                    Willy Iclicki
Golden book

-- JIIIIIIIa ID 1924-2002 Willy Iclicki - . ',1,' - \ ' " , 1 '\ 
Willy Iclicki FIDE Golden Book Bibliography American Chess Bulletin, USA British Chess Magazine, UK Chess, UK Chess 64, Russia Chess Life and Review, USA Chess Review, USA Chess Informant, YUG Chess Personalia. A biobibliography, J. Gaige, Mc Farland, USA, 1987 Europe Echecs, FRA FIDE archives FIDE Forum FIDE Presidential Letters. FIDE Revue Guinness Chess. The records, Ken Whyld, Guinness book, UK. 1986 Int. Championship Chess, a complete record of FIDE events, B, Kazic, Batsford, UK, 1974 La Strategie, FRA L' Echiquier, BEL Le Livre d' Or de la Federation Internationale des Echecs, B,H, Wood, UK. 1976 Minutes of FIDE General Assembly (from 1925 till 2001) Photography A, Roshal, RUS; Moscow Chess Museum; FIDE Forum; Dolmatovsky RUS; C, Abundo, PHI; B, Kutin, SLO; L. Schmid, GER; N, Divinsky CAN; Don Schultz, USA; E. Einarson ISL. (c) Willy Iclicki, 2002 iclicki@netvision.net.il All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing of the publisher. Design Et Prepress: Epromak Design Studio, Slovenia Publishing House: Euroadria, Slovenia 
CONTENTS Forewords b y FIDE President Kirsan lIyumzhinov Messa9 Y Honora ry President F. Cam pomanes I ntroduction b y Willy Iclicki Founders of FIDE Presidents Honorary Presidents Deputy Presidents Vice Presiden ts Honorary Vice Presidents Continental Presidents General Secretaries Treasu rers Auditors Zonal Presidents Bureau and Executive Board Members Permanent Fund Administrators  eclal Awardees Honorary Members Medal of Merit Awardees L ife M embers Most Esteemed Friends of FIDE Congresses of FIDE World Champions Womens World Champions fandidates (MEN) Candidates (WOMEN) Interzonal Tournaments (MEN) Interzonal Tournaments (WOMEN) FIDE Chamionsh ip' World Team Championships Olympiads (MEN) Olympiads (WO MEN) World Team Student's (U26,U20) Cham p ionsh is World Youth Champions World Senior Champions World Amateur Cham pions USSR/Russia-Rest of the World f uropean Team Championships European Club Cup European Women Club C UR Euro p ean Women Champion s European Senior Champions 5 5 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 16 17 19 20 22 22 24 26 27 27 28 28 29 30 30 31 33 37 55 55 66 66 66 67 67 68 68 68 
European Junior Champions European Girls Champions African Junior Cham pions African Team Cham p )onsh iRs African Men's ChamRionsh ip Asian Team Championships Asian Cities Team Cham pionsh ip s Asian R a pJd Chess Chamionsh ips Asian Men's Championships Asian Women's Championships A sian Junior Cham Rions Asian Junior Girls Champ ions Pan-American Junior Champions Pan-American Men's Championships Arab individual Champ ions International Grandmasters- Women International Grandmasters I nternational Masters Women International Masters I nternational Arbiters Histor y of the Federation Internationale des Echecs. FIDE Personalities I nternatIonal Corre sp ondenc e Chess Federation (ICCF) I nternational Committee of Silent Chess (ICSC) International Physicall y Disabled Chess Association (IPCA) Permanent Commission of the FIDE for Chess Compositions (PCCC) International Braille Association (IBCA) Chess Oscar f2 R 10 Rla y ers 1971-2001 Worl d Cq mpute r Ch ampion sh ip s 68 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 72 72 73 74 87 116 123 135 215 241 244 246 246 248 250 251 256 
FOREWORD Following in the tradition of a predecessor the late Professor Max Euwe, I am pleased to write this foreword to this FIDE Golden Book. Since its inception in 1924 FIDE has recorded signifi- cant strides in its activities in the lvorld of sports. We have been able to achieve the recognition we sought fro In the lOC for chess to be accepted as a sport and we shall continue to seek the inclusion of chess as one of the disciplines to be competed in the Olympic Games. Our reunion in Paris 1999 when we celebrated our 75th anniversary provides the backdrop to this publication as it captures the contributions by our players, officials, organisers and sponsors to the growth of our noble game. Let me therefore seize this opportunity to congratulate FIDE Treasurer 1990-1996 and Executive Board member Willy Iclicki for his initiative and efforts, which has lnade it possible for us to celebrate another period in FIDE's history. Gens Una Sumus Kirsan Ilyulnzhinol' President 5 A MESSAGE Good men come and go, but leave no tracks. The present chronological work addresses this lack. In FIDE's case, The dearth of source material is so great that to achieve a comprehensive and precise product is well-nigh impossible. It is to the lasting credit of rhe authors that they dared to venture the task. For the nezv people in FIDE, this tome serves as an introduction to the men and women who gave much of themselves to the cause of chess when our international variant covered only limit- ed spaces in the world. For those who are still within the perimeters of FIDE after a long and passion-full association, this volume aids their reveries UJith pleasurable recall of names, faces and places. Willy, lnany thanks. Florencio Calnpomanes FIDE President 1982-1995 I) --- -- ..    
6 --  ID 1. Players and Officials at the first Olympic Team Tournament of Paris 1924 2, Dr. A. Rueb the First President of FlOE 1948 3. World Champions J. R. Capablanca and E. Lasker in Moscow 1925 4. M. Botvinnik, V. Smyslov and P. Keres at the World Championsnip in Moscow 1948 5, World Champions M. Euwe and A. Alekhine in Amsterdam 6. World Champions B. Spassky and M. Tal in Havana 1966 7. World Champion M, Botvinnik talking with FIDE President F. Rogard and Vice President M. Bergman I ... " - " 1 ,...... -. -.: A , "  .. \ .. - , .  - ... - .  to t. ...  '-, - '" "'"" .... \  ... < , .. :-. ..' -t' ..... .. ,.- i 4'  \ ...... .. ...\-- 1 '< '.. :::.. , '\ .... II' ... ... . "t'" ' -,.  ::.- ',' ..... ..  I\.. , -, .t. . " , , '.. 'r: .... .....  \ 'It ." ..;of'" l lit. '.... ... I ..- .... z - ... -. .. 'to \, . . . .. ... ' = , \ 'JL .... of''" .J, . .\. . ::\ ,-  \ l . \ , . .-. :' , . .. ... '" . '" , ' .. " " .' " ,-...s," 1. 0 ', 1 ,,' D'f:CHECS .. I ,. , ".. ""'" .oar_ " A.- - .'\0 , ... .J . .... ., , .. ," -- i\. )-- I \ lit, ... J: ........ .........".1 -,. , '\. ... .. "" It .. , , \ - 2 3 .. ; 1 AI" 1 I ,5) I . .. I ,I.' t .\ ,. -,' ... -' J J , " 1 \ 4 5 , . , 't . '\ i- " .., -- - 6 7 I "' I I UULUJ - - -,. .,. ... . '. ... t. "  ... 1 ..I.¥.. t .. " , . 
Trod lNTRODUCT10N cti n A few years ago I read an article of the Frenchman Marcel Berman, then Vice President of FIDE: "Federations should keep historical archives to show their history, existence and activities to future gener- ations, " An organization like FIDE needs from time to time to ponder over the achievements of its great founders from its very inception, As far as I know no book has been published on FIDE history, The last FIDE Golden Book was published 26 years ago. By now, at the end of the second millennium, I think that the time has come to put those mem- ones on pa per, It was not so simple to write the story of FIDE, The Secretariat only has a basic library. FIDE archives were destroyed during WWII but happily I managed to contact FIDE friends or chess collectors who helped me to fill the blanks, This book is not fiction but only chronological of facts and annual decisions. I tried to respect and deliver the exact words pronounced by those who wrote chess history, To complete the work I listed all the chess lovers who were once involved with FIDE as elected members or honorary members, Reading this book, you will learn about 15 people who one day in July 1924 decided to unite a group of federations and create FIDE, You will follow step by step how FIDE grew to become one of the largest sports federations, how FIDE retained the property of the World Chess Championships, How hard it was to negotiate with World Champions, You will see how cyclical are the events of history and how patterns repeat themselves, when many problems discussed today were already solved more than 60 years ago, Finally, this Golden Book will commemorate the names of those men and women who achieved fame as organizers or promoters of the world chess federation or by dissemination of the game into the 162 national federations, I updated early data books and then contributed my own comments. I endeavored to include even the smallest detail. Accordingly, I apologize in advance if I have omitted any person or event that merits inclu- sion. As this Golden Book was being compiled, chess events move so rapidly to make some points already dated. With constant flow of new nominations, honours, regulations and events, our organization is truly alive and dynamic as ever, I am most grateful to those who helped make this work possible, First and foremost, the President of FIDE H.E, Kirsan lIyumzhinov, who made it possible for this book to be published and all the other invaluable contributors: Honorary President F. Campomanes, PHI; C, Abundo, PHI; Y. Afek, ISR; Y. Averbach, RUS; V, Barinova, RUS, A. Borwell ENG; B, De Maro, USA; G. Gijssen, NED; I. Dubovaya; I. Gelfer ISR; p, Haley, CAN; G. Kasparov, RUS; P.T.Ummer. Koya, IND; T. Lefur, FRA; 0, Levy SCO; E, Omuku NGR; O. Nossova, RUS; S. Reuben, ENG, y, Seirawan USA; L. Schmid GER; N. Tabbane TUN and my dear family Lea, Yona and Judith Iclicki for their understanding and support. Thank you so much, Willy Iclicki 7 --  ID . ..  , . -.-, 
8 --  ID Founders of F1DE 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, P. Vincent R. Grau L. Weltjens S. F. S,nith Comte de Penalver C. Tschepurnoff F. H. Rowlins A. Rueb E. Abonyi F. Marusi T. Toubin I. Gudju Dr. M. Nicollet R. Skalicka 1. M. Ovadia - France - Argentina - Belgium - Canada - Spain - Finland - Great Britain - Netherlands - Hungary - Italy - Pola nd - Romania - Switzerland - Czechoslovakia - Yugoslavia Presidents Rueb, dr. Alexandre, Netherlands, b-day 27.12.1882, el. 1924-1949, t02,02.1959 Rogard, Folke, Sweden, b-day 06.07,1899, el. 1949-1970, tll,06,1973 Euwe, Dr. Machgielis, Netherlands, b-day 20.05,1901, el. 1970-1978, +26.11.1981 Olafsson, Fridrik, Iceland, b-day 26,01.1935, el. 1978-1982 Campomanes, Florencio, Philippines, b-day 22.02.1927, el. 1982-1995 Ilyumzhinov, Kirsan, Russia, b-day 05.04.1962, el. 1995- Honorary Presidents Kuhns, Maurice S., USA, b-day 12,04,1859, el. 1947, t 10,10,1949 Rueb, Dr. Alexandre, Netherlands, b-day 27,12.1882, el. 1949, + 02.02.1959 Rogard, Folke, Sweden, b-day 06,07.1899, el. 1970, + 11.06,1973 Euwe, Machgielis, Netherlands, b-day 20.05,1901, el. 1978, t26,11.1981 Olafsson, Fridrik, Iceland, b-day 26,01,35, el. 1982 Campomanes, Florencio, Philippines, b-day 22,02.27, el. 1996 Deputy Presidents Rabell-Mendez, Narcisco, Puerto Rico, b-day 23,12,1936, el. 1970-1974 Matanovic, Alexander, Yugoslavia, b-day 23,05,1930, el. 1990-1994 Ghobash, Mohammed, UAE, el. 1994-96 Makropoulos, Georgios, Greece, b-day 28,09,1953, el. 1996- 
q -...-- ID Deputy Presidents (Continental Presidents) Prentice, John Gerald, Canada, b-day 27,02,1907, el. 1974-82, +02,02.87 Calnpolnanes, Florencio, Philippines, b-day 22,02,1927, el. 1974-82 Kazic, Bozidar, Yugoslavia, b-day 06,02,1921, el. 1974-1978, + 1995 Belkadi, Ridha, Tunisia, b-day 25,04.1925, el. 1978-1990 Toran, ROlnan, Spain, b-day 08.10,1931, el. 1982-1990 Tudela, Rafael, Venezuela, el. 1982-1990 Tan Chin Naln, Dato, Malaysia, el. 1982-1986 Jungwirth, Ku rt, Austria, b-day 03,09.1929, el. 1982-1986 Ghobash, _Mohammed, UAE, el. 1986-1990 Vice Presidents Berlnan, Ma reel, FRA, b-day 16.12.1895, el. 1950-1960, +03,07,1960 Krogius, Nikolai, USSR b-day 22,07.1930, el. 1986-1990 Makropoulos, Georgios, Greece, b-day 28,09.1953, el. 1986-1990 Ditt, Egon, Gerlnany, b-day 29,05,1931, el. 1990-1994 Makarov, Andrei, Russia, b-day 22,07.1954, el. 1994-1997 Kouatly, Bachar, France, b-day 03.03,1958, el. 1994-1996 Durao, Joachim, Portugal, b-day 25.10.1930, el. 1994-1996 Koya, Ummer, India, b-day ° 1,07,1951, el. 1996 Doyle, Steve, USA, b-day 17,10.1959, el. 1996 Dr, Barrera, Pedro, EI Salvador, b-day 20,06,1942, el. 1996-98 Zakarian, Yanik, Armenia, b-day 23,03.1936, el. 1996-1998 Selivanov, Andrei, Russia, b-day 09,07.1967, el. 1997-1998 Halici, Emrehan, Turkey, el. 1998 Honorary Vice Presidents Gudju, Ion, Romania, b-day 02.07,1897, el. 1982, + 1988 Jungwirth, Kurt, Austria, b-day 03,09.1929, el. 1998 Selivanov, Andrei, Russia, b-day 11,07.1967, el. 1998 Zakarian, Yanik, Armenia, b-day 23.03.1936, el. 1998 CONT1NENTAL PRES1DENTS Europe: Jungwirth, Kurt, Austria, b-day 03,09.1929, el. 1990-98 Kutin, Boris, Slovenia, b-day 21,07,47, el. 1998- Asia AI-Hitmi, Khalifa, Qatar, b-day 11.04,61, e1.1990- Africa 01nuku, Enllnanuel, Nigeria, b-day 28,08,58, el. 1990-94 Mazouz, Lakhdar, Algeria, b-day 28,12,42, e1.1994- 
10 --- --- ....  Americas Del Campo, Jorges Martin, Mexico, el. 1990-1994 Sunye Neto, Jaime, Brazil, b-day 21.05,1957, el. 1994-1998 Dr. Barrera, Pedro, EI Salvador, b-day 20,06,1942, e1.1998-2002, t2002 General Secretaries Nilsson, Zandor, Sweden, b-day 02,07.1913, el. 1949-1950, t01.07.1973 Bjork, Hugo, Sweden, b-day 23,10.1909, el. 1950-1967, t25,02,1975 Vacant, 1967-1970 Slavekoorde, H.J. J., Netherlands, b-day 19.07,1907, el. 1970-1972, t25.1 0.1977 Bakker, Ineke, Netherlands, b-day 31,01.1933, el. 1972-1982 Liln Kok, Ann, Singapore, b-day 27.01.1920, el. 1982-1988 Casto Abundo, Philippines, b-day 03,11,1950, el. 1989-1990 Makropoulos, Georgios, Greece, b-day 28.09,1953, el. 1990-1996 Tabbane, Noureddine, Tunisia, b-day 23.04,1944, el. 1996- Treasurers Nicolet, Marc, Switzerland, b-day 25,03,1876, el. 1924-1942, t 02.04,1942 Hajek, Dalibor, Switzerland, b-day 14.10,1885, el. 1942-1947, t 14,09,1963 Preiswerk, Walther, Switzerland, b-day 05,07.1885, el. 1947, t 28,11.1948 Meyer, Hugo, Switzerland, b-day 15,03,1899, el. 1947-1957, t1976 Rogard, Folke, Sweden, b-day 06,07,1899, el. 1958-1970, t 11,06,1973 Slnit, P., Netherlands, b-day 28,04,1917, el. 1970-1975, t 23,08,1975 Jonsson, Sveinn, Sweden, b-day, el. 1978-1982 Clues, R.K., Wales, 1976-1978, el. 1982-1990, t1993 Matsumoto, Yasuji, Japan, b-day 20,11,1933, el. 1986-1987 Iclicki, Willy, Belgium, b-day 12.01.1955, el. 1990-1996 Jarrett; David, England, d-day 01,04,1942, el. 1996- Auditors Count Gian Carlo del Verine, Italy el. 1978-1985, t1985 Stoian, Aurica, Romania el. 1987-1994, t1996 Paladino, Nicolas, Italy el.1994 ZONAL PRES1DENTS Before 1941 Kuhns, Maurice, S" USA, tl 0.1 0,1949 1941-1956 Zone 1 Berman, Marcel, FRA, 1947-1956, t 03.07.1960 
Zone 2 Ragozin, V;atcheslav, USSR, 1947-1956, t 11.03,1962 Zone 3 Rogard, Folke, SWE, 1947-1949, t11.06.1973, llmakunnas, Ari, FI N, 1949-1956, , t30.04,1957 Zone 4 Giers, Paul, USA, 1947-1951 Phillips, Harold M., USA, 1951-1954, t07,O 1.1967 Graves, Frank Russell, USA, 1954-1956, t23.04.1962 Zone 5 Freedman, Bernard, CAN, 1947-1956 Zone 6 Regueiro, Jose Victor, CU B, 1947-1950 Acosta Sill'a, Manuel, VEN, 1950-1956 Zone 7 Querenc;o, Carlos A., ARG, 1947-1950 Laurens, Juan Carlos, ARG, 1950-1955 Cas tells-Mendez, Rafael, ARG, 1955-1956 Zone 8 Mercer, Harold, 1947-1950, +13,06,1952 Beale, J. L., AUS, 1950-1953 1956-1974 Zone 1 (Western Europe) Berman, Marcel, FRA, 1956 (1947)-1960, t03,07,1960 Schudel, Hans Jakob, SUI, 1960-1974 Golombek, Harry, ENG, 1974-78, t1995 Zone 2 (Central Europe) Ilmakunnas, Ari, FIN, 1956 (1949)-1957, +30.04.1957 Hindstrom, Helge, FI N, 1957-1966, + 09,05,1967 Dorazil, Wilfr;ed, AUT, 1966-1982 Zone 3 (Eastern Europe) Sajtar, Jaroslav, CSR, 1956-78 1 1 ... -- ....  
12 --- ---  ID Zone 4 (Soviet Union) Ragozin, Viacheslav, 1956 (1947)-1962, +11.03,1962 Rodionov, Boris, 1962-1974 Averbakh, Yuri, 1974-78 Zone 5 (USA) Graves, Frank Russell, 1956 (1954) - 1957, +23.04,1962 Spann, Jerry J., 1957-1963, +05,01.1968 Cramer, Fred, 1963-1975, +1989 Mann, Pearle, R" 1975-78 Zone 6 (Canada) Freedman, Bernard, 1956 (1947)-1957 Prentice, John Gerald, 1957-1987, +02,02.87 Zone 7 (Central America 1956-1974, Central America a Caribbean 1974-) Acosta Silva, Manuel, VEN, 1956 (1950)-1958 Molina, Jorge Enrique, COl, 1958-1959 Acosta Silva, Manuel, VEN, 1959-1966 Barreras Merino, Jose Luis, CUB, 1966-1974 Vega Ferna ndez, Jorge, CU B ,1974-78 Zone 8 (South America) Da Cunha, Edmundo, BRA, 1956-1966 Sangu ineti, Jorge, ARG, 1966-1970 Clark, Manuel Velasco, 1970-1974 Camara, Ronald, BRA, b-day 11.04,1927,1974-78 Zone 9 (Asia 1956-1960, West - Asia 1960-) Zapler, Naftali, ISR, 1956-1959 Vacant 1959-1960 Narasitnhan, S.K., INO, 1960-1963 Namsrai, Tsend, MGl, 1963-1970 Namjil, N" MGL, 1970-1974 Navabi, A., IRI, 1974-78 Zone 10 (Eastern Asia 1956-1974, Eastern Asia a Australia 1974) Koshnitsky, G., AUS, 1960-1966 Calnpomanes, F., PHI, 1966-1970 Hasan, H.M., HKG, 1970-1974 Liln, Kok Ann, SIN, 1974- 1982 Zone 11 (Africa -Mediterranean) Belkadi, Ridha, TUN, 1974-1982 
1978-1994 Zone 1 Golombek Harry, ENG, 1978-1982 O'Connell, Kel'in J., ENG, 1982-1994 Zone 2 Dorazil, Wilfried, AUT, 1966-1982 Helme, Eero, FIN, 1982-1986 Wagner, Gertrude, AUT, 1986-1998 Waneus, Christer, SWE, 1990-1994 Zone 3 (zone divided) Sajtar, Jaroslav, CSR, 1956-78 Kazic, Bozidar, YUG, 1978-1982 Kaikamdzozov, J., BUl, 1986-1989 Prahov, A., BUl 1989-1990 Filipowicz, Andrzej, POL, 1990-1994 Makropoulos, Georgios, GRE 1982-1986 Anastasiadis, P., G, GRE, 1986-1990 Layiktez, Cecil, TUR, 1990-1994 Zone 4 Averbakh, Yuri, USSR, 1978-1982 Chikvaidze, Alexander, USSR 1986-87 Sevastiallov, Vialy, USSR 1982-86, 87-90 Popov, Vladimir, USSR 1990-91 Mourachev, RUS 1991-1993 Makarov, Andrei, RUS 1993 Zone 5 Sperling, G. H., USA, 1978-1982 Koltanowski, Georges, USA, 1982-1986 Denker, Arnold, USA, 1986-1998 Zone 6 Prentice, John Gerald, CAN, 1978-1986,t02,02.1987 Divinsky, Nathan, CAN 1987-1993 Haley Phil, CAN, b-day 29,05,1924,1993 Zone 7 Fernandez Vega, Jorge CUB,1974 Lorenzana Cruz, Lie E., GUA, 1982 Carpenter, Willialn, CRC, 1990-1994 ]3 --   
14 --- --- ...  Zone 8 (zone divied) Camara, Ronald, BRA, 1974-78 O'Connor, Escribano, ARG 1982 Lucena, L., BRA, 1978-1982 Freitas, Sergio, BRA, 1990- 1998 Pellegrin, Iver, ARG, 1986 Mas, Juan, ARG, 1994-1998 Garcia Paler1no, ARG 1998- Zone 9 Navabi, A., IRI, 1974-1982 Ghobash, Mohd, UAE,1982-1986 Althani, Sheikh Mohd, QAT, 1986-1990 Al Khozai, Mohd, BRN, 1990-1998 Zone 10 Lim, Kok Ann, SI N, 1974-1982 Collings, L.H., HKG, 1982-1986 Wotulo, M.A., I NA, 1986-1990, +2000 Dato Sabarrudin Chik, MAL, 1990-1994 Ma Guitian, CHN, 1990-1998 Zone 11 (zone divided) Belkadi, Ridha, TU N 1974-1978 Nunes da Silva, Rogerio, ANG 1982-1998 Shweidi, T.M., LYB, 1978-1982 Shaheen, Mohamed, LYB 1982-1986 Mazouz, Lakhdar, ALG, 1986-1990 Skalli, Mohd, MAR 1990-1994 Patel, Rashed, ZAM 1990-1994 1994-2002 Zone 1. 1 Loubatiere, Jean Claude, FRA 1994- Zone 1.2 Wagner, Gerturde, AUT 1986-1998 Antunac, Goran, CRG 1998- Zone 1.3 Einarsson, Einar 5., ISL 1994- 
1 5 .-- ...  Zone 1.4 Herdeus, George, ROM 1994 Zemantowski, Jacek, POL 1998-2000 Toshkov, Kamen, BUL 2000- Zone 1.5 Oganessian, Gaduik, ARM 1994- Zone 1.6 Makarov, Andrei, RUS 1994-1997 Selivanov, Andrey, RUS 1997- Zone 1.7 Nei, Iivo, EST 1994-1998 Vahesaar, Lembit, EST 1998-2001 J. Ehlvest, EST 2001- Zone 1.8 Skripchenko, Feodor, MDA 1994- Zone 1.9 Byk, Ivan, U KR 1996 Petro v, Viktor, U KR Zone 2.1 Denker, Arnold, USA 1986-2000 James Eade, USA 2000 Zone 2.2 Haley, Ph ii, CAN 1994-2001 Sid Belzberg, CAN 2001-2001 Francisco Cabanas, CAN 2001-2002 Maurice Smith, CAN 2002- Zone 2.3 Dr. Barrera, Pedro, ESA 1994-1998 Solis, Hermes Maya, M EX 1998 Zone 2.4 De Freitas, Sergio, BRA 1990 Zone 2.5 Laphitz, David, URU 1994-1998 Garcia Palermo, Carlos, ARG 1998 
IfJ --- --- JIIIIIIa  Zone 3.1 a Kambozia, J. Mohammad, IRI 1996- Zone 3. 1 b Koya, Ummer, P. T., INO 1994- Zone 3.2 YB Dato' Sabbaruddin Chik, MAS 1994-1998 Leollg, Ignatus, Leong, SI N, 1998- (3,2a) Gardiner, Graeme, AUS 1998- (3,2b) Zone 3.3 Guitian, MA, CHN, 1998-2000 Chen Zude, CHN, 2000- Zone 3.4 Ruzlnetov, AsIan G., UZB, 1994- Zone 4.1 Skalli, Kamal, MAR, 1994-1998- El Naalni, A., LYB, 1998- Zone 4.2 Faisal Hamadto, SUO, 1994-1996 Mohsen, Hassan, EGY, 1996-1998 Rodriguez, Francis, KEN, 1998- Njenga Lincoln, KEN, Zone 4.3 Jones, Ru pert, BOT, 1994- 1998 Kobese, Arthur, RSA, 1998- Bureau and Executive Board Members Al Bannai, Ibrahim, UAE, 1998 Anderton, David, ENG, 1989-1993 Averbach, Yuri, USSR 1978-1982 Bach, Alexander, RUS, 1990-1994 Battin, Richard, SEY, 1998 Barrios, Ramon Rafael, NCA, 1998 Chilwesa, Margrie, ZAM, 1998 da Silva, Rogero, ANG 1994-1998 Ditt, Egon, GER, 1994-1998 Durao, Joachim, POR, 1990-1994 
17 -- 'D Edmonson, E.B., USA 1974-1978 Freeman, Michael, NZl, 1998 Gelfer, Israel, ISR, 1998 Ghobash, Mohalned, 1990-1994 Hassan, Bob, HK, 1974-1978 Hassan, HM, INA 1982-1986 Heintze, A., DDR, 1974-1978 Houri, Alnmar, lEB, 1998 Iclicki, Willy, BEL, 1998 Jitnenez, Zerqua, E, CUB 1982-1990 Jungwirth, Kurt, 1982-1986 Kazic, Bozidar, YUG, 1982-1986 Kelleher, Wiliam, USA, 1998 Kinzel, Alfred, FRG, 1978-1986 Konate, Ibrahilna, MLI, 1998 Krogius, Nikolai, USSR, 1982-1986 Kutin, Boris, SlO, 1986-1990, 1996-1998 Kusonen, M., FIN, 1994-1996 Lambert, J., FRA, 1986-1990 Lowenthal, Gunter, NED, 1994-1998 Mas, Juan Angel, ARG, 1994 Matsul11oto, Yasuji, JAP, 1990 Mazous, L., AlG, 1990- 1994 Molina G., COl, 1990-1994 Noguez, A., ARG, 1986-1990 Ochoa de Echaguen,J, ESP, 1998 Okoth, Joach ;,n, UGA, 1998 Prentice, J. G., CAN, 1982-1987 Rodionov, Boris, USSR, 1974-1978 Sand Morten, NOR, 1995 Schultz, Don, USA 1982-1990 Tabbane, Nouredine, TUN, 1994-1996 Tan Chin Nam, MAL, 1986-1990 Toran, Roman, ESP, 1994-1998 Vegas, J., Fernandez, Cuba 1978-1982 Warlick John, ISV, 1998 Permanent Fund Administrators De WattelJille, Cha rles, Switzerland, b-day 23.12,1881, 1927-1937, t29.1 0,1951 Hajek, Da libor, Switzerla nd, b-day 14.10.1885, 1937-1963, t 14,09.1963 Halnilton-Russell, Gustavus, England, b-day 12,06,1867, 1927-1941, t03.1 0,1941 St. John Mild way, Henry Edward, England, b-day 18.07.1877, 1927-1944, +04,12.1944, Miliani, Luigi, Italia, b-day 17.09.1875, t19.11,1944 
18 --- ---  ID Wheatcroft, G.S.A., England, b-day 12.10,1905, 1947-1958 Szabados, Eugenio, Italia, b-day 03,07,1898, 1952-1974, t06,03,1974, Soanes, Victor James Richard, England, b-day 27,06.1908, 1958-1978 Dal Verme, Gian Carlo, Italia, b-day 18,05.1908,1947-1952, t13,11.1985, Golombek, Harry, ENG, b-day 01.03,1911, t1995 Bricola, Jean, Switzerland, b-day 03,05.1922, 1963-2002 Jarrett, David, England, d-day 01.04,42, 1996- 1.  ..  1 2 Players at the match ......., -- . .. . -4-... '" -- USSR-Rest of the World - ... ,... ;. '" 8.- in Belgrade 1970 ..... , . .- li: 2. H ....-" ....J...... - ..,,=- ..., FlOE President M. Euwe i 1 ."  --. . -It  .-  dlt# ",US with the new World .. uM 'u.... Champion A. Karpov in . oEM. ,...-.... ",-. ..... ... Moscow 1975 3. B. Spassky and R. Fischer at the World j Championship Match "..,.. \. Reykjavik 1972 3 " ..... t 4. Presidential Board . members in Haifa 1976   5. ' ft. ," " FIDE President F. ,'" . 01afsson with A. Karpov, , , It :_   . " L. Polugaevsky and E. .... '. - " Torre , 11III '"  . ... II , 0 4 ...10. 5 .. . "".:1" f,. tf - I-   -  '   J. - "I  ".,. I ',-,'I-  I .  . 
19 --...-- eel SPEC1AL AWARDEES award e  ID Grand Commender of the Legion of Grandmasters 1999 H.E. Jacques Chirac, President of France H.H. John-Paul II, The Pope, Poland H.E. Fidel Ramos, Former President of Philippines Commender of the Legion of Grandmasters 1992 H,E. President Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida of Nigeria 1999 H,E. Asian Abashidze, Chairman Supreme Council of Adjarian Rupublic of Georgia Pierre Sisman, President of Disney Consumer Product S.A, France Lenox Lewis, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, England Steve Davis, Former World Snooker Champion, England Cecilio HechnanolJa, Honorary Member of FIDE, Philippines Dato Tan Chin Nam, Honorary Member of FIDE, Malaysia Grand Knight of F1DE 1992 H,E. Corazon Aquino, Former President of Philippines H,E. President Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida of Nigeria 1999 H,E. Eduard Shevarnadze, President of Georgia H.E, Florencisco Flores, President of EI Sa Ivador H.E. Francis Chiluba, President of the Repulic of Zambia H.E. Juan Antonio Samaranch, IOC President, Spain H.E. Marie-Georges Buffet, Minister of Sport of France H,E. Otto Schily, Minister of Interior of Germany H,E. Jean-Pierre Chevenement, Minister of Interior of France H,E. Mikhail Gorbachov, Former President of the Soviet Union H,E. James Callaghan, Former British Prime Minister Florencio Campomanes, Honorary FIDE President, Philippines Fridrik Olafsson, Honorary President, Iceland Ernesto Che Guevarra, Post Humous Award, Cuba 
10 --...--  ID Knight of F1DE 1999 Mu Suixin, Mayor of Shenyan, China Serafin Urekean, Mayor of Kismirev Michael Eisner, Chairman, CEO, Walt Disney Company, USA Jurgen Schrempp, Chairman, Daimler Chrysler AG, Germany Luis Suarez Rentero, Honorary Member of FIDE, Spain Alfred Becker, Honorary Member of FIDE, Switzerland Bernard Metraux, Councillior of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland Gilber Felli, lac Director of Sport, Switzerland Dr. Ravi Sanghi, Honorary Member of FIDE, India Jacobus Van Osterom, Honorary Member of FIDE, Netherlands Honorary Members Rees, Leonard P., ENG,t1944, el.1928 Vincent, Pierre, FRA, t02.04.1956, el. 1929 Halnilton-Russel, C., ENG, t03,10.1941, el.1930 Robinow, W, GER, t1938, el.1930 Penizka, B., CSR, t 1939, el. 1931 Przepiorka, David, POL, t1940, el.1936 De Watteville, J., SUI, t29,l 0,1951, el.1936 Co llijn , LudlVig, SWE, t1939, el. 1937 EUlve, Machgielis, NED, t26,l1.1981, el.1938 de Muro, Aug., ARG, +1959, el.1939 VoeL/my, Ervin, SUI, t15,01.1951, el. 1949 Louma, Josef, CSR, t07.08,1955, el. 1949 Fidi, Alberto, ITA, t29,l 0.1958, el. 1949 Regueiro, Jose Victor, el. 1949 Diremann, Pierre, BEL, t07.02,1961, el. 1959 Hajek, Dalibor, SUI, t1963, el. 1963 Bjork, Hugo, SWE, t25,02,1975, el. 1967 Gudju, Ion, ROM, t1988, el. 1970 Ska licka, Carlos, ARG, t 1979, el. 1973 Weltjens, Leon W, BEL, t16.02.1975, el. 1973 Dal Verme, Gian Carlo, ITA, t1985, el. 1974 Petrovic, Nenad, YUG, + 1989, el.1974 Zapler, N., ISR, t 1986, el. 1974 Dorazil, W, AUT, el. 1974 Sajtar, Jaroslav, CSR, el. 1974 Schudel, Hans J., SUI, el. 1974 SlalJekoorde, N.J.]., NED, el. 1976, t1977 Fernandez, Felix H., ESP, el.1978, t1978 
)) - ID Rodionov, Boris, RUS, el. 1978 Prentice, John Go, CAN, +1987, el. 1979 Elo, Arpad E., USA, el. 1981, +1992 Bakker, Ineke, NED, el. 1982 Koltanowski, George, USA, el. 1982, +2000 Rabell Mendez, Narciso, PUR, el. 1982 Hasan, Mohalnad Ho, el. 1983, +1991 Wyrsch, Arlnand, SUI, el. 1983 Bricola, Jean, SUI, el. 1984 Clues, Roy Ko, WLS, el. 1984, + 1995 Goldenberg, A., PER, el. 1984 Kazic, Bozidar M., YUG, el. 1985, + 1995 Soria, Gaspar Do, el. 1985 Palacio, Co Ao, CUB" el. 1985, +1985 Eshel, 1., ISR, el. 1985, t 1992 Heynen, Gerard, BEL, el. 1986 Kinzel, Alfred, GER, el. 1986 Sevastianov, Vitaly, el. 1986 Lim, Kok Ann, SIN, el.1988 Helme, Eero, FIN, el. 1989 Szerenyi, Sandor, HUN, el. 1989 Belkadi, Ridha, TUN, el. 1990 Gaprindashvili, Nona, GEO, el. 1990 Krogius, Nikolay, RUS, el. 1990 Malchev, Andrei, BUL, +1994, el. 1990 Moreno, Federico B., PHI, +1994, el.1990 Tan, Chin Naln, MAS, el. 1990 Da Silva, Luis Tavares, BRA, t 1994, el. 1990 Becker, Alfred No, SUI, el. 1992 Hechanova, Cecilio Go, PHI, el. 1992 Toran, Roman, ESP, el. 1992 Hasan, Mohammed, INA, el. 1992 Koshnitsky, Garry, AUS, el. 1993, +1999 Koshnitsky, Evelyn, AUS, el. 1993 van Oosterom, Jacobus Johanes, NED-MNC, el. 1993 Littorin, Rolf, SWE, el. 1993 Einarsson, Einar So, ISL, el. 1994 Palladino, Nicola, ITA, el. 1995 Panyarachun, Rak, Bangkok THA, el. 1995 Rentero Suares, Do Luis, ESP, el. 1995 Sanghi, Ravi, IND, el. 1995 Averbach, Yuri, RUS, el. 1995 Najdorf, Miguel, ARG, el. 1996, t 1997 Abundo, Casto Po, PHI, el. 1997 
22 -  ID da Silva, Rogerio, ANG, el 1998 Wagner Gertrude, AUT, el 1998 Polihroniade Elisabeth, ROM, el 1998 Wallace David, SCO, el 1998, t2000 Medal of Merit Awardees 1972 Grzeskowiak, Margarete, FRG, Sunnucks, P.A" ENG, Lhoste, R" FRA, Fernandez Heras, Felix, ESP. 1973 Bricola, Jean, SUI 1974 Niemeyer, Theo, NED, Zwanepol, Johan, NED 1982 Kinzel, Alfred, FRG 1983 Collins, John W, USA, Hasan, Mohammad H" INA, t1991 1994 Makarov, Andrey, RUS, AI-Bannai, Ibrahim, UAE L1FE MEMBERS 1925 Rees, Leonard P., GB, b-day 27,05.1862, t1944 Montague Jones, Major Edgard, GB, b-day 11.06.1866, t30,06,1938 Dobell, Herbert, GB, b-day 1864, t14.09.1938 Griffith, R.C., GB, b-day 22.07.1972, t11,12.1955 Fidi, Alberto, ITA, b-day 16.07,1882, t29,1 0,1958 Miliani, Comm. Ing. Luigi, ITA, b-day 17.09,1875, t19,11,1944 St.John Mild IV ay, Cay, Avv. Henry Edlvard, GB, b-day 18.07.1877, t04.12.1944 Rueb, Alexandre, NED, b-day 27.12.1882, t02,02.1959 De Watteville, Charles, SUI, b-day 25,02,1885, t19,11.1959 Ormond, Jean Lois, SUI, b-day 22,11,1894 1927 Lancel, Edmond, BEL, b-day 03,07,1888, +15,04.1959 Kuhns, Maurice S., USA, b-day 12,04,1859, t1 0,1 0,1949 Addleman, Samuel W, USA, b-day 25,01.1873, t30,01,1939 Hamilton-Russel, Frederick Gustavus, GB, b-day 12,06.1867, t03.1 0,1941 Hartley, H., GB, b-day.." t1953 Abonyi, Istvan, HUN, b-day 18.08,1886, t05.06,1942 St. John Mildway (born Neuman), Gertrude, ENG 
23 - ID Oskam, G.C.A., NED, b-day 12,04,1880, t07,05,1952 Strick van Linschoten, Jhr. Hedrik, NED, b-day 23,06,1879, t13,1 0,1945 1928 Carls, Carl, GER, b-day 16,09,1880, t11,09.1958 Nielsen, Govert ArThur Knud, DEN, b-day 05.12,1885 Michell, Reginald Pryce, GB, b-day 09.04,1873, t20,05.1938 Rosselli del Turco, Marquis Stefano, ITA, b-day 22,07,1877, t18,08,1947 Wolf, Siegfried Reginald, ISR, b-day 19.12,1867, t05,O 1,1951 D'Aumerie, F.L. G., NED, b-day 29,03.1864, t21.1 0.1941 Belinfante, Johan Jacob, NED, 27,10,1874, t08,01,1974 Fick, Willeln A.J.M., NED, b-day 20,03,1887 Nieukerke, Karel Johannes, NED, b-day 19,11.1889 Przepiorka, David, POL, b-day 22,12,1880, t27,08.1942 Voel/lny, Envin, SUI, b-day 09,09,1886, t15.01.1951 1929 Sergeant, Edlvard Guthlac, GB, b-day 03,12,1881, t1982 Lowther, A.J., GB, b-day 28.10,1888, t1962 Keeble, John, GB, b-day 27,08,1855, t 19,02,1939 Brooks, Huxley St. John, GB, t1948 1930 Andreu Miralles, Jose, ESP, b-day 19,06.1891, t10,07.1968 Garrigosa Ceniceros, Antonio, ESP, b-day 12,05.1887, t16.1 0,1938 Scott, Hetlzer, GB Louma, Josef, CSR, b-day 03,12,1898, t07,08,1955 Mrazik, Vladilnir, CSR, b-day 23,11.1887, t 1970 1931 Collijn, Gustaf, SWE, b-day 11,11.1880, t06.11.1968 Olson, Erik, SWE, b-day 22,05,1886, t13.01,1966 1932 Franco, F. Escudero, PER, b-day 04.07. 1914 1933 Niemeijer, Mei ndert, NED, b-day 18,02,1902, t05,1 0,1987 1935 Yon Massolv, Hans- Werner, GER, b-day 13,05,1912 Shannon, A.M.S., GB van Daln, Gerard, NED, b-day 03.12.1907 1936 Fuchs, B., POR 
24 -  ID Presidential Board mem- bers and guests in Malta 1980 1937 Mackenzie, A.J., ENG, b-day 1870, t21.08.1949 1938 Derbyshire, Job Nightingale, GB, b-day 12.08,1866, t20,04.1954 Rommig, Hermann, GER, b-day 09,07,1883, t16,01.1958 1951 dal Verme, Comte Gian Carlo, ITA, b-day 18,05.1908, t13,ll.1985 1953 Dierlnan, Pierre, BEL, b-day 08,05.1879, t07,02.1961 Berman, Marcel, b-day 16,12,1895, t03,07,1960 Wood, Baruch Harold, GB, b-day 13,07,1909,t04.04.1989 1954 Biscay, Pierre, FRA, b-day 14.09.1905, t30,07,1969 1969 Kaila, 0.1., FI N, b-day 11,05,1916 1972 Prins, Lodelvijk, NED, b-day 29,01,1913, t1999 1974 Prentice, John Gerald, CAN, b-day 27.02.1907, t1987 Schreiner, H., GER SIn it, Dick, NED -  - '. - . .- 'L --= - . . it 0 '  t  , ,  ". "'" .;  
Most Esteemed Friends of F1DE 1986 Cerveceria Panama; La Suerte Cigar and Cigarette Co. Of the Philippines; Nigeria Breweries 1987 Banco di Roma; Carlsberg (Philippines); Coral Strand Hotel; Jerwood Foundation; Lloyds Bank; NOCAL; Novag Computers; Parkway Group of Companies; Reef Hotel; SWIFT. 1988 Taag Angola Airlines; United Concrete Products; VISA 1989 Air Seychelles; Banco Conception; Duncan Gilbey and Matheson Ltd; Schach-Organisation Luzern; Standard Chartered Bank 1990 De Beers (BOT), Lutrija Vojvodina 1992 Seychelles Petroleum Co, Ltd 1993 Gunadarma, Jakarta 1994 Empresa de Lotarias de Angola; NOS - Angola, Tecno-Serve, LOA; Hastings Borough Council; Zambia State Insurance 1995 Sanghi Industries 1996 Linhas Aereas de Mozambique; Hotel Polana, Mozambique; Sura Maharas Public Co, Lts, Thailand, 1997 British Airways, Zambia; Banco Geniniano E.S.Prospero, Italy, 2 f ...,. ... ,., r " ..-'"  , - - ",,- -- ... J I ' , "If <, ... if,. \. ' ---- .\" -- \- . \ ;::::: "- '-' I.  """-- -.....  ----..;.- II ! 25 -  ID 1. Twenty five years of FlOE history with F. Campomanes, F. 01afsson and M. Euwe together in Amsterdam 1980 2. American, Russian and English delegates in Lucerne 1982 
26 --...--  ID Con g resses of F1DE 1. 1924 Paris 38. 1967 Ven ice 2. 1925 Zu rich 39. 1968 Luga no 3, 1926 Budapest 40. 1969 San Juan 4, 1927 London 41. 1970 Siegen 5, 1928 The Hague 42. 1971 Vancouver 6, 1929 Venice 43, 1972 Skopje 7, 1930 Hamburg 44. 1973 Helsinki 8, 1931 Prague 45. 1974 Nice 9, 1932 Paris 46, 1975 Bergen-aan-Zee 10, 1933 Folkestone 47, 1976 Haifa 11. 1934 Ztrich 48, 1977 Lucerne 12, 1935 Warsaw 49, 1978 Buenos Aires 13, 1936 Lucerne 50, 1979 San Juan 14. 1937 Stockholm 51. 1980 Va Iletta 15. 1938 Pa ris 52, 1981 Atlanta 16. 1939 Buenos Aires 53. 1982 Lucerne 17, 1946 Winterthur 54. 1983 Manila 18. 1947 The Hague 55. 1984 Thessaloniki 19, 1948 Stockholm 56, 1985 Graz 20, 1949 Pa ris 57, 1986 Dubai 21, 1950 Copenhagen 58, 1987 Seville 22. 1951 Venice 59, 1988 Thessaloniki 23, 1952 Stockholm 60. 1989 Mayaguez 24, 1953 Schaffhouse 61. 1990 Novi Sad 25, 1954 Amsterdam 62. 1991 Berlin 26. 1955 Gothenburg 63, 1992 Manila 27. 1956 Moscow 64, 1993 Curitiba 28. 1957 Vienna 65, 1994 Moscow 29, 1958 Dubrovnik 66, 1995 Paris 30, 1959 Luxem bou rg 67, 1996 Yerevan 31. 1960 Lei pzig 68, 1997 Kishinev 32. 1961 Sofia 69, 1998 Elista 33, 1962 Stockholm 70. 1999 Doha 34, 1963 Bale 71. 2000 Istanbul 35, 1964 Tel Aviv 72, 2001 Halkidiki 36, 1965 Wiesbaden 73. 2002 Bled 37, 1966 Havana 
27 ... --  ID WORLD CHESS CHAMP10NSH1PS 1886-2002 World Champions 1886-1894 1894-1921 1921-1927 1927-1935 1935-1937 1937-1946 1946-1948 Stein itz, Wilhelm, USA, b-day 18,05.1836, t 12,08.1900 Lasker, Emmanuel, USA, b-day 24,12.1868, t11.01,1941 Capablanca, Jose Raul, CUB, b-day 19,11,1888, t08,03,1942 Alekhine, Alexander, USSR (France), b-day 01.11.1892, t25.03.1946 EUlve, Machgielis, NED, b-day 20.05,1901, t26.11.1981 Alekhine, Alexander, France, b-day 01.11,1892, t25.03.1946 Vaca nt, Under the authority of FIDE 1948-1957 1957-1958 1958-1960 1960-1961 1961-1963 1963-1969 1969-1972 1972-1975 1975-1985 1985-1993 1993-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001- Botvinnik, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 17,08.1911, t05,05,1995 Smyslov, Vasily, USSR, b-day 24,03,1921 Botvinnik, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 17.08,1911, t05,05,1995 Tal, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 09.11.1936, t28,06, 1992 Botvinnik, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 17,08,1911, t05,05.1995 Petrosian, Tigran, USSR, b-day 17.06,1929, +13,08,1984 Spassky, Boris, USSR, b-day 30.01.1937 Fischer, Robert, USA, b-day 09,03.1943 Karpov, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 23,05,1951 Kasparov, Garry, USSR, b-day 13,04,1963 Karpov, Anatoly, RUS, b-day 23,05,1951 Khalifman, Alexander, RUS, b-day 18.01.1966 Anand, Visu'anathan, IND, b-day 11.12,1962 PonolnariolJ, Rustam, UKR, b-day 11,10.1983 Women's World Champions 1927-1944 1944-1950 1950-1953 1953-1956 1956-1958 1958-1961 1962-1978 1978-1991 1991-1997 1997-1999 1999-2001 2001- Menchik-Stevenson, Vera Francerna, CSR and GB, b-day 16.02,1906, t27,06.1944 Vacant Rudenko, Liudlnila, USSR, b-day 27,07.1904, +26,02,1986 Bykova, Elisaveta, USSR, b-day 04,11,1913, t08.03,1989 Rubtsova, Olga, USSR, b-day 20,08,1909, + 13.12,1994 Bykova, Elizaveta, USSR, b-day 04.11.1913, t08,03,1989 Gaprindashl'ili, Nona, USSR, b-day 03.05.1941 Chiburdanidze, Maya, USSR, b-day 17.01.1961 Xie, Jun, CH N, b-day 30,10,1970 Polga r Zsuza, HUN, b-day 19.04.1969 Kie Jun, CHN, b-day 30,10,1970 Zhu Chen, CHN, B-day 16.03,1976 
18 .......-- 'D Candidates (MEN) 1950 (Buda pest) 1. Bronstein, David, USSR, b-day 19,02.1924 1953 (N e u h au se n - Z u r i c h) 1. Smyslov, Vasiliy, USSR, b-day 24.03.1921 1956 (Amsterda m-Leeuwa rden) 1. Smyslov, Vasiliy, USSR, b-day 24,03.1921 1959 (Bled-Zag reb-Belg rade) 1. Tal, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 09,11,1936, +1992 1962 (Curacao) 1. Petrosian, Tigran, USSR, b-day 17,06.1929, +1984 1965 (Tbilisi) 1. Spassky, Boris, USSR, b-day 30.01.1937 1968 (Moscow) 1, Spassky, Boris, USSR, b-day 30.01.1937 1971 (Buenos Aires) 1, Fischer, Robert, USA, b-day 09,03.1943 1974 (Moscow) 1, Karpov, Anatoly, USSR, 23,05,1951 1978 (Belg rade) 1, Korchnoi, Victor, USSR, b-day 23.07,1931 1981 (Merano) 1, Korchnoi, Victor, USSR, b-day 23.07,1931 1984 (Vilnius) 1, Kasparov, Garry, USSR, b-day 13,04.1963 1987 (Linares) 1, Karpov, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 23.05.1951 1990 (Kuala Lumpur) 1, Karpov, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 23.05.1951 1993 (Li na res) 1, Short, Nigel, ENG, b-day 01,06,1965 1994 (Sanghi Nagar) 1, Kamsky, Gata, USA, b-day 02,06.1974 Candidates (WOMEN) 1952 (Moscow) 1, Bykova, Elizal'eta, USSR, b-day 04.11.1913, t08,03,1989 1955 (Moscow) 1, Rubtsova, Olga, USSR, b-day 20,08,1909, t1994 1959 (Plovdiv) 1, Zvorykina, Kira, USSR, b-day 29,09,1919 1961 (Vrnjacka Banja) 1, Gaprindashvili, Nona, USSR, b-day 03.05.1941 1964 (Suhumi) 1, Kushnir, AlIa, USSR, b-day 11.10,1941 1967 (Subotica) 1, Kushnir, AlIa, USSR, b-day 11.10,1941 1971 (Kislovodsk) 1, Kushnir, AlIa, USSR, b-day 11.10,1941 1975 (Moscow) 1. Alexandria, Nana, USSR, b-day 13.12.1949 1978 (Bad Kissingen) 1. Chiburdanidze Maya, USSR, b-day 17.01.1961 1981 (Tbi lisi) 1, Alexandria, Nana, USSR, b-day 13.12.1949 1984 (Soch i) 1. Levitina, Irina, USSR, b-day 08.06,1954 1986 (Malmoe) 1. Akhmylovskaya, Elena, USSR, b-day 11,03,1957 1988 (Chaltubo) 1. Ioseliani, Nana, USSR, b-day 12,11,1962 1991 (Belgrade) 1. Xie lun, CHN, b-day 30.10.1970 1993 (Monaco) 1. I oselia ni, Na na, USSR, b-day 12,11.1962 1995 (Sanghai) 1. Polgar, Zsuzsa, HUN, b-day 19,04,1969 1998 (Beij i n) 1. Xie lu n, CH N, b-day 30.10,1970 
19 -  ID Interzonal Tournanlents (MEN) 1948 (Sa Itsjobaden) 1. Bronstein, David, USSR, b-day 19.02,1924 1952 (S tockhol m - Sa Itsjobaden) 1. Kotov, Alexander, USSR, b-day 12.08,1913, t07.01.1981 1955 (Gothenbu rg) 1. Bronstein, David, USSR, b-day 19,02.1924 1958 (Portoroz) 1, Tal, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 09.11,1936, t1992 1962 (Stockholm) 1. Fischer, Robert, USA, b-day 09,03.1943 1964 (Amsterda m) 1-4, Larsen, Bent, DEN, b-day 04.03.1935, Smyslov, Vasily, USSR, b-day 24.03.1921, Spassky, Boris, USSR, b-day 30.01,1937, Tal, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 09.11,1936, + 1992 1967 (Sousse) 1. Larsen, Bent, DEN, b-day 04,03.1935 1970 (Palma de Mallorca) 1, Fischer, Robert, USA, b-day 09,03.1943 1973 (Len i ng rad) 1. Karpov, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 23.05,1951, Korchnoi, Victor, USSR, b-day 23.07.1931 1973 (Petropolis) 1. Mecking, Henrique, BRA, b-day 23,01,1952 1976 (Manila) 1. Mecking, Henrique, BRA, b-day 23.01,1952 1976 (Biel) 1. Larsen, Bent, DEN, b-day 04,03.1935. 1979 (Riga) 1. Tal, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 09,11.1936, +1992 1979 (Rio de Janeiro) 1-3. Petrosian, Tigran, USSR, b-day 17.06,1929, t1984; Portisch, Lajos, HUN, b-day 04.04.1937; 3. Hubner, Robert, GER, b-day 06.11.1948 1982 (Las Palmas) 1. Ribli, Zoltan, HUN, b-day 06.09,1951 1982 (T 01 uca) 1-2, Portisch, Lajos, HUN, b-day 04.04,1937; Torre, Eugenio, PHI, b-day 04.11.1951 1982 (Moscow) 1, Kasparov, Garry, USSR, b-day 13.04.1963 1985 (T u n is) 1, Yusupov, Arthur, USSR, b-day 13,02.1960 1985 (Tasco) 1, Timman, Jan, NED, b-day 14,12.1951 1985 (Biel) 1, Vaganian, Rafael, USSR, b-day 15,10.1951 1987 (Zagreb) 1. Korchnoi, Victor, USSR, b-day 23,07.1931 1987 (Sirak) 1-2, Salov, Valery, USSR, b-day 26,05.1944; Hjartarson, Johan, ISL, b-day 08.02.1963 1987 (Subotica) 1-3, Sax, Gula, HUN, b-day 18,06.1951; Speelman, Jonathan, ENG, b-day 02.10,1956; Short, Nigel, ENG, b-day 01.06.1965 1990 (Manila) 1-2, Gelfand, Boris, USSR, b-day 24.06.1968; 2. Il'anchuk, Vasily, USSR, b-day 18,03.1969 1993 (Biel) 1, Gelfand, Boris, BLR, b-day 24,06.1968 
.30 -  ID Unbeatable Soviet men and women at the Olympiads 1982 Interzonal Tournanlents (WOMEN) 1971 1973 1976 1976 1979 1982 1982 1985 1985 1987 1987 1990 1990 1993 1995 (Ohrid) (Menorca) (Tbilisi) (Rosenda I) (Rio de Janeiro) (Bad-Kissingen) (Tbi I isi) (Havana) (Zheleznovodsk) (Smederevska-Polanca) (T uzla) (Kuala Lumpur) (Azov) (Ja ka rta) (Kishiniev) FIDE Chanlpionship 1928 (Amsterda m) 1. Alexandria, Nana, USSR, b-day 13,12,1949 1. Kozlovskaya, Valentina, USSR, b-day 18.04,1938 1, Fatalibekova, Elena, USSR, b-day 04,10,1947 1-2, Akhmylovskaya, Elena, USSR, b-day 11.03.1957; Kushnir, Alla, USSR, b-day 11.10,1941 1-3, Ioseliani, Nana, USSR, b-day 12,11.1962; Alicante- Akhmylovskaya, Elena, USSR, b-day 11.03,1957; Lemachko, Tatiana, USSR, b-day 16.03.1948 1. Gaprindashvili, Nona, USSR, b-day 03.05.1941 1. Muresan, Junku, ROM, b-day 13.03.1950 1, Alexandria, Nana, USSR, b-day 13,10,1949 1. Litinskaya, Marta, USSR, b-day 25.03,1949 1. Litinskaya, Marta, USSR, b-day 25.03,1949 1, Ioseliani, Nana, USSR, b-day 12,11.1962 1. Gaprindashvili, Nona, USSR, b-day 03.05,1941 1-2. Galliamova Alisa, USSR, b-day 18,01.72; Kakhiani, USSR 1. Arakhalnia, Ketevan, USSR, b-day 19.07,1968 1. Arakhalnia, Ketevan, USSR, b-day 19.07.1968 1, Bogoljubov, USSR, b-day 14.04,1889, t 18.06.1952 1.<. II. )-"  \ , -.I..V . \) ...- , (. . "'- , -.. < ," ..,-, , .. .....  L . ," .. . "loft , '. 't"  f . H. .  '"  ," ,JIll -T- t ' .. " - .. < . " " -.Jt' ..  ""' - ,., .", 1 . tt . ( ,.. J .- " . :  I  . \, .. ." .. ..- ; . . . 
Wor1d Team Championships lucerne 1985 1. USSR 37 [Karpov 5/7, Yusupov 5/7, Vaganian 6/8, Sokolov 21/2/5, Beliavsky 5/8, Smyslov 31/2/5, Chernin 5/7, Polugaevsky 51/2/7],2, Hungary 341/2 [Portisch 51/2/9, Ribli 61/2/9, Sax 6/8, Pinter 6/9, Adorjan 21/2/4, Farago 3/6, Csom 41/2/7, Groszpeter 1/2/2],3. England 301/2 [Miles 5/7, Nunn 4/8, Speelman 31/2/7, Short, 4/8, Mestel 41/2/8, Chandler 51/2/8, Plaskett 21/2/5, Flear 11/2/3], 4. France 28 1/2 [Spassky 5 1 /2/9, Kouatly 3/8, Haik 6 1 /2/9, Sharif 1/4, Seret 4 1 /2/8, Renet 3/6, Santo-Roman 11/2/4, Miralles 31/2/6], 5, Romania 28 1 /2 [Suba 5 1 /2/9, Gheorghiu 3 1 /2/9, Ghitescu 2l/2/6, Barbulescu 3/5, Ghinda 5/9, Stoica 5/8, Grunberg 11/2/3, lonescu 2l/2/5], 6, Switzerland 27 1/2 [Korchnoi 7 1 /2/9, Hug 3 1 /2/8, Wirthensohn 3/7, Keller 4 1 /2/8, Gobet 2l/2/5, Trepp 21/2/5, Franzoni 3/6, Rufenacht 1/5],7. China 27 [Qi Jiangxuan 21/2/8, Li Zunian 2 '/2 /8, Ye Jiangchuan 4/9, Xu Jun 5/8, Lin Ta 5/9, Ye Ronggueing 5/8, Wu Xibin 3/4], 8. Argentina 25 '/2 [Panno 2 '/2 /7, Quinteros 4/8, Garcia-Palermo 5/8, Campora 3 '/2 /7, Barbero 3/8, Rubinetti 3 '/2 /7, Gomez- Baillo 1 '/2 /4, Soppe 2 l/2 /5], 9, BRD 23'/2 [Lobron 2/9, Pfleger 3 '/2 /9, Kindermann 3 '/2 /8, Lau 3/7, Hecht 5/8, Bischoff 4 '/2 /8, Hertneck 2/5, Darga -], 10, Africa 7 [Afifi 1/9, Hmadi 2/9, Skoli '/2 /9, Bousmaha 0/9, Nasamento 2/9, Caufas 1 l/2 /9, Kanani -, Ben Othman -] lucerne 1989 1, USSR 27'/2 [Karpov 3/4, Beliavsky 5/6, Ehlvest 3 '/2 /7, Vaganian 4 '/2 /6, Ivanchuk 6 '/2 /7, Gurevich M,5/6], 2, Yugoslavia 22'/2 [Ljubojevic 5/9, Nikolic 6/9, Popovic 3/5, Velimirovic 1 '/2 /3, Ivanovic 1/3, Damljanovic 6/7], 3. England 21 '/2 [Short 4 '/2 /8, Speelman 3 '/2 /6, Nunn 3 l/2 /7, Chandler 4/6, Adams 2 '/2 /5, Hodgson 3 '/2 /4], 4, Hungary 18'/2 [Sax 3/7, Adorjan 3/8, Groszpeter 4/6, Horvath J. 3 '/2 /6, Lukacs 1 l/2/4, Tolnai 3 '/2 /5], 5, USA 17 [Seirawan 3/6, Fedorowicz 2/7, de Firmian 4/6, Dzhindzhihashvili 2/4, Christiansen 4/6, Gurevich D, 2/7], 6, Switzerland 17 [Korchnoi 6/9, Brunner 4 '/2 /9, Zuger 1/5, Hug 2 '/2 /6, Franzoni 3/7, Wirthensohn -], 7. Cuba 16'/2 [Nogueiras 4 '/2 /9, Rodriguez Am 3 '/2 /8, Garcia Gonzalez 2/6, Vera 3/6, Hernandez R, 3/6, Paneque '/2 /1],8. China 15 l/2 [Ye Jiangchuan 4 '/2 /9, Xu Jun 2/7, Liang Jinrong 1/3, Ye Rongguang 4/7, Wang Zili 4/9, Lin Ta 0/1],9. Netherlands 12 l/2 [Timman 2 '/2 /5, van der Wiel 4/8, Sosonko 3/7, Piket 1 '/2 /7, van der Sterren 1/5, Kuijf 1/2 /4], 10, Africa 11 '/2 [Afifi 1/4, Hamdouchi 2 '/2 /8, Abdel Naby 1 1/2 /6, Bouaziz 3/8, Boudhiba 3/6, Briffel '/2 /4] lucerne 1993 1. USA 22'/2 [Kamsky 2 '/2 /5, Yermolinsky 3 l/2 /6, Gulko 3 '/2 /6, Kaidanov 4/7, Benjamin 5/6, Christiansen 4/6]" 2, Ukraine 21 [Ivanchuk 3/8, Malaniuk 4 '/2 /7, Romanishin 4/7, Tukmakov 2 '/2 /5, Eingorn 3/6, Frolov 1/3], 3, Russia 20'/2 [Kramnik 3/7, Khalifman 3/6, Bareev 4 '/2 /7, Dolmatov 4/6, Dreev 5/6, Vyzhmanavin 1/4], 4, Armenia 19 [Vaganian 3/7, Akopian 5/8, Lputian 4/8, Minasian 3 '/2 /7, Anastasian 3 '/2 /5, A. Petrosian 0/1],5, Iceland 18 [Hjartarson 2 '/2 /7, Petursson 4/7, Olafsson 4/8, Arnason '/2 /1, Stefansson 3 '/2 /8, Thorsteins 4/5], 6. Latvia 18 [Shirov 5 1/2 /9, Kengis 3 '/2 /7, Lanka 4/7, Rausis 1/4, Bagirov 2 '/2 /5, Gipslis 1 '/2 /4], 7. China 18 [Xu Jun 3 '/2 /9, Lin Weiguo 2 1/2 /9, Peng Xiaomin 6/9, Li Wenliang 6/9], 8. Uzbekistan 16 [Serper 4/9, Nenashev 4/9, Zagrebelny 2/6, Vakhidov 1 '/2 /4, Zhuldashev 1/2 /2, Nadirhanov 4/6], 9. Switzerland 13'/2 [Korchnoi 5 '/2 /9, Brunner 3/9, Hug 2/6, Franzoni 2/6, Costa 1/6], 10, Cuba 13 [Nogueiras 3 1/2 /9, Vera 4/9, Rodriguez Am. 3 '/2 /9, Arencibia 2/9] J'I  ..  
32 -  ID 1. M. Hasan, F. Campomanes and N. Krogius at the USSR-Rest of the World London 1984 2. G. Kasparov, A. Karpov and Chief Arbiter L. Schmid at the World Championship Moscow 1985 lucerne 1997 1. Russia 23.5 [Bareev 4/6, Svidler 4.5/7, Khalifman 4.5/7, Rublevsky 4/6, Dreev 2.5/5, Zvagintsev 4/5]; 2. USA 23 [Yermolinsky 4/7, Benjamin 3/6, Gulko 3/5, de Firmian 3/5, Kaidanov 5/6, L. Christiansen 5/7]; 3, Armenia 21 [Akopian 5/9, Vaganian 1.5/5, Lputian 7/9, Minasian 4,5/7, Anastasian 2/5, Hachian 112]; 4, England 20,5 [Short 4/8, M, Adams 5/8, Sadler 6/9, Speelman 4/6, Hodgson 0.5/2, Nunn 1/2]; 5. Ukraine [Ivanchuk 6/8, A, Onichuk 4,5/7; Malaniuk 1.5/6, Romanishin 3/6, Savchenko 2/5, Novikov 1/4]; 7, Switzerland 17 [Korchnoi 4/8, Gallagher 2.5/7, Pelletier 4,5/8, Hug 1.5/4, Foster 3/5, Ekstrom 1.5/4]; 8, Kazakhstan 15 [Kotsur 4/9, Irzhanov 2.5/8, Kazhgaleyev 6/9, Temirbaev 2,5/8, Egorov 0/1, Kostenko 0/1]; 9, Cuba 14 [We Arencibia 1/6, Am. Rodriguez 2.5/7, Nogueiras 3/6, Vera 3.5/6, Becerra 1,5/5, Borges Mateo 2.5/6 ]; 10 Georgia 10.5 [Chiburdanidze 3/8, loseliani 1.5/7, Arakhamia-Grant 2,5/8, Gureli 3/8, Khurtsidze 1.5/3, Gaprindashvili 0/2 ]. Yerevan 2001 1. Ukraine 21,5 [Ivanchuk Vassily 4,5/8, Ponomariov Ruslan 5/6, Baklan Vladimir 3/6, Eingorn Vereslav 3,5/5, Romanishin Oleg 2,5/4, Malakhatko Vadim 2,5/3] 2, Russia 21 [Svidler Peter 4,5/8, Dreev Alexey 3/6, Grischuk Alexander 3/5, Rublevsky Sergei 4.5/5, Sakaev Konstantin 3.5/5, Motylev Alexander 2/3], 3, Armenia 20 [Akopian Vladimir, Vaganian Rafael, Lputian 5mbat, Asrian Karen, Anastasian Ashot, Minasian Artashes], 4, Germany 18.5 [Jussupow Arthur 4,5/8, Lutz Christopher 4.5/8, Graf Alexander 5/8, Luther Thomas 4.5/8], 5. Hungary 16,5 [Leko Peter 3/7, Gyimesi Zoltan 4.5/7, Ruck Robert 4/7, Varga Zoltan 2,5/5, Acs Peter 2,5/6], 6. Uzbekistan 15,5 [Kasimdzhanov Rustam 3,5/7, Safin Shukhrat 1.5/5, luldachev Saidali 3.5/7, Vakhidov Tahir 1.5/4, Dzhumaev Marat 3.5/5, Egin Vladimir 2.5/4], 7.Cuba 14,5 [Dominguez Lenier 3.5/8, Vera Reynaldo 2,5/8, Arencibia Walter 4.5/8, Abreu Aryam 1/4, Delgado Neuris 3/4], FYROM 9.5 [Mitkov Nikola 2/7, Nedev Trajce 2/7, Jacimovic Dragoljub 1.5/5, Bogdanovski Vlatko 1.5/5, Stamenkov Vanco 1,5/4, Stojanovski Dejan 0,5/4] 9, Iran 7 [Ghaem Maghami Ehsan 3/8, Mahjoob Morteza 1,5/7, Ghorbani Mohsen 1/5, Darban Morteza 0/4, Roghari Arash 1.5/5, Nik Nadaf Ali 0/3]. \< \ j r w, , ) . ,, '..... " ., .  <._' -- '... i ..... ....., 1 .. \. "', . -..... , "" J '\ ( I KAPnOB L....J -- , "' "" "' 1 KAcnAPOB 2 ... - 
- I I. . Chess 01ympiads 1927 London Chess 01ympiad MEN (16 teams) 1. Hungary 40 [Maroczy 9/12, Nad 9 1/2/14, Vajda 7 112/13, Steiner 8 112/13, Havasi 5 112/8], 2. Denmark 38 1/2 [Krause 7/15, Norman-Hansen 12/15, Andersen 10/15, Ruben 9 112/15], 3. England 36 1/2 [Atkins 7/12, Yates 8/14, Thomas 12/15, Spenser 3 112/6, Michel 6/13], 4. Netherlands 35, 5. Czechoslovakia 34 112, 6-7, Austria 34, Germany 34,8. Switzerland 32,9, Yugoslavia 30, 10. Italy 28 112, 11. Sweden 28, 12. Argentina 27, 13, France 21 112,14. Belgium, Finland 21 112, 16, Spain 14 112. Best individual results: Hansen DEN 12/15, Thomas ENG 12/15, Reti CSR 11 112/15, Maroczy HUN 9/12, Grunfeld AUT 9 112/13, Euwe NED 10 112/15, 1928 The Hague Chess 01ympiad MEN (17 teams) 1. Hungary 44 [Nagy 11 112/16, Steiner, L 11 112/16, Vajda 10 112/16, Havasi 10 112/16], 2. USA 39 112 [Kashdan 13/15, Steiner G. 10 112/16, Factor 6 112/11, Tolfsen 6 112/13, Hanauer 3/9] ,3. Poland 37 [Makarchik 8/16, Frydman 6 1 12/11, Regedzinski 10/13, Hvoinik 6/12, Blass 6 1 12/12], 4, Austria 36 1 12,5-7, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland 34, 8, Argentine 33 112, 9-10. Netherlands, Germany 31 112, 11-13, Belgium, France, Sweden 31, 14. Latvia 30, 15, Italy 26 112, 16, Romania 25 112, 17. Spain 13 112, Best individual results: Kashdan USA 13/15, Muffan FRA 12 112/16, Regedzinski POL 10/13, Nagy HUN 11 112/16, Steiner HUN 11 112/16, 1930 Hamburg Chess 01ympiad MEN (18 teams) 1. Poland 48 1/2 [Rubinstein 15/17, Tartakower 12/16, Przepiorka 9/15, Makarchik 7 1/2/13, Frydman 5/9], 2. Hungary 47 [Maroczy 8/12, Takac 8 112/14, Vajda 9/14, Steiner 9 112/14, Havasi 12/14], 3. Germany 44 1/2 [Ahues 7 112/14, Samisch 9 112/14, Karls 9 112/14, Richter 7 112/12, Wagner 10112/14],4. Austria 43 112, 5. Czechoslovakia 42 112, 6. USA 41 112, 7, Netherlands 41, 8. England 40 112, 9. Sweden 40, 10, Latvia 35, 11, Denmark 31, 12, France 28, 13. Romania 27, 14, Lithuania 22 112, 15, Iceland 22, 16, Spain 21 112, 17. Finland 18, 18. Norway 16, Best individual results: Alekhine FRA 9/9, Rubinstein POL 15/17, Havasi HUN 12/14, Flohr CSR 14 112/17, Kashdan USA 14/17. 33 -  ID 
.34  --  1931 Prague Chess Olympiad MEN (19 teams) 1. USA 48 [Kashdan 12/17, Marshall 10/16, Dake 8 '12/14, Horowitz 9/13, Steiner 8 '12/12], 2. Poland 47 [Rubinstein 9 '12/16, Tartakower 13 '12/18, Przepiorka 10/17, Makarchik 8/12, Frydman 6/9], 3. Czechoslovakia 46'/2 [Flohr 11/18, Gilg 5/11, Reifirji 11/16, Opocensky 9/13, Scalicka 10'12 /14], 4, Yugoslavia 46, 5-7. Sweden, Latvia, Germany 45 '12, 8, Austria 45,9, England 44, 10, Hungary 39 '12, 11, Netherlands 35, 12, Switzerland 34, 13, Lithuania 30 '12, 14, France 29 '12, 15. Romania 28, 16. Italy 24, 17. Denmark 19 '12, 18-19. Norway, Spain 15 '12 Best individual results: Alekhine FRA 13 '12/18, Tartakower POL 13 '12/18, Stoltz SWE 13 '12/18, Petrov LAT 11/16, Becker AUT 10 '12/14, Scalicka CSR 10 '12/14 1933 Folkestone Chess Olympiad MEN (15 teams) 1. USA 39 [Kashdan 10/14, Marshall 7/10, Fine 9/13, Dake 10/13, Saimonson 3/6], 2. Czechoslovakia 37 '/2 [Flohr 9/14, Treibal 6 '12/12, Reifirji 7 '12/12, Opocensky 11 '12/13, Scalicka 3/5], 3. Sweden 34 [Stahlberg 7 '12/14, Stolz 8/14, Lundin 10/14, Berndtsson 8 '12/14], 4-5,Hungary, Poland 34, 6, Austria 33 '12, 7. Lithuania 30 '12, 8. France 28, 9. Latvia 27 '12, 10. England 27 11. Italy 24 112, 12, Denmark 22 '12, 13, Iceland 17, 14. Belgium 17, 15. Scotland 14. Best individual results: Alekhine FRA 9 '12/12, Marshall USA 7/10, Lundin SWE 10/14, Opocensky CSR 11/13, Lilienthal HUN 10/13 1935 Warsaw Chess Olympiad MEN (20 teams) 1. USA 54 [Fine 9/17, Marshall 7 '12/12, Kupchik 10/14, Dake 15 '12/18, Horowitz 12/15], 2. Sweden 52 '/2 [Stahlberg 12 '12/18, Stolz 11/18, Lundin 13 '12/19, Danielsson 15/19, Larsson '12/2], 3. Poland 52 [Tartakower 11 '12/17, Frydman 11 112/16, Najdorf 12/17, Frydman H. 7 '12/12, Makarchik 9 '12/14], 4. Hungary 51, 5. Czechoslovakia 49, 6, Yugoslavia 45 '/2, 7. Austria 43 '12, 8. Argentina 42, 9, Latvia 41, 10, France 38, 11, Estonia 37 '12, 12, England 37, 13, Finland 35, 14. Lithuania 34, 15, Palestine 32, 16, Denmark 31 '12, 17, Romania 27 '12, 18. Italy 24, 19. Switzerland 21, 20. Ireland 12 Best individual results: Flohr CSR 13/17, Lilienthal HUN 15/19, Eliskases AUT 15/19, Dake USA 15 112/18, Horowitz USA 12/15 1937 Stockholm Chess Olympiad MEN (19 teams) 1. USA 54 '/2 [Reshevsky 9 112/16, Fine 11 '12/15, Kashdan 14/16, Marshall 6 '12/10, Horowitz 13/15], 2. Hungary 481/2 [Lilienthal 12/17, Szabo 12 '12/18, Steiner 14'12/18, Havasi 8 '12/15, Vajda 1/4], 3. Poland 47 [Tartakower 6/13, Najdorf 8 '12/14, Frydman 12 '12/17, Appel 9/14, Regedzinski 11/15], 
4, Argentina 47, 5, Czechoslovakia 45, 6, Netherlands 44, 7-8. Estonia, Lithuania 41 112,9. Yugoslavia 40, 10, Sweden 38 '12, 11. Latvia 37 112, 12-13, Finland, England 34, 14-15, Denmark, Italy 26 '12, 16. Iceland 23, 17, Belgium 22 '12, 18, Norway 19 '12, 19, Scotland 14 Best individual results: Flohr CSR 12 '12/16, Fine USA 11 '12/15, Kashdan USA 14/16, Danielsson SWE 14/18, Horowitz USA 13/15 1939 Buenos Aires Chess Olympiad MEN (27 teams) 1. Germany 36 [Eliskases 9 '12/14, Michel 8 '12/14, Engels 14/16, Becker 7/11, Reinhardt 6 '12/12], 2. Poland 35 1/2 [Tartakower 10 '12/17, Najdorf 14/18, Frydman 13/17, Regedzenski 8/13, Sulek 4'12/17], 3. Estonia 33 '/2 [Keres 14'12/19, Raud 9 '12/17, Schmidt 4 '12/13, Friedman p, 12 '12/17, Turn 5/10], 4, Sweden 33, 5. Argentina 32 '12, 6. Czechoslovakia 32, 7, Latvia 31 '12, 8, Netherlands 30 '12, 9. Palestine 26, 10, France 24 '12, 11. Cuba 22 '/2, 12-13. Lithuania, Chile 22, 14. Brazil 21, 15, Denmark 17 '12 Final B: 16-17. Iceland, Canada 28/40, 18. Norway 27, 19, Uruguay 26, 20. Bulgaria 25 '12, 21. Ecuador 21, 22-23, Guatemala, Ireland 15 '12, 24, Peru 14, 25. Bolivia 10, 26. Paraguay 9 '12 Best individual full tournament results: Keres LAT 14 '12/19, Capablanca CUB 11 '12/16, Najdorf POL 14/18, Engels GER 14/16, Friedman EST 12 '12/17, Plesi ARG 15/19 1950 Dubrovnik Chess Olympiad MEN (16 teams) 1. Yugoslavia 45 '/2 [Gligoric 11/15, Pirc 9 '12/14, Trifunovic 10/13, Rabar 9/10, Vidmar M. 5/6, Puc '12], 2. Argentina 43 1/2 [Najdorf 11/14, Bolbochan J. 11 '12/14, Guimard 6/10, Rossetto 7 '12/12, Pilnik 7 '12/10], 3. West Germany 40 '/2 [Unzicker 11/14, Schmid 9/12, Pfaifer 7/11, Relstab 6/11, Schtaudte 7 '12/12], 4. USA 40, 5. Netherlands 37, 6, Belgium 32, 7, Austria 31 '12, 8, Chile 30 '12, 9. France 28 '12, 10, Finland 28, 11, Sweden 27 '12, 12. Italy 25, 13, Denmark 22, 14, Peru 21 '12, 15, Norway 15, 16. Greece 12 Best individual results: Najdorf ARG 11/14, Unzicker FRG 11/14, Bolbochan ARG 11 '12/14, Trifunovic YUG 10/13, Rabar YUG 9/10, Pilnik ARG 7 '12/10, Evans USA 9/10 1952 Helsinki Chess Olympiad MEN (25 teams) 1. USSR 21 [Keres 6 '12/12, Smyslov 10 '12/13, Bronstein 8/10, Geller 10 '12/14, Boleslavski 7/8, Kotov 2/3], 2. Argentina 19 1/2 [Najdorf 12 '12/16, Bolbochan 9/14, Eliskases 6/10, Rossetto 8/10, Pilnik 9'12/14], 3. Yugoslavia 19 [Gligoric 9 '12/15, Rabar 8/12, Trifunovic 7/13, Pirc 5 '12/10, Fuderer 3 112/5, Milic 4/5], 4. Czechoslovakia 18, 5, USA 17, 6. Hungary 16, 7, Sweden 13, 8. West Germany 10 '12, 9. Finland 10. Final B: 10, Netherlands 21/32, 11. Israel 19 '12,12-13, DDR, Poland 16112,14. Denmark 16,,15. Cuba 15, 16, England 14, 17. Austria 13, 18. Italy 12 '12, 3.5 .....--   
.36 - ...  Final C: 19, Brazil 18 112/24, 20, Greece 13 112, 21-22. Norway, Switzerland 13, 23-24. Iceland, Saar 12 112 25. Luxembourg 1 Best individual results: Najdorf ARG 12 112/16, Smyslov USSR 10 112/13, Bronstein USSR 8/10, Kottnauer CSR 12/15, Rossetto ARG 8/10, Rellstab FRG 6 112/9 1954 Amsterdam Chess 01ympiad MEN (26 teams) 1. USSR 34 [Botvinnik 8 112/11, Smyslov 9/12, Bronstein 10112/14, Keres 13 112/14, Geller 5/7, Kotov 4/6], 2. Argentina 27 [Najdorf 10 112/15, Bolbochan 11 112/15, Panno 6 112/13, Guimard 4/6, Rossetto 4 112/8, Pilnik 4/7], 3. Yugoslavia 26 1/2 [Pirc 7 112/13, Gligoric 8/14, Trifunovic 7/12, Rabar 3/7, Fuderer 8 112/12, Matanovic 6 1/2/9], 4, Czechoslovakia 24 112, 5, West Germany 23 112, 6. Hungary 23, 7. Israel 22, 8. Netherlands 21, 9-10, England, Bulgaria 18, 11, Sweden 15, 12, Iceland 13 112 Final B: 13, Switzerland 37/52, 14-15. Austria, Canada 36, 16. Denmark 34 112, 17. Italy 28 112, 18. Colombia 27 112, 19. Belgium 27 112, 20, Finland 26 112, 21. France 26, 22, Saar 24, 23. Norway 22, 24, Greece 21, 25. Ireland 11, 26. Luxembourg 7 Best individual results: Botvinnik USSR 14/17, Anderson CAN 14/17, Barczay HUN 13 112/16, Keres USSR 8 112/11, Geller USSR 8 1f2/11, Burnstein FRA 8 112/11 1956 Moscow Chess 01ympiad MEN (34 teams) 1. USSR 31 [Botvinnik 9112/13, Smyslov 8 112/13, Keres 9 112/12, Bronstein 11/13, Taimanov 8 1 12/11, Geller 7 112/10], 2. Yugoslavia 26 1/2 [Gligoric 9 112/16, Matanovic 11 112/16, Ivkov 12/16, Karaklaric 6/9, Milic 6/9, Djurasevic 5/6], 3. Hungary 26 1/2 [Szabo 11/17, Barczay 11 112/16, Benko 10/15, Szilagyi 4 112/9, Bely 6 112/11, Portisch 6/8], 4, Argentina 23, 5-6, West Germany, Bulgaria 22, 7. Czechoslovakia 20 112, 8. England 20, 9-11. Switzerland, Denmark, Romania 19, 12, Israel 15 112 Final B: 13, Austria 28/44, 14. Iceland 27, 15, Sweden 26 112, 16. Belgium 23 112, 17, Finland 22 112, 18-19, Colombia, Netherlands 21, 20. DDR 20 112, 21.France 19 112, 22-23, Chile, Poland 19, 24. Norway 16 1f2 Final C: 25. Philippines 24/36, 26. Saar 23, 27. India 20 112, 28, Iran 19, 29-30, Mongolia, Puerto Rico 18 112, 31, Scotland 17 112, 32. Greece 17, 33, Ireland 13, 34, Luxembourg 9 Best individual results: Larsen DEN 14/18, Duckstein AUT 13/17, Keres USSR 9 1/2/12, Bronstein USSR 11/13, Sanguinetti ARG 9/11, Djurasevic YUG 5/6 
1957 Emmen Chess Olympiad WOMEN (21 teams) 1. USSR 10 '12 [Rubtsova 9 '12, Zvorykina 12], 2. Romania 10 '/2 [Albuletz 8 '12, Teodorescu 9], 3. DDR 10 [Keller-German 10 '12, Altrichter 9 '12], 4, Hungary 8 '12, 5, Bulgaria 8, 6. Yugoslavia 7 '12, 7. England 7, 8, West Germany 6, 9. Netherlands 4, Final B: A: 10, USA 8,11, CSSR 8,12, Poland 7 '12,13, Denmark 4'12, 14-15, Ireland, Scotland 1 Final C: B: 16, France 8 '12, 17. Austria 7 '12, 18. Finland 6, 19. Norway 4 '12, 20, Belgium 2 '12, 21, Luxembourg 1 Best individual results: Keller-German DDR 5 '12, Zvorykina USSR 12 1958 Munich Chess Olympiad MEN (36 teams) 1. USSR 34 '12 [Botvinnik 9/12, Smyslov 9 '12/12, Keres 9 '12/12, Bronstein 9 '12/12, Tal 13 '12/15, Petrosian 10 '12/13], 2. Yugoslavia 29 [Gligoric 12/15, Matanovic 9 '12/13, Ivkov 9 '12/15, Trifunovic 7/11, Djurasevic 7 '12/11, Fuderer 8 '12/11], 3. Argentina 25'/2 [Pilnik 9/15, Panno 12/16, Eliskases 10 '12/17, Redolfi 5/9, Sanguinetti 9 '12/15, Emma 2 112/4], 4. USA 24, 5-7, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, West Germany 22, 8, Switzerland 19, 9, Spain 17 1/2, 10, Bulgaria 17, 11, England 16, 12. Australia 15 '12 Final B: 13. Hungary 31/44, 14, Netherlands 28 '12, 15-16. Canada, Colombia 24 '12, 17, Israel 23 1/2, 18. Denmark 23, 19, Poland 22 '12, 20, Sweden 21, 21. Finland 19, 22, Iceland 18, 23. France 15, 24. Belgium 13 112. Final C: 25. Norway 30/44, 26. Philippines 29 '12, 27. South Africa 28, 28, Italy 26 '12, 29, Scotland 25 1/2, 30. Greece 25, 31. Portugal 23,32. Iran 20,33-34. Puerto Rico, Ireland 14 '12, 35. Tunisia 14, 26, Lebanon 13 '12, Best individual results: Gligoric YUG 12/15, Anderson CAN 10 '12/13, Keres USSR 9 '12/12, Bronstein USSR 9 '12/12, Tal USSR 13 '12/15, Petrosian USSR 10112/13, Forintos HUN 10 '12/13 1960 Leipzig Chess Olympiad MEN (40 teams) 1. USSR 34 [Tal 11/15, Botvin nik 10 '12/13, Keres 10 '12/13, Korch noi 10 '12/13, Smyslov 11 '12/13, Petrosian 12/13], 2. USA 29 [Fischer 13/18, Lombardy 11 '12/17, Byrne 12/15, Bisguier 11 112/16, Rossolimo 3 '12/6, Weinstein 6 1/2/8], 3. Yugoslavia 27 [Gligoric 12/17, Matanovic 10 '12/17, Ivkov 12/16, Bertok 7 '12/13, Damjanovic 7/10, Vukcevic 4/7], 4. Hungary 22 '12, 5, Czechoslovakia 211/2,6, Bulgaria 21, 7, Argentina 20 '12, 8, West Germany 19 '12, 9, East Germany 19, 10, Netherlands 17, 11-12. Romania, England 16 1/2 ,37 - ...  
38 .....-- ...  Final B: 13. Sweden 27 112/44, 14 Israel 26 112, 15, Austria 24 112, 16-17, Denmark, Finland 23 112, 18-19, Cuba, Norway 23, 20, Spain 22 112, 21. Poland 22, 22. Chile 19 112, 23, Iceland 16 1/2, 24, India 12 Final C: 25, Philippines 28 112/44, 26-27. Indonesia, Mongolia 27 112, 28, Albania 26 112, 29. Ecuador 26, 30-31. Portugal, France 25, 32. Italy 24, 33. Belgium 23 112, 34, Tunisia 21 112, 35, Greece 20 112, 36, Bolivia 19 112, 37, Monaco 17 112, 38. Ireland 17, 39. Malta 14, 40. Lebanon 8 112 Best individual results: Robatsch AUT 13 112/16, Botvinnik USSR 10 112/13, Keres USSR 10 112/13, Tan INA 16 112/20, Magmarsuren MNG 16 112/20, Smyslov USSR 11 112 1/3, Petrosian USSR 12/13 1962 Varna Chess 01ympiad MEN (37 teams) 1. USSR 31 1/2 [Botvinnik 8/12, Petrosian 10/12, Spassky 11/14, Keres 9 112/13, Geller 10 112/12, Tall 0/13], 2. Yugoslavia 28 [Gligoric 12/17, Trifunovic 9/15, Matanovic 8 112/15, Ivkov 13 112/16, Parma 6/9, Minic 6 112/8], 3. Argentina 26 [Najdorf 12 112/17, Bolbochan H, 10/17, Panno 9 112/14, Sanguinetti 13 1/2/16, Rossetto 5/10, Fougelman 5/6], 4, USA 25, 5, Hungary 23, 6. Bulgaria 21 1f2, 7. West Germany 21, 8-9, East Germany, Romania 20 112, 10. Czechoslovakia 18 112, 11. Netherlands 18, 12. Austria 10 112 Final B: 13-14. England, Spain 26 112/44, 15, Israel 25, 16-18, Cuba, Poland, Sweden 22 112, 19. Belgium 22, 20. Finland 20 112, 21-22. Mongolia, Switzerland 20, 23. Iceland 19, 24. Denmark 17 Final C: 25, Norway 32 112/44,26, Bulgaria II 29 112, 27-28, Albania, Tunisia 28 112, 29. India 26 112, 30. Iran 25, 31. France 23 112, 32. Puerto Rico 22 112, 33. Uruguay 22, 34, Greece 18 1/2, 35, Luxembourg 18, 36. Turkey 17, 37. Ireland 14 1 12,38. Cyprus l1f2 Best individual results: Olafsson ISL 14/17, Spassky USSR 11/14, Petrosian USSR 10/12, Ivkov YUG 13 1/2/16, Sanguinetti ARG 13 112/16, Geller USSR 10112/13, Tal USSR 10/13 1963 Sp1it Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (15 teams) 1. USSR 25 [Gaprindashvili 11 112/12, Zatulovskaya 8/10, Zvorykina 5 112/6], 2. Yugoslavia 24 1/2 [Lazarevic 9 1 12/12, Nedelkovic 12/12, lovanovic 3/4], 3. DDR 21 [Keller- German 111/2/14, Novarra 7/10, Kratz 2 112/4], 4. Romania 18 112, 5. Bulgaria 17 1f2, 6, Hungary 17, 7, Netherlands 15 112, 8. Poland 15, 9. USA 12 112, 10, Mongolia 10 112, 11, West Germany 10 112, 12. Austria 8, 13. Belgium 5, 14, Monaco 5, 15. Scotland 4 112 Best individual results: Gaprindashvili USSR 11 112/12, Nedelkovic YUG 12/12, Zvorykina USSR 5 112/6 1964 Te1 Aviv Chess 01ympiad MEN (50 teams) 1. USSR 36 1/2 [Petrosian 9 112/13, Botvinnik 9/12, Smyslov 11/13, Keres 10/12, Stein 10/13, Spassky 10 112/13], 2. Yugoslavia 32 [Gligoric 9 112/16, Ivkov 11 112/16, Matanovic 9 112/16, Parma 5/9, Udovcic 5/7, 
Matulovic 11/13] 32, 3. West Germany 30 1/2 [Unzicker 13/18, Darga 9/15, Schmid 10 112/14, Pfleger 12 112/15, Mohrlok 4 1/2/9, Bialas 4 1/2/9], 4. Hungary 30, 5,Czechoslovakia 28 112, 6,USA 27 1/2, 7-8, Bulgaria, Romania 27, 9.Argentina 26, 10. Poland 24, 11. Netherlands 21, 12, Canada 19, 13-14, Spain, Israel 17 1f2 Final B: 15, East Germany DDR 38 1/2/52, 16. Sweden 32, 17. Denmark 31 1/2, 18. England 31, 19-20. Peru, Austria 27 112, 21. Cuba 26, 22-23. Mongolia, Norway 25 112, 24, Chile 24, 25. Philippines 22 112, 26, Ecuador 18, 27, Paraguay 17 112, 28, Scotland 17 Final C: 29, Iceland 37 1/2/52, 30. Switzerland 36 1/2, 31-32,Colombia, Finland 35, 33, Venezuela 30 1/2, 34- 35, France, Greece 29 1f2, 36, Iran 23 1/2,37, India 22, 38, Puerto Rico 21 1f2, 39. Turkey 20 1f2, 40. Mexico 20, 41. Ireland 13, 42. Monaco 12 Final D: 43, Australia 22 1/2/28, 44, South Africa 18, 45. Bolivia 15 1/2, 46, Uruguay 14 1f2, 47, Portugal 14, 48, Luxembourg 12, 49. Dominican Republic 10 112, 50. Cyprus 5 Best individual results: Uhlmann DDR 15/18, Uitumen MNG 13 112/17, Smyslov USSR 11/13, Pfleger FRG 12 112/15, Stein USSR 10/13, Matulovic YUG 11/13 1966 Oberhausen Chess Olympiad WOMEN (14 tealns) 1. USSR 22 [Gaprindashvili 9/11, Kozlovskaya 4 1/2/6, Zatulovskaya 8 112/9], 2. Romania 20 1/2 [Nikolau 8/10, Polihroniade 7 1/2/9, Perevoznik 5/7], 3. DDR 17 [Keller-German 7/11, Novarra 2/6, Just 8/9], 4, Yugoslavia 16 1/2, 5, Netherlands 16, 6-7, Hungary, Czechoslovakia 15, 8. Bulgaria 14, 9. England 12, 10, USA 10 112, 11, Poland 1', 12. West Germany 6 1/2, 13, Denmark 5, 14, Austria 4 Best individual results: Gaprindashvili USSR 9/11, Polihroniade ROM 7 112/9, Zatulovskaya USSR 8 1f2/9 1966 Havana Chess Olympiad MEN (52 teams) 1. USSR 39 1/2 [Petrosian 11 1/2/13, Spassky 10/15, Tal 12/13, Korchnoi 10 112/13, Stein 9/12, Polugaevsky 11/14], 2. USA 34 1/2 [Fischer 15/17, Byrne. R 6112/13, Benko 8/13, Evans 10 112/15, Addison 5/9, Rossolimo 7/10],3. Hungary 33 1/2 [Portisch 11112/16, Szabo 11/15, Bilek 111/2/15, Lengyel 4/10, Forintos8/12, Barczay 11/12], 4, Yugoslavia 33 1/2, 5. Argentina 30, 6. Czechoslovakia 29 1f2, 7. Bulgaria 28 112, 8. Romania 26 1f2, 9. DDR 25 1f2, 10, Denmark 20, 11, Iceland 19, 12, Spain 18, 13. Norway 14, 14, Cuba 12 Final B: 15, Netherlands 37/52, 16, Poland 30 112, 17-18. Austria, Switzerland 28 112, 19.1srael 28 1f2, 20, Finland 28, 21. England 27 112, 22. Colombia 25 1/2, 23. Canada 25 1/2, 24, Sweden 24 112, 25. Belgium 23, 26. France 20, 27. Indonesia 18, 28, Scotland 16 112 Final C: 29, Italy 38/52, 30, Mongolia 33 112, 31. Philippines 31, 32. Greece 29, 33, Uruguay 28, 34. Tunisia 26 1/2, 35, Turkey 25 1/2, 36-37. Venezuela, Portugal 25, 38-39. Chile, Ecuador 23 1f2, 40. Ireland 21, 41. Puerto Rico 18 1f2, 42, Luxembourg 16 3lJ .....--  ID 
40 --....-  ID Final D: 43. South Africa 28/36, 44. Mexico 24 1/2, 45, Bolivia 22. 46. Monaco 20, 47. Morocco 19 112, 48. Nicaragua 17,49. Panama 16 1/2.50-51, Lebanon, Cyprus 11, 52. Hong Kong 10 112 Best individual results: Petrosian USSR 11 1/2/13, Panno ARG 14/18. Tal USSR 12/13, Langeweg NED 12/15, Korchnoi USSR 10 1/2/13, Barczay HUN 11/12 1968 Lugano Chess Olympiad MEN (53 teams) 1. USSR 39 1/2 [Petrosian 10 1/2/12, Spassky 10/14, Korchnoi 11/13, Geller 9 112/12, Polugaevsky 10 1/2/13, Smyslov 11/12], 2. Yugoslavia 31 [Gligoric 9 112/15, Ivkov 9/14, Matanovic 9/13, Matulovic 10 112/15, Parma 5/8, Ciric 5/7], 3. Bulgaria 30 [Bobotsov 11/17, T ringov 11/14, Padevski 8 1/2/15, Kolarov 6/11, Radulov 10 1/2/14, Peev 3/5]. 4, USA 29 112, 5. West Germany 29, 6, Hungary 27 112, 7-8. Argentina. Romania 26, 9-10. Czechoslovakia, DDR 24 112, 11. Poland 23, 12. Denmark 21, 13, Canada 19, 14. Philippines 13 1/2 Final B: 15. Netherlands 33 1/2/52, 16, England 33. 17. Austria 30 1/2, 18. Israel 30, 19, Spain 28 112. 20-21. Cuba. Switzerland 27, 22. Iceland 26. 23. Finland 24 1/2. 24. Sweden 22 112, 25, Brazil 21 112, 26, Belgium 20 1/2, 27, Mongolia 20, 28, Scotland 19 112 Final C: 29. Australia 38/52, 30. Norway 36. 31. Italy 31 1/2. 32, Venezuela 30. 33. Turkey 29 1/2, 34, Greece 28 1/2, 35-36. Portugal, South Africa 27 1/2, 37. Tunisia 26, 38. Ireland 21, 39, Luxembourg 20 1/2, 40, Puerto Rico 19 1/2, 41. Morocco 16, 42. Monaco 12 1/2 Final D: 43, Singapore 32/40, 44, France 30, 45, Paraguay 27 1/2. 46-47, Mexico, Dominican Republic 23 1/2, 48, Hong Kong 22 1/2, 49. Costa Rica 14 1/2, 50, Lebanon 13 1/2, 51. Cyprus 13. 52, Virgin Islands 11, 53, Andorra 9 Best individual results: Petrosian USSR 101/2/13, Tringov BUL 11/14, Korchnoi USSR 11/13. Kagan ISR 10 1/2/13, Pol ugaevsky USSR 10 112/13, Smyslov USSR 11/12 1969 Lublin Chess Olympiad WOMEN (15 tealns) 1. USSR 26 [Gaprindashvili 9 1/2/10. Kushnir 8 112/9, Alexandria 8/9],2. Hungary 20 1/2 [Ivanka 8/12, Veroci 10/12, Kryzhan 2 112/4], 3. Czechoslovakia 19 [Vukrzhalova 6 112/9. Eretova 6 112/9, Malipetrova 6/10], 4. Yugoslavia 18 1/2, 5, Bulgaria 17 1/2, 6. DDR 17, 7-8. Poland, Romania 16 112, 9, Netherlands 13, 10, England 12 1/2, 11-12. West Germany, Denmark 10. 13, Austria 6. 14. Belgium 4 112, 15. Ireland 2 1/2 Best individual results: Gaprindashvili USSR 9 112/10, Kushnir USSR 8 112/9, Alexandria USSR 8/9 
1970 Siegen Chess 01ympiad MEN (60 tealns) 1. USSR 27 1/2 [Spassky 9 1/2/12,. Petrosian 9/14, Korchnoi 11/15, Polugaevsky 9/12, Geller 8/12, Smyslov 8/11]. 2. Hungary 261/2 [Portisch 11/16, Lengyel 51/2/12, Bilek 7/11, Forintos 11112/16, Csom 10112/14, Ribli 4 1/2/7], 3. Yugoslavia 26 [Gligoric 7 1/2/13, Ivkov 10/13, Matulovic 13/17, Matanovic 10/12, Parma 7/12, Minic 7 1/2/9], 4. USA 24 1/2, 5. Czechoslovakia 23 112, 6, West Germany 22, 7. Bulgaria 21 1/2, 8, Argentina 21 1/2, 9. East Germany 19, 10. Romania 18 112, 11. Canada 17 1/2, 12, Spain 16 Final B: 13. Israel 27/44, 14. Poland 25, 15, Australia 24 1/2, 16. Mongolia 23 1/2, 17-18, Sweden, Netherlands 23, 19. Denmark 22, 20. Finland 21 1/2, 21. Cuba 20, 22, Austria 19 1/2, 23. Colombia 18, 24. Indonesia 17 Final C: 25, England 30/44, 26. Philippines 27 1/2, 27, Iceland 26, 28, Brazil 25 1/2, 29. Norway 24, 30, Italy 22 112, 31, Greece 20 1/2, 32, Iran 19, 33-34, Scotland, Belgium 18 112, 35. Tunisia 17 1/2, 36, Puerto Rico 14 112 Final D: 37, Switzerland 29 1/2/44, 38. Albania 28, 39, Peru27 112, 40, Singapore 26 1/2, 41. Portugal 24 112, 42. Ireland 23 112, 43, South Africa 22 112, 44. Mexico 21, 45. Lebanon 17, 46, Luxembourg 15 112, 47, Japan 15, 48, Dominican Republic 13 1/2 Final E: 49, New Zealand 36/44, 50-51. Rhodesia, Turkey 28, 52. Malta 27 112, 53. Hong Kong 26, 54. Morocco 25, 55. Faroe Islands 19, 56, Andorra 18, 57. Cyprus 16, 58, Virgin Islands 15, 59, Guernsey 13, 60. Monaco 12 112. Best individual results: Spassky USSR 9 112/12, Ivkov YUG 10/13, Hartston ENG 12 112/16, Matanovic YUG 10/12, Bowmester NED 6/7, Minic YUG 7 112/9 1972 Skopje Chess 01ympiad MEN (63 teolns) 1. USSR 42 [Petrosia n 10 1/2/16, Korch noi 11/15, Smyslov 11/14, Tal 14/16, Ka rpov 13/15, Savon 4 112/8]. 2. Hungary 40 1/2 [Portisch 12/17, Bilek 11 1/2/16, Forintos 7 1/2/13, Ribli 13/17, Csom 11 112/15, Sax 8 112/10], 3. Yugoslavia 38 [Gligoric 9 1/2/15, Ivkov 12/18, Ljubojevic 15 112/19, Matanovic 7/12, Matulovic 13 112/18, Rukavina 3/6]. 4, Czechoslovakia 35 1/2, 5. West Germany 35, 6, Bulgaria 32, 7. Romania 31 1/2, 8, Netherlands 29, 9, USA 29, 10. East Germany 27 1/2, 11. Spain 26, 12. Poland 24 1/2, 13, Denmark 23, 14-15, Sweden, Argentina 22 1/2, 16,Switzerland 21 1/2 . Final B: 17, England 37/56,18, Israel 36 1/2, 19,Canada 33, 20, Philippines 311/2,21. Norway 30 112,22-23, Cuba, Austria 30, 24, Iceland 29, 25, Colombia 27, 26, Indonesia 25 112, 27. Italy 25, 28. Mongolia 24 1/2, 29, Greece 21, 30. Belgium 20 112, 31. Peru 19. Final C: 32, Australia 45/60, 33. Finland 42, 34. Scotland 39, 35, Iran 37 1/2, 36. Brasil 35 1/2, 37, Portugal 32 112, 38, Turkey 31, 39. Ireland 28 112, 40. Puerto Rico 28 112, 41-43, Mexico, Tunisia, Wales 26 112, 44. New Zealand 25, 45, Dominican Republic 21 1/2, 46, Bolivia 19, 47, Japan 15 1/2, 41 4IP --  ID 
42 4IP -- ...  Final D: 48. France 46 1/2/56, 49. Singapore 42 1/2, 50. Malta 32, 51. Sangan (HKG) 30 1/2, 52. Lebanon 30, 53. Luxembourg 29 112, 54. Faroe Islands 29, 55. Syria 28, 56. Cyprus 27 1/2, 57, Morocco 26, 58, Andorra 24, 59, Malaysia 23,60, Guernsey 20 1/2, 61. Iraq 20 112,62, Virgin Islands 10 112, Albania withdrew Best individual results: Hubner FRG 15/18, Korchnoi USSR 11/15, Ljubojevic YUG 15 1/2/19, Tal USSR 14/16, Karpov USSR 13/15, Show AUT 11/15 1972 Skopje Chess Olympiad WOMEN (23 tealns) 1. USSR 11 1/2 [Gaprindashvili 6 1/2/8, Kushnir 7/8, Levitina 5 112/6], 2-3. Romania 8 [Polihroniade 6/10, van der Mia 7/8, Baumstark 3/5], Hungary 8 [Ivanka 7 112/10, Veroci 6/9, Krizhan 2 112/5], 4. Bulgaria 7 112, 5, Czechoslovakia 7, 6.FRG 5 1/2, 7. DDR 4 1/2, 8, England 4 Final B: 9, Poland 10 112, 10. Yugoslavia 8 112, 11, Austria 7, 12, Netherlands 7, 13. Sweden 6 112, 14. Brazil 6, 15. Mongolia 5 1/2, 16, Australia 5 Fi na I C: 17. Switzerla nd 9, 18. Israel 8 1/2, 19. Si nga pore 6, 20, I rela nd 5 112,21. Fi n la nd 5 112, 22, Scotia nd 4 1/2, 23. Japan 3 Best individual results: Gaprindashvili USSR 6 1/2/8, Kushnir USSR 7/8, van der Mie ROM 7/8, Konarkovskaya-Sokolov YUG 6 112/9 1974 Nice Chess Olympiads MEN (74 teams) 1. USSR 46 [Ka rpov 12/14, Korch noi 11 112/15, Spassky 11/15, Petrosia n 13 112/15, TallO 1/2/14, Kuzm i n 12 1/2/15],2. Yugoslavia 37 1/2 [Gligoric 10/17, Ljubojevic 91/2/15, Ivkov 12/17, Planinc 11112/15, Velimirovic 9/12, Parma 9/12],3-4. USA [Kavalek 12/16, Browne 10 1/2/17, Byrne R, 12/16, Reshevsky 7/11, Lombardy 11/16, Tarjan 11/13], Bulgaria 36 1/2, 5. Netherlands 351/2,6, Hungary 35,7, West Germany 32, 8-9. Romania, Czechoslovakia 29 1/2, 10, England 26, 11-12, Philippines, Spain 25 112, 13, Sweden 25, 14, Argentina 23 1/2, 15. Finland 22, 16, Wales 14 1/2 Final B: 17, Israel 40 112/60, 18. Austria 38 1/2, 19. Italy 38, 20. Colombia 32 112, 21-23, Iceland, Norway, Poland 32, 24-26. Denmark, Canada, Cuba 31, 27. Switzerland 29, 28, France 27, 29. Scotland 25 112, 30. Belgium 23,31. Portugal 19 112, 32, Tunisia 17 112 Final C: 33. Australia 39/60, 34, Iran 34 1/2, 35-36, Brazil, Mongolia 31 112, 37. Ireland 30 1/2, 38-39, Indonesia, Chile 30, 40-41. Greece, Mexico 27 1/2, 42, Turkey 27, 43. Singapore 25, 44, Venezuela 24 112, 45, New Zealand 22 112, 46. Ecuador 22, 47, Syria 16 Final D: 48. Pakistan 49 1/2/60, 49. Puerto Rico 44 1/2, 50, Dominican Republic 43 1/2, 51, Luxembourg 38 112, 52-54, Lebanon, Uruguay, Panama 35, 55. Monaco 29 1/2, 56, Malta 29, 57-58. Suangan (HKG), Faroe Islands 27 1/2, 59. Malaysia 24 1/2, 60. Morocco 21 1/2, 61. Jordan 17 1/2, 62-63. Guernsey, US Virgin Islands 12 
Final E: 64, Rhodesia 28 1f2, 65, Iraq 24,66. Dutch Antilles 21,67. Japan 20,68, Cyprus 19,69, Trinidad Et Tobago 18, 70, Algeria 17, 71, Andorra 13, 72, Bahamas 11, 73. Brit. Virgin Islands 8 112, South Africa witdrew Best individual results: Karpov USSR 12/14, Faruki PAK 16 112/21, van Lun ( AHO) 7 112/9, Petrosian USSR 13 1/2/15, Tal USSR 10 112/14, Velimirovic YUG 9/12, de Greif COL 9/12, Tarjan USA 11/13, Kuipers NED 11/13 1974 Medellin Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (26 tealns) 1. USSR 13 1/2 [Gaprindashvili 10/12, Alexandria 7/9, Levitina 7 112/9], 2. Romania 13 1f2 [Polihroniade 10 112/14, Baumstark 8 112/13, T eodorescu 2 112/3], 3-4, Bulgaria [Lemachko 9/11, Georgieva 6 112/10, Asenova 3/5], Hungary 13, 5, Netherlands 9 112, 6. Czechoslovakia 9, 7. Yugoslavia 7 1f2, 8-9. England, West Germany 4, 10. Canada 3 Final B: 11-12. Spain, Israel 13 1/2/18, 13, Brazil 11, 14. USA 10 112, 15, Sweden 9 1f2, 16. Austria 8 1f2, 17. Colombia 8, 18. Finland 6, 19. Japan 5, 20. Ireland 4 1/2 Final C: 21. Mexico 7 112/12, 22, Puerto Rico 7, 23-24. Iraq, Colombia II 5, 25, Monaco 4, 26. Panama 1 112 Best individual results: Gaprindashvili USSR 10/12, Veroci HUN 7 112/10, Levitina USSR 7 112/9 1976 Haifa Chess 01ympiad MEN (48 teams) 1. USA 37 [Byrne R, 7/11, Kavalek 4 1/2/7, Evans 7/9, Tarjan 4/7, Lombardy 7/9, Commons 7 112/9], 2. Netherlands 36 1/2 [Timman 8 1/2/11, Sosonko 6/8, Donner 6/9, Ree 4 1f2/8, Ligterink 6 112/9, Kuypers 5/7], 3. England 35 1/2 [Miles 9/12, Keene 7/10, Hartston 6112/9, Stean 5 112/8, Mestel 3/6, Nunn 4112/7], 4, Argentina 33, 5. West Germany 31, 6. Israel 29 112, 7. Switzerland 29, 8-9. Canada, Spain 28 1/2, 10, Colombia 28, 11-19. Norway, Sweden, Italy, Wales, Paraguay, Chile, Australia, Austria, Finland 27 112, 20- 22. Philippines, New Zealand, Iceland 27, 23-25, Venezuela, Belgium, Denmark 26 112, 26-29. France, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Honduras 26, 30-33. Thailand, Iran, Costa Rica, Scotland 25 112, 34-35, Guernsey, Ireland 25, 36-40. Luxembourg, Guatemala, Japan, Syangan (HKG), Bolivia 24 1/2, 41. Bermudas 24, 42. Andorra 23, 43, Monaco 22, 44, Faroe Islands 21 112, 45. Papua- New Guinea 18, 46, US Virgin Islands 15 112, 47. Brit Virgin Islands 13 '12, 48, Dutch Antilles 7 112 Best individual results: Timman NED 8 1/2/11, Sosonko NED 6/8, Karreon DOM 9/11, Stean ENG 5 112/8, de Greif COL 5 112/7, Commons USA 7 1/2/9 1976 Haifa Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (23 teams) 1. Israel 17 [Kushnir 7 112/8, Kristol 7 1/2/10, Podrazhanskaya 4 1/2/8, Nudelman 6 112/7], 2-3. England [Miles 9/11, Jackson 6/9, Prichard 5/8, Coldowel 4/8], Spain 11 1/2 [Ferrer 5 112/11, Garcia H.9 1/2/11, Garcia M. 5/10, Canella 2/4],4. USA 10 112,5, Netherlands 9 112, 6. FRG 9,7. Australia 8 112, 8. Denmark 6 1/2 43 4IP --  ID 
44 --  ID Final B: 9, Canada 13 112, 10, Italy 12, 11. Argentina 11 1/2, 12, Ireland 10 112, 13, Finland 10, 14-15, Colombia, France 9 1f2, 16, Philippines 7 1/2 Final C: 17-18, Austria, Switzerland 12, 19, Sweden 11 1/2, 20, Japan 11, 21, Scotland 7 1/2, 22. Wales 6 112, 23. New Zealand 2 1/216 Best individual results: Kushnir ISR 7 112/8, Sterenberg CAN 9/10, Maeka JAP 6 1/2/8, Nudelman ISR 6 1/2/7 1978 Buenos Aires Chess 01ympiad MEN (66 teams) 1. Hungary 37 [Portisch 10/14, Ribli 9/13, Sax 8 1 /2/12, Adorjan 2/4, Csom 6/10, Vadasz l1f2/3], 2. USSR 36 [Spassky 7/11, Petrosian 6/9, Polugaevsky 8/11, Gulko 2/5, Romanishin 6 112/10, Vaganian 6 112/10], 3. USA 35 [Kavalek 7/11, Browne 4 1/2/9, Lein 5/9, Byrne 5/9, Tarjan 9 1/2/11, Lombardy 4/7],4. West Germany 33, 5-6, Israel, Romania 32 112, 7-11. Denmark, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Canada 32, 12-14, England, Bulgaria, Netherlands 31 1/2, 15-16. Yugoslavia, Sweden 31, 17. Argentina 31, 18-21. Cuba, Austria, China, Mexico 30 1/2, 22-23, Finland, Colombia 30, 24-27. Philippines, New Zealand, Indonesia, Brazil 29 1/2, 28-31, Iceland, Chile, Australia, Norway 29, 32. Paraguay 28 1f2, 33-35. Scotland, Venezuela, Syria 28,36-40. France, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Syangan (HKG) 27 1/2,41-46, Wales, Peru, Guyana, Japan, Luxembourg, Faroe Islands 27, 47-49, Belgium, Guatemala, Morocco 26 1f2, 50-54, Tunisia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Trinidad & Tobago, Jordan 26, 55, Jamaica 25 1/2, 56-57. Puerto Rico, Malaysia 25, 58-59. Lebanon, Mauritania 23 112,60. Andorra 22 1/2, 61. US Virgin Islands 22,62. Bermuda 20 1/2, 63, Zaire 16, 64-65, UAE, Brit .Virgin Islands 12 112, Argentina II 28 112 Best individual results: Korchnoi SUI 9/11, Kuligowski POL 10/13, Tringov BUL 8/10, Bordonada PHI 7/9, Tarjan USA 9 112/11, Terner IVB 6 112/7 1978 Buenos Aires Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (32 tea Ins) 1. USSR 16 [Chiburdanidze 9/11, Gaprindashvili 9 112/11, Alexandria 8/10, Akhmylovskaya 10/10], 2. Hungary [Veroci-Petronic 9/13, Ivanka 10/13, Makai 7 1/2/11, Kash 3 112/5],3. West Germany 11 [Lakman 41f2/11, Fishdick 9 112/13, Hund 9 1/2/12, Vaihert 3 1/2/6],4, Yugoslavia 11,5. Poland 10 1 /2, 6-7, Spain, Bulgaria 8 112, 8. England 7 1/2 Final B: 9. Sweden 15, 10. Romania 11, 11. Netherlands 10, 12-13. Argentina, France 9 112, 14, USA 9, 1 5, I nd ia 8 1/2, 16, Austra I ia 7 1/2 Final C: 17-18. Denmark, Canada 13,19, Colombia 12,20-21. Brazil, Finland 11 1f2, 22. Scotland 11, 23. Japan 6 112, 24, Mexico 5 1/2 Final D: 25, Wales 17 1/2, 26, Iceland 12 1/2, 27, Venezuela 12, 28-30. Bolivia, Uruguay, New Zealand 10 1/2, 31. Monaco 5 1f2, 32. Puerto Rico 4 
Best individual results: Chiburdanidze USSR 9/11, Gaprindashvili USSR 9 112/11, Alexandria USSR 8/10, Ahmylovskaya USSR 10/10 1980 Valetta Chess Olympiad MEN (82 teams) 1. USSR 39 [Karpov 9/12, Polugaevsky 3/7, Tal 3 1/2/6, Geller 6 112/9, Balashov 7 112/10, Kasparov 91/2/12], 2. Hungary 39 [Portisch 9 112/13, Ribli 8 112/13, Sax 7 112/12, Csom 7/9, Farago 2/4, Pinter 4 112/5], 3. Yugoslavia 35 [Ljubojevic 7 1/2/13, Ivkov 5 112/8, Parma 4 112/8, Kurajica 3 1/2/7, Nikolic 6 112/8, Marjanovic 7 1/2/12], 4, USA 34, 5.CSSR 33, 6-7, England, Poland 32 112, 8-9. Israel, Canada 32, 10-13, Netherlands, Romania, Sweden, Cuba 31 112, 14-18. Argentina, Philippines, Denmark, France, Wales 31, 19-22, Bulgaria, Finland, Austria, Italy 30 112, 23-30, Iceland, Norway, West Germany, Spain, Greece, Venezuela, Brazil, Syria 30, 31. Switzerland 29 112, 32-37. Colombia, Albania, Australia, India, Chile, Mexico 29, 38-43. China, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland, Thailand, Pakistan 28 1/2, 44-45, Dominican Republic, Indonesia 28, 46-50, Mongolia, Paraguay, Turkey, Malaysia, Trinidad & Tobago 27 1/2, 51-51, Scotland, Japan 27, 53-55, Guyana, Luxembourg, Algeria 26 112, 56-58. New Zealand, Lebanon, Tunisia 26, 59-65, Egypt, UAE, Malta, Zimbabwe, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, US Virgin Islands 25 1/2, 66-68, Syangang (HKG), Guernsey, Jordan 25, 69-70,Cyprus, Kenya 24 112,71-75, Nigeria, Faroe Islands, Andorra, Libya, Brit. Virgin Islands 23 112, 76-77. Bermudas, Zaire 23, 78. Monaco 20 112, 79, Papua- New Guinea 19 112, 80. Uganda 17 1/2, 81. Angola 13 112, Malta II 25 1/2. Best individual results: Hook IVB 11 112/14, Rantanen FIN 9 1/2/13, Vilyareal MEX 9/11, Csom HUN 7 112/9, Balashov USSR 7 1/2/10, Nikolic YUG 6 1/2/8 1980 La-Valetta Chess Olympiad WOMEN (42 tealns) 1. USSR 32 1/2 [Chiburdanidze 11 112/13, Gaprindashvili 9 112/12, Alexandria 4/8, loseliani 7 1/2/9], 2. Hungary 32 [Veroci 1 0/13, Ivanka 11/14, Porubski 8/11, Chonkic 3/4], 3. Poland 26 1/2 [Erenska- Radzevska 9/13, Shmazinskaya 3/7, Wise 6 112/11, Brustman 8/11], 4, Romania 26, 5-6, Chine, West Germany 24, 7-8, Israel, Yugoslavia 23 112, 9-10. Brazil, Bulgaria 23, 11-12. Argentina, Spain 22 112, 13-16, Australia, England, USA, France 22, 17-24. Greece, Dominican Republic, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Colombia, Netherlands, Sweden 21 1/2, 25-27. India, Ireland, Wales 21, 28-29, New Zealand, Scotland 20 1/2, 30-32, Denmark, Mexico, Switzerland 20, 33-35, Austria, Egypt, Finland 19 112, 36-37. Belgium, Japan 19, 38, Malta 15, 39, Puerto Rico 14 112, 40. UAE 13 112, 41, US Virgin Islands 4, 42, Nigeria 1 Best individual results: Chiburdanidze USSR 11 112/13, Gaprindashvili USSR 9 112/12, Nutsu ROM 7 112/10, loseliani USSR 7 1/2/9 1982 Lucerne Chess Olympiad MEN (91 tealns) 1. USSR 42 1/2 [Karpov 6 112/8, Kasparov 8 1/2/11, Polugaevsky 6/9, Beliavsky 7/10, Tal 6 112/8, Yusupov 8/10], 2. Czechoslovakia 36 [Hort 7/13, Smejkal 10/14, Ftacnik 9 112/14, Jansa 3/6, Plachetka 6/8, Ambroz 1/2/1], 3. USA 35 1/2 [Browne 5 1/2/10, Seirawan 8/12, Alburt 3 1/2/7, Kavalek 4 1/2/8, Tarjan 7/9, Christiansen 7/13], 4 --  ID 
46 .....-- ...  4. Yugoslavia 35, 5-6. Hungary, Bulgaria 33 1/2, 7, Poland 33, 8-9. Denmark, Cuba 32 112, 10-14. England, Argentina, Romania, Israel, Austria 32, 15-20. West Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Canada, Philippines, Colombia 31 112, 21. Chile 31, 22-25, Australia, Iceland, Norway, Finland 30 112, 26-31, Switzerland, Indonesia, Spain, France, Wales, Ireland 30, 32-36, Scotland, Greece, Mongolia, Dominican Republic, Venezuela 29 1/2, 37-40. China, Brazil, Mexico, Albania 29, 41-44, India, Italy, Singapore, Uruguay 28 1/2, 45- 49, New Zealand, Egypt, Turkey, Guatemala, Sri Lanka 28, 50-53. Belgium, Portugal, Paraguay, Syria 27 1/2, 54-56, Thailand, Pakistan, Faroe Islands 27,57-59. Malaysia, Syangan (HKG), Lebanon 26 112,60-61. Puerto Rico, Japan 26,62-74. Tunisia, Trinidad & Tobago, Algeria, Ecuador, Cyprus, Andorra, Zimbabwe, Surinam, Guernsey-Jersey, Papua New Guinea, Malta, UAE, Monaco 25 112, 75-78. Nigeria, Luxembourg, Uganda, Zaire 25, 79. Libya 24 112, 80-82. Jamaica, Jordan, Senegal 24, 83. Brit. Virgin Islands 23, 84-86,Honduras, US Virgin Islands, Bahrain 22 1/2, 87-88, Angola, Kenya 22, 89, Bermuda 19 1/2, 90-91, Botswana, Zambia 14 1/2, Switzerla nd II 30 Best individual results: Franco PAR 11/13, Mascarinas PHI 7 1/2/9, Matamoros ECU 7/9, Agdestein NOR 9/12, Roos FRA 9/11, Fransi PNG 8/9 1982 lucerne Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (45 tealns) 1. USSR 33 [Gaprindashvili 11 112/13, Chiburdanidze 9/12, Alexandria 7 112/9, loseliani 5/8], 2. Romania 30 [Muresan 4112/10, Pogorevic 7 112/11, Nutsu 11/12, Polihroniade 7/9], 3. Hungary 26 [Veroci-Petronic 10 1/2/14, Ivanka 5 112/12, Porubski 9/12, Chonkic 1/4], 4, Poland 25 112, 5-6. China, West Germany 24 1/2, 7. Sweden 24, 8-9. India, Netherlands 23 112, 10-13, England, Spain, France, Yugoslavia 23, 14-16 Bulgaria, Brazil, Colombia 22 112, 17-22, Australia, Greece, Italy, Canada, Mongolia, USA 22, 23-24. Argentina, Indonesia 21 112, 25-28. Iceland, New Zealand, Philippines, Switzerland 21, 29-33, Austria, Israel, Mexico, Finland, Scotland 20 112, 34. Belgium 20, 35-38, Venezuela, Turkey, Switzerland II, Japan 19 1/2, 39-41, Ireland, Norway, Wales 18 112, 42, Egypt 16 1/2,43. Trinidad & Tobago 11 112,44, Zambia 5 112, 45,US Virgin Islands 4 Best individual results: Pernichi ITA 9 1/2/12, Alexandria USSR 7 112/9, Nutsu ROM 11/12, Polihroniade ROM 7/9 1984 Thessa10niki Chess 01ympiad MEN (88 tealns) 1. USSR 41 [Beliavsky 8/10, Vaganian 8 112/10, Polugaevsky 7 112/10, Tukmakov 7/10, Yusupov 5/8, Sokolov A. 5 1/2/8],2. England 37 [Miles 6/12, Nunn 10/11, Speelman 5 1/2/9, Chandler 5 1/2/9, Mestel 7/9, Short 3/6], 3. USA 35 [Dzhindzhihashvili 8/11, Kavalek 4 112/8, Christiansen 6 112/10, Browne 3 112/9, Alburt 5/8, de Firmian 7 112/10], 4. Hungary 34 1/2, 5. Romania 33, 6-7. West Germany, France 32 1/2, 8-14. Yugoslavia, Netherlands, Cuba, Bulgaria, Israel, China, Argentina 32, 15-16, Iceland, Philippines 31 112, 17-20. Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Canada, Brazil 31, 21-24, Poland, Chile, Australia, Scotland 30 112, 25-32. Sweden, Norway, Spain, Italy, Greece, Colombia, Indonesia, Portugal 30, 33-37. India, Turkey, Wales, UAE, Morocco 29 1/2, 38-45. Finland, Austria, Albania, Mexico, Singapore, Belgium, Greece II, New Zealand 29, 46-47. Dominican Republic, Egypt 28 1/2, 48, Tunisia 28,49-52. Switzerland, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Puerto Rico 27 112, 
53-55, Syangan (HKG), Pakistan, Iraq 27, 56-60. Paraguay, Ireland, Cyprus, Uganda, Algeria 26 112, 61-67, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malta, Faroe Islands, Lebanon, Andorra, Honduras 26, 68-69. Luxembourg, Bahrain 25 112,70-75, Zimbabwe, Trinidad & Tobago, Kenya, Nigeria, Libya, Surinam 25,76-77, Jamaica, Jordan 24 112, 78-81. British Virgin Islands, Papua New Guinea, Angola, Guernsey- Jersey 24, 82, Japan 23 1/2, 83, US Virgin Islands 21 112, 84, Monaco 21, 85. Bermuda 17 112, 86, Mali 17, 87, San Marino 16, 88, Palestine 13. Best individual results: van Tilbury ISV 9 112/11, Vaganian USSR 8 112/10, Nunn ENG 10/11, Simparaun THA 8/10, Pinter HUN 7/9, Shinis CYP 7 1/2/10 1984 Thessa10niki Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (51 tea Ins) 1. USSR 32 [Chiburdanidze 7 112/11, Levitina 6 112/11, Gaprindashvili 8 1/2/10, Semenova 9 112/10], 2. Bulgaria 27 1f2 [Voiska 8 112/12, Boyadzhieva- Gocheva 5/9, Angelova 8 112/12, Savova 5 112/9], 3. Romania 27 [Muresan 7 1/2/13, Polihroniade 9/13, Nutsu 9 112/14, Stancu 1/2],4-5. West Germany, China 26, 6. Hungary 25, 7 -8, Poland, England 24 112, 9-10. Yugoslavia, Spain 24, 11-14. Cuba, USA, Netherlands, Switzerland 23 112, 15, Sweden 23, 16-21, Brazil, India, Canada, Portugal, France, Scotland 22, 22-27, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Colombia, Norway, Wales 21 1/2, 28-33. Austria, Greece I, Iceland, Italy, Malaysia, Finland 21, 34-38, Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Greece II, Ireland 20 112, 39-40 Mexico, New Zealand 20, 41-43, Iraq, Turkey, Japan 19 112, 44-45. Guatemala, Egypt 18 1/2, 46, UAE 16 112, 47. Syangan (HKG) 15 1/2, 48, Trinidad & Tobago 15,49. Jamaica 10,50, Zimbabwe 8 112, 51. US Virgin Islands 3 112 Best individual results: Cramling SWE 10 112/13, Polihroniade ROM 9/13, Zhoara Chaves BRA 9/10, Semenova USSR 9 112/10 1986 Dubai Chess 01ympiad MEN (108 tealns) 1. USSR 40 [Kasparov 8 112/11, Karpov 6/9, Sokolov A. 6/9, Yusupov 10/12, Vaganian 7/10, Ceskovsky 2 112/5], 2. England 39 1/2 [Miles 4112/9, Nunn 7/11, Short 10/13, Chandler 9/11, Speelman 7/9, Flear 2/3], 3. USA 38 1/2 [Seirawan 8/12, Christiansen 61/2/10, Kavalek 4/8, Fedorowicz 8/10, de Firmian 6112/9, Dlugy 5 112/7], 4, Hungary 34 112,5-7. Iceland, Bulgaria, China 34,8-12, CSSR, Cuba, France, Argentina, Peru 33, 13-14. West Germany, Austria 32 1/2, 15-17. Yugoslavia, Poland, Portugal 32, 18-23, Romania, Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, Scotland, Canada 31 112, 24-26. Spain, India, Greece 31, 27-30. Italy, Philippines, Switzerland, Belgium 30 112, 31-38. Australia, Dominican Republic, Singapore, Finland, Colombia, Paraguay, New Zealand, Iraq 30,39-42, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico, Malaysia 29 112, 43-49, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Tunisia, Ireland, Venezuela, Pakistan, Lebanon 29, 50-54, Uruguay, Wales, Puerto Rico, Salvador 28 112, 55-57. Costa Rica, Malta, Andorra 28, 58-64. Syria, Thailand, Bolivia, Morocco, Trinidad & Tobago, Yemen, Palestine 27 1/2, 65- 70. Bangladesh, Nigeria, Guernsey -Jersey, Jordan, Syangan (HKG), Honduras 27,71-75. Luxembourg, UAE, Zimbabwe, Haiti, San Marino 26 112, 76-82. Sri Lanka, Algeria, Angola, Libya, Mauritania, Mali, Bahrain 26, 83-85, UAE II, Uganda, Zambia 25 112, 86-88. Panama, Barbados, Senegal 25, 89-91. Cyprus, Japan, Yemen 24 112, 92-96, Jamaica, Kenya, Sudan, Ghana, Fiji 24,97-98, Brunei, Dutch Antilles 23 112,99-101. Qatar, Antigua, Papua New Guinea 23, 102-103, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas 22, 104-105. Bermuda, Mauritius 20, 106, Botswana 18 112, 107. Gambia 14 112, 108, Seychelles 5 47 -- ...  
