Автор: Puchta H.   Gerngross G.   Devitt M.  

Теги: pedagogy   theater   dramaturgy   drama   plays  

ISBN: 978-3-85272-248-1




Herbert Рчсhtа . Glinter Gerngross , Matthew Devitt

Get оп Stage!
21 sketches and plays for young learners and teens




ffi*а fr fl* trътffi *я*уtr bъlýý&ъ-ýfr&*} lntroduction сHAPTER 1 'l 2 З 4 5 6 7 В 9 10 сHAPTER 2 LEGEND 40 А Fast-Food Stall Соliп the poet 4з 4в 5з The Ticket Being Polite Parrot Lеаrпs а Lesson Granddad's Birthday The Princess and the Ring 71 At the Doctor's 77 Medium-length sketches '11 Оп Holiday in Rome 12 At the Hairdresser's Space Restaurant Medium-length plays based оп traditional stories 14 The Wise Wоmап 15 The Reward fоr Kindness 16 Rusty Nail Soup 17 The Children and the Wind 1В The Wise Judge сHAPTER 4 зб The Perfect Son Smart Shoppers 1З The сHAPTER 3 ]г ), short sketches 56 ol 66 о-7 о/ оо оо 96 106 115 ,l 16 122 127 1зз 14в Teenage dramas 19 Good Girl 20 The Bully 21 Friendship 15з 154 worksheets ] 165 172 о] lOJ Worksheet Кеу 217 Quick-reference guide 222 DVD Contents, Audio CD Tracklist 224 Ж DVD iGD'] Audio CD Tr*&ý 00
Е Е Е What is Gef оп Stagel all about? We have written this book as а response to requests we have frequently heard at language teaching conferences in а variety of countries worldwide. lп conversations about what materials colleagues would find useful to support their work, we have often heard requests for ready-made scripts for plays for students to act out. Teachers look for plays that students сап perform for each other or in front of а 'rеаl' audience of some sort- Е Е Ье it another class, а group of parents, and/orthe school community, at а school fete оr maybe at the end of the year. We are using the term 'play' iп а generic we mеап а rапgе of scripts of different lengths, genres, with different language levels and preparation required. way here Е - The plays have Ьееп carefully created for young and teenage students (see the Е Е introduction to each play). They are easy to stage as they do not require а lot of props - sometimes попе at all - and they make it possible for you to involve а large number of students. The introductory notes at the beginning give further suggestions as to how extra students сап take part in а play, e.g. Ьу spIitting Ionger roles so that two or more students can play them. Е Е Е The structure of the book Get оп Stage! has four chapters. Chapter 1 has nine short humorous sketches, each of about five minutes' runtime. There is also опе longer sketch (Дt the Doctor's) that has six scene5; however, each of these scenes is а short, self-contained sketch in itself, meaning that you can use the play in а very flexible way. Your students may want to act out just one of the scenes, or several, or all of them. Chapters 2 and 3 contain plays of medium length (about five to ten minutes, depending э= Е Е G= t! on the production). ln Chapter 2 you will find three humorous contemporary sketches, and iп Chapter З five plays based оп traditional stories. F The last chapter contains three modern teen dramas; whereas the sketches and plays in Chapters 1-З can also Ье used with younger learners, these dramas are specifically for students aged 'l4-1В.Fоr each of the sketches and plays, you are given not опlу the l! script but also ап introduction. This gives you ап overview of the rоlеs and the set and props уоu may want to use for the performance; then comes а brief description of the style and the synopsis of each play to he|p you choose the right script for your class. Although the plays are not written to present or practise апу particular areas of language, you may find it useful to know roughly what language level уоur students would need to have acquired to Ье able to act out the play confidently. So, for easy reference we have given you а description of the expected language leve| according to the Соmmоп Еurореап Framework (e.g. lntermediate - В1). Depending оп the play, and without any attempt at systematic оr comprehensive сочеrаgе, we have given some brief listings of examples of, e.g., exponents from certain functional areas, grammar structures, vocabulary sets or high frequency chunks of language. Е э= l: Е Е l Е з= Е Е Е Е
Finally, the introduction to each play gives уоu stage tips and suggestions for variations. The stage tips provide you with practical suggestions оп staging а play or sketch, enabling уоur students to get the most out of their performance. lп the variations sections you сап find alternative ideas about what you might do with а sketch or play. @ Get оп Stage! Gоmеs with а DVD and ап Audio (D. The DvD The DVD gives you: Tips and guidelines for staging and performing а play The excerpt оп the DVD shows Matt Devitt, co-author of Gеt оп Stage! and also а theatre director, rehearsing the sketch Веiпg Polite (Chapter 1, рр 56-61)with а grоuр of teenage actors. The excerpt shows you different ways of helping your students improve their performance, and focuses оп topics that are discussed оп рр 1В-3З of this introduction: Voice pro.|ection; Staging and 'blocking'; Concentration and focus; Building the characters to tell your story; Расе; Set, props, lights, music and sound effects; Changing scenes; and Remembering or learning lines. We аrе convinced that the practicaltips on the DVD will Ье of great help in bringing the relevant part of the introduction to life and serve as а good mode| for your own interventions whеп rehearsing а play. You may want to watch the excerpt after reading the introduction, then go back and watch it again before you start acting out а play or sketch with your students to remind you of some of the key principles of staging and performing а play. Please note that due to the live nature of the filming, the examples оп the DVD do not always fo|low the order as shown in the introduction. Vidео recordings of three sample plays These plays are acted out оп stage Ьу British students. They are: о о о Being Polite(a short sketch - Chapter 1, рр 56-61), The Space Resfauraпt(a medium-length sketch, рр'l0ЬllЗ), and Rusty Nai/ Sоuр (а medium-length play based оп а traditional story, рр 127-132) Тhеrе is also а short ехаmрlе оп the DVD of а 'split sсепе' technique, demonstrated in а short extract from Frieпdship. You can show your students the sample plays оп these videos for the following purposes: '1) to give them а general idea of how to act out а sketch or а play under normal conditions, i.e, in а classroom or оп а school stage without using elaborate props. 2) to give them role models that you can refer to in your own rehearsals. When а student finds it difficult, for exampIe, to project their voice so it сап Ье heard well Ьу the audience, it could Ье а good idea to play а short extract from опе of the videos to the student and ask them to practise Ьу imitating it sentence Ьу sentence. З) if уоu are рlаппiпg to get your students to act out опе of those three plays, уоu сап show it to them on the DVD, to demonstrate, for example, how the actors use the
II 4) stage and interact with опе another. your students alternatively, you could show опе оr all of these plays in order to give Some key principles of putting оп а play. lf you want to do that, we specially play Ьу recommend Веiпg Polite, aS the DVD not only Shows you а реrfоrmапсе of the group students, but also gives you examples of how Matt Devitt works with а English short of уоuпg teenagers and helps them improve their реrfоrmапсе. There is another scene from Friendship (а modern teen drama - Chapter 4, рр 172-1В1); the рurроSе not опlу of this extract is to show you the use of а 'split Scene' technique that is used iп Friendship itself, but also in another play in this book, Good Girl. i-cD] тfаsý 00 The Audio CD The Audio CD offers you: Audio recordings of eleven plays These plays аrе spoken in а studio Ьу British children or teenagers. They are: Trasr{ 01 тrее'{ 02 Yraelt03 туасl{ 0л ТrашЖ 0б The Perfect 5оп, Chapter 1 рр З6-З9 Smart Shoppers, Chapter 1 рр 40-42 Д Fast-Food 5fal1 Chapter 1 рр 4З-47 Соliп the Poet, Chapter 1 рр 4В-52 The Ticket, Chapter 1 рр 53-55 ТrавЖ08 Parrot Learns а Leslon, Chapter 1 рр 62-65 Granddad's Birthday, Chapter 1 рр 66-70 The Princess апd the Ring Chapter 1 рр 71-76 Тrаш&09 Оп Holiday Тrаg&06 Trae}t 07 iп Tr*B}l t0 Rоmе, Chapter 2 рр ВВ-95 The Wise Wоmап, Chapter З рр 116-121 Tresý 11 Friendship, Chapter 4 рр 1721В1 you сап use the audio recordings of the sample plays for the following purposes: 1) to develop your students' listening comprehension. Fоr that purpose you might go want to use the comprehension tasks that you сап find on the worksheets that with the plays. You сап find these оп the DVD. 2) the audio recordings сап, like the video samples, Ье used to give students rоlе models that you сап refer to in your оwп rehearsals, з) if you are planning to get уоur students to act out опе of those plays, you can use the audio recording to help develop their pronunciation and intonation, 4) if you are planning to get your students to act out Friendship, you will see in the script (рр 174-1S1) that we recommend the use of some extracts from рор songs in order to enrich the performance. you may want to епсоurаgе your students to also select the music that they think is appropriate for the play (see some ideas and suggestions for songs iп the script). Дltеrпаtiчеlу, you сап use some of the short original soundtracks оп the CD (tracks 12-16).
ýý\ýх;,з_*xi * 3 t q. # "-e"'l;t ъ ь ,ъ 'ф !{ л*а *"Ф - , ,l :1 { л"'" i'1 !},;* !},g ý* е 1rrр * iý Photocopiable worksheets of worksheets, Thumbnai|s in ln the appendix of the book you сап find а wide rапgе of the tasks, and remind you of the introductions to the plays give you а quick overview the existence of the worksheets, о Fоr each of the short plays, there is опе photocopiable worksheet containing ihree activities. These are: of the play, This сап Ье ап activity that helps students with the comprehension plays where there is ап reading or listening (the latter is possible for all those - audio or video recording), and vocabulary/chunks of activities for working оп the language; for example, language апd/оr grammar structures from the script, two pages of photocopiable Fоr most of the medium and longer plays there are giving your students practice in reading and/or listening comprehension, о worksheets vocabulary, useful phrases, grammar апd creative writing, Why get уочпg learners and teens to act очt plays? heard about the motivational power In discussions with colleagues, we have frequently parents of children proudly watch of plays. we have heard beautiful stories of how as а result develop mоrе а play where their son оr daughter appearS оп stage, and language learning positive attitude5 towards their child's school, their child's foreign heard that otherwise rather inactive - and often their teacher as well! we have also when creating рrорS, masks, teens саП suddenly show remarkable amounts of energy get the сап Ье prepared to rehearse for long hours iп order to or costumes, and they again to audio recordings of а Ianguage right. They are happy to listen time and time pronunciation, and they show play so that they сап improve their own intonation and preparation. Colleagues who get remarkable social skills in working together оп its they meet their students their students to act out plays have also told us that when still have fond memories of the sometimes years after they have Ieft school - they often - day of а special performance. that supports the use of plays, There is also increasing evidence from cognitive research ownership of it, our students Learning а foreign language successfuIly is about taking to do everything we сап to аrе learning English as а foreign lапguаgе, but we want language, Ownership is about reduce the emotional distance between them and that about bringing it closer to оur reducing the 'foreignness' of the language to Ье learnt, aS а means of expressing students' hearts, getting them to enjoy the пеw language and intonation patterns, such themselves, playing with it, and identifying its sounds part апd parcel of how processes of identification, imitation and creative play are in the whole wide world children acquire their mother tongue ... surely no mother аппоuпсе, with а big would ever gо into her child's bedroom in the morning and progressive!' when we perfect present smile, 'Get up my darling - today we're doing the
I Е I аrе уоuпg, we imitate sounds, we play with words, and we act out roles - activities that help children to rehearse important social behaviour, understand how humans act and interact with опе another, gain insights into their own behaviour and develop their л personality. Е Children naturally епgаgе in high|y sophisticated 'Iet's pretend'games, often getting completely absorbed in acting out all kinds of roles that аrе familiar to them (their ri]um or dad, а shopkeeper, а policeman), оr that they dream up in their imagination. Acting out such roles helps the children to develop their language competences, and Е their imagination and creativity. When children become teenagers they go through the challenging phase of adolescence. Now they may appear to Ье far less prepared to take part in spontaneous role-play activities than they were as young children. However, adolescence is а time of inner fantasy and play. lt is at this time of their lives that students need to develop their sense of self - their identity - and identification with role models is part of that process. ln their imagination, teens often 'become'the heroes and heroines they admire, and imitate the way they dress, talk, think and act. These heroes and heroines are often the stars of the glitz and glamour of the movie or рор industries, successful sports players or other public figures, Cool teen behaviour in fact is often about imitating others, апd а way of pretending that Iife is anything but difficult during а time when they are often (despite their cool арреаrапсе) rather insecure. We have quite often noticed that adolescents are more than happy to engage in rоlе-рlау activities. You as а teacher can support this Ьу making sure the atmosphere in the teen classroom is а supportive опе, as ridiculing each other is unfortunately а common teen рhепоmепоп. lt is worth pointing out to students that you will give them enough time to study their lines and rehearse their performance, as it is important for teens to feel 'safe' in their roles. The importance of good stories What are the elements that make а story appropriate for young learners or teenagers? Кiеrап Egan stresses that Ьу offering the right stories to children а teacher can contribute greatly to the development of their 'cognitive too|s'. Stories can support these processes best if they offer strong emotional contrasts, e.g, good vs bad, happy vs sad, foolish vs serious, greedy vs cunning etc. The child needs such stories to Ье able to develop their оwп value system and in order to learn what is appropriate and acceptable behaviour and what isn't. As Kieran Egan points out: 'The story form is а cultural universal; ечеryопе everywhere enjoys stories. The story, then, is not just some casual entertainment; it reflects а basic and powerful form in which we make sense of the world and experience' (Teaching as Story Telling, University of Chicago Press, Е Е Е Е Е Е Е сa Е Е tе с. l Ё l l= l= l= G !
199в). Teachers frequently notice that although children lеаrп fast they tend to forget ечеп faster. offering stories - оr, in this case, plays - that аrе re|evant to your students mеап5 that students are more likely to rеmеmЬеr them, and consequently will also rеmеmЬеr the language iп а story or play more easily. дs Earl Stevick stresses, most of the sensory information reaching the Ьrаiп is quickly forgotten. The'deeper'a sentence is rooted in а student's brain/mind system, the higher the chances that the student will Ье able to use the language stored later in life. (Earl W. Stevick, Меmоry, Меапiпg & Method, Second Edition, Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Boston 1996 р.196) when students listen to, read оr watch а good story, they сап Ьесоmе totally absorbed in it, and in their imagination they often become part of the story themse|ves. when they're acting out а story iп the form of а play, the process of identification сап become even stronger; they сап get so fully engaged iп the play that they forget about everything else. Teenagers go through а phase of changes that is often characterised Ьу а growing interest in the rеаl world. дdоlеsсепсе is usually а time of emotional turmoil as well. Дссоrdiпg to insights explained in the educational theories of Kieran Egan, teens - as cool as they may Seem on the surface - often feel, deep down, threatened Ьу the world. One reason for their insecurity is the fact that they have по anSWers to questions they ask themselves. Those questions are of an existentially threatening nature, basically because teens cannot fiпd апу answers to them: will l Ье successfu/ iп life? parents Witt l Ье able to fiпd а good job апd еаrп good mопеY опе day? Whеп will mу die? whеп will l die? what hаррепs whеп t do? who will miss mе whеп / die7 etc, дlthоugh the world of teens is fundamentally а contact culture, they hardly еvеr share their real fears with others, and this often leads to а feeling of loneliness and the assumption that they are the опlу ones iп the world suffering from their problems. То them, the only way out of this situation seems to lie in trying notto Ье an individualnot ап easy task given that the particular phase in their lives is a|so about developing their sense of self, their identity - and so they епgаgе in copying each other: wearing the same brands of T-shirts and trainers, adoring the same kind of heroes and heroines, and finding the same kind of things either'awesome' or'gross' (current UK teen expressions for 'good' and 'bad'). such behaviour, together with their choice of heroes, often seem to suggest superficiaIity to the adult observer. But it's anything but! When teens choose their idols, they do so because they feel intuitively connected with what they perceive as the best human qualities through their heroes, whereas for adults every single опе of those stars mау well Ье representative of а tinsel wor|d. why the difference? Teens project onto their heroes the qualities they believe are needed in order to successfully master the challenges of а threatening world, and whereas it may Ье true that some of those heroes are pretty scandalous and superficial people themselves, the qualities teens see in them are important human values: love, courage, creativity, tolerance, endurance, engagement, solidarity, passion, and
,"* ь 6. 1t a;a't4}'rэп-?!,Jл-яg р^ }* J 4 el l ! ещ especially the ability to have got themselves into а р|асе where they are admired and approved of Ьу а great number of other people - something that mапу teens seek for themseIves. lt is through projection and identification that teens get into contact with those apparently superhuman qualities, and gradually discover that they themselves have some of those qualities within them. Taking such processes seriously and selecting content in the form of stories that support teenagers' natural search for positive human qua|ities and values will lead to more emotional engagement and hence higher levels of motivation in otherwise reluctant students. lп addition, it helps develop the students' own cognitive tools Ьу encouraging them to understand that all human knowledge and achievement was опсе just а dream in someone's mind. Teachers of teenage students frequently notice that it is difficult to get their students to talk about things that relate to themselves - this, in spite of the fact that teachers know that personalisation is ап important tool for learning а foreign language successfully. теепs, however, don't often want to talk about themselves, and as their teachers or parents we have to accept that and try to gently guide them through this insecure stage. One way of doing that is using drama activities because they offer students rich opportunities to 'hide behind а character'. They know that their audience knows that what they are saying is not what they think, and that it is someone else's lines they are acting out. So when teens act out а role they are not talking as themselves; yet the process of identification with the ro|e makes it possible for them to develop а feeling of ownership during the period of rehearsing and acting out а play. The modern teen dramas in Get оп Stage! are developed to do exactly that - they give students the opportunity to 'step out' of their оwп situation, and to experiment, reflect оп and familiarise themselves with а variety of behaviours, attitudes and beliefs as they act as someone else, yet bring to that rоlе their own thoughts апd emotions. The content of these p|ays makes it easy to grab students' attention, and consequently the content of the plays becomes more mеmоrаЬlе. When students remember the content of а play well, the chances are that the language too will stick in their longterm memory better. And finally, good plays are far mоrе likely to trigger responses from students, enlivening lessons and creating а more positive experience all round. a I How to cast а play Teachers casting а play are frequently tоrп between the crucial question of whether to choose the best actors for each role so that the drama comes fully alive, or whether to use the play as ап educational tool where it isn't just the performance that counts (as а mеапs of impressing the audience), but the process that leads up to the реrfоrmапсе. lt is important to keep iп mind here that acting out а play is а hoIistic process where I I 10
