Suppose now that g\, g2 are two linearly independent solutions of (9.1.9) mero- meromorphic in G and denote h := g2/g\. Obviously, h1 = cg^2 for some constant с Ф 0. By (9.1.9), g\ and g2 both must have a zero at zo- Let /i > 1 be the mul- multiplicity of the zero of g\ at z$. Then g^2 (resp. h) has a pole of multiplicity 2\x (resp. 2\x — 1) at zo- If V> > 1, then g2 — hg\ would have a pole of multiplicity /i — 1 > 0 at zo- If V> = 1, then g2 would have a regular point at zq such that
170 9. Basic non-linear differential equations £2(^0) Ф 0- Thus we get a contradiction in both cases. Therefore, all meromorphic solutions of (9.1.9) must be linearly dependent, hence their logarithmic derivatives coincide. The assertion follows. □ Theorem 9.1.7. The Riccati differential equation (9.1.3) admits a one-parameter family (uc)ceC of solutions meromorphic in a simply connected domain G С С if and only if at all poles zo € G ofA(z) the Laurent expansion ofA(z) around zo satisfies F.16), F.17) and F.18). Proof Suppose first that F.16), F.17) and F.18) hold at all poles zq G G of A{z). By Theorem 6.7, there exists a non-constant meromorphic function g solving (9.1.10) in G. Clearly, solves (9.1.3) in G. Since the Mobius transformations of g also satisfy (9.1.10), the functions ^(hff/hf) are meromorphic solutions of (9.1.3) in G. By a straightforward computation, h" = g" 2jg' Denoting С := 6/j for 7 ф 0, we see that is a one-parameter family of solutions of (9.1.3) meromorphic in G. To prove the converse assertion, let g:={ux}U{uc\CeC} be the family of meromorphic solutions of (9.1.3) in G, see Proposition 9.1.1. By Lemma 9.1.5 and (9.1.8) from its proof, the poles of 2u\ are simple with integer
9.1 The Riccati differential equation 171 residues. Let now zo £ G be an arbitrary pole of A(z) and take m £ Ъ so that jjiqfcH —1 + 0@ z -zo where ф is analytic around zo- Then where ^ is analytic around zo- Clearly, m ф dbl. In fact, if m = ±1, then A(z) would have a simple pole at го- By Proposition 9.1.6, we could not have the situation of infinitely many meromorphic solutions of (9.1.3). Thus, we have proved F.16) and F.17). To prove F.18), we first observe that F.16) and F.17) imply the indicial equation, see F.6), By the proof of Theorem 6.7, the linear differential equation F.1) has the local solution base F.19) in a slit disc F.7), denoted by D, around zo- Since/j, and therefore/jY/j, is meromorphic in the simply connected domain D с G, and —f[/f\ satisfies (9.1.3), we must have —f[/f\ — v in D for some v £ G by Proposition 9.1.2. Since// = —vf\ we get by differentiation in D, -го) log(z -zo)+{z -zo)p4i(z)), and therefore, arranging terms conveniently, multiplying by (z — zo)~P2 and re- recalling that p\ — P2 = m, we obtain -p2(z-zorVi(z)-0/1(z). (9.1.11) Clearly, M admits a meromorphic continuation into the whole disc D(zo,r) by its definition on the right-hand side of (9.1.11). Since (z -zo)-n(f{{z) + vfc(z)) =(z -гоГ02(г) (pi(z - гоГ1 + ^|y + v(z) also is теготофЫс in D(zo,^), we conclude from (9.1.11) that k = 0. By the proof of Theorem 6.7, the determinant condition F.18) holds. □
172 9. Basic non-linear differential equations Examples. We give three examples below to show that Riccati equations with two, one and no meromorphic solutions actually may appear. A) Consider u' = in the complex plane. This equation doesn't admit meromorphic solutions. In fact, if и is such a solution, clearly its possible poles must be simple, with the residue — 1. Therefore, there is an entire function g such that и = —gf/g and <9U2) By a routine Wiman-Valiron reasoning, v(r, g) remains bounded as r —» oo. Hence g must be a polynomial, say g{z)=cnzn + ---+co, cn ^0. Substituting this into (9.1.12) we obtain {z2 + z)[n{n - l)cnzn~2+(n - l)(n - 2)cn_izw + •••]+ cnzn + • • • + со = 0. Collecting terms of degree n we get n(n- 1L-1=0, contradicting the fact that n is an integer. B) The Riccati differential equation is solved by z By Proposition 9.1.6, this is the only possible meromorphic solution. C) The Riccati differential equation 1 4z6 admits two rational solutions
9.1 The Riccati differential equation 173 "W—5±5i- By Proposition 9.1.1 and Theorem 9.1.7, these are the only meromorphic solutions. Remark. By Theorem 9.1.7, in all of the remaining cases, (9.1.3) admits at most two distinct meromorphic solutions. For more examples of possible cases which may appear, the reader may consult Bank, Gundersen and Laine [1]. We first describe these situations through the following three propositions: Proposition 9.1.8. If A(z) has a double pole zo in a simply connected domain G С С, such that F.16) and F.17) hold at zo, but F.18) does not hold at zo, then the Riccati differential equation (9.1.3) admits at most one solution meromorphic in G. Proof We may assume that zo is the only pole of A(z) in G. Let u\, w2 be two meromorphic solutions of (9.1.3) in G. Clearly, their poles in G must all be simple. By an easy pole consideration, the residues of 2u\ (resp. 2w2) at all of its poles must be integers. By Lemma 9.1.4, there exists a one-parameter family of solutions of (9.1.3) meromorphic in G. By Theorem 9.1.7, F.18) holds, a contradiction. □ Proposition 9.1.9. If A(z) has a double pole zo in a simply connected domain G С С, with the Laurent expansion then the Riccati differential equation (9.1.3) admits at most one solution meromor- meromorphic in G. Proof Let щ, u2 be two solutions of (9.1.3) in G. Clearly, their Laurent expansions at zo must be of the form *4(z) = -\(z-zq)-1 + --- , i = 1,2. Hence щ — w2 is analytic at zo, and we have w(zq) ф 0 for w =(щ — мг)- On the other hand, by ' w = 1, (9.1.13) w must have a pole at zo, say of multiplicity /л > 1. Substituting the Laurent expansion into (9.1.13) we obtain \x = — 1, a contradiction. □
174 9. Basic non-linear differential equations Proposition 9.1.10. If' A{z) has a pole zo in a simply connected domain G С С of odd multiplicity m > 3, then the Riccati differential equation (9.1.3) admits no meromorphic solutions in G. Proof. By (9.1.3), a meromorphic solution и of (9.1.3) must have a pole of mul- multiplicity у at zo, a contradiction. □ We close this section by some remarks about the value distribution of solutions of (9.1.1). For more extensive considerations, see Wittich [7-9], Mues [1], Laine [1] and Jank and Volkmann [3]. Proposition 9.1.11. Let a$, a\, a2 he rational functions. Then all meromorphic solutions f of (9.1.1) are of finite order of growth. Proof. By (9.1.2), (9.1.1) may be transformed into (9.1.3) with a rational A(z). Therefore, in r$ < \z\ < oo, all poles of и are simple, with the residue —1. Hence, for a suitable rational function R, v = и — R has simple poles only, with the residue —1. Hence, for an entire function g, u-R-C 8 Substitution into (9.1.3) shows that g satisfies a second order homogeneous linear differential equation with rational coefficients. Hence, by Remark 1 to Theorem 4.1, <j(f) = a{u) <a{g) <oo. □ Theorem 9.1.12. Let f be a meromorphic solution of (9.1.1) with meromorphic coefficients such that T(r,a() — S(r,f) holds for i — 0, 1, 2. Then 6(a,f) — 0 for a = oo and for all a 6 С such that ao(z) + aa\(z) + a2a2(z) Ф 0. If ao{z) + aax(z) + a2a2{z) = 0, then ©(a,/) = 1. Proof. Writing (9.1.1) in the form Ы)/ = -яо - aif +/', we see by the Clunie argument that m(r,f)=S(r,f),
9.2 Painleve differential equations 175 hence 6@0,/) = 0. Substituting/ = a + u~l, we get Hence <5(oo, w) = £(<*,/) = 0, if ao(z) + aai(z) 4- a2a2(z) ф 0. On the other hand, if a$(z) + aa\(z) + a2a2(z) = 0> then (9.1.1) may be written in the form ff=(f-a)(al+aa2+ci2f). By the standard uniqueness theorem of first order differential equations,/(z) Ф a except possibly at the poles of coefficients of (9.1.1). Hence, O(aJ) = 1 in this case. □ 9.2 Painleve differential equations By Painleve differential equations it is usually meant certain types of second order differential equations fff = R(z,f,ff), whose solutions have some special proper- properties with respect to their singularities. Three types of these equations, namely //; = z+6/2, (9.2.1) f" = C+zf + 2f3, CeC, (9.2.2) ff" = 1 (/'J + \fA + 4zf3 + 2(z2 - a)f2 +0, a,^C, (9.2.3) all given in a normalized form, and called usually as the first, second and fourth Painleve differential equation, see e.g. Hille [3], p. 440, have the remarkable prop- property that all of their solutions are meromorphic functions, i.e., all local solutions are meromorphic and have meromorphic continuations into the whole complex plane. See, e.g., Golubew [1], p. 158-170, for the equations (9.2.1) and (9.2.2). Theorem 9.2.1. All solutions of (9.2.1) are transcendental meromorphic functions of finite order of growth. Proof The Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic function is the essential device to prove this theorem. Recall first the definition of the Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic func- function, see Chapter 2.6:
176 9. Basic non-linear differential equations where Let/(z) be a transcendental meromorphic solution of (9.2.1). A routine calculation shows that is a primitive function of f(z). Hence, we get f'2 = 4/3 + 2zf - IF (9.2.4) and so Observing that \r\n \r\n \U - \U < i (9 2 5) holds for n = 1, ... , 4, we obtain from (9.2.4) and (9.2.5) wi2 rt rZn iW|2 nA(tJ)= / в —LL—dipdQ Jo Jo A + \f\) t r2n rt r / Q o Jo rt r2n rt rt rt r <87Г/ QdQ + 47T Q2dQ + 2 Q —L±— Jo Jo Jo Jo A + \f\) <4^2 + 5^+2 f в [П—)U— Jo Jo A + \j\ ) 1171 L±d<pdQ To compute the remaining integral, we divide the circle {\z\ = ^} in two parts by A + I/12J"*" where ( Al:={\z\ = g\\F'(z)\ = \f(z)\<l\F(z)\}
By (9.2.5) and (9.2.6) we see that 9.2 Painleve differential equations 177 (9.2.7) Denote now trivially we have Уд If I2) 2J d<f<L(g). (9.2.8) Hence, it suffices to obtain a suitable estimate of growth for L{g). To this end, we have to differentiate L(g) under the integral sign. Dividing F(z) = u(z) + iv(z) into its real and imaginary parts, we first observe that dgl By the Schwarz inequality, we obtain f 9ш f дь dg Jax Therefore , f ((du\\(dV < Integrating this differential inequality we get L(g)<BL(l)g (9.2.9)
178 9. Basic non-linear differential equations for some constant В > 1. Combining (9.2.7), (9.2.8) and (9.2.9), we see that -— 2 2 dip < Bтг + BL(l))q. Hence, for some constant A\ > 0, J\ Jo \F\ I Q2dg< Ke3, for a suitable К > 0, at least for £ > qq > 0. Therefore It remains to show that rational solutions cannot exist. It is an easy observation that polynomial solutions are in fact impossible. Obviously, all poles of/ must be double; so let/(z) = P(z)/Q(zJ be a rational solution with p := deg P, q := degQ. Substitution into (9.2.1) results in Q2P" - 2QQ"P - AQQ'P' + 6(Q'JP = zQ4 + 6P2. (9.2.10) The right-hand side has only one term of maximum degree, since otherwise we would have 2/7 = Aq + 1, which is clearly impossible. The four terms in the left- hand side are of degree 2q +/7-2. If now 4q + l > 2/7, then p < 2q and therefore 2q + p — 2 < 4q — 2 < 4# + 1, a contradiction. If then 2/7 > Aq + 1, we have /7 > 2q +1. On the other hand, comparing the left- and right-hand sides of (9.2.10) results in 2/7 < 2q + p — 2, hence p < 2q - 2, again a contradiction. □ The value distribution of meromorphic functions satisfying (9.2.1) is extremely regular. In fact, using notations from Chapter 2.5, we easily get the following Theorem 9.2.2. Let f be a solution of (9.2.1). Then 6(a,f) = 0 for all a G C. Moreover, all poles off are double, and and i?(a,/) < \ holds for all aeC.
9.2 Painleve differential equations 179 Proof. It is an obvious consequence of (9.2.1) that all poles of/ must be double. Moreover, an easy exercise with Lemma 2.4.2, and the fact that/ is of finite order, results in m(r,f) = O( log r), hence <5(oo,/) = 0. Consider now a € C. We write (9.2.1) in the form f" = 6(f2-a2)+z+6a2, f" f-a v ' f-a An elementary computation, using (9.2.11), gives m 1 r, 7— )<m[r, —-Т-Ц I + m I r,Z- (9.2.Ц) By Corollary 2.3.4 and the fact that m(r,f) = O(log r) we conclude -.j^y =O(logr), (9.2.12) hence 6(a,f) = 0 for a € C. To prove the remaining assertions, differentiation of (9.2.1) gives fm=l2ff' + l, - = — -12/, and therefore Since m(r,f')<m(r/j)+m(r,f) =
180 9. Basic non-linear differential equations we obtain by the first main theorem r,j^ +2N(r,f)-N(r,f') = T (r,pj + 2T(r,f) - T(r,f) - m (r,j)j - 2m(r,f) + m(r,f) and so «П-*&!%$.г. Since all poles of/ are double, we have N^rJ) = 2N{rJ)-N{rj') = 2N(r,f)-N(r,f)-N(r,f) = N(r,f) -N(r,f) = N(r,f) = iiV(r,/) = \T{rJ) + O(logr), hence Further, N(r,f')=N(rJ)+N(rJ) = \N{r,f) = \T{rJ) + O(logr), and so ij = T{rj')-m(r,^\+O{l)=N(rj')+O(logr) = and we get It remains to prove that $(a,/) < | for all a G C. Fix a G С and assume that f(Zo) = a, with multiplicity > 3. By (9.2.1), we obtain hence we conclude from zq = -6a2 that the a-points of/ are either simple or double, with at most one exception. Let us now consider a double «-point of/,
9.2 Painleve differential equations 181 denoting it again by zo- Making use of (9.2.4), we have If z\ ф zo is another double a -point of/, we get 4a3+2azi = hence Consider now G(z):=F(z)-F(zo)-a(z-ZO). Then G(zi) = G'(zi) = G"(z\) = 0, Gm{z\) Ф 0, i.e., every double «-point of/ is a triple zero of G. Therefore On the other hand, G' =f — a, hence all poles of G are simple and we have N(r,G)=11N(r,f)+O(logr). Since m(r, G) = O( logr), we further obtain T(r,G) = \T{r,f) + O{ log r). But now we conclude that *<„,/> = « (9.2.13) To compute $@, G), we see that at multiple zeros £ of G, say of multiplicity > 3, we have by G'(C) = F'{Q ~ a =/(<) - a = 0, G"(Q = /'(<) = 0, G'"(C) = /"(£) = 0, a multiple «-point of/ of multiplicity > 2. Hence, there exists at most one such point and so we have
182 9. Basic non-linear differential equations Since by (9.2.12) we obtain Since $@, G) < (9@,G), which can be seen by an easy computation, we get 0@, G) < 0@, G) - 1 - lim sup ±> £> < \. T(r,G) By (9.2.13) we conclude We complete this section with a few remarks concerning the equation (9.2.3). Concerning (9.2.2), we just refer to H. Schubart and H. Wittich [1]. The fourth Painleve equation (9.2.3) has been studied in detail by N. Steinmetz [10]. Before giving some hints about his investigations, we recall a theorem due to A. Mohon'ko and V. Mohon'ko [1]. It seems to us that their result may appear to be even more important than has been realized up to now. Proposition 9.2.3. Let P{zJ,f\...JM)=0 (9.2.14) be an algebraic differential equation, i.e., P(z,uo,u\,... ,un) is a polynomial in all of its arguments, and let f be a transcendental meromorphic solution of (9.2.14). If a constant с G С does not solve (9.2.14), then Proof Clearly, w :~f - с satisfies a similar differential equation. Hence, we may assume that с = 0, without restricting generality. Obviously, we may write P{z,f,f,... ,/(n)) = D (z) + Q (z,/,/',... ,/<">), where
9.2 Painleve differential equations 183 by our assumption and where Q(z,f,f, ■ ■ ■ ,/(л)) = £ GaWW • • -if {n))j" is a finite sum of terms with polynomial coefficients Q\(z) such that |A| = jo + ■■■ + jn > 1. To compute m(r, 1//), we first observe that the integral to be evaluated vanishes on that part of |z| = r, where \f\ > 1. On the other hand, if If I < 1, then ■ \f\ and so, for each term of Q (z ,/,/',•••,/(")), (9.2.15) V Г " I/ I / Since Corollary 2.3.4, together with (9.2.15) and the fact that D(z) is a polynomial implies that т|г,т1=т|г,--^ <m(r 'j)+mH) Theorem 9.2.4. Transcendental meromorphic solutions f of (9.2.3) satisfy A) m(r,/)=S(r,/)f B) m f r, —!—) = S (rj) for all с еС provided /3^0, and for allc^O \ f ~ с J in the case /3 = 0. Proof To prove A), we may write (9.2.3) in the form where Q (z, щ, щ, щ) is a polynomial in all of its arguments, of total degree < 3 with respect to uq, u\, щ. By the Clunie lemma (Lemma 2.4.2), the assertion A) follows immediately.
184 9. Basic non-linear differential equations The assertion B) follows by Proposition 9.2.3, if we just observe that the constant function с solves (9.2.3) only in the case /3 = 0 and с = 0. □ Remark. The case /3 = 0, с = 0 may in fact be exceptional. For instance, '«-(•"'jC'*)"- for which с = 0 is a Picard value, solves the differential equation of the form (9.2.3), see Steinmetz [10], p. 555. Theorem 9.2.5. Let f be a transcendental meromorphic solution of (9.2.3) and let сi = 0, C2, ... , cp be distinct complex numbers. Then E m (г'/з^)+ N (r>j> Proof. By Theorem 2.5.1 and its proof, we have Em(r'7T^) +N(r'f) + ^('•-/) -^./) < 2T(r,f) + S(r,f). Let zo be a pole of/. Substituting the corresponding Laurent expansion into (9.2.3) we conclude that zq is necessarily a simple pole. Hence the second main theorem takes the reduced form and therefore m(r>J)+N[ri77] <2T(r,f)+'S(rJ). (9.2.16) Since all poles of/ are simple, (9.2.16) may be rewritten as m{r'l)+N{r'f) " 2N(r^+S(r^ =K{r,ff)+S(rJ) = T(r,f')+S(rJ). (9.2.17)
9.2 Painleve differential equations 185 On the other hand, if we prove that / 1\ / 1\ m r, - > m r, - + S(r,/), (9.2.18) then . -^ 1 > Combining (9.2.17) and (9.2.19), we obtain the assertion. Hence, it suffices to verify (9.2.18). To this end, we differentiate (9.2.3) to obtain 4/2 = /'" - 14/2/' - 12# - 4a/'. By Theorem 9.2.4 and Corollary 2.3.4, this equality implies ™(r/y\ =S(r,f). (9.2.20) If C ф 0, then, by Theorem 9.2.4 again, m(r, \/f) = S(r,f) and so m г, -г resulting that (9.2.18) holds. If then /3 = 0, we divide (9.2.3) with ff\ hence we have f fff f/ fl rl 4(^2 *) =* 3f 8z ^9221> Combining Corollary 2.3.4 and Theorem 9.2.4 with (9.2.20) and (9.2.21), we obtain and therefore m(r>jn - which proves (9.2.18). D
186 9. Basic non-linear differential equations 9.3 The Schwarzian differential equation Obviously, the Schwarzian differential equation xL v.^ ij ) where R(z,f) is a rational function in/ with polynomial coefficients, is closely re- related with the considerations made in Chapter 6 above, see Theorem 6.1 and Corol- Corollary 6.8. In fact, we feel that this connection should be investigated in more details. Our treatment below is strongly based on Ishizaki [4]. This article, together with Steinmetz [8], are the main references concerning the differential equation (9.3.1). Let now P(zJ), resp. Q{zJ), be two irreducible polynomials in/ of degree/?, resp. q, with polynomial coefficients and denote d := max (/?,#). Lemma 9.3.1. Letf be a transcendental solution of (9.3.1) with polynomial coef- coefficients. Then, using the notation Q(z) := Q(z,f(z))> we have (9.3.2) fill -} fll ~ Proof. By the representation Sf = V - j(jr) °f tne Schwarzian derivative, we deduce by Corollary 2.3.4 that m{r,R)=m(r,(Sf)k)=S(rJJ. Combining with Theorem 2.2.5, we get dT(r,f)+S(r,f) = T(r,R)=N(r,R)+S(rJ) and so dT(rJ)=N{r,R)+S(rJ). (9.3.3) If d = p > q, we observe, by inspecting poles of/ outside of zeros and poles of the coefficients, that N{r,R) <(p-q)N(r,f)+N (V, £ hence N(r,R) <{p-q)T(rJ)+N (r,^) +S(r,f). (9.3.4)
9.3 The Schwarzian differential equation 187 Combining (9.3.3) and (9.3.4), we get (9.3.2). Hence, we may assume p <q = d. Then, similarly as to above, (9.3.5) Now, (9.3.2) follows from (9.3.3) and (9.3.5). D Theorem 9.3.2. Let f be a transcendental solution of (9.3.1) with polynomial coefficients, and let a\y ... , as be distinct complex constants. Then (9.3.6) Proof. It means no restriction to assume that s > 2. Recalling that the Schwarzian derivative is invariant under Mobius transformations in /, we may assume that p < q by making a suitable transformation м -(/- 7), 7 ^ C. Moreover, see the proof of Theorem 6.7, all poles of Sf are double poles. By Jank and Volkmann [3], Bemerkung 18.3, there are at most finitely many common zeros of P(z,f) and <2(z,/). Let us consider now a zero zq of Q(z,f) which is not a zero of P (z,/), and neither a pole nor a zero of any of the coefficients of R(z,/). Then zo is a double pole of Sf(z), and so a zero of/'. Therefore, (r,pj =N (V,£) + S(r,/), (9.3.7) hence ±(i)(l)/). (9.3.8) We now combine Lemma 9.3.1 and (9.3.8) with an inspection of the proof of the second main theorem to obtain (^) < N (r,i) +m(r,f)+J2m (V,jJ—^ +S(r,f) < 2T(r,f)+S(r,f).
188 9. Basic non-linear differential equations This implies immediately (9.3.6). □ From now on, we simplify our consideration by assuming that R{z,f) is inde- independent of z and so P(z,f), Q(zJ) are polynomials in/ with constant complex coefficients. Hence, we may apply elementary algebra to factorize Q(z,f) = Qif) in the form Q(f) = c(f-тху>-.-if-rny», (9.3.9) where с е С, т\, ... , тп are distinct complex numbers, and fi\ H + \in = q. Of course, a similar representation holds for P{z,f) = P(f)- By irreducibility of R(z,f), P(f) and Q{f) don't have common zeros. Lemma 9.3.3. In the factorization (9.3.9), 2k is divisible by /j,j, j = 1, ... , n. Moreover, /ij < k for each j = 1, ... , к. Proof Combining (9.3.9) with Lemma 9.3.1, we get qT(r,f) + S (r,f) < N (V, I) = and so implying m{r,j^r) = S(r,f) and so N(r,j^r) = T(r,f) +S(r,f) for each j = 1, ... , n. Hence, / must have (infinitely many) tj-points, j = 1, ... , n. At any such point zo, zo is a double pole of S/(z), and a zero of /'(z). Therefore, the multiplicity Г of the corresponding tj;-point at zo is > 2. Hence, comparing the both sides of (9.3.1), we conclude 2k = tfj,j, and the assertion follows. □ Theorem 9.3.4. Suppose the Schwarzian differential equation (Sf)k=R(f)=P(f)/Q(f) (9.3.10)
9.3 The Schwarzian differential equation 189 with constant coefficients admits a transcendental meromorphic solution. Then Qif) reduces into one of the following forms: Qif) =c(f- rx)k(f - r2)k(f - T3)k(f - r4)k, (9.3.11) Q(f)=c(f-rl)k(f- T2)k(f - r3J*/', (9.3.12) Qif) =c(f- n)k(f - T2Jkl3if - тгJк1\ (9.3.13) Qif) =c(f- n)V - r2Jk/3(f - таJ*'4, (9.3.14) Qif) =c(f- rx)kif - T2Jk^(f - r3J*/5, (9.3.15) Qif) =c(f- n)k(f - r2Jk^if - тъJк1\ (9.3.16) Qif) = cif - т,J*% - r2J*/3(f - r3Jk/\ (9.3.17) Qif)=cif-rx)kif- T2)lkl*if - тъJк>\ (9.3.18) Qif) = c(f - rjJ*/" if - т2Jк^, (9.3.19) Qif)=cif-TXJklt, (9.3.20) Qif)=c, (9.3.21) where с £ С, с ф 0, т\, т2, tj, T4 are distinct constants and all exponents of type 2k/t mean that 2k is divisible with t > 2. Proof. By (9.3.7), and Lemma 9.3.1, we conclude that qT(r,f)+S(r,f) < 2kN (r,y)j +S(r,f) = N (V, 1 r,—— )+S(r,f) < hence 2kN U pi = f^VjTirJ) +S(rJ). (9.3.22) Let zj be a tj:-point of/ of multiplicity tj. Clearly, tj > 2, since zj is necessarily a zero/' by (9.3.10). Therefore, 2k = tjiij. (9.3.23) The zero of/' at zj is of multiplicity fj — 1. Let us denote by NTj (r, i) the counting function of the zeros of/' which come from the tj -points of/ of the above type.
