
Redakcija • Редакционно коллеги • Editorial board • Redaktion • College de redaction • Colegio de redaccion • Coliegio Redazionale • Redaktion • GORAN ARSOVlC, TOMISLAV PAUNOVlC, BRANKO TADlC, SASA VELICKOVIC, NENAD VUKMIROVlC Odgovorni urednik • Главный редактор • Editor-in-chief • Chefredakteur • Rёdacteur en chef • Redactor en jefe • Redattore Capo • Chefredaktor • j BRANKO TADIC Direktor • Директор • Director • Direktor • Directeur • Director • Direttore • Direktor • • ji^l JOSIP ASlK Predsednik • Президент • President • President • President • Presidente • Presidente • President • • и— ALEKSANDAR MATANOVlC © Copyright 2012 Sahovski informator All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. No part of the Chess Informant system (classification of openings, endings and combinations, system of signs, etc.) may be used in other publications without prior permission in writing from the publisher. ISSN 0351-1375 Izdavac • Издатель • Publisher • Herausgeber • Editeur • Editorial • Editore • Utgivare • HlJKiaj ♦ ^L-Jl Sahovski informator 11001 Beograd, Francuska 31, PO Box 18, Srbija Phone: (381 11) 2186-498, 2630-109; Fax: (381 11) 2626-583 E-mail: sales@informantl966.com Internet: http://www.informantl966.com, http://www.chessinformant.rs
SADRZAJ • СОДЕРЖАНИЕ • CONTENTS • INNALT • SOMMAIRE • SUMARIO • ШОКЕ • INNEHAL • Contributors . . 4 The Best Ten Games of the Preceding Volume . 6 The Ten Most Important Theoretical Novelties of the Preceding Volume. ... 8 Garry's Choice — By GM Garry Kasparov . 12 Old Wine in New Bottles — By GM Mihail Marin . 23 Top Three — Exclusive annotations . . 35 • By GM Sergei Movsesian . . . 36 • By GM Andrei Volokitin. . . .39 • By GM Zahar Efimenko. . 44 One Country — Serbia . . 50 • By GM Ivan Ivanisevic . . 51 • By GM Robert Markus ... 53 • By GM Milos Perunovic. 55 • By GM Nikola Sedlak . 58 • By GM Dusan Popovic . . 60 Chess Informant Labs .... . 63 • A 1 1 by GM Viktor Erdos. . 64 • В 07 by GM Andrey Sumets 70 • В 12 by GM Misa Pap .... ... 78 • В 22 by GM Milo§ Perunovic . 83 • В 94 by GM Rafael Leitao 87 • C 11 by GM Nikola Dukic ... .92 • C 63 by GM Ivan Ivanisevic . 96 • C 80 by GM Sarunas Sulskis 102 Rising Stars — GM Alexander Ipatov . 106 Guest Column "British Chess Magazine" — By IM Andrew Martin . 113 In Memoriam: GM Svetozar Gligoric .... 116 System of Signs... 124 Games........................................................................................... 127 Classification of Openings . 127 A. 133 B. 154 C. 197 D. 223 E. . . . . 257 Index. 285 Commentators 291 Combinations — By IM Sasa Velickovic. 292 Excellent Moves — By IM Sasa Velidkovic 296 Endings — By IM Goran Arsovic 299 Problems — By IGM Milan Velimirovic . 302 Studies — By IM Yochanan Afek . 307 Tournaments .... .310 The Best of Chess Informant — GM Nikita Vitiugov . . . 327 3
SARADNICI • СОТРУДНИКИ • CONTRIBUTORS • MITARBEITER • COILABORATEURS • COIABORADORBS • COLLABORATOR! • MEDARBETARE • • J J UuJI Armenia Greece Romania Sergei MOVSESIAN g Yelena DEMBO wg Mihail MARIN g Gabriel SARGISSIAN g Sotiris LOGOTHETIS Athanasios f Valentin STOICA m Brasil MASTROVASILIS g Russia Luiz Roberto Spyridon SKEMBRIS g Anna BURTASOVA wg DA COSTA JUNIOR Garry KASPAROV g Rafael LEITAO g Hrvatska Bogdan LALIC Aleksandr KIRPIKOV Alexander Bulgaria g MOROZEVICH g Sergei RUBLEVSKY g Kiril GEORG1EV g Israel Vladimir PETKOV g Yochanan AFEK m Scotland Crna Gora Vitali GOLOD g Colin McNAB g g Michael ROIZ g Slovenija Nikola DUK1C Cuba Lietuva Alexander BELIAVSKY g Guillermo CAMACHO Sarunas §ULSKIS g Adrian M1KHALCHISHIN g MARTINEZ f Magyarorszdg Srbija Deutschland Tamas BANUSZ g Bosko ABRAMOVIC g Harald FIETZ Viktor ERDOS g Zoran ARSOVIC m Artur JUSSUPOW g Laszlo HAZAI m Goran CABRILO g Zoltan RIB LI g Branko DAMLJANOVIC g Egypt Krisztian SZABO g Aleksandar INDIC m Ivan IVANISEVIC g Bassem AMIN g Nederland Aleksandar KOVACEVIC g Robert MARKUS g England Jan TIMMAN g Slobodan MARTINOVIC g Andrew MARTIN m Sergei TIVIAKOV g Danilo MILANOVIC g Jon SPEELMAN g Miroslav D. MILJKOVIC m Polska Misa PAP g Georgia Mateusz BARTEL g Milos PERUNOVIC Zoran PETRONIJEVIC g m Merab GAGUNASHVILI g Bartlomiej MACIEJA g Dejan PIKULA g 4
Dusan POPOVIC g Nikola SEDLAK g Radoslav SIMIC g Milan VELIMIROVIC Sverige Emanuel BERG g Pontus CARLS SON g Turkiye Alexander IPATOV g Dragan §OLAK g Turkmenistan Handszar ODEEV g Kerim YAZGELDIEV f OQ OQ CTQ Ukraine Zahar EFIMENKO Andrey SUMETS Andrei VOLOKITIN USA Larry CHRISTIANSEN g Samuel SHANKLAND g 5
D 24 DING LIREN 2660 - LU SHANGLEI 2514 China (ch) 2012 - 114/143 1. £>D £if6 2. c4 e6 3. d4 d5 4. ftc3 dc4 5. e4 ±b4 6. Ac4 £e4 7.0-0 £ic3 8. bc3 £e7 9. 4}e5 0-0 10. Wg4 c5 [10... £>c6 - 113/146] 11. Ah6 Af6 12. Ad3! N |12. Hadi] He8 13. f4! g6 [13... cd4 14. ^.h7!! ФИ7 15. ^.g7! Ag7 (15... Hg8 16. Wh5 <£>g7 17. Wf7 ФЬ6 18. HD+-) 16. Wh5 ^.h6 17. Wf7 J.g7 18. HD+-; 13... £>c6 14. HD g6 (14... cd4 15. ±h7 ФГС 16. ®h5+-; 15. Hg3+-) 15. J.g6!! fg6 16. £ig6 e5 (16... ±d4 17. ФЫ+-) 17. f5 ФГ7 18. £}e5 <5}e5 19. Wh5 £ig6 20. Hafl+-] 14. ±g6!! fg6 15. £>g6 hg6 16. Wg6 Ф68 17. Jtg5!’ iug5 [17... HD 18. HD ±g5 19. Hh3 JLh4 20. Wh5 £>g7 21. Hh4 Wh4 22. Wh4+-] 18. fg5! He7 19. Wh6 119. HD Hh7 20. Hafl ^3d7 21. HD Wg8 22. Hh7 Wh7 23. We6+-] <^>g8 20. g6 120. Hf6 Hh7 21. Wg6 Hg7 22. Wh5 Hh7 23. Hg6 <£h8 24. Hh6+-] ^d7 21. HD £if8 22. Hafl £ig6 23. Hg3 Hg7 24. Hg6 1:0 T. Paunovic 7

Е 86 XIU DESHUN 2492 - WEN YANG 2549 China 2012 - 114/203 1. d4 £rf6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 £g7 4. e4 d6 5. 13 0-0 6. АеЗ e5 7. ftge2 c6 8. Wd2 ftbd7 9. 0-0-0 a6 10. ФЫ b5 11. c5 Wa5 12. Wc2 [12. £>d5= — 87/475] 12... d5! N [12... ed4; 12... dc5[ 13. ed5 b4! 14. dc6?! [14. £>e4 £>d5 15. £f2oo b3? 16. Wb3 ЛЬ8 17. ^.el!!] bc3 15. cd7? [15. £>c3 ed4 16. cd7 de3 17. dc8W Efc8 18. £>a4oc; 15. d5 a) 15... cb2 16. cd7 Ad7 17. &c3 Efc8 18. £>e4 (18. c6 ±c6 19. dc6 Ec6 20. id2 Sac8T) £>e4 19. fe4 J.h6! 20. Wd2 Wd2 21. ±d2 Ad2 22. Ed2 Ec5 23. Eb2 f5 24. £e2 fe4 25. Hcl Sac8 26. Ec5 Ec5 27. Eb7=; b) 15... £>c5 16. Wc3 ±f5 17. Фа1 Wa4 18. b3 £}d5 (18... £>b3 19. Wb3 ^.c2 20. Wa4 Aa4 21. Hd2 e4 22. £d4 e3 23. Ed3oc) 19. ®c5 (19. ba4 &c3 20. £>c3 e4 21. J.d4 Efd8 22. ±g7 Hdl 23. £>dl &g7 24. &еЗоо) <§3e3 20. ba4 e4 21. £>d4 £>dl (21... gfd8 22. fe4 J.e4 23. i.a6 Hd4 24. Ed4 Ad4 25. Wd4 £>c2 26. ФЬ2 £>d4 27. c7) 22. фЫоо] <5}d5!I 16. dc8W Efc8 17. We4? [17. de5! £>e3 18. ®c3 Wc3 19. £>c3 £>dl 20. £>d1 Ae5 21. £tf2 Ec5 22. £>d3 Hd5 23. £ie5 Ee5 24. Ac4+| Eab8 18. ^.cl Eb2! [18... ed4 19. Sd5 Ec5 20. £>c3 dc3 21. J.c4 Sd5 22. Ed5 ®c7 23. ±b3 a5-+[ 19. iub2 Sb8 20. Фа1 ИЬ2 21. £>сЗ [21. Wd5 c2 22. Hcl Wb4-+ 23. Wa8 J.f8[ Wc3 [21... &c3 22. Wa8 £f8 23. ФЬ2 £>dl 24. фс2 £>e3 25. <£d3 ed4 26. ®e4 Ac5+-[ 22. Wd3 ed4 [22... W>4-+ 23. Wc4 (23. Ecl e4) ^c3! 24. ±d3 ®a31 23. ®c3 dc3 24. Ed5 24... Hb8! [24... Ed2? 25. ФЫ Eb2! (25... Ed5? 26. c6T) 26. Фа1 Eb8! - 24... Eb8| 25. Ed8 Ed8 26. ФЫ Ed2 27. g3 J.d4 0:1 G. Kasparov E 86 1. d4 &f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 ^.g7 4. e4 d6 5. В 0-0 6. ^.еЗ e5 7. £>ge2 c6 8. Wd2 £>bd7 9. 0-0-0 a6 10. ФЫ b5 11. c5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 ... de52 Wd6 Sd6 Ed2 &C1 W Ed6 &cl We7> de5 Wd6 £ic73 £}e6 a5 a44 2>d45 = 9
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 ®c23 * * 6 4}d4 43c6 W J.e29 £ibd510 ^id5 Wd2 Wa5 ed47 4}c5 Wc7 ±b78 Sac8 £id5 Wd8“ We812 = 3 ed5 4}e413 JLf214 b4 41d5 00 1 И... Ь4 12. Ш4 а) 12... d5 13. de5 &е5 14. £>Ь6 ЛЬ8 15. 2>g3! [15. £>f4 g5 16. 2>d3 £>d3 17. ±d3± S. Atalik — Kotronias, Greece 1996 — 66/5081 Jle6 16. Jld4!± A. Istratescu — VI. Akopian, Ohrid 2001 - 82/501; b) 12... ®a5 13. Wc2 d5 14. de5 4te5 15. 4}b6 de4! 16. <£}a8 Jte6 17. <§jcl Sa8± Sasikiran — P. Thipsay, Mumbai 2004 — 89/475 12. cd6 «6 13. de5 ®d2 14. Sd2 £>e5 15. £}cl Jle6 [15... a5 1/2 : 1/2 Bu Xiangzhi — Ye Jiangchuan, Yongchuan (zt) 20031 16. Jte2 a5= S. Kasparov — An. Kovalev, Belarus (ch) 2003 - 87/(475) 3 15... a5 16. £>cl f5 17. ±e2 £>df6 18. £k!3 2>h5 19. Sei 2>c7 20. £dl± Al. Graf- Chiong Zacarias Romero, Kolkata 1997 — 70/(538) 4 18... 2>b8!? Al. Graf 5 20. <53d3 Se8= Al. Graf — Kotronias, Kavala 1997 — 70/538 6 12. £>d5 Wd2 13. 2>e7 &h8 14. Sd2 dc5 15. de5 2ie5 16. £}c8 [16. £}c3?! Ab7+ M. Socko — Ju Wenjun, Beijing (rapid) 2011] Sac8 17. ±c5 4}c4 18. Sc2 Sfd8 19. £>c3 £>d2 20. Фа1 <?3d7 21. Ae7 Se8= S. Kasparov — An. Kovalev, Belarus 2003 - 87/475 7 12... dc5 13. de5 [13. dc5 Sd8 14. *йс1± S. Glukhovtsev — V. Demakov, corr. 20091 4ie5 14. Ac5 Sd8 15. <53d4± S. Dyachkov — Smirin, Moscow 2009 8 15... ±e6 16. ±e2± R. Graf - B. Abdulla, Dubai 2000 9 16. Sbd5 £id5 17. 43d5 a) 17... Jtd5 18. Sd5 Sac8 19. ±e2± — 16. Ae2; 10
b) 17... Wd8! 18. h4 £d5 19. gd5 2>a4 20. ±d4 Ad4 21. gd4 gc8 22. W12 gc6 23. Ad3 Wb6 24. Ac2 gfc8 25. gd2 W2 1/2 : 1/2 D. Fasano — E. Borroni, corr. 2009 10 17. Wd2 gfe8 18. £f4 Wa5 19. £>cd5 19...£)fe4!! 20. fe4 £>e4 21. Wei ^.b2!! 22. ФЬ2 ±d5 23. gel [23. 2>d5 gc2!! 24. Фс2 Wa2-+1 ±c4 24. £fl d5 25. a3 Wb6 26. Jlc4 bc4 27. Фа2 a5 0 : 1 J. Pinasco — J. Fazilleau, corr. 2002 11 18... ±d5 19. gd5 Jtb2? 20. Wb2 £>a4 21.gcl!±; 19... We7± 12 19... Jld5 20. Wd5 Ш4 21. Jtd4 Ad4 [21... &b6 22. Wb7 Jtd4 23. gd4 Wg5 24. Shdlool 22. Wd4 Wg5oo; 19... We8 20. W gc6 21. £id5 gc8= 13 14. dc6?! bc3 a) 15. cd7? 15... 4}d5!! 16. dc8W gfc8 17. de5! [17. We4? gab8 18. ±cl 18... gb2! 19. Jtb2 gb8 20. Фа1 gb2-+ Xiu Deshun - Wen Yang, China 2012—114/2031 £>e3 18. Wc3 Wc3 19. <4x3 4x11 20. 4X11 ±e5 21. 4tf2 gc5 22. 4X13 gd5 23. 4}e5 ge5 24. Jlc4+; b) 15. 4}c3 ed4 16. cd7 de3 17. dc8W gfc8 18. 4Xi4oo; c) 15. d5 cl) 15... cb2 16. cd7 ±d7 17. 4X:3 gfc8 18. 4}e4 ^e4 19. fe4 ±h6! 20. Wd2 Wd2 21. ±d2 ±d2 22. Sd2 Sc5 23. Sb2 f5 24. ±e2 fe4 25. gel gac8 26. gc5 gc5 27. Sb7=; c2) 15... £}c5 16. Wc3 ±f5 17. Фа1 Wa4 18. b3 £}d5 [18... £>b3 19. Wb3 ±c2 20. Wa4 ^.a4 21. gd2 e4 22. ±d4 e3 23. gd3oo| 19. Wc5 [19. ba4 £}c3 20. 2>c3 e4 21. ±d4 Sfd8 22. Ag7 gdl 23. £>dl &g7 24. 2>e3oo| «ie3 20. ba4 e4 21. £>d4 £>dl 22. фЫос G. Kasparov 14 15... b3? 16. Wb3 gb8 17. Ael!! G. Kasparov Sa. Velickovic 11

GARRY’S • choice THE 13TH WORLD CHAMPION DISSECTS TOP GAMES OF MODERN CHESS HOW TO DEFY THE SOFIA RULES IH STYLE ccasionally there comes a game in which both players insist on bending the rules of the chessboard to the breaking point. The physics of the game go from classical to quantum with each move defying both logic and expecta- tions. This game lasts barely thirty moves and contains enough deep forcing lines to keep a human analyst hard at work for many months. Even the computer strains to reach the depths required to pulverize this stone into the sand of perpetual check. As early as move 11 (!), long sacrificial variations appear that end in forced draws by repetition. Such opportuni- ties seem to come along virtually on every move, and are avoided until at last there is no choice but to accept the inevitable. Garry's Choice Garry Kasparov, the 13th World Champion, needs no introduction: a truly great chess player, who has tremendously influenced the development of chess with his games, his analyses, his writings, Garry is well known everywhere. Chess Informant has had the privilege of hosting the fruits of his deep analytical work for more than thirty years, and there is no doubt that the quality of this work has greatly enriched the contents of this publication — and chess culture overall. Several years after his retirement from professional chess, we are deeply honoured to welcome Garry back to Chess Informant! In this column, Garry’s Choice, he is annotating select games from recent practice, in his trademark style, casting his critical eye on the efforts of modem chess stars — and mere The Sofia Rules, designed to force the players to continue to at least to move 40, would be no match for this game. And who could complain? If all draws were as action-packed as this one, fans would clamor for more! The sharp cut and thrust, and abrupt conclusion, recall Botvinnik’s first encounter with Alekhine, at Nottingham 1936, which ended in perpetual check after only 20 moves. At the time, that game was considered wildly complicated — which was true back then. Today it looks almost simple, certainly compared to this game. 115/39 В 12 A. MUZYCHUK 2606 - SUTOVSKY 2687 Amsterdam 2012 [By Garry Kasparov] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 The Advance. 1 occasionally played this in simuls but did not feel comfortable with it until deciding to give the "modem” version a try against Karpov in Linares in 2001 with 4. ^ЗсЗ. I won a nice attacking game and over the next few years also tried it with 4. ЛеЗ and 4. ^d2. * G. Kasparov 2849 — An. Karpov 2679, Linares 2001 — 81/89 Page 19 3... ЛГ5 4. h4 A move that would seem superficial and even amateurish if it did not have such a long and 13
GARRY’S choice From cover to cover! Garr\ Kasparov at the Chess Olympiad. Istanbul 2012. honorable pedigree. 51 years ago, Tai made it his primary weapon in the World Champion- ship rematch with Botvinnik. Tai lost two and drew three of those games but apparently nobody blamed his sharp line of the Advance Variation because it maintained some popu- larity. (Looking back over that 1961 match I find encouragement in the fact that Botvinnik was almost exactly my age today, 49, and over double the age of his opponent. Tai won an impressive five games in that match. But Botvinnik won ten!) It is worth noting that this line was Kram- nik’s choice when he was in a must-win situ- ation against Leko in the final game of their 2004 world championship match. 4... h6 Botvinnik went back to this move in games 18 and 20 after starting with it in game 10, then trying 4... h5 and 4... c5 in games 14 and 16. I can imagine showing this game to Tai and Botvinnik, and how different their reactions would be to all the sacrifices and casual regard for order and safety. Tai, the quantum physi- cist of the chessboard, would no doubt enjoy it and employ his favorite term, "tasty chess." Botvinnik, on the other hand, a Newtonian, would shake his head at how both players ig- nored the principles of the game. Even when I was a world champion I had to endure that head shake of Botvinnik’s. After I beat Karpov in the Ruy Lopez in game 16 of our 1986 Leningrad World Champion- ship match. ** G. Kasparov 2740 — An. Karpov 2705, London/Leningrad (m/16) 1986 — 42/440 Page 20 Botvinnik told me, "in this game you played like Tolush!" Invoking the famous attacking master from Leningrad was not a compliment coming from Botvinnik’s lips! |4... h5 Karpov’s choice. 5. c4 e6 6. £}c3 ®e7 7. ^ge2 14
GARRY’S choice 7... JLg4 My recommendation to Hikaru Naka- mura in his preparation for Nepomniachtchi at Wijk aan Zee in 2011. 8. f3 &f5 9. ^g3 <£g6 10. £g5 Wb6 11. Wd2 ^d7 12. a3 f6 ...0:1 *** Nepomniachtchi 2733 — Hi. Nakamura 2751, Wijk aan Zee 2011 - 111/(51) Page21 5. g4 5... Ae4I? Emil is always looking for a way to compli- cate as early as possible! The point is this un- common move is clear, taking f3 away from the knight before retreating the bishop to h7. Otherwise White’s e6 is too strong. [5.., Ad7 The standard move, keeping the bishop out of trouble. 6. £}d2 Kramnik (6. h5 Tai’s point, but today this move competes with Kramnik’s 6. ^d2); **** Kramnik 2770 — Leko 2741, Brissago (m/14) 2004 - 91/74 Page 22 5.., Ah7? 6. e6 fe6 7. <£d3±] 6.13 ^h7 7. e6 Wd6 [7... fe6? It’s not necessary to look at taking the pawn. Black’s structure and development are pathetic. 8. JLd3] 8. ef7 ФГ7 9. f4 Showing that she is ready to match Sutov- sky’s combative mood, not that there is much choice at this point. White is conceding many key squares and gambling on getting to the black king with her pawns. 9... ^f6 10. Jlh3 c5 11. g5 [11. £}f3 The first of our many "drawing moves"! 11... £}c6 12. g5 hg5 13. hg5 13... <£c2!(13... £>e4 14. ±g4 - 11. g5) 14. Wc2 Sh3 15. Sh3 We6 16. ^e5 (16. ®e2 Wh3 17. gf6 ef6^) ^e5 a) 17. Se3? This logical move fails to yet another long and forcing tactical sequence. 17... ^f3 18. ФЯ (18. <£>f2?? Wh3!-+ The knight is immune or the white queen is lost.) Wh3 19. Wg2 Wg2 20. <£>g2 ^d4 21. gf6 ^c2 22. Sc3 £>al; b) 17. de5 Wh3 18.ef6Whl 19.&d2Wg2=l 11... hg5 12. hg5 ^e4 15
GARRY’S choice 13. i.c8?I A pretty move that should have been resisted for the stronger 13. JLg4. 113. ±g4! £}c6! 14. £rf3 Af5!? (14... <£g8 15. dc5 £>c5 16. ±e3t) 15. Sh8 ±g4 16. £ie5 £ie5 17. de5 ^.dl 18. ed6 Ac2 19. de7 Фе7 20. £>c3±[ 13... £>c6! 113... cd4!? 14. £>f3 £>c6 15. J.b7! Wb4 16. W 17. g6 <£g6 18. £ie4 de4 19. £>g5 &f6! a) 20. £>h7 Sh7 21. Sh7 Wb4 22. £d2 Wb2 23. Sbl Wa2 24. Sb5 e3oc 25. Wg4 Wc2 (25... ed2 26. <&d2 ®e6 27. Wg5 ФП 28. Sf5 Фе8 29. Wg4 30. Sf8 ФГ8 31. Wh5) 26. Wg5 Феб 27. Wd5 фГ6=; b) 20. Sh7 Sh7 21. W Фg6 22. Wg4 фЬ7 23. Wh3=; 22. £>g5ooj 14. Ab7 14... We6 114... &g3! 15. Sh7 (15. Sh3 We6 16. ФГ2 J.c2+) Sh7 (15... We6 16. Ф12 £ie4 17. Фg2 Sh7 18. ±a8 Sh4 19. &c3 Sg4 20. ФП ^g3=) 16. Wg4 £id4 a) 17. JLa8 Shi 18. ®g3 (18. Ф12 &df5+) Sgl 19. Wgl 2rf3 (19... We6 20. Ф12 We2=) 20. ф£2 £>gl 21. фё1 c4!? 22. £ic3 e6T; b) 17. Wg3 Shi 18. Ф12 Sb8 19. ®g2 Sgl 20. i.d5 e6 21^gl ®d5!?22.^c3 ®g2 23. Фg2 £>c2 24. Sbl Фg6+/=l 15. £>e2 [15. Wh5 £g6 16. Wh8 £>d4 17. ±a8 £>g3 18. Ф12 ^>e4 19. ФП £>g3 20. ф£2=1 15... Sb8 [15... *53d4!? 16. £>d4 cd4 17. ®e2 ДЬ8 18. g6 Wg6 (18... J.g6 19. Sh8 Sb7oo) 19. ^.d5 e6 20. ±e4 We4 21. We4 ±e4 22. Sh8 i.b4 23. c3 Sh8 24. cb4 Shi 25. Фd2 Sh2=[ 16. J.c6 Wc6 17. f5 [17. £id2 фg8 18. £>e4 J.e4 19. Sh8 фЬ8 20. £jg3oo/=[ 17... g6 [17... Фg8! 18. ±f4! (18. g6? £g6 19. Sh8 ФЬ8 20. fg6 Wf6-+) Sb2 19. Wcl Sb6 (19... ®b6 20. g6 cd4 21. gh7 Sh7 22. Sh7 ФЬ7 23. £id2) 20. g6 i.g6 21. Sh8 ФЬ8 22. fg6 Wf6 23. ®e3 Wh4 24. фdl £>f2 (24... cd4 25. Wgloo) 25. фd2 £}e4= This game is like composition dedicated to demonstrating the greatest possible number of perpetual check draws, by both black and white!] 18. £>f4 ^.g7 16
GARRY’S choice Photo by Harald Fictz Garry Kasparov at the European Club Cup, Rethymnon 2003. 19. Sh7?! White must have been convinced that a dash- ing victory was near with this move. But in fact, she is already in danger. There was no way to foresee Black’s sensational 21st move. |19. Wf3! This would make it much tougher for Black to hold the balance. 19... ®d7! (19... gf5? 20. Eh7; 19... £>g5? 20. Wg2; 19... <£g8 20. £c3) 20. Hh7 Wf5 21. ®h3 (21. Sh8 Eh8 22. £>d2 Hh2! 23. £>f 1 gf2 24. Wb3 Hf4 25. Af4 Wf4 26. ®d5 &f8 27. ®d8= Another hidden perpetual.) ®h3 22. Hh3 Hh3 23. £>h3 Sh8 24. £>f2 Ad4 25. Hhl 26. &d2 de4 27. £>a3 a) 27... ДЬ2 28. <фе1 ДЫ 29. <фе2 ДЬ2 30. ФА ДМ 31. &g2 Hgl 32. фЬ2 e5 Leading to an intriguing domination theme. 33. ДЫ Sdl al) 34. c3 e3 35. cd4 e2 36. £d2 (36. £>c2 cd4!-+) Sd2 37. Sei ed4; a2) 34. ЬЗ Феб 35. <£g3 Sgl 36. ФЬЗ ДЫ 37. <£g2 Sgl 38. ФЬ2 Sdl 39. Ae3!?; b) 27... e3 28. <£d3 e5 29. ДЫ c4 30. Фс4 e2 31. Ad2 gdl 32. JLel Ae3 33. ФЬЗ i.cl A picturesque position! 34. JLa5 JLg5 35. c4 ±h4] 19... Hh7 20. fg6 Wg6 21. Wf3 121. £ig6? ДЫ 22. <фе2 Sdl 23. £dl £>g6 24. dc5 ДЬ2!+] 21... Hf8!! Bravo Emil! A rare and shocking offer a queen with dis- covered check. As usual, the computer takes some of the joy out of it by quickly an- nouncing a forced draw. Both players de- serve credit for navigating the path. 17
GARRY'S choice 121... Ehl 22. Whl Wg5 23. £>e2 Wg4 24. £}d2 We2 25. Фе2 &g3 26. ФВ £ihl 27. фё2 cd4 28. ^f3 e5 29. ФЫ e4 30. ^el Фе6+; 27. dc5±] 22. ^d2! The only move to maintain the balance. From this point, there are countless paths that all lead to perpetual check. 122. &g6? <£g6 23. Wg2 JLd4 24. £>c3 Ef2+] 22... Wg5 23. fte4 Wgl 24. Фе2 Eh2 124... de4 25. Wb3=; 24... фе8 25. £>f2 Ad4 26. Ae3 Wai 27. Wg4!] 25. £>f2 [25... Фе8 26. ЛеЗ A reoccurring theme to bury the black queen in the comer to give time to the white queen to go on one more endless hunting trip. 26... Wai 27. Wd555/= Ef2 28. &f2 Ef6 a) 29. Wa8 ФП 30. Wd5 e6 31. Wb7 <£g8 32. dc5 (32. фе2 Wa2 33. £ih5 Wc4 34. &d2 Ef7 35. Wa8 фЬ7 36. £ig7) Wdl 33. We4 Wg4 34. c6 Ef7 35. c7 Ec7 36. We6 We6 37. £}e6 Ec2 (37... Ef7 38. фе2 ЛЬ2 39. c4) 38. Ф13; b) 29. Wc5 Wa2j 26. Wd5 ЕП 27. Wa8 Ef8 [27... JLf8 28. Wf3 e6 29. Ae3 Ef2 30. Wf2 Wai 31. Wg2 Eg7 32. We4 Wa2 33. &Ь5бб/=] 28. Wd5 ЕП 29. Wa8 EfB 30. Wd5 Л17 31. Wa8 1/2 : 1/2 G. Kasparov 25... <£g8 WHITE: Anna Muzychuk Country: Slovenia Born: 1990 Title: Grandmaster since 2012 Rating: 2586 Peak rating: 2606 BLACK: Emil Sutovsky Country: Israel Born: 1977 Title: Grandmaster since 1996 Rating: 2684 Peak rating: 2703 AMSTERDAM, VII 2012 cat. XIX (2705) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 IVANCHUK g 2769 '/2 '/2 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 KAMSKY g 2744 ’/2 '/2 '/2 1 1 1 4'/2 2 3 SUTOVSKY g 2687 '/2 '/2 l/2 '/2 '/2 1 3'/2 3 4 A. MUZYCHUK g 2606 0 '/2 '/2 l/2 1 '/2 3 4-5 5 LE QUANG LIEM g 2693 0 0 '/2 '/2 1 1 3 4-5 6 SASIKIRAN g 2707 0 0 '/2 0 0 1 l'/2 6 7 BA. JOBAVA g 2730 0 0 0 ’/2 0 0 '/2 7 18
GARRY’S choice * G. Kasparov — An. Karpov * * G. Kasparov — An. Karpov * ** Nepomniachtchi — Hi. Nakamura * *** Kramnik — Leko 81/89 В 12 G. KASPAROV 2849 - AN. KARPOV 2679 Linares 2001 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 ±f5 Eg7!) Eg7 22. Hdl £>e6 23. Ed5 Фс8 24. f4 Eg2^; b) 18. ±f4 Eg7 19. £>c7 &f8oo[ Ф18 [17... Wa5 18. c3 a) 18... £>d7 19. b4 £>b4 (19... Wa4 20. hg7 Ehg8 21. Edl+-) 20. cb4 Wb4 21. ±d2 Wb2 22. Edl±; b) 18... Ec8 19. hg7 Eg8 20. b4 Wa4 21. ±d6±; c) 18... 0-0-0!? 19. hg7 Hhg8 20. ±c7 Wa4 21. ±d8 <£d8 22. gdl Eg7 (22... Wa2 23. Wh5+-) 23. ±f3 a6 (23... Wa2 24. c4±) 24. £>d4 £>d4 25. cd4 £>d7 26. b3±; 17... Ec8 18. hg7 Sg8 19. 0-0-0 Eg7 20. ±d5±[ 18. hg7 &g7 19. 0-0-0± Ф18 [19... Ec8 20. c4! £>a5 21. cd5 £>d3 22. ФЫ £>f4 23. We5 ±f6 24. Wf4 Wb6 25. Hhgl+-; 19... Wa5! a) 20. a3!? Eag8 21. ±d2 Wa4 22. b3 Wa6 (22... W 23. cb3 ±a3 24. Фс2 £>b4 25. ±b4 Wb4 26. Eh3+-) 23. ±c3 ±f6 24. We3±; b) 20. ФЫ bl) 20... Hag8 21. ±d2 Wb6 22. ±c3 £f6 (22... f6 23. f4 &f8 24. £>d4±) 23. ±d5 ±c3 24. £>c3 ed5 25. £>d5 Wd8 (25... Wa5 26. b4 Wd8 27. bc5 Hh4 28. Wf3 Ehl 29. Whl ^ie5 30. f4 ^>g4 31. ^3e3 Wa5 32. Wb7! 33. Egl+-) 26. Wf3±; b2) 20... Wb4 21. ±d2 Wc4 22. Wc4 (22. £c3 f6 23. Wc4 dc4 24. ±c6 bc6 25. £>d4 Eac8 26. ±Ь4 фПоо) dc4 23. h5±] 20. ФЫ [20. c4!?[ a6? [20... Wa5 21. c4 dc4 22. Wc4 Wb4 23. Wb4 &b4 24. h5±[ 21. &c7 Ec8 * 4. £>c3 e6 5. g4 JLg6 6. <2}ge2 £>e7 7. £}f4 c5 8. dc5 £id7 9. h4 £ie5 10. £g2!? [10. JLb5[ h5 11. We2 £f7c6 12. £>g6 £>g6 13. Ig5! JLe7 14. gh5 £>f8?! [14... £>ge5?! 15. f4 <£jd7 16. 0-0-0-; 14... £>h4 15. J.h4 J.h4 16. £d5±; 14... ±g5 15. hg5 (15. hg6!? £>d4 16. Wd3 i.f6) £if4 16. Wg4 ^g2 17. Wg2 Wa5 18. 0-0-0 d4 19. £>e4 Wa2 20. &A6 фе7 21. Ed4 Wai 22. &d2 Wb2 23. Ef4 Eaf8 24. ®e4-; 16... Wc7!?oo] 15. £>b5 [15. f4 f6 16. h6 g6 (16... gh6 17. Wh5 &d7 18. f5 fg5 19. 0-0-0^) 17. 0-0-0 fg5 18. fg558j £>d7! [15... f6? 16. Af4 Wa5 17. c3 e5 18. b44~; 15... Wa5 16. ^.d2 Wd8 17. i.d5 £>d4 18. Wd3 ±c5 (18... ed5 19. £>d4±) 19. h6 gh6 20. ±b7 Eb8 21. £>d4 Eb7 22. i.c3±l 16. h6! 2>c5 [16... gh6? 17. £>d6 <£>f8 18. Wh5+-; 16... g6 17. ±e7 £e7 18. 0-0-0 0~0 (18... 2>c5 19. We5+-; 18... Wb8 19. h5 g5 20. £id6 £>f8 21. f4 gf4 22. Wf2±) 19. h5 g5 20. f4 £tf5 21. Ehg 1±| 17. ±14! [17. hg7 Eg8 a) 18. ±e7 We7 (18... £>e7!?) 19. ±d5 ed5 20. <Йс7 <£>d7 21. <2}a8!? (21. We7 £ie7 22. &a8 22. J.d5! [22. £id5 ed5 23. i.d5 Wb6 24. Wg4 Ed8 25. Wf5 (25. Ehgl £f6 26. ±h6 Eh6 27. Wg8 фе7 28. Wf7 <£d6oo) Ed5 26. Ed5 £>e6±[ ed5 23. Ed5 Wc7 [23... £id7 24. Eh5! Eh5 25. Wh5 ^.f6 26. i.d6 £>e7 27. £>d5+-; 23... Ec7 24. Ed8 i.d8 25. i.d6 £>e7 26. We5+-] 24. £c7 Ec7 25. Ef5! Ed7 26. c3 [26. Wc4 £id8 27. Ec5? Eh4![ f6© [26... Eh6! 27. We3! Ee6 28. Wf3 ±d6 19
GARRY’S choice (28... Фе8 29. Ш+-) 29. Wh5! £>e4 (29... £}e5 30. Sdl+-; 29... b6 30. ®h8 фе7 31. Wg8 £>d8 32. h5+—) 30. Wh8 Фе7 31. Wg8 Hf6 (31... £ie5 32. f4 Eg6 33. Ef7 2>f7 34. Wg6+-; 31... £>f6 32. Wg5 Ed8 33. Ef6 Ef6 34. Eel Ae5 35. f4+-; 31... £>d8 32. h5 Eh6 33. Wg4+-) 32. Ef6 &f6 33. Wh8 <£f5 34. Wh7 &f4 35. Wh6 &f5 36. Eel+-[ 27. Egl+~ £>d8 [27... Eh4 28. Ec5 Ac5 29. We6; 27... Ed8 28. Eh5 ФГ7 29. Ec5[ 28. Wg4 Фе8 29. Eh5 Ef8 30. Ec5 Дс5 31. Wh5 1:0 G. Kasparov 42/440 C 92 G. KASPAROV 2740 - AN. KARPOV 2705 London/Leningrad (m/16) 1986 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 £>c6 3. ±Ь5 a6 4. Да4 ^f6 5. 0-0 ±e7 6. Eel b5 7. Ab3 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. h3 Ab7 10. d4 Ee8 11. £>bd2 A.f8 12. a4 h6 13. ±c2 ed4 14. cd4 £>b4 15. Abl c5 16. d5 A>d7 17. Ea3 c4 18. £id4 Wf6!? 19. £>2f3 £>c5 [19... £>d3!? 20. ^.d3 (20. Ed3!? cd3 21. ab5^) b4! 21. ±c4! (21. Sal?! cd3 22. Wd3 £>c5 23. Wc4 a5! 24. &Ь5 Eac8+) ba3 22. b3oo[ 20. ab5 ab5 21. £>b5 [21. Ea8? Ea8 22. £ib5 Eal 23. &c3 2>bd3 24. Efl W+l Sa3 22. £>a3 Aa6 [22... £>bd3 23. J.d3 <2}d3 24. Ee3! Aa6! (24... £>Ь2?! 25. ±b2 Wb2 26. £>c4±) 25. Wa4 Ea8 26. Ad2 Wb2 (26... W 27. Wc2 Aid3 28. £>c4 Wai 29. &el!±) 27. £>c4 Wbl 28. ±el &c5 29. Wc6 Ec8 30. Wb6 Eb8 31. Wbl Eblog; 25. Wc2!?±[ 23. Ee3 23... Eb8! [23... £>cd3? 24. ±d3 cd3 25. Wa4 Eb8 26. ^.d2! Wb2 27. Eel!±; 23... £)bd3? 24. ^.d3 cd3 25. b4 £>e4 26. b5 (26. Wa4? Ec8) Ab7 27. Ed3! £>c3 28. Ab2 £>dl 29. £f6 2>f2 30. &f2 gf6 31. Aic4±; 23... g6? 24. ^.d2! Wb2 25. Ac3 Wa3 26. Wd4 Ee5 27. £>e5 £>b3 (27... ±g7 28. Wd2!±) 28. Wa7! de5 29. Ef3±l 24. e5! [24. Ec3? £>bd3!+ 25. £ic4? Wc3!-+; 24. £>el?! <2}bd3! 25. £>d3 cd3^[ de5 25. £>e5 £ibd3? [25... £icd3! 26. £>g4! (26. JLd3 £}d3 27. Ed3 cd3 28. £>d7 Wd6 29. Aib8 Wb8 30. Wa4=) Wd4! 27. £ic2! £>c2 28. i.c2 Wd5? 29. £>f6! gf6 30. Eg3 A Wg4+-; 28... i.c5!oo[ 26. £>g4? [26. £}ac4? Wf2 27. ФЫ &f4! 28. Wf3 Wf3 29. ЕП ^d5+; 26. Wc2! ЕЬ4П 27. &c6 Eb7 28. Ee8! g6! 29. ^.еЗ! (29. J.h6? Eb2 30. JJ8 Ф117 31. ±c5 Ec2? 32. ±d4!+-; 31... ^c5!+) Eb2 30. ±d4 Ec2 31. ±f6 Ecl 32. ФИ2 £>d7 33. J.d4 a) 33... £>h7 34. Ed8 J.d6 35. f4!! (35. g3? £>7e5! 36. Ed6 £if3 37. <^>g2 £idel 38. ФЫ!=) £f4 36. g3+-; b) 33... c3 34. ^.d3! J.d3 35. Ed8 c2! 36. £}c2 Ec2 37. Ed7±[ 26... Wb6! [26... Wf5?! 27. Ef3 Wd5 28. £a2! (28. ^.h6?! Eb2? 29. £>f6! gf6 30. Eg3±; 28... We6?!oo) We6 29. Ee3 Wd5 30. ^c4!± £c4 31. ^f6! gf6 32. Eg3 £g7 33. Wg4 34. ±c4+-[ 27. Eg3 g6! [27... ФЬ8?! 28. W! ^>e4! 29. £tf7 &g8 30. Ee3! ^3ef2! 31. Wh5! £c5 32. &g5! .&e3 33. Wh7 Ф18 34. Wh8 Фе7 35. Wg7 &d6 36. Wf6 <^>d7 37. Wf7 фс8 38. We8 фЬ7 39. We7 Wc7 40. We3±; 27... *53e4!? 28. Ee3! (28. 41h6? ФИ7+; 28. £>c4!? J.c4 29. Ed3 ^.d3 30. Wd3oo) £)ef2 29. £>f2 &f2 30. <£>f2 ±a3 31. Wc2! f5! 32. ba3 Wbl 33. Wbl Ebl 34. J.d2=] 28. i.h6 [28. W? J.h6 29. i.h6 Wb2+] Wb2 29. W13! £id7?! [29... Wa3 30. 20
GARRY’S choice ШФЬ8 31. Wh5! (31. ±f8 Ef8 32. Eg4! Wcl 33. ФЬ2 <^>g7! 34. £>h5 <^g8=) Ebl (31... i.d6? 32. JLf8!+—; 31... ^.g7? 32. Wh4!+-) 32. JLcl! (32. фЬ2? Ehl!! 33. ФЫ £>f2-+) <^>g7 33. &e8 <&g8 34. £>f6=; 29... ^.d6!? 30. ^.g5ooj 30. Af8 Ф18 [30... Ef8?! 31. £ih6 <i>g7! (31... ФЬ7? 32. W Wa3 33. We4! Wcl 34. ФЬ2 Whl! 35. ФЫ £if2 36. &gl £>e4 37. £e4 Ef7 38. Eg6! £ic5 39. JLc2! фЬ8 40. Ec6+-) 32. £>f5 ФЬ7 33. We3! gf5 34. Wg5 Wf2 35. Ф112 Wf4 36. Wh5 Wh6 37. Wf5 ФЬ8 38. Wd7 Wf4 39. Wg4 Wg4 40. Eg4±J ** 31. ФИ2! Eb3! 131... Wa3? 32. £>h6 We7 33. Eg6 Фе8! 34. ^.d3! cd3 (34... fg6 35. £g6 <^d8 36.£if7 Фс8 37. d6+-; 34... We5 35. g3 fg6 36. ^.g6 Фе7 37. d6! Феб 38. M5+-) 35. d6 We5 36. g3 fg6 37. Wf7 <£d8 38. Wg8 £rf8 39. £>f7+-; 31... <£g7?! 32. £}c4! Wbl 33. £>d6 £>3e5 34. £>e5 £>e5 35. We3! Wb2 36. £>f5 <£f8 37. f4! Ee8 38. fe5 We5 39. Wc5 &g8 40. £>h6 &g7 41. £>g4±; 31... Wcl 32. ^.d3 cd3 33. £>f6! £>e5 34. We4 d2 (34... Wc7 35. Wd4!±) 35. We5 dl W 36. Wb8 ^>g7 (36... ^.c8 37. Ee3! Wd4 38. Wd6 ^>g7 39. £ie8 ФЬ7 40. £ib5±) 37. £>e8! Ф117 38. Ee3! Wd4 39. Wd6±[ 32. ±d3 cd3? [32... Ed3 33. Wf4 Wa3 34. £>h6 We7 35. Eg6 We5 36. We5! £ie5 37. Ea6 Ed5 38. Ea8! Фе7 39. £>f5 Феб 40. £ie3±; 32... Ea3! 33. Wf4 Ed3 34. Wd6 Фg7 35. Wd7 Eg3 36. fg3 ^.b7! (36... c3? 37. Wc7! c2 38. £>e5 Wb7 39. Wc3! clW! 40. Wcl Wd5 41. Wai! We6 42. £>d7 f6 43. £>c5+-; 36... Wd4? 37. Wc6! c3 38. Wa6 c2 39. Wa3 Wd2 40. Wb2 фg8 41. £>f6 Ф18 42. Wb8! Фg7 43. £>d7!+-) 37. h4! ±a8!! 38. Wd8 Wd4 39. Wa8 Wg4 40. Wai ф£8!П 41. d6 Фе8 42. Wa4 фd8 43. Wa5 Фе8 44. Wb5 Wd7 45. We5 We6=l 33. Wf4 Wa3?© [33... Ea3? 34. Ef3! Wb8 (34... f6 35. Wd6 Фе8 36. £>f6 £>f6 37. Ee3+-; 34... f5 35. Wd6 Фе8 36. ЕеЗ фd8 37. £>e5 ±b5 38. £ic6 J.c6 39. dc6 Wb8 40. Ee8! фе8 41. cd7+~; 34... фе8 35. Wf7 Фd8 36. d6 Wh8 37. £>f6+-; 34... фе7 35. Wf7 Фd6 36. We6 Фс7 37. Ef7 £b5 38. £>e5 d2 39. Ed7 Ad7 40. Wd7 ФЬ6 41. £>c4+-) 35. d6 We8 36. ЕеЗ! Wc8 37. Ee7 J.c4 38. Wh6 Фg8 39. Ed7+-; 33... d2! 34. £>h6 £}f6! 35. Wd6 (35. Eb3 Wb3 36. Wf6 Wd5 37. 2>f7 dlW 38. £>d6 фg8 39. Wg6 ФГ8 40. Wf6 Фg8 41. ^)f5!? Wf5!! 42. Wf5 Wd6=) Фе8 36. Wa6!! dlW 37. Wa8 фd7! 38. £>c4 Wbal! 39. Wc6 Фе7 40. Wc7 £id7 41. £>f5! ФГ6 42. Wd8 ФГ5 43. Wg5 Фе4 44. Eb3 Фd4 45. Wf4 Фс5 46. Ef3±-[ 34. £>h6 We7 35. Eg6 We5 36. Eg8 Фе7 37. d6!+- Феб 38. Ee8 Фd5 39. Ee5 £>e5 40. d7 Eb8 41. ^17 1:0 G. Kasparov В 12 NEPOMNIACHTCHI 2733 - HI. NAKAMURA 2751 Wijk aan Zee 2011 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 M5 4. h4 h5 5. c4 e6 6. £>c3 7. £}ge2 *** 7... Ag4 8. f3 ±f5 9. £>g3 ^.g6 10. Ag5 Wb611.Wd2£>d7 [oo-lll/(51)l 12.a3f6 13. ^.еЗ Wb3 14. cd5 £>d5 15. £>d5 Wd5 16. Ecl £>b6 17. foe2 fe5 18. de5 We5 19. ±d4 Wc7 20. Wg5 ±f5 21. g4 hg4 22. fg4 ±e4 21
GARRY’S choice 23. Eh3 Ae7 24. Wg7 Eh7 25. We5 We5 26. Ae5 Ah4 27. £>g3 £>d7 28. Ad4 AG 29. g5 Ag4 30. g6 Eh6 31. Eh4 Eh4 32. Ec3 AB 33. EB Ed4 34. Ah3 £>e5 35. Ef6 ftd3 36. фе2 £>f4 37. феЗ e5 38. Ef7 Ed3 39. Фе4 Eg3 40. Ad7 &d8 41. Af5 £ig6 42. Eg7 Eb8 43. b4 b5 44. Ag6 Eg5 0:1 91/74 В 12 KRAMNIK 2770 - LEK6 2741 Brissago (m/14) 2004 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Af5 4. h4 h6 5. g4 Ad7 **** 6. £>d2 c5 |6... e6 7. W c5] 7. dc5 e6 17... Wc7oo] 8. £>b3 Ac5 9. £ic5 Wa5 10. c3 Wc5 И. ЗДЗ 111. Ae3 Wc7 12. f4 h5| Aie7 12. Ad3 £>bc6 [12... ®c7 13. ®e2 £>bc6oo A 14. Af4 d4 15. £>d4 £>d4 16. cd4 £id5[ 13. Ae3 Wa5 14. ®d2 114. We2 £>g6 15. b4 Wa3! 16. 0-0 (16. Ad2 &f4!) 2>ge5 17. 2>e5 £>e5[ £>g6 [14... d4! 15. cd4 (15. £>d4 <^e5 16. Ae2 Wd5; 15. Ad4 &d4 16. cd4 Wd5 17. Eh3 Ab5oo) &o4 16. 0-0 Ab5s?[ 15. Ad4 £>d4 |15... Wc7 16. We3+] 16. cd4 Wd2 |16... Wb6 17.0-0-0 Ab5 18. Ab5 Wb5 19. ФЫ+1 17. <£d2± £if4 18. Eacl! |18. Afl h5 19. g5 Ec8 20. ФеЗ <2}g6 21. Ad3 £>e7[ h5 118... £id3 19. Фd3+| 19. Ehgl! Ac6 |19... £>h3?! 20. Eg3! ^f2 21. gh5±] 20. gh5 £>h5 21. Ь4! a6 [21... Фd8 22. b5 Ae8 23. феЗ g6 24. Ec3±; 21... Фе7 22. Ь5 Ad7 23. Ec7 Ь6 (23... Eab8 24. Ь6) 24. £>g5 Ehc8 25. Egcl f6 26. £>h3±] 22. a4! [22. ФеЗ g6 23. £id2 £>g7[ Фd8 [22... Aa4 23. Ec7 Ab5 24. Eb7 (24. Abl!?) Ad3 25. Фd3; 22... Фе7! 23. b5 ab5 24. ab5 Ad7 25. Ec7 b6± 26. £>g5 Ehc8 a) 27. Eb7 <5}f41? (27... Ecb8 28. Eb8 Eb8) 28. Ш Ea2 29. ФеЗ Aid3 30. Eg7 ЁсЗ 31. £ig5 ФВ 32. Egd7 £>e5 33. ФГ4 &d7 34. Ed7 Ee2; b) 27. Ec8 Ec8 28. £>f7 ФП 29. Ag6 ФВ 30. Ah5 Ec4] 23. £>g5 Ae8 24. b5! £if4 |o 24... ab5 25. Ab5 b6 (25... Hf8 26. Ae8 Фе8 27. Sc7 Ла4 28. ЛЫ Ed4 29. ФеЗ Ec4 30. Ecb7 ЛсЗ 31. Фd2 Ec8 32. Sa7+-; 25... £>f4 26. ФеЗ) 26. Ae8 (26. феЗ Ла7 27. ЛсЗ±) Де8 (26... Фе8 27. gc7+-) 27. ^f7 Фd7 28. £>d6 Sf8±J 25. b6 ^)d3 [25... f6 26. £rf3+~ £ld3 27. Фd3 Ah5 28. Hg7!l 26. Фd3 Sc8 [26... Hh4 27. Ec7 Дс8 28. £>f7+-1 27. Ec8 Фс8 [H 9/i] 28. Ecl Ac6 29. £>f7 Eh4 30. ^)d6 Фd8 [30... Фd7 31. W Eh3 32. Фе2+-[ 31.Egl [31. ФеЗ Eh3 32. f3| Eh3 32. фе2 ЕаЗ [32... Eh7 33. a5 Фе7 34. феЗ Ф(8 35. Ес1+-133. Eg7 Еа4 [33... Еа2 34. ФеЗ ЕаЗ 35. ФГ4 На4 36. Фg5 Ed4 37. ФГ6 Ef4 38. Фе6+-] 34. f4! Еа2 [34... Ed4 35. f5 ef5 36. еб Ее4 37. £>е4 de4 38. Ес7+-[ 35. Ф13 ЕаЗ 36. Фg4 Ed3 [36... Sal 37. W Ab7 38. Eb7 Egl 39. ФИ5 a5 40. Ea7 Ebl 41. фg6 Eb6 42. ФП+-1 37. f5 Ed4 [37... ef5 38. ФГ5 Eh3 (38... Ad7 39. e6 Ef3 40. Фg4) 39. e6[ 38. Фg5 ef5 39. ФГ6 Eg4 40. Ec7 Eh4 41. ^f7 1 : 0 Kramnik Your feedback at www.informant1966.com 22
THE VERSATILITY OF THE KHIGHT f we think of the chess pieces as individual fighters, we could abstractly consider our fa- vourite game a "team sport". Indeed, the success of most strategic or tactical operations is en- sured by a collective effort, like it happens in, for instance, football matches. After all, even such living legends as Maradona and Zidane were known as "team players". Excessive individualism is usually criticized in football and rarely succeeds in bringing posi- tive results in chess. However, there is one speciffic piece that stands apart. The knight s original way of jumping around is strongly reminiscent of the unnatural way of running and explosive change of directions that characterized Mane Garrincha, widely known as the best dribbler ever. Moreover, the knight is capable of creating weak squares in the en- emy camp and then occupying them, a versatility that beats the Brazilian s best achievements. Indeed, Garrincha gave many decisive passes and was an outstanding header himself, despite his low stature, but never at the same time, of course! I believe that the first time when I understood the multifunctionality of the knight was after seeing the following game. In the early ’90s, I played quite a bunch of Spanish tournaments shoulder to shoulder with my countryman Mihai §uba. This proved an invaluable chess school for me and his ex- planations on the present game were doubt- lessly part of it. E 14 FRANCO OCAMPOS 2480 - M. $UBA 2500 Berga 1993 1. d4 ^f6 2. &f3 e6 3. e3 c5 4. b3 b6 5. Jld3 Jlb7 6. 0-0 ^e7 7. ^b2 0-0 8. c4 cd4 9. ed4 d5 10. ^сЗ ^c6 11. Ш2?! Slightly careless. White should prefer 11. Scl, when after 11... ^b4 12. JLbl White does not need to play a2-a3 too early. Every new idea is actually a well forgotten one There is an almost unanimous opinion that, in chess as in other fields, the beginning of the third Millenium features an explosion of information without precedent. To me, this seems a bit exagerated. I remember that as a kid I found similar statements in many of the opening monographies of the ’80s, the '70s and even of the ’50s. Believe it or not, a similar informatic explosion is described in the introduction of the first edition of the Bilgucr, the Chess Encyclopaedia of the 19th century. There is nothing really new in life and in chess. In every game, there comes a moment when a novelty inevitably pops up, but one cannot be sure that the idea behind it has not been played before. In this column, I will try to highlight the way in which certain strategic and tactical ideas have maintained their actuality over the decades and sometimes centuries. Remarkably, the modem interpretation not always is more accurate than the classical one. I invite you to re-discover together well forgotten ideas from the past. Mihail Marin 24
MARINS column 11... 4hb4! The central remark from §uba’s confessions to me after the game was that this method of play was described by Alekhine: the knight provokes the weakening move a2-a3, in order to later jump to a5 and put pressure on the white queenside. 12. JLbl Sc8 13. Hdl 2e8 14. £}e5 As we will see, the advanced position of the knight will later force White to weaken even more squares. However, at the present time this move is necessary. [Indeed, after 14. a3 £}c6 (intending ...£}a5) 15. cd5 Black can safely answer 15... £}d5] JLf8 15. a3 ftc6 16. cd5 White needs to release the tension. [If he consolidates his d4-pawn with 16. ®e3, Black can develop his initiative with 16... £}a5 17. Jla2 £}d7 when the b3- and c4-pawns would be under strong pres- sure.] 16... ed5 [The point behind 14. £}e5 is that 16... ^d5? loses to 17. <£h7! фЬ7 18. Wh5 &g8 19. Wf7 Ф117 20. ®Ь7+-1 17. If5 Sc7 The situation in the centre has stabilized, but White needs a solution against ...£}c6-a5. 18. b4 A convenient solution at this stage of the game, but in the long run the weakness of the c4-square may tell. 18... Sce7 Forcing the weakening of the e4-square as well. 19. f4 We can summarize the consequences of the knight jump to b4. White’s position looks more active, but he has no clear targets yet. At the same time, the weakness of his light squares cannot be repaired in any way and of- fers Black good prospects in the long run. 19... g6 20. Jlc2 Wd6 21. <£b3 <£g7 22. Wf3 £}d8!? Heading for e6 and clearing the c-file for the rooks. 23. Sacl a6 24. b5 a5 25. a4 [25. f5 gf5 26. Wf5 He5 27. de5 Se5 28. Wh3 (28. Wf2? ^g4; 28. Wf3 d4) Sh5 29. ^e4 Hh3 30. ^d6 Sb3 31. W Sb2^J Sc7 26. £}bl A clear hint that White failed to find an active plan. The last move gives the signal for simplifications, allowing Black to take over the initiative. 26... Scl 27. Scl £}e6 28. g3 Yet another small weakness. 28... Wb4 29. Wd3 ^e4+ Black has occupied one of the weak central squares in full comfort. White may have hoped that, since the other knight cannot get to c4 easily, his position would remain holdable. 30. Hdl?! ^6c5!~+ This simple tactical operation is an even better plan than the aforementioned one. It is instructive that the knight which had indirectly provoked the gradual deterioration of the white structure delivers the decisive blow. 31. dc5 £}c5 32. ЛаЗ ^d3 33. ЛЬ4 ^b4 34. ^d7 Se3 35. £}d2 Jlc3 0 : 1 ML Marin 25
MARIN’S column $uba did not tell me which game of Alekhine he had in mind when making his instructive remark, but I believe that the next one is quite characteristic for what he meant. A 84 BOGOLJUBOV - ALEKHINE Hastings 1922 This is regarded as one of Alekhine’s most spectacular tactical achievements. I believe that the whole preparatory strategic phase, in which the knight plays an essential part, is of no lesser interest. Alekhine — Bogoljubov 1. d4 f5 2. c4 ^f6 3. g3 e6 4. Ag2 Ab4 5. Ad2 ^d2 6. ^d2 |6. Wd2!| ^c6 7. ^gf3 0-0 8. 0-0 d6 9. Wb3 *h8 10. Wc3 e5 11. e3 a5 12. Ь3|12. аЗ a4?[ We8 At this stage of the game, the queen manoeuvre has a purely attacking purpose. However, we will notice that e8 is a key square in the fight for the light squares — see the 23rd move. 13. a3 Did Bogoljubov hope to build up a queenside attack, or just simply feared the in- trusion of the enemy knight to d3 after the preliminary ...e5-e4? The second answer would be more suggestive for the main theme of our article: the knight provoked the weakening a2-a3 without even jumping to b4! Be it as it may, the way the game went, the last move proved an ireparable weakening of the queenside light squares. 13... ®h5 14. h4 [14. de5?! de5 15. ^e5? ^e5 16. We5 £}g4-+; 14. b4? e4 15. £>el 15. b5 eB 16. JLf3 £}g4 17. Ag4 fg4 18. Ьсб ЬсбТ Marin) ab4+l £}g4 15. ^g5 [15. b4!?[ ^d7 16. В [16. Ac6 Ac6 17. f3 ed4 18. fg4? 18. ed4 £>f6oo Marin) dc3 19. gh5 cd2+[ ^f6 [A f4| 17. f4 e4 18. Sfdl [A^fl,Xg3; 18. d5 (! Alekhine) ^e7 19. Hfdl h6 20. W a4 21. b4 b5+ We can see that Alekhine’s recomandation would not spare White from all sorts of troubles on the light squares after all!] h6 19. £}h3 There is no immediate danger for White on the kingside, but his h3-knight and the bishop are very passive, as a direct consequence of Black’s positional attack. 19... d5! The signal for the global plan on the light squares. 20. £tfl ^e7 |A a4, Xd5[ 21. a4 |ХЬ4, a4[ ^c6! For the time being, the knight has not suc- ceeded in occupying the d5-square, but the b4-square has become available. 22. Hd2 <ЙЬ4 23. ^hl We8!I 26
MARIN’S column lb5 37. Sb5 Wb5 38. g4 £rf3! After having provoked the weakening of the queenside and central light squares, the knight quits the scene in order to effect similar damage on the only remaining area of white pieces. 39. М3 ef3 40. gf5 [40. g5 ^g4] ®e2!!O 41. d5 [41. £>h3 ^g4; 41. Sh3 ^g4; 41. Shi ^g4] <£g8 42. h5 ФИ7 43. e4 ^e4 44. ^e4 We4 45. d6 cd6 46. f6 gf6 47. Sd2 We2 48. Se2 fe2 49. ФГ2 eflW 50. ФП &g7 51. фГ2 ФП 52. феЗ Феб 53. фе4 d5 0:1 Alekhine A fantastic switch from one wing to another! Because of the hanging a4-pawn, White can- not maintain his structure intact. 24. Sg2 [24. c5 b5!] dc4 25. bc4 [25. ®c4 ^fd5+] ^a4 26. ftf2 Jld7 27. ^d2 b5! The final phase of Alekhine’s brilliant plan. White has to either give up control over the d5-square or let the b5-pawn advance. 28. £}dl £}d3 Alekhine refrains from the obvious capture on c4, in order not to help the enemy knight get to e5. He reserves a more glorious fate to his versa- tile knight than just blocking on d5, sending it forward to take part in the decisive opera- tions. 29. Ha5 [29. cb5 ДЬ5 30. Sa5 ^d5 31. ®a3 Sa5 32. ®a5 Wc6~+] b4 30. Sa8 [30. ®al Sa5 31. Wa5 Wa8 32. Wa8 Sa8-+] bc3I! [30... Wa8 31. Wb3 ^a4 31... ®al-+ A 32... Jla4, 32... Ha8) 32. Wbl (Alekhine) £}g4—I- Although the game move is not necessarily the best, one cannot help admiring its beauty.] 31. Se8 c2!I 32. Щ8 фЬ7 Black is two rooks down, but... winning! 33. £J2 cl W 34. ^fl &el 35. Sh2 Wc4 36. Sb8 I will allow myself a short digression. When writing the short comment on the 32rd move, I remembered that a similar situation occured in a game of... (what a coincidence!) M. §uba! 57/(239) A. ISTRATESCU 2450 - M. $UBA 2525 Romania (ch) 1992 After 32... Wb4 33. c3 Wb3!? 34. ab3 a2 I met §uba on his way to the smoking area. A somewhat unusual expression on his face made me ask him about his position (we were play- ing in the same team). With a broad smile, he answered: "I am three pieces down!" The game eventually ended in a draw. It is curious that an experienced grandmaster like Bogoljubov fell into the same strategic trap eight years after his game against Alekhine, namely to the Russian’s predecessor on the highest throne. 27
MARIN’S column Jose Raid Capablanca E 12 BOGOLJUBOV - CAPABLANCA Bad Kissingen 1928 Capablanca’s style was quite different from Alekhine’s and the final execution in this game had a less brilliant, but equally impres- sive character. 1. d4 2. c4 e6 3. b6 4. ^c3 ^b7 5. ^g5 Ae7 6. e3 £}e4 7. Ae7 We7 8. ^e4 Ae4 9. ^d2 ДЬ7 10. ^e2 Wg5 11. Af3 ±f3 12. W13 ^c6 13. Wg3 Wg3 14. hg3 Фе7 The position does not promiss much of a fight, but pawn play implies many subtleties and Bogoljubov apparently was no worthy opponent for the great Cuban in this field. 15. g41 Since this pawn actually comes from the h-file we can state that this is the first of four consecutive rook pawn moves. Not all of them have the same objective merits, though. 15... h6! Preventing g4-g5 with unpleasant pressure. 16. аЗ?! Once again, the reasons behind this move are obscure, but its effects ireparable in the long run. In any case, it is for sure the сб-knight that provoked (by a complicated psychological mechanism, most likely) this inaccuracy. 16... a6! Displaying the first queenside ambitions. Black plans ...b6-b5. 17. Фе2 Hhb8 18. ^e4 [18. b4 b5 (A a5) 19. Sh5 (19. c5 a5) bc4 20. Hc5; 18. Hh5! V. Panovl b5 19. c5 It seems as if White had gained some space, but this is a temporary achievement. 19... d51 20. cd6 [20. ^c3 b4T; 20. ^d2 e5^ In these two lines given by V. Panov we can notice the excellent blockading role played by the knight.] cd6+ The space advantage has vanished, but the weakness of the b3- and c4-squares remains. 28
MARINS column 21. f4 This attacking move looks more justi- fied than a2-a3, but will have similar strate- gic consequences. 16 moves later, the black knight will invade the e4-square with deci- sive effects. [21. g5 d5 V. Panov; 21. Нас 1 Hc8 (21... &d7 22. g5t d5? 23. £}c5) 22. g5 d5 23. gh6? de4 24. h7 (= V. Panov) <£>d6—H Hc8 22. f5 122. g5 d5 (V. Panov) 23. &c5 hg5 24. fg5 e5[ £>a5! 23. &d3 £>c4 As a direct consequence of the unnecessary a2-a3, this knight will not be easy to kick out. 24.Habl [24. b3 d5!? (24... £>a5 25. £>d2 V. Panov) 25. 4hc5 4}e5! This tactical blow re- minds us of Suba’s ...4X6-c5! in the game against Franco. 26. de5 Hc5 27. Had Hac8 28. Hc5 Hc5+] d5 25. 4X3 [Quite sadly, oc- cupying the tempting c5-square would only help Black develop his initiative. 25. 4X5 e5! (Л e4, ХеЗ, A a5-a4, X4X4) 26. e4? de4 27. 4x4 (27. Фе4 4}d2) Hd8-+ V. Panovl Дсб 26. fe6 fe6 [A Hac8, A £f6-g5] 27. g5I? Desperation. [27. Hh5 Hac8 A 4}b2! V. Panov; 27. e4 Hac8 28. Hhcl de4 29. 4X4 W! V. Panovl hg5 28. Hh5 &f6 29. Hh3 Hac8 [A 43b2] 30. 4X2 a5 31. Hf3 &g6 32. g4 White fights hard to survive, but Black’s ac- tivity is overwhelming. 32... Capablanca could not resist the temptation to make use of the other weak square in the centre, which makes the game instructive for our theme. In doing so, he misses a quicker win, though. [32... e5!-+l 33. £>c3 b4 34. ab4 ab4 35. ^dl [35. ^a2 ^e4 36. ^b4 Sc4 37. ^a2 Sc2 38. Sdl Sb2 39. £>cl Sell V. Panov] Sc2 [A ^e4, Sd2#J 36. Sf2 b3 37. Sal ^e4 38. Se2 S8c6O 39. Sbl e5 40. Sal S6c4 41.Sa5 Black s control over the light squares is over- whelming, but, just as in the first game of this article, the decisive blow will be delivered on c5, a dark square. 41... £}c5! Simple, but as ele- gant as Garrincha’s repeated scoring directly from the comer. [42. dc5 e4# A nice tactical way to finish the game.] 0 : 1 V. Panov, ML Marin 29
MARIN’S column Sometimes, the player with a knight may sac- rifice a pawn in order to create some space for this tricky piece. An instant of careless- ness made Black land into trouble in the fol- lowing famous game, played at the highest level. 38/520 D 34 AN. KARPOV 2705 - G. KASPAROV 2715 Moscow (m/9) 1984/85 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. £>f3 c5 4. cd5 ed5 5. g3 £>f6 6. Ag2 Ae7 7.0-0 0-0 8. £ic3 £ic6 9. Ag5 cd4 10. £>d4 h6 11. ФеЗ He8 12. ®b3 £>a5 13. Wc2 Jig4 14. £>f5 Дс8 15. Ad4 N ±c5 16. Ф.с5 Hc5 17. £ie3± Феб [17... d4 18. Hadl±] 18. Hadi ®c8 [18... £>c4 19. £}ed5 £id5 20. e4±[ 19. Wa4 Hd8 20. Hd3 a6 21. Hfdl [21. Wdl!? A 21... £>c4 22. £>ed5 £>d5 23. £>d5 Ad5 24. Ad5 W 25. JLf7 ФП 26. Hd8 £>dl 27. Hc8 Hc8 28. Hdl+1 £>c4 22. £>c4 [22. &ed5 £>d5 23. £>d5 JLd5 24. ±d5 Hdd5 25. Hd5 Hd5 26. Hd5 W 27. Wd4 £>d5 28. Wd5 Wcl=[ Hc4 23. Ш5 [23. Wb3!?[ Hc5 24. Wb6 Hd7 25. Hd4 Wc7 26. Wc7 Hdc7 27. h3 [27. e3!?[ h5 28. a3 g6 29. e3 <£g7 30. ФЬ2 [30. £id5 £>d5 31. JLd5 ФЬЗ=| Hc4 31. фй b5 32. £>g2 H7c5 33. Hc4 Hc4 34. Hd4 Af8 35. Фе2 Hd4 36. ed4 фе7 [36... £>e4!? 37. <Ш2 £>d6=[ 37. £>a2 Фс8 38. £>Ь4 Ф06 39. 13 £>g8 40. h4 £>h6 41. ФГ2 £>f5 42. £>c2 f6?! [^ 42... J.d7+| 43. ^.d3 g5 44.1.f5 Af5 45. £>e3 Abl 46. b4 White’s advantage in the endgame is obvi- ous, but it is almost impossible to prove a forced way to make progress. Unless Black kindly cooperates... 46... gh4? [^ 46... Jlg6±| 47. £}g2!I What a shock! White does not need the h4-pawn, he can make better use of the 30
MARIN’S column square instead! Suddenly, the knight has all the space it had been dreaming of. This ending has been thoroughly examined in countless magazines and books, so I will just keep the original annotations from the Informant. 47... hg3 48. ^g3 Феб 49. £>f4 Ф15 50. £h5! [Д £>g7-e8-c7[ Феб 51. £>f4 фаб 52. фg4 Ac2 53. Ф115 Adi 54. ф^б Фе7 55. £d5 (?) [By prematurely clearing the d5-square, White offers Black chances for counterplay and complicates his technical task. As I proved in "Learn from the Legends — Chess champions at their best", White can win systematically with 55. £>h5!] феб?! [r^ 55... &d6] 56. <£c7 ФО7 57. Фаб A13 58. ФГ6 Ф06 59. ФГ5 Фd5 60. ФГ4+- Ahl 61. ФеЗ Фс4 62. £>с5 Асб [62... Ag2 63. £id3 ФЬЗ 64. £jf4 Ab7 65. Фd3 ФаЗ 66. фсЗ+-[ 63. £d3 Ag2 64. Ф1е5 ФеЗ 65. £ig6 Фс4 66. £е7 АЬ7 [66... ФЬЗ 67. d5 ФаЗ 68. d6+~I 67. £f5 Ag2 68. £id6 ФЬЗ 69. ФЬ5 фа4 70. £d6 1:0 Е. Geller I had the fortune of playing in the tourna- ment where the following gem was pro- duced. Deep in the endgame, the knight managed to operate miracles by creating an unexpected mating net. 49/522 D 76 K. NINOV 2465 - FTACNIK 2560 Stara Zagora (zt) 1990 1. £>13 ФГ6 2. c4 g6 3. £}c3 Ag7 4. g3 0-0 5. Ag2 d5 6. cd5 £>d5 7.0-0 £>c6 8. d4 £>b6 9. e3 [9. d5 - 49/(522)1 Se8 10. d5 110. ®e2 - Lubomir Ftacnik 49/(522)1 £>a5 11. £>d4 Ad7 12. a4 [12. £lb3 - 49/(522); 12. e4 - 49/(522)1 Sc8 13. £>ЬЗ?! N [13. £ice2 - 45/(538)1 £ibc4! [13... £>ЬЗ?! 14. Wb3 a5 15. Sdl 1 14. £>c5 [14. e4 c6 15. <£c5 cd5 16. £)d7 Wd7 17. £}d5 Sed8+; 14. £>a5 <£a5 15. e4 c6| c6 15. £}d7 [15. dc6 Ac6 16. e4 ®b6+| Wd7 16. dc6 Wdl 17. Sdl Ьсб!? 117... Феб 18. Sd7 Sed8 19. Sb7 Ac3 20. bc3 Sdl 21. Afl Scd8+1 18. Afl 118. e4 ФЬЗ 19. Sbl Фс1 20. SbclCJ ФЬ2 21. Sd7^; 18... Sed8!+[ Sed8 19. Sa2 [19. Ae2!? ФЬЗ 20. Sbl Sdl 21. £>dl (21. Adi Фс1 22. Scl ФЬ2 23. Ab3+) ФЬ6 22. e4 Д Ae3[ Ac3 20. Sd8 Sd8 21. bc3 Sdl 22. Sc2 [22. Aa3 £id2-+| e5 [22... f5 23. Фg2 e5 24. e4! fe4 25. Ae2 Sd7 26. Ah6^; 22... Sei 23. Фg2 e5 24. Ad3 f5 25. e4! fe4 26. Ae2 A 26... e3 27. fe3 e4 28. ф(2 Shi 29. Фg2=; 22... ФЬЗ 23. Фg2□ фа1! (23... Scl 24. Scl ФеЗ 25. fe3 Фс1 26. Ac4 e5 27. e4 Фg7 28. ФВ f5 29. ef5 gf5 30. ФеЗ e4 31. Фd2 £>d3 32. Ad3) 24. Sa2 Scl 25. Ac4 Фg7+I 23. e4I? [23. Фg2 e4 24. Ae2 Sd7 (24... Sd3!?) 25. f3 f5 A Sb7-bl-al+[ £ib3 24. Фg2□ The follow- ing move strongly requires a diagram. 31
MARINS column 24... £}al! The comers are supposed to be the worse squares for the knights. One could hardly anticipate the glorious carrier await- ing the al-knight; sometimes, one has to go as low as possible before taking off to the skies... 25. ^e2 Sei 26. Sa2 Hcl 27. ^c4 [H 9/i] ф§7! 28. НаЗ?! [28. ^e2 £>b3 29. Sa3 ^d2! (29... ^c5 30. ФВ g5 A 31. феЗ Shi) 30. ^d3 Sel+; 28. a5 ^c2! 29. ФВ (29. ФЬЗ £el 30. Sa3 Sc2 31. Sb3 Sf2) ^el 30. Фе2 Sc3 31. £f7 &B!+1 ^c2 29. Sb3 [29. Sa2 &el 30. ФП ^B 31. Фе2 Sc3-+1 ^el 30. ФЬЗ [30. ФЯ ^d3 31. Фе2 ^c5 32. Sa3 ^e4+] Sc2! [30... ^B 31. Sb7 ^g5 32. фg2 Sc3 33. <£b3 A h4±d 31. Sb7 [31. f4 32. Sb7 £>gl! 33. Фg4 h51 Sf2 32. Sa7 h5 33. a5 [33. g4 SB 34. ФЬ4 ФЬ6 35. g5 (35. gh5 gh5) Фg7 36. Sf7 Sf7 37. JLf7 ФГ7 38. a5 (38. фgЗ ^d3 39. a5 ^c5-+) £>B 39. Фg3 ^g5 40. аб ^e6 41. a7 ^c7-+] g5 Things have gone wrong for White, so he has to try a desperate measure. 34. Sf7D Sf7 35. JLf7 ФГ7 It may appear that the a-pawn can- not be stopped. Miracles are needed, but... also available! 36. g4 [Absolutely necessary. The hurried 36. a6 would allow the creation of a deadly mat- ing net after 36... g4 37. фЬ4 фg6 followed by ...£}B#.[ h4 37. a6 There is no obvious threat now, so White switched back to his main "plan". 37... £}d3!! This simple move wins two tempi for the quest of stopping the pawn. Black threatens ...£}f4# and White can avoid it only by moving his king to another vulnerable square. This succession of mating patterns, created by the knight with the help of the pawns, is rarely seen in practical games and is more typical of artistic chess. 38. Фg2□ £}f4 This is the second tempo. The knight arrives just in time. 39. ФВ 4}e6 40. a7 ^c7 41. феЗ Феб 42. фаз фаб 43. фс4 с5 44. ФЬЗ Феб 0 : 1 Ftdcnik 32
MARIN’S column Finally, we will see a game played shortly be- fore the closing of this Informant issue, fea- turing our main theme in its purest form. The black knight will not need even the feeble assistence of the pawns in order to clear its path through White’s defences. D 46 J. GUSTAFSSON 2629 - R. PONOMARIOV 2726 Dortmund 2012 1. d4 d5 2. ^f6 3. c4 c6 4. ^сЗ e6 5. e3 ^bd7 6. Wc2 Jld6 7. ^d3 0-0 8. 0-0 dc4 9. JLc4 e5 10. ^b3 h6 11. h3 He8 12. ^d2 e4 13. ^h4 Jlb8 14. £>f5 ^b6 15. ^g3 ^g3 16. fg3 ^e6 17. g4 ^c4 18. ^c4 ^c4 19. ^e2 £>d6 20. ^c3 Hc8 21. <£el ^d5 22. ^d5 cd5 23. We2 He7 24. ^h4 f6 25. Had gel 26. Hcl Hc7 27. Wei Hcl 28. Wcl Wc8 29. Wc8 ^c8 30. ФП ФГ7 31. Фе2 &g6 32. ^g3 h5 33. gh5 Ф115 34. ^c7 ^e7 35. £d6 ^c6 36. b3 g5 37. g3 f5 38. &d2 f4 39. gf4 gf4 40. ^f4 Ф114 41. ^d6 ФИЗ 42. Фе2 &g2 The black king has reached such an advanced position that, with the minor pieces off the board, the ending would be easily won for Black. The way it is, Black only needs to get his knight to g3 in order to win, but the mo- bile white bishop can try to prevent this plan. 43. £c5 a6 44. ^d6 £}d8 45. <£e5 £>f7 [A ^g5-h3-f2-hl-g3, A W-g4-f2-hl-g3] 46. JLf4 The first attempt of activating the knight has failed. We have a typical domination of the bishop over the knight. 46... £}d8 47. JLe5 &gl 48. Фе1 £}c6 49. <£d6 49... £}a7! Well played. The knight forces the gradual weakening of the white queenside. 50. a4 [50. Ac5 Ш 51. ^b4 (51. ^e7 <£g2 52. фе2 ^c3 53. <£d2 ^a2 (A a5, Ш) 54. Ь4 Ф13 55. Ac5 £>cl! 56. Фс1 феЗ) Фg2 52. фе2 £}c7! It becomes clear that from b4 the bishop cannot return to the op- posite wing under optimal circumstances. 53. Ae7 (53. ^d6 ^e6 54. Af4 ^g7) ^e8 (A £hg7-f5-g3) 54. Af8 ^f6 and the knight has managed to cross the barrier. 1 £}c6 [A 4Aa5] 51. b4 Фg2 52. фе2 ^a7 53. ^c5 [Passing the right to move to Black with 53. JLe7 5}c8 54. JLc5 does not change anything essential after 54... Фg3| £}c8!! Ruslan Ponomariov 33
MARIN'S coltimu A very curious position. Despite appearences, the knight dominates the bishop and not vice-versa! The fact is that White cannot pre- vent the knight’s activation on the left and right wing at the same time. 54. a5 [54. W 55. a5 £}c4 56. Ae7 W 57. Ah4 ^d3 58. Ae7 ^f2-+ A ^h 1 -g3] <£g3O 55. Af8 4^a7 Finally, the knight breaks out to free- dom. 56. Ad6 <£g2 57. Ac5 Ш 58. Af8 ^a3 59. Ae7 ^c4 60. Ac5 W 61. Ae7 ^d3 62. Ad6 £>f2 63. ±f4 And once again we can see a familiar pattern: the knight gets cornered before being crowned the hero of the game! 63... £}hl!! 64. <^?d2 [64. Де5 ^g3 65. <£d2 ФС 66. ±f4 ^f 11 ФВ 65. b5 Desperation. 65... ab5 66. ФеЗ £>f2 67. Jlg5 ^dl 68. фЬ4 ^e3 69. ФЬ5 £}c4 70. Фс5 e3 Truly an apotheosis of the knight’s versatility and a proof of the fact that the discourse of the bishop’s superior mobility has to be taken with certain pru- dence. 0 : 1 ML Marin And if you, dear reader, happen to prefer playing with the bishops, do not worry: there will be an article dedicated to your favourite piece very soon! About the author GM MIHAIL MARIN • Born 21.04. 1965 in Bucharest • Graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in 1989 • Grandmaster from 1993 • Twice qualified for the Interzonal (1987, 1990) • Three times Romanian Champion (1988, 1994, 1999) • Bronze medalist on the third board at the 1988 Olympiad • Author of 10 books • Learn from the Legends won the Book of the Year award at the Chesscafe.com • Reggio Emilia il torneo de Giubileo (written together with Yuri Garrett) won the book of the Year award in Italy • Married since 1992 with WIM Luiza Marin. Our son also plays chess and we travel together to tournaments Your feedback at www.informant1966.com 34
SERGEI MOVSESIAN EXCLl SIX E ANNOTATIONS 115/116 C 84 S. MOVSESIAN 2698 - Z. ALMASI 2713 Istanbul (ol) 2012 [By Sergei Movsesian] Before the crucial last round of the Olympiad the situation was the following: three teams (China, Russia and us — Armenia) were tied for first, China was facing Ukraine, Russia was playing Germany and we had to over- come Hungary. At this point we had better tie-breaks, followed by Russia, so in the case of Ukraine not losing to China, we had very decent chances of winning the tournament. 1. e4 e5 2. ^f3 ^c6 3. Ab5 a6 4. ^a4 ^f6 5. 0—0 JLe7 6. d3 This move order has become very popular lately. During my preparation I noticed that Zoltan has played 6. d3 with White too! 6... d6 7. c3 0-0 8. £}bd2 [Almasi had fresh experience with this position from this Olympiad: 8. Sei Se8 • Country: Armenia • Born: 1978 • Rating: 2699 • Peak rating: 2751 • Title: Grandmaster since 1997 9. ^bd2 ^f8 10. ^fl h6 11. ^g3 b5 12. JLc2 £}e7 13. d4 £}g6 14. b3 with a some- what more pleasant version of the typical po- sitions, as White has managed to push d3-d4 without playing h2-h3; Grischuk 2763 — Z. Almasi 2713, Istanbul (ol) 2012] 8... b5 9. Jlc2 d5 One of the most logical ways to solve Black’s problems. I was ready for this move, so 1 continued playing quickly. 10.Sei [10. ed5 Wd5 11. We2 <£g4 12. Sei! Sfe8 13. ^e4 Wd7?! 14. h3 <£h5 15. ^g3 Jlg6 16. W± Xie Jun 2515 - L. B. Hansen 2580, Tilburg 1994 - 61/336; 14... ^e6!?; 13... Sad8 Xie Jun] 10... de4 11. de4 <£e6 12. a4!? Zoltan had al- ready spent about 25 minutes (against my 3 minutes) at this point, and it became clear that he is already "out of book". [12. We2, followed by a2-a4, mostly leads to a move transposition.] 12... Ь4?I A somewhat nervous reaction. [More patient is 12... Wc8, as played A. Grischuk 2763 - Svidler 2749, Russia (ch) 2012 - i 115/(116), 13. We2 Wb7 14. ^d3 Sab8 15. 36
TOP THREE Ь4 Jtd6 and White still has to find ways to in- crease the pressure on the queenside.1 13. We2 ®c8 14. 43c4 £>d7 15. a5!? |I didn’t like Gata’s approach to the position: 15. 4hg5 JLg5 16. Ag5 £}b6!? 17. $}d2 bc3 18. bc3 £}a5oc and Black was doing fine in Kamsky 2741 — Ivanchuk 2768, Ningbo 20111 15... f6 16. 4^e3 b3 This is risky, but Black wants to restrict the white bishop, as Jlc2-a4 can be very unpleasant. [16... Wb7 17. 4bd5 Jtd6 18. Ae3± and Black lacks space for his pieces, while White can slowly improve his position.1 17. JLbl [During the game I was considering 17. Jtd3!? but had missed that after 17... 4hc5 18. Ac4 ^e4 19. ^d5 ^d6 (19... ^c5 20. £e3! £d6 21. Ac5 Ac5 22. ^c7! Wc7 23. £e6 ФЬ8 24. Ab3±) there is the beautiful move 20. £}d4!! £}d4 21. Йе7 ФП 22. cd4 фе7 23. Ad3 e4 24. JLe4±[ 17... Ad6 18. 4hd5 JLd5 Not an easy move to make, but Black’s choice was already quite limited. [18... Wb7 19. Ad3 ^c5 20. Ac4±[ 19. ed5 4he7 20. ±d3 Wb7 21. ±c4 ^d5 [21... Ф1т8 was not much better, as after 22. Hdl± White would slowly start to surround the b3-pawn.l 22. 4hd4! A very strong move, after which Black’s position becomes critical. [White would be slightly better even after 22. Wdl c6 23. JLb3±| 37
TOP THREE 22... ed4 122... ФЬ8 23. We4 c6 24. &c6!+-] 23. We6 ФЬ8 24. Ad5 c6 25. Wd6 [Also possible was 25. Af3 Wc7 26. cd4 Ah2 27. ФЫ±| cd5 26. cd4 26... Sfe8 27. Af4 Ш 28. h3 Иас8 29. Пе8 Se8 30. Acl ®f8 31. Wb6 Wd3 32. Wc6 We4 33. Ae3 Safety first! :) [I did see 33. JLe5! Sd8 34. Af6 but was not sure about 34... £)e6!; However, after 35. Ae5! White is winning (but not 35. Ad8?? 4)f4 36. f3 We2) A 35... £>d4 36. Wd7+-1 33... 4)g6 34. Wa6 Aih4 35. Wfl Now the white king is safe and Black has no tricks left. 35... h6 135... f5 36. a6 f4 37. Ad2+-; 35... £if5 36. ЛсЗ £id4 37. Wd3 +-] 36. Sc3 2a8 37. f3 We6 38. AC £ig6 39. ®b5 &f4 40. Ae3 Wf5 41. Ф112+- £>g6 42. ПЬЗ £>h4 43. AC Wg5 44. Ag3 £>f5 45. f4 Wg6 46. ®d5 Пе8 47. a6 h5 48. a7 h4 49. AC 1:0 S. Movsesian ISTANBUL (ol), VIII-IX 2012 Round 11 Bo. HUNGARY (HUN) - ARMENIA (ARM) I'/z : 2!4 1 PETER LEK6 g 2737 - LEVON ARONIAN g 2816 */2 : Уг 2 ZOLTAN ALMAS1 g 2713 - SERGEI MOVSESIAN g 2698 0 : 1 3 JUDIT POLGAR g 2698 - VLADIMIR AKOPIAN g 2687 Vi : l/2 4 FERENC BERKES g 2685 - GABRIEL SARGISSIAN g 2693 '/2 : /2 Your feedback at www.informant1966.com 38
ANDREI VOLOKITIN EXCLUSIVE XN\()TATI(>XS 115/151 D 70 MAMEDYAROV 2729 - A. VOLOKITIN 2709 Istanbul (ol) 2012 [By Andrei Volokitin] This game was played in the penultimate round of the Olympiad and its sporting significance was enormous. Ukraine was paired against the strong team of Azerbaijan, and my oppo- nent, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, was their top scorer. My task was to neutralise their main attacking force, but the circumstances were not in my favour, as two days before I had contracted a cold. 1. d4 I was expecting this move, as it has been his constant preference recently. 1... 2. c4 g6 While preparing for this game, I spent a lot of time trying to decide on my strategy; should I play directly for equal- ization, or choose a sharper opening, aiming for counterplay? In the end, I decided to opt for the second approach and the Gruenfeld Defence, which better suits my playing style. The downside of this decision was that Shakh himself employs this opening with Black, and consequently is fully aware of all its nuances. 3. 13 I realized that my opponent could choose any of the possible systems against the Gruen- feld, so I had to prepare for practically all of them. The one played in the game I wa re- minded of just shortly before the game. 3. .. d5 4. cd5 ^d5 5. e4 ^b6 6. ^c3 ^g7 7. JLe3 0-0 8. Wd2 ^c6 9. 0-0-0 Wd6 Born: 1986 Rating: 2724 Peak rating: 2724 Country: Ukraine Title: Grandmaster since 2001 A popular line in recent times. Black’s idea is to increase the pressure on d4 and provoke the advance of White’s centre, with the aim of attacking it later. 10. ФЫ Hd8 11. ^b5 ed7 12. d5 a6! The main point of my chosen line. Now the trans- fer to an endgame is not dangerous for Black. 13. £}c3 The first moment 1 stopped to think. I had been analyzing both possible knight jumps, and in the end I decided to opt for the one which I had researched in greater depth. [13. dc6 Wd2 14. Sd2 Sd2 15. ^d2 ab5 16. 39
TOP THREE cb7 ±b7 17. Ab5 f5! 18. ef5 ±d5! and Black has no problems.] 13... £}a5 Shakh also started to think, imply- ing that he had devoted his attention mainly to 13... ^e5. 14. Jld4 14... e5! N This is the idea of playing the knight to a5. ]14... ^bc4 - 111/218] 15. JLc5 Taking away the d6-square from the black queen. [Very interesting and cunning was 15, J^f2 £}bc4 (15... Wd6 is met by 16. b3!±, restricting both black knights; White will quickly follow up with h4, g4, h5, while it is not easy for Black to create counterplay on the queenside; There is no point in playing 15... £}ac4 because the £}b6 is anyway im- peding the advance of the ДЬ7: 16. ®cl ®d6 17. h4 Wb4 18. g4!± Comparing this position to the one in the game, Black has fewer op- portunities at his disposal here.) 16. ®cl b5! Black wants to develop a serious attack after ...b4 and ...Wa4, and this forces White’s hand. (After 16... Wd6 17. h4 Wb4 White has an additional resource: 18. h5! jlh6 19. JLc5!± because the c5-square is not covered by a pawn.) 17. b3! b4 18. £}a4 ®a3 The three knights on the a-file create a funny impres- sion. White now has a choice between two king moves, each of which has its own defi- ciencies: 19. ФЬ2 This move is the approriate reaction to Black’s intended setup of ...Jlb7, ...®d6, ... Jld7, ...a5-a4; however, the king is a liability in lines involving ...c5-c4-c3, as the latter move comes with check. (After 19. Фа1 W 20. h4 ®d6 21. h5 ^d7! 22. £}c5 Sdb8 Black has a simple and obvious plan of obtaining good play with the ...a5-a4 advance.) W! 20. h4 Wd6 21. h5 £f8! An important move, controlling the c5-square. Now, if immediately (21... jld7 is met by 22. £}c5! and the white king is well placed on b2) 22. hg6 then: a) 22... hg6? is not correct, because after 23. Wg5! jld7 24. f4! White has a strong attack on the h-file, though the resulting variations are very complicated: 24... JLg7 25. ^f3 al) After 25... Se8 26. f5 gf5 (26... <£a4 27. ba4 ^c5 28. ^c5 Wc5 29. Scl ®f2 30. ФЬЗ±) 27. ^d3 JLa4 28. ba4 fe4 29. Де4 ^c4 30. ФЬ1± White’s attack is very dangerous.; a2) 25... c5 26. fe5 Aa4 27. Фс11! An important zwischenzug (27. ba4? Wd7-^) Wc7 28. d6! ^d6 29. ed6 ®c6 30. ®h4! White’s chances are preferable in this extremely sharp posi- tion; b) 22... fg6! is a strong move, keeping the h-file closed; Black now obtains excellent play. For example, 23. g3, intending to ex- change the light-squared bishops, is probably White’s best option, but still insufficient: 23... c5! 24. Jlh3 &d7 25. <£d7 Sd7 26. W Hc8 27. £}g5 £}d8! Not allowing the white knight in on e6. Black will play ...c4 next and start attacking the white king. 28. Фа1 Sb7+ We can conclude that after 15. JLf2 Black ob- tains a good position with accurate play; After 15, ДЬ6 cb6 16. We3 b5! Black has enough counterplay, thanks to his strong and unopposed dark-squared bishop.] 15... £}bc4 Logical; the b-pawn should be al- lowed to advance. 16. Wcl b6 17. JLf2 [During the game I was calculating the move 17. Ab4? for a long 40
TOP THREE time: 17... c5! 18. dc6 (after 18. Ла5 £}a5 Black’s advantage is obvious) £}d2 19. Фа1 ftc6 20. АаЗ JLh6! While considering this position, I saw that after 21. £}d5 (Nothing is given by 21. f4 ±f4 22. ^ge2 ЛЬ6 23. ^d5 Ш 24. ab3 Лс1 25. £>f6 <£>g7 26. ^d7 Ig5+) W 22. ab3 Лс1 23. £T6 <£>g7 24. M7 Ae3+ Black is clearly better.] 17... Wd6 In the heat of the battle, I thought that bringing the queen to b4 was the only correct decision. However, I now believe that there was a better alternative. [17... b5! was more promising. The same position could have arisen, had White chosen 15. JLf2.1 can offer some additional variations: 18. Jld3 b4! 19. £ce2 Wa4! 20. b3 ^a3 21. фЬ2 (21. фа1 Ш! 22. аЬЗ Wb3-) We8! А 22. ®с7 Ш5!! 23. ed5 е4 24. ^d4 ed3 25. Wa5 ^f5!+] 18. h4 Wb4 19. g4! A cold shower. I com- pletely missed this move, which prevents ...±h6. 19... f5 After delving deeply into the position, at the cost of lots of time and energy, I under- stood that I should undertake immediate ac- tion; otherwise, my pieces would be gradually pushed back and I would end up in a difficult position. At first, I considered the logical idea to play ...c6, but failed to calculate it properly: [19... £b7 20. Ле1 c6 21. d6! Sd6 22. ^d5 ^аЗ! (I saw that after 22... ®c5?? 23. ЛЬ4+- I am lost, and this discovery prompted me to ditch this line altogether and start looking for alternatives, without having calculated all possibilities) 23. Фа1 23.. . £}b3!! It is very difficult to find such an idea during a practical game. 24. ab3 Wb3 and now White’s best decision is to allow perpetual check by taking the rook, because after 25. ba3 (25. ^e7 фЬ8 26. Sd6 ^c2 27. ФЫ ^a3=) cd5 26. Sd3 Wa45o White is running serious risks. So, finally, after 19... ЛЬ7 the game would have logically con- cluded in a draw. Still, the move I made in the game is objectively not bad at all.] 20. g5 Practically forced. 20... fe4? A serious mistake, connected to a blunder in my calculations. Black should have increased the pressure on the Ad5. [20... c6! 21. Jtel f4 An important resource, taking the e3-square under control. Now White has a choice between an endgame and a compli- cated middlegame, with Black facing no problems in either case. 22. JLf2 (22. d6 Hd6 23. £}d5 Wb2! 24. Wb2 W 25. £}e7 ФП 26. Hd6 фе7 27. Sf6 ^dl 28. Ла5 ±f6 29. gf6 ФТ6 30. Jld2 Ле6=) cd5 23. ^d5 Sd5! 24. Sd5 Леб with excellent compensation for the exchange.] 21. ^e4 ЛГ5 41
TOP THREE 22. Ad3!± The move I had missed. I was cal- culating only the weak [22. Ael? Ae4 23. fe4 £}d2! 24. Wd2 We4?l 22... Hd5!? Realizing that White retains some advantage in all variations, I decided that the best practical choice was to go all-in. But this decision cost me the advantage on the clock that I had built during the previous phase of the game. 23. Ac4 ^c4 24. Hd5 Ae4 25. fe4 ^a3 26. фа! We4 27. Sd2Q Whl 28. ba3 Sf8 I was opting for this position when I decided to play 22... Hd5. Black has compensation for the piece: two pawns and an exposed white king. Of course, White is objectively better, but in a practical game it is not easy to convert the material advantage. At this point I only had five minutes for the remaining twelve moves until the time control. 29. ФЫ? A serious mistake; Shakh had proba- bly relaxed at this point and made this move ’’with his hand’’, without much thought. In- stead, White had two promising continua- tions: [The first was to involve the knight to the action with 29. 4^e2 We4 30. Ael h5 31. Wdl±; Also strong was to restrict the black queen with 29. Wc4 фЬ8 30. АеЗ e4 31. ФЫ Wh4 32. ^e2 c5 33. фс2±[ 29... We4 [Black missed an excellent oppor- tunity to secure his king here: 29... h5!c£, taking into account that after 30. gh6 Ah6 31. Wc4 &h8 32. Sc2 Sf2 33. Sf2 Wgl 34. Sfl We3= the game should end in perpetual check.[ 30. Wc2 Wg4 31. ®d3 фЬ8 32. Se2 My op- ponent obviously was trying to win in com- fort, without taking risks. Here he should have given up the Ah4, in order to bring his knight into the game: [32. АеЗ! Wh4 33. ^e2±| 32... c5? A far from obvious mistake. It was again better to provide the king with some space by means of [32... h5! 33. gh6 Ah6 34. Sc2 Ag7 with sufficient counterplay to main- tain the balance.] 33. Ag3? This move loses any advantage White had at this point. White missed his last opportunity to bring his knight into the game after [33. Se4! Wg2 34. ЩЗ! Sf2! (34... b5 35. Se3 c4 36. We2± intending Ael-c3) 35. £>f2 Wf2±[ 33... c4! 34. We3 e4 35. фс2?? After this se- rious error Black even wins. [He should have played 35. Ael Sfl 36. W Sf3 37. We4 Wh3 38. Ab4= and the game should end in a draw.l 42
TOP THREE 35... Wd7!—h 36. Sf2 I should mention that both players were in serious time trouble at this stage; this should explain the numerous mistakes... 36... Hd8? [Much stronger was the immedi- ate 36... Wa4! 37. фс1 Sd8 38. Sd2 Sd3, transposing to the game] 37.Sd2 Wa4 38. фс1? [Better was 38. ФЫ!, although after 38... Sf8! 39. &е1П Wb5 40. Фс1 We5 41. Wb6D Wc3 42. <£dl e3 43. Sd8 Wai 44. фе2 Wa2+ Black has excellent winning chances.] 38... Sd3! 39. Wb6 Wa3 40. ф(11 And here, with one minute to make the last move before the time control, I relaxed and committed a serious mistake. I obviously saw that 40... h5 was winning easily, but instead I played 40... Sd2?? [40... h5 a) 41. Wg6 Sd2 42. фс!2 Bb2 43. фе1 (43. ФеЗ Wd4 44. фе2 Wd3 45. Фе1 ЛсЗ 46. ф£2 e3~+) Wbl 44. фе2 Bd3; b) 41. JLel Wa4 42. фс1 фЬ7-+; с) 41. ^e2 Wa2 42. ^f4 Wa4 43. фс1 (43. Фе1 Wal-+) фЬ7-+] 41. Фd2 I now started to think and was horri- fied to realize that there was no way to win the game anymore... 41... Wd3 42. фс1 At this moment our cap- tain came and advised me to make a draw, as this would secure our team victory in the match. I decided, without risking anything, to make one last attempt for victory. 42... h5 43. JLel! The only move, which Shakh found without much effort. 43... Wa3 44. ФЫ Wd3 45. фс1 Wa3 46. ФЫ Wd3 A very complicated and combative game. The players made a lot of mistakes; this is partly explained by the severe pressure and responsibility caused by the sporting situation, with Olympiad medals at stake. Hopefully the readers will excuse them, and enjoy the game! 1/2 : 1/2 A. Volokitin ISTANBUL (ol), VIII-IX 2012 Round 10 Bo. AZERBAIJAN (AZE) - UKRAINE (UKR) ll/2 : 2'/2 1 TEIMOUR RADJABOV g 2788 - VASSILY IVANCHUK g 2769 '/2 : '/2 2 ELTAJ SAFARLI g 2620 - RUSLAN PONOMARIOV g 2734 0 : 1 3 SHAKHRIYAR MAMEDYAROV g 2729 - ANDREI VOLOKITIN g 2709 '/2 : '/2 4 RAUF MAMEDOV g 2634 - ALEKSANDR MOISEYENKO g 2706 '/2 : l/2 Your feedback at www.informant1966.com 43
ZAHAR EFIMENKO ЕХС1Л SIX E WXOTVriOXS 115/61 В 51 Z. EFIMENKO 2694 - ALEXANDER MOISEENKO 2706 Ukraine (ch) 2012 [By Zahar Efimenko) 1. e4 This game was played in the sixth round of the Ukrainian championship. My tourna- ment situation was not that good; I was stand- ing on —1 (2 out of 5), so I was really looking to improve it somehow. 1... c5 2. £}f3 3. Ab5 an "anti-Sveshnikov" weapon. My op- ponent is a well known expert in this sharp variation of the Sicilian, so my choice natu- rally fell on this move. 3... d6 )3... e6 4. 0—0 (4. Jlc6!? was discussed in the Anand — Gelfand match in May) £}ge7 5. Eel a6 6. Jtc6 £>c6 7. d4 cd4 8. £>d4 ®c7 9. ^c6!? bc6 10. e5 d5 11. c4 ±c5 12. .&e3 Jte3 13. ЕеЗ 0-0 14. Wh5 f6 15. £>d2 fe5 16. We5 We5 17. Ee5 Eb8 18. b3± Z. Efimenko 2638 — Alexander Moiseenko 2643, Ukraine (ch) 20081 4.0-0 Ad7 5. Eel £if6 6. сЗ a6 7. ±fl Jlg4 8. h3 Jlh5 [8... JLf3 is another main continu- ation: 9. ШЗ g6 10. d3 J.g7 11. Ae3 0-0 12. &d2 &d7 13. Wdl b5 14. £>b6 15. d4 £>a4 16. Ee2 ®a5 17. Ecl Ead8 18. Eec2 ®c7 19. b3 £>b6 20. a4 ba4 21. ba4 c4 22. a5 £}a5 23. Eal £}b3 24. Ea6± R. Ponomariov 2726 — F. Caruana 2775, Dortmund 20121 9. g4 The most principled move! [9, d3!? e6 10. £>bd2 ±e7 11. g4 Ag6 12. £>h4 £>d7 13. £>g2 (13. £>g6 hg6 14. f4 Ah4 15. Ee2 g5 16. f5 £>de5 17. ЕеЗ 0-0 18. Ag2 d55) e5 (13... h6 14. f4 ±h7 15. ^f3 0-0 16. f5 £>de5 17. £ie5 de5 18. Ae3 Wc7 19. Wf3±?) 14. &e3 h5 15. ^.g2 hg4 16. hg4 &f8 17. 9. d4 • Country: Ukraine • Born: 1985 • Rating: 2689 • Peak rating: 2719 • Title: Grandmaster since 2002 J.f3 10. gf3 g5!?(10... cd4 U.cd4e5 12. d5 W 13. Wb3 £>bd7 14. ®b7 Ae7 15. ±e3 0-0 16. £>d2 £)e8 17. Ag2+; 10... g6 11. d5 W 12. f4 Ah6 13. W3 0-0 14. а4 ЙМ7 15. £>a3 £ih5 16. £>c4 b5 17. ab5 ab5 18. Ea8 Wa8 19. £>a3 b4 20. cb4 cb4 21. &c4 Ec8=) 11. JLe3 (11. d5 £>e5 12. Ag5 Eg8 13. f4 h6 14. fe5 de5 15. £>d2 hg5M e6 (11... cd4 12. cd4 £>h5 13. Wb3 £g7 14. d5 £>e5 15. Ag5 Eg8 16. ФМ Ah8 17. f4 £>g6 18. f5 £>gf4 19. ±h4 &f8 20. £d2+) 12. £>d2 cd4 13. cd4 d5 14. Ecl JLe7 15. Ad3 h6=| 9... Ag6 10. d4 44
TOP THREE 10... cd4 ЦО... Ae4? 11. He4! £>e4 12. d5 <Sf2 (12... £>e5 13. £>e5 de5 14. Wa4 Wd7 15. We4 0-0-0 16. Ag2+—) 13.ф12<Йе5 14. <Se5 de5 15. £>d2 ®d5 16. Ag2 Wd7 17. m>3 Hb8 18. Aic4 e6 19. <5be5 ®b5 (19... tc7 20. Ш4! b5 21. Ac6 Wc6 22. £>c6 ba4 23. <5bb8 Ad6 24. Aia6 £>d7 25. b4V) 20. Ae3±; 10.., 5be4? 11. d5 W 12. He4 Ae4 13. Wa4 £>d7 14. ®e4 &f6 15. Wd3±; IQ^ 11. d5 <5be5 12. <5be5 de5 13. de6 fe6 14. W8 (14. Wb3!? Wd7 15. Aid2 0-0-0 16. g5 Ш 17. Wb6 Wd6 18. Wa5 Wc7 19. Wc7 Фс7 20. £>c4 Ad6 21. b4 cb4 22. £>d6 &d6 23. cb4±) Sd8 15. £id2 &d7 16. a4 Ae7 17. <Йс4±] 11. cd4 e5 Hl... d5!? 12. ed5 (12. e5 - 99/133) a) 12... Wd5? 13. Aic3 Wa5 (13... W6 14. d5 £>b8 15. Wa4 &bd7 16. Af4+-) 14. £>e5 Sd8 15. £>c6 bc6 16. Ag2 Sc8 17. f4 h5 18. f5 Ah7 19. g5 £>d7 20. £>e4+-; b) 12... <$bd5 13. Aic3 e6 14. £id5 Wd5 15. Ag2 Sd8 16. Ag5 f6 17. ^e5! Wd4 18. 4bc6 ®dl 19. Hadi Hdl 20. Hdl bc6 21. Асб £>f7 22. АеЗ Ae7 23. Sd7 Sc8 24. Ab7 Sc2 25. Ааб Фе8 (25... Sb2 26. Ac5+-) 26. Hd2 Hcl 27. <£>g2± H. Ziska 2450 - Seps 2193, Oslo 2012 - 115/(61); 11- e6 12. d5 (12. ^c3) Ate5 13. de6 2>f3 (13... fe6 14. &g5 td7 15. f4 Aif7 16. £>c3 £>g5 17. fg5 Aig8 18. <$ba4 Wc7 19. АеЗ b5 20. £>b6 gb8 21. Scl Wb7 22. Ag2+-) 14. Wf3 fe6 15. e5 de5 16. Wb7 Ae7 17. £>c3 0-0 18. He5 Af7 19. He2±; 11... gc8 a) 12. £>c3 e5 13. d5 Ш 14. W Ae7 15. £>f5 0-0 (15... Af5 16. ef5 h6 17. a4 0-0 18. АеЗ £>bd7 19. ®b3±) 16. £>e7 We7 17. Ag5 h6 18. Ah4 Ш7 19. f3±; b) 12. d5!? <Sbe5 (12... £>b8 13. £ic3 e6 14. e5 de5 15. 4be5+-) 13. Aie5 de5 14. £>c3 e6 15. de6 fe6 16. ®d8 Hd8 17. АеЗ Ae7 (17... Aie4 18. £>e4 Ae4 19. Ab6 Hd6 20. Ac5±) 18. f3+l 12. £>c3 [12. d5 W a) 13. W al) 13... Ae4 14. £>c3 Ag6 15. g5 £>fd7 16. f4 Ae7 (16... f6 17. Wg4 Af7 18. g6 hg6 19. &g6±) 17. f5 Ag5 18. Ag5 Wg5 19. Wg4 ®g4 20. hg4 £>f6 21. Ae2±; a2) 13... £>bd7 14. £>d2 Ae7 15. £ig6 hg6 16. a4 0-0 17. a5 Aie8 18. b4 Sc8^; b) 13. 2>c3 Abd7 14. Ad2 Ae7 15. Hcl 0—0=1 12... Ae7 13. £}d5!? An interesting novelty! White re- frains from closing the centre and aims to se- cure the advantage of the two bishops. [13. d5 £>b8 14. Wb3 £}bd7 a) 15. Wb7 Aic5 16. Wb4 0-0 (16... h5) 17. ^)d2 h5T; b) 15. £>h4 Hb8 16. £>g6 hg6 17. a4 13... 0-0 [13... Ae4? 14. &f6 Af6 15. He4+-; 13- <^e4 14. £>e7 (14... ®e7 15. d5 W 16. He4 Ae4 17. Wa4 Aid7 18. ®e4 Aif6 19. Wa4 ®d7 20. Wb3±) 15. de5 d5 16. £>d4 h5 17. АеЗ hg4 18. Wg4 Wd7 19. Hadl±; 13... ^id5 14. ed5 £>d4 15. Aid4 ed4 16. f4 f6 17. Wd4 0-0 18. Ad2±l 14. £>e7 We7 [14... Aie7 15. de5 a) 15... de5 16. Wd8 Had8 17. £>e5 Ae4 (17... Aie4 18. Aig6+—) 18. g5+-; b) 15... Aie4 16. ed6 £>c6 17. d7 ®c7 18. £>h4 Aif6 19. £>g6 hg6 20. АеЗ 2>d7 21. Ag2 Had8 22. ®b3 Hfe8 23. Нас 1+1 15. d5 £ib8 [15... £>a7 16. Ag5 h6 17. Ah4 Hfc8 18. a4+[ 45
TOP THREE 16. Ag5! The fruit of home preparation. The engines do not understand this move at first, but in human terms the idea is quite clear: White creates an unpleasant pin and tries to play against the Ag6. This motif is typically often met in the Reti Opening. [16. £>h4 h6 17. g5 (17. <ag6 fg6 18. Ag2 Ш7=) W 18. £>g6 fg6 19. gh6 ®h4^| 16... £>bd7 [16... h6 17. Ah4 is similar.] 17. £}d2! Continuing with the plan. White wants to support his centre with the move f3, further restricting the black bishop. At this point my opponent started to spend quite a lot of time, while he had made his moves so far quite quickly. I assume that he had underesti- mated the problems present in this unpleasant position while preparing for the game. 17... Efc8 117-h6 18. M4 Ah7 19. f3 Efc8 20. ®b3 (20. Ecl £tf8 21. J.g3±) b5 21. Eecl <^c5 22. Wa3 Wb7 23. ^.f6 gf6 24. We3 <£>g7 25. b4 £>a4 26. ^b3±; 17... <^c5 18. b4 £icd7 19. Wb3 a5 20. a3 h6 21. ±h4 ±h7 22. f3 Efc8 23. J.b5±] 18. ®b3I? Applying pressure on b7 and, at the same time, connecting the rooks. 18... h6 |18... b5 19. f3 £>c5 a) 20. We3 h6 21. Ah4 &a4 22. b3 2>c5 (22... Ec3 23. Wf2 £>c5 24. £>bl £>d3 25. We3 £>el 26. Wc3 Wa7 27. ±f2 £>f3 28. Wf3 ®c7 29. £>d2+-) 23. Eacl+; b) 20. Wa3 h5 21. Eacl ®d7 22. £f6 gf6 23. We3±; 18..,^c5 19. Wa3 h6 20. Ah4 a5 21. f3±] 19. iuh4 19... b5 [19... Ah7 20. f3 b5 21. Eecl Wd8 22. Af2 £>c5 23. Wa3 £ifd7 24. £>b3 2>b3 25. ab3±; 19... Ec7 20. Eacl Eac8 21. Ec7 Ec7 22. f3 ®c5 (22... £h7 23. Ee3 £rf8 24. Ec3 g5 25. ^.f2 Ec3 26. Wc3 Wd7 27. £ic4 £>e8 28. <Йа5±) 23. ta3 £>cd7 24. £>c4±; 19... Wd8 20. f3 Wa5 (20... b5 21. Eecl Wa5 22. £el £}c5 23. We3 Wd8 24. b4 £>a4 25. £>b3 Ecl 26. Ecl Ec8 27. £>a5 Ecl 28. Wcl £ie8 29. JLe2±; 20... £>c5 21. ШЗ) 21. £>c4 Wc7 22. Eacl Wb8 23. £>b6 Wa7 24. i.f2±] 20. f3 Wd8 [20... Ea7 21. Eacl Eac7 22. Ec7 Ec7 23. Wa3 £ib8 24. Wa5 Ec2 25. ^.d3 Wc7 26. Wc7 Ec7 27. ^.f6 gf6 28. a4 ba4 29. £}c4±[ 21. Eecl!? £>c5 [21... Wa5 22. i.el ®b6 23. JLf2 Wa5 24. Wdl Ecl 25. Wcl Wd8 26. ®c6 £>e8 27. Ecl±[ 22. Wdl [22. We3!? £>g4? (22... £>d5? 23. Wc5! Ec5 24. J.d8 Ed8 25. ed5 Ed5 26. W+-) 23. Wc5! Wh4 (23... Ec5 24. ±d8 Ed8 25. hg4+—) 24. Sc8 Ec8 25. Ec8 ФЬ7 26. hg4 h5 (26... Wg3 27. £g2 Wf4 28. £tfl+-) 27. ±g2 hg4 28. Ec3 f5 29. fg4 Wg4 30. Efl fe4 31. Eel e3 32. Ece3+-[ 46
TOP THREE 22... Ah 7 Trying to somehow get rid of the annoying pin, and to somehow activate the idle bishop on h7. [22... £>a4!? was the best chance for Black in the position: 23. b4 Ah7 24. £>ЬЗ Ec3 Trying to somehow complicate the play. (24... Ecl 25. Ecl g5 26. Af2 Sc8 27. Aia5 &f8 28. Wd2 Ecl 29. Wcl Wd7 30. Ae2 Aie8 31. £>c6 Wc7 32. Adi Ш 33. Wa3 Wb7 34. h4 f6 35. Ab3 £id7 36. Wa5+- Wc8 37. a4) 25. £>a5! (25. Ec3 £)c3 26. Wei &ce4 27. fe4 g5 28. Af2 Ae4 29. £)cl Ad5 30. Aie2 £>e4 31. Ag2±) g5 26. Af2 Eac8 27. £>c6 Wd7 28. Ag2 Eel 29. Eel £>f8 30. Afl £ig8 31. Ec2 £>e7 32. Wcl f6 33. Ae2± It’s not so easy to break through Black’s line of defence.! 23. Wei! White mobilizes his queen; this is the first stage of White’s plan to increase his advantage. [23. Ь4!? I didn’t want to hurry with this move, because I wasn’t sure I would be able to find a way to realize my advantage in the resulting position. Nevertheless, this move has some points: White makes a deci- sion regarding the pawn structure and fixes Black’s queenside, but then the black knights will not really be inferior to White’s bishops. 23... £>a4 24. £yb3 g5 25. Af2 Wd7 26. Aia5 Ecl (26... &g7 27. Wd2 £ig8 28. Ae2 £ie7 29. h4 f6 30. Adi Ecl 31. Ecl Ec8 32. h5 Ag8 33. Aa4 ba4 34. £>c4 Wc7 35. Wdl Wb8 36. W Ecl 37. Wcl Af7 38. a3 Ae8 39. Wc2±) 27. Ecl Ec8 28. Ec6±] 23... g5 24. A12 A>fd7 25. Ec2 Increasing the pressure on the c-file. 25.. . Ag6 [25... Ec7! 26. b4 (26. Eacl Eac8 27. £>b3 £>b3 28. Ec7 Ec7 29. ab3 Ecl 30. Wcl £jb8 31. b4 f6 32. Ae2± Black appears to have set up a fortress. White retains the ad- vantage, but there is no apparent plan to break through, and thus Black has realistic chances of survival.) 26... £>e4 27. Ec7 £>d2 28. Ec3 £>fl 29. Wfl £>f6 30. Edl Wd7 31. We2±[ 26. Eacl f6 27. We3! Here I was thinking for a long time, trying to find the right way to tear down Black’s defences, and realized that it was very important to involve my queen to the action; this is how the strong queen manoeuvre to a3 was found. From that square, the queen ap- plies pressure on the Aa6 and the c5-square. [27. A>b3 £>b3 28. ab3 Ec2 29. Ec2 Ec8 a) 30. Wcl Ec2 31. Wc2 Ae8 32. b4 (32. Wc6? £>c5-+) £>f8=; b) 30. Ec8 Wc8 31. b4 Ae8±; 27-b4 £>a4 28. £>b3 Ec2 29. Ec2 Ec8 30. Wcl Ec2 31. Wc2 Ae8 32. £>a5 £}db6± and Black’s position is practically impossible to break through.) 27... Ae8 [27... b4 28. a3! a5 (28... ba3 29. Wa3 a5 30. Ab5 Ecb8 31. Ad7 Wd7 32. Ac5 dc5 33. Ec5+-) 29. Ab5 £ib6 30. Ac6 Eab8 31. We2 £>ba4 32. £>c4 b3 33. £>d6! a) 33... Ec6 34. dc6 bc2 35. Ac5 £>c5 36. Wc4 &g7 37. Wc5+-; b) 33... Wd6 34. Ac5 Wc7 (34... £>c5 35. Ec5+-) 35. Ec4+-; c) 33... £>e4 34. fe4 Wd6 35. Ec4 £>b6 36. E4c34~; d) 33... bc2 34. £>c8 Wc8 35. Ec2 Wf8 36. Wc4 37. Wc5+-1 28. Wa3 Complete domination! White has maximally improved his pieces and is ready for decisive action. 28... Eab8? [28... Ecb8D would have been more resilient, preventing White from infil- trating the queenside with full force. 29. Aib3 47
TOP THREE a) 29... b4 30. Wa5 ®a5 31. &a5 b3 32. Sd2! (32. ab3 £>b3 33. £>b3 ЛЬЗ 34. Лсб ЛЬ2 35. Sd6 a5 36. Лссб a4 37. Лаб ЛЬЬ8 38. Ac4±) ba2 33. Ac4 ЛЬ4 34. b3 Лс8 35. Sal W 36. Ac5 Лс5 37. Sda2 Лс7 38. Aa6±; b) 29... £>b3 30. Sb3 £>f8 31. Лс7 a5 32. ФЫ £>g6 33. Wc2 £>e7 34. Wd2±[ 29. £>b3! Exchanging Black’s most impor- tant defensive piece, and thus tearing down his fortress. |29. b4 <2}a4 30. £}c4 bc4! (30... £rf8 31. Ф>еЗ Лс2 32. Лс2 Лс8 33. Лс8 Wc8 34. £Т5±) 31. Wa4 £>c5 32. ®a3 £>d3 33. Ad3 cd3 34. Wd3 Лс2 35. Лс2 a5 36. ba5 Wa5 37. Wc4 h5±J 29... £>b3 [29... b4 30. Wa5 W 31. Wd8 Hd8 32. ab3 a5 33. Ааб £>b6 34. Лсб! £}a8 35. Aa7 Ac 6 36. Лсб ФГ7 37. Ab8 ЛЬ8 38. Hd6+—; 29... Wb6 30. £>c5 dc5 31. b4+- cb4 32. Лс8 ЬаЗ 33. Ab6[ 30. аЬЗ Лс2 31. Лс2 £>f8 32. Шаб Ла8 33. ®Ь7 ЛЬ8 34. Wc7 Wc7 35. Лс7+- White’s position is already winning; it is only a mat- ter of technique now. 35... £>g6 36. Aa7 Restricting the movements of the black rook and clearing a path for the white king to approach the queenside. 36... Ла8 37. ФГ2 фГВ 38. ФеЗ Фе7 [38... Sd8 39. Ф02 Sd7 40. Sd7 Ad7 41. Af2 ФП 42. ФеЗ h5 43. ФЬ4 hg4 44. hg4 £>h4 45. Ab5 Ab5 46. ФЬ5 £>f3 47. Феб фе7 48. Ь4+-1 39. Ф02 Фс8 40. АеЗ Фе7 41. ЛЬ7! £ig6 [41... Sal 42. Ab5 Ab5 43. ЛЬ5 £>g6 44. ЛЬ8 Фе7 45. b4 £>h4 46. Ь5 2rf3 47. феЗ gel 48. фаз ЛЫ 49. ЛЬ7 Фе8 50. Ь6 ЛЬ2 51. ЛЬ7 ЛЬЗ 52. фе2 £id4 53. Ad4 ed4 54. Ь7 ф<18 55. фа2 ЛЬ6 56. ф<13 ЛЬ4 57. ЛП ЛЬ6 58. ф<14+-1 42. Аа7 £>f4 43. Ab8 Лаб 44. Ла7? This er- ror gives Black good chances for survival. During the game I thought that White’s ad- vantage was so large, that the position al- lowed for several different paths to victory However, it turned out that things are not so; the exchange of rooks seems to assist Black in his defensive task. [44. феЗ! would have won easily: 44... Ла1 45. Ad6 Фg8 46. Ab5 Ab5 47. ЛЬ5 ЛН 48. Ac5! Sf3 49. Фс4 ЛЬЗ 50. d6 £ie6 51. d7 ФП 52. ЛЬ6 £id8 53. ЛЬ8 £>сб 54. Ле8+-] 44... Ла7 45. Aa7 фе7 46. ФеЗ? And this is already a serious blunder! [46. АеЗ!? would have retained good winning chances, although the conversion of the advantage is already not easy at all. 46... Фd8 47. ФеЗ Фс7 48. ФЬ4[ 46... фд8? Black misses his chance! [46... f5!! This strong breakthrough was overlooked by both me and my opponent — unfortunately for him! Black now easily holds in all varia- tions: a) 47. Фd2 fe4 48. fe4 h5 Exchanging one more pair of pawns, and thus further eas- ing the defensive task. 49. gh5 (49. феЗ hg4 50. hg4 Ad7 and White has no way to im- prove his position; it is a draw.) <2}h5 50. АеЗ £T4 51. Af2 ФГ7 52. феЗ (52. h4 g4 53. Ag3 £ih5 54. Ael фе7= 55. ФеЗ 2>f4) Фf6 53. ФЬ4 Ag6=; b) 47. ef5 £>d5 48. Фd2 Ac6 49. Ab8 £>f4 50. ФеЗ h5 51. f6 ФА6 52. Ad6 h4=; c) 47. gf5!? The only chance to continue playing for a win. 47... Ah5 48. фd2 Af3 49. феЗ Ag2! 50. Ab5 (50. Ag2 £>g2 51. ФО £T4 52. Фg3 h5 53. АеЗ ФГ6 54. Af4 ef4 55. ФГЗ h4 56. b4 Фе5=) h5! 51. b4 h4 52. f6 фf6 53. Ad7 Фе7 54. Af5 Ah3 55. Ah3 £ih3 56. ФВ £T4 57. Фg4 h3 58. Agl £ie2 59. Ah2 £>f4 60. Фg5 £>d3 61. Фg4 £>b4 62. ФЬЗ £>d3 63. Фg2 £ib2 64. Фf3=l 47. Ab8?I [47. ФЬ4! фс7 48. Фа5 f5 49. gf5 Ah5 50. АеЗ Af3 51. f6 Ah5 52. Af4 gf4 53. Ab5 f3 54. b4+—[ 47... Фе7 48. ФЬ4 48
TOP THREE 48... ±d7?! Black again prefers to wait, but pushing ...h5 would have made White’s task more difficult. [48... h5! was the last chance to fight for survival: 49. Фа5 hg4 (49... h4 50. b4 f5 51. ef5 ±d7 52. ±b5 ±b5 53. ФЬ5 &d7 54. f6 £ih3 55. f7 фе7 56. ±d6 ФП 57. Феб 58. b5 h3 59. b6 h2 60. b7 hl® 61. b8® ®cl 62. ^>d7 £ig6 63. ±e5+-)\5O. hg4 f5! a) 51. ef5? ±f7! 52. f6 фАб 53. ±d6 ld5 54. ±b5 ±13 55. Ь4 Феб 56. ±c5 ig4=; b) 51. ±Ь5 bl) 51... fe4 52. fe4 (52. Ie8 ef3 53. ±b5 £id5) ±g6 53. b4 ±e4 54. Ic6 ±d5 55. b5 ±c6 56. bc6 e4 57. фаб e3 58. с7 e2 59. c8® el® 60. ®c7 ФА5 61. Ш6 £>e6 62. b4±; b2) 51... fg4 52. fg4 (52. ±e8? gf3 53. ±b5 £ie2-+ 54. ±a7 £>d4 55. Ic4 g4) ±g6 53. ±c6 ±e4 54. b4 ±d5 55. b5 ±c6 56. bc6 e4 57. ±a7 <^>d8D 58. b4 Фс7 59. b5 £>d5 60. ±12 e3 61. ±el £>e7 62. ФЬ4 e2 63. Фс4 ФЬ6=; с? 51. gf5! ±h5 52. f6 фАб 53. ±d6 ±13 54. ±c5! ±e4 55. d6 £>e6 56. b4 g4 57. d7+-1 49. Фа5!+- ±e8 50. ±a7?! [50. ФЬ6!? b4! 51. Фс7 f5! 52. gf5 ±h5 53. ±c4 ±f3 54. Феб ±e4 55. ±d6 фАб 56. ±b4 £>h3 57. ±c5+-; 50. b4! ±d7 51. ±b5 ±b5 (51... 2>h3 52. ±d7 Фd7 53. b5 £if4 54. b6 £>d3 55. фа6+—) 52. ФЬ5 Фd7 53. фаб £>d3 54. Ь5 £>Ь4 55. фа7+—; 50. ±Ь5 ±Ь5 51. ФЬ5 Фd7 52. Ь4 фс8 53. ±d6 ФЬ7 54. ±е7 £>h3 55. d6 £if4 56. d7+-1 50... £>g6 [50... f5!? 51. gf5 (51. ef5 b4 52. ФЬ4 ±f7 53. ±c4 Фd7 54. фа5 Фс7 55. ±a6 ±d5 56. Ь4 ±13 57. Ь5 ±Ь7 58. f6 £ie6 59. П+-) ±h5 52. ФЬ5 ±13 53. Феб ±е4 54. f6 фАб 55. ±с4 Ь5 56. Фd6 g4 57. hg4 h4 58. Ь4 h3 59. ±gl ±d3 60. ±d3 2>d3 61. b5 e4 62. b6 W 63. Фс5 e3 64. ФЬ4 e2 65. ±12 h2 66. b7 hl® 67. b8® el® 68. ±el ®el 69. ФЬ5! ®e2 70. Фа5 ®d2 71. фаб ®d3 72. ®Ь5+-1 51. ±й Фд8 52. ±b5 ±b5 53. ФЬ5 Фс7 54. фаб £>f4 55. b4 £>d3 56. Ь5 фЬ8 [56... ^f2 57. Фа7 ^d3 58. Ь6 Фd7 59. Ь7+-[ 57. ±а7 Фа8 58. ±еЗ ФЬ8 [58... W 59. Ь6 ФЬ8 60. Ь7 £>с4 61. ±а7+—1 59. Ь6 £>Ь4 60. ФЬ5 Фс2 61. ±12 фЬ7 62. фс4 1:0 Z. Efimenko UKRAINE (ch), VII-VIII 2012 cat. XVII (2666) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 A. KOROBOV g 2683 Уг Уг Уг Уг Уг Уг 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 2 A. ARESHCHENKO g 2691 /2 Уг Уг Уг Уг 1 1 Уг 1 Уг Уг 7 2-3 3 A. VOLOKITIN g 2704 /2 Уг 1 0 Уг 0 1 1 1 Уг 1 7 2-3 4 R. PONOMARIOV g 2726 Уг Уг 0 Уг 1 1 /2 Уг /2 1 0 6 4 5 S. FEDORCHUK g 2630 Уг Уг 1 Уг 1 Уг 0 0 Уг 0 1 5'/2 5-7 6 Z. EFIMENKO g 2694 Уг Уг Уг 0 0 1 Уг Уг Уг Уг 1 5/2 5-7 7 A. MOISEENKO g 2706 Уг 0 1 0 /2 0 0 1 1 Уг 1 5/2 5-7 8 P. ELJANOV g 2693 0 0 0 Уг 1 Уг 1 Уг 0 1 Уг 5 8 9 E. MIROSHNICHENKO g 2632 0 Уг 0 Уг 1 Уг 0 /2 0 1 Уг 4/2 9-10 10 Y. VOVK g 2584 0 0 0 Уг Уг Уг 0 1 1 1 0 4/2 9-10 11 ALEXANDER ZUBOV g 2621 0 /2 Уг 0 1 Уг 1/2 0 0 0 1 4 И 12 KUZUBOV g 2629 0 Уг 0 1 0 0 0 /2 Уг 1 0 3/2 12 Your feedback at www.informant1966.com 49
ONE COUNTRY IV* Tim* 4 Ivanisevic • Markus • Perunovic • Sedlak • Popovic 115/14 A 33 SASIKIRAN 2707 - I. IVANISEVIC 2645 Istanbul (ol) 2012 [By Ivan Ivanisevic] While preparing for the game, I saw that my opponent very rarely allows the Benko Gam- bit and thus lacks the necessary experience. 1. d4 2. c4 c5 3. £}f3 This came after 15 minutes of thought — a good sign for me! 3... cd4 4. ^d4 ^c6 [4... e5 5. W d5 6. cd5 JLc5 has long been considered as a dangerous weapon, with Black sacrificing a pawn for considerable activity, but Black players have been shying away from this line lately.] 5. £}c3 e6 6. аЗ JLe7 [Also possible is 6... ic5 7. W JLe7] 7. g3 and already my opponent chooses a rarely played move, probably because he was surprised by my 2... c5 and wanted to avoid the main lines. [7. e4 is the main move, and now, after 7... О—0 a) 8. JLe2 allows immediate equalization with 8... d5 9. ed5 ed5 al) 10. cd5 ^d5 11. ^c6 Country: Serbia Ivan Ivanisevic Born: 1977 Rating: 2634 Peak rating: 2664 Title: Grandmaster since 2000 bc6 12. ^d5 (12. Jld2 Hb8 13. Wc2 <£d6 14. 0-0 W4^) cd5 13. 0-0 ±f6=; a2) 10. 0-0 ^d4 11. ®d4 Леб 12. cd5 ^d5 13. ^d5 ^d5 14. Ae3 ±f6 15. Ж4 ®e7= Ftacnik 2532 - Leko 2737, Istanbul (ol) 2012; 13... ®d5=; b) 8. £}f3 I would have played 8... ®c7!? (8... Wa5!?) 9. Ле2 (9. <£d3; 9. <£g5 Sd8!? and ...d5 cannot be prevented) b6 10. 0—0 ЛЬ7 11. ^g5 аб (11... Sad8; 11... Sac8) 12. Scl (12. Jlh4 W) ^g4 13. Ле7 ^e7, with a position resembling a line of the Nimzo-In- dian with 4. Wc2 c5.J 7... Wb6 [7... d5 8. Jlg2 (8. cd5 ed5 9. <£g2 would be a somewhat inferior version of the Tarrasch Defence for White, with the less useful a3 instead of the main move JLg5) 0—0 9. 0—0 and White has an easy game in the ensuing position.] 8. ^c2 [8, 5Adb5 ^e5 9. ^g2 a6 10. ^a4 (10. ЛеЗ Wd8 11. Wa4 0-0; 10. Wa4 0-0) Wa5 (10... Wd8) 11. b4 ®d8 12. ^d6 ^d6 13. Wd6 ^c4 14. Wd4 d5 15. 0-0 0-0+ Illescas Cordoba 2626 — Sergey Karjakin 2576, Dos Hermanas 2004.; 8, ^f3 d5!?] 51
ONE COUNTRY SERBIA 8... d5! A novelty. [Instead, 8... £}e5 was played in E. Vorobiov 2616 — P. Tregubov 2625, Rijeka (m/4-playoff-rapid) 2010 — 108/170, and lead to a very compex position.] 9. JLg2 [Better was 9. cd5 ed5 10. JLg2 (10. ^d5 ^d5 11. Wd5 Леб-) d4 This move, which during the game seemed pretty good to me, is proven by analysis to be inferior, be- cause it allows White to grab the initiative with the help of a pawn sacrifice: 11. £}d4! (11. ^e4 Af5) ^d4 12. ЛеЗ Лс5 (12... Wb2 13. ^d4) 13. ^a4 ®a5 14. b4 ЛЬ4 15. ab4 Wb4 16. <£d2 Wb3 17. Wb3 W 18. Sa3 ^d2 19. <£d2 0-0 20. Sb 156; 17. 0-0oc; 10... Лебос] 9... dc4 10. ЛеЗ [10. ^e3 Wa6 11. a4 Лd7 12. W 0-0 13. ^c4 ЙЬ41 10... Wa5 11. Лd2 Wh5 The analysis en- gines suggest either 11... Wc7 or 11... Wa6, but the move in the game is also logical, as it keeps the queen active. 12. £}e3 0—0 13. ®a4 A quite bold move, al- though it didn’t worry me too much. White neglects his development, instead going out to take a pawn with his queen. This would make good sense if it could be combined with long castling and an advance of the kingside pawns; otherwise it will prove just a waste of time. [13. ^c4 e5 (13... Sd8) 14. h3 ЛебМ 13... £}d4 14. Wc4 e5+ The black pieces are much more harmoniously placed, while White hasn’t castled yet — and it’s not clear if he ever will manage! 15. h3 [15. 0-0 Sd8 16. Sadi Ле6+; 15. £Acd5 ^d5 16. ^d5 Лd6T] 15... Лd8 Played after a long think, this move is a good practical choice, but I missed a way to obtain a clear advantage. [15... Леб! 16. Wc7 (16. Wa4 a5) £}d7 with a powerful attack.] 16. шз ЛЬ6 17. g4 [17. ^ed5 ^d5 18. ^d5 (18. Лd5 ЛГ5) Лd7; 17. Sdl Леб] 17..^>h4 18. ^a4 Sd8 [18... e4 19. Ле4 ^e4 20. We4 f5 21. Wd3 Sd8] 19. ^b6 ab6 20. Wc4?! [^ 20. Sdl a) 20... Леб? 21. ЛЬ7; b) 20... ^f3?! 21. ЛfЗ Sd3 22. ^g2; c) 20... Лd7 21. ЛЬ7 ЛЬ5 22. Wbl; d) 20... h5 21. ФП (21. Wbl) Лебоо; e) 20... g6oo] 20... Леб 21. Wc7 Black’s edge will evapo- rate if he doesn’t do something direct in this position. Alas, I chose the safe 21... ^d5 [21... ^e2! a) 22. фе2 Sd2 23. <£d2 Wf2 24. <£d3 Sc8 al) 25. Shfl ®b2 (25... Wfl 26. Sfl Sc7+) 26. Wc8 Лс8-+; a2) 25. ®b6 ^d7 26. Safi Лс4! 27. ^c4 ^c5 28. Wc5 ®c5-+; b) 22. ®e5 Se8 23. Wc7 Sad8 This quiet move introduces the 52
SERBIA ONE COUNTRY last remaining black piece in the attack. 24. Фе2 Sd2 25. фд2 ®f2 26. фдЗ ^d7-+ Still, during an actual game it is not easy to decide on such an adventure...] 22. Id5 Jld5 23. ^d5 Sd5 24. <£e3 Sad8 25. JLd4 ed4 26. Sdl Sasikiran was already short of time here; this led me to try and in- crease the pressure with every little move, hoping to provoke inaccuracies. 26... h5 This active move also eliminates the weakness of my back rank. 27. Wb6? White misses the chance to bring his queen back to the defence. [27. Wg3 ®f6T 1 27... hg4 28. Sd3 Sf5 [28... Wh7 with the ide to put the queen on e4, was also good.) 29. Sg3 Sc8 30. 0-0 gh3 31. Wb7 Se8 Black’s position is already winning; it all is a matter of realizing the advantage now. 32. Wc6 See5 33. фЬ2 g6 34. Wc4 <£g7 [34... Wf4] 35. b4 [35. e3 Se4] Se4 36. Wd3 Wf4-+ 37. ФЬЗ 37... Se3! 38. fe3 [38. Se3 de3 would also leave White defenceless.) 38... ШП 39. <£g4 Se5 40. ed4 Se4 White loses his queen and the game. 0 : 1 L Ivanisevic 115/172 E 11 ROB. MARKUP 2599 - E. DIZDAREVlt 2499 Istanbul (ol) 2012 [By Robert Markus] 1. d4 e6 2. £>f3 ^f6 3. c4 ^b4 4. ^d2 ®e7 5. g3 £}c6 6. £}c3 b6 A rarely played varia- tion, but one that I had already looked at, intending to play it as Black. [6... 0—0 7. Ag2 fta5 8. b3 b6 9. 0—0 Jlb7 is the usual move-order in this line. Instead, Black proba- bly mixed it up, which gave me some addi- tional opportunities to obtain the advantage.] 7. JLg2 JLb7 8. 0—0 |8. £}e5 I spent a lot of time considering this move, but in the end I was dissatisfied with the resulting position. 8... fta5 (8... 0-0 9. ^c6 <£c6 10. d5 <£b7 Born: 1983 Rating: 2608 Peak rating: 2652 Country: Serbia Robert Markus Title: Grandmaster since 2004 11. 0-0±) 9. ^b7 W 10. ^d3 ^c3 11. ^c3 ^e4=] 8... 0—0 [It’s not the right moment for 8... £}a5 9. Scl! (9. b3 0—0 transposes to the usual line) £}c4 10. £}b5±] 9. Scl N [9. ^e5 ^a5 10. <£b7 W 11. ^d3 Jlc3 12. ЛсЗ ^e4 13. &el c5=] 53
ONE COUNTRY SERBIA 9... fta5 10. £}bl!? A surprise for my opponent. By attacking the sidelined knight, White man- ages to obtain a space advantage. [My initial idea was 10. a3, but it didn’t seem to offer anything real: 10... JLc3 a) 11. JLc3 4ic4 12. Ab4 c5 al) 13. ±c5 bc5 14. Sc4 cd4 15. Wd4 МЗ (15... gfb8) 16. i.f3 d5=; a2) 13. dc5 bc5 14. Hc4 cb4 15. Sb4 ^.f3 16. ^.f3 d5=; b)\ 1. Ec3 £ie4 12. Sc2 £>d2 13. ®d2 J.e4 14. ЛсЗ c5| 10... Ad2 11. Wd2 d6?! Ill - c5? 12. dc5 Wc5 13. b4; 11... d5 12. cd5 (12. c5 £>e4 13. ®c2 ^сбосЫ 12... £>d5 13. Efel!?(13.e4 £T6 14. b4 £>c6 15. e5 ®d5 16. a3 Wd7 A &ce7) Sfd8 14. e4 £>f6 15. b4 £>c6 16. a3+; b) 12... JLd5 13. &c3 JLb7 A c5; 13. 2>e5t; c) 12... ed5 13. b3 (X£ia5; 13. £>e5 c5 14. £>c3 £>e4; 13. £>h4!?) Hfe8 14. &c3 Aie4 15. Wf4±[ 12. b4 <Ac6 13. d5 £>b8 [13... fte5 14. £>e5 de5 15. de6 Ag2 16. ef7 Wf7 17. <£g2 Black has some compensation for the pawn, but probably not enough.l 14. A>d4 White has a clear spatial superiority and therefore stands better. The immediate threat is de6. 14... фЬ8 15. 4hc3 a5?! It would have been preferable to simply wait; opening lines helps only White. 16. a3 £>bd7 17. f4 &g8 18. £>cb5 &df6 19. e4 ab4?I [19... e5 20. £>f5 ®d8 (20... ®d7 21. fe5 de5 22. £}g7H—) At the board I was not sure how to proceed from this position. At home, however, the computer shows a sim- ple path to an advantage: 21. c5! bc5 (21... Aa6 22. cd6 JLb5 23. dc7 Wd7 24. fe5+-; 21... g6 22. cd6 gf5 23. dc7) 22. bc5 i.a6 23. a4 Ab5 24. ab5±[ 20. ab4 ed5?! [20... e5 21. fe5 (21. £if5 ®d8 22. fe5 de5 23. d6 g6) de5 22. d6! cd6 (22... Wd7 23. £>c7 ed4 24. &a8 Sa8 25. ®d4+) 23. ^f5 Wd8 24. Scdl! Making sure that, after the capture on d6, the knight will not be pinned. 24... JLe4 (24... £>e4) 25. ±e4 Aie4 26. We3 £>ef6 27. Aibd6 Wd7 28. ®e5±| 21. cd5!I The game is practically decided. Black should now retreat the knight, though his defensive task should ultimately be hope- less. Instead, he makes a tactical error and loses material. 21... &e4 [21... &e8 22. Sc3± A Wc2[ 22. We3 £igf6 23. Ec7+- <5dd5 24. Sb7 £>e3 25. He7 £)fl 26. Ae4 Eal 27. A>g2 &e3 28. Ah3 g6 29. Aid6 Edl 30. £>4b5 £>d5 31. 2>f7 <ii?g8 32. JLd5 Hd5 33. £ibd6 Sh5 34. <^>g2 Да8 35. h4 Hd5 36. £>h6 фЬ8 1 : 0 Rob. Markus 54
SERBIA ONE COUNTRY 115/150 D 46 ILLESCAS C6RDOBA 2601 - MIL. PERUNOVIC 2614 Istanbul (ol) 2012 |By Milos Perunovic! While preparing, I noticed that my opponent usually employs main lines. Since I was inclined to play for a win, I decided to opt for the Meran, because this variation of the Semi-Slav results in complicated positions. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. ^c3 ^f6 4. еЗ еб 5. 2rf3 ^bd7 6. Wc2 Ad6 7. Ad3 0-0 8. 0-0 dc4 9.Ac4 a6 10. Sdl b5 11. Ae2 [11. Afl This interesting plan was introduced by the Arme- nian grandmaster Akopian. Its main idea is to leave the e2-square free for the £}c3. 11... ®c7 12. e4 e5 13. ^e2 Se8 (13... Ab7 14. de5 ^e5 15. ^e5 Ae5 16. g3 c5 17. f3 c4 18. ЛеЗ Sasirkian 2689 — Fressinet 2696, Bastia 2010) 14. de5 (14. ^g3!?) ^e5 15. ^e5 Ae5 16. g3 Ab7 17. Ag2 Sac8 18. a4 c5 19. ab5 ab5 20. f4 Ad6 21. Sa7 (21. e5oc) 21... Ae4! (21... c4 VI. Akopian 2678 - P. Harikrishna 2672, Bursa 2010) 22. Sc 7 Ac2 23. Sc8 Adi 24. Se8 ^e8 25. ^c3 Ab3 26. Ш Ae7=] 11... ®c7 12. e4 Until recently, the move 12. йе4 was more popular here, like another mem- ber of the Spanish national team (Arizmendi) played against me in the 2011 European Team Championship, but Black has found ways to secure equality there. [12. £}e4!? ^e4 13. We4 e5 14. ®d3 (14. ®h4 Se8 15. Ad3 h6 16. Id2 Ae7 17. Wg3 Ad6 18. ®h4 Ae7=) ed4 15. ®d4 Ae7 a) 16. ®e4 £T6 17. ®c2 Ab7 (17... c5! 18. a4 Ad7 19. ЬЗ Асбэс) 18. Miios jgjgr a Perunovic • Country: Serbia • Born: 1984 • Rating: 2617 • Peak rating: 2617 1 • Title: Grandmaster since 2004 a4 Sad8 19. Ad2 b4 20. Ael a5= Arizmendi Martinez 2568 — Mil. Perunovic 2576, Porto Caras 201 \\b) 16. ®f4 ®f4 17. ef4 Af6 18. ^d4 c5 19. Af3 Sa7 20. ^c6 Sc7 21. Ad2 b4 (21... Ab2 22. Sabi Af6 23. Aa5 Sb7 24. ^e7 Ae7 25. Ab7 W 26. Ad5+) 22. Sacl Ab7 23. W Ab2 24. Sc2 Af3 25. gf3 Af6 26. АеЗ Sfc8 27. ^d5 (27. ^a6 Sc6 28. Sd7 Sa6 29. Sc5 Sc5 30. Ac5 Sa2= I. Ivanisevic 2611 — Sandipan 2631, Tromso 2008) Sc6 28. £T6 £T6 29. Sc5 Sc5 30. Ac5 h6 31. Ae3= B. Grachev 2684 — Cs. Balogh 2620, Sibenik 2009; White has an extra pawn, but it is insufficient for vic- tory, as his structure is a mess.] 12.. . e5 13. g3 Se8 14. de5 [14. a3!? is an in- teresting move, very typical in such posi- tions; White prevents a later ...b4. 14... ed4 15. ^d4 Ae5 (15... Ab7) 16. Af3 c5 17. £T5 W 18. a4 b4 19. a5 bc3 20. ab6 Wb6 21. bc3 Sb8 22. АеЗос J. Markos 2565 - M. Ragger 2528, Deutschland 2007] 14.. . ^e5 15. Ag5 £>f3 16. Af3 ^g4 17. Ag2 [17. <£g2 - 87/394] h6 18. Ad2 N [18. Ael Ac5 19. Sfl Ae6 20. b3 (20. Af4 ^e5 Kursova 2300 — S. Vajda 2391, Chisinau 2005) Ad4 21. Ab2 Sad8T] 18.. . Ab7?! The bishop would be clearly better placed on e6. [18... Ae6] 19. h3 £}e5 I unfortunately had to refrain from the tempting sacrifice on f2, as White would have enough defensive resources. How- ever, had the light-squared bishop been on e6 instead, the sacrifice would deserve serious consideration. [19... £}f2? 20. Ф12 Ac5 21. ФП (21. АеЗ АеЗ 22. феЗ Wg3 23. Af3 55