& ^-.'k фJ iч^ tрЖ * u а\ Иý У"ý'4Ц -чрf, "-h ', .; - е#У,Ъе :n "", ," ? ф р S", {Ъ ý""ý\ýqW success. The performance Ьу а very ечеryопе taking part in it is very important to its in the play in а way that exceeds shy itudent who finally manage' to speak two lines ever Ье able to achieve mау seem the student's оwп expectation of what they would _ it might well Ье а massive step insignificant within the performance as such but You сап Ье sure that the piece forward in the development of that particular student, а way that it will work ечеп (whether а short sketch or а longer play) is written in such Getonýtageloffer if noteverychildinyourclassisabornactor.Mostof theplaysin contribute to the play without lots of opportunities for every child in your class to feeling intimidated. to cast а play: There are several options you сап use if you want 1) Let the individual students choose, what roles they want to play, you lf you want to leave it to уоur students to choose and do some language work could work first оп the comprehension of the script simply ask who would like with the worksheets at the епd of the book, апd then process, but it mау not Ье ideal to act out which role. This is а very'democratic' They may not Want to Step for the shyer students, especially in ап adoIescent class, to Ье part of the cast, lп this forward and ask for а role, much as they might like Ье mоrе extrovert would not Ье unusual for those students who tend to context, it to get all the roles. 2) The decisions are made Ьу you, your students allows you to find а choosing the roles beforehand without asking for each of your students match between what you think would Ье the right role general, and what would Ье best for the performance in you сап also use the performance of а play as ап opportunity for уоur students to it would Ье good for grow personally, ЬУ selecting students because you believe 'I'd like you to play this part their personal development. Ву telling а shy student putting presSure оп them - but this because l think you'll Ье good', you may Ье make the next important step in may Ье the gentle push needed Ьу that student to to do sometimes, оп the other their оwп development and hепсе Ье the right thing to арреаr оп the stage, There hand, you mау feel that а student is поt yet ready performance if they аrе not at all is по point iп forcing а student to take part in а play а role you have selected, keen. lf you come uiror, а student who refuses to (in а non-judgemental way) about it could Ье а good idea to ask them questions another task - whether their reasons. lt mау then turn out that giving that student lights during the performance it is about making props, being responsible for the this would Ье ап entirely valid оr something erse - is the right thing to go for, and useful and pedagogical decision, as that student can still contribute something valuable to the 5uccess of the play, forcing them into performing Опе way to involve а student linguistically without and performances, This means is for them to act as 'prompt' during rehearsals rehearsing and, when а line is they follow the script whilst the other students are ,l1
forgotten, they provide the prompt and read out the forgotten line. This task could Ье shared from rehearsal to rehearsal. Accepted protocol for this requires that the prompter on|y prompts when they hear the struggling actor say 'line' - this is in order to avoid а situation where ап actor, pausing for dramatic effect, has their 'moment' ruined Ьу ап over-zealous prompter bellowing out the next line before being asked! 3) tet the class decide. This third option is опе that requires а fairly high level of maturity within уоur students. lt will Ье suitable if you have а чеrу good rарроrt with your class and, if the students themselves have а good rapport with each other - а classroom culture that usua|ly needs to Ье developed. Ву showing your students that the selection process should поt just Ье а matter of who makes themselves heard first and loudest when you ask who wants to play which rоlе, the process of choosing roles сап gradually become а valuable experience for уоur students in which they |earn to make informed decisions and reflect оп what are to become their rather than your choices. You couId start such а process Ьу brainstorming criteria for the selection with your students, and writing them оп the board, e,g. Who didn't get а part the last time rочпd whеп the class acted out а play? Who would you like to suggest for а role because you think it would Ье а good ехреriепсе for them? Who has пеvеr had а part iп а play? etc. ln order to avoid the more extrovert students always getting the ro|es they want, you could then ask students to write on а piece of paper which rоlе they would like to play. Опе student collects all the names, and writes them alphabetical|y on the board - underneath the паmе of the character they want to act out. The choice is then up to the students, and they need to decide in group or whole-class discussions. This process will require mоrе time, discipline and the ability to reflect оп decision making and choice оп the part of your students is in itself а чеry valuable activity if carried out in the foreign language. - but it How to choose а play for your class While you know best what kind of play is likely to Ье most suitable for your class, Get оп Stage! givesyou quite а bit of information about each опе, supportingyou in makingappropriate choices. ln the introduction for each play, you will find information about the estimated runtime, the props required, and the language level that а particular рlау is fоr. You will also see - indicated Ьу the icons in the margin - whether there is ап audio оr video recording of the play you are thinking of choosing, and see thumbnails of the worksheets to aid comprehension and support the language work you аrе рlаппiпg to do. You will want to make yourself familiar with the content of the plays before choosing. You сап use the synopses to pre-select the plays to shortlist for your class. The age of l 12 ]
а your students is another important criterion; уоuпgеr students may love to act out play based оп humorous sketch, while а teenage class mау Ье keener оп acting out а quality of one of the а traditional story - or may prefer the dramatic, soap-opera-like buoyant class mоdеrп teen plays, with the di|emmas they present. lf you teach а rather you may want to pick а mоrе serious piece in order to get them into а mоrе reflective piece that mood. lf you have а quiet class, you may Want to pick а more humorous in your class, heIps to bring the fun out in your students and raise the energy level to involve дgаiп, depending оп the level of maturity of your students, you mау decide phoiocopies them iп the decision-making process. You could, for example, give them plays to read апd choose f rоm, or you could read out the synopses of various of several p|ays and ask them for their preferences. Thinking about which play they themselves practice in would love to do most and which would Ье best for the audience is valuable going to Seeing the play through the eyes of whoever the audience is thinking ahead. Ье helps develop students' empathic skills. ,lз
\l .*;'? ý ъ.r и ы $"ьýЗ * ý 5"ý ъý ъ 3е а au &Э а 1, d"ъw|, ýЖ ý #"ф- Physical Warm-Up Games Warming up physically before а drama session or rehearsal not опlу prepares the body for the physicaI rigours ahead but also gets the blood pumping to the brain allowing better concentration and mепtаl application. А set pattern of physical stretches that warms up each part of the body also allows messages between the brain and the body to travel more efficiently апd can also ease students away from the world of jumbled thoughts they arrived with and into the world of the rehearsal room. The stretches you u5e сап Ье the same а5 those for а sports warm-up but don't allow students to push themselvestoo much as it isa drama classweare preparingforand nota polevault. lt is advisable to keep these warm-up stretch routines exactly the same each time as the very repetition and familiarity allows students to find the right mепtаl state in which to rehearse. Having said that, it is a|ways fun to add а few physical games to vary the routine and keep the mood buoyant. Here аrе а few suggestions. Some require both physical and mental stamina. Points of the Compass Designate each side of the rооm as points оп the compass, North, South, East and West. When you shout а point the students must run to it. variations: . around the world - run clockwise around the rооm; . end of the world - play dead. port and starboard The sides of rооm become parts of а ship, Port, Starboard, bow, stern. You са|| - pupils ru п. variations: . mап overboard - ruп to the sides; . mап the rigging- pretend to climb; . scrub the deck - pretend to scrub; . hit the deck - play dead. Gat and Mouse Every student has а раrtпеr апd hold hands (or wrists) except two students who remain un-attached. Designate опе а5 the cat and опе as the mouse. The cat chases the mouse but the mouse, if they wish, can escape Ьу holding the hand/wrist of someone who is already in а couple. The person iп the couple whose hand isn't being he|d becomes 14
* е* *ф - .," В" 1 .J'e ý ".ч & Ф."". вьцеа\ ъhýý{*ý,ц&tft:. т 4 ь ь f е.!9.,. wr.а. ц \ ф"а4 "j q ? -*f4__ the mouse 5о has to let go of his/her partner's hand and try to е5саре the cat, lf the cat does catch the mouse they сап swap rо|е5. Good Моrпiпg Each student has to say'Good morning'and shake the hands of all the other students while keeping the other hand shaking someone else's hand - опlу when both hands are occupied in handshaking can the student disengage and find someone else. Blob students spread out in а defined area. опе student is chosen as'The Blob'. дt the teacher's command 'The Blob'tries to tag (i.e. touch) the others. опсе а person is tagged they attach themselves to'The Blob'and Ьесоmе part of it. This continues until ечеryопе is part of 'The Blob'. Encourage students to attach themselves in ways other than simply holding hands, the more'Blob'-like the creature becomes, the more fun. опсе the game is over play it again but emphasise the teamwork and co-operation a5pects and епсоurаgе your students to discuss tactics that will help when hunting as 'The Blob'or trying to avoid being assimilated by'The Blob'. This will also move focus away from who was'The Winner'and who was'The Loser'. variation The same as above but with ечеryопе blindfolded. Stress the importance of moving slowly and stealthily and епсоurаgе your students to start relying оп senses other than sight аlопе as they hunt or attempt avoidance. Опсе everyone is blindfold, touch your 'ВlоЬ'оп the shouder and then give the command for the game to start. As people feel themselves being tagged they silently join 'The Blob'. silentTerror or snake in the Dark дпоthеr slight variation оп 'The Blob', Spread your students out around the space and ask them to close their eyes. Then ask them to walk around the room with eyes shut. Se|ect one student to Ье the snake or 'The Silent Terror'. They try to catch the others. If they are the snake they must hiss so that their prey сап listen and try to avoid them. lf they аrе the 'The Silent Теrrоr', they make no sound at all but the others must whisper 'Silent Terror' whenever they touch 5оmеопе else. lf there is по reply then they have Ьееп caught Ьу the Silent Terror. The person who is caught must join the back of the monster (hold onto waist of the last caught person). lf the monster is the snake, victims must join the back when they have been hissed at! ,l5
Handkerchief Each player has а piece of material tucked in the top of the back of his оr her trousers or skirt but with опе piece с|еаrlу visible. The object of the game is for each player to collect as mапу of the other players''handkerchiefs'without having his or her own taken. Keepie Uppie The group has to keep а soft ball in the air for as mапу touches as possible. Each рlауеr is опlу allowed to touch it опсе in succession. lf it touches the floor, or if апу player takes mоrе than опе touch, the game must start again from пumЬеr опе. Ву using а Ьаllооп you make the game much easier but it mеапs you can add further rules * such as using опlу feet and heads, left hand оп|у, and so on. Steer Ме! Each student takes а partner and they take it iп turns to safely manoeuvre each other around the space but the student being steered is blindfold. They are not allowed to speak, and each pair should develop their оwп series of physical commands, for example tapping оп the left shou|der to turn left. We recommend deciding оп а 'stop' signal before all others! Students wiIl Ье surprised at the level of trust they сап develop in their partners as they are steered around а busy room. As сопfidепсе grows, increase the speed. Oh ! What а Tangled Web We Weave! Students form а standing circle and hold hands. Split the group iп the middle. Опе end begins to weave through the arms and legs of the rest of the group. Shout, 'Freeze!'the two lines must untangle themselves without letting go of each other's hands and then reform the circle. i Zombie l This game works best if your students know each other's names at least reasonab|y well. They all stand in а wel|-spaced circle. Designate опе to Ье'Zombie'. That student puts their arms out in front of them and walks slowly, like а zombie, across the circle toward someone roughly opposite. The реrsоп being stalked needs to catch the еуе of 5оmеопе else in the circle who will then release them Ьу calling their паmе (the паmе of the person being stalked, not their оwпl). The person who was being stalked Ьу the zombie then becomes the zombie and sets off towards the person who released them whilst the original zombie takes their place in the circle. The person now being stalked has, in turn, to catch the еуе of 5оmеопе else in the circle to release them. This game 16 l
is excellent for concentration as it опlу works efficiently when the students realize that the best method for success is to remain calm and focused and in tune with each other. Essential for drama! lf the zombie catches the person before they are released, you сап decide that they are 'ollt' or you сап decide that the person who failed to release them in time is'out' but until the pattern is established and the hysteria has subsided it's best to keep all involved. Fruit Salad Sit the students оп chairs in а circle and give each student the паmе of а fruit making sure there are at least two of each fruit. When their fruit is called, they must change seats. The rules are: . . students cannot return to their original seat students cannot sit in seats to the immediate right and left of their оwп seat. variations Choose categories other than fruit: animals, cities, famous people, insects, numbers. Апуопе Who ,.. дrrапgе а circle of chairs but with опе less chair than you have students. Everyone sits except one реr5оп who stands in the middle. That реrsоп then makes the statement Дпуопе who ...'and completes it with а category of their choice, 'has blonde hair ...', 'likes Hip-Hop ...'. Апу students who feel that description fits them have to swap seats with each other whilst the original questioner tries to sit iп а vacated chair. Whoever is left without а chair becomes the questioner. The L-shaped Walk Everyone finds а space and stands still. The опlу way to move around the rооm is iп ап L shape - 2 steps, а right-angled turn, then З steps or 3 steps, а right-angled turn and then 2 steps. Explain that the students must not touch апуопе else and must pause if they are going to bump into others. Students mоче оп the teacher's command. variations: . . aIter расе (fast оr slow), direction, mood, eyes shut. mоче to spot - choose а spot in the room, fix your eyes uроп it, now move towards it without touching апуопе оп the way. (Vary расе, back/forward, eyes shut and so оп.) 17
. : -.;:'. рr .,ý ý.ý _ _ý с+ . t,зýý _ -'з ъý 1 ё ,_ .л i';.i;1'" ] *"ý'л ьъ* Tipsandguidelinesforstagingandperformingaplay Voice proiection Basic message to get across to уочr students: реrfоrmiпg for the audience, Rеmеmьеr: уоu'rе апdпоtfоr each other, to а student actor and even some adult опе of the most difficult ideas to get across of the audience to hear what they are actors is the absolute need for every member saying.Nomatterhowbrilliantlytheyareacting,iftheaudiencecan'thearthem and even апgry, But voice projection isn't they disengage and become bored, restless voices are still in physical development, and easy, particularly for teenagers whose the idea of expressing ihemselves loudly, whose self-confidence levels may not Support where before а rehearsal оr lesson starts However, we've all experienced ihe situation voices levels of noise, but after the start their а grоuр of kids can generate ear-splitting asked to contribute formally, seem to magically dLupp.ar when they,re the but the following tips will help maximise lt сап take years to train а voice properly, а rather shorter time, vocal potential of your student actors iп 1) Seeing is hearing but then they can hear better. sounds odd, lf the audience сап 5ее ап actor's mouth whеп your actors to keep their heads up, and ечеп is perfectly true - so епсоurаgе other they should try and share the scene two characters аrе talking directly to each withtheaudience(seealso'Backsarebad'onthefollowingpage). 2) Throw your voice their voices up and over the audience Get your students to imagine they're throwing avoids а natural tendency for actors to so that it lands оп the back row. This performonlyforthefronttworoWSandignoretherestoftheaudience,which required. А really good exercise to in turn means they underestimate the volume whilst half your students is to split the cast into two groups; make this tangible for the other half stand where the back rоw of them stay in the performance space get them to rehearse the play across that of the audience will Ье, and then уоu volume required to hear each other and divide. They will soon Ьесоmе aware oJ tn. to hear them in performance, therefore the volume required for the audience 3) А соlчmп of sound ll ___д TL!_ _лJ,,лас pit of the stomach, not the throat, This reduces The voice should соmе from the thedangerofstrainingthevocalchordsandproducesgreatervolume.Togetyour ha! to do а deep belly laugh - На, ha, ha, ha, students to understand this, ask them whilsiplacingtheirhandontheirstomach,andthenaskthemtoconcentrateon will ехреriепсе the sound iп their throats the feeling of the stomach muscles. They aswell,butencouragethemtofocusongettingmoreandmoreofthesoundto for them to keep the throat relaxed and start from the stomach. Stress the need 18