190 9. Basic non-linear differential equations Similarly defined, we use the notations N\jTj(r, jr) and NTj(r, A), see Chapter 2.5. Then, see (9.3.7), Jrzlr( i А и-г„( l Summing over j, we obtain and therefore Nl (r'f)= (n -2Er)r(r>/)+5(r'/)- (9-324) On the other hand, Combining now (9.3.22) to (9.3.25), we get hence (n and so n 2 + Y^—>n. (9.3.26) By Theorem 9.3.2, YTj=\ VJ = Я < 4А:, and we conclude that n < 4. If n =4, then Y^j=\ Vj = ^k» an(^ smce Mj ^ ^ by Lemma 9.3.3, we must have fi\ = [i2 = из = \i\ = k, hence we obtain (9.3.11).
9.3 The Schwarzian differential equation 191 If n = 3, then (9.3.26) and (9.3.23) result in Ml+^2+W=l + l + l>1 (9327) 2k t\ t2 *3 where tj > 2. Assuming, as we may, that t\ < tj < t^, we find that the only possible combinations to satisfy (9.3.27) are B,2,/), where t > 2, B,3,3), B,3,4), B,3,5), B,3,6), B,4,4) and C,3,3). From (9.3.23) we infer that the corresponding triplets (/ii,/22,^3) must be {к,к, ^г), (к, Щ-, Ц-), (/:, Ц-, Ц-), (*,f ,f )> (*»T'f )• (*»T»f) and (f 'f 'f )• resulting, respectively, in (9.3.12M9.3.18). If then n = 2, then we just conclude that к is divisible with tj, tj > 2, for j = 1,2, and this results in (9.3.19). For л = 1, (9.3.20) results immediately, and (9.3.21) follows from the final case n = 0. □ Remark. Of course, Theorem 9.3.4 is still incomplete; obviously one should in- investigate the nominator P[f) similarly as Q[f) has been analyzed above. To this end, we have to use the Malmquist argument, to be presented in the next chapter. Therefore, Theorem 9.3.4 will be completed in Theorem 10.4 below.
Chapter 10 The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems Algebraic differential equations will be treated in the next four chapters, most results below being of growth estimate type. This chapter concentrates upon results of Malmquist type thus giving conditions under which meromorphic solutions growing rapidly with respect to the coefficients may exist. The celebrated Malmquist theorem, originally published in 1913, see Malm- Malmquist [1], p. 311, states that a differential equation of the form / = *(*,?), (ЮЛ) where the right-hand side is rational in both arguments, which admits a transcen- transcendental meromorphic solution, reduces into a Riccati differential equation / = oq(z) + a\(z)y + a2(z)y2 with rational coefficients. Of course, the original proof due to Malmquist was independent of the Nevanlinna theory. The first proof relying on the Nevanlinna theory was presented by K. Yosida in 1933, see Yosida [1], also restricted to the birational case. In seventies, a number of papers due to I. Laine [1], C.-C. Yang [2] and E. Hille [2] were published, where the Malmquist-Yosida theorem was generalized into the case of R(z,y) rational in у with meromorphic coefficients, see Theorem 10.2 below. N. Steinmetz characterized in his thesis, Steinmetz [1], all birational cases of (y')"=R(z,y) A0.2) which actually admit transcendental meromorphic solutions. His result was finally extended to the case of A0.2) with meromorphic coefficients by J. v. Rieth [1] and by He Yuzan and I. Laine [2], see Remark to Theorem 10.3. Definition 10.1. Let R(z,y) be rational in у with meromorphic coefficients. A meromorphic solution у of A0.2) is called admissible, if T(r,a) = S(r,y) holds for all coefficients a(z) of R(z,y). Remarks 1. Obviously, if R(z,y) is birational, then a transcendental solution of A0.2) is admissible, and conversely.
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 193 2. Of course, admissibility makes sense relative to any family of meromorphic functions, without any reference to differential equations. Theorem 10.2 (Malmquist-Yosida). Let R{z,y) be rational and irreducible in у with meromorphic coefficients. If the dijferential equation A0.2) admits an admis- admissible meromorphic solution, then A0.2) reduces into In i=0 where at least one of the coefficients a/ (z) does not vanish. Proof Let d be the degree of R(z,y) with respect to y. By Theorem 2.2.5 and Theorem 2.3.3, comparison of the characteristic functions of both sides of A0.2) results in ,y) + S(r,y) = T(r,R(z,y)) = Г(г, (/У) = лГ(г,/) = nm(r,yf)+nN(r,yf) <nm(r,y—\ + nm{r,y) + 2nN{r,y) from which we immediately conclude that d <2n. It remains to prove that R(z,y) reduces to a polynomial in у with meromorphic coefficients. To this end, write R(z,y) as the quotient of two polynomials in у with meromorphic coefficients: where the degree d = max(/?,#) of R{z,y) in у is at most In. Select now 7 e С such that f ao(z) + ai(zO + • • • + «/> W Ф 0, to make the substitution/ :=(y — ^)~l into A0.2). If p -2n>q, we obtain ( - XYif'Y = f2n£toM*)G Е?^()G A0.5)
194 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems By A0.4), we see that the nominator of A0.5) is of degree p in /, while the denominator is of degree p-2n. The right-hand side of A0.5) is irreducible, since otherwise R(z, y) would be reducible. Hence, the first part of our proof applies to A0.5) and we get 2n >p > q + 2n, hence q = 0. If then q > p - 2n, we obtain similarly - i)nif')n = and therefore q + 2n < 2n, hence q = 0 again. Thus, we must have that the denominator of R(z, y) is independent of y. Hence R(z, y) is a polynomial in у of degree < 2л with meromorphic coefficients. □ We now proceed to characterize all cases where transcendental meromorphic solutions of A0.2) actually may appear, see Steinmetz [1], Satz 2, and Jank and Volkmann [1], Satz 18.3. Theorem 10.3 (Steinmetz). Let R(z,y) be rational in both of its arguments. If A0.2) admits a transcendental meromorphic solution, then after a suitable Mobius transformation A0.2) reduces into one of the following types (or an integer power of one of them): v' = a(z) + b{z)v+c(z)v2, A0.6) (v'J =a(z)(v -b(z)J(v -n)(v -r2), A0.7) (v'J = a(z)(v - n)(v - r2)(v - r3)(v - r4), A0.8) (v'K = a(z)(v - T!J(v - r2J(v - r3J, A0.9) (v'L = a(z)(v - tO2(v - r2K(v - r3K, A0.10) (v'N = a(z)(v - nK(v - r2L(v - r3M, A0.11) where т\, т2, Т3, T4 are complex constants, and the coefficients a(z), b(z), c(z) are rational functions. Moreover, a(z) ф- 0 in A0.7)—A0.11). Proof. We follow the proof in Steinmetz [1], p. 27-30, 32-35. By Theorem 10.2, we know that A0.2) reduces into A0.3), and making a suitable transformation v =(y — 7)"', we may assume that а2„(г) ф 0.
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 195 Consider first the case where the equation A0.3) reduces into (y')n=ao(z)P(y), A0.12) where P(y) is a polynomial in у of degree = 2n and ao(z) is rational. Hence m - TjY>, £>j = In. A0.13) An elementary multiplicity consideration at tj-points of у shows that the multiplic- multiplicity pj must satisfy n(pj — 1) = fijpj, except possibly for finitely many exceptions. Hence, pj = nj(n — \ij) > 1 and so tj, ... , rm are either Picard-values or com- completely ramified values of y. By Corollary 2.5.6, we see that m < 4. Next, we show that the numbers /jLj are all < n. In fact, if \ij > n, then from pj = n/(n — fj,j) we see that у may have Tj-points only at the zeros or poles of oq(z). Hence, for a suit- suitable polynomial s(z) = Aza + • • ■ the function и := s/(y - tj) is transcendental entire. Moreover, substitution into A0.12) results in uf - Ц and the degree 6 of the polynomial P(z, u) in м is < 2n - ^j < n. Applying the Wiman-Valiron theory we see by Theorem 3.2 that (v(r,и) - a)n = BZP{1 + o(\))u(zN~n for some В € С, В ф 0, and C е N, at points z which are admitted by Theo- Theorem 3.2. Hence, we have v[r■, м) < a-f o(l) which contradicts the fact that v(r) is unbounded, see Jank and Volkmann [1], Satz 4.1. We now divide our considerations in three subcases: A) m = 2 and fJ>\ = fJ>2 = n. Denoting bo(z) := -rr\— we see that A0.12) must be the nth power of the Riccati differential equation У = bo{z)(y-Ti)(y-T2), i.e., we are in the case A0.6).
196 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems B) /xw = n and 1 < /xj < nfor 1 < j < m. In this case, frompj = n/(n-jij) we obtain —\ hence m < 3. Since m > 2, we have m = 3 and therefore pi = p2 = 2. This means that /23 = л, /ii = ^2 — \n aRd so A0.12) must be a power of A0.8), with r3 = r4. C) I < Hj <n holds for all 1 < j < m. Then we have hence either m = 3 or m = 4. If m = 4, A0.14) reduces to the equality Pi P2 РЪ РА hence p\ — P2 = ръ = Pa — 2, and so /xj = /x2 = /X3 = /X4 = ^w, i.e., we again have the case A0.8). Finally, if m = 3, then 3 2и =и' implies that But A0.15) results in three possibilities, apart from permutations inside of these: A) P\ = P2 = РЪ = 3, B) pi =2,p2=P3= 4, C) pi =2, p2 = 3, рз = 6. Therefore either /xj = /x2 = /хз = |w which reduces into A0.9), or /xj = ^w, M2 = Мз = I" resulting in A0.10), or /xi = ^w, /X2 = §w, Мз = ^«, and this is just the case A0.11). We now proceed to consider the general case. By algebraic factorization, see Meyberg [1], p. 151, the right-hand side P(z,y) of A0.3) may be written as «=1
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 197 where and where j%Pj(z,y) Ф 0 for j = 1, ...,/. By Jank and Volkmann [3], Hilfs- satz 18.6, every function has infinitely many zeros. Hence we find a zero zo of gj, say, such that ao(zo) Ф 0, oo, and that £Pj{zo,y(zo)) ф 0, Pk{zo,y(zo)) ф 0 for к ф j and y(z0) ф ть ... , rw, see Jank and Volkmann [3], Bemerkung 18.3. Since yf(zo) — 0 by A0.3) and we see that gj(zo) ф 0, i.e., zo is a simple zero of gj. Writing y(z) =y(zo)+(z -zo)pg(z), g(z0) фО, p>2, and comparing the multiplicities of zeros of both sides of A0.3), we get n(p — 1) = Xj > n. Since degy P{z,y) = 2л, we have / < 2. Let us assume first that / = 2. Then we must have X\ = X2 = n, and A0.3) reduces to a power of a Riccati equation. Assume next that / = 1. Then either degy P\(z,y) = 2, X\ = n, m = 0, or degy P\(z,y) = 1, Ai = 2w, m = 0 (and A0.3) reduces to a power of a Riccati equation in both of these cases), or deg^ P\(z,y) = 1, X\ = n and m > 1. But the same reasoning as in the first part of the proof results in m m / 1 ч V^ V^f 1 \ W Л=> и;=ПУ 1 ^«ТГ- /=1 i = \ l lfm=2, we have p\ = p2 = 2 and fj,\ = ji2 = \n, i.e., A0.3) reduces into A0.7). Finally, if m = 1 in the last case, we clearly have the case of the лл power of a Riccati differential equation. □ Remark. If one compares Theorem 10.2 and Theorem 10.3, it is immediate to ask whether the latter one still holds if we consider admissible solutions in the same way as in Theorem 10.2. This was partially done by v. Rieth ([1], Satz 4.3); however, two extra types came into consideration. These were eliminated by He
198 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems and Laine [2]. However, we have to omit this result here, since we would need to understand the non-trivial article by W. Hayman and J. Miles [1] about the characteristic function of the derivatives of meromorphic functions as well as the value distribution theory of algebroid functions. After having now Steinmetz' result, Theorem 10.3 at our disposal, we are able to return to the Schwarzian differential equation (9.3.10). Recalling Theorem 9.3.4, we see that (9.3.10) may be written in the form к _ where с e С, and Q(f) takes one of the forms (9.3.11) to (9.3.21). Moreover, we may assume for the numerator P(f) =(f - а\)щ •••(/"- <JhYh that degy P(f) = Sj=i vj — deg/ Q(f)- In fact, since the Schwarzian derivative is invariant under Mobius transformations, we may achieve the degree equality by doing, if needed, a preliminary non-singular transformation и :=(af + b)/\cf + d). Theorem 10.4. Suppose that the Schwarzian differential equation A0.16) with constant coefficients admits a transcendental meromorphic solution. Then for some Mobius transformation и :=(af + b)/(cf + d), ad — be ф 0, A0.16) reduces into one of the following types: _ — с гтгг, (и - Ti)(u - т2)(и - т3)(и - т4) - г —с - с —С - -^- -х- -, {и-т1у(и-т2J(и-г3) (ц-а1K(ц-а2K - -у- -у- -=•, (и - тхJ(и - т2J(и - тъJ с rj — , (и -ri)z(u -т2)(и -r3) (и - ai)(u - <т2) П09П (и -ti)(h -т2) Su = с, A0.22) where с € С, and т\, ... , т4, а\, ... , (J4 are complex constants so that т\, ... , r4 are distinct. Before proceeding into the proof, we observe that each vx in A0.16) is divisible by k, provided/ takes the corresponding value 07 of a\, ... , o^. In fact, a ap- appoint zo of/ must be a zero of Sf, hence not a zero of/', and therefore a simple
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 199 <j/-point of/. If the multiplicity of Sf at zo is denoted by vs, then vsk — V[. We now proceed, following Ishizaki [4], to prove a series of lemmas. Lemma 10.5. Suppose A0.16) has a transcendental meromorphic solution f and assume that Q(f) is of the form (9.3.20). Then t = 2 in (9.3.20). Proof Suppose we have t > 3 in (9.3.20). Then h = 1 in A0.16). In fact, Ik Supposing/ takes some of the values a\, ... , a^, say a\, we have к < vsk = Щ < v\ Л \-ь>н — degy P(f) < fc, a contradiction. Therefore, each of a\,... , a^ must be a Picard value of/. Hence, A < 2. If A = 2, we obtain degy Q(f) = 0 by Theorem 9.3.2, which is not the case in (9.3.20). Hence, A = 1 and A0.16) reduces into -п\2к/< By the same argument as above, a is a Picard value of/. Therefore, by the Mobius transformation и =(f - cr)/(f - r), A0.16) finally reduces into (Su)k =cu2kl\ A0.23) and и has no zeros. But from A0.23) we see that m(r, u) = S(r,u) and therefore и has infinitely many poles, which are all of multiplicity t. Moreover, u1 cannot have no zeros, since such points would be poles of Su, as seen by a simple computation. Therefore, u'/u and u"/u' have poles, with residues — t and — (t + 1), respectively, at the poles of u. Hence, must be an entire function, and Denote now h := ^, g := ^, я := *±1. Then h! = hg - h2 and g = ah - ф, and it is just a simple computation to show that Su = g' - \g2 = I у - a ) A2 - ф' - \ф2. A0.24)
200 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems Denote further A := £ - a = Ц^- - ^1 ф 0 and we see by A0.23) and A0.24) that и must satisfy the differential equation A0.25) If ip — о, it is an easy exercise to show that и cannot be transcendental. In fact, we may consider v := £, applying the Wiman-Valiron reasoning. Hence, Ф ф 0. Consider now the function F :=Ah2 -Ф = А\— ) -Ф. w Obviously, by A0.25), F has no zeros, since и doesn't have. Let us now define G :=Ah2/&. Hence, F = &(G- 1). Since Т(г,Ф) = S(r,u) = S(r,h), we may use Corollary 2.5.4 to obtain = N(r,h) + S(r,h) <T(r,h)+S(r,h) which is clearly impossible. □ Lemma 10.6. Suppose A0.16) has a transcendental meromorphic solution/. Then Vj is divisible by k, j = I, ... , h, provided Q(f) is non-constant Proof. Observe that the case (9.3.21) is not taken into consideration, since in that case also P(f) reduces into a constant, due to our degree equality above. Therefore, we have to consider each of the above cases (9.3.11)-(9.3.20). Now, if/ takes the value <j/, the assertion follows by our preliminary remark before Lemma 10.5. Therefore, assume that a, is a Picard value of/ for some i = 1, ... , h. By Theorem 9.3.2, d := degfQ(f) < 2k, if/ has at least one finite Picard value. Therefore, we get a contradiction in the cases of (9.3.11) to (9.3.15). Suppose next Q(f) is of type (9.3.16). Looking at the proof of Lemma 9.3.3, we know that m
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 201 By (9.3.23), all r\-points must be of multiplicity 2. Respectively, T2-points have multiplicity 3, and тз-points 6. Since N(r,j^r) = T(r,f) + S(r,f), we get Therefore, = 3, a contradiction to Corollary 2.5.5. In a similar way, we deduce a contradiction, if £(/) is of type (9.3.17) or (9.3.18). Let us take now the case (9.3.19). If now t\ > 2 or %2 > 2, then similarly as to the case (9.3.16), we obtain 2, contradicting Corollary 2.5.5 again. Therefore, t\ = ti = 2. Suppose now A0.16) has a factor (f — Gi)Vi such that щ is not divisible by k. Since Y%=\ vj — 2k in (9.3.19), it follows easily, that there must be.at least one more factor, say (f - Gr)Vr such that vr is not divisible by k. Then O[ and ar must be Picard values, and d = 0 by Theorem 9.3.2, a contradiction. It remains to consider the case (9.3.20). By Lemma 10.5, t = 2 and (9.3.20) implies that d = k. A similar reasoning as in the case (9.3.19) results in a contra- contradiction. □ Lemma 10.7. Let с ф 0, o\y сг2, &з be complex constants, and let т\, тъ т$ be distinct complex constants. Then the differential equation Sf=c(f- ax)(f - o2)(f - aj)/((f - T,)(f - T2)(f - r3)) A0.26) has no transcendental meromorphic solutions. Proof. Assume the contrary. By the Mobius transformation и :=(f — тз), we may reduce A0.26) in the form Su = c(u - ax){u - a2){u - а3)/{и - ri)(u - r2), A0.27)
202 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems with c, <7i, <72, аз, т\, Т2 being changed. By the proof of Lemma 9.3.3 again, N(r,jr^jr) = T(r,f) + S(r,f), and so/ must have infinitely many тз-points of multiplicity 2, hence the same holds for the poles of u. Let zo be a pole of w, and let u(z) = p(z - го)'2 + a(z - zo) + 0A), p ф 0, A0.28) be its Laurent expansion at z = zo- By an elementary computation, On the other hand, from the right-hand side of A0.27), we see that Su(z) = cC(z - z0) + ca(z - zo) and therefore с E = —\, с а = Щ, which implies E = -^ and a = 0. Define now H :=(и'J/(и-т1)(и-т2). A0.29) From A0.27), we see immediately that т\- and T2-points of и are all of multiplic- multiplicity 2, and so u1 has a simple zero at these points. Therefore, H must be regular at т\- and T2-points of и and so all of the poles zo of H must be f>oles of w, hence the poles of H are of multiplicity 2. But then, A0.28) implies that A0.30) near zo- Defining now we conclude from A0.28) and A0.30) that <p must be entire. From T(rJ) + S(rJ) we infer that f-тз hence m(r,cp) < m(r,H) + m(r,u) + 0A) <m [r,——] +m (r,—-—) +m(r,u) + 0A) = S(r,u). \ и - Ti / V и~т2/
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 203 Hence, from A0.29) we obtain (u'f = C(n - тОСи - т2){и -ф), Сф О, A0.31) where Т(г,ф) = т(г,ф) = S(r,u). By Theorem 10.3, A0.31) reduces, after a suitable non-singular Mobius transformation, into one of the equations A0.6)- A0.11). But this may happen only, if ф is a constant. If zo is a zero of u', then zo must be a pole of Su (z), hence either u(zo) = t\ or u(zq) = r2 by A0.27). Therefore, either ф = т\, ф = т2, or ф is a Picard value of м. If </> = т\, then A0.31) takes the form By A0.27) and Theorem 9.3.2, if т\ is a Picard value of и, then 3 = J < 2, a contradiction. If then u(z\) = r\ with multiplicity X\ for some zi € C, then u1 has a zero of multiplicity X\ — 1 at z\. From и —т2 (и1J we see that и — т2 must have double pole at z\, which is impossible. Hence ффт\ and, similarly, ф ф т2. But then ф is a Picard value of w, and we get a contradiction similarly as to above. □ Lemma 10.8. Let с ф 0, and a, r be complex constants such that афт. Then the differential equation Sf=c(f-a)/(f-T) A0.32) has no transcendental meromorphic solutions. Proof. Assume again the contrary. By the transformation и := c(f — a)/(f — r), we get Su = u, A0.33) hence m(r,u) = S(r,u). Therefore, и must have infinitely many poles, all of multiplicity 2. Let zo be a pole of и and let be its Laurent expansion at z = zo- Similarly as in the preceding lemma, we obtain /3 = |, a = 0 from A0.34). Denoting g := u"/u', A0.33) takes the form
204 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems By A0.33), uf possesses no zeros, hence all poles of g must be poles of w, with the Laurent expansion Defining ip := gf — ig2, we see that tp is entire, and m(r,v)<m(r,Su)+m\rA — \ 1 + 0A) = S(r, u) = S(r,g). Obviously, и = ip — lg2, and so, after an elementary computation, u1 = ip' - 9ip — 3cp — g — 4<pg — 3<p g g = x . 9ip — g^ — 3<pg Therefore, <pg + llip g — 9(p + 3(p = 0. This is a contradiction T(r, g) = S (r, g) by the Valiron-Mohon'ko theorem, unless ip = 0. But then g, and hence и must be rational, a contradiction. □ Lemma 10.9. Let с ф 0, arcd <7i, 0*2, ri, Г2 be complex constants such that т\ Ф т2. Then the differential equation (SfJ = c(f- ax)(f - a2)/((f - n)(f - r2)) A0.35) has no transcendental meromorphic solutions. Proof. Let/ be a transcendental meromorphic function solving A0.35). By Lemma 10.6, a\ = a2, and A0.35) takes the form ФJ = c(f - axJ/((f - n)(f - r2)). A0.36) Consider the Mobius transformation и -= (rl + т2 - 2ai)f + airi - (j\ -T2)(f-G\)
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 205 which sends a\, т\, T2 to сю, 1, — 1, respectively. Then we obtain, by the invariance of the Schwarzian derivative under Mobius transformations, that - u2 (n - r2J A0.37) where /3 ф 1, in general. But taking a such that a4 = /3, and defining ( := v(£) := w(z), it follows that A037) reduces into ,(svJ = y^2- (Ю.38) Denoting now W := 5V, w := 1/A - v2), we have W2 = w. By an elemen- elementary calculation which relies on the invariance of the Schwarzian derivative under Mobius transformations, we obtain hence / ./ w/ \2\2 = W2 = w. A0.39) Applying now Lemma 9.3.1 to A0.38) we infer that 1 - v2 has infinitely many zeros of multiplicity 4, hence w has infinitely many poles which must be of multiplicity 4. Let now zo be any such pole of w, with the Laurent expansion w(z) = p{z -zo)~4 + a(z -zo)~3 + O((z-z0)~2), P Ф °> (Ю.40) around zo- Obviously, wf/(w(w -1)) is regular at zo, hence Sw defines the Laurent expansion around zo- Now, substituting A0.40) and A0.41) into A0.39), we may equate the coefficients of the resulting two Laurent expansions, and this yields C =(—15/2J,
206 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems a = -( - 15/2J|, and therefore /3 = 225/4, a = 0. Define now w'2 *' /i := -7 r, 0 := —. A0.42) w(w — 1) л To make conclusions about the zeros and poles of A, we have to look at the zeros of w1 and the zeros, ones and poles of w. If w'{z') = 0, then w is regular at zf, and so w(z') = 0 or w(z') = 1 by A0.39). If now w(z') = 0, then v must have a pole at z'. From A0.38), the pole must be simple, and zf is a double zero of w. Thus, h(z') ф 0, oo. If then w(z') = 1, then v(z') = 0. By A0.38), v'(z') / 0, hence z; is a simple zero of v, and therefore a double zero of w — 1. Again h(z') ф 0, oo. The same reasoning shows that A(z') 7^ 0, oo at any point zx such that w(zf) = 0, resp. w(zf) = 1. Now, at the poles of w, w7(w(w — 1)) is regular, hence h has a double pole. Therefore, h has no zeros, and has infinitely many double poles exactly at the poles of w, say zo- Substituting /3 = 225/4, a = 0 into A0.40), we obtain around zo- Since ф has poles at the poles of h only, hence at the poles of w only, we get Defining r := ф1 - \ф2, а:=ф'-\к, A0.43) we see that r and a are regular at any pole of w. Hence, r and a are entire functions. Now, from A0.43) we conclude ,-±-Г±) ) +2m[r,!f) +O(l)=S(r,h) = S(r,W), and By elementary computation, using A0.43), we see that W = У - \фг -\h = -£h + k(z), A0.44)
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 207 where к = \(т + a). On the other hand, combining A0.42) with W2 = w, we get h = W2(w2-\) = V^T (ia45) But now, A0.44) and A0.45) result in W'2 = -^(W - k(z))(W - 1){W + 1). A0.46) By Theorem 10.3, similarly as in the proof of Lemma 10.7, k(z) reduces to a constant, say к. Suppose к ф±1. Defining g :=(W - к,), and substituting into A0.46) we obtain (K2 - l)g2) and so ^Д3 '2 fe +2к8). A0.47) Using the standard Clunie reasoning we see that m(r,g) = S(r,g), hence g has infinitely many poles, and therefore W has infinitely many /^-points. This is a contradiction, since A0.44) implies that к is a Picard value of W. In fact, h was proved to have no zeros. Therefore, we must have either к = 1 or/^ = -l. Assume that к = 1. Then A0.46) reduces into W'2 = -$(W - lJ(W + 1). A0.48) Now, from W2 = 1/A + v2) we get v2 =(W2 - l)/W2. Therefore, v1 W 2WW1 2W' 2— = -2— + W2- 1 W(W2- 1) and so Wf T)v- A049) Now, differentiating A0.48), we obtain W" = -^CW2 - 21V - 1). A0.50) Differentiating then A0.49) twice, and substituting A0.48) and A0.50) into the differentiated equations, we may compute Sv in terms of W, resulting in Sv =
208 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems W — {|. Recalling that W = Sv, we have a contradiction. Similarly, we may consider the case к = -1. □ Remark. It is possible, using a convenient software package, to solve explicitly A0.48), and the corresponding differential equation in the case к = ±1. This procedure would result in a slightly shorter reasoning with respect to the complete sequence of computations. Proof of Theorem 10.4. Recall first that we already have, by the preliminary considerations before Theorem 10.4, the case that degy P(f) = degy Q(f). Assume now that/ is a transcendental meromorphic solution of A0.16). Therefore, the case (9.3.21) from Theorem 9.3.4 reduces into A0.22). Hence, we may assume that Q(f) is non-constant in A0.16), and so each i/j in the nominator of the right- hand side of A0.16) is divisible by k, hence also degy Q(f) must be divisible by k. But this implies immediately that (9.3.13), (9.3.14) and (9.3.15) produce a contradiction. For instance, for (9.3.15) we see that which is impossible. Suppose next Q(f) is of type (9.3.12). Then degy Q(f) = 2k + ^, and the divisibility requirement implies t = 2. But then (9.3.12) reduces into A0.33), hence a contradiction to Lemma 10.8. Suppose now Q(f) is of type (9.3.19). Then Lemma 10.6 and the fact that t\ > 2, t2 > 2 implies that ^ + ^ must be either equal to 2k or to k. In the former case, t\ = ti = 2, and (9.3.19) reduces into A0.22). In the latter case, t\ =t2= 4, and we obtain a contradiction to Lemma 10.8. For the remaining types (9.3.11), (9.3.16), (9.3.17) and (9.3.18), we see imme- immediately, again using the divisibility of degy Q(f) by k, that these equations reduce into A0.17), A0.18), A0.19) and A0.20), respectively. D Another result, also related with Theorem 10.2, proves the non-existence of admissible solutions of i=0 This is an easy consequence of the admissible version of Theorem 10.3, see He and Laine [2], Corollary 2. However, using a reasoning due to K. Ishizaki [6], p. 272-273, we prove this result directly for n > 3. Under this assumption, the Ishizaki version below, Theorem 10.11, improves the original non-existence result due to He and Laine. We first need a preparatory lemma, complementing Theo- Theorem 2.2.5.