ONE COUNTRY SERBIA ®h3^) Wg3 22. Ael Wg5 (22... Wf4 23. Jtf2 Ead8 24. Ed8 Ed8 25. Edl) 23. Ed3! Ee6 24. Ef3 Eae8 25. Edl±] 20. jLel?! White wants to start pushing his kingside pawns with f4 and g4, followed by ±g3. However, this plan seems rather risky to me, especially since it weakens the protec- tion of the white king. [20. Jlf4 Ead8 21. b3=l 20... Ead8 Black must play with accuracy and be always prepared to meet f4. 21. b3 [21. f4 Ac5 22. ^.f2 (22. <фЬ2 £>c4) J.f2 23. Wf2 W3 24. We2 Wb6 25. ФИ2 (25. ФП £>c5 intending ...b4 and ...a5) Wf2 26. Ed3 (26. Wf2 £>f2 27. Ed8 Ed8 28. <£gl Ed2 29. Efl £>d3 30. Edl Edl 31. 2>dl c5) We2 27. Ed8 ®g2 28. &g2 Ed8[ 21... Ac5 22. ФЫ Jla7 Black has optimized the placement of his pieces and is ready, should White remain inactive, to start push- ing his queenside pawns. 23. f4 Wb6 24. <§3e2 £>d7 25. АсЗ?! It would have been better to activate the bishop via the h4-square. [25. g4 £}f6 26. JLh4 c5 a) 27. Ed8 Ed8 28. £ic3 i.b8 29. Efl We6 30. e5 ±g2 31. Wg2 (31. &g2 g5!) Ed3; b) 27. £lg3 Edl (27... Ed4!?) 28. Edl Ed8 (28... c4!?) 29. Ed8 ®d8 30. e5 Ag2 bl) 31. ®g2? Wdl 32. Wgl £}g4! 33. hg4 Wg4 34. Ae7 c4 35. Wa7 (35. Wg2 Ш4) Wh3 36. <£gl Wg3 37. ФЫ Wf3 38. <£gl Wg4 39. ФЫ Wf4+; b2) 31. фё2 Wa8 32. ф>Ь2 &d7oo[ 25... c5 26. g4 £if6 27. £>g3 27... c4 Black opens the gl-a7 diagonal and now his queen menaces the white king. 28. bc4 We3 29. £>f5? [29. ^.f6 Edl (29... gf6 30. £>h5oo) 30. Edl Wg3 31. i.e5 f6 32. Ad4 J.d4 33. Ed4 We3 34. Wd2 Wd2 35. Ed2 bc4+[ 29... Edl? This exchange was a strategic er- ror, because the white Eal was passive. It would have been better to follow my initial idea and capture on f4 straight away. [29... Wf4! a) 30. £>e7 Ф>Ь8 31. Efl Wc7 32. ±f6 (32. Ef6 Ee7 33. Eh6 £>g8-+) gf6 33. £id5 (33. £>f5 Ee4!) £d5 34. ed5 J.b8 35. J.f3 bc4-+; b) 30. Efl 30 ... We4! 31. JLe4 ±e4 32. We4 £>e4 33. £g7 bc4 34. Jth6 c3+; c) 30. ±f6 gf6 31. c5 JLb8 32. <^gl JLc8! With the idea to elimi- nate the £}f5 and bring about a position with opposite-coloured bishops, where the white king is very exposed. 33. <Sbd6 (33. ®f2 ®h2 34. ФП JLf5 35. ef5 ±a7+) ±d6 34. cd6 Ed6+[ 30. Edl Ш4 [30... We4 31. Wb2 ®g2 32. Wg2 ±g2 33. <£g2 bc4 34. £f6 gf6 35. <£f3+ Black’s inferior structure and the strong knight on f5 give White some advantage in the end- game.! 31. J.f6 gf6 56
SERBIA ONE COUNTRY 32. Wd2! I had overlooked this move when exchanging rooks on dl, and thus believed that 32. c5 was White’s only move here. Af- ter this unpleasant surprise, I had to exchange the queens and play the resulting complicated position. [32. c5 Jlb8 33. Ш Se6 34. ®d2 te5Tl 32... Wd2 33. Sd2 bc4 34. Sd7 Sb8 35. Sc7® White could have tried the interesting advance of his e-pawn here, leading to major complications that require great precision from both players. However, due to time pressure, White decided to play more safely. [35. e5!? ig2 (35... c3 36. Jlb7 c2 37. £ih6 <£>g7 38. ^f5 &g8 39. Sc7 fe5 40. Hc2 Sb7 41. &g2+) 36. <^g2 Jlb6 37. W <£>g7 38. £>f7 c3 39. ftd6 (39. £ig5 ФЬ6 40. <£>g6 41. h4 c2 42. h5 <£>g7 43. ^g5 фЬ6 44. £>f7 &g7=) &f8 40. Sf7 (40. e6 c2 41. e7 &g8 42. e8® He8 43. ^e8 cl W 44. £>f6 &f8 45. W &g8 46. £>f6=) <£>g8 41. ef6 c2 42. Sg7 &f8 43. Sf7=] 35... Ib6 36. Sc4 Sd8 37. Scl 37... Sd2! Black keeps making active moves and posing problems in mutual time trouble. 38. М3?! [38. Bbl Hg2 39. £d6 He2 40. Bb6 (40. w M7?) ^e4 41. ^e4 Be4 42. Ba6 <£>g7=; 38. ^h6 ФЬ7 39. £>f5 (39. £>f7 <^t?g6! 40. ЛЫ Jlc7 41. Sb7 Sdl 42. Ml Hfl 43. <£>g2 Hcl 44. w &g7 45. Ла7 a5T) Ла2 40. ^d6 M8 41. £}f7 Sd2 and the black a-pawn becomes a dangerous force.] 38... Sf2 39. Jlg2 Ла2 40. ^d6 М3 41. Sei? Luckily for me, White makes a mistake. He should have attacked the M7, thereby gaining time to win the ДЬ6. [41. Sb ID M6 42. £>f5 M5 43. Лс1 Ла5 44. W <£>f8 45. £}f5 ЛЬ5оо with a very double-edged posi- tion; both sides have dangerous passed pawns on the rook files, and both kings are weak.] 41... M2+ 42. ЛЬ1 M6 43. e5 An attempt to exchange one half of Black’s bishop pair and activate the king; White then hopes that he will be able to create counterplay with his rook and well-placed knight. Had he retained a passive stance, Black’s passed a-pawn would, with the help of the powerful bishops, have advanced with great power. 43... ^g2 44. <£>g2 fe5 45. ЛЬ8 <£>g7 46. ФГЗ ЛаЗ 47. Фе4 ЛеЗ 48. ФГ5 Sf3 49. Фе4 [49. Фе5? ±f4 50. <^?d5 Sd3 51. фе4 ±d6—h] 49... Sh3 50. &f5 ФГ6 51. ЛЬ6 &g5 52. Лаб <^t?g4 [52... f6!-+] 53. Фе5 M4 54. фе4 54.. . ЛЬЗ?! Complicating things; after this move, Black is forced into the well-known rook ending with f- and h-pawns. It would have been simpler to play 54... Jlg5. [54.., Bhl? 55. Hf6 Sei 56. <£>d3 <£g5 (56... h5 57. 57
ONE COUNTRY SERBIA Hf7) 57. W ^.h6 58. Hf7; 54... Ag5 55. Sa7 f6 56. Sal Sh2 57. Sgl ФИ5-+1 55. Sf6! 155. £ih6 M6 56. Sh6 f5 57. Фе5 f4-+| 55... Sb7 |55... Sb4? 56. <£>d3 Sb7 57. £>h6 ±h6 58. Sh6 Se7 (58... f5 59. Фе2 Sb2 60. ФП) 59. Shi! With a theoretically drawn position, as Black’s pawn does not manage to advance further than the 5th rank and provide shelter from the checks for his king. 59... f5 60. Sgl ФЬЗ 61. Sfl Se5 62. <^>d4 Se4 63. ^d3=J 56. £>e3 156. £>h6 Ah6 57. Sh6 Se7 58. <^>d3 f5 59. Shi f4 60. Sgl ФИЗ-+1 56... JLe3 57. ФеЗ I must admit I was happy to get to this position, as I had made a study of them while preparing with the team before the Olympiad. Thus, I was quite confident here and had faith I will be able to prevail. 57... h5 58. ФО ф§5 Black takes advantage of the poor placement of White’s king and rook to gradually but steadily make progress, although here an opportunity was missed, 58... h4 would have been an easier way to win.) 59. Sa6 Sb2 60. ФёЗ f5 61. Sa3 Sb4 62. Sc3 Sg4 63. Ф13 h4 64. Sc8 Sg3 65. ФГ2 Sa3 66. Фg2 Фg4 67. Sg8 ФГ4 68. Sh8 Sa2 69. ФИЗ Ф13 70. Sf8? [70. Sb8 f4 71. Sb3 ф£2—+1 f4 71. ФЬ4 Sa7 72. Sg8 Sal 73. Sf8 Sgl 74. Sf7 Sg8 75. Sh7 [75. Sf6 Sh8 76. Фg5 ФgЗ-+l Фg2 0 : 1 Mil. Perunovic 115/89 C 11 S. BARRIENTOS 2500 - N. SEDLAK 2549 Istanbul (ol) 2012 [By Nikola Sedlak] 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 The French Defence. In our day of computer-assisted preparation, this opening can prove very rewarding; it has not been as deeply researched as the others, is not so easy for computers to understand and pro- vides Black with good winning chances, as it leads to very dynamic positions. 3. ^c3 4. e5 ^fd7 5. f4 c5 6. &f3 ^c6 7. ^e3 Nikola Sedlak • Country: Serbia • Born: 1983 • Rating: 2557 • Peak rating: 2605 • Title: Grandmaster since 2003 7 ... JLe7 Not the main line, but a system often met in modem practice, with Magnus Carlsen’s adoption of it against Karjakin having given it a special boost. 8. Wd2 0—0 9. dc5 White has a choice be- tween two different plans in this line. The first, the one chosen in the game, is to castle on the queenside; for this, the exchange on c5 is necessary, as 9. 0-0-0 walks into 9... c4, when Black develops a very quick attack with ...b5-b4. The other option is to prepare short castling with 9. JLe2. 9. .. Jlc5 10. 0-0-0 Wa5 11. <£c5 ^c5 12. h4 ^d7 13. h5 [13. ФЫ; 13. Sh3] 58
SERBIA ONE COUNTRY 13... b5! In such positions with opposite-side castling, both sides must play actively; any loss of time could prove fatal. 113... Sab8 — 104/57] 14. ФЫ [White wisely refrains from 14, Jlb5? Ш 15. Ad7 ^a2 16. ^a2 Wa2 17. Wc3 £id7+; 14, h6 g6 15. Ш5 ed5 16. Wa5 ^a5 17. b4 £>e4 18. ba5 £>f2 19. ±e2 <£g4 20. ghfl ^d 1 21. Sdl Hfd8 22. Sd4 a6 23. <£d3 if? 24. gf3 f6 25. a4 ФГ7 26. Sb4 Sdb8 27. f5 gf5 0 : 1 Li Chao 2582 - Ni Hua 2704, China 2008] 14... b4 15. ae2 ^e4 16. Wei It is clearly evident that Black came out of the opening with a good position. At this mo- ment, he has a choice between several good moves: 16... Wb6, threatening a ...£}f2 fork, 16... f6, undermining White’s centre, and the move played in the game. 16... Sfc8! N This move introduces ideas of ...b3 and ...£}c3+. [16... Sab8 17. ad2!? ad2 18. Wd2± I. Kurnosov 2653 — Najer 2638, Russia (ch) 2011. White appears to have repulsed Black’s attack and enjoy the better prospects.] 17. White wishes to exchange Black’s most active piece, and then proceed to attack on the kingside with full force; this idea was seen in the comment above, but here things are different... [17. £}ed4 £}c3! 18. ЬсЗ bc3 19. W Wa4 20. Sd4 (20. Wc3 ^b4 21. Wai ^c2 22. Wb2 ^a3 23. фа1 Sc2-+) ^d4 21. ^fd4 a5—+1 17... b3! An excellent move, opening another line against the white king, while retaining the active £}e4; its exchange would leave White with a slight advantage. 18. £}b3 The only move. [18, cb3 £}b4 19. a3 ЖЗ-+; 18. аЬЗ W 19. £>cl ^с2-+] 18... Wb6 19. 4^ed4 A logical move, but a mistake nevertheless. [The only move, and one not easy to find, that would allow White to retain the equilibrium was 19. £}c3 <2}c3 20. Wc3 W 21. Wd4 ^c2 22. Wb6 ab6 23. Sh3=, getting the rook into the game and preventing ...^e3.] 19... ^d4?! A mistake in the move order! [The right way was 19... a5! 20. Jld3 (20. £}c6 Sc6! threatening ...a4 and then ...£>c3+ or ..Ж2 21. <£d3 a4 22. ^e4 ab3 23. cb3 Wa7-+) a4 21. <£e4 de4 (21... ab3 22. W Wa7 23. a3 de4 24. h6 g6 25. Wh4±^) 22. £>c6 Дсб 23. ^d4 ±d54 20. Sd4 a5 21. <£d3 a4 22. Sb4! Wa7 23. &cl a3 24. JLe4 de4 25. We4? [25. b3 <£c6 26. ^e2, followed by b3, ^d4 and Sh3, would have put Black’s compensation into serious doubt.] 25... ab2 26. Sb2 <£c6 27. We2 59
ONE COUNTRY SERBIA 27... ®a4!+ At first glance it would seem that Black has inadequate compensation for the two missing pawns. However, if one takes into account the weak white king and pawns, as well as the open lines occupied by Black’s active major pieces and the pressure on c2, it becomes clear that White is in a criti- cal situation. 28. h6 [In case of 28. Hfl Black replies with 28... Jld5, threatening ...«£04.] 28... Wf4 29. hg7 We4! The exchange of queens plays into Black’s hands, as the pawns on e5 and g7 will drop sooner or later. 30. ®d3 Sa5! White’s position is now hope- less; the only thing required of Black is some precision. 31. Sh2 Se5 32. Wc3 £d7 33. Wd2 £a4 34. &d3 We2 35. g3 Wfl 36. [36. ®cl £c2! 37. Shc2 ®d3—H 36... £c2! This beautiful tactical blow is the fastest road to victory. 37. Sc2 Sb5 38. Sb2 [Mate is the outcome also after 38. фа1 ®f6 39. Sb2 Sb2 40. ®b2 Sc 1 ] Sbc5 39. Sb4 Scl 40. фЬ2 Sbl 0:1 N. Sedlak 115/38 В 12 DU. POPOVIC 2579 - I. LABIB 2429 Istanbul (ol) 2012 [By DuSan Popovic] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 £f5 4. c4 One of my favourite lines against the Caro-Kann. It may not promise a theoretical advantage, but it certainly works well as a surprise weapon. 4... e6 5. £}c3 £}e7 6. a3 A waiting move. The alternative possibility is to continue with development. [6. £}ge2 dc4 7. £}g3 Jld3 (RR 7... ^d7 8. £c4 W 9. £b3 £g6 10. 0-0 Wd7 11. £e3 Ш 12. We2 h5 13. £g5 h4 14. £}ge4 15. Sadloo J. Benjamin 2560 — L. Christiansen 2595, USA (ch) 1990 - 50/(150)) 8. £d3 cd3 9. Wd3 ^d7 Dusan Popovic • Country: Serbia • Born: 1983 • Rating: 2582 • Peak rating: 2583 • Title: Grandmaster since 2007 Now the main question is whether White can compensate for his structural weaknesses with active play. 10. f4 h5oo followed by ...h4 and ..Ж5.] 6... dc4 [6... £}d7 is met by 7. c5 b6 8. b4 a5 9. jle3 f6 10. f4 The unusual central tension 60
SERBIA ONE COUNTRY can now be released by 10... ab4 11. ab4 Sal 12. Wai bc5 13. bc5 13... fe5 (RR 13... g5! 14. ef6 £T6 15. fg5 ^g4 16. ±d2 Wb8 17. ^ge2 h6 18. h3 hg5 19. JLg5oc R. Ponomariov 2704 — J. Timman 2630, Pamplona 2005 - 95/58) 14. fe5 ^e5 15. de5 d4 16. £}b5oo, with a complicated po- sition.] 7. Ac4 £}d7 8. £}ge2 Sc8?! The first mistake. The intention behind this move is hardly clear, as ...c5 can hardly be played anytime soon; the black king is still in the centre. [8... £}b6 is the main line: 9. Jlb3 a) 9... ^ed5 10. £}g3 <£g6 11. ^ce4 <le7 12. h4± Du. Popovic 2471 — Z. Stojanovic 2305, Srbija i Cma Gora 2005 - 95/(58); b) RR 9... lg6 10. h4 h6 H.^f4 £f5 12. <£e3 Wd7 13. gel ^ed5 14. ^cd5 ^d5 15. ^d5 ed5 16. JLc2 Ae7 17. Wf3 Jlc2 18. Sc2oo Nisipeanu 2670 — K. Asrian 2611, Warszawa 2005 — 94/(60); c) 9... Wd7 10. 0-0 <£g6 11. ^f4 ^f5 12. ±e3 JLe7 13. Wd2 with slightly better chances in J. Geller 2494 — Iv. Popov 2460, Moscow 2004 - 92/(70)] 9.0-0 ^b6 10. <£b3 ^ed5 11. ^g3 <£g6 12. <$}ce4 Ae7 13. h4 A well known idea. Black clearly misses at least one tempo, like the one spent for ...Sc8. 13.. . h5 [13... h6 14. h5 <£h7 15. Wg4±] 14. Jlg5 Weakening Black’s control of the d6-square. 14... f6?! A consistent but risky move. In the near future Black will face a serious problem: where to place his king? [The best chance was 14... 0—0 15. Sel±, retaining the ten- sion.) 15. ef6 gf6 16. JLd2 Black’s task of finding a good plan is very difficult. White’s king is safe, and that is the main difference between the two sides. My idea is clear: to put my pieces on their best squares, such as Wf3, Sfel, and then to start some action in the centre. 16... <Sd7 17. Sei &f8 18. Wf3 <£d7 Such a radical solution can not help Black, of course. Still, alternatives are not better. [18... Af7 19. SacH— threatening Jld5.] 19. JLb4!4— Eliminating an important de- fensive piece. 61
ONE COUNTRY SERBIA 19... ,£e4 [19... &b4 20. ab4 ±b4 21. £ic5 Фс7 (21... Ac 5 22. dc5+—) 22. Sa7+-] 20. <Ae4 f5 21. 4кЗ Ab4 [21... £}b4 22. ab4 Wb6 23. d5!+-] 22. ab4 Wh4 23. Ad5 cd5 24. <Ad5! It finally becomes clear that Black has to pay a very high price for his suspect strategy; his king is fatally exposed. 24... Sc6 25. Па7 ed5 26. ®d5 Фс7 27. We5 1 : 0 Du. Popovic ISTANBUL (ol), VIII-IX 2012 (157 teams, 7 / rounds) 1. Armenia 19, 2. Russia 19, 3. Ukraine 18, 4—5. China, USA 17, 6—8. Nederland, Vietnam, Romania 16, 9—18. Magyarorszag, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Deutschland, Polska, Srbija, Italia, Sverige, England, Danmark 15, etc. 14. Srbija (Rating Average: 2609) 1 IVAN IVANISEVIC 2 ROBERT MARKUS 3 MILOS PERUNOVIC 4 NIKOLA SEDLAK 5 DUSAN POPOVIC g 2645 5 points/10 games g 2599 6/2/Ю g 2614 6/9 g 2549 7/9 g 2579 4/6 62
Chess Informant Latest opening trends from the grandmasters' point of view An ENGLISH OPENING Viktor Erdos PIRC DEFENCE В 07 Andrey Sumets Bl2 CARO-KANN DEFENCE Miso Pop SICILIAN DEFENCE B22 Milos Perunovic B94 SICILIAN DEFENCE Rafael Leitao FRENCH DEFENCE Си Nikola Dukic C63 RUY LOPEZ Ivan Ivanisevic RUY LOPEZ C80 Sarunas Sulskis 63
ENGLISH OPENING Reti Gambit Accepted by GM Viktor Erdos • Country: Hungary • Born: 1987 • Title: Grandmaster since 2007 • Rating: 2637 • Peak rating: 2649 n my career I have been using 1. d4 almost exclusively until 2011, when I started being fed up with the ever-growing theory of the Slav Defence and its various branches — this opening was becoming more and more popular, and extensively analyzed. As I had experienced some problems in Reti-type positions with the black pieces, I asked myself whether I should try these setups with the other color as well. In order to avoid the Slav main lines, my attention was particularly focussed on the "Reti Gam- bit", the topic of this article. It is a really ambitious line: White is ready to sacrifice the fic4 for a lead in development (Black will have to spend quite some time in order to defend this extra pawn) and active positional compensation, which comprises of full control of the centre, open lines on the queenside and a powerful bishop on g2. This concept has encouraged many play- ers to try this relatively new line, leading to a surge in its popularity. Several strong grand- masters have incorporated into their repertoire, mainly as a surprise weapon, but there are even those, like Georgian GM Pantsulaia, who employ it regularly and with success. This article is dedicated to one of the most exciting branches of the "Reti Gambit Accepted", the line 7... Леб!? 8. £}g5 JLg4.1 have chosen a recent game of mine as the backbone of the ar- ticle, as this game showcases several interesting ideas, both in its course and the comments. Objectively speaking, and after hours of painstaking analysis, I have concluded that Black is doing fine in this branch of theory, particularly in the 11... h6 variation, but it takes strong nerves and good tactical skills (or a perfect memory!) to meet the challenge successfully; oth- erwise, Black’s life in this line is not easy at all! 1. g3!? This starting move allows White to prevent the Hedgehog or any other Queen’s Indian-type setups. In case of 1... e5 White re- plies 2. c4, transposing to the English Opening. 1... d5 2. £>f3 ^f6 3. Л§2 сб 4. c4 The start- ing position of the Reti Gambit; it can be reached through various move orders. 4... dc4 Accepting the challenge is Black’s main option. Calmer alternatives are 4... JLg4, 4... JLf5 and 4... g6. 5. 0-0 ^bd7 6. ^a3 [6. Wc2 £>b6 7. a4 (7. ^a3 - 6. ^аЗ) a5 8. £}a3 is another interesting variation.] 64
All CILABS 6... Ш6 7. Wc2 Леб I? |7... Wd5 is the main move — 113/(6)] 8. £>g5 |8. fte5 and 8. b3 were also tested several times, but the text is most critical.] 8... Ig4!? Our focus is on this highly optimistic varia- tion. To be honest, I never thought I would face it over the board, as it looks really dan- gerous for Black. I had some ideas, though I had hardly analyzed this line in the depth it de- serves, but for this particular game I wasn’t expecting this line at all. This made recalling my analysis quite difficult, but it didn’t matter that much, as 1 faced a novelty on move 11. I As* an alternative 8... Wd7 comes into mind as well.] 9. ^c4! The most testing, otherwise Black has an easy game. The idea is taken from the famous T. Radjabov 2761 — J. Smeets 2601, Wijk aan Zee 2009 game, where a4 and ...a5 were in- cluded. d4 cd3 13. ®d3 ®a5!) ^e4 13. Ле4 cb3 14. Wb3 ^d6; b) 10. ЛВ 11. Jlf3 e5 12. e3 Wd3 13. Ле2 Wc2 14. ^c2 ^fd5 15. b3 cb3 16. ab3 W 17. W ЛЬ4 18. Sdl f6 19. ЛЬ2 фе7Т The bishop pair is not enough compensation for the missing pawn. R. Griffiths 2301 — S. Sethuraman 2529, Paris 2011; I don’t like the weakening 9, f3 Jlh5 10. £}c4 10.. . e5! at all. Although the position looks balanced, I believe Black is somewhat for preference. Statistics support my feeling with a +3 score for Black. (10... Wd4 11. ^e3) 11. d3 (11. ФЫ!? Ш15 12. d3 Ле7 13. ^e4 Wc7 14. a3 0-0 15. Ь4 ФЬ8 16. ^d2 ^d7 17. ^a5 f5 18. ^c5 ^c5 19. bc5 f4±^ H. Tikkanen 2586 — A. Giri 2714, Porto Carras 2011) ^c4 12. Wc4 13. ^e4 ^d5 14. f6 15. ФЫ Wb6 16. a3 Sd8 17. ®h4 Jlg6+ McShane 2657 — Mi. Adams 2728, Deutschland 2011] 9... Ле2 10. ^e5 ЛЬ5П 65
Cl LABS A 11 [Nobody has tried 10... JLfl and for good rea- son!] 11. Sei 11... £}bd5?! N This move looks normal, but is in fact inaccurate. [White’s main idea is that the obvious 11,„ e6? is already a fatal mistake! 12. JLf3!! An ingenious move! The bishop forces its counterpart to the vulnerable g6-square before being sacrificed on c6. 12... ^g6 13. M6! bc6 14. Wc6 a) 14... ^bd7 15. ^g6 Hc8 (15... hg6 16. £tf7) 16. Леб or 16. £}e6 and mate is close; b) 14... £Td7 15. ^ef7! JLf7 16. £>f7 Wf6 17. W e5 18. We4 g6 19. d4 ®h8 20. de5 ^e7 21. ^h6+- This was N. Grandelius 2541 — Mil. Peruno- vic 2578, Sarajevo 2011, the first game in this line, and an impressive victory for White; The only viable alternative to 11... h6 is 11,„ ^ibd7. My opponent in the main game tried this move in the same tournament, two rounds later, with success. 12. d4 a) 12... h6 is risky: 13. ^ef7 ^f7 14. £>f7 ФП 15. Wb3 Фе8 (15... <£>g6 16. М3) 16. Wb7 and I prefer White; b) 12... e6 bl) Worth considering is 13. ^ef7 jLf7 14. ®b3; 14. He6!?5§; b2) 13. Jlc6 is mistaken here, in view of bc6 14. ^c6 Hc8 15. d5 ^d5 16. £>e6 fe6 17. Неб £}e7!? This computer preference looks odd but may be decisive: (17... Jle7 A practi- cal choice. 18. ®f5 Hc6 19. ®h5 g6 20. ®d5 Неб 21. We6 Wb6T C. Lupulescu 2616 - Alonso Rosell 2513, Plovdiv 2012) 18. ^g5 W (18... М3) 19. Hael Ш 20. Hc6 Jlg4! Black has two extra pieces, though I doubt there is a human who would dare to play like this!; b3) 13. JLf3 This leads to a drawish position after a spectacular sequence: 13... £ю5! 14. ih5 ^g6 15. Неб! M7! 16. ^g6 hg6 17. He2 0-0= D. Shengelia 2551 - Cvek 2563, Sibenik 2012; At the moment I would consider 11,„ h6 as the best move. 12. £}e4 (12. £}h3 intending 13. £}f4 is a possibility, whereupon both 12... g5 and 12... £}bd5 lead to complications.) e6 13. £>f6gf6 66
All CILABS a) After 14. JLc6 the outcome is a draw by perpetual check: bc6 15. ®c6 фе7 16. Wb7 (16. b3? fe5 17. ±a3 &f6) Фе8 17. Wc6 фе7=; b) 14. We4 has been played, but there is no real idea behind this move; c) 14. £}c6! 1 found this nice move with the help of my engine a long time ago, and now fi- nally the idea has been revealed in the Russian Championship! Some really fascinating things are taking place: 14... bc6 15. Лсб £}d7 16. Wf5! A great reminder to why chess is such a fantastic game! 16... Jlg6 17. Неб! cl) Playable but highly dangerous is 17... fe6 18. Wg6 Фе7 19. ЬЗ! <£>d6 (19... We8 20. £a3 &d8 21. We8 фе8 22. ^f8 Hc8 23. £d7 <^d7 24. ^g7±) 20. ^g2 (20. <£a8 Wa8 21. ^аЗ Фс7 22. Hcl &d8 23. <£b2 ie7oc) ^e5! 21. ®e4 Hc8 22. d4 фе7! Stubborn defence! ell) 23. de5 Wdl 24. ^fl Hcl 25. Wb7 Фе8 26. Hcl Wcl 27. <^g2!? ^e7Q 28. ^c4 ®d2 (28... ФГ7?? 29. Wd7) 29. ^e6 Wd4= Black is just in time to hold the draw; cl2) 23. ЛаЗ Фе8 24. ЛР8 <£>f8 25. de5± White’s position seems somewhat preferable; c2) 17... Ле7 18. Wf6 Once again a fascinat- ing situation has arisen. 18... Hg8 (After 18... 0—0 White collects too many pawns: 19. We7 fe6 20. We6 <£>h7 21. Ла8?! ^c5; 21. Wd7) 19. Hel ФА8 20. Wf4 Hc8 21. ®h6 Hg7 Black decides to give perpetual check. c21) White could play on, for instance with 22. d4 <^g8 (22... Hc6?? 23. ®h8 Hg8 24. Jlh64—) 23. JLg2 £}b6 with a very unclear and unbalanced position; c22) 22. Wh8 Hg8 23. ®h6 Hg7 24. Wh8 Hg8 and a draw was agreed in Daniil Dubov 2594 - V. Potkin 2651, Russia (ch) 2012.] 12. Л113! I like this move very much. It is now difficult for Black to develop his forces. [White can win the pawn back only at the cost of exchanging queens; this is hardly a good idea: 12. ^сб?! ®c7 13. ^d4 ®c2 14. ^c2 e6; 12, d4 is an option.] 12... Wb6 Black has to avoid several pitfalls here: [12.., Леб?? 13. ^g6 hg6 14. £rf7; 12.., h6?? 13. ^gf7 ЛП 14. £>f7 ФП 15. Леб Фе8 16. Wg6; 12... e6?? 13. ^ef7! ^f7 14. £>f7 <£>f7 15. ЛебЧ—; 12... Wa5 13. ^f5!?; 13. b4!?J 13. b4I? With this romantic move I wanted to open up the position as much as possible (as Black is clearly lagging in development), even at the cost of a pawn. 13. d4 is probably 67
Cl LABS A 11 preferable, while 13. a4 and the engine’s sug- gestion, 13. JLf5, also merit consideration. Here is a more detailed examination of these ideas: [o 13. d4 a) 13... e6 14. ±e6; 14. 4}ef7; b) 13... h6 14. £>e4 <§be4 (14... e6 15. g4) bl) 15. JLd7 £>d8 16. Ле4 (16. ®e4 £>f6 17. Wh4 e6) f6<x>; b2) 15. We4 (15... e6 16. g4) 16. ®c2-; c) 13... Wd4? 14. £>c6 Wb6 15. £ie5-; d) 13... Ag6 14. ±f5! £f5 15. Wf5 The f7-pawn is about to fall; e) 13... Sd8 14. Af5!! A brutal move, retaining the initia- tive! 14... W ( 14... Wd4 15. a3; 14... h6 again fails to 15. £>gf7) 15. Wbl (15. ®b3 £>bd5) Wd4 16. аЗ ®lxl5 17. h3- with a strong attack.] 13... Sd8 |13,„ h6 would have been the best try: a) 14. <§be4 еб 15. ДЫ (15. g4? &f4; 15. Ab2 £e7) ±e7; b) 14. &gf7!? JLf7 15. (15. b5!?) &f7 16. кеб Фе8 17. Wg6 &d8 18. ±b2 White has good compensation but things are far from clear; 13.. . ^ib4 14. Wc4 (14. Wbl!? £>bd5 15. JLb2 h6 16. £gf7! ±f7 17. £>f7 ФП 18. кеб фе8 19. Wg6 <£d8 20. Sabi-) ®b5? (Better is 14... £>bd5 15. АаЗбё) 15. £>ef7! Wc4 16. £id6 <£d8 17. £ic4 £>c2 18. £b2 £)el 19. Held— White maintains a decisive attack.] 14. Sbl £)c7 It was again difficult to find an acceptable move. 114.. , is refuted by 15. £)g6 hg6 16. £>f7 Sh3 17. Wg6 &d7 18. Wf5 Фе8 19. £>e5! Sh6 20. d4d—, while 15. jlf5 is also strong; 14... e6? 15. £>ef7] 15. d3 Many moves came to my mind here, such as 15. a4 and 15. b5, but in the end 1 set- tled for this. 15... £)b5? Wrong, but the alternatives seemes also bad. 115... e6 16. ЛеЗ ®a6 (16... Wb5D) 17. b5! W 18. Ae6! fe6 19. £>e6+-; 15... h6 16. ke3 (16. £>e4) a) 16... Wa6 17. a4 (17. £>e4 e6 18. a4±) hg5 18. b5 cb5 (18... Wa5 19. £d2) 19. Ш7-; b) 16... ®b5 17. ^.c5! hg5 (17... Sd5 18. a4) 18. a4 Wa6 19. b5 cb5 20. ab5 £ib5 (20... Wa5 21. £}c4) 21. ДаН— Trapping the 68
All Cl LABS queen; I was calculating this idea during the game.] 16. jlb2?! |16. a4 would have been the right choice, but we already were a bit short of time at this stage. 16... £>d4 (16... £id6 17. i.e3) 17. Wc4 White is now winning in every line: 17... e6 (17... Ed5 18. J.g2 Wd8 19. J.b2+-) 18. ie3 (18. ^.еб!? fe6 19. £>e6 <Йе6 20. ®e6 Ie7 21.^g6+-) a) 18... kel 19. ±e6 (19. £>gf7 ±f7 20. £>f7 &f7 21. J.d4 Wd4 22. We6+-) fe6 ( 19... 0-0 20. JLf7 JU7 21. £>ef7 Ed5 22. £d4) 20. £}e6; b) 18... Ed5 19. £>ef7! £f7 20. кеб кеб 21. £>e6 £d3 22. ФЫ+-] 16... £>d4?I |16...^d5 17. £>c4 Wa6 (17... Wc7 18. ke5) 18. a4+-; Relatively best was 16.., h6 17. £}e4 £}e4 (17... e6 18. £>c5! kel 19. g4) 18. Ee4-; 16.. . e6? 17. ^.еб! fe6 18. £>e6+-J 17. Ad4 Wd4 117.. . 2d4 18. b5 c5 19. £>c4 Wd8 20. Wa4+- wins the a7-pawn and the game.] 18. b5 |18. £>c6 is not that clear: 18... bc6 19. Wc6 &17 20. Ebel] 19. b6 The game is practically over. 19... a6 119... ab6 20. Eb6| 20. ±g2 [I missed a really extraordinary move here: 20. JLe6!! fe6 21. £}e6 , winning the queen or delivering mate!] 20... £>d7 V. Erdos 2624 - Cvek 2563, Sibe- nik 2012.1 went on to win the game, but only after several mistakes in mutual time trou- ble. Meanwhile, a decisive continuation was available: |In case of 20... Eb8 I was planning 21. кеб! bc6 (21... &d8 22. Jlb7!) 22. £>c6 Wd6 23. £}b8 Wb8 Now everything is good, but the most elegant is 24. d4!] 21. Ab7! <$}e5 22. Ee5! The simple point. 22... We5 23. ±c6 Ed7 24. b7 Wb8 25. ®a4+- 18... c5 Viktor Erdos 69
PIRC DEFENCE Anti-King's Indian setup by GM Andrey Sumets Country: Ukraine Born: 1980 Title: Grandmaster since 2006 Rating: 2627 Peak rating: 2651 his article deals with the rare anti-King’s Indian setup 1. d4 2. £}f3 g6 3. g3 Jlg7 4. Jlg2 0—0 5. 0—0 d6 6. £}c3!? While hardly a popular and critical weapon against Kasparov’s old favourite, this line is occasionally adopted by many grandmasters, with good practical re- sults. I myself started playing it ever since my friend GM Yuri Drozdovskij showed me a game of his against Sergey Zavgorodniy. It is not a common guest in my games, but on the few occa- sions that I have employed it, my results have been quite good. What are the pros and cons of 6. £}c3, compared to 6. c4? First of all, in many lines of the Fianchetto King’s Indian the Дс4 becomes an object of attack. Secondly, White retains the op- tion of later playing c3, to limit the influence of the strong black JLg7. Last but not least, a psy- chological factor: King’s Indian devotees are usually active players and not enticed by the slightly worse position after 6... d5. It may appear a bit strange to suggest Black to play 5... d6 and then 6... d5; however, I feel that this is Black’s best option. Should he wish to explore other paths, he can choose 6... £}bd7 or 6... c6, usually leading to the same position, or 6... £}c6, which however I don’t recommend. Then a Pirc-like position arises, and here it should be pointed out that, despite all the apparent similarities between the two openings, many King’s Indian fans have never played the Pirc Defence before. In my opinion, this detail increases the practical chances of the players who will employ this system with White. There are, of course, some drawbacks to this approach as well. First of all, the fight for an opening advantage is usually strongly connected with fighting for space; 6. c4 is more constructive in this regard. Secondly, after 6... d5 White’s only reason- able plan is to prepare e2-e4, which in turn will lead to a simplification of the position. Also, after other moves White ends up in a relative sideline of the Pirc. It is up to the reader to decide if — and when — the pros outweigh the cons, and make up his mind accordingly. Overall, this line is not sharp enough to pose Black serious problems, and he has more than one ways to obtain counterplay, but it does require accuracy of him, as well as a broader chess education in handling various typical positions. The article is based on my game against Dan- iel Naroditsky, played in the last round of the Montreal Open 2012. With 5/2/8 I was sole third, one point behind the leaders Lazaro Bruzon Batista and Wesley So, and half a point 70
В 07 Cl LABS ahead of the chasing pack. A draw would obviously give me excellent chances for third place, so I chose the system in question in an effort to play, not directly for a draw, but solidly, espe- cially considering that the early starting time of the round did not allow me to prepare for the sharp King’s Indian lines properly. 1. d4 £jf6 2. £>f3 g6 3. g3 Ag7 4. Ag2 0-0 5.0-0 d6 6. £>c3 Not the strongest, but an interesting move, leading to complicated positions; this makes it a good choice for a strong player to try and outplay a weaker opponent. all) 9. JLg5!? h6 6... ?ibd7 |6„, d5 (A 49) I consider this move best in this position. Having met it several times, I can testify that it offers White a comfortable position, though hardly any tangible opening advantage. 7. Sei a) 7... c6 8. e4 al) 8... Ag4!? al 11) 10. Jlf6 An interesting option, that however hardly promises any advantage. 10... ±f6 11. Wd2! de4 (11... i.g7? 12. ed5! cd5 13. £}e5± ±e6? 14. £>g6) 12. £>e4 ±g7 13. Wb4 JLc8! Black’s pair of bishops compen- sates for White’s space advantage and better development; al 12) 10. Ad2 <§3bd7 11. e5 £>e8 12. h3 £f3 13. Wf3 Wb6 14. <§3e2 al 121) 14... Wb2? 15. Wd3 Wb6 (15... Wb5 16. Wb5 cb5 17. ±d5 £>e5!? 18. de5 Sd8 19. ±b4±) 16. Sabi Wc7 17. e6±; al 122) 14... £>c7 15. a4 a5 16. ®a3 e6 17. i.e3 &a6 18. c3±; al 13) 10. jlf4!? Provoking g5, but it is not clear whether this move is more accurate than 10. jLd2. 10... g5 (10... £}bd7!? 11. e5 &e8 12. Wd2 g5 13. ±e3 f6 14. ef6 £>ef6) 11. JLd2 43bd7 al 131) 12. e5 £ie8 13. h3 £f5 (13... Ae6 14. h4 g4 15. W h5 16. £ie2±; 13... £h5 14. g4 £g6 15. h4±) 14. g4 ^.еб 15. 43e2 £>c7 16. £3g3±; all32) 12. h3 ^.h5 13. ed5?! White opts for an interesting sequence, but it only leads to equality. (13. e5! £}e8 14. g4!± with an obvi- ous advantage) cd5 14. g4 Ag6 15. <53e5 <53e5 16. de5 &d7 17. £id5 (17. еб?! W) 71
Cl LABS В 07 all321) 17... £ie5? 18. ±b4±; al 1322) 17... JLe5?! 18. Ac3! (18. Aa5 Wa5 19. «Зе7 ФИ7 20. £ig6 <£>g6 21. Wd7 ±b2 22. Sabi &g7±) f6 19. J.e5 £>e5 20. Wd4±; all323) 17... e6! 18. ±a5! Wa5 (18... Ь6?! 19. £}f6 £>f6 20. ef6 ^.f6 21. J.b4±) 19. <^e7 all3231) 19... ФЬ8! 20. £ig6! (20. Wd7 J.c2 21. Seel Aa4 22. Wb7 Sab8T) fg6 21. Wd7 Sad8 22. We6 Sd2 23. Wg6 Wc5 24. Se3 Sff2 25. Ae4 £>g8 26. Sael Sde2 27. Sle2 Se2 28. We8 ±f8 29. Wg6 J.g7 30. We8=; all3232) 19... фЬ7?! Giving White a very important tempo. 20. Wd7 Jlc2 21. Seel Aa4 22. Wb7 (1/2 : 1/2 Zvjaginsev 2634 - V. Nevednichii 2582, Jugoslavia 2000) Sab8 23. We4 ФЬ8 24. ±fl Sb4 25. Wei Wb6 26. b3 White’s chances appear preferable in this complicated position; al2) 9. e5 al21) 9... £>e8?! Not a move I would recom- mend. 10. h3 J.f3 11. Af3(H. Wf3!?e6 12. £ie2 c5 13. c4 <§3c7 14. cd5 &d5 15. £>c3 cd4 16. £id5 ed5 17. Wd5 Wd5 18. Ad5 £>c6 19. JLf4±) £>c7 12. h4 f6 13. ef6 ef6 (13... ±f6 14. JLh6±) 14. h5!? (14. M4 Wd7 15. h5 £iba6 16. hg6 hg6 17. £>e2±) f5 15. £>e2 &d7 16. hg6 hg6 17. 2>f4 Wf6 18. c3 Sae8 19. Se8 Se8 20. £>d3±; al22) 9... £>fd7 10. h3 £f3 al221) 11. Wf3!? This recapture is, in my opinion, no worse. e6 12. b4!? (12. £>e2 c5 13. c3 £>c6 14. ^.еЗоо) <§3a6 (12... Wb6?! 13. Wd3!) 13. Sbl f6 14. ef6 2>f6 15. Wdl 2>c7 16. JLf4±; al222) 11. £f3 e6 12. £>e2 c5 13. c3 £>c6 14. АеЗ W 15. b3 a5 16. h4 a4 17. Ag5?! (17. h5! ab3 18. ab3 Sal 19. Wai We7 20. £>g2±) Wc7 al2221) 18. h5?! cd4 19. cd4 £>e5! 20. de5 We5 21. h6 Ah8 22. Wd2 ab3 23. Af4 Wf6 24. Wb4 (24. a4 g5—b) ba2 25. Wb6 Wai 26. Sal Aal 27. £>cl Ad4! 28. Wd4 alW~+; al2222) 18. Wd2 ab3 19. ab3 Sal 20. Sal cd4 21. cd4 Sa8 22. Sbl £>d7 23. h5 Sa3 24. hg6 hg6 25. &g2 Wa5 26. Wdl Sa2 27. J.e3 £}db8 28. J.g4 £>a6 29. £>f4 Wc3 30. &h3 Wc2?! (30... £>c7!oo) 31. £>e6 (31. Wc2! Sc2 32. £>e6 fe6 33. ^.еб &f8 34. ±d5 White gains a tempo for JLe4.) al22221) 31... fe6? 32. £e6 ФЬ7 (32... 33. Wf3) 33. Wc2 Sc2 34. &g2+-; al22222) 31... Wdl 32. Sdl fe6 33. i.e6 &f8 34. Ad5 &ab4 35. ^.e4 £>e7 36. d5! ^.e5 37. 72
В 07 Cl LABS d6 <Йес6 38. d7 Фе7?? (38... Мб 39. M5 &g7 40. М4 <ЙЬ4 41. d8W М8 42. Sd7! &f6 43. Sd8±) 39. d8W £>d8 40. M5+- 1 : 0 Tkachiev 2575 — No. Kalantarian 2460, Cannes 1995; a2) 8... de4 9. £>e4 £>e4 10. Se4 М5 11. Eel <5X17 a21) 12. c3!? £>b6? (12... Se8 13. M4) 13. Ш>3 Wd7 14. <5}e5 Wc8 15. a4± Romanishin 2555 — H. Stefansson 2445, Altensteig 1992 - 55/79; a22) 12. JLg5 Perhaps not the best. 12... Se8 13. c3 Wb6 14. ®ЬЗ Мб?! I assume my op- ponent wanted to play for a win, but his deci- sion was dubious at least. (14... e5! After this it is hard to imagine any result other than a draw. 15. 5X5 5X5 16. de5 M5=) 15. Wa3 W8?! (15... Мб 16. Se6!? fe6 17. М3 £>f8 18. M435; 16. M4+) a221) 16. Неб! fe6 17. Wb3 5tf8 18. ®b7 Eb8 19. Wa7 Sb2 20. 5X2 (20. a4 ®b8 21. ®b8 Seb8 22. М1бб) ®a8 21. Wa8 Sa8 22. a4; a222) 16. b3? a5 17. c4 a4 18. ®b4 c5 19. Wb7 cd4 20. Sadi Sb8 21. Wa7 Sa8 22. ®Ь7 Sb8 23. Wa7 Sa8 1/2 : 1/2 Sumets 2473 - B. Socko 2554, Pardubice 2004; b) 7... M5 Although Black seems to be doing OK after 7... c6, both in my database and in my own personal experience, this move is more logical; in order to push e4, White will now have to play 53h4 first, and later spend a move bringing the knight back. 8. 5X4 bl) 8... ±g4!? 6//)9.f3M6!?(9...M8 10. e4de4 H.fe4 c5 12. dc5 Wa5 13. 5X5 5X6 14. c3 Wc5 15. M3= P. Nasman — V. Pankratov, corr. 1997) 10. e4 c5 11. e5 «tfd? 12. f4 cd4 13. Wd4 5X6 14. Wf2oo; Ы2) 9. Ag5 c6 (9... h6? 10. Мб M6 11. 5X5 M4 12. gh4 c6 13. 5X3±) 10. ®d2 5Xd7 11. f3 M6 12. e4 Ы21) 12... de4 13. fe4 5X6! 14. b3 (14. 5}f3 5X4 15. We2 5X2 16. Sabi 5X4 17. Sb7 5X6oo) £>g4 15. Sadi h6 16. М3 Sc8!?; 16... 5X3+; Ы22) 12... c5?! 13. ed5 cd4? 14. de6 dc3 15. bc3 (15. Wc3!? 5X5 16. ef7 Sf7 17. Wd2±) Wb6 16. ФЫ fe6 17. Sabl± Wc7 Ivanchuk 2740 — V. Topalov 2725, Monte Carlo (blindfold) 1997; b2) 8... M6 9. e4 de4 10. 5X4 11. M4 c6 (11... M15!? 12. M5 Wd5 13. Se7 M14 14. М3 5X6 15. Sc7 Sad8 16. 5}f3 Wa5 17. Sc6 М3 18. Sd6 M6) 12. c3 5X7 13. Ag5 5X6 14. М2 M5 15. 5}f3 Se8 16. ®c2 Wb6 17. Se2 c5 (17... h6! 18. М3 Sad8) 18. Sdl cd4?! 19. Sd4 Sad8 20. c4 M6 21. Sd8 Wd8 22. Ь4 Ь6?! (22... Wc7) 23. Ь5 M7 24. £}e5± Sumets 2619 — Fernandez Siles 2314, Villa de Roquetas 2011; 6- c6 7. e4 a) 7... £ibd7 8. a4 (8. e5!? &e8 9. Sel+) e5 9. Sei a5 transposes to 6... £}bd7; 73
Cl LABS В 07 b) 7... Wc7 8. a4 e5 9. h3 £>bd7 10. Ae3 (leads to the same position we examine after 6... ЙМ7) 10... a5 11. Sei; 10. Sei; 6. ., 4Лс6 I don’t believe in this move 7. d5 £>a5 8. Sbl! a) 8... J.d7 a 1)9. Wd3!?c5n all) 10. b3 b5! (10... c4?! 11. Wd2 cb3 12. ab3 Sc8 13. £>d4 ®b6 14. Aa3 Sfe8 15. Sbdl±) 11. £>b5 Ab5 12. Wb5 £>d5 13. JLd2 &c3 14. Ac3 Ac3 15. Wd3 Ag7=; al2) 10. e4 b5 11. e5 £>g4 12. e6!? fe6 13. 2>g5 ±d4 14. £>dl ed5 15. £d5 ФЬ8 al21) 16. ^.a8? Wa8 17. We2 h6 18. We7 hg5 19. Wd7 Sf5 20. Wd6 (20. c3 2>e5-+) £>e5-+; al22) 16. We2! £f6 17. £ie6 £e6 18. Ae6 <^e5 19. f4 (19. Wb5? 20. £>g2 £>d4) £iec6 20. c3! (20. Wb5? £id4) Sb8 21. f5 (21. £>e3 b4 22. ±d2 Wb6 23. £>d5 Wb5 24. We4cS) We8 22. J.h6 Ag7 23. i.g7 <£>g7 24. ^еЗда; a2) 9. ЬЗ c6 10. Ab2 cd5 (10... Sc8!? 11. e4 b5 12. аЗ a6M 11. £id5 £id5 12. Wd5 i.b2 13. Sb2+ Beim; a3) 9. e4 c6 10. ЬЗ?! (10. Sel± Stohl) cd5 11. ed5 Sc8 12. £d2 b5^ 13. a3 Se8 14. h3 a6 15. £}d4? Stohl (I can’t accept it) Wb6 16. £>ce2e5 17.de6fe6 18. Wel?(18.£e3 Wc7 19. £>f4 d5 20. Sel=) £>b7 19. Scl e5 20. £>f3 d5+ Romanishin 2555 — Beim 2555, Linz 1997 - 71/59; b) 8... c5 9. a3 ±d7 10. e4 £g4 (V. Belikov 2564 - A. Tukhaev 2466, Alushta 2007) 11. ЬЗ аб 12. h3 Af3 13. Wf3 2>d7 14. J.d2±l 7. e4 e5 [7... c5 A rare but playable move. White could allow an exchange on d4 (and play a slow line of the Sicilian Dragon) or try to give the game an unusual flavor: 8. e5 £}e8 9. ed6 &d6 10. Sei cd4 11. £>d4 Se8 12. &db5 <^e5 13. h3 £>b5 14. £>b5 Ad7= K. Landa 2570 - V. Varavin 2520, Russia (ch) 1996] 8. h3 Se8 9. Sei c6 10. a4 10... a5 110.., Wc7 11. Ae3 b6 12. W!? (12. Wd2 Ab7 13. Sadi Sad8 14. Ah6 a6) £b7 13. f4 a6 14. de5 de5 15. f5 b5 16. g4 Sad8 17. Wcl 2>b6 18. ЬЗ b4 19. £>e2 c5 20. £ig3 Sd4 21. a5 ^c8 22. J.d4 ed4 23. e5 £>d5 24. f6 ^.f8 25. ±d5 Ad5 26. Wf4 £ia7 1/2 : 1/2 K. Landa 2460 — A. Sokolov 2360, Jurmala 1991. This game is a good opportunity to wonder about the usefulness of the Sofia Rules; the fight was interrupted at the most exciting mo- ment...; 10... b6 11. ±e3 ^.b7 74
В 07 Cl LABS a) 12. £}d2!? 4}g4 White is usually advised not to allow the exchange of his dark-quared bishop but, in this particular case, the conse- quences are unclear. (12... We7!?) 13. hg4 ed4 14. £ic4 de3 15. f4! Aa6 ( 15... d5 16. ed5 cd5 17. £>d6 Ac3 18. bc3 e2 19. Wd2±) 16. £ld6 Sf8 17. Se3 £>e5 18. Afl £ig4 19. Wg4 Ad4 20. Sael Afl 21. e5 Aa6 22. £ice4cc; b) 12. de5 de5 13. £id2 We7 14. a5 b5 15. a61? Ac8 16. W Sd8 17. We2 £>b8 (17... ftb6! 18. £>a5 Wc7 19. <Йа2 Af8 20. сЗ Aa6 21. £>b4 Ab7 22. £>d3 Sab8 23. b4=) 18. £)c5 Wc7 19. Sedl Sdl 20. Wdl Af8 21. f4? tb6! 22. b4 £>fd7 23. Wf3 £>c5 24. fe5 £>ba6 25. Sfl Ae6 (25... Wc71? 26. bc5 Ac5+) 26. <5jd5 cd5 27. ed5 Af5 28. g4 Se8+ D. Bogdan 2290 — Bologan 2585, Romania 1994] 11. АеЗ ed4 12. Ad4 12... Sb8!? This move seemed dubious to me during the game, but later on I discovered that it had twice been employed by Boris Gelfand. 112- Wc7 13. W!? £ic5 14. f4 £>e6 15. Af2 a) 15... b6 16. Wd2 Ab7 17. Sadi Sad8 18. f5 (18. g4? d5 19. ed5 £>d5 20. £id5 cd5 21. f5 2>f4+) &c5 19. Ad4oo; b) 15... d5?! 16. ed5 Sd8 17. £ig4 £>d5 18. Ad5 cd5 19. £}d5± Wc4 20. £ige3 Wa6 21. f5 £>d4 22. £>e7? (22. f6! Af6 23. c3+-) ФЬ8 23. £>3d5 £>f5? (23... £>c6D 24. Wf3 £>e7 25. £>e7 Wf6 26. £>c8 Sac8 27. c3±) 24. ^cl Sdl 25. Sadi Wc4 26. Sd8 Af8 27. Sf8 <£>g7 28. Sg8 ФЬ6 bl) 29. £ie8! g5 (29... Ad7 30. &f5 Af5 31. АеЗ ФЬ5 32. £>f6) 30.2>f5 Af5 31.2>d6+-; b2) 29. g4?? Wc7 30. gf5± 1/2 : 1/2 K. Staro- sek 2450 - V. Golod 2485, Alushta 1993; 12... £>f8 13. Sa3 Ae6 14. £>g5 Ac4 15. f4 d5 16. e5 &6d7 17. Sal 1/2 : 1/2 E. Svesh- nikov 2560 — D. Zagorskis 2505, Vilnius 1997] 13. Wd2 113. Aa7Sa8 14. Ad4 Sb8 15. Aa7 1/2 : 1/2 V. Malaniuk 2615 - B. Gelfand 2695, Pola- nica Zdroj 1997 A cynical draw; 13. Se2 Wc7 14. Wei £>e5 15. £>d2 b5 16. ab5 cb5 17. f4 <Йс6 18. Af6 Af6 19. £>d5 Wa7 20. ФЬ2 Ag7= black is OK; Lobron 2575 - B. Gelfand 2670, Biel (izt) 1993 — 58/144; 13. e5 de5 14. £>e5| 13... Ь5?! ]13.„ <^ie5!? would well be the choice of a very interesting positional player with great respect to Black’s dark-squared bishop — Black sacrifices a pawn to open it up. In fact, this move is the recommendation of the com- puter(!), and it seems to offer Black good 75
Cl LABS В 07 counterplay in all lines: 14. Jle5 de5 15. Wd8 Sd8 16. £>e5 16... ^.еб! (16... £>d7 17. £ic4 £>e5 18. £>a5 Sa8 19. £ib3 £>c4 20. Jtfl £>b2 21. e5±; 18... Sd2) 17. Sadi Sdl 18. &dl (18. Sdl? <Йе4! 19. £>e4 £e5) £>d7 19. £id7 Ad7 20. f4 Ad4 21. ФЫ ^.ебй; 13... Wc7 14. Sadi £ie5 15. We3 b6 (15... £>c4 16. Wg5 h6 17. Wcl) 16. £>d2 a) 16... c5? 17. Ae5 de5 (17... Se5 18. £ic4 Se6 19. £>b5) 18. £>b5 We7 19. £>c4; b) 16... Sd8 17. b3] 14. ab5 cb5 15. £>d5± White should be happy with his position. [15. Af6 is not a good idea: 15... £}f6 16. e5 de5 17. Wd8 Sd8 18. £ie5 b4 19. £idl Se8 20. Sa5 W755] 15... a4! 115,., ^ie4? 16. Se4! (16. Wa5!?) Se4 17. Ag7 &g7 18. £id4 Sd4 (18... Se5 19. £>c6 Wg5 20. Wd4 Sb7 White now has many ways to win; 1 would prefer 21. £>a5 Sb8 22. £>c6 Sb7 23. h4 Wf5 24. f4; 18... Se8?? 19. £>c6; 18... Se5 19. £>c6 We8 20. £>b8 £>b8 21. f4 Se2 22. Wc3 ФЬ6 23. g4+~) 19. Wd4 £if6 20. £if6 Wf6 21. Wa7 Wb2 22. Sei Wc3 23. Se8+-; 15.. .b4 16. £>f6 M6 17. J.f6 £>f6 18. e5 de5 19. Wd8 Sd8 20. 2>e5±; 15.. . £Ь7 16. Wa5 Wa5 17. Sa5 £>d5 18. ^.g7 &g7 19. ed5 Sei (19... Ad5 20. Se8 Se8 21.Sb5±) 20. £el±] 16. Wb4 116. Sadi a) 16... £>e4 17. Se4! (17. Wf4 f5) Se4 18. kgl £>g7 19. £id4 Sd4 (19... Se5 20. <£jc6 Wf8 21. W W 22. f4 Se6 23. £>c7 Se7 24. £>b5+-) 20. Wd4 f6 (20... £if6 21. £rf6 Wf6 22. Wa7+-; 20... <£>h6 21. Wf4 &g7 22. Wd6+-) 21. £)f4 Wb6 22. Wb4!±; b) 16... J.b7! 17. £rf6 £>f6 18. e5 £f3! 19. J.f3 de5 20. ^.e5 Wd2 21. Sd2 £>d7 22. Sd7 Se5=] 16.. . .£b7 17. £if6 |17. £>c3!? maybe it is stronger than 17. ^3f6. I didn’t see this retreat because several moves ago I was so happy with my knight on d5. a) 17... ^.f8?! 18. Wb5 ^.e4 19. Wa4; b) 17... £a8 18. £>b5 £>c5 19. e5 ^.f3 20. J.f3 &fd7 21. ^.g2 &e5 22. Sedl! (22. Sadi? Wd7 23. c4 £>cd3+-) Wd7 23. c4 bl) 23... £>c4 24. Wc4 Sb5 (24... Wb5 25. Wb5 Sb5 26. £c6) 25. ±fl J.d4 (25... Sbb8?? 26. J.c5) 26. Wb5±; b2) 23... £>ed3 24. Wc3 i.d4 25. £d4 76
В 07 Cl LABS Ь21) 25... £>e5 26. f4 £ied3 27. Sd3 &d3 28. ®d3 ЛЬ2 29. Wa3 ЛеЬ8 (29... Л02? 30. ®c3+—) 30. ®a4 Wa4 31. Ла4 Л02 32. Ш Ле8 33. £fl ЛеЗ 34. ЛаЗ±; Ь22) 25... £>Ь2 26. Sd2 a3 27. ±c6 Wh3 28. Ie8 Ле8 29. Ле2; c) 17... &c5!? cl) 18. e5?l £>fd7! 19. ed6 £>a6 20. Ле8 We8 21. ®a5 (21. Wb5?! ±f3 22. ®a4 ^.g2 23. &g2 ЛЬ4 24. Wa6 Ad4 25. ®a8 ЛЬ8+) i.f3 22. Ig7 Xg2 23. &g2 Фё7 24. Wa6 ЛЬ6 25. ®a5 b4 26. £>a4 ®e4 27. &gl gd6^; c2) 18. £>g5?l h6 19. e5 £ifd7 20. e6 fe6 21. Ib7 ЛЬ7 22. <§3ge4 £f8; c3) 18. W Леб 19. Ла41 ®c8 20. £>fl la8 21. f3 £f8 22. ®a5| 17 ... Af6 18. Wb5 18... Ле4?? A huge blunder. П8.., ^d4! 19. ^d4 <§3c5 20. Wc4 Лс8 21. Лadl ®f6 22. Wb4 ile4 and White seems to have slightly better chances in this compli- cated position; 18.., Ле4?! 19. Wa4 d5 20. J.f6 £>f6 21. b4; 18... ^c5 19. Ac5 (19. Wc4 ±d4 20. Wd4 Ле4=; 20. £>d4 transposes to 18... JLd4) dc5 20. Wa4 ±b2 21. ЛаЫ+ I don’t believe that Black’s compensation for the missing pawn is adequate.] 19. Jla7H— Sumets 2618 — D. Naroditsky 2488, Montreal 2012. Andrey Sumets 77
CARO-KANN DEFENCE variation by GM Misa Pap • Country: Serbia • Born: 1979 • Title: Grandmaster since 2011 • Rating: 2513 • Peak rating: 2521 n this article the reader can find a short overview of the 3. f3 line in the Caro-Kann Defence. I will highlight some interesting and important games, as well as draw the reader’s attention to the nuances of both White’s and Black’s play. Naturally, it is impossible to give a final assess- ment of this system, as the amount of available material is vast and the resulting play ex- tremely rich, with plenty of ideas for either side. I suppose this is also the main reason why this 3. f3 line is played more and more often, even at the highest levels: because it offers very rich and varied play, as well as great fighting chances to both sides, in relatively unexplored posi- tions. The reader may wonder about my study’s conclusion, or some kind of "final verdict": is White better, or is Black OK? Well, it seems to me that in most cases Black should be able to obtain a perfectly playable position, genuinely unclear, but the resulting positions are so rich in play and themes, in almost every single game with this line, that afford good winning prospects to the stronger, more inspired or more creative player. And this is exactly why we play this game! 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. f3 An important crossroad. Among Black’s sev- eral options, 3... e6 and 3... g6 are the main moves, but alternatives are interesting and playable as well — perhaps even all of them! Can this be possible? Well, chess is an amaz- ing game... 3... e6 The most popular move. [3,., e5 Rare, but possible. 4. de5 JLc5 5. £}c3 Wb6 (5... £>e7!?) 6. ^a4 a) 6... Wa5 7. c3 JLgl 8. Sgl± with an edge for White in view of his space advantage and the pair of bishops. 8... de4 (8... £}e7 9. ®d4 78
В 12 Cl LABS 5}d7± Bo. Vuckovic 2572 — I. Miladinovic 2571, Srbija (ch) 2009; 9. <£g5±) 9. f4 (9. jlf4±; 9. Wd4±) £}e7 (9... £}d7oo Nepom- niachtchi 2602 — Iv. Popov 2533, Kirishi 2007) 10. b4± Postny 2618 - T. Theodou- lidis 2196, Greece 2011; b) 6... ЛТ2 7. Фе2 Not a problem, as Black is practically forced to exchange the queens. 7... Wd4 8. Wd4 <£d4 9. ed5 Ле5 10. <£d2 cd5oc A. Delchev 2620 — P. Korobkov 2460, Rogaska Slatina 2011; 9. Jlf4!?± and, it seems to me, White obtains some edge after all; de4 4. fe4 e5 A direct approach by Black, challenging White’s setup with a central coun- ierstrike. However, White is able to obtain some initiative. 5. £}f3 a) 5... ed4 6. Лс4^ with attacking chances; b) 5... JLg4 bl) 6. c3 Very solid; White fortifies his Ad4 and intends to retain his strong centre. 4M7 7. id3 ^d6 8. 0-0 Wc7 9. h3 ЛЬ5 10. ftbd2 ^gf6 11. ^c4 0-0 12. Wc2 (12. ЛеЗ Sfe8 13. Wc2 <^g6oo and the position was unclear in Zvjaginsev 2641 — Bareev 2634, Saint Pe- tersburg 2009) Jlg6 13. Jlg5± And white is better Hou Yifan 2575 — E. Danielian 2521, Rostov-on-Don 2011; b2) 6. Лс4 It’s not clear whether this move is better or worse than 6. c3 — an indication of the richness of this variation. 6... £}d7 7. c3 (7. 0-0 ^gf6 8. c3 <^d6 9. ^g5 0-0 10. ^bd2 Wc7oo with unclear position in Arty. Timofeev 2664 — Bareev 2677, Russia 2008) lh5 8. 0-0 ^gf6 9. ^bd2 ^d6 10. ^d3 0-0 11. Wei?! (11. £}c4 with unclear play) Se8 12. ФЫ Лс7Т 13. Лс2 ed4 14. cd4 c5 15. dc5 £}c5 Black already has a serious ad- vantage, as his pieces are very active and the Де4 is weak in Robson 2562 — Shankland 2513, USA (rapid) 2010; c) 5... Леб 6. c3 (6. ^c3!? ed4 7. ^d4 ЛЬ4±^) £>f6 7. ^d3 ftbd7 8. 0-0 ^d6oo The posi- tion looks unclear, but White’s strong centre should offer him the better prospects in the fight for advantage. 9. ФЫ (9. 4}g5!?) 0—0 (9... Wc7 10. ЛеЗ c5^ with counterplay in S. Movsesian 2666 — Stohl 2578, Osterreich 2001 - 80/93) 10. <£g5 Wc7 11. £M2 Sae8 12. Wei h6 13. ЛеЗ £}g4 14. Jlgloc Moroze- vich managed to outplay his opponent from this unclear position. 14... f5 Morozevich 2732 — Bareev 2714, Monte Carlo (blindfold) 2004; 3.,, 4M6 This move is very rare and doesn’t look good. The following lines illustrate Black’s problems: 4. e5 a) 4... £}fd7 Trying to play some kind of Ad- vanced French, but perhaps this version is not very good... 5. c3 (5. f4 e6 6. c5 7. c3 ^c6 8. <£d3 Wb6 9. Лс2 Ле7 10. 0-0 Ш 11. a3 ^d7 12. ЬЗ ^g6 13. ЛеЗ ^a5 14. ^bd2 ЛЬ5 15. Sf2 Wc7 16. dc5± White al- ready has a clear advantage in A. Muzychuk 2583 — N. Kharmunova 2191, Gaziantep 2012) c5 6. ^a3 cd4 7. cd4 ^c6 8. ^c2 ^b6 9. ЛdЗ e6 10. ^e2 ЙЬ4 11. ^Ь4 ЛЬ4 12. Л<12 Лd2 13. Wd2 and white was slightly better in M. Wahls 2605 — Cvitan 2560, Deutschland 1998; b) 4... ^g8 5. c3 (5. ^c3!?; 5. c4!?) ЛГ5 6. g4 ЛЫ 7. Sbl e6 8. ЛеЗ h5 9. ЛdЗ ^d7 with decent position for black, but he eventu- ally lost in Arty. Timofeev 2664 — Bistric 2382, Bosna i Hercegovina 2008; 3... Wb6 A move that is becoming more and more popular — why exactly, it is hard to say... Perhaps Black feels that he should somehow 79
Cl LABS В 12 try to make use of the weakening of the gl-a7 diagonal, caused by White’s early f3. a) 4. A completely normal and logical move. de4 5. fe4 e5 6. (6. de5!? Леб 7. ^d7 8. Лс13?! ^e7 9. We2 <^g6^ Black has nice counterplay and won the game eventu- ally in Ju. Polgar 2686 — M. Ragger 2614, Aix-les-Bains 2011 - 111/(47)) ed4 7. ^d4 Ш 8. e5 ^g4 9. еб Леб 10. Лс4 Лс4 11. Wg4 with a crazy position, which White man- aged to win, but Black had his chances as well. 11... £}d7? (11... £}a6! It is not so easy to play this over the board! 12. We4 <£>d7 13. ®f5 Фе8 14. ®e5 <£>d7 15. ®f5 фе8= It looks like White has to take the draw by perpetual check.) 12. ®e4 &d8 13. Лg5 f6 14. 0-0-0+ White is already much better here; J. Hector 2568 — D. Fridman 2659, Helsingor 2011; b) 4. a4?! I really do not believe in this move, despite its adoption by Nepomniachtchi; it just looks wrong. 4... e6!? (4... a5?! R.-M. Doros 2319 — G.-A.-Gy. Szabo 2525, Bucure§ti 2010 - 108/(194); 4... e5 5. de5 de4 6. a5 ®c7 7. f4± Nepomniachtchi 2656 — Ba. Jobava 2695, Rijeka 2010 - 108/35; 4... de4 Nabaty 2485 - V. Erdos 2593, Rijeka 2010 - 108/194) 5. c3 c5 6. ed5 (6. a5!?) ed5 7. ЛЬ5 Лd7 8. We2 Ле7 9. dc5 Wc5oc Nepomniachtchi 2695 - Ivanchuk 2741, La Habana 2010 - 109/49; c) 4. a3!? e5! 5. ed5 £T6 6. de5 Лс5? A mis- take, that however only makes things more interesting. 7. ef6! Лf2 8. фе2 0—0 (8... Agl 9. Sgl Wgl 10. ЛеЗ Wh2 11. fg7 Sg8 12. £}c3 Sg7 13. Wd4 and White is winning.) 9. Wd2! Se8 10. <£>dl± Ivanchuk 2754 - Ba. Jobava 2710, Khanty-Mansiysk (ol) 2010 — 110/59. Amazing play by Ivanchuk! White is clearly better and went on to win; 3,.t g6 The main alternative to 3... e6 and a perfectly reasonable choice for Black, who sometimes plays thus also against 3. £}c3 and 3. £}d2. The resulting, very wild play usually revolves around a kingside attack by White, but he can also opt for an endgame as well. a) 4. c3?! To play c3 after f3? I don’t think so 4... Лg7 5. ЛеЗ e5!? (5... ®b6 6. Wd2; 5... de4 6. fe4 £}f6^ Black should be fine here; 5... ^d7) 6. de5 Ле5 7. ^d2 (7. Лd4 Wh4 8. g3 We7 9. Ле5 ®e5 10. ®d4oo Mi. Adams) £}e7 8. ®c2 0—0oo Mi. Adams 2716 — Seirawan 2643, Bermuda (m/8) 1999 — 74/121; b) 4. £}c3 This seems best, even after the "preparatory” 3. f3. 4... Лg7 (4... e6 5. ЛеЗ Ag7 6. Wd2 a6 7. 0-0-0 with clear advan- tage in D. Pikula 2533 — Z. Grujicic 2053, Obrenovac 2010) 5. ЛеЗ ®b6 (5... de4 6. fe4 e5 7. de5 Wdl 8. Sdl Лg4 9. £>f3 ^d7 10. h3 ЛО 11. gf3 Ле5 12. f4± White is slightly better in Zvjaginsev 2643 — J. Rukavina 2409, Rijeka 2010 - 108/(200)) bl) 6. a3 e5 (6... e6 7. f4 h5 8. e5 and white had small edge in D. Solak 2547 — D. Dam- janovic 2276, Srbija 2010) 7. £}ge2 £}e7 8. ®d2 ed4 9. Лd4 Лd4 10. Wd4 Wd4 11. £}d4 Леб 12. 0-0-0 A very interesting approach 80
В 12 Cl LABS by Vuckovic; he believes that White is not forced to seek a middlegame attack, but can also fight for the advantage in the endgame. 12... Ш7 13. ed5 ^d5 14. Ш5 <£d5 15. c4 le6 16. ^e6 fe6 17. g3 Sf8 18. f4 Hf6 19. Ah3± Bo. Vuckovic 2628 — N. Spiridonov 2240, Zlatni Pyasatsi 2012. White has the ad- vantage and succeeded in converting it in a finely conducted endgame; b2) 6. Sbl White holds on to the b2-pawn, but this shouldn’t offer him anything. e5 (6... de4 7. fe4 ^f6M 7. ^ge2± ^e7 8. Wd2 ed4 9. ^d4 Wd8 10. ed5 0-0 11. Дс4 ^d5 12. M5 cd5 13. Jlb3 ^c6 14. 0-0 and White is slightly better in A. Lastin 2648 — K. Maslak 2551, Russia 2009; b3) 6. ®d2 Wb2 7. Sbl White naturally has compensation for the pawn in a very interest- ing and complex situation — not as crazy as the Najdorf Poisoned Pawn, but still very rich! 7... Wa3 8. h4 (8. ed5!?±; 8. <£d3 ^d7 9. ^ge2 W 10. 0-0 ^c4 11. <£c4 dc4 12. e5± Ch. Bauer 2633 — M. Turov 2635, France (ch-rapid) 2011. There are many decent op- tions for White here, so it is not possible to pick one as the "default".) b31) 8... de4 9. fe4 (9. h5 £T6^; 9... ^d7 and black was fine in Arty. Timofeev 2677 — Khenkin 2630, La Habana 2009) b32) 8... h5? 9. ed5± Morozevich 2750 - Leko 2752, Moscow (blitz) 2009] 4. It seems to me that, starting from this position, anything can happen. White has some attacking prospects, but Black has his chances as well. 4... Jlb4 Everybody makes this move almost automatically these days... ]4..,b6 5. ±f4 ^e7 6. Wd2 ^g6 7. ^g5 kel 8. ±e7 We7 9. 0-0-0 0-0 10. h4 W 11. f4 de4 12. ^e4 ^g6 13. £>f3 h6 14. ^e5 ^b7 15.f5ef5 16. ^g6fg6 17. ^c4 Sf7 18.Sdel ^a6 19. ^d6 Wd6 20. Se8 фЬ7 21. Af7 1 : 0 D. Solak 2586 — E. Ozkan 2229, Albena 2012; 4... Щ!? 5. e5 ^fd7 6. f4 c5 7. ^c6; 4.., Ae7!?; 4... 4M7!?; 4... gb6 5. ^ge2 ^d7 6. ed5 ed5 7. ^g3 £}df6 8. We2 Jle6 9. Wf2 White tries a new approach here, and Black fails to adjust his plan. 9... 0-0-0 10. Jld3 h6 11. ^d2± Wb2? 12. Hbl White now has a nice attack down the b-file. 12... ®a3 13. Sb3 We7 14. 0-0 c5? 15.W+-b6 16. dc5 bc5 17. £T5 ®d7 18. ^bd6 Jld6 19. Лаб фс7 20. Ла5 1 : 0 K. Maslak 2560 — V. Bachin 2485, Russia 2010] 5. £f4 [5. Jld2 This move is also worth considering. 5... ^e7 (5... ЛеЗ 6. ЛеЗ de4 7. We2 ef3 8. W35c and White certainly has compensation for the sacrificed pawn.) 6. a3 (6. £}ce2 JLd2 7. Wd2 de4 8. fe4 c5 9. 0-0-0 with some edge in J. Hector 2575 — B. Grachev 2682, Deutschland 2012) Ла5 7. <£d3 7... ^d7 (7... b5 8. e5 £T5 9. ±f5 ef5 10. £}ce2 ЛЬ6 11. f4 a5 and Black was fine in D. Solak 2547 — Bologan 2668, Sarajevo 2010 - 110/(60)) 8. f4!? (8. ^ge2 0-0 9. b4 JLb6 10. £}a4 e5 with counterplay in Arty. Timofeev 2690 — Deviatkin 2570, Russia 2010 - 109/51) ЛЬ6 9. de4 10. 81
Cl LABS В 12 £>e4 0-0 11. We2 ^f5 12. 0-0-0 £>f6 13. £>f6 Wf6 14. c3 h5 15. £>e5 ®h6 (D. Solak 2577 - A. Tukhaev 2550, Plovdiv 2010 - 110/60) 16. g4!± (D. Solak) with huge ad- vantage.! 5... 6. Wd3 b6 16... 0-0 7. 0-0-0 £>d7 8. £>ge2 b5 9. h4 £>b6 and Black has counterplay in Yu Yangyi 2607 — Riazantsev 2689, Moscow 2011 — 111/(47)] 7. £}ge2 7... a5 [7... Лаб Future games may reveal whether this move is the real test to White’s play. 8. We3 0-0 9. 0-0-0 (9. аЗ ЛеЗ 10. ^сЗ ЛП И. Sfl с5^ Black has nice counterplay; Yu Yangyi 2672 — M.-E. Parligras 2636, Khanty-Mansiysk (m/2) 2011) c5!? a) 10. dc5 Лс5 (10... bc5!?) 11. ®d2 Ш 12. ed5 ed5 13. JLg5 Sc8oo Bologan; b) 10. ed5 ed5 11. dc5 Лс5 Bologan; c) 10. аЗ ЛеЗ И. ®сЗ (11. ^сЗ ЛЯ 12. Shfl ЙЬсб 13. dc5 d4 14. ®e2 ^g6 15. ЛgЗ bc5T) Ле2! (11... ^d7 12. Лd6 Bolo- gan) 12. Ле2 c4 13. h4 Morozevich 2732 - Bologan 2665, Russia 2004 — 91/72. White prevailed in a complicated game.] 8. 0-0-0 Лаб 9. We3 ^d7 10. h4 with initia- tive; Morozevich 2732 — Vallejo Pons 2663, Monaco (blindfold) 2004 - 91/(72) Misa Pap 82
SICILIAN DEFENCE Alapin variation by GM Milos Peru novic • Country: Serbia • Born: 1984 • Title: Grandmaster since 2004 •Rating: 2617 • Peak rating: 2617 he Alapin Variation of the Sicilian Defence, also known as simply the 2. c3 Sicilian, has always been very popular, even at higher levels: GMs Tiviakov, Howell, Rozentalis, Stevie and Pavasovic are few of its most devoted fans, using it with success in their games. One of its attractions is the great variety of position types that it leads to. In modem chess it is getting harder and harder to surprise opponents in the opening, and this is perhaps even more true for the 2. c3 Sicilian. Still, I would like to try and do just that! This article covers a new system for Black that has appeared in practice very recently. Its main idea is to rapidly develop the queenside (...£}c6, ...Jlf5, ...0-0-0) and quickly put pressure on the isolated pawn that may arise on d4, while the exchange of the Jlf5 for the ^Sbl is one of the key points of this line. This system is rapidly becoming popular and could well turn out to be the main theatre of theo- retical debate in the 2. c3 Sicilian in the near future. In my opinion, White’s most critical op- tion is 6. dc5, which leads to positions typical to other, similar branches of the 2. c3 Sicilian, with White having an extra pawn but having lost castling rights, and Black enjoying rapid de- velopment for his pieces. 1. e4 c5 2. c3 d5 3. ed5 Wd5 4. d4 ^c6 5. ЙО £f5 6. ^e3 16. dc5 a) 6... Wc5?! After this move White’s devel- opment lead becomes very obvious. 7. ЛеЗ Wa5 8. £ia3 £>f6 (8... Sd8 9. Wb3) 9. Wb3 Wc7 10. £>b5 Wb8 11. Sdl+; b) 6... Wdl 7. £>dl £>f6 (7... e5) bl) 8. ЛЬ5 e5 (8... e6 9. b4 a5) bll) 9. ЛеЗ £>g4 (9... &d5 10. Леб Ьсб 11. £}e5 £ie3 12. fe3 Лс5 13. <^c6 ЛеЗ±) 10. b4 f6; 10... g6; bl2) 9. b4 0-0-0 10. Фе2 £>d5 11. Лd2 e4 12. £sg5 Лg6; 11. Лс4; 83
Cl LABS В 22 Ь2) 8. b4 g6!? An interesting and atypical way of developing the black pieces, not often seen in this type of position. b21) 9. b5 £}d8 10. £>d4 ±d7 11. <^d2 (11. W Sc8 12. фс4 &e6 13. Ae3 £>g4) Sc8 b211) 12. Aa3 e5 13. £>4b3 (13. ^4f3 £c5) -йеб; b212) 12. &2b3?! e5 13. £rf3 ^e4¥; b213) 12. Ф.Ь2 ±g7oo; b22) 9. J.b2 Ag7 10. a3 (10. £>bd2 £>g4 11. фе1<ЙЬ4)а5 11. «&с4 (11. b5 £>d8 12.£>bd2 Sc8; 12... £ie6) 0-0-0 12. фе1 £id5 13. b5 (13. £>d4 £>c3!) £>e5 14. £>e5 J.e5; 6, ^a3 A standard move in the 2... d5 lines. White wants to activate his knight via the b5-square, while at the same time enabling the move JLc4. 6... cd4 a) 7. 4}b5 0-0-0! Black makes use of his quick queenside development to seize the ini- tiative with his active pieces. 8. cd4 e5 al) 9. £>c3 Wa5 10. феЗ (10. ±g5 f6 11. Ad2 ed4 12. £>e2 Wb6-+; 10. d5 £>b4) ed4! (10... £>f6 E. Janev 2484 - K. Rusev 2516, Bulgaria 2012) 11. £>d4 We5-+; a2) 9. Wa4 ФЬ4 10. Ad2 Ad2 a21) Н.фч12а6(11...фЬ8 12. ±c4We4-+ Nepomniachtchi 2718 — Wang Yue 2697, Russia - China (rapid) 2012) 12. &c3 Wd6 13. d5 £>f6--b; a22) Н.£к12фЬ8-+; a3) 9. ±d2 ed4+; b) 7. Ac4 We4 bl) 8. ФА еб 9. £}b5 dc3! After some com- puter-aided analysis we can conclude that this is even stronger than what has already been played here. (9... d3 10. 4}fd4 £}d4 11. cd4 Sc8 12. f3 Wc6 13. JLd3 Ad3 14. Wd3 a6 15. £ic3 £>f6T D. Howell 2633 - Wang Yue 2697, Hastings 2011/12 - 113/(44)) 10. £>c7 фе7 11. ЬЗ (11. Wb3 Sc8 12. ±g5 f6 13. £ie6 £>a5 14. Wa3 фП 15. £>d8 фе8 16. Wa4 &d8 17. Wa5 b6 18. Sdl Ad6 19. Sd6 Фе7 20. Wa3 Wc4 21. <£>gl Wc5-+) Sd8 12. Jla3 &f6 13. Wcl Sdl 14. Wdl ±a3 15. W c2 16. Wd2 clW 17. Scl i.cl 18. Wcl Wbl 19. Wbl ±bl+; b2) 8. Jle3 e6 9. cd4 ФЬ4 10. ФН £a3!? A significant improvement, after which Black enjoys the healthier pawn structure. (10... £>f6 11. &g5 Wh4 12. g3 Wh6 13. h3?! Wg6T St. Kristijansson 2472 — Ax. Rombaldoni 2309, Reykjavik 2009; 13. h4!oo) 11. ba3 £>ge7 12. £lg5 Wc2 13. Wc2 фс2 14. Scl ±g6+; c) 7. cd4 e6 8. £>b5 Ф.Ь4 cl) 9. ±d2 Sc8 10. Ф.Ь4 £>b4 11. Wa4 (11. £>c3 Sc3 12. Wa4 Sc6 13. Wb4 a6+) £ic2 (11... £ic6? 12. Wa3±) 12. <£d2 фе7 13. £>c3 (13. £ia7? £>f6 14. £>c8 Sc8-+) Sc3 (13... Wd6 14. Hcl £ib4 15. a3 £>c6oo) 14. bc3 (14... £>al 15. ±c4 Wd6 16. Sal a6) 15. £c4 We4 16. Sacl Sc8; c2) 9. £>c3 £if6 10. ^.d2 Wd8 Black has no problems whatsoever, as he has been able to 84
В 22 Cl LABS develop his light-squared bishop to an opti- mal position; d) 7. £>d4 £jd4 8. Wd4 Wd4 9. cd4 a6 10. £>c4 Sd8 11. АеЗ (11. <Йа5 Ae4 12. f3 Ad5) e6 12. f3 £f6; 12... h5; 12... £>e7; 6, Щ2 We6 7. Ae2 cd4 8. £id4 &d4 9. cd4 ld3 10. £ib3 Ae2 11. We2 We2 12. Фе2 e6=; 6, Ae2 cd4 7. cd4 7... JLb 1!? Black exchanges his light-squared bishop, which can be a problem piece in posi- tions with isolated pawns, for the valuable white knight, which will be missed in the fight for the blockading square d5. Moreover, one should not forget that piece exchanges favour the side fighting against the isolated pawn. 8. Sbl e6 9. 0-0 £if6 10. АеЗ Ad6 a) 11. &e5 Ae5 12. de5 Wdl (12... We5 13. tb3 Wc7 14. Wa355) 13. Sfdl £>d5 (13... Ш 14. Ab5 &c6 15. Sbcl £>d5 16. Ac6 bc6 17. Sc6+) 14. Af3 £ie3 (14... 0-0-0) 15. Ac6 bc6 16. fe3 Фе7 17. Sbcl Shc8 18. Sd6 c5=; b) 11. 2>d2 0-0 12. Af3 Wf5 13. Wb3 Sab8 14. £>c4 (14. Sbcl Sfd8 15. h3 £>d5=) Ac7=| 6... |6... cd4 P. Potapov 2468 — Wen Yang 2543, Moscow 2012- 113/44J 7. £>a3 7. c4 Wd7 (7... Wd8) a) 8. dc5?! Wdl 9. &dl Sd8 10. £jbd2 2>g4?; b) 8. d5 £ib4 9. £>e5 (9. £ia3 e6) Wd6 10. £>d3 10...£>g4 11. a3 (11. £}сЗ £>e3 12.fe3 g6 13. £>b4 cb4 14. W We5 15. Wd4 Ag7! 16. Aic7 <£>d7 17. We5 Ae5 18. £>a8 Ab2 19. Sdl Sa8) <ЙеЗ 12. fe3 2>d3 13. Ad3 Ad7 (13... We5) 14. 0-0 (14. £>c3 g6 15. Aie4 Wc7 16. 0-0 Ag7) g6 15. Wf3 f5 16. £>c3 (16. e4 Ag7 17. ef5 Ab2 18. Sa2 Ad4 19. ФЫ 0-0?) Ag7 17. e4 0-0; c) 8. &c3 cd4 9. £>d4 0-0-0 10. £>c6 (10. £>f5 Wf5 11. Wa4 e6 12. Ae2 Ac5) Wc6 11. Wb3 a6 cl) 12. £ib5 ab5 13. cb5 We4 14. Wc3 (14. Scl? ФЬ8 15. Sc4 Ae6-+ M. Pap 2507 - Kryvoruchko 2652, Rethymnon 2011) <£>d7 15. 0-0-0 (15. Sdl Фе8 16. Sd8 <£>d8 17. Ae2 &d5 18. Wa5 <£>d7--h) £id5 16. Ad3 ^c3 17. Ae4 4)dl 18. Sdl фс8 19. Af5 e6 20. ±d3 Ad6?; c2) 12. &a4 e5 13. i.a7 Wd6 14. Ae2 Wb4?; 7. ^ibd2 cd4 a) 8. £id4 £>d4 9. cd4 (9. J.d4 e5) &g4? F. Ynojosa 2374 — P. Negi 2661, La Massana 2012; b) 8. Ac4 85
Cl LABS В 22 8... de3! An interesting queen sacrifice! 9. Ad5 ed2 10. Ш2 0-0-0 bl) 11. Wf4 Ed5 12. c4 Ec5 (12... g5!?) 13. a3 Ag4; Ь2) 11. c4 e6 12. Wf4 Ab4 13. Фе2 ±d6 14. Wg5 h6 15. Wg7 £>h5 16. W7 2>f4 17. <£>dl Ehf8 18. Wg7 ed5+ Soors 2364 - A. R. Sa- lem 2546, Athens 20121 7... cd4 8. ®b5 0-0-0 9. £ifd4 ®g4 10. £>c6 [10. We2 &e3 a) 11. fe3 £>d4 12. cd4 (12. ed4 ФЬ8 13. Ж2 g6 14. JLe2 a6 15. £>a3 e5) e5; b) 11. We3 <£id4 12. £>d4 (12. cd4 еб) e6+ E. Pahtz 2457 — N. Short 2698, Great Britain 2012] 10...Wdl 11. Edl Edl 12. &dl ^e3 13.fe3 bc6 14. £}d4 Jle4+ Milos Perunovic 86
SICILIAN DEFENCE Najdorf variation by GM Rafael Leitao • Country: Brazil • Born: 1979 • Title: Grandmaster since 1998 •Rating: 2617 • Peak rating: 2640 he move 6... £}bd7 is the current fashion in the 6. Jlg5 Najdorf. White’s 6th move, arguably his most critical option, faces Black with great practical problems, such as a multitude of ra- zor-sharp lines, where one slip is fatal, and the great depth that theoretical research has reached in these lines; White players are generally prepared very thouroughly, turning the opening of the game into a duel of surprise and memorization. For those who, like me (unfortunately!), can hardly rely on their ability to recall long variations, it may be preferable to follow less travelled paths. And, at least for the moment, some of the 6... £}bd7 lines offer just that. In this article I am going to examine the recent developments in variations where Black plays an early ...b5, postponing or even completely renouncing the traditional ...e6. The move ...b5 can be played after 7. f4 Wc7 8. Wf3 or, even earlier, after 7. We2. Naturally, such play is a lit- tle provocative; after all, Black is neglecting his kingside development and must thus be pre- pared to face furious sacrifices by his aggressive opponents. But nowadays, in the computer era, everything is playable, as long as you know the critical positions well and your calculating powers are well polished! 1. e4 c5 2. ^f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £}d4 ^f6 5. йсЗ a6 6. ^g5 ^bd7 7. ®e2 This is a modem and dangerous approach, which we will meet with the immediate 7... b5, leading to less theoretical positions. [7t f4 The traditional way of playing the 6. JLg5 system. 7... Wc7 8. Wf3 (8. We2 e5 is currently holding well for Black.) b5!? Our favoured approach. (8... h6 — 114/79) 9. 0-0-0 (9. e5?! ^b7 10. ed6 Wb6! 11. ®e3 e6 and Black is already a little better.) JLb7 10. Jld3 g6!? Avoiding 10... e6, which leads to deeply researched positions. The text move is a fresh approach. a) 11. Shel ^g7 12. ^d5 ^d5 13. ed5 87
Cl LABS В 94 al) 13... Af6 I’m not a huge fan of this move. 14. We3 (14. leads to an attrac- tive drawing line: 14... JLg5 15. fg5 Лсб 16. dc6^e5 17. Se5!de5 18..£g6hg6 19.Sd7 Wc8 20. He7 фе7 21. Wf6=) ^g5 (14... Jld5 15. ^b5T) 15. fg5 ^b6 (15... ^e5 16. £rf3±) 16. JLe4 with a complicated position. Black was not careful enough and soon was lost in the following game: 16... Jld5 (16... 0-0 17. Wf3±) 17. ^d5 ^d5 18. Wf3 ^b6? (18... Wc4Q+) 19. £ic6+- A. Pijpers 2338 — Edouard 2607, Deizisau 2012; a2) 13... £}f6 is more natural. 14. £}c6 (14. £e4 0-0oo) e6 15. f5 0~0 16. fe6 fe6 17. Se6^d5! 18. Wd5Wc6 19. ®c6 ±c6 20. g3 JLe5 with an equal ending; b) 11. ^d5 ^d5 12. ed5 <£g7 13. ^c6 This position was discussed in two high-class games, resulting in a small advantage for White in both cases. But the discussion is not over! bl) 13... Лсб!? 14. dc6 ^c5 15. Shel e6 16. f5 0—0 17. f6 Jlh8 Despite the sad bishop on h8, black has his chances. The сб-pawn is likely to fall and there will be counterplay on the queenside; b2) 13... £T6 The most solid. 14. Shel (14. Мб M6 15. f5 0—0 is unclear) e6 15. f5 0—0 16. fe6 fe6 17. Se6 ^d5! 18. Wd5 Wc6 19. Wc6 ^c6 20. g3 ±e5=; b3) 13... M6 In both games that reached this position Black tried this move, but I am not convinced it’s the best one. 14. h4 h6 15. M6 £T6 16. f5 gf5 17. M5 ^d5 18. Wd5 M6 19. ®d4± b31) 19... Sf8 20. Hhel <£d7? 21. Se7!! фе7 22. Sei ^e6 (22... <£>d8 23. Wg7) 23. Wg7± Gharamian 2672 - W. So 2653, France 2012; b32) 19... e5 20. Wd6 Wd6 21. Sd6 <£g2 22. Sel± S. Azarov 2648 — V. Gashimov 2760, Khanty-Mansiysk (m/2) 2011.] 7... Ь5!? I found only about 20 games in this position on my database. Certainly a rare case for move 7 in the Najdorf! The main expert in this line is the top Chinese GM Wang Hao. [7... Wc7- 114/81] 8.f4 18, 0-0-0 ^b7 a) 9. f4 e5 10. £}f5 transposes to the lines analysed after 8. f4; b) 9. ^d5 ^d5 10. ed5 bl) 10... JLd5?! Black should not be greedy in the Najdorf! 11. £T5! (11. W ab5 12. Sd5 Sa2oo Melia 2462 - M.-E. Parligras 2598, Aix-les-Bains 2011) W 12. Sd5 ^d5 13. We4 f6 (13... ^c7? 14. ®c6 ®d7 15. ^d6!! ed6 16. M5+-) 14. Wd5 fg5 15. Jle2 with a dangerous initiative; b2) 10... Wc7! is a better try; the attack on d5 gives Black counterplay, for instance: 11. £}f5 £}b6 with good chances; 88
В 94 Cl LABS с) 9. ±f6 cl) 9... gf6 Wang Hao’s choice, but I don’t think this positional concession is really nec- essary. 10. £}e6 Wa5 11. ^f8 HfB 12. ФЫ is also possible; 10. Wh5 This was played in Danin 2543 — Dm. Kokarev 2576, Russia 2011 and Dm. Kokarev 2637 — Wang Hao 2733, Russia 2012. The position is playable for Black, although it requires a lot of cre- ativity — White’s play is easier; c2) 9... £}f6! is my suggestion. 10. e5 A di- rect attempt at refutation. (A curious line is 10.f4b4 ll.^d5 ^d5 12.ed5 ^d5 13. W e6! 14. Hd5 JLe7! with good play for black.) de5 11. ^db5 £}d7 12. ^a3 This position is OK for Black and, in my opinion, better than the one arising after 9... gf6. 12... e6 (12... tc7; 12... g6!?) 13. ^c4 ®c7 14. ®d2 (14. ^e4 £d5!) ^e7 15. ^e2 (15. ^d6 Wd6 16. Bd6 ^d6 17. Sd6 Фе7=) <£c6=; 8, a4!? A very concrete move, played by Wang Hao when he had to face his pet line with the wihte pieces. a) 8... ba4 is natural, but White’s rook now gets into play and Black has to tread care- fully. 9. Sa4 e6 al) 10. £}d5 This thematic sacrifice is inade- quate here. ed5 11. £}c6 Wb6 12. ed5 £}e5 13. Sb4 (13. ^e5 de5 14. We5 <£d7+) ®c5 14. c4 ^d5 15. cd5 ®d5T; a2) 10. f4 poses Black some problems, but with careful play he can retain the balance. Wc7 H.Sc4(ll.^d5?ed5 12. ed5 ^e7 13. ^c6 £ib6-+; 11. f5 W 12. Sal ±e7oc) Wb7! 12. W (12. e5 de5 13. fe5 ^d5^) Jle7 with a good position; b) 8... Wb6 I have also considered this move, in order to bring the queen to b7 in some lines, but have not managed to prove equality after it. bl) 9. Wd2 b4 10. ^d5 Wb7fe; b2) 9. ^еЗ b4 10. ^d5 Wb7 11. £T6 (11. Wc4 ^e5 12. Wb4 ^d5 13. Wb7 <£b7 14. ed5 ±d5=) ^f6oo; b3) 9. £}b3! is the most precise: b4 10. £}d5 ^d5 11. ed5±; c) 8... b4 This move looks dubious, but actu- ally is quite good. 9. ^d5 JLb7 10. Wc4 Hc8 11. Wb4 11... Sb8! Very deep play by Le Quang Liem. 12. £>f6 gf6 13. ЛеЗ (13. ^d2 Ле4 14. Wc3oo may be a better try.) JLe4 14. Wc4 Wa5^ Wang Hao 2733 — Le Quang Liem 2698, Beijing 2012; 8. ^d5 ЛЬ7 9. £f6 £f6 10. £f6 a) 10... gf6 11. 0-0-0 A typical Sicilian struc- ture has arisen. I have always thought that White’s play is easier in this type of position, although Houdini lines Black. 11... ®b6 12. ФЫ+; 12. f4±; b) 10... ef6! I like this original move a lot. 11. a4 (11. 0-0-0 g6 is Black’s idea, followed by ...0—0 and ...Se8, with active play.) ba4 12. Wc4 (12. Sa4 g6oo) 89
Cl LABS В 94 a2) 15. £T6 <£>f8 P. Negi 2661 - E. Vorobiov 2586, Leiden 2012. And here white has a strong initiative with many possibilities, like 16. We4, 16. ^d5 and 16. W; b) 10... ЛЬ7! Il.^f5 Wb6(ll...®c7 is also possible.) 12. ЛГ6! (12. g3 b4 13. ^d5 ^d5 14. ed5 Wg6!—I- shows one of Black’s addi- tional possibilities, due to the early exchange on e5) £T6 (12... ®f6 13. g3±) 13. W ^e4 12... аЗ! 13. НаЗ d5 14. Wa4 ®d7 15. Wd7 &d7 16. НЬЗ Фс7 17. НсЗ ФЬ6 18. НЬЗ Ev- erything has gone fine for Black up to here, and now he should have been satisfied with a draw. Instead, the ambitious 18... фа7?? led to catastrophe: 19. Лаб! 1 : 0 Motylev 2683 — Wang Hao 2733, China 2012.] 8... e5 9. 0-0-0!? [9, ^f5 gives Black a few extra options. 9... ЛЬ7 (9... Wc7; 9... h6 10. Лf6 £f6 11.0-0-0 Wc7; 10. ЛЬ4оо) 10. 0-0-0 transposes to the main line; 9. fe5 de5 10. 0-0-0 This was recently played by Negi. I believe that White loses some flex- ibility after exchanging on e5, and this gives Black more chances. a) 10... ed4?! As I said before: no greediness in the Najdorf! 11. e5 This position is already dangerous for Black. 11... Ле7 12. ef6 gf6 13. ^d5 fg5 14. Hel £T6 al) 15. ^e7 Леб 16. ^сб d3 (16... ®d6 17. Wf3T) 17. Wd3 Wd3 18. ЛdЗ is enough for a slight plus; Quite an interesting position! It is impossible to cover all its nuances here, but I will try to point out the most critical ideas. bl) 14. ^c3 ^c3 15. We5 ®e6 16. ®c3 ®f5 17. He I <^>d7 and, despite the precarious po- sition of his king, Black survives: 18. Лс4 Wf4 19. ФЫ Hc8 20. Hdl Лd6 21. Hd4 We5 22. Hhdl Hc6; b2) 14. ^bd6 Лd6 15. Hd6 (15. £>d6 ^d6 16. ®e5 <^?d7 17. ®g7 Had8 18. Wf7 Фс8+) ^d6? 16. ®e5 <^d7 17. We7 фс8 18. ^d6 ФЬ8 19. W Wb7 20. We5 ®c7 21. Wg7+; 15... Wa5!±^; ЬЗ) 14. ^g3! Лсб!? 15. ^d4! (15. ^сЗ?! Hb8 16. ^ce4 Wb2T; 15. ^e4 ab5±^) ed4 16. ^e4 Ле7 17. ^d6 <£>f8 18. ^c4±] 9... ЛЬ7 [9... ed4?! Again it’s bad to accept the gift. 10. e5 £}e5!? (10... de5 11. fe5 transposes to a line analyzed above) 11. fe5 dc3 (11... Лg4 12. WeiT) 12. ef6 Леб 13. ®f3 cb2 14. фЬИ White has the initiative and his position is much easier to play.] 10. I regard this as the critical position of the ...b5 system. Black must now decide where to develop the queen: c7 or b6. 10... Wb6 [10... Wc7 90
В 94 Cl LABS a) 11. g3 b4 12. J.f6! (12. £>d5 £>d5 13. ed5 f6±?) £>f6 13. £>d5 £>d5 14. ed5 0-0-0 15. fe5 de5 al) 16. d6!? Ad6 (16... ®c5) 17. J.g2; a2) 16. ±g2 g6 17. d6 ±d6 (17... Wc5!? 18. d7 ФЬ8 19. Ab7 ФЬ7 20. £>h4 f5 21. g4! te7) 18. £id6 Sd6 19. Ab7 ФЬ7 20. Sd6 td6 21. Wf3 (21. Sdl We7) ФЬ6 (21... ®c6) 22. Sdl We7; b) 11. fe5 de5 12. <5td5 £>d5 13. ed5 f6^; c) 11. £>d5 £>d5 12. ed5 f6±=; d) 11. ФЫ!? h6 (11... Sc8 12. g3±; 11... b4 12. £)d5 £>d5 13. ed5 f6 14. fe5 de5 15. d6T; 11... g6 12. £>e3 h6 13. M4+) 12. £h4 g6 (12... ef4 13. ±f6 £tf6 14. £id5 £>d5 15. ed5 &d8 16. ®e4t) 13. ^e3 Ae7±] И. g3! [11. fe5 de5 12. Jtf6! again transposes to a line examined earlier, but 1 believe it is best for White to retain the central tension. I 11.. . Hc8 [11... b4 12. £>d5 £id5 13. ed5tl 12. Ag2 g6 13. fe5 [13. £>еЗ ДсЗ 14. ЬсЗ leads to unclear play; Gen. Kuzmin 2479 — Vitiugov 2592, Russia 20071 13... de5 14. £}h6t White has the initiative, as the black king is stuck in the centre. Rafael Leitao 91
FRENCH DEFENCE Steinitz/Classical variation by GM Nikola Dukic • Country: Montenegro • Born: 1983 • Title: Grandmaster since 2005 • Rating: 2539 • Peak rating: 2545 L uring the last few years, the 7... Ле7 line in the Classical French has grown in popularity and has achieved main line status, leaving 7... cd4, 7... a6 and 7... Wb6 behind. As plans in- volving 0-0-0 have not brought White satisfactory results, the first player has turned to the continuation 9. Ле2, intending 0—0, in search for an antidote. Black has usually opted for a plan with 9... a6 and 10... b5, but White seems to have come to terms with this approach, suc- ceeding in obtaining some advantage out of the opening. This, in turn, has prompted Black to employ a different way of developing his queenside, namely with 9... b6. This plan, the subject of the present article, has become very popular and appears to be satisfactory in practice. 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. ^c3 ^f6 4. e5 ^fd7 5. f4 c5 6. £>f3 ^c6 7. ЛеЗ kel 8. ^d2 o-O 9. Ле2 b6 This modest looking move strength- ens Black’s control in the centre, leaving op- tion of taking on c5 with the pawn in case of possible dc5, and also prepares the exchange of light-squared bishops after a5 and Лаб. 10. o-o [Castling long appears risky at this point. 10. 0-0-0 c4 (The most principled continuation. Also playable is 10... ЛЬ7 11. g4 f6 12. ef6 £}f6 13. £}g5 Wc8oo Sanchez Jerez 2233 — Narciso Dublan 2539, La Massana 2012) 11. f5 b5 12. W (12. f6 gf6 13. ЛЬ6 fe5 14. de5 ^de5 15. ЛЯВ ЛШ) Hb8 13. ^d6?! (13. f6 gf6 14. ef6 £>f6 15. ЛЬ6 ^g4 16. ЛГ8 ЛГ8Т) Лd6 14. ed6 ^f6 15. c3 ®a5 16. a3 ^e4 17. ®c2 ef5 18. ЛГ4 Лd7+ Barros Rivadeneira 2116 — M. Bliibaum 2403, Caldas Novas 2011; White has also tried 10. but has failed to achieve anything: a) 10... cd4 is the most common move, but White is able to retain a small edge: 11. £}d4 ^d4 12. Лd4 W 13. 0-0 ^c6 14. c3 ^d4 15. cd4 Лd7 16. ^еЗ b5 17. Sf3 (It’s too early for 17. f5 Лg5 18. ЛdЗ f6 19. fe6 Леб 20. ef6 Sf6 21. Sf6 ®f6 22. Sf 1 ®h6 23. Sf3 Se8 24. Wf2 Лd7 25. &fl Лf6T Konguvel 2384 — S. Sethuraman 2529, India 92
С11 CILABS (ch) 2011) Wb6 18. <$}g4 Hac8 (Less precise is the immediate 18... f5 19. ef6 ЛГ6 20. Aif6 Sf6 (Mil. Perunovic 2582 - N. Sedlak 2593, Srbija (ch) 2012) 21. Hc3 b4 22. Hc5 Hc8 23. gacl±) 19. ФМ f5 20. ef6 J.f6 21. £>f6 Hf6 22. g3 b4 (D. Vocaturo 2537 - Ulibin 2538, Alghero 2011) 23. аЗ ЬаЗ 24. Hfa3±; b) 10... a5! 11. £>f2 (11. c3 Лаб 12. Лаб Наб 13. 0-0 Ha8 14. £>f2 a4 15. Sadi Aia5 16. tc2 &c4 17. Лс1 Wc8 18. ФМ cd4 19. &d4 Лс5 20. Hd3 Ad4 21. cd4 f5oo Gao Rui 2417 — J. Gomez 2512, Ho Chi Minh City 2012) bl) Black has tried 11... f6 12. ef6 £>f6 13. Sdl (13. c3!? deserves attention, intending to meet 13... £}e4 with 14. 41e4 de4 15. £}e5±) Йе4!? Inviting favourable complications (also possible is the calm 13... ®c7 with a bal- anced game.) 14. A>e4 de4 15. dc5 ef3 16. If3 We8 17. cb6 Лаб 18. Wd7 W 19. &f2 Sd8? (19... Hb8oo) 20. We6 <£h8 21. Hd8 Ш8 22. Sdl We8 23. ®e4+- G. Durovic 2328 — Teran Alvarez 2437, Split 2011; b2) 11... Лаб The logical follow-up to the previous move. 12. £}d3 White has managed to prevent the exchange of light-squared bish- ops, but his knight is awkwardly placed on d3. Black had no problems in the following game: 12... f5 13. 0-0 cd4 14. £>d4 £>d4 15. Ad4 &c5 16. We3 Wd7 17. g4 g6 18. ФЫ Ш 19. Sf2 £>e4 20. Sg2 Лс5!?±=; Krisz. Szabo 2528 — Khantuev 2322, Saint Peters- burg 2010J 10 ... f5! The best move, in my opinion. The alternatives give White more chances to fight for an advantage. |10,„ ЛЬ7 11. £}dl cd4 (11... a5 now makes less sense, with the Л committed to b7. Volkov has tried this move three times, but none of his opponents played the correct 12. сЗ Лаб 13. Лаб Наб 14. f5 Sa8 15. ЛГ4!? b5 16. £e3t) 12. £}d4 a) 12... £>d4 13. Лd4 £>b8 14. £>e3 £ic6 15. c3 Sc8 16. ЛЬ5!? £>d4 17. cd4 g6 (Zherebukh 2567 — S. Sethuraman 2493, Kirishi 2010) 18. Hacl+; b) 12... £>c5 13. £>f2 f5 14. ef6 ЛА6 15. c3 £>d4 (15... e5 16. £>сб Лсб 17. £>g4 Aie4 18. Wd3 ef4 19. Hf4 Лg5 20. Hf8 Wf8 21. Лd4 We7 22. Hfl± Hou Yifan 2591 - N. Muminova 2360, Guangzhou 2010) 16. Лd4 &e4 (16... Лd4 17. cd4 £>e4 18. We3 Wd6 19. g3 Wb4 20. Лg4 Hfe8 21. £>d3 ®d6 22. Hfcl± Kryvoruchko 2652 — An. Rychagov 2560, Rethymnon 2011) 17. We3 ®d6 18. £>e4 de4 19. Hadi Wc7 (Kalegin 2482 - Sergey Volkov 2623, Voronezh 2012) 20. Лf6 gf6 21. Hd4± А Лс4; 10- f6 11. dc5! (11. ef6£if6 - 10... f5) a) 11... fe5!? 12. £>d5 Лс5 13. fe5 ЛЬ7 (1/2 : 1/2 Yuneev 2428 - Gleizerov 2566, Stockholm 2009/10) 14. Лс5 £>c5 15. £>f4 Wd2 16. £>d2 £>e5 17. £>c4+; b) 11... £>c5 12. ef6 ЛА6 13. £>d4 £>d4 (13... Лd7 14. Hael £>d4 15. Лd4 Лd4 16. Wd4 Wf6 17. Wf6 Hf6 18. Лg4 Hc8 19. Hf2 a5 20. g3 b5 21. f5 ef5?! 22. £>d5 fg4 23. <^e7 ФП 24. £>c8 Лс8 25. He5 £>e6 26. Hb5± Filev 2367 - De. Antic 2495, Plovdiv 2011) 14. Лd4 bl) 14... Лd4 15. Wd4 Wf6 16. Hadi ®d4 17. Hd4 ЛЬ7 18. b4 £>d7 (Michielsen 2331 - J. Jorczik 2383, Wien 2011) 19. £ib5 £>f6 20. ЛdЗ±; 93
Cl LABS СП Ь2) 14... ЛЬ7 15. Sadi b21) 15... Jld4 16. Wd4 Wf6 17. Wf6 Bf6 18. g3 a5 19. Hfel h6 (Ad. Feher 2319 - D. Kosic 2512, Budapest 2010) 20. jLg4±; b22) 15... Sc8 16. Ag4 Ф118 17. We3 Ad4 18. Sd4 Wf6 19. Sei Wg6 (Ante Brkic 2592 — Sa. Martinovic 2504, Zagreb 2011) 20. h3!? Efe8 (20... Wc2 21. Se2 Wg6 22. Ле6±) 21. <£b5 Sed8 22. b41? £>e4 23. <Йа7 Sa8 24. Sddl e5 25. fe5 Se8 26. £}b5±; 10... ^db8 - 74/1751 11. ef6 White has tested several other moves, but without success: 111. аЗ ЛЬ7 12. Hfdl Sc8 13. dc5 £ic5 14. Ь4 <Йе4 15. £>e4 fe4 16. £>d4 £id4 17. i.d4 Лсб 18. £g4 Wd7 19. c3 ЛЬ5 20. We3 Sce8= J. Tomczak 2544 — Sieciechowicz 2441, Legnica 2011; 11. h3 ЛЬ7 12. ФЬ2 ФЬ8 13. Sadi Sc8 14. Wcl a6 15. Sgl Wc7 16. ЛЛ 16... g5!? 17. fg5 cd4 18. £>d4 £>d4 19. £d4 Лс5±5 Dm. Kokarev 2596 — Iskusnyh 2455, Khanty-Mansiysk 2011; ll.^dl cd4 12. £}d4 £>d4 13. ^.d4 &c5 14. £}e3 (14. £rf2 a5 15. ФМ Ла6= F. Rosen- berg 2165 — M. Blubaum 2413, Schwabisch Gmiind 2012) £ie4 15. Wei £d7 16. c4 dc4 17. Лс4 ФЬ8 18. Sdl We8 19. We2 Sd8 20. a3 Wg6 21. Sd3 Лс6= P. Bobras 2535 - Najer 2657, Deutschland 2010; 11. ФЫ ЛЬ7 12. Sgl a) 12... Sc8 (Kislik 2370 - I. Rajlich 2459, Budapest 2010) 13. g4 fg4 14. Sg4t; b) 12... cd4! 13. £id4 &d4 14. £d4 £>c5 15. We3 (15. ±d3 <Sbe4 16. We3 Wd7=) g51? (15... Ла6=) 16. ±d3 gf4 17. Wf3 &e4 18. &e2 Лс5 19. Wf4 ФЬ8 20. c3 We7oo Ni. Dukic 2515 — D. Kosic 2536, Cma Gora (ch) 2012; ll.dc5 £>c5 12. <£b5 £>e4 13. Wdl Лс5 14. £>bd4 &d4 15. &d4 We8 16. c3 £d7 17. a4 Sc8 1/2 : 1/2 Paikidze 2376 - E. Vorobiov 2565, Saint Petersburg 2010] 11... £>f6 12. ФМ 112, h3 ЛЬ7 13. Sael?! £>e4 14. Wd3 £ig3 15. Hf2 £}f5+ Rogulj 2394 — Kuljasevic 2556, Hrvatska 2011; 12, ±b5 Wc7 13. ±c6 (13. ФМ ^.d7 14. Sadi a6 15. i.c6 Ac6 16. We2 b5 17. ±gl Wc8oo Baramidze 2593 — D. Berczes 2458, Biel 2008) Wc6 14. £>e5 We8 (14... Wc7 15. Sadi ±a6 16. Sfel Sae8oo H. Metz 2293 - H. Poetsch 2408, Leinzell 2011) 15. Sael Лаб 16. Sf3 Sd8oo Strugnell 2234 — Gleize- rov 2565, Senta 20121 12... JLb7 Black has been very successful with this natural moves, but also with the al- ternatives: П2... Ad6 94
С11 CILABS 13. g3 (13. i.b5!? i.b7 14. Sael We7oo) ±b7 14. Sadi We7 15. Hfel Sad8 16. Ab5 (16. Wcl &e4t; 16. ^.d3?! c4 17. ±fl ±b4 18. We2 J.c3 19. bc3 £>e4 20. Ad2 h6+ Vj. Zivkovic 2379 — A. Saric 2489, Hrvatska 2011) £>e4 17. Wg2 £>c3 18. bc3 c4oo; 12... Wc7 13. £>e5 a6 (13... Ab7 14. Sadi a6 15. £}c6 ^.сб 16. Wei c4 17. g4?! b5 18. g5 &e4 19. ±g4 Wd7+ A. Brkic 2573 - Al. Kovacevic 2573, Bosna i Hercegovina 2010) 14. £ic6 Wc6 15. Wei (15. Af3 J.b7 16. Sael Hae8 17. Se2 b51? 18. dc5 b4 19. £id 1 a5oo Nurkiewicz 2428 — F. Graf 2320, Pardubice 2010) i.b7 16. £f3 Eae8 17. Sdl ld6 18. Wh4 Wc7 19. 4}e2 £>e4 20. Ae4 de4i^ Bazeev 2348 — Iskusnyh 2465, Saint Petersburg 2010] 13. Sadi ПЗ.Вае! ФИ8 14. J.b5 a6 15. Асб Ac6 16. ^g5 Wd7 17. a3 Sad8 18. Sdl Ad6 19. We2 Sde8 20. Edel Wc7oo F. Caruana 2700 - Kazhgaleyev 2620, Khanty-Mansiysk (ol) 2010; 13. j.d3 a6 14. £gl Jld6 (14... Wd61? 15. Sael Sae8oo) 15. dc5 bc5 16. £ig5 He8 17. Sfel (Alexei Fedorov 2562 — I. Ibragimov 2539, Izhevsk 2012) Wd7oo] 13... Sc8 14. Wei 114. ±gl Ad6 15. We3 We7 16. £>b5 cd4 17. Ш4 £>d4 18. £>d4 &e4 19. Ag4 Sf6 20. c3 Scf8t Scheider 2275 — Kotainy 2392, Deutschland (ch) 2012] 14... ФЬ8 114... <5dg41? 15. ±cl Wd7oo] 15. £>g5 [More unpleasant is 15. Wg3!?, but Black should be OK after 15... Ad6 16. dc5 bc5 17. <5dg5 17... d4! (17... We7 18. Wh3T) 18. £>b5 (18. £>e6?l We7 19. &f8 Sf8 20. £ib5 Ab8 21. JLd4 &d4 22. &d4 cd4T) Ab8 19. Wh3 Wd5 20. Ad2 (20. JLd3 h6oo) Wf5oo] 15... Wd7 16. £if3 White is none too thrilled with his prospects and seeks a quick draw. [Hardly promising was 16. Ab5 a6 17. JLc6 Псбоо] 16... £}g4J? But Black wants to fight on! 17. ±cl £>h6!? 18. Ab5 £f5 19. dc5 bc5 20. &e4 Псе8 21. Wf2 Wc7 22. £>c5 Wb6 23. £>e6 Wb5 24. £>c7 Wa5 25. £>e8 Se8 26. Sfel Hf8oo J. Gallagher 2512 - Prusikin 2541, Merlimont 2011. The position is balanced and Black managed to win the game. This variation is still devel- oping, but Black has had great results so far and it appears to be very difficult for White to find a convincing route to an advantage. Nikola Dukic 95
RUY LOPEZ Jaenisch/Schliemann variation by GM Ivan Ivanisevic • Country: Serbia • Bom: 1977 • Title: Grandmaster since 2000 • Rating: 2634 • Peak rating: 2664 n this article we shall examine the Jaenisch or Schliemann Variation of the Ruy Lopez, 3... f5, and in particular the interesting move 4. d3. This has tended to surpass the main move 4. £}c3 in popularity, either due to the ’’Radjabov Variation” there (4... fe4 5. £}e4 £}f6), where Black plays a pawn down but the position is much closer to a draw than a White win, or be- cause the later involves many more forcing variations and a greater theoretical learning over- head. The move 4. d3 has been employed even by the world’s leading players. This article does not intend to argue which move is better than the other; it is clear that both have their good and bad sides. I just wish to examine 4. d3 in some depth and offer the reader a good grasp of its potential and nuances. With 4. d3 White supports his Де4, strengthening his central presence and keeping control of the d5- and f5-squares. On the other hand, after an ex- change on e4 Black acquires the open f-file for counterplay. Overall, the resulting lines are less forcing than those occuring after 4. £}c3. The main focus of the article lies on two modem and interesting ways for Black to meet the 4. d3 line, namely 6... d6 and 6... Ac5 7. Wd3 ^d4!?. 1. e4 e5 2. ^c6 3. ^b5 f5 4. d3 Currently in vogue, though 4. £}c3 has been played far more often. [4. £}c3 I shall not be analyzing this move, but I do wish to explain why more and more players have switched to 4. d3 nowadays. 4... fe4 5. ^e4 £>f6 6. ^f6 (6. We2 d5 7. £T6 gf6 8. d4 Jlg7 9. de5 0—0 offers mutual chances) Wf6 7. We2 (7. 0—0 is also possible, but hardly threatening.) JLe7 8. JLc6 a) 8... dc6 9. ^e5 ±f5 10. 0-0 (10. d4 There is no rush for this move, which gives Black an extra opportunity, as the Дс2 is poisoned any- way 10... 0-0-0 11. ^e3 c5 12. 0-0-0 cd4 13. ±d4 Wg5 14. ФЫ Wg2 15. Hhgl Wd5oc) 96
С 63 Cl LABS al) 10... JLc2 11. d3 ±a4 (11... 0-0-0 12. Sei Ad6 13. Wg4 ФЬ8 14. ^.g5±) 12. £d3! h6 (12... <£>f8 13. ^.g5 Sd6 14. gfel±) 13. Sei c5 14. Ad2± The black king remains a target in the centre; a2) 10... 0-0-0!? 11. d3 Hhe8; a3) 10... 0-0 is, similarly to the main line, a position with good drawing chances for Black; b) 8... bc6 9. Aie5 (9. We5 d6 10. Ш6 £f6 only helps Black to develop his pieces.) We6 This is Radjabov’s favourite line. Black is much more likely to achieve a draw here, and this evaluation is supported by the Azeri grandmaster’s results in top-level play.] 4... fe4 5. de4 £>f6 6. 0-0 Probably the best move in the position. |6, A small but significant imprecision, after which Black has absolutely no problems and can even lay claim to some initiative. 6... £b4, for example: 7. Wd3 Ac3 8. ®c3 (8. bc3 d6) £>e4 9. We3 (9. ®d3 £T6 10. £c6 Ьсб 11. £>e5 We7) d5 10. £ie5 0-0t Rausis 2520 - I.-A. Nataf 2552, France 2008; 6, .&e3!? An interesting attempt by Gashi- mov, first employed by him in the 2011 FIDE World Cup. Now the ...jLc5 lines have been prevented, and the position is almost com- pletely unexplored. a) 6... Ab4 7. сЗ (V. Gashimov 2760 - S. Azarov 2648, Khanty-Mansiysk (m/1) 2011 - 112/176) Aa5 8. Wa4 Ab6 9. £b6 cb6 10. 0-0 0-0 11. £ibd2+; b) 6... £>e4 7. £ie5 (7. 0-0 ^f6; 7... kel W. Wittmann 2300 — Lyell 2197, Budapest 2011) £>e5 8. ®d5 bl) 8... £>g6 9. We4 Ae7 10. £>c3 (10. Ac4 c6 11. £>c3 - 10. £>c3) bl I) 10... 0-0 11. ±c4 (11. Wd5 ФЬ8 12. ^.d3 £>f4 13. J.f4 gf4) ФЬ8 12. h4 d6 13. 0-0-0 £>e5 14. J.e2 (14. J.b3 c6) J.f5 (14... c6 15. g4) 15. Wb7 Eb8 16. ®d5 (16. Wa6 ±f6; 16. Wa7 Af6) c6 (16... ^.f6 17. k&l Ha8 18. £e3) 17. ®d4 ®c7^; Ы2)J_0... c6 11. ±c4 d5 12. £>d5 cd5 13. jLd5oo; b2) 8... 9. gf3 £if6 10. Wg5; b3) 8... We7 9. We4 c6 10. £>c3 £>g6 (10... £if7 11. Wd4 cb5 12. £>d5 ®d8 13. 0-0-0 J.d6 14. We4 &f8 15. Shel t; 11... We5) 11. Wd4!? (11. J.d3 We4 12. £>e4 d5=) cb5 (11... W7 12. £c4d5 13. &d5 cd5 14. i.d5 Ш6 15. 0-0-0 Ae7 16. Shel^) 12. &d5 ®d8 13. a4^ A 13... ba4 14. ®a4 ±e7 15. Wb3, A 13... b4 14. 0-0-0 d6 15. ghel <£>f7 16. £f4; c) 6... d6 is fully possible for those players who reply to 6. 0—0 with 6... d6 anyway. The only difference could be an attempt by White to push c4-c5 quickly. 7. 0—0 (S. Bogdano- vich 2464 — Kutsykh 2294, Odessa 2010) 97
Cl LABS C63 ±e7 8. c4 (8. &c3 0-09. Jlc4 фЬ8 10. £>g5 We8oo All. &d5 ^.d8, All. ^e6 Wf7) £ie4 (8... 0-0 9. c5 ФЬ8 10. cd6 £d6) 9. c5 White is playing in true gambit style. 9... JLf5 10. Wb3; 6, Wd3 The idea of this move is to always threaten an embarassing check from c4, if Black castles, while retaining the option of transposing to the main line anyway. a) 6... W 7. We2 al) 7... c6 (R. Csolto 2318 - Kai. Nagy 2075, Magyarorszag 2008) 8. Ac4; a2) 7... a6 a21) 8. JLc4 £>c6 (8... b5 9. J.b3 c5) a211) 9. £>g5 £id4 10. ®dl (10. ±f7 Фе7 11. Wc4 h6 12. f4 d5 13. Ad5 b5+) d5 11. ed5 ±f5±?; a212) 9. 0—0 Ac5 leads to an unexplored po- sition, with mutual chances; a22) 8. ±a4! b5 (8... £ic6) 9. Ab3 c5 10. c3 a221) 10... £>c6 11. a4 Hb8 12. ab5 ab5 13. 0-0 (13. Ad5 Wc7 14. Ag5 2>e7) c4 14. Ac2 Ac5 15. b3+; a222) 10... c4 11. J.c4 bc4 12. cb4 Ab4 13. JLd2 a5 14. £}e5 Aa6 15. £}c3 0-0 16. 0-0 He8 (16... We8 17. £ig4 JLc3 18. JLc3 £je4 19. Sfel £>c3 20. bc3±) 17. £ig4 ±c3 18. JLc3 £}e4 19. £}e3± followed by Hadi; b) 6... ±c5 bl) 7. Wc4 This is less strong here, rather than one move later, with Black having played d6 as well. 7... ®e7 bll) 8. <23c3 £>d4 9. ^.a4 (9. £>d4 ed4+) c6 10. Wd3 b5 11. ^.ЬЗ a5^; bl2) 8. 0-0 a6 9. £c6 dc6 10. £>bd2 (10. £>c3 JLg4T) Ae6 11. We2 Ag4 12. h3 ±h5 13. £ic4 0-0-0; 11. ®c3; b2) 7. £>c3 d6 (J. Filipek 2410 - M. Sosnicki 2270, Polanica Zdroj 1997 — 70/(313); 7... We7 8. ±g5) 8. ®c4; c) 6... d6 7. <§3c3 a6; d) 6... JLb4!? 7. c3 (7. £}c3 transposes to 6. £3c3) Ac 5 Kindermann 2485 — Inkiov 2480, West Berlin 1986 - 42/399; 6, Ag5 A rare move, but once played by Ivanchuk. It is directed against the ...JLc5 setup, with the idea of meeting that with a quick £>c3, Af6, £>d5, b4 and a4, forcing structural weaknesses in Black’s queenside. a) 6... Ac5 7. £ic3 d6 8. Af6 Wf6 9. £>d5 ®d8 10. b4 Ab6 11. 0-0 (11. a4 a6 (Gy. Rajna 2390 — Yudasin 2405, Budapest 1982 - 34/393) 12. Ac4 Aa7 13. 0-0 Ag4 14. c3 Hf8 15. Ae2 £>e7oo) Ag4 12. a4 0-0 13. Ae2 al) 13... a6 14. W (14. c3 Aa7) cb6 15. 2>e5 ±e2 16. 2>c6 £dl 17. 2>d8 J.c2 18. W Hf6 19. f3 Hb8 20. Hf2 £e4 21. fe4 Hb7 22. Hf6 gf6 23. Hdl Hd7 24. &f2 &f7 25. феЗ Феб 26. gcl±; a2) 13... i.f3 14. J.f3 a6 98
С 63 Cl LABS a2l) 15. Ag4!? ФЬ8 (15... £>e7 16. £ib6 cb6 17. ЛаЗ!± White utilizes the ommission of the move c3 and rapidly activates his rook along the third rank.) 16. Sa3 a5! 17. <?3b6 (17. b5 Лс5 18. Eh3 £>e7 19. Леб £>g8 20. Wh5 £ih6) ab4 18. £>a8 (18. Sd3 cb6 19. Ed6 Wg5=) ba3 19. £ic7 Wc7 20. Wd3oo; a22) 15. W cb6 16. сЗ ФЬ8 17. £g4 Hf6 (17... a5!?) 18. Wd3 <^e7 19. g3 Wc7 White stood somewhat better in the game Ivanchuk 2779 — T. Radjabov 2761, Linares 2009, but Black managed to hold the draw; b) 6... h6 Ы) 7. ЛЬ4 g5 8. JLg3 d6±^ Dej. Maijanovic 2153 — M. Dragovic 2380, Senta 2011; b2) 7. ЛГ6 Wf6 8. 0-0 (8. £>c3 ЛЬ4) £>d8 9. £ЗсЗ сб 10. Лс4 d6oo; ЬЗ) 7. ЛеЗ Ivanchuk’s idea, compared to 6. ЛеЗ, is that now the g6-square has been slightly weakened. b31) 7... <§3e4 8. £ie5 (8. Wd3 <^d6 9. <§3c3^ W?? 10. Wg6 фе7 11. <$3d5#) £>e5 9. Wd5 Play is similar to the 6. ЛеЗ lines, with the added bonus of the weakened black kingside; b32) 7... d6 b321) 8. W Лg4 b3211) 9. Ле2 Ле2 10. We2 ®d7 11. £>c3 (11. 4hg6 Sg8 12. <§3c3 0-0-0 13. 0-0-0 Wf7=) 0-0-0=; b3212) 9. Wd3 ЛЬ5оо; b322) 8. £>c3; c) 6... d6 White reaps no benefits after this simple move. 7. 4hc3 Ле7 White has nothing real, but those who prefer the ...Лс5 setup might feel bothered by the relatively passive stand of the bishop on e7.| 6... d6 This move is considered passive, but it seems to me that there is no concrete route to an advantage for White. 16... Лс5 a) 7. Лсб bc6 8. £ie5 0-0 al) 9. £>c3 d6 10. £>d3 (10. £>c6 We8 11. £>d4 £}e4 12. <§3e4 We4 13. c3 (Mekhitarian 2504 - Nezad 2372, Barcelona 2008) Wg65s) Лd4 11. £>e2 (11. Wei!? Parkanyi 2321 - Lyell 2132, Budapest 2010) ЛЬ6 12. Лg5 (12. £>g3 £>g4t)We8 13. ЛА6 Sf6 14.£>g3 ®f7 15. ЬЗ Леб 16. Wd2 Hf8 17. Hael Sh6^ V. Anand 2798 - M. Carlsen 2775, Bilbao 2008; a2) 9. Лg5 We8 10. ЛГ6 gf6 11. £>d3 Лd4 (also possible is И... ЛЬ6 ) 12. сЗ (12. £}d2 Лаб 13. Sbl d6 14. c4 c5 15. b4 Wf7 16. ФЫ Hf8 17. f4 Лс4 18. £}c4 Wc4 19. bc5 dc5 20. e5 Sb6 21. Scl ®d5 22. Wf3 c6 1/2 : 1/2 V. Anand 2799 - T. Radjabov 2735, Morelia/Linares 2008 — 102/(234)) ЛЬ6 13. £id2 d5 (13... d6 14. c4 Wg6 15. ФЫ Лg4 16. f3 Леб 17. f4 Лg4 18. Wei Se8 19. c5!± Macieja 2606 — T. Radjabov 2742, Khanty-Mansiysk (m/1) 2009 — 101/230) 99
Cl LABS C63 a21) 14. e5 Sf8 (14... Eh6!?) 15. ФЫ Wg6 16. W M6 17. fibcl Ef5t M. Socko 2465 - Cmilyte 2485, Rijeka 2010 - 108/(84); a22) 14. ed5 Ah3! a221) 15. Wc2 ±f5 16. &c4 M4 17. &d2 (17. Eael Wg6 18. Ee4 We4 19. £ib6 ab6 20. dc6 Ed8 21. &b4 ®c2 22. 2>c2 Ed2=; 17. We2 Wg6 18. £>el Se8) Ag2! 18. <£>g2 Wh5- 19. Wdl (19. f4 We2 20. ФН fih6 21. £>f2 ±f2 22. Wdl Ee8 23. £if3 £g3 24. We2 Ee2 25. &gl М2 26. 4Ж2 ЕЫ12-+; 19. &el Saf8 20. f4 We2 21. Ml Ef4-+) Wg6 20. Ml Wd3 21. М3 Wc4; a222) 15. £>f3 Wg6 16. Mel Eaf8-; a223) 15. gh3 Wg6 16. Ml Wd3±?; a224) 15. Ml Eg6 a2241) 16. Ml Wei 17. gh3 (17. Eel £g2 18. £gl £f3 19. Ml Ml 20. Eadl cd5+) We7^; a2242± 16. dc6 Ed8 17. Wb3 M6 18. Wc2 М5бб; b) 7. Wd3 M4!? (7... d6 8. Wc4 We7 9. М3 M7 10. M5 M5 11. ed5 ®d4 12. M7 Wd7 is a commonly seen and quite solid line, but not to my taste. Black’s position is with- out perspective and should be avoided. 13. M4 M4 14. a4 a6 15. М3 ±e3 16. fe3 0-0-0 17. Ef2 V. Topalov 2780 - T. Radja- bov 2735, Morelia/Linares 2008 — 102/(235). White has control of the only open file in the position and only two results are possible...; 7... We7) bl) 8. M4 M4 bll) 9. M4 We7 10. a4 a6 11. М3 d6 12. Ag5 c6 13. М2 M5 14. c3 (14. £ig3) h6oo Mi. Adams 2733 — T. Radjabov 2752, Ro- gaska Slatina 2011; bl2) 9. М2 a6 (9... c6 10. M4) 10. M4 We7 11. £rf3 M7 12. M4 d6 (12... d5!? 13. ed5 £ig4; 12... g6) 13. Ag5 ±e6 14. M5 M5 15. ef5 0-0-0 16. M6 M8 17. c4 h6oc Svidler 2746 - T. Radjabov 2751, Baku 2008 - 102/234; b2) 8. M5 Interestingly, nobody has tried this move; but it is the computer’s first choice! 8... We7 9. £>f3 (9. M4 M5 10. g3 M4 11. gf4 Ef8+) b21) 9... &f3 10. Wf3 0-0 (10... сб 11. ±d3 0-0) 11. М3 c6 (11... d5 12. de4 13. We2±) 12. М3 d6 (12... d5 13. ed5 £>g4 14. M4 g5 15. d6 Wg7 16. Eael-») 13. Wg3; b22) 9... M5 10. Wb5 (10. M5!? £>d4 11. 2>d4 We4 12. W Wd3 13. cd3 M6 14. Ecl <M8oc) £>e4 This position requires much deeper analysis; at a glance, it appears close to equal.) 7. £ic3 [7. Wd3 a6 a) 8. M6 bc6 9. Wc4 (9. £lc3 Kasimdzhanov 2685 — T. Nyback 2635, Khanty-Mansiysk (ol) 2010 — 110/(163)) This idea can be met in two ways: al) in gambit style: 9... Wd7 10. £>c3 (Poz- nanska 2065 — Brokken 2304, Marianske Lazne 2011; 10. Edl d5) ±b7 11. М3; a2) or with the solid: 9... Ad7 Sutovsky 2703 — C. Hanley 2421, Gibraltar 2012; b) 8. M4 b5 9. М3 transposes to 8. M4; 8... ^3a5; c) 8. M4 100
С 63 Cl LABS cl) 8... b5 9. i.b3 <Йа5 10. a4 (10. £ic3 c6) <ЙЬЗ (10... сб 11. Aa2 White has managed to retain his strong bishop and has the initia- tive.) 11. Wb3 ell) 11... Sb8 12. ab5 Sb5 (12... ab5 13. £)c3t Abreu Delgado 2419 — Gomez Fontal 2414, Varadero 2000) 13. Wc4+; cl2) 11... ba4 12. Ea4t; c2) 8... J.g4; c3) 8... JLe7 9. £>c3 b5 10. ±b3 £ia5oo] 7... a6 8. ±е2!? Jtg4 (8... ±е7 9. &g5!; 8... Аеб 9. <2}g5 J.g8) 9. <2}d5 &e4 (9... Ae7 10. <2}e5 ±e2 11. &c6 i.dl 12. ^d8 2>d5 13. Sdl £>c3 14. bc3 Sd8 15. f3+) 10. £>e5 (10. Sei) Ae2 11. We2 £>e5 12. ®e4 c6 13. £>e3 (13. £T4 Wf6 14. £>h3 d5 15. ®e2 &d7oc) Ae7 14. f4 £>g6 15. £>g4 0-0 16. f5 £>e5 17. £>e5 de5 18. We5 ^.f6 19. We6 фЬ8бд] 8... ilg4 [8... £>a5 9. JLe2 J.e7 10. £ig5+ P. Stankie- wicz 2005 — Brokken 2304, Marianske Lazne 2011] 9. h3 [9. Ae3 Wd7] a) 8. 2>d5 2>e4 9. Sei £>f6 10. £ig5; 8... 0-0; b) 8. J.c4 &a5 9. £e2 (9. ®d3 £>c4 10. Wc4) 0-0; c) 8. ®d3! Only now, after ...jLe7 has been played, because Black is somewhat lacking in space. cl) 8... a6 (Szmetan 2435 — Cuasnicu 2410, Argentina (ch) 1975 — 20/290) 9. Jlc6 bc6 10. Wc4 JLd7 11. £>g5 Sf8 12. f4-; c2) 8... Jlg4!? Kholmov 2535 - Tatai 2480, Budapest 1979 — 28/263; c3) 8... 0-0 9. Ac6 bc6 10. Wc4 ФЬ8 11. ®c6 2b8 (11... Ag4 12. ^el JLd7 13. Wc4 c6 14. We2 is similar) 12. ®a4 Black’s com- pensation for the missing pawn is probably insufficient; 7„, jLg4] 8. i.c4 18, Ла4 Ь5 9. £ЬЗ *23a5; 9... Ш 19... i.f3 10. Wf3 £>d4 11. Wd3 b5 12. ±b3 a) 12... £>b3 13. ab3 c6 (13... J.e7? 14. Sa6) 14. £}e2 transposes to 12... c6; b) 12... c6 13. £>e2 W 14. ab3 Ae7 15. £}g3 0—0 This is probably playable, but it seems that White retains some edge, for ex- ample: 16. 2>f5 Hf7 (16... Wd7 17. c4) 17. ±g5 J.f8] 10. kel [10. ^d5; 10. i.e31 11... Ag6 11. ^h4 ^.Поо Van Kampen 2443 — B. Bok 2453, Amsterdam 2011 Ivan Ivanisevic 101
RUY LOPEZ Open variation by GM Sarunas Sulskis • Country: Lithuania • Born: 1972 • Title: Grandmaster since 1996 • Rating: 2564 • Peak rating: 2607 his article features my efforts to resuscitate the rare and half-forgotten 10... g6 line of the Open Ruy Lopez. Once employed by Korchnoi, on the stage of the 1978 World Championship match against Karpov in Baguio City, it certainly caught the audience’s attention. However, Karpov’s crushing 28-move win curbed Korchnoi’s desire to try this risky line again, and the public followed suit. Ever since, 10... g6 would make roughly a solitary appearance every year; statistics tell the whole story... Only Murey, one of Korchnoi’s seconds in Baguio City, continued to use it on occasion — perhaps a strong indication of the brains behind this line’s adoption! My personal involvement with the "Baguio Sorrow" line commenced a few years ago. Going through the current theoretical material on the Open Ruy Lopez, with the intention to employ it as Black, I realized that most of its variations were either too long to allow for creativity, or too dull to keep one alert at the board. Sweet teenage memories of that ill-fated Baguio game sprang to my mind, which prompted me to start looking for possible improvements. Was it be- fore or after I got acquainted with Jakov Murey in some tournament in Hungary, I cannot tell. We analyzed some positions there, but definitely not 10... g6. I can only hope that my involvement with this line has enriched it with even more mysteries and unresolved questions. Perhaps few readers are likely to appreciate such conclusions; to them I can only say "sorry, this is my way... ". If some day the 10... g6 line is christened the "Baguio Sorrow" variation — or, at least, the "Murey" variation, that would be the most cher- ished reward for my efforts! 1. e4 e5 2. ^сб 3. 1Ь5 a6 4. Ia4 ^f6 5. 0-0 ^e4 6. d4 b5 7. Ib3 d5 8. de5 Ae6 9. ^bd2 ^c5 10. c3 g6 11.^d4 Hl, We2 lg7 12. ^d4 ^e5 - 11. £}d4; 11, lc2 lg7 12. £}d4! The most challeng- ing move. (12. Hel This cautious move gives nothing to White. 12... 0—0 13. £}b3 £}d7 14. Ig5 Wc8 15.1f4^e7 16. Wd2 c5=Z. Efimenko 2654 — Ni. Short 2706, Mukachevo 2009) £}e5 Picking up the gauntlet (Refusing it by 12... Wd7 13.f41g4 14. Wei ^d4 15. cd4^e6 16. W a5 17. h3 lf5 18.1f5gf5 19. Ie3 a4 20. ^d2 lf8 21. £rf3± led 102
С 80 Cl LABS Black to inferior position in Z. Almasi 2691 - Mi. Marin 2551, Reggio Emilia 2007/08 - 101/(248)) 13. f4 a) 13... £}ed3?! This move, despite its adop- tion by Murey, is quite risky and hard to rec- ommend. al) 14. f5 gf5 15. £>e6 fe6 16. Wh5 (16. b4 W 17. cb4 Aal 18. bc5 0-0oo) <£>d7 17. b4 Ac3 18. bc5 &cl 19. Af5 (19. сб Феб 20. Sael ±d2+) £al 20. Ji.e6 (20. Wf7 Феб 21. Ш ФЬ7+) Феб? 21. Wf5 Фе7 22. Wf7#; 20... фс6П+; a2) 14. Ь4 £}Ь4 15. JLa31 Spectacular, yet such play involves considerable risks by White. (15. &e6 £ie6+) £>c2 16. Wc2 £>e4 (16... £>a4 17. Sael ±d4 18. cd4 фd7 19. Scl^) 17. &e4 de4 18. Sadi (18. £>e6 fe6 19. Sadi Wc8 20. We4 ФП 21. Wc6 Sd8) id5 (18... Wd5 19. f5 Wa2 20. £>e6! Wc2 21. £>g7) J_9. c4! bc4 20. &c6 Wd7 21. £>e7 c6 22. f5oo Fressinet 2640 — Murey 2487, Paris 2006; a3) 14. <2je6 (In my opinion, a good alterna- tive to 14. b4) fe6 15. b4 We7 (15... &b4 16. cb4 ±al 17. bc5 Ad4 18. ФЫ £c5 19. Ab2->) 16. Jla3! (16. bc5 Wc5 17. ФЫ 4tf2 18. Sf2 Wf2oo) Ac3 17. bc5±; b) 13... &c4 bl) 14. f5?! £>e3 15. Wf3 (15. We2 £)fl 16. fe6 £>d2 17. ef7 ФП 18. ±d2 Se8+) £fl 16. fe6 Ad4 17. cd4 &e6 18. £>fl £sd4 19. We3 £>e6 20. We5 0-0 21. Jlh6 Se8=; b2) 14. £ic4 dc4 15. f5 b21) 15... gf5?I 16. 4te6! £>e6 (16... fe6 17. th5 Фd7 18. Sdl ^d3 19. ±d3+-) 17. W15 (17. Wf3!?) Wd6 18. £f5 h6 19. Ae3- Nijboer 2584 — Iv. Sokolov 2676, Hilversum 2006; b22) 15... ±d5 16. Wei (16. gel!? This nat- ural move deserves attention as well. 16... Ф18 17. Wg4 h5 18. Wg3 h4 19. Wg4 h3 20. Ag5 JLf6oo) b221) 16... We7 17. Jlg5 f6 18. fg6 fg5 19. £if5 Wei 20. Sael фd7 (20... Ф18 21. £>e7+-) 21. Se7 Феб 22. Sg7±; b222) 16... Фd7 17. Wg3 Фс8 18. Jlg5 b2221) 18... Wd6 19. ±f4 Wb6 20. Sadi Sd8 21. Wh3 ФЬ7 22. Wh7 ^.d4 23. Sd4 (23. cd4 &d3 24. £d3 Wd4+) gf5 24. £e3 Wg6! (24... ^e6 25. Se4 Wc6 26. Wf5+) 25. Wg6 fg6 26. Sfdl Феб 27. g4= Y. Griinfeld 2480 — Grinshpun 2395, Israel 2012; b2222) 18... Wd7 19. Sael f6 20. J.clS D. Neelotpal 2467 — V. Mikhalevski 2572, Port Erin 2005] 11... &e5 12. We2 ]12.f4^ed3 13. &2f3 &cl 14. Scl ±h6 15. £>e5 £ib3 16. ab3 0-0 17. b4^] 12... J.g7 103
Cl LABS C80 112- Ж6; 12... ^ed3 13. £ie6 fe6 14. Ac2 &cl a) 15. Лас1 Wd6 16. Sfel i.h6 17. gcdl (17. b4 £>d7 18. We6 ®e6 19. Леб ФП+) 0-0 18. b4 &d7 19. We6 We6 20. Леб Sfe8 21. He8 Ле8= Smirin 2560 - Murey 2440, Tel Aviv 1991; b) 15. fifcl Wf6 16. b4 £>d7 17. a4! ЛЬ8 18. ab5 ab5 19. £d3 (19. ^.d3 ^.h6 20. Ab5 ЛЬ5 21. Wb5 Ad2 22. Ла8 фе7 23. ЛЬ8 Wh8+) bl) 19... Ah6!? bll) 20. Паб 0-0 21. Sei (21. Леб Sd) ЛЬ6 22. ЛЬ6 £>Ь6 23. We6 ®e6 24. Леб Ла8=; bl2) 20. Ле1 ЛЬб 21. Ла8 (21. £>d4) Фе7 22. ЛЬ8 (22. Ла7 ®сЗ) Wh8 23. 2>d4 ®f6 24. <ЙЬ5 Af4=; Ь2) 19... J.d6 20. £>d4 0-0 (20... ФГ7?! 21. W Ae5 22. f4 J.f4 23. ЛА- M. Agopov 2419 - Sulskis 2544, Khanty-Mansiysk (ol) 2010 — 114/(119)) 21. We6 We6 22. £je6 Sf6 23. 2>d4 (23. АЬЗ Леб 24. J.d5 ФП 25. fiel ЛЬе8?) c5 24. bc5 i.c5 25. Ab3 £ib6=] 13. f4 transposes to the 11. ®e2 line, as in Karpov — Korchnoi, Baguio WCh 1978. Nevertheless, I advise Black players to avoid that ill-famed variation, unless you are forced to step into the heat of the battlefield. 13... <Aed3!? [13... £>c4?! 14. f5 gf5 15. ^f5 Sg8 16. £>c4 dc4 17. Ac2 4Ad3 18. JLh6—► and White was calling all the shots in An. Karpov 2725 - Korchnoi 2665, Baguio City (m/8) 1978 — 26/286] 14. f5 gf5 15. &f5 115. gf5 We7 16. Ad5 (16. £>e6 We6! 17. ШЗ сб A 18. JLc2 £>el; 16. £>c6 Wd6 17. ±d5 0-0) ±d4 17. cd4 ±f5 18. ®e7 фе7 19. J.a8 Ла8 20. dc5 Aic5?; 15. ^e6 fe6 16. Sf5! This idea, pointed out by IM A. Labuckas during joint analysis, sets Black a difficult examination. 16... Wh4!? Safeguard- ing the h5- square and keeping ...0-0-0 as an option. a) 17. *53f3? ®e4+; b) 17. Sd5? ^3f4+; 104
С 80 Cl LABS с) 17. Eh5 ^f4! 18. We6 £>ce6 19. Eh4 O-O-Ot; d) 17. Ad5 0-0-0 18. £>f3 <^cl 19. We6 (19. 1е6 ФЬ8 20. Ecl Wh6±? A 21. Ec5 ®cl) &e6 20. ^.еб ФЬ8 21. Aih4 J.h6^; e) 17. g3 Wh6 18. Ed5 (18. Ad5 0-0-0 19. Sh5 £jcl 20. Ecl Ed5 21. Eh6 ±h6 22. Sc2±; 19... Wg6+) el) 18... Ed8 A 19. Ec5 £>cl (19... £>c5 20. fte4+-) 20. Ес 1 Ed2 21. We6 We6 22. ±e6 &d8±; e2) 18... ^cl 19. Ecl £>b3 20. W 0-0±| 15... Eg8 16. JLc2 ®g5! 17. h4! Already 4 years ago I had concluded that this move is the most critical. Once again, Black must dance on the edge of the abyss. 117, >d3 /М3 18. Wd3 i.d4!-+; 17. b4 £c3 18. bc5 £>cl 19. Eacl ®d2+; 17- &gl Hg7 18. £>f3 £>cl 19. Eacl Wg4 20. g3 £}e4oo Black was certainly alright in S. Azarov 2667 — §. Sulskis 2595, Jurmala (rapid) 2012 — 114/119J 17... Wg6 18. b4T [18. w W 19. JLd3 (19. ab3 £>cl 20. Eacl £>d7 21. c4 Eae8 22. Wd2 £>d8oo) £>cl 20. Eacl J.f8 21. &d6 ±d6 22. ±g6 Eg6^ is a typical shoot-out not for the faint-hearted!] 18... Ф18!? 19. ®g7 [19. bc5 £f5 20. Ef5 Ee8 21. Wd3? Ad4!!—I- highlights the point of Black’s counterplay.] 19... Wg7 20. bc5 [20. £d3!? Ee8 21. <53g5] Ah3 21. ^d3 £g2^ Sarunas Sulskis 105