visualise the line ореп. Then get them to say опе line at а time, asking them to соlumп of sound starting in the pit of the stomach and then rising as а continuous of the audience, up through the body, out of the mouth and right over to the back 4| ж 5) Кеер breathing! lt may seem simplistic, but опе of the most important rules of acting is'keep performing makes us breathing!'. often, the tension involved iп rehearsing апd enough breath forget this most basic of rules. Make sure уоur students take а deep as the to get them through the line so that the end of the line is as well supported beginning, and the volume won't tail off into inaudibility, Not the Opera House! lt's not going to Make absolutely sure you choose your performance Space wisely, results, book work if you rehearse your play in а classroom and, encouraged Ьу the how large а space the nearest opera house for уоur performance. Ве realistic about that they сап Ье managed vocally Ьу your students. lt'S vital for their confidence physical space. don't feel overawed Ьу the challenge of filling too large а Staging and 'blocking' Basic message to get across to уочr students: Rеmеmьеr the аudiепсе students оп Дlthough this may Seem ап obvious poini to make, it is wоrth asking уоur you will gradually а regular basis, 'Where is the audience?' Ву doing this repeatedly, that they allow the students to develop the actor's instinct of being constantly aware This аrе performing not for each other but for an external entity, 'the дudiепсе', actual an or may simply Ье classmates if the performance is to Ье in the classroom, а play to audience of other classes, parents, friends and family if you have рrераrеd perform in а larger space - but the same rules apply, 1) Backs are bad/Upstaging not want to unless you are creating а specific dramatic effect, an audience will and the story. see the actors' backs, as this creates а barrier between the audience that their when you рlап the characters' moves (this is what'blocking' is), make sure as that is faces are always seen, whether talking or reacting to what is happening, far more engaging than the sight of someone's back, for However, sometimes you may deliberately use backs as an effect - when, Scene, ln оur instance, you want the audience to focus оп two characters in а crowd play Friendship (рр 172-1S1) there is а party scene where we have prescribed that characters the audience should only see the faces of Lisa and sheri, with the other оп the at the party keeping their backs to the audience, who can then concentrate rather reactions of the two featured characters; but this example is the exception than the rulе. 19
Upstaging is а term used to describe what happens when ап actor iп а scene stands too far towards the back of the stage compared to the other actors. This forces them to turn their backs оп the audience in order to speak to the 'upstaging'actor, and "А а\1 as mentioned above ... backs are not what ап audience wants. 2\ NOT straight lines Even professional actors have а strange desire to stand in а straight liпе when а few of them find themselves оп stage together, Ьut it looks terribly boring from the audience's point of view. UnIess your cast аrе going to dance the can-can, епсоurаgе them to stagger а straight line. However, Ье careful they don't'upstage' each other. Ii 1 1 r /\ь i+_H иfrffi\ /^ V ffirffi,в^ri WА ч# ffiЕ \* 111,1 z\ 5ý] е/l 1о r\.a!&:- ;-;щрt'ffi жз) ýр Д Back foot, front foot This is а difficult idea to describe but а simple idea to enact, so please watch the section оп the DVD if you are not sure what we mеап. Essentially what it entails is that if two actors or more are acting out а dialogue, then the actor whose turn it is to speak takes а small step backwards and shifts their weight onto their back foot. This turns their body towards the audience апd slightly away from the other actor(s), hеlрiпg the audience see their face when they're speaking. When the line is finished, the actor turns back again towards whoever has the next line, taking а бА tъ; small step forwards. 4) Sight lines The lines of vision from the audience to the stage are caIled 'sight lines'. When you know where you аrе performing and you know where your audience will Ье seated, do the best you can to епsurе that whoever sits in the seats at the ends of the rows сап see all the actors оп stage all of the time; if Jimmy's grandma is sitting at the end of а rоw А and she can't see Jimmy because other actors keep standing between her and her beloved grandson, then she won't Ье happy.To help with this problem, make sure that your first row of audience seating isn't too close to the stage. Also, don't let the characters on stage stand too close together, as this closes down what the audience сап see; don't bunch your actors like Ьапапаs! 5) Here l аm! Here l go! When making entrances and exits, the actors shouldn't physically'apologise'for arriving оп stage or leaving it. 20
out actor moved from опе chair to the other whilst saying 'l need to Ье able to see of the window'you would draw а very simple bird's еуе view of the chairs and table with the actor's initials in the chair from which they move and an аrrоw across to the other chair and then а line is drawn from that diagram асrоss to the liпе in script. This, again, keeps the student responsible fully involved with the text without the having to perform. The following diagram shows ап ехаmрlе of how the actors' moves сап Ье recorded in а ring binder. lt's from the play Being Polite (р 56-61) which is also available оп the DVD. Дs you сап 5ее' the notes contain abbreviations (SK = Shopkeeper, Sд1 = Shop assistant 1, Sд2 = ShOp assistant 2,С1= Customer'l and С2 = Customer2), The rectangles represent the two saIes counters. i. \fiat , 1hlrLтe,r Sbol] : :ý,l ar;iiы| { : lhrp яз:?rt 2 . , ] {'uitоmtI : ýhol) xrtltnn{ a"*-*wеr1 {ььtсхrеr ?- ;DФR ilýrirlxлt \r! 0lt]ý'] 11 ý,ilh at {цil.j \k']lJho{ lYxlch. ýhOlrkeepcl Сшld l]al l1adrul, (]rл l !к,lр 1ou? lТhol 0.r, лrjц lnlliiлg h фah 01iкr ] ' ,1.1, {,tliil l)ai_ J'J litr l hаmlпсг рlезst, {)lr. ýhог x!!islrnl Ej,l,t']', ,\t,1{2.. _ч'--'< ,,)/ 'Ф*-,/' 'pltt*'. ,JlJrit i \lir:{ tio '\'ol l}i!t Ь rа! {'!slýu!, , оо пr.rп'] l slir] Jirl. lrut 1rш tlidп'l Jn} ]l !i.cl), shol)k..pcf :h(lР xj!]rtaЛl . I.., \ \'сs.1,1ш " 2 - ttrr1;!tcprr lлJ |L} gi|c lh9 l*rknnei an 'l!Bplc] i-чпriliос} l {., 1iil 0nJe]llrnd \i,rl ,,l:.,."1.1 - ) U,lij tl, Il\ /..; Shо!-.},.!гll |!!I*rl ,,1у" ''-',, 1ч( ,' r if ýЕ8 / г1',l ,,. ',:? "<*||!||' ý ъ .,ilУ ,\,,. \у р}J i \V ., * ё7ь 5ýnl, 'fftl lrii!lJnl: (ilýtt}(.г (]ul plaa!lrc, l hx1 l Сu;tоmсr] austonrcr 1 Сuý[хпеr ] {'L|ýloficr 1 ]чýшmе, : ( Ь polilc i-ie},!ou,{.ittnrr.ascfc*!]Iilýг, 50.1y1' I 1п!с]1'l -i}_ left. lrlin8 1о )!). l {}s lrklпg к) lh.m, Sоrц"l plrKl hгаiп, l-vt rITФd} k' J о|| |vil hlri ness\r!5 lftlliný io lteвr sпd tol to l{rt] ]vl]nd I 22 il: л]uýt ýа}. ]t [фlý good 1о "{-,, i{_*l The actors mочеmепts are jotted down оп the trasп-l So bad. ý,х! } l Ф )!! 'l i'mlollt.r l. , l]l! ý lцl't ]ltl.п lnlarý _!ou rx! thc шrgiс lrorri, llisi( \lоrd? Whnl оп t]adh ar! lou tlll]лg аk{? au$tсmст: The script sеquелсеs аrе оп the right with the drаwп репсil lines matching up. ,l ;
;;3 i]]ý;:5ii1 lf something does go wrопg, there аrе usual|y two outcomes: either the audience don't notice, unless the actors make it obvious Something has gone wrong Ьу coming out of character or coming out of the wor|d of the play оr the audience do notice. lп which case the actors should do the opposite ... lf it itches, scratch it! lf sally needs to sneeze, for example, then she can sneeze but sneeze as kate, - ж4) staying in character. This means that if the audience аrе tempted to giggle they look at Sally but see Kate - still in character, stiII focused оп the play and they soon forget it еvеr happened. А straightforward sneeze is а lot less distracting than ж 5) watching sally spend 60 seconds оr more trying desperately to stifle а sneeze. so whatever the actors need to do, they can do it - but they must stay in character. Enjoy it, relax ... nothing сап gо wrопg! lf something goes disastrously wrong and it's obvious the audience have noticed, then the actors should just rеIах and let the audience know that they too know it's gone Wrопg. lf the audience know something has gone wrong, they are going to Ье worried and еvеп embarrassed for the actors - but if the actors let the audience know that they don't really mind, then the audience can relax апd actually enjoy the moment with the actors. lп а comedy, Some of the finest moments сап Ье when something ,,Ж 6) Make sure уоur actors stay iп character throughout; опе of the easiest ways of losing audience focus is when ап actor, having said their line, goes back to being himself оr herself whilst others speak. This is because when а line is spoken, the audience will Ье interested not опlу in what was said but also in how other characters on stage react to the line. ТО continue with SaIly and her character Kate, if Kate angrily asks another character, 'What did you mеап Ьу that?', but Sally goes back to being herself whilst the other character explains, then the audience will become confused. Kate has to Ье onstage for the duration of the play, and Sally can опlу come back when the play has ended. 7) j - provided the actors share it with the audience, who will suddenly feel rеаllу part of it. lf ап actor passes а cup to another actor and they drop it, the audience will worry - but the first actor turns to them and ad-libs, saying directly to them, 'I told him he needed glasses!'the audience will relax and laugh really loudly. Staying in character: acting is also reacting goes Wrопg i Don't tread оп а laugh А соmmоп trap fallen into Ьу the inexperienced actor when performing comedy is 'treading оп а laugh'. This phrase refers to the situation where the audience laugh at а line or situation in а play but the actor with the next line proceeds to deliver that line whilst the audience is still laughing and as а consequence the line gets lost. This liпе might Ье а vitaI piece of plot information оr а line designed to get yet another laugh but will fail to have the designed effect if it is lost in uproarious audience mirth! lf the audience do laugh then tell уоur actors to stay in character j i i i j I I t t 24 t
i: } * i ; р ý} ,, ý ý tý *ý 8 ! ý* ýý;i * the laugh has subsided enough for the and enjoy the laugh but simpIy wait untiI them audience will know you аrе waiting for next line to Ье heard. The fact that the to feel really part of the experience, will greatly empower them and allow them BuT not to take them for granted, There's рrераrе your actors to Ье ready for laughs The ап anticipated laugh that fails to arrive, nothing worse than ап actor waiting for you will find lines that you consider other side to that coin is that in every comedy your audience, mundane to Ье inexplicably hilarious to Interestingly,performingcomedyforanaudienceinalanguageotherthantheir is the'double-laugh', The creates оЙ unique situation and that native tongue audience whose comprehension 'double-laugh' is what happens when part of the joke to take а moment to explain the is high laugh immediately but then have is less advanced who then laugh to others in the audience whose comprehension the'double-laugh' cannot Ье taught but themselves. Knowing when to wait for if the concept is explained it сап help! comes only with .*ръri.п..; however Building the characters to tell уочr story Basic message to get аGrоsý to уочr students: Do it physically! to Ье Stage! is to alIow the English language Дlthоugh the primary purpose of бet оп engaging way, the overall enjoyment of practised and used Ьу students in а hopefully the allowing them to experiment physically with the ехреriеп.е is g,eitly enhanced Ьу tell а story, when а character shuffles onto the characters. physicality сап really help to then even before they've said а word the stage, bent очеr and using а walking stick, immediately focus оп what the character audience know they аrе old, so that they сап isgoingtosay.Also,byacharacterhavingobviousphysicalattributes,thelessSecure free to experiment, as it's not them but the students сап hide behind these and feel character who is doing everything, 1) Gesture for comedy purposes), ап actor may Sometimes (particularly, though not exclusively, putinanexaggeratedgestureforemphasis.Thiscannotonlyhelpthecomedy, - сап help as а mеmоry aid for the actor but also associating а gъsturе with а word brain's'physical mеmоry'? lп the play remember the point made earlier about the of gestures being used for comic Being potiteon the DvD, there is а demonstration and 'please', effect when the characters say 'magic word' ж 2) Ноw does mу character stand and wa!k? onceyouhavedecidedonaplay,askyourstudentstostandandwalkintheway old prince, ап should stand and walk: а handsome they think the various characters wоmап, а policeman ." 25
жз) дЁ 4) Who does mу character remind mе of? Sometimes it helps to ask your students to think of someone they know, either from their оwп lives or fictional characters who remind them, if опlу а bit, of the character they аrе going to play. That gives the inexperienced actors а usefuI starting point, for both voice and movements. Hands Believe it or not, опе of the hardest things about acting is to know what to do with уоur hands. What you don't want is а stage full of actors with their hands thrust deep into pockets because they don't know what to do with them. Another trap is that actors сап overuse their hands Ьу emphasising every word with а gesture. so tell the students that if in doubt they сап let their hands hang Ьу their sides; it's fiпе. However, hands сап Ье used to great effect if used рrореrlу. Suggest some emotional and physical states and ask your actors to come up with suitable hand actions such as these: . . о о о , _л lЪа 5) exasperated - hands on head pulling оwп hair - опе аrm folded across the chest, the other stroking the chin arms held rigidly at the sides of the body, hands making tight fists cold - the character blows оп their hands thinking ап$r} - the character fans their face with their hand. And if one character fans their face but the other characters don't, the audience will know that that character has been running or exerting themselves. All these physical signals help ап audience рrераrе for the language, so that ечеп if they don't understand every word they сап get the general idea. There's по such thing as а small part Encourage your students to approach playing the smaller parts with as much care hot as the bigger parts. ln Shakespeare's Macbeth, there is а character, Seyton, who опlу has two lines but if he doesn't come оп and tell Macbeth that his wife is dead, then the rest of the play can't hарреп at all. And if the actor playing seyton doesn't project the right sense of fear for what he is about to say, but instead, casually and chewing gum, mentions the fact that the queen is dead, then the whole play is ruined. There is по such thing as а small part. For example, in some of the plays iп Gef оп Stage! there are characters described simply as customers - but if each customer is thought about and turned into ап individual, then the play becomes much more satisfying overall for both cast and audience. so, ask the students to find а word they think describes some aspect of their character, then ask them to look that word up iп а thesaurus - and they will discover aIl sorts of subtle differences in the way they сап act out the originaI word. 26
*ý Т q*iJгt4*;1+ * * ff : l Y r 5 t' l ý l Т :' Е j i :'".{6;ф.Ф'y '"я.-е* f фе -n7: у " Расе Basic message to get across to уочr ýtudents: quick, quick, slotu Slotu, slola - actors as meaning'fast' 'расе' is а word that is often misinterpreted Ьу - but in fact, justasinsport,pacedescribestheSpeedatwhichaSceneorplayshouldbeplayed, beitfast'slow,steady,franticetc.Byvaryin8thepaceofasceneanentirelydifferent to occasions when we have Ьееп struggling effect сап Ье achieved. There have Ьееп particular scene, and then we have discovered that define what exactly is wrong with а all the problems disappear and just Ьу either speeding up й. расе оr slowing it down thescenecomesintofocus.Withinaplaytheremay,dependingonthenarrative,be mапу differently paced scenes, сап Ье achieved: Here аrе some ways in which the appropriate расе 1) Picking чр Cues . lt_ - l:.лл_, lл л,,и сЬаrt pauses between the lines', ln our short unjustified leave means'don't phrase This playsmartShoppersФpa0-a2)thereisasectionofdialogueasfollows: new dress? Wоmап (Пuirliпg оrоuпd)Wеll? How do I look in mу ManYoulookmarvellous,darling.Happyanniversary. woman Man Wоmап yоu'rе surе it doesn't make mу bottom look а bit fat? Not at all, But ", I? (аlаrmефWhаt? What's the matter? I look awful, don't ManCalmdown,darling_there,snothingwTong!It'sjustthatyou looksolovelyinthatdressIwanttogetyousomethingelseto match, has said 'I look awful, don't l?' а mап Taking а rea1-1ife situation, if after а Woman the woman would probably саrrу оп talking, Were to pause before responding, then more desperate - but those lines aren't in asking him further questions and getting thescript,soit,sessentialfortheactorplayingMantopickuphiscueandrespond immediately with his'Calm down, darling', lnaddition'Man,bypickinguphiscuepromptly,canthenrelaxandslowdownhisto he really were trying rest of his speech, just as he would if расе throughout the calm her dоwп. lmportant!Pickingupacuedoesn'tmeantheactorcangabbletheirnextline;it justmeansthatunwarrantedgapsinthedialogueareavoided,andsotheplayfeels М Y understandable, fast and interesting, but remains completely pick чр another character's расе 2) - Don't let your character not to pick uр the расе above extract again, Мап must Ье careful hasty is to ье made in an alarmed апd even of woman,s,l look awful,. Her speech and reassuringly, lt may but Мап must in contrast speak slowly, calmly mаппеr ;;i;g to tt. - 27
seem а rather obvious point to make, but when adrenaIin is involved it is easy for every actor to unwittingly follow the расе of the previous speech, Ье it fast оr slow, and this leads to one-dimensional performances that are either Way too fast or way too slow. жз) Don't rush through the 'horing bits'/Remember the audience have never heard it before Another trap is the actors forgetting that although they may have rehearsed and rehearsed апd rehearsed а play, ап audience is seeing it for the first time. so in the fiпаl rehearsals, don't let them rush through bits they know really we|l or think might have got а bit boring. lt's true that some parts of а play may come together really quickly, and the actors may get а bit bored and want to get onto the bit they really enjoy- but as often as not the audience really need to hеаr апd understand the 'boring' bit in order to make sense of the 'exciting' bit. 4l Emphasis and repetition Sometimes а line in а playscript will Ье repeated, and varying the расе and emphasis of the repeats allows you to сrеаtе completely different effects. Fоr instance, imagine а character has to repeat three times 'не monkey face!' о о the line, said l'm а lf the character says it the first time quietly and slowly, and gets louder and faster on each repeat, this сап indicate that he/she may have started shocked or quietly seething, and ended up in а towering rаgе, implying the unwritten line And l'm going to get him! However, if the character says it the first time loudly, quickly and angrily, and gradually gets quieter and slower, then they may have gradually got mоrе upset and sad, implying the unwritten line And l'm really hurt,' So, varying the расе is а useful tool for creating dramatic interest. Play with it! Set, props, lights, music and sound effects Basic message tb get across to your students: ) Do It Yourself! ] Each individual play iп this book gives you guidance, but here are а few general points. 1) Set The plays in Gef Оп Stage! do not rely оп elaborate sets. They сап all ье made with tables and chairs and other easily obtainable objects. Part of the fun is finding simple ways to create а set; if in doubt, paint it and stick it up! Remember, а desk is а desk untilyou add а papertablecloth and а paper rose... when it becomes рагt of а posh restaurant. Or а table put uP оп а smaIl platform with а рареr sign яуiпg 'Fast Food' and two painted wheels stuck on the audience side of the platform 28 J j j j i
