                    Mathematics and Its Applications
w Adamek and Vera Trnkova
Automata and
Algebras in Categories

Mathematics and Hi Applications (East European Series) Muting Edkof: M. HAZEWINKEL Ctnmfor Mmrhamaha and Computer Sd**ct. Amsterdam. Tmt Netktrlnmdt EiMuriil Bui* A. BIALYNICKI BIKULA, Iralinilr ofMaktnwtia. Warier Vmrrmity. folaod H. KURKE. Humboldt Unimily. fern*. CD* J. KURZWEIL, UolKrmatkt Iralttwt. Aeodtmy ofStinm. humvt. Cnrhadovakia L LEINDLER. tofyol Imliuu. Sitftd. Hm$ary D. S. MITRINOVlt, Urilmhyaf Btitrwk. tugailarta S. ROLEWICZ. Mil* Atadtmy of Stttim. Wmnmw. Pthnd ■L. H. SENDOV. BwlferitK Afdrmy ofSdtncn. Sofia. BWforio I. T. TODOROV, tulgerima Aradtmy ofStumm. Sofia, fulmar* H. TRIEBEL, Uidmtly of Ima. G.D.K.
Automata and Algebras in Categories by JiRI adAmek Faculty of Ottuitat Emgiimrimg. TtckiHcal Vnhmitj. Fromat. Cxtvhmbmkul ind V£RA TRNKOVA Faculty of Malhtmatki aad Physki. Charks Untwrstty. Frag**. CirthoshnaUa KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT / BOSTON /LONDON
lAmr •» C^na Cttd^taj la PaNiottoa Datt OE Adamek. JIH. Dr. Automata and algebras in categories/by JIH Adamek and Vera Trakova. p. an. (Mathematics and lb application*. East European scries; 37) Bibliography: p. Includes Indei. ISBN 0-7923-0010-6 I. Machine theory. 2. Categoric* (Mathematics) 3. Functor theory. I. Trakova, Verm. II. Title, til. Strict: Mathematic* and Hs applications (D. Reidd Publishing Company). East European •erics; v. 37. QA267.A32 1909 311 -dcl9 M-297B0 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Boi 17. 3300 AA Dordrecht. The Netherlands in co-edition with SNTL— Publishers of Technical Literature, Prague Kluwer Academic Publishers incorporates the publishing programmes of D. ReMd, Maninus NIJhoiT. Dr. W. junk and MTP Press. Sold and distributed In the U.S-A- and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive. Norwetl. MA 02041, U.S-A. Sold and distributed in Albania, Bulgaria. China. Ciechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Mongolia. Northern Korea, Poland. Rumania, U.S.S.R., Vietnam, and Yugoslavia by ARTIA. Foreign Trade Corporatioa Tor the Import and Export of Cultural Commodities, Vc Smeckach 30.111 27 Prague I. Czechoslovakia In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Oroup, P.O. Boi 322. 3300 AH Dordrecht. The Netherlands All Rights Reserved Copyright • 1990 by JiH Adamek and Vera Tmkova No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, clearonlc, or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by aay u- fornation storage and retrieval system, without written permitsioa from the copyright owners Printed in Czechoslovakia
Scries E4ltor*i Preface 'Et mol si J'avah ■■ On* Krvtce mathematics uhmiwih en revenir, jc n'y has rendered the haiaan ■crib point Bile.' nee. It has pot common Jain Verne mam bncfc when it belongs, on the topmost their The series it divergent; neil to the dusty canister IbereTon we msy be aNe la labelled 'discarded non- do something with it. sense'. O. Heavlside Eric T. Bell Mathematia is a tool Tor thouiht. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and nonlineariliea abound. Similarly, all kinds or parts or mathematics serve as tools for other parti and for other sciences. Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds such statement* as: 'One service topology has rendered mathematical physics ...'; 'One service logic has rendered computer science ...'; 'One service category theory has rendered mathematics ...'. All arguably true. And all statements obtainable this way form part the raison d'etre of this series. This series, Mathtmatki and In Applications, started in 1977. Now that over one hundred volumes have appeared it seems opportune to reexamine its scope. At the time I wrote "Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. How- ever, the 'tree' of knowledge of mathematics and related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches. It also happens, quite often in fact, that branches which were thought to be completely disparate are suddenly seen to be related. Further, the kind and level of sophistication of mathematics applied in various sciences has changed drastically in recent yean: measure theory is used (non-trivi- ally) in regional and theoretical economics; algebraic geometry interacts with physics; the Minkowsky lemma, coding theory and the structure of water meet one another in packing and covering theory; quantum fields, crystal defects and mathematical programming profit from homotopy theory; Lie algebras are relevant to filtering; and prediction and electrical engineering can use Stein spaces. And In addition to this there are such new emerging subdisdpllnes u 'experimental mathematics', 'CFD', 'completely IntegraMe systems', 'chaos synergetics and large-scale order', which are almost impossible to fit into the existing classification schemes. They draw upon widely different sections of mathematics.*'
VI Strict Editor'! Preface By and large, all still applies today. It is still true that at Tint sight mathematics seems rather fragmented and that to find, see, and exploit the deeper underlying interrelations more effort is needed and so are books that can help mathematicians and scientists do so. Accordingly MIA will continue to try to make such books available. If anything, the description I gave in 1977 is now an understatement. To the examples or interaction areas one should add string where Riemann surfaces, algebraic geometry, modular functions, knots, quantum field theory, Kac- Moody algebras, monstrous moonshine (and more) all come together. And to the examples of things which can be usefully applied let me add the topic 'finite geometry': a combination of words which sounds like it might not even exist, let alone be applicable. And yet it is being applied: to statistics via designs, to radar/sonar detection arrays (via finite projective planes), and to bus connections of VLSI ehipt (via difference sets). There seems to be no part of (so-called pure) mathematics that is not in Immediate danger of being applied. And, accordingly, the applied mathematician needs to be aware of much more. Betides analysis and numerics, the traditional workhorses, he may need all kinds of combinatorics, algebra, probability, and so on. In addition, the applied scientist needs to cope increasingly with the nonlinear worid and the extra mathematical sophistication that this requien. For that is where the rewards are. Linear models are honest and a bit tad and depressing: proportional efforts and results. It is in the nonlinear worid that Infinitesimal inputs may result in macroscopic outputs (or vice vena). To appreciate what I am hinting at: if electronics were linear we would have no fun with transistors and computers; we would have no TV; in fact you would not be reading these lines. There is also no safety in ignoring such outlandbh thing at nonstandard analysis, supenpace and anticommuting integration, p-adk and ultrunetric space. All three have applications in both electrical engineering and physics. Once, complex numbers were equally outlandish, but they frequently proved the shortest path between 'real' results. Similarly, the Tint two topics named have already provided a number of 'wormhole' paths. There is no telling where all this is leading—fortunately. Thus the original scone of the series, which for various (sound) reasons now comprises five subseries: white (Japan), yellow (China), red (USSR), blue (Eastern Europe), and green (everything else), still applies. It hat been enlarged a bit to Include books treating of the tools from one subdisdpline which are used in others. Thus the series still aims at books dealing with: — a central concept which plays an important role in several different mathematical and/or scientific specialization areas; — new applications of the results and ideal from one area of scientific endeavour into another;
Serin Editor*! Prate* VII — influence! which the resulu, problems and concept* or one Held or enquiry have, and have had, on the development of another. Automata, more predtely, sequential automata, have their Importance In logic, computer science and control and signal processing theory. They ad on (input) strings (over a given alphabet) producing a 'behaviour map' and important questions concern (minimal) realizations of behaviours and the recog- nfctability or formal languages by deterministic and nondeterminlstic automata. In many situations, more general objects than strings need to be processed. A most important class being trees (think. Tor example, of types). Just as sequential automata act on strings, tree automata act on trees: more precisely E-tree automata act on E-treet where £ is a given set of n-»ry operations (n not necessarily constant over I). And or course there are the natural questions concerning realization, behaviour, and recognizability also in this case. Both classes of automata are a special case or the much more general idea or /^automata where F is an endofunctor or some category. These objects and the associated questions and old results concerning behaviour, realization and recognuability (KJeene type theorems) from the subject matter of this book, which therefore has something to offer to all mathematicians, engineers and computer sdentists with an interest in automata, categories, formal languages, or universal algebra. Perusing the present volume is not guaranteed to tum you into an instant expert, but it will help, though perhaps only in the sense of the last quote on the right below. Th< shortest pith between Never lend books, for oo tws trails In the real do- one ever returns lAcm: the mitn posset throofh die only booki I hive In my tlb- complei domain. rai-y tre booki that other J. Hadamari fob hive lent me. Aiiatolc France La physique nc neus donne pas settlement 1'occssion de The function of an expert is resoudra des pfobleaei ... not IB be more right than clle aoaa fall pressentir la other people, hot to be sontton. wrong for mora BopWstie- H. Point-ant mod reasons D-ntdBtrtkr Butsum. January 1989 Michiel Hazewinkel
Contents Sitor«iiiirwf«c» v Preface XI Chapter hSEQUTNTUL AUTOMATA I 1. Aalomata tad Behavior I 2. Minimal Ruination 7 3. Finite AbUhmia and Languajee 19 Nan In Chapter I 21 Chapter II i TUT AUTOMATA 29 1. Flimwy Tree Atrtomitt 2V 2. Minimal RullnUon 42 }. Inflatory Tree Aatomala 92 4. Flnim Amsrnata and Langnafa 69 NontoCkapltrll II Ollll llli rVWTOMATA (2 1. Introduction 12 2. Automata m a Category II 3. FAIfeora 113 4. Sat Fuacton 121 9. Factmiiatlon Syurm 144 Nolo to Chapter III 197 CkantarlViCONSTIllCnONOrrUCALGIBaAS 191 1. Inuodacoon 191 2. liuW-AJfieraCoa«nj<non 199 3. Frcc-AJgnbraConalractioa 170 4. Cllarncterrarlon Theorem Ill 9. Abjeorea In Coacrett Cateaoriet 117 6. Flnlury Varfeton 199 7. Free-Completion Comtrocuon 210 I. CaleaoritiorAlfebrM 221 Nous to Chapter IV 242
X Content! Chant* Vi MINIMAL REALIZATION AND REDUCTION 244 1. Minimal Reduction 244 2. Refattona In ■ Category 257 3. Unitary Functors 279 4. Consequence* of Minimal Reduction 302 5. Finns Automata 311 Note* io Chapter V 319 Owatar VI: UNIVERSAL REALIZATION 321 1. The Concept of Universality 321 2. Urrivenal Reduction Theorem 339 3- Nerode Equivalence! M3 Notes to Chapter VI 37* ChaaMvVlliNONDETERMINISTICAUTOMATAANDKLEENETHEOREM MO 1. Nondctermlniiiic Behavior MO 2. Nondetermlntstic Languages In Rat 404 3. Kleene Theorem 430 Notes to Chapter Vll 462 An is Mm BET-THEORETICAL CONVENTIONS *M UatefCnmtfStmMs 465 Irfitwn 467 Sat*et h**n 471
Preface Wkat ta Geaerallnd The theory or automata has developed rapidly in the last decades: from ihe first endeavour to describe formally the input-output behavior, to a clear algebraic insight into the basic concepts and their interrelationship. The original notion of a sequential automaton has been generalized in a number of directions. The motivating directions for the present monograph are two: (i) linear sequential automata, arising from the theory of dynamical systems, and (ii) tree automata, the basic structure of which is an arbitrary algebra (whereas the structure of a sequential automaton Is a unary algebra). The first example shows that sets with structure and structure-preserving maps play an important role; the latter indicates thai "types" more complex than an input set and an output set are needed. A model of automata based on categories and functors, and encompassing the above examples, has been presented by M. A. Arbib and G. E. Manes in a series of papers since 1974. They study automata in a category which will be the category of sets for the sequential automata and the tree automata, or the category ofmodules for the linear sequential automata. The fundamental idea is to express the type of automata under study by a suitable functor. This makes the basic notions concise and general. We present the concepts of Arbib and Manes in the third chapter, and thereafter we develop a theory of functorlal automata, based on the research of the Prague Seminar on Oeneral Mathematical Structures since 1970. The first two chapters present the motivation: the first one is devoied to standard facts concerning sequential automat*, and in Ihe latter w« study tree automata (with some results appearing for ihe first time in a book). Wkat Reaalta are Obtained Our monograph presents a study of functors motivated by automata-theoretic concepts. An ^automaton in a category JT (where F: Jt -► Jf is a functor expressing the type) is, roughly speaking, an algebra of type F endowed with an output. We discuss
XII Preftn (a) the existence and construction or Tree f-algebras which play the role that the monoid or words does Tor sequential automata (Chapter IV), (b) the existence or minimal realizations Tor all behaviors (Chapter V), and their construction and universally (Chapter VI), and (c) the languages recognizable by finite deterministic and nondeterministic automata (Chapter VII). Each of these problems turns out to be very difficult when investigated in a general category with a general type functor. We try, in each case, to obtain not only sufficient conditions under which the individual construction can be performed, but also necessary conditions on the functor. This serves to shed new light on the boundaries of the automata-theoretic concepts. For example, we prove that if F is a finitarity functor, then all behaviors have minimal realizations. But we are interested also in the converse: does minimal realization imply finitarity? We prove that it does, under additional hypotheses, which shows e.g. the "handicap" of infinitary tree automata. An analogous situations arises in each of the fields of problems we investigate. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for (a) the "constructive" and "finitary" existence of free algebras, (b) the existence and universality of minimal realizations, (c) the description of the languages recognized by finite automata using rational operations, and the coincidence of these languages with those recognized by nondeterministic finite automata. The obtained results have diverse degrees of generality: in (a) the categories and functors are quite general, in (b) we often have to assume restrictive additional hypotheses, and (c) is studied only in the category of sets. Nevertheless, in each case the presented condition shows boundaries beyond which automata theory cannot be extended. Particularly sharp results are achieved for the category Set of sets and A-Voot of vector spaces (over a field R). For example, the main result of Chapter V is that ^automata have minimal realizations iff F is a finitary functor; in case of S«t and A-Vect, this holds for all functors, and otherwise additional hypotheses are needed. Analogously, the main result of Chapter VI is that f-automata have universal minimal realization iff F preserves unions: again, this holds for all functors in case of S«t and A-Voct. And the free-algebra construction of Chapter IV also converges for all functors in Set and A-Voct for which the free algebras actually exist; these are just the functors with arbitrarily large fixed points. The special case when the functor F has an adjoint subsumes the theory of automata in closed categories investigated for example by J. A. Goguen, L. Budach and J.-H. Hoehnke, and H. Ehrig el al. (sec References).
Preface XIII Orgaaltatloa The interdependence or the chapters or our monograph can be depicted as follows: theory We have endeavoured to make our book self-contained. All concepts or the theory or automata we use can be found in the first two chapters. The reader is expected to be familiar with the fundamentals of category theory. Everything beyond "common knowledge" of categorists is carefully introduced in the text. Each chapter is numbered by a Roman numeral, and is divided into sections numbered by Arabic numerals. Thus, III.5 denotes the fifth section of Chapter III, Sections, listed in the contents, arc subdivided into numbered subsections (for example, III.5.2 is the second subsection of the Section III.5) and they are concluded by exercises, denoted by capital letters (for example, Exercise III.5.B is the Exercise B. in the Section III.5). All historical comments are concentrated at the end of each chapter. We include a list of references which is very detailed as far as papers of the Prague Seminar are concerned. Other references were chosen so as to cover all the paper* we used, or were inspired by, but we have not provided an exhaustive list of the extensive body of literature connected with our monograph. Aduwwkdgeitita We are deeply Indebted to the members of the Prague Seminar of General Mathematical Structures, in particular to V, Koubek and J. Reiterman. Although we have tried to be accurate in our references to their papers, their work has influenced ours throughout the years beyond these bare facts.
XIV Preface Our thanks are due to M. A. Arblb and E. G. Manes Tor their interest and stimulation or our work. On a suggestion or the latter we wrote a survey paper which became the basis or our monograph. Also G. Grltzer rollowed our work with a close interest. He has encouraged us on different occasions, particularly during the lectures or the second author on this topic at the Algebra Seminar or the University or Manitoba.
Chapter I; Sequential Automata 1.1. Aatoauta sad Behavior I.I. A sequential automaton is, roughly speaking, a device which is at one or its states and, receiving an input signal (from a specified set L, called the input alphabet) changes its state to another state and emits an output signal (from a specified set /~, called the output alphabet). Each state q and each input signal a determine the next state q' - (q, 0)6, in which the automaton will be after receiving the Input o-in the state q. Formally: Deflattle*. Let Tbe a non-empty set, called the Input alphabet. A sequential L-auumalon is a quintuple A — (ft S, r, y, <h), where Q is a set, called the set of stales: 6: Q x £-» Qua map, called the next-stale map: riia set, called the output alphabet: y: Q-* Tis a map, called the output map; q, is an element of Q, called the Initial slate. The automaton A is supposed to start its work always in the state q* Receiving the first input o-, e L, it changes its state to q< - (*» d)« and emits the output (q*)r- Receiving the second input o-j e I, It changes its state to «i - («. Ci)« and emits the output (<?i)r- Etc. 1.2. Denote by L* the set of all words in the alphabet £ That is, the elements of I' arc (0) the empty word 8: (1) all the one-letter words, i.e., elements of I; (2) all the two-letter words a,a, (with o-„ a, e £); (3) all the three-letter words 0-,0-jO-i (with a„ ab a, e I), etc. (We write words without commas or brackets which leads to no confusion provided that Tdoes not contain symbols d, a* ■.., a,such that the symbol 0-1O-] .. .a, is in I too, which we shall always assume.) There is a naturally de-
2 Chapter I fined binary operation on the set I' called the concatenation which auigni to wordj w - a,a, ...a, and w' - t,Ti ... t„ in X* the word **' = <t,it, ... tr.TiT]... r„. This operation is associative, i.e. (»»')»" — w(w'w~) Tor all w, w\ w" in I', and the empty word V Is a unit, i.e. iw- w9 - w Tor all w e 27*. Hence, the set 27* endowed with this operation is a monoid. CoTftJ—. When writing a,a,... a. we consider n - 0,1,2,..., where the case n — 0 describes the empty word. I J, The reaction or an automation to sequences or input symbols, i. e„ to elements or I', can be described formally as follows: Defliltlon, The run map of « sequential ^automaton A - (ft 6, r, y, <f0) is the map defined by the following induction (»)P - 9%: (a,... a.)p - q. implies (a,... aja.. ,)p - (q„ a.. ,)S for all <t„ ..., <r„ <r.,, e I and all q. e Q. The behavior of >4 is the map Thus, when receiving inputs a„ o-] a., the automaton terminates in the state q, - (a,a, ... a,)p, and emits the final output (a,a,. ■. a.)fi - (<?.)r- M, A "small" automaton can be depicted by a labelled graph, where vertices correspond to the states (and are labelled by pairs (4, y), where q e Q and y - (q)r E /") and arrows correspond to 6. That is, an arrow leads from q to q' and carries a label a E i"ifT(<j, a)S - q'. The initial state q, is indicated by a small arrow —. Examples Here Q - \p, q, r, j, r), I- \a) and /"- |a, b, c). The word monoid I' - \a)' consists of the words 9, a, 00 - a1, aaa — <r>, etc.
Sequential Aulonuu The run map p: \a\ • -► ft is given by the following table: 0 a a' a' a' o-1 o* q r s I r s I The behavior 0: \a\ • -► [a, b, c) is the following map: a if n - 0 (c"W- c ifn-2 + 3/t, * - 0. 1,2,. 6 else. <"' W<®^<©#® Here ft - \p, q. r), I- |c, r| and T- |0, l|. The behavior j): [a, r| * -» |0, l| is the following map: .. j odd and s, • f I if n is ( ■»-|o else. IS. Automata art unary algebras. A unary operation on a set ft is a map of ft into itself. A unary £algebra is a set ft with a collection of unary operations indexed by the elements of T, say |5,|„, t- The next-state map 6: ft * I-+ ft of a sequeniial ^automaton A — (ft 6, r, y, q,) defines a unary algebra on ft with the operations (-)«„-(-.c)«:e-C Conversely, each unary £algebra can be obviously described by a map 5; ft x T-» ft. The word monoid I' Is a unary £algebra, the cooperation of which is defined by the concatenation: o*iCi... am »-• atOi... ama. This defines a map p: I' x Z-+ £ (which is a restriction of the concatenation of words). Given unary algebras (ft, 5) and (ft', <5'). a homomorphism f:(ft £)-» (ft, 6~) is a map of ft into ft' which commutes with the operations: ((* o)S)f- ((q)f. a)S- (q e ft a e I) or, equivalently, fulfils S-f-l/x idr].fi'.
4 Chapter I This can be expressed by the commutation of the following square 0.1 OH = 0' 1.6. Prapcalttoa. The £algebra (X*, «t) is the free unary algebra on one gen- enter 0. That is, for each unary £algebra (ft S) and each element q, e Q there exists a unique homomorphism p: (£*, e>) -»(ft S) with (ft)p — fa- Proof. Let us verify that the map p of Definition 1.3 is a homomorphism: for each w — a,a2... a. in I' and each a e I we have ((>»■ »»P - (C|Cl ■ ■ ■ <V)P - ((<T,<T, . . . <T.)A <T)fi - [(!». <T)(P X idr)15. Hence, f> • p - (p x id,) • & Conversely, any homomorphism assigning <j, to 0 clearly fulfils the inductive condition of Definition 1,3. □ Thus, the run map of a sequential ^automaton can be defined as the unique homomorphism which maps 0 to the initial state. 1.7. DeflaMea. A morphism from a ^automaton A - (ft 8, C y, q,) to a £■ automaton A' - (ft, S\ r\ y\ q',) is a pair of maps (//„): A -► A' with /: C-» C "id /-■: r-» /" such that (i) /: (ft 6) -»(ft, 6") is a homomorphism: (ii) / and /M commute with the outputs, i.e., /«« ■ y - / • /; (iii) /preserves the initial state, i.e., (qtif— qi- The conditions (i) and (ii) just state that the following diagram
Seqttentitl Automita 5 Coataadam. In cue r- f and /» - id/-, we write/: >4-» /«' in place or Examples, (i) Connder the following automita A and A' and the following map / (denoted by ~»): a Then /:/«-•■/«' li • morphiim. (li) Consider the following A, A' and /: Here r- \a,b\ and /"' - |0,1); let/„: T-» i~ be the constant map with the value 0, then (//„,): A-* A' It a morphiim. I J. PutaalUta. For each morphiim (//„): A-» A" of ^automata, the run map p of A is related to the run map p' of A' by P' - P • /. hence, the behavior f) of A it related to the behavior p~ of A' by A"-£■•/-■ Proof. Put /< - (ft 5, T, r. (J.) and /«' - (Q\ A", /"', /. $,"). Since the run map p:(I',f|-»(ft{) of >4 Is a homomorphum, the composite map Is a taomomorphism p/:(r«,y)-(e-,o~).
6 Chi (Her I Moreover, Wp ■ f-(<h)f-q,- Hence, p ■ f is the run map or A'—indeed, the run map is the unique homo- morphism mapping 0 to q'„. The behavior of A is /) — p • y and the behavior of A' is /)' — (/>•/) • Y- Since/- Y - Y'• /«.. we gel 0" - p- /■ Y - P- Y ■ f~ -Pf~- ° Corollarjr. Given ^automata A and A with a joint output alphabet, the existence of a morphism f: A-* A' guarantees that A and A have the same behavior. 13. Isomorphism of automata is a morphism (/,/_): A-» A' such that / and/M are bijections. It is easy to see that the inverse maps form a morphism (/-'./.i'M-^again. If A and A have the same output alphabet and there is an isomorphism f: A-* A', then A and A are called isomorphic By 1.8, isomorphic automata have the same behavior. Exerctaea 1.1 A. CoaiaoiHI— of ■torpahna. (i) Prove that, given morphia™ of £automa- "(//»): A —A' and (g. g„): A' - A", then (/• »,/„ • g„): ><-» >4' u alao a morphism. (ii) Conversely, if (//„„): /«-►/«' is a morphism with both /and /«, surjec- tive, and given a pair of maps (g, g„«) such that (/,/„)• (g, g„): >4 -» A" a a morphism, prove that also (g, g„,): A' -* A" is a morphism. B. Aotomata with a alagle laaat. (i) Let a ^automaton with £ - |o-| have fi- nitely many states. Prove that the behavior fi: E'-* /"has a "cycle", i.e. there exists k- 1,2,... such that(o")/)- (o" k)fi holds for all sufficiently large n. (Hint: Consider the map (—, a)S: Q-* Q. since Q is finite, this map has a cycle.) (ii) Conversely, for each map fi: \o"\~.«-► r which has a cycle prove that there is a finite-stale ^automaton with the behavior fL (Hint: If (am)fi - (a"')0 for all n £ n„ there will be n, + k states and the next-sute map returns from the (n„ + k)-th state to the (n0 + l>-sl one.) (Mi) Prove that etery map fi: \a' I'., -» r is the behavior of a (possibly in- finite) ^automaton. (Hint: Put C - £'■)
Sequential Automata 7 1.2. MlaJmll RealizarJoa 2.1. Given a behavior, i.e., a map 8: T*- T, does it have a realization?, that is, can we find a sequential automaton whose behavior is fll And can we Hnd the realization with the minimum number or states? The answers to these questions are affirmative, and we proceed as follows. We first present a 'Tree" realization (which is always infinite), and then we show how to minimize each realization to obtain the (unique) minimal one. The minimization takes two steps: we first discard all superfluous states, and then we merge all pairs of states which behave in the same way. 12. Free realization. For each behavior map 8, we define the following sequential automaton: A{fl)-W. e>, r.A«)- The states of A(fi) are words in X* and p-.px r-r is the concatenation map, the output is the given behavior, and 0 is the initial state. Reaurka. (i) A(fi) realizes 8 because the run map of A{fi) is idt.. In fact, idj.: (r*, e>) -»(£*, <p) is a homomorphism mapping 0 to the initial state of A(fi) and thus, p - id,.. Consequently, the behavior of A(fi) is id,. • 8 — 8. Thus, we see that each behavior has an (infinite) realization. (ii) For each realization A - ((?, 6, /", y, qt) of A the run map p: £*-* Q defines a morphism p:A(fi)-*A. In fact, p is a homomorphism which commutes with the outputs because 8-p. r (for A realizes 8), and p preserves the initial state: Q)P - *■ 2J. Reackakk part. By a subaulomalon of a sequential automaton (Q. S, T. y, ft) is meant an automaton (Q\ 6'. /", y\ q,) where Q is a subset of Q (containing qo), 6' is a restriction of <S, and Y is a restriction of y. Thus, a subaulomalon is given by a set t7c Q
8 Ctapurl tuch that (ftxDSc ft and The rtaehabk part or a sequential automaton >4 — (ft, <S, T, y, 9,) is the sub- automaton on the image or p, i.e., ft - If e Q, q - (a,... a.)p Tor some c,... a. e l'\. Thus, a state it in ft ifT it can be reached from the initial Kate a, — (S)p by tome input sequence a,... a. f. £'. We have l(?H £)8<z ft became Tor each pair (ft ff) 6 ft x T we have an input sequence c,... a. 6 £' with f - (c,... a.)p and then (q, a)S - ((c,... a.)p, a)S - (ff,... aja)p 6 ft". An automaton it rtaehabk if ft* — ft, i.e., each state can be reached from the initial state. riattflit (i) The reachable part or the automaton in 1.1.3, Example (i), is the subautomaton with ft - (ft r, s, l\ - ft - \p\. (ii) The Tree realization is always reachable. Pupodtloa. The reachable part or a sequential automaton A a both the unique reachable subautomaton or A, and the smallest subautomaton of A. Further, it realizes the same behavior as A. Proof. Let A' be an arbitrary subautomaton of A - (ft S, /", y, q,). The inclusion map »: ft -► ft of the state set of A' is clearly a morphism v. A—A. By 1.1.8, we have p - p' • »(where p is the run map of A and p' that of /t"), in other words, p' is just the restriction of p. It follows, that (a) A' and A have the same behavior (1.1.8), (b) ft contains the state set (2"*)p - (r')p' of the reachable part of A. and (c) if A' is reachable, then ft - (r*)p and hence, A' Is the reachable part of A. D
Sequential AotooflU 9 ■•mark. The preceeding propoiition thowi that by restricting a given automaton A to iti reachable part A', we obtain an automaton having no proper subautomata. Thus, there are no Mates of A' we can simply discard. 14. Coigncaces. The next step or minimization is achieved by merging pairs or states q and q' as Tar as it does not ruin the structure of the automaton. Thus, we must expect that by merging q with q\ we shall have to merge also (q,a)S and (q',a)B (ere I), and further, that two merged states must have the same output The first condition indicates that we cannot consider the two states q and q isolated, but we must work with an equivalence relation ~ on Q (where q ~ q' means that q will be merged with q"). For each state q, we have the equivalence class of ill states merged with q. |f] - \q' 6 Q. q ~ q\. We expect to obtain a new automaton A/~ from A — (Q, 6, T, y, qt) whose state set is the quotient set of Q, Q/~ - |M; q £ CI and whose structure is derived from A. Thus, A/~ -((?/-.8, r,f,lqj> where (l«U)*-[(*»)«l and <l«l)?-(«)r- The following concept describes precisely what equivalences are "admissible" Tor this approach. Dcflattasm. A congruence on an automaton (Q. o\ H y. qj is an equivalence relation ~ on Q such that (a) q~ q' implies (q, a)S ~ (q, a)S for all a 6 £; (b) q~ q' implies (q)y - (q")r- For each congruence ~ we define the quotient automaton A/~ -((?/-. 6. r,?.\qj) as above. An automaton is rtduced if it has no congruence except the trivial one (q ~ a' iff q — q").
10 Ctoptal Exaaple. Consider the following automaton The equivalence with two classes |/>, r| and I4, s\ it a congruence. The quotient automaton is the following: Rtsaark. Congruences are closely related to moronisms or automata: (i) For each congruence ~ on an automaton A, the canonical map c:Q-» Q/~, defined by («)« - l«l for a € Q, is a moronism c:A — A/-~. (ii) For each moronism /: A -* A', the kernel equivalence q ~ q ifr IqV- («')/ is a congruence. 15. Let 4 be > slate or an automaton A - (ft 6, f, y, q,). By changing the initial state of A to q, we get a new automaton A,-{Q,6,r,r.q) whose behavior is called the beharior of the state q in A. Explicitly, P,-p,-Y where (B)p ~ 9 [and thus, (B)ft - («)rl. and (c,... 0-.0-,. ,)p, - ((a,... o.)p„ a. ♦ ,)£. The best "merging procedure" is to merge two states iff they have the same behavior:
S«qu«iilisl AolomMi 11 TbtoTML For each sequential automaton A, the equivalence q, * q, iff />„ - />„ is the largest congruence on A (i.e., given a congruence ~. then q, ~ qt implies q i * «j). Proof. I. » is a congruence. Let 1" «'. then (q)y - {.q")y because (8)/), - (9)0,. Given a 6 £ we put f, - (q, a)S and q\ — (f', 0)6, and we verify that fi» -/>*• We prove by induction on n that (d ... a.)pK - (our,... ff.)p. Tor each a,... a. € I*. In Tact, for n — 0 we have (8)P„ - «i - (9. ff)fi - (a)p,. The Induction step follows from the inductive definition (of p„ as well as p,): (o-,... o-.o-,, ,)ft, - ((a,... o.)p„ a., ,)*" - ((oul...o.)p,.o.tl)S - (OUT,... ff. ♦,)*>,. Consequently, la,... «j.V». - (ffff,... cV>, (for all c,... a. £ T*). Analogously, la,... c.V>„ - (ott, ... c)/>, (for all a,... a. € I*). Thus, />, - />, implies />„-/>„. II. <% it largest. Let ~ be a congruence on A. For each state q. we have a quotient automaton of A, under the equivalence ~ (which, of course, is a congruence on /«,, too). Let c,:A,-*A,/~ be the canonical morphism. Then A,/~ has the same behavior as A,, viz., /I, (1.1.8). Given states q ~ f°, the two automata A,/~ and A,/~ coincide (because they would differ only in the initial state, but \q\ - \qT). Hence, /), is the behavior of A,/~, in other words, fi, — /),. G
12 Example. Consider the following automaton 6/ The behavior of p is the following map {I if w - to-"' r"'o-"T"'... a"T"' with all m m, even, 0 else. The behaviors of q and r are constantly 0, and the behavior of s is (H0ft-(rw)ft. Hence, the largest congruence merges q and r, resulting in the following three- state automaton: — (JpJo) ./' "" . (i) We shall prove below that the minimization of each automaton is obtained by factoring its reachable part through the largest congruence. (Ii) Since it is sometimes inconvenient to have equivalence classes ofstates as new states, we introduce the following relaxation of the concept of quotient automaton. A reduction of an automaton A is any surjective morphiam c.A —A: Thus, on the one hand, each congruence ~ defines the (canonical) reduction c:A—A/~. On the other hand, each reduction e: A->- A' defines a congruence q ~ q- iff (f)f - (q-)t
Sequential Aulomila 13 such that A' ii isomorphic to A/~. In fact, the map J: Q/~ - Q defined by QlW - («)« for q £ (?, i.e.. by cj-e. ii clearly one-to-one, and it ii luijcctive since t is. Thus, ,/ is a bijection and because r and t — c • y are morphisms, j:A/~ — A- Is an isomorphism (see Exercise I.I .A). 2.6. D«naltioa. The minimal realisation of a behavior fiat reachable realization At of fi such that any reachable realization A has a reduction e:A-* At. The minimal realization is obtained by applying the minimization procedure to the free realization A(fi). Since A(fi) is a reachable realization of fi (1.2.2), it is sufficient to merge states with the same behavior. Let us have a look at the behavior of an arbitrary state (i.e., word) w e £*. The run map of A(fi). is defined by (c,... a,)p, — we/,... a. for a,... a. 6 £' or, more symmetrically, (»)p, - wv for v 6 £'. In fact, we have (8)p. - w8 - w, which is the initial state, and it is easy to see that p. Is a homomorphism on (£', e>). Thus, the behavior map Is »-* (ht)/1 Two words W| and mt have the same behavior In Aifi) i(T (Hr,F)/l - (w2,)fi for all f E T*. We now obtain the minimal realization by factoring A{fi) through the corresponding congruence: CotatracttM. For each behavior fi: £*-* r we define the Nerode equivalence os on the set £' as follows: w, w w, iff (wtr)fi- (w,i)fi for all v 6 T*.
14 Chapter 1 Then the following automaton AtfV* -(TV*.6r.fl[0]) where (Iff,... a.\. 0)9 - [c,... aja\ and Off,... a.\)f- (0-1 • • • C)fi is the minimal realization or fi. Proof. Since w, w w, iff w, and *>j have the same behavior in A(fi), it follows that <« is the largest congruence on A(fl). In particular, A(/))/» is well-defined, and it has the same behavior as A(fl), viz, p\ For each reachable realization A — (Q,&, r, y,q,)o(p\ the run map is a moronism p:A(fi)^A or automata, see 1.2.2. Therefore, the kemel equivalence ofp is a congruence on A(0) and hence, (w,)p — (wj)p implies *>, as w,. We can define *: Q-* f V» by p- 1 — t. i.e.. ((w)p)e- [w] for* e I'. Then e:A-*A{fl)/«i is a morphism (since p is a surjective moronism, seel.l.A) and hence, A(P)/<>i is the minimal realization. G Exaaplc. (i) Find the minimal realization or the following behavior fi:\o, r|*-» |0, \\:(w)f>- I ifT w contains at most two o-'x. To do so. we shall go through all the words in [a, r|* (rrom smaller lengths to larger) and we shall try to collect a set or representatives Tor the Nerode equivalence or ft. First, the empty word 9 will correspond to the initial slate. The word a is not equivalent to 0 since (ooo)fl - 0 while (9oa)fl - I; thus. |o-| will be another sute. The word ris obviously equivalent to 9, since a word a, ...a. e [a, r|* has at most two o's iff so does to, ... a.. Next, 00
Sequential AulonteH I5 is not equivalent to 0: (aao)f) - 0 while (Sir)/) - I and neither to a: (aaa)fi-0 while (aa)fi - \. But or ~ a, ra ~ a and it ~ 0. Finally, the word aaa is not equivalent to 0 nor to a nor to aa: but each word is equivalent to one or the words 0, a, aa and aaa. Thus, the minimal realization has Tour states. The next-state map is given by concatenation, and the output map is a restriction of p. Thus, the following is a minimal realization of fl: (ii) Find the minimal realization of the behavior ft: \a\' - |a, *, c| given by the following table: 0 a aa a' a4 a* a* a1 a* a* a" <r" a" a" a" ... abcaabbccaa a b b b We try again to find a set of representatives Tor the Nerode equivalence. The initial state is (0): the words 0, a. a' are non-equivalent because fl has distinct values on them: the word a' is not equivalent to 0 since (a'a)P-a while (0<r)/»-6: the word a* is not equivalent to 0, since la*a*)fl - b while (ecr')fl - c nor to a' since (a'a)fl - b while (a'a)fl - a, etc We Hnd out that ail the words in [a]* are palrwise non-equivalent. Thus, the Tree realization is minimal:
16 CfctBWtl Rtanrk. The above behavior has no finite realization. 2.7. The minimal realization or fi can be constructed from any realization. Given an automaton A, let us call a reduction *,: A -- A, minimal if each reduction e: A->- A' can be further reduced to A* (That is, there is a reduction e':A'-* A, with e, — e ■ *'.) The minimal reduction Is unique up to isomorphism, and one or the possibilities is c.A — A/k where q » q' iff q and q' have the same behavior. Pupodtloa. Let A' be the reachable part of an automaton A. The minimal reduction of A' is the minimal realization of the behavior of A. Proof. Each reduction of a reachable automaton A' u dearly reachable. Let A, be the mininul reduction of A', then A,\»t reachable realization of the behavior fi o( A' (or, of A). Thus, A, can be reduced to the mininul realization of fi But any minimal reduction is clearly reduced, hence. A, is the minimal realization. _ ExasaaJes. (i) Find the minimal realization of the behavior of the following automaton: First, the reachable part is the following subautomaton:
Sequential Automats 17 The minimal reduction fives the required minimal realization; it is the following automaton: (ii) Given the input alphabet rand the output alphabet T, we define an automaton realizing all behaviors (with appropriate initial states). Put r. - hom(r*, D - |/»; />:£» -► *"]• This will be the state set. The next-state map v.r. x r-r. auigns to each behavior fi € /". and each letter a € Z the behavior (A<j)r - (o-)fi:Z* — rdefined by »►* (ov)fi for » € r*. The output map Is given by (fi)r-WP- Thus, Tor each behavior fie /". we have a ^automaton Its run map p: £* -* /". is defined by (w)p - (w-)fi, where (w-)fi-.L' -- r assigns to each isT the value (m) fi. In Tact, p is a homomorphism with (B)p - /I It follows that no two distinct states (behaviors) of Xt have the same behavior. Consequently, the minimal realization of/lis just the reachable part oX A,. This It the subautonuton with the following state set \(w-)fi\ w £ f |. We obtain another description of the Nerode equivalence: instead of the class [w] we work with the map {w —)fi
18 Chapter I U. Remark. Minimal realization is unique up to isomorphism: an automaton A is a minimal realization of/lifT A is isomorphic with Aifiyi. In Tad, if A is a minimal realization, then there is a reduction t:A(fi)/x -» A. and ris one-to-one (and hence, a bijection) because the following equivalence in, ~ w, iff (|H>,])r-([H'I])r is a congruence on A{fi). This implies that m is larger than - and thus, QwiD* - (|tij)f implies \w\ - [h>J. Corollary. Let fi£' -* /"have a realization with a finite state-set Then its minimal realization is characterized (up to isomorphism) as the realization with the least possible number of states. In fact, let A be the realization with the least number of states. Then A is reachable (else, the reachable pan would have less states) and the reduction t:A-+ Aip)/<n is one-to-one [else, A0)/k would have less states). Thus, A is isomorphic to A(fi)/x. Eitidscs IJ A. MlakMl redactloa aad realization, (i) Prove that for each reachable automaton A, the minimal realization or the behavior of A is the minimal reduction of A. (This is a converse to 1.2.7.) (ii) Verify that minimal reduction is unique up to isomorphism (commuting with the corresponding morphisms). (iii) Prove that an automaton is minimal (i.e., is the minimal realization of its behavior) iff it is reachable and reduced. B. ObacrTaMIHy sua, For each ^automaton A - (g, S, H y. q,) define b.Q-t- T. (see 1.2.7) by [q)b - /),, the behavior of q. A is said to be observable if b is one-to-one. (i) Prove that an automaton is minimal iff it is both reachable and observable. (ii) Verify that b:A-*A,at morphism of automata (where /> is the behavior of A) and prove that 6 is the unique morphism from A to A,. (iii) For each behavior fi.I' -► I denote by />. :r«-r. the observability map of the free realization A(0) (1.2.2.). Verify that the minimal realization of /lis obtained by image factorization of fi,: it is (a) the sub- automaton of A on the state set (£*)/>• and (b) the quotient automaton of Aifi) under the kernel equivalence of/)..
Sequential Aelomtu 19 C. Construct the minimal realizations for each of the following behaviors with I- |c, r|: (i) r- |0. l| and (■*)/) - I iff w - <m>" Tor some n - I. 2, 3,...; (ii) T- |0, l| and (w)0 - I ilT w - tmr for some n - 0. I, 2,...; (iii) r - |0, I, 2,.. | and (w)/)is the number of leners in w. 13. Flate Aatotaata —t Laagaaga 3.1. We know that every behavior has a realization (111.)- In the present section we study the question which behaviors can be realized by a finite automaton, i.e., an automaton with finitely many states. First, we prove that, instead of mappings fi: L* -► /", it suffices to study subsets of I'. Cotfftarioa. Subsets of I' are called languages in the alphabet I. 3.2. DcflaMlaa. A language L c L* is recognisable if there exists a finite ^automaton with the output alphabet /" - |0,11, the behavior of which is the characteristic function of L, i.e., p.Z'-*\0,\\;(w)P-\ ifT w e L. Reaurk. Finite ^-automata with the output alphabet /"- |0, l| are called acceptors; their output map r.-e-io. n is the characteristic function of the set r-dlr'co of so called terminal states. Thus, acceptors are usually described as quadruples A - (ft 6, T. q) with 7"c Q the set of terminal states and q e Q the initial state. The behavior of an acceptor A is the language LA of all words in I' which, received In the initial state of A, transfer A to one of iu terminal Mates. We say that A accept* such words; globally, A recognizes the language L+ Note that if there is no terminal state (7"- 0), then the recognized language Is empty. 3J. Preswaltlaa. A behavior /): £*-»/" has a finite realization IfT (1) the language ly)P~' is recognizable for each >•€/"; (2) the set <£•)/> c /"is finite. Proof, (a) Let fi have a finite realization, say A - (ft 6, C y, q). (I) For each y e rdefine an acceptor <*,-(Q.s.(y)r-'.«)-
20 Clupur I We prove that 0>)/>-' is the language recognized by A,. Denote by p:r*-» Q the run map of A; then fi-PY- Moreover, p u the run map of A, as well; iu output map y,: g-» |0,11 is defined by (q)yv- \\tt(4)y-y. Thus, the behavior of A,, A-P- » maps w € r*to I iff> - ((i»)p)y- (w)fi. Therefore, This proves that OOP""' is recognizable. (2) The set (I')fi - (Q)y is finite, since Q is. (b) Let fi have properties (I), (2). Put <£•)/>-l>> *|. By hypothesis, for each < — I n the language *, - MP-' has a finite realization, say, A, - (ft. 6,. T,. q'). / - I n. Define a finite automaton A - (Q.S, r, J", q*) as follows: ft- ft, x ... x ft.; «« «.). <T)« - ((«,. <T)fi (,., <T)tf.) for all (4 4.) € ft and a a I; y.Q, x ... x &-»T Is an arbitrary map such that, for each (9 q.) € ft, (4 ?.)y - >>, whenever q, z T, but (J, € Q, — 7" for ally * /; nnally, ,•-(,?,...,«•.)€ ft We shall prove that A realizes fi. Denote by p,:Z'-*Q, the run map of A„ /-I n. The map p: r*-» ft x ... x ft. defined by
Sequential Automiu 21 (w)P - ((w)p (w)p.) for all w e I' is a homomorphism, since for each w € I' and a e T (w)p - ((wo)p ,(m-Op.) - (((w)P,. <t)« ((i»)p.. <r)tf.) -«(W)P„. .,(W)P.).<T)« - ((W)p, <T)& Since (6)p - ((j° 1!) - <?". we •«* (bat p is the run map of A. Hence, the behavior of A \t ff - y - p. for each w € T* there exists / - I n with (w)f) — >■,; then w belongs to the language of A, and does not belong to the language of any A,,j* L Thus (w)p, € T, while (w)p/ « Qi — Ti for ally #t Then ((wjpjy - ((w)p„ .., Wp,)r - y,- This proves that (w)fi - y, implies (w)p*- {(w)p)r - y„ in other words, 0-0. O Example. In I.2.6 we have exhibited a behavior f>: |c|* -+\a,b,c\ which has no finite realization. It follows that at least one of the languages («)/>"', (6)/)"' and (Op*-1 is not recognizable. In fact, the language («)/»-' - |0, a1, o\ er\ <r'\ <r",...| is not recognizable, tee Exercise I.I.B. 3.4. Next, we want to describe the recognizable languages. To do so, we introduce nondeterministic acceptors. First, recall that a relation with a domain X and codomain Y is a triple (X,f, Y) where/is a subset of the cartesian product Xx Y. We write/: X-- Y instead of (X,f,Y) and, for each x e AT, we put (JrV-lje YAx,y)<if\. Clearly, any relation/: X—• Y a determined by its domain and codomain and by the collection |(x)/; x € X]. We denote by /:Ar-»expK- |A#| A# <= K| the map with (x)f- (x)f for all x € AT. Note that any map from X to exp Y uniquely determines a relation AT-* Y. The composition of relations is defined in the usual way: given relations /: X-* Y and g: Y-* Z, their composition is the relation/- g: X-* Z with <«)/"• I- U (j-)j for all x€ X.
22 Chapter 1 15. DeflaMoa. A nondettrministicL-acctptor'u a quadruple A — (fl 6, T, /) where g is a finite set (of states); 6:Qx I — C is a (next-state) relation; Tc g is the set of terminal suits; / c Q is the set of initial states. While a deterministic acceptor A accepts a word iff this transfers A from the initial state to one of its terminal states, for nondeterministic acceptors we can choose various possibilities and we are happy if at least one works. IJk. DtfiaHlaa. The run rtlation of a nondeterministic 27-acceptor(Q 8, T, I) is the relation p: I'—* Q, defined by the following induction: <»)P - /: (ff ff.)p - D implies (c,... ov.. i)P - U (a, a., ,)S «* D for arbitrary a a„ a,., e I and D c Q. The language rttognhed by /< consists of precisely those words w € 27* with (w)pr\ T+ 0. Remark. Nondeterministic ^acceptors can be depicted by graphs analogous to those we have used for ^automata. The nodes carry a single label (of a state) and the terminal states are denoted by small out-comming arrows (replacing the output labels, of course). Example. Consider the following nondeterministic [a, r|-acceptor: It accepts the word 0 (and r, rr,...) since ris initial as well as terminal; it accepts a since from q we can go to r; it accepts m since we can remain in a once and then go to r, etc. It does not accept nr since this word brings us to no state at all. The language recognized by the given acceptor is L- |<T'r-|n,m- 0. I.2....|. Can L be recognized by a (deterministic) acceptor? We use the Nerode equivalence of the characteristic function of L to construct the minimal realization (see 1.2.6). The initial state is the equivalence class of 0. The word a is equivalent to 0. since for each w € [a, r|. we L iff aw € L.
Sequential Auloouta 23 The word ris not equivalent to 0, since 0<r € L while to i L. The word re is not equivalent to 0 or r, since to t L and 0 € i. But each word is easily seen to be equivalent to 0, ror rcr: if w € |o~, r|* — L then w ~ re; if w - c"r" with » *» 0 then w ~ 0 and if w - r" then w ~ t Here is the resulting minimal realization: T T Remark. Observe that nondeterministic accepton can be smaller than the deterministic ones: no deterministic acceptor recognizing the above language has two states. In the proof of the next proposition we shall see that if an n- state nondeterministic acceptor recognizes a language, then a 2"-state deterministic acceptor can do the same. 3.7. ProtmcHkM. Each language, recognizable by a nondeterministic £ac- ceptor, is recognizable by a deterministic one. Proof. Let L be a langugae recognized by a nondeterministic ^acceptor A - (ft S, r, /). Define a ^acceptor A~ - (exp ft S, t, q,\ where exp Q is the set of all subsets of Q and (A a)S - U (f, a)S for each D c Q and a € I: T- |Ae 'Q\DnT+9\; 1.-1- Letp: r*-* Q be the run relation of A, let 0: I'-- exp Q be the corresponding map. We prove thai p ia Ihe run map of A. Indeed, by the inductive defini- lion 1.3.6 we have (0)1 -l-q,: (o*„ ... a,)P — D implies (<r, . o.o.,,)fi - U (« «,,■)£-(A «.»i)£ «« » Thus, fl: (27*, p) -»(exp ft S) is a homomorphUm mapping 0 to the initial state <f»- We conclude that a word we X* is accepted by X iff (w)0 € exp g is
24 Chieur t ■ terminal Mate of A\ i.e., ifT (w)p r\T+t. This ii equivmleni to A this word. 3A Operatives n accepters. The reason why nondetenniniatic acceptors are useful In the study of languages is that some operations on them can be easily described (and used to introduce the corresponding operations on recognizable languages). We mention some examples needed below. (A) Vnkm. Let A - (ft 6, T, /) and A' - (ft, 6", 7", f) be nondetcnnirds- tic ^acceptors with Q <~> ft — 8. Their union is the nondetennlnistjc acceptor A \j A' - (Cu ft, S\jS\ T\j 7", l\j /'). Note that tu 6" denotes the set-theoretical union: (ft<T)|o-wSl. ■(*«r)*«(*«r)*--{(*X if«€ e if«€ ft. A "~I 1 I I i T i ! i 1 r ! ! r AUX It is easy to verify that the language recognized by A <j A' is just the union of languages recognized by A and A': (B) Serial connection. Let A and A' be as in (A). Their serial connection is the nondeterministic ^acceptor A- A' — (Q\j ff% S, t. I) where, for each (E Q <j ft and each Set, {(a, o-)6 if? € Qand(a, a)8n T- 9 (a,<r)£u/' if q € Qand(a, ff)6"^ T+ 9 (a, <t)«' if q € ft. Moreover, f-r, I - /in case lr\T- 9: I- Ikj /' in case /<-> T * 9. t ► r • r
Snpaitial AMoauu 23 Pupsettlua. The language recognized by A- A it LA-LA - |nr€ r«|»€ L^andw e LA\. Proof. Denote by p and p the run relations of A and A', respectively. The run relation p of A • A' assigns to each a, ...a. e r* the set • <r.)p'. (Oi... a.)p - (c,... c,)p <j U (01,,. 01... 0i < LA This b easy to prove by induction on n (just distinguishing the cases 0 € L, i.e., / r> 7" * 0, and 0 i» I). Thus, <7,... cr. is accepted by A ■ A' ifT (a,... a.)pr\ T * 0, U, ifT there is <7,... cr, € L, with a, ♦ i... c. e L^. Equivalent^, c,... a. e L., • t,. D C—mtlia. Given languages L. L c I', the language L- L' — I pw e r*|r€ L and w € LI is called their concatenation. (C) Feedback of a nondetenninistic acceptor /< - (ft £7", /) is the nondeter- ministic ^acceptor A' -(Q.S\T,l) where, for each q e Q and c € T, KJ I if (ft <r)«^ T-0; if (4; o-)6" ^ 7" * 0. The language recognized by A * is tj - LA \j (LA• LA) \j (LA■ LA• LA) \j ... - |w, HJ...W, € Z' | »,,.., w, € A,; *- 1,2,3, ...|. Proof. Denote by pthe run relation of A. The run relation p* of/<* can be described as follows: &>P*-\ and (o-|... o-,)p* - |J (c... c,)p for each a,... a. e J', n * 0, where the union ranges over all < — I,.... nfor which there eiist
26 Chipur I j,< J, <..<>,< i (*- 0.1.2....) with <r,... <r„ € LA: <r„,,... <r„ € t,;...; <T„,,... a, e Lt. This is easy to prove by induction on n. Thus, a,... a, it recognized ifT there exist j, < ... < jt < I with a,... 07,; 07, ♦,...o-,; ...; ?„.,... ?,; a,,,... a. in L4. Equivalent]?, ff,... a. € L*j . a C—miloa. Given a language L c I', the language L' - |0|u f - |0|u Lkj(L-L)kj(LL-L)kj ... Is called hi iteration. 3.9, Kleeae Theorem For each finite alphabet £, the clan of all recognizable languages in 2"* is the smallest class of languages which (i) contains the singleton languages |0| and \a\ for each a e 2" and the empty language 0: (ii) is closed under the formation of union, concatenation and iteration. Beaark. The operations U. ■ and * are called rational oprrotkuu on languages. A language L c L* is said to be rational if it can be expressed by a finite expression using the letters of the alphabet £, the symbols 0, |, |, and the rational operations. Example: I-|<r|«w|rr.|<T|w|0|. Kleene's theorem then states: A language is recognizable ifT it is rational. Proof, (a) Rational languages are recognizable. We use Proposition 1.3.7. First, |0| and |<r| and 0 are recognizable languages: By 1.3.8, the class of all recognizable languages is closed under rational operations. (b) Recognizable languages are rational. First, observe that every subset of lu |0| is rational (since it is a finite union of singleton, one-letter languages). For each ^acceptor A - (Q. S,T, a,)
Sapiential Automata 27 we are going to prove that the language LA is rational. Put Q - \<fr. 9 «-)• For arbitary i.j-0 m we denote by L„ the set of all words in I' which transfer A from « to q,. More precisely, for each a,... a, e I' we put <o - q,: r, - (rfc a,)S;...; r, - (r._ „ c,)fi and we define Lv ai follows: c, ...c. € Z, ifT r. - q,. Clearly, «;« ' Hence, to prove that LA is rational, it suffices to prove the rationality of each L,;. To do so, we denote by tj, *-0,.... m+ I, the set of all words in I' which transfer A from q, to q, without passing through the states qt, ..., qm. More precisely, a, ... a. e ij ifT the above states /»,..., r. fulfil 'i '.-i e I*. •••. ft-J- Note that L,,- L~ *'. We are going to prove that 1} is a rational language by induction on it Fint, L'u is a rational language: here r r. _, e 0, thus n £ I, therefore IJcTwiei. Next, if L'" ' is rational then, to prove that L{ Is rational, we shall verify the following formula: Indeed, let c, ... c. € LJ and consider the above states r„ ..., r.. If all the states r, r. _ , are distinct from ft, then 0,... c € £.{"'• Else, denote by I, < h < ... < t, all of the indices r - I n — I with r, - qk. Then the states r, r,, _, are distinct from q,, thus c, ...o-„ e ti"'- Analogously, oil ♦ i • • • Oi|i oil ♦ i • • • a<» ■ ■ ■• °ii-1 ♦ i • • • a<,€ ^"Ir' as well as oi.. i ...a. € tj,-1.
28 Chapter I This shows that <t,...<t. € U-'•(!!,-')•-15,-'. The reverse inclusion 1J-' <_i 11"' •(!£,-')■ • lj/"' c tj is obvious. This proves the above formula, thus, L{is rational. D Excretes IJ A. laflakt alakaktii. Let Ibt an infinite input alphabet. Prove that all recognizable languages in I' form the least class containing all language* L c lu |0| and closed under the rational operations. B. OpererloM yinmlng the recognlzibllltY. If L„ L, c I' are recognizable languages, prove thai the following languages are also recognizable: (I) I' — L,. Hint: Interchange the terminal and the nonterminal states, (ii) L,nL,. Hint: Use (i). (iii) rev L, - |c,... Ci I Ci... c, e L,\. Hint: reverie the arrows of Sand interchange the terminal and initial states. C. Find a rational expression for each of the following languages: (i)r--|o-|: (ii) |<r, r|« - |tT|«: (iii)rev(|<T||r|'w|<T,p|«|pop|). Notes 10 Chapter I This chipler presents just ■ standard Introduction to sequential automata. The interested reader can find more information for example In M. A. Arblb |IM9| or S. Elknberg 11974).
Chapter II: Tree Automata Il.l. FlaJtary Tree AatoaaU 1.1. Tree automata ire devices which handle labelled trees analogously as sequential automata handle sequences (words) of input symbols. The intemil structure of a sequential automaton is a unary algebra; for a tree automaton, it is an algebra of an arbitrary type. A ftnitary type is • set X of operation symbols together with an ariry map assigning to each a e I a natural number lot -0, 1,2 The set of all n-ary operation symbols (such that \a\ — n) is denoted by I,. A £algebra consits of a set Q and operations of the prescribed aritles: «.: C" - Q « Q « • • « C- C (ff € 2; W - n). For /i - I we have a unary operation S„: Q-» Q, for n — 2 a binary operation S„:Q x g-» Q, etc For n - 0, the set g* has just one element, and a miliary operation s. o"-e is usually identified with the element of Q which forms (OS,. Operation-preserving maps are called homomorphisms. Thus, a map /■' (C. (Ail.. x) -»(C \&A., i) is a homomorphism if for each a € 27., («..... «.-i)«.- a implies ((«!/:.... (q..,)f)S. - («l/l I J- DattaMioa. A I-iih automaton it a sixtuple /4 - (C, 14,)., r. r. y, /. A) where 8 is a set, called the eel of Halts: S.:Q"-*Q (c € 2T, |o| - n) are operations on Q; /" is a set, called the output alphabet; y: Q-* r is a map, called the output map; I is a set, called the set ofrariablet; X: /-» Q is map, called the initialization. If all operations are unary (i.e., 2T - I,) and if / contains just one variable.
30 Chapter It / - |x|, then a X-tree automaton U precitely a sequential ^automaton with the initial Mate (xlL I J. Euapk Let I - I, - | +1 and let (Z, +) be the additive Salgebra of Integers. Put T- |0,11. and let y be the parity map: f I if r is odd wr ~\0 if zis even. Then we have a £tree automston with (x)A- -I ind(>)A- I. The "action" of this automston (to be made precise below) consists of taking any binary tree with leaves labelled by x and y, computing the tree and giving an output. For example, the following tree is computed as follows: The resulting output is (3)y - I.
Tree Automata 31 The external behavior or the automaton A is expressed by the map fi assigning to each of these trees / the value (DP « r of the output which results after the computation of /. In our present automaton clearly (/)/)- 0 iff the number of x-labdled leaves is congruent to the number of ^labelled ones modulo 2. 1.4. IMree automata act on finite trees labelled as follows: each node with it successors (n > 0) is labelled by an it-try operation symbol, and each leaf is labelled by a variable or a miliary symbol. We formalize these trees by introducing a non-labelled "base" tree and defining its admissible libel lings. Put m- Vw, i.e., m is the maximal arity if such exists, and m — o if arities are unbounded. The nodes of the base tree are all sequences p,.., p\ of numbers smaller than m (for * — 0, 1,2,..., where * - 0 stands for the empty sequence, the root). More precisely, recall that m a the set of all natural numbers smaller than m (i.e., m - |0,1,.. „ m — l| if m is finite, and a is the set of all natural numbers). The nodes of the base tree form the set of all words In m, with p,... p, e m' preceded precisely by *• Pi. Pift Pi... Pi - i* For example 2* - |0. I|« is the complete binary tree: Here 0 is the root, and each node p, ...p, € 2* has two immediate succes-
32 Chapm II son: pi . ..p,Oandp,... Pi I. (In a' each element hu countably many Immediate lucceuors.) The binary tree or the above example can be considered as a partial labelling of 2* by the labeli +, x and y, i.e., a partial map »:2«-| + .*>|. The map ii denned as follows 0 0 I 00 01 000 001 010 Oil I + + y + + x y y y The domain of derinition Z>, of / it |0,0,1,00,01,000,001,010,011|. In general, Street will be partial maps from m* with values either in I or /. For each partial map i: X-* Y, put Z>,-|*€ X; (i)l it defined|. Defuhlet), Let £ be a finitary type with m - V lot Let / be a set (of var- «« x iables) with / n I — 0. A flnht L-lrtt it a partial map such that (i) the domain of derinition D, it non-empty and finite; (Ii) given p,... PtPt» i € m*, then p, ...p,., € D, ilT (pi...pi)< € X. for tome n > p,»,. The meaning of (ii) is that: (A) Labels are assigned from left to right: if p,... PiPi., hat a label (Le, It In D,), then alto p,... paO, p,... pi I,..., p,... PtPt., have labeli. (B) Each node p, ...pk labelled by of- (p,...p,)l] In £ has precisely n lucccssors, viz, p, ...p,0 p, ...p,(n — I). (C) Each node p,...p, labelled by x[- (p,... p,)i| in / ia a fee/ (i.e.. Pi • • • PiPi ♦ i < D, for any p» * 0; the same holds for ^-labels, of course. Furthermore, (D) 0 always hat a label: there exists p,...p, € D, (because D, * 0) and it follows that Pi... pt. i € D, and hence p,... p, _, € D„ etc. 13. Netetl—. (i) The set of all Slices over / is denoted by /•. This set carries a natural structure of a Salgebra. For each a € Z. we have the operation «..:(/•)"- /•
Trw Autonuu 33 of tree-tupling: given tree* /..../,., € /", we form the following tree Ho-.U If. . J0\ /o\ /i\ AA Formally, the tree I- lU. ... I.-,)?. hat the followim domain of definition D, -IPrPj-Pi € m«;p, < n and p, ,,, p, € D,„| w |0| and li defined by («)»- a; (P\Pi.Pt)l-(ti..Pt)l„ for ill pi p,... p, with p, < n and p, ... p, € />,„. The conditionf (i) and (ii) of III .4 are euily verified for (»«,...,»._ \) p.; in particular each ff € 2^ define! the ilngleton tree ® (ii) We consider / u a iubtet of /• by identifying each variable x € / with the singleton tree © (iii)The depth \t\ of a tree I € /'is the largest number * - 0, I, 2,... for which there exists p,p, ... Pi € D,. Thus, each variable and each operation symbol in t, have depth 0. The tree in Example II.1.3 has depth 3. (iv) For each node w of a tree t. I.e., each »-«,...«.€ D, we define the branch SJ of I at •■ as the following tree: (p,... p»Rf -(«,... «.p,... p,)f (where the lefi-hand side is defined iff the right-hand one is). For example, the following tree
34 Chipm II '<& has the following branches: *•': (« *■"■© V: © »oo'=Q (iv) We define sets or trees W.<z /'(B-O. 1.2....) by the following induction: W.-l and W., i / ^ !(»„,..., »,-,)«>„: ff€ £|o1 - *,and»,,...,»,_, € IP,|. We have because for each I € /•, |(| s n implies I € W..,. [This is clear if n — 0. Each tree / of depth n + I has the form ( — ('■,..., 'i -i)W> for some a € £,, k > 0, where |/,| £ n and hence by induction hypothesis, i, € W,., for i- 0 * — I.Thus, / € W.<,.\ PtfoaJtiM. The algebra of finite trees (/M«,l..i) is the free Salgebra generated by the set /. That is, for each Salgebra
Tit* Avtomali 35 (S lft>l) and each map/: /-» ft there u a unique homomotphiim r ■(!•. |t>„|)- (ft |«.|) extending / Proof. We define/* on each W, by induction on ft Flnt,/*-/on / - If,. Given /* on If., for each I i W,» , — / we have I - (la, .., »». ,)e>, with '•.....»«-1 E If,, and we put (0/* -((».)/* (».-,)/*)«■.• It ii obvious that this is how/* has to be defined (i.e../* is unique) and that J* is a homomorphism, provided only thit/* Is well-defined. Thus, the proof is concluded by the following Observation. The algebra (/", |e>,|) has the following Ptanopmptriies: (i) Each element of /• — /has the form Co, .., 'i -1)*>„ for « unique operation symbol a e Z, and a unique lot-tuple <*...,/,_, € /"; (ii) conversely, each element ((«,...,(»_ i)e>„ lies in /" — /. In fact, given I € I' — I then (9)/ - a for some a € Z If |o| - k, it follows that»-(»«,...,»!_ i)c>, iff i, - if for ( - 0 * — I. Conversely, the root of each Co, . , 'i _ ,)»>„ is labelled by a and hence, this is not an element of/. Exetaale*. (i) Let I - £ and / - |jc| (the case of sequential automata). The free algebra /" consists of the following trees:
36 Chiput It This is just the algebra I', except Tor the (superfluous) symbol x. If we consider an arbitary set /of variables, then words starting with different variables act quite separately. Therefore, /• - /x S" with («, ff,... o-.)e>. ■h»,.„ oja) (x e / and a,... a. e £•). (ii) Let r be an arbitrary type and / - B. Then the free algebra, known as the initial Saigebra, consists of finite ^labelled trees : all leaves are labelled in X, and each node with n successors is labelled in Z.. The characteristic property of the iniiial algebra is thai each Salgebra A has a unique homomor- phitm from the initial algebra 10 A. \*. Defnltlon. Lei A - (Q, |5„|, /", v, /, A) be a Stree automaton. The unique homomorphism p:(/M»>.l)-(ftl«LI) extending the initialization map X is called the run map of A. The map fi-p.y.l'^r is called the behavior of A. For each tree t, the result of the computation of / (after interpreting the variables x as the states (x)A| is the state (l)p. And the resulting output is (/)/). Example. Let I consist of a binary symbol a and a nullary symbol r. Consider the set Z, - 10,1,2,31 with the addition a - + modulo 4 (which is the usual addition with 4 subtracted if the result would exceed 3) and with r - I: let v:Z,-|0, II be the parity map. Denote by ^-(Z„|+, 11. |0, l|, y. Uy\.X) the automaton with (x)A - I and (y)X - 0.
Tree Avloouu 37 For the tree the computation in A yields * ) (' ~© (Op-3 and (l)fi- I. In general, (Op - i iff the number of all leaves labelled by r or x is congruent to i modulo 4. Thus, !>■■{*. y)m~V>. i) is given by ())fi - 0 ifT the number or leaves labelled by either x or r is even. I.T. Eianple. Let I — Ii — |V, A| and Tor a non-empty set U, consider the set Q - exp U or all subsets or U with the operations union <_> and intersection n. Define an automaton A - (exp U, |w, r>|. (<■» a„ 61. y, \x,y\. A) where a, ifr-9 (Dr- { a, VT-M b if re expA/-|M,B|
38 Oupterll and (Jt)A. -0,iy)A- U. The tree ii computed as follows: and hence, (»)/> — a,. The tree is computed as follows and (f)fi - a*. Let us define majority Irea in [x, y)' by induction: y is a majority tree, and V (/,, /,) is a majority tree i(T f, or I, is, while A (/„ /,) is a majority tree ilT both f, and f, are. Then fi:\x.y)m-\a»a„b]
TfM Automata 39 majority tree it defined by ins- \"' ''•,m*Jori' )p ™ [a, elie. I.8. Let X be a flnitaiy type, and let a-iQ. |«„|, r, r, /, A) and ^ - ((?•, i«;i, r. s; v. a-) be Slice automata. A morpfiism from .4 to /*' is a triple of maps such that /:(ftl«.l)-(C'.l«.l) is a homomorphiun and /„: /-» 1',/^,: /"-» /"' fulfil /• Y • r-Am. Incase /"- T'and/M = idraswellai /- /'and/. - id,, we write simply f:A-»A\ Euatflo. (i) In II.1.6 we had the automaton ^ - (Z* | + , l|, |0, l|, y, |j,>|. A). Define an analogous automaton ^-(Z1,|+,l|, |0,l|, y, \x,y\,X) where + is the addition modulo 2 on Zj — JO, l|, y' U the identity map and (x)A' — I, Cv)A' — 0. Then we have a morphUm f:A—A' denned by 0 12 3 /: 0 10 1 Note that A and A' have the same behavior ft.
40 Chapter II (ii) Define ui automaton A' analogously as A in 11.1.7 except that the output alphabet is /"' — I a, b] and _ . fa ifr-IorM, U)r~\b if Te exp At* — |A#. I|. Let/„.: /"-» /"' be the following map («a/~ - («,V» - <> and (*VM - A. Then (l<W«, W ,*„, /->:<<- 'tis a morphism. The behavior of A' is the constant map to a. 1.9. PupcHtoa. For each morphism f:A—A' of £tree automata, A and /*' have the same behavior, and if p: I' -» Q is the run map of A, then p • /: /• -» Qf is the run map of A'. Proof. Proving the latter statement, the former follows: fi-p-r-p-f-y -p-y -er. It is sufficient to note that since p:(/\ l*v|)-»((?, |5.|) and /:(g|<,|) — (C l£|) are both homomorphisms, p • /: (/', |t>.|) — (C, |£|) is also a homomorphism. For each x € /, we have (x)p-f-(x)Af-(x)A- and hence, p -/is an extension of A': /-» Q'. But also the run map p'of A'it an extension of A', and since A' hu a unique extension to a homomorphism, we conclude that p-f-p: O l.U. We have seen in this section that there are dose analogies between sequential automata and tree automata. We shall see more of these analogies in the subsequent sections. Let us conclude by having a look on the role of the variables. Oiven a type £ of algebras and a set / ofvsriables(/<~> I—V), we can extend I by "co-opting" the variables. Let r be the following type £-1,^1 and r, - Z. forailn>0. A £*-algebra on a set Q is given by a Salgebra on Q plus a map A: /-» Q. Thus, ^automata with the set / of variables are precisely ^-automata with-
Trw Automali 41 out variables (i.e. with the empty set of variables). Also behaviors correspond naturally: OkacrvatJoa. The Tree Salgebra (/*, |e>„|) is precisely the initial £*-algebra (11.1.5). In Tact, /" consists of finite Z-um with leaves labelled in L, \j I - J£, and this Is precisely (0*, |*>„|) in the extended type I\ Reanrk. The concept of variables for tree automata is nevertheless useful, since we want to consider a fined type L It will turn out that both for minimal realizations (11.2) and for recognizability of languages (11.4) it is of crucial importance that we can enlarge the set of variables. In the approach without variables, this would change the type. Exaaple. Sequential automata: Here £ - £, and / - |x|. We can consider them as £*-automata without variables where r - £, <-> \x\. In fact, the nul- lary operation x is just the initial state. Eureka IL1 A. Conpotirioa of iwihlims Consider tree automata of a given type and with given F and /. (i) Prove that the composition of morphisms f:A-+ A' and %: A'-» A" is a morphism f-%:A-+ A". (ii) For a surjective morphism f:A-+ A', conversely, a map % is a morphism g:A'-» A" whenever/- %:A-+ A" is a morphism. (iii) Can (ii) be generalized to the morphisms (/,/„, fa)"! B. Sabargebra of /'. A subalgebra of a Salgebra (Q, |5„|) is a subset Q, c Q closed under the operations |i.e., (q,)S„ € Q, for all a € Z, q, e QJ. (i) Prove that the set of all trees of depth £ 3 Is a subalgebra of /". (ii) For each x € / prove that the set of all trees with x as a label of some leaf is a subalgebra of /". (iii) Prove that each subalgebra of /", containing all of /, is /". C. Ualforai trees are trees such that all leaves have the same distance from the root. Formulate this precisely. For which types I is each tree in /" uniform? For which types I do all uniform trees form a subalgebra od /"7 D. Rm ansa aad awehliii (i) Generalize Proposition II.1.9 to morphisms (f.f>..f~.):A~A: (ii) Conclude that given a Stree automaton A - (ft |5„|, /", y, I. X) and a subset U c A then the run map of the corresponding automaton A, - (Q, ||S„|, r, y, !„, X,) (where A, is the restriction of A) is the restriction of the run map of A.
42 Ch.pMrll E. StajftJal awtosaata with rents. A rtsel in a sequential automaton is an input a such that the map (—, 0)8: g-» g is constant (i) Let I - £, \j I, be a type (with arities 0 or I). Verify that Stree automata are just sequential ^automata with resets in L+ (ii) Describe the initial algebra Tor the type in (i). (Hint: Using II.1.10, we getB' -lix i;.) II J. MMsaal Reallxatioa 2.1. Throughout this section, a fixed Unitary type I is considered. Analogously to the case of sequential automata, we show that each behavior map, i.e., a map fi: /• -. r has a realization (i.e. there exists a Stree automaton with the behavior p~) and we then apply the minimization procedure to get the minimal realization of A We start by defining the free realization Mfi)-U',\9.\..i,r, A /,n). where 17: /-» /* is ihe inclusion map (see II.1.5 (ii)). Since the run map of M(fi)\t clearly id,., it realizes A Let a - (ft l«.|. r. r. 1, A) be another realization of A The run map of A is a morphtsm p:A(0)^A. In fact, (i) p: (/*, |«>„|) -»(ft |5„|) is a homomorphism with (ii)n.p-A, and since A realizes A we also have (ttt)py- fi. Since (i) and (it) actually define the run map. we see that p is the unique mor- phism A(fi)-»A. IX We turn to the minimization procedure. As in the case of sequential automata, the mintmization of a tree automaton is performed in two steps : the first (easy) one Is to discard all superflouous states, and the latter is to merge pairs of states which behave in the same way. By a subautomaton of a J-tree automaton A - (ft |5„|, /", y, I. X) we understand a J-tree automaton (with the same Tand /)
Tree Automiti 43 a- • iff. |*;i, r, y, i M such that; (I) ff ii a iubal|ebra (Exercise II.IB); (ii) ff contains (/)A and A' is range-restriction or A; (iii) Y is the restriction or y. Shortly, A' is a subautomaton of A if ff c Q and the inclusion map ' ■ ff -* C >• • morphism f:il'->il. It follows that the behavior of an automaton A Is the same as that of each sub- automaton (II. 1.9). A £tree automaton is reachable if each state is the result of the computation of a tree; in other words, if p is surjedlve. The automaton in II.1.3 is clearly reachable. Prspmhioa. Each L-tttt automaton has a unique reachable subautomaton which is also its smallest subautomaton. Proof. Let A ■ (Q, |5„|, /", y, I. A) be a X-trec automaton. The Image of Its run map is a subalgebra of(g |5„|). Indeed, given a e I. and q, e Q, (i < n), we have trees t, e /'with Ci)p-«i ri'<"). Put '-(',)...«'.€ /'. Since p is a homomorphlsm, we have (Op - (C.)«>.)P - «',)P)«. -(«,)«.; hence,(«,),<.5. E &. Thus, we obtain a subautomaton A, of the automaton A with the state set Q,. Then A, is reachable since its run map is a restriction of p (II. 1.9). A. is the smallest subautomaton of A because for each subautomaton A', with the state set ff, we have (/)A c ft. and this implies Q, - (/')p c ft (because the run map of A\ Is also a restriction of p). Q Remark. The subautomaton above is called the reachable pari of A. For example, the automaton in 11.1.7 is not reachable (if M has more than I point). The reachable part of A is the subautomaton with two states, 0 and M.
44 Chapter II A reachable automaton has no proper subautomata. The Tree realization A(fi) is an example or a reachable automaton. For the next step or minimization, we need the concept of an "admissible" equivalence ~ on a £tree automaton A. Our aim is to construct a new (smaller) automaton A/~ with the state set Q/~ (or all equivalence classes If 1 or states if e C), and with the structure derived from A. That is *'~ -{Q'~.\o\\. r. 9, i,X) where (a) a«L ■ ■ -. Ift. iD*. = K*. ■■-.«. i)«.l: (b)GW<«)r; (c)(x)X-|(x)Al. Thus, "admissible" are those equivalences Tor which (a) and (b) are well-defined: Definition. A eongrvtnee on a J-tree automaton A - (ft |5„|, /", y, I. A) is an equivalence ~ on Q such that (A) given gel, and q, ~ q \ in Q (i - 0,.. -, k — I), then (»•.••■, q>-i)S.~ (»'„..., q',-,)S„; (B) given q ~ q' in ft then Wr ~ <«>■ For each congruence ~, we define the quotient automaton A /~ by (a), (b) and (c) above. Example. For the automaton or II.1.6, the equivalence with two "parity" classes |0, 2| and |l,3| is a congruence (because the operation + respects parity, the miliary operation r maices no difference, and y is the parity map). The quotient automaton is A/~ - (1101,111), l + .llll. |0, l|, y. \x,y\. X), where aoi)r - o and aiDr - i and (jtH-IH »n<l O0A-I0]. Note that A/~ has the same behavior as A.
Tree Autooim 45 Remark. Congruences are closely related to morphums: (i) For each congruence ~ on a tree automaton A, the canonical map c:Q-» Q/~ (with (q)e - |<;D is a morphism c:A — A/~. Hence, A has the same behavior as any quotient automaton (see II.1.9). (ii) For each morphism f-.A^A- of £trec automata, the kernel equivalence <f. ~ <h iff (q,\f- (<h)f is a congruence on A. 13. The concept of two states having the same behavior was crucial in 1.2. We consider the corresponding concept of Interchangeable states q, and q,: these are states for which a substitution or if. for ft In the interpretation of variables does not influence the behavior. Dcflaltlea. Given states if,, if, E fiofi T-tree automaton A - (ft |<5.|, /", y, I. A), choose a variable y t I, and put A, - (ft |«.|, T, y, / w |H X,) for i - I, 2 where X, extends A by (y)\, - q,.i( A, and A, have the same behavior, we say that $ and rf, are wterehmttabU. Remark. Interchangeable states have the same output : if A is the behavior of A, above, then Mr-(J0A-(J0A-<*)>'■ Example. In the automaton of 11.1.3, any two even numbers are interchangeable (and so are any two odd ones). The states I and 2 are not Interchangeable because (l)v * (2)v. ProaaattMa. For each congruence on a J-tret automaton, any two congruent states are interchangeable. Proof. Let ~ be a congruence on A. Then ~ is clearly a congruence on each of the automata A, above (i - 1,2). Therefore, A, has the ume behavior uA,/~. Since l<fi 1 - IfJ, clearly A, /— is the same automaton as A-,/-. Q 14. We are now ready to minimize reachable tree automata: we prove that interchangeability is a congruence and hence, the largest congruence. Consequently, the quotient automaton is minimal.
46 Ch.pur II Dcflattloa. A reduction of a tree automaton A is a surjective morphism t: A -» A'. The minimal reduction u a reduction et: A -» A, such that for each reduction e: A -» A' we can further reduce /*' to /<», i.e., (here exists a reduction/: A'-»Atmth t„ — ff. Tkeoma. Let t be a finitary type. Each reachable J-tree automaton A has a minimal reduction c:A-»A/~ obtained from the following congruence q, ~ q, iff q, and iji are interchangeable. Proof. I. The interchangeability equivalence ~ is a congurenoe. In fact,by Remark II.2J we know that ~ respects the outpuu: it is sufficient to prove that it respects the operations. Let a e £, and q, ~ q, in fibe given for i — 0, .... a — I. To prove that (ft. • ■. ft - ,)&. ~ («'* .. ■, «', _,)«., it is clearly sufficient to show (hat for each n - 0,..., k — I, (ft....,».-1. ft, q'.t q\ - ,)6. ~ (ft. ■ ■ ■. ft- i. «'.. 1'. ♦ «i -1)«.- Denote by J: g-» g the map defined by («)rf-(ft.---«.-■.««;. «'»-,)«» (« € fi). The proof of I. will be concluded if we show that (•) q ~ q- implies (q)d ~ («V (q, q' 6 Q). For each state q denote by the extension of X (the initialization map of A) with (yM,-«. The "extended" automaton has run map X' and behavior X * • y: (/w |^D* -» r. Thus, (*) states that A,* ■ r - A; ■ y implies A'M ■ y - Xfa • y. Since /< is reachable, there exist trees i„ i\ e /* with ,,-(j,)A' and «;-(*;)*• (i-o,..,«- i). Since each A, extends X, we also have q, - U,)X' """''J'i - (J'/M,* (see Exercise HID). Put *- U 4-i. y. '.-„■■, *',_,)?. € (/._> |v|)•.
Tree Aatonuli 47 Then Tor each q e Q, (s)a; - (um; <*._,*;, »<*;.,) a; &;_,*;)«.- <«)<*■ Denote by the unique homomorphism with (x)A - x (x 6 /) and (y)A - >. Then *•■»;- A'„:(/uW)' -fi. In fact, A • A* is a homomofphism which coincides with the homomorphism A,*w on the set or all variables: (x)A ■ A,' - (jt)A; - (x)A - (xJA'y (x 6 /) and (y)h ■ A,' - (j)A; - (q)d - {y)X?„. Thus, if A * ■ y - A; ■ y, then A,,w ■ y — A ■ A# ■ y — h ■ A#- • y ~ A,,w ■ p. II. The reduction c:A-*A/~ is minimal. In Tact, Tor each reduction e: A -» A', the kernel equivalence at of *is a con|urence on A and hence, by Proposition 11.2.3, q a, q- implies q ~ f (q, q' 6 fi). Thus, we can define a map / by the condition c-e-f. I.e., Tor each q e Q, ((«)*!/■- [«1. Since e is a surjective morphism, and c is a morphlsm, it follows that / is a (surjective) morphism by Exercise 11.1. A. D
48 Chapur 11 Eianplt. The minimal reduction or the automaton II.1.3 has two states, (0| (- the class or all even numbers) and (I) (- the class or all odd numbers). Here id + ioi - (o + oi - (oi in + in - ii + n - id; ioi + in - io + n - m m +101 - n + 01 - in. The output is given by (101))'-0 and QIDr- I. the initialization by (x)A - OOA - 111. 15. We now apply the minimization procedure to the Tree realization A(ff) of 11.2.1. Given a state (i.e., a tree) I £ /*, we consider the behavior of the automaton Alfi), - ((/ w \y\); \<p.\, r, A / w \y\, A,) where fjt for x £ / [i for x - y. The morphism A.Vt/wM)'-/' changes each tree i e (/ >_> |/|)" by substituting every /-labelled leaf by the tree I. We use the notation f-.j-(j)A;. Thus, for each node we D, we have {(w)j *Hw)s*y (u)f if * - v • u and (v)J - >■ undefined else. Example: For (A
Tree Amoiuu 49 we have The behavior of ><(£), is the map i -*{t;i)fi. Therefore, two trees t„ f, E /* are interchangeable in A(fi) iff (', ys)P - («, ;j)P for each t £ (/ w {.y|) •. Ceaatnctlta of the minimal realization of a map fi-.r — T. We define the Ntnde equiralenci x on /* by f, w f, ifT (f, -,s)P - (f, -,i)fi for all j « (/«-> Irl)' (where y t I). The minimal realization of /) Is the J-lree automaton a. -(/•/*, {^.|, r, A /.*) with (I'd. ■ ■., M.i-il)l». - [('« ..., <M-i)f>.). and (Jt)X-(xl. Proof. Since the Nerode equivalence is just the interchangeability congruence on A(fi), we know already that A, is a minimal reduction of A(fi), For each reachable realization A of ft, the run map is a morphism p\A(p~)^A (see 11,2.1). Since p is surjedive, A\tt reduction of A(ft), and we can reduce A to At. a
50 ChtpMr II Exanale. Put l- 2T, - \a, r|. We construct the minimal realization of the behavior /J: K u. »C —|0. I| defined as follows: r has the label a, and the left-most leaf is x (')/>■ (I if t h I 0 else. We inspect the Nerode equivalence classes of the simplest trees. First, clearly I*] * |u] - M. The class |u] consists of those trees which neither have the label a, nor have their left-most leaf x. Further, the tree V l« is not equivalent to x or u because (i,)fi - I; the class |r,l is precisely (\)f>- The next tree is non-equivalent to x or u: given y € |x, u, v|, consider the following trees Then(fi ;')P* l*;*)P and((, ;S~)P+ (x •, 3~)fi. The class |(J consUu of all trees having the label o* but not having the left-most leaf x. Finally, (x) is the class of all trees not having the label a but having the left-most leaf x. We see that |x,u.v|- - |x] v, \u\ v |f,] v, m.
Tm Automata 51 The minimal realization of fi has the itate set C-IM.M.IM.KJI- The operation a depends on the first variable only: (1*1 -)<»- (I'll -)"- I'll and (l"l-)c-(l'J.-)<»-l%l- Alto r depends on the first variable only: it is the first projection. Further, y and X are given by the following tables ..MMMM K x u ' ooio 1*1 MM Exeidttall.2 A. Mlalasal mlbarJoa. Find the minimal realization of the following behaviors: (i) I- £, - |<r|. 0:1*1'-|0. l|.(r)0- I ifrthe depth of I bat least 2. (ii) Z, - Ict.I for all n - 0. I. 2,.... fi: \x\% -. (0. I|. (i)fi - I ifTthe root has more immediate successors than any other node. (iii) I - Z, - \a. r|. fi: \x, y\' -. (0.1.2|, 0)0 - 0 if t has only labels a and x, (f)/l - I if t has the label r but not y, and else (i)fi - 2. B. GeatrarJoa. A subalgebra C of a X-ilgebra (Q, \S.\) is said to be generated by a set M c fi If fi' is the least subalgebra with At* c Q'. (i) Verify that the reachable part of a J-lree automaton is just Ihe subalgebra generated by (/)A c Q. (ii) Describe the subalgebra of (/*. |«>„|) generated by |Jt| for a given x 6 /. and that generated by ft. C Cogtawatl—. A congruence * on a J-ilgebra (Q, \S„\) is said to be cc- menmted by an equivalence ~ (on Q) If m it the lafgeat congruence contained in ~ (i.e., such that q * q' implies q - q~). (I) Verify that the Nerode equivalence of fi is cogenerated by the kernel equivalence of/) (on /*). (ii) Describe the congruence cogenerated by an arbitrary equivalence on an arbitrary J-ilgebrt. (Hint: See 11-2.4.)