ALEXANDER IPATOV YOUTH BREAKS THROUGH WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPION n a heated and spectacular race taking place during the last few rounds of the 2012 World Junior Championship, under the hot summer sun of Athens, Greece, 19-year-old Ukraine-born GM Alexander Ipatov, now representing Turkey, managed to outclass the rating favorites of the event and win the coveted title on tie-break, thus adding his name to an illustrious list that also hosts former World Champions Boris Spassky and Anatoly Karpov, as well as many other famous grandmasters. This tournament victory brought along Alexander’s first ever qualification to the FIDE World Cup and crowned his decision to switch to representing Turkey in the best possible way. Considering his serious and responsible attitude towards chess, one can rest assured that Alexander Ipatov will soon become a household name in the chess world! Alexander was bom in Lviv, Ukraine, on the 16th day of July 1993, and was taught the ba- sics of chess by his father, who sadly passed away recently. His mother brought him to the local chess club at the age of 6, thus laying the foundation of a promising career for her son. After receiving coaching from Viktor Scherba- kov, Alexander Hermanov, Andrei Khripach, Viktor Zheliandinov, Mikhail Kozakov and Miodrag Perunovic throughout the years, and having gained the IM title in the mean- time (2008), Alexander finally ended up with his current coach, FIDE Senior Trainer and Grandmaster Efstratios Grivas, who also hap- pens to be the coach of the Turkish national team for several years. This cooperation soon bore fruits, not least due to Alexander’s deter- mination and strict work ethics, and he soon obtained the grandmaster title, in 2011, as of- ficial confirmation of his undeniable progress. The World Junior Championship is his big- gest success to date, but certainly not the only 107
RISING STARS one! Among several noteworthy results, one can point out his third place in the mammoth 2011 Cappelle la Grande open (with 85 GMs out of a total of 573 participants), his shared second places in the 2011 Nakhchivan Open (with Z. Almasi, Vallejo and I. Sokolov) and the 2012 Grand Europe Open, his multiple ju- nior titles in Ukraine and his nice collection of medals of all colors from the national leagues of Turkey, Spain, Ukraine and Catalonia. This list is sure to grow bigger in the near future, as Alexander seems more dedicated to chess than ever and enjoys the meaning- ful support of the Turkish Chess Federation — more on this later. Naturally, these suc- cesses have come as a result of his continu- ally improving play — when asked to single out a few of his most memorable games, Alexander mentions his important victory against Grandelius at the WJCC and his games against S. Zhigalko (Cappelle la Grande 2011), Melkumyan (Sarajevo 2012) and Sargissian (Valjevo 2012). Still, his strongest and most pleasant memories are linked to the Athens event, for which he and his trainer, GM Grivas, approached very seriously and with restraint; the goal was not to lose any games, and try to gather points day-by-day. In the end, his seven wins and six draws proved enough for the gold medal! Having been singled out as a dynamic and aggressive player during his junior years, Alexan- der has now broadened his horizons and become a more universal player — he will not hesitate to seek a slightly better endgame or, in contrast, a direct attack on the opponent’s king, accord- ing to circumstances. True, this newly-acquired universality cannot hide his clear preference for Alexander Alekhine as his favorite player, but it also betrays the fact that he has judi- ciously studied the games of all world champions, as well as those of other influential chess players, such as Akiba Rubinstein and Aron Nimzowitsch. As a product of Soviet chess cul- ture, he is also familiar with classical chess literature, such as the works of Mikhail Botvinnik, but he also admires the modem chess stars — he considers Levon Aronian an amazing player, and is always impressed by Magnus Carlsen’s technique! Alexander recently switched his allegiance to the Turkish Chess Federation, having repre- sented Spain for the last few years, after abandoning the Ukrainian federation due to lack of support on their part. It is remarkably rare for such a young player to have already played un- der three different flags, but it seems that in Turkey he has found his personal haven, and is greatful to the Turkish federation and its president, Ali Nihat Yazici, for their invitation. He admits to having accepted this proposal without much thought, in view of the rapid develop- ment and expansion of the Turkish federation in all fields relevant to chess, as well as the great popularity the sport enjoys in Turkey. Indeed, Turkey has just hosted the Chess Olympiad in Istanbul, and next year will be the host of the World Junior Championship (where he will try and retain his title) and the World Team Championship, where he hopes to be able to help the Turkish team in their quest for success. Other important events in his schedule for 2013 are the European Individual Championship, the European Team Championship and, of course, the World Cup; a strong showing in these events is his primary chess goal right now, along with an effort to increase his rating enough to enter the Top 100. Naturally, such ambitious 108
RISING STARS goals require great effort in preparation (which he does make!), but he still finds time to learn the language of his new homeland as quickly as possible, to enable him to assimilate its history and culture. Plans of moving to Turkey were tempo- rarily put on hold due to the death of his fa- ther, as he wishes to support his mother in Ukraine, but remain a thought for the fu- ture. So far, we have been painting the picture of a very serious and dedicated chess player, fully devoted to his sport. While admira- ble, such a one-sided description would not do Alexander justice, for he is a great fan of football in general and FC Barce- lona in particular! Indeed, he watches most of their matches on TV, or even live in the stadium, when he is in the city — at the time you read this, he will have already witnessed his first El Classico first-hand! He never misses a chance to play football himself with friends, either on the pitch or on his TV screen, using his Playstation, with basketball and table-tennis also at- tracting his attention occasionally. Another recent hobby of his is reading motivational and business literature, while one should never forget that he is an avid learner of foreign lan- guages — a process he probably adores even more than Barca! Without any further ado, we hereby present you samples of Alexander Ipatov’s chess: 115/9 A 28 A. IPATOV 2561 - T. BANUSZ 2582 Sarajevo 2012 [By Alexander Ipatovl 1. c4 &f6 2. ^c3 e5 3. 2>f3 ^c6 4. d4 ed4 5. ®d4 lc5 6. ^c6 bc6 7. g3 0-0 8. ^g2 He8 9. 0-0 Hb8 10. Wc2 ^a6 Novelty 110... £f8[ 11. b3 JLf8? Submitting to a long-term passive defence. [11... d5 looked logical: 12. Ib2 dc4 13. ^сб Неб (13... ^b7? 14. Ab7 Sb7 15. £}a4 Jld6 16. ®c4±) 14. ^f3 cb3 15. ab3 ^b7 16. ^b7 Hb7 17. Hfdl ®e8 18. ®d5 (18. e3!? Zb2-g7, <=>a, d, Xa7, c7) £id5 19. ®c5 Hb3 20. Wc2 Hb5 21. Ha7 h5=] 12. e4! Denying Black the possibility of ...d5. 12... d6 13. ^b2 g6 14. Hadi ^g7 15. Hfel± It’s time to evaluate the outcome of the open- ing: White’s pieces are perfectly coordinated, while their opposite numbers are passive and disjointed. Adding Black’s inferior pawn structure to the equation, we can conclude that White is much better. 15... ^d7 16. f4 We7 17. ®f2! Commencing a series of direct threats to Black’s position; the Да7 is under attack. 17... JLb7 18. £}a4! Now that the black bishop has moved from a6, White can play this with- out fear of... jLc4. 18... ^b2 19. Wb2 c5 20. ^c3 The white knight has accomplished its task and has noth- ing else to do on a4. 20... a6 Trying to prevent £}b5, with a double attack on a7 and c7. 109
RISING STARS 21. e5! Just in time! There was no sense in trying to improve the placement of the white pieces further, as they already stood ideally. 21... JLg2 22. Wg2 [The following vari- ation was critical: 22... de5 23. ®c6 Sbd8 24. ®c7 We6 25. Sd6! Wf5 26. fe5! Se5 (26... ^e5 27. Sd8 28. ФЫ+-) 27. Wd8 &f8 28. Sfl+-| 23. Wc6 Ш7 24. Wd7 ^d7 25. ed6 Choos- ing the simplest way. [25. £}d5 seemed to me more complicated during the game.] Sei 26. Sei cd6 27. Sdl Sb6 28. ^e4 f5 29. Sd6! Any exchange favors White, as he has a material advantage. 29... Sd6 [29... Sb7?? 30. Sd7 Sd7 31. £Т6 Ф17 32. £id7+-; 29... fe4 30. Sd7+- Xa6, c5, e4, <^?g8; It’s well known that rook endgames allow for a wide drawing margin. However, in this particular position Black should be lost, in view of his king cut off on g8 and his many pawn weaknesses, that will eventually be attacked and taken by White’s king and rook.J 30. ^d6 £}f6 31. ФП ф(8 32. феЗ! The quickest way to victory. 32... фе7[32... ^g4 33. фе2! ^h2 34. £}b7H— A £}c5-a6; and Black’s Knight is too far away.] 33. £}b7 Black is paralyzed and can only sit and wait. In the meantime, White will play b4 and obtain the d4 square for his king, to sup- port the eventual promotion of the c-pawn. 33... £>e4 [33... Ж7 34. a3!+~] 34. аЗ фс!7 35. b4 White’s task is very easy, so Black re- signed. 1:0 A. Ipatov 115/171 E 10 GRANDELIUS 2562 - A. IPATOV 2577 Athens 2012 [By Alexander Ipatov] 1. d4 2. c4 e6 3. £}f3 I prepared this variation especially for this game, together with my coach Efstratios Grivas. 4. a3!? [4. ^c3 allows 4... <£b4!] 4... d6!? Grivas suggested I go for this line right before the game. 5. £}c3 g6 6. g3I? Already this move was a surprise for me. [Our attention had been fo- cussed on 6. e4 Jlg7 7. Jle2 0—0 8. 0-0 Ле8!? intending to push ...e5 and follow up with ...£}d4.] 6. .. Jlg7 7. Jlg2 0—0 8. 0—0 A position very similar to a popular King’s Indian tabiya has arisen, with the extra moves a3 (for White) and ...e6. This slight difference should logi- cally favour White, as the Деб blocks Black’s 110
RISING STARS light-squared bishop, which could have moved to f5 here. 8... a6 A typical idea in the King’s Indian; Black opts for queenside play. 9. d5!? This seemed to me, during the game, as the most principled move. 9... M5! A very risky move, but all other op- tions would give White some advantage. I spent about 20 minutes before playing this, mostly trying to evaluate the unusual situa- tion that arose later in the game. [9... йе7 10. e4b5 11. e5 de5 12. M5 Sb8 13. de6 ^e6 14. We2 c6 1/2 : 1/2 J. Carstensen 2314 - J. Aagaard 2522, Danmark (ch) 2012] 10. М2 Sb8 11. b4 M4 12. M4 M5 13. M5 JLal A very complicated and unbal- anced position has arisen. My opponent spent valuable time at this point, trying to find the best way to proceed. 21... c4! The pawn avalanche commences its sweeping movement. 22. М2 e5 23. Wf3 d4+ Black has a domi- nating position and a clear plan of pushing his pawns further, while White lacks any ac- tive ideas. 24. £}d5 Sc8 25. e4?! Now Black has two passed pawns. 25... c3 26. £}fl JLb5! Further limitting the activity of the white pieces; White is now al- most paralyzed. 27. h4 f5! All the black pieces are ideally placed, so it’s time for decisive action! 28. Scl Jlc4 29. h5 b5 This move looks strange, but it was a good practical decision in mutual time trouble, as White has no good moves at all. 14. Ih6 ^g7 15. ^g7 <^?g7 16. Wd4 f6! Black’s plan is very simple: he will kick back the white pieces and start pushing his pawns, carefully avoiding to provide White’s pieces with possible outposts. [16... e5?! would have allowed the white knight to remain on d5.] 17 .М3 d5! Limitting the activity of White’s light-squared bishop and preparing ...b6, fol- lowed by ...c5. 18 . М5?! This first inaccuracy is the cause of White’s problems later on. [18. М2!? b6 19. М3 would have been better, as White has managed to prevent ...c5 for the moment.] 18... c5 19. Wf4 ^d7! 20. Sdl [20. Wd6 b6 21. М3 cb4 22. Wb4 Sc8+ and the white pieces lack any active squares.] b6 21. £}b3 30. hg6 hg6 31. g4 Wg5 32. Wg3 32... Hfe8?I In time trouble I decided not to give my opponent the slightest chance, but of 111
RISING STARS course this move is hardly best. [32... fe4 33. Ae4 ®cl 34. We5 ФЬ6 35. Wh2 &g5 36. We5 Sf5 37. We7 &g4 38. f3 Hf3 39. Af3 Ф13 40. ®f6 Фе2—h and Black’s king es- capes from the checks. 1 33. gf5 Wg3 34. f6 ФГ8 35. fg3 Ad5 36. ed5 e4 37. d6?© The last few moves from both sides were hardly optimal, but can be ex- plained by the time shortage. But this move is a decisive mistake. [37. Ah3! was White’s last chance, as Black would have had to find the single path to victory. 37... ФГ7! 38. Ac8 Sc8—H and the three black pawns are stron- ger than the white knight.1 37... Scd8 The black pawns now race to pro- motion with the support of their rooks. 38. g4 e3 39. g5 e2 40. *f2 d3 41. ^еЗ Se3 A nice final shot. 42. Shi elW The end of this game reminds of the famous McDonnell — La Bourdonnais game! 0 : 1 A. Ipatov ALEXANDER IPATOV Country: Turkey Born: 1993 Title: Grandmaster since 2011 Rating: 2593 Peak rating: 2601 ATHENS, VIII 2012 The World Junior Chess Championships U-20 (130 players, 13 rounds) 1-2. A. Ipatov (TUR). R. Rapport (HUN) 10, 3-4. Ding Liren (CHN), Grandelius (SWE) 9*4, 5-10. Yu Yangyi (CHN), Ter-Sahakyan (ARM), Zherebukh (UKR), A. Indic (SRB), Huschenbeth (GER), Eric Hansen (CAN) 9, 11-15. Wei Yi (CHN), Shimanov (RUS), Van Kampen (NED), M. Al. Antipov (RUS). Ma. Andersen (DEN) 8'A, 16-31. Grover (IND), J. Cori Tello (PER), A. R. Salem (UAE), M. Yilmaz (TUR). C. Holt (USA), Pe. Schreiner (AUT), Tai Baron (1SR), VI. Kovalev (BLR), An. Heimann (GER), M. Bliibaum (GER), S. M. Shyam (IND), Gao Rui (CHN), Marc. Kanarek (POL), N. Shyam (IND), U. Bajarani (AZE), A.-O. Stanciu (ROU) 8, etc. Winners of the World Junior Championship. Athens 2012 Ding Liren. A. Ipatov and R. Rapport. 112
THE WORLD’S OLDEST CHESS MAGAZINE, PUBLISHED CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1881 Stephen Gordon and Gawain Jones fully de- served to tie for first in the 2012 British Championship — they played the best and most consistent chess throughout. 115/187 E 70 S. J. GORDON 2539 - GORMALLY 2505 Great Britain (ch) 2012 1. d4 &f6 2. c4 g6 3. 4jc3 c5 Played after some thought, as Danny could easily have expected some serious prepara- tion against the Gruenfeld. 4. d5 Ag7 5. e4 d6 6. ^ge2 6. £d3 0-0 7. h3 e6 8. £>ge2 ed5 9. ed5 is the usual reason that Black does not adopt this move order more frequently. 6... 0-0 Fedorowicz once tried 6... 4}bd7 7. £}g3 a6 8. a4 h5 against me in the Hastings Premier many moons ago (1984/85 — ed.). This re- mains an interesting approach, Probably the best way to get it via the King’s Indian move order is via 5. £>ge2 £}bd7 6. £>g3 c5. 7. £)g3 h5 8. Де2 Other approaches are possible: 8. ^d3 h4 9. fcfl h3 10. g3 a6 11. a4 He8 12. <5/e3 e6 13. 0-0 ed5 14. ed5 b6 15. f4 £>bd7 16. Wf3 fcfS 17. f5 £>8d7 18. fg6 fg6oc A. Hoffman 2445 — Gallego Jimenez 2405, Pontevedra 1992:8. &g5 gAh7 9. ^.еЗ £>d7 10. Wd2 h4 11. £tge2 £>e5 12. £>cl h3 13. f4 hg2 14. tg2 ftg4 15. Agl Alv. Garcia 2233 - J. Andrew Martin C. Guerrero 2287, Colombia 2010. Black’s opening idea is working quite well and can be topped off now by 15... Jlc3! 16. bc3 e5t 8... h4 9. h3 The competitive aspect of this game meant that Danny had to win with Black, but this might be a case of a "square too far". Through- out the game Black consistently has to worry about the fate of his advanced pawn. Perhaps with the knight on fl this was a good moment for the Benko approach: 9... b5!? 10. cb5 (10. ab5 ae4 11. ad2 ad2 12. Wd2 h3oo) a6 a) 11. a4! is most critical, after which Black’s best appears to be: 11... ab5 12. JLb5 h3! Quite OK, now that Black has opened up an- other front. 13. g3 (13. gh3 Jlh3oo) Wa5 14. ^d2 ^абоо; b) 11. <£g5 - 98/(421); c) 11. ^e3 ab5 12. ^b5 ^e4 13. ^e4 Wa5 14. ^c3 ^c3 15. bc3 Wb5 16. c4 Wa4 17. Wd3 ^d7 18. Jlb2 Wb4 19. <£c3 Sa3 20. Scl ^b6 21. Wd2 Wa4 22. <£b2 Sa2 23. 0-0 113
GUEST column Wb3 24. Ec2 £>a4 25. ^.al Ec2 26. Wc2 Wc2 27. £ic2 Aa6 28. £>еЗ Eb8 29. Ecl Eb4 30. (3 f5 31. Ac3 £}c3 32. Ec3 f4 0 : 1 Zalkind 2164 — E. Kahn 2358, Budapest 2008. An interesting game, where White be- came stretched. 10. g4! I think this is by far the best move. White iso- lates the Black pawn on h3 and can possibly launch a kingside attack later, using the g-pawn as a springboard. Instead 10. g3. 10... e6 10... Ee8!? not only preparing ...e7-e6, but vacating f8 for a knight was also possible: 11. g5 (11. £>g3 e6 12. 0-0 ed5 13. ed5 £ibd7oo) £>fd7 12. £>g3 £>f8. It is much tougher to get counterplay now, as Black as ...b7-b5 is so difficult to arrange. Instead 12. cd5 a6 (RR 12... b5 13. 0-0 b4 14. £}bl Ee8oo I. Efimov 2395 — Wojtkiewicz 2562, Warszawa 1988) 13. a4 Ee8 gives Black chances. 12... a6 13. a4 £>bd7 14. 0-0 £>e5 15. f3 Very impressive play by Gordon, whose game plan is simply to snuff out any Black counterplay and then surround the h3 pawn. Danny has to force the pace now. 15... Ле8 16. Ea3 Wc7 17. ФМ ПЬ8 Can Black possibly arrange ...b7-b5 without taking a tremendous risk? It seems impossi- ble, yet this is precisely what Gormally has to try do, as he is being stifled on the kingside. 18. g5 £ih5 18... W 19. f4 £id7 20. Ad3 intending f4-f5, leaves Black stuck for a plan: 20... b6 (20... £>df8 21. f5±) 21. ШЗ W8 22. Ad2 JLd4 23. Eaal± 19. f4 The alluring attacking alternative was 19. 4M15 gh5 20. f4 4hg4 21. f5! which looks very strong. However, Black can complicate things after 21... b5! (21... J.c3 22. Ec3 We7 23. Ag4 hg4 24. Ee3+-; 21... £>e5 22. Ah5±; 21... Wd7 22. f6 Ah8 23. ®d3 £>e5 24. Wg3±) 22. ab5 ab5 23. £>b5 Eb5 24. cb5 J.d4 a) 25. Eh3 2>f2 26. Ef2 JLf2 al) 27. <£>g2 £d4 28. Eh5 (28. ±d3 c4 29. ±c2 Wc5oo) ^.f5; a2) 27. Ef3 J.d4 28. i.c4 Ee5 29. ®c2 We7; b) 25. ±g4 hg4 26. ®g4 J.b7 27. Eaf3 JLd5 28. g6 f6 29. ®h3 Ee2 and things are far from clear. 114
GUEST column 19... <$bg3 20. hg3 £id7 21. £d3 21. ФЬ2 was also pretty stable. 21... Ь5П And what else? Black is getting squashed if he does not play ...b5. 22. ab5 ab5 23. £ib5 Eb5 24. cb5 c4 25. £e2 tc5 26. £13! Again, a very good move, typical of Stephen’s solid, stable style. White keeps it simple, con- centrating on taking all the Black tricks away before embarking on anything sharp. 26... ftb6 26... JLb7 27. ФЬ2 £>b6 28. ФЬЗ ®b5 29. Sel± 27. Eel! Wb5 28. Ee8 We8 29. £>h2 Wb5 30. We2 £f5 30... £b7 can be answered by 31. Ee3! £d5 32. He8 ФЬ7 (32... £f8 33. We7 £>d7 34. £g4+-) 33. £d5 £>d5 34. £>h3 ®d7 35. ФЬ2 31. g4 £d3 32. Wf2 32. We7 £f8 33. ®c7 &d5 34. Wa5 Ш5 35. Ea5 £>c7 36. Ea7 £>e6 37. ФЬЗ+- 32... <Йа4 33. £dl Wd5 34. Ea4 £d4 35. £f3! White has kept on top of the complications throughout and fully deserves his win. To play with such tight control under pressure is the mark of a champion. 1 : 0 Andrew Martin GREAT BRITAIN (ch), VII-VIII 2012 (65 players, 11 rounds) 1—2. G. Jones, S. J. Gordon 9, 3. D. Howell 8/2, 4—6. Gormally, Jo. Hawkins, Arkell 7/2, 7—9. Ma. Turner, Conquest, Palliser 7, 10—18. C. Hanley, J. Houska, D. Eggleston, S. Roe, J. Adair, D. Ledger, M. Osborne, M. Harvey, W. Foo 6V2, etc. Playoff: G. Jones — S. J. Gordon 2 :0 British Chess Magazine www. britishchessmagazine. co.uk 115
IN MEMORIAM GRANDMASTER SVETOZAR GLIGORlC (1923-2012) THE FINE OLD GENTLEMAN by Josip Asik ” Finally, at this advanced age, 1 found the chance to dedicate myself to music; I am listening, playing, even composing. Chess is very jeal- ous; when it gets hold of you, it doesn’t give you any freedom.” These words, spoken by an 86-year old Sve- tozar Gligoric in his house, in a quiet district of Belgrade next to a large park full of green, constantly resound in my ears as I fondly remember this great legend of chess, who sadly left us this year. Bringing back to my mind the scene that took place four years ago, I recall the pleasant warmth of his living room, surrounded by librar- ies with randomly placed trophies on them, among literally thousands of old books. While my gaze wanders around the room, a familiar melody fills the air as the chess maestro’s hands effortlessly travel along the black and white keys of the piano; he’s performing "Girl from Ipanema", a mid-60s bossa-nova classic. 1 can’t suppress the thought that his great passions in life both revolve around black and white. At the time I wasn’t able to listen to his own compositions, which he proudly held secret until his first and, unfortunately, only CD was released, a selection of songs and instrumental pieces spanning a great variety of styles — from blues to hip hop! Composing music? ” Yes, exactly”, he confirms, reacting to the suspicion in my eyes; ”1 like the same music young people like, even hip hop!” Much of his time then was being spent in a recording studio, preparing the ma- terial for this CD. He relates how he initially intended to include only instrumental music, but eventually had to concede to the producers’ pleas to add some lyrics as well. And so, at the age of 86, this "newcomer" enters the music scene — a miracle! The greatest part of Svetozar Gligoric’s life was devoted to another art, the art of chess. For more than thirty years, starting from 1950, he was one of the strongest players outside the So- viet Union, and undoubtedly the chess star of former Yugoslavia, now dissolved into several smaller countries. His peers remember him as an old-style gentleman, a quiet, modest, pleasant and friendly person. He was bom in Belgrade in 1923, a fact not forgotten by local organisers, that celebrated his 85th anniversary with a special event and a memorable rapid tournament. 116
He himself never liked such celebrations, but, as he said, he was touched by the organizers’ efforts and simply couldn’t miss the occasion. Going back eighty years in time, in the early 30s, one can start tracing the thread of a remarkable career. ’’There was a coffee shop in my neighbourhood, in the heart of Belgrade, where you could see a table with a chess- board carved on it, available for the guests. As a child, whenever I happened to pass by, I used to attach my face to the window and look inside. This great desire to discover the secret of playing chess had to await its sat- isfaction for 2-3 years, until I was, at the age of 13, in- troduced to the rules of the game. Shortly afterwards, a friend took me to the youth championship of the Bel- grade Chess Club. The atmosphere was amazing: so many people, marble tables, everything around so lux- urious. It all looked like wonderland to me. I did play in the tournament but, being totally inexperienced, 1 failed to qualify for the final”. Gligoric had to wait a whole year for his second chance, as there were no other tournaments for children. In the meantime, this young boy started to create his own chess library, by col- lecting newspaper clips; he also started to learn openings by himself — he never had a chess teacher. As he grew up in a poor family, and having lost his father very early, he had to cope with the task all by himself; even his chess set was handmade by him, by painting the board on a piece of carton from a chocolate bar package. Twelve months later, now well prepared, he went into battle with great ambition: ’’There were no chess clocks and each move had to be played in ten seconds; the arbiter was counting down and announcing which side is to move. In my last round game I delivered mate, which prompted my opponent to start cry- ing. I immediately felt sorry for him and allowed him to take back his losing blunder. But the whole episode rather confused me and I made a mistake in turn, eventually losing the game. He advanced to the final, but I didn't. However, in a lucky coincidence, the arbiter, an old master, had noticed what happened and decided to give me a ticket to the final as well. That was the start of my chess career — I easily pre- vailed against my opponents and won the final”. The following two years saw Gligoric score two sensational results: he became the adult champion of Belgrade at 15, and one year later he earned the title of National Master. Only the winner of the Yugo- slav Amateur Championship was entitled to such an honour, and Gligoric conquered this hill in Zagreb 1939, being the youn- gest participant in the event. 117
This title is not being awarded anymore and thus only few players from former generations hold it; but even now, in the whole of former Yugoslavia, it is more re- spected than the contemporary Interna- tional Master title. This tournament success earned Gligoric a place in the Yugoslav Championship, but World War II had already begun to overshadow Europe; the chance was missed. His mother passed away before the war. Alone, without the father from his early youth, he was taken into the family of his close chess friend and fled Belgrade just a few days before the Nazi commenced the bombarding of the capital, which officially commenced the war in Yugoslavia in 1941. In the Montenegro mountains, far away from his birthplace, he joined Marshall Tito’s partisans and the resistance against the occupying forces. Despite his young age, Gligoric soon became the commander of an anti-tank squad, owing to his education. He never shied away from the battlefield, but luckily was able to survive. After Bel- grade was liberated, he returned to his hometown and started to rebuild the local chess community and his own career. ’’After six years of war, I finally had a chance to play chess again. In those years, in the after- math to the war, Yugoslav chess was led by the ’triumvirate’ of Dr Petar Trifunovic, Vasja Pirc (who gave his name to the well-known defence) and me. Although there was a difference of 10-15 years between me and them, everybody saw us as peers and treated us equally. Chess used to be played in smoky playing halls, the spectators would constantly revolve around the tables and it was always noisy — the times were so different back then!” In 1945, some Yugoslav players were invited to the first Bulgarian Championship, a tournament Gligoric won. But back on home soil, the going was tougher: in the first two Yugoslav Cham- pionships after the war, in 1945-6, he finished second, behind Trifunovic. Two shared wins followed, with Trifunovic in 1947 and with Pirc the next year, and then, in 1949, he finally managed to win clear first place. After this first sole victory, Gligoric became unstoppable: in the following years he broke all records, winning the championship eleven times. His international breakthrough came in 1947, when he won a short (for those times!) even of nine rounds in Warsaw, Poland, two points ahead of the Soviet participants, Smyslov and Boleslavsky, despite being a relatively unknown player. ’’Just before travelling to Warsaw I got married. I was already working as a journalist, and my wife Danica came to know me in that capacity; she was very surprised to find out that I am also a chess player. Those were poor times; I remember, while preparing to travel to Poland, arming myself against the cold winter with a military coat left behind by the western Allies -1 didn’t have any- thing else to wear. I beat Smyslov in a nice game and, to everyone’s surprise, I finished clear first”. 118
During those years Gligoric got the chance to play against several well-known names from the past: "I never met Lasker, Capablanca or Alekhine, but I played against some of the most reknowned figures of the first half of the 20th century. I beat Tartakower, Bernstein, Euwe and Bogoljubov twice, I also beat Vidmar. I felt great respect for those generations. Naturally, a significant part of my good results against them was owed to my youth - the age difference in several of these encounters was almost 40 years. The most difficult oppo- nent from the old guard for me was Bora (Boris, Borislav) Kostic, who had won the Hastings tournament in 1919 and had even played a match against the great Capablanca. His signature risky attacking style, in the best of coffee-shops tradition, somehow worked well against me. He beat me twice until I finally managed to strike back and eventually equalize the score”. Gligoric led the Yugoslav team to first place in the Dubrovnik 1950 Chess Olympiad, an event marred by the boycott of the USSR and other eastern countries, a part of Stalin’s po- litical pressure against Tito. This victory brought Yugoslavia its only Olympic gold medals ever, and was the starting point of a golden chess era in the country. In the period since this memorable feat and up to 1983, when he made his last appearance for the national team, Gligoric and his teammates won 12 Olympic medals (five silver and six bronze, apart from the inaugural gold) and six European Championship medals (five silver, one bronze). Throughout these years, Gligoric was the connecting bond between several generations: the "triumvirate" turned into the "golden quartet", comprising of him and youngsters Borislav Ivkov, Alek- sandar Matanovic and Milan Matulovic. In the 80s, Ljubomir Ljubojevic took over the leader’s duties, with Gligoric playing on second board, below him, in his last national team performance, in the European Team Championship of 1983 in Plovdiv, where he scored the best individual result on his board. "We won so many medals because we had a very strong team; I wouldn’t pos- sibly have managed all this alone. I still regret for one ’stolen’ medal, in the Havana Olympiad in 1966: we tied for third place with Hungary, and all standard tie-breaks were equal as well; we actually had more match wins, but anyway I felt it would be fairest to share the medals with Hungary. However, the ’Cold War’ was at its height, and sports were also governed by politics. The chief arbiter was from Czechoslovakia (edi- tor’s note: Jaroslav Sajtar) and, as a true representative of the Eastern Bloc, introduced a new rule to break the tie: the results of the two teams on the top two boards would be compared — and we were left with empty hands.” "One of the best moments of my career was the gold medal for my individual performance in the Munich Olympiad in 1958. I played on first board and scored 12/15, bettering Botvinnik’s re- sult. Years later, Petrosian told me that 119
nobody in the Soviet team was willing to play me; neither Botvinnik, nor Smyslov. The task was eventually given to Keres, with the game ending in a draw after a tough fight. At the time I hadn’t realized that they felt so uncomfortable to face me”. ”1 had very good results in the late 50s. 1 won the Piatigorsky Cup in Dallas, in 1957, along with Reshevsky. In the same year, I played excellently in the traditional USSR — Yu- goslavia match, scoring 6/8.1 recall that, when I was leaving for home, a young Korchnoi came to the Leningrad railway station to tell me that he will prepare to take revenge for his only loss in this match! He did achieve this later, three times in a row I think, before my turn to win would come again”. ’’The Portoroz Interzonal Tournament in 1958 remained in history for several reasons: the victory of young Mikhail Tai (who was then on a meteoric rise all the way to the world champion’s crown), the competitive tragedy of Bronstein, Fischer’s first tour- nament appearance in Europe. I played Fischer in the last round; it was a draw in the end, but he kept playing until a result would be confirmed in the famous game between Bronstein and Cardoso. When Bronstein lost, Fischer imme- diately offered a draw, in this way securing qualification to the Candidates. As for my- self, I finished second, half a point behind Tai. One lesson 1 learned in this tournament is that, when your opponent is in time trouble, it doesn’t mean that the same applies to you. I had a winning position against Fridrik Olafsson, but 1 started playing fast in his time trouble; as a result, I missed a winning move four times, and in the end I even lost the game. This game practically ended my hopes of overtaking Tai.” ”1 savour very fond memories of two exotic places, Mar del Plata and Sousse. In the strong tournament of Mar del Plata in 1953,1 scored an exceptional amount of points - 16/19 - and also happened to invent a new plan in the King’s Indian Defence. I played this opening for 25 years, starting from my 1952 win against Geller in Stockholm. The plan consisted of the now standard manoeuvre ...Hf7,... Af8, ...Sg7, followed by the advance of the g-pawn, and was introduced to practice in my wins against the leading Argentinian grandmasters Najdorf and Eliskases, in that tournament. The name ’Mar del Plata Vari- ation’ stuck, depriving me of the joy of attaching my own name to this line, just like Rubinstein and Korchnoi failed to christen the Carlsbad and Meran variations respec- tively. As for the 1967 Sousse Interzonal, I shared second place with Korchnoi and Geller, behind Larsen; this was a great result, because 1 wasn’t considered among the favour- ites.” By the way, the victory against Najdorf was of special significance; one year earlier, Gligoric had lost a drawn position against him, when he got tricked by Najdorf s antics (he pretended to have overlooked a tactical detail) and fell into a trap — Gligoric himself remem- bers this incident as "childish behavior, but sympathetic in its own way”. After sweet re- venge in Mar del Plata, all their subsequent encounters ended in a draw. 120
Gligoric won four of the six Zonal tournaments he participated in, during his World Champi- onship campaigns. Out of the eight Interzonals of his career, he succeeded in reaching the next step three times: twice the Candidates Tournament, and once a quarterfinal Candidates match against Tai, in Belgrade 1968. It is true that a player of his stature could well aspire to greater heights, but fate decided otherwise. "1 was honoured to meet Queen Elisabeth during her visit to Yugoslavia in 1972. She was very charming and told me that I should be a British citizen, considering my multiple and very successful performances in Britain; I think I even held a record for the highest num- ber of appearances in Hastings, fifteen times from 1951 till 1973/4. Jon Speelman later broke this record, but it was easier for him, he’s a local! Anyway, there were big crowds at the Queen’s reception, and I hid myself in the third row of seats, as I am not a fan of such celebrations. Her Majesty was escorted by Mr. Eden, the British ambassador to Yugosla- via at the time; it was perhaps after his advice that she came straight to me, and said these memorable words: you have won so many times in England, that maybe you should be our citizen!” "The Hastings tournament was convenient for me, because it usually took place around New Year’s Day, which meant that I had something to do during the holidays. I really miss the long walks along the Hastings beach; they were very relaxing, despite the strong winds and the cold — unusual for us ’southerners’. In 2002 I met the ambassador of the United Kingdom to Belgrade, Mr. Charles Crawford, on his own request; being a chess enthusiast himself, he mentioned how he used to support me and watch my games in Hastings as a young boy”. As to the eternal question of who the best player in the history of chess was, there were no doubts in Gligoric’s mind: ’’Bobby Fischer. There has never been a player so clearly above his contemporaries as Fischer was in his best years. Even Kasparov has admitted this, even though he himself could lay a serious claim to this title”. And what about the modem era? ”1 am truly impressed with the width of chess creativity that can be seen in the games of today’s leading players. I guess it has to be this way, as most openings have now been very deeply researched, so one really needs a special touch in order to win. Just consider this idea of Cheparinov, that helped Topalov to beat Kramnik in Wijk aan Zee (2008). I still believe in the human approach, with the computer used just to check if something is corrector not”. "Chess is getting younger and younger, but 1 am still surprised to see grand- masters at the age of 13-14. Young people have a lot of energy, strong memory and the opportunity to increase their knowledge much faster than older generations, who didn’t have the help of com- puters. It was amazing for me to see how a very young Magnus Carlsen managed to knock down the great Kramnik, also in Wijk aan Zee; even more impressive is that it occurred in the Eng- Sxetozar Gliginir and Josip Asik 121
lish Opening, where Kramnik has shown a number of original and strong ideas. These young players, like Carlsen, Karjakin, Radjabov, they play very well, even in difficult endgames that require a lot of patience; it is clear that they are growing very quickly. Anand, Kramnik, Ivanchuk, Topalov, they are still members of the elite, but I can see that they are getting tired of long preparation sessions and non-stop tournaments. Kasparov could have prolonged his career, but he decided otherwise. I have particular fondness for Radjabov’s play; he is faithful to some openings which 1 used for decades, such as the King’s Indian Defence and the Ruy Lopez, and I can see that he has deep understanding of them. Of course, I never played against him — or any other of these youngsters — so my judgment is solely based on examining their games'*. It takes a remarkable person to pursue a new, totally different career at this advanced age, as Svetozar Gligoric decided to do when turning to music, while still remaining devoted to his greatest love, chess. To summarize his immense contribution to chess, and even music, in just a few pages would be impossible, even more so because what "Gliga" meant for us, for Serbia, for former Yugoslavia, for chess goes far beyond what words can describe. And, thinking back to the long life and career of Svetozar Gligoric, the brightest star in the sky of a chess-loving nation, one can rest assured that his memory will live forever. 5/100 A 72 J. DONNER - GLIGORIC Eersel 1968 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 ±g7 4. e4 d6 5. Ae2 0-0 6. J.g5 c5 7. d5 e6 8. £>f3 h6 9. ±h4 ed5 10. cd5 g5 11. J.g3 £>h5 12. £>d2 £ig3 13. hg3 £id714. £>c4 ®e7 15. 4}e3 £>f6 16.f3!?Eb817.g4 17... b5! 18. £>b5 £>e4! 19. fe4 Ш4 20. Wd3 [20. Wd2 Eb5! 21. ±b5 J.d4 22. Eh3 Ag4 23. Eg3 f5 24. Wd3 Wf4 25. Eg4 fg4 26. Wg6 jlg7+l Wb4 21. Wd2 Eb5 22. ±b5 Wb5+ 23. 0-0-0 Wa4! 24. ЬЗ We4 25. £>c4 Ag4 26. Edel Wg6 27. Ehfl Ac8! 28. Se7 f5 29. Ла7 f4 30. Eel? g4-+ 31. Ea8 О 32. gf3 g3! 33. Egl h5 34. Wg2 h4 35. Ec8 Ec8 36. Wh3 Wg537.<£dlEe8 0:1 Gligoric 6/687 E 54 GLIGORIC - L. PORTISCH Lugano (ol) 1968 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 e6 3. £>c3 ДЬ4 4. e3 0-0 5. Ad3 c5 6. £>f3 d5 7.0-0 dc4 8. Ac4 cd4 9. ed4 b6 10. Ag5 ±b7 11. Eel £ibd7 12. Ad3 Ec8 13. Ecl Ee8 14. We2!± Ac3 [14... ^f8 15. Ab5[ 15. bc3 Wc7 16. c4 ®c6 17. h3! Ecd8 18. Ecdl £if8 19. We5! £>6d7 20. ®g3 Ea8 21. h4 ФИ8 22. Acl f6 23.h5 h6 24. d5! Wa4 [24... ed5 25. £>d4+-[ 25. £>d4 ftc5 26. de6 Фсеб 27. ±c2 Wa2 28. Ee6! Ee6 [28... £>e6 29. £>e6 Ееб 30. Wg6+-1 29. £>e6 Феб 30. Wd3 £>f8 31. Aa3 f5 32. Wc3! [32... феб! 33. Ab2 Wa5 34. We3!+-1 1 : 0 Gligoric 122
9/621 Е 97 Т. PETROSIAN - GLIGORlt Rovinj/Zagreb 1970 1. c4 g6 2. &f3 £g7 3. d4 £>f6 4. £>c3 0-0 5. e4 d6 6. &e2 e5 7.0-0 £>c6 8. d5 £>e7 9. b4 ^h510.£id2! [10. g3 f5 11. £>g5 £if6 12. f3 h6 13. £ie6 Леб 14. de6 f4 15. b5 fg3 16. hg3 tc8! 17. £>d5 We6 18. £>c7 Wh3=J £>f4 11. a4 111. ЛП &d3 12. ЛаЗ a5![ f5 12. Л13 g5! |12... £>d3? 13. ЛаЗ a5 14. ba5±| 13.ef5 ЭД51Д Wl 14. g3 14... £jd4! 15. gf4 115. J.g4 J.g4 16. Wg4 h5 17. Wdl £>h3 18. <^>g2 g4 19. f3 Wd7+| [15... gf4[ 16. Wf3 [16. £if3 ef4 17. ЛЬ2 g4 18. фЫ=[ g4 17. Whl? [17. Wd3 ЛГ5 18. £)de4 ef4 19. f3 gf3 (19... g3 20. Па2!) 20. Sf3 ЛеЗ 21. Wc3 Ле4 22. Hf4 Wg5 23. Wg3 Wg3 24. hg3=l ef4+ 18. ЛЬ2 Л15 [18... f3] 19. Sfel f3 20. £>de4 Wh4 [Д Wh3| 21. h3 Ле5!-+ 22. ПеЗ gh3 23. ЩЗ lg4! [23... Ле4 24. Пе4 Hf3 25. Hh4 ЛеЗ 26. ЛеЗ ПсЗ+1 24. Whl h2 25. <£>g2 [25. &fl Sf3!-+[ Wh5! 26. £>d2 £d4! 27. Wei [27. Hael? ЛЬЗ! 28. ПЬЗ Wg4 29. Hg3 Sf2#[ Паев! 28. £ice4 [28. ФЫ ПеЗ! 29. fe3 ЛГЗ 30. 2rf3 Wf3 31. ФЬ2 Ле5 32. Фё1 Wg4-+[ ЛЬ2 29. Hg3 Ле5 30. ПааЗ ФЬ8 31. фЫ Hg8 32. Wfl J.g3 33. Hg3? Пе4 0 : 1 Gligoric 14/148 A 77 GLIGORlt 2575 - KAVALEK 2555 Skopje (ol) 1972 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 e6 4. &c3 ed5 5. cd5 d6 6. e4 g6 7. £if3 Ag7 8. J.e2 0-0 9. 0-0 Пев 10. £>d2 £>bd7 11. a4 £>e5 12. Wc2 £lh5?! 13. ±h5 gh5 14. &dl! Wh4 [14... J.d71? 15. £>e3 We7] 15. £>e3 £>g4 16. £>g4 hg4 [16... Wg4 17. f3±[ 17.£ic4 Wf6? [17... We7 18. Hel ±f5 19. ±f4!±; 17... g3! 18. fg3! We4 19. We4 He4 20. £>d6 He5 (20... Hd4 21. £>b5±) 21. £>f7 Hd5 22. £>h6 ФИ8 23. g4±[ 18. i.d2 Wg6 19. ±c3 ±c3 20. bc3 b6 [20... We4 21. We4 He4 22. <2}d6±] 21. Hfel ±a6 22. £>d2 He5 23. f4!+- gf3 24. ^f3 Hh5 25. Wf2 Wf6 26. ПеЗ Пев 27. Hael Wf4 28. e5! de5 29. He4 Wf6 30. Wg3 ФН8 31. £ie5 Hg8 32. Hg4 Hg4 33. £>g4 Wg6 34. c4! Ef5 35. ^)h6 Hf6 [35... Wg3 36. He8 Д £if5+-l 36. Пев фg7 37. Hg8 ФИ6 38. Wh4 1 :0 Gligoric 123
SISTEM ZNAKOVA • СИСТЕМА ЗНАКОВ • SYSTEM Of SIGNS • ZEICHENERKLARUNG • SYSTEMS BE SYMBOLES • SISTEMA BE SI6N0S • SPIEGAZIONE BE! SEGNI • teckenMrklaring • ± beli stoji malo bolje • у белых несколько лучше • white stands slightly better • Weiss steht etwas besser • les blancs sont un peu mieux • el bianco esta algo mejor • il bianco sta un po' meglio • vit star nagot battre • crni stoji malo bolje • у черных несколько лучше • black stands slightly better • Schwarz steht etwas besser • les noirs sont un peu mieux • el negro esta algo mejor • il nero sta un po' meglio • svartstar nagot battre • + beli stoji bolje • у белых лучше • white has the upper hand • Weiss steht besser • les blancs sont mieux • el bianco esta mejor • il bianco sta meglio • vit star battre • ATibtt#}- • >=—- zp crni stoji bolje • у черных лучше • black has the upper hand • Schwarz steht besser • les noirs sont mieux • el negro esta mejor • il nero sta meglio • svart star battre • • .A*— 4— beli ima odlucujucu prednost • у белых решающее преимущество • white has a decisive advantage • Weiss hat entscheidenden Vorteil • les blancs ont un avantage decisif • el bianco tiene una ventaja decisive • il bianco e in vantaggio decisivo • vit har avgorande fordel • • —I- crni ima odlucujucu prednost • у черных решающее преимущество • black has a decisive advantage • Schwarz hat entscheidenden Vorteil • les noirs ont un avantage decisif • el negro tiene una ventaja decisive • il пегое in vantaggio decisivo • svart har avgorandefordel • = jednako • равно • even • ausgeglichen • egalite • igual • equivalente • lika • oc neizvesno • неизвестно • unclear • unklar • incertain • incierto • incerto • oklar • ЛЗЯМ'ВДЭД • c—r--------- kompenzaeija za materijal • компенсация за материал • with compensation for the material • mit (Compensation fur den materiellen Nachteil • avec compensation pour le materiel • con compensacion por el material • con compenso per il vantaggio materiale awersario • med kompensation for materialet • • e-- q razvojna prednost • преимущество в развитии • development advantage • Entwicklungsvorsprung • avantage de developpement • ventaja de desarrollo • vantaggio di sviluppo • utvecklingsforsprang • О prostorna prednost • преимущество в пространстве • greater board room • beherrscht mehr Raum • avantage d'espace • ventaja de espacio • maggior vantaggio spaziale • terrangfordel • —> sa napadom • с атакой • withattack • mitAngriff • avecattaque • conataque • con attacco • medangrepp • • 0—^Jle— | sa inieijativom • с инициативой • with initiative • mit Initiative • avec initiative • con iniciative • con iniziativa • med initiativ • ‘S'ti'Jffl; • °>-1—J’ e— ±5 sa protivigrom • с контригрой • with counter-play • mit Gegenspiel • avec contre-jeu • con contrajuego • con controgioco • med motspel • • jl—* — Q iznudica • цугцванг • zugzwang • Zugzwang • zugzwang • zugzwang • zugzwang • dragtvdng • # mat • мат • mate • matt • mat • mate • matto • matt • (ЮЙ1) • •>-^1 124
! vrlo dobar potez • очень хороший ход • a very good move • ein sehr guter Zug • tres bon coup • muy buena jugada • buona mossa • eft bra drag • !! odli^an potez • отличный ход • an excellent move • ein ausgezeichneter Zug • excellent coup • excelente jugada • mossa ottima • ett utmarkt drag • 9 slab potez • слабый ход • a mistake • ein schwacher Zug • coup faible • mala jugada • mossa debole • ett daligt drag • • Lk> гш 9? gruba greSka • грубая ошибка • a blunder • ein grober Fehler • erreur grave • grave error • grave errore • ett grovt fel • • 'j-* 19 potez zasluzuje paznju • ход заслуживающий внимания • a move deserving attention • ein beachtenswerter Zug • coup qui merite (attention • jugada que merece atencion • mossa degna di considerazione • ett drag som fortjanar uppmarksamhet • $31&$£ЖЭД— 91 sumnjiv potez • сомнительный ход • a dubious move • ein Zug von zweifelhaftem Wert • coup de valeur douteuse • jugada de dudoso valor • mossa dubbia • ett tvivelaktigt drag • д sa idejom • с идеей • with the idea • mit der Idee • avec I’idee • con idea • con I’idea • med iden • □ jedini potez • единственный ход • only move • der einzig spielbare Zug • le seul coup • unica jugada • unica mossa • enda draget • < (Ш) • bolje je • лучше • better is • besser ist • meilleur est • es mejor • e meglio • battre ar • <=> linija • линия • file • Linie • colonne • linea • linea • linje • ft dijagonala • диагональ • diagonal • Diagonale • diagonale • diagonal • diagonal • diagonal • S center • центр • centre • Zentrum • centre • centro • centro • centrum • у kraljevo krilo • королевский фланг • king's side • Konigsflugel • aile-roi • flanco de rey • lato di R • kungsflygeln • JEfRI • J—lji damino krilo • ферзевый фланг • queen's side • Damenflugel • aile-dame • flanco de dama • lato di D • damflygeln • thfRI • X slaba tacka • слабый пункт • weak point • schwacher Punkt • point faible • punto debil • punto debole • svaghet • I zavrSnica • эндшпиль • ending • Endspiel • finale • final • finale • slutspel • cP lovaCki par • два слона • pair of bishops • Lauferpaar • poire de fous • pareja de alfiles • la coppia degli alfieri • loparpar • cp raznobojni lovci • разноцветные слоны • bishops of opposite color • ungleichfarbige Laufer • fous de couleurs opposees • alfiles de distinto color • alfieri di colore diverso • lopare med olika farg • * istobojni lovci • одноцветные слоны • bishops of the same color • gleichfarbige Laufer • fous de meme couleur • alfiles del mismo color • alfieri di colore uguale • lopare med samma farg • Cr- oo vezani pesaci • связанные пешки • united pawns • verbundene Bauern • pions lies • peones unidos • pedoni uniti • garderade bonder • o-o razdvojeni pesaci • изолированные пешки • separated pawns • isolierte Bauern • pions isoles • peones aislados • pedoni isolati • isolerade bonder • о udvojeni pesaci • сдвоенные пешки • double pawns • Doppelbauern • pions doubles • peones dobles • pedoni doppi • dubbel bonder • 125
j Slobodan peSak • проходная пешка • passed pawn • Freibauer • pion passe • peonpasado* pedone libero • fribonde • ЖзШД • > prednost и broju peSaka • преимущество в числе пешек • advantage in number of pawns • im Bauernmehrbesitz • avantage quantitatif en pions • ventaja en el numero de peones • vantaggio quantitativo dei pedoni • fordel i antal bonder • © vreme • время • time • Zeit • temps • tiempo • tempo • tid • BytfeJ • 86/203 Sahovski informator • Шахматный информатор • Chess Informant • Schach-informator • Informateur dechecs • Informador ajedrecistico • Informatore scacchistico • Schack-informator • E 12 Enciklopedija Sahovskih otvaranja • Энциклопедия шахматных дебютов • Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings • Enzyklopadie der Schacheroffnungen • Encyclopedic des ouvertures d echecs • Enciclopedia de apertures de ajedrez • Enciclopedia delle aperture negli scacchi • Encyklopedi over speloppningar i schack • • с—:Л—°-1——>— H 3/b Enciklopedija sahovskih zavrsnica • Энциклопедия шахматных окончаний • Encyclopaedia of Chess Endings • Enzyklopadie der Schachendspiele • Encyclopedic des finales d echecs • Enciclopedia de finales de ajedrez • Enciclopedia dei finali negli scacchi • Encyklopedi over slutspel i schack • N novost • новинка • a novelty • eine Neuerung • nouveaute • novedad • un’innovazione • nyhet • fta • (ch) Sampionat • чемпионат • championship • Meisterschaft • championnat • campeonato • campionato • masterskap • (izt) meduzonski turnir • межзональный турнир • interzonal tournament • Interzonenturnier • tournoi interzonal • torneo interzonal • torneo interzonale • interzonturnering • gOJfeJUPFIf • (ct) turnir kandidata • турнир претендентов • candidates’ tournament • Kandidatenturnier • tournoi descandidats • torneo de candidatos • torneo dei candidati • kandidatturnering • • Ой--c i_, I-----J (m) med • матч • match • Wettkampf • match • encuentro • match • match • tt# • (ol) olimpijada • олимпиада • olympiad • Olympiade • olympiade • olimpiada • olimpiade • olympiad • ’A’ corr. dopisna partija • партия по переписке • correspondence game • Fernpartie • partie par correspondence • partida por correspondencia • partita per corrispondenza • korrespondensparti • RR primedba redakeije • примечание редакции • editorial comment • Anmerkung der Redaktion • remarque de la redaction • nota de la redaccion • nota redazionale • redaktionens anmarkning • R razni potezi • разные ходы • various moves • verschiedene Zuge • differents coups • diferentes movidas • mosse varie • olika drag • L so • c • with • mit • avec • con • con • med • # • I bez • без • without • ohne • sans • sin • senza • utan • II itd. • и.т.д. • etc • usw. • etc. • etc • ecc • o.s.v. • • c” — vidi • смотри • see • siehe • voir • ved • vedi • se • # • A-1 126
PARTIJE • ПАРТИИ • GAMPS • PARTIEN • PARTIPS • PARTIDAS • PARTITE • PARTIER • • Ы^1 KUSIFIKACUA OTVARANJA • КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ДЕБЮТОВ • CLASSIFICATION OF OPENINGS • KLASSIFIBEKUNG DEN EROFFNUNGEN • CLASSIFICATION DES OUVEHUNES • CLASIFICACION DE IAS APERTURAS • CLASSIFICAZtoNE DELLE APERTURE • KLASSIFIKATION AV OPPNINGAR • - R J 1. d4, 1. e4 - 1. d4 R J 1... £>f6, 1... d5 - 1. d4 &f6 R J 2. c4 - 1. d4 &f6 2. c4 R J 2... e6, 2... g6 В - 1. e4 R J 1... c5, 1... еб, 1... e5 — 1. e4 c5 C - 1. e4 e6 — 1. e4 e5 D - 1. d4 d5 - 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 L 3... d5 E - 1. d4 £rf6 2. c4 e6 - 1. d4 &f6 2. c4 g6 J 3... d5 127
8ZI 9Э £3 •£ 91Г? P® 'I Я РР I «V 9Э •"£ Г В £3 Т - £8 '£ Г В 91Г? "Z - 9J® ''г ГУ Wl- рэ Z Г В - SJPPI 8V ЕРЗТ. 93 рэ -9 9р SP® s SP® £®Г4> p 9® SP £ S® P® X 9J^? PP I zv 3^ Y Г У 93 -9 - 98 "9 г у рэ -9 - рэ '9 Г В 9Р ‘"S - 9Р -£ Г В SP® ‘S - SP® 9 Г В SP® -р - 9Р® -р г В £®Г& р - £®^> р Г В - 9® SP £ s® р® г 9JQ? рр I 9V 9® "£ Г И SP ’£ — SP £ Г В S® "X - 98 -г ‘9э - г ‘до - г г и — р® г 9jrs? рр i SV р® г г в 9JQ? -I - SP "I ‘Я " I ‘9К& • "I ГВ — PPI 9V S® Р® I CV S® Р® I CV $э • [ ‘$э • [ ГВ- Р®1 IV Р® I ‘РР I ‘Р® I ГВ — OV
во 1. е4 — R J 1... сб, 1... с5, 1... еб, 1... е5 В1 1. е4 сб В2 1. е4 с5 - R J 2. - 2. R J 2... £}сб, 2... еб, 2... d6 вз 1. е4 с5 2. £}с6 В4 1. е4 с5 2. еб В5 1. е4 с5 2. 2J3 d6 — R J 3. d4 — 3. d4 R J 3... cd4 - 3... cd4 R J 4. 2>d4 - 4.2>d4 R J 4... £rf6 - 4... 2>f6 R J 5. &c3 - 5.2>c3RJ5... &c6, 5... g6, 5... еб, 5... аб - 5... &сб R J 6. ±g5 B6 1. e4 c5 2. 2>f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. 2>d4 2>f6 5. £3c3 £}c6 6. ^.g5 B7 1. e4 c5 2. £J3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £}d4 5. £}c3 g6 B8 1. e4 c5 2. £rf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £}d4 £}f6 5. £}сЗ еб B9 1. e4 c5 2. £rf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £}d4 5. £}сЗ аб 129
co 1. e4 еб - R J 2. d4 - 2. <14 R J 2... d5 - 2... d5 R J 3. 2>c3 Cl 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. £>c3 C2 1. e4 e5 - R J 2. f4, 2. 2if3 C3 1. e4 e5 2. f4 C4 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 - R J 2... 2>c6 - 2... йсб R J 3. ±c4, 3. £b5 C5 1. e4 e5 2. £ic6 3. ±c4 CO 1. e4 e5 2. £}c6 3. Ib5 - R J3... a6 — 3... a6 R J 4. Aa4 C7 1. e4 e5 2. 2>f3 5jc6 3. ±Ь5 a6 4. Да4 - R J 4... 41f6 - 4... 2>f6 R J 5. 0-0 - 5.0-0 R J 5... 2ie4, 5... ^.e7 C8 1. e4 e5 2. 2ic6 3. Jlb5 a6 4. .Ia4 S J6 5.0-0 - 5... £je4 - 5... ±e7 R J 6. Sei - 6. ael R J 6... b5 - 6... b5 7. £b3 R J 7... d6 C9 1. e4 e5 2. ^f3 3.£b5a6 4.£a4£rf6 5.0-0 ^.e7 6. Bel b5 7. ДЬЗ d6 130
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ЕО 1. d4 2>f6 2. c4 еб - R J 3. 2if3, 3. £>c3 E5 1. d4 4jf6 2. c4 еб 3. 5jc3 £b4 4. e3 0-0 5. 4jf3 El 1. d4 W6 2. c4 еб 3.&В E6 1. d4 4jf6 2. c4 g6 (J 3... d5) - R J 3. £ic3 - 3. ^c3 R J 3... d5, 3... ±g7 - 3... ±g7 R J 4. e4 E2 1. d4 £jf6 2. c4 еб 3. £c3 - R J 3... d5, 3... ±b4 - 3... ±b4 R J 4. ±g5, 4. ®c2, 4. e3 E7 1. d4 ®f6 2. c4 g6 3. £ic3 ^Lg7 4. e4 - R J 4... d6 - 4... d6 R J 5. f3, 5. ^f3 E3 1. d4 £jf6 2. c4 еб 3. <?V3 JLb4 — 4. Ag5 - 4. ®c2 E8 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. ?jc3 ±g7 4. e4 d6 5.f3 E4 1. d4 £jf6 2. c4 еб 3. £ic3 ±b4 4. e3 - R J 4... 0-0 - 4... 0-0 R J 5. 2rf3 E9 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. £}c3 JLg7 4. e4 d6 5.<2}f3 132
!.♦* A 11 GAGUNASHVIU 2570 - I. BERADZE 2298 Georgia (ch) 2012 1. £13 d5 2. c4 еб 3. еЗ сб 4. b3 W6 5. £b2 £)bd7 6. Wc2 £d6 7. g4 [7. £>c3 0-0 8. h3 a6 (8... e5 - 107/181) 9. g4 b5 10. g5 £>e8 H.h4e5N(ll...b4) 12,cd5 cd5 13.£d3!a) 13... e4? 14. £>e4 de4 15. £e4 Wc7 16. £h7 (16. Wc7 £>c7 17. £a8 £>a8) ФЬ8 17. h5^; b) 13... £b7!? 14. £h7 ФИ8 15. £f5 Sc8 16. Wdl g6 (Grandelius 2562 — Grover 2516, Athens 2012) 17. £d7 Wd7 18. d4±] 0-0 17... h6 8. Sgl N (8. h3) Wc7 9. h3 &e5 10. £>e5 £e5 11. d4 £d6 12. c5 £e7 13. £)d2 £>d7 14. b4 a5 15. b5 e5 16. b6 Wd8 17 a4 e4 18. O-O-Ooo Guramishvili 2408 - M. Petrosyan 2291, Jermuk 2012] 8. Sgl £se4!? N |8... e5] 9. £e2?! ]9. g5 e5 10. h4 f6^] b5 ]9... £>g5!?[ 10. £ic3 £>g5 11. £ig5 Wg5 12. h4 |12. cb5 c5 13. O-O-Ooo] We7?! [12... Wh4 13.cb5 £b7?| 13. £d3? [13. cb5 Ab7 14. bc6 £c6 15. g5 Sac8 16. Sc 1-1 bc4 14. £h7 [14. bc4 Wh4+[ ФЬ8 15. h5 €3e5! 16. Shi [16. bc4 Sb8!+] 16... f5!-+ 17. h6 g5 [17... ФЬ7 18. hg7 £>g7 19. gf5 Wf6!-+] 18. £g6 d4! 19. £ie2 [19. ed4 £>g6-+] c3!-+ 20. £>c3 £>g6 21. fte2 ФЬ7?! [21... e5-+[ 22. £>d4 c5 23. £>c6 Wc7 24. gf5 ef5 25. Wc3 Щ7 26. Sh5 £b7 27. Sg5 Wc6 28. Sg6 Whl 29. Фе2 Wh5 0: 1 Dembo A 11 A. GRISCHUK 2761 - MOROZEVICH 2769 Moscow 2012 1. &f3 d5 2. c4 c6 3. g3 £g4 4. Wb3!? [4. £g2] Wb6 N [4... £f3 - 83/31 5. £>e5 £e6 6. d3 f6 [6... £>d7 7. £>d7 ±d7 8. i.e3[ 7. 2>f3 8. £113 e5 9. 0-0 £>a6 10. £ic3 £}e7± 11. £e3? [11. Wc2 Sd8 12. b3 £ig6[ d4 12. £>e4 £>g6 13. £cl ^>c5 14. £>c5 £c5 15. £>d2 0-0 16. £>e4 £e7 17. f4 ef4 18. gf4 Sfe8+ 19. f5 £ie5 20. £f4 £f8 21. £g2 Wc7 22. Wc2 Wd7 23. £d2 b5I? [23... c5 24. a4[ 24. c5 a5 25. Щ4 a4 [25... £d5 26. a3 133
(26. ±el £if7 27. ±12 Ee5 28. £if6 gf6 29. Ed4; 26. Safi a4 27. b4 ab3 28. аЬЗ Ea3 29. Ь4) a4 27. Safi £>f7+] 26. ±b4 |26. £>d6 ±d6 27. Ed4 &f3-+] Eac8 126... ±d5 27. 2>d6 ±d6 28. cd6 ±g2 29. <£g2 &f7 30. Ed4 W5 31. Sei Wd7+1 27. £>g3 Ф118 28. Eh4 ±g8 |28... g5 29. fg6 £ig6 30. Ee4 f5 31. ±h3 ±e6 32. Ee6 £rf4 33. ±f5 £>e6 34. Efl ±g7?[ 29. Wd2 Wa7 30. Ecl £}d7 [30... ±a2 31. Hd4 £id7 32. Ee4[ 31. Wf4 ±a2 32. Wd4 £ib8 33. ±el Ecd8 34. Wc3 £>a6 35. ±12 [35. d4 b4 36. Wf3 a3 37. ЬаЗ ЬЗ 38. Wc3 Eb8[ b4 36. Wei [36. Wd2 ±d5 37. Wf4 (37. e4 ±f7) ±g2 38. &g2oo] Wb7? [36... Ed3 37. ±c6 Ee5 38. Ee4+; 36... a3! 37. ЬаЗ ЬЗ 38. ±c6 (38. Wc3 ±c5 39. ±c5 £ic5 40. ФЫ Ee2! 41. £>e2 £>d3+) b2 39. ±e8 Ee8 40. d4 (40. Ebl ±bl 41. Wbl ±c5 42. Ef4 Eb8-+) bclW 41. Wcl+1 37. Eal ±b3 38. Wcl [38. d4[ <йс7 [38... Wb5 39. £ie4 (39. d4 £>c5!) ±d5 40. d4 We2? 41. ±fl Wf3 42. Ef4+-J 39. ±13 Ea8? 40. ±h5 Eed8 [40... Ee5 41. ±g6 h6 42. ±d4] 41. ±g6 h6 42. £>e4I? [42. &h5 £>d5 43. e4 tt&l 44. £>f4 &g6 45. £>g6 <£g8] £>e8 [42... £>d5 43. £>d2±[ 43. ±e3 ±d5 [43... ±17! 44. ±h6 gh6 45. Eh6 &g8 46. ±h7 ФЬ8 47. <£f2 a) 47... ±g7 48. We3 Wd7 (48... ±d5 49. ±g6) 49. Eh4 ±b3 (49... Wd4 50. ±g6 <£g8 51. ±17) 50. £id2±; b) 47... Wc7 48. We3-; c) 47... Ed7 48. Eh4 a3 49. Wd2 ±g8 50. ±g6 Eh7 51. ±h7 ±h7±; d) 47... Wd7!! 48. Wf4 (48. Eh4 Wd4 49. Ф13 ±d5) Wd4 49. e3 (49. Ф13 ±d5 50. ±g6 £>g8 51. Eh8 Ф118 52. Wh4 ±h6 53. Wh6 <£g8=) dl) 49... ±h6 50. Wh6 Wb2 51. ФВ Ea7 52. ±g8 (52. Egl ±h5) <^g8 53. Egl ±g6 54. Eg6 Eg7 55. £tf6 Wf6 56. Ef6 £>f6 57. Wf6 Ef8±; d2) 49... Wb2 50. Ф13 ±g7! (50... Wai 51. ±g6 &g7 52. Eh7 &g8 53. Eh8 ФЬ8 54. Wh4+-) 51. Egl (51. ±g6 фё8 52. ±f7 ФП 53. Egl We5) Ed7! d21) 52. Wh4 ±h6 53. Wh6 ±h5 54. ^g3 Eg7 55. ±g6 &g8 56. Wh5 a3 57. фВ Eaa7+; d22) 52. Eh3 ±b3 53. Wh4 (53. Wg4 Ed3 54. ±g6 <£g8 55. ±e8 ±dl 56. Edl Edl) Ed3 54. ±g6 <^>g8 55. ±e8 ±dl 56. Edl Edl 57. ±c6oo; d23) 52. Eg7 фё7 53. ±g6 ±g6 54. Eg6 Ф17 55. Wh6 Фе7 56. £>f6 Ed3=] 44. Ф12 ±e4 [44... &g8 a) 45. Wd2 a3 al) 46. ±h6 ±e4 (46... ab2) 47. ±e3; a2) 46. ЬаЗ ЬаЗ; b) 45. ±h6 gh6 46. We3 ±g7 47. Egl (47. ±e8 Ee8 48. Egl ±e4 49. de4 Ф18 50. Eh6 Ee4 51. Wh3 Ee2 52. фе2 Wb5=) ±e4 48. de4 (48. Ee4 фВ) Ф18 49. Eh6=[ 45. Ee4? [45. de4! Ed7 (45... Wb5 46. ±f74~) 46. ±e8 (46. e5 fe5 47. Wc4 £f6 48. We6 Ed4 49. ±d4 ed4 50. Eh6 gh6 51. Wf6 ±g7 52. Wd6) Ee8 47. Ea4 Wb5 48. ЬЗ Ede7 49. ф£3±[ £>c7 46. ±h6!? gh6 47. Ee7 47... Ed4!! [47... &g8 48. ±f7 фЬ8 49. Wgl ±e7 50. Wg6 ±c5 51. £>fl+-; 47... Wc8 48. Eh7 <^g8 49. Wc4 £>d5 50. Wg4 ±c5 51. Ф13 ±e3 52. Egl ±g5 53. h4+-; 47... a3 48. Eh7 &g8 49. Wc4 Ed5 50. Egl ±g7 (50... ±c5 51. &f3) 51. Wg4 £>e6 (51... 2>e8 52. ±e8 ФЬ7 53. ±c6 Wc7 54. ±d5 Ed8 55. ЬаЗ Wc5 56. d4 Wc7 57. ±e6 ЬаЗ 58. e3+-) 52. h4 Ed4 53. e4 £ig5 54. hg5 hg5 55. Eghl Wc7 56. Wh3 Wf4 57. Фе2 Ee4 58. de4 We4 59. We3 We3 60. феЗ+-; 47... Wa7 48. Ф13 Wb8 (48... ±g7 49. We3 £id5 50. Ea7 £ie3 51. Ea8 Ea8 52. феЗ) 49. We3-; 47... Wb5 48. We3 Ea7 49. Eh7 £>g8 a) 50. Ecl 134
al) 50... Sb7 51. Sc4 аЗ 52. Sh4 Wc5 (52... ±c5 53. d4) 53. d4 Sd4 54. Sd4 ab2 55. Sh6 Wd4 56. ®d4 ^.h6 57. Wd8 i.f8 58. Ш6 21d5 59. Wb2+-; a2) 50... Se8 51. Wg3+-; a3) 50... аЗ 51. Hf7 Wa5 52. d4-; a4) 50... Sda8 51. d4 Se8 52. ±e8 ФЬ7 53. Wg3=; b) 50. d4 Se8 51. Ae8 ФЬ7 52. ®g3 Wc4 53. Wg6 ФИ8 54. jlf7 Wd4 55. <£>f3 i.g7 56. Sgl £>e8 57. Ag8! <£>g8 58. ®e8 ФЬ7 59. tg6 &g8 60. We8=] 48. Sh7 [48. Sf7 ®c8 49. We3 Sd7-+; 48. We3 £id5 49. Sb7 fte3 50. ФеЗ Ac5=l &g8 49. ®e3 [49. еЗ Sg4[ Sg4 50. h3??© [50. Sgl Sgl 51. £gl lc5 52. Wc5 ®a7-+; 50. ®f3 Sg6 51. fg6 lg7 52. Wf5 (52. Wh3 £>e8 53. Wh6 a3 54. ®f4 ®d7 55. h4 f5+) Wc8 (52... £>b5; 52... £)d5 53. We6 &f8 54. Sgl; 52... £>e8 53. te6 £>f8) 53. ®c8 Sc8 54. Sa4 £ie6 55. Sa7 Se8 56. ЬЗ (56. e4 f5 57. ef5 Sf8T) f5 57. e3 Sf8 58. h4=] Sg6 51. fg6 Wc8 52. Sgl Wf5 53. Фе1 Se8!-+ [53... <Sdd5? 54. g7+—] 54. Wg3 £ie6 55. e4 Wc5 56. <£dl lg7 57. Sg2 We5 58. We3 Sd8 59. Фе1 c5 60. Sh6 <5df4 0 : 1 Morozevich 3e#**** |N A 11 V. ERDOS 2624 - CVEK 2563 Sibenik 2012 1. g3!? d5 2. £rf3 £>f6 3. Ag2 c6 4. c4 dc4 5. 0-0 £>bd7 6. £>a3 [6. Wc2 W 7. a4 (7. <$ja3 - 6. £>аЗ) a5 8. £>аЗ] <5db6 7. ®c2 1е6!? [7... ®d5 - 113/(6)1 8. £>g5 J.g4!? [8... Wd7] 9. £>c4! [9. Sei Wd4! a) 10. Sbl e6 11. ЬЗ ®c5! 12. £>e4 (12. £>f3? ±f5 13. e4 £se4 14. Se4 cb3-+; 12. d4 cd3 13. Wd3 ®a5!) <5de4 13. Ae4 cb3 14. ®b3 J.d6; b) 10. £f3 11. e5 12. e3 Wd3 13. ^.e2 ®c2 14. £ic2 £>fd5 15. ЬЗ cb3 16. аЬЗ <5db4 17. £>b4 JLb4 18. Sdl f6 19. W фе7Т; 9. 13 M5 10. &с4 e5! (10... ®d4 П.&еЗ) 11. ФЫ!? (11. d3 £>c4 12. Wc4 ±e7 13. <5de4 £)d5 14. £>f2 f6 15. ФЫ Wb6 16. a3 Sd8 17. Wh4 Ag6+) £ifd5 12. d3 kel 13. 4}e4 Wc7 14. a3 0-0 15. Ь4 <фЬ8 16. Ad2 £>d7 17. <&a5 f5 18. £>c5 £>c5 19. bc5 f4±d Ae2 10. <йе5 JLh5CJ 11. Sei &bd5?! N [11... e6? 12. ±f3!! J.g6 13. JLc6! bc6 14. ®c6 a) 14... &bd7 15. 4dg6 hg6 N (15... Sc8 16. Se6H—) 16. £}f7H— Fierro Baquero 2384 — Ziaziulkina 2342, Istanbul (ol) 2012; b) 14... £>fd7 15. £>ef7! £f7 16. &f7 ®f6 17. W e5 18. We4 g6 19. d4 Ag7 N (19... Wh8 20. de5+-) 20. de5 ®e6 21. £>g6 hg6 22. JLe3+- Huschenbeth 2532 - Oparin 2488, Athens 2012; 11... £ibd7N 12. d4 a) 12... h6 13. £>ef7 i.f7 14. £>f7 ФГ7 15. Wb3 Фе8 (15... <£>g6 16. Jlh3) 16. Wb7; b) 12... e6 bl) 13. ±c6 bc6 14. £>c6 Sc8 15. d5 £>d5 16. £ie6 fe6 17. Se6 ^e7!? (17... J.e7 18. Wf5 Sc6 19. ®h5 g6 20. Wd5 Se6 21. We6 Wb6+ C. Lupulescu 2616 — Alonso Resell 2513, Plovdiv 2012) 18. J.g5 £>b8 (18... ±f3) 19. Sael £>bc6 20. Sc6 J.g4!+; b2) 13. ^>ef7 J.f7 14. Wb3; 14. Se6!?^; ЬЗ) 13. £f3 £>e5! 14. ±h5 £>g6 15. Se6! ^.e7! 16. i.g6 hg6 17. Se2 0-0= D. Shengelia 2551 - Cvek 2563, Sibenik 2012; 11... h6! N 12. £>e4 e6 13. £if6 gf6 14. £>c6! (14. ±c6 bc6 15. ®c6 Фе7 16. Wb7 Фе8 17. Wc6 Фе7=) bc6 15. &c6 £>d7 16. Wf5! ^.g6 17. Se6! a) 17... fe6 18. Wg6 Фе7 19. ЬЗ! &d6 (19... We8 20. АаЗ <£d8 21. We8 Фе8 22. £f8 Sc8 23. ±d7 <^>d7 24. ^.g7±) 20. Ag2 (20. i.a8 Wa8 21. J.a3 фс7 22. Scl &d8 23. ±b2 ±e7oo) £)e5! 21. We4 Sc8 22. d4 фе7! al) 23. de5 Wdl 24. £fl Scl 25. Wb7 Фе8 26. Scl Wcl 27. &g2!? J.e7Q 28. ±c4 ®d2 (28... ФП?? 29. Wd7) 29. £e6 Wd4=; a2) 23. ±аЗ фе8 24. £f8 &f8 25. de5±; b) 17... J.e7 18. Ш6 Sg8 (18... 0-0 19. We7 fe6 20. We6 ФЬ7 21. ±а8?! £>c5; 21. ®d7) 19. Sei <£f8 20. Wf4 Sc8 21. Wh6 Sg7 bl) 22. d4 <£g8 (22... Sc6?? 23. Wh8 Sg8 24. M6+-) 23. &g2 4ib6; b2) 22. Wh8 Sg8 23. Wh6 Sg7 24. Wh8 Sg8 1/2 : 1/2 Daniil Dubov 2594 — V. Potkin 2651, Russia (ch) 20121 135
12. Ah3! [12. &с6?! Wc7 13. £>d4 Wc2 14. £>c2 e6; 12. d4!?[ Wb6 [12... Ag6?? 13. £>g6 hg6 14. £if7+-; 12... h6?? 13. £>gf7 Af7 14. £>f7+-; 12... e6?? 13. £>ef7! Af7 14. ^f7 &f7 15. Ae6+—; 12... Wa5 13. Af5!?; 13. b4!?[ 13. b4!? [^ 13. d4 a) 13... e6 14. Ae6; 14. £>ef7; b) 13... Ag6 14. Af5! Af5 15. Wf5; c) 13... Wd4 14. <§3c6 Wb6 15. <§3e5-; d) 13... h6 14. &e4 l&A (14... e6 15. g4) 15. We4 £>f6 (15... e6 16. g4) 16. Wc2-; e) 13... Hd8 14. Af5!! £>b4 (14... ®d4 15. a3; 14... h6 15. £>gf7) 15. Wbl (15. Wb3 £>bd5) Wd4 16. a3 £>bd5 17. h3-[ Hd8 [13... h6 14. £>gf7!? Af7 15. £rf7(15.b5!?)<£>f7 16. Ae6 Фе8 17. Wg6 <£>d8 18. АЬ2бб; 13... £ib4 14. Wc4 (14. Wbl!? £>bd5 15. Ab2 h6 16. £»gf7! Af7 17. £>f7 £>f7 18. Аеб Фе8 19. Wg6 <£d8 20. Sabi-) £>bd5 (14... Wb5? 15. £>ef7! Wc4 16. £>d6 <£>d8 17. <5}c4 5X2 18. Ab2 5X1 19. gel+-) 15. А.а33з[ 14. Sbl 5X7 [14... Ag6 15. 53g6 hg6 16. 5}f7 Hh3 17. Wg6 &d7 18. Wf5 Фе8 19. 5X5! Hh6 20. d4+-; 14... e6? 15. 5Xf7+-1 15. d3 5}b5? [15... e6 16. АеЗ ®a6 (16... Wb5O) 17. b5! 5X5 18. Ae6! fe6 19. 5X6+-; 15... h6 16. АеЗ (16. 5X4) a) 16... Wb5 [16... 5X5 17. 5X4 Wa6 (17... Wc7 18. Ae5) 18. a4+—; 16... e6? 17. Аеб! fe6 18. 5X6+-; 16... h6 17. 5X4 5X4 (17... еб 18. 5X5! Ae7 19. g4) 18. He4-[ 17. Ad4 ®d4 [17... Hd4 18. b5 c5 19. 5X4 ®d8 20. Wa4+-[ 18. b5 [18. £>c6bc6 19. Wc6 £>d7 20. Hbcll c5 19. Ь6+- a6 [19... ab6 20. Sb6[ 20. i.g2 [20. J.e6!! fe6 21. £>e6[ £id7 [20... Sb8 21. ±c6! bc6 (21... <^>d8 22. J.b7!) 22. £>c6 Wd6 23. W Wb8 24. d4![ 21. Se4 [21. ±b7!! 22. Se5! ®e5 23. ±c6 Sd7 24. b7 Wb8 25. Wa4+-[ Wd6 22. &c4 Wb8 23. ДеЗ h6 24. £ie4 e6 25. £>a5 f5 26. £>d2 ФГ7 27. £>b7 Se8 28. £>c4 f4 29. gf4 Wf4 30. ^.сб Sb8 31. £d7 Sb7 32. J.e6 &f6 33. Sbel Ad6 34. Sg3 J.b8 35. ^.d5 Se7 36. Wb2 Wd4 37. Wd4 cd4 38. Де7 фе7 39. Sg7 &f6 40. Sg8? [40. Sd7+-[ Sg8 41. J.g8 AG? [RR 41... Ag6 42. £ia5 Ad3 43. £>c6 Ad6 44. b7 Ab5 45. b8W Ab8 46. W a5± XWl 42. £>d2 Ab7 43. £ib3 фе5 44. £>a5 AG 45. Ac4 &d6 46. Ааб Фс5 47. £ib3 ФЬ6 48. ^3d4 1:0 V. Erdos A 11 A. MASTROVASILIS 2537 - P. PROHASZKA 2554 Greece 2012 1. c4 c6 2. £rf3 d5 3. g3 £if6 4. Ag2 Ag4 5. 0-0 e6 6. d3 Ae7!? 7. cd5 AG!? 8. AG cd5 9. ^3c3 £>c6 10. Ag2 [10. Ad2 0-0] 0-0 11. Ad2 Sc8 [ 11... £>d7 - 71/9112. Hcl Wb6 N [12... a6 13. Wb3 N (13. a3) £>a5 14. Wdl <§3c6= Hen. Danielsen 2498 — A. S. Hagen 2445, Borup 2012; 12... £>d7[ 13. £>a4 Wa6 14. a3 £id7 15. £>c3 b5 17. Ac5! hg5 (17... Hd5 18. a4) 18. a4 Wa6 19. b5 cb5 20. ab5 5X5 (20... Wa5 21. 5X4) 21. Hal+—; b) 16... Wa6 17. a4 (17. 5x4 e6 18. a4±) hg5 18. b5 cb5 (18... ®a5 19. Ad2) 19. Wc7-[ 16. Ab2?! [16. a4 5X4 (16... 5X6 17. АеЗ) 17. Wc4 e6 (17... Hd5 18. Ag2 Wd8 19. Ab2+-) 18. АеЗ (18. Аеб!? fe6 19. 5X6 5X6 20. ®e6 ке! 21. £ig6+-) a) 18... Ae7 19. Аеб (19. 5igf7 Af7 20. ^f7 ФГ7 21. Ad4 Wd4 22. We6+-) fe6 (19... 0-0 20. Af7 Af7 21. 5Xf7 Hd5 22. Ad4) 20. 5X6; b) 18... Hd5 19. 5Xf7! Af7 20. Аеб Аеб 21. 5X6 5)G 22. фЫ+-[ 5^d4?! 136
16. ФЫ!? [Д f4-f5, АЬЗ Хеб[ Wb6 17. f4 a5 117... £>f6[ 18. f5 b4 19. ab4 [19. fe6 fe6 20. Sf8 £>f8 21. ab4 ab4 (21... £>b4?? 22. Ш5 Scl 23. £e7+-) 22. £>a4 Wb5 23. ЬЗМ ab4 [19... £>b4!? 20. Ah3 (20. fe6 te6!=) Af6 21. fe6 fe6 22. Af4oo[ 20. £ia4 tb5 [20... Wa6 21. fe6 fe6 22. Ah3 £>d4 23. Sc8 Sc8 24. АеЗ ^f5 25. Agl (25. Af5 ef5 26. gf5 We6 27. Sf3 £>e5?) Wc6 26. Ag2 Д e4 Zg2-a8[ 21. fe6 fe6 22. Ah3 £id4 [22... gfl 23. Wfl 24. Ae6 (24. ЬЗ) £>еб 25. Ш5 £jcd4! (25... £>ed8 26. Wc8 Wa4 27. W7±) 26. Sc8 Af8±? 27. Wfl (27. Wg4 ta4 28. АеЗ Wdl 29. <£g2 We2 30. We2 Йе2оо) Wa4 28. АеЗ £>b3! 29. Wf3 (29. Ш5 Wd7 30. Sb8 d4 31. Af4 Wc6+) Wd7 30. Sb8 d4 31. Sb7 We8oo] 23. Sc8 Sc8 24. e3 |24. АеЗ £>f5 25. Af5 ef5 26. gf5 Wc6 27. d4 £>f6^ X£>a4[ £>f5 25. e4 de4 26. de4 tc6 27. Af4!? [27. Ag2 <§3d4 28. ЬЗ e5 29. £e3 Sf8=J We4 [27... Sd8 28. Ag2 (28. if5 ef5 29. Wd5 Wd5 30. ed5 £rf6 31. d6=) £)c5 29. Wg4 (29. Wei £>h4! 30. £>c5 £>g2 31. <£g2 Ac5+) £>e4 30. We2 Wa4 31. 1е45б[ 28. Ag2 Wd4 29. g4! Wdl! [29... g5? 30. Ab7! (30. gf5 Wdl 31. Sdl gf4 32. Sd7 gel 33. Afl Sfl 34. &g2 Sal 35. Se7 Sa4 36. fe6 Sa2=) Sc4 31. gf5 (31. We2!?) gf4 32. Sg 1 Фй 33. Wg4 £jf6 34. Wg7 Фе8 35. fe6-1 30. Sdl £)d6! 31. Ad6 Ad6 32. Sd6 [32. фё1? £ic5+; 32. Af3 £>e5+; 32. Ab7 Sc7 33. Sd6 Sb7 34. Se6=[ Scl 33. Afl Sfl 34. фg2 Sal [34... Sf7 35. Se6=[ 35. Sd7 Sa4 36. Sb7 [36... Sa2 37. Sb4 ф>П 38. ф(3 ФГ6 39. h4 h6 40. Sb7 g5 41. h5 фе5М 1/2 : 1/2 A. Mastrovasilis 5. A13 I. SALGADO L6PEZ 2621 - SARGISSIAN 2674 Plovdiv 2012 1. c4 еб 2. £rf3 d5 3. g3 dc4 4. Wa4 £>d7 5. Ag2 аб 6. Wc4 b5 7. Wc2 Ab7 8.0-0 £igf6 9. d3 c5 10. a4 Ae7 [10... Ad6!? 11. £>c3 Wb6=l ll.£)c3 Асб! [И... Ь4 12.&Ы 0-0 13. £bd2 a5 14. &c4±[ 12. Ad2 N [^ 12. Af4 0-0 13. e4 h6 14. h3oo; 12. £>h4 - 37/141 0-0 13. ab5 ab5 14. Ь4?! 14... Sal?! [14... Wb6! 15. bc5 Ac5 16. e3 (16. Sabi Sfc8 17. Sb3 b4 18. Wbl Sa3+) Wb7 17. e4 b4+[ 15. Sal Wb6 [15... cb4?! 16. £>a2 Wb6 17. ^.b4 £>d5 18. i.e7 -53e7 19. Wb2±[ 16. bc5?! [16. Sbl!? cb4 17. £ia2 ^.c5 18. e3 Wb7 19. Wdl £>e5 (19... £>d5 20. e4 &c3 21. £>c3 bc3 22. ±c3 b4 23. d4 £e7 24. d5! ed5 25. £>d4 de4 26. <23f5 ±f6 27. Sb4 Wa8=) 20. £>e5 i.g2 21. J.b4 М3 22. Wf3oo[ Ac5 17. e3 [17. d4 Ae7 18. e4 b4 19. e5 £>d5 20. £>e4 h6+; 17. Ael b4 18. Sbl Wa7 19. £>dl Sb8Tl Wb7 18. e4 b4 19. £>dl [19. £>e2 Wb6 20. Ael Sa8=[ Sa8 [19... £>e4? 20. de4 Ae4 21. £>el±[ 20. Sbl Sa3! 21. Ae3? [21. Ael Aa4 22. Wd2 Sb3 23. Sb3 Ab3 24. h6T; 21. ^e3 Aa4 22. Wcl Sd3 23. &el Sb3 24. Sb3 Ab3 25. £>d3 Wb5?[ Aa4 [21... £>e4? 22. £>d4! (22. de4 Ae4 23. Wcl Abl 24. Wbl Wa6-+) Ad4 23. Ad4 &ec5 24. Ac6 Wc6 25. Sb4=[ 22. Wd2 Adi 23. Sdl [23. Wdl Ae3 24. fe3 Wa7 25. £>d4 £>e5! 26. Sb4 £>fg4+[ Ae3 24. We3 b3+ 25. Sbl [^ 25. Wd4[ b2? [25... Sa2 26. Wd4 h6 27. h3 Wb5+| 26. Wd4 Sb3 27. ^)d2 e5 28. Wc4? [28. We3! Sc3 29. 137
53с4 Sc2 30. JJ3 Wb3 31. ±dl Scl 32. Scl bclW 33. Wcl Wd3 34. £>e5 We4=| Sa3!+ 29. Wc2 [29. Af3 Sal 30. ±dl Sbl 31. 53b 1 h6+| Sal 30. J.f3 [30. 53c4 5}c5! 31. 53b2 Sbl 32. Wbl 53a4 33. d4 5}b2 34. de5 £id7 35. f4 Wa7 36. ФЫ Wf2-+[ Wb4 31. £>g2 Sbl 32. 53bl 53c5-+ 33. i.e2 53fd7 34. f4? Io 34. Wc3[ ef4 35. gf4 5}e6! 36. J.g4 5}f4 37. <£g3 Wei 0:1 Sargissian 6.* A 18 B. LALIC 2481 - FREISLER 2310 Rakovnik 2012 1. c4 53f6 2. 53c3 e6 3. e4 d5 4. e5 d4 5. ef6 dc3 6. bc3 Wf6 7. d4 b6 8. 5tf3 [8. Де2[ Ab7 9. Ad3 53d7?! [9... ^.f3 10. gf3+; 9... h6 10. 0-0 (10. 53e5 Ag2?! 11. Wa4 &d8 12. Sgl-; 10... Jld6) JLf3 N (10... 53d7 - 91/(5)) 11. Wf3 Wf3 12. gf3 53d7 13. a4 a5 14. ±e4 Sb8 15. £c6 £d6 16. Sdl Sd8 17. c5 bc5 18. dc5 i.c5 19. ^.f4 Ad6 20. JLd6 cd6 21. Sd6 Фе7 22. Sd7 Sd7 23. J.d7 <£d7 24. Sbl Sc8= Goganov 2509 — I. Kovalenko 2556, Izhevsk 2012] 10. ±g5!±f311.Wd2! Ag2D12.±f6Ahl 13. Ah4 Ab7 14. 0-0-0 N [14. f3[ Ad6 15. Sgl g6 [15... 0-0!? 16. Wh6 g6[ 16. Wh6 Af8 17. Wg5 ±d6 18. Jlg3 Ae7 19. We3 Sc8n [19... c5? 20. d5; 19... 0-0-0?! 20. Wf4 e5 (20... ^.d6 21. WH) 21. Wf7±[ 20. h4- M6 21. h5 0-0 [21... gh5 22. Wh6±; 21... Фе7 22. Sei Shg8 23. hg6 hg6 24. ^.c2±J 22. hg6 hg6 23. ±f4? 123. M4! Ag7 (23... <£g7 24. J.f6 5tf6 25. Wg5 ±e4 26. £e4 &e4 27. We5 5)f6 28. Sg3 Sh8 29. Sf3+~) 24. Sg6 fg6 25. We6 Sf7D 26. Ag6 Scf8 27. ^.e7!+-] Sfe8 24. Ah6 c5±? [24... e5!?l 25. Wg3 5)f8D 26. Jlf8 [26. d5!? ed5 27. фй 28. jlg6!—] ФГ8 27. Ag6 cd4?@ [27... fg6 28. Wg6 Фе7 29. Wh7 &d6 30. Wb7 cd4 31. Wa7 Sc4 32. Wf7! Sc3 33. ФЫ+-; 27... фе7 28. d5!— fg6 29. Wg6 Sf8 30. ®h7 <^>d6 31. Wb7 Sc7[ 28. Wd6 ±e7 [28... Se7 29. M7+-1 29. Wf4+- JLa3 30. фс2 Se7 31. Ah7 [^ 31. ФЬЗ! 1 Фе8 [31... f5 32. Sg8 ФП 33. Sc8! Ac8 34. ФЬЗ+-] 32. фЬЗ 1:0 В. Lalic 7. IN В. DAMUANOVlt 2564 - SERGEY VOLKOV 2594 Kavala 2012 1. c4 e5 2. g3 c6 [2... 5}f6 3. ^.g2 c6[ 3. d4 e4 4. £>c3 53f6 [4... d5 - 102/111 5. Ag5 Ab4 6. Wb3 J.c3?! [6... 53a6[ 7. Wc3 0-0 [7... h6 8. ±f6 Wf6 9. ±g2 We7 10. d5 0-0 11. d6 Wd6 12.i.e4We7±; ll.Sdl A53h3,0-0| 8. d5! N 5}d5 [8... cd5 9. J.f6 Wf6 10. Wf6 gf6 11. cd5 d6 12. J.g2 f5 13. £ih3±l 9. J.d8 £>c3 10. ±e7 Se8 11. £d6 5}a4 12. ЬЗ 53b6 13. a4 [13. ^.h3[ Se6O [13... a5? 14. J.C7+-1 14. 0-0-0± a5 15. ^.c7! [15. £h3? Sd6! 16. Sd6 53a6 17. £g2 £ic5 18. Фс2 <£f8 19. 53h3 фе7оо; 15. 5)h3 53a6 16. 5tf4 Sh6 17. c5 Sd6 18. cd6 g5 19. £jh5 53d5 20. h4 g4 21. e3 53c5 22. ±c4 &b4±l c5 16. £ЛЗ 5}a6 17. ^.d6 Sa7 [^ 17... Ш 18. 53f4 (18. J.c5 Sc6 19. ^.b4 ab4 20. ФЬ2±) 5}d3 19. Sd3 ed3 20. 5}e6 de6 21. 138
1с5±| 18. Ag2 f6 19. £>f4 Ле8 20. h4 Ф17 21. g4 M8 22. £>d5+- b6 23. £>c3 £>8c7 24. Ae4 ^.b7 25. M7 ЛЬ7 26. J.c7 £>c7 27. Sd7 Ле7 28. Shdl A>e6 29. ЛЬ7 ЛЬ7 30. еЗ Фе7 31. f4 h6 32. h5 £>d8 33. £>e4 34. Фс2 Феб 35. Sd5 ЛЬ8 36. Фd3 Фе7 37. Фе2 Феб 38. ФВ Фе7 39. £ig3 £>d6 40. 2)f5 £rf5 41. gf5 Лс8 42. фе2 ЛЬ8 43. e4 Sf8 44. феЗ Hf7 45. Hd2 ЛВ 46. Sg2 ЛГ7 47. e5 fe5 48. fe5 Щ5 49. Фе4 ЛИ5 [49... Sg5 50. Hg5 hg5 51. ФГ5+-; 49... Hf7 50. Sg6+-] 50. Hg7 Фd8 51. ЛЬ7 ЛЬЗ 52. ЛЬ6 Фс7 53. ЛЬ5 Феб 54. Ла5 h5 [54... ЛЬЗ 55. Sa6 Фё7 56. ЛЬ6 ЛЬ4 57. фё5+-[ 55. Лаб ФЬ7 56. ЛИ6 ЛЬЗ 57. ЛИ5 ЛЬ4 58. Фd5 Sa4 59. Фс5 Фс8 60. ЛЬ7 Лаб 61. фd5 Sg6 62. с5 ФО8 63. еб Лgl 64. сб Лdl 65. Фе5 Ле1 66. фГ5 ЛП 67. фg4 Лgl 68. фВ Sfl 69. фg2 Лс1 70. ЛО7 Фе8 71. с7 1:0 В. Damljanovic 8.** А 20 V. ERDOS 2624 - MARL JURCIK 2491 Sibenik 2012 1. c4 e5 2. g3 £>f6 3. Ag2 h6!? [3... £>c6 4. 4ic3 M4 5. £id5[ 4. £ic3 [4. £>B e4 5. 2>d4 £>c6!l M4 5. Wb3!? [5. £>d5 ^d5 6. cd5 0-0 7. еЗ сб 8. a3 M7 9. £>e2 cd5 10. Ad5 d6 N (10... £ia6) 11. 0-0 £id7 12. Ag2 Af6= Ki. Georgiev 2666 - Godena 2526, Aix-les-Bains 2011; 5. e4!? £}c6 6. £}ge2 lc5 7. d3 d6 8. h3oo; 5. еЗ М3 6. ЬсЗ 0-0 — 85/8[ £}a6 [5... We7 a) 6. a3 (Mari. Jurclk) lc3 7. ^.b7? J.b7 8. Wb7 0-0 9. Wa8 £>c6 10. ВЬ7ЛЬ8 11. Wa6(ll. Wb8 W 12.dc3 M6 13. £rf3 tbeA 14. £>d2 £>d2 15. М2 ^a5T) £}e4! 12. ЬсЗ £>c5 13. Wb5 ЛЬ5 14. cb5 £>a5C; 7. Wc3; b) 6. £>f3; c) 6. еЗ!? (A 21ge2) &a6 (6... £>сб?! 7. M5 £>d5 8. cd5 M5 9. Wa4; 6... М3 7. Wc3 0-0 8. £>e2) 7. £ge2 M5 8. Wc2 e4 9. 0-0+; 5... a5 a) 6. еЗ М3!? (6... £>a6 7. £>ge2 £>c5 8. Wc2±) 7. Wc3 (7. ЬсЗ!?) M6 8. £>f3 (8. M6 dc6 9. We5 M65S; 8. М2 d5±s) e4 9. £>d4 €3b4 (9... £>e5 10. 0-0) 10. 0-0 0-0 11. a3 d5!?oo; b) 6. a3 M5 N (6... М3) 7. £>a4 la7 8. еЗ <M6 9. £e2 0-0 10. £>ec3 d6 11. 0-0 ЛЬ8 12. £>Ь5 M6 13. £>ac3 M6 14. d3 £ie7 15. d4 ed4 16. <Sd4± Bezold 2525 - Eva Moser 2413, Osterreich 2011; 5... М3!? 6. Wc3 0-0!? (6... d6 7. £>B 0-0 8. d4; 7... c5!?) 7. We5 (7. £tf3) £>c6 8. Wc3 (8. M6!?) d55s[ 6. a3 [6. еЗ? £>c5 7. Wc2 М3 A e4; 6. £if3!?l M7 N [6... М3 7. Wc3 We7 8. b4 0-0 9. М2 d6 10. £>f3+; 6... ±a5 7. Wc2+1 7. Wc2 [7. £>f3 £>c5 8. Wc2 d6 - 7. ®c2[ d6 8. £>B £>c5 9. d4 [9. Ь4 ^e6| ed4 10. £>d4 a5 [A a4] 11. b3 0-0 12. 0-0+ сб 13. ЛЫ [13. fidl!?] Ле8 14. Лdl J.g4 [14... J.f8 15. b4 (15. e4!?; 15. h3) ab4 16. ab4 £>cd7 (16... £>e6 17. £if5 Wc7±) 17. b5 c5 18. £if5 2>b6 19. ^e3+l 15. b4 ab4 16. ab4 £>e6 17. £>f5 J.f5 [17... J.f8? 18. £>d6 J.d6 19. c5[ 18. Wf5 Wc7 19. М2 ±f8 20. e3 Wb6?! 21. ^e2!± £ih7 [21... ®b4? 22. M6 ®c4 23. M4 (23. М2!? A 23... We2? 24. Ml g6 25. Wf6+-) g6 24. M3+-1 22. Wc2 [22. Ь5!?[ Ла2 23. £>c3 [23. £>cl!? Ла7 24. ^>d31 Ла7 24. &e4 Wc7 25. h4 [25. f4!?[ M7 26. М3 ^)hf8 27. Лd2 [Xd6; 27. ®c3 Лd8 28. ЛЬс1 (28. f4 d5) Wb8[ Лd8 28. Лbdl?! [28. Wb3[ Wb6?!© [28... d5![ 29. М3 d5 30. cd5 cd5 31. Лd5 Лd5 32. Л05 M4 33. Wb3 M5D [33... Wc6? 34. M4 Ла1 35. M1+-1 34. ЛЬ5 Wc7 35. М2!- [35. M5 Ла5 a) 36. Ла5 Wa5 37. Wb7 £ic5 38. ^c5 (38. Wd5 Wai) Wc5+; b) 36. ЛЬ7 Ла1 37. ФЬ2 Wcl 38. i.g2+; 36... We5±] b6 36. ФЬ2© [A f4-f5] Wc6 [36... Wd8 (A Лd7) 37. Лd5 Лd7 38. Лd7 Wd7 39. Фg7 (39... Wc6 40. J.f8) 40. Wb2 f6 41. Wf6 ФЬ7 (41... фg8 42. Wh6) 42. Wf8 £>f8 43. £tf6 Фg7 44. £>d7+-[ 37. М2 Wd7 38. Лd5 We7 [38... Wc8 39. ^d6] 39. М3 Wc7 40. ^d6 [A ^b5[ Wb8 [40... £>c5 41. M5 139
(41. Bb2) bc5 42. Wc4 Wb8 43. £if7!! Wb4 (43... Hf7 44. Sf5!) 44. £>h6] 41. Sf5O [41. f4!? A 41... £>d7? 42. £>f7! £>f6 43. £e54—] £>d8 [41... g6 42. Sd5 (X/al-h8) Ael 43. Ab2; 43. £>e4+-; 41... Sd7 42. Sa5+-; 41... Wd8 42. Ad5 (42. Ab7!) Sd7 43. W+-1 42. Ad5 ФИ8 [42... £>fe6 43. £>f7 £>f7 (43... Hf7 44. Аеб £e6 45. Веб Bc7 46. Be8) 44. Ae6+-1 43. £ib5 [43... £>g8 44. Ad6 Bc8 45. Se5; 43... £ife6 44. Ad6; 43... Bc8 44. e4+-[ 1:0 К Erdos A 28 A. IPATOV 2561 - T. BANUSZ 2582 Sarajevo 2012 1. c4 £>f6 2. £ic3 e5 3. £>f3 £>c6 4. d4 ed4 5. Aid4 Ac5 6. <Ac6 bc6 7. g3 0-0 8. Ag2 Se8 9. 0-0 Sb8 10. Bc2 Aa6 N [10... Af8] 11. ЬЗ Af8?[ll... d5 12. Ab2 dc4 13. Ac6Se6 (13... Ab7? 14. Ab7 Sb7 15. 2X4 Ad6 16. Bc4±) 14. Af3 cb3 15. ab3 Ab7 16. Ab7 Sb7 17. Sfdl Be8 18. £>d5 (18. e31?) 2X5 19. Bc5 Sb3 20. Bc2 Bb5 21. Sa7 h5=] 12. e4! d6 13. Ab2 g6 14. Sadi Ag7 15. Sfel± 2X7 16. f4 Be7 17. Bf2! Ab7 18. 2}a4! Ab2 19. Bb2 c5 20. 2X3 аб 21. e5! Ag2 22. Wg2 2X6 [22... de5 23. Bc6 Sbd8 24. Bc7 Веб 25. Hd6! Bf5 26. fe5! Se5 (26... 2X5 27. Sd8 28. ФЫ+-) 27. Bd8 2}f8 28. Hfl+- 1 23. Bc6 Bd7 24. Bd7 2X7 25. ed6 [25. 2X5[ Sei 26. Sei cd6 27. Sdl Sb6 28. 2X4 f5 29. Sd6! Sd6 [29... Sb7?? 30. Sd7 Sd7 31. 2X6 ФП 32. 2X7+-; 29... fe4 30. Sd7+-| 30. 2X6 2X6 31. Ф12 Ф18 32. феЗ! Фе7 [32... 23g4 33. Фе2! 2X2 34. 2X7+-I 33. ^Ь7 2X4 [33... 2X7 34. a3!+-1 34. a3 £>d7 35. b4 1 : 0 A. Ipatov 10.* A 29 VI. PETKOV 2522 - KOZHUHAROV 2446 Bulgaria 2012 1. c4 e5 2. g3 2X6 3. Ag2 d5 4. cd5 2X5 5. 2X3 2X6 6. 2tf3 2X6 7. Sbl Ae7 [7... Af5 8. d3 Bd7 N (8... f6) 9. h3 f6 10. a3 0-0-0 11. 2X2 2X4 12. b4 Ae6 13. 2Xe4 f5 14. 2X5 Ac5 15. bc5 2X5 16. Ad2oo Miezis 2580 - Merry 2210, Crawley 20121 8. b4 Ab4?! 9. 2X5! 2X5 10. Sb4 Be7 11. Se4 N [11. Sb3?![ 15 [11... Af5 12. Aa3 c5 13. Se3 abc4 14. Wa4 Ad7 15. Wc4 £>c4 16. Se7 Фе7 17. Ac5 Фе8 18. Ab7 Sb8 19. Aa6±| 12. Aa3!? c5 13. Se3 £>bc4 14. £>d5 [14. Se5! 15. d4 16. Ac5 Wd8 17. 0-0±[ £ie3 15. fe3 Wd6 16. d4 £>d7 17. dc5 We5 18. Wd2± [18. Wb3!+-1 0-0 19. сб bc6 20. foel ФИ8 21. £ic6 Bal 22. ФГ2 Wf6 23. Ae7 ВП 24. Af8 Wf8 25. £e5! £ie5 26. Aa8 £>g4 27. &g2 We7 28. Sdl 1:0 VI. Petkov 11.** A 29 V. ERDOS 2645 - E. ATALIK 2453 Wien 2012 1. c4 e5 2. g3 £if6 3. Ag2 d5 4. cd5 £id5 5. 2>c3 &b6 6. £if3 £>c6 7.0-0 Ae7 8. a3 g5I? 140
18... 0-01 9. d4I? |9.b4g4 10. £>el h5 11. b5 (11. 4hd3 h4 12. b5 £>d4) £>a5 12. £>d3 (12. d3 h4 13. i.d2 hg3 14. hg3 Wd6 15. £>e4 Wg6 16. Ла5 f5-) h4 13. £>e5 hg3 14. hg3 Wd4 15. £>d3 £d6! 16. &f4 ±f4 17. e3 Wg7 18. ef4 Леб 19. f5 ЛГ5 20. Eel Леб^; 9. d3 - 108/71 ed4 [9... £>d4 10. £>e5] 10. Aib5 0-0 110... ЛГ6? 11. ^.g5 J.g5 12. £}g5 Wg5 13. &c7 Фе7 14. &a8 Aia8 15. Лсб bc6 16. ®d4+-| 11. £>fd4 ftd4 12. £>d4 Л16 13. &b5 |13. e3 c5; 13. ЛеЗ N £>c4 14. Ecl £>e3 15. fe3 We7 16.Ef6Wf6 17. Ec7 We5±? Ki. Georgiev 2682 - E. Atalik 2453, Wien 20121 Wdl [13... c6 14. &d6; RR 13... We7 14. Wc2 c6 15. Aic3 J.g7 N (15... Ee8) 16. a4 Леб 17. a5 Aic4 (J.-S. Christiansen 2073 - K. Kozionov 2256, Praha 2012) 18. ЬЗ a) 18... Wb4? 19. £>e4! Ла1 20. £>g5 Efe8 (20... f5 21. &e6 Ef6 22. &c7 Ec8 23. bc4+—) 21. ®h7 фй 22. bc4 Wa5 23. Wh5 ®c3 24. Ле4+—; b) 18... £id6 19. ЛаЗТ| 14. Sdl c6 15.£ic3[^ 15.4id6Ed8 16. Ed3! Ле7 (16... &g7!?) 17. £ic8 Eac8 18. Ле4+[ Л15!? N [15... Ле7 16. £>e4 h6 17. ЛеЗ ЛГ5 a) 18. Л641? Efe8 (18... £id7; 18... Efd8 19. Eacl) 19. e3oo; b) 18. b4 Efe8 19. Лd4 Ле4 20. Ле4 ЛАб 21. f3 <£g7 22. <£f2 Ead8 23. ЛА6 &f6s?; 15... h6 16. h4 gh4 17. ЛЬ6 Ee8 (17... hg31? 18. Л18 gf2 19. &f2 ф£8бб) 18. gh4 ЛЬ4 19. Eacl (19. Ed4 ЛА6 20. Ef4 Ле5 21. Eh4 ЛГ6=; 19. a4 a5) Ee6 20. ЛГ4 Sg6 21. ФЛ=| 16. £ie4 [16. Ле41? Леб (16... Л8б!? 17. Лg6 fg61? 18. £>e4 g4) 17. Лс2 4>g7 (17... h6 18. £>e4 Ле7 19. ЛеЗ+) 18. £}e4 ЛГ5 19. 2>f6 Лс2 20. Ed6 h6=] Ле4 17. Ле4 £>c4 [17... £ia4 18. Ebl (18. Ea2 Efd8 19. Лс2 Edl 20. Лdl b5 21. <£>g2 Ed8) Efd8 19. Лс2; 17... Efd8 18. ЛdЗ (18. Лс2 Edl 19. Лdl Ed8 20. Лс2 £>c4 21. Ea2- 17...^c4)c5] 18.Ea2 [18. Ebl Efd8 19. ЛdЗ £>e5 20. Лс2 Edl 21. Лdl Ed8 22. Лс2 (22. ЛЬЗ c5 23. f4 gf4 24. gf4 £>c6) £>c4 23. ЛdЗ (23. ЬЗ £>d2=) £>e5 24. Лс2 £>c4=; 18. ЛdЗ!? W 19. ЛЬ2 ЛЬ2 20. Eabl ЛаЗ 21. Eb7 Efb8 (21... a5 22. Лс4) 22. Ec7 Ec8 23. Ec8 (23. Ed71? Ee8 24. Лаб Ee7 25. Ee7 Ле7 26. Ed756) Ec8 24. Eal Лd6 25. Ea7 Ec7=; 18. Ed7!? a) 18... Efd8 19. Eb7 al) 19... Edl 20. <£g2 £>d6 (20... Eel 21. Лg5) 21. Ed7; a2) 19... £>d6 20. Eb4 a5 21. Ea4 £>e4 22. Ee4 Ee8 (22... Edl 23. <^>g2 Ead8 24. Ec4 A Ea2) 23. Ee8 Ee8 24. ФЛ a4 25. ЛеЗ ЛЬ2 26. Ebl ЛаЗ 27. Eal+; b) 18... Efe8!? 19. ЛdЗ (19. 13 Ead8) £>e5 20. Eb7 £>d3 21. ed3 Eel 55; c) 18... Eab8 19. Ea2 Efd8 20. Ed8 Ed8 - 18. Ea2[ Efd8 [18... Efe8 19. Лс2[ 19. ЛdЗ £>e5 20. Лс2 Edl 21. Лdl Ed8 22. Лс2 c5!= 23. ЛеЗ [23. ЬЗ £>c6] b6 [23... c4 24. Ла7 Ed2 25. ЬЗ? Ee2! (25... £>d3!?) 26. ЛЬ7 (26. ФП Ec2 27. Ec2 cb3 28. Ec8 <^>g7 29. Eb8 b2 30. Eb7 &c4 31. a4 bl W 32. Ebl £}d2 33. <^>g2 £>bl 34. a5 £>c3 35. a6 £>d5) ФЬ7 27. Ee2 cb3; 25. b4T] 24. ЬЗ £>c6 25. ЛdЗ £>e5 26. Лс2 [26. ЛЬ5 Edl (26... £>g4 27. Лd2) 27. <^>g2 Ebl 28. Лd2!? (28. Ла4 c4) Eb3 29. Ла4 c4 (29... Ebl 30. Лс2 Eb5 31. a4) 30. Лg5 Лg5 31. ЛЬЗ cb3 32. Eb2oo] £>c6 27. ФА [27. &g2 £>d4 28. Лd4 Ed4 29. e3 Ed8 30. ФВ ЛеЗ 31. Ле4 Ed2=[ h6!? [27... £>d4 28. Лd4 a) 28... Ed4 29. e3 Ed6 (29... Ed2?? 30. ЛЬ7) 30. фе2 ЛеЗ 31. ЛdЗ; b) 28... Лd4 29. еЗ (29. Ле4 ЛеЗ 30. Ес2 Edl) ЛеЗ! A Ed2=[ 28. h3 <^>g7 29. ЛdЗ £>е5 30. Лс2 £>с6 31. <£>g2 &d4 32. Лd4 Лd4 [32... Ed4 33. ЛdЗ а5[ 33. ЛdЗ а5 34. фй [А еЗ] Ed6?! [34... ЛГ6[ 35. еЗ ЛеЗ 36. Фе2 Ed8 37. Ес2 Ла1 38. Ес4 ЛЬ2 39. а4± Ее8 40. ЛГ5 Ed8 41. Ле4 Ле5 42. ЛdЗ Ее8 43. h4 ЛЬ2 44. Eg4 <£>f6 45. f4 [45. hg5 hg5 46. f4 gf4 47. gf4 Eh8[ gf4 [45... Лс1 46. e4 gf4 47. gf4 Фе7 (47... h5 48. Eg5; 47... Ed8 48. Лс4) 48. Ф13 Ed8 49. Лс4 Ф18 50. Лd5Tl 46. gf4 фе7 47. Лс4 Ed8 48. ФО [48. e4 ЛеЗ 49. e5 (49. Лd5 f5) Ed4[ Ф18 49. Eg2 ЛеЗ 50. Ec2 Ла1 [50... ЛЬ4 51. e4 Ed2 52. Ecl; 51. 141
Фе2| 51. <£g4 Af6 52. ф(5 Aal 152... Ae7 53. h5 Sdl 54. Sh2! A e4-e5; 52... Ah4 53. Sh2 Ae7 54. Sh6 Sd6 55. Sh8tl 53. e4 Sdl 54. e5 Sgl! 55. Se2 [55. еб fe6 a) 56. Аеб Shi 57. Sg2 Sh4 58. Sg8 Фе7 59. Sb8 Ac3 60. Sb6 (60. Sb7 фе8 61. Sb6 Ad2) Ad2; b) 56. Феб Sg4] фе7П 56. h5 [56. еб f6O| Ad4 57. Фе4 [57. еб!? f6 58. Фе4 a) 58... Sg4 59. &d5 Sf4 60. Феб (60. Sg2 Sf5 61. Феб Sg5 62. Sc2) Sf2 61. Sei; b) 58... Фd6 59. e7 фе7 60. ФГ5 (60. Ф65 Ф18 61. Феб) Фd8 61. Se61 Sg4 58. Sh2 [58. еб!? f6 (58... fe6? 59. фП) 59. Фd5 - 57. e6[ Sg3 59. Фd5 Sf3 60. Sh4 [60. Феб Sf4 61. ФЬ6 (61. Sc2!? Ae5 62. фЬ6) Ac3[ Ac3?!© [60... АеЗ 61. Фе4 Sg3 62. f5 (62. Sh2 Ad4 63. Фd5 Sf3) Ad4 (62... f6!?) 63. f6 Ф18 64. фd5 Sf3 65. Shi Sf5 66. Sdl Se5 67. Феб; 60... Af2 61. Shi (61. Sg4 Sg3! 62. Sg3 Ag3 63. f5 f6! 64. еб Ael=) Sf4 62. Феб Ad4 63. Scl!? (А фЬ6-а5; 63. ФЬ6 АеЗ 64. Sh3 Ab4 65. Феб Sf5 66. Se3 Sh5 67. Sf3 Se5 68. Sf7 Фе8 69. Sf6 Фе7 70. Sh6=) 61. Sg4 [61. Феб! Ad2 62. Sg2 62... Af4? [62... Ael 63. Феб; 62... Ael 63. Фе4 (63. Феб Sf4 64. еб Sf6) Sg3 64. Se2 Ac3 65. f5 Sh3 66. f6 Ф18 67. Sc2[ 63. Фе4! Sg3 64. Sf2+- Ag5 65. Sf7 Фd8 66. Sb7 Sh3 67. Af7 [67. Фd51 Sh4 [67... Se3 68. Фd5 Sb3 69. Феб A e6-e7[ 68. Фd5 Sd4 69. Феб [69. Феб? Af4![ Sb4? 70. Фd6! Sd4 71. Ad5 Ae7 [71... Фс8 72. Sa7; 71... Фе8 72. Sg7[ 72. Se7 Sd5 73. Фd5 Фе7 74. фсб 1:0 V. Erdos 12. A 29 GRANDA ZUNIGA 2648 - MECKING 2602 Campinas (m/1) 2012 1. c4 e5 2. g3 £if6 3. Ag2 d5 4. cd5 £id5 5. £>c3 £>b6 6. d3 [6. £>f3] Ae7 7. АеЗ 0-0 8. Scl f5 9. W £>c6 10. 0-0 Аеб 11. a3 11... f4 [11... ФЬ8 12. b4 a5 13. b5±; 12... a6=; 11... Af6 - 71/281 12. Ab6?! [12. Ad2 a) 12... Wd7 13. £>e4±; b) 12... ФЬ8 13. Aie4+; c) 12... £>d4 13. £>e5 fg3 (13... Ab3?! 14. Wei fg3 15. fg3!±) 14. hg3+; d) 12... g5 13. Aie4 &d7 14. Sc6 bc6 15. Ac3±; e) 12... a5!? 13. Aie4 Ad5 14. Ac3 £id7 15. Ah3 a4oo;j9 12... аб 13. £ie4 We8 14. £>c5 Ac5 15. Sc5 £id7 16. Scl Wh5=] ab6 13. 2>e4 ФИ8 N [13... g5[ 14. Sc3 [14. Sc6 bc6 15. £ie5 Ad5 16. gf4 Sf4 17. Wcl Sh4 18. Ш We8Tl Ad5 15. £>fd2 Wd7 [15... b5+[ 16. еЗ Аеб 17. Wc2 [17. b4 b5+l Sac8 [17... Ag4 18. £>f3 We6 19. b4 b5?[ 18. Scl fe3 [18... We8 (A Wh5) 19. b4=] 19. fe3 £>a7 [19... We8 20. b4=] 20. £>c4 £>b5 21. Sb3 £id6 [21... We8 (A Wh5) 22. We2 Sd8=] 22. £>ed6 [22. &e5?! We8 23. Sc3 £>b5 24. Sc4 Ac4 25. £ic4 £>d6 26. &cd6 Ad6+| Ad6 23. Sc3 Ac4 24. dc4 [24. Sc4 сб 25. Sh4 We8=] Scd8 25. Sdl Wc8 [25... сб 26. Scd3 We6 27. Wb3 Ac7=] 26. Ae4 [26. Scd3± A b4[ g6 27. Scd3 Ae7 28. Wc3 Sd3 29. Sd3 Af6 [29... сб 30. Sd2 (30. We5 Af6 31. Wd6 Ab2=) We6 31. Sf2 Sf2 32. Ф12 Фg7=I 30. Wb4 Фg7 31. Wd2 сб 32. фg2 Wg4 33. Sd7 S17 34. Sf7 Ф17 35. Wd3 Фе8 36. b4 Wd7 37. We2 ФП 38. a4 Ae7 39. b5 фg7 40. h4 Ab4 41. h5 142
cb5 42. cb5 Ш2 43. Wd2 М2 44. hg6 hg6 45. фВ ФГ6 46. 1Ь7 g5 1/2 : 1/2 Da Costa Junior 13 A. NAIDITSCH 2700 - GEO. MEIER 2644 Dortmund 2012 1. c4 M6 2. М3 c5 3. g3 e6 4. ^f3 b6 5. ±g2 M7 6. 0-0 M7 7. Sei d6 8. e4 a6 9. d4 cd4 10. ftd4 Wc7 11. М3 Md7 12. gel Йе5!? [12... 0-0- 112/171 13.£>d5!? N [13. h3[ ed5 14. cd5 Wd7 [14... td8?! 15. £>c6 ±c6 (15... Ш 16. dc6 lc8 17. c7 ®d7 18. e5+-) 16. dc6 ®c7 17. f4£>eg4 18. M4 0-0 19. h3 £>e5 (19... ®h6 20. g4±) 20. fe5 de5 21. Af2 gfd8 22. Wb3±] 15. £>f5 [15. f4 Mg4 16. М2 gc8 17. h3 gel 18. Ml W 19. £>c6 0-0 20. &e7 We7 21. g4 £>fg4 22. hg4 ®h4 23. M Wg3=[ 0-0 16. f4 &g6 [16... £>eg4 17. Мб Sac8 18. Wb3 M8 19. gc8 M8 20. h3 g6 21. <M4 W 22. M8 gd8 23. g4 Wa7oo] 17. h4 [17. M6!? gfc8 18. Wd2 i.d8 19. Ad4 gel 20. gel gc8 (20... £>e7 21. £>e3 Sc8 22. Sc8 £ic8 23. Wc3 M6+) 21. gel &e8 22. М3 Wb5oc[ M5 [17... h51? 18. Ib6 gfc8 19. gc8 Hc8 20. M4 ge8 21. Ih3 ®b5 (21... Wc7 22. ЛеЗ ^.f8 23. M6 gf6 24. фЬ2ос) 22. фЬ2 ±f8 23. Мб gf6 24. 2e2 Wb6 25. Ш4 a5 26. ±d7oo[ 18. id4 Ш 19. h5 gfe8 20. hg6 [20. М3 Wd8 21. hg6 hg6 22. £>e7 Se7 23. M6 gf6 24. Wd4 b5 25. Ag2 gc8+] hg6 21. £e7 ge7 22. Мб [22. M6 gae8 23. gc7 ®e6 24. ge7 We7 25. &h2 M4 26. М3 d5 27. M4 Wb7+] gf6 23. Wd4 Паев [23... f5 24. ef5 gel 25. gel М2 26. <i>g2 Wc6 27. ф£2 (27. М3 gf5 28. Wf6 ®d5 29. Wg5 M7 30. ®h4 ^>g7 31. Wg5=) gf5 28. Wf6 Wc5 29. ФВ Wd5 30. М2 gc8 31. Wg5 ФВ 32. Wh6 <^g8 33. Wg5=] 24. ФС <^g7 25. gcdl Wb5 26. ЛеЗ Лс7 27. gd2 Wc5?! [27... Лс4! 28. Wd3 (28. Wd6 M4 29. M4 Лсе4 30. Ле4 Ле4 31. Wd3 Wc5 32. ФВ Ле1+) ®c5 29. ЬЗ gel 30. Ь4 Wh5+[ 28. Wd6 ®d6 29. gd6 Sc2 30. Se2 ge2 31. фе2 M4 32. M4 ge4 33. ФВ Леб 34. gd7 f5 [34... Лсб 35. Ла7 Лс2 36. Лаб ЛЬ2 37. g4 Ь5 38. а4 ЛЬЗ 39. ФВ Ьа4 40. Ла4=[ 35. Ла7 а5 [35... Ь5 36. Лс7 Sd6 37. фе2 (37. ФеЗ gdl 38. Ла7 ggl 39. ФВ gfl 40. ФеЗ gbl 41. ЬЗ gel 42. фВ Леб 43. Лс7=) gd8 38. аЗ gh8 39. ФВ Sh2 40. Ь4 ПЬ2 41. ЛеЗ ФЬ6 42. gd3[ 36. gd7 Лсб [36... Ле4!? 37. аЗ gel 38. ЛЬ7 Леб 39. ЛЬ8 f6 40. Ь4 gd6 41. ФеЗ аЬ4 42. ab4 g5 43. Ь5 Фg6 44. ФВ ФВ 45. ПЬ7 Феб 46. ЛЬ8 g4 47. феЗ фd5 48. Лс8 Леб 49. Фd2 (49. фdЗ gel 50. Лсб ggl-+) Фе4 50. ПсЗ+1 37. ПЬ7 Леб 38. gd7 Лсб 39. ЛЬ7 Ф16 [^ 39... ФЬ6 40. феЗ (40. ЛП Лс2 41. ЛЬ7 ЛЬ2 42. g4 fg4 43. Фg4 Ь5 44. аЗ ЛЬЗ 45. f5 ЛаЗ 46. fg6 Ь4 47. ФГ5 SB 48. Фе4 Sfl 49. g7 фЬ7?) Леб 41. ФВ f6 42. gd7 Лсб 43. gd5 Лс4 44. аЗ Лс2 45. ЛЬ5 Лсб 46. ЬЗ Фg7 47. а4 фП 48. Ь4=] 40. ФеЗ Sd6 41. фе2 фg7 42. феЗ фЬ6 43. ЛП ФИ5 44. ФВ Sd3 45. фВ Фg4 46. gf6 SB 47. Фе2 Sg3 48. Sg6 Ф14 49. ПЬ6 ПеЗ 50. ФВ SB 51. фе2 ПеЗ 52. ф!2 ПВ 53. Фе2 1/2 : 1/2 D. Pikula 14.* !N А 33 SASIKIRAN 2707 - I. IVANlSEVlt 2645 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 c5 3. &B cd4 4. &d4 &c6 [4... e5 5. ^b5 d5 6. cd5 M5] 5. £>c3 e6 6. аЗ ^.e7 [6... M5 7. £ib3 M7| 7. g3 [7. e4 0-0 8. ±e2 d5 9. ed5 ed5 a) 10. cd5 £>d5 11. 2>c6 bc6 12. &d5 (12. М2 Sb8 13. ^c2 M6 14. 0-0 &f4±s) cd5 13. 0-0 M6=; b) 10. 0-0 ^d4 11. Wd4 M6 12. cd5 £>d5 13. ^d5 M5 (13... ®d5=) 14. М3 M6 15. Wf4 Wb8; 15... We7 N = FtaCnik 2532 - 143
15.** A 34 Lek<5 2737, Istanbul (ol) 20121 Wb6 [7... d5 8.Ag2 0-0 9. 0-0+J 8. £ic2 [8. &G d5!?] 8... d5! N |8... £>e5 - 108/170] 9. Ag2 [^ 9. cd5 ed5 10. Ag2 (10. £>d5 £>d5 11. Wd5 Аеб-) d4 11. £>d4! (11. Aie4 Af5) £id4 12. АеЗ Ac5 (12... ®b2 13. Ad4) 13. £>a4 Wa5 14. b4 Ab4 15. ab4 Wb4 16. Ad2 Wb3 17. Wb3 W 18. Sa3 £>d2 19. <£d2 0-0 20. Sb 155; 17. 0-0oo; 10... Ae6oo[ dc4 10. АеЗ 110. £>e3 Wa6 11. a4 Ad7 12. &b5 0-0 13. £>c4 aMt] Wa5 11. Ad2 Wh5 12. <^e3 0-0 13. Wa4!? J13. £>c4 e5 (13... Sd8) 14. h3 Ae6^| £>d4 14. Wc4 e5? 15. h3 [15. 0-0 Sd8 16. Sadi Ae6+; 15. Aicd5 £id5 16. &d5 Ad6tJ Ad8 [15... Аеб! 16. Wc7 (16. Wa4 a5) £>d7-[ 16. Wd3 Ab6 17. g4 117. £>ed5 £>d5 18. £>d5 (18. Ad5 Af5) Ad7; 17. Sdl Ae6[ Wh4 18. £>a4 Sd8 [18... e4 19. Ae4 £>e4 20. We4 f5 21. Wd3 Sd8[ 19. £>b6 ab6 20. Wc4?! [^ 20. Sdl a) 20... Аеб? 21. Ab7 A £>g2; b) 20... £>G?! 21. AG Sd3 22. &g2; c) 20... Ad7 21. Ab7 Ab5 22. Wbl A ^g2; d) 20... h5 21. ФЛ (21. Wbl) Аебоо; e) 20... g6oc[ Аеб 21. Wc7 £>d5 [21... £>e2! a) 22. фе2 Sd2 23. ф(12 Wf2 24. £>d3 Sc8 al) 25. Shfl Wb2 (25... Wfl 26. Sfl Sc7+) 26. Wc8 Ac8-+; a2) 25. Wb6 £>d7 26. Safi Ac4! 27. £>c4 £>c5 28. Wc5 Wc5-+; b) 22. We5 Se8 23. Wc7 Sad8 24. фе2 Sd2 25. <£>d2 Wf2 26. <^>d3 £id7-+[ 22. Ad5 Ad5 23. £>d5 Sd5 24. АеЗ Sad8 25. Ad4 ed4 26. Sdl© h5 27. Wb6 1^ 27. Wg3 Wf6+1 hg4 28. Sd3 Sf5 [28... Wh7 A We4[ 29. Sg3 Sc8 30.0-0 gh3 31. Wb7 Se8-+ 32. Wc6 See5 33. фЬ2 g6 34. Wc4 <^>g7 [34... Wf41 35. b4 [35. e3 Se4[ Se4 36. Wd3 Wf4 37. ФЬЗ Se3! 38. fe3 [38. Se3 de3] Wfl 39. <£g4 Se5 40. ed4 Se4 0:1 I. Ivanisevic Ro. Hess 2635 - Mil. Perunovic 2575 Wheeling 2012 1. c4 c5 2. £)G £if6 3. £>сЗ еб 4. e4 £>c6 5. Ae2 b6 6. d4 cd4 7. ®d4 Ab7 8.0-0 [8. Af4 a) 8... Ab4 al) 9. £}c6 N Ac6 10. G We7 11. Wb3 £>h5 12. АеЗ Ac5 13. £>dl (T. Burg 2471 - Su. Vaibhav 2502, Haarlem 2012) f5!T; a2) 9. 2>db5 2>e4 10. Wc2 a21) 10... £>c3 11. bc3 Wf6 (11... 0-0?? 12. cb4 Wf6 13. Wcl+-) 12. Wd2 Ac5 13. &c7 ФГС 14. £>a8 Aa8 15. 0-0±; a22) 10... Йа5 11. Aic7 ФГС 12. 0-055; b) 8... £>d4 9. Wd4 Ac5 10. Wd3 d6 11. 0-0 0-0 12. Sadi e5oo[ 8... Ac5 [8... Wb8 a) 9. АеЗ Ad6 (9... h5) 10. f4 (10. g3 &d4 11. Wd4 Ae5 12. Wd3 h5oc) £}d4 11. Wd4 e5 12. Wd2 al) 12... £>e4 N 13. £>e4 Ae4 14. Sadi ef4 15. Af4 (15. Ad4!?) Ac5 16. ФЫ Wb7 17. AG all) 17... f5? 18. Ae4 fe4 (Butuc 2201 - E. Ovod 2410, Russia 2012) 19. b4! Ae7 (19... Af8 20. Ag5+—) 20. Ag5+—; al2) 17... AG 18.SG5o;a2) 12... 0-0 - 75/(33); b) 9. £>c6 Ac6 10. Wd3 h5 (10... Ac5 11. АеЗ 0-0 12. Sadi Sd8 13. Ac5 bc5 14. Sd2+) bl) 11. f4 Wb7 12. AG bll) 12... Ab4 13. e5 Ac3 14. Wc3 4)e4 (14... AG 15. ef6 Ag2 16. fg7 Sg8 17. SC Ae4 18. f5-) 15. Wd4 f5 16. ef6 £>f6 17. Ь3+; Ы2) 12... £>g4 13. ФЫ Ac5 14. We2 абоо; b2) 11. h3 b21) 11... Ad6 12. f4 (12. АеЗ &g4!) h4 13. e5 Ac5 14. АеЗ АеЗ 15. We3 £>h5 16. Ah5 Sh5 17. &e4 Ae4 18. We4±; Ь22) 11... Ab4 12. a3 АеЗ 13. Wc3 Ae4 14. Ag5 Wb7 15. G Ac6 16. b4+[ 9. £>c6 N [9. ^c2[ Ac6 10. e5 £ie4 144
11. £>e4 Ae4 12. ±d3 Jld3 13. Wd3 Wh4?I 113... 0-0 14. J.f4 f6 15. Hadi Hf7oo] 14. Sbl!± Mil. Perunovic A 34 Ml. ADAMS 2728 - MIL. PERUNOVlt 2577 Wheeling 2012 1. c4 £>f6 2. g3 c5 3. Ag2 d5 4. cd5 <Ad5 5. &c3 £>c7 6. £>f3 £>c6 7. 0-0 e5 8. a3 f6 18... Hb8 9. Hbl f6 10. d3 Ae6 11. £e3 Ш7 12. £>e4 N (12. £>d2 — 99/31) b6 13. Ba4 ^3d5oc Baltag 2420 — Arty. Timofeev 2650, Plovdiv 2012] 9. e3 J.g4!? 10. h3 lh5 11. d4 N 111. Wa4 td7 12. b4 N (12. d4) cb4 13. ab4 a) 13... Ab4?! 14. £>e5 fe5 15. ±c6 bc6 16. Wb4 £f3 17. J.a3 ФП 18. ^e4t L. Gonda 2547 - Cs. Tesik 2347, Bu- dapest 2012; b) 13... a6 14. £}h4 J.f7 15. d4 lc4 16. Hdl ed4 17. £c6 ®c6 18. Wc6 bc6 19. Hd4 Ae6 20. &g2 ФГ7 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Medvegy 2555 — Cs. Tesik 2347, Budapest 2012; 11. g4 - 112/(20)1 cd4 12. ed4 ed4 13. £>b5! £>b5 14. We2 Ae7 114... £>e5 15. tb5 Wd7 16. Wd7 <^>d7 17. £>d4 ±c5 18. g4! £d4 (18... ±f7 19. Hdl Фс7 20. ^.e3±) 19. Sdl £ic6 20?£c6 фсб 21. Hd4 JLe8 22. Ie3±] 15. Wb5 J.f3 16. ±f3 Wb6 17. Wc4 117. ®h5 g6 18. Wh6 £>e5 19. Ag2 O-O-Ooo; 17. Wd5 Hd8 18. Wa2 £>e5 19. ±g2 a5 20. id2 a4oo] &e5 18. Wa4 Ф18 19. Ag2 Hd8 20. Ь4 Ш6?! ]20... h5! 21. Sb3 (21. h4 g6 22. gel ±d6 23. ^.d2 £>g7) g5!? (21... h4 22. g4 g6) 22. f4 gf4 23. Af4 d3 24. ФЫ ^g4t]21.Wb3?! ]21. Wa6 ba6 22. Sdl ФП (22... a5 23. ba5 ФП 24. Hbl) 23. Ab2 d3 24. gacl Hd7 25. f4 d2 26. Hc3 £id3 27. Hd2 Hhd8 28. ^.fl £>b2 29. Hb2+] Wc4 22. ®bl |22. ®c4 £>c4 23. £b7 d3 24. £e3 d2 25. Hfdl (25. Aa7? Hd7 26. ±a6 W) f5!=] ФП 23. ±f4 |23. Ab7 Hd7 24. Ag2 d3 25. Hhd8] d3 24. Ab7 Hd7 25. Hcl We6 26. Ag2 Hhd8 27. ®a2 [27. ^.d2 £>c4 28. Ha2 g5t] d2 28. Hdl g5 29. ±e5 fe5 30. ФП Hd4 31. Af3 e4 32. ®еб Феб 33. ±g4 Фе5 34. Ha2 a5 35. ba5 Ha4 |35... Hd3!?] 36. Had2 Hd2 37. Hd2 Ha5= 38. Hd7 ФГ6 39. Hd4 фе5 40. Hd7 ФГ6 41. Hc7 Ha3 42. Нсб ФП 43. J.h5 Ф18 44. Неб Ha4 45. Фg2 Hc4 46. He5 Af6 47. Неб J.e7 48. ±g4 ФП 49. Af5 Hc2 50. He4 1/2 : 1/2 Mil. Perunovic 17.* A 36 F. BERKES 2696 - BR. TADIC 2506 Bosna i Hercegovina 2012 1. g3 c5 2. JLg2 £}c6 3. c4 g6 4. £}c3 Jlg7 5. d3 d6 6. e4 a6 |6... h5 - 110/(23)1 7. £>ge2 Hb8 8. a4 £tf6 9.0-0 0-0 10. Hbl ^.d7 11. ^.еЗ!? ^)g4 N [11... Wc8 12. ЬЗ N (12. £tf4) Ah3 13. f3 ^.g2 14. Фg2 Wd8 15. d4 cd4 16. ^3d4 ^d7= R. Phillips 2257 — R. Sanches 2030, Istanbul (ol) 2012] 12. ±g5 h6 13. Jlcl £ib4 [A £>ge5-c6; 13... Wc8] 14. f4 f5 15. h3 &f6 16. J.e3 Wc8 17. фЬ2 117. e5 £>h5 18. d4 cd4 19. J.d4 de5 20. fe5 Wc7T] e5 18. Wd2 [o 18. fe5 de5 19. £>d5 £>fd5 20. ed5 Ьбоо] Ф67 19. fe5 de5 20. a5 Wc7 21. ^cl?! £>h5!±5 22. £>b3 f4 23. Ac5 fg3 24. фgl НП 25. Hfl £}c6 26. ^d5 Wd8 [A Wh4] 27. J.d6 145
Lekd 2737, Istanbul (ol) 20121 Wb6 17... d5 8. Ag2 0-0 9. 0-0±] 8. £>c2 [8. d5!?l 8... d5! N 18... £>e5 - 108/170] 9. Ag2 [o 9. cd5 ed5 10. Ag2 (10. £>d5 W5 11. ®d5 Аеб-) d4 11. £>d4! (11. £>e4 Af5) £id4 12. АеЗ Ac5 (12... Wb2 13. Ad4) 13. £ia4 Wa5 14. b4 Ab4 15. ab4 Wb4 16. Ad2 Wb3 17. Wb3 W 18. ЛаЗ <$3d2 19. <£d2 0-0 20. Sb 153; 17. 0-0oo; 10... Аебоо] dc4 10. АеЗ 110. £>e3 Wa6 11. a4 Ad7 12. &b5 0-0 13. £>c4 £>b4t] Wa5 11. Ad2 ®h5 12. A>e3 0-0 13. Ш4!? 113. £>c4 e5 (13... Sd8) 14. h3 Ae6=| £>d4 14. Wc4 e5+ 15. h3 115. 0-0 Sd8 16. Sadi Ae6+; 15. £>cd5 W5 16. £id5 Ad6tl Ad8 [15... Аеб! 16. Wc7 (16. Wa4 a5) 2>d7-l 16. Wd3 Ab6 17. g4 |17. £>ed5 £id5 18. £id5 (18. Ad5 Af5) Ad7; 17. Sdl Ae6| Wh4 18. £>a4 Sd8 [18... e4 19. Ae4 £>e4 20. We4 f5 21. Wd3 Sd81 19. £>b6 ab6 20. Wc4?! 1^ 20. Sdl a) 20... Аеб? 21. Ab7 A £>g2; b) 20... &f3?! 21. Af3 Sd3 22. £}g2; c) 20... Ad7 21. Ab7 Ab5 22. Wbl A £>g2; d) 20... h5 21. <£fl (21. Wbl) Аебоо; e) 20... g6oc] Аеб 21. Wc7 <7/d5 |21... £>e2! a) 22. Фе2 Sd2 23. &d2 Wf2 24. <£d3 Sc8 al) 25. Shfl Wb2 (25... Wfl 26. Sfl Sc7+) 26. ®c8 Ac8-+; a2) 25. Wb6 £>d7 26. Safi Ac4! 27. £>c4 £>c5 28. Wc5 ®c5-+; b) 22. We5 Se8 23. Wc7 Sad8 24. фе2 Sd2 25. ф<12 Wf2 26. <^>d3 £>d7-+] 22. Ad5 Ad5 23. £>d5 Sd5 24. АеЗ Sad8 25. Ad4 ed4 26. Sdl© h5 27. Wb6 [^ 27. Wg3 Wf6TI hg4 28. Sd3 Sf5 [28... Wh7 A We4] 29. Sg3 Sc8 30.0-0 gh3 31. Wb7 Se8-+ 32. Wc6 See5 33. Ф112 g6 34. Wc4 ^>g7 134... Wf41 35. b4 |35. e3 Se4] Se4 36. Wd3 Ш4 37. ФИЗ Se3! 38. fe3 [38. Se3 de31 Wfl 39. &g4 Se5 40. ed4 Se4 0:1 I. Ivanisevic 15.** A 34 Ro. Hess 2^635 - Mil. Perunovic 2575 Wheeling 2012 1. c4 c5 2. £>13 £}f6 3. £}c3 e6 4. e4 £}c6 5. Ae2 b6 6. d4 cd4 7. ftd4 Ab7 8.0-0 [8. Af4 a) 8... Ab4 al) 9. £>c6 N Ac6 10. f3 ®e7 11. Wb3 £>h5 12. АеЗ Ac5 13. £idl (T. Burg 2471 - Su. Vaibhov 2502, Haarlem 2012) f5!t; a2) 9. £>db5 £>e4 10. ®c2 a21) 10... 4)c3 11. ЬсЗ Wf6 (11... 0-0?? 12. cb4 Wf6 13. Wcl+—) 12. Wd2 Ac5 13. £>c7 &f8 14. Ш Aa8 15. 0—0±; a22) 10... £>a5 11. £>c7 &f8 12. 0-0^; b) 8... £>d4 9. Wd4 Ac5 10. Wd3 d6 11. 0-0 0-0 12. Sadi e5ool 8... Ac5 18... Wb8 a) 9. АеЗ Ad6 (9... h5) 10. f4 (10. g3 £>d4 11. Wd4 Ae5 12. Wd3 h5oc) &d4 11. Wd4 e5 12. ®d2 al) 12... £}e4 N 13. £>e4 Ae4 14. Sadi ef4 15. Af4 (15. Ad4!?)Ac5 16. ФЫ Wb7 17. kttall) 17... f5? 18. Ae4 fe4 (Butuc 2201 - E. Ovod 2410, Russia 2012) 19. b4! Ae7 (19... Af8 20. Ag5+—) 20. Ag5+-; al2) 17... Af3 18. S1356; a2) 12... 0-0 - 75/(33); b) 9. <2}c6 Ac6 10. Wd3 h5 (10... Ac5 И. АеЗ 0-0 12. Sadi Sd8 13. Ac5 bc5 14. Sd2+) bl) 11. f4 Wb7 12. Af3 bll) 12... Ab4 13. e5 Ac3 14. Wc3 «3e4 (14... Af3 15. ef6 Ag2 16. fg7 Sg8 17. Sf2 Ae4 18. f5-) 15. W f5 16. ef6 £>f6 17. Ь3+; Ы2) 12... £>g4 13. ФЫ Ac5 14. We2 абоо; Ь2) 11. h3 b21) 11... Ad6 12. f4 (12. АеЗ £ig4!) h4 13. e5 Ac5 14. АеЗ АеЗ 15. We3 £ih5 16. Ah5 Sh5 17. &e4 Ae4 18. We4+; b22) 11... Ab4 12. a3 АеЗ 13. Wc3 Ae4 14. Ag5 15. f3 Ac6 16. b4+l 9. &c6 N [9. <2}c21 Ac6 10. e5 £>e4 144
11. <йе4 Ае4 12. Ad3 Ad3 13. Wd3 Wh4?! 113... 0-0 14. Af4 f6 15. Hadi Hf7oo] 14. Ebl!± Mil. Perunovic A 34 ML ADAMS 2728 - MIL. PERUNOVlt 2577 Wheeling 2012 1. c4 £if6 2. g3 c5 3. Ag2 d5 4. cd5 £>d5 5. £ic3 71c7 6. £if3 £}c6 7. 0-0 e5 8. a3 f6 18... Sb8 9. Sbl f6 10. d3 Аеб 11. АеЗ Ш7 12. £>e4 N (12. £id2 - 99/31) b6 13. Ш4 £}d5oc Baltag 2420 — Arty. Timofeev 2650, Plovdiv 2012] 9. e3 Ag4!? 10. h3 lh5 11. d4 N 111. Wa4 Wd7 12. b4 N (12. d4) cb4 13. ab4 a) 13... Ab4?! 14. £ie5 fe5 15. Ac6 bc6 16. Wb4 Af3 17. АаЗ ФП 18. 7je4| L. Gonda 2547 - Cs. Tesik 2347, Bu- dapest 2012; b) 13... аб 14. W Af7 15. d4 lc4 16. Sdl ed4 17. Аеб Wc6 18. Wc6 bc6 19. Sd4 Аеб 20. &g2 ф(7 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Medvegy 2555 — Cs. Tesik 2347, Budapest 2012; 11. g4 - 112/(20)1 cd4 12. ed4 ed4 13. £jb5! £>b5 14. We2 Ae7 114... £>e5 15. Ш ®d7 16. Wd7 &d7 17. £>d4 Ac5 18. g4! Ad4 (18... Af7 19. Sdl Фс7 20. Ae3±) 19. Sdl £ic6 20. Асб Феб 21. Sd4 Ae8 22. Ie3±] 15. Wb5 Af3 16. Af3 Wb6 17. Wc4 117. Wh5 g6 18. Wh6 £>e5 19. Ag2 O-O-Ooo; 17. Wd5 Sd8 18. Wa2 £>e5 19. Ag2 a5 20. Id2 a4ooj £>e5 18. Wa4 ФГС 19. Ag2 Sd8 20. Ь4 Шаб?! [20... h5! 21. Wb3 (21. h4 g6 22. Sei Ad6 23. Ad2 &g7) g5!? (21... h4 22. g4 g6) 22. f4 gf4 23. Af4 d3 24. ФЫ £)g4tl 21. Wb3?! [21. Wa6 ba6 22. Sdl ФП (22... a5 23. ba5 ФП 24. Sbl) 23. Ab2 d3 24. Sacl Sd7 25. f4 d2 26. ДсЗ £>d3 27. Hd2 Shd8 28. Afl W 29. Sb2+[ Wc4 22. Wbl [22. Wc4 &c4 23. Ab7 d3 24. АеЗ d2 25. Sfdl (25. Aa7? Sd7 26. Aa6 W) f5!=] Ф17 23. Af4 [23. Ab7 Sd7 24. Ag2 d3 25. АеЗ Shd8[ d3 24. Ab7 Hd7 25. Scl We6 26. Ag2 Shd8 27. Wa2 [27. Ad2 £>c4 28. Sa2 g5tl d2 28. Sdl g5 29. Ae5 fe5 30. ФП Sd4 31. Af3 e4 32. We6 Феб 33. Ag4 Фе5 34. Sa2 a5 35. ba5 Sa4 [35... Sd3!?[ 36. Sad2 Sd2 37. Sd2 Sa5= 38. Sd7 ФГ6 39. Sd4 Фе5 40. Sd7 ФГ6 41. Sc7 Sa3 42. Нсб Ф17 43. Ah5 Ф18 44. Se6 Sa4 45. Фg2 Sc4 46. Se5 Af6 47. Se6 Ae7 48. Ag4 Ф17 49. Af5 Sc2 50. Se4 1/2 : 1/2 Mil. Perunovic 17.* A 36 F. BERKES 2696 - BR. TADIC 2506 Bosna i Hercegovina 2012 1. g3 c5 2. Ag2 £>c6 3. c4 g6 4. £>c3 Ag7 5. d3 d6 6. e4 аб [6... h5 - 110/(23)1 7. £>ge2 Sb8 8. a4 £>f6 9.0-0 0-0 10. Sbl Ad7 11. АеЗ!? £>g4 N [11... Wc8 12. ЬЗ N (12. £if4) Ah3 13. f3 Ag2 14. фg2 Wd8 15. d4 cd4 16. £>d4 ^d7= R. Phillips 2257 - R. Sanches 2030, Istanbul (ol) 20121 12. Ag5 h6 13. Ael £ib4 [Д £>ge5-c6; 13... Wc8] 14. f4 f5 15. h3 £>f6 16. АеЗ Wc8 17. фЬ2 [17. e5 £>h5 18. d4 cd4 19. Ad4 de5 20. fe5 Wc7+1 e5 18. Wd2 [^ 18. fe5 de5 19. £>d5 £>fd5 20. ed5 Ьбоо] фЬ7 19. fe5 de5 20. a5 Wc7 21. -53С1?! fth5!- 22. £>b3 f4 23. Ac5 fg3 24. Фgl Sfl 25. Sfl £>c6 26. £>d5 Wd8 [A Wh41 27. Ad6 145
27... Ha8! 28. Ac7? 128. W Ae6 29. £ia8 Wd6 30. W £>d4 31. Aid4 Wd4 32. ФЫ 2)f45s] Wh4!- 29. ftb6 Ah3! 30. Ah3 [30. £}a8 Ag2 31. Wg2 £>f4 32. Hf4 (32. Wc2 g2-+) ef4-+ A f3, Wh2[ Wh3 31. £ia8 2>f4 32. HB Wh4 [A g21 33. Н14 ef4 34. Af4 JLd4J—+ [34... &d4? 35. £>d4 £d4 36. £>g2 Wh2 37. ФВ Af2 38. Wb4= A We7[ 35. &g2 £f2 36. Wcl [36. £>c7 Wh2 37. Ф13 Whl 38. Фе2 Wh5 (38... g2~b) 39. ФП Wh3 40. Фе2 Wg4 41. ФП g2 42. ф!2 glW#J Wh2 [36... £>b4!-+[ 37. Ф13 g5 38. Ac7 Фg6 [38... W 39. Фе2 (39. Wfl £ic2-+) ±e3-+l 39. Wfl g4 40. Фе2 ®b4 41. ftal 41... фg7!? [X2>al, £>a8; 41... ±d4 42. фdl Wb2 43. Wf5=[ 42. Af4 [42. фd2 Ad4 43. We2 We2 44. фе2 g2 45. J.h2 Aid3! (45... g3 46. Ф13 gh2 47. Фg2 Agl-+ A £>d3-f2) 46. £>c2 £>f4-+ A g3; 42. J.e5 Фg8-+l ±d4 43. Фе1 £id3 44. Wd3 W12 45. фdl g2 46. ±h2 Wfl 47. Фс2 Wd3 48. Фd3 g3 0:1 Br. Tadic 18. A 37 McNAB 2446 - ARIAS SANTANA 2326 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. c4 c5 2. £>f3 £ic6 3. g3 e5 4. £ic3 g6 5. Jlg2 J.g7 6. d3 £>ge7 7. ±g5 f6 8. ±d2 d6 9. a3 a5 10.0-0 0-0 11.2>el ^.еб 12. A>d5 [12. £>c2[ Hb8 [12... f5 13. ±g5 h6 14. Ae7 £ie7=; 12... a4!? 13. £>c3 (13. b4 ab3 14. Wb3 <$У14!) £d4 14. ±Ь7 Hb8 15. ±g2 Hb2 16. &a4 Hd2 17. Wd2 <2}b3^] 13. b4 [13. £>c2 - 74/521 ab4 14. ab4 cb4 [14... £d5 15. cd5 £ib4 16. Ab4 cb4 17. Wb3 f5 18. £>c2 (18. Wb4 фЬ8 A 19. £ic2 e4 20. de4 ^.al 21. Sal fe4 22. ^d4? &d5+) g5 19. Aib4 Aig6oo] 15. £>b4 Aib4 N [15... d5 16. cd5 £>d5 17. £>c6 bc6 18. Wa4± A 18... Ha8? 19. Wc6 Hal 20. We6+-] 16. ДЬ4 b5 17. cb5 [17. Наб bc4 18. ±d6 (18. Hd6 Wc8oc) ±c8!=; 17. c5 d5 18. Наб Wc8 A £ic6[ Hb5 18. Wa4 Hb8 19. Wa3± £>c8 20. £>c2 H17 21. £ie3 d5 22. Hfcl Hfb7 [22... d4 23. Ia5 (23. £ic4 JJ8 24. ±f8 Wf8 25. Wf8 Ф18 26. Ha6±) Wf8 (23... Wd6?? 24. Hc8+-) 24. Aid5 Wa3 25. Ha3 i.f8±[ 23. Ac5 Wd7 [23... НЬЗ 24. Wa6 Wd7? (24... J.f7) 25. We6! We6 26. ±d5±[ 24. Wa6 М7 25. h4!T 15 26. ФИ2 e4 [26... h5!?[ 27. de4! ±al [27... de4 28. Hdl We8 29. Xd4 ±d4 30. Hd4 A 30... Ha7 (30... Hd7+) 31. Wf6! Hal 32. Hd84 28. Wai de4 [28... fe4 29. J.h3 ^.еб 30. ^>d5! Wd5 31. Hdl Wc5 32. ^.еб Ф18 33. Wf6+-] 29. Hdl- We8 30. h5 [30. Wf6 Hb6 31. J.b6 (31. Wg5!?) Hb6 32. Wg5 Hd6 33. Hcl-; 30. i.e4! We4 (30... fe4 31. £ig4 Hb6 32. £>h6#) 31. Hd8 £e8 32. £>d5 Hbl 33. ^f6 ФИ8 (33... Ф17 34. £>e4 Hal 35. £>g5-) 34. Hal 35. He8 (35. ±d4 Фg8 36. 4ig5-) фё7 36. ±d4 (36. 2>g5-) ФП 37. Hc8 Hc8 38. ^>g5 фё8 39. ^.a 1 Hc2±] 31. h6 [31. ^.a7 Ha8 32. h6 ^.b3[ J.b3 32. Hbl [32. Hd6 £>c6 33. Hf6 We5] Wf7 [32... £>c6? 33. Hb3+-; 32... Wa4 a) 33. Wf6 Hf7 34. Wd6 (34. Wc3 2>c6 35. ±d6 Hd8 36. НЬЗ Hd6 37. Ha3 Wd4 38. Ha8 £>d8) He8 (34... £c6 35. <^d5-) 35. НЬЗ!? Wb3 36. ^)d5^ A 36... £>c8 37. Wc6! Hd8 38. £>f6 ФИ8 39. i.d4->; b) 33. Wc3 £>c6 34. Hal Wb5D; c) 33. Wa4 i.a4 34. 146