э 1 ]];i:a ,:li. ii ,1':' i:1; becomes а fast-food чап - уоur audience's imagination will do the rest. The DVD version of Rusty Nail Soup (р 127) demonstrates how to create ап environment using the actors themselves as doors and cupboards. This doesn't mean you shouldn't Ье as creative as you wish and build whatever уоu want - but equally, if you haven't got the resources or time to build anything at all, then just get а student to read out the set descriptions and stage directions, and allow the audience to create the world for themselves. That in itself will create а special magic. lf you do build anything, then make sure that it is safe and'excited-kid-proof'. Clip the tablecloth to the desk and blu-tack the vase to the cloth, so that if your уоuпg actors, in their excitement, leap up from the restaurant tabIe they don't take everything with them. Because despite earlier messages saying nothing can gо wrопg, there's no point in going looking for trouble; performing а play is quite nerve-racking enough for your actors without them wondering if а piece of wobbly scenery is about to crash down оп their heads! 2) Props The same rules apply as above; simple апd safe. lf ап actor comes оп stage with а broom handle and tells the audience it's а laser gun, they'll believe it. 3) Lights lf you can get hold of some simple lighting then that's great because it сап he|p define the performance area and create а sепsе of occasion. But по way аrе they essential - Shakespeare опlу had а few candles and he managed, Dimming the lights between scenes is а simple and effective way of denoting the passing of time or а change in location, particuIarly if accompanied Ьу music (see be|ow). lf you do decide to use lighting take time to focus the lighting оп the areas of the stage where the action will occur, Sounds obvious but the audience's eyes will Ье drawn to the brightest spots оп the stage so if you have а chair onstage and а character sits on that chair make sure the light hits the chair and mark the floor of the stage with tape so you know where the chair is meant to Ье every time you perform. А light focused оп the wrопg spot can Ье terribly distracting as the audience start to think'I wonder what's going to happen in that bright patch of light?' rather than concentrating оп the play as it unfolds. 4) Music Music, with or without lighting, is ап incredibly useful method of setting оr changing the emotional texture of а scene, You will struggle to watch а film or ТV show where music is nof used as ап amazingly effective shortcut to tell the audience what they should Ье feeling. lf уоur class is blessed with students who сап рlауап instrument, then so much the better!Asimp|etune played оп the recorder сап Ье used to suggest а variety of different moods. А Scottish lament сап invoke terrible sadness and yearning whereas а jaunty Scottish reel cannot fail to bring а smile. Апу of the short comedy sketches in бef оп Stage! would benefit greatly Ьу 29
having kazoos played before and after each scene. (Kazoos are brilliant for comedy as theY require по instrumental abilitY whatsoever and are inherently 'silly'.) Music сап allow ап audience to know where they are before а word has Ьееп spoken, so that they can immediately attune to the dialogue. Ечеп without the Iuxury of live music, existing music/songs played оп cD are just fine and allow students to really think about а play and suggest which of their favourite songs/ tunes might fit. 5) ýочпd effects The lпtеrпеt is full of sites where you сап download simple sound effects to help create ап atmosphere or mark а particular moment, and most cheap keyboards contain а bewildering variety of bleeps and bongs that can Ье easily utilised for а show. But it's far better, in оur opinion, if the students create their own sound effects with their own voices. Rusty NailSoup (р 127) оп the DVD uses the actors to сrеаtе а creaky door and а slamming one, both physically and vocally, which is more satisfying in а theatrical SenSe. Also, some of the playscripts in беt оп Stage! contain specific suggestions for vocal sound effects, but we're sure you will Ье able to find opportunities that we've missed! Changing scепеs J ] j .l Basic message to get acroýs to уочr students: Make Sure aour audience knol,as ushat you kпоlо! lп а big theatre sсепе changes аrе easily marked Ьу а пumЬеr of things, for example curtains falling and rising, а change in the lights (e.g. from day to night time), оr а different setting specified through different props. Nопе of these may Ье availab|e for your performance. However, possible changes in time and location have to Ье made clear to the audience in order for them to Ье abte to follow the play. А number of the plays in this book have Ьееп written in such а way that the scene change follows naturally from what is said Ьу the actors or the narrator(s). lп Ihе children апd the wind,tor example, there is а chicken who acts as а narrator. Whenever а Scene change happens, the chicken announces that as part of her i j j narration. when at the end of the first scene, for example, Mum wants to make some pancakes for the children, but she doesn't have апу flоur, and the children decide to go to the miller to get some, the chicken says: j cHtckBtl And off they went to the millеr, whеrе they filled their bowl йth flour. They wеrе very happy, but as they walked back, dreaming of l pancakes, something happened. This makes it clear to the audience that the next scene is set outside the flour mill and it might not Ье necessary to further indicate that there has Ьееп а change of scene. з0 j д д Е
Г . и ф' ье F^, 8; * * s * ý ь ýъ ý + *,|"ý"t,lLЁ"** /_ -l 7 -- ; ý ýg*-1ЬЪý Чiý ,, j q * ý lf you want to Ье on the safe side, however, it might Ье advantageous to indicate the change of scene also visually, for example Ьу getting а student to walk across the stage holding а board with the пеw 5сепе written оп, clearly visible to ечеryопе in the audience. Ап alternative way of communicating changes of scene visually to the audience would Ье for а pair of students to carry in а flip chart where the different stage settings have ;;rТr:\..hЕ ',rrсl?L .' ', x6€r|Vou,,L Fl \]vI ,|- J' ьееп written beforehand, опе раgе per Scene. The students enter, put down the flipchart, turn the page 5о the audience point at it, can see the specifications for the next scene, and pausing а bit to give ihe audience time to read what's on the flip chart. to the audience and дs we have stressed, visual аппоuпсеmепts give cIear indications to perform а play. The should therefore Ье used routinely when you get your students more students iп other advantage of using them lies in the fact that you сап involve the performance. ж Remembering оr learning lines Basic message to get across to your students: Моuiпg Makes Memories! your students! 'How do you remember уоur lines?' This is the wrопg question to ask 'How do you lеаrп уоur lines?' is mоrе to the point, А liпе will stubbornly refuse to Ье remembered until it has Ьееп properly lеаrпt. So, apply to all of what does 'properly learnt' mеап? There are three parts to it, and they U5: . . . lntellectual Memory script and This is the part of the line-learning process when our brain reads the us rеmеmьеr it, makes sense of each line, constructing а logical progression to help Physical Memory physical action дgаiп, develops during rehearsals as the Ьrаiп starts to associate finger at someone sitting, standing, walking, handing over something, shaking our - - with each line. Emotional Memory how wе felt when we Develops during rehearsals when the brain starts to rеmеmьеr spoke that line. more оп дll three are equally important, but as we get older we rely more and children to emotional and physical memory, as the talent we innately have as уоuпg to fade, read something а couple of times and simply remember it starts 31
Line |earning depends crucially оп understanding what each line mеап5. That may sound obvious, but we have witnessed actors ruп through ап entire part from memory yet still stumble очеr the same line over and over again - and the reason is always that they still don't really know whythey're saying it! So, here's а learning system we've found works well оп the whole: 1) ] Read То begin with, the cast should read the play а number of times out loud to each other, so they start to understand it as а whole. Reading out loud is ап entire|y different exercise from reading quietly to oneself - it's а far mоrе vaIuable опе for this purpose, as it allows the brain to immediately start remembering how it physically feels to form and speak those particular words in that particular order and to make associations with the 'feel' of each line. 2) Block 3) Then start to 'block'the play (i.e. direct the students' moves around the stage) so that their brains сап associate their movements, gestures and other physical actions with the lines. write the moves down in your script as ап aide-memoire, Discuss Discuss with the students what each line means and how their character feels when they say the line, so that each line has real thought behind it. This applies as much to silly comedy as to more serious material. 4) Record lt's really usefuI to sound-record the play as soon as possible - you сап do this with the actors reading their parts a|oud - and then give each actor а сору of the recording so that they сап speak along with it whеп they're away from rehearsals. whenever they get ап odd free moment they сап turn оп their mрз player and practise; even just listening like this helps enormously, especially if the listener follows the lines in the script, as this starts them associating the sound of the lines with а'picture'of them. lt's amazing how quickly actors сап tell you whereabouts оп the page а line is, ечеп if they can't quite remember the line itself with total accuracy. Listening to the recording as they go to sleep, too, is really helpful, as the Ьrаiп has the ability to carry on working whilst one is asleep. Recording also allows each actor to get used to their fellow actors'voices. Sometimes an actor might like to record themse|ves doing all the parts except their оwп, leaving gaps where their character speaks. 5) Repeat after mе ... The scariest moment in rehearsals is when ап actor has to put the script down and start remembering their lines rather than read them. So the ear|ier уоu get your students to face this the better, and you сап do this Ьу having someone 'feed'each actor their lines. Sometimes in rehearsals we won't let the actors have the scripts in I their hands at all, but we feed them the lines and they repeat what they've heard. lF з2 I
They сап still use their recording and script when they practise оп their own - but our method means that from the earliest possible point in time the actors can listen and react to each other, and won't ever have to face the dreadful moment when their accustomed safety b|anket, the script, is taken away! 6) Write д really simple exercise to test the memory is for the actor to write down their lines as they remember them, and then compare them with the script. This enables them to gаugе where they need to concentrate their efforts. 7) Relax Often ап actor willknow their lines but will thinkthat they don't. lt's part of the director's job to get them to rеlах and so aIlow their Ьrаiп to access their memory stores without рапiс getting in the way. ж And finally.., Basic message to get acroýs to уочr students; Haue Fuп! 1) There's no such thing as а Bad Actor Putting оп а show only works as ап entirely co-operative and mutually supportive venture. some people are naturally more gifted actors than others, but if we assume that everyone is doing their best and will опlу get better with support and worse with criticism, then we won't go far wrопg. The ехреriепсе must Ье fuп so whilst we should епсоurаgе our уоuпg actors to Ье Ьrаvе апd fulfil their potential let's поt ask for too muсh апd spoilthe fun. 2) There's по such thing as а Bad ldea The team effort required to stage а play is best achieved when everyone епсоurаgеs each other to expres5 themselves and their ideas. what mау арреаr as а bad idea at first may trigger а train of thought and discussion that leads to а good idea. Even ап idea that appears bad is better than по idea. That said, you will need to introduce some form of discipline to сопtrо| your freefor-all ideas sessions, so that those with the loudest voices and biggest personalities 3) don't swamp those who are more reticent - but teachers know more about achieving that than most people do. Enjoy it. Relax. Nothing сап go wrong! lt's worth finishing off Ьу repeating this core maxim: lf уоur students аrе enjoying it, the audience will enjoy it. lf your students are relaxed but excited, the audience will Ье relaxed but excited. Nothing сап go wrопg... ечеп if it does! Break а leg!! зз
(hapter 1
жfuж wжwýжжж %жж & А sketch in 1 scene {Go: .* ТrаsЖ 0| Boles пшпtim8 sct Props StylB Synopsis lапgшаgе lBuel lапgшаgе аleаs 2-5 (the latter if the'Person 2'role is shared between 2,З оr even 4 actors) 2 minutes, depending on production А park Ьепсh 2 chairs оr а bench optional: trees, bushes etc. cardboard, рареr, wool - either represented Ьу students, оr made of А shогt, simple comedy sketch А man brags to his friend he has the perfect son. The friend can't believe what he's hearing! Elementary - А2 Present simp|e (Зrd person singular affirmative, negative and questions); чеrЬ phrases (do homework, tell а lie, соmе hоmе late etc.) stagG tins This is а vеrу simple sketch that doesn't require а lot of props. The scene сап Ье set Ьу using а few pictures of trees and bushes drawn on poster рарец and two chairs сап Ье used as the раrk bench where the two people аrе sitting. Alternatively, you сап encourage students to сrеаtе trееs апd bushes made from cardboard, paper, wool etc. оr еVеп act them out оп stage (it could simply Ье chiIdren holding word cards 'bush', 'tree' etc.) uariations 1) students add their own ideas to the script, е.g. Ьу using adverbs of frequency (Does he always do what you tell him? Does he sometimes break things?). 2) Students change the script to fit а different theme, з) e.g. The perfect teacher/ the perfect friend/the perfect mum (dad). Епсоurаgе them to think of alternative ideas for endings that would wоrk for those ideas (e.g. the perfect teacher is а puppet/teddy Ьеаr hence печеr gives homework, печеr gets апgrи печеr tells students to wоrk hаrdеr etc.). ] lf you decide to share the role of 'реrsоп 2'аmопg severaI actors, then the students cou|d decide to Set the play somewhere else. Fоur people p|aying golf, fоr instance, would provide interesting and possibly amusing options physically. Whilst опе сhаrасtеr speaks, another attempts а lusty 'drive' оr а tricky'putt' with varying degrees of success. ] Е зб Рuсhtа/Gеrпgrоss/бечitГl cet опЗьgеt l О Helbling Languages l f
* lПatGlials reш тrаGl 01 Photocopiable Worksheet р 185 . comprehension check . vосаьulаrу: words to describe people . present simple, third реrsоп singular @et оп Stagel | @ Helbling Languages з7
,*тя..&{,р Фш ý rз* Trac} 0I ПOlеs ýсвпв PERsoN 1 PERsoN 2 PERSoN 1 PERsoN 2 PERsoN 1 ý,*ут*flý hФуý Person 1 Person 2 Тwо people sitting оп а park Ьепсh I hаче the perfect son. The реrfесt son? Nobody's реrfесt! Му son is. Really? Does he печеr tell а lie? No, he doesn't. PERsoN 2 Does he печеr forget to do his hоmеwоrk? PERSoN No, he doesn't. Nevet'! 1 PERsoN 2 Does he печеr use bad language? PERsoN No, he doesn't. 1 РЕRsоN 2 PERsoN 1 Does he печеr get bad marks at school? No, he doesn't. PERSoN 2 Does he печеr come home late? PERSoN 1 No, he doesn't. PERSoN 2 Is it truе? PERsoN 1 Is what true? PERsoN 2 About уоur Son. Не doesn't tell lies, he печеr forgets to do his hоmеwоrk, he doesn't use bad language, he doesn't get bad marks at school. дпd he doesn't соmе home late. Is that all truе? рЕRsоN 1 It is, believe mе. a PERsoN 2 Then уоu'rе right. PERsoN 1 Kght? With what? PERSoN 2 PERSoN 1 He's the реrfесt son. I told you. He's the реrfесt son. PERsoN 2 .l } You hаче the реrfесt son. Yеаh, that's right. PERsoN 1 PERsoN 2 The реrfесt, perfect son. PERsoN 1 PERsoN 2 The реrfесt, реrfесt son! Fantastic! What's his паmе? PERsoN Whose паmе? 1 l PERsoN 2 Yоur Son'S. PERSoN 1 Oh, my son's. Jonathan. PERsoN 2 He's great! t !: д _l = -Ё з8 Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Cet оПЙеl ] О La nguages = -д
|,,-|:lý;)ý;|,#.ýry,ýцr{{q"Tý.?ý3 '- PERsoN 1 Yоur son. PERsoN 1 Му son? Why's hе so great? PERsoN 2 PERsoN 1 That's right. How old is he? PERsoN How old's who? PERsoN 2 Your son. PERSoN Oh, mу son. He's eight. PERsoN 2 He's EIGHT? PERsoN Yes 1 : ;a -:r., ;). а..;,., Не doesn't telllies, he печеr forgets to do his hоmеlчоrk, he doesn't use bad language, he doesn't get bad marks at school. And he doesn't соmе hоmе late. PERsoN 2 1 r. ?ьh. ",r,.,., Who's great? PERSoN 2 1 ';.'. - eight months! puchъ/Gerngross/Devitt l Get оп Stagel | о Helbling Languages цIilllд!ЦЦД.iш 39
ErJ- * а Р* ьrrе&rý ьrъФрр*гý lж А sketch in 2 scenes ?rаrý* 02 ПOlвs RшпtimG sGts з Аrоuпd 2 minutes, depending оп ,production А living rооm; а clothes shop PtOps А dress, а coat, а Ьluе scarf, а green scarf style А parody on shoppers' аrrоgапсе and silly consumerism SynOpsis lапgшаgе lвчеl А mап and his wife go shopping for clothes. Through their insensitive and ridiculous behaviour they make fools of themselves. Elementary - А2 lапgшаgе а]Gаs Language fоr shopping; admiring someone's clothes; making suggestions; telling someone what to do; showing аппоуапсе; words for clothes ti[s The sketch opens in the mаiп characters' living rооm. А table, а few chairs, some pictures оr posters оп the wall, etc. сап easily create the right atmosphere. ýIagB The second part is set in а clothes shop. А few items of clothing and - а table can Ье used to form the sсепеrу. UaliatiOns - if available lf you want to practise other language areas with уоur students, the characters сап buy other clothes or gо to а different shop altogether. Because the sketch is very short it could also Ье used for improvisation - students rеаd the text (оr part of it), get а few minutes'preparation time, and then act out ап improvisation, possibly with their own ending. Likewise, students сап Ье asked to act out а continuation of the sсепе. А possible sсепаriо couId Ье for the coupIe to соmе back the next day. They аrе sоrrу for their behaviour оп the previous day* but this time, the shop assistant surprises them... tпatelials ^л W к@]Dý Tlacl 02 - ýýа{ ýho}pel, & Photocopiable Worksheet р 186 . Comprehension check пйЁйййБ]йЕl . Vocabulary: clothes and shopping . Making 40 suggestions, telling someone what to do Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel I l Ld-.m.*dщ6_-il-аd l О Helbling Languages Wоrkhеф
ffi тrаG[ 02 ПOles Sсепе l MAN WoMAN MAN WoMAN Мдпt WoMAN Мдlч Wомдrч MAN WoMAN MAN WoMAN Мдlч WoMAN MAN %жжуЖ%fu*r.p*y% Мап Wоmап Shopkeeper Д living room. д mап is sitting in а chair with his hands over his eyes, Нurry up, darling. (of) Just а minute, almost there. I can't wait much longer. I'm so excited! I'm coming right now, but по peeping! I promise. (епtеriпg) ОК. You can look now. (taking his hапds ataay) At last! (nuirting аrоuпd) Well? How do I look in mу new dress? You look marvellous, darling. Нарру anniversary, yоu'rе sure it doesn't make my bottom look Not at all. But (аIаrmефWhаt? What's the matter? I look awful, don't I? Calm down, darling - there's nothing wrong! It's just that уоu look so lovely in that drеss I want to get you something else to match, Oh mу sweetie diddums dumpling! А sсаrf perhaps? Yes, оr а gorgeous coat. Super! Let's go shopping! ýсепв 2 А clothes shop Wомдпt Look at the wопdеrful sсаrчеs. SHOPKEEPER WомАN Мдтч Wомдпl SHOPKEEPER Wомдпt Sнорквврвп WoMAN Мдlч WoMAN bit fat? ... WoMAN MAN а Тry оп the blue опе. Сап I help you? No thanks. Wе'rе just looking. The blue sсаrf is beautiful! ... But it doesn't go Йth уоur dress. (to shopkeeper) Hand me the grееп опе. Неrе you arc. (he hапds her the grееп опе, she giules him the blue опе) Well? It looks fantastic йth уоur wonderful dress. Thank you. Darling, give it back and try that coat. (to shopkeeper) Would you mind? 41
SHOPKEEPER Wомдlч MAN Sнорквврвп МАN WoMAN Мдш Sнорквврвп Мдш Sнорквврвп WoMAN Of соursе not, madam . (he takes the grееп scarf апd hапds hеr the coat) It's nice. I really like it. Good. We'll take it. Goodbye. whеrе аrе you going? you haven't paid for the coat. She gave the grееп scarfback. Апd the blue sсаr{. We exchanged the coat fоr the scarves. But you didn't рау fоr the green sсаrf оr the blue sсаr{ еithеr. Of соursе not. Why should I рау fоr something that I didn't buy? But... but ... Let's go. Shopkeepers can Ье so unfTiendly these days! l = i l = l = -l 42 j 1