48 -- ...  ID Best individual results: Kasparov USSR 8 1/2/11, Abdal-Nabi EGY 11/14, Short ENG 10/13, Munis PUR 6/7 1986 Dubai Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (49 teams) 1. USSR 33 1/2 [Chiburdanidze 8/10, Ahmylovskaya 8 1 12/12, Gaprindashvili 10/10, Alexandria 7/10], 2. Hungary 29 [Veroci-Petronic 9/13, Madll0 112/14, Ivanka 7/10, Grosz 2 112/5], 3-4. Romania 28 [Muresan 5/9, Nutsu 9 112/14, Polihroniade 6 1/2/10, Stancu 7/9], China 28,5, Yugoslavia 25 1/2, 6. FRG 25, 7-8, Poland, England 24 1/2, 9, Bulgaria 23 112,10, Cuba 23,11-13. Brazil, Austria, Finland 22 112,14-17, Spain, France, USA, Scotland 22, 18-22, Greece, India, Ireland, Wales, Mexico 21 112, 23-28. Switzerland, Argentina, Indonesia, Turkey, Belgium, Italy 21, 29-34. Colombia, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Bangladesh, Australia, UAE 20 112, 35-38. Iraq, Guatemala, Venezuela, Uruguay 20, 39-43, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Portugal, Syria 19 112, 44. Puerto Rico 18 112, 45-46. Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica 16 1/2, 47. Nigeria 15 112, 48. Seychelles 5 1/2, 49, Panama 2 112 Best individual results: Lemachko SUI 9 112/11, Karim UAE 7/8, Gaprindashvili USSR 10/10, Stancu ROM 7/9 1988 Thessa10niki Chess 01ympiad MEN (107 teams) 1. USSR 40 1/2 [Kasparov 8 1/2/10, Karpov 8/10, Yusupov 6/10, Beliavsky 7/10, Ehlvest 4 112/7, Ivanchuk 6 112/9], 2-3. England 34 1/2 [Short 7/12, Speelman 8 112/12, Nunn 8 112/12, Chandler 5/11, Mestel 1 112/4, Watson 4/5], Netherlands 34 1/2 [Van der Wiel 6 1/2/12, Sosonko 5/10, van der Sterren 7 1/2/12, Piket 8/12, Kuijf 4 112/6, Douven 3/5], 4-5, USA 34, Hungary 34, 6. Yugoslavia 33 112, 7-11. Philippines, China, Cuba, Argentina Israel 33, 12-14. Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Italy 32 1/2. 15-19, Iceland, Denmark 32, East Germany 32, West Germany 32, India 32, 20-23. Switzerland, Poland 31 112, Spain 31 112, Brasil 31 112, 24-29. Bulgaria, Romania, Indonesia, Greece I, Austria, Guatemala 31, 30-34, Scotland, France, Finland, Albania, Belgium 30 112, 35-39, Colombia, Peru, Canada, New Zealand, Paraguay 30, 40-42. Australia, Venezuela, Thailand 29 112, 43-49. Norway, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Wales, Singapore, Egypt, Uruguay 29, 50-51, Ireland, Syria 28 112, 52-53. Turkey, Luxembourg 28, 54-64. Portugal, Greece II, Faroe Islands, Malaysia, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Morocco, Angola, Costa Rica, Bangladesh, Bolivia 27 112, 65-66. Jamaica, Algeria 27, 67-72, Japan, UAE, Barbados, Nigeria, Libya, Zimbabwe 26 1/2, 73-76. EI Salvador, Cyprus, Qatar, Malta 26, 77-80. Jordan, Lebanon, Honduras, Surinam 25 112, 81-83. Zambia, Senegal, Botswana 25, 84-90. Hong Kong, Bahrain, Andorra, Yemen, Palestine, Netherlands Antilles, Mauritania 24 112, 91-94. Haiti, Panama, b, Monaco 24, 95-97, Uganda, San Marino, Mali 23 112, 98-100, Sudan, Guernsey Jersey, British Virgin Islands 23, 101-102. Kenya, US Virgin Islands 22 112, 103, Bermuda 21, 104, Bahamas 18, 105. Mauritius 16, 106. Fiji 14, 107. Seychelles 10 Best individual results: Kasparov USSR 8 1/2/10, Karpov USSR 8/10, Reyes GUA 7 112/10, Chaivichit THA 8/9, Vasquez ESA 5 112/7, Arlandi ITA 5 112/7, Gomez Baillo ARG 6/7, Rahman BAN 6/7 
1988 Thessa10niki Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (56 teams) 1. Hungary 33 [Polgar Z. 10 1/2/14, Polgar J. 12 1/2/13, Madl 5 112/8, Polgar So, 4 112/7], 2. USSR 32 1/2 [Chiburdanidze 7/10, Ahmylovskaya 8 1/2/9, Levitina 7 1/2/11, Litinskaya 9 1/2/12]. 3. Yugoslavia 28 [Maric 9 1/2/14, Markovic 6/9, Maksimovic 5 112/10, Basagic 7/9], 4, China 27, 5. Bulgaria 25,6-8. Greece I, Romania, Cuba 24,9-10, USA, Netherlands 23 1/2, 11-14, Poland, England, France, India 23, 15-20, FRG, Sweden, Argentina, Israel, Denmark, Brazil 22 112, 21-22, Switzerland, Philippines 22, 23-31. CSSR, Spain, Greece II, Colombia, Canada, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Finland, New Zealand 21 1/2,32-36. Austria, Belgium, Indonesia, Uruguay 21, 37-42. Venezuela, Norway, Mexico, Wales, Italy, Bangladesh 20 112, 43-45. Scotland, Portugal, Turkey 20, 46-48. Malaysia, Jamaica, Puerto Rico 19, 49-50, Nigeria, Lebanon 17, 51. Barbados 16 1/2, 52, Zimbabwe 14 1/2, 53, Dutch Antilles 14, 54, Malta 12 112, 55, Seychelles 8, 56, US Virgin Islands 2 1/2 Best individual results: Cramling SWE 12 112/14, Polgar J. HUN 12 112/13, Peng CHN 10 112/14, Horwath AUT 9/12, Begum BAN 6 112/8 1990 Novi Sad Chess 01ympiad MEN (107 teams) 1. USSR 39 [Ivanchuk 7/10, Gelfand 6/9, Beliavsky 7/10, Yusupov 5 1/2/9, Yudasin 7/9, Bareev 6 1/2/9], 2-3. USA 35 '/2 [Seirawan 6/10, Gulko 4 1/2/10, Christiansen 7/10, Benjamin 5/8, Fedorowicz 6 1/2/9, de Firmian 6 112/9], England 35 '/2 [Short 6/12, Speelman 8/12, Nunn 5 112/9, Adams 4/8, Chandler 9/11, Hodgson 3/4], 4. Czechoslovakia 34 1/2, 5-7. Yugoslavia, China, Cuba 33,8-13. Iceland 32 112, West Germany, India, Sweden, Netherlands, Yugoslavia II 32 1/2, 14-19, Bulgaria, France, Israel, Hungary, Poland, Mexico 32, 20- 24. Colombia, Philippines, Peru, Scotland, Finland 31 1/2, 25-31. East Germany, Chile, Indonesia, Argentina, Canada, Spain, Romania 31, 32-34, Brazil, Australia, Italy 30 112, 35-41. Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Albania, Egypt, Wales 30,42, New Zealand 29 112,43-47. Mongolia, Vietnam, Singapore, Turkey, Ecuador 29,48-53. Greece, Paraguay, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Belgium, Costa Rica 28 112, 54-61. Portugal, Pakistan, Uruguay, Iran, Ireland, Luxembourg, Thailand, Angola 28, 62-65, Syria, Bolivia, Barbados, Japan 27 112,66-67. UAE, Yemen 27,68-74. Morocco, Algeria, Puerto Rico, Lebanon, Malaysia, Trinidad & Tobago, Guatemala 26, 75-77. Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Uganda 25 1/2, 78-81. Faroe Islands, EI Salvador, Nigeria, Cyprus 25, 82-85. Hong Kong, Jamaica, Andorra, Libya 24 1/2, 86-91. Guernsey Jersey, Zimbabwe, Qatar, Zambia, Dutch Antilles, Mali 24,92-94, Sudan, Bahrain, Malta 23 1/2,95-96, Haiti, Fiji 23,97-102. San Marino, Brit. Virgin Islands, Panama, US Virgin Islands, Liechtenstein, Honduras 22, 103-104, Botswana, Bahamas 21 1 12,105, Bermuda 21,106. Mauritius 20,107. Kenya 18, Yugoslavia 11131 1990 Novi Sad Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (64 teams) 1-2. Hungary 35 [Polgar Z, 11 112/14, Polgar J. 10/13, Polgar So, 11 112/13, Madl 2/2], USSR 35 [Chiburdanidze 6/9, Gaprindashvili 7 112/10, Galliamova 9 1/2/11, Arakhamia 12/12], 3. China 29 [Xie Jun 11/14, Peng Zhaoqin 9/14, Qin Kaiying 6/10, Wang Lei 3/4], 4, Bulgaria 26, 5. Yugoslavia 25, 6, USA 24 112, 7-9, England, Greece, Romania 24, 10-13. Yugoslavia II, East Germany, Netherlands, Mongolia 23 112, 14-18. Poland, Argentina, Cuba, FRG, Israel 23,19-20. Czechoslovakia, Vietnam 22 1/2, 21-25, Denmark, Norway, 49 4P --  ID 
50 ------ ...  France, Scotland, Brazil 22, 26-30, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Australia 21 112, 31-33. India, Finland, Bangladesh 21,34-37. Albania, Italy, Indonesia, Ireland 20 112, 38-44. Wales, Mexico, New Zealand, Belgium, Ecuador, Syria, Egypt 20, 45-49. Turkey, Dominican Republic, Portugal, Malaysia, Zambia 19 112, 50-52. Bolivia, Uruguay, Puerto Rico 19, 53-54, Canada, Venezuela 18 1/2, 55, UAE 18, 56-58, Algeria, Jamaica, Zimbabwe 17 112, 59-60. Angola, Dutch Antilles 15 112, 61. Nigeria 15, 62, Malta 14 1/2, 63, Botswana 11 1/2, 64. US Virgin Islands 10 1992 Manna Chess 01ympiad MEN (102 teams) 1. Russia 39 [Kasparov 8 112/10, Khalifman 6/10, Dolmatov 6/9, Dreev 4/9, Kramnik 8 112/9, Vyzhmanavin 6/9]. 2. Uzbekistan 35 [Loginov 4/13, Serper 8 112/13, Nenashev 9 112/12, Zagrebelny 8 112/11, Saltaev 2/3, Yuldashev 2 1/2/4]. 3. Armenia 34 1/2 [Vaganian 6/12, Akopian 8/12, Lputian 11/14, Minasian 7 112/12, Petrosian 1/3, Anastasian 1/3]. 4, USA 34, 5-7, Latvia, Iceland, Croatia 33 112, 8-10. Georgia, Ukraine, England 33, 11-16, Israel, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, China 32 1/2, 17- 21, Hungary, Sweden, Bulgaria, Colombia, Slovenia 32, 22. India 31 '12, 23-28, Netherlands, Lithuania 31, Estonia, Peru, France, Brazil 31, 29-31 Italy, Turkmenistan, Philippines I 30 1/2, 32-37. Poland, Norway, Argentina, Moldova, Romania, Turkey 30, 38-44, Kyrgyzstan, Greece, Indonesia, Spain, Philippines III, Portugal, Philippines II 29 '12, 45-47. Kazakhstan, Australia, Austria 29, 48-54, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Mexico, Singapore, Vietnam, Canada 28 112, 55-56, Scotland, Tunisia 28, 57-60, Chile, Mongolia, Andorra, Bangladesh 27 '12, 61-63, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, South Africa 27, 64-69, Egypt, Faroe Islands, Algeria, UAE, Sri Lanka, Lebanon 26 112,70-74. Pakistan, Luxembourg, Japan, Thailand, Angola 26, 75-81. Wales, Nigeria, Morocco, Malaysia, Qatar, Nicaragua, San Marino 25 112, 82-84. Ireland, Uganda, Mauritius 25, 85- 87. Hong Kong, Botswana, Dutch Antilles 241/2,88. Cyprus 24,89-90. Zimbabwe, Liechtenstein 23 112,91- 92. Papua New Guinea, Malta 23, 93-94, Jamaica, Guernsey Jersey 22 '12, 95-96. Mali, Brunei 22, 97, US Virgin Islands 21 112,98. Palestine 21, 99, Fiji 20 112,100. Bermuda 18, 101, EI Salvador 16,102, Seychelles 14 Best individual results: B 1: Kasparov RUS 8 112/10, Sunye Neto BRA 8/10, Nenashev UZB 9 '12/12, Zelaya SAL 9/10, Kramnik RUS 8 112/9, Cvitan CRG 8/10 1992 Manna Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (62 teams) 1. Georgia 30 '/2 [Chiburdanidze 11 112/13, Gaprindashvili 4/9, loseliani 10/12, Gurieli 5/8], 2. Ukraine 29 [Galiamova-Ivanchuk 11/14, Litinskaya 7/11, Chelushkina 8/12, Semenova 3/5]. 3. China 28 '/2 [Xie Jun 10/13, Peng Zhaoq in 5/9, Wa ng Pi n 5/9, Qi n Ka nyi ng 8 112/11]. 4. H u nga ry 26 112, 5, Russia 26, 6-7. Romania, Azerbaijan 25,8-9. Kazakhstan, USA 24 112, 10-12, Czechoslovakia 24, Estonia 24, Latvia 24, 13-14. Poland, Bulgaria 23 112, 15-17, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova 23, 18-21. Indonesia, Switzerland, Greece, Turkmenistan 22 1/2, 22-27, England, Mongolia, India, Israel, Slovenia, Bangladesh 22, 28-35. Netherlands, Argentina, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Armenia, Sweden, Vietnam, Brazil 21 112, 36-39, Germany, Norway, Australia, Philippines 21, 40-43, Austria, Spain, Scotland, Venezuela 20, 44-51, Finland, Canada, France, Malaysia, Turkey, Portugal, Italy, Philippines 1119 112, 52-53, Mexico, Wales 19, 54-55. Algeria, Singapore 18 1/2, 56-57, Sri Lanka, Ireland 17 1/2, 58. Nigeria 14 1/2, 59-60. Angola, UAE 11 1/2, 61, New Zea la nd 11, 62. Seychelles 5 
51 --- ID Best individual results: Chiburdanidze GEO 11 112/13, Prudnikova RUS 8 112/11, loseliani GEO 10/12, Vijesuriya SRI 6 112/8 1994 Moscow Chess 01ympiad MEN (124 tealns) 1. Russia I 37 112[Kasparov 6 112/10, Kramnik 8/11, Bareev 5 112/10, Dreev 5 112/8, Tiviakov 6 112/9, Svidler p, 5 112/8], 2. Bosnia Et: Herzegovina 35 [Nikolic 8/13, Sokolov I. 8/14, Kurajica 9/13, Dizdarevic 7 112/12, Nikolic 1 112/2, Milovanovic 112], 3-4. Russia II 34 112[Morozevich 5 112/10, Zviagintsev 6 112/12, Ulybin 6/9, Rublevsky 6/9, Sakaev 6/10, Yemelin 4 112/6], England 34 112, 7, Bulgaria, Netherlands, USA 34, 8-12. Hungary, Ukraine, Georgia, China, Belarus 33 112, 13-14. Armenia, Israel 33, 15-18, Yugoslavia, Germany, Estonia, Spain 32 112, 19-23.Latvia, Cuba, Philippines, Iceland, Uzbekistan 32,24-27. Lithuania, Romania, Croatia, Poland 31 112, 28-32, Denmark, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Indonesia 31, 33-39. Argentina, France, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Slovenia, Peru, Mexico 30 1/2, 40-46, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Australia, Greece, Kazakhstan, FYROM, Belgium 30, 47-52, Norway, Vietnam, Turkey, Portugal, Finland, Faroe Islands 29 1/2, 53-60, Italy, Scotland, India, Ireland, Tunisia, South Africa, Austria, Albania 29, 61-64. Chile, Brazil, Luxembourg, UAE 28 1/2, 65-70. Canada, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria 28, 71-76, Mongolia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, New Zealand, Nigeria, Wales 27 1/2, 77-79, Singapore, Uruguay, Colombia 27,80, IBCA 26 112,81-85, Costa Rica, Iran, Zimbabwe, Andorra, Hong Kong 26,86-94, Iraq, Japan, Thailand, Paraguay, Yemen, Liechtenstein, Nicaragua, Angola, Guatemala 25 112, 95-97, Lebanon, Malaysia, EI Salvador 25, 98-103. Venezuela, Bermuda, Jordan, Barbados, Honduras, Dutch Antilles 24 112, 104-108. Puerto Rico, Qatar, Sudan, Malta, Haiti 24, 109-114. Zambia, Cyprus, Botswana, Fiji, Mauritius, Macao 23 112, 115-117, San Marino, British Virgin Islands, Palestine 23, 118,Monaco 22 112, 119, Bahrain 22, 120, Panama 21 112, 121. Namibia 19, 122, Guernsey & Jersey 15 1/2, 123. Seychelles 14, 124, US Virgin Islands 11 Best individual results: Campora ARG 7 112/9, Davila NCA 11/14, Arlandi ITA 7 112/9, Seirawan USA 8 112/10, Didishko 9 1/2/12, Kelly IRL 5 112/7 1994 Moscow Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (81 teams) 1. Georgia 32 [Chiburdanidze 8 112/11, loseliani 8 112/11, Arakhamia 8/11, Gurieli 7/9] 2. Hungary 31 [Polgar Zsu. 11/14, Polgar So, 12 112/14, Madl 7 112/12, Csonkics 0/2]. 3-4. China 27 [Xie Jun 8 112/13, Peng Zhaoquin 1 112/4, Qin Kanying 6 112/12, Chu Chen 10 112/13], Romania 27,5, Ukraine 25, 6-8. Estonia, England, Germany 24 1/2, 9-16. Israel, Russia I, Kazakhstan, Russia II, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Belarus, Greece 24, 17-21. Yugoslavia, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Poland, Czech Republic 23 112,22-23. USA, Lithuania 23,24-33, Armenia, Cuba, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Latvia, France, Indonesia, Slovenia, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Denmark 22 112, 34-37, India, Netherlands, Argentina, Switzerland 22, 38-41. Moldova, Spain, Kyrgyzstan, Norway 21 1/2,42-44. Slovakia, Sweden, Brazil 21,45-49. FYROM, Finland, Italy, Malaysia 20 1/2,50-54, Turkmenistan, Scotland, Canada, IBCA, Austria, Colombia 20, 56-61. Australia, Venezuela, Turkey, Philippines, Chile, Dominican Republic 19 112, 62-66, Bangladesh, Mexico, Algeria, Wales, Nigeria 19,67-71. Ecuador, Portugal, Albania, Belgium, Iran 18 112, 72-74 Puerto Rico, Singapore, New Zealand 18, 75, Costa Rica 17 1/2, 76, Zimbabwe 17,77. Seychelles 14 112,78, Botswana 10 112, 79-80.Malta, Dutch Antilles 10, 81.US Virgin Isla nds 7 112, 
2 ------ ...  Best individual results: Zhiltsova IBCA 10 '12/13, Polgar Szo. HUN 12 '12/14, Hernandez VEN 8 '12/9, Sedina U KR 10 '12/12 1996 Yerevan Chess 01ympiad MEN (114 teams) 1. Russia 38 1f2[Kasparov 7/9, Kramnik 4 '12/9, Dreev 5/8, Svidler 8 '/2/11, Bareev 7 '12/10, Rublevsky 6/9], 2. Ukraine 35 [Ivanchuk 8 '12/11, Malaniuk 5 '12/9, Romanishin 5/9, Novikov 4/8, Onischuk 6/10, Savchenko 6/9],3-4. USA 34 [Gulko 1/5, Yermolinsky 8/11, de Firmian 6/11, Kaidanov 7/11, Benjamin 5/8, Christiansen 7/10], England 34, 5-7, Armenia I, Spain, Bosnia & Herzegovina 33 '/2,8-12, Georgia, Bulgaria, Germany, Sweden, Iceland 33, 13-15, China 32, Netherlands 32, Argentina 32 1/2, 16-20, Croatia, Israel, Hungary, Uzbekistan 32, Latvia 32, 21-24. Cuba 31 '12, Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Greece 31 '/2, 25-29, France, Philippines, Vietnam, Australia, Canada 31, 30-39, Kazakhstan, Romania, Czech Republic, Belarus, Slovakia, Macedonia, Poland, Lithuania, Denmark, Turkmenistan 30 '12, 40-43, Norway, Peru, Armenia III, Colombia 30, 44-46, Indonesia, Moldova, Finland 29 '12, 47-48. Tajikistan, Austria 29,49-56. Estonia, Armenia II, Portugal, Brazil, Kyrgyzstan, Belgium, Ireland, Scotland 28 '12, 57-60. Italy, Switzerland, India, Syria 28, 61-65. Bangladesh, South Africa, Luxembourg, Malaysia, UAE 27 1/2, 66-67, Egypt, Morocco 27, 68-76. Chile, Turkey, Tunisia, Venezuela, Iran, IBCA, Wales, Ecuador, Japan 26 1/2,77-81. Uruguay, Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Faroe Islands 26, 82-87, New Zealand, Angola, Andorra, Yemen, Liechtenstein, Cyprus 25 '12, 88-91. Paraguay, Barbados, Lebanon, Qatar 25, 92-98, Salvador, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Nicaragua, Uganda, Malta, Bahrain 24 '12, 99-100, Botswana, Dutch Antilles 24, 101-102. San Marino, Macau 23 '12, 103, Haiti 23, 104-105, Sri Lanka, Monaco 22 '12, 106-107, Mauritius, Bermuda 22, 108-109. Mozambique, Honduras 21 '12, 110, Jersey 20, 111, Guernsey 18 '12, 112, Afghanistan 18 1/2, 113. Seychelles 16, 114. US Virgin Islands 9 Best individual results: AI-Modiakhi OAT 8/10, Robinson R. BER 8/10, Louldatchev S. UZB 11/14, Sadler ENG 10 '12/13, Asrian ARM 10/12, Makumbi UGA 7 '12/8 1996 Yerevan Chess Olympiad WOMEN (74 teams) 1. Georgia 30 [Chiburdanidze 8 '12/12, loseliani 10/13, Arakhamia 8/10, Gurieli 3 '12/7],2-3. China 28 1f2[Xie Jun 5 '12/10, Zhu Chen 10/13, Wang Lei 5 '12/8, Wang Pin 7 '12/11], Russia 28 '/2 [Galiamova 8/13, Matveeva 8 '12/12, Prudnikova 8/11, Zaitseva 4/6], 4. Ukraine 26 '12, 5, Hungary 26, 6, Romania 25 '12, 7, Israel 25, 8-9, Kazakhstan, Poland 24 '/2, 10-12. England, Indonesia, Czech Republic 24, 13-22. Yugoslavia, Moldova, Germany, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Greece, Cuba, Armenia, Estonia, Uzbekistan 23 1/2, 23- 27, Slovakia, Vietnam, India, France, Mongolia 23, 28-30, Slovenia, Armenia II, Netherlands 22 '12, 31-33, Croatia, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina 22, 34, Latvia 21 '12, 35-41, USA, Spain, Sweden, Australia, Canada, Austria, Denmark 21, 42-46, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Philippines, Norway, Brazil 20 '/2, 47-52, Finland, Turkmenistan, Italy, Venezuela, Mexico, Bangladesh 20, 53-54, Switzerland, Scotland 19 1/2, 55-58, Portugal, Ireland, IBCA, Puerto Rico 19, 59-62. Colombia, Iran, Syria, Dutch Antilles 18 '12, 63-68, Ecuador, Malaysia, Sri La n ka, New Zea la nd 18, 67-68. Turkey, UAE 17 '12, 69. Za m bia 16 '12, 70-71. Angola, Leba non 15, 72. Seychelles 14 '12, 73, Ja pa n 8, 74. US Vi rg i n Isla nds 2 Best individual results: Ovezova TKM 10 '12/12, Chen Zhu CHN 10/13, Arakhamia GEO 8/10, Zielinska POL 6/7 
1998 E1ista Chess 01ympiad MEN (110 traIns) 1. Russia I 35 1/2 [Svidler 5 '12/9, Rublevsky 5/8, Bareev 5/8, Morozevich 8/10, Zviagintsev 5 '12/8, Sakaev 6 '12/9]; 2. USA 34 '/2 [Yermolinsky 5 112/9, Shabalov 5/8, Seirawan 7/10, Gulko 5 '12/8, de Firmian 5 '12/8, Kaidanov 5 '12/9]; 3-4. Ukraine 32 1/2 [Ivanchuk 7/11, Onischuk 8/12, Romanishin 4/7, Malaniuk 4 '12/7, Savchenko S. 2/6, Ponomariov 7/9], Israel 32 1/2,5-7, China, Germany, Georgia 31 '12,8-9, Russia 1131, Hungary 31, 10-15, Romania, England, Netherlands, Belarus, Latvia, Poland 30 '12, 16-19, Armenia 30, Bulgaria 30, Yugoslavia 30, Kazakhstan 30, 20-23. Sweden, Lithuania, Czech Republic 29 '12, Slovenia 29 112, 24-25. Cuba, Croatia 29,26-34. France 28 '12, Uzbekistan, Argentina, Spain, Bosnia, Switzerland, Russia III, India, Mexico 28 '12, 35-38. Philippines, Greece, Moldova, Egypt 28, 39-49. Kyrgyzstan, Estonia, Italy, Canada, Azerbaijan, Finland, Albania, FYROM, Tajikistan, Brazil, Mongolia 27 112, 50-52. Austria, Iceland, IBCA 27,53-56. Bangladesh, Belgium, Vietnam, New Zealand 26 '12, 57-62.Colombia, Ireland, Iran, Luxembourg, Chile, Angola 26, 63-69. Australia, Peru, Venezuela, Scotland, Portugal, Wales, Nigeria 25 112, 70, Turkey 25, 71-73. Turkmenistan, Faroe Islands, Iraq 24 '12,74-78, Malaysia, UAE, Puerto Rico, Andorra, Jamaica 24, 79- 83, Ecuador, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Russia IV, Kenya 23 '12, 84-88, Yemen, Bolivia, Libya, Cyprus, Singapore 23, 89-93. Qatar Trinidad & Tobago, EI Salvador, Japan, Uganda 22 112,94-97. Lebanon, Palestine, San Marino, Honduras 22,98-100, Nicaragua, Barbados, Macau 21'12,101. Botswana 21,102-104. Malta, Namibia, Mali 20 '12, 105-106. Jersey, Afghanistan 20, 107, Netherlands Antilles 19, 108, Guernsey 18 '12, 109, Seychelles 18, 110, US Vi rg i n Isla nds 3 Best individual results: AI- Modiahki QAT 7 112/8, Aikhoje NGR 6 '12/8, Vera CUB 7/9, Gadhi YEM 6 '12/8, Muir SCO 6/7, Avrukh ISR 8/10 1998 E1ista Chess 01ympiad WOMEN (72 teams) 1. China 29 [Xie Jun 7/10, Zhu Chen 8/11, Wang Pin 6/9, Wang Lei 8/9],2-3. Russia I 27 [Matveeva 3 '12/10, Kovalevskaya 9/12, Shumiakina 6 '12/8, Stepovaya- Oianchenko 8/9], Georgia 27 [Chiburdanidze 9 '12/12, loseliani 8/12, Arakhamia-Grant 8/11, Khurtsidze 1 '12/4], 4-5, Netherlands 23 112, Bulgaria 23 '12, 6- 10, Romania 23, Yugoslavia, Hungary 23, Russia III 23, USA 23, 11-15, Poland, Ukraine 22 '12, Latvia 22 '12, Vietnam, India 22 '12, 16-20. Germany, Estonia, Israel, Greece, England 22, 21-23, Armenia, Moldova, Kazakhstan 21 '12, 24-27, Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Russia II, France 21, 28-31. Cuba, Croatia, Azerbaijan, Argentina 20 '/2, 32-36, Belarus, Finland, FYROM, Sweden, Slovenia 20,37-43. Lithuania, Spain, Slovakia, Bosnia, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Turkey 19 '12,44-46, Austria, Mongolia, Mexico 19,47-51. Australia, Philippines, IBCA,UAE, Ireland 18 1/2, 52-57, Brazil, Switzerland, Venezuela, Portugal, Iraq, Iran 18, 58-59. Colombia, EI Salvador 17 '/2, 60-63, Scotland, Italy, South Africa, Nigeria 17, 64-66. Wales, Puerto Rico 16 '12, 66, New Zealand 15 '/2, 67. Botswana 15, 68, Angola 13, 69. Japan 12, 70. US Virgin 9 '/2, 71. Lebanon 8 '12, 72. Macao 2 '12 Best individual results: Ovezova TKM 10 '12/13, AI-Rufei IRQ 8/9, Shumiakina RUS 6 '12/8, Stepovaja RUS 8/9, 53 ------ ...  
54 ------ ...  2000 lstanbul Chess Olympiad MEN (126 teams) 1. Russia 38 points (Khalifman 4 '12/9, Morozevich 7 '12/10, Svidler 4 '12/8, Rublevsky 7/10, Sakaev 7/9, Grischuk 7 '12/10), 2. Germany 37 (Jussupow 8 '12/12, Hubner 6 '12/11, Dautov 8 '12/12, Lutz 5 '12/9, Bischoff 4 '12/7, Luther 3 '12/6), 3-4. Ukraine 35 'l2(1vanchuk 9/14, Ponomariov 8 '12/11, V. Baklan 5 '12/9, Eingorn 5/7, Romanishin 4/8, Malakhatko 3 '12/7), Hungary 35 '12, 5, Israel 34 '12, 6. Georgia 34, 7-13. England, India, China, Switzerland, Uzbekistan, Slovenia, FYROM 33, 14-16. Bulgaria, Poland, France 32 1/2, 17-25. Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Philippines, Greece, Denmark, Cuba, Spain, Yugoslavia, Estonia 32, 26-32. USA, Romania, Slovenia, Canada, Scotland, Lithuania, Belarus 31 '12, 33-37, Netherlands, Latvia, Moldova, Australia, Vietnam 31, 38-40. Brazil, Czech Republic, Singapore 30 1/2, 41-48, Kazakhstan, Sweden, Croatia, Indonesia, Finland, Azerbaijan, Portugal, Mongolia 30, 49-54. Kyrgyzstan, Egypt, Ireland, Norway, Argentina, Belgium 29 '12, 55-58, Iceland, Italy, Chile, Bangladesh, 29, 59-65, Turkmenistan, Austria, Iran, Turkey I, Morocco, Malaysia, Peru 28 '12, 66-71. Faeroe Islands, Andorra, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey II, Ecuador 28, 72-75, Venezuela, UAE, Luxembourg, Paraguay 27, 5, 76-82, Myanmar, Mexico, Pakistan, Wales, Costa Rica, Qatar, IBCA 27,83-84, Colombia, Angola, Salvador, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Uganda 25 '12,96-101. Albania, Cyprus, Bolivia, Yemen, Liechtenstein, Barbados 25,102-104. Jamaica, Kenya, Surinam 24 '12,105-109. Honduras, Botswana, Netherlands Antilles, Palestine, Namibia 24, 110-117. Malta, Monaco, Hong Kong, Mauritius, Macao, Ethiopia, Jersey, Panama 23 '12,118, Trinidad & Tobago 23,119. San Marino 22 '12, 120, Bermuda 20 1/2, 121-122, Brunei, Seychelles 20, 123. Papua New Guinea 19 1/2, 124. Guernsey & Jersey 18 '12, 125. US Virgin Islands 13 '12, 126. Rwanda 7 1/2 Individual board prizes: B 1 U, Adianto INA, B2 R, Ponomariov UKR, B3 D. Jacimovic MDA, B4 A, Anastasian ARM, B5 T. Moussa UAE, B6 A. Barsov UZB 2000 lstanbul chess Olympiad WOMEN (86 teams) 1. China 32 (Xie Jun 8 '12/11, Zhu Chen 9/11, Xu Yuhua 7/10, Wang Lei 7 '12/10), 2. Georgia 31 (Chiburdanidze 5 '12/10, Khurtsidze 11/13, Gurieli 5 '12/7), 3. Russia 28 1f2(Galiiamova 9/12, Kovalevskaya 6 '/2/11, Matveeva 6 '12/10, Stepovaia-Dianchenko 6 '12/9), 4. Ukraine 27,5, Yugoslavia 26,6. Netherlands 25 '12, 7-9, Hungary, Germany, England 25, 10-11. Armenia, Romania 24 '12, 12-15. Moldova, India, Poland, USA 24, 16-18, Bulgaria, Cuba, Latvia 23 '12, 19-20. Kazakhstan, Israel, Estonia 22 '12, 30-35, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Croatia, Mongolia, Finland, Portugal 22, 36-40. Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bangladesh, Sweden, France, Philippines 21 1/2,41-48, Austria, Denmark, Turkmenistan, Switzerland, Ecuador, Slovenia, FYROM, Italy 21,49-55. Venezuela, Kyrgyzstan, Argentina, IBCA, Iran, Wales, Indonesia 20 '12,56-61, Norway, Brazil, Scotland, Canada, Malaysia, Ireland 20, 62-67. Mexico, Turkey I, UAE, Costa Rica, Japan, Turkey II 19 '12, 68- 50, Colombia, Albania, Guatemala 19,71-76. South Africa, EI Salvador, New Zealand, Morocco, Puerto Rico 18 1/2,77-81. Syria, Iceland, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Botswana 18,82-83. Angola, Zambia 14,5,84, Macao 10 '/2, 85, Yemen 7 1/2, 86, US Virgin Islands 2 1/2 Individual board prizes: B1 Xie Jun CHN, B2 Zhu Chen CHN, B3 N, Kurtsidze GEO, B4 Zhira EI Ghaby (MAR) 
55 ------  ID Wor1d Team Student's Cham p ionshi p s 1954 Oslo 1, Czechoslovakia 1955 Lyon 1, USSR 1956 Uppsala 1, USSR 1957 Reykjavi k 1. USSR 1958 Varna 1. USSR 1959 Budapest 1, Bulgaria 1960 Leningrad 1. USA 1961 Helsinki 1. USSR 1962 Marianske Lazne 1. USSR 1963 Budva 1. Czechoslovakia 1964 Kra kow 1. USSR 1965 Sinaia 1. USSR 1966 Orebro 1. USSR 1967 Harrachov 1. USSR 1968 Ybbs 1, USSR 1969 Dresden 1. USSR 1970 Haifa 1. USA 1971 Mayaguez 1. USSR 1972 Graz 1. USSR 1974 Teesside 1. USSR 1976 Caracas 1. USSR 1978 Mexico 1. USSR 1980 Mexico 1. England 1981 Graz 1. USSR 1983 Ch icago 1. USSR 1985 Mendoza, 1. Argentina 1986 Puerto Rico 1. England 1991 Maringa 1. USSR 1993 Paranagua 1. Argentina 1995 Brazil 1. Georgia 1997 Buenos Ai res 1. Argentina 1998 Rio de Janeiro 1. Brazil World Youth Champions Shortly after its foundation FIDE sponsored the FIDE Girls' Open Chess Championship, but the pre-war entry was almost entirely British, 1926 and 1927 1928, 1929 and 1930 1931, 1932 and 1933 London Lo n don Lo n don v: Menchik R. Gregory H. Bullen 
56 ------  ID 1934 1935 1936 and 1937 London Lo n don London M. Ballard R. Dew E. Saunders Boys Championship 1951 Birmingham, England Under 20 boys 1. Ivkov YUG 9 '/2, Bakker ENG, 8, Cruz ARG, Harris ENG, Larsen DEN, Nyren FIN 6 '/2, Bhend SWZ, Burstein FRA, Rosen FRG, Selzer AUT 6 1953 Copenhagen, Denmark Under 20 boys 1. Panno ARG, Draga HUN 5 '/2/7; 3.lvkov YUG, Olafsson ISL; 5 Penrose ENG, Keller SUI, Sherwin USA, Larsen DEN 1955 Antwerpen, Belgium Under 20 boys 1. Spassky USSR 8/9; 2. Mednis USA 7; 3. Farre ESP 6 1/2; 4. Portisch HUN 5 '/2; 5, Tringov BUL, Keller SUI 4; 7 van Oosterom NED 3 '/2; 8. Hallstrom SWE 2 1/2; 9, Schreber ARG, Jonhassen ISL 1 '/2 1957 Toronto, Canada Under 20 boys 1. Lombardy USA 11/11; 2. Gerusel GER 9; 3, Jongsma NED 8 '/2; 4, Selimanov USSR 8; 5, Cardoso PHI 6 '/2; 6, Hellerod SWE 5; 7, Jobin CAN 4 1/2; 8, Aldrete 4; Makelainen FIN 3 1/2; 10, Rabinovich SAF 2 '/2 1959 Mtnich, West Germany Under 20 boys 1. Bielicki ARG 8 '/2, 2-4 Stefanov BUL, Rumens ENG, Parma YUG 8, 5-7. Clemens FRG, Hamann DEN, Kuttner DRG 5 '/2; Tomson,USSR Naranja PHI, Kuipers NED 4 '/2 1961 L'Aja, Spain Under 20 boys 1, Parma YUG 9; 2. Gheorghiu 8 '/2ROM, 3,Kuindschi USSR 8; 4. Zuidema NED, Pfleger GER 7; 6, Westerinen FIN 5 '/2; 7. Calvo ESP 5; 8. Gulbrandsen NOR 4 '/2; 9, Nagy HUN 4, 10 Larusson ISL 3 1963 Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia Under 20 boys 1-2 Gheorghiu ROM, Janata CSR 7 1/2; 3. Kuraijica YUG 4 '/2, 4-8 Adamski POL, Lee ENG, Aan Lian Tan SIN, Sakharov USSR, Zweig GER 4; 9 Westerinen FIN 3, Bojkovic YUG 2 '/2 1965 Barcelona, Spain Under 20 boys 1. Kurajica YUG 6 '/2; 2 Hartoch NED, Tukmakov USSR 6; Zweig NOR 5; 5-7 Bleiman ISR, Schonenberg DRG, Hubner FRG 4 '/2; 8 Farago HUN 4; 9 Bronstein 3 '/2; 10 Simon ESP '/2 1967 Tel Aviv, Israel Under 20 boys 1. Kaplan PUR 6 '/2; 2, Keene ENG 5 '/2; 3, Timman NED 5; 4, Hubner FRG; 5. Asplund SWE 4; 6 Balshan ISR, Ghizdavu ROM 3 '/2; 8 Day CAN 2 '/2; 9 Wibe NOR 1 
S7 .. -- ....  1969 Stockhol1n, Sweden Under 20 boys 1, Karpov USSR 10; 2 Adorjan HUN, Urzica ROM 7; 4 Kaplan PUR 6 1/2; 5 Andersson SWE 6; 6-7 Neckar CSR, Junke FRG 5 1 /2; 8 Vogt DDR, Vujacic YUG; 10 McKay SCO, 1971 Athens, Greece Under 20 boys 1. Hug SWZ 8 '12; 2. Ribli HUN 8; 3. Rogoff USA 7 '/2; 4-6, Torre PHI, Vaganian USSR, Borngasser FRG 6 1/2; 7-8. Pinal CUB, Hausner CSR 5; 9-10. Ogaard NOR, Barle YUG 4 1973 Teesside, England Under 20 boys 1. Beliavsky USSR 8 1/2; 2. Miles ENG 8; 3-5. Stean ENG, Christiansen USA, Marjanovic YUG 7 1/2; 6-7. Bloch SAF, Leow SIN 5; 8-9. Cooper WLS, Dieks NED 4 1/2; 10, Biriescu ROM 3 1/2 1974 Manila, Philippines Under 20 boys 1. Miles ENG 7; 2-4, Dieks NED, Schneider SWE, Marjanovic YUG 5 1/2; 5-7. Mack FRG, Kochiev USSR, Giardelli ARG 4 1/2; 8, Winston USA 4; 9-10. Sunye Neto BRA, Henao COL 2 Pointe Saint Maxime, France Under 16 boys 1, Mestel ENG 1975 Tjentiste, Yugoslavia Under 20 boys 1. Chekhov USSR 10; 2, Christiansen USA 9 1/2; 3-4, Mestel ENG, Inkiov BUL 9; 5-6, Schlusser SWE, Kuligowsky POL 8 1/2; 7-8, Bueno CUB, Seng Hoo Um SIN 8; 9-10. Nurmi CAN, Van der Sterren NED 7 '/2 1976 Groningen, Holland Under 20 boys 1. Diesen USA 10; 2. Ftacnik CSR 9 1/2; 3, Grinberg ISL 9; 4-7. Campara ARG, Leow SIN, Sisniego MEX, Vladimirov USSR 8 1/2; 8-10, Weideman FRG, Kristensen DEN, Kouatly LEB 8 Vattine, Fra nee Under 16 boys 1. I. Grinberg ISR 1977 Innsbruck, Austria Under 20 boys 1. Yusupov USSR 10 1/2; 2, Zapata COL 9 '/2; 3-6, Popovic YUG, Vera CUB, Fries- Nielsen DEN, Skembris GRE 8 1/2; 7-10. Lonescu ROM, Sisniega MEX, Georgiev K. BUL; Rivas ESP 8 Cagne sur Mer, France Under 16 boys 1. Arnason ISL 9, 2. Whitehead USA 8 1/2; 3. Kasparov USSR 8; 4, Kappe 7 1/2; 5-6. Negulescu ROM, Morovic CHI; 7-8. Santo Roman FRA, Pajak 6 '/2; 9-10. Sendur, Short ENG 6 1978 Graz, Austria Under 20 boys 1. Dolmatov USSR 10 1/2; 2. Yusupav USSR 10; 3. Fries-Nielsen DEN 9; 4-5. Bjork, Barbero ARG 8 '12; 6-7, Sisniega MEX, Van der Wiel NED 8; 8-10, Foisor ROM, Ristic YUG 
58 4P --  ID Sas Van Gent, Holland Under 16 boys 1. Motwani SCO 9; 2-3. Huergo CUB. Short ENG 8; 4-5. Korzubov USSR. Morovic CHI 7 '/2; 6-8, Hjartarson ISO. Grunfeld ISL. Kaiser FRG 7; 9-10. Kong Wong SIN. Svenn SWE 6 1/2 1979 Skien, Norway Under 20 boys 1. Seirawan USA 10; 2. Chernin USSR 9 '/2; Nikolic P. YUG. Doven NED. Negulescu ROM. Plaskett ENG 8 '/2; 7-10. Petursson ISL. Morovic CHI. Groszpeter HUN. Wiedenkeller SWE 8 Belfort, France Under 16 boys 1-2, Tempone ARG. Short ENG 8; 3. Morovic 8; 4. Milos BRA 7 '/2; 5-10. Benjamin USA. Ehlvest USSR. Grunfeld ISL. Barbulescu ROM. Hjartarson ISL, Heaven 7 1980 Dortmund, Germany Under 20 boys 1. Kasparov USSR 10 '/2; 2, Short ENG 9; 3-5, Morovic CHI. Negulescu ROM. Bischoff FRG 8 '/2; 6-10, Akesson SWE. Tempone ARG. Danailov BLG. Karolyi HUN and Hjorth AUS 8 Ie Havre, France Under 16 boys 1, Salov USSR 9; 2, Greenfeld ISL 8 '/2; 3, Benjamin USA 8; 4-8, Hansen DEN. Barua IND. Staniszewski POL. Ahlander. Kurtenkov BLG 7 '/2; 9-10. Gudmundsson ISL. Saeed UAE 7 1981 Mexico city, Mexico Under 20 boys 1, Cvitan YUG 10 '/2; 2,Ehlvest USSR 10. 3. Short ENG 9; 4-6, Corral ESP. Salov USSR. Hjartarson ISL 8 '/2; 7, Tempone ARG 8; 8-10. Grushka ARG. Siegel DDR. Hjorth AUS 7 '/2 Elnbalse, Italy Under 16 boys 1, Conquest ENG 7 '/2; 2. Arlandi ITA 6 '/2; 3-4, Matamoros ECU. Barua IND 6; 5, Granda PER 5 '/2; 6-8, Piket NED. Dlugy USA. Kuznecov CAN 5; 9-10, Saeed UAE. Voelzke DDR 4 '/2 Sussex, England Under 16 girls 1. Polgar Zs. HUN 6/7; 2, Rojek POL 5.5 3. De Greef NED 5 1982 Copenhagen Denmark Under 20 boys 1. Sokolov I. YUG 10. I. Stohl CSR 9; 3-7 J. Benjamin USA. Milos BRA. Morovic CHI. C, Hansen DEN. N, Short ENG 8,5 Senta, Yugoslavia Under 20 girls 1. A, Brustman POL Guillaquil, Ecuator Under 16 boys 1. Bareev USSR 8.5. 2. Shaked UAE. J. Howell ENG 7.5 1983 Belfort, France Under 20 boys 1. Georgiev K, BLG 11 '/2; 2. Salov USSR 10 '/2; 3. Saeed UAE 9; 4-5. Stohl CSR. Short ENG 8 '/2; 6-10, Dlugy USA. T rindade BRA. Greenfeld ISL. Klinger AUT. Bareev USSR 8 
59 ---  ID Toluca, Mexico Under 20 girls 1, F. Khasanova USSR Bucaramanga, Colombia Under 16 boys 1, Dreev USSR 10; 2. Rojas CHI 7 '12; 3-6, Gueillen HUN, Paneque CUB, Calderon VEN, Billah INA 7; 7-9, Wahls FRG, Kumar-Mishra IND, Piket NED 6 '12; 10 Boissonnet ARG 6 Mexico, Mexico Under 16 girls 1-2, F.Khasanova USSR, Arbunic CHI 11; 3. Jagodzinska POL 8 1984 Helsinki, Finland Under 20 boys 1, Hansen DEN 10 '12; 2. Dreev USSR 10; 3-4. Georgiev BLG, Thorsteins ISL 9 '12; 5, all USSR 8 '12; 6-9, Stohl CSR, Saeed UAE, Hickl FRG, Rechelis ISR 8; 10. Anand IND Champigny sur Marne, France Under 16 boys 1. Dreev USSR 8 '12; 2-4, Piket NED, Anand IND, Ivanchuk USSR 8; 5-8. Rachels USA, Rojas CHI, Hellers SWE, Lhagsvaren MaN 7; 9-10. Rettedal NOR, Lev ISL Under 16 girls 1-3. Madl HUN, Stroe ROM, Maric M, YUG 1985 Sharjah, UAE Under 20 boys 1. Dlugy USA 10; 2-3, Blatny P. CSR, Klinger OST 9; 4-9. Anand IND, Grivas GRE, Gunawan INA, Howell ENG, Ivanchuk USSR, Sevillano PHI 8 '12; 10. Borges CUB 8 Dobrna Under 20 girls 1. Arakhamia USSR 12 '12; 2, Maric A, YUG 8 '12; 3. Badulescu ROM 8 Petach- Tikva, Israel Under 16 boys 1. Rojas CHI 8 '12; 2. Cicak SWE 8; 3-4, Manor ISL, Kozic YUG 7 '12; 5-7. Brenninkmeyer NED, Rachels USA, Rosito ARG 7; 8-9. Lutz FRG, Camas Fabrego ESP 6 '12; 10, Horn SWZ Under 16 girls 1-2, M, Maric YUG, Bojkovic YUG 9 '12; 3-4. Nicoara ROM, Kientzler FRA Mendoza, Argentina Under 14 boys 1, I. Gurevich USA 7 '12; 2-3, Boim ISR, Nagy HUN 7; 4. Valerga ARG 6 '12; 5, Petrov BLG 6; 6-10, Keryakes SYR, Hill AUS, Sequera VEN, Mena Briones CHI, de Dovitiis ARG 1986 Gausdal, Norway Under 20 boys 1-2. Arencibia W. CUB, Agdestein NOR 9 '12, 3-5, Hellers SWE, Bareev USSR, Klinger AUT 9,6-9. Piket J. NED, Anand IND, Staniszewski POL, Rechlis ISL 8 '12, 10. Dimitrov BLG Vilnius, Lithuania Under 20 girls 1. Madl HUN 11, 2-3. Baginskaite USSR, Prudnikova USSR 9 
GO 4iP  ID Rio Gallegos, Argentina Under 16 boys 1. Akopian USSR 8 1/2, 2, I. Gurevich USA 8, 3-4. Lutz FRG, Matsuura BRA 7 '/2; 5, Villegas ARG 6 '/2; 6-8. Kientzler FRA, Hernandez A. VEN, Capo Iturieta CHIS 1/2; 9-10, Saritha IND, Herwati INA 5 Under 16 girls 1-2. San Juan, Puerto Rico Under 14 boys 1. Under 12 boys 1. Under 10 boys 1-3 Aladiova BUL, Kakhiani USSR 9 '/2; 3. Polgar J. HUN 9 J. Lautier FRA 9; 2-3 S. Polgar HUN, J. Polgar 6 '/2HUN S. Kumaran ENG, E. Pena PUR 8; 3. L. Valdes CRC 7 J. Sarwer CAN, A. Mera ECU, A. Hernandez VEN 1987 Baguio City, Philippines Under 20 boys 1. Anand IND 10; 2. Ivanchuk USSR 9 '/2; 3-4. Serper USSR, Wolff USA 9; 5. Akopian USSR 8 '/2; 6-11. Agdestein NOR, Piket NED, Blatny CSR, Rechlis ISL, Wahls FRG, Puri CAN 8 Under 20 girls 1. lnnsbruck, Austria Under 16 boys 1. Baginskaite USSR Stefansson ISL 9 '/2; 2. M. Adams ENG 9 1988 Sydney, Australia Under 20 boys 1-4. Lautier FRA, Ivanchuk USSR, Serper USSR, Gelfand USSR 9, 5-7. Wahls FRG, Akopian USSR, Hellers SWE 8-10. Z, Polgar HUN, C. Hansen DEN, J. Piket NED Under 20 girls 1, Timisoara, Romania Under 16 boys 1. Under 16 girls 1. Under 14 boys 1, Under 14 girls 1, Under 12 boys 1. Under 12 girls 1. Under 10 boys 1. Under 10 girls 1. 1989 Tunja, Colombia Under 20 boys 1-2. Under 20 girls 1, Galliamova USSR 10.5; 2-4 Arachamia USSR, Zayats USSR, Xie Jun PRC 9 '/2 Shirov USSR 10 '/2; I Gurevich USA 8 '/2; 3. Lautier FRA 7 1/2 Galiamova USSR 9 '/2; Radu ROM 8 '/2; Botsari GRE 7.5 Liss ISR 9; Kamsky USSR, Istratescu ROM 8 '/2 Lanchava USSR 9; Balint ROM, Repkova CSR 7 1/2 J. Polgar 9; Schwartzman ROM 8; Zifroni ISR 7 1/2 Zhu Chen CHN 9.5; 2 Grabics HUN, Bartosik POL 9 Viloria USA 9; Zamora HUN 9; F. Nemeth HUN 8 Peptan ROM 10.5, Bobrowska POL 8.5; Lendvai HUN 8 Spassov BLG, Gdanski POL 9 '/2; 3-5, Ulibin USSR, Wessman SWE, Dreev USSR 9; 6-7. Koch FRA, Shirov USSR 8 '/2; 8-10, Manor ISR, Serper USSR, Stangl FRG 8 Kakhiany USSR 11 '/2; 2, Madl HUN 11; 3. Galliamova USSR 9 Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Under 18 boys 1. Akopian USSR 9 '/2; 2, Shelzer USA 8; 3-4. Lutz FRG, Gurevich I. USA 7 '/2 
Under 18 girls 1, Under 16 boys 1, Under 16 girls 1. Under 14 boys 1. Under 14 girls 1-2. Under 12 boys 1. Under 12 girls 1. Under 10 boys 1. Under 10 girls 1. 1990 Varonez, Chile Under 20 boys 1-2. &1 -  ID Aladiova BLG 9; 2. Radu ROM 8 '12; 3. Hernandez VEN 8 Tiviakov USSR 9; 2-3. Kogan ISR, Sadler ENG Dabrowska POL 9 '12; 2-3. Lanchava USSR, Koen BLG 9 Topalov BLG 10; 2. Kramnik USSR 8 '12; 3. Gabriel FRG 8 Segal USSR, Ratna RIN 9 '12; 3. Bartosik POL 7 '12 Kaminsky POL 8 1/2; 2, Viloria USA 8; 3. Kamath IND 7 Darchiya USSR 9 '12; 2. Jablonska POL 9; 3. Reptan ROM 8 Irnandi INA 10 '12; 2. Duailibe BRA 10 '12; 3. Leko HUN 9 Stefanova BLG 11; 2, Adriana ROM 8; 3. Blanco VEN 7 1/2 Gurevich I. USA, Shirov USSR 10 '12; 3, Akopian USSR 9 '12.4-7. Ubilin USSR, Lutz FRG. Koshasvili ISR, Oblitas PER 8 '12.8-9, Pedzich Pol, Grigore ROM 8 Under 20 girls 1-2, Kashiani USSR, Sofieva USSR. 3, Botsari GRE Singapore Under 18 boys. 1. Fond du Lac, USA Under 14 boys 1. Under 14 girls 1. Under 12 boys 1, Under ,12 girls 1. Under 10 boys 1. Under 10 girls 1. Loginov USSR 8 '12; 2.Lutz FRG 8; 3-4, Lukacs HUN, Avsalumov 7 '12; 5-6. Anic YUG, Filipovic YUG 7; 7-10. Pal Petran HUN, Szekely HUN. Vadasz HUN, Kuporosov USSR 6 1/2 Polgar J. HUN (girl!) 9. 2, Yemelin USSR 8 '12, 3. Swatrzman ROM Darchia USSR 10. 2. Gaponenko USSR 9 1/2. 3, Grabics HUN 8 Avrukh USSR 8 '12. 2, Viliora USA 8. 3. Leko HUN 7 '12 Peptan ROM 9 '12. 2. Bobrowska POL 9. 3, Lakos HUN 8 1/2 Nur USA 10;2, Berescu ROM 8; 3, Leroy FRA 7 '12; Moncayo EQU 8 '12. 2, Bilciu ROM 8, 3. Houska ENG 7 1/2 1991 Mamaia, Romania Under 20 boys 1-2. Akopian USSR. Ulybin USSR 10 '12; 3-6, Tiviakov USSR, Jirovsky CSR. Moldovan ROM. Barcenilla PHI 8 '12; 7-10. Degrave FRA, Nielsen p, DEN. Bologan USSR, Barkhagen SWE 8 Under 20 girls 1. GuarapualJa Under 18 boys 1. Under 18 girls 1. Under 14 boys 1. Under 10 boys 1. Bojkovic N. YUG 10; 2. Botsari GRE 9 '12; 3. Koen BLG 9 Kramnik USSR 8 '12; 2-3, Sakaev USSR. Aleksandrov USSR 8; 4. VVebster ENG 7 '12; 5-8. Gabriel DRG. Rodriguez An. URG. Langier ARG, Playa ARG 6 '12; 9-10. Zso. Polgar HUN, Zukubiec POL 6 Strizak YUG 8 '12; 2, Repkova CSR 8, 3-4. Zak I. IZR, Csoke H.7 'I2Warsaw. Poland Kaminsky POL 9 '12; 2. Gretarsson ISL 8; 3, Macieja POL 7 '12 Leroy FRA 8 '12; 2-3. Vallejo ESP. Ganguly IND 8 
62 ---  ID 1992 Buenos Aires, Argentina Under 20 boys 1-2. Zarnicki ARG, Milov ISR 10; 3-8. Michelakis SAF, Danielian O. ARM, Reinderman NED, Markovic M. YUG, Egger CHI, Rasik CSR 8 112; 9-12, Bezold GER, Nielsen DEN, Spangenberg ARG, Ciemniak POL 8 Under 20 girls 1. Duisburg, Germany Under 18 boys 1. Under 18 girls 1. Under 16 boys 1-3. Under 16 girls 1-2. Under 14 boys 1-4. Under 14 girls 1, Under 12 boys 1. Under 12 girls 1. Under 10 boys 1-2. Under 10 girls 1-2, 1993 Kozhikode Under 20 boys 1. Under 20 girls 1, Bratisnavia, Slovakia Under 18 boys 1-3. Under 18 girls 1, Under 16 boys 1. Under 16 girls 1. Under 14 boys 1-2. Under 14 girls 1. Under 12 boys 1. Under 12 girls 1. Under 10 boys 1. Under 10 girls 1. Dabrowska POL 10 1/2; 2-3. Radu ROM, Ratna RIN 10 Sakaev USSR 9; 2. Danielean ARM 8 1/2; 3, Zoler ISR 7 1/2 Kadimova AZE 9 1/2; 2. Khurtsidze GEO 8 1/2; 3. Holoubkova CSR 7 1/2 Har Zvi ISR, Svidler RUS, Fridmans LAT 8 1/2 Skipchenko MDA, Vililevich UKR 8 1/2; 3, Grabics HUN 8 Tihonov BLG, Pelletier SUI, Tzoumbas GRE, Leko HUN 8 Danielian ARM 9 1/2; 2, Reptan ROM 8 1/2; 3, Hunt ENG Bakhadze GEO 9 1/2; 2, Malakhov RUS 9 1/2; 3. Soponyai HUN 8 Radziewicz POL 9 1/2; 2. Sheldon ENG 8 1/2; 3. Hoang VIE 8 McShane ENG, Grischuk RUS 8 1/2; 3, Bacrot FRA Izmaliova AZE, Zimina RUS 9 1/2; 3, Pokorna CSR 9 Miladinovic YUG 9 112; 2-4. Babula CZE, Rublevsky RUS, Onischuk UKR 9; 5-8. Gabriel GER, Tkachiev KAZ, Nielsen DEN, Sadler ENG 8 1/2; 9, Borovikov UKR 8, 10. Ruck HUN 7 1/2 Chursidze GEO; 2. Kadimova AZE; 3. Ovezova TUR Almazi HUN, Yemelin RUS, Kulaots EST 8.5 Kadimova AZE 9, 2-3 Repkova SLK, Skripchenko MDA 8 Dao Thien VIE 8,5, 2-3 Gretarsson ISL 8 Vescovi BRA 8 Danielian ARM 9, 2 Lakos HUN, 3 Lomineshvili GEO 7.5 Malachov RUS, Leko HUN, 3, Leitao BRA Sheldon ENG 8,5 Shaposnikov RUS 9 Chasovnikova RUS 8.5 Bacrot FRA 10 Matnadze GEO 9 1994 Matinhos, Brazil Under 20 boys 1. Gretarsson ISL 9,5; 2. S. Polgar HUN 9; 3-7 Vescovi BRA, Mariano PHI, Kumaran ENG, Spangenberg ARG, Gabriel GER 8.5; 8 Miladinovic YUG, Oratovsky ISR, Barkhagen SWE, Del Rio ESP 8 Under 20 girls 1. Zhu CHN 10,5; Khurtsidze GEO 9; 3. Grosar SLO, Petpan ROM, Skripchenko MOL, Aleksieba BUL, Repkova SVK 
Szeged, Hungary Under 18 boys 1. Under 18 girls 1. Under 16 boys 1. Under 16 girls 1, Under 14 boys 1. Under 14 girls 1. Under 12 boys 1. Under 12 girls 1. Under 10 boys 1. Under 10 girls 1. 1995 Halle, Gerlnany Under 20 boys 1-2. Under 20 girls 1. Zagan, Poland Under 18 boys 1. Under 18 girls 1. Under 16 boys 1. Under 16 girls 1. Svidler RUS 7.5; 2. Ruck HUN, Kacheishvili GEO 7 Gaponenko UKR 7,5; 2. Hagarova SVK. Lominesvili GEO 7 Leko HUN 8; 2. Krakops LAT. Kazimdzhanov UZB 7 Apkhaidze GEO. Zhukova UKR 7; 3, Zatonskhi UKR 6,5 Gershon ISR 7.5; 2, Blehm POL Vadja ROM 7 Goletiani GEO Iwaniuk UKR 7,5; 3, Z.Peng 7 Aronian ARM 8; 2.Bacrot FRA 7; Ponomariov UKR 6.5 O. Nguyen VIE 7.5; 2. Pokorna SVK. Oembo ISR 7 Grishenko RUS 7,5; 2. Jianu ROM. Alekskerov UKR 7 Cherednichenko UKR. Kosteniuk RUS 7.5; 3. O. Zhao CHN Siobodjan GER; Onichuk UKR 10; 3. Spangenberg ARG 9,5; 4-10. Vescovi BRA 9; Fridman LAT. Oral CZE. Kaminsky Pol. Vydeslaver ISR. Naldandian ARM. Irsanov KAZ 8,5 Chusidze GEO 11; Repkova SLO. Peptan ROM, Zhukov UKR 9.5 Kepinsky POL 9; 2,Rowson SCO 8; 3.Beloserov RUS 7,5 Zielinska POL 8; 2, Kononenko UKR 8; Medvegy HUN 7.5 Simacek CZE 9; Pinsky POL. Matikosoan ARM 8.5 Vajda ROM 9.5; Zozulia UKR 8; 3, Andreyeva RUS 7,5 1996 Medellin, Colombia Under 20 boys 1. Sutovsky ISR 10; 2, Zhang Zhong CHN. Gymiesi HUN 9; 4, Fridman LET; Nisipeanu ROM; Kashishvili GEO; Makeramzade AZE; Iskanov KAZ 8,5; 9 Skarisjardanov RUS. Lyrberg SWE 8 Under 20 girls 1, Minorque, Spain Under 18 boys 1-3. Under 18 girls 1-3. Under 16 boys 1-3, Under 16 girls 1-3. Under 14 boys 1-3. Under 14 girls 1-3. Under 12 boys 1-2. Under 12 girls 1. Under 10 boys 1. Under 10 girls 1-2. Zhu Chen CHN 12; 2, Peptan RUM; 3, Xu Yuhaua CHN 9 Leitao BRA; Kobalia RUS; Banikas GRE Zielinska POL; Hunt ENG; Peptan RUM Gershon ISR; Arsian ARM; Acs HUN Zozoulia UKR; Hoang Han VIE; Sheldon ENG Sarguissan ARM; AroniCln ARM; Vallejo Pons ESP Wang CHN; Polovnikova RUS; Pokorna SVK Miton POL; Perunovic YUG; 3 Bhat USA Kosteniuk RUS, 2. Berzina LET; 3. Paehtz Harikrisna INO; 2.Gachimov AZE; Radjabov AZE Koursova RUS; Kosintseva RUS; 3.Chistiakova RUS 63 --- JIIIIIIIIA  
64 ----  ID 1997 Zagan, Poland Under 20 boys 1. Under 20 girls 1. Yerevan, Armenia Under 18 boys 1. Under 18 girls 1, Under 16 boys 1. Under 16 girls 1, Cannes, France Under 14 boys 1. Under 14 girls 1. Under 12 boys 1. Under 12 girls 1. Under 10 boys 1. Under 10 girls 1. 1998 Calicut, India Under 20 boys 1, Under 20 girls 1. Castellon, Spain Under 18 boys 1. Under 18 girls 1, Under 16 boys 1. Under 16 girls 1. Under 14 boys 1, Under 14 girls 1, Under 12 boys 1. Under 12 girls 1, Under 10 boys 1. Under 10 girls 1. Shaked USA, Mirumian ARM 9.5; 3,Banikas GER Movsesian CZE, Zhang Zhong CHN 9; 6. Najer RUS, Macieja pal; lordachescu ROM, Kasimdzhanov UZB, Kepi nski pal 8.5 Hunt ENG; 2.Dworakowska pal, Vasilevich UKR 9.5; 4. Zielinska POl9 Ponomariov UKR 9; Iljushin RUS, Halkias GRE 8 Goletiqni GEO; Vo Hong Phuong VIE;3. Hoang Thangh Trang Vie 7. Vajda ROM 9; 2,Aronian ARM 8 1123.Kundin ISR Xu Yuanyuan CHN, Matchian ARM 8.5; 3. Polovnikova RUS 8 Grigorinats RUS 8 '12; 2. Milton pal; Zivznic YUG 8 1/2 Matnadze GEO 9 '12; 2, Kosintzeva RUS, Dembo ISR 8 '12; Riazantsev RUS 9 2. Naidics LAT 8 '123. Navara CZE 8 '12 Zhao Xue CHN 9 112; Kosintseva Rus, Pahtz GER 8 '12 Alavi IRI 9 112; 2.Radjabov AZE 8 112; 3. Wang CHN 8 Koneru Humpy IND, Dzagnisze GEO 9 112; Haong Ti Bao Tram VIE 8 Sadvakasov KAZ 10 112; 2, Zhong Zhang CHN 9 112; 3, Banikas GRE, Dao Thien Hai VIE 9; 5. Fedorchuk UKR, Janssen NED Sisikirian IND, Salmensuu FIN 8 '12; Jenni SWE Halkias GRE 8... Hoang Thanh Jrang VIE 10 '122, Radziewicz pal 9 '123, Krush USA 9, Werner GER 8 '12 Pert ENG, lIijushin RUS 8 112; 3 Vajda ROM 8, Sheldon ENG 9; 2.Reizniece LAT 8; 3, Ovod RUS 8, Khamrakulov UBZ ; 2.Flores ARG, 3.Bruzon CUB 8 1/2 Yu Wang CHN 10; 2, Moshina MDA 8 '12; 3. Makovetskaya UKR 8, Bu Xiangzhi CHI 9; 2, Navara CZE 8 112; Efimenko UKR 8 Kosintseva RUS 9 112; 2, Javakhishvili GEO 8 '12; 3. Gara HUN 8 '12 Radjabov AZE, Volokitin UKR 9 112; 3. Guseinov AZE 8 '12 Koneru Humpy IND, Kosntseva RUS 9 112; Romannov RUS 9; 2-3 Fier BRA, lotov BUl Nebolsina RUS 9 112; 2, Vassilkova RUS 8 112; 3. Khotenashvili GEO 8. 1999 Yerevan, Armenia Under 20 boys 1, Galkin RUS 10 112; 2. Kasimdzanov UZB 10; 3-4. Asrian ARM, Aronian ARM 9; 5-8. Naumann GER, Zhang CHN, Blehm pal, Svetushkin MDA 8 1/2; 9-12. Vajda ROM, Perelshteyn USA, Halkias GRE, Bakhtadze GEO 8, 
65 ---- ID Under 20 girls 1-4 Kouvatsou GRE, Jackova ClE, Vajda ROM, Krush USA 8 '/2, Oropesa del Mar, Spain Under 18 boys 1. Dmitry Kokorev RUS; 2 Laurent Fressinet FRA 8 '/2; 3. Evgeny Postny ISR 8 '/2 Under 18 girls 1. Ramaswamy Aarthie IND 9; 2. Evgenija Ovod RUS 9; 3, Lela Javakhishvili GEO 8, Under 16 boys 1. Leonid Kritz GER 9; 2. Dimitrij Jakovenko RUS 8 1/2; 3, Hua Ni CHN 8. Under 16 girls 1. Kukhashvili GEO 8 '/2; 2,Calotescu ROM 8 '/2; 3. Ekaterina Ubeiennykh RUS 8 '/2. Under 14 boys 1. lahar Efimenko UKR 8 '/2; 2. Art yom Timofeev RUS 8 '/2; 3. Andrei Volokitin UKR 8 1/2 Xue lhao CHN 8 '/2; 2, Elmira Hasanova RUS 8 '/2; 3, Le Thanh Tu VIE 8 '/2 Vue Wang CHN 9; 2, Daniel Stellwagen NED 8 '/2; 3, Susanto Megaranto INA 8 '/2 Nana Dzagnidze GEO 10; 2, Humpy Koneru IND 8 '/2; 3, Varvara Kirillova RUS 8, Dmitri Andreikine RUS 9 '/2; 2. Haoyu Li CHN 9; 3, Hao Wang CHN 8 '/2 Kateryna Lahno UKR 9 '/2; 2. Vera Nebolsona RUS 9 '/2; 3. Valentina Gounina RUS 9, Under 14 girls Under 12 boys Under 12 girls Under 10 boys Under 10 girls 1, 1. 1. 1, 1. 2000 Yerevan, Arlnenia Under 20 boys 1. GM Bruzon, Lazaro CUB 10; 2. 1M Miton, Kamil POL 8 '/2; 3 GM Asrian, Karen ARM 8 '12; 4, 1M Solak, Dragan YUG 8 '/2; 5. GM Malakhov, Vladimir RUS 8 '/2; 6, 1M Simutowe, Amon lAM 8 '/2; 7. 1M Gershon, Alik ISR 8 '/2; 8, 1M Bunzmann, Dimitry GER 8 '/2; 9, GM Sasikiran, Krishnan IND 8; 10. Ghaem, Maghami E, IRI 8. Under 20 girls 1. WFM Xu, Yuanyuan CHN 11,2. WFM limina, Olga RUS 9; 3.WFM Wang, Yu CHN 8. Oropesa, Spain Under 18 boys 1. Under 18 girls 1. Under 16 boys 1. Under 16 girls 1. Under 14 boys 1. Under 14 girls 1. Under 12 boys 1, Under 12 girls 1, 2001 Peristeri, Greece Under 20 boys 1, Under 20 girls 1. Marina d'or, Spain Under 18 boys 1, Under 18 girls 1. Unber 16 boys 1. Vallego Pons, F ESP 2554 8 '/2; 2.Dominguez, L CUB 2534 8; 3, Jobava, B GEO 8 Mamedyarova, l AlE 8 '12; 2 Wang, Yu CHN 8; 3 Dang Bich, N VIE 8. Izoria,l GEO 9 '/2; 2. Khismatoulline, D RUS 8; 3. Paragua, M PHI 8, Khukasvili, S GEO 8 '/2; 2.lhao, X CHN 8 '/2; 3. Novikova, A RUS 8, Aryesshchenko,O UKR 9; 2,Wang, Vue CHN 8 '/2; 3.lhou, W CHN 8, Koneru, Humpy IND 9; 2.Dzagnidze, N GEO 9; 3. Hrygororemko, N UKR 8 1/2, Sengupta, D IND 9; 2, Gonda, L HUN 8 '12; 3.Brkic, A CRO 8 '/2. Pourkashiyan, A IRI 9 1/2; 2.Nebolsina, V RUS 9; 3. Arutyunova, D UKR 8. Acs, Peter HUN 10; 2. Gagunashvili, Merab GEO 9 '/2; 3. Aronian, Levon ARM 9 '/2; 4,Ni, Hua 9.0; 5. Azarov, Sergei 8 '/2; 5, Bu, Xiangzhi CHN, Izoria, lviad GEO 8 '/2; 7. Shaposhnikov,Evgeny 8 '/2; 8, Miton, Kamil POL 8 '/2; 9, Roiz, Michael 8 '/2; 10. Horvath, Adam 8 '/2. Koneru, Humpy IND 9 1/2, 2,lhao, Xue CHN 9 '/2, 3, Kosintseva, Nadezhda 9,0. lakoveko, Dmitri RUS 9, 2-3 Timofeev, Art yom RUS, loria, lviad GEO 8 '/2 Gvetadze, Sopio GEO 10, 2. Calotescu, Cristina ROM 8.5, Millet, Sophie FRA 7.5, Shanava, Konstantine GEO 8,5, 2-3 Korobov, Anton UKR, 3, Alekxeev, Evgeni RUS 8, 
66 ----  ID Under 16 girls 1. Under 14 boys 1, Under 14 girls 1, Under 12 boys 1. Under 12 girls 1, Under 10 boys 1-3, Under 10 girls 1, Dzagnidze, Nana GEO 9, 2-3.Vozovik, Oksana UKR 8, Worek, Joanna POL 2203 8, Erdos, Viktor HUN 9, 2-3 Nakamura, Hikaru USA, Gonda, Laszlo HUN 8.5 Melia, Salome GEO 9,5,2. Fominykh RUS 8,5,3. Mongontuul, Batkhuyag MGL 8. Karyakin, Sergei UKR 8.5, 2-3 Andreikine, Dmitri RUS, Vachier-Lagrave FRA 8. Shen, Yang CHN 9, 2-3 Harika DronavalllND 8, Ding Shuyu CHN 8, Fodor, Tamas HUN 8.5, Le, Quang VIE 8,5, Narmontas, Matas 8.5. Tan, Zhongyi CHN 10,2-3, Muzychu, Mariya UKR 8.5, Tairova, Alena BLR 8 '12. World Senior Cham p ions 1991 (Bad Worishofen, GER) 1. V, Smyslov, USSR, b-day 24.03.1921 1992 (Bad Worishofen, GER) 1. E. Geller, R US, b-day 25.03.1925, + 1999, 1993 (Bad Wi/bad, GER) 1, M. Taimanov, RUS, b-day 07.02.1926 1994 (Biel, SUI) 1, M. T aimanov, RUS, b-day 07,02.1926 1995 (Bad Lebenzell, GER) 1, E. Vasi u kov, R US, b-day 05.03.1933 1996 (Bad Lebenzell, GER) 1. A. Suetin, RUS, b-day 16,11,1926, +2001 1997 (Bad Wilbad, GER) 1. J. Klovans, LAT, b-day 09.04,1935 - women 1. Zutulovskaya, Tatania RUS 1998 (Grieskirchen, GER) 1. V, Bagirov, LAT, b-day 16.08.1936, +2000 - women 1. T. Khmiadashvili GEO, 1999 (Gladenbach, AUT) 1. J. Klova ns, LA T, b-day 09,04.1935 2000 (Rowy, POL) 1. O. Chernikov, RUS, b-day 15.10.1936 - women 1. J. Fatalibekova RUS, b-day 04,10.1947, 2001 (A reo, ITA) 1, J . Klovans, LAT, b-day 09.04.1935 - women 1. J. Fatalibekova RUS b-day 04,10,1947. World Amateur Cham p ions 1924 (Paris) 1. Mattison, Herman, LAT 1928 (The Hague) 1. Euwe, Max, NED 1996 (Hastings) 1. Johnson, Brian, ENG - women - 1. Yannik, Emine, TUR 1997 (Hastings) 1. Schults, Oleg, EST - women - 1, Dewitte, Catherine, FRA 1998 (Hastings) 1. Avari, Viraf, IND - women - 1, Kieran Rosalind ENG 1999 (Hastings) 1. Oganessian, Gaguik ARM - women- 1. Gilbert, Jessie ENG, 2000 (Hasti ngs) 1, Muehlenhaus, Sven, GER - women- 1. Rutherford, Elaine SCO 2001 (Bento Goncalves) 1, Olivlncia, FI'vio, BRA - women - 1. Benggawan, Amanda CAN USSR/Russia - Rest of the World 1970 1984 2002 (Belgrade) (London) (Moscow-rapid 25') 20,5-19,5 21-19 48-52 USSR- Rest of the World USSR- Rest of the World Russia-Rest of the World World Cup 2000 (Shenyang) 1, Anand Vishy IND - women - 1. Xu Yuhua CHN 
Continenta1 Championships EUROPE European Team Championships 1957 1961 1965 1970 1973 1977 1980 1983 1989 1992 1992 1997 1997 1999 1999 2001 2001 (Wien -Baden bei Wien) (Oberhausen) (Hamburg) (Kapfellberg) (Batlz) (MOSC01V) (Skara) (Plovdiv) (Haifa) (Debrecen), men, (Debrecen), women, (Pula), men (Pula), women (Batumi), men (Batumi), women (Leon), men (Leon), women European Club Cup 1. USSR 1. USSR 1. USSR 1. USSR 1. USSR 1. USSR 1. USSR 1. USSR 1. USSR 1. Russia 1. Ukraine 1. Russia 1. Georgia 1. Armenia 1, Siova kia 1. Holland 1. Fra nce 1st European Club Cup 1975/76: 1. Burevestnik Moscow, USSR and Solinger SG, FRG 2nd European Club Cup 1978/79: 1. Burevestnik Moscow, USSR 3rd European Club Cup 1980/82: 1. Spartakus Budapest, HUN 4th European Club Cup 1983/84: 1. Trud Moscow, USSR 5th European Club Cup 1985/86: 1. CSKA Moscow, USSR 6th European Club Cup 1987/88: 1. CSKA Moscow, USSR 7th European Club Cup 1989/90: 1. CSKA Moscow, USSR, and Solinger SG, FRG 8th European Club Cup 1991/92: 1. Poliot Tscheljabinsk USSR 9th European Club Cup 1993: 1. Lyon Oyonnax, FRA 10th European Club Cup 1994: 1. Bosnnia Sarajevo, BIH 11 th European Club Cup 1995: 1, Chess Club Yerevan, ARM 12th European Club Cup 1996: 1. SC "Tattrangaz-Itil" Kazan, RUS 13th European Club Cup 1997: 1. SC "Ladia" Azov, RUS 14th European Club Cup 1998: 1. Panfox Breda S.V, NED 15th European Club Cup 1999: 1. Bosnia, BIH 16th European Club Cup 2000: 1. Sarajevo BIH 17th European Club Cup 2001: 1, Norilsky Nikel, RUS &1 ---  ID 
GO - JIIIIIIIa  European Club Cup for Women 1 st European Club Cup for women 1996: 2nd European Club Cup for women 1997: 3rd European Club Cup for women 1998: 4th European Club Cup for women 1999: 5th European Club Cup for women 2000: 6th European Club Cup for women 2001 : "Merani" Tbilisi, GEO and Agrouniverzal Zemun, YUG Gosa" Smederevska Palanka, YUG Asociata Sportiva AEM Timisoara, ROM Masters School Val.Rudenko Kherson, UKR Agrouniverzal Beograd, YUG Ag rou n iverza I Beog rad, YUG European Women Champions 1969 (Vrnjacka Banja) 1970 (Vrnjacka Banja) 1971 (Vrnjacka Banja) 1972 (Vrnjacka Banja) 1973 (Vrnjacka Banja) 2000 (Batumi) 2001 (Warsaw) 2002 (Varna) 1. N, Gaprindashvili, USSR, b-day 03,05.1941 1. N. Gaprindashvili, USSR, b-day 03,05.1941 1. N, Alexandria, USSR, b-day 13.12.1949 1. Z. Veroci, HUN, b-day 19,02,1949 1, A, Kushnir, USSR, b-day 11.10.1941 1, N. Zhukova, UKR, b-day -05.06.79 1. A. Schripchenko-lautier, MOL, b-day 17.02,76 1. A. Stephanova, BUl, b-day 19,04,79 European Senior Champions 2001 (Saint Vincent) 1. y, M u rev ISR b-day 02.08.1941 European Junior Champions 1972 (Groningen 1971/72) 1973 (Groningen 1972/73) 1974 (Groningen 1973/74) 1975 (Groningen 1974/75) 1976 (Groningen 1975/76) 1977 (Groningen 1977/78) 1. G. Sax, HUN, b-day 18.06.1951 1. O. Romanishin, USSR, b-day 05,01,1952 1, S. Makarychev, USSR, b-day 17,11.1953 1. J. Nunn, ENG, b-day 25,04,1955 1. A. Kochiev, USSR, b-day 23,03.1956 1-3. S. Taulbut, ENG; S, Dolmatov, USSR, b-day 20,02,1959; Kr, Georgiev, BUl, b-day 1965 1, J. van der Wiel, Holland, b-day 09,08.59 1, A, Chern i n, USSR, b-day 06.03,1960 1, R, Akesson, SWE, b-day 08,02,1961 1. C, Hansen, DEN, b-day 18.09.1964 1. J. Eh Ivest, USSR, b-day 14.10.1962 1. V. Salov, USSR, b-day 26,05.1964 1-2. E, Hellers, SWE, b-day 1969; A, Romero, ESP, b-day 28,05.1965 1. A. Khalifman, USSR, b-day 18,01.1966 1. V, Ivanchuk, USSR, b-day 18.03,1969 1, B. Gelfand, USSR, b-day 24.06,1968 1-2, A. Dreev, USSR, b-day 30.01.1969; Gelfand, Boris, USSR, b-day 24,06.1968 1. G. Serper, USSR, b-day 17.04,58 1. R. Djurhuus, NOR, b-day 25,10.70 1978 (Groningen 1978/79) 1979 (Groningen 1979/80) 1980 (Groningen 1980/81) 1981 (Groningen 1 981 /82) 1982 (Groningen 1982/83) 1983 (Groningen 1983/84) 1984 (Groningen 1984/85) 1985 (Groningen 1985/86) 1986 (Groningen 1986/87) 1987 (Arnhem 1987/88) 1988 (Arnhem 1988/89) 1989 (Arnhem 1989/90) 1990 (Arnhem 1990/91) 
69 ......- ID 1992 (Sas Van Gent) 1. A. Aleksandrov BLR. b-day 11,05,73 1993 (Vejen) 1, V. Borovikov. RUS. b-day 10,08.73 1995 (Holon) 1. Y. Schulman. BLR. b-day 29,04,75 1996 (Siofok) 1, A, Shariyazdanov. RUS. b-day 12.07,76 1997 (Tallinn) 1, D. Tyomkin. ISR. b-day 25,03.77 1998 (Yerevan) 1. L. Aronian. ARM. b-day 06,10.82 1999 (Patras) 1. D, De Vreught. NED, b-day 04.11.80 2000 (Astu ria) 1, A, Horvath. HUN. b-day 14,07.81 2001 (Pa tras) 1. Z. Isoria, GEO. b-day 06,01,84 European Girls Junior Champions 1978 (Kikinda) 1. N. loseliani. USSR. b-day 12,02,62 1979 (Kula) 1, N, loseliani. USSR. b-day 12.02,62 1980 (Senta) 1. A. Brustman. POL. b-day 31.07.62 1981 (Pa non ia) 1. E, Stupina. RUS. b-day 17.04,58 1984 (Katowice) 1. I. Madl. HUN. b-day 05,11.69 1986 (Bailie Hercule) 1. I. Madl. HUN. b-day 05,11.69 1998 (Yerevan) 1. S, Tkeshelashvili. GEO. b-day 23,10.79 1999 (Patras) 1. R. Pokorna. SVK. b-day 18.01.82 2000 (Astu ria) 1. J. Houska, ENG. b-day 13,08,79 2001 (Patras) 1. I. Radziewicz. POL. b-day 16,03,81 A fri ca African Junior Champions 1980 (Lagos) 1. A. Obafunmilayo Shakirudeen. NGR 1989 (Lagos) 1. T. Oparaugo. NGR 1990 (Gaborone) 1. Mamombe. ZIM 1992 (Nairobi) 1. C. Sichilima. KEN 1993 (Nairobi) 1. p, Adreito, KEN 1994 (Mahe) 1. E. N'Tandala, ANG 1997 (Eket) 1. V. Pina, ANG African Team Championships 1993 (Cairo) 1. Egypt 1997 (Cairo) 1. Egypt African Men's Championship 2001 (Cairo) 1-2. H. Hamdouchi. MAR, W. Kobese, SAF 
"/0 ......-  ID Asia Asian Team Championships 1974 Penang 1977 Auckla nd 1979 Singapore 1981 New Delhi 1983 Hangzhou 1986 Dubai 1987 Singapore 1989 Kuala Lumpur 1991 Penang 1993 Kuala Lumpur 1995 Singapore 1999 Shenyang Asian Cities Team Championships 1979 1980 1981 1983 1984 1985 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong Penang, Malaysia Hong Kong Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dubai, United Arab Emirates Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Dubai, United Arab Emirates Genting Highlands, Malaysia Beirut, Libanon Aden, Yemen Asian Rapid Chess Championships 1988 1989 1991 1994 Singapore Hong Kong Qa ta r Malaysia Asian Men's Championships 1998 2000 2001 Tehran, Iran Udaipur, India Calcutta, India 1. 1, 1. 1. 1. 1, 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Philippines Philippines Philippines Philippines China Philippines China China China Kazakhstan Philippines (men), 1. China (women) Uzbekistan (men), 1. China (women) Singapore Singapore Guangzhou China Shanghai China Beijing China Shanghai China Shanghai China Dhaka Bangladesh Jakarta Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia T ash kent Uzbekista n Shijiazhuang China Pavlodar Kazakhstan Pavlodar Kazakhstan Rogelio Antonio, Philippines, b-day 19,02.62 Viswanathan Anand, India, b-day 11,12.69 Lanka Ravi, India, b-day 14.07.62 Rogelio Antonio, Philippines, b-day 19.02,62 Rustam Kasimdzhanov, Uzbekistan, b-day15,12,79 Xu Jun, China, b-day 17,09.1962 Xu Jun, China, b-day 17.09.1962 
'/1 ......-  ID Asian Women's Championships 1981 1983 1985 1987 1991 1996 1998 2000 2001 Hyderabad, India Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Dhaka, Bangladesh Hyderabad, India Bhopal, India Salem, India G. Highlands, Malaysia Udaipur, India Madras, India Rohini Khadilkar, India, b-day 12,04.74 Rohini Khadilkar, India, b-day 12.04,74 Anupama Gokhale, India, b-day17.05.69 Anupama Gokhale, India, b-day17,05.69 Bhagyash ree Th i psay, I nd ia, b-day 04,08.61 Upi Darmayana Tamin, Indonesia, b-day 04,02,70 Xu Yuhua, China, b-day 29,10,76 Hoang Thanh Trang, Vietnam, b-day 25,04.80 Li Ruofan, China, b-day 30,04.78 Asian Junior Champions 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990/1 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Baguio, Philippines Tehran, Iran Sivakasi, India Philippines Bangladesh Philippines Malaysia Coimbatir, India Hong Kong Manila, Philippines Dubai, UAE Dubai, UAE Calicut, India Dubai, UAE Doha, Qatar Doha, Qatar Shah Alam, Malaysia Isfahan, Iran Macau Jaipur, India Rasht, Ira n Vung Tau, Vietnam Mubai, India Teheran, Iran Murray Chandler NZL, b-day 04.04.60 Vaidyanathan Ravikumar IND, b-day 26,12.59 Wong Meng Kong 51 N, b-day 18.09,63 Domingo Ramos PHI, b-day 09,10,60 Ricardo de Guzman PHI, b-day 12.09,61 Marlo Micayabas PHI, b-day 01.05,63 Ruben Gunawan RIN, b-day 17,04.68 Viswanathan AnandlND, b-day 11.12.69 Viswanathan Anand IND, b-day 11,12,69 Enrico Sevilla no PHI Shane Hill AUS, b-day 11.12,71 Rogelio Barcenilla PHI, b-day 01.1972 Rogelio Barcenilla PHI, b-day 01.1972 Andi Suhendra RIN, b-day 12,11.72 Bazar Hatanbaatar MON, b-day 25,02.73 Nguyen Anh Dung VIE, b-day 17,03,76 Nelson Mariano PHI, b-day 28,06,74 Darmen Sadvakasov KAZ, b-day 28,04.79 Wu Wenjin CHN, b-day 10.03,1976 Abhijit Kunte IND, b-day 03,03.77 Tejas Bakre IND, b-day 12.05.81 Krishnan Sashikiran IND, b-day 07,01.81 Tejas Bakre IND, b-day 12,05.81 Nguyen Thanh Son VIE Asian Junior Girls Champions 1985 1988 1991 1993 Adelaide, Australia Audrey Wong, Malaysia, b-day 24.06,69 Adelaide, Australia Xie Jun, China, b-day 30,10,70 Maria Lucia, Indonesia, b-day 14.01,75 Sheli Dhar-Barua, India, b-day 12,04,74 Medan, Indonesia Adelaide, Australia 
/2 ......-  ID 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 America Shah Alam, Malaysia Macau Jaipur, India Rasht, Iran Vung Tau, Vietnam Mumbai, India Teheran, Iran Zhu Chen, China, b-day 16,03,76 Xu Yuhua, China, b-day 29,10,76 Li Ruofan, China, b-day 30.04.78 Nguyen Thi Thanh An, VI E, b-day 19.03.1982 Wang Yu, China Koneru Humpy, IND, b-day 31.03,87 Kasturi IND, b-day, b-day 20.05.87 Panamerican Junior Champions 1975 1977 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1990 1994 1998 2000 2002 Buenos Ai res Santa Cruz de la Sierra Mercedes Sunye Neto, Jaime, BRA, b-day 02.05.57 Miguel Bernat ARG, b-day 18.09,57 I. Morovic CH I, b-day 24,03,63 M. Tempone, ARG, b-day 06,09.72 R, Garbarino, ARG, b-day 01.02.63 Sandro Trindade, BRA, b-day 28,06.65 Granda Zuniga, PER, b-day 25,02,67 G. Hernandez, MEX, R, Martin del Campo, MEX A, Rodriguez URU, b-day 19.13,73 G, Hernandez, MEX M. Ginzburg ARG, b-day 24,08.76 G, Vescovi BRA, b-day 14.06.78 R. Felgaer ARG, b-day 04,04.81 R, Prasca VEN, b-day 07,02,83 San Pedro de Jujy Buenos Ai res San Juan Asuncion Asuncion San Luis Sa ntiago Margarita Cusco La Paz Pan-American Men's Championships 1945 1958 1963 1966 1968 1970 1974 1977 1981 1987 1998 1998 2001 Hollywood Bogota Havana Havana Ca rdenas Havana Canada Santa Cruz San Pedro La Paz San Felipe Buenos Aires (open) Cali S. Reshevsky, USA, b-day 26,11,11 Pan no, ARG, b-day 17,03.35 Jimenez, CUB, b-day 25,06.28 Jimenez, CUB, b-day 25.06.28 S. Garcia, CUB, b-day 04,05.44 Jimenez, CUB, b-day 25,06.28 W. Browne, USA, b-day 10,01,49 H, Van Riemsdijk BRA, b-day 26.08.48 Z, Fra nco PAR, b-day 12,05.56 Ricardi, ARG, b-day 25.02.62 A, Iva nov USA, b-day 01.05,56 P. Ricardi ARG, b-day 25.02.62 A. Yermolinsky USA, b-day 11.04.58 
Arab individual Champions 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1991 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 - iy J" \,.  1 . . It I 4..9 :J, . : : : : : : : : . . : : ; f. , : : . . r _ f: . . l. ..1: . It . . . : , .   . : . . .  . tI . . _{. .. ,:: ..::::.  ".: :. .1_ ...,  ":::". .  .J>$ , :.. . I ; . 1..  . . t . . . . ,. . · · ;. . . . . : ;': .. .,' . : : : : ., . .  J..: : -: t"'." . .  {o.. .. I . . . . ;: :c: . . .. . t e ' . .... .f!, "::... ..' :::.:: . . .'" ._-1. . _'., II :..  . .::. ,''-::.:&:......-;.W,. .. ;...... .f. t::::: .!I.:::.;....l..:::.r:.::: JI.._" ;;. : :: :.;:: : : : : : : : . a . I .W..:l... ) · · ·  _ _ . ' . . .... ..... ......;.. I . . I._ . . . ..  J .  . · · .... I-I .n' J .I:l." '... · .. .. ..,. · ·  · , Ii, :"" '( , -)_,";- : :r i 1 :.;: - < - , A,._ f I , . , /  < I J¥ ' tV (Ja rba) (Dubai) (T atwan) (T u n is) (Manama) (Kuwait) (Dubai) (Amman) 1, 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. (I rbed) (Beirut) (Saana) (Bagdad) (Agadir) (Saana) (Bei rut) (Tunis) 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Ii; lilU -- II-  I( I J.' I 1 t.. · ,i. .,. . .. . " r Saeed Abdul Razaq (IRQ) - women- M, Tahaoui (SYR) Saeed Ahmad Saeed (UAE),- women - Mohamed Sala (UAE) Saeed Abdul Razaq (IRQ), - women - F. We ria Mohamed (IRQ) Slim Bouaziz (TUN), b-day 16,04,50 -women- M, Tahaoui (SYR) Assem Afifi (EGY), b-day 03,01.47- women - F. We ria Mohamed (IRQ) Hisham AI Hamdouchi (MOR), b-day 08,10,78 - women - S, Basta (EGY) Slim Bouaziz (TUN), 16,04,1950 - women - M, Abbou (ALG) Hisham AI Hamdouchi (MOR), b-day 08,10.78 - women - M, Abbou (ALG) AI-Modaihki M. (QTR), b-day 01.06.74 - women - S. Basta (EGY) AI-Modaihki M, (QTR), b-day 01.06.74 Esam Ahmad Ali (EGY), b-day 14.07,1966- women - A, AI Houli (ALG) AI-r\1odaihki M.(QTFU, b-day 01,06,74 Hakki Imad (SYR), b-.day 01.01.57 Hakki Imad (SYR), b-day 01.01.57 AI-Modaihki M,(QTR). b-day 01.06,74 - women - A. AI Aid (LIB) Slim Belkhodja (TUN), b-day 23,11.1962 - women - I. H, AI Rufei (IRQ)  ... . ,. .. i '! ! .: :.,. . ;. ' :. ; " '. , .  ..) . .10&. ....'"... : .. . . .' . :. - " .-;. j' I . . ,-, (...  "-- .. f  I .. I '.). .. . . "", . .J.t . , "- .  ;J... - ....- " 'l( ,',. \ "  . .,... Y GI1:3S 6 S, r .=...c::::.: - !' --   .rr- OE  .  ,t": .,J \ ,\ . " " .x, "'- "'< ---.. , tr.-::.L. ....,   i l  . . :' ( T .. .."" , l"  " ,  .'IMIt'S ,., S ; , .-- I t., i _ ',J. I t ._ 73 -- ... ID 1. FIDE Executive members in Abu Dhabi 1986 2. F. Adams, C. Abundo and R. Littorin during the election process in Novi Sad 1990 3. Presidential Board members in Dubai 1996 4. Presidential Board members in Novi Sad 1990 
74 ......-  ID . T1TlES International Grandmasters 1950 Saemisch, Fridriech, FRG, b-day 29,09.1896, +23,08,1975; Najdorf, Miguel, ARG, b-day 15,04,1910, t 1997; Grunfeld, Ernst, AUT, b-day 21,11,1893, t03.04,1962; Rubinstein, Akiba, BEL, b-day 12,10.1882, t15,03.1961; Fine, Reuben, USA, b-day 11,10.1914, t1993; Reshevsky, Samuel, USA, 26.11.1911, t1992; Bernstein, Ossip, FRA, b-day 20,09,1882, t30.11,1962; Tartakower, Xavier, FRA, b-day 09.02,1887, t05,02,1956; Mieses, Jacques, ENG, b-day 27,02,1865, t23,02,1954; Maroczy, Geza, HUN, b-day 03,03,1870, t29,05,1951; Szabo, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 19,03,1917, t 1998; Euwe, Machgielis, NED, b-day 20.05,1901, t 1981; Stahlberg, Gideon, SWE, b-day 26,01,1908, t26.05,1967; Duras, aldrich, CZE, b-day 30,10,1882, t05,01.1957; Boleslavsky, Isaak, USSR, b-day 17.05,1919, +1977; Bondarevsky, Igor, USSR, b-day 12,05.1913, t1979; Botvinnik, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 17,08,1911, t1995; Bronstein, David, USSR, b-day 19,02.1924; Flohr, Salomon, USSR, b-day 21.11.1908, t1983; Keres, Paul, USSR, b-day 07,01.1916, t05.06,1975; Kotov, Alexander, USSR, b-day 12,08,1913, t 1981; Lilienthal, Andrey, USSR, b-day 05.05.1911 ; Levenfisch, Grigory, USSR, b-day 09,03,1889, t09,02.1961 ; Ragozi n, Viacheslav, USSR, b-day 08.10,1908, t 11.03,1962; Smyslov, Vasily, USSR, b-day 24.03,1921 ; Kostic, Boris, YUG, b-day 24.02.1887, t03.11,1963; Vidmar, Milan, YUG, b-day 22,06.1885, t09,1 0.1962 1951 Bogoliubow, Efim, GER, b-day 14,04,1889, t18.06.1952; Gligoric, Svetozar, YUG, b-day 02.02.1923 1952 EI iskases, Erich, ARG, b-day 13,01.1913, t 1997; Pi I n i k, Herma n n, ARG, b-day 08.01.1914, t 1981 ; Averba kh, Yuri, USSR, b-day 08,02,1922; Geller, Efim, USSR, b-day 08.03,1925, t1999; Taimanov, Mark, USSR, b-day 07.02,1926 1953 Rossolimo, Nicolas, USA, b-day 28,02,1910, t24,07,1975;Toluch, Alexander, USSR, b-day 01.05,1910, t03,03,1969; Pirc, Vasja, YUG, b-day 19,12.1907, t1980; Trifunovic, Petar, YUG, b-day 31.08,1910, t1980 1954 Pachman, Ludek, GER, b-day 11.05.1924; Unzicker, Wolfgang, GER, b-day 26.06,1925; Kashdan, Isaak, USA, b-day 19,11.1905, t1985; Barcza, Gedeon, HUN, b-day 21.08,1911, t1986; Stoltz, Gosta, SWE, b-day 09.05.1904, t26,07.1963 1955 Panno, Oscar, ARG, b-day 17,03,1935; Ivkov, Borislav, YUG, b-day 12.11.1933; Matanovic, Alexander, YUG, b-day 23,05,1930; Spassky, Boris, USSR, b-day 30,01,1937; Filip, Miroslav, CSR, b-day 27.10,1928 1956 O'Kelly de Galway, BEL, b-day 17.05.1911, t1980; Larsen, Bent, DEN, b-day 04,03.1935; Korchnoi, Victor, USSR, b-day 23,07,1931 1957 Bisguier, Arthur, USA, b-day 08,10,1929; Evans, Larry, USA, b-day 22,03.1932, Tal, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 09.11.1936 
/5 -- ... ID 1958 Benko, Pal, USA, b-day 15,07.1928; Fischer, Robert, USA, b-day 09,03,1943; Olafsson, Fridrik, ISL, b-day 26,01.1935 1959 Schmid, Lothar, GER, b-day 10,05,1928; Uhlmann, Wolfgang, GER, b-day 29,03.1935; Donner, Jan Hein, NED, b-day 06.07.1927, t1989 1960 Rossetto, Hector Decio, ARG, b-day 08,09,1922; Guimard, Carlos E., ARG, b-day 06,04,1913, t1998; Lombardy, William, USA, b-day 04.12,1937; Kholmov, Ratmir, USSR, b-day 13.05,1925 1961 Robatsch, Karl, AUT, b-day 14,1 0.1928,t2000; Bobotsov, Milko G., BUL, b-day 30.09,1931 ,t2000; Portlsch, Lajos, HUN, b-day 04,04.1937; Vasiukov, Evgeny, USSR, b-day 05,03.1933 1962 Pomar Salamanca, Arturo, ESP, b-day 01,09.1931; Bilek, Istvan, HUN, b-day 11.08,1932; Polugaevsky, Lev, USSR, b-day 20,11.1934, t1995; Simagin, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 21,06,1919, t25,09,1968; Stein, Leonid, USSR, b-day 12,11.1934, t04,07.1973; Udovcic, Mijo, YUG, b-day 11,09.1920, t08.04,1984 1963 Tringov, Georgi Petrov, BUL, b-day 07.03.1937,t2000; Antoshin, Vladimr, USSR, b-day 14.05,1929, t1994; Parma, Bruno, YUG, b-day 30,12.1941 1964 Darga, Klaus, GER, 24.02.1934; Padevski, Nikola Botchev, BUL, 29,05.1933; Yanovsky, Daniel Abraham, CAN, 26,03,1925; Byrne, Robert, USA, b-day 20,04.1928; Lengyel, Levente, HUN, b-day 13.06,1933; Krogius, Nikolay, USSR, b-day 22,07.1930; Damjanovic, Mato, YUG, b-day 23,03.1927 1965 Pietzsch, Wolfgang, GER, b-day 12,12,1930; Kavalek, Lubomir, USA, b-day 09,08.1943; Shamkovich, Leonid, ISR, b-day 01,06,1923; Liberzon, Vladimir, ISR, b-day 23,03,1937,t1996; Gheorghiu, Florin, ROM, b-day 06.04,1944; Hort, Vlastimil, CSR, b-day 12,01.1944; Suetin, Alexey, USSR, b-day 16,11.1926, t2001; Ciric, Dragoljub, YUG, b-day 12.11.1935; Janosevic, Dragoljub, YUG, b-day 08,07,1923; Matulovic, Milan, YUG, b- day 10,06.1935 1966 Furman, Semen, USSR, b-day 01,12.1920, t16.03,1978 1967 Barczay, Laszlo,HUN, b-day 21.05,1936;Gipslis, Aivar, USSR, b-day 08.02.1937, t2000; Gufeld, Eduard, USSR, b-day 19.03.1936; Za itsev, Alexa nder, USSR, b-day 15,06.1935, t08.11.1971 1968 Lein, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 28.03,1931 1970 Browne, Walter Shawn, USA, b-day 12,10.1946; Gurgenidze, Buchuti, USSR, b-day 13.11,1933; Karpov, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 23,05.1951 
76 ......-  ID 1971 Huebner, Robert, GER, b-day 06.11,1948;Vaganian, Rafael, USSR, b-day 15,10.1951; Ljubojevic, Ljubomir, YUG, b-day 02,11.1950 1972 Mecking, Henrique, BRA, b-day 23.01,1952; Radulov, Ivan, BUL, b-day 07.01,1939; Andersson, Ulf, SWE, b- day 27,01.1951; Smejkal, lan, CSR, b-day 22,03.1946; Tukmakov, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 25,03,1946; Planninc, Albin, YUG, b-day 18.04,1944 1973 Hecht, Hans-Joachim, GER, b-day 29,01.1939; Quinteros, Miguel, ARG, b-day 28.12,1947; Suttles, Duncan, CAN, b-day 21,12,1945; Adorjan, Andras, HUN, b-day 31.03.1950; Csom, Istvan, HUN, b-day 02,06,1940; Ribli, Zoltan, HUN, b-day 06.09.1951; Balashov, Yuri, USSR, b-day 12.05.1949; Kuzrl1in, Gennady,USSR, b- day 19.01,1946; Savon, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 26,09.1940; Velimirovic, Dragoljub, YUG, b-day 12.05.1942 1974 Diez de Corral, D. Jesus, ESP, b-day 06,04,1933; Forintos, Gyozo Victor, HUN, b-day 30,07,1935; Sax, Gyula, HUN, b-day 18,06,1951; Mariotti, Sergio, ITA, b-day 10,08,1946; Timman, Jan, NED, b-day 14.12.1951; Torre, Eugenio, PHI, b-day 04.11.1951; Jansa, Vlastimil, CSR, b-day 27.11.1942; Lutikov, Anatoly, USSR, b- day 05,02,1933, +1989; Kurajica, Bojan, YUG, b-day 15.02,1947 1975 Pfleger, Helmut, GER, b-day 06,08.1943; Malich, Burckhard, GER, b-day 29.11.1936; Knaak, Rainer, GER, b- day 16,03.1953; Kirov, Nino, BUL b-day 09.02.1945; Garcia, Silvino, CUB, b-day 04,05.1944; Westerinen, Heikki, FIN, b-day 28.04.1944; Sigurjonsson, Gudmundur, ISL, b-day 25.09,1947; Beliavsky, Alexander, USSR, b-day 17,12,1953; Czeshkovsky, Vitaly, USSR, b-day 25,09,1944; Marovic, Drazen, YUG, b-day 16,01.1938; Ostojic, Predrag, YUG, b-day 22.02,1938; Vukic, Milan, YUG, b-day 19,08.1942 1976 Balinas, Rosendo, PHI, b-day 10,09,1941; Bukic, Enver, YUG, b-day 02.12,1937; Vadasz, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 27.01,1948; Guillermo, Garcia Gonzales, CUB, b-day 09,12,1953,+1990, Gulko, Boris, USSR, b-day 09.02,1947; Zaitsev, Igor, USSR, b-day 27.05,1938; Keene, Raimond, ENG, b-day 29,01.1948; Knezevic, Milorad, YUG, b-day 31.10,1936; Kovacevic, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 26.03.1942; Kreidman, Yair, ISR. B-day 01.11.1932; Miles, Anthony,ENG, b-day 23.04,1955 -+12,11.2001; Makarycnev, Sergei, USSR, b-day 17,11.1953; Raicevic, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 02.05,1949; Razuvaev, Yuri, USSR, b-day 10.10.1945; Romanishin, Oleg, USSR, b-day 10.02,1952; Sosonko, Gennady, USSR, b-day 18.05,1943; Spasov, Luben, BUL, b-day 23,03,1943; Tardjan, James, USA, b-day 22.02,1952; Farago, Paul, ROM, b-day 01.02,1970; Vogt, Lothar, GER, b-day 1952,; Hulak, Krunoslav, YUG, b-day 25.05.1951 ; Schmidt, Vlodzimezh, POL, b-day 10,04. 1943 WIGM Alexandria, Nana, USSR, b-day 13.10,1949, Bykova, Elizaveta, USSR, b-day 04,11.1913, +08,03.1989; Gaprindashvili, Nona, USSR b-day 03.05,1941, Zatulovskaya Tatiana, USSR, b-day 08,12.1935, Kozlovskaya, Valentina, USSR" b-day 18,04,1938., Konopleva Natalia, USSR, b-day 23,11,1944, Kushnir Alia, USSR, b-day 11.10,1941, Lazarevic Milunka, YUG, b-day 01,12,1932, Levitina Irina,USSR, b-day 08.06.1954, Litinskaya, Marta, b-day 25.03.1949, Rubtsova Olga, USSR, b-day 20.081909, +1994, Rudenko,Ludmila, USSR, b-day 27,07,1904, +1986 
1977 Alburt, Lev, USSR, b-day 1945; Bolbochan, Julio, ARG, b-day 10,03,1920,+1996; Georgadze, Tamaz, USSR, b-day 09.11,1947; Dzhindzhihashvili, Roman, USSR, b-day 05,05,1944; Ermenkov, Evgeny Petkov, BUL, b-day 29.09,1949; Canal, Estiban, PER, b-day 19,04.1896, +1981; Kochiev, Alexander, USSR, b-day 25,03.1956; Christiansen, Larry, USA, b-day 27,06,1956; Milic, Borislav, YUG, b-day 20.10,1925, +1986; Rajkovic, Dushan, YUG, b-day 17.06,1942; Rodriguez, Amador, CUB, b-day 18,10,1957; Sveshnikov, Evgeny, USSR, b-day 11.02,1950; Stean, Michael, ENG, b-day 04.09,1953; Torre, Torre Repetto, MEX, b-day 23,11.1905, t 1979 WIGM Akhmylovskaya, Elena, USSR, b-day 11,03,1957, van der Mije,Alexandra, ROM, b-day 22,07.1940, Lemachko, Tatiana, USSR, b-day 19.03,1948, Fatalibekova, Elena, USSR, b-day 04.10,1947, Chiburdanidze, Maya, USSR, b-day 1 7,01.1961 1978 Bagirov, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 16,08,1936, +2000; Biyiasas, Peter, CAN, b-day 19.11.1950; Bellon Lopez, Huan Manuel, ESP, b-day 08,05.1950; Gaprindashvili, Nona, USSR, b-day 03,05.1941 ; Dorfman, losif, USSR, b-day 01.05.1952; Ivanovic, Bozidar, YUG, b-day 28.04,1946; Marjanovic, Siavolyub, YUG, b-day 06,01.1955; Mihalchishin, Adrian, USSR, b-day 18.11.1954; Nunn, John, ENG, b-day 25,04.1955; Nemet, Ivan, YUG, b-day 14.04.1943; Nikolic, Stanimir, YUG, b-day 26,01.1935; Palatnik, Semen, USSR, b- day 26.03.1950; Plachetka, Jan, CSR, b-day 18,02,1945; Rogoff, Kennet, USA, b-day 22,03,1953; Rodriguez Vargas, Orestes, b-day 04,07,1943; Suradiradja, German, INA, b-day 14.10,1947; Ciocaltea, Victor, ROM, b- day 16,01.1932, +1983; Sahovic, Dragutin, YUG, b-day 08,08,1940; Suba, Mihai, ROM, b-day 01.06,1947; Hernandes, Roman, CUB, b-day 23,11,1949 WIGM Borisenko, Valentina, USSR, b-day 28.01.1920,. Veroci-Petronic, Zsuzsa, HUN, b-day 19,02.1949, Vol pert, Larisa, USSR, b-day 30,03.1926, Zvorykina, Kira, USSR, b-day 29,09,1919, Ivanka, Maria, HUN, b-day 23.02.1950, Ignatieva, Olga, USSR, b-day 16.10,1920, Keller-Hermann, Edith, DDR, b-day 17.11.1921, Nedeljkovic, Vera, YUG, b-day 16.09,1929, Heemskerk, Phen ny, NED, b-day 03.12.1919, Stad ler, Teresa, YUG, b-day 29.09.1936 1979 Martinovic, Siobodan, YUG, b-day 25.07,1945; Nikolac, Yurai, YUG, b-day 22,04,1932; Nogueiras, Hesus, CUB, b-day 17,07,1959; Spiridonov, Nikolai, BUL, b-day 28,02,1938 1980 Grunfeld, Yeguda, ISR, b-day 29,02,1956; Kasparov, Garry, USSR, b-day 13.04,1963; Kuligowski, Adam, POL, b-day 24,12.1955; Kupreichik, Victor, USSR, b-day 03,07,1949; Mednis, Edmar, USA, b-day 22,03,1937; Panchenko, Alexander, USSR, b-day 05.10.1953; Rashkovsky, Naum, USSR, b-day 18,04.1946; Ree, Hans, NED, b-day 15,11.1944; Speelman, Jonathan, ENG, b-day 02.10.1956; Seirawan, Vasser, USA, b-day 24,03,1960; Soltis, Andrew, USA, b-day 28,05.1947; Timoschenko, Gennady, USSR, b-day 27.04.1949; Ftachnik, Lubomir, CSR, b-day 30.10,1957; Flesch, Janosh, HUN, b-day 30.09.1933, +1983; Yusupov, Artur, USSR, b-day 13,02,1960 77 -- ...  