Sal Ab5+; 32... ®e6!? 33. ЛЬЗ (33. Аа7 Ёа8 34. ЛЬЗ Wb3 35. We5 fiba7 36. £>d5 Sf7) Wb3 34. We5 £>c6 35. Wd6 (35. Wf6 Ec8 36. £>f5 Hf7-+) £>e7 36. We5 Wf7 37. id4 ф£8ОТ1 33. Ae4! fe4 34. £ig4 Wf5 [34... ЛЬ6 35. ЛЬЗ! (35. Ab6 ЛЬ6 36. ®d4^) fib3 36. ^f6 ФЬ8 37. £>e4 <£g8 38. £>f6 &h8 39. Aa7—*1 35. ЛЬЗ Wc5 [35... Wg4 36. Aa7 We2 (36... Wh5 37. &g2 Wh6 38. Ab8 fib3 39. Wa24~) 37. Ab8 Wf2 38. ФЬЗ (38. Ф>М e3! 39. ЛЬ7 Wf3 40. фЬ2 We2! 41. &h3 Wh5=) We2 (38... Wf5 39. <£>g2) 39. Af4 Wh5 40. &g2 We2 41. <£gl+-[ 36. Ш Ф17 37. ЛЬ7 [37. £>e4 Wh5 38. <£g2 Eb3 39. Wf6 (39. Wa7 Л8Ь7 40. £>d6 Феб 41. W Wd5-+; 39. Wg7 фе6П+) фе8П 40. Se6 &d8 41. ®d6 фс8 42. We6 ФЬ7 43. ®ЬЗ фа8+| ЛЬ7 38. £ie4 ®h5?© [38... te7 39. Wg7 (39. £ig5!? A 39... Wg5 40. tg7 Феб 41. Wb7 Wh6? 42. <£g2±; 41... te7^) фебП 40. Wd4 fic7 41. f4^; 38... tf8 39. We5^ Wh6 40. &g2 Hd7 41. £>g5 &f8 42. Wh8 фе7 43. We5 £>d8 44. Aie6=; 38... Wc7 39. £>g5^[ 39. <£gl [39. &>g2? Ш5 40. Wg7 Феб 41. Wb7?? Wb7-+[ Wd5 40. ®g7 Феб 41. Wb7! Wb7 42. Ac5 Ф15 142... Фd5 43. W £>c6 44. Фg2+-l 43. 5jb7± Фg5 44. Ac5 фбб 45. £>еб ©сб 46. &g2 g5 47. f4 g4 [47... gf4 48. gf4 Фg6 49. e4 ФГ6 50. £>c5±[ 48. f5! фЬ5 49. e4 £>e5 50. ФГ2 £if7 51. ФеЗ £>e5 52. £>f8 [52... ФИ6 53. ФГ4+-; 52... h6 53. £>e6+-| 1:0 S. Sulskis, McNab 19. A 42 B. ESEN 2575 - GAGUNASHVILI 2578 Turkiye 2012 1. d4 d6 2. &f3 g6 3. g3 Ag7 4. Ag2 £>d7 5. c4 e5 6. £>c3 Ae7 7. 0-0 0-0 8. e4 ed4 9. ^d4^c6 10.£>de2 aS 11. Sbl [11. АеЗ — 111/191 £}c5 12. ЬЗ Ле8 [12... h5!? 13. h4 Ag4 14. Ag5 Wd7 15. £>d5 Ae2 16. We2 Eae8 17. £>f6 Af6 18. Af6 We6oo[ 13. АеЗ Ag4 [13... £>e5 14. Wd2 (14. h3) a4 15. Sfdloo] 14. f3 Аеб N [14... Ad7[ 15. Wd2 f5?! [15... a4 16. b4 £>d7 17. £>d5 £>ce5 18. Ebel сб 19. £>d4!? cd5 20. cd5 Ag4 21. f4 Ec8 22. fe5 £>e5oo[ 16. £id5 [ 16. £>f4 fe4 17. fe4Tl Sd7 [16... ^e5 17. £>ec3 fe4 18. fe4 a4!?[ 17. ef5 [17. £>ef4[ Af5 18. Sbdl Wf7 19. £>ec3 ±d3 [19... £>b4 20. W (20. £>e4 W15 21. cd5 b6) ab4 21. &d5 J.c3 22. &c3 ЬсЗ 23. Wc3 Ha2= 24. Hf2 Sa3[ 20. Hf2 ±f5 [20... W 21. £>b4 ab4 22. £>d5 ^.сЗ 23. Wcl Ea2 24. ^.c5 Sal 25. Wai ±al 26. ^.Ь4 сб 27. Sd3 cd5 28. Sd5=[ 21. £>e4 £}e6 22. g4! J.e4 23. fe4 Wd7 24. g5! &ed8 [24... £>e5 25. We2[ 25. Sdfl [25. c5! 26. cd6 ^d6 27. ^.f4±J £>e5 26. We2 [26. ±b6! £ie6 (26... cb6 27. W) 27. ±a5[ £>dc6 27. h4 [27. c5[ Sf8 [27... £>b4! 28. £>f6 J.f6 29. gf6 Hf8 30. a3 £ibd3 31. f7 Фg7 32. Sf6tl 28. h5 [28. Sf8 Sf8 29. Sf8 Ф18 30. Wfl Фg8 31. J.h3 Wd8 32. Аеб ФЬ8 33. Wh3 W 34. h5 сб 35. hg6 £>g6 36. £>b4 ab4 37. Af5±l Sf2 29. Sf2 gh5 [29... Se8[ 30. Wh5 Wg4 31. Wh3! Ш8 32. Sf8 Ф18 33. £>c7± Фg8 34. Wg4 £>g4 35. Ab6 £>ge5 [35... Ad4 36. Ad4 £id4 37. £ie8 <2ie2 38. ФЛ &cl 39. £>d6 b6 40. *53c8±l 36. £>e8 [36. £ib5 Af8 37. Ah3±[ 37. АеЗ [37. £>g7 Фg7 38. Ah3±[ Ad4! 38. Ф12 [38. Ad4 £>d4 39. e5 de5 40. Ab7 £lg5 41. c5±] Ф18= 39. £rf6 &g5 40. Ad4 £>d4 41. e5 de5 42. Ab7 Фе7 43. £}g4 фd6 44. c5 1/2 : 1/2 Gagunashvili 20. !N A 42 KI. GEORGIEV 2680 - NORWOOD 2494 La Massana 2012 1. d4 g6 2. c4 Ag7 3. e4 d6 4. £>c3 e5 5. £if3 ed4 6. £id4 ^e7 7. АеЗ £>bc6 8. h4 f5 9. h5 147
fe4 10. hg6 hg6 11. Hh8 Ah8 12. £e4 d5 13. £c6 113. £g5 Ad4 14. Ad4 dc4 15. Ac5 ®dl 16. Sdl b6 17. Ae3=; 13. cd5 Wd5 14. £c3 (14. £c6 Wdl 15. Sdl £c6 16. Sd2±) Wa5 15. Ab5 Ad7 16. a3 £e5 17. Ad7 £d7 18. Wg4 Ad4 19. Wd4 0-0-0 20. 0-0-0 £>f5=I bc6 14. Ad4 Ag4! 15. Wg4 [15. ^f6!? Af6 16. Wg4 Ad4 17. Wd4 £f5 18. Wd2 We7 19. Ae2 0-0-0 20. 0-0-0 Wc5 21. Afl±l Ad4 16. cd5 16... cd5! N [16... Ab2 — 101/381 17. £d6 117. Ab5 сб 18. We6 (18. Ac6 £c6 19. Wg6 Ф18 20. Wc6 de4 21. Sdl Sb8 22. Wh6 <£>g8 23. We6 &f8=) Wa5 19. &dl de4 20. Ac6 Ф18 21. Aa8 Wh5 22. <£d2 Wa5 23. <£dl Wh5 24. ^d2=l Wd6 18. Wd4 £f5! 19. Wa4 [19. Wh8 Фе7 20. Wa8 Wb4 21. &dl Wb2 22. Scl Wd4 23. фс2 Wc5 24. <£>dl Wd4 25. Ad3 Wd3 26. фе1 We4 27. фП £g3 28. fg3 Wd3 29. Фе1 We3 30. <^dl=| Ф17 20.0-0-0 Wc5 21. ФЫ Sb8 [21... Wf2!? 22. Ad3 Sb8 23. Wd7 £e7 24. ЬЗ We3 25. Wc7 Sc8 26. Wa5=[ 22. Wd7 [22. Wf4! Wc3 (22... Sb4 23. Wf3 Феб 24. аЗ Sb6 25. Ad3±)23. Well! Wcl 24. Scl Феб25. Sc7 Sh8 26. Фс2 Shi 27. Ad3 Sh2 28. фdl Sg2 29. фе2 a5 (29... £d4 30. ФА Sh2) 30. Sa7 фе5 31. Sa5 Sh2+[ Ф16 23. Wd5 W12 24. ЬЗ Wf4 25. Ac4 We5 26. Wf3 Фg5 27. Sd5 Wf4 28. We2 сб 29. g3 Wg3 30. Sd3 Wg4 31. Wd2 Wf4 32. Wg2 Wg4 33. Wc6 Sh8 34. Sd2 Sh3 [34... Wgl 35. ФЬ2 Sh2 36. Sh2 Wh2=[ 35. фЬ2 [35. Wc7 We4 36. ФЬ2 We3] Sg3 36. фаЗ Wf4 37. Wd5 Wc7 38. Фа4 We7 39. Se2 Se3 40. Sg2 Ф16 41. Wc6 Wd6 42. Wc8 We7 43. Wa6 Wd6 44. Wc8 We7 45. Wh8 Wg7 46. Wg7 £g7 [S 9/i[ 47. Фа5 g5 48. фаб Se7 49. a4 £f5 50. Sf2 Фе5 51. Se2 фd4 52. Sd2 [52. Se7 £e7 53. Фа7 Фс5 54. Ae2 £c6 55. Фа8 ФЬ4 56. Adi £а5 57. фЬ8 £ЬЗ 58. АЬЗ g4=[ фсЗ 53. Sd5 £еЗ 54. Sg5 £с4 55. Ьс4 фс4 56. Sb5 Sh7 57. Sb8 Фс5 58. Sbl Sg7 59. a5 Феб 60. Sb8 Sh7 61. Sd8 Sg7 62. Sc8 Sc7 63. Sh8 Sg7 64. Sh6 Фс5 65. Shi Sg6 66. фа7 Sg7 67. фаб Sg6 68. Фа7 Sg7 69. фаб Sg6 70. ФЬ7 Sg7 71. Фс8 ФЬ5 72. Sh5 фаб 73. Sf5 Sh7 74. Sd5 Sg7 75. Sd7 Sd7 76. Фd7 Фа5 1/2 : 1/2 Ki. Georgiev 21.** !N A 45 BUKAVSHIN 2487 - DM. KOKAREV 2616 Samara 2012 1. d4 £f6 2. Ag5 £e4 3. Af4 c5 4. f3 Wa5 5. c3 £f6 6. d5 еб 7. e4 ed5 8. e5 [8. ed5 d6 9. Wd2 (9. - 56/(69)) ±e7 10. c4 Wd8 11. ^c3 0-0 12. g4 &e8 N (12... Se8) 13. 0-0-0 аб 14. h4 b5 15. ФЫ (15. cb5 ab5 16. £b5 £>c7^) &d7 16. g5 W 17. cb5 ^c7oo Vai. Popov 2546 - V. Nedilko 2392, Plovdiv 20121 &h5 9. Ael Wd8 10. АеЗ 10... d4! N [10... We7] 11. cd4 cd4 12. Ad4 [12. Wd4 £c6 13. Wd2 a) 13... Wh4 al) 14. Af2 Wf4 15. £c3 We5 (15... Wd2 16. фё2 £e5 17. £ib5+) 16. £ge2 £f6 17. 0-0-055; a2) 14. Wf2 Wf2 15. ф(2 £e5 16. £c3 £f6 17. £h3 Ae7 18. £f4^; b) 13... Ab4 14. £c3 £e5 15. g4 £f6 16. g5 £h5 Ы) 17. аЗ?! АеЗ 18. Wc3 (B. Bogosavljevil 2541 - G. Arsovic 2409, Tivat 2011) d6 19. f4 (19. 0-0-0? Af5-+) £g4 20. £e2 (20. Ad2 Wb6+) 0-0+; b2) 17. f4 £c6 18. Ae2 (18. 148
0-0-0 d5 19. Ae2 - 18. Ae2) d5! (18... g6!?) 19. 0-0-0 g6 20. Ah5 gh5 21. £>ge2 O-OooJ <Sc6 13. <Йе2?! [13. &c3 d6 14. Ab5 Ae6 15. £}ge2 de5 16. Ae5oo[ d6+ 14. ed6 Ad6 15. А12?! [15. abc31 0-0 16. £>bc3 #e7+ 17. Wd5 Ab4 18. £>b4 &b4-+ 19. a3 Sd8 119... £>f4 20. ab4 #b4 21. <ЙсЗ (21. Wd2 &13) Se8—H 20. #d8 Wd8 21. ab4 Ae6 22. £c3 We7 23. Ae2 Wb4 24. 0-0 Wb2 25. Efcl Sc8 26. Sabi #d2 27. Ael Wg5 28. h4 ©f4 29. Af2 h6 0:1 G. Arsovic 22 V. V. VOROTNIKOV 2446 - SHANKLAND 2581 Biel (open) 2012 1. d4 &f6 2. W g6 3. £>bd2!? c5 [3... d5; 3... Ag7 - 95/50] 4. e3 Ag7 5. c3 Wc7 6. Ad3 0-0 7.0-0 d5 8. £>e5 [8. We2 Ш7 9. e4 de4 10. £>e4 cd4 11. £>d4 a6=| £rfd7 9.14 Йе5 N [9... f5] 10. de5!? 110. fe5 £>c6 11. &fi=[ £3c6 11. Ag4!? 111... Sd8 12. tel a6 13. Wh4—►[ 12. h3 AB 13. WB Sad8! [13... Sfd8 14. Ad2 #b6 15. Sabi f6 16. ef6![ 14. Ad2 #b6 15. Sabi [15. ЬЗ f6 16. ef6 Af6s?l f6 16. ef6 Sf6! 17. #e2 [17. c4? £>e5| e5 18. c4 ef4 [ 18... e4 19. Ac2 #a6 (19... &d4? 20. ed4 cd4 21. Aa4? d3 22. #f2 dc4!?; 22... d4oo; 21. Ab3!+-) 20. Sfdloo) 19. cd5 fe3 20. Sf6? [20. Ae3! £>d4 21. Ad4 gfl+; 21. Wd2=] Af6! [20... ed2 21. #e6 &h8 22. dc6 c4 23. ФИ2 cd3 24. #e7 Af6 25. Wf6=| 21. Ae3 21... Se8!T 22. #12 Se3 23. #f6 c4 24. ФЫ! [24. фЬ2? cd3 25. dc6 (25. Sfl #c7 26. ФЫ #e7 27. dc6 #f6 28. Sf6 d2 29. Sd6 Sei—+) bc6! 26. Sfl Wc7 27. ФЫ Se8[ cd3 25. dc6?! [25. Sf 1! Wd8 26. #f7 ФЬ8 27. dc6 bc6 28. Wa7 Se2+I Wc6 26. Wd8 We8 27. We8 Se8 28. Sdl Sd8!!-+ [28... Se2? 29. Sd3 Sb2 30. Sd7T; 28... Se3 29. фё1 h5 30. ф£2 Se2 31. ФВ Sb2 32. Sd3 Sa2 33. Sd8 ФИ7 34. Sd7 ФИ6 35. Sb7T[ 29. <£gl ФП 30. ФГ2 ф!6 31. ФеЗ Фg5! 32. Sd3 [32. g3 h5| Sd3 33. Фd3 Ф14-+ 34. фе2 Фg3 35. ФП Ь5 36. аЗ а5 37. фgl [37. Ь4 аЬ4 38. аЬ4 Ф14 39. фе2 фе4-+[ а4 38. ФП g5 39. фgl Ь5! [39... Ь6 40. ФП ФЬ2 41. фй h5 42. фП=[ 40. ФП ФИ2 41. Ф12 g4 42. h4 фЫ! 0 : 1 Shankland 23. А 50 BUHMANN 2571 - В. LALlt 2495 Pardubice 2012 1. £>В £>f6 2. c4 b6 3. g3 Ab7 4. Ag2 g6 5. 0-0 Ag7 6. d4 0-0 7. d5 £ia6 8. £>c3 £ic5 9. £>d4 [9. Af4 - 110/321 e5! 10. £>c2 [10. ЙЬЗ| a5 11. Sbl N [11. e4 c6 12. Sei cd5 13. cd5 Aa6=[ d6 12. Ag5 h6 13. Ad2 Ac8 14. e4 Ad7oo 15. ФЫ?! h5!T 16. ЬЗ #e8 [16... h4!? 17. Ag5 h3 18. Af3 #e8oo[ 17. £>a3 £>h7 [17... h4!?^ 18. £iab5 (18. gh4!? £>h5 19. Af3 £if4 20. h5 f5oo) #c8 19. gh4 Ab5 20. cb5 £ih5 21. AB ^>f4 22. h5+[ 18. £iab5 Wd8 19. a3 f5±? 20. ef5!? Af5 21. b4! £>d7 22. £>e4 [22. Ae4 ab4 23. ab4 Ae4 24. £>e4 &df6 25. #c2 £>e4 26. We4 Sf5=] ab4 23. ab4 £idf6 24. В Wd7 [24... h4!? 25. фgl #d7 26. We2 <£ie4 27. fe4 Ag4=| 25. £>bc3 25... SH? [25... h4! 26. gh4 (26. g4? &e4 27. <2ie4 Ae4 28. fe4 Sfl 29. Afl £if6+; 26. 149
&gl <Йе4 27. fe4 Ag4 28. ®c2 hg3 29. hg3 2>f6=) 26. Sal Saf8 27. We2 Ah3 28. АеЗ Wf5 29. Wc2 £>e4 30. fte4 ФИ8?! [30... Ag2 31. <^>g2 g5 32. h3 £>f6 33. g4±] 31. We2 Af6 32. Ah3 [32. Ab6!? cb6 33. £>d6 Ag2 34. <^>g2 Wd7 35. £>f7 Sf7 36. Sa6±l Wh3 33. Wg2 Wc8 [33... Wd7 34. Sa7±[ 34. c5 bc5 35. bc5 dc5 36. Ac5 Ae7 [36... Sd8 37. d6[ 37. Wb2 Wf5 38. d6© cd6 39. £>d6 Ad6 40. Ad6 Se8 41. Sael &g8 42. Ae5!? [42. Se5 Se5 43. We5 ®e5 44. Ae5 Sd7 45. f4 ФП+1 £>f8 43. f4 £>d7 44. Ad4 Se4! [44... ®d5 45. Wg2[ 45. <£>gl h4! 46. A12 £>f6? [46... g5! 47. Se4 ®e4 48. Sei Wg6 49. Se8 &f8=[ 47. Sdl Se8 48. Sfel Sei 49. Sei hg3 50. hg3 £>e4? 51. Ш8 Sf8?? [51... ФЬ7 52. Ad4 ^f6 53. Se2 g5±[ 52. Wb3 Sf7 53. Ad4 g5 [53... £if6 54. Se7 £>d7 55. Se6 £>f8 56. Se8 Wd7 57. Sf8 Ф18 58. Wb8 We8 59. Ac5 Se7 60. We8 Фе8 61. Ae7 Фе7 62. Ф12 Феб 63. ФВ g5 (63... ФА6 64. фе4 феб 65. g4 фd6 66. Фd4 Феб 67. Фс5+-) 64. fg5 ФГ5 65. g6! Фg6 (65... фЬб 66. ф£4! Фg6 67. Фg4+-) 66. Фg4+—[ 54. Wb8 Sf8 [54... фЬ7 55. Wh8 Фg6 56. Wg8 ФЬ5 57. Se4+-[ 55. ®Ь7 &f6 56. Se5! 1:0 B. Lalic 24.* A 57 C. WICHMANN 2361 - M. PAP 2501 Bad Worishofen 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. Wc2 bc4 5. e4 e6 6. £>c3 [6. Ac4 - 112/361 ed5 [6... Ae7[ 7. e5 £>g4 [7... d4 8. ef6 d5 9. W5 Wd5 10. Wc4 N (10. Ac4) Аеб 11. Wd5 Ad5 12. £>h3 (Barna ZuRiga 2438 - M. Pap 2496, San Sebastian 2011) gf6+l 8. £>d5 £}e5 N [8... Ab7| 9. £rf3 [9. We4!?] Ad6 [9... £>d3 10. Ad3 cd3 11. Wd3±; 9... £>f3 10. gf3 Ad6 11. Sgl 0-0 12. Ah6 Se8 13. Ae2 g6 14. 0-0-0 £>c6 15. Ac4 £>d4 16. Sd4 cd4 17. £>c7 ФЬ8 18. £>e8 We8oo; 9... £>bc6 10. We4 Ad6 11. £>e5 £>e5 12. f4 0-0 13. fe5 Se8 14. Af4 Ae5 15. Ae5 Wg5 16. Ae2 Se5 17. £if6 Wf6 18. Wa8 Se2 19. Фе2 Wb2 20. ФеЗ Wd4 21. ФВ Wd3 22. фg4 Wg6 23. ФВ=[ 10. £ie5 Ae5 11. f4 [11. We4 0-0+1 Ad4D 12. We4 Ф18 13. Ac4? [13. АеЗ £>c6 14. Ac45s[ £}c6? [13... Aa6 14. Aa6 £ia6 15. АеЗ ®a5 16. Ad2 Wa4 17. ®e7 Фg8 18. We2 d6 19. ЬЗ We8+1 14. АеЗ Ab7?! [14... АеЗ? 15. We3 (15. &e3 Wh4 16. g3 We7) Wa5 16. Ф12 Sb8 17. Shel±; 14... Sb8 15. 0-0 d6oo[ 15. 0-0 [15. 0-0-0 Sb8 16. Shel h5oo[ ®e8 16. ШЗ We6 17. Af2? [17. Sael Wd6±? 18. Ad4cd4(18... £>d4 19. Wh5±) 19. We2(19. Wh5 £>a5 20. Se7 Wg6 21. Wg6 hg6 22. Sd7 £>c4 23. Sb7 Sh5M h5 20. ЬЗ Sh6 21. f5 f6oo] £>e7?! [17... £>a5 18. Ad4 (18. Sael £>c4 19. Se6 de6 20. Ad4 cd4 21. We4 Ad5 22. Wd4 фg8 23. ЬЗ W 24. Scl h5 25. Sc7 Sh6 26. a4 Sg6 27. g3 h4?) £>c4 19. Ag7 (19. Ac5 d6-+) Фg7 20. Wc3 f6 21. Sael Ad5 22. Se6 de6 23. f5 e5 24. Sdl Sad8 25. Sd5 Sd5 26. Wc4 Sdl 27. Ф12 Sd2 28. ФВ Shd8+118. Ad4 cd4 19. Sael? [19. f5Q Wd6 20. f6 £>d5 (20... gf6 21. Wf6 Wf6 22. £>f6 d5 23. Ad3± £>g6 24. Sael) 21. fg7 Фg7 22. Wf7 ФИ6 23. Sf5 Wg6 24. Ad5 Wf7 25. Af7 Sac8 26. Safi Shf8 27. S5f4 d3M Ad5-+ 20. Wa3 Ac4 21. Se6 fe6 22. Scl Ad5! [22... Ab5 23. f5 ef5 24. Sc5±] 23. f5 [23. Sc7 Ac6 24. Sa7 ФП-+1 ef5 24. g4 Ф17 25. Wd3 Shc8 26. Sei Аеб 27. ^d4 [27. h3 Фg8 28. Wd4 fg4 29. hg4 Sc4-+[ Sc4 0:1 M. Pap 25. A 57 ROB. MARKUS 2625 - DA. MILANOVlt 2520 Srbija (ch) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cb5 a6 5. e3 g6 6. £ic3 Ag7 7. a4 0-0 8. Sa3 Ab7 9. £>h3!? d6I? N [9... e6 - 48/(99)1 10. £>f4 £>bd7 11. 150
е4 £}е5 12. Ае2 аЬ5 13. Ab5 Wa5 ИЗ... 2)е8!? 14. 0-0 <^с7 15. Ае2 Аабоо] 14. 0-0 Ааб!? 15. Ааб [15. Wc2 gfb8 16. Ad2 £jfd7oc] Лаб [15... Wa6 16. £>Ь5 gfc8 17. Фс2 £)fd7oo[ 16. £>d3 [16. ЛЬЗ!? Hfa8 17. Фс2[ &d3 [16... £>c4!? 17. ЛЬЗ ЛЬ6 18. f3 (18. ЛЬ5 ЛЬ5 19. £>Ь5 £>b6M ЛЬЗ 19. Wb3 Ш 20. Ag5 Ла8 21. Wc2 c4 22. £if2 e6=| 17. Wd3 ЛЬ8 18. £>b5 Wb4!? 19. &d4 Ла4!? [19... ЛЬа8 20. £>c6 We4 21. We4 £e4 22. gel ^f6 23. £>e7 &f8 24. Af4 £>h5 25. Ael £f6 (25... Ла4 26. Ла4 Ла4 27. <Йс8 Лаб 28. g4 £jf6 29. Af4 £ie8 30. ЬЗ Ad4 31. Ah6 Ag7 32. Af4=) 26. Af4=[ 20. ЛЬЗ 20... Wb3! 21. ab3 c4 22. We2 cb3 23. e5?I [23. f3 Ла2 24. АеЗ £>d7 (24... Лс8 25. ЛЫ Sc2 26. Wd3 ЛсЬ2 27. ЛЬ2 ЛЬ2 28. Ael Sc2 29. АаЗ £>d7 30. Wb3 Ad4 31. ФЫ Sf2 32. Wdl±) 25. ЛЫ Ae5o5[ Ле4 24. Фаб Ле5 25. Wa7 Ле8 26. Wb7 Sd5 27. ФЬЗ Ла5!? 28. Wc4 Лс5 29. Wa4 ЛЬ8 30. Фа71? [30. Ь4 ЛсЬ5 31. Ad2 ^е4 32. Ael <йсЗ 33. Wa7 Л5Ь7 34. Wa3 £>d5 35. Ad2 <ЙЬ4 36. ЛЫ Ad4!+I ЛЬс8 31. АеЗ Л5с7 32. Wa5 еб [32... £>g4 33. Ь4 £>еЗ 34. fe3 Ah6 35. Wb6 ЛеЗ 36. Ле1 Ag5! 37. £f2 Sb3T] 33. Af4 [33. b41? £>d5 34. b5 £ie3 35. fe3 d5 36. Wa6 ЛЬ8 37. ЛЫ Af8^1 Леб 34. Wa3 [34. Ь4 £id5 35. Ь5 АеЗ 36. Wa3 АЬ4 37. Wai ЛЬ6 38. Ah6 2>сЗ 39. ЛЫ Sb5+[ Af8 35. Ь4 £>d5 36. Ag3!? ЛЬ6 37. 13 ЛсЬ8+ 38. ЛГ2 ЛЬЗ 39. Wa6 ЛЗЬб© [39... ЛЬ2 40. ЛЬ2 ЛЬ2 41. Wa8 ЛЬ6+[ 40. ФаЗ ЛЬЗ 41. Wa2 £>еЗ!? 42. Лd2 £>f5 43. Af2 d5 44. Лс2 ЛЗЬ4 [44... Ag7 45. Аа7 (45. Лс8 Лс8 46. Wb3 Лс1 47. ФЬ2 Ае5 48. g3 ЛЫ+) ЛЬ2 46. Ab8 Ad4 47. ФЫ Ла2 48. Ла2 £>Ь4 49. Ла4 Af6+] 45. Ael Л4Ь7 46. g4I? £>еЗ [46... ^d4!? 47. ЛС Ah6! 48. g5 Af8+[ 47. Ле2 £>c4 48. АсЗП Ac5 [48... Ag7!? 49. h5 W 50. Ag7 £>g7 51. Wai d4[ 49. ФЬ2 Ла71? 50. Wbl Ad6?! [50... d4! 51. Ael ЛаЬ7 52.b4(52. Wc2 Ad6 53. Ag3 ^e5!-+) Ab4 53. Ag3 Лс8?[ 51. &g2 ЛЬа8© 52. ЬЗ ЛЬ7? [52... £>a5 53. h5!±[ 53. Wdl £)b6?? [53... ЛаЗП 54. bc4 ЛеЗ 55. cd5 e5 56. Wa4±[ 54. Wd4+- e5 55. Ле5 Ла2 56. ФА Ae5 57. We5 £>f8 58. Ab4 &g8 59. We8 <£g7 60. Wf8 &6 61. Wd6 1 :0 Da. Milanovic 26.** !N A 59 HI. NAKAMURA 2778 - BOLOGAN 2732 Biel 2012 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cb5 аб 5. ba6 g6 6. £>c3 Aa6 7. e4 Afl 8. ФП d6 9. £>13 Ag7 10. g3 0-0 11. &g2 £)bd7 [11... £>a6 12. We2 Wb6 13. Ag5 (13. Лdl - 38/90) h6 N (13... ЛЯ>8) 14. Af6 Af6 15. e5 de5 16. £>e5 Wb7 17. Лadl еб 18. ЛИе1 £ib4 19. Wf3 Ae5 20. Ле5 £id5 21. b3+ J. Hammer 2638 — Ar. Kogan 2587, La Massana 20121 12. a4 [12. h3 - 110/37] Wb6 13. We2 ЛА)8 14. Ad2 [14. W £ie8 15. Ag5 Wd8 16. ЛаЗ N (16. ЛЬЫ) 2>b6 (16... h6) 17. ЬЗ Wd7 18. Ла2 a) 18... f6?! 19. Ael f5 20. ef5 Wf5 (20... gf5 21. fidl £if6 22. We6 We6 23. de6 24. &h4+- M. Carlsen 2837 - Bologan 2732, Biel 2012) 21. Лdl±; b) 18... h6 19. Ael ^c7±[ ^е815.ЛЬЫ £>c7 16. £idl! N [16. ЛаЗ[ Wa6 17. Wa6 Лаб 18. a5 f5 19. ef5 £>d5 [19... gf5 20. £>h4 (20. £>e3 f4 21. gf4 £rf6 22. £>c4±) f4 21. Af4 151
£id5 22. ±d2±I 20. fg6 hg6 21. Ла4 £>b4 22. -ЙеЗ ЛЬ5 23. Ь3± e6 24. ±Ь4 ЛЬ4 [24... cb4 25. £>c2 ЛЬа5 26. ЛЬ4±[ 25. ЛЬ4 cb4 26. Scl £>c5 [26... Ac3 27. £>dl Af6 28. Лс4 Ла5 29. ЛЬ4±; 26... Ла5 27. Лс7 2>c5 28. £ic4±I 27. Лс4 Ac3 28. £>dl £>b3 29. £>c3 bc3 30. ЛсЗ± £>c5 [30... £>a5? 31. ЛаЗ Ла7 32. £>g5+-1 31. ЛаЗ e5 32. ftd2 d5 33. £113 £id7 34. £>el!+- £>b8 35. ЛЬЗ &с6 36. ЛЬ6 ЛЬ6 37. ab6 ФП 38. Ь7 феб 39. h4 фd6 40. g4 е4 41. h5 gh5 42. gh5 Фс7 43. h6 £>e5 44. h7 £>П 45. фgЗ ФЬ7 46. £>c2 фсб 47. Ф14 Фd6 48. ФГ5 Фе7 49. Фg6 Ф18 50. ФГ6 £>h8 51. &d4 фе8 52. фg7 Фе7 53. ФИ8 Ф18 54. £ie2 ФП 55. £ic3 d4 56. £>е4 d3 57. ftd2 ф!8 58. £>f3 1:0 G. Arsovic 27.* A 59 R. LEITAO 2623 - LE6N HOYOS 2579 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cb5 a6 5. ba6 g6 6. £>c3 ±a6 7. e4 ±fl 8. ФП d6 9. g3 J.g7 10. Фg2 0-0 11. £>f3 £}bd7 12. a4 Паб 13. Wc2 Wa8 14. ЛаЗ! еб [^ 14... Лс8] 15. de6 fe6 16. Eel N [16. £>b5[ £ig4? [16... d5 17. ed5 ed5 18. £ib5±; RR 18... Wb7 19. Фgl £>e4 20. ±f4 c4 (20... Eaf6 21. Ле2 c4 22. &d2 £>dc5 23. £>c4± Urkedal 2473 - Hambleton 2244, Athens 2012) 21. b4 (21. Ле4!?) £>df6 22. £>d2 £>d2 23. Wd2 £>e4 24. Wc2+; 16... c4 17. £>b5±[ 17. £>b5 ®b7 [17... Wc6? 18. Wc4 Ле8 19. £>c7+-[ 18. M4 [18. ®c4?! d5 19. ed5 £>ge5 20. £>e5 ed5!+; 18. ^c7!? Wc7 19. ®c4 Wa5! (19... Wa7 20. We6 ФИ8 21. Wg4 Ла4 22. JJ4+-; 19... ЛЬ6 20. We6 ФЬ8 21. ®g4 «&Ь2 22. a5 ЛЬ4 23. J.b2 ЛЬ2 24. a6+-) 20. We6 ФИ8 21. Ad2 (21. Wg4 £>e5) Wb6 22. Wg4 Wb2 23. ЛееЗ±[ d5?! [18... £>ge5 19. Ae5 £je5 20. £>e5 ±e5 21. Hd3±] 19. ed5 ed5 20. ±d6 [20. h3 £»gf6 21. Ле7±1 Лс8 21. Ле7! [21. We2 £>f8±] ±f8 22. Ш21+- Ae7 23. We7 £>gf6 24. £>g5 d4 25. Л13 Ле8 [25... ФИ8 26. ^.e5+-; 25... Sf8 26. £>e6 Wf3 (26... Ш7 27. WH) 27. ФВ ^)d5 28. 5if8 29. £>d7+-] 26. Wf7 ФЙ8 27. Даа8 28. £ice6 [28. Ae7+-| Леб [28... Hg8 29. ®h7! W 30. £>П#| 29. £>e6 Hg8 30. ^)C5 [30. Ae7! Wf3 31. ФП £ie5 32. Фg2 33. i.f6+-[ Wc6 31. ^d7 £>d7 32. Wd7 Wd7 33. Ae5 Wg7 34. ^.g7 Фg7 35. b4 Hd8 36. ФП Лс8 37. a5 Лс1 38. Фе2 ЛЬ1 39. ЛаЗ 1:0 R. Leitao 28.* А 77 В. LALIC 2495 - SAVITSKIY 2367 Pardubice 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. ^c3 £g7 4. e4 d6 5. 2>f3 0-0 6. i.e2 c5 7. d5 e6 8. 0-0 ed5 9. cd5 Ле8 10. £>d2 a6 11. a4 &bd7 12. Wc2 ЛЬ8 13. a5 [13. ЛаЗ - 76/741 Ь5?! [13... We7 14. Ле1; 14. ЛаЗ[ 14. ab6 £>Ь6 15. £1ЬЗ [15. ЛаЗ?! ^fd5! 16. ed5 «&сЗ+[ We7 N [RR 15... £>h5 N 16. g4 Wh4 17. gh5 ±h3 18. J.e3 £>c4 19. ФЫ ±e5 20. ±c4 Ag2 21. Фg2 Wh2 22. ФВ Wh5 23. Фg2 Wg4 24. ФЫ ШЗ 25. фgl Wh2# 0 : 1 Yanayt 2270 - Clawitter 2118, Monterey Park 2012; 152
15... с4; 15... На8; 15... Wc7!?[ 16. <Йа5 Ad7 17. JLG Нес8 18. &с6 [18. g3!±l Асб 19. dc6 We5! 20. g3 g5 [20... Hc6 21. Af4 We6 22. e5±] 21. Наб Hc6 22. Hdl± h6 23. Ag2 c4 24. We2 £>fd7 25. АеЗ &c5 26. Ha5 Hcc8 27. h4!- gh4 28. Af4 Wf6 29. Ad6 £>bd7 129... £>b3 30. e5 (30. Hf5?! £>d4!) Wg5 31. gh4! Wh4 32. Ha7 £>d4 33. We4+-; 29... £d3 30. e5 Wg5 31. gh4 Wh4 32. Hb5 £>f4 33. We4+-1 30. Ab8? |30. e5! We6 31. Ad5 Wg6 32. Ab8 Hb8 33. Ac4 hg3 34. f4 ®f5 35. еб! fe6 36. Hd7+-J Hb8 31. Ah3 131. e5!? We5 32. ®e5 Ae5 33. Асб! Hb2 34. £>a4! £>a4 35. Hd7 £>b6 36. Hd8[ hg3! 32. Ad7 £>d3?!© [32... Wh4!? 33. WfB Wh2 34. ФА &d7 35. Wg3 Whl 36. Фе2 Hb2 37. феЗ Wdl 38. £idl Hb3 39. Фе2 Hg3 40. fg3 ^h7| 33. Af5? 133. Hdal! gf2 34. ФП Wh4 35. Wh5 Wg3 36. £>e2+-[ gf2 34. ФП Wh4 Ь 34... &Ь2 35. Hcl £d3 36. НЫ He8 37. £d5 Wh4 38. Wf3 ФЬ8!^ 39. Hab5 Ae5[ 35. Wf3 ФЬ8?! [35... W 36. Hcl £>d3±l 36. e5! £ie5 37. We4+- Wg3 38. Ha8 £>d3 39. Hb8 Wb8 40. Wh4 1 : 0 B. Lalic 29. A 89 SKEMBRIS 2463 - V. V. VOROTNIKOV 2440 Basel 2012 1. d4 d6 2. £rf3 f5 3. g3 £>f6 4. Ag2 g6 5. 0-0 Ag7 6. c4 0-0 7. £>c3 £>c6 8. d5 £>e5 9. Wb3 h6 [9... £>fd7 10. АеЗ £>g4 11. Ad4 Ad4 12. £>d4 £>c5 13. Wc2 a5 14. b3±; 9... £if3 - 87/461 10. c5I? N [10. £id4] фЬ8 ПО...&ГЗ 11. Af3±A 11... dc5 12. Ae3[ 11. cd6 [11. £>e5 de5 12. Hdl e4 13. Af4? £>h5 14. АеЗ ФИ7[ £if3 [11... cd6 12. &e5 de5 13. Hdl±] 12. ef3!+ ed6 [12... cd6 13. Hel £id7 14. АеЗ b6 15. Hadi £ic5 16. Wc2 a5 17. £>e2 ФЬ7 18. £id4±[ 13. f4 &d7 14. АеЗ a5 15. Had b6 16. Hfdl £ic5 17. Wc2 Ad7 18. ЬЗ Wf6!? 19. £>e2 [ 19. Ad4 Wf7M Wb2! 20. £>d4 Wc2 21. Hc2t Hab8 22. a3 Hfc8 23. Hbl [Xb4; 23. Ь4? Aa4+[ Ь5?! [23... фЬ7 24. Ь4 Aa4! (24... ab4 25. ab4±) 25. НсЗ аЬ4 26. аЬ4 &е4 27. НаЗ Ad7 28. Нс 1 ±| 24. Ь4± аЬ4 25. аЬ4 £>а4 [25... £>е4 26. Hbcl НЬ7 27. ФЬЗ ^f6 28. &а5+-1 26. Hbcl НЬ7 27. £>е6? [27. £>ЬЗ!± А 27... £>Ь2 28. £>а5 НЬЬ8 29. Нс7 ^d3 30. Hd7-+ £>cl (30... Hcl 31. Ael £>cl 32. Hd6+-) 31. Hd6 ФИ7 32. £>c6 Ha8 33. Afl Hal 34. Фg2+- Rybkal Af6!± 28. h4 [28. Hc7? Hbc7 29. Hc7 Ae6~+] £>b2 29. Ad4 Ad4 30. £>d4 £ic4 31. Afl Hcb8 32. Hel© [32. Ac4! bc4 33. Hc4 Hb4 34. Hc7± H4b7 (34... Hd4 35. Hd7 Hd5 36. Hcc7+-) 35. Фg2± h5 (35... Фg7 36. W!!+- A 36... He7 37. Hc7 Hb5 38. Hd7 ФГ6 39. Hd6 ФП 40. h5) 36. фЯ±[ He8 33. Hce2 Hbb8 34. He7 £>b6 35. Ag2 h5 36. He8 He8 37. Hcl Hc8 38. Hal Фg7 39. Ha7 ФГ6 40. ФП Фе7 41. фе1 Фd8 42. Фd2 Ha8= 43. Ha8 £ia8 44. £>ЬЗ £>Ь6 45. £>а5 ftc8 46. ФсЗ *53е7= 47. Фd4 фс8 48. Af3 1/2 : 1/2 Skembris 153
30 В 01 A. MUZYCHUK 2583 - N. BOJKOVIC 2395 Gazianfep 2012 1. е4 d5 2. ed5 ®d5 3. £>c3 Wd6 4. d4 5. 2rf3 g6 6. Ac4 ±g7 7. h3 0-0 8.0-0 a6 9. a4 Aic6 19... c5 - 110/(51)1 10. ЬЗ 41e8 11. Jla3 ®d8 12. Hel £id6 13. Ad5 ±d7 14. &e5 14... £>f5?! |14... £>e5 15. de5 сб! 16. ^.f3 (16. ed6 e6 17. Ac6 Ac65s) &f5=J 15. A.c6 Ac6 16. d5± 116. £>c6 Ьсб 17. £>e2 He8^ A e51 Ad7 17. Wf3 N 117. Wd2[ a5 [RR 17... £>d4 18. Wd3 £if5 19. Hadl±; 17... £>d6!? A 18. Hadi £f5 19. Hd2 Hb8j 18. Hadi £>d6 19. Hd2 £>f5 [RR 19... i.f5!?l 20. £>bl .&e8 [RR 20... <5}d6!? A 21. c4 ^.f5[ 21. c4 f6 22. £id3 b6 IRR 22... ±h6 23. Hddl b6 24. £>f4 Af4 25. Wf4 £f7 26. £>c3 He8 27. W £id6 28. £>d4[ 23. £>f4 ±f7 24. Hddl ±h6 25. ^.еб 26. Неб He8 27. £ic3 A.f8 28. £lb5 ®d7 29. g4 £>d6 [RR 29... £ig7 30. Hc6 Hac8 31. Ael A J.f4[ 30. Ad6 cd6 31. Hdel Hac8 32. <£g2 Ag7 33. We3 ФП 34. ®b6 Ш8 35. £)d6 ed6 36. He8 1:0 Hviakov 31. В 01 A. VOVK 2549 - TIVIAKOV 2656 Altenkirchen 2012 1. e4 d5 2. ed5 Wd5 3. £ic3 Wd6 4. d4 £)f6 5. *5313 g6 6. Ac4 kgl 7. 0-0 0-0 8. h3 a6 18... Af5] 9. a4 &c6 [9... Hd8; 9... Wb4| 10. ЬЗ |10. Ag5 W 11. Wd2 £f5 12. Af4 Ш8 13. JLb3 c5 14. Hadi a) 14... Wc8?! 15. We2 c4 (15... £>h5 16. i.g5±) 16. £c4 Ac2 17. Hcl Ш5 18. ±h2 ^.h6 (18... Hac8 19. £>e5 e6 20. Hfel±) 19. Hc2 £>c2 (19... ®c2 20. We7+-) 20. Ad3 £id4 21. &d4 Wc5±; b) 14... cd4 15. £>d4 Ad7 16. Hfel±; c) 14... c4 15. J.c4 Ac2 16. Hcl Hc8 17. ЬЗ J.f5 18. d5 b5 19. ab5 ab5=] £ie8 [10... £>b4!?; 10... Hd8!? 11. Aa3 Wf4 12. £>e2 Wf5 13. £d3!?; 10... JLf5!?[ 11. Aa3 [11. £>e4; 11. ^.еЗ] Wd8 [11... Wd7!? 12. Hel £>d6 13. Ad5 ^f5 14. ^.c5 (14. g4!?) b6 15. £a3 Hb8; 15... ^.b7| 12. Hel [12. ±d5[ £>d6 13. ±d5 [13. £fl?! £>f5=[ ±d7 14. Wd3! [14. Wd2; 14.^.c6[ e6 [14... a5!? 15. £c6 £c6 16. £>e5 J.d7 (16... He8?! 17. £>c6 bc6 18. Hadl±; 16... J.e8!?) a) 17. ШЗ сб; 17... i.e6; b) 17. £>d7 Wd7 18. Hadl+1 15. ^.сб £c6 16. £>e5 J.e8 N [16... Wg5 17. ^ic6 bc6 18. &e4±; 16... Wh4] 17. Hadi [17. £>e4 (A £id6) a5!? (A Наб) (17... b5 18. ab5 ab5±) 18. Hadl±] b5 [17... Wh4 18. £>e4 Hd8 19. £id6 cd6 20. £>c4 £c6 21. £>d6 Hd7 22. c3 Hfd8 23. £>c4±; 19. c3!?±] 18. ab5 [18. a5!? f6 (18... Hb8 19. ±b4 f6 20. ^)g4 £f7 21. ®f3 He8±) 19. £>g4 J.f7!?; 19... ±d7+; 18. d5 Wf6±; 18. Wf3 A 18... ba4 19. &a4 £a4 20. ba4±| ab5 19. J.b4 [19. ^.c5 f6 (19... Ha6±) 20. £rf3 J.d7+[ Наб?! [19... f6 20. £>f3 (20. £lg4 J.d7) ^.d7 21. Aie4 (21. ^.d6 cd6 22. £>b5 Wb653) £>e4 22. Af8 (22. We4 He8±) 2>f2 23. &f2 J.f8 24. Hal Hc8±[ 20. d5 [20. 154
£ie4 Wa8 21. c3±] Wh4! [20... ®c8!?| 21. Лс5 Wf4 [21... Wh5!?[ 22. £>f3 [22. &g4 e5±[ e5 [22... i.d7 23. <2}d4 &d4 24. ±d4±; 22... Wf5!?[ 23. £>e2! [23. g3? Wh6 24. <£>g2 ±d7 (24... f6=) 25. g4 f6=; 23. Se3!?[ Ш5 [23... ®f6 24. £>g3 Wf4 25. ЛеЗ ®b4 26. ^.d2 ®c5 27. <йе5 Sa2±; 25. Wc3!+-1 24. Wf5 gf5 25. Sal! gain 26. Sal f6O [26... i.d7 27. Sa7[ 27. Sa7 Sm 28. Sa8 Sf8 29. Sa7 [29. Id6 cd6 30. Sd8 Ag6 31. Sd6 f4±] Sf7 30. <&h4© £>e4?!@ [30... f4?I 31. Sa8! (31. £>c3 lf8 32. Sa8 £d7 33. ±d6 cd6 34. Sb8 f5 35. £>b5 ЛЬ5 36. Sb5 e4±) Sf8 32. Sa6 f5 (32... J.d7 33. ±d6 cd6 34. Sd6 Sf7 35. Sb6 lf8 36. d6+—) 33. ^.d6 cd6 34. Sd6 b4 35. Sb6 ЛЬ5 36. f3 Sd8 37. £>f5 Л18 38. d6 lg6 39. £>e7 Ле7 40. de7 Sdl 41. ф!2 ФП 42. Sb4 фе7±; 30... Л£8 31. £d6 cd6 32. Sa8 Ad7+] 31.Sa8 [31. ЛаЗ b4! (31... c5!? 32. Sa8 Sf8 33. f3 b4 34. fe4 ba3 35. Sa3 fe4 36. £>g3 e3 37. ФН+-) 32. ЛЬ4 c5 33. Sf7 (33. Sa8 Sf8 34. Ла5 ЛЬ5 35. Ef8 ЛГС 36. c4 J.d7±) ЛП 34. ЛаЗ Лd5 35. f3 2>g5 36. Лс5 f4±[ &c5 32. Se8 Л18 33. £>f5 1^ 33. b4 £>a4 (33... £>e4 34. &f5 Sd7 35. Sb8 ФП 36. Sb5+-) 34. £>f5 Sd7 35. Sb8 £>b6 36. d6 £>a4 37. dc7 Sc7 38. £>еЗ Ф17 39. Sb5 ЛЬ6 40. f4 ЛГ4 41. £>f4 ef4 42. £>d5 Sc2 43. £if4+-[ Ed7 34. £>e3 [34. Ь4 фП 35. Sb8 (35. Sf8 Ф18 36. bc5 Ed5 37. £>e3 Sc5±) £>a6 36. Eb5 £>b4 37. c4 c6 38. dc6 Ш±1 b4 35. £>g3 [35. Sb8 £>a6 (35... £>e4 36. f3 £>c3 37. £>c3 bc3 38. Ф12+-) 36. Sb5 &f7 37. g4+-J Ф17 36. Sc8 [36. Sb8 ЛЬ6 (36... £>a6 37. Sb5+-) 37. £gf5 ЛеЗ 38. £>еЗ £>a6 39. Sh8 Фg6 40. g4+—] £>Ь7 [36... ЛЬ6 37. £ief5 (37. £>gf5 ЛеЗ 38. £>еЗ £>e4 39. Sb8 £>c3 40. Sb4 £>d5 41. £>d5 Sd5+-; 37. ФА+-) ЛГС 38. ФА Sd5 39. Ec7+-[ 37. Sb8 [37. £ie4+-[ &d8 38. £igf5 1^ 38. £>e4 Ле7 (38... сб 39. dc6 £>c6 40. Eb6 Sc7 41. £>d5 Sc8 42. ftdf6+-) 39. Sc8 £>b7 40. Sh8 Фg7 41. Sb8 £>d8 42. ^f5 ФП 43. Sc8+-1 c6 39. d6 [39. dc6 £ic6 40. Sb6 Sc7 41. £>d5 Sc8 42. g4±[ Лd6 [39... £>b7 40. £>c4 феб 41. Sf8 Ф15 42. g4 Фg6 43. Sg8 ФП 44. Sc8 ^d6 45. Sc6 £ic4 46. Sc4±[ 40. &d6 Sd6 [S 9/hl 41. Sb4 £>e6 [41... c5!?; 41... фе6!?[ 42. Sb7 [42. Sb6!?l Фg6 [A f51 43. b4 [43. g4 h5; 43. Sb6!?[ £>d4 [43... Sd2!? 44. Sb6 £>d4 45. c3 £>e2 46. ФА £>c3 47. Sc6 £>b5±l 44. ФП [44. g4 h5! (44... f5 45. 2tf5 £>f5 46. gf5 ФГ5 47. Sh7 Sd4 48. Sc7 Sb4 49. Sc6+-) 45. gh5 (45. c4 hg4 46. hg4 f5±) ФИ5 46. c4 f5±; 44. c4 f5! 45. b5 f4 46. £>g4 e4 47. b6 c5 48. Sb8 Фg7 49. e3 50. fe3 fe3±[ 44... f5! 45. Sb6?! [45. c3 £ib5 46. c4 £>d4 a) 47. b5 f4 48. £>g4 cb5 49. cb5 (49. ФГ5 50. ^3f7 Sa6 51. g4 fg3 52. cb5 Sf6 53. Ь6 Фе4=) Sd5+; b) 47. Se7! e4 (47... f4 48. £>g4+-) 48. g4+-] ФГ6! 46. c3 £>b5 47. c4?! [47. g4! fg4 (47... f4 48. £>f5 Se6 49. c4+-) 48. c4 &d4 49. hg4+-[ £>d4 48. b5 [48. c5 Se6 49. £ic4 f4 50. Sb7 фg6 51. Sb8 Se7 (51... e4 52. Sg8 ФИ5 53. Sg4 £ic2 54. Sf4 £>b4 55. Фе2+-) 52. &d6 Sa7 53. g4 fg3 54. fg3 Sa3 55. £>c4 Sal 56. Ф12 ф£5±; 54... ФГ6+; 48. Sb8!±[ феб 49. Ьсб [49. c5 Sd7 50. bc6 Sc7+; 49. Sb8 cb5 50. cb5 f4 51. £ic4 Sd5 52. Se8 Фd7 53. Se5 Sb5 54. Sb5 <2}b5±[ Sc6 50. Sc6 £>c6 [&Л 2/f] 51. фе2 e4 52. f4 [52. фd2 a) 52... 155
£>е5 53. ФеЗ f4 54. Aid5 f3 55. £>d4 (55. gf3 ^f3+) fg2 56. £tf4 &d6 57. Aig2 £>d3 58. h4 ^f2 59. £>f4±; 58. £>h4; b) 52... фе5 53. ФсЗ f4 54. Aid5 h6 (54... £>d8±) 55. g3 fg3 56. fg3 £id4 57. £if4 ^f5 58. £>e2+] ef3 53. Ф13 2/d; 53. gf3 Фе5±[ фе5 54. £>c2 [54. Aid5 £>a5 55. £>b6 £>b3 56. <£g3 (56. £>d7 Феб 57. £>f8 Фе5 58. W £>d2 59. Фе2 £>c4 60. g3±) £>d2 57. ФЬ4 &e4 58. ФЬ5 ФГ4 59. &d5 фgЗ 60. £>e3 f4 61. £>d5 f3 62. gf3 ФП±1 £>a5 [54... f4!? 55. £>el (55. Фg4 фе4+) ФГ5 56. £>d3 £>d4 57. Ф12 £>e6 58. c5 Фе4 59. Фе2 h6 60. Фd2 фd5 61. h4±J 55. c5 [55. <ШЗ W 56. Фg3 £>c5 57. ФБ4+1 £>c6 56. g3 [56. ФgЗ £id8 57. ФИ4 £>e6 58. сб Фd6 59. фЬ5 фсб 60. ФЬ6 Фd5 61. ФЬ7 £>f4 62. £>el Фе5 63. h4 (63. Фg7 £ih3 64. gh3 ФГ4=) фГб+l £>d8! 57. £>Ь4 Aie6 58. сб [58. £id3 Фd4 59. фе2 Фе4=[ фd6= 59. h4 фс5 60. c7 £>c7 61. Ф14 ФЬ4 62. ФГ5 Фс5 63. g4 фd6 64. Af6 -Ad5 65. Фg7 £>e3 66. g5 £>f5 67. Ф117 ^h4 1/2 : 1/2 Tiviakov 32. В 06 KOTRONIAS 2595 - SKEMBRIS 2460 Greece 2012 1. e4 сб 2. d4 g6 3. £ic3 i.g7 4. Jlc4 d5 [4... b5 5. ±d3 (5. Ab3 - 17/174) ±d4 6. £>f3wl 5. ed5 b5 [5... cd5? 6. £>d5 (6. Ad5 еб 7. £f3 Wd4 8. Wd4 JLd4 9. £>ge2 £e5 10. £f4 Aid7 11. £ib5 Фе7 12. 0-0-0±) £e6 (6... еб 7. We2!± A 7... Ad4 8. Af4+~) 7. Wf3 £>c6 (7... ±d4 8. £>e2± A 8... ±g7 9. £f4+-) 8. c3 W 9. $\е!2 0-0 10. £>e3 Ac4 11. £>c4 £>f5 12. 0—0±[ 6. Jib3 b4 7. £ice2 [7. dc6 bc3!? A 8. Wf3 еб 9. c7 Wc7 10. Wa8 i.d4 11. We4 e5 12. J.a4 (12. Ebl ±Ь7Т) Ф18 13. £e2 £b7 14. Wh4 cb2oo| cd5 8. Ad2 [8. a3 - 57/(164)1 a5 [8... ^f6!? a) 9. &f3!? £>c6 10. аЗ ЬаЗ 11. ЕаЗ 0-0 12. 0-0 £>e4±?; b) 9. Aa4 Ad7 10. i.d7 Wd7 11. ±b4 &c6 12. Jlc3 (12. ±d2 Wg4 13. 2>f4 Eb8T) £ie4 13. £>f3 ЕЬ8бЗ; c) 9. J.b4 0-065 10. a4 £>c6tl 9. аЗ ЬаЗ 10. ЕаЗ <Йс6 11. £if3 [11. ±a4 J.d7^[ еб!? [11... £rf6 12. £>e5!?T (12. Aa4 J.d7M *53e5 13. de5 £>g4 14. £c3! J.b7 (14... Ae5 15. Wd5 Wd5 16. Ad5 Eb8 17. Jlb3±) 15. £if4 £>e5 16. £d5 ±d5 17. Wd5±| 12. ^.a4!? [12. 0-0 <^ge7±=| Ad7 [12... £>ge7!? A 13. £>e5 ±e5 (13... £d7) 14.de5 0-0 15.0—0Eb8 16. ^.h6Eb2(16... Ee8 17. ±g5 ±d7 18. ^.сб ±c6 19. £}d4±) 17. JLf8 Wf8 18. Wai Sb4^l 13. i.c6 [13. 0—0 £}ge7co KotroniasI JLc6 14. Wai [14. £>e5 15. Wai 0-0!?oo 16. ±a5 Wd6 17. £id3 Hfb8T] a4±? [14... -53e7!? A 15. Ha5 0-0 16. Wa3 ^f5^[ 15. ±b4 N [15. 0-0 £>e7 16. J.b4 0-0^(16...^f5 17. Edl Wb8 18. Ac5t) 17. £>e5 ^.b5; 15. £}e5^1 £}e7 [15... Wb8!? A 16. J.c5 £>f6f 17. 2>e5 £b5 18. £>c3 *53e4^[ 16. £>e5 Wb8 [16... ±b5!?1 A 17. £>c3 Wb8 18. ^.e7 Фе7 19. f4 Ec8T[ 17. Ae7 [17. &d3 ±b5t; 17. &c6!? £ic6 18. J.c5 Wb5 19. ^c3 Wb7^ 20. Wdl!? (20. Ea4 Ea4 21. Wa4 Фd7 22. фd2 Ea8 23. Wb5 Wb5 24. £>b5 Eb8 25. £>c3 ±d4 26. £d4 £>d4 27. фdЗ £>c6T) Wb2 21. 0-0=1 Ae5 18. de5 фе7Т 19. ЕеЗ [19. Ef3 d4 20. Wa3 Фе8 21. Ed3 We5 22. Ed4 ^.g2+[ 19... a3 [19... Wb4! 20. c3 Wc5 21. £>d4 (21. 0-0 ±b5 22. Edl Ae2 23. Ee2 Ehb8 24. Wcl a3 25. ЬаЗ ЕаЗ 26. Wg5 ф(8+) a3t 22. ЬаЗ (22. £>c6 Wc6 23. ЬаЗ Wc4+) Wa3 23. £>c6 фd7 24. Wbl Wai 25. 0-0 Wbl 26. Ebl фс6Т120. ЬаЗ Wb4 21. Wc3! [21. ЕеЗ Ehc8 22. 0-0 We4^| Wc3 [21... Wbl 22. Фd2±] 22. Ec3 Ehb8 23. Фd2 Eb6 24. £id4+ £d7 25. Eal [25. f4T Ea4 26. феЗ f6 27. Eal g5 28. g3±[ Ea4 26. ФеЗ g5 27. h4! h6 28. hg5 hg5 29. Ehl!? [29. g3 f6 30. f4 gf4 31. gf4 Eba6^[ Eba6 30. Eh5 ЕаЗ 31. Eb3 g4 32. Eg5 f5 33. Eg7 [33. ef6? ФГ6+ A 34. Eg4 e5-+[ Фd8 34. f3 gf3= 35. gf3 E6a4 36. Фd3 Фе8 37. Eg8 фе7 38. Egb8 156
Sa7 39. ФеЗ П3а4 40. сЗ ПаЗ 41. ф« ИЬЗ 42. НЬЗ [Н 9/i] На8 [42... Hal!? А 43. НЬ7 Scl 44. <йс6 фе8 45. НЬ8 ФП 46. НЬ7 Фе8=| 43. НЬ7 Нс8 44. 1&2 Нс5 45. Фg5 Sc8 46. Да7 Hg8 47. Ф116 Нс8 [47... Hg2 48. £>f4 Hgl 49. £>g6 ф<18 50. Ha8 Фс7 51. &g7±| 48. ф§7 Нс4 49. НЬ7 Нс5 50. НЬ8 1с8 51. Да8 Нс7 52. На4!? J.d7?© [52... фе8 53. ФГ6 ФГ8! Д 54. Hh4 Hf7 55. Фg5 Hg7 56. ФГ4 Фg8 57. Hh6 ФГ7 58. £>d4 J.d7=[ 53. Hh4+ Ab5? [53... JLe8 54. Hh6±[ 54. £>d4± J.d7? [54... ±e8±] 55. Hh7 Hc3 56. ф§6 фd8 57. &f6+- Фс8 [57... f4 58. £>e6 фс8 59. £>g5[ 58. Hh8 [58. Фе7[ фЬ7 59. фе7 Ac8 60. «Ь5 Нсб 61. ftd6 ФЬ8 62. Hd8 Нс7 63. Ф16 Нсб [63... f4 64. Фg5 НсЗ 65. ф£4[ 64. 2)с8 Нс8 65. Hd6 НсЗ 66. феб НС 67. Фd7 f4 68. еб НеЗ 69. е7 f3 70. e8W Не8 71. фе8 f2 72. Hf6 Фс7 73. Фе7 d4 74. НС Феб 75. Феб Фс5 76. Фе5 Фс4 77. Hf4 1:0 Skembris 33.* IN В 06 G. GOUMAS 2402 - SKEMBRIS 2460 Greece 2012 1. e4 g6 2. d4 сб 3. £ic3 Ag7 4. Ac4 d5 5. ed5 b5 6. ±b3 b4 7. £>a4 cd5 8. £>f3 [8. £>c5 2rf6!? (8... еб 9. £tf3 £>e7 10. 0-0 0-0 11. аЗ ЬаЗ 12. НаЗ £>d7 13. £>d3±) 9. £>f3 0-0 10. 0-0 £>bd7 11. &d3 a5 (11... ±a6 12. a3 ЬаЗ 13. НаЗ ±Ь5 14. Hel еб 15. сЗ £>Ь6 16. ±с2 &е4 17. £if4 а5 18. h4 а4 19. £>g5 £>с4 20. Hal аЗ±^) 12. аЗ ЬаЗ 13. НаЗ ебоо; RR 8. аЗ ЬаЗ 9. НаЗ £>f6 10. £if3 0-0 11. 0-0 £>с6 12. £>е5 £ia5 13. ^.а2! N (13. £ic5) Лаб 14. Hel еб 15. £>c5 ЛЬ5 16. £g5 Wc7 17. Wd2 W 18. W Wb7 19. ЛЬ6 £ie4 20. Wcl Wb6 21. JLg7 Фg7± Yandemirov 2392 - Azaladze 2489, Alushta 20121 ftc6 N [8... J.g4; 8... £if6!? 9. a3 a5 10. 0-0 0-0 11. £>c5 ЬаЗ 12. НаЗ £>bd7oo[ 9. £>c5 £g4 10. Ла4+ Hc8 11. c3 [11. аЗ ЬаЗ 12. НаЗ ^f6 13. 0-0 (13. £>b7 Wb6t A 14. НЬЗ Wc7) 0-0±=; 11. c4 ф18!?±?1 Wb6?! [11... £>f6 12. Лсб (12. cb4 £>e4!?ix A 13. b5 £>d4 14. Ь6 ф!8~+) Нсб 13. Wa4 (13. cb4 Wb6 14. Wa4 Л13 15. gf3 0-0ot) ^.d7 14. Wb4 (14. &e5 Hc5 15. £>d7 Wd7 16. Wd7 Aid7 17. dc5 bc3=) £>e4 15. £>e4 de4 16. £ie5±; И... ЬсЗ!? 12. ЬсЗ 2>f6 13. h3 Л13 14. Wf3 0-0 15. 0-0 e5^| 12. h3! Л» 13. WT 14. £g5 ЬсЗ 15. ЬсЗ 0-0 16. £f6?! [16. 0-0 Ш5 (16... £>e4 17. ^e4 de4 18. ®e4 Wa5 19. d5!±) 17. ^.f6 (17. i.c6 Нсб) ±f6 18. Wd5 Hfd8 19. Wf3 £id4oc; 18. Hadltl £f6 17. 0-0 [17. £>d7 £>d4+ A 18. Wf6 Wb2 19. Wd4 Wai 20. J.dl Hc4 21. Wd3 He4 22. ФП Hc8-+; 17. ^.сб Wc6Tl 17... ^.d4!T 18. £id7! [18. ±c6 Wc5 19. cd4 Wc6+[ ^e5 19. Wd5 £id7 20. cd4 ^f6 (20... Hfd8!?f 21. Habl (21. J.d7 Wc7T) £>f6 22. Hb6 (22. We5 Wd4 23. We7 £>d5 24. Wa3 £ic3+) £id5 23. Hb7 a5 24. Ha7 £>c3 25. Ha5 Hd4 26. ^.ЬЗ £>e2 27. ФЬ2 £>cl 28. Ha7 e6+] 21. We5! Wb4 22. ^.ЬЗ Hfd8 23. Habl! Wd6 [23... Wd4 24. We7 Hd7 25. Wa3 (25. £f7 Фg7 26. We6 Hcc7-+) £>e4 26. Hbdl ^>d2t[ 24. Hfcl! £>e8 25. Wd6 ^d6 26. Hc5! -53e4?! [26... фГС!? 27. Hbcl Hb8T[ 27. Hc8 Hc8 28. Hel= 2>d2 29. He7 157
Scl 30. ФЬ2 £fl 31. <£>gl £d2 32. Ah2 £fl 1/2 : 1/2 Skembris 34.* В 06 DVIRNYY 2507 - ROIZ 2652 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 g6 2. d4 07 3. £c3 d6 4. Ag5 c6 5. Wd2 b5 6. f4 £d7 7. £f3 £b6 [7... b4 - 66/(79)] 8. Ad3 04 9. 0-0 [9. 0-0-0!? a) RR9... Sb8 10. e5 d5 11. Shfl N (11. f5) b4 12. £e2 £c4 13. 04 dc4 14. d5 c3 15. Wd4 ®a5 16. Wc4 c5 17. ФЫ cb2 18. £g3 £h6 19. £e4 £f5 20. d6 £e3 21. ®c5 Wc5 22. £c5 ed6 23. Sfel dc5 24. ЛеЗ 0-0 25. J.e7 Sfc8 26. h3 ±f3 1/2 : 1/2 Mil. Perunovic 2582 — K. Shanava 2586, Deizisau 2012; b) 9... £f6 10. h3 JLf3 11. gf3± tSJ, Ell 03 10. Sf3 04 11.ФЫС O? Ill... J.f6 12. 06 £f6 13. e5 £fd5 14. 05 cb5 15. £d5 £d5 16. Wd5 0-0 17. f5 de5 18. We5±] 12. Sei f6!? N [^ 12... Wc7 13. e5 de5 14. fe5 05 15. Ше25б[ 13. 04 £h6 14. £e2! [A £d4-e6| £17?! [14... e5!? 15. fe5 de5 16. ±f6 J.f6 17. Wh6 We7 18. Sefl Sf8 19. Wh3 <£d8 20. £cl Фс7 21. £b3 £d7=| 15. £d4 Wd7 16. We2 [16. f5!? g5 17. ±g3tl a6 116... 0-0 A 17. f5 £a4 18. c4! (18. £e6 £b2 19. £f8 Hf8oo) a6 19. £e6Tl 17. f5t £d8 [A c5; 17... c5 18. £e6 06 19. e5 £e5 20. Sh3 c4 21. 04 d5 22. J.f2 de4 23. 06 gf5 24. Wh5 £g6 25. Wf5+-[ 18. e5? [ 18. fg6! hg6 19. e5 de5 20. i.g6 £>f8 21. £f5 £d5 22. We4 £e6 23. £g7! &g7 (23... £g7 24. ±g3 &g8 25. 05 Sh6 26. 03 e5 27. Wd3±) 24. Wg4 Sh4 25. ®h4 £g5 26. 04 Sh8 27. Wg3±] de5 19. £b3 [19. fg6 Wd4 20. i.f2 (X£b6) Wg4 21. 05 (21. Об hg6+) ®c4 22. 03 Wg4=[ £a4! [Xc5; 19... gf5 20. £c5 Wd6 21. Sf5 Wc5 22. J.f2 Wb4 23. O6t[ 20. 04 [20. fg6 hg6 21. 06 £>f8 22. 03 Sh6 23. 04 £f7±^[ £f7! [A £d6] 21. c4 [21. £d4 Wd4 22. 06 &f8 23. 02 Wd8 24. 08 Wa8 25. ЬЗ £g5 26. Sg3 gf5 27. ba4 h5 (A h4-h3) 28. h4 £e4=[ £d6 22. Sdl ®c7 [22... Wc8? 23. Sd6! ed6 24. £a5 0-0 25. fg64 23. cb5 [23. fg6 £e4 (23... £b2 24. m>2 £e4 25. Wc2^) 24. We4 0-0 25. gh7 080 ab5 24. Scl?© [24. fg6 a) 24... hg6 25. J.g6 &f8 (25... 08 26. ±f2^) 26. 0356; b) 24... £b2 25. gh7! (25. Sd6 ®d6 26. O1 Sa2 27. gh7 &f8 28. O1 Sa4 29. Wb2 e4 30. Sh3 Wdl+) £dl 26. ±g6 £f7 27. WdlSs] £e4 25. We4 Wd7 [25... £b2 26. £c5 Wd6 27. fg6 £a4 28. J.f2 £c5 29. 05 ®d5+| 26. fg6 Wd5! 27. Wc2 hg6? [27... 016! 28. Sei ^c4! 29. «2 hg6 30. 06 ef6 31. Sf6 Bf8 32. Se5 <^>d7—-h] 28. Wg6 Wf7 29. We4 Wd5 30. Wg6 WH 31. We4 Wd5 32. Wg6 Wf7© [32... &f8 33. ^.f2! Sd8 34. ^.gl Wf7 35. We4i^[ 33. We4 1/2 : 1/2 Roiz 35.* В 07 M. PAP 2501 - ALEXANDER KOZLOV 2170 Bad Worishofen 2012 1. e4 [RR 1. d4 £f6 2. £f3 g6 3. g3 i.g7 4. J.g2 0-0 5. 0-0 d6 6. £c3 £bd7 7. e4 e5 8. h3 Se8 9. Sei c6 10. a4 a5 11.03 ed4 12. 04 Sb8 13. Wd2 N (13. Se2 - 58/144) a) 13... Ь5?! 14. ab5 cb5 15. £d5 a4! 16. Wb4 ib7 al) 17. £f6 06 18. Wb5 014! (18... Se4?? 19. 07!+- Sumets 2618 - D. Naroditsky 2486, Montreal 2012; 18... £c5 19. 05 dc5 20. Wa4 02 21. Sabi±) 19. £d4 £c5 20. Wc4 Sc8 21. Sad 1 Ш6 22. Wb4 O4+; a2) 17. £c3!? £c5!? (17... 08 18. £b5 £c5 19. e5 ±f3 20. 03 £fd7 21. ^.g2 £e5 22. Sedl! Wd7 23. c4 £ed3 24. Wc3 id4 25. £d4 £b2 26. Sd2 a3 27. Об Wh3 28. 08 Se8 29. Se2) 18. £h2 Se6 19. Sadi Wc8 20. £fl 08 21. f3 08 22. Wa5; b) 13... £e5!? 14. 05 de5 15. Wd8 Sd8 16. £e5 06! 17. Sadi Sdl 18. £dl £d7 158
19. £>d7 M7 20. f4 Ad4 21. ФЫ Ae6^ Sumets] d6 2. d4 £>f6 3. £}c3 e5 4. de5 de5 5. Wd8 <^>d8 6. Ag5 Феб 7. 0-0-0 Фе8?! [7... 21bd7 - 113/31] 8. £rf3!? Jld6 9. ФЬ5 N [9. Ш1 £>fd7D 10. ФеЗ f6 [10... аб 11. М2 f6 (11... £>c6 12. £>g5) 12. £>d2 £>c6 (12... b5 13. a4) 13. £>c4 фс5 14. £>d5 Hc8oo[ 11. M4 аб 12. £>d5 ФГ7 13. Ф64 g6 14. g3 Hc8 [14... Ф1с6=] 15. f4 Фс5 [15... ef4 16. gf4 &c5 17. M5 M5 18. f5 M5 19. Hd5 феЗ 20. ФЫ g5 21. £>g2 ФЬ6 22. h4+; 15... £>c5 16. fe5 fe5 17. M5 ±c5oo[ 16. id7 £>d7 17. фс5 £ic5 18. fe5 £>e4 [18... fe5 19. £>f3 4]e4 20. 2>e5 фё7 21. £>f4 He8 (21... ±f5 22. g4) 22. Ф>е6 Неб 23. Hd7 <£g8 24. &d3; 24. <2}g4±] 19. ^f6 £>f2? [19... £>f6! 20. ghfl Hf8 21. Hf6 фе7 22. Hdfl (22. Hf8 Hf8 23. ЬЗ g5 24. £>g2 Hf2 25. Hd2 Hd2 26. &d2 M5 27. £>еЗ Феб 28. £>c4 b5 29. £>a5 Фе5 30. c4oo) Hf6 23. Hf6 Hd8 24. Hf4 M5 25. c4 ihl 26. £if3 (26. Фс2 Феб 27. феЗ Sdl=; 26. Hfl M6=) ф(3 27. Hf3 Hd7 28. Фс2 фе6=[ 20. £ih7! фg8□ 21. £>g5 [21. 2if6 Фg7 22. £>f3 £>hl 23. £>g5 i.g8 24. Shl+I М5?! [21... He8 22. Hhel £>dl 23. Sdl M8=[ 22. h3?I [22. g4! £g4 23. Hd4 c5 24. Hf4 Ш 25. Hg4±[ &hl 23. Hhl фg7 24. Hdl?! [24. g4 ±d7 25. Hdl Феб (25... Hd8 26. b3±) 26. Hfl He8 27. Hf6 He5 28. Hg6 Ф18 29. Нсб! (29. 2>f5 Hd8M Hg5 30. Hc7 Hg7 31. Hc4 Hh7 32. £ig6 Фg7 33. £>f4±[ Ф116 124... He8 25. £>f5 gf5 26. Hd7 ФИ6 27. h4 ФИ5 28. e6±; 24... Hf8 25. g4 Фс8 26. £>hf3 b6 27. Hd3 He8 28. фd2 He7 29. ФеЗ фЬ7 30. ФГ4 Hf8 31. ФgЗ ФП 32. £d3±[ 25. 5jhf3± He8 26. Hd4 [26. g4 Феб (26... Фс8 27. Ф>е4 Феб 28. £>c5 фс8 29. £>d7 He7 30. £>f6 Феб 31. b3+) 27. Ф>е6 Неб 28. Hd7 g5 29. Hc7 Hf8 30. Hc3±[ Фg7 27. g4! [27. Hh4 Hh8 28. Hc4 Hac8 29. g4 ММ фс8 [27... Феб 28. £>еб Неб 29. Hd7 Фg8 30. Hc7 Sf8 31. Hc3±l 28. Фd2 [28. £>e4[ Де7 29. Hc4 [29. ФеЗ b6 30. h4 M7 31. Ф14 Hh8 32. Фg3 Hf8 33. Hd2 b5 34. Ь3±] Hb8?! [29... b5 30. Hc5 ±b7 31. £id4 Hd8 32. ФеЗ! Hd5 33. £>de6 Фg8 34. h4 Де8 (34... ±a8 35. Hd5 M5 36. £>f4 b4 37. фd4 J.a2 38. еб Де8 39. Фе5±) 35. b4 Hc5 36. £>c5 M6 37. фd4+; 29... b6[ 30. ФеЗ Ь5?! 31. Hc5 ДЬб 32. ^d4± [32. ФГ4±[ ф!8 33. Ф14 Фе8? [33... Фg7 34. еб ФГ61 34. еб+- [34. Ь4[ Hd6 [34... ф(8 35. Фе51 35. Фе5 М7 36. сЗ Дс8 37. Ф16 М7 38. Фg6 Hd5 39. Hd5 М5 40. *53f5! 1:0 М. Pap 36. IN В 11 Nl. DUKlt 2515 - A. IPATOV 2561 Sarajevo 2012 1. e4 сб 2. &c3 d5 3. £>f3 аб 4. d4 J.g4 5. М2 еб 6. 0-0 2>f6 7. e5 М3 8. М3 &fd7 9.^e2! N [9. Hell M7 [9... c5?! 10. c4 cd4 11. cd5 *23e5 12. £>d4 (12. de6?! ^f3 13. gf3 fe6 14. ^d4 ФП 15. £>e6 Wdl 16. £>g5 Фg6 17. Hdl М7 18. £>e6 £>c6 19. Hd7 ФГ6=) £>f3 13. Wf3 Wd5 14. Wd5 ed5 15. Hel M7 (15... фd7 16. He5±) 16. £if5 £>c6 17. M4!?±[ 10. ЬЗ?! [10. c4!? dc4 11. ЬЗ cb3 12. Wb3 £>b6 13. M4 ^8d7 14. a4 a5 15. Wg3 g6 16. M6^; 10. £rf4 0-0 11. M3+1 b5?![10... c5 11. c4 cd4 12. cd5 (12. 159
±f4 d3 13. ®d3 4dc6±=) ^e5 13. 2>d4 £>f3 14. ЩЗ Wd5 (14... 0-0?! 15. ±Ь2 ±f6 16. de6 ±d4 17. Hadi fe6 18. Hd4 ®d4 19. Щ8 &f8 20. ±d4±) 15. ®d5 ed5 16. Hel &d7 17. He5 Hd8=] 11. ±e3 111. c4!? bc4 12. bc4 dc4 (12... £>b6 13. c5 £>c4 14. £>f4±) 13. ®c2 £>b6 14. ±d2!?t[ £>b6 12. £>f4 £>8d7 [12... 0-0 13. ±e2 £>8d7 14. ±d3 g6 (14... c5? 15. Ш g6 16. £>g6hg6 17. ±g6 fg6 18. Wg6 ФИ8 19. Wh5 &g8 20. ±h6+-) 15. Wg44 13. ±g4! g6 [13... 0-0 14. ±e6! fe6 15. £ie6 Wc8 16. £>f8 £>f8 (16... Wf8 17. Wg4±) 17. Sd3 g6 18. h3 <2}e6 (18... Wf5 19. Ш5 gf5 20. g4+-; 18... h5 19. f4 Wf5 20. Wf5 gf5 21. g4!+-) 19. f4 c5 20. c3 c4 21. ®c2±; 13...^f8 14.£ih5±l 14. ЩЗ £>f8 [14... 0-0 15. Wh3±[ 15. Wh3 h5 16. ±e2 £ih7?! [16... Wc7 17.a4!?ba4 18.ba4c5 19. a5!? £>c4 20. ±c4 dc4 21. d5 We5 22. Wf3±l 17. £ig6! [17. 4dd3? £ig5 18. ±g5 ±g5 19. £>c5±l fg6 18. We6 2rf8 [18... ®d7 19. Wg6 £>d8 20. a4! (20. f4 Фс7 21. f5? Hag8^) ba4 21. f4 Фс7 22. Wd3+-[ 19. ®c6 ФГ7 20. f4! [20. ®c3?! £>e6 21. f4 £>g7 22. f5!±; 20. ±d3!?+-1 Hc8 21. Wb7 Hc2 22. ±d3 [22. Hf2? Wc7 23. Wc7 (23. ®a6? ®c3+) Hc7 24. f5 Фе8!ос| НсЗ 23. Hadi [23. f5!? gf5 (23... Hd3 24. f6+—; 23... ®c7 24. ®c7 Hc7 25. fg6 <^>g8 26. Hacl+—) 24. Hf5 £>g8 25. Hafl £ifd7 (25... Hd3 26. Hg5 ФИ7 27. Hf7 ФЬ6 28. He7+-) 26. H5f3 h4 (26... Hd3 27. Hg3 ФИ7 28. Hf7#) 27. ±f5+-1 £>c4 [23... £>e6 24. f5 gf5 25. Hf5 £>g8 26. ®a6+-| 24. bc4 [24. ±cl!?+-1 bc4 [24... dc4 25. f5+-1 25. f5 [25. ±g6!? £>g6 26. ±d2 Hd3 27. f5+-1 gf5 [25... Hd3 26. Hd3 cd3 27. f6+-; 25... cd3 26. f6+-1 26. Hf5 [26. ±f5 He3 27. ±e6 £>g6 28. ±d5+—1 £>g8 [26... Фе8 27. Hf8! (27. ±e2 He3 28. ±h5 Hh5 29. Hh5+-) <£f8 28. Hfl <£g7 (28... &g8 29. ®c6+-) 29. ±g5 cd3 (29... He8 30. Ш6+-) 30. ±e7 Wc7 31. ±f6 <ФЬ6 32. Wd5 d2 33. We6 Hc6 34. Wf5 Hg8 35. h4+—] 27. Hdfl! [27. ±g5?! Hd3 28. Hd3 cd3 29. ±e7 (29. We7 ®e7 30. ±e7 £ie6 31. Hf34~) Hh7 30. Hf8! (30. Hg5?! ФЬ8 31. ±d8 Hb7 32. ±f6 ФЬ7 33. Hh5 £>g6 34. Hg5 ФЬ7 35. £f2±) Wf8 31. Wd5 Wf7 32. Wa8 <^>g7 33. ^.f6 ФЬ6 34. We4+-| <йе6 [27... Hd3 28. Hg5! (28. Hf8 Wf8 29. Hf8 Ф18 30. £>f2+-) &h7 29. Hf7 ФЬ6 30. He7 (30. Hg8 He3 31. Wa6+-) He3 31. ®c6+-| 28. ®c6 ^g7 29. Wg6 cd3 30. ®f7 1 :0 Ni. Dukic В 11 V. BAGHDASARYAN 2409 - P. CARLSSON 2531 Albena 2012 1. e4 сб 2. £>c3 d5 3. £rf3 £g4 4. h3 ±13 5. gf3?! [5. Wf3 - 114/38] еб 6. d4 £>f6 7. Hgl [7. e5 £>fd7 8. f4 c5?| g6! N [7... £ibd7; 7... Wb6[ 8. ±g5 ±e7 9. Wd3 £>bd7 10. 0-0-0 10... -53h5! 11. h4 £>b6 [11... h6 12. ±e3 ±h4 13. ed5 cd5 14. Hg6! ±g5 15. £id5 (15. Неб fe6 16. Wg6 Ф18 17. ®h5 ±e3 18. fe3 ^rg5 19. Wh2 We3 20. фЫ^) fg6 16. Wg6 Ф18 17. Wh5 ed5 18. 14 ±f6 19. Wd5 Ш 20. Wb7 Wd7M 12. Hel [12. We3 h6 13. ±h6 ±h4 14. Hd2 We7 15. ФЫ 0-0-0TI ±g5 13. Hg5 [13. hg5 h6 (13... Wd6 14. We3 0-0-0 15. e5 Ш8 16. f4 h6) 14. gh6 ®d6 15. We3 0-0-0TI Wd6 14. ed5? [14. e5 We7?| 160
cd5 15. <ЙЬ5? 115. Wb5 £>f8 16. Wc5 Wc5 17. dc5 £>d7 18. b4 a5 19. a3 ab4 20. ab4 Sal 21. £>d2 Sei 22. <фе1 Фе7 23. Ab5 h6 24. Sgl 25. Фе2 d4; 15. We3 a6+l Wf416. ФЫ a6! 17. Sg4 Wh2 18. ФеЗ £>f6 [18... Ж2! 19. Wdl 0-0-0+; 19... 0-0+1 19. Sg5? [19. Sg2 Wh4 20. We3 0-0-0+I Wf2 20. Sdl £>c4! 21. <?+4 £>e4 22. fe4 ФеЗ 23. ed5 £>dl 24. de6??© [24. Wdl 0-0-0!-+! £ie3 25. ef7 Ф48 26. Wa3 £>g7 0 : 1 P. Carlsson 38 DU. POPOVlt 2579 - I. LABI В 2429 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Af5 4. c4 e6 5. £>c3 £e7 6. a3 [6. £>ge2 dc4 7. £>g3 Ad3 (7... 21d7 - 50/(150)) 8. Ad3 cd3 9. Wd3 £id7 10. f4 h5oo Д h4, ^f5] dc4 [6... £>d7 7. c5 b6 8. b4 a5 9. Ae3 f6 (9... ab4 - 95/58) 10. f4 ab4 11. ab4 Sal 12. Wai bc5 13. bc5 fe5 14. fe5 £>e5 15. de5 d4 16. £>b5oo] 7. Ac4 £>d7 8. £>ge2 Sc8?! N [8... £>b6 - 94/(60)1 9. 0-0 £>b6 10. Ab3 Aied5 11. <5ig3 Ag6 12. £>ce4±e713. h4 h5 [13... h6 14. h5 Ah7 15. Wg4±| 14. Ag5 f6?I [14... 0-0 15. Sel±[ 15. ef6 gf6 16. Ad2 £>d7 17. Sei £>f8 18. WO Ф47 [18... Af7 19. Sacl+- A Ad5[ 19. Ab4!+- Ae4 [19... £>b4 20. ab4 Ab4 21. &c5 Фс7 (21... Ac5 22. dc5) 22. Sa7[ 20. £>e4 f5 21. £>c3 Ab4 [21... &b4 22. ab4 Wb6 23. d5![ 22. ab4 Wh4 23. Ad5 cd5 24. £}d5! Sc6 25. Sa7 ed5 26. Wd5 Фс7 27. We5 1 : 0 Du. Popovic 39. В 12 A. MUZYCHUK 2606 - SUTOVSKY 2687 Amsterdam 2012 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Af5 4. h4 h6 5. g4 Ae4!? 6. f3 Ah7 7. e6 Wd6 8. ef7 Ф17 9. f4 [9. Ad3 - 61/124) £>f6 10. Ah3 c5 11. g5 N [11. £if3 2>c6 (11... cd4) 12. g5 hg5 13. hg5 13... Ac2! (13... 14. Ag4 - 11. g5) 14. Wc2 Sh3 15. Sh3 We6 16. £>e5 (16. We2 Wh3 17. gf6 ef685) £>e5 a) 17. Se3? 18. ФП (18. <£f2?? Wh3!-+) Wh3 19. Wg2 Wg2 20. ^>g2 ^d4 21. gf6 £ic2 22. Sc3 ^al; b) 17. de5 Wh3 18. ef6 Whl 19. <£d2 Wg2=[ hg5 12. hg5 £>e4 13. ^.c8?! [13. ^.g4! ^c6! 14. £>f3 ^.f5!? (14... <^g8 15. dc5 ^c5 16. £e3t) 15. Sh8 ±g4 16. £ie5 £>e5 17. de5 Adi 18. ed6 Ac2 19. de7 Фе7 20. £ic3+] £ic6! [13... cd4!? 14. £if3 £ic6 15. Ab7! Wb4 16. £>bd2 Wb7 17. g6 &g6 18. £>e4 de4 19. £g5 ФГ6! a) 20. <2ih7 Sh7 21. Sh7 Wb4 22. Ad2 Wb2 23. Sbl Wa2 24. Sb5 e3oo 25. Wg4 Wc2 (25... ed2 26. ^>d2 We6 27. Wg5 фП 28. Sf5 Фе8 161
29. Wg4 Wg8 30. Hf8 Ф18 31. Wh5) 26. Wg5 Феб 27. Wd5 ф1б=; b) 20. Hh7 Hh7 21. £h7 &g6 22. Wg4 ФЬ7 23. Wh3=; 22. £g5oo[ 14. Ab7 We6 [14... ^g3! 15. Hh7 (15. Hh3 We6 16. Ф12 ^.c2+) Hh7 (15... We6 16. Ф12 £e4 17. &g2 Hh7 18. ±a8 Hh4 19. £>c3 Hg4 20. ФА £sg3=) 16. Wg4 £d4 a) 17. Aa8 Hhl 18. Wg3 (18. Ф12 £df5+) Hgl 19. Wgl £f3 (19... We6 20. Ф12 We2=) 20. Ф12 £igl 21. <£gl c4!? 22. £c3 e6+; b) 17. Wg3 Hhl 18. Ф12 Hb8 19. Wg2 Hgl 20. i.d5 еб 21. £>gl Wd5!? 22. £c3 Wg2 23. <£g2 £ic2 24. Hbl £>g6+] 15. £se2 [15. Wh5 Ag6 16. Wh8 £>d4 17. Aa8 £>g3 18. Ф12 £e4 19. фА £>g3 20. ф!2=] Hb8 [15... ^d4!? 16. £d4 cd4 17. We2 Hb8 18. g6 Wg6 (18... Ag6 19. Hh8 Hb7oo) 19. Ad5 еб 20. JLe4 We4 21. We4 Ae4 22. Hh8 JLb4 23. c3 Hh8 24. cb4 Hhl 25. Фd2 Hh2=[ 16. Jtc6 Wc6 17.15 [17. £d2 Фg8 18. £ie4 JLe4 19. Hh8 ФЬ8 20. £g3oo| g6 [17... Фg8! 18. £f4! (18. g6? jlg6 19. Hh8 фЬ8 20. fg6 Wf6-+) Hb2 19. Wcl Hb6 (19... Wb6 20. g6 cd4 21. gh7 Hh7 22. Hh7 ФЬ7 23. £>d2) 20. g6 Ag6 21. Hh8 ФЬ8 22. fg6 Wf6 23. We3 Wh4 24. фdl £>f2 (24... cd4 25. Wgloo) 25. Фd2 £e4=[ 18. £114 J.g7 19. Hh7?! [19. Wf3! Wd7! (19... gf5? 20. Hh7; 19... £lg5? 20. Wg2; 19... Фg8 20. £c3) 20. Hh7 Wf5 21. Wh3 (21. Hh8 Hh8 22. £>d2 Hh2! 23. £>A Hf2 24. Wb3 Hf4 25. £14 Wf4 26. Wd5 Ф18 27. Wd8=) Wh3 22. Hh3 Hh3 23. £h3 Hh8 24. £112 £d4 25. £e4 Hhl 26. Фd2 de4 27. £a3 a) 27... Hh2 28. Фе1 Hhl 29. фе2 Hh2 30. ФА Hhl 31. фg2 Hgl 32. ФЬ2 e5 33. Hbl Hdl al) 34. сЗ e3 35. cd4 e2 36. £d2 (36. £c2 cd4!-+) Hd2 37. Hel ed4; a2) 34. ЬЗ Феб 35. фgЗ Hgl 36. фЬЗ Hhl 37. Фg2 Hgl 38. ФЬ2 Hdl 39. £e3!?; b) 27... e3 28. Фd3 e5 29. Hbl c4 30. Фс4 e2 31. £d2 Hdl 32. £el £e3 33. ФЬЗ £cl 34. £a5 £g5 35. c4 ±h4[ Hh7 20. fg6 Wg6 21. W13 [21. £g6? Hhl 22. фе2 Hdl 23. фdl Фg6 24. dc5 Hb2!+] 21... Hf8!! [21... Hhl 22. Whl Wg5 23. £e2 Wg4 24. £d2 We2 25. Фе2 £ig3 26. ФА £lhl 27. Фg2 cd4 28. £if3 e5 29. ФЫ e4 30. £el фе6±; 27. dc5±] 22. £d2! [22. £g6? Фg6 23. Wg2 £d4 24. £c3 Hf2+] Wg5 23. £e4 Wgl 24. фе2 Hh2 [24... de4 25. Wb3=; 24... фе8 25. £f2 £d4 26. £e3 Wai 27. Wg4![ 25. ^f2 фg8 [25... фе8 26. £e3 Wai 27. Wd5^ Hf2 28. Ф12 Hf6 a) 29. Wa8 ФП 30. Wd5 еб 31. Wb7 фg8 32. dc5 (32. фе2 Wa2 33. £ih5 Wc4 34. фd2 Hf7 35. Wa8 ФЬ7 36. £g7) Wdl 33. We4 Wg4 34. сб Hf7 35. c7 Hc7 36. We6 We6 37. £>e6 Hc2 (37... Hf7 38. Фе2 ±b2 39. c4) 38. ФГЗ; b) 29. Wc5 Wa2| 26. Wd5 Hf7 27. Wa8 Hf8 [27... £f8 28. Wf3 еб 29. ±e3 Hf2 30. Wf2 Wai 31. Wg2 Hg7 32. We4 Wa2 33. £>h565[ 28. Wd5 Hf7 29. Wa8 Hf8 30. Wd5 НП 31. Wa8 1/2 : 1/2 G. Kasparov 40. В 12 SEVERIUKHINA 2337 - M. ROMANKO 2420 Russia 2012 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Д15 4. £>d2 еб 5. £>b3 £>d7 6. £>f3 £>e7 7. £e2 £>c8 8.0-0 £e7 9. £>el [9. ke3 - 108/38, 1971 0-0 10. g4!? J.g6 11.14 f6 N [11... f5[ 12. f5 [12. ef6!?[ 13. £>d3 He8 [13... fe5!? A 14. de5 Wb6 15. ФЫ c5[ 14. ±e3 [14. £rf4!?[ £>cb6 15. £114 £118 [15... ±f8!? A 16. fe6 J.e6 17. ef6 £f6 18. £ie6 Неб 19. ±g5 £e7] 16. fe6 £e6 [16... ±e6! 17. ef6 (17. £e6 £ie6+) M6T1 17. £ie6 ^.еб 18. £c5 £c8 [18... ±c5 19. dc5 162
£id7 20. ef6 21. ^.g5+; 18... ±f7!?oo] 19. Wd2 fe5 20. de5 Ac5 [20... Wc7!?[ 21. ±c5 £>d7 22. Ad4 <^e5 [22... c5!?[ 23. Wf4 g5 [23... We7!? 24. £e5 g5 25. Wf2 We5 26. Wf7 ФЬ8 27. ±d3 We7 28. Wh5 £e6 29. Eael Wg7 30. Ef5 Ee7 31. Eg5 Wd4 32. ФЫ Wf6 33. Wh4 Eg7 34. Eg7 Wh4 35. Eh7 Wh7 36. J.h7 J.g4 37. Ee7 Ь6 A a5, Sf8-f6=] 24. Wg3^- £>g6 [24... jLd7!?l 25. iud3 £if4 [25... Wd7 26. Ag6 hg6 27. Eael Eel 28. Eel b6 29. h3 c5 30. We5! cd4 31. Wf6+-; 25... £>h4 26. J.h7! фЬ7 27. Ef7 ФЬ6 28. Ef6 (28. Eafl Ee6 29. Wd3 Eg6 30. £c5+-) ФЬ7 29. Eafl Ee7 30. Wd3 Ee4 31. Ef7 фЬ6 32. Elf6 £ig6 33. ®h3#[ 26. Ef4! [26. JLh7! ФЬ7 27. Ef4 gf4 - 26. gf4| gf4 27. ±h7! Ф67 [27... ФГ7 28. Wf4 Феб 29. Eel <£d7 30. £f5+-l 28. Wh3 &g8 [28... &g6 29. Wh5#l 29. Wh8 Ф17 30. Wg7 Феб 31.JLc5!! [31. Wh6 &d7 32. J.c5! Ee6 (32... Фс7?? 33. Wf4 &d7 34. Wd6#; 32... ®c7 33. Wg7 <^>d8 34. Wf6 &d7=) 33. Wh7 Ee7 34. Wf5 фе8 (34... фс7?? 35. Wf4 <£d7 36. ЕП+-) 35. Wg6=| Wh4 32. Wg6! [32. ФП Ee7! 33. £e7 Wh3=[ Фе5 [32... Фd7 33. Wd6#| 33. Ad6 [33... Фd4 34. Wd3#| 1 : 0 Sa. Velickovic 41 *** В 12 SERGEY KARJAKIN 2779 - A. GRISCHUK 2763 Astana (rapid) 2012 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 ±f5 4. £>f3 еб 5. ±e2 £>e7 6. 0-0 h6 7. ftbd2 Aid7 8. -ЙЬЗ Ag6 9. a4 <2315 10. a5 Ec8 N [10... аб - 114/(41)1 11. c4 [11. Ad2 Jte7 12. c4 0—0= Huschenbeth 2532 - Soors 2364, Athens 20121 ^.e7 12. cd5 [12. аб b6 13. cd5 cd5 14. £>el 0-0 15. Aid3 f6 16. 2>f4 Af7 17. ef6 £if6 18. £d3 £>e4oo T. Kosintseva 2530 — Charochkina 2353, Russia (ch) 20121 cd5 13. Ad3 0-0 14. g4 £>h4 15. £>h4 Jid3 [15... ±h4!? 16. ±g6 fg6 17. Wd3 g5= Sergey Karjakin 2779 — A. Grischuk 2763, Astana (blitz) 20121 16. Wd3 Ah4 17. ±d2 f5 117... f6 18. f4] 18. h3 We7 19. f4 аб 20. фЬ2 WH [20... ФЬ7!? A g6, Eg81 21. Ef3 Ec4 22. Egl Efc8? [22... ФЬ7 A 23. £c3 g6 24. <23d2 Ecc8!oo] 23. ±сЗ Ф118? [23... ФЬ7 A 24. £>d2 E4c6 25. -53fl g6 26. £>e3 £>f8 27. £>g2 J.d8M 24. 43d2 E4c6 25. <?ЗП g6 26. A>e3 ^3f8 27. A>g2 Ae7 28. Eg3 b5 29. ab6 Eb6 30. gf5! ef5 [30... Wf5 31. Ш5 ef5 (31... gf5 32. W+-) 32. £>e3 Ed8 33. £3f5+-1 31. <§3e3 Eb5? [31... We6 32. £>f5! gf5 33. Wf5 W 34. Wh5±; 31... M4 32. E3g2± A 32... W 33. Eal We6 34. Ea5 Ed8 35. Wfl! A Wf31 32. -53f5! gf5 33. Wf5 1 : 0 Cabrilo 163
** В 12 SERGEY KARJAKIN 2779 - D. FRIDMAN 2655 Dortmund 2012 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 ±f5 4. £f3 e6 5. Ae2 c5 6. Ae3 Wb6 7. £c3 £c6 8. 0-0 Wb2 9. Wei cd4 10. Ad4 £d4 11. £d4 ±b4 12. £db5 Да5 13. Ebl Wc2 14. Eb3 £e7 15. £d6 [15. £d4!? N Ac3 16. Ec3 We4 17. ±b5 Ф18 18. Wd2 We5 19. Efcl a) 19... аб?! 20. Ec7 (A. Tukhaev 2546 — E. Mirzoeva 2251, Samara 2012) g6 21. J.d7 Wf6 22. Hb7T; b) 19... h6 20. f4 (20. Ec7 £>c6 21. £c6 bc6 22. Elc6 g5T) Wf6 21. Ec7 <£g8 22. Eb7 jle4 23. Ecc7oc[ Ф18 16. £b7 Ab6 17. £d6 [RR 17. JLdl N Wcl 18. £a4 Wc7 19. £d6 ±g6 20. Wb4 &g8 21. £b6 ab6 22. Ec3 Wd8 23. JLa4 h5 24. Efcl ФЬ7 25. Ec7 £jf5 26. £f5 Af5 27. Ef7 Ec8 28. Ec8 Wc8 29. h3 Wcl 30. ФИ2 Ec8= F. Caruana 2770 - Postny 2651, Greece 2012] ±a5 18. A© N [18. £b7 - 110/(67)1 Ad3 19. Wcl Wcl 20. Ecl £g6 [20... £g6 21. Eb7 h5 (21... Ab6 22. £a4 Ad8 23. £c5 h5 24. £dl±) 22. £a4 £f5 23. Ec5 i.d8 24. £dl Eh6 25. £b5 £e7 26. Ecc7 a6 27. £b6T[ 21. £d5! [21. JLd5 Ed8 22. £>b7 ed5 23. £a5 ±c4 24. £c4 dc4 25. Eb5+[ £e5 [21... ed5 22. Ed3 £e5 23. Ed5 £f3 24. gf3 Ab6 25. a4 g6 26. a5 Ad8 27. Ec8 Ec8 28. £c8 Ac7 29. Ec5 J.b8 30. Eb5 £f4 31. £>a7±[ 22. £f4 [22. Ec5 ^f3 23. gf3 ed5 24. Ea5 (24. Ed3? ±b6 25. Ecd5 g6 26. f4 фе7 27. Ee5 ФГ6 28. £e4 <^>g7 29. £>g2=) Фе7 25. Ed3 &d6 26. Ead5 Феб 27. Ed6 ФГ5 28. Ea6 f6 29. Ed7±[ 23. gf3 Ag6 [23... ±d2 24. Ec7 ±f4 25. Ef7 £>g8 26. Ef4 Ag6 27. Eb7 h6 28. Ec4 Ф117 29. Ecc7 Ehg8 30. Ea7±[ 24. Eb7 ±b6 25. Ec8 Ec8 26. £c8 Ad4 [26... Ac5 27. Eb8 a5 28. £a7 Фе7 29. £c6 &d6 30. Eh8 Феб 31.£g6 hg6 32. Ec8 Фd6 33. Eg8 JLd4 34. Ed8 Фс5 35. Ed7+-| 27. Eb8 Ae5 28. Ea8 ±f4 29.£a7 Фе7 30. Eh8 [E 9/c] фd7 [30... Ac2 31. Ea8 h5 32. Фg2 g5 33. £b5 J.e5 34. a4 фd7 35. a5 J.d3 36. £a3 g4 37. a6 £e2 38. fg4 hg4 39. Фgl+-l 31. £b5 Ae5 32. a4 феб 33. £c3 ±c2 34. a5 ±g6 [34... Ad3 35. £e4 ФЬ5 36. Ec8 Ad4 37. Ed8 e5 38. 2>d6 Фа5 39. 2f7 J.c4 40. 2d6 J.d5 41. 2e4 ^.еб 42. Ee8 ^.c4 43. Ee7+—I 35.2e4 фЬ5 36. Ea8 h6 37. фg2 15 38. 2d2 ^.d6 39. a6 ±f4 [39... J.c5 40. a7 фаб 41. Eg8 ^.a7 42. fig7 £e8 43. Ee7+—1 40. 2c4 ^.h5 41. a7 Фаб 42.2a5 J.c7 43. Ec8 Фа7 44. Ec7 ФЬ6 45. Eg7 фа5 46. Eh7 1:0 D. Pikula 43.* В 12 F. CARUANA 2775 - D. FRIDMAN 2655 Dortmund 2012 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 ±f5 4. &13 e6 5. ±e2 c5 6. J.e3 cd4 7. £>d4 £>e7 8. £id2 &bc6 9. £>213 ^.e4 10. 0-0 £g6 11. £d2 [11. £c6 — 107/(37); 11. ±b5 - 107/371 £ge5 12. £ie4 de4 13. c3 ^.d6 N [13... Wc8!? N 14. Wa4 a6 15. Eadl ±e7+ N. Steinberg 2343 - J. Bures 2392, Olomouc 2012; 13... £d4] 14. Wa4 Wa5 15. Wb3 ±c7 [15... 0-0-0!?| 16. Wb7 Eb8 17. Wa6 £d4 18. ±d4 Wa6 19. J.a6 Eb2 20. Efbl Ebl 21. Ebl± Фd7 164
22. а4! [22. Hb7 £ic6 23. i.g7 Hg8 24. ±f6 (24. Ah6 Hb8 25. Hb8 ±b8 26. ^.b5 f5=) Sg6 25. M4 e5^| £>c6 23. £g7 Hb8 24. Ib5± Ad6 25. Hdl фс7 26. Ah6 Де5 27. Ie3 f5 28. g3 Ad6 29. c4 Ha8 30. a5 e5 31. c5 £f8 32. Hd5 He8 33. аб Неб 34. &g2 lg7 35. Jld2 Hg6 36. h4 h5 [36... Неб 37. ia5 £ia5 38. Hd7 ФЬ8 39. Hg7+-; 36... If8 37. JLc6 (37. h5 Неб 38. ±c3+-) Феб 38. He5+—1 37. ФП Неб 38. Ael 138. Aa5!? £>a5 (38... фЬ8 39. Асб Нсб 40. Hd8 Hc8 41. c6+-) 39. Hd7 ФЬ8 40. 2g7+—I £id4 39. Hd6 Hd6 40. cd6 &d6 41. Ih5 Феб 42. Ael £iel 43. Фе2 фЬ5 44. h5 фаб 45. h6 Af8 46. h7 Ag7 47. g4 fg4 48. ФеЗ ФЬ5 49. Фе4 фсб 50. ФГ5 е4 51. Фе4 Ф47 52. ФГ5 1:0 В. Abramovic 44. В 13 A. MURARIU 2501 - Т.-М. GEORGESCU 2416 Bucure$ti 2012 1. е4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. ed5 cd5 4. c4 &f6 5. ftc3 £jc6 6. Ag5 dc4 7. d5 £>e5 8. Wd4 h6 9. Af4 £)g6 10. Ac4 £if4 11. Ш4 аб [11... Ad7 12. &f3 g5 13. We3 Ag7 14. 0-0 0-0 15. £>e5 Sc8 16. Ab3+; 11... g5!? a) 12. Ab5 Ad7 13. Ad7 Wd7 14. ШЗ Ag7 15. £>ge2 0-0 16. 0-0 (16. 2>g3 еб) b5±?; b) 12. We3 Ag7 13. &f3 0-0 14. 0-0(14. h4 £>g4) Af5^; c) 12. Ш2 Ag7 13. h4 (13. £ige2 - 105/(36)) g4(13...gh4 14. Hh4a6 15. ФА b5 16. Ab3 0-0 17. Heli; 13... Wc7 14. Ab5 фГ8!?ос A 15. hg5 hg5 16. Hh8 Ah8 17. ®g5 £>g455) 14. Aige2 0-0 15. 0-0 (15. £ig3 ®c7^) Af5 16. £>g3 (16. Aid4 Ag6oo) Ad7 17. Sadi Wb6^[ 12. £>f3 g6 [12... g51? 13. We3 Ag7 14. 0-0 0-0 15. Ab3 (15. Hael b5 16. Ab3 b4 17. £>a4 Ab7±?; 15. Hfel He8 16. Ab3 Wd6oo A Af5) a) 15... b5 16. Hfel! Se8 (16... b4 17. £>a4 Ab7 18. Hadi £>d5 19. We4 еб 20. £c5+) 17. £>e5±; b) 15... Wd6 16. Hael He8 17. £>e5 Af5 A 18. f4 g4 19. £>c4 Wb4M 13. 0-0 [13. £>e5 a) 13... ®d6 14. 0-0 g5 (14... Ag7? 15. £>e4+-) 15. We3 Ag7 16. f4 0-0 (16... £>d7 17. £>d7 Ad7 18. £ie4 Wb4 19. a3! Wb2 20. Hadi-) 17. Hael g4 18. Ab3 Af5 (18... b5 19. £>e4 £>e4 20. We4 Ad7 21. Ac2 f5 22. We3+) 19. £}c4! Wb4 (19... Wc7 20. We7±; 19... £>d5 20. Wf2 Wd8 21. Hdl еб 22. £>d5 ed5 23. £>e3±) 20. We7 a5! 21. Wb4 (21. He3 Had8 22. Hfel b5! 23. Wb4 ab4 24. £>b5 £>d5 25. Hg3 h5 26. Aicd6 Ad7±?) ab4 22. 4Л5 Ad3 23. d6!? £ie4 (23... Had8 24. Hdl Afl 25. ФА Aie4 26. £>c7±) 24. Hdl Afl 25. ФП 2>c5 26. Hd5±; b) 13... Ag7 14. d6 еб 15. Hdl (15. 0-0-0 0-0 16. Hhel b5 17. Ab3 Ad7^ A a5) 0-0 16. 0-0 £id7 17. £rf7!? We8 18. ®еЗ!? ФП 19. £id5!^; 13. d6!? a) 13... Wd6 14. £}e5 Аеб 15. Hdl ®b6 16. 0-0 Ag7 17. £>a4! Wb4 18. Аеб Wf4 19. Af7 Ф(8 20. ^g6±; b) 13... ed6 14. 0-0 ±e7 15. Hfel Ф18 16. ®d4 фё7 17. i.b3! He8 18. 2И5 ^.еб 19. £>b6±; c) 13... g5 14. £ie5! еб 15. Wf3 £g7 cl) 16. 0-0-0!? 0-0 17. Hhel (17. h4 <^d7! 18. £>f7 ®e8oo) Hb8 (17... £>d7 18. £>f7!±) 18. We3! £d7 19. ФЫ A f4t; c2) 16. Hdl 0-0 17. 0-0+ A 17... ^)d7 18. <af7! We8 19. £>h6 ^.h6 20. Wh3!±; d) 13... Ag7 14. £>e5 - 13. £ie5[ ±g7 14. d6 [14. Hadi b5 15. ^.ЬЗ ®d6 16. We3 (16. Wd6 ed6 17. Hfel фd7 18. Hd4 He8! A 19. Hedl Фс7 20. a4 ФЬ6 21. ab5 ab5 22. Hb4 ,£d7 23. <5}d4 фс5! 24. £}c2 He7+) 0-0 17. h3 (17. £>e5 £ig4!) ^.b7 18. Hfel Hfe8 19. £ie5 Hac8±d 14... еб [^ 14... Wd6 a) 15. £ie5 0-0 16. Hadi (16. £>g6 Wf4 17. ^if4 b5 18. Ab3 Hd8! 19. Hfel еб 20. Hadi £b7+) W! 17. Wf7 Hf7 18. Hd6 J.e5 19. Hg6 ±g7 20. Af7 ФП 21. Hb6 Hb8+; b) 15. Wd6 ed6 16. Hfel (16. Hadi 0-0 17. Hd6 b5 18. &b3 Ha7=) Ф18 17. Hadi £>e8 18. £>d5 ±g4 (18... b5 19. ±b3 ±b7 20. He2 Hd8 21. £>b4 ^>c7 22. Hcl Hd7 23. Hec2 <^e6 24. £d5 a5 25. ±b7 165
ab4 26. JLd5 ±f6=) 19. Ь4!? (19. £>b6 Sd8 20. ±d5 Ab2 21. h3 ±f3 22. ^.f3 <£g7 23. Se7 2>f6 24. Sb7 Sb8 25. &c4 d5=) Sc8 20. J.b3 £>c7 21. £>b6 Se8 22. Se8 £ie8 23. JLd5 ЛсЗ!24. a3 a5=] 15. Sadi [15. Sfdl!? 0-0 16. Sacl b5 17. £e2 Ab7 18. £>e5 £>d5 (18... £>d7 19. &d7 Wd7 20. £>b5!; 18... g5 19. Wb4 Sb8 20. ±f3 a5 21. Wc5 ±f3 22. gf3 £}d7 23. £id7 Wd7 24. Wc7±; 18... Sc8!? 19. ±f3 W A 20. We3 Ae5 21. Ab7 М4 22. Wf3 £cl 23. ±c8 J.b2 24. d7 2if6 25. Ааб £id7! 26. Ab5 Wa5=) 19. £>d5 Ad5 20. £ic6 Ac 6 21. Sc6 Wa5 22. b4 Wa2 23. Af3i5s[ Ad7 [15... 0-0 16. £>e5 - 13. £>e5[ 16. <§3e5 0-0 17. Ae2 N [17. Sfel Ae8 A £>d7; 17. We3 Sc8 (17... Ae8 18. Ae2 &d7 19. f4±) 18. Ab3 (18. Ae2 Асб 19. Af3 Af3 20. Wf3 &d7=; 18. a3 Wa5 19. Ae2 Sfd8 20. Af3 W!oo) Wa5 (18... Ac6 19. £>f7!T) 19. Sfel (19. f4 Sfd8 A Wc5=) Wc5 (19... Sfd8 20. £>f7!->; 19... Scd8 20. f4! Wb4 21. £>e4±) 20. Wf4 Scd8! 21. Wd4 Sc8!oo] Асб [17... Ae8 18. Af3 £}d7 19. 2>d3!?±[ 18. JIG [18. 2>c6 bc6 A £id5=l Af3 19.Wf3 [19. £if3£id7 20. Scl Sc8 21. Sfdl Wa5=[ Aid7 20. £>d7 Wd7 21. £>e4 Sac8 22. We3 Sfd8 [22... Sc2 23. b4!? Sd8! (23... Sa2 24. &c5 Wb5 25. d7 Sd8 26. Wg3! Sc2 27. Wd3±) 24. аЗ ®b5 25. Scl Scl 26. Wcl f5! 27. Wc7 Wd7=] 23. Sd3!? [23. b4 Sc4 24. a3 Wc6^; 23. Sd2 Sc6 24. Sfdl Sdc8=[ Sc2 24. h4 [24. b4 Wc6M Wc6!? [24... Sb2 25. h5 g5 (25... gh5 26. Wf4o8) 26. Sc3!? (26. Scl Wb5! 27. a3 Sbl) Wa4!? (26... Sa2 27. Wf3! Wb5 28. £>f6 Ф118 29. Sc7 Wf5 30. Sf7 Wf3 31. gf3 Af6 32. Sf6 Sd6 33. Sc 1бб; 26... Wb5 27. Wcl! Ac3 28. Wc3 Sa2 29. ^f6 &f8 30. £ih7 &g8=) 27. Sc7 Wd4 28. Sfel! Sb4! 29. Wf3 f5 30. &c5 Sd6 31. £ie6! Se6 32. Wf5 Wf6 33. Sc8 Af8 34. Sf8 &f8 35. Wc5 We7 36. Wc8 &f7 37. Sc7=[ 25. h5 g5 [25... f5!? 26. £>c3 Sd6 27. Sd6 Wd6 28. Sdl We5 29. Wb6! gh5 30. Wb3 Sd2! 31. Sd2 Wei 32. ФИ2 Wd2 33. We6=| 26. Sfdl [26. £>g5 Sd6! (26... hg5? 27. Wg5 f6 28. Wg46S) 27. £>e4 Sd3 28. Wd3 Ab2+; 26. ЬЗ Sa2 27. Sfdl (27. Scl Sc2+) Sc2!? (27... Sa5 28. Scl Sal 29. Sal Aal 30. £>g5! Sd6 31. Wf4 Sd7 32. £>f7!=) 28. ^g5! Wc5! (28... hg5 29. Wg5 f6 30. Wg4) 29. £if3 (29. Wc5 Sc5 30. £>e4 Sh5?) Sd7 (29... Wh5 30. d7^) 30. £id4 Ad4 31. Sd4 Wh5 32. Scl Scl 33. Wcl Wg5 34. Sg4 Wg4 35. Wc8=| Sd7!? [26... Sb2 27. £ig5! Wb6! 28. Wb6 Sb6 29. £>e4 Sc6 30. g4 Sc4 31. f3 Ae5oc[ 27. b4 b6© 28. a4!? [28. a3oo[ Sc4 29. ^g5! hg5 [^ 29... Sb4 30. Scl (30. £rf3 Se4! 31. Wcl Sc4T) Sc4 31. Sc4 Wc4 32. £>e4 Wa4 33. g4 <£h8 (33... <£>h7 34. g5!) 34. f3 Wc6 35. Sdl=| 30. Wg5- f5 [30... f6 31. Wg6 Sh4D 32. b5! ab5 33. ab5 Wc5 (33... Wa8 34. Scl Wf8 35. g3 Sb4 36. h6+-) 34. Sal! Sa7 35. Sfl±; 30... фЬ8 31. Sg3 f6 32. Wg6 Sh4D 33. We8 &h7 34. b5±J 31. b5I? [31. Wg6 Sg4 32. We6 Sf7 33. f3 Sb4 34. h6 Wc5 35. ФП Sb2 36. Wei £f6 37. d7 ФИ7+1 ab5 32. ab5 Wc5? [32... Wb5 33. Wg6 Sg4 34. We6 Ф118 (34... &h7? 35. Sd5+-) 35. h6 J.b2D 36. S3d2 ^.c3![ 33. Wg6 Sc2 [33... &f8 34. We6 Sf4 35. Se3+-| 34. We6 Sf7 35. Sfl [35. Se3! Sf2 36. d7 Sg2 37. ФН1+-1 Wb5 36. Sg3 Wd7 [o 36... Se2 37. Wg6 f4 38. Sg5 We8 39. h6 Se6 40. Wh5 Sd7 41. Wh4 Sed6 42. Sal±l 37. Wb3 Sb2? [37... f4 38. Sg7 &g7 39. Wc2 Wd6 40. Sel+-[ 38. Wb2 1:0 V. Stoica 45.** В 13 D. BARATOSI 2407 - T.-M. GEORGESCU 2416 Bucure$ti 2012 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. ed5 cd5 4. c4 &f6 5. йсЗ £>c6 6. Ag5 кеб 7. £rf3 g6 [7... &e4 a) 8. c5 - 111/57; b) 8. £ie4 de4 9. d5 ef3 10. de6 166
®а5 11. Wd2 We5 12. ®еЗ (12. АеЗ Sd8) ®a5 13. Wd2 We5=; c) 8. cd5 Ad5 9. АеЗ ®a5 10. Scl £>c3 11. bc3 e5!? 12. Aie5 £>e5 13. de5 Aa3 14. Sc2 0-065; d) 8. Ae2 <53c3 (8... g6 9. £>e4 de4 10. d5 ef3 11. Af3) 9. bc3 dc4 10. Sbl dl) 10... ®a5 11. 0-0 0-0-0 (11... b5 12. a4 a6 13. Salt; 11... h6 12. АеЗ Ad5 13. Sb7 e6 14. Wbl Ad6 15. <§3d2; 11... Ad5!? 12. Sb7 e6 13. Wbl Ad6oo) 12. Wcl h6 13. Af4 g5 14. Ag3 Ag7 15. We3 (15. Ш2 f5) Ad5 16. £>d2 Wa4 17. £>е4бб; d2) 10... Wd7 11.0-04/2/? 11... h6 12. Af4 Ad5 d211) 13. Ш4 £>e5! 14. Wa5 (14. ®dl &g6 15. £>e5 £ie5 16. Ae5 ®c6) £>g6 15. Ae5 e6 16. Adi Ac6 17. Sei Wd5 18. Wd5 Ad5 19. Aa4 фе7 20. Ag3 f6 21. h4 h5oo; d212) 13. £>d2 g5 (13... b5 14. Ag4 e6 15. Sb5 Ae7 16. Sd5! Wd5 17. Af3 Wb5 18. Wbl±) 14. Ag3 b5 15. Ag4 (15. Sb5 £id4 16. Sc5 £se2 17. We2 Ag7 18. £>c4 0-0=) f5 16. Ah5 £>d8 17. f41? (17. Sb5 f4 18. Wa4 e6 19. £>c4 Sc8 20. £>e3!? fg3 21. fg3 £>e7oo; 17. h3 f4 18. Ah2 b4 19. cb4 Ag7oo) a6 18. a4 Ag7 (18... b4 19. cb4 Ag7 20. £>f3+) 19. ab5 ab5 20. Sb5 £>d4 21. Sc5! (21. Sd5 Wd5 22. Af2 Sa2 23. cd4 Ad4 24. <§3c4 312=) Wd6 22. Sc4 A 22... &b5 23. fg5 Wd7 24. Af3 Ac4 25. £>c4 Sa6 26. £>e5±; d22) 11... Ad5 12. £id2 b5 13. Ag4 f5 14. Af3^; 7... h6!? 8. Af6 ef6 a) 9. c5 Ae7 10. Ab5 al) 10... Ag4 11. h3 Ah5 12. 0-0 0-0 13. g4 Ag6 14. Sei! (14. £>h4 f5! 15. £>f5 Af5 16. gf5 Af6 17. Ac6 bc6^) h5 15. W Ah7 (15... f5 16. £>g6 fg6 17. gh5 Ah4 18. hg6 ®g5 19. ФЫ Wg6 20. Wf3±) 16. gh5 f5 17. £if3 Af6 18. Wd2±; a2) 10... 0-0 11. h3 (11. 0-0 Ag4 12. Ac6 bc6 13. h3 Ah5 14. Sei Sb8 15. ЬЗ Se8oo) a6 12. Ac6 bc6 13. 0-0 ®d7 14. Sei Ad8oo A Ac7; b) 9. a3 bl) 9... g5 10. cd5 Ad5 11. Ab5 Ag7 (11... We7 12. ФП 0-0-0 13. £>d5 Sd5 14. Wa4 Wd7 15. Scl ФЬ8 16. h3 Sd6 17. g3±) 12. We2 Ф18 13. Ac6 bc6 14. 0-0+; b2) 9... Ae7 10. Ae2 0-0 11. 0-0 f5 12. Wc2 Af6 13. Sadi b21) 13... g6 14. Sfel <£g7 (14... Hc8 15. Afl £ie7 16. c5 a6 17. b4 £ic6 18. g3±) 15. Ь4 a6 16. Afl Ш6 (16... f4 17. cd5 Ad5 18. &d5 Wd5 19. Ac4 ®d6 20. £e5+) 17. c5 Wc7 18. £>a4 Sfe8 19. £>b6 Sad8 20. ®c3+; b22) 13... £>e7!? 14. Sfel a6 15. Afl ®c7 16. c5 £>c6 17. b4 Sfe8 18. b5 (18. £>a4 Se7 19. W Sd8) ab5 19. &b5 Wa5 20. Ad3 Se7±?] 8. Af6 [8. c5 £>e4 (8... Ag7) 9. Ae3 (9. Ab5 - 111/57) Ag7 10. Ab5 (10. Ad3 £>c5 11. dc5 d4=) 0-0 11. 0-0 ®a5 12. Wa4 Wa4 13. Aa4 Sfd8=] ef6 9. c5 Ag7 [9... a6 10. h3 Ag7 11. Ae2 g5 12. Wd2 h5] 10. h3 0-0 11. Ab5 -53e7 N |RR 11... f5 12. Wd2 N (12. 0-0) h6 13. £>e2 g5oo Melia 2398 — C. Lupulescu 2648, Gibraltar 2012; 11... Sc8-4/179] 12. 0-0 12... g5 112... Ah6!? 13. Ь4 a6 a) 14. Ad3 Af4 15. a4 (15. Sei Wd7 16. £>a4 Ac7oo) £>c6 16. b5 £>b4±?; b) 14. Aa4!? Af4 15. Sei £>c6 16. a3 Wd7 17. Sa2 <£>g7 (17... Ah3 18. *23e2!) 18. Ab3 (18. Sae2 Ah3^) Sae8 19. Sae2 Se7 20. £ih2+ A ^fl; RR 12... f5 13. Sei h6 14. Wd2 a6 15. Aa4 b5 16. cb6 W>6 17. Ab3 Wb4 18. Sadi a5 19. £ia4 Sfb8 20. We3 Wd6 21. £>c5 f4 22. ®e2 Sb6 23. Sd2± Vachier-Lagrave 2710 — Bologan 2665, Espana 2011] 13. Wc2 13. Sei a) 13... h5 14. W! h4 (14... £>f5 15. Ae2 h4 16. <23f3) 15. Wh5! Af5 16. ШЗ Ae6 (16... Ag6 17. £ig4±) 17. Sadi £>g6 18. £>fl ^3f4 19. ^3e3 f5 (19... Sc8 20. Aa4± A Ab3) 20. <£h2 b6 (20... Sc8 21. g3 £>h3 22. ^3f5±) 21. сб a6 22. Aa4 Wd6 23. g3 423g6 24. &f5 hg3 25. fg3 <23h4 26. £>h4 gh4 27. Sgl b5 28. Ab3 Sfd8 29. ФЫ±; b) 13... £>g6 14. Wd2 h5 (14... £>f4 15. £ie2 <53g6 16. Ad3±) 15. Ad3 ^3f4 16. Ac2+ b6 (16... Wd7 17. h4! Ah3 18. g3 Ag4 19. Se3±) 17. b4Wc7(17... Wd7 18.h4!) 18.£>b5 Wd7 19. £>d6 Ah3 (19... Ah6 20. Abl± A Wc2) 20. W! Ae6 21. Ш5+1 h6 1^ 13... h5 14. Ad3 £>c6 (14... g4 15. hg4 hg4 16. W &c6 17. £}e2±) 15. Sadi (15. Ah7 £>h8 16. Af5 167
g4 17. £e6 fe6 18. £>h4 £>d4 19. £>g6 <£>g8 20. ®d3 f5 21. £d8 Wf8oo; 15. £>b5 g4 16. hg4 hg4 17. £>h4 аб 18. £>d6 £>d4 19. Wa4 f5 20. W5 M5 21. £>f5 Wf6=; 15. £ie2 He8! 16. Hfel g4 17. hg4 Ag4^) g4 16. hg4 hg4 (16... ±g4 17. Af5!±) 17. W (17. £>el £>d4 18. Ah 7 ФЬ8 19. Hd4 f5oo) f5! 18. £>f5 Af5 19. M5 £id4 20. Hd4 (20. ®d3 Wg5=) Ad4 21. ®d2 Ag7 22. Ag4 (22. £>d5 He8 23. Hdl g3! 24. fg3 He5 25. g4 Wh4oo) He8 23. W (23. £id5? He4 24. Af3 Hd4+) ®h4 24. Af3 Ae5 25. g3 Ш6 26. Ad5 Had8±?l 14. Ad3 аб 114... £>c6 15. £>b5±l 15. £>e2 [15. Hfel Wc7 (15... ®d7 16. £>a4 Wc7 17. £lb6 Hae8 18. He2+) 16. Hadi h5 17. <§3e2±| Wd7 [o 15... f5 16. Hadi g4 17. hg4 fg4 18. <§3e5 &c6 19. £>c6 bc6 20. Af5 Af5 21. Wf5 Wg5 22. £>g3 Hae8 23. Hd3 £f6±5 (Л Неб) 24. b4 He61 16. £ig3+ Hae8 [16... f5 17. Hfel f4 18. W £>c6 19. £>g7 <£g7 20. ®b3 Hfe8 21. Ac2+] 17. Hael f5 18. Aie5 Wc8 19. £>h5 |19. f4! f6 20. £>f3 Ad7 21. b4 A a4±[ f6 20. £>13 f4 21. He2 [21. ®b3 Af7 22. £ig7 £>g7 23. Ac2± A ®d3] АП 22. Hfel 22... Ah5? [22... Wd7 23. £>g7 £>g7 A Aic6=| 23. He7 He7 24. He7± He8 [24... Hf7 25. Af5 ®d8 26. He6±] 25. Af5 Wb8 26. Hd7 Hd8 27. He7 [27. Аеб! ФЬ8 (27... £>f8 28. £>e5!+-) 28. Hd5+-[ £>f8 28. Hel He8 [^ 28... Wc7 29. Аеб Ah8] 29. Аеб АП 30. Wf5 Аеб [30... Wd8 31. Af7 Hel 32. £>el ФГ7 33. £id3±[ 31. Неб ®d8 [31... Неб 32. We6 ®d8 33. b4+-[ 32. Hd6 ®e7 33. &e5+- <A=g8 34. Hd7 fe5 35. He7 He7 [W 5/h] 36. ®c8 Ф17 37. Wf5 <£g8 38. de5 Ae5 39. Wg6 Ag7 40. Wd6 НП 41. b4 Af6 42. a4 Ag7 43. b5 ab5 44. ab5 Ac3 45. сб bc6 46. Wc6 Ad4 47. b6 Hf6 48. Wc7 НП 49. ФП Af6 50. Wc6 Фе5 51. b7 Aa7 52. We8 £>f6 53. Wa8 1:0 К Stoica В 17 ANDREIKIN 2715 - SJUGIROV 2635 Russia (ch) 2012 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. £>d2 de4 4. £>e4 £>d7 5. Ac4 &gf6 6. £ig5 еб 7. We2 &b6 8. Ad3116 9. £>5f3 c5 10. dc5 ±c5 11. £>e5 0-0 12. £igf3 аб? [12... ®c7 13. 0-0±; 12... fibd? - 18/1951 13. g4!f> [13. 0-0 £>bd7 14. ±f4 ^e5 15. Jle5+] £ibd5 N [13... ^.e7? 14. g5 hg5 15. £g5 ^)fd7 16. Hgl!+~; 13... £lbd7 14. g5 hg5 15. ±g5tl 14. Hgl! [14. g5!? hg5 15. £g5- A Hgl) ±Ь4?! [14... Wb6 15. c3 &d7 16. g5 h5 (16... hg5 17. £.g5+-) 17. We4 J.f2 18. &fl He8 19. Hg2+-; 14... £>b4 15. g5 £>d3 16. £>d3 hg5 17. ±g5 Ae7 18. 0-0-0±[ 15. ФП! ±e7 [15... ^.d6 16. g5 hg5 17. ^.g5 Wb6 18. £>c4 ®b4 19. £d6 Ш6 20. £>e5+-; 15... b5 16. g5 hg5 17. £>g5+-; 15... Wc7 16. g5 (16. ^.h6 gh6 17. g5+-) hg5 17. J.g5 J.e7 18. Wd2 (18. £f6 ^.f6 19. ®e4+-) £>e8 19. Ae7 We7 20. Wh6f5 21.Hel+-1 16.g5!+- hg5 17.£>g5 [17. ±g5 W 18. Ae4!±[ J.d6 [17... ^b4 18. ±h7! W 19. W ФЬ7 20. Wh5 <i>g8 21. M6!+-1 18.£>h7! [18. £>g4!?He8 19. ЩЗ ®c7 20. ^h6<^f8 21.^ihn+-|®c7[18... W 19. ±h7 Ф118 (19... ФИ7 20. Wh5 <£g8 21. Hg7! &g7 22. £h6 &g8 23. ®g4 фЬ8 24. 168
tg7#) 20. Wh5 TO 21. Wg5+-; 18... £e5 19. Sg7! (19. We5+-) фё7 20. We5 Sg8 21. ±g5 Ad7 22. c4+-] 19. Ah6 119. TO?? ±e5 20. фЬб Ф18оо; 19. TO TO 20. Ah6 TO 21. TO!! Wd7 22. £g7! f5 (22... TO 23. Sg7 <^>g7 24. Wg4 <£>f6 25. Wh4 &g7 26. tg5+-) 23. J.e5+-] TO [19... g6 20. TO TO 21. &g6 fg6 22. Sg6 ФИ8 23. £f8+-1 20. ±g7! TO 21. Sg7! <^g7 22. Wg4 ФЬ8 23. £}f6 1 :0 Petronijevic 47 В 23 D. &OLAK 2586 - JAY. ASHWIN 2471 Zlafni Pyasatsi 2012 1. e4 c5 2. TO TO 3. Ab5 TO 4. Фс4 еб 5. £>ge2 аб 6. TO cd4 7. TO TO 8. d3 d5?I 9. ed5 ed5 10. ±b3+ Ac5 11.0-0 |11. Ig5 Аеб 12. TO Ab4 13. ФП 0-0 14. Af6 Wf6 15. TO Ad5 16. Ad5 Sfe8rcJ h6 12. Af4 Аеб? N [12... 0-0 13. Ae5 £>g4! 14. Ad4 (14. Ag3±) Ad4 (14... Wh4 15. h3 Ad4 16. <2}d4 TO 17. TO±) 15. TO TO! 16. ФИ2 Wh4 17. &gl Wd4 18. c3 a) 18... tc5 19.d4Wd6 20. Wf3 Ae6 21.Sael (21. Sfel - 95/86) Sad8 22. Se5+; b) 18... Wb6 19. Ad5 (19. d4 Аеб 20. Wf3 a5) Wb2 20. tb3 Wb3 21. ab3±] 13. Ae5± £>g4 14. Ad4! 114. TO TO 15. TO fe6 16. d4 0-0! 17. dc5 TO=; 14. Ag3±[ Wh4 15. h3 Ad4 16. TO TO 17. TO! [17. Hf2 Wd4±[ TO [17... TO 18. W a) 18... TO 19. Sabi? TO!; 19. a4!+—; b) 18... TO 19. Sfel d4 20. TO Ab3 21. TO 0-0-0 22. TO±1 18. gh3 Wg3 19. ФЫ Wh3 20. TO 0-0-0 21. Wf3 Wh4 22. Wf4 Wh5 23. c4 [23. d4!? A Sf3-c3[ g5 24. We5 She8 25. Sacl d4 26. Aa4 Se7 27. Wc5 Sc7 28. Wa7 Se7 29. Wc5 Sc7 30. Wa7 Se7 31. Асб! bc6 32. We7 g4 33. Sgl Wh3 34. Wc5 ФЬ7 [34... g3 35. Wc6 ФЬ8 36. Wb6 фс8 37. Wa6 ФЬ8 38. Wb6 фс8 39. Wc6 фЬ8 40. Wg2+-1 35. We5 Wd3 36. Sg3 Wd2 37. Sb3 Фа8 38. Wc7! Wcl 39. &g2 Wd2 40. &gl Wdl 41. TO+- Wb3 42. ab3 Sd7 43. Wc6 Фа7 44. b4 d3 45. TO h5 46. Wc5 ФЬ7 47. Wh5 ±c4 48. £>c4 d2 49. £>d2 Sd2 50. Wf7 ФЬ6 51. Wf6 ФЬ7 52. Wg7 ФЬ8 53. Wg4 Sc2 54. b5 ab5 55. Wb4 фс7 56. Wb5 Sc6 57. ФП Sb6 58. We5 ФЬ7 59. Фе2 фаб 60. <£d2 Sb5 61. Wd4 фа5 62. Wa7 ФЬ4 63. Wa3 Фс4 64. Wc3 <£d5 65. b4 &d6 66. Wc4 Sf5 67. Wa6 Фс7 68. Wa7 Феб 69. Wa8 фс7 70. ФеЗ Sb5 71. Фс4 Sb8 72. Wa7 Sb7 73. Wb7 ФЬ7 74. ФЬ5 Фа7 75. Феб фаб 76. Ь5 Фа7 77. Фс7 Фа8 78. фЬ6 фЬ8 79. фаб фа8 80. Ь6 фЬ8 81. Ь7 Фс7 82. фа7 1:0 D. Solak В 28 GAGUNASHVILI 2570 - L. PANTSULAIA 2581 Georgia (ch) 2012 1. е4 с5 2. ТО аб 3. сЗ d5 4. ed5 Wd5 5. d4 ±g4 [5... TO1 6. ^.e2 еб 7. 0-0 [7. ±e3 - 37/1701 TO 8. ±e3 cd4 9. cd4 ^.b4? N [9... £>c6 10. £>c3 Wd6 11. h3 Ah5 12. Wb3 Wb4[ 10. a3 [10. TO ±c3 11. bc3 TO 12. c4 Wd7 13. Sbl+1 ±a5 11. TO Wd6 [11... Ac3 12. bc3±[ 12. Wa4!? TO 169
13. d5 ed5Q 14. Ь4 Af3 114... Ac7 15. Ac5 Wd7 16. Sael Ae6 17. b5TJ 15. Ac5 [15. Af3 Ac7 16. g3 0-0 17. Hadi £>e5 18. Ag2 Ab6 19. £>d5 АеЗ 20. £>еЗ+[ Wf4 16. Af3 Ac7 17. Hfel <^>d8 |17... £>d7 18. £>d5 Wh2 19. ФП ®hl 20. Фе2 £>d5 21. Hadi Hhe8 22. АеЗ Wh4 23. Ad5-| 18. Hadi |18. h3! Wh2 19. фП-I Wh2 19. ФП Whl 20. фе2 He8 21. АеЗ Wh4 22. Wb3 [22. &d5 Wc4 23. <^>d2 Фс8!? (23... £>e4 24. Ae4 He4 25. £>b6 Ab6 26. Ab6 Фс8 27. He4 We4 28. Helf) 24. Wc2 Wc2 25. Фс2 £>d5 26. Ad5 f6ool d4 [22... £>d4 23. Hd4 Wd4 24. £>d5 (24. Hdl We5 25. £id5 Фс8 26. £if6 gf6 27. Wf7t) £id5 25. Hdl He3 26. fe3 Wb6 27. Wd5 фе8 28. We4 We6 29. We6 fe6 30. Ab7 Ha7 31. Ac8+[ 23. b5 [23. Wf7! He7 (23... £>e5 24. Wg7 2>f3 25. gf3+-) 24. Wf8 He8 25. Wg7 Фс8 26. g3 Ag3 27. fg3 He3 28. <^>d2 £>e8 29. gh4 £>g7 30. He3 de3 31. Фе2)[ ab5 24. £>b5 £>g4? [24... £>d7 25. Wf7 Ae5oo[ 25. Ag4 Wg4 26. ФП Ae5 [26... фс8 27. £>c7 фс7 28. Wf7 Wd7 29. Af4+-; 26... Sh5 27. Ag5 f6 28. He8 We8 29. Hel Ae5 30. Wd5 Wd7 31. Wg8 We8 32. Af6 gf6 33. We8 фе8 34. £>c7[ 27. £id4! Ad4 [27... Фс8 28. &c6 bc6 29. Wf7 We6 30. We6 Неб 31. Ad4[ 28. Wb7 [28. Wf7±l Hc8 29. W17 Hc7 [29... He7 30. Ad4 Hf7 31. Ab6#; 29... He5! 30. f3 Wd7 31. Wd7 £>d7 32. Ad4 Hel 33. Фе 1 £id4 34. Hd4+| 30. Hd4 [30. Ag5 Hce7 31. Wd5 Wd7 32. He7 He7 33. We4+-] Wd4 [30... ®d4 31. Ag5[ 31. We8 Фе8 32. Ad4 ФГ7 33. Held— g6 [33... Hd7 34. Ag7[ 34. Ab6 Hc8 35. a4 Феб 36. a5 Фd5 37. a6 Ha8 38. a7 Фd6 39. Hdl феб 40. Ac5 £>e5 41. Hd6 Ф15 42. Ad4 £>c4 43. Hc6 1:0 Gagunashvili 49.** В 29 A. FIER 2596 - I. HAUSNER 2412 Teplice 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 £>f6 3. e5 £>d5 4. £>c3 e6 [4... £>c3 5. dc3 £>c6 a) 6. Af4 e6 7. Ad3 d5 8. c4 Ae7 9. h4 N (9. a3) £b4 10. cd5 £>d3 11. Wd3 Wd5 12. We2 b6 13. c4 Wc6 14. Ag5 Ab7 15. 0-0-0 We4= Zeldc 2560 - H. Stevie 2601, Hrvatska 2012; b) 6. Ac4 e6 7. Af4 Wc7 8. Ag3 (8. Wd2 - 104/(189)) h6 9. Wd2 N (9. h4) b6 10. 0-0-0 Ab7 11. Hhel £>e7!? 12. Ad3 g5 13. We2 0-0-0 14. £>d2 h5 15. h4 g4 16. £>c4 &g6 17. Ae4 Ae4 18. We4 Wc6= N. Bojkovic 2385 - I. Ivanisevic 2655, Srbija 2012] 5. £id5 ed5 6. d4 £ic6 7. dc5 Ac5 8. Wd5 d6 9. ed6 Wb6 10. We4 Ae6 11. Ac4 [11. Wh4 Ad6 a) 12. Ae2 Ae7 13. We4 0-0 (13... Hd8 14. c3±) 14. c3+; b) 12. Ad3 £>b4 13. 0-0 £id3 14. Wa4 Wc6 (14... фе7 15. Wh4 f6 16. cd3±; 14... Ф18 15. cd3±) 15. Wc6 bc6 16. cd3 0-0-0 17. АеЗ±[ A12 111... Wb4?! 12. £>d2 0-0 13. 0-0 Hae8 14. c3 Wb6 15. 2>f3±[ 12. Фе2 0-0-0?! [12... 0-0 13. Ae6 (13. Hdl Hae8 14. ФП Ac5 15. Ad3 f5 16. Wh4 h6=) Hae8 14. &g5 Неб 15. *53е6 He8 16. Hfl Неб 17. We6 fe6 (17... £id4= - 57/166) 18. Hf2 Wb5 19. Фе1 We5 20. ФП Wh2 21. d7 ®hl 22. Фе2 Wh5=[ 13. Ae6 fe6 14. Hdl Ac5 [14... Hhf8 15. d7 Hd7 16. Hd7 фd7 17. Af4±[ 15. Af4 N [ 15. We6 Hd7 (15... ФЬ8 16. d7±) 16. a3! Hf8 (16... £id8 17. Wc4 He8 18. ФА±; 16... Wb5 17. Фе1 £>d8 18. We2±) 17.b4Wa6(17... Ad4 18. Hbl Wd8 19. Wc4 We8 20. ФП±) 18. c4 &d8 (18... Ab4 19. Ae3±) 19. ®d5 Ab4 (19... Ad6 20. Ae3±) 20. ab4 Wai 21. Wc5 фЬ8 22. Ae3±| e5? [15... Hd7 16. ЬЗ e5 17. АеЗ АеЗ 18. We3 Wd8 19. c3 Hd6 (19... Wf6 20. b4±) 20. *53g5±[ 16. d7 Hd7 17. Hd7 Фd7 [17... ef4 18. Hadi Wb2 19. фЛ+-[ 18. £>e5 £>e5 19. Hdl Ad6 20. We5 He8 21. Hd6 [21... Wd6 22. We8 Фе8 23. Ad6+-[ 1 : 0 Da Costa Junior 170
50. IN В 30 В. AMIN 2612 - ALEXANDER MOISEENKO 2715 Egypt 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>c6 3. Ab5 еб 4. Аеб bc6 5. d3foel 6.0-0 £>g6 7. £>g5!? d5 |7... Ae7 8. Wh5 e5 9. f4 Ag5 10. fg5 d6 11. АеЗ Аеб 12. £>d2 Wd7 13. h3 0-0 14. Ef2 ФЬ8 15. ЬЗ We7 16. a5 17. £ig3±; 7... f6 8. £>h3 d5 9. Wh5 Ad6 10. f4 0-0 11. c4 Ac7 12. АеЗ We7 13. £>аЗ Eb8 14. ЬЗ Ad7 15. Sael Ae8 16. We2 d4 17. Ad2=; 7... h6] 8. Wh5 18. f4!?[ h6 9. &h3 e5 10. £>c3 Ae7 [10... Аеб 11. f4 ef4 12. ed5 cd5 13. £>f4 (13. Eel -95/87) 2>f4 14. Af4 Ae7 15. £>b5 0-0 16. foci Ec8 17. foe6 fe6 18. Wg4±l 11. f4 Ah3! 12. Wh3 ef4 13. ed5 cd5 14. Wf3! N [14. Wf5[ d4?! [14... 0-0! 15. £>d5 (15. ®d5?! Af6 16.'Af4 Ad4 17. фЫ Wd5 18. £>d5 Ead8! 19. c4 &f4 20. Ef4 Ab2 21. Eel Efe8 22. Efe4 Ee4 23. Ee4 Ed6=) Ag5 16. c4! (16. £>f4 £>f4 17. Af4 Wd4 18. ФЫ Af4 19. c3 Wd6 20. Wf4 Wd3=) Ee8 17. Wf2 Wc8 18. ЬЗ Wg4 (18... £>e5 19. h4 &d3 20. Wd2 £>cl 21. Wcl Ah4 22. Wf4 Ag5 23. Wf7 ФЬ8 24. Eael+) 19. h3 We2 20. Aa3 Wf2 21. Ef2 Eac8 22. фП±[ 15. Wc6 Ф18 16. foel Ec8 17. We4 <i>g8 18. £>f4 ФИ7 19. 21g6 fg6 20. Af4± Wd7? 20... Ef8[ 21. Ah6!! ФИ6 22. ЕП Ehe8 23. Eel Ec7 24. h4I! [24. We5? Af6! 25. We8 We8 26. Ee8 Ef7-+; 24. Ef3 ФЬ7 25. Eh3 &g8 26. Wg6 Ec6D (26... Ef8 27. Wh7 ФП 28. Ef3 Фе8 29. Wh5 &d8 30. Ee7 We7 31. Wd5 Фе8 32. Wa8 &d7 33. Wf8+-) 27. Wh7 Ф17 28. Wh5 &g8=; 24. Ee7 We7 25. Wf4 g5 26. Ee7 Ece7 27. Wd6 Ee6 28. Wc5 Eel 29. ФС Ele2 30. ФП (30. £>g3 E8e3 31. <£g4 Eg2 32. ФГ5 Ef2 33. &g4 Ef4#) Eel 31. ф£2 Ele2=[ Wd6 [24... ФЬ7 25. h5 Wc6 (25... Wd6 26. Wg4+-) 26. Wc6 Ec6 27. Eee7 Ee7 28. hg6 £>g6 29. Ee7±[ 25. Wg4! Af8 [25... Ec6 26. Eee7 Ee7 27. Wg5 ФЬ7 28. We7 We7 29. Ee7+-[ 26. Ee8 Ef7 27. Ee6 Ef6 28. Ed6+- Ad6 29. g3! £15 30. &g2 фЪ7 31. сЗ Ae5 32. cd4 Ad4 33. b4! Ef2 34. ФЪЗ Ea2 35. h5 Ea6 36. Wc8 Ef6 37. hg6 Eg6 38. bc5 Eg5 39. сб Ab6 40. Wd7 Eh5 41. <£g2 Ec5 42. d4 Ec2 43. ФИЗ Ed2 44. d5 a5 45. d6 a4 46. c7 Ac7 47. Wf5 g6 48. Ж7 1 : 0 B. Amin 51. IN В 32 J. TODOROVIC 2423 - Nl. DUKIC 2523 Crna Gora 2012 1. e4 c5 2. <5)13 £ic6 3. d4 cd4 4. £jd4 Wc7 5. ab5 ®b8 6. Ad3 af6 7. 0-0 g6 8. f4 d6 9. ФЫ Ag7 10. Wei 0-0 11. Wh4?! [11. £>d2 W 12. £>f3 £>d3 13. cd3 Ad7 14. £>c3 b5oo] 11... Ad7! N [11... a6[ 12.£)d2 [12. аЗ аб 13. £>5сЗ Ь5Т1 £ib4 13. £ic3 Ь5 14. £rf3 [14. f5 £>d3 15. cd3 b4 16. foci d5Tl £id3 15. cd3 b4 16. £idl [16. Wb5+[ Wb5 17. £jf2 Wh5 [17... Efc8?! 18. f5 gf5 19. Ah6^| 18. Ad2?! [18. Wg3 Efc8t; 18. Wh5 W+l Wh4 19. £>h4 £>g4 20. e5 [20. £>g4 Ag4 21. Ab4 Eab8+[ de5 21. £>g4 Ag4 22. Ab4 ef4 [22... Af6 23. g3 Efd8 24. Ac3 ef4 25. Af6 ef6 26. Ef4 f5+[ 23. Ef4 Аеб 24. fif2 [24. Ae7 Efb8+| Efd8 25. Ae7 Ed3 26. &В?! 171
[26. ±f6 ±f6 27. gf6 ±a2+[ ±a2?! [26... Sb8~+] 27. ±c5 [27. Sa2?! Sdl 28. £>gl ±d4 29. b4 (29. ±h4 g5 30. ±g3 Se8-+; 29. ЬЗ Se8 30. Ab4 Se4 31. ±a5 Se5 32. ±b4 a5-+) Se8 30. Sad2 (30. ±c5 Sgl 31. £>gl Sei#) ±f2 31. Sdl Se7—+; 27. £iel Sd7 28. ±f6 ±f6 29. Sf6 ±e6+] ±d5 28. Sa7?! [28. £>el Sb3 29. Sd2 ±b2 30. Sa7 Sa7 31. ±a7 ±e4+[ Sc8 29. Sa5 [29. b4? Sdl 30. £>gl Sc5 31. bc5 ±d4-+] 29... ЛЬЗ?! [29... ±f8! 30. Sc2 (30. b4 Sdl 31. £igl ±c5 32. Sc5 Se8-+; 30. ±a7 Scl 31. &gl ±d6-+ A Sh3) ±b3 31. Sd2 (31. Scl Sd5-+) Sf3 32. gf3 ±c5-+] 30. h3 ФЬ2 31. ±d6 [31. ±a3! Sa3 32. Sd5 ±cl+] ±b7 32. ±e5 Ael 33. ФЬ2 АеЗ 34. Sfl?! [34. £>d4 Sd3 35. Sb2 Ae4 36. 2>f3 Se8 37. Ag3 g5+; 34. Se2 f5 (34... Ab6 35. Saa2 Af3?! 36. Seb2! Sb2 37. Sb2 Sc6+) 35. Saa2 Se8+[ Sc2 35. Saal?! [35. ФЫ f5-+[ Af4 [35... Sb5!? 36. Af6 Sf5-+I 36. Af4 ±13 37. Sgl Sbb2 38. <£g3 Ag2 39. Sacl? [39. Sa3 ±b7-+[ Sb3 40. ФИ4 [40. &g4 f6-+[ Sh3 41. &g4 f5 42. &g5 Ф17 0 : 1 Ni. Dukic 52 В 33 A. VOLOKITIN 2704 - P. ELJANOV 2693 Ukraine (ch) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. &f3 Феб 3. d4 cd4 4. Ad4 £>f6 5. £>c3 e5 6. Adb5 d6 7. Ag5 аб 8. £>аЗ Ь5 9. Af6 gf6 10. £>d5 f5 11. c4!? [11. Ad3 - 109/80] Ш5! 12. ®d2 Wd2 13. &d2 Ah6 14. <£dl 0-0 15. ef5 N 115. cb5[ Af5 16. cb5 ab5 17. Ab5 Ad4 18. Ae7 фg7 19. £>f5 £>f5 20. Ad3 £ie7 [20... &d4!? 21. &c2 £>c2 22. Фс2 Sfc8 (22... d5 23. Ab5 Sac8 24. ФЬЗ Sfd8 25. a4±)23. ФЫ Sa4 24. Sdl d5 25. a3 Sd4 26. Фа2 e4 27. Ab5 Sdl 28. Sdl Sc2! 29. a4±] 21. ^b5 [21. Sei f5! 22. £>b5 (22. f3 &d5^ 23. £>c4 Sab8 24. a4 &f4 25. ±fl d5 26. £>e5 Sb2 27. g3 £>d3 28. ±d3 Sd2 29. Фс1 Se2=) e4! 23. ^c7 Sab8 24. ±e4 Sfc8 25. &d5 Sb2 26. Se2 Se2 27. Фе2 Se8! 28. £ic7 Sc8=] d5 22. фе2 [^ 22. f3 Sfd8 23. a4 e4 24. ±bl £ig6^] e4 23. ±c2 Sab8 24. a4 f5 [24... Sfc8! 25. ±bl (25. ±b3? d4! A 26. ^)d4 £>c6 27. W Sb5! 28. ab5 £>d4+) Sc4! 26. ЬЗ Sb4 27. ±c2 Sc8! 28. Sa2 £>c6Tl 25. Shdl ФГ6 [^ 25... <£g6 26. ±b3 Sfc8 27. g3 (27. ±d5 Sc2 28. ФА e3! 29. fe3 &d5 30. Sd5 ±e3 31. Sadi Sb2=) Лс53б[ 26. g3! Sfc8? [26... Sfd8! 27. fi (27. f4 Ш 28. Sdcl £>b4 29. £>d4 ±f8o6) £>c6 28. Sa3 Sbc8 29. ±bl ±f8 30. Sc3 d4! 31. £id4 Sd4 32. Sc6 Sc6 33. Sd4 Scl 34. ±a2 Sc2=] 27. ±b3 Sc5 172
28. f4!± Ag7 [28... ДЬс8 29. £>d4 Ag7 30. a5 Да8 31. a6±l 29. Sdcl! ДсЬ5 [29... ДЬс8 30.ф<11!фе631. Дс5 Дс5 32. Дс1 Дс1 33. Фс1 &d7 34. a5 Феб 35. аб £>c8 36. a7 W 37. £ic3 АеЗ 38. ЬеЗ фЬ7 39. g4! fg4 40. f5+—1 30. ab5 ДЬ5 31. Даб ф!7 32. Ia2!+- ДЬ2 33. <&dl ДЬ2 34. Дс7 Да2П 35. Да2 Af6 36. Да5 Феб 37. Даб фП 38. Sa5 феб 39. Даб ФП 40. Дd7 h5 [40... d4D 41. Дdd6 (41. ДЬб?? ФГ6 42. Дd4 Ь5 43. Фd2 £)g6 44. ФеЗ Ь4+) ^g8 (41... Ag7 42. Фе2 d3 43. Фd2 h5 44. fidb6O Ad4 45. Sh6+-) 42. фе2 d3 43. Фd2 h5 44. Дdb6 a) 44... фg7 45. Да7 £>e7 (45... фg6 46. Sa8+-) 46. ДЬЬ7 Ф17 47. Дс7О ФП (47... Феб 48. Да5+—; 47... h4 48. gh4 Ah4 49. Sa5 Фg6 50. Даб ФЬ5 51. Де6+~) 48. Да5 Фе8 49. Де7 фе7 50. ДГ5+-; Ь) 44... фg6 45. Да8 £>Ь6 46. ДЬ8 £>g4 47. Дd6 £>Ь2 48. Sf8 £ig4 49. Дd7 £>Ь6 50. Дс7 Ad4 51. Дсб ^>g7 52. ДЬ6! ФЬ6 53. ДГ5 Af2 54. Дg5O 1Ь6 55. Де5 Af2 56. Де4 Ag3 57. Фd3 h4 58. ФеЗ ЬЗ 59. Де8! Фg7 60. Дd8+-l 41. Sdd6! Ag7 42. Да7 d4 43. Дd5! Af6 [43... Феб 44. Де7 фе7 45. ДГ5+-1 44. ДГ5 Ф§6 45. ДЬ5 £J5 46. Даб £>еЗ 47. Фе2 &g4 48. Se5 еЗ 49. Дg5 ФП 50. ДЬ5 1 : 0 A. Volokitin 53.** В 37 SKEMBRIS 2463 - NICO GEORGIADIS 2330 Deizisau 2012 1. с4 с5 2. <5313 g6 3. £>сЗ £ic6 4. d4 cd4 5. ^d4 Ag7 6. Aic2 £>f6 7. e4 d6 8. Ae2 0-0 9. 0-0 &d7 10. Ad2 a5!? [10... <5X5 11. b4!? Ac3 12. Ac3 <5X4 13. АЬ2бё| 11. ФЫ ^c512.f3f5[12...a4!? 13. ДЫ £>e6N 14. 5X5 <5Xd4 15. <5X4 £>d4 16. Ag5 Де8 (16... 5X6? 17. Ae3!± B. Lalic 2495 - I. Malakhov 2442, Pardubice (rapid) 2012) 17. id3+ B. Lalic; 13... f5; 13... Ae5^[ 13. ef5 Af5 14. <5X3 <5X4 [14... Ad7!?l 15. 5tf5 £>f5 [15... ДГ5 N 16. АеЗ 5X2 17. 5X2 Ab2 18. Sbl Ag7 19. 5}g3 ДП 20. 5X4! (20. Ac5 dc5 21. We2 ®c7 22. ®еб ФЬ8 23. 5X465 Rubio Mejia 2430 — Jo. Perez Gonzalez 2333, Madrid 2012) 5X4 21. Wd5 фЬ8 (21... Sf7 22. fe4t) 22. We4+ Br. Tadic] 16. g4! 116. ДЫ - 16/3161 5X4 17. АеЗ N ±5 5X2 [17... e5 18.Wd2[ 18. We2 Дс8|18... АеЗ!? 19. bc3 (19. Ac5 Ab2 20. ®b2 dc5 21. W Wd4t A 22. Wd5 Wd5 23. cd5 Дad8т) Дс81 20. ДаЫ^| 19. Дас1 ДП 20. 5X51? еб 21. 5X3 [Хеб, d6] 5X7?! [21... АеЗ!? 22. ДсЗ е5 23. fidl We7oo[ 22. 5Х4Т We7 [22... 5X6 23. Ag51I 23. Ag5 Wf8 24. Hcdlt Дсб [24... Ae5? 25. f4! Af4 26. ДГ4 ДГ4 27. Af4 Ш4 28. 5X6±[ 25. ЬЗ h6 25... 5X5J 26. АеЗ Ae5 27. Фg2± Af4 28. Af4 Hf4 29. We3 [29. Wd2!? A 29... 5x5 30. We3 (Xd6) 5X7 31. ДС1 g5 30. h3 b5? [30... a4 31. 5X3 ab3 32. ab3 5X5 33. 5X2 ДГ6 34. f4±[ 31. cb5± Дс2 [^ 31... ДЬ6 32. 5X2!± A 32... d5 33. 5X3 ДГ6 34. a4[ 32. Дd2 Дd2 33. £>d2+- ФП [^ 33... ^c5] 34. Wa7! Фе7 35. £>c4 a4 36. Дdl Wb8 37. b6 ab3 38. ab3© [38. ^)d6!+- A 38... Ш7 39. ba7 Да4 40. аЬЗ Да2 41. ФgЗ+-; A 38... ba2 39. ^)f5[ d5 39. Wc7? [39. Ш31Ч Wc7 40. bc7 Д18± 41. &аЗ &Ь6 42. £>Ь5 фd7 43. Дс1 £>с8 44. ^d4! [Хеб] £>d6 45. Де1 [^ 45. ФgЗ±l Де8 46. Де5 £>с8 47. Фg3 Фd6 48. Де1 е5 49. £if5 Фс7 50. £>h6 £>d6 51. h4 gh4 52. ФИ4 e4 53. fe4 £>e4 [53... Деб 54. g5 <йе4 (54... de4 55. Фg4 e3 56. &f5 Де4 57. фП Де5 58. £>d6 Фd6 59. g6) 55. £>f5 ДЬ6 56. ДеЗ±[ 54. g5 фd7 55. g6 Деб [55... ДЬ8 56. ФЬ5 ^f6 57. Фg5 58. Де4 de4 59. g7 Де8 60. £>g4 феб! (60... еЗ 61. £Т6 Фе7 62. &е8 е2 63. g8W elW 64. ФГ4+-) 61. Фg6 Дg8 (61... Фd5 62. £T6+-) 62. ФЬ7 Дg7 63. Фg7 ФГ5 64. ^еЗ фГ4 65. £lg2 (65. £>с4 еЗ 66. £>Ь2 фе4 67. ^dl Фd4! 68. £}еЗ фсЗ=) ФgЗ 66. £>еЗ (66. 2>е1 ф£2 67. £>с2 фе2П 68. Ь4 фdЗ=) ФГ4П (66... ФП 67. £id5+- А 67... еЗ 68. 173
£ic3) 67. £>с2 еЗ 68. ФП (68. Ь4 е2 69. ФГ6 Фе4 70. Ь5 Ф05=) фе4 69. Фе7 Фс13 70. £}е1 Фс3=[ 56. Sgl Фе8 57. £>f5 Ф18 58. g7 <£g8 59. Sal £>f6 60. Sa8 £>e8 61. <£g5 ФИ7 62. Sal &g8 63. Sa7 ФЬ7 64. Sd7 Se5 65. b4 d4 66. Ф14 Sb5 67. Sd4 £>g7 68. 43g7 <^g7 69. фе4 ФГ6П 70. ФОЗ фе5= 71. ФеЗ [71. фс4 Sb4=[ Sb8 72. Sd7 72... Sc8?? [72... фебО 73. Sd4 (73. Sd3 Sc8 74. ФЬЗ Sb8=) фе5П=[ 73. фЬЗ+- Sb8 74. Фс4! [74. фа4?? фе6П= (74... Sa8? 75. фЬ5 Sb8 76. Фс5 Sc8 77. ФЬ6 Феб 78. Sc7 Sb8 79. Фс5 Фе5 80. Ь5+-) 75. Sa7 фёб 76. Фа5 фс6П=[ Sc8 75. ФЬ5 Sb8 76. Фс5 Sc8 77. ФЬ6 Феб 78. Дс7 ИЬ8 79. Фс5 1 : 0 Skembris 54. В 38 AL. KOVACEVIC 2537 - D. STOJANOVSKI 2430 Paracin 2012 1. е4 с5 2. £>f3 £>с6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 g6 5. c4 &f6 6. £>c3 d6 7. М2 Ag7 8. М3 0-0 9. 0-0 id710. Wd2 a5?! 11. Aidb5 a4 12. c5! [12. f4 - 34/2231 dc5 N [12... £ig4] 13. Ac5 ±g4 14. We3 [14. ®d8 Sfd8 15. f3 Мб (15... M7 16. Sadl± Xa4, b5, b6) 16. foci fodll 17. М3 Sac8 18. foe6 fe6±[ М2 15. We2 Ba5 16. Sadi Ь6?! [Xa5; 16... Sad8 17. 4X15! 43d5 18. ed5 (Xe7) М6П 19. i.a3 W 20. d6±; 16... Sfd8! 17. АеЗ (17. 4X15 43d5 18. ed5 4}b4±s) Sac8 18. аЗ±[ 17. АаЗ [A e5[ 4}h5 [17... Sad8 18. e5 4X17 19. e6±[ 18. 43d5 Sfd8 [18... Sfc8 19. M7±l 19. 43bc7 [19. ®c4! еб 20. Wc6 ed5 21. 4x7! Sac8 22. Ae7+-[ Sab8 [19... Sac8 20. Wc4 еб 21. Wc6 ed5 22. M7 Se8 23. Sd5 Wa7 24. Sd7+-| 20. Ae7?! [20. ®c2! 4}d4 (20... еб 21. Wc6 ed5 22. 4}d5+-; 20... 4X5 21. f4+-) 21. Sd4! Ad4 22. foci фё7 23. 4X6 Wg5 24. M7 Af6 25. M8+-| Sd7 21. М3?! [21. Ah4! b5 22. g4! 4}f4 23. 4tf4 ®c7 24. 4>d5±] b5 22. Scl [22. M5 b4 23. 4X6 Sbb7 24. Ae3+- A 4X5; 23... Sa8[ b4?I [22... Sc7 23. Sc6 4X4! 24. Wg4 (24. 4tf4? Sc6+) 4X15 25. ed5 Sc6 26. dc6 a) 26... b4? 27. Ab4! Sb4 (27... Wb4 28. c7+-) 28. c7+—; b) 26... ^.e5 27. J.c5±| 23. Sc6 ЬаЗ 24. ba3+- Ae5 25. £>a6 Sb2 26. Wc4 Wd2 27. £>c5 Sc2 28. Sc8 [28. Wa4 Sa7 29. Sc8! (29. Ш7?? Wf2!-+) Фg7 30. foe6 fe6 31. ®a7+-[ фg7 29. Wa4 ^.d4 30. £>e6! [30... fe6 31. Sc2+-; 30. £>d7? ±f2 31. ФЬ1 2>g3 32. hg3 Wh6#[ 1 : 0 Al. Kovacevic 55. В 41 Ml. NEMETH 2438 - ROB. MARKUP 2635 Magyarorszdg 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £if3 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. &d4 аб 5. c4 £if6 6.2>c3 Wc7 7. аЗ b6 8. £e3 i.b7 9.13 ±e7 10. Ae2 d6 11. 0-0 0-0 12. Wd2 £}bd7 13. Sfel [13. Sacl Sac8 14. Sfdl Wb8 15. b4 Sfe8 (15... ^.d8?! 16. £ib3 ±c7 17. £f4 £>e5 18. i.e5 de5 19. c5+) a) 16. W d5 17. cd5 i.d6 18. de6 М2 19. ФЫ fe6 20. f4 J.g3 21. e5?! (21. М3 e5oo) foe5 (21... Sc3?!) 22. fe5 We5 (22... M5) 23. £13 £13 24. gf3 Wh5 25. фgl Wf3 26. We2 174
Ah2! 27. Ф112 <§3g4 28. &gl ®g3=; b) 16. Afl Ad8?l 17. £>b3 (17. Sc2 - 70/35) Ac7 18. Af4 £>e5 19. Ae5 de5 20. c5+; 16... h5j Sfc8!? [13... Sac8 14. b4 Wb8 15. ФЫ Ad8 16. Sc2 Ac7 17. Agl ФЬ8 (A Sg8, g5) 18. Sbl («Ъ XWb8) Wa8 (18... Sg8 19. £>a4 ta8 20. c5) 19. &a4T (A c5) - 93/(113)] 14. N [14. b4; 14. a4[ Wd8 15. Wf2 [15. b4 &e5 16. <§3a4 <53fd7 17. Sabi Sab8oo; 15. a4 a) 15... Sab8 16. a5 ba5 17. £>b3 Ae4; b) 15... a5 16. Sdl £>e5 (16... d5 17. ed5 ed5 18. cd5 Ab4 19. £>c6±; 16... £>c5 17. ®c2±) 17. £jdb5±; 17. ЬЗ; c) 15... £>e5!? 16. a5 (16. ЬЗ W7=) cl) 16... ba5 17. W £>c6 18. Йа4 £>d7 19. c5 dc5 20. £>ac5 £>c5 21. ®d8 Sd8 22. £>c5; 19. Wf2t; c2) 16... £>c4 17. Ac4 Sc4 18. ab6 d5 (18... Wb6 19. £>e6±; 18... £jd7 19. ®b31) 19. ed5 (19. W Sb4!) ®d5 20. £>d5 Wd5 21. gc4 Wc4 22. Scl ®d5oo[ ©e5 16. ©a4 ©fd7 17. b4 Sab8 18. Ec2 [18. W Ac6 (18... Aa8 19. Sabi) 19. Ш (19. b5 Aa8 20. ba6 £ic5 21. £>bc5 bc5 22. Aic3 Wa5 23. <51b5 ®a6 24. a4oo) Wf8oo A g5, Wg7[ Aa8 19. Sdl h6 20. ©b2 [20. ФЬЗ Sc6!?[ Wf8 21. ®g3 Ф118 22. Scd2?! [22. f4 a) 22... Ae41? 23. fe5 Ac2 (23... de5 24. W Ac2 25. Sd7±) 24. £>c2 £>e5; b) 22... Aic6 23. e5 de5 24. £>e6 (24. £>c6 Ac6 25. fe5 We8oo A Aif8) fe6 25. Sd7 ef4 26. Af4 (26. Wf4 We8 27. Sdl Af6) e5 27. АеЗ ©f5 (27... Sd8 28. Sd8 ®d8 29. Sd2±) 28. Ecd2 Sf8 29. Ad3 e4 30. Ae2 Af6oc[ 22... g5! 23. Wh3? [23. W ®g7 (23... Sc6 24. c5 bc5 25. <§3a5 Sc7 26. ЙЬс4; 24. a4) 24. Sd6 Ad6 25. Sd6 Sc6 26. Sdl^; 23... фЬ7оо] Wg7 24. f4 gf4 25. Af4 Sg8 [25... &f6 26. Ah6 ®h7 27. £>f3 Sg8 (27... £>e4 28. £>e5 de5 29. Sd7; 27... £rf3 28. gf3 Sg8 29. Sg2)28. &e5 de5 29. g3! Ae4T[ 26. Sei ©f6 27. Ae5? [27. Sde2 £>fg4=[ de5 28. £>f3 £>e4 29. Sde2 [29. Sd7 £>g5 30. £>g5 Ag5-+] f5+ 30. <Ad3 ФИ7© 31. £>de5 Sbd8 32. Sc2 a5 33. c5 bc5 [33... ab4 34. ab4 bc5 35. b5 Ad5+| 34. Ac4 Ш6?! [34... Ad5+[ 35. b5 Sd6 36. Wh5 &d2 37. Ae2? [37. g3 £>f3 38. £if3 Ae4+[ Sg7? [37... We5 38. &e5 Sg2 39. ФЫ Se2 40. &c6 Sei 41. <£g2 Af6-+] 38. ©сб £if3? [38... Ac6 39. bc6 40. Ab5 Ad8+1 39. Af3 Sd3 40. Sce2 Sd6 41. &e5 [41. &a5 Ad8 42. £>c4 (42. £>c6 Ac6 43. Ac6 c4oo) Wd4 43. £>e3 Af3 44. Wf3 c4T; 41. ©ie7 Afi 42. Wf3 Se7 43. Se55S| Ad5 42. Ad5 ed5 43. Sfl f4 44. £>c6 Ad8 45. Se5?! [45. £>d8 Sd8 46. Sef2 Wg5 47. We2 d4[ 45... Ab6?! [45... Ac7! 46. Sd5 (46. Seel c4+) Wb2 47. Wfi (47. Bf2 Wbl 48. Sfl Wa2! 49. Wf5 фЬ8-+) Sdg6![ 46. Sd5? [46. ^re2 a4 47. ФЫ c4 48. W Sg5 49. Se7 Sg7 50. Se5=[ c4 [46... Wb2 47. Wf5 Sdg6 48. g3 fg3 49. hg3 Wa3+[ 47. ФЫ c3 [47... Sd5 48. ^rd5 c3+] 48. Sd6 ®d6 49. ©>e5 [49. We2 АеЗ 50. <§3a5 Sd7!+[ ®e6 50. ©id3 ®e4 51. £>f4 c2-+ 52. We2 We2 53. ©e2 Sd7 54. g3 Sdl 55. &g2 a4 56. Sf7 ^>g8 57. Sb7 Sd2 0 : 1 Rob. Markus В 43 J. HECTOR 2530 - ROB. MARKUP 2599 Helsingor 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 аб 5. ^ЗсЗ b5 6. Ad3 £>e7!? 7. 0-0 £>ec6 8. £if3 175
18. £>с6 - 67/(231)1 d6 18... ±е7 9. a4 b4 10. £id5!? ed5 11. ed5 £>a5 a) 12. d6 ±d6? 13. ±e4 ±b7 14. ®d6 ±e4 15. Sel±; 12... ±f6oo; b) 12. We2 bl) 12... 0-0? 13. d6 ±d6 (13... ±f6 14. We4 g6 15. Wa8 2>ac6 16. a5±) 14. ±h7! (14. We4 g6 15. Wa8 £>ac6) ФЬ7 15. £>g5 <£g6 16. Wd3 f5 17. Wd6 Wf6 18. Wg3 f4 19. ±f4 Wf4 20. £>e6 Wg3 21. &f8 ФП 22. fg3 <£g8 23. Sael+-; b2) 12... d6 13. Sei Aid7 14. ±d2 b21) 14... f6 15. ±b4 £>e5 16. £>e5 (16. £>d4 0-0 17. f4 Wb6!) fe5 17. Wh5 Ф18 18. Se3!?; 18. ±c3t A f4; b22) 14... Sb8 15. ±f4 Sb6 (15... Ф18 16. We7 We7 17. Se7 фе7 18. Sei &d8 19. £>g5) 16. ±f555; 8... ±c5 9. e5-| 9. ±g5 N [9. a4] ±e7 10. Wd2?! 110. ±e7] 10... 0—0?! [10... ^e5! U.±e7£tf3 12. gf3 We7a> 13.a4a7? 13... b4 14. &a2 0-0 (14... a5 15. ±Ь5 2>d7 16. Sadi d5 17. ed5 0-0 18. Sfel±) 15. Aib4 ±b7 (15... a5 16. £>a2 £>c6 17.2>c3) 16. a5!? £>d7; a2) 13...ba4 14. £>a4 £>d7 15. Sfdl 0-0 16. ±e2 d5! 17. ed5 ed5 18. £>c3 (18. Wd5? We2 19. Wa8 £ie5) £>f6T; b) 13. ФЫ 0-0 14. Sgl £id7 15. Wg5 Wg5 16. Sg5 ±b7Tl 11. ±e7 We7 [ 11... £>e7 12. b4!?+ A a4[ 12. Sfdl Sd8 13. ±fl Sa7 14. a4 b4 15. £ia2 d5 [15... a5 a) 16. c3 £>a6 17. ±a6 al) 17... ±a6 18. cb4 £>b4 (18... d5 19. ed5 Sd5 20. We3±) 19. £>b4 ab4 20. Wb4 (20. <2}d4!?) k&2 21. Sd2 ±13 22. gf3 Sb7 23. Wc3±; a2) 17... bc3 18. Aic3 (18. Wc3 Sa6 19. Sael ±b7) ±a6 19. Aib5 Sad7 20. Aifd4 (20. Sael ±b7 21. £>fd4 £>d4 22. Wd4 e5=) £ib4 21. Sael ±b7 22. f3+; b) 16. ±b5 e5 bl) 17. сЗ?! ±e6; 17... ±g4; b2) 17. h3 b21) 17... Sc7 18. c4 £>a6 19. £>cl (19. ±a6 ±a6 20. ЬЗ ±b7 21. ^3cl Aib8 22. We3 £>a6) £>c5 20. We3 ±b7 21. 2>b3 Scc8 22. Sd2 h6 23. Sadi £>e6±; b22) 17... ±e6 18. c4 bc3 19. £>c3 (19. bc3 d5) ±b3 (19... £>b4 20. £>e5 ±b3 21. &c4 ±dl 22. Sdl±) 20. 2>d5 ±d5 21. Wd5 W 22. Wd2 £>8a6 23. Sael h6±] 16. We3 Sad7 [16... de4!? 17. Sd8 Wd8 18. We4 Wd6 19. ±d3 g6 20. Sdl (20. h4 £>d7=) Sd7=] 17. ed5 [17. e5!? a) 17... a5 18. £>cl ±a6 19. ±b5 Sb7 20. ^.сб (20. We2!?) £>c6 21. W±; b) 17... Sc7 18. £icl &d7 (18... Ш 19. Wb6 £iac6 20. W±) 19. £>b3 f6 (19... a5 20. £b5±) 20. ef6 £>f6!?; 20... Wf6oo[ Sd5 18. Sd5 Sd5 19. Ac4 [ 19. ^.d3 Wc5=| Sd8 20. ±d3 g6 21. h4 Wf6 22. сЗ bc3 23. ^c3 £>d4 24. ±e4 &bc6 [24... &f3?! 25. ±13 Wh4 26. Wb6! &d7 27. ®c7 Sf8 28. £>e4±[ 25. £id4 [25. ±c6!? ^c6 26. h5 £id4=[ £>d4 26. g3 e5?! [26... a5=[ 27. b4 ±e6 [27... ±d7[ 28. b5 ±c4 29. Ьаб ±a6?! [29... Wa6 30. h5 f5! 31. ±g2 Wf6oo[ 30. £>d5 Sd5Q [30... Wg7 31. Wg5+-; 30... Wd6 31. Sbl±J 31. ±d5 £ic2 32. ®c3 &al 33. Wal+ Wd6 34. Wa2 [34. ±g2 ±d3 35. ±fl e4 36. a5 Wa6=[ &g7 35. a5 Wb4 36. Wai [36. ±f7 Wei 37. ФЬ2 ±b7 38. ±d5 ±d5 39. Wd5 Wf2 40. Wg2 Wa7±[ f6 37. ±g2 e4 38. ±fl ±fl 39. ФП [W 4/l| Wc4 40. &gl 40... e3! 41. fe3 We2 42. Wc3 [42. a6 We3 43. <£g2 We2 44. ФЬЗ We6=] Ф17 [X&gl| 43. Wc7 Феб 44. Wc6 Фе7 45. Wc3 ФГ7 46. e4 We4 47. Ф12 Wf5 48. Фе2 Wb5 49. Sd2 g5 50. hg5 fg5 51. Фс2 h5!= 52. Wb3 Wb3 176
53. ФЬЗ h4 54. gh4 g4 55. аб g3 56. a7 g2 57. a8W gl® 58. We4 Wg6 1/2 : 1/2 Rob. Markus ФЫ Sc6+I fe6 28. Wg6 фЬ8 29. Wh6 &g8 30. Wg6 ФИ8 31. Wh6 <£g8 32. Wg6 1/2 : 1/2 Macieja 57. IN В 48 58.* В 50 G. GUSEINOV 2613 - MACIEJA 2614 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £f3 £c6 3. £сЗ еб 4. d4 cd4 5. £d4 Wc7 6. АеЗ аб 7. Wd2 £f6 8. 0-0-0 le7 9. f4 b5 10. e5 b4 11. ef6 bc3 12. Wc3 lf6 13. g4 h6 14. h4 Ab7 15. Sh2 Sc8 16. td2 £d4 17. Ad4 Ad4 18. Wd4 0-0 19. g5 h5 20. Sf2 20... d5! N [20... Wa5 - 111/781 21. Ad3 121. g6 fg6 22. Ad3 Hf6 23. Sgl Scf8 24. We3! e5 25. Ag6 Sf4 26. Sf4 Sf4 27. Ah5=| g6 22. a3! [22. Sei Ac6+1 a5 23. Sei Асб 24. Wf6 24... Ab5! 25. Ab5 [25. Ag6 fg6 26. ®g6 ®g7=[ Wb6 26. See2 Wb5 27. Se6! [27. DEVIATKIN 2590 - P. H. NIELSEN 2665 Turkiye 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £13 d6 3. c3 £f6 4. h3 £c6 5. Ad3 g6 6. 0-0 Ag7 7. Ac2 0-0 8. d4 cd4 [8... e5 9. dc5 dc5 10. ®d8 Sd8 11. £a3 b6 N (11... h6) 12. Ag5 h6 13. Af6 Af6 14. Ab3 Sb8 15. Sfdl b5 16. Ad5 Ad7 17. с4?! аб 18. Sac 1 Ь4 19. £c2 &g7 20. £ce 1 Ae7+ J. Smeets 2610 — A. Korobov 2679, Plovdiv 20121 9. cd4 £b4 10. Ab3 d5 11. e5 £e4 12. £c3 £c3 [12... Af5 - 39/(224)1 13. bc3 £c6 14. £h2!? f6 N [14... Af'5|15. ef6 ef6?I [15... Af6 16. £g4 Ag7 17. Ag5±l 16. W13 Аеб 17. Sei A17 18. £g4± £a5 19. £h6?I [19. Aa4! ®b6 (19... ®d6 20. Af4 Wa6 21. Sabl+-) 20. Aa3±l Ah6 20. Ah6 £b3 21. ab3 Se8 22. Se8 £e8 23. h4± 24. Sa5 b6 25. Sa6 J.e6?! [25... We7] 26. c4! Ф17 [26... dc4 27. Wb7 Af7 28. bc4±[ 27. c5 Wc8 28. Wf4?! [28. ^.g5 £f5 29. Wd5 <£g7 30. i.e3!±l Wa6 [^ 28... bc5 29. Wd6 Wd7 30. Wc5l 29. Wc7 Фе8 30. Wc6 Фе7 31. Wa8 bc5 32. ±f8 [32. Wf8 &d7 33. Wg7 фоб 34. Wf6+~1 ФГ7 33. ^.c5 [33. ^d81 ^.c8 34. Wb8 Wb7 35. Wd6 Ш7 36. Wf8 Феб 37. g4 1:0 Z. Arsovic 177
59. В 50 GAGUNASHVILI 2570 - DURARBAYLI 2579 Georgia — Azerbaijan 2012 1. e4 c5 2. d6 3. c3 £>f6 4. ±d3 g6 5. ±c2 ±g7 15... ±h6!?l 6. d4 cd4 7. cd4 ±g4 8. £}bd2 [8. 0-0 £ic6 9. АеЗ £>d7 10. W ±13 11. gf3 0-0=] 0-0 9. 0-0 £>c6 10. h3 ±13 110... ±d7!?l 11. £>13 Hc8 12. We2 N 112. ±e3 - 24/421] Wb6oo 13. e5!? 113. Hdl £>d7] W [13... de5! 14. de5 Woo] 14. ±ЬЗ еб 15. Hdl Wc7 [15... аб 16. We4 Wc7 17. Hel ftde7=| 16. ±d5 ed5 17. ±f4 de5 117... We7!?] 18. de5 Hcd8 118... Wd7 19. Hd2 Wf5 20. We3 Hfe8=] 19. ±g5 Hd7 20. еб He8 21. ef7 Ф17 22. Wb5 122. ±e3 ^g8=] Wa5 122... аб 23. Wb3 ®a5] 23. Wb3 &g8 24. Hd2 Wb6 25. Wa4 [25. Wb6 ab6 26. ±e3 d4 27. Hadi He4=] h6 [25... d4j 26. ±h4 [26. ±e3 d4 27. Hadi Hed8] фЬ7 27. Hadi d4 28. ±g3 Hde7 29. Wc2 Wa6 30. a3 He2 31. фЬ2 [31. He2 We2 32. Wbl Wc4] Hd2 32. Hd2 Wb5 [32... He2 33. ^gl]33. Wdl Wd5 34. £>el 34... ±e5! 35. f4?! ±d6 36. Wg4? [36. W He4] h5 37. Wf3 Wf5 38. £>d3 He3+ 39. Wdl <^>g7 40. ±f2 ±f4? [40... g5! 41. фЫ gf4 42. £>el ±e5 43. &13 ±f6Tl 41. £tf4 Wf4 42. g3 We5 [42... We4 43. ±e3 de3 44. Hd7 ФИ6 45. Wfl !± W 46. Wf8 &g5 47. Hd5! Wc2 48. <^>gl Wbl 49. <£g2 Wb2 50. ФЛ Wai 51. фе2 Wb2 52. феЗ Wcl 53. Ф12 Wb2 54. &gl Wai 55. WflI 43. ±e3 de3 44. Hd7 фЬ6 45. Wf3! [45. Wfl h4 46. Wf8 &g5 47. Wf4 Wf4 48. gf4 <£f4 49. фё2бб] h4 [45... W 46. Wf8 <£g5 47. Hd5 Wd5 48. Wf4#l 46. &g2 hg3 [46... Wb2 47. <£gl Wcl 48. Wfl Wfl 49. ФП hg3 50. Hd3 W 51. He3 2>f5 52. He4+] 47. Wf8 [47. h4! Wb2 48. ФgЗ We5 49. Фg2 Wb2 50. ФИЗ Wf2 51. Wf2 ef2 52. Фg2±] фg5 48. h4 фg4 49. Wf3 ФИ4 50. Hh7 Фg5 51. Wg3 ФГ5 [51... Wg3 52. ФgЗ±] 52. Н17 [52. Hb7± We4 53. Wf3 Фе5 54. Hc7] фе4 53. Wg6 Фd4 54. Wg4 We4 55. We4 фе4 56. Hb7± a5 57. a4! фdЗ 58. Hd7 [58. Hb5] £}d4? [58... Фе4 59. Hg7 Фd4 60. Hg5 фdЗ 61. Hd5 Фс4 62. Hb5 Фd3 63. Hc5 e2 64. Ф12+-] 59. Hd5+- фс4 60. Ha5 ФЬЗ 61. He5 e2 62. a5 £>c6 63. НеЗ Фс2 64. аб 1 : 0 Gagunashvili 60.** В 51 DEMBO 2457 - ZIAZIULKINA 2342 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 d6 3. ±b5 £>d7 4. d4 cd4 5. Wd4 аб 6. ±d7 ±d7 7. £>c3 Hc8 8.0-0 [8. ±g5 - 111/84] e5 9. Wd3 h6 10. a4 £>f6 11. ±e3 Wc7 12. £id2 ±e7 13. a5 0-0 14. Hfel ±e6 15. W £>d5 16. ed5 ±d7?! N [16... ±g4 17. c4 f5 18. 13 ±h5!? N (18... e4) 19. c5 dc5 20. b4 ±d6! (20... Wd7 N. Sedlak 2593 - B. Smith 2450, Skopje 2012) 21. bc5 e4 22. fe4 ±h2 23. ФЫ fe4 24. £se4 ±e5 25. d6Wc6oc] 17.±b6 [17. c4 f5 18. b4 (18. ±b6) Wd8 19. f4 ±f6 20. Habl He8 21. ФЫ We7 22. Wb3 ФИ8 23. £>f3 g5t Du. Popovic 2579 — G. Gopol 2550, Istanbul (ol)2012] Wb8 18. c4±f5 19.b4 [19.13 ±g5 20. ±e3±] e4 20. Wb3 ±g5 21. Wa2 H17 121... Hfe8 22. Hc2±] 178
22. с5?! 122. ^.d4!t] «&Ь5?! [22... еЗ 23. fe3 £еЗ 24. ФЫ f4T] 23. gel Jld8 24. Eacl 124. JLd8!? Ed8 25. Eacl Wc7 26. £>c4±[ Ф117 |24... ±b6 25. ab6±] 25. £>c4 Ac4 26. Wc4 Ed7 27. Wb3 [27. ±d8 Edd8 28. сб Wc7 29. Eedl±[ Jig5 [27... dc5 28. bc5 We5 29. d6±l 28. c6± Ef7 29. Ec2 Wa8 30. Wc4 [30. c7!?[ Ee8 31. c7 Wc8 32. b5 [32. f3 Efe7 33. Ece2+-1 ab5 33. Wb5 Efe7 34. Wb4 Af4 35. Wc4 [35. f3!+-] Jlg5 36. Ece2 Wd7 37. О Ah4 38. g3 ef3 39. Ee7 Ae7 40. Wd3 140. Ee6!+-[ EfB 41. Wf3?! [41. We3!+-1 116 42. Wa3 Ec8 43. Ee6 Ae5 [43... Ec7 44. Ac7 Wc7 45. Wd3+-1 44. Wd3 Ef8 45. Wc2 [45. Ee5 de5 46. d6 e4 47. Wd5 Ee8 48. Ф12+-1 ФИ8 46. аб! ba6 47. Wc6! Wc8 [47... Wc6 48. dc6 Ec8 49. Ee7+-[ 48. Ee7 [48. J.c5!+-[ f4 49. Wd7 Wa8 [49... fg3 50. Wc8 Ec8 51. Ee5+-1 50. Ee5! [50. Wd8?? ±d4 51. Ad4 Ed8 52. cd8W Wd8 53. Eg7 Wa5Q=[ de5 51. Wd8 Ed8 52. cd8W Wd8 53. Jld8 &g8 54. ±c7 fg3 55. d6 1:0 Dembo 61.* В 51 Z. EFIMENKO 2694 - ALEXANDER MOISEENKO 2706 Ukraine (ch) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 £ic6 3. Jib5 d6 4. 0-0 Ad7 5. Eel £>f6 6. сЗ аб 7. Afl Ag4 8. h3 Ah5 9. g4 [9. d4 J.f3 10. gfi g5!? (10... cd4) 11. АеЗ (11. d5 £>e5 12. Ag5 Eg8 13. f4 h6 14. fe5 de5 15. £id2 hg5M еб (11... cd4 12. cd4 &h5 13. Wb3 Ag7 14. d5 £>e5 15. Ag5 Eg8 16. ФЫ Ah8 17. f4 &g6 18. f5 £>gf4 19. Ah4 Ф18 20. &d2+) 12. £>d2 cd4 13. cd4 d5 14. Ecl Ae7 15. Ad3 h6=| Ag6 [9... £>g4? 10. hg4 Ag4 11. Ae2 e5 12. d3 Wf6 13. £}bd2 Ae7 14. £>c4 Wg6 15. ФЫ 0-0-0 16. W Ae2 17. We2±l 10. d4 cd4 [10... Ae4? 11. Ee4! £>e4 12. d5 ^f2 (12... &e5 13. £>e5 de5 14. ta4 Wd7 15. We4 0-0-0 16. Ag2+-) 13. ф£2 £>e5 14. £>e5 de5 15. £>d2 Wd5 16. Ag2 Wd7 17. Wb3 Eb8 18. £ic4 еб 19. £>e5 Wb5 (19... Wc7 20. Wa4! b5 21. Асб Wc6 22. £>c6 ba4 23. £>b8 Ad6 24. £>a6 &d7 25. b4+~) 20. Ae3±; 10... £>e4? 11. d5 £>b8 12. Ee4 Ae4 13. Wa4 &d7 14. We4 £rf6 15. Wd3±; 10... еб 11. d5 £>e5 12. <Йе5 de5 13. de6 fe6 14. Wd8 (14. Wb3!? Wd7 15. £>d2 0-0-0 16. g5 £ih5 17. Wb6 Wd6 18. Wa5 Wc7 19. Wc7 Фс7 20. £>c4 £d6 21. b4 cb4 22. £id6 <£d6 23. cb4+) Ed8 15.^d2 £>d7 16. a4 ^.e7 17. £>c4±[ ll.cd4 11... e5 [11... £e4? 12. Ee4 &e4 13. d5 a) 13... &e5 14. £>e5 de5 15. Wa4 Wd7 16. We4+-; b) 13... Wb6 14. ±e3 Wb2 15. dc6 bc6(15... Wai 16. cb7Eb8 17. Wa4<£d8 18. ±b6#) 16. Wa4 Ec8 17. i.a6 Ec7 18. Wa5 Ed7 19. J.d3 £>c5 20. Wa8 Ed8 21. Wc6 Ed7 (21... £>d7 22. ±d4+-) 22. £b5+-; c) 13... ^)f2 14. Ф12 £}e5 15. &e5 de5 16. £>c3 Ec8 17. Wa4 Wd7 18. Wd7 &d7 19. .&e3 g6 20. J.d3 kgl 21. £>a4 Фе8 22. £>c5 Ec7 23. Ecl±; 11... £>e4? 12. d5 £>b8 13. Ee4 ±e4 14. Wa4 2>d7 15.We4 g6 16. £>c3 (16. Wd4 Eg8 17. &c3 kgl 18. Wb4±) ±g7 17. Ag5±; 11... еб 12. d5 (12. £>c3) £ie5 13.de6 (13... fe6 14. £>g5 Wd7 15. f4 16. £ic3 £>g5 17. fg5 £>g8 18. £ia4 Wc7 19. ±e3 b5 20. W Eb8 21. Ecl Wb7 22. £g24—) 179
14. ШЗ fe6 15. е5 de5 16. Wb7 Ae7 17. £>c3 0-0 18. Se5 Af7 19. Se2±; 11... d5!? 12. ed5 (12. e5 - 99/133) a) 12... Wd5? 13. £>c3 Wa5 (13... Wd6 14. d5 W 15. ®a4 £>bd7 16. Af4+—) 14. £>e5 Sd8 15. £ic6 bc6 16. Ag2 Sc8 17. f4 h5 18. f5 Ah7 19. g5 £>d7 20. £>e4+-; b) 12... £>d5 13. £ic3 e6 14. £>d5 Wd5 15. Ag2 Sd8 16. Ag5 f6 17. £}e5! Wd4 18. £>c6 9dl 19. Sadi Sdl 20. Sdl bc6 21. Асб <£>f7 22. АеЗ Ae7 23. Sd7 Sc8 24. Ab7 Sc2 25. Ааб Фе8 N (25... Sb2 26. Ac5+—; 25... Ae4) 26. Sd2 Scl 27. &g2± H. Ziska 2450 - Seps 2193, Oslo 2012; 11... Sc8 a) 12. £>c3 e5 13. d5 £>b8 14. W Ae7 15. £>f5 0-0 (15... Af5 16. ef5 h6 17. a4 0-0 18. АеЗ £ibd7 19. Wb3+) 16. £je7 We7 17. Ag5 h6 18. Ah4 &bd7 19. f3±; b) 12. d5!? &e5 (12... W 13. £>c3 e6 14. e5 de5 15. £>e5+-) 13. £>e5 de5 14. £>c3 e6 15. de6 fe6 16. Ш8 Sd8 17. АеЗ Ae7 (17... £e4 18. £>e4 Ae4 19. Ab6 Sd6 20. Ac5±) 18. f3±[ 12. &c3 112. d5 £>b8 a) 13. £>h4 al) 13... Ae4 14. &c3 Ag6 15. g5 2>fd7 16. f4 Ae7 (16... f6 17. ®g4 Af7 18. g6 hg6 19. &g6±) 17. f5 Ag5 18. Ag5 Wg5 19. Wg4 ®g4 20. hg4 £rf6 21. Ae2±; a2) 13... abd7 14. £>d2 Ae7 15. £ig6 hg6 16. a4 0-0 17. a5 £>e8 18. b4 Sc8±5; b) 13. £>c3 £ibd7 14. Ad2 Ae7 15. Scl 0-0=] Ae7 13. £>d5!? N |13. d5 £>b8 14. Wb3 £>bd7 a) 15. Wb7 £}c5 16. Wb4 0-0 (16... h5) 17. £id2 h5T; b) 15. £ih4 Sb8 16. £ig6 hg6 17. a4 WM 0-0 113... Ae4? 14. £>f6 Af6 15. Se44~; 13... £>e4 14. £>e7 £>e7 (14... ®e7 15. d5 W 16. Se4 Ae4 17. ®a4 £>d7 18. We4 £>f6 19. Wa4 Wd7 20. Wb3±) 15. de5 d5 16. £>d4 h5 17. АеЗ hg4 18. Wg4 Wd7 19. Sadl±; 13... £id5 14. ed5 £>d4 15. £>d4 ed4 16. f4 f6 17. Wd4 0-0 18. Ad2±] 14. £>e7 We7 [14... &e7 15. de5 a) 15... de5 16. Wd8 Sad8 17. £>e5 Ae4 (17... £>e4 18. £g6+-) 18. g5+—; b) 15... t&A 16. ed6 £>c6 17. d7 ®c7 18. £>h4 £>f6 19. £>g6 hg6 20. АеЗ £>d7 21. Ag2 Sad8 22. Wb3 Sfe8 23. Sacl+] 15. d5 £>b8 [15... £>a7 16. Ag5 h6 17. Ah4 Sfc8 18. a4±] 16. Ag5! [16. £ih4 h6 17. g5 (17. 2>g6 fg6 18. Ag2 ЙМ7=) W 18. £ig6 fg6 19. gh6 Wh4M &bd7 [16... h6 17. Ah4[ 17. £>d2! [XAg6] Sfc8 [17... h6 18. Ah4 Ah7 19. f3 Sfc8 20. Wb3 (20. Scl £>f8 21. Ag3±) b5 21. Seel £>c5 22. Wa3 Wb7 23. Af6 gf6 24. ®e3 <£>g7 25. b4 £>a4 26. W±; 17... £>c5 18. b4 £>cd7 19. Wb3 a5 20. a3 h6 21. Ah4 Ah7 22. f3 Sfc8 23. Ab5±[ 18. Wb3!? h6 [18... b5 19. f3 £>c5 a) 20. We3 h6 21. Ah4 &a4 22. ЬЗ £>c5 (22... Sc3 23. Wf2 £>c5 24. £>bl £>d3 25. We3 £iel 26. ®c3 Wa7 27. Af2 ^f3 28. W ®c7 29. £d2+-) 23. Sacl±; b) 20. Wa3 h5 21. Sael Wd7 22. Af6 gf6 23. We3±; 18... £c5 19. Wa3 h6 20. Ah4 a5 21. f3±[ 19. Ah4 b5 [19... Ah7 20. 13 b5 21. Seel ®d8 22. Af2 £>c5 23. Wa3 £>fd7 24. £>b3 £}b3 25. ab3±; 19... Sc7 20. Sael Sac8 21. Sc7 Sc7 22. f3 £>c5 (22... Ah7 23. Se3 £>f8 24. Sc3 g5 25. Af2 Sc3 26. Wc3 Wd7 27. £ic4 £>e8 28. £>a5±) 23. Wa3 £>cd7 24. &c4±; 19... Wd8 20. f3 Wa5 (20... b5 21. Seel Wa5 22. Ael £>c5 23. We3 Wd8 24. b4 £>a4 25. W Scl 26. Scl Sc8 27. £ia5 Scl 28. Wcl £ie8 29. Ae2±; 20... &c5 21. Wa3) 21. £>c4 Wc7 22. Sael Wb8 23. £ib6 Wa7 24. Af2±[ 20. f3 Wd8 [20... Sa7 21. Sael Sac7 22. Sc7 Sc7 23. Wa3 £>b8 24. Ш5 Sc2 25. Ad3 Wc7 26. Wc7 Sc7 27. Af6 gf6 28. a4 ba4 29. ^c4±] 21. Seel!? £ic5 [21... Wa5 22. Ael Wb6 23. Af2 Wa5 24. Wdl Scl 25. Wcl Wd8 26. Wc6 &e8 27. Scl±] 22. Wdl [22. We3!? £g4? (22... £>d5? 23. ^c5! Sc5 24. Ad8 Sd8 25. ed5 Sd5 26. W+-) 23. Wc5! Wh4 (23... Sc5 24. Ad8 Sd8 25. hg4+-) 24. Wc8 Sc8 25. Sc8 £>h7 26. hg4 h5 (26... Wg3 27. Ag2 Wf4 28. £>fl+-) 27. Ag2 hg4 28. Sc3 f5 29. fg4 Wg4 30. Sfl fe4 31. Sei e3 32. Sce3+-] Ah7 [^ 22... &a4!? 23. b4 Ah7 24. W Sc3 (24... Scl 25. Scl g5 26. 180
£4c3+-: d) 33... bc2 34. £>c8 Wc8 35. Ec2 “““-“““------ Wf8 36. Wc4 W 37. Wc5+-] 28. Wa3 46... Фд8? [46... f5!! a) 47. <£d2 fe4 48. fe4 Sab8? [28... ДсЬ8П 29. £>b3 a) 29... b4 30. h5 49. gh5 (49. ФеЗ hg4 50. hg4 ±d7=)
W 50. АеЗ £>f4 51. Af2 Ф17 52. феЗ (52. h4 g4 53. Ag3 £>h5 54. Ael фе7= 55. феЗ £>f4) ф£6 53. ФЬ4 Ag6=; b) 47. ef5 2>d5 48. ф(12 Асб 49. Ab8 £>f4 50. ФеЗ h5 51. f6 ФГ6 52. Ad6 h4=; с) 47. gf5!? Ah5 48. Фd2 Afl 49. ФеЗ cl) 49... Ahl 50. b4 £>g2 51. Фd2 £>f4 52. Ab5 Ae4 53. Асб £>d5 54. b5 £>f6 55. феЗ Ad5 56. b4 Ac4 57. b6 £>d5 58. Фd2 W 59. Afl £>a6 60. Ь7 ФГ6 61. Ae4 h5 62. ФеЗ d5 63. Ab6 de4 64. фс4 ФГ5 65. Aa7 (65. ФЬ5 £>b8 66. Ac7 £id7 67. Феб Фе6=) еЗ! 66. АеЗ h4D 67. Ab6 e4 68. Aa7 g4 69. hg4 Фg4 70. ФЬ5 h3 71. фаб h2 72. b8W hlW=; c2) 49... Ag2! 50. Ab5 (50. Ag2 £>g2 51. ФА £tf4 52. ФgЗ h5 53. АеЗ ФЬ6 54. Af4 ef4 55. ФА h4 56. b4 Фе5=) c21) 50... Ah3 51. b4 h5 52. Aa4 g4 53. b5 g3 54. ФА Ag2Q 55. фgЗ Ae4 56. Ac2 Ahl! (56... Ac2 57. b6+-; 56... Ad5 57. АеЗ £>e2 58. ФЬ4 ФГ6 59. Ad3 ^f4 60. Af4 ef4 61. ФЬ5 f3 62. фg4 f2 63. ФГ4 Ag2 64. b6+—) 57. ФЬ4 Ad5 58. Фg5 h4 59. ФЬ4 Ac4 60. b6 Ad5 61. Фg5 £>h3 62. Фg4 £>f2 63. ФЬ5 Ab7 64. фg6 £>g4 65. Ab8 e4 66. Фg5 £>f6 67. Adi e3 68. Ae2±; c22) 50... h5! 51. b4 h4 52. f6 ФГ6 53. Ad7 Фе7 54. Af5 Ah3 55. Ah3 £>h3 56. ФА £>f4 57. Фg4 h3 58. Agl Aie2 59. Ah2 £>f4 60. Фg5 2>d3 61. Фg4 Aib4 62. ФЬЗ &d3 63. Фg2 £ib2 64. ФА=[ 47. Ab8?! [47. ФЬ4! фс7 48. Фа5 f5 49. gf5 Ah5 50. АеЗ Af3 51. f6 Ah5 52. Af4 gf4 53. Ab5 fl 54. Ь4+-] фе7 48. ФЬ4 Ad7?I 148... h5! 49. Фа5 hg4 (49... h4 50. b4 f5 51. ef5 Ad7 52. Ab5 Ab5 53. ФЬ5 Фd7 54. f6 £>h3 55. f7 фе7 56. Ad6 ФП 57. Феб £tf4 58. b5 h3 59. b6 h2 60. b7 hlW 61. b8W Wcl 62. Фd7 £>g6 63. Ae5+-) 50. hg4 f5! a) 51. ef5? Af7! 52. f6 ФГ6 53. Ad6 Ad5 54. Ab5 Af3 55. Ь4 Феб 56. Ac5 Ag4=; b) 51. Ab5 bl) 51... fe4 52. fe4 (52. Ae8 ef3 53. Ab5 £>d5) Ag6 53. b4 Ae4 54. Асб Ad5 55. Ь5 Асб 56. bc6 e4 57. фаб еЗ 58. c7 e2 59. c8W el W 60. Wc7 ФГ6 61. Wd6 £}e6 62. b4+; b2) 51... fg4 52. fg4 (52. Ae8? gfl 53. Ab5 £>e2-+ 54. Aa7 Aid4 55. Ac4 g4) Ag6 53. Асб Ae4 54. b4 Ad5 55. Ь5 Асб 56. bc6 e4 57. Aa7 Фd8□ 58. Ь4 фс7 59. b5 &d5 60. Af2 e3 61. Ael £>e7 62. ФЬ4 e2 63. Фс4 фЬ6=; с) 51. gf5! Ah5 52. f6 ФА6 53. Ad6 Afl 54. Ac5! Ae4 55. d6 £>e6 56. b4 g4 57. d7+-] 49. Фа5!+— Ae8 50. Aa7?! [50. ФЬ6!? b4! 51. Фс7 f5! 52. gf5 Ah5 53. Ac4 Afl 54. Феб Ae4 55. Ad6 ФА6 56. Ab4 W 57. Ac5+-; 50. b4! Ad7 51. Ab5 Ab5 (51... £>h3 52. Ad7 Фd7 53. b5 £if4 54. b6 £>d3 55. фа6+—) 52. ФЬ5 Фd7 53. фаб £>d3 54. Ь5 Aib4 55. фа7+—; 50. АЬ5 АЬ5 51. ФЬ5 Фd7 52. Ь4 Фс8 53. Ad6 ФЬ7 54. Ае7 ^ЬЗ 55. d6 <53f4 56. d7+-l <53g6 [50... f5!? 51. gf5 (51. ef5 b4 52. фЬ4 Af7 53. Ac4 фd7 54. Фа5 фс7 55. Ааб Ad5 56. b4 Afl 57. Ь5 Ab7 58. f6 £>e6 59. f7+-) Ah5 52. ФЬ5 Afl 53. Феб Ae4 54. f6 ФГ6 55. Ac4 h5 56. Фd6 g4 57. hg4 h4 58. b4 h3 59. Agl Ad3 60. Ad3 £>d3 61. b5 e4 62. b6 &b4 63. Фс5 еЗ 64. ФЬ4 e2 65. Af2 h2 66. b7 hl# 67. b8W el W 68. Ael Wei 69. ФЬ5! We2 70. Фа5 Wd2 71. фаб Wd3 72. Wb5+-[ 51. Af2 Фd8 52. Ab5 Ab5 53. ФЬ5 Фс7 54. Фаб ^)f4 55. b4 £>d3 56. Ь5 ФЬ8 [56... 5jf2 57. Фа7 ^)d3 58. Ь6 Фd7 59. Ь7+-[ 57. Аа7 Фа8 58. АеЗ ФЬ8 [58... W 59. Ь6 ФЬ8 60. Ь7 £>с4 61. Аа7+—] 59. Ь6 £)Ь4 60. ФЬ5 &с2 61. Af2 ФЬ7 62. Фс4 1:0 Z. Efimenko 62.** В 51 GRANDA ZUlilGA 2648 - MECKING 2602 Campinas (m/3) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £tf3 d6 3. Ab5 £}c6 4. 0-0 Ad7 5. Hel аб 6. АП Ag4 7. h3 Af3 8. Wfl g6 [8... <53f6!? 9. £>c3 e6= A Ae7, 0—0[ 9. c3 182