52 Oupur II II J. laflaHary Tree Aateanta 3.1. In this section we consider types I with infinitary arities or operations. The definition or X-tree automata is naturally extended to then type*, and the run map is defined on the (free) X-ilgebrt /• of all finite-path £4rees. It turns out, however, that minimization cannot be extended: there are behaviors which do not have a minimal realization. 3.2. By a type we understand a set £ of operation symbols, together with an arity map assigning to each ieIi cardinal number |e>L Again, L. denotes the set of all n-ary symbols, t, - \a e S: \a\ - n|. A J-ilgebra is a set Q equipped with operations «.:C'-»C l«ai»l-«), where the elements of the it-fold cartesian product Q' are all n-tuplea («■)■<. with q, 6 C for each i < n. A homomorphism /:(ai*.l..5)-(t3M*;i..i) is a map such that for each o* E l„ (»).<•«.-« Implies ((filOi<.%-(«)/• A l-tnt automaton is defined precisely as in 11.1.2: it is a £algebra (ft ||S„|„, i) together with an output map v: fi-» T and an initialization map A:/-fi. fiasafli Let £ - |c| where a is at-ary. Put y4-(«>w|«.|,«..|0. l|.r,|Jr|.A) where 6, is the following operation on sequences in a \j | oo |: (ft. *. <h....)«.-( V?. J + I (I.e., S, is the maximum plus I if the sequence is bounded, else 5„ - <=). Further. f 0 if a 6 to W"|l ifj-- and (Jt)A - 0. 3J. The construction of the free algebra /* (formed, for Military types, by all finite X-treej over /) requires a revision.
Tm Antomita 53 If a 6 £ is an infinitary operation, then the trees in a free £algebra will no longer be finite—consider the following tree: Neither are they going to have finite depths—comider the following tree with X unary: It lunu out that the trees in a free X-algebrt are just those which have finite paths. As in the finitary case, we shall work with the complete m-ary tree with m - V |cr|. (Remark: The case m - at can Indicate either that £it an ««i infinitary type with all operations at most 0-ary. or that X is a finitary type with unbounded arities.) A path in.the tree m* (from the root t downwards) is a sequence of elements of m* of the following form •i Pi. PiPfc PiPlP* ■ ■■ where p„ pi, p%,... are elements of m (i.e.. ordinals smaller than m). An example of a path in a':
34 CbapMr II 3A. DefbrirJoa. Let Z be ■ type and let / be ■ set (of variables) with Zr\ I — t: put m — V \a\. A finite-path Z-trtt orer I (shortly. ■ L-lm) Is a partial map t: m''-» I\j Z such that (i) the domain of definition D, is non-empty and its Intersection with any path in m* is finite: (ii) given p,...p,p,. i e m', then />,.../>,»,€£>, iff (p, ...p,)t 6 Z. for some ■ > p,♦ ,. Ksaaark. The condition (i) can pn view of (ii)] be reformulated as follows: (B)r is defined, and for each path t. p,. p, pj,... there exists k, e a such that O'iPi- ■ • >».)' 's defined iff J: £ *» Note that for T flnitary, the latter is equivalent to the ftniteness of D„ The set ofall finite-path J-treo over / is. again, denoted by /*. EJuaate. Let Z - |e>. A| with |o) - a and |A| - I. The following trees
Tree Aotomiu 55 ■re element! or |Jt|*. In (,, Tor each pith we hive either k, — I or Jt* — 2. In (,. for eich pith 0. p„ p,p,,... we hive k, - p, + I. In contrast, the following trees ■re not element* of 11) ■: consider the pith 0.0,00.000,... for (, and the pith 0. I. 10. 100. I 000,... for I,. 33. The properties of /* are analogous in case of Infinllary types. The branch of ■ tree I e /' with the root we D, is the tree <?.( defined by (rtf.t- (wr)l for ill r 6 in*. Cleiriy <?.( 6 /'. The operations *>,:(/*)'-> /*. for ill o- e £. are again defined is follows: given I, e I'. I < n, denote by '-(',),<.«>. the tree with D. - IPiPi • • • Pi 6 m': Pi < » and p,... p, 6 DJ «_< |0| where (0)1 - <r. (PiPi--P»)'-(/>i--Pi)'„- We must verify the condition (i): For each pith 0, p„ p,p,.... either (p,)' is undefined (then k, — 0) or p, < ■; since (,, c /*. there is k, such that (Pi • ■ ■ Pk)'„ is defined iff * & k+ Then (PiPi - - - Pi)''» defined iff k S k,.
56 Chapter II Thus, we get in algebra (/'. I«».l) which clearly hu the Peano properties (II.1.5). To prove that this is a free algebra (u in 11.1.5), we use transfintte Induction; in order to deflne sets Wk for all ordinals k. we must deflne (a) W,: (b) W,.,. given Wt; (c) Wk, for each limit ordinal 4c, given W, (j < k). Analogously, to prove a statement about each ordinal k. we must (a) prove the statement for * - 0: (b) derive the cue k + I from the cue k and (c) for each limit ordinal k. derive the case k from the preceding cases. We now define sets Wt analogous to those in II.1.5: W„- I. "ti<1-'"l(i,)i-.».;»e £.',- W.l and for each limit ordinal k, Wt - U Wt. i< i Whereu In the flniury case we had /* - W„ in general we have /• - (f, for some ordinal k, but the proof is more technical here. We say that a L-tm I hu finite depth if it is an element of Wk,k finite. Then the depth of I equals to the largest number k for which there exists p.... pt 6 />,. 14. Theorni. The algebra of finite-path trees is the free £algebra generated by the set /. Proof. For each £>algebra (Q, |d°„|) and each map/: /-» Q. we are to show that/has a unique extension to a homomorphism /•: (/'. |«>a|) -»(Q, [Sc[). It is sufficient to prove that there exists a cardinal m with /• - W- Then we proceed by extending / to each Wt: (D/'./onlf,.;; (b) given /* on Wk and given I e Wt t „ we have ( — ((,), < .«>„ with I, e Wk, and we put (i)f - «r,V),<.«.; (c) the extension on the limit ordinals is clear.
Tm Attomu 57 The Peano properties guarantee that /* it well-defined, and (b) impliei that /'ill homomorphism. Moreover,/* ii unique became the rule for the exten- lion above it just a consequence of tbe expected properties of/". We prove /• - W. wbere * is the first regular cardinal larger than m- Viol. 9 f I For each tree It /'we define sets (OS, c m* by transfinite induction as follows: (OS, - m' - />„• (OS,*, - \p,...p,e m*-, p,... p,p,., € (OS, for each/>,*, < m\; (OSi - U (OS, if * is a limit ordinal. /<» We are going to prove the following statements for each tree I e /• and each ordinal k: I. (OS, c (OS, for each ordinal *' S *; II. if(()S, - (()SW„ theog e (OS,; III. if" 6 (t)S,,tben(€ Wt, This will prove the proposition: for each * 6 /* we have by I. a monotone chain of sets (OS. c (OS, c ... c (OS, c ... c m*: necessarily, there exists an ordinal k of cardinality £ m (- card m*) with (OS, - (OS,.,. Then II. and III. imply I € Wk. Since m < iftand lAis a regular cardinal, the ordinal k is smaller than the ordinal ii) and hence, W, c Wm. Thu proves /• c Wm. I. (OS, c (OS,. We prove this by transflnite induction on k. This is clear if * - 0, since than k' - k. Assume that k' & k implies (OS, c (OS,; to prove that this also holds for k + I, It aufficas to prove (i)S, c (OS,. ,- Let p,... p. 6 (OS,. (a) If k * 0, then for each p,+ , e m there exists k' < k with P\-P,P,+ \ 6 (OS,- c (OS,: this proves »,...», € (OS,*,. (b) If k — 0. then (px... p.)l \i undefined and hence, for each p, + , e m also (P\ ■ ■■ p,p,t\)l is undefined. Thus, Pi..-p,p,n e (OS* which proves p,..p,e (OS,. The proposition is obvious for each limit ordinal k, since (OS, — U (OS,. ,' <, II. (OS, - (OS,* i implies t e (OS,. Assume the contrary: there exists
58 Chi pin II a finite-path L-lnt I e /• and an ordinal k with 9 t (OS.-(»)«.♦ i. The itatement 0 t (OS.* i means that there exists a p, < m such that p, t (OS.. Hence, p, t (OS., ,: this means that exists a p, < m such that ftft < (OS., etc. We obtain an infinite sequence p„ p* ph ... in m such that p,...p.t (OS. for all j £ an It follow! that (p,... p,)i is defined for all ie at: by I. if p,... p, e (OS. then p,...p, e (OS.. This contradicts to the condition (i) in the definition of finite-path £trecs (IIJ.4). III. 9 £ (OS. implies I £ Wt. We first prove that given p,... p, £ m* with p, £ D„ then p,... p, e (OS, implies pi...p. £ (<V)S, by transfinite induction on k. (Remark: For s - 0. p, ... p, - 9 as well as ft.--ft -■•) Let * - 0. Then p,...p,e (OS. means that (p,... p.)lis undefined: this Implies (ft ... ft)<V Is undefined (I.e.. Pi...p, £ (<V)S«) whenever p, e />,. If the fUtemem holds for k (and all ( £ /*) then it holds for k + I : p,...p,e (OS.., means that for all p,*, £ in we have ft ... p, p,.\ E (OS.: this implies p, ... p, p.., € (<?„0S. (for all p,.,) or p, ... p, 6 (<?„(>S,. i. whenever p, e />,. The situation with a limit ordinal k is dear. Now, we prove that 9 e (1)5. implies I e W, by transfinite induction again. This statement holds trivially for * - 0. since 9 E (OS. cannot occur. Assuming the statement holds for k. let ■ € (OS.» i. Then for each p e in we have p E (0S», i.e., 9 e (<?,i)S,, whenever p E />,: for these p we have <?,( e Wt by induction hypothesis. Now, either * £ / c W» ♦ i. or (0)( - a £ Xwith |o-| - n and Finally, the situation with a limit ordinal k Is clear. D 3.7. As in the finitary case, Z-tm automata work with the trees in /* :they compute the trees and give a resulting output. But the computation can now be infinitely long. We define the run map of a £tree automaton A as the unique homomor- phism p:(/*. |*>„|) -»(Q. \S„\) extending the initialization map, and the behavior as fi-p-r-i'-r.
Tree Automata Enaple. For the automaton of II.J J, the following tree 59 yieldi the output 0: ®-i The ume holds, evidently, for each £tree of finite depth (11.3.5). On the other hand, the following tree yieldi the output I (after • countable, computation): © >-i»l
60 CtlipttTll The same holds Tor each tree or infinite depth. Thus, the behavior of A is defined as follows: fO if (has finite depth; 18. The concepts of congruence, reduction, interchangeability and minimal realization are defined for infinitary automata in the same way as for the finl- tary ones. But interchangeability is no longer a congruence on each automaton. In fact, any two states <?.. ift e a in the automaton of II J.2 are dearly interchangeable, and oo is not interchangeable with any q € a. Yet, the equivalence m with the dasses a and |oo | is not a congruence: we have 0 * 0. 0 a> 1.0 « 2,... but (0, 0, 0,...)«. - I • oo - (0.1, 2... .)«„. It tums out that the behavior of this automaton does not have a minimal realization : Tktoreaa. For each type £, the following are equivalent: (i) lit finiury; (ii) each behavior fi:l'-+ /~has a minimal realization: (iii) the behavior fi: |x| ■ -► |0,11 defined by (l)P - 0 ifT I has finite depth, has a minimal realization. Proof. (i)-»(ii) See 11.2.5. (ii) -»(iii) This is clear. (iii) -»(i) Assuming that I'm infinitary, we shall prove that the behavior ft in (iii) does not have a minimal realization, (a) Let I- |o-| with \a] - a. The automaton A of 11-3.2 realizes fi, see 11.3.7. And A is reachable : we have 0 - (*)A, 1 - (0, 0.0,.. .)«„, 2 -(I. I, l,...)6°„, etc, and finally, oo -(0, 1,2,...)«.. Suppose B is the minimal realization of fi. There is a morphism f-.A^B.
Tree Automata 61 Since for q e a we hive (q)y - 0 * (oo)y, it is dear that J{q) * /{<»). We •hall prove that Al) - Al) for all q, q e a. This is a contradiction: the kernel equivalence of/has just two classes, at and | oo |, and we have observed above that this is not a congruence on A. For each k — I, 2, 3, ... denote by ~» the following equivalence on a\j |oo|: q ~, q' iff q < k and q' < k, or q - q ■ This is a congruence on A (because for each bounded sequence ($>, q,, q>, ■ ■ ■) in otu |oo|, all sequences (q'„ q„ q'„ ...) with f. ~>f'„ for n < <v are also bounded]. Hence, the quotient automaton A / ~, is a reachable realization of fi and consequently, there are morphisms f,:A/~t—B for*- I. 2. J Denote by c»: A-+ A/~t the canonical map, then /- c,./,for*- 1,2. J In fad. If p: |x|* -» ou |oo| is the run map of A, then p • /is the run map of 0(11.1.9). Since p ■ ti ■/, is • homomorphiim, p • c, • /, is also the run map of A Hence, p • /- p • f, • /i. and since p is onto (because A is reachable), we conclude / — e, ■ f,. Thus for arbitary q, q' e a we choose k such that q < k and f' < *, and we have (q)c, - (q')c,; consequently, <»)/- («)c,. /, - (,")c, • /, - (qY. which was to be proved. (b) Let I be arbitrary. Then the above automaton A Is readily adjusted: choose o- € X of arity n fc cu, and put <«).«A- (V«) + I. All the remaining operations are chosen as the constant map to oo. The proof then proceeds as above. D Rctaarkf. (i) Even for I infinitary, each £tree automaton A for which the equivalence q, » q, iff q, and qt are interchangeable is a congruence, has the minimal reduction A/as. (The proof is as in 11.2.4.) This is in particular the case If A is finite. (Ii) Each behavior fi with a finite realization does have a minimal realization: it is the minimal reduction A/ * of (any) finite realization A of p\
62 Chapter II 3.9. Although minimal reductions exist Tor Unitary types £ they do no) have an important "universal" property encountered in case or sequential automata. This property can be formulated as the possibility to minimize not only automata but also morphisms or automata. MMtkM. Let Xbe a type. We say that X-tree automata have mlrtnalminimal rrdticlion if Tor each morphiim <//_,/«.):><- A' or £tree automata with minimal reductions rA: A -► A, and r\ :A' -» A', there is a morphism A, -» A', such thai the following square IU„,.1,J , A «• A a0 -n0 commutes. Since r, abbreviates (r>,id,id,), the new morphism must have the form (./•,/.,/»•) for the (unique, if any) m«p/, with 'A-ft-f- 'a- In the categorical language, let Aut,(X) denote the category of reachable £tree automata and automata morphisms. Composition or morphisms (/,/.,/«.): *-» A' and (g. g,,, goul): A' —■ A" is componentwise, i.e., (/• >./. • >!../« • !«.,): A-*A~. (It is easy to check that the last triple is in fad a morphism.) The identity morphisms are (ide, id,, id,). Then minimal reduction is universal ifTthe minimal reduction r,: A -* A„ of each automaton is a universal arrow [and thus, reduced automata form a full reflective subcategory of Aut,(X)|. We shall prove that sequential automata with resets (Exercise I I.I .E) present the only case of tree automata with universal realization. Tkeoreai. If all arities in I are I or 0 (i.e., I — I, \j £,), then minimal reduction is universal. In particular, sequential automata have universal minimal reduction.
Tm Automsu 63 Proof. Let I — I, \j Ef We can view £tree automata A as sequential L- automata with resets in Z, (Exercise II.I.E). Extending the minimization procedure or 1.2.6, we introduce the behavior or a state q of A as ft - p, ■ r *r- r where p,.X,*-» G " defined by the following induction: (•*>, - «; (<r,... a., ,)p, - ((<t, ... a.)p,, a.. ,)S. (We form words only from letters In I,.) It is easy to verify thai the results concerning sequential automata generalize to our case: the equivalence q « «• IfT ft - ft is a congruence on A, and the minimal reduction is the canonical map rA:A-A/*,lq)rA-\q\. Let be a morphlsm of automata. The behavior ft of a state q\n A \» related to the behavior fi!„fot (q)/in A' by ff„/-ft-/-:*.*-r. This follows from fl'41/ - p, • /(which is easily proved by Induction): p"w/ ~ fl'o/ • y' -P,-f- Y - p, • r<f~ -ft-/«r Consequently, for arbitrary states q and q' of A, ft - ft implies ff,,, - #,v. Thus, if « is the congruence above for A. and m' the corresponding congruence for A\ then qaiq' implies («)/«>"(«•)/ Define /•:(?/*-0/*' by r^ • ft - /• r,,, i.e., by <l«l)/. - l(«)/].
64 Chapter II Then (/../../»«): A/» -,4V*' Is a morphism such that (•) rA •(/../../-)-(/./«./.) t,. In Tact, (a) is clear, and since rA is a surjective morpbism, it follows thai (/•./-./«) >s a morphism (Exercise 1.1.A). This proves the universality. D Theorem IT minimal realization is universal, then all arities are I or 0. Proof. Let I be a type with s symbol rof arity n > I. We define a £*rce automston A and its subautomaton A such that the inclusion morphism »: A-*A cannot be "minimized". Put >4-(|0. I.2,J|, \S.\. |0. 11, y. 1*1. A) where 6. is constant to 0 for all o- c I — | r| and («•. * )*. -«. + «> (where + is the addition modulo 4). and (Dr- l:(0)r-(2)y-(3)y-0 (*)A - 2. We clearly have a subautomaton A of A on the set |0.2|: since the output map of A is constant to 0, the minimal reduction n,:A-»A, is the constant map. On the other hand. A does not have any non-trivial congruence: since 0)Y~' - I. one congruence class must be |l|. and then it Is easy to verify that all congruence classes are singleton sets. Thus, id: A-A is a minimal reduction. There is no commutative square i *. -A
Tree Automsu 65 Corollary. Among tree automata, realization is universal just Tor sequential automata with resets. Eierdso IIJ A. lafhttt-patk trees. Denote by /• the set of all (not necessarily finite-path) trees, i.e., maps ( defined in 9 and satisfying (ii) in Definition IIJ.4. Define the operations on /* analogously as on /*. Why is /' not the free algebra? Hint: Try to extend the inclusion map /-» /*. B. Ualmsaltty of atlalsaal raallzatioa. While behavior has a "functorisl" nature (it defines a functor from the category of automata to the category of behaviors), minimal realization is seldom "functorisl". We make these ideas precise. Let I be a Unitary type. (i) Let B*rt(X) be the category whose objects are (/,AO, where fi:lm — r is a behavior, and morphisms (/.,/„): (/, A /") -► (/\ F, r) are maps/,: /-► /', f„: /"-► /"' witb Verify that the following behavior functor 0:Aut,(£)-»B«f)(X) is well-defined: AB Is the behavior of A and (//„,/.)« - (/*,/..)- (ii) In case I - I, <j ii. verify that there is a functor /M:B«IXD-»Aut,(r) which assigns to each behavior its minimal realization, and fulfils M ■ B = I (i.e., for each morphism (/.,/_) there Is / such that (/.,/„)** - Hint: Proceed as in 11.3.10 using the fad that the minimal realization of fi is just the minimal reduction of the free realization A((t). (Hi) Verify that M and B are adjoint functors. (iv) Prove that whenever I contains ■ symbol of arity > I, then there does not exist a functor M with the properties of (ii). Hint: Try to find (Kld„idr)/M In 11.3.11. IM. Flaltt Aatosuta eatj Laagaage* 4.1. Throughout this section, I denotes a fixed type of finitely many finitely operational symbols; such types are called suptr-fmilary. We denote by m the maximum arity in £
66 Oupler II We want to characterize the behaviors or finite L-lrcc automata, i.e., automata with the sets Q (of states) and / (of variables) both finite. We proceed in a close analogy to the case of sequential automata. First, we introduce acceptors and languages, and we prove that instead of behaviors it sufTlces to study recognizable languages. Informally, a £tree acceptor is a £tree automaton such that: (i) variables form a subset of the state set and A is just the inclusion map; (ii) the output alphabet is T- |0, l|. The first restriction means that we need not interpret variables as states, since they are states already. The latter means that instead of a map y: Q-+ |0, I) we can just consider the set T- (l)c' AX DefnHtoa. A I-tree acceptor is a quadruple A - (ft |£.|., r. T, I) where 0 is a finite set (of states): S„: 0"-* 0 » *" operation for each ail,, T and / are subsets of Q (of terminal and initial states, respectively). The run map of A is the unique homomorphism p: /" -» Q with (q)p — q for each initial state q. In other words, for each £.tree / £ /' (with leaves labelled by initial states or nullary operations), (/)p is the result of the computation of l The tree / is accepted if (/)p is a terminal state. The language recognized by A is L4-\te /';(/)p£ r|. In general, languages are sets of £>trecs (i.e., subsets of /' where / is a set of variables). 4.3. Defnttloa. Let / be a finite set (of variables). A language Lc I * is said to be recognizable if there exists a £.tree acceptor A with L— L,. Remark. In the above definition, it has not been required for the acceptor A that the set / be the set of all initial states. Indeed, A can have a larger set of initial states (none of which happens to be a label in any accepted tree, of course). 4.4. PrepaaWoa. Let / be a finite set and /"be an arbitrary set. A behavior p-. /• - r has a realization by a finite £.tree automaton iff (1) the language {y)P~' is recognizable for each y t T; (2) the set (l')fi c T is finite. Proof. I. Let fi be a behavior with a finite realization, say, A - (ft |«.|, T. y, IX).
Tree Autonuu 67 (a) We prove thai f) has a finite realization * - (C |o-.|, T, /. /. A") •uch that / c Q' and (x)X' - x Tor all x € I. First, assume that X: /-» g Is one-to-one. Then A' Is defined by a formal "re-labelling" of the states of A. For each state q £ C? — (/W, choose an element q' such that q, * f, implies q\ * «,' « /; the new state set will be C- /w |,-;,£ {?-</H|. For symmetry, given q £ (/)A, put f' - x Tor the (unique) x £ / with (Jt)A - q. Define «;:<(?y-G' (<T£ X.) by (flb. • • •. 1„-.)«; - Kft. •. 9.- i)«.l' and put r.Q^r-Aq)r-(q)r- Finally, X': l-+Q"n the inclusion map. It is easy to see that this automaton A' has the same behavior as A. Next, let A be arbitrary. We shall find a realization of A *-(Q.\S.ir, f.l.X) with X one-to-one. Put m - card /; there clearly exists a map X.l—Q* |0, I m- l| which is one-to-one and such that (x)X - (q, j) implies (x)X - q for all * £ /. Put Q- Qx |0. I m-\\ and define S.Q'^Q (ff£ I.) by «*../.). (<?„>,) <». -1. A - .))*. - <«, 0) where f - (ifr, fl„ ..., fl._ ,)*,. Finally define r:e-r;((j.»r-(«)r.
(g Oupurtl Denote by p: /* -» Q the run map or A and define p:/*-G by (/)p-« iff (t)p-(<),J) for some y. It is easy to check that p is a homomorphism; Tor each x € I, (x)p - (x)A since, by the choice or X, (x)p- (*)X- (q,j) implies (x)X-q. Hence, p is the run map or A. Clearly, p- yp- y:/"-»r, hence A and A realize the urne behavior. (b) We prove that (y)p~' is a recognizable language Tor each / e /"! We use the realization A\ and we define an acceptor *\ - ((?'. 141. T, /), where T- MrT'- Let p': /* -► 0 be the run map of /< . then p' is the run map of A'r, too, and since A' realizes p"(- p' ■ }0, clearly (i)P-y iff (i)p' £ r (for each /£ /•). Hence, A'7 recognizes (y)fi ~'. (c) The set (/■# - ((/•)p)r c (Or is finite. II. Let fi have the properties (I) and (2). The proof that fi has a finite realization is quite analogous to the sequential case (1.3.3). Put </•«»-1/ /.I: the language L,-{/,#-'V - I *) has a realization by an acceptor, say, *, - (e.. i«:i. t„ i,). Define a finite L-lrtt automaton A-lQ.\6.\,r.r.l.i) as follows: G - G. x (?, x ... x ft; for each o- £ I., A", - o",J x ... x 61 — more exactly, given «*..., f.., £ G |where « - («/ «/)),
Tree Automata 69 («* •••.«.-,)«. - ((*' «! - ,)*i («.' «.'-,)«); further, is an arbitrary, map such that (a,,..., q,)y - y, whenever q, £ T, while qt £ 0, — Tj Tor all j * I; finally A: 1-+Q is defined by («)* -(**•••.«) f«f «ch « « I- (Note that since /<, realizes a language in variables /, we have / c /, Tor all i) Let p,: /* -► ft denote the restriction or the run map of A„ i — I,.... t, then the map P-.I'-Q: C)P - «')P (Op.) (t £ /*) is the run map of >4 (it suffices to verify that p is a homomorphism). The behavior of A a p": given / £ /• with (/)/) - /„ then (/)p, £ T and (t)pf £ (J - r, for all./ * f (since / is accepted by A, but not by A,,j+ Q; hence. Or-/,- n 4.3, We introduce nondeterministic acceptors similarly to the sequential case, and we prove that they accept nothing more than their deterministic relatives. We return to arbitrary variables (to which states are assigned in a nondeterministic manner). DeflaitML A nonieterminiatic I-tree acceptor it a quintuple -<-((?. \S.\.,i,T,l, X) where QUs finite set (of states), for each a e £. 6„: G*-" Qitt relation; T c Q is a subset (of terminal states), / Is a finite set (of variables) and X.I^Q is a relation. The ran relation of A is the relation P:/'-{?
70 Chipler II defined by induction (on *, where /* - U Wt, see 11.1.3): »■ o if* £ /then (x)p - (x)X\ if/£ K*i- IV,;/-(/». .../._,)♦>. then (/)p- U (** • ••. J._i)4, where the union ranges over all s, £ ((,)a •••,».-1 £ ('.- i)p. The language recognized 6/ >4 is /..,- |/ e /';|l|pn T+ 0|. 44. PropoaUhm. Each language, recognizable by a nondeterministic £tree acceptor, is recognizable (by a deterministic one). Proof. Let A — (ft 14,1, T, /, X) be a nondeterministic £tree acceptor, recognizing a language L c /*. We define a £>tree automaton with the output alphabet /"- |0, l| such that its behavior is the characteristic map of L; in view of the preceding proposition, L is then recognizable. Put -J - (exp ft |&|, |0, 11, y, l,X) where, for each a £ 2. and Do, D D._, £ exp ft, <*V O O— i) S. - U(*. * <?.-i)4, the union ranging over all 4, c ZV ..., fl._ 1 £ D._ 1, and r.expg-IO, l| is defined by (D)r - I ilT D n, T * 8. Moreover, the relation A : *— g yields a map X~: /-»exp ft It is easy to prove that the run relation of A, p.l'-Q yields the run map /$:/*-» exp Q of A. Thus, a tree / £ /'is accepted by A iiHOp/-* r* e,i.e.,irr((/)/?)>'= i. □ 4.7. Operation oa accepters aad laagaagea. We introduce now operations on acceptors corresponding to the union, concatenation and iteration of languages. While these notions are parallel to those used for sequential automata (I J.8), the proofs for the last two operations are more technical. Uatoa-Ut A - (ft 14,1. T. /. X) and A - (ft, |4.|, T. I. X1) be nondeterministic £tree acceptors with disjoint state sets, Q n, ft — 0, and with a common variable set /.
Trtc Automata 71 Their union ii the following acceptor Ayj A -(Qyj Q\ |6"„|. Tw r. /, A~) where A", - A", w 5', and A" - A w A' (u tet-theoreticml union), i.e.. Tor each a e Z. f («. ,«.-l)«. If «..,«.-! « 0 (•.■■■.*..)4-^ («..,«..,w; if *...,«.-,« c l 0 else in cue n > 0, and 6, - 8, w A";, in case n — 0. Further, (*Vf-(*)Aw(*)A' (*£ /). It is easy to see that A w A' accepts a tree iff either A or A' does; hence, l-A^r - Lt\j LA. 4.8, Serial x-c—ecrJoa. Let A and /<' be acceptors as above and let * e I. The serial x-connection A ; A' is the acceptor resulting from connecting the terminal Mates of A with the A'(jr)-itate» of A'. More precisely: a-.a-iQuq; |6*„i. r, /, X). where, for each 6 « Z., S. - 8. w S', w »/. with \W if (*....».-,)«.^ J>e (*.•••,«„-.)»'.- \ and for each y € I, l(/Hw(*H if (jr)iftr*«. The operation on languages, corresponding to the serial connection, is the concatenation (generalizing the substitution): First, given a tree / £ /* and a language L c /*, denote by L-.i the language of all trees obtained from / by substituting each x-labelled leaf by a tree in L
72 Chapter II Example: We define thii concept formally. Recall that m denotes the join or all antics, m - V |<r|. o* £ DeflaMoa. For each L c /" and / £ /* and Tor each x £ /, denote by L; I c /'the language or all treea /such that Tor all a £ m*, (i) (a)/ - x implies i, I £ L, (ii) (a)/ £ lu /— |x| implies (a); - (a)/. The x«mcatenation of two languages L. L' c /* is the language L-, V - U *••„/. f < I' Proaosllloa. The language recognized by the serial x-connection A; A' is the x-concatenation or the languages LA and L,: l*A-MJl ~ **A •„ L4 . Proof. Denote by p the run relation of A, and by p' that of A'. For each tree / £ /*, put LJ,- |/~£ /•;/ £ Lt-,J\. We are going to prove that the run relation of A ■, A' is defined by (Hp-Wpu .U (Op for each / £ /*. Then a tree / is accepted by A ■, A' iff (/)p r\ 7" * I, i.e., ifT there exists
Tree Automat! 73 I £ ly, with (Op' r\ 7" * 0; equivalently, with i e LA. That will prove the proposition. First, we must prove that p extends X. For each / £ / — M, clearly LA-,y- l/l »nd L,,-,*- /«■ On the other hand,/ t L-,/"for any i + x,y. Thus, (I) if/£ L^.then LV,= |*,/| and OOp-MpuO'lP'uf.JOp'-O')*: (ii) if y t LA. then LJ, - \y\ and (j-)P - OOP" O-Jp' - 0-)* Analogously with *: if* £ L,,, then LA i, - \x\; if Jt t LA, then L^?, - 0. In both cues, (x)p - (x)X. Next, we prove the inductive formula: if / - (fc..., /,. ,)p„ then (Op- U.(v ■■■.!.-,)*. Ml I UllP for n > 0, and (<r)p — o'.for n — 0. The latter is clear since LA9„ — \a\. Let us prove the former. I. / t LA. Let us sun with the right-hand side. Since (OP- (/,)p u |J (Op', and since (j«, ..., i. _ ,)£, - 0 unless all of »„..., j. _, are in one of the sets Q and Q', the right-hand side equals to U (v---.'.-.)*.". U U. (V.......,)*:. * • IMP * t l^, m, I !/,)?' Now, both p and p' satisfy the inductive formula. Moreover, 11 LA implies (J*..., j..i)o"./-> T-0 for any i, £ (/,)p and hence (j„.. , i.. ,)& - («►•••. *. -1)<%. Thus, the right-hand side can be written as l*u( JL Mi- ■■-'•- i)*.)?'- To analyse the left-hand side, consider an arbitrary tree /" £ LA9,. Since II LA, clearly /"( / and thus, /-(/"*..../._,)«>„ where t,—if for * - 0 n — I. We claim that i, £ L,xV Indeed, since / £ L-,t, we obtain / from /" by substituting x-labelled leaves by trees in LA and hence, the Mh branch /, is obtained from i, by the same substitutions (In the nodes />,... Pt with p, — 0. Conversely, given trees I, £ Ljlt, < — 0 n — I, then the tree i - (is,.... £ - i)«V is in LAi,. Hence, (/)p - (/)p w . U (iV - (Op w U ((/* ., h- ,)«vlp". We see that both sides are equal. II. / £ LA. The proof is quite analogous, only both sides are "enlarged" by (Jt)A': the left-hand side since / £ LA-,x, i.e., x £ Ljl,: the right-hand side, since there exist i, £ (;)p, with (jfc ...,»._ ,)S. aTi> ». O
74 Chapter II 4.9. x-Fe*dback. Let A - (Q, |o°„|. 7; /, X) be a nondeterminiitic acceptor with (Jt)A n T+ %. The x-feedback of A li the acceptor A"-W.\S:\.T.I,X') where for each a € Z., (*.■■■.«.- and for each / £ /, 0-M «• J <*.■■, *-i)'. if(ft- '' ' I (ft.....«.-,)«.w(x)Atf(»1.. ,«,.,)A,ftr-» Jo-j/i ifi»>i/->r-e; \Or)/lw(*)yl if(»/l/-> T+ ». The corresponding operation on language* is the following: Deftaitloa. For each language L c /• and each x £ / with * £ L, the x-ittmiion is the language l"-lu (L •, t)u((ta)\l)u •■■ Exaaate. then 0 L":0 Rcaarfc. The x-concatenation is associative H-AK-.L)- (H;K).L (therefore, the brackets in the preceding deTinition can be omitted). Indeed, If / £ H -A.K -,L) then there exists i £ K •, L with / £ H -, x and there exists r £ L with i £ K -, r. This implies /£ (H;K);r
Tret Aulomui 75 ■i followi: If («)r — x. then S, s £ X and since / £ H -, J, we have Ai £ »',Aic //-,*: if (a)r£ (/- |*|) w 2; then (a)r-(a)j implies («)* £ (/- |jr|) w 2; hence, (a)rm (a)> - (a)(. Analogously, from / £ (H -, K) -, L we derive / £ W •, (AT •, L). PropaeMoa. The language recognized by the x-feedback A " is the x-itera- tion of the language LA: Lt~ - (LA)". Proof, If p is the run relation of A, then the run relation oM**is defined by </)P-(,Uj.-)p. The proof Is quite analogous to the preceding one. Consequently, a tree I is accepted by A •* ifT there exisu a tree I £ LJ'g, with (i)p n, T * 0, i.e., with I £ LA. Thus, / £ Lj'itt i £ LJ* -,LA. Since * £ LA (by the hypothesis on A), clearly LJ' -, Lt — LJ' and hence, LA.. - Lf. O 4.10. Dtflatttoa. The class of rational languages is denned as the least dus of languages in arbitrary (finitely many) variables, which contains all singleton languages |0| and |/|. / £ /*, and the language 0, and is closed under the formation of union, x-conotenatlon and ^iteration for all variables x Remarks, (i) Every finite language Is rational. (ii) Trees in Wt (see II.I.S) are called basic, thus, basic trees are of the following kind:
76 Chapter II 0 0 0L Every tree can be concatenated from baiic trees. Example: Hence, in the above definition we could start with singleton languages |(| where / e /* is a basic tree. This corresponds to the sequential case: basic "sequential trees" ire 0 and a, for a € Z. 4.11. Kleet* Theorem For each super-Unitary type, a language is recognizable ifT it is rational. Proof. I. Rational implies recognizable. We know already that recognizable language* are closed under rational operations, see 11.4,7—9. Both |l| and B are clearly recognizable (compare I J.9). Thus, it suffices to prove that each singleton language |'| is recognizable. Since / can be concatenated from basic trees, we can restrict ourselves to these. The language |z) is recognized by the acceptor * - (l«|. I<U l«l. 1*1. *). where 5„ Is nowhere defined (for all ail) and (Jt)A - » The language |(xo,...,*._ ,)*>„| where a € I. (possibly with n — 0) is recognized by the acceptor -<-<G.I«,l,,i. T. I.X). where G - Ifo, . 9.1 with q, - »(iff *,-*,: S, is nowhere defined for all r £ I — \a\; (<h> ■■■.«.. ,)S. - «., else 6. is not defined;
Tm AulomiU 77 /- |ifc.... x.-,| and(*,)A- q,; T- |«.|. II. Recognizable implies rational. Let L c /* be a language recognized by a (deterministic) ttree acceptor A - (Q, |<5„|, r, I). We shall prove thai L hu a rational expression in variables Q. Let be the run map of the acceptor A - (Q, |S,\. T, Qy. Put 0 - Ift..... «.|. and Tor each set U c g »nd each./ - 0,.., m, put £*./-I'£ 0*;(')*>-ft and/£A/*|. It sufTices to prove that each Ly, is rational language: clearly L- U £«-/. *« r For each tree / € G * w* denote by A, c g the set of all "intermediate" stales In the computation of t, l.e, states computed from the branches i.i of / except a - 0 (where <?,/ - ') »nd the leaves [where (a)/ € / w Zy. That is, 'i ~ l(*)p: *-<?,/ for some a £ n'with a * 0 and («)/ £ X— £,|. For example, for the following tree the intermediate states are (fl)A and (a,(o)A)a. Given Vc g, >- 0,.... m and ft - 0,.. , m, put ££,,-!/£ £,,,; fl,does not contain q, qm\. We are going to prove that l^are rational languages (by Induction on *); since LH/ - LJ,. this will prove the statement. (i) * - 0. Since / £ H, implies B, - 0, all trees in LJ, t are basic. Hence, LJi | Is a finite language. (ii) For the Inductive step, we shall verify that M - f*-'. rf'-'!•«■. M-'
78 Chapter II with M - «u|«|. It is obvious that qh t L'yt' (because q, £ W and fl„ - »), hence, we can form (Li;,'),«. Note that t-*~l c ^x7' '«(Li7»')** '»^lr~.i' Tor all M, k, j. Indeed, if q, e M. then q, £ I^lc Li",' and also ft £ (A/k'i ')**•thu'. for "ch tr« ' <= C* we have ' £ 19.1 -1*1 ««c Li.-.' -.(^V)*" ■<• If q, t M. then no tree in Li"' has any leaf labelled by q,, thus, / £ Li'}' implies / £ Lg ■„/ for any language L». Now, we are going to prove the above formula for Li t. First, let /£ Li.-,'..(LiV)««../' for some f £ Li;/. The langugae L, - Li ,' '„(Li7,') does not use the variable ft, unless fk £ M: thus, L, c AC*. This implies / £ W, Further, for each tree I £ La, clearly (i)p — q,; since / is obtained from /' by substituting such trees /" for leaves labelled by q,, it follows that (Op - (OP - %■ Thus, / £ Ly,. Finally, the intermediate states of / are, except possibly q,, all the intermediate states of I or the substituting trees (from La)—the latter do not include q,,..., qm. Hence, B, does not include q,, qm. I.e., / € Lir Conversely, let ' « Li(. Denote the "size" of / by ||/| - card|a £ n*; (a)/ is defined!; we proceed by induction on )/||. If I'll — I, then / is a variable, thus / £ li.(c Li-- c Li.-,- •„</£:.')•• •„/£:/. If |r| — d > I and the proposition holds for trees of a smaller size, choose a node a € n* — |0| with (a)/ £ I — E, and 9j - q,. (If no such node exists, then / £ Li")' and there is nothing to prove.) Substituting q, for the branch S.i in I, we obtain a new tree /: <«)'"- ««: (ac)7 it undefined for all c £ n* —10|; (ft)/'- (6)/ for all 6 £ n* with (6)/ defined and b* ac for any (i"». Then m>8 implies lk?./|| < 4 and (a)/ £ X — Ji implies |/1 < </: hence, we can use the inductive hypothesis on both
Ti« Automata 79 i€ Li,! and <?,/ £ Lj, t. Thui. u Liv -.(Li.;.-)" .„/£:/ c <«£:.')•■ -,/i:/ and -v £ Li;.' -.(ti:.')- -.U-V c /£-.' •.(tt:.'),«. Since clearly it followi that «« *-i.v •«k^:.'),« •.(it:.'),«i •.^■7/' c ti-.'-.(^7.')'"-«^7/'- ° Eurcssrs IM A. BteogutzaMe laaajsagta. Deacribe the language of the following acccpton. (I) T- Z, - \a\:A - (|o,r|. fi„ |r|, |a|) where 5„ it given by the following uble 6. q r 9 r q far (Hint: Count the leaves.) (ii) X- |a. r| with |<j| - 2 and |r| - 0; A - (|0,1,2, 3|, l-t-. I|. 0,0) where + it the addition modulo4 (i.e., the utual addition with 4 subtracted if the retult exceeds 3). (iii) I-U-lo-l; * - (\p, q, r, s\, 6„ |/>, s|, \q, s\) where the operation it defined at followi: IP ifa-p; q ifa,»/>and b- q. r Ua + p.b+qtndc-r. s elte. (Hint: Consider the left-molt leaf.) B, Noaatetenalabtlc acccpton. Describe the languages of the following nondeterminittic acceptors. (i)T-i;-|c7|;
80 Chapter II * - (I*. <h. ftl. 6.. |a,|, |*|, A) where (x)k — |a,, a,, a,| and (a, b, c)S„ — a, if a, 6, care pairwise distinct, else 5„ is undefined. (Hint: For each n - I, 2, 3, ... count the leaves with distance n from the root.) (ii) T- t,-\a. r|; ^ - (|0. I. 2. 3|. |fi.. fi,|, K y|. A) where (*)A - 0; 0-H - |0. U and the operations are defined Tor each a, 6 - 0,1.2,3 as follows: (a,b)S„- |; (a,6)6, - |a + 6 + l| ife + 6< 3. else undefined. (Hint: Consider the root only.) C. Rarioaal eifusalui. Find the languages described by the following rational expressions, where r » t, — |o*|. (i) |js,i|" where t-(x,x)o. (ii) \y, i\" Tor the same tree /; (iii) |jt,f|".,|j(,t|" where f-(Jt.j>)<r; (iv) I*, /)*' •,/' where I and /' are the following trees D. Kites* Theorcn. The above proof that each recognizable language is rational gives an algorithm for finding a rational expression which describes the language of a given acceptor. Use this procedure to find a rational expression for the languages of Exercise A above. E. The Htenstoa of the set of variable* la accessary, (i) Recall Remark 11.4 J. (ii) Put I - I, - |«r|. Consider the language L c |x| * formed by the following sequence of £trees:
Tree Automata 81 (a) Construct a finite Z-tnt acceptor which recognizes the language L (b) Express L a« a rational expression (c) Prove that L cannot be expressed at a rational language using only -, and •■. F. A ■oa-reeofalzabk burgage. (I) Put I - t, - |o-|. Prove that the language ^v c /* of all unirorm trees (Ex. II. I C) it not recognizable (for any let /•» 0). Hint: Let A - (ft 6, T, I) be an acceptor with L, c LA. Since ft it finite, there exist distinct trees /„ d £ L. with (/,)p - (/Jp £ 7". Since (/„ ;,)o- £ L,,, it follows that (/,. h)o £ L,,—but (/,, i,)a t L, (ii) Verify that L. - |*| w lu (L -,L) w ((L -,L) .,*•) w ... Tor the (finite) language L - |(x, x)a\. This gives a reason not to define L " Tor languages L with x t L. Notes lo Chspter II The concept of flmtary lree etitoiiiaton has appeared In the late 19We in the papers of Afbib •Ml Olve'oa |l9»li Braiaerd |I»W Doner 119701 Eileaberi and Wright |IW7], Meajdor and Moran 11969). Meiei ami Wright |I9ATL and Tdialchei and Wright 119411 The material presented m Chapter tt is. In one form or another, to he found In those papers. A detailed, systematic study of fim'tary tree automata b presented in Ihe OMOOfrapb of Oecseg and Sternby |I9S4|- Tree automata In a variety of algebras are dhcuned by Eilenbeig and Wright |l9e7) who. however, ab- aadoa this lenerBHry when dealing whh Kleene Theorem. The reason will be seen in Chapter Vlt below: the validity of Kleene Theorem In a variety will be shown to be a deep problem. The ani. venality theorem 11.3.10 is due to J. A. Goguen |I97J|. Infraltary tree automata have received but link attention, see Anderson. Arbrb and Manei II97AI The results we have presented on Inflnhary tree automata are new.
Chapter III: ^Automata III.I. Iitrotocrloa We shall study a general theory of automata in a category JT. The main three motivating examples are (i) sequential ^automata in the category of sets: (ii) tree ^automata in the category of sets; (iii) linear ^-automata (i.e., linear discrete-time dynamical systems) in the category of modules over a ring. The idea or the investigated generalization, due to M. A. Aibib and C. E. Manes, is to express the type I of automata under study by a functor F: JT -* jr. The resulting concepts of ^automaton, behavior, minimal realization, etc. are simply formulated but they often lead to non-trivial categorical problems. For example, we know that L-mt automata have minimal realizations Iff T is a Unitary type (11.3.8). It is interesting to know which functors have the property that each behavior has a minimal realization. The theory we present goes far beyond the three motivating examples above, though not "too far", as we feel and as we hope to persuade the reader. For example, ^automata in the category of sets are much more general than the tree automata. Yet, we prove that the minimal realization problem is solvable essentially only for itree automata with L Unitary and for their "varieties". The aim of the present chapter is to explain all of the basic concepts and problems studied in the subsequent chapters, and to lay category-theoretical foundations for the rest of the book. In the second section we introduce Pau- tomata, free ^algebras (playing the role C* does for sequential automata), behavior, and minimal realization. These concepts are illustrated on the particularly simple case of a coadjoint functor F. The remaining sections present some basic facts about algebras, factorization systems and set functors. After reading the second section, the reader will know what to expect of the subsequent sections (each of which can be skipped without breaking the continuity of the text) and also of the following chapters. We assume that the reader is familiar with the most basic concepts of category theory, but we discuss in detail all more advanced notions. Categories tte denoted by script letters Jtf, 2 or by the name of their objects. For exam-
^Automata 83 pie, Sat denotes the category of sets (as objects) and mappings (as mor- phisms). Pot denotes the category of posets and order-preserving maps, etc. Objects are denoted by capital letters and morphisms f.A—B by case letters; here A is the domain off, and B is the codomain. For a category Jtr, the class of all objects is denoted by Jtr°, and the class of all morphisms by JT". The composition of morphisms is written from left to right, i.e., for two morphisms/: .4-» B and g: B-* C, we have/- g:A-» C The identity morphism of an object A is denoted by 1, or id. Recall that an isomorphism is a morphism/: A -» B for which an inverse morphism exists, i.e., a morphism /-':*-» A with//-1 - l^and/-1-/- I (. A more general concept is that of a monomorphism (shortly: mono) which Is a morphism f:A-*B such that in each diagram -B Si if g1 * *•] then g, • f + ft • / And an tpimorphlsm (shortly: epi) is a morphism f:A-*B such that in each diagram if h, * A, then/• h, * /■ *,. For example, let /: A -» B and g: B-* A fulfil /■g— IA. Then /is a mono (called a split mono) and g is an epi (called t split epi). (Each isomorphism is a split mono as well as a split epi.) Functors are denoted by letters F.G.H,...; they are also written from left to right, i.e., a functor F: JT -» *■ assigns to each object A of JT an object AF of 2, and to each morphism f:A-*Bo(Jt» morphism fF. AF-* BF of X (preserving the composition of morphisms, and the identity morphisms). For example, //,: Sat -» Set is the functor with XH, -XxXuidfH, -fxf [sending (x, y) to ((x\f, (y]f)). The composition of functors F: JT -» 2 and G:X-*Jt is denoted by F- G- Jt -*JT. For example, X(H, ■ //,) - {X x X) x {X x X). Natural transformations are denoted by Greek letters. Given functors F, G: JT -» St, a natural transformation r: F-» G is a collection of morphisms TA: AF-* AG in H* (for A in JT°) such that for each morphism /: A -» B in JT the following square \ AF =-fcAG IF IG ■ ■ BF —-—"BC
84 Cluplcr Itl commutes. (A square is said to commute ir the two passages from the upper left-hand corner to the lower right-hand one compose as the same morphism.) A natural isomorphism is a natural transformation r with zA an isomorphism Tor each A. For arbitrary objects A and B of a category, the collection or all morphbms from ,4 to ft denoted by hom(4 B), is a set. A category is small if its collection of all objects is a set (not a proper class). We list the set-theoretical conventions we use at the end of this book. Some or the fundamental concepts or category theory are recalled in the following exercises. The interested reader can consult one of the following monographs for further information: S. Mac Lane: Categories for the Working Mathematician, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1971. H. Herrlich and C. E. Strecker: Category Theory, 2- Ed., Heldermann Verlag. Berlin 1979. J. Adamek: Theory of Mathematical Structures. Reidel Publ. Comp., Dordrecht—Boston—Lancaster 1983. Eaerdaa lll.l A. CUainatkM of taacton. Recall that a functor F: JT -» X is said to be (a) faithful if for any two objects A, B of JT, the map (/-. A -»*) ►» (fF: AF-* BF) is one-to-one; (b) an embedding if F is one-to-one on the class of all morphisms of JT; (c) full if each morphism g: AF-* BF in if has the form g- fF for some/: A -» * in JT; and (d) an Isomorphism ofcategories if it is bijective. (a) Verify that the "forgetful functor" U: Poa -» Set [which forgets the ordering, (Xs)f- XF\ is faithful, but neither an embedding, nor full. (b) Let Lat denote the category of lattices and lattice homomorphisms. Verify that the "inclusion functor" /: Lat -» Pot (with At - A and fl — f) is an embedding which is not full. (c) Verify that the functor F: Sot -» Poa assigning to each set X the discretely ordered poset (X, —) is a full embedding. (d) Prove that F: Jtf -» X is an isomorphism of categories iff there is a functor F->:2 — JT with F- F~' - I, and F-> • F- I,. B. Compoalat ntaral tranfonurioa*. (a) For natural transformations r: f-»Cand a: C-» //(where F, G, H: X-+2 are functors), the composition r- a: F-+ His the natural transformation with (r- o)A — Ia"* For example, let p://]-» //) (where H, is the cartesian-square functor above) be defined by pA(x,y) - (y, x). Verify that p-p - I h,, where \r: F-* Fdenotes the identity transformation.
^Automata 85 (b) Verify that a natural transformation r: F-* Git a natural isomorphism iff there is a natural transformation r~' with r< r~' - lf and r~' • r- lc. (c) Let r: f-» C be a natural transformation (F, C:jr-»y). and let H:!t-*Jt be a functor. Then tH: FH-* GH denotes the natural transformation with (tH)a - tha. Verify that pH,: H,- H,-* H,- H, is given by the maps «x„ x,). O,. *)) - ((*. ^x,. x,)). (d) Let r: F-* G be a natural transformation (F, C:JT -»i»). and let H: 3t -» JT be a functor. Then Wr: HF-* HG denotes the natural transformation with (Ht)a - taH. Verify that Hrf>: //, • H, -* H,- H, is given by the m»P» ((*» *i). (fl. yd) — ((*b *i X*. *))• (e) A natural transformation r: f-» G is called an tpttnntformaikm if all r,, are epis: prove that then r-<r- T'<r° implies a- a1. Analogously, for a monoiranjformailon r(all r,, are monos), <r< r — <r° • rimplies a — <r\ C. Proaocts and cop rodaeta. Recall that a product of objects /4,(i £ /) of a category is an object X\a, together with morphisnu (called projections) I c / */: II A, -» A/ (/ £ /) having the following universal property: given an object B and morphisms /}:B-»A,(f€ J), there exists a unique morphism f:B-* II A, with f„- f.jt, for ally £ J. Then y; are the components of/ A product of two objects is also denoted by A, x A,, (a) Verify that in the category Sot, products are the usual cartesian products, II A, - |(a,),, ,; a, £ A, for each j £ /), and [(a,),.,)», - o> i ■ ' (b) Verify that in the category Po», products are the usual cartesian products ordered coordinate-wise. (c) The concept of coproduei is the dual concept of product (as the prefix "co-" Indicates), I.e., the direction of all arrows in the above definition is reversed : a coproduct of objects A,(l e /) is an object LI/4, together with morphisms (called injections) «,'./*,-* ]_M/(y £ /) with the universal property. A coproduct of two objects is also denoted by A, + A,. Verify that in Sat, the coproduct of seta A,(l £ /) is their disjoint union 11/4,- UA,x\l\ with e,:A,— U A, x |f| given by (x)e> - (x, j) for X £ A). (d) Verify that in Poa, the coproduct of posets (-4,, £), i £ /, is their disjoint union ordered in such a way that (x,y) 5 (x°, /) iffy — /, and x £ x' in A,. (e) Let A-Mot) denote the category of modules over a given commutative ring R, and module homomorphisms. Verify that for two modules A, and A,,
86 Chapler III A\ X A\ ™ A\ + A\ is the cartesian product with coordinate-wise operations. Here the projections are (x, y)tt, — x and (x, y)x, — y. The injections are (x)e, — (x, 0) and (y)e, - (0, y). (0 Let // '■ Aj -» A/ be morphisms (J e J). Veriry that there exists a unique morphism, denoted by II /, from II A, to IIB, the components of which are j^'/for the projections it,: Wa,-* A,(i £ J). i* J (g) Dually, LI/J'LI^/-* 11*/ denotes the morphism the components of which are determined by/— formulate properlyl (h) A coproduct of functors F,: Jtr -» X (I e I) is the functor II F,: Jtr -» X ii' given by A( IIF,) - ]1aF, and J{ IIF,) - II JF„ provided that X has copro- H I I '. I HI it I ducts. Verify that coproduct injections (bi)a:AFi-» WaF, form a natural transformation c/. Ft-» \1f,(J e /) with the expected universal property; For each functor G: Jtf -»X and arbitary natural transformations r/. F,-» G(J £ /) there is a unique natural transformation r: II F,-» G with x,- e,-t(j€ 1). Analogously, the product IIF, of functors is defined "coordinatewise". 111 D. Eqaallzen ami coeqaallzera. Recall that an equalizer of two morphisms/„ f,: A-» Bis a morphism e: £-» A, universal with respect to e-f, — e- f,, i.e., any morphism h: H-* A with A-/| - hj, has the form A — A'- r for a unique A': H-* £. (a) Verify that in Sat, the equalizer off,,/,: A -» Bit the inclusion map of the subset E - \a e A: (a\f, - (oV,|. (b) The dual concept, the coequaiuer of f„ /,: A-* B is a morphism e: B-*C universal with respect to /, ■ c — f, ■ c Verify that in Sat, the coe- qualizer is the canonical map c: B-» B/~ of the least equivalence ~ on the set * with (a)f, ~ (aM for each a € A. (c) Verify that if a morphism e: £-» A is an equalizer of a pair of morphisms, then e is a mono. Such morphisms are called regular monos. Prove the following hierarchy of morphisms: isomorphism * split mono ^ regular mono ^ mono. Verify that in Poa, none of these implications can be reversed. Hint: If e ■ g — I then e is the equalizer of g • e and I. (d) Verify that in Sat, monos are exactly the one-to-one maps, and they are all regular. Split monos are exactly the monos with non-empty domain.
^Automata 87 (e) Dually, regular epis are the coequalizers. Formulate and prove the appropriate hierarchy oCepis. Verity that in Set, epis are exactly the onto maps, and they are all split epis. In Poa, find a non-regular epi, and a regular epi that does not split; find a bijective morphism which is not an isomorphism, and observe that it is both a mono, and an epi. E. UnrH tmt collnlts. By a diagram D in a category Jtr is meant a scheme, i.e., a small category 9, together with a functor D:3-»Jtr. A collection of morphisms ft:A-»dD (d £ 9°) in JT is compatible if each 9-morphiim 6: d-* d~ fulfils St- ff SD. A limit of D is an object L - lim D together with compatible morphisms *t: L-+ dD (d t »•) universal with respect to compatibility. That is, for each compatible collection fs-A-* dD there exists a unique morphism f:A-*Lwith ft -/■ nt(d c 9°). The morphisms ft are called components of f. (a) Verify that equalizer is a special case of limit: here 9 is the scheme consisting of two objects, two parallel morphisms and (necessarily) two identity morphisms of the given objects. (b) For discrete categories S, i.e., categories which do not have any morphism except the identity morphisms, verify that limits are just products. (c) Verify that the limit of the empty diagram (3 has no object) is the terminal object 7", i.e., an object such that each object A has exactly one morphism from A to T. Verify that |0) is terminal in Set, Poa. and R-Mod. (d) A pullback of morphisms f:A-+ Aandg: C-» £is the name of the limit of the corresponding diagram (the scheme of which is just the co-span). Verify that a pullback is a commuting square T I * C « g a ——- e such that for any commuting square g, ■ / — /, • g there is a unique morphism / with g, - /•! and f, - t-f. Verify that a pullback of/and g in Set is L - |(a, c) € A x C: (a)f- (c)g\. and /and § are the projections. (e) The concept of colimil of D is dual to that of limit: it is an object C— cofim/> together with a universal compatible collection tt:dD-*C (d £ 9"). Example: Coequalizer is the colimit of a parallel pair of morphisms; coproduct is the colimit of a discrete diagram. A pushout of morphisms f: A-* B and g: A -» D is the colimit of the obvious diagram. Verify that it is a universal commuting square
gg Ch«pler III A »■ B 9 9 D =-*■ C (0 The colimit or the empty diagram is the initial object J., i.e., an object such that each object A has exactly one morphism from X to A. Verify that 0 is the initial object or Set and Poa. Find the initial object of Jt-Mod. (g) A category Jtr is said to be complete if each diagram has a limit A well- known criterion of completeness: Jtr is complete iff JT has products and equalizers. The dual concept is cocomplete. Verify that Set is a complete and cocomplete category. F. Chain col laird. Each poset (X, £ ) is considered as a small category: objects are the elements or K, and for Jr, y e A" there is either a unique morphism x-» y, if x £ y, or no morphism. If x £ y. In particular, each ordinal a is a small category (the well-ordered poset or all ordinals smaller than a). An a-ckain in a category JT is a diagram D with the scheme a, i.e., a collection of objects />,(/ < a) and morphisms />„: D,-» D,{i £ j < a) such that DM — I and DV' D>» — DA. A category is said to be chain-cocompleie if each chain has a colimit; this includes the initial object (- colimit of the 0-chain). Verify that each a-chain D:a-*Jt has the same colimit as the diagram D,: (X, £) -» JT which is the restriction of D to a cofinal set X c a (i.e., for each i e a there isy e A" with i £ j). In particular, the colimit of an a-chain is not changed by leaving out the "start", i.e., all objects D, with i £ % (for some I, < a). G. Sibcategary of a category JT is a category 3 with se°s.Jt° and St" = JT", and with the same composition and unit morphisms as JT. A subcategory St of JT is /u« iff each JT-morphism f:A-»B with 4 fl € if is an 7-morphism. Verify that Lat is a non-full subcategory of the category Poa. On the other hand, Poa is a full subcategory of the category of graphs (— binary relations) and compatible maps. \\\X Aatoaiata la a Category 2.1. A sequential ^-automaton (I.I.I) can be depicted by the following diagram in the category Set
£Aut«iuu 89 or sets and maps: 1 \ o.i—5_» o —l—*r Here Q is the set or states, I is the input alphabet, T is the output alphabet and / - |0| is a singleton set with (0)A € Q the initial state. Let us define a functor F: Sat -» Sat as follows: XF- Xx I for each set X; fF - fx 11 for each map / Then a sequential automaton is a diagram of the following kind: <•) OF—$-_ o J— r Analogously we can represent L-lrce automata. Assume, for simplicity, that I has just one binary operation. Then a £tree automaton (II.1.2) is a diagram as follows: x oo——«■ o —*-»r Here, / will be an arbitrary set (of variables). Let us define a functor F: Sat -» Sat by XF- Xx X for each set X; fF-fxf for each map / Then a Lxnt automaton is a diagram (<) again. It is sometimes important to study sequential (or tree) automata with an ad-
90 Chapter III ditional structure on the sets Q, I and F and with the maps S and y preserving the structure. For example, Q, I and T are modules and the maps S and y are linear. Then we get a diagram (<) again, but not in the category Set. These considerations have led to the following concept Deflaltloa. Let JT be a category and let F: jr -» jr be a functor. An F-auio- maton in the category JT is a sintuple A - (Q. S. r, y, /, A) consisting of objects of JT Q (state object): r (output object): / (initialization object) and morphisms of * 6: QF-» Q (next-state morphism); y: Q-» r (output morphism): X: /-» Q (initialization morphism). Reaurk. We shall often work with less complex concepts: pairs (fl 6) with 6: QF-- Q are called F-algtbras: quadruples (Q, 8. F, y) with (Q, S) an F-il- gebra and y: Q-* F are called non-initial F-automata. 12. Let us introduce the concept of a morphism. Given two ^algebras (Q, S) and (Q\ 6'), an F-homomorphism /•(0.«)-(0'.«) is a morphism f:Q-*Q' such that the following square OF !L-»- 0 IF I CfF -<3 commutes. Given two f-automata with joint output and initialization objects: A - (Q, S. r, y, /, A) and A' - «?'. 6~. T, y\ /, A) a morphism of F-automata f:A—A-
£Aulonau 91 is a homomorphism /: (ft 5)-» (C, A") with A • /- A' and f.f-y. I.e., a morphism for which the following diagram commutes. If/is an isomorphism (in JT), we say that A and A' are isomorphic automata. It is easy to check that (a) given a homomorphism /: (ft S) -»(ft, 6"), such that / is an isomorphism in JT, then/-': (Q\ o") -»(ft S) is a homomorphism; (b) the composition of two homomorphisms is a homomorphism, too. Analogous statements hold Tor morphtsms or ^automata. A more general concept or morphism (corresponding to 1.1.7) is used in Chapter VI. 13. Exasiple; Seqaeatial £-a*toaita. Assuming that JT has finite products, we define a functor St: jr-» jr (where I it an object of .JT) as follows: XSi — X x I for each object X: /S,-/x I, for each morphism / Then Sx-automata are called the stqutnttal L-miomata in jr. (i) JT - S*t Here, sequential .^automata are precisely the concept studied in Chapter I, except that the initial state is generalized. We have (as in the case of tree automata, 11.1.2) a set / of variables and an initialization A: /- ft If / - |0| is a singleton set, then the morphitms introduced here coincide with ihote of Chapter I (for theme of a fixed f, see 1.1.7). Indeed, the condition A' - A • / states that / preserves the initial state (0)A. (ii) jr - Jt-Mod, the category of A-modulet and linear maps (for a fixed commutative ring R). In case /-|0| is the trivial module, a sequential ^automaton consists of
92 Clupler III a module Q (or states); a module l~ (of outputs): a linear (ne«t-step) map S:Qx L-» Q: a linear (output) map y: Q-* H These are precisely the linear sequential I-culomala, also called linear, discrete-time dynamical systems. Since in Jt-Mod products and coproducts of pairs of objects coincide (see Exercise III.I.C), the map 6: Q + I-* Q is expressed by • pair of Kneir maps S,:I—Qu\<16,.Q—Q with (q, o)B — (q)6, + (0)6, for each q e Q, a e L. Here 6, represents the "reaction to time": in each time unit the state is changed from q to (q)S, if no input (i.e., input 0) arrives; and 6, is the "reaction to input". The addition of both reactions is the resulting change of stale in one time unit. Given two linear sequential ^automata A - (ft «,. 4. r, y) and A' - (Q\ 6\, «, T, y), a morphism f-.A — A1 is a linear map/: Q-* Q such that for each q e Q and a e Z. (a)(.r)6W-(o-)S',; (b)(q)S,-f-(q\f-Si; (c) (q)r - (q\f- f- Thus, / preserves the reaction to inputs and time, as well as the outputs. (Hi) JT — Poa, the category of posets (i.e., partially ordered sets) and order- preserving maps. The product of two posets (X, S) and (Y, £) it the set X x Y ordered coordinate-wise: (x,y) S (*',/) iff both iSi' and y S y. Thus, a sequential ^automaton in Poa is just a sequential ^automaton in Sot, with an additional order on each of the sets Q,L,T and / such that 6, y and A are order-preserving. (For 6 this means that q S 9' and JSa' imply (<7. it)<5 S (9', a')&| If we think of S as a "preference" relation, then these conditions mean that (i) if a state q' is preferred to a state q, then after one step the same relation will hold: (q. 0)8 S (q\ 0)8 for each a e I\ (n) if an input o-* is preferred to an input <r, then the corresponding changes of state are in the same relation: (9, o)S£ (<7. <x")o" for each q e Q; (iii) the preference is shown by the outputs: q£ q' implies (q)y S (fOr; (iv) preference of variables is preserved by the initialization :iSi' implies (jrH £ (x>L 2v4, The role played by the free monoid of words T'for sequential automata (and by the free £algebra /'of L-lrm for tree automata) is played by the free ^algebras for F-automata:
£AutomM« 93 DafteMoa. Let F: Of -» jr be • functor. An object / of jr is said to generate a free F-algebroU', e>) if there exists a morphism n: /-» /• (called the injection of generators) with the following universal property: a for each F-ilgebri (Q, 5) and each morphism /: /-» Q there exists a unique homomorphism/*:(/*, *>)->(&£) with/- ij-/*. If each object of JT generates a free algebra, then F is called a varielor (or input process in the terminology of M. A. Arbib and E. G. Manes). Equiva- lentty, F Is a varietor tfT the forgetful functor of the category of ^algebras is an adjoint (see Exercice. HUB below). Eiaaaple, The functor Sx:Sat->Sat is a varietor. Here /• - /x T* and a>:(/x Z*) x T-»/x Im is defined by (t c... a., a)p - (i, it, ... (T.(T) for each i e /, it, ... it. € T* and a e L Funher, (i)n - (t 0) for each i £ /. Indeed, for each Si-algebra (Q, 6) and each map /: /-» Q, the unique homomorphism/*: (/*, *>) -» (ft S) with/- ij ■ /* is defined as follows: U W - (')" • /' - Wl (t a\f - (t •, <r)*> . /• - ((I)/; <r)6i U otoW - (i, it,, <*)*>•/•- {(i, a,\fm. o\>6: etc. See I.I.3. The following Chapter IV is devoted to an explicit construction of the free algebra /*, to a characterization of varietors and to related problems. Rasnrk. Free algebras are determined uniquely up to an isomorphism:
94 Chapter III (i) For etch isomorphism of Falgebras A:(.'. *>)-(&, 4). the algebra (&, 6,) is • free F-ilgebrt generated by / with the injection n-A:/-0. Proof. Given an F-ilgebra (Q, S) and • morphism /: /-» Q, there exists • unique homomorphism /':(!',<p)-* (Q,6) with /—»•/*. Then A"'•/*:(&,4)-»(&5) is the unique homomorphism with /-(.j. A). (A-'•/•). D (ii) If (/*, p) and (/,*, *>,) are both free F-algebras generated by /, then there exists a unique isomorphism A :(/*,«>) -»(/,*, «»i) with n- A — n,. Proof. Since (/*, p) is free, the morphism n,: /-» /,* can be extended to a homomorphism A :(/*,«>) -»(/,*, p,) with n • A - n,. To prove that A it an isomorphism, we use the fact that (/,*, t>i) is free and hence, n: /-» /* can be extended to a homomorphism k: (/,*. *»>)-» (/*. p) with n, ■ k- n. Then A • k - l,« because A ■ k: (/*, p) -»(/*, p) is a homomorphisra extending n (since n-A-A—n,-A— n) and also !;• is such a homomorphism—but the extension of any morphism is unique. Analogously, k • A — I ,,•. We should actually speak about a free F-algebra generated by /. We shall, nevertheless, disregard the non-uniqueness of free algebras because this leads to no confusion. For example, let / be a singleton set, then free Sr-algebra /* is either (I', p) as in 1.1.6, or (/ x I', p) as above. If /- i. is the initial object (Exercise III.IE), then the free algebra (i. •, e>) is the Initial F-algebru, i.e., for each F-algebra (ft 5) (here exists a unique homomorphism from (!.*,*>) to (ft 6°) (extending (he unique morphism i- -» ft). Eusaple. The functor Si \ a .Mod —* a .Mod is a varietor for each module L. Let us first describe the initial algebra (i.e., the free algebra generated by the trivial module 0). This is the module 0- - IM of all polynomials (i)o — a, + a,z + ... + ov' in indeterminate z and with coefficients a„.... a. in I (the addition and scalar multiplication are defined coordinate-wise). The injection n:0-» £[j\ it defined by (0)n — 0 and the operation by ((r)a, o-)*> - " + (i)o • * - " + <V + "i*' + ■ ■ ■ + V*'. To verify this, we are to show that for each Si-algebra (ft, S) there is a unique homomorphism
£Automm 95 A:(r|rJ.«>)-(e.«)- Put (a, + <r,z+ ... +iV)A - (etffc + (c,)4 • 6, + ... + «r.)S, • «,". Then A 1* • homomorphism, i.e., p • A — (A x lx) ■ 6, because for each (r)a e r(z| and each a € T we have ((r)o, c)*> ■ A - (it + (r)a ■ r)A - (0)6. + (oi)4 • 6, + ... + (».)£ • 6," ' -«T)S, + HaJ6. + ...(o.)S,-6,-\6, - (a)S, + |((r)a)A|5, - ((r)o, »X* x lx) • S. And A is unique because p • A — (A x lj) • <5 implies that (oi)A - (0, <*)? • A - (0, Oi)5 - ((*)£. (<H + c,r)A - (it„(h)*> ■ A - ((o-,)A, Oi)5 - (?,)% • 6, + (e*)*, etc. Therefore, A is necessarily defined by the rule above. More in general. Tor each module / we have /• - l\z\ x I[z\ with ij: /-. I[z] x r|z| defined by (f)ij - (t 0) and p:l[z\xl[z]x T-/[r| x l[z\ defined by ((z)6, (z)a, a)p - ((z)a, a + (z)o - z). For each Sr-algebra (ft S) and each linear map /: /-» ft the unique extension to a homomorphism /•: /[z| x IU|-» 0 '• defined by ■ (<, + *,*+ ...+ ti". a, + <r,z+ ... + of)f - Z VLW+ (».)«.)«,'. 13. The concept of behavior studied in Chapters I and II is generalized as follows. DtftaMoa, Let F: jr -»jr be a varietor. For each ^automaton A - (ft S. r, r. I. A) we denote by p:(/\ «>)-(ft 6) the unique homomorphism extending X (i.e., with X — n • p). We call p the nm map of ,4 and P-PY-f^r the btharior of -4.
96 duplet III Exaatle: £4r*t aartoaiata. Let first I be a type consisting of a single operation of arity n (where n is a cardinal). Define a functor W.: Sot-Sat by forming the n-fold canesian products: for each set X, XH.- X'-, for each map /: X-* Y, where (JCil/1" — ((*ilf)- Then //.-algebras are precisely algebras of type Z. i.e., pairs (ft S), where 5: Q' -» Q is an n-ary operation. //,-homomorphisms are also precisely £homomorphisnu. Now, let I be an arbitrary type. We denote by Wi:6«t-S*t the coproduct of functors Hm a € I (where |<r| denotes the arity of it): Hi — 11 H^ Thus, for each set X we have XHt- LI X' and analogously with the maps/Wj. An //i-algebra consists of a set Q and a map 6: LIO'-O or, equivalently, a collection of maps (the components of 6), S.:Q--Q(<T€ i|<r|- «). This is precisely an algebra of type L. //j-homomorphisms /: (Q, S) -»(C, A") are also just the usual homomorphisms because Sf-fHfS ifT S„- f-f"- 6", for each it EX The functors Ht are varieton: for each set / the free //j-algebra generated by / is the algebra (/*, *>) of finite-path £trees over /, see II.3.6. ttree automata are precisely the //i-automata. The run map p: /* -» Q and the behavior />: /* -» /"have the same meaning as in IIJ.7. Ressark. More generally, for each category JT with products we define a functor
FAutmiuu 97 //.-.jr-»jr on objects X by XH, - X" (the it-fold product o( X) and on raorphisms/: X-» Y by ///. - f>: *' -. J", where/1" denotes the morphism all components or which are equal to/ If jr has also coproducts, then Tor each type I we denne //,: JT -» JT by 0(1 2&. Propodrtoa. Let F be a varietor and let f:A-*A' be a morphism of automata. The run maps p(of ,4) and p' (at A') fulfil P/- P- Proof. The run map p' is the unique homomorphism p' : (/*, «>) -» (Q\ o~) with ij- p' - A'. Since both p: (/•, *>) — «J fi) and /: (ft S) -» (Q , A") are homomorphisms, p-/: (/*, «>) -» (ft, 6') is also a homomorphism. We have >J-(p-/)-A-/=A-. Therefore, p-/-p'. D Corollary. Any two ^automata connected by a morphism have the same behavior. In fact, for each morphism f:A-»A' we have p-/— p' and hence, P- p-r- p-f-y' - P'Y -/*'• 2.7. Another concept we want to generalize is reachability. We shall use image factorizations of morphisms. We begin with two examples. Ensiles, (i) JT - S*t Each map/: *-» Ycan be factorized as/- e- m with e: X-» T epi (— onto) and m: 7"-» Y mono (— one-to-one).
96 Ctup4er 111 For example, let T - X/ ~ be the quotient set of X under the kernel equivalence ~ of f\x ~ x' iff (x)f- tx")fl Let e: *-» Tbt the quotient map, assigning to each x e X its equivalence class |jr| € 7"; e is clearly onto. Let m: 7"-» Kbe the map defined by QxDm - (x)ftm each [jr] e 7": m Is dearly well-defined and one-to-one. We have (x\f- Q*J)m - (x)t- m, and thus, /- *• m. This factorization is essentially unique: if/— *' • m' with e': X-* T onto and m': 7" -» K one-to-one, then the kernel equivalences of/and of e coincide (because m' is one-to-one) and we have a unique isomorphism i: 7"-» T such that the following diagram T / I \ \ commutes: Put Q*D < - (*)*' for each |x| £ T. (ii) JT - Pes. There are two important ways of factorization of a morphiim /:«S)-.(i;s): (a) Epis and embedding?. Let 7°- X/~ be as above. Define an ordering 3 • on 7"by |jc,|3«|*J iff (|*iD»» * d*J) «"• Then m: (7". 3 *,)-» (K, 3) is an embedding [i.e., an isomorphism of (7°, 3 *) onto a subposet of (Y, 1)]. And e:{K S)-»(7| 3•) it an order-preserving map onto, in other words, an epi. (b) Quotient maps and monos. Define another ordering of 7°by [jc,1S«Ui1 iff Jt, S Jfj for some X, ~ x, and *, ~ Xj. Then e:(X, S)-*(T, £•) is a quotient map (i.e., an order-preserving onto map such that the order of the range is induced by the order of the domain). And m:(T, £ ") -»(Y, 3) is a one-to-one order- preserving map, i.e., a mono. The example of Poa suggests that in order to investigate image factorizations in a general category, we must specify axiomalically what factorizations are considered. DcfteMw. A factorization system in a category .Jt consists of a class * of epis and a class UT of monos such that (i) each morphism/: X-» Kcan be factorized as/- e- m with e: X-» Tin t and m: 7"-» Y in Jl;
£Aulon»M 99 (ii) this factorization is essentially unique: if/- t'■ m' with e' c t and m € ur, then there exists an iiomorphism Much that the following diagram \ commutes; (iii) both t and j* are closed under composition and contain all isomorphisms. Remark*, (i) Since factorization systems are fundamental in a number of considerations throughout the present book, we devote section III.S below to their properties. (ii) We call JT an (I, Jt)-caiegory if a factorization system (/, ur) is specified in jr. Thus, Poa is an (epi, embedding)-category (quotient, mono)-category, according to which factorizations are considered. (iii) We often work with functors F: jr -» JT preserving i-tpis, i.e. such that for each e: X-» Kin /, the morphism eF: XF-» YFia in I, too. LesniM. Each factorization system (/, UT) has the following diagonal fill-in properly: for each commuting square with ie( and m e Jl there exists a morphism d: 7"-» S such that the following diagram
100 Chapter Itt Proof. Let q- q,- qmbe the image ractorization of q. and p - p,. pm that of p. The following diagram T V T y V T A p.\ / S commutes. Since t • q, e t and qm e ur, as well as p, e # and p. • m e ur, there is an isomorphism i: f -» 5 with ft- '•<!,• I and qm-i-pm-m. Put <<- q,-i-p.:T—S. Then «• J — f * 4, • '• P. — P, * A- ~ f and d- m — g,• »-p«, • w» ™ q,' q* ~ q. This concludes the proof. D 2JL The reachability of sequential automata (1.2.3) can be generalized as follows. Dcfliltloa. Let F be a varietor on an (<r, ur>-categorj jr. An ^automaton is said to be reachable if its run morphism is an f-epi. Eaaaplet. (i) Linear ^automata. Let Of - A-Mod with t - all onto morphisms and .•# — all one-to-one morphisms. This is a (unique, as we prove below) factorization system in Jt-Mod, since for each linear map /: X-» Y we have a well-known image factorization X— X/kaf- Y. Let A - (Q, 4. S,< /". Y) be a linear automaton. The run map assigns to each input sequence a,o,... <r„ represented by the polynomial (z)a - o\ + o~tz+ ... + ey", the state
£Automau 101 (a)p e Q at which the automaton stops when receiving the given inputs in the initial state 0. A linear ^automaton is reachable iff each or its states can be reached from the stale 0 by a sequence of input symbols. (ii) Ordered ^automata. For each poset I the functor Sx: Poe-»Po» is a varietor: given a poset /, then I'./kP where / x I' is ordered coordinate-wise, i.e., (t a, ... a.) £ (J, r,... r.) iff i S yin /, n - m, and a, S r, in L for / - I a Let / be a singleton poset. Then Si-automata are just sequential ^-automata with an order on Q and T such that both 6 and y are order-preserving maps. Considering Poa as the (epi, embedding>-category, an ordered ^automaton is reachable iff for each state q e Q there exists a word a,... a. e I' with q — (c,... o\)p. Thus, reachability is precisely the original concept, independent of the order. For the (quotient, mono)-category Pot, an ordered ^-automaton is reachable ifT for arbitrary two states q. q' e Q with q £ q' there exist words c,... it. and r,... r.in X*such that a,... a, Z r,... r, and q — (a,... it.)A 17'- (r,... r.)p. For example, if T is discretely ordered (i.e., (TS riff it- r), then each reachable T-automaton has discretely ordered state set. Rcasark. By a lubaulomalwi o( m ^automaton A we understand an ^automaton A, together with a morphism m: A, -» A in .41. Two such morphisms m\At-+A and nt:A'9-+A are said to represent the same subautomaton if there exists an isomorphism j: A,-fAi such that; • m - m. (Compare with III.5.2.) Profochloa. Let.» be an (t, -#)-category and let F be a varietor preserving /-epia. i.e., e € / implies eF € /. Then each ^automaton hu a unique reachable subautomaton. Proof. Let A - (ft 8, r. y, l A) be an ^automaton. Its run morphism p: I* -» ft has an image factorization p - e • m with e^' — Qmt; m: Q-»Q in .41.
102 Chapter III Since «> • p — pF- S and since tF e *, we can use the diagonal Till-in property: Then A" is a morphiim such that *:(/*. «>)-(fi fiand m:(ft, A")-.(ft 6) are homomorphisms. Put A, - (ft, S, r. m ■ r. /. 17 • *). ,4, is an ^automaton. Since * is a homomorphiim, it is clearly the run mor- phism or Aa. Thus. At is reachable. Since m is a homomorphism, it is a morphiim or automata Finally, let m': A', -» A be another reachable subautomaton of A. The run map p': /* -» ft of A'% is an #-epi with p' ■ m - p, by Proposition II 1.2.6. Since pet and m' e ur this is an image factorization of p and therefore, there is an isomorphism 1: Q-» Q' with * • 1 — p' and m — i ■ m'. The following diagram !• cF Of IF -♦0. ar- -► or commutes: Since eF is epi, we conclude 8- t — iF- 8' from the following
£Automu 103 tF-(S- .)-•>• *• I- 9. p- - p'F- t - *F' (IF. P). Thus, i:A.-*A„u a morphuro. Thu proves the unicrty. □ 2.9. DsflaMea. Let JT be an (*, ~*>cate|ory and let F: JT -» JT be a varietor. For each behavior, i.e., a morphlsm fl-.l' — r (I, r e JT*) the minimal realization is a reachable ^automaton A, which realizes fi (i.e., its behavior is fi) and has the following universal property: Tor each reachable realization A of fi there ezists a morphism e: A-* Acw\lh (Ef, Remark. For ttree automata, minimal realizations exist iff Z is finitary (II.3.6). We devote Chapter V to the general problem which varietors have the property that each behavior has a minimal realization. Profosllloa. Minimal realization is unique up to an isomorphism: (i) l( A, is a minimal realization of fi, then each /^automaton isomorphic to A, is also a minimal realization, (ii) Any two minimal realizations of fi are isomorphic Proof. Let A, and A, be minimal realizations of fi. There exist /-morphism* e: A,-* A,*n<ii: A,-* A,. Let us check that i- «■-'. Denote by p,: I' -» ft, and p,: /• -» ft the run moronisms of A, and A,, respectively. Then p, - p, • e and p, - p, • * by Proposition 111.2.6. Since A is an epi and p, • (i • e) - p, • e - p» we con- dude that i■ e- I; analogously e■ i- I. Conversely, \cli:A,-*A,btm isomorphism of automata. Then A, is a realization of A* (III-2.6) and its run map is p, • I e t. Given another reachable realization A of fi, there exists a morphism f.A-* A, with « e *\ Then t • i: A -» A, is a morphism with «• i e *\ This proves the minimality of A,. D 1.1*. Aajolat fMcton. The above concepts are much simplified if the functor F has an adjoint. We recall briefly some of the basic facts concerning adjoint functors, but a reader not familiar with this theory can skip the rest of section 111.2, not breaking the continuity of the text. A functor F: JT -» 2 is said to hare an adjoint functor G: 2 -» JT If there is a natural transformation n: l.,-» F-G such that each jr-morhpism /: K-»£G(with Ke JTand L e 2°) has the form/- ih-/*G Tor a unique f: KF-+ L in 2m. Equivalent condition: There is a natural transformation c:GF-*\, such that each 2-morphism g:KF--L has the form g - g*F- cL for a unique g.: K-» LG. The functor F is then called a eoad-
104 OllpUTlll joint of C (or left adjoint) since this is the dual concept or adjoint (also called right adjoint). Exaaates. (i) For each set £ the functor St: Set-* S«t has an adjoint hom(£ —): Sat -» Sat assigning to each set X the set hom(£ AT) of all maps from Z to X. and to each map f:X-» Y the map sending p:Z-»X to p • f: Z-* Y. Here n»: X-* hom(£ Z x X) assigns to each x e X the map <t— (a, x) in hom(£ Z x X). (ii) Let It be a subcategory of jr. The inclusion functor G: 3 -» JT k adjoint iff 3\\ a refledne subcaiegory, i.e., for each JT-object X there is an 3-object X*(the reflection of X in 3) and a JT-morphism r,;K-»K* universal in the following sense: for each JT-morphism /: X -» L e 3 there is a unique 3- morphism /*: X*-» L with /- r,-f*. The functor F:J(-*3 given by KF- X*. and /F- (r, •/)• for all /: X-» X', is the corresponding coad- joint. Caaajeuti aai colkaM*. Each coadjolnt F:Jt-*3 preserves colimits. That is, given a diagram D-.9-* JT with s colimit dB-3. C (tee Eiercise III.IE), then the diagram D • F: 9-» 3 has a colimit (dD)F^ CF. By Freyd't Adjoint Functor Theorem, conversely, a functor F:Jt-*3 preserving colimits a a coadjoint whenever JT is cocomplete, and each 3-object L has (small) solution tet, i.e., a set of morphisms t,: K,F-» L (i e /) such that any moronism f: KF-* L factors u|-|.F e, for some g »: X, -» L, j e /. Dually, an adjoint preserves limits, and the converse holds if solution sets and limits exist. 2.11. AajeJat aateanta. Let F: JT -» 3 have an adjoint. We then speak about adjoint automata in JT. Their properties strongly resemble those of sequential automata in Set. (We prove in 111.4 that the only coadjoints F: Set -» Set are F — 5r.) We first tum to the construction of free ^algebras—here we only need the fact that F preserves countable colimits, i.e., colimits of diagrams with countably many morphisms. Consider the adjoint pair 5r and hom(£ —) in Sat (2.10). The free Sr-al- gebra /• - / x Zm - (/ x |0|) \j (/ x Z)\j(lx Zx Z)yj... can be re-written as /• - / + ISt + IS\ + ... - LI M/. ■ < m where for each F: JT -» JT we put F' - I,, F' - F, F' - F- F, etc. Analogously, for each coadjoint F: jr -» JT we shall prove that /• - /+ IF + IP \ ... - LI IF'
FAulomUl I OS provided that JT has countable coproducts. Since ^preserves colimits we have then I'F- U IF"*' - LI IF- a< m 8 < » < • and hence, /• - /+ I'F. The coproduct injections of the last coproduct are n:/-»/' and *>:/•>■-»/•. We prove this slightly more generally: ProfuMoa. Let JT be a category with countable coproducts and let F: JT -» JT be a functor preserving countable coproducts. Then each object / generates a free ^algebra, viz., /• - LI IF' m < m with n: /-» /* and «>:/*r"-» /* the coproduct injections of /• - /+ I'F. Proof. For each ^algebra (ft S) and each moronism/: /-» ft define mor- phiinu/. - IF'-- Qby the following induction: JS-//-0. f..,-f.F- S: (IF')F-* ft Denote by /V/'-e the morphism with components f. (n < a>) (Eiercise III.I.C). Since Fpreserves countable coproducts, the morphism fF: LI lF'—QF 0 < a < m has components f.F and thus, f'F-S: I'F-* Q has components /.*i (ii < at). So does/* -ft:/*/7-* Q and hence, rF-s-r-v- We conclude that /*:(/•.«>) -(0.5) it t homomorphJtm; moreover, n-r-k-f-
106 Chapter III Conversely, let !:</•■ «>)-(ft «) be a homomorphiirn with n • g — / Denote by g.: IF' -» Q the n-th component or g (n < a>). Then g.Fis the n-th component or gF. Since g is a homo- morphism, we have p-g-gF-S: LI /F"-0. 0 < *< « or, by components, f..i - g.F-8 (n < a). Since g, — /— Ji, we conclude by induction that f. -/.("< <u), and hence, *-/ D 2,12, Dmllty ■rwclple. Before continuing with adjoint automata we recall the duality principle used in category theory. The dual (or opposite) category or a category jr is obtained from jr by revelling the direction or all arrows. That is, we define the dual category jr" to have the same objects as •*?, and the morphisms from A to B in JT ^ to be precisely the JT-morphiims/: B-+ A. The identity morphisms in Jf and JT" are the same, and the composition of JT" is inferred from JT as follows For each concept C concerning categories, the dual concept (often called co-C) Is obtained by applying Cto the dual categories. For example, the dual concept of equalizer is coequalizer (see 111.1). For eacb functor F: JT -» 3 we define the dual Junctor F": Jf -» X" by XF - XF" and fF - fF". The duality principle states that if a proposition concerning categories and functors is valid, then so is the dual proposition, i.e., the proposition with all concepts substituted by their duals. 2.13. Oaati lability. The observability of sequential automata, studied in 1.2.7 and Exercise I.2.B, is captured by duality as follows. Let F: JT -» Jf be a coadjoint, and let H: JT -» JT be the corresponding adjoint. For each object Tput r. - n r//-.