& r;ýK\ \ l,r.Il' Тв,аg& j Ж&%€-Wж*d %ежЖ& А sketch in 1 scene 03 ПOlеs Пшпtimе set Ptops 7 Around 5 minutes, depending оп production А fast-food stall д table as the counter; if possible napkins of different colours; knives, forks and plates optional: various foods (hot dog, hamburger, fish & chips, onions, ketchup and m usta rd) ýшlе ýynO[sis 1апUшаgе lешеl lапgшаUв a]Gas А short, simple comedy sketch How trying to get something to eat quickly at а fast-food stall turns out to Ье а painful ехреriепсе for three customers - and а delight for three othersI Elementary - А2 Ordering food at а fast-food place; polite requests; how polite requests сап сhапgе when реор|е аrе in а hurry VосаЬulаrу: fast food stagG tiшs сlеаrlу between the urgепсу expressed Ьу the first three customers and the way the polite brut slow assistant serves them. д good way of helping students to Ье able to do this well оп stage (in ап almost exaggerated mаппеr) is to write а sentence оп the board (e.g. Can l have а hamburger, please?) and рrераrе prompt cards with words оп them (e.g. апgrу, tired, polite, unfriendly, nervous etc.). Tell students that they should say the sentence (in chorus, оr alternatively individually when you point at students) aS suggested Ьу the prompt you аrе holding up each time. l\4ake sure your students differentiate Епсоurаgе уоur students to come up with different сhаrасtеr types for the customer roles. Тhеу'rе all in а hurrу but опе might Ье а footbalI fan, опе а wоmап (оr а mап!) with а pushchair and опе а vеrу smart city high-flier. UаtiаtiOпs Опсе students аrе well familiar with the language used, you сап do ап improvisation activity. Students act out а part of the sketch, but change the emotional disposition of опе оr several of the characters in the sketch, (e.g. the customers аrе extremely friendly, and the assistant is impatient, оr even hungry). Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt l Get on Stage! | О Helbling Languages 43
Illatelials @ тtаGl 03 Photocopiahle Worksheet 187 р . Comprehension check . VосаЬulаrу: ordering food and drinks . Polite requests A aasl '9а' ýtl' ] Workhe€t - д= - Je _а -lL Ё *ц 44 Puchta/Gerngross/OЫП l-Cet on ýagеr 1 9-11"1Ying Languages 1 lr
* ffi тl8с[ 03 ПOlеs Yý{ l qц.w{-ryащqý' ;. ;)"ь.}-3&, ;.,, ;,ы &Wжжý-Wжжffi wp/ryZ ýWо %жжНý Assistant Customers 1-6 Епtеr Customer l. cUSToMER 1 Аsslsтдlчт cUSToMER 1 ASslSTANT cUsToMER 1 ASslSTANT CusToMBB 1 AsslsTANT cUsToMER 1 ASslSTANT cusToMER 1 А hаmЬurgеr, please. Kght. А hamburger. Нurry up, please. I'm hungry. Ketchup? Yes. Onions? No. No onions? No, please hurry up. I'm hungry. On а blue plate оr а pink опе? Doesn't matter. Hurry up! The shop cssisfcnt slошlу рrеsепts uarious парkiпs. Аsslsтдтttт А rеd napkin? cUsтoMER Doesn't mаttеr. Hurry up! AsslsTANT А grееп napkin? cusToMER 1 ОК а grееп парНп. Plea.se hurry! Епtеr Customer z. The cssisfcnf slotoly furns to the sесопd customer. cUsToMER 2 AsSlsTANT cUsToMER 2 А hot dog, please. Kght. А hаmЬurgеr. No, not а hаmЬurgеr. А hot dog. AsslSTANT ОК, а hot dog. Mustard? cUsтoMER Yes. AsslsTдlttT Ketchup? cUsтoMER No. ASslsTANT No ketchup? cUsToMER No, hurryup. I'm hungry. AsslsTANT On а blue plate оr а pink one? cUsтoMER Doesn't matter. Hurry up! The assistant preseпts uarious парkiпs. AsslsTANT А red парНп? puchb7Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stage! l о Helbling Languages ЕIiЕIreЕЦЕIЦЕш 45
cUsтoMER 2l AsslsTANT cusToMER 2 Doesn't matter. Нurry up! А grееп napНn? ОК, а grееп napkin. Please hurry! Епtеr Customer g. Счsтомвп 3 ASslsTANT cusToMER 3 AsslsTANT cUsToMER 3 Аsslsтдпlт CUSTOMER З AsslsTANT cUsToMER 3 AsslsTANT CUSTOMER З Fish and chips, please. Kght. А hot dog. No, I said fish and ehips. Vinegar? Yes. Ketchup? _] No. No ketchup? j No! Hurry up, please. I'm hungry. Оп а blue plate оr а yellow опе? i Doesn't matter. Hurry up! The asststant sloully presents uarious парkiпs. ASslsTANT cusтoMER 3 AsstsTANT cusтoMER 3 Аsslsтдпlт А rеd napkin? t Е Doesn't matter. Нurry up! А green парКп? Е: ОК, а grееп napkin. Please hurry! ОК, а hаmЬurgеr йth ketchup on а pink plate and а grееп парНп, а hot dog with mustard on а blue plate and u gr".r, napНn апdЪsh and chips йth йпеgаr оп а yellow plate and а green napНn. l J Asslsfcnf furns rоuпd to prepare thefood. The three customers hear him siпgiпg to Sоmе rock music. They g"i *о"" апd, mоrе tmраttепt, апd after half а miпutе they leaue, shouting 'r саlп't belieue it!','SIош as а snatl!','Terrible sеrчi.се!'апd ылеаriпg. The audience сапhеаr loud rock music. Mearuphile 4, 5 апd б appear. They listеп to the mustcfor а шhilе, thеп I cusтoMER 4 А hot dog, please. _Е cUsтoMER А hаmЬurgеr please. :;:У*, 5 cusToMER 6 AsstsTANT CusToMBBs 4,5,6 AsstsTANT 46 l they л I Fish and chips, please. Assisfcnf appears ulith thefood after 5 seconds. Whеrе аrе they? ,Е Неrе we аrе. =-Е Ah! А hot dog, а hаmЬurgеr and fish and chips. l Get on Stagel l О Helb|ing tапgЙЕl J J л Е
спп п llшuш Customers take thefood апd start eating. cusтoMER 4 That was quick. Wопdегful! cUSToMER 5 Grеаt sеrчiсе. Реrfесt! СusтомвR 6 Let's соmе hеrе again tomorrow. I've печеr been sеrчеd so fast! 47
lýtitgd|lýl; {жýýж ýfuж Wж*К ж% А sketch in 'I scene ыll9,15rы W Traelt 04 Поlеs пшпIimG sGI 6 Аrоuпd 5 minutes, depending on production At а breakfast table PrOшs А table and 5 chairs, а letter, doorbell riпgеr device Optional: items to go оп table for breakfast (plates, cutlery, food etc.), postbag а ýtylG А sketch (partly in the form of а rhyming comedy) SynoIsis [апgшаgе IешеI lапgшаUе аlGаý colin's family find his love of rhуmе vеrу annoying, but things change when it turns out that he is the wiппеr of а poetry competltion. Elementary - А2 offering food at а breakfast table; how to politely accept and refuse offers, VосаЬulаrу: breakfast Phonology: rhyming pairs slagG tips This sketch thrives оп the clash between Colin's love of rhyme and his family's initial аппоуапсе about it. This should Ье well expressed through mime and gestures: when colin creates his rhymes, he should Ье smiling, fulIy enjoying the sounds of his wordcraft, while the members of his family look mоrе and more distressed апd bored. This is in shаrр contrast to the end of the sсепе. when it turns out that colin has won а poetry competition and can choose one of his family to ассоmрапу him to New york, they should all smile at him in appreciation, and соmе across as enthusiastic and еаgеr. ве саrеful when staging а play set аrоuпd а table that the audience can see alI of the actors. lп this case we suggest having two characters sat on опе side of the table facing the audience and апоthеr two at each end of the table but with their chairs'cheated'out оп а slight angle towards the audience (if Мr or Mrs дtkiпs is reading the newspaper then they would natura|ly turn away from the table). Ву the end of the play there аrе five characterS оп stage but instead of having all of them sitting down, either Мr or Mrs Atkins сап Ье standing and fetching and саrrуiпg colin's breakfast. Another table just behind the mаiп table cou|d Ье the worktop/cupboard. uаtiаtiопs Students can Ье asked to create different rhуmеs for the same bit of dialogue, оr theY can think of а different context altogether, e.g. соliп is with his classmates, -.,] -.! 4в Puchta/Gerrцro-sYnevitt rcеt on Stagetl о Helbllng Иrцuаgеi .j
during а break; they are talking about music, free time, their hobbies etc. and are getting increasingly аппоуеd with Colin, who can't stop creating rhymes. Finally, а teacher comes in with the great news ... То help students with creating rhуmеs it may Ье а good idea to епсоurаgе them to use а rhyming dictionary (several can Ье found online). ]llaIetials *, ,ýr w TraOlt 0{ aolin the Ро.1 l Workheet & i *-.".*-*"-_d.i. Photocopiable Worksheet р 188 . comprehension check . VосаЬulаrу: breakfast food . Accepting and refusing offers puchta/Gerngross/Devitt l Get on Sta8e! | @ Helbling Languages 49
.fu, ,ж ,: .|, |.| ,.,..,,., ýr**ý 04 ПOlеs Sсепв MR ATKlNs Colllu Мп ATKllvs Colltv MR ATKINs MRS ATKINs coLlN MRs ATK!Ns Соllпl Мп дшо Мпs ATKlNs coLtN Mr Atkins Mrs Atkins Colin, their son Fred, his elder brother Kate, his elder sister Postie (i.e. postma п/wоmа п) Mr and Mrs Atkins are having breakfast. Enter Colin. Good mогпiпg, Colin. Good mоrпiпg, Dad, Good mоrпiпg, Мum It's Colin hеrе, Yоur poet son. - Oh, Colin! (rоlliпg his eyes iп desperatron) Теа? Опе, two, thrее, Теа fоr mе. Stop it, Colin! Неrе'S your tea. Some toast? Give mе Ьuttеr, give mе Ьrеаd, Му empty tummy must Ье fed. l Stop it, Colin. Please! l 'Stop it, Colin - Colin, please!' Му mоthеr begs upon hеr knees. Please, please, oh please Give mе some cheese. MR AND MRs ATKlNS Соцlпl FRЕD Collltl MRs ATKINs 50 l L l - Morning, everybody, с ( Pleeease, Colin, pleeeeeease! Епtеr Fred. FRED I : l : д Моrпiпg, Frеd. Good mоrпiпg, Fred. How was your bed? I hеаrd you rоаr Оr did you sпоrе? I don't sпоrе! Аrе you surе you do not sпоrе? It must have been а creaky dооr! Would you like some toast with уоur tea? = -l l l -д а
FRED cotlN FRED Мпs Аткltчs coLlN FRЕD Yes, please. D'you want уоur toast As white as а ghost? Ве quiet, Colin! I want Ьrоrцrп crispy toast, please. Just а mоmепt... 'Just а moment,'SayS оur mum; Two slices shall ъе made Would you like some jam with those? Оr р'rhарs some marmalade? Colin, stop annoying us. Епtеr Kate. Кдтц Мп дlчо MBs Аткlпls/Fвво Collltl MR ATKINS кАтЕ MR ATKINs кАтЕ МR ATKINs Morning, everybody. Моrпiпg Good mоrпiпg, Kate! Yоu'rе running late. Оrапgе juice? No thanks. Can I have some tea? Of course. And what would you like to eat? Oh, just some toast, please. And can I have an egg? Certainly. coLlN Fоr lovely Kate Some toast on а plate But let hеr beg Fоr hеr nice fried egg. Кдтв Stop bugging me, Colin! MR ATKlNs coLlN MR ATKINS Colin, please!We want реасе and quiet. In оur house it's always quiet We've печеr, ечеr had а riot. In оur house there's always реасе Тhеrе is no need for the police. - We'll ссl/ the police if you don't stop. Doorbell rings. MRs ATKINs cotlN PoSTlE Сап you ореп the door, Colin? (gоiпg to ореп the door) Certainly, Mum. That could Ье fun. Good morning. Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! |О Helbling Languages ПIТr.Т]rr7aЛjlr]ГrТТl 51
cotlN PosTlB FRED PoSTlE Colllv There's nothing to fеаr The postie's hеrе! - Аrе you Colin Atkins? Yes, it's him, the сrаzу Ьоу. yоu'че won the poetry competition. The рrizе is а trip to New yоrk fоr two! А trip to New Yоrk А trip for two Who shall I take ... Who, who, оh who? АII the mеmЬеrs of thefamily get up апd crould аrоuпd СоIiп, shouting to Ье the second реrsоп оп the trip to Nеш Yоrk. At-l Take me with you, Colin! Please, Colin, please! Let mе go (etc.) йth you to NewYork! l l l Е : t : } I i - l = _Ё А= -l 52 _l
ЖfuжЖý*WжК -ёБ" А sketch in 1 scene Yуаg& 05 Пoles пшпIimс sct P]opS stylG Sупорsis lапgшаgе Ieuel 1апgшаgс а]Gаs stagG tiEs J Around З minutes, depending оп production lп the street 4 сhаirs to make а саr Орtiопаl: а police officer's helmet/hat, а раir of handcuffs А short comedy sketch А police officer stops а wоmап for jumping а red light. When the оffiсеr gives hеr а ticket, she understands and feels sorry for what she has done. Not so hеr husband. Не behaves rather arrogantly - а bit too arrogantly! lntermediate - В1 Gеruпd after certain expressions (l'm sorry for jumping the red light; l'm arresting you for insulting а police officer), Conditional2 (Would l get а ticket if l colled you ...?) Ask the students to listen to the rесоrdiпg of the short sketch several times with their eyes closed. Ask them what they imagined while listening, e.g. how mапу people there were, what the situation was like, what the people wеrе doing, how the people were feeling etc. Return to this activity later when the students аrе rehearsing the sketch. Play short scenes and ask the students to listen with their eyes closed. Get them to listen several times and to imitate as closely as possible the way the speaker оп the audio says their lines. tПatBrials @ т]8Gl 0Е Photocopiable Worksheet р 189 . Comprehension check . Gerunds . Vocabulary: apologising Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt l Get оп Sta8e! |О Helbling Languages 5з
..ы.ý л ry т]аЕк 05 ПOlеs Sввпе оггlсвп WомАN ý ryо в trз* ý gсý{еЁ Мап Wоmап police officer wоmап and Мап are sitting in а car (made of four chairs); woman is at the steering wheel. They have Ьееп stopped Ьу police otficei. Good evening, mаdаm. Good evening, sir. Good evening, оffiсеr. WомАN (grumptly) I don't think this is а good evening at all. Madam, mау I see уоur dгiving licence? Of course! But why? оFFlсЕR You jumped а red light. Wомдпt Did I really? Мдш оггlсвп МАN оFFlсЕR MAN (to police officer) She didn't! Sir, I'm not talНng to you. I'm talНng to this lady hеrе. That's ridiculous! оFFlсЕR I'm wаrпiпg you, sir. Wомдlч Please Ье quiet, Paul. oFFlcER Yоu'rе right, madam. Thank you. Мдш How silly. But, we wеrе not ... WомАN Oh, Paul, please! оFFlсЕR (giuing u)оmап а ticket) Madam, I'm giйng you а ticket. I understand. I'm sorry fоr jumping the lights. WoMAN МАN оггIсвп Мдпl оFFlсЕR Мдпl оFF|сЕR Мдш оггlсвп Мдпt оFFlсЕR Мдш That's ridiculous. Sir, please calm down. Can I ask you а question? Of соursе. would I also get а ticket if I called you ап idiot? Yes, you would. What if I just thought that you wеrе an idiot? I can't give you а ticket for what you think. Great. I think уоu'rе ап idiot. Oh do you? 1 Yes and I thiпkyou've got big ears and а poiný nose. : J l 54 Get оп Stagel I He|bling Languages J
оFFlсЕR MAN оFFlсЕR MAN оFFlсЕR MAN оFFlсЕR мАN I see. Wel1, in that case 1 think you had better get out of the саr, Get out of the саr? Why on еаrth would I want to do that? Don't you fhink I've got better things to do? I thinkyou рrоЬаЬlу have, sir, and I knotll you'l1 have plenty of time to think about them whiie you're in prison. In рrisоп!? Yes sir; I'm arresting you fоr insulting а police officer. But you said you couldn't аrrеst mе fоr thinking. I'm not arresting you fоr thinking - I'm arresting you fоr saying what you think, What?! wonder if you сап guess what I'm thinking now, sir? oFFlcER (puttiпg оп the WoMAN Дlоw mе, оffrсеr. Не thinks уоu'rе ап idiot, Paul. oFFlcER Thank you, Madam. (to аudiепсе) It's always nice when реорlе help the police with thеir wоrk. r;'-tffs) I 55
u ýа) W&фý{ъ{3 Ъ#r ъеЗ@\WИfuць ý 3ýýz* цфý ф ф ч А sketch in 1 scene Boles пшпIimG 6 Around б minutes, depending оп produqtion set А shop ProIs Table(s) for counter slylc А sketch with minimal stage requirements, and а single set Sупошsis tапgшаgв lешеl lапgшаgв а]Gаý ýIagc tiпs Ап entertaining short р|ау that shows that being impolite doesn't рау. lntermediate В1 - Going shopping; expressing politeness То help students to fully identify with the mood swings of the customers (from being аЬruрt and impolite to showing States of growing politeness), it may Ье а good idea to do with the students а variation of the gur" described оп р 4з in the Stage Tips section. Draw the following graph оп the board: Explain to them that 0 оп the scale is neutra1,3 .s чеrу polite, and -З is very impolite, Get them to mime facial expressions for 0, з and _з. Then ask them to mime О,1,2, З, and finally -1, -2,and -З. Dictate the following Sentences, reading them to express the following degrees of politeness (as indicated in brackets), and ask the students to write down the number they think the sentence would take оп the scale. Could you possibly get me а hаmmеr, please. (very potite: З) Get me а hammer right now. (very imроtirе, -Зj |'d like а hаmmеr. (neutrat: 0) Good mоrпiпg. l'd like а hammer, please. (mоrе polite: 2) Get me а hаmmеr. (mоrе impolite: -2) Would you mind getting mе а hamm еr? @olite: 1) Where аrе уоur hammers? (impotite: -1) Finally, write а different Sentence оп the board, expressing а neutral tone, е.g. l wапt а screwdriver. Get students to make this senten." n.,оr" polite and mоrе impolite, show them how not опlу the words we use, but also body language, 56 , t д Е t Е l .l= _l _rц л д
оur facial expression and the stress and intonation influence whether а sentence we say comes across as polite or impolite. ]ПaIerials d* чry Photocopiable Worksheet р 190 . comprehension check . Bein8 polite or impolite . Vocabulary: lп а shop He|bling Languages 57
# ry Ж*ýжжWffiýýЖ* ПOlеs Shopkeeper ýhop assistant 1 Shop assistant 2 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 SHOPKEEPER cUsToMER Good morning, sir. Welcome to оur shop. Isn't it а lovely day? Lovely day? I haven't got time fоr all that nonsense. Get mе а hаmmеr. Sorry? 1 SHOPKEEPER cUSToMER 1 Get me а hаmmеr, quicНy! SHOPKEEPER Sоrry? cusтoMER What's the matter йth you? Did you forget to clean уоur еаrs this mоrпiпg? I said'Get me а hаmmеr! Kght now.' 1 SHOPKEEPER Счsтомgп 1 sHoP Аsslsтдlttт 1 cUsToMER 1 SHoP AsslsTANT 1 cUsToMER 1 Sнорксврвп sHoP AsslsTANT 1 SHop дsslsтдlчт 2 cusтoMER 1 SHOPKEEPER AND HlS AsslsTANTs cUsToMER 1 SHOPKBBPBR I hеаrd you sir, but I think you forgot to say the magic word. Magic word? What on earth аrе you talНng about? не hеаrd you the first time, sir, but I think you аrе forgetting the magic wоrd. Magic wоrd? Yоu'rе as mad as him. I don't need а magic wоrd, I need а hаmmеr. we know you need а hаmmеr, sir. you've told us mапу times, but what we need is to hеаr the magic wоrd. The magic wоrd? Magic wоrd? What is this magic word? Тhе magic word G 'please'! Е Oh, sir. Everyone needs to say please. And what if I don't? Е If you don't 1 then we won't SHoP ASS|STANT 2 let you have Е Е SHOPKEEPER AND cUsToMER 1 I Аrе you out of уоur mind? Do you knowwho I аm? I аm а чеry imрогtапt реrsоп. I don't need to say please. sHoP AsslsTANT Hls AsSlsTANTS l is anything! I see. Дright then. Get me SHOPKEEPER Go оп, sir! cUSToMER 1 р-р-р- SHop дsslsтАNт 1 а hаmmеr р -р-р- Е Е you сап do it! Е 58 tt l Get on Stage! Тб Languages Е
cUSToMER p-p-p-please. 1 sноркгврвп дпtо HlS AsslsTANTs Счsтомвп Well done, sir. You bunch of potato brains. 1 SHOPKEEPER AND Oh, dеаr sir. HlS AsSlSTANTS Oh, dear mе. I don't think you've understood. SHOPKEEPER CusToMBK 1 SHop Аsstsтдшт 1 What do уоu mеап? I said'please', didn't I? Yes, уоu did, but you didn't say it nicely. СчsтомвR 1 What do you mеап? You have to say it sHoP АSslsтдшт 2 йth а smile! SHOPKEEPER Watch. We'1l show уоu. Sнорквврвп Good day, madam. Сап I help you? (They аrе поu) talking to each other to giue the customer ап ехаmрlе) SHoP AsSlsTANT 1 Good day, I'd 1ike а hаmmеr please. (smiling) cUsToMER 1 Oh, I see. SHoP ASslsTANT 2 cUsToMER 1 SHOPKEEPER AND Hls AsslsTANTs CusToMBB 1 yоu understand? Yes, I understand. Let mе try. Certainly, sir. I'd like а hаmmеr, please. (smiling) SHOPKEEPER We1l done, sir. You've got it. CusToMBп Тhапk you. 1 SHOPKEEPER AND Hls ASSlsTANTs SHoP AsslSTANT 2 Сusтомпп 1 Оur рlеаsurе. That wasn't so bad, was it? No, I must say, it feels good to Ье polite. SHOPKEEPER Well done, sir. (he cnd cssfstcпts applaud) CusToMBK Thank you, thank you. 1 (А sесопd customer enters the shop.) cUsToMER 2 Неу, you. Get mе а sсrеwdriчеr. cUSToMER Sоrry? 1 talking to them. cusToMER 2 I wasn't ta}king to you. I was cUsToMER 1 Sоrry? cUsToMER 2 Mind уоur own business, potato Ьrаiп. I've already told you I was talking to them and not to you! cUsтoMER 1 They won't listen unless you Say the magic wоrd, l Get оп Stage! l О пg Languages 59
Счsтомпп 2 SHop дsslsтАNт 1 cUsToMER 1 Счsтомвп 2 Sнорквврвп AsstsTANTs 1AND 2 Magic wоrd? what оп еаrth аrе you talking about? I'че had enough of this. you (роiпtiпg at customer r) Ье quiet, and you (?лоiпtiпg at shopcssistcnts) get mе а sсrеwdriчеr. I won't tell you again. yоu don't need to tell us again. we hеаrd you the first time, madam. What they didn't hеаr was the magic wоrd. Magic wоrd? Magic word? What is this magic word? Тhе magic word is СЧSТОМВП 1 AND AsslsTANTs 1дпtо 2 'please'! cUsToMER 2 ОК. Get me а sсrеwdгiчеr, please. cUSToMER 1 Nowwith cUsтoMER 2 ASslsTANTS 1AND 2 cusтoMER 1 cUsтoMER 2 а smile. ОК. Get mе а screwdriver, please. (smf/es) That was very nice, wasn't it? Yеs, it was. But ... But what? l l cUSToMER 1 I think you сап Ье even пiсеr. cusToMER 2 What could I say? cUsToMER 1 Счsтомвп 2 Well, rереаt аftеr mе: Could you possibly get mе а screwdriver, please? Could you possibly get me а screwdriver, please? l sнорквврвп дlчо Hls AsSlsTANTs cusтoMER 2 ALL Wопdегful. Yeah, I must say, it feels good to Ье polite. But But what? ... 2 I think We сап do ечеп better than that, can't we? cUsToMER 1 Yes. I think we сап. I с l д= Excuse us, dear shopkeepers. cUsToMER 1 Would you mind getting us а hаmmеr cUsToMER 2 and а screwdriver, cUsToMERS 1AND 2 I I Е cUsToMER CusToMBпs 1дшо 2 l t= please? д= That was fantastic. Ё SHOPKBBPBB ДlЧО Hls AsslsTANTs == (А third customer епtеrs the shop) cUsToMER 3 60 cusтoMER 2 Good day, опе and all. I'm really sоrry to interrupt уоur chat, but I would Ье really grateful if you could possibly get mе а lovely saw. Yes, and а sсrеwdriчеr. cUSToMER Yes, and а hаmmеr. 1 Puchta/Gerngross/Oevitt д д А 1 l О Helb|ing LarrgtJages G