Ag7 10. d3 £>f6 11. АеЗ £>d7 12. £>d2 0-0 13. Wdl b5 14. a3 [RR 14. &f3 W 15. d4 &a4 N (15... cd4) 16. He2 Wa5 17. SclHad8 18.Hec2 Wc7 19. ЬЗ &b6 20. a4 ba4 21.ba4 c4 22. a5 £>a5 23. Sal W 24. Sa6± R. Ponomariov 2726 — F. Caruana 2775, Dortmund 20121 a5 [14... Hc8 — 100/(120)] 15. £>f3 15... £}de5 N [15... a4 N = A £>a5; RR 16. d4 Wb6 (16... c4!? A ^a5, ЬЗ) 17. Ecl £>a5 18. Hc2 Hac8 19. h4 £if6 20. Ag5 cd4 21. cd4 Wb7 22. Ad3 ЙЬЗоо G. Gopal 2550 - G. Guseinov 2613, Istanbul (ol) 2012; 15... b4| 16. &e5 £>e5 17. a4 ba4 [17... b4 18. d4 W 19. Ab5 ЬсЗ 20. bc3+] 18. Ha4 [18. Wa4!? Wc7 19. d4 £id7 20. Ab5 £ib6 21. ta3+[ £>c6 19. НаЗ [19. d4 cd4 20. cd4 2)b4 21. НаЗ Wd7 22. Hc3±] Hb8 20. Wa4 [20. He2!? A Hd2[ Hb6 21. Hb3 Hb3 22. Wb3 Wa8 23. Hal [23. Wa4 Hb8 24. He2 Wb7=l Hb8 24. Wc2 Wb7 25. Ael [25. Ha2 еб 26. g3 (26. Ae2 Ad4!?oo) Af6=] h5 [25... еб 26. Ae2 d5=[ 26. Ae2 ФЬ7 [26... еб 27. Adl±; 26... Wc7 27. Adl+; 26... Wb6 27. Adl±[ 27. Wd2 Wb6 28. Adl± £>e5 29. Ac2 £>c6 30. НаЗ еб 31. ЛЬЗ [31. Aa4+] ®c7 32. Hb8 Wb8 33. g4 [33. Aa4 Wb7 34. b3± A f4[ hg4 34. hg4 d5 35. f4 d4 36. Aa4 Wb6 37. c4 <ЙЬ4 38. ЬЗ Wd8 39. g5 f6 [39... Wh8 40. Aa3 <i>g8 41. Ab4 ab4 42. Wh2=] 40. Wh2 &g8 41. gf6 Af6 42. Ad2 ФП |42... £>d3?? 43. Wg3+-] 43. e5 Ag7 44. Wg3 Wh8 45. Ab4 ab4 46. Ac6 Af8 47. Ae4 Wh6 48. <£g2 Ae7 49. Wg4 Wh5 50. Af3 Wg4 51. Ag4 Ad8 52. фВ Ae7 1/2 : 1/2 Da Costa Junior 63. В 52 P. CARLSSON 2531 - JI DAN 2323 Zlatni Pyasatsi 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £tf3 d6 3. Ab5 Ad7 4. Ad7 Wd7 5.0-0 £>c6 6. c3 £>f6 7. d4 £e4 8. d5 £>e5 9. Hel £if6 10. £ie5 de5 11. c4 0-0-0 12. £>c3 h6?I N [12... еб 13. Ag5!?w; 13. He5 - 88/1761 13. He5 еб 14. Af4! Ad6? [14... аб! a) 15. de6? Wdl 16. Hdl Hdl 17. £idl Ad6 18. Hf5 fe6 19. Hf6 gf6 20. Ad6 Hd8-+; b) 15. Wf3!? Ad6 16. de6 Wc7 17. Hael fe6 (17... Ae5? 18. He5+-) 18. £>a4 (18. Wh3 Ae5 19. We6 Hd7 20. Ae5 Wc6 21. Af6 We6 22. Неб gf6 23. £id5^) Wc6 19. Wc6 bc6 20. Ag3 Ae5 21. Ae5^; c) 15. Wei!? Ad6 16. de6 Wc7! 17. £>a4 b6 18. b4! Ae5 19. Ae5 Wc6 20. e7 Hde8 21. Af6 Wf6 22. bc5 He7 23. £ib6 ФЬ7 24. Wfl Wd4 25. £>d5ro; d) 15. He2!? ed5 16. £ia4 Wc6 17. cd5 Hd5 18. Wc2w; e) 15. £>a4 Wc7 16. We2 Ad6 17. de6 Ae5 18. We5 (18. Ae5 Wc6) We5 19. Ae5 Hd2 20. e7 £id7 21. Ag7 He8 22. Ah6 He2 23. £ic3 H2e7 24. Ae3±[ 15. £}b5! Ab8 [15... Ae5 16. Ae5 b6 (16... Hde8 17. £>d6 Фd8 18. £if7! фе7 19. £>h8 Hh8+-) 17. Wa4 a5 18. £>d6 ФЬ8 (18... Wd6 19. Ad6 Hd6 20. a3 ed5 21. b4+-) 19. £rf7 Фс8 20. Wd7 Фd7 21. Hdl фе7 22. £id8 Hd8 23. Hel He8 24. Af6 ФГ6 25. f4 e5 26. fe5 He5 27. He5 фе5 28. a4+-J 16. Wa4! b6 [16... аб 17. de6! a) 17... We7 18. Wa3! b6 (18... Ae5 19. Ae5 fe6 20. £>a7 Фd7 21. Wa4 b5 22. Wa6 Фе8 23. £>c6 Wd7 24. <53d8 Wd8 25. We6 We7 26. We7 фе7 27. cb5+-) 19. ef7!! (19. Wa6 Wb7 20. Wa4 183
£>g4 21. Ee4 We4 22. Ab8 fe6 23. Ag3 Ed7 24. b4 cb4 25. f3 We3 26. ФЫ £>f2 27. £f2 Wf2 28. Wa8#) ±e5 20. Wa6 ®b7 21. &a7! ФЬ8 22. £>c6! Фс7 (22... ®c6 23. i.e5 Ed6 24. Edl &e4 25. f3 Wc7 26. Ed5 ®a7 27. Wa7 Фа7 28. Ed6+-) 23. «&е5 Феб 24. Ш>5#; b) 17... ®c6 18. Wa3! bl) 18... ab5 19. cb5! Ae5 20. bc6 ^.f4 21. e7 Ede8 22. Ш8 фс7 23. Wb7 <£d6 24. Edl фе5 25. c7 ФГ5 26. Ed8 Ee7 (26... Ac7 27. Wc7+-) 27. c8W+-; b2) 18... b6 19. e7 Ed7 20. Wa6 Wb7 21. Wa3 ±e5 22. Ae5 £>e8 23. Wh3 f6 24. JLg3+—; ЬЗ) 18... J.e5 19. £>a7 фс7 20. Ae5 ФЬ6 21. £>c6+-l 17. b4! cb4 |17... ed5 18. bc5 bc5 19. ЕЫ+-] 18. c5! <5dd5 [18... bc5 19. de6 fe6 20. ®a6 W>7 21. Ec5+-; 18... a5 19. c6 (19. de6 fe6 20. c6 We7 21. cl kcl 22. Ecl Aid5 23. Ed5 Ed5 24. Ec7 Wc7 25. £>c7+-) We7 20. c7 ±c7 21. Ecl £>e8 22. Eh5 e5 23. Ee5 Ш6 24. Ee8 Wf4 25. Ec7 ФЬ8 26. Eee7+—; 18... Ae5 19. Wa6! Wb7 20. £a7 ФЬ8 21. &c6 Фс8 22. 2>e7 фЬ8 23. ±e5 Ed6 24. ±d6 ®c7 25. £>c6#[ 19. c6! 119... We7 20. ®a6 Wb7 21. ®b7#; 19... Sc6 20. £>a7+-[ 1 : 0 P. Carlsson 64. В 61 EVGENY ALEKSEEV 2673 - DANIIL DUBOV 2594 Russia (ch) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £id4 £>f6 5. £>c3 £>c6 6. ±g5 Ad7 7. ®d2 h6 8. M6 gf6 9. f4 £>d4 10. Wd4 fiS 11.0-0-0 Ec8 12. f5 Wc5 13. Wd3 h5 14. ФЫ Ah6 [14... h4 - 30/3811 15. g3 N [15. ^d5] h4 16. <Ad5 Jig5 17. £e2 Ф18 18. c3 18... ±a4! 19. Edfl [19. ЬЗ Ac6 (19... Ad7 20. b4 Wc6oo) 20. b4 Wf2 21. Edfl Wg2 22. Ehgl Wh2 23. Ehl ®g2=[ a6 20. Wf3 Ac6 21. Edl Ad5 [21... h3? 22. Ed4 A Ehdl; 21... b5!?[ 22. ed5 [22. Ed5 We3=] hg3 23. hg3 <£g7 24. We4 Ehl 25. Ehl Wf2 26. g4 Ec7= 27. W13 ШЗ 28. А.13 [E 9/j[ ±f4 29. Фс2 Ae5 30. аЗ Ec8 31. Ae2 Af4 32. b4 Ea8 33. ФЬЗ a5 34. a4 A.e3 35. ДЬ5 ,Ab6 36. Eel Ф18 37. Ee4 Ec8 38. Ec4 Ed8 39. Ee4 Ec8 40. Eel Ec7 41. Ee4 1/2 : 1/2 SI. Martinovic 65. IN В 63 Nl. DUKIC 2523 - L. DRASKOVIC 2303 Crna Gora 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 W6 5. Ac3 ftc6 6. Ag5 e6 7. Wd2 £e7 8. 0-0-0 ^d4 9. Wd4 0-0 10. h4 a6 [10... ^d7 - 99/1421 11. e5 de5 12. We5 ^.d7 13. Eh3 13... ФЬ8! N [13... We8? 14. Eg3 ФЬ8 15. £ie4+-; 13... Ec8?! 14. Ehd3 We8 15. Eg3 (15. £>e4) ФЬ8 16. £>e4±; 13... b5[ 14.Ehd3 [14. Eg3 Ec8 15. £ie4 Wc7 16. Wc7 Ec7 17. £if6 (17. ^.f4 £ie4 18. kcl Ac6! 19. Eb3 ^>f2 20. Ed4 &e4M ^.f6 18. £f6 gf6=| We8 15. &e4 &e4 16. Ed7 [16. ±e7 We7 17. Ed7 Wh4oo[ £>g5 [16... J.g5?! 17. hg5 £if2 18. Eld2 £ig4 19. Wg3 h5 20. ^.e2±| 17. hg5 Ed8 18. Ed8 [18. Eb7 Edl 19. фё! Wd8 20. J.d3 ±g5oo| ±d8 19. ±d3 We7 [19... f6?! 20. gf6 Af6 21. We4 g6 22. Wb7±| 20. f4 £c7 21. We3 [21. ®e4 g6oo[ g6 22. Ehl Wd6! 23. Eh4 [23. Wh3 Ш4 24. ФЫ 184
h5 25. g4 Wg5!? (25... Wg3=) 26. gh5 gh5 27. Wf3 h4oo; 23. g3 Ab6 24. Wei Wd4 25. ФМ We3=] <^>g8 24. ФЫ 1/2 : 1/2 Ni. Dukic 66.*** !N В 67 SVIDLER 2749 - DANIIL DUBOV 2594 Russia (ch) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. &f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £>f6 5. &c3 £>c6 6. Ag5 еб 7. Wd2 аб 8.0-0-0 Ad7 9. f4 b5 10. Af6 gf6 11. фЬ1 Wb6 12. <?3c6 Асб 13. f5 b4 14. <§3e2 e5 114... Ae4 15. fe6 fe6 16. £>f4 d5 (16... ЬЗ!? 17. Ad3 ba2 18. Фа2±) 17. Ad3 a) 17... Wc6? 18. Ae4 de4 19. <§3h5! N (19. We2 — 33/286) Ae7 (19... f5 20. g4 Ec8 21. Shfl+-) 20. Wh6 Eg8 21. Hhfl f5 22. <§3g7 1 : 0 Kirpikov - N. Baranov, corr. 2012; b) 17... 0-0-0 18. Ae4 de4 19. We2 Edl 20. Edl e3 21. Wf3 Ad6 (21... ФЬ8 22. £>h5 e2 23. We2 Ae7 24. Sfl±) 22. £>e6 Ee8 23. 2>d4 ФЬ8 (23... Ac7) 24. £>e2± Kirpikov] 15. £>g3 h5 16. h4 Wc5 [16... а5?! 17. Ac4 Ec8 18. We2 Wc5 19. ЬЗ а4 20. £>h5! N (20. Ehel) Ae7 21. g4± Ka. Drozdowski 2329 — K. Alekseenko 2445, Moscow 2012] 17. We2 Фе7 18. £>h5 Ab5 19. Wg4 Ah6 20. Ed5!? N |20. Ad3 — 99/(147)1 Wc7 120... We3? 21. Wdl! We4 22. Ab5 ab5 23. Ed6 Ead8 24. Ed7!! Ed7 25. Wd7 <£>d7 26. £>f6 Феб 27. <§3e4 Eg8 28. g3 Eg4 29. Eel+- Evgeny Alekseev 2677 — Daniil Dubov 2569, Rus- sia 2012] 21. Wdl |21. Wf3? Ehc8 22. Wb3 Асб 23. Ac4 Ab7! 24. Ad3 Ad5 25. Wd5 a5+ A a4, Ea5] Асб 22. Ac4 Eac8 23. Ш 123. g4!? Ad5 24. Ad5 Ehg8 25. Ab35s Wc6? 26. £>f6 ФА6 27. g5 Ag5 28. Wh5+-] a5 24. Ed3!? [24. Eh3!?; 24. Ac4; 24. Wd3] a4! [24... Ae4? 25. £>f6! ФГ6 26. Ed6 <£g7 (26... фе7 27. f6 ФГС 28. Ed7+-) 27. Ed7 Ac2 28. Ac2 Wc4 29. f6+-; 24... Ehg8? 25. £>f6!! ФА6 26. Wh5! (26. Ed6!? <£g7 27. Eh3! Af4 28. Ehd3! a4 29. Af7 Wf7 30. Ec6 Ec6 31. Ed7 Ef8 32. g3 АеЗ 33. Wd5 Ec5 34. We6 Wd7 35. Wd7 Ef7 36. Wa4 Efc7 37. Wb3 Ad2 38. g4 Ael 39. g5 Ec2 40. Wc2 Ec2 41. Фс2 Ah4 42. g6+-) Ae4 (26... <£g7 27. Eg3 ФЬ7 28. Eg8 Eg8 29. Af7+—) 27. Wh6 Фе7 28. f6 Фе8 29. Ed2 Wc6 30. Wh5 Ag6 31. We2+—] 25. Af7? 125. Ad5 a) 25... Ab5!? 26. Ef3 (26. Eg3 Wc5^) Ehg8 27. g3 Wc5^; b) 25... Ad5 bl) 26. Ed5 ЬЗ! 27. сЬЗ аЬЗ 28. ЕЬ5 (28. аЬЗ? Wa7!-+) Wc6 29. ЕЬ4 (29. ЕЬЗ We4 30. Wd3 Wg2 31. Edl Ehd8+) ba2 30. фа IT; b2) 26. ed5 Wc4^ 27. g4 Ehg8 28. Egl Ec5 29. Eg2 ЬЗ! 30. аЬЗ аЬЗ 31. ЕЬЗ Еа8! 32. Egg3 Ed5 33. Egd3 Eda5 34. Eb7 (34. ЕаЗ ЕаЗ 35. ЕаЗ ЕаЗ 36. ЬаЗ Wb5=) Ь21) 34... Фd8? 35. ЕаЗ Wc6 (35... Af8? 36. £>f6 ЕаЗ 37. ЬаЗ ЕаЗ 38. ЕЬ8 Фс7 39. ЕЬЗ+-) 36. ЕЬЬЗ±; Ь22) 34... ф(8 35. ЕаЗ Wc6 36. Ёа5 Ёа5 37. ЁЬ8 Фе7 38. £>f6! Wa6 39. Ее8 ФГ6 40. g5 Фg7 41. f6 Фg6 42. Wd3 Wd3 43. cd3 Ag5 44. Eg8 ФГ6 45. hg5=] Ae4! 125... ЬЗ 26. аЬЗ ф(7 27. Ed6 аЬЗ 28. Ef6 Фе8 29. Ёе6=] 26. Аеб [26. Ad5 а) 26... Ad5 27. Ed5 ЬЗ 28. аЬЗ аЬЗ 29. сЬЗ Wa7 30. Ed6Ecl 31. Wcl Ael 32.Ёе6фГ7 33.ЁГ6 Фе8 34. Ёе6=; b) 26... Ad3 27. Wd35s А 27... аЗ 28. АЬЗ! Wc6 29. Edl! ab2 30. g4 Ael 31.£>f6!! ФГ6 32. g5 Фe7 33.f6фd8 34. g6; c) 26... Af5 27. 2>g3 Ad3 (27... Ag4 28. Af3oc) 28. Wd3w Wc5 (28... Ф18? 29. Wg6! Ag7 30. ЁП+-) 29. £>f5 Ф18 (29... Фd7 30. Edl a3 31. АЬЗ!! Af8 32. g4 ab2 33. Ь5 Фс7 34. &еЗ ФЬ8 35. £>d5 185
A We4)30. Hdl! £g7 (30... a3 31. £b3!!) 31. g4 a3 32. «&ЬЗ!!; d) 26... ЬЗ!! 27. аЬЗ аЬЗ 28. J.b3-+ - 26. Ае6| 26... d5? |26... ЬЗ!! 27. аЬЗ аЬЗ 28. АЬЗ На8! 29. £>g3 (29. Аа2 ДЬЬ8-+) Wa7! 30. сЗ ±с1!! 31. Фс1 Wf2 32. фЫ Wg3 33. Ас2 Ad3 34. Wd3 Wg2—+1 27. Jld5 [27. J.c8? Hc8 28. We2 ЬЗ 29. аЬЗ аЬЗ 30. сЬЗ Hg8! 31. Hgl Wa7 32. Hgdl Ha8-+[ Ad3 [27... ^.f5? 28. £ig3 J.d3 (28... Ag4 29. ±f3) 29. Wd34 28. cd3 Hhd8 [28... a3!? 29. Ac4 ab2[ 29. Jic4 Wc4 [29... a3!? A 30. ЬЗ Wc5 31. We2 Wd4 32. £>g3 Hc4!! 33. bc4 (33. dc4 £d2-+) ЬЗ 34. аЬЗ (34. &e4 Hb8-+) a2 35. Wa2 Wd3 36. Wc2 Wg3-+| 30. dc4 Hdl 31. Hdl [H 9/i[ Hc4 32. g4 [32. g3 ЬЗ 33. Hel (33. аЬЗ аЬЗ 34. g4 i.e3-+) Hd4! 34. ab3 ab3-+[ Hg4?? [32... ЬЗ 33. аЬЗ (33. £>f6 фАб 34. Hd6 £>g7 35. g5 Ag5 36. hg5 36... Hcl!! 37. Фс1 Ьа2-+) ab3 34. £>g3 (34. £>f6 <£f6 35. Hd6 <^g7 36. g5 Hh4 37. gh6 Hh6 38. Hd7 ФА6 39. фс1 Hh3-+) Hg4 35. Hd3 Af4 36. £ie2 Hg2 37. £>c3 Ф18-+] 33. Hd7!! 34. Hd8 [34. £>f6 Hgl (34... Hh4=) 35. Фс2 e4 (35... Hg2 36. &d3 Hb2=) 36. £>h7 (36. Aie4?? Hcl 37. &d3 Hdl-+) Фе8 37. £>f6=[ Фе7 35. Hd7 Ф18 36. Hd8 Фе7 37. Hd7 Ф18 1/2 : 1/2 Sa. Velickovic 67. В 76 A. GRISCHUK 2761 - HI. NAKAMURA 2775 Moscow 2012 1. e4 c5 2. ^f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. &d4 £>f6 5. £>c3 g6 6. ±e3 ±g7 7. f3 ®c6 8. Wd2 0-0 9. g4 £>d4 10. Ad4 J.e6 11. £>d5 ±d5 12. ed5 Wc7 13. h4 Hac8 14. Hh2 e5 15. de6 fe6 16. 0-0-0 [16. h5 - 33/2931 e5 N [16... £>d5 - 59/250] 17. JLe3 Wf7 18. фЫ 18... d5 [18... &g4!? 19. fg4 Wfl 20. h5!? (20. Wd6 Wf3 21. JLa7 Wg4±s) a) 20... Нсб 21. hg6 hg6 22. ЬЗ!? A 22... Wf3 23. Hdhl We4 24. ±h6 Hfc8 25. £g7 Hc2 26. Hh8 Фg7 (26... ФП 27. Hfl Фе7 28. ^.f6 Феб 29. He8!+-) 27. Hlh7 ФА6 28. Wd6 Фg5 29. We7 ФГ4 30. WA6 ФеЗ (30... Фg3 31. Wh4 ФО 32. Hf7 ФеЗ 33. Wg3 фd4 34. Hd7+—) 31. НЬЗ Фе2 (31... Фd4 32. Wd6 Wd5 33. Hd3+-) 32. Hh2 Фе1 33. Hhl Фе2 34. H8h2 ФеЗ 35. Hh3 (35. Hel?? He2-+) Фd2 36. Wd6+-; b) 20... Wf3 21. hg6 hg6 22. Wd6±[ 19. h5 e4 [19... d4 20. hg6 hg6 21. M6±; 19... gh5 20. g5 d4 21. gf6 de3 22. We3 Wf6 23. ^.e2 фЬ8 24. We4 Wg6 25. £d3 We4 26. £e4+; 20. gh5±[ 20. hg6 [20. h6!? J.h8 21. g5 £>h5 (21... £ig422. fg4 Wfl 23. Wd5 Wf7 24. We4+-) 22. ^.h3 d4 (22... Hcd8 23. fe4+-) 23. ±c8 de3 24. We3 Hc8 25. fe4 ^.e5 26. Hhd2 Hf8 27. 186
Sd8+-J hg6 21. Де2 We6 [21... ef3 22. If3 £}e4 23. Jle4 de4 24. ДЬЫH— A Wh2] 22. Ad4 Дс7 23. Hdhl Д1Т7 24. a3 [24. ®g5+-[ b6 25. fe4 [25. Wg5+-[ We4 125... Aie4 26. ДЬ8! J.h8 27. ДЬ8#[ 26. g5 ^h5 [26... ^h7 27. ДЬ4 (27. ±g7 Eg7 28. Id3+-) We6 28. ДЬ7+—[ 27. Ag7 <£g7 28. J.h5 gh5 29. ДИ5 Wc4 30. Wdl We4 31. g6 Sfe7 32. S5h4 We5 33. ДЬ7 <£>g8 34. S7h5 We4 35. Wd2 1 : 0 Sa. Velickovic 68.** В 76 GA. PAPP 2552 - JIANU 2500 Baia Sprie 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £id4 £>f6 5. <Sc3 g6 6. J.e3 Ag7 7. f3 £>c6 8. Wd2 0-0 9. g4 Ae6 10. £>e6 fe6 11. 0-0-0 £>e5 12. Ie2 ®c8 13. h4 [13. ФЫ 2>c4 (13... £>fd7!? 14. f4 £)c4 15. jlc4 ®c4 16. e5 g5!? 17. ed6 ed6 18. fg5 d5Ss) 14. Ac4 ®c4 a? 15. £>e2 £>d7 16. Hhfl (16. ЬЗ Wc8 17. ДЬП a5^) a5!?(16...£ie5 17. ЬЗ Wc8 18.2>d4+) 17. ЬЗ ®Ь4=; b) 15. J.d4 &d7 16. Ag7 <^g7 17. h4!? (17. f4 £>f6oc) ДП 18. h5^[ £>fd7 [13... d5 14. ed5 Hd8 15. h5 £>d5 16. £>d5 ed5 (16... Hd5 17. Wb4±) 17. Ad4 Wc7 18. hg6 hg6 19. Wg5±; 13... &e8 14. h5!? (14. Sh3 £>c4) £>f3 15. £f3 ДГЗ 16. hg6 hg6 17. g5 (17. We2 ДП! 18. e5!? ±e5 19. Wd3 lc3 20. bc3 Hg7 21. Ah6 2>f6oc) Wc4 (17... b5 18. ®h2! Wc4 19. Ed3±; 17... ^.сЗ 18. We2! ДеЗ 19. We3 ±g7 20. Wh3 Wc4 21. Sdfl £if6 22. gf6 ef6 23. ШЗ+) 18. Wh2 a) 18... ДеЗ 19. Wh7 ФП 20. ДЬП! (20. Sdfl 2if6 21. gf6 ef6 22. Sfgl g5 23. Wh5 Ф18 24. Wg6 Wc7 A Wf7) £tf6 21. gf6 ef6 22. Sgl g5 23. Sd6 Wc7 24. Деб! феб 25. 2id5+; b) 18... Дс8 19. ДdЗ d5 20. ed5 ed5 Ы) 21. Wh7 Ф17 22. ±d4 (22. Де1 Wg4!oo) Sd3 23. ДП Феб 24. cd3 Wd4 25. ®h3 фd6 26. Wc8 We3 27. Фс2 ^.c3=; b2) 21. ЬЗ! ®c7 22. £}d5 ®h2 23. ДЬ2 ФП 24. ДС ДС 25. £f2 £>d6 26. «&а7 Да8 27. ДП 2>f5D 28. Ac5 Да2 29. £>e7+; 13... £>c4 14. J.c4 Wc4 15. h5 a) 15... £>d7 16. hg6 hg6 al) 17. Sh3 ±c3 (17... Aie5) 18. Wc3 Wc3 19. bc3 e5=; a2) 17. f4!? Ac3 18. ЬсЗ Дас8 (18... ®e4 19. Дdel! фП 20. f5^) 19. Ad4 ФП (19... Wa2 20. Wh2) 20. e5 Дсб 21. f5! ef5 22. Wg5—►;/9 15... b5 16. hg6 (16. ФЫ) hg6 17. ЬЗ Wc6 18.43e2 e5 19.M6+114. f4 [14. Jtd4?! &f3 15. £f3 JLd4 16. ®d4 Д13 17. h5 g5 18. h6 Wf8+; 14. ДЬЗ £>c4 15. i.c4 Wc4 16. i.h6 &C3 17. Wc3 ®c3 18. ЬсЗ ДГ6! 19. h5 gh5 20. ДЬ5 e5 21. Дg5 Дg6 A Дс8[ &c4 15. Ac4 Wc4 16. e5 Дad8 [16... W - 114//65J17. ed6 [17. h5 de5 18. hg6 ef4!? 19. gh7 ФЬ8 20. ^.a7 b6oo[ ed6 18. h5 [RR 18. ±d4 N 1/2 : 1/2 Y. Zinchenko 2544 — Kapnisis 2480, Rethymnon 2012| Ac3 19. Wc3 Wc3 20. ЬсЗ £>f6 21. hg6 hg6 22. J.a7 N [22. ДЬ61 Да8 [22... £>g4 23. ±Ь6 Да8 (23... Дd7 24. fidgl+) 24. Дd6 Да2 25. ДЬ4 £>f6 (25... ДГ4 26. J.d4 ДП 27. Фd2 £>f6 28. Деб Даб 29. Даб Ьаб 30. с4 ДГ5 31. ФdЗ±) 26. ^.d4 Даб 27. Даб Ьаб 28. с4 &Ь5 29. с5 ф!7 (29... ДГ4 30. сб ДЬ4 31. с7+ Ga. Papp 2552 - Zelbel 2377, Sibenik 2012) 30. «&е5 Дс8 31. £d6 ФГ6=[ 23. ^.d4 Да2 24. фd2 Да5 25. Дdel Ф17 26. с4 Де8 27. JJ6 [27. ДЬ6!? Де7 28. g5±l ФГ6 28. ДЬ7 g5 29. f5 Де5 30. ДЬ6 ФП 31. Де5 de5 32. ДИ7 Ф16 33. fe6 Феб 34. Дg7 Дd8 35. ФеЗ фГ6 36. ДЬ7 Дd4 37. с5 Дg4 38. сб Феб 39. Дg7 Фd5 40. с7 Дс4 41. фЬЗ Дсб 42. Дg5 Дс7 1/2 : 1/2 V. Stoica 69. !N В 76 l.-C. CHIRILA 2521 - JIANU 2500 Baia Sprie 2012 1. e4 c5 2. W d6 3. d4 cd4 4. <^d4 2>f6 5. £ic3 g6 6. J.e3 J.g7 7. f3 ^>c6 8. Wd2 0-0 187
9. g4 Аеб 10. £>еб fe6 11. 0-0-0 £>е5 12. Ае2 Wc8 13. h4 &fd7 14. h5I? ^f3 [14... £>c4 15. Ac4 Wc4 16. hg6 hg6 17. f4!? (17. ®h2 SB 18. Wh7 £>f7 19. Ah6 Sg8 20. Ag7 Sg7 21. ®h8 Sg8 22. ®h7 &f8T) b5 18. Wh2 (18. f5!?> &f7 (18... Sac8? 19. ®h7 ФП 20. f5+-) 19. e5 b4 (19... Sh8 20. Wg2 Shi 21. Whl d5 22. ФЫ a5 23. ®B±) 20. Sd4! Wc6 21. £)e4±[ 15. £>d5! N [15. AB SB 16. hg6 hg6 17. We2 Sf7! (17... Ш8) 18. Ad4 (18. Wh2 Ae5 19. Wh6 2>f8 20. Ad2 Wc4T) Ad4 19. Sd4 Wc5 20. Sc4 (20. Sd2 Saf8+) We5Tl We8 [15... ed5 16. Wd5 Sf7 17. hg6 hg6 18. AB £}e5 19. Ae2 &g4 20. Ag4 Wg4 21. Sdgl еб (21... ®e2 22. Ad4±) 22. Sg4 ed5 23. ed5 SB 24. Ah6±; 15... £>d2 16. £>e7 <±>f7 17. £>c8 Sac8 18. Sd2±; 15... Sf7 16. AB £>e5 17. Ae2 ed5 18. ®d5 Wc6 19. Shfl Wd5 20. ed5 Saf8 21. Sf7 £rf7 22. hg6 hg6 23. g5±[ 16. AB ed5 [16... SB 17. £>c7±[ 17. Ae2!± [17. Ag2 £>e5! 18. hg6 Wg6 19. ®d5 e6±d 2>e5 [17... de4 18. Wd5 Wf7 (18... Sf7 19. hg6 hg6 20. Ac4 £>e5 21. Ab3 Wc6 22. We6!±) 19. hg6 hg6 20. Ac4 &e5 21. Sdfl! Af6 22. Ab3 Wd5 23. Ad5 £>f7 24. g5+[ 18. ®d5 Wf7 [18... еб 19. Wd6 Sc8 20. ФЫ+- 1 19. g5 [19. Wb7?! Sab8! 20. ®d5 (20. Wa7 Sb2fc 21. Sdfl Wa2=) еб! 21. Wd6 £>c4 22. Ac4 Ab2 23. &d2 Sfd8oo[ Sad8 [A e6[ 20. h6! [20. Wb7 Sb8te; 20. hg6 hg6 21. ®b7 (21. Sdfl Wd5 22. ed5 аб 23. Sh4 Sfl 24. Afl Sf8 25. Ae2 Sf5 26. Sb4 b5 27. a4 £>c4M Wa2 (21... Sb8 22. ®d5 еб 23. Ш6 £>c4 24. Ac4 Ab2 25. £>d2 Sfd8 26. Ad4! Ad4 27. We6±) 22. Wd5 Wd5 23. ed5 Sf5±] Ah8 21. Sdfl!? [21. Wb7 Sb8 22. Wa6!± A 22... Sb2 23. Shfl Wa2 24. Sf8 &f8 25. Sfl+-1 Wd5 22. ed5 аб 23. Sh4! Sc8 [23... Sfl 24. Afl Sf8 25. Ae2 Sf5 26. Sb4 b5 27. a4±[ 24. a4± Sc7 [24... &d7 25. Sb4 Sfl 26. Afl Sc7 27. Ah3±[ 25. Shf4 Sfc8 26. сЗ еб 27. de6 Se7 28. Sb4 Scc7 29. Aa6+- £>c6 30. Sbf4 Sc8 31. Ae2 Aie5 32. Sb4 £>c6 33. Sb6 Ae5 34. ДГ7 Scc7 35. Se7 £>e7 36. AB 1:0 К Stoica 70.** В 81 VALLEJO PONS 2697 - V. TOPALOV 2752 Leon (т/3-rapid) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. &B d6 3. d4 cd4 4. &d4 ^f6 5. £>c3 аб 6. h3 еб 7. g4 Ae7 8. g5 [8. Ag2 - 113/751 £>fd7 9. h4 b5 10. a3 Ab7 11. АеЗ 111. Ag2 £>c6 12. f4 0-0 13. £>c6 Асб 14. 0-0 N (14. АеЗ) Wb6 15. ФЫ Wb7oo I. Karimov 2324 — Solodovnichenko 2615, Tashkent 20121 0-0 12. Wd2 £>c6 13. 0-0-0 £ld4 14. Ad4 Sc8 N [14... £>c5 N 15. We3 Sc8 16. f4 Wc7 17. Sh2 e5 18. Ac5 ef4 19. Wf4 dc5 20. Wc7 Sc7 21. Shd2 Асб 22. £id5 Sa7 23. e5 Se8 24. Ag2 Af8 25. Se2 Sd7 26. h5 Sed8 27. Sed2 Se8 28. Se2 Sed8 29. Sed2 Se8 30. Sei Sed8 31. Sedl 1/2 : 1/2 Sutovsky 2700 - D. Swiercz 2565, Plovdiv 2012; 14... Ac6[ 15.Sgl £ie5 [15... Wc7 16. h5-[ 16. We3 [16. Sg3!? A 16... £>c6 17. ФЫ £>d4 (17... e5 18. АеЗ b4 19. £>d5 ЬаЗ 20. Ab6 We8 21. £tf6+-) 18. Wd4 Wc7 (18... Se8 19. f4±) 19. h5±[ £>c4 17. Ac4 Sc4 18. f4 Se8 [18... b4 19. ab4 Sb4 20. f5[ 19. f5 А18 20. f6 e5 [20... b4 21. ab4 Sb4 22. 188
fg7 Ag7 23. ±g7 <i>g7 24. h5 Wa5 25. g6+-J 21. Jlb6 Wd7 22. fg7 [22. Aa5 d5M lg7 23. Ac5 Jif8 24. h5 [24. J.b4 Wc7 25. ЬЗ Hd4] Hc3 25. ЬсЗ [25. Wc3 We6 26. Ib4 Jle4± =] Неб 26. ДЬ4 Wc7 [26... ©сб 27. Hg4 Wc4 28. Hdgl a5 29. £a5 d5 30. g6+-] 27. Wa7 Wc8 [27... Wc6 28. Sg4 £c8 29. Wgl+4 28. Hdfl Ae7 29. Sf6?! [29. Hg4+-] A16 30. gf6 30...Ф18? [30... ФИ8 31. Hdl!! a) 31... Hf6 32. Ad6 Неб 33. h6! Hh6 34. J.e5 f6 35. ®b6 <^g7 36. ±f4 Hg6 37. Wd6 Hg4 38. e5 Sf4 39. ef6 Hf6 40. We7 &g6 41. Hgl ФГ5 42. Hfl <£>g4 43. Hf6+-; b) 31... i.e4 32. Ы6 33. Wf7 Wg8 34. ±e5!! Wf7 (34... He5 35. Hd8 Wd8 36. Wg7#; 34... ±dl 35. ©еб We6 36. f7 We5 37. f8W#) 35. Hd8 He8 36. He8 We8 37. f7 We5 38. f8W#; c) 31... Wa8 cl) 32. Wa8 ±a8 33. Ad6 ell) 33... h6 34. Ae7 J.e4 35. Hd8 фЬ7 36. Hf8 Нсб (36... £f3 37. Hf7 ФЬ8 38. Hf8 ФИ7 39. gh8 ФЬ8 40. f7+—) 37. Hf7 ФЬ8 38. Hg7 Hc8 39. Hg3 ±d5 40. f7 M7 41. М6+-; cl2) 33... He8 34. h6! Ae4 35. J.e7 <^>g8 (35... a5 36. Hel Ac6 37. He5 Ha8 38. Hc5 ld7 39. c4+-) 36. Hel ±d5 37. He5 ±c4 38. Hg5 ФЬ8 39. Hc5+-; c2) 32. Wgl Wg8 (32... Hf6 33. jLd6+—) 33. Wg8 &g8 34. £d6 He8 (34... Hf6 35. i.e5+-; 34... h6 35. £e7 J.e4+----34... Ae4; 34... J.e4 35. &e7 h6 36. Hd8 ФЬ7+------32. Wa8) 35. Hgl ФИ8 36. Hg7 JLe4 37. Hf7 h6 38. Ha7+-[ 31. Wb6!+— Ac6 [31... Wb8 32. Hg8!! <£>g8 33. Wgl ФАЗ 34. Wg7 Фе8 35. Wg8[ 32. Hg8!! [32... <^>g8 33. Wgl ФАЗ 34. Wg7 Фе8 35. Wg8 <^>d7 36. Wf7 <^>d8 37. _&a5[ 1:0 Sa. Velickovic 71.* IN В 81 NI. DUKlt 2515 - PALAC 2604 Sarajevo 2012 1. e4 c5 2. &f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £>f6 5. £>сЗ аб 6. ^.еЗ еб 7. g4 e5 8. &f5 g6 9. g5 gf5 10. ef5 d5 11. Wf3 ₽>e4 12. £>e4 de4 13. We4 £)c6 14. Ac4 Wd7 15. g6 [15. ^.d3? - 35/(303)1 fg6 16. fg6 Wf5 17. ±f7 Фе7 18. Wh4! N [18. Ac5 ФА6 19. Wh4 <^>g7 20. JLA8 ФАЗ N (20... HAS!? 21. Wh7 <£f6oo) 21. Ad5 (21. Hgl?! <£g7!+) фё7 22. gh7 (22. Асб?! bc6 23. We7 <£g6 24. Hgl ФЬ5 25. 0-0-0 jLe6+ Sutovsky 2700 — A. Zhigalko 2590, Plovdiv 2012) Wg6 23. ±e4 Hh7 24. Wh7 ФЬ7 25. Ag6 &g6 26. O-O-Oool £>d6 19. ±b6 [19. 0-0-0!? Фс7 20. J.d5 Wg6 21. Hhgl Wd6 22. f4^[ £>d4 [19... £g7? 20. Wc4! (20. 0-0-0 £>d4 21. Hd4 ed4 22. ±d4 Wg4 23. Wg4 ±h6 24. ФЫ i.g4 25. i.h8 Hh8 26. Hgl±) Фе7 21. Ac5 ФГ6 22. Hdl+-; 19... hg6?! 20. 0-0-0 £id4 21. Hd4! (21. Wd8 £d7 22. Wc7 Фе7 23. ±d4 Hc8!? 24. ±c5 ФГ6 25. Wd7 ±c5 26. ^.Ь3+) Феб (21... ed4? 22. Wd4 Фе7 23. i.b3+-) 22. Wh8 ed4 23. Wf8 Wc2 24. Фс2 M5 25. Фd2 Hf8 26. J.g6 J.g6 27. J.d4±[ 20. ±d4 [20. Wd8?? ±d7 21. Wc7 (21. Wa8 We4 22. фdl Wc2 23. Фе1 We2#) фе7~Ы ed4 21. Wd4 [21. 0-0-0?! ^.g7 22. Hd4 фс7=] Фс7 22. 0-0-0 hg6 23. Wh8 [23. £g6!? Wh3 (23... Wg6 24. Wh8 Wh6 25. Wh6 i.h6 26. ФЫ+) 24. Hhel ФЬ8 25. f4 Hh6 26. f5 Hh4 27. We5 Фа7оо] Wf7 24. We5 фЬб 25. We3 Фс7 26. We5 [26. Hd3!? b6 27. Hb3 We6 28. НсЗ фЬ8оо[ 1/2 : 1/2 Ni. Dukic 189
D.-S. HORVAT 2208 - R.-M. DORO$ 2366 Romania 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £id4 5. £>c3 a6 6. Ac4 e6 7. 0-0 ftbd7 [7... Ae7 - 109/(142); 7... b5 - 109/143, 144] 8. Ae6! fe6 9. £e6t Wb6 |9... Wa5 10. Ad2!? (10. £>d5 &d5 11. ed5 £>f7 12. c4 £>f6 13. Sei &g8 14. We2^) Wb6 (10... &f7? 11. &d5 Wa4 12. ЬЗ Wa3 13. Ab4+-) 11. £>d5! ^d5 12. ed5 £>c5 (12... &f7 13. Ac3±) 13. ^g5! Wb2 (13... Af5 14. ШЗ Ag6 15. Sfel ke7 16. Wc3±) 14. Sei Ae7 15. Wh5 g6 16. Wh4 Af5 17. Se7! Фе7 18. Ac3±l 10.£id5! [10. ke3 £>c5 11. £>f8 a) 11... Sf8 12. e5! (12. b4 Wb4 13. Wd6 b6! 14. Wc6 £>f7 15. Wa8 ®c3oo) £)g4 13. ed6 кеб 14. £>a4 £>e3 15. ®h5 g6 16. We5 £>c4 17. £>b6 £>e5 18. £ia8 &d7 19. £ib6 <£>d6 20. Sfel±; b) \ 1... Wc6!? 12. W (12. Af4 Sf8 13. Ad6 Sf7 14. Wd4 &e6oc) Sh7 13. f3 кеб 14. Wd4 0-0-0 15. e5 £>e8oo] £>d5 11. ed5 £>c5 [11... ФП 12. АеЗ! Wa5 (12... Wb2 13. Ad4+-) 13. Ad4!£>f6(13... Wd5 14. £>c7±) 14. b4!? Wa4 15. Af6 gf6 16. Wh5 £>g8 17. ®g4 <£>f7 18. Sael Ad7 19. ®h5 <£>g8 20. Se3±] 12. £if8 [12. Ag5?! ^e6! 13. Sei ke7 14. kel Фе7 15. Wg4 Sf8! A 16. Wg7 <£>d8 17. de6 Ш2 18. ФЫ кеб+; 12. £>g5! a) 12... &d7 13. Wh5! g6 14. Wh3 фс7 15. Wc3±; b) 12... ke7 13. Wh5 g6 (13... <£d7 14. Sel±) 14. Wh6 Af6 15. Sei <£>d7 16. Af4± A £>f7; c) 12... Af5 13. ЩЗ!- Ag6 14. Sei kel 15. ®c3 (15. b4!? &d7 16. £ie6 Af6 17. Wh3!±) Wd8 16. Wg7 &d7 17. b4 £>a4 18. £>e6 Sg8 19. Wh6!± A Wh3[ <£>f8 [12... Sf8!? 13. Wh5 a) 13... &d8 14. Wh7 Af5?! 15. Wg7 £id7 16. Ah6!±; 14... Ad7; b) 13... <£d7 14. Wh7 Фс7 15. ®g7 (15. a3 Af5 16. Wg7 £>d7 17. АеЗ Wa5 18. Wd4 ®c5 19. Wd2 ®c4! 20. ЬЗ Wg4oo) Ad7 16. a3 (16. АеЗ Wb4! 17. Sfel Wc4oo; 16. Wc3 a5 17. a3 a4 18. АеЗ Sac8oo) £>a4! (16... a5 17. АеЗ a4 18. Sfcl±) 17. АеЗ Wb2 18. Ad4 Wb5 19. c4 ®a5 20. Sabi £>c5oo[ 13. Wf3 £>g8 [13... Фе8? 14. Sei <£>d8 15. ®c3+-1 14. Sel^ Ad7 [^ 14... ®d8 15. Ag5 (15. b4 &d7 16. Ab2 h5 17. Wd3 Sh6 18. Se3^) Wf8 16. Wf8 <£>f8 17. Ae7 Ф17 18. Ad6 b6! (18... £ja4 19. Se7 £>f6 20. Se3±) 19. Se7 (19. Ac7 b5 20. Ad6 W!) &f6 20. Se3 (20. Sael Sd8! 21. Ac5 bc5 22. c4 Sb8 23. ЬЗ Ad7=) ФП 21. Sael (21. Ac7 Af5! 22. Ab6 £}d7oo) Sd8 22. Sf3 £>g6 23. Sg3 &f7 24. Ae5 g6 25. b4 £>a4 26. c4 Af5oo[ 15. Se7^ [15. Wg3 a) 15... h5?! 16. Se7 Sh7 17. b4! Wb4 18. Aa3 Wd4 19. Sael ®d5 20. Ab2 Ag4 21.h3±;6> 15... h6?! 16. Se7 Sh7 17. АеЗ (17. b4 Wb4 18. Aa3 Ш4 19. Sael g5! 20. Sh7 Se8!oo) Af5 (A Wd8; 17... g5 18. Sh7 £>h7 19. b4! Wb4 20. Wd6+-) 18. Sei! Wb4 (18... g6 19. Sh7 ФЬ7 20. Wf4! Wb2 21. g4!±) 19. c3 Wg420. №66 £id3 (20... Ae4 21. Wg3±) 21. f3 Wg6 22. Wg6 Ag6 23. Se2±; c) 15... Ae8 16. Se7 Af7 (16... Ag6? 17. Wc3 Af7 18. Ah6! gh6 19. Ш6+-) 17. ЬЗ h6 18. Ab2 Sh7 19. Sael Sf8 20. Ad4 Wd8 21. h4; d) 15... Sf8 16. Se7 — 15. Se7; e) 15... Se8! 16. АеЗ h5! (16... Sf8 17. Ad4 Sf7 18. Se2 Ab5 19. c4!±; 16... Se3 17. Se3 Wb2 18. Sael Wf6 19. Sf3 Wg6 20. Se7±) 17. Ad4 Sh7 18. Wg6 Wd8 19. Wd6 £>e4 20. Wb4 (20. Wf4 190
g5oo) Ь5 21. f3 a5oo] Sf8Q 16. Wg3 Sf7 17. S17 ФП 18. Wf4 &g8 [18... <фе8 19. £e3 Sf8 20. Sei Sf4 21. £c5 ФП 22. £b6 Sb4 23. £c7 Sb2 24. £d6 Sc2 25. h3±] 19. £e3 Wc7? N [19... a5?! a) 20. £d4?! Wd8! 21. Sei (21. b4!?) Wf8 22. Wh4 h6 23. £c5 dc5 24. Se7 £f5 25. d6 ФЬ7 26. d7 Wd8; 26... Sg8!oo; b) 20. Bel!± A Wb4 21. Wb4 ab4 22. ±c5! dc5 23. Se7 £b5 24. Sb7 £e8 25. d6+—; 19... Wd8 20. Wd6 (20. £c5 dc5 21. Sei h5oo) £e4 21. Wb4 (21. Wf4 22. c4 ФПоо) £f6 22. Wb7 ФП 23. c4 Wb8 24. Wb3+] 20. Sei! [20. £d4 £e8! 21. Sei ±g6 22. b4 £e4 23. Se4 £e4 24. We4 Wf7 25. h4+] h6 [20... Wd8 21. ±c5! dc5 22. d6 £e8 23. Se7 h6 24. We5 £f7 25. d7 &f8 26. Wc5+-[ 21. £d4 ±b5 [21... Wd8 22. Wd6+-1 22. h4 [22. £c5 Wc5 23. c4!+-[ a5 [22... Sh7 23. b4+-] 23. £c5 Wc5 24. c4+— [24. Se7 Wd5 25. Wg4+-[ Wc4 25. Se8 1:0 V. Stoica 73 P. CARLSSON 2531 - I. CHEPARINOV 2669 Albena 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £d4 £16 5. £сЗ аб 6. £c4 еб 7. £b3 £bd7 8. f4 £c5 9. 0-0 £e7 10. e5 de5 11. fe5 £fd7 12. ±f4 £18! [12... 0-0 - 112/132] 13. АеЗ?! [13. £ce2 £g6 14. c3 £b3 15. ab3 0-0 16. Wei Wd5T; 13. Wf3! Wd4 (13... £g6) 14. £e3 ®e5 15. Wf7 £>d8 16. Sadi £d7 17. £d4 tg5 18. £g7 £g6 19. £h8 £h8 20. Wh7±] £g6 14. Wh5 Wc7 15. £13 £d7 N [15... 0-01 16. Sael h6! 17. £f2? [17. £e2 £b3 18. сЬЗ 0-0T] 17... £14! 18. Wg4 g5! 19. £d4 0-0-0 20. Wf3 ±e8 21. £c4 фЬ8 |21... £d7 22. £.a6! ba6 23. £c6 £c5 24. Sdl £12 25. Sf2t] 22. ЬЗ |22. We3 £c6 23. £c6 Wc6 24. £e4 Sd2! 25. Wd2 (25. £d3 Sd3! 26. cd3 £cd3 27. Wa7 Фс7-+) £e4-+; 22. £ce2 £g6!+; 22. b4 £a4 23. £a4 £a4 24. £b3T] Sd4!? [22... f5! 23. ef6 £f6 24. £ce2 e5 25. £15 £c6 26. We3 b6+] 23. £d4 £c6 24. £e4? [24. Wg3! £g2 25. Sf7 £el 26. Wei b5Tl Sd8 25. c3 b5 26. £.c5 26... £e4! 27. Se4 [27. £d6 £13 28. £c7 Фс7 29. Sf3 bc4 30. g3] £c5 28. ФЫ bc4 29. Sc4 We5! 30. Wc6? £d3 31. Sb4 £b4 32. cb4 We2! 0:1 P. Carlsson уд ♦♦ В 90 S. FEDORCHUK 2634 - A. VOLOKITIN 2704 Ukraine (ch) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £e2 £16 3. £bc3 d6 4. d4 cd4 5. £d4 аб 6. h3 g6 7. g4 £g7 8. £g2 [8. £e3 £c6 9. Wd2 0-0 10. 0-0-0 £d7 11. f4 £d4 12. £d4 £d4 13. Wd4 b5 14. h4 £b7 a) 15. g5 Wb6 16. Wd2 N (16. Sh2) £c5 17. £g2 Sac8 18. £d5 £d5 19. ed5 (19. Wd5 £e6!) b4 20. ЬЗ a5 21. h5 a4 22. ФЫ Sa8 23. Sh3 Wa6! (23... Sa7? 24. hg6 fg6 25. Sdhl Sf7 26. f5H— Guerra Mojena 2372 — G6mez Garrido 2515, La Habana 2012) 24. Sdhl ab3 25. cb3 Wc8 26. Wc2 Wf5 27. Wf5 gf5 28. Se3 Sa7=; b) 15. h5! Wb6 16. hg6 fg6 17. Wd2± G. Camacho Martinez] 0—0 9. £e3 £c6 10. £de2 [10. Wd2 £.d7 11. g5 (11. 0-0-0 - 106/73) £h5 12. £ce2 £a5 N (12... 191
Sc8) 13. ЬЗ е5! 14. ф!3 Wc7 15. Sdl (15. с4 Ь5) Аеб 16. 0-0 Sfd8 17. фе1 Ь5 18. £>d3 Феб 19. f4 ef4 20. fidf4 ФГ4 21. ФГ4 Ae5°o A. Rasmussen 2496 — J. Timman 2575, Helsingor 2012] £>d7 11. a4 Sb8 12. Wd2 N [12. Well &de5 13. ЬЗ b5 14. ab5 ab5 15. 0-0 b4 16. £>d5 еб 17. £>df4 Wc7 18. £>g3 Ab7 118... Sd8!? 19. Sa2 (19. Sfdl £>d7 20. Sa2 Фс5) £>d7=l 19. ФГе2 d5 [^ 19... Sfd8| 20. ed5 ed5 21. Ah6± [21. Sfdl d4!oo] Ah6 22. ®h6 d4?! [22... Sa8[ 23. фГ4!± ^d8 [23... фа5? 24. Ad5! Ad5 (24... ФЬ8 25. Sa5 Wa5 26. Ab7+-) 25. £>d5 ФБ 26. <£g2 We5 27. Sa5 Sfd8 28. &f3; 28. £>f5+-[ 24. Sa7 f6 [24... феб? 25. Sb7 Sb7 26. ^gh5 gh5 27. Ф45+-; 24... £id7?! 25. ^gh5 We5 26. Ab7 ФЬ7 27. £>d3 Wh8 28. Wg5+-1 25. Ad5 Sf7 [25... £idf7 26. фе4+- ФЬ8 27. Sb7[ 26. Sei [26. Фе4 £>dc6 27. Sb7 Sb7 28. Sei - 26. Sell Wc3 [26... £idc6 27. Sb7 Sb7 (27... Wb7 28. Se5! fe5 29. £>g6 hg6 30. Фе4+- We7 31. £>g5) 28. фе4 Sb8 (28... We7 29. g5) 29. ФА6 ФЬ8 30. g5+-1 27. ФП! Wc2 [27... Ad5 28. £>d5 Wf3 29. фе7! Se7 (29... Ф>Ь8 30. £>g6) 30. Se7 ^df7 31. Wd2 Wc6 32. Wf4+-1 28. Фе4+- Ф118 29. Sb7 [29. <£ig6! <£ig6 30. £>g5+-[ Sbb7 30. ФГ6 феб 31. Se5 Wcl 32. Sei Wf4 33. Wf4 ФГ4 34. Se8 <&g7 35. g5 Sf8 36. Ab7 Se8 37. фе8 ФГ7 38. Ф16 ФЬЗ 39. ФИ7 <£g7 40. Ag2 ФГ4 41. Ф16 d3 42. Af3 Феб 43. Фе4 £}d4 44. Adi 1:0 G. Arsovic 75. В 90 Ml. ADAMS 2722 - R. LEITAO 2623 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. Ф13 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. &d4 Ф1'6 5. ФеЗ аб 6. АеЗ e5 7. Ф13 Ae7 8. Ac4 0-0 9. 0-0 Аеб 10. Аеб fe6 11. фа4 £>g4 12. Wd3 b5 13. ФЬ6 Sa7 14. £>d5 ФеЗ 15. We3 Sb7 16. Wd3 [^ 16. Wd2 - 99/1691 Wd7 116... -53d7! a) 17. Sfdl Фс5 18. фе7 Se7=; b) 17. Ь4 ФЬ6 18. ФЬ6 Wb6 (18... Sb6?! 19. a4±) 19. Wb3 4>f7!=; c) 17. фе7 ®e7 18. Sfdl Sb6=] 17. Фе7 We7 18. Sfdl Sb6 19. Sael!? N [19. b4 Sc8±; 19. We3[ 4}d7 20. b4! &f6 21. c4 bc4 22. Wc4+ h6 [22... d5 23. Wc5 Sd6! (23... Wb7 24. ed5 ed5 25. Фе5 Sb4 26. Фс6±) 24. ed5 ed5 25. Фе5! (25. Wc7 Wc7 26. Sc7 e4 27. £>d4 ^g4±?) ®e5 (25... Фе4 26. Wd4+) 26. Sei Wf4 (26... фе4 27. Se4!) 27. g3 £id7 28. gf4 Фс5 29. bc5±[ 23. a3! <£h7?! [23... d5 a) 24. Wc5 Sd6! 25. ed5 ed5 al) 26. фе5 фе4! (26... ®e5 27. Sei) 27. Wd4 Sf2±5; a2) 26. Wc7 Wc7 27. Sc7 e4±?; b) 24. Wc7! ®c7 25. Sc7 Фе4 26. Фе5 Sf2 27. Sc8 £>h7 28. &d7 Sd6 29. ^f8 ^>g8 30. Феб фГ7=; 26. Sdcl!±[ 24. ЬЗ?! [24. Ф02! d5 (24... &g4?! 25. We2!) 192
25. We2±; 25. Wd3TI Ea8! 25. <^d2 a5! 26. b5 a4 |26... d5? 27. Wd3 <£g8 28. a4±[ 27. ®Ь4?! |27. Eb 1±J Eab8 28. Wa4 [28. £>c4 Eb5 29. Wd6 Wd6 30. £>d6 Eb3M Eb5 29. Ic6 d5 129... &h5!?T[ 30. Wa6 &e4 31. £e4 de4 32. Wa4 [32. Ee6 Wg5=l Wf7 [32... Wh4 33. Ee6 Wf4=I 33. We4 Wf5 34. Ec4 134. Eel We4 35. Ee4 Ea8=[ Ebl [^ 34... Eb2=[ 35. Ebl Ebl 36. £h2 We4 [36... Sb2 37. 13 Ea2=[ 37. Ee4 [E 7/h[ Eal 38. a4 Ag6 39. g4 ЕаЗ 40. £>g2 £46= 41. h4 £f7 42. h5 £>f6 43. f3 Ea2 44. £g3 Eb2 45. gc4 Ea2 46. Eb4 g6 47. hg6 <£>g6 48. Eb6 £16 49. Еаб ЕаЗ 50. <£>f2 e4 51. fe4 Фе5 52. a5 £>e4 53. Ee6 <£>f4 54. аб <£>g4 55. Eh6 £g5 56. Eb6 £>f5 57. Фе2 Фе5 58. <£>d2 £d5 59. <£>c2 £>c5 60. £b2 £b6 61. фаЗ Фаб 1/2 : 1/2 R. Leitao 76. В 90 VI. Akopian 2697 - Xiu Deshun 2494 Albena 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £d4 £>f6 5. £)сЗ аб 6. ±еЗ e5 7. £ib3 ±e7 8.13 £e6 9. ®d2 0-010.0-0-0 a5 11. ФЫ a4 12. £>cl a3 13. ЬЗ Ea5 14. Wei N [14. ±c4 - 62/2861 tc7 |14... d5!? a) 15. ed5 £id5 16. i.c4 (16. Id2?! Wc8 17. <£ie4 Ea8+) £ic3 17. Wc3 ^cloo-,b) 15.£>d5 £)d5 16.±c4 Ab4! (16... £ic3 17. Wc3 Wc7 18. Ed3 Ac4 19. Wc4 Wc4 20. bc4±) 17. Ad2 J.d2 18. Wd2 £>c3 19. Wc3 Wc7 20. Wb4 ^.c4 21. Wc4 Wc4?! 22. bc4 Ea4 23. c5+; 21... Ec5oo[ 15. £ib5 15... Eb5! 16. ±b5 d5 17. ed5 [17. £d2 fic8 18. c3 de4 19. fe4 &bd7^1 £id5 18. i.d2 Ec8 19. £d3 £a6 20. c4 £>f4 21. Ac3 [21. ^.f4 ef4 a) 22. We4 g6 23. £>e2 £>c5! 24. Wf4D Ad6 25. Wd2 £e5! (25... £>d3?! 26. 2>d4±) 26. &cl (26. <5^c3 Ed8 27. ^d5 Ad5 28. cd5 JLg7+ A We5; 26. g4 b5! 27. cb5 W 28. Wb4 2>c5+) JLg7T; b) 22. g3 b5 (22... £}c5!?) 23. We4 g6 24. Wf4 Wb6 25. Ehel £ib4S3] £f6 [21... f6 22. g3 (22. Ac2 £ig2 23. Wd2 £>f4) £id3 23. £>d3 b5 (23... £>c5!?) 24. cb5 £ic5 25. g4 £id3 26. Ed3 £f7!o3[ 22. g4 [22. g3 £id3 23. £id3 M5 24. g4 £g6 25. Фа1 b5 26. g5 (26. £>e5 <2}b4! 27. Eel £>c2 28. Ec2 £c2T) bc4 27. gf6 cd3 28. Ecl gf6^[ £>c5 23. ±c2 g6 24. g5 ktf 25. Wd2 25... b5! 26. Wd6 [26. cb5 £d5 27. Ehfl £>ce6 28. Aa5 Wb7=[ Wb7 27. J.e5?! [27. £b4! Wa7 a) 28. cb5 W 29. Wa6 (29. Wd2 Ec2 30. Wc2 £f5 31. £>d3 Wd4 32. Wc3 Wd8 33. Фс2 £}d5 34. Wd2 Wb6T) Wf2 30. Ed2 Wf3 31. Ehdl *53d5oo; b) 28. ^.c5 Ec5 29. Wd8 £f8 30. We8 Ec8 31. Wb5 £>h3oo[ Ae5 28. We5 bc4+ 29. Фа1 Wf3 [29... £>d5 30. Ed2 £>b4+l 30. bc4 £>d7 [30... i.c4+] 31. Wa5?! [31. Wd4 £c4 32. ^.e4 Wh3 33. £>d3oo] Wg2 32. Wd2 Wg5 33. ^.ЬЗ? [33. Ehgll J.g4 34. Ehfl We5 35. Wd4 i.dl 36. Ef4 JLf3—I- G. Arsovic 77.* В 91 R. PONOMARIOV 2734 - SAFARLI 2620 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 &f6 5. £>c3 аб 6. g3 e5 7. £>b3 8. £g2 0-0 9. 193
0-0 Ь5 10. а4 Ь4 11. £45 £45 12. Wd5 Еа7 13. АеЗ Аеб 14. Wd3 Eb7 114... Ес7 - 42/(300)] 15. Efcl N |15. a5; 15. Sfdl 1 Wc7 11. £45 £e4 12. Wb4 £ef6 (12... Eb8 13. £c6 Eb4 14. £48 fib2 15. Ad4 Ec2 16. Ah8 Ec5 17. f3 £ef6 18. £f6 ef6 19. ф(2 &d8 20. Ehcl±) 13. c4 £e5; b) 10... ba4 11. f3 Ag7 12. £a4 Ab7 13. c4 Eb8 14. b4 £e5 15. 0-0 h5 16. g5 (16. h3?? hg4+ Caprio 2398 - Ki. Georgiev 2671, Italia 2012) £fd7 17. c5±] 9. h3 [9. f3 - 83/230] £bd7 N ]9... b5] 10. f4b5 ]RR 10... e5 11. £f3 Wc7 12. f5 gf5 13. £44!? (13. gf5 b5) f4 14. £f5 Af8 15. Af2 b5 16. Af3 Ab7 17. a3 £c5 18. We2^ Shirov 2710 - Kulaots 2581, Tallinn (rapid) 2012] 11. Af3 e5 12. £c6 Wc7 13. fe5 £e5 14. £e5 de5 15. a4 ba4 16. Ea4 0-0 17. 0-0 Ad7 18. Ea3 Ae6 19. £45 Ad5 20. ed5 e4 21. d6 Wd7 22. Ae2 Efd8 16. c3! 116. £42 a5 17. f4 ef4 18. gf4 £47 19. Ad4 f6 20. f5?! (20. ФЫ) АП 21. e5 £e5 22. Ae5 de5 23. Ab7 Wb7+ Ch. Wu 2204 — Dan. Ludwig 2456, Wheeling 2012] Ac4 116... ЬсЗ 17. Ec3 a) 17... Wd7 18. Wc2 (18. £a5 Eb2 19. £c4 Eb4 20. £46 Wb7oc) Ec8 19. £a5 Ebc7 20. Ec7 Ec7 21. Wd3+; b) 17... Wd8 18. Wc2 £47 19. Afl a5 20. Ab5+] 17. Wc2 [17. Wdl!? Wd8 (17... £c6 18. £42 Ae6 19. Afl±) 18. cb4 Eb4 19. Wei! Eb3 20. Ec4 Eb2 21. Wc3^1 Ae6 [17... ЬсЗ?! 18. Wc3 Ad8 19. £c5±; 17... Wd8 18. £42+] 18. Wdl Wd8 19. Afl± ЬсЗ 20. Ec3 Ag5 [20... Eb4 21. £42! Eb2 22. £c4 Eb4 (22... Ac4 23. Ac4 £47 24. Aa6±) 23. a5w] 21. Ag5 Wg5 22. Ac4! Ac4 23. Ec4 [23. £a5!? Ab3 (23... Eb2 24. £c4 Eb7 25. Wd6±) 24. Eb3 Eb3 25. Wb3±| £}d7 24. Eacl Wd8 25. Ec6 Wb8 26. Ed6± Eb3 27. Ed7 Eb2 28. Wd5 Ebl?! [28... Eb6[ 29. ЕЫ+- Wbl 30. <£>g2 Wai 31. a5 h6 32. Ed6 Ec8 33. Ea6 Ecl 34. Ea8 ФИ7 35. Wf7 1:0 Z. Arsovic 78.** В 92 DRAGI. SIMIC 2315 - KI. GEORGIEV 2682 Crna Gora 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £44 £f6 5. £c3 a6 6. Ae2 g6 7. g4 h6 8. АеЗ Ag7 [8... aM7 9. Wd2 b5 10. a4 N (10. f3) a) 10... b4 23. c4!! Wd6 24. Wd6 Ed6 25. c5!? [25. b4! Edd8 26. <i>g2 (26. g5!? Dragi. Simic) Edb8 27. Ea4±[ Edd8 26. Ea6 £>d5 27. Ael? |27. Ea8 Ea8 28. Ф12 Ec8 29. Ac4 £>e3 30. ФеЗ Ec5 31. Af7 ФН7 32. Ebl=] Ad4 28. <&g2 Ea6 29. Aa6 Ac5 30. Eel f5 31. gf5 gf5 32. Ah6 ФЪ7+ 33. Ael Eg8 34. ФМ Eg3 35. Ac8 &g6 36. <£h2 Ef3 37. Ee2 Ad6 38. <£gl Af4 39. Ab7 Ael 40. Ad5 ФТ6 41. Ec2 АеЗ 42. <£g2 фе5-+ 43. АП f4 44. Ah5 Eg3 45. ФЬ2 Agl 46. ФЫ f3 47. Ag4 АеЗ 0 : 1 Ki. Georgiev 79. В 92 Nl. DUKIC 2515 - KALEZlt 2439 Crna Gora (ch) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £>f6 5. £>c3 a6 6. Ae2 e5 7. £>b3 Ae6 8. f4 ef4 9. 194
Af4 £>c6 10. 0-0 Ae7 11. Shi 0-0 12. £)d4 [12. Wei - 62/(291)1 £>e5 13. Wei Wb6 14. Sdl Hac8 15. Ael Hfe8 16. Wg3 5jg6 N [16... ФЬ81 17. £}f5 Af5 18. Hf5 [18. ef5 £>e5 19. Hfel Af8oo[ Af8 [18... НсЗ?! 19. Wc3 &e4 20. Wb3 £>f2? 21. Hf2 Wf2 22. Hfl+-; 18... Ad8!? 19. Ad3 (19. Hd6 Hc3fc) £>e5 20. Hdfl фЬ8оо[ 19. Ad3 [19. Hf6 gf6 20. 2>d5 Wd8 21. АеЗ Нсб 22. Af3 Ag7oo[ He5 20. Hdfl [20. Ag5 Wb2 21. Af6 НсЗ (21... gf6 22. £>d5 Ag7oo) 22. Ae5 20. Hf6 gf6 21. &d5 Wd8 22. Hfl (22. АеЗ Ag7 23. Ad4 Hg5oo) Ag7 23. Ad2 Hc5!? (23... Неб 24. АеЗ <£h8oo Д £}e5) 24. Ac3 Hg5 25. Wh3 f5!?oo[ Hf5 120... Ae7oo[ 21. Hf5 He8 [21... Ae7oo[ 22. НП [22. Ac4 Wd4 23. Wd3 Wd3 24. Ad3 &e5=] He5?! [22... Wc6 23. АеЗ Ae7oo[ &g5 41. cb4 ab4 42. a4 &d3 43. a5 [43... W 44. Ab3!+-1 1 : 0 Ni. Dukic 80.* В 92 SOLOZHENKIN 2472 - E. L'AMI 2605 Zlatni Pyasatsi 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £if3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £>f6 5. £>сЗ аб 6. Ae2 e5 7. &b3 Ae7 8.0-0 0-0 9. ФМ £>c6 [9... b6 10. АеЗ Ab7 11. f3 b5 12. a4 b4 13. £>d5 £>d5 14. ed5 £>d7 15. сЗ ЬсЗ 16. ЬсЗ Ag5 17. Af2 Wc7 18. c4 Hab8 19. Ad3 (19. a5 - 71/(262)) Aa8 N (19... f5) 20. Wc2 g6 21. Hfdl Hb4 22. Ael Hbb8 23. Af2 Hb4 24. Ael Hbb8 25. Af2 1/2 : 1/2 D. Jakovenko 2736 — Khismatullin 2664, Russia 20121 10. f3 23. Ac4! Wc7 [^ 23... Wc6 24. Ab3 Ae7 25. АеЗТ Д Ad4[ 24. Ab3 ФИ8?! [24... Wc6 25. Ag5 Ae7 26. Af6 Af6 27. £>d5t[ 25. Ag5 Ae7 [25... £>e4 26. £>e4 He4 27. Af7 Ae7 28. Wh3 £>f8 29. Wf3 He5 30. Ab3 £>g6 31. Ad2+-; 25... We7 26. Af6 (26. £>d5? £ie4M gf6 27. £id5+-1 26. Af6 Af6 27. £>d5 Wd8 [27... Wd7 28. £>f6 gf6 29. Hf64—1 28. £>f6 gf6 29. Af7 <£g7?! [29... He4 30. Ag6 hg6 31. Wg6 We7 32. g3! Hel 33. <st?g2+—I 30. Ad5 b5 31. Wf2 a5 [31... We7 32. Wb6+-1 32. c3 f5?! [32... We7 33. Wb6+-1 33. ef5 Wf6 [33... Hd5 34. fg6+-1 34. Аеб [34. fg6?? Wf2-+[ He4 35. <^>gl £>e5 [35... Hf4 36. Wa7 ФИ6 37. g3+—I 36. h3 b4 37. Wg3 [37. Wa7 фЬ6 38. Wa5+-1 ФИ6 38. Hf4 Hf4 39. Wf4 Wg5 [39... <£>g7 40. cb4 ab4 41. Wb4+-| 40. Wg5 10... £>h5!? N [10... b5 - 103/1751 11. £>d5 [11. АеЗ Ag5 12. Ag5 Wg5 13. Wd6 Аеб 14. Hadi (14. Wd2 Wd2 15. £id2 £>f4 16. Adi Hfd8^) Hfd8 15. Wc7 £>f4 16. g3 £ie2 17. £>e2 Ac4 18. Hdel НаЬ8бб| Ah4! [Д &g3[ 12. g4 [12. АеЗ? &g3; 12. &gl ^g3 13. Hf2 «3e2!? (13... ^hl 14. Hfl £g3=) 14. He2 ^e7 15. АеЗ £>d5 16. Wd5 a5 17. Hd2 Ae7oo[ £>f6 13. c4 £>d5 14. cd5 £>e7= 15. АеЗ h6 [15... £>g6[ 16. Wd2 £>g6 17. ^cl [17. £>a5 Ag5 (17... ^f4!?) 18. Ag5 hg5 19. Hfel £>f4oo] Ag5 18. £id3 Ad7 19. Hfel Ab5 20. £iel [20. НсЗ АеЗ 21. We3 Ad3 22. Ad3 Hc8 23. Had НсЗ 24. НсЗ ^f4 25. Afl h5TI АеЗ 21. We3 Ae2 22. We2 ^)f4 23. We3 h5 24. £>g2 hg4 25. <2}f4?I [25. fg4 Wg5 (25... 2>g6) 26. Hfl Hac8 27. ^f4 ef4 28. Wf4 Wf4 29. Hf4 Hc25s| ef4 26. 195
W4 gB 27. Sgl g6 28. Hg4 ^g7T 29. Hh4 ДИ8 30. Hh8 Wh8 31. Sfl [31. Wf3 Wh4[ We8 32. SB IW 9/fJ We7 33. Hh3 <^>g8 34. £gl He8 35. Ж Wf6 36. Wh7 ф« 37. Wh8?I |37. Wh6 фе7 38. ЛеЗ ®e5+| фе7 38. Ш6 Ф16 [H 7/g] 39. SB &g7+ 40. НЬЗ He7 140... b5 41. a4 (41. ДаЗ Де4 42. Даб Да4) Де4 42. аЬ5 аЬ5 43. ДЬ5 ФГ6+1 41. ДЬ6 Hd7 42. ФТ2 фГ6 43. ФеЗ Фе5 44. а4 f6 45. Ь4?! [45. а5 ДЬ7 46. ФВ g5 47. &g2 g4j ДЬ7-+ 46. фдЗ g5 47. hg5 fg5 48. ФеЗ ДП 49. фе2 g4 50. ДЬЗ Фе4 51. ДЬ4 ФГ5 0:1 G. Arsovic 81.** В 94 Gharamian 2672 - W. So 2653 France 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £}B d6 3. d4 cd4 4. ®d4 £>f6 5. ФеЗ аб 6. Ag5 £ibd7 7. f4 Wc7 8. WB b5 18... h6 - 114/79] 9. 0-0-0 Ab7 10. Ad3 g6 11. &d5 111. Hhel Ag7 12. £>d5 £>d5 13. ed5 a) 13... Af6 N 14. We3 (14. £>c6 Ag5 15. fg5 Ac6 16. dc6 £ie5 17. He5! de5 18. Ag6 hg6 19. Hd7 Wc8 20. Де7 фе7 21. Wf6=) Ag5 (14... Ad5 15. Ab5t) 15. fg5 £ib6 (15... 2>e5 16. £>B±) 16. Ae4 Ad5 (16... 0-0 17. Wf3±) 17. Ad5 £id5 18. Wf3 £ib6? 19. £)c6+- A. Pijpers 2338 - Edouard 2607, Deizisau 2012; 18... Wc4D±; b) 13... £>f6 14. Ae4 (14. &c6 - 11. 43d5) 0-0oo] £>d5 12. ed5 Ag7 N |12... Ш1 13. Феб ±f6 |13... Аеб!? 14. dc6 £ic5 15. Hhel e6 16. f5 0-0 17. f6 M8oo; 13... ^>f6 14. Hhel e6 15. f5 0-0 16. fe6 fe6 17. Деб £>d5! 18. Wd5 W 19. Wc6 Ac6 20. g3 ±e5=] 14. h4 h6 15. J.f6 £>f6 16. f5 gf5 17. Af5 ^)d5 18. Wd5 J.c6 19. Wd4± Hf8 |19... e5 20. Wd6 Wd6 21. Hd6 ^.g2 22. Sel± S. Azarov 2648 - V. Gashimov 2760, Khanty-Mansiysk (m/2) 20111 20. Hhel J.d7? 21. Де7!! Фе7 22. Де1 Аеб [22... фd8 23. ®g7] 23. Wg7± R. Leitao 196
82. с С 01 BACHES GARCIA 2389 - Ml. MARIN 2548 La Massana 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. ed5 edS 4. £>f3 £>f6 5. Ad3 c5 6. 0-0 £>c6 16... c4 - 60/(264)] 7. dc5?I 17. Sei Ae7 8. dc5 0-0= 9. АеЗ £>g4 10. Wd2£>e3 11. We3 Wa5 12. &c3 Ac5 13. ®f4 Аеб 14. Sadi (14. a3) h6^] Ac5 8. £ibd2 |8. Sei Аеб 9. £>g5?! 0-0 10. £>e6?! fe6 11. Se6?! (11. АеЗ) Af2!+| 0-0= 9. £}b3 Ab6 10. c3 [10. Ag5!?; 10. АеЗ!? АеЗ 11. fe3 Se8 (11... Ag4) 12. ®d2=] Ag4 11. Ae2 Se8! [XAe2| 12. &bd4 N [12. &fd4 Se2! 13. £>e2 ®e7 14. Sei Se8+; 12. Ag5 Wd6 13. Ah4 &e4+; 12. h3] £>d4 13. ftd4? 113. cd4 Wd6=] 13... Se2! 14.^e2[14.f3 We7 15. fg4 We4 16. Sf2 Sei] te7 15. Sei 115. АеЗ АеЗ 16. fe3 We3 17. Sf2 2>e4 18. Wd4 Wf2 19. Wf2 £>f2 20. &f2 Ae2 21. фе2 f6+] Se8 16. ФП |16. Ag5 Ae2 17. Wd2 ®e4 18. Af6 (18. Sacl £>g4; 18. h3 Se5) gf6 19. Sacl ФЬ8 20. Sc2 (20. Wh6 Sg8 21. ®f6 Sg7 22. g3 &g8) Sg8 21. g3 Af2 22. &f2 Wf3 23. &gl Sg3 24. hg3 Wg3 25. £>hl Af3 26. Wg2 Wei] ^e4 [16... Wc5 17. Wd4 (17. АеЗ Se3 18. fe3 We3 19. &d4 Wf4 20. £>e4-+ A Wh2!!) Se2 18. Wc5 (18. Se2 Ae2 19. фе2 ^e7!-+) Sei 19. Фе1 Ac5-+] 17. АеЗ 117. f3 Wh4-+] АеЗ 18. fe3 Wf6 19. <£>gl Wf2 20. ФМ We3 [20... Af3 21. gf3 Wf3 22. <£>gl £>f2 (A W#) 23. 2>f4D £>dl-+; RR 20... Se5!—I- (Del Rio de Angelis) A £>g3| 21. ®dC £if2 22. <^>gl £>d3 23. ®e3 Se3-+ 24. Sedl Ae2 25. Sd2 h5 26. a4 Ag4 27. a5 аб 28. ФП h4 0:1 Mi. Marin 83.*** C 02 E. SEVILLANO 2502 - DAR. YANG 2448 Saint Louis 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 £ic6 5. £if3 £lh6 [5... Ad7 6. Ae2 £>ge7 7. 0-0 £if5 a) 8. dc5 Ac5 9. Ad3 £>h4 10. £>bd2 £tf3 11. £>f3 Wc7 12. Sei h6 N (12... f6) 13. b4 Ab6 14. a4 аб 15. АаЗ £ie7 16. Scl 0-0 17. c4 dc4 18. Ac4 Асб 19. b5 1/2 : 1/2 Baklan 2612 - Ulibin 2519, Ortisei 2012; b) 8. Ad3 cd4 9. Af5 ef5 10. cd4 Аеб 11. £ic3 Ae7 12. Wb3 Sb8 13. 2ie2 g5 14. Ad2 f4 15. Sfel N (15. Sfdl - 28/213) <^f8 16. £>el Wb6 17. £}d3 <^>g7 18. TO ab6 19. аЗ Shc8 20. АЬ4?! Af5 21. Sc3 Ad3 22. Sd3 W 23. ab4 Sc2 24. £>c3 Sd8 25. Sbl Ab4? P. Harikrishna 2684 - J. Cori Tello 2479, Benasque 2012; 20. Sc3] 6. a3 2>f5 7. b4 cd4 8. cd4 Ad7 9. Ab2 b5 10. £>c3 197
10... а5 ПО... аб - 86/(262)] 11. Ab5 аЬ4 12. ab4 АЬ4 13. 0-0 0-0 14. Ad3 [14. Асб N Асб 15. На8 Wa8 16. ®ЬЗ Ае7 17. Hal Wb8 18. ®Ь8 НЬ8 19. Ael Ь5 20. ИЗ Ь4 21. Aid 1 ФЬ7 22. АеЗ <^g6+ Lazni£ka 2693 — V. Potkin 2642, La Habana 2012] Hal 15. Aal Wa5 16. Ae2 Hc8 N [16... Afe7] 17. g4 Afe7= 18. Wbl Ag6 19. h4 Ae7 20. h5 AfB 21. Ac3 Ab4 22. Hcl Wa3 23. Ab4 Hcl 24. Ael Wb4 25. Wb4 Ab4 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovic 84 C 03 URKEDAL 2439 - E. BERG 2587 Norge 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. Ad2 e5!? 4. ed5 N ]4. de5 de4 5. Ae4 (5. We2 Асб 6. Ae4 Af5 7. Af3 Wd5 8. Ac3 Ab4 9. Ad2 Ac3 10. Ac3 0-0-0 11. Ah4 Аеб 12. We3 Ah6 13. Ae2 Ag4 14. Ag4 Ag4 15. 0-0 ФЬ8 16. h3 Ac8^) Wdl 6. &dl Асб 7. f4 Ag4 8. Af3 (8. Ae2) 0-0-0 9. Ad2 Ad4 10. Ae2 Ae2 11. Фе2 Af5 12. Aeg5 Ah6; 12. ФеЗ+] ed4 5. Agf3 Af6 6. Ab5 Ad7 7. Ac4 We7! 8. We2 We2 9. Фе2 b5 10. Ab3 a5 11. a4 ba4 12. Aa4 Ad5 13. Ad4 13... Ab4! 14. АЬЗ?! [14. Hdl±] Асб! 15. A2f3 Ad4 16. Ad4 Ab6 17. сЗ?! 117. Af4 Ac5±? A a5] Ad6 18. Ac2 0-0 19. A15? [19. f3] Hfe8 20. АеЗ Af5 21. Af5 Ac4 22. ЬЗ 122. Ad3 Ab2 23. Ab5 He5 24. c4 a4 25. Hhbl a3T A 26. Hb2?? ab2 27. Ha8 Af8-+] АеЗ 23. fe3 Ac5 24. Ad3 He3 25. Фс4 He5 26. Ac2 [26. Ae4!?] Ab6 27. b4 Hae8 28. Ad3 g6 29. Ha2 ab4 30. cb4 ПеЗ 31. Hdl Ag7 32. Hdd2 Hel 33. He2 Hcl 34. Hec2 Hhl 35. h3 Hd8 36. Ae2 Hd4 37. ФЬЗ Hbl 38. Hab2 Hel 39. Af3 He3 40. НсЗ He5 41. Hc4 Hd3 42. НсЗ Hd4 43. Нс4 ПеЗ 44. НсЗ Hel 45. Нс4 Hd3 46. НсЗ Hd6 47. Нс4 НеЗ 48. Фс2 Hdd3 49. Не4 НсЗ 50. Ad2 Hf3! 51. gf3 НВ 52. h4 f5 53. Пе7? 153. Hc4 Hh3Tl Ф>Ь6 54. Нс2 Hf4 55. h5 НС 155... Hb4+] 56. Фх13? 156. Не2 Не2 57. Фе2 ФИ5 58. Ф13 &g5+] Нс2 57. Фс2 g5! 58. <^>d3 g4 59. Фе2 f4 60. фП f3 61. Hf7 &g5 62. Hg7 Ф114 63. НП h6 64. Hf5 ФИЗ 65. Hf6 g3 [66. Hf3 Ф112-+] 0 : 1 E. Berg 85. C 03 LE. VAJDA 2597 - C. PRAVEEN KUMAR 2343 Sydney 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £>d2 Ae7 4. &gf3 £if6 5. e5 £>fd7 6. c4!? c5 |6... dc4 - 35/367; 6... f6!? 7. cd5 ed5 8. Wb3 сб 9. ef6 a) 9... Af6 198
10. Ае2 (10. Ad3 We7=) 0-0 11.0-0(11. 2ie4 Wb6 12. Wb6 ab6 13. £>d6 c5±?) Wb6 12. Wd3± A £ib3; b) 9... £>f6 10. Ad3 0-0 11. 0-0 c5!? 12. dc5 £>bd7±?; 6... 0-0] 7. cd5 ed5 8. Ad3 |8. Wb3?! £>c6! 9. Wd5 0-0 10. Ab5 We55; 8. Ab5 £>c6 9. 0-0 0-0 10. Eel (10. dc5 £>de5 11. «3e5 £>e5 - 8. dc5) Wb6 11. a4 ftbfc; 8. dc5 «Зеб 9. «3b3 (9. a3 a5oo; 9. Ab5 0-0 10. 0-0 £>de5 11. <53e5 £>e5 12. &b3 Af6±s A £>c4) £>de5 10. ^e5 «3e5 11. Ab5 (11. АеЗ 0-0 12. Ae2 Af6 A 13. Ad4 a5!T) Ad7 12. Ae2 (12. Ad7 Wd7 13. 0-0 0-0 14. АеЗ Efe8 A Ead8, £c6) Ae6 13. 0-0 0-0 14. Af4 €3c6=l £>c6 9. 0-0 cd4 10. Eel £>c5 11. <ЙЬЗ |11. Abl Wb6 12. «3b3 (12. &fl Ag4 13. h3 Af3 14. Wf3 0-0! 15. Wd5 Ead8+) ШЗ 13. ab3 Ag4 (13... 0-0 14. Aig5^) 14. Wd3 Ec8 15. h3 (15. £>g5 «За5») Ae6 16. Ad2 h6oo; 11. Ab5 Ag4 12. h3 Ah5 13. g4 Ag6 14. «3d4 Wb6 15. <2}2f3 (15. £>fl £>e6 16. АсбЬсб 17. £>f5 Ac5 18. АеЗ d4T)0-0 16. АеЗ &d4 17. «3d4 Efd8 (17... a6 18. Afl ®b2 19. <^f555) 18. b4 &e6 19. «3f5 Wb5 20. £ie7 Ф118М 11... «Зеб 111... £>d3 12. ®d3 0-013.£ibd4 Ag4 14. АеЗ Ah5 15. e6±; 11... Ag4!? 12. «3c5 Ac5 13. a3 a) 13... Wd7!? 14. b4 Ab6 15. h3 Ah5 al) 16. Af4 «3d8! (16... 0-0 17. Ah7!) 17. a4 a6 18. a5 Aa7 A &e6oo; a2) 16. We2 0-0 (16... «3d8 17. a4T) 17. Ah7 ФЬ7 18. <2}g5 <£g6 19. g4 Ag4 20. hg4 «3e5 21. We5 Wg4 22. ФП Efe8 23. Wd6 f6 24. «Зеб Wh3 25. &gl Wg4=; b) 13... 0-0 bl) 14. Af4 f6!? (14... Ee8) 15. ®c2 Af3 16. ®c5 fe5 17. Ae5 Ae4 18. Ae4 de4 19. Eadl Ec8=; b2) 14. ®c2 Af3 15. gf3 (15. Wc5 Ae4) We7 16. Ah7 (16. f4 g6oo) ФЬ8 17. Ad3 &e5! 18. ФЫ Wf6 19. Ee5 ®e5 20. ®c5 Efc8! 21. Wb4 Ecl 22. Ecl Wf4=[ 12. a3 [12. Ad2 a5 13. a4 Ad7 14. Ab5 0-0oo; 12. Abl Wb6 13. a4 a5 14. Wd3 Ad7oo; 12. Af5 0-0 a) 13. Ae6 fe6 14. £>fd4 a5! (14... We8 15. 43c6 bc6 16. АеЗ Ef5 17. Ac5±) 15. &c6 bc6 16. АеЗ Ab4 17. Ee2 a4^; b) 13. Wd3 &b4 14. Wbl h6 15. £>fd4 (15. Ae6 Ae6 16. abd4 Ag4 17. a3 £>c6=) W4 16. &d4 Wb6 17. АеЗ Ac5 18. Wdl Ee8!=] Ad7 13. Ad2!? N IA «3d; 13. Af5 0-0 14. 5jbd4=| Wb6 |13... 0-0 14. &cl (14. Wbl g6 15. Ah6 Ee8 16. Wa2 a5 17. Eadl a4 18. «3d Wb6! 19. Wd5 Ea5T) «3c5 15. Wc2 (15. Ac2 Wb6 16. b4 £>e4T) £>d3 (15... g6!? 16. tt\e2 Wb6 17. £ied4 £>d4 18. £>d4 Eac8 19. Ac3 £ie6 20. Wb3 Ac5±?) 16. Wd3 Wc8! (16... Wb6 17. £>e2) 17. £>d4 £>d4 18. Wd4 Wc4 19. £>e2 Eac8=; 13... a5!?l 14. h3I? [14. ^cl a5 15. ^e2 0-0 16. £>f4 £}f4 17. Af4co] a5 15. ЕЫ 15... h6!? [15... 0-0 16. Ac2! (16. Af5 Efd8 17. £>cl £ic5T; 16. «3d «3c5 17. Ac2 <2ie4 18. &d3 Af5!=) Eac8 (16... Efc8 17. £>cl £>cd8!?) 17. «3d «3c5 (17... Wc7!? 18. £>d3 W 19. «3b4 ab4 20. Ab3 ba3 21. ba3 Efd8) 18. «3d3 £>e4 (18... «3d3 19. Ad3=) 19. «3f4! 2>f2 (19... d3 20. &d3 Af5 21. Af4 Ag6oo) 20. &f2 d3 21. АеЗ dc2 22. Ab6 cdlW 23. Ebdl=] 16. Af5 [16. Ac2 0-0 (16... a4 17. 1 Wa7 18. «3d3S5) 17. Ah6!? gh6 18. Wd3 f5 19. ef6 Ef6 20. Wh7 &f8 21. W4 £>ed4 22. Wh8 £>f7 23. «3g5! hg5 24. Wh5 ^g7 25. Wh7=[ a4 17. £>cl g6 [^ 17... 0-0 18. b4 (18. «3d3?! «3c5! 19. Ad7 «3d3+; 18. Zt\e2 Ac5 19. b4 ab3 20. Eb3 Wa7T; 18. 199
Ас2!? Aic5 19. Aid3 Efc8 20. £>f4oo) аЬЗ 19. £>ЬЗ Wd8 20. Аеб (20. Ael АаЗ 21. АаЗ ДаЗ 22. Аеб fe6 23. £>bd4 £id4 24. Aid4 ®a8+) fe6 21. £>bd4 £>d4 (21... ДаЗ 22. ДЬ7 Aid4 23. 2>d4 ДdЗ 24. £>f3 ДdfЗ 25. gf3 Асб 26. Aa5 We8 27. Дс7оо) 22. A>d4 Ac5 23. Ab4 b6 24. Wd2 (24. ^f3 d4! 25. £}d4 Aa4+; 24. g3 Wg5 25. h4 Wg6+ A ДГ4) Wh4 25. £if3 ДО!? 26. Ac5 bc5 27. gf3 d4 (27... Wh3 28. ДЬ7 Ae8 29. Wf4 ДаЗ 30. Wg4=) 28. ДЬ6 Wh3 29. Wf4=l 18. Ac25s &c5 |18... £>g5!? 19. Aig5 (19. £>d3 Af5 20. £>g5 hg5 21. Ь4 ab3 22. ДЬЗ Wa7 23. £>Ь4 Аебоо) Ag5 (19... hg5 20. Aa4+) 20. еб!? Аеб 21. Ag6 0-0-0 22. Aid3 (22. Ad3 ДЬё8^) Дdg8! (22... ДЬё8 23. Ag5 hg5 24. Ah5±) 23. Ah5 Wc7oo[ 19. ftd3! £}d3 |19... Af5 20. £>c5 Ac2 21. Wc2 Wc5 22. Wdl g5 (22... Wb5 23. b4+ A 23... Wd3 24. еб!) 23. Ь4 ab3 24. ДЬЗ ДаЗ (24... 0-0 25. еб!) 25. ДЬ7 0-0 26. еб±; 19... £>е4 20. £>f4! £>f2 21. ^d5 Wc5D 22. Aif6 Af6 23. ef6 <£d8 (23... <£f8 24. Ab4 Wb4 25. ab4 £>dl 26. Дbdl W 27. Де7 Ae8 28. Ae4+) 24. Ф12 d3 25. АеЗ Wc2 26. £id2 Wdl (26... Де8 27. Wfit) 27. Дbdl Аеб 28. £e4 Фс7 29. Af4 ФЬ6 30. ДdЗ+] 20. Ad3± £>d8 120... g5 21. Ь4 ab3 22. ДЬЗ Wa7 23. Wbl±] 21. еб! Аеб 121... Aie6 22. &e5±] 22. ЬЗ! £>c6 [22... Af6 23. ba4 Wc7 24. Дс1 £>сб 25. Ab4±; 22... Ф18 23. ba4 Wa7 24. Af4 Wa4 25. Wd2±[ 23. Ag6 [23. ba4 Wc7 24. a5!? (24. Ag6 Ah3 - 23... Ah3) Af6 25. Ag6 fg6 26. Деб Ф17 27. Де2±[ 0-0-0 [^ 23... Ah3 24. ba4 Wc7 25. £>h4! 0-0-0 26. Af5 Af5 27. £if5 Ag5 (27... Aa3 28. Wb3±) 28. £>d4±[ 24. Ad3 Д1щ8 |24... ab3 25. ДЬЗ Wc7 26. Wc2 fihg8 27. ФЫ±[ 25. ФЫ+ Wc7 1^ 25... ab3[ 26. b4 Wd7 27. АП+- Ь5 28. Дс1 ФЬ8 29. We2 &а7 30. £>d4 Дс8 31. Дс8 Дс8 32. £>еб fe6 33. We6 1 : О V. Stoica 86. С 06 DEMBO 2457 - D. CORI TELLO 2413 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. &d2 £}f6 4. e5 £>fd7 5. Ad3 c5 6. c3 b6 7. fte2 Aa6 8. Abl £>c6 9. £>f3 cd4 10. cd4 Ae7 [10... Ab4 - 31/3411 11. 0-0 Дс8 12. Де1 Wc7 13. Ad2! £>a5 N [13... 0-0; 13... £>db8[ 14. Ac3 Aic4 [14... 0-0 15. £>f4t[ 15. a4 [15. Ad3 b5 16. a3+] 0-0 16. Ad3 b5 17. ab5 Ab5 18. Дс1 118. Wc2 h6 19. Да2 аб 20. Деа1±[ Wb6 [18... Wb7 19. £>f4 Дсб 20. h4 h6 21. £>g5! (21. g4-) hg5 22. Wh5 f5D 23. hg54 19. £>f4 ДГе8 20. We2 аб 21. h4 ^a5? [21... £>f8 22. h54 22. Ab5 ab5 23. £d5! [23. Aa5 Wa5 24. Aid5 Af8 25. Да1 Wd8 26. *53c3±[ ed5 24. Aa5 Wa6 25. Ad2 £>f8 26. Wd3?! [26. Да I Wb7 27. Да5 Ь4 28. Ь3±] &еб 27. Да1 Wb6 28. ЬЗ?! [28. Да5±[ Да8! 29. g3 АаЗ 30. Дadl [30. Да2! Ь4 31. ^)g5±l Дес8 [30... Ь6!?] 31. £)g5! £>g5 32. Ag5 [32. hg5!?[ Ab2 33. Ae7! ДсЗ [33... Ь4 34. Ac5±[ 34. Wd2 Да2 35. Ab4 ДВ 36. ДеЗ [36. Wc2! We6 37. <£g2 Ad4 38. Wa2 Д12 39. Wf2 Af2 40. <£>f2 Wf5 41. &g2 Wc2 42. Дd2 Wb3 43. Де4!+-[ ДеЗ 37. We3 Wg6 38. Wf3 We6 39. We2 Wa6 40. W13?! 140. Дd2! Да1 41. <£>g2 Ael 42. Дс2+—[ We6 41. <^>g2 Aal! 42. Ac5± h6 200
43. Wd3 |43. b4!?±] Wg4 44. Eel b4 45. Wbl! Ea6 46. Ab4 [46. еб! fe6 47. Ee5!+- XWg4[ Ad4 [46... Wd4 47. Ad6±[ 47. Wdl h5 48. Wg4 hg4 49. Edl Ae5 50. Ed5+- f6 51. Ac5 Ea2 52. b4 Eb2 53. Ed7 f5 [53... Ac3 54. Eb7 Ed2 55. Ae3+-] 54. Ed5 Ee2 154... Ac3 55. Ef5 Ab4 56. Ad4 Ec2 57. Eg5+-1 55. АеЗ f4 56. Ee5 1:0 Dembo 87.** C 10 A. VOLOKITIN 2704 - E. MIROSHNICHENKO 2621 Ukraine (ch) 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. ftc3 £ic6 4. e5 ftge7 [4... b6 5. Ab7 6. a3 <53ge7 7. Ad3 Wd7 8. 0-0 0-0-0 9. Eel h6 N (9... £if5) 10. £>e2 g5 11. h3 Ag7 12. £>g3 f5 13. ef6 Af6 14. c3 She8 15. Ь4 ФЬ8 16. Ea2 ^f5 17. £>h5 Ah8 18. Eae2 Wf7 19. ®g3± A. Volokitin 2704 — Kuzubov 2623, Ukraine (ch) 2012; 4... f6 5. Ab5 Ad7 6. £>f3 аб 7. Асб Асб 8. 0-0 Wd7 (8... f5 — 102/203) 9. a4 N (9. Eel) $3e7 10. Eel £>g6 11. ЬЗ (11. ef6!? gf6 12. ®e2 ФП 13. Wd3±) Ab4 12. Ad2 a) 12... fe5!? 13. de5 (13. £>e5 £>e5 14. Ee5 Ad6=) 0-0oo; b) 12... 0-0 13. £>e2 Ae7 14. £)f4 51f4 15. Af4 f5 16. Ag5 h6 17. Ae7 We7 18. Wd3 a5 19. £>d2 f4oo Y. Vovk 2562 - Kuzubov 2623, Ukraine (ch) 20121 5. £iO &f5 6. h4 h5 7. Ag5 Wd7 N [7... f6; 7... Ae7[ 8. £>e2 b6 9. £>f4± Ab7 10. c3 43ce7 11. Ad3 0-0-0 12. Af5 ef5 13. еб! fe6 14. 0-0 фЬ8 15. £}e5 We8 16. 5;e6± Ed6 17. £>f4 £>c6 18. Eel £>e5 19. Ee5 W17 20. We2 Асб 21. Eel фЬ7 22. £>e6 [22. Ae7! g6 (22... Ae7 23. Ee7) 23. Wf3 Ae7 24. Ee7+-[ Ed7 23. £if8 Ef8 24. g3 g6 25. Ееб аб 26. WO Wg8 27. Wf4 a5 28. Ele5 Eh7 29. WO Ad7 30. Ee7 [30. Wd5 фа7 (30... сб 31. Wd6 Аеб 32. Ee6+-) 31. Ee7 Wd5 32. Ed5±] Ee7 [^ 30... Ac6[ 31. Ee7 Фс8 32. We2+- Ef7 33. Wa6 ФЬ8 34. Af4 Ee7 35. Wb6 Фа8 36. Wa5 ФЬ7 37. Wc7 1:0 Z. Arsovic 88. !N C 11 KRISZ. SZAB6 2548 - ANTE BRKlC 2606 Zadar 2011 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. ФеЗ £}f6 4. e5 £}fd7 5. f4 c5 6. £>O £ic6 7. АеЗ Ae7 8. Wd2 0-0 9. dc5 Ac5 10. 0-0-0 Wa5 11. Ac5 £>c5 12. ФЫ [12. h4 - 104/571 Ad7 13. We3 Efc8 14. g4! N [14. Ad3[ £ib4!? 15. a3 £ic2 16. фс2 £}e4 17. Ecl ЕеЗ?! [17... £ic3 18. bc3 Wa3 19. <£d2 Ec5 20. £id4 Eac8 21. Ad3+1 18. bc3 Wa3 19. <i>dl £if2 [19... Wb2 20. Фе1 ^>f2 21. Egl!+-1 20. Wf2 [20. Фе1?! £lhl 21. Ag2Ec8 22. Ahl b5 23.^d4b4^| Aa4 21. &d2 Wb2 22. ФеЗ Wcl 23. Wd2 Wa3 24. Ad3 Ec8 25. Wcl [25. Ebl b6 26. Wb2 Wb2 27. Eb2 Ec3 28. &d4+[ Wc5 [25... Wc3 26. Wc3 Ec3 27. &d2 ЕЬЗ (27... Ec8 28. Eal±) 28. Ecl+1 26. £>d4 f6?!© [26... b6 27. Wb2±[ 27. Wbl [27. ef6! gf6 28. Ф12! Ad7 29. We3±[ fe5 28. fe5 Wc7 [28... We7 29. фе2±[ 29. £>O© [29. Ah7! ФЬ8 30. £>f3 Wc3 (30... Ef8 31. Wb4 Wf7 201
32. Sfl+-) 31. jLd3±l Wc3 30. Wai i.c2 130... £b5 31. Wc3 Sc3 32. Sdl аб 33. £id4 Ad7 34. Sbl±[ 31. Wc3 Sc3 32. £>el J.d3 33. £id3 b6?I 133... ФП 34. Scl Scl 35. £>cl Фе7 36. £>b3 b6 37. £>d4 &d7 38. &d3 h6 39. ФеЗ аб 40. ФЬ4 фе7 41. &сб ФП 42. Ь4 <£g6 43. £>d4 фП 44. h5 Фе7 45. £>с6 Фе8 46. Фа4 ф!8 47. £>Ь8+~; 33... Sc7 34. Scl Se7 35. Sc8 ФП 36. h4±| 34. Scl! Scl 35. £>cl+- g5?! 135... ФП 36. £ie2 Фg6 (36... Фе7 37. £id4 Фd7 38. фdЗ аб 39. ФеЗ Фе7 40. £>сб Фе8 41. &Ь8 а5 42. ФЬЗ±) 37. £>d4 фП 38. фdЗ+-] 36. £>ЬЗ ФП 37. £>d4 аб 38. Фd3 фе7 39. £>с6 Фd7 |39... Фе8 40. феЗ ФП 41. ФЬ4 Фе8 42. &Ь8 а5 43. ФЬ5 d4 44. фс4 а4 45. Фd4+-J 40. £>Ь8 Фс7 41. &а6 Феб 42. Фd4 Ь5 43. А>с5 143... Ь4 44. £>е6 ЬЗ 45. ФеЗ d4 46. £>d4 фd5 47. е64~1 1 : 0 Krisz. Szabo, Hazai 89. !N C 11 S. BARRIENTOS 2500 - N. SEDLAK 2549 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £>c3 £>f6 4. e5 £>fd7 5. f4 c5 6. £>O £>c6 7. ЛеЗ Ле7 8. Wd2 0-0 9. dc5 Ac5 10.0-0-0 Wa5 11. Ac5 £>c5 12. h4 Ad7 13. h5 Ь5! 113... Sab8 — 104/571 14. ФЫ [14. ±b5? £>b4 15. JLd7 £>a2 16. £ia2 Wa2 17. Wc3 £id7Tl b4 15. £>e2 £>e4 16. Wei Sfc8! N 116... Sab8; 16... f6!?; 16... Wb6!?l 17.^d2|17.^ed4^c3! 18.bc3 ЬсЗ 19. £ib3 Wa4 20. Sd4 (20. Wc3 £>b4 21. Wai ^c2 22. Wb2 £ia3 23. Фа1 Sc2-+) £>d4 21. £tfd4 a5-+| 17... ЬЗ! 18. £>b3 |18. cb3 £>b4 19. a3 £id3—h; 18. ab3 W 19. £>cl £ic2—(-[ Wb6 19. £>ed4?! [19. £>c3 £>c3 20. Wc3 W 21. Wd4 £>c2 22. Wb6 ab6 23. Sh3=l <2}d4?! [19... a5! 20. Лл13 (20. £ic6 Sc6!+) a4 21. Ae4 de4 (21... ab3 22. £>b3 Wa7 23. a3 de4 24. h6 g6 25. Wh4M 22. £>c6 Лсб 23. 2)d4 ±d5-1 20. Sd4 a5 21. J.d3 a4 22. Sb4! Wa7 23. £icl a3 24. Ле4 de4 25. We4? [25. ЬЗ Лсб 26. ^e2 A c3, ^d4[ ab2 26. Sb2 Лсб 27. We2 27... Wa4!+ 28. h6 [28. Sfl J.d5 A Лс4] Wf4 29. hg7 We4! 30. Wd3 Sa5! 31. Sh2 Se5 32. Wc3 ±d7 33. Wd2 Ла4 34. &d3 We2 35. g3 Wfl 36. £>cl [36. Wcl Лс2! 37. Shc2 Wd3-+[ Лс2! 37. Sc2 Sb5 38. Sb2 [38. Фа1 Wf6 39. Sb2 Sb2 40. Wb2 Scl#| Sbc5 39. Sb4 Scl 40. ФЬ2 Sbl 0:1 TV. Sedlak 90.* C12 E. BERG 2587 - H. TIKKANEN 2566 Malmo 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £>c3 £>f6 4. Ag5 ±b4 5. e5 h6 6. ^.еЗ &e4 7. Wg4 g6 8. аЗ АеЗ 9. ЬсЗ c5 10. ^.d3 h5 11. Wf4 g5 12. WO £ic3 13. dc5 £>c6 [13... d4 14. ±d2 a) 14... Ad7!? 15. Wg3 J.c6 16. ^.g5 (16. ^>f3!?) h4 17. Wg4 Wa5 18. ФП £>d7 19. Wd4 al) 19... h3? 20. W Sh3 21. gh3 (21. J.d2!±) £hl 22. ±d2+; a2) 19... Sg8 20. £>h3 ^c5±?; b) 14...£)c6 7>/; 15. Wf6Wf6 16. ef6 £>a4 (16... g4 17. ±c3 dc3 18. foe2 19. J.e4 Sb8 20. h3t) 17. £g5 £)c5s;; b2) 15. Ac3 dc3 202
Ь21) 16. #еЗ Wd4 (16... #d5? 17. £>f3 g4 18. Ae4 Wc4 19. Асб bc6 20. £>g5 Ааб 21. 2ie4 0-0-0 22. £>d6 Ed6 23. cd6+-) 17. Wd4 &d4 18. £}e2 £>c6! 19. &c3 &e5^; b22) 16. Edl!? #d4 17. Ae4 #e5 18. We3 Фе7 19. £d3 #f4 20. Асб #e3 21. fe3 bc6 22. £ie5 Aa6!±d 14. #g3 [14. #f6 #f6 15. ef6 e5 16. Ag5 N (16. £>d2; 16. £>e2) h4 17. a4 e4 18. £>e2 Eh5 19. Af4 ed3 20. £>c3 dc2 21. £>b5 a) 21... Ф18?! 22. Ad6 (22. foci Sb8 23. &d2±) <£g8 23. foci Eb8 24. £>b5 Sa8 25. foci Eb8 26. £>b5 Af5? 27. Ab8 5jb8 28. &d2 -Йсб (Be. Lindberg 2414 - H. Tikkanen 2591, Sverige 2011) 29. g4!-l—; b) 21... фч!8 22. foci Eb8 23. W=l #a5 15. Ad2 |15. ФП - 37/320] Wc5 16. Ad7? N ]16... g4] 17. #g5?! ]17. £>g5 0-0-0 18. 0-0±] £ie4 18. Ae4? [18. #e3tl de4 19. #f6?? 119. Wd+l Ё18 20. £>g5 Wc4! 21.13 £id4 22. Ф12 #e2 |22... e3!-+] 23. <£g3 ef3 24. gf3 ЭД5 25. фЬЗ Асб 26. Ehel #d2 27. Sadi ©12 28. Ed6 Wei 29. Ee6 fe6 30. Wg6 <£d7 31. We6 фс7 0:1 E. Berg 91.* IN C 12 E. BERG 2587 - H. TIKKANEN 2566 Halmstad 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £>c3 £116 4. Ag5 Ab4 5. e5 h6 6. АеЗ £>e4 7. Wg4 g6 8. аЗ АеЗ 9. bc3 c5 10. Ad3 h5 11. #14 g5 12. #13 £ic3 13. dc5 £>c6 14. Wg3 Wa5 15. Ad2 Wc5 16. £113 g4 17. £>g5 Wd4 ]17... d4 18. 0-0 N (18. f4) We5 19. Eaelco H. Hamdouchi 2592 — Rivas Pastor 2533, Salou 2011] 18. #14! N |18. We3| #14 19. А14 d4 20. h3 Eg8 21. £>h7 £>d5 22. Ag3 Ad7 23. hg4 hg4 24. Ae4 0-0-0 25. Ah4 &c3! 26. Асб Асб 27. Ad8 &d8 [27... Ed8 28. £>f6 Ag2 29. Eh7 Ef8 30. Eg7+1 28. £if6 Eg5 29. Eh5 Eh5 [29... Ef5 30. Ef5 ef5 31. &d2 Фе7 32. <£d3 Феб 33. <£d4 £>b5 34. фс5 Фе5 35. £>h5±| 30. £>h5 Ag2 31. &d2 foe4 131... Ae4!? 32. ^f6 (32. Egl Af5 33. £if6 фс7 34. £>g4 Феб 35. £>f6 Ag6 36. Ehl a5^) Af5 33. Egl Фс7 34. £>g4 Феб 35. Ш a5 36. 13 Ag663| 32. Фd3 £>12 33. Фd4 £h3 34. a4 34. £f6 Af3 35. Фе3± фс7] a5 134... Асб 35. ФеЗ±] 35. £f6 A13 36. ФеЗ Фс7 37. ЕаЗ ФЬ6 38. ЕЬЗ Фс5 [38... фаб 39. foe4 (39. ЕЫ!? Асб? 40. £g4 Аа4 41. Ehl £>g5 42. Eh5+-) Ь6 40. ЁсЗ+| 39. ЕЬ5 Фс4 40. Еа5 £>gl!? 41. Ёа8?! 141. ^>е4! а) 41... Adi 42. Ёс5 ФЬ4 43. ЕЬ5 фаЗ (43... Фс4 44. ЁЫ+-) 44. ЁЫ+-; Ь) 41... Ае4 42. Фе4 g3 43. Еа8+-] g3 42. Eg8 g2 43. foe4 фЬ4 44. &d2 Асб 45. Eg4! ФаЗ 145... Фс5 46. &е4+-; 45... Фа5 46. foc4 foe2 47. фе2 Ае4 48. еЗ Асб 49. Ф12 Ь6 50. Ё14 Ad5 51. с4 Асб 52. Ef7 Фа4 53. Ёе7 ФЬ4 54. Ееб Фс5 55. Eg6 Ае4 56. Eh6 (56. Eg2 Ag2 57. фg2 Ь5 58. сЬ5 ФЬ5 59. Ф13 Феб 60. Фе4 фd7=) Асб 57. еб Ае8 58. е7+-; 45... ФеЗ 46. foe4+~ 1 46. foe4 foci 47. Фе2 Ае4 48. Ф12! Ad5 [48... Ас2 49. а5! А15 50. Ef4 ФЬЗ 51. Фg2+-| 49. а5! Асб 50. Ef4 ФЬ2 51. ЁГ7 Ad5 151... Фс2 52. Ёс7 Фd3 53. Ееб Ьсб 54. а6+-| 52. с4 Ае4 53. Ef4 Асб 54. Ё16 ФеЗ 55. Ееб Ае4 56. ЁЬб 1:0 Е. Berg 203
92.** С 14 Z. Mammadov 2393 — P. Carlsson 2531 Zlatni Pyasatsi 2012 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. 4X3 4tf6 4. ±g5 ±e7 5. e5 4tfd7 6. h4 h6 7. £e7 |7. АеЗ - 42/351] We7 8. f4 аб 9. Wd2 [RR 9. Wg4 0-0 10. 0-0-0 f5 N (10... c5) a) 11. ef6 4}f6 12. We2 c5 (12... Wd6?! 13. g3 4Xd7 14. Ah3 He8 15. 4Ю c5 16. dc5 4X5 17. 4X5± J. van Foreest 2225 - Percivaldi 2024, Praha 2012) 13. 4Ю 4X6=; b) 11. Wh5 c5 12. 4}f3 4X6 13. g4 fg4 14. Wg4 cd4 15. 4}d4 4Ш 16. Hd4 4X5 17. b4! 4X7 18. Ad3± Van den Doel 2570 - Hovhanisian 2495, Delft 2012; о 12... We8[ c5 10. 4}B 4X6 11. 0-0-0 b5 12. dc5 4X5 13. 4X4 4X4 N [13... Ad7[ 14. Wd4 b4! 15. 4X2 115. Wb4?? 4X3—H h5!? [Xg4; 15... 4X4! 16. f5 ef5 17. 4tf4 Ab7 18. g4!T; 16... Wa7!oo[ 16. фЫ [16. f5!? ef5 17. £}f4! (17. Wd5 Ab7 18. Wd4 0-0+) 4X6 18. Wb6! Ab7 19. 4X5 Ad5 20. Hd5 0-0 21. Hd6 4X7 22. Wb4 We5oo[ 4X4 17. Hh3 Wa7! 18. ЛЬЗ [18. Wb4 4}f2?[ a5 19. Wa7 Ha7 20. a3 [20. 4X4 Ad7?l 20... Aa6! 21. 43g3 [21. ab4 ab4 22. Hb4 0-0 a) 23. 4X4 Afl 24. Hfl 4X2-+; b) 23. Ha4 Ae2 24. Ha7 Adl-+; c) 23. c3 Hfa8 24. Фс2 4}f2 25. Hd2 (25. Hdd4 £>g4 26. <i>d2 4X2 27. Фе1 Ac4 28. Edl Eal 29. ЬЗ Hdl 30. &dl Hal 31. фс2 Aa6-+) 43g4!-+; d) 23. Hdd4 Hfa8 24. Ha4 &h7 25. g3 Ac4 26. Ha7 Ha7+[ 4X5 22. Aa6 Паб 23. H13 g6?! [23... Фе7! 24. f5 4X7 25. Hel g6! 26. fg6 (26. f6 £>d8 27. ab4 ab4 28. НЬЗ Фс7! 29. Hb4 Hha8 30. Фс1 Hal 31. &d2 Hel 32. Фе1 Hal 33. <£f2 4X5-+) fg6 27. 4X1 Hb6+ Xe5] 24. 4X2 [24. ab4! ab4 25. Hd4! Hb6 26. c4 ЬсЗ 27. Hc3 Hb5 28. b4 W 29. 4X4 0-0 30. 4X6 £>g7 31. фа2 4X6 32. 43h5 gh5 33. ed6 Hb6 34. d7 Hb7 35. f5 Hd7=l Фе7 25. 4X4 Hb8 26. 4X3 4x4 27. a4 Hc8 28. He3 4+5 29. 4X5 Hc5 30. Hd2 Hc4 31. g3 Hac6+ P. Carlsson 93. C18 Nl. DUKIC 2523 - SLA. MILANOVll 2421 Crna Gora (ch) 2012 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. 4X3 Ab4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 АеЗ 6. ЬсЗ Wa5 7. Ad2 4X7 8. Wg4 0-0 9. Ad3 4Xc6 10. Wh5!? 43g6 [10... h6 - 78/3151 11. 4Ш c4 12. Ag6 fg6 13. Wg4 Wa4!? [13... Ad7| 14. Ha2 [14. Hel Wa3 15. h4 Hf5oc] Hf5 N [14... £>e7?! 15. h4 h6 16. h5 g5 17. 43g5! hg5 18. h6-; 14... ±d7| 15. h4I? [15. 0-0 .&d7ool W 16. £>g5 Haf8 [16... 43e7!? 17. Wh3 (17. h5 Wb5 18. Hal №±5) h6 18. g4 Hff8 19. £rf3 Hf7oc| 17. h5! [17. f4 h6 18. £if3 £>e7oc] Wb5 [17... gh5? 18. Wh5 h6 19. Wg6 hg5 20. Hh7 H8f7 21.Ш15+-; 17... h6?! 18.hg6Bb5 19. Wdl Hf2 20. W W 21. £d8 Hf8 22. J.h6!±l 18. Hal?! [18. hg6 Wbl (18... £>e5? 19. de5 Wbl 20. Wdl He5 21. W Wa2 22. Hh7 Hff5 23. 4}f7±) 19. Wdl Wdl (19... Wa2? 20. Hh7+-) 20. &dl hg6 21. ±e3+[ Wb2 19. Hel gh5 [19... 4X5? 20. de5 He5 21. <±>fl±; 19... h6!? 20. hg6 Hg5 21. J.g5 Wc3 22. W Wd4 23. Wd4 4tf4oo[ 20. Hh5 [20. Wh5? h6 21. Wg6 Hg5 22. ±g5 4X7! (22... hg5?! 23. Wh7 <^>f7 24. Wh5 Фе7 25. Wg5 Фе8 26. Hh3oo) 23. Wh5 Hf5-+1 Hf2? [20... 204
£id4! 21. cd4 (21. Wd4 h6 22. £>e6 i.e6 23. Ef5 Hf5=) c3 22. £e3 Ef2 23. Ehl Ec2 (23... h6?! 24. Ec2 25. Ec2 Wc2 26. Eh6 Wd3 27. ФЕ2+) 24. Ec2 Wc2 25. W Wbl 26. Wdl We4 27. £>f8 We3 28. We2 Wcl 29. Wdl=l 21. Eh7! 121. £rf3? Ed2 22. &d2 £>a5 23. &dl (23. Echl? W 24. фе1 Wc3 25. &f2 <$jd4—+) Wc3 24. Eh3 Wa3 25. Eg3 Ef7 26. th4 £>c6+[ Efl 22. фе2 E812 [22... £>d4 23. Wd4+-1 23. ФеЗ <§3e7 [23... Ef4 24. Efl Sg4 25. Eh8 фЬ8 26. Ef8#; 23... Ed2 24. Sg7 <^g7 25. <§3еб ФП 26. Efl 4—; 23... Scl 24. £je6+-; 23... 43e5 24. Wh5+-; 23... ^d4 24. Efl Sfl 25. Wh3+-; 23... Wcl 24. icl £>e7 25. Eg7 &g7 26. £>h3 Ф18 27. &f2+-1 24. Efl Efl 25. Wh3 £>g6 [25... ФА8 26. Eh8 £>g8 27. Wh74~; 25... ^f5 26. фе2+-[ 26. Eg7! &g7 27. Wh7 Ф18 28. td7 1:0 Ni. Dukic 94.* C 19 LEK6 2730 - F. CARUANA 2775 Dortmund 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £ic3 Ab4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 1сЗ 6. ЬсЗ £e7 7. Wg4 cd4 8. Wg7 Eg8 9. th7 Wc7 10. £>e2 £>bc6 11. f4 dc3 12. Wd3 d413. £>d4 £>d4 14. Wd4 Jld7 15. Egl £if5 16. W12 Wc6 17. J.d3 [17. g4 We4 18. We2 Wa4 19. Ebl £>d4 N (19... i.c6) 20. Wd3 lc6 21. ф£2 ^f3 22. Eb4!? (22. Eg3 Ed8 23. Wc3 £>h2 24. Eb4 £>fl 25. Ea4 £>g3 26. &g3 JLa4 27. Wc7 Асб 28. АеЗ Ed75o 29. tb8 Ed8 30. Wc7 Ed7 31. Wb8 Ed8 32. ta7 Edl 33. Wb8 Ed8 34. Wc7 Ed7 35. Wc8 Ed8 36. Wc7 Ed7 37. Wc8 1/2 : 1/2 Evgeny Alekseev 2670 — Ab. Gupta 2652, Moscow 2012) Wa5 23. Eg3±[ Wd5 18. Ebl [18. a4 - 110/(150)1 Асб 19. Eb3 0-0-0 20. ЕсЗ фЬ8 21. g4 43d4 22. Eg3 Whl 23. Afl b6 24. Ab2 N [24. a4[ Ae4! [24... Eh8 25. h3 Ae4 26. a4 Ed5 27. АаЗ Ec8 28. Ad6 ФЬ7 29. Ec8 фс8[ 25. a4 Ed5 26. АаЗ Ec8! 27. Ad6 фЬ7 28. Ec8 28... £>f3? [28... Фс8! 29. ЕсЗ (29. с4?! <§3c2 30. Фе2 Ed4 31. a5 Асб 32. Ed3 Ee4 33. &d2 Eel—b) a) 29... ФЬ7?! 30. a5! (30. Ec7 фа8 31. Ec8 ФЬ7 32. Eb8 Феб 33. Ф02 34. феЗ Ed2 35. Ab5 Ф05 36. Ac4=) ba5 31. Ec7 фа8 32. h3 a4 33. Ec8 ФЬ7 34. Eb8 Феб 35. Ф42! £>b5 36. Фс1±; b) 29... Фd7 30. Wh4 (30. Ec7 Фе8 31. f5 ^f3 32. фе2 Ed2 33. ФеЗ Ef2 34. J.b5 Фd8 35. Ed7=) ^c2! 31. Ec2 Edl 32. фdl Wfl=[ 29. Фе2! Ed2 30. ФеЗ Фс8 [30... Ef2? 31. Eb8 Феб 32. £Ь5 Ф45 33. c4#[ 31. Egl?! 131. ±a6 Фd8 32. Wfl Wfl 33. ±fl+-1 ^gl 32. фd2 <5313 33. ФеЗ £>h2 34. &e2 [34. £a6 J.b7 (34... Фd7 35. ФЬ2+-) 35. J.b7 ФЬ7 36. We2±[ Wai 35. Фd2 Whl 36. Wg3?! [36. f5 £>f3 37. ФеЗ £>g5 38. Wfl Wfl 39. ^.fl Ac2 40. ±e7±| £>fl= 37. £fl Wfl 38. We3 Wg2 39. We2 We2 40. фе2 £c2 41. a5 ba5 42. ФО2 £g6 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovic 95. C 41 JENS KRISTIANSEN 2426 - ROB. MARKUP 2599 Helsingor 2012 1. e4 d6 2. d4 £>f6 3. £>c3 e5 4. £>f3 £>bd7 5. Ac4 kel 6. 0-0 0-0 7. Eel сб 8. a4 a5 9. 205
h3 h6 10. Aa2 Se8 11.2>h4?! ed4 12. Wd4 £>f8!= 112... &c5?! 13. £ig6±; 12... d5 - 56/325] 13. АеЗ?! N [13. Wd3 d5! 14. ed5 ^d5 15. £>f5 Ac5 (15... Af6?!) 16. Ad2 (16. Se8? We8 17. £>d5 Wei 18. ФЬ2 Af5 19. Wf5 Af2-+) Af5 17. Wf5 Wf6! 18. Wf6 ^f6=| Аеб?! [13... £>g4! 14. hg4 (14. £>f3 Af6 15. Wd2 £>e3 16. We3 Ae6+) Ah4 15. Sedl! Ag4 16. f3 Аеб 17. Wd6 Ag5! 18. Af2 Wf6ocl 14. £>f3 Aa2 15. Sa2 £>e6 16. Wd2 [16. Wd3 &d7 (16... Wc7 17. Baal Sad8 18. Sadi d5=) 17. £>d4 (17. Baal <Adc5 18. Wc4 Wb6) Aid4 18. Ad4 Af8=] Wc7 [16... &d7 17. Saal &e5 18. £ie5 de5 19. We2 £id4; 19. Sadl=l 17. £>d4 [17. Saal Sad8 18. Sadi d5 19. ed5 £>d5 20. £id5 Sd5 21. We2=| Sad8 18. Saal Af8 [18... £)c5?! 19. Af4 A £>f5; 18... d5 19. ed5 <Ad5 20. 2>e6 fe6 21. Aid5 ed5 22. Ad4+ Xa5] 19. f3?! [^ 19. £ie6 Se6 20. Ad4=] d5 20. ed5 [20. e5 £id7 21. f4 f6M &d5 21. /Ad5 Sd5 22. Wf2 [22. &e6 Se6 23. Wf2 Se3 24. Se3 Ac5+J £>f4 23. Sadi 23... Sg5 [23... Se3!? 24. We3 a) 24... £)h3 25. gh3 (25. ФП Wh2 26. gh3 Wh3=) Wg3 26. ФА Wh3 27. ФГ2 Wh2 28. ФП Wh3=; b) 24... Sg5 25. Sd2 2>h3 26. ФА £>f4[ 24. Af4 Sei 25. Sei Wf4+ 26. c3 Ac5 27. Se4 Wf6 28. Wc2 g6 29. ФП Wd6 30. Wd2 Wh2 31.Sg4?!© [o31. Wf2h5 32. Wgl Wd6 33. Wf2?l Se5 32. Se4 Se4 33. fe4 Whl 34. Ф12 Wbl 35. ФВ h5 36. We2 [36. e5!? Ae7 37. еб f5Tl Wa2 37. ЬЗ?! [37. Wc2 Wc4 38. £>e2T; 37. e5 Ad4 38. cd4 Wa4+[ Wbl+ [Xb3, c3[ 38. Wc4 Ad6 39. ФП? We4-+ 40. We2 Wf4 41. Wf3 Wd2 42. ФП Ae5 43. We2 Wcl 44. Ф12 Ad4 45. cd4 Wf4 46. фе1 Wd4 0 : 1 Rob. Markus 96. C 42 E. BERG 2576 - ROZENTALIS 2585 Goteborg 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 £>f6 3. &e5 d6 4. £>f3 £>e4 5. d4 Ae7 6. Ad3 £>g5 7. Ag5 [7. £>g5 - 34/3761 Ag5 8. We2 Ae7 [8... ф(8 9. £>bd2 £>c6 10. c3 Ad2 11. Aid2 We7 12. We3 Ad7 13.0-0 We3 14. fe3±] 9.0-0 N [9. £>c3 0-0 10. 0-0-0 Se8 (10... d5? 11. £>d5±) 11. ФЫ £>d7 12. g4!?t[ 0-0 10. Sei [10. We4 f5!? 11. Wd5 фЬ8[ Af6 11. We4 g6 12. Wf4 £>c6 13. c3 Ag7 14. <Abd2 Wf6 1^ 14... £>e7 A Af5, <Ad5[ 15. Wg3 Af5 16. £>e4 Ae4 116... Wd8 17. Se2t[ 17. Se4 Sae8 18. Sael Se7?! [o 18... Se4 19. Se4 £>d8[ 19. Se7 £ie7 20. Wg4! £id5? [20... Sd8 21. We4 £ic6 22. Wd5±; 20... £>c6 21. We4+; 20... £>c8 21. h4±| 21. Ae4 Wf4 22. Wh3! [22. Wf4 £>f4 23. g3 *23e6 24. Ad5 сб 25. Аеб fe6=| Ш 23. Ab7 Sb8 24. b4! d5 25. Асб £>e4 26. Ad5 £>c3 27. АЬЗ?! [27. g3 a) 27... Wd6?? 28. Af7! ФП 29. &g5 Ф18 30. W Фg8 31. £>g5+-; b) 27... Wh6 28. Af7 ФП 29. £)e5 Фg8 30. We6+-; c) 27... Wf6 28. Af7 WH 29. £>g5 Se8 30. Wh7 Ф18 31. (31. Se3) Sei 32. Фg2 ФП 33. h4±; d) 27... Wf5 28. Wf5 gf5 29. Ab3±; 27. Af7! ФП (27... Wf7?? 28. £ig5-l—) 28. Se3 W 29. g3! Wf5 (29... Wf6 30. £>e5 Фg8 31. £id7+-) 30. ^)g5 Wg5 31. We6 Ф18 32. Sf3 Wf5 33. Sf5 gf5 34. Wf5 Фg8 35. Wd5 ФИ8 36. Wd7±] ^)b5 28. Wd7? [28. £}e5! Ae5 29. de5 ^)d4 30. еб fe6 31. Аеб ФИ8 32. Ac4 Wd2 33. Sbl±] £}d4 29. Se8 Se8 30. We8 Af8 31. WH W17 32. Af7 Ф17 33. £>d4 206
±Ь4 34. £>Ь5 Феб 35. £ic7 фдб 36. £>Ь5 136. £>е8 Фе5 37. Ь4 ±а5 38. g4 феб 39. g5 J.d8 40. Фg2 Фс17 41. £>f6 ±f6 42. gf6 Феб 43. Фg3 ФГ6 44. Фg4=] фс5 37. &с7 137. £а7? ФЬ6] фдб 38. £>Ь5 Фс5 39. £>с7 ф<16 1/2 : 1/2 Е. Berg 97.**** С 45 F. CARUANA 2770 - KRAMNIK 2801 Moscow 2012 1. е4 е5 2. £>f3 &с6 3. d4 ed4 4. &d4 £>f6 5. Йсб bc6 6. e5 We7 7. We2 A>d5 8. c4 Aa6 9. £>d2 g610.£>f3 ±g7 [10... Ш>4- 109/177] 11. Ag5 f6!? [11... Wb4 12. Wd2 Wd2 13. Id2 a) 13... Aie7 N 14. 0-0-0 ±b7 15. Ac3 Sd8 16. £>d2c5 17. W d6 18. Sei Hg8 19. h4 h5 20. Hh3 £c8 21. Hd3 ±e6 22. £>d2 £}c6 23. ed6 cd6 24. Ag7 Hg7 25. g3± J. Aagaard 2517 - T. R. Hansen 2469, Istan- bul (ol) 2012; b) 13... W 14. ЬЗ d6 N (14... 0-0) 15. 0-0-0 de5 16. £>e5 i.e5 17. Sei 2id7 18. f4 f6 19. fe5 £>e5 bl) 20. ^.f4 0-0-0 21. JLe5 fe5 22. He5 Hhe8 23. He8 He8 24. id3 c5 25. Sfl Ab7 26. g3+ VI. Kovalev 2477 - D. Howell 2614, Plovdiv 2012; b2) 20. Ac3 0-0 21. J.e2 Hfe8 22. Ae5 fe5 23. £f3 Деб 24. ДеЗ Дае8 25. Hhel Фg7 26. Ie4 Ac8 27. ФЬ2 ФГ6 28. ДП Фg7 29. Sef3 Д8е7 30. ФеЗ Ad7 31. ФЬ4 Hd6 32. фс5Т Ni Hua 2673 - Adhiban 2555, Ho Chi Minh City 20121 12. ef6 Ш2 13. Ae2 ftf6 14. 0-0-0 0-0-0 15. ,Ae3 N [15. Hhel Hde8 16. £e3 ^e4 N (16... d6) 17. Ad3 c5 18. He2 d6 19. Hdel £)f6 (19... Фd7) 20. ±d2= S. Sethuraman 2535 - Marin Bosio£ic 2570, Philadelphia 20121 Hde8 16. Ad3 d6 [16... £ig4 17. i.a7 ФЬ7 18. h3!±l 17. c5 Jid3 18. Hd3 &d5 [18... £>e4!? 19. cd6 cd6 20. ДаЗ Де7 21. £>d2!? &d2 22. Фd2 £b2 23. Даб Дс7 24. ДЫ Ле5 25. f4 J.f6 26. Aa7 фd7 27. J.f2 He8oo| 19. cd6 cd6 20. ±a7 Фс7 [20... Фd7!?l 21. Jle3 Да8 [21... ДЬ8 22. Hd2 ДЬе8 23. Hel ^еЗ! 24. fe3 ДЬ45ё| 22. аЗ Да4 [22... £>еЗ 23. fe3 d5 24. фс2 Hhf8^| 23. Hel Hf8? [23... £>еЗ 24. fe3 Де855| 24. £>g5 Де8 25. Ab6 Фd7 26. He8 фе8 27. АеЗ фd7 [27... h6 28. £>f3 фd7 A 29. Фс2 £>e3 30. ДеЗ Дс4 31. ФЬЗ Hf4 32. а4 с5^1 28. НЬЗ Фс8 29. Ad2 h5 30. <ЙГ7 фс7 31. Hg3 £ie7 32. Ь4 Фd7 33. Hd3 d5 [33... 34. A.f4 d5 35. Ae5±| 34. фс2 £if5 35. Ac3 d4 [35... ДаЗ 36. Ag7 Hd3 37. Ф03 £>g7 38. £>e5+-1 36. ФЬЗ Да8 37. &g5 Фd6 38. f3?! [38. Фс4! НаЗ 39. ^.d4 Hd3 40. ±c5 Фе5 41. Фd3+-] Фd5 39. £>e4 39... <2>e3?? [39... ДаЗ!! 40. ФаЗ Фс4 41. Hdl (41. ±d4 Фd3 42. ±g7 £>g7 43. Фа4 &f5) dc3^1 40. ДеЗ 1:0 Br. Tadic 98.* C 45 AN. DEMCHENKO 2603 - ZVJAGINSEV 2671 Saint Petersburg 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 £>c6 3. d4 ed4 4. £>d4 ±c5 5. £>ЬЗ ^.b6 6. £ic3 d6 7. Ш2 ±e6 [7... £>ge7 - 25/2841 8. £еЗ &f6 9. 0-0-0 We7 10. f3 0-0-0 11. ±b6 ab6 12. £>d4 ФЬ8 13. We3 £>d4 N [13... Hhe8l 14. Hd4 Hhe8 15. g4 [15. J.b5!? сб 207
16. Ehd 1! d5 17. Wf4 Фс8 18. Ea4 Wc7 19. e5 £)d7 20. Ea8 £>b8 21. Wd4 cb5 (21... JLf5?! 22. g4 Ag6 23. f4± Le. Vajda 2612 - E. Torre 2469, Istanbul (ol) 2012) 22. £ib5 ®c5 23. Wa453; 21. J.d3t] h6 16. h4 d5 17. g5 1^ 17. Ab5 сб 18. g5 £ih5 19. ed5 ±f5 20. We7 Ee7 21. ±e2 (21. Ac4 b5 22. £b3 c5 23. d6 Ee3 24. Ed5 c4 25. Ef5 £>g3 26. Eb5 £hl 27. Ac4 Ed6oo) &g3 22. Eh2 Ed5 23. Ed5 cd5 24. <£d2±] £)h5 18. J.b5 [^ 18. ed5 £>g3 19. Ab5! £if5! 20. We4 Eh8!M c5! 19. Ea4 d4 20. Wd2 hg5 21. Wh2 £if4 22. Де8 dc3 23. hg5 ®g5 24. Ab5 Ed2 124... cb2] 25. Wh4?? 125. Wh8 Ed8 26. ®h2 cb2 27. ФЫ We5t] £ie2 [26. ФЫ Wh4 27. Eh4 Edl#] 0:1 Br. Tadic 99. C 45 P. CARLSSON 2531 - B. RZAYEV 2380 Albena 2012 1. e4 e5 2.4)13 4)c6 3. d4 ed4 4.4)d4 Ac5 5. 4)b3 Ab6 6. We2 d6 7. АеЗ 4)f6 8. 4)c3 We7 9.0-0-0 Аеб 10. f3 0-0-0 11. Ab6 111. 4)d4[ ab6 12.4)d4 [12. ®b5 d5! 13. e5 4)e5 14. Wa4 сб] 4)d4?! 13. Ed4 сб 14. We3! [Xb6] d5 N 114... b5? 15. Ab5! cb5 16. 4)b51; 14... фс7] 15. ed5 Wc5! [15... 4)d5 16. 4)d5 Ed5 17. Ed5 cd5 18. ®c3 ®c5 19. ®g7 We3 20. &dl! Ee8 21. Ab5+-; 16... cd5] 16. 4)a4! [16. b4 ®d6 17. Ac4 (17. 4)e4? We5+) W. 18. de6 (18. Ehdl c5 19. Ef4 Ad7oc) Ed4 19. Wd4 Ed8 (19... ®a3 20. ФЫ Wb4=) 20. We3 Wc4 21. ef7 Wf7 22. Wb6 4)d53el 4)d5 17. We6! fe6 18.4)c5 bc5 19. Ee4 Ehe8 20. Ee5!± &d7 21. g3 &d6 22. f4 b5 [22... 4)f6? 23. Ah3 4)d7 24. Edl фс7 25. Ee6+-; 22... Ea8 23. c4! 4)f6 24. ФЫ 4)d7 25. Ee3 e5? 26. Ah3+-[ 23. c4! bc4 24. Ac4± Ef8 [24... Ea8 25. Ehel Ea4 26. Ele4±[ 25.Ehel Ef6 26. a4! Ea8 27. ЬЗ Ea7 28. <£d2 Ea8 29. Ele2 Ea7 30. Фе1 h6 31. h4 Ea8 32. Ф12 Ea7 33. <£g2© Ea8 34. Ф13 Ea7 35. &g4 Eg6 36. ФО Ef6 37. E2e4 Ea8 38. фg2 Ea7 39. ФИ2 Ea8 40. Ee2 Ea7 41. E5e4 Ea8 42. ФИЗ Ea7 43. Ed2 Ea8 44. Ea2 4)c3 45. Ed2 4)d5 46. Ee3 Ea7 47. Фg4 Eg6 48. ФП Ef6 49. Ee4 Eaf7 50. Фg2 Eg6 51. ФИЗ Ea7 52. Ea2 Ea8 53. Eae2 Ef6 54. Ed2 Ea7 55. ФИ2 Ea8 56. Фg2 Ea7 57. Ee5 Ea8 58. фС Eaf8? 59. a5! Ef4?? 60. gf4 Ef4 61. Фg3 Фе5 62. J.d5! g5 [62... cd5 63. Ee2 a) 63... ФГ5 64. Ef2 g5 (64... e5 65. a6+-) 65. hg5 hg5 66. a6+-; b) 63... Ee4 64. Ee4 фе4 65. a6+-; 62... ed5 63. Ee2 ФЕ5 (63... Ee4 64. Ee4 Фе4 65. a6+-) 64. Ef2 Ef2 65. ФГ2+-1 63. Асб gh4 64. ФИЗ Eb4 65. Ed3 c4 66. bc4 Ec4 208
67. Ad7 Sc7 68. аб Фе4 69. Ab5 е5 70. Sd7 Sc3 71. ФЬ4 ЕаЗ 72. а7 1:0 Р. Carlsson 100.* Т. RADJABOV 2784 - М. CARLSEN 2835 Moscow 2012 1. е4 е5 2. £>f3 £>с6 3. d4 ed4 4. £>d4 Ас5 5. Асб Wf6 6. Wf3 Ьсб 7. Wg3 d6 8. Ac3 Wg6 18... Ad4 - 97/(211)1 9. Ad3 |9. Ad2 £>e7 10. f3 Ae6N (10... ВД) 11.0-0-0 Eb8 12. Ad3 f6 13. Aa4 Ab4 14. Щ2 0-0 15. e5 Af5 16. ed6 Ad6 17. £>c5 Wf7 18. Af5 Af5 19. фЫоо Wang Hao 2726 — Ghaem Maghami 2579, Istanbul (ol) 20121 £>f6 10. Aa4 Ad4 11. c3 Ab6 12.0-0 N 112. f3j ®g3 13. hg3 £>g4 14. Af4 f6 15. Sadi h5 16. Ae2 Аеб 17. £>b6 ab6 18. аЗ Фе7 19. f3 Ae5 20. ФП [20. Ae5 de5 21. ФП АЬЗ 22. Ed2 h4 (22... Ead8 23. Sd8 fid8 24. феЗ=) 23. gh4 fih4 24. Adi Ac4 25. Ae2=[ b5 [20... Ab3 21. Scl c5 22. Shi 1 21. Ae5 fe5 22. феЗ h4 23. gh4 Sh4 24. Shi Sah8 25. Sh4 Sh4 26. Scl Sh2 27. ФП Sh8 28. феЗ [28. c4 bc4 29. Ac4 Sb8 30. b4 d5 31. Ab3 Фd6 32. Aa4 Sb6Tl g5 29. Ad3 Фd7 30. Sal [30. c4 bc4 31. Ac4 Ac4 32. Sc4 Sb8 33. b4 Sa8 34. Sc3 d5Tl Ab3 31. Scl Фс8 32. ФП фЬ7 33. ФgЗ Аеб 34. Sal ФЬ6 35. Scl с5 36. Sal с4 37. Ас2 фс5 38. Sei сб 39. АЫ ФЬ6 40. Ас2 фс7 41. ФП Фd7 42. а4?! 142. фё3[ Ьа4 43. Sal Sb8 44. Sa2 d5 45. ed5 cd5 46. Aa4 фd6 47. Ac2 d4 48. Ae4 Sb6 49. Фе2 g4 50. fg4 Ag4 51. Фd2 Аеб 52. Фс2? [^ 52. Фс1 Ad5 (52... d3? 53. Sa5) 53. Ad5 Фd5 54. cd4 ed4 55. Sa5 Фе4 56. Sh5! Sf61 Ad5 53. Ad5 53... d3!-+ 54. Фd2 Фd5 55. ФеЗ Sg6 56. Sa5 Феб 57. Фе4 Sg4 58. Ф13 Ef4 59. феЗ Sfl 0:1 Br. Tadic 101.* C 55 TIVIAKOV 2656 - DERVISHI 2540 Altenkirchen 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 Ac6 3. Ac4 Af6 4. d3 Ae7 5. c3 0-0 6. Ab3 d6 7. 0-0 h6 8. АеЗ!? [8. Abd2 £>h7 9. Ac4 Ag4 (9... Ag5 - 73/367) 10. АеЗ Ah5 11. g4 Ag6 12. Af5 Ag5 13. Ag5 Ag5 14. АеЗ N (14. фg2) Aa5 15. Ac2 d5 16. ed5! (16. We2 Асб 17. f3 a5 18. a4 Sa6 19. Фg2 Аеб 20. АЬЗ d4 21. Ael Eb6+ Goh Weiming 2426 — P. Harikrishna 2693, Zaozhuang 2012) Af5 17. gf5 ®d5 18. Ag5 hg5 19. Wg4 Wd8 20. Efelt A Se3 Br. Tadicl d5! 9. Abd2 |9. ed5 Ad5+[ аб N [9... d4?l 10. cd4 ed4 11. Af4±; 9... Se8 10. Aa4 (10. h31?) Ag4 11. We2 (11. ЬЗ АеЗ 12. fe3 de4 13. Ae4 f5 14. Af2±) Wd6oo; 9... Аеб 10. Aa41? d4 (10... Wd61?) 11. cd4 ed4 12. Af4 Ah5 13. Ag3 Ag3 14. hg3 Aa5 15. АЬЗ c5 16. ®c2 Ec8 17. £>a5 Wa5 18. АЬЗ Wb6 19. Аеб We6oo; 9... de4 10. de4 £>g4 11. We2 ^e3 12. fe3!?; 12. We3=l 10. h3 Аеб 11. Ac2 [11. Sei de4 12. de4 Ab3 13. ab3!?; 13. Wb3; 11. We2 de4 12. de4 Ab3 13. ab3; 11. Aa4!?b5 12. Ac2 (Xc5) d4 13. cd4 ed4 14. Af4 £ib4oo A c51 Wd7 12. d4!? [12. W b6 13. We2oc; 12. We2] ed4 [12... 13. £ie4 de4 14. £ie5+; 14. Ae4±; 12... de4 13. £ie5 foeS 14. de5 £>d5 15. £ie4 £>e3 209
16. ®d7 Ad7 17. fe3+l 13. £d4 £d4 14. Ad4 c5 |14... £e4 15. £e4 de4 16. Ae4±[ 15. Ae5 |15. Af6 Af6 16. ed5 ®d5 (16... Ad5 17. £e4 Ae7 18. Ab3 Sad8 19. Ad5 ®d5 20. Wd5 Sd5=) 17. Ab3 Wf5 18. Ae6 ®e6=] Sad8 115... Sfd8!?[ 16. ®13 Wc6 [16... Sfe8 17. Sfel Wc6=l 17. Sfel £d7?! [17... Sfe8=| 18. Ag7!? [^ 18. ed5 a) 18... £e5 19. We4+-; b) 18... ®d5 19. Wd5 Ad5 bl) 20. Ac7 Sc8 (20... Sde8 21. £e4±) 21. Se7 Sc7 22. Af5 Sd8 23. c4 Ac6 24. Sael±; b2) 20. Ag7 фё7 21. Se7 - 18. Ag7; c) 18... Ad5 19. Wd3 g6Q20. Af4c/>20... Sfe8 21. c4 ell) 21... Ag2 22. Wg3+- Ahl (22... g5 23. АеЗ Ahl 24.13 Ad6 25. Щ2+-) 23.13; cl2) 21... Ae6 22. ®g3±; c2) 20... Ah4! c21) 21. g3 Ag5 22. Ag5 hg5 23. ®e3 Wf6 (23... ^g7±) 24. Sadl±; c22) 21. Ah6 Sfe8 22. mi! c4 (22... g5 23. Se8 Se8 24. ®d3 Wh6 25. Wd5±) 23. Se8 Se8 24. Ae3±] ^g7 19. ed5 Wd5? [19... Ad5 20. Wg4 (20. Ш5 Sg8! 21. Se7 Ф18 22. Ae4 £f6! 23. Sei £e4 24. S7e4 Ae4 25. £e4 b6+) Ag5 (20... ФЬ8 21. Ш5 £>f6 22. Se7 Ag2 23. Wf4 £}d5 24. We5 <£>g8 25. Wg3 фЬ8 26. We5 &g8=) 21. h4 f5 (21... £f6 22. Wg3 £}h5 23. We5 Wf6 24. hg5 hg5=) 22. Wg3 Wg6 23. hg5 ®g5=| 20. Wd5 Ad5 21. Se7 Ae6 22. £e4! Sh8 [22... Sg8? 23. Sdl b6 (23... c4 24. £d6 ФА6 25. Se6 Феб 26. Af5 ФГ6 27. Ad7 Sd7 28. £e4 фе7 29. Sd7 &d7 30. £f6+-) 24. £d6 ФГ6 25. Se6 Феб (25... fe6 26. £b7+-) 26. АЬЗ фе7 27. £17+-; 22... b6 23. Sei!? (23. Sdl A 23... £f6 24. £f6 ФГ6 25. Sb7±) Sh8 24. £d6 Ф18 25. S7e6 fe6 26. Se6+-[ 23. Sdl 23... c4! [23... Ф18 24. Se6 fe6 25. £c5 Фе7 26. £b7 Sb8 27. Ae4 £f6 28. A13 Shc8 (28... e5 29. Sel+-; 28... £d5 29. Sei Sb7 30. Ad5+-) 29. Sd2 Sc7 30. £a5+-| 24. Sd6!? [24. £d6 ФА6 25. Se6 феб 26. £b7 Sb8 27. Ae4+; 24. Sd4 Ф18 25. Se6 fe6 26. Sc4 £e5 27. Sb4 (27. Sc7 Sd7 28. Sc5 Sd5±) Ь5±] Ф18П 25. See6 fe6 26. £c5 Фе7 27. Se6 ФГ7 28. Ag6 Фg7 29. £b7 £«□ [29... Sb8 30. £d6+-1 30. Se7 ФГ6 31. £d8?I [31. S17 Фg6 32. £d8 £e6 33. Se7 £d8 34. Se4±[ фе7 32. £c6 Фd6 33. Ae4 £e6 34. £a5 фс5 [34... Sc8 35. A13 (35. g3 £d8! 36. £b7 £b7 37. Ab7 Sb8 38. Ааб фс5 39. b4 cb3 40. ab3 Sb3 41. c4 Фd4=; 35. £Ь7 Фс7 36. Af5 Sb8 37. Ae6 Sb7 38. Ac4 Sb2 39. Aa6 Sa2=) £f4 36. g3 £d3 (36... £h3 37. Фg2 £g5 38. Ae2 Фd5 39. £c4 Sc4 40. Ac4 фс4 41. f4 £e4 42. Ф13+) 37. Ab7 Sc7 38. £c4 Фс5 (38... Sc4 39. Aa6±) 39. Aa6 Sa7 40. b4 £b4 41. cb4 ФЬ4 42. Ac8 Фс4 43. Аеб фd4+] 35. Ь4 [35. h4 £f4 36. ФП ФЬ5 37. £Ь7 ФЬ6 38. g3 £d3 39. Ad3 cd3 40. £d6 Феб 41. £e4 S18 42. c4 Sd8 43. фе1 Sd4 44. £d2 Sd7±; 35. g3 ФЬ5 36. £c6 £c5 (36... Фс5 37. f4 h5 38. h4±) 37. £d4 фЬ6 38. Ad5 £a4 39. Ac4 £b2 40. Ab3 a5 41. f4 a4 42. Ac2 Фс5 43. Ф12 Фс4 44. £e2 £d3 45. ФеЗ Se8 46. Фd2 £c5 47. g4±[ сЬЗП 36. ab3 £f4 37. фП [37. A13 SIB! a) 38. b4 ФЬ5 39. g3 (39. h4? Sc8+) £h3 40. фё2 ФЬ6=; b) 38. h4 £d5 39. £Ь7 феб 40. c4 ФЬ7 41. Ad5 Фс7 42. g4 фd6=I Se8 [37... ФЬ5 38. £c4 Sd8 39. £e3 (39. Фе1 Фс5 40. £d2 Se8 41. Ь4 фЬ5 42. g3 £h3 43. f4±) Sd2 40. g3 £h3 41. f4±[ 210
38. Ь4? [38. J.f3 а) 38... Фдб 39. &с4 фс5 40. h4 Sb8 41. £к!2 а5 42. g3 £id3 43. ке2 &с1 (43... £>Ь2 44. f4±) 44. Ас4±; b) 38... £>d3 39. b4 ^d6 (39... ФЬ6 40. £ic4 фа7 41. £>e3 Sf8 42. £d5±) 40. £>c4 феб 41. £g4 ФА6 42. &еЗ±| ФЬ6 39. £>c4 фа7 40. &d2 [40. f3? Sc8 41. £>e5 Sc3+[ Sc8 [40... Sd8 41. фе1 Se8 42. g3 £>h3=[ 41. &bl= |o 41. g3 W 42. ±f5 Sd8 43. £>c4 £>g5 44. f4 £>f7 45. Фе2 £>d6 46. £>e5 ФЬ6 47. ±d3±] Se8 [41... Sd8 42. ±c2 (42. Фе1 Se8 43. f3 £ig2T) £>d5= A £>c3[ 42. J.f5 [42. ±h7 Sd8 43. ±c2 &d5= А £>сЗ[ Sf8 142... Se5 43. Ac2 Se2 44. £>a3 Sd2=[ 43. 1е4 Se8 44. Af3 £>d3 45. kel 4tf4 46. £c4 Sd8 [46... Sc8 47. ±e2 (47. Ф.ЬЗ W3 48. g3 W) £}d5 48. b5 £}c3 49. Ag4 Sc4 50. Aic3 Sc3 51. Ьаб фа6=[ 47. «&ЬЗ Se8 48. £>аЗ?! [48. «&с2 Se2 49. £>a3 Sd2=[ 5jd3 49. g3 Sc8 50. £>bl £>b4 51. Фе2 Se8 52. &d2 Sd8 53. ФеЗ £>d3 [53... £>d5 54. Фе4 £>f6 55. ФГ5 £>d7 56. f4 £>b6 57. g4+; 53... Se8 54. Фd2 (54. фd4 £>сб 55. Фс5 £>a5 56. JLd5 W 57. фd4 £>d6 58. g4 £>b5 59. Фd3 £>c7oo) Sd8 55. ФеЗ Se8=[ 54. f4 &c5 55. Фс2 ФЬ6 56. g4 Феб 57. h4 фd5 [57... a5 58. g5 hg5 59. hg5 Se8 60. ФВ a4=[ 58. £>d2 [58. g5 hg5 59. hg5 Se8 60. Ф13 a5 61. f5 a4=[ a5 59. £>ЬЗ Se8 60. Ф13 ab3 [60... Sa8 61. £}c5 Фс5 62. Aa4 Sc8 63. фе4 фd6 64. Фd4 Sf8 65. Фе4 Sc8=] 61. М3 Фd6 62. g5 hg5 63. hg5 [63. fg5? Sc8 64. c4 фе5+[ Sc8 [63... Sei 64. f5 Scl 65. ФГ4 Sc3 66. kfl Sc 7 67. ±g8 Sc8 68. ±f7 Sc7=[ 64. c4 Sb8 [64... фе7 65. i.a2 a4 66. f5 a3=[ 65. Jla2 Sb2 66. c5 Фе7 [66... Фс5 67. g6 Sa2 68. g7 Sa3 69. Фg2 Sa2=[ 67. ±d5 Sd2 [67... Sb5 68. f5 Sc5 69. f6 Ф18 70. Фе4 Scl 71. g6 Sgl 72. g7 Sg7 73. fg7 Фg7=] 68. Фе4 a4 69. сб [69. f5 Sd5 70. Фd5 a3 71. f6 ФП 72. сб a2 73. c7 alW 74. c8W Whl 75. Фd4 (75. Фd6 Wh2 76. Феб Wg2=) Wgl=] аЗП 70. c7D Фd7 71. g6 a2 [71... Sg2 72. f5 Фс7 73. ФГ4 Sf2 74. фе5 Se2 75. ФА6 a2 76. ±a2 Sa2 77. g7 (77. Фg7 Фd6 78. f6 Sf2 79. f7 фе7=) Sg2 78. ФП Фd6=l 72. J.a2 Sa2 73. f5 Sg2 [73... Фс7?? 74. f6+-] 74. Фе5 Фс7 75. Феб Se2 [75... феб 76. фП фd6 77. g7 Фе5=] 76. ФП Фd6 77. f6 77... Фе5?? [77... Sg2D 78. g7 фе5=[ 78. Фg7!^— 1 : 0 Tiviakov 102. С 62 Р. CARLSSON 2531 - VOISKA 2301 Zlatni Pyasatsi 2012 1. е4 d6 2. d4 &f6 3. &c3 e5 4. £>13 ed4 5. td4 £ic6 6. ^.b5 Ad7 7. ^.сб ^.сб 8. J.g5 kel 9.0-0-0 0-0 10. e5!? [10. h4 - 74/3501 £ie8? [10... de5 11. We5 ±d6 12. Wd4 (12. Wf5 Wd7 13. £id4 £>g4 14. ±h4 Wf5 15. ^f5 £g2 16. Shgl £f4 17. ФЫ ±f3 18. Sd4 ^.h2 19. Sgg4 ke5 20. Sgl ±d4 21. 2>d4 М5+) Se8 13. i.f6 Wf6 14. Wf6 gf6 15. £>d4+ A 15... ±d7 16. £>db5 £f4 17. ФЫ JLb5 18. ^ib5 Se2 19. g3 ke5 20. f4 аб 21. fe5 ab5 22. ef6±[ 11. J.e7 We7 12.Shel ±f3 [12... de5 13. 2>e5 Wg5 14. фЫ Wg2 15. ^h4!+-[ 13. gf3 Wg5 [13... de5 14. Se5 Wd6 15. Wd6 (15. We3!?) £id6 16. ^d5±l 14. f4 Wh4 15. ®e3 Sd8 16. Wg3 N [16. £>e4[ Wh6 [16... Wg3 17. fg3 Sd7 (17... сб 18. ^e4 d5 19. £>c5 b6 20. еб! bc5 21. e7+~) 211
18. ed6 £>d6 19. £>Ь5 Bfd8 20. £>c7 Sc7 21. Sd6+- ] 17. Sbl Sb8 18. £>d5 118. h4! сб 19. £>e4 Sd8 20. f5 d5 21. £>g5+-] Ф118 19. <Sjc3? сб 119... <^>g8 20. h4!j 20. £>e4 de5 [20... d5 21. £ic5 Sg8 22. f5Tl 21. fe5 £ic7 22. f4 Sbd8 23. ftd6 Sd7 24. f5 [24. Wg4 <^e6 25. f5 Wf4 26. Wgl £id8 27. Sd4 Wh6 28. f6 g6 29. £>f5 gf5 30. Sd7 £»e6 31. Ш7+-1 £>e8 25. £>e4 Sdl 26. Sdl Wh5 27. Sfl £>c7 28. £>d6© [28. еб! <£d5 29. Sgl ®h6 30. f6! £if6 31. ®d6 £>g8 32. e7+-[ £>b5 29. Sgl g6 [29... Wh6 30. f6 g6 31. £>f7!! Sf7 32. еб Sf6 (32... Sf8 33. e7 Se8 34. f7 Se7 35. Wb8) 33. e7 Se6 34. ®Ь8 фё7 35. Wf8#J 30. еб! fe6 [30... £>d6 31. Wd6 £>g8 (31... ®h6 32. e7 Se8 33. M+-) 32. e7+-[ 31. We5! <&g8 32. We6 ФИ8 33. ®e7 Ф§8 34. f6 ®h6 35. £>f5! 1:0 P. Carlsson 103.*** C 63 G. GUSEINOV 2616 - GODENA 2508 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>13 £>c6 3. Ab5 f5 4. d3 fe4 5. de4 £>f6 6. 0-0 d6 7. Wd3 [7. £>c3 аб 8. Ac4 £>a5 9. Ae2 Ae7 10. £>d5 N (10. b4; 10. £>g5) £ic6 11. Wd3 0-0 12. АеЗ £id5 13. ed5 £>b8 14. £>d2 Af5 15. ®b3 Wc8 16. c4 ФЬ8 17. Ad3 Ad3 18. Wd3 £)d7 19. £)e4 We8 20. f3 1/2 : 1/2 Ehlvest 2594 - T. Nyback 2634, Tallinn (rapid) 20121 аб 8. Асб Ьсб 9. £>c3 [9. ®c4 Ad7 10. £>c3 h6!? N (10... g6; 10... We7) И. ЬЗ g5 12. Aa3 £)h5co Sutovsky 2703 — C. Hanley 2421, Gibraltar 20121 h6 |9... a5 N 10. Wc4 Wd7 11. Sdl Ааб 12. Sb3 Wf7 13. £>g5 Wc4 14. £ie6 &d7 15. Wc4 Ac4 16. £>f8 Shf8 17. fl h6 18. ЬЗ Ааб 19. £>a4 Ab5 20. £>c5 Фе7 21. £>d3 Ad3 22. Sd3 c5 23. Sdl a4 24. Ab2 Sfb8 25. <£f2 Sb6 26. Ac3 Sba6 27. ФеЗ феб= R. de Paula 2041 - H. Dos Santos 2233, Fortaleza 20121 10. АеЗ!? N 110. Sdl - 110/(163)1 g5 110... a5!?l 11. b4 Аеб 111... a5!?l 12. a4 Ag7 13. b5 ab5 14. ab5 Sal 15. Sal cb5 16. Wb5 Ф17 116... Ad7 17. Wc4+] 17. Sa7 Se8 18. £>d5 Ad5 [18... <£d5 19. ed5 Af5 20. c4+] 19. ed5 Se7 20. Wc4 ®h8 21. £>d2!± Af8 [21... &>g8 22. h4!±J 22. h3 [22. h4 gh4] -&g7 23. h4! g4 [23... gh4 24. Wh4 £>d5 25. Ah6 £>g8 26. Sa34 24. £>e4 £>e4 25. We4 Wc8 26. h5+- ФИ8 27. ®g6 Sh7 28. g3 Ae7 29. Ah6 Wg8 30. Wg8 <&g8 31. Sc7 Sh6 32. Se7 Sh5 33. Se6 1:0 B. Abramovic 104.** C 65 TIVIAKOV 2675 - V. MALAKHOV 2712 Turkiye 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 2кб 3. Ab5 £>f6 4. We2 Ad6 [4... Ac5 - 80/(350)1 5. c3 [5. d3 0-0 6. Ag5 Se8 7. 0-0 N (7. c3; 7. £>bd2) h6 8. Ah4 (8. АеЗ!?) аб (8... g5 9. АсбП dc6 10. Ag3oo) 9. Ac4 &a5 10. £>c3 b5 11. Ab3 W 12. ab3 Ab7 13. £>dl Ae7 14. £>e3 d6 15.£>f5?! Af8 16. c4g6 17. £>e3 Ag7 18. h3 Wd7 19. Af6 Af6+ 1/2 : 1/2 Mi. Adams 2723 - V. Malakhov 2712, Turkiye 2012; 212
15. £>d2oo] 0-0 6. d3 He8 7. Ag5 [7. ftbd2 Af8 8. £>fl d6 9. Aa4 N (9. h3) Ad7 10. Ac2 £>e7 11. Aie3 £>g6 12. g3 d5 13. ed5 сб 14. dc6 Ac6 15. 0-0 £>d5 16. Wdl fidf4 17. gf4 2rf4 18. Hel Деб 19. 2>f5 Hg6 20. &g3 Wd7 21. d4 Wh3 22. Af4 ef4 23. Ag6 hg6 24. d5 fg3 25. dc6 gf2 26. &f2 Ac5 27. £>d4 Wh2 28. феЗ bc6 29. &d3 Hd8 30. We2 1 : 0 B. Savchenko 2580 - V. Malakhov 2705, Plovdiv 2012] Ae7 8. £>bd2 d6 9. Aa4 N |9. ; 9.0-0!?] h6 19... £>h5 10. АеЗ £>f4 11. Af4 ef4 12. d4±; 9... £id7 10. Ae3+] 10. Ah4 ЦО. АеЗ £>g4=] £>d7 110... W 11. Ag3 Ag4 (11... ^g3 12. hg3 f5 13. Ab3±; 11... f5 12. АЬЗ ФИ8 13. Af7 £ig3 14. hg3 Hf8 15. Ad5±) 12. h3!?l 11. Ag3 [11. Ae7 Aie7=; 11. Ac6 bc6 12. Ae7 We7 13. 0-0oo; 11... Ah4=] £>c5 12. Ac2 a5 [12... f5!? a) 13. b4 &e6 14. ef5 £>f4 15. Af4 ef4 16. Ab3 (16. d4 Af6 17. АЬЗ Ф18 18. Ae6 £>e7T) d5 17. 0-0 Af5 18. d4±; b) 13. ef5 Af5 14. 0-0±; 12... £>e6 13. 0-0+1 13. 0-0 Af6 [13... f5 14. d4 ed4 15. £>d4 (15. cd4 fe4 16. Aie4 17. Hadl+) fe4 16. £ie4±; 13... Ag4 14. h3 Ah5 15. We3+; 13... £>e6 14. We3±; 13... a4 14. b4 ab3 15. ab3+] 14. h3 [14. We3!?; 14. Hfel!?] b6 [14... d5? 15.ed5 Wd5 16. d4±; 14... g6!? A Ag7; 14... b5!?] 15. Hfel [15. We3 A d4[ Aa6 [15... d5? 16. ed5 Wd5 17. d4+-] 16. We3 £e7 [16... d5? 17. ed5 Wd5 18. d4+-; 16... £>e6 17. Ab3±] 17. Hadi Wc8 [17... Wd7 18. d4 ed4 19. £}d4±] 18. d4 [18. £>fl!?+] ed4 19. £>d4+ 119. cd4?! &f5=] Ad4? [19... £>g6 20. f4 Ab7 21. Wf2± A £>4f3, e5, А ДеЗ, Hdel, e5; 19... Ab7 20. f4+; 19... a4!?] 20. cd4 &f5 [20... Aid5 21. Wa3 £>b4 22. Abl± Ш, tff[ 21. Wc3D £>g3D 22. Wg3 £>e6 23. £if3 [23. d5 £>d4 24. Ad3±; 23... £>c5±[ Wd8 24. d5 £>c5 25. h4! [25. £>d4 Wg5±] Wf6 26. £>d4 He7 [26... He5 27. f4 Hh5 28. £>f3 (28. e5 de5 29. fe5 Wh4 30. Wh4 Hh4 31. e6+) Wb2 29. Wf2 (A g4) Ac8 30. f5 g5 31. e5 (31. g4 Hh4 32. £>h4 gh4 33. e5 de5 34. d6 сб 35. Hbl Wc3 36. Hb6±) de5 32. d6 cd6 33. g4 Hh4 34. W gh4 35. Hd6 Ab7 36. Hg6 fg6 37. Ab3+—; 26... g6 27. f4± A e5] 27. f4 Hae8 28. £>c6 Де4?? [28... Wb2 29. £e7 He7 30. Abl±[ 29. Ae4 £>e4 [29... Де4 30. Де4 £>e4 31. We3 £>c5 32. We8 ФИ7 33. £ie7+-[ 30. Wf3 Wf5 [30... Wg6 31. f54—] 31. g4? [31. Hd4 ^f6 32. He8 £>e8 33. £ie7+-] Wd7 32. f5 [32. Де4 He4+] &c5 33. g5 фЬ7 34. f6© [34. gh6 gh6 35. фЬ2+—] gf6 35. Де8 We8 36. gf6 Ae2 [36... We4 37. We4 £>e4 38. Hel £if6 39. £>e7 (39. 2>b8 Ab7 40. Hc7 Ad5 41. a4±) £>e8 40. ф£2 &g7 41. феЗ±] 37. Wf5 [37. Wg3 Wg8 38. Wg8 <£g8 39. Hel Af3 40. b4 ab4 41. &Ь4+- A He7] ФЪ8 38. Hd4 We3 [38... Ad3 39. Wf2 Wg8 40. ФИ2+-] 39. Wf2 Wcl [39... Wf2 40. Ф12+-1 40. ФИ2 Ad3 41. Wg2 [41. £>d8 Ag6 42. Wg2 ФЬ7 43. £>f7+-] Wc2 42. Wc2 Ac2 43. £>d8 £>g8 [43... Ag6 44. h5 Ah5 45. Hh4 Ag6 46. Hh6 <£g8 47. ^c6+-] 44. Hg4 Ф18 45. Hg7 &d7 [45... Ag6 46. h5 Ah5 47. Hh7 &g8 48. Hh6 Ag6 49. £>c6+-] 46. £>e6 [46. Hf7 фе8 47. Hg7 £>f6 48. &e6+-; 48. Hc7+-] fe6 47. Hd7 ed5 48. Hc7 Abl 49. a3 d4 50. Hd7 1 : 0 Tiviakov 105. C 66 KRISZ. SZAB6 2540 - T. FODOR jr. 2502 Baia Sprie 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 £>c6 3. Ab5 £>f6 4. d3 d6 5. 0-0 g6 6. d4 ed4?I [6... Ad7 - 94/240] 7. e5! de5 8. £>e5 Wd5 9. £>c6 N |9. Hel] bc6? [9... Wb5 a) 10. Hel Ae6 11. £>d4 Wd7 (11... Wb6 - 10. £id4) 12. fe6 13. Wf3 Ag7 14. Wb7 0-0; b) 10. £>d4 Wb6 11. Hel Ae6 12. ^>e6 fe6 13. АеЗ Wc6 14. £>d2+] 10. c4! [10. £>c3! Wd6 11.ШЗ Ab7 12. Af4 Wd7 13. Ae5 0-0-0 14. Ac4 Ag7 15. Hadi c5 16. Ааб! сб 17. Ab7 Wb7 18. &a4±] Wd6 11. Wf3 Ab7 12. Hel <£d7 [12... Ae7 13. c5! Wc5 14. Wf6 0-0-0 15. We7 We7 16. 213
Se7 cb5 17. £f4+-1 13. ±f4 Wb4?I [13... ®c5 14. £d2±J 106 A. GRISCHUK 2763 - SERGEY KARJAKIN 2785 Russia (ch) 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £13 £c6 3. Ab5 £f6 4.0-0 £e4 5. d4 £d6 6. Дсб dc6 7. de5 £f5 8. Wd8 &d8 9. Sdl фе8 10. £c3 £e7 11. £d4 ±g4 12. f3 Ad7 13. £e4 Sd8 N [13... £g6 - 73/(374)1 14. ±g5 b6 15. Sei Sg8 16. a4! |16. Ae7 J.e7 (16... Фе7 17. еб fe6 18. £g5 h6 19. £ge6 £e6 20. £e6 Sd2 21. £d4 <£f6 22. Sadi Sd4 23. Sd4 Ac 5 24. See4 Sd8 25. c3 Ad4 26. Sd4+) 17. Sadi c5 18. £f6 gf6 19. ef6 Аеб 20. £e6 fe6 21. fe7 Фе7 22. Sd8 Sd8 23. ф>12±[ Sc8 17. Sadi аб 18. a5! c5 19. £e2 £15 20. £14 Аеб 21. ab6 cb6 22. £d5 Ad5 23. Sd5 £d4 24. c3 £e6 25. Sedl |25. Sal! a5 (25... £g5 26. £g5 Ae7 27. £e4 a5 28. £d6 Ad6 29. Sd6 Sb8 30. Sadl±) 26. Ae3±l £g5 26. £g5 Ae7 27. £e4 Sd8 28. Ф12 128. £d6 Ad6 29. Sd6 Фе7 30. Ф12+1 Sd5 29. Sd5 [S 9/i[ Ad8 30. f4 фе7 31. c4 Ac7 32. Ф13 Sb8 33. g4 Ad8 34. h4 b5 35. cb5 Sb5 36. Sc5 Sb2 37. f5 Sb3 38. Ф14 Ab6 39. f6 gf6 40. ef6 <^>d7 41. Se5 1/2 : 1/2 SI. Martinovic 107.* C 67 SERGEY KARJAKIN 2779 - A. NAIDITSCH 2700 Dortmund 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £13 £c6 3. Ab5 £f6 4.0-0 £e4 5. d4 £d6 6. Асб dc6 7. de5 £15 8. Wd8 Ad8 9. £сЗ Фе8 10. h3 h5 11. Af4 [11. £e2 b6 12. Sdl Ab7 N (12... Aa6 - 110/(181)) 13. £ed4 £d4 14. £d4 Ae7 15. Af4 Sd8 16. £f5 Sdl 17. Sdl Ac8 18. £e7 Фе7 (S 9/j) 19. Ag5 Феб 20. Ad8 Фе5 21. Ac7 Ф15 22. Ab8 аб 23. J.a7 b5 24. Sd6 Sh6 25. Sd8 ±e6 26. ЬЗ J.d5 27. f3 a5 28. J.d4 Se6 29. Ф12 <£g6 30. g4 hg4 31. hg4 Se7= A. Grischuk 2763 — D. Jakovenko 2722, Russia (ch) 20121 ±e7 12. Sadi J.e6 13. £g5 Sh6 14. g3 J.g5 15. Ag5 Sg6 16. h4 f6 17. ef6 gf6 18. ±f4 £h4 19. f3 Sd8 20. Sd8 [20. &f2 - 111/(153)1 &d8 21. ФП £f5 22. Shi £g7 23. ЬЗ N [23. ±d2[ ±f5 214
24. 4?3dl ’ Ad7 [24... Ac2 25. <§3e3 £f5 26. 2ig2 (26. £tf5 £>f5 27. Eh5^t) Аеб 27. £}h4 Sg5 28. Ag5 fg5 29. £>g6+[ 25. c4 Ae8 26. Ad2 £>f5 27. Af4 £>g7 28. 43e3 Феб 29. Sh5 [29. &g2!? Eg8 30. Ad2^[ Ф14 [29... Sg3 30. Eh8 Eg6 31. Ag3551 30. gf4 Eg2 31. ^g2 Ah5 [ФА 5/d[ 32. b4 <£d7 33. c5 Феб 34. &g3 b6 35. a3 f5 36. Ф12 Ag6 37. Фе2 Ah5 38. Ф12 Ag6 39. &g2 Af7 40. ФЬЗ Ah5 41. &g3 ФГ6 42. Фс2 Ae8 43. 2)d4 Ad7 44. Ф12 b5 45. <£>g3 <£>g7 46. ФО Ф16 47. ФеЗ Ae8 48. <&d2 Ad7 49. ФеЗ le8 50. ФЬ2 Ad7 51. a4 аб 52. a5 Ae8 53. ФеЗ Ad7 54. Фс2 Аеб 55. фе1 Ac4 56. <Sd3 Ad3 57. &d3 Феб 58. Фd4 Ф16 59. Ad3 феб 1/2 : 1/2 R. Simic 108.** C 67 HOU YIFAH 2617 - ZHAO XUE 2556 Jermuk 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 Феб 3. Ab5 £>f6 4.0-0 Фе4 5. d4 £>d6 6. Асб dc6 7. de5 £>f5 8. Wd8 Ad8 9. ФеЗ Фе8 10. h3 h5 11. Edl Ae7 12. фе4 Аеб [12... Ad7 — 112/(193)1 13. £)fg5 Eh6[13... Ad5a> 14.£>c3N Ac4 15. ЬЗ Ab4 16. Ab2 Ac3 17. АеЗ Аеб 18. Ed2 Sd8 19. Eadl Ed2 20. Ed2 b6 21. Ed3 h4 22. Ad2 Фе7 23. c4 c5 24. £>f3 f6 25. Ac3 Sg8 26. Edl Ac8 27. Eel ФП 28. Ee4 Ab7 29. Ef4 Af3 30. Ef5 Ae4 31. Ef4 f5 32. Eh4 Abl 33. a3 а5Ф Jelecevic 2206 - Milekic 2214, Bosna i Hercegovina 2012; b) 14. ЬЗ b5 15. ФеЗ Ed8 16. Af4 Eh6 N (16... b4) 17. £>d5 Ed5 18. ФП Eg6 19. c3 Edl 20. Edl c5= S. Azarov 2667 - E. Bacrot 2706, Plovdiv 20121 14. g4 N [14. b3| hg4 15. hg4 15... Ag5 [15... фЬ4? 16. ФГ6!! gf6 (16... Af6 17. Феб fe6 18. Ah6) 17. Феб ФП 18. Фg2 Eh2 19. ФП fe6 20. ef6 Af6 21. c3±; 15... Ad5!? 16. gf5 Ag5 17. Ag5 (17. &g3!? Ael 18. Eacl) Eh5 18. f3 Ae4 19. fe4 Eg5 20. Ф12+1 16. £ig5 116. Ag5!? Eg6 17. Ed3!+] ФЬ4 17. f3 Ad5 18. Ф12 £>g6 19. ФgЗ Ф18 [19... фе5? 20. Eel f6 21. фЬЗ] 20. ЬЗ [20. f4+[ -53e5 [20... b5!?[ 21. c4 f6 22. cd5 fg5 23. J.g5 Ed6 24. J.f4 Ee8 25. Ehl 125. Eacl!±[ Ee7 26. dc6 Ec6 27. Eadl &g6 28. £g5 Ee5 29. Ed8 Ф17 30. f4 Ec3 31. Ф12 Ec2 32. Ф13 Ec3 33. Ф12 Ec2 34. Ф13 Ec3 35. Ф12 1/2 : 1/2 Cabrilo 109. IN C 68 G. GUSEIHOV 2634 - KRISZ. SZAB6 2547 Moscow 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £rf3 £>сб 3. ^.Ь5 аб 4. J.c6 dc6 5. 0-0 £g4 6. h3 ±h5 [6... h5 - 114/1131 7. g4 ^.g6 8. ^3e5 Wh4 9. ЩЗ f6 10. £>g6 hg6 11. Фg2 g5 12. d3 ^3e7 13. Ehl Wh7 14. ФП! N [14. фgll Wg8 [14... 0-0-0 15. £id2 ФЬ8 16. £ic4+[ 15. e5 Eh6? [15... Wd5[ 16. ^3c3± 0-0-0 17. ±d2 £>g6 [17... £>d5 18. Eel; 17... We6 18. ef6 (18. Eel) gf6 19. Sell 18. ef6 gf6 19. Ш6 i.e7 20. Ш5 ФЬ8 21. Eel £ih4 22. We4 ±d6 23. ±e3 Ef8 24. Wd4 £>f3 124... c5 25. Wd5; 24... b6!?[ 25. Wa7 Фс8
26. £>e4! |26. Sdl Wh8!'.M £>el [26... <£d7!?[ 27. фе1 Wa2 28. £>d6 Ф07 128... Sd6 29. W <£d7 30. Wf8 Wbl 31. <&d2 Whl 32. Ag5 c5 33. Wf5 Феб 34. Ae7+-] 29. £if5 Sf5 30. gf5 Wbl 31. <£d2 Whl 32. Wd4 Фе8 [^ 32... Sd6] 33. AgS Wh3 34. Wd8 Ф17 35. We7 &g8 36. f6 1:0 B. Abramovic 110 J. BURES 2392 - SIMANTSEV 2526 Olomouc 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £if3 £>c6 3. Ab5 a6 4. Aa4 £>f6 5. 0-0 b5 6. Ab3 Ac5 7. a4 Sb8 8. ab5 ab5 9. £ie5 £>e5 10. d4 Ad4 11. Wd4 d6 12.14 Феб 13. Wc3 £>e7 14. e5 £>e4 15. Wei d5 16. c3!? 116. £>d2 — 73/(387)1 0-0 17. АеЗ b4 18. Ac2 ЬсЗ 19. ЬсЗ |19. £>c3!?| 19... ACS!? N [19... ^f51 20. Wdl [20. Wcl?! Sa8 21. Sa8 Wa8 22. Ae4 Ae4 23. Ac5 Se8 24. Ae7 Se7 25. £>d2 Ad3+I Sb2 [20... Sa8?! 21. Sa8 Wa8 22. g4 Ac8 23. Ae4 de4 24. Ac5+; 20... Wd7!?[ 21. Ae4 de4 [21... Ae4 22. £>d2 Ad3 23. Sf2±l 22. Ac5 [22. Well? A 22... Se2 23. Ac5 Se8 24. Sdl Wb8 25. c4[ 22... £>d5?? [22... e31! 23. Wd8 (23. АеЗ Wd5!) Sd8 24. Ae7 Ae4 25. Sei Sg2 26. ФП Sf2=] 23. Wcl+— [23. Wd4 £>f4 24. Sf4 Sg2 (24... Wg5 25. g3 Sd8 26. Sf5+-) 25. &g2 (25. ФЫ Ah3 26. £>a3±) Wg5 26. ФЫ Wf4 27. £id2±] Wb8 24. c4 [24. Af81 e3 25. cd5 Ae4 26. ШЗ Sg2 27. &hl Sc2 28. £>e4 Scl 29. Sael Wb3 [29... Sd8 30. £>c3 e2 31. Sfel Wb2 32. АеЗ] 30. £>f6! Ф118 [30... gf6 31. Sgl ФИ8 32. Af8 Wd5 33. Sg2 h5 34. Ag7 ФЬ7 35. Af6] 31. Af8 e2 [31... gf6 32. Sgl - 30... gf61 32. Ag7 <^g7 33. Sgl ФИ6 34. £jg8 ФЪ5 35. £>f6 ФИ6 36. &g2 <£g6 37. ФС ФГ5 38. Seel ФГ4 39. Se2 W13 40. Фе1 Wc3 41. &fl Wd3 42. Sg3 1:0 Sa. Velickovic 111. C 78 F. CARUANA 2767 - GODENA 2508 Schweiz 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 £ic6 3. i.b5 a6 4. Aa4 ^f6 5. 0-0 b5 6. Ш ^.c5 7. c3 d6 8. d4 £b6 9. h3 ±b7 10. Sei &e7 [10... h6 - 111/(156)111. de5 &e4 12. «&еЗ АеЗ 13. Se3 £ic5 N [13... £if5| 14. ed6 Wd6 [14... cd6 15. Ac2 0-0 16. £>d4 £>d5 17. Sg3+1 15. Wd6 cd6 16. £>bd2 Ф18 17. £id4± g6 18. Sdl [18. Sael!?[ Sd8 19. £>fl Sd7 [19... £>b3 20. 216
аЬЗ £>d5 21. Seel £>f4 22. £>e3 <£>g7 23. ФЬ2±] 20. Se2 ^g7 21. £>еЗ Sc8 22. f3 &f8 23. Sed2 Scd8 24. ФП £>c8 25. g4 Se7 26. g5 £>b6 27. £>g4 £>c4 28. Ac4 bc4 29. &g3 ^>g7 30. h4 £>d3 31. ДМ Sb8 32. h5 Aa8 33. hg6 [33. Ь4!± A a4, b5| fg6 34. Sdh2 [34. b4±[ Sh8 35. Sh6 [35. b4±[ Ad5 36. Ш [36. b4±[ Ag8 37. Slh2 Se5 38. f4 ЛеЗ 39. &g4 Sei 40. <£g3 ДеЗ 41. <£g4 Sei 42. Sg2 Sfl 43.2ie2? [43. f5 Af7 (43... &e5 44. ФЬЗ gf5 45. £>h5 ФП 46. Sd6+-; 43... £>f2 44. Sf2 Sf2 45. £>e8 <£f8 46. fg6+-) 44. Sgh2 Sgl 45. ФИ4 Sfl=l £>el 44. <&g3 <&g2 45. <£g2 Sbl 46. £>d4 Sb2 47. <£g3 Af7 48. f5 Sa2 49. £>e4 Sd8 [49... Sa3!?[ 50.0'6 Sh8 51. fte4 Sd8 52. £>f6 Sh8 53. Ae4 1/2 : 1/2 Cabrilo 112 C 80 Y. GRUNFELD 2480 - GRINSHPUN 2395 Israel 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 ^>c6 3. Ab5 аб 4. Aa4 £tf6 5. 0-0 £e4 6. d4 b5 7. Ab3 d5 8. de5 Аеб 9. 2ibd2 £>c5 10. c3 g6 11. Ac2 Ag7 12. £>d4 £}e5 [12... Wd7 — 101/(248)1 13. f4 £ic4 14. Ac4 dc4 15. f5 Ad5 16. Wei &d7 17. Wg3 Фс8 18. Ag5 Wd6J? N [18... Wd7| 19. Af4 119. Wd6!? cd6 20. f6 Af8 21. a4=| Wb6 119... Wd7!?[ 20. Sadi Sd8 21. Wh3 ФЬ7 22. Wh7 Ad4 23. Sd4 gf5 24. АеЗ 24... Wg6! [24... £>e6 25. Se4 Wc6 26. Wf5 £>g7 (26... Sd7oo) 27. Wf4oc| 25. Wg6 fg6 26. Sfdl Феб 27. g4 £>e6 |27... Sd7!? A 28. gf5 gf5 29. Af5 Sg8 30. Sg4 Sdg7 31. h3 Af3[ 28. S4d2 Ae4? [28... fg4; 28... f4[ 29. Sd8 Sd8 30. Bd8 &d8 31. Ae4 fe4 [£1A 4/i[ 32. h4 фd5 33. ФС £>e6 34. h5 gh5 35. gh5 Фе5 36. h6 £if8 37. Ac5 £>h7 38. ФеЗ фВ 39. Ae7 сб 40. Ad8 £>f8 41. Ae7 &h7 42. фd4 фС4 43. Ah4 e3 44. a4 ba4 45. Фс4 Фе4 46. Ael фВ 47. фЬ4 Фе2 48. Ah4 фdl 49. фа4 |£>А 5/е] фс2 50. фаЗ £>f8 51. с4 е2 52. Ь4 феЗ 53. с5 Фс4 54. Фа4 &g6 55. Ag3 £if8 56. фа5 Фd5 57. фаб Феб 58. ФЬ7 Фd5 59. ^.el 1:0 R. Simic 113. С 81 MOROZEVICH 2769 - F. CARUANA 2770 Moscow 2012 1. е4 е5 2. &с6 3. Ab5 аб 4. J.a4 &f6 5. 0-0 £>е4 6. d4 Ь5 7. ±ЬЗ d5 8. de5 Аеб 9. We2 Ае7 10. Sdl £>а5!? 11. сЗ [11. £>bd2 - 103/2271 £1ЬЗ [11... с5 12. Ас2 Wc7 13. ^bd2 £>d2 14. Ad2 &c61 12. аЬЗ 0-0 112... c5 13. c4 0-0 14. ^el+] 13. &d4 We8 N 113... Wd71 14. f3 |14. c4 сб (14... b4 15. АеЗ; 14... c5 15. cd5) 15. f3 £>c5 16. b4 W 17. c5 (17. cd5 cd5 18. f4 Wc8) a5| £ic5 15. b4 £>b7 115... £id7 16. £>c6 f6 17. £>e7 We7 18. ef6 Wf6 19. АеЗ Wg6 20. £id2 Af5 21. Ad4] 16. АеЗ Ad7 116... сб 17. £ia3 (17. £ld2 a5 18. £>2b3 a4 19. £>cl) a5 18. &ac2] 17. £>a3 (17. ^d2 a5; 17. W f6j сб 18. 217
£>ас2 а5 19. f4 119. Да2!? ab4 20. Да8 Wa8 21. cb4[ Wc8 20. h3 Де8 21. i.12 Af8 22. Wf3 Даб 23. £ie3 [23. Да2 c5 24. bc5 £>c5 25. &еЗ <Йе4 26. &d5 £>f2 27. <£>f2] Wa8 24. £>dc2 124. ba5 Sa5 25. Да5 Wa5 (25... £>a5 26. Eal Wd8 27. b4 £>c4 28. £>c4 bc4) 26. b4] Wd8 25. ba5 £ic5!? 26. b4 £>e4 27. Sd3 [27. £>fl!? f6 28. ^.d4±J f6 28. ^.h4?! [28. ef6 Wf6 29. £>g4 £g4 30. hg4 £d6 31. g3±[ g5 29. fg5 [29. Sadi gh4 30. <Sd5 cd5 31. Sd5 Sa7 32. We4 Wa8 33. £>d4 fe5 34. fe5 J.C8J fg5 30. J.g3 J.g7 31. Ah2 Sf8 32. We2 Sf2 33. Wei g4 34. Sd4 Sf8 35. Sadi We8 36. <2}g4 iLf5 37. 2>ce3 [37. £>f2 £if2 38. Wf2 Ae4 39. We2 Sa7 40. Se4 de4 41. We4[ Ag6 38. £ifl?? [38. c4! bc4 39. b5 cb5 40. £>d5 h5 41. £c7 Wc8 42. £>a6 hg4 43. Se4 Ae4 44. We4 Wa6 45. еб Де8 46. «&d6+-[ h5 39. £}ge3 Sa7oo 40. £>g3 AeS 41. £>e4 Ad4 [41... Ah2 42. ФИ2 Ae4ooJ 42. cd4 We4? [42... Ae4!oo[ 43. Ae5 Ф67 44. Scl ДаП 45. ФЬ2 Sf2 46. Дсб? [46. аб! Да2 47. а7! Да7 48. Дсб Ае8 (48... ДаП? 49. Wg3+-) 49. Де6+-| S8f3 47. Дс7 [47. ДсЗ; 47. Дс8 ФЬ6 (47... Af7 48. аб We3 49. We3 ДеЗ 50. а7) 48. аб We3 49. We3 ДеЗ 50. а7 ДаЗ 51. a8W Да8 52. Да8 Ае4 53. <£>g3 Sg2 54. <£>h4 ДЬ2| 47... АП?? [47... ФЬ6 а) 48. Ag3 Sg3 49. Wf2 ДеЗ 50. h4 (50. Wf8 <£>g5 51. Дсб Wd4) Af5 51. ДП Де2 52. Wg3 Sg2 53. Wg2 Wh4=; b) 48. ДсЗ Wh4; c) 48. Де7 Wh4 49. £>gl (49. ФЫ ДИЗ 50. gh3 Wh3 51. &gl Ae4 52. Wcl Whl 53. <±>f2 Wcl 54. ±f4 &g6 55. Sg7 ^g7 56. ^f5=) We7 50. £>g4 ФИ7 51. £if2 ДЬЗоо[ 48. ФЫ!? [48. аб Да2 49. а7 &g6 (49... Wg6 50. Дс8 ДИЗ 51. <^>gl) 50. a8W+-1 ДП 49. Wfl ДП 50. £tfl &g6 51. Дсб ФЬ7 52. £>g3 Wbl 53. фЬ2 h4 54. ^e2 Wb4 55. Дс7 &g8 56. аб 1 : 0 Morozevich 1)4 **** C 84 A. NAIDITSCH 2702 - IV. SOKOLOV 2653 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 £ic6 3. J.b5 аб 4. ^.a4 £>f6 5. 0-0 J.e7 6. d3 d6 7. c4 0-0 [7... ±d7 8. £>c3 0-0 9. h3 £>b8 N (9... ДЬ8; 9... ^d4; 9... £>e8; 9... Де8; 9... h6) 10. ±d7 fibd? 11. d4 сб 12. Wc2 Де8 13. Sdl Wc7 14. ^.еЗ ±f8 15. d5± Vishnu Prasanna 2406 — Ladr6n de Guevara Galar 2139, San Sebastian 2012; 7... £g4 8. ^.еЗ £>d7 9. £ibd2 0-0 10. h3 ^.h5 11. Sei N(ll. Wbl)M6 12. g4±g6 13. £tfl h6 14. &g3 Sb8 15. Scl Де8 16. Wd2 £>f8 17. £if5 W 18. £>g2 £>g5oo G. 218
Guseinov 2616 — N. Maiorov 2552, Plovdiv 20121 8. h3 Ae6 |8... £>d4 9. £id4 ed4 10. Ш2 N (10. f4) ЕЬ8 11. f4 b5 12. ±c2 £>d7 13. c5 14. Wei £>b6 15. ЬЗ f5 16. ef5 if5 17. g4 JLd7 18. Wg3 Ac6 19. Ad2 Wd7 20. f5 Ebd8oo Tirard 2452 - Nabavi 2164, Avoine 2012] 9. £>c3 £)d7 19... h6 10. Eel N (10. W) W 11. d4 £}d4 12. £}d4 ed4 13. Wd4 Af6 14. Wd3 J.c3 15. Wc3 Wf6 16. Wd3± Pancevski 2459 - V. Radovic 2146, Bosnjaci 2012] 10. ±e3 f5 11. ef5 Af5 12. d4!? N [12. £>d5[ Af6 13. d5 £>a5 14. <2}d2! 114. ЬЗ £ic5 15. Ac5 dc5oo] ±d3 15. Wg4! [15. Eel±[ £>b6 [15... £fl 16. SfloS^I 16. A.b6 cb6 17. Sfdl ФИ8 [17... tc8 18. Ad7 Wc7 19. Eacl±] 18. £}de4 £e4 [18... Ac4?? 19. b4 b5 20. ±c2+-[ 19. te4 g6 [19... Ec8 20. Ac2 g6 21. J.d3 Wc7 22. Eacl±] 20. ±c2 Ag7 21. ±d3 Ef4 22. We2± Ed4! [22... Wc7 23. £ie4 Eaf8 24. gacl+-1 23. £ie4 b5 [23... Ec8 24. Eacl (24. ЬЗ Мб!?) Мб 25. Ec2±] 24. cb5 Wb6 25. Eabl [25. Ьаб Ed5 (25... Ьаб 26. 2>g5+-) 26. ab7+—I ab5 26. £>g5! Ed5 27. J.g6!+- gdl 28. Edl hg6 [28... d5 29. MU 29. Ed6 Wc7 30. Eg6 Ea6 [30... &g8 31. £ie6 Wcl 32. М2 фП 33. Wh5 J.f6 34. Wf5[ 31. Ea6 Ьаб 32. Wh5 <£g8 33. Wh7 Ф18 1:0 Sa. Velickovic 115.* C 84 A. NAIDITSCH 2700 - R. PONOMARIOV 2726 Dortmund 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 £>сб 3. M5 a6 4. M4 £>f6 5. 0-0 M7 6. d3 d6 7. c4 0-0 8. h3 £id7 9. М3 [9. <5}c3 <2)c5 10. Асб bc6 11. d4 ed4 12. £>d4 ^.f6 13. М3 M7 14. Wc2 a5!? N (14... £>e6) 15. Eadl Wb8 16. £>ce2Ee8 17. £ig3 g6 18. Efel Wb4 19. М2 Wb6 20. М3 M5oo Sowray 2376 — Hebden 2512, London 20121 M6 10. £>c3 £>d4 11. M17 N [11. ±d4; 11. b4[ M7 12.£>d5 [12. J.d4?! ed4 13. £jd5 сб 14. &f6 Wf6 15. М2 Wg6 16. ФЬ2 c5 17. f4 f5=| b5 13. c5 [13. Ecl!? A 13... сб 14.M6Wf6 15. M4 ed4 16. c5[ dc5 14. Ecl сб 15. <Af6 Wf6 16. Ec5 £>f3 17. W13 Wf3 18. gf3 Eae8 118... М3 19. Efcl=| 19. ФЬ2 f5 20. Egl [20. Edl!?[ Ef6 [20... Ee6 21. Eg5 g6=[ 21. d4 ed4 22. Ad4 Eg6 23. Eg6 hg6 24. Ae5 ФП 25. h4 Eh8 26. &g3 Eh5 27. ±f4 fe4 28. Eh5 gh5 29. fe4 Деб 30. a3 c5 31. J.d6 b4 32. a4 a5 33. £c5 Ad7 34. Ab6 £a4 35. ^.a5 ЬЗ 36. ФГ4 g6 37. ^.сЗ Ad7 38. <£g5 ^.g4 39. f4 J.f3 40. f5 J.e4 41. fg6 J.g6 42. ФГ4 1/2 : 1/2 B. Abramovic 116.*** C 84 S. MOVSESIAN 2698 - Z. ALMASI 2713 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. e4 e5 2. &13 £ic6 3. ±Ь5 a6 4. J.a4 £>f6 5. 0-0 J.e7 6. d3 d6 7. c3 0-0 8. £>bd2 b5 9. ^.c2 d5 10. Eel [10. ed5 - 61/3361 de4 11. de4 ±e6 12. a4!? N [RR 12. We2 Wc8 N (12... Wb8) a) 13. £>fl i.c4 14. ^.d3 i.d3 15. Wd3 Ed8 16. Wc2 We6= Motylev 2683 — P. Smirnov 2599, Russia 2012; b) 13. a4 Wb7 14. J.d3 Eab8 15. b4 i.d6 16. Ea3 Efd8= A. Grischuk 2763 - Svidler 2749, 219
Russia (ch) 2012; 12. h3j Ь4?! [12... Wc8 13. We2 - 12. We2| 13. We2 Wc8 14.£>c4 £>d7 15. a5!? [15. £>g5 Ag5 16. Ag5 <5}b6!? 17. £ld2 ЬсЗ 18. ЬсЗ £}a5oo Kamsky 2741 — Ivanchuk 2768, Ningbo 2011] f6 16. fte3 ЬЗ [16... Wb7 17. £id5 Ad6 18. Ae3+| 17. Abl [17. Ad3!? £>c5 18. Ac4 £>e4 19. £>d5 £ld6 (19... £>c5 20. АеЗ! Ad6 21. Ac5 Ac5 22. £>c7! Wc7 23. Аеб ФЬ8 24. Ab3±) 20. £>d4!! £id4 21. £>e7 £>f7 22. cd4 фе7 23. Ad3 e4 24. Ae4±[ Ad6 18. £>d5 Ad5 [18... Wb7 19. Ad3 £ic5 20. Ac4±[ 19. ed5 £>e7 20. Ad3 Wb7 21. Ac4 £>d5 [21... ФЬ8 22. Edl±l 22. £>d4! [22. Wdl сб 23. Ab3±[ ed4 [22... ФЬ8 23. We4 сб 24. £>c6!+-1 23. We6 Ф118 24. Ad5 сб 25. Wd6 [25. Af3 Wc7 26. cd4 Ah2 27. ФЫ±] cd5 26. cd4 Efe8 27. Af4 Wb5 28. h3 Eac8 29. Ee8 Ee8 30. Ecl &f8 31. Wb6 Wd3 32. Wc6 We4 33. АеЗ [33. Ae5! Ed8 34. Af6 £>e6! 35. Ae5!+- (35. Ad8?? £>f4 36. f3 We2) &d4 36. Wd7[ &g6 34. Wa6 £>h4 35. Wfl h6 [35... f5 36. аб f4 37. Ad2+—; 35... £>f5 36. ЕсЗ £>d4 37. Wd3+-1 36. ЕсЗ Ea8 37. f3 We6 38. Af2 £ig6 39. Wb5 £if4 40. АеЗ Wf5 41. ФИ2+- £>g6 42. Eb3 £ih4 43. Af2 Wg5 44. Ag3 £if5 45. f4 Wg6 46. Wd5 Ee8 47. аб h5 48. a 7 h4 49. Af2 1:0 S. Movsesian 117. C 84 M. CARLSEN 2835 - A. GRISCHUK 2761 Moscow 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>B £>c6 3. Ab5 аб 4. Aa4 Ш 5. 0-0 Ae7 6. d3 b5 7. Ab3 0-0 8. a4 b4 9. £}bd2 [9. Eel - 95/(254), C 88[ Ac5 10. £>c4 d6 11. Ag5!? N [11. АеЗ; 11. h3[ h6 12. Ah4 Ag4 13. £>e3 [13. h3 Af3 14. Wf3 £>d4 15. Wdl &b3 16. cb3 g5 17. Ag3 Ad4oc[ AB 14. gB [14. Wf3 £>d4oo A 15. Wdl £>e6!? 16. Аеб fe6 17. £>g4 &g4!| g5 [14... &d4 a) 15. £>g4 ФЬ7 (15... Wc8? 16. Af6 gf6 17. <£>hl±->) 16. Af6 (16. &f6 gf6oo) gf6 17. Ad5 f5! (17... сб? 18. Асб £>c6 19. Wd2+—) 18. c3 (18. ef5? сб 19. Ae4 d5 20. сЗ ЬсЗ 21. ЬсЗ de4 22. de4 h5+) ЬсЗ 19. ЬсЗ fg4 20. cd4 gf3 21. Wf3 Ad4 22. Aa8 (22. EaclcS) Aal 23. Eal Wa8 24. Wf5 <£>g7 25. ФЫ Wd8 26. Egl ФИ8 27. Eg3 We7 28. Eh3 &g7=; b) 15. Ac4 g5 16. Ag3 - 14... g5| 15. Ag3 £id4 16. Ac4 &h5 [16... h5!?[ 17. сЗ ЬсЗ 18. ЬсЗ £ie6 19. EM £ihg7 [19... сб 20. Аеб fe6 21. d4 Aa7 22. Eb7[ 20. Ad5 Ec8 21. фЫ ФИ8 [21... сб!? 22. Ac4 a5[ 22. Egl Wf6 [22... сб!? 23. Ac4 a5[ 23. Ac4 a5 24. Eb5 h5 25. Ea5 [25. Аеб!? fe6 (25... £>e6? 26. f4+-; 25... We6? 26. Ae5 We5 27. d4+-) 26. Ae5 We5 27. d4 Wf6 28. dc5 сб! 29. Eb7 d5+| h4 26. ^g4 We7 27. Wfl Ea8 220