£Antomau 107 Then there it an ^algebra (/"., y) and a morphUm x-.T. -» Twith the following universal property: V- — <i- for each ^algebra (ft S) and each morphiim /: ft-» rthere exiiti a unique horoomorphism /, : (ft 6) -»(F., y) with /-/•■* In Tact, the functor Jf*»: J"»-»jr^ is a coadjoint (III.2.I0) and hence. Tor each object Twe have a Tree W'-al- gebra r. - U rH' Injr". >< • in other words, T. - J! ftf' in jr. Since H preserves the last product, we have /", — T x f. W (In JT), and the projections jr: T. -» Tand *•: T. -» T.H form the injection (*: T-» r. In Jf) and the operation morphism («/*: r, W-» /, in JT^) of the free ff^-algebra. The universal piopeily follows from the bijective correspondence between F-algebras in JT and W^-ilgebras in JC": Q-jtQH Deflaltlea. For each ^automaton A - (ft S, T, y, /, X) the unique £homo- morphum ym: (ft, 5) -»(r., «/) with >•-»•■* is called the observability map of A. Rtanrk. The components of ym : ft-» \\ VH' are the following mor- >< • phlims p.: ft-» fH':
lOg Chapter HI n - r; Example. Let JT - S«t and F- Stand H- hom(£-). Using the natural bijectlon between hom (A, hom (ft C)) and hom (A x ft C) and between A and hom (|0|, A), we can write T. - n r*Y* - T x hom (£ T) x hom (£ hom (Ul)x ... - hom(|0|, T) x hom(£ T) x hom(X x £ T) x .... Further, using the natural bijection between hom (A, + A, + A, + ...,B) and I! hom (A., B), we get ■ < m r. - hom (|0| + !+!« 1+ ..., D - hom (!•, T). The observability map r. ■ 0-»hom(l#. D Is defined as in Exercise I.2.B: it assigns to each state q e Q its behavior (»)y. -ft: Z'-rin^. 2.14. Theorta (Mlaiaul rtallzatioa as factsriurlM.) Let jr be an (/, ut>category with countable products and coproducts, and let F: JT -» JT be a coadjoint preserving #-epis. For each behavior fi: /* -» T we can obtain the minimal realization by forming the image factorization of fi.: (I', «>) -»(/"., y): Q More in detail, the unique automaton with state object ft run map i and observability map m is a minimal realization of B. Proof, (i) Let us apply the diagonal fill-in: cF
£AutonulA 109 We obtain an ^algebra (Q,S) such that both e:(l',<p)-*(Q,8) and m: (& <5)-» (/",, k>) are homomorphisms. It follows that the automaton 4>-(G. ft T, m. x,l,n- *) has run map e and observability map m. Moreover, such an automaton is unique, in other words, S is uniquely determined by the Tact that m and e ate homomorphisnu. (IT 8": QF-* Q also has this property, then 8' • m — mF- w — S• m, and m is mono, hence, S — <5.) The behavior of A, is ■0. ■0. and since (( *, we see that /t» is a reachable realization otp. (ii) Let A - ({J, 5, F, y, I, X) be another reachable realization of p. The run morphism p: /• -+Q of A is an l-epi such that fi-p- f. We have a unique morphism y. for which the following diagram commutes. Further, P. - P' f. because fi. is the unique £homomorphlim with 0. • n — fi. and we have P- 9. ■ x- p- y- P- Hence, we can use the diagonal fill-in:
110 Chapter III We obtain an /-epi e:Q-»Q |in Tact, let t - e, • m, be a factorization, then * - ip ■ e,) • m, is a ractorization of t e I and therefore, n, is an isomorphism, which proves i" e **|. Moreover, i:A — A, is a morphism of automata: (a) I: (Q, 8) -»(ft S) is a homomorphism because pF is an epi (p e /Implies pF e /), and we have pF-{IF- 8)- eF- S- «• - e- «•• p- i- p'F(S- e); (b) X • i — ij . p • i - ij • e: (c) I ■ (m • *) - y. • x - y. This proves that A, is a minimal realization of £ D Corollary. For JT and F as above, an automaton is minimal (i.e., a minimal realization of its behavior) iff it is (i) reachable (the run map is an /-epi) and (ii) observable (the observability map is an .«Y-mono). Conversely, \f A has both of these properties, then by p • y - 0 we obtain an image factorization of fit : 0. - p • y. ipi*; r. e -*)■ Therefore, there exists an isomorphism i with p — e ■ i and i • v. — m. It is easy to check that 1:A,-*A is a morphism of automata. Hence, A Is a minimal realization of 0. Restart. In case of sequential automata we have /". - hom(X", /") (see Exercise 1.2.8). Given 0:1'— T. then l.:X*-»hom(X*. T) assigns to each word w e Z' the behavior {—w)0:Z*-*r defined by r~ (rw)fl(v e I"). The kernel equivalence ~ of this map 0, is precisely the Nerode equivalence o(0 (1.2.6). Thus, our construction of minimal realization is precisely that considered in Chapter I. 2.15. Exaaiple: Blllaear sesjaearlal £*atoautt. Let A be a commutative ring with I, and let I be an A-module. A bilinear sequential ^automaton is defined precisely as the linear one (III.2.3) except that (i) the next-step map 6:Qx Z-Q
£Autonutl III is not supposed to be linear but bilinear, which means that Tor each state q e Q and each input a e Z (a,-)S:Z-Q and (-, a)6:Q^Q are linear maps, and (ii) the initial state is arbitrary, not necessarily 0. To show how bilinear automata fit Into our theory, we recall the concept or tensor product 9. Given A-modules X and Y, their tensor product X 9 Kit denned as an R-module with a bilinear map t.X x Y-* X 9 Kuniversal in the following sense: for any bilinear map/: X x Y-* Z there exists a unique linear map/X® Y-fZw'rthf- x • / The tensor product exists for each X and y, and it is generated by the elements x 9 y — (x, y )T. Define the lensor-producl functor Kr: R-Mod- R-Mod on objects X by XVt- X9Z arid on moronisms f:X-* Y by fVt-f9 \I:x9a—(xif9 a. Then bilinear ^automata are precisely ^■automata * - (0. S, r, r. K A) where R is considered as a module over itself. In fact, S:Q9Z-*Q describes precisely the bilinear next-state map, v:C-r is the output map, and A:R- Q is fully determined by (l)A, which is the initial state. The functor Crls a coadjoint. The corresponding adjoint is the horn-functor hom<£ -): R-Mod — R-Mod defined as in Sat (III.2.I0) except that for each /(-module X the set hom(£ X) of all linear maps receives the usual structure of an R-module. Thus, Vt is a varietor with /" - II IV\ -1+(19L) + (/« Z9L) + ... . ■ f • Using the Tact that / z IQR and that the tensor product / 9 — preserves co-
112 Chapter III products, we can write /"-(/««) + (19L) + (19 L9L) + ... -/«(«+ 1+ 19 1+ ...). Denote X" - « + 1+ 19 1+ ... . We have, quite analogously as Tor 5r in Sat: /• - /« £•. The analogy goes further: using r~ hom(A,r) and the adjunction of hom(£, —) and Vt, we get T. - UjiD(hom(£. -))" - hom(«, T) x hom(£, T) x hom(£, hom(r, O)... - hom(« + 2+29Z+..., T) - hom(X», J~). For / — A we have /* — X*, and the run map of a bilinear automaton Is the (unique) linear map assigning to each a, 9 a, 9 ...9 a. <= 18 18 ...8 I the stale obtained from the initial state (l)A by an application of inputs o-,, a,,..., a,. The observability map yt: Q-*tmm{£*, T) assigns to each state q the behavior of the automaton initialized in q. For each behavior /):£•-»/", the homomorphism fi,:(£•,«>)-» ((hom(£*, D, y) is the unique linear map assigning to each a, 9 ... 9 a. the map (o-| 9 oj 9 ... 9 o-„ 9 — )0: I* -+ H The kernel equivalence ~ ot0, is the analogy of the Nerode equivalence: the state algebra of the minimal realization o(fi is (£•.«>)/~. CMcMlag mutL The concepts of minimal realization, reachability, and observability, introduced for sequential automata, are naturally extended to F-automata with a coadjoint functor F. We find out that observability is the dual concept to reachability. This special case does not cover tree automata or linear automata. The problem of minimal realizations is much more intricate for general functors F. We shall devote Chapter V to a study of minimal realization.
£Aulomili 113 Exercises 111.2 A. Slaglc-lapat aatonaia are automata of type F- \M. (i) If JT hu countable coproducts, describe the free algebras for I.,. Do this in particular for JT — Sot. (ii) Verify that the minimal realization of any morphism fi: /* -» T is obtained from the image factorization of the morphism p. : /• -» T x f« T x ..., the components of which tnP p-P p1 • P ... . (iii) Let JT - Pot) as the (epi, embedding)-category. Put / = |0) and T = 11, 2|, ordered by I £ 2. Describe the minimal realization of the behavior p-.r -/+/+/+ /...-»r sending the first copy of 0 to I and all other copies to 2. (iv) Describe the minimal realization of the behavior above in the (quotient, mono)-category Pot. B. Forgetful tractor. For each functor F: JT -» JT we denote by F-Alg the category of F-algebrBs and homomorphisms. Let l/:F-ANj-»jr be the forgetful functor, defined by (ft S)U- ft and/l/ - / Prove that Fis a varietor iff U is an adjoint Hint. If Fis a varietor, define <P: JT -» F-ANj on objects by I<P - (/*, <f>,) and on morphisms /: /-» / by ftp - (/• it,)' : (/*, f>() -»(Jm. «v). Then IP is coadjoint to U. Conversely, if <t> is coadjoint to U, then l<P is a free F-algebra generated by /. 111J. F-Algebm In the present section we discuss various types of algebras which can be expressed as F-algebras for suitable functors F: JT -» jr. We denote by F-Alg the category of ^algebras and homomorphisms. 3.1. EpHrusforBntkw. For arbitary two naturally isomorphic (II. I) functors F, C: Jtf -» JT, the categories F-Alg and G-Alg are also isomorphic: if p: F-» C is a natural isomorphism, then each F-algebra (ft S) defines a (/-algebra (ft pg' ■ S) and vice versa. Also, a morphism /: ft-» ft" is a homo- morphism of F-algebras /:(ft o")-» (ft, 8) iff it is a homomorphism of the corresponding G-algebras /:(ft Vq'• 5)-* (Q\ fi^'-S). We are going to identify naturally isomorphic functors bj well as the corresponding categories of algebras, whenever convenient.
114 Chipter III More in general, let F, G: Jtf -» Jtf be functors, and let e: F-» G be a natural transformation. Then we get a functor <P: C-Alg - F-Alg assigning to each C-algebra (Q, S) the F-algebra (g, «c ■ 8), and to each horao- morphism /: (Q, S) -» ({?', S1) in G-Alg the (same) homomoiphism /: (ft «o-fi)-»(C", £<r-8-): 1 » OF »-00 »Q IF 10 f T of ►Co——-a v » Exanple. Denote by P,: Sat -» Sat the functor assigning to each set X the set XPt of all non-ordered pairs in AT, i.e., sets |Xi, Xi| £. X, and to each map /: X-+ fine map//",: |xi, x;| « |(xt^ (x,y|. We have a natural transformation *:H,- P, defined by Here, H;-Alg is the category ofgroupoids, and Fi-Alg is the category of commutative groupoids, with <P: PrMg -» WrAlg the full embedding. As in the example above, if e: F-» G is an epitransformation (i.e., each Cji XF-* XG is an epimorphism) then G can be considered as a quotient of F, in the sense made precise in 111.5 below, and the functor <P: C-Alg -» F-Alg is a full embedding. In fact, <P is one-lo-one on objects since ((?,£<;• <5) - (Q', ej • 5') implies Q — Q' and eQ- 8 — eg- 8', and the latter implies 5 — 8'. It is obvious that <t> is one-to-one on morphisms too. Coareathn. For each epitransformation e: F-» G we consider C-Alg as a full subcategory of F-Alg by identifying each C-algebra (0, 8) with the corresponding F-algebra (Q, eQ ■ S). 3J. Varieties. We recall the concept of a variety, i.e., a subcategory of the category Wi-Alg of ^algebras (in Sat) given by equations. Let /be a set (of variables), the cardinality of which is infinite, regular and larger than all antics |o-| for a € I. A pair of £trees (11.3.4) (!,, /,) € /' X /'
^Aotonutt 115 ii called an equation, and ii uiually denoted by /, - 4. An algebra (Q, S) it said to satisfy the equation I, - t, if Tor each map /: /-» Q the extended homomorphiim/*:(/',«<)-» (C, 7) fulfils 0.1/* - (41/T For example, let Z consitt of one binary operation, i.e., let ua consider the category ofgroupoids. A groupoid is commutative I1T it satisfies the following equation (x, y € / and x * y). A variety of talgebru is a full subcategory y of Wi-Alg for which there exists a set of equations £ c /* x /* such that >-algebras arc precisely those £algebras which satisfy each of the equations in £ The triple (£ /, E) is called an taxational presentation of f ■ For example, let £ - |(/,, 4)) for the trees (, - (x, y)o and 4 - 0>, *)o above. Then (£/,£) is a presentation of the category of commutative groupoid*. The category of commutative semigroups is presented by two equations: the commutativity law and the associativity law The former example Is the category PrUg. What about the latter? We are going to characterize varieties of ^algebras which have the form ^Akj for some set functor F. The variety of commutative semigroups is not of this form.
116 Chapter III Pupoaltlia. For each epitransformaUon c:Hl-*F, the category F-Hf is a variety or £algebras, presented by the collection or all equations where t, f € IHi(c /') are arbltary treei with and / is an infinite set with card / 2 \a\ for a e L Proof, (i) Let (ft S) be an F-slgebrs. For each equation i - f aa above and each map /: /-» ft we are to prove that (1)/' - ((V- Put where c t € land x. € / (n< |<r|), /. € /(m < |r|). Then/* satisfies the followini: (t)f -(DfHt-ev'S and (/V-(/VHr. £„•«. The following square IH,.—^-*-IF •He 0 ►OF commotes. Thus, if then (fjf -(De,-/F-S- (O*/ • /F- 5 - (/V- (ii) Conversely, let (ft S) be an algebra which satisfies all of the equations above. We are to prove that given trees t i* € QHt, then
117 (l)eQ - (/')^ Implies (t)S - (0& Then we can define 5: QF-* Q by «l)Cg)J - (1)6 for each tree / € QH, tni this proves that (C o*) is an F-ilgebrs (since S - Cq ■ 5). Put where a, r € I and a, € Q(n < lol), bm € Q(m < |r|). Since card / is larger than or equal to \a\ + |r|, there exists a map which is one-to-one on the set |a.|.<w u |A.|.<^- Choose a map /: /- Q with (.) a,-(a,)g.f and 6.-(».)»•/ Tor each n <\a\ and m < |r|. The following square commutes. For > - (<)gWrind i' - (Ogr/r, the equation belongs to the presentation above. Indeed, (s)st - (DgHt • e, - (l)e, • grand, analogously, (j>, - (<■)% ' gF, thus, (/)£g - (Oeg implies (i)£, - (i>,. Since (ft 6) fulfils this equation, we have W - («V. (il//fr • 5 - (jy/fr • 5.
||g Chapter III By (•) above clearly '-('K*/)Hi and /'-(/'K* •/)«!, thus, (t)S- (/)»//, •///,• 8 - (s)fHt • S -(0*«i -fHt.S - (»•)* This concludes the proof. □ 3J. DefliMoa. A variety of ^algebras is called basic if it has an equational presentation (£/,£) such that £ c lHt x IHt, i.e., each of its equations has the following form: By the proposition above, each variety F-Alg given by a quotient F of Ht is basic. We shall prove the converse. Propottttoa. For each basic variety » of ^algebras there exists an epitrans- formation e: //r-» F with > — F-Mq. Proof. Let (Z, I, E) be an equational presentation of > with £ c /Hr x /Hr. For each set X let ~ > be the least equivalence relation on XHt such that holds for each equation /, — /, in £ and each /t: /-» AT. For any map/: X-* Y and arbitrary a„ d, e JfWj, (•) o, ~j,a, implies (atfHt ~ y^aitfHt. To prove (•), it clearly suffices to verify this for o, — (t,)kH[, where A: /-» X is a map and /, - I; is in £ Put /f - * • /: /-» K, then (/,)*// - ,(IJkH and we have (o-WHi - (',)* • /«! - (/,)fHi (i - I, 2). We can define a quotient functor F of Ht as follows: for each set X
^Aalomata 119 XF- XH,/-, it the quotient set, I.e., the set or til equivtience classes (() with i € XHt: Tor etch mtp/: X-» Y define ff.XF^YF, M-K'MJ. This it well-denned due to (•). The corresponding nttural Irtnsforratlion e: //r-» F assigns to etch i € XHttht equivtience class (()£, - ((). (t) Etch y-algebra (ft £) is an F-algebra. More precisely, etch y-tlgebrt is of the type (ft £,, - S) Tor some F-algebre (ft S). To prove this, we htve to show that Tor q,, $ € ftWr, * ~ g <h implies (q,)S - ($)«. [Then S: ftrV~»-» Q is defined by (\q\)S - (q)S.\ We can clearly assume that q, - (t,)kHz, where *: /-» g Is a map and (, - t, Is in £ Since (ft S) satlslies the equation d - <,, we have (/,)*• - (/,)*'. Also, /, € /Wr implies (/,)*• - ((,)*Hr • 5. Thus, (q,)S - (/,)*//, • S - (/,)«/, • S - («)& (ii) Each ^algebra it t *-algebra. More precisely. Tor each F-algebra (ft S), the Hi-algebra (ft £„ - 5) satisfies each equation in £ Let (, - t, be in £ and let *: /-» Q be a map. Then (/,)*• - (/,)*//, • 5 for S - % • &, and we have (l,)kHI ~ a (iJ/W/r, therefore, (/,)*•-(/,)«/,. ^. S - HMkHtf - MJkHAB - (/.)*'. □ Remark. In the next section we shall prove thtt etch set functor F such thtt F-Mq is t variety mutt be t quotient of Ht for some type £ This will make the picture complete: varieties of the form F-Aif are precisely the basic ones. This shows that for example commutative semigroups form a variety distinct from any F-Alfl. Enable: />,-algebra*. Define a functor /",:S»t—Sat on each set X by XT,- \M; Af c X, U * 0 finite] and on each map f:X-* Y by (MVP, - (U)f for all Af € XT,. A f, -algebra is a set Q together with an operation 6, assigning to each finite,
120 Chapter III non-empty set Afc Q an element (A/)<5 e Q. A homomorphism /:«?■*)-►«?'.*") is a map f:Q—Q' such that (A/)o"-« implies ((Afyi*" - (4l^ An example or a /^-algebra is any join semilattice, where (M)5 — V Af; for two semilattices, a /^-homomorphism is precisely a semi- lattice homomorphism. Thus, semilattices form a full subcategory of //-Alg. Let £ - |<r,|, ,, < . be s type with \a.\ - n for each n - I, 2,3,... . Then P/'a quotient of Ht: consider the natural transformation *: //,- P, assigning to each (*„.., x„ _,) e XH,m the set \x*..., x,_,| € XP,. Thus, /■/ -Alfl is a basic variety of £algebras. It is presented by the equations for all n, m - I, 2, 3, ... and x„...,x,_,, *;,...,x'._, € / such that |x„..,x,_i| - K....,jC.>I- 14. risiali' Aslgebtas. We have seen that quotient functors of the functors Hi define precisely the basic varieties of universal algebras. But there are other set functors which are beyond the scope of universal algebra. For example, the power-sel functor P: StU — S«t assigning to each set X the set XP-npX- |Af; Af c X\ and to each map/: X-* J" the mtp/P with (M)fP - (M)f for each Af c X. A f-algebra (Q, S) is given by a map 6: exp Q-* Q. For example, complete join semilattices and complete homomorphismi form a full subcategory of /•-Alg: here (U)S - V Af for each Af c Q. Forming the coproduct functor /> + />:S«t-»Sa4, we obtain the category (P + /")-Alg of algebras given by two operations exp {?-» Q. Thus, for example the category of complete lattices and complete homomorphisms is a full subcategory of (P + ^)-Alg.
£ Automata 121 3.5. (Mend algebras. An ordered algebra u an algebra defined on a poset in such a way that all or its operations are order-preserving. Here, for each poset Q the cartesian power Q' (n a cardinal) is ordered component-wise: (x,),«. S iy,), <. IfT x, S y, for all / < n. (This is precisely the product of n copies of the object Q in the category Poa.) Explicitly, for each type Z, an ordered Enlgebru Is a pair (ft (<5J„, i) which consists of a poset Q and a collection of operations «.:t?"-t?(c€ S.) such that x, S y,(\ < n) implies (x,),« .5 s (j>,), < .5. These are precisely //ralgebras for the functor Hz - II H. of Remark II 1.2.3; a coproduct in the category Poa is just the disjoint union (with the given order on each summand, and with elements of distinct sununands pairwise incompatible). An order-preserving map s-.qh;- II e--e is precisely a collection of order-preserving maps 8„:Q'-*Q (a € £.). rYr-homomorphlsms are also precisely the order-preserving homomorphisms. 3.*. (U-uiall—ilia algebras. A poset is said to be a-complele if it has a least element 0 and each increasing <p.sequence has a join. An order-preserving map which preserves the least element and joins of increasing <t>-scquenccs is said to be to-continuous. We denote by Poa. the category of <t>-complete posets and o-contlnuous maps. This is the category in which o>continuous algebras "live". An ordered £algebra (ft l<5„l) is strict a-conUmiom if Q is a o-complete poset and each 6: (?'-» Q is <u-continuoua (with respect to the componentwise order of (?")■ Explicitly, an operation S: g"-» Q Is <t>-continuous iff (0,0,0....)5-Oind V(x,. *!.*'.-"J*-(*.*. y,,...)S t < * for any o>sequence (xj, x^, xj,...) £ (xj, xj, xj,...) £ (x}, xj, xj,...)... in O" with joins v. - V xi. k < m Now, for each (^-complete poset Q the powers ft" are also o-complete;
|22 Chapter III hence, we have a functor W„: Pot.-Poa. which Is the restriction or Ihe corresponding functor on Poa. And H.^lg is the category of <u-continuous (a)-algebras and avcontinuous homomor- phisms, where Iff I — n. For more than one operation, we use the coproduct. In the category Poa,, coproducts are not disjoint unions (because of the least element): we must Hist form the coproduct in Poa and then we merge all the 0' s. Thus, a coproduct of objects ft (i e /) of Pot. is the set lie/- where ~ is the equivalence, one class of which, denoted by (0), is formed by all the least elements of all Q's, and all other classes are singletons (denoted by x rather than [x], for each x € ft—10|). The ordering is given as follows: x s v ifT x - [0] or x, v e ft, and x s y in ft, for some i, e /. The injections ft-» LI ft assign |0)to0and xto any x € ft— |0|. Given a type Lot algebras, we define Hr: Poa.-* Pot. as the coproduct in Poa.: Hr- U«.. For each ru-continuous poset Q — (ft,, S) the poset ftWr-^CIxlo-l consists, besides the least element |0], of all trees where a e Z, and if n > 0, there exists i, < n with .r,01* 0. The ordering is such that [0] is the least element, while
^Automata 123 i(T a - rand i, £ y, Tor each / < |o|. Clearly, Hx-Alg is the category or strict <t>-continuous X-algebras. Reanrfc. Algebras over <t>-complete poseti are investigated in computer science where, however, the requirement on the operations is usually weaker: The least element 0 is not supposed to be idempotent. We call the resulting algebras the (non-strkl) o-contmuous Z-algebrm. These consist of an oi-corn- plete poset Q and of operations «.:<?•-<? (c€ I.) which preserve joins of increasing a»-sequenccs. Also these algebras are F-algebras. Denote by Hl:Poa.-»Po«. the functor given by the disjoint union of all H*, a e Z, with a new element 0* as the least element. Thus, Tor each o-continuous poset Q, QH1- U 0- x |o-| « |0-1 where the ordering of the basic trees is as above and 0* is the least element (assumed not to belong to any Q' x |o-|). For each <t>-continuous map /•'C-» C'the map equals to/1" on each Q" x |e?|, a e X., and (0«)/W^ - 0*. An Mj-algcbra (ft S) is given by an <t>-complete poset ft and an <u-continu- ous map This means that 0* brings no inroimation: (0*)<5 - 0; and Tor each o- € X. we have an n-ary operation S.:Q- x|<t|-C which clearly preserves joins of <t>-sequences but need not preserve the least element. We see that W,-Aig
124 ChapMr 111 is the category or non-strict <»-continuous X-algebras and <u-continuous ho- momorphiinu. 3.7. Maay-soittsl algebras. Algebras acting on several sets are called many- sorted or heterogeneous. We discuss 2-sorted algebras. Tor simplicity; the generalization to more sorts is easy. A 2-sorted algebra consists or two sets Xx and Xt and or operations or different arities, e.g., a: X, x X, -» X,: r: X, x X, x Xt-*XU etc. The notion or arity or an operation is more difficult than in the one-sorted case. We must (a) give two exponents: or X\ and or Xi and (b) state whether the result is in X, or X,. Therefore, a type of 2-sorted algebras is a pair X — <X,, Xi) or disjoint sets: the elements or X, are called operation symbols resulting in X, (i - I, 2). For each a e X, \j X,, an arity is given which is a pair |o| - (n„ nj or cardinals. A 2-sorted X-algebra consists or a pair (X,, X2) or sets and Tor each a e X, or arity (n,, n,), a map 5.:X? x X\' — Xt. For example, modules over arbitrary commutative rings can be viewed as 2-sorted algebras with X, the ring and Xt the Jfpmodule. Let ®, 8 and 0 be the ring operations, and + : Xt x X, -» X, and x : X\ x Xt -» X, the module operation. Then modules are 2-sorted algebras or type <X„ X,) with X,- |®, e,0|andX, - | + , x| where the arity of ® is (2. 0), of + is (0, 2). etc. Homomorphisms or 2-sorted algebras are pairs or maps (one Tor eacb sort) preserving the given operations. Thus, let A - ((X,. X,), |5„|) and B - «y„ ^i). |o*ol) be two algebras of type <X„ X,). A homomorphism from A to B is a pair or maps /: X, -» Y, and fa. Xt -» Y, such that each a e X, of arity (n,, nj and for each (aj)t <., e X" and (fty), <., € X"1 we have (a* a, »o, * )«.• / - ((".1/i. (<>>l/i (*.l/i, (Ail/i.. .)*.. In other words, the following square
£ Automata |25 n, •>] % Y^'lf*—i »Y, "a commutes Tor each o £ I^j I,. The 2-iorted algebras are ^algebras in the category 8*f of pain of sets and pairs of maps. (The composition of morphisms (/„ fi)-(Xl,Xi)-*(Y,, r,> and <f„ s,):(Y,, y,>-»<Zi. Z,> is coordinate-wise, i.e., the resulting moronism is (f, • f i, /, • f ,>.) If X has just one operation of arity (nb nj in X, the corresponding functor is defined by <*,.*,> //,'.,. .„-<*;■ x *;•, e>; </i./i>W,1.,..,i-<A",,"^"".«>- Analogously, if X consists of one operation in X,, we define //'.,.,,. sending <*,, Xj) to <», X," x *,">. Finally, for each type X — (X,, X]) we use the coproduct (which in 8of is formed component-wise): "r- ILni,+ II «£■ ft ti fii] Thus, on objects <* 1, XJ, (XuXJHr-i II X," X Xr, II AT,- x *,-■), analogously on morphisms. Then Hi-Ato Is the category of 2-sorted X-algebras. 3JL Attains n ucurte ulifuln. The algebras in Sot, Pot), Poa. and Sat1 have common features which we discuss in general presently. By a concrete category is meant a category Jt together with a functor (/:.*-» Sot which is faithful, i.e., given distinct morphisms f\, ft:A-*B then f,U + f,U
126 Cbipter 111 (for each pair or objects A, B). We can view the objects of JT as sets endowed with a structure. (Quite formally: given an object A with AU — X then X is a set with structure A.) Since U is faithful, we can use the same symbol for a morphism f: A-* B in .X and the corresponding map In Sot Thus, if AU — X and BU— Y, then morphlsms from A to B are some maps /: X-* Y—those maps which "preserve" the given structure. The functor U is called forgetful because it forgets the structure. For example, Poa is a concrete category with (X, s )U — X. Morphisras are precisely the structure (— order) preserving maps. Abo 8of can be considered as a concrete category. The forgetful functor is given by the disjoint union: (X„XdU- X, + *„ analogously for morphism. Given a concrete category JT, a set Mis said to generate a free object W of •JT if M c M'U and for each object A and each map/: U-* AU there exists a unique morphism f:U'-*A extending / For example, Poa has free objects (which means that each set generates a free object): W is the set M endowed with the discrete order. Also Poa. has free objects: W — U v |0) (where 0( M) with 0 the least element and M discretely ordered. Assume that JT is a concrete category with concrete products (i.e.. Jt has products and U preserves them). Then we get a natural concept of an n-ary algebraic operation on an object Q of .X as a morphism 6: Q"-* Q. The corresponding functor is the functor H.: Jt -» JT of the n-th power. The //.-homomorphisms are the structure-preserving maps which also preserve the operation. This is the case of JMMod, Pot and Poa. above, and a lot of other current concrete categories. For example: Top. the category of topological spaces and continuous maps. Here Q" is the usual topological product (of n copies of Q). An //.-algebra is a topological space Q together with a continuous n-ary operation on Q. An W.-homomorphism is a continuous homomorphism. On the other hand. Sef fails to have concrete products: the product of <*,. Xi> and (Y,. YJ in Sat1 is (X, x Y„ X, x Yj). And. of course, the equation (*, x y,) + (at, x r,) = (X, + x,) x <y, + y,) does not hold in general. This explains why the functors W. are not "convenient" in Sot1. Assume that JT has not only concrete products but also (possibly non-con-
^Automiti 127 crate) coproducti. Then Tor each type I or algebras we use the coproduct functor Hi - II ««,, introduced in III.2.5. The category //j-Alg is then the category or JT-itruc- tured £algebras (with structure-preserving operations) and structure-preserving X-horaomorphisms. For each set functor F: Sat -» Sat, the category F-AIq is concrete. It has Tree objects i(T F is a varietor (see Exercise III.2.B). Given a functor H: ,x -» 3 between concrete categories, we say that H is concrete if (/,-//•(/„ i.e., if Tor each object (X, a) of X we have {X, a)H — {X, a*) Tor some structure a* in 3, and Tor each morphism / we have fH — / Two concrete categories are concretely isomorphic if there exists a concrete isomorphism (i.e., a concrete, bijectlve functor) from one to another. For example, if F and G are two naturally Isomorphic set-functors, then 5-Alo and G-AJa are concretely isomorphic categories (see III.3.I). Renarfc, Let (JT, U) be a concrete category which has free objects. For each set M denote by M<t> - M* a free object generated by M, and for each map /: Af-» Wlaff: U0-* M'<t> be the unique morphism extending / This defines a functor d>:Sat-»Jr which is coadjoint to the forgetful functor (II 1.2.10): the inclusion maps n„: *#-» (U0)U define the universal natural transformation nM^-tK.l/. (In fact, for each morphism /. Af-» AU in Sat there exists a unique morphism f* : M<P— A in JT with/- n„. /*.) For each object A of JT we can extend lAU: AU-* AU to a morphism tA:(AV)0—A, and this gives a natural transformation e-.U-0—i*. This is an epitransformation: if eA • / - sA • g for two morphisms f, g: A-* B, then n4 • sAU - I implies flJ-l4-(.e4.f)U-qA. («4 . g)U- gU and, since U is faithful, we conclude that/— g.
128 Chipcer 111 XUA. Set Faacton 4.1, Since set functors, i.e., functors F:S«t-»S«t play an impoftant role in our book, we devote the present section to their pro- We have introduced the set functors W, and their coproducts Wrin II 1.2.5, further the functors Sr(- Ht If each a e I is unary) in III.2J and hom-func- tors hom(X; —) in III.2.10. Note that hora(L, —) is naturally isomorphic to H. for n — card £ If X is a singleton set, then Sr and hom(Z, —) are naturally isomorphic to the identity set functor. Further, recall the functors P, Pi and P/ of IIIJ.3 and III.3.4. We define a subfunctor P. of P for each cardinal n by XP. - \U c X; 0 < card M S n|. On morphisms: fPn sends U to (M)f. For each set U we denote by CH:S«t-»S«t the constant functor {XCM - M and JCM - l„). We entend the concept of constant set functor slightly, by disregarding the empty set and empty map. Thus, for each map h: U, -» U we define C£:S«t-»S«t on objects by *Ci= M eci - M, if x ¥■ B: and on morphisms/: X-* Y by Ki- l„ if X ¥■ 9 h \( X-8 + Y lu, ifX-B-Y. A set functor Is said to be constant if it is naturally isomorphic to some C£. If AYo - B we write C0H instead of C£. 4.2. ProaosltloB. Each set functor F *■ C, preserves (i) non-empty sets (X * B implies XF+ B); (ii) epis (if e: X-* Y is onto then eF is onto); (iii) non-empty monos (if m: X-* Y is one-to-one, X * B, then mF is one- to-one). Proof, (i) Since F+ C* there exists a set X with XF + B. Let Y* B be ar-
^Automiu 129 bttnuy. There exists a map/: X-» Y; then//7: XF-* YF is a map and hence, XF+B Implies YF+ 8. (ii) Each epi e : X -» Y splits: Tor each y e K we can choose 0>V € AT with (CclO*- y. and/: r'-.Jt'isi map such that/. «- I,. Then//7. «f- l„, hence, tF is a split epi. (iii) Each non-empty mono m: JIT-* f splits', we choose x, e X, and we define j: K-» * by (y)g - * if y e Y- (X)m; (y)g - x if y - (x)m. Then m • j - lx. Hence, mf- j/7 — l„ and mfis a split mono. D Reanrfc. The empty mono m: 9 -» X need not be mapped to a mono: consider the functor ChM above with A a constant map. Then mC^ - k 4J. DefUIHoa. A set functor Fit said to be small if there exists a cardinal y such that for each set AT we have XF- |J (MF)fF, where the union ranges over all maps f:U-*X with cardM < y. If y - K* then Fit said to be/injury. r»i|iln (i) W. is small, and rt is finitary iff n is finite. In fact, let y be the least cardinal larger than it For each set X and each element (Jt,), <. of XH.-X- put M-\x,: (< n|. Then card U < y and (*,),<. € W - (AH/.)/*//, for the inclusion map/: U — X. If n is finite, then r — n + I, hence, we can also choose y — Kfc and we see that H, is finitary. If n is infinite, choose a set Jfind an iMuple (4)! < . e *W. such that the elements i, are pairwise distinct. Then for each map f:U-*X with M finite clearly (*,),< . < (UH.)fH.. Hence, H. Is not finitary. (ii) The functor P,\% finitary: for each set JT and each element of XF), i.e., afiniteset Mc X, we hive M e (MPj)j Pt for the inclusion map j : M -» X. (ill) The functor P'n not small. For each cardinal r we can choose a set Xof power y. Then X e eipjf - XP and clearly JT* (MP\fP for any map /. A/-.* with card U< y. PisicaHlss. A set functor Fit small iff it is a quotient functor of Ht (i.e., there is an epitransformation Wj -» F) for some type L. Fit finitary iff it is a quotient of Ht for some finitary type £ Proof. I. Let /"be a quotient of Ht and let y be the least infinite cardinal larger than all arities in X. (Thus, y - K, iff X Is finitary.) The sufficiency of both of the statements we are proving will be verified when we show that for each x e JTfthere exists a map/: U -» X with x e (UF)fM and card M < y. Let c: Hi -» F be an epitransformation. There exists / c -W/j with x — (/)*r. Let / — (x,)o for <r € X of arity n( < y) and for Xt e X, / < n. Put A/-|*,; i< n| and let f:M-»X denote the inclusion map. Then
130 Chiptcrlll card U £ n < g and we have X - (/)£, - (((*)/»«, - <*,1/«I • €,. Since the following square My ,Hi X c H—Mf ' ** c ' XF commutes, we conclude that J e (MF\fF. II. (a) Let f be a small functor, and let ybe the corresponding cardinal. Choose a set U of cardinality y. Put X- UF and define the arity of any element of Xto be y. We prove that F is a quotient of//,. For each set X we have XHC- U.X', and this can be identified with X" x MF. Then for each map/: X-. Kthemap/Wx: X" x Mf-» 1"« x Aff is denned by (A, mj/Tir - (A • / m) for all A: U — Xand all m e M5. Define a natural transformation by s:H, — F (A, m)£* - (m)Af for each A: U-* X and m € UF. It is easy to verify that this is a well-defined natural transformation, i.e., that for each map/: X -» fine following square x"*mf ^ »> V^MF »-Y commutes. And the choice of y guarantees that cis an epitransformation: for each x e XF there exists a map A: M -» X with s e (UF)hF, i.e., J- (m)Af - (A, m)cx for some m e M£
II. (b) Let Fbc a nnitary functor. For each n < <o put [»| - |l, 2 n| and define a finitary type X by X. - ["|5 Tor each a< a. For each set X we can identify XH, with II AT1"1 x [n\F. We define a natural transformation «://x-f by (A, «!)«, - (m)Af for each n< a, A: [n] -» Jfand m € [n|5. Since fit finitary, c Is an epitrans- formition: for each s e XF there exists a map from a finite set into X, say, A: [n| -» j; and m € [n|5with x - (m)AF - (A, m)£,. D Reaurk. A set functor is finitary iff it preserves directed unions (see Exercise III.4.E below) or directed colimlts (this will be proved in Chapter V). 4.4. DeflaHloa, Let F be t set functor. A point a € AF, where A is tn trbltnry set, is said to be diitbtguishtd If for arbitrary two maps / g: A -» X we have (a)fF-(a)sF. Euntlc*. (i) The power-set functor fins 0( e AF for any set ,4) as a distinguished point. (ii) No point of W. is distinguished if n > 0. (iii) Each point of a constant functor is distinguished (and conversely. If each point of a set functor Fit distinguished, then Fit constant). Remarks, (i) Etch distinguished point a e AF defines „reltted" distinguished points a, € XFin all sets X ■> 0: choose any map/: A -» JIT and put "z - (a\fF (independent of/). Then (a,)hF - a, for each map A: X -» Y. Thus, we obtain a natural transformation a:C,-f (where 0C„ - 0 and JTC,, - I - |0| for each X ■> 0) taking the value a, for each set X ■> 0.
132 Chipin III (ii) What about a,J In other words, can a be attended to a natural transformation C, -» Fl Not in general: the point 0 ii diitinguiihed in C„ but there i» no natural transformation C, -» C,, at all. (iii) For each set functor F, each point a e BF is diitinguiihed limply because any two maps / g: B -» X are equal. DefnUtloa. A distinguished point a e AF is called standard If there ii a point a0 e Bf with a — (a.^ffor the empty map/: 0 -» A (in other words, if the natural transformation a can be extended to C,). 4J. Coaveatloa. Let X and y be sets with X c K. Denote by J}:X— Kthe inclusion map defined by (i\jl — i for each i € X. DtflalHoB. A set functor ii said to be standard if it preserves inclusion, i.e., XcY implies XF<z YF and JJlF-jg, and each of its distinguished points is standard. Eaaaaata. (i) The power-set functor P is standard. (ii) The horn-functor hom(M, —) is non-standard: if X * Y then actually hom(M, X) >~> hom(M, 10-8 (because a map/carries, by definition, the information about its codomain). Nevertheless, hom(M, —) is naturally isomorphic to H. for n - card M, and W. is standard. (iii) The functor C„ is non-standard because the distinguished point 0 is non-standard. But C„ differs from the standard functor C, only in the empty set and empty maps. (iv) Hs is standard for each type X. Remark. The reason for introducing the concept of standard functors is to obtain a class of functors which is -reasonably" representative (this is proved in the following theorem) and which avoids complicated and not really interesting examination of the empty set which behaves somewhat irregularly. For example, standard set functors preserve monoa (also the empty one*) because the empty maps are actually inclusion maps jl- Further, 85 Is just the set of all distinguished points of F: if a c AF it distinguished, then a € 9F c AF because there exists a, c BF with a - (a.V,'f, and jjF is the inclusion map. Theorem. (Each set functor is almost standard). For each set functor F there exists a standard set functor F' such that the restriction of Fand F' to all nonempty sets and non-empty maps are naturally isomorphic
F-AVtomiu 133 Proof, (a) First, assume that F preserves (empty) monos, and that each distinguished point or F is standard. On the class or all pairs <*.*) where JIT is a set and x e XF, we define the following relation: {X,x)~{Y,y) iff MI-'F-WF. This is an equivalence relation. The reflenivity and symmetry are obvious. For the transitivity, let (X, x) ~ (y, y) „ (Z, r) and consider the following commutative diagram of inclusion maps! Since (.X,x) ~ (Y, y) means that (x\j,F- (vlA'f, we get ixy,F ■ itF- (jr)/,f • itF - (v)/if • I,F. Also, since (Y,y) ~ (Z, r) means that (v^F- (rl/,F, we get (*Kf. J,F- (*y,F. i,F- O-lAf • J,F- (v)/if • J.F Thus, (,x\/,F- i,F- (itf, • i, F and since F preserves monos, it follows that (jr)/,F- (iMJF, i.e., that (**) ~ (Z, i). For each ji e *F denote by 1**1 the equivalence class of (X, *)■ Note that ( + ) (AT, *) ~ (X, x) implies x-t (for each x, i 6 XF) simply because>/"' - I,. Let us define a set functor F' on objects X by W-l'JtxKxc *F|. and on morphisms /: X-» Y by /F': [AT, ji| — [K, (j,yF| for each x 6 *F.
134 Chipcer III The lait map ii well-denned |>et (+) above), and fill functor since F is. Moreover, F and F' are naturally Itomorphic: consider the natural transformation «,: XF— XF' denned by (*)*, - \X, x\ (x € XF). Each cx is a bijection by (+). Let us verify that the functor F' is standard. It preserves inclusion because given X c Y, then [X, x\ - [K. (xy/f | for each x 6 XF. (This follows from y/-r->; and >fur- I,.) Therefore XF' c YF'uuijIF' is the inclusion map: Each distinguished point of F' is standard because the naturally isomorphic functor F has this property. (b) Let F be an arbitrary set functor. Using (a), it is sufficient to exhibit a functor F such that F — F on the full subcategory of all non-empty sets, and F preserves empty monos and has only standard distinguished points. Define 9r to be the set of all natural transformations r: C, -» F. This Is a set (not a proper class) because each such transformation is fully determined by (0)ri € If: given r". r": C,, -» F, then (») if rj - x'i for any X * 9, then r' - r". (To prove (•), consider any set Y. If Y - 9, then rj - r; because »C„ - 0. If r * «, choose a map g: X-* Y and then r"r - r?(: |0| -» W) because (OK - (0)»C., • r'r - (0)ri • tF- (0)rj • tF- (0)rM For each empty map /: 9 -» AT define fF:9F-* XF by /f- I, if AT -8 and (rl// - (0)r, for each r: C;, -» F if X + 9. By (•), fF is one-to-one. Thus, we obtain a functor F with XF - XF if X * 9 and /f — /f if the domain of/ is non-empty, and this functor preserves monos. Each distinguished point of F is standard because any transformation r: C„ -» F is also a transformation r: C„ -» F, thus, r e f £ We can extend r to a transformation f: C, -» f by (0) f, - r. D 4.*. PisfusHlea. Each sundard set functor F preserves finite intersections. Reaark. In the category Sat, finite intersections are just pullbacks of monos:
135 (where m, art the given monos and m, art the corraponding monos, definding A, r\ A, as a iubobject of A,). Thus, the proposition above states that each standard set functor preserves pullbacks of monos. On the other hand, the statement can be understood purely set-theoretically: AtFr>A,F-(At r>A,)F Tor arbitrary two sets A,, A,. Fortunately, this is equivalent to the formulation above, since F preserves inclusion and we can use A — At\j At and the inclusion maps m, and m,. Proof. Denote the inclusion maps as follows: *1n*J- -*A, M -*A,uA, I. Let/4, r\A, + 9. We prove that there exist maps r: A\ -» Ax r\ Ait s: Ay\j At-* At such that (I) J,- r- I:/, • j- r-y, and f, • i- I. In fact, choose jct e Ay r\ At and define rby ■u (x)r. Further, define j by I jr0 Then (I) is obvious. If * € A, r\ A, if jr € A, — A,. it ye A, if y e /4, — >,.
136 Clupler III To prove that F preiervei the pullback above, comider arbitrary mapt pi and p, with p, ■ i,F — p, ■ l,F. The map />-/>.- rF fulflla />i — p ■ J, F and p, ■ p-jjF- p • JjF. The Utter follows from (I) above: ' Pi • (' • h)F - />i • ('I • ')F - Pi- itF- iF - Pi- The former followi from the Tact that i,F It a mono: (J>-JiF) .itF-pJ,F. i,F - Pi • >iF - P< • hF. Finally, if p' also fulfils p, — p' ■ j,F and p, — p' • JjF, then p- Pl. rF- />' • j,F- rF- p. II. Let A, r> A, - 9. Since F it standard, it it sufficient to prove that each point a € A,FnA,Fc(A, w At)F It distinguished, i.e, an ekmeni o(8F. Indeed, Ihen AtFr\ AiFc. 9F, and the reverse inclusion it dear, since 0 c A, implies 9Fc AtF(l - 1,2). Let / $:A,\j A,-»X
FAHoan 137 be an arbitrary pair of map*. To prove that (aifF-(a)fF, let h:A,vA,— Y be the map defined by (J°* IW* lf*iil.. Theo>i • » - j\ ■ fmij, < h-j,< g. Since a € >,f lmplla a - (a)/|f, we have (a)hF- (ay,F- hF- (a]l,F-fF- {a)fF. Analogously, (a)Af-(«)•/. The proof it concluded. D 4.7, Pisa—Msa. Let F be a non-connant aet functor. For arbitrary seta X * 0 and Y, card *S card r implies card XF S card YF. Morevoer, there is a cardinal y such that for each set X, card X ay Implies card Xf 2 card X Proof. By Theorem 111.4.5 it b clearly sufficient to work with standard functors F. The first statement Is obvious: card X S card Y means that there exists a mono X-» Y and hence, a mono XF-» YF. For the latter statement, we use the obvious fact that each non-constant functor F has a point a € AF which b not distinguished. Put Y — max (card A, KJ. Given a set AT of power 2 y, we can assume A c X Since, moreover, X is infinite, it has a decomposition x- Ux I ■ I into pairwiae disjoint sets with card / - card X - card X (<€/)■ For each ( € / we choose a bijection /:X-.X,
138 Chapter III and we prove that (aW * (alff for t J e /; i * J. Since (a)f,F e X,F c XF, this will prove that card XFz. card / - card X. Since/Is a bisection, it It dear that (atf/F u not a distinguished point Id + j, then X, n. X, - 9, thus (by the preceding proposition), Xfn. X/F -9F and each point of 9F is distinguished. Therefore, (aW t Xf uxihtna, (a]/,F * (a)^£ The proof is concluded. D Remark. Each standard set functor F has further pleasant properties. (I) F preserves images. That is, given a map/: X-* Y with (X)f- M, then (XF)fF- hlF. Let/-: X— hi denote the restriction of/andy: hi— X the inclusion map, then/— f • yand hence, /f — fF- jF. Sinceyf is the inclusion map and fF it onto (because/ is onto), we conclude that hlF is the image of/f. (Ii) F preserves Drainages for one-to-one maps. That is, given a one-to-one map/:*-* Y then for each A c Yve have M)-'/)f - (AF )(/F)-'. ThU M- lows from the preservation of finite intenectiona: for/— / . jas above,/ is a bljection and A r\ hi is the image of (A)/-' under/ 4.8. We are now going to characterize set functors preserving coUmits and unions. The latter means, for a standard set functor F, that U«,-V implies U hl,F- hlF it t itf for arbitrary sets U„ i e I. Exasaate. Given sets I, and L*, define Sr,vS«t-»S«t on objects X by XSt,u - (X x X,) + I. and on morphisms /: X— Y by Ar,A-(/x lr,)+ ■*• In other words, Sz,b - St, + Cfc.
£Aotomau 139 The functor Sz,t, preserves unions: if UM-M, then (l),*.) X X, - l^Af, x £„ and hence, ||JJtu) x IA + £.- L)((Af, x X, + 2^. The functor Si* ~ Si, preserve! coUmlu because it it a coadjoint (III.2.I0). PrapoaMoa. Let F be a standard let functor. F preserve) colimlu iff it ii naturally isomorphic to S, with I - IF, and F preserves onions iff it is naturally isomorphic to 5fiA with I, - IF and L% - 9F. Proof. (I) Let F preserve unions. For each set AT we have x- U ui MIX and hence, XF- U|x|f. m ■ jr By 111.4.6, for two distinct points *, y e X, |x| /-. Lk| - 0 Implies |*| f« \y\F - X* We define • natural transformation r: 5*6-» Fas follows. For each set X and each ie X let J,: |0| -» Jf denote the map with (0)/, — x; the map r,:(ATx X,) + X,-. Jff U defined by (jr. <r)rr - (oljrF for each (Jt, e») € X x X,: (tfjr, - 9 for each * € X» It is easy to check that r is well-defined, and it remains to verify that each r, is a bljection. The inverse map U ijr|f-(Arxr,) + r. I ■ I sends each d € £, (- 0f c Jt/*) to 6* (in the second sumand); to each
140 duplet III o-e [x)F-£, |ie X) H assigns the pair (x, a)—note that a ( \y\F for any y * jr. (ii) If F preserves colimiu, it also preserves unions. In fact, if X — U M, j ■ i then the canonical map /: II U,— X HI the components of which are the inclusion maps U, -» X, is onto. Hence, the map fF: II M,F- XF • « f is onto, and its components are inclusion maps, again. This proves that XF- U M,F. M I Therefore, F is naturally isomorphic to St<u. It remains to prove that if Stlt, preserves colimiu, then £, — 8. Indeed, the initial object 0 is the colimit of the empty diagram and hence, 9Sitt, — 9. We have 9 - »St,u -(»xI,) + A-2; This concludes the proof. D Century. A standard set functor is an adjoint iff it is naturally isomorphic to H, for some cardinal «, and a coadjoint iff it is naturally isomorphic to St for some set £ The second statement follows from the preceding proposition, the former from the unlcityof idjolnti (for a given coadjoint): honHi —)and St form an adjoint pair, and hom(.£ —) is naturally isomorphic to H, with n — card £ 4.9. We conclude this section by returning to set functors defining varieties of universal algebras (see II 1.3-2). Recall the concept of concrete isomorphism (IIIJ.8). Theanev Let F be a set functor such that f-Alg is concretely isomorphic to a variety of ^algebras. Then F is small, and if £ is Unitary, then F is Unitary. Proof. We can assume that F is standard. Let y be the least infinite cardinal larger than all arities in £ (thus, y - H, iff £ is (injury). For each set AT we shall prove that XF is the union of all MF with U c X of cardinality smaller than Y- If AT is finite, there is nothing to prove. Assume X infinite, and choose distinct points a, 6 e X. Define an operation
£Antoouu Ml S: XF— X by . .„ fa if jt € MF for tome hlc X with card 1/ < v W*"!* else. Let ui prove that the set Y-X-\b\ it a tobalgebra o((X, 6), more precisely, that (YF)S c Y and therefore (Y, o~) is a subalgebra of (X, 8\ where 5' is the restriction of £ Let V: F-Alg - t be a concrete isomorphism with a variety ► of £algebras. Each variety is obviously doted under subalgebras and thus, it U fuflicient to show that Y is a subalgebra of the £algebra (AT. S) - (X, S)V. In Tact, we then have a t algebra (Y, S") which (as a subalgebra oft r-algebra) is i I-algebra, and (r, 8")V-' is i subalgebra of (X, 5). For each a e lot arity n and for arbitrary y, e f, i < it, we are to show that (yL)S. € Y. Put Af-|»|„.u|«| cX. Since card U S n + I < y, we have (M)6 - a and thus, U Is a subalgebra of (AT, 5). Consequently, Mbi subalgebra o((X,S); thus, (U)6 c 14 c Y and this proves that 0>,)5, s r. Since f is a subalgebra of (AT, 5) and 6 « f, we have (jr)5 - a for any ie YF. In other words, for every x e YF there exists hi c X with ji € MF and card Af < y[hence x e (Kn A/)f. by III-4.6L Since Y and AT are isomorphic seta, X also hat the same property. □ Cerolbuy. Varieties concretely Isomorphic to f-Alg for set functors F are precisely those concretely isomorphic to basic varieties. Each banc variety it concretely isomorphic to f-Alg by Proposition III.3J. Conversely, if F-Mg it concretely isomorphic to a variety r, then fit a quotient of some Ht, and then Y is a basic variety of ^algebras by Proposition 111.3.2. EierdsallM A. Vector laaclwa. Let A be a commutative field, (i) Prove that each epi and each (0 mono in Jt-Vaet split [Hint: If
142 Chapter III e: JT-» Y'n onto, choose abase B c Y and for each b e B choose (6)m « AT with ((6)m)e — 6; extend m to a linear map m: Y-* X.\ (ii) Prove that each functor F. A-V«ct - A-V*ot is naturally isomorphic to a functor preserving inclusion—such functors will be called standard. (Hint: Proceed as in II 1.4.5, using bases.) (ill) Prove thai each standard vector functor preserves finite intersections. (Hint: Proceed as in 111.4.6, using bases.) (iv) Prove the analogue of 111.4.7 for vector functors, using dimension instead of cardinality. B. Coarodocta aid comaoaeata. (i) A set functor F is said to be connected if there exist no functors Fu F, distinct from C, such that F is naturally isomorphic to F, + F,. Prove that this is the case iff F preserves singletons, i.e., card X - I implies card XF- I. [Hint: Given a € XF with card X - I, denote for each set f by (r: Y-* X the unique map and define F, on objects Y by YFi - I* € YF: (a)t,F - a): on maps f,fF, is a restriction of//7. Then put F,-F-F,.\ (ii) Prove that each set functor is a coproduct of its maximal connected subfunctors. [Hint: Choose X of power I and for each a € XF define F, as in the hint to (i) above.) C Uaear '■actors. Let A be a commutative ring. A functor F: Jt-Mod -» A-Mod is Kntar if for arbitrary linear maps f.f.X-* Y and each t € A, V+i)F-fF+$F «"■ (rf)F-r{/F). (i) Prove that any product and coproduct of linear functors is linear. Conclude that for each type £ the functor /fr (III.2.S) is linear. (ii) When is the constant functor C„ linear? When is the functor £{(111.2.4) linear? (iii) Prove that a functor F: A-Mod -» A-Mod is a quotient functor of some Ht iff F is linear and small The latter means that there is a cardinal y such that for each module X and each x e XF there is a linear map f: hi-* X with x € (MFtfF and with M having less than y generators. Hint: The proof is analogous to that in III.4.3. D. FmHary feacton tm A-Mod. A functor F: A-Mod-• A-Mod afinltaryit for each x e XF there exisu a morphUm /: Af-» X with x e (MF)fF and such that M is finitely generated. (i) For each module U prove that SMand V„(Mt III-2.l5)are finiury func- ton. For any cardinal n put V. - V„.
£Aoloaau 143 where hi Is the free module on n generaton; verify that V. it the coproduct of n copies of the identity functor. (ii) Prove that Ht is finitary iff £ is a Unitary type, in which case Ht is naturally isomorphic to Kfor h equal to the sum of all iritieM Hint: //„ — C, for n < <o because finite products coincide with finite coproducts.) (iii) Let A be a field. Prove that each linear, finitary functor F: A-Vact -» A-Vactis naturally isomorphic to V. for some cardinal n. (Hint: As in 111.4.3, prove that F is a quotient of some Ht, £ finitary. Prove that each quotient of Hz- V.'m naturally isomorphic to some IV) E. Piuenattoa of directed raioaa. A collection of subobjects m,: hi,-* X (is I) a directed if for arbitrary i,J e / there exists a k e / with m, c m, and tHj c nit- (i) Prove that a standard set functor F is Unitary iff it preserves directed unions, i.e., I U Af IF- U hl,F for each directed collection hi, c X. (ii) Prove that a functor F: A-Mod -» A-Mod is finitary iff it preserves directed unions, i.e., if U m, — m is a directed union, then U lm( m,f) — HI It I im(mF) (where im means the image). [Hint: Given x e im(mF), there exists /: Af-» AT with x € (sYFJ/FandAY finitely generated, say, with generaton yh ..., yt. Each {y„\fbc\ot\gt to some im m,. ((. € /) and there exists i € /with m,, c m, for all n. Then x e im(m,F). The converse inclusion U im(m,f) c im(mF) is dear.) F. Preserratloi of coutable colimits. Prove the following statements. (i) Let Fbe a standard set functor with 0f - 0. If Fpreserves coequaluen, then F preserves the countable coproduct r-X+X+X+...tor each set X. [Hint: Since 9F- 0, no point of Fis distinguished and hence, the copies of Aff in YF are pairwise disjoint. It remains to prove that each y e YF lies in some of these copies. Coding Km Y— X x Z (where Z is the set of all inte- aen), tet g: Y-* Ybe the isomorphism with g(x, z) — (x, z + I). The coequa- lizer of g and I, is the projection *: Y- X x Z-» X and hence, xF — co- eq(»f. !»)• Thus, for each y e rT there is n < m and / e (Af x |z|)Fwlth 0')*"''- 00*"fand hence, j> e (* x [r|)f.| (ii) Any set functor preserving finite colimits preserves countable colimits. [Hint: If F preserves Unite coproducts, then 9F- 0 and F has no distinguished point—we can assume that F is standard. To prove that F preserves countable coproducts Y - X, + X, + X, + ..., find a set AT with Af. c Af ((< a>) and use (i): Since Fpreserves the coproduct X + X + X + ... and also F preserves finite intersections, any point y e YF lies in some X,F.\
144 Chapter Ml (iii) Any functor F: A-Mod-» A-Mod preserving finite colimits preserves countable colimits. G. PreserratloB of colhnlts. Vector functors, i.e., functors F: A-Vact-» K-Vort, have properties analogous to set functors if they are linear: (I) Prove that each linear vector functor preserving coproducts is naturally isomorphic to some Vt. (Hint: Put £- RF. For each space X with base B we have X — II R, with injections j,: R -» X defined by (r])M — rx. Then XF- U<£= £® AT with a natural isomorphism r:X® X-* XF defined by (o9x)r-(oy,F.\ (ii) Conclude that the only linear co-adjoints in A-Voct are Vt (up to a natural isomorphism). Ill j. Factorization Systems 5.1. We have introduced factorizatinn systems in III.2.7. In the present section, we study some of the basic facts about them needed below. Recall the hierarchy nf morphisms from Eierdse III.ID. In particular, each regular (or split) mono which is an epi is an isomorphism. PrefoalrkM. Let (#.UT) be an arbitrary factnrizatinn system, (i) U* is right cancellative, i.e., if m, • m, e U* then m, e J*; (ii) jK contains all regular mnnos, hence, all split monos; (iii) pullbacks carry ur-mnnos, i.e., in each pullback rrt f I m e jK implies m' e jK. Proof. All this is a simple application of the the diagonal fill-in property (III.2.7). (i) Let m, - e. m be an image factorizatinn. We use the diagonal fill-in:
145 Since t a in epi as well as ■ split mono (id- I), we condude that e is an isomorphism. Hence, (li) Let m: X-* Kbe the equalizer of/ g: K-» £ and let m - <a ■ m, be its Image factorization: Then m, •/- m, ((because <a is an epi and t, m, /- f, • m, g) and thus, there exists A with m, — A- m. Since m, is a mono and nig — A • e, • mfc we have A • «0 — I: since m is a mono and m — t, • m, — c, • A • m, we have «a ■ A — I. Thus. <o — *"' is an isomorphism which proves that m e jr. (iii) Let «'-<(• ntg be the image factorization In the pullback above: Using the diagonal fill-In we And a morphism d with f' — tt-d and m„-f-d m. The latter equation leads to a unique morphism d, such that the following diagram
|46 Chipur III commutes. Then e, • d, — I (because the Tact that m it mono implies that m is mono and we have m — e„- m, — e,-d„-m). Thus, e, is an isomorphism and we conclude that m' e JT. □ Reaark. We shall actually use the dual properties mnre often: (i) / is left cancellative; (li) / contains all regular epis: (111) pushouts carry /-epis. These are proved by the duality principle: if Jf is an (/, .#)-category, then jr°» (III-2.I2) is an (ur. #)-category. CsnUary. Each of the following categories: S«t; Jt-Mod (R a commutative ring): ff,-Alfl(X any type) has a unique factorizaltion system with t the class of all epis (- regular epis — onto morphisms) and Jl the class or all monos (— regular monos — one- to-one morphlsms). This follows from (ii) above. 5J. The aim or introducing factorization systems is tn obtain a variety or concepts or subobject and quotient object. Let JT be an (t, .JQ-category. A subobject (more orecisely, .^-subobject) or an object A is represented by an •4r-mono m: B-* A. Two ur-monos m:B-+ A and m': B' -» A represent the same subobject of A ifT they are equivalent. m — m' which means that there is an isomorphism l:B-»B'tor which the following triangle
■^AntomiU 147 B !— tf n)\ At A commutes. Thus, the exact definition of a subobject of A is: an equivalence class of some JT-mono m: B -» A. (We usually identify the equivalence class with m itself, as an abuse of language.) Given two subobjects, represented by ur-monos m,: B, -»A and m, :Bj -» A, we write if there is a morphism /: B, -» B, with m, — /• m|. Note that, by the preceding proposition, this implies/e Jf and hence, /represents a subobject of B,. The fact that we work with equivalence classes implies that whenever iw( c nt] and nij c n\u then m, is the same subobject as m,. (Proof. We have m, - /• m, as well as m, - g • m,. Then / is an isomorphism because m, - /• g ■ m, implies /• ( — I and ni| — (•/• ni| implies f •/- I.) For each object -4 we obtain an ordered class of all subobjects of -4 Its meets are called intersections and are denoted by R m, (where / can possibly be a large class); Its joins are called unions and are denoted by U m,. Given a collection of subobjects m,: B,-» A (i e /) we can consider it as a diagram and we can (possibly) form its limit C with projections u,:C-.«, (If /) and u - u, • m,: C-» -4 (independent of /)'■
148 ClUptM III (•) If card / - 2, this is a pullback; generally, this is called a multiple pvBback. The following extends (iii) of Proposition III.5.1: Propoalihn. (Intersections are multiple pullbacks.) Let m,: B, -» A (I e /) be a collection or Jf-subobjects. If (•) is a multiple pullback, then u, € Jt for each / € /, and u- fl m,. Conversely, if u - D m„ then for each i € / there is a unique u, E ur with u — u, • m,, and then (•) is a multiple pullback. Proof, (i) Let (•) be a multiple pullback. We prove first that Hi, « -* for any <o e /. To do this, let u,, — i ■ m be an image factorization. We use the diagonal fill-in for each i e I: Since d, m, is independent of i, by the deflnition of multiple pullbacks there esists a unique morphism d.C-*C with d,-du, (i € /). Then i d - \c because (< ■ d) ■ u, - i ■ d, - u, (i e /).
£Aulomiu 149 Hence, e is a split mono as well as an epi, i.e., an isomoiphism. This proves that u„ — i ■ m e jr. Nent, we prove that u - D m,. First, u c m, because u - u, • m, (i e /)■ Furthermore, let u': C -+ A be an JT mono with u' c m, (i € /) and let u',:C -* B, be the (unique) moronism with u' - u] ■ m, (/? /)■ Again, there is a unique moronism v:C-*C with u,' - v • ii, (i e /). We have u' — v • u because, Tor any j e /, u' — u,' • m, — v • u, • m, — v • n Hence, u' c u, which concludes the proof that u — [1m,. (ii) Let u - Urn,. For each i e / we have u c m„ thus, / < r u- «,• m, Tor some 14: C-» A, (which is unique because m, Is mono, and is in Jt because ur Is right cancellative by II1.5.I). To prove that (•) Is a multiple pullback, let/: D-» A and/: D-» B,(i e /) be arbitrary moronisms with /-/■ m, «€ /)■ We are to exhibit a moronism J:D-*C with /— /• u and /-/.«, (/€/)■ (Then / is unique because u is a mono.) Let/— «• mbean image factorization. Using the diagonal Till-in:
150 Chipter III v we conclude that m c m, (i e 0. hence men Thus, ifi - /o ■ u for some morphism /0. Put Then f-lm-l- /„•«-/.u. Moreover, Tor each * 6 / we have/ — /■ u, because m, Is a mono and /. m, -/-/• u-J- u, ■ m,. This concludes the proof that (•) is a multiple pullback. □ SJ. Deflarttoa. An (#, ~*>eategory JT is said to have interjections if each (possibly Urge) collection of ur-subobjects of any object A has an intersection. In other words, if all ur-subobjects of A form a large-complete lattice. JT is said to be Jt-well-powered if each object has only a (small) set of.M- subobjects. Propoaltloa. Let JT be an ur-well-powered (*, .^-category. If JT is either complete or cocomplete, then X has intersections. Proof, (i) Let JT be complete. Then it has small intersections, since these are multiple pullbacks by the preceding theorem. And each large intersection can be "reduced" to a small one by finding a small set of representatives. (ii) Let JT be cocomplete. We prove that for each object A the (small) poset of subobjects is a complete lattice. It is sufficient to prove that any (small) collection of subobjects m,: B,■-» A (I e /) has a union. We form the coproduct with injections v,: B, -» B (/ e 0,andwc define f.B—A by ». •/- i". (ie /)•
£Aulomiti Let /- * • * be in image factorization. We prove that m — Urn,. First, m, c if> for each / c / by the diagonal (lll-ln. B,—!—.b, 131 Nent, let *: B -» A be a subobject with m, c * for each / e Ale., m, — ii/ • ffi for some u,: B, -» B. Then the moronism u: B-» B with components u, (i e /) fulfils »/•/-<"< -"/•*-»/•«• * (iff), hence, /- u- * Using the diagonal fill in once more. we conclude that ifi c m. This proves that m- [} m,. □ Rratarfc. Let us spell out the dual concepts which will be needed eitensively in the subsequent chapters. Epis t.A-* B\nl represent quotient! of A; we write «£ «' if the following triangle A
152 Chapter III commutes Tor some /(which is in if since * is left cancellative). If * £ «' and «' £ e, then t and t represent the same quotient of A. Joins in the ordered class of all quotients are called cointenections. The cointenection of a collection e,: A -» B, (I 6 /) of quotients of A is given by their multiple pushout •iv B, \// C as the #-epi e - t,-f, (independent of /). If •* is *-co well-powered, i.e., if each object has only a (small) set of quotients, then it hu cointenections whenever It is either complete or cocomplete. Exasiflem, (i) Quotients in Sat We can represent each quotient of a set A by the canonical map e:^-»^/£- \[x\:x e A). where £ is an equivalence relation on A (and e assigns to each x e A its equivalence class [x] under £). Then <S «'i(T£c f: thus, the least quotient is I., and the largest one has just one equivalence doss. Given equivalences £ on A (i e /)• their cointenection is the equivalence £ denned as follows: given x, y e A then x E y iff there eiist elements io, z,. .... r„ e A and indices / i, e / with x — i* y — z. and *i- i£,*i for * — I n. (ii) Quotients in fi-Mod. We can represent each quotient of a module A as the canonical map t:A-»A/B- |i+I;ie A\ where A is a submodule (and e assigns to each x e A the class x + B). Then (S tiff Be B , thus, the least quotient corresponds to B — 0 and the largest to B — A. The cointenection of quotients corresponds to union: given quotients e,:A — A/B, (i € /)
£Automus 153 let B be the tubmodule generated by U '/; then / f i C.A—A/B Is the cointeraection or t, (i 6 /). SA. Qaotkat hectors aid saWeecten. Let Jf be a category with a given factorization system (/, ur). For each rnnctor F: JT -» JT, quotient functor* or F are introduced analogously to quotients of an objects. Every /-tpitransforma- tion e: F-* G(i.e., natural transformation with c,E/ Tor all K 6 JT*) represents a quotient functor of F. Two /-epitransformations c: F-* G and c : F-* G' represent the same quotient i(T there Is a natural isomorphism r: C-» C with e-er. For example, the functor P, :S«t-» Sat (III.4.I) is a quotient of H, because we have an epitransformation e: Ht-» P, given by (*>•)- i*.yl Dually, svbfuiKton of F are represented by ur-monotransformations H:G-*F 3.5. We know that uT-monos are well-behaved with respect to equalizers and (multiple) pullbacks. We continue with other types of limits. Lei D, D':9-*X be two diagrams with limits L- lim Dand «>:L-» dD(A e 9°); V - HmD and nt: V -» dD\d e 9°), respectively. Given a natural transformation It: D-D, there esists a unique morphism lim n: L -» L with lim n ■ av - *i for c*ch d e D'' (because the morphisms *,■ n,. L-* dD' form a compatible collection of D"). Piapaaltlua. Let JT be an (#, u»>cetegory. Let D' and D be two diagrams which have a limit in JT, and let n: D' -» D be a natural transformation formed by ur-monos. Then lim /i is also an ur-mono. Proof. Let lim fi — e- m be an image factorization. Using the noution above, we apply the diagonal fill-in , y^ \/ h dO' ;r—»-dD (d«ei
154 Chapter III The resulting collection pt: /.'„-» dD' (d e D'°) is compatible with D because Tor each S: d, -» d2 in D'm we have '•Pi, - *'«, - »i,• *D' - '■ Ov,■ SD\ and t is epi. Therefore, there eiists a unique morphism p:L\ — V with Pt- P- x\ (<* e D"). Then <•p - I because (t-p)-xd- tp4~ *„ (deD"). Since « is a split mono, it is an isomorphism and thus, lim fi is in Jt. □ Corollary. Given .#-monos m1:A',-»Al (i e /), then the product morphism rim,: ru,-»ru is also an ur-mono. Reaurk. Let D be a diagram with A — colimD, let et: dD-* A denote the injections (d e <F). IT e< — et- mt are image factorizations, then U m4- I,. d « 9" Indeed, given an ur-mono m: B -» A with mt c m(d e 9°), we prove that m is an isomorphism. For each J E 9' «e have ft:dD-* B with mt — ft<m Since m Is a mono, it is easy to check that the family et ■ ft(d e 9°) is compatible. Hence, there exists f:A-*B with et-ft — t,- f. Then /• m — \A (because et-fm - tjfj-m- t,-m,- c, Tor each d). Thus, m is a split epi and a mono, hence, m is an isomorphism. Dually, given a natural /-transformation or two diagrams, the colimit morphism is in <f, too. In particular, if t, e «"(/ e /), then For directed diagrams, more can be said. Recall that a directed diagram is a diagram D: 1 -» JT such that 9 is a directed poset [<7 -(/,£) such that Tor all i,j € /there eiists * € /with i 5 A and/ £ AL Then 0 consists of objects D,(i € /) and morphisms d„: D,-» D^j 5 yj.We say that Dis a diagram of/- epis if d,j € / whenever i < j.
£ADtomau |55 PrapoaJrJea. Let D be a directed diagram of /-epis. If D has a colimit, then colimit injections are /-epis, too. Proof. Denote by (/, £ ) the scheme of D and let A - colim D with the injections p.:D,-*A (le I)- For any L e / we choose an image factorization p„- t-m. To prove that m:A'-»A is an isomorphism, it is dearly sufficient to verify that any p, (i e 0 factors through m. For each i € / choose * e / with (0i * and / £ t, and use the diagonal fill-in. Then i 5 * implies A ~ ^i *' A ~ ^t *' r»' m- Hence, m is an isomorphism, consequently, p„ e /. □ 5.4. Leaiau. In each factorization system, the dass Jl determines the dass /. a mnrphism /: A -» B is in / ifT for each commuting triangle f with q e U>, q is an isomorphism. Proof. Let/e 4. Then we use the diagonal Till-in: -►B
156 Chapter III Since q is a split epi and a mono, it is an isomorphism. Let/1 /■ The image factorization of/forms a triangle as above, with pet and q i A. Then qis not an isomorphism (because else/— p-qi /). □ Ressarks. (i) If Jf is an (/,^(-category with -M - all monos, then / Is the class of all extremal epii, i.e., morphisms/such that If/- p q and q is a mono, then q is an isomorphism. (II) If •» is either complete and well-powered or, dually, cocomplete and cowell-powered, then it is an (eitremal epi, mono)-category. The proof can be found in Herrlich and Strecker [19791. If, moreover, regular epis are closed under composition, then eitremal - regular. (This is usually fulfilled, for eiample in Sot, Poa, Top, A-Mod.) Then we say that Jf has regular faaorltahont, which means that it Is a (regular epi, mono)-category. The category of semigroups does not have regular factorizations, though it is complete and well-powered and hence, is an (eitremal epi, mono)-category. (iii) Dually, the class M is determined by the class /. For eiample, if Jf is an (epi, .JT>category, then ur is the class of all extremal monos. i.e., mor- phisms/such that if/— p ■ qmi pi* an epi, then pit an isomorphism. Each complete and well-powered (or cocomplete and cowell-powered) category is an (epi, eitremal mono)-category. Exercises III J A. Moaos aid epis. Even without factorization of morphisms, the class of all monos hu a lot of properties proved above for the class ur of an (/, ur>cate- gory. We spell out the dual properties. (i) Prove that epis are left cancellative, i.e., if a moronism e, • e, is an epi, then 4 Is an epi. (ii) Prove that a coproduct LI *.: II *i -* II ^ of eP'» '• always an epi. (iii) Prove that, more generally, for each epitransformation e: D-* D" of two diagrams, the colimit morphism eolim e: colim D-» colim D' is an epi. B. Dincttd dlagrassa «f eats, (i) Generalizing II 1.5.5, prove that for each directed diagram D of /-epis, a morphism/: colim D-» Kis in / iff each component of/is in/. (ii) Prove the same statement about the class / of all epis not assuming any factorization of morphisms.
^Automate 157 Nous 10 Chspier 111 111.2 Algebras of a "finctoriaT type were investigated la lha category of sets by O. Wylcr 1196*1 V. Tmkova and P. OoraJUk [19*91 V. Koobek and V. Korkova-Pohlova |1974). (Id iHom papers, iwo Kt fundon F and G arc given, and algebras arc pain (Q, 5), where Q h a tct aad 6: QF-* QC H a map: the cormpondiog categories are called genci allied algebraic categorie>.) The mvestigatlofl of ut functon (see Note* for 111.4 below) was stimulated by time papen. ^algebras over a general category were tint Introdaced by M. Ban [19701. M. A. AiMb aad E.G. Manes presented their model of automata based on a functor F: M -• M in a Mfies of papers (Jl974a, b: 1973a, bD. All renin In 111.2 can be found in some form in dme papers, 111.3 The fact that bask varieties are categories of ^algebras, and the corresponding eiamples of set functors, have been a folklore on our seminar. The general problem of characterizing categories of ^algebras over an arbitrary category has been attacked by J. Reiicrmen [1974). 111.4 Properties of set functors are investigated In a series of papen of V. Koubek, J. Reitennai and V. Tmkovi. This section presents a selection of those papers. In particular, 111.4.2—6 are from V. Tmkovi [1969,1971L eiccpt for Theorem 111.4.3 proved by J. Adamek, V. Koobek and V. Pa- hlovi [19721. For 111.4.7. sec V. Koobek [1971). and for Eierdse III AF. see V. Tmkovi |1971). 111.3 Automatizations of subobjects and quotients appear since the very start of the category theory. The present form is due to J. R. Isbdl |I937|: further historical references appear In M. Ban* [1971). A theory of factorization systems Is developed by H Herrlkh and G. E. Strecker [1979).
Chapter IV: Construction of Free Algebras IV.l. MrodacthM Free univenal algebras are constructed "iteratively": the sets W, of all trees of depth S n are defined by induction, and then the free algebra is W» for a sufficiently large ordinal k (see 11.3.6). In the present chapter we study an iterative constniction of free algebras in a category: objects W, are defined by induction, and if the constniction stops, then Wk is the free algebra for a sufUciently large ordinal k. The categorical constniction is simple and natural, and it can be applied to a number of situations beyond universal algebra. We work first with initial algebras, i.e., Tree algebras on 0 generators. In universal algebra, given a type L, the free ^algebra on n generators is precisely the initial algebra of the type £"" obtained from L by adjoining n miliary operation symboli. AUo generally, free and initial algebras are closely related. If (ft 5) is the initial algebra of type f: JT -» JT, then 8: QF-* Q is an isomorphism and thus, ft is a fixed point of F (i.e., an object isomorphic to its £image). Moreover, ft is the least fixed point in the sense defined below. The initial-algebra constniction we study below is a natural generalization of the well-known constniction of the least fixed point of an order-preserving map due to Knaster and Tarski. We recall it below. All constructions studied in the present chapter are transfinite. We define a chain of objects and morphisms in a category .X, indexed by all ordinals: i.e., a functor W: Ord -► JT (where Ord is the ordered class of all ordinals). A constniction W is said to slop after k steps if wt»t, is an isomorphism: then all wL. turn out to be isomorphisms for kS h. The object If, is then an underlying object of the free algebra. Free algebras need not exist, in general. A type-functor Ffor which free algebras exist is called a tahiior. If F is a varietor preserving monos, we prove
Construction of Fret Algebra 139 that the free-algebra construction must stop eventually (under mild additional hypothesis on the base category JT). It follows, e.g., that a non-constant set functor is a varietor iff it has arbitarily large fixed points. If the free-algebra construction stops after o> steps, we call fa finltary varietor. Whereas in the category of sets finitary varietors are essentially just the Unitary functors, in "suitably" ordered categories a surprising number of functors ere finltary varietors. We present a lot of examples illustrating the way in which the free-algebra construction works in the category of seta and in other concrete categories. We also apply our construction to obtain free completions of partial algebras and, more generally, of span algebras. We conclude the chapter by a criterion on a functor F to be a (possibly not "constructive") varietor, in terms of generation of f-algebras. We are using the iransfmile Induction: in order to define W, for each ordinal n, it is sufficient to define (a) W.; (b) W, t, for any ordinal n for which W, has been defined; (c) W, for any limit ordinal i for which W.,n < I have been defined. Also, to prove a statement concerning W, for all ordinals n, it is sufficient to prove this sutement (a) for W* (b) for W, t, If It holds for W, and (c) for W„ i a limit ordinal, if it holds for each VY„ with n < L IVJ. IaMal-Aifefrra Omtractioa 2.1, Knaster-TaraU cnaatnctloa. We recall the construction of the least filed point of an order-preserving map/: (X, S) -»(X, S ), where (Jf, S ) is a complete lattice. The first step is the least element J. of X. The next steps are (J. 1/1(1 )P The ostep Is (J.)/'- V(J-)/" and (J.)/'*' - [(J. )/•]/ etc. In general, (J. )/•♦'-[( J. )/•]/ for each ordinal n; (J.)/' - V (J-)/" for each limit ordinal (. ■ < i This construction obviously stops, i.e., there exists an ordinal k with (J. )/•-(!)/'*'. Then (J.)/' is the least fixed point of/ Complete lattices are special cases of categories; order-preserving maps are then precisely functors. What follows Is a natural generalization of Knaster- Tarski construction.
160 duplet IV 12. Tba lalrlal-alfebra CMStracttoa. Let JT be a chain-cocomplete category (Exercise III.I.F) and let X denote its initial object (the colimit of the empty chain). For each functor f: JT -» JT we define a transfinite chain of objects J.F" (he Ord) and morphisms w..:l F"-» J.F" (n, m e Ord, n £ m) by the following transfinite induction: lJiilf^ilfi^...lf.. coltailf-S^^lF"1... . »< » (a) First step: J.F*- 1; IF' - IF; wt i: X -» X f is the unique morphism. (b) Isolated step: If"*1 .(1F')F; *.♦.....- »...F:(lF")F-.(iF')F for arbitratry ordinals n and m with n S m. (c) Limit step: IF1- colim(J.F"; m.„).,„, , for each limit ordinal i, with the colimit injections »„.,: 1F" -» 1F' for each n< i Rtaurk. The fact that the morphisms w. m are supposed to form a chain fills in all the "missing" morphisms. For example, we need not define explicitly ■»,.,: iF-flF1 because »i.j - »»i.i-*i.j - >»o.iF-»'..iF1. Also, w... — I if. Analogously, we need not define ■»...■: Hi-collmIF"-» hV • < • becauic it is uniquely determined by the fact that for each n < to.
Contraction of Fret Algebras 161 Therefore, w. - 4, is the (unique) morphism from IF' - colim If'*1 with components »..mF. Further, »...♦ i - »y. •!».,•♦ n and »v.*i - *V • +1 * *• +1. • +11 dc, IS. DeflaltJoa. We say that the initial-algebra construction slops after k steps if »v i ♦ i is an isomorphism. 1A. PrapaaMoa. If the Initial-algebra construction stops after Ac steps, then the initial f-algebra is (lf','u.,|. Ofeacrmtloa. Even if the initial-algebra construction does not stop, it has the following universal property: for each algebra (Q. 6) there exists a unique compatible collection /.: lf-»t? (n e Ord) with f. f • S — f, ♦ i for each n e Ord. Proof. For each f-algebra (Q. S) we define morphisma/.: J. F• -► Q by the following transfinite induction: (a) /,: J. -► Q is the unique morphism; 0>) f. * i - f.F- 6, for each ordinal h ; (c) /: colim lf->ghu components /.(n < 0 for each limit ordinal L We must prove that this collection is compatible, i.e., /. - >»..-•/- (»< i"), and this will prove both that (c) is well-defined, and that the observation above is true. We proceed by transfinite induction on m: assume that m, is the least ordinal such that the equation above fails (for some <i). We prove that (a) m, > I and (b) m, is not isolated and (c) m, is not a limit ordinal. Thus, m, does not exist. (a) For m, - I we hive/, - w,,, •/,: J. -► Q, since X is the initial object. (b) We prove two auxiliary statements. (bi)lf/. - »...-/., then/,,, - w., ,..,,•/.,,. We have /.♦, -f.F-6- »..mF-(fmF-6)- w„,..,,-/..,. (bj If n, is a limit ordinal with /. - «»._•/., for all n< no, then ^, - »»,-/«• This follows easily from J.f"» - colim If*. • < * Now assume that m, is isolated, and let n, be the least ordinal for which
162 ClupterlV /, *!».,.,■,•/«,. Then <i, cannot be isolated by (b,), and it cannot be a limit ordinal by (bj). (c) If m, is a limit ordinal with /. - w, m-fm for all n S m< m* then /. — >».. -,/-, by the definition of f^ Let the initial-algebra construction stop after k steps. Since fk ~ *V» + i */» + i ~ *».» + i •./» f * o\ we have •i:'...-/.-/.^*. and thus /,:(If, <...)-«?.*) is a homomorphisra. To prove the uniqueness, we verify that each homo- morphisro g:(J.f.»r.'.*,)-(a«) fulfil w,. > - f - /.. by induction on <i S *. (») *•.»• I - /•: -L -» 0 because X is initial. (t>) >»..»•»-/. implies *■ ♦ I, I * # ™ ***■ • 1,1 + I ' *"*. ■ + I * f ~ Wn * I. k + I * jf* ^ -<«V.-I)F'« -/.♦,. (c) For each limit ordinal i with w.. • ■ (- /. (n < 0 we have If- colim X F• and for each i < n, • < * Thus, w,, • g - /. This concludes the proof. D Rcsnrk. In the above proof we used a type of transfinite induction which will be often encountered below: we want to prove a statement S,,m for all pairs of ordinals with n < m, and we know that S... and S... imply S..t for arbitrary n < m < k. Then it is sufficient to prove the following: (•) S..ii (b,) S„.. implies S,«,..« i (for each n< m);
Comtractloa of Free Algebra 163 (bj If n, is a limit ordinal and m > n, is an ordinal with S... for all n< n* then SH..: (c) If iit»limit ordinal with S.„ for all n < in < i. then S.., for all n< i The verification of (bj and (c) will usually be elementary. Examples, (i) The number k of steps necessary for the stopping of the initial-algebra construction can be arbitrary. Let JT - Ord be the category of ordinals. Define a functor f:jr-»jr by _ f fl + I if fl< * "' " \ » if « S *. The the initial-algebra construction proceeds as follows: 1,2 *,*,*.... and it stops alter k steps, (ii) For the functor f:jr-»jr defined by nF- n + I (he Ord) the construction never stops. There exists no ^algebra, let alone an initial £algebra. (iii) Let JT - Ord <-> |oo| denote the category obtained from the ordered class of all ordinals by adding the largest element eo. For the functor G:jr-»jr defined by nG-n+l (n e Ord) and ooG-oo, the initial-algebra construction never stops: iu i-th step is k. Nevertheless. G has a unique (hence. Initial) algebra (•», I.). IS. Proaesttiotj. (i) If the initial-algebra construction stops after k steps, then each wt, (n 2 k) it an isomorphism. (ii) Let w, . be an isomorphitm for a pair of ordinal! with n < m. Then the initial-algebra construction stops after m steps. (iii) For each limit ordinal k the initial-algebra construction stops after k steps iff F preserves the colimit if- colim J. Fm.