7B ......-  ID WIGM Gurieli, Nino, USSR, b-day 07,12,1961, loseliani, Nana, USSR, b-day 12,11.1962 1981 Denker, Arnold, USA, b-day 21.02.1914; Popovic, Petar, YUG, b-day 14,02,1959; Rantanen, Irio, FIN, b-day 23.04.1950 WIGM Erenska-Radzewska, Hanna, POL, b-day 12.11,1946 1982 van der Wiel, John, NED, b-day 09.08,1959; Velikov, Peter Vasilev, BUL, b-day 29,03,1951; Djuric, Stefan, YUG, b-day 26,07,1955; Dolmatov, Sergei, USSR, b-day 20,02,1959; Inkov, Ventsislav, BUL, b-day 19,05.1956; Karlsson, Lars, SWE, b-day 11,07,1955; Lechtynsky, Jirzhi, CSR, b-day 25,11.1947; Lobron, Erik, GER, b-day 07,05.1960; Mestel, Andrew, ENG, b-day 13.03.1957; Psahis, Lev, USSR, b-day 19,11.1958; Pinter, Josef, HUN, b-day 09.09,1953; Henley, Ronald, USA, b-day 05.12,1956; Prins, Lodewijk, NED, b-day 27,01.1913, +1999; Sanguinetti, Raul, ARG, b-day 03,02,1933 WIGM Klimova, Eleshka, CSR, b-day 01.07,1959, Karakas, Eva, HUN, b-day 15.02.1922, Cramling, Pia, SWE, b-day 23,04.1963, Lu Shilan; Miles, Yana, CSR, b-day 09,12,1947, Muresan, Margareta, ROM, b-day 13,03.1950, Pogorevici, Marina, ROM, b-day 03.12,1960, Polichroniade, Elizabeta, ROM, b-day 24,04,1935, Semenova,Lydia, USSR, b-day 22.11.1951, Hund, Barbara, BRD, b-day 10.10.1959 1983 Alatortsev, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 15.05,1909, +1987; Gurevich, Dmitry, USA, b-day 11,09,1956; Klaric, Ziatko, YUG, b-day 24,10,1956; Konstantinopolsky, Alexander, USSR, b-day 19,02.1910, +1990; Lundin, Erik, SWE, b-day 02,07.1904, +1989; Nikolic, Predrag, YUG, b-day 11.09.1961; Chandler, Murrey, NZL, b-day 04,04.1960; Espig, Lutz, GER, b-day 05,01.1949 WIGM Ivanova, Antonia, BUL, b-day 24.09,1931 1984 Abramovic, Boshko, YUG, b-day 14,02,1951; Agzamov, Georgy, USSR, b-day 06,09,1954, +1985; Book, Ero, FIN, b-day 09,02.1910,+1990; Gavrikov, Victor, USSR, b-day 29.07.1957; Zaichik, Gennady, USSR, b-day 11,02,1957; Zapata Ramirez, Alonso, COL, b-day 22,08,1958; Kudrin, Sergei, USA, b-day 07.09,1959; Lputian, 5mbat, USSR, b-day 14,02,1958; Mokry, Karel, CSR, b-day 07,02.1959; Petrosian, Arshak, USSR, b- day 16.12,1953; Puc, Stoian, YUG, b-day 09,04.1921; Sokolov, Aleksey, RUS; Simic, Radoslav, YUG, b-day 09,01.1908; Chehov, Valery, USSR, b-day 27,11.1955; Chiburdanidze, Maya, USSR, b-day 17,01.1961; Short, Nigel, ENG, b-day 01.06,1965 WIGM Radzikowska, Kristina, POL, b-day 05,02,1931 1985 Vaiser, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 05,03.1949; Georgiev, Kiril, BUL, b-day 28,11,1967; Garcia Palermo, Carlos, ARG, b-day 02.12.1953; Golombek, Garry, ENG, b-day 01.03.1911, +1995; De Firmian, Nicholas, USA, b-day 26,07,1957; Monticelli, Mario, ITA, b-day 16,03,1902, +1995; Agdestein, Simen, NOR, b-day 15,05,1967; 
Olafsson, Helge, ISl, b-day 16,08,1956; Plaskett, James, ENG, b-day 18,03,1960; Rogers, Jan, AUS, b-day 24,06,1960; Spraggett, Kevin, CAN, b-day 10,11.1954; Hansen, Kurt, DEN, b-day 18.09,1964; Hjartarson, logann, ISl, b-day 08.02,1963; Cebalo, Micho, YUG, b-day 06.02,1945; Chernin, Alexander, USSR, b-day 06.03.1960; Sajtar, Jaroslav, CSR, b-day 03,12,1921 WIGM Albulet, Maria, ROM, b-day 10,06.1932, Brustman,Agneska, pal, b-day 31,07,1932., Voiska, Margaret, BUl, b-day 03,04,1963, T eodorescu, Margareta, ROM, b-day 13.04,1932, 1986 Adianto, Utut, INA, b-day 16.03.1965; Ardiansyah, Hasan, INA, b-day 05,12.1951; Arnason, Youn, ISl, b-day 13,11.1960; Barlov, Dragan, YUG, b-day 30,01.1957; Benjamin, Joel, USA, b-day 11,03,1965; Bonsch, Uve, GER, b-day 15.10,1958; Ghitescu, Theodor, ROM, b-day 24.01,1934; Granda Zuniga, Hulio Ernesto, PER, b- day 25.02.1967; Groszpeter, Attila, HUN, b-day 09.06,1960; Gurevich, Michail, USSR, b-day 22,02.1959; Gutman, lev, USSR, b-day 26.09.1945; Dake, Arthur, USA, b-day 08.04,1910, +2000; Dlugy, Maxim, USA, b- day 29,01.1966; Campora, Daniel, ARG, b-day 30,06,1957; lau, Ralf, GER, b-day 19.10,1959; lerner, Konstantin, USSR, b-day 28,02,1950; lukacs, Peter, HUN, b-day 09,06.1950; Morovic Fernandez, Ivan Eduardo, CHI, b-day 24.03.1963; Petursson, Margeer, ISl, b-day 15,02,1960; Salov, Valery, USSR, b-day 26,05.1964; Sunye Neto, Jaime, BRA, b-day 02,05.1957; Fedorowicz, John, USA, b-day 27.09,1958; Fernandez Garcia, Hose, ESP,b-day 03,05.1954; Eingorn, Viacheslav, USSR, b-day 23.11,1956 WIGM Asenova, Venka, BUl, b-day 17,10,1930" Zaitseva, ludmila, USSR, b-day 10,02,1956, lovanovic-Blagojevic, Katarina, YUG, b-day 31.10,1943, Konarkowska-Sokolov,Henrika, pal, b-day 14.12,1938, Madilidiko, HUN, b-day 05,11,1969, Nutu, Daniela, ROM, b-day 08,06,1957, Rubtsova,T atiana, USSR, b-day 08,05,1962" Eretova, Kveta, CSR, b-day 21.10,1926, 1987 Barbero, Gerardo, ARG, b-day 21.08.1961, +2001; Makogonov, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 27,08.1904, +1993; Malaniuk, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 21.07,1957; Meduna, Eduard, CSR, b-day 11.09.1950; Mikenas, Vladas, USSR, b-day 17,04.1910, +1993; Murey, Yakov, ISR, b-day 02,08.1941; Murshed, Niaz, BAN, b-day 13.05,1966; Pigusov, Evgeny, USSR, b-day 31.03,1961; Rivas Pastor, Manuel, ESP, b-day 13.07,1960; Sliva, Bogdan, pal, b-day 04.02,1922; Smagin. Sergei, USSR, b-day 08,09.1958; Sokolov, Ivan, YUG, b-day 13,06.1968; Flear, Glenn, ENG, b-day 12.02.1959;Cvitan, Ognen, YUG, b-day 10.10,1961; Tseitlin, Michail, USSR, b-day 16.06.1947; Ehlvest, Jaan, USSR, b-day 14.10,1962 WIGM Arakhamia, Ketevan, USSR, b-day 19.07,1968" Vreeken, Kornelia, NED, b-day 22.12,1928, lelchuk, Zoia, USSR, b-day 06,09,1961, Polgar, Zsuzsa, HUN, b-day 19,04.1969 1988 Georgiev, Krum, BUl, b-day 24.05.1958; lukov, Valentin, BUl, b-day 11.12.1955; Milos, Gilberto, BRA, b-day 30.10,1963; Vera, Reynaldo, CUB, b-day 07,01.1961; Hodgson, Julian, ENG, b-day 1963; IIllescas Cordoba, Miguel, ESP, b-day 1965; Hickl, Joerg, GER, b-day 16.04,1965; Kindermann, Stefan, GER, b-day 28,12,1959; Dizdarevic, Emir, YUG, b-day 02,04.1958; lalic, Bogdan, YUGb-day 08,03.1964; Klinger, Josef, AUT, b-day 06.06,1967; Hellers, Ferdinand., SWE, b-day 1969; Schussler, Harry, SWE, b-day 24,06,1957; Azmaiparashvili, Zurab, USSR,b-day 16,03.1960; Dokhoian, Yury, USSR, b-day 26,10.1964; Ivanchuk, Vasily, /9 ---..  ID 
80 -- ..  USSR, b-day 8,03.1969; Kaidanov, Grigory, USSR, b-day 11,10.1959; Ubilava, Elisbar, USSR, b-day 10,04,1950; Wilder, Michael, USA, b-day 1962; Rohde, Michael, USA, b-day 1959; Anand, Viswanathan, IND, b-day 1969 WIGM Arkell, S, ENG; Polgar, Judith, HUN, b-day 23,07.1976; Jackson, Sh" ENG; Maric,Alice, YUG, b-day 10,01,1970 1989 King, Daniel J., ENG, b-day 28,08,1963; Kouatly, Bachar, FRA, b-day 03,03.1958; Mohr, Stefan, GER, b-day 22.10.1967; Wahls, Matthias, GER, b-day 25,01.1968; Damljanovic, Branko, YUG, b-day 17.06.1961; Piket, Jeroen, NED, b-day 27,01.1969; Kozul, Zdenko, YUG, b-day 21,05,1966; Adams, Michael, ENG, b-day 1971; Greenfeld, Alon., ISR, b-day 1964; Todorkevic, Miodrag, YUG, b-day 10.11,1940; Bareev, Evgeny, USSR, b- day 22.11.1966; Dreev, Alexey, USSR, b-day 30,01,1969; Gelfand, Boris, USSR, b-day 24,06.1968; Goldin, Alexander, USSR, b-day 1964; Krasenkov, Mikhail, USSR; Vladimirov, Evgeny, USSR, b-day 20,01,1957; Vyzhmanavin, Alexey, USSR, b-day 04,12,1960, +2000; Van der Sterren, Paul, NED, b-day 17.03,1956; Norwood, David, ENG, b-day 03,10,1968 1990 Yrjola, Jouni, FI N, b-day 24,10,1959; lautier, Joel, FRA, b-day 12.04.1973; Renet, Olivier, FRA, b-day 21,12,1964; Bischoff, Klaus, GER, b-day 09.06,1961; Kotronias, Vasilios, GRE b-day 25.08.1964; Rechlis, Gad, ISR, b-day 05,02,1967; Ye Rong Guang, CHN, b-day 03,10.1963; Khalifman, A" USSR, b-day 1966; Oil, lembit, USSR, b-day 23.04,1966, +1999; Shirov, Alexey, USSR, b-day 1972; Yudasin, leonid" USSR, b-day 08,08.1959; Donchev, Dimitar, BUL, b-day 21.07.1958; Hansen, Lars Bo, DEN b-day 24,09.1968; Gallagher, Joseph, ENG, b-day 04.05.1964; Kostin, Aleksey, ENG, b-day 11,02.1977; Watson, William, ENG, b-day 18,04.1962; Tischbierek, Raj, GER, b-day 24.09,1962; Horvath, Jozsef, HUN, b-day 13,08.1964; T olnai, Tibor, HUN, b-day 23.09,1964; Wojtkiewicz, Alexa nder, POL, b-day 1 5,01,1963; Ernst, Thomas, SWE, b-day 17,08.1960; Dautov, Rustem, USSR, b-day 28,11.1965; Dvoiris, Semen, USSR, b-day 02.11.1958; Epishin, Viktor, USSR, b-day 11.07,1965; Glek, Igor, USSR, b-day 07,11,1961; Naumkin, Igor, USSR, b-day 10,08.1965; Novikov, Igor, USSR, b-day 23,05,1962; Shneider, Alexander,USSR, b-day 22,05,1962; Smirin, Ilia, USSR, b-day 21.01,1968; Yakovich, Yury, USSR, b-day 30,11.1962; Kamsky, Gata, USA, b-day 02,06.1974; Wolff, Patrick, USA, b-day 15.02,1968; levitt, Jonathan, ENG, b-day 03,06,1963; Paehtz, Thomas, GER, b-day 04,09,1956; Skembris, Spiridon, GRE, b-day 22,02.1958; Franco, Zenon, PAR, b-day 12,05.1956; Wedberg, Tom, SWE, b-day 26.11,1953; Dzandzhgava, lasha, USSR, b-day 05,05,1970 WIGM Xie Jun, CHN, b-day 1970; Kakhiani K" USSR; Csonkics Tunde,HUN, b-day 29,08,1958; Chaude de Silans Ch. FRA; Alekhina Natalia, USSR, b-day 03,02,1954 1991 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto, CHI, b-day 21.12,1957; Garcia, Gildardo, COl, b-day 09,03,1954 ; Conquest, Stuart, ENG, b-day 01.03,1967; Romero Holmes, Alfonso, ESP, b-day 28,05.1965; Paehtz, Thomas, GER, b- day 04.09,1956; Komljenovic, Davor, YUG, b-day 01.07.1944;Rozentalis, Eduard, LIT, b-day 27,05.1963; Hector, Jonny, SWE, b-day 13,02,1964; Arkhipov, Sergey, RUS, b-day 23.06.1954; Bologan, Victor, RUS, b- day 14,12,1971; Huzman, Alexander, RUS, b-day 10,04,1962; Neverov, Valery, RUS b-day 21.06,1964; Ruban, Vadim, RUS, b-day 13.06,1964; Shabalov, Alexander, RUS, b-day 12,09.1967; Sturua, Zurab, RUS, b- day 08.06,1959; Tiviakov, Sergei, RUS, b-day 14,02.1973; Ulibin, Mikhail, RUS, b-day 31.05.1971; Ivanov, 
Alexander, RUS, b-day 01.05,1956; Hertneck, Gerald, GER, b-day 18,09,1963; Polgar, Zsuzsa, HUN, b-day 19,04,1969; Barua, Dibyendu, IND, b-day 27,10,1966; Dizdar, Goron, YUG, b-day 04,12.1958; Franco, Zenon, ESP, b-day 12,05,1956; Loginov, Valery, RUS, b-day 13,12.1955; Machulsky, Anatoly, RUS, b-day 24.09.1956; Kengis, Edwin, RUS, b-day 12,04.1959; Akopian, Vladimir, RUS, b-day 07,12.1971 WIGM Basagic, Vesna, YUG; Bojkovic, Natasa, YUG, b-day 03,09,1971; Maric, Mirjana, YUG, b-day 10.01.1970; Foisor, Cristina-Adela, ROM, b-day 07.04,1967; Demina, Julia, RUS, b-day 03.02.1969; Sofieva, Ainur, RUS, b-day 19,07,1970 1992 Minasian, Artashes, ARM, b-day 21.01.1967; Kovalev, Andrey, BLR, b-day 07,11,1961; Topalov, Veselin, BUL, b-day 15,03,1975; Stohl, Igor, CZE, b-day 27.09,1964; Hebden, Marc, ENG, b-day 15,02,1958; Efimov, Igor, GEO, b-day 16.09,1960; Lutz, Christopher, GER, b-day 24.02.1971 ; Schlosser, Phillip, GER, b-day 19,08,1968; Polgar, Judit, HUN, b-day 23,07.1976; Alterman, Boris, ISR, b-day 04.05.1970; Komljenovic, Davor, YUG, b- day 01,07,1944;Lanka, Zigurds, LAT, b-day 21.05.1960; Rausis, Igors, LAT, b-day 07.04,1961; Kveinys, Aloyzas, LTU, b-day 09.07,1962; Sisniega, Marcel, MEX, b-day 28,07,1959; Urday Caceres,Henry A" PER, b- day 05,07,1967; Aseev, Konstantin, RUS, b-day 20,10,1960; Kharlov, Andrei, RUS, b-day 20,11.1968; Khenkin, Igor, RUS, b-day 21.03.1968; Kramnik, Vladimir, RUS, b-day 25.06,1975; Magerramov, Elmar, RUS, b-day 10,04,1958; Sher, Miron, RUS, b-day 29.06,1952; Sorokin, Maxim, RUS, b-day 22,01.1968; McNab, Colin, SCO, b-day 03.02,1961; Motwani, Paul, SCO, b-day 13,06.1962; Cramling, Pia, SWE, b-day 23.04.1963; Moskalenko, Victor, UKR, b-day 04,12,1960; Fishbein, Alexander, USA, b-day 08,05.1968; Ermolinsky, Alexey, USA, b-day 11.04,1958; Nenashev, Alexander, UZB, b-day 25,08.1962; Serper, Grigory, UZB, b-day 14.09.1969, WIGM Zayats, Elena, BLR, b-day 16,09.1969; Erneste, Inguna, LAT, b-day 23.05,1966; Prudnikova, Svetlana, RUS, b- day 18.03.1967; Stepovaya, Tatiana, RUS, b-day 23.09,1965; Cheluskina, Irina, UKR, b-day 01,02.1962; Peng Zhaoqin, CHN, b-day 08,05.1968, Gin Kanying, CHN, b-day 02,02,1974; Wang Pin, CHN, b-day 01,12.1974 1993 Anastasian, Ashot, ARM, b-day 16.07,1964; Palac, Mladen, CRO, b-day 18,02,1971; Davies, Nigel R" ENG, b- day 31,07,1960; Penrose, Jonathan, ENG; Sadler, Matthew, ENG, b-day 15.05.1974; Stangl, Markus, GER, b- day 29.04.1969; Almasi, Zoltan, HUN, b-day 29.08,1976; Szekely, Peter, HUN, b-day 08,02.1955; Gofshtein, Leonid, ISR, b-day 21,04.1953; Milov, Vadim, ISR, b-day 01.08,1972; Tisdall, Jonathan, NOR, b-day 26,08,1958; Crisan, Alexandru, ROM, b-day 31.07.1962; Schwartzman, Gabriel, ROM, b-day 23,10.1976; Ibragimov, Iidar, RUS, b-day 16,08,1967; Poluliakhov, Alexander, RUS; Solozhenkin, Evgeny, RUS, b-day 31.07.1966; Hracek, Zbynek, CZE, b-day 09.09,1970; Levin, Felix, UKR, b-day 05.11,1958; Gurevic, Ilia, USA, b-day 08.02.1972; Dimitrov, Vladimir, BUL, b-day 11.04.1968; Kolev, Atanas, BUL, b-day 15,07.1967; Ye Jiangchuang, CHN, b-day 20,11.1960; Bogdanovski, Vlatko, FRM, b-day 31,12,1964; Giorgadze, Georgy, GEO, b-day 10,10,1964; Mainka, Romuald, GER, b-day 15.05.1963; Grivas, Efstratios, GRE, b-day 30.03.1966; Horvath, Csaba, HUN, b-day 05,06,1968; Stefansson, Hannes, ISL, b-day 18,07,1972; Malisauskas, Vidmantas, LTU, b-day 04.08,1963; Nevednichy, Vladislav, MDA, b-day 03.09,1969; Nijboer, Friso, NED, b-day 26,05,1965;Van Wely, Loek, NED, b-day 07,10.1972; Antonio, Rogelio, PHI, b-day 19.02.1962; Kuczynski, Robert, POL, b-day 17,04.1966; Marin, Mihail, ROM, b-day 21,04,1965; Bykovsky, Avigdor, RUS, b-day 05,03,1955; Gleizerov, Evgeny, RUS, b-day 20.03,1963; Ivanov, Mikhail, RUS; BI -  ID 
82 ---  ID Kharitonov, Andrey, RUS, b-day 04,04,1959; Makarov, Marat, RUS, b-day 07.05.1963; Fominykh, Alexander, RUS, b-day 15.06,1959; Piskov, Yury, RUS; Sakaev, Konstantin, RUS, b-day 13,04,1974; Scherbakov, Ruslan, RUS, b-day 14,09,1969; Blatny, Pavel, CZE, b-day 22.06.1968; Bouaziz, Slim, TUN, b-day 16.04.1950; Savchenko, Stanislav, UKR, b-day 21.01,1967; Sherzer, Alex, USA, b-day 01.02,1971; Zagrebelny, Sergey, UZB; Drasko, Milan, YUG, b-day 06.12,1962; Mitkov, Nikola, YUG, b-day 18.12,1971; Pavlovic, Milos, YUG, b-day 05,01,0964; Xie Jun, CHN, b-day 30,10,1970; Miladinovic, Igor, YUG, b-day 25.01,1974 WIGM Peitscheva-Juergens, Vera, GER, b-day 05,09.1969; Botsaris, Ana-Maria, GRE, b-day 05.10.1972; Umanskaya, Irina, RUS, b-day 09,06.1963, Rause, alita, LAT, b-day 21.11,1962; Belakovskaya, Andjelina, UKR, b-day 17.05,1969; Ruchieva, Natalia, UKR, b-day 12.03,1960; Khurtsidze, Nino, GEO, b-day 28,09.1975 1994 Zarnicki, Pablo, ARG, b-day 12,11.1972; Xu, Chun, CHN, b-day 17.09,1962; Wells, Peter K.,ENG, b-day 17,04,1965; Magem Badals, Jordi, ESP, b-day 24,08.1967; San Roman, Marc, FRA; Luther, Thomas, GER, b- day 04,11,1969; Mowsziszian, Karen, GER, b-day 06,01.1963; Schmittdiel, Eckhard, GER, b-day 13,05,1960; Beim, Valery, ISR, b-day 17,03,1950; Temirbaev, Serik, KAZ; Luku, Sergiu-Mircea, ROM; Beshukov, Sergei, RUS; Burmakin, Vladimir, RUS; Morozevich, Alexander, RUS, b-day 18.07.1977; Tregubov, Pavel, RUS, b-day 21,12.1971; Yemelin, Vasiliy, RUS, b-day 01,02.1976; Zvyagintsev, Vadim, RUS, b-day 18,08,1976; Sermek, Drazen, SLO, b-day 30.01.1969; Komarov, Dmitry, UKR, b-day 01,12.1968; Rotstein, Arkady, UKR, b-day 29.04.1961; Stripunsky, Alexander, UKR, b-day 18.08,1970; Ilincic, Ziatko, YUG, b-day 10.05,1968; Nielsen, Peter Heine, DEN, b-day 24,05.1973; Izeta Txabari, Felix, ESP, b-day 03,08.0961; Leko, Peter, HUN, b-day 08.09,1979; Handoko, Edhi, INA, b-day 28,08,1960; Kosashvili, Yona, ISR, b-day 03.07,1970; Lev, Ronen, ISR, b-day 22.09,1968; Soffer, Ram, ISR, b-day 06,09.1965; Asanov, Bolat, KAZ, b-day 07.05.1961; Hamdouchi, Hichem, MAR; Antunes, Antonio, paR, b-day 06,02,1962; Istratescu, Andrei, ROM, b-day 03,12.1975; Arbakov, Valentin, RUS, b-day 28,01,1952; Pushkov, Nikolai, RUS; Svidler, Peter, RUS, b-day 17,06.1976; Rublevski, Sergei, RUS, b-day 15.10,1974; Vaulin, Alexander, RUS, b-day 18.03,1957; Zlochevsky, Alexander, RUS, b-day 25,06,1963; Brunner, Lucas, SUI, b-day 29,05,1967; Atalik, Suat, TUR, b-day 10.10.1964; Brodsky, Mikhail, UKR, b-day 27.03.1969; Legky, Nikolay, UKR, b-day 11,04.1955; Onischuk, Alexander, UKR, b-day 03,09.1975; Timoshenko, Georgy, UKR, b-day 01,06,1966; Sagalchik, Gennady, USA, b-day 22,04,1969; Gretarsson, Helgi Ass, ISL, b-day 18,02.1977 WIGM Danielian, Elina, ARM, b-day 16.08,1978; Kadimova, Ilaha, AZE, b-day 05.11.1975; Stefanova, Antoanetta, BUL, b-day 19.04,1979;Borulya, Ekaterina, GER, b-day 31.12,1969; Segal, Anna, ISR, b-day 13,09.1975; Sakhatova, Elvira, KAZ;Radu, Luminita Elena, ROM; Grabuzova, Tatiana, RUS; Shumyakina, Tatiana, RUS, b- day 04.10,1965; Styazhkina (Florova), Olga, RUS; Velikhanli, Firuza, AZE; Dabrowska, Krystyna, POL, b-day 05.12.1973; Umanskaya, Irina, RUS, b-day 09.06,1963; Zhu, Chen, CHN, b-day 16.03,1976 1995 Sorin, Ariel, ARG, b-day 26.04.1967; Darryl, Johansen, AUS; Guliev, Sarhan, AZE, b-day 01.04,1968; Chuchelov, Vladimir, BEL, b-day 28,09,1969; Fedorov, Alexey, BLR, b-day 27,09.1972; Wang, Zili, CHN, b-day 14,06.1968; Arkell, Keith, ENG, b-day 08.01.0961; Emms, Joan, ENG, b-day 14,03.1967; Howell, James, ENG, b-day 17.05,0967; Garcia IIlundain, David, ESP, b-day 02.04,1971; San Segundo Carrillo, Pablo, ESP, b-day 09,02,1970; Apicella, Manuel, FRA, b-day 19,04.1970; Prie, Eric, FRA, b-day 14.03.1962; Nikolaidis, loannis, GRE, b-day 04,01.1971; Kallai, Gabor, HUN, b-day 21.02,1959; Finkel, Alexander, ISR, b-day 01,01.1975; 
Har-Zvi, Ronen, IsR, b-day 13,10.1976; Komliakov, Victor, MDA, b-day 25.04,1960; Gausel, Einar, NOR, b- day 30,11,1963; Berdichevsky, Igor, RUS, b-day 15,07.1964; Ivanov, Sergey, RUS; Yanovsky, Sergey, RUS; Kuzmin, Alexey, RUS, b-day 08.03.1963; Landa, Konstantin, RUS; Varavin, Victor, RUs, b-day 23.05,1967; Akesson, Ralf, SWE, b-day 08,02.1961; Kruppa, Yury, UKR, b-day 21.06.1964; Saltaev, Mikhail, UZB, b-day 19.11.1962; Dao Thien Hai, VIE,I b-day 10,05,197; Kosic, Dragan, YUG, b-day 15,02.1970; Lazic, Miroljub, YUG, b-day 28,06,1966; Korelov, Alexander" RUS; Korolev, Sergei., RUS; Lane, Alois, SLK, b-day 18,02,1948; Maliangkay, R, NED; Muir, Andrew J., sCO, b-day 17,10,1958; Olafsson, Helgi, ISL, b-day 15,08,1956; Pappier, Carlos G" ARG, b-day 29,03,1961; Pereira, Alvaro F,P"POR, b-day 06,07,1954; Polaczek, Richard, BEL, b-day 17.06,1965; Redolfi, R ,A., ARG ; Santos, Luis M.C,P" paR, b-day 30,06.1955; Umansky, Mikhail M., RUS, b-day; Ziewitz, H" GER; Dydyshko, Viacheslav, BLR, b-day 10,04,1949; Shulman, Yury, BLR, b-day 29,04.1975; Varga, Zoltan, HUN, b-day 12,07,1970; Uss, Eran, ISR, b-day 02,07.1975; Tkachiev, Vladislav, KAZ; Hernandez, Gilberto, MEX; Korneev, Oleg, RUS, b-day 25.07,1969; Maksimenko, Andrei, UKR, b-day 07.12,1969; Cabrilo, Goran, YUG, b-day 01.07,1958; Danielsen, Henrik, DEN, b-day 21.01.1966 WIGM Bobrowska, Monika, POL, b-day 24,03.1978; Repkova, Eva, SVK, b-day 16,01.1975; Eidelson, Rakhil, BLR, b- day 14.11.1958; Skripchenko, Almira, MDA, b-day 17.02.1976; Peptan, Corina-Izabela, ROM, b-day 17,03.1978; Gaponenko, Inna, UKR, b-day 22.06,1976; Hoang, Th" Trang, VIE, b-day 25,04,1980 1996 Schandorff, Lars, DEN, b-day 20,04.1965; McDonald, Neil, ENG, b-day 21,01,1967; Ward, Christopher, ENG, b-day 26,03.1968; Gabriel, Christian, GER, b-day 03,03,1975; Siobodjan, Roman, GER, b-day 01.01,1975; Teske, Henrik, GER, b-day 28,02,1968; Baburin, Alexander, IRL, b-day 19,02,1967; Thorhallsson, Throstur, ISL, b-day 19,03,1969; Golod, Vitaly, ISR, b-day 26,06,1971; Mikhalevsky, Victor, ISR, b-day 12,07,1972; sutovsky, Emil, IsR, b-day 19,09,1977; Godena, Michele, ITA, b-day 30,06,1977; Izmukhambetov, Salavat, KAZ; Kotsur, Pavel, KAZ; Ruzele, Darius, LTU, b-day 27.04.1968; Sulskis, sarunas, LTU, b-day 26.11,1972; shipov, Sergey, RUs, b-day 17,04,1966; Golubev, Mikhail, UKR, b-day 30.05,1970; Gyimesi, Zoltan, HUN, b- day 31.03.1977, Yurtaev, Leonid, KGZ, b-day 01,05,1959; Kempinski, Robert, POL, b-day 11.07.1977; Filippov, Valery, RUS, b-day 28,11,1975; lonov, sergey, RUS, b-day 07,01,1962; Kishnev, Sergey, RUS, b-day 01.11,1956; Kobalia, Mikhail, RUs, b-day 03.05,1978; Strikovic, Aleksa, YUG, b-day 12,05,1961; Spangenberg, Hugo Hernan, ARG, b-day 22.11,1975; Kutirov, Rolando, FRM, b-day 23,01.1962; Agnos, Demetrios, GRE; Rogozenko, Dorin, MDA, b-day 18,08,1973; Djrhuus, Rune, NOR; Kaminski, Marcin, POL, b- day 10.03,1977; Khasin, Alexander, RUs, b-day 16.06,1951; Schekachev, Andrey, RUS, WIGM Lomineishvili, Maya, GEO, b-day 11.11,1977; Susterman, Anja, MDA, b-day 14,10.1976; Klinova, Masha, ISR, b-day 18,11.1968; Grinfeld, Alia, RUS, b-day 16,04,1953; Sedina, Elena, UKR, b-day 01.06.1968; Zhukova, Natalia, UKR, b-day 05.06,1979 1997 Aleksandrov Aleksej, BLR, b-day 11.05,73; Avrukh Boris, ISR, b-day 08,01,78; Bacrot Etienne, FRA, b-day 22,01.83; Berelovich Aleksandar, UKR, b-day 02,07,67; Galkin Alexander, RUs, b-day 01,02.79; Haba Petr, CZE, b-day 06.01.65; Kalinitschew Sergey, GER, b-day 03,02.56; Karpatchev Aleksandr, RUS, b-day 25,05,67; Lastin Alexander, RUS, b-day 30,10,76; Movsesian Sergei, SVK, b-day 03,11,78; Nisipeanu Liviu-Dieter, ROM, b-day 01.08.76; Ricard, Pablo, ARG, b-day 25,02,62; Ristic Nenad, YUG, b-day 19,11.58; Todorovic Goran M, YUG, b-day 17,05.63; Tseitlin Mark 0, IsR, b-day 23,09,43; Yandemirov Valeri, RUS, b-day 11,02,63; R3 ---  'D 
84 ---  ID Zontakh Andrey, UKR, b-day 04.11.70; Lima, Darcy, BRA, b-day 22.05.62; Chatabalbashev, Boris, BUl, b-day 30.01,74; Liang, Jinrong, CHN, b-day 21.05.60; Zelcic, Robert, CRO, b-day 21.09,65; Babula, Vlastimil., CZE, b-day 02,10,73; Kumaran, Darshan, ENG, b-day 07,06.75; Summerscale, Aaron, ENG, b-day 26,08.69; Rychagov, Mikhail, EST; Bauer, Cristian, FRA, b-day 11.01.77; Miralles, Gilles, FRA, b-day 08.02.66; Kacheishvili, George, GEO, b-day 10,02.77; Enders, Peter, GER, b-day 02,02,1963; Thipsay, Praveen, IND, b- day 12,08.59; Irzhanov, Ruslan, KAZ, b-day 27.11,76; Miezis, Normunds, LAT, b-day 11.05.1971; Gdanski, Jacek, pal, b-day 30,11.70; Volzhin, Alexander, RUS, b-day 02,02.1971; Mohr, Georg, SlO, b-day 02.02,1965; Agrest, Evgeny, SWE, b-day 15,08,66; Batyrov, Sapar, TKM, b-day 29.11,67; Annakov, Babakuli, TKM, b-day 29.05,72; Rodriguez Andres, URU, b-day 19.12.73 ; Shaked, Tal, USA, b-day 05,02.78; Kasimdzhanov, Rusta, UZB, b-day 05.12,79; Nikcevic, Nebojsa, YUG WIGM Ciuksyte, Dagne, lTU, b-day 01.01.1977; Dworakowska, Joanne, pal, b-day 21.10.1978; Radziewicz, Iweta, pal, b-day 16.03,1981; Manakova, Maria, RUS, b-day 01,03,1974; Olarasu, Gabriela, ROM, b-day 07.11,1964; Borsuk Angela, ISR, b-day 29,08,67; Hunt Harriet, ENG, b-day 04.02,78, Pitam, Ela, 10.02.79; Olarasu, Gabriela, 07,11,64. 1998 AI-Modaihki, Mohamad, QAT, b-day 01,06.1974; Acs, Peter, HUN, b-day 10.05,1981; Baklan, Vladimir, UKR, b-day 25,02.1978; Barcenilla, Rogelio, PHI, 01,1972; Bezold, Michael, GER, b-day 23.05,1972; Degraeve, Jean Marc, FRA, b-day 26,01.1971; Delchev, Alexander, BUl, b-day 15,07,1971; Gurevich, Vladimir, UKR, b- day 04.08,1959; Hansen Sune Berg, DEN, b-day 21,04,1971; Kazhgaliev, Murtas, KAZ; Keitlinghaus, ludger, GER, b-day 24,07,1965; Kiriokov, Petr, RUS, b-day 11,01.1975; Kogan, Artur, ISR, b-day 29.01,1974; Koniushkov, Igor, RUS, b-day 29,11.1962; Kosanovic, Goran, YUG, b-day 16.03.1962;leitao, Rafael, BRA, b- day 28,12.1979; levin, Felix, GER, b-day 05,11,1958; lugovoi, Aleksei, RUS, b-day 05,03.1975; Macieja, Bartlomiej, pal, b-day 04.10,1977; Magomedov, Magaram, TJK, b-day 20.05.1966; Marciano, David, FRA, b- day 04,07.1969; Markowski, Tomasz, pal, b-day 30.07,1975; Mueller, Karsten, GER, b-day 23,11.1970; Najdoski, Toni, FRM, b-day 04.05,1970; Pogorelov, Ruslan, UKR, b-day 07,06,1959; Popchev, Milko, BUl, b- day 11.11,1964; Ponomariov, Rustam, UKR, b-day 11.10.1983; Reinderman, Dimitri, NED, 12,08.1972; Relange, Eloi, FRA, b-day 01.07,1976; Seferian, Narek, ARM, b-day 20.08,1974; Shariyazdaov, Andrey, RUS, 12.07,1976; Stocek, Jiri, CZE, b-day 10,05.1977; Tosic, Miroslav, YUG, b-day 15.06,1960; Van den Doel, Eric, NED, b-day 15,05,1979; Vescovi, Geovanni, BRA, b-day 14,06,1978; Volkov, Sergei, RUS, b-day 07,02,1974; Winants, luc, BEL, b-day 01,01.1963; Wu, Shaobin, CHN, b-day 04.02,1969; Zhang Zhong, CHN, b-day 05.09,1978; Zilberman, Yaacov, ISR, b-day 26.05.1954; Klovans, Janis, LAT, b-day 09.04.1935 WIGM Agababean, Naira, MDA, b-day 19,01,1951 ; Amura, Claudia, ARG, b-day 26,09,1970; Darchia, Diana, GEO, b-day 18,10.1977; Hagarova, Zuzana, SVK, b-day 25,11.1977; Khmiadashvili, Tamar, GEO, b-day 27,11.1974; Kiseleva, Natalia, UKR, b-day 27,05.1978; Kononenko, Tatiana, UKR, b-day 05,12.1978; Kosteniuk, Alexandra, RUS, b-day 23,04,1984; Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina, RUS, b-day 17,04,1974; Pita, Ramon, CUB, 02,05,1963; Dubinka, Ina, UKR, 19,04.1975; Sarana, Oksana, UKR, b-day 28.04.1979; Sheremetieva, Marina, MDA, b-day 07,06.1963; Uskova, Fliura, KAZ, b-day 31.12,1964 1999 Anic Darko, FRA b-day 30.04.1957; Antic Dejan, YUG; Ashley Maurice, USA, b-day 06,03,66; Badea Bela, ROM, b-day 21.02.69; Bagaturov Giorgi, GEO, b-day 28,11,64; Balinov Ilia, AUT, b-day 28,07.66; Bezgodov 
B.5 ........- ID Alexei, RUS, b-day 30,06,69; Bruzon Lazaro, CUB; Comas Fabrego Lluis, ESP, b-day 22.06,71; Danielian Oganes, ARM; De La Villa Carcia Jesus, ESP, b-day 30,06.58; Gelashvili Tamaz, GEO, b-day 08.04,78; Goloschapov Alexander, UKR, b-day 25,01,78, Gunawan Ruben, INA, b-day 17,04,68; Hatanbaatar Bazar, MGL, b-day 25.02,73; Herrera Iriberto, CUB, b-day 07.12,68; Hillarp-Persson Tiger, SWE, b-day 28.10.70;1 konn ikov Vyacheslav, R US, b-day 15.03,66; lordachescu Viorel, M DA, b-day 20,04,73; Ka ntsler Boris, ISR, b-day 16,04,62; Maiorov Oleg, RUS b-day 21.07.71; Maiwald Jens-Uwe, GER b-day 06,05,74; Malakhatko Vadim, UKR, b-day 22.03.77; Markovic Miroslav, YUG, b-day 08,05,73; Mikhaletz Lubomir, UKR b-day 15.08,74; Moroz Alexander, UKR, b-day 18,01.61; Nadyrhanov Sergey, RUS; Najer Evgeniy, RUS, b- day 22,06,77; Oral Tomas, CZE, b-day 24.12.77; Pavasovic Dusko, SLO, b-day 15.10.76; Popov Valerij, RUS, b-day 10.09,74; Safin Sukhrat, UZB b-day 03,04.70; Sadvakasov, Darmen, KAZ, b-day 28.04,79; Sharavdorj Dashzeveg, MGL, b-day 21.10,74; Shtyrenkov Veniamen, RUS, b-day 3,04.58; Socko Bartosz, POL, b-day 10.11.78; Tu Hoang Thong, VIE; Turov Maxim, RUS, b-day 07,12.79; Vallejo Francisco, ESP, b-day 21.08.82; Voitsekhovsky Stanislav, RUS, b-day 06,08.64; Vokac Marek, CZE, b-day 06.12.58; Votava Jan, CZE, b-day 29.11,74; Wong Meng-Kong, SIN, b-day 18,09.63; Zakharevich Igor, RUS b-day 14,07,63; Zezulkin Jurij, BLR b-day 16,08,71; Zifroni Dov, ISR, b-day 17.02,76; Dgebuadze, Alexander, GEO, b-day 21.05.1971; Aronian, Levon, ARM, 06,02.82; Georgiev, Vladimir, BUL, 27.08.75; Wu, Wenjin, CHN, 10,03,76; Krishan, Sasikiran, IND, 07.01.81; Kunte, Ahbijt, IND, 03,03.77; Lay, Zaw, Win, MYA, 22,10,63; Belikov, Vlaimir, RUS, 02,08,78; Chernyshov, Kontantin, RUS, 11.06,67; Grischuk Alexander, RUS, 31.10.83; Kalygin, Serguey RUS, 03,10.70; Lupushnoy, Denis, RUS, 30,01.77; Goloshchapov, Alexander, UKR, 25,01.78; Gutman Genadi, UKR, 01.11,73; Moisenko, Alexander, UKR, 17.05,80; Ovsejevitsch, Sergei, UKR, 04.05.74; Basov, Alexei, UZB, 03.04,66. WIGM Alexandrova Olga, RUS, 28,01.78; Arribas Martza, CUB, b-day 02,02.71; Cmilyte Viktorija, LUT, 06,08.83; Edzgveradze Natalia, GEO, 23.07,75; Goletiani Rusudan, GEO, 08,09,80; Mamedova Rena, UZB; Medic Mirjana, CRO, 30,07.64; Melamed Tatiana, UKR, 03.02,74; Safranska Anda, LAT, 02.12.60, Shadrina Tatiana, RUS, 20,04.74; Velcheva Maria, BUL, 14.10,76; Zatonskih Anna, UKR, 17,07.78; Zielinska Marta, POL, 30,01.78; Krupkova M, Petra, CZE 23.04,76; Tkeshelasvili, Sopio, GEO, 23,10,79; Lagvilava, Genrieta, BLR, 03,07,79; Lymar, Irina, UKR, 20.10,74; Stuchkova, Svetlana UKR, 12.02,63; Maksimovic, Szuzana, YUG, 05,01,62, 2000 Sulava, Nenad, CRO, 25.12,62; Polak, Tomas, CZE; McShane, Luke, ENG, 07.01,84; Fressinet, Laurent, FRA, 01,11.81; Hauchard, Arnaud, FRA, 15.11,71; Kekelidze, Mikhail, GEO, 14,09,74; Ruck, Robert, HUN, 10.12,77; Gershon, Atik, ISR, 03,06,80; De Vreugt, Dennis, NED, 04,11.80; Villa mayor, Buenaventura, PHI, ; Jaracs, Pawel, POL, 22,07,75; Negulescu, Adrian, ROM, 10.06,61; Korotylev, Alexey, RUS, 01,03.77; Lazarev, Vladimir, RUS, 05,06,64; Totsky, Leonid, RUS, 10,08,67; Vorobiov, Evgeny, RUS, 13,12.76; Drazic, Sinisa, YUG, 09,03,55; Kovacevic, Alexander, YUG, 11.02,74, Yegiazarian, Arsen, ARM, 18,06,70; Parker, Jonathan, ENG, 19,05,76; Nedev, Trajko, FRM, 27.02,73; Motylev, Alexander, RUS, 17.06,79; Prokopchuk, Evgeny, RUS, 13,07,78; Zakharevich, Igor, RUS, 14,07,63; Elijanov, Pavel, UKR, 10,05,83; Kozakov, Mikhail, UKR, 28,05.72; Nguyen, Anh Dung, VIE, b-day 17.03.76. WIGM Micic, Jordanka, GER, 12,0164; Xu Yuhua, CHN; Zozulia, Anna, UKR, 10,03.80; Houska, Jovanka, ENG, 10,06,80; Lallemand, Roza, FRA, -; Trabert, Bettina, GER, 04,03,69; Lakos, Nikoletta, HUN, 14.12,78; Klink, Tamara, KAZ; Galianina-R" Julia, RUS, 15.05.74; Roschina, Tatiana, RUS, 28,03,76. 
86 --- IIIIIIIIII&  1. FIDE and GMA representatives in Lucerne 1989 2. Delegates enjoying the good hospitality in Manila 1992 3, European delegates at the General Assembly in Novi Sad 1990 4. President F. Campomanes with World Champions G. Kasparov and Xie Jun in Bertin 1991 5. Vice Presidents R. Tudela and R, Mendez in 1990 2001 Slipak, Sergio, ARG, 28,07.65; Dominguez, Leinier, CUB, 23,09.83; Zhang Pengxiang, CHN 29.06,80; Zaja, Ivan GM, CRO, 29,07.65; Hoi, Carsten, DEN, 16.01,57; Pert, Nicolas, ENG, 22,01.81; Ghaem, Maghami, IRI, 11,08,02; Kulaots, Kaida, EST, 28,02,76; Kallio, Heikki, FIN, 15.10,80; Chabanon, Jean-Luc, FRA, 13,08,71 ;Anka, Emil, HUN, 20,01.69; Penta la, Harikrishna, IND,1 0.05,86;Prakash GB, IND15,03,72;Ortega, Lexy, ITA, 08.03.60; Fridman, Daniel, LAT, 15,02.76; Vajda, Levente, ROM,13,02,81; Jakovenko, Dmitry, RUS, 28.06,83; Lunev, Andrey, RUS, 21.01,69; Brynell, Stellan, SWE, 28.09,62;Volokitin, Andrei, UKR, 11.06.86, Arlandi, Ennio ITA, 21,06.66; 0, Tyomkin, ISR, b-day 25,03,77, Gaprindashvili, Valerian 16.01,82; Banikas, Hristos, GRE, 20,05,78; Kosyrev, Vladimir, RUS, 07,11,80; Shalnev, Nikolai, RUS, 16.04,44; Pelletier, Yannick, SUI, b-day 22,09,1976, Dzhumaev, Marat, UZB, 12,01.76, WIGM Ning Chunhong,CHN, 21.01,68; Jackova, Jana, CZE, 06.08.82; Dembo, Yelena, HUN, 08,12.83; Koneru, Humpy, IND, 31,03,87;KAZ Sergeeva, Maria, KAZ; Petrenko, Svetlana, MLD 27,05,74; Bosboom-Nachava, Tea, NED 11.09,74; lonescu- Brandis, Irina, ROM, 09,08,73; Korbut, Ekaterina, RUS, 09,02,85; Dolzhikova, Olga, UKR, 22.01,85; Ovod, Evgenila, RUS, 10.11.82; Polovnikova, Ekaterina, RUS, 14.11,82.  .- , I 1 ,It .. a w,._"'.," . I ... c- J'.. n ' e ,  '" , . I If " 2 . - .  I.) 1. ·  ' I I '. \- .1""iY ". .- .... , '" --- . ..:> .'"", ..!   . . 'i I , f . .,' ii -..J "" ....  , \ I  '. . : J . , "'. .:.i, ., " . . . /' p ......-  "'l  .. . -  $ .: 'J' . "--  . .' ..'" ) 3 t; II- (. ... I , i ." .,.. to r. , . r :'  I . . \ \ - ..... ; , 1 4 ) t1"":' 5  <'0< \ ..... \ @  ...ta .-: -, I I ,. . ( .- " 
rn I lNTERNAT10NAL MASTERS fI 1950 Ahues, Carl, GER, b-day 26.12,1883, t31,12.1968; Kieninger, Georg, GER, b-day 05,06,1902, t31,12.1968; Pachman, Ludek, GER, b-day 11.05.1924; Rellstab, Ludwig, GER, b-day 23,11.1904, t 14,02,1983; Unzicker, Wolfgang, GER, b-day 26,06,1925; Keller, Rudolf, GER, b-day 16.06.1917; Koch, Berthold, GER, b-day 22,02,1899; Richter, Kurt, GER, b-day 24,11,1900, t29,12,1969; Bolbochan, Julio, ARG, b-day 20,03.1920, t1996; Eliskases, Erich, ARG, b-day 13,01.1913 t1997; Guimard, C.E., ARG, b-day 06,04,1913 t1998; Pilnik, Hermann, ARG, b-day 08,01.1914, t 12.11.1981 ; Rosetto, Hector D., ARG, b-day 08,09.1922; Steiner, Lajos, AUS, b-day 14,06,1903, t22,04,1975; Mueller, Hans, AUT, b-day 01,12.1896, t28,02.1971; O'Kelly de Galway, Alberic, BEL, b-day 17.05,1911, t1980; Tsvetkov, Alexander, BUL, b-day 07.10.1914, t1990;Yanofsky, Daniel Abraham, CAN, b-day 26,03.1925, t2000; Einevoldsen, Jens, DEN, b-day 23,09.1907; Medina Garcia, Antonio, ESP, b-day 02.10,1919; Pomar Salamanca, Arturo, ESP, b-day ° 1,09,1931 ; Bisg u ier, Arth u r B" USA, b-day 08.10.1929; Den ker, Arnold S" USA, b-day 20,02,1914; Horowitz, Israel Albert, USA, b-day 15.11,1907, t18.01,1973; Kashdan, Isaac, USA, b-day 19.11,1905,t1985; Kmoch, Hans, USA, b-day 25,07,1894, t13,02.1973; Schmidt, Paul, USA, b-day 20.08,1916, t1984; Steiner, Herman, USA, b-day 15.04,1905, t25.11.1955; Koltanowski, George, USA, b-day 17,09,1903, t2000; Rossolimo, Nicolas, USA, b-day 12,07,1910, t24.07,1975; Benko, Paul, USA, b-day 15.07.1926 Book, Eero, FIN, b-day 09,02,1910 t 1990; Alexander, Conel Hugh O'Donel, ENG, b-day 19,04.1909, t 15,02.1974; Golombek, Harry, ENG, b-day 01.03,1911, t1995; Thomaz, George Alan, ENG, b-day 14,06,1881, t23,07.1972; Winter, William, ENG, b-day 11.09,1899, t17.12,1955; Kottnauer, Cenek, ENG, b-day 24,02,1910; Asztalos, Lajos, HUN, b-day 29,07.1889, tOl,l1.1956; Barcza, Gedeon, HUN, b-day 21.08,1911, t1986; Florian, Tibor, HUN, b-day 02.03,1919; Gereben, Erno, HUN-SUI, b-day 18,06,1907; Nagy, Geza, HUN, b-day 29.12.1892, t13,08. ; Szily, Jozsef, HUN, b-day 02.10,1913; Vajda, A" HUN, b-day 02,05,1896, t25,10,1967; Castaldi, Vincenzo, ITA, b-day 15,05,1916, t06,01.1970; Monticell, Mario, ITA, b-day 16,03.1902, +1995; Wade, Robert Grant, NZL, b-day 10.04.1921 ; Cortlever, Nicolaas, NED, b-day 14.06.1915; Prins, Lodewijk, NED, b-day 27.01.1913, +1999; van Scheltinga, Tjeerd Daneil, NED, b-day 06,03,1914, +1994; Canal, Esteban, PER, b-day 19.04.1896, +1981; Makarczyk, Kazimierz, POL, b-day 01.01.1901; Plater, Kazimierz, POL, b-day 03.03,1915; Erdelyi, Stefan, ROM, b-day 17,11.1905, +1968; T roianescu, acta v, ROM, b-day 04,02.1916, t 1980; Ekstrom, Folke, SWE, b-day 12,10.1906, t 1995; Lundin, Erik, SWE, b-day 02,07,1904, t 1989; Stoltz, Gosta, SWE, b-day 09,05.1904, t26,07.1963; Grob, Henri, SUI, b-day 04,06,1904; Johner, Hans, SUI, b-day 07.01,1889; Foltys, Jan, CSR, b-day 13.10.1908, tl1.03,1952; Opocensky, Karel, CSR, b-day 07,02.1892, t16,l1.1975; Sajtar, Jaroslav, CSR, b-day 03.12.1921; Zita, Frantisek, CSR, b-day 29,11.1909; Alatortsev, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 14,05,1909, t1987; Aronin, Lev, USSR, b-day 20,07.1920; Dubinin, Petr, USSR, b-day 30,06,1909, +1983; Dus-Chotemirsky, Feodor, USSR, b-day 26.09,1879, t06,ll.1965; Goglidze, Victor, USSR, b-day 07,11.1905, t1964; Kan, Ilia, USSR, b-day 04.05,1909, t1978; Kasparian, Genrikh, USSR, b-day 27,02,1910; Konstantinopolsky, Alexander, USSR, b-day 19,02,1910, t 1990; Lisitsin, Georgy, USSR, b-day 11.10,1909, +20.03.1972; Makogonov, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 27.08.1904, t1993; Mikenas, Vlados, USSR, b-day 17,04,1910, t1993; Nenarokov, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 1880, t18,12.1953; Panov, Vasily, USSR, b-day 01.11.1906, t1973; Romanovsky, Petr, USSR, b-day 30,07,1892, tOl,03.1964; Rudenko, Ludmila, USSR, b-day 27.07.1904, t1986; Simagin, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 21.06,1919, +25.09,1968; Taimanov, Mark, USSR, b-day 07.02,1926; Chehover, Vita Iy, USSR, b-day 22.12,1908, t 11.02,1965; T 01 uch, Alexa nder, USSR, b-day 01.05,1910, t03.03,1969; Veresov, Gavriil, USSR, b-day 08.07,1912, t1980; Verlinsky, Boris, USSR, b-day B7 4IP -  ID 
8B ---  ID 1888, t1950; Yudovich, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 08.06.1911, t1987; Gligoric, Svetozar, YUG, b-day 02.02.1923; Nedeljkovic, Srecko, YUG, b-day 04,12,1923; Pirc, Vasja, YUG, b-day 19.12.1907,t 1980; Puc, Stojan, YUG, b- day 09,04.1921; Rabar, Braslav, YUG, b-day 27,09.1919, t06,12.1973; T rifunovic, Petar, YUG, b-day 31.08.1910; Vidmar J.R" Milan, YUG, b-day 16.12.1909, t1980 1951 Carls, Carl, GER, b-day 16,09.1880, t11,09.1958; Schmid, lothar, GER, b-day 10.05.1928; Purdy, Cecil John Seddon, AUS, b-day 27.03,1907, t1980; Beni, Alfred, AUT, b-day 03.06,1923; lokvenc, Josef, AUR, b-day 01.05.1899, t02.04.1974; Sanchez, luis, COl, b-day 1917; Fairhurst, William Albert, SCO, b-day 21.08.1903, t1982; Konig, Imre, USA, b-day 19,02.1901 t1992; Muffang, Andre, FRA, b-day 25,07.1897, t1989; Paoli, Enrico, ITA, b-day 13.01.1908; Sacconi, Comte Antonio, ITA, b-day 05,10,1895; Szabados, Eugenio, ITA, b- day 03.07.1898, t06.03.1974; Muhring, Willem Jan, NED, b-day 17.08.1913; Katetov, Miroslav, CSR, b-day 07.03.1918; Richter, Emil, CSR, b-day 14,01.1894, t16,03,1971 ; Averbakh, Yuri, USSR, b-day 08,02,1922; Geller, Efim, USSR, b-day 08.03.1925; Novotelnov, Nikolay, USSR, b-day 09,12,1911; Matanovic, Alexander, YUG, b-day 23,05,1930; Milic, Borislav, YUG, b-day 20.1 O,1925,t1986; Vikovic, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 26.08,1898, t18.11,1975 1952 German, Eugenio, BRA, b-day 24.10.1930; Milev, Zdravko, BUl, b-day 25.10,1929; Vaitonis, Paul, CAN, b- day 15,08,1911, t1983; Kaila, Osmo Ilmari, FIN, b-day 11,05.1916; Ojanen, Kaarle Sakari, FIN, b-day 04,12.1918; Byrne, Robert, USA, b-day 20,04,1928; Evans, larry, USA, b-day 22,03,1932; CSRrniak, Moshe, ISR, b-day 03.02.1910, t1984; Porat, Yosef, ISR, b-day 07.06.1909, t1996; Barda, Olaf, NOR, b-day 17,08.1909, t1970; Donner, Jan Hein, NED, b-day 06.07,1927, t 1989; Christoffel, Martin, SUI, b-day 02,09,1922; Petrosian, Tigran, USSR, b-day 17,06.1929, t 13.08.1984; Fuderer, Andrija, YUG, b-day 13,05.1931 1953 Brinckmann, Alfred, GER, b-day 03,01.1891, t30,05.1967; Gilg, Karl, GER, b-day 20.01,1901 ; Heinecke, Herbert, GER, b-day 14.03,1905; Rodl, Ludwig, GER, b-day 30,04,1907; Wagner, Heinrich, GER, b-day 09.08.1888, t24,06.1959; Becker, Albert, ARG, b-day 05.09.1896; Fazekas, Stefan, ENG, b-day 23.03.1898, t03,04,1967; Sliwa, Bogdan, POL, b-day 04.02,1922;Blau, Max,SUl, b-day 19,12,1918, t1984; Filip, Miroslav, CSR, b-day 27.10,1928; Bykova, Elizaveta, USSR, b-day 04,11,1913, t08,03.1989; Spassky, Boris, USSR, b- day 30,01,1937 1954 Panno, Oscar, ARG, b-day 17.03.1935; Bogatyrchuk, Feodor, CAN, b-day 14,12.1892, t04,09,1984; Toran Albero, Roman, ESP, b-day 08,10,1931; Dake, Arthur W" USA, b-day 08,04.1910, t2000; Kluger, Gyula, HUN, b-day 15.01.1914, t1996; Bouwmeester, Hans, NED, b-day 16.09.1929; Kramer, Haije, NED, b-day 24.11,1917; Balanel, lon, ROM, b-day 07.06.1926; Korchnoi, Victor, USSR, b-day 23,07,1931; Neimetdinov, Rachid, USSR, b-day 15.12.1912; Kholmov, Ratmir, USSR, b-day 13,05.1925; Furman, Semen, USSR, b-day 01.12,1920, t 1978; Ivkov, Borislav, YUG, b-day 12,11.1933; 1955 Frydman, Paulino, ARG, b-day 26.05,1905,t1982; larsen, Bent, DEN, b-day 04,03,1935; Anderson, Frank Ross, USA, b-day 03,01.1928; Kupper, Josef, SUI, b-day 10,03,1932; Ilivitsky, Georgy, USSR, b-day 30.04.1921, t1990; Karaklajic, Nikola, YUG, b-day 24.02,1926 
1956 Uhlmann, Wolfgang, GER, b-day 29,03.1935; Michel, Pablo, ARG, b-day 27.11,1905; Bely, Miklos, HUN, b- day 09,08,1913, t26.09.1970; Szilagyi, Gyorgy, HUN, b-day 04,07,1921; Olafsson, Fridrik, ISL, b-day 26,01,1935; Rejfir, Josef, CSR, b-day 22,09.1909, t04,05,1962; Pubtsova, Olga, USSR, b-day 20.08.1909; Duckstein, Andreas, AUT, b-day 02,08.1927 1957 Darga, Klaus, GER, b-day 24.02.1934; Pfeiffer, Gerhard, GER, b-day 14,06,1923; Teschner, Rudolf, GER, b- day 16,02,1922; Sanguineti, Raul, ARG, b-day 03,02,1933; Robatsch, Karl, AUT, b-day 14.10,1928, t2000; Dunkelblum, Arthur, BEL, b-day 23,04,1906, t1979; Kolarov, Atanas Stefanov, BUL, b-day 02,03.1934; Neikirch, Oleg Nikolaev, BUL, b-day 08.03.1914, t1985; Padevski, Nikola Botchev, BUL, b-day 29,05,1933; Cuellar Gacharna, Miguel, COL, b-day 18,11.1916, t1986; de Greiff, Boris COL, b-day 13,02,1930; Fischer, Robert, USA, b-day 09,03.1943; Lombardy, William, USA, b-day 04,12,1937; Porreca, Giorgio, ITA, b-day 30.08.1927, t1998; Scafarelli, Francesco, ITA, b-day 23.10,1933; Cardoso, Rodolfo Tan, PHI, b-day 25.12.1937; Ciocaltea, Victor, ROM, b-day 16,01.1932, t1983; Kozma, Julius, CSR, b-day 01,06,1929; Bertok, Mario, YUG, b-day 02.09.1929; Durasevic, Bozidar, YUG, b-day 26,04,1933; Udovcic, Mijo, YUG, b-day 11.09.1920, + 1984 1958 Sherwin, James, USA, b-day 25.10.1933; Bilek, Istvan, HUN, b-day 11.08.1932; Portisch, Lajos, HUN, b-day 04.04.1937; Vasi u kov, Evgeny, USSR, b-day 05,03,1933 1959 Bielicki, Carlos, ARG, b-day 15.05,1940; Wexler, Bernardo, ARG, b-day 01,04.1925; Farre Mallofre, Miguel, ESP, b-day 23,02.1936; Perez Perez, Francisco Jose, CUB, b-day 08,09.1920; Fichtl, Jiri, CSR, b-day 16.02.1921 1960 Bobotsov, Milko Georgiev, BUL, b-day 30,09.1931, t2000; Minev, Nicolay Nikolaev, BUL, b-day 08,01.1931 ;Letelier Martner, Rene, CHI, b-day 21.02,1915; Bhend, Edwin, SUI, b-day 09.09,1931 1961 Pietzsch, Wolfgang, GER, b-day 12,12,1930; Lehmann, Heinz, GER, b-day 20,10.1921, t1995; Schweber, Samuel, ARG, b-day 16.07,1936; Weinstein, Raymond USA, b-day 1941; Penrose, Jonathan, ENG, b-day 07,10,1933; Haag, Erwin, HUN, b-day 11.01,1933; Aaron, Manuel, IND, b-day 30.12,1935; Johannessen, Svein, NOR, b-day 17.10,1937; Drimer, Dolfi, ROM, b-day 18,10,1934; Ghitescu, Teodor, ROM, b-day 24,01.1934; Keller, Dieter, SUI, b-day 19,07,1936; Ujtelky, Maximilian, CSR, b-day 20,04,1915; Polugaevsky, Lev, USSR, b-day 20.11.1934, t 1995; Stein, Leonid, USSR, b-day 12,11.1934, t04,07,1973; Suetin, Alexey, USSR, b-day 16,11.1926, t2001; Ciric, Dragoljub, YUG, b-day 12.11.1935; Matulovic, Milan, YUG, b-day 10.06,1935; Parma, Bruno, YUG, b-day 30.12,1941 1962 Fuchs, Reinhart, GER, b-day 28,09.1934; Malic, Burkhard, GER, b-day 29.11,1936; Tringov, Georgiu Petrov, BUL, b-day 07,03.1937,t2000; Byrne, Donald, USA, b-day 12.06,1930, t08,04.1976; Dely, Peter, HUN, b-day 05,07,1934; Honfi, Karoly, HUN, b-day 25,10,1930; Lengyel, Levente, HUN, b-day 13,06.1933; Shamkovich, Leonid, ISR, b-day 01,06.1923; Giustolisi, Alberto, ITA, b-day 17,03,1928; Barendregt, Johan 1, NED, b-day 16.02,1924, t1982; Henneberke, Franciscus W" NED, b-day 23,05,1925; Langeweg, Christian G" NED, b-day BJ -.....- ...  
90 4IP - ...  07.03,1937;Hort, Vlastimil, CSR, b-day 12,01,1944; Gaprindashvili, Nona, USSR, b-day 03.05,1941; Damjanovic, Mato, YUG, b-day 23.03,1927 1963 Foguelman, Alberto, ARG, b-day 13,10.1923; Berger, Bela, AUS, b-day 12.08,1931; Jimenez Zerquera, Eleazar, CUB, b-day 25.06,1928; Lasker, Edward, USA, b-day 03,12,1985, t1981; Flesch, Janos, Hun, b-day 30,09.1933, t1983; Forintos, Gyozo, HUN, b-day 30,07,1935 ; Tan, Hoang Liong, INA, b-day 20,08.1938; Johannsson, Ingi R" ISL, b-day 05.12.1936 ; Liberzon, Vladimir, ISR, b-day 23.03.1937, t 1996; Torre, Carlos, MEX, b-day 29,11.1904, t1979; Van den Berg, Carel, NED, b-day 12,02,1924, t30,06.1971; Quinones, Oscar Carrilo, PER, b-day 14,01.1941; Gheorghiu, Florin, ROM, b-day 06,04.1944; Antoshin, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 14,05,1923, t1994; Bagirov, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 16,08.1936, t2000; Gipslis, Aivar, USSR, b-day 08.02.1937, t2000; Krogius, Nikolay, USSR, b-day 22,07,1930; Vladimirov, Boris, USSR, b-day 17.05,1929; Bogdanovic, Rajko, YUG, b-day 15.11.1931 1964 Garcia, Raimoundp, ARG, b-day 27.05,1936; Andersen, Borge, DEN, b-day 19,03,1934; Sandor, Bela, HUN, b-day 14.12.1919; Kuijpers, Franciscus Antonius, NED, b-day 27,02.1941; Buidema, Coenraad, NED, b-day 29.08.1942; Zednarski, Bogoslav, POL, b-day 12.03,1939; Doda, Zbigniew, POL, b-day 22.02.1931; Gufeld, Eduard, USSR, b-day 19,03,1936; Khassin, Abram, USSR, b-day 15,02,1923; Lein, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 28,03,1931; Ney, Ivo, USSR, b-day 31.10,1932; Bukic, Enver, YUG, b-day 02.12.1937; Janosevic, Dragoljub, YUG, b-day 08,07,1923; Kozomara, Vlado, YUG, b-day 01,11.1922; Maric, Rudolf, YUG, b-day 13,05,1927, t1990; Minic, Dragoljub, YUG, b-day 05.03,1937; 1965 Hennings, Atrhur, GER, b-day 11,07,1940; Zinn, Lothar, GER, b-day 19,03,1938; Pfleger, Helmut, GER, b-day 06,08.1943; Bolbochan, Jacobo, ARG, b-day 26,12,1906,t1984; Palau, Luis, ARG, b-day 11.09,1896, t08.02.1971; Pelikan, Jiri, ARG, b-day 23,04,1906,t1984; Pleci, Isaias, ARG, b-day 21.10.1907, t1980; Popov, Luben, BU L, b-day 26.01.1936; Hamann, Svend, DEN, b-day 08,10,1940; Kavalek, Lubomir, USA, b- day 09,08.1943; Whitaker, Norman 1, USA, b-day 09.04,1890; Kovacs, Laszlo M., HUN, b-day 05,10,1938; Navarovszky, Lazlo, HUN, b-day 03.04,1933, t1996; Kraidman, Yair, ISR, b-day 05.10,1938; Uitumen, Tuden, MGL, b-day 27,08,1939; Van Geet, Dirk Daniel, NED, b-day 01.03.1932; Jansa, Vlastimil, CSR, b-day 27.11.1942; Osnos, Viacheslav, USSR, b-day 24.07,1935 ; Zaitsev, Alexander, USSR, b-day 15.06,1935, t08.11.1971; Kurajica, Bojan, Yug, b-day 15,02,1947; Marovic, Drazen, YUG, b-day 16,01.1938; Mihalijcisin, Mihailo, YUG, b-day 22.02,1933; Smederevac, Petar, YUG, b-day 26,08,1922 1966 Liebert, Heinz, GER, b-day 24,05.1936; Barczay, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 21.05.1936; Tatai, Stefano, ITA, b-day 23.03,1938; Miagmarsuren, Lhamsuren, MGL, b-day 10,08.1938; Sarapu, Ortvin, NZL, b-day 20.01,1924, t1999; Serguevsky, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 03,10,1936; Gurgenidze, Buchuti, USSR, b-day 13.11,1933; Mestrovic, Zvonimir, YUG, b-day 17.10.1944 1967 Mecking, Henrique, BRA, b-day 23,01,1952; Suttles, Duncan, CAN, b-day 21,12,1945; Cobo Arteaga, Eldis, CU B, b-day 05.09.1929; Diez del Corra I, Jesus, ESP, b-day 06.04.1933; Westeri nen, Hei kki, FI N, b-day 28.04,1944; Csom, Istvan, HUN, b-day 02.06,1940; Kaplan, Julio, PUR, b-day 25.07,1950; Soos, Bela, Sans Etat, b-day 06,02.1930; Zhukhovitsky, Samuil, USSR, b-day 12,12,1916; Lutikov, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 
05,02.1933, +1989; Savon, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 26,09,1940; Musil, Vojko, YUG, b-day 18.08,1945; Nikolic, Stanimir, YUG, b-day 26.01,1935; Vukic, Milan, YUG, b-day 19,08.1942; Addison, William G., USA, b-day 28,11,1933 1968 (10) Capelan, Gunther, GER, b-day 28,07.1932; Gerusel, Mathias, GER, b-day 05,19,1938; Radulov, Ivan, BUL, b- day 07,01.1939; Siaperas, T riantafyllos, GRE, b-day 01.08.1932; Vizantiades, Lazaros, GRE, b-day 02.04.1938; Ree, Hans, NED, b-day 15.11,1944; Kostro, Jerzy, POL, b-day 25.01.1937; Schmidt, Wlodzimierz, POL, b-day 10.04.1943; Radovici, Corvin, ROM, b-day 19,12,1931; Ostojic, Predrag, YUG, b-day 22,02,1938 1969 (25) Hecht, Hans-Joachim, GER, b-day 29.01,1939; Hubner, Robert, GER, b-day 06.11,1948; Mohrlok, Dieter, GER, b-day 04.11.1938; Rubinetti, Jorge, ARG, b-day 31.03,1945; Amos, Bruce Murray, CAN, b-day 30,12,1946; Fuster, Geza, CAN, b-day 19,02,1910, +1991; Vranesic, Zvonko, CAN, b-day 04,10,1938; Witt, Leslie, CAN, b-day 02,04.1933; Garcia, Silvino, CUB, b-day 04.05,1944; Levy, D,N,L., SCO, b-day 14,03,1945; Yepez, Olavo, ECU, b-day 20,08.1937; Browne, Walter Shawn, USA, b-day 10,01.1946; Saidy, Anthony, USA, b-day 16.05,1937; Ardijansjah, INA, b-day 1952; Wotulo, Max A" INA, b-day 05,08,1932, +2000; Kagan, Shimon, ISR, b-day 06.04.1942; Mariotti, Sergio, ITA, b-day 10,08,1946; Naranja, Renato, PHI, b-day 24.09.1940; Karpov, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 23.05.1951; Masic, Ljubomir, YUG, b-day 05.07,1936; Planninc, Albin, YUG, b-day 18.04,1944; Vizantiades, Lazaros, GRE, b-day 02,04.1938; Kostro, Jerzy, POL, b-day 25,01,1937; Siaperas, 1, GRE; Schmidt, V" CAN 1970 (19) Quinteros, Miguel, ARG, b-day 28,12.1947; Spiridonov, Nikolai, BUL, b-day 28,02,1938; Zuckerman, Bernard, USA, b-day 31.03.1943; Adorjan, Andras, HUN, b-day 31.03,1950; Ribli, Zoltan, HUN, b-day 06,09,1951 ; Sigurjonsson, Gudmundur, ISL, b-day 25,09,1947; Sydor, Andrzey, POL, b-day 03,01,1937; Andersson, Ulf, SWE, b-day 27,01.1951; Smejkal, Jan, CSR, b-day 02.03.1946; Balashov, Yuri, USSR, b-day 12,05.1949; Dzhindzhihashvili, Roman, USSR, b-day 05,05.1944; Moiseev, Oleg, USSR, b-day 06,05.1925; Zaitsev, Igor, USSR, b-day 27.05,1939; T ukmakov, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 25.03,1946; Gliksman, Darko, YUG, b-day 06.10.1937; Kovacevic, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 26.03.1942 1971 (6) Bleiman, Jacov, ISR, b-day 07,09.1947; Hartoch, Rob, NED, b-day 24.03,1947; Timman, Jan H" NED, b-day 14,12,1951; Hug, Werner, SUI, b-day 10,09,1952; Mista, Ladislav, CSR, b-day 31.10,1948; Marangunic, Srdjan, YUG, b-day 31,10,1943 1972 (22) Camara, Helder, BRA, b-day 07,02,1937; Kirov, Nino, BUL, b-day 09,02.1945; Spassov, Liuben, BUL, b-day 22.03.1945; Biyiasas, Peter, CAN, b-day 19,11,1950; Day, Lawrence, CAN, b-day 01,02.1949; Kuprianov, Georgy, CAN, b-day 06,03,1938; Gutierrez, Joze Antonio, COL, b-day 26,09.1943; Estevez, Guillermo, CUB, b-day 1947; Rodriguez, J., CUB, b-day 1937; Keene, Raymond 0" ENG, b-day 29,01,1948; Sax, Gyula, HUN, b-day 18,06,1951; Rodriguez, Orestes, PER, b-day 04.07,1943; Torre, Eugenio, PHI, b-day 04.11,1951; GrabCSRwsky, Roman, POL, b-day 1932; Espig, Lutz, GER, b-day 05,01.1949; Ghizdavu, Dimitri, ROM-USA, b-day 21.05,1947; Pribyl, Jozef, CSR, b-day 12.10.1947; Podgaets, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 23.07,1945; Messign, Hrvoje, YUG, b-day 26,07.1940; Rukavina, Josip, YUG, b-day 27.10.1942; Sofrevski, Jovan, YUG, b- day 17.08.1935; Velimirovic, Dragoljub, YUG, b-day 15,05,1942 91 4P iiiiia  
92 ......-- ...  1973 (17) Dueball, Jurgen, GER, b-day 17.04.1943; Boey, Josef, BEL, b-day 16,05,1934; Peev, Peicho, BUL, b-day 02.04,1940; Jakobsen, Ole, DEN, b-day 19.10,1942; Calvo, Ricardo, ESP, b-day 22,10,1943; Hartston, William R., ENG, b-day 12.08.1947; Enklaar, Bert F., NED, b-day 01.12.1943; Knaak, Rainer, GER, b-dy 16,03.1953; Vogt, Lothar, GER, b-day 17,01.1952; Tan, Lian Ann, SIN, b-day 08.09,1947; Plachetka, Jan, CSR, b-day 18,02,1945; Bel iavsky, Alexa nder, USSR, b-day 17,12.1953; Kuzm i n, Gen nady, USSR, b-day 19.01.1946; Razuvaev, Yuri, USSR, b-day 10,10,1945; Romanishin, Oleg, USSR, b-day 05,01,1952; Tchechkovsky, Vitaly, USSR, b-day 25,09.1944 1974 (19) Ermenkov, Evgeny, BUL, b-day 29,09.1949; Garcia-Gonzales, Guillermo, CUB, b-day 09.12,1953, +1990; Bellon Lopez, Juan Manuel, ESP, b-day 08.05,1950; Mednis, Ermar, USA, b-day 22.03.1937; Rogoff, Kenneth, USA, b-day 22,03.1953; Soltis, Andrew, USA, b-day 28,05.1947; Tardjan, James E., USA, b-day 22,02.1952; Miles, Anthony John, ENG, b-day 23,04,1955-+12,11.2001; Farago, Ivan, HUN, b-day 01,04.1946; Toth, Bela, ITA, b-day 19.04,1943; Ogaard, Leif, NOR, b-day 05.01.1952; Sosonko, Gennady, NED, b-day 18.05.1943; Lechtinsky, Jiri, CSR, b-day 25.11.1947; Belkadi, Ridha, TUN, b-day 25.04,1925; Makarychev, Sergey, USSR, b-day 17,11.1953; Buljovic, Ivan, YUG, b-day 31,10.1936; Hulak, Krunoslav, YUG, b-day 25.05,1951; Knezevic, Milorad, YUG, b-day 31,10.1936; Rajkovic, Dusan, YUG, b-day 17.05.1942 1975 (52) Jamienson, Robert M" AUS ; Velikov, Peter, BUL, b-day 29,03,1951; Piasetsky, Leon, CAN, b-day 24.02,1951; Spraggett, Kevin, CAN, b-day 10,11.1954; Castro, Oscar, COL, b-day 08.05.1953; Cuartas, Carlos, COL, b-day 15.08,1940; Boudy, Julio, CUB, b-day 11,06.1951; Diaz, Joaquin, CUB, b-day 05.07,1948; Fernandez, Ciro, CUB, b-day 03,08.1947; Fernandez, Juan, CUB, b-day 02.08,1951; Hernandez, Roman, CUB, b-day 23,11,1949; Rodriguez, Amador, CUB, b-day 18,10.1957; Verduga, Denis, ECU, b-day 14.03.1953; Grefe, John, USA, b-day 06.09,1947; Martz, William E., USA, b-day 21,03.1945; Weinstein, Norman, USA, b-day 04,10,1950; Nunn, John, ENG, b-day 25.04.1955; Stean, Michael, ENG, b-day 04.09.1953; Gregoriou, Militiadis, GRE, b-day 23,03,1935; Portisch, Ferenc, HUN, b-day 04.09,1939; Vadasz, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 27,01.1948; Harandi, Khossrow, IRI, b-day 11.09,1950; Sharif, Mershad, IRI, b-day 11,07.1952; Kaldor, Avraham, ISR, b-day 20,05,1947; Kouatly, Bachar, LIB, b-day 03,03.1958; Campos, Mario, MEX; Frey, Keneth, MEX, b-day 25,02.1950; Zwaig, Arne, NOR, b-day 02.06,1947; Bohms, Hans, NED, b-day 15,01.1950; Balinas, Rosendo, PHI, b-day 10,09.1941; Filipowicz, Andrej, POL, b-day 13,05,1938; Pytel, Krzysztof, POL, b-day 15.05,1945; Durao, Joaqim, POR, b-day 25.10,1930; Silva, Fernando, POR, b-day 04,08.1950; Partos, Carlos, ROM, b-day 10,08.1936; Suba, Mihai, ROM, b-day 01,06,1947; Vaisman, Volodea, ROM, b-day 25,12.1937; Ornstein, Axel, SWE, b-day 24,04.1952; Bouaziz, Slim, TUN, b-day 16.04,1950; Onat, Ilhan, TUR, b-day 05.12.1929; Suer, Nevzat, TUR, b-day 1925; Anikaev, Yuri, USSR, b-day 22,06,1948; Chekhov, Valery, USSR, b-day 27.11.1955; Dvoretsky, Mark, USSR, b-day 09,12.1947; Estrin, Yakov, USSR, b-day 21,04.1923, +1987; Georgadze, Tamaz, USSR, b-day 09,11.1947; Gulko, Boris, USSR, b- day 09,02,1947; Mukhin, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 1948; Sveshnikov, Evgeny, USSR, b-day 11.02,1950; Antunac, Goran, YUG, b-day 16,04.1945; Nicevski, Risto, YUG, b-day28.04.1945; Nicolac, Juraj, YUG, b-day 22.04,1932; Raicevic, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 02.05.1949 1976 ( 37) Averkin, Orest, USSR, b-day 25,02.1944; Adamski, Jan, POL, b-day 11.11.1943; Alburt, Lev, USSR, b-day 21,08.1945; Augustin, Josef, CSR, b-day 18.05.1942; Barle, Janes,YUG, b-day 21,03,1952; Giam, Ghoo Kwee, 
SIN, b-day 07,05.1942; Deze, Anton, YUG; Ivanovic, Bozidar, YUG, b-day 24,08.1946; Karasev, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 17.06,1938; Kestler, Hans Gunter, GER, b-day 12,12,1939; Klovan, Yanis, USSR, b-day 09,04,1935; Commons, Kim, USA; Kochiev, Alexander, USSR, b-day 25,03,1956; Krnic, Zdenko, YUG, b-day 02,10,1947; Lederman, Leon, ISR, b-day 25.05,1947; Lombard, Andre, SUI, b-day 19,09,1950; Lukacs, Peter, HUN, b-day 09.06,1950; Martinovic, Siobodan, YUG, b-day 25,07,1945; Matera, Salvatore, USA; Mohring, Gunter, GER; Nemet, Ivan, YUG, b-day 14,04,1943; Nun, Josef, CSR, b-day 22,07,1933; Petran, Pal, HUN, b- day 15,09,1946; Pi nter, Josef, HUN, b-day 09.09,1953; Poutia i nen, Perti, FI N 05,12,1952, t 1978; Pritchett, Kraig, SCO, b-day 15,Ol.1949;Radashkovich, Itzak, ISR; Szekely, Peter, HUN, b-day 08.02,1955; Szmetan, Jorge, ARG, b-day 26,05.1950,; Suiradiradja, German, INA, b-day 14,10,1947; Timoschenko, Gennady, USSR, b-day 27.04,1949; Sahovic, Dragutin, YUG, b-day 08,08.1940; Szymczak Zbigniew, POL, b-day 04,01,1952; Schneider, Lars-Ake, SWE, b-day 10.07,1955; Estrado, Humirez" BOL. 1977 (45) Haik, Aldo, FRA, b-day 19,10.1952; Bonsch, Uwe, GER, b-day 15.10,1958; Bukal, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 01.11.1939; Vatnikov, losif, USSR, b-day 16.02.1923; Wibe, Terje, NOR, b-day 06,10,1947; Vilela, Jose, CUB, b-day 19,03.1953; Virthensohn, Heinz, SUI; Witkowski, Stefan, POL, b-day 27.09,1931; Georgiev, Crum, BUL, b-day 24.05,1958; Gonzales, Jorge A" COL; Debarnot, Roberto, ARG, b-day 05.08,1947; Diesen, Marc C" USA; Ftachnik, Lubomir, CSR, b-day 30,10,1957; Chandler, Murray, NZL, b-day 04.04,1960; Yusupov, Artur,USSR, b-day 13.02,1960; Segal, Alexander S" ARG, b-day 04.10.1947; Inkov, Viacheslav, BUL; Trapl, Jindrich, CSR, b-day 24.03.1942; Lebredo, Gerardo, CUB, b-day 03,08,1950; Nogueiras, Jesus, CUB, b-day 17.07.1959; Mestel, Andrew Jonathan, ENG, b-day 13,03.1957; Webb, Simon, ENG, b-day 10.06.1949; Rantanen, Yrjo, FIN, b-day 23,04.1950; Ligterink, H,Gert, NED, b-day 17,11.1949; Hazai, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 14,06,1953; Rajna, Gyorgy, HUN, b-day 14,02.1947; Zichichi, Alvise, ITA, b-day 04,07,1938; Sznapik, Alexander, POL, b-day 10.02,1951; Pavlov, Mircea, ROM, b-day 14,09,1937; Stoica, Valentin, ROM, b-day 15,02.1950; Fraguela, Joze, ESP, b-day 07.12,1953; Eslon, Jan, SWE, b-day 04.03.1952; Kaiszauri, Konstanty, SWE, b-day 25,10,1952; Formanek, Edward W" USA, b-day06,05.1942; Rohde, Michael A" USA, b-day 26,08,1959; Dorfman, losif, USSR, b-day 01,05,1952; Kupreichik, Victor, USSR, b-day 03.07.1949; Minalchishin, Adrian, USSR, b-day 18.11,1954; Palatnik, Semen, USSR, b-day 26,03,1950; Panchenko, Alexander, USSR, b-day 05,10.1953; Zaharov, Alexander, USSR, b-day 07,10.1943; Tsetlin, Mikhail, USSR; Marjanovic, Siavolub, YUG, b-day 06,01,1955; Rogulj, Branko, YUG, b-day 01,08.1951; Todorcevic, Miodrag, YUG, b-day 10,11.1940 1978 (61) Lukov, Valentin, BUL, b-day 11.12,1955; Bohosjan, Sarkis, BUL, b-day 27.03,1941; Zapata, Alonso, COL, b- day 22,08,1958; Lanc, Alois, CSR, b-day 18,02,1948; Meduna, Eduard, CSR, b-day 11,09.1950; Hernandez, Jose de Jeses, CUB, b-day 19,01.1951; Bellin, Robert Cecil, ENG, b-day 30,06.1952; Speelman, Jonathan S" ENG, b-day 1956; Horvath, Tamaz, HUN, b-day 26,02,1963; Olafsson, Helgi, ISL, b-day 15.08,1956; Petursson, Margeir, ISL, b-day 15,02,1960; Bachtiar, Arabah, INA, b-day 25,03.1934, +1992; Birnboim, Nathan, ISR, b-day 27.11.1950; Grunfeld, Yehuda, ISR; Van Wijgerden, Cornelis A" NED, b-day 23,05.1950; Mascarinas, Rico, PHI, b-day02.03.1953; Dobosz, Henryk, POL, b-day 20,03.1953; Pokojowczyk,Jerzy, POL, b-day 21.02,1949; Skrobek, Ryszart, POL, b-day 04.07,1951; Ghinda, Mihai, ROM, b-day 25,07,1949; Ungureanu, Emil, ROM, b-day 01.11.1936; Lim, Seng Hoo, SIN; Padron, Jose Garcia, ESP; Sanz, Francisco, ESP, b-day 13.12.1952; Niklasson, Christer, SWE, b-day 04.01.1953; Schussler, Harry, SWE, b-day 24,06,1957; Wedberg, Tom, SWE, b-day 26,11,1953; Zaltsman, Vitaly, USA, b-day 26.10,1941 ; Lerner, Konstantin, USSR, b-day 28.02,1950; Mnatsakanian, Eduard, USSR,b-day 06,12,1938; Petrosian, Arshad, 93 ......-- ...  
CJ4 ......- ...  USSR, b-day 16,12,1953; Popov, Nikolay, USSR; Ubilava, Elizbar, USSR, b-day 10 04.1950; Zaichik, Gennady, USSR, b-day 11.02,1957; Zeitlin, Mark, USSR; Botterill, George, WLS, b-day 08.01.1949; Bjelajac, Milan, YUG, b-day 14,03.1948; Cebalo, Miso, YUG, b-day 1945; Despotovic, Momcilo, YUG, b-day 03.03,1948; Duric, Stefan, YUG; Kelecevic, Nedeljko, YUG, b-day 11,03.1947; Kosanski, Stanko, YUG, b-day 18,10,1941; Rakic, Tomislav, YUG, b-day 11.11.1934; Popovic, Petar, YUG, b-day 14.02,1959; Simic, Radoslav, YUG, b- day 09.06,1948; Bernat, Miguel Ignacio, ARG, b-day 18,09.1957; Bronstein, Luis, ARG, b-day 02,06,1946; Emma, Jaime, ARG, b-day 17,01,1938; Van Riemsdyk, Herman, BRA, b-day 26.08,1948; Trois, Francisco, BRA, b-day 03,09,1946; Hebert, Jean, CAN, b-day 11.11,1957; Remon, Adelquis, CUB; Taulbut, Shaum, ENG; Ravikumar, Vaidyanathan, IND, b-day 26.12,1959; Shirazi, Kamran, IRI, b-day 21,11.1952; Sisniega, Marcel, MEX, b-day 28,07.1959; Rodriguez, Ruben, PHI; Dolmatov, Sergey, USSR, b-day 20,02,1959; Fernandez, Antonio, VEN, b-day 18,10.1962; Ostos, Julio, VEN; Palacios, Antonio, VEN, b-day 13.11.1952 1979 (37) Rocha, Antonio, BRA, b-day 13,06,1944; Grigorov, Jordan, BUL, b-day 08,12.1953; Merdinjan, Agob, BUL, b- day 07.05,1949; T onchev, Miroslav, BUL, b-day 22,06.1951; Garcia, Gildardo, COL, b-day 09,03,1954; Banas, Jan, CSR, b-day 03.06,1947; Hausner, Ivan, CSR, b-day 15,04.1952; Prandstetter, Eduard, CSR, b-day 15,12,1948; Armas, Jorge, CU B, b-day 11,11.1959; Vera, Reyna Ido, CU B, b-day 07.01.1961 ; Hoi, Ca rsten, DEN, b-day 16,01.1957; Iskov, Gert, DEN, b-day 28,07.1948; Kristiansen, Jens, DEN, b-day 25.05,1952; Groszpeter, Attila, HUN, b-day 09.06,1960; Tompa, Janos, HUN, b-day 30.04,1947; Arnason, Jon L., ISL, b- day 13,11.1960; Van der Sterren, Paul G.M" NED, b-day 17,03,1956; Bielczyk, Jacek, POL, b-day 23,02.1953; Lucsak, Andrzej, POL; Schinzel, Vladislav, POL, b-day 22,05,1943; Biriescu, lon, ROM, b-day 26.10,1953; Karlsson, Lars, SWE, b-day 11.07,1955; De Firmian, Nicholas Ernest, USA, b-day 1957; Morris, Walter, USA, b-day 02,09.1958; Peters, John A" USA, b-day 10.02,1951; Rind, Bruce, USA, b-day 03.08.1953; Watson, John L., USA, b-day 05.09,1951; Kasparov, Garry, USSR, b-day 13,04.1963; Arapovic, Vitomir, YUG, b-day 20,12,1951; Osmanovifc, Kemal, YUG, b-day 06.03,1941; Coudari, Camille, CAN, b-day 29,07,1951; Campos Moreno, Xavier Benito, CHI, b-day 06,03.1959 Makropoulos, Georgios, GRE, b-day 28.09.1953; Van der Wiel, John, NED, b-day 9,08,1959; Seirawan, Vasser, USA, b-day 24.03.1960; Fedorowitz, J, DEN; Helmers, Knut, NOR, b-day 07,02,1957 1980 (70) Danner, Georg, AUT, b-day 26,10,1946; Antonov, Vladimir, BUL, b-day1 0.11.1949; Donchev, Dimitar, BUL, b-day 21.07,1958; .Liang Jinrong, CHN, b-day 21.05,1960; Liu Wenzhe, CHN, b-day 07,10.1940; Gross, Stefan, CSR, b-day 28,08,1949; Ortega, Lexy, CUB, b-day 08.03,1960; Basman, Michael J, ENG, b-day 16,03,1946; Littlewood, Paul E., ENG, b-day 18,01.1956; Short, Nigel, ENG, b-day 01.06,1965; Hess, Ralf, GER, b-day 27.03.1944; Kindermann, Stefan, GER, b-day 28.12,1959; Lobron, Eric, GER, b-day 07,05,1960; Gesos, Pavlos, GRE, b-day 25,05,1945; Sapi, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 20,03.1935; Gutman, Lev, ISR, b-day 26,09,1945; Murey, Yakov, ISR, b-day 02,08,1941; Villarreal, Felix, MEX; Adamski, Andrzej, POL, b-day 13,01,1939; Borkowski, Franciszek, POL, b-day 31,07.1957; Urzica, Aurel, ROM, b-day 11,11.1952; Renman, Nils-Gustaf, SWE, b-day 18,12,1950; Benjamin, Joel, USA, b-day 11,03.1964; Burger, Karl, USA, b-day 22.01.1933; Evans, Larry 0" USA; Gruchacz, Robert, USA, b-day 30,11,1953; Henley, Ron W., USA, b-day 05.12,1956; Kaufman, Larry, USA, b-day 15,11.1947; Kudrin, Sergey, USA, b-day 07.09.1959; Meyer, Eugene B" USA, b-day 27.06,1952; Obendahl, 5, USA; Zlotnikov, Mikhail, USA, b-day 14.09,1949; Kharitonov, Andrey, USSR, b-day 04,04,1959; Kiarner, H, USSR, ; Kozlov, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 31,05.1950; Petkevich, Jusefs, USSR, b-day 19,12,1940; Psahis Lev, USSR, b-day 29.11,1959; Vitolinsh, A, USSR; Abramovic, Bosko, YUG, b-day 14,02,1951; Cabrilo, Goran, YUG, b-day 01,07.1958; Cvetkovic, Srdjan, YUG, b-day 28,02,1946; 
Govedarica, Radovan, YUG, b-day 12,02.1948; Ilic, Zoran, YUG, b-day 17.03,1955; Jelen, Iztok, YUG, b-day 19,01.1947; Joksic, Sinisa, YUG, b-day 10.10,1940; Klaric, Ziatko, YUG, b-day 24.10,1956; Nikolic, Predrag, YUG, b-day 22.06.1960; Velickovic, Sasa, YUG, b-day 01,04.1951; Zivkovic, Ljubomir, YUG; Popov, Petar, BUL, b-day 19.12,1939; Ambroz, Jan, CSR, b-day 18.06.1954; Valvo, Michael G., USA, b-day 19,04.1942; Zilberstein, Valery, USSR, b-day 13.04.1943; Dizdar, Goran, YUG, b-day 04.12.1958; Rogers, lan, AUS, b-day 24,06,1960; Mortensen, Erling, DEN, b-day 05.04,1955; Fernandez-Garcia, Jose Luis, ESP, b-day 03.05,1954; Rivas Pastor, Manuel, ESP, b-day 13,07,1960; Sunye Neto, Jaime, BRA, b-day 02.05,1957; Morovic, Ivan, CHI, b-day 24,03.1963; Chernin, Alexander, USSR, b-day 06,03,1960; Wong Meng Kong, SIN, b-day 18,09,1963; Ramos, Domingo, PHI, b-day 09,10.1960; Tempone, Marcelo, ARG, b-day 06,09,1962; Prodanov, Dimitar, BUL, b-day 06.12,1952; Giffard, Nicolas, FRA, b-day 04,10,1950; Jasnikowski, Zbigniew, POL, b-day 12.05,1955; Ilijin, M., ROM; Wilder, Michael, USA, b-day 17,09.1962; Vujovic, Milorad, YUG, b-day 14,04,1933 1981 (28) Garcia Palermo, Carlos, ARG, b-day 02.12.1953; Shaw, T errey, AUS; Wittmann, Walter, AUT, b-day 13.03.1948; Ivanov, Igor V., CAN, b-day 08,01,1947; Nickoloff, Bryan, CAN, b-day 23,06.1956; Jingxuan, Qi, CHN; Sikora, Jan, CSR, b-day 22,08,1972; Barreras, Alberto, CUB, b-day 05.04,1951; Plaskett, James, HUN; Ostermeyer, Peter, GER, b-day 12.10.1943; Skembris, Spyridon, GRE, b-day 22,02,1958; Eperjesi, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 16,05,1943; Perenyi, Belaa, HUN; Angantysson, Haukur, ISL, b-day 02.12.1948; Ravi Sekhar, Raja, IND, b-day 17,09,1954; Gulbrandsen, Arne, NOR; Maninag, Rafael, PHI, b-day 14,06,1950; Martin Gonsalez, Angel, ESP, b-day 03,01.1953; Ochoa, Francisco, Javier, ESP, b-day 04,09.1954; Negulescu, Adrian, ROM, b-day 10.06.1961; Gurevich, Dmitri, USA, b-day 11.09.1956; Regan, Kennith, USA, b-day 13.09.1959; Tisdall, Jonathan, USA, b-day 26.08,1958; Magerramov, Elmar, USSR, b-day 10.04.1958; Akesson, Ralf, SWE, b-day 08,02,1961; Orso, Miklos, HUN, b-day 08.06,1956; Rodrigues Cordoba, Jesus, CUB, b-day 15.06.1949; Ginsburg, Mark, USA, b-day 27,03,1959 1982 (80) Agzamov, G., USSR b-day 06,09.1954,t1986 ; Andrejevic, Milorad, YUG, b-day 13,02.1976; Andruet, G" FRA, +1995; Barlov, Dragan, YUG, b-day 30,01,1957; Bath, L, USA; Benhadi, Madani, ALG, b-day 11,11.1958; Bishoff, Klaus., HUN, b-day 09,06.1961; Blocker, Calvin, USA, b-day 28.06,1955; Borik, Otto, GER, b-day 25,09,1947; Byhovsky, Anatoly, USSR; Vaiser, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 05,03,1949; Varashdi, Imre, HUN, b-day 04,03.1952; Veles, Nestor, CUB, b-day 05,05.1956; Vladimirov, Evgeny, USSR, b-day 20.01.1957; Vorotnikov, Vladislav, USSR, b-day 17,08,1947; Vujovic, Milorad, YUG, b-day 14.04,1933; Garbarino, Rodolfo, ARG, b- day 01.02,1963; Grigorian, Karen, USSR; Grunberg, Henric, GER, b-day 27,07,1947; Goodman, David, ENG, b-day 25,02,1958; Damljanovic, Branko, YUG, b-day 17,06,1961; Davies, Nigel, ENG, b-day 31.07.1960; Dizdarevic, Emir, YUG, b-day 02,04.1958; Dlugy, Maxim, USA, b-day 29.01.1966; Dobrovolsky, Ladislav, CSR, b-day 24,12,1950; Donneli, B, ZIM; Dydyshko, Viacheslav, USSR, b-day 10,04.1949; Our, A" AUT; Ivanov, Spiridon, BUL, b-day 08,05.1946; Johansson, Darryl K., AUS, b-day 04,02,1959; Kaabi, Mejdi, TUN; Kallai, Gabor, HUN, b-day 21.02.1959; Campora, Daniel J., ARG, b-day 30.06.1957; Kapostash, Miklos, HUN, b-day 03,04,1939; Ikarsha, L., HUN; Kengis, Edvin, USSR, b-day 12.04.1959; King, Daniel J., ENG, b-day 28,08,1963; Kogan, Boris, USA, b-day 08,02.1940; Cramling Dan, SWE, b-day 05,02,1959; Krushinsky, Wlodzimierz, POL, b-day 15.06,1951; Lau, Ralf, GER, b-day 19,10,1959; Lputian, 5mbad, USSR, b-day 14,02,1958; Lukin, Andrei, USSR, b-day 28,08.1948; Cambridge, Vincent, USA, b-day 08,03.1960; Mateo, Ramon, DOM, b-day 23,06.1958; Mokry, Karel, CSR, b-day 07,02,1959; Murshed, Niaz, BAN, b-day 13.05.1966; Mutso, F" ALB; Nikolic, J, YUG, ; Paramesvaran, Tiruchi N" IND, b-day 14.11,1955; Pinal, Nelson B., CUB, b-day 28,02,1955; Pliester, Leon, NED, b-day 20,08,1954; Rian, K" MAR, ; Roos, Daniel, FRA, b-day 9 .. -- ...  