28. Нс5! 128. Sa8 Sa8 29. 05 W+l dc5 128... W? 29. 041 29. W [29. 05? f6] Мб [29... hg3!?l 30. Wh3 Sa4 31. 05 Лаб 32. 04 Sd6 33. 14! W 34. 04 Wf4 35. £f3 Sg6 36. Sg4 Wcl 37. Egl Wf4 38. Sg4 Wcl 39. Sgl Wf4 40. Sg4 Wcl 1/2 : 1/2 Sa. Velickovic 118. C 85 McShane 2706 - M. CARLSEN 2835 Moscow 2012 1. e4 e5 2. W W 3. 05 аб 4. 04 06 5. 0-0 07 6. 06 dc6 7. d3 W 8. ЬЗ 0-0 9. 02 f6 10. W [10. W2 - 61/(339)1 Se8 [10... W!?l 11. ФЫ N [11. £>e2] £>f8 12. W c5 13. W W [13... g6? 14. f4 ef4 15. W g5 (15... f5 16. £if5!! gf5 17. Wh5 ±g5 18. W АеЗ 19. ef5 04 20. f6 Se5 21. 04 Wd4 22. Wh6 Ф17 23. Wg7 08 24. Sael 03 25. Se5 We5 26. П+-) 16. W gh4 17. Sf6!! Аеб (17... сб 18. Wh5 cd5 19. Wf7 ФЬ8 20. Sg6+—) 18. Wh5 05 19. Wg5 £>g6 20. Sg6+-] 14. £>f5 [14. f41? &d4 (14... ef4? 15. W 2>f4 16. Sf4 g5 17. £tf5+-) 15. fe5 (15. f5!?) fe5 16. £>f5 Af5 (16... Ag5 17. £}ed4 cd4 18. Wg4 g6 19. h4^ A 19... АеЗ 20. Wg3 Af4 21. Sf4! ef4 22. W <£g7 23. Wf4) 17. W cd4 18. Sf5±] Af8 15. W 04 16. f4 Аеб 17. fe5 [17. f51? A 17... Af7 18. g4 b5 19. £>g3 A h4, Sgl-I fe5 18. £>gl [18. <£g3!? A 18... g6 19. c3 W 20. We2[ g619.c3 [19. ^f3!? A 19... Ah6 20. £cl W 21. Sf3 АеЗ 22. Se3 Wd4 23. Ad2 Hf8 24. Wel!+] W 20. £113 Ag7 21. Wei 21... a5! [21... Wd3? 22. Sdl±] 22. Sdl a4 23. ba4 Sa4 24. аЗ Sf8 25. Ol [25. c41? W 26. Wg3oo] Sa8 26. Wg3 03! 27. Sdel?? [27. Sd2 06! 28. Wei J Wd3-+ 28. £>g4 Аеб 29. £>h6 <08 30. Wh4 06 31. Ag5 05 32. Wg5 <£g7 33. Wcl Sf4? [33... Wd6-+; 33... Sad8—+] 34. Sdl? [34. W^l Wc4 35. Sfel Saf8 36. £>g5 [36. £if5 05 (36... gf5 37. W W 38. Wf4 £}g6 39. Wc7 Sf7-+) 37. W W 38. Wf4 Se8 (38... £if7-+) 39. h3 £>f7 40. Wc7 Ae4—+] 08 37. g3 SC 38. £if5 gf5 39. W Se2 40. Wg5 08 0 : 1 SI. Martinovic 119 C 90 Nl. DUKlt 2523 - S. BENDERAt 2322 Crna Gora 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 £ic63.05 аб 4.04 £if6 5. 0-0 Ae7 6. Sei b5 7. 03 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. d3 W 10. 02 c5 11. W2 Se8 12. h6 13. d4 cd4 14. cd4 £}c6 [14... ed4 - 75/(320)] 15. d5 04 16. Ol a5 17. a3 £}a6 18. Ь4 08!? N [18... £ic7; 18... £}d7; 18... 071 19. 02 ab4 20. ab4 Sal 21. Ol Wc7 [21... Wb6 22. 03 07 23. Wd2 Sc8oo[ 22.03 [22. Wd2 07 23. Scl Wb7 24. 03 Sc8=[ 07 23. £>3d2 [23. £ie3 Sc8 24. Wb3 £>a6 25. Wa3 Wb7 26. 03 O8oo A 061 Wa7 [23... £ia6 24. Wb3 Sc8 25. 02 Wool 24. £>e3 [24. We2 W 25. 03 Sc8 26. £ibl O8M Wa3?! [24... Sc8 25. Wb3 08 26. 03 06 27. £>bl Wool 25. Wb3 Wb3 26. W Sc8 27.02 W [27... 08 28. Sal 06 29. W±1 28. 221
£>c2 Jtd8 128... £>е4? 29. Ае4 f5 30. Ad3 e4 31. 2>cd4±] 29. Sal Ла8?! [29... W 30. Sa7+; 29... £>c7 30. £>e3+[ 30. £>c5! dc5 31. Ьс5 <Йс7?! [31... J.c8 32. JLe5 Aid7 33. Ad6 (33. ±d4 Sb8 34. сб £>dc5 35. Ae5 Sb6 36. £fl £>e4 37. Sell) J.c7 (33... ^.f6 34. Sa2 £e5 35. ±e5 £>e5 36. Ab5 Sb8 37. Лаб Лаб 38. h3±) 34. f3! (34. ЛЬ5 Sb8! 35. ±d7 ±d6 36. cd6!? J.d7 37. e5 £>c5 38. £id4+) Ad6 (34... Sb8 35. Лс7 £>c7 36. сб £>e5 37. £>b4±) 35. cd6 W (35... Sb8 36. Aid4 £>ac5 37. ЛЬ5±) 36. ЛЬ5 £>c5 37. Ha8 £>a8 38. e5 £>b6 39. W±1 32. Ha8 Aia8 33. Ле5 Ла5 [33... £>g4 34. J.g3+—; 33... Лс7 34. ЛсЗ+-1 34. сб Ле8 [34... Лс8 35. d6+-[ 35. £>d4I? [35. ЛЬ5?! £>e4 36. d6 f6 37. ЛГ4 g5 38. f3 gf4 39. fe4±; 35. ЛА6 gf6 36. ЛЬ5 Лс7 37. £>e3+-[ ЛеЗ [35... b4 36. d6 (36. £>f5!? ЬЗ 37. £>h6 gh6 38. ЛГ6+-) ЛЬ6 37. ЛЬ5 £>e4 38. d7 ±d7 39. cd7+-[ 36. Л16 gf6 37. £)b5 Ле5 38. g3 Ф18 [38... £>c7 39. f4 £>b5 40. fe5 £a7 41. ef6+-[ 39. f4 ЛЬ8 [39... ЛЬ2 40. £>d6+-] 40. &g2 [40. £>d4?? Ла7-+[ Фе7 [40... f5 41. e5 (41. -53d4?! fe4 42. ±e4 f6 43. &f3±; 41. ef54—) f6 (41... &c7 42. t&cl J.c7 43. ^.b5+-) 42. ef6 £ic7 43. J.c7 44. ^.f5 ФП 45. ФВ &f6 46. ±e4 Фе7 47. g4 <^>d6 48. h44~] 41. &d4 &d6 [41... h5 42. ^>f5 &d8 43. £е2+-[ 42. £jf5 Фс5 43. £>h6 f5 [43... £>c7 44. £rf5+-[ 44. £if5 f6 45. ^)g7 [45... ±g6 46. h4 ^c7 47. h5 J.h7 48. ФП £>d5 49. £>e8+-1 46. h4 ^.d6 47. h5 ±f8 48. h6 £>c7 [48... £g7 49. hg7 ^c7 50. f5 (50. £c4+-) £>e8 51. ±e2+- A ±h5] 49. d6! 1:0 Ni. Dukic 222
120 N. SEDLAK 2556 - BR. TADIC 2506 Bosna i Hercegovina 2012 1. d4 d5 2. JLf4 c5 3. e3 A>c6 4. c3 £>f6 5. £id2 еб 6. £igf3 ±d6 7. ±g3 0-0 8. ±d3 ®e7 9. <§3e5 £>d7 10. £>d7 Wd7! 110... £d7? - 105/261] 11. Wh5 N [11. JLd6 Wd6 12. dc5 Wc5 13. M7 ФИ7 14. Wh5 <£>g8 15. fte4 g6 16. Wg5 We7 17. £>f6 <£>g7 18. £>h5 ФИ7 19. 2>f6 &g7=; 11. dc5 J.c5 12. £>f3 Se8 13. 0-0 e5 14. b4 Ab6 15. e4 de4 16. £e4 Wdl 17. Sfdl f6=] g6 12. Wh6 cd4 13. Id6 [13. ed4 e5 14. £d3!? ed4 (14... Se8 15. de5 <§3e5 16. £>e5 £e5 17. 0-0=) 15. £>g5 f6 16. JLd6 Se8 17. ФН fg5 18. J.g6! hg6 19. Wg6 ФИ8 20. Wh5 <^>g7 21. Wg5 ФГ7 22. Wh5 &g7=] Wd6 14. £rf3! [14. ed4 e5 15. de5 £>e5 16. Ae2 Se8 17. 0-0 ^.g4!t[ We7 15. ed4 e5 16. de5 lg4!? [16... 43e5 17. £>e5 We5 18. We3 ®e3 19. fe3 Se8 20. Ф12=] 17. 0-0-0 JL13 [17... £>e5 18. £e2 19. ±(3 £f3 20. gf3=| 18. gf3 £>e5 19. £c2!? Sfd8 20. Shel Wf6 21. f4! <§3c6 [21... &g4 22. Wg5 Wg5 23. fg5 £>f2 24. Sd2 £>h3 25. Se5±[ 22. Wg5 ^g7 23. Se3 d4! 24. ДЬЗ h5 1^ 24... Wg5 25. fg5 Sd5 26. f4 Se8[ 25. Sh5 Wg5 26. Sg5 dc3 27. ЬсЗ Sdl 28. <^>dl Sh8 29. f5!= Sh2 30. fg6 Sf2 31. gf7 ФГ7 32. Jie4 Sa2 33. Sb5 [33. ±d5 ФГ6[ Sal 1/2 : 1/2 Br. Tadic 121. D 02 TO. LANG 2374 - ROIZ 2615 Biel (open) 2012 1. d4 £}f6 2. <5313 d5 3. ±f4 c5 4. e3 43с6 5. c3 £>h5I? 6. ±g5?! [6. ^.g3=| h6 7. ±h4 g5 8. J.g3 [8. <§3e5 £>e5 9. de5 «3g7 10. Ag3 2>f5 11. Ab5 ±d7 12. Wa4 ±g7+] £>g3 9. hg3 еб N [9... Ag7 10. £>bd2 e5 11. de5 g4 12. W 0-0 13. Ad3 d4 14. £>c4±5; 9... g4!? 10. £>gl (10. £>fd2 e5Tffl; 10. £>h4 h5 11. £>d2 e6T X£>h4) e5 11. de5 Wb6! (11... J.e6 12. ^3e2±=) 12. Wb3 £>e5 13. Wd5 Wb2 14. We5 ^.еб 15. i.b5 Wb5 16. 2>a3 Wb2 17. Sdl Sh7 18. £>c4 Wa2 19. £>d6 ^.d6 20. Wd6 Wa5Tl 10. i.b5 [Xe5[ Wb6 [10... Ad7 11. ±c6 ±c6 12. £ie5 A 12... J.b5?! 13. £>a3t; 10... £d6 11. dc5 ^.c5 12. c4s| 11. We2 ±g7 12. ^3e5! [12. W2 Ad7 13. dc5 Wc5 14. £>b3 Wb6 15. 0-0-0 0-0-0+1 ^.e5 [12... Фе7!? 13. f4 <23e5 14. fe5 Sf8 15. 0-0 f6 16. ef6 i.f6£?l 13. de5 ^.d7 14. АсбП [14. f4 ^3e5 15. ±d7 £>d7 16. fg5 0-0-0 17. gh6 e5 18. h7 Wg6+[ J.c6 15. £ia3! [A 0-0-01 0-0-0 16. 0-0-0 Wc7 116... ФЬ8!? 17. ФЫ (17. £>c2 Sdf8 18. ФЫ f6 19. ef6 Sf6 20. e4 de4 21. £>e3^) d4 18. ed4 ^.g2 19. dc5 Wc5 20. Shel=[ 17. f4 d4 18. £ic4 [18. 223
W a) 18... Wa5!? 19. £>d6 Sd6 20. ed6 Wa2 21. cd4 c4!?; 21... cd4^; b) 18... ФЬ5 19. Wb5 de3 20. ®e2=] фЬ8 [18... dc3 19. Sd8 a) 19... Ш8 20. £>d6 ФЬ8 21. ЬсЗ Sg8 22. Sh6 (22. &f7 Wa5 23. Wd2 gf4 24. ef4 JLd5t) gf4 23. gf4 Sg2 24. ®h5 Sgl 25. &d2 аб 26. Wf7 Sg2 27. Фс1 Фа7 28. ®e6 ®a5 29. ®b3 J.d5 30. £>Ь7 Ab7 31. Sh7=; b) 19... Sd8 20. &d6 ФЬ8 21. ЬсЗ f6 22. Sh6 gf4 23. ef4 Wg7 24. Sh3 fe5 25. ®e5 We5 26. fe5=| 19. £>d6 [19. fg5!? dc3 (19... hg5 20. Sh8 Sh8 21. ed4 Ab5 22. b3=) 20. Sd8 Wd8 21. gh6 cb2 22. фЬ2оо; 19. ed4 cd4 20. fg5 Ab5 21. ЬЗ Ac4 22. ®c4=| dc3 20. ЬсЗ f6 [20... gf4 21. ef4 f6 22. Sd3=[ 21. c4© |A Wb2; 21. fg5!? fe5 (21... hg5 22. Sh8 Sh8 23. ef6 Фа4 24. Sd2 Shi 25. фЬ2 ®b6 26. фаЗ Sbl 27. Sb2 Wa5 28. Aic4 Wc3 29. Фа4 Sb2 30. Wb2 ®c4 31. Фа3=) 22. Sh6 Shg8 23. Se6 Wa5 24. ФЬ2 Sg5 25. £>c4 Wb5 26. Фа1=1 Wg7 [21... fe5!? 22. fe5 h5 23. e4 Wg7 24. Wb2 h4 25. Shfloo Д Sf6[ 22. Wb2 Shf8 [22... gf4?! 23. ef6 Wg3 24. We5 We3 25. ®e3 fe3 26. £>f7! Sdl 27. Sdl Sc8 28. £>e5tl 23. ef6 [23. Sd2!? gf4 24. gf4 Sd7=[ Wf6 24. Ш6?! [24. We5! We5 25. fe5 Sf2 26. Sd2 Sdf8 27. Sh6 Sd2 28. &d2 Sf2 29. ФеЗ Sa2 30. Se6 Sg2 31. Sg6 Sg3 32. £>d3 Sgl 33. Sg8 Фс7 34. Sg7 ФЬ6 35. <Йс8 фаб 36. ебМ Sf6+ [X^d6[ 25. £>Ь5 [25. Sd2 аб+l Sg8 [25... Sdl!? 26. Sdl Sf8 27. Shi аб 28. £>c3 Sf6Tl 26. fg5 hg5 27. Sh7?!© [27. Sd2 аб 28. £ic3 SgfB+l аб [27... J.g2 28. Sg7 Sff8 29. Sg8 Sg8 30. Sd7 аб 31. £id6 i.c6 32. Se7Tl 28. £>c3 [28. Sg7 Sff8 29. Sg8 Sg8 30. £>c3 Фс7+| SC?!© 128... jLg2! 29. £ia4 (29. Sdd7 ±c6 30. Sde7 Sd8!-+) Sf5! 30. Sd6 Se5! 31. £ib6 Se3 32. ^d7 фа8+[ 29. Sd2 Sgf8 30. Sg7! Sd2 31. фd2 SC 32. фdЗ [32. &dl Sg2 33. Sg5 фс7Т1 JLg2! [32... b5 33. cb5 ab5 34. Sg5 c4 35. Фd4 b4 36. Sc5! фс7 37. £>e4 Sc2 38. Sc4 Sc4 39. Фс4 Фе4 40. ФЬ4=[ 33. Sg5?? [33. £>a4! ±fl 34. феЗ Sf5 35. £>Ь6+ ХФЬ8, g5[ i.fl 34. фе4 34... Sc2!-+ [34... b6? 35. фе5! Sd2 36. <^e4 Sa2 37. Фd6^; 34... J.c4? 35. Sc5 ^.a2 36. £>a2 Sa2 37. g4^J 35. -Sdl ±e2 [35... ±c4 36. g4 b5 37. Sg8 фс7 38. g5 b4| 36. £>f2 Ac4 37. £>g4 £a2 38. £>f6 c4 39. Sc5 Sd2 40. g4 b6 41. Sc6 фЬ7 42. Se6 c3 43. Se7 Феб 44. &e8 Sd7 0 :1 Roiz 122 !N GERZHOY 2459 - SUMETS 2618 Montreal 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. ^f3 £>f6 4. еЗ аб 5. ^.d3 ±g4 6. £ibd2 &bd7 7. ®c2 dc4 [7... еб - 100/2731 8. £>c4 J.f3 9. gf3 c5 10. J.d2! N [10. dc5[ cd4 [10... Sc8?! 11. J.a5 b6 12. W W 13. dc5 £>fd7 14. b4; 10... еб 11. £a5 b6 12. &b6 £ib6 13. dc5 J.c5 14. Wc5 Wd3 15. i.b6 £>d7 16. Wd4; 10... b5 11. £>a5 a) 11... Sc8 12. W ®b6 13. £>c5 £>c5 14. ±e2 b4 (14... еб? 15. b4) 15. dc5; b) 11... Wb6 12. dc5 ^c5 13. ^.e2+] 11. Aa5 Wc8 [11... Wb8 12. £>b6 W 13. АЬба) 13... еб 14. Wa4 (14. J.d4) £id7 15. 0-0-0±; b) 13... de3 14. ®a4 &d7 15. 0-0-01 12. Scl Wc5 224
112... Wc6 13. £>Ь6 £>Ь6П (13... Wf3?? 14. Wc8 Ec8 15. Ec8#; 13... Wc2 14. Ac2 £>b6 15. Ab6 A 15... de3 16. Aa4+-) 14. Wc6 bc6 15. Ab6 de3 16. Ec6 ef2 17. Af2±[ 13. ed4 Wd4 14. Aie3?! |14.фе2ё6; 14. 0-0! еб 15. Efdl Wf4 16. Ae4 Aie4 17. We4 We4 18. fe4 b5 19. Ed7 bc4 20. Eb7+1 еб [14... £>e5 15. Wc8 Ec8 16. Ec8 <£d7 17. Ed8 Феб 18. Sc8 &d7 19. Ed8=l 15. Wc8 Ec8 16. Ec8 Фе7 17. Ad8 1/2 : 1/2 Sumets 123. D12 A. INDIC 2481 - M. BLUBAUM 2424 Athens 2012 1. £>13 d5 2. d4 ^f6 3. e3 Af5 4. ЬЗ еб 5. Ad3 £}bd7 6.0-0 сб 7. c4 Ad6 8. £>c3 0-0 9. Af5 ef5 10. Wd3 Ab4 110... £ie4? 11. cd5 £c3 (11... cd5 12. £>d5±) 12. dc6+[ 11. £>e2 g612. Ad2 N [ 12. Ab2[ Ad6 13. a4 We7 14. £c3 a6 15. c5 Ac7 16. b4 b6 17. Sfel Sfb8 18. Eabl bc5 19. bc5 We8 20. a5 [20. Eb8 Wb8 21. Ebl Wc8=[ Aa5? [20... Ebl 21. Sbl Wd8 22. £}a2 Aa5 23. Aa5 Wa5 24. £>b4 Wb5 25. Wb5 cb5 26. £>c6=] 21. &d5 £>d5 22. Aa5± Eb5 23. Eal Eab8 24. £>d2 [24. Ael Aic7 25. &d2 £tf6 26. £ic4±[ We6 25. £>c4 Eb3 26. Wc2 h5 27. Ad2 £>c3 28. Ac3 Wc4 29. Ael Wb5 30. Wa2 Ea8? [30... Wd3 31. Wa6 We4 32. Edl+] 31. Eabl? [31. Ecbl! Ebl (31... Eb8 32. Eb3 Wb3 33. ®b3 Eb3 34. Ea6+-) 32. Ebl Wd3 33. Eb7 Wdl 34. ФП Wd3 35. We2 We2 36. фе2 2>f6 37. Ec7+-1 Eb8 32. Eb3 Wb3 33. Wa6 [33. Wb3 Eb3 34. Eal £>b8 35. Aa5+[ Wb2 34. Wai Wb5 35. Wa5 Wb2 36. Wc3 Wb5? [36... Wc3 37. Ac3±; 36... Wa2 37. Eal We6 38. f3±J 37. d5! cd5? [37... Ec8 38. Wd4 cd5 39. Ac3 f6 40. Wd5 &g7 41. Ad4 Wc6 42. Wc4±] 38. сб £>f8 39. Wf6 1^ 39. We5 £>e6 40. c7 Ec8 41. Ac3 ФЬ7 42. Wf6 We8 43. Ae5+-1 £ie6 40. Ac3 d4 41. c7! [41. Ad4? £>d4 42. ed4 (42. Wd4? Wc6=) Wc4 43. Wd8 &g7 44. Wg5 Wd4±[ Ec8 42. Ad4 £>d4 43. Wd4 <£h7 44. h3 1:0 A. Indic 124. D 15 ARONIAN 2825 - McSHANE 2706 Moscow 2012 1. d4 d5 2. £>f3 £>f6 3. c4 сб 4. £>c3 a6 5. Ag5 dc4 6. a4 h6 7. Ah4 b5 [7... еб — 96/3201 8. ab5 cb5 9. £>b5 ab5 10. Ea8 Ab7 11. Eal g5I? N [11... e5[ 12. Ag3 еб 13. еЗ Ab4 14. фе2 &c6 15. £>el [15. £>e5?! £>a5 16. f3£b3 17.&f2!?(17.Ebl £>d5+)0-0tl &a5 16. Ae5 [16. £>c2 Ae7 17. f3] 0-0 17. h4 [17. Af6 Wf6 18. £>c2 We7 19. W Wb4 20. Wc2 &b3 21. Ea7 Eb8 A e5 McShane; 17. f3 £id7 (17... £d5!?) 18. Ag3 f5 19. £>c2 Ae7oo| g4 18. ^c2 Ae7 19. <фе1 £>b3 [19... h5 20. f3 £ib3 A 21. Ea7 Wb6 22. Eb7 Wb7 23. Ae2 £id7T A f5[ 20. Ea2 [20. Af6 Af6 21. Wg4 ФЬ8 22. ЕаЗ (22. Edl? Wa5 23. Фе2 Wa2-+; 22. Ea7 Wb6 23. Eb7 Wb7 24. Ae2 Wa6!+) e5^[ h5 21. Ae2 [^ 21. f3 £>d7 (21... Ad6!?) 22. Ag3 f5 23. Ae2 £>f6[ 225
Id6! |21... Ig2 22. Hgl lh3!?] 22. f3 [22. Ha7 le4 A 23.13 lc2 24. Wc2 le5 25. de5 Wb8! 26. Hf7 £>f7 27. ef6 Wg3 28. £>fl ФГ6+ McShane] £d5 23. fg4? [23. Ad6 Wd6 24. £>f2 f5] le5 24. de5 24... Wb6! 25. If3 [25. &f2 Hd8-+ A £>f4[ £e3 [25... Hd8 26. Id5 Hd5 27. W13 Hd2 28. Wf6 Hc2 29. Wg5 &f8 30. Hfl c3!-+ A 31. Wh6 Фе8 32. ®h8 <£d7 33. Hf7 фоб 34. We8 <£>d5[ 26. £еЗ We3© 27. We2 Wcl 28. Wdl We3 29. We2 Wcl 30. Wdl lf3! 31. gf3 We3 32. We2 [32. &fl hg4 33. <£>g2 (33. Hgl £d2 34. £>g2 £f3-+; 33. fg4 £cl 34. НаЗ £d3 35. Hd3 cd3-+) ^cl 34. НаЗ £>d3-+l Wcl 33. Wdl We3 34. We2 Wf4 35. Wh2? [35. £>f2 Hd8 36. Hdl Wh2 37. феЗ We5 38. <£>f2 Wh2 39. ФеЗ Wh4-+[ Wf3 36. Hfl We4 37. ФС £d2 38. Hgl W13 [39. Фе1 We3 40. &dl Wl 0 : 1 T. Paunovic 20. £b5! cb5 21. Ib5 £e8 [21... £e4 22. He7 le7 23. lei Ф18 24. f3 £f6 25. Ha7 ld8 26. Ia4±; 21... Hec7 22. Hc7 lc7 23. Ha8±] 22. Id3 f6 23. b5+- Ha7 24. Ha7 g6 25. b6 e5 26. Ha8 le7 27. b7 1:0 Dembo 126. D 15 S. MOVSESIAN 2698 - WANG YUE 2685 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. c4 сб 2. £13 £f6 3. £c3 d5 4. еЗ аб 5. d4 b5 6. c5 g6 7. £e5 lg7 8. f4 a5 9. Ie2 h5 10.0-0 lf5 [10... Wc7 — 114/1381 11.113 N [11. Id2[ £e4 12. a4 b4 [12... f6 13. £c6! £c6 14. ab5 £b4 15. Wb3^1 13. £e4 de4 14.1е2 le6 15. Wc2 ld5 16. f5? [16. £c4 £d7 17. Id2oo[ le5! 17. de5 gf5! 18. Hf5 £d7 19. Ih5? [19. еб 1еб 20. Hf2 £f6+| 125 V. BOROVIKOV 2569 - S. ANSELL 2376 Rethymnon 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £c3 ^f6 4. еЗ аб 5. £f3 b5 6. c5 lg4 7. Wb3 lf3 8. gf3 £bd7 9. a4 еб [9... e5 - 98/2861 10. Wa3 Hc8 11. ab5 ab5 12. Id2 Wc7 13. Wa7 Wa7 14. Ha7 le7 15. Id3!? [15. Ih3[ 0-0 N 115... Ad8| 16. Фе2 ld8 [16... e5 17. If5 ed4 18. ed4 Hcd8 19. Hel±l 17. f4! He8 18. Hhal± £b8 19. b4 [19. £a2!? Hc7 20. Ha8 le7 21. £b4±[ He7 19... еб!! 20. 1П Фе7 21. Hfl [21. Hg5 Wf8-+J Wc7 22. Ig6 £e5-+ 23. Ie4 £d3 [23... ЬЗ 24. Wf2 Haf8 (24... Ie4?? 25. Wf6 226
128. D 16 &d7 26. Wg7+-) 25. Wg3 Efg8 26. Wf4 le4[ 24. Wd3 Wh2 25. <&f2 Eaf8 26. Фе2 Sfl 27. Ml Wg3! 28. М2 Ehl 29. М2 Sal 30. M5 cd5 31. Wh7 <£>d8 32. М3 Wg4 33. Wh8 M7 34. ЬЗ Wf5 35. M4 0:1 T. Paunovic 127. D 15 G. CAMACHO MARTINEZ 2309 - G6MEZ GARRIDO 2515 La Habana 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. e3 M6 4. £сЗ аб 5. £13 b5 6. ЬЗ JLg4 7. h3 J.f3 8. Wf3 e5 9. de5 M4 10. М2 М3 11. М3 £e4 12. Ib4 bc4 13. ®g4 c5 14. f3 £c6 15. fe4 £b4 16. ed5 [16. Wg7 - 110/2161 £c2 [16... cb3 17. Ic4! a) 17... £c2 18. Фе2 £al 19. ®g7 Ef8 20. d6!± A 20... Wh4 21. ab3 £c2 22. fifl 0-0-0 (22... Wh5 23. М2 Wg6 24. Wg6+-) 23. Ef7!4~; b) 17... 0-0 18. ab3 £c2 19. Фе2 £al 20. Eal±[ 17.Ф12 17...^d5N[17...£al 18. Wg7Ef8 19. ±c4 £c2 20. Wh6 (20. Wh7 £a3!? 21. ®h6 Wd7 22. g4 £c4 23. bc4 Eb8 24. ®a6 Eg8 25. Sbl! Ebl 26. ®a8 Wd8 27. Wc6 Ф18 28. Wh6 Eg7 29. ®h8 Eg8=) ®d7 (20... Eg8 - 108/(101)) 21. Efl !?±] 18. Edl ®e5 19. Wd7 &f8 20. M4 We3 21. фА We7 22. фС a5 |22... £d4!? 23. ®e7 фе7 24. Ehel (24. b4!? £e6 25. M6 fe6 26. bc5=) фd6 (24... £e6 25. Ee2) 25. b4=] 23. We7 фе7 24. Ed5 Ehc8 [24... Ehd8!? 25. Ec5 Ed2 26. &g3 Фd6 27. Ef5=l 25. Ecl |25. Ef5!? f6 26. Ecl £d4 27. Ed5 Ec7 28. M31 £d4 26. Eel £e6 27. Ede5 a4 1/2 : 1/2 G. Camacho Martinez SKEMBRIS 2463 - J. SCHAERER 2258 Deutschland 2011 1. c4 £f6 2. £f3 сб 3. £c3 d5 4. d4 dc4 5. a4 c5 6. d5 Af5 7. еЗ еб 8. M4 ed5 9. £d5 £c6 10. 0-0 [10. Wb3 Wd7 (10... £a5 11. £f6 Wf6 12. Wb5 £c6 13. e4!?t A 13... M4 14. ±g5 Ш5 15. 0-0-0 аб?! 16. ®b7 £e7 17. Wb3; 15... M7; 11... gf6) 11. £f6 gf6 12. М2 0-0-0^ (12... Eg8 - 80/399) bl) 13. 0-0 М3!? A 14. Efdl Ag2 15. фg2 (15. JLf7 М3!-) Wg4 16. ФЛ Wf3 17. .M7 £e5±?; b2) 13. 0-0-0 M6!? A 14. M7 ФЬ8 15. М3 We7 16. M4 £b4^[ M6 [10... M4 11. £c3±[ И. М6 Wf6 12. e4!? N [12. Ad2 0-0 13. М3 Wh6 14. h3 Ead8 15. We2 Efe8 16. Efdl M4M ±g4! [12... ±e6 13. £g5 ®g6 14. Wd6 ±c4 15. Wg6hg6 16.Efcl Ad3 17. Ec5±A 17... M4 18. Eel f5 19. £d2 0-0 20. £e4 Eae8 21. Ec4; 12... M4 13. We2! We7 14. M7 ФГ7 15. <£g5 Ф18 16. £e4+A 16... £d4 17. Wd3 We5 18. £d6 Wd6 19. b4[ 13. i.g5t [13. h3!? М3 14. W3 Wf3 15. gf3t A 15... g5!? 16. M5] Wg6D [13... Wg5? 14. £g5 ±dl 15. Eadl M7 16. £f7 Ф18 17. f4 ±g5 18. fg5 Фе7 19. M5±; 13... М3 14. M6 ±dl 15. ±g7 Eg8 16. Efdl М2 17. ФИ2 Eg7 18. Ed5 b6 19. M5 Eg6 20. a5 Eb8 21. ab6 ab6 22. Eh5 h6 23. Ea7±[ 14. e5!?^ [14. h3 М3 (14... h6 15. M3+) 15. Wf3 a) 15... ®g5? 16. Wf7 Фd8 17. Wb7+- A 17... Ec8 18. M6; b) 15... £e5 16. M5 Ф18 17. We3 аб 18. f4± A 18... ab5 19. ab5 Eb8 (19... Eal? 20. Eal A 20... £d7? 21. Ea8 227
W 22. ЕЬ8 ±Ь8 23. ®с5) 20. fe5 ±е5 21. Wc5-; с) 15... 0-0^] JLf3 [14... £>е5?? 15. <Йе5 ±е5 16. Wg4+-; 14... £>d4? 15. ed6 а) 15... £rf3 16. gf3+- Wg5 (16... Ah3 17. Eel <£f8 18. f4 h6 19. d7) 17. fg4; b) 15... ^.f3 16. Eel Ф18 (16... <£d7 17. Ee7 <£d6 18. Wd2 f6 19. Eael fg5 20. Ele6 We6 21. Ee6+-) 17. Wd2 bl) 17... Ag2 18. <£g2 h6 19. Ee74~ £>e6 (19... Wg5 20. Wg5 hg5 21. Ef7 &g8 22. Eb7 ФЬ7 23. Eel Ehd8 24. d7) 20. Ae6 fe6 21. Eel hg5 (21... Wg5 22. Wg5 hg5 23. Eb7) 22. Wc3! A 22... Eh7 23. Wf3 Wf5 24. Wf5 ef5 25. d7; b2) 17... h6 18. Ae7 &g8±;; 18. Ee7!-; 14... J.e5 15. £>e5 £ie5 16. ±Ь5 Ф18 17. Welt; 14... J.c7!? 15. e65s] 15.WI3 £e5[15...£>e5? 16. Ab5 &f8 17. ®b7 Eb8 18. JLe7 £>g8 19. ®a7+-; 15... 0-0 16. ed6 Wg5 17. Eadl Ead8 18. Efel± A 18... £>d4 19. Wb7 Ed6?? 20. WH Ef7 21. Ee8#l 16. Ae3^ Ad6 [16... 0-0 17. Ac5 Ab2 18. Eabl55 A 18... £>e5 19. Wb3[ 17. ±b5!? [17. Лаб 0-0 18. ЛЬ7 £>e5 19. Wd5 Ead8 20. Ac5 £>d3±d Ec8 [17... 0-0 18. Лсб (18. Efcl) bc6 19. Eacl Eab8 20. Ac5 Ac5 (20... Eb2 21. Ла7±) 21. Ec5 Eb2 22. Ec6 Wg5 23. Wc3T118. Eadl Ле7?! [18... 0-0 19. ^d3 f5! (19... Wf6 20. Wf6 gf6 21. ±h7 ФЬ7 22. Ed6±) 20. Лс5 (20. Wd5 £h8 21. Лс5 Ecd8 22. Ad6 Wd6=) Лс5 21. Wd5 ФЬ8 22. Wc5 b6 23. Wa3t A 23... £>e5 24. Лаб Ecd8 25. We7±[ 19. Ed5?! [19. J.d3! Wf6 (19... £>e5 20. Wb7 We6 21. ЛЬ5+-) 20. Wf6 gf6 (20... ЛГ6 21. Лс5±) 21. M5 Ed8 22. Ed8 £>d8 23. Лс8!± A 23... b6 24. Edl h5 (24... Aie6 25. £d7 <£f8 26. ЛЬ6 <£g8 27. ЛЬ5 £>d4 28. Eel) 25. a5± £>e6 26. Ed7[ 0-0 20. £d3 Wf6 21. ®e4 [21. ЛИ7? ФЬ7 22. Wh3 <£g8 23. Eh5 g6-+[ g6 22. Ag5 We6 23. Ле7 We7 24. We7 £ie7 25. Ed7 Efd8 26. Ee7 Ed3 27. Eb7 Ed4! [A Eb4[ 28. Ea7 Eb8 29. Ec7 1/2 : 1/2 Skembris 129 A. MASTROVASILIS 2539 - SKEMBRIS 2449 Iraklion 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>f3 £>f6 4. £>c3 dc4 5. a4 c5 6. d5 ±f5 7. еЗ еб 8. Лс4 ed5 9. &d5 £>c6 10. 0-0 £d6 11. ЬЗ jLe4!?i=» [X£id5; 11... 0-0 12. ЛЬ2 &e4 13. We2 4ba5 14. Eadlf] 12. ФЫ!? N [12. £>c3 ЛП a) 13. Wf3 Ле5 14. ЛЬ2 Wd2+ 15. Лаб (15. 2idl ЛЬ2 16. Ea2 0-0 17. Eb2 Wb4T) Ed8 16. ЛЬ7 £ja5 17. £c6 Фе7 18. £id5 Ed5T; b) 13. gf3 ±e5 14. J.b2 g5 15. We2 Wd7| ±h2!? [12... £>d5 13. i.d5 J.d5 14. Sd5 Ae5 15. Wd8 Ed8 16. £>e5 &e5 17. ^.b2 f6 18. J.e5 fe5 19. Eadl=| 13. £>f6? [13. ФИ2 £>d5 14. £b2 0-0+; 13. ±b2!?^ a) 13... £>d5 14. £>h2! (14. ФИ2? 0—0T A 15. &gl W 16. ^.e2 We7) Wg5 15. Wg4^ A 15... Wg4 16. £>g4 0-0-0 17. f3 h5 18. £ie5; b) 13... J.d5 14. Af6 Wf6 15. Wd5 ^.d6 16. Eadl 0-0-0 17. Wf7 Wf7 18. ^.f7[ Ш6Т 14. ФИ2 [14. £b2 Wb2 15. £>g5 ±g6 16. Ф112 h6 17. £>h3 Ed8 18. Wg4 We5 19. ^)f4 £f5 20. Wg3 0-0+1 Wai 15. [15. ^g5 £g6 16. f4 h6-+| Фе7 [15... ФП!? A 16. Wd7 (16. £>g5 <&g8 17. £ie4 We5 18. £>g3 Ed8+) &f8 17. Wd6 ^e7 18. Wf4 £f5 19. e4 Wf6+[ 16. £ig5!? Ead817. Wg4 We5 18. f4 [ 18. <£g 1 ? Ad3-+ A 19. f4 Wd6[ 228
18... Wf5! [18... Af5 19. We26S] 19. Wh4 119. We2 Ad3-+; 19. Wg3!? h6 20. £>e4 ФП 21. Ab2 Hhg8 22. Wf3 Hd3+] h6 [19... Wf6!?-+ A 20. Wf2 Ad3] 20. £>e4 ФП 21. Ag3 Wf6 22. Wh5 g6 23. Wh3 [23. Wc5 Wh4-+1 Hhe8 24. <&gl [24. f5 g5+; 24. Sf2!? &g8! 25. Ab2 (25. Wh6 He7 26. Ab2 21d4-+ A 27. фё1 ЛеЗ) WH 26. Wh6 Wh7 27. Wh7 ФЬ7+] Hd3 25. f5 g5 26. Wh5 Ф18 27. Ab2!? 27... £>d4! [27... Wb2 28. f6 Hd2 29. Wh6 ФП 30. Wh5 Ф18 31. Wh6=] 28. Wg4?© 128. Wg6 Wg6 29. fg6 ^>g7 30. £>f5 £>g6 31.ed4 He2 32. Ael (32. Aal Hdd2-+^) cd4—+] Hde3-+ 29. 4#5 We5 30. f6 Eel 31. ael Wei 32. ФИ2 £>e2 33. WB Wgl 133... g4![ 34. ФЬЗ Whl?!© [34... ЛеЗ] 35. &g4 Wh4 36. ФГ5 Wh5 37. Wh5 £>g3 38. &g6 *53115 39. Ф115 Ле2 40. АаЗ Ь6 41. фg6 |41. фЬ6 фП] Hg2 42. Ael Лс2 43. АеЗ ПеЗ 44. Agl ЛЬЗ 45. Ah2 НВ 46. Ad6 Фg8 0 : 1 Skembris 130. D16 Ml. MARIN 2548 - GARZA MARCO 2410 Benasque 2012 1. d4 d5 2. &f3 £>f6 3. c4 сб 4. &c3 dc4 5. a4 Йаб 6. e4 Ag4 7. Ac4 еб 8. 0-0 AB 9. gf3 19. Wf3!?^l £ib4 10. АеЗ Ae7 11. фЫ 0-0 12. agl Ф118 13. f4 g6 [13... Wc7 14. Wf3 Had8 15. Hadi-»; 13... c5 - 76/352] 14. We2 114. Wf3 £ic2 15. aadl Wb6 16. Hd2 Wb4!?±?; 14. Hcl!?Wc7 15. Wf3] Wc7 N |14... b6| 15. aadl a6[15...c5 16. e5 Wc6 17. f3 £ifd5 18. Ad5 ed5 (18... W5 19. *53d5 Wd5 20. dc5 Wc6 21. a5+) 19. dc5 Ac5 20. Ac5 Wc5 21. £>b5+] 16. f5 ef5 17. ef5 b5 [17... &bd5 18. Ah6 Hfe8 (18... afd8 19. We5f A 19... Ad6 20. £>d5! Ae5 21. £>c7 Ac7 22. АП+-) 19. Wf3 (19. We5 Ad8!=) Wd6 20. Ag5t] 18. ab5 cb5?! [18... ab5 19. Ab3+] 19. АЬЗ ftg8 [19... Wb7 20. d5 aad8 21. Ad4 Фg8 22. 43e4+—; 19... a5 20. Wb5 A 20... Л1Ь8 21. We5!l 20. Wf3 [A АП] Hab8 21. d5± a5 22. £>e4 Af6 [22... a4 23. Ad4 f6 24. fg6+-1 23. Af4 Wb6 24. Ab8 Hb8 25. d6 Фg7 26. d7 a4 27. ad6 Wd8 28. fg6 hg6 29. АП! [29... ФП 30. £ig5 Фе7 (30... Фg7 31. Aie6; 30... ф(8 31. £ie6) 31. Леб Фd7 32. Hdl] 1:0 Mi. Marin 131. D 17 MILOS 2593 - P. CARLSSON 2511 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>B £>f6 4. £>c3 dc4 5. a4 Af5 6. *53e5 *53bd7 7. £>c4 Wc7 8. g3 e5 9. de5 £>e5 10. Af4 £>fd7 11. Ag2 g5 12. £>e3 gf4 13. £>f5 fg3I? 14. hg3 0-0-0 15. Wc2 £rf6! [ 0-0-0; 15... ФЬ8 - 111/(182)] 16. 0-0 h5! 116... ФЬ8!?] 17. Hfel [17. a5; 17. Hfdl] ФЬ8! [17... h4? 18. £>h4 Hh4 19. Wf5! ФЬ8 20. Wf6!±l 18. Habl? N [18. a5 h4 19. W Wc8 20. abd4 (20. аб cb5 21. Wc8 Hc8 22. Hc8 фс8 23. ab7 ФЬ8 24. Hcl £>c4 25. ЬЗ h3 26. Af3 АаЗ 27. Hal £>d6 28. £>d4 ^de4!~b) h3! a) 21. Ahl h2 22. ФЛ (22. Фg2 Hd4!) Hd4! A 23. £>d4 Wh3 24. фе1 Ab4 25. фdl Wfl#; b) 21. Af3 £>f3 22. ef3 229
с5 23. аб cd4 24. Wb3 Wd7 25. £id4 Sc8 26. Sc8 Wc8 27. Wf7 Wc7 28. Wc7 фс7+; 18. W; 18. e3] h4 19.^h4Sh4?! [19... £>eg4! a) 20. £d3 £if2! 21. ф£2 £ig4-+; b) 20. Sdl Ac5 21. e3 ^>e3! 22. Sd8 Sd8 23. fe3 АеЗ 24. ФП (24. ФЬ2 £>g4 25. фЬЗ £>f2 26. ФЬ2 Sh8!-+ A Sh4) Wg3 25. £if3 Sd2 26. Wd2 Ad2 27. Aid2 We3 A 28. Sdl £}g4 29. A>de4 £>h2#; c) 20. Aie4 20... £>f2!! 21. Ф42 (21. £>f2 Wg3 22. £>f5 Wh2 23. ФП Sg8-+; 21. £>f6 Wg3 22. &e4 £>e4 23. We4 Sh4 24. Wf3 ®h2 25. ФП Sf4-+) £ig4 22. Ф13 f5!t 23. ^f5 Sd5! 24. £>g5 (24. <£g4 Sf5! 25. ФЕ5 Wd7 26. &f4 Ah6 27. Aig5 Sf8 28. ФеЗ Ag5 29. Фе4 Wd5#; 24. Aic3 W! 25. Ф12 Wb6 26. e3 £}g4! 27. Фе2 Sf5! 28. Wf5 We3 29. фdl Wd4 30. Фе1 Ah6—+) 2>e5 25. ф£2 Wb6 26. e3 Aid3 27. фgl Sf5 28. Wd3 Sg5+] 20. gh4 4}eg4 21. Sdl! [21. Wf5? Ah6 22. Sdl Wh2 23. ФП Sg8 24. e4 Ae3!~H Se8 [21... Wh2! 22. ФП Ad6 23. Wf5 Sg8 24. Sd3 (24. Sd6 Wd6oo) £>e5 25. Sd6 (25. Sg3 Sg3 26. fg3 £ifg4 27. Wg5 аб!—4-) Wg2 26. Фе1 £>c4 27. e3 Wgl 28. Фе2 £>d6 29. Wf6 Wg4^[ 22. Wf5! [Xc5, f2; 22. e3 Ac5! 23. Sd3 Wh2 24. ФП Aie3 25. fe3 Aig4 26. £>d5 cd5 27. ®c5 Wg3 28. Sd2 &h2 29. Фе2 Wg2 30. Фdl Wg4 31. Se2 £>fl—H Ah6 [A Wh2, £>e3[ 23. Sd3! [23. £>e4 Se5 24. Wf6 £>f6 25. £)f6 Se2-+[ Wh2 24. фП Sg8 25. Wf3?? [25. e4! АеЗ! (25... £>e3 26. Se3 АеЗ 27. Wf6 Wg2 28. фе2 Ab6 29. Wf5±) 26. £jdl (26. fe3 £ie3 27. Se3 Sg2 28. We5 We5 29. Фg2 Wf4+) Ab6 27. Ah3 (27. Sh3 Wd65) абос] Whl [26. Ahl W 27. фе1 Sgl#l 0:1 P. Carlsson 132. D18 LE QUANG LIEM 2693 - IVANCHUK 2769 Amsterdam 2012 1. d4 d5 2. £>f3 £>f6 3. c4 сб 4. &c3 dc4 5. a4 Af5 6. еЗ еб 7. Ac4 Ab4 8. 0-0 A>bd7 9. ЙИ4 Ag6 10. h3 Ah5 11. g4 g5!? N [11... 2>d5 - 65/3701 12. &g2 [12. £>f3 Ag6 13. £lg5 h5 14. e4 hg4 15. e5oo £)d5 16. Wg4 Af5 17. Wg3 f6 18. ef6 &7f6 19. Sei Sg8M Ag6 13. f3 [13. f4 h6 14. Wb3 Wb6 15. a5 ±a5 16. J.e6 fe6 (16... ^.сЗ 17. ЬсЗ Wb3 18. ±b3 ^.d3+) 17. We6 фd8 18. fg5 hg5 19. £ia4 Wb5 20. £>c5 £c7 21. £>d7 £>d7 22. Wg6 М2 23. ФБ2 Wfl 24. Wg5oo] h5 14. e4 hg4 [14... e5 15. d5 (15. АеЗ ed4 16. Wd4 hg4 17. hg4 Wa5+) hg4 16. dc6 bc6 17. hg4 Ac5 18. АеЗ Wb6 19. We2oo] 15. hg4 Wa5 16. We2 [16. Wb3 0-0-0 17. Ag5 A 17... Ac3 18. Af6 Ab2 19. Sabi £if6 20. Sb2 Wc7 21. e5 ^)d5 22. Ad5 Sd5 23. £if4 Sd4 24. &g6 fg6 25. We6 Wd7 26. Wg6 Sa4=| 0-0-0 17. e5 ^d5 [17... £>h7!? 18. £>e4 (18. АеЗ 2>b6 19. foe4 ФЬ8 20. £>el f5 21. ef6 Ae4 22. fe4 ^>f6 23. Sf6 £>c4 24. Wc4 Ael 25. Wc5 Wc7T) c5 19. £>c5 £>c5 20. dc5 Ac5 21. АеЗ ФЬ8 22. ЬЗ f5ooj 18. Ad5 ed5 19. Ag5 Sde8 [19... Sdg8 20. £>a2 (20. Sfel ФЬ8 21. £>a2 Wb6 22. АеЗ Ae7 23. ^c3 a5 24. £>f4 f5oo) Af8 21. £>c3 Ab4=| 20. Wd2? [20. ^f4!? Ah7 (20... Ac3 21. ЬсЗ Wc3 22. Wf2 Ad3 23. Sfel Wb3 24. We3 Ac4 25. Wb3 АЬЗ) 21. &h5 Wb6 22. We3 Aa5 23. Sf2 Shg8 24. Scl Sg5 25. Wg5 Wd4oc[ 230
20... £>е5+ 21. Af6 21. de5 d4 22. i.f6 dc3 23. ЬсЗ ±c3 24. ®e3 £al 25. Sal Hhg8 26. £>f4 ±f5 27. &f2 JLd7 28. Sb3 Де5+[ &c4-+ 22. Wf2 £>b2 23. Ah8 Hh8 [23... ШЗ!? 24. Wh4 J.c3 25. Sadi ®a4 26. g5 lf5 27. M6 b6 28. ФЫ Wc2 29. £>f4 £>f4 30. Wf4 J.h3[ 24. £>e2 &d3 25. Wg3 «8 26. f4 Ad6 [26... We7 27. f5 We2 28. Sadi ld6 29. Wd6 £rf2 30. Hf2 Wdll 27. Hf3 &b4 28. £>c3 [28. Sdl Wg8 29. Ф12 J.e4 30. ДеЗ £>c2 31. ДЬЗ W 32. £>e3 £e7 33. g5 f6 34. £>c2 JLc2[ Hh7 [28... Wg8!? 29. &f2 Фе4 30. £>e4 de4 31. ДЬЗ £>d3 32. Hd3 ed3 33. Sdl <ФЬ8 34. Sd3 f5 35. g5 ®a2| 29. Sdl Wh8 30. ФП [30. £>el Ae4 31. g5 Sh4 32. &f2 ®h5 33. £>e2 Sh2 34. ФП Shi 35. &f2 Jlf3 36. Wf3 Wh2 37. ®g2 J.f4[ £>c2 31. Фе2 Ae4 32. g5 Фс7 33. Wg4 £>d4 [33... ±f3 34. ФП Sh3 35. 2>g3 Ab4 36. £>f2 <&d4 37. f5 JLc5 38. Sd4 J.d4[ 34. £>d4 Ac5 35. ^g3 Ad4 36. <Ah4 Ac5 37. Hdfl [37. Scl f5! 38. gf6 Wf6 39. Hc5 Sg7] Wb2 38. a5 аб [38... ®e2 39. ФЬЗ Hh8 40. f5 £d6 41. SI 12 Ш1 42. Sfl Wa5] 39. Wh3 i.d6 40. ДеЗ Wd4 41. He4 de4 42. <£g4 Wd2 43. <&g3 e3 44. Wf5 e2 0:1 D. Pikula 133.* D 19 MATLAKOV 2668 - IV. POPOV 2609 Russia 2012 1. d4 d5 2. £>f3 £>f6 3. c4 dc4 4. £>сЗ сб 5. a4 JLf5 6. еЗ еб 7. Фс4 A.b4 8. 0-0 £>bd7 9. We2 J.g6 10. e4 0-0 11. Ad3 ДИ5 12. e5 £}d5 13. £>d5 cd5 14. ®e3 Ae7 15. ±d2 ФЬ8 16. £>el £ic6 [16... Ag6 - 83/378] 17. Wh3 J.g6 18. A.g6 hg6 19. £>13 £ia5 N [19... Sc8; 19... Se8; 19... Wb6 20. ±g5 N (20. a5) Hfe8 21. ±e7 £>e7 22. g4 Wb2 23. Habl Wa3 24. ^>g2 b6 25. Sbel 25... g5! (25... Wb2? 26. ДеЗ!+- Matlakov 2668 — Inarkiev 2707, Russia 2012) 26. ДеЗ £>g6=] 20. Hadi Hc8 21. Wg4 Sc4 22. h4 £>b3 [22... Sa4 23. g3^- A £>g2, Hhl, h5[ 23. £e3 We8 [Xg6[ 24. g3 f5 25. ef6 J.f6 26. ^.g5 e5? [26... ^.g5 27. hg5 (27. *23g5?! e5T) e5 28. Sd3 ^cl (28... &a5 29. ЬЗ! Sb4 30. £>e5 We5 31. de5 Sg4 32. f4oo) 29. Se3 e4 30. £>e5 Sd4 31. £>d7 Hf5 32. Hcl Wd7 33. Sec3 Wa4 34. Дс8 ФП 35. H8c7 <^g8=] 27. Af6 gf6 28. h5 g5 29. Wf5 £id4 30. £id4 ed4 31. ЬЗ ДЬ4? [31... Дс7 32. Wd5 ^>g7 33. Wf3±[ 32. Wd5 ®f7 33. Wc5 ДЬЗ?! [33... a5| 34. Hd4± Hb6 35. Sfdl Нсб 36. Wa7 Sc7 37. Wb6 Se7 38. Wb4 Sfe8 39. g4 We6 40. Hd6 We2 41. Sd8 Sd8 42. Hd8 <£g7 43. Hd4 We6 44. Wb5 Дс7? [44... веб 45. Wc6 bc6 46. a5+-[ 45. Wd3 Hcl 46. ФЬ2 f5 [46... Wc6 47. Wg6 <£f8 48. ®h6 фе8 49. Wh8 Фе7 50. Wh7 Фе8 51. He4 <^d8 52. We7 Фс8 53. h6+-1 47. Hd7 Ф18 48. Wd4 1:0 T. Paunovic 231
134.* IN D 20 WOJTASZEK 2717 - HI. NAKAMURA 2778 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 dc4 3. e4 &f6 4. e5 £>d5 5. ±c4 £>b6 6. ±d3 £ic6 7. ±e3 g6?! [RR 7... Aib4 8. ±e4 f5 9. ef6 ef6 10. £>c3 f5 11. ±bl ±d6 12. £>f3 кеб (12... 0-0- 110/222) 13. 0-0 Wd7 14. Eel 0-0 N (14... 0-0-0) 15. ±d2 ФЬ8 16. Aib5 £>c6 17. ±d3 ±d5 18. £id6 Wd6 19. ±c3 Wg6= 20. W Wg5 21. ^f3 Wg6 22. £>h4 1/2 : 1/2 Dreev 2694 - Ivanchuk 2764, France 2012] 8. Aic3 £}b4 18... ±g7 9. ±e4 (9. £>ge2 - 69/356) £>b4 10. h4!?±[ 9. ±e4 сб 10. £>f3 110. h4 ±f5!? (10... f5? 11. ef6 ef6 12. h5; 10... £>6d5!?) 11. ±f5 gf5 12. a3 &4d5 13. Wh5 Wd7oo] £>4d5 11. ±d2!? ±g7 12. 0-0 0-0 13. Eel! N + 113. Wb3] f6? 113... £>c4 14. ±cl £>c3 15. ЬсЗ ±e6±ffil 14. h3!? [14. Wb3!? fe5 15. de5 кеб 16. £>g5±C[ фЬ8 [14... fe5 15. &e5 £>c7 16. ±g5 ^e6 17. ±еЗ±Ш1 15. £>d5 cd5 [15... £>d5 16. Wb3± C, O, El[ 16. ±d3 £>c4 17. ±c3± £>a5 [17... fe5 18. de5 кеб 19. ЬЗ W 20. £ig5 A 20... ±g8? 21. ±g6!+-] 18. ef6! ef6?! [18... ±f6 19. Wa4 (19. Wd2!? <5x6 20. Ь4 a6 21. a4) 5X6 20. b4 a6 21. b5 ±f5! 22. ±f5 ab5 23. Wb5 gf5 24. Wb7±[ 19. ±Ь4 E17 20. 5}h4! f5D 21. £>13 5X6 22. ±a3? [22. £>g5! Ed7 (22... Ec7 23. ±b5! ±f6 24. ±c6 bc6 25. h4± «e) 23. 5X6 Wf6 24. Wa4±C[ ±d7 [22... <5X4? 23. 5X4 ±d4 24. Wa4! a) 24... Wh4 25. We8 <£g7 26. Ee7! Ee7 27. kel Wf2 28. ФЫ ФИ6 29. ±f8 (29. h4) kgl 30. ЁС1+-; b) 24... ®b6 25. We8 <£>g7 26. Ee7+-; c) 24... Wf6 25. We8 &g7 26. Eacl!+-[ 23. Wb3 ±e8 24. ±b5! Ec7 25. ±c6! [Xe5] ±c6 26. fie2? [26. Ee6! Ecc8 27. Eael A 27... Wb6? 28. We3+- «e, ->[ Ecc8! I/d8-a5[ 27. Ee7 Wb6 28. We3 Ee8 29. Eel Ee7 30. kel Wc7?! [30... Ee8 31. We6 ±b5! 32. ®d5 ^c6[ 31. Wg5?! [31. ±g5±[ &g8? 131... Ee8! 32. ±f6 Ee4!+[ 32. ±1'6 ±f8 33. 5X5? [33. h4!± Ee8 (33... ±e8 34. h5) 34. 5X5| Ee8? [33... ±e8D 34. 5X3 (34. h4? h6 35. ^g3 Wd6) Ec8±[ 34. Ee3!+- [Xe5, »] ±g7 35. ±g7 <£g7 36. Eg3 ±d7 37. h4 Wd8 38. Wf4 EfB 39. h5 Ae8 40. Ь6?! [40. hg6 hg6 41. Eh3[ <^>g8 41. Ec3 Wd6 42. Ec8? [42. £>g64—1 ±17? [42... ±c6 43. Ef8 &f8±[ 43. Wcl [43. ^)d7! Wd7 44. We5 ±e8 45. Ec7+-[ кеб 44. Ec7 14 45. Eb7 g5 46. Ea7 g4 47. Wc7 Wc7 48. Ec7 Ef6 49. Eg7 1 : 0 Mat. Bartel 135. D 23 BOLOGAN 2734 - D. SOLAK 2599 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £rf3 £>f6 4. Wb3 dc4 5. Wc4 ±f5 6. g3 еб 7. ±g2 £}bd7 8.0-0 kel 9. e3 h5!? N 10. We2 110. h3 h4! ? a) 11. &h4 ±h3!? 12. ±h3 g5 13. кеб fe6 14. ^f3 (14. 2>g2 ФП+) g4 15. £>h4 (15. &g5 Wa5! 16. ^e6 Eh7!!-+; 15. £>e5+) £if8T; b) 11. g4 ±g4 12. hg4 h3 13. ±hl £>g4^[ £>e4 11. £>el e5 [11... h4 12. g4oo] 12. &c2 h4 13. g4 h3 14. ±hl ±h7 114... ±d6 15. f4![ 15. f4! ef4?! [15... f6!oo| 16. ef4 f5 17. ±e4 fe4 18. £>c3 118. f5±[ Wb6 19.15 0-0-0 20. ±f4 £)f6 21. b4 ±d6? [21... ±g8!oo[ 22. ±d6 Ed6 23. g5! Ed4 232
24. ФЫ!+- |24. £>d4 Wd4 25. ф>Ы Wc3 26. gf6 Wf6oo; 24. £>a4 Wd8 25. £>d4 Wd4 26. ФЫ £>d5ooj &e8 25. £>d4 Wd4 26. Sacl &d6 27. Wg4 Ag8 28. f6 Фс7 29. f7 1П 30. Hf7 1 : 0 D. Solak 136 T. NYBACK 2638 - D. SOLAK 2599 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 сб 2. c4 d5 3. £if3 £if6 4. Wb3 dc4 5. Wc4 ±f5 6. g3 еб 7. ±g2 £>bd7 8.0-0 £e7 9. еЗ &e4 [A h5-h4] 10. Hdl N [10. £>fd2[ h5!? Il.^fd2! &df6[ll... £>d2 12. £>d2 h4 13. e4 l.g4 14. 13 M5 15. £>fl±[ 12. £>c3 ftc3 [12... £>d2 13.JLd2 h4 14. e4±[ 13. ЬсЗ [13. Wc3 h4 14. e4 ±g6oo[ Ac2 14. Hel h4 15. e4 [15. a4!? hg3 16. hg3 lg6 17. e4±[ hg3 16. hg3 Wa5 17. a4 £>d7 18. Ia3! [18. Sa2 W 19. We2oo[ £d>6 19. Wa2 [19. We2! Wc3 20. ±e7 Фе7 21. a5 Wd4 22. ab6 ab6 23. Ha8 Ha8oo; 22. ^.fl !!±[ Wc3 20. Ae7 Фе7 21. a5 Wd2 [21... &d7 22. He2! X^.c2[ 22. ab6 ab6 23. B2 Hal 24. Hal Hd8 25. d5!? [25. Hcl Wd4 26. Wc2 b5oo[ cd5 26. ed5 ed5 27. Hcl? [27. Wb653; 27. Wg7 i.f5 28. We5 Аеб 29. Wc7 Hd7 30. Wb6^| Hc8 28. Ah3 28... Hc3! 29. Hal [29. Af5 Hg3 30. fg3 We3 31. <£>g2 Af5+; 29... Wd4!-+[ Wd4-+ 30. Hel Ф18 31. Ag2 Ae4 32. Wai Wc5 33. Ae4 de4 34. Wa8 Wc8 35. Wc8 Hc8 36. He4 Hc6 37. f4 b5 38. ФС Hb6 39. Hb4 Фе7 40. ФеЗ £>d6 41. Hd4 Фс5 42. Hd7 b4 0:1 D. Solak 137. D 23 L.-C. MIRON 2518 - SERGEY VOLKOV 2623 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £if3 4. Wb3 dc4 5. Wc4 Af5 6. g3 еб 7. Ag2 £>bd7 8.0-0 Ae7 9. e3 0-0 10. Hdl Wc7 [ 10... c5 11. £>c3 (11. dc5 Ac5 12. £ic3 Hc8±?) Hc8 12. We2 cd4 (12...^e4 13.dc5 £>c3 14.bc3 Wc7 15.c6+) 13. £id4 Ag4 14. f3 Ah5 15. g4 Ag6 16. f4±; 10... £>e4 11. We2 a) 11... Hc8 12. £>fd2!? £>d2 13. Ad2 Ac2 14. Hcl Ag6 15. £>a3!? A£>c4;^ 11... Wa5 12. &bd2 A 12... Hfd8 13. £>h4!? Ah4 14. £>e4 Ae7 15. Ad2 Wb6 16. b4±; c) 11... Wb6 12. £>bd2 (12. £>c3 - 10... Wb6) Aid2 13. Aid2 (13. Ad2 Wb2oo) Ac2 14. Hel Ag6 15. £>c4 Wa6 16. ЬЗ c5 17. h4!?; d) 11... Wc7 12. ^el Had8 (12... e5?! 13. g4! Ag6 14. de5+) 13. £>c3 - 10... Wc7; 10... Wb6 ll.^c3(ll. We2Wb5!? 12. Wb5 cb5^) £>e4 12. We2 Hfd8 13. £>d2 (13. £>h4 Ah4 14. £>e4 Ae7 15. Ad2 £>f6=; 13. £>el - 114/142) £>d2 14. Ad2 Ac2 15. Hdcl Ag6 16. £>a4 Wc7 17. b4 Hac8! 18. a3!? (18. Ь5 c5=; 18. £>c5 £>c5 19. bc5 e5=; 18. f4 £>f6 19. Ь5 ^.аЗ 20. НсЗ Ab4=) h6 (18... e5 19. b5 c5 20. J.h3t) 19. f4!?A^c5; 10... Wa5a> П.^сЗ b5fe A 12. Wc6Hab8! 13. ±d2 b4+; b) 11. We2 e5 (11... ±bl 12. ±d2 J.b4 13. ±b4 Wb4 14. Habl Hac8 15. a3 Wa5 16. £id2+; 11... Hac8 - 112/(222); 11... Wb5!? 12. Wb5 cb5oo) 12. J.d2 Wc7 bl) 13. de5 £>e5 14. £>e5 (14. e4 Ag4) We5 15. ±c3 We6=; b2) 13.£>c3e4 14. W (14. ^g5!? ±g4 15. Wc4 i.dl 16. Hdl Wb6 17. i.cloo) £g4 15. f3 eft 16. £ft J.fi 17. £>fi Wb6 18. <£g2 c5=; с) 11. ^.d2 Wb6 12. b4!? (12. ^.сЗ £id5=) cl) 12... £>e4 13. ^.el Hfd8 14. £>c3 (14. a3 £id6 15. We2 Wb5^) cl 1) 14... &d6 cl 11) 15. We2 a5 16. e4 (16. £>a4 Wb5!) ±g4 17. ba5 Ha5 18. h3 J.h5 19. Habl Wa7i=; c!12) 15. Wb3 a5 (15... £ie4 16. £>h4! £ic3 17. £>f5 £>e2 18. &fl ef5 19. Фе2 £>f6 20. <£fl аб 21. a4±; 15... аб 16. £>e5+) 16. £>a4 Wa6 17. ba5 £>c4 18. £>c5 ^.c5 19. £fl+; cl2) 14... аб!? 15. a4 Wc7; c2) 12... Hfd8!? 13. a3 h6 14. £>c3 a5 15. b5 c5M 11. &c3 [11. We2 a) 11... c5 12. £>c3 £ie4 13. £>el £>c3 (13... W6 14. £>b5±) 14. 233
ЬсЗ Еас8 15.^d3±;6; 11...Ь5!?;с> И...е5 12. £>сЗ (12. de5 £>е5 13. £>е5 ®е5 14. е4 Ас5 15. Af4 We6 16. Eel Ah3^) e4 13. W Ag4 14. f3 ef3 15. Af3 Af3 16. £>f3 c5=| 11... Ead8!? 111... £>e4 12. £>d2 £>c3 (12... £>b6 13. Wb3 £}c3 14. ЬсЗ e5 15. a4 ed4 16. ed4!?) 13. Wc3 Eac8 (13... e5 14. d5±) 14. e4 Ag4 15. В Ah5 16. £>c4±; 11... Eac8 a) 12. We2 e5 (12... £>e4 13. Ad2!? £>c3 14. Ac3 Ae4 15. Eacl±) 13. de5 (13. e4 Ag4 14. h3 Af3 15. Af3 ed4 16. Ed4 Ac5 17. Af4 £>e5 18. Ed2 Ecd8=) £>e5 14. £>e5 We5 15. e4 Ag4 16. f3 Аеб! 17. АеЗ Ac5=; b) 12. ЬЗ!? bl) 12... £>e4 13. £ie4 Ae4 14. Ab2 Efd8 15. We2 Af6 (15... h5!?) 16. £>d2 Ag2 17. <£g2 c5 18. £>e4±; b2) 12... b5 13. We2 Wa5 14. Ab2 b4 15. Aia4 Wb5; 11... e5 12. h3 Ead8 (12... £ib6 13. We2 ed4 14. Aid4 Ag6 15. e4±) 13. We2 - 11... Ead8; 11... £d5!? 12. £>el (12. Ad2 b5 13. We2 b4±?; 12. We2 £>c3 13. ЬсЗ Ae4=) Aic3 (12... Ai7b6 13. We2 &c3 14. ЬсЗ e5 15. e4 Аеб 16. £>f3 f6 17. £>h4 g6 18. Ah6 Efd8 19. a4 £ic4 20. £>f5!T) a) 13. ®c3 e5 14. d5 (14. e4 ed4 15. Ed4 Ae6=) e4 15. dc6 Ьсбоо; b) 13. ЬсЗ e5 14. e4 (14. We2 e4 15. f3 £>f6^) Ag4 15. Af3 (15. Ai(3 Ead8 16. АеЗ Wa5oo; 15. f3 Аеб 16. We2 Wa5 17. Wc2 £>b6M £>b6 16. We2 Аеб (16... Af3 17. £tf3+) bl) 17. Aig2 Ead8! 18. £>e3 (18. а4?! Ab3; 18. Ebl £>a4 19. ®c2 b5 20. АеЗ Ac4T) £>a4 19. Ab2 (19. Wc2? £>c3+) Wb6 20. Edbl (20. Ed2 £>c3! 21. Ac3 ed4) Ag5! 21. Wc2 ®a61; b2) & 17. £>d3 £>c4 18. Aib2 &a3=J 12. We2 [12. ЬЗ £>e4 13. £>e4 Ae4 14. Ab2 Efe8 15. We2 (15. £>d2 Ag2 16. &g2 h5!? 17. £>f3 ®a5 18. We2 h4±=) h5!? 16. Aid2 (16. h4 Af5 17. e4 Ag4 18. ®c2 f5!?oo) Ag2 17. £>g2 h4 18. e4 (18. £if3 Wa5 19. W Ah4 20. gh4 Wf5 21. Egl Wh7 22. ФЫ £>f6 23. f3 Wh4 24. e4 Ed7 25. Eg3 g6oo; 18. £>c4 £>b6 19. Aie5 &d7) Wa5 19. Wg4 (19. f4 f5!? 20. £ic4 Wb5M f5!? 20. Wg6 £>f8 21. Wh5 Wb5 22. d5!? (22. Eacl W!? 23. d5 ed5 24. Wf5 Ag5 25. gh4 Ah4 26. £>f3 We2M cd5 23. ef5 d4 (23... ef5 24. £tf3 Wd7 25. Ed2t A Eadl) 24. £d3 e5 25. Eel (25. Eacl Wd5oo) <Sd7 26. f6 Af6 27. Ad4 аб! (27... a5 28. Ae3+) 28. АеЗ hg3 29. hg3 e4 30. &g5 Ag5 31. Ag5 (31. Wg5 £>e5±=0 еЗ! 32. Eadl Ec8M £ie4 [12... e5 13. h3 a) 13... ed4 14. £>d4 Ag6 15. e4 Ac5 16. Af4 17. £>b3+; b) 13... Efe8 14. e4 Ag6 15. de5 Aie5 16. Af4 2rf3 (16... Aifd7 17. £id4 £>c5 18. Ae5 We5 19. f4±) 17. Af3 Wb6 18. h4 h5 19. Eacl+; c) 13... Ab4!? 14. e4 Ac3 15. ef5 Ad4 16. £id4 ed4 17. Ed4 Wa5 18. АеЗ!? (18. g4 Efe8 19. АеЗ £ib6 20. Ed8 Ed8 21. Wei Wb5oo) Wf5 19. Eadl^l 13. £>el N [13. £>d2 £>c3 14. ЬсЗ Ac2 15. Eel Aa4 A c5, Асб; 13. ^e4 Ae4 a) 14. ЬЗ Wa5 (A Wh5) 15. &el 2>f6=; b) 14. Ad2 f5!? 15. £>el Ad5±=; 13. £ih4!? £>c3 14. ЬсЗ Ah4 15. gh4 h6 16. e4 Ah7 17. Ed3 £if6 18. Eg3 ФЬ8 19. АаЗ Eg8 20. e5 £>d5 21. Ad6 Wd7oo; 13. Ad2!? &d2 14. &d2 Ac2 15. Eel Ag6 16. Eacl £>b6 17. a3 Efe8 (17... £>d5 18. f4!?) 18. Ь4 аб (18... £>d5 19. £>c4+) 19. f4!? A 19... f6 20. Efl (20. &ce4 e5!) Ef8 21. ®ce4±] £>c3 14. ЬсЗ e5 15. e4 Аеб [15... Ag6 16. ^d3 f6 17. a4 £>b6 18. W A 18... a5 19. £>c4 Aic4 20. Wc4 Af7 21. d5±| 16. £rf3 [16. ^)d3 f6 17. f4 Wa5 18. Wc2 c5±5[ 234
16... f6 |16... Wa5!? 17. ДЫ Ь6 18. АеЗ Wa4 (18... Wa2?! 19. Wa2 Aa2 20. Sal; 18... Wc3 19. Edel Wa5 20. Дсб ed4 21. ^d4±) 19. de5 (19. d5 cd5 20. ed5 Af5 21. ДЬЗ Дс8±Ы Ac4 20. We 1 £>c5! 21. Sd4 (21. Ac5 Ac5 22. &d4 Sfe8M 2>e6 22. Sd8 Sd8 23. £>d4 Aa3!M 17. АеЗ 117. £>h4 g6 18. Ah6Sfe8 19.a4 A 19...W20. a5 £>c4 21. 2>f5! Af8 22. Af8 Ф18 23. &e3 2id6 (23... £>e3 24. We3 ed4 25. cd4 £>g7 26. Wc3±) 24. Wb2 <^>g7 25. Wb4±[ Sfe8 [17... Wa5 18. d5! cd5 19. ed5 Ad5D 20. Sd5 Wd5 21. £>g5-; 17... £ib6!? 18. £>h4 (18. £}d2?! £>a4!T A 19. Sdcl Aa3 20. Дс2 Ab2+; 18. ДаЫ £>c4 19. Ah3 Ah3 20. Wc4 ФЬ8 21. W Wc8! 22. £>f5 b5 23. Wd3 Af5 24. ef5 Sd5±5) £>c4 19. £if5 Aa3!oo| 18. ДаЫ [18. d5 cd5 19. ed5 Ag4 20. h3 Ah5 21. g4 Af7 22. c4 Дс8оо; 18. £>h4 g6 19. d5 cd5 20. ed5 Af7 21. c4 f5 22. £>f3 e4 23. ^g5 £>e5 24. Дас1 b6 25. £>f7 ф17оо; 18. a4 £ib6 19. £>d2 a5 20. d5!? (20. de5 fe5 21. ±13 Aid7 22. Ag4 Af7 23. Ad7 Sd7 24. ДаЫ c5! 25. ДЬ5 b6 26. Sdbl Wc6±?) cd5 21. Wb5 d4 22. cd4 ed4 23. Ad4 &c8 24. W356I £ib6= 19.de5 [19. Wb2 Af8 20. de5 fidl 21. Sdl £>c4 22. We2 £ie5 23. £>e5=; 19. £>h4 £>c4 20. d5 £>e3 21. We3 cd5 22. ed5 Ag4 23. AB Ac8 24. Wa7 Wc3 25. Wa4 (A d6) Wa3=[ fe5 20. £>g5 Sdl 21. Sdl Ag5 22. Ag5 h6 [22... &c4 23. Wh5 ДВ 24. Afl b5 25. Ac4 Ac4 26. a3=| 23. АеЗ Sd8 [23... Wf7 24. h3 (24. a3 £>c4 25. Ael We7T) Aa2 25. Sal Ac4 26. Wb2+[ 24. Sd8 Wd8 25. f4 £>c4 26. Ah3 [^ 26. Af2 Wa5 27. f5 Af7 28. f6 (28. Wd3!? Wa2 29. Wd8 фЬ7 30. h4 Wai 31. фЬ2 Wb2 32. Wd7=) gf6 (28... h5 29. AB gf6 30. Ah5 Ae6 31. Ag4=) 29. Wg4 ФГ8 30. Wc8 ^g7 31. Wg4 фЬ7 32. Wd7=[ Ah3 27. Wc4 фЬ8 28. We2 Wa5 [28... ef4!? 29. gf4 Wh4 30. Ael Ae6 31. a3 (31. a4 a5T) b5T] 29. f5 [29. ФЕ2!? Ae6 (29... ef4 30. gf4 Wc3 31. Aa7 Ae6 32. f5 Ac4 33. We3 Wb2 34. <^g3 Wa2 35. Ad4M 30. f5 Af7 (30... Aa2 31. f6!=) 31. Wd2 ФЬ7 32. ФВ b6 33. g4 Wa2 (33... Aa2?! 34. Wd7t A h4) 34. Wa2 Aa2 35. Af2 АЬЗ 36. ФеЗ a5 37. <&d2 a4 38. Ab6 a3 39. Фс1 Adi 40. Ac7 Ag4 41. Ae5 AB 42. f6=| Wc3 30. Aa7? [30. &f2! Wb4 (30... b6 31. g4 Wai 32. f6=) 31. Aa7 Wbl 32. Ab8 Wcl 33. Wd3 Wb2 34. We2=| Wcl 31. ФП Whl+ 32. ФеЗ Wgl 33. Wf2 Wcl 34. ФВ [34. Wd2 Wa3-+[ Wdl [34... h5 35. f6 gf6 36. Wc5 Wdl 37. ФеЗ Фg8-+l 35. ФеЗ Ag4 36. Ac5 Wbl?© [36... ФИ7 37. f6 gf6-+[ 37. Wd2? [37. f6! Wcl 38. фdЗ Wbl 39. феЗ=] Wfl+ 38. Wc2 [38. Wf2 Wc4 39. Фd2 Wa2 40. ФеЗ Wai 41. фdЗ Wdl 42. ФеЗ (42. ФеЗ ФБ7-+) Wcl 43. Wc2 (43. Фd3 ФИ7-+) Wei 44. ФЬ2 (44. Фd3 AB-+) AB 45. f6 gf6 46. Wd3 We4 47. Wd8 ФИ7 48. Wd7 Фg6 49. We8 Фg5 50. Wg8 Wg6-+| Wei 39. Фd3 Af3 40. АеЗ Whl-+ 41. ФеЗ [41. Фс4 Ae4 42. Wb2 Well Ae4 42. Wf2 Wbl 43. f6 Wd3 44. ФЬ4 Wb5 [45. ФеЗ Wa5 46. ФЬ2 (46. ФЬЗ Ad5) Wb4 47. ФЫ Wbl] 0:1 V. Stoica 138. D 23 BOLOGAN 2732 - DEVIATKIN 2590 Turkiye 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>f3 £>f6 4. Wb3 dc4 5. Wc4 Af5 6. g3 еб 7. Ag2 £>bd7 8.0-0 Ae7 9. e3 0-0 10. Sdl Wb8 N [10... £>e4 - 114/142] 11. h3 a5 12. We2 a4 [12... Sd8!? 13. £ic3 14. £>d2 (14. £>el W6=) £ld2 15. Ad2 Ac2 16. Sei Ag6 (16... Wa7!?) 17. e4 a4oo] 13. £>c3 £>e4 14. £>d2 [14. £ie4!? Ae4 15. £>e5 £>e5 16. Ae4 £>d7 17. Ag2±[ £>d2 [14... £>c3 15. ЬсЗ Ac2 16. Sei Ag6 17. e4±[ 15. Ad2 Se8 [^ 15... Ac2 16. 235
Hel Ag6 17. e4 a3 18. b3±] 16. e4 Ag6 17. АеЗ аЗ 18. ЬЗ Ab4 19. Hacl± h6 20. £>a4 [20. d5!?[ 2>f6 21. Af4 Wa7 22. ftc5 Had8?! [22... Ш>6| 23. Ac7! Hc8 24. Ae5 Ь6?! [24... Hed8[ 25. £>d3 Ae7 26. Af6 Af6 [26... gf6 27. £>f4±] 27. e5 Ag5 28. Hc6± Wa6? [28... Нсб 29. Асб Hc8 30. d5±[ 29. h4 [29. d5!?[ Ae7 30. d5! ed5? [30... Нсб 31. dc6 Hd8[ 31. Hg6! fg6 32. Ad5 Ф118 33. We4+- [A <?M4| g5 34. Wg6! Hed8 35. Ae4 &g8 36. ®h7 Ф18 37. Ag6 1 : 0 T. Paunovic 139. D 27 LEK6 2730 - R. PONOMARIOV 2726 Dortmund 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 dc4 3. £>f3 £>f6 4. еЗ еб 5. Ac4 аб 6.0-0 c5 7. dc5 Ac5 8. Wd8 £>d8 9. Фе5 фе7 10. Ae2 £>bd7 11. &c4 [11. £>d3 - 87/(351)1 Ha7 12. ®bd2 b5 13. £>a5 Hc7 14. a4!? N [14. <§ШЗ Ad6 15. £id4 W=1 ba4 15. ftdc4 ФЬ8 [15... £jb6 16. £>b6 Ab6 17. 2>c4 Ac5 18. Ha4 £>e4 19. £>d2!+[ 16. Ha4 Ad7 17. Hal Ab5 18. ЬЗ £ie4 19. Ab2 [19. Af3 £>g5 20. Ab7!? f6 21. Ad2T[ f6 20. Af3 [20. Ad3!? £>d6 21. Ac3[ £>g5 21. Ae2 [21. Ab7 Ab4 22. Hfbl £>f7=[ Hd8 22. Hfel Ab4= 23. Afl £>d7 [23... £>e4!?[ 24. АаЗ Ac5 [24... АаЗ? 25. £ia3 Hcl 26. Hcl± Xc6] 25. Ac5 Aic5 26. £>a3 Afl 27. ФП Hdc8 28.13 £>f7 29. НсЗ £>d7 30. Hc7 Hc7 31. Ф3с4 £rfe5 32. Ae2 £>c4 33. Aic4 £>c5 34. Aia5 Aib7 35. £>b7 Hb7 36. Наб Hb3 37. Ha7 ФГ8 38. <£f2 1/2 : 1/2 Т. Paunovic 1 ДО.****** D 32 Е. L'AMI 2615 - J. AAGAARD 2506 Helsingor 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. ФеЗ c5 4. cd5 ed5 5. £>f3 Феб 6. dc5 [6. g3[ d4 7. Фа4 Ac5 8. Фс5 Ш5 9. Ad2 |9. Wd2 — 96/(304)1 Wc5 10. Hcl [10. е31 ®b6 [10... Wd5?! 11. Ac3 N (11. ЬЗ) Wa2 12. Aid4 £>d4 13. Wd4 £>f6 14. e4± Schleining 2340 — Grabuzova 2324, Srbija 20121 11. e3 £tf6 [11... Wb2?! 12. £id4± ^>d4? 13. Ac3!±; 11... de3 12. АеЗ a) 12... Wb2 13. Ac4 ®b4 14. £jd2 N (14. ФА) Аеб 15. Аеб fe6 16. 0-0 0-0-0 17. Hbl± E. L'Ami 2615 - Th. Willemze 2387, Haarlem 2012; b) 12... Wa5 N 13. Ad2 hl) 13... Wa2 14. Ac4 Wb2 15. Ac3±; b2) 13... Wd8 14. Ac4 ^f6 15. ®e2 ^e7 16. We7 Фе7 17. 0-0 Аеб 18. Hfel Hhd8 19. Ac3± Th. Henrichs 2493 - Bejtovic 2393, Goteborg 2012; ЬЗ) 13... ®d5 14. Ac3 ®e6 15. Ae2 £tf6 16. 0-0 0-0 17. Hel &e4 18. Ac4 £}c3 19. НсЗ Wf6+ Da. Milanovic 2507 - Doncea 2415, Arad 2012; c) 12... ^rb4 N 13. Ad2 We7 (13... We4?! 14. Ae2 236
£jge7 15. 0-0 0-0 16. Hel Wf5 17. Ь4!Т B. Lalic 2495 - Kantorik 2305, Tabor 2012) 14. Ae2 £T6 15. 0-0 0-0 16. Hel + B. Label 12. Ac4 de3 N 112... 0-0] 13. АеЗ ®b4 20. Hdl Hb8 21. Hd4 (21. AD Hb2 22. We4 Ae6+) Ae6+; 15. £>e4 We5 16. £rf6 Af6 17. Af6 gf6! 18. bc4 (18. Ab7 c3 19. Wd3 Hfe8 20. Ae4? Ad7!-+ A Ab5) Ac4T] Hd5 16. Wa5 Ha5 17. ef6 14. Ad2 ]14. £>fl!? Ae6 15. Ae6 fe6 16. We2± Krasenkow 2604 - J.-R. Koch 2484, France 2012] We7 15. Ae2 0-0 16. 0-0 Sd8 17. Hel £>e4 17... Ae6±] 18. Ab5 Ag4 19. Ac6 bc6 20. ®e2?! |20. h3 a) 20... Ah5 21. ®c2 Ag6 (21... He8 22. Wc6) 22. Af4±; b) 20... Af5 21. Wa4 He8 22. Hc4±| Se8 21. We3 Wd7 22. Ac3 £>c3 [23. Wc3 AD 24. Wfi Wd2=] 1/2 : 1/2 Br. Tadic 141. D 34 H. TIKKANEN 2570 - E. BERG 2576 Goteborg 2012 1. d4 еб 2. c4 d5 3. &c3 c5 4. cd5 ed5 5. £>D £ic6 6. g3 £>f6 7. Ag2 Ae7 8. 0-0 0-0 9. Ag5 c4 10. £>e5 Ae6 11.ЬЗ [ 11.e3 £>d7! 12. &c6(12. Ae7^e7)bc6 13. Ae7 We7 14. ЬЗ W=; 11. f4!?J Wa5 12. ®d2 Had8 13. Sfdl?! [13. £>c6 bc6 a) 14. bc4 dc4 15. Ac6 Ab4 16. Hfel (16. Hacl Wb6! A 17. d5 Hd5 18. Ad5 £id5§s) Wb6 17. Af6 gf6=; b) 14. Sfdl Ab4 15. Af6 (15. Hacl c5 16. Af6 gf6=) gf6 16. Hdcl c5 17. bc4 dc4 18. d5 Ac3 19. Hc3 (19. ®c3 Wc3 20. Hc3 Ad5 21. Ad5 Hd5 22. Hc4 Hb8±?) Ad5 20. Ad5 Hd5 21. Wc2 Hfd8 22. Hc4t A Hg4; 13. bc4 - 111/198] £ie5! 14. de5 d4 15. £id5 N [15. ef6?! dc3 16. Wc2 Af6 17. Af6 gf6 18. bc4 Ac4 19. Ab7 Hdl (19... Hb8?! 20. Hd4^) 17... gf6?! 117... Ab4! 18. fg7 £>g7 19. Af4 Ac3 20. Habl (20. Ad2?? cb3-+) Ag4=] 18. Ah6 Hd8 19. Ab7 Hb5 119... c3!?| 20. Aa6 Hh5 21. Af4 cb3?! [21... c3+l 22. ab3 Ab3 23. Hdcl ]23. Hdbl Ae6 24. Ab8 Ac5 25. Ad3±] Hc5 24. Hcbl Ae6 25. Ad3 a5 26. Ad2 Hdd5 126... Ha8?! 27. Ab4 a4! 28. Ac5 Ac55§| 27. Hb8 &g7 28. Ae4 He5 29. Ad3 Af5 30. Ha8 Ad3 31. ed3 Hc2 [31... Hb5 32. Aa5 НЬЗ 33. Ac7 Неб 34. Hd I =| 32. Aa5 Hee2 33. He8 [33. Ael Ab4!? 34. Ab4 Hf2=] Hf2 34. He7 Hg2 35. ФА Hh2 36. <£gl Hhg2 37. ФМ Hh2 38. <^>gl Hcg2 39. ФП Hb2 40. <£gl Hbg2 41. фП Hb2 42. &gl Hhg2 43. ФЫ Hh2 44. £>gl Hbg2 1/2 : 1/2 E. Berg 142.*** D 35 KI. GEORGIEV 2689 - A. MASTROVASILIS 2537 Zlatni Pyasatsi 2012 1. d4 £)f6 2. c4 еб 3. &c3 d5 4. cd5 ed5 5. Ag5 сб 6. e3 Af5 7. WD Ag6 8. Af6 Wf6 9. Wf6 gf6 10. £ige2 ]10. h4!? a) 10... Ad6 11. h5 Af5 12. £>D £id7 13. £>h4 Ae6 14. Ad3 £ib6 N (14... 0-0-0) 15. £>f5 Af5 16. Af5 £ic4 17. 0-0-0 Ab4 18. h6 £>d6 19. Ad3 Ac3 20. ЬсЗ Фе7 21. Hh4 f5 22. g4 fg4 23. Hg4 Hag8 24. Hdgl Hg4 25. Hg4 £>e8 26. <£d2 £>f6 27. Hg7 £>g8 28. Ah7 237
Aih6= D. Swiercz 2585 — Cyborowski 2560, Polska 2012; b) 10... £id7 11. h5 Af5 bl) 12. f3 h6 (12... Аеб!?) 13. g4 Ah7 14. <£d2 (A Ad3 Xf5) f5! 15. gf5 Af5 16. Ad3 Аеб 17. £>ge2 Ad6 18. e4 de4! 19. fe4 0-0-0+; b2) 12. £rf3 W 13. £>h4 Аеб 14. Ad3 a5 15. £>e2 N (15. f3) Ab4 16. &dl £}c4 17. Фс2 Ae7= Barsov 2539 — B. Ider 2371, Mulhouse 2012; 10. £>f3 £>d7 11. £>h4 Ae7 (11... £>Ь6?! 12. f4! f5 13. Ad3+) 12. g3 (12. f4 f5 13. £ib6 13. 0-0-0 £>c8! (A £id6) 14. Ad3 £>d6 15. £>g6 N (15. £>g2) hg6 16. e4= D. Navara 2691 - B. Grachev 2672, Hrvatska 2012] £>d7 11. h4 Ad6 Ill... &b6 a) 12. &g3 h5 (12... £}c4? 13. h5 XAg6) 13. 0-0-0 Ad6 14. £>ce2 £>c4 15. £>f4 Af4 16. ef4 &d6=; b) 12. £if4!? Ad6 13. h5 Af5 14. Ad3±| 12. g3 £>b6 13. £>f4 13... Af41? N |13... Af5; 13... h6] 14. gf4 [14. ef4!?] Ah5!? 15. Ad3 [15. Sh3!? a) 15... Sg8 16. f3 &c8 17. Ф12 £>d6 18. Ad3 f5(18... Ag6 19. e4 Ш) 19. £ie2f6 20. A>g3± Xf5; b) 15... £ic8 16. f3 £>d6 17. <£f2 f5 18. Ad3 f6 19. ttel Af7 20. Sgl Фе7 21. Hhg3 Sag8=[ Фе7 16. <£d2 Hag8 17. Shgl Af3 18. Hg3 Hg3 19. fg3 £>c8 [19... f5! 20. Af5 (20. ЬЗ Ae4 21. Ae2 &c8+) £ic4 21. <фе1 £>e3 22. Ad3 £>g4oo[ 20. Sfl Ag4 21. e4 de4 22. £>e4 &d6 23. £>c5 h6 [23... Sd8 24. Eel ф!8=1 24. Hel Ф48 25. a3 Пе8 26. He8 Фе8 27. ФеЗ фе7 28. f5 Adi 29. ФТ4 a5!? [29... b6 30. £>a6 А 2>b4-a2-c3[ 30. g4 b6 31. £ie4 £>e4 32. Ae4 c5 33. dc5 bc5 34. Ad5 [34. Af3 Ab3 (34... Af3?? 35. ФГЗ <^>d6 36. Фе4+—) 35. феЗ <£d6=] Ac2 35. Ac4 Adi 36. Ad5 Ac2 1/2 : 1/2 A. Mastrovasilis 143. D 35 SHANKLAND 2579 - BATCHULUUN 2501 Philadelphia 2012 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 еб 3. £ic3 d5 4. cd5 ed5 5. Ag5 сб 6. e3 Ae7 [6... Af5] 7. Ad3 Ag4?! 8. ®c2 [8. £>ge2 Ah5 9. 0-0 Ag6[ Ah5 9. f3!? 19. £>ge2; 9. Af6 - 61/432] Ag6 10. 0-0-0 N 110. ^)ge2] £>a6 11. Ag6 hg6 12. e4oo de4 [12... 0-0 13. Af6 Af6 14. e5 Ae7 15. f4^] 13. fe4 £>g4 14. Af4 Ag5 [14... g5 15. We2! gf4 16. Wg4 g5 17. ФЫ (17. £tf3 Wc8) Wc8 18. We2t We6 19. £>f3 0-0-0 20. d5] 15. Wd2! Af4 16. Ш4 ®f6 17. Aif3 ®c7 18. ^e5? [18. e5! a) 18... W? 19. £>g5! £>fd5 20. ШЗ £>c3 (20... 0-0 21. Wh3; 20... Wd7 21. еб) 21. ЬсЗ We7 22. £>e4 *53d5 23. 4У16+-; b) 18... <2}d5 19. £>d5 cd5 20. ФЫ±| 0-0-0? [18... 0-0! 19. Hhfloo] 19. Shfl! Hhe8 20. ФМ He7 [20... ФЬ8 21. £if7+-; 20... c5 21. £>b5 Wb6 22. a4!+-; 20... £ic5 21. &f7 Wf7 22. dc5+] 21. g4 Sd4 [21... ФЬ8 22. h4[ 22. Sd4 We5 23. We5 Ие5 24. h4 Де7 238
25. е5! [25. g5 £d7 26. Sfdl £ac5=[ £d7 26. еб! fe6 27. Sdf4 £ac5 28. Фс2 a5 29. a3 £f6 30. g5?! [30. b4] £«15 31. Sf8 &d7 32. Ф02? [32. £d5! ed5 33. Slf7 a4 34. Se7 Фе7 35. Sg8 £e6 (35... Ф17 36. Sc8) 36. Фс3±1 £c3 33. ФеЗ £e4! 34. ф<14 £d6 35. Hel e5? [35... Фс7| 36. Se5! £f5 37. Sff5! 137. фе4 £g3 38. £f4 £e2 39. Фе4 £g3 40. <^>d4 £e2[ gf5 38. h5! Sf7 [38... Se5 39. Фе5+-; 38... b6 39. Se7 Фе7 40. фе5+-1 39. ФеЗ f4 40. ФВ Фd6 41. Sa5 Ь6 [41... Ь5 42. Sa8[ 42. Sa8 [42. Sa4! Sf5 43. Фg4 Sb5 44. Sb4!+—1 Фе5 43. g6 Sd7 44. фg4 Sd2 45. Se8 ФГ6 46. Sf8 фе5 47. Sf5 феб 48. Sf4 Sg2 [48... Sb2 49. Щ74-—149. фЬЗ Sb2?? [49... Sgl±l 50. h6 Sb3 51. ФИ4 Sa3 52. hg7 1:0 Shankland 144. D 37 GAGUNASHVILI 2578 - S. KOSE 2117 Turkiye 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. £>13 £f6 4. £c3 ±e7 5. ±f4 0-0! 6. еЗ сб 7. ±d3 dc4 [7... £bd7 - 57/407] 8. ±c4 b5 9. ±d3 аб 10. 0-0 ±b7 11. Scl [11. Wc2 £bd7 12. Sfdl c5 13. dc5 113 14. gf3 ±c5 15. a4 b4 16. £e4 Wa5 17. Sael Sac8 18. £f6 £f6 19. b3+[ £bd7 12. £e4 [12. a4 b4 13. £e4 £e4 14. ±e4 Sc8 15. We2 £f6 16. £d2 ®d7 17. Sfdl Sfd8 18. ±e5+l £e4 13. ±e4 Sc8 14. £>d2 N 114. £e5!? £e5 15. ±e5 Wd7 (15... Wb6 16. Wg4 g6 17. Wf4±) 16. Wg4 f6 17. Wh3 g6 18. ±f4 f5 19. ±B c5=] Wb6 15. Wc2 f5 16. ±13 c5 17. ±b7 Wb7oc 18. ®b3 18... Sf6!? [18... Wd5=| 19. a4 g5!? 20. ±e5 Sg6 21. Sfdl Wc6 22. ab5 ab5 23. e4!? Sf8 [23... fe4 24. We3; 23... f4 24. d5 W 25. ±c3 c4 26. Wc2oo[ 24. d5!? Wb6 25. d6 ±d8 26. ef5 [26. ±c3 c4 27. Wc2 £c5oo[ Hf5 27. ±g3 h5! 28. Sei c4 29. Wc2 h4 30. Se6 Sgf6! 31. Se8? [31. Sf6 Sf6 32. £e4 Sf7 33. ЬЗ hg3 34. £g3 Wd6 35. bc4 b4 36. c5 ®c6+l Фg7 [31... ФГ7 32. £c4 bc4 33. We2 £f8-+| 32. £e4 hg3 33. hg3 Sf7! 34. g4 Sf4 [34... Se5!-+| 35. £g3 £f6 36. Se6 Sf2? [36... Ф18 37. Seel ®a7+| 37. Wf2 Wf2 38. Ф12 £e4 39. феЗ [39. фё1 £g3 40. Seel ±b6 41. ФЬ2 £fl 42. фЬЗ b4 43. d7 ±d8 44. Se8 Sd7 45. Sfl c3 46. ЬсЗ ЬсЗ 47. g3±[ £>g3 40. фd4 ±f6? [40... Sf2 41. Фс5 Sb2 42. Seel ±f6 43. S6e3 Sg2 44. ФЬ5 сЗоо 45. d7 Sd2 46. Sg3 Sd7=l 41. Фс5 ±b2 42. Sc2 ±f6 43. ФЬ5 сЗ 44. феб Sa7 [44... £fl 45. d7 £h2 46. Sc3 Sd7 47. Sf6 ФГ6 48. Фd7 £g4 49. фd6±| 45. Sf2 [45. Sc3! ±c3 46. Se7 Se7 47. de7+-[ ±d8 46. Se8 Sa4 47. ФЬ5 [47. Sd8 Sc4 48. ФЬ5 c2 49. d7 Sc5 50. ФЬ6 Sc6 51. ФЬ7 Sc7 52. ФЬ8 cl® 53. Sg8 ФИ7 54. d8W+-1 Sd4 48. Sd8 £e4 49. Sc2? [49. Sd7 Фg6 50. Se2 Sd5 51. ФЬ4 Sd4 52. ФЬЗ ФГ6 53. фс2+—[ Sd2! 50. Scl £d6 51. ФЬ4 £e4 52. Se8 [52. Sd2 cd2 53. Sdl ФГ6 54. ФЬЗ Фе5 55. фс4 фГ4 56. Фd4 £f6 57. Sd2 Фg4±| Se2? |52... £f6 53. Se5 Фg6^| 53. Sfl [53. Sal ФП 54. Se5 c2 55. фаЗ £g3 56. Sc5±[ Фg6 [53... c2te| 54. Se6 Фg7 55. Se5 [55. Sal! ФП 56. Sc6+—I Фg6 [55... c2!-I 56. ФаЗ Фg7 [56... Sf2D 57. Se6 ФП 58. Sf2 £f2 59. Se3 c2 60. Sf3 Феб 61. ФЬ2±| 57. Sff5+- Sei 58. ФЬЗ Se2 59. Sg5 ФГ6 60. Sgf5 Фg6 61. Se6 Фg7 62. Sfe5 Sb2 63. ФаЗ £d2 64. Sc5 £bl 65. Фа4 Ф17 66. Sh6 Фg7 67. Sd6 Sa2 68. ФЬ5 Sb2 69. Фаб Sa2 70. ФЬ7 Sd2 71. Sc7 Ф18 72. Scd7 Фе8 73. Фс7 1 : 0 Gagunashvili 145. D 38 SKEMBRIS 2460 - S. HALKIAS 2570 Greece 2012 1. d4 £f6 2. £f3 d5 3. c4 еб 4. £c3 ±b4 5. cd5 ed5 6. ±g5 £bd7 7. Scl сб 8. e3 Wa5 9. ±f6 [9. ±d3!? a) 9... £e4!? 10. 0-0 £g5 239
(10... f5 11. Wb3±; 10... Aic3 11. ЬсЗ Ac3 12. JLh7!? Hh7 13. Wd3 Hh5 14. Hc3±) 11. £ig5 £>f6 12. Wc2f; b) 9... Wa2 10. 0-0 bl) 10... Wb2?? 11. £>a4+-; b2) 10... Wa5 11. Af4!? (11. £>e5^) 0-0 12. ЬЗ He8 13. Wb3^ A 13... £>f8 14. Hal Wb6 15. £>e5 £e6 16. £1а4±; ЬЗ) 10... ±c3 11. ЬсЗ 0-0 12. c4 h6 13. £f4 He8 14. h3^; 9. Wb3 — 109/256] £>f6 10. Wb3 0-0 110... £>e4 11. Ad3 Ae6 12. 0-0 0-0 (12... c5? 13. £id5+-) 13. a3T] 11. Ad3 He8 12. 0-0 Ad6 N [Xe5; 12... J.g4 13. £>e5tl 13. h3 He7!? [Xb7; 13... Wd8 14. Hfel!? (14. £>d2 Hb8 15.£>a4j.d7 16. £>c5 Wc8 17. £k!7 W7 18. Wc2 g6 19. Hfel He7 20. £>b3 Hbe8 21. ^c5±?) He7 (14... &e4 15. JLe4 de4 16. £id2 Xe4) 15. a3 Ae6 16. £>e5!? (16. ^a4±?) Ae5 17. de5 £>d7 (17... d4? 18. Wc2 dc3 19. ef6±) 18. Wc2tl 14. Hfel Леб [14... £>e4 15. £jb5!? A 15... Ab4 16. He2 cb5?! 17. a3 Ad2 (17... ЛаЗ 18. ba3 Леб 19. ЛЬ5 Hc7 20. Hc7 Wc7 21. Hc2 Wb6 22. £>e5t) 18. Hc2t] 15. Wc2 115. £>e5?! Ле5 16. de5 d4 17. Лс4 Лс4 18. Wc4 We5T A 19. ed4 Wei 20. Hel Hel 21. ФЬ2 Hae8| 15... J.d7^ 16. a3 Паев 17. b4 Wd8 [17... Wa3?? 18. Hal Wb4 19. Hebl+-] 18. e4 [18. £>a4 Wc8!?t[ de4 19. £>e4 £>e4 20. Ле4 [20. He4 g6+l g6 21. d5 cd5 [21... ±f4 22. Hcdl cd5 23. Ad5 Hel 24. £>e 1M 22. J.d5 Hel 23. Hel [23. £>el Wg5 24. ЛЬ7 ЛИЗТ1 Hel 24. £>el b6 [24... Wg5!? A 25. ЛЬ7 ЛИЗТ 26. Wd3 We5! 27. gh3 (27. ^f3 Wai 28. Wfl Wfl 29. ФП ^.d7+) Wei 28. <£>g2 We5 29. £d5 &g7 30. Wf3 f5[ 25. W Wf6 26. Wdl a5t 27. ba5 ba5 [27... Ла4 28. Wei Wf5 29. Wd2 Wbl 30. £>el ba5 31. Wa5 ЛаЗ 32. g4=] 28. a4 Лс5 |28... Wf4!? 29. ЛЬЗ (29. g3 Ла4+ A 30. We2 Wf5 31. Wa2 Wc2! 32. ЛП &f8+) Леб 30. Wd2 Wd2 31. £id2 <^>g7TI 29. Wei! [Xa5[ ЛЬ4 30. Wdl [X^.d7, f71 Ле8 31. g3 [31. h4 фё7+[ фй 32. <£g2 &g7© [o 32... Wb2[ 33. h4 h6 34. Лс4 Леб [34... Лс5 35. Wb3 g5 36. ЛЬ5| 35. J.d5 Ле8 [35... Ad7!?t A 36. Ш Wf7 (36... Wf5 37. ЛЬЗ Леб 38. Wd4T) 37. £ie5 ЛЬЗ 38. фЬЗ We6 39. £>g4 h5 40. Wd4 ФЬ7 41. Wa7 &g8-+[ 36. Лс4 Лс5 37. Wb3 [Xb2] Леб 38. ±d5 Ле8 [38... £d7!? A 39. Wc4 ЛЬ4 40. Wb3 (40. ЛП? WH 41. Wd4 £>g8 42. £>e5 Wf6-+) Ле8Т1 39. Лс4 Леб [39... J.d7!? 40. ЛЬ5 Леб 41. Лс4 A 41... J.g4 42. Wb7=| 40. i.d5 Лев 1/2 : 1/2 Skembris 146. !N D 45 A. INDlC 2481 - GROVER 2516 Athens 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 еб 3. ^f3 d5 4. £>c3 сб 5. e3 £ibd7 6. Wc2 £d6 7. e4!? £ie4 [7... e5!? 8. cd5 cd5 9. £>d5 £>d5 10. ed5 0-0 11. £d3 h6 12. 0-0+1 8. £>e4 de4 9. We4 c5 [9... e5 10. de5 0-0 11. ed6 He8 12. We8 We8 13. ЛеЗсё; 9... ЛЬ4 10. J.d2 ±d2 11. £>d2=; 9... 4hf6 10. Wc2 c5 11. dc5 Лс5 12. ^.d3oc| 10. ±g5 ±e7 [10... £if6 11. Wh4 cd4 12. 0-0-0 a) 12... e5?! 13. ±d3 al) 13... J.e6?! 14. Hhel all) 14... b5? 15. £>e5 Hc8 (15... Ae5 16. He5 bc4 17. £f5 c3 18. Ae6 fe6 19. Неб ФГ7 20. Hf6! gf6 21. Wh5+-) 16. Wd4 Wb6 17. Wb6 ab6 18. ±c2±; al2) 14... h6 15. £ie5 0-0 16. i.f6 Wf6 17. We4 g6 (17... Hfd8? 18. Wh7 £f8 19. ^d7! Hd7 20. Wh8 Фе7 21. Wa8±) 18. £ig6!±; a2) 13... h6 14. ^e5! 0-0 (14... i.e5 15. Hhel±) 15. £f6 Wf6 16. Wf6 gf6 17. <2if3+; b) 12... £e7 13. ФЫ=; 10... Wa5 11. Ad2 Wc7 (11... Wb6? 12. b4!±) 12. ^.сЗ £if6 13. Wh4 cd4 14. £id4=] 11. &el Wa5 12. фе2 фе7 13. g3 Wb4!? [13... cd4 14. J.g2 &f6 15. Wd4 Hd8 16. Wf4 ^.d7 17. £>e5 ^.a4 (17... i.e8 18. Hhdl+) 18. ЬЗ Hd2 19. Wd2 We5 20. We3 Wb2=; 18. Hhel+1 14. ЬЗ Wa3 15. Wc2 b5! 16. ±g2 [16. cb5 - 103/(311)1 ±Ь7?! [о 16... bc4 a) 17. 2>d2? J.a6 18. bc4 (18. £>c4 ^.c4 19. bc4 Hab8+) Hab8 19. Hhdl cd4+; 240
b) 17. £>е5?! £>e5 18. de5 Ааб 19. bc4 Sad8=; c) 17. bc4 Sb8 18. Shbl Ab7+; d) 17. Shdl Ааб 18. bc4 cd4 19. £>d4 Sac8 20. £>c6 Sc6 21. Асб £ie5 22. Ab5 ЩЗ 23. Фе1 Ab7oo; 23... Whl=1 17. d5! N [17. HhdlJ bc4 [17... Wa6 18. de6 We6 (18... fe6 19. Wc3t) 19. <£>fl Ae4 20. ®d2 She8 21. &gl Af3 22. Af3 Sad8 23. Sg2±| 18. de6 fe6 19. Shdl! Shf8? [19... Wa6 20. ®c3 Shg8 (20... £>f6 21. &fl Shd8 22. bc4 Sdl 23. Sdl Sd8 24. Sd8 &d8 25. a3±) 21. bc4 &b6 22. фе1 £>c4 (22... ®c4?? 23. Sd7!!+-) 23. Sacl±[ 20. Sd7! <£>d7 21. £>e5 Фс7 22. Ab7 ФЬ7 [22... сЬЗ?? 23. ab3! Wai 24. Wc5 ФЬ7 25. Wc6 ФЬ8 26. £>d7#[ 23. We4 фЬ8 24. &c4 Wa6 25. Sdl [25. We5 ФЬ7 26. Wg7 Фс6+-[ Wb7 26. We5 Wc7 27. Sd6 Se8 28. ФП [^ 28. Ь4 фс8 29. We4 Wb7 30. Sc6 <£>d7 31. Wd3+-[ g6 29. a4 Фс8 30. We4 Wb7 31. Sc6 &d7 32. Wd3 1 : 0 A. Indic 147. IN D 45 SUMETS 2587 - B. MICHIELS 2502 Metz 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. ftc3 £>f6 4. еЗ еб 5. £>f3 £>bd7 6. Wc2 Ad6 7. Ae2 0-0 8.0-0 b6 9. ЬЗ Ab7 10. Ab2 Sc8 11. e4 £>e4 12. £>e4 de4 13. We4 £)f6 [13... We7 14. Sadi £>f6 15. Wh4 Aa3! 16. Aa3 Wa3 17. &e5 c5=| 14. Wc2 c5 15. Sadi!? [15. dc5 Sc5! (15... Ac5? 16. £>g5 g6 17. Sadi We7 18. Wc3+-; 15... bc5 16. <2}g5 e5 17. Sadi We7 18. Sfel h6 19. Af3±) 16. Sadi Wc7| We7?! [15... cd4 16. £>d4 Wc7 17. h3 аб 18. Af3; 15... Ae4[ 16. d5! ed5D 17. cd5 &e4 [17... £>d5 a) 18. Ac4 Scd8 (18... £>b4?? 19. Wc3+-; 18... 2>f6 19. Sfel Af3 20. gfi Wc7 21. Af6 gf6 22. ФЫ Ah2 23. Wf5 Wf4 24. Wh3+-) 19. Sfel Wc7 20. Sd5 (20. ^.d5 J.d5 21. Sd5 J.h2 22. ^h2 Sd5=) ±d5 21. Wc3 £h2 22. W f6 23. ±e2 Sfe8 24. &g4 Wf4 25. £ie3oo; b) 18. Sfel! Wc7 19. £>g5 g6 20. £f3 bl) 20... Scd8 21. Wc4 £>f4 (21... J.h2 22. ФЫ Wf4 23.W! Wc4 24. bc4+-) 22. Sd6±; b2) 20... Sce8 21. Wd3 £>f4 22. Wc3 Sei 23. Sei f6 24. g3 Af3 25. £>f3 £>h5 26. £>g5 £>g7 27. Wc4 ФЬ8 28. Ш'бзШ 18. Sfel f5 19. g3! N [19. ±d3 - 49/(491)1 аб 20. Ad3 c4!? [20... Wf7 21. ^.e4 fe4 22. £>g5 Wf5 23. £>e4 J.b8 24. d6 Scd8 25. Wc4 ФЬ8 26. f4±[ 21. bc4! [21. ^.e4?! fe4 22. Se4 Wf7 23. Sg4 (23. £ig5 cb3 24. Wd2 Wh5 25. ab3 Sf5 26. ^)e6 Sf2 27. ф(2 Sc2 28. <£>gl Sd2 29. Sd2 Wf5 30. Sei h6) c3 24. J.c3 h51 £d5 22. Wb3 ±e6 [22... ±f7 23. £>h4 Wb7 241
24. jLe4[ 23. Ае4 fe4 24. Де4 Ас5 [24... ®Ь7 25. £>g5 JLc5 26. Ad4 ±f5 27. Ее5±[ 25. 5?id4 ±d4 26. ±d4 Wf7 [26... Ec6D 27. Edel Wd7 28. ^.b2±[ 27. Edel? [27. Wb6! Af5 (27... Ac4 28. Eg4+-) 28. Ef4 Ec4 29. Ш6+-1 Ac4 28. We3 ®f5? [28... Wg6 29. Ee5 Ef5 30. Ee7 Ef7±[ 29. Ee5± ®h3 30. Eg5 g6 [30... Ес7П 31. J.g7 Eg7 32. Eg7 <^>g7 33. Wd4 Ef6 34. Wc4±[ 31. We5 ®h6 32. Eg4 1 : 0 Sumets 148.** D 46 SHANKLAND 2580 - ERENBURG 2616 Philadelphia 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £ic3 ^f6 4. еЗ еб 5. ^f3 аб 6. ЬЗ Ab4 7. J.d2 £>bd7 8. Ad3 0-0 9. 0-0 JLd6 10. Ecl e5 11. cd5 cd5 12. e4 12... ed4 N [12... de4 13. £>e4 £>e4 14. Ae4 £if6 N (14... ed4 - 112/239) a) 15. Ag5 ed4 16. Ec4 J.e7 17. Ed4 Wb6 18. J.bl h6 19. Eel .&e6 20. Ah4 Efd8= Sargissian 2693 — Enam. Hossain 2480, Istanbul (ol) 2012; b) 15. de5 £e4 16. ed6 ®d6 17. АеЗ Af5 18. Wd6 £>d6 19. £>d4 (19. Efdl Efd8 20. Ab6 Edc8!=) Efe8 20. £>f5 £>f5 21. Ac5 h5= B. Gelfand 2727 - V. Anand 2791, Moscow (m/2) 20121 13. £>d5 £>d5 14. ed5 h6 15. £>d4 £>f6 16. £if5 Af5 [16... АаЗ 17. Ec4 Wd5 18. Ed4 Wc6 19. £>g7 <^>g7 20. Ah6+-[ 17. Af5+ Aa3 18. Ec4 Wd5 19. ®c2 Ae7 20. Ac3 Ead8 21. Eel Efe8 22. Ae4 Wb5 [22... £>e4 23. Ece4 Wd7 24. We2 Ф18 25. h4 f6 26. Wf3 £>g8 (26... Ac5 27. Af6) 27. Ееб £f8 28. Ee8 Ee8 29. Ee8 ®e8 30. ШУ7+-; 27... Ec8±l 23. Af3 Ad6 24. Ee8 Ee8 25. g3 £>h7 26. h4 £>f8 27. a4 Wd7 28. Wd3 We7 [28... £>e6 29. Ab4 Ed8 30. ®d6 ®d6 31. Ad6 Ed6 32. Ab7±l 29. Ad5 £>e6 [29... £>g6 30. Wg6[ 30. Eg4 [30. Wf5 g6 31. Wfil h5D 31. Ee4 Ac5? 32. Ee5! Wf6 33. Ef5?? [33. Wc2!!+—[ Wg6 34. Wf3 Ec8 35. Ab2?® [35. Ae4 ®g4 (35... £>d4 36. Ad4 Ad4 37. Ec5 We6 38. Ad5+-) 36. Ef7 Wf3 37. Ef3 £}d4 38. Ad4 Ad4 39. Ab7+-[ Ec7 36. Ae4 Wg4!± 37. ®g4 hg4 38. Ed5 Aa7 39. Ed2 [39. Af5 g6 40. Аеб fe6 41. Ed2 (41. Eg5 Ec2) Ef7 42. Ed8 Ef8 43. Ef8 Ф18 44. <^>g2 Ac5 45. f3 gf3 46. Ф13+1 g6 40. Af6 Ac5 41. Ag2 Ab4 42. Ee2 kel [42... Ac3 43. Ac3 Ec3 44. Ab7 ЕЬЗ 45. Ad5 Eb6 46. Ee4±[ 43. Ab2 £>c5 44. Ad5 £>d3 45. Aal Ф18 46. Ac4 £>c5 47. h5?! [47. a5±[ gh5 48. Ee5 h4! [48... £>a4 49. Eh5 Фе8 50. Eh8 &d7 51. £f7±[ 49. gh4 JJ14 50. Ef5 b5 [50... £ie4 51. Ef4 £>f2 52. ±e5 Ed7 53. ±d4 £>dl 54. Eg4 ±d8 55. ±e2 £f6 56. ±f6 £>e3 57. <£g3 £>g4 58. <^>g4±[ 51. ab5 ab5 52. Ae5 [52. J.b5 W 53. £e5 Ec2[ bc4 53. J.c7 £ib3 54. Ef4 c3 55. Eg4 ±f6 [55... c2 56. £f4 £f6 57. ^.h6 Фе7 58. Ec4| 56. Ec4 Фе7 57. i.f4 Феб 58. Ёсб Ф15 59. £e3 Ae5 60. <£f3 £>d4 61. J.d4 £d4 62. Фе2 .£e5 63. Ec4 ±g7 64.13 £f6 65. ФеЗ ±g5 66. Фе2 [66. f4 £e7! 67. Ec3 Ad6 68. Ec4 Фg4=l £d2 1/2 : 1/2 Shankland 149. D 46 ROB. MARKUP 2625 - BERESCU 2494 Skopje 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>c3 £>f6 4. еЗ еб 5. £113 £ibd7 6. Wc2 J.d6 7. ^.d3 0-0 8. 0-0 dc4 242
9. 1с4 Ь5 10. Ad3 «1Ь7 11. £>g5 h6 12. •Sjge4 1е7 13. Hdl Wb8?! 14. a3 N 114. f4[ 14... Hc8?! 114... a5 15. (15. We2 £>e4 16. £>e4 c5 17. dc5 £>c5 18. £>c5 lc5 19. Ib5 We5!5s) £if6 16. We2t; 14... b4 15. ab4 lb4 16. £>f6£rf6 17. £>a4±; 14...c5!?a> 15. dc5 £>c5 16. £f6 (16. £>c5 l.c5 17. W &g4 18. g3 Hc8) £f6 17. Ib5 JLg2 18. <£>g2 Wb7 (18... Ic3 19. Ic6±) 19. e4 (19. £>e4? Hac8) JLc3 20. a4! I.b4 21. Hd4 a5 22. Ie3 (22. Hb4 ab4 23. Wc5 We4 24. 13 Wg6 25. ФЫ Hfc8 26. Wgl Wf5oo) Hac8 23. Hcl+; 17... Wc7; b) 15. 16. £>b5 ^3g4^s| 15. We2 [^ 15. b4 a5 16. Hbl ab4 17. ab4 £>d5 18. £}c5 £>c5 19. dc5 (19. £>d5 ed5 20. dc5 lf6 21. JLb2±) £3c3 20. Wc3 Wc7 21. Ib2 £f6 22. Wb3 lb2 23. Hb2± Xd6; 19... Wc71 аб?! [15... a5 a) 16. Id2 b4 17. £>f6 Af6 (17... 2>f6 18. &a4) 18. Aie4 J.e7= A c5; b) 16. £>f6 17. e4 e5 (17... £>d7!?) 18. de5 We5 19. f4 We6 20. e5^; 15... b4 16. Ш 17. ab4 lb4 18. e4; 17. £ia4[ 16. b4+ a5 17. Hbl ab4 18. ab4 e5 [18... £>d5 19. £>d5 a) 19... cd5 al) 20. Ib5 de4 21. Id7 Hc7 (21... «1а6 22. b5 Hc7 23. Ia3!±) 22. Ib5 JLd5 Xlb5; a2) 20. £>c5 lc6 21. Id2+; b) 19... ed5 20. £ic5 £>c5 21. bc5!?; 21. dc5+; 20. £>g3!T A e4[ 19. Ic2 He8 20. W13 [^ 20. de5 We5 (20... £ie5 21. £>f6 lf6 22. &e4 JLe7 23. Ib2+) 21. Ib2 We6 22. Wf3!+1 Wc7?! [20... £>d5 21. Wf5! (21. £id5 cd5 22. £>c5 e4 23. We2 l.c6oo) lc8 22. £c5 W6 23. Wd3 £>c3 24. Wc3f 121. Wg3! 21h5 22. Wh3 2ihf6?! [22... 2>df6 23. de5 We5 24. Wf3! Had8 25. Hd8 Hd8 26. Ib2 We6 27. 2ic5 lc5 28. bc5±] 23. de5 2ie5 123... We5 24. Hd7+-[ 24. £>f6 Af6 25.2ie4 We7 [25... Ie7 26. Wg3-| 26. Ib2+- A.c8 27. 21f6 Wf6 28. Wg3 lf5 29. e4 Ag4 30. Ie5 1 : 0 Rob. Markus 150. D 46 ILLESCAS C6RDOBA 2601 - MIL. PERUNOVIC 2614 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3.2ic3 2if6 4. еЗ еб 5.2if3 2ibd7 6. Wc2 Ad6 7. Ad3 0-0 8. 0-0 dc4 9. 1с4 аб 10. Hdl b5 11. Ie2 [11. Ifll Wc7 12. e4 e5 13. g3 He8 14. de5 [14. a3!? ed4 15. 2id4 le5 (15... Ib7) 16. If3 c5 17. 21f5 21b6 18. a4 b4 19. a5 ЬсЗ 20. ab6 Wb6 21. ЬсЗ Hb8 22. Ie3oo[ Aie5 15. Ig5 £if3 16. J.f3 £ig4 17. ^.g2 [17. &g2 - 87/3941 h6 18. Ad2 N [18. £cl[ .£b7?! [18... £e6] 19. ИЗ £>e5 [19... £>f2? 20. ф£2 £c5 21. &f 1 Wg3 22. &el Wg5 23. Hd3! Неб 24. Hf3 Hae8 25. Hdl±[ 20. .lei?! [20. If4 Had8 21. b3=l Had8 21. ЬЗ [21. f4 lc5 22. If2 lf2 23. Wf2 <53d3 24. We2 Wb6 25. ФИ2 Wf2 26. Hd3 We2 27. Hd8 Wg2 28. <^>g2 Hd8=| Ac5 22. ФЫ la7 23. f4 Wb6 24. ^e2 £>d7 25.1сЗ?! [25. g4 £}f6 26. Ih4 c5 a) 27. Hd8 Hd8 28. £>c3 lb8 29. Hfl We6 30. e5 lg2 31. Wg2 (31. &g2 g5!) Hd3; b) 27. £>g3 Hdl (27... Hd4!?) 28. Hdl Hd8 (28... c4!?) 29. Hd8 Wd8 30. e5 lg2 bl) 31. Wg2? Wdl 32. Wgl ^g4! 33. hg4 Wg4 34.1.e7 c4 35. Wa7 (35. Wg2 Wf4) Wh3 36. &gl Wg3 37. ФЫ Wf3 38. ^gl Wg4 39. ФЫ Wf4+; b2) 31. &g2 Wa8 32. фЬ2 £>d7oo[ c5 26. g4 Aif6 27. *53g3 c4 28. bc4 We3 29. £>f5? [29. I.f6 Hdl (29... gf6 30. £ih5oo) 30. Hdl Wg3 31. I.e5 f6 32. J.d4 i.d4 33. Hd4 We3 34. Wd2 Wd2 35. Hd2 bc4?[ 243
29... Edl? |29... Wf4! a) 30. £>e7 ФЬ8 31. Efl Wc7 32. Af6 (32. Ef6 Ee7 33. Eh6 &g8-+) gf6 33. £id5 (33. £if5 Ee4!) Ad5 34. ed5 Ab8 35. Af3 bc4-+; b) 30. Efl We4! 31. Ae4 Ae4 32. We4 <^e4 33. Ag7 bc4 34. Ah6 c3+; c) 30. Af6 gf6 31. c5 Ab8 32. ^gl Ac8! 33. £id6 (33. Щ2 Wh2 34. ФА Af5 35. ef5 Aa7+) Ad6 34. cd6 Ed6+] 30. Edl Wf4 130... We4 31. ®b2 ®g2 32. Wg2 Ag2 33. <^g2 bc4 34. Af6 gf6 35. Ф13+1 31. Af6 gf6 32. td2! [32. c5 Ab8 33. £}d6 Ee6 34. Wd2 We5Tl Wd2 33. Ed2 bc4 34. Ed7 Eb8 35. Ec7© [^ 35. e5!? Ag2 (35... c3 36. Ab7 c2 37. £>h6 ^g7 38. £>f5 <£>g8 39. Ec7 fe5 40. Ec2 Eb7 41. &g2±) 36. <£>g2 Ab6 37. W <^>g7 38. £if7 c3 39. £>d6 (39. £>g5 ФИ6 40. £>f7 &g6 41. h4 c2 42. h5 <^g7 43. <^g5 фЬ6 44. £>f7 &g7=) ФГС 40. Ef7 (40. еб c2 41. e7 <^>g8 42. e8W Ee8 43. £ie8 cl# 44. £>f6 ФГ8 45. W &g8 46. £>f6=) <^>g8 41. ef6 c2 42. Eg7 Ф18 43. Ef7=l Ab6 36. Ec4 Ed8 37. Ecl Ed2! 38. Af3?! [38. Ebl Eg2 39. £>d6 Ee2 40. Eb6 (40. £ib7 Ac7?) Ae4 41. £>e4 Ee4 42. Ea6 <£>g7=; 38. £>h6 ФЬ7 39. ^f5 (39. £if7 ^g6! 40. Ebl Ac7 41. Eb7 Edl 42. Afl Efl 43. <£>g2 Ecl 44. £>h8 <^>g7 45. Ea7 a5+) Ea2 40. &d6 Aa8 41. *53f7 Ed2] Ef2 39. Ag2 Ea2 40. £>d6 АеЗ 41. Eel? [41. EblD Ac6 42. ^f5 Ac5 43. Ecl Ea5 44. W ФГ8 45. £>f5 Eb5oo[ Ad2+ 42. Ebl Ac6 43. e5 Ag2 44. £>g2 fe5 45. Eb8 &g7 46. ФО Ea3 47. Фе4 ЕеЗ 48. ф!5 Ef3 49. Фе4 [49. Фе5? Af4 50. <£d5 Ed3 51. фе4 Ad6-+I Eh3 50. ФГ6 51. Eb6 ^>g5 52. Ea6 &g4 [52... f6!-+l 53. Фе5 Af4 54. фе4 ЕЬЗ?! [54... Ehl? 55. Ef6 Eel 56. &d3 Ag5 (56... h5 57. Ef7) 57. W Ah6 58. Ef7; 54... Ag5 55. Ea7 f6 56. Eal Eh2 57. Egl ФЬ5—+1 55. Ef6! [55. Ш Ah6 56. Eh6 f5 57. Фе5 f4-+[ Eb7 [55... Eb4? 56. фч!3 Eb7 57. £>h6 Ah6 58. Eh6 Ee7 (58... f5 59. Фе2 Eb2 60. ФА) 59. Ehl! f5 60. Egl ФЬЗ 61. Efl Ee5 62. фd4 Ee4 63. Фd3=l 56. £>e3 [56. £>h6 Ah6 57. Eh6 Ee7 58. Фd3 f5 59. Ehl f4 60. Egl ФЬЗ-+[ АеЗ 57. ФеЗ h5 58. ФГ2 Фg5 1^ 58... h4[ 59. Еаб Eb2 60. Фg3 f5 61. ЕаЗ Eb4 62. ЕсЗ Eg4 63. ФО h4 64. Ec8 Eg3 65. Ф12 Ea3 66. Фg2 Фg4 67. Eg8 ФГ4 68. Eh8 Ea2 69. ФИЗ ФВ 70. Ef8? [70. Eb8 f4 71. Eb3 ФС—Н f4 71. ФИ4 Ea7 72. Eg8 Sal 73. EfB Egl 74. Ef7 Eg8 75. Eh7 [75. Ef6 Eh8 76. фё5 Фg3-+l Фg2 0 : 1 Mil. Perunovic 151.* !N D 70 MAMEDYAROV 2729 - A. VOLOKITIN 2709 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. f3 d5 4. cd5 £>d5 5. e4 £>b6 6. £>c3 ^.g7 7. ^.еЗ 0-0 8. Wd2 £>c6 9. 0-0-0 Wd6 10. ФЫ Ed8 11. ^b5 Wd7 12. d5 a6! 13. £>c3 [13. dc6 Ш2 14. Ed2 Ed2 15. £d2 ab5 16. cb7 J.b7 17. £b5 f5! 18. ef5 J.d5! 19. £>e2 J.a2 20. Фс2 gf5 21. ЬЗ N (21. ^.сЗ) c5 22. АеЗ c4 23. Ab6 АЬЗ 24. Фd2 Eb8 25. Ebl еб 26. ФеЗ Aa2 27. Ecl Eb6 28. Ac4 Ac4 29. Ec4 Ae5 30. h3 Eb3 1/2 : 1/2 W. So 2653 - Lou Yiping 2428, Ho Chi Minh City 20121 £>a5 14. Ad4 14... e5! N [14... &bc4 - 111/2181 15. Ac5 [15. Af2 abc4 (15... Wd6 16. b3!+; 15... 244
£iac4 16. Wcl Wd6 17. h4 Wb4 18. g4!+) 16. Wcl b5! (16... Wd6 17. h4 Wb4 18. h5! Ah6 19. Ac5!±) a) 17. Ad3 b4! 18. £ice2 Wa4! 19. ЬЗ £ia3 20. ФЬ2 (20. Фа1 £ib3! 21. аЬЗ Wb3-) We8! A 21. Wc7 Ed5!! 22. ed5 e4 23. £>d4 ed3 24. Wa5 Af5!?; b) 17. ЬЗ! b4 18. <Йа4 £>a3 bl) 19. ФЬ2 £>Ь7! 20. h4 Wd6 21. h5 Af8! (21... Ad7 22. £>c5!) 22. hg6 bll) 22... hg6? 23. Wg5! Ad7 24. f4! Ag7 25. £if3 bill) 25... Ee8 26. f5 gf5 (26... Aa4 27. ba4 £>c5 28. Ac5 Wc5 29. Ecl Wf2 30. ФЬЗ±) 27. Ad3 Aa4 28. ba4 fe4 29. Ae4 &c4 30. ФЫ±; bl 12) 25... c5 26. fe5 Aa4 27. фс!!! (27. ba4? Wd7-) Wc7 28. d6! £>d6 29. ed6 Wc6 30. Wh4!±; bl2) 22... fg6! 23. g3 c5! 24. Ah3 Ad7 25. Ad7 Ed7 26. £ih3 Ec8 27. £>g5 £>d8! 28. фа1 Eb7+; Ь2) 19. Фа 1 W 20. h4 Wd6 21. h5 Ad7! 22. ^c5 Edb8=; 15. Ab6 cb6 16. We3 b5!^| 5;bc4 16. Wcl b6 17. Af2 [ 17. Ab4? c5! 18. dc6 (18. Aa5 £ia5+) £>d2 19. Фа1 £>c6 20. Aa3 ih6! 21. &d5 (21. f4 Af4 22. £>ge2 Ah6 23. 2>d5 W 24. ab3 icl 25. ^f6 &g7 26. 4x17 Ag5+) W 22. аЬЗ £cl 23. &f6 ^>g7 24. &d7 Ae3+[ Wd6 [A Wb4; 17... b5! - 15. Af2[ 18. h4 Wb4 19. g4! f5 [19... Ab7 20. Ml сб 21. d6! Ed6 22. 4X15 &a3! (22... Wc5?? 23. Ab4+-) 23. Фа1 4>b3!! 24. ab3 Wb3 25. £>e7 (25. ЬаЗ cd5 26. Ed3 Wa455) фЬ8 26. Ed6 £ic2 27. ФЫ 4Aa3=] 20. g5D fe4? [20... сб! 21. Ael f4 22. Af2 (22. d6 Ed6 23. 4}d5 Wb2! 24. Wb2 <£jb2 25. 4}e7 ФП 26. Ed6 Фе7 27. Ef6 fcdl 28. Aa5 Af6 29. gf6 ФГ6 30. Ad2 Ae6=) cd5 23. 4}d5 Ed5! 24. Ed5 Ae6^| 21. 4x4 Af5 22. Ad3!± [22. Ael? Ae4 23. fe4 4}d2! 24. Wd2 We4+[ Ed5!? 23. Ac4 4x4 24. Ed5 Ae4 25. fe4 4a3 26. фа1 We4 27. Ed2D Whl 28. ЬаЗ Ef8 29. ФЫ? [29. 4x2 We4 30. Ael h5 31. Wdl±; 29. Wc4 фЬ8 30. АеЗ e4 31. ФЫ Wh4 32. 4x2 c5 33. Фс2±[ We4 [29... h5!^ 30. gh6 Ah6 31. Wc4 ФЬ8 32. Ec2 Ef2 33. Ef2 Wgl 34. Efl We3=l 30. Wc2 Wg4 31. Wd3 ФИ8 32. Ee2 [32. АеЗ! Wh4 33. 4x2+1 c5? [32... h5! 33. gh6 Ah6 34. Ec2 Ag7^| 33. Ag3? [33. Ee4! Wg2 34. 4h3! Ef2! (34... b5 35. ЕеЗ c4 36. We2± A Ael, c3) 35. 4f2 Wf2±l c4! 34. We3 e4 35. Фс2?? [35. Ael Efl 36. 4h3 Ef3 37. We4 Wh3 38. Ab4=[ Wd7!-+ 36. E12 Ed8? [36... Wa4! 37. Фс1 Ed8 38. Ed2 Ed3 A Ed8[ 37. Ed2 Wa4 38. Фс1? [38. ФЫ! Ef8! 39. AelDWb5 4О.фс1 We5 41. Wb6O Wc3 42. фdl e3 43. Ed8 Wai 44. Фе2 Wa2+] Ed3! 39. Wb6 Wa3 40. фdl Ed2?? [40... h5 a) 41. Wg6 Ed2 42. фd2 Wb2 43. Фе1 (43. ФеЗ Wd4 44. Фе2 Wd3 45. Фе1 АеЗ 46. ф£2 еЗ-+) Wbl 44. Фе2 Wd3-+; b) 41. Ael Wa4 42. Фс1 ФИ7-+; с) 41. 4e2 Wa2 42. Af4 Wa4 43. Фс1 (43. Фе1 Wal-+) Ф117-+1 41. Фd2 Wd3 42. Фс1 h5 43. Ael! Wa3 44. ФЫ Wd3 45. Фс1 Wa3 46. ФЫ Wd3 1/2 : 1/2 A. Volokitin 152.*** D 74 RAGGER 2655 - VACHIER-LAGRAVE 2715 Deutschland 2012 1. £>f3 £if6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 d5 4. cd5 £id5 5. g3 Ag7 6. Ag2 0-0 7.0-0 £>c6 8. d4 Af5 9. Eel [9. £>d2 £idb4 10. e4 N (10. d5) Ac8 11. d5 £>e5 12. Wb3 c5 13. 2>f3 2>f3 14. Af3 еб 15. АеЗ Ьбоо Ovetchkin 2499 — I. Kurnosov 2657, Russia 2012; 9. £}el Аеб 10. £>c2 £>c3 11. ЬсЗ £>a5 12. Af4 N (12.e4)c5 13. Wd2Ec8 14. d5 Ad7 15. Ah6 £>c4 16. Wf4?! Wc7 17. Ag7 Wf4 18. gf4 Фg7 19. e4 еб 20. e5 ed5 21. Ad5 Аеб 22. Efdl Ecd8 23. Ab7 Edl 24. Edl Eb8 25. Ааб Eb2_26. Ac4 Ac4 27. £>еЗ Аеб 28. Фg2 Ea2+ Fressinet 2693 — Ante Brkic 2587, Plovdiv 2012; 16. Well Wd7 10. £>a4N[10.e4£ic3 11. ЬсЗ Ag4 12. Wb3 b6 13. Wd5 Ead8 N (13... Efd8) 14. ЬЗ Аеб 15. Wd7 Ad7 16. Aa3 Efe8 17. Afl e5 18. 245
Sadi ed4 19. cd4 <2)a5 20. Hel c5 21. dc5 Ac6 22. cb6 ab6 23. Ab4 Aa8 24. Ab5 He4= Khismatullin 2656 — Vachier-Lagrave 2682, Plovdiv 20121 Ag4 11. £>c5 Wc8 12. £ig5! Hd8 112... W 13. h3 Ad7 14. e3 e5 15. de5 Ae5 16. Wc2 h6 17. 2>d7 <5}d7 18. £if3±] 13. h3 Ah5 113... Ad4 14. hg4 Ac5 15. Ad5 еб 16. e4 a) 16... Af8 17. Wf3 (17. £»f7!? &f7 18. ШЗ <£>g8 19. Ac6 bc6 20. Ag5±) £>e5 18. Wc3 Ag7 19. Ac4 &d3 20. e5±; b) 16... ed5 17. ed5 W 18. £>e4 Ae7 19. 4Ac3 ®d7 20. аЗ 2>а6 21. Ah6±[ 14. g4 Ad4?! |14... Ag4 15. hg4 Ad4 16. £>d3 Wg4 17. e3 Wg5 18. ed4±] 15. Wb3 Ac5 [15... еб 16. Aid3 Ag4 17. hg4 a5 18. £rf3+-] 16. Ad5 Ag4 17. £>f7 £>d4 18. £>d8+- &g7 19. Wg3 Wf5 20. £>e6 £>e6 21. Ae6 We6 22. hg4 Hf8 23. АеЗ 1:0 G. Arsovic 153. IN D 77 N. MAIOROV 2574 - SKEMBRIS 2460 Anogia 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. 4tf3 Ag7 4. g3 d5 5. Ag2 dc4 6. &a3 c3 7. ЬсЗ 0-0 8. 0-0 c5 9. e3 £}c6 10. We2 £>d5 11. Ad2 [11. Ab2 - 89/(398)1 Wa5! N [11... £ib6 12. £ic4; 12. dc5!? A 12... £>a4 13. £id4tj 12. £>b5 [12. £>c4 Wa6 13. Sfbl cd4 14. cd4 Ae6±?[ a6 13. c4 [13. e4 £>db4!!? A 14. cb4 (14. a4 ab5 15. cb4 cb4 16. Wb5 Wb5 17. ab5 Sal 18. Hal 2>d4 19. £)d4 Ad4 20. Hbl b3!+ A 21. НЬЗ Hd8)Wb5 15. Wb5 ab5 16.bc5 £>d4 17. Aid4 Ad4 18. Habl Ha2 19. Ah6 Hd8 20. Hb5 Hc2+[ £>db4oo 14. a3 [14. £}c3 cd4 15. £ld4 Wd8±?; 15. ed4[ ab5 15. cb5 Wa4! 16. ab4 [16. bc6 &c6 17. Hacl cd4Tl Wai 17. Hal [17. Ьсб?! Wa2 18. cb7 Ab7 19. dc5 Had8+ A 20. e4 f5-+[ Hal 18. Afl! 118. Ael £>b4+ A 19. dc5 Hd8 20. h3 2>d3; 18. £>el £>b4 19. Wc4 b6t A 20. dc5 bc5 21. b6?? Aa6—+1 Ah3 19. Ael Afl 20. ФА &b4 21. Wc4 b6 22. &g2 еб 23. dc5 bc5 24. Ab4 cb4 25. Wb4 [25. b6 Haa8 26. Wb4 Hfb8 27. £>d2 Hb7 28. £>c4 Af8] Hb8 26. £id2 Ha7 27. b6 Hab7 28. <2)c4 Af8 29. Wb5 Ae7 30. Wc6 <^>g7 31. g4 h6 32. фЪЗ Ad8 33. £>d6 Hb6 34. Wd7 Hd6 35. Wd6 № 5/h[ Ha8 36. Wc6 Hal 37. <£>g2 1/2 : 1/2 Skembris 154. D 78 JIANU 2497 - DONCEA 2424 Bucure$ti 2012 1. <2)13 ftf6 2. c4 g6 3. d4 Ag7 4. g3 сб 5. Ag2 d5 6. 0-0 0-0 7. ЬЗ c5 8. Ab2 dc4 9. bc4 Wb6 10. Wb3 £}c6!? [10... ^3e4 - 109/2871 11. d5 £)a5 12. Wb6 ab6 13. £>fd2 N [13. £)bd2 b5!^; 13. £>a3 £>e4 14. £>e5 Aid6=; 13. Hel еб! (13... ^3e4 14. Ag7 &g7 15. *23bd2 &d6 16. Habl±) 14. £tfd2 He8 15. £>c3 ed5 16. cd5 Af5±?| Hd8 [13... еб 14. ^ic3 £ie8 (A <2)d6) 15. <2ja4 Ab2 16. &b2 £>d6 17. e4+[ 14. £>c3 [14. Hel еб 15. e4 b5!M &e8 15. Hfel &c7 [15... £>d6 16. £idl Ah6 17. f4 g5 18. e3 Af5 19. <2)f2±; 15... Ag4 16. Afl £id6 17. e4±; о 15... £>c6 16. h3 ^)d4 A 17. ФП b5!? 18. £ib5 -23e2! 19. Hcbl £>d4±d 246
16. ДаЫ!± Ad7 |16... еб?! 17. фа4! фс4 18. фс4 Да4 19. ФЬ6 Ha5 20. d6±; 16... Паб 17. Ф41 + A 17... еб 18. Ag7 <£g7 19. ФеЗ f5 20. e3 Ad7 21. Afl A e4, A 17... Ah6 18. f4 Фе8 19. Ф12 £>d6 20. e4 g5 21. ^d3±] 17. ФО1 Паб [17... Ah6 18. f4 фе8 19. &f2 £>d6 20. Ae5 Даб 21. ФеЗ±| 18. e4 Ae8 Io 18... Ah6| 19. Ag7 <£g7 20. Hb2 еб 21. феЗ± ed5 I о 21... f6[ 22. cd5 фЬ5 23. Afl+- Ф04 24. фс2 Фс2 25. Hcc2 c4 26. Фс4 фс4 27. Ac4 Да4 28. f3 ДаЗ 29. АЬЗ Ab5 30. Дс7 Hd7 31. ДЬс2 g5 32. Hd7 Ad7 33. Дс7 Aa4 34. d6 ДЬЗ 35. аЬЗ 1:0 К Stoica 155.* D 78 D. NAVARA 2700 - JIANU 2497 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 ФГ6 2. c4 g6 3. Ф13 Ag7 4. g3 сб 5. Ag2 d5 6. ЬЗ 0-0 7. 0-0 dc4 8. bc4 c5 9. Ab2 Wb6 10. Wb3 Фе4 11. e3 Феб [11... Ф46 12. ФеЗ! фс4 (12... Аеб 13. фа4±) 13. Wc4 Wb2 14. Hfbl ШЗ 15. ДЬЗ ®a5 16. ДЬ5 ®аЗ (16... Wd8 17. Wc5) 17. Wc5 Wc5 18. Дс5 фаб 19. Да5±; 11... Дd8!? 12. Фе5 cd4 (12... ^g5 13. d5 фЬЗ 14. ФЫ фаб 15. &d2±) 13. Ad4 (13. ed4 Ae5! 14. de5 Фс5 15. Wb6 ab6 16. феЗ Af5^) фс5 14. ®b6 ab6 15. ФеЗ Аеб! 16. £>d5 Ad5 17. cd5 фЬ07 18. £>d7 (18. f4 фе5 19. fe5 Ф07 20. еб Ad4 21. ed4 фГ6=) Дd7 19. Ag7 (19. Sfbl Ad4 20. ed4 Фа4 21. Дс1 <£g7 22. Habl Да5 23. Дс8 b5 A ФЬ6=) ф-g? 20. Hfbl Даб 21. e4 f6oo[ 12. фе5 [12. фаЗ?! Af5 (12... cd4) 13. Hadi (13. Дfdl Дfd8 14. h3 h5 15. Habl ®b3 16. ab3 cd4 17. ed4 Фс5+) Hfd8 14. Aal Wb3 15. ab3 £}a5 16. ДЫ cd4 17. ed4 (17. b4 Феб 18. b5 Фа5 19. ed4 £>d6 20. ДЬ4 аб 21. Ьаб Да6+; 17. Ad4 е5 18. Aal фсб+) £id6 18. ДЬ2 Ае4?| Ф06 [12... фе5 13. de5 £ig5 (13... £id6 14. ф(12+) 14. f4 фЬЗ 15. ФЫ+; 12... f5 13. f3 ФГ6 14. f4 фё4 (14... фе4 15.фсЗ) 15. Феб bc6 16. Wb6 ab6 17. Асб Да7 18. Де1 Дd8 19. h3 фГб 20. феЗ! cd4 21. ФЬ5+] 13. dc5 [13. £>d2 cd4 14. ed4 (14. Wb6 ab6 15. ed4 Аеб 16. Hfel Hfc8±s) ФГ5!? (14... Аеб - 109/287) a) 15. Асб bc6 16. Hfel Дd8 17. Aidf3 (17. Wb6 ab6 18. Феб Hd7M ДЬ8 18. Wb6 ДЬ6 19. АеЗ Даб 20. a4 Ae5 21. Де5 Ae6=; b) 15. Феб bc6 16. c5 Wc7!? (16... Wd8 17. Асб Аеб 18. Wa4 £>d4 19. Ad4 Wd4=) 17. Wa4 Аеб 18. Асб Дас8 (18... ^d4!? 19. Aa8 фе2 20. ФЫ Ab2 21. Дае1 Да8 22. Де2 Wc5oo) 19. Ae4 Ad7 20. ®c4 Hfd8 21. ФЬЗ £id6 22. Wd3 £>e4 23. We4 Af566| Wc5 14. Феб bc6 15. Ag7 £>g7 16. Ф02 Аеб 17. Дк1 [17. Wa4 Hfc8 (17... ДаЬ8 18. ФЬЗ! Wc4 19. Wa7±) 18. Hfel ДаЬ8 19. ФЬЗ We5 20. Фd4 (20. Wa7 Ac4=; 20. c5 фЬ5=) c5 (20... Wc5?! 21. феб A 21... Ad7 22. Wa7±) 21. феб We6 22. Wa7 Фс4=] ДаЬ8 18. Wc3 [18. Wd3!? a) 18... We5!? 19. фЬЗ (19. c5 ФЬ5 20. Асб Дfd8 21. We4 Wf6; 19. Асб ДГс8 20. f4 Wf5 21. ®d4 Wf6 22. Wf6 <£f6 23. c5 Дсб 24. cd6 Hcl 25. Hcl ed6 26. Фе4 &g7 27. Фd6 Aa2=) al) 19... c5!? 20. Habl (20. f4 Wb2oo) Hfd8 21. f4 ®h5oc; a2) 19... Ac4 20. Wd4 Wd4 21. фd4 Ad5 22. Феб Асб 23. Асб ДЬ2=; b) 18... Hfc8 19. ФЬЗ ШЗ!? (19... Wb4 20. Ш4 <£g8 21. Ш7 Фс4 22. ®c5+; 19... ®e5 20. c5 фЬ5 247
21. £>а5±; 19... Wf5 20. ®d4 Щ6 21. c5 W 22. Wa4±) 20. c5 £>b5 21. ®e4 bl) 21... Sb7 22. We5 <£g8 23. Edl (A Ac6!) Ebc7 24. h4; 24. Afl!? A 24... Ab3 25. ab3 Wb3 26. Ed3!+; b2) 21... Wb2 22. &a5 £>a3 23. ®d4 ®d4 24. ed4 Ad5 25. Ad5 cd5 26. Ec3 £>bl 27. Eb3±[ &g8 118... f6!? 19. £>b3 Wc4 20. Wa5 ®b4 21. ®a7 (21. ®b4 Eb4 22. £>d4 ФП 23. £>c6 Ea4 24. £>e7 фе7 25. Ec7 &d8 26. Ёсб Фе7=) Eb7 22. Wc5 (22. Wa6 Eb6 23. We2 Ac4=) Ab3=| 19. £ib3 Wb4?! N [19... Wc4 a) 20. Wa5 Wb4 21. Wb4 (21. Wa7 Eb7 22. Wa5 Ab3 23. ®b4 Eb4 24. ab3 Eb3 25. Ea7 Ee8 26. Ec6 Ebl 27. Afl Ed8=) Eb4 al) 22. £>c5 Ad5 (22... Ac4) 23. a3 Eb5 24. a4 Ea5 25. Eabl f5oo; a2) 22. £>d4 N Ad5 23. £>c6 Ac6 24. Ec6 Ec8= 25. Ec8 £>c8 26. Ecl £>d6 27. Ec7 Ebl 28. Afl Eb7 29. Ec2 Eb4 30. Ec7 Eb7 31. Ec2 Eb4 32. Ec7 1/2 : 1/2 Jianu 2500 - Va. Shishkin 2492, Baia Sprie 2012; b) 20. We5 Wb5 (20... Eb5 21. Ec4 Ee5 22. Ea4 АЬЗ 23. аЬЗ a5 24. Ea5 Ea5 25. Ea5 Eb8=) 21. Ec5 Wb4 22. Ec6 Efc8 23. £>d4 Wb2oo| 20. Wb4 [20. c5! £>e4 (20... £ic4 21. Ac6±) 21. We5 Ad5 22. ®e7 a5 (22... Eb7 23. We5 f6 24. Wd4±) 23. Ec2±[ Eb4 21. c5 22. Ae4 [22. аЗ Eb3 23. Ae4 Ec8 24. Ecbl Ecb8=[ Ee4 23. Ad5?! [23... Ad7! 24. Eabl (24. Edl e5 25. £>f3 Ag4 26. &g2 Af3 27. Ф13 Ec4=; 24. Eel Ee5 25. Eacl Eb8 26. Eedl Eb2 27. £rf3 Ef5M e5 25. £f3 Ag4 26. 2>d2 Ea4 27. £>c4 f6 28. Eb2 Ae6 29. 2>d6 Ad5=J 24. Eel!± f5 [24... Ec8 25. f3 Ee5 26. e4 Ae6 27. Eecl±; 24... Ee5 25. Eabl! (25. f3 Ae6 26. Eacl Ec8 27. Ee2 Ed5) Aa2 26. Eal Ad5 27. Ea7+] 25. Eabl! Aa2 [25... e5 26. f3±] 26. Eb7 Ad5 27. Ea7 f4 [27... Eb8 28. Ec7 Eb2 29. h4 фП 30. h5+; 27... ФП 28. Ebl! (28. f3 Ee5 29. f4 Ee4 30. £tf3 h6! 31. £>e5 Ee5 32. fe5 Eb8^) Ec8 (28... &f6 29. Eb6 Ec8 30. Ea3! A f3) 29. Eb6±| 28. gf4 Eff4 29. f3! Ee5 30. e4 Eh4 [30... Af7 31.Ebl!Ec5 32. Ee7±] 31. Ecl!± Eg5 [31... ФП 32. h3 Eeh5 33. ф£2±] 32. ф<2 Eh2 33. ФеЗ e5 [33... Af7 34. £>c6 Ф18 35. £ie7 Ea2 36. Eb7 Ee5 37. £}c6+-[ 34. Sbl! [34. ^e2?‘? Egg2+; 34. £ic6? Ac6 35. Ebl ФА8 36. Eb8 Ae8 37. Eaa8 Ec2=] ed4 35. ф«4— АП 36. &g5 Eh3 37. Eb8 <^g7 38. <£g4 1 : 0 V. Stoica 156.* D 85 V. GOLOD 2547 - RODSHTEIN 2642 Biel (open) 2012 1. d4 £J6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 d5 4. cd5 £id5 5. £>a4 Ag7 6. e4 £>b6 7. АеЗ 0-0 8. £>13 9. Wa4 c5 10. Edl Ad7!? [ 10... cd4 11. £>d4 Ad7 12. Wa3; 10... Wb6 H.dc5N(ll.Ed2!? - 72/(413)) Wb2 12. Ac4 Ad7 13. Wb3 Wb3 14. АЬЗ Ab5 15. ^>d4 Ad4 16. Ed4 £ic6 17. Ed7 Aa6 18. f3 Efd8 19. Ed8 Ed8 20. £>f2 &f8 21. h4 h5= Melkomyan 2639 — I. Kurnosov 2663, Biel (open) 2012; 16... £>a6[ 11. Wa3 cd4 12. £>d4 Wc7 [12... We8!? 13. Ae2 a6 14. 0-0 £ic6 15. ^b3 £>e5 A Ab5; 15. *53f3O| 13. Ae2 £>c6 N [13... Ac6 14. f3 (14. ^сб?! 2>c6 15. 0-0 Efd8=) Ae5 15. g3 (A <£f2) h5 16. <£f2 h4 248
17. Shgl+1 14. £ib5 Wc8 15.0-0+ Sd8 16. h3 116. Af4!? Ag4 17. Sd8 £>d8 18. f3 e5 19. Ae3±l Af8 [А аб, b5; 16... Аеб 17. Af4 аб 18. £>c7 £>d4 19. We3 Sa7 20. Scl Wd7 21. ЬЗ b5 22. Sfdl+I 17. Aic3 еб [17... е5?! 18. ®ЬЗ (18. Ас5?! Аеб 19. Sd8 Wd8=) £sa5 (18... Аеб 19. Sd8 Wd8 20. Wb7 £>d4 21. Wa6+) 19. ®c2 Аеб 20. Sd8 ®d8 21. Wa4±] 18. Ac5!? 118. Sb3 Aia5 19. Wc2 Ae8=] Ac5 19. Wc5 Ae8 IA ^d4[ 20. ®e3 [20. Sd8 Wd8 21. Sdl We7 (21... Wh4!?) 22. We7 £>e7=l Wc7 21. f4 Aie7 22. Sd8 Wd8?I [22... Sd8! 23. Wa7 Sd2 24. Sbl Wf4 25. Wb7 Aic6 26. Sdl ®e3 27. ФП Sdl 28. Adi £ie5 29. Ae2 <^>g7=| 23. g4O ®a5?! [23... Wc7!? 24. f5 ef5 25. ef5 gf5 26. gf5 Ac6M 24. f5± Wb6?! [24... We5? 25. f6 £>c6 26. &g2 (A Wh6) ®d6 27. £>b5 ®f8 28. e5±; 24... ef5 25. gf5 gf5 26. ef5 Wb6 27. Wb6 ab6 28. f6 Aig6 29. Sdl Асб 30. <£f2+[ 25. m>6 ab6 26. fe6 [26. f6 Феб 27. g5 (27. Sdl?! g5 Xe5, A h6, &h7-g6) Sd8 28. Sdl+1 fe6 27. Ac4 Af7 28. £>b5 Sd8 [28... £>c6 29. &d6 Aie5 30. АЬЗ <£g7 31. W±1 29. e5± [o 29. Aic7 Sd6 (29... &c6 30. Аеб Аеб 31. £>еб Se8 32. Sf6±) 30. Sf6 £ic6 31. Аеб Aie5 32. Af7 2rf7 33. Sd6 £>d6 34. e5±[ 29... Sd7© [29... £>c6?! 30. £>d6 £ie5 31. £rf7 £>f7 32. Аеб Sf8 33. Ad5! (33. g5 <£g7 34. h4 £>e5 35. Sf8 <£f8 36. ф£2 Фе7 37. АЬЗ £>сб 38. Фе3±) <^g7 34. a4 £>e5 (34... £}d8? 35. Sf8 Ф>£8 36. Ь4! фе7 37. a5 ba5 38. ba5 <£d6 39. Ab7!+-) 35. Sf8 <£f8 36. Ab7 £>d3 37. ЬЗ Фе7 38. Ae4 £>c5 39. Ac2±; 29... £>g7 30. 2>d6 Ag8 31. Ab5±[ 30. ftd6 £>d5 31. Ad5!? [31. g5 Se7 (A Ae8) 32. Ab5±; 31. Ф12!? A <^g3| ed5 32. Sf6 32... d4??@ [32... Se7? 33. £>f7 Sf7 34. Sb6 <£f8 (34... Se7 35. еб <£g7 36. g5 h6 37. h4+—) 35. Sf6! Sf6 36. ef6 g5 37. a4 ФГ7 38. b4 £>f6 39. <£f2 Фе5 40. a5 <£>d4 41. b5 Фс5 42. аб Ьаб 43. Ьаб ФЬб 44. феЗ+-; 32... £>g7 а) 33. еб Sd6 34. Sf7 al) 34... ФЬб?! 35. е7 Se6 36. h4 d4 37. <£g2 Se3 (37... d3?? 38. g5 ФЬ5 39. <£g3 Se3 40. ФТ4) 38. g5 ФЬ5 39. e8® Se8 40. &g3 Sh8O 41. Sb7 h6 42. gh6 ФЬб 43. Sb6±; a2) 34... &g8 35. Sf6 Sd8 36. Ф12 Sf8 37. g5 <^g7 38. e7 Se8 39. Sb6 Se7 40. Sd6 ФП 41. Sd5 Фе6±; b) 33. <£f2!? d4 34. Фе2 Aa2 35. &d3±; c) 33. £if7! Sf7 34. Sb6 d4 35. Sd6 Sf4 36. Sd7 <£f8 37. Sh7 b5 38. Sd7 Фе8 39. еб Ь4 40. <£g2 g5 41. &glO Se4 42. &f2 <£f8 43. a4 ЬаЗ 44. ЬаЗ Se6 45. Sd4+-[ 33. e6+- [33... АебП 34. Se6 d3 35. <±>f2 Sc7 36. ФеЗ Sc2 37. Se8 <фg7 38. Se7] 1:0 V. Golod 157.** IN D 85 YAZGELDIEV - TLEPTSOK corr. 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £ic3 d5 4. cd5 £id5 5. e4 ^c3 6. ЬсЗ Ag7 7. АеЗ c5 8. ®d2 Ш5 9. Scl 0-0 [9... ^c6 10. d5 £>e5 11. h3 0-0 12.f4£>d7 13. £if3 b5 14. Ad3N(14. c4)c4 15. АЫ Ab7 16.0-0 аб 17.f5!±Wa3(17... gf5? 18. ^)d4! fe4 19. £>f5 £>e5 20. fog! Фg7 21. Ad4 f6 22. Ae5 fe5 23. Wg5+- E. Odeeva — Borcsuz, corr. 2012; 17... £>e5 249
18. <Йе5 Ае5 19. Ad4 Wc7±) 18. Ah6 Wd6 19. Hf2 Wf6 20. Ag7 Wg7 21. Scfl £ic5 22. &d4 Sac8 23. f6 ef6 24. Sf6 £>d7 25. S6f2±; 9... cd4 10. cd4 Wd2 11. Ad2 0-0 12. £>f3 Ag4 13. АеЗ £>c6 14. d5 Af3 15. gf3 £>d4 16. Ah3 f5 17. £>fl £}f3! N (17... еб) 18. Sc7 £>d4 19. Sb7 fe4 20. Se7 £>f5 21. Se4 Sad8 22. Aa7 Sd5 23. Sa4 Ae5 24. Af5 gf5 25. АеЗ Af6± Helmi - Dan. Lopes, corr. 2012] 10. £>f3 Sd8 11. d5 еб 12. Ag5 f6 ]12... Se8 13. d6 b5 14. Ah6 (14. h4 - 108/(120)) Ah8 15. h4 £>d7 16. h5 Sb8 17. Ae2 b4 18. cb4 Wb4 (18... Sb4 19. 0-0 Ab7 20. Ad3 Sa4±) 19. Wb4 Sb4 20. £}d2±] 13. АеЗ 113. Af4 ed5 (13... Wa4 - 110/257) 14. ed5 Af5 15. Ae2 Ae4 16. d6 £>d7 17. h4 Se8 (17... h5) 18. 0-0 Wa4 19. Sbl!+] £>c6 ]13... ed5 14. ed5 £>a6 15. Ae2 Аеб 16. c4 Wd2 17. <Sd2 Af7 (17... Ad7 - 110/256) 18. 0-0 f5 19. Sbl b6 20. a3 £>c7 21. Af4±] 14. Ad3 ed5 15. ed5 c4 16. Ac4 Аеб 17. Sdl £>e7 18. de6 Sd2 19. Sd2 19... £>f5! N |19... Wc3 - 111/228] 20. Sd3 £>e3 120... Se8 21.0-0 £>e3 22. Se3 Se7 23. Sdl f5 24. Sd5 Wb6 25. Sd7 Af6 26. g3+] 21. Se3 Wc7 121... Ah6?! 22. Sd3 Se8 23. 0-0 Wc5 24. АЬЗ Se7 25. Sfdl Af8 26. Sd4 a5 (26... Wc3? 27. Sc4 Wa5 28. Sc8+-; 26... Wc7 27. Sc4 Wb8 28. Sd7 <£>g7 29. g3 f5 30. &g2 аб 31. Scd4±) 27. Sc4 Wa3 28. g3 b5 29. Sc6 a4 30. Ad5±] 22. АЬЗ Ф118 122... Se8 23. 0-0 Se7 24. Sdl Af8 25. Sd7 Wc5 26. g3 <£g7 27. Sed3 a5 28. £>d4 h5 29. a4±] 23. 0-0 Af8 24. Sd3 Sd8! 25. Sfdl |25. Sd8 Wd8 26. Sdl Ad6 27. £>d2 ®c7 28. g3 Wc6 29. £f3 &g7 30. £id4 We4 31. £>f5 gf5 32. Sd6 Wel=] Sd3 26. Sd3 Ad6 27. £>d2 Ac5 (27... Ah2 28. ФП Ad6 29. £>e4 Af8 30. Sd7 We5 31. Ad5 Wh5 32. Фе1 Wh6 33. Фе2 Wh5 34. f3 Wh2 35. e7 Wg2 36. £>f2 Ae7 37. Se7 b5 38. Se8+] 28. Sd5 Ad6 29. £>e4 (29... Ae7 30. Sd7 Wf4 31. g3 We4 32. Se7 Wbl 33. £>g2 We4=] 1/2 : 1/2 Odeev, Yazgeldiev 158.* D 87 M. D. MIUKOVIC 2449 - GROVER 2516 Vrachati 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £ic3 d5 4. cd5 £id5 5. e4 &c3 6. ЬсЗ c5 7. Ac4 Ag7 8. £>e2 £>c6 9. АеЗ 0-0 10.0-0 £>a5 11. Ad3 b6 12. Wd2 e5 13. Ah6 ed4 14. Ag7 &g7 15. cd4 cd4 16. f4 f6 17. Sael 117. f5 £>c6 18. Ab5 £je5 19. £>d4 gf5 20. Sadi N (20. ef5) We7 21. Aa6 Ad7 22. ef5 ФИ8 23. Wc3 Sae8 24. Sf4 Sg8 25. Afl Sc8 26. Wei Аебоо Hi. Nakamura 2759 — F. Caruana 2736, Wijk аап Zee 2012] Wd6 18. f5 Ad7 ]18... We5 - 108/124] 19. fg6 N |19. Ааб £ic6 20. Ab7 Sad8 21. Sfdl £>a5 22. Ad5 gf5 23. Wd4 fe4 24. Ae4 Wd4 25. Sd4 f5 26. Af3 Аеб 27. Sc7 &g8 28. Sa7 Sd4 29. £>d4 Aa2 30. Sa6 Sf6 31. 2>c6! 2>c6 32. Sb6=; 19. e5] hg6 20. e5!? 120. Aa6 Sad8 21. Wd4 Асб 22. Wd6 Sd6 23. ^c3=] We5 120... fe5 21. Wg5! (21. £>g3 We7) Sfl 22. Sfl Sf8 23. Sf8 &f8 24. £>g3 (24. Ag6 We7) &f7 25. Wh6 a) 25... £>c6 26. £>e4^; 26. h4^; b) 25... Wf6 26. £>e4 (26. Wh7 Фе8 27. £>e4^) Wf4 27. Wh7 Фе8 28. g3 We3 29. <£>g2 Асб 250
(29... Wd3?? 30. Wh8 <£>f7 31. Wf6 £>g8 32. ®d8 Ф17 33. £>g5 <^g7 34. Wd7 ФЬ6 35. £>f7+-) 30. Wg6 &f8 31. Ш6 <£>g8 32. We5 Wd3 33. We6 <£f8 34. ®c8 J.e8 35. Wf5=] 21. £>f4 f5 [21... We3? 22. ®e3 de3 23. Sc7 Sfd8 (23... Sf7 24. Ag6 Se7 25. ±f5!+-) 24. £>e6+-] 22. Sf3!o3 [22. &h5 gh5 23. ®g5 ФЬ8 24. ®h5 <£>g8 25. Sc7! Sad8 26. ^.e4! d3 27. ±d5 <£>g7 28. Wg5 ФЬ7 29. Wh5 <^?g7 30. Wg5=l Sh8? [22... Sf6 23. Sei (23. h4^) Wd6 24. &h5 gh5 25. Wg5 ФЬ8 (25... Sg6 26. Se7 <£>f8 27. Sd7 Sg5 28. Sd6+) a) 26. Sh3 Sg6 27. ®h5 &g7 28. Wh7 al) 28... &f6 29. ®h4 Sg5 (29... &f7 30. ®h7 Sg7 31. Wh5 Wg6 32. ®g6 Sg6 33. Sh7 Sg7 34. Sg7 <£g7 35. Se7 &f6 36. Sd7oo) 30. ®h6=; a2) 28... &f8 29. £f5 i.f5 30. Sfl Wf6 31. Sg3! Sg5 (31... Wf7?! 32. Wh8 Фе7 33. ®a8 Sg3 34. Wa7 Фе8 35. ®b8 &d7 36. Wg3±) 32. Wh4 Sg6 33. Wh7=; b) 26. Sg3 Sf7 27. M5! Af5 28. Wh5 Sh7 29. Se8 Wf8 30. Sa8 Sh5 31. Sf8 ФИ7 32. Sf7 ФЬ6 33. Sf6=l 23. Sei Wd6 [23... ®c5 24. i.b5!! Sae8 (24... Ic8 25. £ig6!+-) 25. Se8 <Йс4 26. Se7 We7 27. Wd4 &e5 28. ДеЗ ®c5 29. ®c5 bc5 30. jld7+—I 24. Sg3! Sh6 25. ^.b5!!+- £)c6 [25... Ab5 26. £>e6 ФЬ7 27. Wh6! ФИ6 28. Sh3#; 25... J.c8 26. &d5! ®d5 27. Se7 <£>f8 28. Sc7!+-; 25... Sah8 26. Ed3! ±b5 27. Sd4 Wc6 28. £>e6 ФП 29. ^g5+-1 26. ±c6 ®c6 [26... £c6 27. £>e6 ФИ7 28. Wh6! ФИ6 29. Sh3#l 27. ®d4 ФГ7 28. Sc3 Wb5 29. Sc7 [29... Sd8 30. £>e6+-[ 1:0 M. D. Miljkovic ]59 ***« D 90 KAIDANOV 2594 - ROBSON 2614 USA (ch) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 d5 4. £>13 £g7 5. Wa4 Ad7 6. Wb3 dc4 7. Wc4 0-0 8. ±f4 &a6 [8... ±f5 a) 9. ®c7 &c6 10. Wd8 Sfd8 11. e3 W 12. <£d2 N (12. Scl) <^g4! 13. J.c7 (13. i.g3 e5) £>f2 14. Ad8 Sd8T 15. Sgl &h6 16. ^3e5?! £ig4 17. £>g4 Sd4 18. Фе1 £>c2 19. <±>f2 Sg4 0 : 1 J. P. Gomez 2507 - A. R. Salem 2528, Ho Chi Minh City 2012; 16. Sei; b) 9. еЗ сб 10. Wb3 Wb6 11. Ac4 ЙМ7 12. 0-0 Wb3 13. J.b3 W N (13... W; 13... Sac8) 14. £g5 e5 15. h3 h6 16. J.e7 Sfe8 17. i.d6 ed4 18. £>d4 ±d3 19. Sfdl &a6 20. £f3 2>b6 21. g4 £)f6 22. £}e5 £}fd5oo Vitiugov 2709 — R. Ponomariov 2727, Russia 20121 9. e4 c5 10. e5 i.e6 [10... W 11. ±e3 cd4 12. Wd4 ^.сб 13. J.e2 Wc7 (13... £f3 - 112/254) 14. 0-0 £f3 15. J.f3 J.e5 16. We4 £>c5 a) 17. Wh4 N ^.сЗ 18. ЬсЗ £>g7 19. J.c5 Wc5 20. J.b7 Sab8 21. Sabi £>f5 22. Wa4 £>d6 23. J.f3 &c4 24. Wd7 £>e5 25. Wd4 £>f3 26. gf3 Wd4+ Ding Liren 2679 — J. P. Gomez 2507, Ho Chi Minh City 2012; b) 17. Wb4 ^)d3 18. Wb3 ±c3 19. Wc3 Wc3 20. ЬсЗ Sac8 21. ±a7 Sc3 22. Sfbl N (22. a4) £jc5 23. J.b7 W 24. Sb7 Sa8 25. a4 Sc6 26. a5± W. So 2653 - D. Novara 2706, France 20121 11. ef6 ±c4 12. fg7 <i>g7 13. ±c4 cd4 14. ^.e5 f6 15. ±d4 e5 16. ^.еЗ £>b4 17.0-0 £ic2 18. Sadi Wc7 19. i.b3 £ie3 20. fe3 Sac8 21. &hl N [21. Sf2 - 112/256) Sfd8 22. &d5 Wc5 23. e4 251
23... а5 24. Sfel Wb5 25. £>c3 Wb4 26. £>d5 Wb5 27. £>c3 Wb4 28. £>d5 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovic 160.* D93 A. INDlt 2481 - M. KLEINMAN 2330 Athens 2012 1. d4 £tf6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 d5 4. £rf3 Ag7 5. Af4 0-0 6. e3 c5 7. dc5 Wa5 8. Scl £>bd7!? 9. cd5 19. Wd2 dc4 10. Ac4 £>c5 11. 0-0 Ae6=I £>e4 10. 5?id4 110. £>d2 - 113/179] £}dc5 11. Ac4 Ill. Wc2 Af5 (11... Sd8 12. Ac7! Wc7 13. £ie4 Wa5 14. Wc3 Wc3 15. 2>c3±) 12. f3 (12. £>f5 gf5 13. f3 &c3 14. ЬсЗ £>a4 15. Ad3 £>c3 16. 0-0oo) Ad4 (12... £ic3 13. Wc3±) 13. ed4 £>g3 14. Wdl £>hl 15. dc5 Wc5 16. Wd2oc] e5 111... £ic3 12. ЬсЗ e5 13. de6 Аеб 14. Аеб £ie6 15. £ie6 Ac3 16. ФП fe6 17. Wb3 Wa6 18. <£>gl Ag7 N (18... Af6) 19. h4 Sad8 (M. Nenezic 2370 - C. Lupulescu 2616, Plovdiv 2012) 20. h5!?; 19. h3=] 12. de6 Аеб 13. Аеб [13. 0-0 £>f2 14. Sf2 Ac4 15. ЬЗ Ааб 16. Ь4 Wb4 17. Ad6 Wa5 18. Af8 Sf8oo] fe6? N 113... £>e6 14. 0-0 (14. £>е6?! АеЗ! 15. ЬсЗ Wa2 16. Wc2 We6+) £>c3 15. ЬсЗ £rf4 16. ef4=; 13... £ic3] 14. 0-0 Ad4? [14... £>c3 15. Sc3±] 15. £>e4! АеЗ 16. АеЗ £ie4 17. Wb3 1^ 17. Wd7! Sf7 18. We6 Wf5 19. Wf5 Sf5+-] Wd5 18. Wd5 ed5± 19. Sfdl Sad8? 119... £>f6 20. Ad4 b6 21. Af6 Sf6 22. Sd5±] 20. f3 £>f6 21. Aa7 Sf7 22. Ad4 h5 23. Sei Se8 24. Se8+- &e8 25. Sc8 Se7 26. Sd8 26. Ac5 Se6 27. Sb8+-| Ф17 27. Sd5 £>c7 28. Se5 Sd7 29. Ac3 £id5 30. Ad2 ФГ6 31. Se2 Sc7 32. h4 b5 33. Ag5 Ф15 34. ФС Sc6 35. &g3 Se6 36. Se6 Феб 37. Ad2 b4 38. ФГ2 Фе5 39. фе2 фd4 40. ЬЗ Фс5 41. фdЗ £>f6 42. АеЗ Фd5 43. Ad2 Фс5 44. ФеЗ £>d5 45. Фе4 ^f6 46. фГ4 Фd4 47. Фg5 £>d5 48. фg6 фdЗ 49. АЬ4 1:0 A. Indic 161. IN D 93 SUMETS 2618 - W. SO 2650 Montreal 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 d5 4. £>f3 Ag7 5. Af4 0-0 6. e3 c5 7. dc5 £>e4 8. Scl ftc3 9. ЬсЗ Wa5 10. cd5 £>d7 11. Wb3 Ill. Ae2 - 77/463] ftc5 12. Wb4 Wb4 13. cb4 £>a4! N 113... £>e4 14. £>d4(14. Ac4)Sd8 15. Ac4±] 14. Ae5! 114. Ac4?! Ab2! 15. Sdl Ac3 16. Фе2 Ab4+; 14. £>d4 £>b6 15. Sc5 £>a4 16. Sc7 &b6 17. Ac4 (17. Sc5=) £>c4 18. Sc4 Sd8 19. £ib5 Ad7 20. £>c7 Sac8^; 14. Ab5 £ic3 15. Ac4 Ь5 16. АЬЗ Ab7 17. d6 ed6 18. Ad6 Sfd8 19. Ac5 Sac8^; 14. Ag5 Ac3 15. ^)d2 (15. Sc3 £ic3 16. Ae7 Se8 17. d6 a5! 18. Ь5 Аеб 19. Ad3 £ia2 20. Ae4 Ш 21. Ab7 Sab8 22. Ae4 Sb5 23. £>d4 Se5 24. Af3 Ad7 25. Фd2 a4) Ab4 16. Sc4 a5 17. аЗ b5 18. Sc6 Aa3 19. Ab5 W 20. Sc3 Ab4 21. Sc2 Sb8!=] Af5 15. Ag7 |15. Ab5 W 16. Ag7 Фg7 17. d6 (W. So) ed6 18. ^)d4 Ae4 19. fi Ad5=; 15. Ac4 Sfc8 16. Фе2 a5 17. ba5 Sa5 18. Ab3 Ae5 19. Sc8 Ac8 20. £>e5 £>c3 21. фd2 £>d5 22. e4 ^f6 23. ^3f7 ^e4 24. феЗ £>c5=] Фg7 16. Ac4 116. d6 ed6 17. £>d4 a5! 18. £>f5 gf5 19. 252
Ьа5 Sa5±s| Sac8 17.0-0 Sfd8 117... &Ь2!? 18. Ab3 ^d3 19. Scdl &Ь4 20. d6 ±d3 21. de7 Sfe8 22. Efel Se7=[ 18. £>d4 J.e4 19. 13 Ad5 |19... W! a) 20. £>c6 bc6 21. fe4 &c4 22. Sc4 cd5 23. Sc8 Sc8 24. ed5 Sc4 25. Sf4 Scl 26. Sfl Sc4 27. Sbl &f6 28. Hfl (28. а4?! фе5) <&g7 29. Sbl=; b) 20. fe4 £ic4 21. Hfel £id2 22. Sc8 Sc8 23. e5 &e4 24. Sdl Sc4 25. £>b3 £>f8 26. аЗ b6 27. Hd4 Sc3 28. Se4 Sb3=] 20. ±d5 Scl 21. Hcl Sd5 22. Sc7 e5 23. 2>b3 123. 2>e6! <£f6 24. £>f8 <£g7 25. £id7 Sb5 26. аЗ а5П (26... g5 27. e4 h5 28. &f2 W 29. Фе2) 27. ba5 (27. e4!? ab4 28. ab4 h5 29. &f2) Sa5 28. Sb7 e4 (28... £>c3 29. e4±) 29. fe4 £ic3 30. e5 Sa3 31. £>c5 &g8 32. Sd7!±] b5 123... b6! 24. Sa7 £>c3 a) 25. a3?? Sd3!-+ 26. Sb7 (26. £f2 <2}b5) <Йа2; b) 25. Sa6 Sdl 26. &f2 Sbl 27. Sb6 Hb2 28. £>g3 £>e2 29. ФЬЗ ^gl 30. £g3 &e2=[ 24. Sa7 ftc3 25. аЗ?! [25. h4! Sdl 26. £>f2 Sbl 27. £>c5 Sb2 28. <£g3 Sa2 29. Hb7 h6 30. &d7 e4 31. £>e5[ g5! 26. £>c5 Hdl 27. Ф12 Sd2 28. <&g3 h5 29. h4 gh4 30. Ф114 1/2 : 1/2 Sumets 162. D 94 B. LALIC 2475 - JAY. ASHWIN 2473 Budapest 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>c3 £>f6 4. e3 g6 5. £rf3 ±g7 6. cd5 cd5 7. ДЬ5 Ad7 8. Wb3 Ф.Ь5 Io 8... 0-0J 9. B5 Wd7 10. £>e5 Wb5 11. £)Ь5 £>a6 12. Фе2 [12. ±d2; 12. ЬЗ — 37/5331 *53d7 13. ^d3! £>Ь6?! N [13... 0-0 14. Ad2 e5! 15. de5 £>e5 16. £>e5 ±e5 17. АеЗ ^.сЗ 18. £>c3 £ic7±; 13... &d8[ 14. ЬЗ Ф07 15. ^.d2?! [15. a4! £>c7 16. £>c7 фс7 17. АаЗ <£d8 18. Shcl±[ Shc8 16. Sael Sc6! 17. a4 £>c8? [17... еб 18. а5?! £>c8 19. £ic3 Aid6 20. b4 £>c7 21. &c5 Фе7! 22. b5 £icb5 23. £>b5 £>b5 24. £>b7 <£d7=[ 18. ^сЗ!± ебП 19. b4t Sc4 20. b5 £>b8 21. £ic5 Фс7 22. £>bl [o 22. &3e4! b6 23. £>d3 Scl 24. Scl <£d7 25. £>g5 &d6 26. Ab4 £ic4 27. £if7 аб 28. Sc2 Af6 29. g4 ab5 30. ab5 Sal 31. g5 Ag7 32. фП+-[ аб?!© [22... £id6 23. £>a3 Scl 24. Scl &d8 25. Ab4 Af8 26. W W 27. ±f8 £>d7 28. ±b4±[ 23. £>a3 ab5 24. £>Ь5 Феб 25. £ia3+- £>d6 26. £ic4 £ic4 27. £id3 <£d7 28. Sc4!? dc4 29. £>Ь2 фс7 30. a5 £>c6 31. £>c4 Sd8 32. Sbl e5 33. аб! Ьаб 34. de5 Sd5 35. f4 ^.f8 36. Sal ФЬ7 37. ±c3 Sc5 38. &d3 Sd5 39. Фс2 h5© 1:0 B. Lalic 163. D 94 SARGISSIAN 2679 - DAN. LUDWIG 2456 Wheeling 2012 1. c4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. £>c3 £>f6 4. e3 g6 5. £rf3 ^.g7 6. Ae2 0-0 7.0-0 аб 8. a4 ±g4 [o 8... a5[ 9. Wb3 Sa7 10. h3 ±f3 110... dc4 11. Wc4 (11. Ш2!?) ^.еб 12. Wc5 b6 13. Wa3 a5 14. e4+[ 11. J.f3 еб 12. a5± £>bd7 13. Sdl We7!? |13... Wc7 14. e4 de4 15. ±e4 (15. £ie4 - 67/452) Se8 16. ^.еЗ Saa8 17. ^.c2±[ 14. e4 N [14. £d2[ de4 253
15. Ае4!± <§3e4 [15... c5 16. АеЗ £>e4 17. £>e4 cd4 18. Ad4 Ad4 19. Ed4 £>f6 20. Wa3 Wa3 21. 2>f6 фё7 22. ЕаЗ £>f6 23. Ed7+-; 15... e5 16. d5 £ic5 17. Wa3+-[ 16. £>e4 Wh4 |16... £>f6 17. £>c5 (17. Ag5 h6 18. 2>f6 Af6 19. Ah6 Ed8 20. Ae3±) 2>d7 18. ®a4 £>f6 19. Af4±[ 17. £>g5 [17. fil? h6 18. АеЗ f5 19. <§3c3 Eb8 20. d5 Eaa8 21. Af2±[ h6 18. £>f3 ®d8 [o 18... ®e7 19. АеЗ Eb8 20. d5 Eaa8 21. d6 Ш6 22. Eabl±[ 19. АеЗ Ea8 20. Wb7 Wc8!? 21. Wc8 [21. Wb4!? fid8 22. ®c3 c5 23. b4 cb4 24. ®b4 e5 25. de5 4}e5 26. 4}e5 Ae5 27. Sac 1±] Efc8 22. b4 Eab8 23. Sabi Eb7?! [23... Af8[ 24. d5! ed5 [24... cd5 25. cd5 e5 26. Edel Ecl 27. Eel Eb4 (27... e4 28. £>d2 Eb429. Ec6 W 30. Eb6+—) 28. Ec8 фЬ7 29. Ec7 £>f8 30. Ef7 Eb5 31. d6 Ea5 32. ^d2±[ 25. b5! cb5 125... £>b8 26. b6 dc4 27. Edel c3 28. Ad4±] 26. cb5+- Eb5 27. Eb5 ab5 28. Ed5 £>f6 [^ 28... £ib8 29. Eb5 £>a6 30. £>e5 Ea8 31. £ic4] 29. Eb5 Ea8 30. £>e5 Ea6 31. £>c4 £id7 32. Ed5 £if6 33. Ed6 Ed6 34. £>d6 £>d5 35. аб £>c7 36. a7 Af8 37. £>c4 1 : 0 Sargissian 164.**** D 97 D. JAKOVENKO 2722 - SVIDLER 2749 Russia (ch-playoff-rapid) 2012 1. d4 &f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 d5 4. £>f3 Ag7 5. Wb3 dc4 6. Wc4 0-0 7. e4 Ae6I? [7... аб - 114/1751 8. Wd3 [8. Wb5 N Ad7 9. ®c5 b6 10. Wg5 c5! 11. dc5 Асб 12. Wh4 bc5 13. Ae2 (13. Ac4 еб) еб (A £>e4) 14. Ag5 h6! 15. Ah6 £>e4 16. Wf4 £ic3 17. Ag7 £>g7 18. ЬсЗ a) 18... <§3d7 19. 0-0 (19. ®d6?! Wb6 20. 0-0 Af3 21. Wb6 ab6T) Eb8=; b) 18... Wf6 19. We3 £>d7 20. 0-0 Eab8 21. Efdl Efd8 22. h3 Ad5 23. a4 a5= Morozevich 2770 - A. Giri 2696, Biel 2012; 8. d5 a) 8... Ag4?? 9. e5 Af3 10. ef6 ef6 11. gf3 £>d7 N (11... f5) 12. Ae2 f5 13. Ae3+- D. Cori Tello 2413 — A. Muzychuk 2606, Istanbul (ol) 2012; b) 8... Ac8 9. Ae2 сб 10. 0-0 cd5 11. ed5 £>e8 N (11... b6; 11... еб) 12. Eel £id6 13. Wa4 £>d7 14. Af4 2>b6 15. Wb3 Ag4 16. £>e5 Ae2 17. Ee2 Ec8 18. Edl <Ad7= S. J. Gordon 2539 - D. Howell 2620, Great Britain (ch) 20121 c5 9. d5 Ac8 10. АеЗ N [10. Ae2 еб N (10... £>bd7) 11. Ag5 h6 12. Af6 Af6 (12... Wf6!? 13. e5 Wf5 14. Ш5 gf5 15. Ac4 ed5 16. £>d5 £>c6x) 13. e5 Ag7 14. Edl ed5 15. £>d5 £ic6 16. Wc3 Wa5 17. £>e7 ФИ7 18. ®a5 £>a5 19. Ed5 Ee8 20. £>c8 Eac8 21.0-0 £>c6= VI. Georgiev 2566 — Fta€nik 2532, Istanbul (ol) 20121 b6 11. h3 еб 12. de6 [12. d6?l Ш 13. 0-0-0 e5+l Аеб 13. Wd8 [13. £>g5 £>c6 14.&e6fe6 15. Edl (15.0-0-0 £к!4!оо)£к14 (15... Wl?) 16. Ae2(16. Ad4cd4 17. Wd4 £>d5 18. e5 £>c3 19. ЬсЗ ®g5 20. h4 We5 21. We5 Ae5 22. Ac4=) We7oo[ Ed8 14. £>g5 £>c6 15. £>e6 fe6 16. Ac4 ФП 17. 0-0 17... £>e8! 18. Eadl £>d6 19. Ad3 £>b4 20. Abl £>c4 21. Ael аб 22. ФЬ2?! [22. аЗ £>c6 23. Aa2=[ Ad4 23. Efel Ea7 24. ЬЗ Ead7 [24... Ac3 25. Ed8 Ael 26. bc4 Af2Tl 25. Ag5D £>b2 26. Ad8 £idl 27. Edl Ed8 28. f4 Фе7+ 29. £>e2 e5 30. f5 [30. g3 b5?| b5 31. £>c3 Ef8 32. £>e2 Ed8 33. £>c3 Ed6! 34. £>d5 £>d5 35. ed5 c4 36. fg6 hg6 [£ 9/j| 37. Ae4 Ef6+ 38. Ed2 g5 39. g3 Efl 40. 254
Se2 сЬЗ?! 140... сЗ+1 41. аЬЗ а5 42. Sa2? |42. h4! gh4 43. gh4 а4 (43... Sf4 44. <£>g3=) 44. ba4 ba4 (44... Ь4 45. Ас2) 45. h5 Sf4 46. &g3 аЗ 47. h6 Se4 48. Se4 а2 49. Sei <£d6 50. h7 е4 51. &f4 Ф45 52. Sdl alW 53. h8W Wdl 54. Wg8=[ a4! 43. ba4 b4 44. Sc2 Sei 45. Ad3 ЬЗ 46. Sc7 <£>d6-+ 47. Sc6 &d5 48. Sc8 b2 49. Sd8 Фс5 50. Sb8 e4 0 : 1 G. Arsovic 165. D 97 MACIEJA 2614 - V. ERDOS 2624 Greece 2012 1. d4 £rf6 2. c4 g6 3. £c3 d5 4. £f3 Ag7 5. ®b3 dc4 6. Wc4 0-0 7. e4 £c6 8. h3!? e5! 9. de5 [9. d5 £id4j £d7 [9... Аеб?! 10. ef6 Ac4 11. fg7 <ii?g7 (11... Se8 12. Ac4 £d4 13. £d4 Wd4 14. Ab3) 12. Ac4 £d4 13. £d4 (13. 0-0 £f3 14. gf3) Wd4 14. Ae2; 14. Ab3±[ 10. еб [10. Ag5?! £de5| 10... £de5!? N [10... fe6 11. We6 фЬ8 12. Ag5!? (12. Wd5 - 43/592) £de5! 13. £e5!? (13. We5 £e5 14. Ad8 £f3 15. gf3 Sd8^; 13. Ad8 £f3 14. gf3 Аеб 15. Ac7 £d4) Аеб (13... Wg5 14. £if7) 14. Ad8 Ae5 (14... Sad8!? 15. £c6 bc6 16. Scl Ad4 17. Sc2) 15. Ag5 £b4±d 11. ef7 Sf7 12. £e5 £e5 13. Wb3 [13. Wd5!? a) 13... We8 14. Ae2 Аеб 15. Wb7! (15. Wdl Sd8 16. Wc2 £c63s) Sb8 16. Wa7 £c6 (16... £c4) 17. Wa4 al) 17... Sb4 18. Wa3 £d4 19. 0-0 (19. Adi с5б5) £c2 20. Wa5 Wf8±; a2) 17... Sa8 a21) 18. Wc2? £b4 19. Wdl (19. Wbl? Ab3!) Sd7 20. Ad2 Sad8 21. Wa4D Af8t; a22) 18. Wb5 Sb8 (18... Sa5 19. Wd3 £b4 20. Wd2 Sd7 21. £d5 Sa2 22. Sa2 £a2 23. Ac4 £cl 24. Wcl Af7 25. 0-0 We4 26. £e3+) 19. Wd3 Sd7 20. Wg3 £d4 21.0-0 (21. Ad3 £f5 22. Wf3 Sbd8) £e2 22. £e2 Ac4±; b) 13... Wh4! 14. АеЗ сб bl) 15. Wd2 Ag4 16. Ag5 (16. hg4 Whl 17. 0-0-0 Wh4) Wh5 17. Sgl Saf8 18. f4 (18. hg4 Wh2) h6 19. fe5 hg5 20. hg4 Wh4 21. g3 Sfl 22. Sfl Wg3 23. Фе2 bll) 23... Wh2!? 24. <£>d3 (24. ФеЗ=) Sd8 25. £d5 We5; Ы2) 23... Wg4 24. фе1 Wg3=; b2) 15. Wb3 Ah6!? (15... Ag4) b21) 16. Ad4 Wf6 17. Ac4 £d3 18. фе2 Wd4 19. Af7 &g7 20. Shdl (20. Sadi £cl 21. Scl Wd2) £f4 21. &fl Wf6 22. Ag8 (22. Ac4 £g2 23. <£>g2 Ah3) £g2 b211) 23. Sd3 £f4 (23... £e3 24. Фе2 £g2 25. Sf3 £f4 26. <£>fl Ah3 27. Sh3 £h3 - 23... £f4) 24. Sf3 Ah3 25. Sh3 £h3 26. Wb7 <^>g8 27. Wa8 JJ8 b2111) 28. Wa7?! Wf3 29. Sbl (29. We3 Whl 30. Фе2 Wai 31. Wh3 Wb2) £f4 30. Фе1 M5! 31. Wa6 (31. Wd7? h5!!) Wf2t; b2112) 28. £dl Wf3 29. Wc6 Wd3 30. &g2 £f4 31. &gl £h3=; b212) 23. Sd6 Wf3 24. Wf7 (24. £dl £e3 25. £еЗ АеЗ 26. We3 Ah3 27. Фе1 Whl 28. <^>d2 Wai 29. фс2 Wfl=) Wf7 25. Af7 £f4 26. Ac4 Ah3 27. <£>gl Ag5^; b22) 16. 0-0-0 АеЗ 17. fe3 &g7^; 17... b5!?^; b23) 16. Ah6 Wf2 17. <^>dl Аеб 18. We6 Wb2! 19. Ag5 (19. Scl Sd8 20. £d5 cd5 21. Sc8 Wai 22. Ael ^g7! 23. Sd8 Wd4 24. Ad2 Wa4=) Wc3 20. Sc 1 Wd4 21. фс2 (21. Ad2 Sd8 22. Sc2 Wai 23. Scl Wb2) We4^| £d3 [13... Wh4?! 14. АеЗ Ah6 (14... Ag4 15. hg4 Whl 16. 0-0-0) 15. Ah6 Wh6 (15... Wf2 16. <^>dl Аеб 17. We6 Wb2 18. Scl Sd8 19. £d5 сб 20. Ad2+-) 16. Ae2[ 14. Ad3 Wd3 15. АеЗ 255
15... Wa6! |15... ±сЗ 16. ШсЗ We4 17. 0-0 ±d7 18. Sadl+1 16. Sdl [16. a4!? i.d7 (16... £e6 17. Wb5) 17. 0-0-0 (17. Sdl £e6 18. Wb5 Wb5 19. ab5 i.c4) £e6 18. Wb5 Sb5 19. ab5 (19. £>b5 ±b3) Ab3^ 20. Sd2 b6; 20... a6; 16. f3!? £e6 17. Wc2 a) 17... Sd8 18. Ф12! Sd3 (18... Sfd7 19. Shdl ФП+) 19. Sadi Se3 (19... Sfd7 20. Sd3 Wd3 21. Wd3 Sd3 22. £>e2!) al) 20. ФеЗ ®b6 (20... JLe5) 21. &d2! ^.h6 22. фе1 J.g5 23. £}d5; a2) 20. Sd8 Sf8 21. Sf8 ±f8 22. ФеЗ Wb6 23. Фd2 ±h6 24. фе1; b) 17... c5 18. ФП Ad4 19. Shdl; c) 17...±e5!? 18. Ф12 Saf8 19. Sadi (19. Shdl ±h3) Wa5 20. a3; 19... Wc6[ Jle6 17. Wc2 Aa2!? [17... Wc4 18. f3 (18. Sd3 b5) b5 19. a3 a5 20. Sd2 b4 21. Aie2 Wc2 22. Sc2 Sd7! 23. Ф12 (23. £cl ±b3 24. Sd2 Sd2 25. Фd2 Sd8w) ^.ЬЗ 24. Sd2 Sd2 25. i.d2 Ab2 26. ab4 a4^| 18. ЬЗ [18. Sal ±b3! 19.Sa6 ±c2 20. Sa7 Sa7 21. ±a7 ±c3 22. ЬсЗ ±e4 23. f3=; 21... b6!+; 18. £>a2 Wa2 19. 0-0 Wb2 20. Wb2 (20. Wc4 Scl) ±b2 21. Sbl kgl 22. Sb7 a5±?; 18. Ad4 Ad4 (18... Sc4 19. £g7 Ab3 20. Wd3 Фg7 21. fioo) 19. Sd4 £e6 (19... ^.c4 20. f3 b5; 20. Wa4) 20.13oo[ Wc6 [18... ±c3 19. Wc3 We6 20. 0-0 (20. f3!?) a) 20... ±b3 21. Sd4 (21. Sbl i.c4) a5 (21... b6 22. JLcl A 22... c5? 23. Sd3 c4 24. Ab2 Wf6 25. Wd2) 22. ^.cl h5 23. i.b2 фЬ7 24. f4^; b) 20... Wb3!? 21. Wai We6oo; 18... Wa5! 19. Scl (19. Ad4 l.d4 20. Sd4 Wb6 21. Wd2 Ab3 22. 0-0; 19... i.bl!; 19. Sd3 c5! 20. 0-0 c4) Wb4! (19... ±bl 20. Wbl J.c3 21. Фе2) 20. Wa2 ±c3 21. ФА Sd8t[ 19. ^.d2??© [19. ±d4? ±bl!—I- 20. Wd2 (20. Sbl £d4; 20. Wbl £d4) ±e4; 19. Scl ^.сЗ 20. Wc3 a) 20... Wc3 21. Sc3 a5 22. 0-0 a4 23. Sal! (23. ba4 Sa4=) ab3 24. Sb3 ±b3 25. Sa8 Фg7 26. Sb8 b6 27. ^.d4 ФЬ6 28. f3+; b) 20... We4 21. 0-0 We6±>; 19. 0-0!? £c3 20. Sd5! (20. Wa2 We4) Ad4!?21. Wc6 bc6 22.Sd4^.b3 23. Scl a5 24. Sc6 a4oo; 19. Sd3 ±bl (19... b5? 20. фd2!)20. Wbl £с3 21.фе2оо] Wb6-+ 20. ^.еЗ ^.ЬЗ 21. Wd2 We6! 22. Scl Sd7 23. We2 Sad8 [^ 23... ±c3 24. Sc3 Sdl 25. Wdl ±dl 26. фdl Sd8 27. Фе1 (27. Фе2 Wa6!) We4] 24. £>d5? [24. 0-0 £c4[ We4 0:1 V. Erdos 256
166. Е 01 В. LALlt 2469 - М. GUREVICH 2611 Metz 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>f3 £>f6 4. £>сЗ еб 5. g3 <£jbd7 6. Wd3 b6 [6... Ad6 — 111/245] 7. Ig2 Jta6 8. ЬЗ Hc8!? 18... i.e7[ 9. 0-0 c5 10.£>b5±b5|10...cd4?! Il.£>fd4e5 12.£>f5 ±b5 13. cb5 g6 14. £>e3 e4 15. Wd2 J.h6 16. JLa3±[ 11. cb5 Ad6 12. Ab2 0-0 [12... c4?! 13. We3] 13. Sael [13. £>e5 cd4 14. £>c6 £e5! 15. £>e5 ±e5 16. Eacl W7 17. e3=| Йе4!? N [13... We7 14. Sfdl (14. £>e5 Ae5 15. de5 £>g4 16. f4 d4!oo) Hfd8 15. e3 e5 16. de5 £>e5 17. Wf5! g6 18. Wg5+| 14. £>e5 15 15. £>c6 [15. f3 JLe5! 16. de5 £>g5oo[ Wg5 16. f3 ^ef6D [16... £>g3 17. hg3 Ag3 18. f4 ®h4 19. Hf3±[ 17. e4 [17. e3 h5!'.’-| fe4 18. fe4 Wg6 [18... cd4 19. Ad4 &c5 20. Ac5 J.c5 21. Sc5 bc5 22. &e7 фЬ8 23. £>c8 Hc8 24. ed5 ed5 25. We2+; 18... de4 19. J.e4 cd4 20. Ad4 &c5 21. i.f6O Ef6 22. Ah7 ФЬ8 23. Wd6 We3 24. ФЫ £>e4! 25. Wd4 £>f2 26. &gl W 27. фЫ=[ 19. We2! [19. Heel ?! cd4 20. Id4 £>c5; 20... e5] £>e4 20. Ae4 de4 21. Sfelss a6! 22. We4 We4 23. He4 ab5 24. Неб! Hc6 25. d5 Де5? [25... Hc7 26. Hd6 Ha7 27. Hel Ha2 28. Hd7 Hb2 29. Hee7 Ha8=] 26. dc6 Jlb2 27. Hdl! £>b8© [27... £>e5 28. c7 J.d4 29. &g2 Hc8 30. He5! Hc7 31. He6±] 28. c7 £>a6 29. Hc6? [29. Hd7! £>c7 30. Hc7 Ad4 31. &g2 Hf2 32. ФЬЗ h5 33. ФЬ4 Hh2 34. <£g5 Hh3 35. Hb6 Hg3 36. ФЬ5±[ £>c7 30. Hc7 Ad4 31. ±hl Hf2 32. Hc6 Ha2 33. Hb6 b4 34. Hb4 cb4 35. Hd4 Hb2 36. Hb4 h5! 37. h4 фЪ7?! [о 37... ФП! 38. Hf4 Феб 39. Hf3 Фе5=[ 38. Hb5 [38. Hb61? М. Gurevich) Фg6 39. фgl ФГ6 40. ФП g6 41. Ь4 феб 42. Hg5 НЬ4 43. Hg6 ФП 44. Hg5 44... Hg4!! 45. Hg4 hg4 46. Фе2 феб 47. Фd3 Фd5= 48. ФеЗ Фе5 49. фЬ4 фd4 50. ФаЗ Фе5 51. Фа4 Фе4 52. Фа5 Фе5 53. фаб Феб 54. фа7 Фе7 55. фЬ7 Фd7 56. фЬб фd6 1/2 : 1/2 В. Lalic 167. Е 04 Т. BANUSZ 2556 - ALB. DAVID 2605 Fano 2012 1. £>f3 d5 2. d4 &f6 3. c4 еб 4. g3 dc4 5. ^.g2 сб 6. £>e5 ^.b4 7. ^.d2!? Wd4?! [7... 257
J.e7!? 8. еЗ Ь5 9. а4 Ь4 10. ^с4 0-0 11. 0-0 Лаб 12. ЬЗ £>bd7[ 8. ±Ь4 We5 9. <ЙаЗ Ь5 10. JLd6 Wb2 11. 0-0 £>d5 12. е4 £>сЗ 13. Wh5 |13. Wg4[ h6 [13... <§3d7 - 98/3631 14. е5! Ad7 N [14... ЛЬ7[ 15. Wg4! 15... £>a6 |15... g5 a) 16. f4? We2 17. J.f3 We3 18. Sf2 <§3e4 19. Ле4 We4; b) 16. Sadi?! We2! 17. ЛО Wa2 18. Scl Wd2!? 19. &Ы ^bl!? 20. Sfdl h5! 21. Wh3 (21. We4? £>c3 22. Sd2 £ie4 23. Ле4 a5+) Wa5 22. Sbl <§3a6 23. M5 0-0-0T; c) 16. Wf3 £И5П 17. Sfdl!? (17. Sadi Wc3 18. We2 2>a6) Wc3 18. We2 <53a6 19. £>c2t; d) 16. Sfel! dl) 16... £>a6 dll) 17. £>c4?! bc4 18. Wc4 <§3b5 19. Лсб Sc8 (19... ^d6?! 20. ±d7 &d7 21. Wa6 Wb6 22. Wd3±) 20. ^.d7 &d7 21. Wd3 Sc3 22. Wdl £id6 23. Wd6 Фе8 24. Wa6 Wa3 25. Wb7 <£f8 26. Sadi <£g7 27. Sd7 Sf8=; dl2) 17. Sael! £>b4 (17... Wd2 18. £ic4 bc4 19. Wc4+-) 18. Wf3 2>cd5 (18... £}e2 19. ФЫ <g}d5 20. We2 We2 21. Se2+—) 19. Sbl Wc3 20. Wc3 £ic3 21. Sb4 £>d5 22. Sb2+-; d2) 16... Wd2 17. Wf3 £>d5 18. Sadi g4D (18... Wc3 19. Se3! Wa5 20. Sd5+-) 19. Wg4 Wg5 20. Wd4±; e) 16. Sael! (A f4) Wa2 (16... &d8?! 17. £>bl! £>d5 18. Se2 f5D 19. ef6 Wf6 20. Ле5 Wf8 21. Sdl Sh7 22. a44~) 17. f4 Wd2 18. fg5 hg5 19. Wf3 ftd5 20. Wf7 <£d8 21. Wg7 Se8Q 22. £d5 cd5 23. &Ь5 2>a6 24. Sal We3 25. Sf2 Wb6 26. Sa6! (26. <§3d4 Aic7) Wb5 (26... Wa6? 27. &с7+-) 27. Saa2 c3 28. Wg5 Фс8 29. Wcl! Wd3 30. Sa5 ЛЬ5П 31. Sb5 Wb5 32. Wc3 Wc4O 33. We3!?±; 15... g6 16. Sael! (A Wf4) £>a6D 17. Wf4 0-0-0 18. We3! c5 19. Wf3 £>d5 20. Sbl Wc3O 21. &b5 ЛЬ5 22. Wf7! Sd7 (22... J.d7 23. Ad5+-) 23. We6 £>db4 24. Wg6 Shd8 25. Sfdl±l 16.Sabi! [16. Wg7?! 0-0-0 17. Wf7 W 18. Wf3 Wa3?! 19. Sael; 18... £>bd5T; 16. £ic4?! bc4 17. Wc4 £>b5 (17... <§3b8 18. Wg4 Sh7oo) 18. ЛсбП Sc8 19. ±d7 &d7 20. Wf4 £ic3 (20... £>d6?! 21. Sfdl <фе8 22. ed6->) 21. Wf7 Феб 22. Wa7 Wb7 23. We3 Wb2 24. Wa7 Wb7=; 16. Sfel!| £>bl [o 16... We2 17. ЛО Wd3 a) 18. Sb5 <§3b5 (18... cb5 19. Ла8 g5 20. £>bl £id5) 19. &Ь5 c3 20. Ле2 Wg6D 21. Wh4 Wg5 22. We4±; b) 18. W! £>ЫП (18... cb5 19. Ла8+-) 19. Ле4 We4 (19... Wfl 20. £fl £id2 21. <£g2 0-0-0 22. We2 <^e4 23. We4±) 20. We4 Aid2 21. Wf4 &fl 22. £>c3 £>g3 (22... Sb8? 23. Wg4!) 23. hg3 0-0-0 24. Wc4 ФЬ7 25. £ie4±[ 17. Sbl Wa2 18. Sb5!+- [18. Wg7?! 0-0-0 19. Wg4 Ae8! 20. Wd4 Wa3 21. Wa7 Sd6 22. ed6 Wd6 23. Wa6 Фс7 24. Wa7 фс8 25. Sal!? c3D 26. Wb6 Wb8D 27. Wd4 Sg8 28. Wc3 Wb6 29. Wd266| c3 [18... cb5 19. J.a8 Sg8 (19... g6 20. Wf4! f5 21. Wh4 g5 22. Wh5 <£d8 23. Wf7 Se8 24. J.b7!+-; 19... g5 20. Wf3) 20. Wh4! f6 21. Wh5 <£d8 (21... g6 22. Wh6+-) 22. Wf7 Wai 23. &g2 Se8 24. Wg7 WC (24... c3? 25. £b7) 25. Wf6 Фс8 26. Wf3! ^>d8D (26... £id5? 27. J.d5 ed5 28. Wd5 &d8 29. Wa8 i.c8 30. Wa74~) 27. £b4 We5 28. ±a5 Фе7 29. ±e4+-J 19. We4? [ 19. Sb8!? Sb8D 20. Wg7 Sb 1 □ 21. ±f 1 a) 21... &d8 22. Wh8 ±e8 23. Wbl (23... c2 24. ^3c3 Wa5 25. Wh6! A 25... Wc3 26. Wf6+-) 24. Wf8! c2 25. We7 <фс8 26. We8 ФЬ7 27. Wf7 ФЬ6 28. ±a3 clW 29. ±cl Wcl 30. We6+—; b) ^21... Sfl 22. ФП фч!8П 23. Wh8 £e8 24. Wf8! c2 25. We7 258