164 Chapter IV Proof, (i) If »>,,», is an isomorphism, then wtt,,.) — wk kt ,f is also an isomorphism and so ia w».,,, - w».,,, • w(♦i., ♦ > Analogously further. For the limit step * + a> we have If'*'- colimIf'" (see Exercise III.I.F) and • colimit of • chain of isomorphisms is obviously formed by isomorphisms. Etc (il) If w, . is an isomorphism (n < m), then we prove that »m.mt ,!• inverse to (iii) If the construction stops after k steps, then F preserves the colimit X F' because colimits are unique up to isomorphism and so J. F' *' - cplim (± F-)F - cpHm if", eplirn^ J. F' with injections »„UII — >».»11 • wt. i,,. Conversely, if F preserves the colimit If, then If" - coHm If*1 - colim If with injections w. tF— »,U,,|- w,_,, i ■ w, lt i and hence, w».»*, is an isomorphism. D Enaple: hklal aalrnial algebras. Let JT - Set and F - Ht (111.2.5) for a type £ The initial-algebra construction suns as follows: J. -B; lHt- Z,; J.//}- 2;//,; etc If we represent the elements of XHL by trees of the following kind li<n)
Construction of Free Algebras 165 (keJ; and x, c X), then the elements of X /// are the following trees J. X/7] ±W 0 »i4 (Kn| oel.,1,"!^ etc Since Hi preserves inclusion (111.4.5) and since w„, is the Inclusion map of 0, it follows that *>,, — wt,HL is the inclusion map too and hence, also "i, i - "i :Wr, etc Therefore, we have X c 1H, c i.H\... and the colimit X Hf is just the union x//;- Uih;. ■ < • Again, iv . ♦ i is the inclusion map (because its restrictions to X HI are inclusion maps), etc. On each isolated step we have XHI c IKJ*1, and on each limit step, XH|- U //;. ■ < i When does this construction stop? If E has no miliary operation, then after 0 steps, since X - X Ht. Assume £ »» 0. For £ finitary, the functor Ht pre-
166 Chapter IV serves directed unions (111.4.3 and Exercise III.4.E) and hence, it preserves the colimit J. Hf — colim X H}. It follows by the preceding proposition that the construction stops after <u steps. And this corresponds to the results of 11.1.5: we see that X Hf is the set of all finite £trees over the empty set For E infiniUry, the number of steps is larger: it is obvious that the construction does not stop after k steps unless k is larger than all arities. On the other hand, if * is » regular cardinal larger than all arities, then Hr obviously preserves unions of fc-chains, and the constructions stops after k steps. 2.6. Recall that a fixed point of a functor F: JT -► JT is an object Q isomorphic to QF. More precisely, a fixed point is an object Q together with an isomorphism 6: FQ-* ft Definition. The least fixed point of a functor f: JT -» JT is a fixed point (Co. °o) such that for each fixed point (ft 6) there exists a unique raorphism /:&- ft with fF- «„/«-'. Profoshioa. The initial f-algebra, whenever it exists, is the least fixed point off. Proof. Let (Co, $t>) be the initial algebra of F. It is clearly sufficient to prove that 8, is an isomorphism. Then (Co. 8,) is the least fixed point because for each fixed point (Q,S) there exists a unique homomorphism /:(Ct. *o) -»(ft *")• The condition fF- «, • /• «-' is equivalent to the fact that/is a homomorphism, i.e., fF- 6— 6%'f. For the F-algebra (ft,f, o\F) there exisu a unique homomorphism /:(&.«.)-(ft *«.'•)• Then /■«.: (Co, «.)-(©>,«,,) is a homomorphism, too, because Sff—fF' &\F implies S,-(f-S,)-/F-S,F-S,-(f- o\)F- oV By the definition of initial object there exists only one homomorphism of (Co. Oo) into itself. Since I Bo is a homomorphism, we conclude that /• «,-■„..
Coiutnicllon of Free Algebras 167 Now, Sq • f — fF • 61F implies 60 •/— IqiF— Iffo/"- Hence, /- V which proves that (Co, $>) is a fixed point D Emanate*, (i) The power-set functor />: S«t-» S«t (111.3.4) does not have an initial algebra. Indeed, P has no fixed point since for each set X, card X < card PX. (ii) For the functor //, + C,: S«i —Sot each infinite set X a a fixed point since card X — card (X x X + [0|). The least fixed point is the free groupoid on one generator. Bataark. Interesting problems arise concerning the interrelationship of the notions above: (i) If a functor has a fixed point, does it have the least one? (ii) If a functor has the least fixed point, does it have the initial algebra? (iii) If a functor has the initial algebra, can it be obtained by the initial-algebra construction? The answers are negative, in general (see the exercises below). But under mild restrictive conditions on the category JT, we shall show in Section IV.4 that the answers are affirmative for all monos-preserving functors. 2.7. If the Initial-algebra construction stops for F, what does thii mean for related functors? We prove that for quotient functors it also stops; see Exercise. IV.2.D below for the analogous result about subfunctors. First, we prove a technical lemma which will be needed on several occasions. Lesuaa. Let t be a class of epis in a category JT, which is closed under composition with isomorphisms, and let JT be 4-cowell -powered. Given transfinite chains U, V: Ord -» JT such that V stops (i.e., starting from some ordinal, V consists entirely of isomorphisms) and given a compatible collection of/-epis t.: (/,-» K,(n € Ord), then Valso stops.
168 Clupiwiv Proof. Let p be an ordinal such that each u^ m with p 2 n < m is an Isomorphism. Then each is an <f-epi. Since V, has only a set of /-quotients, there exists an ordinal q such that all u, , • e, with 9 £ n represent the same quotient of (/,. Then each f, . with 9 £ n S m is an isomorphism: since u, , • *„ and u, m- em represent the same quotient, there exists an isomorphism i: V,— r. with We have u, . • *_ - u, , • u. . • tm - u, , ■(,■*., and therefore. Since u,. • *. is an epi, it follows that 1 — v,m, thus v... is an isomorphism. D PropoaHloo. Let JT be a cowell-powered category. If the initial-algebra construction stops for F: jr -» JT, then it stops for each quotient functor off preserving epis. Resaark. More in general, if JT is an /-cowell-powered (/, ur>category, the same result holds for /-quotients of F preserving /-epis. Proof. Let e: f-» C be an epitransformation. We present a collection of epis *.: J.F"-» J.C" (n € Ord) which is compatible, i.e., fulfils (•) wn.m •'*"'■• *..■ (1 <m) (where »,.:lf"-»lf" and »,.:1C"-»1C" denote the morphisms of
Comtniedon of Five AJfcbres 169 the respective initial-algebra constructions). This will prove the proposition by the preceding lemma. (a) *„- I,: J.- J.; 0>) *.♦)- e1F.e.G- t.Fs1B. : ±F"* '-► J.C* '; UF'IF t„F ■I1.FTG UO"IF- ■IKflG (c) For each limit ordinal I the componenu or *,: colim J. F' -* colim J. G" are t, • *,., (n < 0- We must prove the compatibility (in order to verify that t, Is well-defined). We use Induction in'the sense of Remark IV.2.4. (a) *>i, ■ '< - t, ■ *>n because 1 is the Initial object. (b,) If (•) holds, then the following diagram iG- - I1F"IF - I- I1OTF !■ •S-F UGTB • -llFlF. -I UG*IF 1F- -uono -io* commutes, (bi) If (•) holds for all n < n* where n0 is a limit ordinal, then it holds for n.because if- colim If". ■ < ■• (c) If (•) holds for all n 3 m < i, where I Is a limit ordinal, then it holds for / by the definition of till remains to prove that each t, it an epi. (a) n — 0: this is dear. (b) If t, is an epi, then e.C is an epi and hence, *,., - eir. ■ e,C is an epi. (c) For the limit step see Exercise lll.].B(ii). D EufdtesIVJ A. Least find aelat which ta aot aa laMal algebra. Let JT be the category of partial groupoidi (JT, ■) (where ■ is a partial map from X x X to JO and
170 Chapter IV homomorphitms f:(X. -)-*(Y,• ) (which are maps such that f(x, • jrj ~ /(*i) •/(']) whenever x, ■ x, is defined]. Denote by T the singleton (total) groupoid. Define a functor F: jr -» Jt on objects by (Jt -JF — T whenever • is nonempty and (X,8)F- (PX,t) (where P is the power-set functor). On mor- phisms/: (X, )-»()',») put/F-//"if • and* are empty, else fF is constant. Prove that T is the least fixed point of F Using the fact that P has no initial algebra, prove that F also has none. B. Fixed aorats exist bat mtmt of then ta the least oae. Find such an example, using posets as categories. C. Ususpected start of the coastracfioa. Let us redefine the power set functor (III.3.4) to obtain the following functor P* : Sat-» Sot For each set X * 0, XP* - \U c X: Af infinite or U - 0|, »P* - a - |0, 1,2... .|. For each map/: JT-» yeither Ufl" - UfP [ir(X}f\t infinite] or MfP* - 0 (if (Wis finite and Y * 0] or fP* - l.(if/- I.). Prove that the initial-algebra construction stops after a) steps, with canKKf)-) - I. Yet, card!/** - h„: cardJ.(/,•), - 2-; card J. (P*)1 - 2",.... D. Qaotkat faactan aad sabfaacten. (i) Verify that the functor F: Ord -» Ord defined by nF- n + I is a quotient of the identity functor lM and yet, the initial-algebra construction does not stop for F Why does it not contradict to Proposition IV.2.77 (ii) Let JT be well-powered. If the initial-algebra construction stops for F: jr -» jr, prove that it also stops for each subfunctor of F preserving monos. Hint: Find a compatible collection of monos analogously to the proof of Proposition IV.2.7. IVJ. Fto-Algebra Coastnctloa 3.1. Let JT be a category with finite coproducts. We are going to show that the free F-algebra over an object /of JT is precisely the initial algebra of the functor F+ C,: jt-»jt. Here C, denotes the constant functor of value / and thus, X(F+ C,)- XF+ 1; fiF+O-fF+U.
Construction or Free Algebras 171 Each (F+ C,)-algebra (ft 6) is given by a morphism S.QF+ 1-Q or, equivalently, by a pair or morphisms 8,:QF-Q and 6,-l—Q- Conversely, given an /^algebra (ft S,) and a morphism 6",: /-► ft then we obtain a unique (F + O-ilgebra (ft S) where $> and S, are components or & Prfualtloa. An /^algebra (ft, &>) is freely generated by the object / with the injection morphism 8,: /-» gifTthe corresponding (F + C,)-algebra(ft, £)is initial. Proof. Denote by jx: XF-* XF+ I and /,:/-» XF + I the coproduct injections. I. Ut (ft 5) be the initial (f + C,)-algebra. Then for each F-algcbra (ft 8,) and each morphism S,: /-» (3 we have the corresponding (f + C,)-algebra (6 6). The unique (F+ C,)-homomorphism *,•:«?■ «)-(&<*) is an F-homoraorphisra 5* : (ft $>) -»((J <5») extending 5,, because the following diagram OF 1 ^.\ OF'I 0 ,, \x bf»i —r—* a \ X Of-. 1 commutes. Conversely, any F-homoraorphijrrj extending 5, defines an (F+ C,)-horaomorphUm from (ft 6) and thus, it equals to S*. II. Let (ft S,) be the free algebra with the injection 6,: /-» ft For each (F+ C,)-algebra (0, 5) we have an F-algcbra £: &F-» (2 and a morphism 6,: I-* Q. Let (5* :(ft s»)-»(ft 4)be the unique F-homomorphism extending 6,. Then, again, the diagram above commutes and thus *,'•■( ft «)-((?.«) BTf
172 diaper IV is an (F + C,)-homomorphijm. Conversely, any homomorphism from (Q, 6) to (ft S) is an F-homomorphism extending 6,; hence, it equals to S'. O Reaurk. The free algebra /* can be constructed by an application of the initial-algebra construction to F + C,. We present a simpler construction (which coincides with the previous one on all infinite steps, as we shall prove): instead or starting with ±(F + C,) — IF + /, we start with / alone. Since we need both finite coproducts (for the "translation" from F to F+ C, above) and colimits or chains (for the initial-algebra construction), we shall assume that the base category JT is cocomplete. It would be sufHcient to assume that JT is chain-cocomplete and has coproducts. (The existence of finite coproducts implies the existence of all coproducts in any chain-cocomplete category.) XI. The free-algefcra CMtrracttoa. Let JT be a cocomplete category and let F: .*-»jr be a functor. For each object /we define objects W,(n € Ord) and morphisms h>, .(n 2 m) which form a functor rf: Ord-» JC: 1-^* I + IF "»"*''. / + (/ + /F)F-» ... -* W. — *'► l,+ W.F* ... -► fV,-^m± K^i - /+ W.F^... . We proceed by transfinite induction. (a) First step: W, - /; W,-l+ IF; »„.,:/-►/ + IF is the first coproduct injection. (b) Isolated step: W ™ / + W F w.*i.«!-Ii+ h>'.-V:I,+ W.F*\,+ W.F for all n, m € Ord with n S m (see Exercise III.I.C for the concept of a co- product like I, + w, mF). (c) Limit step: W, - colim W, w< t for each limit ordinal / for which the chain W,(n< I) and »,,(»i m< I) has been defined: are the colimit injections. Reaurks. (i) As in the case of the initial-algebra construction, all the "miss-
Construction or Free Algebra* 173 ing" morphisms can be easily Tilled in. For example, W|.J - *»l.l- »\l - (l|+ ">.!?)• Or + Wl.l'7). and wm mt, is the unique morphism with i»»+ !,•• •»•.•♦ i - I; + *>..mF for each n < oj, etc (ii) Denote the coproduct injections of W,+ , - I + tV.Fby n.:/-H'.+ , and <p.: W. F- W. t,. Each W.n "almost" an * algebra: p. leads from W. Flo W.+, (Instead to W.). If "j. i +1: "^ -* ►•»+1 is an ismorphism for some t, we obtain an F-algebra: We are going to prove that this is the free algebra (with the injection 17,). DefMrtoo. The free-algebra construction Is said to slop after k steps if m. i +1 is an isomorphism. The functor Fit called a constructive varletor if tht free-algebra construction stops for each /; Fis a finltary varletor if it always stops after <u steps. ExasaaJca. (i) Sr: 8«t -» 8«t is a Unitary varletor (see 111.2.4): yy,-i. Wt- 1+ 1 x £- 1 x (|0| + £). i Wt-l + (l+lx£)x£-l+lx£+lxP-lx U £'. *-• In general, ry. - 1 x U £' (n< 0) and W. - collm w- [j w.- I x £'. (ii) More in general, each coadjoint is a finitaiy varietor (see IIIJ.I I): Hi- /, W, - I + IF. rVt - I + (/ + IF)F- 1+ IF+ IF', W. - U IF".
174 Chapter IV In particular, the functor Vl: /t-Mod-» /t-Mod is a finitary varietor. (iii) The functor St: /t-Mod-» R-Mod is a finitary varietor (see III.2.4): Wo- /, W{ - 1 + ISC - I + I + £, rfi -/+(/+/ + £)SZ - 1+ 1+ 1+ £+ Z, in general, W„., is the set of all pairs of polynomials (i. + I, i + ... + Ci", <t0 + <T|i + ... + a,. ,i" -'). (iv) The functor Ht: Sat -» Sat is a varietor, and it is finitary Iff the type L is finitary. This can be derived from Exercise IV.2.S and the following proposition. 33. Proaoslttoa. The free-algebra construction over an object / coincides on all infinite steps with the initial-algebra construction of the functor F + C,. Reaurka. (i) The individual steps of the free-algebra construction are defined as colimits (coproducts for isolated steps and chain-colimits for limit steps). Since colimits are determined only up to isomorphism, the proposition just slates that there exist isomorphisms a.: J.(F+ C,)'— W, (n € Ord, n i a) which are compatible with the constnictions. [That is, denoting by *„„: ±(F+ C,)"-» ±(F+ C;)~ the connecting morphUms, then for all sSiSnmt have *,.. • a. — a. • »,.«.] (il) The two constructions can differ dramatically on finite steps. For example, let / + 0 be a finite set and let F be the functor f* of Exercise IV.2.C. Then card !(/>• + C,)" - V ' (n< oi) and yet, tV, - 1+ IP'- 1 + |0|, W, - I + (/ + |0|)P* - / + |0| etc., and hence, the free-algebra construction stops after I step. Proof. We write C, + F rather than F + C,, and we denote by the objects and morphisms of the initial-algebra construction of C, + F. Thus W- ±; #•.♦,-/ + W,F; \Vt — colim &. (/limit ordinal).
Construction of Free Algebras We are going to define compatible morphismt a.:*.-. W. (n € Ord) and A: «'.-*'.♦, (iKa.), and then we prove that a. are isomorphums Tor ill n 2 in 175 W:l W:l -*■ WF MHFIF-*—-"-WL. »HHFlF— "Wu There is a unique morphism a,: J. -► /; given a., put a., , - I, + a,F: 1 + W.F-* 1 + W,F; Tor each limit ordinal i let a,: colim Ir7. -» colim W. have the components a, • w,, (n < /). We prove that these morphisnu are compatible, i.e., that the following square* 1, ► w« I I" commute for all a < m, by induction. See Remark IV 2.4. (a) "m - I: this is dear, since l&, - ±. (b,) If the square above commutes, then the following one VN.F «L, - I«w„F - - 1-wlf - w« \'«*F ViF '—1 w^ - |.W„F - -•• 1*<*LF - w— also commutes.
176 Ck«|H« IV (bj) Kthe squares above commute for all n < n0 where n, is a limit ordinal, then they commute Tor n„ because &n - colim &,. (c) If the squares above commute for all n 2 m< i, where i is a limit ordinal, then they commute for i by the definition of a,. Further, let us define A: tV, -» tVn t, (n < oj) by the following induction: is the first coproduct injection, and A.i-I/ + Af ("< <»)• It is easy to prove by induction that a. -A- *...♦. («<<»)■ P.- a., i- ».,.», (■< a>), and *>...■ P. -P.- *.♦!... i (hSffkoj). Hence, the morphisnu A-»-i..:W.-»*'. (n< a») are compatible, living rise to the unique morphiim P.: W.— W. with *>...■ P. -P. ■ *.♦!.. (■<»). We claim that a. is an isomorphism with the inverse morphism pm: firstly, pm • a. — I because for each n < a), w... • (P. ■ a.) - A • *» • i.. • a. - A • a.,, • w.,,.. • •".. Secondly, a. • pm — I because for eacb n < to, *...(<».• A)- a.- »...- P. a.- p.- ■»,♦!., It follows by transfinite induction that each a., n 2 at, is an isomorphism. For example, a.., — 1; + a. F is an isomorphism (inverse to I; + pm F) and ".♦ j - 11 + am,\F is an isomorphism, etc. Also alm — colim a.*, is an
Construction of Frc Alfcbru 177 isomorphism because each a.», is an isomorphism, etc. This completes the proof. D 14, Corollary. If the Tree-algebra construction stops after k steps, then /• - Wt with 9 - 9, ■ »£',. ,: I'F-* /' and n - n,: /-► /*. For a limit ordinal k, tbe free-algebra construction stops after k steps iff F preserves the colimit Wt — coMm Wm, For k £ a) this follows from the fact that the initial-algebra construction of tbe functor F + C, stops after k steps, see Propositions IV.2.4 and IV.3.1 (and for the latter statement also Proposition IV.2.5<c)]. If the free-algebra construction stops after k < oi steps, then it also stops after oi steps and Remark. Even if the free-algebra construction does not stop, it has the following universal property: For each /^algebra (ft S) and each morphism there exists a unique compatible collection /,:n',->l?(»f Ord) such that the components of /.♦,:/ + rK.F-ft are/:/-» ft and/.F- 6: W,F-» ft In fact, the first step Is/. -/the isolated step is given and the limit step is determined by compatibility (the components of/: colim tV, -» ft must be /„ n < /). Let the free-algebra construction stop after k steps. Then /'-/.:(»'..* -H-ri*,)-((?.«). 3.3. Corollary. Each functor preserving colimits of it-chains for some infinite cardinal till constructive varietor. Eacb functor preserving colimits of o>- chalns is a finltary varietor. Raaark. Let JT be a category with finite coproducu and colimits of it-chains for all k s *» Then we can define the first k, + 2 members of the free-algebra construction as above. Again, if h^ ,,, is an isomorphism for some t S *,, then /* - Wt. Thus, for example, in the category .* of countable sets and maps we can investigate finitary varietors. Example: Frce-naay aartH algebras. Let £ be a type of many-sorted algebras (III.3.7). Say, two-sorted, for simplicity: r-<r", r»).
178 ClupterlV Let us apply the free-algebra construction to the functor Ht: S«f-» Sat1 in order to obtain the free algebra generated by an object / - </*, /i). Recall that for each (X,, X{> we have (X„XdHt-( LI X? x X?. II X? x XT ) V^r^J.*! »#rw,. ■! / Let us represent the elements in the sMh summand of the first sort by the following trees: (i<m,l lj<m,l where a e £"> has arity |cr| — (m,, mj and x, e X, for i < m„ yt € X, for j < m,. Analogously for the elements of the second sort The elements of W» - </„ />) are represented by singleton trees with two labels: where x e /, and y € /,. Given W, - <»".". «"."), then W.«. - /+ ^.Wf-<»"."♦,. »".*♦,). The elements of »".".,-/,+ II (»".")-* en")- ..rfi;.., are represented (a) by the (singleton) trees of /, and (b) by the following trees: («l IK ni,) ()<">»>
Construction or Free Algebra 179 where I, e rf"„" for i < m, and j, € W? lor J < m,. (Analogously with »"„".) We tee tbat the elements of each W. are labelled tree* such that (i) the label of each leaf is (x, k) with k- I or 2 and ie /, or x € XJ'0; (ii) the other nodes hive labels (cr, *) where k - I, 2 and cr € X1^,1.., (m, + m, > 0) and they have m, successon or sort I (i.e., or label (—, I) on the root) and m, successon or sort 2 (label (—, 2)). The successon or the Tint sort are depicted left-hand to those or the second sort. If ris a finltary type, then Wr preserves colimits or axhainj and hence, it is a Unitary varietor: /• - Wm. Here, Wm is the algebra of all finite labelled trees satisfying (i) and (ii) above. For an infinitary type L, let k be a regular infinite cardinal such that given a e L with |cr| - (n„ nj, then n, < k and n, < k. Then Hz preserves colimits of t-chains and hence, /• - Wt. Analogously to the one-sorted case (11.3.6) it can be proved that Wt is the algebra or all finite-path labelled trees satisfying (I) and (ii) above. X6. EMuptt: Free rniaiiHllii groyoldi. We have seen in III.3.1 that commutative groupoids are just rYalgebras. Let us apply the free-algebra construction to a set / assuming, for simplicity, that / does not contain any element of the type \x, y\ (I.e., / r\ XP, - 9 for each set X). Then If* - Iv IP, - \x; x e l\ u \\x. y\: x, y e l\: W, - lu(lu IPJP, - \x; x e /| u ||* y\: x. y e Wt\. etc. The elements of *.- U W. •re (i) the elements of /, (ii) the sets |x, y\ with x. y e /, (iii) the sets |x, y\ where x and y are elements of type (i) or (ii), etc. Since P, preserves ru-coli- mits, we have /* — Wm. The operation is defined by *• y — \x, y\. EurcbalVJ A. Noa-coHtnicthe varietor. Denote by Gia the category of graphs. I.e., pain (X, p) where X Is a set and p c X x X; the morphlsnu are compatible maps f: (X, p)-» (Y. cr), i.e., maps such that Xipx, implies (x,\fa(xjf.
180 Chapter IV (i) For each cardinal n denote by C-(«.p.) the complete graph of power n: here n is the set or all ordinals i < n and ip.j ifT i + J(i,j < n). The chromatic number of a graph (Jt p) is the least cardinal n Tor which there exists a morphism from (Jf, p) to C.; we denote it by *(*, p). Verify that each graph (X, p) without loops (i.e., without points x e * with xpx) has a chromatic number and that x(X, p) £ ^(J", o~) whenever a compatible map/: (Jf, p)-» (K a) exists. (ii) We define a functor F: Gia-» Gra which rums out to be a non-constructive varietor. Let t- (io, ie, oi) denote the graph which consists of a singleton loop. Put (Xp)F-\T if*-« or (Jtp) has loops lQ- ifz(*P)-n>0. For each morphism /: (X, p)-» (Y, a) let fF be the constant map to ( if (Y.a)F- T; else, we have(X, p)F - C,.and(r. a)F- Q.with2" S 2"and /Fit the inclusion map. Verify that Fis well-defined and that it is a varietor with /" - / + Tfor each graph /.(Hint: For each F-algebri(g, S) the graph Q has a loop. Thus, 6: 7"-» Q is only a choice of a loop.] (iii) Let / be a graph without loops. Prove that the free-algebra construction never stops by verifying that £(rf„) < *(lf„,,) for each'a B. Free ordered £>rgebru, see 111.3.5, are just the free ^algebras (of labelled trees) with an apropriate ordering. Describe the ordering, using the free-algebra construction. C- Free algebras la coacrete categoric*. Let (JT. (/) be a concrete category (111.3.8) with products and colimits preserved by U. Generalize the preceding example to prove that free ^algebras in JT are just "appropriately structured" algebras of £trees. Compare this with unary linear algebras (II 1.2.4). D. Faactorlal varieties. Each of the equations below describes a variety of algebras which coincides with some F-Mq, see IIIJ.3. Find F, and describe the free algebras (applying the free-algebra construction). (i) I-It -||;xx-y-y. (ii) I- |-.0| with |-| - 2,|0|- 0;x-x-0. (iii) Z- Z, - (-, +|; x-x- x + x.
Construction of Free Algebnu 181 IW4. CbaracteiizatiM Theoren 4.1. Dcflaltio*. A class .M of monoi in a category Jt Is said to be chain-cocom- pkie if JT is ^•well-powered, Jt contains all isomorphisnu, and each o-chain of ur-monos in Jf P*.'-f.-*f. (nSnKa) has a colimit />„: /"„-» P(n < a) with the folloving propertiei: (a) p„ e 4r for each n < a: (b) given a compatible collection q,: P.-» Q(n < a) In Jt, then the unique factorization morphism q: P-» Q is in Jt, too. Remark. It follows that, furthermore: (c) j* is closed under composition. (Given p: f>0-» P, and p': P\-* P, in Ut, we obtain a 2-chain the colimit of which is Pt with injections p-p', p\ If,. Thus, by (a) above, p-p' e jr\] (d) JT has an initial object X and the (unique) morphlsms q: J. -» Q are all In j*. (Indeed, apply (b) above to a - 0.] We are going to show that the questions asked In Remark IV.2.6 have affirmative answers provided that Fpreserves uT-monos, I.e., given m: A-* B in Jtx then mF: ^4F-* ifFis also in Jt. Theortta. Let Jf be a category with a chain-cocomplete daas ■■*■ For each functor F: jr -» jr preserving Uf-monos, the following are equivalent: (i) Fhas a fixed point; (ii) Fhas a least fixed point; (iii) Fhas an initial algebra: (iv) the Initial-algebra construction stops. Proof. By Propositions IV.2.6 and IV.2.4, the implications (iv)-» (iii)-» (ii)-» (i) are clear. We prove (i)-» (iv). We show first that the morphisms ►»,,. in the initial-algebra construction are ur-monos: it follows that the colimits defining X F for limit ordinals i really exist. We proceed by transfinite Induction on m using Remark IV.2.4. The first step is dear: w0. i e jH by (d) above, (b,) Let n, m be ordinals with w.m € J*. Then w.n..n - »,..f£ Ut because the functor F preserves uT-monos. (>>i), (c) These steps follow from (a) and (b) In the definition above. Let J be a fixed point of F, and let J-.JF^J
182 duplet IV be an isomorphism. We define compatible uf-monos p.: 1.F-—J (n e Ord) by the following transfinite induction: P.:±-*J is the unique morphism (In -M, by (d) above]. Given p„ put P..i -p.Fj:(±F-)F-*J. Then p,» , e J* by (c) above. For each limit ordinal >' let p,: colim ±F"-» J have components *>..,■ Pi -P. ("< 0- Then p, e J* by (b) above. Let us prove that the morphisms p. are compatible, i.e., P.- *...• /». Tor all n < m, by induction. See Remark IV.2.4. (a) m - I: Clearly, p, - w0, • p,. (b) If p.- w... p., then - V...F-P.FJ ~ *»+ l.« + | * Pm* I' The limit steps (bj and (c) are clear. Since JT is uT-well-powered, there exists an ordinal * such that p, represents the same subobject o(J as any p„, n2i. In particular, as p4» ,. Thus, there is an isomorphism u: If1-. IF"1 with p, - u • p,4 ,. Since also Pi - Wi.i,! • Pi»i and p,., is a mono, we conclude that u — w,»♦ i. Hence,' the initial-algebra construction stops after * steps. □ 4J. DeflaHloL A class jM of memos is called constructive If It is chain-co- complete and "additive", i.e., given p: P-* fi and p': l*'-» ff in -*, then the morphism p + p': P + P' -» Q + ff is also in Uf. CbaracterliithMi Theorem. Let JT be a cocomplete category with a constructive class Jt. For each functor f: JT -» JT preserving uT-monos and each object /, equivalent are: (i) F has a free-algebra over /:
Commotion of Fret Alfebm 183 (ii) the free-algebra construction over / stops; (iii) there exists an object J isomorphic to / + JF. Proof Apply the preceding theorem to F + C, (see IV.3.1). Since .M Is "additive" and both F and d preserve uT-monos, F + C, also preserves uT-mo- nos. □ riif In (I) jr - Sat has a (unique) constructive dau, viz, all monos. The colimit of a chain of inclusions p.... P.-* P. (nS m < a) is the union P - UP.. The condition (b) above states that each map q: f>-» Q which is ■ < • one-to-one on any P., is one-to-one on all of P. (ii) In a lot of current cateiories. all monos form a constructive dau. For example, in jr - posets, topological spaces, groups, lattices, etc. Regular monos also often form a constructive class—see Exerdse IV.4.A below. (iii) The category jr of rings and ring homomorphisms fails to have any constructive dan of monos. Indeed, J. is the ring of integers and there are lots of rings Q such that the unique homomorphism J. -» Q Is not one-to-one (— mono). Corollary. A functor F: Jf -► JT preserving monos of a constructive dau is a varietor iff for each object / there exists an object J s / + JF. Resaarfca, (i) In the proof of Theorem IV.4.1 we have seen that »«,„ e Jt for each n s m. The same holds for the free-algebra construction (under the hypotheses of the Characterization Theorem). This relates well to our intuition that If. Is the "n-th approximation" of the free algebra /*. Consequently, oeuV. (ii) The functor C: Ord -» Ord of Exerdse IV.2.4(iil) Is a non-constructive varietor though it (trivially) preserves monos. This shows that the hypothesis that JT be uT-well-powered is essential. (iii) The functor of Exercise IV.3.A is a non-constructive varietor (though all monos are constructive in Qra). This snows that the hypothesis that F preserve ^aT-Rionos is essential. 4.3. The Characterization Theorem makes it possible to give a simple full characterization of varietors In Sat (see below) and in categories of vector spsces (see the next section). Each constant functor C»:Sat->Sat is a Unitary varietor. Here lf„- /:
184 Chapter IV W, - I + M; If, - / + M; etc. The free-algebra construction stops liter I step with /• - / + M. Also the consunt functor Ci(III 4.1) is a rinltiry virietor Tor uiy map h: U, -► M. For / * 0, the construction stops after I step, ind for / - 0 we hive lf| — 0CW ™ Mi, ind we sec that the construction stops after 2 steps. TtMortn. A non-constant functor F:S«t-S«t is i (constructive) varietor iff it has arbitrarily large fixed points, I.e.. for each cardinal a there Is a set X with card X - card XFi. a. Proof. Since F is non-constant, there is a cardinal y such that ariXFZ card X whenever card X2 r(»ee III.4.7). (i) Let F be a varietor. For each cardinal a choose a set / of power max (a, r, K0). The free algebra /' is a fixed point of F + C, (IV.3.1), thus, card/" - card /• F+ card/- card l'F (since card I'Fit infinite and larger or equal to card IP2 card /). Hence, /* Is a fixed point of F of cardinality 2 a. (ii) Let F have arbitrarily large fixed points. Since F need not preserve mo- nos (because of the empty maps), let us redefine F on the empty sets and empty maps—the resulting functor f" is defined by XF" - XF'ttX + 9; 9F' - 9 and for each non-empty map / fF.' — fF. Then f" preserves monos and has arbitrarily large fixed points. Hence, for each set / there exists an infinite fixed point J of power 2 max()', card /). Then J = I + JF- because card JF 2 card J 2 card / implies card / -I- JF' - card JF' - card J. By Corollary IV.4.2, F" is an constructive varietor. It follows immediately that for each non-empty set / the free-algebra construction for F stops, too. Let us verify that the free-algebra construction over 9 also stops. This is clear if 0F- 0; let us assume 0F> 0 ind hence XF+ 9 for iny set Jf(see III.4 2). We hive W, - 9F: Let us choose i fixed point J of
Cofutrooton of Free Algtbm 185 Fwith card J 2 card OF and let J.JF^J be a bljcction. As in the proof or Theorem IV.4.1. it It lufllcient to exhibit a compatible family of monos p.: OF" -» J (for all ordinal! n). (a) First two steps: p,: 0 -► J a the (unique) empty map: p,:0F-» J is an arbitrary mono (we use the fact that card J 2 card OF). (b) Isolated step: P..>-p.F-j:(0F-)F-*J for each ordinal n > 0. The veriflcation ofcompatibility is the same induction as in the proof of Theorem IV.4.1. Since p,: OF'-* J It a non-empty map. the assumption that p. is mono implies that p. F it mono and hence, so is p. ♦ ,. (c) Limit step it trivial. □ 4A. In universal algebra the number of steps after which the free-algebra construction stops is independent of the generating set /. In general, the number of steps can increase with increasing / without any bound. Let us exhibit such an example. Euaaate. Given a class C of cardinals, define a functor Pc: Sat -» Sat as follows: for each set X put XPC- |Mc *;cardJt#e CorM-0|; for each map f:X-+Y put (Aft/P - I '"^ if ^" one-,0_one on M u c ™ \ 0 else. Whether Pc is a varietor or not depends on C: for example, if C - all cardinals, then Pe obviously has no (lied point, hence no free algebra. On the other hand, Pc is a varietor for each class Cwhh the following property: (•) There exist arbitrarily large cardinals k such that *" - * for any n e C, n S *. In fact, any Infinite set X of power k as above is a fixed point of Pc because cardWt-cardZ*-- Zk'Sk-k-k- card*. * • c ■ • c
186 Chapter IV It is easy to construct a class C or cardinals which fulfils (•) and has arbi- tratrily large elements. (For example, assuming the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis, we can choose C— C„ the class of all ri. where n is an even ordinal.) Then the number of steps necessary for the free-algebra construction over ^increases over all bounds: if card/ — m e C, then the construction requires more that m steps. In fact, for each n s m we can find a set A c If. of cardinality m such that A i. Wm for any n' < a Then A is an element of tV.Pc with (A )e>, «, (If,) if..., i and hence, w.,« , is not surjective. ExMik: A cupradacf of two rarletora wblck b aot a rarletor. Let C be a class of cardinals such that both C and C (the class of all cardinals not belonging to C) satisfy (•) and contain arbitrarily large cardinals. Then Pc and Pc are varietors but Pc + Pc is not a varietor, in fact, Pc + Pc has no fixed point Such a class C can be easily constructed (for example, C, has this property under the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis). This example is rather surprising in view of the role which coproducu of type functors play (see II 1.2.5). A subfunctor of a varietor need not be a varietor (Exercise IV.4.C below) and, dually, a quotient of a varietor need not be a varietor, see IV.2.D. Exercbu IV.4 A. Cafntractrn clatsft of maos. (i) Prove that in every concrete, cocomplete and well-powered category Jf the class j* — all monos is constructive if (I) monos are just the one-to-one morphiims, (2) they are "additive" and (3) colimits of chains of monos are (suitably structured) unions. Verify that all this holds in the categories of posets, graphs, topological spaces and modules. (ii) Verify that all regular monos in Poa (— embeddings of subposets) form a constructive class. In contrast, regular monos in Top (— embeddings of subspaces) are not constructive: consider the oi-chain of discrete spaces on n — |0, I n — I |(n < <»); its colimit is the discrete space on to. Let Q be the topological space on a in which a set M c a> is closed iff Mis finite or 0 e U. Then the embeddings n -► Q are regular monos though the induced map id.: o> -» C is not regular. (iii) Verify that the category of (^complete lattices and ^complete homo- morphisms has no constructive class of monos. Consider the i>>-chain of lattices A, <_/ |T) (n < a) where T is the largest element and A. is the set of all
Construction of Free Algebra! 187 subsets of |l, 2 ..., n| ordered by inclusion. Its colimit Pis uncountable and there exist ^complete homomorphisms q\ P-+ Q which are not one-to-one though each restriction to A, <_/ |T) is one-to-one. B. Qaorleibi of a varietur, (i) Let Jf be a cocomplete, cowell-powered category. Prove that for each constructive varietor F: Jf -» Jf, all epis-preserving quotients of Fare also constructive varietors. (Hint: IV.2.7.) (ii) Verify that the hypothesis that Jf be cowell-powered is essential. (Hint: Exercise IV.2.D.) C. Sabfmctors of a varietur, (i) Let Jf satisfy the hypothesis of the Characterization Theorem. Prove that for each constructive varietor F: Jf -» Jf preserving J* -monos, all Uf-subfunctors of F preserving Uf-monos are also constructive varietors. (Hint: Let /<: C-» Fbe a natural transformation with all /j,In j*. It is sufficient to find compatible Uf-monos p. from If,, the free C-al- gebra-construction over /, to #., the free F-algcbra-construction. Put po - I;. Given p.: If.-* ^.putp.,, - I, + p.On»..) (ii) Consider the varietor F: Gra -» Gia of Exercise. IV.3.1. Prove that its subfunctor G, defined as F except that (Jt p)G - («, B) if (Jl£,p) has loops or*- « is no varietor: it yields no non-empty algebra. D. CacMaaJetsaeai la the CharacterhatlM Theorem, (i) Verify that the Characterization Theorem would not be true if instead of cocompleteness of Jf we would assume only chain-cocompleteness. (Hint: Use a finite poset as Jf.) (ii) Prove that, however, the Characterization Theorem remains true if co- completeness is weakened to chain-cocompleteness and the existence of finite coproducts. Remark: from this, the existence of all coproducts follows anyway. IVJ. Algebras la Ceacrete Categories S.I. Let (jr. V) be a concrete category (see III.3.8). We prove a powerful criterion for a functor to be a constructive varietor. DeflaJttoa. A functor F: Jf -► Jf is said to be non-iitertaslitg if there exist arbitrarily large cardinals n such that auiAUSn implies card (AF)U S n for all objects A in. «f. Example. A set functor is non-increasing iff it is a (constructive) varietor. In fact, each varietor Fis either constant (and then it is clearly non-increasing) or Fhas arbitrarily large fixed points (IV.4.3). Let n 2 card OF be the
188 Chapter IV cardinality or a fixed point or F. Then card A S n implies card AF S n by Proposition 111.4.7. (If B is a fixed point of cardinality n, then card A s card B implies card AF s card BF - n for A •> 0. and we have cardflFS n). Conversely, let F be a non-increasing set functor. If F is constant, then F is a Unitary varietor. If Fis non-constant, we choose y such that card AFi. card A for any set A of cardinality 2 y (II 1.4.7). Then F is a varietor because each cardinal n 2 y with the property above is a cardinality of some fixed point of F: if card A - n, then card AF S n and, via n 2 y. card AF 2 card A - n, therefore, card AF- n - card A. □ SJ. Deflahtoa. Let JT be a concrete category which has a free object M* for each set M of generators (111.3.8). We say that JT has bounded free objects If there is a cardinal a such that card M — card M* (/ for any set M of cardinality 2 a Example*, (i) Each variety of algebras, considered as a concrete category, has bounded free objects. It is sufficient to choose a regular infinite cardinal a larger than all arlties and larger than the number of operations. (ii) The categories Top, Poa, Qra. etc. have bounded free (— discrete) objects; here M* V — M for each set M and thus, we can choose a — 0. (iii) The category Comp of compact Hausdorff spaces and continuous maps has free objects, but not bounded. The free object generated by an infinite set M is the Cech-Stone compactification BM of the-discrete topology on M: it is well-known that card BM > card M. 3-J. Tfccore*. Let .JT be a cocomplete and cowell-powered concrete category with bounded free objects. Each non-increasing functor F: JT -» JT which preserves epis is a constructive varietor. Proof. Denote by <P:S»t-»jr the free-object functor (Remark 111.3.8). I. The functor F- <f>. F- (/:S«t->S«t is a constructive varietor. To prove this, let a be a cardinal with card M — card (M)0 • U whenever card M 2 a. There exist arbitrarily large cardinals n 2 a such that card All s n implies card (AF)U S n. For each of these cardinals and each set*, card Jf- n implies cardJff- cani(X0)F- US n. Thus, F is a non-increasing functor, in other words, a constructive varietor.
Comtruction of Free Algebras 189 II. The free-ilgebra construction stops for eich free object / — X0. We shall use the following functor 0- F- U- 0:Jt — Jt. It is sufTicient to prove that the free-algebra construction of C stops for each X. In fact, f is « quotient of C: the epltransformatlons e: U • 0-* \* (see Remark 111.3.8) yields an epitransformation Fe:F- U • 0-* F. Therefore, F + C, is a quotient functor of C + C, (because a coproduct of epis is an epi, Exercise III.S.A). Moreover, since F preserves epis, F+ C/also preserves epis. Thus, by Proposition IV.2.7, if the intial-algcbra construction stops for C -I- C,, then it stops for F+ C,. Consequently, by Proposition IV.3.3, if the free-algebra construction over / — X0 stops for C, then it (tops' for F. Denote by >P:ORl-»S«t the free-algebra construction over X for the functor F. Since 0 preserves coli- mlts (as any coadjolnt, III.2.I0), the chain «■ #:Ord-»jr is the free-algebra construction over X0 for the functor G: JT -»JT. In fact (a) (W-0\- W,0- X0: (b) Assuming (W- 0), is the n-th step in the free-algebra construction of X0, we have (IP-*).*, -(* + W.F)0-X0 + (#- 0).G because F. 0- 0. F- U- 0- 0- G; (c) Assuming (IP • 0), is the n-th step for each n < i where * is a limit ordinal, then (If. 0), -W,0- (colim #A0- colim (IP• 0).. (Analogously with the morphtsms *,..) Since W stops, there is an ordinal k such that *,.,» , is an isomorphism; hence *».»♦ ,0 is an isomorphism, too. III. The free-algebra construction stops for each object /. We shall use the fact that the construction stops for (IU)0: let IP:Ord-» jr and lP:Ord-»jr denote the free-algebra construction for / and (IU)0. respectively. By Lemma IV.2.7, it is sufTicient to present compatible epis «„:#.-► W. (he Ord).
190 Ouptcr IV We proceed by translinite induction. (a) e0-£,:(/t/)4>-/; (b) *..,-«,+ e.F: (IU)<t> + tf.F-. / + W.F. (c) e,: colim IV. -» colim (V, has components f. • w,, (n < i) Tor each limit ordinal i. We verify the compatibility, i.e., that the following squares |n<m) commute, by induction using Remark IV.2.4. (a) For m — I we have *o. i ■ tt — e, • w0., — et • w^, because e, s, + e,F. (b,) If the square above commutes, then the following diagrmm W„., - 1*W„F W».i - 1+W„F »I + W„F-W.« » *W„F-W^, also commutes. (b,) If the squares above commute for all n < nfc where n, is a limit ordinal, then they commute for n„ too, because IV,. — colim W.. ■ < « (c) The limit step in m follows from the definition of e,. It remains to prove that each f. is an epi. (a) e, - e, is an epi. (b) If e. is an epi, then e.F is an epi and hence, by Exercise III.}.A, also t. ♦ i — Ci + tnF is an epi. (c) The limit step follows from Exercise III.5.B. This concludes the proof that the free-algebra construction W stops. D
Construction of Free Algcbrai 191 5.4. Example. For each type X, the functor /ft:JT-»jr (111.2.3) is a constructive varietor, assuming that JT is a concrete category as above and, moreover, JT has concrete products and U preserves epis. Proof. I. For each cardinal k the "*-th power functor" H,: JT -» JT is non- increasing. This follows from the fact that V preserves products. For each infinite regular cardinal n > * we have: card AV - n implies card (AHk)V - card (AU)' - n' - n. Next, Hi preserves epis: given an epi e: A-+ B, then eU.AU-* BU is onto, hence *"'t/ - (*i/y": (au? -» (Bi/y is onto and this implies that f"' — eH, is epi. II. It follows immediately that the coproduct Hz- II Hi, where*- |<r| fii preserves epis (a coproduct of epis is an epi, see Exercise III.3.A). Let us verify that Hi is non-increasing. Let a be the cardinal of Definition I V.5.2, and let p be an infinite cardinal larger than card X, a and the arity of any a 6 X. We shall prove that each infinite regular cardinal n i 0 has the property that cattiAU-n implies card (AHt)UZ n. We have card A'U £ n for any a e X with |o~| — fc Since also card X £ n, it follows that the coproduct X — II (A'U) has power £ n. Then n s a im- plies card X0V£ n. We have JTd>- ]l (^*(/)d>, and there is an obvious epimorphism t: X0 -» ^Hj. Since eU is an epi in Sot, we conclude that card (MJl/S » D 5J. Exaaple: A fliltary rarletor wklck b awl ni lacraaalag. Let Ab be the category of Abelian groups and homomorphisms. We define a functor F: Ab -» Ab as a composition of several "naturally defined" functors. Let AW denote the full subcategory of torsion-free groups. For each Abelian group A the subgroup of all torsion elements (i.e., elements a e A such that n-a-a+a+... + ah zero for some n > 0) is denoted by Tor (A). Let A:Ab-»AM
192 Chlptrr IV be the reflector, assigning to each Abelian group A its quotient group AR- A/Tor (A) (and analogously on morphisms). Denote by U: Abf - Sat the forgetful functor and by P. Sat -» Sat the power-set functor (III.3.4). Finally, let #,:S«t-»Ab be the functor assigning to each set M the free Zrmodule generated by U (i.e., the elements of M0l are all maps I: M -»|0,11 of finite support and the addition is defined by (mX'i + <i) - 0 iff (m)f, - (m)lj for each f „ f] e M0, and me M) and to each map /: M -» AT the unique homo- morphism emending/|if each m 6 M is considered as i: M-» |0,1) where (m)r - I and (m')f - 0 for all m i» m]. The functor F- R U- P <P, :Ab-»Ab is a finitary varietor. Indeed, starting the free-algebra construction, we have W,- 1, W,- 1+ IF and since IF a a torsion group (hence, (IF)R - 0), clearly IfiF- /F; W, - 1 + IF: W,-l+ IF: etc. The construction stops after one step. Nevertheless, F fails to be non-increasing: let / be the free group on n generators, i2K, Then card / — n. Since / is torsion-free, we have IR - /, thus, card/F- 2-. Remark. In the preceding example we had .* - Ab, the category of modules over the ring of integers. Nevertheless, in categories of modules over fields, non-increasing functors are precisely the varietors, as we prove now. Hence, the situation is analogous to JT - Set for Ji-Vect (but not for Ji-Mod, in general).
Construction of Free Algebras 193 Theorem. Let A be a commutative Held. The following conditions are equivalent for each functor F: A-Vect -» A-V*ct. (i) Fis a varietor; (ii) Fis a constructive varietor; (iii) Fis non-increasing; (iv) Fhas arbitrarily large filed points or it is a constant functor. Proof. In the category A-Vact all monos and all epis split Thus, F trivially preserves monos and epis. (iv) -»(Hi) This is clear. (iii) -»(ii) This follows from Theorem IV.5.3, all assumptions of which are fulfilled by A-Vact. (ii) -»(i) This is clear. (i) -»(iv) Let us apply Characterization Theorem 1V.4.2. Here -M - all monos. If F is non-constant, then there exists a cardinal y such that dimXF2 dim Xwherever dim X £ y(sce Exercise II 1.4.A(iv)L For each cardinal a choose a vector space / of dimension max (a, y, Ke). The free algebra /• is a fined point of F+ C,(IV.3.I), thus dim /* - dim /'F + dim / - dim IT. Hence, /* is a Hied point of Fand dim /• £ a. D Exercises IV J A- Varieton and fixed potata. The notions varietor, non-increasing functor and arbitrarily large fixed points are relatively independent. We illustrate this on the category Qra (IV.4.A); we denote by T- (|f). |(f, 1)1) the terminal object. In each case, verify that Fis a well-defined functor and that it has the properties claimed. (i) A non-increasing varietor without fixed points (except, of course, the in- itial algebra): on objects (X, A) put (X, A)F - T if A * 8 and (X, 6) F - (Jf, 0) + T, on morphisms f:(X, A)-»(J", S) let (l)fF- I (in T) and in case A- S-0,/F-/on X. (ii) An increasing varietor without fixed points: See IVJ.A. (iii) An increasing varietor with arbitrarily large fixed points: define Fanalogously to IV.3.A except that (Jf, 0)F - (X 0) »nd for morphisms /: (X. A) -»(K, S),/F - / if S - 0 and /Fis constant if A - 0 * S. B. Orient types. Let I be an ordered type, i.e., a type of algebras with an
194 Chapter IV order on each or the sets X,. An ordered X-algebra is then a X-algebra (Q, 5), ordered in the usual sense (III 3.5) and such that, moreover, if a, t e X, and as r.then (jc,)o S (jc,)r for all (*,) £ Q'. Define a functor F: Poa -» Poa by appropriately enriching the order of Hz: if Q- (X. £), then QF- U Xk where (jc,)(tS 0-,)r itT |er| - |r| (- *), 0* & as r in X, and x, £ y, for each i Verify that Fis a constructive varietor and the free algebras are appropriately ordered ilgebras of finite-path X-lrees (see 11.3.6). C. Concrete categories with coacrete coproaacta. (i) Verify that the categories Pot, Top, Matr, Qra fulfil the assumptions of Exercise IV.5.4 and, moreover, U preserves coproducts. (ii) Generalize functors Ht:Jt -»jr, where X has all the properties mentioned in (i), to obtain algebras of "structured types" as follows. For each cardinal it with X, * 0 choose an object A, with AkU - X,. Define F: JT -» JT by XF- U AtxX*. &»• Note that Ht- V - F- (/(and HL - F if A, are discrete objects). Prove that F is a varietor and that the free algebras are the X-lree algebras with an apropri- ate structure. (iii) If JT — Pol we described F-algebras in Exercise B above. Describe them if X — Top. D. Varleton la Vect. (i) Prove that each of the functors F in Exercise C (ii) above is a varietor in Ji-Vect. (ii) For each Unitary type £ define A,: Ji-Vect-»Ji-Vect using the tensor product ® instead of product: fl, is defined by Jffl. — X ® X 8 ... » X («times) and flr - U #«■ Prove that flr is a finiury varietor. a t I. (Hint: Prove that each fl. preserves <u-colimits—then so does each flr. To prove that, say, fl, preserves the colimit of any chain/. . :X. -» Jf_(n £ m< o>) choose a basis fl. c X. such that/, .(fl.) c fl. ^ |0| for each n £ m < m. Then fl. 9 fl. is a basis of X, ® X. and, again,/. . ® £ .(fl. 8 fl.) c fl. ® fl„^|0|.] (iii) Find two varietor: in Ji-Vect the coproduct (- product) of which is not a varietor. (Hint: For each functor F: Set-* Set we have a functor F- U- F- 0: Ji-Vect -» Ji-Vect which is a varietor iff F is. Use Example IV.4.4).
Comtructiofi of Free Algebra! 19} (iv) Biduals do not form a varietor. The hom-functor hom (-, R): fl-Vact — fl-Vacf defined on object Jtby hom (X, R) (with the usual addition and scalar multiplication of linear maps) is a well-known duality functor. Composing it with itself we obtain a functor F: Jt-Vact -» Jt-Vact. Verify that Fis not a varietor: indeed, it has no free algebra except the (trivial) initial algebra. (Hint: If dim Jtis infinite, then dim XF> dim X. Use Theorem IV.5.5.) IV 6. Flaltary Vaiteton 6.1. In the present section we study finitary varieton, i.e., functors for which the free-algebra construction stops after a steps. In the category of sets, these are essentially just the finitary functors and this "essentially" is a question of the axioms of set theory. In contrast, we sball prove that in suitably ordered categories the dass of finitary varietors is extremely large, including a lot of infinitary functors. *A Recall that each set functor is "almost" standard (111.4.5). A standard set functor Fis said to preserve unions ofa-chatns ofsvbstts, provided that X- U X. implies XF- U X.F ■ < m a < m for each ai-chain X, c X, c X,.... Theorem. A standard set functor is a finitary varietor iff it preserves unions of ai-chains of subsets. Proof. I. Let F preserve unions of o>-chalns. Since Fpreserves monos (see 111.4.7), and the coproduct injection w,,: /-• / + /Fis a mono, it is easy to verify by induction that w,.. is a mono for each n £ m < a. Therefore we can assume that W, c W, c W, ... and that wK. are the inclusion maps. Then the colimil Wm - collm W. it just the union rf. - u W.. Since F preserves this union, and since w. . F are inclusion maps too, it follows that F preserves the colimit Wm. This means that the free-algebra construction stops after a steps. II. Let Fbe a finitary varietor. We can assume that Fis non-constant. Given sets A, c X, c X, c ..., we put X - U X. and we prove XF - U (X.F). ■ < ■ • < m By 111.4.7, there exists a cardinal y such that card YF 2 card Y for any set Y with card Ys y. Let / be an infinite set with X c /and card / £ y. We use the fact tbat the free-algebra construction for / stops after o> steps. We are go-
196 CtapteMV ing to present one-to-one maps f.:jr„-» If. (n< a) which fulfil (*„.,-*.)'~,c W..,-(W.)w.,.., (n<a>) and which are compatible, i.e., '.• w....i - j.- I.* i (" < »), where j.: X, -» X.»i denotes the inclusion map. Let la : Xa -» / be the inclusion map (we have X, c X c /). Then card (JT, - X,) £ card (If, - (If,,)!**,) because If, — (If,,)*!, - IF and card /F 2 card / £ card JT £ card X,. Thererore, we can extend the map I, • wt,,: X, -» W, to a one-to-one map r,: Jt, -» If, satisfying(X, — X,)i, c If, — (Ifi)w«,,. Analogously,since card (X, - Jf.) S card (If, - (If,)*,.,), we can extend r, • h>, , to r,, etc. Denote by f.:JT-»lf. the (unique) map extending each I. • w, m: X. -» tf_(n < o>). This map is one- to-one and fulfils Klf.)*-...]';'-Jf. (n<a». Since Fpreserves preimages for one-to-one maps (111.4.7), this implies l(lf,.FK..F](».F)-1 - X.F (n < a). Finally, Fpreserves the colimit If.- colim tf„(IV.3.4) and hence, by Remark lll.5.4weget If.F- U (lf».F)w...F Thus, XF- (If.FX'.F)-1 - #yJ(lf.F)^^•K'.F)-, - ,U/.F. This concludes the proof. D
Construction of Free Al-fcbm 197 63. Recall that a set iunctor Fis Unitary iff Tor each set J and each point a e JTFthere exists a finite set Kand a map/: K-»Jrwitha e (YF]fF What is the relation between the properties "Unitary functor", equivalent to the preservation of directed unions (Exercise IIM.E) and "Unitary varietor", equivalent to the preservation of amnions? The answer depends on the axioms of set theory. An infinite cardinal n is said to be measurable if on each set X of power n there exists a non-trivial o-idditive measure /j:X->|0, I) (i.e., a map with (X)u - I, (M)ji - 0 for each finite Mc X, and ( U M.)ji - £ (M.)ji if M. c X are pairwise disjoint]. We use a formulation based on the concept of filter, i.e., a collection 9 of non-empty subsets of X closed under finite intersections and super-sets (i.e., M,, M, « 9 implies M, n M, e 9 and M, e 9 for any M, d Mi). Recall that maximal filters are called ultra/liters; they are characterized by the property that for each Mc X either Me/ or J-Mt J\ For example, the collection J, of all subsets containing a given element i! X is an ultralilter. A cardinal n is measurable iff for each set X of power n there exists an ultrafilter / which is non-trivial, i.e., 9*9, for each jc e X, and is closed under countable intersections. In fact, each such ultrafilter yields a non-trivial measure /i defined by f<(M) — I iff M e 9 (and vice versa). The assumption "there exists no measurable cardinal'* is well-known to be consistent with the theory of sets. Tkeorea. Assume that no cardinal is measurable. A standard set functor is a Dnitary varietor iff it is a finitary functor. Proof. Each finitary set functor preserves o>-unions (Exercise IIM.E) and hence, it is a finitary varietor (IV.6.2). Conversely, let Fbe a finitary varietor. Then F preserves oi-unions: for each set Jf and each point a e JfFwe prove that there exists a finite set Y c Jtwith a e YF Put r* - n {Y:Y<z JTando <= YF\. (i) Lei a € Y'F. If K* is finite, the proof is concluded. If it is infinite, we choose pairwise distinct elements y*. y,. y,, ... in Y* and put Z,, — Y* — [y.*i.y.n. ...|.Then Z, c Z, c Z, ...and U Z. - K*; we have oe r*F-(_U_Z.)F Since F preserves unions of ai-chalns, there exisu n with a e Z.F. This contradicts to the definition of Y* because Y* £ Z.. (li) Let a t Y'F Put X' - X - Y' and define a collection of subsets of r. 9- |Zc X'.ae (Zv Y')F).
196 Ch.plet IV Since Fpreserves inclusion and Unite intersections (111.4.6), S is a niter on the set X'. By Zorn's Lemma (applied to the set or all filters on X, ordered by inclusion), there exists an ultralilter V on X' with 9 c 8. By definition of Y*. clearly PI Z - 8 and hence, fl Z - 0. It follows that each set in V is infi- *«» in nite (because any ultrafilter V containing finite sets equals f, for some x). Since card X" is not measurable, the ultrafilter V is not closed under countable intersections, thus, we can choose sets K, <= S with fl Y, t S. Put I < m z.- n n I < m and define sets Z. c Jt" by induction: z... -z.u(Jr ->".)■ Then clearly Zo c Z, c Z,... and U Z, — Jt" Since Fpreserves unions of o>-chains and IE XF-( U (Z.^ Y*))F, ■ < a there exists n with ie|Z,u K*)F, i.e., with Z. <= y. Let n, be the least number with Z„ e J cS. Then n, * 0, hence Z„ - Z„_, \j (X" — K,_ ,). This is a contradiction: any ultrafilter V has the property that ^u<E I implies either A e » or fl € t. Yet, neither Z, _, nor X" — K, _ , is an element of t. D Corollary, The following statements are equivalent: (i) no cardinal is measurable; (ii) each standard set functor which is a Unitary varietor is a finitary functor. The proof of(i) -»(ii) was presented above. For the converse assume that there exist measurable cardinals and define a set functor M as follows. For each set X let XM be the set of all o-addilive measures on X. For each map /: X-+ Kand each measure \i: Jt-» |0, I) define the measure {p\fM — fl by (A)fl - (Ml/1) /I for each A c Y. It is easy to check that fl is a o-additive measure and that Af is a well-defined functor. Moreover, the existence of measurable cardinals clearly implies that Mis not a finitary functor. On the other hand, Mpreserves countable unions: for each o--additive measure fi: U X. -»|0,1) there exists n, with (JTJii - I, and then the restriction y.' of fi to X„ fulfils P-(MV„F
Conttniction of Frw Algcbru 199 where (,„: Jt«, -» U X, is the inclusion map. Thus, Mis a finiury varietor. By 111.4.}, there exists a standard functor F naturally isomorphic to M. Then F is a counterexample to (ii). M. In contrast to Sot, in the full subcategory Set. of all countable sets, each functor is a Unitary varietor. In fact, a finitary functor, which is defined as in Set (III.4J). Theorem. Each functor F: Set.-* Set. is Unitary and hence, a finitary varietor. Proof. I. Let us first observe that for each infinite set X there exists an uncountable collection (M,),,j (i.e., card J> Ko) of infinite subsets M,c X such that M, n M, is finite for each j, j e J with j * f. We can assume that X contains the set of all rational numbers. Let J be the set of all irrational numbers. For each j £ J choose a sequence x. of rational numbers with lim x„ - j and put M, - |x,; n < to). II. Let F: Sat, -» Sat. be an arbitrary functor. We can assume that F is a standard functor—this is quite analogous to the category Sat, see III.4.5. Let us extend F to a standard functor G:Set-»Set as follows. For each set X let XC- U*"F where the union ranges over all countable subsets X" of X (and hence, XC - XF if X is countable); for each map f:X-*Y define /C: XC — YC as follows: given a E XC, there is a countable set X" c X with a E X'C — X'F, and we denote by f: X' -»(X^f the restriction of / and put (a\fG-(a)fF: Since F is standard, C is obviously a well-defined extension of F. It Is sufficient to prove that C is a finitary functor. Then G is a finitary varietor, and since F coincides with C on the category Sat., it follows that F is also both a finitary functor and a finitary varietor. For each set X and each point a e XC we present a finite set Y c X with a e YC. Let X* c X be a countable set with a E X'G. If X" is finite, the proof is concluded. If X" is infinite, we have a collection M, c X {J E J) as in I. above. For each> there exists a one-to-one map^: X" -» X" with M,-(ri/;.
200 Chapter IV The set of all (a)/F(e Jf'G) j e J, is countable simply because JTG - XT is countable. Since the let J it uncountable, there exist distinct J,ftJ with (atffi - (a\f,C - b. Put ?- M,r\ M,, Since (rGXffi) - M,G (see 111.4.7) and analogously with j', and since G preserves finite intersections (III.4.6), we have 6 <= M/Gn M,C- fC. The set Y - (rV/"' is finite, since f, is one-to-one, and a <= KG because the fact that f, is one-io-one implies thai YC - (KGX/JG)-' by III.4.7. This proves that G, and hence F, is a Unitary functor. D &S. For a certain type of ordered categories we shall eihibit a mild criterion Tor a functor to be a flnltary varietor. By an ordered allegory is meant a category together with a partial ordering ^ 11 (or just £) on each set hom {A, A) of morphisms from A to B, compatible with the composition in the tcntc that /£,!,/* and |ilt| imply /■ g*ACf-t- Recall that a poset (X, £) is said to be oxompleu if it has a least element 0 and each Increasing (u-sequence has a join. Maps preserving the least element and joins of increasing o-sequences are said to be to-continuous. DefurUea. An co-category is an ordered category in which (i) each hom (A, B) is an (u-complete poset; (ii) composition is (u-continuous, i.e., given {,<. fx <. f^...: A-+B and g,s g, £ «,...:«-»£;then (y/-)-(v«-)-y/-—* and for the least elements, Exaaiak*. (i) Pos., the category of (u-complete posets and m-contlnuous maps, is an oxitegory. Here, hom (A, B) is naturally ordered by f<. g IfT (x)/£ (x)g for each x e A. (il) Pfn, the category of sets and partial functions, is an ©-category. The ordering of hom(Af, K) is defined "by extension": given / g: X -» K, then fsg Iff (x\f-(x)g for all x with (x)/defined.
Construction of Free Algebra 201 The least map is the empty (nowhere defined) map. The join of a sequence /„ £ / £ / £ ...: JT-. Y is the map/: JT-. Y defined by (x)/- (x)/. whenever (x)/ is defined. (iii) The category Jt-Mod becomes trivially an (u-category when we put /£ f iff either /- g or / is the zero map. 64. DeflaHkM. A diagram D: 1 -»JT in an ordered category jr is said to have an isotone limit if it has a limit x,:X-» dD(d <= »•) such that for arbitrary p, f: K-» Jf we have p £ 9 Iff p- *> £ q- nt for each d e 9°. Remark*, (i) If JT is an (u-category, then each itotone limit it in fact m-con- tinuous in the sense that (I) given p,?.: Y-+X with « £ q, £ % £ ....then P - V q. iff /> • *> - V «. - *i for each d e 0°, ll « a • < • and (2) />-0r.r iff p-x,-0,,D for each J e 9°. This follows easily from the o>continuity of the composition map - . xt: honKr, X) — hom( K, dD). (ii) In an ordered category JT, all limits are isotone iff (a) products are isotone, i.e., II / £ II fi whenever/ £ g,for each i e /: HI lit (b) equalizers are isotone, i.e., JT has equalizers and for each regular mono m: X-* X' and for arbitrary p, g: K-» X p- m £ q> m implies p £ q. The proof that (a) and (b) imply that each limit is isotone it analogous to the non-ordered variant (Exercise III.I.E). (iii) Isotone colimits are defined dually. An ordered category has isotone colimits iff it has isotone coproducts and isotone coequalizers. •5.7. Dtfnkioa. Let JT be an (u-category. By an co-functor we mean a functor F: JT -»JT which preserves the Join of any m-sequencc p, £ p, £ pi £ ...:A-*B, i.e., it fulfils V/UF- V p.F:AF^BF. ■<■ I »<m Example. For each type 1 the functor //r:jr-»jr is an tu-functor, assuming that Jf has isotone products and coproducts.
202 Clwpiw IV Rcnirk. Each tv-functor is clearly "locally isotone", i.e, if p £ q in hom(4 B) then pF £ qF in hom(/4F, *"F). Note that, however, F is not supposed to preserve the least element of hom(4 B) Timiii Let.» be an o-category with isotone (u-colimits. For each <v-func- tor F: JT -» jr, the initial-algebra construction stops after o> steps. Proof. Let us define morpnisms (,: XF"*'-» XF' (n<<») by the following induction: «0: IF— X is the leut element of hom(IF, 1): t..,-t.F: {1F-")F-(1F")F. Then (1) i»»..i • '. - I if and »,-»,.,,, s ltr.» i (n<<»). This is obvious If n - 0: »,., ■ (, - I because hom(X, X) - (IJ, and I, ■ to, s llf because <o is the least element of hom(XF, X) and hence, >i ■ w,, i is the leut element of hom(If, If) (because the composition — ■ Wn i is (u-continuous). Since F is "locally isotone", the induction step is obvious, too. Given n < m, put I..- I.-,- !.-,■■■■■ ».:XF-- if. Then (I) clearly implies (2) »,.l,.-lif and »»..»,. s lif. (n < m < <»). For a fined t- 0, I, 2 define a family of morpnisms from if (n < a) to X F' by w„,.XF"-» XF' foralln-0,1 k; »„,: XF"-. XF' forall n-*+ l,*+2,... . Using (2), it is euy to check that this family is compatible with the initial-algebra construction. Hence, there exists a unique morphism s,: IF-— if with (J) w J.-("■' (BSk) Let us verify that the morpnisms st- wt .: XF"-» XF* form an (u-chain
Construction of Free Algebras 203 with («) VV w...- I lf.. On the one hand. Tor each * < a> we have 4- H4..S lif because the colimit if- colim X f ia laotone, and Tor each n — k + I, <•< * k + 2,... vie have »V.-(4- »V.) - '».»■ •»».. S w...- Analogously with the inequality 4- "i..S «»i ■ "Wi. (*<•»)• On the other hand, let /: J. F" -► J. F" be a morphlam with /2 4 ■ N't.. Tor each k < to. For each Jk < a> we have m . • sk — »y» — I, hence •»»..■ /* •»».. ■ 4 ■ •»»..- •»»..• This Implies that/2 I ir., and the proof of (4) Is concluded. We shall prove that wmmt., Is an Isomorphism with the Inverse j- V stF ■ n,l.:lf,l-»lP. First, to show that s is well-defined we must check that 4F- "i + i..£ 4»iF- »,»,.. for each * < <w. We hive 4 - 4 ♦ 1 ■ 4 (because for each n > * + I clearly My,. - s, - 4.. - «y.. ■ 4 ♦ 1" 4). ■na' we conclude that «F- »t.t..- 4*|F- '«F- Wi«i.»«i ■ Ws + t. - 4*|F- ('»■ •»».»♦ i)F- Wstt. - 4*|F- "itj.. (by (i) above]. Next w...*i • »- lif beacuse for each n < <v we have
204 CluplcrlV Finally. s ■ because F Therefore, wm ia ..♦ an - "..J- - x<- 1-0 - •».♦!..• , - K,... (u-funclor and hence, V'.'- .',)F 1. i 4 1 " ' ■.?.<*■ "•♦I., ■ m ♦ i. *Wi.. ■ w...)J Vt(*- «v.)F Thia concludes the proof. D Corollary. Let jr be an o-category with iaotone countable colimits. Then each <D-functor F: jr -» jr is i finitiry varietor. Indeed, since finite coproducts are iaotone (hence, (u-continuoiu, aee Remark IV.6.6) and since both F and each constant functor C, are (u-functors, F+ C, is clearly an tv-functor, too. It follows from Proposition I V.J.J and the preceding theorem that F ia a finiury varietor. Ensile*, (i) The (u-category Pos. haa iaotone lirnita and colimits, aa we verify presently. Thus, for etch type I, the functors f, n[. rOS)a-* rOS)a (aee 111.J.6) are Unitary varieton. And thia holda even for innnitaiy typea £ The Inner reason will be seen below. (a) Limits. The product Tlx, in Poa. is the cartesian product, ordered coordinate-wise. Given morphisms p, q: F-» 11X, such that each projection x, fulfils p ■ x, s q ■ x„ then p £ q (because the ordering is coordinate-wise). The equalizer e: X-* r of two morphisms/,^: K-» Z is the embedding of
Conilruction or Free Algebru 20S the tubpoaet of til y e Y with (y\f, - (y\f,. Given p, q: P-» X with p- e S q- e, then, obvioualy, p £ q (b) Colimita. The coproduct II AT, in Poi. ia the disjoint union with the leut element! merged. Given morphismt p,q:\lX,-»P such that p/X, s q/X, Tor each i £ I, then p £ $ The coequalizen in Poa. are not ao eaay to describe. It is dear, however, that each eoequtlizer e: X-* K hu the rollowing property: if Y' ia a subposet of Y containing (AT )c and doted under joint of incretsing m-sequences, then Y - Y. Given morphiama p, q: Y-* f with t ■ p £ c ■ q, let y" be the subpot- et of Y of til y e K with (y)p £ (y)q. Then F hat the properrjet mentioned tbove and hence, V - Y. Thus p £ q. (ii) The ai-category Pfn haa itotonc limitt tnd colimltt—tee Exerrite IV.6.B below. However, the product in Pfn (which we denote by * tnd II) it not the ctrteiitn product. We htve X ft Y-(X x Y) + X+ Y and, in general, fix,- II Ux,. [Given ptrtial mtpa /: T-* X„ i e /, then the /: r- fi X, It defined by («)/- \W,\„, where y (f)/ii undefined iff each (fl/Iia undefined.) That, the functors /ff i Pfn —* Pfn tre Dnitary varietors for each (even inlinitary) type £ but there teema to be no intuition whtt the /fi-tlgebru are like. On the other hand, the functort defined by the cartetitn product tre not o-functora, in general. For etch cardinal n let ut denote by Hm'. Pfn —* Pfn the functor of the n-th ctrtetitn power: XH: - X- and ///„• - f. Then W* U an o-functor iff n it finite. At tn eiample, let X, fi X, & X,... be arbitrary tett and put X — U Xk. Let unique factorizing map - I'e ':('!/! is defined); /.:*-* (*<«»
206 Chiptcr IV be defined by (x\ft — x if x € Xt, else undefined. Then but. Tor any infinite n, V/V" * I,.. am 0 Indeed, let (x,), <. e X" be an element such that Xg e X* x, € Af, — X* x, € AC, — Xh ...; then If. is defined in (x,)(<, but V/\" is not. (iii) The category X-Mod, with its trivial order, has neither products nor coproducts isotone. For eumple, consider f:Xx Y—Xx Y defined by /- Hi — Hi and /- Xf — 0. Though fi. Ir. r. we have /■»,SltIf», and /•»,slI>r-»r. &S. Free (u-coatlaaon algebras. For each type I we are going to describe the Tree o-continuous ^algebras, i.e., the Tree algebras or the functor ffi:Po».-»Poi.. (See Eiereise IV.6.A below Tor Ht.) We use the description or £trees as maps r: n«-» /w X(n - V N) introduced in 11.3. 9 a f Let / be an tv-complete poset (with / n I — 8, for convenience). In the lint step or the Tree-algebra construction we have W, - 1+ HJ. Here, + is the disjoint union with the least element 0 e / merged with the (formalI) least element of IH\. Thus, as a set, W, - /w /W°r, where the elements of IH\ are represented (as usual) by the following trees: li<kl
Construction of Free Alaebm 207 The ordering is such that 0 is smaller then each such tree, while any x e / — |0) is Incompatible with each auch tree. In general, W.., - 1+ W.ffl is (aa a set) the disjoint union of / and of W. H%. The elements of the latter set are represented by trees (a e X, and (, e Wm). Hence, Wmtl is the set of all trees I: it*-» /ulof depth £ in + I. The ordering of trees (, I': n*-» / >_/ X In W. la defined as follows: (•) »£ (ifT for each z e n* (i)(j)« € XImplies (z)» - (i)f; (ii) (i)« e / - |0) implies (i)« £ (*)«■ € / - |0). This is easy to verify by induction on m. Example: © Thin U w. is the poset or all £<trec* or Unite depth, ordered by (•). This is not Wm; indeed, the poset U Wm is not (incomplete, as indicated by the example above. Obsciratloa. Let /• denote the poset of all (finite and Infinite) X-trees over / with the ordering (•) above. Then /' — collm Wm with respect to the inclusion
208 Chapter IV maps w...: W.-*l* (m<m). Proof, (i) The poset /'is to-complete. Its least element is 0 e / c /*. The join of a sequence US I, S I, ... of ttrees is the following £4ree i:i'-<iu I: for each i e n*. (z)l - x e / iff (z)i. e /for each m< tu, and x - V (z)(. in /-. m < m (j)» - a € I iff (*)». - <r for all but finitely many m < <u. (ii) The inclusion maps are clearly tu-continuous. (iii) Each tree I e I is a join of an tu-sequence »m £ r1" £ r111 £ ... with ?•> e If. defined by j(rf, ...;,)< if r < m and (i,... i,)< is defined; '■■■""' ■» iff - m and (/,.,. i,)( is defined and undefined else. It is easy to prove by induction that i"' e Wm; using the description of oi-joins in (i), we see that l _ V I"1 for each I e /*. N < ■ (Iv) Let Pbe an tu-complete poset and let pm: Wm-* P(m < to) be a compatible family. i.e., a family tuch that pm.i extends pm(m < to). Define /,:/*-l>by (Dp - V («"')/>.. m < m Then p clearly emends each pm, and it is sufficient to show that pit tu-contin- uous [the uniqueness follows immediately from (iii)L For each m < owe have /"•' - V l't" — this is easy to check using the description of tu-joins pre- * < m sented in (i) above. Hence, (Dp - VmW)P. - !v! .y.w*- -'y.'.yy-'^ Conllary. The free tu-continuous £algebra generated by an tu-complete poset /is the algebra /' of all £treesover / ordered as in (•) above and with the operations e>„: (/*)* -» /* (o e Ik) defined by Ci)i<kP. -I if (B)»-ff and fy-t, (j < k).
Construction of Free Algebras 209 This follows from the fact that H\ is a Unitary varietor (hence, /• - Wm) and from the preceding observation. The definition of f>„ above is correct if all the trees t,,j < k, are from one Wm for some m < a>: then f>„is the coproduct injection of W. into Wm ♦ i: In general, it follows from the (u-continuity of «>„, since ('/),<»»>.- .V.C'")/ <'♦>•■ Excreta.) IV.* A. Fim strictly ai-coathmow r-algebm. These are algebras for the functor H[\ Poa.-» Poa.: they differ from the (non-strict) (u-continuous algebras by the requirement that the operations preserve the least element, i.e., by the equations (0,0,..., 0,.. .)?„ - 0 for each a e I — Z+ Verify that the free //{-algebra is obtained from the free HJ-algebra by the least congruence - such that (0,0 0,.. .)«»„ - 0 for each a e I — I,. Its elements can be represented by all trees (such that under each node there lies a leaf not labelled by 0. (Formally: for each />,.../>,€ n* in the domain of ( there exists />,.../>,/>,.,.../>,€ n* with (/>,... />,)» € (/ — |0|) w £*) B. LtatUi aad calharta la Pfn. (i) Verify that coproducts in Pfn are those in Sat, I.e., the disjoint unions. Verify that each coequalizer in Pfn is a partial map onto. Conclude that Pfn has isotone colimits. (ii) Verify that the products in Pfn (described in Example IV.6.7) are isotone. Describe equalizers in Pfn. Conclude that Pfn has isotone limits. C. Free algebras la Pfn. Denote by Wf: Pfn -» Pfn the coproduct of the functors WJ,, a e I (IV.6.7). Verify that the free-algebra construction coincides with that in Sat. Hence, Hf is a finitary varietor iff Xls Unitary. //I-algebru are precisely partial ^algebras but the homomorphisms here are not "natural". Describe Wf-homomorphisms in Pfn and explain why free algebras are just the free universal ^algebras. D. Flaftary vaiieton oa X-Vact (i) Assuming that no cardinal is measurable, prove that a standard functor F: X-Vact -» X-Vact is a finitary varietor iff it is a finiury functor in the sense of 111.4.3. [Hint: The proof is completely analogous to that of I V.6.3: use the properties of vector functors, indicated in Exercises III.4.A, D, E.) (ii) Denote by X-Vact. the full subcategory of X-Vact over counubly-di- mensional spaces. Prove that each functor F: X-Vact. -» X-Vact. is finitary. (Hint: Proceed as in IV.6.4.)
210 Chapter IV IV.7. Free-Coraalerloa Coastractloa 7.1. Partial algebras. Throughout this section, JT denotes a category with a fined factorization system («°, of). By a partial morphism rrom an object A to an object fl in jr is meant a morphism from a subobject or A into B. We denote partial morphisms by —». Thus, a partial morphism 6: A —» B is represented by a span A B where m e .«*. (For each isomorphism I: A,-* A, the span I• 6,: A'e -» Band /■ m: A', -* A represents the same partial morphism.) Let F: JT -► JT be a functor. A partial F-algebra is a pair (Q, S) consisting or an object Q and a partial morphism 6: QF-- Q. Example. A partial groupoid (i.e., a partial /fi-algebra) consists of a set Q and a partial binary operation, i.e., a map O.D—Q where Dc Q x Q denotes the domain or D. Given partial groupoids (Q, D) and (Q, »), a map/: Q-* Q is a homo- morphism Iff (•) (« Q qtf- («,)/• (*)/ holds for arbitrary q,. q, e Q for which q, D q, is defined. Remark. There are several natural concepts of homomorphism of partial groupoids (and partial J>algebras in general). All are characterized by (•), and the difference! are only in the question which side is to be defined. In Chapters VII and VIII, devoted to partial and nondeterministic automata, we use so-called state morphisms (characterized, in case of groupoids, by (•) whenever (fi)/» iqilf'u defined). Natarloa. A partial f algebra can be represented by a quadruple (Q, D, cV m), where m:D— QF is an #-mono (the domain of the operation) and fi,:D-C
Construction of Free AlfcbfM 211 it an arbitrary morphism. All other such lepieicumJoiu of the tame partial alfebra are then (ft 6. i- *./•"!). where i; /5-» D it an arbitrary isomorphism. Given partial algebras A - (ft D, 8+ m) and A' - (ft, D\ S„ m"), a morphism/; Q-» Q" is a homomorphism Iff there exists a (unique) .£-. D-+ D' such that the fotlowhig diagram OF-" 0 —«-0 IF \, ( T ffF- ; 01 p—-0' commute*. This if clearly Independent of the choice of reprnenutive* of A and/4'. 7J. One extreme cate of partial f algebras are the dltcreu ^algebras. La* thote where S u nowhere defined. Formally, let J. be the initial object. A dit- crete Falgebn on an object Q a represented by (ftJ.,cVm) where 6,: ± -* Q and m: J. -► QF are the unique morphisms. But here we must assume that Jl contains all the morphisms from X. If a partial ^algebra (ft 8) is discrete, each morphism from Q Is a homo- morphism. More precisely. Tor each partial Falgebra (ft1,5"), all morphisms /: Q-» Q" are homomorphismt/:(ft 8) -► (ft-, S"). The opposite extreme are the (lout) F-algtbrtu, represented by those quadruples (ft D, 6\. m) Tor which m is an isomorphism. (One or the representatives of an ^algebra (ft S) it (ft QF, B, I „,). of course.] 7J. The free completion of a partial /^algebra (ft S) it a (total) ^algebra (Q',6') together with a homomorphism ';:(ft«)-(e•.«•) which has the following universal property: For each (total) Falgebra (&.F) and each homomorphism /: (ft S) -»(ft1,5~), there exists a unique homomorphism
212 Chaplar tv /•:(Q',6',)-(e\A~) «uch that/- »■/"■ Examples. If (Q, S) is the discrete algebra, then (Q',S')'n precisely the Tree algebra generated by Q. (Indeed, here/is simply a morphiam/: Q-* ff.) On the other hand, if (ft S) is a total ^algebra then (0\ 6"1) - (ft 6). 7A. We are going to present a construction or Tree completion, generalizing the free-algebra construction. Before that, we extend the concept of a partial algebra, no more insisting that the morphism m: D-* Q be a mono. On the one hand, this will simplify some considerations (for example we shall be able to work with discrete algebras without unnecessary assumptions on .JO; on the other hand, in the construction of free completion we study below, there is no advantage in restricting ourselves to partial algebras. Let F: JT -» jr be i functor. By a span F-algebw is meant a diagram of the following type in JT: A ipan-algtbra morphism from a span algebra (Q, D,6+ S,) to a span algebra iff. D\ S'v 6\) is a pair (//,) of jr-morphiama such that the following diagram IF 0"F- commutes. F-.-2 0 3U.Q •o
Comtntctton of Fn< Algebra 213 Raeeark. By the above notation, each partial algebra it represented by a span algebra with 6, e Jl, and we shall simply identify partial algebni with (any of the) representing (pan algebras. In this sense homomoiphlsms of partial algebras are exactly the span-algebra morphisms. On the other hand, span algebras are ranch more general than partial algebras—we return to this after Introducing relations in a category (see V.2.S). Each ^algebra (ft*) will be identified with the span algebra (ft QF, 6,1 ar) and each horaoraorphism / with the span-algebra morphism (JJF). We often write simply /:(ft D, 6\. £,)-» (ft-, 6") instead of W S, /F):<ft D. 6+ «,)- ((T. <TF, o~. \fft). Deflatttoa, The frtt completion of a span Falgebra A is a (total) ^algebra A • together with a span-algebra morphism n: A -» A • which has the following universal property: For each Falgebra B and each span-algebra morphism/: A -» A there exists a unique homomorphism f':A'-»B with / — n • / *. 13. Fine t—plill»a naeUnlluat Let Jf be a cocomplete category and let F: Jf -» Jf be a functor. For each span F■algebra A - (ft D. 5+ 8,) we define two traiufinhe chains V. lf:Ord->jr and a natural transformation p:V— W by the following translinite induction. I. (a) First step: V, - D; V, - ftFand v.., - «,; W. - Q. A> - «►
2|4 Oupwr IV (b) Isolated step. For each ordinal n put V..,- W.F. v.,,....- w....,F:W.F*W„xF. and let the following be a pushout (defining wK,., and p., ,): -V~ *^M (c) Limit step. For each limit ordinal i: K(-colim (K„: v.. „)„, . <,: W,-colim(»f.: *...).,.<,; p, - colim p.. ■taark. The above definition is "complete". In the first step, p, and »,., are given. By (b), their pushout defines Pi, w, ,andrL1 - wa,F. Next, the pushout of p, and v, i defines Pi, w,.iand »,., - w,,F, etc. Moreover v0.i - vol • »,.,, etc Hence, we obtain all p., r.„ and w... with n £ m < o). This yields, by colimit, V., If. and p.: K.-» W.. Next, to obtain •v..i: y.— *y.F. we use the fact that V. - colim V., and for each n< a, »..,.. »...♦ i - ».♦!... i - *>,..F: W.F-* W.F. Then the pushout of p. and v.* i defines P..I.W...*! and r.,i..,,-»,.,|f, etc.