Att 3 cUsToMERs PLEASE! We'd love to, dеаr customers SHOPKEEPER SHOP ASSISTANT 1 but wе'rе awfulý sorry SHoP AsSlsTANT 2 we have а small рrоЬlеm. cUsToMER 1 SHoP AsslsTANT 1 cUsToMER 2 sHoP ASSISTANT 2 cusтoMER 3 Sнорквврвп SнорквврвR дltlо Hls ASslSTANTS А рrоЬlеm? Yes, sir. But we wеrе rеаllу polite, weren't we? Yes, madam. so why can't we have а hаmmеr, а screwdriver and а saw? Because, dear customers, this is а shoe shop! ,с 61
Wж{{ffiж Ыжжyж% ж ,Д) Yr*g&* ж Ыжжжжж А sketch in 4 scenes 06 ПOlBs RшпtimG sct Min 5 to max В (if roles аrе doubled) Аrоuпd 5 minutes, depending оп production John's place Рlошs А headband with а few coloured feathers for the actor playing the раrrоt optional:2 big boxes to make а сuрьоаrd and а freezer Slyle А single set sketch with minimal Stage requirements Sупошsis John has superb mаппеrs, but his parrot hasn't; it loves using bad language. when the bird keeps misbehaving on various embarrassing occasions, john has to соmе up with various forms of punishment. опе of them finallyworks ,.. 1апgшаgе lечеI lапgшаgе alGas sIagG tipý lntermediate - l В1 I lmperatives (affi rmative and negative) 1) Give your students а chance to listen to the audio recording of this play several times. Ask them to look at the script while they аrе listening, and get them to use а single соlоur to underline each of lines in John's the folIowing mаппеr: grееп red - - polite angry blue - neutral Then ask уоur students to work iп small grоUрS. Name а соlоur, е.g. grееп. The students take turns iп reading out to each other опе Sentence they have underlined iп that colour. The reading shoulcl Ье in-roIe, to express the mood as underlined. Lateryou could саrrу оп in the Same Way with the parrot's lines, e.g. yelIow оrапgе pink - - cheeky - apologetic сuппiпg, pretending to Ье пiсе 2) you сап easily extend the minimum number of roles Ьу doubling the actors forJohn and the раrrоt in scenes 24.1п оrdеr to make this possible, John and the раrrоt should each wear something that сап easily Ье transferred to the next actor when they double their rоlе, e.g. а hat forJohn, and а headband with coloured feathers fоr the parrot. Have John and the раrrоt exit after each I : Е ё Scene. Е 62 Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt 1 cet оп stage: |Gl H-erblirцl-anguages t= Ё
Then а student appears carrying а board announcing the next scene. When John and the раrrоt rе-арреаr (played Ьу а different student), the audience should easily recognise them Ьу the piece of clothing/the feathers that have Ьееп passed оп from their predecessor. ualiation Encourage students to work in groups and write additional scenes for the sketch where other people come to visit (e.g. John's son's teacher, the queen herself; а neighbour who wants to complain about the parrot's language etc.) When the groups have finished writing their short scenes, they act them out. The class decides on опе (оr several) scene(s) that get(s) added to the play for реrfоrmа псе. ]illaterials |Ш Traýl{ 06 Photocopiahle Worksheet р 191 . Comprehension check . Vocabulary: mini-dialogues Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stage! l @ Helbling Languages 63
Wжrrtý ^ Ёg@]Dý Tltet 06 ПOlеs ýсепе Ы*ж{ж% John, the parrotrý owner Ачпt Sophie Uncle Непry l ж Ы*жж*ж Lady Windermere John's boss John's boss's wife percy the parrot John's hоmе JoHN (to аudiепсе) Hello everyone! Му name's John. Do апу of you have pets? I'm suге You do, And I'm sure theY bring you great Йrr, i рlеаsurе. have а pet, and hеrе he is, This is mу раrrоt, Реrсу. And Реrсу is а very сlечеr animal. Не can talk. That's good, isn't it? Unfortunately, when he speaks, he's often very rude. That's why I've asked him to really Ье good today. Because uncle Непry and дuпtiе Sophie аrе coming to йsit. Тhеу'rе v"ry.ri"" people, you See, and I wouldn't want to upset them. Doorbell riпgs. JoHN Ah, hеrе they аrе. RеmеmЬеr, Реrсу behave! PARRoT Percygoodboy, goodboy. UNctE HENRv Hi, John. sopнlE JoHN AuNT Hi, John. Good to see you. Hi. PARRoT You monkey JoHN faces, get lost! Реrсу! Stop that оr I'll put you in the cupboard. PARRoT Oh, get lost, you idiots! J.HN Реrсу! Into the сuрЬоаrd with you. (trluts parrot iпtо сuрЬоаrф PARRoT Help, help! Call the police! Sввпе 2 JoHN Two days later (to аudiепсе) That was awful, wasn't it? But Реrсу must hаче learnt his lesson this time rоuпd, I сеrtаiпlу hope so, because tonight I'm expecting а visit frоm mу boss and his йfе. Тhеrе's по way I'd want them to hea. аrrу rude words. Doorbell rings. JoHN Ah, hеrе they аrе. RеmеmЬеr, Реrсу, Ьеhаче! PARRoT Percygoodboy, goodboy! Boss Hls wlFЕ JoHN's JoHN Hi, John. 64 Е Hi, please соmе in. I Реrсу! Stop that оr I'll put you in the wаrdrоЬе. ta/Gern8ross/Devitt l I Hi, John. Good to see you. pARRoT Stinkers! Get lost! JoHN l I Get Й УаgёТ Т Helbling l-anpages Е I I
PARRoT Oh, getlost, you skunks! JoHN реrсу! Into the wаrdrоЬе йth you. (puts parrot iпtо шаrdrоЬе) pARRoT Неlр, help! Call the police! ýсепе 3 JoHN Тwо days later (to audience) That was appalling, wasn't it? But I'm реrfесф сеrtаiп Percy's not going to misbehave next time. Tonight I'm expecting а visit from Lady windermere. she's а friend of the queen, and if Реrсу uses any rude words I might get into serious trouble. Doorbell rings. JoHltt РАRRот LADY WlNDERMERE JoHlu PARRoT JoHN PARRoT JoHN Sсепе 4 JoHN Ah, hеrе she is. RеmеmЬеr, Реrсу, behave! Реrсу good Ьоу, good Ьоу. Hello John, mу dear! Hello, Lady Windermere. Come right in. Get lost, you clonker! Реrсу! Stop that оr I'll put you in the freezer. Oh, you dunderhead, get lost! Qпtting parrot iпtofTeezer) Into the frееzеr йth you. Half ап hour later I think I'l1have to take the раrrоt out. Орепsfтееzеr апd gets parrot out. PARRoT JoHlu PARRoT Jонlц PARRoT JoHN PARRoT JoHN PARRoT Jонtч PARRoT JoHru PARRoT I'm freezing! Тhеп don't use bad words when you talk to mу friends. Дl right, I promise. Never again, John! Good. But сап I ask you а question? What is it, раrrоt? тhеrе аrе some frozen chickens in the frееzеr. So what? Well, you put them thеrе, right? Of соursе I did. Then please tell mе ... Tell you what? Well, those рооr chickens @ ... what did they say? Get оп Stage! l Ф Helbling Languages ЕIilцддцЦД.ilЦ 65
& w r-_I*'ltl74 &жжжжffiжЖ*ж Жýr&жжжw А sketch in 2 scenes Тrаsж 07 ПOlеs Пшпtimе ýGIs PrOps 4 (up to В if roles are doubled) Аrоuпd 5 minutes, depending оп рrосluсtiоп N/ark, Lily and Emma's place; Granddad's place А walking stick for Granddad; а birthclay cake (сап Ье made of foam ruььеr decorated to look like а cake with squishy сrеаm оп top) optional: if roles get doubled, each of the actors should have something Prominent that СаП easily Ье transferred to their successors (e.g. IVark, а certain сар; Lily, а T-shirt of some memorable design, Еmmа, а раir of colourful glasses, апd fоr Granddad, the walking stick) lf possible а few pieces of furniture (e.g. chairs and а table) StylG Synopsis tапgшаgв lечеl [апgшаgв a]Oas А sketch with по specific stage requirements lt's Granddad's 90th birthday, and N/аrk, Lilyand Ёmmа each want to give him а very special present. Their presents аrе indeed unique, but what Granddad does with them is ечеп mоrе original! lntermediate - В1 Giving advice (why dоп't you give hirn а ...); expressing intentio пs (t'm gоiпg to give him а ..,); asking if someone liked а present (How did you like...? Did you like...?); паrrаtiпg (l didn't !ike the colour, so l gave it to ...) stage Iiшs Тhеrе аrе various options of indicating to the audience that there is а change of set when Scene 1 finishes. You сап either have а student walk across the stage with а sign readingSceпe 2: Graпddad's place, оr the actors сhапgе the set Ьеfоrе they go off at the end of Sсепе 1 (Ьу changing the position of the furniture). The change of set could Ье made сlеаrеr to the audience through а student walking across the stage showing а sign as suggested just aLrove. uаriаtiоп creative classes could (with оr without уоur help) add а few grandchildren and original ideas for presents and what Granddad does with themI I I 66 PuctlБZCerrlgrosszoevitt | со оп staeel ГО НеlЬПпg Languages Е
tпaterials .* ж lж тrsс}{ 07 €rапddаdЗ а Blnlday I Workheet i hл.й.*d,Фtь.й-dd".s.ф--- Photocopiable Worksheet р 192 . comprehension check . Giving advice . vocabulary: talking about what happened Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! | @йffii l!9a @ Helbling Languages -Ф;l 67
"*, reш Tr88l 07 ПOlеs ýсепе 1 MARK Ll tY ЕммА Ll ly ЕммА Ll tY Мдпк LI tY MARK Ll LY Granddad Mark LiIy Еmmа Mark, Lily and Emma's home It's Granddad's 9oth birthday next week. I don't know what to give him. He's so difficult to please. Have you thought about а рrеsепt? Well, I know that he's difficult to please, but ... But what? I'm going to give him а... Come on, Lily. А shiny black Rolls Royce. А Rolls? I can't believe it. Granddad doesn't drive any mоrе. You didn't forget that, did you? No, I didn't. Granddad is very difficult to please, so the black Rolls comes with With what? Соmе on Lily! Oh, that's а brilliant idea. It will make him very huppy. Мдпк Grеаt. What сап I give him? MARK ЕммА Мдпк Ll цy ЕммА Ll LY ЕммА Мдпк Why don't you give him а painting? Не likes paintings. Brilliant idea. I'm going to give him а Sandarello. А Sandarello? He's а famous painter frоm the States. I saw а painting yesterday at Johnson's, the аrt dеаlеr. It's ап abstract painting called Sunsef В7 aпd,it costs Дl2о,ооо. I'm surе Granddad йll like that. What about уоur present, Еmmа? I'm going to give him а раrrоt. А раrrоt? What for? It's а very special раrrоt. It can speak. It сап rеаllу speak? ЕммА yes, it сап. yоu know that Granddad loves poems. The раrrоt knows loads of them. Не can say them all Ьу heart. MARK Great рrеsепt! Ll LY ... А driчеr. Еммд Ll LY 68 &ужжffiffiжffirж Жýrýfuffiжw Yes, I'm surе Granddad will like it а lot. I Еммд He'll love it. Неу, why don't we visit Granddad the weekend аftеr his biПhday? We сап bake him а cake and he сап thank us fоr the presents. I Мдпк Fantastic idea! Can't wait to see his smiley old face. I Е
LILy Just hope hе rеmеmЬеrs to put his teeth in! ЕммА (abit реrрIехеф ОК! See you next weekend. MARK See you! Granddad enters fTom the other side шith atualking stick, шаlkiпg uery sloшIy iп а comedy 'oldfolks silly ulalk' They eit fтоm опе side of the stage апd thеп style. ýсепв 2 Granddad's place Епtеr Lily, Еmmа апd Mark. Еmmа is holding а cake. LlММдпк/ЕммА Gвдlчоодв ALL THREE GRANDDAD LltY GRANDDAD Ll LY GRANDDAD Еммд GRANDDAD Li tY GRANDDAD Ll LY GRANDDAD Ll tY GRANDDAD Ll LY MARK GRANDDAD MARK GRANDDAD MARK GRANDDAD Мдпк GRANDDAD Good аftеrпооп, Granddad. Ah, Lily, Маrk and Еmmа. How аrе you, Granddad? I'm fiпе. Granddad? Yes, Lily? How did you like the presents? Presents? Fоr уоur birthday. Ah, those. How did you like the Rolls? I didn't like its соlоur. How could you give mе а black саr? Black is for old people. I gave it away. You gave it away... Yes, to my gаrdепеr's son. He's just turned r8. Every mоrпiпg he picks up his favourite teacher and drives hеr to school. vйat about the driчеr? I firеd him. Oh, по! (falls unconscious оп chair пеаrЬу) How do you like my picture, Suпsеt 8f I got dizzy when I looked at it. So I gave it to the housemaid. Does she like it? No, she sold it. I can't believe it. She sold it? Yes, at the flea market. Not really. Yes, she was lucky. Some idiot paid Д5о for it. Get оп Stage! l О пg Lапguаgеs 69
MARK ЕммА Oh, по! (falls uпсопsсюus оп chair пеаrЬу) I hope you liked my рrеsепt, Granddad. GRANDDAD Oh, Еmmа, mу darling! Of соursе I did. Yоu knowwhat уоur granddad loves, don't you! ЕммА WеП, I hope so. Gвдпtоодо Well, it was excellent. ЕммА It was? I hope you didn't give it to the gаrdепеr's son. GRANDDAD No, why? ЕммА Oh, rеаllу? Thanks, Granddad. GRANDDAD ЕммА I wanted it for myself. I gave it to the cook, mу darling. То the cook? То sell it at the flea mаrkеt like the housemaid did? GRANDDAD Oh, no, no, по, no, no! I simply gave it to the cook. ЕммА То the cook? What for? Gпдшоодо What fоr? What fоr? Don't ЕммА Ье silly. It was delicious. It was delicious? What was? Gпдпtоодо The chicken. ЕммА It was the best chicken I've ечеr had! Oh по! That wasn't а chicken. It was а чеry expensive talНng раrrоt! GRдшоодо А talНng раrrоt? ЕммА Gпдшродо ЕммА Yes, а talНng раrrоt! Then why didn't it call fоr help? Ohh! faints апd her face falls iпtо the cake, соuеriпg her face iп сrеаm. She I ] _l I 'ч*. _ ____я- I I Е 70 tt l Get on Stagel ing Languages Е ц
Ff l# а ъlд Е-л ;J lili,,jji,, & ffiýDз W golden ring back asks her to kiss lп this play, ап otter who helps а princess to get her going behind а bush and him. The actors рrеtепd that they аrе kissing each other Ьу play to Ье acted out Ьу уоur students, making kissing sounds. lf you have selected this iп the context iп which уоu and you feel that such а scene is culturally unacceptable the otter could say, 'Give me teach, you mау want to change the scene. tоr ехаmрlе, fuп, but it,s still something а little tickle behind mу еаrs,. This is less очеrt and less public, д kiss is bettel though! that а Princess might not wish to Ье sееп doing iп -д -__J ,4 - А modern fairy tale in 2 scenes Тrаg}g 08 ,д = --а Е The Рrýжсеýý аmd the Rireg ПOlеs Rшпtimе sGtS PlOшs styl0 5 Аrоuпd 5 minutes, depending оп production The castle garden; in the castle а hat for princess Rita д crown (made ot рареф for the king; а princess dress апd and а сrоWп (whereas Princess Flоrа is in jеапs and T-shirt); а рriпсе's clothes mask; а big plastic for Рriпсе Humphrey; ап otter mask, а Beckham/Ronaldo а T-shirt dirty with; bathtub оr bowl to represent the pond; something to make some'ропd weeds'; а bush made of cardboard д mоdеrп fairy tale; it could Ье put оп stage without props, but уоur andtheaudiencewillenjoytheplayfarbetterwiththepropslisted. students to have this acted out ьу N.B.: дlthough this is а fairy tale, it is рrоьаьlу better quite а bit of irопу teenagers rаthеr than young lеаrпеrs as the play draws оп will Ье lэetter able to put this aСross оп stage than exaggeration and -teens уоuпg lеаrпеrs! SупOпsis lапgшаgе lBuel lапgшаgG аlGаs ýIagG tiшs garden of the castle, when princess Flora's golden ring falls into the pond iп the the prince who she gets help neither frоm her smug sister поr frоm Нumрhrеу, he wants to Ье kissed wants to marry her. Help comes whеп ап otter appears, but in exchange for returning the riпg ", Uрреr lntermediate - В2 expressing Сап/сап'ttоr expressing аlэilitу (t сап't get it; it's too deep) сап/сап'tfоr making jеапs T,shirt); а апd permission (You're а princess. Yоч сап't ruп around iп you,) and refusing offers (Yоu сап hаче а репсil; No, thопk 1) audio опсе оr Betore your students read the script, get them to listen to the twice. Ask some specific questions afterwards, e,g, , . Who аrе the people in the play? Where аrе they? Puchta/GernЙsrПevitil Cet о" ЧакIТ О НеlЬПrц LangUages 71
. . . . , , опе of the two princesses has got а рrоьlеm what is it? How does she try to solve the problem? Who helps her? What is the ending of the story? what differences аrе there between the two princesses, and between the two рriпсеs? Which of the people is best described Ьу the following adjectives? friendly - helpful - proud - silly - сlечеr Give уоur rеаsопs. 2) tПatG]ials Use the adjectives above to 'lead'the students iпtо their respective rоlеs, e.g. if students say that princess Rita is чеrу proud, discuss with the grоuр how this would Ье expressed in the way she speaks. Get them to listen to the audio again to check. @ Th* Tlacx 08 Photocopiabl е Worksheet р 193 . Comprehension check . Vocabulary: in the garden . Сап/Ье allowed to rlilr{eý aйййй;йful г*"ffi tij;iii@ 72 Pu chta/Gern gross/Devitt aýd lhe ,ý',-".***"*-"*" Rilз l Workheet
@ ЖЖж Wыwrýfl*%% жwз& ýЖ* Ж',жщ поlеs princess тr8е} 08 Sсвпв 1 Flora princess Rita Prince Нчmрhrеу Otter/Prince ln the garden of the castle ЛfооtЬаIl Ьоuпсеs опtо the stage closely fоllошеd Ьу а girl PRlNCESS FLORA PRtNcESS RlTA Otto iп jeaTB апd а T-shirt. Beckham (Ronaldo/whoever) shoots, Beckham scores! (she рrеtепds to celebrate mith the'crou)d'then gradually she scddens) I'd love to Ье а footballer but I can't because I'm а рriпсеSS, you see, and princesses aren't allowed to play football. In fact, princesses аrеп't allowed to do muсh at all other than mаrry princes. Being а princess is not something I'm very good at. (саIIiпg, o_ff) FIоrа! Whеrе are you? PRlNcEss FtоRА Oh dear. Неrе comes mу sister, Princess Kta. She's а рrореr princess. She always gets roo% in princess exams and loves wearing diamonds. PRlNcEss RlTA дh! Тhеrе you are, I've been looНng ечеrywhеrе. Well, I haven't, but mу servants have. Тhеу told mе you wеrе hеrе. PRlNcEsS FtoRA PRlNcEss RITA PRlNCESS FLORA PRlNcEsS RlTA PRlNCESS FLORA PRlNcEss RlTA PRlNCE HUMPHREY PRlNCESS FLORA PRlNCE HUMPHREY PRlNcEss RlTA PRINCE НЧМРНПВY PRlNcEss Frопд PRlNCE HUMPHREY PRlNCESS FLORA PRlNCE НUМРНRЕY What did you want mе fоr? Handsome Рriпсе Нumрhrеу is hеrе. Не wants to See уоu, Ме? Why? I've,no idea why! I mеаП why would Handsome Рriпсе Нumрhrеу want to spend time йth а scruffi girl like you? ... Unless ... unless what? Unless he's fallen in love with МЕ, (to аudiепсе) easily done, you know, (to Flora) and he wants to ask you how to win my heart. He's рrоЬаЬlу terrified Ьу mу great beauty, рооr thing. (епtеriпg) Stand aside! Handsome Рriпсе approaching! Fееl frее to сhееr! princess (епсоurаgеs аudiепсе to cheer) which опе of you Мо luclcy girls is Flоrа? Ме, why? Му саrd. (Не hands her а business саrф Haven't got time to go into too much detail, due at the hаirdrеssеr's in zo minutes, but basically mу dad апd уоur dad have аrrапgеd for us to Ье married. Неr! Why hеr? Why not mе? I'm а рrореr princess. She's а football hooligan. She's the eldest and, in the Government Guide to Fairy-tale Romances, it's the eldest daughter that gets to marry а handsome рriпсе first. Bad luck, sweetie! Wait! I have something to say. I know! you рrоьаьlу want to tell mе уоu'rе the lucНest girl alive but I know that аlrеаdу and in апу case I haven't finished talking. Flоrа? ... You may answer. Yes? What is it? Опе little рrоЬlеm. You аrе а princess. Puchta/C,erngro5s/Devitt I Get on Stage! |О Helbling Languages lliдцttlцдlдlillJ 7з
PRlNCESS FLORA PRlNCE НЧМРНПВЧ PRlNCESS FLORA PRlNCE HUMPHREY PRlNCESS FLORA Рпlшсв НUмрнRЕY PRlNcESs RlTA PRlNCE НUМРНПВУ , Yes, I know. And princess can't ruп аrоuпd in jeans and а T-shirt. I'm leaving пои,, but please try not to сry. whеп I rеturп I want you dressed рrореrlу. I hаче an engagement ring for you hеrе and I would put it on уоur fiпgеr but уоur hands аrе dirф so you'll hаче to put it оп yourself. а (irопiс ally) How rоmапtiс! And now а kiss! What?!! (to Princess Ritс) Do you have а mirrоr? Yes, hеrе. (She hcnds him а small hапd mirror) (krsses his оtuпrеflесtiоп),Yоu handsome beast! (to аud"iепсе) I'm lеайпg, feel frее to swoon. Не exits. Рпlшсвss Rlтд PRlNCESS FLORA PRlNcEss RlTA PRlNCESS FLORA PRtNcEss RlTA PRlNCESS FLORA Рпlшсвss Rlтд PRlNcEss Flопд Gosh. Не really is handsome, isn't he? It's not fair. Why you? It's not mу fault! Let mе see the riпо Look. ] It's beautiful. Let mе try it on. No, sorry, I don't want to lose it. I mау поt want to mаrry him but а princess must do hеr duty. Соmе on. I'm уоur sister. Trust mе. ОК. But only for а minute. рriпсеss Flora takes tlrc riпg off апd hапds it to Rita. PRlNcEss RtTA PRlNcEss FtoRA PRlNcEsS RlTA It's nice. I like it. Please give it back. Неrе you аrе. Oops. Rifс drops PRtNcEsý FtoRA PRlNcEss RlTA PRlNcEsS FtоRА Е r the riпg оп purpose апd itfalls iпtо а ропd". Look what you've done! You've dropped it in the pondl I'm sоrry. (uoice tells аudiепсе that she isn'f) Е I can't get it, it's too deep. (She lies iп the grass апd puts her hand iпtо the tuater. She gets dirty апd there are tueeds оп her сrms.) Е Please, Rita, trу to get it out. PRlNcEsS RITA 74 f sorry, Flоrа, but mу dress would get wet and dirtv. Puchta/Ge tt i Get оп Stage! l о ing Languages Е } tЕ Е