96 ......---  ID 09,08.1959; Roos, Louis, FRA, b-day 07,12,1957; Saed, S,A" UAE, ; Semkov, Semko BUL, b-day 29,02.1960; Seret, Jean-Luc, FRA, b-day 14,09,1951; Sokolov, Andrey, USSR, b-day 20,03.1963; Strauss, David J, USA, b- day 07.08,1946; Sturua, Zurab, USSR, b-day 08,06,1959; Sheren, P., NED, ; Taylor, Timothy, USA, b-day 09,02.1953; Tiller, Bjorn, NOR, b-day 16.01.1959; Tishberik, Raj, GER, b-day 24.09.1962; Toshkov, Tihomir, BUL, b-day 20.11.1959; Watson, William N., ENG, b-day 18,04,1962; Fedder, Steen, DEN, b-day 14,06,1951; Foisor, Ovidiu, ROM, b-day 06.04.1959; Franco, S" PAR, Friaz, V, CHI, Hansen, Kurt, DEN, b-day 18,09.1964; Hase, Juan C" ARG, b-day 24.04.1948; Hebden, Mark, ENG, b-day 15,02.1958; Hmadi, Siaheddine, TUN, ; Cvitan, Ognien, YUG, b-day 10.10,1961; Cherna, L., HUN, Shipman, Walter, USA, b-day 18.04.1929; Ekstroem, Roland, SWE, b-day 22,05,1956; Yuasin, Leonid, USSR, b-day 08,08,1959 1983 (44) Johanson, Darryl, USA, b-day 04.02,1959 ; Filguth, Rubens, BRA, b-day 24,03.1956; Alzate, Dario, COL, b- day 27.05.1955; Nun, Jiri, CSR, b-day 27.07,1957; Povah, Nigel, ENG, b-day 17.07.1952; Sellos, Didier, FRA, b-day 20,02.1957; Liptay, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 03,07,1937; Greenfeld, Alon, ISL, b-day 17.04,1964; Agdestein, 51 men, NOR, b-day 15.05,1967; Bany, Jerzy, POL, b-day 04.03.1961; lonescu, Constantin, ROM, b-day 12,09,1958; Cramling, Pia, SWE, b-day 23,04,1963; 011, Bembit, USSR, b-day 23.04.1966, +1999; Zilberman, Natan, USSR, b-day 03.05,1940; Atanasov, Petko, BUL, b-day 14.01.1948; Babula, Milan, CSR, b-day 24,03.1950; Berg, Klaus, DEN, b-day 03,05.1960; Binham, Timothy, FIN, b-day 28.12.1956; Karoly, Tibor, HUN, b-day 15,11,1961; Thipsay, Praveen, IND, b-day 12.08.1959; Novoselski, Zoran, YUG, b-day 28,01,1955; Pils, Walter, AUT, b-day 15.07,1948; Zunian, Li, CHN, ; Stefanov, Parik, ROM, b-day 03.11.1954; .Butnoris, Aigimantas, USSR, b-day 20,11.1946; Pigusov, Eugeny, USSR, b-day 31,03,1961; Donaldson, John, USA, b-day 24,09,1958; Ziatilov, Ivailo, BUL, b-day 23,10.1960; Neckar, Lubomir, CSR, b-day 02,08,1950; Hodgson, Julian, ENG, b-day 25.07.1963; Chevaldonnet, Francois, FRA, b-day 22,07.1950; Szilagyi, Peter, HUN, b-day 30.10,1937; Sayed, Abderazak, IRQ, ; Kuijf, Marinas, N" NED, b-day 12,02,1960; Yap, Andronico, PHI,t1990; Jianchuan, Ye, CHN,; Leow, Lesile, SIN, b-day 18.10,1956; Dvoiris, Semen, USSR, b-day 02.11.1958; Veingold, Alexander, USSR, b-day 10.10,1953; Micayabas, Marlo, PHI, b-day 01.05,1963; Ehlvest, Van, USSR, b-day 14,1 0.1962;Georgiev, Kiril, BUL, b-day 28,11,1965; Braga, Fernando, ARG, b-day 09,07.1958 1984 (78) Hansen, Curt, DEN, b-day 18.09,1964; Granda Zuniga, Julio, PER, b-day 25,02.1967; Kojder, Konrad, POL, b- day 15,01.1956; Pereira, Renato, POR, ; Saeed, Naser 5., UAE, b-day 15.12,1965; Salov, Valery, USSR, b-day 26,085,1964; Hjorth, Greg, AUS, b-day 14,07.1963; Danailov, Silvio, BUL, b-day 21.04,1961; Milos, Gilberta, BRA, b-day 30,10.1963; Paolozzi, Marcos, BRA, b-day 05.11,1960; Cifuentes Parada, Roberto, COL, b-day 21,12.1957; Spacek, Petr, CSR, b-day 26.02.1964; Andres Mendez, Miguel, CUB, b-day 02,02,1952; Huerta Soria, Ramon, CUB, b-day 12.05,1951; Fries- Nielsen, Jens Ove, DEN, b-day 23.02.1960; Casper, Thomas, GER, b-day 17.03.1959; Paehtz, Thomas, GER, b-day 04,09.1956; Cummings, David H" ENG, b-day 24,01.1961; Kosten, Anthony C" ENG, b-day 24,07,1958; Lawton, Geoffry W., ENG, b-day 04.04.1960; Levitt, Jonathan, ENG, b-day 03.06,1963; Martin, Andrew 0" ENG, b-day 18,05.1967; Gomez, Manzano Carlos, ESP, b-day 30,01,1948; Yrjola, Jouni, FIN, b-day 24,10,1959; Manouck, Thierry, FRA, b-day 13.05,1957; Santo-Roman, Marc, FRA, b-day 13,09.1960; Grivas, Efstratios, GRE, b-day 30,03,1966; Fogacs, G" HUN; Horvath, Jozsef, HUN, b-day 13.08.1964; Meleghegyi, Csaba, HUN, b-day 15.09,1941; Polgar, Zsuzsa, HUN, b-day 19.04.1969; Utasi, 1, HUN, ; Rigo, Janos, HUN, b-day 28.10,1948; Schneider, Attila, HUN, b-day 14.04.1955; Barua, Dibyendu, IND, b-day 27,10,1966; Hjartarson, Johann, ISL, b-day 08,02,1963; Drasko, Milan, YUG, b-day 06.12,1962; Komljenovic, Davor, YUG, b-day 01.07.1944; Paunovic, Dragan, YUG, b-day 
97 -.....- ID 08.11.1961; Filipovic, Branko, YUG, b-day 06,10.1957; ljubisavljevic, Zivojin, YUG, b-day 25.06,1941; Indjic, Dusan, YUG, b-day 14.01,1960; Mirkovic, Siobodan, YUG, b-day 28,07,1958; Chee Meng Liew, Jimmy, MAL, b-day 19,11.1958; Cuijpers, Frans Andre, NED, b-day 12,04.1962; Gunawan, R., INA, ; Barbulescu, Dan C" ROM, b-day 23.06,1964;Marasescu, loan, ROM, b-day 06,10,1958; Radulescu, C., ROM, ; Hawelko, Marek, POL, b-day 10.08.1959;Panczyk, Krysztof, POL, b-day 14.07.1958; Stempin, Pawel, POL, b-day 13,07.1959; Steczkowski, Kazimierz" POL, b-day 29,10.1947; Sygulski, Artur, POL, b-day 22,07.1960; Tomaszewski, Roman, POL, b-day 16,05.1960; Condie, Mark L., SCO, b-day 12,02.1965; McNab, Colin A" SCO, b-day 03,02.1961; Ernst, Thomas, SWE, b-day 17.08,1960; Welin, Thomas, SWE, b-day 05,09,1959; Wiedenkeller, Michael, SWE, b-day1 0.01.1963; Zueger, Beat, SUI, b-day 03,06.1961; Azmaiparashvili, Zurab, USSR, b- day 16.03.1960; Cherepkov, Alexander V" USSR, b-day 30,10,1920; Eingorn, Vereslav C" USSR, b-day 23.11,1956; Eolian, levon, USSR, b-day 16,09.1959; Malaniuk Vladimir, USSR, b-day 21,07.1957; Polovodin, Igor" USSR, b-day 3,03,1955; Schroer, Jonathan, USA, b-day 16,06,1963; Cooper, John G.,WlS, b-day 14.05,1954; Sieiro-Gonzales, luis, CUB, b-day 01.06.1955; Eng, Holger, GER, b-day 27,02,1961; Skalkotas, Nikola.os, GRE, b-day 21.09,1949; Tabor, Jozsef, HUN, b-day 03,04,1936; Vegh, Endre, HUN, b-day 20,12,1957; Dumpor, Atif, YUG, b-day 13,12,1958; Sindik, Ervin, YUG, b-day 02,02,1953; Aurel Erdeus, Gheorghe, ROM, b-day 19,04.1938 1985 (65) Hellers, Ferdinand, SWE, b-day 28,01.1969; Romero Holmes, Alfonso, ESP, b-day 28.05.1965; Boissonnet, Carlos Pablo, ARG, b-day 09,01.1969; Anand, Viswanathan, IND, b-day 11.12.1969; Fernandes, Antonio M" POR, b-day 18,10,1962; Gurevich, Michail, USSR, b-day 22,02.1959; Afifi, Asim Abdel, EGY, b-day 03,01.1947; Naby, Abdel M" EGY; Shvidler, Eliahu, ISR, b-day 20.12.1959; Smagin, Sergei, USSR, b-day 08,09,1958; Reyes, Juan, PER, b-day 26,04,1963; Vaidya, Arun B" IND, b-day 29,12.1949; Ramayrat, Cris, PHI, b-day 17,05,1958; Adianto, Atut, INA, b-day 16.03,1965; Mirza, Shahzad, PAK, b-day 24,06,1952; Dekkar, Lies, AlG, ; Rian, Kacem, MAR, ; Kurtenkov, Atanas, BUl, b-day 02.08.1963; Kopec, Danny, CAN, b- day 28,02.1954; Pekarek, Ales, CSR, b-day 16.12,1961; Pecorelli Garcia, Humberto, CUB, b-day 14,12,1963; Arkell, Keith, ENG, b-day 08,01.1961; Howell, James, ENG, b-day 17,05.1967; Norwood, David, ENG, b-day 03.10.1968; Izeta Chavarri, Felix, ESP, b-day 03,08,1961; Miralles, Gilles, FRA, b-day 08,02.1966; Renet, Olivier, FRA, b-day 21.12.1964; Herneck, Gerald, GER; Reefschlager, Helmut, GER, b-day 08,04.1944; Stein, Bernd, GER, b-day 21.01.1955; lengyel, Bela, HUN, b-day 06.06,1949; Sinkovics, Peter, HUN, b-day 11.08,1949; Bjarnason, Saevar, ISl, b-day 18,07,1954; Thorsteins, Karl, ISl, b-day 13.10.1964; Messa, Roberto, ITA, b-day 03,03.1957; Hresc, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 20,11,1951; lallic, Bogdan, YUG, b-day 08.03,1964; lazic, Mirolub, YUG, b-day 28.06,1966; Palos, Osman, YUG, b-day 29,10.1949; Sadiku, Bedrija, YUG, ; Vujakovic, Branko, YUG, b-day 23,02.1949; Klinger, Josef, AUT, b-day 06,06.1967; Ksieski, Zbigniew, POL, b-day 01,01.1954; Przewoznik, Jan, POL, b-day 16,09,1957; Staniszewski, Piotr, POL, b-day 04,09,1966; Antunes, Antonio, POR, b-day 06.02.1962; Grunberg, Sergiu Henric, ROM, b-day 27,07,1947; Mozes, Ervin, ROM, b-day 03,01.1946; Oltean, Dorel, ROM, b-day 07,11,1957: Gobet, Fernand, SUI, b-day 12.02.1962; T repp, Markus, SUI, ; Arkhipov, Sergei, USSR, b-day 23,06.1954; Chernikov, Oleg, USSR, b-day 15,10.1936; Bonin, Jay R" USA, b-day 07,07,1955; Rizzitano, James A., USA, b-day 26,03.1961; Armas, U, ROM; Beil, Zdenek, CSR, b-day 19,08,1953; Gazhik, I, CSR, b-day : Zharkovic, YUGoslav, YUG, b-day 18,10.1947; Conquest, Stuart, ENG, b-day 01.03,1967; Kopek, Danny, USA, b-day 28,02.1954; Pirishi, Gabor, HUN, b-day 24,06.1958; Pisa, Jose, ESP, b-day 31.12,1955; Heltzel, F" AUT, : Eng, Holger, GER, b-day 27,02,1961 
9B ......-- ...  1986 (113) Pocheco, V.J" MEX; Liao, Van Eu, DOM, b-day 29.12,1963; Barbero, Gerardo F, ARG, b-day 21.08.1961, +2001; Gomez-Baillo, Jorge H" ARG, b-day 19,04,1959; Jadoul, Michel, BEL, b-day 17.09,1957; Winants, Luc, BEL, b-day01.01.1963;Andonov, Bogomil, BUL, b-day 18,03.1959; Lalev, Dimitar, BUL, b-day 16.01.1960; Salazar, J.Hernan, CHI, b-day 11,12,1958; Blatny, Pavel, CSR, b-day 22,06.1968; Mozny, Milos, CSR, b-day 06,10.1954; Vokac, Marek, CSR, b-day 06,12,1958; Gauglitz, Gernot, GER, b-day 28,06.1962; Brinck-Clausen, Bjorn, DEN, b-day 29.01,1942; Kristensen, Bjarke, DEN, b-day 09.04.1956; Pedersen, Erik, DEN, b-day 11,09,1958; Conquest, Stuart ENG, b-day 01.03,1967; Hawksworth, John C., ENG, b-day 06.12,1963; Howell, James, ENG, b-day 17.05,1967; McDonald, Neil, ENG, b-day 21.01.1967; Alvarez, I.Rafael, ESP, b-day 19.09.1961; De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M" ESP, b-day 30.06,1958; Gallego Eraso, Francisco, ESP, b-day 01.08,1959; Gil Reguera, Juan Carlos, ESP, b-day 02,03,1956; IIlescas Cordoba, Miguel, ESP, b-day 03,12.1965;Leski, Marc, FRA, b-day 25,06.1961 ; Brunner, Lukas, GER, b-day 29,05.1967; Doncevic, Dario, GER, b-day 12.01.1958; Grun, P., GER, ; Heinbuch, 0" GER, ; Hickl, Joerg, GER, b-day 16.04,1965; Muse, Mladen, GER, b-day 20.01.1963; Podzielny, Karl-Heinz, GER, b-day1 0.09.1953; Schneider, Bernd, GER, b-day 10,04,1965; Schulz, Klaus-Juergen, GER, b-day 17,09,1960; Sehner, Norbert, GER, b-day 06.02,1960; Werner, Dimo, GER, b-day 05,01,1952; Zysk, Robert, GER, b-day 04,05.1966; Kotronias, Vasilios, GRE, b-day 25,08.1964; Nagy, Ervin, HUN, b-day 30,07,1945; Horvath, Csaba, HUN, b-day 05.06,1968; Horvath, Jozsef, HUN, b-day 13,08,1964; Szalanczy, Emil, HUN, b-day 21.02.1953; Tolnai, Tibor, HUN, b-day 23,09,1964; Zsinka, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 29.11.1953; Prasad, Devaki V., IND, b-day 16.06,1962; Manor, Ilan, ISL, b-day 26,10,1969; Rechlis, Gad, ISL, b-day 05.02,1967; Basagic, Ziatko, YUG, b-day 18.12.1947; Begovac, Franja, YUG, b-day 31.07.1957; Jukic, Mirko, YUG, b-day 18,10,1962; Kosanovic, J, YUG, ; Kozul, Zdenko, YUG, b-day 21,05,1966; Ristic, Nenad, YUG, b-day19,11,1958; Sokolov, Ivan, YUG, b-day 13,06,1968; Strikovic, Aleksa, YUG, b-day 12.05.1961; Sulava, Nenad, YUG, b-day 25,12,1962; Paunovic, T omislav, YUG, b-day 25,05,1963; Boersma, Paulus A" NED, b-day 16,07.1948; Borm, Franciscus W. M" NED, b-day 18.06,1950; De Boer, Gert-Jan, NED, b-day 25,12,1959; Douven Rudy, C,M,H" NED, b-day 05,05,1961; Piket, Jeroen, NED, b-day 27.01.1969; Van Mil, Johannes A.J" NED, b-day 26.03,1959; Canda, Danilo, NCA, b-day 10.02,1961; Dejkalo, Stefan, POL, b-day 15,10,1959; Kuczynski, Robert, POL, b-day 17,04.1966; Pinkas, Karol, POL, b-day 13,02,1950; Sarwinski, Miroslaw, POL, b-day 15,01.1954; Santos, Luis, POR, b-day 30,06.1955; McKay, Roderie1<, SCO, b-day 11,02,1952; Bergstrom, Christer, SWE, b-day 27,09.1958; Hartman, Christer, SWE, b-day 26,10.1960; Yilmaz, Turham, TUR, b-day 11.09,1958; Bareev, Evgeny, USSR, b-day 21,11.1966; Berlinsky, Vladimir, USSR; Neverov, Valery, USSR, b-day 21.06,1964; Novikov, Igor, USSR, b-day 23,05,1962; Yuferov, 5, USSR, ; Yurtaev, Leonid, USSR, b-day 01.05.1959; London, Dimitri, USA, b-day 21.11,1962; Winslow, Elliott C" USA, b-day 16,05,1952; Whitehead, Jay, USA, b-day 12,10,1961; Wolff, Patrick G., USA, b-day 15,02,1968; Garkov, Mitko, BUL, b-day 21.01.1960; Panbukchian, Valentin, BUL, b-day13,05.1956; Pazos, G,Plinio, ECU, b-day 13.01.1960; Pein, Malcolm, ENG, b-day 14,08.1960; Franke, Heribert, GER, b-day13,07,1961; Brandics, Jozsef, HUN, b-day 26.07.1955; Dory, J., HUN, ; Erdelyi, Tamas, HUN, b-day 07,03.1953; Farago, Sandor, HUN, b-day 13.08,1956; Gyorkos, Lajos, HUN, b-day 18,07.1958; Hardicsay, Peter, HUN, b-day 16,07,1952; Meszaros, Andras, HUN, b-day 26,08.1956; Orgovan, Sandor, HUN, b-day 27,06,1958; Cabarkapa, Milenko, YUG, b-day 24.07,1938; Dukic, Z, YUG; Ilic, Dragan, YUG, b-day 30.05.1959; Polajzer, Danilo, YUG, b-day 09,10.1958; Kiedrowicz, Jan, POL, b-day 11.03.1960; Dukaszewski, Piotr, POL, b-day 13,01.1965; Erdeus, Ghiorghe A" ROM, b-day 19,04.1938; Kertesz, Alfred, ROM, b-day 16,06,1944; Krylov, Sergey, USSR, b-day 11.11,1948; Rudensky, N, USSR; Khalifman, Alexander, USSR, b-day 18,01.1966 
1987 ( 86) Adams. Michael, ENG, b-day 17,11,1971 ; Gallagher, Joseph G" ENG, b-day 04,05.1964; Wells, Petr K" ENG, b-day 17,04.1965; Ricardi, Pablo, ARG, b-day 25.02.1962; Ninov, Kiril, BUL, b-day 08,10.1968; Haba, Petr, CSR, b-day 06,01,1965; Jurek, Josef, CSR, b-day 18.08.1954; Poloc, Petr, CSR, b-day 05,03.1955; Stratil, Ladislav, CSR, b-day 10.06.1968; Sariego, Wilfredo F" CUB, b-day 26.03,1963; Hansen, Lars Bo, DEN, b-day 24.09.1968; Matamoros, Carlos 5" ECU, b-day 17,12.1966;Sanchez, Guirado F., ESP, b-day 03.09.1958; Raaste, Eero, FIN, b-day 23.04.1954; Belkhodja, Slim, FRA, b-day 23,11.1962; Graf, Juergen, GER, b-day 30.03,1963; Kraut, Rainer, GER, b-day 17,06,1966; Schoen, Wolfram, GER, b-day 05,06,1967; Sonntag, Hans Hubert, GER, b-day 16.04.1954; Thesing, Matthias, GER, b-day 15.07,1965; Wockenfus, Klaus, GER, b-day 29.08.1951; Juares Flores, Carlos A., GUA; Boguszlavszky, Evgeny, HUN, b-day 01.08,1955; Halasz, Tamas, HUN, b-day 01,06.1957; D'Amore, Carlo, ITA, b-day 30.01,1964; Ilincic, Ziatko, YUG, b-day 10,05.1968; Jovicic, Milos, YUG, b-day 17,02.1947; Kosic, Dragan, YUG, b-day 15.02.1970; Nurkic, Sahbaz, YUG, b-day 14.03.1956; Redzepagic, Rolando, YUG; Vukovic, Zdravko, YUG, b-day 28.04.1960; Blees, Albert David, NED, b-day 25.08.1962; Cardon, Helmut, NED, b-day 14.07,1963; Carlier, Brune, NED, b-day 14,11,1956; Ostenstadt, Berge, NOR, b-day 16,09.1964; Kostyra, Stanislaw, POL, b-day 26.01,1951; Maciejewski, Andrzdej, POL, b-day 09,07.1951; Xu Jun, CHN, b-day 17.09.1962; Dumitrache, Dragos, ROM, b-day 07.12.1964; Motwani, Paul A., SCO, b-day 13.06.1962; Bator, Roberto, SWE, b-day 26,09.1963; Hector, Jonny, SWE, b-day 13,02.1964; Franzoni, Giancarlo, SUI, b-day 04.03.1961; Huss, Andreas, SUI, b-day 15.10,1950; Adrianov, Nicolai, USSR; Efimov, Igor, USSR, b-day 16,09.1960; Gelfand, Boris, USSR, b-day 24.06.1968; Glek, Igor, USSR, b-day 07.11,1961; Kaidanov, Grigory, USSR, b-day 11,10,1959; Kantsler, Boris, USSR; Kremenetsky, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 14,01.1939; Kuzmin, Alexey, USSR, b-day 08.03,1963; Lanka, Zigurd, USSR, b-day 21,05.1960; Mairov, Vitaly, USSR; Okhotnik, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 28.02.1950; Rosentalis, Eduard, USSR, b-day 27.05,1963; Vyzhmanavin, Alexey, USSR, +2000; Yakovich, Yuri, USSR, b- day 30,11.1962; Costigan, Richard, USA, b-day 08,08,1959; Rey, Guillermo, USA, b-day 21.12,1952; Ivanov, Jordan, BUL, b-day 20,09.1960; Orev, Peter, BUL, b-day 07.06.1934; Large, Peter, ENG, b-day 02.03,1956; Maki, Veijo, FIN, b-day 07.12.1958; Thorhallsson, Throstur, ISL, 19.03.1969; Arlandi, Ennio, ITA, b-day 21.01.1966; Mantowani, Renzo, ITA, b-day 02.04,1963; Riemersma, Liafbern, NED, b-day 14.06,1967; Chaourar, Nasreddine, ALG, b-day 06,09.1962; Mateus, Manuel, ANG; Soppe, Guillermo, ARG, b-day 17,09,1960; Fatim, Tarek, EGY; Ghazali, Youssef, EGY; Hamid, Ahmed, EGY; Ravi, Lanka, IND, b-day 14.07.1962; Tilak, Sharad A., IND, b-day 04,07,1962; Lodhi, Mahmood, PAK, b-day 08,08.1961; Marin, Mihail, ROM;Hakki, Imad, SYR, b-day 01,01.1957; Ivanchuk, Vasily, USSR, b-day 18.03,1969; Djukanovic, Marko, YUG; Ibarra, Rafael Alvarez, ESP; Aleksic, Nenad, YUG, b-day 07,12,1958; Grosar, Aljosa, YUG, b-day 23.11.1967; Kovacevic, Siobodan, YUG, b-day 17,10.1955; Maksimovic, Branimir, YUG, b-day 16.08,1955; Pavlovic, Milos, YUG, b-day 05,01.1964 1988 (112) Hill, Shane, AUS, b-day 11.12.1971; Boudiba, Mahfoud, ALG; Giardelli, Sergio, ARG, b-day 27.06,1955; Hoffma n, Aleja nd ro, ARG, b-day 26,10.1966; Ba nchev, B" BU L; Delchev, Aleksa nder, BU L, b-day 15,07,1971; Dimitrov, Vladimir, BUL, b-day 11,04.1968; Ivanov, Stojan, BUL, b-day 09,03.1948; Janakiev, Ivan, BUL, b- day 03.10.1948; Kolev, Atanas, BUL, b-day 15.07.1967; Manolov, Ivan, BUL, b-day 30.10.1952; Stefanov, Krasimir, BUL, b-day 06.02,1960; Polasek, Jaroslav, CSR, b-day 30.03.1957; Tichy, Vladimir, CSR, b-day 01.10.1946;Tibensky, Robert, CSR, b-day 16.08.1960; Konopka, Michal, CSR, b-day 14.03.1966; Borges Mateos, Juan, CUB, b-day 28,03,1966; Buther, Th., GER; Teske, Henrik, GER, b-day 28.02,1968; Schandorff, Lars, DEN, b-day 20.04,1965; Abreu, Jorge 0" DOM, b-day 15,06,1958; Crawley, Gavin, ENG, b-day 99 --  ID 
100 -- iiiiiiIa  08,05,1963; Sadler, Matthew, ENG, b-day 15,05,1974; Whiteley, Andrew J., ENG, b-day 09,06,1947; Magem, Jorgi, ESP, b-day 24,08.1967; Oltra Caurin, Ramon, ESP, b-day 30,12,1956; Boudre, Jean-Pierre, FRA, b-day 20,07,1954; Bricard, Emmanuel, FRA, b-day 04,05.1966; Lautier, Joel, FRA, b-day 12,04.1973; Villeneuve, Alain, FRA, b-day 13.12,1945; Cladouras, Panagiotis, GER, b-day 23.05,1961; Keitlinghaus, Ludger, GER, b- day 24,07.1965; Mainka, Romuald, GER, b-day 15.05.1963; Maus, Soenke, GER, b-day 11.06.1967; Mohr, Stefan, GER, b-day 22,10.1967; Reeh, Oliver, GER, b-day 19,01.1964; Schmittdiel, Eckhard, GER, b-day 13.05.1960; Stangl, Markus, GER, b-day 29,04,1969; Wahls, Mathhias, GER, b-day 25.01.0968; Gavrilakis, Nikolaos, GRE, b-day 23.03.1955; Pandavos, Emanouel., GRE, b-day 19.04,1957; Feher, Gyula, HUN, b-day 07.02.1959; Kiss, Attila, HUN, b-day 16.12,1959; Polgar, Judit, HUN, b-day 23.07.1976; Szabolcsi, Janos, HUN, b-day 14,05.1952; Hedge, R. G., IND; Murugan, Krishnamoorthy, IND, b-day 25.07.1964; Orr, Mark J.L., IRL, b-day 09.11,0955; Stefansson, Hannes, ISL, b-day 18.07.1972; Lev, Ronen, ISL, b-day 22.09,1968; Shrentzel, Israel, ISL, b-day 24.03.1961; Godena, Michele, ITA, b-day 30.06.1967; Blagojevic, Dragisa, YUG, b-day 01.01,1966; Bogdanovski, Vlatko, YUG, b-day 31.12.1964; Davidovic, Alexander, YUG, b-day 22.09.1961 ; Gostisa, Leon, YUG, b-day 31.03,1961 ; Jovic, Ljubomir, YUG, b-day 22,07,1942; Marinkovic, Ivan, YUG, b-day 14.07,1967; Medancic, Rikard, YUG, b-day 13.08.1950; Milovanovic, Rade, YUG, b-day 12,11.1954; Tosic, Miroslav, YUG, b-day 15.06,1960; Zelic, Zdravko, YUG, b-day 28,09,1959; Jigzhidsuren, Purev, MGL, b-day 20.04.1947; Pieterse, Gert, NED, b-day 18.02,1962; Gause, Einar, NOR, b-day 30.11.1963; Brestian, Egon, AUT, b-day 28,07,1964; Fauland, Alexander, AUT, b-day 27.07.1964; Schlosser, Michael, AUT, b-day 20,10.1968; Gdanski, Jacek, POL, b-day 30.11.1970; Matlak, Marek, POL, b-day 21,03.1966; Szypulski, Andrzej, POL, b-day 30,08.1962; Zolnierowicz, Krzysztof., POL, b-day 19,01.1962; Takacs, B, ROM; Brynell, Stellan, SWE, b-day 28,09.1962; Atalik, Suat, TUR, b-day 10,10.1964; Akopian, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 07,12.1971; Anastasian, Ashot, USSR, b-day 16.07,1964; Dautov, Rustem, USSR, b-day 28.011.1965; Dreev, Alexey, USSR, b-day 30.01,1969; Godes, Dmitry, USSR, b-day 26.07.1939; Goldin, Alexander, USSR, b-day 27,02.1965; Huzman, Alexander, USSR, b-day 10.04.1962; Krasenkov, Mikhail, USSR; Kuporosov, Victor, USSR, b-day 26.09,1961; Moskalenko, Victor, USSR, b-day 04.12.1960; Machulsky, Anatoly, USSR, b-day 24,09.1956; Naumkin, Igor, USSR, b-day 10,08.1965; Peshina, G., USSR; Serper, Grigory, USSR, b-day 14,09.1969; Sneider, Alexander, USSR, b-day 22.05,1962; Fishbein, Alexander, USA, b-day 08.05,1968; Ivanov, Alexander, USA, b-day 01.05,1956; Root, Douglas, USA, b-day 12,02.1963; Silman, Jeremi 0" USA, b-day 28.08.1954; Weemaes, Ronald, BEL, b-day 31,08.1955; Angelov, Kosta, BUL, b-day 10,12,1946; Bradbury, Neil H" ENG, b-day 09,05,1964; Jacobs, Byron A., ENG, b-day 25,06,1963; Thomas, lan, ENG, b- day 14.12,1967; Estremera Panos, Sergio, ESP, b-day 25,06.1962; Vehi Bach, Victor M., ESP, b-day 09.01.1960; Miljanic, Boro, YUG, b-day 12,05,1965; Small, Vernon, NZL, b-day 18,07,1954; Haugli, Petter, NOR, b-day 12,10,1958; Sygulski, Boguslaw, POL, b-day 10,08,1957; Frois, Antonio, POR, b-day 15.03.1962; Anitoaie, Dumitru, ROM, b-day 20,09.1960; Lupu, Mircea Sergiu, ROM, b-day 28,08,1962; Heyken, Enno, GER, b-day 24,07,1959; Klundt, Klaus, GER, b-day 25.12,1941 ; Meszaros, Andras, HUN, b-day 26.08,1956; Nijboer, Friso, NED, b-day 26.05.1965 1989 (64) Michael, Ch., CHI; Hamdouchi, Hichem, MAR; Oparaaugo, Thomas, NIG, b-day 08.02.1970; Sicilima, C" ZAM, ; Arussi, A. Hu, EGY ; Sorin, Ariel H" ARG, b-day 26,04.1967; Henao, Raul Fernando, COL, b-day 19.10.1955; Apicella, Manuel, FRA, b-day 19.04,1970; Koch, Jean Rene, FRA, b-day 08,11.1970; Roeder, Matheas, GER, b-day 27.01.1966; Gyoerkoes, L, HUN; Palkovi, Jozsef, HUN, b-day 05.01.1967; Dzevlan, Miralem, YUG ; Manic, Jovica, YUG, b-day 25,011.1958; Espinosa, Rafael, MEX ; Tumurhuyag, N" MGL ; Brenninkmeijer, Joris, NED, b-day 14,09.1969; Antonio, Rogelio Jr., PHI, b-day 19,02.1962; Wojtkiewicz, 
1 () 1 -- ID Alexander, POL, b-day 15,01.1963; Wang Zili, CHN, b-day 14,06.1968; Polaczek, Richard, BEL, b-day 17.06.1965; T opalov, Veselin, BUL, b-day 15.03,1975; Lima, Darcy, BRA, b-day 22.05,1962; David, Pavel, CSR, b-day 25,03,1965; Prie, Eric, FRA, b-day 14,03.1962; Lutz, Christopher, GER, b-day 24.02,1971; Schlosser, Philipp, GER, b-day 19,08.1968; Mrda, M, YUG ; Djurhuus, Rune, NOR, b-day 25.01.1970; Urday, Henry, PER, b-day 05.07,1967; Frois, Antonio, POR, b-day 15.03,1962; Aseev, Konstantin, USSR, b-day 20,10,1960; Basin, Leonid, USSR, b-day 23,11,1957; Byhovsky, Avigdor, USSR, b-day 05.03,1955; Dzhandzhava, Lasha, USSR, b-day 05,05.1970; Epishin, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 11.07.1965; Gleizerov, Evgeny, USSR, b-day 20,03.1963; Kalinichev, S., USSR; Kishnev, Sergey, USSR, b-day 01.11,1956; Kovalev, Andrey, USSR, b-day 07,11.1961; Legky, Nikolay, USSR, b-day 11,04.1955; Loginov, Valery, USSR, b-day 13,12.1955; Malisauskas, Vidmantas, USSR, b-day 04,08,1963; Fominykh, Alexander, USSR, b-day 15,06,1959; Piskov, Yury, USSR, ; Ruban, Vadim, USSR, b-day 13.06.1964; Shabalov, Alexander, USSR, b-day 12.09,1967; Sher, Miron, USSR, b-day 29.06.1952; Shirov, Alexey, USSR, b-day 04,07,1972; Smirin, Ilia, USSR, b-day 21.01.1968; Timoshenko, Georgiy, USSR, b-day 01.06.1966; Brooks, Michael A" USA, b-day 17,04,1961; Sherzer, Alex, USA, b-day 01.02.1971; Priehoda, Vitezslav, CSR, b-day 11.01,1960; Herrera, Irisberto, CUB, b- day 07,12,1968; Dunnington, Angus J, ENG, b-day 09.08,1967; Thomas, lan, ENG, b-day 14,12.1967; Brendel, Oliver, GER, b-day 08,02.1963; Abel, Lajos, HUN, b-day 07.10.1944; Marotsi, Gyorgy, HUN, b-day 21.04.1942; Varga, Zoltan, HUN, b-day 12.07.1970; Anic, Darko, YUG, b-day 30,04.1957; Dimoski, Nikola, YUG, b-day ; Petkovski, Vlatko, YUG, b-day 30.03,1961; Gizynski, T omasz" POL, b-day 02.11.1960; Rosiak, Andrzej, POL, b-day 24.01.1953; Zielinski, Marek, POL, b-day 19.03.1962; Biro, Sandor, ROM, b-day 18,07.1957; Landenbergue, Claude, SUI, b-day 24,03,1964; Spasov, Vasil, BUL, b-day 17.02.1971; Rachels, Stuart, USA, b-day 26.09.1969 1990 Sebih, Kamel, ALG; Ferreira, Nelsen, ARG; EI Assiouti, Sheriff, EGY; Yasseen, Aly, EGY, b-day 26.09.1950; Bruk, Ofer, ISR, b-day 13,01.1968; Soffer, Ram, ISR, b-day 06.09,1965; Barcenilla, Rogelio, PHI; Rodriguez, Andres, URU, b-day 19,12,1973; Mamombe, Kudzanai, ZIM; Sanchez Almeyra, Jorge, ARG, b-day 04,03,1968; Rahman, Z" BAN; Zahariev, Zahari, BUL, b-day 10.09,1961; Emms, John M., ENG, b-day 14,03,1967; Valkesalmi, Kimmo, FIN, b-day 01.05,1961; Levacic, Damir, FRA, t-day 15,12.1959; Luce, Sebastien, FRA, b-day 18.101963; Kaminski, Uwe, GER, b-day 16.08.1962; Meister, Peter, GER, b-day 25.06,1966; Pieper-Emden, Carsten GER, b-day 22,04.1963; Volke, Karsten, GER, b-day 18,04,1965; Fogarasi, Tibor, HUN, b-day 21.11.1969; Mathe, Gaspar, HUN, b-day 19.03,1959; Polgar, Zsofia, HUN, b-day 02.11.1974; Siklosi, Zoltan HUN, b-day 18.10.1955; Videki, Sandor, HUN, b-day 09.09,1966; Tsesarsky, Ilia, ISR, b-day 09.10.1959; Belotti, Bruno, ITA, b-day 08,12,0964; Palac, Mladen, YUG, b-day 18,02,1971; Bosboom, Manuel, NED, b-day 24,01.1963; Johansson, Jan, SWE, b-day 07.11.1960; Wessman, Richard, SWE, b-day 31.03.1969; Kveinis, Aloyzas, USSR, b-day 09,07.1962; Orlov, Georgy" USSR; Titov, German, USSR, b-day 26,04,1963; Tunik, Genady, USSR, b-day 27,05,1953; Ulibin, Mikhail., USSR, b-day 31.053.1971; Zlotnik, Boris, USSR, b-day 15.10.1946; Finegold, Benjamin, USA, b-day 06,09.1969; Adla, Diego, ARG, b-day 04,06,1968; Cid, Marino Alejandro, ARG, b-day 12,06.1958; Fiorito, Fabian, ARG, b-day 02.11,1969; Slipak, Sergio, ARG, b-day 28,07.1965; Zarnilcki, Pablo, ARG, b-day 12,11.1972; Solomon, Stephen J, AUS, b-day 24,07,1963; West, Guy, AUS, b-day 07,09,1958; Donev, Ivo H., BUL, b-day 25,121.1959; T odorov, Ognjan, BUL, b-day 17,12,1959; Hergott, Deen, CAN, b-day 23.10,1962; Hracek, Zbynek, CSR, b-day 09.09,1970; Hutters, Tomas, DEN, b-day 19,12.1969; Rasmussen, Karsten, DEN, b-day 16.10.1965; Morris, Philip, ENG, b-day 05.11,1967; Ward, Christopher, ENG, b-day 26,03,1968; Pomes, Juan., ESP, b-day 29.01.1957; San Segundo, Pablo, ESP, b-day 09.02,1970; Sion Castro, Marcelino" ESP, b- 
102 -  ID day 27,11.1957; Rodgaard, John, FAI, b-day 04,03.1955; Pyhala, A, t1999, FIN; Chabanon, Jean Luc, FRA, b- day 13.08.1971; Baumhus, Reinhard, GER, b-day 08.08,1964; Busch, Klaus, GER, b-day 31,08,1965; Ruf, Mattheas, GER, b-day 14,04,1968; Wegner, Hanno, GER" b-day 02,09,1967; Womacka, Matheas. GER, b-day 26,06.1966; Moutousis, Konstantinos, GRE, b-day 13,02,1971; Kiss, Pal, HUN, b-day 21.11.1963; Beim, Valery, ISR, b-day 17.03,1950; Gofshtein, Leonid, ISR, b-day 21,04.1953; Kosashvili, Yona, ISR, b-day 03,07.1970; Manca, Federico, ITA, b-day 06.05.1969; Brkljaca, Ante, YUG, b-day 08,11.1953; Dragojlovic, Andjelko,YUG; Franic, Milan, YUG, b-day 27,06.1964; Jacimovic, Dragoljub, YUG, b-day 10.01.1964; Markotic, Gordana, YUG, b-day 04.01.1951; Milosevic, Goran., YUG, b-day 02,01,1964; Mohr, Georg, YUG, b-day 02,02.1965; Ristic, Nebojsa, YUG, b-day 18.06,1960; Sermek, Drazen, YUG, b-day 30,01.1969; Todorovic, Goron M" YUG, b-day 17.05.1963; Zelcic, Robert YUG, b-day 21.09.1965; Grooten, Herman, NED, b-day 02.07.1958; Van Wely. Loek, NED. b-day 07.10,1972; Stajcic, Nikola, AUT, b-day 24.03,1949; Pedzich, Dominik, POL, b-day 19,01.1971; Sapez, Witalis, POL, b-day 07,06,1964; Ginting, Nasib, INA, b-day 14,07,1959; Ciolac, Gheorghe, ROM, b-day 30.03,1956; Cosma, loan,. ROM, b-day 31.07.1965; Zarnescu, Constantin, ROM, b-day 25,01.1939; Muir, Andrew J., SCO, b-day 17,10,1958; Degerman, Lars, SWE, b-day 20.04,1963; Avshalumov, Alex, USSR, b-day 02.03.1964; Baburin, Alexander, USSR, b-day 19,02.1967; Bologan, Victor, USSR, b-day 14.12,1971; Bukhman, Eduard, USSR, b-day 08.06,1941; Buturin, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 19.11.1943; Dovzsik, Yury, USSR, b-day 05,10.1962; Dragomaretsky, Evgeny, USSR; Fedorov, Vladislav, USSR, b-day 21.07.1953; Galdunts, Sergey, USSR, b-day 17.01.1965; Georgadze, Georgy, USSR, b- day 10,10.1964; Golikov, Anatoly, USSR; Gurevich, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 04,08,1959; lonov, Sergey, USSR, b-day 07,01.1962; Ivanov, Sergey, USSR; Yanovsky, 5, USSR; Khasin, Alexander, USSR, b-day 16.06.1951; Khenkin, Igor, USSR, b-day 21.03.1968; Khmelnitsky, Igor, USSR, b-day 21.08,1968; Kiselev, Sergey, USSR, b-day 14.09.1961; Komarov, Dmitry, USSR, b-day 01.12.1968; Martynov, Pavel, USSR, b-day 01.01.1968; Nikolaev, Sergey, USSR, b-day 27.09.1961; Petrenko, Valentin, USSR, b-day 20.09.1931; Rausis, Igors, USSR, b-day 07.04,1961; Rychagov, M, USSR; Rotstein, Arkady, USSR, b-day 29.04.1961; Sakaev, Konstantin, USSR, b-day 13.04,1974; Saltaev, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 19.11.1962; Savchenko, Stanislav, USSR, b-day 21.01.1967; Sherbakov, Ruslan, USSR, b-day 14.09.1969; Sorokin, Maxim, USSR, b-day 22,01.1968; Tiviakov, Sergey, USSR, b-day 14,02,1973; Evdokimov, 0" USSR; Zagrebelny, Sergey, USSR; Ziatdinov, Raset, USSR, b- day 27,12,1958; Zlochevsky, Alexander, USSR, b-day 25.06,1963; Ermolinsky, Alex, USA, b-day 11.04.1958; Karapchansky, Dimitar, BUL, b-day 30,04,1947; Ninov, Nikolay, BUL, b-day 21.05.1969; Lesiege, Alexandre, CAN, b-day 18.08,1975; Langner, Ladislav, CSR, b-day 01.06.1969; Petran, Peter, CSR, b-day 25.08,1954; Fette, Martin, GER, b-day 24.10.1956; Weindl, Alfred, GER, b-day 27.07.1964; Anka, Emil, HUN, b-day 20.01,1969; Veinger, Itzhak, ISR, b-day 05.07,1938; Marinelli, Tullio, ITA, b-day 30,04,1967; Cigan, Stefan, YUG ; Sibarevic, Milenko, YUG, b-day 12.03,1945; Bern, Ivar, NOR, b-day 20,01.1967; Damaso, Rui, paR, b- day 24,04,1968; Santos, Jose p" paR, b-day 12,10,1958; Berechet, Otiliu, ROM, b-day 27,06.1962; Winsnes, Rikard, SWE, b-day 11.07.1968, 1991 Sejtar, Ilir, ALB; Kohlweyer, Bernd, GER, b-day 07,12,1964; Bianchi, Guillermo ARG, b-day 28,01.1958; Lagunov, Alexander, GER, b-day 14.07,1967; Servat, Roberto, ARG, b-day 06.02.1968; Mann, Christian, GER, b-day 17,03.1971; Braga, Cicero Noqueira, BRA, b-day 07,03,1958; Mueller, Karsten, GER, b-day 23,11.1970; O'Donnell, Tom, CAN, b-day 20,01,1965; Pichler, Jergen, GER, b-day 03.06.1961; Freisler, Pavel, CSR, b-day 03,10.1963; Schaufer, Markus, GER, ; Jirovsky, Milos, CSR, b-day 17.03.1974; Urban, Julian, GER, b-day 17.02,1969; Polak, Tomas, CSR, b-day 24,04,1974; Abel, Lajos, HUN, b-day 07.10,1944; Alonso Garcia, Rene, CU B, b-day 30.03.1963; Dobos, Jorzef, HUN, b-day 10.10.1961; Arrencibia Alonso, J ua n Joel, CU B, b- 
103 --...a_ ID day 13,08,1968; Istvandi, Lajos, HUN, b-day 27,07,1967; Lugo Gonsalez, Bias, CUB, b-day 24.06,1967; Krizsany, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 30,10.1971; Antonsen, Mikkel, DEN, b-day 27,05.1973; Alterman, Boris, ISL, b- day 04,05.1970; Danielsen, Henrik, DEN, b-day 21.01.1966; Porper, Eduard, ISR; Jelling, Erik, DEN, b-day 22,10.1964; lak, Uriel, ISR, b-day 14,03.1959; Nielsen, Peter Heine, DEN, b-day 24,05,1973; lilberman, Yaacov, ISR, b-day 26,05,1954; Sorensen, Jan, DEN, b-day 14,01,1970; Vezzosi, Paolo, ITA, b-day 14.12.1960; Agnos, Denetrious, ENG; Antic, Dejan, YUG; Hennigan, Michael, ENG, b-day 08.10.1970; Brkovic, loran, YUG; Comas Fabrego, Luis, ESP, b-day 22,06.1971; Drazic, Sinisa, YUG, b-day 16,12.1967; Gil, Javier, ESP, b-day 10,05.1967; Kapetanovic, Armin, YUG; Degraeve, Jean-Marc, FRA, b-day 26.01.1971; Kontic, Djordje, YUG, b-day 05.05,1969; Hauchard, Arnault, FRA, b-day 15.11.1971 ; Kostic, Nebojsa, YUG; Marciano, David, FRA, b-day 04.07.1969; Kostic, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 20.08,1953; Pira, Davoud, FRA, b-day 08.02.1960; Marinkovic, Siavisa, YUG, b-day 18,01.1967; Borriss, Martin, GER, b-day 28,04.1970; Miladinovic, Igor, YUG, b-day 25.01.1974; Hermann, Manfred, GER, b-day 31,08,1942; Mitkov, Nikola, YUG, b-day 18,12.1971; Hoffman, Michael, GER, b-day 19.09,1970; Nikcevic, Nebojsa, YUG; Nikolic, Nebojsa, YUG, b-day 23.03.1968; Petronic, Jovan, YUG, b-day 19.05,1964; Podlesnik, Bogdan, YUG, b-day ° 1,07,1961 ; Si na novic, M u ha med, YUG, b-day 11,04.1961; Sprecic, Mustafa, YUG, b-day 08.06.1943; Vasiljevic, Dragan, YUG; Vujosevic, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 22.03,1958; lakic, Srdjan, YUG; Lendwai, Reinhard, AUT, b-day 13.10.1966; Scroll, Gerhard, AUT; Bus, Mariusz, POL, b-day 25.03.1970; Urban, Klaudiusz, POL, b-day 02,11.1968; Candea, Georghe, ROM; Crisan, Alesandru, ROM, b-day 31,07.1962; Grigore, George- Gabriel, ROM, b-day 13.11.1970; Navrotescu, Catalin, ROM, b-day 27.10,1967; Ott, Wolfgang, ROM, b-day 16,05.1943; Solonar, Stepan, ROM, b-day 09.04,1956; Vasilescu, Lucian, ROM, b-day 11.02,1962; Summermatter, Daniel, SWl, b-day 26,05,1964; Agrest, Evgeny, RUS, b-day 15,08.1966; Arbakov, Valentin, RUS; Asanov, Bulat, RUS; Belov, Igor, RUS; Berdichevsky, Igor, RUS, b-day 15.07.1964; Berkovich, Dmitry, RUS, b-day 14.03,1966; Bogdanovich, Grigory, RUS; Budnikov, Alexander, RUS, b-day 26,01.1967; Chuchelov, Vladimir, RUS, b-day 28.09,1969; Frolov, Artur, RUS, b-day 30,07,1970; Gluzman, Mikhail, RUS, b-day 05.09,1967; lashvili, Akaky, RUS, b-day 04.03.1973; Ibragimov, IIdar, RUS, b-day 16,08.1967; Ikonnikov, Viacheslav, RUS, b-day 15.03,1966; Kapengut, Albert, RUS, b-day 04.07.1944; Karpman, Vadim, RUS, b-day 12,05,1965; Kharlov, Andrey, RUS, b-day 20,11.1968; Komliakov, Victor, RUS, b-day 25.04,1960; Korneev, Oleg, RUS, b-day 25,07,1969; Landa, Konstantin, RUS; Lazarev, Vladimir, RUS, b-day 05.06.1964; Lempert, Igor, RUS, b-day 06.11,1969; Levin, Felix, RUS, b-day 05,11.1958; Makarov, Marat, RUS, b-day 07.05.1963; Maksimenko, Andrei, RUS, b-day 07,12.1969; Malutin, Evgeny, RUS, b-day 31.10,1971; Minosian, Artashes, RUS, b-day 21,01,1967; Muhutdinov, Marat, RUS; Nikolenko, Oleg, RUS, b-day 19,06.1959; Nisman, Boris, RUS, b-day 14.10.1949; Panchenko, Alexander, RUS, b-day 05.10.1953; Sedeif- lade, Fikret, RUS; Solozhenkin, Evgeny, RUS, b-day 31,07.1966; Svidler, Petr, RUS, b-day 17.06,1976; Volodin, Victor, RUS, b-day 17,07,1957; Yagupov, Igor, RUS, b-day 13.10,1965; Remlinge, Larry, USA, b-day 06.09.1941; Vukic, Mladen, USA, ; Hadorn, Daniel, SUI; AI-Modiahki, Mohamad, OAT, b-day 01.06,1974; Suhendr, Andi Supardi, CHN, b-day 12.11,1972; Abdullah, Mansoor, UAE; Hamid, Mansour Kazi, YEM; Crouch, Colin, ENG, b-day 14.10.1956; Dunnington, Angus, ENG, b-day 09,08,1967; Gschnitzer, Oswald, GER, b-day 08.02,1966; Schulze, Ulrich, GER, b-day 12.11.1950; Mishra, Neeraj Kumar, IND, b-day 15.11.1968; Berkovich, Mark, ISR, b-day 19.01.1952; Wu, Shaobin, CHN, b-day 04,02,1969; Costa, Jean-Luc, SUI, b-day 25.01,1965; Desancic, Miroslav, SUI, b-day 04.08,1948 ; Gorelov, Sergey, RUS; Moiseev, Victor, RUS, b-day 13.05,1959; Shabanov, Yury, RUS, b-day 11.11.1937; Shereshevsky, Mikhail, RUS, b-day 22,04.1950; Vaulin, Alexander, RUS, b-day 18.03,1957, 
104 -- ... 'ID 1992 Clavina. Pablo. ARG; Zezulkin. Yuri. BLR, b-day 16.08.1971; Dobrev, Nanko, BUL, b-day 27.03.1967; Genov. Peter. BUL, b-day 05.04,1970; Leventic. Ivan, CRO, b-day 21.09,1970; Petran. Peter, CSR. b-day 25.08.1954; Velicka, Petr, CSR. b-day 26.02.1967; Votava. Jan, CSR, b-day 29,11.1974; Rivera. Alberto R., CUB. b-day 28.04,1957; Martidis. Alkis, CYP, b-day 06.10.1954; Borge. Nikolaj, DEN. b-day 02.03,1971; Garcia Ilundain, David. ESP, b-day 02,04.1971; Beckemeyer, Werner, GER, b-day 16.10.1959; Gabriel. Christian, GER, b-day 03.03.1975; Habibi, Ali, GER, b-day 01,07,1954; Luecke, Norbert. GER. b-day 30,05.1970; Stern, Rene. GER. b-day 15.02.1972; Pandavos. Panayotis. GRE. b-day 29.05.1963; Almasi. Istvan, HUN. b-day 08.05,1973; Almasi, Zoltan, HUN. b-day 29,08.1976; Gyimesi, Zoltan. HUN. b-day 31.03,1977; Leko, Peter, HUN. b-day 08.09.1979; Madl, IIdiko. HUN. b-day 05.11.1969; Babu, N. Sudhakar, IND. b-day 15.12,1965; Sahu. Sekhar Chandra, IND, b-day 22.10.1955; Zilberstein, David. ITA. b-day 12,11,1941; Mozetic. Dejan. YUG. b-day 16.08.1965; Radulovic. B. Dragan, YUG; Vujadinovic. Goran, YUG. b-day 12.02,1964; Nesterov. Yakov, KAZ, b-day 24.11,1966; Temirbaev, Serik, KAZ; Sokolov. Andrey, LAT, b-day 23.02.1972; Altac, Valery, LlC ; Zagorskis. Darius. LTU. b-day 20.11.1969; Zapolskis. Antanas, LTU, b-day 20.04,1962; Navarro Segura. Roberto, MEX; Nevednichy. Vladislav. MDA, b-day 03.09,1969; Hoeksema, Hendrik Pieter, NED. b-day 12,07.1962; Oblitas Guerrero. Carlomagno, PER; Kaminski. Marcin, POL, b-day 10.03,1977: Pieniazek. Artur. POL. b-day 28.05.1968; Gallego, Luis. paR. b-day 12.02,1931; Lin Weiguo, CHN, b-day 25,07,1970; Bach, Adrian. ROM, b-day 17,04,1961; Berechet, Otiliu, ROM. b-day 27.06,1962; Istratescu, Andrei, ROM. b-day 03.12.1975; Itkis, Boris. ROM, b-day 08.10,1952; Milu, Romeo-Sorin, ROM. b-day 25.07.1967; Moldovan, Daniel. ROM, b-day 17,02,1971; Rogozenco. Dorin, ROM, b-day 18.08.1973; Schwartzman. Gabriel. ROM; Vlad, Decebal, ROM. b-day 08.12,1971; Bashkov, Viacheslav. RUS, b-day 24.01,1962; Belikov. Vladimir. RUS, b-day 02,08,1971; Beshukov, Sergey, RUS; Fedorov, Alexey, RUS. b-day 27.09,1972; Galanov. Boris. RUS; Golubev, Mikhail, RUS. b-day 30,05.1970; Hait. Alexander, RUS. b-day 02,04,1952; Ivanov. Mikhail. RUS; Korsunsky. Yury, RUS. b-day 03,08.1967; Meister. Yakob, RUS; Raetsky. Alexander. RUS. b-day 17,10,1961; Rublevsky, Sergey. RUS. b-day 15.10.1974; Shevelev, Sergey. RUS, b-day 07,04.1969; Shipov, Sergey, RUS, b-day 17,04,1966; Shtirenkov, Veniamin, RUS; Shedchikov. Anatoly, RUS; Sutorikhin, Vladimir. RUS; Varavin. Victor. RUS. b-day 23,05,1967; Lyrberg, Patrik. SWE, b-day 30.08,1976; Sjoberg, Mats, SWE. b-day 11.11.1958; Magomedov. Magaram, TJK. b-day 20,05.1966; Anageldiev, Orasly. TKM; Kalinin. Oleg, UKR. b- day 03,05,1957; Kruppa, Yuri, UKR, b-day 21,06.1964; Pogorelov. Ruslan, UKR, b-day 07,06,1959; Shmuter, Leonid, UKR, b-day 03.05,1969; Tangborn, Eric. USA. b-day 26,04.1961; Barsov. Alexey, UZB; Lesiege, Alexandre, CAN, b-day 18.08.1975; Xie Jun. CHN. b-day 30.10.1970; Watanabe. Roberto. BRA, b-day 06.07,1972; Hartman, Brian. CAN. b-day 11,04.1957 1993 Servat. Robert, ARG, b-day 06,02.1968; Darcyl. Tomas, ARG, b-day 28,11.1964; Leskovar. Mario, ARG. b-day 12.10,1950; Spangeberg, Hugo, ARG, b-day 22.11.1975; Lanos, G,. ARG; Nalbandian, Tigran. ARM. b-day 05,06,1975; Petrosian. Karen, ARM; Stanec, Niki, AUT. b-day 29,04.1968; Verdihanov. Vladislav, AZE; Agamaliev. Gamil. AZE; Shulman. Yury, BLR. b-day 29,04,1975; Toth. Christian, BRA. b-day 26.02,1968; O'Donnell. Tom, CAN, b-day 20,01.1965; Egger. Jorge, CHI; Gonzales, Bernal, CRC; Sale. Srdjan, CRO. b-day 15,09.1963; Becerra. Julio. CUB; Otera. Evelio. CUB, b-day 14,04.1959; Aldamo, Degurnay. CUB; Bjerring, Kai. DEN. b-day 21.01.1946; Moran, Augusto, ECU; Pares Vives, Josep, ESP. b-day 31.08,1955; Kiik, Kalle, EST, b-day 10.02.1963; Bauer, Christian, FRA, b-day 11.01.1977; Supatashvili, Khvicha, GEO, b-day 31,03.1969; Bezold. Michael. GER. b-day 23,05.1972; Blauert, Joerg, GER. b-day 27.11,1964; Enders. Peter, 
GER, b-day 02.02,1963; Polzin, Rainer, GER, b-day 13,02,1971; Schmaltz, Roland, GER, b-day 15.11.1974; Kofidis, Andreas, GRE, b-day 19,09,1964; Kourkounakis, lIias, GRE, b-day 05.12.1960; Horvath, Imre, HUN, b-day 30,10.1956; Kahn, Evarth, HUN, b-day 02.02.1972; Meszaros, Gyula, HUN, b-day 08,06.1967; Mikhalevsky, Victor, ISR, b-day 12,07.1972; Serebrianik, Alexander, ISR; Contin, Daniel, ITA, b-day 25,03.1962; Borgo, Giulio, ITA, b-day 16,05.1967; Avrukh, Boris, KAZ, b-day 08.01.1978; Dziuban, Oleg, KAZ; Peregudov, Nikolay, KAZ; Kotsur, Pavel, KAZ; Tkachev, Vladislav, KAZ; Berzinsh, Roland, LAT, b-day 14.01.1975; Miezis, Normunds, LAT, b-day 11.05,1971; Brend, Fred, LUX; David, Alberto, LUX, b-day 26,03,1970; Reinderman, Dimitri, NED, b-day 12.08,1972; Grabarczyk, Miroslaw, POL, b-day 03,01.1971; Baluta, Konstantin, ROM, b-day 29.12.1949; Georgescu, Gabriel, ROM, b-day 07,03.1953; Miulescu, Gabriel, ROM, b-day 20.07.1949; Bets, Anatoly, RUS; Daniliuk, Sergey, RUS; Eismont, Oleg, RUS; Faibisovich, Vadim, RUS, b-day 08.05.1944; Gorbatov, Alexey, RUS; Ivanov, Timur, RUS, b-day 18,03,1969; Kalegin, Evgeny, RUS; Kalinin, Alexander, RUS, b-day 26,05.1968; Lisik, Valery, RUS, ; Mukhametov, Eldar, RUS, b-day 21.05,1969; Nevostruev, Vladimir, RUS; Nikitin, Alexander, RUS; Shuraev, Alexander, RUS; Vasilchenko, Oleg, RUS, b-day 21,12.1960; Yuneev, Alexey, RUS; Zviagintsev, Vadim, RUS, b-day 18,08.1976; Mannion, Stephen, SCO, b-day 24,12,1964; Biolek, Richard, CSR, b-day 29.09,1970; Michenka, Jozef, CSR, b-day 21,09,1955; Orsag, Milan, CSR, b-day 08,01.1964; Votruba, Pavel, CSR, b-day 23.09.1948; Drozdov, Igor, UKR, b-day 07,04,1968; Galiamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa, UKR, b-day 18.01,1972; Moroz, Alexander, UKR, b-day 18,01,1961; Onischuk, Alexander, UKR, b-day 03.09,1975; Sulipa, Alexander, UKR; Rivera, Daniel, URU, b- day 15,08.1959; Delaune, Richard, USA, b-day 24.12.1954; Rao, Vivek, USA, b-day 09.10,1970; Remlinger, Larry, USA, b-day 06,09,1941; Waitzkin, Joshua, USA, b-day 04,12.1976; Milanovic, Vojislav, YUG, b-day 22,01.1957; Kovacevic, Predrag, YUG, b-day 06.09.1960; Nestorovic, Dejan, YUG, b-day 06.08,1964; Movsisian, Karen, ARM, b-day 06.01,1963; Guliev, Sarhan, AZE, b-day 01.04.1968; Rahman, Ziaur, BAN; Bereziuk, Sergey, BLR, b-day 10,02,1960; Mochalov, Evgeny, BLR, b-day 29,10.1951; Ryskin, Alexander, BLR, b-day 12,01.1963; Vasquez, Rodrigo, CHI, b-day 06.12.1969; Deng Kongliang, CHN, b-day 23.11.1965; Peng,Xiaomin, CHN, b-day08.04.1973; Hansen, Sune Berg, DEN, b-day 21.04.1971; Kumaran, Dharshan, ENG, b-day 07.06,1975; Parker, Jonathan, ENG, b-day 19,05.1976; Webster, Andrew, ENG, b-day 10.08,1973; Mellado T rivino, Juan, ESP, b-day 09.10,1968; Etchegaray, Patrice, FRA, b-day 13,04,1969; Arakhamia, Ketevan, GEO, b-day 19,07.1968; Bagaturov, Georgy, GEO, b-day 28.11.1964; Tabatadze, Tamaz, GEO, b-day 30.03.1968; Beikert, George, GER; Kiebel, Martin, GER; Linghau, Carsten, GER, b-day 15.04.1969; Loeffler, Stefan, GER, b-day 03.07,1968; Maiwald, Jens-Uwe, GER, b-day 06,05.1974; Michaelsen, Nils, GER, b-day 07.06.1977; Panzer, Peter, GER, b-day 29.12.1963; Pirrot, Dietr, GER, b-day 30,10.1964; Poldauf, Dirk, GER, b-day 16.09.1965; Rabiega, Robert, GER, b-day 01.02.1971 ; Schmidt, Peter, GER, b-day 02,09,1969; Schwartz, Michael, GER, b-day 22.07,1971; Seul, Georg, GER, b-day 29.05,1963; Siobodjan, Roman, GER, b-day 01.01,1975; Kalesis, Nikolaos, GRE, b-day 31.07,1970; Lirindzakis, Timotheos, GRE, b-day 16.09.1960; Anka, Emil, HUN, b-day 20,01.1969; Beribora, Ferenc, HUN; Fencsy, Imre, HUN; Nemeth, Zoltan, HUN, b-day 20.10.1959; Vigh, Vela, HUN, b-day 13.11.1944; Jonsson, Bjorgvin, ISL, b-day 17.03.1964; Afek, Yochanan, ISR, b-day 16.04.1952; Har-Zvi, Ronen, ISR, b-day 13,10,1976; Liss, Eran, ISR, b-day 02,07.1975; Mikhalevsky, Alexander, ISR, b-day 11,03,1958; Sutovskij, Emil, ISR, b-day 19,09,1977; Zifroni, Dov, ISR, b-day 17.02.1976; Sarno, Spartaco, ITA, b-day 27,12.1964; Krivonosov, Oleg, LAT, b-day 11.05,1961; Meyers, Viesturs, LAT; Zhuravlev, Valery, LAT, b-day 11,12,1938; Chernov, Vadim, MDA, b-day 23,04,1963; Solonar, Stepan, MDA, b-day 09,04,1956; Klarenbeek, Hans, NED, b-day 09,06,1965; Martens, Martin, NED, b-day 10.03.1970; Van der Werf, Mark, NED; Welling, Gerard, NED, b-day 03,04.1959; Ciemniak, Robert, POL, b-day 13.01.1975; Markowski, Tomasz, POL, b-day 30,07.1975; Typek, Konrad, POL, b-day 31.12,1966; Burmakin, Vladimir, RUS; Cherniaev, Alexander, RUS; Donchenko, Anatoly, RUS, b-day 10S --...a_ ...  
106 - ...  01.09.1940; Gagarin, Vasily, RUS, b-day 30.11.1960; Gavrilov, Alexey, RUS; Ivanov, Alexey S" RUS; Ivanov, Victor L., b-day 30.01.1969, RUS; Karpatchev, Alexander, RUS, b-day 25,05,1967; Kozlov, Oleg, RUS, b-day 27,09.1960; Makarov, Andrey, RUS, ; Malyshev, Vasily, RUS; Mitenkov, Alexey, RUS; Morozevich, Alexander, RUS, b-day 18,07.1977; Notkin, Maxim, RUS, b-day 11.12.1963; Obukhov, Alexander, RUS, b-day 17,04.1969; Poluliakhov, Alexander, RUS; Pushkov, Nikolay, RUS; Ragozin, Evgeny, RUS; Schekachev, Alexey, RUS; Skomorokhin, Roman, RUS, b-day 25.02.1969; Tregubov, Pavel, RUS, b-day 21.12.1971; Veselovsky, Sergey, RUS, b-day 26,01,1952; Voloshin, Leonid, RUS, b-day 10.05.1964; Volzhin, Alexander, RUS, b-day 02.02,1971; Yandemirov, Valery, RUS; Sifrer, Darko, SVK, b-day 18.05,1956; Fioramunti, Hung, SUI, b-day 18,08.1966; Engqvist, Thomas, SWE, b-day 06.12,1963; Hall, Jesper, SWE, b-day 15.07.1971; Winsnes, Rikard, SWE, b-day 11,07,1968; Nedela, Vlastimil, CSR, b-day 21.09.1972; Rasik, Vitezslav, CSR, b-day 07,11.1973; Berelovich, Alexander, UKR, b-day 02,07,1967; Brodsky, Mikhail, UKR, b-day 27.03.1969; Golod, Vitaly, UKR, b-day 26,06.1971; Milov, Leonid, UKR, b-day 06,02,1966; Nedobora, Mikhail, UKR, b-day 03.05,1970; Srokowski, Yaroslav, UKR, b-day 11.08.1961; Stripunsky, Alexander, UKR, b-day 18,08,1970; Tchoubar, Vladimir, UKR, b-day 01.05.1950; Zhidkov, Valery, UKR, b-day 04,09,1939; Zontah, Andrey, UKR, b-day 04.11,1970; Ashley, Maurice, USA, b-day 06.03.1966; Edelman, Daniel, USA, b-day 28.02,1969; Sagalchik, Gennady, USA, b-day 22.04,1969; Vucic, Mladen, YUG, b-day 02.06,1955; Grinchpun, Eduard, UZB, b-day 12,12.1965; Kaiumov, Dmitry, UZB, b-day 28.02.1949; Dao Thien Hai, VI E, b-day 10,05.1978; Maric, Alisa, YUG, b-day 10,01,1970; Markovic, Miroslav, YUG, b-day 08,05.1973; Orlov, Pavle, YUG, b-day 17.07,1953; Ostojic, Nikola, YUG; Stanojevic, Branko, YUG, b-day 03.01.1943; Vratonjic, Siobo, YUG; Aleksandrov, Alexey, BLR, b-day 11.05.1973; Essan, Aly Ahmed, EGY; loseliani, Nana, GEO, b-day 12,02.1962; Koshi, Varugeese, IND, b-day 03.10.1958; Milov, Vadim, ISR, b-day 01.08,1972; Gluckman, David, RSA, b-day 27.05,1966; Salov, Sergey, RUS; Kakageldyev, Amanmurad, TKM, b-day 28.12,1949; Vesconi, Giovanni, BRA, b-day 14.06.1978; Hatanbaatar, Bazar, MGL, b-day 25.05,1973; Borovikov, Vladislav, UKR, b-day 10.08,1973; Nguyen, Anh Dung, VIE, b-day 17.03,1976; Tu, Hoang Thong, VIE; Wach, Markus, AUT, b-day 13,10,1964; Ruzele, Darius, LTU, b-day 27.04.1968; Nadyrkhanov, Sergey, UZB; Vakhidov, Tahir, UZB; Binsattar, Rifat, BAN; Abou EI Zein, Eid Mahmoud, EGY, b-day 28.06,1952; Hassan, Sayed Barakat, EGY, b-day 18.05,1966; Hifny, Maher, EGY; Rahman, Yehya A" EGY, b-day 27.02.1963; Barus, Cerdas, INA, b-day 01.01.1962; AI-Khateeb, Ahmed, SYR, b-day 20.01.1954, 1994 Arustamian, Artur, ARM; Danielian, Oganes, ARM; Minasian, Ara, ARM, ; Wohl, Alexander, AUS, b-day 21.07,1963; Kochetkov, German, BEL, b-day 03.08,1965; De Toledo, James Mann, BRA, b-day 17,10.1960; Georgiev, Vladimir, BUL, b-day 27,08.1975; Li, Wenliang, CHN, b-day 21.04,1967; Peng, Zhaoqin, CHN, b- day 08,05.1968; Tong, Yuanming, CHN, b-day 21.04,1972; Rogic, Davor, CRO, b-day 27.07.1971; Otero, Evelio, CUB, b-day 14,04,1959; Oral, Tomas, CZE, b-day 24.12.1977; Stocek, Jiri, CZE, b-day 10,05.1977; Mahdy, Khaled, EGY, b-day 14.08.1958; De la Riva Aguado, Oscar, ESP, b-day 15.07.1972; Roos, Jean Luc, FRA, b-day 03,06,1955; Bangiev, Alexander, GER, b-day 16,11,1946; Ginsburg, Gennady, GER, b-day 11.08,1971; Kaiser, Wolfgang, GER, b-day 19.09.1962; Kobatianski, Alexander, GER, ; Reich, Thomas GER, b- day 11.06.1963; Renner, Christoph, GER, b-day 08,07.1967; Reschke, Stefan, GER, b-day 23.12,1965; Schlindwein, Rolf, GER, b-day 26.07,1974; Siegel, Georg, GER, b-day 02.08,1962; Weindl, Alfred, GER, b-day 27.07,1964; Ruck, Robert, HUN, b-day 10,12.1977; Varga, Peter, HUN, b-day 07,03.1974; Liu, Dede, INA; Sitanggang, Salor, INA, b-day 04,06.1953; Situru, Nathanael, INA, b-day 18.11.1963; Mithrakanth, Poorna Sharma, IND, b-day 19.06,1961; Saravanan, V., IND, b-day 03.06,1971; Marinelli, Tullio, ITA, b-day 30,04.1967; Izmukhambetov, Salauat, KAZ; Kazhgaleev, Murtas, KAZ; Vorontsov, Nikolay, KAZ; Krakops, 
Maris, LAT, b-day 03,04.1978; Grabliauskas, Virginius, LTU; Calderin, Roberto, MEX, b-day 25.07.1967; Belli, Mario, PER; Lukasiewicz, Grzegorz, POL, b-day 10,05,1958; Florescu, Codrut, ROM, b-day 30,03.1968; Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter, ROM, b-day 01,08,1976; Doroshkevich, Vladimir, RUS, b-day 28.12,1937; Filipenko, Alexander, RUS, b-day 04.03,1949; Ivanov, Vladimir I., RUS; Kharlamov, Vladimir, RUS; Kiriakov, Petr, RUS, b-day 11.01.1975; Obodchuk, Andrey, RUS; Popov, Valery 5., RUS, b-day 10.09,1974; Pugachov, Alexey, RUS, b-day 28.08,1965; Rustemov, Alexander, RUS, b-day 06.07,1973; Sergienko, Sergey, RUS; Totskiy, Leonid, RUS, b-day 10,08.1968; Vlasov, Nikolay, RUS; Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav, RUS; Bryson, Douglas, SCO, b-day 12,03.1957; Jelen, Igor, SLO, b-day 13,07.1972; Zupe, Miran, SLO, b-day 16.03.1960; Mrva, Martin, SVK, b-day 12,12.1971; Anapolski, Sergei, UKR, b-day 22,04.1975; Fish, Gennagy, UKR, b-day 20,04.1973; Arsovic, Goran, YUG; Arsovic, Zoran, YUG; Bakic, Radoz, YUG; Boric, Muhamed, BIH; Rogovic, Saudin, BIH; Trichkov, Vasil, BUL, b-day 17,03.1969; Jurkovic, Ante, CRO, b-day 21.07,1957; Ledger, Andrew J, ENG, b- day 23.05.1969; Mortazavi, Ali, ENO, b-day 20.01,1971; Summerscale, Aaron, ENG, b-day 26,08,1969; Turner, Matthew J, ENG, b-day 11.12.1975; Rodriguez Talavera, Juan, ESP; Sepp, Olav, EST, b-day 05,05.1969; Lamoureux, Charles, FRA, b-day 24.07,1967; Relange, Eloi, FRA, b-day 01.07.1976; Kacheishvili, Geirgy, GEO, b-day 10.02,1977; Mastrokoukos, Georgios, GRE, b-day 15,03,1972; Nikolaidis, loannis, GRE, b- day 04,01,1971; Tzermiadianos, Andreas, GRE, b-day 12.03.1972; Anka, Emil, HUN, b-day 20,01.1969; Borocz, Istvan, HUN, b-day 20,10.1970; Czebe, Attila, HUN, b-day 26.12.1975; Emodi, Gyula, HUN, b-day 30.09,1950; Izsak, Gyula, HUN, b-day 31,05.1973; Safar Zadeh, Esmaeil, IRI, b-day 11.03.1953; Steingrimsson, Hedinn, ISL, b-day 11.01.1975; Alterman, Vladimir, ISR, b-day 27,03.1942; Kogan, Artur, ISR, b-day 29.01.1974; Oratovsky, Michael, ISR, b-day 03.04.1974. 1995 Giaccio, Alfredo, ARG, b-day 17,07.1970; Hachian, Melik, ARM, b-day 06,07.1970; Kalantarian, Norair, ARM, b-day 15,08,1962; Movsesian, Sergei, ARM, b-day 03,11.1978; Egeazarian, Arsen, ARM; Bajarany, IIgar, AZE; Gasimov, Ragim, AZE, b-day 02.05.1976; Guseinov, Aidyn, AZE; Lybin, Dmitry, BlR, b-day 27,06,1963; Romanov, Oleg, BlR, b-day 14,05,1973; De Souza, Mauro, BRA, b-day 30.01.1968; Matsuura, Everaldo, BRA, b-day 01.10,1970; Cvorovic, Drazen, CRO, b-day 04,06,1961 ; J u kic, Bra n i m i r, CRO, b-day 01.12,1971 ; Loncar, Robert, CRO, b-day 27,02.1964; Alvarez Pirez, Jose Manuel, CUB; Leyva Paneque, Hector, CUB; Medina, Miguel, CUB; Gross, David, CZE, b-day 18,12.1975; Buckley, Graeme, ENG, b-day 25,12,1971; Tozer, Richard, ENG, b-day 01.03.1970; Bernal Moro, Luis Javier, ESP, b-day 22,09,1971; Gammundi Salamanca, Antonito, ESP, b-day 22.07,1965; Collas, Didier, FRA, b-day 01.07,1972; Vareille, Francois, FRA, b-day 01.01.1961; lIievski, Dimitar, FRM, b-day 24,08.1941; Mitkov, Marjan, FRM, b-day 09.06.1969; Nedev, Trajce, FRM, b-day 27.02.1973; Schebler, Gerhard, GER; Telljohann, Sven, GER, b-day 15.07,1971; Zude, Arno, GER, b-day 24,05.1964; Vouldis, Angelos, GRE, b-day 23,07.1976; Kustar, Sandor, HUN, b-day 24,01.1968; Seres, lajos, HUN, b-day 08.12,1973; Peter, Ambrus, HUN, b-day 12.11.1970; Gokhale, Jayant Suresh, IND, b-day 10.03.1972; Seredenko, Vladimir, KAZ, b-day 16.05.1940; Peng, Zhaoqin, NED, b-day 08.05,1968; Fyllingen, Roy Harald, NOR, b-day 31,01.1975; Dive, Russell John, NZl, b-day 21,05.1966; Bancod, Ronald, PHI; Jaracz, Pawel, POL, b-day 22.07.1975; Macieja, Bartolomiej, POL, b-day 04.10.1977; Masternak, Grzegorz, POL, b- day 02,04.1970; Popescu, Daniel-Dorin, ROM, b-day 23.04,1972; T omescu, Vlad, ROM, b-day 22.04.1970; Blechzin, Igor, RUS, b-day 13,04.1941; Bogumil, Pavel, RUS; Dashian, Nikolay, RUS; Gelman, Alexander, RUS, b-day 30,11.1976; Grechihin, Valery, RUS, b-day 06.09.1937; Hodko, Viacheslav, RUS; Iskusnykh, Sergei, RUS; Kobalia, Mikhail, RUS, b-day 03.05.1978; Malakhov, Vladimir, RUS, b-day 27,11,1980; Petelin, A" RUS; Prokopchuk, Evgeny, RUS; Sakadin, Alexander, RUS, b-day 20,02,1955; Sotnikov, Igor, RUS, b-day 10,12.1976; Toistykh, Nikolay, RUS; Zakhartsov, Viacheslav, RUS; Zemerov, Vladimir, RUS; Rowson, 101 4P..  ID 
108 --...a_ ...  Jonathan, SCO, b-day 18.04,1977; Kaenel, Hansjuerg, SUI, b-day 16.02.1952; Liardet, Fabrice, SUI, b-day 06.07,1970; Astrom, Robert, SWE, b-day 01.12.1967; Hellsten, Johan, SWE, b-day 25.12.1975; Moberg, Karl Johan, SWE, b-day 28.01.1969; Odeev, Handszar, TKM, b-day 27.01.1972; Baklan, Vladimir, UKR, b-day 25.02,1978; Bogdanov, Valentin, UKR, b-day 08.05,1947; Cherevatenko, Roman, UKR, b-day 21.12.1975; Feigin, Mikhail, UKR, b-day 01.02.1975;Golochapov, Alexander, UKR, b-day 25.01.1978; lanov, Victor, UKR, b-day 04.12.1957; Kozakov, Mikhail, UKR, b-day 28,05,1972; Krivosheya, Sergey, UKR, b-day 23,05,1971; Loifenfeld, Jakov, UKR, b-day 23,04.1949; Rakhmangulov, Andrey, UKR, b-day 20.09.1960; Retinsky, Vladimir, UKR, b-day 26.02.1965; Egin, Vladimir, UZB; luldachev, Saidali, UZB, b-day 31.01.1968; Karpov, Alexander, UZB, b-day 16,06,1959; Cao Sang, VIE;Raicevic, Ivica, YUG, b-day 22,07,1954; Vojinovic, Goran, YUG, b-day 01.03.1963; Zakic, Srdjan, YUG; Lutsko, Igor, BLR, b-day 06.04.1962; Chatalbashev, Boris, BUL, b-day 30,01.1974; Fercec, Nenad, CRO, b-day 12.04.1961; Ch ristensen, Tobias, DEN, b-day 07.02,1971 ; Kjeldsen, Jens, DEN, b-day 04.05.1971; Manninen, Marko, FIN, b-day 07.01.1970; Lepelletier, Benoit, FRA, b- day 10,07.1978; T ouzane, Olivier, FRA, b-day 27,08.1973; Dgebuadze, Alexander, GEO, b-day 21.05,1971 ; Libeau, Rene, GER, b-day 01.04.1979; Ponnuswamy, Conguvel, IND; Krays, Alexander, ISR, b-day 08.10,1973; Stisis, Yaacov, ISR, b-day 12.06.1973; Vydeslaver, Alik, ISR, b-day 19.07,1975; Matros, Alexander, KAZ, b-day 10.01.1970; Fridman, Daniel, LAT, b-day 15,02,1976; Gelpke, Peter A., NED, b-day 23.05.1962; Kempinski, Robert, POL, b-day 11.07.1977; Socko, Bartosz, POL, b-day 10.11.1978; T ratar, Marko, SLO, b-day 20.05.1974; Pelletier, Yannick, SUI, b-day 22,09,1976; Lejlic, Samir, SWE; Gladishev, Oleg, UKR, b-day 01,09.1980; Rogovsky, Vladimir, UKR, b-day 07,02.1965; Shishkin, Vadim, UKR, b-day 04.03,1969; Hoang Th" Trang, VIE, b-day 25.04.1980; Brenjo, Siavisa, YUG, b-day 02.04.1974; Kovacevic, Alexander, YUG, b-day 11.02,1974; Langier, Daniel, ARG, b-day 13.03.1974; Playa, Marcelo, ARG, b-day 23.07,1973; Poley, Vladimir, BUL, b-day 26.09.1965; Chakov, Pia men, BUL, b-day 05.09,1973; Pribyl, Martin, CZE, b-day 11,12.1974; Vavra, Pavel, CZE; Nielsen, Uffe V., DEN, b-day 06.09.1970;0Iesen, Martin, DEN, b- day 14,03.1965; Gallego Jimenez, Victoriano, ESP, b-day 14.08.1969; Kiroski, Toni, FRM; Moldabaev, Emelbek, KGZ; Kobese, Watu, RSA; Kulaots, Kaido, EST, b-day 28.02,1976; Kaunas, Kestutis, LTU, b-day 19.04.1942; Souza, Armindo, ANG; Valerga, Diego, ARG, b-day 01.10.1971; Zhang Zhong, CHN, b-day 05,09.1978; Michelakis, George, RSA, b-day 21,08,1972; Airas, 0., FIN; All, W, SWE; Andersen, Stig E" DEN, b-day 04,10,1966; Arzumanian, S,T., RUS; Averkin, Orest N., RUS, b-day 25,02,1944; Barnett, C, AUS; Baturinsky, V.D" RUS, b-day ; Bern, Ivar, NOR, b-day 20.01.1967; Bhend, Edwin, SUI, b-day 09,09,1931; Blasberg, G., ARG; Bloch, Michael V., RUS, b-day 05,06,1981 ; Bubis, A,M., RUS; Bulla, J, SLK; Cayford, R,A., USA; Conroy, M,J, ENG; Copie, JA" ARG; Dauga, Z., LAT; Djurhuus, Rune, NOR, b-day 25,01.1970; Flyckt Olsen, J, NOR; Freeman, Michael, NZL; Gal, M., UKR; Gather, J, GER; Geenen, M" BEL, b-day 08.11.1961; Grabinger, H" GER; Grant, Steven, USA; Grottke, Hans Joachim, GER, b-day 30.11.1942; Gustafsson, S.G.G., SWE; Harrison, Kevin J, AUS, b-day 17.08,1946; Hector, Jonny, SWE, b-day 13.02.1964; Hjorth, Gunnar, SWE, b-day 09,10.1957; Hohm, K" GER; Hugentobler, Patrick, SUI, b-day 18,10.1956; Ingerslev, Age, DEN, b-day 10.10,1933; Ivanov, V.P., RUS; Jaderholm, Bo, FI N, b-day 23.05.1932; Du Jardin, J, DEN; Jensen, Vagn, DEN, b-day 02,01.1948; Johansson, I., SWE; Johnsson, M,W" ENG; Kaltschev, J, BUL; Kamenets, Anatoly, UKR, b-day 04,01.1949; Kask, E., EST; Kassing, G" GER; Katishonok, Nikolay, LAT, b-day 24.07,1957; Kazoks, Aivars, LAT, b-day 27.11.1953;Klejman, M" RUS; Kofidis, Spyridon, GRE, b-day 30,07,1960; Koltsov, Vladimir A" RUS, b-day 19,08.1948;Kotzem, E., GER; Kozlowicz, A" ARG; Kraft, K.- H., GER; Kujawski, Ryszard, POL, b- day 28.03.1956; Kupsys, Alfonsas" LIT; Kvamme, John A" NOR, b-day 17.04,1965; Luers, H, -E., GER; Martin, Gh., ROM; Mayr, Klaus, AUT, b-day 20,12,1966; McLellan, R.A., USA; Melts, M.A., USA; Merilo, J, EST; Montecatino Rios, Ricardo, ESP, b-day 18.03,1956; Mooren, L.C,JN., NED; Moser, Wolfgang, GER, b-day 03,01.1936; Muller, G., GER; Mutter, V.M" RUS; Nickel, Ruediger-G., GER, b-day 09.08.1964; Nielsen, M" 
109 -- ID DEN; Nordstrom, E., SWE; Novikovas, V., LIT; Nyman, K., FIN; Parkkinen, Jyrki, FIN, b-day 01.05,1968; Patrici, N.E., ARG; Paul, K.M., GER; Podolsky, A" UKR; Polzer, H" GER; Pyrich, George, SCO, b-day 09.09.1951; Rause, Olita, LAT, b-day 21,11.1962; Read, M.J., ENG; Rickers, G" GER; Rinkis, U" LAT; Roca, Alfredo, ARG, b-day 22.09.1957; Rojsman, A.J. LA T; Rooks, I., EST; Rosentalis, L., LIT; Ruchlin, V.G., RUS; Rupp, W., AUT; Savtsjur, Fiodor, UKR, b-day 19,03,1956; Schlieder, R., GER; Schwierzy, H., GER; Sergiev, S., BUL; Smith Hansen, M" DEN; Sontgens, K-H., GER; Stecker, Johannes, GER, b-day 27,03,1966; Stock, Michael, GER, b-day 06.12,1954; Tarakanov, V.P" RUS; Trippe, J-U" GER; Tronhjem, T., DEN; Unglaub, V., GER; Usachy, Vladimir,UKR, b-day 03.06,1957; Van Leeuwen, Etienne, BEL, b-day 11.08,1943; Veen, H" BEL; Waagner Nielsen, C., DEN; Wedemeyer, U., GER, 1996 Mirzoev, Azer, AZE, b-day 28,03.1978; Cekro, Ekrem, BEL; b-day 29.06,1950; Dutreeuw, Marc, BEL, b-day 21.02.1960; Korzubov, Petr, BLR, b-day 01.01.1962; Smirnov, Valery, BLR, b-day 02.06.1953; Golubovic, Boris, CRO, b-day 08,10.1973; Ansell, Simon, ENG, b-day 12,02.1975; Baker, Chris W" ENG, b-day 29.05.1958; Lalic, Susan, ENG, b-day 20,101965; Sichinava, Roman, GEO, b-day 13.11.1973; Appel, Ralf, GER, b-day 18.07,1971; Hennig, Dirk, GER, b-day 11.02,1969; Hetey, Laszlo, GER, b-day 10,05.1975; Siebrecht, Sebastian, GER, b-day 16,04.1973; Banikas, Hristos, GRE, b-day 20.05.1978; Sarosi, Zoltan, HUN, b-day 27.02,1958; Gunawan, Ruber, INA, b-day 17.04.1968; Juswanto, Danny, INA, b-day 21.01.1959; Kurniawan, Bobby, INA, b-day 12.07.1975; Tiomkin, Dmitry, ISR; Nasibullin, Vladislav, KAZ; Magai, Vladimir, KGZ; Delemarre, Jop, NED, b-day 31,06.1977; Martin, Benjamin, NZL; Glodeanu, Ion, ROM, b-day 29,03.1953; Kislov, Mikhail, RUS; Odessky, Ilia, RUS, b-day 25,06,1973; Turov, Maxim, RUS; Hillarp Persson, Tiger, SWE, b-day 28.10.1970; Bronznik, Valery, UKR, b-day 17.08,1966; Gritsak, Orest, UKR, b-day 24.02.1973; Kozel, Roman, UKR, b-day 30,03.1979; Kozik, Vitaly, UKR, b-day 11.01.1975; Mikhalets, Lubomir, UKR; Murashko, Viacheslav, UKR, b-day 17.08,1953; Ovseevich, Sergey, UKR, b-day 04.05.1974; Sevastianov, Pavel, UKR, b-day 19.09,1967; Peric, Siavisa, YUG, b-day 27.101953; Stojanovic, Mihajlo, YUG, b-day 11.05.1977; Aronian, Levon, ARM, b-day 06,10.1982; Mirumian, Vigen, ARM, b-day 29.09,1977; T oloza, Pablo, CHI, b-day 30.12,1971; Pupo, Emilio, CUB; Zurek, Milan, CZE, b-day 13,01.1966; Anguix Garrido, Juan Francisco, ESP, b-day 16,07.1966; T oledano Llinares, Juan Antonio, ESP, b-day 16.10.1960; Vallejo Pons, Francisco, ESP, b-day 21,08.1982; Bernard, Christophe, FRA, b-day 06.08.1952; Nataf, Igor, FRA, b-day 02,05.1978; Molnar, Bela, HUN, b-day 19,09,1965; Katalimov, Boris, KAZ; Permiakov, Vladimir, LAT, b-day 08.03,1957; Nevednichy, Boris, MDA, b-day 19.05,1939; Blehm, Pawel, POL, b-day 17,04.1980; Skalik, Przemyslaw, POL, b-day 22,05.1971; Foisor, Cristina A., ROM, b-day 07,04.1967;Vajda, Albert, ROM, b-day 24,09.1976; Akhmadeev, Vadim, RUS; Arkhangelsky, Boris, RUS; Hasangatin, Ramil, RUS; Leontiev, Alexander, RUS, b-day 12.01,1974; Losev, Dmitry, RUS; Motylev, Alexander, RUS, b-day 17.06.1979; Namzhilov, Sogto, RUS; Petukhov, Valery, RUS; Semeniuk, Alexander, RUS, b-day 10.09,1952; Skachkov, Pavel, RUS, b-day 14,01.1979; Pcola, Pavel, SVK, b-day 21,06.1976; Vysochin, Spartak, UKR, b-day 30,04.1975; Shliperman, Igor, USA, b-day 28.09,1979; Gasic, Bozidar, YUG, b-day 12.10.1937, +1997; Henni, Mohamed, ALG; Brikka, Mahdy, EGY; Mohamed, Esam, EGY, b-day 14.07,1966; Sarwat, Walaa, EGY, b-day 19.03,1960; Akintola, Fola, NIG; Taleb, Moussa, UAE; Rohl, Juan, VEN; Cela, Altin, ALB; Minzer, Claudio, ARG, b-day 12,08.1968; Pierrot, Facundo, ARG, b-day 4.06.1975; Wallace, John-Paul, AUS, b-day 19,11.1976; Maherramzade, Javad, AZE, b-day 11,05,1976; Baturin, Mikhail, BLR, b-day 09,06.1968; Stevic, Hrvoj, CRO, b-day 08,01,1980; Zaja, Ivan, CRO, b-day 29,07.1965; Ferguson, Mark, ENG, b-day 17,02.1977; Liiva, Riho, EST, b-day 04,07.1975; Sergeev, Roman, EST; Kristinsen, Leif, FAI, b-day 13.04.1957; Bacrot, Etienne, FRA, b- day 22.01,1983; Kern, Guido, GER, b-day 24,02.1961; Troyke, Christian, GER, b-day 03,06.1971; 
110 --  ID Papaioannou, loannis, GRE, b-day 20,04,1976; Krutti, Valer, HUN, b-day 1308.1966; Ramesh, R.B" IND, b- day 20.04.1976; Shetty, Rahul, IND, b-day 02.04.1968; Estrada Nieto, Julian, MEX; Gonzalez Garcia, Jose, MEX, ; Van den Doel, Erik, NED, b-day 15.05.1979; Valiente, Cristobal, PAR, b-day 30,12.1962; Nadera, Barlo, PHI, b-day 29.09.1965; Czerwonski, Alexander, POL, b-day 27.07.1965; Adler, Viktor, RUS, b-day 18,12.1947; Raikov, Vladimir, RUS; Barsky, Vladimir, RUS, b-day 16.02.1969; Bratchenko, Alexander, RUS, b- day 20.01,1957; Diachkov, Sergey, RUS; Filippov, Valery, RUS, b-day 28,11.1975; Galkin, Alexander, RUS, b- day 01.02.1979; Gastgofer, Victor, RUS, b-day 25.01.1967; Koniushkov, Igor, RUS; Konstantinov, Sergey, RUS, b-day 31.07.1961; Lastin, Alexander, RUS, b-day 30.101976; Maiorov, Oleg, RUS, b-day 21.07.1971 ; Nepomniaschy, Mikhail, RUS, b-day 30.01.1949; Potapov, Alexander, RUS, b-day 05.01.1969; Soloviev, Sergey, RUS, b-day 13.12.1974; Vereschiagin, Yury, RUS, b-day 05.12.1967; Vorobiev, Evgeny, RUS, b-day 13.12,1976; Zakharevich, Igor, RUS; Zimmerman, Yury, RUS, b-day 07.07,1961; Manik, Mikulas, SVK, b-day 26,05.1975; Batyrov, Sapar, TKM, b-day 29.11.1967; Manion, Josh, USA, b-day 22.07.1976;Yedidia, Jonathan, USA, b-day 26,09.1963; Kasimdzhanov, Rustam, UZB, b-day 05.12.1979; Certic, Branimir, YUG; Pikula, Dejan, YUG. 1997 Fraschini, Mariano, ARG, b-day 19.11.1972; Mendez, Ernesto, ARG, b-day 24.03.1960; Weinzett, Ernst, AUT, b-day 04.01.1959; Baumegger, Siegfried, AUT, b-day 11.11.1972; Bistric, Faruc, BIH, b-day 01.01.1958; Smetankin, Stanislav, BLR, b-day 14.11.1980; Stefanova, Antoaneta, BUL, b-day 19,04.1979; Petrov, Marijan, BUL, b-day 14.09.1975; Kutuzovic, Branko, CRO, b-day 03.01,1966; Elissalt Cardenas, Hector, CUB, b-day 26.07.1963; Gonzales, Renier, CUB; Perez, Rodney, CUB; Moreno, Roman Alejan, CUB, b-day 17.08,1966; Wall, Tim, ENG, b-day 29.06.1966; Del Rio, Gabriel, ESP, b-day 02,10.1976; Vega, Holm Fernando, ESP, b-day 07.04.1968; Sammualvo, Tapani, FIN, b-day 31.05.1975; Payen, Arnaud, FRA, b-day 09.02,1972; Wagner, Claude, FRA, b-day 12.09,1967; Fontaine, Robert, FRA, b-day 18.11.1980; Goletiani, Rusudan, GEO, b-day 08.09.1980; Joecks, Christian, GER, b-day 03.10.1967; Kachiani-Gersinska, Ket, GER, b-day 11.09,1971; Schoene, Ralf, GER, b-day 03.06.1961; Kunte, Abhijit, IND, b-day 03.03,1977; Quinn, Mark, IRL, b-day 08,08.1976; Gershon, Alik, ISR, b-day 03,06.1980; Mittelman, Gur, ISR, b-day 22.12.1973; Pitam, Ela, ISR, b-day 10.02.1977; Egorov, Evgeny, KAZ; Almeida, Sanchez Alfonso, MEX; Svetushkin, Dmitry, MDA, b-day 25.07,1980; Fossan, Eric, NOR, b-day 17,11.1971; Baev, Alexander, RUS; Chigvintsev, Andrei, RUS, b-day 20.07.1968; Frog, Ilia, RUS, b-day 28.05.1948; Kuliabin, Vadim, RUS, b-day 28.04,1966; Lobach, Pavel, RUS, ; Lopushnoi, Denis, RUS, b-day 30,01.1977; Orlov, Vasiliy, RUS; Nosov, Andrei, RUS, b- day 06.01.1963; Shovunov, Baatr, RUS, b-day 26,06,1975; Umansky, Mikhail, RUS; Nikitin, Andrei, RUS, b- day 10.08.1974; Malinovsky, Valery, RUS, b-day 04.12.1951; Labunsky, Dmitry, RUS; Forster, Richard, SUI, b- day 18.01.1975; Farkas, Tibor, YUG, b-day 05.08.1969; Ivanisevic, Ivan, YUG, b-day 23.11.1977; Florean, Andrei, ROM, b-day 15.05,1978; Krivolapov, Konstantin, UKR, b-day 15.05.1962; Shalimov, Valery, UKR, b- day 28.01.1960; Gurieli, Nino, GEO, b-day 07.12.1961; Cacho, Sergio, ESP, b-day 19.04.1974; Kovacevic, Dragan, YUG, b-day 07.07.1961; Markovic, Zoran, YUG; Savic, Meograd, YUG, b-day 06.04,1977; Smolovic, Mile, YUG, b-day 30,11.1972; Bagheri, Amir, IRI, Aagaard Jacob, DEN, b-day 31.07.73, Asrian Armen, RUS, b-day 31.12,81, Bagirov Rufat, AZE, b-day 10.10.79, Bastidas Rodriguez Emilio J., ECU, b-day 10.04,79, Bates Richard, ENG, b-day 27.01.79, Bigaliev Renat, RUS, b-day 17.12,79, Cacho Reigadas Sergio, ESP, b- day 19.04,74, Cicak Slavko, SWE, b-day 25,10,69, Cyborowski Lukasz, POL, b-day 21.06.80, Dudas Janos, HUN, b-day 09.01.73, Dumitrescu Dragos, ROM, b-day 27.03.77, Ellers Holger, GER, b-day 17.09.76, Escobar Forero Alder, COL, b-day 11.08,77, Estremera Panos Sergio, ESP, b-day 25.06.62, Genba Vladimir, RUS, b- day 12.08.76, Gershon Alik, ISR, b-day 03.06.80, Gladyszev Oleg, RUS, b-day 15.09.76, Gormally Daniel, 
ENG, b-day 04,05.76, Gutman Gennadi, UKR, b-day 01.11.73, Haub Thorsten-Michael, GER, b-day 15,02,68, Heinemann Thies, GER, b-day 07.03,71, Holzke Frank, GER, b-day 08.07.71, IIjushin Alexei, RUS, b-day 29.07.80, Jakovenko Dmitry, RUS, b-day 28.06.83, Jonkman Harmen, NED, b-day 30,05.75, Kalod Radek, CZE, b-day 08.08.78, Kinsman Andrew P.H" ENG, b-day 20,11.64, Klimenko Sergey, UKR, b-day 20,01.72, Kravtsov Sergey, RUS, b-day 17.08.76, Kron Valentin, RUS, b-day 11,09,64, Kushch Nikolai, UKR, b-day 01.04,62, Labuckas Aidas, LTU, b-day 10.11.68, Lhagvasuren Cedendemberel, MGL, b-day 20,09.68, Lobzhanidze Davit, GEO, b-day 15.10.68, Loskutov Oleg, RUS, b-day 22,01.71, Malakhatko Vadim, UKR, b- day 22,03.77, Martorelli Antonio, ITA, b-day 04.09.54, Mateuta Gabriel, ROM, b-day 29.01.80, McShane Luke J., ENG, b-day 07,01,84, Meins Gerlef, GER, b-day 30.06,70, Narciso Dublan Marc, ESP, b-day 20.01,74, Oms Pallise Josep, ESP, b-day 20,07.73, Ovetchkin Roman, RUS, b-day 16.01.73, Pessi Emil, ROM, b-day 17,03.53, Pina Sulennis, CUB, b-day 08.01.81, Ponomariov Ruslan, UKR, b-day 11.10,83, Potashnik Semion, UKR, b-day 20.07.51, Purtov Andrei, RUS, b-day 13.04.58, Rocha Sergio, POR, b-day 21,05.72, Rychagov Andrey, RUS, b-day 03,08.79, Sandler Leonid, AUS, b-day 01.01.62, Sanduleac Vasile, MDA, b-day 02,01,71, Sekulic Dusan, YUG, b-day 21.05,58, Siovineanu Viacheslav, MDA, b-day 13,04.72, Smikovski Ivan, RUS, b- day 12.06.72, StoockalovVladimir L., UKR, b-day 21.01.58, Surjadnji Aleksei, UKR, b-day 07.06.76, Turzo Attila, HUN, b-day 30.12.78, Vokarev Sergey, RUS, b-day 28.08.70, Vukanovic Sasa, YUG, b-day 11.12,64, Zajarnyi Anatolyi, MDA, b-day 15.08.65, Zakhvatov Vladimir, RUS, b-day 23.07.36, 1998 Csiszar, Csaba, HUN, b-day 08,03.1972; Borecsev, Oleg HUN 14.06.1968, Acs, Peter, HUN, 10.05,1981, Bergez, Luc, FRA, 30,05.1975; Rodriguez Lopez, Rafael, ESP, b-day 06,02.1962; Garbisu de Goni, Unai, ESP 15,07,1975; Arizmendi martinez, Julen, ESP 05.07,1976; Vasquez, Renier, CUB, 01,08.1979; Kutuzovic, Branko, CRO, 03.01.1966; Korneevets, Alexandr, BLR 13.12,1963; Shur, Mikhail, AZE;Abasheeev, Denis, RUS, b-day 06.01.1977; lanowski, Roman, MDA, 26.07.1978; Rabinovich, Alexander, ISR, 26.06.1978; Szabo, Zsolt, HUN 19.09.1979; Peredy, Ferenc, HUN 06,07.1972; Horvath, Adam, HUN, b-day 14.07.1981; Antoniewski, Rafal, POL, b-day 30.12.1980; Arnold, Lothar, GER, b-day 10.01.1959; Baimuratov, Samat, KAZ, b-day 24.02.1958; Bakhtadze, Georgy, GEO, b-day 02.02,1980; Balogh, Tomas, SVK, b-day 03.03,1978; Beletsky, Sasha, UKR, b-day 12.01.1983; Belozerov, Andrei, RUS; Berndt, Stephan, GER, b-day 04.06.1974; Blanco, Alvaro, CUB; Borbjerggaard, Lars, DEN, b-day 28,01.1974; Bukal, Vladimir, CRO, b-day 12.02,1975; Cabrera, Aleixis, CUB; Chernyshevich, Alexey, BLR, b-day 18.12.1978; Chiong Luis, PHI, b-day 15.03,1957; Dancevski, Orce, FRM, b-day 11.02.1970; De la Paz, Franc, CUB; Dervishi, Erald, ALB, 10.11.1979; De Vreugt, Dennis, NED, b-day 04,11.1980; Diachkov, Sergei, RUS; Dominguez, Leinier, CUB; Dorin, Mauricio, ARG, b- day 16.03.1960; Dzhumaev, Marat, UZB; Eliet, Nicolas, FRA, b-day 12,12.1972; Elianov, Vladimir, UKR; Felgaer, Ruben, ARG, b-day 04.04.1981; Freitag, Manfred, AUT, b-day 25.06,1969; Frendzas, Panayotis, GRE, b-day 26.08.1959; Fressinet, Laurent, FRA, b-day 01.11.1981; Gaertner, Guntran, AUT, b-day 20.04.1963; Gaprindashvili, Valerian, GEO, b-day 16.01.1982; Gasthofer, Victor, GER, b-day 25.01,1957; Gazarian, Aram, RUS, b-day 11.04.1983; Grabarczyk, Bogdan, POL, b-day 02.10,1967; Granovsky, Alexander, KAZ; Gullaksen, Erik, NOR, b-day 26,07.1966; Gunnarsson, Jon Victor, ISL, b-day 18,07.1980; Gyrlea, Victor, MDA; Henrichs, Thomas, GER, b-day 15.03,1973, Houska, Miroslav, ENG, b-day 02.04.1978; Hovhanisian, Mher, ARM, b-day 25.09.1978; Ibragimov, Alibek, KAZ; Ivakhin, Maksim, RUS, b-day 02.02,1976; Kanefsck, Gustavo, ARG, b- day 02.12.1967; Karatorosian, David, ARM, b-day 07.06.1969; Karpeshov, Oleg, RUS; Kekelidze, Mikheil, GEO, b-day 14,09.1974; Kelly, Brian, IRL, b-day 30,11.1978; Kernazhitsky, Leonid, UKR, b-day 20,10,1947; Khvorostinin, Gennady, UKR; Kopylov, Evgeny, RUS; Korneushin, Nikolay, RUS; Kostenko, Petr, KAZ; Levacic, 1 1 1 --  ID 
112 ......- IIIIIIIIA  Patrick, CRO, b-day 08.06,1971; Li, Shilang, CHN; Lipinsky, Fabian, GER, b-day 31.01.1979; Maier, Alexander, GER, b-day 07,11.1960; Marcelin, Cyril, FRA, b-day 16.05.1979; Marusenko, Petr, UKR, b-day 31.07,1953; Mas, Hafizulhelmi, MAS; Matorin, Evgeny, RUS; Mazya, Alexander, RUS, b-day 26.03.1945; Mchedlishvili, Mikheil, GEO, b-day 04.06.1979; Medvegy, Zoltan, HUN, b-day 21,03.1979; Mijailovic, Zoran, YUG; Mikhailov, Vladimir, RUS; Miton, Kamil, POL, b-day 12,04,1984; Moiseenko, Alexander, UKR, b-day 17,05,1980; Nanu, Ciprian, ROM, b-day 28,07.1977; Nazarov, Anvar, TJK; Panush, Viktor, MDA, b-day 25.08.1966; Paronian, Alexander, UZB, b-day 05.05.1972; Paschall, William, USA, b-day 19.12.1972; Pelikian, Jefferson, BRA, b-day 10,10,1965; Perdomo, Carlos Andres, COL; Pihlajasalo, Antti, FIN, b-day 05,03.1979; Pira, 0, FRA, b-day 08.02.1960; Pruzikhin, Mikhajlo, GER, b-day 19.01.1978; Quiroga, Facundo, ARG, b-day 16,07.1957; Reprintsev, Alexander, UKR, b-day 08,12,1958; Rojas, Luis, CHI, b-day 30,03.1975; Rosito, Jorge, ARG, b-day 03.03,1970; Sakalauskaus, Vaidas, LTU; Salmensuu, alii, FIN, b-day 09,10,1978; Sasikiran, Krishnan, IND; Savinov, Viktor, UKR, b-day 04,02.1966; Scekic, Milos, YUG, b-day 25.07.1977; Sed i na, Elena, U KR, b-day 01.06,1968; Seema n, T a rvo, EST, b-day 17.09.1969; Serefia n, Na rek, AR M; Shalamberidze, Akaki, GEO, b-day 04.12.1969; Shapiro, Andrey, UKR, b-day 13.07,1976; Sharapov, Evgeny, UKR, b-day 29.10.1981 ; Sharavdorj, Dashtseveg, MGL, b-day 21.10.1974; Shaw, John, SCO, b-day 16.10.1968; Shevelev, Arkadu, ISR; Shumilin, Vladimir, RUS, b-day 28,03.1974; Shurygin, Sergey, RUS, b-day 24.09.1968; Shvartz, Miroslav, UKR, b-day 21.02.1975; Simonenko, Sergey, TKM, b-day 16,05.1960; Skripchenko-Lautier, Almira, MDA, b-day 17,02.1976; Sumaneev, Dmitry, RUS, b-day 12,02.1974; Tarasov, Mikhail, RUS; Tatar Kis, Szabolis, HUN, b-day 11.02,1973; Tella, Jussi, FIN, b-day 07,10.1971; Tkebuchava, Zurab, GEO, b-day 28.07,1978; Toh, Terry, SIN, b-day 09.02.1974; Umansky, Vladimir, RUS, b-day 20.12.1955; Valenzuela, Luis, CHI; Wang, Yaoyao, CHN; Williams, Simon, ENG, b-day 30,11.1979; Evseev, Denis, RUS; Yin, Hao, CHN; Yu, Shaoteng, CHN; Zhang, Penxian, CHN; Ziegler, Ari, SWE, b-day 12.03.1966; Agnelo, Amorin, ANG, b-day 16.05,1977; .Ahmad, Aziz, IRQ, b-day 12,12,1981; Alvarez Marquez, John, VEN, b-day 08,05.1981; Bakre, Tejas R., IND, b-day 12,05.1981; Blanco Acevedo, Cristobal Jose, VEN; Burgos Figueroa, Carlos Ernesto, ESA; Khamrakulov, Ibragim, UZB, b-day 28.07,1982; Pina, Vladimiro, ANG; Sarsam, S.A., IRQ Tionkin, Dmitry, ISR; Simutowe, Amon, ZAM; Scekic, Milos, YUG, b-day 25,07.1977; Belkin, Andr, UZB 27,12.1978; Shalnev Nikolai, UKR 16.04.1944; Miroshnichenko, Evgenij, UKR, 28,12.1978; Kagaminianz, Vartan, UKR, 05.05.1966; Khmelnitsky, UKR, 12.01,1982; Khworostinin, G, UKR 16.04,1967; Surin, Vitaly, RUS, 20.04,1952; Prudnikov, Yury 10.07,1954; Lazarev, Gennady, 19.06.1937; Grischuk, Alexander, RUS 31.10,1989; Kalygin, Serguey, b-day 03.10.1970. 1999 Agopov Mikael, FIN, b-day 05.03,78; Akselrod Vladislav, RUS, b-day 15.11.72; Alavkin Arseny, b-day 17.01.69; Alekseev Vadim, b-day 22.08,60; Alexikov Alexander, UKR, b-day 22.08,63; Alienkin Aleksander, ISR, b-day 22.05.40; Andreev Eduard, UKR, b-day 12.03,80; Appolonov Sergey, RUS, b-day 12.12,73; Archangelsky Mikhail, RUS b-day 29.10.48; Arkhipov Sergey, RUS, b-day 27,01.75; Aung Aung, MYA; Balinov Ilia, AUT b-day 28,07.66; Ballmann Martin, SUI, b-day 05,02,68; Bekker-Jensen Simon, DEN, b-day 17.02,80; Bellini Fabio, ITA, b-day 17,10.69; Bezman Vadim, UKR, b-day 26.07.62; Bocharov Dmitry, RUS, b- day 20.10.82; Bokros Albert, HUN, b-day 16.08,82; Bruzon Lazaro, CUB, Bu Xiangzhi, CHN, b-day 10.12.85; Bunzmann Dimitrij, GER, b-day 21.02.82; Chernitsin Ivan, RUS, b-day 25.03.79; Cioara Andrei-Nestor, ROM, b-day 27.06,71; Congora Maikel, CUB; Cooper Lawrence, ENG b-day 16.07.70; Cvek Robert, b-day 06.01.79, CZE; Das Neelotpal, IND; De Gleria Francesco, b-day 17,09.79,GER; Delgado Neuris, CUB; Demkovic Aatoliy, b-day 31.05,72, UKR; Deshmukh Anup, b-day 30,01.67, IND; Diulger Alexey, b-day 07.10.80, MDA; Dochev Dimitar,BUL; Dukhov Alexander, b-day 11.03.67, RUS; Eifert Aleksander, RUS, b-day 05,02.45, RUS; Eljanov 
11 3 -- ... ID Pavel, b-day 10.05.83, UKR; Erikalov Alexei, RUS; Ernst Sipke, b-day 08,01.79, NED; Fang Joseph, b-day 07.09.59, USA; Fomichenko Eduard, RUS; Galinsky Timofey, UKR, b-day 23,09.75; Galyas Miklos, b-day 25,09.78, HUN; Gamboa Nelson, COL; Garcia Osmel, CUB; Gasanov Eldar, UKR, b-day 26,09,82; Gashimov Vugar, b-day 24,07.86, AlE; Gisbrecht Ewgeni, b-day 03.05.73, GER; Glienke Manfred, b-day 19.08.54, GER; Godard Nascence, FRA, b-day 03,07.72, Gonzalez Velez Fermin, b-day 06.05,68, ESP; Grigoriats Sergey, b- day 02.11.83, RUS; Gross David, b-day 11.07.78, GER; Gruenberg Mihai-Lucian ROM; Gudok Viktor, b-day 27.05.60, UKR; Gurevich Viktor, UKR; Guseinov Kadir, AlE, b-day 21.05.86; Gustafsson Jan, b-day 25.06.79, GER; Hachatarian Vahagn, ARM, b-day 01.05.77; Handke Florian, GER, b-day 22,03,82, Herraiz Hidalgo Herminio, b-day 30,10.78,ESP; Hunt Harriet, b-day 04.02,78,ENG; Ippolito Dean, b-day 18.07.78, USA; Ivannikov Vladimir, b-day 26,11.60, RUS; Janssen Ruud, b-day 01,05.79, NED; Jenni Florian, b-day 24.03,80, SUI; Johannessen Leif Erland, NOR, b-day 14,04.80; Kallio Heikki, FIN, b-day 15.10,80; Kamenets Anatolij, b- day 04.01.49, UKR; Kashashvili Alexandre, b-day 02.09,75, GEO, Kasparov Sergei, b-day 08,08.68, BLR; Khamatgaleev Alexei, b-day 12.05.67,RUS, Khurditze Nino, b-day 28.09.75, GEO; Klimov Sergey, b-day 22.01.79, RUS; Kopylov Mihail, b-day 25.09.75, RUS; Kovasevic Blazimir, b-day 16.10,75, CRO; Kovchan Alexander, b-day 21.10.83, UKR; Kozii Yuri, SVK, b-day 01.12,67; Lamprecht Frank, b-day 21.06.68, GER ; Lanzani Mario, b-day 10.03,63, ITA; Lauber Arnd, b-day 26,10.76, GER; Lehner Oliver, b-day 30.06.75, AUT; Ljubicic Filip, b-day 05.10.64, CRO; Loeffler Markus, b-day 18.04.69, GER; Logunov Maksim, b-day 20,06.64, RUS;Mah Karl, ENG, b-day 14.12,80; Makarov Vladimir, MDA; Maly Alexey, b-day 15.09.82, UKR; Managadze Nikoloz, b-day 07,06,69, GEO; Markovic Ivan, b-day 18.01.72, YUG; Maryasin Boris, b-day 03.09.50, ISR; Marzolo Cyril, FRA, b-day 01.09,78; Masic Pregrag, YUG; Matikozian Andranik, b-day 03,06,79, ARM; Milton Sergey, b-day 21.02.65, RUS; Moraru Marius, b-day 29.11,77, ROM; Muze Drazen, GER, b-day 23,04.71; Naiditsch Arkadij, b-day 25.10,85, GER; Naing Myo MYA; Naumann Alexander, b-day 17,02,79, GER; Navara David, b-day 27.03.85, ClE; Neumann Peter, ClE, b-day 11.03.78; Nizamov Iidar, b- day 18.02.72, RUS; Nureev Garun, b-day 22.04.79, RUS, Ostrowski Leszek, b-day 03,06.61, POL; Panzalovic Srdjan, b-day 23.04.70, GER, Paronjan Aleksandar, b-day 05,05,72, UlB; Pavlovic Dragoljub, YUG, b-day 20.02.36;Perez Luis M, CUB; Perun Sergey, UKR; Pinski Jan, b-day 20.03,79, POL; Pisk Petr, b-day 28,06,74, ClE, Poplavsky Mikhail, b-day 31,05.77, RUS; Popov Roman, b-day 10.02.66, RUS; Potkin Vladimir, b-day 28.06.82, RUS; Pozin Sergey, b-day 28.02.56, RUS; Prakash G.B., b-day 15.03.72, IND;Radjabov Teimur, b- day 12,03,87, AlE; Rahal Michael, b-day 10.08.70, ENG; Riazantsev Alexander, b-day 12.09,85, RUS; Richter Michael, b-day 20,07.78, GER; Roy Shankar, IND; Salinnikov Denis, b-day 12,05.78, RUS; Sambuev Bator, b- day 25,11.80, RUS; Sandler Leonid, AUS, b-day 01.01.62, Sargissian Gabriel, b-day 03.02,83, ARM; Sashikiran Krishnan, IND; Saulin Dmitri, b-day 16.01.73, RUS; Scerbin Dmitrij, b-day 07.12.60, RUS; Sedina Elena, b-day 01.06.68, UKR, Shemeakin Alexander, b-day 25.06,67, UKR; Shetty Rahul, IND b-day, 02,04.68;Shinkarev Mikhail, RUS; Shinkevich Vitaly, b-day 22,06.82, RUS; Simantsev Mikhail, b-day 01.11.78, UKR; Skalik Przemyslaw, b-day 22.05.71, POL; Siapikas Vylautas, LTU; Smirnov Pavel, b-day 27.04.82, RUS; Smolin Sergey, b-day 25,07.57, RUS; Sofronie lulian, b-day 25,06.74, ROM; Solak Dragan, b- day 30,03.80, YUG; Soln Primoz, b-day 12.11,78, SLO; Sommerbauer Norbert, b-day 26.11,69, AUT Souleidis Georgios, b-day 06.07.72, GER; Stanojoski lvonko, FRM Stepovoj Vladimir, b-day 09,05.52, RUS; Susterman Lazar, MDA Tihonov Jurij, b-day 03.07.78, BLR; Tirard Hugo, FRA; Todorov Todor, b-day 08,11.74, BUL; Tun Nay 00 Kyan, MYA; Van Haastert Edwin, b-day 12.08.74, NED; Verner Alexander, b-day 198.11.51, RUS; Vuckovic Bojan, b-day 12,09,80, YUG Weiss Christian, b-day 06.07.73, AUT; Yermishin Viktor, b-day 03.10,54, RUS; Young Angelo, PHI; lamanov Ansar, b-day 24,10.66, RUS; law Win Lay MYA; lheliandinov Viktor, b-day 17.03,35, UKR; litin Yuri, b-day 14,01.80, EST; lubarev Alexander, b-day 24,06,51, UKR; lubov Alexander, b-day 04.04.83, UKR. 
114 ......-  ID 2000 Petrosian, Suren, Arm, 01.04.1974; Markosian, David, Arm, 24.01.68; Mamedov, Nidjat, AlE, 02.04,85 ; Limp, Eduardo Thelio, BRA, 12.04,55; Talla, Vladimir, ClE, 03.07.73; Pilgaard, Kim, DEN, 14.03.67; Svirjov, Igor, EST, 24,05.55; Vallin, Guillaume, FRA; Balcerak, Jakob, GER, 01.08.79; Boidman, Yuri, GER, 02.02.52; Doetting, Fabian, GER, 04,08.80; Froehlich, Peter, GER, 28.12.72; Schmaltz, Roland, GER, 15.11.74; Senff, Martin, GER, 17.05,80; Gergely, Antal, HUN; Szieberth, Adam, HUN, 15.07.67; Chanda, Sandipan, IND; Ganguly Surya Sekhar, IND; Harikrishna Pentala, IND, 10.05,86; Botvinnik, Ilja, ISR; Roiz, Michael, ISR, 10,10,83; Vezzosi, Paolo, ITA, 14.12,60; Kanatov, Askar, KAl; lakharov, Valentin, KAl, 21.07.70; Inarkiev, Emesto, KGl,09.12.85; Ganbold, Odondoo, MGL, 04.05.73; Lemmers, Oscar, NED, 09,09.72; Garma, Chito, PHI, 12,07.64; Alekseev, Evgeny, RUS, 28.11.85; Anjuhin, Alex, RUS, 25,08.63; Arakelian, Eduard, RUS, 17.09,65; Belov, Vladimir, RUS, 06.08,84; Bolhovitin, Alexander, RUS, 19,02.53; Bolkvadze, Giya, RUS, 18.04.62; Chapar, Sergey, RUS, 31.05.85; Chulko, Alexander, RUS; Evelev, Vladimir, RUS, 08,07,83; Gabdrahmanov, Rafail, RUS, 06,06,59; Gavrikov, Victor, RUS, 29,07.57; Gavritenkov, Sergey, RUS, 06,04.79; Gulkov, Igor, RUS, 02.02,63; Gusev, Aleksey, RUS, 02,11,62; Kalashnikov, Konstantin, RUS, 12.11,68; Kovriga, Evgeny, RUS; Kravchenko, Vladimir, RUS, 10.10,67; Leontiev, Sergey, RUS, 20.04.53; Makogonov, Igor, RUS, 29.05,43; Mozaliov, Sergey, RUS, 13.03,58; Nekljudov, Viacheslav, RUS, 06.07.60; Novichkov, Valery, RUS, 26.01.66; Rabin, Viacheslav, RUS; Shteinberg, Boris, RUS; Sivokho, Sergey, RUS, 03.12.59; Tsaturian, Valeri, RUS, 03.04.51; Udalkin, Ruslan, RUS, 10,09,73; lakharov, Alexander, RUS, 08,06.81; Likavsky, Tomas, SVK, 28.07.71; Ahlander, Bjorn, SWE, 29.10,63; Bairachny, Ruslan, UKR, 17,03,75; Eschenko, Vladimir, UKR; Malykin, Vitaly, UKR, 01.12.82; Nosenko, Alexander, UKR, 13.01.68; Pesotsky, Vitaly, UKR, 29,11.63; Prokofiev, Yuri, UKR; Tripolsky, Eugene, UKR; Volkovinsky, Vladimir, UKR, 28.07.53; Bodiroga, Predrag, YUG, 16.02.69; Kalezic, Blazo, YUG, 02.08,78; Perunovic, Milos, YUG, 14.01,84; Sedlak, Nikola, YUG, 13.12.83. Akobian, Varuzhan, ARM, 19,11.83; Arzumanian, Georgy, ARM, 16,08,80; Stambulian, Arsen, ARM, 30,11.65; Bratanov, lhivko, BUL, 29,07.79; lanev, Evgeni, BUL; Gomez, Felix, CUB, 14.07.62; Perez, Luis, CUB, 05.10.78; Reinaldo Castineira Roi, ESP, 21.04,80; Teran Alvarez Ismael, ESP, 11.08,72; Holmsten, Aleksei, FIN, 08.11.70; Nouro, Mikael, FIN, 01,06.72; Micic, Jordanka, GER, 12,01.64; Kornev, Alexander, KAl; Peelen, Piet, NED, 14.08.65; Ardelean George-Catalin, ROM, 30.04,81; Nalivajko, Evgeny, RUS, 26,09,85; Skorchenko, Dmitry, RUS; Tishin, Petr, RUS, 21.10,76; Tydykov, Anatoly, RUS, 12.09.53; Virovliansky, Semen, RUS, 07.07.79; Gerber, Richard, SUI, 21.06.65; Alexeev, Alexey, UKR, 07.03.78; Belichev, Nikolai, UKR, 15.04,78; Pilavov, Georgiy, UKR, 13.12.74; Bhat, Vinay, USA; Krush, Irina, USA, 24.12,83; Perelshteyn, Eugene, USA, 15,06,80; Petronijevic, loran, YUG, 13.12,54, Ibrahimov, Rasul, AlE, 13.08.1981; Limp, Eduardo, BRA, 12,04.55; Feletar, Darko, CRO, 02,06. 67; Jurkovic, Ante, CRO, 21,07.57;Garcia, Osmel, CUB, 06.04.68; Baron Rodriguez, Jesus, ESP, 24.08.79; Lopez M.,Jose Manuel, ESP, 22.04.80; Mareno C"Javier, ESP, 07,06,75; Izoria, lviad, GEO, 06,01.84; Jobava, Baadur, GEO,26,l1.83; Medvegy, loltan, HUN, 21.03.79; Ghaem Magham, IRI, 21.09.82;Postny,Evgeny, ISR, 23,08,81 ; Ribstein, Nati, ISR, 23,08.79; Elsness, Frode, NOR, 15.07,73; Paragua, Mark, PHI, 29.03,84; Stryjeski, Marek, POL, 23.03.81; Szelag, Marcin, POL,07,07.81 ;Frolov, Denis, RUS, 10.12.77; Gulkov, Igor, RUS, 02.02.63; Kornilov, Anatoly, RUS, 15,02,31 ;Kosteniuk, Alexandra, RUS, 23.04,84; Lunev, Andrey, RUS, 21.01.69; Mesropov, Konstantin, RUS, 28,05,71; Olenin, Nikolay,RUS, 03.10.66; Shaposhnikov, Evgeny, RUS, 01.06,81; Sizih, Vladimir,RUS,29.09,60;Sitnikov,Dmitry, RUS,;Vekshenkov, Nikolai, RUS, 31.08.57; Mazi, Leon, SLO, 17.04.59; Berg, Emanuel, SWE, 28.12.81 ; Drozdovskij, Yuri, UKR, 22,05,84; Fedorchuk, Sergey A.,UKR, 14.03.81; Fingerov, Dmitry, UKR, 03.10.82; Kislinsky, Alexy, UKR, 10.06.84; Shilin, Denis, UKR, 05.07,79; Sobolevsky, Leonid, UKR, 28.03.45; Solodovnichenko, Yuri, UKR, 08,02.78; Sumets, Andrey, UKR, 15.04.80; Tishin, Dmitry, UKR,24.06.88; Tobak, Andrey, UKR, 25,07.76; Tsepotan, Artiom, UKR, 09.04,78; Volokitin, Andrey, UKR, 18.06,86; lakharchenko, Arnold, UKR, 26.09.39; Pham Minh, Hoang, VIE, 05.08,78; Markus, Robert, YUG, 07.10,83. 
11 ') ......--  ID 2001 Saldano, Horacio, ARG, 16.04.73; Scarella, Enrique, ARG, 13.02,72; Khechumian, Gagik, ARM., 08.09,57; Novitzky, Dmitrij,BLR, 25.02.71; Tsarenkov, Nikolay, BLR., 15.12.46; lhao Xue, CHN, 06.04,85; Petrov, Jole, CRO, 04.11.76 ; Fradkin, Boris, RUS,23.10.46; Chtylek, Roman, ClE, 24.02.76; Jirovsky, Petr, ClE, 02.09,78; Michalek, Jan, ClE, 28,05.60; Almeida, Omar, CUB; Leyva Proenza, Ricardo,CUB; Otero, Acosta, CUB; Beaumont, Christopher, ENG, 28.10.52; Palliser, Richard, ENG, 18,09,81; Wall, Tim, cond., ENG, 29.06.66; Campos Gambuti, Luis, ESP, 18,07.67; Moreno Ruiz, Javier, ESP, 10.11.70; Nyback, Tomi, FIN, 03.04.85; Adrian, Claude, FRA, 09,04.63; Karr, Jean-Philippe,FRA; Leroy, Didier, FRA, 17.11.77; Berezovsky, Igor, GER, 17.05.71; Bromberger, Stefan, GER, 19.03,82; Breutigam, Martin, GER, 08,08.31 ; Duppel, Matthias, GER, 04,05,80; Kritz, Leonid, GER, 26,02.84; Mueller, Matthias, GER, 11,07.64; Pezerovic, Edin, GER ; Sprenger, Jan, GER, 26,11.82; leller, Frank, GER, 23,4,69; Berkes, Ferenc, HUN, 08.08,85; Parkanyi, Attila, HUN, 03.02.68; Jha, Sriram, IND, 05,07.48; Sundara Rajan, Kidambi, IND, 29.08.82; Boim, Inon, ISR, 14,11.71; Bellia, Fabrizio, ITA, 08,06.63; Caposciutti, Maurizio, ITA, 14.06.66; Rossi, Carlo, ITA, 17.03.60; Antoms, Guntars, LAT, 24,07,60; Neiksans, Arturs, LAT, 16,03,83; Starostits, Ilmars, LAT, 30,05.79; Mitkov, Marjan, M KD, 09,06.69; Berkvens, Joost, NED, 22.05,81; Hend ri ks, Wi lIy, NED, 21.02.66; Werle, Ja n, NED, 15,01.84; Bartel, Mateusz, POL, 03,01.85; Dziuba, Marcin, POL, 17,07,83; Raziewicz, Iweta, POL; Berescu, Alin, ROM, 14.04.80, lonescu, 0, Alexandru, ROM, 18,07.71; Manalache, Marius, RUS, 22,04.73; Szabo, Gergely, ROM, 13,04,83; Eliseev, Aleksei, RUS, 05,04,80; Fradkin, RUS,Boris, 23,10,46 ; Kurnosov, Igor, RUS, 30.05,86; Malinin, Vasily, RUS, 26.04,56; Malinin, Yuri, RUS, 23,06.59; Meshkov, Yuri, RUS, 17.01,50; Nedochetov, Mikhail, RUS, 14.03.60; Novichkov, Vadim, RUS, 14.01.72; Raikin, Leonid, RUS, 18.08,50; Tomashevsky, Evgeny, RUS, 01.07.87; Yankin, Vadim, RUS, 19.09.72; Markos, Jan, SLV, 02,07.85; Jepson, Christian, SWE, 24.01.72; Isaev, Jamshed, TJK, 13.10,67; Sendur, Adnan, TUR, 24.05,61; Byelopolsky, Vyacheslav, UKR, 09.01.70; Korobov, Anton, UKR, 25,06.85; Kovtun, Sergei, UKR; Mazurok, Alexey, UKR, 03,12.72; Smirnov, Igor, UKR, 28,10.87; Vasilyev, Mikhail, UKR, 17.10.45; Sarkar, Justin, USA, 24.05,81; Bondarets, Vadim, YUG, 23.01.68; Lekic, Dusan, YUG, 24.04,69; Pap, Misa, YUG, 01,05.79; Savic, Miodrag, YUG, 06.04.77; Tahirov, Fahrad, AlE, 12.04.87; Pezerovic, Edin, BIH, 14.12,73; Runic, loran, BIH, 06.05.70; Novitzky, Dmitrij, BLR, 25,02.71; Splosnov, Sergei, BLR, 11.02.75; lhao, Xue, CHN, 06,04,85; Gagunashvili, Merab, GEO, 03,01.85; Cusi, Ron, PHI, 05.08,61; Ardelean, George, ROM, 30,04,81; Deviatkin, Andrei, RUS, 07,10.80; Dobrov, Vladimir, RUS, 13,04.84; Fradkin, Boris, RUS, 23.10.46; Kabanov, Nikolai, RUS, 22,01.80; Splosnov, Sergei, BLR, 11.02.75; lhao, Xue, CHN, 06,04,85; Gagunashvili, Merab, GEO, 03.01.85; Cusi, Ron, PHI, 05,08,61 ;Ardelean, George, ROM, 30.04.81; Deviatkin, Andrei, RUS, 07,10.80; Dobrov, Vladimir, RUS, 13.04.84; Fradkin, Boris, RUS, 23.10,46; Nedochetov, Mikhail, RUS, 14.03.60; Novgorodskij, Vladimir, RUS, 04.11.73; Prizant, Joroslav, RUS, 29,08.83; Raikin, Leonid, RUS, 18,08,50; Alexandrova, Olga, UKR, 28,01,78; Bodnar, Nikolay, UKR, 29,01.72; Efimenko, lahar, UKR, 03.07.85; Efremov, Roman, UKR, 13,01,74; Moldovanenko, Vitaly, UKR, 27,05,60; Stets, Vasilij,UKR, 16,01.64; lavgorodniy, Sergiy, UKR, 29.10,87; Knaai, Jesse, USA, 06,05,72; Benkovic, Petar, YUG, 08.05.72; livanic, Marko, YUG, 08,03.84. 