Comtnictiofi of Ficc AJ|tbm 215 7j6. Enmak. Let ((?, ±, 6,, m) be the discrete algebra (IV.7.2). The linl pushout is a coproduct of Q and QF: where ifc and a are the coproduct injectioni. see Remark IV.3.2. (Proof: Any square with X in the upper left-hand corner commutes, and hence the universal property of pushouts coincides with that of coproducu.) Also the next pushouts are obtained from the free-algebra construction, since the following square . "fc-LnF ■W„F W„-Q«WnJF ►WL.-Q^F is a pushout. (Proof: Let p: W.-»Pm4 q:W.F-» Pbt moiphisms with P.-i-P - <*.-i..F-q. The unique morphism k:W,.,-*P with P ~ Co + wn-i..F)- k and q- e>.• * has components *b.. P-Q—P and q:W.F—P.\ Finally, the limit step is obtained by a colimit, analogously as in the free-algebra construction. Thus, the chain W in the free-completion construction of a discrete algebra is just the free-algebra construction. DefliHhM. The free-completion construction is said to slop after k slept if both »t,, i and wt,,, are isomorphisms. Remark, (i) If Vi.,., is an isomorphism, then the construction stops after Jr. steps because the pushout of pk and »,,», is then formed by Pun - »»"'»♦ i -P»»nd »,.»,, - l,^ If "i. i ♦ i is an isomorphism, then the construction stops after k + I steps because »., 1.1. i - »i. i,, fis an isomorphism. This is in particular the case
216 Chapter IV whenever till limit ordinal such that F preserves the colimit Wk — colim W,. • < k (ii) We are going to prove that in case the free-completion construction stops after k steps, the free completion of the given span algebra is {Wk, T.'t ♦ i • Pi)- This can °c proved directly by induction. We are going to prove this by translating the present construction as the initial-algebra construction. 7.7. Free coaakttoa a* the least that ■oiat. Let A - (ft D, &. S,) be a span ^algebra. We denne a functor G whose leut fixed point is the free completion of A. Denote by BA the following category: Objects are pairs (*, /) where B - (X, Y, jc* x,) is a span Filgebra (i.e., x,: Y-» X and x,: f-» XF) and /- (/o, /,) is a spin-algebra morphism f:A-*B, i.e., the following diagram commutes: Morphlsms from (£, f)lo(B'.f) are such morphisms f - (fk $,): * -» ** of span algebras which fulfil f — /• $. The formation of pushouts which is used in the free-completion construction gives rise to the following functor G-.aA-*xA. For each object (A,/) - (X, r,*c *,,/,,/,) we form the puihout of x,»nd x,: and we put (B, f)G - (Z, XF, z* z,F,/, • z„ f, ■ x,). For each morphism
CoiMlfvcttaa of FlM AlftbiM 217 there eiiiti • anique morphittn k: Z-» X In Jf for which the following diagram TV 5 .. XT X ,/V \ commutes (where 4 and 1,' are morphitmt forming the puthout of j£ and x,-). Put AG - (t. A.F). It U euy to verify that Gill well-defined functor. PiepaaKI—■ Let (B, f) be the leait fixed point of the functor G. Then B it a (total) falgebra and the free f completion of A U f:A-+B. Proof, (i) We prove that Ait an ^algebra. Let a:(*,/)G-(ft/) be the Isomorphism for which ((B, /), a) It the leatt fixed point of G. Put (B,f)-(X, Y, *_*„/../,) and define k - (r, • o^, x, ■ a,).
218 CluplerlV We are |oin| to prove that A :<*,/) -<*./) is a moiphism of Bt such that (1) ah-hGa. By lite definition of the least fixed point, such A is unique—since also l,t/) has these properties, we shall conclude that A — liasi- This means that r, • a, — I, and x, ■ a, — 11. Since a, and a, are morphisnu, we shall have (2) z, - ai' and x, - or'- Thus, we shall conclude that x, is an isomorphism and A is a total falgebra (by Remark IV.7.4). To prove that A :<*,/)-<*,/) is a moiphism in 3tA. it is sufficient to inspect the following diagram in JT (which commutes, since a is a moiphism in XA): z,F ZF-« ! XF- -Y- pushout Further, by the definition of G we have AG - (A, h,F) where A: Z-» Zis defined by 2o • * - *if- *o - *if- Oof- *• - »o • {<*» ■ z,) and z,- A- Aa-z, - z, -(oo■ z,), which implies A- o,-2,.
Coiutroctlofi of Fr«« Algcbrai 219 Thus, AG - (a,- z,, i,F- a,F), and hence (I) meant that a,■ h, — a,- *, • a* and a, - A, — z,F- a»F- a,, both of which are eaiy to check. (ii) For each Falgebra 8 and each span-Falgebra morphijm g :A-» 8, we prove that there Is a unique Fhomomorphlsm g' : B-* 4 with g — /■ g'. Representing 8 at 8-&Q.B, Iff) and considerini the following pushout -A, Of- -»0f- pucheut g -»0F o »a -*8 we conclude that the object (ft g) of »,, fulfils <ft»)G-<4»). Thus, (4 g) is a fixed point of G with the corresponding morphitm !,»,,. Therefore, there exittt a unique (r-homomorphitm »*:((*./), a) -»((4 »). I), I.e., a unique Fhomofnorphlun such that g-f-g' and a-f'-f'G. To conclude the proof (of the unlcity of »), it it sufficient to show that the latt equation is superfluous: each Fhomomorphism gm : B-» 8 fulfils ag'-g'G. By remark IV.7.4, we have g• - (j•, x,-giF). Then f "G - (*, gbf). where * is defined by the commutativity of the following diagram: Y-^XF-^l-OF f X j-—Z
220 Clupter IV Using (2), we aee that k-tv'-gi - <>k-gi «nd gtF- a, ■ x, • f.'F, which implies »"C-(o," -g+a, -x, -g^F)- «•»•. Q IX The initial-algebra construction over G it precisely the free-completion construction for A over F. In fact, the initial object of BA is clearly ■L -WW The next step X C is given by the puthout of 6% and 6°, D 3—»0F-\^ —»! «-W,F •oj «, *frO X C-(W„ K..P,. »,.,: w^,. >v,) with the connecting morphism (•"•.i. »l).i):-l- -» XG. Analogously, X C is obtained from the following pushout OF- —=-»-W,F —2— »W,F -W, to get (»,.,, r,.,): XG-» 1C - (R/„ Vt,p„ »1>: w0, rt J, etc In order to verify that X G* also represents the o-step in the free-completion construction (and, more generally, X G" the n-th step for any ordinal n), we need a characterization of chain-colimits in 9A: ObMinU—■ »,, is a chain-cocomplete category with coordinate-wise formation of o-collmits (for any limit ordinal a). That is, given an a-chaln *..-:(*../.)-►(*-./-) (n S m < o) with *. - (*., Y„ x,.., *,..). then the
Coiulnictloe of Frc« AlgcbrM 221 colimit In Ma ii B - (eolim X.. collm Y.,x0,x,;f+ /,) where the morphisms in A ire determined by the fact that the following diagram (colimXjF •y ■ IcollmYJ - -» X. \<U. "IcollmXJ "i -o commutet for each m < a. Here A. and A» denote the rcipective collmit Injection! in JT, and the colimit injection! in 9t are (A.,*.):*-- B(m<a). Corallary. If the free-completion constructions stop* alter k steps, then the f*lgebra/4* - (W,,p, • wj;',» ,) is the free completion of A with respect to wt t:A-¥ A'. In fact, if the free-completion construction stops after k steps, so does the Initial-algebra construction over G and hence. J. C* - {A ', »y,) is the initial G-algebra. 7.9. We say that a functor F has amtwctirtfttt completions if the free-completion construction stops for each span Falgebra. Thaorto. Let JT be a cocomplete, /-cowell-powered (*, .^-category. A functor F: JT ■ JT preserving /-epis hu constructive free completions iff F is a constructive varietor. Proof. By Example IV.7.6, if F hu constructive free completions, then F Is a coiutnictive varietor. Conversely, let F be a constructive varietor preserving /-epis. For each span Falgebra (Q. D, 6+ 6,) denote by p: V—W the free-completion construction and, for distinction, by # the free-algebra construction over Q. We define a compatible collection of I- epis
222 Chipwr IV since If stops, If also stops by Lemma IV.2.7. (a) First step: e, - \Q: Q-* Q. (b) Isolated step: the components of «.♦.•■(? + rP.F-»:*i are *»..i:8->»'.,i and e.F- p., ,: rK.F-» W,, ,. (Hmp.^-.V.,,- W.F-W.*,) (c) Limit step: the components of e,:lim *.-► lim If. are*, • »,,(*< n). We prove the compatibility. Using Remark IV.2.4, we prove that the following squares W„- -w. commute for all n < m. (a) m — I: clearly wtx • e, — wt,. (b|) If the square above commutes, then the following diagram also commutes. This shows ihat ihe moiphisms *.♦!.-,i • („*■; «..i • •».,,...,: Q+ rK.F-» Wmt,
Coratrvctloa of Free Atgtbrai 223 have identical second components. The first components of these two mor- phisms are also identical (viz, wtmt,). (bt) If the squares above commute for all n < it* where n, is a limit ordinal, then they commute for no too. because PP„ - collm W,. (c) The limit step in m follows from the definition of *,. It remains to prove that each *. is in /: (a) <0- le. (b) Let t. € 4. and let «„♦, - i- * be an image factorization, i: (P.»i -» Z in 4 and iB: Z-* W,„, in Ut. We have where e\: lf.f-» (P.», - C + &.F is the coproduct injection. Since e. and e.f are tt-epls, we can use the diagonal fill-in twice: % ''»*(, V< I / «M V Thus, both w.., , and p.♦, factor through the subobject A Since these two morphisms form a pushout (of »...*i *nd p.), we have im*,,,,^ Imp.,, - I by Remark 111.5.4. Therefore, A Is an isomorphism, and this proves e.„ , € *. (c) The limit step follows from Exercise I11.5.B. This concludes the proof. a 7,1ft. We prove now an important criterion for a functor to have constructive free completions: the preservation of colimits of o-chains of subobjecu (for some infinite cardinal a). We know that the preservation of all a-colimiU is sufficient for the stopping of the initial-algebra construction (I V.3S), and it can be easily seen that this is sufficient for the free-completion construction too. Nevertheless, the preservation of colimits of o-chalns of UT-monos is a considerably milder condition which Is often rather euy to verify (because colimits of chains of monos are usually unions). Defralttsa. Let a be an infinite cardinal. A functor has rank a iff it preserves colimits of o-chsins of UT-monos.
224 Chapter IV Euaiak*. (i) The functor H.: Sat -» Sat has rank a iff the cofinility of a Is larger than <t In fact, if cof (o) > n, then for each union tr-Utr, > < ■ of an o-chain M, c II, c ... and for each element |i,|i< . € IIH. - II' there exists I, < a such that j,e M, for all i < n. Thus, |x,) € M; and this proves JUTf. - U AW.. Conversely, if cof (a) s n and if the union above is strictly increasing, we can find elemenu x, € M for i < n, such that for each > < a there existi ■ with x, t U,. Then \x,) € W — U II' and hence, H. does not preserve the union. (ii) For each finiury type £, the rank of Ht: Sat -» Sat is a. If 27 is infini- tary, the rank of Ht is any infinite regular cardinal larger than all arities. (iii) Let .* be a concrete category (I1I.3.8) with both chaln-colimits and products preserved by the forgetful functor (/and with Ut — \m\mV\t one- to-one|. (These hypotheses on jr are rather mild, e.g., all varieties of finitary algebras and Poa, Top, Qra fulfil them.) Then H.: jr -» Jf has rank a IIT cof (a) > n. This follows from (i) above. 7,11. Taurus Let JT be a cocomplete, /-cowell-powered (/, ur>cuegory. Each functor F: Jf -» jr with a rank has constructive free completions. Proof. I. For each span algebra A we form the free-completion construction p \ K-» W. Let us consider the image factorizations with «„.„: W.-* J,,m'mt Ktij..m: J.,m-* W.in.*.Since.* Is/-cowell-pow- ered, for each ordinal n there exists an ordinal n * such that tm .. represents the same quotient of W. as any e, m with m a n*. Thus, there are isomorphism V- -J... —»/..« with «...-«...••*..« (man*). Define a map (: Ord -» Ord by transfinite induction as follows: (0)«- 0: (n+ l)i-<»)»•; (/)l _ V (n)( for a limit ordinal L
Conftnioion of Fm Algttbm 225 We shall prove that Fpreserves the collmlt of the chain defined by "m ~ *M*)I *n*' *Va ~ Wtn)tAmti - Then f preserves the colimit W,,v- colim Wm: theset of ill (n)l whh n < aU «< t«>f cofinal in (a)( and hence, by Exercise III.I.F, ^•n ™ colim H^a)) ™ colim W Then the free-completion construction stops after (a)( + I steps by Remark IV.7.6. II. To prove that Fpreserves colim W, we define an o-chain of ur-monos / as follows. For each ordinal n put and put, for short, '• ~ *Mf.|a)f* '• "• -* *m '• By the diagonal fill-in, for each n s m there is a (unique) such that the following diagram t 1 ' «,- 1 ^ -^» J «. "J „- a commutes. To prove that /... « •* it is sufTiciem to /..-• /-■ show that " *<»». la >■•• -^—11 l" U-t« ^nlj.lalf* (us m). (the right-hand side morphism is clearly in Jt, and Jt is right cancellarive by III.5.I). This equation follows from the fact that i, is an epi, since we have
226 Clupief IV »■ * J*, m ' Jm ™ "V m * *m ' 3m ™ *<>>f.<M>f* *./t*>M»»* ~ '<• * St»)t.lW 'JfU.tmH* • Therefore, /Is an a-chain of .4r-monos and hence, f preserves the collmlt of/. The morphisms £„ form a natural transformation «:lf-/ (this follows from the definition of 7...). Also, if we define If* :a-»JT by >f.* - >f.*< »nd *;.„-*.♦,.„♦,, then the morphisms j, from a natural transformation /:/-lf\ It follows that If and /have the same compatible collections (and therefore, the same colimits): if /.:lf.-* (n<a) b compatible for If, then J.-f.*<:J.—-X (n< a) is compatible for /: conversely, if g.:J,—-X (n< a) is compatible for /, then «.•».: If. -» X ("<<>) Is compatible for If It follows that (colim lf)f - (colim J)F- colim /• f. Alto the diagrams If- find /• fare in the same interrelationship: we have natural transformations IF: If- F — /• F and /f:/. f-»lf*-f- (lf-rT. Therefore, /• find If- f have the same colimit, and we conclude that (colim *)f - colim /• f - colim If • f. Q CoraUary. For JT as above, each functor with a rank is a constructive varie- tor.
Coratfudton of Fre« Alaeonu 227 T.12. Returning to the partial algebras, we are interested to know whether the free-completion n: A -► A ' of a partial F-algebra A is an "extension", i.e., n € A. We say that the pushout axiom holds if in each pushout t r i, m € A implies in € UT. Propealtloa. Let jr be an («T, UT (-category such that A is a chain-cocom- plete class and the pushout axiom holds. Let F: JT -► JT have constructive free completions and preserve Ur-monos. Then for each partial f-algebra A the free completion n: A -► A ' fulfils n € A. Proof. It is sufficient to prove that in the free-completion construction of A all w, .and »..« »•* Uf-monos (which also implies that the colimits defining V, and W, for limit ordinals i exist). Since A is a partial algebra, we have Vi E Jf. By the pushout axiom, also ny, € A, hence, »,.i — w0. if € UT, etc. For each ordinal n, assuming if,.,»i E JT, we get »,♦,.. +, - »"...♦ if e UT and hence »■,,,.,, € UT. Using the chaln-cocompleteness of Ur, we can easily check that h>„ . € A. Since f has constructive free completions, the chain Wstops, say, after * steps. Then n - ivy, € A. □ Exerdaa IV.T A. Free coaplrrlea of partial grapoMa. (i) Let (X, ♦) be a partial groupoid. Put Wt - X; tVt - X + X'/~ where ~ is the least equivalence with (X|, x,) ~ * whenever x, « x, - x: etc. Verify that U W, is the free completion of (X, •). Compare this with the free-completion construction. (ii) Do the same with a relational groupoid, i.e. a pair (X, •) where • Is a ternary relation on X. B. Free coaialeHoa of maiy-sortea' algebras. For each type Zo( many-sorted algebras verify that Hi has a rank, and conclude that each partial ^algebra has a free completion which is its extension. C. Free completion la Sat itl A-Vect. Characterize functors f: Sat -» Sat and F: A-Vact-» A-Vect which have constructive free completions. (Hint: IV.7.9.)
228 Ch.pttr IV D. F—tt»n whb a nak. (i) Prove that if a functor F: JT -► JT is a coproduct of functors with rank a, then Fhas rank a, too. (il) Prove that each Hc has rank assuming that JT is a concrete category with both chain-colimits and product! preserved by the forgetful functor. (Hint: See IV.7.I0(III).| rv.8. Categories *f Algebras 8.1. In the present section we investigate the basic properties of the category F-AJg of ^algebras. Recall that (/:£Akj-»jr denotes the forgetful functor (III.2.B) defined by (ft S)U- QmifV-f. Limits of ^algebras are always formed on the level of JT-objects. More precisely, if JT has a certain type of limits, then F-Alg also has these limit! and the forgetful functor f preserves them. For example, let JT have products. Then for an arbitrary collection of F-algebras (ft. «,). 1 € /, we can form the product e-n,e In JT with projections «,: Q-+ ft,. By definition of product, there exists a unique morphism 6:QF-*Q whh components n,F- S„ i.e.. with 8- it, - K,F- S, for each I € /. The last equation states that ",AQ,S)-{Q„SI) (fe 1) are homomorphisms. It follows that we obtain the product <e *) - n<e. s,) in the category F-Alfl. More generally: PrepoarrUHi. Let DQ-+ F-Alg be a diagram of algebras and let ft - lim D- U be a limit in JT with projections *,: ft-» d(D- UXd € «°). There
CoimnKtJon oTFnc Algtbns 229 exiau a unique motphism 6: QF-+ Qiuch that (Q, 5) — Hm D In F-Mq with the same projectioiu. Proof. For each d € 9° put dD - (Qj, ft). The family XtF-By.QF^Q, (</€»•) is compatible with the diagram D ■ U: for each /: d-+ d In » we know that fD: (fa, Sj) -»(Qit S'd) U a homomorphism, i.e, SdfD-(/D- F)- ft, and that *v - jr,■ /flit follows that »>f • ft - X,f • (/"D • f) • 5/ - <V" ft) • /A Therefore, there exists a unique morphism S-.QF-.Q with SXj-XjFS, (</£»")• Thus, *: (ft «)-<&. ft) are homomorphisms. Let A,:(*,o-)-(&.ft) <</£«■) be a compatible family for D. Then the morphiinu h<: R-+ Q,form a compatible family for D ■ U. and hence, there is a unique A:/l—C with A • n4 - A, (</ € 9»).
230 Chapter IV It remains to prove that A Is a homomorphism. I.e.. a- h- hF- & This follows from the fact that each h4 is a homomorphism: (ff • A) • Kt - a ■ h4 - h4F■ S4 - hF■ (K„f■ S4) - (hF- S) ■ x4. This concludes the proof. □ Corollary. If JT is complete, then f-Alfl is complete, and the fortgeful functor preserves limits. 8.2. Colimits of algebras are closely related to free completions. For example, let.» have coproducts. Given a collection of algebras <G. S.) (I € /). we form the coproducts II Q, (with injections p,) and LI fif (with injections r,) in jr. We have canonical morphisms: s,- u t?,f- u e. ^UG^-dlG)* i.e., morphisms such that the following diagrams i 6, 0,F-« 0,F <—- 0. IU0,)F*—0,F T*110' commute for all j e /. Then (LI, G.JL^fiF. «,.*.) is a span f-algebra (IV.7.4). PrafoaltkM. Let '^:(LIft•LIG':«^«t)-(G^«•) be the free completion of the above span algebra. Then (G".«")-LI,(G.«,) is a coproduct in f-Alg with injections P.- 7:(G-«.)-(G",«') O'E /)■
Contraction of Fm Algebras 231 Proof. The above diagrams show that 0>/.',): <<>/•«/)-•• <II ft. U ft*** «.) are morphisms of span algebras. It follows that pt ■ n are also morphlsma U e J). Let /: (ft. «,)-«?.*) «e /) be a family of homomorphhms. There exists a unique morphism *vlie-o with Prl>-f) for each./ € /, and a unique morphism 4V ftf- QF with ')' S\ ~ P)F' g»F t»t ««eh j € /. Then (Jo,*.):(IIft. II ft *«*«.)-«?.£) is a span-algebra morphism because each of the following diagrams (J € J) 0,F« lilO.IF- Of 1 -0,F >—«-0, 5 -HQ^F r Of - no, i - T—u commutes. There exists a unique homomorphism g,:<e,.o-)-«?.A') with (*o,*i)- "*••
232 Cliaput IV Then f,-Pf »•-(»)■ l)-l' for each; € /, and iuch g ' ii obviously unique. g Restart. The aame can be easily proved for each diagram D in F-Alo,: we obtain a natural ipan algebra (colim D ■ U, colim D- V- F.St.S,) and its free completion, if it ezitta, it the colimit of D in the category f-Alg. Corollary. Let jr be a cocomplete category. For each functor F: JT -. jr with conatructive free completion! the category F-Alg ii alto cocomplete. Corollary. Let JT be a cocomplete, /-cowell-powered (/, -O-category. Then F-Alg it cocomplete whenever F ia (I) a functor with a rank, or (ii) a conatructive varietor preserving /-epis. Sec IV.7.11 for (i) and IV.7.9 for (ii). 8J. The construction of a colimit of ^algebras becomes eaay in case the functor F preserves the corresponding type of colimita. For example, let f preserve coproducu. Then the coproduct of ^algebras (a, 6,) o € o is the algebra (II Q„ S) where S is defined by t • f 6- lift:(IIfi)f-lift [which is meaningful since (]} Q,)F~ ]} Q,F\ More generally: PrepaalHom. Let 9 be a diagram scheme such that JT has colimita of diagrams 9 -» JT, and F preserves these colimita. Then the category F-Alg haa colimita of all diagrams 9 -» F-Alo,, and they are preserved by the forgetful functor. Proof. For each diagram D:9—-F-Alg with objects dD- (Qj,6,) for d c 9° we form the colimit Q- colim D- (/in JT with injections «,: Qj-*Q (d c 9'). The collection it clearly compatible for D • V • F and hence, there exists a unique morphism 5: QF- colim D- U ■ F-* Q with 6>«v- CjF- 6 (</€ »•),
Coiutiudloo of Fn< Algebras 233 i.e., luch that et: (Qj, &,) -* (Q. 8) are homomorphismi. Then (g, S) - coital D in the category F-Aig with injection* «<. In fact, given a compatible collection /<: (ft. «,)-(e\6") (<*€«■), there exists a unique morphiim/: g-» C in JT with components .£. Then/ii a homomorphiim, i.e., 6-f-fF-S':QF—ff became QF - colim Q^F and for each J c 9° we have «|F-(«■/)-*■*,■/ -eSifF-F). O CaroUirr. Let jr be cocomplete and let F be a co-adjoint. Then F-Alg ii cocomplete, with collmita preserved by U. Eusapk. Unary algebras have coHmits preierved by the forgetful functor: this ii the case of JT - Sat and of the co-adjoint F - St- In Exercise D below we show that no other algebras in Sat have coliiniti preserved by U. In fact, not even finite colimita. M. CsiatamaiaU. We now present a (Injury varietor f:Poa-»Poa for which F-Alg is not cocomplete. In fact, we will find an algebra (Q, 6) such that the coproduct (Q, 6) + (Q, 6) fails to exist. We denote by P the power-set functor (111.3.4). For each poset A denote by A'" the set of ail 3-chaina in A, plus an additional point i (which is not any 3-chain). That is, A°> - Hx, y, 1) e A': x < y < i\ yj |fl. On the set A°'Po( all subsets o(Am we consider the following (trivial) order: Af^Y iff X-YotX-t forallJT, Yc A">. This defines a functor F: Poa -» Poa on objects: AF- A'»P. Define it on morphiim* f:A-*Bby fF-fnP
(x, y, 2)P>< - i 234 Chapter IV where the map/"1: A'" — B»< is defined by (*V) if (*)/< W< (*1A else. It is easy to check that f is a well-denned functor. fis a finiury varietor: indeed, the free-algebra construction stops after one step. We have Wt- I: rK, - / + P'P, and thus, W, is a disjoint union of / and 1"'P. Since the latter poset hu no 3-chains, clearly If'" - I"\ hence, Wt - I + W?P - I + /"'I" - W, with w, ] — li^, etc. Here, W, is the free ^algebra. We exhibit an ^algebra (ft 5) such that the coproduct (ft 5) + (ft 5) does not exist in F-Mq. Let Qbe a 3-chain ft - \x, y, r| with x < y < t, thus, 0"> - (I, {I where f - (x. >•, r). Let *:|f,flJ»-»|*,jw| be the constant map with value z. Lean. There does not exist the coproduct (ft S) + (ft «) in the category F-Alg. Proof. Assuming that an j^algebra (R, <r) is the coproduct (* <r) - (ft, S) + (ft «) with injections v,, v,: (ft, 6) -»(ft, <r), we shall derive a contradiction. We have a pair of homomorphismi I,, 10: (ft 5) -»(ft 6), and by the definition of coproduct, we get a homomorphism </:(R, 5)-»(ft 5) with l0 - »,-</- v, • J. It follows that », and v, are one-to-one maps. Put 2* - (0)<r c X. Then (2)V, - (2)V, - J* because », (i — I, 2) is a homomorphism, and we have (*)v, - (0)«- v, - ((0)v,f)<r - (0)<r - r*.
ConunictMn or Free Algebm 235 It follows that (*)»i < O0»i < ** is a 3-chain in X (because r, is one-to-one), and we put I, - ((*)»„ 0>)»„ *•) € R'». Analogously, h - «*K 0-K «•) e *'"• Let us prove that I, + I,. Let ft, be the following poset: and let a,: R,F-* ft, be the constant nap with value z. The two obvious em- beddings w,, w,: Q-* R, are homomorphisms w,, w, :(ft 6)-» (R*, "„). "There exists a homomorphism w:(R, cr)-.(flfc 5,) with w, - v, - w and wt — »i • w. Then (*)», * (*)», because ((x)v,)it> * ((x)vt)N>, and hence, (, * i2. Let us prove that for distinct sets X, X" € X'"J>, (•) X t [<„ {\Pu \h, {\P implies (X)a * (*>. Assuming (X)a - (^)tj -re ft, we denote by A the poset obtained from X by splitting r to two points. That is *_(K-|r|) w|r„ r,|, where r, and r] are incompatible points, the ordering of ft — |r| is as in ft, and for each x e R — |r| we have r, s jt iff r s jt (analogously with rtSi and r, 2 x, r, 2 x). We define order-preserving maps A:A-»X and k:R-*R by (x)A - (*)* - x for each ie X - |r|; (r)* - r, and (r,)A - (r,)* - '• Note that *•*- I..
236 Chapter IV Define an operation a: R"'P-* R by \(Y)h°>P-a-k else. Then »i-*.»i-*:(a«)-»(*<?) are homomorphiuns: for each Z c Q"' clearly (Z)r?*P c |(„ f|, thua AT i» (ZK'J> - [(ZK'J'- ft^'Pl*™!*. Therefore, if r- (Z)»',,»l>. Jf'!", then (Y)o-(Y)h<»P-o-k - (Z)rf'P-Hk'»P- h°>P)■ a- k [*•*- l| -(Z)»P»I'.<t-* - (Z)6 ■ »| • * [»i a horaomorphUra). Thh prova that (*,- ky"P-o- 6-(»,•*), i.e., that », •* Is a homomor- phiirn; analogously with "i ■ k. By the definition of coproduct, there exists a homomorphitm £:(*,<x)-(*.<?) with r, • £ - r,. k and n • * - v, • k~. Alio, A: (A, <r) -»(A, <r) is a homomorphum, i.e., ah- h'»P- a: given Yc R"\ then (Y)k<»P- AT implies (J>'*-(l)A- r-(X)a- i.Y)h°<P.o u\<HY)h<»P + AT implies (!>• * - (K)*»'J>. <r. *• * - (Y)h°'P- a. Thus, £A:(*,<x)-(*■") is an endomorphism with »,•(£•*)- »,•*•*- », fori- 1,2, hence, £.*-!,. Therefore, ■?"!>- A"'!* - I and hence, ftX)P»P]h'»P - X. It follows that [(Jf)/P"flfj - r,. Since (is a homomorpbism, i.e, a-H- f"'P- a, we get 'i - ((AOf'^ff - (Af)<x- £ -(f)*
ConuroaJon of Fi» Alftbru 237 Thi! impliei that Y-W&'P fulfill (r)*"ip-Af [elie (r)«F - (r)n0>J,o-*,» fj. Thua, X - (r)A<»J> - (XycmP- h°>P - r, which prove* (*). The required contradiction will be obtained by proving that the let JC- |r c R.l' S r) admin a one-to-one map from KP — |0| into JC, and yet JC hu more than one point (Thii ii obvioiuly impouible: for any let JC with card JC > I we have card (KP— |0|) - 2™* *— I > card JC.] For each non-empty act M c JC put < / m / ' ,*M ) WSJ • *\ "I* Note that U t {<„ flPw |!„ f]J» and Af i» Af Implia A? * A? for all M, W c JC. By (*) we conclude that (St)o* (Aif")o-, and lince 0 3 U in Xu<l> impliei x* - (0)o- £ (AY)o-, alio (A?)ct c JC for each M c K, H + B. Thai, A/>-» (A?)o- definei a one to-one map u required. Finally, to prove that JC hu more than one point, put Then *i € JC became H |f„ (,| in X'"l>, and by (*) we have (0)o- * i,. Ana- logoualy, for h - (U. 'i. 'ii)" we have t, € JC and by (*) again, r, * t,. Thii conclude! the proof. D
238 ChipWf IV ■J. Nut, let us consider image factorizations (II 1.5) of homomoiphiama of ^algebras. Let F: JT -► jr be an arbitrary functor. Let (/, UT) be a factorization system in JT such that F preserves /-epis, i.e., e e I implies eF e t. Then (i, .M) is also a factorization system in the category F-Alg of algebras. More precisely, each homomorphism /:(tt«)-(t7.«") factors as a homomorphism in 4 followed by a homomorphism in Ur". To prove this, let/— e • mbe an image factorization of/ e:Q-+R'mt and m: R-+ Q" in ur. We use diagonal fill-in: OF —»-RF t / mF 0 / tfF « / y B j^-*- Q' Then (R, a) is an ^algebra such that i{Q. S)-*(R, a) and m:(R, <x)-»«?', 6") are homomorphisms. ur-subobjects in F-Alj are called subalgebras. Thus, a subalgebra of an 5-al- gebra (Q,S) is represented by a homomorphism m:(R,o)-*(Q,6) with m € ur. Let m,: rt0 -» C be an ur-subobject of g. We say that a subalgebra m: (ft, cr) -» (ft. 6) is generated by the subobject m, if m is the least subalgebra with m, c m. We say that m, generates the algebra (ft 5) if no proper subalgebra contains m,. I.e., for each m: (ft cr) -»(ft, 6) in ur, m, c m implies m is an isomorphism. /-quotients in f-Alg are called quotient algebras. A quotient algebra of (ft, 5) is represented by a homomorphism e: (ft, 5) -»(ft, <r) with e e /. Lrauaa. Let JT be an (t, Ur>category with intersections of uf-subobjects.
CoratnKtIon of Fret Algebra 239 and let F: JT -. jr preserve /-epti. Then each .#-subobject of each ^algebra (Q, S) generates a subalgebra of (Q, 6). Proof. Let in: S-► Q be an Jtr-mono. Let m,-(R„ «>i)-»(ftei) (i'€ /) be the (possibly large) collection of all subalgebras of (ft 6) containing ift. Let m'\ R'—Q by the intersection of all m„ I e /. For each i c / we have a morphism /: X*-» X,with m*-/- m,. Since *c m,(* € /)implies m c m*,it is sufficient to exhibit an operation morphism a': R'F-» R' such that m':(R', a') -» <Q, a) is a subalgebra. Then m* is clearly generated by m. Let m'F- 6- I- ift be an image factorization, t: R'F-* 7" in « / and irt: 7"-» Q in ur. For each ( £ / we have * • in- f,F- m,F ■ 6- ftF- a,- m,, and we can use the diagonal fill-in: f.F-o, m. ♦ 0 We see that * c m, (i e /) and hence, Ac m'. Let /; 7"-» X* fulfil ih — /• m", and put a* — t • f. Then <7* • m* - * • /• m* - * • rt - mV- 6", i.e., m * is a homomorphism. This concludes the proof. D &6. We conclude this chapter by an important criterion for varletors which is expressed by generation. Let us say that a functor F: jr -» jr has bounded generation if each object X in •* generates only a (small) set of ^algebras. That is, there exists a set (ft, 6,), I e /, of Falgebras such that (i) each (ft, 6,) is generated by some UT-mono X -► ©;
240 Chapter IV (ii) If an algebra (Q, 6) is generated by some ur-mono X-» Q, then (£6°) Is isomorphic to (fi, 6,) for some ( c /. Theoma. Let jr be a complete (/, ^0-category which is /-cowell-powered and ur-well-powered. A functor F: JT -» JT preserving /-epis is a varietor iff F has bounded generation. Proof, (i) Let F have bounded generation. We shall prove that the forgetful functor U: F-Alpj -» JT is an adjoint (Exercise III.2.B) by verifying the hypotheses of the Adjoint Functor Theorem (II 1.2.10). We know that F-Alg is complete and U preserves limits. It remains to show that (i) X has only a set of /-quotients X', (ii) each X' generates only a set of /^algebras (ft 6°), and (iii) for each (ft 6) there is only a set of morphisms from X to ft Therefore, we can find a (small) representative set of morphisms /:*-(&«) where (ft, 6) is an algebra generated by a quotient of X, and /: X-» ft is an arbitrary morphism. This is a solution set: each morphism »:X-(f?,5)U-(J factors as g-fhU where A: (ft 6")-»(g, 8) is a homomorphism and (ft, £) is generated by a quotient of ft. To prove this, let g - e, ■ m, be an image factorization, •V X-» X' in * and m,: X' -» (J in jK. The subobjects m„ generates a subalgebra m:(Q, 5)-►((?. 8); then «?, 5>is generated by the quotient X' of X, and we have m„ c rfi, i.e., m„ - p ■ m for some p: X' -► ft. Thus, t - (*o • p) ■ mU. (ii) Let F be a varietor, and let X be an object of jr. We shall prove that whenever an algebra (ft 5) is generated by ft, then ft is an /-quotient of X*. Since X * has only a set of /-quotients, and since for each of these quotients ft we have only a set of morphisms 5: QF-* ft this will prove that X generates only a set of algebras. Let m:X-»ft be an urmono generating (ft, £). The homomorphism m*:(X\«>)-»(g, S) can be factored as m' - e- m, where e:(X*,«>)-► (ft, 6) ia a quotient algebra and m:(Q, 8)-*(Q, 6) a a subalgebra. Then mem [because m - n - m* - (n • e) • m c m] and (ft 6) is generated by m; hence, m is an isomorphism. Therefore, m' e / and ft is an /-quotient of X'. D
Construction or Free Algebra* 241 Remark. Let JT be a concrete category (111.3.6) such that for each cardinal n there is, up to isomorphism, only a set of objects X with card (RU) S n. Then bounded generation can be expressed more concisely as follows: For each cardinal n there is a cardinal n* such that any F-algebra on n generators [i.e., generated by an object X with card (RU) - n] has at most n* points [i.e., it is an algebra (ft 5) with card(QU) & n'\ Excretes IV.S A. CoIlaiMi wlrhoat free esaspletJosa. Verify that the following functor F: Ord -. Ord Of- 0: nF- n + I if n e» 0 does not have free completions of partial algebras and yet, F-Alg is cocom- plete. B. Cotqoallzers aftea exist, (i) Let JT be /-cowell-powered and let F preserve /-epis- Prove that the free-completion construction stops for each span algebra (ft D, 8* 6,) with S, c /. (Hint: Prove that Hy. c /and v. e "or each n by induction, and use the fact thai ft and D have only a set of quotients.) (li) Prove that for each /-epis preserving functor F in a cocomplete, /-co- well-powered category, F-Ahj has coequalizen. (Hint: The span algebra of Remark IV.8J fulfill «,€/.) C Flalte colltarts •rcMrred by the forgetfal faacter. For each standard set- functor F, prove the equivalence of the following statements: (a) F-Ahj has finite colimits preserved by U\ (b) f-Alg has countable colimits preserved by U; (c) F preserves finite colimits. [Hint: (c) implies that Fpreserves countable colimits (see Exercise III.4.F) and hence (b) follows from IV.8.3. It is sufficient to prove that (a) implies (c). Since BF-B [for F-Akj has an initial object (0,5)1, we only have to prove that Fpreserves the pushout of arbitrary maps/: X -+ Yu\d f.X-» Z By 111.4.6. Fpreserves finite intersection and hence, it is clearly sufficient to prove that F preserves the pushout of the extended maps f:Xw\4-*Yw [ajandf- : *w |a|-. Zw |a| where a is a new element and (a)f - a - (o)f'. Define an operation 6t:(X\j |o|)f-» X\j [a| as the constant to a, analogously with Sr and <V Then f and g' become homomorphisms. Since (/preserves the pushout of/' and g\ it is easy to show thai Fpreserves the pushout in Sat.] D, CollmHs aitstntd hy the fergetfal fnctw. Let F be a standard set functor.
242 Chapter IV (i) If F-Alg has colimits preserved by U, then prove that F-Alg is the category of unary algebras. [Hint: By III.4.8, it is sufficient to prove that Fpreserves colimits. For finite colimits see Exercise C above, for coproducts II X, proceed analogously: find a new element a and consider the coproduot of the algebras (X, \j |a|, 5,), where 6, is constant to a) (ii) If F-Alg has finite colimits preserved by U and if no cardinal is measurable (IV. 6.3), prove that F-Alg h the category of unary algebras. [Hint: By Exercise C above, Fpreserves counlable colimita. To prove that F preserves any coproduot X — llX,, it is sufficient to show that each i < i x € XF lies in some X,F, i e / (since the sets X,F c XFare pairwise disjoint because Fhas no distinguished point). The set 3 - \Tc X;xe TF] is an ul- trafilter closed under countable intersections because F preserves finite unions and countable intersections. Hence, 3 is trivial, & — f, for some y e X (say, y € X„). Then x e X<,F.) Moles lo Chipler IV IVJ The Initial-algebra comtmction It s special case of Ihe free.alaebra comtniclioii of Stc- lioil IVJ which wh fiftl investigated for let fbiKton by V. Pohlova|l973|and V. KArkovi.PoMo- ve and V. Koubek 11974). ind for general functors by J. Adamek |I974i) A muiber of authors study Ihe restriction of Ihe Initial-algebra construction lo Ihe first e steps. Me M. A. Arbib 11977), M. B Smyth 11976), M Wind 11971] end references there. The leafl.flied-polnl conitrvctloa n from B. Knuler |I92»| end A. Terskl 119551 Proposition IV.3.oh due lo M.Barr|l970] and Proposition lv.2.7duelo J. Reheman |l977b|. IVJ The term varietor hu been introduced by Ihe preient lulhon: M. A. Arbib and E. G. Manet uselhelerm Input process or recursive process. Corollary IVJ.4 it from J. Adanck 11974a) Eier ciH IVJ.A wai suggested by J. Reherman a V. Rodl. IV.4 The Characterization Theorem hu been proved by V. Tmkova, J. Adamek, V. Koubek and J. Reilennan 11973). V. KurkovaPohlova and. V. Koubek |I974| described varieton in lot Their proof was much more complicated than the present one. based on Ihe Characterization Theorem, but they covered Ihe more general sitaation of F-G-algebras (see the notes lo II 1.2 above). IV.3 Theorem IV.SJ and Eiample IV.3.3 are due lo J. Reilennan 1197Tb), and Theorem IV.3.3 due lo V. Tmkova. J. Adamek. V. Koubek and J. Reiterman 119751
Construction of Free Algebras 243 1V.6 J. Adamek ind V. Koubek |I979| characterized flnltary varietors In Set. They abo proved that i category JT which hu the flied-polnt property (i.e., each rmctor F: jr -» JT has a fixed point) can be netthcr complete dot cocomplete. An example of a category wkh the flxed-poiat property b the category Set.: this result, in the form of Theorem IV.6.4, bdwto V.Tmkov*|l974|. We uk the term 0-category for the enriched categories over the cartesian closed category Poa«. A number of authon study the flnrtary initial-algebra construction to an of-category, not* ably M. Wand |I979) whose technique was used hi the proof of Theorem IV.6.7. The Botion of tsotone coilmlls and the general form of IV.6.7 are new: they were announced in J. Adamek (1978). The surprising fad that even for L inflnitary the tuactor Wj is a finrtary varicior In Poa» was established by G. Janembski (1982). Free o-contlnBOos algebras were described by J. A. Go- goen •* at. f 1977) and E. Nelson (1981). free strictly sKonttnuoas algebras by J. Adamek, E. Nelson and J. Refterman (1982). IV.7 Free completion of span algebras was Investigated by V. Koubek and J. Rclterman |I979) who proved Theoremi IV.7.9 and IV.7.11. The interpretation of the free completion as the least Hied point (see IV.7.7) Is due to G. M. Kelly's survey |19o2| of Iransflnhe constructions. The fact that a functor with a rank is a varietor has been eatabHshed already by M. Ban [1970). Hb proof b existential, and hb additional hypotheses are somewhat snore restrictive than those of Corollary IV.7.11. IV.8 CoHmlti of F-algebru were studied by J. Adamek and V. Koubek (1977b. 1978). The earlier paper ii the source of the results In IV.8 J, or Proposition IV.8.3 and Theorem IV.g.3. the latter of Counterexample IV.8.4 (which is a modification of an example of J. Adamek 11977b)). Theorem IV.8.3. Is from J. Adamek |l974b). The Exercises C and D are new.
Chapter V: Minimal Realization and Redoctloa V.l. Mlalaul Rtdactkw l.t. The present chapter is devoted to the problem which varietors have minimal realization (III 2.9) for all behavior morphisms b: /* -» T, and to consequences of this property. We consider first non-initial /^automata and their minimal reduction. This can be rormulated without the hypothesis that F be a varietor. It turns out that, in suitable categories, functors with minimal reduction are Unitary varietors anyway. 12. Nw-blrlal aatoanta. Let F: •*-».* be an arbitrary functor in an (#, UO-category jr (see 111.2.7). A non-initial Fautomaton is a quadruple (C. s. r, y) consisting of a F-algebra (Q,5) and a morphism y: Q-+ r. A morphism f'A.Q,S,r, y)-* Q'.S'.r.y') of non-initial /^automata is a morphism f:Q-+Q'ofj( ch that the following diagram OF -—»-0 !F V ffF —"Of 0 commutes (i.e.,/is a homomorphism commuting with the outputs). Deflnltlea. Let A be a non-initial fautomaton. A reduction of A is a non-initial /^automaton A' together with a morphism f:A-+ A' such that/e /. A reduction r.A-* Aa is minimal if for each reduction f.A-* A' there exists a unique morphism g: A'-* A„ with r-/S- Reaurk. Since /• g - r e t, we conclude that g € * (III.5.I). Hence, the minimal reduction A, is characterized by the property that any reduction of A can be further reduced to A„.
Minimal Reallaliofi and Reducttoo 245 Puporitlic Let JT be an (**, ur>category. For each varietor F, equivalent are: (i) every behavior has a minimal realization; (ii) every non-initial automaton has a minimal reduction. Proof. (ii)-»(i). Let fi: /* -► T be a behavior morphism. Put A - (/*, «\ T, fi). This is a non-inilial /^automaton. Let r:A-A, - (Q» 6* T, y>) be its minimal reduction. ft- rF v- — I" % ■Volt Then the following (Initial) /^automaton Is the minimal realization of fi. Indeed, the run morphism of A, is r [because r: (/*, a?) -»(Q, S) Is a homomorphism and n • r is the initialization of A&. Hence, the behavior of A, is r-n-fi and A, is reachable, since r 6 **. Further, for each reachable realization of fi: A' - (C\ «\ T, r\ /, A), the run morphism p':(/', r)-»((?'. «) is a reduction of ^: p:^-(C-, «'. T, y).
246 Chapter V because P—p'-y' (for A realizes />) and p° € t. Thus, there exists a mor* phism of non*initial automata *:(C. «'. T, r')-4> with r - p' • g. The last implies ij • r — A" • g, hence, is a morphism of initial automata as well. (i)-(ii). Let A - (ft 8, r, y) be a non-initial automaton. Consider the initial automaton A' — (Q, S, /", y, Q, \Q). The run map of A' is the unique homomorphism p: ((?■.*•)-» (ft*) with ij-p- l„. The behavior of A\ P-pyQ'^r has a minimal realization a, - (ft, fifc r, r„ e. A.). We prove that i«:A-*A = (ft, ft, T, r.) is a minimal reduction of A. First, the initial automaton A' is a reachable reali* zaiion of 0 (for 17 ■ p — I implies p £ toy III.5.1). Thus, there exists a mor* phism r: A'-* At, Then r — h, (since r preserves the initialization) and r.A-*Aa is a reduction of A. (Indeed, p • r is the ran morphism of A„ by III.2.5, and p • f e t implies r i toy III.5.I.) Next, given a reduction f:A*(Q\S, r,f)
Minimal Realization ind Reduction 247 of A, we form the initial automaton a -(ff.s-.r, r; /,/)■ Its run morphism is p-f, because this is a homomorphism with 1' (P • f) ~ /• Hence, A' is reachable and it realizes p ■ /■ y" - p • r - fi- Therefore, there exists a morphism g:A-*A„. Then «:((?•.«•. r,f)^A. is a morphism with r-fg (because r - \, and g preserves the initialization). This concludes the proof. D U. Cobttenecthwa, Recall the concept of intersection (111.5.2); the dual concept is cointenection. All /-quotients e: X-+ Y (€ /) of an object X are ordered as follows: f& t' iff there exists a commuting mingle -»V ! The meets in this ordering are called /-cointersectiona. Each /-cowell-pow- ered category which is either complete or cocomplete has (possibly large) cointersections—this is the dual of 111.5.3. Also, if t: X-* Y is a cointenection of /-quotients t,\ X-* Y, (J e J) and f,:Y/-»Y an moronisms with ' — 'r f>* then the following diagram /A is a multiple pushout. This is dual to II 1.5.2.
248 ChifHtr V A functor F: Jf -»JT preserving <r*epis (i.e., such that e e t implies eF e f) is said to preserve coinlerseclions if for each coinlenection e:A-*B of ^quotients e,:A-*Bj(je J) eF'a a coinlenection of the ^-quotients ef (j 6 I). This is a central concept of the present chapter. There is a close interrelationship between preservation of cointersections and the existence of minimal realizations. We present below various characterizations of functors preserving cointersections. For example if jr - Set or jr - R-Vact, this characterizes the finitary functors. Let jr be an (#, ur>category with cointersections. Each functor F: jr -» or preserving cointersections has minimal reductions. Reaiark. We prove a slightly more general result. Let us say that F weakly preserves cointersections if it preserves the coinlenection of any collection of ^-quotients, e/.A-» B,(j € J) for which there exist "operation" morphisms and 6.AF—A 8,: B,F— B, (j 6 J) turning each e, into a homomorphism e,:(A, S) -»(B,, 5,). We prove that also this weaker condition is sufficient for minimal reductions. Proof. Let A - (Q, S, T, y) be a non-initial ^automaton and let tl:A*Al-(Ql,8,.r,r,) (;«•/) be a collection of all reductions of A. We form the cointersection *C-<?
Minimal Retliullon ind Reduction 249 of the collection t, (J 6 J), and we obtain a multiple puthout e Ot • • • HI I ► B Since each et preserves the initializations, we have '/ • Yi - y f°r eac'1 Je ^ and hence, there exists a unique ?:Q-*r with (1) Y,-fr? 0« 1) Furthermore, if F (weakly) preserves cointertectiona, then iF is the coinler- section of ef and hence, the following diagram | OF eF Q,F • • • 1 *■ Of Is a multiple pushout. Since each e, is a homomorphiim, we have */•(«;•/;)- S-erfk- S-e. Thus, there exists 6: QF-* Q with (2) Srt-ff-S (Jt J). We claim that i;A^A-(Q, S.T, f) Is the minimal reduction of A. First, e is a morphlsm because (for any j e J) S.i-6-erf, -ef-Brf, by(2) -ef-f/S - iF-S
250 Chapter V and '•?-',-/;•? by(l) - Y- Given an arbitrary reduction of A, e^.A-A,., then (I) and (2) imply that fh:Am^A is a morphism, and '- <>.■/>.■ This concludes the proof. D 1.4. For the converse of the preceding result we need a certain (mild) additional condition of the (t, ur)-category jr: we say that jr has ngular finite co- products if it has finite coproducts and the coproduct injections A — A+ B are ur-monos (for arbitrary objects A and B). Tfccoren. Let Jt be an (/, ~4Q-category with cointersections and regular finite coproducts. An /-epi preserving functor F: * -» * has minimal reductions iff F weakly preserves cointersections. Reaurk- For further reference, we denote by (•) the (single) argument in the following proof in which the regularity of finite coproducts is needed. Proof. By Remark V. 1.3, it is sufficient to prove that F weakly preserves cointersections assuming the existence of minimal reductions. (i) Let ', (Q.S)-*(QrS,) (j e J) be homomorphisms with et e t and let i: Q-+ 0 be the cointersection of this collection in jr. We are going to prove that then the l-epis etF(j 6 J) have the cointersection tF. Denote by the morphisms with »-*,-/, Ue •/)• To prove that tF is the cointersection of c,F (j e J), let p: CF- Y
Minima! Utilization and Reduction 251 be an arbitrary **-epi with (/S p, i.e., for suitable %f. Qjf-* Y, '/• ft - P U « J) We are going to prove that tFZp. i.e., that there exists g: QF-» Y with (ii) For each F-algebra (^, a) we define an F-algebra (A, d) as follows. Put A - A + AF with injections iA: A -* A and wA: AF-* A. Define 6V A + AF-» A by ►,<•*>- 14 and wA • d, - a. Finally, put d — d)F • wA: AF-* A. For each homomorphism f:(A, a) -(*,«, also is a homomorphism, i.e., the following diagram IA»AFIF —- AF * »■ A.AF (MFIf IB'BFIF - V commutes. In fact *. •/- (/+ /F) • A: << + ^F- * because both ^ • (do •/)-/-/• v» • A - v,I(/+ /F) • A]
252 and Clupur V »A-«l,'f)-a-f-fF-P-fF- w,.p\- M(/+/f)'Al- (iii) To find g as above, we use the following automaton A - (ft S, (t + Y, i + p). the output morphism of which is t + p: QF— Q + Y. Let r:A—Am-(Q*6\(} + Y, r") be the minimal reduction of A. For each J 6 J we have f,F € # (since F preserves #-epis), hence, et + «yF: Q-+ Q, is in *, see III.5.5. Then e, + tjF-.A^A, - (C/, A';, (J + YJ, + ») is a reduction of A: it is a homomorphism by (ii), and it preserves the outputs, since («/ + ',F) ■(/, + ft) - (*, • /) + (*,f • ft) - ' + r- Therefore, for each j t J there exists a morphism h,:A.-*A' !•-(*, + */)•*,. Since »o • ' - »e * (*/ + */) * */ - '/ * yQi • */• and since t, ■ f, — i (j' e J) is a multiple pushout, there exists I: £-» g* with "a • */ ~ J! * '• Hence, "0• r- erfr I- (• t. Since r is a morphism of automata, the following diagram OF IO0FIF
Minimal Reiliiition and Reduction 253 commutes, where w: Y-* Q + Y denotes the coproduct injection. We conclude that p. *-(v„- r)F- «•• y - IF(IF-B'- y'). Moreover (•) * is an ur-mono because of the regularity of finite coproducts. Hence, the morphism g we are looking for is obtained by the diagonal fill-in (Lemma III.2.7): IF-5V » This concludes the proof. D 13. A category it said to be connected if from each object there leads a mor- phism into any non-initial object, i.e., hom(/«, B) * 0 whenever B * ±. In a connected category, a more satisfactory result holds, with preservation of cointertections, not the weak preservation. Lots of categories are connected: Sat, Jt-Mod (because of the zero maps). Pot and Top (because of the constant maps), etc. But there are natural categories which are non-connected (graphs, semigroups, etc.). Theorem. Let JT be a connected, finitely cocomplete (/, ur>category with cointersections. An #*epi preserving functor F:Jt-+Jt has minimal reductions iff F preserves cointersections. Remark. We are going to use the terminal object of Jf; under the present hypotheses, JT hat one. Indeed, let A be an arbitrary object, A * J.. Let e: A -► T denote the cointersection of all quotients of A. Then (a) for each object X there exists a morphism t,: X-* T (because A * ± implies that there exists a morphism f:X-*A\ put (b) thlt morphism is unique (given (,: X-* T, we form the coequali- zer ea: 7°-» T„ of I, and i'r, since *„ € * (III.5.I), we have e ■ *0 € * and e ■ ea: A -► Ta is a quotient of A—hence, (• (, S ( and this proves that e, is an isomorphism, thus, I, — t',\.
254 Chipur V Thus, ris a terminal object. If JT has only one object 1, then 1 is terminal. Proof. Assuming the existence of minimal reductions, we prove first the weak preservation and then the preservation of cointersections. The convene implication has been proved above. (i) Weak preservation. We distinguish two cases. (A) For some object A, * ± we have hom(A>, 1) * 0. It follows immediately that hom(4 B) + B for arbitrary objects A, B. (Indeed, if B * 1, this is the connectedness, and if B — 1, then we use the fact that hom(^, A,) * B] Then Jf has regular finite coproducts, in fact, the coproduct injections i-.A—A + B are all split monos. Itii sufficient to choose a morphism/': B-» 4 then l^and / determine a morphism J:A+ B-*A with »'■/ — l< Thus, i 6 Jt by III.5.1. Hence, we can apply the preceding theorem. (B) For all objects Aa * ± we have hornet, 1) - B. In this case, the co- product injections are split monos, too, with the exception of X -t X + B- B for 0*1. Let us inspect the proof of the preceding theorem. The only application of the regularity of coproducts is denoted by (•) (see the remark preceding the proof). It concerns the injection Y-*Q+ Y. Thus, we only have to check that the proof becomes trivial if Y - X. Since we have morphisms p: QF-* Y and g,: Q,F-* Y, we conclude that QF- X and Q,F- X (; <= J). Assuming Q * X, F is, necessarily, the constant functor C\ of value X (in which case the preservation of cointersections is obvious). Indeed, for each object A we have a morphism /: A -* Q, hence, a morphism fF: AF-* QF— X, and we conclude AF— 1. Analogously, assuming Qi* X for any/ € J, we have F— CL. Thus, we can assume Q - X and Q,~ X (j t J) and the proof is trivial because each e, is I t (J e J). (ii) Preservation. Let t,\ Q-* g (j e J) be a collection of f-epis. If Q* X. then we exhibit morphisms 5: QF-+ Q and 5,'. Qf-+ Q> such that f,: ((>, 5)-»((?,. 5,) are homomorphisms: if Q— 1, then we show that the proof is trivial. Then clearly (i) implies (ii). We denote by T the terminal object of JT (see the preceding remark). Assuming Q * 1, we choose an arbitrary morphism/: 7"-» Q. Put S-tgr/QF^Q
Minimal Reilinlioii and Reduction 255 and Then each e, is a homomorphism since the following diagram commutes. If g — J., the situation is trivial. We can clearly assume thai no e,,j e J. is an isomorphism (since isomorphisms do not influence the resulting cointer- section). Then all e, represent the same quotient of Q: given J,feJ, then Qt+ i- + Qr implies that there are morphisms fQj-*Q, »nd t-Qi-*Qi- The the fact that Q - ± implies e, ■/- «y and er- g- *,, hence, *f(fl)-ei »"<' <■(«■/)-<■ Since both tt and t, are epis, we conclude that f— g-' and hence, t, and ', • /— tj represent the same quotient. The cointersection of a single quotient is the quotient itself; each functor preserves such a cointersection. □ Example. The functor Hi: Sat-» Sat (III.2.5) preserves cointersections iff X Is a finltary type. Indeed, Ht is a varietor and hence, it has minimal reductions iff it has minimal realizations. This holds iff I is finltary (11.3.8). On the other hand. Sat is an (epi. mono)-category which is cocomplete, connected and has cointersections (because equivalence lattices are complete). Hence, Ht has minimal reductions iff it preserves cointersections. We prove below that a set functor preserves cointersections iff it is finitary, i.e., a quotient of some Ht with L finitary. Rtaurk. We characterize functors preserving cointersections in Section V.4. But first we prove certain consequences of the theorems above in V.3, using relations which we introduce in V.2.
256 Ctupter V Enerdaet V.I A. Preservation of cotateraectloas la not necessary. We present a finitary varie- tor F: Gra -» Gra (the category of graphs, see Exercise IV.3.A) which does not preserve cointersections and yet, has minimal reductions. We consider the factorization system (epi, embedding) in Gra. (i) Verify that Gra fulfils the hypotheses or Theorem V.I.4. (ii) Denote by T the terminal graph T- (|r|, U (|). Define a functor F:Gra-»Gra on objects by (X,R)F-T if R + 9, (X,9)F-(X; X- x X-); on morphisms f:(X,R)-*(Y,S) by /F-consW itS + B, /F-f'-fH. ifS-8. Verify that F is a well-defined functor preserving epis. (iii) Since //.: Sat-» Sat fails to preserve cointersections (see Example V.I.5), conclude that F:Qra -► Gra fails, too. (Hint: Oiven epis e,:A-* B,in Sat, consider the epis e,: (A, 0) -► (S„ 8) in Gra.) (iv) Verify that F is a finitary varietor: for each graph / we have /• - wt - I + T with <p: T-* /* and n: !-• I* the coproduct injections. (v) Prove that each behavior 0:1 + T— T has a minimal realization A, defined by the image factorization of 0 — * • m, with t: I + T-* Q and m:f2-r: A - (ft 6, r. m, /, j; • t) where 6: QF- T-t- ft sends I to (i)e € ft. (iv) Conclude that F weakly preserves cointersections. Prove this also directly. B. Scqaeallal topological atrtoaMta. (i) Verify that if I is a compact Haus- dorff space, the functor St: Top -» Top preserves cointeraection (with (f, Jt) either (regular epi, mono) or (epi, regular mono)] and hence, every sequential ^.automaton has a minimal reduction (V.I.3). (Hint: A cointeraection of epis *,: X— Y, in Top is created on the level of sets: if/: K,-» Y form the cointer- section in Sat, then a set M c K is open iff (Mtf~' is open for each i Prove that if Z is a compact Hausdorff space, then again a set U c X x Z is open iff (MX/ x I;)-1 is open for each i\ (ii) For non-compact £, the functor 5r need not have minimal reductions. Let Zbe the set of all rational numbers with the usual topology. Prove that the following ^-automaton (ft, 5, T, v) has no minimal reduction.
Minimal Realization and Reduction 257 Let ff be the subspace of the real plane R x R consisting of the points (jc, y) with x an integer and y — 0 or y — - (n — I, 2, 3,...). put n Q - ff + (ff x Z) + \a\ (a t ff. a t ff x I) with the topology of topological sum (disjoint union). Derine 6: Q x S -► Q by (q\ a)6 - (q\ a) for q' € ff, (q, a)6 - a for q € g— g\ Denote by T the quotient space of Q under the least equivalence ~ with (jc, 0) ~ (i, 0) for all (jc, 0), (i, 0) € C and (jc, 0. a) ~ (i, 0. cr) for all (jc, 0, a). (x,0, it) € ff x £ Finally, y is the quotient map. (Hint: For each pair p — (jc', jc") of integers we have a reduction A, obtained by merging (jc', 0) with (jc", 0) as well as (jc', 0, a) with (jc~, 0, a). If A is a minimal reduction, then its state object Is a quotient Q/x with aj larger or equal to ~, In fact, equal to ~ because of y. Use the fact that the topology of (ff/~ ) x Tis distinct from that of(Q' x l)/~.\ C. FlaUai} varietora la Saf*. The category Saf*. which is well-known to be equivalent to that of complete atomic Boolean algebras, has the following property: Wi(III.2.5) is a finitary varietor for each, possibly infinitary, type L Prove it. (Hint: In Sat, prove that coproducts commute with limits of co-chains. Hence, in 8at°>, each H. preserves colimits of ca-chains, and then so does each H,.) VJ. Rdallons la a Category We introduce here the concept of relation in an (/, .* (-category, and the basic theory concerning relations. The reader can skip this section without breaking the continuity of the tent; the only concepts needed for Chapter V below are that of relation, and of equivalence relation, We shall use relations in Chap- ten VI and VII. A relation from an object AT to an object risasubobject of X x Y. Thus we assume throughout the section that a finitely complete (**. ~4/)-category JT is given. 2.1. A relation i-:*— Y from X to Yi% a subobject rofXx Y. This can be represented by an „#-mono r: R - X x Y,
258 Ctapler V or by the pair f,„; R -» X and r„,: R -► Y of components or r. We also say that a pair or morphisms J,;R-*X and fr.R-Y represents the relation r if the induced morphism R -*■ X x Y has Image r (i.e., if the morphism /: R-» X x fwith components /, and /J has an image factorization/- e-r). We write r-U,.Al In particular, '" [/Willi- For each e: K— R in f, r- ('•'cii.'-'ciil (and conversely, any pair [/,,/i] representing r has the form f, - e- r,„ and ft — e' f,n with t € #). Each morphism /: Jf-» J"is considered as a special case of relation: [lr./):Jf-K A relation r: X—* Kis called a partial morphism if r„,: /?-* Jf is in Jt. Then A is a subobject of AT (the domain of r) and hence, r is a morphism from a sub- object or X into Y. (See IV.7.1) A relation is a morphism /iff/, € t and /i — /, •/: it is a partial morphism g: A— Y (for a subobject m: R -► X) iff/, -em and /, - *- g for some * € #. Examples, (i) Set, A relation AT— Kis a subset R <z X x Y It is represented by any pair /,:&-» X and /,: R-» X of maps with « - l((x)/,. (x)/,): * e «l- In particular, by the pair of projections r,„: R — X and r(II: R -* Y. (ii) Pot, In the (epi, embedding)-category Pot, a relation from (X, S ) to (Y, 3) is any subset R c Jf x K, ordered component-wise: (x, >•) E • (x', /) ifT x s x' and >> 3 / for all x, x' € X and j>, / 6 Y. In the (quotient, mono)-category Poa, a relation (A, E) from (AT, S) to (Y, 3) carries any ordering E, contained in E *. For example, R can be discretely ordered (no matter how X and Y are ordered).
Minimal Reallnlion and Reduction 259 2.2. We are going to define the composition of relations. In Sat, given r-.X^Y and s: Y^Z then r» s; X— Z is the relation or all (x, z) € X x Z for which there exists y € J" with (x,y)i R and 0-, z) € S. This can be expressed by the pullback of the projections r„,and sm(i- 1,2), representing r and s, as follows. Let us form the pullback of r,3, and s,„; T V \r n s by \ti> y*n Nfta x' \' \ Here r-|(a,6)€ «x S; (a)rin-(6)j,„| - |(a„ a,, 6,, 6,) € R x S; a, - 6,| and s, r are the projections, (a,, ah 6„ 6»)i - (a,, a,); (a„ a„ 6„ 6,)r - (6„ 6,), The pair of maps J- r,„: 7"-» Jf and r■ sllt: T-» Y dearly represents R • S. We use this for the general definition. Deflartioa). The composition of relations r:Jf— Y and s:Y~ Z is the relation fs-{3TmF-S,n):X~ Z, where Jand rare denned by the following pullback: T R S
260 OupterV Reanrks. (i) Thii definition ia independent of the representatives: if ~*-mo- nos r and r' represent the tame relation Jf — Y and if s and s' represent the tame relation Y— Z, then also r» j and r • 5' represent the same relation — this is easy to verify. Note, however, that we formed the pullback above using r,„ and j(0, not arbitrary pairs r - (/,, /,] and 3 - (g,, g,]l We return to this problem below when discussing the pullback axiom. (ii) The composition of morphisnu agrees with that of relations. Indeed, given morphisnu /: X-* Y and g: Y-* Z, the diagram above defining /• g has the following form: x /\ X Y X Y Z (iii) If r: Jf — Y and 3: Y— Z are partial morphisms and i, rare as above, then ! t Jt, so that i • r,i, € Jl, consequently (r • s)m - i • r,„ and (r. j),„ - f • j,„. It follows that partial morphisnu are closed under composition. 13. There is another way of defining the composition of relations: Leasts. Given relations, represented by Uf-monos r-.R—XxY and s:S-*Yx Z, let us form the pullback of r x I z and I, x j: V —»X.S I 1-s R»z—r»- XpY>z r»l Put » - i • (r x I) - r • (I x j) and denote by xl% n,, x, the projections of XxYxZ Then r • 3 — [r • Xi, r • xt]: X-» Z
Minimi Rotation uul ItahKtKMi 261 Proof. Denote by jtf: S x Z-* R and *,': R x Z-» Z the projectioiu: analogoualy, x?:XxS-*X and *;:XxS-*S. Obvioualy, »• «i - /• (f x I) • J, - /• m", • r,D and r- *, - f-(l xj).»,-r<' J,],. To prove that r • s - [»• «,, r • *, J, it it lufTlcient to check that the rollowing square v !•*;/ \r.«ej Y it a pullback. Thit aquare obvioualy commutea. Let p:P-+R and q:P-»S be morphunu with p. rf„- q- sw. Let ?:P—RxZ have component! p and q - j„)t and let 4: P-*Xx S have componenta p • rnt and 5. Then the morphunu P~-(rx l2), 4 • (I, x *): F-» X x J- x Z both have componenta P • 'in! P ' tn ~ 9 • 'tit- 9 • *(»• Hence, the two morphiama above are equal and there exiita a unique A Tor
262 Chtpler V which the following diagram commutes. This is the unique morphism with p — A • s • x[ and q — A • r • nJ'. This concludes the proof. □ 1A. Relations from X to Y are naturally ordered, as subobjects of X x Y (III.5.2): given r. s: Jf— Y represented by ^-monos r: R-» X x Y and s: S-» X x Y. then rcj iff r- /• s for some morphism /: R-» S. Note that for each relation r - I/,./,], where /,: R-» X and /t: A-* f are morphisms, and for each morphism A: S-» R, we have [A-/„A-/Jcr. Moreover, [*•/,.*• /J - r iff * € <f. And for the canonical representation r — (rIIH r()J also conversely: if (A ■ (•<,„ A ■ r„J - r. then A € *. (Proof: if [A • r„B A • r„J - r, then A • r: S-t- X-x Y has the image r. i.e.. there exists est with A • r — t ■ r and since r is a mono, this implies A - t e t.) Reaurk. We shall often use the following consequence of the definition of the order of relations: if r — [g,. gj c j, then there exists A such that g, - A • i„, and g, - A • j,,,. (Indeed, if/: *-► S fulfils r- /• s. then/- *,» - r,uand/- ^i2i ~ ^(i)l since
Minimil Rulizatiofi and Reduction 263 If i- «J is a representation of r, there exists est with * • In - g) and * • r„, - g,. Hence, A — * •/ fulfils the equations.) ProaosltkM. Composition of relations is order-preserving, i.e. r c r and icj' imply rue r • s' for arbitrary relations r. r'\ X-* Y and a, s': K-» Z Proof. Let r-/• r and j - g • *'. then r x lz - (/x Iz) • (r* x lz), analogously with 11 x j, and we form the corresponding pullbacks as in Lemma V.2.3: There exists a unique A: K-» V tuch that the diagram above commutes. The morphisms then fulfil r(l«i| and v' - F ■ (I x s") A . ,'. Hence, r • s - (r • «,, r • jtj c [r' • *,, r' • *,) - r* • s'. 2J. The intent relation to r: JK —» K it the relation '"' - I'm. 1ij): ^-* *■ For any representation r - I/,,/;) obviously [/i./.J-'-lA/.l To express this by ur-monos, denote by (:Xx Y-*Yx X
2ft4 Ckipwt V the canonical isomorphism, defined by £•»! — *! and f • *, — at,. Then Tor each JT-mono r: fl -» Jf x K we have r-'-r-i . The operation or inverse is an order-isomorphism on the dais of all relations (i.e., a bijective map such that r c s iff r-1 c s~') which inverts the composition (i.e., (/• s)-' - *-' • r-'] and is an involution Proof, (i) The isomorphism £: X x Y-» ¥ x X above fulfils f • f - lx. r and hence, for each relation r, (i-')-1 - (/•#)• I- '• Thus, the operation of inverse is onto; it is also one-to-one, since r * s Implies r~' — r • { * s • { — s~'. (ii) Let r, j: AT-* K be two relations. If r c J, then r - /■ s for some /and this implies i-' - (rati 'oil - I/' '<»• /• 'ml c I*ii). *ml - *"'• If i-1 c i-', then r - (/->)-' c (*-')-' - ». (iii) The composition r • j is defined by the following pullback of r(1, and*,!, jy/ ^ -%> UMj-|j>f,i],f. i,,,]. Hence, (/•*)-' -[r- *„,,/• r„J. Since the composition of s~' and r-1 is defined by the pullback of s-,,, and rII|t which is f and i we have *-'• *-' - If- s,„,s- r„J. □ Remarks, (i) A relation r. X — *
Minimal Rnlinltofl and Redaction 265 it uid to be symmetric if r- i-1. Symmetric relations ire doted under nnioiu and Intersections—thli rollowt from the preceding proposition, (ii) For each object X we define the diagonal relation 4t-{\t,\,):X-X. A relation r'.X-'X is said to be reflexive if &t c r, lx., if there.eiiiti /: X— R with f-rm -f.rm- Ijf. (iii) Each /-epi *: Jf-» K"preserves" reflexive relations: If r: X-' X is reflexive, to is [r,i, • e, r(ll ■ t): Y-» Y. Indeed, if [I j» Ij-1 c (r(l> rm), then l* '1 <= [r,„ • «, r,D • *) and since * € * implies (e, r] - |Ir, Irl. we conclude Art [r,ir*. '(D-'l- (iv) A relation r-.X^X is said to be transitive if r • r c r. A reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation is called an equivalence.- Z.*. Prapasltlea. For each morpbism /: X-» Kiel us form the pullback of/ and/: R fo— X 111 Then [r(i„ rm): X— Xis an equivalence, called the kernel equivalence of f
266 Ch.plet V Proof, (i) Since lx-/- following diagram lx-/there exists a unique h. X-* A for which the commutes. Hence, [I*. I llC ['(», '(1,1 which proves the reflexiviiy. (ii) Since '»> • /— rm ■ f, there exists a unique A: R-» R for which the following diagram commutes. Since, obviously, A • A — I,, A is an isomorphism and we see that I'll), 'oil — I*' '<»• *• 'ml — ['in. 'oil- Thus, the symmetry is proved, (iii) To prove the transitivity, we first verify that the morphism r:R — X x X with components rm and r(II is an ^-mono (which then represents the kernel equivalence). Indeed, let r — e m be its image factorization. Since the projections *( and *i of X x X fulfil e-m-Ks-f- !•„>•/- ',]>•/- fm-Kt-f and since t is an epi, we have m» if, •/— m- ftff
Minimal Realization and Reduction and there is a unique A Tor which the following diagram 267 commutes. Then * • h — I because both (*• A)t0) - em> x, - fx( - rw and, analogously, (e-A)T(„- r,,,. Since * Is a split mono and an epi, it is an isomorphism, therefore, r € -M. It follows that r • r b defined by the pullback of rnl and r(ll: " R y \ y \ r.r- [r(l)• r(>H On• Hnl- To prove r-rc r, it is sufficient to verify that/merges r01- r(ll and fo, T(«. And this is clear: '«>• 'in'/- 'nr'tn-/- '(Vtir/- '<«•''(»•/• This proves the transitivity. □ Examples, (i) Sot: Equivalence relations have their usual meaning. Each equivalence relation R c X x X is the kernel equivalence of some morphism (e.g., of the canonical morphism /: X-» X/R, assigning to each element its equivalence class). (ii) Poo: In the (epi, embeddlng)-category Poo, an equivalence relation Ac X x Xlt ordered component-wise. This need not be a kernel equivalence
268 Ckiptti V or any morphism: conaider, aa an example, the three-element chain X — (0,1,2] and the equivalence relation R with two classes-. (0,2] and (I). This ia no kernel equivalence (note that the quotient act X/R - QO], (l)| ia not ordered, tince 0 S I implies [0] S (I), but I S 2 implies (I) S (0D. 2.7. DcfmMoa. An (*. UT>«ategory ia said to satisfy the puBback axiom if in each pullback i i I with * € t we have * e t. Rtsnrk. The pullback axiom (which is the dual of the puihont axiom used in IV.7.12) makes the work with relations much simpler. For example, the composition of two relations can be defined (for arbitrary representing pairs) by the pullback of /j and g,: R S /\/\ X T Z as the relation [ j", •/>, /, • g,). Proof If(/„/i] - r: R,-t-X x Y then, by definition, r is the image of the morphism R -► X x Y with the components /, and /,. Thus, there is * € t with /, - *• f,„ and /, - *• r,„. Analogously, if Id, gi] - s:S-* Yx Z, then there is an #-epi i:S-t-S,wi»h g, - i-sm and g, - i-s0).
Minimal Realtution and Reduction We form the following four pullbaclu: y\ y \x\ V V Y By definition, r . s - [I• r(ly. F- sm\. Since adjacent pullbacki Com a new pullbick, the pullback or /, -e-rm and g, -«•*,„ is roimed by i, • /and r, • 7 above. Thus, what we want to prove is that r « represented by U,-i-A.;-r-g,). We use the fact that /./, - f. *.f,„- «,•/•»•„, and Thus, denoting < - *, • r, - *( ■ it, we have («i • #•/» 'i • '• til -('•'• rui. *• ?• *a\\- Finally, the pullback axiom guarantees that e, € I and i, € # and, applied again, yields *■( e * and «, € i; consequently, * - «, - r € *.
270 Clwpler V Hence, [s ■ rUh r-sol) represents the same relation (which is /■•*) as I' ■ * • '(i). ' • '■ *pj- Hence, i-.»-[#,.i/„#, -r- j,). O ProaoaMoi. The pullback axiom guarantees that the composition or relations is associative: /■•(»• 0 -(/■•»)• I (for arbitrary relations r: X-* Y, s: Y-* Z and I: Z-* V). Proof. Let us form the following three pullbacks: y \y \ "ST y' >i y* vn? y**'n? z By definition, !■• »- [i, • /■„„ f- »,„). Since adjacent pullbacks form a pullback, the pullback of f • >„, and („> is I and rs,. Hence, by the preceding remark, (r. »). i-If. i, ■ /■,„,?• i, • f,„). Analogously, »•'-['• «m.*i- '(«) and, by the preceding remark, r • (5 • r) - I'• *i • '(I* ' • h • '»>)• D Example*, (i) Sat fulfils the pullback axiom: the pullback t—5—z i i X »-Y
Minimal Realtettlon and Reduction 271 in Sat can be described as the set T-Ux, 1)6 X x Z; (*)# - (»)/] with the projections i and / If t is onto, then so is i because Tor each isZ the point (i)/€ Y- (.Y)<'canbeexpressedas(zl/'- (*»)«, *o e ^andthen (x* i) « T fulHI. i - (x,, z)f. (ii) Let JT be a concrete (III.3.8) (*, ur>category with * - all morphisms which are surjective maps. Assume that finite limits arc preserved by the forgetful functor (which they are in all current categories). Then Jf satisfies the pullback axiom. This applies to R-Mod, in fact, to any variety of universal algebras, as well as to Poo, Top, Gra, etc. considered as (epi, embedding)-categories. (iii) Alas', for other factorization systems the pullback axiom can fail. For example, the (quotient, mono)-category Top does not satisfy it, see Exercise A below. Therefore, we try to work without the pullback axiom, whenever possible. We must be careful with the composition, however, because it can fall to be associative. Rtsaark. Composition of partial morphisms is always associative (even if the pullback axiom fails). In the above proof, assume sol e Ul and lm € Jl. Then i„ I (and hence i) are all .4f-mono». Therefore, r • s - [I, • r,,,. r • j(IJ and j. I - [I ■ s0„ J,„ • f„J and we obtain (/■• s)» I — /■• (*• f). 2.8. Remark. The span algebras introduced in IV.7.4 can be considered as representations of "relational" ^algebras. By a relational F-algebra is meant a pair (ft S) consisting of • relation 5: FQ-* ft. In this sense, the span algebra morphisms (/,/,): (Q, D, 6* 6,) -* (Q, D\ S„ S\) correspond exactly to morphisms/: Q-*Q' satisfying /•/Fc/F'S-.QF^ Q [where 8 is represented by (6,, <5,> and 6" is represented by (r5J. 5,")). More in detail, for each span algebra morphism (/.ft)- the first component / satisfies the inclusion above. Conversely, representing 6: QF-* Q by (b\, 5,) such that the induced morphism D-* ft x QF is in Ul, and analogously with 6": Q'F-* ft', then for each / satisfying the above inclusion there exists
272 Chspur V a unique f, such that (//«):(ft A A* £,)-►((?', D', r5J, 5,") U s span algebra morphism. The free-completion construction IV.7.6 can also be performed on relations rather than spans: it is easy to verify that the result or this construction is independent of the choice of the representing span. 2.9. Fmctora affiled to reUttoaa. For each functor F: JT -* JT and each relation r: X-* Y we define the relation rF: XF^ YF by rF-lr,„F, rmFl Eaamplea. (i) Ht: Sat -» Sat Each relation r: X-- Y is represented by the inclusion map of s set R c X x Y; then rm and ra) are the projections. The relation rH1:X'^ Y1 is then the inclusion map of the set Rm c X1 x 1" of all pairs ((*,, X]), Cvi. yd) Tor which there exists (a, b) € R x R with (x,, xj - ((a)r„ (6)r,„) and 0-„ >i) - ((a)r0h (6)r„0, I.e., with a-(x„>,) and »- (x„>J. Thus, (x„ x>)*"\y,. >i) i<T x,*>, and x,Ry,. As a concrete example, consider the relation r: [x, y\ -*[x, >, z], given by the following graph K » K ** Z Then r//, is the following relation
Minimal RnHzafioii and Rjdudton 273 (ii) />:S*)t-*8«t, the power tet functor (III.3.4). Let r be the relation above. Then rP it the following relation I {•> e m *>■ ^ \^ V t » w ® w w M to ■—■lit 0) If Fprmrrts t-tpb (i.e., if #f is an *-epi for each *-epl e\ a more natural definition is the following: If r-[/„/,! then rF-lf,F,f,F). Indeed, r- [/,,/:] means that there exists an «*-epi #wlth »•/■„,-/, and t-ito-fi. This implies tF • r„,F -f,F and tF • r,„F - /,f; since tF e *. I'd/, 'n)*"] - [«*• 'in*". *F' 'mFl (ii) If F fmtrra Jt-monot (i.e., mF it an UT-mono for each UT-mono m), then F preserves partial morphismt, and for each partial morphism r — [rt, ri), rt c JK, we have rf-Ir.f.r.F). (Hi) Each functor F preserve* the ordering of relations: res implies rF c sF for arbitrary relations r,s: X-* Y. F also preserves the inverses, (i-')f-(rf)-'. Both are easy to verify.
274 Chapter V ProaoaMoa. L*t F: •* -»•* be a functor preserving #-epis. For arbitrary relations r.X^Y and s.Y^Z we have (Mt)fc rF'sF.XF^ YF Proof. We form the pullback or rm and j,i,: T y \y'~ to get (r.i)F-[sFT,nF,rFi,nF). Ut r": 4-» Jff x JTbe an UT-mono representing rF, and let e,: RF-* A be the *-epi with r,F-#,•?„, and r,F-#,•?,„. Analogously, define {: S-* YF x ZF in Jt and t,:SF-* S in *. Now we form the pullback or fm and Sm: y \^ y' ^ There exists a unique morphism d: TF-t-1for which the diagram above commutes. We bave rF-sF- f'S-[if{,„fim\.
Minimal Realization and Reduction 275 Therefore, (r. s)F- [d. J. f„„ </•!• io,] c If- f0f. ?■ Im\ - rF. sF. This condudea the proof. □ Reaaerfc. If F: JT -► JT preserves UT-monos (but not necessarily f-epis), then for arbitrary partial morpbitnu r:X-~ Y and t: Y--Z we have, again, (r • s)Fc rF' sF. The proof la the tame. Even reasonable functors In reasonable categories can fall to preserve the composition of relations: Exaasate. The functor P,: S«t-» Sat (III.4.I) does not preserve composition of relations. For example, let f:l*.y,i)-*lx,y) be the map defined by (x)f-x.{y)f-x. (z)f-y, and let r: [x, y\ -»[x, y, z) be the relation of Example V.2.8. Then Inspecting the graph of rP above, we see that rP, Is the restriction of rP to all non-empty sets, and that the graph of//", • rP, is a subset of exp |x, y, z] x exp |x, y, z] containing for example the pair (|x, y, z), [x, y, i|). On the other hand, the relation/* rhas the following graph l.r There is no three-point subset of/* r which is mapped onto \x> y, z\ simultaneously by both projections. Hence, the pair (|x, y, z], [x, y, i|) is not contained in the graph of (/• r)P,. 2.H. We are going to characterize functors preserving composition of relations. Given a pullback P in the category JT: f •. z J 9
276 Chapter V the image or this square factors through the pullback PotfFiad gFby a canonical morphism p: tF-* t, i.e., the unique morphism such that the following diagram commutes. (Then Fpreserves the given pullback iff/; Is in Isomorphism.) DcfhtrlM. A functor F: Jt -* Jt is said to cover pullbacks if the canonical morphism of each pullback is an *-epi. Let JT satisfy the pullback axiom, and let F: jr -► JT preserve /-epit Then F preserves the composition of relations iff F covers pullbacks. Proof, (i) Let Fcover pullbacks. To prove that (r. *)F- rF'SF. we form the pullback of ra) and »„,: \>y \^ v/ \?n Then (i-.»)F-[»Ft,„F, rT-i,„F|. By Remark V.2.8, the composition of rF and »Fis defined by the pullback of rreF and »„,F ^ luf/ Sjjf YF
Minioul Reitizatloa and Reduction 277 u rf • IF- [i-rmF, r-imf). By hypothesis, there is an /-epi * with IF — t • s and fF — # • r. Then [JF- r^F, fF- »mF] b the same relation as [/• r(llF, f • satF], i.e., (/■ • j)F — /F • jF (il) Let F preserve the composition of relations. Given moronisms f:X-*Y and g:Z-*Y, we use the Tact that Fpreserves the composition or f-Wx.fYX-Y and ,-■ - \g. \t\: Y-* Z. This composition/* g-' is defined by the pullback of/and g: I */ \<l 1/ \ / , .1 /• *-' - [A 4l- We have (f'g-')F-fF .(gF)-> where/F. (*F)-' b defined by the pullback of/Fend jF: p »/ \n XF Thus, y\s\ [pF.qF\-[p,q\.XF-*ZF
27B Chiplet V Let * be the canonical morphism with pF— i-pmi qF— i-q. Since ltp,t-g)-lp.g\, we conclude that t i i. □ Einilea. (i) The functors //,: JT -» JT preserve composition of relations because they preserve limits. For JT — Sot (and for a number of current categories), coproducts of functors covering pullbacks also cover them. Hence, each Ht: Sot -» Sot preserves composition of relations. (ii) The power-set functor P: Sot -» Sot preserves composition of relations—it is easy to verify that /"covers pullbacks. But the subfunctor P, of P does not cover pullbacks. Remark. If JC satisfies the pullback axiom and if F:Jt-»Jt preserves UT.monos, then F preserves the composition of partial morphisms iff F prt- strves prelmages (\.c, preserves the pullback of/and gwhenever/E Jl). This can be proved precisely as the preceding theorem, since the preservation of prelmages is equivalent to the covering of prelmages. [In fact, for each pre- unage the canonical morphism p: PF-* P is an Jl-mono: / e Ul implies /e j* and therefore ^ - p-J E UT; hence,/? e Ufby III.3.l(i). Thus, pis an isomorphism iff p is an 4-epi.) Eaaasfks. (iii) The functor P, preserves prelmages: given a map g: Z-+ Y and a subset X c Y, then (ZP,XgP>)-' - «Z)»-')/>,. (iv) The following functor D,: Sot -» Sot does not preserves preimages. For each set JT put XD, - \(x, y) E X x X: x * y\ u |.) where • is any element outside of X x X; for each map/: X-* Y, U>in if (*!/> (>!/"; ^™d'-[. if (*!/■-0-1/; This functor does not preserve the composition of the map/: [x, y, z) -» [x, y) denned by (xV- x; (y)f- x;(z)f- y with the partial map g: [x, y[ —- y, defined by 00* - y- The relation/- g is defined only in z and hence, (/• g)D, is defined only In •. On the other hand, fDt • gD, is denned in (x, y) and (y, x).