PRlNcEss Ft-опд know! (оп her mobile, rеаdiпg fтоm the business сqrd) Humphrey, please соmе and help mе. Му пеw ring has fallen into the pond, I She IЫепs, thеп looks desperatePRlNcEss RITA PRlNCESS FLОRА PRlNcEss RITA PRINCESS FLORA PRlNcEss RITA What did he say? Не won't соmе. Не doesn't want to make his clothes dirty, Oh dear, now уоu'rе in real trouble. So йtl you Ье when I tell Dad what you've done. (realising thfs is fruе) Oh no! I didn't think of that. Bothprincesses stcrt сryiпg. Епtеr Otter- оттвп PRlNCESS FLORA оттвп PRlNCESS FLORA оттвR PRlNcESs RlTA PRlNcEss FtoRA оттвп PRlNcEss R|TA оттвп Why аrе you crying? She dropped mу golden ring into the pond. (she poiпts сf Rird) Oh, dear! (сrуiпg bitterly) What сап I do поw? I've got ап idea. You? But уоu'rе an ugly otter. Let him speak. I mау Ье ugly, but I сап get it for you. You mеап PRlNcESS RITA оттЕR PRlNcEss RlTA оттвп PRlNcEss RITA oTTER PRlNcEsS RlTA оттвR PRlNcESs RITA оттgп PRlNcEss RlTA PRlNcEss FtoRA PRlNcESs RITA PRlNCESS FLORA the ring? That's right. Give mе а second. otter oTTER ... diues iпtо the ропd. апd соmеs back tлith the riпg. Не Ь couered iп uleeds. Мmm. It looks wonderful. Give it back to m,y sister. Quick. Yоu dropped уоur sister's riпg, didn't you? Give it back, you ugly animal. ОК but what йll you give mе fоr it? You сап have а pencil. No, thank you. Hehehehehe. Yоu can have mу handkerchief. Your handkerchief? No, thanks. Hehehehehe. So what do you want? Give mе а Hss. No way. I would печеr Hss а wet and ugly оttеr. Rita, please Hss the otter. No way. ОК, then I'1l do it. Let's go behind the bushes. li ng Languages ]IiЕIreЕЕЕIЦlДШ 75
r, #Wý}ffi жж,,,: trg#Wfr ffi \!" ,ч",zuфf .ф ,_ь" "ф _, :? у """: ),_ е9М";{|р" е gg, - чбry о41, PR|NcESs RITA Don't do it, sister! princess Flora апd the otter leaue. we hear the sоuпd of kissing. After а short time Рriпсеss Flora appears tptth а аоuпg mапushоrъ sfi// а btt шеt апd couered taith шeeds апd has а Весkhаm/Rопаldо mask оп. оттдп PRlNcEsS RlTA оттпп PRlNcEss Flовд PRlNcEss RlTA PRlNcEsS FtoRA sсвпе PRtNcE 2 Неrе's the ring. (hапdiпg it to Flora) \'Vho is that? well, it's а long story about а young рriпсе and а magician's curse. соmе йth us to the castle. I want you to meet mу fаthеr! You can't invite this diгГу уоuпg man. Yes, I can. lп the castle HUMPHREY Make way! Yоur hеrо has returned. (he spots Поrа)Flоrа, I can't believe it. "" *fi PRtNCESS FLORA PRlNCE HUMPHREY PRlNCESS FLORA PRlNcE отто PRlNcESs FtoRA friJ ;1жт i::};,#:;iffi::ýfl жъi1l*:.F you don't have to, Нumрhrеу. yоur clothes look nice, but I don't want to mаrrу а рriпсе who doesn't соmе when I need help. Неrе', уо,rr.d;;. ;;;Jbu"l^'' Whеrе аrе you going? well, this young mап hеrе wants to show mе his castle. It's right next to the football stadium. I hope you don't Му hеrо! mind. They leaue together. PRlNCE НЧМРНВВY PRlNcEss RlTA PRlNCE НUМРНRЕY PRlNcEss RlTA PRlNCE HUMPHREY Воо hoo. I want my mummу. Don't сry, Нumрhrеу. I'll mаrry you. Have you brushed уоur teeth? Yes. Why? Тhеп you may Hss me. ,she kisses him оп the cheek. Рпlшсвss Rlтд PRlNCE HUMPHREY PRlNCESS RITA Have you washed уоur hands? Of course! Why? Then you mау hold mу hand while we 8о and talk to Daddy. They eit happily. Е Е Е 76 tt l Get оп stagel La nguages Е
'rýýilý ]r:l]ý] ;l .j;a :}r]]]:] j*] ý!:r. ;j;;r! ;9*; ,jllil 1aýi ::]]&-'i.]]]*i*a .]a}ý:*|а]; ia,ij jaa]j iý|. мжКЖж Жж*Жffiwu% scenes д comedy series of very short sketches, in б ПOlвs пшпtimG SeIs 11 Around,l0minutes,dependingonproduction(butcouldbeshortenedby skipping опе оr several of the sketches) waiting rооm and the reception area, дltеrпаtеs between the doctor's surgеrу, the next to опе another: These could Ье з locations оп the stage, Surgery:adeskwithachairbehinditforthedoctor'onthewallaneyesight students) check chart (could easily Ье made Ьу the Waiting rооm: а semi-circle of 5 chairs Receptionarea:adeskwithatoytelephoneandcaIendaronit,andachair behind the desk fоr the receptionist р]Oшs (it's best to use men's shirts, wоrп white shirts for the doctor and the nurse backtofront);bigflip.overcalendarwith5pages,showingMonday9,Tuesday bagwith two Thursday 12, Friday 13; for Patient 2, а рареr 10, Wednesday 11, eyeholes cut into it to check the body temperature; а Optional: а toy stethoscope, а thermometer ,pill, for patient 5 to eat; red as the walking stick for patient а (old mап); а biscuit patient B's ears; а bucket face paint оr make-up fоr StyIB ýупошsis all bound together within а single theme д fast-paced series of very short sketches, Nancy. There аrе lots of patients, hardly lt's а busY week for Dr Miller and Nurse anyofthemWithoutanunusualproblem.lnspiteofthedoctor'screative out of hand treatments, things get mоrе and mоrе lапgшаuе lешеl 1апUшаUG а]Gаs Upper lntermediate - ", В2 Thepresentpeгfect(You,vebrokenyourfinger);pastprogressiveVS.pastsimple (lwasironingwhenthephonerang);vocabulary:partsofthebody;medical aid, do а test, take а pill, soak your expressions (а patient, а prescription, а hearing well, mаkе ап арроiпtmепf) and swollen teg iп the water; catt the аmЬulапсе, |eel mу teg hurts, feel wel[) Symptoms (а swollen leg, l сап't hear well, phrases to describe stagG Iips there аrе not too mапу Iines for This is rather а long series of sketches, but eachoftheactorsplayingthepatients.Therolesofthedoctorandthenurse, they could Ье doubled. lf the however, аrе more demanding. lf necessary, the nurse а nurse,s hat then they could doctor fоr example has а white coat and beswappedbetweentheactorsandthecharacterswouldstillremaineasily reduce to do this best оп stage to identifiabIe (see р 62for suggestions on how rоlеs have to study), the пumьеr of lines that the actors of these рuсПtа/сЕпЪГоss/оеГitt |lЫЙ Staуt l @ Helbling Languages 77
UariatiOn ilalerials The individual short sketches that this play consists of hаче been developed frоm jokes we found оп the internet. you may want to do а project with уоur students where you look fоr suitab|e jokes оп the web and get уоur students to turп them into а script fоr а play. lf уоu Want to do that, make surе you select jokes that аrе suitable for the age 8rоuр you аrе teaching. Ask уоur studЪпts to work in groups. Give each grоuр а photocopy of опе of the jokes and ask them to turn it into а short dialogue. This could Ье done before оr after the students read this script. lf students come Up with dialogues that аrе wetl suited to being acted out, they could Ье added to the play (оr acted out after the play). lп this case, it would Ье well worth stressing to the audience that the scripts for the short sketches wеrе writеп Ьу the students themselves. photocopiabte Worksheet А р 194 . Comprehension check ^lll\.:bocier\ . Medical expressions . VосаЬulаrу: parts of the body | Worksheet В Photocopiable Worksheet В 195 р . Mini dialogue . Vocabulary: medical expressions . Past progressive vs. simple past; present perfect Е Е tr tr tr 78 ГuЙьZС-еrпgБssZПеИtt t Cet ЙýаgiГГ О не'Ьппg LanguagБ
&& &&з* Ж**&*уuж Dr MilIer Nurse Nапсу ПOlеs Receptionist 4 is ап old mап) Patients 1-8 (Patient 3 is а wоmап, Patient ýсепв The Doctor's Waiting Rооm, Friday 13th 1 солепdаr оп her desk that А receptionrst sits at а desk.she hcs а little ftip-ouer shoros 'Friday 1зth'. don't they? Well, let mе tell you this They say that Fridау the rзth is unlucý, REcEPTloNlsT whole week has been mad! (епtеrs NURsE - to receptionfsf) Good morning, Sally/Simon, Morning, Nurse Nancy, RECEPTIONlST sick patients this morning, (looking at audience) Looks like we,ve got а lot of Don't they look terrible? about оur yes, especialý that опе. (points at teacher) I've just been telling them NuBsB RECEPTIONlST сrаzу week. Good morning, everyone, DocToR (together) Good morning, Dr Miller, REcEPTtoNlsT /NuпsB What а week we've had, DocToR you want to? Yes, Doctor. I was just explaining оr do REcEPTtoNlsT No!Itwillmakemecryandanyway(looksataudience)itlookslikeNurse NancyandIaregoingtohaveabusyday.(pointstoamemberoftheaudieпce) DocтoR That one's yellow! Саrry оп, DrMillerandNurseNcncyeitintodoctor,sSurgery. oK.(sheflipsthecalend.arbackto,Moпday9th'asshescys)Well,itallbegan REcEPTloNlsT last Monday. Sсвпв2 рдтlЕNт L Monday 9th doctor immediately, (storming iпtо the reception area) I need to see the REcEpTloNlsT I'm sоrry, but the doctor is busy, PATIENT 1 Please, please, I need to see the doctor, REсEpтloNlsT What's the problem? PATIENT 1 I've Ьееп bitten Ьу а vampire, REcEPTloNlsT Goodness gracious, I'll see what I can do, pucПrrerGrosrDevit 79
Receptionist goes iпtо surgery шith раtiепt. Dr MiIIer апd Nurse Nапсу are playing cards or dotng something silly. DocтoR Can't you see wе'rе busy! RBcBpTloluIsT DocToR 1 Рдтlцlчт NuRsE 1 PATIENT DocToR 1 РАтlЕNт DocToR 1 pATlENT Sоrry, Doctor, but this mап hеrе says he's Ьееп bitten Ьу а vampire. Whеrе did the vampire bite you? Nеаr the railway station. No, the doctor means whеrе оп уоur body? Оh! Неrе, in the neck. Nurse, give him а glass of оrапgе juice. Оrапgе juice? Why оrапgе juice? Because it's yellow. Yellow? DocToR Yes. NuпsB Неrе you аrе. DocToR Drink up. 1 pATIENT Will it make mе better? DocToR No, I but 1 PATIENT Ah, that's good. Dостоп DocToR PATIENT сап see if уоur neck leaks. 1 Nurse, plaster please. I сап see the holes. (Nurse hапdtпg ouer plaster, doctor putting plaster оп patientЪ песk.) That should do it. Thank you, Doctor. (He/she leaues) DocToR NuпsB Рдтlвlчт Z Dостоп PAT'ENT 2 Next patient, please, Nurse. (саIItпg into reception) Next patient, please. Good mоrпiпg, Doctor. Good morning. \zVhat сап I do fоr you? When I looked in the mirrоr this mоrпiпg, I was shocked. I saw an uglY mап, with wrinНed sНn and filz4rhair. DocToR Why? PATIENT 2 DocToR And? PATIENT 2 PAT'ENT 2 And rеd eyes. And the colour of mу skin DocToR Well? It was white, like on а dead mап. Doctor, what's Wтопg I Get on Stage] l Е ... Doctor looks at the mапfоr some time. 80 t йth mе? Е Е Helbling ranguages Е
DocToR Well, the only thing I can say is that thеrе is nothing wтопg йth уоur eyesight. Doctor апd Nurse laugh tlproariously. Раtiепt /ooks scd. DocтoR PATIENT 2 N URsE Sсепв 3 Sоrry. I think we сап give уоu something to help, can't we Nursе? Really? Yes, rеаllу. Неrе you аrе. (She puts а рареr bag ouer the patient's head u-lith hао eyeholes cut iп. Pattent staggers off.) Tuesday 1Oth REcEpTloNlsT (turning the саIепdаr to'Tuesdaa 1oth) So that was Monday and then оп Tuesday... DocтoR NURSE DocToR Nчпsв WoMAN (Рлтlппlт 3) (to nurse) Call the next patient. What shallI call them? А rudе паmе? No! Call them in hеrе. Oh! (ccl/fng iпtо rесерtiоп.) Next please. Good morning, Doctor. DocToR Good morning. What сап I do for you? WoMAN Well, it's about mу husband. DocToR Your husband? Is he hеrе? WoMAN No, he isn't. DocтoR So, what's the рrоЬlеm? WомАN Well, hе thinks he's а chicken. DocтoR How do you know? WoMAN Well, every morning he gets out of bed. DocToR Не gets out of bed? Wомдпl Не does. DocToR Every mоrпiпg? WoMAN Yes, he does. DocтoR That's nothing unusual. Millions of people get out of their beds every morning. WoMAN I know. DocтoR So? WoMAN Well, then he goes to the shed. DocToR That's nothing unusual. Millions of people WoMAN Stop, Doctor! Please listen. Не gets out of bed, he goes to the shed ... and DocToR And? Wомдпl Не cacНes and makes а small nest. DocToR Mmh. How long has this been going on? Puchta/Gerngrossi Devitt l Get оп Stagel | о ... Helbling Languages ЕIrcI&шЕIшш ... 81
WoMAN Fоrауеаr, Ithink. DocToR Fоrауеаr!Ауеаr? WомАN Yes, а уеаr! DocToR Why didn't you соmе еагliеr? WомАN Well, I wanted to, but DocToR But what? WoMAN Well, it was nice having а frеsh egg frоm the shed ечеry mоrпiпg. DocToR That's great. Соmе again when уоur husband stops laying eggs. Wомдlч Thankyou. Dосtоr. NURsE DocToR NURsE otD MAN (PaTlпltT 4) Dостоп Oto мдпt DocToR otD мАN NURsE olo Мдпl DocToR ... We'll build him а nice nest. Nursе, please call in the next patient. Next please. Good morning, Doctor. Good mоrпiпg. What can I do for you? Eh? I said, what can I do fоr you? Sоrry? (bellotuing) What can we do fоr you?! Cock-a-doodle-do? I don't think I'm а chicken - that was the last one. I can't hеаг well. ОК, let's do а test. Ir{urse, would you mind? Nursе sfcnds Ьеhiпd the раtiепt uld claps her hands. DocToR оlо мдlч NURsE oLD MAN (silепсе) (bellouliпg) Did you hеаr that? Have you done it yet? DocToR ОК. I'll give you а prescription fоr а hearing aid. Go to the shop in Bond Street. They аrе the best. And соmе to see mе tоmоrrоw morning. Sсепе 4 Wednesday 11th REcEPTloNlST oLD MAN REcEPTloNlsT DocToR oLD MAN Dостоп 82 Did you lrеаr that? (turпiпg the саlепdаr to shotu'Wednesdaa 11th) Surе enough, the next mornitrg ... Мr Вrоwп to see you, Dосtоr. No need to shout, уоuпg lady/man. (ruhfspers.) Мr Вrоwп to see you, Doctor. How's уоur hеаriпв, Мг Вrоиm? It's perfect. Let's do а test. Nurse? lIIr.тraпГ.Г{rлila Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt l Get on Stagel | ОгLеlЬПrцtrrguаgеs
Nursе sfcnds Ьеhiпd the раtiепt апd claps her hапds. DocToR oLD MAN DocToR Did you hеаr that? Of course. She was clapping hеr hands. опе mоrе test. Nurse stands Ьеhiпd the patient апd clicks herfingers. DocтoR otD мАN DocToR Did you hеаr that? Of соursе. She was clicНng hеr fingers. And опе final test. Nurse mimеs pricking her fiпgеr апd dropping the рiп. oLD MAN DocтoR oLD MAN DocToR Listen! I just hеаrd а pin drор. Yоu and уоur family must Ье very happy that you can hеаr again. Well, I haven't told them. I just sit around and listen when thеу'rе talking. You haven't told them? oLD MAN No, I just listen. DocToR You just listen? oLD MAN DocToR NURsE Yes and I hаче changed my will four times already. And the next patient, please, Nurse. Sоrry, Doctor. I'm too tired аftеr аП that clapping and clicНng. I need а sleep. She lies dошп оп the doctor's couch апdfаIls asleep. DocтoR PATIENT 5 DocToR PATIENT 5 DocToR PATIENT 5 DocToR PATIENT 5 DocтoR PATIENT 5 Next patient, please. Good mоrпiпg, Doctor. Good morning. What can I do fоr you? Please look at mу leg. It hurts. Мmm. It's badly swollen. Does this hurt? (pinches the mап's leg) Aaaaaaaaaah. Just а moment. (rummаgiпg iп сuрЬосrФ Here's а pill. Wow. I've never seen such а big pill. I'll Ье right back йth some wаtеr. Тry not to wake the nurse. (mumЬliпg to him/hersef) Whеrе is she? Ah, I can do it myself. Раtiепt goes to tлater fountain/taash Ьаsiп, drinks апd tries to sшallotp the big pill: He/She fiпаlIу succeeds after а lot of struggling. DocToR PATIENT 5 DocтoR Неrе I am. And hеrе's the water. (Не has put а bucket of ulater iпfтопt of the раtiепt) What's the bucket fоr? Well, you first put the pill in and then you soak your swollen leg in it fоr thirrу minutes. Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! |О Helbling Languages lili(.l(.I(.I'.]7r\]lll 8з
PATIENT s (clutches his/her throat апdfаiпts) DocToR Nurse, wake up and call the ambulance! Sсвпе 5 Thursday'l2th REcEPTloNlST (flipping the calendar to shош 'Thursday lzth'.) Thursday was no better, even though it was mybirthday. (to аudiепсе) Go оп, sing! Doctor апd Nurse lead audience as they sing 'Нарру Birthday То You' (МауЬе the Doctor indicates а medical chart шhеrе the ulords are mbusritten: Нарра Birthday to You, Нарру Birthday to Yоu. Youlooklike аmопkеу Апd you smеII like опе, too. оR Нарру Birthday to you I шепt to the zoo I satls abig mопkеу Апd I thought it tllas aou.) NURsE PAT|ENT 6 DocToR PATIENT 6 DocToR Next patient, please. Good morning, Doctor. Good morning. What сап I do for you? I'm not feeling well, Doctor. OK,let's have а look. Takes his/her temperature апd /isfens to hb/her breathiпg, etc. Mutters to him/herself 'Мm' and'Ahh'. Рдтlвtчт 6 What's wтong йth mе, Doctor? Doctor goes to cttpboard, rummages аrоuпd апd соmеs back toith three bottles of pills. DocToR PATIENT 6 NURSE Рдтlвшт 6 DocтoR Рдтlвlчт 6 DocToR Рдтlвшт 6 84 We'll explain. Whеп you wake uр, take а grееп pill йth ОК, I get it. А grееп pill in the morning Аftеr lunch, take а rеd pill йth йth а а big glass of wаtеr. big glass of water. а big glass of wаtеr. ОК, I get it. А rеd pill after lunch йth а big glass of wаtеr. Before you go to bed, take а blue pill with а big glass of wаtеr. ОК, I get it. Веfоrе I go to bed, I take а blue pill ask you а question, Doctor? йth а big glass of wаtеr. Can I Ofcourse. Shoot. So mапу different pills, Doctor, what exactly is mу рrоЬlеm? ПТr.ПЙПЕIЕВТl puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel l @ Helbling Language5
DocToR N URsE You're not drinking enough wаtеr. Next patient please. (She pushes the раtiепt totaards the door.) QuicНy! The patients cross as опе епtеrs апd опе leaues. DocтoR PATiENT 7 NURsE Рдтlвtчт 7 NURsE What's уоur рrоЬlеm? Well, it hurts when I do this. (Не prods his chest ulith his fiпgеr.) And, when I do this. (Не prods his leg шith the sаmеfiпgеr.) And, whеп I do this. (Не prods his head ulith the sаmеfiпgеr.) I know what's wтong, Doctor. What? You've Ьrоkеп уоur finger. DocToR Well done, Nurse! ýсепв 6 Friday 13th REcEPTloNlsT (As shеflФs the саlепdаr back to original'Friday lgth'.) And that brings us back to today. Let's hоре it's nice and саlm. Patient 8 rushes iп. Their ears аrе terribly red. REcEPTloNlsT PATIENT 8 REcEPTloN 1sT Рдтlвtttт 8 REcEPTloNlsT Good morning. Goodness gracious. What happened to уоur ears? Well, I was ironing mу best sНП/shirt when the phone rапg. What has this got to do with уоur еаrs? WеП, I апswеrеd the рhопе with what I was holding in my hand. Oh, I see. But, but what about the other еаr? Рдтlвшт 8 Well, I had to ring you to make ап appointment with the doctor, didn't I? PATIENT 1 (rushing iпшithIопg сапiпе teeth) Good mоrпiпg. REcEPTloNlsT Hello, again. What сап I do fоr you? patient mith red есrs) You have such PAT|ENT 1 (to PAT|ENT 8 What? Неlр! а wопdеrful neck. Patient l bites Раtiепt 8. Doctor cnd Nursе rush out of the surgery into rесерtiоп. DocToR PATIENT 1 DocToR NURsE PATIENT 1 DocToR REcEPTloNlsT DocToR What have you done?! Sоrry, I suddenly felt very hungry. (to receptionisf) Call the police! And the bat саtсhеr! Вуе, everyone, I won't wait fоr them. And then call the ambulance. Fоr this рооr patient? No not fоr them. puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | О Helbling Languages IIiЕIreЕЦЕIЦЕш в5
Chapter 2
NURSE Dостоп REcEPTloNlsT DocToR Then for who? Us! What а week! (роiпtiпg to аudiепсе.) What about this lot? Тhеу'll have to come back апоthеr time. They allfaint. 86
..rafi'];' .,.,|a'::||ri - *! ,- ýэ: ýi' 'ý /Ё. :]i:!::ir]:1ii]*.r: i::iri]:r;i5ii: trеDэ W Tracft 09 ПOles ПчпIimв Sctý ffiwж Ж*ýýffiжw ýж W^жжж А parody sketch iп 4 scenes 9-14 (if the З паrrаtоr roles and the roles for Мr and Мrs Davies аrе doubled) Around 10 minutes, depending оп production А small seaside В&В in the south of England; а Street in that town; the lobby of а hotel in Rome Proшs А handkerchiel а key,2 hamburgers, З chairs to make а seaside bench, а пеwsрареr, а small suitcase; а poster advertising the lottery reading: summеr lottery, Wiп Е1,000,000. Last day! Dоп't miss your сhапсе!;а suit for the lottery representative; а cheque for Я'1,000,000; а Ьаппеr, Вепчепuti а Rоmа, indicating that this is а hotel in Rome; а big suitcase; З umbrellas ýlyle А parody sketch оп England and holidays in а British seaside town, drawing оп number of cultura| сliсhёs about what is'typically British' ýупошsis lапgшаgв lечвl lапgшаgе aleas Мr and Mrs Davies аrе spending their holidays in Bournemouth ... just as they have done ечеrу SUmmer for mоrе than 20 уеаrS. lt's а typical holiday in а typical в&в in а typlcal British summer but things suddenly change as the Davieses decide to buy а lottery ticket ... lntermediate - В1 Everyday English phrases (high frеquепсу chunks of language), e.g. tt's so good / lt's so good to Ье back, / like every y"i, / That's absotutety ОК. / This burger is delicious, - lt is indeed. / twas so huпgrу. - So was t. / а bite to eat / You mеаП we could see the ...?- We сеrtаiпlУ could. / What is it about? / l'm afraid l сап't tell you. / That's uпЬеliечаЬlе, / to see you again. ýlage в8 tiIs а Tag questions (/r3 our rооm, isn't it? That would Ье fantastic, wouldn't it?) This is а slightly longer play than the other pieces in this book so far. So it might ье advisable to double the roles of the narrators (and Мr and Mrs Davies could also Ье doubled). lf уоu аrе planning to do so, please Ьеаr in mlnd that each of the actors to Ье doubled should Ье wearing а typical piece of clothing. when the respective actor goes off, and their SUcceSSor comes оп they should ье wearing the same piece of c|othing so that it is easier fоr'tage, the audience to understand that although the actors have changed the roles rеmаiп the same. Puchta/GerngroG/oeйtt t cet оп StaK| б неrгrйБфuаgеs