116 .......--  ID - nt rnation.1 WOMEN lNTERNAT10NAL MASTERS 1950 (17) Keller-Herrmann, Edith, GER, b-day 17,11.1921; Mora, Maria Teresa, CUB, b-day 15,10,1907; Larsen, Ingrid, DEN, b-day 01.07.1909; Graf-Stevenson, Sonja, USA, b-day 15.05,1912, t06,03.1965; Gresser, Gisela (born Kahn), USA, b-day 08.02.1910; Karff, Mona, USA, b-day 20,10,1914; Chaude, Mme.B, ( born Chantal de Silans), FRA, b-day 09.03.1919; Tranmer, Eileen, ENG, b-day 05.04,1910; Langos, Jozsa, HUN, b-day 28.08.1911 ; Benini, Clarice, ITA, b-day 08.01.1905, t08.09.1976; Heemskerk, Fenny, NED, b-day 03.12,1919; Hermanowa, Roza Maria, POL, b-day 16,01.1902; Hruskova-Belska, Nina, CZE, b-day 05,05,1925; Borisenko- Belova, USSR, b-day 28,01.1920; Bykova, Elizaveta, USSR, b-day 04.11.1913, t08.03.1989; Rubtsova, Olga, USSR, b-day 20,08.1909,t1994; Rudenko, Ludmila, USSR, b-day 27.07.1904, t26,02,1986. 1951 (1) Bruce, Rowena Mary, ENG, b-day 15,05.1919. 1952 (5) Berea de Montero, Maria, ARG, b-day 13,04,1914; Reischer, Salome, AUT, b-day 19.02,1899; Bain, Mary, USA, b-day 08.06.1904, t26.1 0.1972; Ignatieva, Olga, USSR, b-day 16.10.1920; Zvorykina, Kira, USSR, b-day 29,09.1919. 1 954 (1 0) Moschini, Celia Baudot, ARG, b-day 05.10,1910; Ivanova, Antonia, BUL, b-day 06.06.1931; Carrasco de Budinich, B., CHI, b-day 19.12.1914; Sunnucks, Patricia Anne, ENG, b-day 21.02.1927; Holuj-Radzikowska, Krystyna, POL, b-day 05.02,1931; Sucha, Ruzena, CSR, b-day 19.10,1907; Gurfinkel, Josefa, USSR, b-day 02.01,1919; Volpert, Larisa, USSR, b-day 30.03,1926; Nedeljkovic, Verica ( born Jovanovic), YUG, b-day 16.09,1929; Lazarevic, Milunka, YUG, b-day 01.12,1932. 1955 (1) Karakas, Belane, HUN, b-day 15.02,1922. 1957(6) Rinder, Friedl, GER, b-day 20,11.1905; Huguet, Soledad Gonzales, ARG, b-day 24.09.1934; Pritchard, Elaine ( born Saunders), ENG, b-day 07.01,1926; Pogorevici, Maria, ROM, b-day 10.06,1932; Eretova, Kveta, CSR, b- day 21.10,1926; Rootare, Salme, USSR, b-day 22.03.1913. 1959 (1) Hickey, Lisa ( born Lane), USA, b-day 1938. 1960 (2) Van der Mije, Alexandra (born Nicolau), NED, b-day 22.07,1940; Polichroniade, Elisabeta, ROM, b-day 24,04,1935. 1961 (4) Axt, Helga, GER, b-day 27,08,1937; Gaprindashvili, Nona, USSR, b-day 03.05.1941; Zatulovslaya, Tatiana, USSR, b-day 08.12.1935; Konarkowska-Sokolov, Henryka, YUG, b-day 14.12.1938. 1962 (2) Kushnir, Alia, ISR, b-day 11.10.1941; Chaikovskaya, Alia, USSR, b-day 21.06.1934, 
1 1 'I ......- ID 1964 (3) Teodorescu, Margareta, ROM, b-day 13,04,1932; Ranniku, Maiya, USSR, b-day 01,03.1941; Jovanovic, Katarina, YUG, b-day 13.11.1943. 1965 (3) Assenova, Venka, BUL, b-day 17.10.1930; Bilek, Edit (born KrizsanJ, USSR, b-day 18,04,1938; Kozlovskaya, Va lenti na, USSR, b-day 18.04.1938, 1966 (6) Nowarra, Waltraut, GER, b-day 14.11,1940; Friedman, Clara, ISR, b-day 13.04.1920; Alexandria, Nana, USSR, b-day 13.12.1949; Kislova, Alexandra, USSR, b-day 20.12,1946; Vocic- Zivkovic, Ljubica, YUG, b-day 25,09.1936; Stadler, Teresa, YUG, b-day 28,09.1936. 1967 (5) Litmanovicz, Maria, POL, b-day 06.09.1928; Perevoznic, Margareta, ROM, b-day 10.09.1936; Belamaric. Tanja, YUG, b-day 16.07,1946; Ljiljak. Milka. YUG. b-day 06,04.1942; Andreeva. Olga. USSR, b-day 23.04.1937. 1968 (3) Ivanka, Maria, HUN. b-day 23.02.1950; Vreeken-Bouwman. M.C,. NED, b-day 22,12.1928; Bilunova. Rimma. USSR, b-day 21,08,1941. 1969 (3) Honfl. Karolyne. HUN, b-day 16.04.1933; Veroci. Zsuzsa. HUN, b-day 19,02.1949; Hartston. Jana (born MalypetrovaJ. CSR-ENG, b-day 09.12.1947. 1970 (8) Cardoso. Ruth, BRA, b-day 09,02.1934; Baumstark. gertruda, ROM, b-day 21.05,1941; Makai, Suzana. HUN. b-day 03,09.1945,+1987; Reicher. Rodica, ROM, b-day 04.12.1934; Vokralova. Stepanka, CSR, b-day 08,07,1949; Konopleva. Natalia, USSR, b-day 23.11,1944; Medianikova. Nina, USSR, b-day 27,01.1936; Rubtsova. Elena, USSR. b-day 04.10,1947, 1971 (5) Lemachko. Tatiana. BUL, b-day 16.03,1948; Schilowa. Wessmina, BUL, b-day 03,10,1951; Porubsky. Maria. HUN, b-day 05.11.1945; Skegina. Klara, USSR, b-day 02,08.1937; Covanovic. Ruzica, YUG. b-day 29.04.1946, 1972 (9) Maddern. Lynda, AUS, b-day 16.10.1947; Georgieva. Antonia, BUL. b-day 25.03.1948; Troinaska. Evelina. BUL, b-day 15.15,1929; Aronson, Eva, USA. b-day 02.03.1908; Braun, Marilyn ( born KoputJ, USA, b-day 25.08.1948; Handsuren, Sandagorj. MGL, b-day 05,05,1940; Schul. Marta. USSR, b-day 25.03.1949; Levitina, Irina. USSR, b-day 08.06.1954; Epstein, Estere, USSR. b-day 10,05,1954. 1973 (2) Erenka-Radzewska, Hanna, POL, b-day 12,11.1946; Saunina, Ludmila, USSR. b-day 09,07.1952, 1974 (5) Borisova. Borislava, BUL. b-day 27,02.1951; Ferrer, Pepita, ESP; Pytel, Bozena. POL, b-day 03,05.1945; Chiburdanidze, Maia, USSR. b-day 17,01.1961; Kalchbrenner, Vlasta. YUG, b-day 17,06.1952, 
118 .......-- ...  1975 (3) Hofmann, Brigitte, GER, b-day 17.10,1954; Michel, Annett, GER, b-day 13.05,1955; Muresan, Margarete, ROM, b-day 13.03.1950. 1977 (2) Semenova, Lidia, USSR, b-day 22.11,1951; Pihajlic, Amalija, YUG, b-day 04,07.1944, 1978 (20) Kellner, Narelle, AUS, +1988; Borges de Oliveira, Maria C., BRA; Vujosevic, Smilja, CAN, b-day 09.06,1935; Guggenberger, Iise de Caro, COl, b-day 01.04.1942; Feustel, Petra, GER; Ortan, Ruth I., USA; Savereide, Diane, USA, b-day 25.11.1954; Ahmylovskaya, Elena, USSR, b-day 11.03.1957; Fomina, Tatiana, USSR, b-day 26,04.1954; Fatalibekova, Elena, USSR, b-day 04.10.1947; Akhsharumova, Anna, USSR, b-day 09.01.1957; Szmacinska, Grazyna, POL, b-day 29.01.1953; Nutu, Daniela, ROM, b-day 08.06.1957; Mulenko, lydia, USSR; Garcia, Nieves, ESP, b-day 23,07.1955; Soppe, Edith, ARG, b-day 10,08.1961; Shterenger, Nava, CAN; Carrasco, Berna, CHI; De Armas, Asela, CUB, b-day 06.12,1954; Carvajau, Ana luisa, CUB; Crotto, Rashel, USA, b-day 25.12.1958. 1979 (6) Hund, Barbara, GER, b-day 10.10.1959; Khadilkar, Jayshree, IND, b-day 25.04.1962; Gurieli, Nino, USSR, b- day 07.12,1961; loseliani, Nana, USSR, b-day 12,02,1962; Markovic, Gordana, YUG, b-day 04.01.1951 ; Propokovic, Olivera, YUG. 1980 (3) Klimova, E, CSR; Fischdick, Gisela, GER, b-day 05.11.1955; lonescu Ilie, Viorica, ROM, b-day 20,06.1960, 1981 (7) Khadilkar, Rohini, IND; Shilan, Liu, CHN; Jackson, Sheila, ENG, b-day 11.11.1957; Jurczynska, Anna, POL, b- day 04.05,1926; Wiese, Malgorzata, POL, b-day 16.03.1961; Cejic, Dusica, YUG; Petrovic, Marija, YUG, b-day 29,08.1953, 1982 (27) Angelova, P., BUl; Van Yanfen, CHN; Arbunic, Giovanna B" CHI, b-day 01,07.1964; Belle, Erika, NED, b-day 20,01.1956; Boiadzieva- Gocheva, Rumiana B., BUl, b-day 21.07,1957; Brustman, A., USSR; Glaz, lena, ISR, b-day 23.05,1961; Day, A., CAN, Zhikman, L., ROM, Zaitseva, ludmila, USSR, b-day 10.02.1956; Kadilkar, V., USSR, IND; Keller, M" GER, Maximovic, Suzana, YUG, b-day 05.01.1962; Minogina, Tanam, USSR, b-day 12.02,1959; Monjo, D., CAN; Nilkolin, Zorica, YUG, b-day 08.04.1961; Podrazhanskaya, Olga., ISR, b-day 29,05,1948; Polgar, Zsuzsa, HUN, b-day 19.04,1969; Ramon, Vivian, CUB, b-day 02,05.1963; Tizley, 0" USA; Titorenko, Natalia, USSR, b-day 16.01.1951; Fontanilia, Girnie" PHI, b-day 10.02.1950; Hugashvili, 1, USSR, b-day 23,11.1944; Husto, V., ARG; Chaves Jusara, BRA, b-day 09.12.1959; Chehova, Tatiana, USSR, b-day 08,03.1955; Chonkic, 1, HUN. 1983 (5) Savova, Stefka, BUl, b-day 28.11,1958; Alekhina, Natalya, USSR, b-day 03,11.1954; Heintze, Marion, GER, b-day 05.09.1954; Grinfeld, Alia, USSR, b-day 16,04,1953; Keller, Martine, GER, 1984 (7) Kas, Rita, HUN; Khasanova, Fiura, USSR, b-day 31,12.1964; Rubtsova, Tatiana, USSR, b-day 08,05,1962; Hajkova, Jana, CSR, b-day 26.05.1964; Needham, Teresa M., ENG, b-day 30.11.1965; Grosch, Maria, HUN, b- day 03,08.1954; Madl, IIdiko, HUN, b-day 05,11.1969, 
119 - ID 1985 (24) Wong, Audrey, MAL, b-day 24.06,1969; Abhyankar, Anupama, IND; Badulescu, Cristina, ROM; Baltgailis, Vesma, CAN; Das, Urmala Zdenka, CAN; Roos, Celine, CAN, b-day 22,12,1953; Chaves, Joara, BRA, b-day 22,03.1962; Rebeiro, Regina, BRA; Mansilla, Beatriz, CHI; Puljek, Zorica, YUG, b-day 01.05.1965; Chao, Lan, CHN; Siavotinek, Anne, AUS, b-day 13,05.1963; Walker, Suzan, ENG; Arkell, C" ENG, Lebel-Arias, Julia, FRA, b-day 10,03.1946; Hoiberg, Nina, DEN, b-day 17,02.1956; Matveeva, Svetlana, USSR, b-day 04.07,1969; Sahatova, Gulnar, USSR, b-day 24.04,1963; Frometa, Zirka, CUB, b-day 07,06,1963; Arencibia, V" CUB; Hamid, Rani, BAN, b-day 01.07,1944; Voiska, Margaret, BUL, b-day 03,04,1963; Olarasu, Gabriela, ROM, b- day 07,11.1964; Chelushkina, Irina, USSR, b-day 01.02,1962; Lelchuk, Zoya, USSR, b-day 06,09,1961. 1986 (14) Arakhamia, Ketevan, USSR, b-day 19,07.1968; Polnareva, Larisa, USSR, b-day 04.04,1958; Broder, I., GER; Izrailov, I., USA; Neely, Elizabeth, USA, b-day 25.04,1968; Kovacs-Pinter, M" HUN; Maric, Alisa, YUG, b-day 10.01.1970; De Greef, Heleen, NED, b-day 15.09,1965; Yagodzinska, J., POL; Chiricuta, K,ludita, ROM, b-day 25.05.1957; Ghinda, Eugenia, ROM, b-day 26.11.1950; Leroy- Flear, Christine, FRA, b-day 22,04.1967; Kondou, Eva, GRE, b-day 24,03,1965; Sathe, B" IND. 1987 (13) Baginskaite, Kamila, USSR, b-day 24,04,1967; Palao, Marisela, CUB, b-day 14.03,1965; Trabert, Bettina, GER, b-day 04,03.1969; Lauterbach, Ingrid, GER, b-day 06.06,1960; Masariego, Carolina, GUA; Tamin, Upi D., INA, b-day 04,02.1970; Canela, Teresa, ESP, b-day 04.03.1959; Maric, Mirjana, YUG, b-day 10.01.1970; Petek, Merjan, YUG; Ruchieva, Natalia, USSR, b-day 12,03,1960; Leszner, Liliana, POL, b-day 09.02,1965; Boicu, Smaranda, ROM; Prudnikova, Svetlana, USSR, b-day 18.03.1967. 1988 (22) Genova, Ruzka, BUL, b-day 31,07,1963; Peicheva, V. BUL; Rieder, Anita, GER, b-day 16.08,1964; Cuevas, Rodrigues, Ma Luisa, ESP, b-day 08,03.1965; Polgar, Zsofia, HUN, b-day 02.11,1974; Basagic, V" YUG; Bojkovic, Natasa, YUG, b-day 03.09,1971; Ha rmsen, Jessica, NED, b-day 05,09,1966; Oem i na, Ju lia, USSR, b- day 03,02.1969; Eidelson, Rakhil, USSR, b-day 14.11,1958; Galliamova, Alisa, USSR, b-day 18.01.1972; Kakhiani, K., USSR; Kosashvili, I, USSR; Sofieva, Ainur, USSR, b-day 19.07.1970; Stepovaya, Tatiana, USSR, b-day 23,09.1965; Zaiats, Elena, USSR, b-day 16,09,1969; Burijovich, Liliana, ARG, b-day 16.01.1965; Tagnon, Nicole, FRA, b-day 20,02.1950; Dahlgruen, Anja, GER, b-day 07.11.1965; Gant, 0., ROM; Ostry, Irina, USSR, b-day 07.07.1950; Sitnikova, N, USSR, 1989 (12) Gretarsdottir, G., ISL; Rudolph, A., USA; Burtman, Sharon, USA, b-day 16.06,1968; Dimitrijevic, V., USA; Mistry-Kennedy, Shernaz, USA, b-day 24.04.1954; Kaczorowska, B., POL; Xie Jun, CHN, b-day 30,10.1970; Peicheva, Evgenia, BUL, b-day 12,07,1968; Shumiakina, Tatiana, USSR, b-day 04,10.1965; Jalowiec, Halina, POL, b-day 24,07,1960; Sziva, Erika, HUN, b-day 08.06.1967; Peng Zhaoqin, CHN, b-day 08,05,1968. 1990 (29) Amura, Claudia N" ARG, b-day 26.09.1970; Burijovic, Liliana, ARG, b-day 16.01,1965; Dekic, Biljana, AUS, b- day 16,06.1950; Finegold, Gina, BEL; Salazar, Adriana, COL; Forbes, Cathy, ENG, b-day 06,02.1968; Dubois, Martine, FRA, b-day 26,05,1969; Botsari, Anna-Maria, GRE, b-day 05,10,1972; Saritha, N, Reddy, IND, b-day 10.06.1972; Batsegseg, Tsagaan, MGL, b-day 30.01.1972; Benschop, Anne Marie, NED, b-day 11.08,1969; Kulikova, L, USSR; Forgo, Eva, HUN, b-day 05.02,1966; Horvath, Julia, HUN, b-day 02.11.1960; Velvart, P., 
120 -  ID HUN; Micic, Jordanka, YUG, b-day 12.01,1969; Belakovskaya, Anjelina, USSR, b-day 17,05.1969; Bystriakova, Elena, USSR, b-day 17,04.1958; Erneste, Inguna, USSR, b-day 23.05.1966; Piarnpuu, Leili, USSR, b-day 31.01.1950; Rubene, Ilze, USSR, b-day 17.07.1958; Sedina, Elena., USSR, b-day 01.06,1968; Sheremetieva, Marina, USSR, b-day 07.06.1963; Titova, Elena, USSR, b-day 28.03.1963; Eruslanova, I., USSR; Velikhanli, Firuza, USSR, ; Kunze, Kerstin, GER, b-day 23.08,1971; Markov, Vesna, YUG, b-day 28.06.1966; Nepeina, Maria, USSR, b-day 12.03.1970. 1991 (22) Arribas Robaina, Maritza, CUB, b-day 02.02,1971; Tsiganova, Monika, EST, b-day 08.08.1969; Zimmersmann, Rita, HUN; Lissowska, Anna, POL, b-day 28.12.1966; Stroe-Botan, Alesandra-Madalina, ROM, b-day 15,10,1968; Shafranska, Anda, RUS, b-day 02,12.1960; Umanskaya, Irina, RUS, b-day 09,06,1963; Koskela, Niina, FIN, b-day 08.08,1971; Segal, Anna, ISR, b-day 13.09,1975; Vuksanovic, Sanja, YUG; De Vries, Sylvia, NED, b-day 04,11.1969; Limbach, Renate, NED, b-day 23,10,1971; Dahl, Ingrid, NOR, b-day 26.03.1964; Lumongdong, Lisa, INA, b-day 23,07.1968; Egerland, Edit, HUN, b-day 18.05.1958; Grabuzova, Tatiana, RUS; Strutinskaya, Galina, RUS, b-day 01.07,1957; Paasikangas, Johanna, FIN, b-day 28,03,1974; Jahn, Constanze, GER, b-day 12.01.1963; Qin Kanying, CHN, b-day 02.02.1974; Wang Pin, CHN, b-day 11.12.1974; Nhung, Khuong Thi Hong, VIE, b-day 02.01.1972, 1992 (6) Karakashian, Narine, ARM, b-day 30,06,1971; Koen, Maya, BUL, b-day 21.04.1973; Repkova, Eva, CSR, b-day 16.01.1975; Rause, alita, LAT, b-day 21.11.1962; Radu, Elena-Luminita, ROM; Korkina, Svetlana, RUS, b-day 06,07.1971. 1993 (42) Aleksieva, Silvia, BUL, b-day 04.05,1974; Wohlers-Armas, Rike, FRA, b-day 05,07.1962; Sakhatova, Elvira, KAZ; Roizen, Nadezhda, MDA, b-day 06.12,1969; Florova, Olga, RUS; Sadlikova, Vera, CSR; Zhukova, Natalya, UKR, b-day 05.06,1979; Daniealian, Elina, ARM, b-day 16,08,1978; Izschenko, Olga, BLR, b-day 27.04.1974; Kadinova, Ilaha, AZE, b-day 05.11.1975; Heinatz, Gundula, GER, b-day 12.05.1969; Voronova, Tatiana, LAT, b-day 24,12,1955; Bos-Swiecik, Iwona, NED, b-day 24,11.1958; Grochot, Czeslawa, POL; Borulia, Ekaterina, UKR, b-day 31,12,1969; Gaponenko, Inna, UKR, b-day 22,06.1976; Nepeina, Maria, UKR, b-day 12,03.1970; Xu, Yuhua, CHN; Basta-Sohair, F, EGY; Khurtsidze, Nino, GEO, b-day 28.09.1975; Csoke, Adrienn, HUN, b-day 23,02.1973; Lindri, Juni Wijayanti, INA, b-day 16.06.1963; Ermolinskaya, M" ISR; Bijoux, Caroline, RSA; Levitan, Yulia, USA, b-day 12.06,1973; Tverskaya, Julia, USA, b-day 19.09.1959; Dabrowska, Krystina, POL, b-day 05,12.1973; Laesson, Tuulikki, EST, b-day 19,03,1969; Kulish, Irina, RUS; Svechnikova, M., RUS; T e, Roza, RUS, b-day 08,08.1961; Berezina, Irina, AUS, b-day 13.04,1965; Ratne, Maria Lucia, INA; De Kleuver, Esther, NED, b-day 23.05,1968; Peptan, Corina, ROM, b-day 17,03.1978; Johansson, Viktoria, SWE, b-day 12,03,1974; Holoubkova, Martina, CZE, b-day 26.04,1975; Ipek, Nilufer, TUR; Kim, A" UZB; Parfenova, Olga, UZB; Nguyen, Thi, VIE, b-day 19,03.1982, 1994 (28) Ismailova, Lala, AZE, b-day 14,12.1969; Hernandez Alvarez, Tania, CUB, b-day 09.11.1963; Saljova, Silvie, CZE, b-day 03,10,1975; Agababean, Naira, MDA, b-day 19.01.1951; losif, Cristina, ROM, b-day 23.07,1968; Vajda, Szidonia, ROM, b-day 20,01,1979; Licina, Anita, SLO, b-day 27,09.1972; Baklanova, Tatiana, UKR, b- day 27.10,1972; Zivkovic, Vesna, YUG, b-day 22.05.1959; Stefanova, Antoaneta, BUL, b-day 19,04.1979; Velcheva, Maria, BUL, b-day 14.10.1976; Krupkova, Petra, CZE, b-day 23,04,1976; Hunt, Harriet, ENG, b-day 04.02.1978; Edzgveradze, Natalia, GEO, b-day 23,07.1975; Khurtsliava, Inga, GEO, b-day 17.04,1975; 
121 ......- JIIIIIIIa ID Nikoladze, Sofia, GEO, b-day 02.13,1973; Grabics, Monika, HUN, b-day 31.08,1976; Lakos, Nikoletta, HUN, b-day 14,12.1978; Susterman, Ania, MDA, b-day 14.10,1976; Bobrowska, Monika, POL, b-day 24,03,1978; lonescu-Brandis, Irina, ROM, b-day 09,08.1973; Furina, Svetlana, RUS; Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina, RUS, b-day 17.04.1974; Ovezova, Mehry, TKM, b-day 04,04,1973; Borsuk, Angela, UKR, b-day 29,08,1979; Struchkova, Svetlana, UKR; Hoang Th"Trang, VIE, b-day 25.04.1980; Watai, Miyoko, JPN; Zhu, Chen, CHN, b-day 16,03.1976. 1995 (25) Lu Xioasha, CHN; Calzetta, Monica, ESP, b-day 29,11.1972; Lomineishvili, Maia, GEO, b-day 11.11.1977; Ciuksyte, Dagne, LIT, b-day 01.01.1977; Ratcu, Tatiana, BRA, b-day 08.09.1979; Khorava, Miranda, GEO, b- day 19,11.1977; Mohota, Nisha, IND, b-day 13.10,1980; Vijayalakshmi, Subbaraman IND, b-day 25.03,1979; Nguyen, Thi Tuong Van, VIE, b-day 25,04.1980; Marin-Ionescu, Luiza, ROM, b-day 28.08.1970; Khan, Anna, USA, b-day 21,06,1976; Lagvilava, Genrieta, BLR, b-day 03,07,1969; Koglin, Anke, GER, b-day 21,03.1970; Olbrich, Marina, GER, b-day 17.04,1969; Tazhieva, Lyazzat, KAZ, Dubinka, Inna, UKR, b-day 19.04.1975; Kiseleva, Natalia, UKR, b-day 27,05.1978; Zatonskikh, Anna, UKR, b-day 17.07.1978; Hernandez, Yudania, CUB; Nicoara-Etchegaray, Malina, FRA, b-day 24.10.1969; Girkiyan, Tamara, KAZ; Dworakowska, Joanna, POL, b-day 21.10,1978; Zielinska, Marta, POL, b-day 30,01.1978; Grosar, Kiti, SVK, b-day 24.02,1976; Hagarova, Zuzana, SVK, b-day 25.11.1977; Salakhova, Gulnar, RUS, b-day 14.10,1969; Roschina, Tatiana, RUS, b-day 28.03,1976. 1996 (24) Mira, Helene, AUT, b-day 18,11.1954; Pitam, Ela, ISR, b-day 10,02.1977; Slavnova, Dania, RUS; Dekusar, Maria, UKR, b-day 11.12,1972; Limar, Irina, UKR; Melamed, Tatiana, UKR, b-day 03,02.1974; Shved, Irina, UKR, b-day 24.05,1970; Zozulia, Anna, UKR, b-day 10.03,1980; Lazic, Marina, YUG; Gervais, Claire, FRA, b- day 04,04,1976; Koskovska, Gabriela, FRM, Henc, Renata, POL, b-day 05,04,1972; Gaglashvili, Raisa, RUS; Zvereva, Maria, RUS, b-day 09,04.1978; Zhiltsova-Lisenko, Ludmila, UKR; Velickovski-Kostic, Maja, YUG; Djeno, Mara, CRO, b-day 01.01,1974; Ptachnikova, Lenka, CZE; Janjgava, Natia, GEO, b-day 16,12.1962; Petrenko, Svetlana, MDA, b-day 27.05.1974; Aksiuczyc, Monika, POL, b-day 03,12,1977; Sarana, Oksana, UKR, b-day 28.04.1979; Vasilevich, Tatiana, UKR, b-day 14.01,1977; Jovanovic, Sanja, YUG 1997 (15) Semenova, Irina, RUS, b-day 16,01,1968; Kostenuk, Alexandra, RUS, b-day 23.04.1984; Loktionova, Natalia, RUS; Alexandrova, Olga, UKR, b-day 28,01.1978; Kononenko, T atiana, UKR, b-day 05,12,1978; Goletiani, Rusudan, GEO, b-day 08,09.1980, Gara Anita, HUN, b-day 04,03.83, Kunte Mrunalini, IND, b-day 23,12.73, Lopatskaya Elena V., RUS, b-day 25,06,76, Mashinskaya lulia, RUS, b-day 18.02.77, Neroda Alexandra, RUS, b-day 24.08.78, Ning Chunhong, CHN, b-day 21.01.68, Sidorova Elena, RUS, b-day 30,04.77, Tkeshelashvili Sopio, GEO, b-day 23,10,79. Trofimova Olga. RUS, b-day 13.11.77. 1998 (31) Agrest-Pesigina, Svetlana, SWE; Blimke, Dalia, POL, b-day 20,05,1979; Cmilyte, Viktoria, LTU, b-day 06,08,1983; Darcia, Diana, GEO, b-day 18.10.1977; Dergatschova-Daus, Anna, RUS; Grabarska, Barbara, POL, b-day 08,06,1977; Houska, Jovanka, ENG, b-day 10,06.1980; Kludacz, Magdalena, POL, b-day 09.01,1976; Krasenkova, lIena, RUS, b-day 06,06,1961; Kryuchkova, Elena, UZB; Lukasiewicz, Anna, POL, b-day 18.02,1970; Mamedova, Rena, UZB; Paehtz, Elizabeth, GER, b-day 08.01.1985; Sirokova, Olga, CZE; Vasiesiu, Cristina ROM, b-day 10.09.1976; Werner, Isabel, GER, b-day 21.04.1978; Zhurina, Elizaveta, RUS, b-day 09,02.1978; Diaz Patete, Milagros del Valle, VEN; Frank, Alita, RSA; Hernandez Penna, Sabino, ARG, b-day 
122 4P - JIIIIIIIa  1. Executive Board members in Greece 1993 2. The famity Polgar and Chief Arbiter G. Gijssen 11.12,1973; Maggiola, Eliza, ARG, b-day 26.02.1980; II Ruofan, CHN; Sequeda, Nancy E., VEN; Tkeshelashvili, Sofiko, GEO, b-day 23,10.1979; Ubaldo Suarez, Maria Gisela, VEN, b-day 19,02.1980; Reizniece, Dana, LAT, b-day 06,11.1981; Kiss, Fernanda, HUN 29.10.1979; Medvegy, Nora, HUN, 29,03.1977; Sergeeva, Maria, KAl 12.04.1983; Dorofeeva, Kirov, RUS, Kiseleva, Natalia, RUS, 27.05.1978. 1999 (19) Aksiuczyc Monika, b-day 03,12,77, POL; Alieva Elmira, AlE; Blazkova Petra, b-day 22.06,78 ClE; Bogza Adina, b-day 25.08.79 ROM; Dempo Yelena, ISR; Fakhiridou Ekaterini, b-day 10.04,64, GRE; Ghate Swate Sureh, IND; Grechanovskaya Elena, b-day 02.03.74, UKR; lonica lulia, b-day 04,07.80, ROM; Kalinina Vladislava, b-day 25.02.80, UKR; Kostiuk Tatiana, b-day 21,11,82, UKR; Lysova Olga, b-day 25,08,80, RUS; Matnadze Ana, b-day 20.02,83, GEO; Moshina Christina, MDA, b-day 15.11.82; Polyakova Natalia, RUS; Popova Natalija, b-day 28.11.76, BLR; Sasu-Duscoara Andreca, b-day 17,05.75, ROM; Shah Pallavi G, IND, b-day 15.11.79; Timofeeva Galina, b-day 01.12.78, UKR; Vidonyak Nellya, b-day 30.07.71, GER. 2000 (25) Shukurova, Meihriban, AlE; Hizgerova, Gabriela, ClE; Sebag, Marie, FRA, 15.10,86; Khukhashvili, Sopiko, GEO, 04,01.85; Heymann, Ulrike, GER, 09,08,77; Nill, Jessica, GER, 11.10.79; Gara, Ticia, HUN, 25.10.84; Dhar Barua Sahell, IND; Tuitebaeva, Dinara, KAl, 16.05,86; Jap Tjeen San, Linda, NED, 01.09.77 ; Matras, Agnieszka, POL, 05.12,82; Grigorieva, Angela, ROM, 03,02,73; Dolgikh, Kristina, RUS, 25.09.75; Gladisheva, Tatiana, RUS, 14.07.66; Khurshudova, Lyudmila, RUS, 24.08.46; Kozlova, Olga, RUS, 05,04.76; Mirzoeva, Elmira, RUS, 02,11.81; Sazonova, Elena, RUS, 07,10,59; Siavina, Irina, RUS, 10,08,79; Svistun, Olga, RUS, 05,03.77;Vrublevskaya, Olga, RUS, 08.04,79; limina, Olga, RUS, 14.05,82; Khegay, Anjela, UlB, Djingarova, Emilia, BUL, 06,08.78" Javakhishvili, Lea GEO, Reizniece, Dana, LAT. 2001 (27) Aginian, Nelly, ARM 04.08,81 ;Kuang, Yinghui, CHN; Regan, Natasha, ENG, 12,06.71; Muller, Anne, FRA, 07.08,74; Dzagnidze, Nana, GEO, 01.01.87; Gvetadze, Sopio, GER, 15.11.83; Subbaraman, Meenakshi, IND; Batceceg, Tuvsahintogs, MGL, 22.02,78; Partac, Elena, MDA, 25,03,84; Caoili, Arianne, PHI, 22,12.86; Hasanova, Elmira, RUS, 10.07,85; Kosintseva, Tatiana, RUS, 11.04,86; Kosintseva, Nadezhda, RUS, 14,01.85; Lundina, Aelita, RUS, 29.08,77; Sudakova, Irina, RUS,05,09.02, Lahno, Kateryna, UKR, 27,12.89; Mokriak, Liudmila, UKR, 23.09,84; Maisuradze, Nino, GEO, 13.06,82; Tereladze, Sopiko, GEO, 06,09.72; Smokina, Karolina, MDA, 13,06.77; Hasanova, Elmira, RUS, 10,07,85; Khusnutdinova, Luiza, RUS, 08,03.83; Korbut, Ekaterina, RUS, 09.02.85; Lundina, Aelita, RUS, 29,08,77; Ruervenich, Silvia, SWE, 03,05,74; Goreskul,Alyona, UKR, 02,11,83; Benderac, Ana, YUG, 25.01,77, 4!F....tiIJ... (' n qO ... \: 'CY, \ , . ( ,.. ", "" 'I'd ;1' '. '. IDF  .J ';  f ".... 1- . ""to \ " J } " \ ,:\ ,- ...:::::;; . f . "'" .,. o.1Ii> ' , ' " \'t:ft.. : ":i.' }; '..;.  . " - ,,"' '" fJ J ( .. '  "J "1r' . tit \; --- " "",-> \) .. , ..... ,I , 
. II I lNTERNAT10NAL ARB1TERS 1951 Blinckmann, Alfred, GER, b-day 03,01.1891, +30,05.1967, Rellstab, Ludwig, GER, b-day 23,11.1904, t14.02.1983; Sanguineti, Jorge, ARG, b-day 03.02,1916; Hanacik, J., AUT, b-day 29,01.1892; Simm, Malcolm, CAN, b-day 06,11.1881, t22,12,1956; Almirall Castel Is, Vincente, ESP, b-day 27,01.1904; Golmayo de la T oriente, Manuel, ESP, b-day 12,06.1883; t07,03,1973; De Monto Corto, Raul de Ory y Barat, ESP, b- day 05,08,1902; Horowitz, Israel Albert, USA, b-day 15,11.1907, +18.01,1973; Kmoch, Hans, USA, b-day 25,07,1894, t13.02,1973; Wertheim, Maurice, USA, b-day 16.02,1886, +26.05,1950; Horhammer, Ivar, FIN, b-day 11,02.1884, t03,02.1953; Lmakunnas, Ari, FIN, b-day 11.09,1896, t30,04.1957; Berman, Marcel, FRA, b-day 16.12.1895, t03,07.1960; Boyd, J.F., ENG, b-day 18,12.1878; Kottnauer, Cenek, ENG, b-day 24.02,1910; Mieses, Jaques, ENG, b-day 27.02.1865, t23.02,1954; Pratten, W.H., ENG, b-day 12,08.1906; Rider, A,A" ENG, b-day 1882, t24,01,1954; Ritson Morry, W.R., ENG, b-day 05.09.1910; Asztalos, Lajos, HUN, b-day 29.07,1889, t01.11,1956; Balogh, L., HUN, b-day 04.06,1895; Elek, Ferenc, HUN, b-day 21.08.1918 t1996; Miliani, Giorgio, ITA, b-day 30,05,1910; Szabados, Eugenio, ITA, b-day 03,07.1898, t06.03.1974; Eggink, Leonard Gerardus, NED, b-day 01.10,1881, t11.07,1959; Euwe, Machgielis, NED, b-day 20,05,1901 ;Van Harten, Gerrit, NED, b-day 28,01.1889, t23,06.1973; Rueb, Alexandre, NED, b-day 27,12,1882, t02.02,1959; Siaverkoorde, Hendrik Josias Johannes, NED, b-day 19.07,1907; Zittersteyn, Gerardus Wilhelmus Johannes, NED, b-day 10.12,1882, t13,04,1956; Andersson, Fritz, SWE, b-day 03,05,1883, t21.10.1963; Rogard, Folke, SWE, b-day 06.07,1899, t11.06,1973; Stahlberg, Gideon, SWE, b- day 26.01,1908, t26.05.1967; Opocensky, Karel, CSR, b-day 07,02.1892, +16,11.1975; Kotov, Alexander, USSR, b-day 12,08.1913; Prorvich, Alexander, USSR, b-day 01.04,1918; Ragozin, Viacheslav, USSR, b-day 08,10.1908, t 11,03.1962; Roma novsky, Petr, USSR, b-day 30.07,1892, to 1,03,1964; Ch udova, Vera, USSR, b-day 25.12.1908; Yudovich, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 08,06.1911, t1987; Zubarev, Nikolay, USSR, b-day 10,01,1894, t01,01.1951; Vidmar, Milan, YUG, b-day 22,06,1885, t09,1 0,1962; 1952 Monasterio, Paulino Alles, ARG, b-day 14.08,1897; Lancel, Edmond, BEL, b-day 03.07,1888, t 15.04,1959; Kantardjiev, Mihayl, BUL, b-day 24,10,1910; Willumsen, Frederik Kristian, DEN, b-day 07.07.1896; Heilimo, Eino, FIN, b-day 21.03,1887; Lihtonen, Paavo, Fin, b-day 22.08,1896, t 14.11,1967; Bernstein, Ossip, FRA, b- day 20,09,1882, t30,11.1962; Biscay, Pierre, FRA, b-day 14.09.1905, t30.06.1969; Lebeytaillis, J.' FRA; Meek, Harold, ENG, b-day 1886, t16.11.1954; Thomas, George, ENG, b-day 14,06,1881, t23,07,1972; Ferrantes, Giovanni, ITA, b-day 07,11.1903; Malciu, Emil, ROM, b-day 08,03,1918; Meyer, Hugo, SUI, b-day 15,03,1899, t 1976; Louma, Josef, CSR, b-day 03,12,1898, t07,08,1955; Bajec, Anton, YUG, b-day 06.01.1897;Nedelkovic, Ozren, YUG, b-day 28,02,1903; Vukovic, Vladimir, YUG, b-day 26,08.1898, t1975; 1953 Skalicka, Carlos, ARG, b-day 01.11,1896,t 1980; Kristensen, Jens Kristian, DEN, b-day 20,10.1901, t15,04,1965; Alatortsev, Vladimir, USSR, b-day 15.05,1909, t13,01.1987; Tikhomirova, Vera, USSR, b-day 19,07,1918; Gabrovsek, Ludvik, YUG, b-day 24.08.1910; Willumsen, Frederik Kristian, DEN; 1954 Helms, Hermann, USA, b-day 05,01,1970, t06,O 1.1963; Golombek, Harry, ENG, b-day 01,03.1911, t 1995; Szabo, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 19,03.1917, t1998; Vajda, Arpad, HUN, b-day 02,05,1896, t25,10,1967; Penco, Luigi, ITA, b-day 24,12.1895, t01,12,1955; Herseth, Storm, NOR, b-day 04,09,1897; Nagler, Alois, SUI, b-day 08.12.1907; Bonda revsky, Igor, USSR, b-day 12,05.1913, t 14,06.1979 123 4P - ID 
124 -  ID 1955 Masia, Joaquin Gomez, ARG, b-day 19.02,1905; Heynen, Gerard, BEL, b-day 14.06,1921; Van Meurs, John Henry, ENG, b-day 29,05.1882, +29,05,1969; Sajtar, Jaroslav, CSR, b-day 03,12,1921; Daja, Dragutin, YUG, b-day 21,08.1920; Timet, Dubravko, YUG, b-day 12,03.1924; 1956 Fassbender, Hans-Josef, GER, b-day 24,07.1930; Lasker, Edward, USA, b-day 03,12,1885, +23.03,1981; Kaila, Osmo IImari, FIN, b-day 11.05,1916; Langhaus, Uri, ISR, b-day 23.11.1918; Miller, Zbignew, POL, b-day 05,02.1905; Radzikowski, Leon, POL, b-day 20.09,1906; Witkowski, Wiktor, POL, b-day 23.09,1900; Wrobel, Marian, POL, b-day 01,01.1907, +25,04.1960; Langhaus, U., ROM; Fotino, Nicolas, ROM; Hruskova- Belska, Nina, CSR, b-day 05,05,1925; Poisl, Arnost, CSR, b-day 10,06.1906, +21,11,1966; Garkunov, Lev, USSR, b- day 16,03,1901, +1963; Kan, Ilia, USSR, b-day 04.05,1909, +18.12,1978; Rokhlin, lakov, USSR, b-day 27,01.1905; Starndstroem, Tamara, USSR, b-day 29.04,1916; 1957 Strauss, Rudolf, GER, b-day 21.08,1920, t08.02.1959; Fohl, Willy, GER; Nikolov, Assen Iliev, BUL, b-day 06.03,1920; Strantchev, Zakhari Petrov, BUL, b-day 27,04.1929; Utchormanski, Nikolai Assenov, BUL, b-day 06.03,1920; Toran Albero, Roman, ESP, b-day 08.10.1931; Chamero Cano, Brigido, ESP, b-day 20,08,1900; De Graaf, H., NED, b-day 11,12,1901 ; Ivanco, Imrich, CSR, b-day 30.10.1922; Abramov, Lev, USSR, b-day 14,06,1911; Ravinsky, Grigory, USSR, b-day 18,10.1909; 1958 Inglanda, Vicente y Garcia-Serrano, ESP, b-day 12,03.1910; Wade, R,G" ENG, b-day 10,04.1921; Szabados, Paolo, ITA, b-day 24,12.1926; Campomanes, Florencio, PHI, b-day 22,02.1927; Mach, Viktor, CSR, b-day 18,07,1911; Acosta Silva, Manuel, VEN, b-day 22,01.1906; Kazic, Bozidar, YUG, b-day 06,02.1921, t1995; Molerovic, Mihajlo, YUG, b-day 19,05,1926, t1983; Petronic, Milos, YUG, b-day 15,02.1921, t2000; Popovic, Zarko, YUG, b-day 10.01.1909; Vukovic, Sava, YUG, b-day 20.01.1912, +28,07.1961; 1959 Fohl, Willy, GER, b-day 15,06.1894; Dorazil, Wilfried, AUT, b-day 23,07,1910; Weltjens, Leon Willem, BEL, b- day 23,01.1887, t16,02.1975; Da Cunha, Edmundo, BRA, b-day 29,09,1897; Fishlock-Lomax, J. Norman, ENG, b-day 19.08,1907, t24,03,1971 ; 1960 Avellon, Alfonso Rodriguez, ARG, b-day 21.01.1901, t1980; Carbero, Dionisio, ARG, b-day 25,05.1914; Toffano, Haroldo, ARG, b-day 05,08,1915, t1980; Enevoldsen, Jens, DEN, b-day 23,09.1907; Kashdan, Isaac, USA, b-day 19,11.1905, t1985; Koltanowski, George, USA, b-day 17,09,1903, t2000; Prins, Lodewijk, NED, b-day 27,01.1913, t1999; Breil, Paul Muller, SUI, b-day 17.06,1921; 1961 Heymann, Werner, ARG, b-day 02.04,1913; Zaks, Estanislao, ARG, b-day 18,10,1904; Bakharov, Nikoal Vassilev, BUL, b-day 01.11,1920; Boneva, Liliana Ivanovna, BUL, b-day 13.07.1927; Orbaan, Constant, NED, b-day 25.05,1918; Gogiava, Ksenia, USSR, b-day 20.03,1916; Vinogradov, Vladislav, USSR, b-day 11.09.1899, + 13,04.1962; 
1962 Cohnen, Theodor, AUT, b-day 25,10.1894, +20,08.1968; Philipp, Robert, AUT, b-day 26,06.1895; O'Kelly de Galway, Alberic, BEL, b-day 17.05,1911, t1980; Todorov, Guerguij Assenov, BUL, b-day 14,07.1925 Assenov, Guerguij, BUL; Claros de Corpas, Serafin Jose, ESP, b-day 28.05,1922, t17.07,1967; Lommer, Harold, ENG, b-day 18.11,1904, t1980; Friedl, Bruno, CSR, b-day 31.01,1908; Gachechiladze, Georgy, USSR, b-day 17,08.1914; Nagliss, Boris, USSR, b-day 21.12.1911, t22,04,1977; Kapus, Ernest, YUG, b-day 10.01,1915, t18.07,1966; Peljin, Milan, YUG, b-day 31.07,1932; 1963 Kiprov, Alexander Alexandrov, BUL; Barreras Merino, Jose Luis, CUB, b-day 19,08,1918; Garcia, Alberto, CUB, b-day 08,04,1910; Palacio, Carlos A" CUB, b-day 04,11.1904; Sorribes T orra, Ramon, ESP, b-day 01.09.1926; Furs, Stefan, POL, b-day 06,01,1926; Bogatin, Aron, USSR, b-day 06,02.1907; Flohr, Salo, USSR, b-day 21,10,1908, t18.07,1983; Ivkovic, Siavoljub, YUG, b-day 16.04.1930; 1964 Becher, Arno, GER, b-day 05.07.1913; Bonsch, Ernst, GER, b-day 19,06.1931; Grishkan, Adolfo, ARG; Sultanbeev, Viktor Ivanovich, BEL, b-day11,ll.1895, t09.02,1972; Demora, Lauro Madeiros, BRA, T orquet Guasch, Juan, ESP, b-day 15.04.1919; Spann, Jerry G., USA, b-day 13.08,1912, t05,01.1968; Stammwitz, Francis Alan, ENG, b-day 29,05.1906; Florian, Tibor, HUN, b-day 02,03,1919,t1990; Szily, Jozsef, HUN, b-day 02,10,1913; Cani, Guglielmo, ITA, b-day 02.10.1897,t1980; Pace, Arnaldo, ITA, b-day 30,05,1904; Paoli, Enrico, ITA, b-day 13,01.1908; Piccinin, Gino, ITA, b-day 13,06,1911; Volta, Ettore, ITA, b-day 04,09,1906; Leuzinger, Hansjurg, SUI, b-day 23.10,1936; Rubtsova, Olga, USSR, b-day 20.08.1909, t1994; Volkovsky, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 1903; Zarubin, Yuri, USSR, b-day 23,11.1935; 1965 Donev, Nikolay, BUL; Tshakarov, Anton, BUL; Vasquez, Rolando Bruno, CUB, b-day 06,10,1921; Balcaen, Paul, FRA, b-day 05,06,1917, t27,02.1971 ; Fredoulle, Pierre, FRA, b-day 02.10,1910; Paulus, Joseph, FRA, b- day 05,06,1914; Monacsi, Laszlo, HUN, b-day 29,04,1913; Furth, Nehemia, ISR, b-day 16,04,1916; Bak, Roman, POL, b-day 21.02,1908; Iskierko, Mieczyslaw, POL, b-day 19,12.1905; Diaconescu, Paul, ROM, b-day 09,10,1929; Gudju, lon, ROM, b-day 02,07,1897, t 1988; Hartman, Francisc, ROM, b-day 22,02.1914; Koenigstein, Karel, CSR, b-day 26.04,1918; Akopian, Andranik, USSR, b-day 15,10.1904; Fridstein, German, USSR, b-day 25.11,1911; Goldberg, Grigory, USSR, b-day 29.07.1908, t01.12.1976; Krapila, Boris, USSR, b- day 12.06,1925; Kriukova, Tatiana, USSR, b-day 20,07,1915; Osmanbegovic, Avdo, YUG, b-day 29.01,1918; Prokop, Josip, YUG, b-day 23.08,1902; Rabar, Braslav, YUG, b-day 27.09,1917, t06.12,1973; Suboticanec, Franjo, YUG, b-day 16.07,1907; Zorec, Ivan, YUG, b-day 14,02.1920, t1980; 1966 Ayal, Samuel, IND, b-day 14.11.1923; Namjil, Naidan, MGL, b-day 20,01.1927; Moldoveanu, Gheorghe, ROM, b-day 05.04,1911; Popescu, Constantin, ROM, b-day 10,09.1919; Chapiro, Leonid, USSR, b-day 09.05.1910; Ovechkin, Nikolay, USSR, b-day 05,08.1911; Cherkes, Mikhail, USSR, b-day 25,03,1910; Acketa, Tichomir, YUG, b-day 16,11,1925; Carey, Peter, YUG, b-day 30,05.1914; 1967 Wagner, Karl, AUT, b-day 07,01.1923; Pereiro, Eleazar, ESP, b-day 19,04,1915; Betbeder-Matibet, Louis, FRA, b-day 29.08,1901; Srom, Jan, CSR, b-day 16,04,1904; Samir, E. Annabi, TUN, b-day 22.09.1944; Baranov, Boris, USSR, b-day 08.06.1923; Owensky, Victor, AUT; 125 .......-  ID 
126 .......- ...  1968 Simmons, G, H., ENG, b-day 06,08.1902; Gurevitz, Zalman, ISR, b-day 24.08,1914; Kuszewski, Kazimierz, POL, b-day 27.02,1912; Litmanowicz, Wladyslaw, POL, b-day 20,02.1918, + 1992; Wasilewski, Kazimierz, POL, b-day 27.05,1917; Prieto-Azuar, Francisco, PUR, b-day 01.07,1907; Malcoci, Victor, ROM, b-day 13.01.1922; Lim, Kok Ann, SIN, b-day 27.01,1920; Backstrom, Lars, SWE, b-day 14.05.1921; Mahel, Vladimir, CSR, b-day 27.08,1924; Kesselmann, Elena, USSR, b-day 01.03,1930; Mikenas, Vladas, USSR, b-day 17.04,1910, +1993; Ravkin, Boris, USSR, b-day 02,05,1925, +2000; Tserodze, Lili, USSR, b-day 1923; Andjelkovic, Svetislav, YUG, b-day 07.06.1931; Diajicki, Djoka, YUG, b-day 29,09,1926 ; Franic, Pasko, YUG, b-day 06.10,1911; Konarkowski, Francisek, POL; 1969 Kupka, Erwin, GER, b-day 31.12,1913; Cherubim, Reinhard, GER, b-day 09,05,1906; Klein, Paul, ECU, b-day 23,11.1915; Eikrem, Arnold J, NOR, b-day 10.04.1922,+ 1996; Seeger, Hans, SUI, b-day 03.10,1927; Macek, Frantisek, CSR, b-day 28.03,1909; Averbakh, Yuri, USSR, b-day 08,02.1922; Karakhan, Yuri, USSR; Levant, Leonid, USSR, b-day 17.02,1928; Vachessar, Lembit, USSR; Brglez, Francek, YUG, b-day 09,04.1922; Lippai, Viljem, YUG, b-day 03.03.1909; 1970 Camara, Luciano, ARG; Van Amerongen, E., ISR; Rattman, Kurt, GER +2000; Anghel, M., ROM; Nicoara, I, ROM; Woods, Walter Kuhnle, SUI, b-day 03,02.1926, +28.10,1973; Nouz, E" USSR; Zaric, Boriwoje, YUG; Lazarevic, Branko, YUG, b-day 01.12.1932; Brglez, Francek, YUG; Tudela, R" VEN; Lippai, Viljem, YUG 1971 Gonzalez, Jose Maria, ESP, b-day 03,08,1925; Melis, Rudolph, CSR; Gurvich, Arkady, USSR 1972 Harkin, Bria, AUS; Lockwood, William, AUS; Owensy, Victor, AUT; Wagner, Gertrude, AUT; Camara, Ronald, BRA, b-day 11,04.1927; Bobotsova, Antonina, BUL; Maltchev, Andrey, BUL; Petrov, Peter Stoinov, BUL; Brady, Frank, USA, b-day 15,03,1934; Harkness, Kenneth, USA, b-day 12,11.1898, +04,10.1973; Hudson, John A" USA, b-day 08,02,1930; Morrison, Martin E., USA, b-day 28.03,1947,+2000; Skoff, Frank, USA, b- day 14.10.1916; Georgoullakes, Emmanuel, GRE; Harvatis, Constantinos, GRE; Siaperas, Trantyfyllos, GRE, b- day 01.08.1932; Arnlaugsson, Gudmundur, ISL; Yosha, Avershalom, ISR; Jungreisz, Natan, ISR; Gjaltema, Simon, NED, b-day 21.03.1928; Hoffman, Johannes, GER; Grzeskoviak, Margarete, GER; Nottger, Helmut, GER, b-day; Berezin, Josef, USSR; Georgadze, Tangiz, USSR; Ignatieva, Olga, USSR, 16,1 0,1920; Fabris, Ante, YUG; Jancev, Lazo, YUG; Nikolevski, Nikola, YUG, b-day 1973 Heintze, Armin, GER; Francia, Antonio Rafael; Haley, Philip, CAN; Puig, Jorge, +1989, ESP;Lukowiak, William, USA; Mann, Pearle R" USA; Lhoste, Raymond, FRA; Nobile, Salvatore, ITA, Di Prisa, Gaetano, ITA; Palombi, Roberto, ITA; Abdelmalek, Timar, MAR; Bakker, Piet G" NED, Konarkowski, Francisek, POL; Pieprzowski, Tadensz, POL; Kadri, Sadok Neffati, TUN; Ostrovsky, Lev, USSR; Hren, Lado, YUG; Pirc, Vasja, YUG, +1980 1974 Schmid, Lothar, GER; Petrov, Petar Stoinov, BUL; Medina-Garcia, Antonio, ESP; Wood, Baruch H., ENG; Hasan, H.M., INA; Barshira, Zwi, ISR; Stisson, David Siwab, ISR; Samarian, Sergiu, ROM; Suri, Hans, SUI; Cherif, Baala, TUN; Kakiashvili, Rafael, USSR; Keres, Paul, USSR, t 1975; Pekarskaya, Ekaterina, USSR; Tomson, Olga, USSR; Gulan, Mladen, YUG 
127 ......- JIIIIIIIa ID 1975 Berry, Jonathan, CAN; Garaicoa, Eduardo CUB; Lara, Manuel, PHI; Berglund, Jan, SWE; Novy, Ernest, CSR; Potucek, Ludovit, CSR; Bencdeek, Erne, YUG; Klement, Ziatko, YUG; Rajacic, Bozidar, YUG; Benner, G,S., USA; Jouanisson, R., FRA; Nuutilainen, E., FIN; Rabold, H., GER; Rosenberg, F., CSR; Wiese, W., GER; Wikman, R" FI N; Wi n kler, E., G ER 1976 Clarke, P., ENG; Reuben, Stewart, ENG; Gunnarsson, G., ISL; Bozzo, Manlio, ITA;Topete, Carlos, MEX; Pochowski, Ferdynand" POL; Edwards, Julio Francis, PUR; Kaufmann, W., SUI; Rogoveshko, Nikolay, USSR; Stadler, Helmut, GER; Rupar, Dragomir, YUG; Gacina, Milorad, YUG; Pokupec, Vladimir, YUG; Schulze, P., FRG 1977 Betbese, Roberto, ARG; Guindon, Emilio, V., ARG; Verkouille, Richard, BEL; Schleinich, John F., CAN; Yanofsky, Daniel A., CAN; Rittner, Horst, GER; Welch, David, ENG; Zarocostas, Constantin, GRE; Saloor, Hossein Gholi, IRI; Burstein, Almog, ISR; Chessakov, Zelig, ISR;Benitez, Carlos, PHI; Chachatrian, Alexey, USSR; Dvorkovich, Vladimir, USSR; Kravchuk, Nikolay, USSR; Zvorykina, Kira, USSR; Mihajlovski, Siobodan, YUG; Sljivic, Vladislav, YUG 1978 Mendez, Silvio Luiz, BRA; Jotshev, Jotchko, BUL; Parushev, Vladimir, BUL; Contreras, Augusto, COL; De Greiff, Boris, COL; Gonzales, Julio Ernesto, COL; Rodriguez, Jose Salvador, COL; Filip, Miroslav, CSR; Jimenez, Eleazar, CUB; Sague, Bernando, CUB; Boudet, Maxime, FRA; Gonneau, Patrick, FRA; Weyand, Fernand, FRA; Logawa, Benny, IND; Navabi, Abdolhossein, IRI; Fass, Lika, ISR Kandelshine, Shlomo, ISR; Preinfalk, Anton, YUG; Fang, E.C., MAL; Pech, Millebaldo, MEX; De Bolster, M,W.G" NED; Fossum, Widar J, NOR; Johannsen, Tom J, NOR; Stallkneeht, Theodore, NZL; Casto Abundo, PHI; Jahr, Ulrich, POL; Skowronski, Stanislav, POL; Rikshans, Zikfrid, USSR; Shuvalov, Victor, USSR; Usachy, Mark, USSR; Nazzari, Hector, URU; Phillips, Lindsay, USA; Redman, Tim, USA 1979 Fernandez, Marcelo Ruben, ARG; Kerr, Gerson, BRA; Kaikamozonov, Jivko, BUL; Stojanov, Dimo, BUL; Acosta, Andres, CUB; Fernandez, Jorge Vega, CUB; Lantsias, Andreas, CYP; Dickson, Rafael Damiron, DOM; Garcia, Delfin, ESP; Reixa, Pedro Ruis, ESP; Marceil, Jaques, FRA; Risacher, Louis, FRA; Ebbinghaus, Latz, GER; Forthaus, Reinhard, GER; Pearce, David, HKG; Gaspar, Janos, HUN; Gudmudson, Gubbjartur, ISL; Jonsson, Johann Thorir, ISL; Thorsteinsson, Thorsteinn, ISL; Fascher, Eliahu, ISR; Gross, Ehud, ISR; Tiberti, Mario, ITA; Matsumoto, Yasuji, JPN; Atic, Bijader, YUG; Grguri, Salih, YUG; Maavic, Rudolf, YUG; Thome, Antoine, LIB; Ferrer, Carlos Encinos, MEX; Gijssen, Geurt, NED; Schwering, Arthur Albert, NED; Simonis, Woutch, NED; Orarowski, Jerzy, POL; Weng, Ignatius Leong Chee, SIN; Lobanov, Yury, USSR; Meliksetbek, Evgeny, USSR; Hatto, Francis George, WLS 1980 Gentile, Carlos A., ARG; Thomas, Alan, AUS; Khan, Anwarur Rahman, BAN; Douha, Henri, BEL; Antonov, Ljudmil, BUL; Haensch, Hugo Zugman, CHI; Bloce, Ole, DEN; Nielsen, Niels Ejnar, DEN; Riemer, Annet, DEN; Beville, Richard, ENG; Book, Eero, FIN; Kaltenbach, Ronald, FRA; Keller, Pierre, FRA; Schmidt, Heinz, GER; VolI, Erhard, GER; Drepaniotis, Panayotis, GRE; Sellas, Vasilios, GRE; Djamal, Samuel, IND; Ostojic, Predrag, YUG; Aburaina, Abdallah, LIB; EI Baruni, Yusri, LIB; Eshteui, Abdulfatlaah, LIB; Ettajuri, Mustafa, LIB; Swaiah, Abdallal, LIB; Haas, Dieudonne, LUX; Ming, Tan Kai, MAL; bigwei, S.O., NIG; Brekke, Oystein, NOR; Kjeken, 
128 - JIIIIIIIa  Johs R" NOR; Jamal, Syed Perwwaiz, PAK; Lluch, Erlito, PHI; Moscicki, Zbigniew, POL; Peixoto, Pedro Luis Vilar, POR; Georghe, Candea, ROM; Lehaci, lon, ROM; Urabie, Anghel, ROM; Chong, George Wong Si, SIN; Heng, Richard Seah Buck, SIN; Escroussailles, Regina Mrs, SUI; Nimityongskul, Prajuab, THA; Boysan, Mubin, TUR; Ahmed, Hentati, TUN; Gasanov, Faik, USSR; Lublinsky, Victor, USSR; Ostashevsky, Gennady, USSR; Pisaruk, Vladimir, USSR; Roizin, Mikhail, USSR; Bibuld, Jerome, USA; Fogel, Barry, USA 1981 Varga, Mariano, ARG; Islam, Shamul, BAN; Dhonad, Walter, BEL; Van Nevele, Rene, BEL; Keene, Raymond 0" ENG; Engel, Norbert, FRA; Negro, Jaques, FRA; Fekete, Geza, HUN; Harahap, Fritz Kilain, IND; Hofer, Mladen, YUG; Kucimas, Nikola, YUG; Sibinovski, Zoran, YUG; How, Laurence, MAL; Bahaoui, Mahamed Hossain, MAR; Janse, Cor" NED; Barczynski, Miroslav, POL; Aeschliman, Beat, SUI; Budkov, Leonid, USSR; Muratbekon, Akilbek, USSR; Rogers, Thad, USA 1982 Baghli, Aboubekr, ALG; Lopez, Raul A., ARG; Velazco, Emilio 0., ARG; Frew, John, AUS; Rubenstein, Ruben, ARG; Koshnitsky, Evelyn, Mrs., AUS; Frank, Albert, BEL; Lamonte, Germain, BEL; Cardoso, Ruth, Mrs" BRA; Drumev, Avram, BUL; Sergiev, Stefan, BUL; Bevand, Larry A" CAN; Jaeger, Martin J., CAN; Casanas, Romeo Lobo, CUB; Catala, Rolando Olivia, CUB; Blom, Kaj, DEN; Rasmussen, Knud, DEN; Haro, Emilio Gonzales, ESP; Loubatiere Jean Claude, FRA; Rasch, Dieter, GER; Lathman, Jonathan P., HKG; Issers, Aharon, ISR; Korenika, Ivan, YUG; Nakib, Kajo, YUG; Geilroet, Henk, NED; Eikrem, Kaj S" NOR; Horazo, Rafael, PHI; Mogsan, Carlos, POR; Cornu, Jean Alexis, SUI; Ruegsegger, Beat, SUI; Polasit, Somsak, THA; Arvit, Ismet, TUR; Cakir, Jirayr, TUR; Belkadi, Ridha, TUN; Ghalayini, Emad E.Y,A,EI, UAE; Rostom, Hussam, UAE; Bogner, Harold, USA 1983 Ermito, Oscar Atilo, ARG; Hernandez, Ricardo, ARG; Simeonov, Vladimir, BUL; Valchev, Rosen, BUL; Suri, Thomas, CVE; Eriksen, Paoul, DEN; Obrien, Richard, ENG; Briones, Antonio, ESP; Santana, Georgio, ESP; Corrigan, Francis, FRA; Beskos, Georgios, GRE; Fotinos, Antonios, GRE; Gavrilakis, Nikolas, GRE; Klitsas, Georglibs, GRE; Pandavos, Emanuel, GRE; Murphy, Maura, IRL; Greenfeld, Lyad, ISR; Shorek, Mordechai, ISR; Watai, Miyoko, JPN; Hrovat, Stanislav, YUG; Karaklajic, Nikola, YUG; Lakic, Nikola, YUG; Mladen, Tancer, YUG; Popovic, Drugatin, YUG; Maqseed, Ali, KUW; Ramadan, Hassan, KUW; Graybelt, Alexandro Baez, MEX; Goud, Petrus Henry A.J., NED; Radosztics, Gehard, AUT; Scislak, Waclaw, POL; Spiewak, Miroslav, POL; Abrantes, Joao A., POR; Rafai, Ba, INA; Firica, Virgiliu, ROM; Ungurean, Constantin, ROM; Kwee, Giam Choo, SIN; Hamwich, Mohamed, SYR Fethi, Brahem, TUN; Jaarour, Salah Atta Hassan, UAE; Kabalevsky, Yury, USSR; Kozlov, Valery, USSR; Zaharov, Anatoly, USSR; Katz, Clare Rache, ZIM 1984 van Emmelo, John, BEL; Tedeski, Mishel Mario, BUL; Stefanov, Jordan, BUL; Stoitova Paneva, Anna, BUL; Segal, Alexander, S" BRA; Farias, Sergio, BRA; Lorenginis Jesus Berti Contreras, CHI; Sorsak, Josef, CSR; Bade, Uwe, GER; Furness, Richard A" ENG; Lamb, Harry, ENG; Gorman, Sophia, ENG; Sancho de la Nava, Isidoro, ESP; Siren, Kaveli, FIN; EI Fani, Samir, FRA; Lermans, Pierre p" FRA; Poly, Robert, FRA; Sojka, Bernard, FRA; Metzing, Horst, GER; Zaplar, Ludwig, GER; Anastasiadis, Pavlos, GRE; lakovou, Giorgos, GRE; Papynis, Nikolaos, GRE; Garcia de Leon, Jorge David, GUA; Nyaradsy, Laszlo, HUN; Veroci, Bela, HUN; Verseczi, Vilmos, HUN; AI-Rahmani, Rashed Abdullah, KUW; Quigley, John, IRL; Yousif, Dhia Francis, IRQ; Asggrimsson, Olafur, ISL; Jakobsson, Arni, ISL; Olafsson, Olafur, ISL; Amalfi, Luigi Giovanne, ITA; Nardo, Mario, ITA; Cvetkovic, Bransislav, YUG; Kotevski, Dragaan, YUG; Maricic, Djuro, YUG; Okiljevic, Vitko, YUG; Svensek, Janko, YUG; Stegic, Lucijan, YUG; Susic, Milivoje, YUG; Vukovic, Stojan, YUG; Zivkovic, Ljubica, 
YUG; Vajiarungam, Victor, MAL; Yam Tin Po, MAL; Yaacob, Abdul Jabar, MAL; Vazquez, Enrique Gomes, MEX; Pantoja, Ing Gabriel Perez, MEX; Kingswell, John Attard, MLT; Schaap, Jacob, NED; Van der Wal- LeComte, Marijke, NED; Fuehrer, Hans Guenter, AUT; Kattinger, Inge, AUT; Calderon, Hernan Salines, PER; Filipowicz, Andrej, POL; Grocholski, Stanislaw, POL; Justyna, Tadeusz, POL; Proennza, Rolando, PRO; Simanungkalit, Haven, CHN; Candea, Haralambie, ROM; Reicher, Emanoil-George, ROM; Stewart, Kenneth W,C" SCO; Abbas, Hussein, SYR; Catalan, Mohamad Toufik, SYR; Kaclou, Mahmoud, SYR; Be Soussia, Sadok, TUN; EI-Sayed, Gamal Abdalla, UAE; Elsusy, Ragai N., UAE; AI-Hosini, Mohamed, UAE; Baturinsky, Victor, USSR; Deuel, Alfred, USSR; Lifshits, A,S., USSR; Puskunigis, Henrikas, USSR; Serov, Alexey, USSR; 1985 Maheoud, Omar, ALG; Yahiaoui, Abderrahmane, ALG; Bianchi, Guillermo Ruben, ARG; Needleman, Morris, AUS; Perrin, Kevin, AUS; Theakstone, Roberto, AUS; Lavin, David, CAN; Ramirez Moyano, Leandro, ESP; Lamelin, Georges, FRA; Hoffmann, Reinhold, GER; Ghalib, Nasiruddin, IND; Sheshadri, K.R., IND; Tiwari, R.S., IND; Cvetanovski, Dragomir, YUG; Lemajic, Jovan M., YUG; Popovic, Djordje, YUG; Sinkovec, Valter, YUG; Zidansek, Bojan, YUG; Grujic, Radomir, YUG; Pavlovic, Milovan, YUG; Prestrl, Jozef, YUG, Stankov, Svetislav, YUG; Kemura, Emin, YUG; Perovic, Vojin, YUG; Serafimovski, Milisav, YUG; Vrban, Stjepan, YUG; Ibrahim Haji Yaacob, MAL; Wong Yan Wah, MAL; Badilles, Glicerio, PHI; Gnieciak, Miroslaw, POL; Durao, Joaquim, paR; Lopez, Ramiro, paR; Lin Feng, PRC; Wallace, John David, SCO; Krogius, Nikolay, USSR; Brown, Evgeny, USSR; Sevastianov, Vitaly, USSR; Kolesnikov, Evgeny, USSR; Liubarskaya, Ludmila, USSR; Barrey, Denis, USA 1986 Cristina, Rui Alberto, ANG; De Meireles, Marcolino, ANG; Abelardo Roldan, Adrian, ARG; Muttoni, Guillermo Cesar, ARG; Vasquez, Benjamin, ARG; De Ridder, Dirk, BEL; Janssen, Mark, BEL; Benliev, Emil, BUL; Ilkov, Bojidar, BUL; Filguth, Rubens Alberto, BRA; Junqueira, Guillermo, BRA; Trois, Francisco R. I, BRA; Pulido M., Luis Amadeo, COL; Hojlund, Ib, DEN; Knudsen, Henrik, DEN; Ahmed Yehya Mohamed Ali, EGY; Kamal Mohd, Kamal, Moustafa, EGY; McDonald, Louise, ENG; Burdio Serrano, Carmen, ESP; Espejo, Joaquim, ESP; Fernandes, Luis M., ESP; Medhan, Taimur, ESP; Markkula, Mikko, FIN; Ladisic, Alexandre, FRA; Krutzfeldt, Hans-Adolf, GER; Schreiner, Hermann, GER; Asmah, Joseph Amo, GHA; Kepenekidis, Achilefs, GRE; Mourouti, Marieta, GRE; Papadopoulos, Georgios, GRE; Papandreou, Nikolaos, GRE; Perpriakis, Georgios, GRE; Aaron, Manuel, IND; Ananth, Murugaiah, IND; Narayanan, T.P., IND; Ravi Sekhar, Raja, IND; Roy, Shib Shankar, IND; Shukla, Kamla Kant, IND; Dapiran, Franca, ITA; ludicello, Placido, ITA; Mornati, Giovanni B" ITA; Cerim, Fahrudin, YUG; Ivkov, Borislav, YUG; Joksic, Sinisa, YUG; Matej, Predrag, YUG; Saric, Vladimir, YUG; AI-Jindi, Hassan, LIB; Succar, Mohammad, LIB; Naami, Abdulla K" LIB; Baron, Anthony, MLT; Baye, EI Mokhtar, MAR; EI-Amri, Abdelhafid, MAR; EI-Akel, Abdel Wahed, MAR; Allen, Alonso, NCA; Bradford Jr., Bert, NCA; Danilo Garcia, Hamlet, NCA; Amiyeofori, Benibo, NGR; Haggenburg, W.C., NED; Plomp, Bartholomeus, NED; Westra, Bart, NED; Baumberger, Albert, AUT; Shah Nawaz Khan, PAK; Fernandes E" Hernando, paR; Bochenski, Marian, POL; Ochoa A" Fabio, PRO; Velez Colon, Roberto, PRO; Fakhroo, Ibrahim, OAT; Waworoentoe, R.A.C" INA; Dobronauteanu, Liviu, ROM; Drimer, Dolphi, ROM; Erdeus, Gheorghe-Aurel, ROM; Polihroniade, Elizabeta, ROM; Seimeanu, Petre-Vlad, ROM; Alleyn, Herve, SUI; Zahner, Jo, SUI; Ben Ghorbal, Farouk, TUN; Ben Youssef, Chadly, TUN; EI-Labody A,A., Mona, UAE; Ezzat, Qasaba, UAE; Mahmoud Hussein Abdula, UAE; Ello, Harry, USSR; Kiperwarg, Janckell, USSR; Lazarev, Alexey, USSR; Muhitdinov, Mamadzhan, USSR; Piotkin, Leonid, USSR; Postovsky, Boris, USSR; Cuchi, Jose, USA; Riddle, Ira Lee, USA; Sutter, Robert F.Jr., USA; Van Tilbury, Craig, VUS; Lamford, Paul, WLS; Saleh Taha, Mohammed, YEM 129 ------  ID 
130 ------ JIIIII&  1987 Belghamen, Boualem, ALG; Pantebre Marinez, Benes, AND; AI- Ghasra, Sadique, BAH; Burashaid A Aziz, BAH; Bellhouse, Dondelinger, Jean Pierre, BEL; Verhulst, John, BEL; Barriquello, Carlos C., BRA; Schreyer, Werner, GER; Shalaby, Salh Eldine M" EGY; Sancho Miranda, Antonio, ESP; Taimur, Mohamed Mahmoud, ESP; Kohlstaedt, Juergen, GER; Woisin, Thomas, GER; Vidalis, Evangelos, GRE; Hariram, G., IND; Ohri, Tejinder Kumar, IND; Prasad, Kesaraju, IND; Venkatesan, A,N., IND; Bombelli, Lanfranco, ITA; Cordara, Michele, ITA; Lamonica, Guiseppe, ITA; Sines, Josip, YUG; Stojanovic, Niodije, YUG; Neyens, Victor, LUX; Recking, Rene, LUX; Arbouch Mohamrd, MAR; Roet, Cornelis Anthonius, NED; Czajka, Zbigniew, POL; Olej, Emil, POL; Woda, Janusz, POL; Zuzanski, Jan, POL; Maldonado, Josue, PRO; Ortiz Bonilla, Rafael, PRO; Ortiz Vives, Carlos, PRO; Rabell Fuentes, Carlos, PRO; Ungureanu, Emil, ROM; Gillam, Simon R" SCO; Mannion, Stephen David, SCO; Lim, Chye-Lye, SIN; Wong, Douglas Ngeam-Chiaw, SIN; Dissanayake, G, S., SRI; Ansner. Bjorn, SWE; Bigge, Peter, SWE; Svedbarg, Hans, SWE; Wahlberg, Sven Gunnar, SWE; Lampert, Ursula, SUI; Savaci, Mete, TUR; Chahed Monchev, TUN; Abassi Abdelmajid, TUN; Bukulah, Najeeb S., UAE; EI-Ghazal, Hussain, UAE; Dubov, Eduard, USSR; Reznick, Semen Gewshew, USSR; Doyle, Steven, USA; Goodall, Kenneth Michael, USA;AI-Motta, Yahia, YEM. 1988 Berenstein, Abraham, ARG; Margan, Susan, AUS; Rahman, Almasur, BAN; Hossain, Mohammad Mokhtar, BAN; Haroon-or-Rashid, BAN; Kesteloot, Eoldy, BEL; Dulev, Gancho, BUL; Uzin, Eduardo, BOL; Boyd, Stephen, CAN; Balaguera, Humberto, COL; Bernhard, Schewe, GER; Gallien, Knud, GER; Schmidt, Michael, GER; Aranzabe, Juan B., ESP; Ayllon, D,A, Juano, ESP; Jempleur, Jean Claude, FRA; Axioglau, Vasilios, GRE; Beskos, loannis, GRE; Libertou, Mirsini, GRE; Mavromoustakos, Savva, GRE; Pandavos, Panayotis, GRE; Vazelakis, Ulyases, GRE; Bade, Arvinda A., IND; Mangal, Kashinath, IND; Murali, Mohan, IND; Panchal, Ashok C" IND; Roosendaal, Erik Michael, NED; EI-Hajj Kamel Ahmed, PAL; Xiao Guanjun, PRC; Lopez, Celso, PRO; Boudre, Jean-Pierre, FRA; Bricard, Emmanuel, FRA; Lautier, Joel, FRA; Villeneuve, Alain, FRA; Cladouras, Panagiotis, GER; Keitlinghaus, Ludger, GER; Marinkovic, Ivan, YUG; Medancic, Rikard, YUG; Milovanovic, Rade, YUG; Tosic, Miroslav, YUG; Zelic, Zdravko, YUG; Jigzhidsuren, Purev, MGL; Abdul -Hameed, Mouaid, IRQ; AI-Kazzaz, Rabeeh Kaseem, IRQ; Belal, Azaad, IRQ; Muhssen, Fared Saleh, IRQ; Yousif, Osam, IRQ; Sveinsson, Rikharour, ISL; Afek, Yochanan, ISL; Klivitsky, Yehzkel, ISL; Longo, Maria, ITA; Bratosevic, Mladen, YUG; Hirman, Erne, YUG; Jovanovic, Miroljub,YUG; Knezevic, Milan, YUG; Marjanovic, Rados, YUG; Samovojska, Damir, YUG; Serbec, Vladimir, YUG; Siftar, Drago, YUG; Vjestika, Dragan, YUG; Vinnih, Leonard Olufihan, NIG; Odulele, Olurotimi 0" NIG; Navage, Akin Lanre, NIG; Ukpai, George, NIG; Torregrosa, Francisco E., PRO; Gologan, Vasile, ROM; Contoret, Bernardette C" SEY; Coopoosamy, Patrick Olive, SEY; Koh Sei-Hian, SIN; Tan Peng-Huat, SIN; Munshi, L. E. R., SUR; Landin, Bo, SWE; Persson, Hakon, SWE; Barvas, Photios, SUI; Mektef, Yasein, SYR; Tahar, Laatiri, TUN; Hachani, Taoufik, TUN; EI-Toukhy, Ahmed, UAE; Abu Khalil, Ali, UAE; Geller, Alexander, USSR; Gershkovich, Lev, USSR; Semenushkin, Vsevolod, USSR; Sibiakin, Anatoly, USSR; Shmagin, Yuri, USSR; Stecko, Oleg, USSR; Goichberg, Bill, USA; AI Syani Abdulhakim A, G., YAR. 1989 Mariano Pingas, Bias, ARG; Aparesh Kumar Banerjee, BAN; Deleyn, Gunter, BEL; Tonegutti, Claudio Antonio, BRA; Perez, Luis, CHI; Salazar, Hernan, CHI; Araya, Luis Manuel, CRC; Blatny, Frantisek, CSR; Vrabec, Milos, CSR; Enevoldsen, Peter, DEN; Croker, Eric, ENG; Kosonen, Markku, FIN; Lahdenmaki, Leo Uolevi, FIN; Nuutilainen, Esko, FIN; Bernard, Christian, FRA; Luettringhaus, Gert C., GER; Neupert, Konrad, GER; Pilidis, loannis, GRE; Hui, Geoffrey, HKG; Kiernan, Mark, HKG; Schepel, Kaarlo V., HKG; Koszorus, Pal, HUN; Bhima 
1 3 1 ------ ID Row, Bommireddipalli, IND; Ghosh, Anando Kumar, IND; Sigurdsson, Albert, ISL; Campioli, Giuseppe, ITA; Hari, Danilo, YUG; Perunovic, Ljubivoje, YUG; Stoisavljevic, Bojan, YUG; Blaeser, Pierre, LUX; Ibenfeldt, Otto, NOR; Magnussen, Oistein, NOR; Sand, Morten, NOR; Biberli, Bernhard, AUT; Khilji, Zainuddin, PAK; Poplawski, Tadeusz, POL; Muftah, Abdullah Hamad, QAT; lonescu, Cristian- Dan, ROM; Savin, Daniel- Octavian, ROM; Stoian, Aurica, ROM; Artsukevich, Victor, USSR; Bulgin, Boris, USSR; Golovei, Tamara, USSR; Ivin, Victor, USSR; Hillery, John, USA; Hough, Randall D., USA; Lieberman, Myron, USA; Meyers, Jim, USA; Nethercot, Benjamin S., USA; Petersen, Glenn, USA; Sneat, Bill J., USA; Carballo, Jesus Manuel, VEN; Hernandez, Jesus Aurelio Salazar, VEN 1990 Merouane, Tabti, ALG; Santamaria Mas, Vicen, AND; Bacino, Gustavo, ARG; Gauna, Marcelo, ARG; Kipper, Guillermo, ARG; Siludakis, Hernan, ARG; Tomassi, Eduardo, ARG; Eime, Roland Anders, AUS; Kabir Uddzin, Kazi, BAN; AI-Watani, Ameen-Yousif, BAR; Beeckmans, Peter, BEL; Kpastev, Ziatko, BUL; Kramolinski, Peter, BUL; Nedev, Zdravko, BUL; Prodanov, Kostadiv Georgiev, BUL; Chavez Chavez, Romelio, BOL; Aoyama, Edmundo, BRA; Chaves, Jussara, BRA; Genovesi, Renato Gino, BRA; Lima, Antonio Bento Araujo, BRA; Jones, Rupert William, BSW; Capo Gonzalez, Rafael, CHI; Goga, Frantisek, CSR; Modr, Bretislav lng, CSR; Puskailer, Viliam, CSR; Smolka, Jozef, CSR; Volosin, Zdenek, CSR; Alfonso Pino, Francisco, CUB; Alloso Garcia, Vicente, CUB; Anaya Rodriguez, Gerardo, CUB; Gonzalez Gutierrez, Arturo, CUB; Hochgraefe, Hans- Juergen, GER; Andersen, Preben, DEN; Elisiussen, Alex, DEN; Hansen, Soren Bech, DEN; Noer, Matrin, DEN; Vega Fernandez, Jorge, DOM; Delgado, Felipe, ECU; Ramadan, Abdelazim M, EGY; Saleh, Mashaal M., EGY; Blackstock, Leslie, ENG; Eustace, David, ENG; Whiteley, Andrew, ENG; Callejon Navarro, Gabriel, ESP; Lehtivaara, Jouni, FIN; Rauramaa, Kari, FIN; Roine, Ari, FIN; Wahlberg, Erik, FIN; Humbert, Patrick, FRA; Rouah, Charles Henri, FRA; Munoz Lara, Fausto, HON; Munoz Lara, Marco Antonio, HON; Engler, Miklos, HUN; Fazekas, Gyorgy, HUN; Szabo, Lajos, HUN; Szecskay, Gyozo, HUN; Zambo, Laszlo, HUN; Bhattacharya, Ram Sankar, IND; Chatterjee, Rudrani Charan, IND; Mehta, Gaurang S., IND; Parmar, I.G., IND; Rao, Vinnakota Balakrishna, IND; Ummer Koya, P,I., IND; Constant, Patrick, IRL; Einarsson, Einar S., ISL; Gudmudsson, Thrainn, ISL; Rognvaldsson, Jon, ISL; Gelfer, Israel, ISR; Gur, Tal, ISR; Rossetti, Michael, ISR; Vaisman, Valdy, ISR; Grant, Enos Aytron, JAM; AI-Khaled, Mahmoud Ahmad, JOR; Amr, Mohd Abdel Fattah, JOR; Ma'ali, Moh'd Mousa Hasan, JOR; Bogojevski, Georgi, YUG; Cicmil, Vladimir, YUG; Kuzmanic, Ivica, YUG; Marjanovic, Miodrag, YUG; Milosavljevic, Rade, YUG; Pavlovic, Vojislav, YUG; Pekovic, Zoran, YUG 1991 Calua, Alcires Miguel, ARG; Merkin, Dario Gabriel, ARG; Weeks, Manuel William, AUS; Breda, Andre, BEL; Mullas de Faria, Paulo Ricardo, BRA; Blaho, Rudolf, CSR; Kuchta, Pavel, CSR; Sikora, Evzen, CSR; Sunek, Bohumir, CSR; Madsen, Ivan Plougmann, DEN; Vargas Sanches, Juan, ESP; Guadalpi, Gerard, FRA; Christos, Pilalis, GRE; Tsorbatzoglou, Viron, GRE; Csom, Istvan, HUN; Horvath, Sandor, HUN; Orso, Miklos, HUN; Madhavanunni, V.I., IND; Sengupta, Rabindra Bhusnan, IND; Brunod, Franco, ITA; D'Alessandro, Francesco, ITA; Palmiotto, Fiorentino, ITA; Powell, John Constantine, JAM; Miralem, Mirza, YUG; Radojevic, Zoran, YUG; Leiva Tablada, Jose Maria, NCA; Egidiamhen, Akhiwu Eugene, NIG; Etuk, Ekaete, NIG; Odeyeme, Henry, NIG; Schneider, Erich, AUT; Fleisz, loan, ROM; Domingue, Paule, SEY; Frischknecht, Paul, SUI; Abazid, Saleh AI- Rashid, SYR; Kamel, Emad Eddin, SYR; Antonova, Rimma, RUS; Figner, Avraam, RUS; Gukasian, Razmik, RUS; Ostrovsky, Alexander, RUS; Staveley, Kevin, WLS; Purland, Peter, WLS 1992 Chergui, Mohamed, ALG; Karakashian, Nonna, ARM; Kostin, Boris, BLR; Islamovic, Suleiman, CRO; Dolesal, Vladimir, CZE; Kosiorek, Eduard, CZE; Galbany Olivera, Felix, CUB; Llopis Polanco, Joaqyin, CUB; Novrup, 
132 -- iiiiiIa  Svend, DEN; Mohamed Ibrahim Mohsen, EGY; Zaki Khalil, Mohamed Hussein, EGY; Climent Salazar, Alvaro, ESP; Mena Sarasola, Jesus, ESP; Segura Vila, Juan, ESP; Rodriguez Aguilar, Sagrario, ESP; Partanen, Jukka, FIN; Palovuori, Tapani, FIN; Heinonen, Kari, FIN; Touze, Jean-Paul, FRA; Clausen, Friedrich, GER; Bartha, Sandor, HUN; Csonkics, Tunde, HUN; Hardicsay, Peter, HUN; Ortel, Endre, HUN; Sincovics, Peter, HUN; Tompa, Janos, HUN; Zsinka, Laszlo, HUN; Ambica Kesavan Kutty, IND; Ratnakumar, K., IND; Varkey, M,O" IND; Simic, Milan, YUG; Vulanovic, Branko, YUG; Li, Constantin, KAZ; Godinez Tapia, Trinidad, MEX; Zaragoza Martinez, Enrique, MEX; Thaler, Ludwig, AUT; Elmasri, Samer A., PAL; Albulet, Maria, ROM; Glatman, Victor, RUS; Kushleiko, Vera, RUS; Molchanov, Mikhail, RUS; Ziborovsky, Vladimir, RUS; Zaldivar Vela, Joaquin, SAL; Muratkuliev, Shokrat, TKM; Abu Alhassan Hussain, A.R., UAE; Abu Alhassan, Mehdi, A.R" UAE; Alnoa'ami Abdulla, UAE; Rugyema, Augustine, UGA; Gale, Adam Roy, USA; Stenzel, Harold, USA, 1993 Vagdapetian, Ashot, ARM; Rogers, Catharine Louise, AUS; Katholnig, Margarethe, AUT; Prager, Andrea, AUT; Chaves, Joara, BRA; Angelov, Rumen, BUL; Ovanezov, Levon, BUL; Galvez, Luis Moralles, CHI; Jensen, Kristen Moller, DEN; Varberg, Kenneth, DEN; Fernandez Perez, Maria Carmen, ESP; Leal Barrios, Eugenio, ESP; Kokkila, Markku, FIN; Knebel, Wilhelm, GER; Kondou, Sofia, GRE; Nikolopoulos, Panayotis, GRE; Doery, Jeno, HUN; Horvath, Guyla, HUN; Kallai, Gabor, HUN; Meleghegyi, Csabo, HUN; Rigo, Janos, HUN; Panggabian, Mukmin, INA; Pitono, Roy, INA; Bhagwat, M,D., IND; Gupta, N,K" IND; Harsh, S,L., IND; Kumar Bhuyan, Jayant, IND; Manavelan, A,J, IND; Radma Rao, IN,, IND; Singh, Bharat, IND; Sisodiya, J.S., IND; Kananazar, Nasser, IRI; Kaplan, Amiram, ISR; Mimran, Roy, ISR; Ambanelli, Afro, ITA; Tapparo, Adriano, ITA; Foong Chee Leng, MAL; Solomon, Alexandru, ROM; Bukhovsky, Anatoly, RUS; Latash, Albert, RUS; Stigkin, Viacheslav, RUS; Klay, Michael, SUI; Norevall, Ulf, SWE; Sandbom, Jonas, SWE; Soderborg, Berndt, SWE; Kazakevich, Vsevolod, UKR; Barre, Todd J, USA; Pavic, Ivan, CRO; Wilson, Peter J.B" GCI; Ghazizadeh, Ali Reza, IRI; Jovanovic, Grozdan, YUG; Milunovic, Luka, YUG; Schouren, Ed P.F., NED; Cernak, Vincent, SVK; Demko, Ladislav, SVK; Vykydal, Frantisek, CZE. 1994 Bounatian, Robert, ARM; Harutunian, Rafael, ARM; Djafarov, Fuad, AZE; Telles de Souza, Roberto, BRA; Czingler, Sandor, HUN; Feher, Gyula, HUN; Vales, Janos, HUN; Maksimenko, Viktor, KAZ; Sauzedo, Eduardo Salazar, MEX; Wieckowski, Ryszart, POL; Bukhtin, Vladimir, RUS; Nesis, Gennady, RUS; Drinovec, Ales, SVK; Cernak, Vincent, SVK; Demko, Ladislav, SVK; Miladino, Milan, YUG 1995 Bounatian, Robert, ARM; Harutunian, Rafael, ARM; Dzhafarov, Fuad, AZE; Telles de Souza, Roberto, BRA; Czingler, Sandor, HUN; Feher, Gyula, HUN; Valis, Janos, HUN; Maksimenko, Victor, KAZ; Salazar Sauzedo, Eduardo, MEX; Wieckowski, Ryszard, POL; Bukhtin, Vladimir, RUS; Nesis, Gennady, RUS; Drinovec, Ales, SLO; Cernak, Vincent, SVK; Demko, Ladislav, SVK; Miladinov, Milan, YUG; Khalilov, Ikram, AZE; Keustermans, Helmut, BEL; Halid, Czindo, BIH; Roizman, Abram, BLR; Fischl, Richard, CZE; Hettenberger, Miroslav, CZE; Mohamed Said Hassanin, EGY; Hernandez Ramirez, Aubin Greg., ESP; Vargas Garcia, Juan Antonio, ESP; Alexandria, Nana, GEO; Mozaffari, Ahmed, IRI; Veroci, Zsuzsa, HUN; Cardelli, Giuseppe Scoleri, ITA; Berkis, Elmars, tAT; Kheng Hoi Ong, MAS; van der Schilden, Eric, NED; Salamonsen, Sigmund, NOR; Neimark, Alexander, RUS; Petrenko, Margarita, RUS; Sirotina, Elizaveta, RUS; Treskunov, Leonid, RUS; Malinsky, David, UKR; Mohamed Abdulla, Mohamed, UAE; Hassan Ahmed, Zuhair, UAE; Sax, Gyula, HUN, Mkrtumian, Emma, ARM; Beker, Gary David, AUS; Bils, Marc, BEL; Cordoba Ledezma, Jose Hector, BOL; de Melo Neto, Jose Augusto, BRA; Gonsalez, Fidel Bermudez, CUB; Rashan, Ahmed Mohamed, EGY; Taghian Mohamed 
113 ------ 'D Taghian, EGY; Lamie Soleiman Wagdy, EGY; Robinson, John, ENG; Royo Fernandes, Juan-Miguel, ESP; Delboe, Francis, FRA; Ortola, Michel, FRA; Videki, Sandor, HUN; Djauhari, Harry F., INA; Arokia Raj, Paul, IND; Mortazale, Yazdi, IRI; Dorner, Abraham, ISR; Ananiev, Nikolay, RUS; Gaspariants, Garry, RUS; Khorshudova, Ludmila, RUS; Berntsen, Johan, SWE, Suhartovic, Branislav, YUG. 1996 Mollekens, Joseph, BEL; Lauritzen, Vagn, DEN; Nielsen, Mogens, DEN; Mielese Viteri, Eduardo V., ECU; Krueger, Hilmar, GER; Schlapper, Kurt, GER; Gyorkos, Lajos, HUN; Nemeth, Gabor, HUN; Bjornsson, Gunnar, ISL; Cesetti, Claudio, ITA; Petrauskas, Rimvedas, LTU; Martinez Garcia, Jose, MEX; Shadarevian, Michael, QAT; Bolotinsky, Igor, RUS; Kisik, Anatoly, RUS; Manushev, Klim,RUS; Petrova, Ludmila, RUS; Trofimov, Alexander, RUS; Vereschiagin, Igor, RUS; Tang Kum Foo, SIN; Bodankin, Leonid, UKR; Kharitonova, Svetlana, MDA; Gutierrez Herrera. Jose A., COL; Hoyos Millon, Luis Bernardo, COL; Trujillo, Francisco, COL; Zuluiago, Jose Gabriel, COL; Papadopoulos, Georgios, GRE; Simonini, Manlio, ITA; Bell, Christopher Malcolm, NZL; Sarapu, Ortvin, NZL; Sakotic, Jasna, YUG 1997 Nahatakian, Julietta, ARM; Plotinsky, Leandro Ariel, ARG; Stubenvoll, Irma, AUT; Rustamov, Bokhtiar, AZE; Huang Xi Wen, CHN; Luo Yiping, CHN; Bukal, Vladimir, CRO; Trtanj, Zoran, CRO; Dunworth, Chtistopher Noel, ENG; De la Cruz, Valerio, ESP; Vepkhvishvili, Varlam, GEO; Karkashashvili, Rachik, GEO; Deventer, Klaus, GER: Jacob, Juergen, GER; Miranda, Celso Rizzo, GUA; Boguslavsky, Evgeny, HUN; Karolyi, Tibor, HUN; Simonini, Manlio, ITA; Malahovska, Maija, LAT; Sidarbas, Jonas, LTU; Gonzalez-Bringas, Alejandro, MEX; Zwanepol, Johan, NED; Przysiecki, Kajetan, POL; Dias, Carlos Oliveira, POR; Damsky, lakov, RUS; Kayumova, Irina, KAZ; Milivojevic, milivoje, YUG. Leonard, Julie Ann, ENG; Odegov, Gennady, KAZ; Maung Maung Lwin, MAL; Duchovni, Eduardo, ISR; Tahir, Sultan, UAE; AI Attar, Adnan, SYR; AI Hasan, Methak, SYR; AI Khateeb, Ali, SYR; Mohamed Moaaz Boshi, SYR; A Zuheir Dagestany, SYR 1998 Anton, Luis, ARG; Asensio, Enrique, ARG; Bittel, Raul, ARG; Flook, Ricardo, ARG; Vardanian, Samuel, ARM; Elberg, Viacheslav, BUL; Bondar, Leonid, BUL; Nielsen, Jan, DEN; Ronnow, Laers, DEN; Oksanen, Timo, FIN; Familiant, George, GEO; Alt, Ralph, GER; Voss, Michael, GER; Bardis, Evagelos, GRE; Mastrovasilis, Gavril, GRE; Sakellarakis, Dimitrios, GRE; Eperjesi, Laszlo, HUN; Horvath, Csaba, HUN; Horvath, Jozsef, HUN; O'Connell, Kevin, IRL; Farhan Nasir Jasim, IRQ; Habib Adam, IRQ; Ali Hamza Ali, IRQ; Mohammed Jaber K" IRQ; Naeim She Toama, IRQ; Sarmad Lufti Ismail, IRQ; Suad I. Said AI-Sarraj, IRQ; Jonsson, Gudmundur S" ISL; Abdelrazzaq, Imad, JOR; Hazim, Sulaiman, JOR; Asanov, Bolat, KAZ; Pagano, Sergio, ITA; Pagnoncelli, Giampietro, ITA; Purevjav, Ayushjav, MGL; Hartoch, Robert G., NED; Homs, Gustave C.J., NED; van der Heijde, Franc, NED; Erafeev, Sergey, RUS; Imerdykov, Alexander, RUS; Pushkov, Nikolay, RUS; Haznedaroglu, Ahmed, TUR; Keles, Cengiz Ozdemir, TUR; Badr Hassan Ali, UAE; Fawzya Abbas Lufti, UAE; Savic, Mihajlo, YUG; Sakotic, Jasna, YUG. Bendelal, Djelloul, ALG; Lyons, Jason, AUS; Cunha, Joaquim Rubens, BRA; Olyntho, V.Miralles, BRA; van Riemsdijk, Marius Rombout Ferreira, BRA; Tavares, Neto Estevau, BRA; Bialek, Richard, CZE; Esam Hamouda Esam, EGY; Iruretagoiena, Pascual Lukas, ESP; Grivas, Efstratios, GRE; Awate Avinash S" IND; Thurat Vinayak N" IND; Verma, D,C" IND; Ravagnati, Walter, ITA; Khairallab, Elias, LIB; Houlichian, Elie, LIB; Yazici Ali Nibat, TUR; Changir, Hulusi, TUR; Kim, Roman, UZB; Blanco, Uvencio, VEN 1999 Abo EI Khair, EGY; AI Razi Naji Mobd UAE; Almert Margit, AUT; Altanoch Genden, MGL; Arhangelsky Vladislav, RUS; Arkhangelsky Boris, RUS; Bach Alexander, RUS; Basaille Jean-Ch., FRA; Bellmann Horst, GER; 
1.34 - JIIIII&  1. B. Kouatly, S. Neto, 1. Leong, E. Ditt, M. Sand, W. lc1icki, K. Jungwirth at the General Assembly in Moscow 1994 2. G. Kamsky, A. Karpov and K. l1yumzhinov at the World Championship in Elista 1996 3. Executive Board mem- bers in Egypt 1997 Belousov Nikolay, RUS; Berislav Sevelj, CRO; Fucak Emilio, CRO; Bojan Arzensek SLO; Cimina Andra, LAT; Escribano Lasa Juan J., ESP; Filichev Alexander, RUS; Golkar Abtin, IRI; Hamouda Essam, EGY; Haroutonov Albert, ARM; Hassib Nabil, EGY; Houlichian Elie, LIB; Hussein Hussein, EGY; Ivanov Viacheslav, RUS; Ismayilov Namig, AZE; Khairallah Elias, LIB; Khromylev Dmitry, RUS; Lagunov Evgenij, RUS; Lokhov Yoriy, RUS; Lublinski Leonid, UKR; McShane Rodney Rowan, ENG; Medyanikova Nina, RUS; Moser Reto, SUI; Mouret Eric, FRA; Pastircak Milan, CZE; Poorshahmari Hamid, IRI; Pots Johannes, NED; Saphirov Alexander, RUS; Savarzadeh Esmail, IRI; Stummer Hans, AUT; Zlender Boris, SLO; Zorin Pavel, RUS. 2000 Arakelian, Anushavan, ARM; Kristof, Kawen, AUT; Boutchon, Gaston, BEL; Cvijetinovic, Milan, BIH; Demirov, Toncho, BUL; Dubravac, Andrija, CRO; Curbelo, Osorio, CUB; Tossi Duhamei Claudio, CUB; Jakub, Fuksik, CZE; Lips, Frantisek, CZE; Onderek, David, CZE; Talla, Vladimir, CZE; Ahmed, Mohamed, EGY; Ahmed Youssef, A, EGY; Mohamed Abdel H" EGY; Morkes, Kamal, EGY; Boniface, Stephen, ENG; Turnock, John F. ENG; Salvans Riba, Josep, ESP; Santos Etxepare. Agustin, ESP; Velasco, Palmeros Rosa, ESP; Rimstad, Arild, FAR; Paris. Thierry, FRA; McDermott, Mary, GCI; Tandashvili, Marg, GEO; Logothetis, Sotiris, GRE; Bunawan, INA; Akbarzade, G, IRI; Baradari Arzagh, Taghi, IRI; Eskandari, Fraidoun, IRI; Najib, Abolghasem, IRI; Abdul Wahab Abdul R, IRQ; Dr.A'amer Addul A M, IRQ; Karim Raed, IRQ; AI- Taher, Naim, JOR; Mashal's, Ishaq, JOR; Nafe, Nade, JOR; Sadvakasov, Kanat, KAZ; Ungure, Liga, LAT; Bedrossian, Jacques, LIB, ; Mikati, Hani, LIB; Rahah, Rabih, LIB; Muys, Leon, NED; Lanhum, Hans Olav, NOR; Poliarco, Gene, PHI; AI-Hitmi, Mohamad, QAT; Kobese, Artur. RSA; Afromeev, Vladimir, RUS; Fufachev, Vasiliy, RUS; Raetsky, Alexander, RUS; Shaab, Alexander, RUS; Nemecek, Josef, SUI; Muratkuliev, Parahat, TKM; Abdul Raheem, Sh., UAE; AI Muaini, Karima, UAE; Tovchyga, Oleg, UKR; Guilarte, Jose Luis, VEN; Dana, Tat Thang. VIE; Abdulla Ba Malimi, YEM; Kasim, Jamal, YEM; Babic, Siobodan, YUG; Dankovic, Bogoljub; Mataija, Franjo; Vujic-Katanic, Branka, YUG, 2001 De Vet, Sylvain, BE; Casauban Yves, CAN; Denommee Pierre, CAN; Hytonen, Harri FIN; Chanturia, Guram GEO; Gurgenidze, Davit, GEO; Chi hade, Abou Nemri LIB; Eishamieh, Ibrahim. LIB; Hussami Hadi, LIB; Yutuc, Ronaldo PHI, Aparcana, Felix PER. Delega Tomasz, POL; Chernikov Oleg RUS; Neklydov Viacheslav RUS; Turdaliev, Husan UZB; Gijs De Koning, Gans NED; Lecuyer Pierre FRA; Bernard, Vincent FRA; Uskova Flyura KAZ; Waithe, Rohar BAR, I' /  - .  "1, 'r1f,.t ..::.. -. ,.. IO  '\.'  " '=i;,  I", Dt.H. UK__ SutolUI 1 - .  ..... A - ., EIAI1MOKAT" .  no WAXMA,' . \ .. IftMtT" . n . , '-'" I \.. . .."t .A r  . t 'I , , ,\'\, . .. .v f f 
History of the Federation I nternationa Ie des Echecs FI DE 
136 ------  ID 1924 16.04 The Belgian newspaper "La Nation Beige" published the copy of an invitation sent by the French Chess Federation to all national chess federations to attend a Congress at Paris on July 20, The main item on the agenda was the creation of an International Chess Federation. 1924 12,07 The 8th Olympic Chess Tournament took place in Paris, France. Witnessed by the Committee of Honour that included the Mayor of Paris' 9th district Mr. Sauphar, the Counsel of Argentina, A, Alekhine and all the officials from the French Chess Federation, the fifty-four players from eighteen countries took the Olympic oath and signed the Golden Book of the FFE. 1924 19.07 At the end of two days of meetings under the Presidency of Mr. Pierre Vincent (FRA) and Mr. Stick van Linschoten (NED), the delegates of eleven countries agreed to create the "Federation Internationale des Echecs". The Bureau invited other Federations from Germany, Austria and Soviet Union that were not present in Paris to join them. The Bureau was in charge of developing the Statutes of the "Federation Internationale des Echecs" using as a base the Draft published in 1914 by the British Chess Federation. 1924 20,07 The results of the International Amateur Chess Tournament held in connection with the 8th Olympiad in Paris and terminated toward the end of July, was of an outstanding interest to the chess world. That event marked another step forward, aside from its intrinsic merit, on the way of formation of an International Federation of amateur chess players. 1924 20.07 The Olympic Tournament for national teams was limited to 18 teams The winner was Czechoslovakia with 31,5 points, The Latvian H, Mattison ranked first individually and earned the title 'Amateur Champion of the 8th Olympiad." 1924 20,07 The award of prizes and distribution of diplomas took place in the gaily decorated hall, which had been the scene of the tournament. After the colours had been duly saluted, Monsieur Pierre Vincent, General Secretary of the French Federation, authorized by the President, announced the outcome of the tournament. Splendid plaques donated by the French Ministry of the Exterior, were then awarded to Messrs. Mattison LAT, Apseneck LAT and Colle BEL, as individual winners, and also to A. Alekhine who acted as the conductor of the tournament. 1924 20,07 FIDE was created. At the closing ceremony of the 8th Olympiad Chess Tournament, Mr Pierre Vincent read "The Protocol of registration" which was unanimously adopted and signed by the delegates, 
Le Dimanche, 20 juillet 1924, a la Mairie du IXe Arrondissment de la ville de Paris. Grace a l'initiative de la Federation Fralzaise des Echecs, d'apres la volontee ulzanilne des federations contituantes representees au congres, a la suite du prelnier tournoi international d'Amateurs d'Echecs, a l'occasion de la VIIIe Olympiade a ete a fondee: La Federation Internationale des Echecs Elle existe des ce jour, avec les principes fondamentaux suivants. La Federation l1zternationale des Echecs est une association de federations nationales des echecs. Toute federation nationale pourra s'y joindre. Toute federation nationale sera traitee d'apres Ie principe d'egalite parfaite. Toute nation, qui n'a pas encore une federation nationale est invitee a la former, si elle desire se joindre a la Federation lnternationale des Echecs. La Federation Internationale des Echecs aura pour but Ie developpelnent de l'art des echecs, comme jeu u niversel, de propager l'idee d 'entente entre les Federations, de favoriser toute demonstration internationale relative au jeu des echecs. Elle aura son siege en Suisse, jusqu 'a l'asselnblee generale projetee pour 1925. Jusqu'a ce congres, les dispositions suivantes ont ete prises: La Federation Internationale des Echecs sera administree par son Bureau, qui aura so in de proposer au Congres de 1925 les status et tous les reglements necessaires, et de prendre toute lnesure favorable au developpement de la Federation. Toute Federation constituante et toute autre adherente contribue par une somlne minimum de 300 francs franais payable a l'adhesion. Sur ces fonds Ie Bureau prelevera la somme necessaire a son fonctionnement. Jusqu 'au Congres de 1925 sont elus: President: M. A. Rueb, President de la Societe neerlandaise des Echecs. Vice-Presidelzt: M. L.P. Rees, Secretaire de la Societe britannique des Echecs. Tresorier: M. M. Nicolet, Caissier central de la Societe suisse des Echecs. Le secretariat general est rattache a la Presidence. Ont signe Ie protocole de cOlzstitution: Grande-Bretagne: Major F.H.H. Rawlins Canada: S.F. Smith France: P. Vincent Jougoslavie: J. M. Ovadia Suisse: M. Nicolet. [taUe: F. Marusi Roumanie: Lieutenant Gudju Finlande: A. Tscherpunoff Hollande: A. Rueb Belgique: J. Weltjens Tchecoslovaquie: K. Skalicka Argentine: R. Grau Espagne: Comte de Penalvez Pologne: T. Tovbin Hongrie E Abonyi 137 4P ...  'D 
138 ------  ID .  , , 1924 01,11 FIDE asked the International Olympic Committee to consider chess to be included in the 9th Olympic Games of 1928. ':..Le jeu d'echecs est une epreuve du meme genre que toute autre epreuve olympique . II compte de nom- breux adeptes parmi toutes les nationalites representees aux Olympiades, Aux echecs, c'est /'esprit qui entre en jeu: est-ce que /'esprit ne domine pas 10 plupart des sports modernes et olympiques ? L'admission des echecs est absolument conforme a 10 conception classique des jeux olympiques. Jamais les fites nationales helleniques n'ont refuse leur place au jeux de /'esprit et aux beau-arts, L'admission des echecs ne devrait guere peser sur Ie budget de la Xeme Olympiade, la FIDE renonant a toute subvention fin an ciere, et est prite a se charger elle-meme de /'organisation de la competition..." 1924 05.11 Brazil Chess Federation was founded, 1925 01.02 A. Alekhine set up in Paris a new world record in blind chess by winning 78010 of the games and scoring 83.8 0/0. 1925 22.07 The 2nd FIDE Congress opened in Zurich with 12 federations represented. 1925 23.07 The General Assembly (GA) admitted the Argentina Chess Federation (CF) and Correspondence Chess League of America as full members, FIDE was considering admission of Germany as a member. 1925 23,07 The GA accepted the Italian proposal to abbreviate Federation Internationale des Echecs to F.l.D.E. 1925 23.07 Ten federations accepted the Protocol signed one year before by 15 delegates in Paris, and became now full members. Those were Argentina, Belgium, France, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia. USSR informed FIDE that it was impossible for them to have relations with FIDE as they couldn't have a neutral position in political matters and preferred to continue "the fight for the proletariat and the union of workers around the world". 1925 23.07 The GA observed a minute of silence in memory of the Grandmaster R. Teichmann GER who had passed away. 1925 23.07 The President A. Rueb informed the Assembly that no answer was received from the International Olympic Committee concerning the FIDE request to include chess in the next Olympic games. 1925 23.07 The FIDE President addressed the Correspondence Chess League of America with a telegram: " Welcome American chess unit." 1925 2307 The GA accepted the proposal concerning GA Regulations and Status using as a basis the Protocol of 1914, released by the British Chess Federation. 1925 23.07 The British Chess Federation suggested that each chess player contributed 100 pounds for the creation of a permanent fund, A project for individual life membership was accepted. 1925 23.07 The GA refused at that time to consider the affiliation of the Flemish Chess Federation, as the Belgian CF was already a member of FIDE. 1925 24.07 The GA proposed to write the first draft of Chess Rules 1925 24.07 The GA reelected unanimously the Central Committee in the same composition as it had been constituted in 1924, 1925 2407 FIDE published 15 resolutions, among them the third one concerning the World Championship: "The GA doesn't want to discuss the title of the World Champion which for the moment belongs to J. Capablanca CUB. But wishes, in the near future, to discuss the conditions of determining the title of the World Champion." 1926 11.04 The Polish Chess Federation was founded. 1926 15.07 The 3rd Congress opened in Budapest, Hungary with 13 Federations represented, 1926 15,07 The GA observed one minute of silence for the English Master A. Burn who had passed away, 
139 ......--  ID 1926 15.07 The GA confirmed the full admission of Austria, Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Norway, 1926 15.07 The GA rejected the request for membership made by the Flemish Chess Federation but accepted the Catalan Chess Federation until the Spanish Chess Federation became a member. At the request of the Master E. Znosko-Borovski, the GA accepted, in principle, the affiliation of a group of Russian chess players to be members of FIDE to let those players play at FIDE events, However, as with the Catalan CF, that admission was only to be until the Soviet Chess Federation became full member of FIDE, 1926 15,07 The GA decided to allow the national Federations to give titles to their members, For interna- tional titles FIDE set up a Commission under the leadership of W. Robinow GER to report to the next Congress, 1926 17,07 The GA thanked the Hungarian CF for the organization of the 1st FIDE problem-solving tour- nament with 74 registered participants. 1926 18,07 The GA confirmed its acceptance of the 1922 London Protocol concerning the organization of the World Championship final match but refused to participate financially in the prize fund. The GA invited World Champion J.R, Capablanca to review this financial point with other Grandmasters, The GA did not recognize the World Champion and decided to organize the first FIDE Championship with a prize fund of SFR 5,000. 1926 01.09 In the minutes printed after the 3rd Congress, FIDE used the following motto: La force moral de la Federation Internationale des Echecs sera faite de la discipline des unites affiliees (the moral strength of FIDE will come from the order of its affiliated units), 1926 30.07 As the invitations were sent very late only four teams arrived in Budapest for the Olympiad. As a result, the competition was called the "Little Olympiad". Hungary won the tournament with 9 points out of 12. 1927 First International Correspondence Chess Association IFSB was founded. , 1927 03,01 The FIDE headquarters together with the Dutch Chess Federation and the Chess Club of The Hague were formally opened at 1, Speykstraat, The Hague, Holland, It was for the first time in Europe that an entire building was devoted to Caissa. 1927 22,01 The Portugal Chess Federation was founded, 1927 18,07 The first official Chess Olympiad opened in London, with 16 national teams participating. 4 players per team and 1 reserve were registered. A few applications (by Poland and the United Stated) were rejected due to overstepping the deadline, No distinction was made between professionals and amateurs, 1927 28,07 The 4th Congress opened at the Central Hall of Westminster, London with 15 federations rep- resented, 1927 28,07 The GA admitted Latvia, Portugal, Poland, Uruguay as full members. Also admitted a new unity representing the United States, and the Spanish CF which replaced the Catalan CF, 1927 28.07 The GA agreed to award the winner of the Olympiad tournaments with a cup donated by The Honou rable.Frederick Gustavus Ha m i Iton Russell. 1927 28,07 The GA decided to grant the title of FIDE Master to all winners of FIDE tournaments or any tournaments organized under the auspices of FIDE. 1927 28,07 The GA approved three resolutions concerning game copyrights. 1) "Free" games played outside of the organized tournaments shall belong to each player. 2) A game played during a tournament shall belong to the Organizing Committee where the organizers included this in the tournament regulations or players' contracts they keep property of the game. 3) Studies and chess compositions shall belong to the author. 
140 ......--   I - 1921 29.07 Ms, Menchik ENG won the 1 st Women's World Championship in London with 10 1120ut of 11. She was proclaimed World Champion during the last day of the GA. 1921 29.07 Hungary won the first Olympiad with 40 points, The team captain G. Maroczy HUN received the gold-plated trophy from Hon, F. G, Hamilton-Russell. 1921 16,09 The World Championship match opened in Buenos Aires between J. R. Capablanca CUB and A, Alekhine FRA, where first chess player winning 6 games (draw game doesn't count) would become the World Champion. Prize fund was US$ 10,000. 1921 30.11 A. Alekhine became the 4th World Champion beating J, R, Capablanca CUB (+6 -3 =25), 1928 The Austrian magazine Wiener Schachzeittung ran a poll that generated over 800 replies, E. Lasker with 209 votes was the ideal grandmaster; A. Alekhine with 870 was the best player; "Tartakower: Hypermodern chess" was the best book and New York -1924 was the best tournament. 1928 IFBS: International Association for Correspondence Chess, IFSB, was formed, 1928 01,05 FIDE President A. Rueb NED wrote some suggestions on the future of the World Championship matches, He proposed to reduce the prize fund to SF 10,000 (in London 1922, the strongest players of the World including Alekhine and Capablanca decided to play for a minimum amount of US$ 10,000) and organize the match every 3rd year. The winner would be the first who won 4 games out of a maximum of 25 games. 1928 05.05 E, Bogoljubov USSR became the official Champion of FIDE as a result of defeating Dr, Max Euwe NED by the score 4 112-3 1/2, The games were played in Amsterdam and The Hague, Netherlands. 1928 21.07 17 teams met in The Hague, Holland, for the 2nd Olympiad. Many Masters were absent, because at the previous FIDE Congress the British Chess Federation had fought for a decision to permit only non-professionals to play in the tournament of nations, The British Chess Federation refused to send its team as they suspected the Americans of sending professionals, 1928 01.08 The 5th FIDE Congress opened in The Hague, Holland, with 18 federations represented. 1928 01.08 For the Congress, the Polish Master D. Przepiorka composed a small problem of a mat in 4 moves, 1928 01,08 The President Rueb apologized for his absence. Mr. Strick van Linschoten NED, Oskam NED and Mr. Vincent FRA replaced him. 1928 01.08 The GA accepted Brazil and Mexico as full members. Havana chess club was temporarily accepted as a full member until Cuban Chess Federation applied. 1928 04.08 During the Olympiad, Dr Euwe NED won the individual tournament and became the second and the last person to hold the title of Amateur World Champion until the title was revived much later in a different format. 1928 05,08 The Hamilton-Russell Trophy once again went to Hungary who won the tournament with 44 points. 1928 28.08 E, Bogoljubov wrote to A. Alekhine: "1 have the honour to challenge you for the World Championship match, Please could you let me know if you agree in principle to play this match during 1929". 1928 11.09 From Lausanne, Switzerland, Alekhine answered to Bogoljubov: "...By these lines I'm accepting in principle your challenge (the first that I have received since I won the title) and I don't see any problem with playing this match in 1929. It is clear that the conditions of this match will be set in accordance with the Agreement made in London in 1922, which both of us signed, So, the venue of the match and the date of our meeting will depend on your guarantees or those ones from the organizer", 
1928 08.10 From Berlin, J. R, Capablanca CUB, former World Champion, wrote to A, Alekhine: "Dear Sir, By these lines I'm challenging you for the World Championship match under the Agreement signed in 1922, PS: Mr, Lederer has a deposit of US$500 in his hand, I suppose that you knew that already". 1928 12,10 From Paris, France, Alekhine answered to Capablanca: "Dear Sir, I acknowledge your letter dated October 8, Due to my acceptance of a challenge from E.D, Bogoljubov dated August 28 for the match to be played in 1929, I can't consider another project for the moment. However, I take note of your letter and I'm going to write to Mr. Bogoljubov to ask him about a short delay of 3 months (till January 15, 1929) to get all the necessary guarantees together as stipulated in the Memorandum of London-1922. In case these guarantees are not forthcoming, I will be ready to accept your challenge, after January 15 according to the Memorandum of London-1922. In any case, I will not be ready to play before the second part of 1929. If my match with Bogoljubov happens and if I keep my title, then I will be ready to accept your challenge at the end of the event. 1928 A project by the French delegate P. Vincent to create a system of qualification for the World Championship finals for world chess players was rejected, 1928 12,10 From Paris Alekhine wrote to Bogoljubov, A copy of this letter was also sent to Capablanca. "Dear Sir, On October 8, I received from Mr, Capablanca a challenge for the match. Consequently, will you please transfer before January 15, 1929, a deposit of US$ 500 according to point 11 of the Memorandum signed in 1922 in London...ln case of non payment of this sum I will be obliged to accept, after January 29, the challenge addressed to me by Mr. Capablanca", 1929 01.09 To enable the match happen Bogoljubov agreed to waive his share of the prize fund! A. Alekhine wanted US$ 6,000 to play. 1929 05.09 Opening of the World Championship match between Alekhine FRA and Bogoljubov (after the match Bogoljubov became a German citizen). The venues for the match were: Wiesbaden, Heidelberg, Berlin, Holland and Wiesbaden. The rules were as such: maximum 30 games and the first with six victories, or 15 1/2 points (for the first time a draw game counted for '/2point) was the winner. 1929 19.09 The World Championship match was interrupted to let A, Alekhine attend the FIDE GA in Fra nce. 1929 26,09 The 6th Congress opened in Venice, Italy, with 11 federations represented. 1929 26.09 The GA approved the first Chess Rules presented by Messrs. De Watteville SUI, Cheron FRA and Nicolet SUI. The World champion Alekhine was also a contributor to it. 1929 27,09 The GA nominated the Founder of FIDE M. Pierre Vincent as an Honorary member. 1929 27.09 The GA invited each federation to nominate one official arbiter to be a member of the Arbiter Commission, Their duty would be to judge problem arising from international events. 1929 27,09 The GA invited chess organizers to register their tournaments with FIDE, 1929 1111 A, Alekhine kept his title by beating E. Bogoljubow with 15 '/2-9 1/2, The last five games were dropped as Alekhine had already scored 15,5 points. 1929 15.11 A. Alekhine accepted the challenge of J. R. Capablanca, The match was scheduled for October or December 1930, 1929 10.12 FIDE published its first Chess Rules with 25 regulations. 1930 22.02 Mr, Buschke from Berlin wrote an article in the press to ask FIDE to think about the creation of a committee on chess and collectors, 1930 13,07 The 3rd Olympiad opened in Hamburg, Germany, 18 teams participated, There had never been so many Grandmasters gathered together in one place. It included also the World champion A, Alekhine who played for France for the first time. 141 ......--  ID , I 
142 --- iiiIiIa  . I 1930 23.07 The 7th FIDE Congress opened in Hamburg with 17 Federations represented, This Congress was organized in connection with the 100th anniversary of the "Hamburger Schachklub". 1930 23,07 The GA acknowledged the result of the World Championship match and congratulated A, Alekhine on his victory over E. Bogoljubow. The GA was informed about the negotiations on a possible match between the World Champion and J. R. Capablanca and decided to postpone until the next Congress discussions on its involvement in the World Championship. French delegate, M. Duchamp, informed the GA that A Alekhine was prepared to talk to FIDE, 1930 23,07 The GA thanked Lady Hamilton-Russell and Hon, F.G. Hamilton Russell for their support of women's chess and the cups donated for the winners of the Women's World Championship and Olympiad, 1930 23.07 The FIDE Laws of Chess that had been published in 1929, had by then been translated in 5 lan- guages. Many federations had already adopted these regulations. 1930 24,07 The GA accepted Lithuania and Iceland as full members but rejected Scotland who was still part of Great Britain. FIDE had 28 members, 1930 24,07 M. Wahltuch GB asked the GA to enlarge the Central Committee from 3 to 6 members, Meeting should be held 3 times a year at the expense of FIDE, This request was rejected during the 1932 Congress because FIDE could not support the cost for this change, 1930 27.07 Mrs Menchik CSR won the 2nd World championship in Hamburg during the Olympiad, It was open to one representative from each cou ntry but on Iy five cou ntries were represented. 1930 27.07 Poland won the 3rd Olympiad with 48.5 points, 1931 11.07 The 4th Olympiad sponsored by the President of the Czechoslovak Republic was open in Prague by Dr. Y. Masaryk, 1931 22,07 The 8th Congress opened in Prague, with 17 federations represented. 1931 22.07 The GA observed one minute of silence for Sir Richard Barnett GB who had passed away. , 1931 23.07 The GA accepted Estonia as full member. 1931 23.07 The GA changed the regulation of the Hamilton-Russell Cup (Olympiad) published in London in 1927, A Round Robin should be played if not more than 20 teams were registered. Otherwise, an "Ostende-1906 system" proposed by the Czechoslovakian Federation came into force. The GA also modified the regulations for the Women's World Championship, made in 1927 to allow more than one player from each country to participate, 1931 23.07 The GA created a "Fond de secours" to help chess players in need, 1931 26,07 Parallel with the Olympiad, the World Champion Ms, V, Menchik won all eight games and retained her title. 1931 26.07 USA won the 4th Olympiad in Prague with 48 points, 1932 18,07 The 9th General Assembly opened, in Paris, France, with 7 Federations represented, 1932 19.07 The President received one of the first rubber chessboards manufactured by the company Pirelli of Milan, The price was 50 Liras for 10 boards. 1932 19.07 The Bureau was re-elected unanimously until 1936, 1932 19.07 GA agreed to amend its Statutes: "Anyone can be a delegate but nobody can represent more than three Federations. A delegate, even if he represents two or three Federations, may have only one vote," 1932 19,07 FIDE decided to be represented by its President at the 100th anniversary of the city of Chicago, 1932 19.07 The GA rejected the proposal of the Belgian CF to exclude G Koltanowski BEL, founder of the Vlaamsche Schaakbond. FIDE couldn't interfere in national affairs. 
143 ---- ID 1932 19.07 The GA observed one minute of silence for the Belgian Grandmaster E. Colle and Masters Takacs HUN, Dr Palitsch GER, Noteboom NED and Weenik NED who had passed away, 1932 20,07 In his closing speech the President gave a clear picture of FIDE. He finished with the words: "I shall use the words pronounced in 1789 by the Abbe Sieyes in Versailles, I shall finish with three questions and three answers. What is FIDE? Everything. What has FIDE accomplished until now? Very little, What FIDE wishes to become? Big". 1933 International Braille Chess Association (IBCA) was founded. 1933 21,06 The 10th Congress opened in Folkestone, England, with 12 federations represented, 1933 21.06 GA approved Scotland and Ireland as full members. 1933 21,06 GA approved a project by Messrs. Louma CSR, Grunfeld, AUT and Tartakower, POL on classifi- cation of chess openings, 1933 12,07 15 teams registered for the 5th Olympiad organized in Folkestone, England. This was the smallest Olympiad to date. Mexico was rejected, Spain and Argentina withdrew and Estonia did not come. Germany did not come for political reasons. The German Chess Federation was ruled by the new regime of A, Hitler and many leading figures were dismissed, The new Great German Chess Federation ("G.D.S,B.") came into open conflict with FIDE. 1933 23.07 USA won the Olympiad with 39 out of 56, 193323.07 Ms. Menchik CSR won the Women's World Tournament with a 1000/0 (12/12) and became the Women's World Champion for the 4th time, 1934 Ms, Graf GER challenged Ms. Menchik CSR in a match for the world title, which took place in Rotterdam, Holland, The Champion won with the score 4-1. It was the first match for the women's world title held at the personal initiative of the players and not under the auspices of FIDE. 1934 The American Chess Federation was founded, 1934 The Palestinian Chess Federation was founded. 1934 14.06 A. Alekhine FRA beat E. Bogoljubow GER in Germany 15 1/2-10 112and thus retained his World Championship title. 1934 27.07 The 11 th Congress opened in Zurich, with 1 ° Federations represented. The Congress was organized in connection with the 125th anniversary of Zurich chess club, one of the oldest in Europe. A strong tournament was organized alongside the congress which included the former World Champion Emanuel Lasker GER. 1935 27,07 The GA congratulated A, Alekhine, FRA on his title of World Champion and was informed that M. Euwe NED had issued a challenge to a match to be organized by the Dutch Chess Federation under the auspices of FIDE. 1935 27.07 The GA observed a minute of silence for J. Berger, Grandmaster Dr. S, T arrasch, GER and W, Pauly ROM who had passed away. 1935 28.07 FIDE had many requests regarding chess in schools. GA created a special Commission for this pu rpose. 1935 28,07 The GA accepted Canada as a full member, 1934 12.11 The World Championship Match between A. Alekhine FRA and E, Bogoljubow GER opened in Karlsruhe, Germany, The rules were 30 games and the first one with 6 was the Champion, 1935 The first Correspondence Olympiad organized by IFSB was won by Hungary, 1935 16,08 20 countries registered for the 6th Olympiad in Warsaw, Poland, The organiser failed to invite the Soviet tea m. 1935 28,08 The 12th Congress opened in Warsaw, Poland, with 21 federations represented,  
144 ......--   . . 1935 28,08 The GA observed one minute of silence for Grandmaster A. Nimzowitz DEN, Ms. Stevenson ENG, L. Leonhardt and von Holzhausen who had passed away, 1935 28.08 The GA was informed about the World Championship Match which was to take place between A. Alekhine FRA and M, Euwe NED, The match was to be held in Holland and the winner of 6 games or 15.5 points would be the Champion. In case of tie 15 -15 or no six victories A. Alekhine would keep his title, If M, Euwe won, he would be obliged to playa revenge match with A, Alekhine, 1935 29,08 Mr. Przepiorka POL, a member of the Title Commission, asked the GA to approve title regula- tions: The title of International Master will be awarded to any player either - won a tournament of at least 13 rounds with a minimum of 700/0 of points, or to any player who got twice scored 600/0 of points in such tournaments, 1935 29,08 The Grossdeutcher Schachbund asked for FIDE's collaboration in organizing a tournament par- allel to the 11 th Olympiad the following year. G.D.S.B. declared that the Arian laws would not be applica- ble. FI DE invited its members to decide on their participation. 1935 31.08 The GA accepted Palestine as a full member. 1935 31.08 USA won the 7th Olympiad in Warsaw with 54 points. 1935 31,08 Ms, V, Menchik CSR won the 5th Women's World Championship with 9/9, 1935 03.10 The World Championship Match opened between Alekhine FRA and Euwe NED in Holland, For the first time the players could use the assistance of seconds, 1935 15,12 Euwe defeated Alekhine 15 '12-14 'l2and became the new World Champion. After the match, Alekhine who had psychological problems due to alcoholism, asked for a revenge match, 1936 24.07 The 13th Congress opened In Lucerne, Switzerland, with 7 federations represented. 1936 24,07 The GA observed one minute of silence for Messrs. Nigli SUI and E, Muller SUI who had passed away, 1936 25.07 The GA accepted Bulgaria as a full member. Mexico, Uruguay and Brazil were temporarily excluded due to unpaid due. 29 federations were now members of FIDE, 1936 25,07 The GA gave the title of Honorary Members of FIDE to the Master D, Przepiorka POL and L. de Warreville SUI. 1936 25,07 The Central Committee members were re-elected for the next four years, 1936 16,08 The Olympiad in Munich was held with great pomp ceremonies, The Great German Chess Federation, at the time not a member of FIDE, organized it. Twenty-one teams participated, and the matches involved teams of eight players. England and the United States did not participate, As in 1924 in Paris and 1926 in Budapest, this tournament received the title of "unofficial Olympiad". 1936 01,09 In Munich, Germany, Hungary won the unofficial Olympiad with 110,5. 1931 Vera Menchik CSR retained her title of Women's World Champion against Sonia Graf in a 16 game match, scoring 11 1/2-4 '12. The two players arranged this match privately, but FIDE approved and recog- nized it. 1931 10,05 The World Championship revenge match opened between Euwe NED and Alekhine FRA, The rules were as in 1935, 1931 31,07 The 7th Olympiad opened in Stockholm, Sweden, with 19 teams. It was the first time France had not participated. 1931 11,08 The 14th FIDE Congress opened in Stockholm, with 16 Federations participating, 1931 11.08 The GA observed a minute of silence in memory of friends of FIDE who had passed away: V, Marin ESP and F. Widmann. 