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 209 Lemma 10.10. Let у be admissible relative to the coefficients ofP(z, y) = N(r,P(z,y))=nN{r,y)+S{r,y). Proof. By Theorem 2.2.5, T(P{z,y))=nT{r,y) + S(r,y). On the other hand, an easy inductive argument according to deg^ P(z,y), see the proof of Lemma 7.6, implies that m(r,P(z,y)) <nm{r,y)+S(r,y). Therefore, N(r,P(z,y))>nN{r,y)+S{r,y). The converse inequality is immediate by i=0 Theorem 10.11. The differential equation P(z,y') = Q(z,y), A0.51) where P(z,yf), resp. Q(z,y), is a polynomial of degree > 3 iny't resp. a polynomial in y, with meromorphic coefficients such that 1 < q := deg^ Q(z,y) < p — 1 := P(z,yf) — 1, admits no admissible solutions. Proof. We may denote Q(z,y) = aq{z)yq + aq_x (z)yq-1 + ■■■ + ao(z), l<q<p-l, where aq{z) ф 0, and where Г(г,/3,-) =S(r,y), T(r,atj) = S(r,y) holds for all coefficients of P(z,y') and Q(z,y). By Theorem 2.2.5, we get at once pT(r,y')=qT(r,y) + S(r,y). A0.52)
210 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems Now, writing Q(z,y) = Y^Z\ aj(^)y^ we таУ speak about the coefficients aq+\, ... , OLp-\. Making, if needed, a preliminary transformation у =u + a(z), a(z) :=-ap_2(z)/((p - l)a>_i(z)), we may assume below that either ap-\ (z) = 0 or ap_2(z) = 0- Suppose now, contrary to the assertion, that у is an admissible solution of A0.51). By Lemma 10.10 and by A0.52), we immediately see that = N(r,P(z,y'))=pN(r,y') which is a contradiction unless N(r,y) = S(r,y). Hence, N(r,y) = S(r,y), N(r,y') =S(r,y). A0.53) Next, we see that outside of a finite exceptional set of r-values, v"" A0.54) hold simultaneously. In fact, substituting у = r + w into A0.51), we get {aqri + • • • + ахт + ao)«2p = %-l ("), (Ю.55) where S2p-\ (и) is a differential polynomial in и of total degree at most 2p — 1. Clearly, и is an admissible solution of A0.55). Choosing r € С to satisfy aqrq + hajr + ao ф 0, which may fail for finitely many values of r only, the standard Clunie reasoning implies m(r,u) = S(r,u). Therefore, A0.54) follows. Take now distinct complex constants т\, ... , rp to satisfy A0.54). The con- constants r\, ... , rp will be specified later on. It is immediate to deduce, for each s < p, that (Ю.56) In fact, we may write (y'Y = У У i =i (У ~Ti) У ~т\ У -ЪУ ~ г5+1
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 211 Now, A0.56) follows by A0.54) and by Theorem 2.3.3. Let us now define F(z,tj) := (P(zJ) - Q(z,Tj))/(y ~ tj), j = 1, ... ,p. A0.57) Clearly, P{z,y') - Q(z,tj) = Q(z,y) - Q(z,tj) is divisible by у - tj, and therefore A0.57) implies N(rJF(zirj))=S(riy)i j = 1, ... ,p, A0.58) by Lemma 10.10. We consider A0.59) for some complex constants A\, ... , Ap to be specified immediately. By A0.58), it is clear that N(r,h) = S(r,y), and by A0.54), A0.60) 3 = 1 Let us now choose the constants A\, ... , Ap to satisfy A0.61) \ ■> A n which results from the elementary partial fractional representation. By A0.61) and A0.56), it is clear that -J-)=S(r,y). A0.62) Combining A0.60) and A0.62), we conclude that m(r,h) = S(r,y) and so
212 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems Assuming now that h does not vanish identically, we obtain by A0.59) and A0.61) that A0.63) From A0.63), we conclude by Theorem 2.2.5 that рГ(г,/) =pT(r,y)+S(r,y). Combining with A0.52), we get the contradiction T(r,y) = S(r,y). So, we may assume that h vanishes identically. Therefore, using A0.59) and A0.61) again, we may write Comparing with the original differential equation A0.16), we get the identity p \ p~l i)II^-^)) =ЕМ0^, (Ю.64) where we have a j (z) = 0 for j > q + 1. We may equate the coefficients on both sides of A0.64), making use of the fact that either ap-\(z) = 0 or ap_2(z) = 0. In the case of ap-\(z) = 0, we obtain .7=1 Selecting now z\, ... , zp and specifying tj, ... , rp so that det,-j \Q(zt, tj)\ / 0, we obtain A\ = • • • = Ap = 0 from A0.65), a contradiction. If then ap_2(z) = 0, we get e 0. A0.66) A similar reasoning now results the same contradiction A\ = ••• = Ap = 0 from A0.66). □
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 213 Remark. Theorem 10.11 remains valid for the case p = 2 too, although the above method of proof fails. As mentioned above, one may rely on He and Laine [2], Corollary 2, as shown by Ishizaki [6], Lemma 3. In the case of first order algebraic differential equations the ultimate goal of Malmquist type reasoning would be to characterize all differential equations of type )n =0 A0.67) with coefficients rational in z, which admit transcendental meromorphic solutions. This goal remains far from being achieved presently. We restrict ourselves to consider here the case n — 2 which may be treated easily by the Nevanlinna theory. Concerning this result, as well as some related conclusions, see Steinmetz [4]. Theorem 10.12. Letf be a transcendental meromorphic solution of the differential equation P(zJj')=A(zJ)+2B(zJ)f' + C(zJ)(f'J = 0, A0.68) where A(zJ), B(z,f) and C(z,f) are polynomials inf with rational coefficients. Moreover, P(z,u,v) is supposed to be an irreducible polynomial in u, v. Then 7:=deg/C(z,/)=0, C := deg/*(z,/) < 2, a := deg/A(z,/) < 4. A0.69) Before proceeding to prove Theorem 10.12, we need some preparations. Lemma 10.13. Let/ be a transcendental meromorphic function such that m(r,f) = S(r,/). Suppose there exist rational functions a(z), b(z) such that the counting function Ne(r,f) of those poles zv off which don't satisfy f(z) = —^— +a{zv) + b(zu)(z -*„) + ••-, (Ю.70) Z Zv is exceptional in the sense ofNe(rJ) = S (r,/). Thenf satisfies the Riccati differ- differential equation /' = -2a1 (z) -a{zJ + 3b(z) + 2a(z)f -f2. A0.71) Proof We may assume that the poles of/ counted into Ne(r,f) also contain all such poles where simultaneously a (z) or b (z) has either a zero or a pole. So, let zv be a pole of/ satisfying A0.70) such that a(zv) / 0, сю and b(zv) Ф 0, сю. А
214 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems simple computation shows that F(zv) = 0, where F(z) :=f'(z) + 2a'(z) + a(zJ - 3b(z) - 2a(z)f(z) +f(zJ. Therefore, N(r,F) < 2Ne (r,/) + О (log r) = S (rj). Assume now that F doesn't vanish identically. Then Hence, T(r,f) = m(r,f) +N(r,f) < m(r,f) + N (r, j^j + Ne(r,f) = S(r,f), a contradiction. Therefore, F must vanish identically, and A0.71) follows. □ Lemma 10.14. Let f be a transcendental meromorphic solution of A0.68), and let т € С be such that A(z,t) doesn't vanish identically. Then m Proof Denote now /i := maxG, /3 — 2, a - 4), and a C 7 A(zJ) = J2^i(z)f\ B{zJ) = YJbi(z)f\ C(zJ) = J2 1=0 i=0 i=0 Substituting/ = r -f y~l into A0.68) we obtain and so 1=0 \ У/ /=0 1=0
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 215 Clearly, A0.72) may be rewritten as where the total degree of <2/х_|_з(г,у) in у and yr is at most /x + 3. By the Clunie argument we get m(r,y) = S(r,y), and the assertion follows. П Lemma 10.15. Let Qq{z,f) be a differential polynomial inf with rational coeffi- coefficients, of total degree q, letf be transcendental meromorphic, and define h{z):=Qq{zJ{z))/(f[{f{z)-rj)\ p>q, where r\, ... , тр are distinct complex numbers. Then P j=\ n J T3 Proof. We may consider each of the expressions * 1—\P (f \ where jo+j\ H \-Jk —: Я\ ^ Я ^ Р» which sum up to h(z), separately. Writing (f'\jx (f{k)\jk fqx we may use the standard partial fractional representation to get P „. _ for some complex constants c\j, not all vanishing. Now, summing up the expres- expressions A0.73), we obtain (> j=\
216 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems where m(r,Cj) = S(r,f). The assertion follows immediately. □ Proof of Theorem 10.12. A) Using the earlier notations, see Lemma 10.14, it suffices to prove that \i — 0. To this end, we define recursively, for4 certain r-values such that C(z, т) ф 0, A(z, т) ^ 0, a family of auxiliary functions by setting A0.74) H (z, r j,..., rs _ i, ra) - H (z, r j,..., rs _ j, r^) This results, after some computation, in the representation where Py_i, <2,y_i are polynomials in / with rational coefficients such that deg/P5_i(z,/,r1,...,r5) < j - 1, deg/e5_i(z,/,ri,...,r5) <s- 1. Writing we see that H(z, r\,..., rs) may be written as »(г,ть...,тд) = ^(X^^.^W-^^ (lft76) Now, from A0.74), we see that K{zJ,r{) = P(z,Thf'(z))/C{z,r) vanishes at points z such that f(z) = r\. Using A0.76), we see inductively that K{z,f, rj,..., ts) vanishes at points z such that/(z) = tj for some j = 1, ... , s. But the assumption that A(z,tj) ф 0, implies by A0.72) that the tj;-points of/ are simple, except possibly at zeros and poles of the coefficients of A0.72), whose number remains finite. So, the tj -points of/ imply at most finitely many poles of Я(г,ть...,т5). B) Assume now that for at least one of the auxiliary functions 7](z) := Я(г,Т1,...,т5) with s > 4, we have degyP5_i(z,/, rb... ,r5) < j - 2. Now, at a pole zo of/ with multiplicity p > 2, it is immediate to see that the pole of K{z,f, ti, ..., г,) at zo is of multiplicity (j - \)p + 1, while (/ - т\) •••(/- r5) has a pole of multiplicity 5/7 at zo, these holding at least outside of zeros and poles of the coefficients of К(z,/,т\,...,rs). Therefore, H{z,t\,. ..,r5) has at most finitely many poles. Now, it is obvious that Lemma 10.15 applies to A0.75), hence mir^rn) = S(rJ) and so T(r,r]) = S(rJ). Suppose now \i > 0, contrary to our
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 217 assertion. Comparing A0.68) and the equation (f'J + 2Ps-i(z,f,Th...,Ts)f' + Qs_i(z,f,Th...,Ts) = v{z)(f~TX)---(f-Ts), A0.77) which is nothing else than A0.75), we see that (/'J may be eliminated from A0.68) and A0.77) unless s-i(z,f,n,.-.,Ts)-r1(z)(f-Ti)---(f~Ts) = u(z)A(z,f) s-l{z,f,TU...,Ts) = u(z)B(z,f) = v{z)C{ZJ). Obviously, this means that degyC(z,/) = 0 and that v{z) is rational. Moreover, the first equation implies that ,/) = j anddeg/£(z,/) = degfPs_i(z,f,ri,... ,r5) =: r < s - 2. Therefore, A0.77) may be written in the form (f'J + 2B0(zJ)f'+A0(zJ) = 0, A0.78) where degfi40(z,/) = s, degy#o(z,/) = r < .y — 2, .y > 4. By a standard Clunie reasoning, m{r,f) = 5(r,/). It is immediate to see that all but finitely many of poles of/, whose total number is infinite, must be simple. Substituting и = \, we obtain an equation of type (aous + • • • + as)-{b0us-2 + • • • + brus-r-2)uf + us-4{u'J = 0 A0.79) with rational coefficients. If s = 4, there is nothing to prove. So, we may assume that s > 5. Then we cannot have as = 0 and r < s — 2 simultaneously by irreducibility. If as Ф 0, then at each zero zv of w, r < s — 2 implies as{zv) = 0 and so the number of zeros of м, i.e. the number of poles of/, would be finite, a contradiction. Hence as = 0 and so r = s - 2. Then we must have uf(zv) = ^s(zi/)/br(zi/) =: ai(zi/). Now, differentiating A0.79) repeatedly, we find rational functions Q2 (z), «з (z), • • • such that at the (simple) zeros zv of u. Now, ot\/u satisfies the assumptions of Lemma 10.13, and therefore a\/u, hence also/, solves a Riccati differential equation with rational coefficients. Substituting into A0.78), we obtain an algebraic equation for/ with rational coefficients. Hence/ is a rational function, a contradiction. Therefore,
218 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems (ffJ may be eliminated from A0.68) and A0.77), resulting in where R{z,f) is rational in/ with coefficients formed by applying rational op- operations to rj(z) and some rational functions. Defining now Q(w,v) and D(u,v) as Г Q(u,v) ~ C(u,v)R(u,v) +B(u,v) \ D(n,v) := E(W,v)J -A(n,v)C(n,v), we see by elementary computation that D(z,f(z)) — [Q(z,f{z))j . If now the identity D(u,v) = (Q(m,v)) doesn't hold, we may find sufficiently many r-values such that A(z,r) ф 0, D(z,t) ф (<2(z,r)J, to apply Lemma 10.14 and the fact that T{r,r\) =S(rJ). This results in 1 l+S(rJ)<N[r9——-^——,)+S(r9f) < T(r,D(z,T))+2T(r,Q(z,T))+S(rJ)=S(rJ), a contradiction. Therefore, D(u,v) = (Q{u,v)) , but this would contradict the irreducibility of P (z, и, v). C) So, we may now assume that all polynomials S(zJ) := P3(z,/,П,... ,r4) = a3(z)/3 + • satisfy the condition degy S(z,f) = 3, i.e. that 03B) ф 0. Consider now also Clearly, a3(z) ф b3(z), since otherwise we would obtain for s = 5 a situation from Part B). Define now _/ ч _ H(Z,TI,T2,T3,T4) __ H(z,ThT2,T3,T5) [Z)'~ a3(z) Ш
10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems 219 after a simple computation, + 2B0(zJ)ff + A0(zJ) - s(z)(f - тО •••(/- r5), A0.80) where Aq(z,/), B${z,f), Cq(z,/) are polynomials in/ with rational coefficients. Now, comparing A0.80) with A0.68), we obtain the situation at the end of Part B), unless there is a factor £(z) so that АоЫ) - s(z)(f -n)...(f- т5) = £{z)A(zJ) B0{zJ) = ttz)B{zJ) Co(z,f)=Z(z)C(z,f). Looking at A0.80), we conclude that ji = 7 = 1, and that C(zJ) = c(z)(f - q(z)). Dividing A0.68) by c(z) and making, if needed, the transformation/ —> / - q(z), we may assume that A0.68) takes the form P0(z,u,v) :=f(ffJ + 2B(zJ)ff +A(zJ) =0. A0.81) D) We now divide the reasoning in two final cases. Assume first that A(z,0) doesn't vanish identically. By Lemma 10.14, m(rA) = S(r,f), and by A0.72) again, / has at most finitely many multiple zeros. Consider now the simple zeros of/, say Zi/. Clearly, B(z,0) = 0 implies that/ would have finitely many zeros only, as we see by inspecting A0.81). Hence, we must have В (z, 0) ф 0. Therefore A0.81) results in We denote a\(z) := -jA(z,0)/B(z,0). Differentiating A0.81) repeatedly, we see similarly as in Part B) that/ would be rational, a contradiction. E) Assume finally that A(z,0) = 0. By irreducibility of Pq(z,u,v), we must have B(z,0) Ф 0. Therefore, A0.81) takes the form f{?J + 2(fco(z) + • • • + h(Z)f3)ff + {ax{z)f + • • • + a5(z)f5) = 0. A0.82) Inspecting A0.82), or A0.81), we see that/ has at most finitely many zeros. Hence, v =f~l is a meromorphic function with finitely many poles, satisfying the differential equation V(z, v, v') :=(v'J - 2(fco(z)v3 + • • • +b3(z))vf + (a,(z)v4 + • • • +a5(z)) = 0. A0.83)
220 10. The Malmquist-Yosida-Steinmetz type theorems Now, we construct similar auxiliary functions as in A0.74), relative to V(z, v,v;). This results in «,toi=;::i (.0.84) (v -ti)(v -r2) where degv Vi(z,v,rbr2) < 1, degv W\(z, v,ri,r2) < 1. Similarly as to Part A), we deduce that Hv(z,t\,t2) has at most finitely many poles, while Lemma 10.15 results in m(r,Hv) = S(r,v). Therefore, A0.84) may be written as (у/J+2У1(г,у,гьг2)у/+1У1(г,у,г1,г2)-Яу(г,гьг2)(у-г1)(у-г2). A0.85) Similarly as to Part B), eliminating vf from A0.83) and A0.85) yields a contra- contradiction. Hence, to avoid this, we must have degv (bo(z)v3 H \-b^(z)) < 1. But this means that bo(z) = 0, hence B(z,0) = 0, a contradiction. □ Remark. The corresponding result for the higher degree case A0.67) has been proved by A. Eremenko [3], Theorem 6. The proof given by Eremenko relies strongly on non-trivial algebraic reasoning. It would be interesting to see a purely function-theoretic proof of this result.
Chapter 11 First order algebraic differential equations In the preceding chapter we considered some special cases of algebraic differential equations ^(г,/,/;,...,/(и))=0, A1.1) where P is a polynomial in the variables/,/7, ... ,/("\ with meromorphic coef- coefficients. As throughout this presentation, we are interested in solutions/ of A1.1) which are meromorphic in the complex plane. We write A1.1) in the form 52---(fM)iH=0, A1.2) Xei where / is a finite set of multi-indices (i'q, ..., in) = A. Standard notations to be used below are as follows. The degree |A| of a single term in A1.2) will be defined by |A| :=i"oH \-in, and, correspondingly, its weight by ||A|| := i0 + 2i! 4 h(n + l)iw. In a natural way, the degree and the weight of the whole equation A1.2) will be defined by the corresponding maxima as |/>|:=max|A|, ||P|| := max||A||. Xei Xei The first applications of the Nevanlinna theory to algebraic differential equations, except for the Malmquist-Yosida type of results treated in the preceding chapter, were due to F. Rellich, see Rellich [1] and H. Wittich, see Wittich [1] and [3]. We begin this chapter by recalling the classical result from Rellich [1]: Theorem 11.1. Letf be an entire solution of P{z,fj',...J{n))=F(f), A1.3)
222 11. First order algebraic differential equations where the coefficients of P are rational functions and F is transcendental entire. Thenf is necessarily a constant. Proof. Clearly, we may assume that / is transcendental. We write the left-hand side of A1.3) in the form A1.2). Then iw Aj An) Xei " * and we immediately conclude that T(r,F(f)) =m(r,F(f)) < 52(m{r,ax) + \X\m(rJ)+S(rJ)) xei for some К > 0. Next, we show that for any k e N, kT(rJ) < T(r,F(f)) + S(r,f) holds, at least for a sequence of values of r, see Clunie [2], Theorem 2. Since F is transcendental, there is a complex value b such that F takes b at least in some points a\, ... , a^^i G C. Then obviously i = \ Since N(r,f) = 0, the second main theorem, Theorem 2.5.1, implies easily that Hence kT(rJ)<KT(rJ)+S(rJ) must hold at least for a sequence of values of r —> +oo. Since k e N is arbitrary, we have a contradiction. □ The leading idea, perhaps, in the research of algebraic differential equations since the pioneering articles by K. Yosida and H. Wittich has been to obtain growth estimates for solutions in terms of the growth of coefficients. Unfortunately, completely general results of this type remain inaccessible, see Theorem 11.11
11. First order algebraic differential equations 223 below. The first important result of a growth estimate type was due to A. Gol'dberg in 1956, see Gol'dberg [1]. We prove this theorem using a method developed by Bank and Kaufman [1]. Theorem 11.2. Let P (u\, U2, щ) be a polynomial in all of its variables and consider the first order algebraic differential equation P(zJJf)=0. A1.4) Then all meromorphic solutions of A1.4) are of finite order of growth. The basic idea to prove this theorem is to apply the second main theorem to a solution of A1.4), while A1.4) will be rewritten in the form =0, N>1, A1.5) n=0 where each P(n) 3=0 is a polynomial in z and/. Theorem 11.2 then follows as a consequence of the following Theorem 11.3. Let f be a meromorphic solution of A1.5), and let J be the set of integers n, 0 < n < N', for which Pn(z,f) does not vanish identically. We may assume that 0 G J, N G J and that for all n G J', Pp(n)nif) does not vanish identically. Defining L := max fp(j)-p(N) I N-j jeJ\{N} }■ we have (a) T(r,f) = O(logr)forL<-l, (b) T(r,f) = O{log2r)forL=~l, (c) T(r,f) = O{r2L+2)forL> -1. To prove Theorem 11.3, we denote E := { w € С | Pjn(w) ф 0 for all Pjn{w) and we prove first a sequence of four lemmas.