Фс8 26. We8 ФЬ7 27. Wf7 ФЬб 28. £>с2 Wc2 29. We6 «Зс5±; 19. Sb7! а) 19... Sg8 20. We4! с2 (20... g6 21. Sd7; 20... Wd2 21. ®h7 gf8 22. Wg7 0-0-0 23. Sa7 Sg8 24. Afl!+-)21. £>c2 g6 22. Sd7 Wbl 23. £jel We4 24. Se7 ф(8 25. Ae4 <&g7 26. Ad3+-; b) 19... c2 20. £>c2 Wc2 21. Wg7 0-0-0 22. Sa7 Wg6O (22... Wbl 23. Afl h5 24. h4!+-) 23. Afl!! £>c5 24. Sc7 ФЬ8 25. Sd7 Фа8 26. Wg6 fg6 27. Sd8 Sd8 28. Ac5+-; 19. Wh4 g5 20. We4 £>c7 (20... f5 21. ef6 ФП 22. Sb7+—) 21. Wf3 (21. Sbl £)d5 22. Ac5) 0-0-0 (21... £>b5 22. Wf6 W6 23. Wh8 Фе7 24. Wf6 ФГ8=) 22. Ac7 Wai 23. Afl Фс7 24. Sa5; 19. Sbl?? Wbl 20. «ibl c2-+] £}c7! 20. Sbl «idS 21. Ac5 c2! 121... <£d8 22. Afl a5 23. «ic4^| 22. Scl Sb8 23. Afl f5?! [23... a5 24. Sc2 Wai 25. Wd3!?; 25. &g2^| 24. ef6 gf6 25. &c4? 125. Wg6!? <£d8 26. «ic2 Sbl (26... Wb2 27. Sal) 27. £>b4! Scl 28. &a2 Sc5 29. «)Ь4!оЗ| Sbl 26. Sc2 Wai 27. &d6? [27. £)d2 Sei 28. Wg4+[ &d8-+ 28. Wc4 [28. &f7 фс7 29. W? Sfl 30. &g2 Sgl 31. ФЬЗ e5 32. ФЬ4 Wfl-+1 28... Sfl?© [28... e5! (A Ah3) 29. &f7 Фе8 30. «id6 Ф18-+; 28... фс7[ 29. Wfl Wfl 30. фП Фс7 31. Sa2T Sa8 32. £>c4 a5 [32... аб 33. f4T[ 33. Sa5 Sa5 34. fta5 e5 35. ftc4 Ah3 36. Фе2 ФО7 37. f3 Феб 38. «ЗеЗ h5 39. Af8 ФГ7 40. Ac5 Ac8 41. фd2 &c7 42. «idl £ie6 43. Ab6 «ig5! 44. феЗ «113 45. Ф13 Ag4 46. ФеЗ Adi 47. Ad8 h4 48. Фd2 Ag4 49. феЗ Феб 50. Ab6 h3 51. Ac5 фd5 52. Ae7 f5 53. Af8 c5 54. Ae7 Ah5 55. Af8 Ae8 56. Ae7 Ad7 57. Af8 Ac8 [57... f4 58. gf4 ef4 59. ф(4 Фd4 60. Ac5 Фс5 61. Фg3 Фd4 62. ф£2 Асб 63. Фgl=l 58. Ae7 Аеб 59. Af8 c4 60. Ab4 Феб [60... e4!? 61. Фd2! фd4 62. АеЗ фс5 63. Ae5 ФЬ4 64. Фс2 еЗ 65. Ad6 ФЬ5 66. Af4 e2 67. Фd2 c3 68. Фе2 фс4 69. ФеЗ ФЬЗ 70. Ае5=[ 61. АеЗ е4 62. Ф04 фЬ5 63. Ad2= Ас8 64. феЗ Фс5 65. АеЗ Фd5 66. Ad2 Аеб 67. Af4 АП 68. Ad2 Ah5 69. АеЗ Ае2 70. Фd2 Afl 71. ФеЗ Феб 72. Фd4 ФГ6 73. Ad2 Ad3 74. Ael Фg5 75. Ad2 фg4 1/2 : 1/2 T. Banusz 168.* E 05 GAGUNASHVIU 2570 - K. SHANAVA 2589 Georgia (ch) 2012 1. £>f3 d5 2. d4 £>f6 3. c4 еб 4. g3 Ae7 5. Ag2 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7. Wc2 Ь5?! 8. a4 b4 9. «ifd2 [9. «ie5 Wd4!? 10. £>d2 (10. Aa8 We5 11. Af4 Wh5^ 12. Af3 &g4 13. Ag4 Wg4 14. Wc4 e5 15. f3 Wd7 16. Ae5 Ааб) We5 11. «ic4 Wh5 12. Aa8 сбда| сб 10. &c4 Wd4 11. АеЗ Wd8 [11... Wg4! 12. &e5 Wh5 13. Af4 £>g4 14. £)g4 Wg4 15. £id25s[ 12. Sdl «id5 13. Ad4 [13. Ael N Ааб 14. &bd2 «id7 15. «ib3 Wc7 16. e4 &5b6 17. £>e3 £ie5 18. f4 &ec4 19. &c4 £>c4! (19... Ac4 20. a5 АЬЗ 21. Wb3 «id7 22. e5t I. Sipos 2463 - Ma. Petr 2525, Pardubice 201'2) 20. Afl «ia5+[ Ааб N [13... «id7 14. e4 &5f6 15. «3bd2[ 14. e4 Ac4 15. Wc4 &b6 16. We2 Wc8? [16... Wc7 17. a5 &6d7 18. e5 Ac5 19. Ac5 «ic5 20. We3 £>ba6 21. £>d235[ 17. a5 &6d7 18. e5!± £ia6 [18... c5!? 19. Aa8 cd4 20. Ag2+] 19. «id2 «idc5 20. We3 Wc7 21. &c4 259
Hfd8 22. Hacl Aib7 [22... £>d7 23. £>d6 £>ab8 24. Hal TO 25. Hdcl±] 23. TO 123. ±a7! TO 24. TO Hdl 25. Hdl Wa5 26. TO Wa2 27. Hd7 He8 28. Wd3± A 28... Af8 29. Ha7] TO?? 24. W Wa5 25. ®c6+- Hab8 26. Hal Wb5 27. Wb5 Hb5 28. Наб TO 29. TO Hbb8 30. TO Hdl 31. Hd6 Hel 32. TO Hc8 33. АеЗ Hbl 34. Ad4 h6 35. Ag2 Hdl 36. ЬЗ Hc2 37. АеЗ Hd6 38. ed6 <£f8 39. Ab5 Hc8 40. d7 Hb8 41. Ac5 1 : 0 Gagunashvili 169.** E 06 SUMETS 2587 - SATYAPRAGYAN 2436 Lille 2012 1. TO TO 2. c4 еб 3. g3 d5 4. d4 Ab4 5. Ad2 Ae7 6. Ag2 0-0 7. 0-0 сб 8. TO dc4 9. TO TO5 10. &c4 TO 11. gf4 c5 [11... ®c7; 11... TO - 77/(481)1 12. dc5 Wc7 13. e3 [13. TO N TO 14. TO TO 15. ®c2 Wb6 16. TO Ac5 17. TO Ad7T Carron 2372 - Kurmann 2460, Flims 2012] Hd8 [13... TO 14. сб N (14. TO) bc6 15. abd2 (P. Karthikeyan 2414 - R. Bitoon 2455, Melaka 2012) Woo A TO! 14. ®e2 N [14. ЩЗ!?] Ac5?! [14... Wc5! 15. TO TO 16. Hfdl Ad7 17. W Wb5 18. W6 Ad6 19. a4 Wa6 20. Hd6[ 15. TO Ad7 16. Hacl Ae8 17. f5 [17. a3!? a) 17... a5?! 18. f5 Ae7 19. fe6 fe6 20. Ah3 Наб 21. f4; b) 17... TO 18. W We7 19. Ь4 a6 (19... Ab6 20. Hfdl Hdl 21. Hdl Hd8 22. ЙМ6) 20. bc5 ab5 21. W TO 22. TO We8 23. Hbl W 24. Ab7 Hd2 25. Wf3 Ha3 26. Ac6±; c) 17... a6 18. b4 Ae7 19. f5 TO 20. fe6 fe6 21. W Hac8 22. Ah3 Af7 23. f4±J TO 18. W Ae7 [18... Af8? 19. fe6 fe6 20. £>g5 We7 21. Wg4 Ad7 22. TO! TO (22... bc6 23. TO h6 24. TO? TO 25. W+-) 23. TO! (23. We6 We6 24. TO Hdc8 25. £if8 TO 26. W hg6 27. TO TO 28. W) TO 24. Hfel Wf6 25. We6 We6 26. TO He8 27. W He5 28. f4 Hee8 29. W±119. fe6 [19. f6!? Af6 20. TO gf6 21. Wg4 <£f8 (21... ФЬ8!? 22. Wh4 We7 23. TO Hab8) 22. Wh4 Фе7 23. f4 Hac8 24. Hc3^1 fe6 20. f4!? [20. TO TO (20... Af7 21. f4) 21. TO We5 22. ®c4 TO 23. ®e6 We6 24. Аеб фЬ85з] Ah8 21. ФЫ? [21. Wg4! Нас8!? (21... Ь5? 22. W ТО 23. fg5 ТО 24. W+-; 21... ТО 22. ТО ТО 23. ТО±) 22. ®е6 ТО 23. ®f7 ТО 24. Wf5 ТО 25. ®h5 ТО 26. Wf3 (26. Ш5 ТО=) £>Ь4бб1 Wb8? 121... Нас8! 22. Wg4 (22. Ah3 ТО 23. Wg2 Af5; 22. W ®Ь8) Ь5 23. £>cd2 Ш>6 24. Веб We3 25. НсЗ Wd4! 26. ТО Wd7 27. ^fg5 TO 28. TO ®e6 29. TO Hd2 30. Hfel Ad7 31. TO W=1 22. Wg4 e5 [22... TO’? 23. TO (23. We6 Wc8 24. Wc8 Hac85S) Wc8 24. TO; 22... b5 23. TO2 Wb6 24. W We3 25. TO5] 23. f5 b5 24. ТО2?! [24. f6 gf6 25. TO TO 26. W Ah7 27. Hf7 Hg8 28. Hh7 ФИ7 29. Ae4 ФЬ8 30. ®h5 <£g7 31. Wg6 &f8 32. Hfll Ad7 25. TO Wb6 26. TO Ag8 27. TO Hd8 28. Bg3 1 :0 Sumets 170.** E07 A. GIRI 2711 - ARONIAN 2816 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. TO TO 4. Wb3 еб 5. g3 Ae7 6. TO 0-0 7. 0-0 £ibd7 8. TO a5 [8... b6 9. TO ±b7 a) 10. Hacl W 11. ±d2 W6 12. Hfdl Hc8 13. TO h6 14. TO N (14. TO) TO 15. TO ?jhf6 16. h3 TO 17. W TO 18. cd5 W 19. W4 TO 20. W f5! (20... We7 21. TO e5= Tkochiev 2644 — A. Delchev 2596, Istanbul (ol) 2012) 21. W2 (21. aed6? b5!) f4 22. gf4 TO 23. ±f4 Wt; b) 10. cd5 cd5 11. W W (11... £>e8 — 59/525) 12. Hfel N 260
(12. Had) аб 13. Ac7 We8 14. £>c3 b5 15. a4 Hc8 16. Aa5 £>c3 17. ДсЗ ДсЗ 18. АеЗ Асб 19. ab5 Ab5 20. еЗ Wb8 21. Afl АЛ 22. Wb8 ДЬ8 23. фЛ ДЬ6 24. £>el f6 25. £id3 Дсб 26. фе2 фП 27. фё2 £>Ь6 28. ЬЗ £>с8 29. f3 ДЬб 30. Ь4± S. Sethuraman 2553 — Sundararajan 2450, India (ch) 2012) 9. Hcl 19. a4 - 95/(351)] h6 10. a4 N 110. c5] Aie4 11. 41fd2 111. £>bd2 £>d2 (11... &df6 12. <5}e5±; 11... g5 12. АеЗ £>d6 13. h4!? £}f5 14. g4 £>e3 15. We3oo) 12. &d2 Ab4[ £>d6 12. Ad6 Ad6 13. e4 de4 14. &e4 Ab4 15. c5 £>f6 |15... e5!? 16. £>bc3 ed4 17. £>a2 £ie5 A 18. £>b4 ab4 19. £>d6 Аеб 20. Wb4 £>d3 21. Wd4 £>cl 22. Hcl^l 16. Wc4 [16. £>d6 £>e8 17. £>c8 Hc8 18. Wc4=[ £>e4 17. Ае4фЬ8!? [17...e5 18.d5(18.de5 He8 19. f4 Аеб 20. We2 Wd4 21. &g2 Had8+) cd5 19. Ad5 We7+|18. Ag2 e5 19. d5 f5!? [19... cd5 20. Wd5 We7+| 20. dc6 e4 21. cb7 Ab7 22. сб Ааб 23. Wb3 [23. c7? 23... Ac4! (23... Wg5f) 24. cd8W Had8 25. Hc4 Hdl 26. Afl f4! (A e3) 27. Дс2 (27. gf4 Hf6-+) f3-+l Hc8 24. £>сЗ Дсб 25. £}d5 [25. W Ac5 26. ДсЗ Wb6f| Ac5 26. Afl f4!? [26... Afl 27. фЛ Wd6T A Hb8[ 27. &f4? [27. Hc5! Hc5 28. £if4 Дсб (28... Afl? 29. &g6 ФЬ7 30. 2>f8 Wf8 31. ФЛ) 29. Ааб Даб 30. Hel Де8+1 A12! 28. ФЫ [28. ф£2 Hf4 29. gf4 Wd2-+[ ДЬб 29. Wc2 еЗ 30. Ag2 We8 31. Wc5 Hff6 32. Дс2? [32. Habll g5!-+ 33. £>d5 e2 34. Wa5 [34. Wc3 Hbc6[ elW [^ 34... Hbd6[ 35. Hel Wei 36. Wei Ael 37. £>Ь6 ДЬб 38. Дсб Дсб 39. Асб Фg7 40. Фg2 ФГ6 41. А13 Фе5 42. h4 Ас8 43. hg5 hg5 44. ФА Ag3 45. Ь4 фd4 46. а5 Фс4 47. аб Ab8 48. АЬ7 0 : 1 Br. Tadic 171.* IN Е 10 GRANDEUUS 2562 - A. IPATOV 2577 Athens 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 еб 3. £>f3 £>сб 4. a3!? [4. £>c31 d6I? 5. £>c3 g6 6. g3I? [6. e4 Ag7 7. Ae2 0-0 8. 0-0 He8!?[ Ag7 7. Ag2 0-0 8. 0-0 аб [8... Де8 — 79/4691 9. d5!? £>a5! N [9...£>e7 10. e4N(10. £>el)b5 H.e5de5 12. £>e5 Hb8 13. de6 Аеб 14. We2 сб 1/2 : 1/2 J. Carstensen 2352 — J. Aagaard 2506, Danmark (ch) 20121 10. £>d2 ДЬ8 11. b4 £ic4 12. &c4 &d5 13. £>d5 Aal 14. Ah6 Ag7 15. Ag7 Фg7 16. Wd4 16... f6! [16... e5?![ 17. £>c3 d5! 18. £>a5?! [18. W!?b6 19. £>d3| c5 19. Wf4 Ad7! 20. Hdl [20. Wd6 b6 21. W cb4 22. Wb4 Hc8+1 b6 21. &b3 c4! 22. £>d2 e5 23. Wf3 d4+ 24. ^)d5 Hc8 25. e4?! c3 26. £>fl Ab5! 27. h4 f5! 28. Hcl Ac4 29. h5 b5 30. hg6 hg6 31. g4 Wg5 32. Wg3 Hfe8?! [32... fe4 33. Ae4 Wcl 34. We5 ФЬб 35. Wh2 фg5 36. We5 Hf5 37. We7 Фg4 38. f3 Hf3 39. 261
±f3 <^>f3 40. Wf6 фе2-+| 33. gf5 Wg3 34. f6 35. fg3 ±d5 36. ed5 e4 37. d6?© [37. ЛЬЗ! ФП! 38. Лс8 Hc8-+[ Hcd8 38. g4 e3 39. g5 e2 40. ФП d3 41. fte3 He3 42. Hhl elW 0:1 A. Ipatov 172. E 11 ROB. MARKUS 2599 - E. DIZDAREVlt 2499 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 еб 2. £>f3 £>f6 3. c4 ЛЬ4 4. Ad2 ®e7 5. g3 £>c6 6. £ic3 b6!? 16... 0-0 7. ^.g2 £>a5 8. ЬЗ Ь6 9. 0-0 ЛЬ7; 6... ЛеЗ - 114/1841 7. £g2 ЛЬ7 8. 0-0 18. &e5 &a5 (8... 0-0 9. £jc6 Лсб 10. d5 ЛЬ7 11. 0-0±) 9. ЛЬ7 £>b7 10. £>d3 ЛеЗ 11. ЛеЗ £ie4=[ 0-0 [8... £>a5 9. Hcl! (9. ЬЗ 0-0) £>c4 10. £jb5±[ 9. Hcl N |9. £>e5 £ia5 10. ЛЬ7 W 11. £>d3 ЛеЗ 12. ЛеЗ £>e4 13. Ле1 c5 =1 £>a5 10.&Ы!? |10. a3 ЛеЗ a) 11. ЛеЗ £ic4 12. ЛЬ4 c5 al) 13. Лс5 bc5 14. Hc4 cd4 15. Wd4 ЛГЗ (15... Hfb8) 16. ЛП d5=; a2) 13. dc5 bc5 14. Hc4 cb4 15. Hb4 ЛП 16. ЛВ d5=; b) 11. НсЗ £>e4 12. Hc2 £>d2 13. ®d2 Ле4 14. НсЗ c5] ^.d2 11. Wd2 d6?! [11... c5? 12. dc5 Wc5 13. Ь4; 11... d5 12. cd5 (12. c5 £ie4 13. Wc2 £>c6oc) a) 12... £>d5 13. Hfel!? (13. e4 £if6 14. b4 £>c6 15. e5 £>d5 16. a3 Wd7 A £>ce7) Hfd8 14. e4 £>f6 15. b4 £>c6 16. a3+; b) 12... ^.d5 13. £>c3 ЛЬ7; 13. £>e5T; c) 12... ed5 13. ЬЗ (13. £>e5 c5 14. £>c3 £>e4; 13. W!?) Hfe8 14. &c3 £>e4 15. Wf4±[ 12. b4 £>c6 13. d5 £ib8 [13... £>e5 14. £>e5 de5 15. de6 ^.g2 16. ef7 Wf7 17. &g2±[ 14. £>d4 ФИ8 15. £>c3 a5?! 16. a3 £>bd7 17. f4 £>g8 18. £>cb5 £>df6 19. e4 ab4?! [19... e5 20. £>f5 Wd8 (20... Wd7 21. fe5 de5 22. £>g7+-) 21. c5! bc5 (21... Лаб 22. cd6 ЛЬ5 23. dc7 ®d7 24. fe5+-; 21... g6 22. cd6 gf5 23. dc7) 22. bc5 Лаб 23. a4 ЛЬ5 24. ab5±| 20. ab4 ed5?! [20... e5 21. fe5 (21. ^f5 ®d8 22. fe5 de5 23. d6 g6) de5 22. d6! cd6 (22... Wd7 23. &c7 ed4 24. &a8 Ha8 25. Wd4±) 23. ^f5 ®d8 24. Hcdl! Ле4 (24... £>e4) 25. Ле4 &e4 26. We3 £ef6 27. £ibd6 Wd7 28. We5±l 21. cd5!! £>e4 [21... &e8 22. Hc3±| 22. We3 £igf6 23. Hc7+- £>d5 24. Hb7 £>e3 25. He7 £>fl 26. Ле4 Hal 27. &g2 £>e3 28. ФЬЗ g6 29. £>d6 Hdl 30. £>4b5 A>d5 31. £>f7 &g8 32. £d5 Hd5 33. £>bd6 Hh5 34. &g2 Ha8 35. h4 Hd5 36. &h6 ФЬ8 1 : 0 Rob. Markus 173. E14 BENKOVIC 2417 - G.-A.-GY. SZABO 2553 Bucure$ti 2012 1. d4 еб 2. £rf3 c5 3. e3 £>f6 4. £d3 b6 5. 0-0 ЛЬ7 6. ЬЗ Ле7 7. ЛЬ2 0-0 8. c4 cd4 9. ed4 d5 10. £>bd2 £>bd7 11. Hel Hc8 Ill... He8 - 88/(424)1 12. Hcl Hc7 [12... g6 13. £>e5 (13. a3!?) Hc7 14. £>df3 dc4 (14... ЛЬ4!?) 15. bc4 £>e5 (15... Wa8 16. d5! £>c5 17. £>d4t) 16. £>e5 Wa8 (16... ЛЬ4 17. He3 £>d7 18. <£g4 ®g5 19. h4!? ®h4 20. d5t; 16...^)d7 17.£ig4 h5!?) 17. We2!? (17. Wd2 Wd8 18. We3 <2}h5!?) i.b4 18. Hedl Ag2 (18... ^.d6!?) 19. d5 ed5 20. <&g2 dc4 21. Wf3 Wf3 22. Ф43 c3 23. ^.al±; 12... He8 13. ^.bl (13. a3!?) J.f8 (13... ^fB!? 14. £>e5 J.d6 A 15. a3 dc4 16. bc4 &g6 17. £>df3 £d7) 14. £>e5 (14. We2 dc4 15. bc4 Wc7 16. a3 g6co) g6!? (14... ^ie5 15. de5 £>d7 16. cd5 Hcl 17. ®cl ^.d5 18. £>e4±) 15. We2 We7! (15... ^.g7 16. cd5+) 16. We3 (16. cd5 £id5 17. £>e4? f5!; 16. £>df3 ±h6M dc4 17. bc4 £>e5 18. de5 £>g4 19. Wg3 £>h6±? A £if5| 13. ±bl N [13. &e5[ ®a8 14. 2>e5!? [14. We2 Hfc8! (14... Hd8 15. £>e5 A 15... dc4?! 16. 4if7!±) a) 15. ^>e5 dc4 16. bc4 (16. ^if7 ^f8!T) £>e5 17. We5 i.b4£5; b) 15. a3 g6 16. £>g5 ±f8 (16... £>f8 17. We3±) 17. c5!? (17. ^f7?! ФГ7 18. We6 £>g7 19. Wh3 He8+; 17. We3 a5±? A a4) bc5 (17... a5 18. 262
Ь4±) 18. dc5 а5 19. Wfi Ag7 20. Wh3 e5oo] Hd8 [14... dc4 15. bc4 Hd8 (15... Ag2?! 16. d5! Ah3 17. W13 Af5 18. Af5 ef5 19. £c6±) 16. d5!? ed5 17. £g4t[ 15. a3!? 115. We2 Ab4!? 16. a3 (16. Hedl dc4 17. bc4 £e5 18. de5 Hcd7! 19. ef6 Hd2 20. Hd2 Hd2 21. Ah7! ФИ7 22. Wh5 &g8 23. fg7 f6 24. Wh8 Ф17 25. ®h5 фё8=) Ad2 17. Wd2 £e5 18. He5 ®c8! 19. Ad3 (19. c5 bc5 20. dc5 Hc5 21. Hc5 Wc5 22. Hg5 Hc8!oo) Ааб 20. We2 (20. Wb4!?) Ed6!?±5 A Hdc6[ dc4 16. bc4 £e5 17. He5 Ag2 [17... Hcd7 18. d5 b5! (18... ed5 19. He7 He7 20. Af6 gf6 21. Wh5w) 19. Well bc4 20. de6 fe6 (20... Hd2 21. Ac3 Ad6 22. Hg5T) 21. Неб Hd2 (21... Ag2!? 22. He7 Ah3 23. f3 He7 24. We7 Hd2 25. Af6 Hd7 26. We2 gf6 27. Wc4 ФЬ8=) 22. He7 Hb2 23. Hg7 ФЬ8 24. Hh7 £h7 25. We5 &g8 26. We6 фЬ8=; 17... Wc8!? 18. He3! Hcd7 19. d5t; 18... g6 A 19. d5 £h5oo; 17... Wb8!? 18. He3 (18. We2 Ad6 19. He3 Af4^; 18. Hel Hcd7 19. d5 Wf4oo) Hcd7 (18... g6 19. d5±) 19. We2 Hd41? 20. Ad4 Hd4M 18.О5Ф Ah3 118... £d5 19. cd5 Hcl 20. Wcl Ad5 21. Wc3! f6 (21... Af6 22. Ah7! Ф18 23. Wb4 Фе8 24. He3±) 22. Hel Wc6 23. Wh3+; 18... ed51? 19. <£g2 dc4 20. Wf3 (20. ^gl Hcd7±5) Wf3 21. £d5 22. Heel f6 23. H5e4 f5 24. Hd4 Af6 25. £e5 g6 26. Aa2 b5ooj 19. Wb3 [19. Wf3 Ag4 20. Wg3 Wc8! 21. Hg5 h5 22. h3 £e8 23. He5 f6 24. Heel Ad6oo[ Ag4 20. Hg5!? 20... h5 [^ 20... h6 21. Hg4 £g4 22. Wg3 h5 23. h3 Ad6 24. Wd3 Ah2 (24... £f6 25. Af6 gf6 26. Wh7 Ф18 27. £e4 Фе7 28. de6 Hg8! 29. ФП Hf8 30. Hel Ae5 31. £f6 Whl 32. Фе2 Wh3 33. £d5 £>d8 34. £c7 Wg4 35. ФА Wh3=) 25. ФП £>f6 (25... Ae5? 26. Wh7 Ф18 27. Ae5 £e5 28. d64~) 26. Af6 gf6 27. Wh7 Ф18 28. £e4 f5 29. d6! Ad6 30. Wh6 фе7 31. Wg5 Ф18 32. Wh6 Фе7=1 21. Wd3 [21. h3!? £e8D 22. He5 f6 23. Heel Af5 24. Af5 ef5 25. Wf3 b5 (25... £d6 26. Wh5 Wc8 27. Wg6±) 26. Wh5 bc4 (26... f4 27. Wg4 bc4 28. Hc4 Wb7 29. Hf4 Wd5 30. £e4+) 27. Hc4 Hc4 (27... Hcd7 28. Hh4+) 28. £c4 Af8 29. Wf5 Wb7 30. Hdl+[ Af8 [21... ed5 22. h3! Аеб (22... ФГ8 23. hg4 dc4 24. Wh3!±; 22... dc4 23. Hg7! Ф18 24. Hf7 ФП 25. Wg6 Ф18 26. hg4±) 23. Wg3 Ф18 24. Hg7 d4 (24... Wc6 25. £f3! dc4 26. £>g5 c3 27. Ac3 Hd5 28. Ah7! Ag4 29. Hf7 Ф>е8 30. Ac2! Hg5 31. Af6+-) 25. Ah7! Фе8 26. Wc7 Ad6 27. Ae4±] 22. Hg7?! [22. h3! Af5 (22... ^>d5 23. Hd5 Hd5 24. Wh7 <фе8 25. Wh8 Af8 26. Ae4±; 22... ed5 23. hg4 dc4 24. Wh3±) 23. Wg3! Abl 24. Hbl Ad6 25. Wf3 e5 (25... Ae7 26. £ie4±) 26. Wg2 2ie8 (26... Wc8 27. Hg7 Wf5 28. Hel±) 27. Hh5±[ <£g7oo 23. Wh7 Af8 24. Wh8 £ig8 25. Ac2? [25. Ah7 Фе8 26. h3 <£d7! 27. hg4 ^f6+; 25. h3 Ah3 26. Wg7 Фе8 27. Ae5 <^d7! 28. Wg3 2>f6 29. Wh3 £id5T; 25. Ae4 f6 26. d6D Wb8 27. de7 He7 28. Af6 Wf4! 29. Ae7 Фе7 30. Wg7 Wf7 31. Wf7 <£f7 32. £113 Af3 33. Af3 £f6 34. Hc3 (34. c5 bc5 35. Hc5 Hd3T) Hc8+; 25. Ae5 Wb7 (25... Ad6 26. Af6=) 26. h3 f6! (26... Aa3? 27. Af6!±; 26... Ah3 27. Wg7 Фе8 28. Wg8 &d7 29. Wg3 Af5 30. Af5 ef5 31. d6+) 27. Ah7 ФП 28. Ac7 Wc7 29. hg4 Wf4! 30. de6 Феб 31. Ag8 <£d7 32. Аеб Феб 33. Hel фd7 34. Wh5 Wd2 35. Wb5 Фd6 36. c5 Фd5 37. He7 Wdl=| f6! 26. Ah7 [26. h3 Af5-+[ Ф17 27. £e4 ed5-+ 28. £g5 263
fg5 29. Wg7 Фе8 30. Sei ф<17 31. J.g8 Фс8 32. Se7 Se7 33. We7 Sg8 34. Wf7 Sd8 0:1 V. Stoica 174.* ROIZ 2615 - V. GOLOD 2547 Biel (open) 2012 1. d4 £f6 2. c4 еб 3. W b6 4. g3 Даб 5. Wc2 ДЬ4 6. ±d2 ±d2 |6... Де7 - 106/(162)] 7. £bd2 d5 [7... c5?! 8. e4 cd4 9. e5 £g8 10. £e4±| 8. cd5! |8. Ag2 0-0 9. 0-0 £bd7 10. £e5 N (10. Wa4 ДЬ7 11. cd5 Ad5 12. Sfel Ab7 13. e4 We7 14. Sael Sfc8 15. a3 c5 16. e5 £ie8=) c5 11. £d7 Wd7 12. cd5 £d5 13. dc5 Sac8 14. £b3 bc5 15. Sfdl c4 16. £d4 c3= A. Giri 2696 - M. Carlsen 2837, Biel 2012] ed5 9. Scl сб 10. e3 110. e41? de4 11. £e4 0-0 12. Даб £a6 13. 0-0 £e4 14. We4 Wd5+] ДП 11. ФП 0-0 12. £ie5 [12. <^>g2!? Se8 13. Shdl h6 14. a3+] Wd6 N 112... Wc8?! 13. &g2 Wa6 14. £c6?! £c6 15. Wc6 Sac8 16. Wd6 We2s?; 14. b4+; 12... Se8 13. £d3 a5 14. <£>g2 Sa7 15. £>f3 Sc7 16. m>3 Sc8 17. Sc2±] 13. £c6! [13. <^>g2 c5 14. £df3 c4 15. ЬЗ b5=] £c6 14. Wc6 Wc6 15. Sc6 Sac8 16. Sc8! ]16. Sc3 Sc3 17. ЬсЗ Sc8 18. ^bl a) 18... £e4 19. &g2 b5 20. Scl Sc6 (20... Ь4?! 21. f3! £c3 22. a3 a5 23. ab4 ab4 24. ФЛ Ф18 25. £сЗ ЬсЗ 26. фе2±) 21. Sc2 f5 22. Sb2 a655 Xa2, c3; b) 18... Sc4 19. Фе2 (19. f3 Sa4 20. a3 £e8 21. h4 £d6 22. фе2 f5 23. <^>d3 фПоб) Sa4 20. a3 £e4 (A £d6-c4 Xa3) 21. g4 фГ8да] Sc8 17. Фе2 Sc2 18. f3! 118. <^>d3 Sb2 19. Sal 20. £ie4 de4 21. Фе4 Sf2 22. Scl±] Sb2 19. Sal± £e8 ]^ 19... Sc2 20. <£d3 Sc6 21. a4 (21. e4 de4 22. fe4 £g4M Ф18 22. Sbl £e8 23. a5 £c7±] 20. &d3 ]XSb2 A e4] Sb5 120... £d6? 21. фсЗ Sb5 22. a4! (22. £b3? a5=) Sa5 23. £b3 Sa6 24. ФЬ4+- XSa6; 20... a5 21. ФсЗ Sb5 22. e4+; 20... Sb4 21. ФеЗ a5 22. a3 Sb5 23. e4±] 21. a4 Sb4 22. a5 [<=>a| f5 23. ab6 ab6 24. фсЗ Sb5 25. £b3 125. Sa7 ф(8 26. Sb7 £d6 27. Sd7 £tf7±] £d6 26. Sa7 [26. Sa8 ФП 27. Sa7 ФА6 28. Sd7 £c4 29. e4 fe4 30. fe4 £a5 31. £ia5 ba5±] Ф18© [26... £c4! 27. e4 fe4 28. fe4 £d6 (28... £a5? 29. £a5 ba5 30. ed5 Sd5 31. Фс4±) 29. e5 £e4 30. Фс2 Sb4+ X£>b3[ 27. Sd7 [27. £>d2 Sa5 28. Sd7 £f7±] £>17?! [27... £c4 28. e4 fe4 29. fe4 £e3 30. e5 £dl 31. Фс2 £e3 32. ФЬ2 h5±] 28. h4 h5 [28... g5? 29. hg5 £g5 30. ФЬ2 (A Фа3-а4) фе8 31. Sg7+~; 28... £d6! 29. h5 (29. Sd6?l Фе7 30. Sc6 Фd7 31. £a5 ba5 32. Sa6 Фс7=) £c4 30. e4 fe4 31. fe4 £e3 32. e5 £dl 33. Фс2 £e3 34. фЬ2 h6 35. g4±] 29. ФЬ2 фе8 30. Sb7? [30. Sc7 A 30... Sb4 (30... £d6 31. Sg7 £c4 32. фсЗ £e3 33. Sg5 £dl 34. фс2 £e3 35. ФЬ2±) 31. Sc6 (A Sg6) Фе7 32. Sg6 b5 33. Sg7 ФГ6 34. Sg8 £d6 35. Sb8 £c4 36. ФсЗ Sa4 37. £c5 Sa3 38. фЬ4 Se3 39. Sf8 Фg6 40. ФЬ5 (А Феб) Sf3 41. £e6±] Sb4 [30... £d61? 31. Sb8 Фе7 32. ФаЗ фd7 33. Sg8 £c4 34. фа4 феб 35. Sg7 (35. Sc8 ФЬ7 36. Se8 Фа6=) £b2 36. ФаЗ £c4 37. Фа2 Sb4^| 31. ФаЗ?!© [31. f4 £d6 32. Sg7 £e4 33. Sb7 b5+] Sc4 32. Sb6 Sc3!= [ХфаЗ, £b3 ] 33. Se6 Фd7 34. Sg6 Se3 35. Sg7 Фе7 36. f4 ФГ6 37. Sg8 £d6 38. ФЬ4 [38... £e4 39. £c5 £g3 40. £d7 фП 41. Sg5 Фе6=] 1/2 : 1/2 Roiz 175. E 15 ARONIAN 2816 - IVANCHUK 2769 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. £f3 £f6 2. c4 еб 3. d4 b6 4. g3 J.a6 5. ЬЗ J.b4 6. ±d2 ^.e7 7. £c3 £b7 8. J.g2 0-0 9. 0-0 £a6 10. d5 ed5 11. £d4 i.c5!? N [11... сб — 75/461] 12. £c2 |12. ±f4!?] сб 13. cd5 cd5 14. J.g5 £c7 15. £e3 d4?! 115... 264
h6 16. ±f6 Wf6 17. £icd5 2>d5 18. 2>d5 ®e5 19. Aie7 ±e7 20. i.b7+; 15... i.e3 16. АеЗ He8 17. Wd3^1 16. Ab7 Hb8 17. ^g4! dc3 117... Hb7 18. <Йе4 £>cd5 19. Af6 £rf6 20. £>ef6 gf6 21. Hcl ФИ8 22. ®d3± A Wf3j 18. Af6 gf6 19. Ae4 d5 [19... He8 20. Ac2 (A Wd3) f5 21. W &f8 22. £>f5t] 20. Ac2 f5 21. £>h6 Ah8 22. £>f5 Wf6 23. a3! [A b4[ a5 [23... Hg8 24. b4 Af8 25. Wd3 Hg6 26. £ld4±| 24. Wd3 Hg8 25. b4! 25... ab4 [^ 25... Af8 26. ba5 ba5 27. Habl Hb2 28. ^d4±[ 26. ab4 Ab4 27. Ha7 foe6 28. -Ae7 Wg7 29. Ag8 <£g8 30. Wd5+- Ac5 31. еЗ b5 32. Ha8 Ha8 33. Wa8 Wf8 34. ®e4 Ж 35. Hal b4 36. Ha5 A.f8 37. ®g4 ®g7 38. Wh4 h6 39. Ha8 Aic7 40. Hf8! Wf8 41. Wg4 Ф118 42. Ш5 1:0 Br. Tadic 176. E 32 SHANKLAND 2579 - CHERNIAEV 2484 Biel (open) 2012 1. d4 Af6 2. c4 еб 3. £ic3 Ab4 4. Wc2 d6 5. 4)f3 £>bd7 6. g3 b6 7. Ag2 Ab7 8.0-0 Ac3 9. Wc3 c5 [9... 0-0 - 56/6191 10. Hdl 0-0 И. ЬЗ [11. dc5 Aic5 12. Af4 2>fe4 13. We3 We7 (13... a5 14. £>g5±) 14. b4 e5 15. Ag5±; 12... £>ce4; 12... d5[ Wc7 12. Ab2 £>e4?! N [12... Had8 13. Had; 12... Ae4[ 13. ®c2 f5 14.d5!ed5[14...e5 15. £>h4! g6 16. Ae4fe4 17. We4±; 14... Hae8 15. de6 Неб 16. £iel! £>df6 17. f3 (17. £id3) £ig5 18. £>d3±[ 15. cd5 £>df6 16. £id4! £>d5 [16... Aig4 17. £>f5 (17. £ie6 Wf7 18. 2>f8 Hf8 19. Hfl Ad5 20. Wd3) £ief2 18. Hfl!+-J.c8 19. e4; 16... Wd7 17. £>e6 Hf7 18. Af6 £>f6 19. Wf5 £id5 20. ®d5 Ad5 21. Ad5; 19. Hd2[ 17. Феб [17. £>f5? ФЬ4 18. Wbl £>f2! 19. &f2 g6 20. g4 Ag2 21. £>g2 gf5 22. gf5 Hae8oo[ фЬ4?? [17... Wf7D 18. £if8 Hf8 19. Wc4±l 18. ®e4 [18. foci foc2 19. Had Hac8 20. фе6+-1 1 : 0 Shankland 177.* E 32 SERGEY KARJAKIN 2785 - EVGENY ALEKSEEV 2673 Russia (ch) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 еб 3. ФеЗ Ab4 4. Wc2 0-0 5. аЗ АеЗ 6. Wc3 d6 7. Ф13 He8 [7... W 8. g3 b6 9. Ag2 Ab7 10. 0-0 c5 11. b4 a5 N (U...Hc8; ll...We7) 12.±b2Wc7 13. Hfdl foe$ 14. Wb3 d5= Kasimdzhanov 2690 — S. Savchenko 2550, Tiirkiye 20121 8. g3 We7 9. b4 N [9. ±g2 e5 10. 0-0 e4 (10... c5 - 47/672) 11. £>d2oo] e5 10. de5 [10. d5?! a5 11. ±g2 c6!+l de5 11. ^.b2 111. Ag2 a) 11... foc(> 12. 0-0 e4 13.^d2(13.^d4^d4 14. Wd4 a5=) e3 (13... i.g4?! 14. J.b2 Had8 15. We3+) 14. fe3 We3 15. We3 He3 16. £>f3oo; b) 11... a5 12. ±b2 (12. b5 foet 13. Wc2 £>d6 14. ^d2 ±f5 15. e4 J.e6=) ab4 (12... ^c6?! 13. 0-0 e4 14. £>d2 Af5 15. b5 £>e5 16. Hfdl !±) 13. ab4 foe4 14. Wb3 Hal 15. J.al £ic6 16. foc5 foeS 17. ±e4^c6 18. ^.f3(18.f3^b4 19. 0-0c5oo) W 19. 0-0 c5 20. ^.c3±; 18... Ah3!oo| £ic6 |11... £>bd7 12. J.g2 e4 13. *53d2±; 11... a5!? 12. We5 Wf8 13. Wc3 (13. Wc5 Wc5 14. bc5 £>bd7=) foe4 265
14. Wb3 ab4 15. ab4 Hal 16. Aal £>а6=] 12. Ag2 [12. Ь5 е4 13. £>d2 М5 14. Ag2 Af5 15. 0-0 c6=] 12... M4!= 13. ftd4 ed4 14. Wd2 114. Wd3? Af5! 15. Wd2 d3+] Ag4 [14... d3!? a) 15. 0-0 We2 16. Hadi Af5 17. Ab7 (17. Af6 gf6 18. Ab7 Had8+) Hab8 18. Af6 Wd2 19. Hd2 Hb7 20. Ad4 c6T; b) 15. Wd3! Af5 16. We3 We3 17. fe3 Ae4 18. Ae4 (18. Afl £>g4! 19. Ad4 Af3 20. ef3 2>e3=) £ie4^| 15. f3 [15. 0-0?! Ae2+[ кеб [15... d3!? a) 16. Wd3 Had8 17. Wc2 We3! 18. Ael (18. Ha2? Afl!+) Wd4! 19. Wb2 (19. Ab2 We3=) Wc4 20. fg4 43g4 21. AflD M5 22. М2 (22. 0-0? £>f3 23. efl He2 24. Wbl Hdd2!-+) Hd3! 23. Wa2 Hf3 24. ef3 Wd4 25. ke3 (25. фё2 W3! 26. Wf2 Wd5 27. М3 Wh5 28. М2 £>h4=) М3 26. &g2 НеЗоо; b) 16. e4 Af3 (16... Had8?! 17. 0-0 кеб 18. c5+) 17. Af3 М4 18. We3 £ig3 19. We7 He7 20. М2 Ml 21. Hhl c6!oo[ 16. Ad4 [16. Hel Had8 17. Ad4 (17. 0-0 c5T) Ah3! 18. 0-0 (18. М3? Hd4 19. Wb2 Hed8+) Ag2 19. М2 We2 20. We2 He2 21. Hf2 Hf2 22. Af2 Hd2=[ Ac4 17. e4 [17. 0-0? Ae2=] M7 [17... Had8?! 18. Wc3 We6 19. М2! аб (19... Hd7?! 20. h4±; 19... He7 20. h4±) 20. Hhdl±; 17... a5 18. Ф12 Hed8 19. Wc3 b5 20. Hhcl+1 18. Wc3 b5!? 19. Ag7 [19. М2 c5 20. Ag7 (20. bc5 M5=) Hac8 (20... Wg5 21. Hadi Had8 22. М3 Ae6 23. Ae6 fe6 24. M8 e5!=) 21. Ah6 (21. Hhdl cb4 22. ab4 М2 23. М2 НсЗ 24. АеЗ Ш=) М5 22. We3 М3 23. Ml Нсб 24. Wg5 Wg5 25. Ag5 Лаб 26. bc5 M553; 19. Ml a5!? (19... Ml?! 20. Ml f5 21. ef5 We2 22. Ml M5 23. ke5 We5 24. We5 He5 25. &g2 Hf5 26. Hacl a5!±) 20. ba5 (20. Ac4 ab4 21. ab4 Hal 22. Wai Wb4 23. &f2 bc4 24. Wc3=) c5 (20... Ml?! 21. Ml c5 22. Af2 We5 23. We5 M5 24. M2+) 21. Ag7 Ml 22. Ah6 (22. Ml Wg5 23. Hdl Wg7 24. Wg7 &g7 25. Hd7 Ha5 26. М2 Ha3 27. Hhdl=) a) 22... M5!? 23. Hfl!? (23. Ml b4 24. ab4 cb4 25. We3 Hec8 26. Hel Hel 27. Wcl <£jf3 28. Wb2 M5 29. М2 Ла5 30. Hdl Ha8=) Hed8 (23... Wf6? 24. Af4 М3 25. М2 Wa6 26. Ac7 c4 27. Мб! Неб 28. h4±) 24. Hdl We6 25. М2 Wh6 26. We5 Hdl 27. Hdl Wh2 28. М3 Wh6 29. f4 Wg7=; b) 22... We5 23. We5 M5 24. Hfl f5 25. М2 M4 26. 0-0-0 M5 27. Aa5 (27. ef5 M4=) Ha5 28. Hd5 fe4 29. fe4 Ha3=l f5 [19... f6!? 20. Ah6 M5 21. Af 1 (21. М2? f5! t) Had8! 22. ф£2 (22. M4? bc4+ Xd3) Ml (22... f5!? 23. We3 Afl 24. Hhfl fe4 25. We4 Wf6 26. Wh4 &d3 27. Ml Wh4 28. gh4 Hd6=) 23. Hhfl Hd3 24. Wc2 Hf3=l 20. М6?! [20. М8?! a5! 21. М2 fe4+; 20. 0-0-0 c5! 21. bc5 £>c5 22. M4 fe4 23. fe4 Hac8=; 20. M4 fe4 21. fe4 c5 22. bc5 <23c5=] fe4 [20... M5!? 21.0-0-0 fe4 22. fe4 M4=J 21.0-0-0 [21. fe4? a5! 22. 0-0-0 ab4 23. ab4 We5 24. We5 (24. Ag7!? Wg5 25. Ml М2 26. М2 M6+) £ie5+[ a5! 22. ba5 £ic5? [22... Наб! 23. Wg7 Wg7 24. Ag7 £>c5 25. М3 £ia4+J 23. Afl! 23... £}b3? [23... Aa2!! a) 24. АеЗ £ia4 25. Wb4 c5 26. Wb5 Hab8! 27. Ac4 (27. Wa4 We5 28. Wc2 Hbl 29. М2 Hd8-+) M8 28. Wc5 Wc5 29. Ac5 Ac4-+; b) 24. h4 Ha5 25. Hh2 М3 26. М2 Hea8 27. fe4 Wa3 28. М2 Wc5+] 24. Ml £ia5 [24... ef3 25. Ac4 (25. Wfl!? We6 26. Ac4 bc4=) bc4 26. Hd5 Ha5 27. Ha5 £a5 28. Wa5 We4 29. Ml Wd4!=[ 25. Ael!? We5 [25... Hed8!? 266
26. Sd8 Wd8 27. fe4 We7 28. Ad3 Ad3 29. Wd3 сб 30. WO £ic4 31. Sdl ®e6oo] 26. We5 Se5 27. fe4 [27. W Sf5 28. fe4 Sf2 29. Ah3 W=1 [27... Se4 28. Ag2 (28. Sd7 c6=) Se2=] 28. Shfl £>c4 29. Sd7 [29. Sf4 &a3 30. £аЗ Sa3 31. Sd8 Фё7 32. Sd7 фё6 33. Sg4 Sg5 34. Sg5 &g5 35. Sc7 h5=l Se4 [29... £>a3 30. £a3 Sa3 31. Sff7 Sh5 32. Sg7 ФЬ8 33. h4 (33. Sge7 Sa8 34. h4 Sg8 35. Sd3 Sg7 36. Se8 Sg8=) c5 34. фс2 c4 35. Sg4 Sa8 36. Se7 Sb8=l 30. Hff7 £>a3 [30... Sg4!? 31. Sfe7!? (31. Sc7? £>a3 32. ФЬ2 Sb4 33. феЗ Sc4 34. Sc4 &c4=) a) 31... Ь5?! 32. Sc7 h4 33. gh4 Sh4 al) 34. Sg7 ФО 35. Scf7 Фе8 36. Sb7 ФО 37. Sbf7 (37. Sgc7 Sh2 38. Sb5 Sh4 39. a4 Sg4 40. Sbb7 &g8=) Фе8=; a2) 34. a4 ba4 35. Se2! Sb8 36. Фа2 Йе5 37. J.b2 &g4 38. h3 Sh3 39. Sg7 ФО 40. Sg4±; b) 31... сб 32. Sc7 h5 33. Sc6 h4 34. gh4 Sh4 35. a4 Sh2 36. ab5 Sb8 37. Фа1 Sh7 38. Sg6 ФЬ8=1 31. ±a3 [31. Фа2 £ic4 32. ФЬЗ £>a5 33. Фс2 Sc4 34. £dl Sd4=l Sa3 32. Sg7 фЬ8 [32... ФО 33. Sh7 <£g8 - 32... фЬ8] 33. Sh7 £>g8 34. Sdg7 [34. Sc7 Sei 35. ФЬ2 SO=[ Ф18 35. Sc7 Sb4 [35... <^g8!? 36. Scg7 ФО 37. Sb7 &g8 (37... Sb4 38. фс2 <£g8 39. Shd7 SO=) 38. Shd7 Sei 39. ФЬ2 SO=1 36. Фс2 Sc4 37. ФЬ2!? [37. Sc4 bc4 38. ФЬ2 (38. Sh4 фе7 39. ФЬ2 Sb3! 40. Фс1 Sc3! 41. <£dl Фе6=) a) 38... Sb3 39. фс2 Se3=; 39... Sa3=; b) 38... Se3 39. Sh4 Sb3!= 40. Фс2 Sa3=; 40... Se3=] Sc7 38. Sc7 38... b4? [38... SO? 39. Sc3 Sf2 40. Sc2 SO 41. фа2 фе7 (41... &g7 42. Sb2 Sf5 43. ФЬЗ ФГ6 44. ФЬ4 Феб 45. Фа5 Sf8 46. Se2 фd5 47. ФЬ5+-) 42. Sb2! Sf5 43. ФЬЗ Фd6 44. ФЬ4 фсб 45. Sc2 ФЬб 46. Se2 Sg5 47. Se6 Фс7 48. Sa6 ФЬ7 49. Sd6 Фс7 50. Sd4 Sh5 51. Ь4 фсб 52. Sf4 Фс7 53. Sf6 Фd7 54. Sb6 Sh8 55. Sg6 (55. Sb5? Sg8=) Sh5 56. ФеЗ Sd5 57. Sg8 Феб 58. Sg4 Sh5 59. Фd4 фd7 60. Sg8 фсб 61. Sc8 Фd6 62. Sa8 фсб 63. Sa6 Фd7 64. Sa3 Sh8 65. Sb3 Феб 66. Фе4! (66. Sb5? Sg8! 67. Se5 ФГ6! 68. Se3 ФГ5!=) Sg8 67. ФГ4 Sf8 68. Фg4 Sg8 69. ФЬЗ Sb8 70. Sb4! ФЕ5 71. g4 фg6 72. фgЗ Sb6 73. ФГ4 Sb7 74. фе5 Sb6 75. Фd5 Sb8 76. Фс5 ФГ6 77. Фсб Sh8 78. g5! ФГ5 79. фЬ5+-; 38... Se3! 39. Sc3 Se2! 40. Sc2 Se3! a) 41. фа2 Фе7! 42. Sb2 Se5! 43. ФЬЗ (43. Sd2 Se3=) Фd6! 44. ФЬ4 фсб! 45. Sc2 ФЬб! al) 46. Sg2 Se4 47. феЗ фс5 48. фdЗ (48. g4 Ь4 49. фd2 фd6 50. Ь4 ЬЗ 51. ФеЗ Фе5 52. Ь5 Se3 53. ФЬ2 Sh3=) Sd4 49. феЗ Sc4 50. g4 фd6 51. ФО Ь4 52. Sb2 Фе5 53. ФgЗ ФГ6=; а2) 46. Sd2 Se4 (46... фсб=) 47. ФеЗ Фс5 48. фdЗ Фd5 49. Sb2 Ь4! 50. Sf2 Se8 (50... Se7=) 51. Sf5 Феб! 52. Sh5 (52. Sb5 Sh8=) Sb8 53. Фс2 ЬЗ! 54. ФЬ2 Sb4=; b) 41. Sd2 Фе7 42. фс2 Феб 43. Sd3 Se2=; c) 41. Фс1 Фе7! 42. Sb2 Se5!= 43. Фd2 Фd6! 44. Фd3 Фс5 45. g4 b4! 46. Sg2 Фd6 47. h4 Sc5=; 38... Sd3! 39. Sc3 Sd2! 40. Sc2 Sd3! 41. фа2 (41. Se2 ФП 42. Фс2 Sf3!=) Фе7 42. Sb2 Sd5 43. ФЬЗ Фd6! 44. ФЬ4 фсб 45. Sc2 ФЬб 46. Sf2 Sd4! 47. ФеЗ Sa4 48. Sf5 Sa2 49. Sh5 фс6=[ 39. ФЫ? [39. Sc4! Se3 40. Фс1! Sb3 (40... ЬЗ 41. фd2 Se8 42. Sb4 фё7 43. Sb3+~) 41. Sc2 Фg7 42. Sb2 Sf3 43. ФЫ! ЬЗ 44. Sd2 ФЬб 45. ФЬ2 фg5 46. фаЗ Фg4 47. Sd4! Фg5 48. Sb4 Ь2 49. фа2 ЫВ 50. Sbl+-[ Sb3! [39... Se3=; 39... Sd3=l 4О.фс1 Sa3? [40... Se3? 41. Sc4! Sb3 42. Sc2+-; 40... Sf3! 41. Sc2 (41. Sc4 Фg7=) Фе7 42. ФЫ (42. Sb2 Фd6=) Фd6 43. Sb2 ЬЗ (43... Фс5=; 43... Sfl=) 44. Sg2 Фс5 45. g4 Sfl 46. ФЬ2 фd6! 47. ФЬЗ Sf3 48. ФЬ2 Sh3=; 40... Фе8!=[ 41. Sc2!+- фg7 42. Sb2 S13 43. ФЫ! ЬЗ 44. Se2 [44. Sd2+-[ Фg6 45. ФЬ2 фg5 46. фаЗ Фg4 [46... Sd3 47. Sb2 Sd8 48. ФЬЗ Фg4 49. Фс4 Sd7 50. Sf2 ФЬЗ 51. ФеЗ Se7 52. фd4^—l 47. Se4! ФГ5 [47... ФЬЗ 48. Sh4! фg2 49. g4 Sf4 50. ФЬЗ Se4 51. феЗ ФО 52. ЬЗ Se3 53. Фd4 267
НаЗ 54. Hh5 ФС4 55. g5+-1 48. Hb4 Hf2 49. h4 Hg2 50. Hb5! Фе4 [50... &g4 51. Hg5 ФВ 52. ФЬЗ Д h5, g4, Hg6, h6+-J 51. ДЬЗ [Д 4/bl Hc2 [51... ФГ5 52. Hb5! <£g6 53. Hg5 Ф116 54. ФЬЗ Hd2 55. феЗ Hdl 56. фс4 Hd2 57. g4 Hdl 58. Hc5 Hgl 59. Hh5 фg6 60. Hg5 ФЬ6 61. Фd5 Hel 62. He5 Hgl 63. Hh5 Фg6 64. Hg5 ФИ6 65. Фе5+-1 52. Hb4 [52. g4 Hh2 53. НЬ4 фе5 54. Ь5 ФГ6 55. Hb6 Фg7 56. фЬЗ+-[ Фе5 [52... Ф13 53. g4!+-1 53. фЬЗ [53. Hg4 Hc8 54. h5 Hh8 55. Hg5! ФГ6 56. Hg6 ФП 57. g4 Hb8 58. Фа4 Д фа5, ДЬ6+-[ Hf2 [53... Hc8 54. Hb5 Феб 55. Hg5 ф£6 56. ФЬ4+—[ 54. ДЬ5 [54. g4 Hf6 55. h5+-J ФГ6 55. Фс4 Hg2 56. Hg5 Hd2 57. Hg8 157. Hg4 Ф15 58. Hg8 ФГ6 59. h5+-[ Ф17 58. Hg4 Ф16 [58... Hh2 59. фd4+-l 59. h5 Hh2 60. Hg6 Ф17 61. g4 Hd2 62. Hg5 Hdl [62... ФА6 63. Hf5 Фg7 64. g5 Ha2 (64... Hh2 65. g6!+—) 65. g6+-1 63. Hd5 163. h6 Hcl 64. Фd3 Hdl 65. фе2 Hhl 66. Hg7! Ф18 67. g5+-1 Hgl 64. Hf5 [64. g5+-1 Фg7 65. Hg5 [65. g5+-[ ФИ6 66. Hg6 ФЬ7 67. Фd5 Hel 68. g5 Hal [68... Hhl 69. Феб Hh5 70. ФП Hh4 71. Неб Hf4 72. Hf6+-[ 69. Нсб Hgl 70. Hc7 Фg8 71. g6 Hg5 [72. феб Hh5 73. ФГ6!Н—[ 1 : 0 Petronijevic 178. E 34 LAZNICKA 2683 - WOJTASZEK 2717 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 £f6 2. c4 еб 3. £c3 Ab4 4. Wc2 d5 5. cd5 Wd5 6. £13 W15 7. Wb3 £c6 8. Ad2 0-0 9. h3 a5 [9... Ac3 — 104/(146)] 10. g4 ®g6 11. a3 a412. Wa2 Ac3 13. ЬсЗ £e414. Ag2 14... f5!? N [14... e5[ 15. Hbl [15. g5 £a5 16. £e5 Ш 17. Hbl £b3 18. Ae4 fe4 19. Wc2 ®h4 20. АеЗ Ьбоо; 15. Wc2 (Д Af4) £d2 16. £d2 e5oo] фЪ8 [15... £a5!? 16. £e5 (16. 0-0 £b3 17. £e5 Ш6) Wf6 17. Ae4 fe4 18. АеЗ £ЬЗ 19. Wc2 ®e7 20. We4 Wa3oo[ 16. Wc2 [Д Af4; 16. Hb5!? We8! 17. Wc2 £d2 18. Wd2 b6=] £d2 17. £d2 e5 18. еЗ Ш6 [18... Даб!? 19. 0-0 ®e8; 18... We8!?[ 19. 0-0 £d8?! 20. 14! ed4 21. cd4 We7 22. £c4! fg4 23. hg4 Ag4 24. £e5?! [24. Ae4! (/bl-h7) g6 (24... Даб!? 25. £e5 Ah3 26. Hf3 Hh6 27. Hg3S) 25. £e5 Af5 26. Фg2!? Д ДЫ^| Af5! 25. e4 Аеб |25... Ac8!? a) 26. d5 сб; b) 26. f5 ®a3 27. Wc7 We3 28. ФЬ2 Wh6 (28... Даб 29. ДЬ6 ДЬ6 30. Wb6oo) 29. фё1 We3=; с) 26. ®сЗ Даб (26... сб 27. f5^) 27. Hbcl Haf6 28. f5 (28. Wc7 ®c7 29. He7 £e6 30. He7 £f4+) £17 29. Wc7 Wa3 30. Wc8 £e5 31. ДеЗ (31. Wc3 ®c3 32. ДеЗ £c6 33. d5 £e5=) ®b4 32. Wc5 Wc5 33. Hc5 £c6 34. d5 £e5 35. d6 £d7 36. Hd5 g6 37. e5 £e5 38. He5 Hd6=[ 26. d5 Ag8!? 27. Hf3?! [Д ДЬЗ; 27. Wc3!? (Xa3, /al-h8) сб 28. f5 (28. ®b4!? Wb4 29. Hb4 cd5 30. ed5 Hf6=) £f7D (28... cd5?? 29. £g6!+-) 29. £f7 (29. £d3 £d6) Hf7 (29... Af7? 30. f6) 30. e5 cd5 31. еб Hff8 (31... Hf6 32. Ad5+) 32. ДЬ5 Дас8 33. ®е35о[ сб! [27... Даб!? 28. Hcl сбое! 28. Hh3 Hf6 29. Hdl? [29. Wb2 (Xb7) cd5 30. ed5oo[ 29... £f7!T 30. £17 Wf7 31. f5 cd5?! [31... We7!+* XAg2| 32. Hd5 Дсб?! [32... We7! 1 33. ДеЗ? [33. Wd2 Hac8 34. Hd7 Wf6 35. Wf4oo[ We7! 34. Дсб bc6 35. Hd3 Hb8+ [35... c5!?+] 36. ДеЗ [36. Wa4 c5!+ 6c] h6!? 268
37. Hc5? Wd6—+ 137... Hbl!?—+1 38. e5 Wd4 39. Wf2 Hbl 40. Afl Wg4 41. Ah2 Ad5 42. Hc3 We4 0 : 1 Mat. Bartel 179.* E 39 MAMEDYAROV 2752 - LUC. FILIP 2483 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 еб 3. £>c3 Ab4 4. Wc2 c5 5. dc5 0-0 6. a3 Ac5 7. £rf3 b6 8. Af4 Ab7 9. Hdl Ac6 10. e3 £>h5 11. Ag3 h6 Ill... Ae7 - 96/3991 12. Wd3!? N 112. Ae2 £>g3 (12... Hc8 13. Wd2 £>g3 14. hg3 W 15. £>Ь5 a6 16. ^d6±; 12... Ae7 13. Ad6 Ad6 14. Hd6 We7 15. Wd2 ^f6 16. 0-0 £>a5 17. b4; 17. <2}e5!? A 17... Ad5 18. £>d5 ed5 19. Hf6 We5 20. Hf4 g5 21. Hg4 f5 22. Hg3 £>c4 23. Ac4 dc4 24. f4t) 13. hg3 Ae7 14. g4!? (14. 0-0 - 85/449) Hc8 15. Wd2^a5! 16. Wd7 a) 16... Wd7 N 17. Hd7 Af6 18. 0-0 Ac3 19. ЬсЗ Hfd8 20. Hfdl Hd7 21. Hd7 &f8! (21... Af3 22. gf3 &c4 23. Ha7± V. Malakhov 2705 - Luc. Filip 2483, Plovdiv 2012) 22. £>e5 фе8 23. Hf7 Hc5 24. f4 He5 25. Hb7 He3 26. Hb8 фе7 27. £>f2 Hc3=; b) 16... Af6 bl) 17. Wd8?! Hfd8 18. Hd8 Hd8 19. Hh5 (19. £>dl) b2) 17. 0-0 Ac3 (17... Wc7? 18. Wc7 Hc7 19. £>b5±) 18. ЬсЗ Wc7!? (18... Wd7 - 16... Wd7) 19. Hd4 Wc5±?; 12. Wd2 £>g3 13. hg3 Wb8! (13... Ae7 14. Wd7 - 12. Wd3) 14. g4 £>e5 (14... Hd8 15. g5 hg5 16. £>g5 Ae7 17. £ice4 £>e5 18. We2 g6 19. f4t) 15. £>e5 We5 16. Hh5 (16. b4 Ae7 17. f4 Wf6 18. Wc2 Hfd8 19. g5 Wg6oo) a) 16... f5 17. gf5 Hf5 18. Hf5 Wf5 19. Wd7 Hf8 20. f3 (20. Wd2 Ae7!^) Ac8 21. Wd3±; b) 16... Wf6! 17. Ad3 (17. b4 Ae7 18. Ad3 Hfd8 19. g5 hg5 20. Ah7 &f8 21. Ae4 g6+; 17. Wd7 Hab8 18. Wa4 Wg6^) Ag2 18. We2 (18. g5?! We5 19. We2 g6+; 18. £>e4 Wd8 19. We2 Ae4 20. Ae4 Hc8 A 21. Abl He8 22. Wd3 g6 23. Hh6 Wg5T) g6 19. Hh6 We5 20. <£d2 (20. £>a4 Ac6 21. £>c5 bc5 22. f4 Wg7oo) <£g7 21. Hh4 Ac6 22. f4 Wc7 23. Ae4 d5 24. Wh2 Hh8 25. Hhl Hh4 26. Wh4 de4 27. Wh6 &f6 28. Wg5 &g7=] &g3 13. hg3 Ae7 113... Wb8 14. g4! A 14... A>e5 15. 2>e5 We5 16. b4 Ae7 17. f4 A g5±] 14. Wd7 [14. g4 Af6! 15. Hh5 (15. Wd7 £ia555; 15. &e4 Ab2 16. g5 &e5oc) &a5 16. g5 Af3 17. gf3 Ac3 18. Wc3 (18. ЬсЗ g6!)hg5 19. f4 gf4 20. ef4 Wf6 21. Wf6 gf6 22. b4 &c6 23. Hd7 Hfd8=l Wb8 15. £id4!? [15. £>e5 We5! (15... £>e5 16. We7 Hc8 17. Hh5!? Hc7 18. Wh4 f5 19. Wf4 Hf7 20. e4±; 15... Hd8 16. £>c6 - 15. &d4) 16. Wb7 Hac85o; 15. Wd2 a) 15... Hd8 16. Ad3 £>e5 17. £>e5 We5 18. 0-0 Hac8 19. Wc2 (19. We2? Aa3!) Aa6 (19... g6 20. Wa4±) 20. Ah7 фЬ8 21. Hd8 Hd8 22. Ad3±; b) 15... a6 16. Ad3 Wc7 17. 0-0 £>a5 18. We2 Hfc8!? (18... Hac8 19. c5!+; 18... Hfd8 19. b4! £>c4 20. Ac4 b5 21. Ae6 fe6 22. Hcl±) 19. £>d2 Hd8 20. b4 (20. f4 Hd7 21. £>f3 Af6 22. ^e4 Ae4 23. Ae4 Had8^) £>c6 21. Ae4 a5 22. &b5 We5! 23. Ac6 Ac6 24. ba5 ba5 25. W a4 26. Hd8 Hd8 27. £13d4 bl) 27... ±b7 28. Hdl (28. Hel АаЗ!) Hc8 29. £>a7!+ A 29... Hc7? 30. £>db5 We4 31. f3 Wc4 32. Wc4 Hc4 33. Hd7±; 29... Hc5; b2) 27... Aa8! 28. Hdl Hc8 29. Hel (29. £>a7 Hc7!= 30. £>db5?! We4 31. f3 Bc4+) h5^[ Hd8 [o 15... £>d4 16. We7(16. Wd4 Af6^) Aif5 17. Wb4 Aig3! 18. fg3 Wg3 19. &d2 Hfd8 20. Фс1 (20. фс2? Hdl 21. ^dl Ag2-+) We3 21. ФЫ Ae4 22. фа2 Hdl 23. 2>dl Wcl 24. 2>c3 Ad3 25. Ad3 Whl 26. We7 Wh2 27. Ae4 Hc8 28. Wa7 Wd6oo[ 16. £>c6 Hd7 17. ^b8 Hdl 18. <£>dl Hb8 19. Фс2 [19. g4!? Hc8 20. Фс2 Aa6 (20... a5 21. Hh5±) 21. ФЬЗ Ab7 (21... Hd8 22. Ae2 A Hdl ) 22. Hgl! (22. f3 Ag5 23. e4 Af4) <£f8 23. Ae2 A 23... Af6 24. Hdl Фе7 25. £>b5 Ag2 26. f3! Hd8 (26... a6 27. £ic3±) 27. £>d4! Ad4 28. ed4± A Hgll f5!? 269
[19... Нс8 20. f3 Ас5 21. е4 Ad6 22. g4 Ае5; 20. g4 - 19. g4!?[ 20. Sgl!? [20. f3 ФП (20... Ad6 21. W Ag3 22. <^a7 Hd8 (A Af2) 23. Ad3±) 21. Ad3 (A e4) Hc8 a) 22. Sdl a5 23. Ae2 i.c6±5 A Ac5; b) 22. ЬЗ!? a5 (22... Aa3 23. Sal Ac 5 24. Sa7 Sc7 25. e4±) 23. a4 (23. e4!? fe4 24. Ae4 Ae4 25. Aie4 Aa3 26. Sh5!+ A Sb5) Af8 24. e4 g6 25. £>e2+; c) 22. b4 Ad6 23. e4 (23. Aib5 Ab8! 24. Sh3 Аа6±?) Ag3 24. ef5 ef5 25. Sh5 Фе7 (25... g6 26. Sh6 £>g7 27. Sh3 Ae5 28. g4±) 26. c5! (26. Sf5? g6; 26. £>e2 Ab8 27. £>d4 f4) bc5 27. Af5±; 20. Sh2!? Sc8 21. Ae2 ФП 22. a4 (22. b4 a5! 23. ФЬЗ Sd8 24. Af3 Af3 25. gf3 Hd2±s) a5 23. ЬЗ (A Af3) Ae4 24. Ad3 (24. £>e4 fe4 25. Shi Sf8M Асб 25. e4 Ad7 26. f4 A 26... Ac5 27. Ae2! Af2 (27... Sd8 28. g4±) 28. g4! Ag3 29. Shi Af4 30. gf5 Фе7 31. Ag4±] g5 21. Ae2 [A g4[ g4 22. f3 [22. e4!? Sf8! (22... Ac5 23. Sfl Sf8 24. b4 Ad4 25. ef5 ef5 26. £>b5 Ae5 27. f4±) 23. ef5 Sf5 (23... ef5 24. f3±) 24. £>dl h5 25. Ad3 Sf6 (25... Se5 26. b4±) 26. Shi Sh6 27. Sh2! (27. £ie3 Sf6 A 28. Sfl Ac5M &g7 (27... a5 28. Ae2 <^g7 29. f3+) 28. £>e3 Sh8 (28... Sf6 29. Sh5 Sf2 30. ФЬЗ ФП 31. Aig4 Sg2 32. £>e5 ф₽б 33. g4+) 29. Фd2! (29. b4 a5 30. ФЬЗ Af6 31. Shi Ad4±=) Af6 30. b3+[ h5 [^ 22... gf3 23. gf3 Ac5 24. Bel (24. <§A>5 АеЗ 25. Hdl фП!±5; 24. £idl a5 25. ФеЗ a4oo) АеЗ 25. Ad3 f4 26. gf4 Af4 27. Неб фП 28. Sei h5 29. Ae4 h4 30. Ab7 Sb7 31. Shi Ag3 32. £>e4 феб+1 23. Hhl Ac5 24. £>dl Фg7 [24... Асб 25. Hh5 Aa4 26. ЬЗ Ae8 27. Hh6±[ 25. Hh5 Hd8 26. Фс1?! [26. Ь4 Ad6 27. fg4 Ae4 28. фс1! a5 29. Af3 ab4 30. Ae4 fe4 31. ab4 Ab4 32. Zttfl Ad2 33. Фс2 АеЗ 34. £>e4 Hd4 35. Пе5 ФП 36. g5 Agl! 37. ФеЗ Sd8 38. Hb5 Фg6±; 26. fg4! Ag2 (26... Ae4 27. Фс1 Фg6 28. Ь4 Af8 29. gf5 ef5 30. g4±) 27. b4 Ae4 28. Фс1 Ae7 29. £>c3 Ad3 30. Ad3 Hd3 31. Фс2 Se3 32. gf5 Af6 (32... ef5 33. £id5+-) 33. <2}b5 ef5 34. Hf5 Hg3 35. £>d6! He3 36. Фd2 Неб 37. c5±[ Асб [26... gf3! 27. gf3 (27. Af3 Ааб) Асб (A Aa4) 28. b4 Ae7 a) 29. Hh2 a5 30. c5 ab4 31. ab4 bc5 32. b5 Ad5 33. g4 (33. £ic3 Ab3 34. Adi Sd3!M Af6 34. gf5 ef5 35. Фс2 He8^; b) 29. £>c3 a5 30. c5 (30. Ьа5 Aa3 31. Фс2 ba5 32. e4 Ae8M ab4 31. ab4 Af6 32. фс2 Sa8! 33. ФЬЗ Sal±d 27. Фс2!? [27. Ь4 Ae7 28. fg4 a5 29. gf5 ab4 30. ab4 Ab4 31. Af3 Ae8 32. Hg5 ФЬб 33. Hg8 ef5 (33... ФЬ7 34. Hg4 ef5 35. Hd4 Hc8 36. Ae2 Af7 37. g4±) 34. £>b2 (34. Ad5 b5) Ad2 35. ФЫ f4I? 36. e4 (36. He8 Se8 37. ef4 Hd8oc) fg3 37. Hg3 b5 38. Фс2+; 27. fg4 Aa4 28. £>сЗ АеЗ 29. ФЫ Ae8 30. Hhl fg4 31. Ag4 Hd2 32. Hdl Sg2 33. Аеб Sg3 34. Hd8±| Aa4 28. ЬЗ Ae8 29. Hhl gf3 30. gf3 Aa3 31. £>c3 Ac5 32. Ad3 [32. e4 a5 33. ef5 ef5 34. Ad3 Асб 35. Sh5 Af3 36. Hg5 ФЬб 37. Hf5 Ah5 38. £>d5+[ Асб!? [32... АеЗ 33. Hel Ac5 34. Неб Ad7 35. He2 Hg8!? 36. Hh2 Hh8+] 33. e4 33... Hh8! [33... Hg8 34. f4! Ф18 35. Hh3 Af2 (35... Ad7 36. ef5 ef5 37. £>d5 ФП 38. Фd2 Аеб 39. ^)c7 Ad7 40. Фе2±) 36. ef5 ef5 37. Af5 Hg3 (37... Ag3 38. Аеб Hg7 39. Ad5±) 38. Sh8! (38. Hh6 Af3 39. Ae4 Ad4!) Hg8 (38... ФП 39. Sh7 Hg7 40. Sh6 Af3 41. Ae4!±) 39. Sh6 Hg2 40. Hc6 Ael 41. Фd3 Hg3 42. фе4 АеЗ 43. Аеб фе7 44. ф!5±| 34. Hh8 ФЬ8± 35. ef5 ef5 36. £>d5 Ad5 37. cd5 Ad6?! [37... Af2?! 38. d6 Ag3 39. d7 Ah4 40. ФеЗ А Фс4-Ь5-а6; 37... f4 38. g4 Фg7 39. ФеЗ ФГ6] 38. ФО2?! [38. f4! Ac5 39. Af5 Af2 40. g4 АеЗ 41. d6 Af4 42. d7 Ag5 43. Фd3±] Ag3 39. ФеЗ Ah2 [39... f4?! 40. Фе4 Фg7 41. фе5 ФП 42. фd6I 40. Af5 Ae5 41. Ь4?! [41. фе4| Ad6 42. Ь5 Фg7= 43. фdЗ ФГ6 44. фе4 Ае7 45. f4 Ас5 46. Ag4 Фе7 47. Фе5 Ad6 48. Фе4 1/2 : 1/2 V. Stoica 270
180. !Н CVITAN 2538 - Z. ARSOVlt 2443 Paracin 2012 1. d4 еб 2. c4 £>f6 3. £>c3 ±b4 4. e3 0-0 5. Ad3 c5 6. £>f3 b6 7.0-0 Ac3 8. ЬсЗ Ab7 9. £}d2 £>c6 10. e4 cd4 11. cd4 £>d4 12. e5 £>e8 13. АаЗ [13. £>e4 - 39/7001 13... f5! N [13... d6[ 14. Af8 [14. W Wg5 15. f3 £>b3 16. ab3 We3 17. Hf2 We5 18. Af8 Ф>18^[ Wg5! [14... Ф18 15. Ae2 d6 16. £f3±[ 15. f3 We3 16. Hf2 [16. ФЫ?! a) 16... Wd3 17. Ae7 <Ac2 18. £>b3 Wdl 19. Hadi £>e3 20. Hd7 Ac8 21. Hfdl (21. Hddl Aa6+) Ad7 22. Hd7 £>c4T; b) 16... &f8 17. &b3 We5 18. a4 W 19. Wb3 Асб 20. a5 ba5 21. Wa3 <£g8 (21... Wd65o) 22. Wa5 We3 23. НаЗ Wd4^[ <£f8= [16... Wd3?! 17. fcfl! a) 17... Wc4 18. Hcl Wd5 19. Hd2(19. Ag7!? Aig7 20. Hd2 We5 21. Hd4 Асб 22. Wd2±) &f8 20. Hd4 We5 21. f4 Wf6 22. Hd7±; b) 17... Wdl 18. Hdl £>c6 19. Ad6 Aa6 20. Hc2±] 17. £>b3 We5 18. Afl £ib3 19. ab3 £>f6 20. Ь4 аб 21. НаЗ 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Arsovic 181 E 52 A. MASTROVASILIS 2510 - I. SALGADO L6PEZ 2621 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 £if6 2. c4 еб 3. £>c3 Ab4 4. еЗ b6 5. Ad3 Ab7 6. £rf3 0-0 7. 0-0 d5 8. cd5 ed5 9. 4}e5 Ad6 10. f4 c5 11. Wf3 £>c6 12. Wh3 &e7? [12... g6 - 81/445; 12... h6[ Е 43 13. £>d7! £>g6 14. £>f8 £>f8 15. Ad2± We7 16. Hael [16. dc5 bc5 17. £>e2 £>e4 18. Ae4 We4 19. £>g3±[ аб N [16... c4 17. Ac2 аб 18. g4! Ь5 19. g5 £>e4 20. £>e4 de4 21. Wg2± (A f5; 21. a3) He8 22. f5±-[ 17. dc5 bc5 18. £e2 £>e4 [18... Ac8 19. Af5 Af5 20. Wf5 Hb8 21. £>g3±[ 19. Ae4 We4 20. Ac3 Wd3 21. &g3 &e6 [21... d4 22. ed4 cd4 23. £>f5 Wh3 24. gh3 dc3 25. £>d6 Ad5 26. ЬсЗ Hd8 (26... Aa2 27. He8+-) 27. £>f5 Aa2 28. £>e7 ф>Ь8 29. Hdl He8 30. £>c6 A Hd8+-[ 22. f5 [22. £>f5 Af8 23. Hf3 d4 24. £>h6 gh6 25. Hg3+-; 22. Ag7! £}g7 (22... Ag7 23. 2>f54~) 23. Wd7+—I £}g5 23. Wg4 f6 24. Ah5 [24. h4 Ag3 25. hg5 Ael 26. Hel±; 25. Af6!!+-[ We4 25. Hf4! We7 26. h4 Af4 27. ef4 Ae4 28. He4 de4 29. £>f6 <£f8 [29... фИ8 30. £>h5 Hg8 31. £)g7 Hg7 32. f6+-1 30. £>h7 Фе8 31. f6 Wd7 [31... gf6 32. £>f6 ФП (32... &d8 33. Aa5) 33. f54— I 32. Wh5 Wf7 33. We5 &d7 34. fg7 e3 35. £>f6 Феб 36. b4 cb4 37. We4 фЬб 38. Wb4 феб 39. Wa4 1:0 A. Mastrovasilis 182. E 54 SALINAS HERRERA 2409 - MACIEJA 2614 Istanbul (ol) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 еб 3. £>c3 ^.b4 4. e3 0-0 5. J.d3 c5 6. £d3 d5 7. 0-0 cd4 8. ed4 dc4 9. J.c4 b6 10. ±g5 J.b7 11. Hcl &bd7 12. Hel Hc8 13. Wb3 Ac3 14. НсЗ h6 15. J.h4 J.d5 16. J.d5 НсЗ 17. ЬсЗ 117. Wc3 £id5 18. £d8 £>c3 19. J.b6 £>a2 20. i.a7 Ha8 21. ^.c5 £>c5 22. dc5 Hc8 23. He5 W 24. £>el £a6 25. ^d3 Hd8 26. £>el =1 ed5 18. Wa3 271
118. c4 Wa8!? (18... dc4 19. Wc4 Wc8=) 19. Sell? (19. £>e5 £>e5 20. de5 dc4 21. Wc4 Hc8+) Hc8 20. Af6 dc4 21. Hc4 Hc4 22. Wc4 23. &e5 Wd5 24. Wc8 ФИ7 25. Wf5=; 18. £>e5 - 28/(656)1 a5 N [18... Wc7?! 19. He7±; 18... Wc8?! 19. Af6 2>f6 20. Wa7±; 18... He8 19. Af6 (19. He8 We8 20. Af6 £if6 21. Wa7 - 19. Af6) Hel 20. £>el 2tf6 21. Wa7 We8 22. £if3 (22. 2>c2 We2 23. Aie3 £>g4 24. Wb8 фЬ7 25. Wg3 £ie3 26. fe3=) We2 23. h3 £>e4 24. Wa8 ФЬ7 25. Wd5 Wf2 26. ФЬ2=1 19. £>e5 Wc7 [19... He8 20. f3 Wc7=[ 20. f3 Hc8!? [20... He8= - 19... He8| 21. He3 [21. We7?! £>e5 22. Wc7 (22. We5 Wc3 23. Af6 gf6+) £rf3 23. gf3 He7 24. Af6 gf6+; 21. £>d7 £>d7 22. He3=; 21. Af2=; 21. Wb3 Wc3 22. £>d7 &d7 23. He8 ФИ7 24. Hc8 Wc8 25. ®d5 Wcl 26. <£>f2=[ A>e5 22. de5? [22. He5 Wc3 23. Wc3 Hc3 24. Af6 gf6 25. Hd5 Hcl 26. &f2 Hc2 27. &g3 Ha2 28. Hb5 Hd2 29. Hb6 Hd4 30. Hf6 <st?g7=[ 22... £>d7? [22... d4! 23. cd4 £>d5 24. Hel (24. He2 £>c3 25. Hel Wc4+) Wc2 25. Wb3 Wb3 26. аЬЗ Hc3 27. Hbl Hc2?[ 23. Wd6! Wc6! [23... Wd6? 24. ed6±| 24. Hd3 £>c5 25. Hd5? [25. Wc6 Hc6 26. Hd5 fta4 27. Ael £ic3 28. Hd8 ФЬ7 29. Hd6 Hc5!=[ Wa4 26. AC Wa2 27. Ac5 [27. h4? £>e6! 28. Ab6 a4+] Hc5 28. Hc5 [28. Wb8? ФЬ7 29. Hd8 Hc3 (29... Hd5!?) 30. Hh8 &g6-+[ bc5 29. Wc5 [W 4/f[ a4 30. c4? [30. Wc8 ФЬ7 31. Wf5 g6 32. Wd7 Wb3 (32... a3 33. We7! Wb3 34. c4=) 33. We7 We6=[ Ф117! 31. еб [31. Wd6 Wb3—+; 31. Wd5 Wbl 32. &f2 a3-+; 31. We3 a3 32. Wd3 (32. We4 g6 33. Wb7 Wai 34. &f2 Wb2-+; 32. еб Wbl 33. &f2 a2 34. ef7 alW~+) g6 33. еб Wai 34. £>f2 Wb2 35. <£g3 a2 36. ef7 Wb8 37. f4 alW-+l fe6 32. Wb6 a3 33. c5 Wc2 0 : 1 Macieja 183.** E66 WOJTASZEK 2704 - ALEX. FEDOROV 2609 Cesko 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. ftc3 Ag7 4. £>f3 d6 5. g3 0-0 6. Ag2 &c6 7.0-0 Af5 8. d5 £>a5 9. £>d2 c5 10. e4 Ad7 11. Wc2 e5 [11... аб - 112/2991 12. ЬЗ £ig4 13. Ab2 f5 [13... b6 14. Hael N (14. h3) f5 15. ef5 gf5 16. f3 £>h6 17. f4 e4 18. £>e2 We7 19. Ah3 Hae8 20. Ag7 Wg7 21. £>c3 W 22. £>dl He7 23. £>e3 Hef7 24. Hf2 ФЬ8 25. ФЫ Wd4 26. 2>dfl± Stohl 2524 — P. Molnar 2363, Slovensko 20121 14. ef5 gf5 15. h3 £>f6 16. f4 N 116. &e2; 16. Haell e4 17. £>dl We8 18. Ф112 [18. Wg6 (18... h5!?) 19. g4 fg4 20. hg4 a) 20... Hae8? 21. f5 Wg5 22. Hael Wh4 (22... &g4 23. 2>g4 Ab2 24. Wb2 Wg4 25. £>e4+-) 23. £>e4 &e4 24. Ag7 &g7 25. Ae4 He5 26. Af3 h5 27. £>g2 Wg3 28. Wd2 hg4 29. Wg5 ФИ8 30. Wh6 <i>g8 31. Wg6 1 : 0 Baryshpolets 2487 — M. Turov 2667, Voronezh 2012; b) 20... £>g4 21. <2}g4 Ag4 (21... Ab2 22. Wb2 Ag4 23. £>e4+) 22. <Йе4+ A 22... Af5 23. Ag7 Wg7 24. Wc3 Wc3 25. £ic3 аб 26. Hael Hae8 27. &h2] Wg6 19. Hf2 ФП [19... 2>h5!? 20. £>fl Sf7 (20... Ad4?? 21. Ad4 cd4 22. b4) 21. Wd2±[ 20. £>e3 Hg8 21. Hgl Ah6 22. Ahl b6 23. g4! fg4 [23... £>h5 24. £if5! (24. g5±) Af5 25. Ae4 Af4 26. ФЫ Ae4 27. £>e4 Hae8 28. £>d6! Wd6 29. Wh7 £ig7 30. Hgfl Фе7 31. 272
Ag7 £>d8 32. Hf4+-1 24. Hg3! Лаев (24... Wh5 25. £e4 (25. Af6 ФА5 26. £e4 фе7 27. f5 АеЗ 28. ЛеЗ Wh6 29. f6 £>d8 30. Wc3+-) £e4 26. Ae4+—[ 25. Af6 Wf6 26. £e4 We7 27. £g4 |27. £g5 Ф18 (27... Ag5 28. Wh7 Hg7 29. fg5+-) 28. £f5+-[ Ag4 28. hg4 Wh4 29. ЛЬЗ Wg4 30. £g5 Ag5 31. Wh7 1 : 0 Sa. Velickovic 184 E 66 R. SWINKELS 2485 - M. TUROV 2667 Helmond (rapid) 2012 1. d4 £f6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 Ag7 4. Ag2 0-0 5. £c3 d6 6. ^f3 £c6 7.0-0 Af5 8. d5 £a5 9. £}d2 c5 10. e4 Ad7 11. Wc2 e5 12. ЬЗ £g4 13. h3 *53116 14. £13!? N 114. Ab2| f5 [14... f6!?; 14... a6!?l 15. Ag5 We8 [15... Wc7!? A a6, b5] 16. Wd2 £17 17. АеЗ Wd8 [17... We7 18. Sael A 18... a6 19. ef5 gf5 20. £g5[ 18. Дас1 a6 19. £g5 £g5 20. Ag5 Af6 |20... Wc7!?| 21. Af6 Wf6 22. ef5 gf5 23. f4 b6 24. fe5 de5 25. Лсе1 Паев 26. g4 14?! [26... Wg6[ 27. £e4 Wg6 28. g5 [28. £c5!?l £b7 29. d6! [29. £3f6 Hf6 30. gf6 £d6^[ Ac6 129... Леб 30. £3f6 Hff6 31. gf6 Hd6 32. Wc3 Ac6 33. Л124—1 30. фЬ2? [30. £f6 ЛС6 31. Ac6! Wg5 32. фЫ ЛЬб (32... Hd6 33. Sgl+-) 33. Wd3+—1 ФЬ8 [30... Hd8!?[ 31. d7 Леб [31... Hd8!? 32. Wb2 ®g7| 32. Wc3 Wg7 [32... £d8!?] 33. h4 £d8 [33... Ле7 34. АЬЗ A 34... Ad7 35. Ad7 Hd7 36. £f6 Hd4 37. Ле5 13 38. Л13 ЛЬ4 39. ЛЬЗ ЛЬЗ 40. ФЬЗ £d6 41. £Ь5 £е4 42. Wai £g5 43. фё4 Wd7 44. <^>g5 Hg8 45. Ф14 Wg4 46. ФеЗ Wh3 47. Фе4 Wg2 48. &d3+-[ 34. АЬЗ Ле7 35. £f6 Л16 36. gf6 Wf6 37. Agl f3 38. Hg5 Wf4 39. Hg3 £>17 [39... 12 40. ЛП Ad7 41. Wd3+-1 40. We3 Wh4 41. Hegl 1 : 0 Cabrilo 185.**** E 66 V. ERDOS 2645 - AN. KOVALEV 2470 Wien 2012 1. d4 £f6 2. c4 g6 3. £13 Ag7 4. g3 0-0 5. Ag2 d6 6. £c3 £c6 7. 0-0 Af5 8. d5 £a5 9. £d2 c5 10. e4 Ad7 11. Wc2 a6 12. ЬЗ b5 13. Ab2 ЛЬ8 14. ЛаЫ e5 15. £e2 h5 16. ЬЗ [16. 14 N £g4 17. Л13 bc4 18. bc4 ЛЬ2 19. ЛЬ2 ef4 20. gf4 a) 20... Ab2 21. Wb2 15 22. e5 de5 23. fe5 Wh4 24. ЬЗ Wei 25. Afl £e5 26. We5 Wd2 27. Hg3+- T. Banusz 2583 - A. Vovk 2540, Cappelle la Grande 2012; b) 20... Wh4! 21. ЬЗ (21. ЛЬ6 Ad4) Wei 22. Afl £e3! 23. ЛеЗ Ad4±=; RR 16. £cl!? N h4 17. £d3 hg3 18. hg3 a) 18... £g4 19. b4+ J.-D. Wendt 2357 - Th. Kohler 2249, Berlin 2012; b) 18... £b7 19. ЛЬе1 £Ь5 1/2 : 1/2 Stohl 2524 - Ste. Mazur 2372, Slovensko 20121 h4 N [16... We7 — 107/(288)1 17. g4 Ac8! [17... We7 18. f4 £h7 (18... £e8 19. Ac3 £b7 20. £f3 ef4 21. £f4t L. Gonda 2536 - An. Kovalev 2493, Budapest 2012) 19. Ac3 b4 20. Ab2 ef4 21. £f4 Ab2 (21... £g5 22. Ag7 <^g7 23. £13) 22. Wb2 £b7 (22... £g5 23. ЛЬе1 ЛЬе8 24. £d3 f6 25. a3) 23. ЛЬе1±[ 18. Ь4!? [18. f4 a) 18... ef4 19. £f4 (19. e5 £g4! 20. hg4 de5±?) £d7 20. Ag7 &g7 21. Wc3 (21. £13 bc4 22. bc4 ЛЬ 1 23. ЛЫ Wf6 24. £d3; 23... We7) <&g8 22. £d3; b) 18... £d7 19. f5 Ah6 20. Ac3 b4 (20... АеЗ!? 21. ФЬ2 g5) 21. Ab2 АеЗ 22. ФЫ g5 23. £f3 f6 24. a3±[ cb4 [18... £b7 19. cb5 (19. f4 £d7; 19. a3!? Ad7 20. f4±) a) 19... ab5 20. bc5 £c5 21. Ae5 al) 21... de5 22. Wc5; a2) 21... £ce4 22. Aal (22. Ah2!?) £id2 (22... £c5 23. £d4) 23. Wd2 Ab7 24. £d4f; a3) 21... Aa6 22. Aal b4 23. £c4; b) 19... cb4! 20. Ьаб (20. a3 a5 21. ab4 Ad7 22. ba5 Ab5=) bl) 20... £c5 21. a7 (21. Ae5? Ааб) Ла8 22. аЗ±; Ь2) 20... £a5!? 21. a7 Ла8 22. аЗ ЬаЗ 23. АаЗ Ааб 24. Hfel Ла7 25. АЬ4±| 19. с5 dc5 [19... £с4 20. об (20. £с4 Ьс4 21. Wc4 а5) а5 21. £с4 Ьс4 22. 273
Wc4 Wb6 23. Wc2| 20. Ae5 [20. Wc5 £ic4 21. £>c4 bc4 22. Wc4 £ie8 23. f4 £sd6oo[ Hb7 [20... Hb6 21. Af6l? (21. f4) Af6 22. Wc5 Ae7 23. Wd4 W 24. £ic4 bc4 25. e5 (25. Hfel!?) a5 a) 26. d6? Ad6! 27. ed6 Hd6 28. Wc5 (28. Wc4? Aa6) c3±?; b) 26. Wc4 Aa6 27. We4±| 21. f4^ [21. g5?l <$3h5 22. Ag7 <§3g7 23. Wc5 Wg5 24. f4; 23... Ah3l; 21. Af6?l a? 21... Wf6 22. Wc5 £>c4 23. £ic4 bc4 24. Hb4 (24. Wc4 Ad7) Hb4 25. Wb4 a5 26. Wc5 (26. Wc4? Aa6 27. Wc2 Hb8!) Wb2 27. Wc4 Ad75g; b) 21... Af6 22. Wc5 (22. f4 Wb6 23. e5 Ag7) Hc7! (22... Ae7 23. Wd4) 23. Wb4 Hc2 (23... £>c4 24. £>c4 Hc4 25. Wd2) 24. a3 (24. Hfdl Ha2; 24. a4 £ic4) £}c6 25. dc6 Ae7! 26. Wd4 Hd2^| c4!? [21... Wb6 a) 22. ФЫ He7 (22... Ad7 23. Aal! £>c4 24. <^c4 bc4 25. e5-»; 22... He8 23. ^gl!?) 23. Hbcl (23. Af6 Af6 24. e5 Ag7=) W (23... c4 24. Ad4 Wd8 25. d6oo) 24. Af6 Af6 25. e5 Ah8 26. ^e4^; b) 22. Hfel W (22... c4 23. Ad4) 23. Ag7 <^>g7 24. ФМ; 21... W 22. Ag7 (22. Ad6 He8 23. e5 W!) <^>g7 23. e5 a) 23... g5? 24. W! £>c4 (24... gf4 25. £>f4+-) 25. £>g5 Hh8 26. e6+-; b) 23... Wb6 24. ФЫ^; 21... He8 22. Af6 Af6 23. e5 (23. Wc5?! Hc7) c4 (23... Ag7 24. Wc5) 24. M 22. Hb4 [22. ФЫ c3! 23. £>f3 £>c4; 22. Af6 Wf6 23. e5 Wb6 24. фЫ c3 25. £>e4 £>c4[ He8 [22... W 23. Ag7 фё7 24. Wc3 <£g8 25. e5 &c5 26. Hbbl+I 23. ФЫ [23. Af6 Wf6 24. e5 Wb6 25. ФЫ Hd7 26. £>e4 (26. £>c3 Ab7 27. £>de4) Hd5 27. £>f6 Af6 28. Ad5 Ag7 29. £>c3; 25... g5!?^[ 23... He5! 24. fe5 ftd7=g 25. еб! [25. £if3 £ie5 26. £ie5 Ae5 27. £igl c3 (27... He7 28. £>f3 Ag3cS; 27... Ag7 28. £>f3 Hc7^; 27... Ag3!?) 28. £>f3 Ag7 29. e5 (29. Hbbl? £>c4) £>c4 30. Wc3 Wd5^[ fe6 26. £>f4 [26. e5?! £>e5 27. £>f4 ed5! 28. Ad5 ФИ7 29. fcfl £>d3 (29... Hb6!?) a) 30. Ab7? Ab7 (30... W?? 31. Wg6) 31. £id3 cd3 32. Wg2O (32. Wdl ^c4-+) ФБ8! (32... £>c4 33. £>g5 Wg5 34. Wb7 d2) 33. Wf2 (33. Hf4 Wc7!-+) £>c4~+; b) 30. W Wd5 31. £>f4 Wc6-; c) 30. Hdl! Hb6 (30... £if4 31. Ab7) 31. ШЗ cd3 cl) 32. Wc8 Wc8 33. £>g5 фЬ8 34. £jf7 &g8 (34... ФИ7 35. £>g5=) 35. £>d6 ФЬ7 36. £>c8 d2 37. Hbl ell) 37... Hb8!? 38. 4}e7 He8; 38... Af6; cl2) 37... Hf6 38. £>e6=; c2) 32. Wd3 Hd6 33. £>g6 Hd5 (33... Hg6 34. g5^) 34. £>e7!! Hd3 35. £ig5 ФИ6 36. £>f7 ФЪ7 37. £>g5 ФИ8 38. £>f7=] £ie5 27. Hbbl [27. £if3 Hf7 (27... Wf8? 28. £je5! Wb4 29. £>eg6 e5 30. £>h5) 28. ^еб кеб 29. de6 Hf6!? (29... HfB) 30. £ie5 Hfl 31. £fl ±e5[ Hf7 [27... b4 28. £>f3 ЬЗ 29. аЬЗ сЬЗ 30. We2; 27... сЗ 28. Wc3 £ig4 29. Wc5; 27... ФЬ7!?[ 28. a4! [28. de6 a) 28... Hf8 29. a4 £>ac6 30. ab5 ab5 (30... £id4 31. ®c3 £>b5 32. We3) 31. Hb5 £>d4 32. e7 £>c2 (32... We7 33. He5 We5 34. Wc4 Аеб 35. £3g6 Hfl 36. Wfl Wg5 37. £>f4±) 33. ed8® Hd8 34. £>f3 (34. He5 Ae5 35. £>c4 Ac7 36. £>d5 Ag3 37. Hcl £>el log) £if3 35. Af3; b) 28... Hf6!? 29. a4 £>ac6 30. ab5 ab5 31. Hb5 (31. e7 We7 32. Hb5 Wf7l?) £id4 32. e7 We7 (32... We8l?) 33. He5 We5 34. Wc4 фЬ7^| b4? [28... ed5? 29. ed5; 28... Ah6 a) 29. Wc3 Af4 (29... Hf4l? 30. We5 Hfl 31. ^ifl Ag7) 30. Hf4 Hf4 31. We5 Hf2oo; b) 29. <Йе6 Аеб 30. de6 Hfl 31. ^fl W 32. ab5 ab5 33. Hdl We7 34. Hd5+; 28... Wb6l? 29. ab5 ab5 a) 30. *23e6 Hfl 31. Afl Аеб (31... We3!?) 32. de6 We3 (32... ^ac6 33. e7) 33. e7 (33. Hb5? £id3) ФП 34. Ag2 сЗ!? (34... £>d3 35. 2>f3 W 36. Hfl Фе7 37. Wa2 £ibcl 38. Wa3 b4 39. Wa8 £>e2=) 35. Wa2 Фе7 36. Wa3 <£f7 37. Wa2 (37. Wa5 Wd2) фе7=; b) 30. de6 Hf4! 31. Hf4 Аеб 32. Hffl (32. Wa4 We3 33. Wa5 Wf4 34. Hfl Wg5l?) b4 33. ^f3oo; 28... Wg5 29. ^еб Аеб (29... Hfl 30. ^fl) 30. de6 Hfl 31. £ifl a) 31... £id3 32. ab5 Wc5; 32. Hdl; b) 31... W 32. ab5 ab5 33. Hb3 cb3 34. Wb3 £>c4; 33. Wf2oo; 28... Wf8 29. £>e6 (29. £>e2 Hfl 30. Hfl Wc5) Аеб a) 30. ab5l? ab5 (30... Ac8 31. Wa4 Woo) 31. de6 Hfl 32. Afl al) 32... Wf2? 274
33. е7 ФП 34. Лс4! фе7 (34... £>ас4 35. ЁП+-) 35. J.b5 £iec4 36. Ecl!!+-; а2) 32... £>асб!55 - 30. de6; b) 30. de6 Efl 31. ±fl (31. Efl Wd6)Z>/?31... Wf2 32. e7 фП bll) 33. i.c4 фе7 (A £>f3-+) 34. ±e2 (34. Sfl We3) We2 35. Wc5=; Ы2) 33. Wc3 £>g4 34. Wf3; b2) 31... £}ac6! 32. ab5 ab5 33. Eb5 £}d4 34. e7 We7 35. Ee5 (35. Ac4 Ф11755; 35. Eb8!? ФЬ7 36. Wb2) £e5 36. Wc4 <£g765] 29. Eb4 c3 [29... Ef4 30. Ef4 £id3 31. Ec4! Aic4 32. Wd3 2>d2 33. Wd2 ±h6 34. WH £f4 35. Wf4±; 33. e5!!+-; 29... Wf8 30. Eb8! Ef4 31. Ef4 Wf4 32. Ec8 ФЬ7 33. de6 £>ас6П (33... Wf2 34. e7 £>f3 35. £if3 Wc2 36. e8W+-; 33... £>d3 34. £rf3 We3 35. e7+-) 34. £>fl! Wf6 (34... £>d4? 35. Wd2 £>e6 36. Wf4 £if4 37. £>d2+-) 35. Wb2 (35. Ec6 £>c6 36. Wc4 £>d4 37. Wa6) We6 36. Ec7+-; 29... Wd6 30. Ebbl £ig4? 31. hg4 Ef4 32. e5!+-] 30. Wc3! [30. Eb8!? Wc7 a? 31. Ec8 Wc8 32. &e6? Efl 33. &fl (33. £>fl £>b3) £}ec4; 32. de6; b) 31. de6 Ef4 32. Ec8 Wc8 33. Ef4] £iec6 [30... £g4? 31. e5! (31... ±e5 32. Wd3+-) 32. de6 Ec7 33. Ed4+—[ 31. e5! [31. Wa3 i.f8!? 32. dc6 £>c6[ ±e5 [31... £>b4 32. Wb4 a) 32... ed5 33. Ad5 Ab7 34. We4 (34. J.b7 Eb7 35. Wd6) ±d5 35. £>d5 Efl 36. £ifl; b) 32... Ae5 bl) 33. de6? Ef4 34. Ef4 ±f4 35. e7 Wd7O 36. Wf4 (36. We4 We8d) We7; b2) 33. ,«3g6 Efl 34. £>fl JLd6 (34... J.f6 35. £>f4+-) 35. Wc3+-; 31... £>e5 32. de6+-[ 32. We3! £>b4 33. We5 Wf6?© [33... £>d5? 34. £>e6! Efl (34... £e6 35. We6 W6 36. £>e4) 35. £fl Wf6 36. Wd5 J.e6 37. Wa5+-; 33... ed5D 34. <§3g6- Efl 35. £fl (35. £if 1 £iac6 36. Wh8 ФП 37. Wh7) £>ac6 (35... ФП 36. £>f4 &ac6 37. Wh5) 36. Wh8 ФП 37. Wh7[ 34. Wb8+- Wc3 35. £>e4 [35. de61 Wc7 36. £if6 [36... ФБ8 37. £>g6 (37. de6!?) Фg7 38. £}e8[ 1:0 V. Erdos 186 E 68 Ml. MARIN 2539 - KOTRONIAS 2597 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. £>f3 g6 3. g3 £g7 4. Ag2 0-0 5.0-0 d6 6. c4 £>bd7 7. Wc2 e5 8. Edl We7 9. <§3c3 сб 10. e4 ed4 11. £id4 Ee8 12. ЬЗ £>c5 13. f3 £>fd7 14. £>ce2 a5 15. Ebl A>e5 16. h3 [16. a3 - 51/(577)1 h5 17. a3 fte6 [Xc5; 17... a4 18. b4 £>e6[ 18. f4 [18. £>e6 Аеб 19. f4 £>d7 20. f5 J.f5 21. ef5 We2 22. We2 Ee2 23. Ed6 &e5M &d4 [18... ^>d7 19. ^3e6 We6 20. £>d4 We7 - 18... ^d4[ 19. £>d4 £>d7 20. ^.b2 £>c5 21. Eel f5!? N [21... J.d7 22. ±c3!?±O; 21... Wc7[ 22. ef5 J.d4 23. ^.d4 Wei 24. Eel Eel 25. ФЬ2 Af5 26. Wd2 Ee7?! [26... Eae8 27. ^.e5 £id3 28. g4 hg4 29. hg4 ^.e4 30. J.e4 £>e5 31. fe5 Ee4 32. Wd6 E4e5 33. Wg6 Ф18 34. ФgЗ±l 27. J.b2!? [27. J.c3!- (A Wd4) £ib3? 28. Wdl a4 29. g4 hg4 30. hg4 ±e6 31. Wd6+—1 Eae8 [27... W? 28. Wc3+-[ 28. Wd6 Ee2 29. Wf6?! [29. Wd4! E8e7 30. Wc5 Ed7O 31. ^.d4D ^.e4 32. ±f2! Edd2 33. Фgl±l E8e7 30. фgl [30. g4 J.e4 (30... hg4 31. hg4+- A 31... ±e4 32. We7 Eg2 33. ФИЗ) 31. We7 (31. Фg3 Eg2 32. ФБ4 32... Eh7!! 33. Wd8 фП 34. Wc7 фе8 35. We5 фd7+) Eg2 32. ФЫ Eb2 33. Фgl Eg2 34. ФП b6 35. b4 ab4 36. ab4 £>b3! 37. We8=[ Eel 31. фЬ2 Ele2 32. фgl Eel 33. ФЬ2 Ele2 34. фgl 1/2 : 1/2 Mi. Marin 275
187. IN Е 70 S. J. GORDON 2539 - GORMALLY 2505 Great Britain (ch) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 c5 4. d5 ±g7 5. e4 d6 6. £)ge2 0-0 7. £>g3 h5 8. ±e2 h4 9. £>fl h3 19... b5!? 10. cb5 (10. W £>e4 11. £>d2 £id2 12. Wd2 ЬЗоо) a6 11. a4! (11. Ag5 - 98/(421)) ab5 12. Ab5 h3! 13. g3 (13. gh3 ±h3oc) Wa5 14. Ad2 £>a6oo[ 10. g4! 110. g3] еб [10... Ле8!? 11. g5 (11. £>g3 еб 12. 0-0 ed5 13. ed5 £>bd7oc) <5)fd7 12. £)g3 £>f8[ 11. £)g3 ed5 12. ed5! N [12. cd5 a6 (12... b5) 13. a4 Ле8±?1 a6 13. a4 <5)bd7 14.0-0 £>e5 15. f3 Ле8 16. ЛаЗ Wc7 17. Shi ЛЬ8 18. g5 <5)115 [18... W 19. f4 <5)d7 20. ±d3 (A f5) b6 (20... <S)df8 21. f5±) 21. Wfi £>hf8 22. ±d2 ±d4 23. Лаа1±] 19. f4 [19. <S)h5 gh5 20. f4 £)g4 21. f5! 21... b5! (21... ±c3 22. ЛеЗ We7 23. ±g4 hg4 24. ЛеЗ+-; 21... £>e5 22. ±h5±; 21... Wd7 22. f6 JLh8 23. Wd3 £>e5 24. Wg3±) 22. ab5 ab5 23. £>Ь5 ЛЬ5 24. cb5 ±d4 a) 25. ЛЬЗ £>f2 26. fif2 ±f2 al) 27. <£>g2 ±d4 28. ЛИ5 (28. ±d3 c4 29. ±c2 Wc5oc) ±f5; a2) 27. fif3 ±d4 28. ±c4 Ле5 29. ®c2 We7; b) 25. ±g4 hg4 26. Wg4 ±b7 27. Ла(3 ±d5 28. g6 f6 29. Wh3 Ле2оо[ <5)g3 20. hg3 £>d7 21. ±d3 [21. фИ2[ b5D 22. ab5 ab5 23. <5)b5 ЛЬ5 24. cb5 c4 25. ±e2 Wc5 26. ±f3! <5)b6 [26... ±b7 27. ФЬ2 £>b6 28. <£>h3 Wb5 29. Hel±] 27. Sei! Wb5 28. Ле8 We8 29. Ah2 Wb5 30. We2 ±f5 [30... ±b7 31. ЛеЗ! Ad5 32. Ле8 ФЬ7 (32... ±f8 33. We7 £>d7 34. ±g4+-) 33. ±d5 £id5 34. ФЬЗ Wd7 35. ФЬ2] 31. g4 ±d3 32. Wf2 [32. ®e7 ±f8 33. Wc7 £>d5 34. Wa5 Wa5 35. Ла5 £>c7 36. Ла7 £>e6 37. ФЬЗ+-1 <5)a4 33. ±dl Wd5 34. Ла4 ^.d4 35. £f3! 1 : 0 Andrew Martin 188. IN E 70 SKEMBRIS 2463 - H. KARL 2141 Inzlingen 2012 1. d4 <5)f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 £g7 4. e4 d6 5. ±d3 e5 6. d5 0-0 7. £>ge2 £>e8 [7... сб - 92/5091 8. 0-0 f5 9. ef5 ±15 [9... gf5 10. f3 £>a6 (10... <S)d7; 10... a5) 11. a3 2>f6 12. ±e3± A 12... f4 13. ±f2 £>c5 14. ±c2 a5 15. b4[ 10. <S)g3! N [10. ^)e4; 10. ±f5[ <5)d7 11. £)ce4 <5)c5 12. ±g5!± Wd7 [12... <5)f6? 13. £>c5+-; 12... ±f6? 13. <5)f6 <S)f6 14. <S)f5+-; 12... Wc8? 13. £>c5 dc5 14. £>f5 gf5 15. ±e7 Sf7 16. ±c5 e4 17. ±e2 ±b2 18. Sbl ±e5 (18... b6 19. ЛЬ2 bc5 20. Wa4±) 19. ±h5 Sd7 20. f4 ±f6 21. ±e8 We8 22. ЛЬ7±[ 13. ±c2 113. <5)f5 gf5 14. £>c5 dc5 15. Wc2 e4 16. £e2 <5)d6 17. ±f4 ®e7±=] <5)e4 14. ±e4 £>f6 [14... ±e4 15. £>e4+[ 15. f3!? ±e4 16. <5)e4 276
£>е4 17. fe4 Hfl 18. Ml! Hf8 [18... b5!? 19. We2 a6+] 19. ^glt £f6 20. £еЗ аб 21. b4 £e7 22. a4 b6 22... Wc8 23. ®e2 Wd8 24. £h6 Hf7 25. Wg4+] 23. h3 Ah4 24. a5!± b5 [24... ba5!? 25. Ha5 Wf7 26. ®e2 Hb8 27. £d2 Hb6 28. НаЗ h5 29. g3 £f6 30. &g2 £e7 31. Hf3 We8±] 25. ®e2 Hb8 26. Hcl+- сб?! [26... bc4 27. Wc4 ®c8 28. £h6 £f6 29. Ф112+-; 26... £f6 27. cb5 Sb5 28. Wb5 Hb5 29. £d2 Hb7 30. Нсб Ha7 31. £e3 Hb7 32. Наб Hb4 33. Нсб He4 34. ф£2 £h4 35. Ф13 Ha4 36. аб e4 37. Фе2 £d8 38. a7 Ha2 39. Mil ФГ7 40. Hc4 фе8 41. Hb4 <^>d7 42. Hb8+-[ 27. dc6 Wc6 28. Wg4!+- £d8 29. cb5 Wb5 30. 'Й'еб <^g7 31. Wd6 Wb4 32. We5 Ф§8 33. £d4 1 : 0 Skembris 189. E 81 DING LIREN 2660 - ZHOU JIANCHAO 2625 China 2012 1. d4 £tf6 2. c4 g6 3.13 £g7 4. e4 d6 5. М3 0-0 6. £>ge2 e5 7. £g5 ed4 8. Ш £>c6 9. М2 M5 [9... h6 - 81/4581 10. «d2 £e6 11. ЬЗ сб N [11... h6[ 12. Hdl 9i5 13. £e2 5jfd7 [13... h6!?| 14. fr4 Wd2 15. Hd2 £}b6 16. <2}b6 ab6 17. <2}d4 £c8 [17... Hfe8 18. M6 fe6 (18... Неб 19. Ф12+) 19. £e3 £П 20. Ф12+1 18. £e7 He8 19. £d6 £h6 20. a4! [20. Hc2? £e3; 20. Hb2 £cl!? (20... £g7=; 20... £f4!?) 21. Hbl (21. Hc2 £e3) £f4 A 22. Hdl Ha2 23. g3 £>d3 24. Hd3 £d6 25. M6 £c5 26. b4 £f8; 20. Hdl Ha2 A 21. £e5 He5 22. йсб bc6 23. Hd8 £f8 24. Hc8 &g7 25. Нсб £b4 26. Ф12 £c5[ £d2 21. M12 f5 [21... f6 22. £c75o| 22. ef5 £f5 23. £c7 <2}d7 24. g4 [24. &f5!? gf5 25. £d3[ £e6 25. £dl I £П 26. £c2 Hac8 27. £f4 M5 28. ФеЗ M6 [28... Hcd8!? 29. h4 (29. £c7?? Hd4 30. £b6 М4 31. ba4 Hc4-+) Hd7 30. h555] 29. M6 £e6 30. £d6 b5 31. £d3 £П [31... Hcd8 32. £c5; 31... b6!?[ 32. Hfl Hed8 [32... b6!?[ 33. c5 ba4 34. ba4 Hd7 35. a5 He8 36. f4 [36. £e4! ?J £d5 37. h4 He3 38. &d4 Hh3 39. h5 gh5 40. £f5 Hf7 41. Hel hg4 42. £g4 Hh4? [42... НаЗ!?; 42... Hg3!?l 43. £c8 Hhf4?! [43... Hhl 44. Hhl £hl 45. £e6 &g7 46. £П ФП=; 43... Hh2 44. Hgl Hg2 45. Hg2 £g2 46. £e6=| 44. £f4 Hf4 [H 9/kl 45. фе5 Ha4 [45... Hb4?? a) 46. &d6 Ha4 (46...Hb5 47. Hal!! ФП 48. Фс7! Hc5 49. £b7+-) 47. £b7 Ha5 48. £c6; b) 46. Hal £c4 (46... Hb5 47. M16+-46. <i>d6) 47. Hgl!4~ A 47... Mf8 48. Hg4! h5 (48... Фе7 49. аб Ьаб 50. £a6 £а6 51. НЬ4 £Ь5 52. НЬ2) 49. Hh4 фе7 50. аб Ьаб 51. £а6 £а6 52. НЬ4 £Ь5 53. Hh4 £е2 54. Hh2 £f3 55. Hf2 £d5 56. Hf5 £f7 57. Hg5 <M8 58. Mf6 Фе8 59. He5 Mf8 60. He7 £d5 61. Hh7 &g8 62. Hh5[ 46. £b7 Ha5 47. <£d6 47... <Mg7?I [47... £f3! 48. Hbl (48. Hgl ФЬ8 49. Hfl НаЗ 50. £c6 Hd3 51. фс7 Hc3=; 48. He3 £hl=) НаЗ 49. £сб Hd3 50. M7 НсЗ! 51. ФЬ6 £c6 52. феб ФП 53. ФЬ6 h5 54. сб ФГ6 55. с7 h4 56. ФЬ7 Фg5 57. c8W Нс8 58. Фс8 Ь3=1 48. £с6 £с6? [48... £П 49. £Ь7 (49. £13 НаЗ; 49. £е4 Наб) На2 50. сб Hd2 51. Фс7 £d5 52. Не7 фГ6 53. Hd7 фе5! (53... Hdl 54. ФЬ8 £f3 55. Hdl £dl 56. с7 £g4 57. 277
J.c8 Ae2 58. Фа7!+-) 54. <ФЬ8 Дс2 55. с7 Аеб 56. Sh7 фч16=[ 49. Фсб |Д 7/b6] h5 [49... Да2!?; 49... ФТ6!?[ 50. Де5! £>g6 [50... Ь4 51. ДЬ5! Паб (51... Sa4 52. ФЬ5) 52. ФЬ5 ДЬб 53. ДЬб ФЬб 54. сб ЬЗ 55. с7 Ь2 56. c8W hlW 57. Wh8+-] 51. ФЬб Sa8 [51... Eal 52. с6+-[ 52. сб ДЬ8 53. Ф>а7 Sh8 54. с7 Ь4 55. ФЬ7 Ф16 56. Дс5 1:0 R. Simic 190.* Е 90 SKEMBRIS 2460 - S. GANGULY 2627 Paleochora 2012 1. d4 W6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. -5313 0-0 6. h3 We8 7. e5!? [7. Ae2 - 101/(449)] *53fd7!? N [7... de5 8. de5 (8. £ie5) £>fd7 9. Af4 £>c6 10. We2 &c5 11. We3!t A 11... £>e6 12. Aid5 (12. Ah6!? A 12... £>ed4 13. £>d4 £id4 14. Ad3 Ah6 15. Wh6 Af5 16. 0-0-0T) f6!?±? A 13. 0-0-0 £>e5! (13... £>f4 14. ^c7 Wf7 15. Wf4±) 14. £>e5 £>f4 (14... fe5 15. Ae5t) 15. foci Wa4! 16. Wa3 Wa3 17. ЬаЗ fe5 18. £ia8 lh6 19. фЬ2 &еб+; 16. £>g6[ 8. Af4 [8. ed6 cd6 (8... ed6 9. Ae2 £ic6 10. 0-0 ®d8 11. Ae3±) 9. Ae2 £ic6 10. 0—0 Wd8 (10... e5 11. &Ь5±) 11. Ae3±; RR 8. €3d5 Wd8 9. Ag5 £ic6 10. We2 f6 11. ef6 £rf6 12. 0-0-0 Sf7 13. АеЗ Sf8 14. &c3 a5 15. g4± a4 16. d5 £>a5 17. £>d4 c5 18. £>db5 Ad7 19. £>a3 We8 20. Wd2 Wf7 21. Ag2 Дае8 22. foe2 (22. Wc2!?; 22. Shel!?) b6 23. 2>f4 ф>Ь8 24. Ebel £>g8 25. Ae4 Ae5 26. £>d3 Ag7 27. £>f4 Ae5 28. £>d3 Ag7 1/2 : 1/2 M. Yilmaz 2521 — Rauf Mamedov 2636, Moscow 20121 £>c6 9. We2!t [9. Aid5?! Wd8T A 10. ®e2 de5 11. de5 еб 12. Ag5 f6 13. £if6 £if6 14. аЗ (14. ef6 Af6 15. Sdl We7 16. Af6 Wf6 17. Sd2 e5 18. We3 Af5 19. Ae2 Sad8+) b6 15. We3 £>e5 16. We5 (16. foe5 Ab7f) We8!oo A 17. Wc7 Sf7 18. We5 Ab7 19. We3 (19. Ae2 £>e4+) <£}e4T] a5 [9... de5 10. de5t A 10... £>c5 11. We3 £>e6 12. Ah6 £3ed4 13. £>d4 £id4 14. Ad3 c5 15. Ag7 &g7 16. h4; 9... £id4!? 10. £>d4 de5 11. Aidb5 сб!? (S. Ganguly; 11... ef4 12. foci Wd8 13. £>a8 Ac3 14. ЬсЗ £>c5 15. Wd2 Wa5 16. Ae2 foe4 17. Wb2 Ad75o) 12. foci Wd8 13. £>a8 ef453 A 14. Wd2 £>c5 15. Wd8!? (15. Wf4 Wa5T) Sd8 16. Sdl Ad7 17. foci Ae5 (17... Sc8 18. £}e4!T foc4 19. Sd7 <£f8 20. Ae2 A 20... £>f6 21. foe6 fe6 22. Sb7±) 18. £j7d5 cd5 19. Sd5 Ac3 20. ЬсЗ £>e45s A 21. Sd3 b6 22. Ae2 £>c5] 10. We3t a4 [10... £>d4 11. Wd4 Даб (11... de5 12. Ae5 foe5 13. foe5 Sa6 14. 0-0-0±) 12. 0-0-0 de5 13. Ae5 foc5 14. £>e5 Sd6 15. Wf4± A 15... Деб 16. Sei Wd8 17. Wg3 A 17... Ah6 18. f4 Wd4 19. Де4+-; 10... de5 11. de5 £>d8 (11... £>b4 12. 0-0-0+) 12. Ae2 foe6 13. Ah6 Ah6 14. Wh6 f6 15. ef6 ef6 16. 0-0 b6 17. Sfeltl Il.^.h6a3 [11... £ib4!? 12. 0-0-0 a3 13. kgl ab2 14. <фЬ2 <&gl 15. c5!Tl 12. ^.g7 ab2 [^ 12... &g7[ 13. Sbl &g7 14. Sb2 Sa3 [14... de5 15. d5[ 15. ±e2 de5 16. d5! £>a5 [16... £>d4 17.£>d4ed4 18. Wd4 £>f6 19. £>b5±; 16... £>cb8 17. foe5 foe5 18. We5 f6 19. Wd4 e5 20. Wd2 We7 21. 0—0T1 17. foe5 fob6? 18. Wcl! f6 [^ 18... Sc3 19. Wc3 2>a4 20. Wa5 W 21. Wc7±| 19. Sb4!± [19. Sb5? £>ac4 20. £>c4 Sc3+; 19. £>b5? Sa4+] ДсЗ 20. Wc3 fe5?! [20... еб! 21. d6 £id7 22. £>d7 Wd7 23. dc7 Wc7 24. 0-0 e5 25. ^.f3±[ 21.Sb5?! [21. We5+-Sf6 22. Wc7 Wd7 23. Wc5[ £>ac4! 22. Ac4 £>c4 23. Wc4 Sf4 24. We2 Se4! 25. We4 Wb5 [W 9/c] 26. a4!± Wa5 [26... Wb2 27. 0-0+-] 27. ФП b5? [27... Wc3 28. &gl ±f5 29. We3± A 29... We3 30. fe3 J.e4 31. Ф12 ±d5 32. Scl сб (32... ^.сб 33. Sc6+-) 33. ДЫ c5 34. ДЬ5 ^.сб 35. Sc5 ^.a4 36. Sc7 ^.сб 37. Se7+-[ 28. We5+- ФП 29. ab5 Wb5 30. <£gl ^.b7 31. Wc7 Wd5 32. Wg3 h5 33. h4 Wd4 34. ф>Ь2 ^.c8 35. О ±f5 36. Sei Wb4 37. Se2 Wd4 38. Wg5 Wd6 39. g3 Wb4 40. We3 Wd6 41. We5 278
Wb4 42. Wd5 Ф18 43. Ea2 <£g7 44. Ed2! Wb8 45. Wd8 Wb7 46. Wd4 ФГ7 [46... ф>Ь7 47. Wd5; 46... &f8 47. Wf4 <£>g7 48. g4 hg4 49. fg4 Ae4 50. Ef2 Ad5 51. h5 gh5 52. Wg5 ФЬ7 53. Wh5 <£>g7 54. Wg5 £h7 55. Wf5 £>g7 56. <£gl[ 47. Wd5 Wd5 48. Ed5 IE 2/h] £>f6 49. <£>g2 Ac2 50. фС Abl 51. ФеЗ Ac2 52. ф« Abl 53. Eb5 Af5 54. fib6 ФГ7 [54... еб 55. g4 hg4 56. fg4 Ad3 57. g5 Фе7 58. Фе5 Af5 59. Eb7 <£d8 60. Eg7 фе8 61. ФГ6[ 55. ^>g5 Ad3 56. фЬ6 Af5 57. Eb8 Ad3 58. Eb4 e5 [58... ФГ6 59. Ef4 Феб 60. &g5 Ac2 61. Ef8 Ad3 62. g4 hg4 63. fg4 Ac2 64. h5 gh5 65. gh5 Abl 66. ФИ6 Ac2 67. <£g7 Фх15 68. h6 Ae4 69. Ef4 Ad3 70. Ef3 Ac2 71. Eg3 e5 72. Eg6 Ag6 73. &g6 e4 74. h7 e3 75. h8Wl 59. £>g5 Ae2 60. Eb6 1 : 0 Skembris 191. IN E 90 A. INDIC 2481 - ZVO. IVEKOVlt 2320 Athens 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 g6 4. £>c3 Ag7 5. e4 d6 6. Ad3 0-0 7. £>f3 еб 8. 0-0 £>аб 9. h3 e5 10. Ag5 h6 11. АеЗ £ih7? [ 11... W 12. Wd2 g5 (12... фЬ7 - 99/402) 13. a3±[ 12. Wd2 f5 13. ef5! N [13. Ah6 f4 14. Ag7 <£>g7^ - 52/(626)1 gf5 14. Ah6! e4 15. Ag7 &g7 16. &e4 fe4 17. Ae4± Af5 [17... Wf6 18. Sael Wf4 19. Ee3±; 17... Eg8 18. Sael Wf6 19. h4±[ 18. Sael Ec8? [18... £>c7 19. Af5 Ef5 20. Ee4±[ 19. Af5 Hf5 20. Ee4+- £>c7 21. Eg4 фЬ8 22. £>h4 Eg5 23. Wc3 &g8 24. £tf5 Wf8 25. Wf3 Eg4 [25... Wf6 26. h4 Eg4 27. £>h6! ФИ8 28. £>f7 Wf7 29. Wf7| 26. Wg4 ФЬ8 27. <53e7! We7 28. Wc8 £>e8 29. f4 ШЗ 30. ФЪ2 Whf6 31. We6? Wd2? [31... Wd3 32. Eel Wc4 33. Wf5 Wd4 34. Ee7 £>g7 35. Wg5 ^)d5 36. Eg7 Wg7 37. Wh5 Wh7 38. Wd5+-1 32. ЬЗ Wa2 33. Efi Wd2 34. We3 Wb2© 35. Ef2 Wai 36. g4 £>g7 37. g5 £>fh5 38. f5 Wbl 39. f6 ^f5 40. We8 1 : 0 A. Indic 192. IN E 90 AB. GUPTA 2652 - PRIDOROZHNI 2555 Moscow 2012 1. d4 d6 2. ^f3 £>f6 3. c4 g6 4. &c3 Ag7 5. e4 0-0 6. h3 c5 7. d5 еб 8. Ad3 ed5 9. ed5 Ee8 10. АеЗ Ah6 11. 0-0 АеЗ 12. fe3 a6 13. e4 &bd7 14. Wd2 <^>g7 15. Ef2 £>g8 16. a3! N [16. £>g5 - 47/(724)] £>e5 17. Ee5 18. b4 b6 19. EM Ea7 20. £>a4 Ad7 [20... ^f6!?l 279
21. Ьс5! Aa4 22. cb6 Hb7 [22... Hae7!?[ 23. Wa5 Ad7 24. Wa6 Wb8? [24... Ac8!? A £>f6-d7-c5[ 25. Wa5 Wc8 26. a4 f5 [26... We8 27. Wb4 Aa4 28. Wd6+-; 26... Ah3 27. Wb4+- A a5[ 27. c5! dc5 [27... Wc5 28. Wc5 dc5 29. a5+—[ 28. Wc3 Wb8 [28... We8 29. a5 fe4 30. a6+-[ 29. a5 c4 [29... fe4 30. аб ed3 31. a7 Ha7 32. ba7+-; 29... £>f6 30. a6+—I 30. Ac4 ftf6 31. Hfb2 Ac8 [31... £ie4 32. Wd4+—I 32. аб Hbe7 33. a7 Wa8 34. d6 £>e4 35. Wd4 &d6 36. Wd6 [36. Ad5 Ab7 37. Hel &e4 38. Ab7 Wb7 39. Hal+-[ Ab7 37. Wb8 1:0 B. Abramovic 193 SJUGIROV 2635 - A. GRISCHUK 2763 Russia (ch) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £ic3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. Ae2 0-0 6. <5313 e5 7. АеЗ ed4 8. £>d4 He8 9. f3 сб 10. AC d5 11. ed5 cd5 12. c5 £>bd7 [12... &c6 - 81/(472)1 13. сб!? N [13. £>b3; 13. £idb5| £ie5 [13... bc6 14. &c6 Wc7 15. £}d4±[ 14. cb7 Ab7 15. 0-0 £>c4 [15... Hc8!?[ 16. Ac4 dc4 17. £>db5 [17. Wa4!?| £}d5 18. &d5 Ad5 19. Ad4 Ah6 20. Hel 20... Wg51? [20... Hel 21. Wei Af4 22. Hdl!?[ 21. He8 He8 22. £>a7 Aa8 23. AC Ag7 24. Wcl h6 25. Wg5 hg5 26. Hcl Ad5 27. ЬЗ [27. Hdl Ae6=| cb3 28. ab3 Ab3 29. Hc8 Hc8 30. £>c8 Аеб 31. £>e7 <£f8 32. £>c6 g4 33. f4 Фе8 34. Ad4 Ad7 35. Ag7 Асб 36. Ac3 Aa8 37. Ag7 Асб 38. Ac3 Aa8 39. Ag7 Асб 40. Ac3 Aa8 1/2 : 1/2 R. Simic 194. E 92 SJUGIROV 2635 - SVIDLER 2749 Russia (ch) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. Ae2 0-0 6. £>f3 e5 7. АеЗ ed4 8. £>d4 He8 9. f3 сб 10. AC d5 11. ed5 cd5 12. c5 £jc6 13. 0-0 Af8 14. ФЫ Ad7 15. a3 N 115. Wd2 - 91/(480); 15. Hbl - 91/4801 15...&И5! [15...^d4 16. Ad4 Ag7 17. b4+[ 16. Wd2 [16. £>d5 a) 16... Ac5 17. £>c6 Асб 18. Ac5 Wd5(18... Ad5 19. Ab5±) 19.Wd5 Ad5 20. Ab5±; b) 16... £>d4!? 17. Ad4 Асб 18. £>c3 £>f4 A 19. Ac4 Ac5 20. Ac5 Wg5 21. g3 Wc5 22. Wb3oc[ £>d4 17. Ad4 Wh4 18. AC Wf4 19. Hfdl Асб 20. Afl Had8 21. &Ь5 аб 22. £>d4 Ad7 23. Wf4 £tf4 24. g3 [24. b4; 24. Hael!? A c6[ £>h3 [24... Ш 25. b4] 25. Ah3 Ah3 26. b4 h5 27. Hel [27. Hacl!?[ Hel 28. Hel a5 29. £>b3 ab4 30. ab4 Ha8 31. £ia5 Ag7 32. Hdl He8 33. Hel Ha8 34. Hdl He8 35. Hel Ha8 1/2 : 1/2 Cabrilo 195. E 92 TOMASHEVSKY 2738 - MOROZEVICH 2769 Moscow 2012 1. d4 A>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £ic3 Ag7 4. e4 0-0 5. £if3 d6 6. h3 e5 7. d5 a5 8. g4 £>a6 9. АеЗ Ad7 [9... &c5- 103/401110.£>d2 £>h811. Ae2 £>g8 12. h4 f5 13. gf5 N [13. Ag5[ gf5 14. ef5 £>c5 [14... <5)e7?! 15. Ag5±; 14... Af5 15. ^>de4±l 15. £>de4 [15. Ac5 dc5 16. 280
£ide4+; 15. £ib3 !?+[ £>e4 16. £>e4 Af5 17. £>g3 JLh6! [17... ±d7 18. Wd2± Д 0-0-01 18. Wd2 АеЗ 19. fe3!+ 119. We3 ®f6oo] Ad7 20. 0-0-0 £>f6 21. Sdfl We7 22. Ad3 b6 23. Ac2 Sf7 24. £)f5 Af5 25. Sf5 Saf8 26. Wg2 &e8 27. Sh5! [27. Sgl±l e4? [27... £>f6 28. Sg5±; 27... SC!? 28. Wg5 (28. Wgl!?±) S8f7 (28... Sfl 29. Sfl Sfl 30. <^>d2 SC 31. Фс3± £>f6?? 32. Sh7+-) 29. Sgl (29. Ah7 £if6 30. Ag6 W 31. Wh5 Sh7 32. Ah7 Wh7 33. We8 Wg8 34. Wg8 <i>g8=) £>f6 (29... Sfl 30. Sfl Sfl 31. <^>d2±) 30. Wg3 Sfl 31. Sfl 2>h5 32. Wh3±| 28. Sg5 SC 29. Wg3 [29. We4 We4 30. Ae4 £tf6 Д <ad7-e5±d S213 30. Wg2 [30. Well? Д Shgl4 Wf6 31. Sgl £ig7? [31... Sfl 32. Adi Sgl 33. Wg 1 ±1 32. Sg4 Sfl 33. Sfl Wfl 34. Wfl Sfl 35. <^>d2 SC 36. ФсЗ £>f5 37. Se4 <^g7 [37... £ig3 38. Se8 <£g7 39. Ad3!+—1 38. Sg4! ФИ6 [38... <£f6 39. Af5 <£f5 40. Sg7+-] 39. Af5! Sf5 40. Se4 Sf7 41. b4 [41. фЬЗ+—1 a4 1:0 Sa. Velickovic 196. E 94 J. GUSTAFSSON 2629 - KRAMNIK 2799 Dortmund 2012 1. d4 W6 2. c4 g6 3. £ic3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. ^f3 0-0 6. Ae2 [RR 6. h3 We8 7. Ae2 (7. e5!? - 115/190, E 90) e5 8. de5 de5 9. 0-0 £ja6 (9... сб 10. Wd6±) 10. аЗ b6!? 11. АеЗ (11. b4 Ab7 12. Wc2 c5 13. Sbl We7±s) Ab7 12. Wc2 £>c5 13. £ig5!?t (13. Ac5 - 81/479) h6(13...&e6 14.&e6 We6 15. Sfdl Sad8 16. b4+) 14. b4 Skembrisl e5 7. АеЗ сб 8. 0-0 ed4 9. Ad4 Se8 10. f3 d5 11. cd5 £id5 12. £>d5 cd5 13. Scl [13. Wb3 - 95/4011 a5!? N [13... аб?! 14. Wb3 Wd6 (14... de4? 15. Ac4! Se7 16. АП+-) 15. ed5 £>c6 16. £>c2 foe! 17. AC b5 18. Sfdl±; 13... £>c6 14. £>c6 bc6 15. Sc6 Ab7 16. Scl de4 17. Wd8 Sad8 18. f4+; 13... Ad4; 13... de4[ 14. Wb3 [14. W £>c6 a) 15. Wa4 de4 16. fe4 Ae5 (16... Ae6!?=) 17. g3 Ae6=; b) 15. Sc5 de4 16. Sd5 ef3! 17. Af3 (17. Sd8?! Sd8 18. Ad2 fe2 19. We2 £>d4^) Wf6=; 14. Sc2!? de4 15. fe4 Ad4 (15... Se4? 16. £>e6!+-) 16. Ad4 &c6 17. Af6 Wdl (17... Wb6? 18. ФМ Se4 19. Ad3 Se3 20. Sc3±) 18. Sdl Se4 19. Af3 Se8 20. Ac6 bc6 21. Sc6 Ae6=; 14. AC!? de4 (14... £>c6 15. £>c6 bc6 16. Sc6 de4 17. fe4 Wdl 18. Sdl Ab2 19. Sb6±) 15. fe4 £>c6 16. £>c6 bc6 17. ЬЗ Wdl 18. Sfdl J.f5 19. Sc6 i.e4 20. Sc7±[ a4!? [14... £>c6 15. £c6 bc6 16. Sc6 Ae6 17. Wc2±[ 15. Wd5 Wd5 16. ed5 a3 [16... Se3? 17. Sc8 J.f8 18. d6+-; 16... 2>c6 17. 2>c2 W 18. £}b4 Se3 19. £>f2±| 17. ЬЗ [17. ЬаЗ Ad7^| £>c6! 18. £>c2 [18. dc6? Se3-+; 18. £>c6? Se3 19. ФС Se2 20. Фе2 bc6+; 18. £ie6? £ib4! 19. £>c7 Se3 (19... £>a2 20. £>e8 £>cl 21. Scl ^.b2+) 20. £>a8 J.f5 21. ФГ2 Se8 22. Sc4 &d3 23. J.d3 Ad3 24. £>b6 Se2! 25. Фg3 ±c4 26. £>c4 b5 27. £>a3 Sa2 28. £bl (28. £>b5? Sa5-+) Sb2+[ 18... Se3!? 19. £>e3 <5^b4^ 20. Sc4? [20. Sc7! ±d4 21. Se7! a) 21... &a2 22. Se8 Фg7 23. d6 £>c3 (23... Sa5 24. Sc8 ±e3 25. ФЫ Sd5 26. Sal ^cl 27. Sccl i.cl 28. Scl Sd6 29. Sal Sd2 30. ±c4+-) al) 24. 281
Ad3 Sa5 (24... £>d5 25. d7! ±d7 26. Sa8 £ie3 27. Scl £c6 28. ф£2 ±d5 29. Sa4±) 25. Sc8 АеЗ 26. ФЫ a2 27. d7 Ab6 28. Sal Sd5 29. Sc3 Ad4 30. Ae4 Ac3 31. Ad5 Aal 32. b4 Af6 33. Aa2 ФА8 34. Ad5 b5 35. Асб фе7 36. &gl Ac3=; a2) 24. ФЫ &e2 25. £>c2 a2 26. d7 al® 27. Sg8 (27. £>al Sal 28. Sg8 фЬ6 29. Sal Ad7 30. Sdl Ab5oc) фё8 28. d8® <&g7 29. £>al Aal 30. We8 £>d4 31. Sdl+; b) 21... Af5 22. Sdl Ac5 23. d6 £>c2 24. d7 Ae7 25.£>f5 gf5 26. Scl Sd8 27. Sc2 Sd7=; c) 21... £id5 22. Se8 <£g7 23. ФЫ £>e3 24. Scl ^d5 25. Scc8 Sc8 26. Sc8 £>c3 27. Sc3 Ac3=[ £>a2 21. Sa4? [21. &c2 ^c3! 22. Ad3 a2 23. Sal Ф18+; 21. Se4 Ad7+] Sa4 22. ba4 Ad4—+ [22... £>b4 23. Ac4 Ad4 24. ФЫ АеЗ 25. Sal Ac5 26. Sa3 £>d5 27. Sd3 £ie7-+l 23. Ф12 &b4 24. Scl a2 [24... A.d7] 25. Sc8 фg7 26. Scl £>d5 27. Sdl <ЙеЗ 0 : 1 Petronijevic 197 KI. GEORGIEV 2682 - B. DAMLJANOVlt 2562 Crna Gora 2012 1. d4 ^f6 2. W g6 3. c4 Ag7 4. £>c3 d6 5. e4 0-0 6. Ae2 e5 7.0-0 сб 8. Sei &bd7 9. Afl a5 10. АеЗ We7 [10... ed4 - 24/(652)1 11. h3 N [ 11. &d2; 11. d5[ ed4 12. Ad4 £>e5 13. £>a4!? £>fd7 14. £>h2 [14. £>e5 Ae5 15. Ae5 (15. Wd2 £>c5 16. £>c5 Ad4 17. Wd4 dc5 18. ®c3 Ae6)de5 16. Ш3=1 £ic5 [14... c5 15. Ac3 Aic6 16. Ag7 Фg7 17. £>c3 £if6+[15. £>b6 Sa6 16. £>c8 Sc8 17. f4 Sd8 18. Ac5 dc5 19. Wc2 &d7 20. e5 £>f8 21. £if3 Saa8 22. ФЫ f6?! 23. f5! fe5 24. fg6 hg6 25. Se3 Sd6 26. Sael Se6 27. Ad3 Se8 28. Wf2 Wf6 29. Ae4 b6 30. Sb3 Sb8 31. Wc2 Ah6 32. Sdl Af4 33. Sbd3 Фg7 34. Ш2 a4?! 35. Sa3?! [35. £>h2! Ah2 36. ФИ2 We7 37. ®c2 Sa8 38. Sa3 Sf6 39. Sa4 Sa7+; 35. Wf2!! b5 (35... Se7 36. g3 Ah6 37. Wc2±) 36. Wc5 bc4 37. Sa3 (37. Wc4 Sb2 38. Wa4±) Sb2 38. Sa4 Sb7 39. Sa6 Sd7 40. Sd7 £>d7 41. Wc4 Sd6 42. Wc2±[ b5 36. Sc3 Sd6 37. Scd3?! [37. cb5 Sb5 38. Sfl £>e6 39. ^.сб Sb4=] Sbd8 38. Sd6 Sd6 39. Sfl b4 40. Wc2 £>e6 41. Wa4 £>g5 42. Wa7 ФЬб 43. £>g5 Wg5 44. Wf7 Wg3 45. Wf8 ФИ7 46. Sf4 ef4 47. Ш7 ФЬб 48. Wf8 фЬ7 49. Ш7 ФИ6 50. Щ8 1/2 : 1/2 Ki. Georgiev 198.** B. LALIC 2495 - VERUNDE 2235 Benasque 2012 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 £g7 4. e4 d6 5. £if3 0-0 6. Ae2 e5 7.0-0 £>c6 8. d5 9. b4 a5 10. ±a3 ab4 11. ±b4 £>e8 [11... £>d7 - 113/2211 12. c5 [RR 12. a4 c5 (12... b6- 88/(485)) 13. dc6 bc6 14. c5 d5 15. ed5 cd5 16. сб N (16. £b5) d4 17. £>e4 ^.еб 18. 2)c5 ±d5 19. &d7 &c6 20. i.f8 Wd7 21. Ag7 £ig7 22. ±b5 Wd6 23. Sei f6 24. £>d2 £>e6 25. £>c4 Wd8 26. fi £>a7 27. £>d2± Sz. Najgebauer 2222 — Firman 2563, Lviv 20121 f5 [RR 12... dc5 13. ^.c5 £>d6 14. a4 282
f5 N (14... Ag4; 14... ФЬ8) 15. £>d2 fe4 16. 4hde4 £>ef5 17. Ad3 £id4 18. Ebl Ef7 19. Ad6 cd6 20. Eb4 Af8 21. Wbl + Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo 2482 — A. Gergacz 2432, Las Palmas 2012] 13. a4+ h6? 113... fe4 14. £>d2 (14. £>e4 Ef4oo) e3! 15. fe3 Efl (15... £>f5) 16. Afl dc5 17. Ac5 b6] 14.a5N 114. £}d2] g5 15. £>d2 £>g6 16. Eel £>f4 17. Afl g4 18. £ic4 Ef6 19. ef5 Af5 20. cd6 cd6 21. £>e3± Ad7 22. £>e4 [22. £>g4? Eg6- 23. f3 h5 24. £>f2 £>g2! 25. Ag2 Wg5] Eg6 23. Ebl! |23. g3 W 24. Ah3 gh3 25. Wh5 Ф117] h5?© 24. g3 h4 25. gf4 ef4 26. ftc4 g3 27. h3! g2 |27... gf2 28. &f2 Af5 29. Eb3+-] 28. Ad3 Ah3 29. £>ed6+- Ed6 129... £>d6 30. Ag6 £>c4 31. Wh5| 30. Ee8 We8 31. £>d6 We5 32. Wf3 Ad7 33. &g2 Ef8 34. &c4 Wg5 35. Ф112 Ag4 36. Egl 1:0 B. Lalic 199.* E 97 KRAMNIK 2801 - A. GRISCHUK 2761 Moscow 2012 1. £rf3 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. Aic3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. d4 0-0 6. Ae2 e5 7. 0-0 £>c6 8. d5 £>e7 9. b4 £di5 10. g3 f5 11. £>g5 W6 12. Af3 сб 13. Ag2 N h6 IRR 13... ФЬ8 14. Wb3 h6 15. £je6 Аеб 16. de6 £>e4 17. £>e4 fe4 18. Ae4 Wc8 19. b5 We6 20. АаЗ £>f5 21. Ab2 Eac8 22. Wd3 Efd8 23. Eadl £>e7 24. АаЗ d5 25. cd5 cd5 26. Wb3 Wd7 27. Ae7 We7 28. Ed5 Ed5 29. Wd5 Ec5 30. Wd3 g5 31. Edl± N. Altini 2379 - Lhotlca 2082, Praha 2012] 14. £ie6 Аеб 15. de6 £>e4 16. £>e4 fe4 17. b5! 117. Ae4? d5+] Ef6 18. Ae4 Ee6 118... d5 a) 19. cd5 £>d5 20. bc6 bc6 21. Ab2 Ee6 22. Ecl ФИ7 23. Ec6 (23. h4!?) Ec6 24. Wd5 Eb6 25. Wa8 Wa8 26. Aa8 Eb2=; b) 19. АаЗ!? Веб 20. Ae7 Ee7 21. cd5+] 19. ta4 d5 20. Edl ФИ7 120... d4 21. bc6 (21. АаЗ!?) bc6 22. Ebl± А АаЗ; 20... Wc8 21. cd5 cd5 22. Ed5 £>d5 23. Ad5 ФИ7 24. Аеб We6 25. Ae3±; 20... We8 21. cd5 £>d5 22. Ed5 cd5 23. Ad5 Ed8 24. Аеб We6 25. Ae3±] 21. cd5 cd5 22. Wb3 Eb6 23. a4! ]23. Ad5 Ed6 24. Af3 Edl 25. Adloo] аб ]23... Wd7!? 24. Aa3±] 24. АаЗ ab5 25. Ae7 We7 26. Ed5 b4 27. a5 Wf7 28. h4 h5 ]28... <^>g8 29. h5 (29. ab6 Bal 30. &g2+-) gh5 30. Eadl+-J 29. Wdl 1:0 B. Abramovic 200.* E 97 KI. GEORGIEV 2682 - BRENJO 2507 Crna Gora 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £ic3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. ^f3 0-0 6. Ae2 e5 7.0-0 £>c6 8. d5 £ie7 9. b4 ^h5 10. g3 f5 11. £>g5 £if6 12. Af3 сб 13. Ag2 h6 14. ^еб Аеб 15. de6 fe4 N 16. b5 d5 17. АаЗ £>f5 |RR 17... Ee8 18. cd5 £ied5 19. £>e4 £>e4 20. Ae4 Ee6 21. Wb3 ФЬ7 22. Eadl Wb6 23. Ad5 cd5 24. Ed5 Eee8 25. Sfdl Ead8 26. h4 h5 27. Ac5 Wa5 28. Ed8 Ed8 29. Ed8 Wd8 30. Aa7+- M. Sher 2410 — Colmenares 2268, Flims 2012] 18. cd5 cd5 19. e7 £>e7 20. Ae7 We7 21. ^)d5 Wc5 22. £>f6 Ef6 23. Ae4 Wd4 283
24. Ab7 |24. We2 Eaf8 25. Eacl Wb6; 24. Wc2! Eaf8 (24... Af8 25. Eadl ®c5 26. Wb3 ФЬ8 27. Ab7 Eb8 28. Ed7+-) 25. Eadl Wb6 26. Ed7+-] Eaf8 25. Wd4 ed4 26. Eadl Ee8 27. Ad5 [27. Ed4 gf2 28. Ed7 Eb2 29. Ad5 ФЬ8 30. Af7 Ec8 31. Ag6 Ea2±[ Ф118 28. Ac4 g5 29. <£g2 [29. Efel! Ec8 30. Ad3 Af8 31. Ee4±[ Ec8 30. Ad3 Af8 31. Efel Ec3 32. Ee4 Ac5 33. h4 gh4 34. Eh4 Ea3 35. Ac4 Ec3 36. Ab3 d3 37. Ed2 Ed6 38. Ec4 Ad4 39. f4 <£g7 40. Ф13 h5 41. фе4 Af6 42. ФеЗ [42. Ec6 Edc6 43. bc6 Ec6 44. Ed3 Ec7±[ <£g6 43. Ф13 Ad4 44. g4? [44. Ec6! Edc6 45. bc6 Ec6 46. фе4 Ac5 47. Ed3 Ec7±[ hg4 45. <&g4 Ф1'6 46. Edl фе7 47. ФГ5 Ag7 48. Ea4 Ad4 49. Ed2 Ab6 50. Фе4 Eel 51. Adi Ebl 52. Ea3 Eb4 53. ФО Ef6 54. &g3 Ebf4 55. Ead3 A12 56. ФИ2 Eh6 57. Eh3 Eh3 58. ФИЗ [E 9/j[ Ab6 59. Ab3 Ed4 60. Ec2 Ef4 61. &g3 Eb4 62. Ac4 &d6 63. фГЗ фе5 64. Фе2 <£d4 65. Ad3 Ea4 66. Ah7 Ea3 67. Ed2 фс5 68. Ad3 Aa5 69. Ec2 Ec3 70. Eb2 ^>d4 1/2 : 1/2 Ki. Georgiev 201.* E 97 WANG HAO 2738 - E. BACROT 2695 Biel 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. £rf3 0-0 6. Ae2 e5 7.0-0 £ic6 8. d5 £>e7 9. b4 &h5 10. g3 f5 11. 4ig5 £if6 12. Af3 сб 13. Aa3 cd5 14. ed5 e4 15. Ae2 h6 N [15... £>e8 - 113/2221 16. £>e6 Ae6 17. de6 f4 [17... d5 18.cd5 £>fd5 19. £>d5 Wd5 20. Wd5 £>d5 21. Ac4 £>b6 22. Ab3 Aal 23. e7 Ef7 24. Eal Ee8 25. b5 £>c8 26. Edl £>e7 27. Ed7 ф(8 28. Af7 ФП 29. Eb7 ФГ6 30. Ea7+- V. Grinev 2404 - Chircu 2190, Chisinau 2012] 18. Wd2 f3 [18... fg3 19. fg3! (19. hg3 Wc8oo 20. £>b5 2>e8) d5 (19... Wc8 20. Wd6±) 20. cd5 £ied5 21. £>d5 Wd5 22. Wd5 ^d5 23. Eadl+119. Adi ®c8 20. Eel Wc4? [20... We6 21. Af3 ®c4 22. Adl=| 21. Ab3 Wa6 22. Ab2 22... Ead8 [22... d5! 23. £id5 £>ed5 (23... ^fd5? 24. Ag7+-) 24. Af6 (24. e7 We6!! 25. ef8W £f8 26. Ac4 Ec8 27. Afl±; 24. Ad5 ^)d5 25. Ag7 We6! 26. Wh6 £if4!! 27. Ad4 Ef6!!±) 2>f6 25. e7 ФЬ7 26. ef8W EfB±] 23. £ie4 £>e4 24. Ee4 Ab2 25. ®b2± d5 26. Ee3 Ed6 [26... d4 27. Ee4 Wd3 28. Ac2 Wc3 29. Wc3 dc3 30. Ee3±[ 27. Eael Wb6 [27... d4 28. Ee4 d3 (28... Wd3 29. ®cl+-) 29. Wd2+-[ 28. Adi a5 29. b5 ^f5 30. e7 Ee8 31. Ee5 Wc7 32. Af3 Ee7 33. Ee7 ^e7 34. We5 &f8 35. Wh8 £>g8 36. Ee8! [36... Фе8 37. Wg8 Фе7 38. Wg7 &d8 39. Wf8 Фч17 40. Ag4+-] 1 : 0 SI. Martinovic 284
REGISTAR • ИНДЕКС • INDEX • REGISTER • REGISTRE • REGISTRO • REGISTRO • REGISTER • &Ж • AAGAARD, J. [1/(2)] — Carstensen, J. (171); Hansen, T. R. (97); L’Ami, E. 140 ADAMS, MI. [2/(1)] - Leitao, R. 75; Malakhov, V. (104); Perunovic, Mil. 16 ADH1BAN [(1)] — Ni Hua (97) AKOPIAN, VL. [1] - Xiu Deshun 76 ALEKSEENKO, K. [(1)] - Drozdowski, Ka. (66) ALEKSEEV, EVGENY [2/(2)] - Dubov, Daniil 64, (66); Gupta, Ab. (94); Karjakin, Sergey 177 ALMASI, Z. [1] — Movsesian, S. 116 ALONSO ROSELL [(1)] - Lupulescu, C. (3) ALTINI, N. [(1)] - Lhotka (199) AMIN, В. [1] — Moiseenko, Alexander 50 ANAND, V. [(1)] - Gelfand, B. (148) ANDREIKIN [1] - Sjugirov 46 ANSELL, S. [1] - Borovikov, V. 125 ARIAS SANTANA [1] - McNab 18 ARONIAN [3] - Giri, A. 170; Ivanchuk 175; McShane 124 ARSOV1C, G. [(1)] - Bogosavljevic, B. (21) ARSOVIC, Z. [1] - Cvitan 180 ASHWIN, JAY. [2] - Lalic, B. 162; Solak, D. 47 ATALIK, E. [1/(1)] - Erdos, V. 11; Georgiev, Ki. (11) AZALADZE [(1)] — Yandemirov (33) AZAROV, S. [(2)] - Bacrot, E. (108); Gashimov, V. (81) BEJTOVIC [(1)] - Henrichs, Th. (140) BENDERAti, S. [1] - Dukic, Ni. 119 BENKOV1C [1] - Szabo, G.-A.-Gy. 173 BERADZE, I. [1] — Gagunashvili 1 BERESCU [1] - Markus, Rob. 149 BERG, E. [5] - Rozentalis 96; Tikkanen, H. 90, 91, 141;Urkedal 84 BERKES, F. [1] - Tadic, Br. 17 BEZOLD [(1)] - Moser, Eva (8) BITOON, R. [(1)] - Karthikeyan, P. (169) BLUBAUM, M. [1] - Indic, A. 123 BOGOSAVLJEVIC, В. [(1)] - Arsovic, G. (21) BOJKOVIC, N. [1/(1)] — Ivanisevic, I. (49); Muzychuk, A. 30 BOLOGAN [3/(2)] - Carlson, M. (26); Deviatkin 138; Nakamura, Hi. 26; Solak, D. 135; Vachier-Lagrave (45) BORCSUZ [(1)] - Odeeva, E. (157) BOROVIKOV, V. [1] - Ansell, S. 125 BOSIOClC, MARIN [(1)] - Sethuraman, S. (97) BRENJO [1] — Georgiev, Ki. 200 BRKIC, ANTE [1/(1)] — Fressinet (152); Szabo, Krisz. 88 BUHMANN[1] — Lalic, B. 23 BUKAVSHIN [1] - Kokarev, Dm. 21 BURES, J. [1/(1)] — Simantsev 110; Steinberg, N. (43) BURG, T. [(1)] - Vaibhav, Su. (15) BUTUC [(1)] —Ovod, E. (15) В BACHES GARCIA [1] - Marin, Mi. 82 BACROT, E. [1/(1)] - Azarov, S. (108); Wang Hao 201 BAGHDASARYAN, V. [1] - Carlsson, P. 37 BAKLAN [(1)] - Ulibin (83) BALTAG [(1)] - Timofeev, Arty. (16) BANUSZ, T. [2/(1)] - David, Alb. 167; Ipatov, A. 9; Vovk, A. (185) BARANOV, N. [(1)] - Kirpikov (66) BARATOSI, D. [1] - Georgescu, T.-M. 45 BARRIA ZUNIGA [(1)] - Pap, M. (24) BARRIENTOS, S. [1] - Sedlak, N. 89 BARSOV [(1)] - Ider, B. (142) BARYSHPOLETS [(1)] - Turov, M. (183) BATCHULUUN [1] - Shankland 143 C CAMACHO MARTINEZ, G. [1] - Gomez Garrido 127 CAPR1O [(1)] - Georgiev, Ki. (78) CARLSEN, M. [3/(2)] - Bologan (26); Giri, A. (174); Grischuk, A. 117; McShane 118; Radjabov, T. 100 CARLSSON, P. [7] — Baghdasaryan, V. 37; Chepa- rinov, I. 73; Ji Dan 63; Mammadov, Z. 92; Milos 131; Rzayev, B. 99; Voiska 102 CARRON [(1)] - Kurmann (169) CARSTENSEN, J. [(1)] - Aagaard, J. (171) CARUANA, F. [5/(3)] - Fridman, D. 43; Godena 111; Kramnik 97; Leko 94; Morozevich 113; Nakamura, Hi. (158); Ponomariov, R. (62); Postny (42) CHAROCHKINA [(1)] - Kosintseva, T. (41) CHEPARINOV, I. [1] - Carlsson, P. 73 CHERNIAEV [1] - Shankland 176 285
CHIRCU [(1)] - Grinev, V. (201) CHIRILA, I.-C. [1] - Jianu 69 CHRISTIANSEN, J.-S. [(1)] - Kozionov, K. (11) CLAWITTER [(1)] - Yanayt (28) COLMENARES [(D) - Sher, M. (200) CORI TELLO, D. [1/(1)] — Dembo 86; Muzychuk, A. (164) CORI TELLO, J. [(1)] - Harikrishna, P. (83) CVEK [1/(1)] - Erdos, V. 3; Shengelia, D. (3) CVITAN [1] - Arsovic, Z. 180 CYBOROWSKI [(!)]- Swiercz, D. (142) D DAMLJANOVIC, B. [2] - Georgiev, Ki. 197; Volkov, Sergey 7 DANIELSEN, HEN. [(1)] - Hagen, A. S. (4) DAVID, ALB. [1] - Banusz, T. 167 DELCHEV, A. [(1)] - Tkachiev (170) DEMBO [2] — Cori Tello, D. 86; Ziaziulkina 60 DEMCHENKO, AN. [1] - Zvjaginsev 98 DE PAULA, R. [(1)] - Dos Santos, H. (103) DERVISH1 [1] - Tiviakov 101 DEVIATKIN [2] - Bologan 138; Nielsen, P. H. 58 DING LIREN [1/(1)] - Gomez, J. P. (159); Zhou Jianchao 189 DIZDAREVlC, E. [1] - Markus, Rob. 172 DONCEA [1/(1)] - Jianu 154; Milanovic, Da. (140) DORO , R.-M. [1] - Horvat, D.-S. 72 DOS SANTOS, H. [(!>] — De Paula, R. (103) DRASKOVIC, L. [1] - Dukic, Ni. 65 DREEV [(!)] — Ivanchuk (134) DROZDOWSKI, KA. [(1)] - Alekseenko, K. (66) DUBOV, DANIIL [2/(2)] - Alekseev, Evgeny 64, (66); Potkin, V. (3); Svidler 66 DUKIC, NL [7] - Benderac, S. 119; Draskovic, L. 65; Ipatov, A 36; Kalezic 79; Milanovic, Sla. 93; Palac 71; Todorovic, J. 51 DURARBAYLI [1] - Gagunashvili 59 DVIRNYY [1] - Roiz 34 E EDOUARD [(1)] - Pijpers, A. (81) EFIMENKO, Z. [1] — Moiseenko, Alexander 61 EHLVEST [(1)] - Nyback, T. (103) ELJANOV, P. [1] - Volokitin, A. 52 ERDOS, V. [5] - Atalik, E. 11; Cvek 3; JurCik, Mari. 8; Kovalev, An. 185; Macieja 165 ERENBURG [1] - Shankland 148 ESEN, В. [1] — Gagunashvili 19 F FEDORCHUK, S. [1] - Volokitin, A. 74 FEDOROV, ALEX. [1] - Wojtaszek 183 FIER, A. [1] — Hausner, I. 49 FIERRO BAQUERO [(1)] - Ziaziulkina (3) FILIP, LUC. [1/(1)] - Malakhov, V. (179); Mamedya- rov 179 FIRMAN [(1)] — Najgebauer, Sz. (198) FODOR jr„ T. [1] - Szabo, Krisz. 105 FREISLER [1] — Lalic, B. 6 FRESSINET [(1)] - Brkic, Ante (152) FRIDMAN, D. [2] — Caruana, F. 43; Karjakin, Sergey 42 FTACNIK [(2)] - Georgiev, VI. (164); Leko (14) G GAGUNASHVILI [6] - Beradze, I. 1; Durarbayli 59; Esen, B. 19; Kose, S. 144; Pantsulaia, L. 48; Shanava, K. 168 GANGULY, S. [1] - Skembris 190 GARZA MARCO [1] - Marin, Mi. 130 GASHIMOV, V. [(!)] — Azarov, S. (81) GELFAND, В. [(1)] - Anand, V. (148) GEORGESCU, T.-M. [2] — Baratosi, D. 45; Murariu, A. 44 GEORGIADIS, NICO [1] - Skembris 53 GEORGIEV, KI. [5/(3)] - Atalik, E. (11); Brenjo 200; Caprio (78); Damljanovic, B. 197; Godena(8); Mastrovasilis, A. 142; Norwood 20; Simic, Dragi. 78 GEORGIEV, VL. [(1)] - FtaCnik (164) GERGACZ, A. [(1)] — Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo (198) GERZHOY [1] - Sumets 122 GHAEM MAGHAM1 [(1)] - Wang Hao (100) GHARAMIAN [1] - So, W. 81 GIRI, A. [1/(2)] - Aronian 170; Carlsen, M. (174); Morozevich (164) GODENA [2/(1)] — Caruana, F. Ill; Georgiev, Ki. (8); Guseinov, G. 103 GOGANOV [(1)] - Kovalenko, 1. (6) GOH WEIMING [(1)] - Harikrishna, P. (101) GOLOD, V. [2] - Rodshtein 156; Roiz 174 GOMEZ, J. P. [(2)] - Ding Liren (159); Salem, A. R. (159) GOMEZ GARRIDO [1/(1)] - Camacho Martinez, G. 127; Guerra Mojena (74) GONDA, L. [(2)] - Kovalev, An. (185); Tesik, Cs. (16) GOPAL, G. [(2)] — Guseinov, G. (62); Popovic, Du. (60) GORDON, S. J. [1/(1)] - Gormally 187; Howell, D. (164) GORMALLY [1] - Gordon, S. J. 187 GOUMAS, G. [1] - Skembris 33 GRABUZOVA [(1)] - Schleining (140) GRACHEV, В. [(1)] - Navara, D. (142) GRANDA ZUNIGA [2] - Mecking 12, 62 GRANDELIUS [1/(1)] - Grover (1); Ipatov, A. 171 GRINEV, V. [(!)] — Chircu (201) GRINSHPUN [1] - Griinfeld, Y. 112 GRISCHUK, A. [7/(3)] - Carlsen, M. 117; Jakovenko, D. (107); Karjakin, Sergey 41, (41), 106; Kramnik 199; Morozevich 2; Nakamura, Hi. 67; Sjugirov 193; Svidler (116) GROVER [2/(1)] - Grandelius (1); Indic, A. 146; Miljkovic, M. D. 158 GRUNFELD, Y. [1] - Grinshpun 112 GUERRA MOJENA [(!)]- Gomez Garrido (74) 286
GUPTA, AB. [1/(1)] — Alekseev, Evgeny (94); Prido- rozhni 192 GURAMISHVILI [(1)] - Petrosyan, M. (1) GUREVICH, M. [1] - Lalic, B. 166 GUSEINOV, G. [3/(2)] - Godena 103; Gopal, G. (62); Macieja 57; Maiorov, N. (114); Szabo, Krisz. 109 GUSTAFSSON, J. [1] - Kramnik 196 H HAGEN, A. S. [(1)] - Danielsen, Hen. (4) HALKIAS, S. [1] - Skembris 145 HAMBLETON [(1)] - Urkedal (27) HAMDOUCHI, H. [(1)] - Rivas Pastor (91) HAMMER, J. [(1)] - Kogan, Ar. (26) HANLEY, C. [(1)] - Sutovsky (103) HANSEN, T. R. [(1)] - Aagaard, J. (97) HARIKRISHNA, P. [(2)] - Cori Tello, J. (83); Goh Weiming (101) HAUSNER, I. [1] - Fier, A. 49 HEBDEN [(1)] - Sowray (115) HECTOR, J. [1] - Markus, Rob. 56 HELMI [(1)] - Lopes, Dan. (157) HENRICHS, TH. [(1)] - Bejtovic (140) HESS, RO. [1] - Perunovic, Mil. 15 HORVAT, D.-S. [1] - Doro$, R.-M. 72 HOSSAIN, ENAM. [(1)] - Sargissian (148) HOU YIFAN [1] - Zhao Xue 108 HOVHANISIAN [(1)] - Van den Doel (92) HOWELL, D. [(2)] - Gordon, S. J. (164); Kovalev, VI. (97) HUSCHENBETH [(2)] - Oparin (3); Soors (41) I IDER, В. [(1)]-Barsov (142) 1LLESCAS C6RDOBA [1] - Perunovic, Mil. 150 INARKIEV [(1)] - Matlakov (133) INDIC, A. [4] — Bliibaum, M. 123; Grover 146; Iveko- vic, Zvo. 191; Kleinman, M. 160 IPATOV, A. [3] — Banusz, T. 9; Dukic, Ni. 36; Gran- delius 171 IVANCHUK [2/(2)] - Aronian 175; Dreev (134); Kamsky (116); Le Quang Liem 132 IVANISEVIC, I. [1/(1)] - Bojkovic, N. (49); Sasikiran 14 IVEKOVIC, ZVO. [1] - Indic, A. 191 J JAKOVENKO, D. [1/(2)] - Grischuk, A. (107); Khisma- tullin (80); Svidler 164 JELECEVIC [(1)] - Milekic (108) JIANU [4/(1)] — Chirila, I.-C. 69; Doncea 154; Navara, D. 155; Papp, Ga. 68; Shishkin, Va. (155) JI DAN [1]-Carlsson, P. 63 JURClK, MARI. [1] - Erdos, V. 8 К KAIDANOV [1] - Robson 159 KALEZld [1] - Dukic, Ni. 79 KAMSKY [(1)] - Ivanchuk (116) KANTORIK [(1)] - Lalic, B. (140) KAPNISIS [(1)] - Zinchenko, Y. (68) KARIMOV, I. [(1)] - Solodovnichenko (70) KARJAKIN, SERGEY [5/(1)] - Alekseev, Evgeny 177; Fridman, D. 42; Grischuk, A. 41, (41), 106; Naiditsch, A. 107 KARL, H. [1]- Skembris 188 KARTHIKEYAN, P. [(1)] - Bitoon, R. (169) KASIMDZHANOV [(1)] - Savchenko, S. (177) KHISMATULLIN [(2)] - Jakovenko, D. (80); Vachier- -Lagrave (152) KIRPIKOV [(1)] - Baranov, N. (66) KLEINMAN, M. [1] - Indic, A. 160 KOCH, J.-R. [(1)] - Krasenkow (140) KOGAN, AR. [(1)] — Hammer, J. (26) KOHLER, TH. [(1)] - Wendt, J.-D. (185) KOKAREV, DM. [1] - Bukavshin 21 KOROBOV, A. [(1)] - Smeets, J. (58) KOSE, S. [1] — Gagunashvili 144 KOSINTSEVA, T. [(1)] - Charochkina (41) KOTRONIAS [2] — Marin, Mi. 186; Skembris 32 KOVACEVl£, AL. [1] - Stojanovski, D. 54 KOVALENKO, I. [(1)] - Goganov (6) KOVALEV, AN. [1/(D] - Erdos, V. 185; Gonda, L. (185) KOVALEV, VL. [(1)] - Howell, D. (97) KOZHUHAROV [1] - Petkov, VI. 10 KOZIONOV, К. [(1)] - Christiansen, J.-S. (11) KOZLOV, ALEXANDER [1] - Pap, M. 35 KRAMNIK [3] — Caruana, F. 97; Grischuk, A. 199; Gustafsson, J. 196 KRASENKOW [(1)] - Koch, J.-R. (140) KRISTIANSEN, JENS [1] - Markup Rob. 95 KLJLAOTS [(1)] - Shirov (78) KURMANN [(1)] - Carron (169) KURNOSOV, I. [(2)] — Melkumyan (156); Ovetchkin (152) KUZUBOV [(2)] - Volokitin, A. (87); Vovk, Y. (87) L LABIB, I. [1] — Popovic, Du. 38 LADRON DE GUEVARA GALAR [(1)] - Vishnu Prasanna (114) LALIC, B. [6/(2)] — Ashwin, Jay. 162; Buhmann 23; Freisler 6; Gurevich, M. 166; Kantorik (140); Ma- lakhov, I. (53); Savitskiy 28; Verlinde 198 L’AMI, E. [2/(1)] — Aagaard, J. 140; Solozhenkin 80; Willemze, Th. (140) LANG, TO. [1]-Roiz 121 LAZNlCKA [1/(1)] - Potkin, V. (83); Wojtaszek 178 LEITAO, R. [2] — Adams, Mi. 75; Leon Hoyos 27 LEKO [2/(1)] — Caruana, F. 94; Ftacnik (14); Pono- mariov, R. 139 LEON HOYOS [1] - Leitao, R. 27 LE QUANG LIEM [1] - Ivanchuk 132 287
LHOTKA [(1)1 — Altini, N. (199) LINDBERG, BE. [(1)] - Tikkanen, H. (90) LOPES, DAN. [(1)] - Helmi (157) LOU Y1PING [(1)] - So, W. (151) LUDWIG, DAN. [1/(1)] - Sargissian 163; Wu, Ch. (77) LUPULESCU, C. [(3)] - Alonso Rosell (3); Melia (45); Nenezic, M. (160) M MAC1EJA [3] — Erdos, V. 165; Guseinov, G. 57; Sa- linas Herrera 182 MAIOROV, N. [1/(1)] - Guseinov, G. (114); Skembris 153 MALAKHOV, 1. [(1)] - Lalic, B. (53) MALAKHOV, V. [1/(3)] - Adams, Mi. (104); Filip, Luc. (179); Savchenko, B. (104); Tiviakov 104 MAMEDOV, RAUF [(1)] - Yilmaz, M. (190) MAMEDYAROV [2] - Filip, Luc. 179; Volokitin, A. 151 MAMMADOV, Z. [1] - Carlsson, P. 92 MARIN, ML [3] — Baches Garcia 82; Garza Marco 130; Kotronias 186 MARKUS, ROB. [6] — Berescu 149; Dizdarevic, E. 172; Hector, J. 56; Kristiansen, Jens 95; Milanovic, Da. 25; Nemeth, Mi. 55 MASTROVASILIS, A. [4] - Georgiev, Ki. 142; Pro- haszka, P. 4; Salgado Lopez, I. 181; Skembris 129 MATLAKOV [l/( 1)] — Inarkiev (133); Popov, Iv. 133 MAZUR, STE. [(!)] — Stohl (185) McNAB [1] — Arias Santana 18 McSHANE [2] - Aronian 124; Carlsen, M. 118 MECKING [2] - Granda Zuniga 12, 62 MEDVEGY, Z. [(1)] - Tesik, Cs. (16) MEIER, GEO. [1] - Naiditsch, A. 13 MELIA [(1)] — Lupulescu, C. (45) MELKUMYAN [(1)] - Kurnosov, I. (156) MERRY [(1)] — Miezis (10) MICHIELS, В. [1] - Sumets 147 MIEZIS [(1)] - Merry (10) MILANOVIC, DA. [1/(1)] - Doncea (140); Markus, Rob. 25 MILANOVIC, SLA. [1] - Dukic, Ni. 93 MILEKIC [(1)] - Jelecevic (108) MILJKOVIC, M. D. [1] - Grover 158 MILOS [1]-Carlsson, P. 131 MIRON, L.-C. [1] - Volkov, Sergey 137 MIROSHNICHENKO, E. [1] - Volokitin, A. 87 MIRZOEVA, E. [(1)] - Tukhaev, A. (42) MOISEENKO, ALEXANDER [2] - Amin, B. 50; Efimenko, Z. 61 MOLNAR, P. [(!)]- Stohl (183) MOROZEV1CH [3/(1)] - Caruana, F. 113; Giri, A. (164); Grischuk, A. 2; Tomashevsky 195 MOSER, EVA [(1)] - Bezold (8) MOTYLEV [(1)] - Smirnov, P. (116) MOVSESIAN, S. [2] - Almasi, Z. 116; Wang Yue 126 MURARIU, A. [1] - Georgescu, T.-M. 44 MUZYCHUK, A. [2/(1)] - Bojkovic, N. 30; Cori Tello, D. (164); Sutovsky 39 N N AB A VI [(1)] - Tirard (114) NAIDITSCH, A. [4] — Karjakin, Sergey 107; Meier, Geo. 13; Ponomariov, R. 115; Sokolov, Iv. 114 NAJGEBAUER, SZ. [(1)] - Firman (198) NAKAMURA, HL [3/(1)] - Bologan 26; Caruana, F. (158); Grischuk, A. 67; Wojtaszek 134 NARODITSKY, D. [(1)] - Sumets (35) NAVARA, D. [1/(2)] — Grachev, B. (142); Jianu 155; So, W. (159) NEDILKO, V. [(1)] - Popov, Vai. (21) NEMETH, ML [1] - MarkuS, Rob. 55 NENEZIC, M. [(1)] - Lupulescu, C. (160) NIELSEN, P. H. [1] - Deviatkin 58 NI HUA [(1)] - Adhiban (97) NORWOOD [1] - Georgiev, Ki. 20 NYBACK, T. [1/(1)] - Ehlvest (103); Solak, D. 136 О ODEEVA, E. [(1)] - Borcsuz (157) OPARIN [(1)] — Huschenbeth (3) OVETCHKIN [(1)] - Kurnosov, I. (152) OVOD, E. [(1)] — Butuc (15) P PALAC [1]-Dukic, Ni. 71 PANCEVSKI [(1)] - Radovic, V. (114) PANTSULAIA, L. [1] — Gagunashvili 48 PAP, M. [2/(1)] — Barria Zuniga (24); Kozlov, Alexan- der 35; Wichmann, C. 24 PAPP, GA. [ 1/(1)] - Jianu 68; Zelbel (68) PERCIVALDI [(1)] - Van Foreest, J. (92) PEREZ GONZALEZ, JO. [(1)] - Rubio Mejia (53) PERUNOVIC, MIL. [3/(1)] - Adams, Mi. 16; Hess, Ro. 15; Illescas Cordoba 150; Shanava, K. (34) PETKOV, VL. [1] - Kozhuharov 10 PETR, MA. [(1)] - Sipos, I. (168) PETROSYAN, M. [(!)] — Guramishvili (1) PHILLIPS, R. [(1)] - Sanches, R. (17) P1JPERS, A. [(1)] - Edouard (81) PONOMARIOV, R. [3/(2)] - Caruana, F. (62); Leko 139; Naiditsch, A. 115; Safarli 77; Vitiugov (159) POPOV, IV. [1] - Matlakov 133 POPOV, VAL. [(1)] - Nedilko, V. (21) POPOVIC, DU. [ 1/(1)] - Gopal, G. (60); Labib, I. 38 POSTNY [(1)] - Caruana, F. (42) POTKIN, V. [(2)] - Dubov, Daniil (3); LazniCka (83) PRAVEEN KUMAR, C. [1] - Vajda, Le. 85 PRIDOROZHN1 [1] - Gupta, Ab. 192 PROHASZKA, P. [1] - Mastrovasilis, A. 4 R RADJABOV, T. [1] - Carlsen, M. 100 RADOVIC, V. [(1)] - PanCevski (114) RAGGER [1] — Vachier-Lagrave 152 288
RASMUSSEN, A. [(1)] - Timman, J. (74) RIVAS PASTOR [(1)] - Hamdouchi, H. (91) ROBSON [1] - Kaidanov 159 RODSHTEIN [1] - Golod, V. 156 ROIZ [3] — Dvimyy 34; Golod, V. 174; Lang, To. 121 ROMANKO, M. [1] — Severiukhina 40 ROZENTALIS [1] - Berg, E. 96 RUBIO MEJIA [(1)] — Perez Gonzalez, Jo. (53) RZAYEV, В. [1] - Carlsson, P. 99 s SAFARLI [1] — Ponomariov, R. 77 SALEM, A. R. [(1)] - Gomez, J. P. (159) SALGADO L6PEZ, 1. [2] — Mastrovasilis, A. 181; Sargissian 5 SALINAS HERRERA [1] - Macieja 182 SANCHES, R. [(1)] - Phillips, R. (17) SARGISSIAN [2/(1)] - Hossain, Enam. (148); Ludwig, Dan. 163; Salgado Lopez, 1. 5 SASIKIRAN [1] - Ivanisevic, I. 14 SATYAPRAGYAN [1] - Sumets 169 SAVCHENKO, B. [(1)] - Malakhov, V. (104) SAVCHENKO, S. [(1)] - Kasimdzhanov (177) SAVITSKIY [1] - Lalic, B. 28 SCHAERER, J. [1] - Skembris 128 SCHLEINING [(!)] — Grabuzova (140) SEDLAK, N. [2/(1)] - Barrientos, S. 89; Smith, B. (60); Tadic, Br. 120 SEPS [(1)] — Ziska, H. (61) SETHURAMAN, S. [(2)] - Bosiodic, Marin (97); Sundararajan (170) SEVERIUKHINA [1] - Romanko, M. 40 SEVILLANO, E. [1] - Yang, Dar. 83 SHANAVA, K. [1/(1)] — Gagunashvili 168; Perunovic, Mil. (34) SHANKLAND [4] — Batchuluun 143; Chemiaev 176; Erenburg 148; Vorotnikov, V. V. 22 SHENGELIA, D. [(1)] - Cvek (3) SHER, M. [(1)] — Colmenares (200) SHIROV [(1)] - Kulaots (78) SHISHKIN, VA. [(1)] - Jianu (155) SIMANTSEV [1] - Bures, J. 110 SIMlC, DRAGI. [1] — Georgiev, Ki. 78 SIPOS, I. [(1)] - Petr, Ma. (168) SJUGIROV [3] - Andreikin 46; Grischuk, A. 193; Svidler 194 SKEMBRIS [10] — Ganguly, S. 190; Georgiadis, Nico 53; Goumas, G. 33; Halkias, S. 145; Karl, H. 188; Kotronias 32; Maiorov, N. 153; Mastrovasilis, A. 129; Schaerer, J. 128; Vorotnikov, V. V. 29 SMEETS, J. [(1)] - Korobov, A. (58) SMIRNOV, P. [(1)] - Motylev (116) SMITH, В. [(1)] - Sedlak, N. (60) SO, W. [2/(2)] — Gharamian 81; Lou Yiping (151); Navara, D. (159); Sumets 161 SOKOLOV, IV. [1] - Naiditsch, A. 114 SOLAK, D. [3] — Ashwin, Jay. 47; Bologan 135; Nyback, T. 136 SOLODOVNICHENKO [(1)] - Karimov, I. (70) SOLOZHENKIN [1] - L’Ami, E. 80 SOORS [(1)] — Huschenbeth (41) SOWRAY [(1)] - Hebden (115) STEINBERG, N. [(1)] - Bures, J. (43) STEVIC, H. [(1)] - ZelCic (49) STOHL [(2)] - Mazur, Ste. (185); Molnar, P. (183) STOJANOVSKI, D. [1] - Kovacevic, Al. 54 SUMETS [4/(1)] - Gerzhoy 122; Michiels, B. 147; Naroditsky, D. (35); Satyapragyan 169; So, W. 161 SUNDARARAJAN [(1)] - Sethuraman, S. (170) SUTOVSKY [1/(3)] - Hanley, C. (103); Muzychuk, A. 39; Swiercz, D. (70); Zhigalko, A. (71) SVIDLER [3/(1)] — Dubov, Daniil 66; Grischuk, A. (116); Jakovenko, D. 164; Sjugirov 194 SWIERCZ, D. [(2)] - Cyborowski (142); Sutovsky (70) SWINKELS, R. [1] - Turov, M. 184 SZABO, G.-A.-GY. [1] - Benkovic 173 SZAB6, KRISZ. [3] - Brkic, Ante 88; Fodor jr„ T. 105; Guseinov, G. 109 T TADIC, BR. [2] - Berkes, F. 17; Sedlak, N. 120 TESIK, CS. [(2)] - Gonda, L. (16); Medvegy, Z. (16) TIKKANEN, H. [3/(1)] - Berg, E. 90, 91,141; Lindberg, Be. (90) TIMMAN, J. [(1)] - Rasmussen, A. (74) TIMOFEEV, ARTY. [(1)] - Baltag (16) TIRARD [(1)] - Nabavi (114) TIVIAKOV [3] - Dervishi 101; Malakhov, V. 104; Vovk, A. 31 TKACHIEV [(1)] - Delchev, A. (170) TLEPTSOK [1] - Yazgeldiev 157 TODOROVIC, J. [1] - Dukic, Ni. 51 TOMASHEVSKY [1] - Morozevich 195 TOPALOV, V. [1] - Vallejo Pons 70 TORRE, E. [())]- Vajda, Le. (98) TUKHAEV, A. [(1)] - Mirzoeva, E. (42) TUROV, M. [1/(D] — Baryshpolets (183); Swinkels, R. 184 U ULIBIN [(1)]-Baklan (83) URKEDAL [ 1/(1)] - Berg, E. 84; Hambleton (27) V VACH1ER-LAGRAVE [1/(2)] - Bologan (45); Khisma- tullin (152); Ragger 152 VAIBHAV, SU. [(1)] - Burg, T. (15) VAJDA, LE. [1/(1)] — Praveen Kumar, C. 85; Torre, E. (98) VALLEJO PONS [1] - Topalov, V. 70 VAN DEN DOEL [(1)] - Hovhanisian (92) VAN FOREEST, J. [(1)] - Percivaldi (92) VERA GONZALEZ-QUEVEDO [(1)] - Gergacz, A. (198) VERLINDE [1] - Lalic, B. 198 289
VISHNU PRASANNA [(1)] — Ladron de Guevara Galar (114) VITIUGOV [(1)] - Ponomariov, R. (159) VOISKA [1] - Carlsson, P. 102 VOLKOV, SERGEY [2] — Damljanovic, B. 7; Miron, L.-C. 137 VOLOKITIN, A. [4/(1)] - Eljanov, P. 52; Fedorchuk, S. 74; Kuzubov (87); Mamedyarov 151; Miroshni- chenko, E. 87 VOROTNIKOV, V. V. [2] - Shankland 22; Skembris 29 VOVK, A. [1/(1)] — Banusz, T. (185); Tiviakov31 VOVK, Y. [(1)] - Kuzubov (87) X XIU DESHUN [1] - Akopian, VI. 76 Y YANAYT [(1)] - Clawitter (28) YANDEMIROV [(1)] - Azaladze (33) YANG, DAR. [1] - Sevillano, E. 83 YAZGELDIEV [1] - Tleptsok 157 YILMAZ, M. [(1)] - Mamedov, Rauf (190) W WANG HAO [ 1/(1)] — Bacrot, E. 201; Ghaem Maghami (100) WANG YUE [1] - Movsesian, S. 126 WENDT, J.-D. [(1)] - Kohler, Th. (185) WICHMANN, C. [1] - Pap, M. 24 WILLEMZE, TH. [(1)] - L’Ami, E. (140) WOJTASZEK [3] — Fedorov, Alex. 183; Laznicka 178; Nakamura, Hi. 134 WU, CH. [(1)] - Ludwig, Dan. (77) Z ZELBEL [(1)] - Papp, Ga. (68) ZELClC [(1)] - Stevie, H. (49) ZHAO XUE [1] - Hou Yifan 108 ZHIGALKO, A. [(1)] - Sutovsky (71) ZHOU JIANCHAO [1] - Ding Liren 189 ZIAZIULKINA [1/(1)] — Dembo 60; Fierro Baquero (3) ZINCHENKO, Y. [(1)] - Kapnisis (68) Z1SKA, H. [(1)] — Seps (61) ZVJAGINSEV [1] - Demchenko, An. 98 290
KOMENTATORI • КОММЕНТАТОРЫ • COMMENTATORS • KOMMENTATOREN • COMMENTATEURS • C0MENTARI5TAS • COMMENTATOR! • KOMMENTATORER • • oj> *1 g о11 ABRAMOV1C, B. [6] 43, 103, 109, 115, 192, 199 AMIN, В. [1] 50 ARSOVlC, G. [10] 21, 26, 74, 76, 80, 83, 94, 152, 159, 164 ARSOVIC, Z. [4] 58, 77, 87, 180 BANUSZ, T. [1] 167 BARTEL, MAT. [2] 134, 178 BERG, E. [5] 84,90,91,96,141 CABRILO [5] 41, 108, 111, 184, 194 CAMACHO MARTINEZ, G. [1] 127 CARLSSON, P. [7] 37, 63, 73, 92, 99, 102, 131 DA COSTA JUNIOR [3] 12, 49, 62 DAMLJANOVIC, В. [1] 7 DEM BO [4] 1,60, 86, 125 DUK1C, NI. [7] 36, 51,65, 71,79, 93, 119 EFIMENKO, Z. [1] 61 ERDOS, V. [5] 3,8, 11, 165, 185 GAGUNASHVILI [5] 19, 48, 59, 144, 168 GEORGIEV, KI. [4] 20, 78, 197, 200 GOLOD, V. [1] 156 INDlC, A. [4] 123, 146, 160, 191 IPATOV, A. [2] 9, 171 IVANISEVIC, I. [1] 14 KASPAROV, G. [1] 39 KOVACEVIC, AL. [1] 54 LALlC, B. [6] 6, 23, 28, 162, 166, 198 LEITAO, R. [3] 27, 75,81 MACIEJA [2] 57, 182 MARIN, MI. [3] 82, 130, 186 MARKUS, ROB. [5] 55, 56, 95, 149, 172 MARTIN, ANDREW [1] 187 MARTINOVlC, SL. [4] 64, 106, 118, 201 MASTROVASILIS, A. [3] 4, 142, 181 MILANOVIC, DA. [1] 25 MILJKOVIC, M. D. [1] 158 MOROZEVICH [2] 2, 113 MOVSESIAN, S. [1] 116 ODEEV; YAZGELDIEV [1] 157 PAP, M. [2] 24, 35 PAUNOVIC, T. [5] 124, 126, 133, 138, 139 PERUNOVIC, MIL. [3] 15, 16, 150 PETKOV, VL. [1] 10 PETRONIJEV1C [3] 46, 177, 196 PIKULA, D. [3] 13,42, 132 POPOVIC, DU. [1] 38 ROIZ [3] 34, 121, 174 SARGISSIAN [2] 5, 163 SEDLAK, N. [1] 89 SHANKLAND [4] 22, 143, 148, 176 SIMIC, R. [4] 107, 112, 189, 193 SKEMBRIS [10] 29, 32, 33, 53, 128, 129, 145, 153, 188, 190 Solak, d. [3] 47,135,136 STOICA, V. [11] 44, 45, 68, 69, 72, 85, 137, 154, 155, 173, 179 SULSK1S, §.; McNAB [1] 18 SUMETS [4] 122, 147, 161, 169 SZABO, KRISZ.; HAZAI [2] 88, 105 TAD1C, BR. [8] 17, 97, 98, 100, 120, 140, 170, 175 TIV1AKOV [4] 30, 31, 101, 104 VELlCKOVIC, SA. [9] 40, 66, 67, 70, 110, 114, 117, 183, 195 VOLOKITIN, A. [2] 52, 151 291
COMBINATIONS by Sasa Velickovic J 2. IV. SOKOLOV 2641 - GY. PAP 2533 1. MO. NIKOLOV 2553 - POPCHEV 2450 Zlatni Pyasatsi 2012 Moscow 2012 I c Tashkent 2012 I c 3. G. GUSEINOV 2616 - KVON 2493 1... ? -+ 1. ? 4. SHOMOEV 2570— KHISMATULLIN 2664 Moscow 2012 I h 5. GY. PAP 2538 - KHENKIN 2632 Plovdiv 2012 I h 1... ? -+ 1. ? +- 9. H. STEFANSSON 7. K. PAPPAS 2108 - 8. SANZ ALONSO 2381 SKEMBRIS 2460 - SALADEN DULCE 2531 - BO. Anogia2012 *’<" VUiKOVK 2628 Cartagena 2012 Plovdiv 2012 292
COMBINATIONS 1. MO. NIKOLOV-POPCHSV 1... ДеЗ! 2. Ed8 [2. ®a8 Wa8 3. Ede3 АЬ8!-+| фЬ7 3. ДА |3. Wd2 Af2! 4. Wf2 Wg4 5. фП Wh3 6. фё1 Sg3 7. Wg3 Wg3 8. ФП Wh4—+] Ah2 [4. фЬ2 Wf4 5. &g2 Wg4 6. фЬ2 ДЬЗ#| 0 : 1 L. Da Costa Junior 2. IV. SOKOLOV-GY. PAP 1. ed5! cd5 [1... fe5 2. fe5 Af8 3. Ag6! hg6 4. Wg6 Де7 5. d6 Деб 6. WH ФЬ7 7. Wf8 Wf8 8. ДА8 ДЬб (8... фЬб 9. d7 Ad7 10. Да8+-) 9. d7 Ad7 10. Да8+-| 2. Ag6! hg6 12... fe5 3. АЬ7 ФЬ8 4. Ag7 &g7 5. Wg6 ФЬ8 6. fe5+-1 3. Wg6 Af8 [3... Де7 4. f5!? (4. Wf6±) We8 (4... Af5 5. ДГ5 fe5 6. Ag7 Дg7 7. We6 ФЬ8 8. ДЬ5 ДЬ7 9. ДЬ7 фЬ7 10. fid3+-) 5. Wf6 Ае5 6. de5 ^f5 (6... ДП 7. Wg6+-) 7. Дd5 (7. ДГ5 Af5 8. Wf5 Деб 9. Af4±) ФЬ7 8. ДГ5 Af5 9. Wf5 Wg6 10. Wg6 &g6 11. АеЗ ФГ5 12. Ad4+—] 4. f5! fe5 5. f6 Деб 6. Ag7 1:0 SI. Martinovic 3. G. GUSEINOV - KVON 1. c5! Аеб? 11... ФА8?? 2. Де7+-; 1... &Ь5?? 2. a4 (2. Дс1 Ag4 3. cd6+-) Ag4 3. Wd3 Wd7 4. ab5 dc5 5. We4 Af5 6. Whl+-; 1... Wc5 a) 2. We2 Wc7 (2... Аеб 3. Аеб Wc7 4. Дас1 £ic6 5. Ad5 Ф18 6. h4!+-) 3. Дас1 al) 3... £>c6? 4. Ac6! (4. Дсб Ьсб 5. Ac6 Ф18 6. Aa8±) Ьсб 5. Дсб Wa7! (5... Wb7 6. Ad6 Аеб 7. Дс7+-; 5... Wd8 6. Дd6 Ad7 7. Дd5+-) 6. Wc2!! Аеб (6... 0-0 7. Дс7+-) 7. Дс7! Wb6 (7... Wb8 8. Ad6 Ad6 9. Деб! fe6 10. Wc6&f8 11. Wd6&g8 12. We6&f8 13. WH#) 8. Деб!! all) 8... fe6 9. Wg6 £>d8 10. Де7! Wd4 11. WH! (11. Деб!? Wdl 12. <^>g2 Wd5 13. Де4 f5 14. Wg5! фс8 15. f3+-) Wdl 12. &g2 Wd5 13. f3 Wb5 14. We6+-; al2) 8... Wc7 9. Wc7 fe6 10. h4!? (10. Ad6 Ad6 11. Wd6 ФП 12. Wd7 <£>g6 13. We6+-; 10. Wb7 Дd8 11. Wa6 h4 12. a4 ФП 13.a5+-)e5(10...fid8 11. Wc6 ФП 12. Wa6 Да8 13. Wc4 d5 14. Wb3+-) 11. АеЗ ФП 12. Wc4! <£g6 (12... <^g7 13. We6!!+- Д 13... ДЬе8 14. Ь4 Дас8 15. &g2 Дс7 16. ФП ДЬ8 17. аЗ ДЬс8 18. Фе4 ДЬ8 19. ФГ5 ДЬ5 20. а4 ДЬ4 21. АЬб! фЬб 22. Wg8 Дg4 23. Wh8#) 13. We6 ДЬ7 14. g4!! hg4 15. h5!! ДЬ5 16. Wg4 Дg5 17. Ag5 fg5 18. We6 Af6 19. Wd6+-; a2) 3... Wd7? 4. ДеЗ Ф18 5. ДеЗ &сб 6. Ac6 Wc6 7. Де7 Аеб 8. Деб fe6 9. We6 Фg7 (9... d5?? 10. We7 Фg8 11. Деб+-) 10. Дс1 ДЬе8 11. Wf5 We4 12. Дс7 (12. Wh5 Дad8=) Фg8 13. Wf6 Wei 14. фg2 We4 15. ФЬЗ We6 16. We6 Деб 17. ДЬ7±; аЗ) 3... Wd8= - 2. Дс1; b) 2. Дс1 Wb6 bl) 3. АЬЗ!? bll) 3... Ь4? 4. Wd5!! Аеб (4... Д18 5. Ah6 Ae6 6. Деб! fe6 7. We6+-) 5. Деб fe6 6. We6 hg3 7. hg3 Фd8 8. АеЗ Wa5 9. Aa7+-; Ы2) 3... W? 4. АеЗ! Wd8 (4... Wa5 5. a4) 5. a4 £>a7 6. Aa7 (6. a5!?) Да7 7. Wd5! (7. Wd4 b6 8. a5!5s) Д18 (7... Ae6 8. Деб fe6 9. We6+-; 7... ДИ7 8. Де7 We7 9. Дс8 Фd7 10. Wf54~) 8. a5!! Ad7 (8... Ae6 9. Aa4 Ad7 10. Wd6 Ь5 11. ab6 ДЬ7 12. We7 We7 13. Дс8#) 9. Wd6 Да8 (9... Дg8 10. Wf6 Ae6 11. Деб fe6 12. Aa4 b5 13. ab6 Дd7 14. We6 Дg4 15. Ad7 Wd7 16. Дс8+-) 10. Дс7 Дс8 11. Дd7 Wd7 12. Aa4 Дсб 13. Wb8 Wd8 14. Wb7+-; ЫЗ) 3... Ae6 4. Ae6 fe6 5. Деб £>c8 (5... Дс8 6. Wei!) 6. We25o; b2) 3. We2 Wd8 (3... Ae6? 4. Ae6 fe6 5. We6+-) 4. ДеЗ b21) 4... Ag4? 5. We4 b211) 5... h4? 6. ДсеЗ Аеб 7. Аеб fe6 8. Wg6 Фd7 9. Деб &сб (9... Де8 10. Wf5 Фс7 11. Wc5 £ic6 12. Дd6 Ad6 13. Де8 We8 14. Wd6 ФЬб 15. АеЗ ФЬ5 16. Wc5 фа4 17. ЬЗ#) 10. WH! Фс8 И. Де7 &е7 12. Де7+-; Ь212) 5... Дс8? 6. ДсеЗ Дс7 7. Wd4! £>с8 (7... £>Ь5 8. Wf6 Д67 9. а4 £>а7 10. Ad6 Аеб 11. Деб+-; 7... £>сб 8. Wf6 Д(8 9. Ad6 Аеб 10. Деб fe6 11. Wg6 Фd7 12. We6 Фе8 13. Wg6 Фd7 14. Ае7 &е7 15. Аеб Феб 16. We4 ФЬб 17. We3 Фа5 18. Ь4+-) 8. Wf6 Ь2121) 8... ДЬ7 9. f3!! АЬЗ (9... £>Ь6 10. АЬЗ АЬЗ 11. Wd6 Дd7 12. Wf6+~) 10. Ag5 Ь4 11. g4 Wd7 12. Wf4 Wb5 13. Wf5 Wb2 14. Wc8!! Дс8 15. Де7 ф(8 16. АЬб!! ДЬб 17. ДП фg8 18. ДЬ7 Ф18 19. ДЬ2+-; Ь2122) 8... Д18 9. f3!! АЬЗ (9... £>Ь6 10. АЬЗ+-) 10. g4!!+-; Ь213) 5... Wd7 6. ДсеЗ Ь2131) 6... ф(8? 7. We7 We7 8. Де7 Аеб 9. Д7еб! fe6 10. Деб £ic6 (10... £ic8 11. ДГ6+-) 11. ДГ6+-; Ь2132) 6... Аеб 7. Аеб fe6 8. Wg6 фd8 (8... ФГ8 9. Деб+—) 9. Деб Ь21321) 9... £}сб? 10. Wg7 Де8 11. Ad6 Дс8 12. WH Ad6 (12... Дс7 13. Wh5 Фс8 14. Ь4+-) 293