1931 11.08 The GA confirmed the full admission of Uruguay. 1931 11,08 Romania bid for the 1938 Olympiad to be held in Bucharest, and Argentina, Hungary and USA - for the 1939 tournament. 1931 11.08 The GA approved the membership for the totalitarian countries provided they would not pro- voke the resignation of other federations and would accept FIDE status, 1931 12.08 The GA rejected the Dutch proposal to organize a tournament with the best players for the World title but accepted as a final regulation for the World Championship the following (main points): 1) A World Championship match is a game between an Official Candidate nominated by FIDE and the World Champion, 2) Starting from 1940, the Word Championship will be organized every 4 years. 3) The fund will be of a maximum of SFR 20.000 in gold. Eighty percent will be provided by the Candidates or the organizers and twenty percent - by FIDE and the affiliated Federations. 4) The winner will get 5/8 and the loser 3/8 of the prize fund. 5) One year before the final match, the official Candidate will have to challenge the World Champion through FIDE, the World Champion and deposit into the FIDE bank account 800/0 of the funds for the match, 6) The first player that scores 15 '/2points including 6 wins will be the World Champion. 7) After 30 games if the score is 15-15 with 6 victories, then the Champion will keep his title, But if after 30 games the score is equal and no one has 6 victories, then the match will continue until the first victory. 1931 12.08 Federations were asked to nominate one challenger to play the World Champion in a match to be co-organized by FIDE. After the first ballot Mr, S. Flohr HUN got 6 votes, J. R, Capablanca CUB - 4 votes, P. Keres EST - 1 vote, M. Botvinnik USSR - 1 vote and R, Fine USA - 1 vote. After the second ballot S. Flohr got 8 votes and J. R. Capablanca - 5 votes. The GA proclaimed Master S, Flohr as the official FIDE Candidate for the match to be played after the revenge match Euwe-Alekhine, 1931 1308 Vera Menchik CSR overwhelmed her rivals to win for the Women's World Championship for the 7th time during the Olympiad with 14/14! 1931 14.08 The GA created a World Championship Fund to cover, as per the regulations, 200/0 of the financial participation, 1931 14,08 In front of the GA, the World Champion Max Euwe declared that if he won his match with A, Alekhine, he would accept the challenge in 1940 of the FIDE Candidate S, Flohr, However, if he won the match vs, A, Alekhine, he wished first to play with J. R, Capablanca in an unofficial match, Then, if he lost that match to Capablanca he would donate his title to FIDE and Mr. Capablanca should agree prior to that with the authority of FIDE on the World Championship, to play with Mr. S, Flohr. The President thanked the World Champion for his generous proposal and confirmed that if A, Alekhine won the match, he would be invited to play under the FIDE regulations with S. Flohr. "If the World Champion renounces his title, then the title will belong to FIDE. From now on, any match for the world title will be organized under FIDE aus- pices", Argentina CF was grateful and announced about its intention to organize a match Euwe vs. Capablanca, if Euwe retained his title. 1931 14,08 FIDE published the regulations for the Women's World Championship, 1931 14,08 USA with four Grandmasters won the Olympiad with 54 '/2points out of 72. 1931 20,09 The Belgian Master G. Koltanowski established a world record in blindfold chess in Edinburgh, Scotland, He scored +24-0=10. He improved on the old record established in 1925 by A. Alekhine. 1931 16.12 A. Alekhine regained his title back in Holland by beating Euwe 15 '/2-9 '/2, 145 ----  ID 
146 ......--  ID , , .... , , , 1938 08.08 The 15th Congress opened in Paris, 6 federations attended. 1938 08.08 GA observed a minute of silence in memory of friends of FIDE who had passed away: Lady Margaret Hamilton Russell ENG, W. Robinow GER, Gordon-Ross ENG and J. van Trotsenburg NED. 1938 08,08 FIDE confirmed the full admission of Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. At the request of Hungary, France, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Italy, Argentina and Great Britain, the GA agreed to reconsider the membership of Germany (GDDB). 1938 08,08 Mr. Bedrnicek CSR informed FIDE about the negotiations concerning a possible match for the world champion title between A, Alekhine FRA and S. Flohr HUN, FIDE refused to co-finance the match as A, Alekhine didn't recognize the Stockholm regulations (1937) and the FIDE authority for the Championship, The Czechoslovakian Federation, which was interested in organizing the match, tried to convince the World Champion to collaborate with FIDE, 1938 09.08 The GA nominated J.N, Derbyshire ENG as a FIDE life member. 1939 01,03 The Costa Rican Chess Federation submitted to FIDE five proposals, The third one concerned the World Championship: " FIDE will help to finance the next World Championship and, if possible, the Women's World Championship. Funds will be sent to FIDE and will be shared 50 0 /0 for the winner, 30 0 /0 for his loser, 10 0 /0 for the organisation, and 10 0 /0 for FIDE, In case of conflict with the possible organizers, FIDE will organize the Championship by itself, through a big tournament including all the best players after which the winner will be proclaimed the World Champion." 1939 24.08 Opening of the Olympiad in Buenos Aires, Argentina with 27 teams participating. United States did not enter because the American players regarded the financial conditions as inadequate (they asked for US$2,500 but were only offered US$ 1,500). For the first time one Asian team registered: Palestine. Great Germany, which had re-enrolled in FIDE, sent a team including Austrian player Eliskases. A preliminary competition was held for the first time, There were 2 final groups, On September 1, just before the final stage, Germany declared war and attacked Poland. A few days later, France and England declared war on Germany. The English team had to go back home, and France, Poland and Palestine refused to play with Germany. To avoid complete chaos, the organizers ruled that France, Poland and Palestine had a draw in all matches vs. Germany with the score of 2-2. Due to the danger in Europe, the entire Polish team decided to ask for political asylum in Argentina, and five players of the German team decided to stay in South America. Although Germany won the final group with 36 points, The Hamilton-Russell Cup was not presented to them and it stayed in Argentina until 1950. 1939 13,09 Opening of the 16th FIDE Congress in Buenos Aires, 21 Federations were represented in the first Congress organized on the American continent. 1939 13.09 GA observed a minute of silence in memory of friends of FIDE who had passed away: B, Penizka (Bohemia and Moravia) M, Blixen URU and p, Johner SUI. 1939 13.09 FIDE confirmed the full admission of Germany, Australia, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, San Salvador, Slovakia, and Venezuela. 1939 14,09 A. de Muro ARG was nominated Honorary Member. 1939 15,09 Despite the unclear position of the World Champion A, Alekhine, and being concerned about the future of World Championship matches, the President confirmed that FIDE would follow the World Championship regulations adopted at the Congress in Stockholm (1937). FIDE would keep its right to organize tournaments periodically as result of which the winner would be proclaimed the World Champion. 1939 16,09 The GA adopted unanimously the following declaration: "The World Champion's title is not 
147 ......-- ID owned by a World Champion. FIDE as the highest world chess organizer must set up regulations for the event and must deliver the title". 1939 16,09 Hungary confirmed its bid to organize the Olympiad in Budapest in 1940. 1939 18,09 Paraguay and 7 other federations from South America asked the GA to accept the following: 'Taking into consideration the state of war in Europe, which could stop the activities of FIDE, and consider- ing that FIDE was situated in Holland, where the war might happen, and that there was not any clarity on how long the war state might last and taking into account that affiliated Federations should take care of the continuity of FIDE activities, the GA of the 16th Congress should decided to transfer the FIDE head- quarters temporarily to Buenos Aires, Also, to nominate Dr. A, Rueb as Honorary President, and to nomi- nate the President of Argentina CF the President of FIDE until the next Congress", The current President declared the proposal unacceptable since it had not been sent to the FI DE Secretariat 4 months before the start of the Congress as per the statutes, Also, because the acceptance of the propos- al would force him to resign after three years of presidency where he was elected until 1940, which was also contrary to the statutes, The GA accepted the proposal by 8 votes in favour and 4 abstains. The President announced that the decision was illegal and he would not accept it. 1939 18.09 For the 7th time in a row Vera Menchik who played this time under the citizenship of England, won the World Women's Chess Championship with the score 18 out of 19. 1939 01.11 Once back in his office, the President A, Rueb and the Treasurer M. Nicolet wrote a letter to all the federation members asking them to reject the decision accepted by the last GA concerning the future of FIDE, FIDE President and FIDE Secretariat. ilLes decisions de l'Assemblee Generale de Buenos-Aires, seance du 18 septembre, dont la validite et la legalite ne pourront itre reconnues par tous ceux qui pour qui les Status et les Reglements de la FIDE for- ment la base indestructible de son existence, demontrent clairement la situation critique de I'organisation mondiale comtemporaine des echecs. Tout Ie monde comprend que Ie developpement du jeu international en Europe est extremement difficile en ce moment. Tout Ie monde comprend aussi que les federations hors de l'Europe ne desirent pas voir arriter leur activite par suite des evenements dans cette partie du monde, Le Comite Central de la FIDE se rend parfaitement compte de la situation defavorable mais il n'y voit aucun motif pour prendre des mesures inconstitutionnelles qui menacent I'existence de la FIDE elle-mlme. Les federations qui sont prononcees en faveur des propositions de la federation du Paraguay auront a se declarer si elles desirent Itre encore considerees comme membres de la FIDE, Les federations qui ne sont pas d'accord avec ces mime propositions sont invitees instamment - rester fidele a la FIDE et sont priees d'en aviser Ie Bureau sans delai. L'avenir montrera que la force et I'authorite de la FIDE lui ont permis de se maintenir dans les circon- stances les plus graves. 1939 27,12 The American Chess Federation & National Chess Federation formed the USCF, 1940 01.05 Germany invaded Holland, Belgium, Denmark and Luxembourg, FIDE stopped its activities in Holland and the President decided to move the secretariat to Zurich, Switzerland, 1941 11.01 The former World Champion E. Lasker GER died in New York at 73. 1942 08,03 The former World Champion E. Capablanca died at the Manhattan Chess Club. 1944 26,06 The Women's World Champion Vera Menchik-Stevenson, her sister and her mother died in Kent from a Vl-bombing raid, She was the Women World Champion 7 times with the magnificent score of +78-1 =4,  
148 ......-- ...  .  I 1945 The office of FIDE in Leiden (NED) was bombed. All archives were lost. 1945 08,05 World War II ended in Europe, 1945 07 FIDE resumed its activities in The Hague, 1945 01.09 The first international sporting event of any kind after the WWII took place, USSR beat USA (radio-match) 15 '/2- 4 112. 1945 02,09 V-Day, World War II ended. 1945 25,12 The President Rueb sent a letter to all the federations asking them to resume FIDE activities, 1946 25,07 After six years of silence due to the World War and its misery, the Swiss Chess Federation organized the 17th FIDE Congress in Wintherthur, Switzerland with only 8 federations out of 41 represented, 1946 25,07 FIDE mourned all friends who died during the seven last years: Treasurer M, Nicollet SUI, Honorary Members Messrs. EG. Hamilton Russell ENG, L.P, Rees ENG, Penicka CSR, Bedrnicek CSR, Miliani ITA, St John Mildmay ITA, Abonyi HUN, and Stick van Linschoten NED. FIDE also mourned four World Champions who disappeared during this tragic period: Ms, Menchik, E. Lasker, J.R, Capablanca and recently A, Alekhine, 1946 26,07 The Bureau proposed to reorganize FIDE structure and to decentralize it by dividing the world into administrative zones. Seven zones were created: Europe, Scandinavian, Canada, USA, Central American, South American and Far Eastern. Each zone's delegate would be a member of the Central Com m ittee. 1946 26,07 Following the death of the World Champion A. Alekhine, the GA had to examine several pro- posals to institute the organization of a new World Championship Cycle. It was decided that a tournament would be organized to determine the next World Champion. Three bids were received from USA, Argentina and Holland, but for practical reasons Holland was chosen. The tournament would be organized during the summer of 1947. Four rounds would be played. The following chess players were nominated as participants: M. Euwe NED, former World Champion; the American Masters S. Reshevsky and R. Fine or two other players nominated by the USCF before September 1st; the Soviet Masters M. Botvinnik, p, Keres and V. Smyslov or three other Masters nominated by the Soviet Federation before September 1st; the winners of the Groningen and Prague tournaments, if they were not already qualified, would have to playa match in Prague to qualify one player. 1946 26,07 FIDE was happy to announce that both F.G, Hamilton-Russell and Lady Margaret Hamilton Russell trophies were safe in Argentina, 1946 27,07 Luxembourg CF became full member of FIDE. Germany, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania were excluded. 1946 28.07 Following a telegram sent by the USSR CF to congratulate FIDE for its work, FIDE expressed its wish to accept the USSR CF as a full member of FIDE. "Europe is waiting and expecting the affiliation of USSR chess players. Through involvement of this great area, where chess is developing as perhaps nowhere else, the consolidation of European chess would be accomplished. The Government and chess authorities of the USSR are urgently requested to take once more into consideration the eventuality of joining FIDE. " 1946 28,07 The French CF was working on a new proposal for the Women's World Championship. The British CF was working to review the Chess Rules, 1946 28.07 Messrs. Pierre Vincent FRA, the Founder of FIDE and M, Euwe, NED were nominated Honorary Members, 1946 28.07 The Central Committee was constituted as following: President Dr. A, Rueb NED, Vice President M. Kuhns USA, Treasurer Dr, W. Preiswerk SUI and an unlimited number of delegates to be designated. 1946 FIDE created the International Correspondence Chess Federation (lCCF), 
14c) ......-- ... ID 1946 07.09 M. Botvinnik RUS won the first major international tournament after WW2 in Groningen, Holland, 1946 17.09 USSR vs, USA return match took place in Moscow, USSR won the match 12 '/2- 7 '/2. 1946 01.11 Nicaragua won the First Central American Championship, held in Guatemala. 1947 First computer program for chess was introduced, specified by A, Turing. 1947 First national event to use the Swiss system took place, the US Open, 1947 First postage stamp depicting chess was issued in Bulgaria, 1947 01,07 First World Correspondence Chess Championship began with 78 players, 1947 31,07 A, O'Kelly BEL won the first European Zonal tournament at Hilversum, Holland, 1948 At the annual Congress held at The Hague, the USSR became a full member of FIDE and Yugoslavia submitted a proposal to organize the 9th Olympiad, 1948 03.02 World Championship match-tournament began in The Hague and finished in Moscow. Prize fund was US$ 5,000, 1948 17.05 Botvinnik won the World Championship match-tournament and became the new World Champion. 1948 15.08 The young D. Bronstein USSR won the first Interzonal Tournament in Saltjobaden, Sweden. First prize was $550, In the opinion of many, this tournament was one of the strongest ever to have been played until then. The top five qualified for the Candidates Tournament. 1949 20,07 The 20th FIDE Congress opened in Paris. Among the participants were several Masters: the World Champion M. Botvinnik USSR, M, Euwe NED delegate of Cuba (proxy), Ragozin USSR, Najdorf AR, Wade NZL, Golombek ENG... 1949 20.07 The GA accepted the offer of Yugoslavia to organize the 9th Olympiad. 1949 20,07 The President of FIDE, Dr. Rueb NED, after 24 years of devoted and almost unparalleled servic- es for the benefit of international chess, gave up his office and his place was taken by Folke Rogard of Sweden. The voting in Rogard's favor was almost unanimous and the choice could not have been better as the new President's outstanding characteristics were energy and intelligence. 1949 21.07 The GA approved the regulations concerning titles, "The titles of International Grandmaster (lGM), International Master (1M) and Women's International Master (WIM) can be approved only by FIDE GA and the Qualification Committee. The title is given for life and cannot be suppressed, The IGM title will be given to the World Champion, to the Masters who were recognized as Grandmasters before 1949, to the participants by right in the Candidates Tournament and those ones who make at least 50 0 /0 in such a tournament, to the players who won international tournaments where not less than 70 0 /0 of the partici- pants were IGMs, and those players who took second place in such tournaments twice in the last three years, The title of 1M will be given to the Women's World Champion, to the Masters who before 1949 were recognized as Masters, to the participants by right of the Interzonal Tournament and to the winner condi- tionally that at least 50 0 /0 there were IGMs or IMs, to those players who took second place in such tourna- ments twice in three years, Also to the players whose achievements were recommended by the Qualification Committee. The title of WIM will be given to the participants of the final stage of World Championship cycle 1949-1950 and to the players who by rights participated in the Women's Candidate T ou rna ment. 1949 21.07 Dr, Voellmy stated that 95010 of the German chess players of that time were ex-Nazis, Mr, Ragozin USSR stated that "purification" had taken place in the Soviet Zone but agreed that readmission of Germany should be deferred, and the GA endorsed this view. 1949 10.10 M. Kuhn, USA, First Honorary President of FIDE, died, ,  I  , , , 
150 ......--  ID I 1950 18.01 Ms, L. Rudenko USSR won the first Women's World Championship after war. This tournament was held in Moscow, with 16 participants, For the first time Soviet players participated, Ms, Rudenko became the second World Women's Champion in the chess history succeeding the 7 times World Champion, Ms, Menchik who died tragically six years before. 1950 11,04 According to the regulations approved at the 1949 GA in Paris, the participants of the Candidates Tournament would be the five winners of the Interzonals together with the participants from the match-tournament of 1948 and R. Fine USA. However, the American players cancelled out because the State Department refused to grant them permission to travel to Hungary. Also, Euwe had to decline, Given the situation, FI DE decided to i ncl ude in the I ist of pa rtici pa nts the fou r players who took 6th to 9th places at the Interzonals, The Candidates Tournament started with 10 players in Budapest. 1950 18,05 I. Boleslavsky USSR and 0, Bronstein USSR tied for the first place in the Budapest Candidates Tournament with 12 points, 1950 17,07 Open i ng of the 21 st FI DE Cong ress in Bellevue-Copen hagen, Den ma rk, 1950 17,07 The new FIDE President F, Rogard from Sweden welcomed all the delegates and those who were going to work with him for the next years, "At this moment, my thoughts go to my predecessor, A. Rueb who with enthusiasm and with all his energy managed to run the Federation during the first 25 years of existence, By his achievement which was the achievement of his life, Alexander Rueb deserves more than any of us all the recognition and admiration of the entire chess community." 1950 17,07 The GA observed one minute of silence for M. Kuhn, USA, Honorary President of FIDE who had passed away, 1950 18.07 The President asked the Federations to mark the date of May 20, 1951 as a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first chess tournament. 1950 18.07 The President asked for the nomination of a Secretary to help him manage the office, Mr, Sven Celander was nominated, The Secretariat was opened in Stockholm. 1950 18,07 Following the title regulations approved in 1949, the GA, for the first time, granted Grandmaster titles to: M, Botvinnik USSR, I. Boleslavsky USSR, I. Bondarevsky USSR, D. Bronstein USSR, Dr, 0, Bernstein FRA, O. Duras CSR, M, Euwe NED, R, Fine USA, E. Grunfeld AUT, p, Keres USSR, A, Kotov USSR, B. Kostic YUG, G, Lowenfisch USSR, A. Lilienthal USSR, G, Maroczy HUN, J. Mieses ENG, M, Najdorf ARG, V. Ragozin USSR, A, Rubinstein BEL, S. Reshevsky USA, V, Smyslov USSR, L. Szabo HUN, F. Samisch FRG, G, Stahlberg SUI, S, Tartakower FRA and M. Vidmar YUG. The GA granted the first International Master titles to: Averbach, Yuri, USSR, Ahues, Carl, GER; Kieninger, Georg, GER; Pachman, Ludek, GER; Rellstab, Ludwig, GER, Unzicker, Wolfgang, GER, Keller, Rudolf, GER; Koch, Berthold, GER, Richter, Kurt, GER; Bolbochan, Julio, ARG Eliskases, Erich, ARG; Guimard, C.E., ARG, Pilnik, Hermann, ARG, Rosetto, Hector D., ARG; Steiner, Lajos, AUS, Mueller, Hans, AUT, O'Kelly de Galway, Alberic, BEL, Tsvetkov, Alexander, BUL; Yanofsky, Daniel Abraham, CAN, Einevoldsen, Jens, DEN, Medina Garcia, Antonio, ESP; Pomar Salamanca, Arturo, ESP; Bisguier, Arthur B., USA; Denker, Arnold S" USA, Horowitz, Israel Albert, USA; Kashdan, Isaac, USA, Kmoch, Hans, USA; Schmidt, Paul, USA, Steiner, Herman, USA; Koltanowski, George, USA, Rossolimo, Nicolas, USA, Benko, Paul, USA; Book, Eero, FIN; Alexander, Conel Hugh O'Donel, ENG, Golombek, Harry, ENG, Thomaz, 
George Alan, ENG; Winter, William, ENG, Kottnauer, Cenek, ENG; Asztalos, Lajos, HUN, Barcza, Gedeon, HUN; Florian, Tibor, HUN, Gereben, Erno, HUN-SUI, Nagy, Geza, HUN, Szily, Jozsef, HUN, Vajda, A" HUN, Castaldi, Vincenzo, ITA, Monticell, Mario, ITA; Wade, Robert Graham, Nll, Cortlever, Nicolas, NED, Prins, lodewijk, NED, van Scheltinga, Tjeerd Daneil, NED, Canal, Esteban, PER, Makarczyk, Kazimierz, POL, Plater, Kazimierz, POL Erdelyi, Stefan, ROM; Troianescu, Octav, ROM; Ekstrom, Folke, SWE; lundin, Erik, SWE; Stoltz, Gosta, SWE,Grob, Henri; Johner, Hans, SUI; Foltys, Jan, ClE, Opocensky, Karel, CSr; Sajtar, Jaroslav, CSR; lita, Frantisek, CSR; Alatortsev, Vladimir, USSR;Aronin, lev, USSR; Dubinin, Petr, USSR; Dus- Chotemirsky, Feodor, USSR; Goglidze, Victor, USSR; Kan, Ilia, USSR; Kasparian, Genrikh, USSR, Konstantinopolsky, Alexander, USSR; Lisitsin, Georgy, USSR; Makogonov, Vladimir, USSR; Mikenas, Valdas, Nenarokov, Vladimir, USSR; Panov, Vasily, USSR; Romanovsky, Petr, USSR; Ms. Rudenko, ludmila, USSR; Simagin, Vladimir, USSR; Taimanov, Mark, USSR; Chehover, Vitaly, USSR; Toluch, Alexander, USSR; Veresov, Gavriil, USSR; Verlinsky, Boris, USSR, Yudovich, Mikhail, USSR; Gligoric, Svetozar, YUG; Nedeljkovic, Srecko, YUG; Pirc, Vasja, YUG; Puc, Stojan, YUG; Rabar, Braslav, YUG; Trifunovic, Petar, YUG; Vidmar J.R., Milan, YUG. The GA granted the first Women's International titles to: Keller-Herrmann, Edith; Mora, Maria Teresa, CUB; larsen, Ingrid, DEN; Graf-Stevenson, Sonja, USA; Gresser, Gisela (born) Kahn, USA; Chaude, Mme, B, (born) Chantal de Silans, FRA; Tranmer, Eileen, ENG; langos, Jozsa, HUN; Benini, Clarice, ITA; Heemskerk, Fenny, NED; Hermanowa, Roza Maria, POL; Hruskova-Belska, Nina, CSR; Borisenko-Belova, USSR; Bykova, Elizaveta, USSR; Rubtsova, Olga, USSR; Rudenko, ludmila, USSR, 1950 19,07 FIDE approved the organization of the first World Junior Championship to be held the next year in Birmingham, England. 1950 19,07 The GA approved Egypt as provisory member of FIDE. Israel didn't make any objection, The President informed the GA that the Palestinian Chess Federation had become Israeli Chess Federation, 1950 19.07 The GA approved a match in 12 games between I. Boleslavsky USSR and D. Bronstein USSR for the nomination of the challenger for the final match with the Champion M, Botvinnik. 1950 20,07 Following the proposal of USA and Canada, on the one side and the proposal of USSR on the other side, FIDE welcomed the two German Chess Federations as members: Federal Republic of Germany (Deutscher Schachbund) and Democratic Republic of Germany (Deutscher Sport Ausschuss). 1950 20,07 The GA approved new regulations for the 1950-1953 world championships. 1950 20.07 The GA approved the final Presidential declaration to be sent to all the Federations: "... We belong to different political cultures but when we are together we are trying to abstract ourselves from political wall. Between all chess players in the world there exists a deep friendship that is independ- ent of political ideology, racism or xenophobia, We are sure that the same friendship exists between all the people. We have the hope that all the leaders in this world will realize that their citizens want peace, free- dom and security for the next generations and they will unite with the same spirit as we do as chess I " overs... 1950 31.07 0, Bronstein USSR beat I. Boleslavsky USSR 7 '12-6 'l2in Moscow and qualified to play against the World Champion M, Botvinnik. 1950 19,08 President Tito opened the Olympiad in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Due to political questions, all the other Eastern European countries decided to boycott the festival. Sixteen teams took part, so no pre- liminaries were held. 1 5 1 4P-  ID 
152 ......-- ...  , , 1950 10,09 Yugoslavia won the 9th Olympiad with 45 1l2points. 1951 15,03 The World Championship Match opened in Moscow between M, Botvinnik and 0, Bronstein, According to FIDE regulations, the match for the Championship title consisted of 24 games. In case of a draw 12-12, the Champion retained his title. 1951 11,05 The Champion was in dubious position after losing the 22nd game but managed to level the score by wining the 23rd game. Finishing the match 12-12 M, Botvinnik from USSR retained his title. 1951 23.06 B, Ivkov won the first World Junior Championship in Birmingham, England. 18 participated, The Soviet Chess Federation didn't send a representative because of its objection to the system of the tour- nament (Swiss system). 1951 09,07 The 22nd Congress opened in Venice, the second time it had been taken place in Italy. 1951 1007 The GA approved the creation of the American Zone, 1951 1007 The GA approved Sarre Chess Federation (FRG) as FIDE member without the right to vote. 1951 1107 The FIDE Anthem (Inno della FIDE) written by M. Berman FRA and composed by Gian Carlo dal Varne ITA, was played for the first time in the GA. 1951 1107 FIDE would enter into negotiations with the International Chess Correspondence Association and the International Problem Association with a view to their incorporation as sections of FIDE, 1951 FIDE created the International Judge or Arbiter title. 1951 The International Braille Chess Association was founded by R, Bonham. It affiliated to FIDE in 1964. 1951 Hungary won the first Chess Correspondence Olympiad. 1952 09.08 The 10th Olympiad took place in Helsinki, Finland, 25 countries registered, USSR took part in the competition for the first time. In preliminaries, the teams were divided into three groups The top three teams in each group qualified for the final A, then for the group B, etc, 1952 31,08 USSR won the Final Group of the 10th Olympiad with 21 out of 32 points, The Soviet team drew three matches and won the others. 1952 07,09 The 23rd Congress opened in Saltsjobaden, Sweden, President Rogard welcomed the delegates 1952 07,09 The GA approved the proposal of Mr, Ragozin USSR, forbidding players from excluded federa- tions (mainly for financial reason) to participate in a FIDE event. 1952 08.09 The GA approved Albania as a full member of FIDE, 1952 08.09 The President informed the GA about his motivation to open a fund to help IGM A. Rubinstein BEL. The President thanked the Federations and individuals who generously contributed to this fund. 1952 09,09 Since all FIDE archives had been destroyed by fire, the GA asked the President to produce a Golden Book to honour the Founder Members, Life Members, Grandmasters and Masters. 1952 09.09 Mr, dal Verme ITA was elected internal Auditor. He became a member of the Executive Council and Central Committee, Mr. Szabados ITA replaced Mr. dal Verme as Permanent Fund Administrator. 1952 10.09 Messrs, Kottnauer, CSR, Golombek ENG and van Steenis NED were elected members of the Central Committee, 1952 10,09 The GA approved a new system for classifying international tournaments, 1952 10,09 The GA welcomed the appearance of the first double number of FIDE review, containing news about FIDE and its work, 1952 10,09 The GA observed one minute of silence for the Friends who had passed away: G.C.A, Oskam NED and 1M J Foltys CSR, 1952 21.1 ° A, Kotov USSR took the first place at the Interzonal Tournament of Stockholm with no defeats and 3 points ahead of T. Petrosian USSR and M. Taimanov USSR, This record survived some twenty years until R. Fischer USA broke it. The first 8 qualified for the Candidates Tournament. 
153 .-- ...  1952 21.10 The first Women's Candidates Tournament took place in Moscow, 16 players were qualified by their strength. 1952 20,11 Ms. Bykova USSR won the Women's Candidates Tournament with 11 112/15 and qualified for the World Championship Match. 1953 Titles of Grandmaster for correspondence chess and International Master for correspondence chess , were instituted, 1953 The first team Championship for the deaf players took place in Norway. 1953 31,03 Purdy AUS won the first Correspondence Chess World Championship. 1953 22,07 O. Panno ARG won the 2nd World Junior Championship in Copenhagen, Denmark, FIDE changed the tournament system to Round Robin, However, the Soviets still didn't show up, 1953 23,08 The 24th Congress opened in Schafhausen, Switzerland. 1953 23.08 The GA agreed to charge the federation entry fees. 1953 25.08 Mr. Opocensky CSR was elected a member of the Central Committee. 1953 25,08 FIDE created pins to honour IGMs, IMs, IWGMs, IWMs and Arbiters, 1953 2808 It was decided to increase the number of participants to 15 in the next Candidates Tournament to be held in Zurich. 1953 20.09 Ms, E, Bykova USSR won the World Championship final match beating Ms, Rudenko USSR 8-6 to become the 3rd Women's World Champion in Leningrad. 1953 24,10 V. Smyslov won the Candidates Tournament in Zurich losing only one game (vs, Kotov USSR) out of 28, 1953 During the Congress FIDE decided to publish the FIDE Golden Book to commemorate all the names of people who have accomplished actions to promote chess at national or internationalleve!. 1954 16.03 In the World Championship match M, Botvinnik tied against V. Smyslov USSR in Moscow. The final result was 7-7 and 10 draws. As 3 years ago, he retained his title. 1954 19,04 Czechoslovakia won the first World Student Team Championship, in Oslo, Norway, 1954 29,08 The 25th Congress opened in Amsterdam, Netherlands, The President thanked the Dutch Chess Federation for organizing the Congress and the Olympiad at the last minute, replacing Argentina, On behalf of the Argentina, Mr. Castells-Mendez apologized for the late cancellation and offered SFR 1,000 to cover the da mage, 1954 31,08 The President proposed the following rules concerning election to be used until 1958: 1) Each delegate or representative would write a list of the names he proposed be elected, 2) The lists would be sealed in an envelope, 3) The secretary and two nominees of the GA would prepare a list of Candidates. 4) The process would be similar for each election. 5) The Secretary and nominees would check whether all the lists were valid. 1954 31.08 The GA approved the elections of Mr. F, Rogard SWE as President, H. Bjork SWE as Secretary, M Meyer as Treasurer and Dal Verme ITA as Auditor. The Vice Presidents were elected: for Zone 1 Mr. M. Berman FRA, Zone 2 Mr. A. Ilmakunnas FIN, Zone 6 Dr. M, Acosta Silva VEN, Zone 7 Mr, Dr. J. C. Laurens ARG For the Soviet Zone Mr, V. Ragozin was nominated, for the Canadian Zone Mr. Freedman was nomi- nated, The US nominee is still unknown and for Zone 8 Mr. J. Beale AUS was nominated later, 1954 31.08 The following Members of the Central Committee were elected: H, Golombek ENG, Sajtar CSR, Stock FRG and Van Steenis NED, Mr. Aszatalos HUN was elected as Secretary of the Qualification Commission, Messrs, Dorazil AUT, S. Gligoric YUG, Louma CSR and dal Verne ITA as members of the Qualification Committee. 
154 --... ---  ID , 1954 04.09 The 11 th Olympiad opened in Amsterdam, This time the US team was absent. 26 teams took part and were divided in 4 groups, 1954 25,09 Led by World Champion M. Botvinnik, the USSR won the Olympiads for the second time. They scored 34/44 without a single defeat. 1955 31,01 Czechoslovakia won the 2nd Chess Correspondence Olympiad, 1955 16,06 The USSR won the 2nd World Student Team Championship in Lyon, France, 1955 09,08 B, Spassky USSR won the 3rd World Junior Championship in Antwerp, Belgium. It was the first participation of a Soviet player. 1955 09.08 The 17th FIDE Congress opened in Gothenburg, Sweden. The President presented to the Assembly the World Champion M. Botvinnik USSR, 1955 09,08 The GA observed one minute of silence for J. Louma CSR, a very active member of FIDE, who died on the 7th of August. 1955 09.08 Since the foundation of FIDE in 1924, three World Champions have died: E, Lasker, J. Capablanca, and A, Alekhine. In accordance with the proposal by the President, the Assembly decided to pay homage to the memory of these great men on March 25th 1956, the tenth anniversary of the death of A. Alekhine, As the earthly remains of Alekhine did not repose in a tomb that was worthy of him, the FIDE would erect a monument, which should be inaugurated on the said date; at the same time the tombs of Lasker and of Capablanca should be decorated. An appeal would be circulated to all Federations requesting them to observe the Commemoration Day. 1955 10,08 The GA approved to modify the Olympiad regulations concerning the nominations of Arbiters, liThe Chief Arbiter could not be a Grandmaster... 11 1955 10.08 The GA approved Mongolia and Iran as full members, 1955 10.08 Following a proposal by the Israel CF, the GA declared that the organizers of FIDE tournaments should undertake every possible step to facilitate the obtaining of visa in good time. 1955 23.09 D. Bronstein USSR repeated his victory of 1948 finishing first with 15/18 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Top 9 together with Smyslov USSR were seeded to the Ca nd idates T ou rna ment. S. Reshevsky USA turned down the invitation and the young B. Spassky USSR made his fist appearance in such event. 1955 25,10 Following the wishes of Mrs, Alekhine, the body of A. Alekhine was removed from Portugal and transferred to Paris. A FIDE delegation including the President met in Paris to commemorate the death of the World Champion. 1955 30.10 Ms, 0, Rubsova USSR won the 2nd Candidates Tournament in Moscow, 20 of the best players of the world participated, 1956 The first World Championship for the deaf and dumb players was held. 1956 25,03 A monument to A. Alekhine was inaugurated by FIDE President in Paris, This day was chosen by FIDE and many Federations to commemorate other World Champions that had passed away, 1956 27.03 To cut the heavy cost of organization of the Candidates Tournament, FIDE decided to reduce the number of participants to 10 players, The 3rd Candidates Tournament started in Amsterdam, 1956 02,04 The Founder of FIDE, Pierre Vincent FRA, died in Paris, 1956 15.04 The USSR won the 3rd World Student Team Championship in Uppsala, Sweden. 1956 30,04 V, Smyslov USSR, once again, won the double-round Candidates Tournament in Amsterdam with 11 112/18, After the tournament Smyslov was called the strongest player in the World, M, Euwe NED was the Ch ief Arbiter, 1956 26,08 The President Rogard opened the 23rd Congress in Moscow. 
155 --... --- ID 1956 26.08 The GA observed one minutes of silence to Friends who had passed away: p, Vincent FRA Founder of FIDE and IGM Savielly Tartakower FRA. 1956 27.08 The GA approved the new regulations for the world championships for men and women, 1956 27,08 The GA approved the regulations (two players per team) for the first Women's Olympiad, which was to take place in 1957. 1956 27.08 The GA approved the new regulations for the first European Team Championship to be organ- ized in Austria in 1957. 1956 28.08 The GA postponed Yugoslavia's proposal to organize a European Team Club Competition, 1956 28.08 FIDE registered the first tournament in Mongolia. According Mr, Sajtar CSR: "this tournament was as good as those organized in Europe". 1956 28,08 The GA approved India, Lebanon, Indonesia and Philippines as full members, FIDE had now 54 members. 1956 29.08 The Permanent Commission of FIDE for Chess Compositions (PCCC) was created in May in Budapest. It operated by its constitution under mandate from FIDE, The first President was Prof. J.R, Neukom HUN The GA approved the title of International Arbiter for chess compositions, 1956 29,08 Mr. Zapler ISR informed the GA that the municipality of Haifa was ready to donate a land on the Carmel to build a permanent FIDE office. GA decided to establish a Committee to study the project. 1956 31,08 The GA approved the election of Vice-Presidents for Zone 8 Gen, E. de Cunha BRA; for Zone 3 Mr. Sajtar CSR and for Zone 9 Mr, N, Zapler ISR, 1956 31.08 34 teams arrived to Moscow to participate in the 12th Olympiad, USA was not there but India, Iran, Mongolia, Philippines (with F, Campomanes) and Puerto Rico made their debut at the team event. 1956 23.09 A triangular match for the Women's World Championship was organized in Moscow between the World Champion E. Bykova USSR, former Champion L. Rudenko USSR and the winner of the Candidates Tournament Olga Rubtsova USSR. The tournament of 16 games each ended with the victory of 0, Rubtsova who became the 4th Women's World Champion. 1956 24,09 Hungary's victory over the Soviets in the fourth round of the finals created a real sensation, But once again the Soviet Union proved its superiority and won the 12th Olympiad with 31/44, Yugoslavia finished second on tiebreak. 1956 01,12 FIDE published a new book on the Rules of Chess, 1957 27.04 Leading after the first game at the World Championship in Moscow, V, Smyslov USSR didn't allow M, Botvinnik to make a come-back, V, Smyslov won the match 6-3 and 13 draws and became the seventh World Champion. 1957 16,08 In Toronto, Canada, W, Lombardy USA won the 4th World Junior Championship with 11/11. 1957 18,08 The 28th Congress was opened by Mr, Jonas, Mayor of Vienna, 1957 18,08 The GA observed one minute of silence for Friends who had passed away: L. Asztalos HUN and Vice President A. IImakunas FIN. 1957 19,08 The GA approved Costa Rica and Malaysia as full members, 1957 20.08 The GA approved the Staunton design to be used for the chess pieces. 1957 20.08 The GA approved the election of Mr. Hindstrom FIN as Vice President of FIDE, 1957 28.08 The USSR won the first European Team Championship in Vienna, 1957 27,07 The USSR won the 4th World Student Team Championship in Reykjavik, Iceland, 1957 21.09 In The USSR won on tiebreak the first Women's Olympiad in Emmen, Netherlands. 21 teams com peted, 
156 --- --- IiiiiIa  . , , I 1958 The first World blind Championship was won by Bonham, 1958 28.02 The 2nd Chess Correspondence World Championship was won by V. Ragozin USSR, 1958 14.03 Ms. E. Bykova USSR regained her title as a Women's Word Champion beating Ms. 0, Rubtsova USSR 8 '12-5 'l2in Moscow, 1958 12,04 The first International Braille Chess Association Congress took place in Rheinbreitbach, Germa ny 1958 09,05 Using his right to have a return match, in Moscow M. Botvinnik regained the World Championship title by defeating his challenger V, Smyslov 12 1/2-1 ° '12. 1958 20,07 The USSR won the 5th World Student Team Championship in Varna, Bulgaria, 1958 24.08 The 24th Congress opened in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1958 24.08 The President recalled the grievous loss which FIDE and problemists all in over the world had suffered through the death on October 9 of Professor J. Neukomm HUN, the President of the Permanent Commission of FIDE for Chess Compositions, N, Petrovic YUG would succeed until 1962, 1958 24.08 The GA dispensed with the position of FIDE Treasurer, The President would be in charge of the accounts, 1958 25,08 The GA approved the reelection of F, Rogard from Sweden as FIDE President, Vice Presidents for Zone 1 M, Berman FRA, for Zone 2 Hingstrom SWE, Zone 3 Sajtar CSR, Zone 4 V, Ragozin USSR, Zone 5 Spann USA, Zone 6 Prentice CAN, Zone 7 Molina COL, Zone 8 da Canha BRA and Zone 9 Mr. Zapler ISR. 1958 25,08 Mr. H, Bjork SWE retained his position as Secretary, and dal Verme ITA as Auditor. 1958 Members of the Central Committee were elected: Jakse YUG, Stock FRG and Van Steenis NED. Mr. Hajek SUI would continue to manage the FIDE Permanent Fund, 1958 26,08 The GA rejected the proposal of the Yugoslavian delegate to replace the Candidates Tournament by Candidates Matches, 1958 12.09 M, Tal USSR won the 4th Interzonal Tournament in Portoroz, Yugoslavia with 13,5/21. The fif- teen-year-old Bobby Fischer made his debut on the international scene making his last norm to be award- ed the title of Grandmaster. 1958 3009 In Munich, at the 13th Olympiad, a new record was set with 36 teams. Africa was represented for the first time by Tunisia and South Africa. 1958 2310 The USSR won the Olympiad with a 5 'l2points margin over Yugoslavia with 34 '12/44. Future Champions M. Tal and T. Petrosian from the USSR played as 1st and 2nd reserves 1959 A title of an International Master for chess composition was introduced, 1959 02,02 The first FIDE President Dr, A, Rueb NED died in The Hague, 1959 25.05 Ms, K. Zvorykina USSR won the third Women's Candidates in Plovdiv, Bulgaria 1959 04.07 The team of Bulgaria won the 6th World Student Team Championship in Budapest, Hungary, 1959 08.08 Bielicki ARG won the 5th World Junior Championship in Munchenstein, Switzerland, 1959 20,09 In Luxembourg, the Minister of Education Mr. Hengen, extended a welcome to the participants in the 30th Congress. The President called to mind the grievous loss, which FIDE had sustained by the death on February 2 of Dr. Alexander Rueb, President of FIDE for its first 25 years of its activities and its President of Honour since 1949, 1959 20,09 Following a wish expressed by the late Doctor A, Rueb, the Dutch Chess Federation had taken the initiative of creating a Foundation named after Doctor Rueb. The President said that FIDE should be a Iso considered co- fou nder of th is fou ndation, 1959 22,09 First titles of International Masters-Composers were granted to: Ellerman, Arnoldo, ARG, Cheron, Andre, FRA, Kipping, Cyril Stanley, ENG, Mansfield, Comins, ENG, Hartong, Jan, NED, Gerbstman, Alexandre, USSR, 
1959 3110 The 4th Candidates Tournament was organized in the cities of Bled, Zagreb and Belgrade, Yugoslavia, The new Soviet star M, Tal USSR won the tournament. B. Fischer USA didn't playas well as he had hoped. He lost to M, Tal 4-0. 1960 04,01 Ms, E. Bykova USSR defeated K, Zvorykina USSR 8,5-4,5 in Moscow to win the Women's World Champion's title for the third time, 1960 07.05 M, Tal overpowered M. Botvinnik in Moscow to win the World Championship Match 6 wins-2 and become the 8th World Champion. 1960 02,08 USA beat the USSR for the gold in the 7th World Student Team Championship in Leningrad, USSR. 1960 16.10 The 14th Olympiad took place in Leipzig, East Germany, For the first time B. Fischer played board one of the US team and M, Tal, as the new World Champion, played board one of the USSR team, 1960 09,11 USSR won all its 20 matches in the preliminaries and the Olympiad with the score of 34/44, 1961 01,02 A, O'Kelly BEL won the 3rd Chess Correspondence World Championship, 1961 12,05 M. Botvinnik exercised his right to a retain match against Tal. He triumphed in Moscow with the score of 10-5, with 6 draws. Thus he became World Champion for the third time, Like Smyslov in 1958, Tal kept the title for only one year, 1961 03,07 The USSR won the final group of the European Team Championship in Oberhausen, Germany 1961 31,07 The USSR won the 8th World Student Team Championship in Helsinki, Finland 1961 02,09 Parma YUG won the 6th World Junior Championship in The Hague, Netherlands. 1961 30.09 The USSR won the 3rd Chess Correspondence Olympiad. 1961 25.11 In Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia, the new Soviet star N, Gaprindashvili won the 4th Women's Candidates Tournament with 13/17, or 81 0 /0, without loss, 1962 06.03 After considerable delay, due to the fact that W. Ulhmann DDR could not obtain a visa for entry into the NATO countries, the Interzonal Tournament was organized in Stockholm under the direct sponsorship of FIDE. B, Fischer USA won this 6th Interzonal Tournament with 17 112/22. 1962 26,06 T, Petrosian USSR won the Candidates Tournament in Curacao, The American B, Fischer started poorly, and M, Tal USSR had to withdraw because of bad health. Immediately after the tournament and for many years to come, Fischer would accuse the Soviet players of 'team play at an individual tournament', of drawing games against each other without a fight. Following this, Fischer decided not to reply to FIDE invi- tations, 1962 22.07 The USSR won the 9th World Student Team Championship in Marianske Lazne, Czechoslovakia,. 1962 16,09 The 15th Olympiad opened in Varna, Bulgaria with 37 teams participating, 1962 10.10 Another victory of the USSR in this 15th Olympiad was registered, with 31,5/44, Keres topped all the records by playing undefeated in five Olympiads. B, Fischer USA lost three games and played for the first time against Botvinnik,(draw), 1962 The GA approved the reelection of Mr. F. Rogard SWE as President. As Vice Presidents for Zones 1-10 the following gentlemen were elected: Zone 1: Schudel SUI, Zone 2: Hindstrom SWE, Zone 3: Sajtar CSR, Zone 4: Rodionov USSR, Zone 5: Spann USA, Zone 6: Prentice CAN, Zone 7: Ascota Silva VEN, Zone 8: de Cunha BRA, Zone 9: Narasimhan IND, Zone 10: Koshinsky AUS, 1962 Mr, Bjork SWE remained Secretary and dal Verme ITA Auditor. 1962 Members of Central Committee were: H, Golombek ENG, Kazic YUG, Van Steenis NED, Stock FRG and Zapler ISR. 1962 Mr. Hajek SUI would manage the FIDE Permanent Fund. 157 --... ---  ID , , 
158 --... --- ... ID I , , 1962 On the proposal of the USSR CF, FIDE decided to replace the Candidates Tournament by Candidates Matches. The new system began with quarterfinals and finished with the Candidates Final Match, 1962 N, Gaprindashvili USSR became the 5th Women's World Champion after beating E. Bykova USSR 9-2 in Moscow. 1963 20,05 The Georgian T. Petrosian defeated Botvinnik by 12 112-9 112(+5-2= 15) in Moscow and became the 9th World Champion, 196321.07 Czechoslovakia won the 10th World Student Team Championship in Budva, Yugoslavia, 1963 03.09 F, Gheorgiu ROM won the tile on Sonneborn-Berger at the 7th World Junior Championship in Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia, 1963 10.10 The USSR won the second Women's Olympiad with 25/28 in Split, Yugoslavia, 1964 14,04 The Candidates Quarterfinal Match Spassky and Keres both of the USSR ended 6-4 in the for- mer's favou r. 1964 31,05 USSR won the 4th Correspondence Chess Olympiad, 1964 24,06 Smyslov USSR, Spassky and Tal all USSR and Larsen DEN shared first place with 17/23 in the 6th Interzonal Tournament. B, Fischer didn't enter the tournament. 1964 02.08 The USSR won the 11th World Student Team Championship in Krakow, Poland, 1964 04.10 Three players tied first at the 5th Women's Candidates Tournament in Sukhumi, USSR, Kushnir USSR, Lazarevic YUG and Zatulovskaya USSR scored 12 112./17, A, Kushnir later won the play-off in Moscow, 1964 02,11 A new record of 50 teams was registered at the 16th Olympiad in Tel Aviv, This was the first time all the continents were represented, Due to large number of countries, there were seven preliminary groups were with the top two in each section going through to the finals, 1964 19.11 The President Rogard welcomed more than 70 delegates, representatives and councilors who registered for the 35th Congress in Tel Aviv, Israel. 1964 19,11 The GA and the whole chess world paid tribute with a minute of silence to the memory of the great writer and promoter of chess Fred Reinfeld USA, 1964 20,11 The GA decided to retain the regulations fixed in 1962 for the 1965 Candidates. 1964 20,11 The FIDE Secretariat would send to all affiliated federations, GMs and IMs a circular letter requesting them to submit proposals for changes to the world championship regulations, 1964 20.11 The GA thanked the Cuban Federation for the invitation for the Chess Olympiad to be organ- ized in September-October 1966, It was confirmed that the organizers would cover travel costs with Cuban air transportation from Prague or Mexico to Havana and back for 6 persons of each participating Federation, 1964 20.11 The GA thanked the Yugoslavian Federation for organizing of the Women's Chess Olympiad in Split. It was decided that in the future the Olympiads for Men and Women should be, if possible, be organ- ized at the same time and place. 1964 20,11 The GA expressed its thanks to Spanish Government and fixed the starting date (15,08) and place (Barcelona) for the organization of the world junior championship tournament of 1965. 1964 20.11 Concerning premature draws was concerned, the GA decided to abolish the so-called "30 moves rule" for all competitions organized by FIDE, or played under its auspices. However, the affiliated Federations were free to apply the rule in their internal tournaments. 1964 2111 The President expressed the opinion that the FIDE Review publication had become an essential part of the activities of the FIDE. GA appointed a special Commission in order to prepare the next edition of the FIDE Review: H. Golombek as a Chairman, Podgorny, Euwe, Keres, Seneca and Schwarz members, 
1964 21,11 The GA of FIDE elected Mr. Comins Mansfield as the new President of the Permanent Commission for Chess Composition, as Mr. Petrovic YUG resigned, 1964 21,11 The GA expressed gratitude and admiration to Mr, Mansfield for the retrospective album printed for the period of 1945-1955 and for further retrospective albums starting from 1914. 1964 21,11 The GA recognized the ICCF as an exclusive Association authorized to organize International Correspondence Chess Championship tournaments under the general conditions stipulated by the 1961 FIDE Congress, 1964 21.11 The GA considered the status of chess organizations for blind and deaf players to be in accor- dance with the principles of FIDE. The Congress unanimously recognized BCA as an official international orga n ization. 1964 21,11 Prof. Gudju ROM, the oldest life delegate, who had participated in the foundation of FIDE in 1924 gave an eloquent speech, He presentation the President with the Program and score-sheets of the International Tournament that had preceded the foundation of FIDE. He was thanked warmly with applause, 1964 21.11 The GA adopted a resolution aiming at assisting the popularisation of chess in developing cou ntries. 1964 21,11 The GA elected Mr. Gudju, ROM as a the Member of the Permanent Commission for the Rules of Chess, Mr, Becher DDR had resigned for reasons of health, 1964 21,11 The GA confirmed Fred Cramer USA as FIDE Delegate and Vice-President in charge of Zone 5, Vice-President Jerry Spann USA had resigned due to the heavy burden of his professional work. 1964 21,11 The Congress thanked the Israeli Government for hospitality, 1964 21.11 The International Braille Chess Association was affiliated to FIDE, 1964 25,11 The USSR won the gold medal by a wide margin. However it suffered its second defeat since 1956, this time to West Germany, 1965 01,03 V. Zagorovsky, USSR won the 4th Chess Correspondence World Cha m pionsh i p, 1965 27.04 Candidates Quarterfinal in Moscow, E. Geller USSR - V, Smyslov USSR ended 5 '/2-2 '/2. 1965 16.06 The USSR won the final group of the European Team Championship in Hamburg, Germany. 1965 10,07 Candidates Semi-Final in Riga, B, Spassky USSR - E. Geller USSR ended 5 '/2-2 '/2, 1965 10,07 Candidates Quarterfinal in Bled, M, Tal USSR-L. Portisch HUN ended 5 '/2-2 '/2. 1965 10,07 Candidates Quarterfinal in Bled, B, Larsen DEN-B. Ivkov YUG ended 5 '/2-2 '/2, 1965 08.08 Candidates Semi Final Match in Bled, Tal USSR-Larsen DEN ended 5 '/2-4 '/2. 1965 09.08 The USSR won the 12th World Student Team Championship in Sinaia. 1965 10.09 B, Kurajica YUG won the 8th World Junior Championship in Barcelona, Spain, 1965 15,09 Mr. E. Dahne, the President of East German Chess Federation welcomed the participants in the 36th Congress in Kurhaus, East Germany. 1965 15,09 The President and GA observed a minute of silence in memory of the Friends of FIDE who had died that year: J. van Steenis, NED. 1965 16,09 Concerning Candidates' tournament for the period 1963-1966, the match Spassky- Tal should begin on 31.10.1965 in Tbilisi. The Chief Arbiter would be GM S, Flohr HUN, The match between E. Geller USSR and B. Larsen DEN should be starting on 10,12.1965 at a neutral venue. The finals should start on 10,01,1966 a nd be held in USSR if Geller won, or in Sweden if La rsen won, 1965 17,09 The President confirmed the Final of the 1966 World Championship would be organized by USSR CF in Moscow, 1965 17.09 The President reconfirmed the Chess Olympiad would take place 25 October - 20 November 1966 in Havana. Congress hoped that the USA and Puerto Rico would participate in the Olympiad, 159 -  ID 
160 - ...  , 1965 22,09 The GA approved some amendments to the Olympiad's regulations, It was decided to limit the number of participants to 43-51 teams. 1965 22,09 The GA accepted the proposal of the Israel CF to organize the World Junior Championship in Jerusalem, 1965 24,09 The GA gratefully accepted the invitation of the Cuban CF to hold the Congress of 1966 in Havana, a week before the Olympiad; and that of the Italian Chess Federation to hold the 1967 Congress in Italy. 1965 25.09 The GA declared Spanish as an official language of FIDE, along with Russian, French, English and German. 1965 25,09 The GA confirmed the election of Mr, Stanchev BUL to the Central Committee, 1965 23,10 N. Gaprindashvili USSR retained her title in Riga, beating A. Kushnir USSR 8 '12-4 1/2 1965 26.11 Candidates Final Match in Tbilisi, B. Spassky USSR beat M, Tal USSR 7-4. 1966 25.03 The Candidates' play-off for third place B, Larsen DEN beat E. Geller USSR: 5-4 in Copenhagen. 1966 09,06 T. Petrosian retained his World Championship title in Moscow by beating Spassky 12 '12-11 1/2 (+4-3= 1 7). 1966 14,08 The USSR won the 13th World Student Team Championship in Orebro, Sweden. 1966 15.10 Despite losing their first match against Romania, USSR finished first with 22/26 at the 3rd Women's Olympiad organized in Oberhaussen, Germany. 14 teams competed. 1966 25.10 The 17th Olympiad was opened by President Fidel Castro in Havana, 52 countries took part. Despite some political pressure, the US team headed by Fischer played by taking a route via Mexico 1966 27.10 The 37th Congress opened in Havana, Cuba, 1966 27.10 On behalf of the GA, Mr. Prentice CAN, Chairman of the opening session sent the following telegram to the FIDE President F, Rogard, who could not come to Cuba: "You are missed badly both per- sonally and administratively by all 65 of us at this most magnificent of all FIDE Congresses. We are greet- ing you hoping for your good health, and we strive mightily for congressional achievements worth your great leadership". 1966 29.10 Mrs, Rogard, the wife of the President of FIDE, expressed her regrets that the President was unable to attend the meetings of the Central Committee and also conveyed his hopes for a successful sta rt. 1966 29,1 ° The GA approved the election of Mr. Rogard SWE as President, Mr. Bjork SWE as Secretary and Mr. dal Verme ITA as Auditor. The Vice Presidents were also approved: Zone 1: Schudel SUI, Zone 2: Dorazil AUT, Zone 3: Sajtar CSR, Zone 4: Rodionov USSR, Zone 5: Cramer USA, Zone 6: Prentice CAN, Zone 7: Barreras CUB, Zone 8: Sanguineti ARG, Zone 9: Tsend MNG, Zone 10: Campomanes PHI. 1966 29,10 Members of the Central Committee were elected: Messrs, Goudsmit, NED, Kazic YUG, Rabell Mendez PUR, Stantchev BUL, Stock FRG, Zapler ISR, 1966 30,1 ° The GA rejected the proposal to professionalize the FIDE Secretariat but agreed that the President's expenses should be reimbursed, 1966 30.10 The GA accepted the offer by the USCF to provide ratings of chess players in the category of Masters and higher, without any cost to FIDE. 1966 30.10 The GA approved the Federations of China, Morocco, Panama, EI Salvador, and Virgin Islands as full members of FIDE, 1966 20,11 The young Soviet team without Botvinnik, Smyslov or Keres but with Spassky, Tal and Korchnoi, won the 17th Olympiad by a landslide 39 '12/52. Fischer scored 14 out 17 at first board and equaled S. Flohr's record that had been set at the 1930 Olympiad, Fischer's request to avoid playing during 
Sabbath was rejected by the Soviets. Due to this refusal, the American team forfeited all their games in the second round of the finals, However, after long negotiations with the President in Sweden, the Soviets and Americans agreed to replay the match on a free day. This important match ended with a victory of the Soviet team: 2,5-1.5. At the end of the Olympiad, a series of simultaneous displays was held in the Revol ution Sq ua re on 6480 boa rds. 1967 31,07 The USSR won the 14th World Student Team Championship in Harrachow, Poland 1967 29.08 J. Kaplan from Puerto Rico won the 9th World Junior Championship in Jerusalem, 1967 06,1 ° A. Kushnir USSR, with 13 '/2/17, won the Women's Candidates in Subotica, Yugoslavia. She thus won the right to challenge N, Gaprindashvili USSR, 1967 19,10 Mr. dal Verme ITA welcomed the participants in the 38th Congress in Venice, Italy. 1967 19,1 ° The President reminded Congress of the grievous losses suffered by FIDE due to the deaths of Helge Hindstrom, Vice President of FIDE and IGM G. Stahlberg SWE. 1967 19.10 H, Bjork SWE who had retired from his office as a General Secretary was elected Honorary Member of FI DE. 1967 19.10 Phil Haley of Canada presented to the FIDE Congress in Venice a proposal to use the Controlled Pairing Swiss System in the Olympiad. This included a detailed report and complete pseudo pairings for all rounds. Mr. Haley was invited to attend a special meeting of the Rules Commission to review this in detail and after discussion over a number of meetings and a number of years, Mr. Haley's proposal was accepted for implementation at thechess Olympiad in Haifa Israel in 1976 where Mr, Haley was chairman of the pairings committee. 1967 15,11 The 7th Interzonal Tournament was organized in Sousse, Tunisia and was arguably the most complicated tournament ever, Fischer withdrew three times because religious reasons caused him to have a tight schedule, He finally decided to go home when he was leading the tournament with 8 '/2/1 o! The Danish Grandmaster, B, Larsen, won the tournament extremely convincingly with 15 '/2/21. S, Gligoric YUG qualified for the Candidates' Tournament for the third time. He was the only player to complete the tour- nament without a single defeat. 1967 For the first time Richard Greenblatt's chess program played with a human being. 1968 31,01 Czechoslovakia won the 5th Correspondence Chess Olympiad, 1968 01.02 H. Berliner USA won the 5th Correspondence World Championship. 1968 1505 Candidates Quarterfinal in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, M. Tal USSR beat S, Gligoric YUG 5 '/2-3 '/2, 1968 20.05 Candidates Quarterfinal in Amsterdam, V, Korchnoi USSR beat S. Reshevsky USA 5 '/2-2 '/2, 1968 24.05 Candidates Quarterfinal in Porec, B. Larsen DEN beat L. Portisch HUN ended 5 '/2-4 '/2, 1968 20,06 Candidates Quarterfinal in Sukhumi, USSR, B. Spassky USSR beat E. Geller USSR 5 '/2-2 '/2. 1968 15,07 Candidates Semi Final in Moscow, V. Korchnoi USSR beat M, Tal USSR ended 5 '/2-4 '/2. 1968 20,07 Candidates Semi Final in Malmo, Sweden, B. Spassky USSR beat B, Larsen DEN 5 '/2-2 '/2. 1968 29.07 The USSR won the 15th World Student Team Championship in Ybbs, Austria. 1968 26.09 Candidates final match in Kiev, B, Spassky USSR beat V. Korchnoi USSR 6 '/2-3 112, 1968 17,10 The 18th Olympiad opened in Lugano with the participation of 53 teams, 1968 20.10 Vice President H, J. Schudel SUI extended a welcome to the Members of the 39th Congress in Lugano. 1968 20.10 GA granted affiliation to Andorra CF and Japan CF. 1968 06.11 J. Puig ESP created the Chess Journalists Association (AIPE), 1968 0711 USSR performed even better than heretofore They finished first with 39 '/2/52, 8 '/2points ahead of their closest rivals and without losing a game.. 161 --  ID , , 
162 -   . . . I 1969 23.03 B. Larsen DEN beat M. Tal USSR 5 112-2 112in the third-place play-off match in Eersel, Holland, 1969 12,04 The World Championship Match took place in Moscow, concluding June 17th. Spassky defeat- ed Petrosian 12 112-10 112(+6-4= 17) and thus became the 10th World Champion. 1969 18,05 N, Gaprindashvili USSR retained her title of Women's World Champion in Moscow after beat- ing A. Kushnir USSR USSR 8 112-4 112. 1969 17.08 The USSR won the 16th World Student Team Championship in Dresden, Germany. 1969 29.08 A, Karpov USSR won the 10th World Junior Championship in Stockholm, Sweden, and became an International Master. 1969 23.09 Only 15 teams participated in the 4th Women's Olympiad in Ludin, Poland, USSR won the competition more convincingly than ever with 26/28 points. Hungary was the second, with 20 112, 1969 09.10 The 40th Congress opened in San Juan, Puerto-Rico, 1969 09,10 No IGM titles were approved for the first time in 19 years. However, 15 International Master titles were granted, 1969 10.10 The GA confirmed the first International Grandmaster titles awarded by ICCF. 1969 10.10 First titles of an International Grandmaster of FIDE for Chess Composition would soon be awarded. 1969 10,1 ° The GA granted the affiliation of Guernsey CF. 1969 16,12 N, Gaprindashvili USSR, won the first European Cup for Women in Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia, 1970 0504 USSR beat the Rest of the World 20 112-19 112in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. This, despite Fischer win- ning his individual match against Petrosian 3-1. The whole match was called the "Match of the Century", 1970 19,05 The USSR won the final group of the European Team Championship in Kpfenberg, Austria. 1970 22,08 The USA won the 17th World Student Team Championship in Haifa, Israel. Due to political problems only a limited number of teams played, 1970 05,09 The number of participant in the 19th Olympiad in Siegen, Germany reached 60 teams, with many new participants such as Japan, Guernsey, Rhodesia, and so on. 1970 20,09 The 41 st Congress was opened by M. K. Althaus, Lord Mayor of the city of Siegen, 1970 20.09 The GA decided to reinstitute the office of a FIDE Treasurer after 12 years, 1970 20.09 The GA approved the election of Mr. Max Euwe NED as President, Mr, Rabell Mendez PUR as Deputy President, Slavekoorde NED as Secretary, P.Smit NED as Treasurer and dal Verme ITA as Auditor, 1970 20.09 The GA approved the election as Vice Presidents for Zone 1: Schudel SUI, Zone 2: Dorazil AUT, Zone 3: Sajtar CSR, Zone 4: Rodinov USSR, Zone 5: Cramer USA, Zone 6: Prentice CAN, Zone 7: Barreras CUB, Zone 8: Valasco PER, Zone 9: Namjil MNG, Zone 10: Hasan HKG. 1970 20,09 Members of the Bureau were elected: Edmondson USA, Kazic YUG, Sajtar CSR, Members of the Central Committee were also elected: Messrs. Goudsmit, NED, Kazic YUG, Rabell Mendez PUR, Stantchev BUL, Stock FRG, Zapler ISR, 1970 21,09 The GA created the Executive Council, a body of six elected members, which would meet once a yea r between the GAs. 1970 21.09 The GA elected President Rogard as Honorary President. 1970 21,09 The Congress rejected the request from Fischer to be included in the list of participants in the Palma de Majorca Interzonal. 1970 21,09 The GA agreed to the establishment of a rating system, which allowed players to measure their strength and to have a statistical method to compare their level with other players around the world, 1970 21.09 The GA approved Rhodesia, Faroe Islands and Wales as full members of FIDE. 1970 21.09 The American Chess Federations published the first regulations for Pan-American tournaments 
163 - ID 1970 22.09 The President F. Rogard expressed his deep gratitude to the members of the GA of FIDE for all their kindness, Never, he added, would he forget his 21 years of presidency, the confidence, the friendship, the unity of purpose - these would for ever fill his heart. With deep emotion he bade farewell to the Assembly, amid a standing ovation lasting for many minutes, 1970 27,09 USSR won the gold medal at the 19th Olympiad, However they drew 6 matches and finished only one point ahead of Hungary. S. Gligoric celebrated playing top board for Yugoslavia in 10 successive Olympiads, 1970 09.12 The Opening of the Interzonal Tournament of Palma de Majorca took place. Fischer arrived on time to participate, replacing P. Benko USA, who yielded to him the place he had earned at the US Championship, 1970 13.12 B, Fischer won the Interzonal of Palma de Majorca 3 '/2points ahead, thereby beating the record set by Kotov in 1952. 1971 28,05 Candidates Quarterfinal in Seville, Spain, T. Petrosian USSR beat R. Hubner FRG 4-3. This match was shorter because Hubner gave up after he lost the 7th round, He protested about street noise, This didn't disturb Petrosian too much as, according to the Chief Arbiter's report, "he was somewhat deaf". 1971 31.05 N. Alexandria, USSR won the first Women's Interzonal Tournament, in Ohrig, Yugoslavia, 1971 31.05 Candidates Quarterfinal in Moscow, V, Korchnoi USSR beat E. Geller USSR 5 '/2-2 '/2 1971 01.06 Candidates Quarterfinal in Las Palmas, Spain, B, Larsen DEN-W, Uhlmann DDR 5 112-3 '/2 1971 02.06 Candidates Quarter-Final in Vancouver, Canada, B, Fischer USA beat M.Taimanov USSR 6-0, As usual, Fischer protested before the competition started. He wanted to play in a small hall with no audi- ence, USSR CF opposed any change and even threatened to boycott the competition, After lengthy deliber- ation, the FIDE President rejected Fischer's request. The match started with a 3 days delay, Fischer's white- wash of Taimanov was unprecedented, 1971 30,06 H. Rittner DDR won the 6th Chess Correspondence World Championship, 1971 01.07 Prof. Elo, USA published the first FIDE rating list. 1971 17.07 USSR won the 18th World Student Team Championship in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 1971 25.07 Candidates Semi Final in Denver, B, Fischer USA repeated his magnificent performance by beating B, Larsen DEN by 6-0. 1971 28.07 Candidates Semi Final in Moscow, a sole victory in round 9 was sufficient for T. Petrosian USSR to beat V. Korch noi USSR 5 '/2-4 '/2. 1971 14,08 W, Hug from Switzerland won the 11th World Junior Championship in Athens, Greece, 1971 31.08 The 42nd Congress opened in Vancouver, Canada. 1971 31.08 The Assembly commemorated Mr. Aragon MEX and Cejka AUT with a minutes silence, 1971 31.08 The President informed the GA that the Secretariat had moved to Lijnbaansgracht 231 Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1971 31.08 The GA approved Guatemala as a full member conditionally.. 1971 31.08 The GA approved English to as the prime FIDE language, 1971 01.09 GA firmly recommended that all Chess Federations give attention to the International Chess Day of FIDE on July 20 and organize events on that day, 1971 05,09 Women's Candidates in Bladel, Netherlands, N, Alexandria URSS beat Ms. Lazarevic YUG 5 '/2-4 '/2, 1971 07,09 In the Women's Candidates in Minsk, USSR, A, Kushnir USSR beat Ms. Zatulovskaya 5 '/2-4 '/2, 1971 28,11 In Buenos-Aires, despite a loss in the second game, which ended a run of 20 victories, Fischer did not have too many problems clearing the road to the World Championship Match. His victory over T. Petrosian USSR 6 '/2-2 1I2was enough to finish the match 3 games early, 
164 -- iiiiiia  , 1971 13.12 Women's Candidates finals in Kislovodsk, A. Kushnir USSR beat N. Alexandria 6 '12-2 '12and thus once more had the right to challenge Ms, Gaprindashvili for the Women's World title, 1972 Mr. Haley CAN co-authored with Kenneth Harkness of the U.S. a report for FIDE entitled "Application of the Swiss System to FIDE Tournaments", 1972 01 G, Sax HUN won the 1st European Junior Championship in Groningen, Holland" 1972 15.02 The USSR won the 6th Correspondence Chess Olympiad, 1972 02 Under the supervision of FIDE a meeting was held in Amsterdam between Edmondson USA, Geller USSR and representatives of the organizers from Belgrade and Reykjavik.. An agreement for the World Championship match was reached, 1972 02 One day later Fischer announced that he had made additional demands beyond the agreement in Amsterda m. 1972 02 The Belgrade organizers threatened to pull out of the match if they did not receive adequate assurances that Fischer would turn up, 1972 02 FIDE sent an ultimatum to the USCF. 1972 02 USCF assured everybody that Fischer would play at the place and on the dates as well as under the conditions agreed upon in Amsterdam. 1972 Fischer agreed to play for a World Championship's prize fund of US$ 250,000, This amount exceeded the total sum of the awards that had been presented for all the previous 27 title matches since 1886, 1972 03 The FIDE Bureau met in Moscow. The establishment of a Permanent Fund was discussed. It was concluded that the permanent Fund should, under no circumstances, be used in a general sense as a finan- cial help for Masters and Grandmasters in poor financial situations. The most FIDE could consider was ren- dering financial support to the World Champions and Ex-World Champions, In others cases, such support should be rendered by the national Federations, 1972 26.06 N. Gaprindashvili USSR met A. Kushnir USSR for the World Championship title for the third time in Riga, USSR. After losing the first two games, A, Kushnir could never recover. N, Gaprindashvili USSR-A, Kushnir USSR 8 '12-7 '12. 1972 04,07 B, Fischer arrived in Reykjavik and apologized to B. Spassky, M. Euwe, the President of FIDE, and the organizers for having missed the opening ceremonies. 1972 11,07 After losing the first game, Fred Cramer, an official of the U,S, Chess Federation and a spokesman for B, Fischer, sent a letter to the Chief Arbiter L. Schmid GER demanding that the television cameras be removed and that the spectators not be seated in the first few rows of the hall. Chester Fox, an American businessman who had procured the film rights, responded that the cameras were necessary to finance the match, 1972 13.07 The clock was started for the second game, but Fischer was not at the board, Fox quickly agreed that the cameras be removed for at least for that game, Fischer agreed to play provided his clock was reset to zero, The arbiter L. Schmid refused and forfeited the Challenger after one hour. 1972 16,07 The match continued in a closed room, 1972 Game 15 began the day after Fox filed a lawsuit for 1,750.000 US$ in a New York city court for damages from B, Fischer, Fischer's lawyers responded that the Challenger had no contractual obligations with Fox, The legal manoeuvring continued off the board, 1972 After the 17th game E, Geller USSR, B. Spassky' s chief second, accused B. Fischer of using unethical means to disturb Spassky' s concentration, During the night Icelandic police swept the playing hall for electronic devices. They found two dead flies in the lighting system, 1972 30.07 The USSR won the 19th World Student Team Championship in Graz, Austria. 
16) - ID 1972 01,09 After B. Spassky lost the 21 st game, Fischer's victory ended 24 years of Soviet domination over the World Chess title. By winning the match 12 1/2-8 112, B, Fischer USA became the 11 th World Champion 1972 18,09 Only 36 countries registered for the 20th Olympiad in Skopje, Yugoslavia. The Men's and Women's Olympiads were played simultaneously for the first time, Many young stars such as A. Karpov USSR, R. Hubner FRG took part for the first time. 1972 08,10 The Mayor of Skopje, Yugoslavia opened the 43rd Congress. In his opening address the President said: UFIDE has had a difficult year and, maybe, the coming year will be still more difficult. I'm not pessimistic. I trust that FIDE can stand the strain of the storm and certainly so if we can count on the cooperation of all Federations, I know you are all willing to help FIDE as much as possible..." The President announced his intention of instituting a Medal of Honour for those who have rendered important service to FIDE. He proposed to present the medal for the first time to the four FIDE translators Frau Grzeskowiak FRG, Miss Sunnucks ENG, Lhoste FRA and Heras from Spain, 1972 08.10 The GA approved Iraq, Jamaica, the Netherlands Antilles and Trinidad Et Tobago as full mem- bers of FI DE. 1972 09,10 The USSR CF proposed that, following the decisions of the UN, the question of excluding the Chess Federations of Rhodesia and South Africa from FIDE because of their continuous racial discrimina- tion policy, including sport, should be considered, GA agreed that the USSR CF should first produce rele- vant facts pertaining to chess, If the USSR did so, the President would investigate them and report to the GA, 1972 09,10 FIDE awarded the first titles of International Grandmasters- Composers to: Mansfield ENG, Comins ENG, Visserman NED, Eeltje, NED, Kasparian USSR, Genrikh USSR, Loshinsky, USSR. 1972 09,10 Dr. W, Dorazil AUT informed the GA he had handed to the President his resignation as a President of the Qualification Committee. The GA accepted the resignation of Mr, H,J.J. Slavekoorde NED as a General Secretary. The GA approved the nomination of Ms. I. Bakker NED. 1972 09.10 The President declared that he hoped to conclude a beneficial agreement with the International Braille Chess Association (I BCA). 1972 10,10 The USSR CF proposed that the team taking first place at the Men's Olympiad three times in a row (beginning from 1972) should be awarded the Hamilton Russell Cup forever, and FIDE should set a new Cup for the following Olympiads, Mr. H. Golombek ENG pointed out that this proposal might be con- trary to the rules established in 1927 for this Cup, It might be best to give every two years a small replica of the Cup to the winning team every two years, 1972 10,10 Mr. R, Littorin SWE, an expert on copyright, explained that copyright on game-scores was impossible. UFirst of all, there are two players, therefore two authors. Furthermore, many games have parts that have been played before and therefore are not original works of art", Finally, he pointed out that almost half of the governments in the world had not ratified the existing Conventions, In his opinion, only chess problems and studies could be considered for copyright. 1972 13,10 It was only after its last match that USSR could secure the gold medal in the Olympiad, Beating Romania by a large margin, USSR with 42/60 finished 1 1/2points ahead of Hungary, The Soviet Union was presented a special prize for consecutive victories recorded at the Olympiads starting in 1952, while Denmark and Sweden were awarded special prize as the only countries to have taken part in all the Olympiads, 1972 13,10 The Soviet team had another convincing victory in the 5th Women's Olympiad in Skopje, Yugoslavia with 11 112/14. A record number of teams entered, 23. 1972 09,11 Argentina won the first Pan- American Team tournament. 
166 - ...  I 1973 At the request of FIDE, Mr. Haley prepared a "Simplified Version of Swiss Pairing Rules" for use around the world in countries unfamiliar with the Swiss system. 1973 05,01 O. Romanishin USSR won the 2nd European Junior Championship in Groningen, 1973 USSR won the European Team Championship in Bath, England. 1973 V, Kozlovskaya, USSR won the Women's Interzonal Tournament in Minorca, Spain. 1973 03,06 The first of two Interzonal Tournaments took place in Leningrad, To avoid a marathon-length tournament, FIDE introduced a new concept of two groups of 18 players each, the top 3 from each group to qualify for the Candidates Tournament. 1973 28,06 V. Korchnoi USSR, A, Karpov USSR and R. Byrne USA managed to qualify for the Candidates' Tournament. The main surprise came with the failure of B, Larsen DEN and M, Tal USSR to qualify. The new Soviet's hope A. Karpov, 21 years old, was the only unbeaten player at the tournament. 1973 11,06 Mr, Folke Rogard, second FIDE President, died in Stockholm, 1973 04.08 A, Beliavsky USSR won the 12th World Junior Championship in Teesside, England, 1973 17.08 The second Interzonal was held in Petropolis, Brazil. There was a great triumph for the Brazilian star H, Mecking who topped the Soviets E. Geller and L. Polugaevsky and the Hungarian favourite L. Portisch, 1973 22.09 After the tiebreak-match between the Soviets Geller, Polugaevsky and the Hungarian L. Portisch, the two last players qualified for the Candidates Tournament. 1973 25.09 E. Helme welcomed the participants in the 44th Congress to Helsinki, Finland, The President Euwe said:" In June of this year FIDE and the chess world suffered a great loss by the sudden death of our Honorary President Dr. Folke Rogard, I suggest that we commemorate him by standing for a minute of silence to his memory, We suffered further serious losses through the death of the Vice President of the Permanent Commission for Chess Composition B, Sakharov, IGM Leonid Stein and Sandor Nillson, the former Secretary of the Swedish Chess Federation, May I again ask you for a minute of silence. This year which lies behind us was not so difficult as the previous one. Only minor problems required our attention and on the whole we took advantage of the major publicity arising from the Fischer-Spassky match, Practically all national Federations have grown considerably, and FIDE have profited from that, too" Then the President read a cable he received from the World Champion Fischer, running as follows: "Regret my absence. Regarding World Championship Cramer proposal has much merit. Urge adoption of ten victories to decide 1975 match draws not counting; Champion to retain title if nine victories to nine victories. Champion and Challenger should decide on site without restrictions; strong mechanism needed to safeguard right of Champion and challenger to select site without coercion or intervention of third par- ties or other restrictions such as bid from neutral country, If players cannot agree on site FIDE should decide considering the amount of money, organizational ability and playing conditions, Oppose decreased frequency of Olympiad and other Championships as hurting chess, Every team should have the possibility of winning the gold medal in each Olympiad; present system is satisfactory, I favour increased frequency of World Junior Championship, Oppose political exclusion of any country from FIDE on grounds that chess should be above politics. Favor standardization of chess equipment and lighting and general playing conditions. Best wishes in your work for chess". 1973 25,09 The GA decided to grant Mr. Bricola SUI the medal of merit, instituted at the 1972 Congress, Mr. Sajtar CSR pointed out that there should be rules for the awarding of this medal, to which the President replied that the medal was designed for persons who, although not directly connected with FIDE, were dedicating much of their time and energy for the benefit of FIDE. 
1973 26,09 The GA agreed on the schedule of the 50th Anniversary of FIDE, which would be celebrated in Puerto Rico, in Nice during the Olympiad and in Indonesia. The President pointed that still two persons were alive who cooperated in the foundation of FIDE in 1924. He suggested that these two persons, Dr. Skalicka CSR and Mr. Weltjens BEL, be nominated Members of Honour. 1973 26,09 The GA approved Pakistan as full member. 1973 26.09 The GA noted a report on a discussion held in the CC, During this discussion new facts con- cerning Apartheid in South Africa were presented, The President would now investigate. 1973 26,09 The draft for an agreement between FIDE and IBCA was presented to the GA, 1973 26.09 The Dutch Chess Federation proposed the organization of the European Team Club Championship Competition. 1973 26,09 The GA took note of the contents from a letter of the Israeli Chess Federation, confirming its readiness to organize the Olympiad and the Congress in 1976. 1973 27.09 The GA rejected the 1972 proposal of the Soviet CF concerning the Hamilton-Russell Cup. A colour replica in gold, silver and bronze would be given to the three winners. 1974 04,01 S. Makarichev USSR won the 3rd European Junior Championship in Groningen, Netherlands, 1974 11,04 The FIDE President opened the Candidates' semi-final match between V. Korchnoi and T. Petrosia n in Odessa, USSR.. 1974 25,04 Before the sixth game T. Petrosian handed to the main arbiter Mr. B. Kapril a statement which said that during the 5th game V, Korchnoi insulted him and therefore he believed it was impossible to con- tinue the match, At the same time T. Petrosian appealed to the Appeals Committee with a statement in which he demanded the results of all games played be cancelled and blamed Korchnoi for his attempts to upset him. The same evening the Appeals Committee decided that Korchnoi should offer his apologies to Petrosian in public. 1974 29.04 T. Petrosian was taken to a hospital and the 6th game was postponed. 1974 30.04 T. Petrosian informed the Arbiter's Board that due to his illness he would not be able to con- tinue the match. The match was stopped with the score of 3-1 and V, Korchnoi was declared a winner. 1974 05,06 N. Alexandria USSR beat Shul USSR 5 '12-2 'l2in the Women's Candidates Semi Final in Riga, USSR. 1974 20,06 Through Mr. Cramer, the World Champion R. Fischer USA sent FIDE the following telegram which said among other things: "The word Champion should be the world's best player, and a long match is necessary to reach a just result with nearly absolute certainty. For this reason I propose that the match be won by the first player who wins ten games, with no limit on the total number of games played", "The provision for a drawn match with the score 9 victories to 9, and with the Champion retaining his title and the prize fund split equally is consistent with the longstanding tradition of giving a small advantage to the Champion. Yes, those who have long enjoyed this advantage now wish to abolish it. Propaganda emanating from a certain country has falsely implied that I am seeking an unprecedented advantage. These critics say that it is unfair to require a two point margin of 10 victories to 8 in order for the Challenger to win the match, yet only in this way can the Champion's advantage be fair- ly preserved when there is no limit on total games". 1974 25,06 Following the letter of Fischer received four days before, the Congress decided to play the world championship title match in 1975 for 10 victories, It also voted to limit the number of games to 36, Should neither player score ten victories, then the title would go to the first player to take the lead after the 36th game, In case of a draw, the World Champion retained his title. 167 --  ID 
168 -..a__ ID 1974 Second Women's Candidates Semi-Final in Kislovodsk, USSR I. Levitina USSR beat Kozlowskaia USSR 6 '/2-5 '/2, 1974 27.06 Fischer sent a telegram to President Euwe: "Since the FIDE Congress did not accept my pro- posals, which were not negotiable, FIDE thus declared itself against my participation in the World title match in 1975, Therefore, I renounce the title of World Chess Champion of FIDE". The Congress refused to re-open the debate and decided to send a telegram to Fischer voicing the hope that he would agree to play the match and thus contribute to the development of chess in the world, According to the regula- tions, should the World Champion withdraw, the winner of the match Karpov USSR - Korchnoi USSR would be the World Champion. 1974 27,06 The 45th Congress opened in Nice, France, 1974 28,06 The GA approved the re-election of Dr. Max Euwe NED as FIDE President. Final result was Euwe 43 votes vs. N. Rabel! Mendez PUR 29 votes, 1974 28.06 The GA approved the election of three Deputy Presidents instead of one, They were B. Kazic YUG, J.G. Prentice CAN and F, Campomanes PHI. 1974 28.06 Miss I. Bakker NED as General Secretary and p, Smit NED as Treasurer were elected. Members of FIDE's Bureau elected were: E, Edmondson USA, B. Hassan HK, A, Heintze DDR, B. Rodionov USSR. 1974 28,06 Zonal Presidents were elected: for Zone 1: H. Golombek ENG; Zone 2: W, Dorazil AUT; Zone 3: L. Sajtar CSR; Zone 4: Y. Averbach USSR; Zone 5: F, Cramer USA; Zone 6: J.G, Prentice CAN; Zone 7: J. Vega Fernandez CUB; Zone 8: R. Camara; Zone 9: Navabi IRN; Zone 10: Dr. K,A, Lim SIN; Zone 11: R. Belkadi TUN, 1974 28.06 Central Committee Members were elected: Messrs. Matsumoto JPN, Tudela VEN, Heras Fernandez ESP, Reiber ARG, Breachemi, Soria ISL, Helme FIN, Holguin COL and Littorin SWE. 1974 29.06 Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Surinam, Algeria, Jordan and Zaire were admitted as new members, 1974 29,06 At the proposal of the Moroccan CF and 15 other federations, the Congress decided by 26: 17 and 21 abstention to suspend temporarily South Africa and Rhodesia. 1974 29.06 The Congress decided to run the next Olympiad according to the Swiss System, with 13 rounds, 1974 29,06 The Congress agreed to the new European Club Championship. 1974 29.06 The Congress agreed to play the World Championship title match in 1975 for 10 victories, It was voted to limit the number of games to 36. In case no one scored ten victories, the title went to the first player to take the lead after the 36th game, In case of a draw, the World Champion would retain his title. 1974 30,06 The USSR won the Olympiad with 46 out of 60. 1974 20.07 A wreath was put on the tomb of Mr. Pierre Vincent FRA, Founder of FIDE by the President and the General Secretary. 1974 01,08 The USSR won the Student Team World Champion in Teesside, England. 1974 28,08 A,J. Miles ENG won the title of World Junior Champion, in Manila, Philippines, 1974 07.10 The USSR won the title Ladies' World Team Championship in Medellin Colombia after a tie- breaking match with Romania. 1974 01.11 Fischer claimed that his proposal was fairer to the Challenger than FIDE's limit of 24 games. In a letter to Larry Evans published in November 1974 in Chess Life, Fischer wrote: - "Steinitz, Chigorin, Lasker, Gunsberg, Zukertort, etc. all played under the ten victories system I had pro- posed (and some matches with the 9-9 tie clause) Yet the Russians pretended that I was asking for an 
lb9 -- ID unprecedented advantage. Incidentally, Larry, the Capablanca -Alekhine match did have a draw clause at 5-5, Yes, Alekhine had to win by 6-4 to take the title just the same as my match proposal said." 1914 22.11 The Final Candidates' Match in Moscow between A, Karpov USSR and V, Korchnoi USSR fin- ished 3-2 and 19 draws in favour of A. Karpov, 1914 15.12 The FIDE Bureau was invited to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of FIDE in Penang, Malaysia, The celebrations comprised a FIDE Bureau meeting, the First Asian Team Championship and a seminar on chess promotion, During the meeting the Bureau decided to choose Mr. E. Helme's design, which had already been displayed at the Nice Congress, as the new FIDE emblem, The Bureau decided FIDE should request admittance to UNESCO and a letter was sent to them. The Bureau discussed certain steps for pro- moting chess in those countries where the game was insufficiently developed. A financial fund for this purpose was planned. 1915 Philippines won the 1st Asian Team Championship in Penang, Malaysia with 22 112/28, 1915 Mr. Haley prepared a detailed proposal for Swiss System pairings in the Chess Olympiads and led dis- cussions on this subject at meetings of the FIDE Rules Commission at The Hague and Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, 1915 02.01 The following bids for the prize fund for the World Championship Match between B. Fischer USA and A, Karpov USSR were announced: Milan ITA SFR 1,100,000; Mexico City (MEX) SFR 1,000,000; Manila PHI SFR 13,100,000. That by the Philippine Government and their chess federation represented by F. Campomanes was the highest in chess history ever-offered for a match, 1915 06,01 J. Nunn ENG became the 4th European Junior Champion, in Groningen, Netherlands, 1915 17,02 After consultations between Deputy President J. G. Prentice (CAN) and the President, the Philippine Chess Federation was selected as the Organizer of the World Championship. Fischer had pre- ferred Manila and Karpov chose Milan. 1915 20,02 General Secretary announced the joint decision of Euwe and Prentice to appoint Mr. Klein EQU as Chief Arbiter and Dr. Paoli ITA and W. Dorazil AUT as his assistants, 1915 21,02 USSR Chess Federation sent a protest to FI DE concern i ng the place of the match a nd the selection of the Chief Arbiter for the match. 1915 13,03 The USSR Chess Federation asked the President to include these points in the agenda of the Extraordinary General Assembly so that the decisions could be reconsidered 1915 13.03 N, Alexandria USSR beat Ms. Levitina USSR 9-8 in the Women's Candidates' final match in Moscow. 1915 Fischer reiterated his demands that the match be won by the first player to win ten games, with no limit to the number of games, The Champion would retain the title in the event of a 9-9 score, This meant, of course, that the Challenger would need to win the match by a score of 10-8. FIDE Rules stated that the reigning Champion retained the title in the event of a 12-12 tie after 24 games. The same rules governing the World Championship matches had been in place since the 1949 FIDE Congress in Paris. They were confirmed at the 1974 Congress in Nice, 1915 18.03 An extraordinary General Meeting of Congress took place in Bergen aan Zee, Holland at the request of 35 Federations, 70 Federations out of 80 affiliated were represented. This was the first time an Extraordinary General Assembly had been called. 1915 18.03 The GA observed a minute of silence in memory of friends of FIDE who had passed away: L.W, Weltjens BEL, Founder of FIDE and Dr, Hugo Bjork FIN, 1915 18,03 FIDE GA refused to accept Mr. Fischer's requests after voting 35-32 and 3 abstentions. With 37-33 with no abstentions the GA accepted the following model: 10 victories, draws not counting, without a limit to the total number of games, 
170 --  ID 1915 18.03 In an intensive debate, the former World Champion T. Petrosian USSR made the following remarks: "I had no doubt that Fischer wanted to play under the most favourable conditions for himself. Alekhine, whose fighting spirit was well known, needed 34 games against Capablanca to obtain 6 victories, Mr, Karpov in his whole chess career lost only 23 games; Fischer was not a regular loser either. How long would such match take? When I was in my prime it would take at least half a year to win 10 games for me!" Petrosian recalled a letter written in Reykjavik by Fischer to Spassky, when there was a possibility that Fischer would lose the first game by default. Fischer then pointed out that in that case he would have a very difficult task to beat his opponent by two points, which would not be reasonable. Petrosian concluded his speech with the remark that the future and authority of FIDE depended greatly on the decision made there. 1915 19.03 A motion of censure against the President Euwe, on the grounds that he had flagrantly favoured Fischer's over Karpov' s view in his choice of venue and Chief Arbiter for the match, was over- whelmingly rejected. 1915 19.03 To increase the budget from SFR 100,000 to SFR 200,000 a unanimous vote raised FIDE sub- scription by 250/0, 1915 20,03 The decision on the venue for the 1976 Olympiad was deferred till the end of April when Iran would report on the feasibility of holding it in Teheran, Israel had the second option and Sweden the third, 1915 20,03 The World Junior Championship would be organized in Puerto Rico using the Swiss system and 13 rounds. 1915 20,03 Mr. Edmondson informed the Assembly that he had been authorized by the Bureau to con- clude arrangements with manufacturers of chess equipment. He was pleased that he had succeeded in striking an agreement with Cacho Inc, in Manila. 1915 21.03 FIDE decided that a postponement of the start of the World Championship Match from June 1 till October 5 would be allowed, if both players were in agreement and the organizers could arrange that. 1915 25,03 Campomanes called Fischer in Pasadena. Fischer's reaction was plain and clear expressing that he wouldn't go to Manila to defend his title. 1915 01.04 A. Karpov informed the President of FIDE of his readiness to take part in the match on time. 1915 02.04 Euwe announced that he had received no news from the World Champion by the set deadline. He said that the deadline would be extended to April 3 10:00 AM GMT in view of the possibility that a telegram might have been sent on time but not yet reached FIDE headquarters. 1915 03.04 At 11 :00 GMT FIDE issued the following statement: Following yesterday's statement, FIDE President Max Euwe this morning at 11 am not having received a cable from Fischer, had to declare the World Champion not available per article 2.3 of the Regulations for the match for the Men's World Championship, In accordance with article 2,3 of the Regulations, FIDE President Euwe formally declared the Challenger, grandmaster Anatoly Karpov, the World Champion 1975", 1915 24.04 During a formal ceremony in the Hall of Columns, Moscow, A, Karpov USSR was proclaimed the 12th World Champion. 1915 08 FIDE Treasurer Pieter Smit NED died in Holland. 1915 08 V, Korchnoi USSR defected during the IBM tournament in Amsterdam. 1915 01.09 Chekhov USSR won the 14th World Junior Championship in Tjentiste, Yugoslavia. 1915 22.09 World Champion A, Karpov sent a letter to the President"... The regulations for the 1975 World Championship Match (WCM) included reasonable and commendatory points which should be pre- served for the future, However, a number of fundamental items which were included and changed within a short period of time for very well-know reasons are not in keeping, to my way of thinking, with the interests of the match-players and for chess on the whole. 
What I mea n is th is: 7, The WCM should be played until six wins are scored by one of the participants. 2, The number of games to be played in the match should be limited, The most acceptable limit is 24 games, The history of the WCM throughout almost a century proves that this number of games is suffi cient to determine either stronger player or balance of force, 3. In case of a tied score with the limit of games being exhausted, the World Champion retains his title. 4, A maximum or a definitively fixed prize fund should be stipulated so that all national federation or other organizations wishing to host the match could be aware of possible expenses. The choice of the site of the match should be determinate not only by the size of the prize but also by the consideration of all conditions to insure the participants' display of their sport, chess and physical possibilities..." 1915 27,09 The Central Committee opened in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, For the first time under the new regulations, the Central Committee meet under the new statutes in the place of the General Assembly, During his opening speech the President Euwe said:",.. FIDE had to go through a terrifying time but notwithstanding many criticisms-just and unjust- FIDE survived. It is now our duty to close the rank and to work together for increased prosperity of FIDE." 1915 27,09 The President Euwe asks for a moment of silence in the memory of those who passed away since Bergen: Mr. Smit NED, L. Schneider FRG, J. Ivanovski YUG, 1M L. Steiner AUS, IGM p, Keres USSR, IGM N, Rossolimo USA, IGM F. Saemisch FRG, 1M V. Kozomar YUG. 1915 27,09 Mr R. Clues WLS is acting as Treasurer 1915 27.09 Speaking about the 1976 Olympiads in Israel, Rodionov USSR, Soria ARG and Heintze DDR pointed out the possibility of separating the Congress from the Olympiads, in view of the fact that some delegates might not be able to go to Israel. They said that Switzerland could be an alternative. However the President said that to separate Congress from Olympiads would make the situation very unclear and therefore confirmed the decision to organize both events in Israel. 1915 30,09 1st World Cup for Cadets will be organized in France 1915 30.09 The CC approved the draft for an agreement between FIDE and International Commission for Silent Chess (lCSC). 1915 30,09 The CC was of the opinion that the statutes of the IOC do not apply to FIDE. Moreover, FIDE always uses the word Olympiad in connection with the word chess, 1915 27,11 Gaprindashvili USSR defeated N. Alexandria USSR in Tbilisi, USSR and retained her title as Women World Champion. 1916 01 A. Kochiev USSR won the 5th European Junior Championship, in Groningen, Netherlands, 1916 J. Estrin USSR won the 7th Correspondence World Championship, 1916 China, Guyana, Ghana, Honduras, Nigeria, Zambia become members of FIDE. FIDE now had 94 feder- ation members. 1916 E. Fatalibekova USSR won the Women's Interzonal in Bliss. 1916 21.07 Berry Wood ENG finally published the first FIDE Golden book in French, 1916 11.07 B, Larsen DEN won the Interzonal Tournament in Biel Switzerland.. 1976 12.07 E. Mecking BRA won the second Interzonal Tournament in Manila. 1976 25.10 The Olympiads started in Haifa, Israel with 48 participants. For the first time a Swiss system was used for the men, The women's tournament was a round robin system with teams of 3 players and one reserve, For political reasons many countries like the USSR decided to boycott the event in Israel. A parallel tournament was organized in Libya with Arab, African and some Eastern European countries par- tici pati ng. 171 --  ID 
172 -- ...  , 1976 25,1 ° p, Haley of Canada had drawn up detailed pairing rules for the event and was chairman of the Pairings Committee 1976 06,11 Mr. Yafeh, President of the Israel CF, welcomed the delegate of the 46th Congress. 1976 06,11 In his opening speech, the President said:" I regret that the East-European federations did not come to Haifa, but appreciate very much that they show their loyalty to FIDE by not participating in the team tournament in Tripoli either." 1976 07,11 The GA observed one minute of silence for its Friends who died this year: H, Meyer SUI, 1M K, Opocensky CSR, 1M V. Vukovic YUG and 1M 0, Byrne USA, 1976 07,11 By a vote of 27 to 17 and 6 abstentions the GA approved the Golombek resolution: II The FIDE GA deplores the conduct of the federations of Malta, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, EI Salvador, Trinidad and Tobago and Turkey all of which by their participation in the so-called 'Counter Olympiad' in Tripoli have clearly transgressed the FIDE Statutes. In connection with this and so that similar problems arising out of Tripoli 'Counter-Olympiad' are not left unsolved, it is advisable that a commission be appointed to examine more closely the circumstances and origin of the whole affair. This commission, which is based on Edmundson-Campomanes committee and supplemented by one member of Europe, should make its report to the CC next yea(. 1976 07,11 The GA approved Papua New Guinea, Mauritania and Bermuda chess federations as full mem- bers, 1976 07.11 The GA approved the nomination of R, Clues WLS as Treasurer. 1976 08,11 Mr, Slavekoorde NED was appointed Honorary Member of FIDE in view of the many services he rendered FI DE. 1976 08,11 Titles of Women Grandmaster awarded to L. Rodenko USSR, E. Bykova,USSR, 0, Rubtsova USSR, N. Alexandria USSR, M, Lazarevic YUG, A. Kushnir ISR, I. Levitina USSR, T. Zatulovskaya USSR, M. Litinskaya USSR, N. Gaprindashvili USSR and N. Konopleva USSR. 1976 08.11 The GA decided to rename World Student Team Championship the World Youth Team Championship. 1976 17.12 E. Akhmylovskaya USSR won the Women's Interzonal in Rosendaal, Netherlands. 1977 05.01 L. Ftacnik CSR won the 6th European Junior Championship in Groningen, Netherlands. 1977 05,01 M. Diesen USA won the 15th World Junior Championship in Groningen, Netherlands, 1977 02.02 B, Sikora POL won the 1st European Championship for Girls, in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. 1977 28,02 Candidates Match in Rotterdam, L. Portisch HUN beat B. Larsen DEN 6 '/2-3 '/2. 1977 28,02 Candidates Match in Reykjavik, B. Spassky USSR beat V. Hort CSR 8 '/2-7 '/2, 1977 03,04 Candidates Match in Lucerne, L. Polugaevsky USSR beat H. Mecking BRA 6 '/2-3 '/2. 1977 23,04 The USSR won the 6th European Team Championship in Moscow, 1977 16,05 Women's Candidates Match in Sochi, E. Fatalibekova USSR beat Kozlovskaya USSR 6-2, 1977 19,05 Women's Candidates Match in Tbilisi, M. Chiburdanidze USSR beat N, Alexandria USSR 5.5-4,5, 1977 06,06 Women's Candidates Match in Dortmund, A, Kushnir USSR beat I. Levitina USSR 6-3. 1977 23.06 Starting from June 17, President Euwe and Deputy President Campomanes began their visits to South Africa, In the report, the President concluded by: "With a single exception it was stated that the atmosphere at the multiracial tournaments was excellent". 1977 1st WCSC won by Finland, 1977 23,07 The 2nd Extraordinary FIDE General Assembly was opened in Lucerne by the President of the Swiss Chess Federation Mr. A. Zahner. This important meeting was called to discuss possible exclusion of South African Chess Federation, 51 countries out of 94 were represented. 
1'13 ------ ID 1911 23.07 Deputy President Campomanes concluded his oral report presented to the Extraordinary General Assembly with the following: "In April Dr. Koornhof, Minister of Education and Sports of South Africa, stated in one of his Proclamations on Sports Policy: "the sportsmen and sportswomen of white and coloured skin, Asians and blacks should belong to their own clubs". What you may find today as a general application of the policy in South Africa, is something similar but not necessarily identical, to equal but separate opportunities that prevailed in the USA before the Supreme Court decisions of the 1950's. I had to see as much the same with chess activities, I also tried to look into the social ambience, because chess taken out of its social context is unreal. There are many progressive minded chess leaders in South Africa who are working very hard to make a go of chess, It is hard enough for chess organizers to be ploughing the traditional areas of chess as in Europe, It is terribly difficult for chess organizers in the far away areas like Asia and Africa. Chess leaders in South Africa are trying to make a go of SACF, but they cannot erase the reality of chess inequality in its domain", 1911 24,07 "Despite a long pledge of W. Dorazil AUT against the re-exclusion of South Africa, I have worked together with our South African friends at this Congress and I hope to do so again in the future; this would not be possible if they were excluded from participating in FIDE Congresses" and following the departure of 18 federations who left the meeting, the following resolution was unanimously approved: 1, The World Chess Federation (FIDE) unanimously condemns the South African Government policy of racial discrimination declaring it to be in violation with human rights, incompatible with the spirit of tol erance and brotherhood which characterizes the chess world, 2, FIDE acknowledges and encourages the efforts of the South African Chess Federation to promote racial harmony in South Africa through chess. 3. Unfortunately the existing reality is not satisfactory and the equality of opportunities for all chess players has only taken in the first steps, 4, Therefore FI DE decided: a. to withdraw temporarily South African CF from official FIDE activities until the situation has cleared in such a way that there is no discrimination in chess anymore, b. FIDE will establish a permanent Commission to investigate and receive reports of progress or regres sion in this field affecting chess players in South Africa. This Commission should report the results to the GA for discussion not later than 1980, 1911 08 J Arnason ISL won the World Cadet Championship in Cannes sur Mer, France, 1911 06.08 Candidates Semi Final in Evian, France, V, Korchnoi beat L. Polugaevsky USSR 8 1/2-4 1/2, 1911 19.08 Candidates Semi Final in Geneva, B. Spassky USSR beat L. Portisch HUN 8 1/2-6 '/2, 1911 21.08 M. Chandler NZ won the 1st Asian Junior Championship in Baguio City, Philippines, 1911 22,08 The USSR won the World Team Championship under 26 in Mexico, 1917 19,09 A, Yusupov USSR became the 16th World Junior Champion in Innsbruck, Austria, 1971 05,10 Women's Candidates Semi Final in Sofia, Chiburdanidze USSR beat Akhmilovskaya USSR 6 '/2-5 '/2. 1977 05,10 Women's Candidates Semi Final in Berlin, A. Kushnir ISR beat E. Fatalibikova 6 1/2-3 '/2. 1917 10,10 The Central Committee met in Caracas, Venezuela. 1977 10,10 The meeting commemorating IGM I. Boleslavsky USSR, J. Slavekoorde NED and Yafeh ISR, who had passed away since 1976. 1977 10.11 The CC recommended that a GA be held every year, thereby restoring the situation as it had been before 1974, 1911 11.10 The CC approved Campomanes' recommendation "No sanction should be taken against Libya 
174 -- JIIIIIIIIa  I , and Yemen and any member-Federations that participated in the Tripoli tournament", Yemen became full member of FIDE, 1977 28,11 The Philippines won the 2nd Asian Team Championship in Auckland. 1977 10.01 FIDE Bureau met in Manila, 1978 13,01 Candidates Match finals in Belgrade, V. Korchnoi SUI beat B, Spassky USSR 10 '/2-7 '/2, 1978 01 S. Talbut ENG won the 7th European Junior Championship in Groningen, Holland, N, loseliani USSR won the Girls Championship. 1978 18,07 In Baguio-city, Philippines, Karpov USSR played with Korchnoi SUI for the World Championship. This match was the first since 1948, in which the winner was the first player to win six games, At the same time, a rematch clause, which had been eliminated in 1963, was reinstated, The Chief Arbiter was L. Schmid FRG, The prize fund was US$ 350,000 for the winner and US$ 200,000 for the loser. 1978 18.10 V. Korchnoi sent a letter to the Deputy Arbiter Mr, Filip CSR: "I don't resume the 32nd game. But I'm not going to sign the score sheet of the game because it has been played under absolutely illegal conditions, I don't consider this game valid. The match is not finished, I reserve the right to complain to FIDE on the intolerable Soviets' behaviour, a hostility of the organizers, a lack of activity on the part of the Arbiter." 1978 18.10 A. Karpov USSR beat V, Korchnoi SUI 6-5 and retained his title. 1978 26.10 The Swiss CF acting on behalf of V. Korchnoi sent a protest to FIDE asking the GA to declare Game 32 of the match as null and void and to resume the match with the score of 5-5, 1978 07,11 President Euwe opened the 49th Congress in Buenos Aires. 1978 07,11 The President asked the Assembly for a moment of silence in the memory of the chess players and officials who died during the past year: A, S, Hollander NZ; H. Uekermann, President of IBCA; IGM S. Furman USSR; IGM C, Torre MEX; 1M p, Poutiainen FIN and F. Herras Fernandez ESP. 1978 07.11 Boris Rodionov USSR was appointed Honorary Member of FIDE. Mr. Felix Heras Fernandez ESP was posthumously nominated Honorary Member of FIDE. Dr, Max Euwe NED was unanimously appointed Honorary President of FIDE. 1978 07,11 The GA approved the USSR's proposal to create a 4th post of Deputy President for Africa. 1978 07.11 The GA approved the Federations of Sri Lanka, Gambia, Mali, Mauritius, Seychelles and Uganda as full members. FIDE had now 106 Federation members, 1978 07,11 The GA approved with 57 votes the election of F, Olafsson ISL as FIDE President. Rabell Mendez PU R got 34 votes. 1978 07.11 The GA approved the election of four Deputy Presidents: Messrs. K, Jungwirth AUT for Europe, J.G. Prentice CAN for Americas, F. Campomanes PHI for Asia and R, Belkadi TUN for Africa, 1978 07.11 The GA approved the election of Messrs, A, Kinzel FRG, Y. Averbach USSR, J. Vega Fernandez CUB and H,M, Hansan INA as Members of the Bureau. 1978 07,11 The GA approved the election of Zonal Presidents: for Zone 1 K. O'Connell IRE; Zone 2 W. Dorazil AUT; Zone 3 J. Sajtar CSR, Zone 4 V. Sevastianov USSR, Zone 5 G,H. Sperling USA; Zone 6 J.G, Prentice CAN; Zone 7 E, Cruz Lorenzana GUA; Zone 8 L. Lucena BRA; Zone 9 Navabi IRA; Zone 10 Lim Kok Ann SIN; Zone 11 B. Kazic YUG; Zone 12 T. Shweidi LYB. 1978 07.11 The GA approved the election of the Central Committee Members for Cabeza de Vaca ECU, I. EshelISR, 0, Levy SCO, Garcia Fernandez ESP, H. Helme FIN, M,W, Kassem SYR, A, Maltchev BUL and Y. Matsumoto JPN, 1978 08.11 At the proposal of the Libyan Arab CF, the GA approved the creation of the African Zone with 14 federations. 
1978 08.11 The GA approved the Arabic language as one of the official languages of FIDE, 1978 09.11 The GA rejected the request of the Swiss CF regarding the World Championship Match Karpov-Korchnoi, 1978 08.11 The GA agreed to approve the introduction of the title of FIDE Master. 1978 10.11 In Buenos Aires, Hungary won the Olympiad one point ahead of USSR, For the first time since their first participation in 1954, USSR team, playing without the World Champion Karpov (but present at the Congress), could not catch the gold medal. 1978 Women's Candidates final match M, Chiburdanidze USSR beat A. Kushnir ISR 7 1/2-6 1/2in Bad Kissingen, Germany. 1978 The new chess star Maya Chiburdanidze USSR beat N, Gaprindashvili 8 1/2-6 1/2in Pitsunda, USSR and became the 6th Women's World Champion, 1979 05.01 J. van der Wiel won the 8th European Junior Championship in Groningen, 1979 20.07 M, Tempone, ARG won the World Championship for Boys under the age of 17 in Belfort, Fra n ceo 1979 27,07 y, Seirawan USA became World Junior Champion in Skien, Norway. 197901.10 M, Tal USSR, L. Polugaevsky USSR were the qualifiers of the Riga Interzonal Tournament. Adorjan won a tie-break match vs, Ribli HUN to become the last qualifier. 1979 2210 L. Portisch HUN, T. Petrosian USSR and R, Hubner FRG were the qualifiers from the Rio I nterzona I T ou rna ment. 1979 22.10 N. loseliani USSR, Z. Veroci HUN and N. Alexandria USSR were the qualifiers from the first Women's Interzonal Tournament of Rio de Janeiro, 1979 04.11 E. Ahmilovskaya USSR, T. Lematchko BUL and N, Gurieli USSR were the qualifiers from the sec- ond Women's Interzonal Tournament of Alicante, Spain, 1979 03.12 Philippines won the Asian Team Championship in Singapore. 1979 12.12 I. Morovic CHI won the Pan-American Junior Championship in Mercedes, Uruguay, 1979 29,12 Wong Meng Kong SIN won the Asian Junior Championship in Sivakasi, India. 1980 Candidates Quarterfinal in Velden, Austria, Korchnoi SUI beat T, Petrosian USSR 5 1/2-3 1/2, 1980 Candidates Quarterfinal in Bad Lauterberg, Germany, R, Hubner FRG beat A, Adorjan HUN 5 1/2-4 1/2. 1980 Candidates Quarterfinal in Alma-Ata, USSR, L. Polugaevsky USSR beat M, Tal USSR 5 1/2-2 1/2. 1980 Candidates Quarterfinal in Mexico, B. Spassky USSR lost to L. Portisch HUN 7-7 after tiebreak, 1980 Candidates Semi Final in Buenos Aires, Argentina, V. Korchnoi SUI beat L. Polugaevsky USSR 7 1/2-6 1/2 1980 Candidates Semi Final in Abano, Italy, R, Hubner FRG beat L. Portisch HUN 6 1/2-4 1/2, 1980 Candidates Match final in Merano, Italy, V, Korchnoi SUI beat Hubner FRG 4 1/2-3 1/2, 1980 J. Sloth DEN won the 8th Correspondence World Championship, 1980 04.01 A, Chernin USSR and A. Brustman POL became European Junior Champions for Boys and Girls in Groningen. 1980 R. Pereira POR won the 7th ICSC World Individual Championship in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1980 A. Obafunmilayo Shakirudeen, NIG won the 1st African Junior Championship, Only four players par- ticipated in the event and the QC Chairman decided to give FM title to the winner, 1980 M Tempone ARG won the Pan-American Junior Championship, 1980 27.01 USSR won the 7th European Team Championship in Skara, Sweden. 1980 10.04 The FIDE Bureau Meeting was held in Reykjavik, Iceland, 1980 05.09 USSR won the World Youth Team Championship in Mexico, 1980 01.10 FI DE Secretariat moved to 810 Keizergracht, Amsterdam, 1'/5 --  ID I , , I 
176 --...a_  ID , , 1980 03,12 President F. Olafsson opened the GA. He thanked the Chess Federation of Malta for the organ- ization of the Olympiad, "This is the first time when a small Federation has come forward to organize both FIDE Congress and the Olympiad," The President of the Chess Federation of Malta, Mr. Pisani Rossi wel- comed the 51 st Cong ress' pa rtici pa nts. 1980 03.12 GA observed a minute of silence in memory of Friends of FIDE who had passed away: I. R, Mitchell NZ, C. J. Seddon Purdy AUS, A, Rodriguez Avellon ARG, H. Toffano ARG, I. Pleci ARG, C. Skalicka ARG, Z. Stanchev BUL, L. R, Piazzini ARG, G. Veresov USSR, V. Pirc YUG, C. Landweher ZAM, I. Zorec YUG, A, O'Kelly de Galway BEL, Prof. Dr. O. Troianescu ROM, M, Vidmar Jr. YUG, F, Anderson CAN, 1980 03,12 The GA admitted the Chess Federations of Antigua, Brunei, Kenya, Senegal and Zimbabwe as new members. 1980 03,12 The GA noted that the Chess Federations of Guernsey and Jersey had formed one Federation: the Guernsey and Jersey Chess Federation, 1980 04.12 FIDE asked UNESCO to be recognized with "B" status, 1980 04,12 For the first time, FIDE would hold one of its meetings in Africa. Tunisia would be the host. 1980 04.12 GA approved to establish a title of a Women's FIDE Master title. 1980 04.12 Nigeria withdrew its proposal to organize the 52nd Congress, The USCF agreed to the organi- zation of the Congress in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The GA was pleased to accept Mr. Campomanes' offer to host the 1983 Congress in Manila, Philippines, 1980 04,12 The FIDE Secretariat would soon publish the first FIDE Handbook. 1980 04.12 The GA approved the work of the Committee on copyrights on chess games and would con- tract the Dutch company BUMA (Bureau Muziek Auteursrechten) to help start the process of commercial- isi ng it. 1980 Mr. R, Wade ENG was entrusted with the task of making a draft of the Laws of Chess. The new Code wou Id ta ke effect on Ja n ua ry 1 st, 1983, 1980 04,12 Algebraic notation was due to be used from January 1 st, 1981 for all FIDE Competitions. 1980 05,12 The Commission of Chess Developing Countries (CACDEC) presented its first report to the GA, outlining its plan to help the member Chess Federations. The CACDEC members were divided into four dif- ferent groups which depending on their level of chess development. concerned, Levell consisted of 32 Federations, mainly from Africa. Most of the Federations of this Group had less than 500 members and no rated or titled players. 1980 05,12 FIDE decided on the introduction of a FIDE World Cup Series. The draft of the regulations was approved, 1980 05.12 GA agreed to change the name "FIDE Bureau" to "Executive Council". 1980 05,12 FIDE has decided to award gold medals as follows: "Alekhine Medal" for the best attack; "Capablanca Medal" for the best endgame; "Lasker Medal" for the best defence and "Steinitz Medal" for the best strategical plan, A commission composed of Dr. Euwe, G, Barcza, A. Kotov, A. Matanovic, M, Najdorf and L. Schmid will select the players that will be awarded the prizes annually, 1980 06.12 The USSR won the Olympiads for men and women. 1981 05.01 R. Akesson SWE won the 10th European Junior Championship in Groningen. 1981 Women's Candidates Final in Tbilisi. N. Alexandria USSR beat N, loseliani USSR 6 1/2-2 '12. 1981 The First Executive Council (EXCO) meeting was organized in Tunisia. The EXCO made it a require- ment that Federations must register international chess tournaments, 1981 16,04 S. Krylov USSR won the 5th IBCA World Championship, 1981 05.05 E. Stupina USSR won the 5th European Girls' Championship in Panonija-Backa Topola, Yugoslavia 
1981 0508 The claims V. Korchnoi SUI made in the lawsuit he instigated against FIDE, after the 1978 World Championship, were rejected by the Court of Amsterdam. 1981 29,07 The USCF President G,H, Sperling welcomed the participants of the 52nd Congress in Atlanta, USA. 1981 29.07 The GA rejected the proposal of 0, Levy SCO to allow to enter a computer for the next Men's Olympiad. 1981 29.07 The GA made Prof. A. ELO, USA a Honorary Member of FIDE. 1981 29,07 The GA offered the newly created provisional membership to the Palestinian Chess Federation 1981 08,08 S. Conquest ENG won the 5th World U 16 Championship in Embalse, Argentina. 1981 12,08 Finland (Perkonoja and Valtonen) won the, 5th World Chess Solving Championship in Arnhem, Holla nd. 1981 08 U. Andersson SWE won Category-16 in Johannseburg SAF. FIDE did not rate the tournament because South Africa had been suspended since 1977. 1981 29,08 The USSR won the World Youth Team Championship in Graz, Austria with 32 112/44.34 teams participated in the event. 1981 30.08 Zs. Polgar, a 12 year old prodigy from Hungary, won the 1 st World Girls' Championship for players under 16 in Sussex, England, 1981 03,09 O. Cvitan YUG won the 20th World Junior Championship in Mexico, 1981 26.09 Z. Franco PAR won the 3rd Pan-American Individual Championship. At the same time R. Garbarino won the 7th Pan-American Junior Championship. 1981 01.10 The World Championship between A, Karpov USSR and V. Korchnoi SUI opened in Merano, Italy. The first to win six games would hold the title, Paul Klein ECU was the Chief Arbiter. 1981 31.10 The final match at the Women's World Championship was played in Borzhomi and Tbilisi USSR. M. Chiburdanidze USSR and N, Alexandria USSR battled it out to an 8-8 draw. Thus the reigning World Champion, Maya Chiburdanidze, retained her title. 1981 11,11 Philippines won the Asian Team Championship in Hangzhow, China with 13 1/2 1981 20,11 After 51 days of struggle A. Karpov retained the title of World Champion by winning 6 game against Korchnoi's 2, The match was played in a peaceful atmosphere, Karpov received US$ 280,000 and Korchnoi US$ 170,000. Apparently by mutual agreement Korchnoi did not attend the closing ceremony, 1981 26.11 Former FIDE President and Former World Champion Max Euwe NED died in Amsterdam, He was 80 years old, In the President's Circular Letter published on December 23, President F. Olafsson wrote: "A man who has given the world so much of himself in his dedication and lifestyle cannot be characterized in a few words. Dr. Euwe was a man with a wide scope of interests, a man of unusual abilities, with a dis- ciplined mind and a unique sense of order. Even during his lifetime Dr. Euwe had become a legendary per- son in the chess world, There are few individuals who have had more impact on the development of chess, He will certainly be remembered in chess history as one of its great personalities, not only for his achieve- ments but also for his services for the benefit of chess, Dr. Euwe was the Ambassador of Chess, the nester of the chess world". 1982 05,01 C. Hanssen DEN won the 11 th European Junior Championship in Groningen. 1982 lO.Oim USSR won the 9th Correspondence World Championship. 1982 12,03 Thanks to A. Kinzel FRG, FIDE issued the FIDE Handbook. 1982 25,04 The Executive Council met in Bad Neuenahr, West Germany. 1982 10.11 The 53rd General Assembly opened in Lucerne, Switzerland. 1982 10.11 One minute of silence was observed for the FIDE friends who had passed away: FIDE President 177 --  ID , 
178 -..a__  ID . , Max Euwe NED, L. Breznjev President of USSR, Col E,B, Edmondson USA, L. Abraham ISV, G, Hammond, Gawlikowski POL, IGM Pilnik ARG, Lika Fass ISR, 1M J.T. Barendregt NED, I. Wells ENG, 1M P. Frydman ARG, 1M W,A. Fairhurst SCO. 1982 11.11 The GA accepted the changes in the FIDE Status concerning the increase in the number of members in the Executive Council from 4 to ], The GA accepted also the minimum quorum (including proxies) of 50 % for GA and also Extraordinary GA, 1982 11.11 After the second ballot, the GA approved with 65 votes the election of F. Campomanes PHI as FI DE President. F. Olafsson ISL got 43 votes. 1982 11.11 Deputy Presidents were elected: for Africa R. Belkadi TUN; for Asia Dato Tan Chin Nam MAS; for Americas Dr. Tudela VEN; for Europe R, Toran ESP, 1982 11.11 The GA elected Prof. Lim Kok Ann SIN as General Secretary, R.K. Clues WLS as Treasurer and Count G.C. Dal Verne ITA as Auditor. 1982 11,11 The GA elected as Executive Members Messrs, K, Jungwirth AUT, D. Schultz USA, N. Krogius USSR, J.G, Prentice CAN, A, Kinzel FRG, B. Kazic YUG and E. Jimmenez Zerquera CUB, 1982 11,11 The GA approved the elected Zonal Presidents: for Zone 1 K, O'ConneiIRE; Zone 2 E, Helme FIN; Zone 3 J. Sajtar CSR; Zone 4 V. Sevastianov USSR; Zone 5 G. Koltanowski USA; Zone 6 J.G. Prentice CAN; Zone] E, Cruz Lorenzana GUA; Zone 8 J.C Escribano O'Connor ARG; Zone 9 M, Ghobash UAE; Zone 1 ° L. Collings HKG; Zone 11 G. Makropoulos GRE; Zone 12 T. Shweeidi LYB. 1982 12.11 The GA approved the Soviets' proposal to award a diploma to be given to an Active Federation to encourage the Federations to take an active part in FIDE activities. 1982 12,11 GA approved the World Junior Championship for Girls. 1982 12.11 The GA agreed to apply to be admitted to an information and consultative category B in UNESCO, 1982 12,11 GA approved the nomination of G. Koltanowski USA, Ineke Bakker NED and Rabell Mendez PUR as Honorary Members of FIDE. 1982 12.11 GA approved Former President F. Olafsson ISL as Honorary President of FIDE. 1982 12,11 Chess Federations of Palestine, Fiji, Bahrain, Yemen and Botswana were admitted to full mem- bership, The Federations of Mauritania, Paraguay and Uruguay were reinstated as full members. 1982 12,11 The title of FIDE Master would be granted to players who had achieved a rating of 2300 ELO without special norms, Also, any player who played 500/0 or more of the rounds in an Olympiad and who scored 500/0 or better would enter the FIDE Rating List at a minimum rating of 2205, 1983 04.01 J. Ehlvest USSR won the 12th European Junior Championship in Groningen. 1983 05,02 Women's Candidates Quarterfinal in Lvov, USSR, N. Gaprindashvili USSR lost to I. Levitina USSR 4-6. 1983 26.02 Candidates Quarterfinal in Moscow, G. Kasparov USSR beat A. Beliavsky USSR 6-3. 1983 18,03 The Medal of Merit has been awarded to Hadji Mohamed Hasan INA and John Collins USA for outstanding contributions to chess. 1983 19,03 Candidates Quarterfinal in Velden, Austria, V. Smyslov USSR beat R, Hubner FRG ]-] after a tie-break, 1983 20,03 Women's Candidates Quarterfinal, N. loseliani USSR beat Liu CHN 6-3. 1983 26,03 Candidates Quarterfinal in Bad Kissingen, FRG, V. Korchnoi SUI beat L. Portisch HUN 6-3. At the Women's Candidates Quarterfinal, M. Muresian ROM lost to Semenova USSR 4 '12-5 1/2 1983 03.04 Candidates Quarterfinal in Alicante, Spain, Z. Ribli HUN beat E. Torre PHI 6-4, At the Women's Candidates Quarterfinal, N, Alexandria USSR beat Lematchko BUL 5 '12-4 '/2 The Executive Council met dur- i ng the events. 