Minimal ReiMzaliofi and Reduction 279 Exercises V,2 A. 11m pallhack ailoa hi Top. Verify that the (regular epi, mono)-category Top does not satisfy the pultback axiom (a regular epi is a surjcctive continuous map f: A-* B such that each open set in A has the form ((/)/*' for V c B open). Use the following pullback 0 0 inclusion (^3> G[3 B • K 1- *y incluiion • n •1 •Y • z where * is the map merging y, and y, to y, and the topology on each set is indicated In the picture: A is discrete (each set is open), B and D are indiscrete (only 9 and the whole set are open) and C has open sets I, [x, y,], Lvi, i] andC & PmerratMB «f coia—IHaa. (i) Verify that the set functors P, P, and />, cover pullbacks and thus, preserve composition of relations (in contrast to /",)• Verify that P. does not preserve composition of relations if 3 S n < a. (11) Verify that the quotient of H, given by the equation (x, x, y)a — (x, x, i)o does not preserve preimages. C Partial ■nana—, For each partial moronism [/,,/i]: X— Y, /, € Jt, prove that a pair {g„ f J with g, € Ul represents the same relation IfT there is an isomorphism i with f i - ' • /, and g, - I • /,. V.3. FlaHaiy Flatters 3.1. The existence of minimal reductions Is characterized by the preservation of colntcncctloiu. But this In itself Is a condition difficult to verify. We prove that under additional hypotheses, a functor preserves cointersections iff it is finitary (i.e., preserves directed unions). The latter condition Is much easier to check in a concrete situation, and has a dear Intuitive meaning. For the implication Finitary ■* preserves cointersections we have to restrict the factorization systems to t — regular epis and .M — mono*, and then we obtain quite a general result. For the convene implication, some further requirements are needed. All these are fulfilled by every set
280 Chapter V functor and every functor on Jt-V«ot (R any commutative field). Hence, in these categories, particularly satisfactory results are obtained. Definition. Let ■» be an (/, ulQ-citegory. A functor F: JT -► JT is said to be finitary if it preserves directed unions. Remarks, (i) Explicitly, F is finitary iff for each union m — U ffi, I" with J directed (i.e., given /„ j, e J there exists j E J such that m„ c m, and mh c mt) we have im(mf) - U im(m,f). > * ^ (ii) For the categories Sot and A-Mod, the definition above is equivalent to that given in Chapter III: a functor F is finitary iff for each set (module) X and each point x E XF there exists a morphism f-.Y-t- X with Y finite (finite- dimensional) and x E (YFyF. [Proof. If F is finitary in the present sense, we can use the fact that each object X it * directed union of its finite (or finite-dimensional) subobjects. Conversely, if F is finitary in the sense of Chapter III and if X — U Xt is a directed union, then for each x 6 XFwt find /: /*-► X with x e (YF\fF and Y finite (or finite-dimensional). Since the union is directed, there exists jt i J with (flfc^ This proves that XFc U(V)"i/f, where m,: Xt-+ X are the inclusion maps, and the converse inclusion is dear.) (iii) Some authors define finitary functors as those preserving directed coli- mits. For our purposes, this does not make much difTerence—see the Characterization Theorem below. Lemma. Let jr have pullbacks. A functor F is finitary iff for each directed family mt {J E J) of UT-subobjects of an object A, U "»/ - \t implies U im(m>f) — \Ar. Proof. Let m: A,-* B (J 6 J) be a directed family of Jt-mmm with union iH:A-* B. We have .^r-monos m^.A,-* A with m, - mt- m(j e J), and then Um- i,. (In fact, if a subobject m of A contains each m,, then m • m contains each mt' m — m; and hence, m > m contains m. It follows that m is an isomorphism.) Therefore, yim(m/)- \„.
Minimal Realhatlon and Redoaloa 281 Let m* be an UT-subobJect or BF containing each im(/fl,F). This means that for each j e J we have fhjF — if if »i*i with e", € # and ii, € Uf. Let be the image factoruation. Then we can use the diagonal fill-In: Let p and q form the pullbtck of m* and rfif, then for each J e J there exists a unique r, such that the following diagram ^ 0- r- ■■ A q »»B F (BF F commutes. Thus, 9 is an UT-mono (opposite to m* € Jl In t pullbtck, sec III.5.1) containing etch u, tnd hence, q is tn isomorphism. Therefore, rftf-(?-' • /;)• m*. which proves thtt im(rfiF) cm*. 3.2. Let us assume that ■* Is a finitely complete category with ngularfaetori- lotions, i.e., an (1*, »40-category where * ™ regular epis and Jl — monos.
282 Chipier V For each morphism e: X-* Y we can form the pullback of t with itself: The pair (r,, rj represents an equivalence relation r: X-- X called the kernel equivalence or e, see V.2.6. Kernel equivalences and regular epis are closely related: (a) If e: X-* Yh a regular epi and (r,, r2): X-- Xi> its kernel equivalence, then t is the coequalizer or r, and rt. Proof. Let />,, />]: i>-» * be morphisms such that * is the coequalizer or p, and />]. Since p,-1 - Pi-e, there exists a unique morphism /: P-* R with />, - /■ r, and />2 — /■ iy Given a morphism i: X-» f with r, • e — r2 • r, we have also Pi • * - /• r, • i - /■ r, • i - />, • i and hence, ? factors uniquely through e. Thererore, tis a coequalizer of r, and (b) Let * and *' be regular quotients of an object X, and let r c Jf x Jf be the kernel equivalence of t and r' the kernel equivalence of t'. Then re r iff f£ t. Proof. If r c r', then r'„, • i' — r^, • i' implies r,,, • «' — r„, • *'. Since i is the coequalizer of r,,, and r,,„ it follows that *' factorizes through e, i.eH * £ «'. Conversely, if t <, t' then r,,, • * - r(1| • t implies rm • t — rm • t'. Since r'„, and r',;i form the pullback of *' and *', there exists a unique morphism/with r,„ — /• r'mand r0l — /• r'in,i.e., re r'. □ (c) Let e,: X-» Y, (J € .0 be quotients of an object X. and let r, c X x Jf be the kernel equivalence of t,{j e J). Put r - \J r, c X x X.
Minimal RMltaalion ind Redaction 283 The coequalizer of rnl and rm is the cointenection of e,,J e J. Hence, if JT has unions and coequalizers, it has cointersections. This follows immediately from (b). 3J. Resnrfc. We want to characterize functors preserving cointersections. We first consider finite cointersections, i.e., pushouts of regular epis. Let us say that a pair of morphisms />,, pt: X-* Kis reflexive if it represents a reflexive relation (V.2.5) (/>,, pt]: Y-* Y. A functor Is said to prtserrt rtflex- ire coequalizers if it preserves the coequalizer of any reflexive pair. CwutracHoa of the least equivalence containing a given relation r: X-* X. Let .X be a complete, well-powered category with regular factorizations. We define relations r,:X^X (n € Ord) by tnnsfinite induction, (a) Denote by r„ the least reflexive and symmetric relation containing r, i.e., r,-(rv i,)u(rud,)-'. (b)Oiven r„ denote by A. the least set of relations X-- JT containing r, and closed under composition and the formation of inverses. Put r„<.i - U »• (c) Given a limit ordinal { put r,- Ur, a < I The unions In (b) and (c) exist because JT Is complete and well-powered, and hence, it has intersections, which implies that the posct of all subobjects of any object is a complete lattice. Put r« - r. where kIs an ordinal with r, - r, for all n a k; such an ordinal exists because JT is well-powered. Then (i) r* is the least equivalence containing r; (ii) each of the sets A, above is directed: (iii) rand r* have the same coequalizer (I.e., a morpbism is a coequalizer of r„, and r(I) iff it is a coequalizer of rJJ, and r^,). Proof, (i) The relation r* is —reflexive: A c r, c r: —symmetric: for each n we have r,, i — U Jul"1
284 Chipnr v because A. is closed under the formation or inverses. Since a union or symmetric relations is obviously symetric, it can be easily proved by Induction that each r„ is symmetric; —transitive: since r, • rt € A,, we have r* • r* — r, • rt c rtt, — r» — r*. Let J be an arbitrary equivalence relation containing r. Let B be the set of all subrelations of s— note that B is clearly closed under composition. To prove r* € B, we verify that r. € B by induction in n. First step: r(-(ruil)i(ru 4)~' c j • j-' - j e A Isolated step: if r. € B then .4. c fl, hence, r,,, c j. Limit step is clear. (ii) Since each r, is reflexive, all relations in A. are, obviously, reflexive. Given su 3, € .4, then s, • j, € 4, and j, - J, -/lc J, •),; j, — A • i] c J, • s,. (iii) For each morphism /: X-* Kthe statement r(„ •/- ru) •/means that ris contained in the kernel equivalence ker /; by (i) this is equivalent to r* c ker/ I.e.. to r,*,, • /- rji, • / Hence, rand r* have the same coequalizer. □ 3.4. Deflalttoa. A functor is said to be right exact if it preserves coequalizers of equivalence relations. Remarks. (I) This is a much weaker condition than the preservation of reflexive coequalizers. For example, we shall prove below that each functor on the category Sat or Jl-Vact is right exact. (ii) The terminology here comes from homologies! algebra: right exact functors are those which preserve short right-exact sequences (which are just the coequalizers of equivalence relations in those categories). (iii) A functor preserving finite cointersections is right exact. In fact, for each equivalence relation r(:Jl-» X x Xt mono) there exists d: X-* Jlwith d- r,„ - d-r(1) - l», because ris reflexive. Forming the pushout of rIM and rm fa. ,1 ^ p. we have Pi - d- rrp, - d- r2-Pi - ft and hence, P\ — pt is the coequalizer of r„, and r„,. Since r,„ and rm are split
Minimal Realization and Reduction 285 epis, the pushout above is a cointersection. The preservation of this cointer- section is equivalent to the preservation or the coequalizer or rm and rm. 3.5. Theorem. Let JT be a complete, well-powered category with regular factorizations. Each right exact, flnitary functor F: jr -» JT preserves cointenec- tions. Obeemtia*. Slightly weaker hypotheses will be needed in the proof below: (i) JT be finitely complete and well-powered; (ii) JT have unions and cointersections; (iii) JT have coequalizers. Note that the present hypotheses imply that JT has the properties (i)—(iii): JT has intersections and hence also unions. The existence of cointersections follows from HI.5,3: JT is regularly cowell-powered because it is well-powered and we can apply V.3,2,b, therefore, jr has cointersections, This implies that for each object Y, all regular quotients form a (small) complete lattice. Consequently, each pair of morphisms/, /,: X-» Khas a coequalizer, viz,, the least regular quotient t: Y-* Y of Ksuch that / • t — / • *. Proof. I. Fpreserves the coequalizer of any pair/, /: X-* Ywhich represents a reflexive relation r: Y-" Y To prove this, it is sufficient to show that the least equivalence r* containing r fulfils rFc r'Fc{rF)' (where rF is deflned as [rmF, r(1)5], tee V,2,9), Since rf and (rF)* have the same coequalizer by V,3 J(iii), it is obvious that also rF and r'Fhave the same coequalizer. And f is right exact, therefore, it preserves the coequalizer of r* and hence, also of r. Finally, r — (/,/] means that there exists a regular epri t with/ — f r,i, and/i — t< rm: it follows that the coequalizers of/,/i and r<if rin coincide, too, and hence, Fpreserves the coequalizer of/ and /, The first inclusion follows from III,2.9(iii), since rcr'. To prove r'Fc (rF)', we proceed by induction: let r. denote the steps of the Construction V.3.3 applied to r, and r. the steps for rF; we prove that rj'c r, (n € Ord), (a) Since rls a reflexive relation, we have r, - r- r~' and hence, by V.2,9, r,F- (r. r-')Fc rF- (rF)-1 c r,. (b) F Is finiury, i.e. it preserves the directed unions and A, is directed, hence r..,F- U sF. «« A.
286 Chapter V Also, we have where A. is the least set of relations containig r. and closed under composition and inverses. The set B - \s: X-* X; sFc i for some J € A,\ is obviously closed under composition and inverses. Therefore, A, c B, and we get r.,,5- U sFc U sFc U /- f..,. i« a, a i ti jr, (c) The limit step is dear, since F preserves unions of chains: r,F- U r.Fc U K - f,. • < i *<t II. F preserves finite cointersections, i.e., pushouts of regular epis. To prove this, let r„ rf. R-* A be the kernel equivalence of e. The relation ' — l'i. rJ is reflexive and hence, also (r, • / ri • /): C-* C is a reflexive relation: we have 4, c r, thus I//] c |r, • / r, • /] and since /is a regular epi, l//l-[lr.lrl-4c- The coequalizer of r, • /and rt ■ /is i. To verify this, consider a morphism k:C—X with r,-f-k-r,fk. Since lis a coequalizer of r, and r, (V.3.2(a)|, there is a unique h: B-* X with /■ k- e- h. Using the universal property of the pushout above, we conclude that k factors through t and hence, t is a coequalizer of r, • / and r, ■ / By I, the functor F preserves this coequalizer: *F is the coequalizer of (r, •/)Find(r! •/)f. We are prepared to prove that F preserves the pushout above. Let p and q be morphisms with fF'• p — iF- q:
Minimal Realization and Reduction 287 (r,/)F/>- r,FtFq- r,FiF- q-(r,f)F- p, and because IF is the coequalizer of (r, • f)F and (r, ■ f)F, there is a mor- phism I: DF-» Z with p - iF- I. Then also q - JF• I because e-fis a (regular) epi, and tF- q-fF- p-fFeF- I- iF-jF- I. This proves that iF and JF form the pushout or tF and fF. III. F preserves cointersections. It is sufficient to prove that F preserves directed cointersections because each colntersection of quotients ',(je J) can be obtained as a directed cointersections of finite "subcointenections". That is, consider the collection M„ i e I, of all finite subsets of J, and for each j let e, be the (finite) cointenection of all i,,j € M,. The collection e„ I € I, is directed because for arbitrary /,, /, 6 / we have a finite subset A/„<j W, c J, tbus, A/,,<j A/„ — Af, for some J, € /, and then lh S l^ and J4 S *,,. It is obvious that the collections c,(j e J) and i, (J € /) have the same cointersection. Let ;:X-r, <>€ J) be a directed collection of regular quotients. For each j € J, let r, be the kernel equivalence of tr Then rt {j e J) is a directed collection of subobjects of X x X (see V.3.2). The coequalizer t of the relation is the colntenectlon of e, (J e J), and the relation ris reflexive (because each r, is reflexive). By I above, F preserves tbe coequalizer of r. Hence, tF is the coequalizer of rF- U r,F Hi Let us prove that ef is the cointersection of e^F (> € J). For each regular epi i: XF-t Z
288 Clupttr V with e,F£ i (j € J) the kernel equivalence f fulfils r,Fc f. (Indeed, if r, — (p„ p2] then p, ■ it — pj • tt implies p,F- itF — p^F- tf and thus, p, F ■ i - ptF ■ i. We conclude that r,F - (p, F, p,F) c ker I - f.) Thus, rFc f. Since eF is the coequalizer of rF and i the coequalizer of f, this implies tF S i. Thus, eF a the cointersection of tf (y € J). □ 3.6. Next, we tum to the reverse implication: F preserves cointersections ■• F is Unitary. Here, we work with an arbitrary factorization system (if, jK) but we need rather extensive additional hypotheses. They include the following: F preserves finite intersections (i.e., pullbacks of .xT-monos). This is no restriction if ■* — Set (III.4.6) or JT — Vact (III.4.A.(iii)] but generally, this is a burden, unlike the right exactness in the preceding theorem (of which we know that it follows from the preservation of cointersections). Let us discuss the hypotheses on .*, First, assume that a dirttled coUntion of pullbacks is given: r, D, —»-C, 5, 9, n u«j) This means that {J, S) is a directed poset and that A, B, C and D are diagrams from (/ S) into .» {A has objects A,, J e J, and morphisms a^,j s k, analogously B, C and D) and f.f.g and g are natural transformations. Let us form the colimits of the diagram above: At — colim A with injections aK: A,-* A, (j € J), analogously Bo, C, and £>► Here we assume 0 t J for simplicity. The four transformations above yield four morphisms forming a commuting square:
Minimal Realfullon and Radidion 289 Bo—r— *o To There is, in general, no reason why this colimit square should be a pullback again. We shall postulate tbis as a condition on JT. Dcflalrloa. A category with pullbacks and directed collmlts Is said to have stable pullbacks if Tor each directed collection of pullbacks also the colimit square is a pullback. Remark*, (i) Given a directed poset (J, S), denote by ■*"■*' the category of all diagrams over (/ £) In JT (as objects) and all natural transformations (as morphlsms), The formation of colimit defines a functor colim: .*"•*'-» jr. Then X has suble pullbacks Iff colim preserves pullbacks for each directed poset. (ii) It Is easy to check that in each category pushouts are stable (i.e., the co- limit square of a directed family of pushouts is a pushout). This alto follows from the general principle that colimits commute with colimits. Example*, (i) Sat has suble pullbacks. Indeed, tbe functor colim: Sot" *'-► Set above preserves all finite limits. This means that colim preserves both finite products and equalizers, and both are easily verified. (ii) A-Mod has stable pullbacks for any commuutive ring R. This follows from the fact that Sot has this property and that both pullbacks and directed colimits are "created" by the corresponding constructs In Sot (I.e., a commuting square of linear maps is a pullback in Jl-Mod iff it is a pullback in Sot, analogously with the directed colimits.) Further examples are discussed in the Exercises below. 3.7. Another condition we need concerns the amalgams of subobjecls m:A-*B, i.e., the objects obtained from tbe coproduct B + B by the identification of the two copies of A. They are expressed by the pushout of m with itself.
290 Chipttr V DeflaMoa. An (if, ur)-category jr is said to have the amalgamation properly ir each pushout m A -B 1 B~irc with m € .M is also a pullback or monos />,, »j € .<#. Example*, (i) Set has the amalgamation property. Given Ac B then C-B+B/~-Bx |l,2|/~. where the equivalence - has the following classes: [a] - ((a, I), (a, 2)) Tor each a € ,4; |M| - |(6, 1)1 and |6, 2] - |(6, 2)| for each be B - A. Here, p,: B-» Cis the natural injection defined by (o)/>, - [a] for a e A and (*)/>,- |6, 11 for 6 e fl—A. Analogously with />,. Then (fl)B, r.(B)«l-(il)ill-*l, thus, the square above is a pullback. (li) A-Mod has the amalgamation property. Given a module B and its sub- module A, then C - B + B/^ - A x B/^ is the quotient module of fl x fl under the subspace ^ - |(a, -o): ae A) [because the equation (o. 0) - (0, a) is equivalent to (o, —a) - (u, 0)]. The two natural embedding* p,, />,: l-»Jx B/A fulfil (fl)/>, o (B)p, — {A)m- pi, thus, the square above is a pullback. 3.8. Thcoreta. Let Jf be a cocomplete (#, UT)-category with stable pullbackt and the amalgamation property. If an f-epis preserving functor F: X -* 3t preserves directed cointersections and finite intersections, then F is finiury. Proof, (i) Let m,: Xt-*X (j € J) be a directed family of .xT-monos. Assuming U m; ~ I». we are to prove that U im(m,F) — lIr(see Lemma VJ.I). For each j. k € J with j £ k we denote by mi. k '■ Xt ~~* Xt the .xr-mono with m, - 17^, • m,. This defines a directed diagram in Jr. Put Y-cohmX, and f-colimXF i*i i*i
Minimal Realization and Redaction 291 with the colimit injections yt: Xt-» Y and y/.Xf-*? {j € J). Since U m, - I, the morphiitn defined by y,-e~ mAJ £ J) a *n **-epi (because eacb m, factors through im e). To prove that U iro(m,F) - I, it is sufficient to verify that the mor- phlsm defined by yt- A - yf{j € J) is an isomorphism. Indeed, then the fact that U y, - >r(>ec HI.5.4) implies U \m{ytF) - im A - \„. Since F preserves **-epis, we have then Uim(m/) - u im(yre)F- im(«F) - \„. Without lots of generality, (J, S) is supposed to have a least element j*. (ii) For each J € J we form the following pushout Since y,-1 - m, € Jt implies yt € Jl (see III.J.I), this is a pullback of Jl- mono*, too, by the amalgamation property. We define a directed diagram Jl over (/ £) with the objects R, above and the moronisms rtt: R,-* Ri(j £ k), given by the commutativity of the following diagram:
292 Chapter V This gives rise to ■ directed ramily or pushouts. The colimit or these pushouts is the following square This is a pushout (see Remark V.3.6), hence, colim R - Y and p - q - I r. Moreover, the given pushouts are pullbacks or .xT-monos, i.e., finite intersections, and thererore, by the hypotheses on F, also the following squares X,F—1J—«-YF »IF YF- 1|F are pullbacks. Since pullbacks are stable, the colimit square •YF 1 »coliinRF is a pullbick, too. To prove tbat A is an isomorphism, it is sulTicient to prove that Fpreserves the colimit or R. Then, obviously, p— q — lTrand the pull- back or I and I is formed by an isomorphism, or course. (iii) F preserves colim Jl. Indeed, each rA» (j, k € / js k) is an '-epi, because It Is a coequalizer or yt-pr.yk- it :*«-» 1- Thererore, the colimit or Jl is precisely the cointereection of rhi (k € J), where y„ is the least element of J. Since F preserves cointersections, it preserves the colimit of R, too. □
Minimal Realization and Redaction 293 Corollary. Let JT be a connected, cocomplete (A*, UT)-category with cointer- section*, stable pullbadu and the amalgamation property. Let F: jr -► jr pre- serve f-epis and finite intersections. If Fhas minimal reductions, then Fit finitary. This follows from VI.3. 3.9. CharacterttttJM Tfcteres*. Let JT be a cocomplete, finitely complete and well-powered category with regular factorizations, stable pullbadu, and the amalgamation property. For each right exact functor F: JT -► JT preserving finite intersections, equivalent are: (I) F preserves cointersections: (ii) F preserves directed cointersections; (iii) F preserves directed colimits; (iv) F is finitary. If JT is connected, further equivalent conditions are (v) fhas minimal reductions; (vi) Fit a finitary varietor with minimal realizations. Proof, (a) We prove below (ii)ft(iv)-(iii). All the rest follows from the results above—let us first explain how. The hypotheses on JT and F Imply (see Observation V.3.5): JT Is cowell-powered and has unions and cointersections, and F preserves regular epis. Thus, we can use Theorem V.3.5 to derive that (Iv)-(D-(ii). By Theorem V.3.8, also (li)-(iv). Hence, the conditions (i), (ii) and (iv) are equivalent. After tbe Implication above has been proved, it will be clear that (iii) is also an equivalent condition [since it evidently implies (ii)]. Let JT be connected. Then (v) is equivalent to (i) by Theorem V.I.6. And since (iii) implies that Fis a finitary varietor (by Corollary IV.3.5), also (vi) is equivalent to (i) by Proposition V.I.2. (b) Assuming that Fpreserves directed cointersections and directed unions, we are going to prove that it preserves directed colimits. Let us first remark that given two directed diagrams JTand Kand a mono- transformation m.X— Y,
294 CMpter V then the colimit morphism colim m: colim JT-» colim Y is also a monomorphism. Indeed, let (J, S) be the (joint) scheme of * and Y. Foreachye /the morphism mt: Xt -» >y is a mono, i.e., the following square is a pullback. Since pullbacks are stable, the colimit square: colim X ^ colim X coltm X »-ci>llmY colim m is also a pullback. Hence, colim m is a mono. (c) Let X be a directed diagram with a scheme (/ £): denote by Xt(j € J) its objects and by xt, (_/ £ fc) its morphisnu. Let us form the image factorizations xt.k ~ *>.* • "■>.* <y.*e Ays*) where ■ Xt € Jt. In particular, 7], — X, and f,., — mu — I. For each J e J wt form a directed diagram 7°' of regular epis as follows. The objects of T> are all 7)., with /> € J.ji. p. If y S /> S «, then the morphism f J , of 7"' is the regular epi obtained from the following diagonal fill-in;
Minimi) Rulization ind Redaction 295 Then colim T> is the cointeraection of the quotients eh1:X)-+ 7), (q e J, J £ q). More precisely, let *,:*,-►*/ denote this cointeraection. Then for each q £ ./'we have i, — *,., • /,, and colim P - Xt with colimit injections/ ,: 7J.,-» JT;. Since I7 preserves directed cointerseodona, also if a the cointersection of «,7(«E -US 4), and colim T*F- Xf. (d) Given y S /It S fv we use the diagonal fill-in again: We obtain monos (>s *s/>) which form a natural transformation from T> (restricted to objects 7}., with pi. k) into T'. Since 7' is directed, the restriction does not change the colimit (Exercise III. IF) thus, we have a colimit morphiim By (b) above, this Is a mono, again. The following square commutes. Indeed, consider the object 7}.» of the diagram T>: we have //. k ' *t.k ~ ^.4.4 ' Jk.k>
29« ClupKt V Since/,, - ek as well as x;, »,» - mA»(because in the square above, m,, - I), we get ft '*/.*" 'a* ' f/.k' *j.i ™ ft*' *>.».» '/*.» ™ ft.»* m>. *' ft - */.i • ft- Hence, the regular epis ft {j E J) define a natural transformation i: X— X. (e) The diagrams X and X have the same compatible families. More precisely, to each compatible family of X, l-.X^Z IJtJ) we can assign a compatible family of X, ft.ft:*,-Z IJeJ), and we claim that this assignment is bijective. It is obviously one-to-one, since ft are epis. Now, consider an arbitrary compatible family of X, g,:X,^Z (jeJ). Let ft - e' • m'be an image factorization (J E J), then for each p e J with p £ J we have ft - xt,f ■ gf, thus ft, * '*• In fact, consider the diagonal fill-in: Therefore, ft £ e', i.e., e' - ft • ft. Put ft - ft • m*: .?>-► Z, then ft - ft • #/ and the family gt (j € J) is compatible since given JSt w have ft- */»•»» Hence, ft • ft - */.» • ft • g» - ft • (*/.> ■ it) and ft is an epi.
Minimal Reiliutioii ind Reduction 297 Since X and X have tbe tame compatible families, they have the tame coli- mita, too. (0 The diagrams X • F and X • F are related in tbe same way as the diagrams X and X. Indeed, F preserves regular epis [see part (a) above) and mo- nos (since it preserves finite intersections and since monos are characterized by their pullbaclu) and hence, F preserves image factorizations. Further, F preserves the colimit of each T(j s J). We conclude that also X • F has the same colimit as X • F. Therefore, it is sufficient to prove that F preserves the colimit of X And X is a directed diagram of monos. Here we use (for the first time) the preservation of directed unions. Let V-<x>\imX and W-eolim^F with colimit injections *I:X,— V and w,.X,F—W (J <■ J). Then eacb *, is a mono. Indeed, let v, — I • Hi be an Image factorization, then for each ki. jut have ei.SeW (because v, — */,» • v» — *,, ■ my, • »,). Since e^ia tbe cointersecrion of all *,,» (k £/), we conclude in other words, i\» an isomorphism. By Remark III.5.4, U^-i, and we conclude (since this union is directed) that Denote by r:lV— IT the morpbism defined by »,.»-»/ ()eJ). We are to show that »is an Isomorphism. Since U'f- I n< '• i» obvious that »Is a regular epi (each yfftaon through the Image of v, hence, this must be all of YF).
298 Chapter V It remains to prove that v is a mono. Since each v,f is a mono, we have a directed family of pullbacks x,f—!—x,f 1 »,F X,F «-VF "if with j 6 J. The colimit square i w «- w t v W «-VF v is a pullback, too. Hence, v is a mono (as well as a regular epi) which proves that Fpreserves the colimit of JE D 3.1*. Exaeailea. We discuss the hypotheses of the Characterization Theorem first for JT and then for F. (i) 8«t and Jt-Mod: The hypotheses are fulfilled. These categories are complete, cocomplete and well-powered. The amalgamation property has been discussed in V.3.7. and the stability of pullbacks in V.3.6. (ii) Varieties of finitary algebras: The hypotheses are fulfilled except, conceivably, the amalgamation property which is a non-trivial problem of universal algebra. Some varieties are known to have this property (e.g., groups, A-modula. and lattices) and some are known not to have it (e.g. commutative semigroups). (iii) Po* has the amalgamation property as an (epi, embedding>category but, unfortunately, not as a (quotient, mono)-category, as required by tbe Characterization Theorem. For example, let A — |0,11 be the discrete poset and B- |0,l| the chain 0 £ I. Then m:A-*B defined by (0)m - 0, (I )m — I is a mono such that the pushout of m with itself is A ► B m 1 B p-» B
Minimal Realization and Reduction 299 This square is not a pullback. All other hypotheses are fulfilled by Pot. Thus, each right exact, flnitary functor on tbe (quotient, mono)-category Pot preserve* colntenectioru. And each functor on the (epi, embedding>category Pot which pmervei epis. finite intersections, and cointenectlons, is flnitary. But "flnitary" In two factorization systems means two different colndidons, of course. (iv) Top and Gra: The situation is the same as in Poa, sec Exercises VJ. below. Prafostttoa. Let JT be a category in wbich (i) every regular epi splits: (ii) every equivalence is a kernel equivalence of some morphism. Then each functor F: JT -».«" is right exact Proof. Let e:X-* Y be tbe coequalizer of an equivalence relation [r„ rj: X-- X. Since [r„ rj la the kernel equivalence of some morphism /, it is, in fact, the kernel equivalence of e {r,-f- r,./Implies that /factors through «, say, /- *•/; then each pair p,, p, with p,-e- p,-e fulfils P\-f- Pi '/"id hence, {p„ p,\ c [r,, rj). Since t spills, we can choose a morphism i: Y-* X with i-e-l,. The pair I, and (•/ fulfils therefore 1U. *• fj c [r„ rj. This means that there exists./: X-» R with }• r, — I, and )• rx — *• /. All thla implies that for each functor f: JT -».r the coequalizer of r,Fajid r,F is eF. Indeed, let A: XF-* Z be a morphism with r,f• A - r2F- k Then the
300 Chapter V morphism H — if. h fulfils eF■ K-(e- i)f • h-(J- r,)F- ft - jF- r,F- A - ft. Since eF is a (split) epi. such (is unique. D Corollary. For each set functor the conditions (i)—(vi) of the Characterization Theorem are all equivalent to (vii) F is a quotient functor of Ht for some Unitary type 21 Indeed, f is right exact by Proposition above. Assuming that f is standard (III 4.5), then it preserves finite intersections, and so all tbe conditions (i)—(vi) are equivalent: sec III.4.3 for the equivalence of (vii). If f is arbitrary then, by III.4.3, there is a functor F' with F - F' on non-empty sets and maps such that F is naturally isomorphic to a standard functor. Obviously, (i)—(vii) are equivalent for F". And the empty set does not influence any of these conditions except, possibly, (vi) (because of tbe initial F-algebra) and (v) (because of difficulties with the empty ^automaton). But, in fact, there are no problems because (iii) and (i) clearly imply (v) and (vi); conversely, (vl) -» (v) -» (i) has been proved above. D Remark. We conclude that the only ^automata in Sot which have minimal realizations are Unitary tree automata and their basic varieties (III.3.2). Cordlary. Let A be a commutative Held. For each functor F: K-Voct-* A-Vact, the conditions (i)—(vi) of the Characterization Theorem are all equivalent. Indeed, f is right exact by the Proposition above. And fpreserves finite intersections by Ex. III.4.A. 3.11. The category Sat. of countable sets and maps has a special property (shared by A-Vact.. see Exercise D below): Theorem. Each functor f:8at„-» Sat. is a Unitary varietor with minimal realizations. Proof. We proved in IV.6.4 that fis a Unitary varietor. In that proof we have exhibited a Unitary functor G: Sat -> Sat extending F. Since G has minimal realizations by tbe Corollary above, so does F. Indeed, each reachable F automaton is countable, and f coincides with G on countable sets. O Exercise. V J A. Stability of aalraacka. (i) Verify that the following categories Poa, Gra, any variety of Unitary algebras have stable pullbacks. (Hint: The functor colim: JTU-J,-» JT preserves finite
Minimal Reilinlrati and Reduction 301 products and equalizers.) (ii) The category JT - er-Lat of <j-complete lattices and ^complete homomorphisms fails to have stable pullbacks. Indeed, consider the <u-chain of pullbacks i n »> n n »■ Ci>»l v„ fn<cj) where f.: n -» a> + I is the inclusion of n - (0, I..... n — 11 (linearly ordered) to a> + I - |0, I,.. | w |a>|. Prove that the colimit square is no pull- back. (Hint: The colimit of the chain |ii|.« „is the free ^complete lattice X over a>. The canonical map v.: X-* a> + I Is not one-to-one, hence, the pull- back of v. and ». is not I,, I,.) B. FtaHary faacton. (i) Prove that In Gra, Poa, Top with t - epi, UT - em- beddings, a functor Fpreserving embedding* is Unitary iff for every object X and every point x e XFthen exists a finite object fand a morphism/: Y-* X with x 6 (YF*fF). (ii) Consider Top with regular factorization*. Define a functor F: Top -» Top as follows: for any space X, let XF be the space on the same set, the open base of which is precisely the set of all closed-and-open subsets o( X; on morphisms./F-/. Prove that Fis not flnitary. (Hint: Let A be the space of real numbers, then XFhas only two open sets, 8 and A; consider the directed set of all subspaces Yo( X, vhich have only a finite number of non-isolated points; then Y- IT and hence X- [}Y- {}YF+ XF). C. Aiaalaanatloa property, (i) Let JT be a concrete (f, ur>category. Assume there Is m e Jl which is not an isomorphism though its underlying map is a bljection. Prove that X fails to have the amalgamation property. (Hint: The pusbout of m with itself is no pullback. In fact, if m-p — m• q is this pushout, then for the forgetful functor U, pU - (m(/)-|[(m(/)(j>(/)| = (mU)-'l(mU)(qU)] - qU implies p - q. If m-p » m-p is a pullback, then I • p — I • p implies that m is a split epi.) (ii) Deduce that Ora, Poa, Top with regular factorizations fall to have the amalgamation property. (iii) Verify that Gra, Poa and Top with (epi, regular mono)-factorizations have the amalgamation property. (Hint: The pushout is created on the level of sets and all morphisms in it are regular mono*, hence, it is a pullback.)
302 Chapter V (iv) Verify that the full subcategory of Top formed by all Hausdorff spaces fails to have the amalgamation property with respect to (epi, regular mo- no)-factorizations as well as (regular epi, mono)-factorizations; but it has the amalgamation property with respect to (*, .^factorizations with t — continuous maps onto dense subspaces and ur — embedding! of closed subspaces. (Hint: Consider the pushout of m with itself, where m is the embedding of the space of rational numbers into the space of real numbers—the resulting space is the space of real numbers again.) D. Mkttaal realUatto* la R-Vect.. Prove that on the category R-Vect. of countably-dimenslonal vector spaces, each functor is a Unitary vanetor with minimal realizations. V.4. Conaequma of Mlalmal RedocHoa 4.1. Each functor with minimal reductions is a Unitary vanetor. We have proved this (V.3.9) under very restrictive additional hypotheses. In the present section, we prove this more generally. (In V.3.9 we have proved that even the functor itself is Unitary which is much stronger—see for example IV.6.7.) We also prove that a functor with minimal reductions preserves epis, thus getting rid of another additional hypothesis. A pullback in a category JT is said to be absolute if each functor from jr to any category preserves it. Leaasaa. Each pushout B—j—C of split monos mand m' is an absolute pullback, and/and (are split monos. Proof. Choose morphism m: fl-» A and m: B' -» A with ffi • in ™ in 'in ™ I^. There exists a unique morphism/: C-» B such that the following diagram
Minimal Rtallmlon and Redaction 303 commutes. Analogously define g: C-» B'. Then we tee that/and (are split monoi, and we have a diagram nV *1 -* i m- m 1 9 • f such that (•) m • m - m' • ifi' - \A; m-f-m'-g; f-J-\,\ g-g-\r and g • / — m • m; /• f — m • m*. It is sufficient to prove that (•) implies that the pullbaek of/ and f is formed by in and m: for each functor F the ftmage of the diagram above has the property analogous to (•) and hence, JF and gF are then proved to have the pullbaek mF and m'F. Let p and q be morphinns with The moronism p • ifi fulfils p—{p-m)-m and q — (p- m) • m'. Indeed, the latter follows from (•): » - V ft- P-f- I- P- * • "•': the former Is now a consequence of (•) and q - p • m • m'\ p-p.f.f-q.g.f-p.m-m'-gf-p-ifi-iH-f-f- p ■ ifi ■ m.
304 Ouper V It is clear that p- mis unique with this property since m is a mono. Thus, (•) implies that the pushout above is an (absolute) pullback. D 4J Theorem Let jr be a countably cocornplete (f,uir)-category which has cointersections, stable pullbacks and regular finite coproducts. Let F: JT -» JT preserve f-epis. If F has minimal reductions, then the free-algebra construction stops after a> steps for any object / with hom(/f, I) * B. Remark. Instead of the stability of pullbacks it would be sufficient to assume the (i>-stability of split intersections (i.e., of pullbacks of split monos). Here, <w-stability refers to <v-colimiu of pullbacks (whereas stability concerns all directed collmlts). The proof of the theorem above uses the same technique as that of V.3.8. Proof, (i) We prove that in the free-algebra construction, each *V •: If. -* If. (" < o>) is a split mono. Let us choose an arbitrary morphism d: IF-* I. and define a chain of morphisms 4..: W.— K (nS m< o») by the following Induction: d,.,:l+ IF-* I has components I / and d: d..,...,-h+<k.F:l+ lf.f-/+ W.F. For each n<itt define a collection of morphisms /,:lf,-lf. (*<«.) by I h>, . if tS n: Ji~\ dt.. if*> n. It is easy to verify that this collection is compatible with the free-algebra construction. Hence, there exists 4..' If.-* If. with ft — wt . • d. . (* < <u), particularly with w. . • d, . — f. — »,. — I. (ii) To prove that the free-algebra construction stops after a> steps, we are to verify that F preserves the colimit If. — colim W,. We use the following
Minimal Realiurion wd Reduction 305 a>-chain of puihouu «^o Wu" (n < a>). More precisely, for each n < a we define R. by the pushout above, and for each n < m we define v.: «.-► K. by the commutativity of the following diagram ».)• (using the fact that w,m • pm - The colimit square: 1 ' '1, is a pushout (see Remark V.3.6) and hence, R. - W. and p.- q.-\,.. Moreover, since w, . are split monos, the following squares -*J Wj:- 9„F P,F
306 Chapter V are pullbacks of split monos, by the preceding lemma. Since split intersections are a-stable, the colimit square h colimW„F fc-V^F n<tj h „ <■ »t,F »■ colim R„F is a pullback, too. We are to prove that A is an isomorphism. By the preceding remark, it is sufficient to prove that F preserves the colimit of A, i.e., that colim A F- W.F from which we readily conclude that p.— q.— \- since A, A is the pullback of 1,1, clearly, A is an isomorphism. (iii) Fpreserves colim A. Here we use the fact that Fweakly preserves eoin- tersections (by Remark V.I.3). First for each n £ m we have r... E t. In fact, r. , is a regular epi because it is the coequalizer of wm „■ p. and "••• 9.. [Proof: Let /: Rm -» S be an arbitrary morphum with "...•P.f- •»■,..«.•/• Then, since p. and q. form the pushout, there exists /: R. -» S with pm-f- p.</and ?_•/- ?.•/. It follows that/- r,.-/, because both />.•/-/>-•/-/>.•('...•/) and «.•/-«./- «.•('..-•/) The uniqueness of /is easily seen.) Thus, the colimit of R is given by the cointenection of r, . (m < ■»). More precisely, if r, .: Ag -» R. denotes this cointenection, then for each m < a> we have v.: R„-» A with r, . - r^_< v., and these are the colimit injections of R. — colim A.. Analogously, each r. „Fis an f-epi, thus, colim A- F m < m Is the cointenection of r, ,F(m < <u). It Is sufficient to prove that F preserves the cointenection of r, . (m < <u). This will be clear when we exhibit moronism Sm: A.f-» A. (in < a>)
Minimal Realization and Redaction 307 such that r, .: (Jl* 6,) -»(R,., 6.) are homomorphiinu. I.e. S, • r,,. - r, ,.F • S. (m < m). RF JL» w^5^*IF —'—*WF-^S— Vt-?=— R 1 V »»»t/ ►IF ►MF » "t, > B. tf d^F 1 <«« P- For each m < <t> there exists (by the property of pushouts) a unique mor- phiim r.: A. -> If. for which the following diagram commutes. Clearly, '•-'•.-•'. (m< »). Next, there exists a morphlsm 6 from W.F to If, [for example, compote <t, .5 of put (I) of the present proof with the coproduct Injection j: IF-* If, and »i..|. Put Sm — FmF- S-pm (m < a). These morphisms have the required property because the squares above clear ly commute. □ Corollary. Let JT fulfil the hypotheses above and be connected. Let F: jr -» jr preserve /-epis and fulfil hom( IF, 1) * 0. Iff has minimal reductions, then Fis a Unitary varietor. 4J. Tbeorea. Let jr be a connected («", ur>category with finite regular co- products. If a functor F:Jt-*jt has minimal reduction then x < implies rFlsanepl. . Since JT Is connected, the coproduct injections A-* A + A are split (hence, regular) monos whenever A * 1. Thus, the regularity of finite
308 Ctup)er V coproducts in the theorem above only means that the canonical morphanu i. -* B are ~*.monos. Equivalently, that 1 is simple, i.e. has no proper * -quotients. In Exercise C below we show that this assumption is essential. Proof. Let e: A-* Abe an 4-epi. Given », A: BF-* Cwith tF- g - tF- h. we are going to prove that g - h. This is dear if A - i. since (by the regularity of finite coproducts) then t is an isomorphism. Assuming A * 1, there exists a morphism t:C-*A. Define a non initial ^automaton: M-(A+C, S,B+Qe + lc) where S:(A+ OF—A+ C is the following morphism. We use the following notation for the coproduct injections A c 8 \/v A»C &Q and we define p:A+C-»B and q:B+C-»B by r-p - w-q- l-e: C-» B; r • p - t and J • q - I,. Note that p — Pft, where p,: A + C-+ A has the components I „ and t Thus, pF- g - pF- h. Put 8- pFg-v- pF-h. r: (A + C)F— A + C. To prove that g — A, we use the minimal reduction of M r,: *#-»*#,-(ft. oVf+Cn). We define a reduction of M: e+ ic:M-*M,-(B+C8„B+C,i)
Minimi] Re*liiallon and Rcducsloo 309 where S,:(B+ C)F-»B+ C is deflned by «,- qF-g-v. Sincere f,alsor+ lc e t (111.5.5). Moreover, * + I c is a morphism of automata, since the following diagram 0 lA^IF • (••yF X. -=*—. pF ^ a BF »C sf IWIF commutes. Thus, M, is really a reduction or M. Hence, there exists a morphism of automata Sm l M- -** M% with '•-(*+ lc)-l,. Quite analogously, we define a reduction f+ lc: U-* Mk (always substituting A for »), and we obtain with '•-(* + lc)-»»- Since J, preserves the outputs, we have lf*c- V)V Thus, j, is a split mono as well as an f-epi, i.e., j, is an isomorphism. Analogously, li-r- 't-Yt, hence. «»- * - y.
310 OuplcrV Both J, and J, are homoroorphisms, hence. Thus qF-f t- qF-h-1. By the definition of q we have j- q - \, and thus, by multiplying the last equation by jF we get g. t- h- v. And v is a mono (since finite coproducu are regular), thus, g- A. □ 4.4. Recall that (epi, extremal mono)-ractorizations exist very often (III.5.6). Corollary. Let ,jr be a countably incomplete, connected (epi, extremal mo- no>category with stable pullbaclu and cointenectioiu, in which finite coproducu are regular. For each functor F: JT -» jrwith horn (IF, 1) * B, equivalent are; (i) Fis a Unitary varietor with minimal realizations: (ii) Fhas minimal reductions; (iii) F preserves cointersections. ir Tact, (iii) -»(ii) is Theorem V.I.3; (ii) -»(i) follows from Corollary V.4.2, the hypothesis of which is fulfilled by Theorem V.4.3, and from Proposition V.I.2; (i)-» (iii) follows from Theorem V.I.S (using V.4.3 again). Exaaple. A functor F: A-Mod -» A-Mod has minimal reductions iff F is Unitary. Moreover, F then preserves epis and is a flnltary varietor. In fact, A-Mod fulfils all hypotheses of the preceding corollary and, moreover, homUF, J.) * 0 is always fulfilled. Exercise* V.4 A. A aM-varieior wtth ■lalsaal redactioa*. Let .* - Sat* be tbe dual to the category of sets (111.2.12). The power-set functor (111.3.4) defines a functor P": S«t°» -► 8«t°». (i) Verify that P" preserves cointersections by proving that P in 8«t preserves intersections.
Minimal Realiution and Reduction 311 (ii) Prove that no object generate! a free /"•'-algebra. (Hint: uie 1V.2.6 and IV J.I), (iii) Explain why thii does not contradict Corollary V.4.2. B. A ■«■ tuMlmtlw rarktar with ariaianl lallzatJaa*. Prove that the functor F: Gra -» Gra of IV.3.A hai minimal reductions. Explain why this does not contradict Corollary V.4.2. C Praemtloa of eats Ii mat amiary. We eihibit a flnitary varletor on a connected category which has minimal realizations and yet does not preserve epis. (i) Define a category Ab* by enlarging Ab, the category of abelian groups and homomorphisms, by a new object, the "empty group" 0 and by empty maps f„: 0 -► A for each A in Ab*. Verify that Ab* is an (epi, mono)-category with cointersections and coproducu. Verify that fa: 0 -» |0j is an epi in Ab*: conclude that Ab* does not have regular finite coproducu. (Ii) Define a functor F: Ab* -► Ab* by choosing an arbitrary non-trivial abelian group A and putting XF-A for each X in Ab*: given/: X-* Xthen _ f I,, if X + 8 or X- r-0; ' {zero map if X-i * Y. Verify that F is a finitary varietor with /• - /+ A if /^0; 0* - |0]. (Hint: In the free-algebra construction over 0 we have If. — A and w» _ the zero map (n S m< a) and hence. If. - |0|.) (iii) Verify that each behavior fi: /• -► r has a minimal reduction obtained by the image factorization fi — e • m, e: /* -► Q as follows: Q is the state object, m the output morphism and, if / * 0, the components ofe:/+ A-* Q are A and S. (iv) Observe that F does not preserve epis: consider fa I . V.J, Fbdte Aotoanta 5.1. We are going to prove that each finite automaton has a minimal reduction. The hypotheses under which this holds are quite mild—for example, all functors on Sat or A-Vact are included. Throughout this section, JT is an (•*, ur (-category.
312 Chipler V DeftnlHoi. An object Q is said tobe/faiYeifhom(C —): jr-» Sat is a fini- tary functor. Explicitly, if for each directed collection of ur-monos mt: R)-» R (j E /) with U m, - m.S-* R and for each morphism there existsy» e / such that/- m factors through «v ExaBaiea. (i) Sat: this is the usual concepL Indeed, let Q be a set with finitely many points. Then Q is a finite object since for each f-.Q^S- U«, there exists /,! J with (q\fe Rh for all q e Q (because the union is directed). Conversely, if Q has infinitely many points, the condition above fails even for /■-i^e-e- U/,. where R,(j E J) is the collection of all finite subsets of Q. (ii) Poa with / - epis and -M - em beddings, finite objects are jusi finite posets. the proof is as for Sat. The same is true for 4 — quotients and ur — monos, but here we must be more catious. Let us consider a directed union u m, — m. We can assume that R,z. S and m, is the inclusion map (j E J) but the order of R, can be weaker than that induced by £ Nevertheless, given x, y e R with x £ y, then there is j E / with x, y E Rt and x<, y also in Rt. Indeed, since / is directed, the relation :S formed by all pairs x, y for which such j exists, is transitive (as well as reflexive and antisymmetric). Hence, U m; is the poset 5 with the order i —consequently, the latter coin- dices with £. Now, given a finite posei Q and order-preserving map f.Q-* S— U m,, for each pair x, y e Q with riywt have (x)/£ ly)/ in 5 and we choose j,,, E / with (x)/S tv)/ in R;, t. There exists 7, E J with mA r c 1% for all x.y- The converse is proved as in (i). (iii) A-Mod: finite means finitely generated. Indeed, let Q be generated by 91 q. E (?. For each f-Q—S- [} R, there exists ;', e J with («.)/:.. -.(«.)/'E *„. Hence, (fil/c «„. Conversely, if (j is not finitely generated, the condition fails even for f- \„: Q-* Q- U R,, where R, (j e /) is the collection or all finitely generated submodules.
Mlntaal Rcalizilion tnd Reduction 313 (iv) More generally, in each variety or Unitary algebras, finite means finitely generated. (v) ^complete lattices (and ^complete homomorphisnu): no non-empty object is finite. Let R be the fixe (^completion of at and, for each n < o>, let m.: (i-► R be the embedding. Then (J m. - I,. Consider any constant map /: fi-» R — ». Ltmma. Finite objects are closed under finite coproducts and quotients. Proof, (i) Let Qt, Q, be finite objects, let/: d + Q,-* S be a morphism and let m — Urn.: S-* R be a directed union. There exists /■ such that the /•j ' first component of/- m factors through m,,: analogously, the second component factors through some mh. \{J e /is larger than Jt and jlt ihen /• m factors through mt. (li) Let Q be a finite object, and let e: Q-* Q be a quotient of Q. For each directed union U m/ ~ m: S-» Jt and each morphism/: C-» S there exists/, such that e • /• m factors through m^, tay, e • /• m — /• m^ Now use the diagonal fill-in: 0—^—8 ■I/I- Ri: •" R Since/- m factors through m„, the object Q is finite. □ iX Remark. An F-automaton A - (Q,6, r, y. I, A) is said to be finite if fi and / are finite objects. Let F: of -» of be a Unitary varietor preserving finite objects. Then for each finite object / also the steps of the free-algebra construction: /: 1+ IF: / + (/+ IF)F;... are finite. Given an automaton A, its run morphism /i: /• -» Q is the colimlt morphism of the following "approximations" (see IV J.I): ft-A:/-C: p,:l + IF-*Q has components A and AF- 4: etc. We say that an automaton A is reachable In n slept if p. is in t. Each automaton A with / finite, which is reachable in n steps, is finite (because C is a quotient of W.) and reachable (because p. — "...- P, hence
314 Oupla V pit). Conversely, each finite reachable automaton is reachable in n steps for some n < o. Indeed, Q- U im p. m < m and Tor/— \Q: Q-+ Q there exists n, < a> and f such that l0 — f • im p„. This implies that im p„ — 10. For each functor F: Jf -► of we define its flnilary pari Fm as follows. For each object Jf put XFm - U im(mF) where the union ranges over all subobjects m: Y-* Jf of Jf with X finite. Let ii,:JfF.-»JfF be a mono representing the union above. For each morphism f:X— Y we define/F. as the restriction of/F. i.e., as the (unique) morphism Tor which the following square commutes. We must verify that such /F. exists—we do this in the following proposition. Then /F. is unique because ur is a mono. And the preservation or composition and unit morphisms is an easy consequence. Note that u:F.— F is then a natural transrormation. Thus, F. is a subfubctor or F—the least sub- functor which coincides with F on the full subcategory or all finite objects. Pnausltlua. Let Jf be a complete and well-powered. For each functor F: jr -» jr the flnitary part is well-defined, and it is a finitary sobfunctor or F Proof, (i) For each morphism /: Jf-» Y we are to exhibit a morphism fF.: XF.— YF.with fF..ur-u,.fF.
Minimal Realization ami Redaction 315 Let us form the pullback or ur and fF: u u, XF »-YF IF Since urlsin ur. so is 0(111.5.1). It suffice* to check that for each finite subob- ject m:Q-*X of X we have im(mF) c u. Indeed, then ut c u, i.e., there exists 1: XF.-* T with u, - I • u and we put JF.-fl Consider the image factorization of m • /: m •/■— i- m where I: Q-» Q is in **, and m: Q-» Y is in ur. Then (? is finite, by Lemma V.S.I, and hence. im(mF) c ur. Thus there exists a morphism p: QF-* YFm with iflF — p • »j. Consequently, there is a unique morphism ^such that the following diagram commutes. Thus, im(mF) c S. (ii) F. Is finitary: let mt: R,-» R(j € /) be a directed collection of subob- jccts with
316 CKiptnV (sec Lemma V.3.1). For each finite subobject m. Q-+ R there enist jt E / and m'\ Q-+ Rj, with m — m' • m„; in other words. HI C ITIy0. Hence, RFm - Uim(mF) c Uimfm/). Since the opposite inclusion is obvious, we conclude UintC"/.) - I,,.. □ Corollary. Let jr be a complete, well-powered (regular epi. mono>category. Let F: JT -» JT be a functor, the finitary part of which is right exact. Then each finite F-automaton has a minimal reduction. Indeed, the finitary part F. preserves cointerseclions by Theorem V.3.S and hence, each F.-automaton has a minimal reduction by Theorem V.I.4 (since jr has cointerseclions by Observation V.3.S). Further. F coincides with F.on flnite objects, and hence, each finite F-automaton has a minimal reduction, too. □ EiubsIc For each functor F:Sat-»S«t every finite F-automaton has a minimal reduction. For each commutative field R and each functor F: «-V«ct -► fl-Vect, every finite-dimensional F-automaton has a minimal reduction. Indeed, all these functors have right exact finitary parts (Proposition V.3.10). Reaurk. In automata theory, a behavior fi: lm — r is called recognizable if there exists a finite automaton the behavior of which is fi. For .JT — Sat or JT — A-Vsct, each recognizable behavior has a minimal realization. This is the minimal reduction of (any) finite realization of fi. EmtcIsmV.S The aim of the following exercises is to present a generalization of F-automa- ta to automata over a monad. We explain first the concept of monad, and then we hint some results on minimal realization.
Minimal Rcallatfoa and Redaction 317 A. MmoM Boaad, For each set X, denote by XT the free monoid (of all words) generated by X; for each map/:*-* Y, let/T: XT-* YT be the free extension of /to a homomorphism [defined by (x,... x,)fT - y,... y, where *-(*)£ and («)/T-9). (i) Verify that 7°: Sat -» S«t is a functor, and the injection of generators defines a natural transformation V- !■«-» T. (ii) For each set X denote by Ml:(XT)T*XT the natural map, assigning to each word *■,... w,, where w, — i\... x'^ e XT, the concatenated word (»,«-,... ».)ti, - x\... x'„xi... x'„ ... xM,... x^ € Jf7 Verify that li:T- T—T is a natural tranformstion such that the following diagram HI commutes. (Ill) Prove that for each monoid (g, •, e), the map S: QT-* Q defined by BS- e; (*••• «.)*- «i* 9i 4. satisfies the following equations: (2) nB-fi-l„ and 8T- S- fig. 6.
318 Chapter V (iv) Prove that each T-algebra satisfying (2) corresponds to a unique monoid on Q. Conclude that the category of monoids and monoid-homomor- phism is concretely isomorphic (III.3.8) to the full subcategory of the category 7"-Alo("I.3.l) consisting of all 7*-algebras saiisfying (2). B. Monads. A monad T - (71ij,^)or i category JT consists of a functor T:Jt-*jt and natural transformations r;: l,-» T and /i:T- T-+ T for which the diagram (I) commutes. The full subcategory of the category T-Alg consisting of all T-algebras which satisfy (2) is called the Eilenbrrg-Moore category of T. and it is denoted by JT'. (i) For each monad T in Sat, verify that any set X generates a free object (XT.fj,) of Sat' (if the map r/r: X-» XT is considered to be the inclusion map). (ii) Verify that each variety » of algebras, considered as a concrete category (with homomorphisms as morphisms) is concretely isomorphic to 8atT' for the following monad T,. For each set X, let XT be the (underlying set of) free I -algebra generated by X, r/r: X-» XT the injection of generators and Ii,: (XT)T-* XT the unique homomorphism extending the map Irr- We call T, the y -frtt algebra monad (iii) Denote by P - (P. n, n) the following monad on Sat: P is the power- set functor (II1.3.4), r; is the injection of singleton subsets and )1,:{XP)P-* XPauiint to each collection Jfc XP of aubaets of X ita union Verify that P is the »-algebra monad for the variety v of complete join- semilattices and complete homomorphisms. (iv) Generalizing (i), verify that for each monad in JT the pair (TT.ii,) a a T-algebra with the following universal property: for each T-algebra (ft 5) and each morphism/: /-» ft there exists a unique homomorphism r:(TT,n,)*(Q,6) with/- v< •/•■ IHint:/* -fT. S.\ C. Monads and Tarletora. (i) For each varietor F: Jt -► Jt define a monad T, - (Tf, n, ii) on or as follows. Given / in JT, then IT, - I' and r/, has the usual meaning: the map lfa has a unique extenaion to an F-homomorphism Ii,:(!')' -» /*. Verify that T,ij a well defined monad, and that the categories F-Alg and .JT1' are isomorphic, (ii) Prove that the morphisms r/,F-«>,:/F-» /• - TT, define a natural transformation r: F-» T, with the following universal property: For each monad T' — (7", r/', p) and each natural transformation
Mioimal Realization and Reduction 319 r': F-* 7" there exists a unique monad morphum or: T,-> T' (i.e., a natural traiufbnnation o:T,-*T with 17'- n-cr and n-t — crT-fi) >uch that r' - r- <r. D, Moaad aatoanta. A 7"-automaton (Q, S, /", y, I, A) la (aid to be a T-autc- roaton If (ft 6) is a T-algebra [i.e., (2) ii fulfilled). The T-run morphism ii defined as p - XT- 8: IT-* ft and the behavior is fi - p- y: IT-* /". If of is an (**, ur)-cstegory, then the 1-minimal naliiallon of a behavior fi: IT-* Tis a realization A which is reachable (pet) and such that any other reachable realization of fi can be reduced to A. (i) Let rpreserve tT-epis. Prove that each T-automaton has a unique reachable subautomaton. (ii) Let rpreserve tT-epis, and let JT have eointersections. Prove that each behavior has a minimal realization iff r preserves eointersections. [Hint: Sufficiency is proved as in V.I.3. For the necessity, let e — t,-Pi'- Q-* R be the cointenection of •"-quotients *,: Q -* ft (I € I). Given morphisnu r,: QJ-* r with e,T- r, - r(i € /), use the T-automaton * - (QT. Ih. T, r, ft ij0): each e, defines a reduction (QT, fig,, /", r,, ft, i)e,) and using the minimal reduction, it is dear that r factors through tT. Hence, «Tis the cointenection of 'JUe /)•] (.iii) Prove that in Set, monads with minimal realization are precisely the •'-free algebra monads of varieties » of Dnitary algebras. [Hint: For each r, the functor 7"of B(i) above is dearly dnitary and hence preserves eointersections (V.3.5). Conversely, if T preserves eointersections, then it is finilary (V.3.8) and hence, it is a quotient or Hs with S Dnitary (111.4.3). Verify that Sat' is concretely isomorphic to a variety of ^algebras.) (iv) For each monad T in Sat, prove that any behavior with a finite realization has a minimal one. [Hint: The Unitary part ofa monad is a monad: proceed as in V.S.2.] Nolei 10 Chepler V V.I V. Tm kova| 1974| proved that • eel functor adnlte minimal realization IfTk preiervee colnter. tcctJont, and J. Adamce |l974a| aantralted thai 10 an arbhrsry catesory fnndcr ruber restrictive additional hrpotheies). The eeneral tcauh V.I J appeared in J. Adiaiek |l977a|. V.2 A nice eipotition of rcleliofH In e (rafular epi, monoHateaory waa preeenled by P. A. Grille! 11971L where awn of the rraalrj of lection V.11 — 7 can be found. Rdarjona in eo (#,»•* Hatefo- ry appear io V. Tmkova 119801 which h Ihe louree of VJ.B—10.
320 Chapter V VJ The fact that a right exact, finttaiy functor preserve* colntenectiofu was established by M. Ban-1I974|. His hypotheses were much stronger: lha present form of Theorem V J.4 Ii baud on the multi of J. Adaraek |l976b| and J. Adamek and v. Koubek |I9BI). The former paper ii the source of the convene implication (Theorem! V.3.8 and VJ.9). V.4 All reiuhs In this section were proved by J. Adamek |!974a, 1977a). V.5 The existence of minimal reductions for finite automata was csttblbhed by J. Adamek {I977a| lo case jr Ii S«t or AVact. The general mult (Corollary V.5.2) Ii new. More Information on monads can be found In the monograph of E. Q. Manes 11976). Each var* letor defines a "free" monad, i.e.. a monad with the unlvenal property of d. V.5.C (ii). tt was proved by M. Barr {I970| thai conversely, if a functor F generates a free monad, then f is a varie* tor. Thos, F«ulomaia present just the case of monad automata for the free monads. Minimal realization for monad automata has been Investigated by J. Adamak 11976b, 1979b).
Chapter VI: Uarfenal Reallzatloa V1.1. The Caaceat rf UihtralHy 1.1. We »ay that minimal realization it universal if it has "(tinctorial" nature or, equivalcntly, if reduced automata form a full, reflective lubotegory or the category of ^automata (with minimal reduction ai reflection). Whereas sequential automata have this property (II.3.9), tree automata do not: we shall prove that universality of realization Implies that the type functor Fpreserves unions. Throughout this section we work with an (/, ur)-category jr. We use a more general concept of automata morphiim than before (corresponding to that of II.I.8). A morphiim from an ^automaton A — (Q, 8, T, y, I, A) into an ^automaton A' - (Q\ S", /", f, /*, A*) is a triple of morphisms /: Q-+ Q', f^,: /~-» I™ and JJ.: /-» /' such that the following diagram commutes. Analogously, a morphiim of non-initial automata is a pair (f,f^). In case /"- /"' and /^ - idras well as / - /' indjl. - id,, we write /instead of (/, id, id) (as before). We formulate the concept of universality first for reduction and later for realization. IX DefliMoa. Let F: JT -► jr be a functor such that each non-initial f-au- tomaton A has a minimal reduction t^.A-tAr
322 Chapter VI Then Fi* uid to have universal nducllon provided that Tor each morphum of automata (/,£*)■ A-+ A' there exiiti a morphism or the minimal reductions (/../~): A,-* A\ such that the following square commute*. Reasarks. (a) Since e4 abbreviates (e4, idr) and e> abbreviates (ev, idr), it is clear that the morphism A, -* A\ above must have the output-pan equal tof„. (b) A simple categorical formulation or the universality can be stated by means of the category AirKf) or non-initial /^automata and their morphisrm: Reduction is universal iff reduced automata form a full reflective subcategory of Aut(f), the reflections of which are the minimal reductions. Eunplo. (i) Sequential automata: reduction is universal. For each sequential ^automaton A — (ft 6, r, y), the minimal reduction is A, — A/~„ where q, ~„ q, holds iff $ and q, have the same behavior, and t„ is the canonical map (1.2.5). For each morphism (//«):(ft e, r. r)-(ft-, s: r. n we know that q,~4q,inA implies (qM~r(q,)f In A, see 1.1.8. Hence, we can define by e„•/ - /• e„ (i.e., \q\f, - \(q)fi>. This defines </,/..):-<- A; with «.•(/./«)-(/./-)<. ■ 1 J. Recall that a subauiomalon oft non-initial ^automaton A — (ft, S, /",
Unlverul Utilization 323 y) is an automaton A' - (Q\ 6", /", y") together with a morphism m: A' -* A such that m € Jt. Prapoaltloa. Let f: JT -► JT preserve /-epis and have minimal reductions. Then f has universal reduction ifT each subautomaton of any reduced f-iuto- raaton is reduced. Proof, (i) Assume that subautomata of reduced ^automata are reduced. Consider a morphism of automata and the minimal reductions of these automata: "■Li' A — -A •» V A, --X- A", Put A - (ft 6\ r, y) and A' - (Q\ 6", /", f): let the subscript r denote the corresponding data in the minimal reductions. Since F preserves /-epis, also F-Alg is an (*, ur>category, see I V.8.3. The homomorphism can be factored as/- t* • m'with «•:(&«)-(Co-*), fe t and !"••• ((?•.«•) -»((?;.«;). m«€UT. Define an automaton A'-W.S'.r.m'.f,). Then m':A'-*A\ is clearly a morphism of automata. Since m' t Jt and A\ Is reduced, A • is also reduced. Define another automaton A-(Q.6,r,y.f„). Then t':A-*Am
324 Clnpttr VI U a morphlsm because the following diagram commutes. Since e* € /, we see that A' is a reduction of A. This is, in Tact, the minimal reduction (because A • is reduced and hence. It cannot be further reduced to a minimal reduction of A). Redefining the outputs in 4, we get a new automaton A,-(Q..6,.r,Y,.f„). Then, obviously, t,:A-tA, Is a reduction. Thererore, A, can be further reduced to the minimal reduction, i.e., there exists t:A,-*A' with Put f.-f m«:(ft, 6,)-((?;.«;). This is a homomorphcsms such that the following diagram o :—► or
Univciul Rcalbatton 325 commuter This impliei (since e, is an epi) that / -f, -r.-f~- Hence, </./..):4- A] if the desired morphiam of reduced automata. (ii) Let reduction be universal. Let m: A' -* A be a subautomaton or a reduced automaton A. Let e„- :A' -* A\ be the minimal reduction or A'; note that \A: A-+ A is the minimal redaction of A. Hence, there exists a morphiam m, such that the following square *,- ™r commutes. Since t4- m, — m z Jt implies e„ € .M (III.5.1) and since tA- € *, we conclude that t„ is an isomorphism. This proves that A' is reduced. O M. Functors with universal reduction can be characterized in a way analo- goui to that for minimal reduction in Theorem V.I.S. Recall thaia/mnnagcoranibobject m:Q'-» Q(e -*) under a morphism /: F-* Q is the subobject * of F defined by the following pullback: E>ually, a eo-prtimage is any pushout with e € /. A functor F is said to pnserve co-prrlmagti if it preserves each pushout of a morphism and an /-epi.
326 ChapKiVI Theorem. Let JT be a connected, finitely cocomplete (*, Jl )-eategory with cointersections. Let F-..X-+ ■% preserve /-epis. Then F has universal reduction ilT F preserves both cointersections and co-preimages. Remark. For the sufficiency, i.e.. Tor the proof that preservation of cointersections and co-preimages implies universal reduction, we do not need the hypothesis that JT be connected. This will be dear Tram the proof. Proof, (i) Let F preserve cointersections and co-preimages. Then F has minimal reductions by Theorem V.I.3. By Proposition VI. I J, ft is enough to prove that each subautomiton m: A -* A' of a reduced automaton A' Is reduced. Put * - (ft «. r, r) and A1 - iff, 6". T, r"). For each reduction e:A^A,-(Q0,St,r, y,) of A we are to show that t is an isomorphism. Consider the co-preimage of e under m, i.e., the following pushout 0 ^-» 0' I I °>—-m*^ It suffices to find an automaton A\ on ff, such that i: A'-* A't is a mor- phism. Then I is a reduction of the reduced automaton A' and hence, eis an isomorphism, and therefore, e • ifi • I-' — m € .M implies t e A. Thus, e € * PI -* i> an isomorphism. The output morphism ft of A't is defined by the universal property of the above pushout:
Univerul Hesitation 327 Since t ■ Yt - Y - m ■ y', there exists a unique v"0 making the above diagram commuutive. The next-state morphism 8', of A' is defined by the universal property of the f-image of the above pushout (which is a pushout, too, since F preserves co- preimages): -» 0 \ mF— •1 X -CfF K Since both the squares commute, and since m and t are homomorpbiinu, there exists a unique 8', making the diagram above commutative. Clearly, t:A'-* (Q"„8i, /", vy is a morphism, which concludes the proof. (ii) Let F have universal reduction. Then F preserves colntenections by Theorem V.I.S. Let us prove that F preserves any pushout V " with e € /. The category JT has a terminal object 7"(by Remark V.I.S). For each object X denote the unique morphism into T by »,: JT-» T. (a) Let Q — X. Then the pushout above is trivially preserved: (a,) If Q' a also Initial, then/is an isomorphism and the pushout is the following square
328 Clupttr VI (»i) If C is non-initial, then there exists • morphiim j: Q, -* Q". Since Q it initial, we have < • J- f, and the pushout ii the following square t ■ (b) Let Q * X. Since JT it connected, there exists a morphiim r: T-» g. We are to prove that F preserves the considered pushout. Thus, let p and p, be arbitrary morpbisnu with eF- p, — fF- p': We shall prove that there is a morphiim p: /T-» V with p- IF. p. Then (i) p is unique since iF is epi, (« € * implies i € * and hence, eFz f) and (Ii) />, — /f • p because cr7 Is epi and *F • p, - fF- p- -fF- iF- p - tF. (fF- p). To find the morphiim p, we define automata A (on the state-object Q + QF), A' (on Q' + Q"F), and A, (on Q, + Q,F) in such a way that both /+ fF: A-* A' and t + tF:A-* A, become automata-morphlsms. Using the universality or reduction on the moronism f+fF,me shall be able to produce p as required. The joint output object or all these automata will be T + V. Denote the various coproduct injections as follows: 8-5* Q + QF*-2- QF (analogously iq-.Ja and hm'Jo*) ond r-Ur+ v*J-v. To define the automaton A, first consider the morphiim B:Q+ QF-+ Q
Univeital Ralindon 329 with componenu I g «nd („, • r: QF-+ Q, and put S- SF-jB:(Q+ QF)F—Q+ QF. Next, the output map will be r - (/+ fF)-d + p) - (* + rf></+ p,).Q + C- r+ v. Thill, we obtain an automaton A-(Q + QF,S,r+ V,y). I*|JFIF Analoioinly, define *' - (C + QF, F.r+V.i + p-) where f - S"F- ja with 5':Q' + Q"?-* Q' having componenu \a and Vf "-f- VF— C-Clearly, f+fF-.A — A1 it a morphiim or automata. Denote the minimal reductions by e4:A-*A, -(&,«„ T+ V, y,) and *A:A-^A\-(Q„S;,r+ V,Y,Y By hypothesis, reduction is universal. Therefore, there exists a morphiim /,: A,-* Ar- such that the following square -"■*. commutes.
330 OupMr VI Finally, define another automaton analogously to A and A': M-(Q, + Q,F,S,,r+ Kf+P.) where 6, - S,F- jt with S,:Q, + Q,F-+ Q, having coniponenu la and «■ OF S- IO»0FIF- (eeFlF -<W)F f»F '♦P. ■ r«v Clearly, e + ef: /4 -► /4, is a morphlsm. This is a reduction of A. since e € * Implies eF e t and hence, by III.S.S, e + eF e *. Since -4, is the minimal reduction of 4 there exists a reduction A: At-+ A, with «, - (« + «f) • A. We have <(,•(/+ fF)-f-ii ™<* ig-ie+eFy-cit and therefore, -<<,•«,•/■ -^■(«+«F)-*./, We use the universal properly or the given pushout:
UnJveiul Rcalialion 331 We obtain a unique d Tor which the above diagram commute*, in panicular. Tor which I • d - ^ • e>. Alto the following diagram 1 P' tfF f OT » V fOdFIF " » 0>dF —»■ IW commute*. Indeed, the lower pan commute* became ey it a morphiim of automata. In the upper part, we hiv«y0 - (t + p") - p' • j, which it trivial, and J, - iffF-6-. Hie last Tollowi from the definition of 5' - B'F*./g, since iff • S" - \a. We conclude that P' ■ j - Co- • '*)F- S-.-y.-lF.dF- S\ ■ r'r If honXr, V) + 0, choose a morphiim ft: T-» V; we denote by f: T + K-» Kthe morphiim with oomponenti ft and I ■>. Then p-p.j.t-eF.dF. 6-,.f,.£ and to conclude the proof, it luffiees io put p- dF- S\ ■ v"r. £ If hom<r, V) - 0, then V - X ii the initial object; moreover,-fbr each non-initial object X we have hom(X, J.) — 0 (for. there is iome morphiim A: /~-» X and illuming the eiiitence of g: X -► X, we obtain /• g: T-» X, a contradiction). Since p' • fF € homfgf, X), it followi that QF - X. By our hypothecs, we have
332 duplet VI t morphlim rF: TF-* QF- J., thui tlio 77°- X. It follows immedittely thtt F is the constant functor to X: for each object X we have the morphiun t,F: XF-* TF - J., thus, XF - J.. Then F prewrvei all colimitt. The proof is concluded. D 13. The above theorem u rather abstract—it is usually hard to decide whether a given functor preserves co-preimages or not In the neit section, we prove a more concrete criterion. But first we formulate the universality In terms of realization. Let F: JT -► jr be a varietor. Denote by Autrff) the category of all reachable (I) initial ^automata and their homomorphistns. Denote by B»h(f) the category of behaviors: objects are triples (/, a, /"), where / and T are r-objects and fr: /* -» T is a morphism; moronisms are pairs (/../-)•(/. b.r)*v\b\r) of moronisms in jr, /.: /-» /' and /„ : T-» /", such that the following square f—!>— r in"—j-r commutes. It is easy to check that this defines a category. Assigning to each reachable automaton A its behavior b„: /* -» T, we get a functor S:Auti(f)-»Beh(F). On objects, AB - (/, bA, r). Given a morphism then (//../«,,)*-(/../<»):(/. b„ D-»(/■, bA, D. We call B the behavior Junctor.
Univmal RcaHzaltofl 333 It turm out that, even In case that Fhas minimal realizations, there need not be any way how to define a functor M:B«h(F)-»Aut,(F), assigning to each behavior Its minimal realization. In fact, the existence of such a functor is equivalent to the universality of reduction, as we shall prove presently. 1.C DeflsMoa. A varietor F is said to have universal nalualUm if there exists a functor AT. B«h(F)-»Aut,(F) assigning to each behavior its minimal realization and such that M-B — Explicilly, the condition M- B — \<\ means the following. For each moronism of behaviors we can find the minimal realization of 6 (with run morphism p: I' -* Qt and with output v: &-» /") and that of fr'(with p\ /) and we can fill-In the above diagram by sn/: g»-> g» In such a way that the following diagram commutes. Then (/../-)M-(//../-)• If the functor U exists, we call it the minimal naUiatUm functor. The reason why we have restricted ourselves to reachable automata when defining Aut,(F) Is that this fill-in is uniquely determined, hence, canonical.
334 Oupicr vi Oastrratkn. The functors Mind A are adjoint. I.e., for each automaton A, with behavior ^, :/*-» /"j> and for each behavior 6: / * -» Twe have a natural bijection between behavior morphisms and automata morphisms: (/t,ft..r.)-(/,6,r) A„-*(l,b,r)M This bijection assi|ns to each morphism of behaviors a,/.):('Ar,)-»(ur) the unique morphism of the form (//.,/-)• ><.-(/■ »,OM. 1.7. Proaosltloi. A varietor has universal reduction ifT it has universal realization. Proof, (i) Let Fhive universal reduction. Given a morphism of behaviors: I"—5-^r " we form non-initial F-automaU A-il', v,r,b) and X'- ((f)', », T, »'). Then iK. f^y-A^A- is clearly a morphism of automata. Let t,:A*A, -iQ»S*r,r,) and t, :A*A;-(Q;»S»r,Yj denote the minimal reductions of A and A\ respectively. Since reduction is unlveml, there exists a morphism with
Univmal Realization 335 i.e., with The minimal realization of b a Al-lQt»S*r,r»l.')-'4) with the run morphism eA. This is proved in V. 1.2 (the first pan of the proof of the proposition). Analogously, the minimal realization of b' a A'' with the run morphism e4. The morphism of minimal realizations "filling-in" the given morphism of behaviors is (/",, /„, /J :AJ -» A',* : (II) Let Fhave universal realization. Let (/ fjb: A -* A' be a morphism of non-lnltlal ^automata, where A - (ft 6, r, y) and A' - (ft, «', r, r"). Define corresponding reachable Initial automata <* - (ft 6. r, y, ft l„) and X - (ft, S\ r, Y, ft, l„). Then put /M — /to obtain a morphism (//.,A-).^-^' in Aut,(F). Denote by p: (0", •>)-► (ft S) the run morphism of A We have r;.p - l„and hence, behavior of A is p• y: Q' -* r. Let «:-«-►-4, -(C 6Vr, yj be the minimal reduction of A, then At - (ft> *. T, yfc ft «) is the minimal realization of p • y. In fact, the run morphism of A J is p • e (since rj-p-e-e) and hence, A( is a reachable realization of p- f yt — p- y. Consequently, the minimal realization A of p- y is a reduction of Ag. But A, Is reduced and hence, Aj is isomorphic to A, in other words, AI is minimal realization of p • y.
336 Cluplcr VI Anilogouily, denote by p' the run morphism if A' and by e: A'- A; - (Q„ 6"* P* pi) the minimal reduction of A'. The minimal realization of p' • Y '• A'f ' (ft. £» r\ r'„ Q„ e"). The morphism of behaviort (j!/-):(fl("r,n-(fi'.p''r,,n Q -»• Q can be "filled-in" to a morphiim of the minimal realizations: U~f.f~)At -~a;: Then is a morphism of the minimal reduction with ff, - f(P- «■/)- l(.f P-f)-f-n-p-f -fe\ i.e., with <(/,/„)•(//«)•<•. □ IA Eianple. Sequential witonata vita Ran, Recall the functors Sj,.z.-Sj, + Cr,:S«t-»3»t from 111.4.8. An Stl j,-sutomaton can be considered as a special case of a sequential X-automaton, where I > Ii u Zi (assuming I, n Z, — 0). In fact, the next-state map S.Q x X, + Zi-»fi yields a map from g x rto Q which for pairs (9, a), a e £■>, is independent off: Thus Sj, j.-automata are just sequential ^-automata with resets in I„ see Exercise II.I.E.
Univerttl Rcalbstton 337 The functors SIlf t, have univenil realization (11.3.10) ind we ihtll prove In the next section thit these are the only set functors with universal realization, 1J. Euaik Caaajonta. Let & be an (/, uT)-category with countable products and coproducts, and let F: JT -► jr be a coadjoint preserving /-epis. By 111.2,14, F has minimal realization, obulned by image rictorization. We shill prove that F has universal realization. Let -»r (fl*- be a behavior morphism. Consider b. : (/",«•)- (r„ v) and b; : (/", *>)- <r.. V). Then the following square »«,, I. commutes too, where (/"J • denotes the unique homomorphism (/-).: (r.,v)-(r;. *0 with (see 111.2.13). The minimal realizations of b and b' are obtained by the image factorizations of b, and 6',, respectively:
338 Chapter VI Then the morphism /0 which "fills-in" the behavior morphiim is obtained by the diagonal Till-in property: . e f -% <■„•* "«U". — C Eseidscs VI. I A. Weak smsemrloa of co-arebnage*. A functor F is said to preserve cc-pre- i roa|es weakly iff it preserves each co-preimage for which there e>lst morphlsms 8: QF-+ Q: 6": QF-+ ff and A>: Q.F-+ Q, turning both / and e into homomorphisms. Prove the following generalization of Theorem VI. 1.4. Let JT be a finitely oocomplete (/, .^-category with cointenections and finite regular copra- ducts. Then an *-epis preserving functor F has universal reduction l(T it weakly preserves both cointersecrjons and co-preimages. [Hint: The proof is quite analogous to that in VI.1.4, based on Theorem V. 1.4. with two exceptions, (i) The operation S:(Q + QF)F-* Q + QF is defined by the given operation on ft say 6: QF-+ ft via S — SF- jQ, where S: Q + QF-+ Q has components l„ and S, analogously with 6" and &- (II) In the end,y is not a split mono but only; e jM\ the diagonal fill-in must be used for ye UtuidlFe *.] B. SeajaeaUal aaliiasata ta a category, (i) A category JT with finite products is said to be canciian doted if for each object I the functor St - — x I is a coadjoint. This implies that sequential ^automata In -M have universal realisation. Verify that Sat, Poa and Gra are cartesian closed categories. (ii) Verify that linear sequential automata have universal realization
Univenal Rctllulion 339 (though R-Mod is not cirtesiin closed). [Hint: Prove thit Sx preserves co-preimages.) (iii) Verify thit sequentiil ^automata in Top hive univenil realization whenever Hi i compact HasdorfT spice, both for (regular epi, mono)-fictorl- zatlons and for (epi, regular monoHactorizations. [Hint: Prove that Sx:Top-»Top preserves co-preimages and use Exercise V.I.BJ (Iv) Prove that Top is not cartesian closed. [Hint: Exercise V.I.B(ii).l C OiiliaUloa of fnctan. Let JT fulfil the hypotheses of Theorem VI. 1.4. (i) Verify that given functors F,, F, preserving /-epis and having universal reduction, then Fi + F, has the same properties. (II) Conclude that F + Cu (where Cu is the constant functor with value £,) has universal reduction for each /-epis preserving functor F with universal reduction. (iii) Can (i) be generalized to arbitrary coproducts? If St, a denotes the coprodud C6 + II F„ where F, - I., is it clear that SC] u has univenal re- ductlon? VIA. Uartersal ReaacHea Tbema. 2.1. The aim of the present section is to prove that any functor with universal reduction preserves unions. This shows, of course, that universal reduction Is quite nre. The proof is rather complicated and it requires additional hypotheses that might look discouraging at first sight Fortunately, we are able to prove that a concrete category JT" fulfils these hypotheses whenever Its forgetful functor preserves finite colimlu (which includes Sat, Poa. Gra, Top, etc), or whenever .V is additive (like R-Mod). Recall that a functor F: & -* & on an (/, .^-category JT" prtserva unions If for each collection m,: A, -* B (i e /) of ur-monos U»i-«i implies U im(m,f) — ira(mF). 11 i it' 12. Cosmatioaa. (i) For each object X we denote by X, (/ a set) the coprodud X, - II X, where X, - X for all i e /. <f / (ii) Given a coprodud II X, where / is a union / ■ U /„ we have a canon- HI i % T teal morphism
J40 Ckapur VI with componenti rf, where r,: II Xt -* II X, li given by the inclusion /, c / (r E T). We are going to use the term canonical morphism quite freely—in each caae it will be clear which union / - U A i» meant For example, the caae / - U 10 leads to a canonical morphism it i s:\1xiF^[\1x\f. it i yt i I PiapatlHoa. Let jr be a cocomplete (/, ^r>category, and let F: jr -► jr pre- Krve /-epU. Then F preserves unions iff for each coproduct IIX,, the canonical morphism s:Ux,F-*(Ux\f it i yt t I Is an *-epi. Proof, (i) Let F preserve unions. For each coproduct X - IIX, we denote 11 / the Image factorization of the injectiona t, by v, - e, • m, (/ £ /), then U »ii - 11 by Remark 11M.5 and hence, a i UlmdnF)- \„. 111 Since ?,f — e,f • m,F and e,F £ /. clearly im(v,F) — im(m,F). Thus, Uimc.v.F) - I,,. f« / Each v,F factors through £. consequently, im c - \n- This is equivalent to IE/. (U) Let c £ * for each coproduct. Given subobjectt m,:A,-*B (/ £ /) with the union m: A -* B, we denote by u,: A, -* A the morphlsms with m, — u; • m, lei.
Unlverul Rnfattlon 341 Let A - II A, be i coproduct with injection! *,: A, -* A. Then the morphiim u: A -* A deTined by t, • u — u, (i E /) it in /• In (let, if u — u, • u. is in image factorization of u, then ua • m is i subobject of B conUining ill m, ind hence, conUining m. Then u. U in Isomorphism. Consider the Image factorizations mF-i'-m' ind m,F- «,*• mf (I e /). For each subobject d: D-* BF such thit mf c d (I.e., m," - d, ■ d) for ill / £ /, we ire to show that also m' c d. AF » Do By hypothesis, the canonical morphiim s: U.A,F-*AF i «i is in /. Hence, so is s. uF• t*:\[A,F-t D*. For eich / e / we have r,F — w, ■ e (where w, are the Injections of 1] ^if) and hence, m, - r, • u • m implies (if • d,) • d - mf - (t, ■ u ■ m)F - w, ■ f uF ■ «• • m*. Define r:\\AtF-* D by w..r-1'.d, (le /), then w,-(r. </)-», ■(!• uF- «•• m«) (/€ /) and this implies r-d-e- uF- i' ■ m'.