224 11. First order algebraic differential equations Lemma 11.4. Assume wq G E. Then there exist real numbers b > 0, r\ > 1, К > 1 and a\ < a2 < — - < aq < L such that for all \<j<s<qwe have 2K\z\ai <K-l\z\as, A1.7) provided \z\ > r\. Moreover, if \z\ > r\ and \f{z) —щ\ < b, then there exists a unique j G {1,..., q}, depending on z, such that K~l\zp<\f'(z)\<K\z\ai. A1.8) Proof Since each Pjn is a polynomial in / with constant coefficients, it is imme- immediate to find b > 0, ^2 > d\ > 0 such that for |vv - wq\ < b, di<\Pjn(w)\<d2 holds for all Pjn{w) not vanishing identically. By A1.6) and Lemma 1.3.1, we find ro > 1 such that f-lzF'*'1) < \Pn{zJ{z))\<2d2\z\P^ A1.9) is true for all Pn(z,f) with n G 7, provided \z\ > ro and \f(z) — wq\ < b. For simplicity, denote Q:=y, c2:=2d2, Bn(z) := Pn{zJ(z)). Assuming now that z satisfies \z\ > tq, \f(z) — wq| < b, we define k = k(z) € J to be the largest number in J such that \Bk(z)(f'(z))k\=mzK\Bn(z)(f'(z))"\. A1.10) Since N n=0 пфк there exists the smallest number m = m(z) € J \{k} such that \Bm(z)(f'(z))m\ > ^\Bk(z)(f'(z))k\. . A1.11)
11. First order algebraic differential equations 225 The pair (k,m) = (k(z),m(z)) is called the index of z. We define _P{k)-p(m) m — к and К := max(Wc2cr1I/(j~n). j,neJ Then, of course, j,neJ 2 We next show that the index {k,m) of z satisfies K~l\z\akm <\ff(z)\<K\z\akm A1.12) as soon as \z\ > r0 and \f(z) - wo\ < b. In fact, by A1.9) and A1.11), \ff(z)\m~k > N~~l\Bm(z)\~~l\Bk(z)\ > N~lc~lc\ Suppose now that к <m. Then, by the definition of K, Moreover, by A1.9) and A1.10), \f'(z)\k-m > \Bk(z)\-l\Bm(z)\ > c^cx\z\p{ and therefore \f\z)\ <{c2c~l)l^m^\z\akm <(Nc2cf1I/(m"*)|z|Q!*'fI <K\z\akm, hence A1.12) holds. Similarly we may proceed if к > т. Now we consider the set of indices of z, i.e., the set F := {аы | 3z G C, |z| > r0, \f(z)-wo\ < b, (k,m) the index of z } and ^ { F \(*km >L)'
226 11. First order algebraic differential equations Clearly, F is a finite set. Hence, there is Г2 > r$ such that r^L > K2 holds for all a £ F\. We proceed to show that akm < L holds for akm G F, provided that the corresponding z satisfies |z| > r^ For k = N we have p(N)-p(m) = m_N <L by the definition of L. Hence, we may assume that k < N. By A1.10), \Bk(z)(f'(z))k\>\BN(z)(f'(z))N\, and therefore, by A1.9), which implies that Moreover, by A1.12), |z|a*-~L = |zrL|zr*« < \z\ab"K\f'{zTl <K2. Since z may be arbitrarily large, we must have akm < L. We now arrange the points in the finite non-empty set F\F\ according to the increasing order and denote them as a\ < a^ < • • - < aq. In addition, we may assume that r\ > r^ is large enough to guarantee that A1.7) holds. The inequalities A1.12) give us A1.8) as soon as we have chosen aj = akm with (k,m) being the index of z - □ Definition 11.5. The unique number aj = cij{z) defined by Lemma 11.4 is said to be associated with z. Lemma 11.6. Let wq € E, and let b, r\, K, a\, ... , aq be as in Lemma 11.4. Assume that there exists Rq > r\ and a point zo such that \zq\ > Ro> f(zo) — w0 and that the associated number aj = aj(zo) < — 1- Then/ must be rational. Proof. Denote first am := max{^- < -1 | j = 1, ... , q }
11. First order algebraic differential equations 227 and V = -ат - 1 > 0. Choose now Rq > r\ large enough to satisfy R~v < min(br]/4K,b/S'KK). A1.13) Take zo as in the assertion and write aj = aj(zo) = — 1 — cr; then obviously rj < a. Writing zo = |zokIV?» we see that - \f'(re^)\<Krai A1.14) holds for all r > |zq|- Assume in fact, for a while, that A1.14) does not hold. By A1.8), the inequality A1.14) is true for r = |zo|. Hence, we find e > 0 and zi = \z2\ei(p with \Z2\ > \zo\ such that \f'{z2)\=(K+e)\z2\aj (П.15) while \f'(r*iip)\<(K+e)rai is true for all r, |zo| < r < \z2\- But then \zo\ [Ы л \7п\~а <{K + e) / r-l-adr<(K + e)£2±—. J\zo\ a A1.16) Hence, A1.13) and A1.16) imply that \f(z2)-w0\ <(K + e)^ <(K+e)^ < |, A1.17) assuming e < K, as we may do. Let now as = as(z2) be associated with z2 by Lemma 11.4. Then, from A1.8) and A1.15) we conclude K'l\zi\a' < \ff(z2)\ =(K + e)\z2\af<K\z2\a'. (П.18) The latter inequality immediately tells that aj < as, hence j < s. But then we get a contradiction 2K\z2\ai <(* + £)№ < Г \f'(O\dr J\zo\
228 11. First order algebraic differential equations by A1.7), and so A1.14) must be true. Hence, the same reasoning as used in A1.16) and A1.17) implies that A1.19) for all r > \zo\- Next, we assert that \ff(z)\<K\z\ai A1.20) holds for all z with \z\ = r > Rq. By A1.14), this is true at z\ = rel{p. Assuming A1.20) is not true, there is an e, 0 < e < K, and zi = re1^ with (p < ф < (p + 2тг such that while \f'{reie)\<(K + e)rai A1.22) holds for all 0, ip < в < ip. Then integration along the circle from z\ to Z2 results by A1.22) in \f{z2) ~f{z\)\ < 4irKrl+aJ. By the same reasoning as used above we obtain from A1.19) and A1.13) that \f(zi) - щ\ < b. Then, using as{z2) in A1.8), we obtain with A1.21) again A1.18), and we arrive at a contradiction similarly as to above. It remains to conclude from A1.19) and A1.20) that/ is necessarily rational. But this is immediate, since by A1.19) and A1.20), \f\ must be bounded by a power of r, as soon as r > \zq\- □ Lemma 11.7. Let w$ G E, and let b, r\, K, a\, ... , aq be as in Lemma 11.4 and assume that/ is transcendental. Then there is 6\ with 0 < 6\ < ^ such that if \zo\ > 2r!,/(zo) = w0> and if the associated number aj := aj(zo) > — 1, then/ is univalent in the disk \z — zo\ < <$ikol~L- Proof. Denote Л := max(|a! |, ...,\aq |), choose 6 > 0 such that and set Take now zq as in the assertion. Since/ is transcendental, the Picard theorem tells that Я:={г||г|>|гь \f(z) - wo\ = b } ф 0.
11. First order algebraic differential equations 229 Clearly, H is closed. Looking at H П { z \ \z \ < kr\ } for some к sufficiently large, we see that there is z\ € H such that |zi -zol =dist(zo,//) = mi \z eH}. Moreover, an elementary reasoning shows that \zi-zo\>6\zo\-a>. In fact, to prove A1.23), we assume for a while that j <6\zo\- A1.23) Consider now the disk Dq := {z | \z - Zq\ < |zi - zol }• Using A1.24) and the triangle inequality, the assumption |z| < \r\ for some z G Dq implies \z\ > \\zo\ - \z-zo\\ > \\zq\ - \zi-zo\\ >A -6)\zo\ which is impossible. Thus we must have \z\ > \r\ for all z G Dq. Moreover, \f(z) - wq\ < b. In fact, if z ф z\, z G £>0, would have \f(z) - wo\ > b, then the image of the closed line [z,z\] would intersect the circle |£ - wq| = b, contradicting the definition of z\. Hence, Lemma 11.4 associates a number ak — ak{z) to each z € Dq. Denote by G^ the subset of Dq with the associated number ak. By continuity of/7, the sets G^ are closed. Since their union covers Dq and the sets G^ are distinct, an elementary connectedness argument implies that ak(z)= aj = flj(zo) for all z G Do. Hence, A1.8) holds for all z G Do. By A1.24) we see, using the triangle inequality, that ^\zq\ < \z\ < 2\zq\ holds on Dq. Hence we conclude from A1.8) that on Dq. But then 2X6K < b = \f(zi) -f(zo)\ = го < К Г |zi - zol < * • 2A • 6 • |zo|e' i-a7 — 0^ = 2 • 8K, a contradiction. Therefore A1.23) is true.
230 11. First order algebraic differential equations Consider now the disk D\ := { z \ \z - zq\ < ФоГ^ }• A similar reasoning as to above shows that \z\ > \r\, \f(z) - wq\ < b, and K-l\z\ai<\f'{z)\<K\z\ai on D\, as well as j\zo\ < \z\ < 2|zo|- Therefore, K-l.2-M\zo\a> < \f'(z)\<K-2M\zo\a> (П.25) holds on D\. Denote now The Cauchy formula applied for the disk D(z,j\zo\~~a') now results by A1.25) in \f"(z)\<K-21+^\zo\2a>-6-1 A1.26) on Di- Let finally D3 be the disk £>3 := { z I |z - zol < «l|zol~ej }• Since b\ = 6 ■ K~~2 ■ 2~BA+2) < \б, Dj С D-i- Moreover, we see that on £>3, f'iz) -f'{zo)\ < Г \Г" < К • 6~l6i • 21+W|zo|e' < К • К'2 • 2" by A1.25) and A1.26) and the fact that Л > \aj\. Now, if С £ e D3, then /@ ( f\ J* -/@ = ff\t)dt = J*(f'(zo) + (f'{t) -/(го))) А, and we see by A1.25) and A1.26) that/(C) 7^/@- Since aj < L»see Lemma 11.4, D3 contains the asserted disk \z — zol < 5i|zo|~L. □ Lemma 11.8. Let L, 6\ be real numbers such that L> —1, 0 < 6\ < 1. Let be a sequence of complex numbers such that each disk \z — Zk \ < #i \zk \~L contains no other point zm of the sequence. Then as R —► +00, the number v(R) of points
11. First order algebraic differential equations 231 in the annulus 1 < \z\ < R is forL>-\ u(R) = O(\ogR) forL=-l. Proof. Let и e N and define An:={k\2n<\zk\<2n+1}. For 62 := 2~'Ll<5i we easily deduce 6\\z.k\~L > h ' 2~nL forkeAn. A1.27) In fact, for L > 0 we get с i_ \—L \ с ^"L ъ—nL с ъ—nL and for L < 0, «1 |z* TL > «1 • 2"nL = «2 • 2|L| • 2""L > E2 • 2"nL, since 62 = 2~ILI<51 = 2L^j in this case. For k G An, we denote w^ := 2~nZk, thus 1 < кл| < 2. Now, for Л; G А„, the disk к -Щ\ <rn =62-2-nL-2-n contains no other wm such that m € An.ln fact, otherwise we deduce from A1.27) contradicting our assumptions. It follows that the disks \w - wk \ < ^rn for k € An are all disjoint and inside of \w\ < 3. Hence, denoting by a(n) the number of these disks, and calculating the disk areas, we obtain r2 a(n) ■ к-jL < 9тг, and so o(n) < 81 • г = 81 • 6Z Z2 ■ 4"
232 11. First order algebraic differential equations Now, let R > 2 be given and assume 2m < R < 2m+1. Then, n=0 If L = -1, then for some К > 0, v{R) <K+Km < К + K(\og2)-l\ogR = O{\ogR). Finally, if L > -1, then m v{R) < К ]TVA+L) < #A +m)BwA+L)J < O{\ogR)R2L+2 = 0{R2L+2+£). n=0 By slightly enlarging the disks \w - wk\ < \rn, if needed, we see that v{R) = O(R2L+2). П Proof of Theorem 11.3. If L < -1, Lemma 11.6 implies that/ must be rational, i.e., the assertion (a) is true. Assume next that L = -1, then take three complex values w\, w2, и>з to apply Lemma 11.7 and Lemma 11.8. Since we get by integration The assertion follows by the second main theorem. Finally, if L > -1, a similar reasoning results in the conclusion (c). □ Before proceeding, it is perhaps worth giving a couple of more remarks con- concerning the equation A1.4). It was proved as early as in 1920 by G. Poly a (see Polya [1], p. 311) the following Theorem 11.9. Let Р(и\,и2,щ) be a polynomial in all of its variables and let f be a transcendental entire solution of A1.4). Then a(f) > 0. Proof Assume on the contrary that a if) — 0. We are going to apply the Wiman- Valiron theory. Recall first that a(f) = 0 implies i/(r) lim -A-i- = 0 A1.28) r—>oo r
11. First order algebraic differential equations 233 for all k G N, see Proposition 3.3. Let us now write A1.4) in the form E E A1.29) where Аа^ are complex constants and J is a finite set of triple indices (a, /3,7). Of course, we assume that each of the indices (a,/?,7) G 7 appears only once in the left-hand side of A1.29). Next, we observe that the set of triples (/? + 7, a - 7,7) defines uniquely the corresponding triple (a, /3,7). Hence, a unique term Раъс on the left-hand side of A1.29) will be defined, if we first consider then := {(«2,/^2,72) €7i I a2-72 = max{ ai -71 |(ab/3b7i) G /1 } } and finally we take (a,b,c) € /2 sucn mat c = max{72 |(«2»/%»72) ^ ^2 }• If now (a,/3,7) ^2C 7ь (<*,/? Л) Ф(а,Ъ,с), then clearly /3 + 7 = fc + c, a — 7 = a - c, but 7 < c. Consider now a sequence zn of points such that rn = |zw I —* °°» selected so that Theorem 3.2 applies for these points. Then Z<tf(Zn)bf'(Zn)C Kbc Z%f{Zn)b ^Q/?7 a—7—(а—с + o{\)) -> 0 as n -> 00, since 00 as n —> 00 and 7 - с < 0.
234 11. First order algebraic differential equations Assume next that {a, C,7) € УДУ2 meaning /З+7 = b+c, while a—7 <a-c. Then PabciZn) Z%f{Zn)bf'{Zn) AabcZ°f(Zn)b Aabc 0 0 as n -* оо by A1.28) and the fact that a - c-(a - 7) > 1. Finally, assume that (a, /3,7) G 7 \ 7i, hence /3 + 7 < & + c. Then PaC-y(zn) Pabc{Zn) — — Aap-yZ^fiZnrf'iZnI Aabc ZmZn)bf'(Zn)C vir \ч~с Aa/3-y 1 r(a-c)-{a-j) \f(Zn)\b+c-b rn \f(Zn)\l b+c- ra—a rn \f(Zn)\b+C-^+^ f(z») f(Zn) as n 7-c by A1.28) and by the Liouville theorem. Hence, the term Раъс dominates the left- hand side of A1.29), at least for the sequence points zn- Letting n —> 00, a simple application of the triangle inequality results in a contradiction. □ A remark to complete Theorem 11.9 is that transcendental non-entire mero- morphic solutions/ of A1.4) cannot be excluded, see Bank and Kaufman [1], p. 298-299. We give their example also here. So, let ш = 1 and J = 2тп be the primitive periods of a doubly-periodic function, namely the Weierstrass p-function defined by p(z) := -2 + > A1.30) where o;^ means the non-zero numbers in {m + n • 2тп* | m, n G Z}, arranged according to their increasing moduli. It easily follows from A1.30) that p is an even function, see Saks and Zygmund [1], p. 369. Moreover, p satisfies the differential equation /2 p = 4(p - ex)(p - e2){p - e3), A1.31)
11. First order algebraic differential equations 235 where see Saks and Zygmund [1], p. 371. Since 2тг/ is a period of p, we see at once that the function w(z) := p( logz) is single-valued on 0 < \z \ < oo. The branch of the logarithm may be taken arbitrarily. Now, for any С £ С, there corresponds at least one г 6 С such that z +z~l = C- If zi-hzf"! = Z2+Z21, thenzi-Z2 ={z\—Z2)/z\Z2, hence either z\ — Z2 or z\ = z^, i.e., logzi = ±logZ2- Since p is an even function, we have w(z\) = w(z2)- Hence, if we define M(C) := W(z) for г -hz = С the definition is unambiguous and w is single-valued in the whole complex plane. Next, we assert that и is meromorphic. Consider first any point Co Ф ±2. Then, by solving a quadratic equation, we find MO analytic in a neighbourhood of Co such that MO + (МОГ1 =С- (П.32) Now h(Co) ф 0, hence we may take an analytic branch L(z) of logz, say in the above neighbourhood of Co- This means that L(h(Q) is analytic and so also w(C) = p(L(/i(C))) is analytic in some neighbourhood of Co- Consider next Co = 2. By the above argument, w(C) is meromorphic in some set 0 < |C - Col < Q- Take a sequence qi —> 0 and denote Ц- := { С | 0 < |C - Col < Qi }• Clearly, the corresponding г-values from z + z~l — С form a sequence of neighbourhoods of z = 1. Let L(z) be the analytic branch of log г on \z - 1| < 1 with L(l) =0. By continuity and the fact that p has a pole at the origin, we see that Co — 2 must be a pole of w(C). Similarly we can consider Co — —2, hence и is meromorphic. To obtain a differential equation for u, we may apply A1.31). Namely, from fc=p'(L(h(O))L'(h(O)h'(O we get But from A1.32) we conclude that ■-i'±) =*'.
236 11. First order algebraic differential equations On the other hand, elementary differentiation of gives hence we have the first-order algebraic differential equation (C2 - 4)(*/J = 4(n - ex){u - ei)(u - e3), which и satisfies. Clearly, the set of points where p(z) = ej, j = 1, 2, 3, is {zj +m+n - 2m \m, n eZ}, where z\ = ^, Z2 == ni, Z3 = j + m'. Then, the set of points where и(£) = ej, j = 1, 2, 3, is {exp(zj-hm) + exp(-zj-m) \m eZ}. A1.33) Considering the functions vj :=(м - ^j), which all satisfy, by A1.31), a differ- differential equation of type (C2 - 4)(v'J = av3 + bv2 + cv+d, аф О, A1.34) with constant coefficients on the right-hand side, we see from A1.34) that all poles of vj have a multiplicity < 2, hence all ej-points of и are at most of multiplicity 2. Now, from A1.33) we conclude at once that n(r, ej,u) = O{ log r), hence N(r,ej,u) = O(log2r), j = 1, 2, 3. A standard application of the second main theorem results in T(r,u) = O( log2 r), hence w is of growth order zero. Looking at Theorem 11.2, it is natural to ask about its possible generaliza- generalizations. As we mentioned before Theorem 11.2, it is not possible to go too far in this direction, see Theorem 11.11 below. In any case, we give a couple of such generalizations in this and in the next section. Theorem 11.10. Consider the first order algebraic differential equation A1.4) such that the coefficients a(z) of P(z,f',/') are entire Junctions of finite order of growth. Then all entire solutions f of A1.4) satisfy Г(г,/)=О(ехргЛ), for some real number A > max{cr(a)}.
11. First order algebraic differential equations 237 Proof. By Proposition 2.2.2, we may consider the maximum modulus M{r,f) and it is sufficient to find ro > 0 such that M(r,f) <exp(exprA) holds for all r > tq. Moreover, we may assume that/ is transcendental. We apply the Wiman-Valiron theory here, see Chapter 3. In addition to the results there, we need the fact that outside of a set of r-values of finite logarithmic measure, we have z,(r,/)<(logM(r,/)J, A1.35) see Hayman [4], p. 344. In fact, outside a discrete set of points where ц(г) has no derivative, we have see the proof of Satz 4.3 in Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 35. If now E С [tq, -boo) with ro large enough is the set where then f dr Г v{r)dr Г00 v{r)dr Je r ~ JE r(logn{r)J ~ Jr0 r(logfj,(r - Г ~Jrn - (log fj,{r)Y j-r log (i(r)dr (log/i(r)J log/4ro) Hence, outside E and the points where ц(г) has no derivative, i/(r) - r^ log/i(r) < (log/i(r)J < (logM(r)J. Let us now write A1.4) in the form £ Vj = o, (П.36) where / is a finite index set. Of course, we assume that all entire coefficients akj are non-vanishing, and we take a number Л such that \>d:=max{a(akj) \(kj) el}.
238 11. First order algebraic differential equations Moreover, we define Then, of course, b > d > 0, E > 0 and b -f 2C < A. Since b > d = y it is clear that for all sufficiently large values of r, \akj(z)\<exp(rb) A1.37) on |z| = r for all (ifc,j) G/. We now extract a unique term out of the left-hand side of A1.36) in a similar way as in the proof of Theorem 11.9. Namely, denote p :=mzx{k+j \(k,j) G m :=max{j \(p-j,j) G Let then a\, a2, ... be the zero-points (ф 0) of ap-m,m{z) arranged according to increasing moduli and define Now, by the definition of the exponent of convergence, and by Proposition 2.1.13, converges. Moreover, for all г GD with a sufficiently large modulus, гь), A1.39) see Saks and Zygmund [1], Theorem 10.16 on p. 336. Especially, this is true if \z\ is sufficiently large and outside of л=1 By A1.38), F\ is of finite linear measure, hence also of finite logarithmic measure. Let F denote the union of all exceptional sets of this proof; clearly F is of finite logarithmic measure again. We may assume at the same time, that outside of F the conclusion of Theorem 3.2 is applicable.
11. First order algebraic differential equations 239 We now define A1.40) and we proceed to prove that there is rA > 1 such that АП(гА, -foo) С F. In fact, assume that there is a sequence (rn)ne^ of values in A, tending to -boo, such that rn <£ F for each n £ N. For the points rn, let zn be a point on \zn\ — rn such that \f(zn)\ —M{rnJ). Of course, f(zn) ф 0, and we may rewrite A1.36) in the form j=0 k+j<p Denote, for simplicity, the left-hand side by &(zn) and the right-hand side by Ф{гп)- We now assert that \ФA„)\<М(гп,/)-У2ехр(гьп), A1.41) at least for sufficiently large n. Since к + j < p on the right-hand side, we have p—(k + j) > 1. Since we may assume that M(rn,f) > 1, we have -\ < M{rn,f) Moreover, we may assume that the error term о (I) in Theorem 3.2 is < ^ as well as that rn > 1 and so ^<2v(rn,f), /Ы hence f(Zn) <2P(u(rn,f))p. Therefore, \ФAп)\ <K{v(rn,f))pM(rn,fylexp(rb), where К > 0 does not depend on rn. By A1.35), we further get for all n sufficiently large, i.e., A1.41) holds.
240 11. First order algebraic differential equations Consider next the left-hand side &{zn), assuming first that m = 0, i.e., V{zn) = aP-m,m{z) = apfi{z). Since &{zn) = &(zn), we obtain from A1.39) and A1.41) that i.e., A1.42) By the definition A1.40) of Л and by A1.35), we have from A1.42) that rf > {\ogM(rnj)f > v{rnj) Since b + /3 > 0, we get a contradiction. Therefore АП(гд, -foo) С F in the case m =0. Assume now that m > 0 while considering the left-hand side \P(zn)- Assuming again that the error term о (I) in Theorem 3.2 is < \, we have by A1.40) f'(Zn) f(Zn) We have to prove first that for all n sufficiently large. To prove A1.44), we prefer to write A1.43) A1.44) where , m — 1. Now, from A1.43) we obtain f'(Zn) f(Zn) A1.45)
11. First order algebraic differential equations 241 By A1.39) and the estimate A1.37) holding for all akj(z), we further get Since 0 < b < b + /3, the right-hand side here tends to 0 as n —► oo. Hence Wj{zn)\ <{m + I), j = 0, 1, ... , m - 1, A1.46) for all sufficiently large n. Hence, combining A1.39), A1.45) and A1.46), we have (W-l j=o ^тг*+^) > exp(' mrnfc+^) as soon as n is large enough, since hm^dm -f l)-!Brn)-w exp(imr£+/3 - r*)) - -f oo. By A1.41) and A1.44), i.e., as soon as n is large enough. But since/ is transcendental M(rn,f) —> -foo as n —> oo; so we have a contradiction and our assertion concerning the set A in A1.40) holds in the general case m > 0. Since AD(rA, -foo) С F, A is of finite logarithmic measure. Therefore, by Lemma 1.1.2, and given a > 1, provided r is large enough. Since a(b + /3) = a(l\ + 3/iA)/10 for some // < 1, see the definitions of A, J, b and /3, we may choose a such that а(Ь + /3) < 7 < A, hence u(rj) < exp(r^), A1.47) provided r > tq > 1.