1983 17,05 The President decided to move the FIDE Secretariat from Amsterdam to Lucerne, Switzerland The city of Graz (AUT) had also expressed interest in acting as host to the FIDE Secretariat. 1983 01.06 Miss Irma Largoza of Manila was appointed to work at the FIDE Secretariat. 1983 01.06 Organization of Candidates' semi-final matches was awarded as follows: Kasparov USSR - Korchnoi SUI to USCF, Ribli HUN - Smyslov USSR to UAE. 1983 02,06 Telex from USSR CF to FIDE: "USSR CF claims Reg, 7.32 favours players' choice of Rotterdam venue; we protest against the President's decision and insist that the President reconsiders it", 1983 02,06 President Campomanes answered Reg, 7.32 justified his decisions, 1983 03,06 USSR CF to President: "Claims Reg, 7.42 justified protest", 1983 03.06 President sent a telex to USSR explaining why Pasadena was preferred to Rotterdam accord- ing to Reg. 7,32 1983 03,06 USCF accepted award of Kasparov-Korchnoi match to Pasadena, 1983 04.06 Kasparov replied to the President: "00 not oppose interests of leading Grandmasters to popu- larisation of chess", 1983 05,06 USSR CF to President: "We reject President's arguments of June 3. We insist on cancellation of decision, alleging this violates the rules of Candidates matches. We are ready to negotiate". 1983 05,06 President agreed to talk but admonished USSR CF regarding making threats, 1983 06.06 President obtained support from Board Members Tan Chin Nam INA, A. Kinzel FRG, Prentice CAN and B, Kazic YUG, 1983 09.06 V, Korchnoi SUI to FIDE: "Glad to play in California". Swiss CF accepted the President's decision on June 2, 1983 13,06 Hungarian CF to President: "GM Ribli accepted Abu Dhabi". 1983 13,06 Deputy President K. Jungwirth AUT to President: "1 urgently advise the President to reconsider the decision on Kasparov-Korchnoi in accordance with players' wishes", 1983 18.06 From Portoroz YUG, World Champion A, Karpov sent a telex to the President: "FIDE rules are well elaborated and favourable to make decision. I hope that President will find a way out", 1983 27.06 USSR CF to President: "Our protests make illegal the decision of the President. We demand the Executive Council Meeting or the postponement of matches till FIDE Congress," 1983 29,06 President rejected USSR CF view of players' wishes as an overriding consideration, He stated that there were no provision in Regulations for USSR CF demands and urged USSR CF to reconsider its stand, 1983 01.07 USSR CF rejected arguments "stated unfairly and tactlessly", Chairman of USSR Sports Committee Mr Gramov USSR said that his refusal was in accordance with the regulations, 1983 01,07 President agreed on "strict accordance with regulations and suggested the joint reading of the regu lations". 1983 11.07 USSR CF confirmed invitation to Moscow, 1983 15.07 USSR confirmed protest and asked for postponement. They said Kasparov chose Las Palmas/Rotterdam because "no normal conditions in Pasadena, no government guarantees of security and free entrance for Soviet representatives and diplomats," 1983 15,07 The President answered: "your telex of July 15 does not fully conform with Moscow conversa- tions". Smyslov had agreed to play in Abu Dhabi and USCF had been asked to look into questions of securi- ty and access, President rejected insinuations of violation of regulations, rejected request for postpone- ment on such basis, but postponed matches for one week because of protracted dialogue, 1983 17.07 From USSR CF to President: Moscow talks confirmed unchanged Soviet position that Pasadena 179 --  ID 
180 --   venue contradicted the Regulations, especially Reg, 7,32, in accordance with which Rotterdam was more preferable than Pasadena; that Abu Dhabi was considered as a compromise if Pasadena was changed, 1983 19.07 Letter from US State Department concerning security: Soviet people have visited USA without needing special protection, This has not been requested, Re access: Pasadena is open to Soviet travel. Under reciprocal agreement Soviet officials have to give 48 hours notice about intention to travel but this requirement may be relaxed in an emergency. 1983 20.07 President flew to Moscow to meet with Sport Committee Chairman Gramov, Vice Chairman Ivonin, N, Krogius Soviet Chess federation Chairman Sebastianov, V, Baturinsky, World Champion A, Karpov, G, Kasparov and V, Smyslov, During the discussions the Soviets pressed him on such issues as security, cli- mate, and players' wishes, Kasparov asked for 'guarantee of security' from either the Governor of California or the Mayor of Pasadena, Smyslov was quite willing to play in Abu Dabhi and the Soviets offered to go forward if Campomanes would agree to switch the Kasparov-Korchnoi match to a European venue. Campomanes declined that offer. 1983 21,07 Deputy President K. Jungwirth AUT to FIDE: "Soviet Embassy in Vienna announces serious con- sequences for FI DE if you stick to decision", 1983 24,07 President to Dr. N. Krogius: "Acceding to request of Deputy Presidents R, Toran and K. Jungwirth, I convene Special meeting of Executive Council (EXCO) to consider motion that Council affirms Regulation 7.32 empowers President to decide venue of Pasadena and Abu Dhabi", 1983 28,07 B, Kazic YUG to President: "according to the Regulations, President decided about the venues. The Executive Council has no right to change the decision of the President, enforce or abolish the Regulations approved by the Congress", Toran ESP said: "President acted within power given by FIDE Rules, EXCO should support the decision. 1I 1983 In Madrid, the Executive Council voted 8-2 for an emergency meeting overruling Soviet objections against the proposed semi-final match sites scheduled on August 5th in Abu Dhabi and Pasadena, They also demanded that President Campomanes be reprimanded, This was voted down 8-2, as well, 1983 03,08 Kasparov's statement was announced and admitted the legality of the President's decisions but insisted that the Grandmasters themselves should decide upon the venues. He asked the USSR CF to intervene, 1983 03.08 Hungarian CF stated that Z. Ribli was ready to play with V. Smyslov any time and any place, in the framework of FIDE, 1983 04,08 President - to the USSR CF: a friendly European Federation offers to organize Ribli-Smyslov match if Smyslov and USSR CF give their written undertaking to play independently of other conditions a tta c h ed II , 1983 06,08 According to the schedule, V. Korchnoi appeared in Pasadena City College Auditorium, He played 1.d4 and waited one hour as Kasparov's clock ran out. V, Korchnoi and Z, Ribli were declared win- ners by default. V, Smyslov was technically forfeited when the USSR CF did not respond to a FIDE overture to hold this match in Europe after Abu Dhabi had cancelled their match, 1983 USSR won the final group of the European Team Championship in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1983 09.08 President - to Hungarian CF: Ribli qualified for Candidates Final. 1983 28.08 K. Georgiev BUL became World Junior Champion, in Belfort, France, 1983 02,09 USSR won the World Youth Team Championship in Chicago. 1983 01.10 The 54th annual Congress opened in Manila, Philippines, 1983 05.10 The GA agreed upon a two-year cycle for the World Championship with changes in the struc- ture of the qualifying competitions, The GA agreed also upon a four-year cycle for the proposed World Team Championship, 
1983 05,10 The GA stood up in respectful remembrance of the following Friends who had passed away: GM Victor Ciocaltea ROM, IGM Janos Flesch HUN, 1M Paul Vaitoniz CAN, Bernard Freeman CAN, Milevoje Molerovic YUG, Carlos Topete MEX, 1983 10,10, FIDE reopened the bids for the Candidates semi-finals matches after an agreement with the Hungarian and Soviets. 1983 06,1 ° The GA admitted the Federations of San Marino and Barbados as full members, 1983 06,10 The US Chess Federation has made an agreement to perform the duties of FIDE's Rating Unit and publish the International Rating List, commencing January 1984, 1983 27,10 The British Chess Federation secured for England the two controversial Candidates' semi-final matches, 1983 19,11 The Candidates Semi Final Matches were opened at 11 Downing Street, London by Nigel Lawson, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1983 18,12 "Acorn" Candidates Semi Finals in London, G. Kasparov USSR beat V. Korchnoi SUI 7-4, The prize fu nd was SFR 100,000, 1983 Women's Candidates Semi Final in Sochi, USSR, L. Semenova USSR beat N. loseliani USSR 5 1/2-4 '/2, 1983 Women's Candidates Semi Final in Dubna, USSR, I. Levitina USSR beat N, Alexandria USSR 7 1/2-6 1/2. 1983 18,12 "Acorn" Candidates Semi Finals in London, V. Smyslov USSR beat Z. Ribli HUN 6 1/2-4 '/2 1984 04.01 V, Salov USSR won the 13th European Junior Championship in Groningen, 1984 V. Palciauskas USA won the 10th Correspondence World Championship, 1984 12,03 FIDE opened its second office in Madrid. 1984 23,03 The Executive Council was organized in New York. 1984 06,03 I. Levitina USSR won the Women's Candidates' final match in Sochi, USSR after beating L. Semenova USSR 7-5, 1984 01,04 A. Karpov won his 9th Chess Oscar. 1984 08,04 Candidates final match in Vilnius, USSR, Kasparov USSR defeated former World Champion V, Smyslov USSR 8 1/2-4 1/2, The site of the Karpov-Kasparov match had not yet been announced but a tenta- tive date of mid-September had been set by FIDE. 1984 27.06 A letter signed by IGMs Timman NED, Ljubojevic YUG, Larsen DEN, Korchnoi SUI and Torre PHI was sent to FIDE: "Instead of the usual schedule of 40 moves in two and a half hours, followed by sixteen moves in one hour, we suggest a time control of 40 moves in two hours followed by 20 moves in 1 hour, The proposal is to avoid adjournments as much as possible". 1984 30,06, The USSR beat the team of the Rest of the World 21-19 in London, This was their second vic- tory, the first having been in 1970, The Opening Ceremony was scheduled for the 20th June in commemo- ration of the 60th anniversary of FIDE, This match became possible in London thanks to the sponsorship of The London Dockland Development Corporation and H,M. Hasan, Indonesia who was also captain of the ROW team. 1984 18,08 Curt Hansen DEN won the World Junior Championship in Helsinki, Finland. 1984 10,09 The opening of the World Championship Match between Karpov USSR vs, G, Kasparov USSR with a prize fund of SFR 1,000,000 took place in Moscow, President Campomanes was empowered with new regulation (B 6,11), 1984 29,09 I. Madl HUN won the European Junior Championship for Girls in Katowice, Poland. 1984 20,10 M, Chiburdanidze USSR retained her title of Women's World Champion in Volgograd, USSR, after beating I. Levitina USSR 8 1/2-5 '/2 1984 18.11 Opening of the 26th Olympiad in Thessaloniki, Greece, with 88 countries participating. 1 B 1 ----  ID I I 
182 4IP --  ID , e 1984 01.12 The 55th GA opened in Thessaloniki, Greece, 1984 01.12 The GA stood up in respectful remembrance of the following people who had passed away: Former World Champion T. Petrosian USSR, IGM Popovic YUG, IGM Silvio Santos POR, Mijo Udovcic YUG, Comins Mansfield ENG, Reginald Bonham ENG, . 1984 05,12 0512 USSR won the Olympiad with 41 points. The USSR also won the gold medal in the Women's Olympiad. 1985 03,01 F, Hellers SWE won the 14th European Junior Championship in Groningen, 1985 01.01 Kasparov headed the FIDE rating list with 2715. Zs, Polgar was the best among the women with 2430. 1985 13,02 A technical timeout was requested by Campo manes because the Soviet Chess Federation's Chairman V, Sevastianov had demanded a three month suspension of the match, citing concerns about the continuation of the event. " To: FIDE President Mr. Campomanes Taking into consideration the unprecedented duration of the World Chess Match between A, Karpov and G, Kasparov, which now has exceeded 5 months, with 48 games played/e, g. two full time matches as per the old regulations! the Soviet Chess Federation is expressing worry about health status of the players and requests a 3-month suspension of the match. As it is known, the terms of the unlimited match Fischer Vs, Karpov in 1976 contained provision for the break after 4 months of continuous game, This provision had been included on the basis of opinion of medical experts, But the duration of the match Karpov vs, Kasparov - as it was mentioned above - is longer and the match is still underway. May we note also, that proposal to suspend the match does not contradict both FIDE Regulations and the regulations of the match; we believe, that the world chess community will accept this proposal with satis- faction. Your positive decision will contribute to further development of chess creativity': 1985 14.02 FIDE President F. Campomanes and S, Gligoric YUG visited Kasparov to discuss Sevastianov' s letter. Kasparov's response was that either Karpov should abandon the match or the match should continue, 1985 15,02 During the press conference where, of the players, initially only Kasparov was attended, Campomanes read the following statement: "I declare that the Match is ended without any further decision, There will be a new match that will start from scratch woth the score 0:0 on 1 September 1985, The two players consented, The next FIDE Congress in August shall determine further necessary match pro- visions, The winner of that match will be the World Champion for the period of 1985-1986," Campomanes stated that he had been speaking with Karpov just before the conference and that Karpov wanted to continue the match on Monday, the next scheduled playing day. Campomanes further stated that Kasparov was also not happy with the decision to stop the match, Then Karpov arrived and confirmed that he preferred to continue the match immediately, Kasparov was invited to speak and asked Campomanes why he was stopping the match if both players preferred to con- tinue. President Campomanes replied that he would take advantage of having both players in the same room to 
hold a private conversation with both of them at the same time, Kasparov declared immediately that he would prefer to continue. Karpov declared that he was also ready to play on Monday. The principals, without Kasparov, retired to another room to discuss the continuation. Kasparov changed his mind and joined them afterwards, The participants prepared an agreement that the match would be stopped, Karpov signed it, but Kasparov did not sign, When the press conference continued, Campomanes announced that Karpov accepted the decision to stop the Match and that Kasparov submitted to the decision, After the new match, Karpov would also be grant- ed the right for a return match. The FIDE Rules that were in effect before 1963 were used again. The Match finished after 160 days, 48 games, 5 wins by Karpov and 3 by Kasparov and 40 draws, but of course without result. 1985 19.02 A, Karpov sent an open letter to FIDE: "Dear Mr President, In continuation of our discussions during your recent visit to Moscow I would like once again to say that I highly appreciate your concern about the health and nerves of the players and all those connected with unprecedentally prolonged match, I understand human motives that influenced your decision to end the match. You, no doubt, acted in the interests of chess, but I am deeply convinced that the present situation has caused damage to chess to say nothing of blasting my sports and public reputation, which in the course of many years has been considered unimpeachable. Unfortunately, some public statements of the Challenger conduce to that. In its approach to you the USSR Chess Federation has not proposed to end the match but only to make a brake, which could have enabled all the people concerned to have a rest. As you know, on February 15, 1985, both players expressed their strong wish and ability to continue play- ing till the final result provided for in the Regulations approved by the FIDE Congress, for me, personally, this possibility is necessary in order to once again prove my adherence to the principles of sports competi- tion over the chessboard, The challenger has his own arguments: he is complaining of being deliberately deprived of his right to compete for the highest title, I am sure that millions of chess enthusiasts are not satisfied with the fact that the sports competition has remained unfinished. Consequently, resumption of the match will be for general benefit. I hope that the USSR Chess Federation in these circumstances will not oppose the wish of its own strongest chess players. It is certainly not in the interests of the Federation to heat the atmosphere. It has not been easy for you to make your decision on February 15, 1985, and naturally it is not easy for you now to review it. But during the Candidates' competition in 1983 you already proved your wisdom and ability to place the interests of chess and chess players above all. That has only served to consolidation of your prestige and authority. Keeping this in mind I appeal to you to give your consent to resumption of the play in the Match as soon as it is only possible': 1985 21.02 The USSR Chess Federation officially asked to organize the match in September. 1985 25,02 Mr. Mamedov, head of Kasparov's delegation, informed FIDE that the Challenger didn't wish to continue the Match and accepted the FIDE decision. He would be ready to start a new match with the first game starting the first week of September. 183 --  ID 
184 --  'D 1985 25,04 A, Karpov won the 23rd Absolute Chess World Oscar 1985. Maya Chiburdanidze won the 3rd Women's Chess Oscar 1985, 1985 21.05 The FIDE Executive Council, meeting in Tunisia, decided that: 1) There would be a 24 game match, 2) If the match ended 12-12, Karpov would retain the title. 3) If Karpov lost, a return match would be granted, but this would be for the current cycle only and would not apply to future cycles, 4) The loser of the return match would be seeded directly into the Candidates' final match for the current cycle, The match would consist of 24 games against the winner of the semi-final match, This meant that a new World Champion Challenger would have to beat both Karpov and Kasparov to gain the title. The question arose as to which officials should serve as Chief Match Arbiter and as Chairman of the Appeals Committee, Kasparov was opposed to both Gligoric and Kinzel, whom he suspected of complici- ty with Karpov in agreeing to terminate the first match. L.Schmid was the only name on both Karpov's and Kasparov's list of acceptable Arbiters. 1985 21.05 A, Yusupov USSR won the Interzonal Tournament in Tunisia, 1985 01,06 FIDE nevertheless declared officially that Gligoric would serve in the position. 1985 25.07 S, Gligoric announced that he was withdrawing his name as Chief Arbiter. 1985 30.06 Litinskaya USSR, Wu CHN and Brustman POL were the qualifiers from the first Women's Interzonal in Zheleznovodsk, Russia, 1985 15,07 P. Cramling SWE, E, Akhmilovskaya USSR and N. Alexandria USSR were the qualifiers from the second Women's Interzonal in Havana. 1985 21,08 L. Schmid FRG was named Chief Arbiter, but he had to decline because of other responsibili- ties. FIDE later named A, Malchev BUL and V. Mikenas USSR as co-arbiters, to serve at alternating games. 1985 23,08 The USSR won the World U26 Team Championship in Mendosa, Argentina, 1985 28,08 The qualifiers from the Interzonals of Biel were R, Vaganian USSR, y, Seirawan USA, A. Sokolov USSR and N. Short ENG. 1985 27,08 The 56th Congress opened in Graz, Austria. 1985 27.08 The GA approved the Federations of Liechtenstein and Qatar as full members. 1985 27.08 The GA adopted the proposal that the awards of Gold and Silver Diplomas or plaques should be made once in four years to coincide with the FIDE elections, 1985 27.08 The GA noted that FIDE had contracted B,T. Batsford, London, concerning publication of the official version of the Laws of Chess, 1985 28,08 The GA approved the use of the six-hour first session for all FIDE competitions except those of the current World Championship cycle. 1985 28.08 The GA adopted the FIDE Rules of Swiss System for use in FIDE competitions. 1985 28.08 The GA approved the recommendation of the Rules Commission to adopt the proposal of Malaysian Chess Federation for Rapid Chess Regulations (60-Minute Chess), with the amendment that a player must record the game until he has 5 minutes left on his clock, in accordance with the Laws. 1985 28.08 The GA approved the rules recommended by the Rules Commission for "Quickplay Finish", 1985 28,08 The GA approved the recommended Supplementary Laws of Chess for use in games among visually handicapped. 1985 29.08 The GA approved the recommendation of QC that for a trial period of one year, commencing 01 September 1985, games played under Rapid Chess Rules (60 minutes for each player for the whole ga me) m ig ht be rated. 1985 29,08 GA noted that the 1984 Championship Match would start on 10 September 1984, On 15 
February 1985, the President had declared the previous match terminated without a decision. 1985 29.08 The GA approved amendments to World Championship Match Regulations according with the conditions of victory (the first player to secure 6 wins, failing that the greater number of wins in 24 games; the match would be drawn with 12-12 score; prize fund (players to receive SOlo of prize fund for each won game; 1 DID of prize fund for each drawn game. CACDEC Fund also to receive 1 DID of prize fund for each drawn game, The balance of the prize fund divided S/8th to the winner and 3/8th to the loser of the match, In the event that the World Champion lost the 1985 match, there would be a return match, The loser of the return match would playa match (of 14 games) with the winner of the Candidates. Subsequent to that, there would be no right to a return match if the World Champion lost. 1985 29.08 The President reported that three bids were received for the organization of the 1985 World Championship Match from the following Federations: France, site Marseille; USSR, site Moscow; England, site London, 1985 29.08 The President selected the USSR Federation as the organizer with Moscow as the site for the match, because the French and USSR organizers did not wish to share the match, both players belonged to the USSR, and the USSR organizers had offered to match the prize fund of the French offer. 1985 29.08 The GA approved that the Candidates' All-Play-All Tournament would be organized by the French Chess Federation in Montpellier, on 12 October-03 November. 1985 31.0S At the proposal of the President, the GA awarded the title of Honorary Member for their out- standing services to FIDE to: I. EshellSR, B, Kazic YUG, G, D. Soria, ARG; C.A. Palacio Tozcano, CUB. 1985 31,08 The GA stood up in respectful remembrance of the following people who had passed away since Thessaloniki: GM I. Kashdan, USA; 1M I. Aloni, ISR; 1M H, Lepuschuetz, AUT. 1985 31.08 Since it was impossible for Israel to play in the next Olympiad in Dubai due to political boy- cott, Mr, Hadassi, the President of the Israeli Chess Federation and Mr. I. Gelfer, the Vice-President addressed the GA, Mr. Hadassi expressed his grave disappointment with the outcome in the spite of all efforts. He thanked the President and Mr. Schultz and other colleagues and said that he hoped that such experience would not recur and the future would be better, He hoped the next Olympiad would be suc- cessful. Mr. Gelfer said: "We were offered by the President some alternatives, or should I call it compensa- tion. We turn down all this because we thought there could be no compensation for breaking FIDE spirit. However, in trying to move towards the real spirit of FIDE, we accept as a fact the decision taken by the GA in Thessalonica that the Olympiad in 1986 will be in Dubai and may I conclude by wishing the United Arab Emirates' Chess Federation all the best and great success in the Olympiad". 1985 02,09 The second match between A, Karpov and G. Kasparov started I Moscow with a prize fund of SFR 1.600,000. 1985 27.09 M. Dlugy USA won the World Junior Championship in Sharjah, UAE, 1985 03.11 Candidates' Tournament in Montpellier, France, A, Yusupov USSR, R, Vaganian USSR and A, Sokolov USSR shared first place with 9 points. 1985 09.11 Kasparov won the World Championship Match 13-11 (+S-3= 16), Thus he became the 13th World Champion, the youngest-ever. 1985 27,11 Ms. Anupuma Abhyanka IND won the 3rd Asian Women's Championship in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 1985 28.11 The USSR won the first World Team Championship with 37.S points organized in Luzern, Switzerland. Hungary was the runner up and England was third, Nine countries plus one team representing the African continent took part. 1985 01,12 The first Arab Junior Championship was won by Boudiba ALG in Dubai, lB ---..  ID 
lBb --  'D I I 1985 05,12 President F, Campomanes accepted Karpov's request to play the revenge mach starting before the end of March 1986, 1985 09,12 The match between J. Timman NED and M, Tal USSR for the 4th qualifying place from the Candidates' Tournament finished 3-3, J. Timman qualified for the next stage by superior tiebreak. 1985 23,12 G Kasparov announced his refusal to play the revenge match at the time decided by FIDE. 1985 24,12 K. Arakhamia USSR won the World Girls' under 20 Championship in Dobrna, Yugoslavia, 1985 26,12 J. Magnusson SWE won the 1 st World Junior Championship for visually handicapped in Solna, Sweden, 1985 3012 Campomanes gave an interview to the Associated Press in Geneva, Kasparov would have until 7 January 1986 to accept a return match starting 10 February 1986. If Kasparov did not accept, Karpov would be declared the World Champion, 1985 The computer software Mephisto (ENG) won the World Micro Computer Championship organized in Amsterda m, 1986 01,01 G, Kasparov led the ELO rating list with 2720. 1986 02,01 A, Khalifman USSR won the 15th European Junior Championship in Groningen, 1986 02,02 Candidates Quarterfinal in Minsk, USSR, A. Sokolov USSR beat R, Vaganian USSR 6-2, 1986 02.02 Candidates Quarterfinal in Tilburg, Holland, A, Yusupov USSR beat J. Timman NED 6-3. 1986 05,04 Candidates Semi-final in Riga, USSR, A. Sokolov USSR defeated A, Yusupov 7 '/2-6 '/2. 1986 07,01 Campomanes withdrew the ultimatum and met Kasparov in Moscow but couldn't find any agreement with him. FIDE received bids from London and Leningrad. 1986 21.01 The Soviet Chess Federation decided that the match would take place in July or August. G. Kasparov and A, Karpov signed an agreement on the following day without consulting FIDE: 1) It was agreed a return match would be held in July or August 1986, the loser would play in February 1987 against the winner of the current Candidates' cycle, 2) The title match for the next cycle would be held in July or August 1987. 1986 29.01 F, Campomanes announced at a press conference the terms of the next World Championship Match, L. Schmid FRG was nominated the Chief Arbiter. 1986 E. Akhimiloskaya USSR won the Women's Candidates' tournament in Malmo Sweden, The Swiss sys- tem was used for the first time. 1986 26.03 I. Madl HUN and Svetlana Matveeva USSR shared the first place at the European Girls Championship in Baile Herculane, Romania, 1986 03.05 Executive Council met in Caracas, Venezuela, 1986 28,05 In Vilnius, USSR, I Madl HUN won the World Girls' under 20 Championship. 1986 01.07 G, Kasparov led the ELO rating list with 2740. 1986 08,07 England won the World Students' Team Championship in Puerto Rico, 1986 08.07 The First World Festival for Under 12 and Under 10 took place in Puerto Rica. 1986 27.07 In London, the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher drew for colours and opened the World Championship sponsored by the Greater London Council which was by then defunct. The prize fund for both cities was SFR 1.800,000. For the first time in a World Championship an electronic board was used to display, on big screens, the moves played by the players and the current position. It was also relayed to the Television Teletext System. 1986 18,08 W. Arencibia CUB won the World Junior Championship in Gausdal, Norway. 1986 30,08 The London half of the match was closed by James Callaghan, the immediate previous Prime Minister. Kasparov left for Leningrad, leading Karpov 6 112-5 '/2 
1986 04,09 The second part of the World Championship Match started in Leningrad, 1986 02.10 Candidates' Final Match in Riga, A. Sokolov USSR defeated A, Yusupov USSR 7 1/2-6 1/2, 1986 10,10 After winning the match 12 '/2-11 '/2, Garry Kasparov USSR retained his title of World Champion. 1986 27.10 Maya Chiburdanidze USSR retained her title of Women's World Champion in Borjomi, USSR by beating E, Akhmilovskaya USSR 8 1f2-5 '/2, 1986 15.11 The 27th Olympiad opened in Dubai with 106 countries taking part. 1986 28.11 Sheik Hamdan ben Rashid AI Maktoum opened the 57th Congress with 120 delegates regis- tered, 1986 28,11 President read to the GA the FIDE Peace Declaration proposed by the USSR Chess Federation: "Chess, our favourite sport attracts millions of fans from all over the world. We see chess as an effective means to develop human intelligence and personality, a communication and cooperation both among nations and individuals and different ages and occupations. In chess we value the spirit of fair play, cre- ative power and friendship, All these rightfully allow chess-players of all countries to be united under the motto "Gens Una Sumus", We are one family, The spirit of our chess community expresses ideas of peace and friendship. Now that the world lives in a complex and alarming period, when numerous destructive means have been produced, able to destroy everything created by human talent and labour, to sweep away the whole of mankind in a twinkle of an eye, we, the chess-players united by FIDE, appeal to all fans of this ancient game to do everything in their power to secure peace in the world. Let peace prosper on this planet! Let the sky over our cities and countries be always cloudless," 1986 28,11 The GA admitted the Sudan Chess Federation to full membership. 1986 28,11 Mr. L. Lucena BRA, a candidate for the election as President, addressed the GA: "The events of the last few days have convinced me to renounce my candidacy for the benefit of chess, Best wishes to Mr. Campomanes". At the proposal of Honorary Member of FIDE Miss I. Bakker, the GA unanimously elect- ed Mr, Campomanes as FIDE President by acclamation, 1986 29,11 Deputy Presidents were elected: Messrs, R, Belkadi TUN for Africa; M, Ghobash UAE for Asia, R. Tudela VEN for Americas and R. Toran for Europe. 1986 29.11 The GA elected Prof. Lim Kok Ann SIN as General Secretary and R, K. Clues WLS as Treasurer. 1986 29.11 The President nominated and the GA confirmed as Vice-Presidents, Dr, N, Krogius USSR and G. Makropoulos GRE. 1986 30,11 The Executive Council was elected: 0, Schultz USA, Tan Chin Nam MAL, J. Lambert FRA, B. Kutin YUG, E. Jimenez CUB, J. Prentice CAN and A. Noguez ARG, 1986 30.11 The GA approved the election of Zonal Presidents: for Zone 1 K. O'ConneilRE, Zone 2 Ms. G, Wagner AUT, Zone 3 Kaikamdzozov BLR, Zone 4 A. Chikvaidze USSR, Zone 5 P. Anastasiadis GRE, Zone 6 A, Denker USA, Zone 7 J. Prentice CAN, Zone 8 Cruz Lorenzana GUA, Zone 9 I. Pellegrin ARG, Zone 10 Sheikh M, Althani QAT, Zone 11 M. Wutolo RIN, Zone 12 L. Mazouz ALG, Zone 13 R, Da Silva ANG, Zone 14 E, Helme FIN. 1986 30.11 Messrs, Paladino ITA, Bakali, Molina COL, Aaron IND, Sega Sow and Durao POR were elected at the Central Committee. 1986 30,11 The GA admitted the Sudan Chess Federation to full membership. 1986 01,12 During the session of the GA, Mr. Kasparov and other Grandmasters submitted a letter pro- posing to replace the Players' Council with a Grandmasters Association (GMA) and to return to a 3-year World Championship cycle in order to accommodate the World Cup tournaments. The President recom- mended the GA to acceptance these proposals in principle, 187 --   
188 --- * iiiiifIa  t 1986 01.12 The GA stood in memory of Women's World Champion L. Rudenko USSR and also IGM G, Barcza HUN, M, Cuellar, Gacharla COL, C, Dal Verne ITA, B, Milic YUG, M. Iskenderouglu TUR, A, Grischkan ARG and V, Sljivic YUG, 1986 01.12 The GA conferred upon the following people the Honorary Membership of FIDE for their out- standing services to FIDE: Gerard Heynen BEL, Alfred Kinzel FRG and V. Sevastianov USSR, 1986 02,12 USSR won both the men's and women's sections of the 27th Olympiad. 1986 Cray Blitz won the World Computer Championship in Cologne, Germany, 1987 05,01 V, Ivanchuk USSR won the 16th European Junior Championship in Groningen, 1987 02.02 In Brussels, Belgium, the Executive Council (EC) met concurrently with the GMA board, The GMA proposed a Draft Agreement but the Council had expected assimilation of the GMA within FIDE or at least affiliation as one of its permanent Commissions. The EC endorsed the change from a 2-year to a 3- year cycle and proposed that, subject to affiliation of the GMA, FIDE would consult the GMA on all matters regarding Rules and World Championship tournaments, 1987 26,03 Candidates Super-Final in Linares, A, Karpov USSR defeated A, Sokolov USSR 7 '12-3 '12. 1987 10,05 During the Special Executive Council meeting in Timisoara, Romania, the Council noted that GMA would not affiliate within FIDE. 1987 15,07 N. Short ENG, J. Speelman ENG and G, Sax HUN were the qualifiers from the Interzonal in Subotica, Yugoslavia. 1987 V, Anand IND and K. Baginskaite USSR became World Junior Champions for Boys and Girls in Manila, 1987 06.08 Litinskaya USSR, Gaprindashivili USSR and Levitina USSR were the qualifiers from the Women's Interzonal in Smederevska Palanka, Yugoslavia. 1987 loseliani USSR, Arakhamia USSR and Brustman POL were the qualifiers from the Women's Interzonal in Tulza. 1987 20.09 Mephisto (from England) won the World Microcomputer Championship in Roma, Psion Chess ENG was the Software Champion. For the first time a computer chess program defeated a reigning World Champion in a serious play, The program 'Hitech' written at Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA, by Hans Berliner, won a two game match against the reigning World under 14 Champion, Joel Lautier of Fra n ce, 1987 10.10 The 4th Match between G, Kasparov and A. Karpov for the World title opened in Seville, Spain, with a prize fund of SFR 2,856,000. The Chief Arbiter was G, Gijssen NED, 1987 2111 FIDE President said: "For four World Championships from 1984 to 1987, FIDE has raised over SFR. 7,000,000 " 1987 28,11 Don Manuel Del Valle Arevalo, Mayor of Seville, opened the 58th Congress, 1987 28,11 The GA observed one minute of silence in memory of Honorary Member John Gerald Prentice CAN, Souza Macao HUN, Pierre Keller FRA, and Sure Nevzat TUR who had past away.. 1987 28,11 The GA noted that the GMA which had proposed in Dubai to replace the Players' Council within FIDE, had now decided to form a body independent of FIDE. 1987 31.11 Following an insulting and defamatory article published in the magazine New in Chess, The GA declared 1M R, Calvo ESP persona non grata, 1987 31.11 The GA approved the election of 0, Anderton ENG as a member of the Executive Council. 1987 31.11 The GA approved the name Active to replace Rapid Chess. 1987 31.11 The GA approved rules for 30 minutes rapid chess. 1987 20.12 The World Championship match ended in a 12-12 tie. Thus, as according to the Regulations, Ga rry . Kaspa rov reta i ned h is title. 
1987 21,12 In Seville, at a press conference, Kasparov declared: "Just my title will kill this organization", 1987 Candidates Match in Budapest, L. Portisch HUN beat J. Nunn ENG 4-2, 1988 02.01 B, Gelfand USSR won the 17th European Junior Championship in Arnhem, Netherlands. 1988 21.02 Candidates Matches in Saint-John, Canada, K, Spraggett CAN beat A, Sokolov USSR 6 '/2-5 '/2; J. Hjartarson ISL beat R, Vaganian USSR 3 '/2-2 '/2; J. Timman NED beat V. Salov USSR 3 '/2-2 '/2; A, Yusupov USSR beat J. Ehlvest USSR 3 '/2-1 '/2; N, Short ENG beat G. Sax HUN 3 '/2-1 1/2; J. Speelman END beat Y. Sei rawa n USA 4-1. 1988 10,05 General Secretary Dr. Um Kok Ann announced his retirement. 1988 N, loseliani won, after a play-off, the Women's Candidates Tournament held in Tshaltubo, USSR" 1988 Executive Council meeting in Abu Dhabi endorsed for approval by the General Assembly draft of FI DE Code of Eth ics, 1988 04,06 A, Karpov USSR won the first European Championship in Active Chess held in Gijon, Spain, 1988 20.06 R, Antonio PHI won the Asian Championship in Active Chess held in Singapore. 1988 3006 L. Alburt USA and M, Wilder USA shared first place in the American Championship in Active Chess held in Philadelphia USA. 1988 CSK Moscow won the European Club Championship. 1988 01.08 President Campomanes sent a letter to the USSR Chess Federation: " ..,We thank the two par- ticipants for their sportive competition which resulted in a most thrilling match. We congratulate the World Champion G, Kasparov, on his retention of the title, However, this fact has been clouded by his public utterances which show discord and which insult and threaten the very organi- zation, FIDE, that made possible the awarding to him of the title of Chess Champion, and we quote him: "My title alone will kill this organization, this title in my hands". On beha If of FI DE, we officia lIy ta ke offence to th is statement as well as other uttera nces he has made to world media: "They are like godfathers in mafia, That's how it is in FIDE...There is tremendous corruption in FIDE. Different leaderships won't help", On behalf of FIDE, I ask for an apology from the World Champion, Failing this, I propose to bring this to the attention of the General Assembly". 1988 31.08 Candidates Quarterfinal in London, Speelman ENG beat N, Short ENG 3 '/2-1 '/2, 1988 05.09 GMA sent the following proposal to FIDE: 1. FIDE recognizes the GMA, subject to the approval of its members, as the representative of professional chess grandmasters. 2, FIDE recognizes that an agreement must be worked out as soon as possible whereby the GMA acquires a decisive role in establishing and/or amending the rules of chess, which directly affect GMA members. 3, FIDE and GMA decide upon an agreement defining the role of the GMA in the organization of the World Cha m pionsh i p. 1988 08,10 J. Lautier FRA and A, Galliamova USSR won the World Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Sydney, Australia. 1988 08,10 Xie Jun CHN won the Asian under-20 Championship for Girls held in Sydney, 1988 01.10 Mephisto (ENG) won the World Micro Computer Championship, Hitech was the first computer program to beat an IGM in a match played at the rate of 40 moves in 2 hours. Its victim was the US IGM A. Denker who lost 3 '/2-1 '/2. 1988 04.11 Maya Chiburdanidze USSR won the Women's World Champion for the 5th time in Telavi, USSR, after beating N, loseliani USSR 8 '/2-7 '/2, 1988 12,11 The 28th Olympiad opened for the second time in Thessalonica with 107 countries participating. lB9 --- -..  ID , , I 
190 ---- JIIIIIIIa  , , . 1988 18,11 A Belgian delegation including W. Iclicki arrived in Thessaloniki to discuss with G, Kasparov the possibility to organize the 3rd USSR vs, Rest of the World Match in Belgium, Kasparov refused to negotiate if the USSR Sport Committee was involved, Later the project had to be cancelled since the participation of Mr. Kasparov was only conditional. 1988 26,11 The President of the Greek Chess Federation, G, Makropoulos opened the 59th FIDE Congress, 1988 26.11 The GA observed a minute of silence in memory of Ion Gudju ROM, Honorary Member and Doyen of FIDE who had passed away, 1988 26.11 The GA admitted the federations of Nepal and Vietnam as full members. 1988 26.11 The GA confirmed by acclamation the nomination of Dr. Lim Kok Ann SIN as a FIDE Honorary Member, 1988 27,11 A. Matanovic YUG announced that the former World Champion M. Tal USSR won the gold award for the best game in 1987 for his game against J. Hjartarson ISL in Reykjavik 1987, 1988 27,11 GA approved the return to the three-year cycle for the Women's World Championship, 1988 30,11 The USSR won 28th Olympiad, and Hungary won the Women's event for the first time, The constitution of the winning team was the 3 Polgar sisters and Madl. 1988 17.12 A. Karpov USSR and V. Gavrikov USSR tied for the first place (5-5) at the FIDE World Active Championship held in Mazatlan, Mexico, Karpov won the title after a tiebreak match. 1989 04,01 A. Dreev USSR won the 18th European Junior Championship in Arnhem. 1989 04,01 President Campomanes proposed in a telex to the GMA to move to the next stage of detailed negotiations, 1989 18,01 In his circular letter, FIDE President stated "with good will and through dialogue, we are confi- dent that we can reach an agreement". 1989 21.01 Candidates Semi Final in Quebec, Canada, A, Yusupov USSR overcame K, Spraggett CAN 5-4, 1989 28,01 Candidates Quarterfinal in Seattle, A. Karpov USSR beat J. Hjartarson ISL 3 '/2-1 '/2, 1989 31,01 Candidates Quarterfinal in Antwerp, Belgium, J. Timman NED beat L. Portisch HUN 3 '/2-2 '/2, 1989 08,02 President Campomanes met 10C President Samaranch in Lausanne. liThe first step is recogni- tion of FIDE by 10C". Mr. Samaranch said: IIChess is a sport", 1989 09,02 In Havana, the representatives of the chess federations of the Socialist countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, USSR, DDR and Czechoslovakia) expressed their concern with the existing situation and the attempt of GMA to take over the organization of the World Championship from FIDE". All competitions of the World Championship should be as before (during the last 40 years) in charge of FIDE, although FIDE should take into consideration with special care all suggestions of GMA connected with the World Championship. 1989 14,02 Kasparov disagreed with J. Timman NED, B. Kok BEL and M. Botvinnik USSR on the final pro- posal to be signed by the GMA with FIDE. 1989 01,03 In its issue of March, US Chess Life published an interview with Kasparov: II The successful bid must be approved by the World Champion, Because you can't have a World Championship without the World Champion. I will no longer defend my title solely under the FIDE umbrella, I made my choice already and am not turning back...Respecting the wishes of the titleholder is the only way to continue a legitimate tradition that goes back over 100 years, FIDE has been arranging the World Championship cycle for the last 40 years, and it failed completely", 1989 03,05 During the Executive Council held in Warsaw, Poland, the President extended an open invita- tion to Mr. B, Kok and the GMA board members to reach a possible agreement on the relationship between FIDE and GMA, 
1989 25,05 In Manila. Philippines. at the Asian Team Championship play-off. China beat Philippines. 1989 31.05 Deep Thought won the World Computer Championship. 1989 20,06 V, Anand IND won the Asian Active Chess Championship held in Honk Kong. 1989 22,07 T. Oparaugo NIG won the 2nd African Junior Championship in Lagos. Nigeria. 1989 07,08 Narciso Rabell Mendez. President of the hosting Puerto Rican Chess Federation welcomed the delegates of the 60th Congress, At the opening. the World Youth Chess Festival anthem. composed by the Romanian Chess Federation, was played and GA approved the hymn as the official World Youth Chess Anthem, 1989 07.08 GA conferred by acclamation the Honorary Membership of Sandor Szerenyi HUN and Eero Helme FIN, 1989 0808 Five-time World Champion Mikhael Botvinnik USSR and GMA Chairman Bessel Kok BEL were invited to address the General Assembly. Mr, Kok reiterated eloquently and forcefully the GMA proposals and called for the creation of a the World Championship Commission over and above FIDE and the GMA, 1989 08.08 The GA approved the creation of the Presidential Board to exercise, in emergency, the rights of the General Assembly, Central Committee or Executive Council in between their respective meetings, 1989 09,08 The GA elected the following officers for the remainder of the term: E. DITT FRG to the Executive Council; C, Abundo PHI as General Secretary, Steen Jull Mortensen DEN and V, Prahov BUL to the Centra I Com m ittee, 1989 10,08 At the recommendation of the Commission on South Africa, the GA approved the resolution suspending GM's L. Pachman FRG, K, Robatsh AUT. and M. Quinteros ARG and 1M H, Kestker FRG for viola- tion of the resolution on South Africa, 1989 10,08 GA approved the change of the official name "Active chess" to "Rapid chess", 1989 11,08 World Youth Chess Festival opened in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, with 500 children playing. 1989 20,08 The Nordic Chess Federation celebrated its 90th. the Swiss Chess Federation its 100th and the US Chess Federation its 50th anniversary. 1989 30.08 V Spasov BLR and K, Keakhiani USSR won the World Junior Championship for Boys and Girls in T unja. Colombia. 1989 22,09 Y. Seirawan USA won the American Rapid Chess Championship in San Mateo, USA, 1989 18,10 Candidates Semi-finals in London. A, Karpov USSR beat A, Yusupov USSR 4 '12-3 'l2and J. Timman NED beat J. Speelman ENG 4 '12-3 '12, The prize fund sponsored by Pilkington Glass was SFR 200,000 for each match, 1989 09.11 The Executive Council met in Lucerne, In accordance with the 1989 GA resolution, an Appeals Panel was appointed to hear the case of suspended players, After hearing from the players. the Panel decided provisionally to lift the suspension, and to conduct further studies, 1989 09,11 USSR with 27 'l2dominated the 2nd World Team Championship in Lucerne, Switzerland, 1989 2011 The first Soviet plane, since 1956. flew direct to Israel. carrying on board the Soviet chess to participate in the European Team Championship in Haifa. 1989 03.12 USSR won the European Team Championship with 36 out of 54 points, This was the first time the tournament was organized under the Swiss system, 28 teams played, 1989 04,12 S, Matveeva won the European Girls under-20 Championship held in Straszecin. Poland, 1989 26.11 The GMA board accepted and signed the FIDE-GMA Agreement 1989 18,12 In Palma, Spain, the GMA General Assembly amended the FIDE-PCA agreement. 1990 01,01 G. Kasparov led the FIDE rating list with 2800, while J. Polgar HUN led the Women's list with 2550. 191 --  ID 
192 --- iiiiiIia  1990 01.01 A FIDE ban on smoking came into effect. Smoking was not longer allowed in the playing hall for the duration during play, 1990 04,01 G, Serper USSR won the 19th European Junior Championship held in Arnhem, 1990 20,03 The Organizers of Lyon, Messrs, Kouatly and Billere agreed to share the organization of the 1990 World Championship Match between with New York. The prize fund would be SFR 4,100,000, 1990 26,03 Candidates' Final Match in Kuala Lumpur, A, Karpov USSR defeated J. Timman NED 6 '12-2 '12. The prize fund was SFR 300,000, 1990 05,05 A, Rodriguez URU won the Pan-American Junior Championship in Asuncion, Paraguay 1990 10,06 The GMA's assembly ratified the FIDE-GMA Agreement. 1990 28,06 Boris Gelfand USSR won the Interzonal Tournament held in Manila. 1990 01.07 A, Galliamova USSR and K. Kakhiani USSR shared first place in one of the Women's Interzonal orga n ized in Azov, 1990 01.07 G, Kasparov with 2800 and J. Polgar led the FIDE rating lists, 1990 26.07 In Kuala Lumpur, N. Gaprindashvili USSR won the second Women's Interzonals, 1990 27,07 A young girl, J. Polgar, won the Boys U-14 in World Youth Chess Festival in Fond du Lac, USA, 1990 27.07 Mamombe ZIM won the African Junior Championship in Gaborone, Botswana, 1990 14.08 G, Hernandez MEX won the 15th Pan-American Junior Championship, 1990 30,08 C, Jarecki BRV submitted the rules for 5-minute chess. 1990 31,08 I. Gurevich USA and K, Kakhiani K USSR became World Junior Champions for Boys and Girls in Santiago, Chile. 1990 07,10 In New York, the World Championship Match opened between G. Kasparov USSR and A, Karpov USSR, The Chief Arbiter was G, Gijssen NED, 1990 21.11 The second half of the match commenced in Lyon, France, 1990 17,10 Xie Jun CHN and A. Maric YUG were joint winners of the Women's Candidates' tournament in Borzhomi, USSR. 1990 16,11 The 29th Olympiad started in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia with 108 Federations participating. 1990 20,11 FIDE President signed the FIDE - GMA Agreement in Lausanne, 1990 29,11 The International Olympic Committee granted recognition of FIDE as an international organi- zation, The recognition was conveyed in a letter from the IOC Director General Francois Garrard who wel- comed FIDE into the Olympic Movement. The letter read as follows: "Further to correspondence you have exchanged with Mr. Vitaly Smirnov, it is my pleasure to inform you officially that at the last meeting of the IOC Executive Board and Session in Tokyo, it was decided to grant IOC recognition to the Federation International des Echecs, as an international organization. As such, we have included your organization in the 1991 edition of the Olympic Movement Directory, which is currently being printed and should be available within the coming weeks. We shall ensure that you receive a copy in due course, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you within the Olympic Movement". 1990 30,11 President Campomanes opened the GA and Mr. Adam Bokros from Novi Sad welcomed the delegates, 120 Federations were represented, 1990 30,11 GA observed a minute of silence in memory of friends of FIDE who had passed away: E. Book FIN, M, Boysan TUR, p, Bitarabeho UGA, Dr. C, Chicco ITA, T. Florian Hun, G, Garcia CUB, M, Yussuf Khan PAK, A, Konstantinopolsky USSR, R, Maric YUG, N, Petrovic YUG, J. Puig ESP, T. Weston WLS, H. Torfason ISL, A. Yap PHI, M. Zehnder SUI. 1990 30,11 The GA agreed to China being one Zone, 
193 ---- ID 1990 30.11 The GA approved acceptance of the 10C proposal made on 29.11 that FIDE be recognised by the 10C as an International Organization. 1990 30.11 The GA ratified with ovation the FIDE-GMA Agreement. 1990 30.11 The GA admitted the Chess Federation of The Islamic Republic of Iran as a provisional member, The GA confirmed the admission of Chess Federations of Myanmar, Belize and Ghana. 1990 30,11 The GA delegated to the Executive Council the matter of admission of Baltic Federations in accordance with application process. 1990 30,11 The GA elected on first ballot with 79 votes the ticket of Florencio Campomanes PHI as President, A. Matanovic YUG as Deputy President, G, Makropoulos GRE as General Secretary and W, Iclicki BEL as Treasurer, The ticket of Roman Toran ESP received 26 votes and that of Narciso Mendez PUR 9 vo tes. 1990 30,11 The GA confirmed the election of Deputy Presidents E, Omuku NGR for Africa, K, AI-Hitmi OAT for Asia, J. Martin del Campo MEX for the Americas and K. Jungwirth AUT for Europe. 1990 01,12 The GA approved the status of the Permanent Secretary, The President nominated and GA confirmed C. Abundo PHI as Permanent Secretary, 1990 01.12 GA approved the description of the FIDE Motto, Seal and Flag. The FIDE Motto as "Gens Una Sumus". The FIDE seal as a white Knight intersected by 5 white latitudinal lines on a black globe, with the word "FIDE" in black at the base of the Knight, and the FIDE motto in black below the globe. The FIDE flag as the FIDE Seal in the centre of a sky-blue background, on both sides of the flag, measu ri ng 1 OOx 150 cm, 1990 01.12 The GA rejected the limit of two terms in office by the President. 1990 01.12 The GA noted the offer by Shachorganization Luzern to continue hosting the FIDE general Secretariat in Lucerne till 1994, 1990 01.12 At the proposal by Qatar and UAE delegates the GA approved the following resolution: "FIDE condemns the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and declares that Federations may exclude Iraqi representatives from FIDE events hosted by them if they choose to do so pursuant to B 1.2 ii of Standing Orders until U.N. resolution 66 has been complied by Iraq." 1990 01.12 The President expressed his concern about the organization of the 1992 Olympiad in Puerto Rico. 1990 02.12 At the proposal of E, Ditt GER, the GA approved the institution of the World Senior Championships for players over 60, The GA granted to Germany the right to host the first Championship in Bad Worishofen. 1990 02,12 The European Team Championship teams were reduced from 6 to 4 for men, and from 3 to 2 for women. 1990 02,12 The GA declared De Beers BOT and Lutrija Vojvodina YUG, the Most Esteemed Friends of FIDE. 1990 02,12 The GA confirmed as Honorary Members of FIDE: Prof. R. Belkadi TUN; IGM N, Gaprindashvili USSR, IGM Dr. N. Krogius USSR, A. Malchev BUL, Justice Federico Moreno PHI, Dato Tan Chin Nam MAL and L. Tavares da Silva BRA, 1990 02.12 USSR won the 29th Chess Olympiad with 39 points. Hungary won on tiebreak the Women's Olympiad. 1990 04.12 H,E, Juan Antonio Samaranch President of 10C, sent a congratulating letter to FIDE for the re- election of F. Campomanes, He said: "I wish a close collaboration for the future between both organisations," 1990 27,12 Presidential board members met in Lyon, France, 1990 27.12 General Secretary G. Makropoulos GRE told the Board about his discussions with the Greek Government concerning the transfer of the FIDE Secretariat from Lucerne to Athens. The offer included a 
194 ---- ...  . . 50-year lease, a grant of SFR 250,000 per year, special immigration and taxation status for FIDE staff and transfer costs from Lucerne to Athens, The President asked the Greek Chess Federation to firm up its offer to host the FI DE Secretariat. 1990 27,12 The Board reviewed the guarantees of Puerto Rico about hosting the 1992 Olympiad and con- sidered them to be inadequate. The Board would discuss alternatives at the next meeting. 1990 27,12 The President appointed B, Kutin YUG as FIDE Marketing Manager, 1990 31,12 Kasparov retained his title of World Champion beating Karpov 12 '/2-11 '/2. 1991 ° 1,01 The Chess Federations of Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic were united. 1991 05,01 R, Djurhuus NOR won the 20th European Junior Championship in Arhnem. 1991 29.01 Candidates' Match round 1 in Riga, V, Ivanchuk USSR beat L. Yudasin USSR 4 '/2- '/2. 1991 30.01 Candidates' Match round 1 in Madras, India, V, Anand IND beat A. Dreev USSR 4 '/2-1 '/2. 1991 02,02 Candidates' Match round 1 in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, J. Timman NED beat R, Hubner GER 4 '/2-2 '/2, 1991 02,02 Candidates' Match round 1 in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, B, Gelfand USSR edged P. Nikolic YUG after tiebrea k (4-4, 1 '/2- '/2). 1991 06,02 Candidates' Match round 1 in Wijk aan Zee, Holland, V. Korchnoi SUI beat G. Sax HUN after tie-brea k. (4-4, 1 '/2- '/2), 1991 06,02 Candidates' Match round 1 in Wijk aan Zee, Holland, after the tie-break A. Yusupov USSR beat S. Dolmatov USSR (4-4, 2 '/2-1 1/2). 1991 07.02 Xie Jun CHN defeated A. Maric YUG 4 '/2-2 '/2to win the Women's Candidates Match organized in Belgrade and Beijing. She became the first non-Soviet player to challenge M. Chiburdanidze USSR, 1991 09.02 Candidates Match round 1 in London, after the tie-break N, Short ENG defeated J. Speelman ENG (4-4, 1 '/2- '/2), 1991 25,03 Treasurer W. Iclicki organized the Presidential Board in Brussels, Belgium. 1991 25,03 Mr, Makropoulos presented to the Board the approval by the Greek ministry of the offer of the financial conditions related to the move of the FIDE Secretariat as had been agreed at the meeting in Lyon. 1991 25.03 The President Campomanes presented the bid from the Philippines CF for the organisation of the 1992 Olympiad. 1991 25.03 Regulations for the first European Youth Championship were approved by the Board, 1991 01.04 Hadji Mohammad Hasan, FIDE Honorary Member, Friend of FIDE, recipient of the FIDE Medal of Merit and member of FIDE Bureau, died of a heart attack, Mr. Hasan was deservingly the only person who had received all these three honours, 1991 24,05 Presidential Board met in Rhodes, Greece. 1991 24.05 The President informed the Presidential Board that FIDE would be able to stay in Lucerne until the Secretariat moved to Athens. Mr. Makropoulos showed to the Board members two possible venues in Athens. 1991 30,07, V. Kramnik USSR won the World Championship under-18 for Boys, organized in Guarapuava, Brazil. 1991 26.08 Candidates Quarterfinals in Brussels: A, Karpov USSR beat V, Anand 4 '/2-3 1/2; N. Short ENG beat B, Gelfand USSR 5-3; A. Yusupov USSR beat V. Ivanchuk USSR 4-4 (1-0); and J. Timman NED beat V. Korchnoi SUI 4 '/2-2 '/2. 1991 05,09 V, Akopian USSR and N, Bojkovic YUG won the 1991 World Junior Championships for Boys and Girls organized by the Romanian CF in Mamaia, 1991 12,09 The USSR won the World U-26 Team Championship in Maringa, Brazil with 33 points. 
1991 02,11 Xie Jun CHN beat M, Chiburdanidze USSR 8 112-6 112(+4-2=9) in Manila, Philippines. Thus for the first time since the end of WWII a non-Soviet player became Women's World Champion, Also this was the first time a Chinese chess player had won the highest title, The prize fund was US$ 100,000, 1991 24,11 V, Smyslov USSR won the first World Senior Championship in Bad Worishofen, Germany. 1991 25,11 N. Gaprindashvili USSR and Peng Zhoqin CHN shared first place in the Women's Interzonal in Subotica, Yugoslavia, 1991 03.12 The German President E, Oitt and Mayor B, Hasse welcomed in Berlin the participants in the 62nd FIDE Congress, 1991 03,12 The GA admitted the Federations of Cote d'ivoir, Madagascar, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as full members, 1991 02.12 The GA declared 1992 as the year of Alexander Alekhine to commemorate the 100th year of his bi rth. 1991 04,12 The GA revised the proposal for the regulations on change of individual membership in national Federations. 1991 04.12 The GA approved the award of the organization of the 1993 World Championship Match to the Intermark Group, to be held in Los Angeles, with a prize fund of SFR 5,600,000, Rabat, Morocco had bid SFR 5,800,000 but G, Kasparov preferred the American bid. 1991 04,12 In recognition of the outstanding contributions to the benefit of chess by heads of States and leading Statesmen, FIDE instituted the title of Grand Commander of the Most Esteemed Order of the Legion of Grandmasters, 1992 01.01 G, Kasparov led the FIDE Rating list. The number of rated players was 10,950, 1992 The team of Russia won the IBCA Olympiad In Can Picafort, Spain with 33 Federations represented. 1992 G. Sanakoev USSR won the 11 th Correspondence World Championship. 1992 07.02 Jakarta won the Asian Cities Championship in Dubai, UAE. 1992 17.03 The USSR CF held its last meeting in Moscow and declared that it no longer existed. 1992 23.03 Deputy President K, Jungwirth organized the Presidential Board meeting in Graz, Austria 1992 23.03 The Presidential Board empowered by the GA admitted the Federations of Armenia, Georgia, Slovenia and Croatia as full members, The number of federations affiliated was now 140, 1992 24.04 The Board recommended the return of South Africa after 25 years, 1992 06,05 Zs, Polgar won the Women's World Rapid and Blitz Championships in Budapest. 1992 07.06 The Philippine President Ms, Corazon Aquino opened the Olympiad, with 112 national teams. Yugoslavia was banned by the United Nations and could not participate. G, Kasparov led a new Russian team without many former Soviet stars who were now playing for their own countries. N. Short ENG said: "The presence of so many former Soviet Republics makes it one of the most difficult Olympiads in history". 1992 21.06 The 63rd Congress was opened by Philippine Sports Commission Chairman Cecilio G Hechanova with 110 Federations represented. 1992 21.06 The GA observed a minute of silence in memory of FIDE friends who had passed away in the preceding year: 1M A. Bachtiar RIN, G, Grzeban POL, S. le Blancq GCI, W, Litmanowski POL, R. Poly FRA and S, Reshevsky USA. 1992 21,06 The GA accepted the marketing project of IGM B. Kouatly FRA and appointed him as the new FIDE Marketing Manager. 1992 22,06 The GA accepted the Russia n CF as the succession federation of the former USSR CF. 1992 22,06 Regarding the war in Yugoslavia, the GA approved: "FIDE declares that federations may exclude Yugoslavian representatives from FIDE events hosted by them if they choose to do so pursuant to 195 ----  ID I . 
196 ......-  ID 1.2(ii) of Standing Orders as long as U,N, resolution 752 is in force which requires U,N, member-states to prevent the participation in sporting events in their territory of persons or groups representing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia." 1992 22,06 The GA approved Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, South Africa, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia as full members. The GA admitted Mozambique as a provisional member. 1992 23,06 The GA approved the return to the two-year cycle for the World Championship, 1992 23,06 The GA conferred the FIDE Honorary Member title to Messrs. Alfred Becker SUI, Cecilio G, Hechanova PHI and Roman Toran ESP, 1992 23.06 The GA awarded Seychelles Petroleum the title of a Most Esteemed Friend of FIDE. 1992 24.06 The GA approved granting of the title of Honorary Grandmaster to H, Lehmann GER and R, Teschner GER. 1992 24.06 The GA approved the Qualification Commission's proposal to lower the rating for an unrated players to 2005 ELO points, starting from 1994, 1992 29.06 540 participants from 80 countries participated in the World Youth Festival held in Duisburg, Germany. 1992 07 During the Olympic Games of Barcelona, G, Kasparov played a simultaneous exhibition match against 31 opponents, including International Olympic Committee officials. Chess was actually at long last an activity in the Olympics with no less than IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch and the Barcelona Olympic Committee inviting the FIDE President and Mr, Kasparov to the games and a press conference during the Olympics' celebration. "It is a step", said the IOC President, and the FIDE President answered: "Chess is a universal sport. It is played in almost 150 countries in the world. It could properly be an official part of the Olympic celebration like the rest of the Olympic disciplines, It is for the first time in chess histo- ry that chess has been presented at the Olympic Games". 1992 29,08 A. Aleksandrov BLR became the 21st European Junior Champion in Sas van Gent, Holland, 1992 29,08 C, Sichilima KEN won the African Junior Championship in Nairobi, Kenya, 1992 09 Former Philippines President Corazon Aquino was the first recipient of the Order of Grand Commander of the Legion of Grandmasters, the highest FIDE award conferred by the 63rd FIDE General Assembly in Manila 1992. The plaque given to the President stated: "The Federation International des Echecs manifests a deep sense of gratitude for her generous patronage of the 1990 Interzonal Tournament and the Women's World Championship held in Manila", 1992 03,04 The Presidential Board met in Lucerne to discuss the 1993 World Championship. The Board also admitted Tanzanian Chess Federation as a provisional member of FIDE. 1992 14,09 B, Khatanbaatar was the first Mongolian to win the Asian Junior Championship. 1992 30.10 p, Zarnicki ARG and K. Dobrowska POL became the World Junior Champions for Boys and Girls in Buenos Aires. The Yugoslavian representatives were played under the FIDE flag, 1992 22.11 E. Geller RUS won the 2nd World Senior Championship held in Bad Worishofen, Germany" 1992 24,11 Zs, Polgar HUN and N, loseliani GEO finished first and second at the Women's Interzonal Tournament organized in Shanghai, 1992 30,11 Russia led by G. Kasparov won the 10th European Team Championship in Debrecen, Hungary with 25 points. 39 teams took part. Ukraine with 13 '/2 won the 1st European Women's Team Championship, 1992 04,12 The Presidential Board met in Abuja, Nigeria. J. McKay of Intermark informed FIDE that they were not able to organize the World Championship in Los Angeles. President invited new bids for the Match, 
1992 04.12 In a fax to FIDE, Mr. Kasparov stated: "Whatever the chess world's opinion of me is, there can be no doubt that my presence at a chess event is the only guarantee of financial banking; despite this cur- rent economic plight of the major nations in the world has meant that to raise the millions targeted for the Championship has proved to be a hard task. Any attempt by FIDE at this stage to take unilateral action in seeking a new organizer or direct sponsorship will not receive my co-operation. I believe that my pres- ence at the Championship will be an essential element of any fund-raising attempt and I hereby put you on notice that participate action..,may jeopardise my participation in the event." 1992 04.12 Through the formal award of FIDE's highest title of Grand Commander of the Legion of Grandmasters on Nigeria leader, H,E, President Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, chess in the African continent received a big boost. 1992 04.12 Presidential Board approved the use of the FIDE flag for the players of Macedonia, the former Yugoslavian Republic. 1992 05.12 Presidential Board recommended admission of the Federation of Djibouti as a provisional member. 1992 05,12 The revised Laws of Chess as approved by the Manila GA, came into force on 1st January 1993, The essential change was the deletion of the exceptions to the 50-move rule unless for certain posi- tions as announced by the organizers before the start of the event. 1993 V. Borovikov RUS became the 22nd European Junior Champion in Vejen, Denmark, 1993 05.02 Candidates Final in San Lorenzo el Escorial, Spain with a prize fund of SFR 300,000, N, Short ENG defeated J. Timman NED 7 '12-5 'l2and became the Challenger to G, Kasparov, 1993 08.02 The Presidential Board met in Lucerne and approved the contract to transfer the FIDE Secretariat to Athens, The President signed the contract one month before in the presence of the Greek Minister of Culture and Sports T. Bakoyanni. The first round of bidding for the World Championship was a failure 1993 23,02 President Campomanes announced the City of Manchester's SFR 2,538,000 bid winner to organize the final match, A joint Channel 4/IMG submitted a bid of SFR 2,616,000 and Santiago de Composta, Spain SFR 1,000,000, The difference between the bids of Manchester and Channel 4 was that Manchester didn't set any conditions and was in respect of FIDE regulations, 1993 25.02 N. Short resigned as GMA's President. 1993 26,02 A press release on the World Championship reached FI DE. It stated that Short had not been consulted by FIDE that neither players had been consulted on the dates, They had agreed to play their match outside the jurisdiction of FIDE. They said the match would be played under the auspices of a new body, the so-called "Professional Chess Association". FIDE did not receive any verbal or written communi- cation from either World Champion G. Kasparov or Challenger Nigel Short indicating their disaffection with the bidding process or at least that they were not prepared to contest the 1993 World Championship, 1993 27.02 G, Kasparov and N, Short announced the creation of P,C,A, (Professional Chess Association). 1993 28,02 N. loseliani RUS won the draw of lots after a tie in the Women's Candidates Finals with Zs, Polgar HUN, organized by the Monaco CF and J. van Oosterom. Final score was 2-2 and 2-2 on tiebreak g ames. 1993 05.03 President Campomanes and G, Kasparov agreed to extend the deadline, 1993 17.03 In an open letter to the chess players B. Kok said: '...the last thing that we can say is that the GMA is faced not only with a lack of loyalty and absence of integrity, but also with such an "overdose" of opportunism that put in question the very existence of the Association.' 1993 21.03 President Campomanes met PCA Commissioner R. Rice in London but no deal was agreed upon, 197 ----  ID I , 
198 ---- ...  1993 22.03 G, Kasparov and N, Short announced London as venue for their match. 1993 23.03 The deadline lapsed. Under FIDE regulations, G, Kasparov and N, Short forfeited their rights as World Champion and Challenger, respectively, 1993 23,03 G, Kasparov was stripped of his World Champion title. Kasparov stated at the press conference that it had been his plan since 1988 to take the World Chess Championship outside of FIDE. 1993 23,03 The Russian CF issued the following statement: "The Russian CF having learned of FIDE's deci- sion to disqualify the World Champion G, Kasparov and his Challenger N. Short, would like to express its sincere regret in connection with the facts which occurred,.." 1993 23.03 The Experts Commission recommended that players qualified for the Candidates' Matches enter into an agreement with FIDE that they would complete the cycle. 1993 30.03 The British CF issued the following statement: "The British representatives in Dublin IGMs M. Adams, J. Speelman, A. Miles, 0, King and J. Hogdson said: Short's behaviour has been unbelievable, To use the FIDE system for three years and then dump it at the last moment is total hypocrisy". 1993 31.03 Candidate Finalists J. Timman NED and A. Karpov RUS, the highest rated Candidates semi- finalists agreed to play for the World Championship, In a letter to the GMA J. Timman said his decision was "in order to assist in finding a way out of the chaos". 1993 03.04 The Presidential Board unanimously supported the position taken by the President on the 1993 World Chess Championship Match controversy, 1993 12.05 Oman announced its interest in organizing the World Championship Match, 1993 20,04 The FIDE-GMA Experts Commission agreed to recommend to the GA a radical change to the format of the World Championship cycle for 1994/95 and thereafter. The World Champion in the future should have no advantage in matches which were tied. A schedule for the match was agreed with a maxi- mum limit of 56 days if the match went to 24 games plus four tie-break games. 1993 15,05 FIDE Executive Council met in Athens, 1993 16,05 FIDE announced that Kasparov and Short would be dropped from the rating list. 1993 22,05 I. Kadimova AZE won the European Girls' Junior Championship in Svitavy, Czech Republic, 1993 01.06 FIDE Secretariat moved to Athens. 1993 05,06 Egypt won the African Team Championship held in Cairo, 1993 12.06 The Dutch Chess Federation announced its interest in organizing the first part of the World Championship Final Match, Sultanate of Oman agreed for the second half. 1993 30.07 The World Youth Chess Festival took place in Bratislava, Slovakia, 1993 01.08 B. Gelfand BLR won the (Iast)lnterzonal held in Biel, Switzerland. 1993 16.08 K, Arakhamia GEO won the SFR 40,000 Women's Interzonal in Jakarta. 1993 B, Bieluczyk POL and G, Loik UKR were winner of the first IPCA World Championships for men and women, 1993 06.09 The World Championship Match between J. Timman NED and A. Karpov RUS started in Zwolle, Netherlands, The player to first score 12 l/2points within 24 games would become the winner of the match 1993 07,09 At the Presidential Board Meeting in Holland, President Campomanes announced that the Oman's deal was cancelled, 1993 07,09 The PCA World Championship started in London between G, Kasparov and N. Short ENG, The prize fund was US$ 2,500,000. 1993 25,09 At the end of the first half of the World Championship Match played in Amsterdam, A, Karpov was leading 7-5, 1993 06,10 FIDE announced that the match would continue in Jakarta, Indonesia with a total match prize fund of SFR 1,000,000, 
1993 16,10 The second half of World Championship started in Jakarta. The event was organized by B Hasan. 1993 30,10, A, Karpov RUS regained the title of the World Champion by beating J. Timman NED 12 '/2-8 '/2, 1993 04,11 USA won the 3rd World Team Championship in Lucerne with 22 '/2points, 10 countries partici- pated, 1993 12,11 Argentina won the World Under-26 Team Championship in Paranagua, Brazil with 24 points. 1993 17.11 The 64th Congress opened in Curitiba, Brazil. 1993 17,11 After a five hour debate on the breakaway by G. Kasparov and N. Short from FIDE cycle, the GA by 56 to 19 ratified the Executive Council's decision to withdraw services including ratings from the two, In a related resolution, the GA asked the British and Russian CF to report to FIDE as soon as possible if indeed Mr. Kasparov and/or Mr. Short were interested in a dialogue with FIDE and, after consulting with the Grandmasters' Association, to present proposals concerning the matter. 1993 19.11 Xie Jun CHN successfully defended her title by beating N. loseliani GEO 8 '/2-2 '/2in the 1993 Women's World Championship Match organized in Monaco. The prize fund of SFR, 300,000 was sponsored by J. Van Oosterom NED. 1993 21,11 M. Taimanov RUS won the 3rd World Senior Championship held in Bad Wildbad, Germany, while T. Zatulovskaya RUS won the Women's Championship. 1993 02,12 I. Miladinovic YUG and N, Khurtsidze GEO won the World Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Calicut, India. 1993 15,12 The first European Youth Rapid Chess tournament was organized for Under-14 and Under-12, sponsored by Disney France. 1993 20.12 Lyon Oyonnax FRA won the European Club Cup, 1993 26.12 p, Adreito won the African Junior Championship in Nairobi, Kenya. 1994 30,01 Candidates Matches round 1 in Wijk aan Zee. J. Timman NED beat J. Lautier FRA 4 '/2-3 '/2, B, Gelfand BLR beat M. Adams ENG 5-3, G. Kamsky USA beat p, van der Sterren 4 '/2-2 '/2, V. Salov RUS beat Khalifman RUS 5-1, V. Anand IND beat Yusupov GER 4 '/2-1 '/2, V, Kramnik RUS defeated Yudasin' ISR 4 '/2-2 '/2, 1994 01,05 Digital chess clocks with accumulation of time (produced by the Dutch firm DGT) are envis- aged as providing for games in the world title cycle from 1995. 1994 01.05 The Candidates Quarterfinals were announced in Shangi Nagar with a prize fund of SFR, 210,000, 1994 01,07 The official nominations for Presidential Candidates have been announced: G, Makropoulos GRE, B, Kouatly FRA and J. Durao PORe 1994 08,08 M. Taimanov RUS won for the second time the World Senior Championship organized in Biel, Switzerland. 1994 09.08 Quarterfinals organized by Shanghi Industries in Shanghi Nagar, India, B. Gelfand BLR beat V. Kramnik RUS 4 '12-3 '12; V. Salov RUS beat J. Timman NED 4 '12-3 '12and G, Kamsky USA beat V, Anand IND after tiebreak (4-4, 2-0). 1994 10,08 A new record was established in Szeged, Hungary when 654 children played in the World Youth Festiva I. 1994 01,09 E. N'Tandala ANG won the African Junior Championship, in Mahe, Seychelles, 1994 15,09 Gretarsson ISL and Zhu CHN won the World Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Matinhos, Brazil. 1994 21,09 Mr, Abundo informed the Federations that no contract had been signed with the Greek gov- ernment concerning the 31st Olympiad, which should start on November 30th, In its circular letter FIDE announced that FIDE would probably soon move back to Switzerland due to the Greek government being 199 -  ID 
200 - ID SFR 375,000 in arrears, Shanghi Industries would sponsor the FIDE Candidates' third round mach the next Februa ry, 1994 30.09 M, Chiburdanidze and Zs, Polgar tied for the first place in the Women's Candidates' Tournament, organized by Interpolis in cooperation with the Association Max Euwe, 1994 02,10 Greece officially withdrew from the organisation of the 1994 Olympiad and the Russian Chess Federation took over. 1994 01,12 The Olympiad opened in Moscow with 124 countries represented, The event was possible thanks to the President of Russian CF A, Makarov and G. Kasparov. During his visit in Moscow, H.E. Don Juan Samaranch, President of 10C offered to move FIDE Secretariat from Athens to Lausanne. 1994 08,12 The Declaration of Cooperation between FIDE and the PCA called for "full and vigorous coop- eration between the two organizations...integrating our policies and unifying our efforts". The proposed Measures Towards Unity aimed "to reunite the two cycles" and to organize a Reunification Match, It called for "appropriate changes in their respective regulations that would oblige the winners of the cycle to play such match." The proposed Measures called for establishment of a Joint Commission "on an equal representation basis", 1994 08,12 The FIDE President F. Campomanes and G, Kasparov signed in Moscow the Declaration of Cooperation between FIDE and the PCA and Proposed Measures Towards Unity. 1994 10,12 The Executive Council unanimously approved the Declaration signed by the President. 1994 11,12 In Moscow, the 65th Congress opened, with 144 Federations represented. 1994 11.12 President Campomanes and Kasparov proposed the General Assembly reopen nominations for a "Team of Chess Unity" in the constructive spirit to ensure that FIDE and the PCA would combine their respective resources to strive for the interests of chess, According the FIDE Status Mr. Campomanes is not eligible, 1994 11.12 M r. Makropoulos GRE and J. Durao POR withdrew their candidacies from the Presidential elec- tions, leaving only the other electoral team nominated originally of B, Kouatly of France. In addition there was a new team headed by the current President F Campomanes, 1994 11,12 By secret ballot, 78 delegates voted in favour of re-opening of nominations, with 66 against and 1 abstention. 1994 13.12 The GA observed a minute of silence in memory of Friends of FIDE who had passed away in the preceding year: Tavares Da Silva, Luis BRA, Andrei Malchev BUL, Rosie Lim SIN, Women's Ex-World Champion Olga Rubtsova RUS, 1994 13,12 The Presidential Board decided FIDE was free from the contract with the Greek Government because it had not fulfilled its contractual obligations, 1994 13,12 GA The received offers to host FIDE Secretariat from Dr. Armand Wyrsch SUI, President of the Schachorganization Luzern and Swiss Chess Federation, from GM Ludek Pachman on behalf of the Chess Federation of Czech Republic and city of Prague, from the Russian Chess Federation President A, Makarov and Don Juan Antonio Samaranch, President of 10C, to Lausanne, Switzerland, 1994 13.12 By the recommendation of Central Committee, the GA resolved to reinstate G. Kasparov and N, Short in the FIDE rating list. 1994 13,12 The GA admitted Korean Chess Confederation and Grupo de Xadrez de Macau as full members, 1994 13.12 The GA recognized the International Physically Disabled Chess Association as an Affiliated International Chess Organization, 1994 14,12 The GA elected F. Campomanes PHI as President, Mohamed Ghobash UAE as Deputy President, G, Makropoulos GRE as General Secretary and Willy Iclicki BEL as Treasurer with 79 votes. The ticket of Mr. Kouatly received 65 votes. 
1994 14.12 The President appointed B, Kouatly FRA and J. Durao POR as Vice Presidents-at-Large to sup- port the Board. 1994 15,12 Russia won the 31st Olympiad with 37 1/2/52, Georgia won the Women's Olympiad with 32/39 1994 15,12 After the closing ceremony of the Olympiads, the GA remained in session After a speech by K Iljumzhinov RUS, the GA agreed to the 1998 Olympiad in Kalmykia, 1995 01.01 Kasparov was back on the FIDE rating list. He led the list with 2810, 1995 20,02 Candidates Semi-finals in Shanghi Nagar, India with a prize fund of $ 500,000. A, Karpov RUS beat B, Gelfand BLR 6-3 and G, Kamsky USA beat V. Salov RUS 5 1/2-1 1/2thus qualifying for the World Championship Final. 1995 01.03 Zs, Polgar HUN defeated M. Chiburdanidze GEO in Petersburg with the score of 5 1/2- 1 '/2 and qualified to play Xie Jun CHN in the Women's World Championship Final. 1995 02,03 Messrs, Campomanes, Iclicki and Abundo met Mr. Kasparov in Podolsk. It was recommended that regulations for the Reunification match be finalized before the FIDE or PCA final match, A proposed calendar was drafted for the joint FIDE-PCA cycle. Regulations for Interzonals, Candidates' tournament, Candidates' final match and Reunification match were discussed. Mr. Kasparov said Intel guaranteed US$ 1,500,000 prize fund for the Reunification match. He added that should the players be both Russian, addi- tional sponsors could be obtained for a match in Russia to bring the prize fund to US$ 2,000,000, Kasparov said also that discussions with Intel involved US$ 2,500,000 for the prize fund of the unified cycle 1996- 1997, It was also proposed that FIDE rate the missing PCA events from 1993 onwards, 1995 21.04 The Executive Council met in Riga to discuss the draft of the FIDE-PCA Agreement prepared by B. Rice USA. The Board draw up the guidelines of the Basic Conditions for the contract between FIDE and PCA, G. Kasparov met the Board and confirmed the PCA's offer to organize the Reunification Match even if V. Anand won the PCA match. 1995 25,04 Messrs. Campomanes PHI, Gobash UAE, Iclicki BEL and Abundo PHI continued the talks with G, Kasparov in Moscow, The comments of the Board on the FIDE-PCA Agreement and the Guidelines were given to G, Kasparov and A, Makarov RUS. 1995 05.05 In Elista, Kalmykia, for the first time President Campomanes and the Treasurer Iclicki were warmly welcomed by H,E, K. Ilyumzinov RUS and the Kalmykian people, 1995 05.05 Former World Champion Mikhael Botvinnik RUS died in Moscow, 1995 16.06 Russia won the First International Internet Tournament organized during the G7 summit in Halifax, Canada, 1995 23.06 The Czech Federation announced that they were no longer interested in bidding to accommo- date the FIDE Secretariat. They also renounced their option to organize the FIDE Congress next September The French Federation expressed interest in organizing the Congress in November. Qatar had the second option, 1995 01.07 Kasparov led the FIDE Rating list with 2795. 1995 01,07 President Campomanes met with G. Kasparov in Megeve, France to settle the financial terms for next World Championship. G, Kasparov invited the President to New York to meet with INTEL corp. 1995 28.08 FIDE opened its new Secretariat in Lausanne, A Presidential Board meeting was organized, attended by H, E. President Samaranch, A. Karpov and G, Kasparov. Mr. Samaranch asked FIDE to present a definition/justification, why chess was a sport and said that "if we have this clear definition, maybe one day the participation of chess in the Olympic program would not be a dream but a reality", 1995 25,09 After consulting the federations regarding the venue of the GA, the President announced the 1995 the GA would be held in Paris. OI -- JIIIIIIII&  , , 
202 - ...  1995 10,10 R, Siobodjan GER and Chusidze GEO won the World Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Halle, Germany, 1995 25,10 E. Vasiukov RUS and N, Gaprindashvili GEO won the World Senior Championships in Bad Lebenzell, Germany, 1995 01,11 K, Arakhamia GEO won the Women's Interzonal tournament held in Kishinev, Moldova, with 9 112/1 3, 1995 23,11 The President of the French Federation J.C, Loubatiere welcomed the delegates of the 66th FIDE Congress in Paris. 1995 20.11 Montreal, Canada bid US$ 1,000,000 to organize the World Championship Match between A. Karpov and G, Kamsky. 1995 23.11 Phil Haley, Canada made a motion of non confidence in President Campomanes and his team, This was seconded by Fan Adams of the US, The vote was very close and very confused. A second vote was taken and the motion was stated to have been defeated although there was considerable debate and con- fusion about this, 1995 23,11 President Campomanes addressed the GA and said that among his terms of reference from Moscow Congress, was to secure the FIDE-PCA Agreement and he had not accomplished this yet. However, since he alone signed with Kasparov, he alone should be affected, and not the team, President announced his retirement from this position at the end of the Congress on condition that H.E. Kirsan lIyumzhinov became FIDE President until the next Congress, 1995 23,11 The GA formed a Committee of Messrs, Panyarachun TAl, Littorin SWE, Omuku NGR to draw up "Our Terms of Reference", 1995 23.11 A Committee of Messrs. Doyle USA, Sand NOR, Makropoulos GRE, Gelfer ISR, Omuku NGR, S. Garcia CUB, Warlick USV, Linager SUI recommended the Unity Motion of FIDE, The Committee recom- mended appointing Mr. Ilyumzhinov as a Chairman with the special responsibility of unifying the PCA and FIDE during the transitional period, up to Yerevan-1996. Mr. Ditt GER seconded the motion of Mr. Lowenthal NED on a vote of no confidence on Mr. Ghobash UAE who was supposed per statutes to become the FIDE President. 1995 23,11 The GA observed a minute of silence in memory of Friends of FIDE who had passed away: Former World Champion M, Botvinnik RUS, R. Clues WLS, Ferrantes ITA, H, Golomek, ENG, H. Jellisen GER, Dr. H, Lehman, Sir S, Milner Barry ENG, M. Monticelli ITA, G. Piccinin ITA, L. Polugaevski RUS, J. Rodriguez Gonzales CUB, 1995 23,11 A Committee including Ditt GER, Iclicki BEL, Sand NOR and Sunye Neto BRA concluded with regret that the current status of negotiations represented by the draft regulations sent to FIDE by PCA on 19/01/95, was unsatisfactory. The difficulties were: 1. The proposed match regulations were not equal for both players and therefore unacceptable. 2. FIDE would renounce sovereignty over the World Championship, The Central Committee recommended that GA rejected the agreement as it stood. 1995 23,11 President conferred the title of Honorary Member on Dr. Rak Panyarachun of Thailand, L. Rentero of Spain, GM y, Averbach of Russia, N, Palladino of Italy and Ravi Shanghi of India, 1995 23,11 G. Lowenthal NED was elected Executive Council member. 1995 24.11 The GA accepted the nomination of Kirsan lIyumzhinov RUS for President, M. Ghobash UAE, B. Kouatly FRA and J. Durao POR as Deputy Presidents. Former President Campomanes PHI became FIDE Chairman, General elections were planned for 1996. 1995 21.12 At the Presidential Board meeting in Singapore, the new President, K. lIyumzhinov announced 
203 4P --  ID his plan to organize in the end of 1996 the Word Championship under a knockout system with a prize fund of US$5,OOO,OOO. To settle the crisis between FIDE and G. Kasparov, he proposed to seed Kasparov and Karpov into the semi-finals, 1995 23.12 Philippines won the Asian Team Championship in Singapore. 1996 01.01 V, Kramnik RUS and G. Kasparov RUS led the FIDE Rating list with 2775 points. I 1996 21.01 The President reported favourable endorsement for a knockout World Championship system from the federations, grandmasters and the organisers. However, many preferred the finals to have more than 4 games, 1996 25,01 FIDE President K, Ilyumzhinov in Lausanne with H.E, Juan Antonio Samaranch, the IDC President for the fi rst ti me. 1996 02.02 During the Women's World Championship Match held in Linares, Mr. Rentero, the Spanish organiser, decided to fine both players $US 50,000 for lack of fight. The players protested but decided to continue the match. 1996 22,02 Zs, Polgar HUN became the new Women's World Champion, She defeated Xie Jun CHN 8 '12-4 '/2, 1996 22,02 After Kasparov defeated Deep Blue, the President asked the Board to consider including Deep Blue among the players for the next World Championship, 1996 01.03 The final deadline for the option for the World Championship to be organized in Montreal passed. Baku, Azerbaijan expressed an interest. 1996 10.03 The FIDE President announced during a press conference held in Paris his plan to organize the World Championship Final Match in Baghdad, Iraq, with a prize fund of US$ 2,000,000. Few Board Members reminded the President that Iraq was under United Nation sanctions. 1996 16,03 Under pressure from the USCF and European Federations, the President said that he would look for a n alternative. 1996 19,04 FIDE President announced the organisation of the World Championship Final Match in Elista, Russia, with a prize fund of US$ 1,000,000, 1996 20.04 By telephone the President informed G. Kamsky USA about his intention to organize the World Championship Final Match in Elista, Immediately Kamsky reacted by a letter: " We disagree with your choice in view of the following ideas, which require immediate explanations", Kamsky was asking questions about his security, about the venue which was "in favour" of Karpov: "I will be playing against all Russia", and about the non-consultation with the players. 1996 21.04 From Si nga pore I. Leong, the Assista nt of the President answered: "We have received notice of your refusal to play the World Championship Match scheduled for June 1 because of advise from the US Foreign Department and US Treasury Department. In order to help, FIDE President has decided to host the World Championship Match in Elista starting June 1, 1996, with the consequence of a minimum prize fund of SFR 1,000,000 to be guaranteed, as per the regulations, The President is inviting you, A, Karpov and the General Sponsor to attend a Press Conference next week in Moscow where he will furnish all the details concerning the Match': 1996 21.04 Mr, Kamsky sent another letter asking some clarification on the following points: 1, Discussions and talks concerning the conditions of the Match. 2. Creating of a Contract between all parties. 3, Reception of the financial (bank) guarantees. 1996 24.04 Mr. Kamsky wrote again to the President: "Thank you very much for the attempt to organize the World Championship Match in Elista. Unfortunately I did not receive any guarantees from you as had been requested earlier, thus I can not play in Elista...". 
204 - ...  1996 27,04 The Dutch Chess Federation invited the European and North American Federations to Utrecht to discuss the poor FIDE Secretariat management and how to improve the status. 1996 04.05 Karpov RUS and Kamsky USA agreed to accept FIDE's conditions to play in Elista, Players would share US$1,1 00,000 and FIDE would get US$ 400,000. 1996 06 Agrouniversal Zenum YUG and Merani Tbilissi GEO shared the first place in the 1st European Women's Club Cup held in Palanka, Yugoslavia, 1996 05,06 The Executive Council met I Elista and recommended the elections in Yerevan should count for a period of two years until 1998. Also that the presidential tickets should consist of eight offices: President, two Deputy Presidents, three Vice-Presidents, General Secretary and Treasurer. 1996 01,07 G, Kasparov led the FIDE Rating list with 2775, 1996 15.07 Anatoly Karpov RUS won the World Championship beating Gata Kamsky USA 10 '/2-7 '/2 in Elista, 1996 21,07 J. Sunye Neto BRA met with the European federations in Amsterdam, He announced his can- didacy as FIDE President. He would run together with S. Doyle USA, N. Tabbane TUN, E. Einarsson ISL, E, Ditt GER, A. Makarov RUS and E. Omuku NGR. 1996 22,07 From Taipai, Taiwan, President K, Ilyumzhinov announced: "...If my proposal for a restructure is accepted at the Yerevan Congress, like at the Paris Congress in 1995, I'm ready to offer my candidacy for the office of President at the FI DE elections in Yerevan 1996", 1996 31.07 B, Kouatly FRA announced his candidacy for President. His team included A, Karpov RUS, R. Toran ESP, Dr, p, Barrera ESA, 0, Hamoonga ZAM, M. Sand NOR and M. Sukar LIB. 1996 15.08 Mr. Abundo launched the 1st FIDE website. 1996 27.08 Wu Wenijn CHN and Xu Yucha won the Asian Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Macao, 1996 31,08 V, Ramon won the 1 st Pan-American Women's Championship in Bogota, Colombia. 1996 08.09 A. Shariyazdanov RUS and M, Lomineishvili GEO won the European Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Sifolk, Hungary" 1996 12,09 In a fax sent to the presidential candidate J. Sunye Neto BRA, Mr. Omuku NIG said that he was withdrawing from Sunye's ticket and said that both K. Ilyumzhinov RUS and G, Makropoulos GRE were the best candidates for the future of FIDE. Mr, Tabbane, TUN made the same move. 1996 14,09 Kasparov and Karpov signed a Memorandum that they were ready to playa World Championship match outside both FIDE and PCA. This letter was shown to the FIDE delegates during the GA. However, on September 30th Karpov said that he had never signed such an agreement! 1996 16,09 The 32nd Olympiad opened in Yerevan, Armenia, with 113 teams participating, 1996 30,09 Hon. Hakop Movses, Minister of Culture of Armenia opened the 67th FIDE Congress in Yerevan. 1996 30.09 The GA observed one minute of silence for the Friends who had passed away that year, among them: B, Balogh, HUN, J. Bolbochan ARG, Eikrem Arnold NOR, J. Ferenc HUN, R. Icob RUS, K. G, Kluger HUN, B, Kazic YUG, E. Ladanyine HUN, L. Navarovszky HUN, V, Liberzon ISR, I. Platonov UKR, y, Porat ISR and A. Stoian ROM. 1996 30,09 In his opening speech President Ilyumzhinov said that he had spent US$ 500,000 to promote chess through advertising "Let's play chess" on BBC, CNN and Russian N. He said also that he met the World Champion B, Fischer USA and paid US$ 100,000 for royalties on his book "My 60 Best Games", and lastly: World Champion V. Smyslov and a couple of old Grandmasters would receive a monthly pension of US$ 1,000, 1996 30,09 The GA approved Jersey Chess Federation and Macau Chess Association as full members, 1996 30,09 B. Kouatly withdrew his candidacy from the Presidential elections 
1996 30.09 Phil Haley of Canada made a motion that FIDE return to the practice of individual rather than team elections. This motion received a substantial vote but was short of the 2/3 majority required, 1996 30,09 The GA approved the election of K, Ilyumzhinov RUS President, G, Makropoulos GRE Deputy President, P,T. Ummer Koya IND Vice President, N, Tabbane TUN General Secretary, 0, Jarrett ENG Treasurer. The ticket of Mr. Ilyumzhinov beat the ticket of Mr. Sunye Neto 87 to 46. 1996 30,09 The President nominated S, Doyle USA, p, Barrera ELS, V, Zakarian ARM as Vice Presidents, 1996 3009 The GA reconfi rmed C, Abu ndo as Executive Di rector. 1996 01.10 The GA approved new titles of International FIDE Organizer and FIDE Instructor, 1996 01,10 The GA agreed to the Laws of Chess, completely revised under the Rules Committee Chairman G Gijssen NLD, They would come into force 1st July 1997, 1996 01,10 Mr. M. Sand NOR proposed a new Contract for the players that would participate in the next World Championship. 1996 01.10 Turkey had the first option to organize the Olympiad-2000. 1996 01.10 GA conferred the title of the Most Esteemed Friend of FIDE on the following sponsors: Linhas Aereas of Mozambique and Hotel Polana of Mozambique and Sura Mahadras Public and Co Ltd of Thailand, 1996 02,10 Russia won the 32nd Olympiad and Georgia the Women's Olympiad. 1996 29.10 Tamin Upi Darmayana INA won the Asian Women's Championship in Madras, India, 1996 01.11 700 children participated in the World Youth Championship in Minorca, Spain, 1996 02.11 Karpov won the European Rapid Championship in Cap d'Agde, France, 1996 22.11 Sutovsky ISR and Zhu Chen CHN won the World Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Medellin, Colombia, 1996 25.11 The team of Kazan RUS won the European Club Cup. 1996 30,11 A. Suetin RUS became the 6th World Senior Champion in Bad Liebenzell. 1996 10,12 FIDE President Ilyumzhinov announced in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, the first World Championship Knockout Series for the end of 1997, with a record US$ 5,000,000 prize fund. A. Karpov and G, Kasparov RUS would be invited to join the winners of Round 5 in the semi-finals, The President also announced that he would build a new city for the Olympiad, 1997 01.01 G, Kasparov led the FIDE Rating list with 2795 and J. Polgar HUN at 2645 was the highest rated female player, 1997 01,04 V, Anand won his first Chess Oscar. 1997 08,04 FIDE President announced that the venue of the next World Championship should be split between Groningen, Elista and Lausanne. 1997 15.05 England won the European Men's Team Championship with 22 'l2and Georgia won the European Women's Championship with 13 points, 34 countries took part. 1997 15,06 The Executive Council met in Cairo. FIDE signed a four year Contract with Chess Planet to be the officia I website. 1997 22,06 Elberfelder 1851 won the 2nd European Women's Club Cup, 1997 10.07 1007 FIDE announced in FIDE Forum that chess was recognized as a sport in 98 countries, 1997 01.07 G, Kasparov led the FIDE Rating list with 2820 1997 17,07 T. Shaked USA and H, Hunt ENG won the World Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Zagan, Poland. 1997 05.08 Argentina organized the World U-26 Team Championship with 18 participants, Argentina won the Cha m pionsh i p, :05 --  ID 
206 --   1997 15.08 Egypt won the African team Championship held in Cairo. 1997 19.08 The European Youth Festival was organized in Tallinn, Estonia. 1997 30,08 IOC President H.E, A, Samaranch in a letter invited Mr. Kasparov and Karpov to participate in the 1997 World Championship, World Champion A. Karpov accepted it but Kasparov refused to take part 1997 Zs. Polgar HUN, G, Kasparov RUS and G. Kamsky USA declined the invitation to the next World Championship, 1997 07.09 The President of Moldova Republic H,E, Peter Luchinsky opened the 68th FIDE General Assembly in Kishinev, Moldova, 1997 07.09 The GA observed a minute of silence for the Friends of FIDE who had passed away that year, among them: GM M, Najdorf ARG, A. Pang HK, Majo Jones Botswana, GM E, Eliskases ARG, 1997 07.09 FIDE entered into an agreement with the World Chess Foundation to organize ten World Championships and Women's World Championships during the period 1999 to 2017, with prize funds each time of US$ 5,000,000 and US$ 500,000 respectively for the World Championship and the Women's Championship in accordance with FIDE regulations. 1997 07.09 GMI V. Kramnik RUS addressed the GA and asked that Karpov's privileges (qualified for the final match) be cancelled. After a long debate, the GA approved the actual regulations but cancelled any privileges in the future. 1997 08.09 FIDE created a Committee to review the Statutes, 1997 08.09 A. Selivanov RUS, the newly elected President of the Russian CF replaced A. Marakov RUS as FIDE Vice President. 1997 08.09 The GA confirmed President's nomination of Mr. E Omuku NIG as Executive Director. He replaced Mr. C, Abundo PHI who had been working for FIDE since 1986. President nominated Mr. C, Abundo as FIDE Honorary Member. 1997 08,09 Qatar would organize the 70th FIDE Congress 1999 in Doha, 1997 08,09 Turkish CF confirmed the organization of the 34th Olympiad and the 71st Congress in 2000 in Ista n bu I. 1997 09.09 The GA approved the institution of a Nona Gaprindashvili Cup for the best composite scores in the Men's and Women's Olympiads. 1997 20.09 Armenia organized the World Youth festival. 1997 20.09 D. Tyomkin ISR and S. Tkeshelasvili GEO won the European Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Tallinn, Estonia,. 1997 07.10 A. Kunte IND and IL Ruofan won the Asian Junior Championships for Boys and Girls in Jaipur India. 1997 27.10 V. Pina ANG became African Junior Champion in Eket, Nigeria, 1997 01.11 President Ilyumzhinov presented to IOC President Samaranch a study made by Max Iclicki on the topic "Chess is a sport", 1997 09.11 The Presidential Board met in Tunis. The 5th World Chess Team Championship would be organized in Armenia in 2001. 1997 02,11 Russia won with 23 112points the 4th World Team Championship organized by Schach- Organisation in Lucerne, Switzerland. 1997 23,11 J. Klovans LAT won the World Senior Championship in Bad Wildbad, Germany, T. Zatulovskaya RUS became Women's Senior World Champion, 1997 30.11 SC Ladia Azov won the European Club Cup, 1997 08.12 Opening ceremony of the 1997 World Championship tournament took place in Groningen, Holland, There were 97 participants, 
1997 29.12, A, Galliamova RUS and Xie Jun CHN finished 1:2 at the Women's Candidates Tournament organized in Groningen, 1997 29.12 V, Anand IND defeated M, Adams ENG 5-4 in the Challenger Final of the World Championship and qualified to play A, Karpov RUS for the final in Lausanne, 1998 01,01 Kasparov RUS was leading the ELO list with 2825, J. Polgar was the highest placed woman on 2670. 1998 02.01 The opening of the World Championship Final at the Olympic Museum of Lausanne under the auspices of the IOC and H.E. J.A, Samaranch took place, 1998 0801 In Hastings, V, Avari IND became the World Amateur Champion and R. Keiran ENG - the Women's World Amateur Champion. 1998 0901 A. Karpov RUS beat V. Anand IND (3-3, 2-0) after tiebreak in a historical final match. 1998 31,01 Change at the FIDE Secretariat. Mr, C, Abundo, Ms. V. Kolarsky, Mr, F, Estadilla left the office. Ms. p, Tsedenova and S, Renevey replaced them. 1998 22.02 Presidential Board in Manila recommended new regulations for the World Championship. 100 players would participate in 6 rounds tournament. Players would be placed in round one or two according to their ratings and status. Semi-finalists and the Champion of the last year would be automatically qualified. 1998 16.04 Shijazhuang CHN won the Asian Cities Championship in Malaysia. 1998 21,04 Xu Yuhua CHN became Asian Women's Champion in Malaysia,. 1998 15.05 The FIDE Executive Council met in Bled, Slovenia. The title of Grandmaster was awarded to R, Ponomariov UKR who had become at the age of 14 the youngest Grandmaster in the history of chess, The Council supported the bid from Siovenian CF to organize the 35th Olympiad in 2002. The Council applaud- ed to the decision to increase the prize fund of the World Championship from US$5,OOO,OOO to US$6,OOO,OOO over two years and noted that the FIDE rules and regulations, which were subscribed to by all the players in the last World Championship, provided an adequate legal framework for the change, A new K,O, System Championship would also be organized for women, The tournament would be in Kishniev, Moldova in September 1999 with a prize fund of US$ 500,000. 1998 18.05 Asian Chess Festival was held in Rasht, Iran. 1998 21.05 T. Bakre IND and T Nguyen VIE won Asian Junior Champions for Boys and Girls in Rasht, Iran" 1998 23,06 Associata Timisiora ROM won the 3rd European Club Cup for Women, 1998 01.07 Kasparov was led the FIDE Rating list with 2815. 1998 14.08 1408 Xie Jun (CHN) won by default The Women's Candidates Final in Beijing against Galliamova RUS, The prize fund was US$ 120,000, 1998 20,08 FIDE announced the next World Championship would take place in Las Vegas USA from 29 November to 27 December 1998, 1998 28,09 The 33rd Olympiad opened in Elista, Kalmykia with 110 teams participating, 1998 06.10 The 69th Congress opened in Elista. 1998 08,10 FIDE and World Champion A. Karpov RUS signed a joint declaration to postpone the next World Championship until the middle of the next year. 1998 11.10 FIDE observed a minute of silence for the Friends of FIDE who had passed away that year, among them: Z. Zanjaasuren MNG, C, Falcon ESP, C. Guimard ARG, M, Romm ISR, A, Pyhala FIN. 1998 11.10 FIDE approved Aruba as the 157th member of FIDE, 1998 11.10 FIDE GA approved the election of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov RUS as President, G, Makropoulos GRE as Deputy President, P,T. Ummer. Koya IND as Vice President, N, Tabbane TUN as General Secretary and D. Ja rrett ENG as T reasu rer. 207 -  ID 1" 
208  Iiiiiia  . . , 1998 11,10 FIDE rejected the offer from B. Kok BEL to organize a match between the winner of Las Vegas and G. Kasparov RUS. 1998 12.10 FI DE GA approved S. Doyle USA, and E. Ha I ici TU R as Vice Presidents. 1998 12.10 FIDE GA approved as Honorary Vice Presidents A. Selivanov RUS, K. Jungwirth AUT and V, Zakarian ARM, 1998 12,10 Continental Presidents were elected: Mr. Mazouz ALG for Africa, B. Kutin SLO for Europe, K, AI Hitmi QTA for Asia and Dr. p, Barrera ELS for Americas. 1998 12.10 Ms, G, Wagner AUT, R, Da Silva ANG, V, Shubladze GEO and D. Wallace SCO received the title of Honorary Members of FIDE. 1998 12.10 FIDE decided to have biannual Congress, 1998 12,10 FIDE confirmed to Moldova had the right to organize the 1 st K.O. Women World Championship, 1998 14,10 Playing without G. Kasparov, A. Karpov or V, Kramnik, Russia were fortunate to win the 33rd Olympiad, China won the Women's Olympiad. 1998 12.11 Frequent Candidate E. Geller RUS died in Moscow, 1998 01.11 The World Youth Festival took place in Spain. 1998 09.11 Women's World Champion Z, Polgar HUN asked to postpone her match with Xie Jun CHN until the end of June as she was expecting a baby for March 1999. 1998 17,11 Sadvakasov KAZ and Hoang Thangh Trang VIE became the World Junior Champions for Boys and Girls in Calicut. 1998 01.12 GM C, Balinas from Philippines died from cancer. 1998 21.12 FIDE board met in Lausanne at the IOC HQ, Once again IOC President Samaranch said: "For me chess is a sport", FIDE decided to book the date of November- December 2000 for the next World Championship, The Board decided that the Women's World Championship final match would be organize by the end of April 1999, 1999 01.01 FIDE launched rapid rating calculations. 1999 01.01 Kasparov led the FIDE Rating list with 2812, 1999 03,01 G. Organessian ARM won the Amateur World Championship, 1999 08.03 FIDE President signed an application for membership at the IOC for chess to be recognized as a sport. 1999 09,01 FIDE President flew to London to promote chess and asked the British Government to recog- nize chess as a sport. 1999 13.01 The team of Panfox Breda NED won the European Team Club Championship. 1999 14.03 FIDE Board met in Ankara, Turkey, FIDE opened a new office in Elista. The Board confirmed Las Vegas for the World Championship, 1999 17,04 FIDE confirmed the World Championship in Las Vegas from 30 July till 29 August and sent a player's contract to all participants, 1999 23,04 China was prepared to organize the next Women's World Championship in Beijing with a prize fu nd of US$ 100,000, 1999 11.05 Zs, Polgar HUN passed the required deadline of April 30 to reply concerning her participation in the World Championship match, In a letter dated May 11 to FIDE she said that the prize fund and venue were against FIDE regulations. She gave also two medical certificates to confirm that medically she would not be able to defend her title fairly before September. April 31 st she confirmed her participation in the World Championship in Las Vegas scheduled for the end of July. 
1.09 -- ID 1999 18,05 A, Karpov's Swiss lawyer Mr, Brodbeck protested by a letter to FIDE about the dates for the World Championship That had been chosen without consultation with the World Champion as agreed upon in the Declaration signed on October 8. "It is easy to see that A, Karpov will face a legal problem par- ticipating in Las Vegas, This would violate his contract and obligations". 1999 27.05 FIDE set up May 31 as the last possible deadline for Ms, Zs, Polgar to confirm her participation in the next World Championship match, 1999 27,05 FIDE to Brodbeck: "We write to request you to forward detailed information on the contracts, which were stated in your letter as having been entered by the World Champion A, Karpov in the period of the World Championship." 1999 31.05 Ms, Z Polgar wrote to FIDE: "In principle, I confirm my willingness and desire to defend my title. In addition to the reasons I specified in my letter of May 11, why I can't play under the current con- ditions, I would like to draw your attention to another fact. The US government has issued a warning that it is not recommended for US residents (such as myself) to travel to China because of recent turmoil and hostility toward the Americans in China, In case my title forfeited, as your letter implies, I will have no alternative but to commence legal proceedings against FIDE, at the International Court of Law." 1999 31,05 A. Galliamova passed the deadline to confirm if she was willing to replace Ms. Zs Polgar to play with Ms. Xie Jun in China at the World Championship match starting the end of June, 1999 31,05 Karpov to FIDE: "Hereby I confirm my readiness to defend the title of the World Champion according to the agreement signed by the World Champion and President of FIDE in Elista in 1998, However, the setting of the dates of the World Championship without preliminary coordination with the World Champion (which runs counter to the signed agreement) creates a lot of difficulties for fulfilment of my obligations, The leadership of FIDE was informed of this in time by A, Karpov' lawyer Mr. Brodbeck, The reply to Mr. Brodbeck's letter hasn't been received till now, An urgent meeting is badly needed for solution of the appeared problems". 1999 01,06 FIDE released the first rapid rating list. Anand was leading the list with 290, 1999 03.06 Ms. Galliamova confirmed, in principle, that she agreed to play Xie Jun World Championship Final match in Senyang, China. 1999 11,06 Advised by the FIDE lawyer in the Zs. Polgar's case, FIDE extended its deadline for seven more days, 1999 17,06 FIDE received a letter from V, Anand to confirm he would not take part in the World Championship in Las Vegas and wishing it every success. 1999 18,06 FIDE informed the Chinese Chess Association: "On instructions of the FIDE President and in keeping with the provisions of the FIDE Statutes, we write to inform you that Women's Champion Z, Polgar has effectively declined to defend her title against Ms, Xie Jun of China, Accordingly, and in keeping with the decisions of the 1998 19.06 FIDE announced the Women's World Championship be played between Xie Jun and A, Galliamova," 1999 20.06 lac informed FIDE about its recognition of FIDE as a Federation: Until then, the World Chess Federation has been a Recognized Organisation. However, it is my pleasure to inform you that the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee decided at its meeting in Seoul on 13-15 June 1999, to grant recognition to the World Chess Federation (FIDE) as a recognized Federation, pursuant to Rule 29 of the Olympic Charter. At this stage, we would require a re-confirmation from you that your doping regulations are in conformity with the Olympic Movement Medical Code and that the FIDE adheres to the Court of Arbitration for Sport 
210 4IP --- iiiiIa  which has established itself as a most useful institution for the resolution of all forms of disputes relating to sport. These two points must be part of your statutes, Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for all the efforts made in order to reach this goal, and to welcome you into the Olympic Family. 1999 01.07 FIDE announced that Moldova had withdrawn as organizer of the 1999 Women's Championship for econom ic reasons. 199901.07 G, Kasparovsurpassed his own record in the FIDE Rating list at 2851. 1999 02,07 The Chinese Chess Association agreed with the request of Ms, Galliamova to split the match between Russia and China and also to split the prize fund of US$120,OOO. 1999 15.07 FIDE announced that A. Karpov would not participate in the World Championship, and he said that he might fight for his rights in the Arbitrage Tribunal of Lausanne, 1999 30.07 The World Chess Championship opened in Las Vegas. 98 players registered for the US$ 3,000,000 prize fund, During the opening ceremony Mr. A, Tarasov presented FIDE Commerce and announced the next World Championship should be held in Hong Kong. 1999 30,07 The first half of the Women's World Championship between Xie Jun CHN and A, Galliamova RUS started in Kazan, Russia, 1999 11,07 Before moving to China for the second half of the Women's World Championship Match the score was equal 4-4, 1999 20,08 The Nordic Chess Federation celebrated its 100th anniversary. 1999 19.08 Xie Jun CHN won the Women's World Chess Championship beating A. Galliamova RUS 8.5-6,5, 1999 28.08 A. Khalifman RUS became the 14th World Champion in Las Vegas, In the final match of the World Chess Championship he defeated V. Akopian ARM 3 '/2-2 '/2, 1999 28,08 Presidential Board members met in Las Vegas. FIDE negotiated with the organizers of the next Olympic games to promote chess in Sydney. 1999 29,08 FIDE President proclaimed the Russian Alexander Khalifman the 14th World Chess Champion, 1999 21,09 The World Children's Olympiad was organized in Artek, Ukraine. The team of Ukraine led by R. Ponomariov were the winners, 199901,10 A. Karpov announced that he would sue FIDE for US$ 2,000,000. 1999 02.10 A, Galkin RUS and M. Kouvatsu GRE became World Junior Champions among Boys and Girls in Yerevan, 1999 05,10 The Executive Council Members met in Doha, Qatar. 1999 05,10 General Assembly participants rose to their feet to observe a one-minute silence in honor of the departed Friends of FIDE, namely: GM Efim Geller, RUS; 1M Sarapu Ortvin, NZL GM 011 Lembit, EST; Koshnitsky Garry AUS; 1M Tomorhuyag N, MGL; WFM Hulgana G,MGL. 1999 06.10 Rwanda and Burundi became full members of FIDE, 1999 06.10 The World Championship regulations were to be completely revised before the 2001 Championship, 1999 08.10 An Extraordinary General Assembly was called in Doha, The President could not attend, 1999 08,10 The GA approved modification its statutes as requested by 10C. FIDE would create a Medical Commission to deal with possible drug problems, 1999 08.10 GA approved holding a Board meeting to discuss the legal problems with Zs, Polgar and A. Ka rpov. 1999 08,10 General Assembly approved the admission of the Players' Council under the leadership of GM V, Salov RUS, as an affiliate member of FIDE. 
) 1 1 ......- ID 1999 09.10 Honorary President F, Campomanes presented the badges and diplomas to new FIDE Honorary Members David Wallace of Scotland, Casto Abundo of Philippines and Ms, Elisabeta Polihroniade of Romania for their invaluable services to FIDE to the delight of delegates, 1999 18.10 Dennis De Vreugt NLD and Regina Pokorna SVK were European Junior Champions among Boys and Girls in Patras, Greece, 1999 07.11 Klovans from Latvia won the World Senior Championship for the second time. 1999 20.11 FI DE celebrated its 75th Anniversary in Paris, 1999 20,11 FIDE expressed gratitude to Thierry. Lefur for his CD on world championships and chess history 1999 07.12 Armenia and Slovakia won the 12th European Championships among men's and women's teams, 2000 01.01 G, Kasparov increased his lead and established yet another new record rating of 2861. 2000 01.02 In France, chess was recognized as a sport. 2000 22.02 The Presidential Board met at Marrakech, Morocco, The Board revised the FIDE Commerce Memorandum, 200001.03 FIDE published the first quarterly rating list. 2000 01.04. V, Kramnik won his first Chess Oscar, 2000 17,04 FIDE agreed to licensing chess coaches. 2000 30,04 G. Kasparov won Chess Oscar for 1999. He topped V, Kramnik and A, Khalifman RUS, 2000 01,05 FIDE released the first CD-ROM with chess rules and the FIDE Handbook, 2000 15,05 The Presidential Board met in London under the auspices of FIDE Commerce, 2000 15.05 India and Iran made a combined bid of US$ 2,200,000 for the organization of the World Championship tournament. 2000 15.07 p, Tregubov RUS won the 1 st Individual European Championship. 2000 01,08 The first meeting of the Medical Commission in Lausanne chaired by Dr. S, Press USA took place, 2000 15,08 The Tribunal of Sport of Lausanne postponed Karpov' s case, 2000 16,08 FIDE agreed to support the rehabilitation of the grave of the former World Champion A, Alekh i ne bu ried in Pa ris, 2000 26,08 The Presidential Board met in Tehran, Iran, 2000 15,09 V, Anand from India and Xu Yuhua from China were the winners of the 1st World Cup organ- ized in Shenyang, China. 2000 15,09 G. Kasparov, V. Kramnik and A, Karpov decided not to participate at the next World Championship, 2000 24,09 1M 0, Cherikov from Russia won the World Senior Championship, Ms, Fatalibekova from Russia won the Women's World Senior Championship. 2000 25.09 FIDE provided an exhibition at the Olympic Games in Sydney, V, Anand and A. Shirov played a rapid match, which finished 1-1. 2000 30.09 Bosnia Sarajevo won the first European Team Club as a Swiss eyent. 2000 08,1 ° L. Bruzon from Cuba became the World Junior Champion in Yerevan, Armenia. 2000 25,10 The 34th Olympiad opened in Istanbul, Turkey. 2000 27,10 For the first time since 1985, G. Kasparov lost a match, At the Brain Games Championship held in London he lost to V. Kramnik 6,5-8,5, 2000 30,10 In Mexico City, several Grandmasters including the former World Champion B. Spassky, played in a record-breaking simultaneous exhibition on 10,048 chessboards, 
7.12 ......-  ID 2000 09,11 FIDE observed one minute of silence for the Friends who had passed away that year, among them: IGM George Koltanowski (USA); IA Boris Ravkin (RUS); IM-IA Dr. Max Arie Wotulo, (INA); Kurt Rattmann, IA (GER); IGM Aiwar Gipslis (LAT); IGM Vladimir Bagirov (LAT), Karl Robatsch, GM (AUT); IA Morrison, Martin (USA); IA Milos Petronic (YUG), IGM Arthur Dake (USA), IGM Georgi Tringov (BUL), IGM Milko Bobotzov (BUL), J. Elson (SWE), 2000 09,11 The General Assembly approved the application of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Chess Federation and the Association of Black Sea Countries for affiliation to FIDE and the application of the Chess Federation of Cambodia for membership. 2000 09.11 The GA confirmed the Presidential Board decision of its meeting in Tehran to grant affiliation status to the National Chess Federation of the Philippines, which was solely recognized by the Philippines Olympic Committee, as member of FIDE. 2000 09,11 President Ilyumzhinov confirmed his commitment to guarantee $3,500,000 as a prize fund for the next World Championship for Men and Women. 2000 10.11 FIDE agreed to start publishing a new FIDE Rating list with players down up to 1001 points. 2000 10,11 Spain and China submitted bids for the 2004 Olympiad. 2000 11,11 Russia for men and China for women were the winners of the 34th Olympiads. 2000 22,11 FIDE published the new Laws of Chess, which would come into force in July 2001, 2000 27,11 Opening of the World Championships for men and women in New Delhi, India 2000 16,12 Xie Jun of China retained her title as Women's World Champion. 2000 19.12 V, Anand of India and A. Shirov of Spain started the Final Match of the World Championship in Tehran, Iran. 2000 24.12 FIDE published the guidelines for the new time limit, 2000 26,12 The Presidential Board of FIDE at its meeting in Tehran, hereby declares: As the sole authority recognised by the International Olympic Committee responsible for the game of Chess and its Championships, and buttressed with historical facts, FIDE hereby announces its clearly estab- lished role as the only custodian of the World Chess Championship titles, 2000 26.12 V. Anand of India beat A. Shirov of Spain 3 'f2- 'f2and became the 15th World Champion. 2000 31,12 The Chinese Grand Master Ye Jiangchuan broke a world record in a simultaneous chess by playing 1004 opponents at the Chinese Chess New Century Festival in Tian Yuan, China. 2001 01.01 G, Kasparov led the FIDE Rating list at 2849, J. Polgar was the best among women at 2676, 2001 01.01 M, Adams ENG led the rapidplay Rating list for the first time at followed by Anand 283 and Kaspa rov 282. 1. 2001 09.01 Under the Tribunal of Sport mediation, FIDE and Karpov agreed to a settlement. 2001 20,01 Following the decision of the Court of Arbitrage in the case Karpov vs, FIDE, the Secretariat published the following press release: 2, Mr. Anatoly Karpov has no objection, and undertakes not to object, to FIDE's conferring of its World Championship title to A, Khalifman in 1999 and V, Anand in 2000, In the interest of goodwill and in order to correct the misunderstanding arising out of the agreement which led to this dispute, FIDE shall make a single payment to Mr. Anatoly Karpov of US$ 50,000 within 14 days of the date of this Consent Award 2001 25,01 FIDE Commerce signed an contract with the company Octogon Sponsorship Consulting Ltd The purpose of the deal was to develop the commercial potential of chess worldwide. 2001 20,02: Honorary President F. Campomanes and Executive Director E, Omuku met the US Olympic Committee to try accelerate the recognition of chess as a sport in the USA. 