142 We ipply the diagonal fill-in ChspKrVl mF«e* -U.A.F »-0b -»-BF to conclude thit m*c d. D U. An object S of i category & is a generaior if for arbitrary distinct mor- phiinu / f: C-» A there exists morphism s: S-* C with t-f+t-%. In other words. If the functor U- hom(S, -): jr -► Sat U faithful. Given a generator S in Jf, we consider & as a concrete category (see 111.3.8) with the forgetful functor U. If S is a generator in an (1, UO-categoiy .*, then S Is said to be projective if the following holds for any morphism f:C-* B: ftl iff for each morphism s: S-* B there exists a morphism 3: S-+ C with » — I ■ f. A C —»-B Equivalently, S is a projective generator ifT the forgetful functor U • homi.S. -) fulfils ' - I /; /f '• onto). . (i) All current concrete categories have their forgetful functor of the form hom(S, —) for some generaior £ Thus, the assumption "S be a projective generator" does not exclude, essentially, any important category—but we prove that it does pick up the factorization system, (il) An embedding in a concrete category & a a mono m: B% -* B such that
Untvnul Rnlhttlon 343 for any morph'um/>: C-» Bind uiy mip a: CU-* B,U with pU - a'("■(/) A: C-» B, is ilio i motphlim. Prsfosltloi. Let S be i projective generator of i complete (/, ur)-categoiy jr. Then /- onto morphUmi and jM— embeddinga, and each object ii a quotient of lome coproduct S, (/a ut). Proof, (i) We start with the last statement. For each object A denote by / the set hom (S,A)o( all morphisms from S to A; let S, be the coproduct with the Injections s,:S—S, (f:S-*A). Define a moronism e: S,-*A by Sft-f for tick f: S-* A. Then (£/ because S is a projective generator and for each moronism f:S-* A we have /- j,: S-> S, with /-/•«. Hence, A is a quotient of S,. (II) The fad that / - onto morphisms is actually the definition of projecdv- Ity. (iii) To prove that .M contains all embeddinga, let m: A-* B be an embedding. Let m — «• p be an image factorization, e: A-+ Ami; p:A-+ Bin**. We present a map p,: All-* AUwith pU - n, • (mil). S
344 Chapter VI Then p,: A -» A is i morphiim (since m is in embedding) with p- p,.m ind hence, m - «• n, • m. Since m is a mono, the but implies * ■ p, - I ind therefore, e a in isomorphism, which proves m £ ..#. The mip p, is defined is follows: for eich "point" t e AU- hom(S, i) there exists s: S-* A with » — »• e (bcciuK « e * uid S is projective); put (»)/>• - »• Then pU - n, • (ml/) because for eich s £ <f (/, (s)pU — s- p - !• e- p - !• m - l(s)p,]mU. (iv) Let in: A -+ B be in uT-mono. To prove thit m is in embeding, consider in irbitruy morphiim p: C-» B. By (i), there exists in *-epi «:$,-► C for some set /; let »,: S-» S, (/ £ /) denote the coproduct injections. S-^S, <V«lp, * =—*"B Assuming thit pU - p,(mlf) for some mip n,: hom(S, C) -» hom(S, ^), we define f:S,*A to hive components (j, • e)n»: S, -► A (i £ /). Then /•mmfp:Si-*B because the /-th component of each of these morphisms is
MS ((»/ • *)A)«V - (», • t)pV m s, • e • p. The moronism obtained from the diagonal fill-in: -►B has the underlying map /y This concludes the proof. □ Careflarv. Let JT be a cocoraplete (/, UT)-category with a projective generator £ A functor F: JT -» jr preserving /-epis preserves unions iff for each set K, the canonical morphism e.:{Sf).-S.F is an /-epi. In fact, by Proposition VI.2.2 it suffices to prove that each canonical map *:U.V~(Ufi)' is in /, assuming e, c / for all sets K. For each i c / we have an /-epi tt: SM,-* X,: put K — U.K,. The morphism e- LU:S.-m iii 11/ is an /-epi (III.5.3). The components of £, • eF: UlSFU, - (W)» - ( II, XA F it t \itti are «t- e,f • f,F (where r, is the <-th Injection of TJAT,) and hence, e,eF- LI((Ci,-rlf)-c. Since f preserve* /-epis, clearly e„-eF e /, and this prove* « € /. D 1A. DcflattVsa. A projective generator S Is said to be ptiftel If for each functor F: JT -» JT preserving /-epis, the following holds: if the canonical morphism *-S*nF+ S^F- S*.,.VF
346 Chapter VI is an 4-epi, then also the canonical morphism e: SF + SF-» (S + S)F is an /-epi. Resaark. We prove below that in quite a number of concrete categories each projective generator is perfect. !■»■■■ Let JT be a cocomplete (I, uf)-category with a perfect generator S. A functor f: JT -» JT preserving /-epis preserves unions iff for each collection V of sets with fl K + 0, the canonical morphism l-.Uj.F^-iS^F is an /-epi. Proof, (i) Let Fpreserve unions. Then the canonical morphism £:(SF),-S,f («-UV) is an /-epi. Denote by /.the disjoint union of the sets in V = |K,; i e /], Z. - II K. Then (SF)L - II (SF),,, and the morphism /:(W)t-(W), with components (SF),, -»(Sf), given by ihe inclusion X, c A is a split epi. Hence, /.«€/. Further, for each i € / we have a canonical morphism *:(W)«,-(S«,)f in* and hence, lie, € / by III.5.5. The following square ISFIL ^--LLISuFI t e i ls% J-"" V commutes. Thus «£/.
IMivmil RerituHon 347 (ii) Asume that Fdoes not preserves unions. By VI.2.2., there exists a set 0*0 such that the canonical morphism £.(Sf)»-V is not an /-epi. We choose such a set A with the smallest cardinality possible; B has at least two elements, of course. (a) Let card B - 2. Then the fact that e:SF + W-»(S+ S)F is not an /-epi implies that neither is the canonical morphism (since S is a perfect generator). For K, - |0, I] and K, = |0, 2|, Fdoes not fulfil the condition above. (b) Let card B > 2. Choose an element k, e B and let K,. I e A be the collection of all subsets of B with k) e K, and card K, < card B. By the choice of B, each of the canonical morphisms «,:(Sf),.-S«,f ('« /) is an /-epi. Hence, in the square above, lit; e /. Since « « / implies/- « « /, we have (LI *,).*</. Then JJs, E / implies f ( /. Again, f does not fulfil the condition above. D 15. DtflaMoa. An (/, UT)-catcgory is said to have txacl co-prrimagts If each ptuhout A—i-~ C ml ffl with e € / and m € u* is also a pull back.
MB Cbipler Vt Example*, (i) Sat hu exact co-prelmages. In fact, assuming that A c B (and m ia the inclusion map), the pusnout above can be described as follows: D - C + (B — A), where m is the lint injection and (a)i — (a)r for a e A, (b)i - b for b e B — A. If (6)r - (f)m, then 4 E /4 is the unique element with b - (fr)m and c - (b)e— thus, the square above is a pullback. (ii) Jt-Mod has exact cc-preimages. In fact, assuming that A, c A c B are submodules with m the inclusion map and e:A-*C— A/A, the quotient map, the pushout can be described as follows: D — B/A, with *the quotient map and r» — m/l*: /4/^« -» B/A* It is easy to see that this square is a pull- back, too. lJt. Uahcraal Rtshcthm Theorem. Let JT be a cocomplete (/, .^category with a perfect generator S and with exact co-preimages. Let F: JT -» JT preserve /-epis and fulfil hom(SF, S) * 9. If F has universal reduction, then F preserves unions. Proof, (i) Plan of the proof. We are going to verify the condition of Lemma VU.4: for each collection ji of sets with, say. we are going to prove that canonical morphism I: II S,F-tS,F K c V is an /-epi. Denote by »«:««-«» (He.*) the injection given by the Inclusion K c B, and by w,:S,f- II SLF (Ke J) L • .4 the coproduct injections. Further, the 0-th coproduct injection will be denoted by ««:«-«« («s *)■ Note that the injection ra: S-» S, of the 0-th coproduct injection fulfils (1) v, - u, - v, for each (Ei. Finally, denote by V<:Si-»S (Ici) and V,:S,-»S the co-diagonal morphisms (all components of which are lj); note that (2) ««•?«- I j for all fEi
UnlverMI Rnllutloo 349 and (3) ?« - »« • V, for all K E V. Define a morphiam t: II SKF— W it I V by (4) wK • I - V,f: S,f- W (K e irf). We can factor the morphiam I a I — e • m with e: II SgF-* D in / and m: D -» S,F in ur\ To prove I € /, we are golni to verify that met. Let ua form the puahout of t and I: (5) t T SF —"-B Note that ( E / (indeed, r la a apllt epi aince uKF- w, • t- I), hence, i E /. Further, let ua form the puahout of m and (": D—=^V (6) H If B »B n Then f e / and m e Jl imply that (6) ia a pullback (aince co-prrimaiej an lupposed to be exact). To prove me /, we uae the fact that S la projective: It aufflcea to show that for each g: S-» S,F there exlats f: S-» D with g - g ■ m: ° sr-^V
350 Chapter VI We are going to verify that (7) / - * • m Tor some A: S,f-» 6. Then we use the universal property or the pullback (6): Thua, the proor will be concluded when we exhibit h auch that (7) holda. Thia we do by defining automata A„on the objects St + S„F (K e .if) and an automaton A, on the object S, + S,F In such a way that (a) vt + v„F become morphisms from A„ to A, and (P) the output of A, is V, + i: S, + S,F-» S + 0. Uaing the universality of reduction, we present then the required morphism A. (ii) The definition of automata. By hypothesis, there exists a morphism f: SF— S. For each (Ei«t define an automaton -<«-(«« + S,F, S„S+ D,r,) as follows. Denote by i„ and j„ the coproduct injections of S„ + S„F, and define a morphism Si by the commutativity of the following diagram s. W — s. Put S, - 8,F- U ■ (S, + S,F)f- S, + S,F
Univtrul Realinllon 351 and uaing I • m: SF-* 6 [aee (5), (6)], put Yn - V, + (V,f. *. in): S» + S,f- S+ 0. Without loaa or generality we can assume 10] € J. (In Tact, Lemma VI.2.4 remains true if only such collections V are considered.) Then we have an automaton A, (we write 0 instead or |0| in the indices), A, - (S + SF, S„, S + B, I, + i ■ *). Further, define an automaton A, - (S, + S,F, 6,, J+ftv,+ i), (the outputs of which are defined in a different way than in A* but the next- state morphism is analogous): 6,- S,F-j, where /, and J, are coproduct injections and S,:S,+ S»f-» S, is defined by I.-S.- I„ and J.S.- V,f{- v Note that (B) IS-S.-(I..8.)FJ.-J.. We daim that for each K E V, »«+ »«'':'<«-»'<» is a morphism of automata, i.e., that the following diagram commutes. The verification of the two squares is routine. For the triangle, use (3) on the first summand: for the second one, we compute (using the fad that w,,- l- v„F, by definition of I): v,F. i. wK» e • m • i (i- *• m)
3J2 Chtpur VI -w,-e-f-A (by (6)) -w,-l-i- m (by (5)] -V.f.f.rS (by (4)). Denote the minimal reduction of A, (K E .^) by e,.A,^At- (&,«;, s + A ri) and the minimal reduction of A, by «»•• -<»- *i - (a, *;. s + A rt)- Since reduction ia universal, there exiata a unique morphiam of automata rf, for each fEi, such that the following square (») *.^-A. V-T7*S* commutes. It ia euy to check that, for each (Ei, another morphiam of automata ia Since V, ia a aplit epi by (2), so is V, + v,f: hence, /4, is a reduction of ^,. Therefore, there exiata a unique morphiam i,.A,^Ai with (10) e, - (V, + V,f). *,- . V"«F __ . %«M,f
Univma] Amltzalloa Then i, • vl:At-»Afit independent or K, I.e., (II) 'i-'.-rt-'t* for each K e J. Indeed, by (2), («, + vtF) ■ (V, + V„F) - I, hence *« ■ 'I - («« + ««f) • (v, + v,f). #,. v; («, + n,f) •*,•»; (■« + ««f) • (»«+ »«f) • *» (f, + v,F) • r. «.-».* (by (10)] (by (9)] (by (1)] [by (»)]• 3S3 (ili) The proof or (7). For each K e jf, the following diagram w VI* commutet—combine (9) and (II). Hence, (12) /,-*,- V,. t, .(e, ■ f,«): S, - (J,. Indeed, aince IJ K - B, to prove (12) it aufTicea to ahow that the two mor- phiama are equal when preceeded by any r,: S, -► S,. We have by (3), '« • ('» • *») ' V, •<,•(«, • f,«) »« • (V, • (. • e, • v.*). Further, denote by /: /J-» S + /(the coproduct injection. Since
354 Oupur VI is a morphism or automata, the following diagram commutes: see (8) Tor the upper left square, and use (12) to get * - I.F• («. • f,V• 6; • rt- SF— S+ D. (a) Assume hom(S, 0) * 0. Choose a morphism j*-.S + D-» 0 with the first component arbitrary and the second one ids. Then /• J* - Id, therefore (13) T-T.J.j'- v,f. (*.;•). Further by (5), »,f — wt — w, • e • m and since (». • V,)f - id;,, we conclude (14) w, • e- m- V,f- idw. Thus, t- v.f •(*•>•) (by(13)) - V,f .(»•„. r. m . V,f). (t. ;«)[by (14)) - V,f. m-,. e.in- f (by (13)) - V,f. w, • *• 1- m (by (6)1. In (7), it suffices to put * - V,f • w, i e. I
Unlvenal Rcaliarion 355 (b) Asaume hom(S, 6) - 0. Since (": S,f-» Din morphism, it follows that hom(S, S,F) - 0. Now, S is a projective generator, hence, the latter implies that any morphism into S,F is in t. In particular, let. This concludes the proof. □ 2.7. Let us turn to a discussion which categories fulfil the hypotheses of the Universal Reduction Theorem. By VI.2.3 we know that they are cocomplete, concrete (onto, embedding)-categories with the forgetful functor hom(S, —); we prove now that it is sufficient to assume that the forgetful functor preserves finite colimits. This includes a large number of current categories. But the important case of A-Mod is not included. Therefore, we prove that addi- tivity is also sufficient. Let us briefly present some of the basic facts about additive categories we need below. By definition, an additive category is a category JT such that (i) hom(4 B) is endowed with the structure of an abclian group for arbitrary objects A and B. (ii) Composition preserves this structure, i.e., given A,A'-A-*B then * • ifi + A) - * • A + * • ft Tor each h:A->-A and (/i + /i) • * - A • k + /, • * for each *: B— B\ (iii) JT has a zero 0. i.e., an object which is both initial and terminal. From this definition we can easily derive further properties: (iv) Each finite coproduct is also a product: let A,,A,he two objects and let «{:A{ + A,-»A, have components I,, and 0:A,-*A„ analogously jr;: A, + A,-* At. Then At + Aj ™ At x A} with the projections jr, and «,. [In fact, given /: X-» A„i- 1,2, and denoting by y,:A,-*A, + A, the coproduct injections, then/, •»,+/,• v,:X->- A, + A, is the unique morphism with (f, • t, + /, • f,) • x, — /,.) (v) The operation + can be derived from the compositions: given fufi- A -» B, let /: A + A -» B he the morphism with components /, and /, and let A,: A-* A x A (- A + A) he the "diagonal" morphism with the components \A and I,. Then /, + A - A„ • / (This follows from bA — v, + v,.) (vi) The zero element of the group hom(<4, B) is obtained as the composition of the unique morphism A -» 0 and the unique morphism 0 -» B. (vii) Let m: A -» B he a regular mono. If c: B -» C is the cokemel of m, i.e., the coequallzer of m and 0: A -» B, then m is the kernel of c, i.e., the equalizer of rand 0: B-» C
3S6 Chapter VI Dually, if c: B -» C is a regular epi and m: A -» B is a kernel of c, then c is a cokemel of m. (viii) For each object S of JT we obtain a functor hom(S, —): jr -» Ab (- abclian groups) assigning to A € JT" the abclian group hom(5. A) and tof:A-*B the homo- morphism hom(S,/): p~p- /(for each p: S-» A). This functor preserves all limits which exist in JT. U. Tbeores*. Let JT be a cocomplete, concrete (t, Ur>category wilh a projective generator £ Assume that either the forgetful functor preserves finite colimits, or JT is additive and jH — regular monos. Then S is a perfect generator, and jr has exacts co-preimages. Remark. Since S is a projective generator, we know that jH - embeddings. Therefore, the hypothesis (in the additive case) that jH — regular monos is rather weak; it is equivalent to assuming that a composition of two regular monos is a regular mono. Proof, (i) Denote by U either the horn- functor U- hom(S,-):JT —Set in case it preserves finite colimits. or U - hom(£ -): JT — Ab. see (viii) above, if JT is additive and A - regular monos. We prove first that also in the additive case, U preserves finite colimits. i.e., finite coproducts and coequalizers. Note first that since S is a projective generator, and since in Ab the epis (and the regular epis) are precisely the homomorphisms onto, Ihe functor U preserves epis. (a) U preserves finite coproducts. Since U preserves limits (see (viii) above), it preserves the terminal object, i.e.. 01/-0. And U preserves binary coproducts because they coincide with products |(iv) above): (A + B)U - (A x B)U- AU x BU - AU + BU. (b) U preserves coequalizers. First, U is additive, i.e., V,+A)U-f,U + /.£/ for arbitrary /„ f,:A-*B.\n fact, we have
IMtvmal Rnltatiofi 357 / + A - 4. •/ (tee (vi) above]. Since (/preserve! finite product*. A4U- &AV. Since f prcservet finite coproducU, the componenti offll: All + All-* A(/are/(/and /,(/. Hence, /£/ + /£/- A,vfU- (4, •/)£/-(/ + /)£/. Let /./:.*-« be morphiun* with a cocqualizer c:fl-C Since/ • e - f, • fit equivalent to (/ — ft • e - 0 • c - 0, we tee that fit the cokemel of/ — /. Let /—/ - e-m be an image factorization (e: A -* A, ui epi, and n:^->li regular mono). Then c i* a cokemel of m hence by (vii), mill kernel of c Since (/preserves limit* by (viii), also mil a a kernel of ell. Since (/preserves epis, and each epi in Ab is regular, we conclude from (vii) that rf/is a cokemel of mil. Since also ill is an epi, ell is also a cokemel of eU-mU -(/-/)£/ _/£/_/£/. Equivalently, ft/it the coequalizer of/(/and/(/. (ii) JT has exact co-preimages. This follows easily from the fact that both Sat and Ab(- Z-Mod) have this property—tee Examples VI.2.S. Let "1 lS be a pushout with e e t and m E -M. Then *£/is epi and mil it mono (in Sat or Ab) because /— onto morphisms and Jt — embedding*, by Proposition Vl.2.3. Hence, the following square tu
358 Chipler VI is a pullback: we know that it is a pushout, since U preserves pushouts and hence, it is also a pullback (in Sat or Ab). To verify that the original square is a pullback, let p, q be morphisms in JT with p • e — q • m. In Sat or Ab there exists a unique morphum ft Tor which the following diagram commules. Since m is an embedding, pU - ft • (ml/) Implies that ft carries ■ morphism in jr. Then p — p,- mand q— p,-e(because Uis faithful) and ft is unique because m is mono. This proves that JT has exact co-pretmages. (iii) S is perfect. Consider the following square of coproduct injections: s»s ■ \x "■S>S-5 where the indices show which injections are meant. It is easy to see that (i) this square is a pushout and (ii) v, and v, are split monos. By Lemma V.4.1, this square is an absolute pullback. We use this three times, forming the following diagram of coproduct injections: s s*s \ y\ <2
Unlvnul Rnlluiltni 359 Suppose that F: JT -» JT is an t-epis-preserving functor such that the canonical raorphism *: (S + S)F + (S + S)F-* (S+ S + S)F, with components H,f and \,F, is an t-epi. We are going to prove that then the canonical moronism e:SF + SF—(S+ S)F, with components y,F and v,F, is an #-«pi, too. Since (/ preserves finite coproducts, the components of the onto map {(/are n,f • (/and njf - (/. It is sufficient to prove that eUit onto (then e e /): its components are »,f • (/and Vjf • V. (a) (/: JT -» 8«t The fact that «/is onto means that (S + S + S)f • (/ - im(i»,f • (/) w im(nof • (/)■ To prove that ell is onto, consider any point * € (S + S)f • (/ and put .y - (*)»,if • (/ € (S + S + S)f. (/. Then for / - I or / - 2 we have y € lm(*iF• V)—say, i - I. Choose any * € (S+ S)F-U with (I) 0-,H1f-l/-.v-(*)p„f-(/. Since the diagram above consists of absolute pullbacks, the following square SRJ — fc IS-SIF-U V,F-U <tfV IS<SIF-U K-G«5lr-U Is a pullback in Sat. Hence, (I) implies that there exists r, e Sf ■ U with *-(i,)v,f.(/ and y, -(i,)*F-U.
360 Ckaput vt Since »,f - (/is the first component of £(/, this proves that * € im sU. Hence, eV is onto. (b) V: JT -» Ab. We define a "dual" diagram, using the zero moronisms (see Vl.2.7 (iv)]: s»s«s Here, d„ d,: S + S— S are the projections or the biproduct, i.e., d, has the components I j and 0 and di has the components 0 and I j. Analogously, d,,: S + S + S-- S + S has the Mh andy-th components equal to lj while the remaining component is 0. It is easy to check that (2) and •rf« - Ij»j (ty-0.1,2;/#» *, • J„ - 4, • v, and \, • d„ - d, • *,. Since f(/is onto, the group (S + S + S)F- (/is generated by im(*,f • U) u im(«of • (/), i.e., each element y € (S + S + S)f • (/ has the form (4) J-- CKi)H»f ■ V+ MHiF- V for some y,, y, € (S + S)f • (/. To prove that eU a onto, consider any point * € (S + S)f • (/ and put y-W^F-U.
UnivmtJ Hesitation 361 There exist y,, y, with the property (4). Then jr-(*)(v,1.J„)f.l/ (see(2)] - OO daF ■ V - (y.) (ib, ■ d„)F• U + («) (*, • d„)F■ U [see(4)] -0'1)(4-»i)f-l/+0i)(4-H)f- V [see(3)l This proves that each element * € (S + 5)f lies in the subgroup generated by im(»,f • IS) u im(v,F- If). Hence, the homomorphism eU, which has components v,F■ (/and v,f - (/, is onto. The proof is concluded. □ Exaaiales. Each of the following (onto, embedding)-categories JT fulfils the hypotheses of the Universal Reduction Theorem. (i) 8«t, Poa, Gra, Top. The forgetful functor of each of these categories is (/- hom(S, —) for the object S on a singleton set. Since (/preserves finite (in fact, all) collmits, 5 is a prefect generator and jr hu exact co-preimages. (II) The category of unary ^algebras. Here the forgetful functor is hom(r*, —), where I' is the free algebra on one generator (1.1.6). This functor preserves colimits. Thus, I' is a perfect generator of Sr-Alg and Sr-Alg has exact co-preimages. (iii) A-Mod is a cocomplete additive category in which each mono is regular. The ring R, considered as a module over itself, is a projective (and hence, perfect) generator. (iv) TAb, the category of topological abelian groups and continuous homo- morphisms. This category is cocomplete: colimits are constructed as in Ab, and then endowed with the finest possible topology. Further, TAb Is additive and each embedding m: A -» B (i.e., a mono such that the topology of A is induced by that of B) is regular. This is again proved as in Ab: if m is an equalizer in Ab of/, /: B-» C, then we endow C with the indiscrete topology to let/,/: B-» Cin TAb. Finally, the discrete group (Z, +) of integers is a projective generator. Hence, (Z, +) is a perfect generator, and TAb has exact co- preimages. Corollary. In the category of sets, reduction (or realization) is universal precisely for the sequential automata with resets (VI.1.8). Indeed, the sequential automata with resets have universal reduction, see 11.3.10. On the other hand, if ^automata have universal reduction for some F:8«t-»Set, then F preserves unions. [This follows from the Universal Reduction Theorem because F preserves epis and hom(Sf, S) # 0.] Then F Is naturally equivalent to some S^.t, (see 111.4.8) and, by convention III.3.1, we identify /^algebras with SJ. ^-algebras. Therefore, ^automata are then Ss. ^-automata, i.e. the sequential (£, \j ^-automata with resets in Z&
362 Chapter Vt Remark. There are, or course, important concrete categories which are not additive and the forgetful functor of which does not preserve finite colimits. These often fail to have exact co-preimages. See Exercise D below. Exercises VI.2 A. Uarrenalltf wtrbmt aaloo araemrloa. Define the following functor F: Gra -» Gra: for each discrete graph (X, 0) let (X, 0)f be the complete graph on the set X x X: all other graphs are mapped by Fto the singleton loop ([0|, ((0, 0)]). Analogously on morphisms. (i) Verify that Fis a Unitary varietor with universal realization. (ii) Prove that Fpreserves epis (— onto morphismms) but does not preserve unions. Why does it not contradict to the Universal Reduction Theorem? (Hint: Fdoes not preserve unions because the set functor H, does not.) B. Uaheraalltf for linear raactora. Prove that a linear (Exercise. III.4.C) functor F: fl-Voct -» Vaet has universal realization iff F is naturally isomorphic to some Sr(Hint: Each linear functor preserves finite colimits; if Fpreserves unions, it preserves all colimits and hence, it has an adjoint.) C. UaberaalHy for aoa-llaear fnacton. Prove that for arbitrary modules £, 27, the functor Si..t, - Vt, + C4: S-Mod- «-Mod has universal reduction. Is it linear? D. Non-exact co-arelnaga. (i) Let B be a simple group (i.e., a group without nontrivial quotients) and let A * 0 be its proper subgroup. Verify that the following square 0 A — 0 inclusion 0 " B ► 0 0 is a pushout but not a pullback. Conclude that the category of groups does not have exact co-preimages. (ii) Generalize the above to any category jr which has a simple object B with a proper non-singleton subobject: then JT does not have exact co-preimages. This includes semigroups, lattices, rings, etc. And also various categories of
Univenal Realization 363 metric spaces, and the category of HausdorfT topological spaces (consider B - real line and A - the rationals). VI J. Nerode Eqalraleaca 3.1. Since universal reduction implies the preservation of unions, we are interested in the converse: does each unions-preserving functor have universal reduction? We are going to present a construction of minimal realizations which has the property that (i) if it works, realization is universal and (ii) if the functor preserves unions, the construction works. Hence, this gives an affirmative answer to our question. There is a basic catch, however, analogous 10 that of V 3.10. In the preceding section we worked with "weak" epis: the class t consisted of all surjective morphisms of a concrete category. Here, we shall need "strong" epis: the class *" will be that of all regular epis. Thus, a necessary and sufficient condition will be obtained, e.g. in the categories Sat, A-Mod and unary algebras, (having just one factorization system) but not in Top, Poa. etc., where the two factorization systems differ. Throughout this section we assume that JT is a finitely complete category with regular factorizations. 3.2. Recall (1.2.6) that for sequential ^-automata, the minimal realization of a behavior b:I'-r has been obtained by factoring the free algebra I' through the Nerode equivalence E This is the equivalence £ defined by u,£i/] iff (u, w)t — (u,w)b for each word w € I', i.e.. iff (i) (u,)o - (u,)o, (ii) (u,o-)o - (u, a)b for all a € Z, (iii) (u,oo")b — (u,aa')b for all a, & e I, etc These conditions (i), (ii), (iii),... can be expressed by arrows, considering the equivalence £ as a relation [e,, «J: I' —»£* where we denote the projections of £ c r« x r« by *„ e,: £-» I: Then (i) says *, -b- e,-b:E— Y, i.e., for each x e £ with x — (u„ u,) we have (u,)b - (x)e, ■ b - (*)«i • b - (u,)6. For the condition (ii), consider the concatenation
364 Oupur VI «>: I' x T-» I' (^ o)v - ua. Then (ii) says for f, x lr - «,5r(HI.2.3) that dSz ■ p • b - e,Sz ■ «> ■ b: E x T-» r, i.e., for each (*, a) € £ x 27 with x — (u„ u,) we have (u,a)b - (ii,, <r)«> • 6 - (*, o-)*,Sj. «>. 6 - U e)ti ■ St ■ ? • 6 - (U]0-)6. E-E-I E>I E *&[[•£ «,S.||'IS, «, «, ♦* -»S, ** <P »» b ►£*.£.£ U-E». I •.£* ».r Analogously, (iii) says that e,Si • (ipS. <p-b)- *,# • (ipSt • «• • 6), etc. The Nerode equivalence is clearly the largest relation satisfying these conditions (i), (ii), (iii), This desription can be used for a generalization of the Nerode equivalence. We shall work with relations in a category, tee V.2. 3J. DefliMoo. Let jr be a finitely complete category with regular factorizations, and let Fbe a varietor preserving regular epit. Let b: /' -» /"be a behavior. A relation [*,, ej: /• — 1* is said to be externally b-equiralent if Tor each n < o> it fulfils e,F-<.(pF- ■ <pF- . pF'<p) ■ b (n) | *,f-' .(a»f-'.f»f-»....-ajf. •»)•*. The largest externally fr-equivalent relation is called the external Nerode equivalence of the behavior 6. EF' V, *r' V. *F V t »* b l*F' »• PF1 PF »■ I* >• Renarka. (a) The external *.equivalence of [*„ ej means that (i) *, • b - e, ■ b
Univeiul RMltolion 365 (ii) e,F• v b — «jf ■ p- b (iii) e,F' ■ (VF. <p) ■ b - e,F> ■ (VF- <p) ■ b etc. It Is easy to check that these conditions are independent of the concrete representation or the relation: given a regular epi e: £" -» £ then [*,, *J fulfils (i), (ii), (iii), etc. iff [e • *,, c ■ «J does. Here we use the hypothesis that F (hence F', F\ etc) preserves regular epii. (b) In the sequential case, the state object of the minimal realization is £•/£, i.e., the coequalizer of t„t,: £-» I'. We generalize this: 3.4. Coaatrectiaa. Let F be a varietor preserving regular epis. Let 6:/"-»r be a behavior. Assume that b has an external Nerode equivalence fo.ej: /"-I". Assume, moreover, that the coequalizer of *, and «i, c:/•-»(? is a congrutnct, i.e., there is a 5: QF-+ Q with c: (/•,*)-.(£«) a homomorphism. ff- * / OF »■ 0 s Since by the condition (i), e, • v: fi-» Twith b — c • y. Then the /^automaton ^ - (ft 4 T. r, /. n • c) is the minimal realization of b. b— «j ■ b, there exists a unique morphism
366 ChipMrVt Proof. First, the homomorphism e: (/*./»)-» (ft 6°) extends <] • c and hence, ris the run morphism of A. This implies both that A is reachable (since c is a coequalizer) and that it realizes b — e • y. Next, let A-(Q,s;r.y.i.x-) be a reachable realization of b, i.e., b-c-y for the run morphism c°: /* -» Q' of A' which is a regular epi. Let *;.*;.£•-/• be the kernel equivalence of e°. Then C is a coequalizer of e'„ e{, see V.3.2. The relation [*,'. ej] is externally fr-equivalent because the following diagram ET .f1 kf1 «;F <v < ' °'F-frffF—r commutes. By the definition of the external Nerode equivalence, we get [*,',*,'] c [*„*,]. Then *, • c - «, • c implies *; ■ e - tj • e and, since e' is a coequalizer of t\ and «j. there exists r.ff-Q with c - c" • r.
Unlvenal Realizulon 367 rF OF—=—»-0 Then r is a regular epi, since e' • r is a regular epi, and we claim that r:A—A is a reduction. To prove S-r- rF-S, we use the Tact that c'F is a regular epi (since F preserves regular epis), and c'F- (6" • r) - p ■ c' ■ r — <p • c- cF- S - c'F- (rF- S). To prove '• y-Y. we use the Tact that c' is a regular epi and the behavior c' • y" or A' is b: C • (r • y) - c • » - * - c' • y\ Finally, to prove A" • r - n • c, we use the fact that X - n • c' and thus. A' • r - n • c' • r - n • c. This proves th at A is the minimal realization of 4. □ Remrk. We say that F has external Nerode realization if (a) each beahvior has an external Nerode equivalence and (b) its coequallzer is a congruence. It will be shown that (b) holds quite generally: whenever F has minimal realizations, then (a) implies (b). Thus, it is the existence of Nerode equivalences which plays the basic role. We prove that the existence of Nerode equivalences is trivial if F preserves unions, i.e., given a union of monos u
368 Chipur VI then im(mf) — U im(ni,f). /• j ' Recall from IV.7.11 that the preservation of unions implies that F isa varietor (in reasonable categories). 3.5. Obaemrhw. Let jr have unions and let F be a varietor preserving regular epis. If F preserves unions, then each behavior b: /• -» rhas in external Nerode equivalence. Namely, the union of all 6-equivalent relations on /*. In fact, let e„ I e T, be the collection of all 6-equivalent relations on /*. It clearly sulTices to verify that the relation C - [}c, is also fr-equivalent. Put e, — [e„. ctl\. (i) For each r we have e„ • b — e,, - b. i.e.. e, is contained in the kernel equivalence of b. Therefore, also e' is contained in this equivalence, which proves that «,'■*- et ■ b. (ii) For each I we have c„F- (p • b) - e„F- (p ■ b). Since F preserves regular epis. [e„F. e„F] - e,F, sec V.2.8. Thus, the relation im(e,f) is contained in the kernel equivalence of p • b. Therefore, also the relation Uim(e,f) - im( U e,\F- ime'F is contained in this equivalence. This proves that sfF-ip- b)-e,'F-b>-b). Etc. 3.6. Lenan. Each external Nerode equivalence [*„ «J: E— /'is indeed an equivalence relation on /*. Proof. Let e: 1* — /• be the Nerode equivalence of a behavior b: /• -» r. pull, - 4;„and«, - $., I. Reflexivity. The diagonal relation 4-[I,.. I, .]:/'-/• is evidently fr-equivalent and hence. 4 c e.
Univmal Realization 369 II. Symmetry. The inverse relation «-' -l«i.ft]:/*-l' is evidently ^-equivalent and hence, «"' C E. III. Transitivity. The relation £• eis defined by the following pullback r y ^\ E E y *\ x \, '" f ,. as the relation £• e- (t, ■ *„ f, ■ «J. It suffice* to prove that «• cis externally (^equivalent, (i) *, ■ b - «i ■ 6 implies (i, • *,) ■ b - f, ■ e, • b - e, • e, ■ b - (* • *,) ■ b: (ii) e,F ■ («> ■ b) - tjF• («> • b) implies (e*, ■ *,)f • («•• 6) - e*,f • e,f ■ («•• 6) - i>F■ e,F- («•• 6) - (ev ejf • «>• b. etc. Hence, c is an equivalence relation. □ 3.7. Thiaif. Let JT be a finitely complete category with regular factorizations, which has colnletsectlons and regular finite coproducts. Let F be a varietor preserving regular epis. If F has minimal realizations, then the coequallzer of any external Nerode equivalence is a congruence. Corollary. If F has minimal realizations and each behavior has an external Nerode equivalence, then F has external Nerode realization. Proof. Let b: /' -► /" be a behavior which has a Nerode equivalence, represented by a pair e„ ey. E— I'. I. There exists ip: EF-* E such that both e, and e, are homomorphisms.
370 Chipitr VI To prove this, it is sulTicient to observe that the relation EF E «,F «,F e, «, " * <P » b I"F «■ i" «-r [e,F- v, e,F- <p] is externally o-equivalent. Indeed, the condition (ii) Tor [*,, *,] is just the condition (i) ie,F-?)-b-ie,F-f)-b Tor [e,F ■ <p. t.F ■ <p\. Analogously, (iii) Tor [«,. *,] is (ii) (e,f ■ <p)F ■ (<p . b) - (e,F ■ <p)F ■ (<p ■ b). etc. Therefore, [e,F • v, e2F ■ <p\ c |«,, *J, which means that there exists y with tiF-v—yi-e, and tjF-v — V *i- II. f preserves the pushout or e, and e:: E—5—,. " r——-0 First, note that *, and e, are regular epis—indeed, split epis. since A c [«,. *j] by Lemma Vl.3.6. Thus, their pushout is a cointersection. By Theorem V. 1.6, F weakly preserves cointersections. Since *, and t, are homomorphisms, it follows that F preserves their cointersection. III. F preserves the coequalizer of e, and et. Indeed, we prove that r, — c, is the coequalizer c of e, and et: analogously, c,F — c,F is then the coequaliz- er of e,F and etF. The relation A is contained in [*,, *■] and hence, there exists a morphism j: /* -» E with I- *i -/• <i - '/•• This implies <•> - > • <i • «1 - j • *i - fi - <•]•
UMtenil RraHmJoa 371 Put c - c, - c,. Then t, ■ e - e, ■ c If c' is another moronism with e, ■ c - e, • c' then e' factors through c because of ihe universal property of pushouu: IV. The coequalizer cis a congruence. By III above, • ,F t?F •, • , " T » t ' rr »■ p CF C OF »0 s cf is the coequalizer of e,F and e,F. By I, we have *if■ (t> • c) - yr. *, ■ c - yr. *, • c - *,F ■ (f> • c). Therefore, c> • c factors through cf. □ Hrisrfc. In ihe preceding proof, Ihe hypothesis lhal F have minimal realizations was needed only lo prove thai F preserves Ihe coequalizer of Ihe Nerode equivalence. This can be concluded also whenever F is righl exact, i.e., preserves Ihe coequalizers of equivalences (VJ.4). Thus, if JT is a finitely complete category with regular factorizations and co- equalizers, and if F is a righl exact vanetor, then F has external Nerode realization iff each behavior has an external Nerode equivalence. 3A Theoreav Each varietor with Ihe exlemal Nerode realization has universal realization. Proof. For each moronism of behaviors (/.,/_): (/, b, T)->(/', b\ /"') we are lo present Ihe corresponding moronism of minimal realizations.
372 Chapter VI Lei [*,, «i] be Ihe external Nerode equivalence of b. By hypolhesis, b has a minimal realization A - (ft * r, r, /, 17 ■ f). where c: I' -* Q is Ihe coequliazer of e, and e, (which is also Ihe run mor- phisin of A). Analogously, let [e\, ej] be Ihe euemal Nerode equivalence of b' and A' - (Q\ 8", /"', v', 1", n' ■ c') Ihe corresponding minimal realization. u The relation [e, ■ /', e, ■ f*\ is externally ^'-equivalent: («) (*, -L')F■ (t> ■ 6) - e,F• (t> ■ /„') • 6' - *,F-(«>■»)■/- - *,F-(«>■»)■/- - ',F' («>■/;)■ 6' -(*i-/.V ■(*>■*■); Therefore, this relation is contained in [*;, fj]. Consequently, Since c is the coequalizer of *, and e,, this implies thai there exists f:Q-+ Q with To conclude Ihe proof, it is sufficient to show that
UnWenal Reillmlon 373 Is a morphism of automata. First, it commutes with the initializations: (17. c)-f- i\-fZ ■ C -f„ . (n-- c'). For the outputs, we use the Tact that c is an epi: t-u- f) - /.' ■ <' ■ y -/;•»' and this implies Finally, / is a homomorphism, since cF is an epi and cF.(fF- S^-tiF-cF.S' -/•F-V-c- -PL' -c- - »>• cf -cF(Sf). This concludes the proof that (//.,/„), n a morphism. O Corollary. Let JT be a finitely complete category with regular factorizations, coequalizers and unions- Each right exact varietor preserving unions has universal realizations. (Every behavior has an external Nerode equivalence by Observation Vl.3.5 and thus, F has external Nerode realization by Remark VI.3.7.) 3,9, Theorem. The following are equivalent for any functor F:8«t—8«t, and any right exact functor F: A-Mod -* A-Mod (R commutative ring): (i) F has universal reduction; (ii) F has external Nerode realization; (iii) F Is a varietor with universal realization: (iv) F preserves unions. Proof. This is just a combination of the preceding results with Theorem VI.2.6. The categories S«t and X-Mod fulfil the hypotheses of both. Moreover, each set functor is right exact (V.3.10). O
374 Chapter VI Renark. In the theorem above, we have restricted ourselves to Sat and X-Mod because in these categories we have a unique factorization system and hence. Theorem VI.2.6 can be combined with the preceding Corollary. (Also the category or unary algebras fulfils the hypotheses or both results.) The difference between onto morphisms, used In VI.2.6, and regular epis makes it impossible to combine these two results in categories like Pot, Top, etc 3.10- We conclude this section by an observation, not related to the universal realization. Since the external Ncrode equivalences exist only rarely, we ask whether there exists a general construction or minimal realizations by means of equivalences? The answer is amrmative Tor all finitary varietors (which is a small restriction only, in view or V.4.2). We start with the observation that the conditions Tor £ in the sequential case can be reformulated as follows: (i) (u,)6 - (ujft; (i'O (u,)6 - (u,)6 and (u,a)b - (u,a)b forallo-e 27; (HO (u,w)r> — (U]W)i Tor all words w e 27* or length s 2; etc. These conditions differ only in considering all words of length 3 it rather than of length - n. And they correspond to the free-algebra construction over £: W, - £; W{ - £ + £ x 27; W, - £ + W,S, Indeed, (i) states that t, • b - e, • b: W„ -* /": (i'O »'»'« that (e, + ttSrf■ b - fa + e,^ • b: IV, — r, etc. In the following definition, we use the symbols IV* W„ Wb ... as functors from Jf to Jf: on objects X XW,-X and XWm t, - X + XW, ■ F; on morphisms/: X-+ Y fW„-f and fW,tl-f+fW..F. In other words, we define functors W„: Jf -» JT as follows: W, -\,\ Wt - U + F; (f,- I, + (U + F)-F,.... 3.11. Deflilrloa. Lei JT be a finitely complete, finitely cocomplete category with regular factorizations, and let F be a varietor, preserving regular epis. Given a behavior b: /• -» /", a relation |f,, e2]: /* —* /" is said to be Miner b-tquitalent if it satisfies the following conditions (with f: /' + l'F-+ /• having components l,« and e>): CO e,'b-e,>b: (i'O e,rK,.(^.6)-e1»f,.(#.6); (iiOe,rK1.(^rK,.^.6)-e1»f1.(^rK,.^.6);
Universal Reiltzalion 375 in general: (n") t,Wm.,.(^W..1 tW._,.....f).b -t1K-,-(*K-1'*'V..,-.--*)-b. «?'V«.FIF tjlftp v«,F HI-fFIF -•. imivfif W f t -»• r*rr 11 -»• p- The largest reflexive, inner i-equivalent relation on /* is the Inner Nemdt equivalence of b. Reaark. The conditions (0, (10, ("0,... are again Independent of the representing pair, since Fpreserves regular epis. Note that the definition or the inner equivalence differs from that or the external one not only in these conditions but also in considering only reflexive relations. We say that F has Inner Nemdt realization If each behavior has an inner Nerode equivalence and its coequalizer is a congruence. (This is completely analogous to VI.3.4.) And if this is the case, than the minimal realizations are again easily seen to be constructed as quotients under the inner Nerode equivalence. We shall prove now that, roughly speaking, minimal realizations are always Inner Nerode realizations. 3.12. Tkeorcsa. Let jr be a finitely complete and finitely cocomplete category with regular factorizations, cointersections and finite regular coproducts. Let Fbe a finitary varietor, preserving regular epis. Then Fhas minimal realizations iff F has inner Nerode realization. Proof. Let Fhave minimal realizations. For each behavior b:l'-r we have a minimal realization a, - (&. s„ r. r„ i. U) with a run map c,:/*-»&. We shall prove that the kernel equivalence le'„ *?]: /• - /• of c0 is the inner Nerode equivalence of b. This will clearly prove that Fhas inner Nerode realizations.
376 Oupter VI (a) \t°„ e]] is a reflexive relation (indeed, an equivalence) and is inner ^equivalent: E*(E*CF)F E«EF -»► MMFIF V'W"7 •W^SF o) *•• b - e',-c,- ro - «;• <■•• n - <;• *■ (ii) Let 6„: go + Q*F-+ Q, have components I ft and S* then clearly p- Co — c,F• fig implies $• Cj — c,W,. oV Thus '\W> •(#•»)- tfK', ••>•«<>•» — r?(P, • c„(f| • 6g — r$(f( • Co(f( • 60 -e;»f,.(#.6) (b) Let |e„ f;l be a reflexive, inner ^-equivalent relation of /*. To prove that it is contained in \t°„ «JL it is sufTicient to show that «i • <o - «i • Co- Extending f 1, t, to homomorphlsms «,". «," : (£". •»,)-►(/•. •»,). we have *,• • b - tf ■ b. In Tact F is a finitary varietor, hence, £• - colim£»P.. ■ < m thererore, it suffices to prove that t* • b and t' • b coincide on each of EW„ it< ei For it — 0 this a ("f) e, • b — e, • b: for it - I this is (II') (*, + t,F-?)- b- ttW,-#-b- t,W,-$-b- (*, + t,F-9)- b; etc.
Unhmul Reilintion 377 Moreover, the relation ((,*, (*] is reflexive. Indeed, since |f,, t,] is reflex- ive, there exists d: £-» /* with J.t, - </• f, - l£. Then d% : (£•, «»)-►(/•, ♦>) fulfils </••€,' -</••«,• - If. Thus, the pushout of e' and t* «,' has the propeny that c, - c, (- c) is the cocqualizer of e' and e* (because c, - </• • »? • c, - </■ • e,' • c, - c;). Since f has minimal realizations, F weakly preserves cointersections by Theorem V.I.4. Thus, Fpreserves the pushout above (since both e' and e' are split epis) and consequently, cFis cocqualizer of e'Fand e'F. <r -lj,, OF »-0 a Since tfF'(9-c)-p,.t?-c- »>,•«,••«- e,»F-(ye), there exists 8: QF-* Q such that (>• c — cF- o\ i.e., such that «:(/*, p)-» (ft o*) is a homomorphisin. Further, since t' • b- t' • b, there exists y: Q-* Twith b-c-y-
378 Chapter VI Then we get an automaton A-{Q,S,r,r. /, n-c) with the run morphism c Since c is a coequalizer and the behavior of A is c- y — b, this automaton is a reachable realization or b. Therefore, A, is a reduction of A: we have a morphism r:A-+ A* satisfying c, - c- r. Then fi • c0 — fi • c* r - n- f • • c- r — n- r* • c- r — fj* c« r — fj* c0. This concludes the proof that |t„ f,| is contained in the kernel equivalence ofc,. O Corollary. Let Jf be as above. Each finitary. right exact functor has inner Nerode realization. Exercises VIJ A. Each external equivalence b liner equivalence. Prove that every externally ^equivalent relation is inner i-equivalent. Conclude that ihe external Nerode equivalence of any behavior is its inner Nerode equivalence. B. The non-existence of the external equivalence. Prove that for each behavior b with the external Nerode equivalence the minimal realization A, is "hereditarily reduced", i.e., each subautomaton of A, is reduced. Use this to find a behavior for F- H,: Sat-*Sat with no external Nerode equivalence. Find the inner Nerode equivalence. (Hint: The kernel equivalence of the run morphism of A*.) Nolei lo Chapter VI VII-I We have been inspired lo study ihe universality by Ihe paper of J. A. Gojuen |I973). Results of Ihe first iwo sections were annouccd by V. Trnhova [19751 (who proved lhal for set functors, Ihe characleritlni condition is preservation of unions) and V. Trnhova and J. Adameh |I977). The proofs appear In Ihe present booh for Ihe first lime. A generaliialion of these reaulls was presented by J. Adameh. H. Ehrigand V. Trnhova |I9R0). where an abstract category 9 (for eiample of automata) is considered together with a faithful functor from S to an («*, .«>category jr. The concept of minimal reduction can be presented in this generality: il is universal iff Ihe faithful functor preserves coinlersecltoits and copreimages.
Universal Reallxailon 379 V1.3 External Nerode equivalence was Introduced by M. A. ArWb and E. O. Manes |l974a| who proved thai In caw thli equivalence exbts and Its coeqaallter ta a confraence, then h comtnicti Ihc minimal realization (Vl.3.4). They found out later thai external Nerode equivalence need not exist Tor tree automata, and they Introduced several related concepts of Nerode equivalence, sec P. O. Anderson, M. A. ArMb and E. G. Manes |I976). The Inner Nerode equivalence was defined by J. Adamek (I97<bL who proved Tneorenu VU.7. V1J.S and VtJ.ll
Chapter VII: Nondeterministic Automata tad Kleene Theorem VIM. NoaaXenxInlstk Behavior I.I. In the present chapter we investigate the behavior or finite ^automata in the category of sets, and nondeterministic ^automata in a general category. Recall from Chapters I and 11 that nondeterministic automata are introduced because some operations on them are easier to perform than on the deterministic ones and, fortunately, finite nondeterministic and deterministic automata have the same behaviors. It turns out that in the category Set, the functors F for which finite nondeterministic and deterministic ^automata have the same behaviors are rather special. (This will be proved in VI1.2.) And these special functors are the only ones for which an analogy of Kleene Theorem holds. (This will be proved in VI 1.3.) The first section is devoted to the introduction of nondeterministic ^automata In a general caiegory. We investigate the concept of behavior which is natural, though not entirely obvious. I J. Staadlag kypotheab: Throughout the present section, JT denotes a finitely complete («\ UT)-category. We work with relations in JT in the sense of V.2. Dtflaltloa. For each functor F: JT -* jr. a nondeierminislic F-auiomaim is a sixtuple A-(Q,S,r,r,l,k) consisting of objects Q, T and /, and of relations 6: QF- Q: Y-.Q-T: I
Noodeterminiuic Aulomui ind Klcenc Theorem 381 If 8, X and y are all partial morphism. then A is called a partial automaton. ttamrk. Assuming that (i) JT is well-powered and fulfils the pullback axiom (V.2.7) and (ii) F covers pullbacks (V.2.10), then we can extend F to FtH«4Jr —H«4Jr, see V.2.10. Then a nondeterministic /^automaton is simply an /^automaton in the category Ral Jr. We shall not impose these (rather severe) restrictions on JT and F. As a consequence, we have to present a new definition of the run morphism and behavior for nondeterministic automata. We first recall the example of the first two chapters. Exasaplea. (i) Nondeterministic sequential automata. Here JT - 8«t and F- St. A relation S.QxE^Q assigns to each state a and each input a the set (a, 0)8 c 0 of all possible next states. For a singleton set / - |i), the relation X-.I^Q assigns to ( the set (f)A c Q of all initial states. And the output relation r-Q-r generalizes the output map considered in Chapter I. The run relation P-.Z—Q assigns to each sequence of inputs a, ...a. the set (d ... o,)p c Q of all states that can be possibly reached from one of the initial states when inputs d, 0j a. are successively applied. The behavior of this automaton is the relation fi: L'^ r assigning to each string a,... a, the set (o\... o.)f) c T of all possible outputs resulting from an application of <J„..., a. to any of the initial states. Thus, (c,... a,)P- U (q)Y for each a,... a. e I'- f< lot... «mtp In other words, P-p.y.l— r.
382 Clupur Vtt (ii) Nondeterministic tree automata. Consider, for simplicity, the type I- \a\ with |o-| - 2. A nondeterministic tree ^automaton consists of a set C a nondeterministic binary operation 0:6* Q-Q, an output relation r- Q- r, and an initialization relation k-.l-Q. For each variable x e /, we have a set (x)A c Q of possible interpretations. Thus, given a binary tree I e /■, we have several ways how to interpret the labels on the leaves and then several ways how to compute the tree using all the possible values of q, O ft to compute the subtree The run relation assigns to each tree re /'the set (i)p of all possible results of computation of I (with all possible interpretations of the leaves). The behavior relation is again p.p.y.f-r. I J. We want to define behavior of nondeterministic automata for each va- rietor F. The problem is to generalize the concept of the free extension A •:(/•,«>)-*(g,o") to the case that both A and S are relations. We cannot define A * by the condition that the following diagram t commutes because A'F OF
Nondctefminiftic Automata and Kkafte Thaoran 383 (i) such A * need not exist (even in the case or linear sequential automata, see Exercise VI I. IB below) and (il) such A * need not be unique (even Tor a finitary varietor in Sat, see Exercise VII.I.A below). The concept or A* we define now has the following important features which are proved below: (a) If 6 and A are moronisms, A' is the previously studied concept, (b) A' exists and is unique for arbitrary relations A and 8; (c) if F is a constructive varietor, A • Is obtained by a construction which naturally generalizes the case of morph'ums; (d) for sequential automata and tree automata, the concept agrees with the examples above. Coavearloa. Let (Q. 8) and (Q\ 6) be relational ^algebras (i.e., 8: QF-* Q and 8": Q'F-' Q are relations). A relation /: Q-* Q Is called a stale rtlalion If This is the opposite inclusion to homomorphism (V.2.8). Deflaitfoa. Let F be a varietor and let ((?. 8) be a relational ^algebra. For each relation A: I-* Q we define ihe free extension as the least state relation A':(/•, «)-(e5)extending A. Explicitly, A•: /• ^Q is the least relation with Ac n. A' and A'F-Btz t> • A». Reaurk. For each nondetermlnlstlc /^automaton A - (Q, 8, T, y. I, A), we call p — A * the run relation of A, and p-p.r.r-r the behavior of A. Eiaaipie: Seajanrlal llacar aiteatata. Consider the functor S,: It-Mod-It-Mod and put / — |0|. For each nondetermlnlstlc sequential linear ^-automaton A-(Q.8, r, r, 101. A) we describe the run relation (where /* - Z[i] is the module of polynomials, see 111.2.4). First, let us consider the polynomial 0 - 0 + Or + 0r! + ... .
384 Chapter VII We have a subspace (0)A c Q and for each Hate <fe e (0)/L on receiving the input 0 we can transfer to any state q, 6 (*. 0)5, and from q, to ft 6 (<?„ 0)5, etc. Therefore, (1) (0)p-ft- U (?,■' • a 0 where and for each n < ai, C;*''-(C<-',0)«, here the union meant the union ofiubobjects in the category A-Mod, i.e., the linear envelope of the let-theoretical union. Given a polynomial (t)w - oj + a,t + ... + ev\ a. •» 0, then (2) (<7+ r. w)p- (0 + <7+ i- w)P-Hw)p,o)Sv ft. To prove that (I) and (2) define the run relation of A. we must fine check that p it linear (i.e., a subspace of I\z\ x Q) and that it satisfies Icij-p and pS[• 6c f>• p. Both statements are easy. Let p'\ E\i\ —* Q also satisfy Ac n • p\ i.e., (0)A c (0)p', and p'Si* fie «>• />'. Then we prove that (h>)P c (w)p' for each w e Z[i] by induction in the degree of w. For w - 0, we have Qf' - (0)A c (0)p' and by p'SfSc vp\ we prove that C," c (0)p' implies fil" * " c (0)p'. Hence, <s»p - 0 er1 c (0)P: am 0 Let (w)p c (H')p', then (v + z •«>)/> - ((w)ft o)8 «-> ft c ((H>)p\ <7)fi -j ft - (h>, oyifi'Sf S)xj ft c (w, oXvp") <-» Qi -(0-+ r. w)p'<->ft.
Nondcteminutk Aulootalft ind KJ««M Tkeonrn 3gj It remains to verify that Q, c (w)p' Tor each * e £|tl In fact, 0 + * - * implies (0)p' + (w)p' c (w)p', and Q, c (f>)p' c (0)p' + (*)*>'. 1.4. In order to prove the basic properties of X •, we need the following results concerning composition of relations. Propmhloa. Let / X-+ Y be a morphism, and let g: X-* Z be a relation represented by an ur-mono m: R-* Y x Z. Let us form the pullback of/x Iz and m: A m/ \? X.Z R f«lj\^ Sm Y.Z Then *: J?-» AT x Z is an ur-mono representing/* g. Proof. It is easy to verify that the following square X.Z 'h x Y.Z is a pullback (where *„ and *, are the projections). Consequently, in the following diagram X"Z R X \ y \ a Y«Z \
386 Ch»pter Vtl the outward square is the pullback of/ and m • *,. The relation g is represented by m and hence, Id) - m • *r »"<! fin -<»•**. where x't:Xx Z-+Z and «i:rxZ-»Z are the projections. By the definition of composition, we have /• g - (m . x, • lr, /• "• • *zl — (m • *r, m • (/■ x 11) ■ xz\ — (m • »,, m • j^L Since, moreover m is an UT-mono (see lll.5.l(iii)],it follows that/* gIs represented by m. □ Corollary. For arbitrary morphisms /: X-» Y and g: Y-* Z, and for each relation A: Z-* T, we have (/•!)• A-/•(«•• A). In fact, in the following diagram R" Y.T Z«T with pullbacks as both of the inner squares, also the outward square is a pull- back. Let m be an ur-raono representing A. Then m" represents (f'g)'K and since m' represents f • A, it follows that m" alto representi/> (g • A). Reaaark. The proposition above can be formulated in terms of the pullback of/ and f,,,:
Nondctcflnhuitte Auuanu ind Kleene TImotob 387 It states that for each morphism f:X-*Y and each relation g: Y-* Z we have (/• t\n - i and (/• g\„ - /■ «,„. I J. Ltma. Let /: X-+ Y be a morphism. For arbitrary relations g: X-" Z and A: Z-" T. we have (/•I)'»c/.(|.»). Proof. Let m:R-*Yx Z be an ur-mono representing g, and n: 5-» Z x 7° and .^T-mono representing A. In the following pullback /\ Y x X PB R X Y Z we have, by the preceding Remark, (/• I*» - An and (/■» «),„ - /• g,„. The relation (/• g) • A is given by the pullback of/- g,,, with A,,,; this is obtained by "joining" the pullbackt of gm with A,„ and then of / with H: -/\T PB y\ PB x' Thus (/•«■)**-!*•#./•*• *,»! On the other hand, g. A-(A~.g,n. J- A,,,], and this means that there exists an /-epi t: 5-» 5 such that the canonical representing pair (g • AX„: 5-* Y and (g» AX„: S-* T fulfils
388 Chapur VII Let us form the pullback of/ with (g • A),,,: 0 h/ I vl / !- \ ' » ^ s A \ Then /•(*•*)-(*•./••(*• *W- We have (A" ■ g) ■/-(/■ e) • (g • A),,, because -/•*"• Sin -/• < • (g • *X,>- Thus, there exists a unique k: Q-* ft' for which the diagram above commutes. Hence, (/•«) •*-(*"•#./• I•*,.,! -l*-t/-«-(«-*X.,] -I***.* /••(! •*),.,] Reaark. Composition of relations with a morphism preserves intersections. More precisely, for each morphism f:X-*Y and arbitrary relations I,: Y-- Z (/ e /), we have C\/-g,-f- r\g,-X^Z (the intersection of subobjects of X x Z on the left-hand side, and of subob- jects of Y x Z on the right-hand side). This follows easily from the Proposition VI 1.1.4. Let m, be an .^r-mono representing g, (i € /). Then/« misrepresented by the pullback of/x I; with m,. fullbacks commute with limits, in particular with intersections (which are multiple pullbaclu, see 111.5.2). Thus,
Nondetenniniftic Aulomm ind Klecne Theorem 389 the pullback of/x Iz with f| g; is obtained by the intersection of the pull- 111 backs with g„ 1 € /. The formula above holds also for empty collections: here It g; is the largest i < • relation lr. ;and it is easy lo verify that/* lr, 2 — \„, i - \]f' g,. We can prove now that A ■ exists quite generally. Proaotttloa. If .X has intersections, and F is a varietor, then for each relational algebra (Q, S) and each relation A: /-* Q. the relation A* exists. Proof. LetA* - fl * where the intersection is taken over all state relations *'• C.V)-"(C. *) extending A. It is sufficient to prove that also A ■ is a state relation extending A. For each A we have A c r/ • A and hence, by the preceding remark, Ac nr/'A-TnA-TA*. And each A is a state relation, i.e., AF • S c 9 • A, and hence, by the same remark, and since A ■ F • S • c AF • S for each A, we get a*f.«c n *f»«c n «>•*-«>• n *-«>• a*. □ 1.6. Next we prove that the present concept of A* coincides with that studied previously in case both S and A are rnorphisnu. Proaotttloa. Let Fbe a varietor, and let (Q. S) be an F-algebra. For each moronism A: /-* Q, the homomorphism A •:(/,«•)-* (Q. S) is the least state relation extending A. Proof. The only statement lobe proved is that A * is the least one. Thus, for each state relation A: /* —* Qextending A, we shall prove that A' c A. Let m: R-» /• x Qbt an or-mono representing A, i.e., with Af|t ™ m. jf| and A(j) ™ m • jrj, where x, and *, are the projections of /* x Q. Since A* is represented as (l,a, A*L we have to find a morphism p: I' -» K with p- A,,, - I,, and p- A„, - A*. I. We present a morphism 6: UF-» R for which both Am: (R, S) -* (/*, <>) and A,„: (R, S) -* (Q. S) become homo- morphisms. We use the fact that A is a state relation, i.e..
390 Chapter Vlt AF» fie p • A. Since AF — [hmF, A,„F] (by definition), and since 5 - (I of. 51, clearly AF.«-|A,„F.A(1)F.«]. Furthermore, by Proposition VII.1.4, in the following pullback V IT.Q *"V\ /™ IMJ the ur-mono A:R~-+I'F x Q represents «>• A. Thus, denoting by s\ and *", the projections of I'F x ft we have (e>>A)(ll- «•*; and (♦* • A),], — m- »;. Since AF> £ c «> • A, there exists a mophism d: RI-+ R with A,hF—d-m-*', and A,„F-5 - d-m-*;. Put 5- </■«>. Then A(l, becomes a homomorphism because the following diagram commutes. And A(ll becomes a homomorphism because the folowing one
Nondcterninistic Aulomrti anil Ktecne Thtornn 391 commutes too. II. We use the condition Ac n» A. The composition n • A is represented in the following pullback -0 I by * (see VII.1.4). Thus, denoting by x" and *',' the projections of / x Q. then (n • A)„, - *• x", and (n • A)„, m A'X'7. Since n • A contains A, there exists a morphism q:l — A with I, — 4- #A - j»7 and A™ q-m-x^. We can extend q- f): I-* R to a homomorphism (</• 4)* '• ('*. «>)-► (". A"), Then («- «"-*.., - If because (/*,«>) is the free algebra and (q- /))* ■ A„, Is its endomorphism with q-(q-ffi'-hv, -q.i).hm - q-if-m-x, - q'ta-Hn x i0)-*>i
392 Chipler VII - fl. *•(»"• r/| - n- Furthermore, («•(?)••*,.,- A' because (4 ■ r)) * ■ htn is a homomorphism extending A: r/(«tf)**ii. - «-r)mjc, - qm-x', - A. Thus.f — (q- if)' is themorphism we needed. □ 1.7. For constructive varietors (IV.3.2). the free extension A* can be obtained constructively. Recall first that in case of morphisms, we have /• - Wt and A- -A'" for a sufficiently large ordinal, where A101 — A, the components of A" ♦ '•: I + If.F— Q are A and A'"F- S, and for each limit ordinal i, the components of A'":colim>f.-»e are A1" for n < /. In case A: /-• Q is a relation, we expect that A<": W, -* Q will be relations defined by an analogous induction. For this, we have to specify what it means for a relation r: A' + A" —"B to have components r : A —* B and r": A" —- B. It turns out that the folowing condition v' . r— r' and v" • r — r" (v', v" injections) is not satisfactory: Such rneed not exist, and it need not be unique (see Exercise VIII C below). Defkiitloa. Let A' + A'btt coproduct with injections v' and v". Given relations f: A' -* B and r~: A'-* B. we say that a relation r:A' + A"-*Bhas components r' and r* provided that (•) r c v' • r and r" c v" • r. and r is the least relation satisfying (•).
Nondeterminiftic Automau and Kletne Theorem The relations r* and r" are represented by pairs of rnorphisms: R* 393 and these form a pair consisting of r'(ll + /■",„ and the morphism r with components r'„, and r~tl: i. The relation r — [r'„, + r",,, f): A' + A"-* Bhas components r' and /•". Proof. Denote by v', v", w' and w" the coproduct injections as in the diagram above. We prove first that r' c v' • r. Let us form the pullback of •>' and /•;,, + r("„: r. *ff, A\A"
394 Ouptr Vlt Then (»' • r)m - rand (v' • r)ltt - i- rby Remark VII.1.4. Since /•;,,• »' - w' ■ ('In + r"ii)< there exists a unique morphism *: R' -* P for which the following diagram *.A" commutes. Then r,'n — w' • r implies '' - M,'ill - I*• '.*• <»• 'H c [f. }.f)-v-.r. Analogously, r" c v" • r. Next, we prove that r contains any relation s:A' + A~-*B with r" c v' • j and r" c v" • i Let us form the pullback of »' and s,„: S \/i»<\ * A\A" By Remark VII.1.4, the condition /•' c »' • J means thai there exists »■:*'-••£• with r,'„ - p- - r and r,"„ - p' - r ■ j,,,. Analogously, the condition r" c v" • j means that there is p": R~-* Sm
Nondctrnnlniitlc Automata and Klaane Tbtorra 395 with '<"> - P" • r •nd '(i) - P" • r ■ *a* The morphism p:R' + R"-»S with components p' ■ f and p" • f" fulfill '.'» + 'i"i - P • ■'m »i>d ' - P ■ h» In fact *' • (P- «c») - (P' • »") • *n - P' •*■•»" - 'i'd • »' and analogously "*■"•(/>• j,,,) - r,7, • v"—this proves the first equation. Further, *>'' (P ■ tod - P' ■ F ■ sm - r;„ and analogously, w~ ■ (p ■ j(ll) - r"„—this proves the latter. Consequently, ' - I'l'n + '111. f)-[p- *■». p • >&) c ut,» j,i,1 - s. a Rcsaark. The concept of components can be generalized to other types of colimits. For example let W-.a-tX be an a-chain with a colimit »,:l*;-»^(iE a). A collection of relations r'\ W,^B (/e o) Is said to be compatible if IS J implies r'c w,,j» r< (!,} e o). We say that r:A-*B has components r' if r is the least relation with r' c w, • r (I e a). We can express r as r— (collm rj,, r] where f is the morphism with components r,'„:
396 Ch.pler VII The proof is analogous to the preceding one. Comtrartloa. Let Fbe a constructive varietor in a cocomplete, finitely complete and ur-well-powered (/. .^category. For each relational algebra (Q, S) and each relation A: I—- Q, we define a compatible collection of relations X-i.lV.^Q (ne Ord) by the following induction. (a) A™ - A:/— Q: (b) given A"', then A'"* ": / + WmF^ Q has components A and A'-'F. 8; (c) given a limit ordinal land A1'* for each n < i, then A">: colim Wm—- Q has components A1"1 for n < t We must verify lhat the relations A"1 (n e Ord) form a compatible family and hence, A"1 is well-defined: to prove A1"1 c »..„• A'"1 (n< m) we proceed by induction as in Remark IV.2.4-. (a) A(m c w„, • A<" because A(m - A is the first component or A<": (b,) if A'"c W...-A'-1, then A""Fc h-„ „F • A<-'F: hence A"'F««c w...F» A(-'f. S and thus, A"* " (with components A and A<"F. S) is contained in »,4|,.4i •A1"* " (with components A and w. _F» A'"'F» 6); (bj) if A1" c w, „ • A1"1 for all n < Bo, where n0 <> ■ limit ordinal, then w^.-A'"' is a relation with A(" c w, „ • | w^„ • A'"1] (see Corollary VII.1.4) and hence, w^ m • A<-' contains A<"»\ (c) if A1" c w, „ • A'"1 for all n < m < i, where i is a limit ordinal, then we have A'-'c »..,• A'" (n< i) by definition of A1". I J. Propaajthw. There eitists and ordinal * with A" - A1". Remark. Since F is a constructive varietor, there exists an ordinal n with /* - If.. It follows that for each morphism A we have A* - A1". Nevertheless, given a relation A, the ordinal k with A* — A1" can be much larger than n. In Exercise VII.I.E below we show a case with n — I and k arbitrarily large. Proof. Let n be an ordinal for which the free-algebra construction stops, i.e., such that w,, is an isomorphism for each kin (see IV.2.5). The relations ■»..,. A'": W.^ Q (kin) form an increasing chain of subobjects of W, x Q. Since •* is uf-well-pow- ered, there eitists an ordinal * S n with
Nondetemtinbtte Aulomau ind Klecne Theorem 397 »..,• A"'- w,,,tl .A<"». We shall prove that then A" - A'". Here, /• - W, (because kin) with p - p, ■ wi',.,: WtF-* Wt, where an: WtF-+ / + W,F\t the coproduct injection. Since A'"F» S is the second component of A" * ", we have A'"F.«C p,.X>'*". Further, by Corollary VI1.1.4, w.,.'V»- ■»„.,♦,• A"*''- *„..• (*,.,♦, .A"*"), which implies A1"- w,.i.i •A"*1' because w,,, is an isomorphism. This proves that A"':(Wi,«>)-*(C, S) is a state relation: A"'F.<5c n • A" ♦ " - n . H>;!lt,.A"'-*».A"'. Furthermore, A"> emends A because A- A">c m.,.*'"- n» A">. Finally, let f:(Wk, p)-+(Q, S) be a state relation extending A; we prove that A<" c / We verify by induction on n that A'-'c ■»..,•/ (I) n - 0: since /extendi A, we have Ac m>0. i • / (ii) Assume A"' c *>..,'/■ Recall that n, - w^.* , and «>. are the coproduct injections or If,,, - / + W.F (Remark IV.3.2 (ii)|. We prove that w.. 1.1 • /has the following property: Ac n, •(«>.. )..•/) and A"'F •« c *»„ •(»,,♦,., • /). Since A"*" is the least relation with this property, this will prove that A"* " c w.t,., •/ We use Corollary VII.1.4 Tor the Ant inequality: Ac !)•/- n, •/- (n.t i-«-.»,.,) •/. For the latter, we apply the induction hypothesis and the fact /is a state relation, and we use Lemma VI.1.4: A""f. «c (w..,./)F.« c(w..,F./F).<5 c w...F-(fF-6) CW...F-(«••/)•
398 OupurVtt Nent, «• - p, ■ »T.i ♦ i. and since w.4 ,,„ , - I, + w..,F, clearly Hence, applying Corollary VII.1.4, we get W...F- (e> •/) - (w.,,F • «•) •/ - (♦».•«■.♦ i.i* i-i»o*i)»/ -(*•>».♦ !.•)•/ - •>.•(»'.♦ (.I*/)- (Hi) Let < be a limit ordinal with A1"1 c w.,, • / for each n < i. Then using Corollary VI1.1.4, we have A1"1 c h>... •/- w... • (m../) (» < ')• Since A1" is the least relation with A1*1 c v.., •A1", it follows that A1" c *>,.,'/■ This concludes the proof. □ 1.*. For partial automata, it is important that behavior is also a partial mor- phism. This we are able to prove for constructive varietors preserving monos of a constructive class (see IV.4.2): PuswHIua, Let Jf be a cocomplete, finitely complete and UT-well-powered (/. -iO-category with jH a constructive class. Let Fbe a varietor preserving JK- monos. Then the run relation of each partial F-automaton is a partial mor- phism. Proof. By IV.4.2, the varietor Fis constructive. Hence, the run relation pis A"1 for some ordinal * (by the preceding proposition). We prove that A"' is a partial morphism by induction in n. (i) A — Ain is a partial morphism in each partial automaton. (ii) Let A1" be a partial morphism. Since Fpreserves UT-monos, also A""Fis a partial morphism (V.2.9), and since £ is a partial morphism, we conclude that A'"F> Sis a partial morphism too (V.2.2). By Lemma VII. 1.7, we have A"'»-|II+(A'"'F. «),„,fl We know that (A"'F> £)IM e Jl and since .M is constructive, we conclude that li+ (A'"'//• S\„ « Jl. (iii) Let i be a limit ordinal such that each A1"1, n < i, is a partial morphism. Then (A%, - colim(A""Xn, by Remark Vll.1.7. Since all the moronisms (A'"V *re in jH and J* is constructive, (V'%, is also in Jt, La, A1" is a partial morphism. □ 1.18. Proaorirloa. In the category Bat, each varietor has the property that given a relational algebra (Q, S) and a relation A: /-- ft then (•) A-rj.A* and A'F> 6°-*•• A*.
Nondmnniniftic Automila ind Klcene Theorem 399 Proof. It it easy to verify that for arbitrary relation! rt:A,—-B and r,:A1-' B in Set, the least relation r.A, + ^i-" B with r, c v, • r and r, c r, • r actually fulfils r, — v, • r and rt — »i • r. Since each varletor in Sat is constructive (IV.4.3), we have A* - A'" for some ordinal * with in* 11 _ ■>?■ . . A"> It is easy to verify by induction that since n, is a coproduct injection, we have n„ • X1" — X for each ordinal n. Hence, n> A* - A. And since *>i is the other coproduct injection, we get ...a" -(«>,.<,,,). A'" - A'"f. s. a Reatark. Even in Sat we cannot dtfituX' by the equations (•) because such A * need not be unique (even if A and S are partial maps and f Is a finitary var- ietor, see Exercise VI 1.1 .A below). For partial maps A and S, we prove that (•) defines A* at least among partial maps: 1.11. Proaoslthw. Let Fbe a standard varletor in S«t For each partial /^algebra (Q, S) and each partial map X: 1-* Qthere exists a unique partial map A * satisfying (•) above. Proof. I. Fpreserves the compositions of a mono m:X-* Kfollowed by a partial map /: X—' Z - In fact, the composition is given by the following puUback P y x X R 1/ m\ A>
400 as Chapter Vtl m •/-I/* /ill- Since both m nad fm are monos, this pullback is an intersection and hence, F preserves the pullback by 111.4.6. It follows that (Bf/JF-l/y, if>F-A„F\- mF.fF. II. Let (C S) be a partial F-algebra, and let A: I—- Qbt a partial map. For each partial map h: I' —• Q satisfying A — r/ • A and <p • * — hF • S, we prove that * — A '. Let * be an ordinal with A* - A<" (see VII.1.8). We prove that A'"' — w,. i • * for each nS k by induction in n. (a)A1"- A- ij. A - m, • A. (b) Let A'"' - w., . A. By I. above, A<"<F- w.,F- hF. We prove that ihe components of w.,,, • A are the same as those of A" * ", viz. AandA'"'F.& Kf I«W„F W. k-F I-V^F W„F First, since r/. — hv . * i and r/ — r/, ■ 1. • (w.*i.i • A) - ij. A - A. »,,,i,*t have
Nondeterminituc Automm ind Klc«ne Thramn 401 Second, since f • A - AF • 6 and f - f> • wf', 4,, we have P. ■ (*.»!.»• A) - (f>.-H'.4.,.,<,.i»r.,.*i) • * - 0..»f- *>»-»Ti.i)* * -(hv.F. AF)-5. By I. again, 9. • (».» i.. • *) - (*..t • A)F- « - A'■»/?• 6. (c) The limit step is clear: A"1 - h>4, • A because the components are A'"1 — w,, • {w,, • A) by induction hypothesis. D Raaurfc. For relations A and 5, the solution of (•) is unique provided that the virietor F preserves preimiges (V.2.10). The proofis the same: in part I we prove that Fpreserves the composition of i mono mind a relation/since the pullback defining m • / is a preimage. EnrdMS V1I.I A. Free eitrasloas hi Set. Define a set functor F as follows: XF- |Zc Af;cardZ-2orZ-B|: fF:Z~(Z)f ifcard(Z)/-2, else, Z.-.B. (i) Verify that F is a fmitary varietor. (ii) Define a (deterministicI) automaton ^-(|l. 2|, « |l.2|. y, |l|. A) as follows: (Il.2|)5-2 and (0)fi- I; (Or-I; <I)A- I. Verify that the run map p: 111 ■ -♦ 11, 2| is the constam map to 111. (iii) Prove thai the rein Ion r: |l|* —|t,2| defined by (I)r- I, (x)r - |l.2|irx# I also fulfils p • r — fF • S and 17 • p — A, although r * p by (ii). [Hint: The relation r is represented by the projections of R - |(l, l)| w |(jt,(); ** Ml" — Ml and 1 - l,2|. To check (9)f r-(t)rF-8, use z- |(i, I), (jc 2)| € RF to get |l,2| - (z)r,„F € (9)rF and hence, (0)rF. S- |0, |l.2||«-(B)f>.r,etc.|
402 CtupierVtl B. Fret extratoas la R-Vact Let F be the identity functor of R-Voct (i) Define a relational algebra (X, 5) by 6 - R x R. Prove that Tor A - \,: R-+ R, we have A* n. A', (ii) Conclude that no relation r: Rm —• R fulfils A — n • /• and p • r— rf • 6. (iii) Define a partial algebra (R x R, S) as follows: (*, 0)5 - (jr, 0) and else undefined. Prove that for A — 8: R'—' R' there exist two distinct partial morphisms ru rt.W — K'with A — 17 • r, and p • r, — r,F • fi ((—1,2). [Hint: (X1)' - R1z| and we put for each (z)w- (a„. b.) + (a,,b,)i + Wi - I Z J,, 01 if 6, - ... - b. - 0, else undefined; (H>)r, . j Z j,,o) if 0 - 6, + ... + fc„ else undefined.| C. Categories of relittoas. Let .t be an (/, .#)-category for which relations form a category HofJT (see Remark VI1.1.2). Then jr is a subcategory of Ho) jr. (i) Prove that Sat is closed in Hal Sat under colimits (Hint: See Lemma VII.1.7. Let D: »-»8ert be a diagram. For each compatible family of relations rt;dD-* X, consider the corresponding family of maps f4:dD-+ exp X.) (ii) Prove that R-Vact is not closed in Hal K-Vact under finite coproducts: there even exists a partial map p:A-*B and iwo partial maps rlt r,: A + A —• B with p — v,'rt for i,j — 1,2 (where »,, *t are the injections). (Hint: Define fiR'-R'by (*>■)/>- (* v) if y- 0, and else undefined; define r,, r,: K4 — fl1 by (x, 0, >>, 0)r, - (x, v) and (x; >>, z, -y)r, - (x, r), else undefined.) (ili) Let jr be a concrete category with limits and colimits preserved by the forgetful functor U. Prove that jr is closed under colimits in He4 jr. (iv) Prove that if jr is closed under colimits in He4 jr, then for every constructive varietor f: jr-» jr, any relational algebra (ft S) and any relation A: /— ft the free extension A': (/', «>) — (ft S) fulfils
Nofxlflennmiuk Aulonuu and Klenie Thtona 403 (.) n.X'-X and p-X' -X'F- 8. If, moreover, j* Is constrnctive and F preserves -#-mono« and preimages, then A" Is the unique relation which fulfils the equations (•). (Hint: See the proof of Proposition VII.1.10 and RemarkVIM.il.) D. Partial algebra*, (i) For each varietor F: R-V»ct -♦ Jt-Vs)Ct and each partial f-algebra (Q, 6) verify that the free extension of each partial map X: /-» Q fulfill (•) above. (Hint: Use the fact that F is a constructive varietor.) (ii) Can (•) be used to define A'7 (Hint: Exercise VI I. IB.) (iii) Under what conditions on a category jr Is it true that for each constructive varietor F: jr -♦ .* the equations (•) hold for all partial moronisms S and XI E. Steps reqalrcd bjr X'. (i) Denote by G the set functor defined on sets X by XG - \M c X; M is uncountable! w |0| and on maps /: X-+ Y by (M)fS-(U\f if card M - card(M)/; (*Q/G - 9 else. Verify that G is a constructive varietor, and for each countable set /, the free- algebra construction stops after I step with /• - / + |0|. (ii) Describe the functor G acting on relations. In particular, prove that for each relation f: A-* B, the set (01/C contains any uncountable set M c B with U - (a)/ for some a e A. (Hint: Representing/by projections of a set R,c A x B, consider |a| x U e RfG.) (iii) Define a relational C-aJgebra (Q, S) as follows: Q- \x\ w(A/x (a>+ I)), where Af° is an uncountable set and tt> + I - |0, 1,2,.. .| w |oi|, and S is defined by (0)5 - M x |0|, (U x |0|)5- U x |0, l|, (A/x |0,11)5- Mx |0, l,2|, (A/x <o)6- A/x (<B+ I) and (Z)S — 0 for each remaining Z € gG. Prove that for the inclusion map X:\x\-* Q,vt have X' -X<-"> but X' +X<->.