242 11. First order algebraic differential equations Now, from v(r,f) — r— log/x(r,/), which holds outside of the points where fi(r) has no derivative, we immediately get log/x(r,/)=logM(r0,/)-h for r > ro, see Jank and Volkmann [3], p. 35. By A1.47), this implies log/i(r,/) < logM(r0,/)-h(log r -log ro)exp(r7), since ^(r,/) is increasing. Therefore, for all r sufficiently large, we have log/i(r,/)<expBrTr). AL48) Now, a theorem due to G. Valiron, see Jank and Volkmann [3], Satz 4.4, gives the estimate Combining A1.47) and A1.48) we get M(rJ) < (expexpBr^))B + expB^)) < expexp(rA) by the fact that 7 < Л, for all sufficiently large values of r. The assertion now follows immediately by Proposition 2.2.2. □ By Theorem 11.10, one might ask what happens if we consider meromorphic solutions of A1.4) instead of entire ones. It is convenient to show now that no general growth estimate in terms of the growth of coefficients only exists. This will be established by proving the following arbitrary growth theorem due to S. Bank, see Bank [9], p. 292. Theorem 11.11. Given any function Ф: @, -boo) —>@, -boo), there exists a mero- meromorphic function h such that hf/h is of finite order of growth and T(rn,h) > Ф(гп) fora sequence (rn) tending to -boo. Remark. Before going to prove Theorem 11.11, it should be perhaps remarked that by Nevanlinna [2], p. 223-224, there exist two entire functions <p\, <p2 of finite order of growth such that h'/h = ^1/^2» hence h satisfies a first order algebraic, in fact linear, differential equation whose coefficients are entire functions of finite order. Secondly, we remark that the general idea of the following proof is to construct h in such a way that all zeros and poles of h lie on a sequence of circles \z\ = rn
11. First order algebraic differential equations 243 whose radii rn —+ oo while the exponent of convergence of the sequence (гп)пещ remains finite. At the same time, the multiplicities of the zeros and poles are arranged to grow so fast that the asserted inequality for T(rn,h) follows. Proof. Choose first a strictly increasing sequence (rn) in A, -foo) whose exponent of convergence <r is finite. For each nGN, choose \xn G N such that /in >2ФBг„), A1.49) and a strictly increasing sequence (pn) of integers > 2 such that k=\ Define then <Рп~{(рп\)Рп-2р"У\ п e=N, A1.51) and take two sequences of complex numbers (zn), (wn) such that \zn\ = \wn\ = rn, 0 < \zn - wn\ < <Pn A1.52) holds for all n G N. Using the Weierstrass primary factors, see Section 1.2, we define A1.53) \ ж " \ 7- / / П = \ By A1.50) and Theorem 1.2.1, A1.53) defines an entire function having its zeros (of multiplicity ^in) at zn. Immediately, we see that ff(z) _ v^ .. г/ ч ._ v^ . I 1 ^ , , zPn~l , 1 fG) - ^r>n-Ko^n; -- ^rn ' 2 ] ] 7Pn J[Z) n = \ n=\ lZn Zn Zn Similarly, we define (for poles wn), n=\ hence
244 11. First order algebraic differential equations Finally, h = f/g will be the asserted meromorphic function. Now, h has a pole of multiplicity \xm at z — wm, hence n(rm,h) > fim for each m G N. Therefore N(r,h)> for all r > 0. Hence, N{2rm,h)>\»m for each m G N, and so ,/i) > \iim >Ф{2гт) for each m e N, by A1.49). It remains to show that h'/h is of finite order of growth. To prove this, let e > 0 and 6 := max(l,cr -f e). We prove that <r(hf/h) < 6, hence a(hf/h) < max(l,cr). To calculate T(r,hf/h), we consider the domain D:=C\\J({z\\z-Zn\< 2~Pn } U {z | |z - wn n=\ From Л'/Л =/У/ - g'/g we get where ^ sums over those n for which \z\ < \rn while Y^i covers the remaining terms. We proceed to consider h'/h in D. In the sum J^, we have obviously :i/2, |z/wn|<l/2.
11. First order algebraic differential equations 245 Looking at the Maclaurin expansions of (z — zn)~*, resp. (z — wn)~*, we obtain for L(z,zn) and L(z,wn) the representations q=pn A1.54) Denoting Sq(z,w) := Y^j=oz^wq ^ we ^ave an elementary identity 1 1 z — w „ , hence from A1.54) L(z,zn) -L{z,wn) = A1.55) Now, \Sq{zn>Wn)\ <{q + 1L, since |zn| = \wn\ = гл. Therefore, by A1.52) and A1.55) we obtain oo \L(z,Zn)-L(z,wn)\ < ^2 2~q(q + l)V"rn2- Я=Рп Computing (YlqD=o2~q) by the Cauchy product rule for converging series, we see easily that T,™=22~q(<l + 1) = 2. Since rn > 1 and pn > 2, see A1.50), we get therefore \L{z,Zn)-L(z,wn)\<2(pn for all n in the partial sum J^. By A1.51), y,n(pn = ((pn\JPn)~l, hence n=\ n=\ By A1.50), pn > n -h 1, and so A1.56)
246 11. First order algebraic differential equations To consider next the residual sum ^2> we write L(z,zn) -L(z,wn) =(zn -wn)R( where q=0 VW~ (z-Zn)(z-WnY By the definition of D, \R(z)\ < 2lpn. Since \Sq(zn^n)\ <(q + 1)^ still holds, we obtain Pn-i L(z,Zn)-L(z,wn)\<\zn-wn\\R(z)\+J2\z\q q=0 Pn-l Zn ~Wn \Sq(Zn,Wn)\ 9=0 < \zn -wji^ + \z < \zn ~ *>n \p--1 q=U Here the last inequality follows from \z \ > \rn- Since rn > 1 and Y1T=O = 4, we obtain finally \L(z,Zn)-L(z,wn)\ < \zn - By A1.51) and A1.52) we conclude that oo 1 Pn]. n=l Pn'- A1.57)
11. First order algebraic differential equations 247 Combining A1.56) and A1.57), we see that h'(z) Hz) A1.58) for z G D. Denote now E:= n=\ Then the circles |z| = r, where r <£ E, are contained in D, so A1.58) holds on these circles. Hence, A1.58) implies m{r,hr/h) <2r + 0(l) for r £ E. By the definition of h, h'/h has exactly the poles z\,w\, Z2, W2> • • • which are all simple. By Lemma 1.2.5, N{r,h'/h) <Kra+i for all sufficiently large values of r and some К > 0. Thus, holds outside of a set of finite linear measure for 6 = max(l, a+e). By Lemma 1.1.1 for all sufficiently large r, hence a(hf/h) < 6 and the assertion follows. □
Chapter 12 Second order algebraic differential equations Second order algebraic differential equations are more problematic than first order equations especially to obtain growth estimates for solutions of the type given in Theorem 11.2, 11.9 and 11.10. In any case, we try to give the reader some idea of the second order equations by proving the following theorem due to N. Steinmetz [5]. Theorem 12.1. Let P(u\, W2, из, щ) be a polynomial in all of its arguments, ho- homogeneous with respect to U2, щ> Щ. Then all meromorphic solutions f of P(z,fj',f")=0 A2.1) satisfy as r —> -boo for some b > 1 depending on the degrees of the polynomial coefficients of A2.1). In fact, the assertion is an immediate consequence of a more precise result proved by Steinmetz in [5], p. 304: Theorem 12.2. All meromorphic solutions f of the homogeneous differential equa- equation A2.1) may be represented in the form A2.2) where g\, g2, £з are entire functions of finite order of growth. Proof Substituting у = /'// intoA2.1) we obtain a polynomial G(vi,V2,V3) such that Q(z,yJ)=P(z,lJ,y'+y2)=0, A2.3) since P(u\1U2, щ, щ) was assumed to be homogeneous with respect to U2, щ, щ. By the Gol'dberg theorem (Theorem 11.2) у is of finite order of growth, i.e., for
12. Second order algebraic differential equations 249 some к > 0 we get Let (aj), (bj) denote the sequences of distinct zeros (resp. poles) of/, both arranged according to increasing moduli. Then their exponents of convergence are < k, hence the series 3=1 3=1 both converge for each e > 0. Now, we proceed to estimate the multiplicities \ij (resp. Vj) of the zeros aj (resp. poles bj) of/. Of course, the residue of у =ff/f at the simple pole aj (resp. bj) is equal to [ij (resp. —i^-). To estimate the residues, we write A2.3) in the form corresponding to A1.5), i.e., N ][>n(z,:y)(/)*"=0, A2.5) л=0 where 0 < qQ < q\ < • • • < qN and i.e., degyPn(z,y) =pn- Denote now s := тах{/?„ -f 2^n | n = 0, ... , N and define (-1)*"«»(г)С*-9", A2.6) ч=0 pn+2qn=s where the coefficients cn (z) are, of course, polynomials and we may assume that cm(z) Ф 0. Consider now the Laurent-expansion of у at z — aj, y(z) = -^- -f a0 + a!(z - flj) + • • • . z aj Assuming j to be large enough we may assume also that cm(aj) ^ 0. Substituting the expansion above into A2.5), multiplying the resulting equation by (z — aj)s
250 12. Second order algebraic differential equations and proceeding to the limit z — aj we obtain for /ij an algebraic equation m n(ajtfij) = X)c»(aj)(/ij)" = 0. A2-7) n=0 making use of A2.6). By A2.7) and Lemma 1.3.2, we get for /zj an estimate Hj < 1+ max (\cn(aj)/cm(aj)\) = O(\aj\') \)<n<m — i for some t > 0 as j —> oo, since the coefficients cn are polynomials in aj here. Similarly, we get for the poles in y, But these two inequalities mean that the two series oo oo EN both converge by A2.4). But the series A2.8) represent exactly the sequences of ze- zeros (resp. poles) of/, with due count of their multiplicity. Hence, by Lemma 1.2.5, N(r,f) and N(r,l/f) are both of finite order of growth. Now, we may apply the usual Hadamard method to construct canonical prod- products g\, g2 with zeros exactly at the zeros (for g\) and poles (for #2) °f/> count- counting multiplicity. Clearly, gj and #2 are both of finite order. Now, we define #3 via A2.2). Since we immediately obtain т{г,8'ъ) < m (r,lp) + O(logr) = O(rk) + O(logr) as r —> 00, i.e., #3 (and therefore #3) is of finite order of growth. □ Remarks. A) We should perhaps add here that the result corresponding to The- Theorem 11.9 is also true, i.e., every entire transcendental solution of a second order algebraic differential equation (even non-homogeneous) with polynomial coeffi- coefficients is of order > 0, see Zimogljad [1], or Strelitz [7], Theorem 2. However, both proofs are too lengthy to be presented here.
12. Second order algebraic differential equations 251 B) Secondly, it remains open whether a result similar to Theorem 12.1 holds if A2.1) is a non-homogeneous differential equation. What is known, gives for T(r,f) an estimate depending on N(r,f) and N(r, 1//), which is actually not too much. This will be included in the case of general algebraic differential equations in the next section. C) To obtain some Malmquist-Yosida type theorems (see Theorem 10.2) is no difficulty at all. As was the case in the preceding remark, such results will be included in the next section. On the other hand, to obtain complete characterization of second-order equations with admissible solutions in the spirit of the Steinmetz theorem, Theorem 10.3, remains an open problem. A lot has been made into this direction, see v. Rieth [1], p. 63-76, and Steinmetz [11]—[13] and [15]. To give the reader an idea of these results, we give an example of this type below. In fact, what is more or less conjectured is that the existence of a transcen- transcendental meromorphic solution for a differential equation f" = R(z,f,f'), A2.9) where R is rational in z,f and/', forces the equation A2.9) to be of the form f" = L(z,f)(f'J+M(zJ)f + N(z,f), A2.10) where L, M, N are birational functions. This conjecture results from classical in- investigations concerning the algebraic singularities of A2.9). In full generality, the conjecture remains open. What has been done, is mostly to consider A2.10) to deduce the specific types of A2.10) which may appear if a transcendental mero- morphic solution/ exists. Our example below is of this type, see Steinmetz [12], Satz 1. Theorem 12.2. Letf be a transcendental meromorphic solution of f"=N(z,f)+M(z,f)f', A2.11) where N (z,/), M (z,/) are polynomials inf with rational coefficients. Then either f satisfies a Riccati differential equation with rational coefficientsy or A2Л I) reduces into ()()f3 + qo(z)f' + qi(z)ff' A2.12) with rational coefficients. Proof Denote к := 6egfN(z,f), I := degfM(zJ) and n := max(Jfc,Z +2). It is immediate to observe that it suffices to prove that n > 3 forces / to be a solution
252 12. Second order algebraic differential equations of a Riccati differential equation with rational coefficients. We may write N(z,f) =Pn{z)fn +Pn-l(z)fn-1 +Pn-2(z,f), wherepn, qn-2 do not both vanish identically and where degy Pn-2{z,f) < n —2, deg/Qn_3(z,/) < n - 3. The coefficients of Pn-i{zJ), Qn-3(zJ) are rational functions. Writing now A2.11) in the form r(Pn(zl/r4pn-i(zl/r+^-2(zl/r0=///-^n-2(zJ)-Qn-3(zJ^ A2.13) the standard Clunie reasoning applied to A2.13) results in m(r,H)=S{rJ), A2.14) for H(z)=Pn(z)f2+pn-i(z)f+qn-2(z)ff- A2.15) Here we assume H ф 0, as we may do, since otherwise there is nothing to prove. We now divide our reasoning in two parts. A) Suppose H has finitely many poles. By A2.14) we then have T(r,H) = S(rJ). If qn_2 vanishes identically, then A2.15) would imply (by pn{z) ф 0) T(r,f) — S(r,f) which is of course not possible. Hence we may divide A2.15) by qn-2 and we get a Riccati differential equation f Я(г) Pni(z)r _ Pn(z) л /12 16ч ) ql{z) qn-l{z) qn-l{z) qn-l{z) It remains to prove that H/qn-2 is a rational function. Writing for simplicity A2.16) as we substitute this into A2.11). We obtain an algebraic equation Here the coefficients of the powers of/ on both sides must equal identically, since otherwise we would again have T(rJ) = S(rJ). Comparing the coefficients of
12. Second order algebraic differential equations 253 fn~2, we have on the right-hand side Pn-2 + Яп-4а2 + Яп-За\ + Чп-2аЪ, while on the left-hand side we have 0 for n > 5, 2a\ for n = 5 and я^ + Зя^ for n — A. Since #„_2 ^ 0, we see in all cases that uq is rational. B) Suppose now that H has infinitely many poles. By A2.15) we see that this forces/ to have infinitely many poles. Now, if either pn or qn-2 vanishes identically, a simple order comparison in A2.13) at a pole of H, outside of poles and zeros of coefficients, which is then also a pole of/, implies a contradiction. Hence we must have pn ф 0 and qn-2 Ф 0. Now, from A2.15) and from pn ф 0 we conclude by the Clunie lemma that m(r,f) = S(rJ). Next, from PndT +qn-2(z]f'f"-2 =/" -Pn-2(z,f) ~ Qn-3(z,f]f' -Pn-l(z]f"-1 A2.17) we conclude that, apart from at most finitely many exceptions, the poles of/ are simple, say A2.18) where ф is analytic around zo- Substituting this into A2.17) we get A2.19) since otherwise the pole on the left-hand side of A2.17) would be of higher mul- multiplicity than on the right-hand side. Denote R := qn-2/Pn- Let now zo be a pole of multiplicity /i of H, assuming that simultaneously A2.18) and A2.19) hold. By A2.13) we have n - 2 + /i < maxC,n - 1), hence /i = 1 and the right-hand side of A2.13) must have a pole of multiplicity n — 1 at zq. Computing the coefficient of (z - Zo)~^n~1^ on the right-hand side of A2.13), making use of A2.18) and A2.19), we get -qn-3(zo){R{zo))n~2 + 26R{z0), where S = 1 for n = 4 and 6 = 0 for n > 5. Denoting
254 12. Second order algebraic differential equations we get from the. left-hand side of A2.13) hence 0 = -qn-i(zo) + 26(R(zo)f-n. = g(zo), where is a rational function. Clearly, H and gR~lf have the same residues at all points zo of the above type, i.e., K(z) := qn-2(z)f' +Pn(z)f2 +pn-l(z)f ~ f|j/ A2.20) has at most finitely many poles. But T(r,K) = m(r,K) + O(logr) = 5(r,/). Dividing A2.20) with #n_2 we see mat/ satisfies a Riccati equation. A completely similar reasoning as to the first part shows that K/qn_2 is rational. □ We continue to investigate A2.12) in more details, assuming that q\{z) ф 0. Then, it is elementary to find two rational functions q\ , £2 such that the substitution f = g\w + Q2 results in w" + 2wwf = A(z)+B(z)w -h C{z)w2, A2.21) ш C A2.22) in the case of p^z) ф 0. Of course, the coefficients in A2.21) and A2.22) are rational functions. We restrict ourselves to consider A2.21) only. Theorem 12.3. Suppose A2.21) has rational coefficients. Then all transcendental meromorphic solutions w of A2.21) satisfy a first order linear differential equation ± A2.23)
12. Second order algebraic differential equations 255 with rational coefficients, or else there exists a rational function R(z) such that B(z) = C(zJ-C'(z), A2.24) and all transcendental meromorphic solutions w of A2.21) satisfy the following pair of differential equations: w> = h(z) + R'(z) + C(z)R(z) + R(zJ - C(z)w - w2 hf = C(z)h + (A(z)+B(z)R{z) + C{z)R(zJ-2R{z)Rf{z)-R"{z)). Proof Let w be a transcendental meromorphic solution of A2.21). A simple Laurent expansion substitution into A2.21) shows that the poles of w, up to at most finitely many exceptions, are simple and with residue one. By Saks and Zygmund [1], p. 193, there exist a rational function R(z) and an entire function g with simple zeros only such that —. A2.26) g Substituting A2.26) into A2.21) results in gg'" ~ g'g" + 2Rgg" =(A - 2RRf + BR + CR2 - Rn)g2 +(B + 2CR - 2R')gg'+{C + 2R)(g'J. A2.27) Now, outside of poles of A(z)9 B(z)9 C(z) and R(z)9 at the zeros of g(z)9 say at zq9 we have Therefore, the meromorphic function = 8«+(C+2R)g> A228) g has at most finitely many poles. Hence, T(r,h) = m(r,h) + O(\ogr) = S(r,g). From A2.28), we obtain gn in terms of g, gf and h. Substituting this expression, and its differentiated form, into A2.27) implies (/*' - Ch-{A + BR + CR2 - 2RRf - Rff))g ={B - C2 + Cf)gf. A2.29)
256 12. Second order algebraic differential equations Assume now that A2.24) holds. Then the coefficient of g in A2.29) vanishes identically, and this is exactly the differential equation for h in A2.25). Rewriting A2.28) as (), 8 8 and recalling that w = R+gf/g> we immediately obtain the first equation in A2.25). So, we may now assume that the coefficients in A2.29) don't vanish identically. But then A2.29) shows that w — R+g'/g has at most finitely many poles. Rewriting A2.21) as wBwf - Cw) =A + Bw -w", and using the standard Clunie reasoning we see that m(r,2wf -C(z)w) =S(r,w), hence w'=ljC(z)w+A(z), where T{r,A) = m(r,A) + O(logr)=S{r,w). A2.30) To prove that Л is a rational function, we may insert A2.23) into A2.21). This implies w{B -2Л- \C' - \C2) +A-A'- \CA = 0. Since w is transcendental, we may use A2.30) to conclude that T(r, w) = S(r,w), a contradiction unless 2Л = В - \c* - \C2. □ Remark. Steinmetz [13], Satz 1, gave an extended version of Theorem 12.2 for equations of type A2.11) such that N{rJ), M{rJ) are birational functions. Our Theorem 12.3 is a modified version of Steinmetz [12], where A2.21) with polyno- polynomial coefficients was treated. Finally, we remark that Ishizaki [6] investigated ad- admissible solutions of A2.12) with meromorphic coefficients. See also Ishizaki [7].