2001 20.02 Women's Grandmaster Anna-Maria Botsari from Greece beat the simultaneous play record held by the Chinese player Ye. She played against 1102 players in 29 hours, which put her into the Guinness Book of Records. 2001 21.03 At the Court of Arbitration of Sport of Lausanne an agreement was reached between FIDE and Zsuzsa Polgar HUN, FIDE was to pay the sum of USD 25,000 in two installments to Zsu, Polgar in return for withdrawing all her claims against FIDE, 2001 25.03 G, Kasparov (RUS) returned to FIDE events and won the 1st Rapid World Cup organized in Cannes, France by Damir Levacic 2001 25,03 Presidential Board met in Cannes, France and agreed on a number of issues, which in the words of the FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, would "enable Chess move in the right direction with har- mony in the chess world". The Board resolved to make the use of the new time control of 40 moves in 75 minutes, 15 minutes for the remainder of the game, with an increment of 30 seconds per move from move 1, mandatory for the World Championship events, including the Zonals and Continental Championships and optional or recommended for other FIDE and international rating and title tournaments until the next FI DE Cong ress, 2001 01,04 G, Kasparov received his 10th Chess Oscar. 2001 05,05 A, Skripchenko-Lautier MDA won the European Women's Championship held in Warsaw. 2001 18,05 By a decree of the President of the Republic of Georgia, H,E. Eduard Shevardnadze, H,E. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, FIDE President, was awarded the Order of Gold Fleece for his great contribution to the devel- opment and popularization of chess in the world, and to the cause of friendship and peace between nations, as well as for his support of the chess in Georgia and fruitful charity and public activities, 2001 15,06 Probably the strongest ever Open including 140 GMs out of 204 participants met for the sec- ond individual European Championship held in Ohrid (Macedonia) with the top 46 players qualifying for the next World Championship, E. Sutovski ISR Israel won the first prize of US$ 40,000 after tiebreak match against R. Ponomariov UKR, 2001 30.06 The Presidential Board Meeting met in Dubai. 2001 01.07 The Board resolved to fully adopt the 10C Medical Code as the only basis for the FIDE Anti- Doping Code with effect from 1 July 2001, 2001 Lubow Zsiltzowa UKR won her 4th title of IBCA Women's World Champion in Taragona, Spain, 2001 Third sucess for Israel at the 25th WCSC in Wageningen, NED), 2001 30,08 Peter Acs from Hungary and Humpy Koneru from India became the World Junior Champions for Boys and Girls in Athens, Greece, 2001 04.09 Opening of the 72nd FIDE Congress in Halkidiki, Greece. 2001 04.09 Executive Board rose to their feet to observe a one minute silence in honour of the departed Friends of FIDE, namely: IA J. Wallace SCO, GM,A. Smith OBE ENG, Hannes Richter NAM. 2001 04,09 President lIyumzhinov confirmed the venue of the 2001 World Championship was to be the Kremlin, Moscow. 2001 05.09 Executive Board approved the offer of the Greek Chess Federation to host the 74th Congress in Halkidiki, Greece in 2003, 2001 05.09 The Executive Board adopted the change of time control to 90 minutes for all the game plus 30 seconds incremental time from move one, The possibility of playing more than 3 game per day in 2 days in the Olympiad was also accepted. 2001 05,09 Executive Board approved the World Champion's proposal for a return to a 2-year cycle, 2001 05,09 The title of FIDE Trainer was approved by FIDE, . 1 3 ......-  ID 
214 ......-  ID I V. 1vanchuk, Y. Averbach. the 16th World Champion R, Ponomariov and Prof. Byk in Moscow 2002 2001 06,09 Executive Board approved awarding of the 2004 Chess Olympiad to the Spanish Chess Federation. Olympiad regulations should be reviewed and a new draft would be presented at the next GA. 2001 15.10, A. Karpov confirmed his participation in the World Championship, liThe time is right for me to make a comeback". Kasparov, Kramnik and Xie Jun chose not to register. 2001 15.10 Ukraine won the World Team Championship held in Yerevan. Russia was second and Armenia third, 2001 19,10 The first FIDE Internet Championship including 300 participants finished with 8 players quali- fied for the World Championship in Moscow, The top three winners were: N, Vlassov, RUS, 0, Touzane, FRA and D. Rogozenko ROM, 2001 02,11 FIDE Commerce and Octogon announced in London the venues for the 2002 Grand Prix: Delhi, Dubai, Sarajevo, Moscow and Rio de Janeiro. It was also announced London would be the host city of the 2003/4 World Championship. 2001 15,11 The Netherlands won the European Team Championship in Leon, Spain and France the Women's European Team Championship. 2001 19.11 FI DE President met for the first time in Lausanne with the new IOC President J. Rogge, 2001 26,11 128 men and 64 women participated at the World Championships organized in a prestigious venue inside the Kremlin in Moscow. 2001 20.12 The Presidential Board met in Moscow. 2002 25.12 Zhu Chen from China became the new women's champion beating A, Kosteniuk from Russia after tie-brea ks, 2002 01.01 G. Kasparov 2838 and J. Polgar 2677 are still at the top of the FIDE Rating list. 2002 16.01 The first game of the World Championship Final started at the Metropole hotel, Moscow. 2002 26.01 The 18th year old R. Ponomariov UKR beat his countryman V. Ivanchuk 4 '12-2 '12and became the 16th and the youngest World Champion of the chess history. . . . , I "'- .. ,,\  'It "G . ,.--' [' / ( , ., " , . \. ' ). -- ,. ',", N, J  - '" !  « "'-' 
21 -- ide - rso F1DE personalities .,- 'D BM: EXCO: DC: CC: OC: RC: AC: S P: TC: Comp C: TRC: CS: OC: CEC: CAE: CCC: TR: EC: CH: CP: COI: PC: VC: WC: CHIPS: . Bureau! Board Member Executive Cou nci I Development Commission Central Committee Qualification Committee Rule Committee Arbiter Committee Swiss Pairing Technical Committee Computer Committee Title and Rating Committee Chess for school Committee Organizer Committee Chess Events Committee Chess Art and Exhibition Chess and Composition Trainers Committee Ethics Commission Chess for the Handicapped Chess and Philately Committee on International Organizations Player Cou nci I Verification Commission Women's Committee on Women's chess Commission on chess information, publication and statistics The list includes the name, country code and position M. Aaron: IND delegate 1986, CC member 1990 S. Abazid: SYR delegate 1994 J. Abbott: USA delegate 1927 M. Abbou: MAR delegate E, Abda lIa: CRC delegate 1998 Abd. Modh. Abu Ryayanah: LYB Libyan delegate M. Abdelghani: EGY delegate A. Abdelrahiln: BLZ delegate 1994 D. Abdul A/neer: IRQ delegate 1998 E. Abonyi: HUN delegate 1924, Founder 1924, Life Member 1927, + 1942 L. Abraham: ISV delegate 1974, +1982 C. Abundo: PHI Philippines delegate, CHIPS Secretary 1985, General Secretary 1988-90, Permanent Secretary 1990-1994, Executive Director 1994-98, Rating Administrator 1987, Honorary member 1997 M. Acosta Silva: VEN Zonal President 1950-1966 
21h -- JIIIIIIIIa  F. Adalns: USA delegate, CC 1992, Rep, Zone 2,1 1994, +1999. K. R. Adderley: BAH delegate 1974 S. W Addleman: USA Life member 1927, +1939 R. Adrian Rodriguez: CRC delegate 1998 S.A. Ahmed: IRQ delegate 1974 J.M. Aitken: SCO delegate, +1983 A.H. Alamrani: YEM delegate 1988 1. AI-Bannai: UAE Medal of Merit Awardee 1994, President Arab Chess Federation M. Al Dahbali: YEM delegate 1994 K. Al-Hitmi: QAT delegate 1989, Continental President 1990, Special Commission Chairman 1998 H. Al Jundi: LI B delegate 1994 M. Al Khozai: BRN delegate, Zonal President 1990 -1998, CC, OC, CDC, CCS M. AI-Nadhere: JOR delegate 1983 K. Y.AI-Nesf: OAT delegate 1988 A. L.M.AI-Noaimi: OAT delegate1991 R. A. Al Raani: KUW delegate 1981, CC Member 1982, CC 1985 1. AI- Rehami: UAE delegate 1992 A. K. Al-Othari: YEM delegate 1998 M. AI- Thani: OAT delegate 1984, Zone President 1986 A. Alekhine: FRA delegate 1935, World Champion N. Alexandria: GEO Georgian delegate, WC Chairperson 1993- Y. Almuktef: SYR delegate 1986 G. Altan-Och: MGL delegate Alvarado: HON delegate 1994 A. B. Ammour: ALG delegate 1978  Anand: IND EXCO, World Champion P. Anastasiadis: GRE delegate 1983, CACDEC co-Chairman S. Annabi: TUN delegate Y. Anderberg: SWE delegate 1977 D. Anderton: ENG delegate 1991-, EXCO 1989-93, CC J. A. Andino: HON delegate 1998 J. Andreu Miralles: ESP Life Member 1930, +1968 R. Angelov: BUL delegate 1992 L. Antonova-Sofrevska: FRM delegate 1994 G. Antunac: CRG delegate 1992 M. Anwar: EGY delegate 1993 A. M. Arafat: JOR delegate 1978 J. Araiza: CUB delegate 1928, MEX delegate 1964 P. Araujo: TRI delegate 1978 R. Arifur: BAN delegate 1998. 1. Armando Silva: POR delegate, B. Asanov: KAZ delegate, CC 1994-1998. J. A. ASlnah: GHA delegate 1977 Asztalos: YUG delegate 1927, HUN delegate 1950 
r: Averbakh: RUS delegate 1974, Zonal President 1974-, CC Member 1977, QC Chairman 1978, CACDEC Chairman 1978, FB Member 1979, CDC Co-Chairman 1979 P. Avgousti: CYP delegate 1998 . A. Avotinsh: LAT delegate 1994 Z. Azmaiparasvili: GEO delegate F. Azzubaidi: IRQ delegate 1979 Awad AU Abdullah: UAE delegate 1987 H. Awadh Al Towaie: YEM delegate 1991 A. Bach: USSR delegate, EXCO 1990-94, ce 1992 Badartch: MGL delegate 1956 J. Badelnian: URU delegate 1982 M. BakaU: MAR delgate 1978 I. Bakar: MAS delegate 1988 I. Bakker: NED General Secretary 1972-82, ee, FB Member 1976, Honorary Member 1982 F. Bakwena: BOT delegate A. Bajarkevicius: LTU delegate 1991 G. P. Baldock: AUS Friend of FI DE 1977 I. Balducci: SMR delegate 1998 B. Balgabaev: RUS Assisant to the President 1996, L. Balliard: DOM delegate 1985 S. Baillargues: SUI Executive Assistant J. Banas: SLK Baranyi: ROM delegate H. Barber: AUS delegate 1982 J, Barentz: NED delegate 1986 Dr. P. Barrera: ESA delegate, Zonal President 1994, Vice President 1996-1998, DC Acting Chairman 1997, Continental President 1998- Medical Com. Chairman. J. L. Barreras Merino: CUB Zonal President 1966-1974 W Barthel: GDR delegate A. Bartos: HUN Hungarian delegate 1928 A. Basa: BOT delegate 1988 A. M. Basir: MAS delegate 1991 Basyouni: EGY delegate 1951 R. Battin: SEY delegate, EXeO 1998 W Baulngartner: SUI delegate 1983 L. Bautista: PHI delegate 1984 H. Bhowany: MRI delegate 1994. J. L. Beale: AUS Zonal President 1950-1953 E. Bebchuk: RUS delegate, CC, QC, RCC 1993 S. Bech Hansen: DEN delegate Becher: DDR delegate 1958 A. Becker: AUT delegate 1926, German delegate 1939, +1984 A. Becker: SUI Honorary Member 1992 .217  ---.  ID 
218 -- JIIIIIIIIa  J. Bedrnicek: CZE delegate 1926 Bedros: LIB delegate G. Bekker: AUS delegate 1998 B. Belghaneln: ALG delegate. J. J. Belinfante: NED Life Member 1928, +1947 R. Belkadi: TUN delegate, Zonal President 1974-, CC Member 1977-, FB Member 1979, Deputy President 1978-86, COSA Chairman 1985, Honorary Member 1990 L. Bellard: DOM delegate 1984 L. Bellhouse: BAR delegate 1992 G. J. Bendana: NCA delegate 1992 Ben Youssef: TUN delegate 1998. Bennouna: MAR delegate 1966 J. Berglund: SWE TR Chairman, Comp Chairman 1990, delegate to IBCA 1990 E. Berkis: LAT delegate M. Berman: FRA delegate, Vice-President 1950, Life Member 1953, Zonal President 1947-1960, +1960 L. Berti: CHI delegate 1988 R. Bertolo: FRA delegate 1974, + 1991 G. Beskos: GRE delegate 1991 T. Betancourth: HON delegate 1976 A. Bessler: FRA delegate 1987 Betancourt: OC 1966 M. Bezzi: SM R delegate 1994 J. Bibuld: USA Friend of FIDE 1985, BER delegate 1987 M. Biringanine: ZAI delegate 1978 P. Biscay: FRA Life Member 1954, +1969 J. Bisson: J EY delegate T. Bissoon: TRI delegate 1974 p, Bitarabeho: UGA delegate 1979 H. Bjork:SWE Honorary Member 1967, General Secretary 1950-1967 U. Blanco: VEN delegate F. Blatny: CZE delegate, CH chairman, delegate for IPCH N. Bluett: Papua New Guinea delegate 1976 S. Bobes: ROM delegate 1926 Boettner: PAR delegate 1939 A. Bogda: PAR delegate 1982 R. Bodinagoda: SRI delegate 1984- Bojkov: BUL delegate 1954 G. Bonner: SCO delegate 1979 E. Bonsch: DDR delegate 1982 G. D. Borg: MLT delegate 1984 A. P.Borwell: SCO ICCF President and FIDE delegate M. Botvinnik: USSR, World Champion 1948 N. Boudet: FRA delegate 1976 H. Bounehas: ALG delegate 1998 
219 -...a__ JIIIIIIIIa ID C. Bounena: MAU delegate 1988 Bowin: SWE delegate G. Boxall: JER delegate M, Brarheni: ALG delegate 1974 B. Bradfort: NIC delegate 1982 A. Breda: BEL delegate O. Brekke: NOR delegate 1979, OC 1985 1. Brendel: USA Friend of FIDE 1978 J. Brirola: SUI Permanent fund administrator, CC Member 1970, Medal of Merit Awardee 1973, Honorary Member 1984 H. J. Brooks: ENG Life Member 1929, t 1948 G. Burdio: IBCA Liaison Officer 1994, IBCA President 1995 A. A. Burshaid: BRN delegate 1988 A. Burstein: ISR Israel delegate 1995, CC 1995-98 Prof. I. Byk: UKR delegate, Zonal President 1994 F. Cabanas: CAN delegate 2002 Cabeza de Vera: ECU delegate 1978, CC 1978- Cakir: TUR delegate G. Candea: ROM delegate1987 L. JIV: Canla ra: ARG delegate 1976 R. Camara: BRA delegate, Zonal President 1974-78 J. Calnpbell: IVB delegate 1979 F. Campolnanes: PHI delegate 1956, Zonal President 1966-1970, CACDEC Chairman 1978, CACDEC Co- Chairman 1983, Deputy President 1974, CC, FB Member 1979, CDC CO-Chairman 1979, FIDE President 1982-1995, PC Chairman 1982, FIDE Chairman 1995-1996, Honorary President 1996 A. Campoy: ESP delegate 1977 Cardoso: POR delegate B. Carls: GER Life Member 1928, +1958 E. Carlnel: ISR delegate 1979 Cassady: I RL delegate R. Castells-Mendez: ARG delegate, Zonal President 1955-1956 M. I. Catan: URU delegate 1976 M. Cebalo: CRO delegate 1994 0, Ceballos: COL delegate T. Ciejka: AUT delegate 1965, t 1971 Chalni: MAR delegate Ch. T. Chang: CHN delegate 1978 E. Chavaria Cruz: CRC delegate 1976 W Charpentier Morales: CRA delegate, Zonal President 1990-, CC Member 1992 Z. Chen: CH N delegate 1998, Zona I President 1998 M. Chiburdanidze: GEO CC Member, World Champion T. Chirhizola: PER delegate 1994 Chilwesa: ZAM delegate 1998 
220 -...a__  ID T. Chhnfwelbe: ZAM delegate 1988 Chirinos: VEN delegate 1979 N. Chitty: VEN delegate 1982 M. JIV: Choo: BRU delegate 1983 H. Christofferson: NOR delegate 1931 N. Chudleigh: BER delegate 1978 A. Cimina: LAT delegate M.  Clark: PER Zonal President 1970-1974 Cleopas: CYP delegate R, K. Clues: WLS delegate, Treasurer 1975-, 1985, Honorary Member 1984, CC Member 1976, 1985, Friend of FIDE 1976, t1995 J. Cochrane: ZIM delegate 1994 F. Coelho: ANG delegate 1998 G. Cohen: ISR delegate 1977 G. Collijn: SWE Life Member 1931, Honorary Member 1937, SWE delegate 1937, t1968 J. JIV: Collins: USA Medal of Merit Awardee 1983 L. H. Collings: H KG delegate 1979, Zone 11 President 1982, 1985, CACOEC 1985 R.  Colon: PUR delegate Comte de Penalvez: ESP delegate 1924  Coria: URU delegate 1928 Costa: AN 0 delegate S. Costagliola Carotti: CHI delegate 1974 Costes: FRA French delegate 1938 J. Cots Paltor: AN 0 delegate M. Coulibaly: M LI delegate 1998 v: Cox: BAH delegate 1986 F. Cramer: USA delegate, Vice-President 1965, Zonal President 1963-197 5,t 1989 J. G. Cranston: IRL delegate 1935 L. Cruz: MOZ delegate 1998 Lie. Cruz Lorenzana: GUA delegate, Zonal President, CC Member 1979 G. Cunningham: USA delegate 1982 Czaya: BRO delegate 1950 A. Dacca: MAR delegate 1974 F. L. G. D'Aumerie: NED Life Member 1928, t1941 Dahne: BRO delegate 1951 G. C. Dal Verme: ITA delegate, Permanent Fund Administrator 1950, Life Member 1951, Auditor 1952- 1985, Honorary Member 1974,1983, CC member 1977-1985, t1985 R.Damiroll Dickson: OOM delegate T. Dang: VI E delegate Dano: ALB delegate O. Danoon: IRQ delegate L, Darroman: CUB delegate 1993 G. Da Cunha: BRA delegate, Zonal President 1956-1966 
21 ......--  ID Dato Tan: MAL delegate, Deputy President 1982, Honorary member 1992 R. Da Silva: ANG delegate 1981, Zone 13 President 1986-90, OC 1985, CC member, Zone 4.3 President 1994-98, EXCO 1994-98 L. T. Da Si/l'a: BRA delegate 1986, Honorary Member 1990, CC member 1992, + 1994 M. Dayratne: SRI delegate 1998 G. D 'Elia: LI E delegate 1988 C. J, Deane: TRI delegate 1984  De Asa: FIJ delegate 1992 E. De Castro: PHI delegate S. S. De Freitas: BRA Zonal President 1990- B. De Greiff: COL delegate 1979- De Monte Corto: ESP delegate J. De la Ri"a: URU delegate de Muro: ARG Honorary Member 1939, +1959 J. M. del Canzpo: MEX delegate 1984 E. Delgado: ECU delegate D. Deras Diaz: GUA delegate 1996 J. N. Derbyshire: ENG Life Member 1938, +1954 D. De Ridder: BEL delegate De Roche: SUI Swiss delegate 1925 A. Denker: USA delegate, CC, OC 1985, Zonal President 1982- Dez: French delegate 1939 de Watteuille: SUI delegate 1925, Life Member 1925, Honorary Member 1936, +1951 P. Diaconescu: ROM delegate 1985 M. Diallo: MAL Mali delegate 1978 E. Diecklna 11: DDR delegate 1979 P. Diennan: BEL delegate, Honorary Member 1959, Life Member 1953, +1961 G. Dissanayake: SRI delegate E. Ditt: GER delegate 1988, Vice President 1990-94, EXCO 1994-98 N. Divillsky: CAN delegate, CC Member 1987, Zonal President 1987-1993 H. Dobell: ENG Life Member 1925, +1938 J. H. Donner: NED delegate 1982, +1989 W Dorazi/: AUT delegate, Zonal President 1966, OC President 1973, Honorary Member 1974, CC Member 1976-82 H. Douha: BEL delegate 1985 C, Downing: IVB delegate 1974 S. Doyle: USA delegate, Vice President 1996-, CEC Chairman 1998 P. Drepaniotis: GRE delegate 1982 Drimer: CCS Vice Chairman 1985 M. Duchamp: FRA French delegate 1933 Dufour: ARG delegate 1958 T. Duisheev: KGZ delegate 1998 J. Dumitru: ROM delegate 1983 J. Dusclaux: MNC delegate 
222 ----..  ID J. Durao: POR delegate RC 1986, EXCO 1990-94, CC 1983-92, CU 1993, Vice President at large 1994-96, CIO Chairman 1994- 1998 J. M. Eastman: COL delegate 1988 S. Ebigwei: NGR delegate 1984, COSA 1985 E. B. Edmondson: USA delegate, FB member 1973, BM 1974, CC Member 1974,1976, +1982. Edwards: ISV delegate J. F. Edwards: PUR delegate 1974- J. Ehlvest: EST delegate 1998 L. G. Eggink: NED Dutch delegate 1933 A. J. Eikrem: NOR delegate, + 1996 E. Einarsson: ISL delegate, Zonal President 1994-, Honorary Member 1994 F. Elek: HUN FIDE Statistician 1982 A. E. Elo: USA, Honorary Member 1981, + 1992 E. Elietsky: RUS Russian delegate, 1. A. Elnigoni: SUO delegate 1988 H. El Cherif: PLE delegate 1987 A. W El Fassi: MAR delegate 1988 Z. El-Sadat: EGY delegate 1986 S. Emani: IRN delegate G. Embioglou: GRE delegate 1979 L. C. Encinas Ferrer: M EX delegate 1978 M. Erdieni: MGL delegate 1979 1. Eshel: ISR delegate, CC Member 1978-82, Honorary Member 1985, +1992 J. C. Escribano 0 'Connor: ARG delegate 1981, Zonal President 1982 F. S. Estadilla: PHI EDP Manager M. Euwe: NED FIDE President 1970-1978, Honorary Member 1938, Honorary President 1979, +1981 v: Ezeokoli: NGR delegate 1992 Fabi: M NC delegate Fairhurst: SCO delegate, + 1982 C. Fang: MAS delegate S. B. Farias: BRA delegate 1978 M. Farougha: JOR delegate 1994 J. J. Fausto: GUA delegate 1976 M. Feddawi: ALG delegate 1982 Feio: MAC delegate 1994 N. Fenton: ANT delegate 1998 F. Fernandez: PAR delegate 1978 F. H. Fernandez: ESP Medal of Merit Awardee 1972, Honorary Member 1978, +1978 Fernandez: COL delegate E. Ferraris: ITA Italian delegate 1938 W A. J. M. Fick: NED delegate 1926, Life Member 1928 A. Fidi: ITA delegate 1925, Life Member 1925, Honorary Member 1949, +1958 
R. Fischer: USA World Champion, CC 1972 A. Filipowicz: POL delegate, Zonal President 1990-94, CC 1992 E. Fitzjalnes: SCO delegate 1974 Florian: HUN delegate, CC Member 1973 J, Foldi: HUN delegate 1978 A. Foligno: WLS Friend of FIDE 1983, 1988 L. Fontclara: PAR delegate B. Formanek: SVK CCC Chairman 1998 F. Fougy: HAl delegate D. E. Franco: PER Life Member 1931 A. Frank: Zaire delegate B. Freedlnan: CAN delegate 1932, Zonal President 1947-1957 M. Free In a n: NZL delegate N. Freema n: BER Berm uda delegate L. Fretes: PAR Paraguayan delegate Frey: POL delegate Fuchs: POR Life member 1936 F. Fuchs: SUI delegate 1979 S. Furs: POL delegate 1974 P. Galaraga: VEN delegate 1976 H. Gala I: EGY delegate 1981 A. Galeb: LIB delegate 1974 N. Gaprindashvili: GEO CC Member 1974, WC Chairman 1978, LC Chairman 1982, Honorary Member 1990 C. Garrard: ZI M delegate J. Garcia de Leon: GUA delegate A. Garcia Fernandez: ESP delegate 1978, CC Member 1978 S. Garcia: CU B delegate, CC 1994-98 P. Garcia: PER delegate 1992 A. Garrigosa Ceniceros: ESP Life member 1930, +1938 F. Gasanov: AZE delegate 1992 E. Ghalayini: PAL delegate 1. Gheiadi: L YB delegate, Zonal President 1982 1. Geifer: ISR delegate 1990, VC 1993, CACDEC Chairman 1990-, EXCO 1998 L. Georges: IVB delegate 1976- Giam Choo Kwee: SIN delegate 1983 Gibbs: HKG delegate P. Giers: USA Zonal President 1947-1951 G, Gijssen: NED AC Chairman 1990-94, RC Chairman 1994- E. Gha leyen i: UAE delegate 1983 N. Ghalib: IND delegate 1982 M. Ghazi: IRQ delegate 1994 M. Ghobash: UAE delegate 1984, Zonal President 1982-86 Vice President 1986-90, EXCO 1990-94, CC mem ber 1992, RCC 1994-96, Deputy President 1994-96, CEC Cha i rma n 1994-96 223 ......--  ID 
.24 -- ... ID J. Glendinning: SCO delegate 1994 Glislichs: LIT delegate 1937 C. Godzali: RIN Indonesian delegate A. Goldenberg: FRA Friend of FI DE 1984 A. Goldenberg: PER delegate 1974, Friend of FIDE, Honorary Member 1984 H. Golombek: ENG delegate, Zonal President 1974-1980, CC Member 1973, +1995 A. GOlnez Abad: AND delegate 1979 GOlnez Pestrepo: COL delegate 1978 Gonza lez: COL delegate K. Gottfled: HAl delegate 1988 Gouder: MLT delegate Goudsmit: N ED delegate 1966 J. Grand: SCO delegate E. Grant: JAM delegate 1978 R. Grau: ARG delegate 1924, Founder 1924 F. Graves: USA Vice-President 1956, Zonal President 1954-1957, +1962 M. J. Greiveldinger: LUX delegate 1984 R. C. Griffith: ENG Life Member 1925, + 1955 B. Grolelnund: ISV delegate 1982 S. Grumer: ISV delegate 1976- E. Gru nfeld: AUT Austria n delegate 1935 M. Grzeskowiak: FRG Medal of Merit Awardee 1972 1. Gudju: ROM delegate 1924, Founder 1924, Honorary Vice President, Honorary Member 1970, CC Member 1973, Doyen de la FI DE 1964, + 1988 T. Gudmundsson: ISL delegate 1974 E. Gufeld: GEO Commission on Chess Art Chairman 1990, +2002 G.Guidi: SMR delegate 1988 R. Guido: NCA delegate 1994 Guimard: ARG delegate, +1998 M. Gu itian: CH N Zona I President 1990, Zone 3,3 President 1994 Gulbis: LAT delegate 1998 A. Gulbrandson: NOR delegate 1935 G. Gunarsson: ISL delegate 1982 Haas: LUX delegate  Hadassi: ISR delegate 1982 1. Haddad: SYR Syrian delegate M. M. A. M. Hadi: UAE delegate 1978 M. A. Hajar: YEM delegate 1984 D. Hajek: SUI Permanent Fund Administrator 1953, Honorary Member 1963, Treasurer 1942-1947 P. Haley: CAN delegate 1993, CC 1993, OC 1993 Zone 2,2 President 1993-2000 D. Halici: TUR delegate, CC 1994-, Vice President 1998- H, Hamers: NED delegate M. Hamid: MAL Malaysian delegate 
225 ......-- ID B. Hamilton-Russel: ENG Life Member 1927. Honory Member 1930. British delegate 1933. +1941 M. Hamwleh: SYR delegate 1984 D. Hamoonga: ZAM delegate Hanacik: AUT delegate S. B. Hansen: DEN delegate H. N. Hansen: DEN delegate 1928 L. Hanssen: NOR delegate 1933 H. Hartley: ENG Life Member 1927, +1953 Hartmann: ROM delegate Hasan El Cherif: PLE delegate 1984 M. Hasan: INA delegate. BM 1974. Friend of FIDE 1976, Honorary Member 1983. Medal of Merit Awardee 1983.+1991 H.M. Hasan: HKG delegate. Zonal President 1970-1974. CC member 1974. Honorary member 1987. Honorary Member 1993 G. EI D.S. Hassan: EGY delegate 1984 Hassiotis: GRE delegate F. Haroun: RSA delegate 1993. SAF Zonal President 1994 F. Hatto: WLS delegate 1995 C. G. Hechanova: PHI. Honorary Mebmber 1992 A. Heintze: DDR delegate. CC Member 1973-. FB Member 1977 E. Helme: FIN delegate. Zonal President 1982-1985. CC member 1976, 1985. COSA 1985, OC Vice Chairman 1979-. Honorary Member 1989 Hentati: TUN delegate A. Herbert: BAR delegate 1986 H. Hernandez: PAR delegate 1984 J. Hernandez: CUB delegate G. Herdeus: ROM Zonal President 1994 G. Heynen: BEL delegate. RC 1985. Honorary Member 1986 G. Hilgert: LUX delegate 1988 H. Hindstroln: FIN Vice-President 1958. Zonal President 1957-1966. +1967 Hobson: HKG delegate 1966 Hohlfeld: FRG delegate 1986 C. Holguin Pelaez: COL delegate 1974 A. Hollander: NZL delegate. 1977. + 1978 Holloway: ENG British delegate 1925 Holmes: SCO delegate E. Horwitz: AUT delegate 1935 C. O. Hovind: NOR 1930 A. Houry: LIB delegate 1998 K. lbrahima: MAL delegate 1998 W lclicki: BEL Belgian delegate 1989. Treasurer 1990-1996, EC Member 1998. World Championship Commission Chairman 1994- F. 1ge1: AUT delegate 1933 
226 ......--  ID D. Iglesias: AND delegate A. llmakunnas: FIN delegate, Vice-President 1950, Zonal President 1949-1957, +1957 P. Ilusorio: PHI Friend of FIDE 1983 K. llyumzinov: RUS FIDE President 1995- S. Islam: BAN delegate 1986 A. Issers: ISR delegate 1988 Ivanovic: YUG delegate F. Jaafari: MAR delegate1984 Jakse: YUG delegate 1955 D. Jalnes: WLS Welsh delegate Jakob: SUI Honorary Member M. E. Jamshidi: AFG Afgan delegate, B. Jamsran: MGL delegate 1974, Zonal President 1974, CC member 1974 Mrs. C. Jarecki: IVB delegate D. Jarrett: ENG delegate 1987, Treasurer 1996- M. Jassim: BAH delegate E. Jerraris: ITA delegate 1935. E. Jf1nenez Z.: CUB delegate 1982, BM 1982- EXCO 1986-90, CC 1983b. Jevremovic: YUG delegate T. J. Johanssen: NOR delegate 1987 H. E. John Mildway: ENG Life Member 1925, +1944 G. Joh n Mildway: ENG Life member 1927 R. Jones: BOT delegate, Zonal President 1994-1998. A. K. P. Jongsma: N ED delegate 1983 S. Jonsson: ISL delegate 1979. Treasurer 1978-82, CC member 1979 1. Josephs: MNC delegate 1988 Jubani: ALB delegate 1994 N. Jubran: UAE delegate 1982 D. Juksimovic: YUG delegate 1998 K. Jungwirth: AUT delegate, Deputy President 1978-82, CC, FB Member 1979, Deputy President at large 1982-86, Continental President 1990-98, Honorary Vice President 1998, M. A. Kabuuka: UGA delegate 1984 M. Kachalo: SYR delegate 1988 O. 1. Kaila: FIN delegate 1935, Life Member 1969 J. Kaimkamdozov: BUL delegate 1987 L. Kalashian: ARM delegate 1992 A. Khalifman: RUS EXCO, World Champion Kaloyannis: GRE delegate 1966 M. R. Kamaluddin: I NA delegate 1998 M. Kambozia: IRI delegate 1997, Zone 3,5 President 1997 E. Kamel: SYR delegate S. Kania: POL delegate 1978, FI DE delegate for ICCF 1985 
'227 ......-- ID Kapsenberg: NED delegate 1965, AHO delegate 1972 A. Karasow: ISL delegate 1992 A. Karim Mohsin: BRN delegate 1984 A. Karpov: RUS CC Member 1974, World Champion 1975 I. Kassa: ETH delegate 1998 M. w: Kassem: SYR delegate 1978, CC Member 1978 G. Kasparov: RUS CC Member 1987, World Champion C. R. Katz: ZIM delegate 1982 H. M. Kaulule: ZAM delegate 1982 B. Kazic: YUG delegate, CC Member 1967, FB member 1973, Deputy President 1974, 1976, CC Member 1974-, Zonal President, RC Chairman 1978-, 1985, EXCO 1985, RC 1985, Honorary Member 1985, +1995 1. Kayumova: UZB delegate 1997 J. Keeble: ENG Life Member 1929, +1939 R. Keene: ENG delegate, OC, CACDEC 1985 CHIPS Chairman 1982, PC Secretary W Kelleher: USA EXCO 1998, EC Chairman 1998 M. Keller: FRA delegate 1982 P. Keres: EST delegate 1937 K. Khalafan: UAE delegate 1998 M.  Khan: PAK delegate 1974 A. R. Khan: BAN delegate 1998 M. M. Kheiri: JOR delegate 1974 M. Khurs: PLE delegate 1998 M. Kibuka: UGA delegate 1988 M. Kiernan: HKG delegate J. A. Kingswell: MLT delegate A. Kinzel: FRG delegate BM 1978, FB Member 1979, EXCO 1982,1985, CC 1979 Medal of Merit Awardee 1982, Honorary Member 1986 Klaus: DDR delegate 1953 Klein: ECU delegate  Klimenkov: MDA delegate 1994 A. Kobese: RSA delegate, Zonal President 1998 Dr. L. Kok Ahn: SIN delegate, Zonal President 1974, General Secretary 1982-1987 Kolacbay: LTU delegate 1931  Kolarski: YUG Administrative Manager G. Koltanowski: USA Honorary Member 1982, +2000 1. Konate: MAL delegate 1984 Kostic: YUG CompC Chairman 1994 A. Kostiev: USSR delegate 1987 Kostisch: YUG Yugoslavian delegate 1926 B. Kouatly: FRA delegate, Marketing Manager 1993-1994, Deputy President 1995-96, Vice President at large 1994- 1996 E. Koshnitsky: AUS delegate, Vice-President 1969, Zonal President 1960-1966, CC Member 1974, Honorary Member 1993 F. Koshnitsky: AUS Friend of FIDE 1985, Honorary Member 1993, +1999 
228 ......--  ID M. Kosonen: FIN delegate 1991, Executive Council 1994 Kotchoff: ARG delegate P. T. U. Koya: IND delegate, Zonal President 1994-, Vice President 1996-, Youth Et Junior Events Committee 1998- M. Krajscovits: HUN Hungarian delegate1992 G. Krauchi: HAl delegate 1998 A. Krause: GER SP Chairman 1995 N. Krogius: RUS delegate 1984, Zone 4 President 1985, CC, OC, EXCO 1985, RC Vice Chairman 1983, Honorary Member 1995 O. Kronlaks: LAT delegate 1991 Krouk: HKG delegate 1976 A. Krysatis: LUX delegate 1982 USA delegate 192, Life Member 1927, Zonal President till 1947, Honorary President 1947 +1949 T. KUln Foo: SIN delegate B. Kutin: SLO delegate 1992, YUG delegate 1983, EXCO 1986-90, Marketing Director 1990-1992, EXCO 1996-98, European Continental President 1998- B. T. Kuwaza: ZI M delegate 1998 L. Lako: HUN Hungarian delegate 1984 J. Lambert: FRA delegate 1983, EXCO 1986-90 J. Lamothe: HAl Haitian delegate E. Lancel: BEL Life Member 1927, + 1959 C. Langers: LUX delegate 1979 W Langheinrich: GER German delegate 1985 Lantsias: CYP Cyprus delegate 1979 J. La Paz: AHO delegate 1988 C. Laphitz: URU delegate, Zonal President 1994 1. Largoza: PHI, Secretary of FIDE 1983-1990 J. Lattyak: BER delegate 1979 J. C. Laurens: ARG delegate, Vice-President 1951, Zonal President 1950-1955 J. Lauri: MLT delegate 1982 Lazai: ALB delegate 1991 Lavandero: PUR delegate 1956 M. Lazarevic: LC President 1974 E. Lay Alvez: URU delegate 1986 C. Layiktez: TUR delegate, Zonal President 1990 S. C. Le Blanc: GCI delegate 1987,+1991 A. Lechter: COL delegate 1982 T. Ledic: CRO Croatia n delegate S. T. Lee: SIN Friend of FIDE 1992 W Loenhardt: NZL delegate 1976 1. Leong: SIN delegate, CC member 1990-, Assistant of President 1995-1996, Zonal President 1998 Letelier: CH I delegate 
..29 -- ID c. Leu: ROM delegate 1935 D. N. L. Levy: SCO delegate 1978, CC member 1978 D.Lhagva: MGL delegate 1992 R. Lhoste: FRA Medal of Merit Awardee 1972 Li Wei: CHN delegate 1979 Z. Lilic: YUG delegate 1998 Dr. K. Liln: SIN delegate, Zonal President 1974-82, General Secretary 1982-1985, EXCO, CC, OC, CACDEC Secretary 1985, Rating Administrator, Honorary Member 1988 D. Lima: BRA delegate 1997 Lindstrom: FI N delegate 1955 R. Liniger: SU I delegate 1995  LitmanouJicz: RC 1985, t1992 R. Littorin: SWE delegate 1972, CC, Honorary Member 1993, EC Chairman 1994-98 B. Logawa: INA delegate 1974 Long Vidal: ARG delegate 1939 A. Lopez: AND delegate 1987 M. Lopez P.: BOL delegate 1998 J. C. Loubatiere: FRA delegate, CC member 1990-, Zonal President 1994- J. Louma: CSR Life Member 1930, delegate 1935, Honorary Member 1949, t 1955 G. LouJenthal: NED delegate 1994, Executive Council 1994-98 A. J. Lowther: ENG Life Member 1929, +1962 L. Lucena: BRA delegate 1979, Zonal President 1978-1982 M.M. Lwi n: MY A delegate 1997 G. Macht: LIT delegate 1930 S. Machtas: LIT delegate 1935 J. Mackenzie: ENG delegate 1937, Life Member 1937, t1949 G. Madiklve: BOT delegate 1982 M. McDerlnott: GCI delegate Magroun: TUN delegate Ma. Guitian: CHN delegate 1991 A. Makarov: RUS delegate, Zonal President 1990-95, Vice President 1994, Medal of Merit Awardee 1994, G. Makropoulos: GRE delegate1984, Zonal President 1982-86, Vice President 1986-90, General Secretary 1990-1996, Deputy President 1996- Miss P. Mann: USA Zonal President 1974, CC member 1976 Maltchev: BUL delegate 1978, CC Member 1978, Honorary Member 1990, t1994 Mamadou lbra KA: SEN delegate 1988 Manakly: SYR delegate M. M. H. Mansoor: MRI delegate 1978 A. Marino: SMR delegate 1998 S. Mariotti: ITA delegate  Maris: GRE delegate 1985, ec, OC 1985 M. Markkula: FIN delegate, Zone 1.3 President 1997, OC Chairman 1998 H. Marko: PNG delegate 1982 
230 -- IIIIIIII&  J. Markov: PNG delegate 1979 G. Maroczy: HUN delegate 1933 R. Martelli: MNC delegate 1974 Martin del Campo: MEX Mexican delegate, Vice President 1990-94 J. R. Martinez D'Ettore: PAN delegate 1974 Martinez: SOL delegate Martinez Santos: NIC delegate 1966 F. Marusi: ITA Italian delegate 1924, Founder 1924 A. Mas: ARG delegate, EXCO member 1994-, QC Chairman 1994-98, DC Chairman 1998 A. Matanovic: YUG delegate, Deputy President 1990, CH IPS Cha i rma n 1990-1994, Exec, Deputy President 1993-1994, CC, EXCO, PS, QC 1 M. Mateus: ANG delegate 1993 J. R. J. Matos: DOM delegate 1987  Matsumoto: JPN delegate, CC Member 1976-90, Treasurer 1986-87, Friend of FIDE 1982, VC 1986, Acting Auditor 1985, EXCO 1990-, TC Chairman 1998 A. Matulevicius: LIT Lithuanian delegate L. Mazouz: ALG delegate 1984, Executive Council 1990-94, CC, QC, Continental President 1994- M. McDermott: GCI delegate 1994 A. Medhin: ETH delegate B. Megara: MAR delegate 1977 Melbaert: LAT delegate 1937 v: Melendez Lazo: ESA delegate O. Mendelshon: ROM delegate 1926 C. Merida Bello: SOL delegate H. Metzing: GER delegate 1982,1999 F. Midsuf: ALS delegate Miehe: GER delegate 1939 H. Mercer: AUS Zona I President 1947-1950, t 1952 C. L. Merida Bello: SOL delegate 1976 H. Meyer: SUI Treasurer 1947-1958, t1976 R. P. Michell: ENG Life Member 1928, t1938 A. Mieles Viteri: ECU delegate 1998 K. Mieres: URU delegate 1939 C. P. Miheso Chomu: KEN delegate 1988 Mihoc: ROM delegate 1955 J. Mikkelsen: FAI delegate 1992 S. Mildmay: ITA delegate 1925 L. Miliani: ITA delegate 1925, Life Member 1925, +1944 S. Milivojevic: YUG delegate 1997 G. Miskinis: LTU delegate 1998 R. Mitchell: NZL delegate 1974, t 1980 D. Mitdank: DDR delegate 1983 M. Mitrescu: ROM delegate 1984 T. Mohsen: TUN delegate 1973 
H. Mohsen: EGY delegate, Zonal President 1997, CIO Chairman, Delegate to UNESCO N. A. Mohsin: PAK delegate 1988 y: K. Moktef: SYR delegate 1998 M. Molerovic: YUG CPI President 1973-, CHIPS Chairman 1978, +1983 G. Molina: COL delegate 1984, Zonal President 1958-1959, Colombian delegate, EXCO 1990-94, MLI dele- gate, CC 1992, EC 1994 E. Montague Jones: ENG Life Member 1925, + 1938 J. A. Montecinos: HON delegate 1988  Montes: ESA delegate 1992 T. Montilla: DOM delegate 1988 M. Moraza: PUR delegate 1994 F. B. Moreno: PHI Honorary Member 1990, +1994 M. E. Morrison: RC Chairman 1976 K. Mortazaviyazdi: IRI delegate 1994 J. Mortensen: DEN delegate, CC 1990, CC 1994-1995, 1998 Mostofi: I R I delegate Mrazik: CSR Life Member 1930 S. Mouratkuliev: TKM delegate 1998 M. A. Muela: ESP delegate 1987 A. Muhamed: BIH delegate 1998 Muffang: FRA delegate 1961,+1989 A. Muir: SCO delegate 1998 T. Muluneh: ETH delegate 1998  Munanairi: ZIM delegate 1998 R. N. Munoz: DOM delegate 1974 R. L. E. Munshi: SUR delegate 1988 A. Muratbekov: KGZ delegate 1994 Mrs. M. Muresan: ROM delegate Ms. P. Murphy: ISV delegate M. A. Murray: PUR delegate 1998 M. Ali Mustafa: PLE delegate 1982 C. Mwa nyika : TAN delegate 1998 o. Naegeli: SUI delegate 1935, Life member 1925, + 1959 S. Naftel: GCI delegate 1986 M. Najdorf: ARG Honorary Member 1996 +1997 E. Namazov: AZE delegate 1998 N. Nalnjil: MGL delegate, Zonal President 1970-1974 T. Namsrai: MGL Zonal President 1963-1970 S. K. Narasimhan: IND Zonal President 1960-1963 G. Nazarabedian: M NC delegate 1992 A. Nazarov: TJK delegate 1994, 1998 Navabi: IRI delegate 1974, Zonal President 1974, CC Member 1976 Navarro: BOL delegate 1966 231 4IP --  ID 
2.32 .....-  ID 1. Nei: EST delegate, Zone 1,7 President 1994-1998, H. Neto: POR delegate 1987 Dr. M. Nicolet: SUI delegate 1924, Founder 1924, Treasurer 1924-1942, t1942 M. Needleman: AUS delegate 1985 T. Niemeyer: NED Medal of Merit Awardee 1974 Dr. M. Niemeijer: NED Life Member 1933, +1987 G. A. K. Nielsen: DEN Life Member 1928, Dutch delegate 1930, 1937 K. J. Nieukerke: NED Life Member 1928 P. Nikolic: BI H delegate Z. Nilsson: SWE General Secretary 1949-1950 A. Nogues: ARG delegate 1986, EXCO 1986-1990 P. Nikolopoulos: GRE AC Chairman 1998 S. Novrup: DEN AIPE President J. Ochoa de Echaguen Estbalez: ESP delegate, EXCO 1998 K. O'Connel: IRL delegate 1977, Zone President 1982- 94, CC, OC, CACDEC, TRC Chairman 1994 J. C. 0 'Connor: Zone 9 President, CC, OC 1985 O'Hanlon: IRL delegate 1935 Ohman: SWE delegate O'Riordan: IRL delegate J. Okoth: UGA delegate 1998 F. Olafsson: ISL delegate, FIDE President 1978-1982, CC, FB Member 1979 K. Obac: TUR delegate 1997 E. Olson: SWE Life member 1931, delegate 1935, t 1966 E. Omuku: NGR delegate, Continental President 1990-1994, Commission on South Africa 1990, CC, EXCO, PB 1993, Zona I President 1994, Deputy President (Africa) 1990-1994, Executive Di rector 1997- G. Oganesian: ARM delegate, Zonal President 1994-, CHIPS Chairman 1994- A. Orlov: RUS World Chess Fundation President J. L. Ormond: SUI Life Member 1925, Swiss delegate 1927 G. C. A. Oskam: NED Life Member 1927, Dutch delegate 1928, t1952 L. Osma novic: BI H delegate, CC 1994-98 S. v: Othno-Kiracho: UGA delegate 1982 J. Ovadia: YUG delegate 1924, Founder 1924 Ovadia Zukitch: YUG delegate 1926 H. Ozbilen: TUR delegate 1984 G. Paat: I NA delegate 1988 L. Pachman: CSR delegate Pace Floridia: MLT delegate Pacoste: ROM delegate C. A. Palacio: CUB, Honorary Member 1985, +1985 N. Palladino: ITA delegate 1985, CACDEC, CU 1985, CCS General Secretary, Honorary Member 1995, Auditor 1994-, CS Chairman 1993-, D. J. Palm: AHO delegate 1976 
23.3 .....-  ID A. Palma: CHI delegate Pang: HKG delgate 1994, +1997 O. Panno: ARG delegate 1998 B, Pantebre: AND delegate 1976- Dr. R. Panyarachun: THA delegate, Honorary Member 1995 A. Parakrama: SRI delegate 1978 M. Pastircak: CZE delegate 1998 R. Patel: ZAM delegate, Zonal President 1990-, CC member 1992 U. Pau-Poo: MAU delegate Pawlitta: DDR delegate Paz Cano: COL delegate D. Pearce: HKG delegate 1988 P. L.  Peixoto: POR delegate 1979 B. Penizka: CSR delegate 1926, Honorary Member 1931, +1939 Pentiev: BUL delegate 1953 J. v: Perez: AND delegate 1978 J. Petersen: DEN delegate 1927 1. Petran: SVK delegate 1993 P. Petran: CZE delegate 1992 T. Petrosian: CC Member 1967, World Champion  Petrov: LAT delegate 1935 N. Petrovic: YUG Honorary Member 1974, t1989 Pfundt: RSA delegate H. Phillips: USA Zonal President 1-951-1954, t 1967 L. Piazzini: ARG Argentinean delegate 1937, +1980 A. Pierre: HAl delegate 1986 L. Pidsudski: POL delegate 1933 K. Pilzuzski: POL delegate 1931, 1935 A. Pinchouk: UZB delegate 1992  Pirc: YUG Yugoslavian delegate 1935, t1980 J. Pisani Rossi: MLT delegate 1978 Plaate: AHO delegate 1994 Preciado: PER delegate J. Poegnvaldsson: ISL delegate 1991 B. Poernolnosidi: INA delegate 1982  Poley: BLR delegate 1997, Zonal President 1998 Z. Polgar: HUN CC Member, Women's World Champion 1998 E. Polihroniade: ROM delegate H. Pont: N ED delegate 1991 R. Ponomariov: UKR EXCO, World Champion W Poole: NZL delegate1988 A. Popov: BUL dlegate 1991 Popov: USSR, Zonal President 1990, delegate to UNESCO 1990 Z. Popovski: FRM delegate 
2.34 .....- IIIIIIII&  J. Porath: ISR delegate, + 1996 Post: SUI delegate 1950 C. M. Portela: ARG delegate 1927 S. Potter: IVB delegate 1998 J. POlvell: JAM delegate 1982 J. G. Prentice: CAN delegate, Vice-President, Life Member 1974, Deputy President 1974-82 Zonal President 1957-1974, 1985, CC Member 1976-, FB Member 1979, EXCO, CC, QC 1985, Honorary Member 1979,+1987 W Preiswerk: SUI Treasurer 1947 L. Prins: NED Life Member 1972, +1999 L. Prokes: YUG delegate 1928 D. Przepiorka: POL Life Member 1928, Honorary Member 1936, t1942 U. Puskailer: SVK delegate 1998 Putrament: POL delegate 1966 c. Querenceo: ARG Zonal President 1947-1950 O. Quinones: PER delegate 1988 N. Rabell-Mendez: PUR delegate, CC Member 1968, Deputy President 1970-1974, Honorary Member 1982 Rada: PER delegate 1939 M. Radipotsane: BOT delegate 1993 M. Radji: MAU delegate 1978 G. Radosztics: AUT ICCF Liaison officer v: Ragozin: Vice-President 1952, USSR Zonal President 1947-1962, + 1962 R. Rahmani: KUW delegate 1979 A. M. Rafi: UAE delegate 1979 L. L. Raj: PNG delegate 1998 N. Rajaonson: MAD delegate 1998 J. M. Rapaire: Monaco delegate B, Raphael: TRI delegate 1998 M. A. A. Raqeeb: YEM delegate 1984 P. Raslnussen: THA delegate 1976 K. Rasmussen: DEN delegate 1982 K. Rattmann: CPI Chairman 1982, t2000 R. Ravisekhar: IND delegate 1979 1. Raud: EST delegate 1935 M. Razafindrakoto: MAD delegate F. H. Rawlins: ENG delegate 1924 J. Rechi Perez: AND delegate 1995 R. Reeking: LUX delegate 1991 L. Rees: ENG FIDE Vice-President 1924, Life Member 1925, Honorary Member 1928, t1944 J. v: Regueiro: CUB Honorary Member 1949, Zonal President 1947-1950 K. P. Reiber: ARG CC Member 1973- B. Reilly: IRL delegate, t 1991 
235 4P-  ID L. R. Reitstein: RSA delegate 1966 Renault: BRA delegate 1973 L. Rentero: ESP Honorary Member 1995 Restrepo: COL delegate 1966 S. Reuben: ENG delegate, OC Chairman 1994, TRC Chairman 1994 H. Reimol'a: TKM delegate 1992 C. Reyimov: TKM delegate 1998 Reza Delon: M EX delegate Riet: SU I Friend of FI DE 1979 Rics: VEN delegate O. W Riga ud: AHO delegate 1974 J. Riis: DEN delegate, LAT delegate 1993 W Robinow: GER delegate 1925, Honorary Member 1930, t1938 M. Rocius: LTU delegate 1998 B. Rodionov: USSR Vice-President 1963, Zonal President 1962-1974, 8M member 1974-78, CC Member 1977, FB Member 1977, Honorary Member 1978 F. Rodriguez: KEN delegate 1998 Mrs, D. ROlnano: ITA Italian delegate A. Rogers: ARG delegate 1979 1. Rogers: AUS Player's Council Chairman 1994 F. Rogard: SWE Zonal President 1947-1949, FIDE President 1949-1970, Honorary President 1970, t1973 H. Roeming: AUT delegate 1929 Rohan: IRL delegate 1954 Rolnik: POL delegate E. A. Romao: GUY delegate 1978 M. Rommig: GER delegate 1925, Life Member 1938, t 1958 Rosso: ARG delegate M. S, Rosselli del Turco: ITA Life Member 1928, +1947 F. H. ROlvllins: ENG Founder 1924 Rubeksen: FAI delegate Dr. A. Rueb: NED delegate 1924, Founder 1924, Life Member 1925, FIDE President 1924 -1949, Honorary President 1949 +1959 K. Rui: ANG delegate 1992 G. Ruiz: MEX delegate 1992 A. Ruzmetov: Zonal President 1994 C. Rwabushenyi: UGA delegate 1998 z. Saaral: MGL delegate 1982  Sabbaruddin: MAL delegate 1992, Zonal President 1992-, CC Member 1992 Saeed: UAE delegate G. Saidenov: KAZ delegate 1992 X. Sajtar: CSR delegate 1985, Vice-President 1957, 1958, Zonal President 1956-, CC Member 1979-, QC 1985, Honorary Member 1974, Sakho Papa: SEN delegate 1982 
2.36 -- IIIIIIII& ID N. Sala Chavez: NCA delegate 1976 H. Salazar: CHI delegate 1998 S. A. Salmann: IRQ delegate 1992 Saltzl: DDR delegate1954 Salur: IRI delegate Samaganov: KGZ delegate 1997 K. M. Sa mir: SYR delegate 1974 Samwura: ZIM delegate M. Sanchez: HON delegate 1978 M. Sand: NOR delegate, Vice President 1995, Executive Council 1995 L. Sanguinetti: ARG delegate, 1966-1970 F. Santos: MOZ delegate 1993 O. Sarapu: NZL delegate, +1999 M. A. Sarr: Gambian delegate 1978 D. Savin: ROM delegate 1994 Sayed: BAN delegate 1994 A. Shahid: PAK delegate 1998 Shaheen: LIB delegate 1985, Rep. Zone 12 President, CC, QC 1985 K. M. Shakoor: BAN delegate 192 Dr. R. Shanghi: IND Honorary Member 1995 Mrs. M. S. Shannon: IRL delegate 1937 L. Schaeffer: FIN delegate 1937 H. Schafer: NAM delegate 1994 T. Scheljhaut: NED delegate 1927 R. Schembri: MTL delegate M. Schinis: CYP delegate 1992 L. Schmid: GER Committee on Chess Art Chairman 1994 M. Schmidt: DDR delegate Schneider: FRG delegate L. Schneider: LUX delegate 1976 Scholler-Larsen: DEN delegate, FB member 1973, CC Member 1974 D. 1. H. Schreiner: FRG Life Member 1974 H. J. Schudel: SUI delegate, Vice-President 1961, Zonal President 1960-1974, Honorary Member 1974 D. Schultz: USA delegate 1983, UNESCO delegate 1982, EXCO, CACDEC 1985, CU Co-Chairman 1983, CC 1983 H. Scott: ENG Life Member 1930 Shukry Shani: LBA delegate 1978 M. Secka: GAM delegate 1987 Sega Sow: SEN delegate 1986  Seiralvan: USA PC Chairman 1990, 1994 A. Selivanov: RUS Russiban delegate, Zonal President 1997-, Vice President 1997, Honorary Vice President 1998- M. Serracino Inglott: M LT delegate 1979 E. G. Sergeant: ENG Life Member 1929, t 1962 
\I. Sevastianov: USSR delegate 1979, Zonal President -, CC member 1979, UNESCO delegate 1982, CU Vice-Chairman 1983, Honorary Member 1986 M. S. Shaheen: L YB delegate 1984 M. S. Shannon: ENG Life Member 1935 M. G. Sharma: KEN delegate 1979 A. E. Sheta: EGY delegate 1979 \I. Shubladze: GEO delegate 1993 T. M. Shlveidi: L YB delegate 1979, Zonal President 1979-, CC Member 1979 T. Siaperas: GRE delegate 1974 J. Sicobo: SEY delegate 1998 \I. Silva: POR delegate H. M. SU,Ja Nazzari: URU delegate 1978 J. Silveirinha: MAC Macau delegate E. Sindik: CRO delegate 1997 K. Skalli: MAR delegate 1990, Zonal President 1990-98, CC Member 1992 R. Skalicka: CSR delegate 1924, Founder 1924, Honorary Member 1973,+ 1980 F. Skripchenko: MDA delegate, Zonal President 1994- H. J. J. Slavekoorde: NED CC Member 1967, General Secretary 1970-1972; RC Chairman 1973, Honorary Member 1976, t1977 E. Slekys: LTU delegate 1994 O. Smedal: NOR delegate 1937 S. F. Smith: CAN delegate 1924, Founder 1924 P. Smit: NED Treasurer 1970-1975 D. Slnit: NED Life Member 1974 K. Snyder: USA Friend of FI DE 1976 H. Sobrado: CRC delegate 1988 H. M. Solis: MEX delegate, Zonal President 1998 J, G, Spann: USA delegate, Vice-President 1961, Zonal President 1957-1963 S. Sow: SEN delegate 1979, delegate to UNESCO 1990 G. D. Soria: ARG delegate 1974, CC Member 1976, Honorary Member 1985 J. Sorsak: CZE delegate 1988 Sota Larrera: MEX delegate 1928 B. Spassky: USSR CC 1968-72, World Champion 1969 G. H. Sperling: USA delegate 1978-, Zonal President 1978-, CC member 1979 G. Stahlberg: SWE delegate 1933 Z. Stanchev: BUL delegate 1956, CC Member 1967, 1974, +1980 Steifer: POL delegate 1937  Stepa k: ISR delegate 1987 W A. Stilling: SUI delegate 1976, Friend of FIDE 1976 Stock: CC member 1966, 1967, 1970 N. Stirling: AUS delegate 1986 1. Streletz: BLR delegate 1994 P. W Stuart: NZL delegate 1979 W A. Stilling: SUI Friends of FIDE 1976 237 .....-  ID 
238 4iP -- IIIIIIII&  A. Stoian: ROM delegate 1986, Auditor 1990-96, t1996 H. J. Strick van Linschoten: NED Life member 1927, t1945 W StubenvolI: AUT Rep, Zone 1.2 President 1997-1998 K. Studer: LIE delegate 1992 M. Succar: LEB delegate 1984 Sumanti: INA delegate L. Sun Lianzhi: CHN delegate 1982 P. A. Sunnucks: ENG Medal of Merit Awardee 1972 J. Sunye Neto: BRA delegate, Continental President 1990-98, DC Chairman 1994, PC Chairman 1996-1998 A. I. Suwayah: LBA delegate 1998 S. Szerenyi: HUN delegate 1977, Honorary Member 1989 N. Tabbane: TU N delegate 1991, EXCO 1994- 1996, Genera I Secreta ry 1996- L. Tabti: ALG Zone 4,1 President 1993-1994, CC A. Taha: IRQ delegate 1984 Tahar: TU N delegate C. N. Tan: MAS delegate, Deputy President 1983, CC Member 1983,Honorary Member 1990 S. Tartakower: POL delegate 1939 A. Tarasov: RUS FIDE COMMERCE President o. Tashani: LBA delegate 1988 E. Tat Than: VI E delegate 1998 Tchudova: WC 1956 H. Tejada Gomez: COL delegate 1976 E. Thinnes: LUX delegate 1985 A. Tholin: FRA delegate 1979 A. Thome: LIB delegate 1979 J. Thomsen: FAI delegate 1977 M. S. Thomassen: FAI delegate 1979 Thorarinsson: ISL delegate J. Timman: NED PC Chairman 1997 R. S. Tiwari: IND delegate 1984 J. 7]on Tjin Joe: SUR delegate 1982 D. Tommel: NED delegate, Dutch Antilles delegate 1993 R. Toran Albero: ESP delegate, Deputy President 1982,1985, CC, QC, CACDEC 1985, CCS Co-Chairman 1985, Honorary Member 1992, EXCO 1985, 1994-1998, CEC Chairman 1994,1997-1998, CP Chairman 1998 K. Toshkov: BUL delegate 1998, Zonal President 1998 F. Torregrosa: PUR delegate  Tosatti Neto: AN 0 Andorra delegate L. Toth: HUN H u nga ria n delegate 1931 P. Toth: BRA delegate 1980 T. Toubin: POL delegate 1924, Founder 1924 G. Toyos Arbesu: FRA delegate 1978 N. Tran: VIE delegate 1992 A. Traore: MLI Malian delegate, CC member 1990 
239 -----  ID L. Troccoli: URU delegate 1974 Trompowski: BRA delegate 1939, +1984 A. TschepurnoJJ: FIN delegate 1924, Founder 1924 P. Tsedenova: RUS Adinistrative Manager Tsend: MGL delegate R. Tudela Reveter: VEN delegate, Deputy President 1982, CC Member 1978, CC, EXCO, GC, CACDEC 1985, CCS Co-Chairman 1985 Tuxen: DEN delegate 1954 C. Uzman: TUR delegate 1974 H. Uekermann: GER President of IBCA, +1978 x. Vahesaar: EST delegate 1991, Zone 1,7 President 1997 Valantine Marin: ESP delegate 1933 E. Vasquez: ESA delegate 1986 G. van Dam: NED Life Member 1935 J. van Elnlnelo: BEL delegate 1988 J. J. van Oosterom: NDL/MNC, Honorary Member 1993 H. van Riemsdyk: BRA delegate 1985 van Steen is: NED delegate S. van Linschoten: N ED delegate 1927 B. van Trotsenburg: NED delegate 1937 C. van Wygerden: NED delegate to ICCA B. van Wyk: RSA delegate 1992 F. Vang: FAI delegate 1998 R. D. Vargas: DOM delegate 1982 vv: Veer: SUR delegate 1984 Vega Lopez de Llergo: MEX delegate, Zonal President 1974-, TC Chairman, J. Vega Fernandez: CUB delegate 1977, Zonal President 1974, CC Member 1974, FB Member 1979 M. Vidmar: YUG delegate 1935, + 1962 R. Vidot: SEY delegate 1978, CC member 1990-, Zone 4.2 President 1993-1994 CC, CDC, CCS, 1993 v: Vijiarungaln: MAL delegate 1985 P. F. Vila: ALB delegate P. Vincent: FRA delegate 1924, Founder of FIDE 1924, Honorary Member 1929, +1956 O. Viner: AUS delegate Vinogradov: USSR Vice-President 1961 Ch. Viravan: THA delegate 1992 D. Voellmy: SUI delegate, Life Member 1928, Swiss delegate 1930, Honorary Member 1949, +1951 M. Vrabec: CSR delegate 1986 A. Vrabie: ROM delegate 1977 H. vv: Von Massow: GER Life Member 1935 M. Vukovic: YUG delegate 1927, 
240 -----  ID Mrs. G. Wagner: AUT delegate, Zonal President 1990-98 R. Wade: NZL/ENG delegate, RC Secretary 1985, Rep. Zone 1.1 President 1993, CC, GC, RC, CDC 1993 v: Wahltuch: ENG delegate 1925,+ 1953 v: Wahrburg: USA delegate 1935 D. Wallace: SCO delegate, AC Chairman 1990-1998 +2001 B. Waneus: SWE delegate 1993, Zonal President 1990-94, CC 1992 Wang Runan: CHN delegate 1992, CC Member 1992 G. Walsh: ENG delegate 1991, CH Chairman 1998 J. Warlick: ISV/I BV delegate R. Welz: LUX delegate 1978 H. Weltjens: BEL delegate 1924, Founder 1924, Honorary Member 1973, + 1975 M. Whaley: NZL delegate 1978 T. Weston: WLS Friend of FIDE 1976 +1989 Wheeler: JAM delegate 1998 P. Wilson: GCI delegate 1992, CompC Chairman 1998 J. Willis: Rhodesian delegate 1974 Willumsen: DEN delegate 1952 L. A. Wiltshire: TRI delegate 1998 R. Witkowski: POL delegate G. S. Weatcroft: ENG delegate 1938 R. Wolf: AUT delegate 1927, Life Member 1928, + 1951 L. Wong: HKG delegate B. H. Wood: ENG delegate, Life Member 1953, Friend of FIDE 1983 +1989 M. Wotulo: I NA delegate 1978, GC 1985, +2000 A. Wyrsch: Honorary Member 1983 Xie Jun: CH N CC Member 1992, Women's World Champion 1992 and 1999. Yosha: ISR delegate P. D. Yerbury: BER delegate 1976 G. Zakharian: ARM delegate, Vice President 1996-1998, Honorary Vice President 1998 M. Zapata Vinces: PER delegate 1979 A. N. Zayara: OAT delegate 1985 Dr. N. Zapler: ISR delegate, Vice-President 1957, CC Member 1968, 1974, Honorary Member 1974 J. A. Zelaya: HON delegate x. Zelenkov: RUS delegate H. Zemantowski: POL delegate Zinser: FRA delegate P. Zhotev: BUL delegate 1993 Zhu Chen: CHN EXCO World Champion 2002 A. Zichichi: ITA delegate, Friend of FIDE 1979 G.  Zittersteyn: NED delegate 1938 J. Zwanepol: NED Medal of Merit Awardee 1974 
III . 241 ----- . ID II lNTERNATlONAL CORRESPONDENCE CHESS FEDERAT10N (lCCF) ICCF was constituted in 1951. replacing the ICCA (International Correspondence Chess Association). which itself was formed in 1945. as successor to the pre wa r CC orga n isation I FSB (I nternationa ler Fernschach bu nd), Famous World Chess personalities and champions. including Alekhine. Keres and Euwe were well-known correspondence chess players and enthusiasts during periods of their chess careers. Many times British Champion. Jonathan Penrose was also a leading correspondence chess player and. in more recent times. top FIDE Grandmasters like Ulf Andersson and Peter Leko are participating in top ICCF Tournaments. ICCF is the official World federation for all forms of correspondence chess. where chess moves are trans- mitted by players to their opponents by post. fax, Email etc, and where "playing time" is normally calculat- ed in days, rather than where chess clocks are used for forms of "over the board" chess, which measure time in shorter periods. ICCF is comprised of established national organisations from 62 countries world wide. At its Annual Congresses, ICCF awards official correspondence chess titles:- World Champion. Ladies World Champion, Grandmaster, Ladies Grandmaster, Senior International Master, International Master. Ladies International Master and International Arbiter. Special Berti von Massow medals are presented to organis- ers. tournament directors and other enthusiasts who have given outstanding service to ICCF for over10 years, There are Honorary Members of ICCF who have given exceptional service for decades and the Lifetime Achievement Award was presented in 1998 to ICCF nonagenarian, Erik Larsson (SVE), who has served ICCF with great distinction for over 60 years! Since 1951, 16 World Championships have been organised and Email Chess World Championships (spon- sored by New in Chess) have been established in recent years, CC Olympiads are organised for national teams, with preliminary qualifying sections and Finals, with over 50 countries participating, An Email Team Tournament was successfully introduced in 1998 and, in its 50th Jubilee Year, ICCF formed a Champions League with 242 teams and almost 1000 players. with promotion/relegation with each complete cycle (1-2 years duration), An officiallCCF Rating List is published twice yearly, and the most recent list contains over 10'000 players with established ratings, of which over 1 '000 are also title holders, The system includes over 30'000 active correspondence players, irrespective of form of transmission used. ICCF works in close co-operation with the World chess organisation, FIDE, and alllCCF titles, champi- onships and ratings are officially recognised by FIDE and by CC players world wide. Title norm scores are calculated before the start of every strong qualifying tournament, providing that the tournament has received prior formal ratification by ICCF. Many special international tournaments are arranged by ICCF and its member federations, to commemorate jubilees, famous personalities and other memorable events, ICCF organises tournaments for all standards of chess players: eg individual and team championships, world cups. title norm tournaments and promotion tournaments (from Open Class through to Master Class) in both postal and Email versions, Asimilar range of tournaments exists within the 4 zones in ICCF: Africa/Asia. Europe, Latin America and North America/Pacific. Tables of results of individual games from ICCF and Zonal tournaments, are published regularly on the officiallCCF Internet site. along with other news and information, at http://www.iccf.com Amici Sumus, 
142 ......- JIIIIIIIA  ICCF President: Alan. P. Borwell, 8 Wheatfield Avenue, Inchture, Perthshire PH 14 9RX, Scotland UK, Fax: +44 1828 686004, E-mail: alanpborwell@btopenworld.com ICCF General Secretary: Alan J.C,Rawlings, 142 Leiden Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 80U, England. Fax +44870 1348381, E-mail: alanr@bpcf.u-net.com ICCF Press Office: Pedro F. Hegoburu, Casilla de Correo 59, Sucursal 1, 1401 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Email: pfhh6969@speedy.com.ar 
243 ----- ID World Champions 1953 - 1958 C. J. S. Purdy (Australia) t 1958 - 1962 v: v: Ragozin (USSR) t 1962 - 1965 A. O'Kelly de Galway (Belgium) t 1965 - 1967 Prof. v: P. Zagorovskij (USSR) t 1967 - 1971 H. J. Berliner (USA) 1971 - 1975 H. R. Rittner (Germany) 1975 - 1980 J. B. _Estrin (USSR) t 1980 - 1982 J. Sloth (Den ma rk) 1982 - 1984 T. O. Diln (Eston ia) 1984 - 1988 v: v: Palciauskas (USA) 1988 - 1990 Dr. F, Baumbach (Germany) 1990 - 1995 G. K. Sanakojev (Russia) 1995 - 1999 M. M. Unlanskij (Russia) 1999 - 2001 T. o. Dim (Estonia) 2001 - G. J. Timmerman (Nehterlands) ladies World Champions 1972 - 1977 0, N. Rubtsova (USSR) t 1977 - 1984 L. G, Jakovleva (USSR) 1984 - 1992 L. D. Kristol (Israel) 1992 - 1998 L. S. Belavenets (Russia) 1998 - L. D. Kristol (Israel) CC Ol y m p iad I 1949-52 II 1952-55 III 1958-61 IV 1962 -64 V 1965-68 VI 1968-72 VII 1972-76 VIII 1977-82 IX 1982-87 X 1987-95 XI 1992 -99 Final 1, Hungary 2, Czechoslovakia 3. Sweden 1, Czechoslovakia 2. Sweden 3. Germany 1, USSR 2. Hungary 3. Yugoslavia 1, USSR 2. East Gerlnany 3. Sweden 1, Czechoslovakia 2, USSR 3, West Germany 1, USSR 2, Czechoslovakia 3, East Germany 1, USSR 2, Bulgaria 3, Great Britain 1. USSR 2, Hungary 3. Great Britain 1. Great Britain 2. West Germany 3. USSR 1. USSR 2. England 3. East Germany 1-2 Czech/Slovakia and Germany 3-4 Canada and Scotland CC Ladies Olympiad I 1974-79 1. USSR 2. West Germany 3, Czechoslovakia II 1980-86 1. USSR 2. Czechoslovakia 3, Yugoslavia III 1986-92 1. USSR 2, Czechoslovakia 3. Hungary IV 1992-97 1. Czech/Slovakia 2, Russia 3, Poland 
244 ----- ID lNTERNAT10NAl COMM1TTEE OF SllENT CHESS The International Committee of Silent Chess ( ICSC ) was established at Copenhagen on 14 August 1949 after an international Deaf chess meeting Mr. Dronkers, a local Deaf chess player from Rotterdam, was the man who paved the way for the ICSC to become the leading world Deaf chess organisation as it is today. It started in 1953 with an international match between England and Norway at Oslo. From that small begin- ning, the ICSC went from strength to strenth, Mr. Dronkers saw how important it was to encourage out- standing Deaf chess players to play each other on a competitive international scale. The ICSC is a body of national Deaf chess associations and is managed by the Board of five people, all of whom are Deaf and has its own Statutes and Regulations, It stages on the four-year cycle its own world individual and teams Deaf chess championships for both men and women, and European national deaf club championships. The rules of chess are those of FIDE's. The only difference is that for any ICSC event, the Deaf player must have a hearing loss of at least 55 decibels in the better ear and must not wear a hearing aid during the over-the-board game, The FIDE Arbiter takes control of the ICSC tournament and is aided by a Deaf assistant who has a knqwledge of international sign language when it comes to dealing with any problem which may occur from any Deaf participant. The ICSC received recognition from FIDE on 25 April 1955 and the FIDE appealed to its member countries to support the activities and organisation of the ISCS events. Mr. H. Meurer (GER), Dr. Svabensky (CZE), the late Mr. 0, Punschke (GER) and Mr. G. Vida (HUN) were the main Deaf stalwarts who ensured that the ISCS was progressit1g steadly and positively throughout the first forty years. The ISCS has chosen as its guiding principle: AD AUGUST PER ANGUSTA ( through difficulties to greatness) The trust invested by FIDE in the ICSC's handling of both the chess events and Icse Congress and in the ICSC's conformity to FIDE standards was shown by the presentation of the flag of the FIDE to the ICSC during the ICSC Edinburgh Congress in 1992 as a token of appreciation, 
J45 ----- ID lCSC WORLD lND1V1DUAL DEAF CHESS CHAMP10NSH1P YEAR 1 st 2nd 3rd venue 1956 M. Svabensky (CSR) A. Nedev (BUL) R. Wa1ter (FRG) Za kopane (POL) 1960 E. Lulcev (BUL) M. Svabensky (CSR) C. Aubert (FRA) Portoroz (YUG) 1965 M. Svabensky (CSR) P. Bereczki (HUN) E. Lulcev (BUL) Malmo (SWE) 1968 M. Svabensky (CSR) N. Mustakerski (BUL) P. Bereczki (HUN) Budapest (H U N) 1972 N. Mustakerski (BUL) J. Gelencser (HUN) J. Schmid (CSR) Leipzig (GDR) 1976 N. Mustakerski (BUL) J. Guadalajara (ESP) F. Lon (ESP) Bilbao (ESP) 1980 R. Pereira (paR) A. Sabotic (YUG) J. Schmid (CSR) Amsterdam (NED) 1984 J. Kerc (YUG) R. Chauvenet (USA) AJ. Boyce (GB) Washington DC (USA) 1988 D. Hadorn (SUI) R. Chauvenet (USA) 1. Bokros (HUN) Stockholm (SWE) 1992 S. Sa lov (R US) R. Hoffmann (GER) 1. Bokros (HUN) Edinburgh (SCO) 1996 S. Sa lov (R US) V. Georgiev (BUL) V. Grechikhin (R US) Rotterdam (NED) 2000 V. Georgiev (BU L) M. Makhlin (USA) S. Salov (RUS) Za kopane (POL) lCSC WORLD lND1V1DUAL DEAF LADlES CHESS CHAMP1ONSH1P 1996 T. Baklanova (UKR) 2000 V. Gonchar (UKR) Rotterdam (NED) Zakopane (POL) lCSC WORLD TEAMS DEAF CHESS CHAMP10NSH1P 1953 1955 1958 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 Norway Germa ny Germa ny Hungary Czechosl ova kia Bulgaria Bulgaria Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Russia, Russi a England Netherlands Poland Bu Iga ria F.R,G. Czechoslovakia G.D,R, Spain F.R,G. Hungary Poland C.S,C. (for YUG) Ukraine Oslo (NOR) Poland Yugoslavia Poland Hungary F,R.G, Hungary Bulgaria Hungary F.R,G Hungary Ukraine Kazakhstan Oberammergau (GER) London (ENG) Varna (BUL) Leksand (SWE) Turku (FIN) Fredericia (DEN) Oberstdorf (FRG) Ma "orca (ESP) Albufeira (paR) Veszprem (H U N) Bino (CZE) Lucerne (SUI) lCSC WORLD LADlES TEAMS DEAF CHESS CHAMP10NSH1P 1998 Ukraine Russi a Lithuania Lucerne (SU I) 
.246 -- ...  lPCA - lNTERNATlONAL PHYS1CALL Y D1SABLED CHESS ASSOC1ATlON Main tournaments: 1990 - European Cup 1. B. Bieluczyk POL -women- 1. L. Mikulencakova CSR 1991 - European Championship 1. B. Bieluczyk POL -women- 1. L. Mikulencakova CSR 1992 - Olympiad 1. B. Bieluczyk POL -women- 1. L. Mikulencakova CZE 1993 - World Championship 1. B. Bieluczyk POL -women- 1. G. Loik UKR 1994 - European Championship 1. B. Bieluczyk POL -women- 1. G. Loik UKR 1995 - World Championship 1. B. Bieluczyk POL -women- 1. G. Loik UKR 1996 - Olympiad A1. H. Mayerhofer CZ -women- 1. G. Loik UKR B1. D. Basta YUG -women- 1. Ch. Jensen DEN 1997 - World Championship B,1. B. Bieluczyk POL -women- 1. A. A1exandrova RUS 1998 - European Championship A1. V. Kocur CZE -women- 1. A. Alexandrova RUS B 1. D. Basta YUG -women- 1. G. Sh1ihtic UKR 1999 - Olympiad 1. B. Bieluczyk POL -women- 1. G. Melnik UKR 2000 - World Championship 1, A. Kireev R US -women- 1. G. Sh1ihtic UKR 2001 - European Cup 1. M. Medic CRO -women- 1. G. Sh1ihtic UKR PCCC - PERMANENT COMM1SS10N OF THE F1DE FOR CHESS COMPOS1TlONS There are two richly contrasted spheres of chess activity: chess as a game, and chess composition, In the first, two players are fighting against each other, trying to win or at least not to lose; in the second there is a composer (sometimes two or more composers) trying to compose original positions with an in terest- ing content. And in the second there is also a solver trying to discover for himself the content (of a chess composition). We see the chess game as a typical case of analysis, with chess composition as a case of syn- thesis (composing) or analysis (solving), Chess composition is, like chess itself, quite old. It has its own history and its own development, running from the Arabian mansubas (9th - 10th Centuries) through manuscripts dating from the late Middle Ages, such as Civis Bononiae and Bonus Socius (13th Century), the composition books of Lucena (1497), Damiano (1512), Salvio (1604), Greco (1624), and subsequently through Stamma (1737), del Rio (1750), Lolli (1763), Cozio (1766) and Ponziani (1769), New books and new names appear in 19th Century, mainly after the appearance of the first chess magazines in France (Le Palamede, 1836), England (The Chess Player's Chronicle, 1841) and Germany (Schachzeitung, 1846), Then came a period of acceleration, bringing with it new ideas in the genres of moremovers, threemovers and twomovers, the selfmates, helpmates and, later on, many other sorts of so-called 'fairy chess' or 'exochess', Naturally, during all this time endgame studies (compositions of game-like 'win' and 'draw' content) have been the main focus linking chess game with chess composition, 
After some only partially successful attempts to establish an international organization for chess composi- tion, The Permanent Commission of the FIDE for Chess Compositions (PCCC) was created in 1956. It oper- ates by its constitution under mandate from the FIDE, Allowed members of the PCCC are the chess federa- tion/chess composition societies of, at present, 38 countries, Each country has the right to nominate a del- egate. These delegates act together as "ordinary Members" to constitute the PCCC, In his work within the PCCC, the President cooperates with three elected Vice-Presidents. To carry out his organizational duties, he may avail himself of the help of his Secretary, For the four-year period 1998-the President Bedrich Formanek (Slovakia) has been elected. The task of the PCCC is to consider and, as deemed appropriate, take decisions regarding all matters of international interest in chess composition within the framework of the FIDE. In particular, its duties include: a) The dissemination and encouragement of chess composition throughout the world, b) The formulation of rules and guide-lines in all spheres of chess composition, c) The arrangement of official international composing and solving tournaments, d) The initiation of the publication of collections of general interest, etc, e) The awarding of titles (Grandmasters, International Masters, Masters of FIDE in composing as well as solving, and International Judges) to especially deserving representatives of chess composition, subject to the approval of the FIDE.) There is not enough space to write about all the results of PCCC activity during a period as long as 43 years. But we must draw attention to the publication of the triennial FIDE Albums (so far 16 volumes) con- taining the best compositions from the years (so far) 1914-1991 - in total 15,104 compositions! World Chess Composition Tournaments 1st WCCT (1973): 1. USSR, 2, The Netherlands, 3, Denmark, 2nd WCCT (1981): 1, USSR, 2. Israel, 3, USA. 3 rd WCCT (1986): 1, USSR, 2, Pola nd, 3, Yugoslavia, 4th WCCT (1990): 1. USSR, 2. Czechoslova kia, 3. Pola nd. 5th WCCT (1995): 1. Ukraine, 2, Slovakia, 3, Russia, 6th WCCT (2001): 1. Russia, 2. Ukraine, 3. Germany World Chess Solving Championship s: 1st WCSC (1977, Malinska, Yugoslavia): Finland. 2nd WCSC (1978, Canterbury, England): Finland. 3rd WCSC (1979, Hyvinkaa, Finland): F.R,Germany. 4th WCSC (1980, Bled, Yugoslavia): Israel. 5th WCSC (1981, Arnhem, The Netherlands): Finland, 6th WCSC (1982, Varna, Bulgaria): Yugoslavia, 7th WCSC (1983, Bat-Yam, Israel): Finland, individual Roland Baier, Switzerland. 8th WCSC (1984, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia): Finland, indiv. Kari Valtonen, Finland. 247 -  ID 
l4S -- ID 9th WCSC (1985, Riccione, Italy): Finland, indiv, Ofer Comay, Israel. 10th WCSC (1986, Fontanay, France): Great Britain, indiv. Pauli Perkonoja, Finland. 11th wese (1987, Graz, Austria): West Germany, indiv, Michel Caillaud, France. 12th WCSC (1988, Budapest, Hungary):West Germany, indiv. Michael Pfannkuche, FRG 13th WCSC (1989, Bou rnemouth, Eng la nd): USSR, i nd iv. Georg i Evsejev, USSR, 14th wese (1990, Benidorm, Spain): Great Britain & USSR, indiv. G. Evsejev, USSR, 15th WCSC (1991, Rotterdam, The Netherlands): USSR, indiv, Georgi Evsejev, USSR, 16th WCSC (1992, Bonn, Germany): Russia, indiv. Pauli Perkonoja, Finland, 17th WCSC (1993, Bratislava, Slovakia): Germany, indiv. Michael Pfannkuche, GER, 18th WCSC (1994, Belfort, France): Germany, indiv. Arno Zude, Germany, 19th WCSC (1995, Turku, Finland): Finland, indiv. Pauli Perkonoja, Finland, 20th WCSC (1996, Tel Aviv, Israel): Israel, indiv. Noam Elkies, Israel. 21st WCSC (1997, Pula, Croatia): Israel, indiv. Jonathan Mestel, England, 22nd WCSC (1998, Saint Petersburg, Russia): Israel, indiv, Georgi Evsejev, Russia. 23rd WCSC (1999, Netanya, Israel): Russia, indiv. Ofer Comay, Israel. 24th WCSC (2000, Pula, Croatia): Germany, indiv, Michel Caillaud, France. 25th WCSC (2001, Wageningen, NED): Israel, indiv, Jorma Paavilainen, Finland. lBCA - lNTERNATlONAL BRA1LLE ASSOC1ATlON From 12 to 16 of April in 1958 the representatives of Blind chess organizations from England, Sweden, Denmark, France, DDR gathered together for the fist time in BRD & Austria. The aim of this meeting was to find means and methods for spreading chess (activating, popularization) among the Blinds and even to witness possible success in it. It was widely spread already that International Blind Foreign Units tried to popularize chess among the blinds and confirm it in International Chess Unit. Today about 50 Blind Chess Organizations from different countries are members of the ISCA. Those 7 founders could hardly imagine this. In 1958- the first Congress was followed by chess tournament which included 12 players representing 7 countries, Of course it wasn't yet the World Team Championships which usually are bound with Chess Olympiads. Since then a lot has been changed, Those days there are more than 30 teams and accompanying persons, congressemen, Presidential Board, chairmen of tournaments, assistants and interpreters totalize a number close to 300 persons. Today the blind players could make chess their game (not fast may be) like other handicaped people could find their position in human society. The searching for their own position in society was developed by Louis Braille (1809-1852), He lost his sight when he was 3 and tried to find since then some helping means for blind people. He was sure that blinds could be involved into the life of society and also go for sports. Chess is the right choice for blinds: the sport where a blind person can compete with the sport-partner who has sight. It was just the question of time for Blind chess players to organize chess clubs or chess groups and as a result to create chess schools for blind, Since 1973 IBeA is the member of FIDE. 
4l) 4P - ID lBCA World Chess Championships Men 1966 Ti m merdo rfer 1970 Ermelo 1975 Bad Berleburg 1978 Brugge 1986 Moscow 1990 Wu nssiedel 1994 T orrevieja 1998 Brno 2000 Banasque Women 1986 Bad Liebenzell 1989 Klimczoke Bjelskobiala 1993 La Roda Albacete 1997 Guadamar-Alicante 2001 Taragona lBCA Chess Olympiads 1961 Meschede FRG 1964 Kuhlungsborn DDR 1968 Weymouth ENG 1972 PulaYUG 1976 Kuortane FIN 1980 Noordwijkerhout NED 1983 Benidorm ESP 1988 Zalaegerszeg HUN 1992 Can Picaforte ESP 1996 La Laguna BRA 2000 Zakopane POL lBCA World Team Cup 1990 Segovia 1994 Poland 1998 Log rono 2001 Gelsenkirchen Milos Cabarkapa YUG Milos Cabarkapa YUG Nokolai Rudenski USSR Sergej Krylov USSR Piotr Dukaczewski POL Sergej Knamdanov USSR Murat Jounoussov RUS S. Smirnov RUS S. Smirnov RUS Teresa Dubowska POL Lubow Zsiltzowa USSR Lubow Zsiltzowa UKR Lubow Zsiltzowa UKR Lubow Zsiltzowa UKR 1. Yugoslavia 2, FRG 3, Austria 1. Yugoslavia 2, Hungary 3,OOR 1. USSR 2, Yugoslavia 3, Romania 1. USSR 2, Yugoslavia 3, Romania 1. USSR 2. Yugoslavia 3.00R 1. USSR 2. Yugoslavia 3.00R 1. USSR 2. Yugoslavia 3. Poland 1. USSR 2, Yugoslavia 3. Hungary 1, Russia 2, Yugoslavia 3, Ukraine 1, Russia 2. Ukraine 3. Belarus 1, Russia 2, Poland 3. Ukraine 1. USSR 2, Yugoslavia 3, Poland 1. Russia 2, Ukraine 3, Spain 1. Russia 2. Ukraine 3, Poland 1. Po I an d 2. Russia 3, Ukraine lBCA Junior World Championship 1999 Kortrijk BEL 2001 Alicante ESP 1, Piet Oe Vos BEL 1. Tomas Figueroa CHI 
250 --- iiiiiIa  CHESS OSCAR II Presented by A. Puig ESP (+1989) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989-1994 Palma de Mallorca Palma de Mallorca Palma de Mallorca Palma de Mallorca Pa I ma de Ma lIorca Madrid Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Ba rcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Ba rcelona Vacant B. Spassky, U RS B. Spassky, U RS R. Fischer, USA R. Fischer, USA R, Fiscner, USA A. Karpov, URS A. Karpov, U RS A. Karpov, URS A. Karpov, URS A. Karpov, URS v. Korcnnoi, stateless A. Karpov, URS A. Karpov, U RS A. Karpov, U RS G. Kasparov, U RS G. Kasparov, URS A. Karpov, U RS G. Kasparov, U RS G. Kasparov, URS G. Kasparov, URS G. Kasparov, URS Presented by A. Roshal and "Chess Magazine 64" 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow G. Kasparov, RUS G. Kasparov, RUS v. Anand, INO V. Anand, IN 0 G. Kasparov, RUS V. Kramnik, RUS G. Kasparov, RUS 
. . I fI F1DE RAT1NG H1STORY , On January 2002 the total number of rated players reached 40697 Number of titled players - 7289 including: GM - 770. WGM - 189. 1M - 2209. WIM - 392 1971 July, 1. B. Fischer USA 2760, 2. B. Spassky USSR 2690,3. V Korchnoi USSR 2670,4. B, Larsen DEN 2660, 5. T. Petrosian USSR 2640, 6. L. Polugaevsky USSR 2640, 7, M, Botvinnik USSR 2630,8, L. Portisch HUN 2630,9. M. Tal USSR 2620, 10, V. Smyslov USSR 2620. 1972 July. 1. B. Fischer USA 2785, 2. B. Spassky USSR 2660, 3. T. Petrosian USSR 2665, 4, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2645, 5, L. Portisch HUN 2640, 6. V. Korchnoi USSR 2640, 7. M, Botvinnik USSR 2630, 8, A, Karpov USSR 2630,9. B, Larsen DEN 2625, 10. M, Tal USSR 2625, 1973 July, 1. B. Fischer USA 2785, 2. A. Karpov USSR 2660, 3. M. Tal USSR 2660, 4. 8, Spassky USSR 2655, 5, V. Korchnoi USSR 2650, 6. L. Portisch HUN 2650, 7. T. Petrosian USSR 2640, 8, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2625, 9, B. Larsen DEN 2620, 10, V, Smyslov USSR 2610. 1974 May, 1. B. Fischer USA 2780, 2. A. Karpov USSR 2700, 3. V. Korchnoi USSR 2670, 4. B. Spassky USSR 2650, 5. L. Portisch HUN 2645, 6. T. Petrosian USSR 2640, 7. M, Tal USSR 2635, 8. B, Larsen DEN 2630, 9. L. Polugaevsky USSR 2630, 10, L. Kavalek USA 2625. 1975 January, 1. B. Fischer USA 2780, 2. A. Karpov USSR 2705, 3, V. Korchnoi USSR 2665, 4, T. Petrosian USSR 2645, 5, M. Tal USSR 2645, 6, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2645, 7. L. Portisch HUN 2635, 8. B. Spassky USSR 2625, 9, B. Larsen DEN 2625, 10, V.Smyslov USSR 2605, 1976 January. 1. A. Karpov USSR 2695, 2. V. Korchnoi USSR 2670, 3. T. Petrosian USSR 2635, 4. L. Polugaevsky USSR 2635, 5. B. Spassky USSR 2630, 6. B, Larsen DEN 2625, 7, L. Portisch HUN 2625, 8, E. Geller USSR 2620,9, M.Tal USSR 2615, V. Hort CSR 2600. 1976 July. 1, A. Karpov USSR 2690, 2. V. Korchnoi USSR 2645,3. T. Petrosian USSR, 2645, 4, M, Botvinnik USSR 2630, 5. L. Portisch HUN 2625, 6, M Tal USSR 2620, 7, V, Hort CSR 2620, 8. L Polugaevsky USSR 2620, 9, B Larsen DEN 2615, 10. B. Spassky USSR 2610. 1977 January. 1, A. Karpov USSR 2690, 2. V. Korchnoi USSR 2645, 3. T. Petrosian USSR 2645, 4, E. Mecking BRA 2635, 5. L. Portisch HUN 2625, 6. M. Tal USSR 2620, 7. V, Hort CSR 2620, 8, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2620,9, B, Larsen DEN 2615, 10. B. Spassky USSR 2610, 1977 July. 1, A. Karpov USSR 2725, 2, V. Korchnoi USSR 2665, 3. M. Botvinnik USSR 2630, 4. L. Portisch HUN 2630, 5, B. Spassky USSR 2630, 6. M Tal USSR 2625, 7, T. Petrosian USSR 2620, 8. V, Hort CSR 2620,9, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2620, 10. B, Larsen DEN 2620, 1978 January. 1. A. Karpov USSR 2725, 2. V. Korchnoi 2665, 3, B. Spassky USSR 2630, 4. L. Portisch HUN 2630,5, E, Mecking BRA 2630,6. M. Tal USSR 2625,7. V, Hort CSR 2620,8, T. Petrosian USSR 2620,9, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2620, 10. B, Larsen DEN 2620, 1978 July. 1. A. Karpov USSR 2705, 2. V. Korchnoi 2695, 3. L. Portisch HUN 2640, 4. 8, Spassky USSR 2640,5, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2625,6. J.Timman NED 2625, 7, B. Larsen DEN 2620,8, E. Mecking BRA 2615, 9. M, Tal USSR 2615,10, T. Petrosian USSR 2610. 'l 1 ------  'D 
l":>2 ------ ID 1979 January. 1. A. Karpov USSR 2705, 2. V. Korchnoi SUI 2695,3, L. Portisch HUN 2640, 4. B. Spassky USSR 2640, 5, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2625, 6, J. Timman NED 2625, 7, B, Larsen DEN 2620, 8. E. Mecking BRA 2615, 9, M. Tal USSR 2615, 10. T. Petrosian USSR 2610. 1979 July, 1, A. Karpov USSR 2725, 2. M. Tal USSR 2705, 3, V. Korchnoi SUI 2695,4, L. Portisch HUN 2655, 5, L.Polugaevsky USSR 2635,6, T. Petrosian USSR 2615, 7. E. Mecking BRA 2615, 8, B, Spassky USSR 2615,9, J. Timman NED 2600, 10 R, Hubner FRG 2600, 1980 January, 1. A. Karpov USSR 2725, 2. M. Tal USSR 2705, 3. V. Korchnoi SUI 2695, 4. L. Portisch HUN 2655, 5. L. Polugaevsky USSR 2635,6, T. Petrosian USSR 2615,7. Spassky USSR 2615,8, E. Mecking BRA 2615, 9, J. Timman NED 2600, 10. R. Hubner FRG 2600, 1980 July. 1. A. Karpov USSR 2690, 2. V. Korcnoi SUI 2650, 3. L. Portisch HUN 2650, 4, B. Spassky USSR 2635, 5, R, Hubner FRG 2635, 6, G. Kasparov USSR 2625, 7. J. Timman NED 2620,8. L. Polugaevsky USSR 2620,9. A. Beliavsky USSR 2620, 10, E. Geller USSR 2615, 1981 January. 1. A. Karpov USSR 2690, 2. V. Korchnoi SUI 2650,3. L. Portisch HUN 2650,4. B, Spassky USSR 2635, 5, R, Hubner FRG 2635, 6, G, Kasparov USSR 2625, 7, A. Beliavsky USSR 2620, 8, J. Timman NED 2620,9, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2620, 10. E. Geller USSR 2615. 1981 July, 1. A. Karpov USSR 2700, 2. V. Korchnoi SUI 2695, 3. R. Hubner FRG 2640, 4, G, Kasparov USSR 2630, 5, J. Timman NED 2630, 6, B, Spassky USSR 2630, 7, L. Portisch HUN 2620, 8, E. Mecking BRA 2615, 9, A, Beliavsky USSR 2615, 10, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2610. 1982 January, 1. A. Karpov USSR 2720, 2. J.Timman NED 2655,3. L. Ljubojevic YUG, 2645,4. V. Korchnoi SUI 2645, 5. G, Kasparov USSR 2640, 6, U, Andersson SWE 2640, 7. L. Portisch HUN 2630, 8, B, Spassky USSR 2625,9. R. Hubner FRG 2620, 10, Beliavsky USSR 2615, 1982 July, 1. A. Karpov USSR 2700, 2. G. Kasparov USSR 2675,3. V. Korchnoi USSR 2635, 4, R. Hubner FRG 2630, 5, L. Portisch HUN 2625,6, A, Beliavsky USSR 2620, 7, L. Ljubojevic YUG 2615,8. B, Spassky USSR 2610,9, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2610, 10, U, Andersson SWE 2610, 1983 January. 1. A. Karpov USSR 2710, 2. G. Kasparov USSR 2690,3. L. Ljubojevic YUG 2645, 4, U. Andersson SWE 2635, 5, R, Hubner FRG 2625, 6, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2625, 7. L. Portisch HUN 2620,8. M. Tal USSR 2620,9. T. Petrosian USSR 2605, 10, J. Timman NED 2605, 1983 July. 1. A. Karpov USSR 2710, 2. G. Kasparov USSR 2690, 3. L. Ljubojevic YUG, 2645, 4. R, Hubner FRG 2620, 5, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2620, 6. M, Tal USSR 2620, 7, R, Vaganian USSR 2620, 8, Z. Ribli HUN 2615,9, V. Korchnoi SUI 2610, 10, J. Timman NED 2605, 1984 January, 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2710, 2. A. Karpov USSR 2700, 3. V. Korchnoi USSR 2635, 4. L. Ljubojevic YUG 2635, 5, U. Andersson SWE 2630, 6, L. Portisch HUN 2625, 7. R. Hubner FRG 2620,8. B. Spassky USSR 2615,9. L. Polugaevsky USSR 2615, 10. V, Hort CSR 2615. 1985 January. 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2715, 2. A. Karpov USSR 2705,3. J. Timman NED 2650,4, R, Vaganian USSR 2640, 5, A, Beliavsky USSR 2635, 6. L. Portisch HUN 2635, 7, V, Korchnoi SUI 2630, 8, L. Polugaevsky USSR 2625,9. Z, Ribli HUN 2615, 10, R, Hubner FRG 2605, 1985 July, 1. A. Karpov USSR 2720, 2. G. Kasparov USSR 2700, 3. A. BeHavsky USSR 2640, 4, J. Timman NED 2640, 5, V, Korchnoi SUI 2630, 6. L. Portisch HUN 2625, 7. R. Vaganian USSR 2625, 8, R, Hubner FRG 2620,9, L. Ljubojevic YUG 2615, 10, Z. Ribli HUN 2605. 
253 --....- ID 1986 January, 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2720. 2. Karpov USSR 2700. 3. J. Timman NED 2645.4. A.Yusupov USSR 2645. 5, R. Vaganian USSR 2645. 6, V, Korchnoi SUI 2635. 7, Beliavsky USSR 2625. 8, R, Hubner FRG 2625,9, Spassky FRA 2610.10. L. Portisch HUN 2610, 1986 July. 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2740, 2. A. Karpov USSR 2705. 3. A. Yusupov USSR 2660, 4. V, Korchnoi SUI 2650, 5, R, Hubner FRG 2620, 6. B, Spassky FRA 2620, 7. J. Timman NED 2620. 8, A, Sokolov USSR 2620, 9. N, Short ENG 2615. 10, L. Portisch HUN 2605. 1987 January. 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2735. 2. A. Karpov USSR 2710, 3. E. Mecking BRA 2645, 4, A. Yusupov USSR 2645, 5. A, Sokolov USSR 2645. 6, V. Korchnoi SUI 2625. 7, L. Ljubojevic YUG 2620, 8, N, Short ENG 2615,9, R. Hubner FRG 2615,10, L. Portisch HUN 2610, 1987 July, 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2740, 2. A. Karpov USSR 2700. 3. A. Sokolov USSR 2635. 4, A, Yusupov USSR 2635, 5, J. Timman NED 2630. 6, V. Korchnoi SUI 2630, 7, Beliavsky USSR 2630. 8. L. Ljubojevic YUG 2625,9, M. Tal USSR 2625. 10. N, Short ENG 2620. 1988 January. 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2750.2. A. Karpov USSR 2715,3. J. Timman NED 2675,4, A. Beliavsky USSR 2645. 5, V, Korchnoi SUI 2640,6, M, Tal USSR 2630, 7, N. Short ENG 2630.8. p, Nikolic YUG 2630,9, M, Gurevich USSR 2625, 10, J. Speelman ENG 2625. 1988 July, 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2760, 2. A. Karpov USSR 2725. 3. N. Snort ENG 2665, 4, A. Beliavsky USSR 2655, 5. J. Speelman ENG 2645, 6, J. Timman NED 2640, 7. L. Portisch HUN 2635, 8. Z. Ribli HUN 2630, 9, M, Gurevich USSR 2630. 10, U, Andersson SWE 2625. 1989 January, 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2775. 2. A. Karpov USSR 2750, 3. N. Short ENG 2650, 4, A.Beliavsky USSR 2640. 5. J.Speelman ENG 2640.6, V. Ivanchuk USSR 2635. 7, V. Salov USSR 2630,8. Z,Ribli HUN 2625,9, U, Andersson SWE 2620, 10. J. Nunn ENG 2620. 1989 July. 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2775, 2. A Karpov USSR 2730, 3. N. Short ENG 2660 4. V. Ivanchuk USSR 2660,5, V, Salov USSR 2645,6. M, Gurevich USSR 2640, 7. J. Timman NED 2635, 8, U, Andersson SWE 2635,9. A, Beliavsky USSR 2620. 10, J. Ehlvest USSR 2620, 1990 January, 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2800. 2. A. Karpov USSR 2730, 3. J. Timman NED 2680. 4, V, Ivanchuk USSR 2665, 5, M, Gurevich USSR 2645,6. V, Salov USSR 2645. 7, A,Beliavsky USSR 2640,8. N.Short ENG 2635,9. U.Andersson SWE 2630, 10. V. Korchnoi SUI 2625 1990 July. 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2800, 2. A. Karpov USSR 2730. 3. B. Gelfand USSR 2680. 4, V. Ivanchuk USSR 2680. 5. J.Timman NED 2660. 6, J. Ehlvest USSR 2655. 7, V.Salov USSR 2655. 8. G,Kamsky USA 2650. 9, M.Gurevich USSR 2640, 10. y, Seirawan USA 2635 1991 January, 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2800. 2. A. Karpov USSR 2725, 3. B. Gelfand USSR 2700. 4, V. Ivanchuk USSR 2695, 5. E. Bareev USSR 2650. 6, M, Gurevich USSR 2650, 7, J. Ehlvest USSR 2650, 8. L. Yudasin USSR 2645.9. V, Salov USSR 2645, 10, A, Beliavksy USSR 2640. 1991 July, 1. G. Kasparov USSR 2770, 2. V. lvanchuk USSR 2735, 3. A. Karpov USSR 2730, 4. E. Bareev USSR 2680. 5. V, Salov USSR 2665, 6, B, Gelfand USSR 2665, 7, N, Short ENG 2660,8, A. Beliavsky USSR 2655. 9.V. Anand IND 2650, 10. A. Khalifman USSR 2630. 1992 January, 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2780. 2. A. Karpov RUS 2725. 3. V. lvanchuk UKR 2710, 4. N, Short ENG 2685, 5. V. Anand IND 2670. 6, B, Gelfand BLR 2665. 7, A, Shirov LAT 2665, 8, V, Salov RUS 2655, 9, G, Kamsky USA 2655, 10, A, Yusupov RUS 2655, 
254 ......- ...  1992 July. 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2790, 2. V. lvanchuk UKR 2720, 3. A. Karpov RUS 2715, 4, A. Shirov LAT 2710,5. V, Anand INO 2690, 6. B, Gelfand BLR 2685, 7, N, Short ENG 2680, 8. E, Bareev 2670, 9, J.Timman NED 2665, 10. V. Salov RUS 2665. 1993 January, (Kasparov and Short were removed from the rating list) 1. 1 A. Karpov RUS 2725, 2. V. Anand INO 2710,3. V. lvanchuk 2710, 4. V, Kramnik RUS 2710. 5, B. Gelfand BLR 2690.6. A. Shirov LET 2670, 7, E. Bareev RUS 2670, 8, K. Georgiev BUL 2660,9, V. Salov RUS 2660, lOG. Kamsky & Z. Azmaiparasvili 2655, 1993 July, 1. A. Karpov RUS 2725, 2. V. Anand INO 2725,3. V. Kramnik RUS 2710, 4, V. Ivanchuk UKR 2705, 5, A, Shirov LAT 2685, 6, V Salov RUS 2685, 7. B, Gelfand BLR 2670, 8, E, Bareev RUS 2660, 9. K. Georgiev BUL 2660, 10. V. Epishin RUS 2655, 1994 January. 1. A. Karpov RUS 2725,2. V. Anand INO 2715, 3. V. Kramnik RUS 2710, 4. V. Ivanchuk UKR 2710, 5. V. Shirov LAT 2705,6, G. Kamsky USA 2695,7. V, Salov RUS 2685, 8, B. Gelfand BLR 2685,9. E, Bareev RUS 2685, 10, V Epishin RUS 2675, 1994 July, 1. A. Karpov RUS 2780, 2. A, Shirov LAT 2740, 3. V. Kramnik 2735, 4, V. Anand 2720, 5. V. Salov RUS 2710, 6. G, Kamsky USA 2695,7. V, Ivanchuk 2695, 8, B. Gelfand BLR 2680,9, E. Bareev RUS 2675, 10, A, Yusupov RUS 2655. 1995 January, 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2810, 2. A. Karpov RUS 2765, 3. V. Kramnik RUS 2715, 4, V, Anand INO 2715, 5, A, Shirov RUS 2715, 6. V. Salov RUS 2715, 7. G. Kamsky USA 2710, 8, B, Gelfand BLR 2700,9 V, Ivanchuk UKR 2700, 10. E. Bareev RUS 2675. 1995 July. 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2795, 2. A. Karpov RUS 2775, 3. V. lvanchuk 2740, 4. G, Kamsky USA 2735, 5, V, Kramnik RUS 2730, 6. V, Anand INO 2725, 7. A. Shirov ESP 2695, 8, B. Gelfand BLR 2685,9, V, Salov RUS 2685, 10. Jusupov RUS 2680. 1996 January. 1. V. Kramnik RUS 2775, 2. G. Kasparov RUS 2775, 3. A. Karpov RUS 2770, 4. V, Ivanchuk UKR 2735, 5, G. Kamsky USA 2735, 6, V. Anand INO 2725, 7. V. Topalov BUL 2700, 8. B. Gelfand BLR 2700, 9, A, Shirov ESP 2690, 10. J. Polgar HUN 2675 1996 July, 1. G.Kasparov RUS 2785, 2. A. Karpov RUS 2775, 3. V. Kramnik RUS 2765, 4, V, Topalov BUL 2750, 5, G. Kamsky USA 2745, 6. V, Anand INO 2735, 7. V, Ivanchuk UKR 2730, 8, N, Short ENG 2695,9. M. Adams ENG 2685, 10, A. Shirov ESP 2685, 1997 January, 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2795, 2. V. Anand INO 2765, 3. A. Karpov 2760, 4, V, Kramnik 2740, 5. V, Ivanchuk UKR 2740, 6. V.Topalov BUL 2725, 7. G, Kamsky USA 2720,8, B, Gelfand BLR 2700,9. A. Shirov ESP 2690, 10, N, Short ENG 2690, 1997 July. 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2820, 2. V. Kramnik RUS 2770, 3. V. Anand INO 2765, 4, V, Topalov BUL 2745,5, A. Karpov RUS 2745, 6, V, Ivanchuk UKR 2725, 7. G. Kamsky USA 2720,8. A, Beliavsky SLO 2710,9, A. Shirov ESP 2700, 10, B, Gelfand BLR 2695. 1998 January, 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2825, 2. V. Kramnik RUS 2790, 3. V. Anand INO 2770, 4. V,lvanchuk UKR 2740, 5. V, Topalov BUL 2740,6. A, Karpov RUS 2735, 7, G, Kamsky USA 2720, 8, A. Shirov ESP 2710, 9, p, Svidler RUS 2690, 10. A. Beliavsky SLO 2690. 1998 July, 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2815, 2. V. Anand INO 2795, 3. V. Kramnik RUS 2780, 4. V, Ivanchuk UKR 2730, 5, A, Karpov RUS 2725, 6. A. Shirov ESP 2720,7, G. Kamsky USA 2720, 8, M, Adams ENG 2715,9, P. Svidler RUS 2720, 10, V. Topalov 2700, 
1999 January. 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2825, 2. V. Kramnik RUS 2790, 3. V. Anand INO 2770,4. V,lvanchuk UKR 2740, 5, V, Topalov BUL 2740,6, A, Karpov RUS 2735, 7. G. Kamsky USA 2720,8, A, Shirov ESP 2710, 9. P. Svidler RUS 2690, 10. A, Beliavsky SLO 2690. 1999 July. 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2851, 2. V. Anand INO 2771, 3. V. Kramnik RUS 2760, 4. A, Morozevich RUS 2758, 5. A, Shirov ESP 2734,6. B, Gelfand ISR 2713, 7. M, Adams ENG 2708,8. V, Ivanchuk 2702, 9. p, Leko HUN 2701, 10. A. Karpov RUS 2700, 2000 January, 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2851, 2. V. Anand INO 2769, 3. V. Kramnik RUS 2758, 4. A. Shirov ESP 2751,5. A. Morozevich RUS 2748, 6, p, Leko HUN 2725, 7. M, Adams ENG 2715,8. V. Ivanchuk UKR 2709,9. E. Bareev RUS 2709, 10, V. Topalov BUL 2702, 2000 July. 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2849, 2. V. Kramnik RUS 2770, 3. V. Anand INO 2762, 4, A, Morozevich RUS 2756,5, M. Adams ENG 2755,6. A, Shirov ESP 2746,7, P. Leko HUN 2743,8. V, Ivanchuk UKR 2719,9, V, Topalov BUL 2707, 10. M. Krasenkow POL 2702. 2001 January. 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2849, 2. V. Anand INO 2790, 3. V. Kramnik RUS 2772, 4. M, Adams ENG 2746, 5, P. Leko HUN 2745,6, A, Morozevich RUS 2745, 7. A, Shirov ESP 2718, 8, V, Ivanchuk 2718, 9. V, Topalov BUL 2717, 10. B. Gelfand ISR 2712. 2001 July. 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2838, 2. V. Kramnik RUS 2802, 3. V. Anand INO 2794,4, A. Morozevich RUS 2749,5. M, Adams ENG 2744, 6. V. Ivanchuk UKR 2731, 7, P. Leko HUN 2730,8, E, Bareev RUS 2719,9, V. Topalov BUL 2711,10. A, Shirov ESP 2706. 2002 January. 1. G. Kasparov RUS 2838, 2. V. Kramnik RUS 2809, 3. V. Anand INO 2757, 4, M, Adams ENG 2742, 5. A, Morozevich RUS 2742, 6. V. Topalov BUL 2739, 7. R. Ponomariov UKR 2727, 8, V. Ivanchuk UKR 2717, 9. A. Shirov ESP 2715, 10, P. Leko HUN 2713. 255 --- -- 11IIIII&  
25() ......-  'D ter . I World Computer Chess Champions (WCCC) I 1974 Stockholm Ka issa 1977 Toronto Chess 4,6 1980 Linz Belle 1983 New York Cray Blitz 1986 Cologne Cray Blitz 1989 Edmonton Deep Thought 1992 Madrid Rebel 1995 Hong Kong Fritz 1999 Paderborn Shredder 2002 Maastricht Junior USSR - Donskoy/ Arlaza rov/ Adelson- Velsky/ Bitma n/ Zh ivotovsky/ Uskov USA Slate/Atkin USA Thompson and Condon USA Hyatt/Gower/Nelson USA Hyatt/Gowe/Nelson USA Hsu/Anantharaman/ Browne/ Campbell/ Jansen/Nowatzyk Netherlands Schroeder Germany/Netherlands Morsch/Feist Germany Meyer-Kahlen 1 sra el Ban/Bushinsky World Microcomputer Champions (WMCCC) 1980 London Chess Challanger USA Spracklen 1981 Travermunde Fidelity X USA Spracklen 1983 Budapest Elite A/S USA Spracklen 1984 Glasgow EI ite A/S USA Spracklen 1985 Amsterdam Meph isto UK Lang 1986 Dallas Mephisto UK Lang 1987 Rome Mephisto UK Lang 1988 Almeria Mephisto UK Lang 1989 Po rto roz Meph isto UK Lang 1990 Lyon Mephisto UK Lang 1991 Vancouver Gideon Netherlands Schroeder 1993 Munich Hiarcs UK Uniacke 1995 Paderborn MChess Pro USA Hirsch 1996 Jakarta Shredder Germany Meyer-Kahlen 1997 Paris Junior lsrael Ban/Bushinsky 1999 Paderborn Sh redder Germany Meyer-Kahlen 2000 London Sh redder Germany Meyer-Kahlen 2001 Maastricht Deep Junior lsrael Ba n/Bush i nsky 
I che 5 I e . fI . ,"  t\. Wilhelm Steinitz Emanuel Lasker Jose Raul Capablanca Alexander Alekhine Max Euwe Mikhail Botvinnik Vasily Smyslov Mikhail Ta1 \ . . Tigran Petrosian Boris Spassky Robert James Fiscner Anatoly Karpov (AfJAI. PALA(f  \ , A  - .... , , ',' - Ir - / ...." ( ( . ",11I I ,.. , ..,. f)" I I JIl\ '. I " !... I .. \ '";W , \ .. \ - 1.N.  Garry KasDarov A1exander Kha1ifman Viswanathan Anand Rustam Ponomariov 
Vera Menchik :-" .. Olga Ru bstsova Xie Jun " . ..... - -- - . . . .,- .- . " .... ",,'" - . ....It '-.., .. ,,"-AI" Ljudmila Rudenko \.\. , Nona Gaprindashvili Zsuzsa Polgar . .. . Id Elizavyeta Bykova Maia Chiburdanidze '" Zhu Chen " f 
2 --- ... -  ... '" 4 , / ..  -r 'fIf i ., # , 1 . . t f ..r. .. .. . . , .., .... . # .1, l I,,.. ,to! f . .. .. , .... J "- \' , 4 i .,. , ..\... .......... I ,:,f , p . . ... . LAS VEGAS 89 I." ,II. /,,,,/- /'-- ---r FunD JPpp,ppP -::... ./ I'  /J . ,. r I ... -...: .4 -- 1. 64 and the Chess Oscar - A. Roshal and G. Kasparov 2. President K. l1yumzhinov has sponsored 7 World Championships !I' . . The Asian President K Alhitmi with the Chinese team in 1994 
Russia takes the gold in 1994 Moscow Olympiads HAUMO. 1M q,0' ... ..  ell · .; ID .... , SUMUS \ . ... .. , . :. +-  -y \,.. . . . -, "f t-  , , World Championship 1998 A. Karpov - V. Anand in final '" .. "; I . ,.. .  ,  .. \ T5 S R I · '" \ " , - . .'" 1- !r .... .. f .. 'L . ...... ..... ) C1 ...,,\,\1/1" \ , \ ' \ 
r. . \. , ... \ \, \ '.. .. ... '\ , -III...": "v:'\. .,.,., .)1:", ..... . . · .  i \I ",, '.-"". " ¥. ,-j-,,,ry "- .. "" - - III "'.....II" ""'''''''li\Iti.. 69 th  .,>;:.-", ., l.. . n.",." 11II ." - "," " - '" , II' · ,11I.,,,-:,,,,, I.' II.,".": ," ,,IW, l If": "" "" I.. ,....- , "" ,,"'.,.. ""'",If,," FIDE Congress J "".' III ,, , ..  11II"'.,"'" ' ., 'fi I " :1' -- .."'" It II \. _ -..Ii" ' ""'1./"  If Ji., " "I   -- __ ""'J'" Elista. Kalmykia. '  t/M,: , :iiilfID ' .,"" w" 'if" j:,- ." GENS UNA SUMUS III "'.If" 1998 "1" \ " .  . " ..,.. [ , "tl", t " ..-. '1tJ '1;1 " wY".h" .. .. " tJ"t l.,f","'.".."',,'V'lN 'fl.... "'.. . " " ., I) I'"",... II)' · ",..", J-JlMV "Wrlfv".W /-,- ",,,,,« . ..'" III" t/J-Jl,l'Jt.y IIjI ,f,,"'''' lit  "'J'.,"'","."  \ I,.,,, II' '''.,v".. " "'.....l III  " I I" ' Jf:...,,-.}wlljl '\,' 1.\ " I " * "" III  " ",-W:r; II t'- . ... "w .   .... ..... I. fl  ., -w- illi  I .. , m , J - I t_ . ...  " , f'" , 1 \. .. , "- \\ \ '" '.. " ''\. '\. .. .., ;'':1t .. ... , .. ...... ... .. ... t .', ,  I .. . .;. '- i. ."...,.. .' .../ f J ... " "" , J . ..,. tt,;l r .  ..,.  " " '/.." Jt. ...,,"..  . tl ... If" '''w'" 'I  :.,  ' " ... ',. , . - .... 'il.", .. JI ."."16,,, .,i'.J'.Jo J' Z$ J 1 .., " 'W w'" .. .. -, .'If  .. \, .....  ....  .. ' .1.  I It  If. " .......  \ , .! I / 1... rr -.  .., .. .., "II" ' '4"1..... ".j -l Ii  Jtl I" , " Presidential Board members elected in 1998 FlOE - Paris 1999 
Organizing Committee - E. Omuku, W. lc1icki, PTU. Koya and E. Charmandjiev in Delhi 2000 Pairings Committee members in Elista 1998 ....... fll I ;...  Inll'" C InHI\..U .  , f\ . . . . . . \\ I\h \, \\, \., ( \,,' 1'1,,,"1 \\ (l  1I",,,,,lh'I' ( nu,U"U( M 'c "'f,UII'''' " ) ,. If , .. .. . ",t' '." . . ...... , . "'-.. \ '\. '" - _..  - ,'" , "' ,>" . , "\ , \ .. ...." .. I \ '.., ." t .,,,,,,, ",, 0' - . 
"'" .. '" II ... '" 0' 't:' od. 1='1 )'11 ,,   t (:. . ,:.: f. ... .'. ". ,.. . o. . '" 1. 1.0.C. President J. A. Samaranch met with F1DE President in Lausanne 1996.  . .... .. ...  2. Past and Present - K. l1yumzhinov and Honorary President F. Campomanes .. " \ . , , ., tt , , I   riff I ..''1 . ... "  .... .., ... -- :!!tj7 "-;ID GENS UNA $U,,"tus '\ The first FIDE Website is launched in 1997 '"  ,. , .. f . .J ,   ... .. i !. , , f   , " . ... .. \ .- - '. ., .... . .. of( . ., ...' .. 4..  \" ... ". \ 'I" . . , ,   -. ..... 
The Russian won another Olympiad - Istanbul 2000 4'" ...... GENS UNA SUM US \\\,\ '" ) I. t- \ t .-J ( I \. " . . - , '\ \ 0 " - \ .............- " "- .. ! " "'" ... It .." FI .,. \.   'vi , 4 t. \ , I 'f  , .. 't "  , 
..",j F ounded 78 years ago, in Paris on 20 July 1924, the World Chess Federation (Federation Internationale des Echecs, known as FIDE from its French acronym) is recognised by the International Olympic Committee (lOC) as the supreme body, responsible for the organisation of Chess and its Championships at global and continental levels. Following its recognition as an International Organisation 10 years ago, the IOC confirmed FIDE as a recognized International Sports Federation. Prior FIDE, Chess had existed as a sport played at competitive level for centuries. In over 2000 years, from its origins in India and outlying countries in Asia, the game had undergone changes, and metamorphosed into its present form by the 15th century. In those days, there was no common code governing the Laws of Chess or uniform regulations for International Competitions. The only binding force was that it was a gentleman's sport in which the players were expected to act with decorum and its practition- ers enjoyed the enduring beauty of the game. ... Today, with a member ship of 162 countries, FIDE is one of the most dynamic sports organisations in the world. It brings together men and women of different races, creed and political persuasion as it carries out its main task of developing and regulating the activities of millions of chess players around the world.  The purpose and aim of FIDE are the dissemination and develop- ment of chess among all nations of the world, as well as the rais- ing of the level of chess culture and knowledge on a sporting, scientific, creative and cultural basis. ......... FIDE supports a close international co-operation of the chess devotees in every fields of chess activity, thereby also aiming to improve friendly harmony among peoples. FIDE issues the rules of chess and the provisions pertaining to the organisation of the Chess Olympiad, World Championships and all other competi- tions. It awards the international chess titles of Grandmaster, International Master, FIDE Master, Woman Grandmaster, International Woman Master, FIDE Woman Master and International Arbiter. () r. '\ ,'" \ e I , , .