404 Clupttr VII [Hint: For . - (0)f> € [x|*. we have X"> - (8)XmF. S - M x [0| and by (ii), (.)X»> - (g)X<«F. S - M x |0,11, etc, thus (.)A'«» - M x a but, by (ii) again (.)A'-"»- M x (<o + I).] (iv) For each ordinal * find a relational G-algebra and a map X with X' - X<"» but X' +X<". VII J. Nwsteertalabtlc LaagM«cs •■ Sat 2.1. We are going to characterize varietors in the category or sets Tor which languages recognized by nondeterministic acceptors coincide with those recognized by (deterministic) acceptors. As in case of tree automata (see 11.4.2) we define an F-acctpior as a quadruple A - (ft S, T, I) where (ft S) is a finite /'-algebra and 7 and /are subsets of ft (of terminal and initial states, respectively). The inclusion map X: /-* ftis extended to the run map p: (/*, p) -» (ft S). Then the language recognized by A a the set L,-\wi C;(.|pf r|-(7>-'. In general, sets tc /• (/a finite set) are called languages; a language is recognizable i(il is recognized by an f-ac ceptor. Again in an analogy to II.4.5, a nondeterministic F-acctptor is a quintuple A - (ft 6\ T, I, X) where (ft S) is a finite relational f-algebra, fc ftis the set of terminal states and A:/—'ft is a relation. We extend X freely to the run relation p:(/*, *>) — (ft, 5) (VII.1.3) and the language recognized by A is the set LA- \w e /\(H>)pr, 7>i|. If both S and X are partial maps, we call A a partial F-aaeptor. We say that a language is N-rtcognizable if it is recognized by a nondeterministic ^-acceptor; and P-recognizable if it is recognized by a partial ^-acceptor. For tree automata we know that the classes of recognizable, /^recognizable
Nondetermintelic Automata and Klaane Theornn 405 and ^recognizable languages coincide (11.4.6). This, as we prove below, is caused by the fact that the functors Hi cover pullbacks. Remark. A deterministic ^acceptor is a special case of a deterministic ^automaton with r - |0,11 as far as (i) the set T c Q'a expressed by the charact- eristicfunction y. (>-»|0.11 [with (?)x - I tttq e 7"|and(ii)X: I-+ fiisthe inclusion map of / c Q. For the nondeterministic acceptors, we have X arbitrary (as in the case of tree automata in Chapter II) in order to allow a nondeterministic interpretation of variables. The special choice of X for deterministic automata does not loose generality because the following proposition can be proved for each var- letor F: Sot -» Sot analogously as U.4.4.: ProaosMoa. A behavior />:/•-♦/" (/finite) has a realization by a finite ^automaton iff (1) the language (y)0~' Is recognizable for each y e /": (2) the set (/')/) c /"is finite. IX The main result of the present section is that for a certain class of "sufficiently small" set functors F (I) each /^recognizable language is recognizable iff F covers pullbacks (V.2.10); (ii) each /"-recognizable language is recognizable iff F preserves preimages (V.2.10). The sufficiency of these conditions is eaay, and we present the proof now (without restrictions on F, in fact). The necessity is quite difficult to prove, and we devote the rest of the present section to this proof. Proawltloa. Let F be a varietor in Sot which covers pullbacks. Then each /^recognizable language is recognizable. Proof. For each set Xdenote by e:expX-' X the "membership relation", i.e., the set e c [up X] x X of all pairs (A, a), where A c X and a e A. Then for each relation /: P-- X we have where J\P-* exp* denotes the corresponding map (1.3.4). Since F preserves the composition of relations (V.2.10), it follows that fF - fF* eF
406 Chapter Vtl Let A - (ft ft T, I, A) be a nondeterministic /^acceptor. Define a deterministic ^-automaton A-(apQ.S,\0. 11, y, U) as follows: S - A : (exp Q)F-+ up ft where A - sF ■ S v:expft-H0, l|; (AOr-l ifT Mr^T+9 and X: /-» expftcorresponds to the relation A. We prove that A and j{recognize the same languages (which will conclude the proorby Remark VII.2.1). If p: /• — ft is the run relation of A, then we prove that /):/•-» exp ft is the run map of A. The following diagram (up OIF -*■ «KpQ commutes (VII.1.10). Therefore. />:(/", «>)-<e*pft£) is a homomorphism. Furthermore, X-n-fi The language recognized by A is |we I,;(i»W-)' - l| ■ \w e /a;(w)0ri T* 0|, and this is just the language recognized by A. D Praaoattkm. Let f be a varietor in Sat which preserves preimages. Then each /^recognizable language is recognizable. Reaurk. For partial maps, we follow the usual conventions: we write (xtf- y[nol(i\f- b | land we say that (Jt^is undefined if (xtf - 8. Proof. For each set Xdenote by e:Xw\a\^X
Nonddcmiiniflic AutOflMU and Kleeitt Theorem 407 the partial map with (o)s undefined (a ii any element not in X) and (x)s - x for each x * X. Then Tor each partial map /: P-* X we have where/: /"-► JKw \a\ is the eztension of/wich (p)f— a ift(p\fa undefined. Since F preserves the composition or partial maps (V.2.10), It follows that /F-fF' eF. The rest of the proof is completely analogous to that of the preceding proposition. D 13. Example: A ■oa-recogalxaMe uufuge wblck It ArtcafalzaMe. Let A he the functor defined on sets Xby XD, - |(x, y); x, y e X, x * y\ w |«,| and on maps f:X-,X by (x, y)fD,-«x)f, (y)f) it (x)f+ (y)f and UjO/A - *r - («»)/A if (*!/■- OO/tsee VJ.IO). Consider the free IVal- gebra on one generator |x|". Denoting by • the element (•„,•)*> € |x|", we can describe the algebra |x|* by the following trees: 0 © The singleton language M c {x\- is ^recognizable. For example, the following partial ^-acceptor recognizes it: A.-W,o\,\y\,\x\.V) where Q - |x, y\ (x * y), (•,)& - y and (x, y)6* (y, x)S, are undefined, and (x)A, — x In fact, the run relation is the following partial map p:|*r-|*.>|: (x)p - x, (•) - y, else undefined. This language |«| is not recognizable, however. For each deterministic Di-acceptor A-IQ.S. r,|x|) with • € LA, we prove that LA is infinite. Since Q'n finite, there exists an infi-
408 Clupnr Vtl niteset£c |Jt|* on which the run map pis constant. Since • € LA, we have (•)P - (•ui»)l»- P - (•ui'V'Di • S - (.„)« e T. Then Tor arbitrary distinct v, w e L. the following tree AA is in LA because (OP - (», »■)«•• p - (», w)pD2. S - (.„)« e T. 14. For the rest of the present section we restrict ourselves to super-Unitary set functors. Recall the concept of standard functor (111.4.5). DcftaMlon. A standard set functor F is said to be super-finitary \( it preserves finite sets, and there exists a natural number n with XF- U TF T'_ X. od T ■ ■ for each set X. Empta. (i) The functor Wris super-finitary iff the type X is super-Unitary, i.e., consists of finitely many Unitary operations. In particular, Sjis super-Unitary Iff L is nnite. (ii) The functor ^(111.3.3) assigning to each set X the set ^of all finite subsets of X is not super-Unitary (though it is Unitary and preserves finite sets). For each natural number n and each set X of power n + I clearly X € XP, - U TP,. Cooreattoa. For each natural number n we put [n | — |l.2 n\ (in contrast to n considered as an ordinal, i.e., n — |0, I n — l|). This will simplify notation below. Elements ofjf" can be identiried with maps from [n\ to X. Given a type £, an element »!l, and a set X. we write fe X--XH, to indicate that / € XHC is an element in the p-summand X" of XHi. Remark. For each super-finitary functor Fthere exists a super-finitary type
Nonddemrinbtic Automata and Kkana Theorem 409 X and an epitransfonnation s:H[-*F. The proor is analogous to that or Proposition 111.4.3. We call e a presentation of F. A presentation is often given in the form of equations (* *.)o- 0"i y.)r where je £., r e X, and x,,y,*n elements of some set X (of variables). It is then understood that e is the least congruence on Hz such that the element (i, x.) € X' - XH, is congruent with the element 0>, ym) e .*" — JKW,. For example, the functor D, can be presented as a quotient of H, + HB by the following equation (x,X)<7-0 (where a denotes the binary operation and 0 the nullary operation). IS. Each presentation c:Ht-*F of a super Unitary functor can be "minimized" as follows. First, choose a set £ c X such that (1) for each a e X there exists r e £ with (W„)« c (//,)« and (ii) if a. r € X, c * r, then neither (//„)« c (#,)« nor (//,)*■ c (H„)£ [The inclusion (H„)c c (//,)« means that for each set X we have (XH.)e, c (JfH,)fj-l Since^T b finite, such a choice of £ is clearly possible. Next, define the arity (<r)ar for each a £ £ as the smallest number n for which there Is a natural transformation t: H,-+ F with (//.)« - (H.)t. Then £ and ir is a new type for which there clearly exists an ^(transformation *: Ht-~ F. We call I a minimal [mentation of F. Thus, a presentation f is minimal iff (i) a* r Implies (//„)*<t (//,)* and (ii) If (//„)£is a quotient of H., then |<r| (the arity of a) is at most n. Another characterization: PnipoaHlw. A presentation czHt—F is minimal iff the following two conditions hold:
410 Chapter VII (1) For each set X, each one-to-one /€ XH, (a E Z.,n> 0) and each a E XH,(n £)with (/)«x - (*)«x, we have a — r and *-/>-/■ for some permutation p: [n| -» [n\ such that (/>)«t-l - 0l.l)«(.r (2) For distinct a, r E H we have (W„)« * (//,)£ Reaurka. (i) In the language of equations in ihe variety F-A)g (see III.3.2), the condition above can be reformulated as follows: (1) Let an equation (■»i *.)<r - 0"i y.)T hold in F-Alg, and let n > 0 and i„..., x, be pairwlsc distinct. Then cr - r and there is a permutation p with y, — *„„ y. - jr,.„. for which the following equation (1.2 /i)<T-((l)p.(2)ft...,(/i)p)<T holds in FnAkj. (2) For no pair of distinct nullary symbols cr, r E X does a - t hold in F-Alg. (ii) For unary operations cr, condition (I) states that (/)*» - (»)«* implies /- g. because / is one-to-one and p — id. Proof. I. Let ebe a minimal presentation. Then (2) is obvious; let us prove (I). Since/is one-to-one, there exists a map with/-/- I,.,. Then 0(.i)«t.i-(»-/)«t.i because (l|.|)«t.|- (/•/)«!.! -(/l/^x-«t„ -(/)e,-/F
Nondetcraimiitic Aulomaia and Klcvne Theorem 411 -H)C-fF -<*)l/«x-«(.i - <*• • /)«(.l- This implies that (H,)e c (H,)e because Tor each A e YHm we have (*)«,-(!,„. h)eT -<lw)*«x-*> -<!«)*>■ AF -(*-/)*«x-er -(*■ f-l>)tTi (YH,)e,. By the minimality, a — r. Next, we prove that if Ci.i)«i.i-0»)«i.i (ps !"]«.), then pis a permutation. Indeed, if not, then pis not onto, say, n t (In])p. Let /: [n — l|-> [<i] be the Inclusion map, then p — Pi • j for some p,: [n)-» [n — I]. Define a natural transformation I: H._,-* H.by (AX, - p, ■ A tot each A € *■ -'. Then for each A e X' we have (*)«x-(l(.i)-AHx-*x -Oi.i)'«|.i- *f -(Pi'»«m-*>t -<P,'./)A«x«x -(P,->-*)«x -C/-A).(f.t)x. Hence the natural transformation I • e: //._,-♦ F has the same image as c: H. -* F—a contradiction with the minimality off. Returning to p — f - / we see that for my map / with /• /- I, the map j • / Is a permutation. This clearly implies that g is one-to-one and has the same image as / Then there exists a permuution p with /- p • g. And (li.i)« - (p)t follows from the fact that gF Is one-to-one: «l|.i)«(.i)*r"- (Ih)*Hx- «x - <*)«x and ((P)*!.!)**"- (P)*Wx • s, - (p • g)cx - (f)s„ and hence, (g)«x -(/)*> implies (I,.,)*,., - (p)«j.h
412 Chapter VII II. Let «fulfil the condition above. (a) For a e X. and r € £_. we prove that (W„)£ c (H,)c implies a - r. If n - 0, then BH. - B and hence, (BW„)«, c (»«,)«. Implies »//. * B, i.e., m — 0. Thus, a — r by (2). Assume n > 0. For/- I,., we get (/)«i.i e (|nlH.)«i., c (l/il//,)^., and hence, there exists g £ [n]//, with (/)«i.i - (*)«|.|- This implies a - rby (I). (b) Let I ://,-♦ F be a natural transformation with (//„)* - (//,)* (cr e £.), then we prove n s *. We can suppose n > 0 (since 0s* anyhow). For 11„ £ [n]H„ we can choose A € [n]//, with ("i.iXt.i-(*W.h Let g: ln]-*[n] be a map with a«D* - <I*D* »nd * • g - h. Then ('i.j)«t-i — (* • #W-i - (*)*«. • $4 - <*)$., • *f - OhM., • *f - (*)«i.h Thus, there exists a permutation p with g — p • I,., - p. Hence, gis a permutation, and ([*1)A - (|n])g - [n]. This implies n £ k. O Z.6. CMTtarkm. Let t:Hr-f be a minimal presentation. For each a e X of arity n > 0 put />. - |pe |nl";(p)«i.,-(I,.,)«i.il. Then P„ is a group or permutations. Indeed, by the preceding Proposition each p e P„ is a permutation. Since I,., e />„ and [n] is a finite set, it suffices to show that P, is closed under com-
Nondcumlnistic Automata and Kl«mc Theorem 4|3 position. If Pi.Pi E /", then (P. • Pi)«t.i - (Pi)Pi«r • *w - (Pi)«t-i • PiF -OuO*M'PiF ~ OniPiHf «(., - (Pi)«t.i -(li.i)«w- Hence, p, • p, e /"„. Reaurka. (i) For each nitural isomorphism a:H,-*Hm («, m finite) we hive ii — m end there exists i permutation p on [n] such that (f)<*x - p • f Tor each set X ind each / € X: In fact, pulp— lj„ E [n)W„. Since/W. • o, - a,,, •/H», we have (/)o,- p • / Proceeding analogously with a-', we find out that p is invertible. (il) More In general, let I ind £ be two super-finltary types for which i natural isomorphism o:Hx-Hf exists. Then for each a e Z. there exists 6* e £ with (H.)a - H, [i.e., with (XH,)ax - X/fe Tor each set X} This esublishes a bljection c>-> « from X. to 11, (for each n). Hence, Z is essentially the same type as £. Thus, a is determined by permutations p„ on [|cr|l (for ieI| in the sense that (f)<>i -p.-feXH, for each / e XH.. (iil) We prove now that minimal presentation Is unique up to a (non-essential) permutation of variables. PuipoatUsa. (Uniqueness of minimal presentation.) For arbitrary two minimal presentations c; Hz-* F and I, Hj-* F there exists a natural isomorphism a: Hz-* H/tot which the following triangle «-=—H, commutes. F K/
414 CtiplerVU Proof. For etch a € I. consider l|a| € [n]H„. Then (lt.|)«t„i e [n]F, tnd there exists O € X„andp„ € (n)Hjwith (■[.|)C|.I — (P0>^.h It follows thtt (//.)£ C (H;)l because for etch / s X" - AW, we htve ///r • ti — *w fF and /7/j • {, - ^.i • fF: applying this to I |Ih we get </)«, - «ii«)«(.a/F - «p.)«i.a/F - (p. • /)«»• Since sIs minimal, we conclude that n £ m. Analogously, for I,., € ]m]/f„ we can find u" € X,andp^with(l|n,^)<ja,l — (p'.)«(.i »nd hence, (H,)t c (//„)£. Since e is minimal, (W.)s c (W„ )s implies <r - <r', and since £ is minimal, we conclude that m£ ri — n. Thus, n — m. Moreover pi • p„ is a permutation, because c is minimal and (P'„ • P.)«w - (p'Jp.Wi • «t-i - (Pi)«n • P*F -0M.,-PS -0\.dP*Hf $.1 - <P.)*m - Ci.i)«i.|- Consequently, p, - (/>'„)"' is a permutation. Define a natural isomorphism by (/)<»x-P.-/ for each set X, each <r s £ and each/€ XH.. Then (I „)*)., - (/>„)*[.] clearly implies that ((/>x)*x - (f)e, for each/€ */fc
Nomleteniiiiiiltic AvIMlurtB *»d KktiM Theorem 4| 5 i.e., a • I - e. □ 2.7. Deflaittea. Let F be a super-nnitary functor with a minimal presentation c: Hi-* F. We say that F is perfect if for each a, r € £ each / € XH„ (not necessarily one-to-one I) and each g € HX„ (fUi- (*)«i implies o- - r and g - p-f for some p € /"„. We say that f is regular If for each a € I., r € I,, each / € JK7/„ and g € *//„ (/>»-(*)*» implies <I«u/- G>Dg; In other words. If (/)«, — (g)t>, then there exist maps pand p' with *-/>•/ and/-/> •». (This definition is obviously independent of the concrete choice of minimal presentation.) Exaatpka. (i) P, is perfect A minimal presentation is given by the transformation e:H,-» P, with (*. r)«x - I* y), i.e., by the equation (x, r)c - (r, *)o\ If (f)e - (»)«; then either f- got f- (x, y) and » - (y, *) in which case g — I'ftot the transposition /: 121 —»■ |2L Here f.-Mn.'l- (ii) fj is regular but not perfect. A minimal presentation is given by e: //,-» fjwith (x, r, z)s, - )K y, 1). The regularity is obvious. But tot f- (x, x, y) and g- (x, y, y) which fulfil (/)« - (g)cthere is no permutationpwith g— p-f. (iii) The functor A is not regular. A minima) presentation Is given by e: H, + H,-» D,with (0)s, - .,. l», if* - r
416 CtapMrVII i.e., by the equation (x.*)o--0. If/- (x, *) and g - 0>, y) with x + y, then (f)s - (g)ebut the images of/ and g are disjoint, (iv) Let Pbc a permutation group on the Mt (n). Denote by the quotient of H. given by the equations (*i. *J Jt.) c - (i,,,,, n,„ x,.w) (/> € P). That is, JW/. , - X"/~ where /~ * <ff t-P-f for some ;t P (/««*•)■ It is clear that H» , is perfect. Proaostttoi, A super-Unitary functor F is perfect iff f-LIw,., for some permutation groups P, P,. Proof. Each W.,,is perfect, and a finite coproduct of perfect functors is obviously perfect. Thus, we only have to prove that each perfect functor Fhas the form above. Let c: Hz-» Fbe a minimal presentation. Since f is perfect, a* r implies (W„)s n (H,)c - 8 and hence F- II (W„)s. And, clearly, (Ha)e with a € X, is naturally isomorphic to Ltisma. A functor Fwith a minimal presentation «: Hr-> f is regular iff for each <j € X. and r s X. with n S m S 2 we have (/)«i.i - (*)«w implies a»H^- <I»>D* for any/ € In)//, and $ € WW,. Proof. If F fulfils the condition above, we prove that Fis regular, l.e, for each a a X., r € £„ and arbitrary / € XH, and f € XH„ (/)«>-<«)«j implies (l"D/- a»"D*. Without loss of generality, assume nam.
Nondcteiminbtic Automata and Klaenf Theorem 417 (A) Let m — 0. We prove that is I. Assuming the contrary, we ean choose maps p, q: X-* [n] which have disjoint images, and we apply the condition above to a and a, with f-J-p and g-Jq. Since f (: B -► X) is the empty map, we have «•/»- i-1 and hence, (.0*1.1 - (*)*|.r (In fact. (/•P)£w - (/)/>>V*t.i - 0)ex-pF- (i)ex-pF- (*"•/>)«,., and analogously, (/• ?)«j.| - (i-?)«j.|.l This is a contradiction, since (InD/^ Q>Dg - ■• Ifn — I, then /is one-to-one and hence a — rand J— p-Jfor some permutation p(sec (I) in VI 1.2.51. Hence,/and f have the same image. If n - 0, then / - J (see (2) In VI 1.2.5]. (B) Let m — I. Then g is one-to-one and hence r - <j and / — p • g for some permutation p (see (I) in VII.2.5L hence, /and f have the same image. (C)Let m S 2. Assuming Q«D/i» QmD#, there exists a map p: X-»C1such that the maps f-J-p and t-iP also have distinct images. This contradicts to the condition above, since (Z)*H - 0)p»z- *t.i - tf)*,-pF and analogously, (*)«m - (#)«*' pf, and this proves thst (/)£,.,- (#;)«„. D Resaarka, (i) There is no descriptive characterization of regular functors, in contrast to the perfect ones. (ii) An analogous lemma holds for perfectness; Fit perfect iff for (J € I„ r € Z. with n £ m £ 2 and for arbitrary/ € \n\H„ and g € ]n]H„ (/) <M - (>)<)•> <mP'i*» c-r and g - p-ftorp € P.. (Ill) The lemma above can be formulated more symmetrically If no restrictions on the size of the sets AT are required: FIs regular UT for each <j, r € Xof arity £ 2 and any/e XH.and g € XH„ (/)«x - (»)*•«• implies image /- image g. 1A. Piuyuallloa. Each regular functor preserves preimages, and each perfect functor covers pullbacks.
418 Chapter VII Proof. Let c: H -* foe a minimal presentation of a regular functor F and 9 g i A—p»C be a pullback. If either g is one-to-one or Fis perfect, we shall prove that F covers this pullback. That is, for arbitrary a € AFand b € BFwith (oVF-(b)gF, we shall present a d s Df such that a - (</)jf and ft - (</)/f. (If gis one-to-one, then so are gand j"f, see Remark III.4.5, and hence, such d is then unique. Thus, factually preserves the pullback.) There exist a, € AHz with (note, - a and *o € *"i with (6g)ef - ft. Say o( € AH. where (J € X. and At> £ AW, where r € X.. We have (o.-/)«c - (Oo^Wr- «c - (a,)eA-fF- (a\fF. analogously with b, • g Therefore, («o-/)«c-(*.g)«c. Since e is regular, ihe images of a0 -/and 6g • g are equal. Hence, there exists a mapp:|n]-»|m] with 0,-f-p- b,- g. Let 4> be the unique map, for which the following diagram a„\ D —- B \l' !• A—j-^C commutes. We claim that d - (</„)«„ € Df is the element we are looking for. First, a - (flo)^ - («• • >)«< - («•)*«! • Ca - («•)«» • iF
Nondderminuiic Automata and KJaane Tbeoran 419 For b, we most consider the two cases separately. (i) If e is perfect, then (a„ • f)ec - (A,. g)^ implies a - r and p € P„, thus, b - (*,)«, -(p.b,)s.- (</, • /)s, - (ditto• JF (ii) If g is one-to-one, then so is gF and we have (b)tF- (a\fF- (d,)eB.gF./F- (4)4 • JF• gF, thus, again * - (4)4 ■ JF. D Rtaurfc. We see that for each regular functor, the ^recognizable and recognizable languages coincide. For perfect functors, the ^recognizable and recognizable languages coincide. We are going to prove that the convene holds, too. First, we prove a technical result concerning epitransformatlons |whlch actually holds in general (*\ .-#>categories as well]. 2.9. Lemma. Let e: H-* F be an epitfansformation. For each relation r: A —" B in the domain category of Fwe have rF — eA' • tH• c, and therefore, tH • c, c eA • rF 1 BH . -BF s Proof. Put r - |r„ rj with r,: R-* A and r,: X-» A Since sj' - [eA, \AH], it have AH- r,H RH- ',' ■ RF ''"I ',F
420 Chapter VII «;' • rH - {sA, \AH) . {r,H, r,H] - [r,H • eA. r,H\. Therefore, eA' • rH• t, — [r,W• cA. r,H■ e,] - {£, • r,F. £, • r,F]. Since c, is an epi, the last pair represents the same relation as [r,F, r,F], Thus, eA' ' rH • c, - rF. Since \AH c cA • sj', this implies rH' c, c eA • t^1 • rW • c, - eA • rf. D Remark. The equation rH • £,- eA' rF does not hold for relations rin general, see Exercise VII.2.C below. 2.10. Theorem. For each super-linitary functor f. the following are equivalent: (i) Every /"-recognizable language is recognizable: (ii) F preserves preimages; (iii) F is regular. Proof. It suffices to prove that a functor F which fulfils (i) is regular]since (iii)-»(ii) is proved in VI 1.2.8 and (ii)-»(i) in VI 1.2.2). We first construct /"-recognizable languages with special properties for an arbitrary super-linitary functor F. Then we prove that the fact that these languages are recognizable implies that F is regular. I. Let e: Hz-+ F be a minimal presentation of an arbitrary super-finittry functor F. For each us £„ n a 2, we shall find a partial f-acceplor A, recognizing a language /,c/« with the following properties: (a) For each one-to-one n-tuple w € /•//„, the element (*■)«/■ • p s /■ fulfill (w)t,. ■ pe U iff w, w. € /,. (b) For each constant m-tuple we I' H„ I € Im, m > 0, (w)e,m .as I, provided that w, € /,. (c) Both Z, and /* — i„ are infinite sets. The partial acceptor A, - (Q, S. T, /, X) has only two states I, 2 with I
Noodctcnntnlitic Automata and Kkcna Theotaa 421 terminal. The partial map is denned In q s \l\F Iff there exists r € £,, m > 0, and a consUnt m-tuple a € (2]Hrwith 1 - <«)•«: in this case, («)« - I (and otherwise (q)6 is undefined]. The object / is |2n + 4), and the partial map X:{2n + 4]-[2] is deHned by (I )X - (2)X - ... - (n + 2)X - I, else undefined. Since both 6 and X have only one value I, alio the run relation p', /* —" Q is a partial map which has only value I, It follows that the language Z, or A. consists or those u € /* Tor which (u)p is defined. (a) Let » be a one-to-one tuple in (/*)' — /"//„, Then (>»■)«,• • e> is in Z, iff I - (w)e,a .p.p- ((w),a . pf). 6", and this holds iff there is a constant m-tuple a € (2]W„ r £ X., m > 0, Tor which (w)s,a .pf-taje,,. By VII.2,9, (w)S,a • pf - (»v)t,a • eS- pHz • £,„. Since e is minimal and h> — (h>, h>.) is one-to-one, we have (w)t,a . sji - |p . w; ;e />„!, by Proposition VII.2.5, Thus. Hence,(»)«,• • pf is equal to |((h>„)a. ..,(«vfc)p);p s Z*.]^provided that all (H>y)p are defined {J- I n) and It is undefined else. Therefore, (H>)C,a • C> S Z» iff (ivf)p are defined for all j— I n and there exists a constant tuple a € (2)//, and />€/>„ with (/> • w • p)c^ - (a)^ If this condition is fulfilled, then wt € Z» for j — I n [because (H>,)p
422 Chapter vtl are delined]. Conversely, if wt € Z, for /- I,.. , n, then (w,)p-\, w p - (\ I) € [2]//„and we simply put p - I,., e />„and a - h>> p to conclude that the condition is fulfilled. (b) Let w - (h> w,) € (/•)" - /•//„ / € £„, m > 0, be a constant tuple with h>, € /,. Then (w)pHI - (1 I) e [2]H„ and therefore (w)p//r. £j„. 5- I, By VII.2.9, (w)pHt • egg • £ c (H>)t,» • pF' S c. (*■)£;• •♦>•/». Hence, pis defined in (h>)£,> • p. I.e., (*)«,• • e> € /,, (c) To prove that Z, is infinite, we observe Pint that it contains 1,2 n + 2 because (i)o-(iM-I for 1-1.2 n+2. Since n S 2, it is sufficient to exhibit a one-to-one map from the set exp.Z, of all n-point subsets of L„ into L,'. we know that Z, has at least n+2 elements, and therefore it cannot be a finite set. For each set | h> w.] € exp,/,, we choose an arbitrary ordering and we obtain a one-to-one n-tuple w € Z»W„. By (a), (>»■)«,• . p € /», and the map assigning (h>)c> • pio |w, h>.| is one-to-one [because e,t is "essentially" one-to-one by the minimality of e, and also p is one-to-one, see IV.4.2, Remark (i)]. Analogously with the complement /* — /*,. It has at least ■ + 2 elements: n + 3, » + 4 2n + 4. And for each set | h>, w,] of n elements In /• — Z» we have, by (a), (»)«,• -t? s /• — /,. 11. Let f be a super-fini'tary functor for which the above languages Z, are recognizable. We prove that then Fis regular. Let Jfbe a set and let/ e XHcmA g € JCW, be elements with (f)Sx - <*)«>• It suffices to prove that im/(the image off) is a subset of im g, i.e., if b s im / then b € im g (by symmetry, then im/— img). Let nbethearity of o~and m be the arity of r. We can suppose that n, m are at least 2 (see VI1.2.7. Remark (iii)l; we use the language U. Let (Q.S.T.I) be /^acceptor recognizing L,. Since Q is finite and Z, is infinite, there exists an infinite set L c Con which the run map pis constant, say, with value qa'. (u)p - qa for each u € L\
Nondeteraitniftic Automata and Kleenc Theortm 423 analogously, there exists an infinite set L c /* — U, and q, € Q with (u)p — q', Tor each u € L. Let h> € /* //„ be a one-to-one n-tuple such that h>, € L if (/)/> ft; w, € L if (0/- ft- Then (w,)p - q, if (0/- ft and (w,)p - q, if(i)/> ft. Therefore, the map e: X-* Q defined by (ft)r - q', and (x)r - q, for all x € * — 1*1 clearly fulfils f-e- wp: («)-►(?. By (a) (w)s,. • e> « /., since w, « X, for at least one i € [n]. Thus, (h>)s,. • q> • p t T. And we have (w)e,m . q>.p - (w)e,m ■ pF- S - (*>)pHf ««• 6 -(/)fWi-*0-« -(f)cx-cF-6 -(K)s,-cF-6 -(*'C)«(,-fi. Hence (4--c)*V,-6-< r. This implies that ft € im g: otherwise •>• c is the constant m-tuple (f0, q>< ■ ■ ■• ft) E 0Hr. But («o, ?• «i)«e°" e r by (b) in I: choose a constant m-tuple w € /*//, with *, € L, then (*)£,• • •> € X,, hence, (*)s,. . e>.p - (w)pHi- %• 6" - (ft, «. «,0«9' 6" € T. This concludes the proof. D 2-11. Lemma. Let Fbe a super-finiury functor with a minimal presentation
424 Chapter VII c. //r-» F. Let a s I., n i. 2, and let y be an equivalence relation or (nL Then there exists an iV-recognizable language Lc /*, /a finite set and subsets L L, of /" with the following properties. (a) Let w s /*//, be a one-to-one it-tuple with *>, el,,,..., w. € L,. (r„ ..., r, € (iiD. Then (*)£,• • e> e L iff there exist permutations p, p' € P, with f(/»r(Op' fori-I n. (b) For each r € X of arity m £ n, r * c the restriction * - (h>„ ..., W.) € /•//,0fH>ruinis(H»)C(.'«7< L (c) The sets L„ ...,£. are infinite and i, - L, i(T f r7 (4./€ [n]). Proof. I. First suppose that the given equivalence relation y is non-trivial, i.e., y + [n] x (fi). We define a nondeterministic /^acceptor on the state set ft - [n] x [n] v |z|. where z is an arbitrary element outside of in] x [11]. Put ^ - (ft ft \i\. /, AX where / - in] x (n + 2] and the relations 6 and A are defined as follows. Put ft - \(Kj) € In] x [■]: kyi\ for i - I n and define U7)A - ft for all (A,) € in] x (n + 2]. Define a map / s ft/ii (i.e., /: |n] -► g) by </)f-(tl) </- I n), and for each q € Of put (ft if f - (a)gg for a one-to-one a € QH, with a, o. s ft (is M): 1*1 if «-</)*„; 0 else. This relation is well-defined because c is minimal: (i) (i)Cq + (a)t0 for any a € Q' because there exists./ € (n] not equivalent to i under y. and then a i» p • / for any permutation p [because (/, I) is in the image of / but not of a]:
Nondclennlntftic Automata and Klcenc Tntorcin 425 (ii) (a)gg i» (fr)fg for any one-to-one a € Q' c (?W„ and ft € g; c £//„ with Q,+ Q, because, again, b * /»• a for any permutation p (here a and ft have disjoint images). Let L be the language recognized by A, and let L,- |u e /•;(«)?- 6|. /-I n, where p: /• -" Q is the run relation of -4. (a) Since z is the only terminal state, we have (*)«,• • «» € L iff t € (»>)£,• • e> • p — (■/)£;• ' pF • 6 (see VILLI2) and this holds iff (/)«•„ € (w)s,. • pF - (■»)*> • t;*1 • p//r • «j by VI1.2.9. Since £ is minimal and h» is one-to-one, we have (W)t,a . tfl - |(H>lly »„„); p € />.|. Therefore, (>»)«,• • p € L iff (0«o « U ((>»„i,)p k ... x (H-„„)p)«j, (because w, € A,) or equlvalently, (0«e - C>9 for some (" € Qvif x ... x ftw. By Proposition V1I.2.5. this equation holds iff there exists p' e /", with f-p'/. We have (", - r(n,- € g,w, in other words, (l)p'rr,n, tor I- I n. <b) Aaaurne that re Im (#n £ «) is such that the restrioion tr € lm H,ot w fulfils (*)«,• • <? s i. By an argument similar to (a) above, we verify that (0«e « U ((H>(1„)p x ... x (i»(.„)p)«9. Since r is one-to-one and e is minimal, this implies <j - r. (c) To prove that i, is infinite, we observe first that (t I) U"+ 2) s i, because (tV)P - (>./W - 6- Since n s 2, it is sufficient to exhibit a one-to- one map from the set exp, L, of all »-point subsets of L, into L,. For each set |h>, h>,] € exp, L, we choose an arbitrary ordering and we obtain a one-
426 duplet vii to-one n-tuple » € L' c /•//„; we prove that (h>)£;« • t> E L,. By Lemma VII.2.9. (»)«,• • e> • p - (w)t,» ' pF' 6 — (■>»■)£,• • tjij • pHr • gg • 6 - r\)^lw'<»)P * ■■■* (»W>P)«o - (c;)«„ • «• By the dennition of S, it is clear that the last set is Q,. Since <? is one-to-one (IV.4.2. Remark (i)] and e is minimal, the passage from |w, w.] to (w)e:* • p is clearly one-to-one. Hence. L, is infinite. Gearly 1,-1, ilT if/. II. Let y — (n) x (n). Then we are to present an ^recognizable language L c /* and set L, c /* such that (a) for each one-to-one n-tuple h> e L; c /•//„. (w)C(a -pEL: (b) given r* crofaritymS n and denoting by * E /*W, the restriction of w, then (*)«,• 'fit; (c) L, is inflnite. Define a nondeterministic acceptor A-U2.S. [n], |n + 21 -I) as follows: Q - [nl for l,„ E {n]H„ put ((l,„)«i„)fi - {n\ and else («)« - B. and (i)A — |»1 for all i — I n + 2. Let L — L, be the language recognized by A. (a) Each state in A is terminal and hence, (w)t,. .fti iff (l[„)«o e U ((wn^Jpx ... x (w„„)p)«g. The argument is as in I above. Since w, € L, - L implies (w,)p - Q for f - I n, we get Ii.i « (»dP x ... x (w,)p - <?". The proofs of (b) and (c) are analogous to I above. D 2.12. TkaoitsL For each super-finitary functor F, the following are equivalent: (i) Every Mrecognizable language is recognizable; (ii) F covers pullbacks: (ili) F is perfect.
Nondetenntnlitfc Automata and Klctna TlMoreni «27 Proof. It is sufficient to prove that each functor with (i) is perfect, since (lii)-»(il) is proved in VIU.8 and (ii)-»(i) in VII.2.2. Let e: Ht— F be a minimal presentation. We use the fact that the language L in the preceding lemma is recognizable. We first prove that for a € I. and r € Zm. (/)*>-(()•> implies <j-r (f € XH„and g s XH,). We can suppose n S m S 2 (see VII.2.7). We use Lemma VI 1.2.11 for the trivial equivalence f — (n| x (n|. Let (ft S, T, I) be an F-acceptor, recognizing L Since L,(- Lj — ... — L.) is in infinite set and Q is finite, there exists an infinite subset £| c L, on which the run map p is constant, say, with value q, € ft Choose distinct h>„.., w, € £,. This yields w € /'//.such that, by (a), (»)«(• •«'€/. Thus, the following state «l - (•»)«;' • V P- (■»)«";• • pf • S -(»)pHf£q-6 - (*>. «0. •--. «a)«fl • 6" is terminal. Denote by e: X-* Q the constant map with value ft, then («o.ft.• • •.«a) - f- c and thus, ?, - (/• c)«v S -(/)f«i«o-« -(f)s,-cF.6 -(K)sx-cF-6 - (g• f)«e • & Let * - (w h>.) e /• //, be the restriction of if, then clearly (*)pWr - («o. «•.•••. «a) - «• f»nd hence «, - (w)p//r • «e • 6" - (*)*;a • f> • p. This implies (*)«,• • e> e L. By (b), this proves r - <j. II. We prove that given c s X, with n S 2 and / g € *//„, then (/)«>-(g)«V implies %-p-f for some ;E />,. We apply Lemma VI 1.2.11 to the kernel equivalence r of / (i.e., iyj Iff ('V- VIA Let ^ - (ft ft T, 0_be an /^acceptor recognizing the language L. For each i € (/iL the set L, s /* is Infinite and hence. It has an infinite subset L, on which the run map p is constant. By (c) in VII J.I I, we can choose these sets L, so that £, - L, whenever W- U)f Denote by qt € Q the value of p on L,, I € (n|. Let w € /*//„be a one-to-one n-tuple with w, € £,. By VII.2.11 (a) (with '- P-P' - 1) (H>)S,a .ftl.
426 Chapter VII Thus, the state q. - (w)e,m -vp - (*)£,. • pF• S - (*>)pHt ■ «« • S is terminal. Since (w,)p - q„i € (n), and since (i)f- (/Vimplies q, - q,, we can find a map c:X-> Q such that <(Q/V-ft. >'-! ". I.e. /. c - (w)pHt. Thus, «.-(/• 0«b- « -(/)fWi-<0-« -(«)«,• ff-fi - (* • 0«tJ • *• Since F is regular (by Theorem VII.2.10) and (/)«t - (j)£r. the images of/ and f are the same and hence, g — r • / for some r s |n)". Choose a one-to-one n-tuple * e /• H„ with *i s £ *. s £.. Then clearly (*)P«i - (* iJ - r • /• c -g • c, therefore «.-(*• c)«« • « - (*)pHt • «e • fi -(*)«•,. -pf.fi - ((*)«,• • 9) • p. Hence, q. s T implies that (*)«•,• • e> s L, which, by VII J.I 1(a), means that there exist p, p' s /"„ with '^fOp' (' « I"D
Nondctennmiitlc Automata and Klccnc Theorem 429 i.e., with p. r.f-p-.f. Then 1-r-f-(p-'p)f and, since P~' • P « K. this concludes the proof. D Exercises VI 1.2 A. Minimal prcseatatloas of super-flaltary foactera. (i) Let e: Ht-* F be a minimal presentation. Prove that for each presentation c'\ Hr-* F there exists a monotransformation fi: Ht-* Ht with e - n • e'. (ii) Why is the epitransfonnation e: H,-+ F, given by (x, x)e - 0-, y)e not a minimal presentation of a superfinitary functor? (Hint: F is not standard.) (iii) Change 9F of the above functor F to obtain a standard functor and find its minimal presentation. Compare with Example (iii) in VII.2.7. nVFancion f.iKellM.I). (i) Prove that for each natural number n, the functor P, is regular: for which n is P, perfect? (ii) Write down a system of equations for a minimal presentation of Ps. (iii) Define a nondeterministic P,-acceptor A-W\),S.W\.\x.y\,X) by (I3I)« - (3| and (M)« - |3| if Af * (3|: (*)A - (3| and (y)A - |3|. Prove that the language LA recognized by A is not recognizable. (Hint: Verify that LA and /* — LA are infinite sets and for »,, („ (3 € /■ pairwise distinct, (|r„ (,, (j|)«,« • e> € LA iff at least two of the elements (,, (3, (3 are in LA.\ C. Relatioaa aad eplrraasfonaatkw*. ft) Prove that the minimal presentation s:Ht-»Fo( a perfect functor F has the property that for each relation r: A —- B we have eA» rF~ rHt» e9.
430 Ctwpttr Vti (ii) Verify that the minimal presentation of D, (VII.2.7 (iii)| does not have this property. (Hint: Consider r: |x, y\ -* |x| with (x)t — x and (y)r undefined! D. RecognlzaMIHy. Let I - I, w I, with Z, - |0| and I, - |<r, r|. The quotient f of Ht, given by the equations (x, x)a - 0 and (x. x)r - 0 has the property that the recognizable, /^recognizable and ^recognizable languages form three distinct classes: (i) Proceeding analogously as in Example VII.2.2, find a ^-recognizable language which is not recognizable. (ii) Define a nondeterministic acceptor A-U2lS.[2].\x,y\.X) by (x)A - (y)A - (2|; for lra € (2|W„ put ((!„) e„)S - (2| and else S undefined. Verify that the language LA recognized by A is not /*> recognizable by proving the following properties: LA is infinite and for arbitrary (i, (; € LA with r, i» I; ((«„ «i)o-)e,. ■ «• € LA and ((»,, l,)r)e,. ■ <> t LA. (Hint: To prove that a partial acceptor cannot recognize such a language, consider an infinite subset of LA on which the run relation is constant) VII J. KImm Tfceoren 3.1. For sequential and tree automata, Kleene theorem characterizes the languages recognizable by finite automata as the rational languages (i.e., those obtained from finite languages by union, concatenation and iteration). In the present section, we define concatenation and iteration for each super finitary varietor fin Sal We prove that Kleene theorem holds iff F is perfect This shows that there is a deep interrelationship of the concepts of recog- nizability and nondeterminism: rational languages coincide with recognizable languages iff these coincide wiih ^recognizable ones. 3.2. DeflatthM of coacateaarloa. Recall from 11.4.8 that for two L-lm languages L, K c /* (where / is a finite set of variables) and for each x € /, the x-concatenation is the language L-,K<z /• of all trees obtained from Af-trees by substituting some /.-tree for each leaf labelled by x. This can be described algebraically as follows. Let us form the free algebra over the disjoint union of / — |x| and L:
NondcteminMc Automata and Klcem Theorem 431 (/ - |x| + /.)•. Its elements arc finite trees with leaves labelled by variables other than x, or by elements of L. (If L contains a variable y € L, we distinguish it from the element in /by writing/.) Example: L - \x, l\ with 0© then >„ >, e (/ — |jc| + L)' for the following trees For each s € (/ — |i| + /.)• denote by (r)a € /' the tree obtained from s by substituting each leaf I e L by the actual subtree i: 0 © 0 0 Thus, we obtain a map a:(/-|*| + /.)■-./' which is the homomorphism freely extending the map o,:(/^|jr|)+ /.-./■ both components of which are the inclusion maps.
432 Chapter Vtl Each tree in L-, K has the form (j)a for some s € (/ — |i| + L)'. More in detail, for every tree s € (/ — | jc| + L)' denote by (J)ft € /' the tree obtained from s by substituting each leaf I € L by x. Thus, we obtain a map 6:(/-|x| + /.)■-./■ which is the homomorphism freely extending the map V(/-|*| + /.)'-./■ the first component of which is the inclusion map and the second is the constant map with value x Then L-.K- |(j)a; s € (/ - |i| + /.)• fulfils (s)b € K\ or. shortly, L-.K- |(j)a: J€ (K)b-'\. 3 J. More generally, let Fbe a varietor in Sat, let /be a finite set and let K, L c /■ be languages. For each x € /we denote by Ou. fto=(/- |*|) + /--» /" the following maps: the first component of a, and bt is the restriction of n: /-• /*'. the second component of a, is the inclusion map, and that of fro is the constant map with value (x)n. These maps can be extended freely to F- homomorphisms a,b:(l-\*\ + /.)•-./'. Oeflaltlo*. The language L-.K- |(j)a: J € (AT)ft-'l c /' is called the x-concaienaiion of L and AT in /. This definition turns out to agree well with the concatenation of tree languages: if e: Ht-* F is a presentation of f-algebras as JT-algebras (II 1.3J).
Nondclenninitlk AuKmau ud Ktome Theorem 433 then we prove that concatenation can be performed on the corresponding tree language! with the lame result. Cooreation. For each presentation s: Hz-* F we denote by (/•,«>) and »:/-»/■ the free ^algebra, and by (/••,?•) and if:/-./•• the free JT-algebra. Recall from III.3.I that each ^algebra (ft 5) defines naturally the /fx-algebra (ft £j ■ 6). We denote by *;:(/'•,»*)-(/■.«;■•»>) the unique £homomorphism extending 17: /-» /*. For each L c /■ put /• - (L)£J< c /••. For each tree / € /■• put </>-|j€ /■•;(!)£,-(I)f,|, and given /. c /■*, then </.> - u^o. Remit. For each x € / we have <*> - 1*1 • In fact, I'-I+I'F and /••-/+/••//, (sec IV.3.1) and *, - I, + (l,Ht) ■ «,.. Hence, ((x)n)*,-1 - |(jr)if| and since if: /-. /■• is the inclusion map, (1) — |i|. }A. PropMirJoe. For arbitrary languages K.L<zl' and each x € /, we have L.,K-{L»;K^il. Proof. Denote by a, *:(/ — |x| + /.)'-./• the homomorphisnu from the definition of concatenation of Slanguages, and let a* *•:(/- |jc| + /.)••-. /•• by the corresponding Wj-homomorphisms. Denote by <%:(/ — |x|) + /.• — (/— |x|) + Z.
Analogously, e- b- Therefore b* - *»• -«? •ft. •ft 434 Chapttr Vlt the coproduct of I, _,,, and the restriction of ft to L*. Then clearly 4 - a, - af ■ I, and 4 • K - bf ■ ft. We have a unique /fi-homomorphism e:(/-|x| + /.•)■•-.(/-|*| + /.)« with n* - e - 4 • 17. Then t is easily seen to be onto. We have e ■ a - a* ■ ft:((/ - |x| + /.)■•. *>•)-. (/', s,. • e>) because e • a and a* • ft are £homomorphisms with ft). (/.• -. K*)i, - |(j)a« - ft; * € (AT'XftVl -!(')«• a: (!)»••«,€ K| -1((j)«)o :((»)«)»€ AT|. Since e is surjective, we get (/.• •, AT*)*/ - l(«)a: (0* e K\- L;K. D ResnriUL (i) For each standard Unitary varietor F we can assume that / c J implies /■ c Jm and for the inclusion map v: /-» J, v*: /* -> J' is also the inclusion map. In fact, recall that the free algebra is determined only up to an isomorphism, and the same is true about coproducts. Assuming a standard choice of copreducti in Set, we can guarantee that X<z X- and Kc ¥' imply X+ Kc X + T. Then /* c Jm follows from the fact that /■ - U W, with ft < m W, - I and »",.,-/ + W.F, analogously with J'. We have W, - I c J - WJ,
NoMfatefminblJc AstMnsta and Kkcnc Thcornn 435 and if W, c W'„ then l^fc W,F (see III.4.5) and hence, *"..,-' + »".F<zJ+ I*".- 1^,,. It u eaiy to verify that v* u the inclusion map. It follow! that for/: I-* Q and for g: ]-» Q extending/ and for each ^algebra (Q.8), alio/•:(/•, •>)-»«& 6) is extended by g':(J', f) — (Q.S). (il) Concatenation can depend on the set of variables: given / c J and x € /, then for K, Ic /' (c J*) the language* L;K (in /) and L-,K (in J) can be diatinct. We prove bdow that this cannot happen for a regular functor F. £3. DcflaMoa. The x-lleratlon of a language Z. c /• in / Is defined for each x € / with (jr)n e L as the following language L"-L w (L-.L) w {L-.L) -, L) w {{(L-.D-.L) -, L)... Analogously to the concatenation, the iteration agrees well with that for tree languages: PnpaaWaa: For each language L c /• with (x)n c L, we have L" - ((/•«)*,. Proof. I. We prove first that given languages L, K c /• and a tree language £c /••with (£)*,- L, then /..,*-(£,*•)*,. For this, It ia sufficient to prove that /.• -, K* c (£., *•> because then by Proposition VII.3.4 we get L -, K c (£ •, /f*)<„ and the reverse Inclusion is dear. Let r E I? -.K*. Then we have a tree t E JC* and for each i-labelled leaf e e (*)«-■ a tret s, € L* such that ris obtained from I by substituting each c e (jr)f-1 by i,. Since mi'- ((£)fi)*r', we can chooae s't E £ with (j,) — (*,'). Let r" be the tree obtained from f by substituing each c E (!)("' by s',. Since the equivalence i"r • lj' is a congruence on the free algebra /**, dearly (.<■) - <0-
436 Chapter VU Further, r- € L .. AT* which proves that r € <£ •, K*). II. By Proposition VII J.4, we have L ; L - (I? : /.*)«, and using I above, we conclude that (/.,/.) .,/.-((/• ,/.•)• .f)l, and we use I again, etc. Thus. L" - L w (L.. L) w ((/. •. L) ; L) w ... - {If w (/.• •, /•) w ((/.• -, /•) -. tf) w . .)*,- ((/•)-)*,. Q 3.6. By VII.2.5. if e: Ht-» F is a minimal presentation, then for each basic tree s — (x„..., x,)o* with i, pairwise distinct, we have W- lOW *«.i,)c;/»€ J>.|. We generalize this to more complex trees, and then we use this generalization In order to prove that Kleene theorem does not hold for functors which are not perfect. Lemma. Let e: Ht -» F be a minimal presentation of a super-finltary functor, and let s - {s, s.)a € /•• (c e I., n > 0) be a £tree with (*,),..., (*,) pairwise disjoint. Then <*> - 1(4 l.)<r; 4 € <*,„) (i - I,.. , n) for some p € P.\. Proof. For each tree I € /** we have I e (s) iff {1)1, - {s)i„ and if this is the case, then 11 I by Remark VIIJ.3. Thus t - (4... , l.)rfor some r € r,. Since i, is a homomorphlsm, we have (*)*/ - (' •».)** • «/ - ((*.)«"< (J.)<i)fi* • «• and analogously. (»)*,-((4)*, («.)£,)*,.•«..
Nonddermlnlftic Automata and Klecnc Tbeomn 437 The map e> is one-to-one (Remark IV.4.2) and hence. I € (j) iff ((*.)*, Ml,)*. - ((»,)*, («.)*,)«,.. By hypothesis, (*,)£, are pairwise distinct elements of /■ and hence by VII.2.3. the last equation is equivalent to the existence of p € P. with r-c and ((,)£/-(J|,„)ff, for/- I n. This was to be proved. D Bask rufli Let e: W,-» f be a minimal presentation, and let a € £ with n> 0. Consider the following trees in variables I, 2,.... n: Hr© etc Thus, Vo — I and u, — (I, 2,..., n)a and ■l. i - iHll ■]»,. By the preceding lemma and Remark VIIJ.3. <u,> is the set of all trees
438 Oupttr Vll with f e P„. None of these trees belongs to (2),.., <n) and hence, by the same lemma, (u,) is the set of all trees with/ME f.and i-(I)?-'. Analogously, u, is the set of all trees with p, q, r E J>„and i- (Of1 and;- (l)r-1. etc. Note that <«!> - <»,) •, <»■> and <u,> - <u,> -, <u,> -, <u,>. In general (a) <u.) - <u,>., (u,) •,...., <«,) (*-umes) and hence, for U, - |l. n.|, (b) U?-(Ut)v<.Uu)v<U>t)v... . Further, since u, has just one leaf labelled by I, clearly (c) |u.| - | u, | -,111,1 .,...., |u,| (t-times)
Nondctcnnioutic Automata and Kiama HMonm 439 and hence, (d) u;<-jjmu«. Further, for Vt .(l/*ic|»l' we have (e> <i/,r - (Kr')«. In fact, for each it, k' € tv we have by Proposition VII.3.4, Vt -, V, - (l/,)4., -, (l/,)jj„ Therefore, - Hu(K..,H)u... ->T; since by (b) clearly this proves (e). Finally, (o vr -, vr - vr because by Proposition VII.3.4 Since clearly <l/,>" •, <l/,>" - <£/',>•', this proves (/). For each map /:(n|-<» we put (g) s, - (U(,„, u,,,, u^a E |n|,#. If/is one-to-one, then <u(ll/> are pairwise disjoint and hence.
440 Ctapttr VII (h) (*/) - |(J(,..., s,)o; there exists p € P„ with s, € ("<(„./) for ■- I "I- It is clear that the depth |>| (II.I.S) of each tree I € (u») is equal to the depth of u, which is *. Thus, (k) I € <u») implies |(| - t; ( € (t/»> implies |r| € l/*l7-o- 3.7. Theoreai. Let F be a super finitary functor such that the languages |v,(x)n|--. Mc /' are recognizable (for each finite set /, each x € / and f, h> € /*). Then F a perfect. Proof. By VII.2.7, it is sufficient to prove that given /e (n|/f, and g € [n)H„ where a € I,, r i Im and n S. mi. 2, then (/)«t„ - (»)«•„, implies (•) a - t and g - p • / for some p e P„. Define a one-to -one map/*: |n|-» <uby ('IT -(V+C- I) • n fori- I n. To prove (•), we use the recognizability of the language L,- V:'-,\w\ with w - (*/-)*M. in the notation of the Basic Example above. Note that by (e) above and Proposition VII.3.4 we have /.?-(•':|y,-i i »r-««/.>•'•.<*■»• (A) For each one-to-one map r: (n| -» <v with s, € Lf we prove that there exists a permutation p € P, such that (f)r - (i)p • /(mod n) for I - I n, i.e., that (i)r — (Op ■ /is a multiple of n. Since I,€ «l/. >•'•,<*,», there exists » € (*,) n ((l/.)" -( (*/-». By (h) above, there exists p € P, and
Nondewraiinittic Automata and Kleem Thmem 441 '. 6 <"„».,) With I - (»., ., i.)a. Since i € <l/„>" -, <.sr), the tree Iis obtained from a tree S E (Sr) by substitution of trees in ((/,)*' for leaves labelled by I. Applying (h) to/*, we see that there exist q € f.and s, € (u(l>,./-) with ' - (s, s,)<r. Each tree in <(/.)*' has depth m 0 (mod n), see (k) above. Thus, the branches in I and s bave the same depths modulo n: |(,| m \s,\ (mod n) for / - I,..., n. By (k) applied to («m,.,) and (u,,,,./-), we conclude that (Op ■ r a (/)f • f (mod n) for / - I,..., n. Thererore, the permutation />-'•«€ r. fuinis (Or - (00»-' •«)•/■ (mod n) for / - I n. (B) For each one-to-one map r: \m\ -» a and each r € I_, m > 0, we prove that ("hi u{mV)t s Lj implies r - o-. In fact, (k) implies that («,,„),..., (u,.,,) are all disjoint, hence by Lemma VI 1.3.6 there exist />€/>„ and (, € («,,„.,) with 0 Ore <«,)•'•,<*,■>. Each tree in ((/.)*' ■■ {sr) has its root labelled by a. Therefore, r — o*. (C) For each r:\n\-* a> such that ('V <(')r-('V (modn) for/- I n we bave *- (»«l "l.|r)C€ L.J.
442 Chapcor Vt! To prove this, put (i)d - (i)r — (i\f'. Since (0^ is a positive multiple of n, clearly ■W 6 W fori- I n. The tree * - (»('* «W)o- - ("on v >W «(.«■■ "W)o- is obtained from sr by substituing u,,M for the I-libelled leaf in u,lir, u,,w for that in u,lir, etc.: Thus, s, e Z.f. (D) The proof of (•). We use the fact that Lf is recognized by an ^acceptor A — (Q.S, 7°, (n|). Clearly, ^.| is one-to-one on the set |u^ u,, u,,.. .|, and hence, the set |(u,)^.h(i'...W.i.(''..i.)^.h--l c W is innnite for each i e (n|. On the other hand, Q is a finite set. Thus, there exists an infinite set B,<zUI+ n,l+2n,...\ such that the run map p: [n|* -► Q is constant on the set of all (u,)^,, with k E A,. More precisely, there are states (l)ft...,(n),E C such that k € B, implies (u.)^.i ■ p - (t)q ('-I n). This defines a map <j: [n| —► g.
NondetcnnmiBtic Automata and Kltana Thforam 443 In the final part of the present proof we shall verify that the map q fulfils OX«t.i -qF-S)€T. Then we conclude the proof as follows. Since (/Xi - <»)«t.|. we have (g■ «)»<, • S- (g)qHt-CffS- (»)«i., -qF-Si T. Cboose a one-to-one map r: (m| -► ai sucb that ID'S B„„ (m)r£ ««„, and put '-(»(». «W)r. Then ( E Lf, i.e. (>)^,, ■ p E T because p is a homomorphism and hence, (0«H • P - («|(K »(->-)•»• ■ «M ■ P - (*W "(.i.)*S.ir/i ■ pHt- s0- S - ((K(ii,)5.]' P. • • •. («|.>,)$.| • P)«b ■ * -((Of ft..(m)j- q)^- S - IS ■ «)«„ • S E T. Inl*^,- inl'* Then by (B), r - c; consequently, < - J,. By (A), there exists a pennuution />€/>„ with rap- /(mod n). Since (Or E fl,,„ implies (Or > (Of (mod n), we conclude that (')»-(0/>-/(modn), I- I n. Since f and /have just the values I,..., n, this implies t-P-f.
444 Chapter VII (E) The proof of (/X«t.i • aF- *) 6 T. Choose a map r:[n]-» a with (Ore B„v and (i)r >(/)/" for r- I n. We have (i)r - (V- (0T (mod n) for each i and hence, by (C), J, € L*. Thus, (*,)$., -per. Finally, (*,)$„ • P - ("di "Wto* • $.] • P - (("m,)$.| • P, ■ ■ ■• (lW)*t„| • P)«a • « - Wif- *,(")/• 9)efl-« - (/•• «)*o • * - (/>t.i • «f- «. This concludes the proof. D 3JL Deflaltloa. Let F be a super-Unitary varietor. The class of rational languages is the least class of languages containing each finite language and closed under union, concatenation and iteration. Thus, a language Lc /'is rational iff there exists a rational expression for L, i.e., an expression using languages |w| for w e J' and operations U (union), •, (^concatenation in J for some finite set J), and •'('-iteration in J for some finite set J), finitely many times. For example, the Isnguages |v, (x)n|*T •, |w| of the preceding theorem are rational. Mala Theoren. For each super-finitary functor F, the following statements are equivalent: (i) Kleene theorem holds, i.e., an f-language is recognizable iff it is rational; (ii) F is perfect. Proof. Since perfectness is necessary by the preceding theorem, it remains to prove that it is sumcient. Thus, let Z be a type, and for each a e Z. let F, be a permutation group on [n|. We prove that the functor F-]ltH.ur, (see Proposition Vll.2.7) satisfies the Kleene theorem. We know that Kleene theorem holds for Hi (11.4.11). Thus, it is sufficient to prove that a language
NofldetenninUlk Asunuu ud Klcinc Theorem 445 tc/'ii rational ifT the tree language L* c /'* is rational, and L is recognizable Iff L* is recognizable. I. The minimal presentation e: «!-► F of F is given by the canonical maps e,: II *■-» II*V~ 0 « & rl& where (*i *.)»~ (y >".)c holds ifT there exists a permutation p e P, with n- •*!/» f«f •'- i »• We can describe the homomorphisms I, analogously as follows. Denote by ft, the following relation on the set /** of all £trees over lift,!', (1,1' e /*•). ifT I' is obtained from r by a ^•permutation of branches of a ^-labelled node (a e I). More precisely, recall that I and I' are partial maps from m'to/u T (see II. 1.4). Then rXof'ifT there exists a e m* such that (a)r - a e T. and for some p e /"„, the tree r' is defined in each ft E m* as follows: .... J (*)r if * * ae for each c E m*. e * 8; 1 ' " \ (*>c)f if ft - ate for some c 6 m\ and 7 - (/)/»• This relation X0 is obviously reflexive and symmetric. Let X be the transitive closure of Xo [i.e., X - X,, w (X,, • X,,) w (X, • X0 • X«) w .. J. It is easy to verify that X is a congruence on /** and that l,:/••-►/• - /'Vx ia ihe canonical map. II. For arbitrary tree languages K, L c /**, we prove that <t> -. <*> - <t., K). First, consider a tree I E <t> ., <*>• It is obtained from a tree 5 6 </f>
446 Ck^xn VII by substitutions of x-labelled leaves by trees in (£.). For each leaf d e (x)j-1 we have rd e (Z.) such that I is obtained from s by substituting rd for x We can choose r'd e L congruent to rd. The tree ( obtained from s by substituting r'd for x in d [d e (x)j-'] is obviously congruent with r: r/cf: r' e L ■, <JC). Further, we can choose s' e K congruent to x Without loss of generality, we assume that s R, s\ i.e.. there is a node a with (a)s — a and ihere is f e /"„ such that j' is obtained from s by the p-pcrmutation of the branches of a Then also (o)r' — a. Let r" be the tree obtained from f by the p-permutation of the branches of a Then i r f R r. Moreover, l" can also be obtained from s by substitions of x-labelled leaves by trees in L. In fact, if a leaf d € (x)s~x has the form d — aic (c e m\ i e m), then for./ - (i)p we have a leaf aj c of s which we substitute by r'd; if d does not have this form, then d is a leaf of s which we substitute by r'd. Therefore, r" E L; K, and we have I e <0 c <t.. *>, so <t>.. <K> c <t -, K>. To prove the converse implication, consider a tree I E <t •, JO- We can choose a tree I' E L ■, K congruent to t Without loss of generality, we can assume tRot',
Nondelcrniinbuc Aulomati and Ktorat Thtoram 447 I.e., there exists a node a e m*with(a)r- a and a permutation p E />„such that f is obtained from r by the p-permuution of the branches of a. Let re* be a tree such that (is obtained from s' by substitutions of x-labelled leaves by trees in L. For each d e (xXO~' we denote by u e L the tree used in this substitution, (i) Let (a)J' - a Denote by s the tree obtained from j'by thep-'-permutation of the branches of a Then JE <K> Is a tree from which s' is obtained by the ^permutation of the branches of a Then I can be obtained from s by substitutions of x-labelled leaves by trees in L: for each d - alee (jrX')~' we use the tree ofor the leaf ajc{j- (0/»"'l of s; for each d e (*XO~ ' "°l under a, we use rt for the leaf d of s. Hence, ret-, <JC). (ii) Let (a)j' be undefined or equal to x
448 Ckiptcr VII There exists an x-labelled leaf d of s' such that a - dc for some c e m'. Then clearly (c)rt — a: let rj be the tree obtained from r^bythep-permutation of the branches of c. Then U € <t). The tree I can be obMined from s' by substituting the leaf d by u, and all other x-labelled leaves as before. Therefore. f e <L>., JC. III. For each tree language L c /** with x e L we have </.)•' - </.•">. This is a direct coiueouence of II. IV. An Slanguage L c /• is rational iff the tree language L* c /•• is rational. First, let us observe that concatenation and iteration are independent of the set of variables: if K, L c /* c J', then for each x e /the language X •, L is the same when computed in / or J, and the same holds for L". (This follows from the fact that (/*)£;' - /**.| For each rational language Lc I', the language L* it rational because the operation (—)• preserves (a) finite languages: for each tree I e /**, the class (f) is finite and hence, if L Is finite, then so is L*: (b) union; (c) concatenation: by II above and by VIIJ.4, we have (Z. -, Kf - [(/• -, *•)£,]• - </.» •■ *«> - /•• •, *•; (d) iteration: by III above and by VIIJ.5, we have Conversely, for each language Lc I' with L* rational, the language L - (/•)*! Is rational because the operation (—)£, preserves (a) finite languages: (b) union; (c) concatenation: by II above and by VII.3.4, (/.., K)i, - «L-, K))l, - «t> -, (K))c,
NondetemiifiHIic Automata and Klaene Thtorcm 449 (d) iteration (analogously by III and VII.3.3). V. An Slanguage Lc /'is recognizable iff the tree language /.• c /** is recognizable, (i) First, assume that L* is accepted by an //f-acceptor A - (ft 6, /. T). We can suppose that A is minimal (11.2.4), i.e., the run map p: /■• -» ft is onto and A has no non-trivial congruence. We prove that (.) (q)S -(p-q)S (breach?- («„..,«„) e ft//„(where a e r.)and/»- q- («„„ «(.») e ft//,, where p e rV Since the run map p: /**-» ft is onto, there exists I: [n] -» /** such that I e /*•//„ fulfils q - (t)pH,. Then p ■ q - (j> ■ l)pH, and hence both (,)« - (t)pH. ■ S - M ■ p and {p. q)S-(p- i)pH.S-(p- t)pp. The following trees are congruent under R. Hence, it is sufficient to prove that s, Rs, implies (s,)p - (jjp (*„*,€/••). Let S be the least equivalence on the set ft such that SiRsj implies (s,)pS(sdp. We arc to prove that S la trivial. Obviously, S la the transitive hull of %-l((*i)A(*>fc>):*i A'il- Ca) S is a congruence on the algebra (ft, 6). To verify this, it is sufficient to prove that for q, q' e QH„ with q, S, q] (for all / - I,.. ,\a\) we have iq)SS, (q')S. Let s, i e /'*//, be n-tuples of trees with q - (s)pH„ and 4'.- ('~)pH„. and with s,Ri; for all i Then also (s)q> Jt(*')a since R is a congruence, and hence, ((s)p)p SW)<p)p. i.e.. («)« «,(«•)&
450 duplet VII (b) S is a congruence on the automaton A, i.e, if qSq', then q e T iff 4' E 7: In fact, let s R i be trees with q - (*)pand fa-) - (j>. Then 4 £ 7 iff j € Z*, and L* is closed under R, thus. 4 £ 7iff j' e L*. i.e., 4' E 7! Since A is minimal, the congurence S is trivial, and this proves (<). It follows that (4)<9 - (9>b implies (4)* - (q-)S (4, q' e QHt). Define by «4)£g)o'- (4)f for each 4 E fttfr. Then A - (ft & 7. /) is an ^acceptor, the run map fi: /• -» Q of which fulfils [because £,■£:(/*•, *>*)-» (ft Eg- 6°) is a homomorphism). The acceptor /J recognizes the language which is equal to L because lt is onto and /• - (7>-' - <rx«, ^)-' - «ry-'j» Therefore, i is recognizable, (ii) Let L be accepted by an ^acceptor A - (ft S, I. 7). It is sufficient to prove that L* is accepted by the corresponding £tree acceptor A - (ft 6, /, T) with S- Sq-S.QHi-Q. In fact, let fi: I ' -» C denote the run map of /J. Since both *,:</••.«>•)-(/•.«,..•>) and /i: (/•,£,.«.)- re. «b-«>
Nomktcnnifilttic Automata and Klecne Theorem 451 are X-homomorphtsms, also S, ■ p is a i-homomorphism. For each i € / we have (x)e,-p-- (x)p- i and hence, t, • p'u the run map of A Therefore, the language accepted by A is (rx*,-p)-'-((7>-')- z». This concludes the proof. D Reanrk. In the course of the preceding proof we saw that if F is perfect, then the concatenation of tree languages fulfils This property actually characterizes perfect functors: by Proposition VII.3.4, the concatenation of Slanguages is clearly associative whenever F has the above property (see Remark 11.6.9). We prove now that associativity of concatenation implies that F is perfect. (We devote the rest of the present section to some of the basic properties of concatenation.) J.9, Proyosltlem. A supcr-finitary functor is perfect iff concatenation in each finite set / is associative, i.e., L;{K;H)-{L;K);H (in/) for each ii /and all L, K. H c /'. Proof. I. Let F be perfect Concatenation of tree languages is associative by Remark 11.4.9, and hence, L*; (K* .,«•)- (/.•., *•) •, H*. By part II of the proof of the Main Theorem, it follows that [L.AK;H)f- L»-AK.,H)» - /.•-, (*•.,«*) -(/.•.,«•>.,«• -[(L.,K).,Hf. This proves the equation above. II. Let concatenation be associative. We prove that FIs perfect, analogously to the proof of Theorem Vll.3.7. Using the notation of that proof, we use the language l,- i >".r •, m.
452 Chapter Vtl The associativity of concatenation implies [see (f) in Vll.3.6]. We now generalize (C) of the proof of VII J.7 as follows: (C) For each r e Zm and all maps r, q: \m\ -» a with (Of < (<> - (Of (mod n) for/- I m if ("hw «(.>,)re *•/. then («(C)r «(.>r)r€ tf. The proof is completely analogous to (C): since (i)d — (i')r — (1)4 is a positive multiple of n, we have «,,w 6 (u,)". The tree r — («,,„,..., ii(a<),)ris obtained from r — (ull|(,..., u,.„)rby substituting ii,,^ for the I-labelled leaf in um. Consequently, by (e) in Vll.3.6. '« TO"', 1*1 c (»';')••, Lf c <(»T)»., t?). and by Proposition VII J.4, , e (V?-, L,)* - L*. which proves (C). We are to prove that for/e [n|//, and j € [n\H, with n - |o| 2 |r| 2 2 and (/)*M - (»)«!.► we have a — r and f - />•/ for some p € /"„. We use the fact that (»di/» u,„„, „.)o-e Zj by (C). We have »>• • «j„ - ^.,Hr- «j.,. • v and hence, l(«CII/t .■.-•■, »(.!/. .0^.1 _ ((»"!/* .>)$.► • • •. (»W* .>)$.|)«t.l« • »> - (>W. .> <W» .>)«H* ' V 6 £/■ The n-tuple (»„„, , v,.,,, ,1) in \n]'H, can be expressed as/- A, where /; [n| -»[n| is the given n-tuple and is deHned by (0*- »..-> ('- I »)•
Noodelennmiitic Automiia uti Klcane Thmcn 453 Thus, (/• *)««•• tJ>-(/)AWr-«i.,«-tJ>-(/)«to'AF'*e L,. Since (»)«j„, - (/)«» we get (»)«<.l-AF-«>€ I, ■nd, inilogously u for /above, this nwans that (("nit* Ki.k* •>)rK.i e L,. Thus, (»(■>,. ■ ■ - ■<-*)* « *•/ for the map q: [m| -» ai defined by (09 - <0» + »'• Let r: [m| -» to be an arbitrary one-to-one map with (Of < (Or > (04 (mod m) for/- I m. Then by (C) above, (»(■>. "l»l'e £*• By (B) in VII.3.7, this implies a - rand hence. By (A) in VII.3.7, there exists p e P. with (/)r _ (/)/>-/(mod n). Since (0r-(0«-(0» (modn), this implies (Of a (0/>'/(mod n). The values of find/lie between I and n, therefore, (Of - (0/> '/■ This concludes the proof. D 3.10. The last properly of concatenation we are going to study is its independence of the concrete set of variables: DeflaMoa. A super-finitary functor F is said to have absolute concatenation if for arbitrary languages K, L c / and each >i /.the concatenation L;K (in I) is the same language as this concatenation in J for each (finite) set J o I. Example*, (i) Concatenation of tree languages is obviously absolute, (ii) The functor D, (Vll.2.3.) does not have absolute concatenation. Put /- |nr„ r,| and J- \y\ w /.
454 ChaplcrVI] The concatenation in / is a language in /* which clearly does not contain the following tree (because It /•). But the tree is an element of (>|* — (•)£;', and I is obtained from f by substituting x by elements of I - I*. Hence, re /*-,M* and this implies that t-M, € l:\'\(mJ). 3.11. PiaaoaWoi. A super-fmitary functor Fhas absolute concatenation Iff F is regular. Proof. I. Assume that Fis a regular functor. Let ii IcJ and K, Lc I' be given. We denote by d, b':(l — \x\ + /.)*-» /* the homomorphisms from the definition of L; Kin I, and analogously a\ b'. Denote by and u:/-|*| + L — J -\x\ + L the inclusion maps. (Then v* and u* are also the inclusion maps, see Remark
Nondetermlntftic Automata and Klecm Theom 455 VI 1.3.3.) Then we prove that (i) a'.*' - u' -a' and (ii) the following square [|.(„).L|! •.(J-W.L)' b" bJ is a pullback. This will conclude the proof: by (i), a'is an extension of a', and by (ii). (/•X*')-'-(/-|*l + /.)". Therefore, |(j)«': a e (K)b')-'\ - |(j)o': a e (W)-<\. (i) Since a' ■ r* and ■■ • a' are homomorphisnu, it is sufficient to prove that they are equal on the set I- I -\x\ + L ofgeneraton. Since u* and v* are the inclusion maps, a1- »• is an exteiuion of a. and u * ■ a' is an extension of a't (restricted to /); for each y e /we have 0-)o, - 0-)«i- Thus, «'.»•- ■• . a'. (ii) Put also J-J-\x\ + L Since Fis a finiury varietor, we have /• - U rV'. with the inclusion maps w'.-.tV'.^. /•; analogously with W'„ W, and w\. Define b'm: w[-» W>. (n < o>) by the following induction: *{:/-►/
4J6 Chapm VII is the given map: »!♦ i - »} + l>'.F: I + WIF-* I + W'J. Analogously, b{: W\-* W'm. We prove that for each n < to, the following square i inclusion , b1 bJ n n W1 — WJ n inclusion n is a pullback. This is clear if n - 0. Assuming this holds for n, then it holds for n + I because (a) Fpreserves this pullback (in fact, the inclusion maps are monos and hence, the pullback is a preimage, see VI 1.2.8) and (b) the copro- duct square of two pull backs in Sat is a pullback. Pullbacks in Sat commute with colimiu of o>sequences and hence, the co- limit of the sequence of squares above is a pullback. This is the following square b1 L i* » j* which proves (ii). II. Assume that concatenation is absolute. To prove that F is regular, let e:HL-* Fbe a minimal presentation, and let (/)** - (»)«, hold for some <r e S„ r e T. and/ E Jf//„ g e XH„ We prove that for each re X. r 6 Qnft/ implies r E dm\)g; by symmetry, it follows that QfiD/- QmDf. We can suppose that n 2 2 (Vll.2.7). Moreover, without loss of generality, we assume that
Nondeterminhilc Automata and Klctne Theorem 457 W-'-l'.J *l<=[n) for some (2 I. Put /- Ur„ i, r.| and J- I^ \yt, • ■ -yX where the variables x, « and yt are pairwise distinct. Let s - (x, x,..., x)a e /**, and define languages K, L c /'by K - |(J)*,| and L- I. Since concatenation is absolute, the language L;K {in J) is a subset of /* (because it is equal to L-. K in /). We are going to present a tree IE J" such that (t)tj * /" and if r t ([m])f, then (f)i, e /■•, X. This will prove that r e ([m])g [because we know that (1)1, t L; K\. III. Let r be the following tree That is, l- (s *,. *,♦,..., r.)c
458 Chipur VII where 'i - (*,. yi y.)°- By VII.2.5, the class <J,) contains only trees obtained from s, by a permutation of branches. Each of these trees uses the variable z„ Consequently, the classes <j,) are pairwise distinct (i — I,.. , k) and distinct from <r;) — |r;| (/-*+! n). By Lemma vll.3.6, we conclude that also each tree in the class (r) is obtained from I by permutations of branches. Consequently, none of these trees belongs to /**. It follows that 0)1, * /' because else there would exist t e /** with (f)i, - (1)1,, and the last clearly implies that f e <f>. Denote J-(.f-|*|)+ L-\z i.,yi,..^y,\v\x;i\ *;| where primes are used to distinguish the elements of the second summand L - I from those of J — |x|. Let a,b:Jm—J* be the f-homomorphisms from (be dennition of L;K- 1; |(5)£,| (in A and let «•.»•:/■•-»y'» be the corresponding £homomorphisms with respect to / •, |j|. Then «••*,- £j- o:(/'», •>•)-(./•. «j. • «•) because these two homomorphisms agree on the set J; analogously, b* ■ I, - «j • b. For each tree in J'*, the map a* "forgeu" (he primes and the map b* changes each i\ to x Therefore, r-(0«». where f e /•• is the tree obtained from I by adding a prime to each t,, I — I,.... n. Thus, (f)*, - «0*7)a.
Nonddenninlttic Automata and ICIeoni Theorem 459 To conclude the proof, we ihow that if r « ([m])& then ((OOj,.(»)f,; it follows that «f)*7)6 - ((f)6V, e K and hence. «0&)« - (Oft e L..K. We have «0«r)6 - (C')*VJ. and (06* is the following tree That is, for *»-(*-*. >■> *.)»* ■''• we have ('■)** -(A*\..,*\x,x.., *)ff. where /> is repeated Ac-times [with (r)/~' - |l, 2,.., kfl. Define maps ce-.X^J* as follows: c Is the constant map with value x and (r)c' - (P)ft and on X— [r|, also c' is the constant map with value x Then for /• c, f- e': [n] -» J', written as n-tuples, we have (X X ...,*)-/■• c and (00*,. 00ft <*>)«. X X .... *) - /• c:
460 Chapter VII Since r e ([m])g, we have g • e - g • c\ Therefore, uiing Ihe fact thai I, u a homomorphiim (I.e., •>••*/- i,H, ■ s,. . e>), we get «f>V, - (A A • • -. A * * •••,*)«••• ft - (a. p..... a. x, x,.... x)(,H, • e,. ■ p - ((»)*> (/>W>. *,.••, *)«;• • «• - (/• c)c,i • p - ificH, •«,..«• -if)e,-cF-p -(«)*> -cF.p, and alio (*)**, - (i)*, - (x, i,.... *)«.• • ft - (x, x,..., x)l,H, • s,. • p - (x, x,.... x)s,t • p - (/• <•>;• • p -WCfcF-p. Since g • c - f • e\ we have (g)t>. cF- (g- e)e,« - (g. 0*>. - (g)t>. cF and hence, ((r-)Oft - (»)*,. Thli condudei the proof. □ 3.12. Saa—rlntlaa For each super-Unitary Kt functor F, equivalent are: (i) Each partially recognizable language li recognizable; (II) concatenation u absolute; (III) F preserves the composition of partial maps; (Iv) F preserves preimages; (v) F Is regular. For each super-Unitary set functor F equivalent are: (a) Each nondeterminlstically recognizable language is recognizable; (b) Kteene theorem holds; (c) each language |(*)n, *!**•, |»| is recognizable; (d) concatenation is associative; (e) F preserves the composition of relations; (0 F coven pullbacks; (g) F Is perfect.
Noadetemrialtflc Aulomati and Klwoc ThMfffli 461 The proofs hive been exhibited ibove: the equivalence of (i), (iv) snd (v) is Theorem V11.2.10, for (ii) see Proposition V11.3.11 snd for (iii) Remark V.2.10. The equivalence of (a), (f) and (g) is Theorem VII.2.12. for (b) see Theorem VII.3.8, for (c) Theorem VI 1.3.9, for (d) Proposition VI 1.3.10, and for (e). Theorem V.2.10. Enrcbea VIIJ A. Eacfe recogalnMe laagaage b ratloaal. This statement holds for each super- rinitary functor F (whereas the convene implication holds Iff F is perfect). Prove this, using the following steps. (i) Given Slanguages K, L c /• and x e / with L c (/ — |x|)*, prove that L-, Kc (/-|jc|)V [Hint: The map a.: /- |x| + L-» /* factors through (/-|x|)'.| 01) Let L be a language recognized by an ^acceptor A - (ft, 6, T, /). Prove that for the minimal presentation e: Ht-» F, the Z-titt acceptor A* - (C. *o • 4 T, /) recognizes L*. Prove that for each U c ft if p*: M* -» ft is the run map of A* - (ft 6, T, U), then p* - in • P* is the run map of At- (Hint: VILLI.) (Ill) Recall that the proof of the rationality of L* in 11.4. It was performed by finding languages L^j c W' (M c ft j - I,.. , m and * - 0,.... m, where ft - If qm\) such that /.•- Ultj «• r and (a) Ij,, is finite, (b) Lj,, - Li,-,' •„ (tSri)•« •„ L)f) for AT - M yj |f,| and (c) (Li,.jV>t c |«|. (iv) Define analogous f-languages £i.; c A#* : L\, - (L'mj)eK and £*.;- £*:»' .K^lrT/)*"- £1,7/1 for the operations •„ and •• In AT. Verify that each Li,,, c A#* Is rational. (Hint: use (1) by Induction on k.) (v) Prove (LJ, ,)p c [q,\. [Hint: use induction on k. For two languages H, K c (AT)' with H c hi' and (#/)<?„ - Iftl prove that (H •„ Jt>„ - (JOp„ by verifying that the bomomorphisins a, b defining H „K fulfil ' • PH — * • Pll\ (vi) Prove the rationality of L by verifying that l- UM,. «t r The inclusion D follows from (v): for the inclusion c, prove that {L\,,)t* c L\,by induction on k. [Hint: by Propositions VII.3.4, VII.3.3 If H c If and K c P, then H ■, K c (/?• •, *•)• and «•« c (/?•«')•.)
462 duplet VII B. Deflarag the Itcfattoa. We hive defined the iteration by L" - Lkj (L.L) kj UL-.L); L)kj (((/.-, L).. D-.L).... If concatenation is not associative (VI1.3.9), then mother natural delinition would be "l- L<J^L■,L)<J^L■.^L■,L))<J^L■.^L■,^L■,Lm.... ^i) Prove that whenever'"/. «» L", then the new definition doej not correspond well with the iteration of tree languages, i.e.. "L *■ ('•(/.•))*>. [Hint: VIIJ.5 and (/.•)•' - "L*.] (ii) The two definitions need not agree even for regular functors: let F be the quotient of Hz with Z — L, — \a, r|, given by the equation (x, x)a — (x, x)t. Define Fproperly, and verify that Fa regular. Consider the following trees over I — \x, y): For L - \x, y. t]i, prove that (*)£, €'•/.- L". Nolei 10 Chapter VII VIM All notions and results of this section appeared in V. Tmkovt |IMO). VIIJ Mrecogniiablc languages in Sot were Inverigaled by V. Trnkovi |I9T7. I980J. Theorem VIIJ.I2 was eniwanced la the former paper, end • proof of e more general retort (unite] ulng Muzzy ^automata) appeared in V. Tmkovt 11979»J. ^recognizable languages were studied by V. Tmkovt II9I1L where Theorem VI 1.2.10 was announced: Ihe proof appears here for the first rime. In all those papers, perfect functors were called Irccgroup functors, and regular functors were called saturated. VII.] Concatenation and iteration of Slanguages was introduced by V. Tmkovt and J. Adtmek ilVTVL where the Main Theorem VII J.S was announced: the proof appears here for the first rime. The discussion of properties of concatenation ia VII J.9-II ia new.
Appeadlx Set-Theoretical CoareMloa* I. We expect the reader to be acquainted with sets and thus, we do not Introduce any axiomatic set theory. Nevertheless, we were careful to have all our constructions well-defined within the framework of Bemays-G&del theory of sets. Collections which are "too large" to form a set are called dosses. Thus, classes are more general than sets: each set is a class, but not vice versa. (For example, the class of all sets is not a set.) A class is said to be large if it is not a set, and small otherwise. That is, small class is a synonym to set. 2. The empty set is denoted by 0, the set with elements Jr., ..., x. by |x„..., x„|. For example, |x| is a one-element set. The set of all elements with a property P is denoted by |x: achas property P\. 3. By a palr(x, y) we always mean an ordered pair. More generally, an n-tu- ple means an ordered n-tuple; we denote it by (*,),<. or (for finite n) by (**, *!« • • •» *• - l). Each ordinal a considered to be the well-ordered set of all smaller ordinals. In particular, I - |0| - |0| and 2 - |0. I) - |0,|0||, etc: the set of all natural numbers is the ordinal o>- |0, I, 2, ...| - |n: n< at]. Ordinals are also used to label domains of trees: here they are just labels (but this double use does not lead to any confusion). The cardinality of a set AT is denoted by card X. 4. A mapping (or map) f:X-+ Y\% a triple consisting of a set AT (the domain), a set y (the adomain) and a subset fc X x Y such that for each x € X there is a unique y e Y with (x, y) € /[which we write as y — (x)f\. For example, given a set AT and its subset Zc X, the Inclusion map »:Z-»Af is the map defined by (z)v — i for i € Z In case Z — X, this is the idenlily
464 Appendix map \4X:X-+X or \X:X-*X. In cue Z — 0, v is called the empty map. We also work with class maps allowing the domain and codomain to be classes. 5. Composition of maps is writen from the left, i.e, the composition of /: Af-» Kand g: y-» Zyields the map/- g: Af-» Z defined by ("If-1 - «*)/)f• Iff: Af-» yis a bijection (i.e., both one-to-one and onto), then /-■: Y-* X denotes the Invent mapping, defined by/-/-1 — I, and f-'.f— lr. 6. For each equivalence relation ~ on a set X, we denote by X/~ - \[x];x € Af| the quotient set of all equivalence classes [x] -\yeX-.x~ y). The canonical map c: Af-» X/~ is defined by (x)c — [x] (x e X). 7. Each mapping/: Af-» Ydefines the kernel equivalence ~ on Af by *i ~ Xt iff (Xt)f- (xt)f (x„ x, € Af) and the (mage, i.e.. the subset im/- (Afy- \{x\f; x e Af| or Y. Then /is composed of the canonical map e:Af-»Af/~ the bijection b:X/~ -»(AfV defined by (M)* - (*M and the inclusion map ?:(Afy-» K 8. The set of all maps from a set Ttoaset Afis denoted by Afr. If r— nisan ordinal, this is the n-fold cartesian product of X. For example, Af1 — Af, Af1 — AT x Af, etc. The set X* has just one element, and we use the following convention: X* - |0| - I for each set X. For each map/: Af-» Y, we denote by f'-.X'-t Y' the map defined by 9. A collection or family with the index set, or class. / is a map with domain / (that is, to each / e / we asiign an element x, from the codomain). We write (x,|,, (or |x,; i € /). In case / is an ordinal, the collection is an n-tuple, and ordinary parentheses are used.
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Lbt of Cairat Symbol* 0 behavior 2, 19,36. 95, 103 a branch 33,55 5 next-state map I e epi-tnmfonnatlon 85 t dau of epii 99 n injection of generator! 93, 238 F functor 83 fm from automata morphiimi 39 Ji. from automata morphiimi 4,39 I/,.A) relation 257 f free-algebra operation 93 Y output map I, 29 r output object (alphabet) 1,29,90 horn Ml of morphiimi 83 / Initialization object 29, 90 /* free algebra 93 jr category 82 JT* clau of morphiimi 83 JT* daii of objccti 83 JT* dual category 85 X Initialization morphiim 29,90 «# dau of monos 99 * projection 85, 107 Q Hate object (set of Hates) 1, 29,90 p run morphiim (run map) 2, 36, 95 1 type 29, 52 I[i) module of polynomial! 94 T terminal object 87 U forgetful functor 126 Wt itepi in the free algebra construction 34, 172 [ ] equivalence clan 469 |c| arity of a 29, 52 /* free externum of/ 93 J. initial object 87 111.1:1 projection! of a relation 257
47t> List of Current Symboli -» arrow (morphum) 83 -* relation 21, 257 • composition 259 1,4, id,, Identity moiphitm 83 [7 product 85 x product of a pair 85 1] coproduct 85 + coproduct of a pair 85
Sabject M«x AtaolaU lolrWk M2 _ coaataM»Ml 411 AAtttlw cattfoqr 111 Adjoint 101 - automata 104 - fanctot Uwoim 104 Aixapt 19,16 Aota|Horl«,4«,«M AIt.bt.4D Aiphabal LB AattlfaaMlfcM property 290 «■*<?) 322 «■*,<?) 112 M,(i)U BnblncU -Tartar 111 ■*»■<?) 112 BitaviorL H.2&M. IM.31) - fancm «3,332 MJMMHI4M Bilinear til BhiaiyH ■Mndcd IVr objeck 1U - tcnaiatloa 213 BranckJii! C, US C. CI 111 Caaomcalaupi&oM - aoroUuiUI Cntaiaa doatd 111 CatoforyU - 0fmaonau62.222.U2 bnavion M. U2 Chain U - cpwplata jj. HI Cfcaracurbatkn theorem for varieton 112 mlaiaul nalnatioej HI Cnroaaatk Bomber 110 Cun4U - mapoM CoedjoiM 101 CocomputeU CodomainI2.4U Cooqaallaer 86 Cotnaralo iJ Colaumctloo 112 Catena) 111 CoMnkU CoHtcrion 4*4 Commote 84 Coaqmtibtle coUxtloa U of relation. 142 — OMp III CompoaeMa of ■ morphiam 15. 11 relation 3S2. 311 CoaepoahJoii of map. «M — of Mtml traaafuraaanoae 14 RMtiOM2iS CowMtwrtow of words 2 manmtw21.22.432 Concrete category 121 - Armor L22 Coiicitlrly Momorphk 122 Coaaraence S. 44 CoooocMd caeeaery 213 -reactor 142 QienM reactor 121 Comtnidiv« daai UU - frae aeepMca 22J — variolar 123 ContimKW. 121.111 Co-prefmaejc 321 Cooreema 11 Cover paflbocfcs 224 Cowdl-poowwl U2 Depth Jilt Dufonii mi-IB » - nutioa2ftS DuireaU Directed 143. U4 Diecretc aleefcre HJ
— category u Dntlnjtritticd point 111 Donatio (1,46J Dul&Utt DoaHry principle U* /» f-omnll-poMnd 112 («,.#MMe»ory8S EabxkHoi M, 342 - MRl I Epill Epanaslomutiofi U Eqaaltanr H Equrioi LLJ t^oatjoaal prueotMioo 111 Eqernkoce relation 2*1 Equivalent nonoi 146 Bud eo-pntRMfc* 341 entful Ncrodc equivalence 364 realization 367 Batemally equivalent 164 EitremaJoM" lit FalgrtuM FaOIOmOlOa gl oca-InitialM FactorlsalioB cyalcia SB FaltWU haoor 14 Family 464 • 117 FMdba* 15,11 Fill-la 19 Filter m Fataary22 - reactor M, 142, 2*0 -nut 114 -nrieut I59.I7J Rate ottoaealoa 111 -depth 16 -object 111 -par* tree 34 Fort petal 111 IfenjelMfliactor 126 FreeeKefcraU luaalntlloo HI _ ogaa^enon 111 imi—lualoet 213 -object IK — ruination 42 Fill functor 14 — aibiatcgoiy M Functor U — applied to reletlont 222 Oencfate 9i 2U Generator 9i. 342 OnUS Graph 129 H. 84 H.,416 H[9t Have umiwninll 3J2, HI — Inunecoam US HocaU randof 111 HonworarpMun 29, 90, 2J L 319 Id 13,464 Identity functor U -ramp 443 — morphbm 13 — iranafomacloti 14 Ha 464 Imaae4e4 Inchuloa map 463 Initial algebra 36, 94 coaatnaaioa U9 -object 13 -KateLta luktaHzauon nwrpMua 25. M — object 22. M Injection of generator! 9J. 211 Inner equivalent 114 — Nerode ttailvelinct 173 realleatioe 373 Input | Interchanaeabk 41 Intenection L42 Invcrie map4M — movpluani u — relatioo 261 lionorphk automata 4, 41 liunwrphbni 6,19 liotona coHait 201 Iteration oaliadl 201 Iteration of a language 26,74,411 Kernel 111 — equivalence 263,4M Kleene theorem 26,76,410
I 19, U, tO* Lofl Hud pofatf U* Left cucellMte lit LbaMtZ r AiMsr Ii2 112 jr-rabobjea lit ^•wdl-pomrcd ISO Many-med •Ifebra in MtmnMc cudbul IS] Minimal pRtemtfloii 409. i LLlfll - Kiiaclloa IA46.144 ■WU MonaDI! - DMHMlll MoaoU MoaotnmfMmatioa U MotphlmU - of umn 4, J?, SB, HI •«uct Ut U.U.1K
; 19,46, 404 (IS. 66, 70, 404 Ion? Miction 12,46,314 Rdlcilve pur 3B3 - relation 261 ItetaiarepJIl - f«aooo«on [J4, 211 - ftnto arproouctt 230 - ranctor 111 - norm 86 - quotient 16 - lobobieclU »2L212 ial •bjebra 211 relation 231 Ran 12 Riant cencellalive \M - CUCI2M Root II Run nap 2,36,43 iM.lal SjSl Sti,l3« Satbly equation 113 ■ 12 uloauaoa 1,91 Sana connection 24, 7J •MIS •ot'121 •M.ra SO functor I2> ^oMooMron L automaton 22 Small category M - riiKtor 129,112 -Ml 41] Spaa-alatbrB 212 SptftrpiU SUbta pal***'219 Standarr) ranctor U2,112 Stale L_2U9 - relatioalal Stop after »tttpa 14L 173,211 Stria avGoaUnaoui 121 i23J ■ 7,42, HPL122 Sobfunclor 111 Symatetric itvauoa 262 Tenior prouau 111 Tarailiial object 12 - Data 19,61 Top lit Treraflnhx laoaaloa 96, LS9 Treneltlve relation 261 Tree 12 — acceptor (6. — BUtoajatoa 29, 32 Type & 32 Uttranilar 111 Unary 21 Union HZ - of aataeaala 24,70. 12,122 r-jlll Variable 21 Varietor 9J Variety 113 Vector functor 111 Weakly preetrve coua Wdl-poweml Ufl Word I ■km 72,112 a-Ueratloa 74, 111
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