Chapter 13 Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order This is an area investigated rather actively since two decades, see for instance several articles by S. Bank, A. Z. Mohon'ko, V. D. Mohon'ko, V. Petrenko, N. Steinmetz and N. Toda, to mention a few names only. Nevertheless, one has to admit that this area still seems to be unfinished. The things being so, we cannot do much more than to give a number of more or less scattered results, in the hope that the reader may get some idea of current results and methods. Roughly, algebraic differential equations may be divided in two loose classes. We can conclude in many cases via a Malmquist-Yosida type reasoning, that a given equation cannot possess admissible solutions. Concerning this class, there are two main lines of thought in the literature. The first group of results, see notably the articles of N. Toda, gives estimates for the growth of meromorphic solutions in terms of the growth of coefficients. Although such estimates are more or less natural, the technique used to prove them is worthwhile to be studied. Next, one may try to determine whether such equations at all have meromorphic solutions, and if they do have, how many. Concerning then such equations where the existence of admissible solutions cannot be excluded by using Malmquist-Yosida type conclusions, one may hope to use some other technique to decide whether admissible solutions exist or not. As already in the case of second order algebraic differential equations, it seems very difficult to obtain non-trivial results. So, up to now, the literature mostly contains growth estimates for admissible solutions, more definite in special cases, and rather crude generally. We begin by giving a basic Malmquist-Yosida type result, see Gackstatter and Laine [1], Satz 5. However, the proof is due to N. Steinmetz, see Steinmetz [1], p. 21-24. Of course, see Steinmetz [1], his proof actually gives a more general result. The idea to use the Steinmetz proof is that we avoid this way any reference to Valiron deficient values. So, consider now an algebraic differential equation of the type P(z,f,f',...J{n))=R(z,f), A3.1)
258 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order where рыл', • • • j{nb = 5>A(*yW! - - ¥п)Уп Xei is a polynomial in/,/', ... ,/(") with meromorphic coefficients, hence the set / of multi-indices Л =(/o» • • •>in) 1S finite, and =0 is rational in /, again with meromoфhic coefficients. We remind here about the notions of degree and weight, see Chapter 11: ||A|| := i0 + 2/1 4 +(л + 1I'л> А £ /, |P|:=max|A|, ||P|| := max ||A||. In the spirit of Definition 10.1, we say that a meromorphic solution/ of A3.1) is admissible, if Г(г, a) = S(r,f) holds for all a = ад, A € /, and for all а = ао> ... , ap, bo, ... , fc^. Theorem 13.1. If an algebraic differential equation A3.1) possesses an admissible meromorphic solution, then R(z,f) reduces to a polynomial inf of degree < \\P\\. Proof We first observe that for т £ П, where С \ Q is a finite set (consisting of those points r for which J2rlbi(z) vanishes identically), the function R(z,t) satisfies T(r,R(z,r)) = S(r,f), provided/ is an admissible solution of A3.1), as we now assume. Denote next and define inductively a number of auxiliary functions as follows: Let G7) be a sequence of distinct points in Q, and define Ql{z,f,Ti):=R{z,Ti) Фи Тл ._ Hz)-Qi(z,f,n) A3.2) for i e N. For the next step we define for / ^ 1, T\ - Ti
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 259 Substituting here the preceding expressions from A3.2) and simplifying we obtain A3.3) -Г/ for i ф \. Observe now that the functions Q\ are of type S(r,f), hence the functions Qi are affine functions in/ with coefficients of type S(r,f). Assume now, for the inductive step, that we already have defined 0(z,t\, ... ,t5_i,tj) and Qs{z,f,ti, ...,Ty_i,Tj) for all j > s such that Qs is a polynomial in / of degree < s — 1 with coefficients of type S (r,/). For all Л: > s + 1, we then define Substituting now here the expressions from the preceding step, similar to A3.3), and simplifying, we obtain ~Tk) A3.4) Qs JZ , /, Ti, . . . , Ту _!, Tk ) T5 - Q5 (z ,/, Tl, . . . , T5 _ 1, TS ) Tk By our inductive assumption, Qs+\{zJ,t\, ... ,rs,rk) is a polynomial in/ of degree < s with coefficients of type S{r,f). Take now <&(z) := #(z, ti, ..., rs) with 5 = ||P|| + 1, and assume that Ф does not vanish identically. Denoting \P(z) := Ф(г)(/*(г) — rs) we obtain To compute т(г,Ф) and m(r, Ф), we first consider (f(z) - т5_0 (f (z) - n) • • • (f (z) - т5_
260 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order Using the elementary partial fractional representations, we first get r,0+1 1 ( f(z) f(z) f(z)~rio r,o+1 5-1 for some constants A\^. Taking plus-logarithms, integrating and keeping in mind Corollary 2.3.4 and the fact that т(г,сд) = S(r,f), we see now that ^ Fore5(z,/,ri,...,' 5-1 > we таУ write fit) /(г) f{z)-Tj again for some constants Z?j ^ by elementary partial fractional representations. Sim- Similarly as to above, we get _ i hence ^
From Ф{г) = &{z) (f{z) - rs) we get 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 261 -1 and therefore (j)() A3.5) For the counting functions N(r, Ф), N(r, Ф), we first observe that the poles of Ф (resp. Ф) appear only in the tj -points of /, j — 1, ... , s — 1 (resp. j = 1, ... , s) and the poles of the coefficients c\, X € I, and the coefficients of Qs. The coefficients clearly give nothing more than a contribution of type S(rJ). Let then zo be a Tj-point of/ of multiplicity /л. Then we see from A3.2) that Q\(zoJ,tj) = R(zo,tj) - h{z0). This implies by A3.3) that T\ - Continuing inductively we see by A3.4) that Qk(zJ,r\,... ,rk,Tj) = h(zo) for k < j and further that Qr(z,/,ri,.. .,rj,.. .,rr) = Ji(zq) for r > j. Especially, Qs{z,f,r\,...,r5) = h(zo) which means that the pole of Ф (resp. Ф) at zo is at most of multiplicity \i — 1. This gives us immediately )() A3.6) By A3.5) and A3.6) we have T(rJ) <4J2 Take now nine such sequences of r-values, as we may do, denoting them through by t\, ... , rgs. Adding the corresponding inequalities A3.7) and using the second
262 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order main theorem, see Corollary 2.5.4, we obtain 9T(r,f) <4J2 <ST(r,f) + S(r,f), a contradiction. Hence at least one of the corresponding Ф-functions, say #(z,ti,... ,т5), must vanish identically. By A3.4), this means that/ satisfies the differential equation Hz) = P(z,f,ff,... ,/W) = G,(z,/,Tb ... ,r5) =: Q{zJ), A3.8) where Q{zJ) is a polynomial in/ of degree degy Q{z,f) < s — 1 = ||P||, with coefficients of type S(r,f). By A3.1) and A3.8),/ is an admissible solution of the algebraic equation By Theorem 2.2.5 this is not possible unless R(z,f) reduces to Q{zJ). □ We may now proceed to consider such equations where the existence of ad- admissible solutions can be excluded using Theorem 13.1. So, let us consider again the equation A3.1), but assume now that R{z,f) is a polynomial in/ of degree p > \\P\\ with meromorphic coefficients, i=0 Denote now Л := ||Р|| and Ф(г) := max{ log г, Г(г, oq), ..., Г(г, ^), T(r, cx) \ X € / }. Then we get Theorem 13.2. (Toda [3], p. 118) Consider a differential equation P P(zJj',...J{n)) = 'Zfai{z)fi A3.9) /=0
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 263 with meromorphic coefficients and assume that p > A — ||P||. Then all meromor- meromorphic solutions f of A3.9) satisfy T(rJ)<Ol?(r))+S{rJ). Remark. By Theorem 13.1, no one of the meromorphic solutions of A3.9) is admissible. Therefore, as one can see easily, T(rJ) = О(Ф{г)) holds on a set of r-values of infinite linear measure. So, the theorem shows that such an estimate holds nearly everywhere. Proof By Corollary 2.2.7, T(r,R(zJ)/(f ~ *)Л) =PT(rJ) + 0(9(r)) + S(r,/), A3.10) where \P(r) stands for the maximum of the characteristic functions of coefficients of R(zJ), provided R{z,f)/(f - a)A, a € C, is irreducible. Next, denoting A(z) := P(zJ{z)J'{z),...J^(z))/(f(z) - а)Л, where a e C, we prove that T(r,A{z)) < ЛГ(г,/) + О(Ф(г))+5(г,/). A3.11) In fact, denoting ip :=(f — a), we may write A= if-a)* =^{Z) if-a)* a V° l (f> V (f{n)t f-<* (f{n) [f-a where e = ±1. Rearranging terms here we see that Л /=0 where m(r,A;) = S(r,tp) = S(r,f) for / = 0, ... , A. Now, an immediate inductive argument tells that w(r, A) < Am(r, ip) +S{r,f). A3.12)
264 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order Concerning the counting function N (r, Л), poles of Л may appear only at the poles of coefficients of сд, A € /, and at the a-points of/. In fact, a pole of/ outside of poles (and zeros) of the сд results either in a zero of A(z) or a regular point of A(z), since for every term Лд, A € /, of Л, Л = \\P\\ > ||A||. The poles of сд, A e /, bring a contribution of growth О(Ф(г)) to the poles of A(z). Now, if zo is an a-point of/ of multiplicity //, then, for every term of Л, -a has a pole of multiplicity at most (л{Л—(i\ -\ h in)) + fi(i\ -\ \-in) — at zo- Altogether this means that )+5(г,/). A3.13) Combining A3.12) and A3.13) and using the first main theorem, we obtain A3.11). Choose now a 6 С such that A(z, a) = a${z) + aa\(z) H \-apap(z) ф 0. Then / - a is no factor of ТЦ=^1^)Г and so (/ - а)"л YZ^bY is irreducible. We may now apply A3.10) and A3.11) to the equation P(z,f,f, ...,f{n)) 1 = to obtain i=0 = Г(г, (f - a)-AP{zJj',...,/(»))) < ЛГ(г,/) and we have our assertion. □ Remark. By Lemma 1.1.1, we have for any given а > 1 and all sufficiently large values of r, Т(г,/)<О(Ф(аг)). Next, we consider the differential equation (p(Z,/,/',...,/(n)))m = E«,(Z)//, i=0
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 265 where the right-hand side will be written in the form /=0 j=0 Of course, b = ap-\/pap and bj is a rational expression in uq, ... , ap for j = 0, ... , p — 2. Observe that the following theorem in itself is hardly more than a special case of Theorem 13.2. However, the method of proof is worthwhile to be studied for possible further applications. Theorem 13.3. (Toda [4], Theorem 1) Letf be a meromorphic solution of p-2 {P(zJJf,... ,/^))m = a(z)(f + b(z))p + J2 biWJ. A3Л4) if2</?<m — 1 and ifa(z) and at least one of the coefficients b${z), ... , bp_2{z) does not vanish identicallyy then where Ф{г) := max{ log г, Г(г, fl), Г(г, b\ Г(г, *0), • • •, ^(г, ^-2), Г(г, cA) | A G / }. Before proving the assertion, we need the following Lemma 13.4. Let g$y g\ be meromorphic functions which are linearly independent over C. Denoting ф := go + g\, we have si so where Nф{г,8\) counts all distinct poles of 8\ which are not poles of ф. Proof Denote D := ^- - ^. It is easy to check that g] go g] go
266 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order which gives as well as The assertion now follows immediately. □ Proof of Theorem 13.3. Write A3.14) in the form {P{zJ,f, • • • J{n)))m = a{z)(f + b(z))p + ЕВДЯ, where k is the largest j such that bj does not vanish identically, i.e., we have О < к < p - 2. Denote further SO := -a{z)(f+Hz))P, 81 := (P(z,/,/;,... ,/(n))), 0 = j=0 We may assume that/ is a transcendental meromorphic solution of A3.14). A) If go vanishes identically, then / = —b(z) and the assertion becomes trivial. B) If g\ vanishes identically, then and the Valiron-Mohon'ko theorem implies pT(r,f) < kT(r,f) + О{Ф(г)) <{р - 2)T(r,f) + О(Ф(г)),
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 267 hence the assertion follows at once. C) If ф vanishes identically, then j=0 and we apply the same reasoning as in B). D) Assume next that no one of gQ, g\, ф vanishes identically, but gQ, g\ are linearly dependent over C. Then, for some complex constants а ф 0, /3 ф 0, we have hence 0=-aa(z)(f+b(z))p+C(P(zJj',...,fW = -aa(z)(f + b(z))p+p(a(z)(f + b(z))p- 4 j=0 and so j=o If a = C, then a(gQ +g\) = 0 implies ф — 0; hence a/C ф 1, and A3.15) implies PT(rJ) < kT(rJ) + 0{Ф(г)) <{p- 2)T{rJ) + О(Ф(г)). E) Assume finally that ф does not vanish identically and that gQ, g\ are linearly independent over C. By Lemma 13.4, Evidently, Цг,80)=рЦг,/) and Also, Щг,ф)<Щг,/)+О{Ф(г))
268 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order and Let now zo be a pole of/ outside zeros and poles of the coefficients. Then go as well as g\= Pm = -go + ф must have a pole of the same multiplicity at zo- This means that ^- — ^ is regular at zo- Hence 8\ SO Si 80 J \ 80 J \ 81 Further and Consider then a pole zo of / of multiplicity v outside of zeros and poles of the coefficients. From A3.14) we see that the right-hand side has a pole of multiplic- multiplicity pv at zo, while the left-hand side must have a pole of multiplicity > mv at zo- Since m > p, this is not possible and we have Finally, we see that S(r,go)<S(r,/) +О and Combining now all estimates above, we obtain f) + O(<P(r))=T(r,g0) < kT{rJ) + T(r,f) + %T{r,f) + 0{Ф(г)) +S(r,f),
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 269 hence (p - (k + 1 + £)) T(rJ) < О(Ф(г)) +S(rJ). But m/ mm and the assertion follows. □ Remark. Observe that the above theorem does not contain equations of the form = a(z)(f+b(z))p, A3.16) provided 0 < p < m — 1, and a(z) ф 0. It remains in doubt generally, whether A3.16) can admit admissible solutions. If P(z,f,ff, • • • ,/^) = /', then the non- existence may be proved, see He Yuzan and Laine [2], Corollary 2. See also Theorem 10.11, originally due to Ishizaki [5], Theorem 1. Actually, the question which is perhaps more important than to give growth estimates for solutions in the situations similar Theorem 13.2 and Theorem 13.3, which may be loosely called as "non-Malmquist" equations, is whether or not meromorphic solutions at all exist and how many. We next give a couple of results of this type, see Gundersen and Laine [1], [2] and Wenjun [1]. Consider first the equation A3Л7) where n > 3 and the coefficients P^ are polynomials. Of course, we assume that Pn does not vanish identically. The key idea concerning A3.17) below is to show that all solutions / actually satisfy an algebraic equation. This gives us Theorem 13.5. Let d^ := degP^, к = 0, ... , n, denote the degrees ofP^ and set q:=dn+ max DУ. A3.18) 0<Jt<n-l n — к Then A3.17) possesses at most (q + \)n — q distinct meromorphic solutions and at most q + 1 linearly independent meromorphic solutions. Proof. Let/ be an arbitrary meromorphic solution of A3.17). By the Malmquist- Yosida theorem (Theorem 10.2)/ is a rational function. Thus, we may write/ = R/S, where R and S are irreducible polynomials with degrees d#, d$. We denote
270 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order d := max(dR,ds). From A3.17), we see that any pole of/ of multiplicity > /j, has to be a zero of Pn of multiplicity > \i. Therefore Р„/ must be a polynomial, say <2, and d$ < dn. Of course, Q depends on /. The idea is to give an upper bound for degQ which-is independent of/. Suppose first that dR > d$ which implies that \f(z)\ —> oo as \z\ —> oo. We now write A3.17) in the form n-\ k A3Л9) Then, clearly \Pn(z)f(z)n\ \z\dn+n(dR-ds) approaches a finite, non-zero limit as \z | —> oo, i.e., Р„/п behaves like zdn+n(dR-ds) around z — oo. From A3.19), when considering each term on the left-hand side separately, we see that at least one of the numbers dR -ds -l,do,di +dR-ds,... , 4-l+(" - !)(<**-*) must be > dn + n(dR — ds). This means that for one к at least, 0 < к < n — 1, we must have and so, by using A3.18), But this means that degQ =dR+dn-ds <q. If now dR < ds, then trivially deg Q < dn < q and we have in all cases degQ < 4. A3.20) By A3.20), <2^+1) vanishes identically for all/. Differentiating Q = Pnf repeat- repeatedly and substituting the original equation A3.17) into the differential identities
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 271 gives Q' =f'Pn +K = Pn £ k=0 k=0 k=0 k=0 k=0 () () n { ) Q{i+1)= E pUk+ E bpk,ifk-lEpxfk= E k=0 k=0 k=0 k=0 where the coefficients Pfc,j+i are polynomials, and Р(,-+1)„_;?1-_1_1 ^ 0 for every /. Since Q^+1^ = 0, we see that all rational solutions/ of A3.17) satisfy the algebraic equation (q + l)n-q £ *=0. A3.21) By the basic field theory, say, e.g., Meyberg [2], Satz 6.5.8, A3.21) has at most (q + \)n — q distinct solutions in the field of rational functions, proving our first assertion. If we then do the differentiation process, without substituting A3.17), we see that every rational solution/ of A3.17) also satisfies )f = o, hence at most q + 1 of them are linearly independent. Q Remark. Obviously, the bounds given for the number of solutions in Theorem 13.5 are certainly far from being best possible. A slightly better bound for the number of linearly independent solutions has been found by Gundersen [unpublished]. For examples related to A3.17), see Gundersen and Laine [2], p. 50-51. Theorem 13.6. Consider differential equation where An ф 0, Aq Ф 0, Bm ф 0 and n > m + 3, and where the right-hand side is irreducible as a rational function inf with meromorphic coefficients. Assume also
272 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order that for some q, m + 2 < q < n — 1, the coefficient Aq (z) may be written as Aq — veh, where v ф 0 is meromorphic, h is nonconstant entire, Г(г, v) = S(r, eh), and T(r,Ak) = S{r,Aq), T(r,Bj) = S(r,Aq) hold for all к ф q, 0 < к < п, and all j, 0 < j < m. Then A3.22) does not admit a meromorphic solution. Proof We write A3.22) in the form ll Anfn\ 03.23) J k=0 J assuming now that/ is a meromorphic solution of A3.22). By elementary Ne- vanlinna theory and the assumption that all coefficients on the right-hand side of A3.23) are of type S(r,Aq), we get T(r,Aq)<DT(rJ)+S(r,Aq)+S(rJ). A3.24) Hence, we have for all Ак ф Aq, 0 < к < n and all Bj, 0 < j < m. Now, writing A3.22) in the form 4=0 7 *=0 and making use of Lemma 10.10, we obtain nN(rJ) +S(rJ) < 2N(rJ) + mN(rJ) + S(rJ) thus N(rj) = s(rJ). A3.25) Before proceeding, note that since h in Aq = veh is nonconstant, A3.24) implies that/ must be transcendental. Secondly, also by A3.24), Take now logarithmic derivatives from both sides of A3.23), rearrange terms and observe that n > m + 2. This is an uninteresting manipulation, but the result is
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 273 that we get ^^ A3.26) where Qn is a differential polynomial of total degree < n in / and its derivatives. Its coefficients are some polynomials in A^, Afk, к ф q, in A'q/Aq and in Bj, Bf-. Therefore all coefficients c^(z) of Qn satisfy Т(г,Сц) = S(r,f). To finish our preparations, we define H :=(n - q)Anff + U^-^M/. A3.27) Suppose first that H(z) vanishes identically. Since n ф q, A3.27) can be integrated and we obtain Aqfq = CAnfn for a constant С ф 0. Substituting this and the expression for/' from A3.27) into A3.22) we get i.e., an algebraic equation for/ with coefficients of type S(rJ). Since Aq Ф 0, the Valiron-Mohon'ko theorem gives a contradiction T(r,f) — S(rJ). So, we may assume that H (z) does not vanish identically. We may now apply the Clunie lemma to A3.26) to obtain m(r,H) = S{rJ). But A3.25) and our assumptions about coefficients imply that N(r,H) — S(r,f), hence we have T(r,H) = S(rJ). A3.28) We may now write A3.27) in the form and by A3.28) we conclude that m\r,- =
274 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order hence Ul\S(rJ). A3.29) We proceed to analyze the zeros of/ more carefully. So, let z\ be a zero of/ of multiplicity и > 2. Then, from A3.27), H/An must have a zero of multiplicity > v — 1 at z\. If A^2(r) 1//) means the counting function for multiple zeros of/, with due count of multiplicity, then If Ns(r,\/f) means the counting function for simple zeros of/, then we obtain by A3.29) and the preceding inequality ,f , . ~v,,,- A3.30) Now, we again take the expression for/' from A3.27) and substitute it into A3.22). The result is i.e., we have an algebraic equation for/ of the form = 0, A3.31) where Ck = Ak + Dk with T{r,Dk) = 5(r,/). Even more, Djt = 0 for all k > q. Now, at all simple poles zo of/ which are not poles of the coefficients Q, we must have Co(zo) = 0. Since Г(г,С0) = S(rJ) and N(r,Ck) = S(rJ) for Л = 0, ... , n, we have either Cq = 0 or Ns ^r, i^ < ^V ^r, ^-) + S(rJ) = S(r,/). By A3.30), we have Co = 0. Therefore, A3.31) reduces into
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 275 We may now continue this process up to n—q n—q J2 Ck+q{z)fk = ^ k=0 k=0 But now, at the simple zeros zo of/ we see by A3.32) that either A^ has a pole at zo for some к > q, or A^(zo) = 0. Hence, a contradiction to A3.30). The proof is now complete. □ Remark. The above proof, originally due to Gundersen, actually gives a more general result, see Gundersen and Laine [2], Theorem 2.2. The same paper also contains a number of related examples. We now return back to the growth estimate results of solutions, see Theo- Theorem 13.2 and Theorem 13.3. As already shown in Theorem 11.11, a general growth estimate in terms of the growth of the coefficients only, covering also the admissible solutions, is necessarily inaccessible. It appears that the counting functions for two complex values, say e.g. for zeros and poles, are needed to obtain such a growth estimate. To give the reader some idea of such results, we include here a couple of typical theorems. Before them, we prove a lemma, see Bank [11], Lemma 7, which appears to be decisive for such growth results. This lemma estimates the growth of a meromorphic function in terms of the growth of its logarithmic derivative. Lemma 13.7. Let у be a meromorphic function not vanishing identically, and denote w = y'/y. For any a > 1, there exist constants A > 0, В > 0, ro > 1 such that for all r > г$, T(r,y) <A(rN(ar,y)+r2exp(BV(ar))), A3.33) where 9(r) := 7(r,w)log(rr(r,w)). A3.34) Proof We may assume that w does not vanish identically. For a > 1, we take a > 1 such that cr3 = a. Let (an), (resp. {bn)) be the sequences of zeros (resp. poles) of w, each of these sequences arranged according to the increasing moduli. Let z = rel$ be a point on \z\ = r > 0 outside of zeros and poles of w. For
276 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order R = <jr, we apply the Poisson-Jensen formula, see Theorem 2.2.1, and we get •2* R2 - r2 log|w(z)| = — f0 R2 - 2Rr cos@ - ip) + r2 log\f(Rel*)\d<p Clearly, \an\<R R2-r2 R{z-an) \bm\<R R(z-bm) R2 - 2Rrcos(9 - R2-r2 ~ (R-rJ' Next, since \z\ = r < ar = R and \an\ < R, we get \an\ = jr for some 7 such that 0 < 7 < cr, and therefore log R(z-an) In fact, if z = x + iy and an = a + iC, then R2 R(z since -a-nz -an) 2 in a2r2 ar(z a2r2 r2 -anz -an) 2 f -a) + <J2 (J2zz -anz\2 a2r2\z - an 2 2 -loa- l/3y - loa - Ipy cr Z — *2z- r2 + \an an an 2 . 2 oz--an\ 2 \z-an2 -loa- 2j3y = r2(a2-l+72(a-2-l))=:r2FG) is a concave parabola such that F@) = a2 - 1 > 0 and F(a) = 0. Therefore, the Poisson-Jensen formula yields A3.35)
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 277 Obviously, \bm\ < R implies \R2 — bmz\ < 2R2 and, by triangle inequality, \z — bm\ > \r — \bm\\- Hence, writing R = ar, A3.35) implies log|w(z)|<-—-m(ar,w) + V Iog2ar + V log -. -—y. A3.36) Assume now, for a while, that the sequence (bm) of poles of w is infinite. Then, easy estimates give for m > mQ € N: N{as,w)= r^w)-n@,w) Jo , t rsn(t,W)-n@,W) jt > 1 ~ 2 г Js hence > r ~ Jo ^ n{S,w) [CS J . .G-1 n(s,w) < -^—N(as,w). A3.37) G—1 For m > щ, we now define am:=(N{a\bm\,w)y Since n(\bm\,w) > m> A3.37) implies m~° >n{\bm\,Y,)-° > and so <■ 2° and the fact that a > 1 results that the series ]CmUno aw converges. Denote now • OO ч у OO £ := [0, |Z?mo| + 1] U ( I J \an\) U ( I I [\bm\ - а„ Obviously, E is of finite linear measure. Looking at the last sum in the right-hand side of A3.36), it is clear that forr^E we have \r - \bm\\ > am provided m > rriQ and \r — |Z?m|| > 1 for m < rriQ. The sum in question contains at most
278 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order n(ar,w) terms, hence E l08| ТГТГ^ E lQg—^ E |U \r-\bmW b\ am b\ bm\<ar am bm\<ar a r,vv) < an(ar, vv)logN(cr r,vv). The middle sum on the right-hand side of A3.36) is immediately seen to satisfy for r i E Iog2ar <n(ar,w)\og2ar, A3.38) \Ът\«ТГ since r>\ holds for r £ e. Combining the above considerations, we see that for log|w(z)| < -m(ar,w) +n(ar,w)\og{2ar) + an(crr,w)\ogN(cr2r,w). G—1 A3.39) If the sequence (bm) is empty, we first see from A3.35) that A3.39) holds trivially; we have just to take E = [0,1] U (U^=i \an\)- If then (bm) is non-empty, say bh ... , bm, we take E = [0, \bm\ + 1] U (U£Li Kl). Then in A3.36) all terms in the last sum are < 0 for r £ E. Since A3.38) also holds, we see that A3.39) remains true for r £ E also in this case. Define now for simplicity V(r) := -m(ar,w) +n(ar,w)\ogBar) + an(ar,w)\ogN(cr2r,w), G—1 and let e > 0 be chosen such that у has no zeros nor poles in 0 < \z\ < e. Denote b := n@,y)+n@, \/y) and recall that by the first main theorem, or more precisely by its proof, for some Л G C. We next proceed to prove that for \z\ = r £ E we have \og\y(z)\<B(r), A3.40)
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 279 where B(r) = -Bл(г,у) + rev^) + |A| +b\ogr + 2irrev(r\ We assume that A3.40) does not hold, and so there exists r £ E and zq = rel0° such that log \y(zo)\ > B(r). Since B(r) > |A| > 0, we may write \og\y(z0)\>B(r). A3.41) Let now z\ = ге1в{ be any point on \z\ = r distinct from zo and let Г be the arc {£ = rezv> | <p g [^ь^о] }• Since r ^ £", w has no poles on \z\ = r and so there is a simply-connected neighbourhood N of Г such that w is analytic and ф 0 on iV; hence we may take an analytic branch g of logy on N. Since gf = w, we have Jr and, after a simple calculation, Further, /•27Г log |у (зд)| < log f w(C)dC <logb(zi)|+ j*\w{Q\rdO. Jr Jo By A3.39) and A3.41), recalling the definition of V(r), we obtain log|y(zi)| > log \y(zo)\ -г Г \w(()\dO >B(r) - 2irrevW. A3.42) Jo By A3.41), this is true also for z\ = zq, hence we get by integration m(r,y) > B{r) - 2шеу(г\ A3.43) By the definition of B(r), we have B(r) - 2тггеу^ > 0, hence \y(z\)\ > 1 for all z\ on \z | = r. So we also get m(r,-j =0. A3.44)
280 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order Moreover, it is immediate that /о l < n(r,y)\og- + n@,;y)logr < -n(r,y) +n@,>')logr 6 £ A3.45) and similarly )gr. A3.46) On the other hand, since |z| = r is free of the zeros and poles of y, the argument principle gives and by A3.39) we obtain "(r.-) <n(r,y) + rev(rK A3.47) Since T(r, \/y) — T(r,y) + A, we get at once m(r,y) < N{r,y)+N(r, - J + |A|. A3.48) Combining now the formulas A3.42) to A3.48) we obtain ^ <m(r,y) <r-Bn{r,y)+rev^)+blogr + \X\, wMch contradicts the definition of B(r). Therefore A3.40) holds good. But now we may integrate A3.40) to obtain m(r,y)<B(r) A3.49)
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 281 for r £ e. By the definition of B(r)9 we get B(r) < —n{r,y) + — ev^ A3.50) for all r sufficiently large. By A3.37) and the definition of V(r), we get В > 0 such that V(r) <BV{a2r) A3.51) for all sufficiently large values of r, where Ф(г) = T(r,w)+N(r,w)\ogr+N{r,w)\ogN(r,w). A3.52) By A3.37), A3.49M13.51) and adding N(r, у) to both sides of A3.49), we further obtain for some A > 0 that for all r £ E which are sufficiently large. By Lemma 1.1.1, we see that T{r,y) < A(rN(a3r,y) + г2 holds for all r sufficiently large. Since a3 = a, we have got A3.33). In fact, A3.34) and A3.52) are trivially connected by Ф(г) < \P(r) for all r sufficiently large. □ We are now ready to apply Lemma 13.7 to get growth estimates for meromor- phic solutions of algebraic differential equations. We will consider the differential equation P{z,f,f, • • • ,/W) = ^flAfelW'I ' • ¥n)Yn = 0 A3.53) A€/ as well as its homogeneous parts Xei \x\=q forq < \P\. The important notion we need below is the sum Aq{z) of all coeffi- coefficients a\{z) in the homogeneous part Pq with multi-indices of maximal weight,
282 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order i.e., for k := maxm=^ ||A|| we write Finally, we define (P(r):=max(logr,r(r,flA(z))). After these preparations, we write our next theorem, see Bank [13], Lemma 4, and Bank and Laine [1], Theorem 4. Theorem 13.8. Letf be a meromorphic solution of A3.53). A) If there is q, 0 < q < \P\, such thatf does not satisfy Pq(zJ,f',...J{n))=0, A3.54) then for any a > 1, there exist К > 0 and r$ > 1 such that for all r > r$ T(r,f) < KG(ar), A3.55) where B) If у satisfies all homogeneous equations A3.54), for q such that 0 < q < |^|» but we have for some of these q, Aq(z) ф 0, then for any a > 1, there exist С > 0, D > 0 and r0 > 1 such that for all r > r0, T(rJ) < C^(ar,/) + r2exp(DG(ar)log(rG(ar)))V A3.56) Proof A) Using once more Lemma 2.3.7, we may write y(n) in terms of w =ff/f as fM = (wn+Pn-i(w))f, A3.57) where Pn_\{w) is a polynomial in w and its derivatives, of total degree < n — 1 with constant coefficients. It follows that for each q < |P|, the homogeneous part of total degree q may be written in the form Pq(z,f,f',...,fM)=Rq(z,w,W',...,W<~n
13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order 283 where Rq(z,w,w',... ,w(n~1)) is a polynomial in w and its derivatives, with coefficients which are linear combinations (with constant coefficients) of the co- coefficients of Pq. Let now m be the maximal integer such that / does not satisfy A3.54) for q = m. Then obviously By the Valiron-Mohon'ko theorem, see Corollary 2.2.7, ^r(r,^(z,w,w/,...,w("-1))))+O(logr). A3.58) q=0 J Since, by Corollary 2.3.5, T{r,w^) = O(T(r,w)) A3.59) for j > 1, outside an exceptional set of finite linear measure as r —> oo, and since T(r,w) =N(rJ)+N(r,j^J +log(r7(r,/)), A3.60) also outside a possible exceptional set as r —► oo, we may combine A3.58)—A3.60) to obtain A3.55) with a = 1 outside an exceptional set of finite linear measure. Lemma 1.1.1 now takes care of the remaining part of the proof. B) Take now a homogeneous part Pq{zJ J1',...,/(")) such that the corre- corresponding Aq(z), see above, does not vanish identically. By A3.57), the homoge- homogeneous equation A3.54) takes the form where к = maxm=^ ||A|| and where Qjc_\(w) is a differential polynomial in w of total degree < к — 1 whose coefficients are linear combinations of the original coefficients a\{z), |A| = q. Clearly we have Aq(z)wk+Qk_l(w)=0, A3.61) hence m(r,Aqw)<Ki<P(r)
284 13. Algebraic differential equations of arbitrary order for some K\ > 0 by the original Clunie lemma, Lemma 2.4.1, applied to A3.61). Since N{r,Aqw) < N{r,Aq) +N{r,w) < К2Ф(г)+n(t,j) +N(rJ) for some K2 > 0, and we get 7(r,w) < К (ф(г) for some К > 0 outside of an exceptional set of finite linear measure. By Lemma 1.1.1, T(r,w) <KG{/3r) A3.62) for all r sufficiently large, f3 > 1. Now, we just combine A3.62) with Lemma 13.7, selecting С > 0, D > 0 conveniently and aC < a> to get the assertion A3.56). □ Remark. A) The result in Part B) of the preceding theorem applies to homoge- homogeneous linear differential equations with meromorphic coefficients, since then Aq (z), consisting of one term only, is trivially non-vanishing. In fact, even N(r,f) may be eliminated, see Bank and Laine [1], Theorem 3. Of course, Part A) above applies for non-homogeneous linear differential equations, see Bank [13], Theorem 3. B) By Theorem 13.8, we may determine in all cases the quantities needed to get a uniform estimate for the growth of meromorphic solutions of A3.53). In fact, if Theorem 13.8 does not apply, then by A3.61), where now Aq(z) = 0, w satisfies an algebraic differential equation Pn_i(z,w,w/,... ,w(k~1}) = 0 of order < n — 1. We now apply Theorem 13.8 to Pn-\ = 0, or descend the order to n — 2. Eventually, we obtain a first-order equation, but then we see easily that Theorem 13.8 always applies.