COMBINATIONS 13. Ee8 Фс7 14. fic8 фс8 15. Wf6+-; Ь21322) 9... &с8 Ь213221) 10. Ee7!? £>е7 11. Wf6 Ь2132211) 11... Eh7? 12. Ееб (12. Ad6? Ес8 13. АЬ4 Ь4 14. Аа5 Ь6 15. Wb6 Фе8 16. Wg6 Hf7 17. Ab4 Ecl 18. Wg8 Ef8 19. Wg6=) Wc7 (12... Фе8 13. Ad6+-) 13. Ad6 Wcl 14. £>g2 Wc6 15. A'fl Wcl 16. Eel Wc4 17. £>gl &d7 18. Ae7 Wd5 19. Ee5+-; b2132212) 11... Ee8 12. Ad6 a5! 13. Ae7 Ee7 14. Wb6 Wc7 15. Wf6 Wd7=; b213222) 10. Ef6 h4 11. Ag5! hg3 12. fg3 Ee8 13. Efe6! b5 14. h4!! (A h5-h6-h7) Ea7 (14... Wa7 15. &g2 Wb7 16. ФИ2 Wc6 17. h5 Ea7 18. h6 Ec7 19. h7 Eh8 20. Wg8 We8 21. Eg6+—) 15. h5! Ec7 16. h6 Ec5 17. h7 Eg5 18. Wg5 Wa7 19. <£>g2 Wd4 20. Wg8 Wb2 21. Ele2 Wh8 (21... Wd4 22. Eg6+~) 22. Eg6+—; b22) 4... Аеб 5. Аеб fe6 6. We6 Ф18 7. We4 £>c6 8. Wg6 We8 9. Ah6 Eh6 10. Wh6 &g8 11. We3 ФП 12. We4=; c) 2. Ab7!? Ab7 3. Ad6 0-0-0 4. Ac5 Edl 5. Eedl Ac5 6. Eacl±| 2. Аеб! [2. cd6 Ad6 (2... Wd7 3. Аеб fe6 4. de7 Wdl 5. Eadl e5 6. Ae3±) 3. Eel Wd8 4. Аеб Af4 5. Ad7 &f8 6. gf4 Wb6 7. ФЫ !±| fe6 3. Ee6! |3. cd6 Wd7± - 2. cd6] Wd7 [3... £>c6 4. cd6 Wd7 5. Eel+-] 4. Wb3! d5 [4... dc5 5. Edl Wc8 6. Ee7 Фе7 7. Eel <£f8 8. Ad6 <£g7 9. Ee7+-1 5. Eael £>c6 15... £>c8 6. Ad6 Eh7 7. Wd5 £>d8 8. Ef6 Ad6 9. cd6 Wg7 10. We6+-] 6. Ed6! [6. Ad6 Eh7 7. Wd3 (7. Wd5? 0-0-0) Eg7 8. Ae7 £>e7 (8... Ee7 9. Wg6 Ф68 10. Wf6+-) 9. Ed6 Wc7 10. Wd5 Eg5 11. Wf3 Wc5 (11... Ec5 12. Wf6 Ef5 13. Wg6 Ф18 14. Ee7 Wcl 15. <£g2 Wg5 16. Ef7+-) 12. Ee7! Фе7 13. Wf6 Фе8 14. Ееб Ф67 15. Wf7+-1 Wc8 7. Wd5 Ф18 8. Еееб 18. Ee71? Фе7 (8... £>e7 9. Ef6 Фе8 10. Wf7 Ф68 11. Ed6+—) 9. Ag5!! fg5 (9... Фе8 10. Af6+-; 9... Ef8 10. We4+-; 9... Wg8 10. We4 <£f8 11. Ef64~) 10. Wg5 &f8 11. Wf6 <£g8 (11... фе8 12. Wh8 ФГ7 13. Ef6 Фе7 14. Wg7+—) 12. Wg6 &f8 13. Ef6 Фе7 14. Wg7 <£d8 (14... фе8 15. Wf7 <£d8 16. Ed6+—) 15. Ed6 фе8 16. Wh8+-] Eh7 [8... Ad6 9. Ef64~; 8... Фе8 9. Wf5 Ef8 10. Wg6 Ef7 11. Ah6+-] 9. Ef6 Af6 10. Ef6 <^g7 11. Wg5 Ill. ЁП &g6 12. Eh7 ФЬ7 13. Wf7^h8 14. Ag5+-] Ф68 12. Ec6 1 : 0 Sa. Velickovic 4. SHOMOEV-KHISMATULLIN 1... £ig3! 2. Wg3 [2. фё3 ЕеЗ 3. ЕеЗ Ee3 4. <£g2 (4. Ef3 Eel-+) We5 5. Adi Ad6-+| ЕеЗ 3. ЕеЗ ЕеЗ 4. Wg4 [4. Wb8 ФЬ7 5. Ef2 Ee5-+] We5 5. Adi Ad6 6. Wf4 [6. Ф12 Ee4 7. Wh3 Wf4 8. <£>gl Wg5 9. Wg2 Ac5 10. ФЫ Eh4-+J Eg3 7. <^>g3 We3 8. <£>g4 Af4 9. Ef4Wgl 0:1 Cabrilo 5, GY. PAP - KHENKIN 1. Ah6! фЬб [1... &g8 2. Wf3+-1 2. Ef7 Ef8 12... Wg4 3. Eb7 (3. Ebfl Wg5 4. Elf4!+- A h4) Wh4 4. ed5 cd5 5. Wf3 Wg5 (5... £id6 6. Ef4 Wg5 7. h4+-) 6. £>fl +-J 3. Wf5 4. Ef5 gf5 5. Eb7 Ef7 6. Wg3 fe4 7. Ee7 EafB 8. h4 1:0 B. Abramovic 6. SCHUYIEP - Al. SHABALOV 1... £>f2!! 2. We2 [2. Af2 Ef2! 3. &f2 Wh4-+; 2. <ae6 £>dl 3. £>d8 £>e3-+; 2. Ac8 £idl 3. Аеб Аеб 4. £>e6 Wd6-+] Wh4 12... Ad4 3. Ac8 (3. Ad4 Wg5-+) 4}h3 4. ФЬ2 Wh4 5. g3 £>g5 6. gh4 Ae5 7. Af4 Af4 8. &gl £ih3 9. ФП АеЗ 10. Wf3 Ef3 11. Фе2 (11. &g2 <5)f4 12. фЬ2 Eh3#) £>f4 12.&dl Ab3#J 0:1 Sa. Velickovic 7. K. PAPPAS - SKEMBRIS 1... £>e4! 2. Фе4 [2. £>e4 c5 3. &f4 (3. dc5 Ae5-+) cd4 4. Ad2 g5 5. £ig5 f6+ A 6. £>e6 fe5 7. &g3 Ef3 8. ФЬ4 Af6 9. g5 Ac8 10. gf6 ef6 11. Egl <£h8-+J c5 3. d5 еб 4. Eadl? [4. Ad2 ed5 5. &f4 d4 6. <5)dl Efe8 7. £>f3 Eel 8. &el Ee8 9. £>f3 Ee2 10. Ael c4 11. a4 c3 12. ЬсЗ dc3+] ed5 5. £>d5 Ad5 6. <£f4 [6. Ed5 f5—bl f5 7. g5 [7. Ael fg4 8. <^>g3 gh3 9. Ag5 h2-+J Ae5 8. Фе5 f4 0 : 1 Skembris 8. SANZ ALONSO - SALADEN DULCE 1. g6! fg6 11... hg6 2. Eg6 fg6 3. Wh8 ФП 4. Wh7 Ag7 5. Wg7#] 2. ЕП! g5 3. Wg5 Wg6 4. Eg7 14. Ef8 Ef8 5. Wd5 Ef7 (5... Wf7 6. Egl#) 6. Ee8#J Ag7 5. Wd8 Af8 6. Wd5 Wf7 7. Egl 1:0 L. Da Costa Junior 294
COMBINATIONS 9. H. STEFANSSON - BO. VUCKOVIC ®d8 3. d7 Hf8 4. ®Ь4 еб (4... b6 5. Hdl+-) 5. Hdl+-J <§3c6 |2... ®d7 3. £>e7 <£>g7 4. Wd2 £}c6 5. £}c6 bc6 6. f4+-1 3. Wd2 £>e5 1. d6! Ad2 11... ed6 2. £>d5 Ad2 3. £>f6 £>g7 4. We3 ed6 5.£if6 1:0 4. £>e8 We8 5. ®d2+-J 2. £>d5 [2. Ш2!? SI. Martinovic REGISTAR • ИНДЕКС • INDEX • REGISTER • REGISTRE • REGISTRO • REGISTRO • REGISTER • GUSEINOV, G. - Kvon 3 KHENKIN - Pap, Gy. 5 KHISMATULLIN - Shomoev 4 KVON — Guseinov, G. 3 NIKOLOV, MO. - Popchev 1 PAP, GY. - Khenkin 5, Sokolov, Iv. 2 PAPPAS, K. - Skembris 7 POPCHEV - Nikolov, Mo. 1 SALADEN DULCE — Sanz Alonso 8 SANZ ALONSO - Saladen Dulce 8 SCHUYLER - Shabalov, Al. 6 SHABALOV, AL. - Schuyler 6 SHOMOEV — Khismatullin 4 SKEMBRIS - Pappas, K. 7 SOKOLOV, IV. - Pap, Gy. 2 STEFANSSON, H. - Vuckovic, Bo. 9 VUCKOVIC, BO. - Stefansson, H. 9 KOMENTATORI • КОММЕНТАТОРЫ • COMMENTATORS • KOMMENTATOREN • COMMENTATEURS • COMENTARISTAS • COMMENTATOR! • KOMMENTATORER • • oj> *1 a«11 ABRAMOV1C, B. 5 CABRILO 4 DA COSTA JUNIOR, L. 1, 8 MARTINOVIC, SL. 2, 9 SKEMBRIS 7 VELlCKOVIC, SA. 3, 6 295
EXCELLENT MOVES by Sasa Velickovic xt 1. AL. ALEKSANDROV 2612 - GUNDAVAA 2493 Moscow 2012 Moscow 2012 2. MOROZEVICH 2769 - HI. NAKAMURA 2775 3. DELGADO RAMIREZ 2591 - JO. CURAS 2534 4. L. MKRTCHIAN 2450 — 5. B. LALlC 2515 - BUCHENAU 2299 6. LAZNltKA 2702 — EDOUARD 2607 HOU YIFAN 2617 Ba da Iona 2012 Plovdiv 2012 7. SHADRINA 2359 - 8. DANIIL DUBOV 9. SAFARLI2645- 296
EXCELLENT MOVES 1. Al. AIEKSANDROV - GUNDAVAA 1. We5! ]1... Wd8 2. Wd4+—] 1:0 R. Simic 2. MOROZEVICH - HI. NAKAMURA 1... сЗ!!2. ЬсЗ £ie3 3.We2 [3. Wcl Wg6 4. Фа1 (4. Ee2 £>d5 5. c4 Wbl 6. Wbl &c3 7. Фа1 Ebl#; 4. Ed7 ф£8!!-+) ФГ8!! a) 5. Фа2 £>d5 6. c4 Wbl 7. Wbl £>c3 8. Фа1 Ebl#; b) 5. Ed8 Ed8 6. ±d8 Wd3! (6... £>d5-+) 7. Ac7 a4 8. Ab6 £>f5 9. c4 Фе8!-+; c) 5. fif2 Фе8 6. Whl (6. Eb2 Eb2 7. Wb2 ФП-+) 2>d5 7. Eg2 Ebl! 8. Wbl (8. Фа2 £>c3#) Wg2 9. Wb5 Ф18 10. Wa5 (W 8/f) Wfl!! 11. ФЬ2 Wc4!! 12. Wa8 (12. фс2 h5-+) ФП 13. Wh8 Wc3 (W 8/g) 14. фа2 Wc2 15. Фа1 Wg6 16. Wd8 (16. ФЬ2 &f6-+; 16. a4 £>c3 17. ФЬ2 &a4 18. ФаЗ £>c5-+) Wgl 17. ФЬ2 Wd4 18. фс1 Wa4—+] £>d5 4. Wd3 [4. Wc4 Wa4!! (4... Wg6-+) 5. Wa4 £>c3 6. Фа1 Ebl#] a4! 5. Eb2 |5. Wh3 Wc6-+] Eb2 6. ФЬ2 Wb8 7. Фс1 Wb3 8. Wa6 Wc3 9. <&dl £>e3 10. Фе2 Wc4 0:1 Sa. Velickovic 3. DILGADO RAMIRIZ - JO. CUBAS 1... £>g3!! |2. Wg6 Edl 3. ФИ2 4. <£gl <ЙеЗ 5. ФИ2 &fl 6. &gl fg6-+] 0 : 1 L. Da Costa Junior 4. 1. MKRTCHIAN - HOU YIFAN 1... £>d2! |1... 43f2 2. Af7 ФЬ8 3. Ag6 £ig4 4. hg4 Wh4 5. &gl Wel=] 2. ±f7?? [2. £rf3 £ifl 3. <£gl Wdl 4. Jlf7 ФИ8 5. i.b3 £ie3 6. ±dl Edl 7. ФЬ2 £>fl=] ФИ8 3. ±g6 |3. 2>f3 2>f3 4. gf3 J.bl!! 5. Wb2 Ed2 6. Ec8 ФИ7 7. J.g8 &g6 8. J.f7 фП 9. Ec7 (9. Wb3 ФГ6 10. Ef8 <£g5 11. h4 ФИ5 12. Wf7 g6-+) Феб 10. Ee7 Фе7 11. Wg7 Фе8 12. We5 Фd7 13. Wg7 фс8 14. Wf8 Ed8 15. Wc5 ФЬ8 16. We5 фа8-+] £>fl 4. £gl £>e3 5. ФИ2 £>fl 6. фgl £>d2 7. ФИ2 We5 8. g3 Wc7 9. £>e6 Wb6 10. £>d8 Wf2 11. ФМ Wfl 0:1 Cabrilo 5. B. LAUC - BUCHENAU 1. d8W! 11. JLc7? Ec4!M Ed8 2. Wd8 J.d8 3. Ed8 ФИ7 4. g5! 1:0 B. Abramovic 6. LAZNliKA - EDOUARD l.Eh5! [I...gh5 2. Wf5+-1 1:0 R. Simic 7. SHADRINA - O. OIRYA l...Ed6!-+ RR 8. DANIIl DUBOV- V. POTKIN 1. Ee2! [A £el-h4] £>g5? [1... Wd7 2. i.el± A 2... Efd8 3. J.h4 <^c7 4. e4] 2. £el! £>e6 12... Wd7 3. ±h4±] 3. ±h4 g5? |3... £>c7±] 4. Ag3 g6 14... Ad6 5. Ef6 Ec3 6. ЬсЗ gf6 7. Ac2 Ee8 8. Wh7 Ф18 9. ±a4+-] 5. Eef2 £ig7 15... Ec3 6. ЬсЗ £>e4 7. Ec2 £>g3 8. hg3+-] 6. h3 16. ±e5+-| £>gh5 7. J.e5 g4 |7... Ec6 8. g4+-] 8. ^)d5! [8. hg4+-] £d5 9. ЕП! [9... Ef7 10. Wg6 Eg7 11. Wh5+-; 9... Ec6 10. Ef8 ±f8 11. hg4 fagl 12. We4 Eb6 13. J.d5 ФИ7 14. Wf3 J.e7 15. Wh3 J.h4 16. Ef7+—1 1:0 Sa. Velickovic 9. SAFARI! - AGARAOIMOV 1. *53f5! gf5? II... £if5? 2. ef5 Wd8 3. Wd5 ФИ8 4. Wf7+—; 1... J.f5 2. ef5 Wa7 3. Wd5 ФЬ8 4. Wc5+-] 2. ef5 Wf7 |2... Wd8 3. Wd5 ФЬ8 4. Wf7+-] 3. Wa8 ^.сб 4. Wd8 Eb7 5. Ed6 1:0 R. Simic 297
ENDINGS by Goran Arsovic xb 2. MAT. LATORRE 2235 - VERA GONZALEZ 1. S. RAVOT 2278 - INKIOV 2460 3. ABREU DELGADO 2470 — 4. LI SHILONG 2553 - 5. MEINS 2475 - 6. RA. ALONSO 2162 - 7. Z. QIN 2198 - 8. M. CARLSEN 2837 - 9. DVOIRYS 2580 - V. 299
ENDINGS 1. S. MVOT - INKIOV 1. фЬб? 11. ФЬ7! £)f5 (1... £>c4 2. аб &d6=) 2. аб W 3. a7 f2 4. a8® flW 5. We8 Ф12 (5... ф<12 6. Wd8) 6. Wf7 2rf3 7. Wh7=| £ic4 2. Фс5 |2. ФЬ5 £>a5 3. Фа5 f2-+] £ja5 3. <^>d5 £>b3 4. фе5 £>d2 5. Ф14 £>fl 6. h3 £>e3 7. ±g3 [7. &g5 &d5 8. ФЬб £>e7-+] h6 8. ±h4 £>g2 0 : 1 G. Arsovic 2. MAT. LATORRE- VERA GONZALEZ-QUEVEDO I.f6!=^hf6 1/2 : 1/2 L. Da Costa Junior 3. ABREU DELGADO - S. BARREENTOS 1... Ф15? 11... gh3! 2. gh3 ФГ5 3. Hf3 (3. Sd2 f3-+) £>e2 4. Ф06 Фе4 5. ДЬЗ B-+] 2. hg4 <^>g4 3. Феб £>dl 4. Да2 £>e3 5. <£d6 &g3 6. Фе5 £>g2 7. Фе4? |7. Да8 h3 (7... f3 8. фе4 ЬЗ 9. Hg8 Ф12 10. ДЬ8=) 8. Eg8 ФЬ2 (8... ФВ 9. ДЬ8=) 9. Фе4!=| ЬЗ! 8. ДаЗ £>еЗ 9. Да2 £>П 10. ДаЗ Фg4 11. Да1 ®g3 0:1 L. Da Costa Junior 4. U SHELONG - T. I. PETROSEAN 1. ±e2?? |1. Фа5! !=] Д15 2. ФЬ6 ФеЗ 3. ±Ь5 ФЬ4 4. феб Дс5 5. фЬб ДеЗ 6. ±d7 ДаЗ 0:1 L. Da Costa Junior 5. MEINS - SHANKLAND 1.фс1? 11. ФЬЗ! ДЬ2 (1... Фd7 2. а7 ДЬ2 3. ФаЗ ДЫ 4. ДЬ2 ^Ьб 5. Дс2 Да1 6. ФЬЗ) 2. ФаЗ ДЬб 3. а7 Даб 4. ФЬЗ Фd7 (4... Да7 5. ДЬ8 Фd7 6. ДЬ7) 5. ДЬ8 Да7 6. ДЬ7=] Да2—+ 2. а7 Да7 3. ДИ8 Фd7 4. ДЬ7 &е7 5. Фс2 Дс7 0:1 G. Arsovic 6. ЛА. ALONSO - L. ABDALLA 1... fl! 2. dc6! £>d3 12... flW 3. c7 £>d3D 4. Фd4 Wf6 - 2... £>d3] 3. Фd4 |3. фd5 Ш (3... flW 4. c7 Wf3=) 4. фе5П flW (4... £id3 5. Фd5=) 5. c7 £>d3 6. Фd4 (6. Феб Wh3=; 6. фd5 WB=) Ш6 7. ФеЗ - 3. Фd4] fl# 4. c7 Wf6 5. ФеЗП Ш4 6. Фе2 £>cl 7. Фе1 We5 [7... Wb4 8. ФП Wf4 9. Фе1=; 7... £id3 8. фе2 £>cl 9. фе1=] 8. ФП Wf6 9. Фе1 We5 10. фП Wf6 11. Фе1 1/2 : 1/2 L. Da Costa Junior 7. Z. QEN - THAVANDEEEAN 1.Да1?! 11. ^e5! a) 1... ±b7 2. Да4 фс5 3. Да5 ФЬ4 (3... Фd6 4. &с4=) 4. Да4=; Ь) 1... Да7 2. фе4 фс5 3. Ь4=] J.c2 2. £>е5 d3 3. £>f3 13. ^d3 ±d3+] ФЬ4 4. Де1? d2-+ 5. Де7 dlW 6. ДЬ7 ФаЗ 7. Ь4 Wd6 8. ФеЗ Шеб 9. Ф12 £е4 10. Да7 ФЬ2 0 : 1 G. Arsovic 8. М. CARLSEN - SERGEY KARJAKEN 1... Дс4? |1... J.f6! 2. J.f6 (2. ДЬ7 Фg6=) ФГ6 3. ДЬ7 Фg6 4. ДЬ8 Дс4 (4... Деб=) 5. Фе5 Дс5 6. Феб а5=] 2. фГ5+- Дс5 3. £е5 ±f8 4. ДИ7 Фg8 5. ДЬ8 ФП 6. Д18 1:0 G. Arsovic 9. DVOERYS - V. SHENKEVECH 1... Де1 2. #аб [2. g4 f4 3. Wa6 ±gl 4. фЬЗ ДеЗ 5. ФЬ4 ^.f2 6. g3 ДgЗ 7. Wc8 фё7 8. Wd7=] ±gl 3. ФИЗ ±12 4. Wc8 Фg7 5. Ш7 Ф18 6. Wd8 ФП 7. Wd7 Ф18 8. Wd8 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovic 300
ENDINGS REGISTAR • ИНДЕКС • INDEX • REGISTER • REGISTRE • REGISTRO • REGISTRO • REGISTER • ABDALLA, L. — Alonso, Ra. 6 ABREU DELGADO — Barrientos, S. 3 ALONSO, RA. - Abdalla, L. 6 BARRIENTOS, S. - Abreu Delgado 3 CARLSEN, M. — Karjakin, Sergey 8 DVOIRYS - Shinkevich, V. 9 1NKIOV - Ravot, S. 1 KARJAKIN, SERGEY - Carlsen, M. 8 LATORRE, MAT. — Vera GonzaLez-Quevedo 2 LI SHILONG — Petrosian, T. L. 4 MEINS - Shankland 5 PETROSIAN, T. L. - Li Shilong 4 QIN, Z. — Thavandiran 7 RAVOT, S. — Inkiov 1 SHANKLAND - Meins 5 SHINKEVICH, V. - Dvoirys 9 THAVANDIRAN - Qin, Z. 7 VERA GONZALEZ-QUEVEDO - Latorre, Mat. 2 KOMENTATORI • КОММЕНТАТОРЫ • COMMENTATORS • KOMMENTATOREN • COMMEHTATEURS • COMENTARISTAS • COMMENTATOR! • KOMMENTATORER • ARSOVIC, G. 1, 5, 7, 8, 9 DA COSTA JUNIOR, L. 2, 3, 4, 6 ZAVRSNICE U PARTUAMA • ОКОНЧАНИЯ НЗ ПАРТИН • EHDIHGSIH THE GAMES • ENDSPIEUIH DEH РАЯПЕН • FINALES DANS US PARTIES • FINALES EH IAS PARTIDAS • FINAL! NELU PARTITE • SLUTSPELEN FRAN PART1ERNA • • Ja I I A » ‘ I fl 'tH A I ад 2/d 31 Д 7/b6 189 2 9/k 189 ад 2/f 31 H 7/g 80 ад 4/i 112 П 7/h 75 W4/f 182 аД 5/d ад 5/e 107 112 2 9/c 42 W 4/1 56 S9/h 31 W 5/h 45, 153 S 2/h 190 H9/i 20, 32, 66, 106 W 9/c 190 S4/b 177 П 9/j 64, (107), 164, 200 W9/f 80 301
PROBLEMS by Milan Velimirovic LOGICAL DOUBLINGS he “Encyclopedia of Chess Problems" recently published by “Chess Informant comprises the knowledge cumulated during the 13 centuries long history of chess composition. The encyclopedic presentation (i.e. in alphabetic order) of entries that provides quick access to desired information is not ideal for systematic study, especially by a newcomer. For that reason, I decided to use this column, in next several issues of Chess Informant, to present some important and interesting topics in a tutorial-like style. As I see this column as a chance to bring the chess composition closer to chess players who have not had much contact with this branch of their beloved game, it seems appropriate to start with a genuine chess motif, characterized by idea to double the power of two friendly long-range pieces along the same line or diagonal. The common feature of themes you are about to see is that doubling is preceded by a preparatory move along the thematic line which ensures that two pieces eventually line up properly. Thus, this will be also a small introduction to the basic concepts of “Critical play” and “Logical combinations”. There are two kinds of combinations: the Intu- itive combination, which may be perceived only as a whole, in a flash of intuitive insight, as it were; and the Logical combination, which must be deduced step by step from its compo- nent parts, and its rational sequence of moves. 1. M. VUKtEVlt Mat Plus 1996 In No.l the key l.®cl! brings the white queen behind two white line-movers, threat- ening 2.M4+ ФТ6 З.Ае5+! ф:е5 4.Ш4Л Although this looks like a doubling, this is in fact a simple ambush followed by elimi- nation of white passive power (i.e. Ad2). The same scenario is repeated in two thematic variations: 1...ФТ6 2.JLg5+ <^>g7 3.Af6+ and l...&:d6 2Лс6+ <£>d7 3.gd6+ (2...фе5 3.Wc5+). What we see here is a triple pre- sentation of the identical intuitive combina- tion with a straightforward idea of clearing the way for the white queen by getting rid of the obstacles (Ad2 or Дс2) which stand on her way. Logical combination consists of two parts: (1) the “main plan” which, however, cannot be executed immediately due to some defect; and (2) the “fore-plan”, a preparatory maneu- ver which is needed to remedy this defect. In case of logical doublings one thematic piece already stands on the thematic line, while the 302
PROBLEMS other is yet to arrive there along another line. The intersection of these two lines is called a “critical square”. The main white’s plan is to bring this second piece to the thematic line, but the piece which is already on the line is initially on the wrong side of the critical square and would interfere with the other piece. Therefore it must first move “anti-critically”, across the critical square, and that is the “fore-plan” of our logical combination which will make the main plan possible. For your information, an “Anti-critical move” traverses the cutting-point (or critical square) in order to avoid later interference. Opposite, a “Critical move” traverses the critical square in order to allow subsequent interference. 2. O. WURZBURG v. British Chess Magazine 1896 ^3 White plan in No.2 is to double the power of the queen and bishop along the h3-c8 diagonal, but immediate l.Wg4? leads no- where. So the bishop has to be first displaced to a better spot: l.JLh3! threatening (e.g. af- ter 1...фс7) 2.Wg4 ^d8 3.Wd7^. This type of doubling, where the weaker piece first plays anti-critically backwards and then the stronger piece comes in front of it, is called “Turton Doubling”. It has been named after the British composer Henry Turton (1832-1881). What elevates this miniature to something more than just being a theoretical work is a beautiful side-variation. After l...a5 the dou- bling is not effective any more: 2.Wg4? аб! and the black king escapes. Looks like black defended himself, but here comes a bolt out of the blue: 2.Wa6+!! ф:а6 З.Асв^. Spectacu- lar! 3. S. LOYD 1. pr New York Saturday Courier 1856 =/=4 The chess problem theory distinguishes be- tween six types of such logical doublings, de- pending on the direction of the anti-critical introduction (i.e. whether it goes towards the object of action or away of it) and of the type and order of the pieces involved. Normally one would expect that stronger piece will eventually be in the front of the weaker one. However, sometimes it is better to have the weaker piece ahead, either in order to save the stronger one alive, or to avoid the damage (typically a stalemate) that may be caused by its strength. In No.3 the white queen first goes anti-critically backwards, 1.Wg 1!, and then the bishop comes in front of her, 2.Af2, so that after 3.A:b6 £vb6 the white queen is still there to mate from c5. This paradoxical form of theme is appropriately called “Loyd-Turton doubling”, after the 19th century “Puzzle King” Samuel Loyd (1830-1914). 303
PROBLEMS 4. E. BRUNNER Akademische Monatshefte fur Schach 1910 +3 The third and perhaps even more paradoxical form of doubling involves two pieces of the same kind, which nevertheless must be aligned properly. In No.4 white obviously must imme- diately move the rook from c4 to release black from the stalemate, but he must do it very care- fully. If 1.Щ4? Ф:с5 2.Sgg4 black king goes back 2...феб! and now the Ж4 stands in the way of his colleague on g4 (3.Sc4+ <Ф17!). Therefore the rook must go anti-critically: 1.2h4! ф:с5 2.2gg4 фсб(сб) and now the “good” rook can re-open the bishop’s line and mate with 3.2с4¥=. This type is known as “Brunner-Turton doubling”, after the Swiss composer Erich Brunner (1885-1938). 5. F. PALATZ La Vie Rennaise 1931 ^3 Unlike in preceding three examples where the supporting piece is on thematic line and the ac- tion piece is yet to arrive in front of it, in No.5 the action piece (queen) is already on thematic line and the supporting one (bishop) will arrive behind it. It looks like a good idea to play 1 .Adi and after e.g. I...^g8 2.Ac2 with 3.®h7^. The bishop goes backwards to take the posi- tion behind the queen, but instead of doing it along the thematic line it travels along the line parallel to it. The bishop plays anti-critically “around” the critical square (d3), thus mak- ing an “anti-peri-critical” maneuver (Greek “peri”= about, around). The combination (which is, by the way, called the “Peri-Turton doubling”) is, however, only a try which fails after l...e2! 2.Ac2 el®+. The correct way to line-up the queen and bishop is l.®f5! e2 2.Ae4 el W 3.®h7:/:. The queen first crosses the critical square (e4) by moving forward (i.e. to- wards the object of action) and then arrives the bishop to support her. This type of doubling, prepared by an anti-critical move (forward) of the action-piece, is called “Zepler-Turton dou- bling” or simply “Zepler doubling”, after the British composer Erich Zepler (1898-1980). 6. G. SLADEK Osterreich. Schachztg. 1958 A5 As you may have guessed, there are two more types of “Zepler doubling”. The combination in No.6 starts after the introduction 1 .фЬ2! b5 (not 1.фс2? b5! and the pawn will give a check on black’s 4th move). White cannot ex- ecute his main plan - to double the queen and 304
PROBLEMS rook on the 5th rank - before the rook moves anti-critically 2.Sf5! b4 and after inserted 3.Wh2+ Hh3 the queen comes behind it 4.We5! with 5.gh5^. If 4..Л112+ 4.®:h2^ (that’s why the white king escaped from the 1st rank). Like in the “Loyd-Turton doubling” the stron- ger piece arrived to support the weaker one from behind, hence this type is known as “Loyd-Zepler doubling”. 7. E. BRUNNER Die Schwalbe 1930 ^3 The third type which involves pieces of the same strength, called the “Brunner-Zepler doubling”, is clearly shown in No.6. Immediate LSeg2? fails to 1 ...A:e4! and the rook in the front is pinned. Therefore 1 .Sg3! with threat 2.Seg2 A:e4 3.Sg8^ (if l...A:e4 2.S:e4 and ЗЛе8У=). 8. Z. MASLAR 1-2.pr Problem 1962-63 ^3 The six types of logical doublings have been, for the sake of clarity, illustrated with relatively simple examples. No.8 is more advanced com- position which combines four different themes, three of which are our logical doublings. The meaning of the zugzwang creating key 1 .Де8! varies depending on the black defence. After l...cl^ it is an anti-critical move backwards that prepares “Turton doubling” with 2.We7! 3,We2^, as it is after 1 ...с 1 ® (or 1...2cl), but this time for an incidental “Brunner-Turton doubling” with 2.Дсе5 and 3.Sel¥=. “Inciden- tal” because this is not quite a logical doubling as there is actually no need for the preparatory anti-critical move - the doubling would be equally effective if the rook remained on e3. After 1...фс1 white continues 2.Sd8 dlW+ 3.W:dl¥= - a “Peri-Turton doubling”, just like the one we’ve seen in a try-play of No.5. This time the rook makes an anti-peri-critical ma- neuver. Finally, after 1 ...с 1A we realize that instead of avoiding an interference the first move enabled it: 2.Ae4! фе2 3.Ac2^. As far as this variation is concerned the key is a “crit- ical move”, the introduction to arguably the most spectacular chess problem idea, the “In- dian theme”, which will be more thoroughly discussed in the next issue. Theoretical discussions are often monotonous and many may find them boring, but if you are still reading these lines I guess you’re curious enough to learn a little bit more. All types of doubling described so far are conceived by white and carried out to his ad- vantage with his own pieces. This type of combination is called a “direct combination” with “idea in attack with white pieces”. When the same type of combination is executed by black we are talking about the “idea in de- fence with black pieces”, but here we will stick only to combinations initiated by white. A combination can also be initiated by one and (unwillingly) executed by the other side, in which case it is an “indirect combina- tion”. Indirect combination initiated by white and carried out with black pieces is called “Idea in attack with black pieces”. In indirect combination, which is always harmful for the side that performs it, the logical doubling can be implemented as black’s attempt to defend. 305
PROBLEMS White forces black to revert his action and perform the “Anti-doubling”. 9. E. ZEPLER Deutsches Wochenschach 1923 ^5 The main plan in No.9 is l.Hh4? with idea 2.Де4+ S:e4 3.f:e4=A Black parries it with 1..ЛЬ4! 2.Ae4+ П:е4 3.f:e4+ ®:e4+! and white cannot mate on his 5th move. Therefore white forces the black queen ahead: l.Ab7! (2.Ас8#) Wc4 and now after 2.Д114! 2b4 3.Ae4+ W:e4 4.f:e4+ Д:е4 the white king is not in check, so 5^4^. The play of black looks like a black “Zepler doubling”, similar to the white one we’ve seen in No.5, but “there’s the rub!”. The side which performs the doubling combination does it to its own advantage, and here we see something quite opposite. The black queen is initially at the right side of the critical square, so we can assume that she has just moved anti-critically “backwards” along the 4th rank to parry the threat 2h4 etc. In other words black is trying to defend with a “Loyd-Turton doubling”. White compels black to reversal of this plan by forcing the queen’s critical move “forward”, so what we see here is actually an “Anti-Loyd-Turton doubling”, or “antiform” of “Loyd-Turton doubling”. 10. E. ZEPLER Kongressbuch Teplitz-Schonau 1922 ^5 No. 10 follows the similar script. The main plan 1ЛЬ4? Wf4! 2.c7+ A:c7 3.b:c7+ ®:c7 4.^c6+ ®:c6! fails because eventually the stronger black piece cames to c7. Here we can assume that previously black played anti-critically Ah2(g3)-e5, intending to defend himself with the “Loyd-Zepler doubling”. White must de- coy the black bishop back with l.Ag3! A:g3 (critical move!) and now he can safely con- duct his main plan: 2.2b4! Wf4 3.c7+ ®:c7 4.b:c7+ Jl:c7 З.^сб^. Again it looks like a black “Turton doubling”, but since the combi- nation is harmful for the side which performs it (black) it is in fact an “Anti Loyd-Zepler doubling”. About the author MILAN VELIMIROVIC (b. 1952) is GM of Chess Composition, GM Solver and International judge for chess composition. Editor of chess composi- tion magazines "MAT* (1974-1985) and "Mat Plus* (since 1994). Pub- lished several books on chess composition. Author of numerous articles on chess composition. 306
STUDIES by Yochanan Afek 307
STUDIES 1. V. VLASEHKO 1. £>fd4! |1. £>g5? £>f5 2. ФА6 f2; 1. Sbl? £dl 2. &e3 £>f5 3. £if5 glW~+l £>f5 2. Ф18! [2. ФЬб? £>d4 3. <^d4 f2 4. Se2 ФА 5. Se5 glW 6. ^f3 <^>g2 7. ^gl flW 8. Sf5 Wa6 (al)-+; 2. фП? £>d4 3. £>d4 f2 4. Se2 ФП 5. Se6 glW 6. £if3 &g2 7. £>gl flW 8. Sf6 Wc4!+-[ £)d4 [2... £)h4 3. £>g5 f2 4. Se2 &dl 5. Sf2 gl W 6. Sd2=] 3. £>d4 f2 4. Se2 фП |4... <^>dl 5. Sf2 gl W 6. Sd2! фс1 7. ^e2=] 5. Se7! glW 6. £>f3!O &g2 7. £>gl flW8.S17!= 2. P. KRUG 1. b6 £>d6 2. Sh6! £>b7 |2... Sd2 3. b7 W 4. Sb6 фс1! 5. Sb7 Sfl 6. g6 fg6 7. Sb6 g5 8. Sb5 g4 9. Sb4 g3 10. Sb3! (10. Sg4? £id2 11. Sg3 £>f3 12. Sg2 Sfl) £>d2 11. Sc3! &dl 12. Sd3! Фе2 (12... фе1 13. Se3 &dl 14. Sd3) 13. Sg3 £>f3 14. Sg2=J 3. Sh7! &c5 13... Sfl 4. фЬ2 Sfl 5. фЫ=; 3... £>c3 4. g6 fg6 5. Sb7 Sf6 6. Sb8 £>a4 7. b7 £>c5 8. <^>g2 Sb6 9. <^>g3 £ib7 10. &f4 ФсЗ 11. <^g5=] 4. b7! &b7 5. g6 Sfl! [5... fg6 6. Sb7 Фс1 7. Sb6=; 5... Sf5 6. g7=[ 6. ФЬ2! Sf5 7. Sf7 |7. g7? Sg5-+J Sh5 8. &gl! 18. &g3? £>d6 9. &g4 Shl-+J Sg5 9. ФЫ! £>d6 10. Sfl фсЗ 11. Sg2 Sh5 12. Sh2! [12. фв1 Sh81 Sg5 13.Sg2= 3. А. РАШЕЙ 1. g5! |l.^b4? £b4 2. h6 £c8 3. g5 £d2 4. h7 £c3 5. Фd6 ФЬ7 6. Фе7 Фс7=[ £g5 2. £Ф4 £b7 3. Фd7 [3. Фd6? £f4 4. фd7 £fi!=[ £g2! 4. £>d5! £h3 5. феб! £c8 6. c3!! [6. c4? фаб! 7. c5 £g4 8. £>b6 £13=] фаб 7. c4!O фа7 8. c5 фаб 9. ^Ьб! £b7 10. Фd7 ФЬ5 11. £ic4! фс5 111... Фс4 12. сб!+—112. £>d6 £аб 13. £>е4+- 4. V. ABERMAH 1. a8W! [1. £>с5? £с4 2. a8W Wh6! 3. фdl Wh5=] Wa8 2. £>c5 £c4 3. Sa7! Wa7 4. f8W Wb6! 5. £b3! £f7! 6. Wd6! £b3 7. Wf6 Фа2 8. Wfl Фа1 [8... £c2 9. Wc2 Wb2 10. Фd2 фа1 11. W+-1 9. Wd4 фа2 10. Wd2 фа1 11. Wa5!! Wa5 12. £>ЬЗ Фа2 13. fta5 с514.фс2+- 5. S. HOKNECKEP A M. MEHSKE l.e4! |l.a7?Sa4!-+; 1. g7? £bl!-+] £bl 2. фd2 £e4 [2... Se4 3. g7] 3. a7 £d5 |3... Sh2 4. ФеЗ £d5 5. g7 Sh3 6. Фd2 Sa3 7. £e4=] 4. g7 Sa4 5. £e4! Sd4 6. £d3 Sg4 7. £c4!Sd4 8. £d3= 6. D. ESCHBACH 1. £d7! e5 2. £e8 £h5 3. £d7 £e8! 4. £e8 Wc8 5. ФЬб! We8 6. £>c3 ФЬ4 7. £>d5 Фс4 8. £>e3 Фd4 9. £>f5 Фd5 10. c4! фс4 11. £>d6 ФЬЗ 12. £>e8 e4 13. £id6! e3 14. £jf5 e2 15. £>d4 фЬ2 16. £>e2 a4 17. £>f4 a3 18. £}d3 ФсЗ 19. £cl= 7. S. DEDUKH 1. £13 [1. ФЬ4? dlW 2. b8W Wh5! 3. Ф115 Wg6 4. ФБ4 Wg5 5. ФЬЗ Wh5] Wfl [1... Whl!? 2. £hl dl W 3. ФЬ4! Whl 4. фg4 еб 5. Wd7 Фg6 6. We8=| 2. Wg4 dlW! 3. £dl Whl 4. Wh4 Wdl 5. g4 [5. Wg4? Whl 6. Wh4 Wb7-+] Wbl 6. e4! [6. Wh2? Wb7 7. ФЬ4 еб-+] Wb7 [6... We4 7. g5 Wg6 8. фё4 We4 (8... fg5 9. Whl! We6 10. ФgЗ=; 8... hg5 9. Wei! f5 10. ФgЗ=) 9. Фg3 Wd3 10. ФЬ2 Wc2 11. Фg3 Wb3 12. ФЬ2 hg5 13. We4=| 7. Wg5!! hg5 8. сб Wb5! 9. ab5 a4 10. Ь6 аЗ И. b7 [11. bc7? a2 12. c8® alW-+l a2 12. b8W alW 13. Wbl! Wa8 [13... Wa3 14. Wb3![ 14.Wb8Wa2 15.Wb2 Wg8 16. Wb8 Wh8 17. Wh8 фЬ8 18. g7! [18. ФЬб? f5!l Ф117 [18... Фg7=] 19. g8W! Фg8 20. Фg6 Ф18 21. ф15! ФП= 8. Y. АПК 1. Sh5! Фg6 2. Wg8! Ф115 3. h7 £c6 4. феб [4. фd8? alW 5. h8W £h6 6. Wf7 Фg4 7. We6 ФgЗ-+l £d5! [4... alW 5. h8W £h6 6. Wf7 Фg4 7. Whg8 £g5 8. Wf5+-[ 5. Фd5 Sc5 [5... al W 6. h8W £h6 7. Wf7 Фg4 8. Wg6 ФВ 9. Whf6 £f4 10. We4+-] 6. Фе4 [6. Феб? Se5 7. ф₽б £e7! 8. ФП Sf5 9. Фе7 alW 10. h8W Wh8 11. Wh8 Фg4 12. Wh2 Sf2=l Se5! [6... alW 7. h8W £h6 8. 308
STUDIES ®f7 <^g4 9. ®13+-1 7. Фд3 |7. Ф13? Hf5 8. Фg2 al® 9. h8® ®h8 10. ®h8 Фg5=] ЕеЗ! |7... al® 8. h8® Ф.116 9. ®f7 Фg4 10. ®g6 Eg5 11. ®c8 &g3 12. ®c7 Ф13 13. ®e4 Ф12 14. ®e3+-1 8. ФеЗ |8. Ф>с4? a 1 ® 9. h8® ®h8 10. ®h8 J.h6=] al® 9. h8® Ah6 10. ®g5!! Фg5 11. ®al+- 9. G. COSTtFF 1.17 al® |1... bl® 2. f8® ®hl З.фс4®с6 4. £>c5+-1 2. 18® ®hl 3. Фс4 ®c6 4. ®c5 14. &c5? bl® 5. ®Ь8 Фа5 6. ®bl ®d5!=] ®c5 5. dc5 Фа5 6. ФЬЗ |6. W=1 bl® 7. £>b2!+- REGISTAR/TEME • ИНДЕКС/ТЕМЬ • INDEX/THEMES • REGI5TER/THEMEN • REGISTRE/THEMES • REGISTRO/TEMAS • REGISTRO/TEMI • REGISTER/TEMAR • Festina lente: 3 Forks: 3, 4, 6 Interferences: 5, 8 Logical try: 1 Luring: 4, 8 Mate: 4, 7 Pawn-hunt: 6 Positional draw: 2, 5 Reciprocal zugzwang: 1, 3, 9 Sacrificial play: 4, 7, 8 Stalemate: 7, 9 309
BATUMI, V-VI 2012 Women s World Rapid and Blitz Championship Rapid (50 players, 11 rounds): Time Control: 25 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move 1. A. Stefanova (BUL) 8/2, 2-4. A. Kosteniuk (RUS), H. Koneru (IND), K. Lahno (UKR) 8, 5-6. A. Muzychuk (SLO), Harika (IND) 7l/2, 7. Dzagnidze (GEO) 7, 8-16. P. Cramling (SWE), Zhao Xue (CHN), Guo Qi (CHN), E. Pahtz (GER), Tan Zhongyi (CHN), L. Javakhishvili (GEO), N. Zhukova (UKR), Zhu Chen (QAT), T. Kosintseva (RUS) 6'/2, 17-21. Huang Qian (CHN), N. Khurtsidze (GEO), Wang Jue (CHN), Gunina (RUS), L. Mkrtchian (ARM) 6, 22—28. Ushenina (UKR), Arakhamia-Grant (SCO), Batsiashvili (GEO), Melia (GEO), Pogonina (RUS), E. Danielian (ARM), Khukhashvili (GEO) 5/2, etc. Blitz (50 players, 15 rounds): Time Control: 4 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move 1. Gunina (RUS) 13, 2-3. N. Zhukova (UKR), A. Muzychuk (SLO) 10l/2, 4. A. Kosteniuk (RUS) 10, 5-7. A. Stefanova (BUL), Dzagnidze (GEO), Ding Yixin (CHN) 9’/2, 8-13. K. Lahno (UKR), Chiburdanidze (GEO), Tan Zhongyi (CHN), Lomineishvili (GEO), Melia (GEO), Ushenina (UKR) 9, 14—16. Batsiashvili (GEO), Matnadze (ESP), Khotenashvili (GEO) 8/2, 17-23. M. Muzychuk (UKR), D. Cori Tello (PER), Zhao Xue (CHN), H. Koneru (IND), Guin. Mammadova (AZE), Pogonina (RUS), Arabidze (GEO) 8, 24—28. Huang Qian (CHN), E. Pahtz (GER), P. Cramling (SWE), Krush (USA), Guo Qi (CHN) 7/2, etc. K0BENHAVN, VI 2012 cat VIII (2441) 1. N. Mikkelsen 6/2, 2—4. Hen. Danielsen, J. Hector, Ma. Andersen 6, 5. VI. Georgiev 5, 6. G. Shahade 4, 7—9. J. Carstensen, A. S. Hagen, Bromann 3, 10. Aabling-Thomsen 2’/2 MOSCOW, VI 2012 cat. IX (2459) Victory Day Cup 1—2. Mozharov, V. Belous 6/2, 3. Khruschiov 5, 4—5. Stukopin, R. Bagirov 4/2, 6—8. V. Kunin, Arustamian, Tilicheev 4,9. Al. Reshetnikov 3/2, 10. Va. Karpov 2’/2 LONDON, VI 2012 (103 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Sumets, Y. Vovk 7!4, 3—4. V. Sipila, D. Eggleston 6/2, 5—13. A. Vovk, S. K. Williams, Hebden, S. E. Collins, J. Cobb, Astaneh Lopez, Rudd, Mart. Brown, Hegarty 6, etc. ORTISEI, VI 2012 (56 players, 9 rounds) 1. F. Peralta 7, 2. Kveinys 6/2, 3—12. S. Arun Prasad, Hj. Gretarsson, S. Ernst, Baklan, Antoniewski, V. Petkov, Gleizerov, Ulibin, A. Valsecchi, §. Sulskis 6, 13—16. Romanishin, Mogranzini, P. Dittmar, Ch. Akshat 5’/2, etc. BUDAPEST, VI 2012 cat. VIII (2436) 1. Franco Alonso 7/2, 2. Zo. Varga 6/2, 3. De. Boros 6, 4. B. Lalic 5'/г, 5. I. Rajlich 4, 6. W. Wittmann /2 310
ZLATNI PYASATSI, VI 2012 1st Grand Europe Open (224 players, 9 rounds) 1. Lu Shanglei 7%, 2—7. Le. Vajda, H. Tikkanen, Z., Efimenko, A. Ipatov (14116731), Melkumyan, D. Solak 7, 8—20. G. Tunik, E. L’Ami, D. Swiercz, Li Shilong, T. L. Petrosian, Virovlansky, Ki. Georgiev, Nabaty, Wan Yunguo, C. Lupulescu, S. Sethuraman, Av. Grigoryan, M.-E. Parligras 6/2, 21—40. K. Rusev, Jay. Ashwin, Xiu Deshun, Drenchev, VI. Akopian, B. Esen, A. Mastrovasilis, Qashashvili, A. R. Salem, Stodek, Gabuzyan, C. Parligras, S. Atalik, Solozhenkin, Mekhitarian, Marc. Kanarek, V. Nevednichii, M. Yilmaz, Rathnakaran, A. Fier6, etc. TBILISI, VI 2012 Georgia — Azerbaijan 10%: 14/2 Georgia 10% [Gagunashvili 2/2/5, K. Shanava 2/5, Ba. Jobava l%/5, Mchedlishvili 2/5, L. Pantsulaia 2/2/5] Azerbaijan 14% [Safarli 2%/5, Rauf Mamedov 3%/5, Durarbayli 2/5, G. Guseinov 2%/5, Mamedyarov 4/5] MUMBAI, VI 2012 (335 players, 11 rounds) 1. Al. Aleksandrov 9%, 2—4. Deviatkin, Zia. Rahman, A. Czebe 9, 5—9. Chadaev, J. P. Gomez, Adhiban, K. Stupak, D. Debashis 8/2, 10—17. A. Kunte, Su. Vaibhav, Paragua, J. Sriram, Udeshi, Gusain, T. Gara, Harihara Sudan 8, etc. LE6N (rapid), VI 2012 Time Control: 45 minutes + 15 seconds increment per move 1 2 3 4 5 6 VALLEJO PONS g 2697 /2 1 1 0 1 0 З/2 V. TOPALOV g 2752 /2 0 0 1 0 1 2% MOSCOW, VI 2012 cal. XXII (2776) 7th Mikhail Tai Memorial Blitz tournament to decide the draw numbers of the players : 1—2. Morozevich, M. Carlsen 6/2, 3—4. T. Radjabov, A. Grischuk 5/2, 5—6. Aronian, Hi. Nakamura 5, 7. Tomashevsky З/2, 8. McShane 3,9. Kramnik 2/2, 10. F. Caruana 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 M. CARLSEN g 2835 /2 1 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 5/2 1 2 F. CARUANA g 2770 /2 /2 1 0 0 /2 1 /2 1 5 2-3 3 T. RADJABOV g 2784 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 1 5 2-3 4 KRAMNIK g 2801 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 1 0 /2 1 4% 4-7 5 MOROZEVICH g 2769 /2 1 /2 /2 1 1 0 0 0 4% 4-7 6 ARONIAN g 2825 /2 1 /2 /2 0 /2 0 1 /2 4% 4-7 7 A. GRISCHUK g 2761 /2 /2 /2 0 0 /2 1 1 /2 4% 4-7 8 McSHANE g 2706 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 /2 /2 4 8-9 9 HL NAKAMURA g 2775 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 0 0 /2 /2 4 8-9 10 TOMASHEVSKY g 2738 /2 0 0 0 1 /2 /2 /2 /2 З/2 10 HUSTOPEtE (rapid), VI 2012 (148 players, 9 rounds) 1. S. Movsesian 8, 2. Jan Krejci (322156) 7%, 3-5. M. Konopka, J. Markos, V. Plat 7, 6-15. V. Babula, 2ilka, Velidka, Cvek, J. BemaSek, T. Polak, Londyn, Holemau, P. Blatny, P. Michalik 6/2, etc. PULA, VI 2012 (294 players, 9 rounds) 1. Jovanic 8, 2. P. Lizak 7/2, 3—11. A. Saric, Sa. Martinovic, S. Drazic, I. Sipos, Fercec, T. Fodor jr., Romero Holmes, Bedouin, B. Medak 7, 12—25. D. Sadzikowski, Zelbel, Zeldic, G. Durovic, 311
Aguettaz, Zvan, M. Tratar, Christi. Maier, M. Lanzani, Barle, Geimaert, D. Mihalinec, R. Londar, Bence Szabo 6/2, etc. SAINT LOUIS, VI 2012 Classical: Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an addition of a 30 seconds increment per move starting from move one 1 2 SEIRAWAN g 2643 '/2 /2 1 AN. KARPOV g 2615 l/2 */2 1 Rapid: Time Control: 25 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move 1 2 SEIRAWAN g 2643 /2 /2 1 AN. KARPOV g 2615 /2 /2 1 Blitz: Time Control: 5 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEIRAWAN g 2643 1 /2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 /2 6 AN. KARPOV g 2615 0 У2 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 ’/2 4 KAZAN, VI 2012 cat. XI (2517) The 4th stage FIDE Women's Grand Prix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 H. KONERU g 2589 /2 72 72 /2 72 72 1 1 72 1 1 772 1-2 2 A. MUZYCHUK g 2598 7> 72 72 72 72 72 72 1 1 1 1 772 1-2 3 CMILYTE g 2508 7z /2 1 0 72 72 72 72 1 117 3-4 4 HOU YIFAN g 2623 /2 */2 0 1 1 1 72 1 72 107 3-4 5 A. KOSTENIUK g 2457 /2 % 1 0 1 72 0 72 0 116 5-6 6 E. DANIELIAN g 2484 7> '/2 '/2 0 0 1 1 72 1 016 5-6 7 T. KOSINTSEVA g 2532 '/2 '/2 72 0 /2 0 1 72 72 72 1 572 7 8 K. LAHNO g 2546 0 '/2 /2 /2 1 0 0 72 72 1 72 5 8 9 A. STEFANOVA g 2518 0 0 ’/2 0 72 72 72 72 1 72 72 472 9-10 10 N. KOSINTSEVA g 2528 7> 0 0 '/2 1 0 72 72 0 1 72 472 9-10 11 GALLIAMOVA m 2484 0 0 0 0 0 1 72 0 72 0 13 11 12 В. C. YILDIZ wg 2333 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 72 72 72 0 27г 12 VORONEZH, VI 2012 (106 players, 9 rounds) 1—5. A. Gabrielian, S. Grigoriants, Baryshpolets, V. Onischuk, J. Geller 7, 6—8. V. Yemelin, Dvoirys, I. Kovalenko 6/2, 9—17. VI. Fedoseev (24130737), S. Yudin, Sergey Volkov (4122763), Alexander Zubov, Ponkratov, V. Papin, Tarlev, Shaposhnikov, Alexei Fedorov 6, 18—28. M. Turov, A. Peskov, Danin, B. Savchenko, Lysyj, Ale. Rakhmanov, Goganov, S. Pavlov (14114330), Alexa. Kharitonov, S. Kalugin, Pavel Smirnov (4123425) 5’/2, etc. FORNI DI SOPRA, VI 2012 (72 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. I. Salgado Lopez, P. Tregubov 7, 3—6. O. Korneev, Romanishin, S. Arun Prasad, Dvimyy 6/2, 7—13. Alsina Leal, Narciso Dublan, Sundararajan, Naumkin, D. Naroditsky, Fabio Bruno, F. Boscolo 6, etc. 312
JERMUK, VI 2012 (57 players, 9 rounds) 1. Arutinian 7*/2, 2—4. Av. Grigoryan, Art. Minasian, Babujian 6/2, 5—9. K. Shanava, Aghasaryan, Gabuzyan, Da. Maghalashvili, Z. Andriasian 6, 10—17. Melkumyan, Hayrapetian, Harutyunian, Guramishvili, Kalashian, H. Simonian, Harutjunyan, A. Mikaelyan 5’/2, etc. TEPLICE, VI 2012 (134 players, 9 rounds) 1. A. Fier 8, 2—3. Va. Shishkin (14101696), Cemousek 7, 4—12. VI. Sergeev, Chatalbashev, Mekhitarian, E. Vorobiov, De. Boros, T. Kriebel, As. Mukashev, Womacka, D. Kanovsky 6/2, etc. TYUMEN, VI 2012 Russia (ch) Higher League (46 players, 11 rounds) 1—3. Andreikin*, Daniil Dubov*, Vitiugov 7/2*, 4—7. Sjugirov*, V. Potkin*, Evgeny Alekseev, An. Demchenko 7, 8—15. D. Bocharov, Ja. Prizant, M. Panarin, B. Grachev, Arty. Timofeev, Ovetchkin, I, Khairullin, Matlakov 6V2, 16—21. Nepomniachtchi, I. Kurnosov, Zvjaginsev, Shimanov, Khalifman, D. Lintchevski 6, 22—27. Ivan Popov (4170350), D. Jakovenko, P. Maletin, V. Artemiev, Stukopin, O. Yuzhakov 5/2, etc. * Qualified for the Super Final UTEBO, VI 2012 cat. VIII (2441) 1. Anton Guijarro 6/2, 2. I. Khamrakulov 5/2, 3—5. Cuartas, Q. Ducarmon, Garza Marco 5, 6. Antoli Royo 4/2, 7. D. Forcen Esteban 4, 8. A. Hunt З’/г, 9—10. R. Pogorelov, Del Rey 3 PRAHA, VI 2012 1 2 3 4 SVIDLER g 2741 /2 1 1 '/2 3 D. NAVARA g 2706 /2 0 0 /2 1 NEW YORK, VI 2012 (72 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. T. Gelashvili, Kacheishvili 7, 3—5. M. Kekelidze, Dar. Yang, V. Shen 6/2, 6—10. I. Ivanisevic, Marc Arnold, Quan Zhe, Bartell, A. Jayakumar 6, etc. OSLO, VI 2012 (64 players, 9 rounds) 1. E. Berg 7!4,2—3. Hebden, Urkedal 7,4—6. Ax. Smith, Hillarp Persson, Ogaard 6/2, 7—10. Hoi, H. Ziska, J.-S. Christiansen, Tari 6, etc. MONTCADA I REIXAC, VI-VII 2012 (107 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. V. Burmakin, F. Peralta 7, 3—7. Y. Quesada Perez, Alarcon Casellas, Lorenzo de la Riva, M. Cornette, Palit 6/2, 8—22. Hold. Hernandez Carmenate, J. Cuartas, D. Cori Tello, Margvelashvili, Perez Mitjans, J. C. Ibarra Jerez, D. Pardo Simon, Munoz Pantoja, J. Cori Tello, Cr. Cruz, H. Herraiz Hidalgo, Escobar Forero, Aroshidze, Libiszewski, Fi. Cruz 6, etc. MUKACHEVO, VI-VII 2012 (72 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. S. Bogdanovich, Nosenko 20*, 3. M. Kozakov 19, 4—7. Bemadskiy, De. Kovalev, Ovsejevitsch, Koziak 18, 8—13. V. Grinev, Tarlev, An. Nechaev, Ustianovich, M. Melnichuk, V. Tregubov 17, etc. *3 points for a win, 1 for a draw 313
PHILADELPHIA, VI-VII 2012 (77 players, 9 rounds) 1. Ab. Gupta 7%, 2. M. Venkatesh 7, 3—4. E. Romanov, S. Sethuraman 6%, 5—8. A. Jankovic, Marin Bosiodic, A. A. Evdokimov, D. Ippolito 6, 9—20. A. Zapata, Deepan Chakkravarthy J., Dan. Ludwig, B. Smith, Panjwani, J. Sarkar, La. Kaufman, Karavade, Padmini, Al. Ostrovskiy, A. Getz, Rob. Perez 5%, etc. BELGIQUE (ch), VI-VII 2012 cat VIII (2433) 1. T. Ringoir 6/2, 2—3. Malakhatko, Dgebuadze 51/г, 4. В. Michiels 5, 5—7. Pe. Popovic, Hovhanisian, Docx 4%, 8. Sarrau 3%,9. S. Beukema 3, 10. Hautot 2% SAINT PETERSBURG, VII 2012 8th Russia vs China Match Classic: (10 players, 5 rounds) Russia 13% [D. Jakovenko 3%, Tomashevsky 2%, Nepomniachtchi 2%, Vitiugov 2%, Matlakov 2 %] China 11% [Wang Hao 3, Wang Yue 3, Li Chao 1%, Ding Liren 2’/2, Yu Yangyi 1%] Rapid: (10 players, 10 rounds) Time Control: 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move Russia 29 [D. Jakovenko 4%, Tomashevsky 5, Nepomniachtchi 7/2, Vitiugov 7, Matlakov 5] China 21 [Wang Hao 3, Wang Yue 6, Li Chao 3, Ding Liren 5, Yu Yangyi 4] Russia 42% — China 32% WOMEN Classic: (10 players, 5 rounds) Russia 10% [Gunina 3, A. Kosteniuk 3, Pogonina 1 '/2, O. Girya 2, B. Kovanova 1] China 14% [Zhao Xue 3%, Ju Wenjun 3%, Huang Qian 2’/2, Shen Yang 2%, Ding Yixin 2%] Rapid: (10 players, 10 rounds) Time Control: 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move Russia 24% [Gunina 6/2, A. Kosteniuk 6/2, Pogonina 4%, Girya 4, B. Kovanova 3] China 25’/ [Zhao Xue 4%, Ju Wenjun 7, Huang Qian 4, Shen Yang 6/2, Ding Yixin 3%] Russia 35 — China 40 Total: Russia 77% — China 72% ASTANA, VII 2012 The World Rapid and Blitz Championship Rapid Time Control: 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move Semifinal: (24 players, 9 rounds) 1. I. Kurnosov 6%, 2—5. Dreev, Tkachiev, Andreikin, Alexander Moiseenko 6, 6—7. Le Quang Liem, Kuderinov 5%, 8—11. Gagunashvili, Chadaev, An. Filippov (14200988), P. Kotsur 5, 12—15. Al. Aleksandrov, luldachev, Va. Neverov, Jumabayev 4%, etc. Final: (16 players, 15 rounds) 1. Sergey Karjakin 11%, 2. M. Carlsen 10%, 3—4. V. Topalov, Mamedyarov 9%, 5. A. Grischuk 9, 6. B. Gelfand 8, 7—9. Ivanchuk, Svidler, T. Radjabov 7%, 10. Dreev 7, 11. Morozevich 6%, 12—14. Bologan, I. Kurnosov, Kazhgaleyev 6, 15. Tkachiev 4%, 16. An. Ismagambetov 3% Blitz Time Control: 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move Semifinal: (28 players, 22 rounds) 1. Andreikin 16%, 2. Le Quang Liem 14%, 3. Chadaev 14, 4. Sadvakasov 13%, 5—6. Alexander Moiseenko, Dreev 13, 7—8. Tkachiev, Gagunashvili 12%, 9—10. I. Kurnosov, R. Khusnutdinov 12, 11 — 15. Kazhgaleyev, Al. Aleksandrov, V. Papin, E. Egorov, An. Ismagambetov 11 %, etc. Final: (16 players, 30 rounds) 1. A. Grischuk 20, 2. M. Carlsen 19%, 3. Sergey Kaijakin 18%, 4. Morozevich 17%, 5—6. Andreikin, T. Radjabov 17, 7. Le Quang Liem 16%, 8—9. Svidler, Ivanchuk 15, 10—11. 314
В. Gelfand, Chadaev 1З’/г, 12—13. Mamedyarov, V. Topalov 13, 14. Jumabayev 12, 15. Bologan 11, 16. P. Kotsur 8 PHILADELPHIA, VII 2012 40th Annual World Open (118 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Iv. Sokolov, Al. Shabalov 7, 3—9. W. So, Lenderman, Kacheishvili, Robson, Y. Shulman, A. A. Evdokimov, Marc Arnold 6/2, 10—19. Iturrizaga, Ab. Gupta, Erenburg, Shankland, Marin Bosiodic, Stripunsky, M. Kekelidze, Molner, John Bryant, Karavade 6, 20—28. S. Azarov, T. Gelashvili, A. Jankovic, S. Sethuraman, Nikola Mitkov, J. Friedel, A. Zapata, Deepan Chakkravarthy J., VI. Romanenko 5/2, etc. Armageddon playoff: Iv. Sokolov — Al. Shabalov 1 : 0 ARGEHTIHA (ch), VII 2012 (76 players, 11 rounds) 1—5. Lorenzini, Mareco, Perez Ponsa, Ricardi, Slipak 8, 6—7. Dam. Lemos, Julia 7’/г, 8—15. Krysa, Felgaer, Sa. Alonso, Tristan, Filgueira, Lujan, A. Pichot, J. Gaitan 7, etc. BARBERA DEL VALLES, VII 2012 (87 players, 9 rounds) 1. Ortiz Suarez 7, 2—6. M. Turov, Jo. Gonzalez Garcia, E. Cordova, Fernandez Cardoso, Ar. Gonzalez Perez 6/2, 7—17. Yu. Quesada Perez, Palit, F. Peralta, Aroshidze, Guerra Mendez, Hold. Hernandez Carmenate, Escobar Forero, Munoz Pantoja, Arizmendi Martinez, Sequera Paolini, Moreno Ruiz 6, 18—26. D. Navarro Lopez-Menchero, Alarcon Casellas, Narciso Dublan, M. Comette, Gomez Ledo, Perez Mitjans, Aloma Vidal, Asis Gargatagli, Libiszewski 5/2, etc. SAMARA, VII 2012 2nd Polugaevsky Memorial (103 players, 9 players) 1—3. Goganov, I. Kovalenko, N. Kabanov 7, 4—8. Alexei Fedorov, Khismatullin, Arty. Timofeev, Predke, Ovetchkin 6/2, 9—21. V. Yemelin, Pavel Smirnov (4123425), Frolyanov, A. Gabrielian, Ja. Geller, Nakhapetiane, A. A. Kopylov, Dm. Kokarev, Shaposhnikov, Alexey Smirnov, Iljushin, Tukhaev, VI. Fedoseev (24130737) 6, etc. BEHASQUE, VII 2012 (421 players, 10 rounds) 1. Zoler 9, 2—7. Vazquez Igarza, P. Harikrishna, Margvelashvili, Nabaty, V. Burmakin, Baches Garcia 8, 8—20. Anton Guijarro, G. Jones, Garza Marco, Granda Zuniga, I.-C. Chirila, Sandipan, Stodek, Rubio Mejia, Harika, Toledano Llinares, Ambartsumova, Raghavi, Lopez Gracia 7'/2, 21—44. Hracek, Mi. Marin, J. Gomez Esteban, J. Cori Tello, K. Shanava, Naumkin, Sanikidze, Th. Maenhout, R. Castellanos Rodriguez, T. Burg, Alcaraz Ortega, Espinosa Aranda, D. Cori Tello, D. Recuero Guerra, M. Roder, Camarena Gimenez, T. Baron, Ubilava, D. Komljenovic, G. Timoshenko, B. Lalic, Vazquez Torres, Boix Moreno, Antoli Royo 7, etc. PARAtlN, VII 2012 (93 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Gy. Pap, S. Atalik 7, 3—8. Gleizerov, Ulibin, S. Matsenko, Al. Kovadevic, M. R. Savic, D. Nestorovic 6/2, 9—12. Y. Vovk, B. Damljanovic, V. Bogdanovski, N. Nestorovic 6, 13—22. B. Bogosavljevic, A. Indic, SI. Martinovic, Selbes, L. Nestorovic, D. Stojanovski, Cvitan, Lajthajm, Br. Maksimovic, Drenchev 5 /2, etc. LEIDEH, VII 2012 (86 players, 9 rounds) 1. D. Howell 7/2, 2. P. Negi 7, 3—8. B. Socko, Pr. Nikolic, E. Vorobiov, S. Arun Prasad, Cs. Horvath, B. Lalith 6/2, 9—15. J.-W. De Jong, B. Bok, Khenkin, Rijnaarts, Vi. Zakhartsov, VI. Zakhartsov, Van der Wiel 6, etc. 315
NORGE (ch), VII 2012 (20 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Urkedal, E. Lie 7, 3. J. Hammer 6!6, 4—5. Elsness, S. Agdestein 6, 6—8. Ostenstad, Hole, Arvola 5,9. R. Djurhuus 4/2, etc. RETHYMNON, VII 2012 (160 players, 9 rounds) 1. Sargissian 7/2, 2—5. Akshayraj, Kryvoruchko, An. Rychagov, N. Maiorov (13501720) 7, 6—15. H. Banikas, I. Salgado Lopez, S. M. Shyam, M. Pap, Svetushkin, Neelotpal, Alexa. Kharitonov, Alb. David, Jay. Ashwin, T. Mamikonyan 6V2, 16—30. V. Borovikov, Kapnisis, Sergey Volkov (4122763), Stany, Y. Zinchenko, Romero Holmes, A. Colovic, S. Ansell, F. Bellia, Markidis, Alexa. Zubarev (14104385), Bisby, R. Vedder, Michelakos, G. Nasuta6, etc. BANSKA STIAVNICA, VII 2012 (98 players, 9 rounds) 1. J. Markos 71/г, 2—3. V. Babula, Ftadnik 7, 4—7. Likavsky, M. Pacher, R. Biolek jr., G. Aczel 6/2, 8—17. P. Michalik, Leniart, M. Mikulas, Cemousek, Mari. Jurcik, A. Bokros, Petenyi, D. Csiba, Mi. Meszaros, V. Jacko (14915928) 6, etc. SVERIGE (ch), VII 2012 cat IX (2472) 1—4. H. Tikkanen, Be. Lindberg, Ax. Smith, E. Berg 5/2, 5—6. Grandelius, P. Cramling 5, 7. E. Blomqvist 4/2, 8. Hedman 4,9. J. Hector 3/2, 10. Vaarala 1 Playoff (rapid): Time Control: 10 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move 1. H. Tikkanen 2/2,2. Be. Lindberg 1 /2, 3—4. E. Berg, Ax. Smith 1 GLASGOW, VII 2012 119th Scottish Championship and Open (115 players, 9 rounds) 1—5. Mo. Nikolov, Teterev, J. Aagaard*, Jo. Hawkins, Br. Thorfinnsson 7, 6—10. R. Ruck (705713), I. Herajr., Gormally, Arakhamia-Grant, Do. Holmes 6/2, 11 — 19. D. Sengupta, Heb- den, Hj. Gretarsson, Ar. Das, Greet, Bejtovic, De Verdier, Bryson, A. Tate 6, etc. * Scottish Champion PARIS (ch), VII 2012 (63 players, 9 rounds) 1. S. Fedorchuk 7’/г, 2—6. J.-P. Le Roux, J. Moussard, A. Strikovic, Shchekachev, N. Guliyev 6/2, 7—9. O. Renet, J. Dourerassou, Wirig 6, 10—16. R. Griffiths, L. Rindlisbacher, Ch. Sochacki, Zhou Yang-Fan, K. Shirazi, A. Demuth, Q. Loiseau 5/2, etc. BUDAPEST, VII 2012 cat. VIII (2428) 1—3. Z. Ilincic, Flumbort, O. Mihok 6, 4—5. Idani, I. Farago 5’/2, 6. Amgrimsson 4'/2, 7—8. Erv. Toth, G. Balazs (731374) 4, 9. Ra. Rodriguez Lopez 2/2, 10. Szabolcsi 1 MINSK, VII 2012 (138 players, 9 rounds) 1—4. K. Stupak, Nosenko, Rozum, Novitzkij 7, 5—14. S. Zablotsky, VI. Kovalev, E. A. Levin, E. Mochalov, Khalifman, K. Burdalev, G. Tunik, Podolchenko, Lutsko, Sh. Khachykian 6/2, etc. LEROS, VII 2012 (41 players, 9 rounds) 1. D. Mastrovasilis 7, 2—4. I. Papaioannou, A. Czebe, A. Mastrovasilis б'/г, 5—7. Le. Vajda, Ad. Horvath (708003), V. Jeremie 6, 8—12. T. Meszaros (717410), Sergey Ivanov (4101375), Estremera Panos, Pa. Martynov (4101260), A. Grigoriadis 5'/2, etc. 316
SCHWEIZ (ch), VII 2012 cat. IX (2451) 1. J. Gallagher 6/2, 2—3. Y. Pelletier, A. Kosteniuk 6, 4. Kurmann 5/2, 5. Carron 4/2, 6—7. Klauser, R. Gerber 4, 8. B. Ziiger3’/2, 9. Domont3, 10. Korchnoi 2 FLIMS, VII 2012 (117 players, 9 rounds) 1. Ch. Bauer 7/2, 2—3. Miezis, Cebalo 7, 4—8. And. Sokolov (627089), A. Chemiaev (4117301), O. Moor, J. Jurek, R.-A. Simon 6/2, 9—18. N. Grandadam, Raetsky, Ga. Botta, A. Huss, J. Griinenwald, N. Studer, M. Sher, M. Gantner, Br. Filipovic, Kam. Nuri 6, etc. DORTMUND, VII 2012 cat. XIX (2711) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 F. CARUANA g 2775 /2 0 1 /2 /2 /2 1 1 1 6 1-2 2 SERGEY KARJAKIN g 2779 /2 /2 /2 /2 ’/2 ’/2 1 1 1 6 1-2 3 R. PONOMARIOV g 2726 1 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 ’/2 0 1 5/2 3-6 4 KRAMNIK g 2799 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 ’/2 1 1 5/2 3-6 5 A. NAIDITSCH g 2700 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 ’/2 1 1 5/2 3-6 6 LEKO g 2730 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 ’/2 1 1 5/2 3-6 7 GEO. MEIER g 2644 /2 /2 0 0 /2 /2 ’/2 1 /2 4 7 8 D. FRIDMAN g 2655 0 0 /2 ’/2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 З’/г 8 9 MAT. BARTEL g 2674 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 '/2 /2 2 9 10 J. GUSTAFSSON g 2629 0 0 0 0 0 0 /2 ’/2 l'/2 10 DORTMUND II, VII 2012 Helmut-Kohls-Turnier cat. IX (2456) 1. And. Orlov 7, 2—3. H. Potsch, Zaragatski 5’/2, 4. Ma. Andersen 5, 5—6. Meins, Saltaev 4!6, 7—9. M. Bliibaum, Marcel Becker, R. Lotscher З’/г, 10. Schmittdiel 2/2 PARDUBICE, VII 2012 23rd Czech Open (259 players, 9 rounds) 1. Nabaty 7/2, 2—4. Rasik, Sandipan, Danin 7, 5—19. Nisipeanu, Votava, R. Khusnutdinov, Dmitry Kononenko (14113007), Buhmann, Arutinian, Piorun, B. Lalith, H. S. Gretarsson, V. Plat, P. Jaracz, Stocek, Oleg V. Ivanov, De. Boros, B. Michiels 6/2, 20—37. Al. Gavrilov (4104358), Kravtsiv, Jan Krejci (322156), Ma. Petr, Ro. Hess, K. Chernyshov, Mozharov, N. Steinberg, Erv. Toth, K. Shanava, D. Lintchevski, Oparin, H. Stefansson, Ju. Zorko, Givon, F. Graf, J. Bures, S. Kasparov 6, etc. AMSTERDAM, VII 2012 cat. XIX (2705) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 IVANCHUK g 2769 /2 /2 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 KAMSKY g 2744 /2 /2 /2 1 1 1 4/2 2 3 SUTOVSKY g 2687 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 З’/г 3 4 A. MUZYCHUK g 2606 0 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 3 4-5 5 LE QUANG LIEM g 2693 0 0 /2 '/2 1 1 3 4-5 6 SASIKIRAN g 2707 0 0 /2 0 0 1 l'/г 6 7 BA. JOBAVA g 2730 0 0 0 /2 0 0 /2 7 AMSTERDAM (open), VII 2012 (75 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Hungaski, Greenfeld 7, 3—6. Da. Klein, VI. Sergeev, Plukkel, Ge. Antal 6/2, 7—11. Van Assendelft, T. Lammens, Bakre, Pruijssers, Riemersma 6, 12—23. S. Haslinger, Gullaksen, M. Bosboom, Ch. Van Oosterom, M. Schroer, E. Wiersma, Afek, M. Timmermans, De Rover, R. Duijker, Hopman, Ve. Schneider 5’/2, etc. 317
NEDERLAND (ch), VII 2012 cat. XV (2601) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 A. GIRI g 2696 1 1 1 /2 ’/2 1 1 6 1 2 E. L’AMI g 2615 0 /2 /2 1 1 1 1 5 2-3 3 IV. SOKOLOV g 2676 0 /2 '/2 1 1 1 1 5 2-3 4 VAN KAMPEN g 2560 0 /2 /2 '/2 '/2 */2 1 3/2 4 5 J. SMEETS g 2620 /2 0 0 /2 /2 1 0 2/2 5 6 REINDERMAN g 2598 /2 0 0 /2 /2 0 /2 2 6-8 7 S. ERNST g 2558 0 0 0 /2 0 1 Уг 2 6-8 8 R. SWINKELS g 2485 0 0 0 0 1 /2 /2 2 6-8 IZHEVSK, VII 2012 (110 players, 9 rounds) 1. Shomoev 7%, 2. I. Kovalenko 7, 3—11. Ponkratov, P. Maletin, D. Bocharov, P. Smirnov (4123425), S. Grigoriants, K. Nikologorskiy, Shaposhnikov, Alexei Fedorov, Al. Aleksandrov 6/2, 12—18. Dm. Kokarev, A. Bezgodov, Khismatullin, Lysyj, Iskusnyh, M. Ozolin, Nugumanov 6, 19—35. I. Ibragimov, Bukavshin, M. Panarin, Goganov, Matinian, Dzhangobegov, Ovetchkin, Vokarev, V. Shinkevich, Fatkhutdinov, Khayrullin, M. Pogromsky, Ogloblin, Ziatdinov, E. Ermolaev, Alexey Smirnov, Iliushkin 5/2, etc. PALEOCHORA, VII 2012 (217 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. An. Rychagov, S. Ganguly 7/2, 3—8. Kuljasevic, V. Borovikov, Sergey Volkov (4122763), A. Stefanova, Neelotpal, Alexa. Zubarev (14104385) 7, 9—22. D. Swiercz, Alexa. Kharitonov, Sivuk, Alb. David, Luc. Filip, Hamitevici, F. Bellia, M. Pap, O. Girya, Y. Zinchenko, N. Maiorov (13501720), Skembris, S. M. Shyam, R. Polzin 6/2, etc. JERMUK, VII 2012 cat. XI (2506) The 5th stage FIDE Women's Grand Prix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 HOU YIFAN g 2617 /2 0 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 1 1 /2 1 7 1 2 N. KOSINTSEVA g 2516 /2 /2 1 /2 1 1 1 0 0 /2 /2 6/2 2-4 3 K. LAHNO g 2537 1 /2 1 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 6/2 2-4 4 H. KONERU g 2598 /2 0 0 1 /2 1 0 1 1 /2 1 6/2 2-4 5 JU WENJUN wg 2518 /2 /2 /2 0 1 0 1 /2 /2 /2 1 6 5-6 6 RUAN LUFEI wg 2483 0 0 /2 /2 0 1 /2 1 /2 1 1 6 5-6 7 ZHAO XUE g 2556 /2 0 1 0 1 0 /2 1 0 /2 1 5/2 7 8 E. DANIELIAN g 2480 /2 0 /2 1 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 5 8-9 9 L. MKRTCHIAN m 2450 0 1 /2 0 /2 0 0 /2 1 /2 1 5 8-9 10 E. KOVALEVSKAYA m 2417 0 1 0 0 /2 /2 1 /2 0 1 0 4/2 10 11 MUNGUNTUUL m 2447 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 0 0 4 11 12 N. KHURTSIDZE m 2456 0 /2 /2 0 0 0 0 /2 0 1 1 З/2 12 MONTREAL, VII 2012 (32 players, 9 rounds) 1. W. So 7/2, 2. Bruzon Batista 7, 3. Sumets 6/2, 4—8. A. Kovalyov, Oliva Castaneda, Gerzhoy, Panjwani, Thavandiran 5/2, 9—13. Arencibia Rodriguez, Rozentalis, D. Naroditsky, Rodn. Perez Garcia, Sambuev 5, etc. J LA MASSANA, VII 2012 30th Andorra Open (146 players, 9 rounds) 1—4. J. Hammer, Ki. Georgiev, Illescas Cordoba, Arizmendi Martinez 7, 5—14. Iturrizaga, Alonso Rosell, Granda Zuniga, P. Negi, Ar. Kogan, Krisz. Szabo (722901), Narciso Dublan, Prasca Sosa, D. Berczes, L. Fernandez Reyes 6/2, 15—26. T. Burg, Mi. Marin, A. Demuth, Solodovnichenko, F. Peralta, Comas Fabrego, D. Norwood, Del Rio de Angelis, Le. Valdes, M. Berkovich, N. Getz, F. Silva Rodriguez 6, etc. 318
POZNAN, VII 2012 1 2 3 4 5* 6* 7* 8* 1 BA. JOBAVA g 2730 1 /2 /2 V2 1 0 1 ’/2 5 2WOJTASZEK g 2717 0 /2 l/2 /2 0 1 0 '/2 3 * rapid BIEL, VII-VIII 2012 cat. XX (2749) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 WANG HAO g 2739 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 0 19/10 1 2 M. CARLSEN g 2837 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 18/10 2 3 A. GIRI g 2696 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 3 3* 3 16/10 3-4 4 HL NAKAMURA g 2778 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 16/10 3-4 5 E. BACROT g 2713 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3* 1 7/10 5 6 BOLOGAN g 2732 0 3 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0* 1 4/8 6 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 M. CARLSEN g 2837 1 1 /2 /2 /2 '/2 /2 % 1 1 7 1 2 WANG HAO g 2739 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 /2 1 0 6/2 2 3 A. GIRI g 2696 /2 /2 0 0 /2 /2 1 1 1* 1 6 3-4 4 HI. NAKAMURA g 2778 '/2 '/2 0 0 '/2 '/2 1 1 1 1 6 3-4 5 E. BACROT g 2713 /2 /2 0 /2 0 0 0 0 l*'/2 3 5 6 BOLOGAN g 2732 0 0 0 1 0* 0 0 0 0*’/2 1/2 6 * Alexander Morozevich BIEL (open), VII-VIII 2012 (112 players, 11 rounds) 1—3. I. Kurnosov, S. Movsesian, Edouard 8, 4—12. Wen Yang, P. Harikrishna, Geo. Meier, Melkumyan, Vachier-Lagrave, Iv. Saric, Roiz, V. Golod, Shankland 7’A, 13—23. Postny, M. Turov, B. Grachev, Mart. Kramer, I. Khairullin, Rodshtein, Y. Pelletier, J.-P. Le Roux, Milos Pavlovic (900389), A. Czebe, Adhiban 7, 24—31. V. V. Vorotnikov, Ch. Bauer, R. Gloor, Vishnu Prasanna, D. Sengupta, Boruchovsky, Maze, Konguvel 6/2, 32—48. Meins, B. Avrukh, B. Bok, Prasanna Raghuram Rao, Ar. Das, Jon. Lampert, Nakar, Raetsky, A. Genzling, Hasenohr, Niki. Petrov, A. Gara, A. Chemiaev (4117301), N. Keledevic, Curien, Bhend, Bog. Bozinovic 6, etc. GREAT BRITAIN (ch), VII-VIII 2012 (65 players, 11 rounds) 1—2. G. Jones, S. J. Gordon 9, 3. D. Howell 8/2, 4—6. Gormally, Jo. Hawkins, Arkell 7/2, 7—9. Ma. Turner, Conquest, Palliser 7, 10—18. C. Hanley, J. Houska, D. Eggleston, S. Roe, J. Adair, D. Ledger, M. Osborne, M. Harvey, W. Foo 6%, etc. Playoff: G. Jones — S. J. Gordon 2 : 0 DIEREN, VII-VIII 2012 (36 players, 9 rounds) 1. J. Smeets 7, 2—3. Greenfeld, Bakre 6/2, 4—7. Vy. Ikonnikov, Raznikov, W. Hendriks, G. Popilski 6, 8—10. B. Arjun, Pijpers, Sowray 5‘/2, etc. KAVALA, VII-VIII 2012 (82 players, 9 rounds) 1. Ab. Gupta 7’A, 2—7. A. Valsecchi, S. P. Sethuraman, B. Damljanovic, Azaladze, Jay. Ashwin, Marin Bosiocic 6/2, 8—15. S. Ganguly, T. L. Petrosian, I. Papaioannou, Sanikidze, D. Mastrovasilis, A. Jankovic, Slavo. Marjanovic, De. Antic 6, 16—21. Ant. Pavlidis, Sergey Volkov (4122763), Markidis, Kerigan, Neelotpal, N. Galopoulos 5/2, etc. 319
ARAD, VII-VIII 2012 (182 players, 9 rounds) 1. I. Balog (728446) 7’/2, 2—7. Battaglini, Amgrimsson, A. Murariu, G.-A.-Gy. Szabo, An. Meszaros, Tarlev 7, 8—17. Manolache, T.-M. Georgescu, Da. Milanovic, B. Itkis, Sanduleac, Strugnell, C.-C. Nanu, Vedmediuc, C.-C. Florescu, Bida 6/2, etc. UKRAINE (ch), VII-VIII 2012 cat. XVII (2666) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A. KOROBOV A. ARESHCHENKO A. VOLOKITIN R. PONOMARIOV S. FEDORCHUK Z. EFIMENKO A. MOISEENKO P. ELJANOV E. MIROSHNICHENKO Y. VOVK ALEXANDER ZUBOV KUZUBOV g g g g g g g g g g g g 2683 2691 2704 2726 2630 2694 2706 2693 2632 2584 2621 2629 /2 /2 '/2 /2 '/2 '/2 0 0 0 0 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 '/2 0 0 /2 0 /2 '/2 /2 /2 0 1 /2 1 0 0 0 /2 0 '/2 ’/2 1 /2 0 0 /2 /2 /2 0 1 /2 /2 0 /2 0 '/2 1 1 '/2 1 0 /2 /2 /2 1 1 0 /2 '/2 '/2 '/2 0 '/2 1 0 1 /2 1 1 0 0 '/2 0 1 1 1 /2 0 /2 0 /2 1 0 '/2 1 /2 1 '/2 0 /2 1 /2 1 0 '/2 1 1 1 '/2 /2 l/2 1 0 0 0 1 1 /2 /2 1 0 '/2 /2 1 1 1 0 1 /2 1 0 1 1 1 '/2 '/2 0 1 8 7 7 6 5/2 5/2 5'/2 5 4/2 4/2 4 3'/2 1 2-3 2-3 4 5-7 5-7 5-7 8 9-10 9-10 11 12 ROCKVILLE, VII-VIII 2012 Platonov Memorial cat. XII (2538) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 M. GUREVICH 2 KAIDANOV 3 MIKHALCHISHIN 4 PALATNIK 5 B. GULKO 6 ALBURT g g g g g g 2596 2586 2513 2448 2532 2550 /2 /2 /2 0 '/2 /2 /2 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 ’/2 /2 /2 /2 /2 '/2 1 /2 /2 /2 0 '/2 1 '/2 /2 1 3 3 IVi 2'/2 2'/2 l'/2 1-2 1-2 3-5 3-5 3-5 6 ROCKVILLE (open), VII-VIII 2012 (55 players, 9 rounds) 1. Kamsky 7, 2—4. A. Onischuk, T. Gareev, Al. Shabalov 6У2, 5—9. S. Azarov, T. Gelashvili, J. Friedel, A. Hunt, D. Ippolito 6, 10—18. J. Benjamin, M. Kekelidze, Sundararajan, Bartell, J. Sarkar, Mulyar, O.-D. Foi§or, Al. Ostrovskiy, K. Wang 5/2, etc. HELSING0R, VII-VIII 2012 (292 players, 10 rounds) 1—3. I. Cheparinov, Iv. Sokolov (14400030), J. Hector 8, 4—18. Dreev, Du. Popovic, S. Halkias, V. Malakhov (4120787), E. L’Ami, Rob. Markus, J. Aagaard, Su. B. Hansen, J. Timman, V. Burmakin, Bulski, Schandorff, R. Svane, Brynell, E. Romanov 7*/2, 19—35. Glud, I. Salgado Lopez, Hillarp Persson, A. Rasmussen, S. Bekker-Jensen, Carlstedt, E. Zude, I. Starostits, Jens Kristiansen, Aabling-Thomsen, An. Rudolf, Ju. Kramer, S. Cherednichenko, Bejtovic, Hedman, E. Blomqvist, Teplyi 7, etc. TABOR, VII-VIII 2012 (125 players, 9 rounds) 1. Talla 7, 2—12. O. Heinzel, Plischki, B. Lalic, L. Voloshin, Lechtynsky, Kislik, P. Neuman, J. Roubalik, W. Wilke, I. Hausner, Trepka 6/2, etc. FANO, VII-VIII 2012 (40 players, 9 rounds) 1. Solodovnichenko 7, 2—3. P. Prohaszka (726265), T. Banusz 6/2,4—7. Alb. David, A. Stella, S. Duric, Pulito 6, 8—10. K. Rusev, P. G. Amaudov, M. Fico 5’/г, etc. 320
NOVY BOR, VIII 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 SHIROV g 2706 /2 /2 /2 1 1 /2 4 LAZNiCKA g 2683 '/2 '/2 /2 0 0 /2 2 RUSSIA (ch), VIII 2012 cat. XVIII (2699) 65th Russian Championship 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 SERGEY KARJAKIN g 2785 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 5 1-6 2 SVIDLER g 2749 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 У2 /2 /2 5 1-6 3 ANDREIKIN g 2715 /2 /2 У2 /2 1 0 У2 /2 15 1-6 4 D. JAKOVENKO g 2722 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 15 1-6 5 EVGENY ALEKSEEV g 2673 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 1 5 1-6 6 V. POTKIN g 2651 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 1 5 1-6 7 A. GRISCHUK g 2763 /2 0 1 /2 /2 /2 /2 У2 У2 4/2 7 8 DANIIL DUBOV g 2594 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 O/2 4 8-9 9 VITIUGOV g 2705 /2 /2 /2 /2 0 0 /2 1 /2 4 8-9 10 SJUGIROV g 2635 У2 Vi 0 0 0 0 /2 /2 /2 2/2 10 Playoff (rapid): 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ANDREIKIN g 2715 /2 1 1 /2 1 4 1 2 SERGEY KARJAKIN g 2785 /2 /2 /2 1 1 З/2 2 3 SVIDLER g 2749 0 /2 1 /2 1 3 3 4 D. JAKOVENKO g 2722 0 /2 0 1 1 2/2 4 5 V. POTKIN g 2651 /2 0 /2 0 /2 I/2 5 6 EVGENY ALEKSEEV g 2673 0 0 0 0 /2 /2 6 RUSSIA (ch), VIII 2012 cat. VIII (2445) 62nd Russian Championship - Women 1. Pogonina 6/2, 2—3. Gunina, N. Kosintseva 5/2,4—6. Galliamova, T. Kosintseva, O. Girya 5, 7. Charochkina 4/2, 8. B. Kovanova4, 9. Ubiennykh 3, 10. E. Ovod 1 ATHENS, VIII 2012 The World Junior Chess Championships U-20 (130 players, 13 rounds) 1—2. A. Ipatov* (TUR), R. Rapport (HUN) 10, 3—4. Ding Liren (CHN), Grandelius (SWE) 9/2, 5-10. Yu Yangyi (CHN), Ter-Sahakyan (ARM), Zherebukh (UKR), A. Indic (SRB), Huschenbeth (GER), Eric Hansen (CAN) 9, 11 — 15. Wei Yi (CHN), Shimanov (RUS), Van Kampen (NED), M. Al. Antipov (RUS), Ma. Andersen (DEN) 8/2,16-31. Grover (IND), J. Cori Tello (PER), A. R. Salem (UAE), M. Yilmaz (TUR), C. Holt (USA), Pe. Schreiner (AUT), Tai Baron (ISR), VI. Kovalev (BLR), An. Heimann (GER), M. Bliibaum (GER), S. M. Shyam (IND), Gao Rui (CHN), Marc. Kanarek (POL), N. Shyam (IND), U. Bajarani (AZE), A.-O. Stanciu (ROU) 8, etc. * Qualified for the World Cup 2013 in Tromso GIRLS (66 players, 13 rounds) 1—4. Guo Qi* (CHN), Ziaziulkina (BLR), Bodnaruk (RUS), W. Medina (INA) 9/2, 5. Arabidze (GEO) 9, 6-10. D. Cori Tello (PER), I. Bulmaga (ROU), Sihite (INA), Wang Jue (CHN), Kh. Abdulla (AZE) 8/2, 11 — 14. Kulkami Bhakti (IND), Goryachkina (RUS), Rodriguez Rueda (COL), Osmak (UKR) 8, 15-19. J. Vojinovic (MNE), K. Kulon (POL), KI. Varga (HUN), Ibrahimova (AZE), De Seroux (SUI) 7/2, etc. * Qualified for the Women’s World Chess Championship 2014 321
BADALONA, VIII 2012 (107 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Jimenez Fraga, B. Lalith 7/2, 3—4. Kiewra, S. Arun Prasad 7, 5—8. Ortiz Suarez, Munoz Pantoja, Larduet Despaigne, Yan. Vigoa Apecheche 6/2, 9—17. Rojas Keim, Fernandez Cardoso, Hold. Hernandez Carmenate, Panelo, R. Pogorelov, E. Cordova, Perez Mitjans, Joan Fluvia Poyatos, Gallego Alcaraz 6, etc. LOS ANGELES, VIII 2012 cat X (2486) 1. E. Sevillano 6, 2—3. Ro. Hess, Yankovsky 5'/2, 4. Marc Arnold 5, 5—7. Molner, Altounian, Bojkov 4/2, 8—9. Khachiyan, Matikozian З/2, 10. Kretchetov 2/2 GENEVE, VIII 2012 Legends — Club d’Echecs de Geneve 33 :17 Legends 33 [V. Hort 5/2/10, K. Spraggett 7/10, Ribli 7/10, Korchnoi 7/10, U. Andersson 6/2/10] Club d’Echecs de Geneve 17 [L. Rindlisbacher 4/10, Vuilleumier 2'/2/10, Dubessay 3/10, R. Gerber 4/2/10, Domont 3/10] RANSHOFEN, VIII 2012 (41 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. M. Panchanathan, Neelotpal 6/2, 3—7. I. Hera jr., M. Tratar, P. Jaracz, S. Kasparov, Okhotnik 6, 8—10. Z. Medvegy, I. Farago, Konnyu 5/2, etc. VLISSINGEN, VIII 2012 (248 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Reinderman, G. Popilski 7/2, 3—9. M. Turov, S. Haslinger, Harika, Nyzhnyk, Q. Ducarmon, Sowray, Van Assendelft 7, 10—23. B. Esen, Karavade, M. Bosboom, Raznikov, Leenhouts, M. van Delft, B. Arjun, Guramishvili, Zelbel, Vy. Ikonnikov, A. Bitalzadeh, A. Eisenbeiser, R. Duijker, Geimaert 6/2, etc. VANCOUVER, VIII 2012 (517 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. Leon Hoyos, D. Gurevich, John Bryant 8, 4—8. Seirawan, Al. Shabalov, A. Diamant, J. Sarkar, Bercys 7/2, 9—23. An. Bykhovsky, Alej. Ramirez, Norowitz, Mulyar, R. Kaufman, Neimer, At. Shetty, D. Aaron, Breckenridge, I. Thompson, Raptis, Mo, Vibbert, Guadalupe, Sohal 7, etc. CANADA (zt), VIII 2012 (36 players, 9 rounds) 1. Sambuev* 8/2, 2. A. Kovalyov 7, 3—6. N. Noritsyn, Gerzhoy, Ri. Wang, N. Gusev 6, 7—9. R. Hamilton, Qin Zi Yi Joey, M. Humphreys 5/2, etc. * Qualified for the World Cup 2013 in Tromso BUDAPEST, VIII 2012 cat. VIII (2430) 1. Bernal Gonzalez 5/2, 2—5. Flumbort, Erv. Toth, Akshayraj, Lioe 5, 6—7. A. Czebe, Pumama 4/2, 8. Amgrimsson 4, 9. M. Bagi З/2, 10. Zo. Varga 3 RIGA, VIII 2012 (140 players, 9 rounds) 1. J. Markos 7/2, 2—4. A. Fier, D. Fridman, Shankland 7, 5—10. Ehlvest, Kiilaots, Alb. David, E. Romanov, Rausis, S. Agdestein 6/2, 11—24. Kanmazalp, R. Berzips, Miezis, Da. Malek, Neiksans, W. Hendriks, D. Gevorgyan, Del Rio de Angelis, Sarakauskas, I. Starostits, Samolins, Petenyi, An. Tzermiadianos, T. R. Hansen 6, etc. TOMSK, VIII 2012 (67 players, 9 rounds) 1—4. D. Bocharov, E. Pakhomov, Arty. Timofeev, R. Jumabayev 7, 5—6. Belozerov, An. Gritsenko 6/2, 7—11. Dm. Kokarev, L. Denisov, O. Loskutov, Gutov, E. Timofeeva 6, etc. 322
FIGUERES, VIII 2012 (54 players, 9 rounds) 1. A. Mirzoev 7, 2—4. Martinez Duany, Adhiban, Ale. Rakhmanov 6/2, 5—6. Vishnu Prasanna, S. Roy Chowdhury 6, 7—15. Aroshidze, Antoli Royo, Ramiro Ovejero, P. Simacek, Ar. Das, J. Dourerassou, Garbisu de Goni, Guilleux, Govciyan 5/2, etc. GdTEBORG, VIII 2012 cat X (2476) 1—2. E. Berg, Rozentalis 6, 3—4. Th. Henrichs, H. Tikkanen 5%, 5—7. Kockum, Nithander, T. Nyback 4/2, 8. Semcesen 4,9. Bejtovic 3, 10. M. Welin 1 /2 SPLIT, VIII 2012 (203 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. B. Kurajica, A. Saric 7/2, 3—10. Ante Brkic, Cvitan, Jovanic, Bodrozic, Bontempi, R.-A. Dragomirescu, K. Motuz, F. Ljubicic 7, 11 — 16. V. Gagarin, E. Dizdarevic, Piskur, Ml. Zelic, Sale, Biliskov 6/2, etc. FRANCE (ch), VIII 2012 cat. XV (2617) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 EDOUARD g 2652 /2 /2 '/2 ’/2 1 1 /2 1 1 /2 7* 1-4 2 VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2686 /2 /2 '/2 /2 '/2 /2 1 1117* 1-4 3 E. BACROT g 2713 /2 ’/2 ’/2 1 /2 /2 /2 1117* 1-4 4 CH. BAUER g 2682 '/2 /2 i '/2 l/2 /2 /2 1117* 1-4 5 FRESSINET g 2714 /2 /2 0 '/2 1 '/2 1 1 /2 1 6/2 5 6 A. ISTRATESCU g 2647 /2 ’/2 0 '/2 /2 0 1 1 11.6 6-7 7 TKACHIEV g 2644 0 '/2 /2 ’/2 0 1 '/2 1 116 6-7 8 H. HAMDOUCHI g 2627 0 0 % '/2 ’/2 0 /2 % 1 . /2 4 8-9 9 MAZE g 2573 /2 /2 /2 0 0 0 /2 ’/2 /2 1 4 8-9 10 VAISSER g 2556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /2 1 1 2/2 10 11 MAX. LAGARDE m 2505 0 0 0 0 /2 0 0 /2 0 1 2 11 12 MULLON m 2404 /2 0 0 0 0 0 '/2 0 0 0 1 12 * The players had agreed to cancel the final round due to tragic death of Christian Bauer’s 4 month old child. It was later decided that four players who were tied at the first place should share the title. LOS ANGELES, VIII 2012 (56 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. T. Gareev, Aldama Degumay 7, 3—4. Akobian, Al. Shabalov 6/2, 5—7. Dar. Yang, Dan. Ludwig, Khachiyan 6, 8—13. Moradiabadi, E. Sevillano, Gild. Garcia, S. Sevian, A. Jayakumar, Troff 5/2, 14—16. Matikozian, Zh. Amanov, L. Harmon 5, etc. PRAHA, VIII 2012 European Youth Chess Championship Boys U—18 (86 players, 9 rounds): 1. Va. Moiseenko (RUS) 7/2, 2—3. Gabuzyan (ARM), D. Forcen Esteban (ESP) 7, 4—7. Z. Mammadov (AZE), J. Moussard (FRA), Anton Guijarro (ESP), Kadric (BIH) 6'/2, 8—14. Givon (ISR), G. Dmovsek (SLO), D. Pardo Simon (ESP), D. Sadzikowski (POL), Dav. Horvath (HUN), K. Nikologorskiy (RUS), L. Handler (AUT) 6, etc. Girls U—18 (59 players, 9 rounds): 1. Goryachkina (RUS) 7/2, 2—5. Aranaz Murillo (ESP), Rakhmangulova (UKR), Khlichkova (RUS), A. Lach (POL) 6'/2, 6-12. Petrukhina (RUS), Wisniowska (POL), Severina (RUS), A. Schulz (GER), A. Frowis (AUT), Kaliadzich (BLR), M.-V. Foi§or (ROU) 6, etc. SANTS, VIII 2012 (318 players, 10 rounds) 1—5. G. Gajewski, Ale. Rakhmanov, E. Cordova, K. Spraggett, Shankland 8, 6—17. Alonso Rosell, Narciso Dublan, Perez Mitjans, Nisipeanu, Cuartas, Munoz Pantoja, S. E. Collins, Oms Pallisse, D. Arenas, Aroshidze, Jon. Cruz, J. A. Hernando Rodrigo 7/2, 18—31. R. Laxman, J. M. 323
Lopez Martinez, К. Stokke, J. C. Ibarra Jerez, Alarcon Casellas, La. Ootes, R. Saptarshi, Dubessay, Beltran Rueda, Yan. Vigoa Apecheche, Q. Ducarmon, Lorenzo de la Riva, Ortmann, Espinoza Palomino 7, etc. VRACHATI, VIII 2012 (93 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. Svetushkin, Eric Hansen, S. M. Shyam 7, 4—9. S. Fedorchuk, Van Kampen, Firman, Adhiban, V. lordachescu, Da. Maghalashvili 6/2, 10—14. M. D. Miljkovic, I. Georgiadis, Akshayraj, S. Sethuraman, S. Filippas 6, 15—25. I. Nikolaidis, D. Debashis, Grover, De. Antic, Vishnu Prasanna, Mio. Perunovic, Azaladze, G. Nikolaou, Markidis, Vafiadis, N. Galopoulos 5/2, etc. BUDAPEST, VIII 2012 cat IX (2462) 1. Z. Medvegy 7, 2. D. Berczes 5!4, 3—5. Kislik, L. Gonda, Petenyi 5, 6—7. T. Fodor jr., A. Illner 4/2, 8. Cs. Tesik 4,9. Bernal Gonzalez 3, 10. At. Jakab 1 /2 BRATTO, VIII 2012 (68 players, 9 rounds) 1. Satyapragyan 7, 2—6. V. Burmakin, Neelotpal, Alb. David, A. Mirzoev, Ar. Das 6'/2, 7—12. M. Panchanathan, Nidj. Mamedov, N. Maiorov (13501720), S. Drazic, E. Janev, A. Colovic 6, 13—18. G. Welling, Collutiis, Genocchio, S. Arun Prasad, F. Bellia, Di. Sharma 5'A, etc. DRESDEN, VIII 2012 (65 players, 9 rounds) 1—5. F. Graf, Geo. Meier, Kovchan, Danin, Nabaty 6/2, 6—10. Sandipan, P. Prohaszka (726265), P. Jaracz, S. Ganguly, Krisz. Szabo (722901) 6, 11 — 19. Oleksienko, Mi. Olszewski, Hertneck, Konguvel, L. Gutman, Leniart, Siedentopf, Paul Hoffmann, R. Pfeffer 5'/2, etc. KAUNAS, VIII 2012 12th European Senior Chess Championship (103 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. Pushkov, Kupreichik, E. Mochalov 7, 4—9. Vai. Bogdanov, Y. Balashov, Butnorius, O. L. Chernikov, Gruzmann, Maryasin 6/2, 10—17. M. Tratatovici, Golcman, Kaunas, VI. Karasev, Malmdin, Wo. Thormann, Ph. Giulian, Postler 6, etc. KAUNAS, VIII 2012 12th European Women Senior Chess Championship (21 players, 9 rounds) 1. Fomina 7'/г, 2—3. Strutinskaya, N. Gaprindashvili 6/2, 4. Miednikova 6, 5—6. T. Bogumil, N. Polyakova 5/2, 7—10. Fatalibekova, Khmiadashvili, Dotan, Kruusiauk 5, etc. GUIMARAES, VIII 2012 12th World University Chess Championship (40 players, 9 rounds) 1. Bu Xiangzhi (CHN) 8, 2-3. Bulski (POL), Tazbir (POL) 6/2, 4-7. J. Tomczak (POL), W. Moranda (POL), P. Czamota (POL), Kurmann (SUI) 6, 8—9. Matinian (RUS), Ga. Botta (SUI) 5/2, 10—17. Vin. Martins (BRA), V. Papin (RUS), E. Soares (ANG), Ariunbuuvei (MGL), R. Jarvinen (FIN), M. Gahler (SUI), Ju. Rojas Alarcon (MEX), Bassel (LIB) 5, etc. GUIMARAES, VIII 2012 12th World University Chess Championship - Women (22 players, 9 rounds) 1. Tan Zhongyi (CHN) 7, 2-3. Kashlinskaya (RUS), Hoolt (GER) 6'A, 4-5. Zhang Xiaowen (CHN), Ju. Fuchs (GER) 6, 6. Przezdziecka (POL) 5!6, 7—10. Enkhtuul (MGL), Bilegjargal (MGL), Anu (MGL), S. Salazar Loor (ECU) 5, etc. 324
SAINT PETERSBURG, VIII-IX 2012 Botvinnik Memorial (223 players, 9 rounds) 1—8. A. Areshchenko, Vai. Popov, Zvjaginsev, E. Romanov, Inarkiev, I. Khairullin, B. Kharchenko, Matlakov 7, 9—20. Al. Aleksandrov, Evgeny Alekseev, Lintchevski, Lysyj, Bukavshin, An. Demchenko, V. Onischuk, Khismatullin, Khalifman, Av. Grigoryan, Pridorozhni, Z. Andriasian 6/2, 21—42. Yevseev, Ovetchkin, Alexei Fedorov, R. Hovhannisyan, E. Pakhomov, Lovkov, Dvoirys, Ev. A. Levin, V. Yemelin, Kalegin, Ponkratov, VI. Fedoseev (24130737), Tiviakov, Goganov, Arty. Timofeev, Zenzera, K. Alekseenko, D. Rogozenco, Ponfilenok, Yuri Yakovich, Al. A. Kopylov, G. Tunik 6, etc. HAARLEM, VIII-IX 2012 cat X (2483) 1. Zherebukh 7, 2. T. Burg 6, 3—4. Nijboer, R. Swinkels 5, 5. Da. Klein 4/2, 6. Su. Vaibhav 4, 7—9. Dambacher, Kuzmicz, Alexa. Donchenko З/2, 10. Ja. De Jager 3 GRAZ, VIII-IX 2012 (54 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Buhmann, I. Hera jr. 7, 3—4. K. Fahmer, Z. Lanka 6/2, 5—12. I. Farago, M. Tratar, Diermair, Sakelsek, Ju. Zorko, Gruskovnjak, Kokoi, Joch. Maurer 6, etc. DIEPPE, VIII-IX 2012 (121 players, 9 rounds) 1. A. Istra|escu 7/2, 2—4. N. Guliyev, Kiilaots, K. Shirazi 7, 5—10. P. Mladenov, Chabanon, Guilleux, J. Radovanovic, J. Dourerassou, Bedouin 6/2, etc. ISTANBUL (ol), VIII-IX 2012 (157 teams, 11 rounds) 1. Armenia 19 [Aronian 7/10, S. Movsesian 5/10, VI. Akopian 7'Л/10, Sargissian 7/11, T. L. Petrosian 2/г/З], 2. Russia 19 [Kramnik 5/9, A. Grischuk 7/11, Sergey Karjakin 7/10, Tomashevsky 2/2/5, D. Jakovenko 7/9], 3. Ukraine 18 [Ivanchuk 6/10, R. Ponomariov 7/10, A. Volokitin 6/9, P. Eljanov 5/2/8, Alexander Moiseenko 5/7], 4. China 17 [Wang Hao 6/10, Wang Yue 5/2/9, Ding Liren 7/2/10, Bu Xiangzhi 4/2/8, Li Chao 6/7], 5. USA 17 [Hi. Nakamura 6/9, Kamsky 8/2/П, A. Onischuk 6/2/Ю, Akobian З/2/6, Robson 5/2/8], 6. Nederland 16 [A. Giri 4/7, Van Wely 7/11, Iv. Sokolov 6/2/10, J. Smeets 7/2/10, D. Stellwagen 4/6], 7. Vietnam 16 [Le Quang Liem 8/10, Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son 6/2/10, Nguyen Van Huy 6/9, Nguyen Doc Hoa 5/2/Ю, Dao Thien Hai 3/5], 8. Romania 16 [C. Lupulescu 5/2/10, M.-E. Parligras 8/10, Mi. Marin 4/7, Le. Vajda 7/2/10, V. Nevednichii 4/7], 9—18. Magyarorszag, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Deutschland, Polska, Srbija, Italia, Sverige, England, Dannjark 15, 19—33. Moldova, Bulgaria, Philippines, Argentina, France, Uzbekistan, Slovenija, Israel, Hrvatska, Latvija, Belarus, Slovensko, Turkmenistan, Australia, Bangladesh 14, 34—51. Cesko, India, Georgia, Espana, FYROM, Brasil, Greece, Osterreich, Tiirkiye, Mexico, IBCA, Norge, Mongolia, Island, Tiirkiye 2016, Paraguay, Kazakhstan, Venezuela 13, 52—69. Canada, Egypt, Bosna i Hercegovina, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Tajikistan, Singapore, Portugal, Iran, South Africa, Zambia, Malaysia, Kyrgyzstan, Albania, Puerto Rico, Faroe Islands, Dominican Republic 12, 70—86. Schweiz, Uruguay, Colom- bia, Indonesia, Suomi, Tunisia, Scotland, ICSC, Algeria, Qatar, Eesti, Costa Rica, Lietuva, United Arab Emirates, Guatemala, Botswana, Andorra 11,87—108. Ireland, Cma Gora, Belgique, Uganda, Lebanon, Zimbabwe, IPCA, Myanmar, Jamaica, Nigeria, New Zealand, Jordan, Mo- naco, Yemen, Thailand, Panama, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago, Wales, Libya, Ethio- pia 10, 109—122. Ecuador, Barbados, Sudan, Luxembourg, Nepal, Angola, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Cyprus, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Liechtenstein 9, 123—135. Japan, South Korea, Suriname, Hong Kong, Maldives, Netherlands Antilles, Jersey, Mozambique, Macau, Malawi, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Guernsey 8, 136—149. Haiti, Mauritius, Namibia, Kenya, Chinese Taipei, Malta, Mauritania, Kuwait, Aruba, US Virgin Islands, Ghana, Fiji, San Marino, Sierra Le- one 7, 150—152. Sao Tome and Principe, Tiirkiye 2023, Togo 6, 153—154. Bermuda, Palau 5, 155. Rwanda 3,156—157. Burundi, Congo 0 ISTANBUL (ol) - Women, VIII-IX 2012 (127 teams, 11 rounds) 1. Russia 19 [T. Kosintseva 5/2/9, Gunina 6/9, N. Kosintseva 8/9, A. Kosteniuk 7/9, Pogonina 6/2/8], 2. China 19 [Hou Yifan 6/2/9, Zhao Xue 8/10, Ju Wenjun 5/2/Ю, Huang Qian 8/10, Ding Yixin З/2/5], 3. Ukraine 18 [K. Lahno 7/10, M. Muzychuk 6/9, N. Zhukova 6/2/9, Ushenina 325
7/10,1. Yanovska 4/6], 4. India 17 [Harika 7/10, Karavade 3/8, Tania 9/11, M. A. Gomes 4/2/8, Sw. Soumya 4%/7], 5. Romania 16 [C.-A. Foi§or 4/г/9,1. Bulmaga 7/10, E.-L. Cosma 7/10, A. L’Ami 7/2/10, Mi. Sandu 2/2/5], 6. Armenia 16 [E. Danielian 6/2/Ю, L. Mkrtchian 8/11, Galojan 3/9, Kursova 8/11, A. Hairapetian 1/3], 7—14. France, Georgia, Iran, USA, Deutschland, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belarus 15, 15—25. Polska, Bulgaria, Magyarorszag, Latvija, Cuba, Nederland, Uzbekistan, Slovensko, Peru, Indonesia, Mexico 14, 26—39. Vietnam, Cesko, Azerbaijan, Israel, Srbija, Colombia, Espana, Italia, Venezuela, Cma Gora, Eesti, Osterreich, Chile, Bolivia 13, 40—56. Greece, Slovenija, Tiirkiye, Philippines, Lietuva, Hrvatska, England, Belgium, Ecuador, Turkmenistan, Australia, Moldova, Bangladesh, Island, Bosna i Hercegovina, Portugal, Tajikistan 12, 57—71. Norge, Brasil, Tiirkiye 2016, Schweiz, Malaysia, El Salvador, Danmark, Canada, South Africa, FYROM, IPCA, Luxembourg, Kyrgyzstan, Paraguay, Suomi 11, 72—84. Argentina, Algeria, Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, Syria, Dominican Republic, Albania, Gua- temala, Ireland, Egypt, Wales, Scotland, Chinese Taipei 10, 85—100. ICSC, Jordan, New Zea- land, Sverige, Nigeria, IBCA, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Tiirkiye 2023, Qatar, Jamaica, Zambia, Japan, Nicaragua 9, 101—109. Panama, South Korea, Lebanon, Suriname, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Monaco, Kenya, Netherlands Antilles 8, 110—116. Iraq, Mozam- bique, Pakistan, Botswana, Uganda, Malta, Yemen 7, 117—121. Barbados, Palestine, Trinidad & Tobago, Fiji, Angola 6, 122—123. Ethiopia, Aruba 5, 124. Namibia 4, 125. Afghanistan 1, 126—127. Libya, Honduras 0 ISTANBUL (open), VIII-IX 2012 (109 players, 9 rounds) 1. D. Reyhan 8,2. Babujian 7/2, 3—5. Da. Maghalashvili, Soltanici, Karpatchev 7, 6—9. J. Sriram, Javakhadze, M. Sulashvili, Raetsky 6/2, 10—17. Azaladze, Barsov, Harutjunyan, Bakre, U. Ataki§i, Kanmazalp, D. Biiyiika§ik, A. M. Othman 6, etc. SABADELL, VIII-IX 2012 (60 players, 9 rounds) 1. Aroshidze 7/2, 2—5. E. Cordova, Oms Pallisse, Lorenzo de la Riva, Gallego Alcaraz 7, 6. Vidarte Morales 6/2, 7—8. Alarcon Casellas, Perez Mitjans 6, 9—16. D. Arenas, Jimenez Fraga, H. Panesso Rivera, Rojas Keim, Larduet Despaigne, J. Clavijo, Yan. Vigoa Apecheche, Espinoza Palomino 5/2, etc. 326
Chess Informant highlights the creativity of the most prominent chess players. The annotations given ore shortened versions of the authors' originals. Chess Informant NIKITA VITIUGOV THE MOST MPORTANT THEORETICAL NOVELTIES EXCELLENT MOVES AND COMBINATIONS ** л -ч 327
NIKITA VITIUGOV The best games 100/197 C16 VITIUGOV 2608 - ULIBIN 2514 Biel (open) 2007 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £>c3 Ab4 4. e5 b6 5. a3 АеЗ 6. ЬсЗ Wd7 7. Wg4 f5 8. Wg3 Ааб 9. Ааб Aia6 10. £>e2 фП»? 11. a4 111. h4 Wa4! 12. Wd3 c5oo| c5!? 111... £>e7 - 22/239; 11... ЙЬ8] 12.Wd3! [12. h4 £>e7 13. h5 h6 14. £if4 cd4 15. cd4 &b4 16. Wb3 W6oo| Wc8 |12... W 13. a5t; 12... Wb7 13. АаЗ Ec8 14. 0-0 £>e7 15. Efbltl 13. АаЗ *53e7 14. h4 N [14. 0-0] £>c6 15. Wf3 [15. НЫ?! £}a5 (15... cd4 16. cd4 £>a5 17. Ab4!) 16. h5 £>c4 (16... cd4 17. h6 g6 18. 2>d4) 17. Ael Wc6M Ef8 [15... cd4? 16. cd4 £>ab4 17. Ab4 £>b4 18. 0-0 £ic2 19. Eacl Wc6 20. Ec2! Wc2 21. Ecl+-] 16. h5 &g8 17. 0-0 [17. h6!? g6 18. 0-0] Ef7 [17... £>a5!? 18. h6 (18. £if4 £>c4 19. £id5 Wd7!) g6 19. £>f4 A 19... £>c4 20. £>d5!±] 18.h6 g6 19. c4!? [19. Wg3] dc4 [19... cd4 20. cd5 £}e5 21. Wg3 2>g4 22. de6 We6 23. 2>d4t] 20. d5! £>e5 [20... ed5 21. Wd5 £>ab4 (21... Wd7 22. Wc4 £>c7 23. Ab2T) 22. Ab4 £>b4 23. Wc4 Wa6 (23... Wc6 24. Eadl?) 24. Wa6 £}a6 25. Eadl+] 21. Wc3 2>g4 22. Ab2 e5 [22... £>f6 23. de6 We6 24. Eael £>b4 25. £>f4 Wd6 26. Ee6 Wf4 27. Ef6 Wd4 28. Wf3 (28. Wb4? Wf6!-+) We4 29. Ef7 ФП 30. Wc353] 23. Eadl [23. f3 £>f6 24. We5 We8 25. Wc3 Aib4 26. £rf4 ^c2! 27. £>h5 gh5 28. Wc2 We3 29. Ef2 c3!^] &b4 24. 13 £>f6 25. Wc4 Wa6? [25... Wb7 26. d6 Ee8 (26... £>fd5 27. Wb3 Wa6 28. c4) 27. EfelSs] 26. Wa6 £>a6 27. Ae5 Ee8 28. Af6 Ee2?! [28... Ef6 29. £tf4 g5 30. £>e6 £>b4 31. c4 Eh6 32. Efelt] 29. Ag5 Ed7?!@ [29... Ec2? 30. d6 W 31. Efel Ф18 32. Ee7+-; 29... c4!?30. Efel Eel 31. Eel &f8 32.Ee6Ed7 33. Ef6 Фе8 34. Ec6±] 30. c4± ФГ7 [30... £>c7!? 31. Efel (31. a5 b5 32. cb5 £>b5 33. Ebl a6) Eel 32. Eel фП 33. ф!2±] 31. a5! £>c7 [31... b5!? 32. cb5 £>c7±] 32. ab6 ab6 33. Eal A>e8 34. Ea8 Eb7 35. Efal+- Ф18 36. фП Ec2 37. Eel 1:0 Vitiugov т/т в 48 MOROZEVICH 2755 - VITIUGOV 2594 Russia (ch) 2007 1. e4 c5 2. &f3 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £>c6 5. £>c3 Wc7 6. АеЗ аб 7. Wd2 &f6 8. f3 £>e5 [8... Ab4?! 9. a3 Ae7 10. g4T] 9. 0-0-0 Ab4 10. £>b3 b5 11. ФЫ?! ^c4 12. Ac4 bc4 13. £>cl Eb8 14. Фа1 0-0 15. Af4 e5 16. Ag5 £>e8 17. £le2 [17. аЗ АеЗ (17... Aa3? 18. ba3 Wb6 19. £>d3 cd3 20. Ebl Wd6 21. Eb8 Wb8 22. Ae7±; 17... a5? 18. ab4 ab4 19. £>3a2+-) 18. Wc3 f5!^l d6 18. a3 a5 [18... Aa5!?] 19. Wcl [19. ab4?! ab4 20. £>a2 (20. £>a4? Ad7 21. ЬЗ Aa4 22. ba4 Wa5 23. c3 Wa4 24. Wa2 Wc6-) Wa5w 21. Ae7? A 21... Аеб 22. ^ecl Ea8 23. We2 c3 24. Ed5 Ad5 25. ed5 £>c7-; 19. g4!?] Аеб 20. £>a2 [20. g4!?l f5 [20... Ac5] 21. £>ec3 N [21. ef5 - 92/165] Wb7 22. Ehfl? [22. ab4 ab4 23. ^d5 Ea8 24. ЬЗ fe4 25. fe4 Ad5 26. Ed5 Ef2-; 22. АеЗ!?] Ac5 23. Efel f4!+ 24. 328
NIKITA VITIUGOV Де2 ДП 25. Ah4 Wa7 [25... ^.еЗ?! 26. ДеЗ fe3 27. Де IT] 26. Дде1 [26. ДА Д!Ъ7 27. £>dl сЗ!+] Д1Ъ7 27. ^dl £>с7 28. ±f2? [28. £>асЗ Ad4+| 28... jlf2 [28... ДЬ2 29. W (29. ^.с5 Да2 30. Фа2 сЗ 31. фа 1 Wc5-+) ^.f2 30. Дd 1+1 29. Д12 ДЬ2 30. Wb2 ДЬ2 31. фЬ2 £>Ь5 32. сЗП [32. а4 сЗ 33. Фа1 Аа2 34. аЬ5 ±с4-+[ Wb6 33. Фс1 -ЙаЗ 34. ДЬ2 £>Ь5-+ 35. ФЫ Wc5 36. h3 J.d7 37. Дее2 ФП 38. Деа2 Асб 39. £>с1 Фе7 40. Да2 Wa7 41. £>е2 £>с7 42. £>Ь2 АЬ5 43. £>cl £>е6 44. ДаЗ Wb6 45. £>dl Ас5 46. ДЬ2 а4 47. ДЬ4 £>ЬЗ 48. ^2 [48. Даа4 Wgl 49. ДЬ5 Wdl 50. Дс4 £>d2-+] Wc5 49. Да2 d5 50. ed5 Wd5 51. ^f2 A.d7 52. ФЬ2 [52. Дс2 аЗ-+| £>c5 53. ФаЗ &a6 54. ДаЬ2 АЬ4 55. cb4 Af5 56. £>сЗ Wd4 57. £>fdl [57. £>fe4 Ае4 58. £>е4 сЗ 59. Дс2 Wdl—+1 Фd8 58. Ь5 фс7 59. Фа4 е4 60. fe4 Ае4 61. ФЬ4 g5 62. Да2 h5 63. Даб Ag2 64. ДЬб g4 65. hg4 hg4 66. Фа5 g3 67. ДЬ7 фс8 68. Ь6 АС 69. Дс7 Фd8 70. Аа4 Wdl 71. £>с5 Wei 0:1 Vitiugov 101/173 В 91 ARTY. TIMOFEEV 2637 - VITIUGOV 2594 Russia (ch) 2007 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £>f6 5. £ic3 аб 6. g3 e5 7. £>de2 kel 8. Ag2 0-0 9. 0-0 £>bd7 10. a4 b6 11. h3 Ab7 12. g4 Дс8 13. £>g3 £ic5 14. g5 [14. £>d5 £>d5 15. ed5 a5±5; 14. АеЗ g6 15. £>d5 Ad5 (15... £>d5 16. ed5 Ag5 17. f4 ef4 18. Af4 a5 19. Wd2oo) 16. ed5 a5oo; 14. Де 1 - 48/(359)1 ^fd7N[14...^e8[ 15. h4 [15. £if5 Ag5 16. Wg4£>e6(16...h6 17. fidl £>f6 18. Ag5 hg5 19. Wg5 £}e6 20. Wh4+) 17. Ag5 2>g5 18. fifdl Дс7 (18... &e6 19. Дd6 g6 20. 2>h6 Фg7 21. Дadl Дс7 22. £if7+) 19. Дd6 g6 20. h4 £>e6 21. £>h6 Фg7 22. Qtfl ДП 23. Деб £>c5^] g6±5 16. АеЗ [16. f4 ef4 17. Af4 £}e5 18. £>d5 Ad5 19. ed5 a5] £>e6 17. Ah3? [17. £>d5 Ad5 18. ed5 £rf4 19. Af4 ef4 20. £>e2 h6+; 17. Wg4 Дс4[ <2}f4! 18. Af4 [18. Wg4 W (18... f5 19. ef5 h5 20. gh6 £}f6 (Arty. Timofeev) 21. Wg6 £}g6 22. fg6 £ie8 23. Аеб ФИ8 24. f4^) 19. Wh3 Дс4Т1 ef4 19. £}ge2 13 20. £id4 [20. £>g3 £>e5+] 20... Ag5! 21. hg5 [21. £>f3 Af6+1 Wg5 22. ФЫ ДсЗ! 23. ЬсЗ [23. ^f3 Ae4 24. ЬсЗ £>e5 25. Ag2 ^f3 26. Af3 Wh5-+[ Wh4 24. ФИ2 [24. £>f3 Ae4 25. ФИ2 Wf4 26. Фgl Af3 27. Wd4 Wh6 28. ФИ2 (28. ±g2 Wg5-+) £>e5 29. figl ^.g4-+J £>e5 25. Дgl Wf2 26. ФЫ Wh4 27. ФЬ2 Wf2 28. ФМ Wh4 29. ФИ2 h5! 30. £>f3 [30. £>f5 Wf4 31. ДgЗ h4 32. W Wh4-+[ Wf4 31. ДgЗ ^.e4! [31... h4 32. W Wh4 33. Wd6+[ 32. £>g5 [32. £>e5 h4!-+[ h4 33. £>e4 hg3 34. £>g3 £rf3 35. Фg2 £>h4 36. ФЫ Wg3 37. Wg4 Wc3 38. ДП Wc6 39. £gl Wc5 40. ДС ®f5-+ 41. Wf4 Де8 42. ±f5 Wf5 43. Wf5 gf5 44. Дd2 [44. ДГ5 Де1 45. Ф12 Дс1 J Деб 45. c4 Де4 46. Дd6 Дс4 47. ДЬб Да4 48. ФС Фg7 49. Ф13 а5 50. ФеЗ f6 51. Ф13 Фg6 52. ДЬ8 Да1 53. Дg8 ФП 54. Дg2 а4 55. ФГ4 ДП 56. Фg3 ДЫ 57. Дс2 аЗ 58. ФМ ДЬ4 59. Ф15 ДЬ5 60. фГ4 Да5 0 : 1 Vitiugov 329
NIKITA VITIUGOV 104/17 A 39 VITIUGOV 2638 - ARTY. TIMOFEEV 2670 Russia (m/1) 2008 1. c4 c5 2. &c3 g6 3. g3 Ag7 4. Ag2 £ic6 5. £if3 £if6 6. d4 cd4 7. ftd4 0-0 8. 0-0 £ig4 9. e3 d6 10. ЬЗ £>d4 11. ed4 £>h6 12. Ah6 Ah6 13. We2 Sb8 14. Sfdl Аеб?! N [14... Wa5 - 75/40; 14... Se8!?[ 15. b4 Wc8 16. c5± Sd8 116... Se8!?l 17. Sabi [17. Ad5 Ag4 18. f3 dc5 19. dc5 e6±d аб 18. Ad5 Af5 19. Sb3 [19. We7 Sd7 (19... Abl 20. Wf7 Ф118 21. Sbl±) 20. Wh4 Abl 21. Wh6 Af5 22. g4 Ag4 23. £ie4 Wd8 24. Sei Af5 25. £>g5 Wf6 26. ®h7 &f8 27. Af7 Bf7 28. £>f7 g5! 29. Wh5 Ag6 30. Wg5 (30. Wh8 ®h8 31. W Ah5 32. Se6 dc5 33. bc5 <£g7 34. Sb6 Sh8 35. Sb7 Af7+) <£f7 31. Wd5 <£g7 32. Se6 Wf4 33. Se7 £f8 34. Se6 Wg4 35. фЫ Wdl 36. <^>g2=[ Ag7? [19... Wc7 20. Af3 кеб; 20. Ac4!?[ 20. We7 Sd7 [20... Ac2 21. Af7 ФЬ8 22. кеб Se8 (22... Wc6 23. d5 We8 24. We8 Se8 25. Scl±) 23. Ac8 Se7 24. cd6 Se8 25. d7 Sec8 26. dc8W Sc8 27. Sa3 Adi 28. £>dl±[ 21. We2 dc5 22. bc5 Wd8 23. g4! Wg5? [23... Se7! 24. Ae4 кеб 25. d5 Ad7 26. Wf3±l 24. h3 Sbd8 [24... Sd5 25. £>d5 кеб 26. £>e7! We7 27. d54~; 24... h5 25. f4 (25. Wd2!? Wd2 26. Sd2) Wf4 26. gf5+-1 25. Sb7! h5 [25... Sb7 26. Ab7 Ad4 27. Sd4 Sd4 28. We8 <i>g7 29. We5 Wf6 30. Wf6 ФА6 31. gf5 Sc4 32. &d5 Фе5 33. сб!+-[ 26. We3 We3 27. fe3 hg4 28. hg4 Ag4 29. Sd7 Sd7 30. Sbl Ah6 31. ФП Se7 32. £>e4!+- [32. e4?! Ad2 33. £>e2[ Af5 33. сб ^g7 34. Sb7 ФГ8 35. c7 1 : 0 Vitiugov 107/15 A 32 VITIUGOV 2694 - ARTY. TIMOFEEV 2651 Russia (ch) 2009 1. £>f3 c5 2. c4 &f6 3. d4 cd4 4. ftd4 еб 5. g3 Wc7 6. £>d2 аб 7. Ag2 &c6 8. ^20 [8. £12ЬЗ!?[ d6 9.0-0 Ad710. ЬЗ kel 11. Ab2 0-0 12. Scl Sac8 [12... Sfd8 - 24/(67)1 13. e3 N [13. £>c6; 13. Wd3; 13. Wd2[ Wa5 [13... e5!?l 14. a3 [14. АеЗ Wh5oo[ Sfd8 15. h3 [15. We2!?[ b5 [15... e5!?[ 16. cb5 ab5 17. £>c6 Sc6 [17... Асб 18. Sc6 Sc6 19. &d4 Scc8 20. &c6 Sc6 21. Асб d5=| 18. £id4 Scl 19. Wcl Sc8 20. Wbl d5 21. Scl Scl [21... ^.аЗ? 22. Sc8 ^.c8 23. Wcl!+-[ 22. Wcl Wb6 23. £>f3 Wb7 24. £>d2 Wc6 25. Wc6 ±c6 26. ФА £>e4 27. £>e4 de4 K3.& 9/f[ 28. Фе1 i.d5 29. b4 29... f5 [29... f6!=[ 30. Afl Асб 31. h4 <£f7 32. Ae5 g6 33. &d2 фе8 34. Ae2 h5 35. ФеЗ Фх17 36. ^>d4 Af8 37. Af4 &d8 38. Фе5 Фе7 39. Ag5 ф>17 40. Af6 Ad7 41. Adi Асб 42. Ab3 Ad7 43. Aa2 Ac8 44. Ad8 фе8 [44... Ag7 45. <£d6 <фе8 46. Ag5 (46. Ae7? Ab2 47. кеб Aa3!=) Ab2 (46... Af8 47. Фс7 Ad7 48. Af6!+-) 47. кеб кеб 48. Феб АаЗ 49. Ае7 Ael (49... Ab2 50. Af6!+-) 50. Ac5 Ad2 51. <£f6 Ael 52. фё6 Af2 53. £f5 Ag3 54. Фё5+-[ 45. Ag5 [45. Ab6? Ag7 46. &d6 Af8 47. Фс7 Ad7 48. Ad4 (48. Ab3 Ag7 49. Ad4 Ad4 330
NIKITA VITIUGOV 50. ed4 фе7оо) Ae7 49. Ab3 g5+] ФГ7 46. Af6 Ad7 47. Ab3 Ah6 [47... Ac8 48. ±d8 Фе8 49. Ab6 Ag7 50. <£>d6 Af8 51. Фс7 Ad7 52. Ad4 Ae7 53. Adl+-] 48. Ad8 kgl 49. Ф06 фе8 50. kel ke5 51. фе5 Фе7 [£A 7/k[ 52. ±c2 Ae8 53. Adi Ac6 54. kel ke8 55. Afl [55. f3? ef3 56. Af3 Ad7 57. Ab7 Ae8 58.Ac8 Af7=] Ad7 56. Ah3 Ae8 57. Ag2 Ac6 58. Afl Ae8 59. kel кеб 60. Adi Ae8 61. &d4 <£d6 62. ФсЗ Ad7 63. ФЬ2 ^>d5 64. АЬЗ Фе5 65. Adi &d5 66.АЬЗ фе5 67. a4 ba4 68. Adi &d5 69. фаЗ фс4 70. Aa4 Ac8 71. Ae8 &d3 72.Ag6 Фе2 73. Ah5 Ф12 74. Adi e5 75. h5 f4 76. gf4 ef4 77. h6 AB 78. ef4 e3 79. b5 Ac2 80. b6 Adi 81. h7 AG 82. h8® el 83. Wh4 ФП 84. f5 1:0 Vitiugov 108/101 D 15 VITIUGOV 2692 - RODSHTEIN 2622 Bursa 2010 1. c4 сб 2. £>G d5 3. e3 &f6 4. ФсЗ a6 5. d4 b5 6. ЬЗ Ag4 7. h3 AG 8. WG e5 9. de5 Ab4 10. Ad2 Ac3 11. Ac3 ^e4 12. Ab4 bc4 13. Wg4 c5 14. G &c6 15. fe4 &b4 16. Wg7 Sf8 17. ed5 N [17. ф£2| Wh4 18. Фе2 We4 [18... ^d5!?[ 19. Ф12! [19. bc4? £>c2[ £>c2 [19... £>d5!?] 20. ®h6 ®g6D 21. Wf4 £}al 22. Ac4 £>c2 23. d6! Hg8 24. g4 Ha7 25. Sdl Wg5 26. We4 Sg6 [26... Wh4 27. &g2 £}el 28. фП±] 27. Фе2 h5? [27... Sh6[ 28. Sd5?! [28. d7! Hd7 29. АП+-1 &d8? [28... hg4; 28... Wh4] 29. Ш2+- hg4 30. еб Wh6 31. e7 [31. Sc51 Фе8 32. Wf5 [32. He5[ Hd7 33. ®f7 [33... ФП 34. Sf5 Фg7 35. Sf7 ФЬ8 36. e8® Hg8 37. We5 Sg7 38. Hf8 Ф117 39. Ad3] 1:0 T. Paunovic 331
NIKITA VITIUGOV The most important theoretical novelties 15. 0-0-0! N [15. f4 Wf6! 16. fg5? ®d4 17. ^.c7 Hac8 18. ±d6 Hfe8 19. ®d4 £>d4 20. Ф12 e5 1/2 : 1/2 P. Jaracz — R. Jedynak, Pardubice 2005 - 94/(401); 16. Hdl55 Alex- ander Moiseenko] ®f6 16. We3 d5? [16... d6 17. f4 Wf5 18. J.d3 Wg4 19. Hh6t] 17. f4! £>a5?? 18. f5!+- [18. fg5 Wg5!~H Vitiugov 104/59 C 11 D. JAKOVENKO 2737 - VITIUGOV 2638 Russia (ch) 2008 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £>c3 ^f6 4. e5 £>fd7 5. f4 c5 6. £>f3 £>c6 7. АеЗ аб 8. Wd2 b5 9. a3 Ab7 10. Ad3 [10. dc5 Ac5 11. £>e2 f6 12. Ac5 £}c5 13. We3 £>e4co Kritz — M. Kobalia, Port Erin 2007[ 97/(374) E 13 VITIUGOV 2550 - EVGENY ALEKSEEV 2640 Saint Petersburg 2006 1. d4 &f6 2. c4 еб 3. ^f3 b6 4. £>c3 J.b4 5. Jlg5 Ab7 6. £>d2 h6 7. ±h4 0-0 8. e4 g5 9. J.g3 £>e4 10. £ice4 Де4 11. аЗ J.d2 12. Wd2 £>c6 13. h4 Ag6 14. hg5 hg5 10... g5!? N [10... Wb6[ 11. fg5 cd4 12. &d4 £}de5 13. 0-0 Ag7 14. £>сб Асб 15. Ac5 [15... h6!^[ Bjelajac 105/129 D 31 KOZUL 2594 - VITIUGOV 2687 Budva 2009 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £ic3 dc4!? 4. e4 b5 5. a4 b4 6. £>bl ±a6 7. ^f3 еб 8. ±g5 Wa5 9. 332
NIKITA VITIUGOV Wcl 19. £}bd2 h6 10. АеЗ сЗ 11. £>b3 Wc7 12. Aa6 cb2 13. Ebl £>a6 14. Wd3 W 15. 0-0 £>f6 16. Eb2^[ h6 10. АеЗ [10. Ah4 c3 (10... g5 11. Ag3 £if6 12. Ac4 £>e4 13. Ae5 Eg8 14. <§3bd2^) 11. ЬсЗ £>d7tl c3 [10... £>f6 11. e5 £>d5 12. Ac4 Ac4 13. Wc4+ Yuri Yakovich — S. Beshukov, Saint-Vincent 2000 - 79/3741 11. ЬсЗ 11... Afl! N [11... ЬсЗ 12. &c3 Ab4 13. Ad2 £>f6 14. e5 Afl 15. ФП Ac3 16. ef6!? Ad2 17. fg7 Eg8 18. £>d2 Wg5 19. £>e4 Wg7 20. Wf4 &d7 21. g3+[ 12. <£>fl ^f6 13. e5 A>d5 14. c4 Wa6 15. &gl £>e3 16. fe3 c5 [16... Ae7? 17. c5±[ 17. £>bd2 Ae7 18. h4! £}d7oo Vitiugov 110/76 В 27 V. POTKIN 2646 - VITIUGOV 2709 Russia (ch) 2010 1. d4 g6 2. e4 Ag7 3. £>f3 сб 4. c4 d5 5. cd5 cd5 6. e5 Ag4 7. £>bd2?! £>c6 8. Ab5 Wb6! 9. Wa4?! [9. Асб Wc6 10. 0-0 Ec8 11. Eel Wc2 12. We2 аб 13. h3 Af5 14. £>fl We2 15. Ee2 Ad3= Matulovil — J. Belldn L6pez, Skopje (ol) 1972 - 14/319] 9... Ad7! N [9... Ec8; 9... £>h6[ 10. Асб [10. 0-0?! £}e5! 11. Ad7 £>d7 12. £>e5 Ae5 13. de5 Wc6+1 Асб 11. Wa3 Ab5= Al. Kovacevic 333
NIKITA VITIUGOV Excellent moves and combinations 94/334 VITIUGOV 2519 - M. KOBALIA 2614 97/181 V. LOGINOV 2510 - VITIUGOV 2550 101/322 VITIUGOV 2594 - AN. RYCHAGOV 2528 Russia 2005 Saint Petersburg 2006 Russia (ch) 2007 1. ? 105/72 PAVEL SMIRNOV 2579 - VITIUGOV 2687 Moscow 2009 102/326 VITIUGOV 2609 - VASILI J GAGARIN 2378 Moscow 2008 104/206 NEPOMNIACHTCHI 2602 — VITIUGOV 2616 Russia 2008 1. ? +- 1... ? -4- 107/53 VITIUGOV 2681 - V. POTKIN 2606 Russia 2009 if АИ6И1ИП 109/225 VITIUGOV 2707 - RUBLEVSKY 2704 Poikovsky 2010 112/234 VITIUGOV 2733 - A. KOROBOV 2671 Khanty-Mansiysk (m/1) 2011 1. ? +- 1. ? +- 334
NIKITA VITIUGOV 94/334 VITIUGOV - M. КОВАНА 1. £if7! 11. £ig4 £>g4 2. Ag4 b4 3. £>e2 Eh4!? 4. Ah4 Wh4 5. Ef4 Wh855; 1. £>d7 Wd7 2. Ae5 We7 3. g3 0-0-0^] Ф17 2. e5 Ф§8 3. Ag4! 13. ef6 £>f6 4. Ae5 Eh4 5. g3 Eh6 6. Ag4 We7 7. Af4 Eh7M Eh6 [3... £}g4 4. Wg4 Eh6 5. &e4 We8 (5... £if8 6. £id6 ®d7 7. h5±) 6. Ef6!? ФЬ8 (6... ФИ7 7. £>g5 <^g8 8. £>e6+-) 7. £id6 2>f6 8. ef6 Wg6 9. fg7 ФЬ7 10. Wg6 Eg6 11. Ae5 Ааб 12. gfl±; 3... £>f8 4. ef6 Af6 5. Ef4-; 3... We7 4. ef6 ^f6 5. Eel £>g4 6. Wg4t| 4. Аеб фЬ8 5. Af4! ^g8?! [5... Eh4!? 6. Ag5 Eh7 a) 7. Ad7 td7 8. ef6 Af8 9. Wd2 (9. Ef2 c5 10. f7 Ef7 11. Ef7 Wf7 12. Wg4 Wg6 13. Sfl Ag7 14. dc5 Ef8±) c5 10. f7 Ag7 11. d5 Ef8 12. Af6 Af6 13. Ef6 b4 14. Eafl Wg4 (14... ЬсЗ 15. Wc3 Wg4 16. Eb6 Wd4 17. Wd4 cd4 18. Eb7+-) 15. 4}e2 Wh4±; b) 7. ef6 £if6 (7... Af6 8. Ef6 9. £je4+-) bl) 8. £>e4? &e4 9. Ad8 Ed8-; b2) 8. Ef2 b4 9. £>e2 £>e4 10. Ad8 Ehl 11. ФМ 2>f2 12. ФЬ2 £>dl 13. Ae7 43b2 (13... Ee8 14. Edl Ee7 15. £>f4±) 14. <^>g3 Ah6 15. Ebl <i>g7 16. Eb2 (16. Ab4 Ee8 17. Ac3 фё6±) Ee8 17. Ac4 Ee7 18. Eb4+; ЬЗ) 8. Ef4 We7 9. We2 b31) 9... Ь4 b311) 10. £>a4 £>e4 11. Ae7 (11. We4 Wg5 12. £>c5 Ee8oo) Ad4 12. Ef2 £>g3 13. Af6 Af6 14. Ef6 £ie2 15. Ф12 £id4 16. Ac4 Ed8 17. Edl+; b312) 10. Eafl Wd6 11. Ef6 Wd4 12. E6f2 ЬсЗ 13. Af5±; b32) 9... Ee8 10. Eel c5 (10... Ь4 11. £>a4±) 11. We5 (11. £>b5!?) £>h5 12. Ae7 Ae5 13. Ee5 £>f4 14. Af6 Eg7 15. d5T] 6. Ag5± M. Kobalia 97/181 V. LOGINOV- VITIUGOV 1... 0-0!+ 2. Ad7 £>d3 3. Ac6 13. e5 Wg6 4. Ac6 (4. Ec7 £>el 5. Eb7 £>d3-+) Ac6 (4... ^cl!? 5. Ab7 ^)d3 6. Ae4 &c5 7. Wd4 £ie4+) 5. Ec6 Wf5 6. Wc2 Eac8!-+J £>cl 13... £tf4 4. Ab7 £id3 5. Efl £cl 6. Ecl+I 4. Ab7 £>d3 5. Aa8 Ea8 6. e5 [6. Ee2 £>f4 7. gf4 Wf4 8. Wd4 Wg4 9. ФН Wh3 10. &gl Ec8 11. £>b3 Wg4 12. ФЛ Bf3-+] Ш6 7. Ee4 &c5 8. Wd4 Ed8! 9. Bc4 10. ^e4 Wd5 11. We2 ®n2-+ 12. ЬЗ Wai 13. &g2 Wd4 14. h4 Ab4 15. £>c4 Wdl 16. Wa2 Wd5 17. f3 Wdl 18. Wa7 We2 19. фЬЗ h5 20. Wc7Edl 0:1 Vitiugov 101/322 VITIUGOV-AN. RYCHAGOV 1. g6! [1. Eh5 g6 2. Eh2 ЙЬс4±] £ibc4 |1... Ee6 2. &f4+-] 2. Eh5 f5 3. £>g3+- ЬЗ 4. аЬЗ Eab8 5. Edh 1 Ф18 6. £>f5 1:0 Vitiugov 102/326 VITIUGOV - VASILI J GAGARIN 1. fg6! £>c5 2. £>c5 Ee7 |2... Eb8 3. Ed4 Фе8 4. Ed7 Eb5 (4... ФГ8 5. Ef7 Фg8 6. ^id7+-) 5. g7 Ec5 6. Ea7+—] 3. g7 Ee8 4. Ed4 Фс8 |4... Фе7?? 5. Ed7#] 5. Ed7 Eb5 6. Ef7 Ec5 7. Ef8 Ec3 8. ФГ4 1:0 Vitiugov 104/206 NEPOMNIACHTCHI - VITIUGOV 1... £>d3 2. cd3 |2. ФЫ £jel 3. fe6 de6 4. d7 ^d3 5. cd3 WglTI Ad3 3. Wd3 Wei 4. фс2 Ec8 5. Wc3 We4 6. фdl Wg4! |6... Whl 7. Wei Wf3 8. We2 Whl 9. фd2 Wd5 10. фе1 Wd6 11. We3±] 7. Фс1 17. Ф02 Wg2 8. Фе1 335
NIKITA VITIUGOV Whl=l Wf4 8. ftd2 ИсЗ 9. ЬсЗ Wd6 10. <§if3|10. £>e4 Wa3 11.ФЫ ef5-+] b4 11. c4 Wc5 12. <Йе5 We3 13. ±bl We4 14. Фс1 We3 15. ФЫ We4 1/2 : 1/2 Vitiugov 105/72 PAVEL SMIRNOV- VITIUGOV 1... Sc3!-+ 2. Wc3 «idS 3. Wei Wd6! 4. Ad2 Wa3 5. фЫ ДЬ4 6. Sdl Sc8 7. We5 Sc2 8. «ic2 «ic3! 0 : 1 Vitiugov 107/53 VITIUGOV- V. POTKIN 1. Wgl!± We5 II... gh5 2. Sfl Wd6 3. Sf7 «3e5 4. Sf6±l 2. h6 £ic5 |2... f6!?l 3. Sd8 Sd8 4. Af3 ftd7 5. We3 f6?© |5... £>f8±] 6. gf6 Wf6 7. Ag4!+- g5 8. Wh3!? 18. h7 Sh8 9. Wh3 £>f8 10. Sfl I «ic5 9. h7 Sh8 10. £>d5 Wf7 11. Sfl We812. Wh2 Ad5 13. ed5 We7 14. de6Sh7© 1 : 0 Vitiugov 109/225 VITIUGOV- RUBLEVSKY 1. «ie5! «ia5 2. b4 12. We2!?| Ad5 3. ed5 cb4 4. Sa5 Wa5 5. £>c6 Wa4 6. Wd4 ±f6 7. We3 <^>d7 8. £>a7 ЬЗ 9. Wb6 1 : 0 Da. Milanovic 112/234 VITIUGOV - A. KOROBOV 1. JLg4!+— |1. ФА Sd8 2. ±g4 Sd6±| Se8 [1... c3 2. W <^>g8 3. Sd5 ed5 4. i.e6 We6 5. We6 ФЬ7 6. Wf5! ФЬб 7. g4] 2. фП [2. Sd5!? ed5 3. £ie6 Фg8 4. ^.f51 сЗ 3. ЬсЗ £c4 13... J.a2 4. W Фg8 5. Sd7 «&Ы 6. £>f6 Wf6 7. We8 ФИ7 8. J.e6] 4. фgl Фg8 5. Sei Wd7 6. Se4 1 : 0 Vitiugov 336
NIKITA VITIUGOV Endings 95/353 VITIUGOV 2538 - SIVOKHO 2473 98/302 VITIUGOV 2596 - D. STELLWAGEN 2576 Yerevan 2006 98/38 R. NECHEPURENKO 2479 - VITIUGOV 2596 Yerevan 2006 104/220 VITIUGOV 2616 - K. MASLAK 2521 104/123 VITIUGOV 2638 - MOROZEVICH 2787 104/247 VITIUGOV 2617 - KULAOTS 2530 104/248 VITIUGOV 2638 - SAKAEV 2640 Russia (ch) 2008 105/122 VITIUGOV 2687 - S. GRIGORIANTS 2565 Moscow 2009 108/42 VITIUGOV 2692 - ARUN PRASAD 2567 Bursa 2010 д 9/i i. ? +- 337
NIKITA VITIUGOV 95/353 VITIUGOV - SIVOKHO 1. ФЬЗ a5 2. фа4! Sd5 3. g4+- e4 [3... фс7 4. g5 Sd2 5. Фа5 Да2 6. ФЬ4 фё7 7. Фс4!] 4. Sf5 Sd2 5. фа5 Да2 6. ФЬ4 |Д 5/Ы Феб 7. ФеЗ! Да4 8. g5 Фd6 9. g6 еЗ 10. fe3 Sg4 11. Да5 Феб 12. Фd3 Ф16 13. Даб ФГ5 113... Фg7 14. е4] 14. Фе2! Sg3 15. ДЬб Фе4 16. фП Sg5 17. Даб ф« 18. фй [18. Да5?? Фg6 19. Sg5 Фg5=| Sgl 19. ДЬб фе5 20. е4 Да1 21. Фg4 1 : 0 Vitiugov 98/38 *. NICHIPUUNKO - VITIUGOV 1... g4!-+ 2. £>c4 |2. b7 J.b7 3. £ib7 g3| g3 3. Sd3 ±e4 4. b7 g2 0:1 Vitiugov 98/302 VITIUGOV- D. STELLWAGEN 1. Ф13+- J.d5 2. e4 g4 3. феЗ Ab3 4. g3 Фg5 5. Фd3 ±dl 6. ФеЗ Ae2 7. ФЬ4 8. ±g6 ФЬб 9. Фс5 Фg5 10. Фd6 ФГ6 11. Af5 Фg5 12. Фе5 ФЬ5 13. Ф16 1:0 Vitiugov 104/123 VITIUGOV - MOROZEVICH 1. Sg5 Феб 2. a4 фТб 3. ДЬ5 Де7 4. фd4 |4. а5?? Де5[ ДеЗ 5. а5 Ьа5 [5... Дй 6. аЬ6 аЬб 7. Фе4 ДеЗ 8. ФГ4 Деб 9. ДГ5 Фе7 10. Де5=] 6. Да5 аб 7. Даб фg5 8. Да8 Дй 9. Hg8 фЬ4 10. Фе4 1/2 : 1/2 Vitiugov 104/220 VITIUGOV - К. MASLAK 1. ФgЗ! J.f3 2. фй Sg5 |Д 7/gJ 3. Фе4+- Sg2 4. Ь4 фg7 5. фd4 Да2 6. Hg4 ФП 7. Hf4 Фе7 |7... Фе8 8. Hf6[ 8. ДЬ4 ДаЗ 9. ДЬ7 фй 10. Да7 Да4 ПО... ДЬЗ 11. Даб ДЬ4 12. фс5] 11. Фс5 ДаЗ 12. Sd7 112. d4 ДеЗ 13^d6Sd3(13... Дс4 14. d5) 14. феб Sd4 15. Да8 Фg7 16. Фе7 ДЬ4 17. еб ДЬ2 18. Да7 Hd2 19. Sd7 Sh2 20. Фd8 ФГ6 21. е7 ДИ8 22. e8W Де8 23. фе8 феб 24. фd8 Ь4 25. фс7 а5 26. Sdl ЬЗ 27. ФЬб а4 28. ФЬ5 аЗ 29. ФЬ4] Фе8 13. Sd6 фП 14. фЬб Да4 15. Sd4 Фg6 16. h4 ф!5 17. h5 Фg5 18. Sh4! фЬб 19. Фс5 ДаЗ 20. d4 а5 21. ФЬ5 121. Фd6 аЬ4 22. феб ЬЗ 23. d5] аЬ4 22. фЬ4 Да8 23. Фс5 Sd8 24. феб Sd5 [24... Фg5 25. Фс7!| 25. Фс7 Да5 [25... Фg5 26. Ь6[ 26. Фd7 Даб 27. Фе7 ДЬ6 28. Ф16 Даб 29. Hg4 фЬ5 30. Sg8 ДЬб 31. Sd8 1 : 0 Vitiugov 104/247 VITIUGOV - kUlaots 1. ^.Ь2! Де7 [1... Фg8 2. Ae5 fe5 3. Де5 фй 4. He2±[ 2. Ae5 fe5 [Д 7/i| 3. фЬ2 Фg8 4. фgЗ Ф17 5. фй Фе8 6. Фе4 Фd7 [6... Sf7 7. ДЫ1 7. ДП+- фd6 8. Hf8 Sd7 9. h4 Фс7 10. g4 b5 11. ab6 ФЬб 12. g5 Фс7 13. Ь5 a5 14. h6 [14. Да8!?| gh6 15. gh6 ФЬб 16. фе5 Де7 17. фd6 Де4 18. ДЬ8 Фа7 19. ДЬ5 Дс4 20. Фс7 фаб 21. ДЬб Фа7 22. d6 1:0 Vitiugov 104/248 VITIUGOV - SAKAEV 1. £>еб! [1. ЬЗ Ь4 2. £>еб £>d7 3. Фg3 с5 4. ФГ4 с4 5. ^d4 &с5 6. Ьс4 ЬЗ+| £>d3 [1... Ьа4 2. £>с5[ 2. ЬЗ Ь4 3. Фg3 с5 4. Ф13 с4 5. ФеЗ £>е1! 6. £>с5 сЗ 7. Фе2! [7. £>Ь7? ^f3 8. фdЗ *53е5 9. Фс2 ^сб-+[ £>g2 8. £>Ь7 £ih4 9. £>а5 ^f3! 10. Фd3 £id4 11. £>с4= [11. W? W 12. а5 £id4 13. аб с2 14. а7 clW 15.а8ВФЬ7 16^d4Wc3 17. фе4ЬЗ 18. Ш6 Wei 19. фd4 Ь2 20. Wg6 Фg8 21. f6 Wb4 22. феЗ Wc3 23. Фе2 Wf6-+| £1ЬЗ 12. £}еЗ £}а5 13. £}d5 £}сб 14. а5 £}а5 1/2 : 1/2 Vitiugov 105/122 VITIUGOV - S. GRIGORIANTS 1. ^)f4+- £g6 2. Ф13 фd7 3. Фе2 4. Фd3 Фс7 5. ФеЗ Феб 6. а4! фс7 7. Ь4 Феб 8. ФЬЗ Фс7 9. ФаЗ Феб 10. £>d3 ±е8 11. £icl ФЬ7 12. £>ЬЗ аЬ4 13. фЬ4 фаб 14. а5 Ьа515. £}а5 1:0 Vitiugov 338
NIKITA VITIUGOV 108/42 VITIUGOV - ARUN PRASAD 1. a5!+- фдб 2. jLe5 Феб 3. £c7 ФГ5 4. ФеЗ J.e4 5. g3 ф§4 6. ф<14 Лаб 7. Фс5 Ag2 8. ЛЬ8 JLfl 9. Sg8 ^.d3 10. Ле8! JLf5 11. Ab6 Фg3 12. Феб Ф14 13. Ф<15 |13. ЛО! Фе5 14. c4H— Vitiugov] g5 14. c4 g4 15. Феб |15. c5 g3 16. Ac7 фg4 (16... Ф13 17. Hf8 Фg4 18. Sg8 - 16... Фg4) 17. Hg8 (17. ЛеЗ ±d7 18. Eg3 Ф114 19. Hg7 Ac6 20. ф<16+-) Ag6 (17... Sg6 18. Sg6 £g6 19. J.g3 ФgЗ 20. аб ФГ4 21. c6+~) 18. сб фё5(18...ф£5 19. gf8 Фg4 20. ±b6g2 21. c7+—) 19. J.b6 g2 20. c7 ЛЬб 21. c8W g 1W (21... ЛЬ5 22. феб glW 23. Sg6 Фg6 24. Wg8+-) 22. Wd8 Фg4 23. ab6+~] Ae4 16. ФЬ5 Ла8 17. i.c7 ф«5 18. Ле5 Ф14 19. аб ФеЗ [19... ФО 20. Деб (20. Ле7+~) ^.d3 (20... М5 21. Ш6 Фе4 22. фЬб i.c8 23. а7 Фd3 24. с54~) 21. Hf6 Фе2 22. Hf4 (22. ±g3+-) Eg8 23. а7+-1 20. Де7 фаз 21. с5 Sg8 22. а7 ^.а8 23. ±g3 Лс8 24. Деб Фд4 25. сб фд5 26. Sd6 фе4 27. фЬб ФП 28. J.h4 1 :0 Sa. Velickovic NIKITA VITIUGOV Country: Russia Born: 1987 Title: Grandmaster since 2007 Rating: 2691 Peak rating: 2733 Edited by Tomislav Paunovic 339
Korice • Переплёт • Cover • Parm • Couverture • Cubiertas • Copertina • Parmar • ifffi • oiL-аЛ Dor de Simic, Vladimir Vuksan Dizain • Дизайн • Design • Design • Design • Diseno • Grafica • Design • Aleksandar Gajic, Milos Majsforovic Tehnitiki urednik • Технический редактор • Technical editor • Technischer Redakteur • Redacteur technique • Redactor tecnico • Redattore tecnico • Teknisk redaktor • jv**1 Svetlana Ignjatovic Stampa: JP '’Sluzbeni glasnik'’, Beograd Printed in Serbia 2012 CIP — Каталогизаци|а у публикации Народна библиотека Срби)е, Београд 794.1 SAHOVSKI informator = Шахматньц информатор = Chess informant = Schach-Informator = Informateur d’echecs = Informador ajedrecistico = Informatore scacchistico = Schack-informator / odgovorni urednik Branko Tadic. - 1966, br. 1 - . - Beograd (Francuska 31) : Sahovski informator, 1966- (Beograd : Sluzbeni glasnik). - 24 cm Cetiri puta godisnje. ISSN 0351-1375 = Sahovski informator COBISS.SR-ID 15973890