Chapter 14 Algebraic differential equations and differential fields The algebraic theory of algebraic differential equations is an extensive field of research today, see, e.g., Kaplansky [1] and Kolchin [1]. It is not our purpose to give a survey and even less a complete presentation of this part of mathematics. The reason why this chapter has been included here is our belief, that a large number of important and interesting results which could follow by combining the Ritt-Kolchin theory with function-theoretic reasoning, say the Nevanlinna theory, still remain undiscovered. So, this chapter contains five parts. For the convenience of the reader, we first give a quick survey on the algebraic background which is unavoidable in the subsequent parts. Secondly, we prove a number of results which are of purely algebraic nature. In the third part, we continue on the algebraic line by proving the classical Siegel lemma (Siegel [1], p. 60-62), see Lemma 14.3.1 below. In the last two sections, we present some reasoning where algebraic and function-theoretic arguments combine. An example here is the celebrated Holder theorem (Holder [1]) that the gamma function cannot satisfy any algebraic differential equation with polynomial coefficients, presented here in a generalized form due to Bank and Kaufman [2]. Sections 14.3 to 14.5 are based, for the most part, to Bank [25], [26] and to Bank and Kaufman [2]. What we leave aside here is, e.g., the art of reasoning due to Eremenko [l]-[6] and the still incomplete theory of algebroid solutions of algebraic differential equa- equations, see He and Xiao [5]. These two areas are not unrelated. However, presenting them would need an access to the Nevanlinna theory of algebroid functions. 14.1 Some algebraic background The central notion in what follows is the differential field, i.e., a field К with an additional additive operator (derivation) D: К —> К such that D(a о b) = (Da) о b + а о Db. Concerning basic results from the theory of differential fields, we refer to Kaplansky [1] and Kolchin [1]. Moreover, the reader should keep in mind below that К always means a subfield of the field of meromorphic functions in C, unless otherwise specified, and D always means the usual differentiation in C.
286 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields We begin by recalling some notions from the usual field theory, omitting how- however all proofs. An interested reader may consult Bourbaki [1], p. 81-100, and Meyberg [2], p. 12-23, 28-36 and 46-56, for the proofs. Let К now be a field and LD К a larger field, i.e., a field extension of K. Then a G L is called algebraic over K, if there exists a nontrivial polynomial P G К[т] such that P (a) = 0. Of course, a G L is transcendental over K, if it is not algebraic over K. It is wellknown for the usual field theory, see Meyberg [2], p. 18, that for every algebraic element a G L there corresponds a unique minimal polynomial Ma G K[r] such that Ma(a) — 0, i.e., that Ma is of minimal degree in r with the property Ma{a) = 0 and that its leading coefficient is the unit element 1 G K. Now, the extension field L of К is called an algebraic extension, if every element a G L is algebraic over K, otherwise L is called a transcendental extension. It is an interesting observation, see Bourbaki [1], Proposition V.§3.2.3, that L is algebraic over К if and only if every ring A such that К С А С L is a field. Moreover, we recall that if the degree deg(L : K) of the extension L over K, i.e., the dimension of the vector space L over the coefficient field K, is finite, then L is algebraic, see Bourbaki [1], Proposition V.§3.2.4. The converse is not true, i.e., there exist, in general, algebraic extensions whose degree is infinite. However, a G L is algebraic if and only if deg(^(a) : K) is finite, see Meyberg [2], Satz 6.3.4. Take now А с L and consider the extension К (A) := f]{M a field \KcM C.L, AcM} of К obtained by adjoining all elements of Л into K. We now have the following proposition, see Bourbaki [1], Proposition V.§3.2.6: Proposition 14.1.1. Let A be the set of algebraic elements in the field extension L of K. Then К (A) is algebraic over K. In addition, we recall that algebraic extensions behave transitively, i.e., if К С F С £, F is algebraic over К and E algebraic over F, then also E is algebraic over K. Definition 14.1.2. The field К is algebraically closed in L, if every element a G L algebraic over К belongs to K. An immediate consequence is that the set A of algebraic elements over К in L is an algebraically closed field. Definition 14.1.3. A set Л с L is said to be algebraically independent over K, if for every finite set {jti,... ,xn} С A, the family of monomials x^x!^ • • -x1^ is linearly independent over K. Otherwise A is said to be algebraically dependent over K.
14.2 Some purely algebraic results 287 In other words, А С L is algebraically dependent over K, if for some points x\, ... , xn € A, there is a nontrivial polynomial Р[т\,...,тп] over K, which vanishes at x\9 ... , *„, i.e., • • ,^]r/=X/ = 0, Xel where ад € К, A € /, and / is a finite index set. We also call an algebraically independent set A cLasa transcendental set over K. Now, a set В С L is called a transcendence base for the field extension L of ДГ, if В is transcendental over К and L is an algebraic extension of К (В). Via a standard argument using the Zorn lemma we deduce that every field extension L of К admits a transcendence base, since it appears that each transcendence base is a maximal element relative to the inclusion relation as algebraically independent sets over K. Moreover, one can prove that all transcendence bases are of the same cardinality which will be defined as the transcendence degree tr(L : K) of L over K. Observe that a transcendence base is necessarily an empty set, if L is an algebraic extension of K, hence tr(L : К) = О in this case. Now, similarly as to the usual field extension degrees, if К С М С L are three fields, then tr(L : K) = tr(L : M) + tr(M : K). A4.1.1) Finally, we state the following theorem, see Bourbaki [1], V.§5.2.2. Theorem 14.1.4. Let L be afield extension of К and let S С L be such that L is an algebraic extension of K(S). IfD С S is transcendental over K, then there exists a transcendence base В for L relative to К such that D С В С S. Obviously, Theorem 14.1.4 is nothing else than a modified form of the exis- existence theorem for transcendence bases. For a number of concrete examples of the above notions, see Meyberg [2], p. 56. 14.2 Some purely algebraic results Let С denote in what follows a differential subfield of the field of meromorphic functions M(G) in a domain G С С. Therefore, the constant functions always belong to С Let у denote a meromorphic function. For n € N, let £(y, n) denote the field extension C(y,yf,...,yW) and £(у,оо) the field extension C({yW \ n = 0, 1, 2, ... }). We obtain now
288 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields Lemma 14.2.1. Let £ and у be given, and assume that {y,y\ ... ,y^} is alge- algebraically dependent over £ for some m £ N. Then tr(£(y,oo) :£) <m. A4.2.1) Proof Suppose first that yW =y(k) for some 0 < j < k < m. Then it is obvious that C(y, oo) = C(y,k — 1). If all of y9 yf, ... , y(k~l) are algebraic over £, then, by transitivity, C(y,oo) is algebraic over £ and tr(C(y,oo) : £) = 0 < m. Otherwise, some of y, ... , y^) is transcendental over £. By Theorem 14.1.4, there is a transcendence base of cardinality < к < т. So, we may assume that y9 yf9 ... , y(m) are distinct. Suppose next that у is algebraic over £. We then proceed to prove that all derivatives of у are algebraic over £. Assume the contrary and let q be the smallest natural number such that y№ is transcendental over £, hence y9 y'9 ... , y^-1) are algebraic over £. Let Mq-\ € C[t] be the minimal polynomial of y^-1) over £, i.e., ) + Lq = 0. A4.2.2) Differentiating A4.2.2) with respect to z, we find that y№ € C(yb~V). Since -y(^-l) is algebraic over £, this would mean that у ^ is algebraic over £, a contra- contradiction. But we now have that C(y, oo) is algebraic over С and so tr(C(y,oo) : C) = 0<m. Assume now that y9 yr, ... , y(m' are distinct and that у is transcendental over С Let q then be the maximal natural number such that {y,y',... ,y^} is transcendental over £, hence q < m - 1 by our original assumption. Let then Q(uq, ...,Uq+\) be a nontrivial polynomial over £ such that 0. A4.2.3) We may assume that Q is chosen to be of minimal degree d > 1 in uq+\. Differentiating A4.2.3) with respect to z and applying the minimality of d, we see that ;yw+2) becomes a rational function in y, yf9 ... , y^+1), with coeffi- coefficients in £, hence y^+2) g ^(y,^ + 1). Repeating the same process we see that yW € C(y,q + 1) for all j > q + 2. Therefore, £{y,oo) = £{y,q + 1). By The- Theorem 14.1.4, {y,yf,... ,у№} must be a transcendence base of £(y, oo) over £, resulting in tr(£{y, oo) : £) = q + 1 < m. □ Theorem 14.2.2. Let £ be a differential subfield of M(G), and let A{£) be the family of meromorphic functions which satisfy an algebraic differential equation with coefficients in £. Then A{£) is a differential field.
14.2 Some purely algebraic results 289 Proof Take u, v € Л(£), and let T be the field which results by adjoining м, v and all their derivatives to £. In other words, if C\ := £(и, oo), then T = C\{v, oo). By Lemma 14.2.1, tr(^* : C\) = tr(£!(v,oo) : C\) < oo and tr^ : £) = tr(£(w,oo) : £) < oo, hence tr(.F : £) = tr(^ : £i) + tr(jCi : £) =: p < oo. Denote now h := м + v, and consider {/г, /г',... ,/г^)}. If h^ = h^ for some 0 < j < к < /?, there is nothing to prove, since £ contains all constant func- functions. Otherwise, card{h,hf,... ,h^} = p + 1 > /? which means that the set {/г,h',... >h(P)} must be algebraically dependent, i.e., h € A(C). Similarly, one may prove that uv9 uf and u~l (for и ф 0) belong to Л(£). П Theorem 14.2.3. Let С be a differential subfield of M{G), and let again A{C) be the family of meromorphic functions which satisfy an algebraic differential equation with coefficients in £. Suppose у € Л(Л(£)). Then у € A(C). Proof Exactly as above, we may assume that у and all of its derivatives are distinct functions, since otherwise the assertion is trivial. Assume у satisfies an algebraic differential equation of order q, with coefficients a\9 ... , aG € A(C). Hence, for each j, there is an nj such that {aj,af-,... ,a?- } is algebraic over £. For 1 < j < a, denote by Cj the field extension of £ obtained by adjoining aj,aj+\y... , аа and all their derivatives to £. For convenience, denote £a+i = £. Obviously, each Cj is a differential field, and £ С Са с £a-i С ••• С £i- By A4.1.1), tr(£i: £) = ][>(£,:£,+!). J=l But £j = Cj+\(aj, oo) by the construction; therefore by Lemma 14.2.1, This means that tr(Ci : £) < crmax(nb... ,na). Since {y,yf,... ,y^^} is algebraically dependent over £j, we have tr(£i(y,oo):£i) <^, hence tr(£i(y,oo) : C) <q
290 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields Hence, {y,yf,... ,y^} must be algebraically dependent over £, i.e., у satisfies an algebraic differential equation of order < p with coefficients in С п 14.3 The Siegel lemma and some related results The original idea behind the Siegel lemma was to prove that for any complex a such that 2a is not an odd integer, no nontrivial solution/ of the Bessel differential equation z2f" + zf'+(z2-a2)f = 0 can satisfy a first-order algebraic differential equation with rational coefficients. We are not going deeper into this direction. An interested reader may look at Bank [27] and Kaufman [1]. Lemma 14.3.1 (Siegel). Let G С С be a domain and let С be a differential field contained in Ai(G). Suppose that in a domain G\ С G the differential equation f" + A(z)f'+B(z)f = 0, A4.3.1) where А, В £ С, possesses a solution/q € A4(G\) such that/o is transcendental over £, but satisfies a first-order algebraic differential equation over C. Then, at least in a domain Gi С G\, A4.3.1) admits a nontrivial solution f\ € Л4(G2) such thatf[jf\ is algebraic over C. Proof. So, suppose/0 € M(G\) satisfies P(z,/,/;) = 0, A4.3.2) where the polynomial P(z,w,v) € £[w,v] may be assumed to be irreducible over С Define now a second polynomial P*(z,u, v) € £[m,v] by Clearly, for all/ € M{G\) which satisfy A4.3.1), we have ^P(z,f(z),f'(z)) =P*(z,f(z),f'(z)). A4.3.4)
14.3 The Siegel lemma and some related results 291 Observe that A4.3.4) holds for any P(z,u,v) € £[m,v], provided only that/ € M(Gi) solves A4.3.1). Assume first that P* ф 0. We may consider P(z,u,v) and P*(z,u,v) as polynomials in (£[m])[v], and compute their resultant polynomial R(z,u), see Cohn [1], p. 176, for the definition of R(z,u). By Cohn [1], Theorem 7.4.2(iii), there exist two polynomials Q, Q* £(£["])M such that R = Q*P + QP*. A4.3.5) Since P(z,/o(z),/o(z)) = ° and, by A4.3.4), P*(z,/o(z),/o(z)) = °> we must have R(z,fo(z)) = 0 by A4.3.5). On the other hand, since/q is transcendental over £, we must have R = 0. By Cohn [1], Theorem 7.4.2(ii), P and P* are not relatively prime. Since P is irreducible, there exists Я €(£[m])[v] such that P*(z,u,v)=tf(z,u,v)P(z,u,v). A4.3.6) By Meyberg [1], p. 148, 155, the total degrees (in и and v) in A4.3.6) must satisfy degP* = degЯ + degP > degP. But, as we see from the definition, degP* < degP, hence deg# = 0 and so Я(г,м,у) reduces to Я € С. Denote now j=0 where Pj stands for the homogeneous part of P of total degree j and where Pm ф 0, and use the corresponding notations for P*. The fact H € £ implies that р;(г,и,у)=Я(г)Р,-(г,и,у) A4.3.7) for all 0 < j < m. Since Я is meromorphic, we may solve the linear differential equation w' = H(z)w A4.3.8) at least in a subdomain G2 С G\. Let wq € M{G2) be such a nontrivial so- solution. Let then <p\9 <f2 £ M,(G2) be two linearly independent transcendental solutions over С of A4.3.1) in G2. The existence can be assumed by changing G2, if needed. Then, for every a\, a.2 € C, we have, by using the same argument
292 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields which proved A4.3.4), see the remark following A4.3.4), — = H {z)Pj{z, so Pj(z, OL\ip\ + a2^25 ai^i + ^2^2) satisfies A4.3.8) and we have ' A4.3.9) for some сj @*1,012) € С If then P* = 0, then each P* = 0 and we have H = 0 in A4.3.7) and A4.3.8). But then A4.3.9) still holds by choosing wq = 1. Consider now j = m and fix z € G2 such that <p\9 <p2> Щ a^ have finite, non-zero values at z. But then the left-hand side of A4.3.9) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree m in a\, ot2 with constant coefficients, i.e., Obviously, we may choose a\, a.2 such that either ol\ ф 0 or a.2 Ф 0 an(i that cm(oi\,OL2) — 0- Since Pm is homogeneous in м, v, we may denote f\ := an(i dividing now A4.3.9) by f™, we obtain / f'\ Pm\Z,l,y-J =0, i-e-> f\/f\ is algebraic over C. □ Theorem 14.3.2. Let G С С be a domain and С С M(G) be a differential field. Assume that /"+A(z)/ = 0, A4.3.10) where A £ £, admits a nontrivial solution /0 € .M(Gi), Gj С G a domain, such thatfo is transcendental over С while R := —/o7/o € £. A) Iffi € .M(Gi) /5 a solution of A4.3.10), linearly independent offo, such that j1 satisfies a first-order algebraic differential equation over C, then fl=cfo + \fo-\ A4.3.11)
14.3 The Siegel lemma and some related results 293 where с € С and where A £ С satisfies ' cx A4.3.12) for some q€C\ {0}. B) Conversely, if for some qEC\ {0}, A4.3.12) has a solution A € £, then fl — A//o satisfies A4.3.10), /q, /2 are linearly independent andf^/fi € £• Proof The converse part is easier to prove. In fact, take/2 = A//q. Then hence, by differentiating once more, = 0. Since /2 //2 = —Л + ciA, we see at once that/2'//2 € £. If/0, /2 are linearly dependent, then for some cl\> oli € C, we would have ct\fo + o^A/q = 0, and so/o would be algebraic over £, which contradicts our assumptions. Hence/0,/2 must be linearly independent. To prove the first part of our assertion, we observe that /1 + R(z)fi = t^t, ci ф 0. A4.3.13) /oU) In fact, we have just to check that the derivative of fof( + Rf\fo vanishes, since c\ Ф 0 by the linear independence of/0,/1. So, assume that/i solves a first-order algebraic differential equation P{z,f\,f[) = 0 over С Write the polynomial P(z, u, v) as a finite sum, P(z,u,v)= J] aijk)uivi> A4.3.14) where the coefficients a,-j € £, and where the coefficients are ф 0. We assume, as we may, that P(z,u,v) is irreducible. Denote d := max^j)e/ j. Making use of A4.3.13), substituting into A4.3.14) and multiplying by/^, we see that Q(z,f\{z),fo(z)) = 0, where +cl)j. A4.3.15)
294 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields Clearly, Q(z,u,v) E £[m,v], which we may write G(z,u,v)= J2 bmn{z)umvn. A4.3.16) (m,n)eJ Now, Q(z,u,v) фЪ. In fact Comparing the coefficients in A4.3.15) and A4.3.16) we obtain b$n = for 0 < n < d. Hence, if Q(z,u,v) = 0, then bon = 0 for all n and so oqj = 0 for all 0 < j < d. But this means that P(z,u,v) would have a factor of the form ua, a € N, a contradiction. Moreover, degM Q(z,m,v) > 0, since otherwise /o would be algebraic over C. Thus, from Q(z,f\{z)Jo(z)) = 0 we conclude that /l is algebraic over the field extension £(/o) °f £• Since /oV/o ^ ^> ^(/b) is a differential field. Let now X^=o aj{z)u^ ^e tne minimal polynomial off\ over C(fo), see Mey- berg [2], p. 18. Then, of course, q > 1 and aq = \. Since ^)/1(*У=0, A4.3.17) j=0 we may differentiate A4.3.17). Substituting A4.3.13) into the differentiated equal- equality, we obtain 0 = J>;-(z)/i(zy +J2^jl( j=o j=\ я (a'jiz) - jR(z)aj(z))fi(zY +fo(zy1jciaj(z)f1{z)j~l) = 0. A4.3.18) Recalling that a^ = 1, a'q = 0, and dividing A4.3.18) by —qR(z)9 we obtain a normed polynomial of degree q inf\ over £(/b) mt0 &е left-hand side. Therefore, it must equal with the minimal polynomial above. Comparing coefficients, for the
power/^ , we obtain 14.3 The Siegel lemma and some related results 295 a' ! +R(z)aq-i = - i.e., Adding this to A4.3.13), we see that/i + io^-i solves the differential equation i.e.,/i + w&q-i = Q/o f°r some Co G C. This means that/i G £(/b), and so we may write Л = *jg. A43.1» where ip, ф are polynomials in /q with coefficients in C. Of course, we assume that (p, ф are relatively prime as polynomials in/o. For a polynomial cr G £[x], a(x) = Y^=o^jx^ we now ^е^пе а*(х) — Sj=o(^j ~ JdjR)xJ- since ^ 6 £, it is clear that we also have a* G C[x]. Moreover, for/o we immediately obtain ±a(fo(z))=a*(fo(z)). A4.3.20) Defining now ip*, ф* in this way, we obtain by differentiation of A4.3.19), and making use of A4.3.20) and A4.3.13), (/Ь) = ,/ = £1 _ „ ^(fo) Л /о hence () - ^(/Ь)^*(/Ь) +«v(/bWo)) - ^i^(foJ = 0. A4.3.21) So, /o is a root of F(x) =х(ф(х)<р*(х) - ф)ф*(х)+Яф)ф(х)) - схф{хJ е С[х]. A4.3.22)
296 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields Since /o is transcendental over C, we must have F = 0. Write now m ф(х) = ^tfj*J, ao, ... , am e С, am ф 0. j=0 Since F = 0, we see from A4.3.22) that ф(хJ is divisible by x, hence we must have ao = 0. Consider now If degj V*(*) < m> tnen am = ™amR = -mamfo/fo> hence cimf^1 = c2 for some C2 G С, С2 ф 0. Since «q = 0 and ф / 0, we have m > 0, i.e.,/o would be algebraic over С which contradicts our assumption. Hence we have degx ф*(х) =m. By A4.3.22) again, ф(х) divides хф{х)ф*(х). But (p, ф are relatively prime, so ф divides хф*(х). But degx ^(дс) = m = degx ^*(л)» hence where а(дс) = b\x + b$ e C[x] is of degree = 1. But from the expressions given above for ф, ф*, we obtain through coefficient comparison Г afm-mamR = bxam A4 3 24) \ a1- - jajR = b\dj + Mj+Ь J = 0, ... , m - 1. Since яо = 0, from j = 0 we conclude a\ = 0, provided bo ф 0. By A4.3.24), used repeatedly, we would get я2 = • • • = am = 0, which is not possible. Thus, we must have bo = 0. Eliminating now b\ from A4.3.24), and recalling that R = —/o;//o» we get for j = 0, ... , m — 1, Integrating A4.3.25), we get aj = KjCimf™'3 for j = 0, ... , m — 1 for some constants Kj. But this implies that /q is algebraic over £, unless Kq = • • • = ATw_i = 0, and so uq = -" = am_\ = 0. Therefore, ф(х) = атхт, ф*(х) = bxamxm. A4.3.26)
14.3 The Siegel lemma and some related results 297 Substituting these expressions back into A4.3.22) we get (P*{x)-bl(P{x)+R(P{x)-clamxm-1 = 0, cx ф 0. A4.3.27) Write now ixi' to,...,tneC, tn^o. A4.3.28) j=Q Clearly, we must have и > m -1. Substituting A4.3.28) into A4.3.27), the standard coefficient comparison results in -l - cxam = 0 [j- l)R)tj=O, i/m-l. ( •*•*> Suppose now ip(x) = tm_\xm~l. Defining Л := tm-\/am, we obtain f\ = A//o by A4.3.19). Since/o,/i are linearly independent, we know that the Wronskian W(fo,f\) reduces to a non-zero constant, say c\. Then A' + 2ЯА =fifx and we have got A4.3.11) with с = 0, and A4.3.12). Assume now that A4.3.28) contains at least one tj / 0, j / m — 1, j / m + 1. By A4.3.29), we also have tm_\ ф 0. If now t'- = 0, then bi+(j-l)R = 0 implies bx =(j - 1)^. Combining the definition of V>* with A4.3.26) we obtain hence am = c/ow+ \ с ф 0. Since /q is transcendental over £, we have a contradiction. Therefore, we may assume that tj ф 0, j ф m — 1, j ф m + 1, implies tf- ф 0. If there are at least two coefficients Ц ф 0, tj ф 0 in A4.3.28) such that / Ф m — 1, j ф m — 1, j' ф m + 1, / ф j, then A4.3.29) implies \ Ц /о У
298 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields resulting in t(/tj = cf^~l, с ф 0. This contradicts the assumption that/q is transcendental over C. Hence, A4.3.28) contains exactly one coefficient tj ф 0, Assume next that A4.3.28) takes the form where tm_x ф 0, tk ф О, к ф т - 1, к ф т + 1. By A4.3.19), fx = - + 7/0* ~w, A4.3.30) where A := tm_\/am G £, 7 := /jt/^w £ £• Differentiating A4.3.30), and invoking A4.3.13), we get Cl nr c\ r» / ^ 1 _ гк—m \ *f *■ . \ r» 1 ^irk—m iiT мл\л,оД-/п /о "■" /о "v/о1 ;=/1'=Ж+л/гл+7'/(^. и-(*-'»ь<"и' and so Л' 4- 2XR — ел — \(к — (т 4- l'l'W/? — Vl^~w+1 П4 3 ЗЛ Since /: / m - 1» A4.3.31) implies that /0 is algebraic over C, unless we have У + 2XR - cx = 0, and (£-(m + l))jR - 7' = 0. But then ((m + 1) - *)jg- = ^ and so/^" = C7 for some с / 0. This is a contradiction, since /: ф m + 1. Altogether, we must have and so by A4.3.19), /l=7/o + ^, A4.3.32) /0 where 7 := tm+\/am, Л := tm_\jam. Differentiating A4.3.32) and recalling A4.3.13) we see that A4.3.31) now takes the form 7'/o2+(A' + 2R\-cx)= 0. A4.3.33) Since /0 is transcendental over C, we must have 7' = 0. The assertion follows from A4.3.32) and A4.3.33). □ Proposition 14.3.3. Let С С M{G) be a differential field on a domain G С С. Let /b/2 £ M(G) be two linearly independent solutions of A4.3.10), wherfA G C, and
14.3 The Siegel lemma and some related results 299 assume thatf[jf\ and f[jf2 are algebraic over С Then all solutions/ of A4.3.10) in G satisfy a first-order algebraic differential equation over С Proof We may assume that W(f\,f2) = 1 and so /l h Ml hence E :=/i/2 is algebraic over C. Let/ = a\f\ + 0:2/2 be an arbitrary solution of A4.3.10); clearly we may assume that a\ -ф 0, a2 ф 0. From /l h and fir /lf , /lf ff = <*lffi + a2ff Л Л /l we obtain Reversing the roles of f\,f2 we also get ff -y-f = ai (y- - T-)/l- A4.3.35) Multiplying A4.3.34) and A4.3.35) results in V /i / V /2 / Ql V/i /2/ Since f{/fi,f2/f2 and £ are algebraic over £, A4.3.36) may be written in the form /1 1 ^. ■#*' 1 ^. /*2 1 „ r\ /л л 1 ii\ 1 a\jj +fl2/ 1 ^3 = ^ A4.J.J/J where a\, a2, a$ are algebraic over С Denote now by C\ the field extension of С obtained by adjoining a\, a2, 03, and all their derivatives to C. Clearly, C\ is an algebraic extension of С and so tr(£j : C) = 0. By A4.3.37), together with Lemma 14.2.1, tr(£i(/,/') : Cx) < 1. Therefore, M(Cx(fj') : C) = ti(Cx(fjf) : Ci) + tr(A :£)<!. A4.3.38)
300 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields If/ = /', there is nothing to prove. Otherwise, A4.3.38) combined with Theo- Theorem 14.1.4, implies that/,/' must be algebraically dependent over C. In fact, if {/",/'} is transcendental over £, then {/",/'} must be a transcendence base for the field extension C\(f,ff) of C. This follows, since C\{f ,ff) is an algebraic extension of C(f,f'). But then card{A/'} = tr(А(Л/0 :£)<!> a contradiction. □ Theorem 14.3.4. Let С С M{G) be a differential field on a domain G С С. Let f\>fl £ M(G) be two linearly independent solutions of A4.3.10), where A G C, and assume that f\, f2 each satisfy a first-order algebraic differential equation over С Then all solutions f of A4.3.10) in G satisfy a first-order algebraic differential equation over C, at least in a domain G\ С G. Proof A) Suppose that/i,/2 both are algebraic over C. Then so are/j,/^ by the reasoning given in the proof of Lemma 14.2.1. Hence////1 and/27/2 are algebraic over С and the assertion follows from Proposition 14.3.3. B) Assume therefore that/i, say, is transcendental over C. By the Siegel lemma, Lemma 14.3.1, A4.3.10) admits a nontrivial solution/3 G M{G2), G2 С G, such that/3/./з is algebraic over С If/1,/3 are linearly dependent, we consider the linearly independent solutions/2,/3. If/2 is algebraic over C, then so is/^//2, and the assertion follows from Proposition 14.3.3. In all other cases, we may assume to have two linearly independent solutions of A4.3.10) in G2, say/1 and/3, so that /3//3 is algebraic over С while f\ satisfies a first-order algebraic differential equation over C,f\ being transcendental over C. Suppose P(z,f\,f[) = 0, where P(z,w,v) G £[w,v] is an irreducible polynomial. If P(z,u,v) is homogeneous in u, v, then obviously////1 is algebraic over С and the assertion again follows by Proposition 14.3.3. So, assume that P(z,u,v) is formed by at least two different homogeneous parts, say P/(z,w,v) and Pj(z,u,v) with / < j. We see that the assumptions of the Siegel lemma hold. Using the notations and reasoning from its proof, we see by A4.3.9) that ol\4>\ +«2^2) = cj(ab«2)^0 for some q (a\, a2) G C, Cj(a\, a2) G C. Let/ be any solution of A4.3.10) in the domain which is used to obtain A4.3.9). Then/ = ацр\ +a2^f2 f°r some ai, a2. If Cj(ct\,a.2) ф 0, we may eliminate wq from A4.3.39) and we see that/ satisfies
14.4 Non-algebraic consequences of the Siegel lemma 301 Finally, if Cj(a\, 0:2) = 0, then Pj{zJj') = 0. □ 14.4 Non-algebraic consequences of the Siegel lemma Recalling the conjecture that max (A(/\), A(/2)) = +00 for two linearly independent solutions/b/2 of /" + A(z)f = 0 for A(z) entire, provided 2a(A) e@, +00) \ N, see p. 84, we mention first the following easy Proposition 14.4.1. Let T denote the differential field of 'meromorphic functions of finite order of growth. Iff\, /2 are two linearly independent solutions of f"+A(z)f = 0, A4.4.1) where A(z) is entire and of finite order cr(A), and if max(A(/j), A(/*2)) < +00, then all solutions f of A4.4.1) satisfy a first-order algebraic differential equation over T. Proof By our assumption, for some /i > 0. Since Lemma 2.4.3 immediately tells that perhaps after a change of /i. Hence, f[jf\ e T and f[lh £ f and our assertion is a corollary of Theorem 14.3.4. □ Denote now by Cn the differential field of meromorphic functions/ of order < (n+2)/2.
302 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields Proposition 14.4.2. Let P be a polynomial of degree n>\. Suppose that f"+P{z)f = 0 A4.4.2) admits a nontrivial solution f\ such that \(f\) < \{n + 2). Let /2 be another solution of A4.4.2), linearly independent of f\. Then /2 cannot satisfy any first- order algebraic differential equation over Cn. Proof By Proposition 5.1, cr(f) = \{n + 2) holds for all nontrivial solutions of A4.4.2). By the Valiron-Mohon'ko theorem, Theorem 2.2.5, it is clear that/ must be transcendental over Cn. By the Hadamard factorization theorem, X(f) = a(f) as soon as \(n -f 2) ^ N, i.e., n is odd. So, our assumptions imply that n must be even, although this fact is not needed below. Consider now R := -f[/f\. Since/1 is of finite order, we obtain by Lemma 1.2.5 and Theorem 2.3.3 that т{г'к)-'Л"л; "Лл for any s > 0, i.e., R € Cn. Let now/2 be linearly independent of/j, and assume that /2 satisfies a first-order algebraic differential equation over Cn. By Theo- Theorem 14.3.2, we have the representation/2 = cf\ + /x/j~ , where // + 2/?/i = cj, ci ^ 0 and с € С, while /x G £„. Writing we see that and so But this contradicts Theorem 5.2, since /2 — cf\ and f\ are obviously linearly independent. This proves the assertion. □ Proposition 14.4.3. Let P be again a polynomial of degree n>\. Then at least one of any two linearly independent solutions of A4.4.2) cannot satisfy any first-order algebraic differential equation over the field Cn. Moreover, if X(f) = a(f) holds for all nontrivial solutions f of A4.4.2), then no nontrivial solution of A4.4.2) can satisfy a first-order algebraic differential equation over Cn.
14.5 The Holder theorem and some related results 303 Proof. We first remark that the latter situation always holds, if n is odd. In fact, all nontrivial solutions / of A4.4.2) are of order (n + 2)/2 by Proposition 5.1. If n is odd, then (n + 2)/2 is not an integer and so by the Hadamard theorem Consider first the latter assertion and let/o / 0 be a solution of A4.4.2) satisfy- satisfying a first-order algebraic differential equation over Cn. Since a(fo) =(n -f 2)/2,/q is transcendental over Cn by the Valiron-Mohon'ko argument. By Lemma 14.3.1, A4.4.2) possesses a solution f\ such that ////i is algebraic over Cn, at least in a domain G С С. But f\ is entire and the corresponding coefficient functions in the algebraic equation over Cn, which f[/f\ satisfies, are meromorphic, see A4.3.2) and the algebraic equation Pm(z,lJ{/fi) = 0 for///ft at the end of the proof of Lemma 14.3.1. Therefore, the same algebraic equation holds in the whole of C. By the Valiron-Mohon'ko argument again, (j{f[/f\) <{n + 2)/2 and so X(fi) < cr(f[/f\) <(n +2)/2, a contradiction. Consider next the general case, letting/q be a solution of A4.4.2) such that ^(/b) <(w + 2)/2. Let then /\, /2 be any two linearly independent solutions of A4.4.2). Assume, as we may, that/j is linearly independent of/q. By Propo- Proposition 14.4.2, /1 cannot satisfy any first-order algebraic differential equation over Cn. U 14.5 The Holder theorem and some related results The classical Holder theorem, see Holder [1], asserts that the gamma function F(z) defined by пг)-(*~йи+)У») where is the Euler constant, cannot satisfy any algebraic differential equation whose coef- coefficients belong to the field of rational functions. We will prove the Holder theorem by using a method due to Bank and Kaufman [4], p. 116, generalizing the original result. Theorem 14.5.1. Let С be a differential field of meromorphic functions such that A) all rational functions belong to £, B) ifheC, then h\ G £, provided h\ (z) := h(z + 1).
304 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields Then a necessary condition for Г to satisfy an algebraic differential equation over С is that there exists elements g, /q, ... , fn € £ such thatfo, ... , fn are of period 1, and not'all of them vanish identicallyy while g is not periodic of period 1, and that g(z) ~ g(z + 1) = ^/jteX*-1H* A4.5.1) 3=0 holds. Proof Suppose Г € A(C), see the notations of Theorem 14.2.2. By this theorem, & = Г'/Г also belongs to A(C). So, consider all polynomials fi(z,u$,... ,un) ■ф 0, with coefficients in С such that Among these polynomials, we assume that Q has the minimal degree d := \Q\ in щ, ... , un, and minimal number of terms in the homogeneous part Q^ of the maximal degree d. Moreover, we may assume that at least one term of Q^ has its coefficient equal to 1. From the elementary relations r(z + 1) = zF{z), rf(z + 1) = r(z)+zFf{z) one easily infers that Therefore, S& satisfies the algebraic differential equation n(z + l,y + z-1,/+(z-1)/> • • • ,yM+(z-1)^) = 0. Consider now the polynomial over С Since S& satisfies and obviously the terms of maximal degree with the coefficient equal to 1 cancel each other, Q — Ф must be a zero polynomial, i.e., Differentiating, say, the left-hand side of A4.5.2) algebraically with respect to an uj, which actually appears in A4.5.2), results in a nontrivial polynomial equality
14.5 The Holder theorem and some related results 305 again. Repeating this process we finally obtain a polynomial over C, with degree equal to 1, say 3=0 where at least one fm may be assumed / 0. Doing the same operation for the right-hand side of A4.5.2), we obtain by A4.5.3) j=o j=o n ( /iVJ^\ iJi * + * [из + [~J ) 3=0 ч 7 7 j=0 Since this is a polynomial identity, we see that/j(z) =fj{z + 1), j = 0, ... , n. Repeating this process we infer that the coefficients /q, ... , fn must be periodic of period equal to 1. At the same time, the assertion A4.5.1) follows. It remains to show that g is not periodic of period equal to 1. In fact, if this would be so, A4.5.1) would imply з=о for k = 0, 1, ... , n. But then the Wronskian determinant of the functions z~l, (z + I), •• • , (z + n)~l would vanish. By Proposition 1.2.4, they would be linearly dependent over С This is clearly not possible. □ Theorem 14.5.2. The gamma function Г cannot satisfy any algebraic differential equation over Cq, i.e., the field ofmeromorphic functions f such that T(r,f) = o(r). Proof. If Г satisfies such an equation, then A4.5.1) holds for g such that T(r,g) = o(r) and for some complex constants /o, ...,/«. In fact, constants are the only periodic functions in £q- This is an immediate consequence of T(rJ) > N(r,f) > cr, с > 0, which holds for any periodic non-constant meromorphic function/. But the right-hand side of A4.5.1) is rational, so is g, too. The right-hand side has its only pole at z = 0. By A4.5.1), g must have a pole either at z = 0, or at z = 1 (or both). In the former case, A4.5.1) implies that g has a pole at all z = —n, n e N. In the latter case, g must have poles at all z = n € N. Both cases are impossible for a rational function. □
306 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields Remark. The preceding theorem of course contains the original Holder theo- theorem. For a more general version of Theorem 14.5.2, see Bank and Kaufman [4], p. 118-119. An interesting question which remains open today in its full generality, is whether the zeros of Г alone define its behavior with respect to algebraic differen- differential equations, i.e., whether Г <£ A(C) implies Feh £ A(C) for h entire. An easy result of this type is the following Proposition 14.5.3. Letf, g be entire functions of finite order with the same zeros, counting multiplicities. Thenf G A(C) if and only if g G A(C)t for all differential fields С С М(С). Proof By our assumptions, g — fe@, where Q is a polynomial. But у = е@ satisfies where q = degg', which is an algebraic differential equation for у with integer coefficients. Since integers are contained in С, у G A(C). Since A(C) is a field, we obtain the assertion. □ Before we are able to get some touch on our question about Feh, we need the following Lemma 14.5.4. Let С С Л4(С) be a differential field of me romorphic functions, and let H be a meromorphic function that does not satisfy any algebraic differential equation over С Assume that T(r,y) = O(T(r,H'/H)) holds n.e. as r —► oo for each у G С If now h is entire and Heh G A(C), then for each j = 0, 1, 2, ... , A4.5.4) Proof. Let j be given and define к := max(l, j). Since и = Heh € A{C), then also u'/u € A{C) as well as all of its derivatives. Since u'/u = h' + H'/H and so (и'/и)**) = й(*)+(Я'/Я)(*-1), we see that hW+(H'/H)(k-V satisfies an algebraic differential equation over С But this means that h^ satisfies an algebraic differential equation
14.5 The Holder theorem and some related results 307 whose coefficients belong to the ring generated by the meromorphic functions (H'/H)(k-1), ... ,{Н'/Н)(к+т~1) and the coefficients of Q. Obviously, the ho- homogeneous part Фо °f degree zero of Ф is Since H'/H ф A(C) as an immediate consequence of our assumption that H £ A(C), Ф$ does not vanish identically. Hence, by Theorem 14.7A), we obtain T(r,h®) = О (n(t, -±Л + A(r) + log Л , A4.5.5) n.e. as r —> oo, where A(r) = max{ T(r,a\) \ a\ a coefficient of Ф}. But from our hypothesis that T(r,y) = O(T(r,H'/H)) holds n.e. as r -» oo for all у G C, hence A(r) = o(t (г, ^Л + log Л A4.5.6) n.e. as r —> oo. Now, the assertion A4.5.4) follows at once from A4.5.5) and A4.5.6), if we know that Hf/H is a transcendental meromorphic function. In fact, if H'/H is rational, say H'/H = Р\/Рг for two polynomials P\, P2, then Pb P2 both satisfy an algebraic differential equation with integers as coefficients, i.e., the coefficients € С trivially. Since A(C) is a field, we must have H'/H G A(C), which contradicts our assumption that H £ ,Д(£). So, H'/H cannot be a rational function. □ Theorem 14.5.5. Let h be an entire function such that for some j G Nq and some aeC, (h)s{r>hij))- A4-5-7) Then Feh cannot satisfy any algebraic differential equation over Cq. Proof Assume, contrary to our assumption that Feh G A(Cq). Define g := h- —azi. Then for F := exp(az3'/j\), we have F'/F = azj~l/{j - 1)! G Co, and so F G Л(£о)- since ^g = F~\reh), we conclude that Г^^ G Д(А))- since ^ is an
308 14. Algebraic differential equations and differential fields entire function with zeros exactly at { —n \ n G N }, we see at once that as r —► oo. Hence Lemma 14.5.4 applies for С = Co and H = Г. So, T(r,gW) = О (м(г, -±r) + r) , A4.5.8) n.e. as r —► oo. But from g^) = /i^) - a, from A4.5.7) and A4.5.8) we conclude that r(r,*tt>) = O(r), A4.5.9) n.e. as r —> oo. But Lemma 1.1.1 implies that for some K\ > 0, ro > 0 we have for all r > r0. By A4.5.7), we know that bmsup ^ ^ J =0 for an exceptional set E of finite linear measure. Hence, for all r >r\, after having applied Lemma 1.1.1 again, if needed. Hence we have N(r,l/gti)) = o(r) as r —► oo. By A4.5.9), it is clear that g^i) is an entire function of finite order (< 1), hence as г —> oo, by Theorem 2.3.3. But then gti+l)/gki) e Cq which means that g G A(Co). Then clearly Л G A(C0) and /г' G Л(А))- But h! ={eh)f/eh and so we get eh G Л(А))'. from Г =(Ген)е~н we now conclude that Г G Л(£о)» which contradicts Theorem 14.5.2. П Remark. Bank [25], Proposition 13, gives a list of further properties to h which imply that Ген <£ A{C0).
14.5 The Holder theorem and some related results 309 We close this chapter by a theorem which is independent of the Holder theorem, but is anyway of the same spirit as Theorem 14.5.5 above. Theorem 14.5.6. Let f be a meromorphic function which does not satisfy any algebraic differential equation over the field S(f) := {y <E M(C) I T(r,y) =S(rJ) }, A4.5.10) and let g be meromorphic. If f + g satisfies an algebraic differential equation over S(f), then T(rJ) = О (tf(^) +N{r,f) + Г(г,*)) , A4.5.11) n.e. as r —> oo. Remark. Obviously, if N{r, \/f) = S(rJ), N{r,f) = S(rJ) and T{r,g) = S(r,f), then A4.5.11) would result in a contradiction T(rJ) = S(rJ). Hence we have in this case that/ + g £ A(S(f)y Proof Suppose/ + g satisfies an algebraic differential equation Q = 0 over S(f). Then obviously/ satisfies an algebraic differential equation whose coefficients belong to the ring generated by g, gf, ... , g^m\ and the co- coefficients of ft. Moreover, for the homogeneous part <Pq of degree zero of Ф we obtain *0 = *(z,0,0,...,0) = f2(z,g,g/,...,^w)). A4.5.12) If the right-hand side of A4.5.12) vanishes, then clearly g € A(S(f)). Since / + g e A(S(f)), this would imply a contradiction/ e A(S(f)). Hence Фо / О. Hence, we may again apply Theorem 14.7A) to infer that T(rJ) = О (nUj) +ЯЫ) + Д{г)+log Л , A4.5.13) n.e. as r —> oo, where Д{г) = тах{Г(г,яд) | a\ a coefficient of Ф}. But from A4.5.10), A4.5.13) and Corollary 2.3.5 we immediately conclude that A4.5.11) holds, as soon as we know that g is transcendental. But this follows exactly as we proved the non-rationality of Hf/H at the end of the proof of Theorem 14.5.4. □
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Index Л(Л(С)) С Л(С) 289 adjoint differential equation 140 admissible solutions 192, 251, 258 Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic function 49 A(£) 288 Bank, S. 2, 3, 4, 79, 80, 82, 84, 101, 109, 114, 115, 125, 126, 131, 139, 147, 173, 223, 234, 257, 275, 282, 284, 285, 290, 303, 306, 308 Bank's arbitrary growth theorem 242 Bernal, L. 129 Bessel differential equation 290 Bieberbach, L. 1 Boas, R. P. , 8 Вorel lemma 35 Bniggemann, F. 3, 73 canonical product 6, 7 Cartan lemma 88 central index 50 characteristic function 22, 24 Chen, Z. X. 147, 152 Chiang, Y. M. 101 Chuang, C.-T. 3 Clunie, J. 83, 163, 222 Clunie lemma 39, 41, completely ramified values 48 complex polynomials 9, 10 counting function 20 — unintegrated 20 defect relations 47 deficiency 46 degree of an algebraic differential equation 221, 258 differential field 285 Eremenko, A. E. 1, 220, 285 exceptional set 5, 29, 36 exponent of convergence 7 — and the counting function 8 — for product of entire functions 9 = 0 74 — A entire 79 — A = ep 84 — A = ep+Q 98 — A = ez - К 107 — A meromorphic 120 — A periodic 102, 103 — A polynomial 74, 79 — Bank-Laine conjecture 84 — Em + 4A(z)e' + 2A'(z)E = 0 11 — 4AE2=(E'J-c2-2EE" 11 — zeros of solutions 80 finite oscillation property 131, 147 first main theorem 22 f{n)/f = Pn(f'/f) 39 f' = P(zJ) 269 Frank, G. 2, 64, 82, 132, 152, 163 Frank-Hennekemper lemma 133 Frei, M. 60 f' = R(z,f) 271 Fuchs, W. H. J. 46 Gackstatter, F. 257 Gao, S. A. 147, 152, 164 global oscillation property 131, 147 GoFdberg, A. A. 1 Gol'dberg theorem 223 Golubew, W. W. 175 Gregus\ M. 140, 141 Gronwall lemma 86 growth index 129 Gundersen, G. 79, 80, 89, 164, 173, 269, 271, 275
340 Index Hadamard factorization theorem 8 Hayman, W. K. 38, 39, 49, 82, 198, 237 He, Y. Z. 1, 3, 41, 192, 197, 208, 213, 269, 285 Hellerstein, S. 2, 79, 131, 132, 139, 152, 163, 164 Helmrath, W. 60 Hennekemper, G. 10, 133 Herold, H. 1, 53, 65, 110, 111, 115 Hille, E. 1, 79, 175, 192 Holder theorem 285, 303 indicial equation 117,121 Ishizaki, K. 140, 186, 199, 208, 213, 256, 269 iterated order 129 Jank, G. 1, 2, 25, 35, 36, 50, 51, 60, 129, 174, 187, 194, 197 Jensen formula 18 Jurkat, W. B. 1 Kaplansky, I. 285 Kaufman, R. 223, 234, 285, 290, 303, 306 Kolchin, E. R. 285 Langley, J. K. 2, 3, 84, 109, 131, 139 L(f) = F 144, 155, 157, 164 L(f) = PiePo 147 L(f) = Qeh 162 L(f) = 0 53, 136, 137, 152 — entire coefficients 60, 129 — Frank's theorem 65 — Frei's theorem 60 — polynomial coefficients 53, 127, 130, 131 — reduction of order 55 — Wittich conjecture 73 — Wittich theorem 53 linear measure 5 logarithmic derivative 34, 35, 36, 87, 132, 133, 157, 242, 275 logarithmic measure 5 Malmquist theorem 192 — first order differential equations 213 — second order differential equations 250, 251 Malmquist-Yosida theorem 193 Matsuda, M. 1 maximum modulus 26 maximum term 50 Miles, J. 131, 139, 164, 198 Mohon'ko, A. Z. 29, 34, 182, 257 Mohon'ko V. D. 182, 257 Mohon'ko-Mohon'ko lemma 182 Mues, E. 1, 174 Nevanlinna, F. 1 Nevanlinna, R. 1, 24, 25 Ngoan, V. 35, 36 Nikolaus, J. 1, 60, 62 order of growth 7, 24, 51 Ostrovskii, I. V. 35, 36 Painleve differential equations — first Painleve differential equation deficiencies of solutions 178 growth of solutions 175 — fourth Painleve differential equation 183 — second Painleve differential equation 182 Petrenko, V. P. 1, 257 Phragmen-Lindelof principle 96 plus-logarithm 19 Poisson-Jensen formula 25, 26 Polya's theorem 232 proximity function 22 P(z,y') = Q(z,y) 209 262, 264, 265 P(z,y,y',y",...,yW) = 0 282 rational functions 26 Rellich theorem 221, 222 Riccati differential equation 165 v. Rieth, J. 192, 197, 251 Rossi, J. 3, 79, 80, 131, 139, 164 Я-set 84
Rubel, L. 3 Schubart, H. 182 Schwarzian derivative 110, 123 Schwarzian differential equation 124, 186 — deficiencies of solutions 187 — existence of transcendental solutions 188, 198 second main theorem 44, 46, 47, 48 Shen, L.-C. 80 Siegel, С L. 285 Siegel lemma 285, 290 — non-algebraic consequences 301 Sorvali, T. 125 S(rJ) 29 Steinbart, E. 164 Steinmetz, N. 3, 73, 182, 184, 186, 192, 198, 213, 248, 251, 256, 257 Steinmetz theorem 194 Strelitz, Sh. 250 Strodt, W. 79, 131, 147 third order linear differential equations 140 Toda, N. 257, 262, 265 transcendence base 287 transcendence degree 287 Index 341 Valiron-Mohon'ko theorem 29, 34 Volkmann, L. 1, 2, 25, 35, 36, 50, 51, 60, 129, 174, 187, 194, 197 Weierstrass factorization theorem 7 Weierstrass p-function 234 weight of an algebraic differential equa- equation 221, 258 Whittaker, J. M. 25, 37 Wiman-Valiron method 50, 51, 74, 127, 129, 138, 237, 242 Wittich, H. 1, 47, 53, 60, 174, 182, 221, 222 Wronskian determinant 10, 134, 136, 153, 156 — and linear differential equations 15, 16 — derivative 13 -^(Л,...,/„) и -^(Л,...,/л) 154 Xiao, X. Z. 1, 3, 41, 285 Yang, С. С 3, 192 Yosida, K. 1, 192, 221, 222 Zimogljad, V. 250