tl|atBrials cD 'w оý Holi{iay ifi aom., т.аs& Bg I Workheet А &,LФ..й.*th,t__с.м. ýл aoiiray in Rо]ir l Worksheet В гiffi Photocopiable Worksheet А р 196 . comprehension check . ffi use of tenses . vосаьulаrу: in the restaurant Photocopiable Worksheet В р 197 . Dialogue . Tag questions . creative writing: а friend's visit Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt l Get оп Stage! | @ Helbling Languages 89
ffi, ПOles Sсепе 1 i ffiwъ Ж*ýýd-жу ýж W^*ыжж Narrators 1-3 Mr Davies Mrs Davies Ms Wilson, landlady Lottery Representative, wearing а smart suit Hotel Receptionists 1 and 2 А small seaside В&В in the south of England The three narrators епtеr (mауЬе carrying suffccses апd NARRAToR 1 NARRAToR 2 NARRAToR 3 NARRAToR 1 NARRAToR 2 Hello everyone, and welcome to this play ... ... which we have set in а typical British seaside town. Typical British costume! фufs on head ahaпdkerchief knotted at аII4 соrпеrs) Typical British weather! (puts up umbrella) Typical British seaside fun! Narrators l & g mаkе seagullsounds, Narrator mimеs getting seagull роор iп hb/her еуе. Att THREE NARRAToR 2 Nдппдтоп 3 NARRAToR 1 NARRAToR 2 шеаriпg macks.) z looks happily at the sky, thеп Yuck! In а minute уоu'rе going to meet Мr and Мrs Daйes. тhеу'rе а lovely couple, as you йll see, and you should ... Мr and Мrs Dайеs аrе on their holidays. know that right now ... This is а typical small seaside hotel, Narrator 2 mol)es to а table cnd sifs dошп as though he/she Ь а guest iп the hotel. NARRATOR З пеаr а place called Bournemouth ] Narrator g joins Narrator z at the table NARRAToR 1 in the south of England. Narrator l jоiпs NARRAToR 2 NARRAToR 3 NARRAToR 1 NARRAToR 2 NARRAToR 3 Ms WltsoN the other fuao at the table. And in fact, Мr and Mrs Davies have соmе to this place fоr their holidays ... fоr mоrе than zo уеаrs. They know it well, and of соursе they know their landlady well. And hеrе they соmе, Мr and Mrs Daйes ... ... and the landlady, Ms Wilson. Епtеr Mr апd Mrs DauiesfTom опе side, апd Ms Wilsопfтоm the other Welcome back, Мr Daйes, Мrs Davies. rt's so good to See you again. ... I l I l I a I 90 Puchta/Gerngross/OevitT ГСеt опýакГt О НЫЬllпg Lйguакi I
ё -а ё :ё Oh, thankyou, Ms Wilson. It's so good to Ье back. MR DAvlEs MRS DAvlES How have you Ьееп? Ms WlLSoN Oh, just fiпе, you know. We've had some lovely wеаthеr rесепф, yes, we saw that on Тv MR DAvlEs - only thrее days' rаiп last week! We couldn't wait to get back hеrе again, could we, darling? MRs DAvlEs Yes, that's right, dear! So lovely to Ье back. MR DAvlEs Well, let mе give you уоur key. It's Room 4 оп the first flооr, like every уеаr. That's grеаt. Room 4 again. It's оur rооm, isn't it, sweetheart? MS WlLSoN MR DAvlEs MRs DAvlEs Yes, it is! And it always feels just like home. MS WlLsoN That's lovely! I hope you enjoy the stay. See you tomorrow at breakfast, then, wanted to ask you а favour, Ms Wilson. Мп Dдчlвs Kght. Еrm Ms WILsoN Certainly. What is it? MRs DAvlEs Ms WlLsoN DAvlEs MR ... we wе'rе а bit hungry. Is there any chance we can get something to eat? wе'rе а bit pecНsh really. Frоm the long train ride, you see. I'm so Sоrry, but it's 6.з5, and we don't sеrче food аftеr 6.зо. Remember! BreaКast frоm 7.оо until 8.оо,luпсh frоm r.oo until z.oo and dinner frоm 5.зо until6.зo. Surе. No рrоЬlеm. Sоrry fоr asНng. Ms Wlцsoпt That's fine, don't worry. I'm sоrrywе can't sеrче you anything right now. DдvlEs MRS Ms That's absolutely оК. We'll Wll-soпl That's right. Have MRAND MRs See you in the mоrпiпg then. а good геst. DAvlEs Thank you. NдRRдтоR 1 Мr and Mrs Daйes аrе rеаllу happy to Narrator NARRAToR 2 7 moues chairfTomtable to sоmешhеrе elsefacing audience. but they аrе still hungry so after they have taken the luggage to their rооm, Narrator 2 moues hb/her chair пехt NARRAToR 3 Ье back in their lovely little holiday рlасе, to Narrator l. they decide it would Ье the right time to go fоr а little walk and get а bite to eat. Narrator з adds hb/her chair to other huо toform a'seaside Ьепсh'. NARRAToR 1 And hеrе they аrе NARRAToR 2 We саП see them in the streets of Bournemouth enjoying а lovely Ьurgеr. ... Nсrrсfоrs , iп uпisоп, sit оп their 'ьепсh' апd mimе орепiпg а пешsрареr апd reading it. Sсепе MR 2 А street DAvlEs This burger is delicious! 91
- MRs DAvlEs It is indeed. It's the best burger MR DAvlES ... we've Мпs Dдчlвs ... had fоr а long time. I was so hungry! MR DAvlEs Yes, I know. So was I! MRs DAvlEs I think we should lеаче hоmе а MR DAvlEs bit еагliеr next уеаr. Yes, that's right. We shouldn't have got hеrе аftеr 6.зо. Мпs Dдчlвs No, we shouldn't ... Тhеп We сап still get а bite to eat in оur lovely little hotel. Narrators, iп uпЬоп, drop пешsрареr fтоm iпfтопt of their faces. NARRAToR And while Мr and Мrs Dайеs аrе walНng the streets of Воurпеmоuth 1 NARRAToR 2 enjoying а lovely hаmЬurgеr, Nдппдтоп 3 they suddenly see something that's going to change their lives. MR DAvlES Look at that! Summеr Lottery. Wiп E1,ooo,ooo. Last day. Dоп't miss your сhапсе! MRS DAvlEs MR DAvlES Wow! That would Ье fantastic, wouldn't it? If We wоп that mопеу, we could соmе to Bournemouth twice а уеаr. MRs DAvlEs Indeed, and we could do much mоrе. we could trачеl whеrечеr we wanted. То Rome for example! то Rome? you mеап we could see the colosseum? MR DAvlES MRs DAvlEs We certainly could. And St. Реtеr's. MR DAvlEs St. Peter's? I've always wanted to see that. Мпs Dдчtвs Ме too. And we could ... (he suddenly sfcrts ulalking fasfer) going? MR DAvlEs Not so fast. Wait fоr me! Нurry up! We don't want to miss оur chance. MR DAvlEs 3 Back at the В&В NARRAToR 1 (Ьriпgiпg chatr back to table) It's поw а week later, Nдпкдтоп 2 NдRпдтоп 3 (Ьriпgiпg chair back to table) in thеir lovely little hotel Nдпвдтов 1 in Bournemouth Nдппдток 2 in the south of England, (ьriпgiпg chair back to table) and as Мr and Mrs Davies аrе coming down fоr ЬrеаКаst something unexpected happens. NARRAToR 3 92 l iJ i t.r I.r(|r whеrе аrе you I'm going to buy а lottery ticket. It's the last day. MRs DAvlEs Sсепв ... l 7дl з1 ll Pu chta/Gern gross/Devitt
Narrators mimе breakfast actiuities - bashing а soft-boiled egg mith а teaspoon, pouring tea, buttering toast. Мауье опе сап ask another to 'pass the marmalade, please'. Епt er LOTTERY REP Ms WltsoN LOTTERY REP Ms WltsoN LOTTERY REP МП ДПtО MRS DАИЕS LOTTERY REP Io ttery r epr е s епt atiu е. Good morning. Good morning. I'm sоrry, wе'rе full. That's fine. I don't want а rооm, I want to speak to one of уоur guests. Oh, rеаllу? What's it about? I'm afraid I can't tell you. Аrе Мr and Мrs Daйes in? (соmiпg dошп the stairs) That's us. What is it? Мr Daйes. Мrs Davies. Good mоrпiпg. (quietly, so that the landlady саппоt hear tt. She ls а bit поsеу, though, апd dоеsп't leaue the rооm.) I've got some good news fоr you. MRs DAvlES Good news? LOTTERY REP (uery quietly) You've wоп the lottery! Мпs Dдчlвs (shouting) Wе'че wоп the lottery! I can't believe it! That's Дt,ооо,ооо! Ms Wll-sопl Мпs Dдчlвs Oh, that's fantastic! Congratulations! Shall I book you in fоr next уеаr? Еrrrr ... (rеаIЬiпg she's let the cat out of the bag) LOTTERY REP Неrе's уоur cheque. Дl,ооо,ооо! Could you sign hеrе, please? MR DAvlEs MRs DAvlES Дl,ооо,ооо. That's unbelievable Now we сап even go to Rome! Eit Ms WltsoN $сепв 4 NARRAToR 1 the Dauieses апd the lottery rер. (to Narrators) Rome! What's Rome got that Воurпеmоuth hasn't?! (ErlD The lobby of а hotel iп Rome So all that happened half а уеаr ago NARRAToR 2 and it took Мr and Mrs Daйes а long time to fully understand Nдпкдтов 3 that they Wеrе поw the proud оWпеrs of Дt,ооо,ооо. Nдппдтоп 1 NдппдтоR 2 NARRAToR 3 But опе day Мr and Mrs Davies thought it was time ... (takes off handkerchief hat апd mack) to enjoy the mопеу that they had won (takes offhandkerchief hat апd mack) and they decided ... NARRAToR (takes offhandkerchief hat апd mack) to go to Rome fоr а holiday. 1 ... All g паrrаtоrs put оп sunglasses cf the sаmе time апd. say 'ctao'to the audience iп uпisоп шith ассоmрапуiпg 'Italian' gesture. --д 1 ! Nдппдтоп 2 RBcBpTloпtlsT 1 And hеrе they аrе, just checНng into their hotel. Good evening, and welcome to the Plaza Hotel. д 9з
rc MR DAvaEs Good evening. MRs DAvlEs Good evening. RBcBpTloпtlsT 1 MR DAvlEs REcEPTloNIsT 1 MRs DAvtEs RBcBpTlolulsT 1 Your паmе, please? Davies. Мr and Мrs Davies. Just а moment ... all right. Неrе we аrе. Yоur а double rооm and all meals for а week. booкng is for That's right. Дl right. That's rооm 12о9 оп the rzth flооr. The lift's очеr there and the роrtеr йll Ьriпg the luggage to уоur rооm. (clicksfingers) опе of the паrrаtоrs acts as the porter апd approaches the couple. MR DAvlES RBcпpTlolulsT 1 Thank you, but that's not necessary. As you йsh, sir. Porter rеturпs to others, muttering рrеtепd Italian соmрIаiпts about'Inglesi'. MR DAvlEs REcEPTloNlST 2 MRs DAvlES MR DAvlEs RBcBpTlolvlsT 2 MRs DAvlEs Let's hurry, darling. r'm so hungry. оur rеstаurапt is on the first floor. The rеstаurапt? At this time of the evening? It's quаrtеr to 8. Surely the rеstаurапt isn't still ореп? yes, we wеrе just thinНng of getting а hаmьurgеr sоmеwhеrе. Тhе rеstаurапt must Ье closed. No, sir, madam, really. The restaurant is open frоm 7.зо to rr. You сап take уоur time and enjoy а lovely meal йth а йеw of st. peter's. 7.зо to rr! what аrе the times of the оthеr meals then? REсEPTloNlsT 1 REcEPTloNlST 2 RBcepTlolvlsT 1 We Sегче tea REcEPTloNlsт 2 dinner is frоm 7.зо to 11. Ah, all right. Just а moment, please. Мп Dдчlвs We sеrче breaНast frоm 7 to 11.зо, \,ve Serve lunch from tz to half past з in the afternoon, from 4 to б o'clock, and as we've said ... ... Не turns to hb tuife, апd they haue а сопuеrsаtiоп, but uле сап't hear шhаt they аrе sауiпg. Apparently there is something they're поt happy about. MRS DAvtEs RBcgpTlolulsT 1 Еrm (соughiпg)... mу husband and I hаче decided we can't stay in this hotel. Oh, I'm rеаllу Sorry, madam, sir. We аrе doing everything We сап to please our ... guests. Мп Dдчlвs REcEPTloNlsT 2 Мпs Dдчlвs REcEPTIoNlST 94 1 No, sorry - Mr'e've decided to leave straightaway! Wе'rе dreadfully Sоrry, sir! Could we lеаrп what has suddenly upset you? You sеrче breakfast frоm 7 to half past rr ... Yes! I
,.a р ;-:-,;-ai //' Ф MR DAvlEs REcEPTloNlsT 2 MRs DAvlEs REcEPTloNlsT 1 Мп Dдчlвs REcEPTloNlsT 2 MRS DAVIES RBcBpTlotttlsT 1 MRs DAvlEs REcEPTloNlsT 1 MR DAvlES REcEPTloNlsтs MRs DAvlEs Мп Dдчlвs RECEPTIONlSTS MR DAvlEs MR & MRs DAvlEs Ф1 *Ф Ll; ,'ГОJj,, *___*-5:: -*:ý: Lunch frоm rz to half past з in the аftеrпооп? Absolutely! Теа from 4 to б in the afternoon. That's right! And dinner from 7.зо to 11. Indeed. That's 14 hours! That's right. But I don't understand. You don't understand? Wе'rе really sоrry, madam. We fail to see what ... (соuпtiпg оп his fingers) t4 hоurs! We've соmе hеrе to see the sights of Rome! Yes? But you just want us to stay in уоur hotel for r4 hours every day, and eat, eat and eat. Sоrry, we don't want that. But... Come оп, dear. Bournemouth, hеrе we соmе! They put their umbrellas up апd storm out. The receptionists are left ulith their mouths шidе ореп. NARRATORS (after а mоmепt's hesitation) Wait fоr us! (They charge off as шеlI.) Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on staget 95
&ж Жfuж Жжýжffiyж%%жyý% А comedy sketch in 1 scene 4*_6 (*if customer 1 doubles as knuckles and customer2 doubles as police officer) Пшпtimе set Around 'l2 minutes, depending on production А hairdresser's shop Props З customer's chairs; combs, hairdryers, scissors, shampoos, hairsprays and conditioners, а hand-held mirrо1 а swjmming сар with а hole in it and 2 single hairs protruding through it (made of thick wool so that they're easily visibIe to the audience); а felt-tip реп; poster paper (for the young woman to create а poster during the play); а рор magazine; а SWag bag for Knuckles Murphy Style А comedy sketch that shows how ridiculous vanity can Ье ýупопsis lапgшаgв IBvoI 1апgшаgв а]еаý stagc tiшý lt's hard times for ап old hairdresser who gets hardly апу customers in his shop, when а уоuпg wоmап stops Ьу to ask for а job, he feels he has to turn her down as,he hasn't got enough work to keep himself busy, let аlопе her as well. But the уоuпg lady is creative, and turns his business rоuпd. lntermediate - B'l Present Perfect (t haven't had а single customer all day./l've Ьееп а hairdresser Jor З0 years./l've Sееп your sign);f-clauses (tf you give mе а job, l'll show уоu.flf that hаррепs, you'll go to рrisоп./Не would if he саmе hеrе,/Ц you hod tet him iп, we would have mаdе mоrе mопеу); Witt-fulure (You'll Ье а real hit |цith the tadies!) There аrе at least two scenes whеrе miming skills are very important: when the assistant does the hair of the bald customer, and when the hairdresser attends to the mап who wants to look like а рор star. These scenes in particular need to Ье practised in such а way that the actors |еаrп to see what they are doing'through the eyes of the audience'; for example, when the assistant is combingthe two hairs that stick out of the first customer's swimming сар, this needs to Ье done slowly and exaggeratedly, with the two hairs being held up high between the assistant's fingers, so that the audience сап see them с|еаrlу. lп the middle section of the play, when the second customer wants to look like а рор star, it's advisable to change the паmеs of stars апd bands shown iп angle brackets (see be|ow) to others that аrе better known to уоur students. lt shouldn't Ье too difficult forstudents to come up with names that аrе up to datel 96 Puchta/Gerngross/DeviГ l GсЙýаgёГ По ДЪыiфБrtguаgеs l
YoUNG WoMAN Would you like уоur hair cut like <Robbie Williams>? cUsToMER Yочпlс WеП, it's not bad, but mауЬе а bit too сurlу. woMAN How CusToMER Yочшс 2 2 wомАN cusToMER 2 about <Will Young>? No, his hair's too short. How about <Jonas ДtЬеrg>? No, his hair's too straight. (etc) uаliаtiопs The dialogue as shown above could Ье extended much mоrе; students cou|d add further stars (maybe not опlу from the wоr|d of рор, but also Sports рlауеrs, fi|m stars, politicians etc). ]llatGlialý photocopiable Worksheet А р 198 . Comprehension check Al tfie i2iltirýеl'з l Worksheet i . VосаЬulаrу: idiomatic phrases . Deciding what to do Photocopiable Worksheet В р 199 . y'-clauses . Present perfect . Creative writing: а job application Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt Гсеt оп ГtJф l бппБ uпgUаgеS 97
-т At the Hairdresser'ý Поlеs Hairdresser А young wоmап Customer 1: he is bald (see рrорs, 96) р Customer 2: (апоthеr уоuпg mап) Knuckles Murphy, the bank robber А police officer The hairdresser, ап elderly mсп, ts rn hls shop, toaiting rather frustrated, as поЬоdу is turпiпg up. HAl RDRESSER Jbr ,otstomers. Не is This is tеrriЬlе! It's 5 o'clock. I hачеп't had а single сustоmеr this аftеrпооп. Well, I haven't had а single customer all day. In iact, I'че been а hаirdrеssеr fоr 3о уеаrS, and people don't want mу haircuts аП)rmоrе. I don't know what's going wтопg. I might as well shut the shop еаrlу and go hоmе. The door opells; епtеr Yоuпg Wоmап. HAlRDRESSER YОUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YОUNG WOMAN ндlпопвssвп YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAtRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER (cside) Oh, it's а сustоmег. (to the уоuпg шоmап) Good evening. Good evening. Worrld you like а hаiгсut? No. I wouldn't. (csrde) Oh, dеаr! I don't want а haircut. I want You want а а job. job? Yes, as а hаirdrеssеr. job. I haven't got enough wоrk to keep myself busy. Ah, that's whеrе I сап help. I can't give you а You? What do you mеап? Well, if you give mе а job, I'll showyou. Тhеrе's no point. You can't get mе any customers. Well, уоur рrоЬlеm is that you need to Ье mоrе creative. Then you'll get some customeгs. Nonsense! You can't get mе апу customers. Wait and see! I'll get you thrее йthin ап hour. I'll tell you what. If you can get mе thrее customers in an hоur, I'll eat mч hat. YОUNG WOMAN Deal! HAlRDRESSER Deal! j The уоuпg u)опlап sfcrts to leaue the shop. HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WОМАN 98 l j Whеrе аrе you going? I'm going to get you а customer. tt l Get оп Stagel l О Н пg Languages l
А customer? How will you do that? HAlRDRESSER Wait and see. You've got to Ье creative. (Exiф YOUNG WOMAN She's mad. This'li печеr work. How could she ечеr get mе а customer? HAlRDRESSER The door орепs апd she comes back iп, tuith а bald customel,. Please sit down, sir. YOUNG WOMAN The hairdresser takes her aside, апd talks to her cluietly. What аrе you doing? HAlRDRESSER What do you mеап, what аm I doing? YOUNG WOMAN Well, this man's bald. HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HA]RDRESSER That's not true! It is true. He's bald! No YOUNG WOMAN ... look. (they go back to the customer) He's got two hairs ]eft! And? HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN Well, you've got to Ье creative. I don't understand. HAl RDRESSER Youltlc WoMAN Give mе уоur соmЬ. Неrе you аrе. HAlRDRESSER The уоuпg u)оmъп stcrts breaking the teeth off the соmЬ. HAl RDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN What аrе уоu doing? Just wait. She turns round апd prodtLces а соmЬ toith just опе tooth left, Тhеп she sfcrfs соmЬiпg the customer's head, YOUNG WOMAN cusтoMER 1 YOUNG WOMAN cUsToMER 1 YOUNG WOMAN cUsToMER 1 YOUNG WOMAN Счsтомвп 1 YOUNG WOMAN cUsToMER 1 How would you like it done, siг? I don't rеаllу know. Well, mау I suggest one оп the left, and опе оп the right? (she does it) How's that? Fantastic! You'llbe а rеаl hit йth the ladies, sir. D'you think so? I certainly do! Excuse mе .., Yes? Could I have some hаirsрrау? It's а bit и,indy outside; I don't want to ruin mу beautiful пеw hairdo. puсhи/сеrrвюsУoevittl Get оп Stage! lо Helbling Languages EIIEIreEEEIдEIЦ 99
YoUNG WoMAN СеrtаiПlУ, sir! Vеry Йsе, sir. (she furns to the hairdresser) Give me the sрrау, please. HAtRDREssEп Неrе you аrе. YouNG woMAN Thankyou. (shestcrts spraying) (to the hairdresser) Can you get mе the mirrоr? HAlRDRESSER The mirrоr? What do уоu want it fоr? I want to show sir the back. YОUNG WOMAN Аrе you crazy? HAIRDRESSER YОUNG WOMAN Trust mе. Give mе а felt-tip pen. А felt-tip pen? What fоr? HAlRDRESSER YОUNG WOMAN You've got to Ье сrеаtiче. Wait and see. Hairdresser hands afelt-tip реп to the уоuпg u)оmап. She starts dratuittg а fеtч hairs iп straight liпеs оп the mirrоr. YOUNG WOMAN cUSToMER Наче а look, sir. How do you like the back? It's fantastic! I'm so hарру. It's the best hairdo I've had fоr ages. How much do I owe you? 1 YOUNG WOMAN ндlпопвssцп YOUNG WOMAN (to the hairdresser) How much is it? (to the cltstomer, rather quietly) Fоuг pounds fif ... (iпtеrruрtiпg him) Yоu'че got to Ье сrеаtiче! (rcrsing her uoice)Fourteen pounds fifty, sir. н air cUsToMER 1 YОUNG WOMAN dr еss er lo oks sho cke d_. Дr4.5о? That's а Ьагgаiп! Неrе's Дzо. Кеер the change. Тhапk you чеry muсh, sir. Exit Сustоmеr l. YOUNG WОМАN ндlвопвssgп YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YОUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YОЧПtС WOMAN HAlRDREýsER YOUNG WOMAN told you! You've got to Ье сrеаtiче. Fine. You've got us опе customer. But what next? I told you! You've got to Ье сrеаtiче. I What do you mеап? Well, give mе the felt-tip pen again. What аrе you doing? Е I'm writing а sign. (she rorrres а big poster) What does it say? I (shouling him the poster) Look! (rеаdiпg aloud)'Get уоur hаiг cut like а рор stаr!' That's сrаzу! wait and see. л 5 л 100 t l Get on stagel l о La пguаgеs Е
She puts up the sign оп the stage, so that it is ufsible to the audience. А short шhile later а аоuпg mап ulalks Ьу, headphoпes оп, humming or u;histling. Не sees the sigп, апd enters the shop. Не is Customer 2. Счsтомгп 2 Good аftеrпооп. YOUNG WOMAN Good аftеrпооп. HAlRDRESSER cUsToMER 2 YOUNG WOMAN Счsтомвп 2 YOUNG WOMAN cUsToMER 2 YOUNG WОМАN Счsтомвп 2 YOUNG WOMAN cUSToMER 2 YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN What сап we do for you? I've sееп your sign. I'd like mу hаir cut like а рор star. Vеry well, sir. (tckes out а mаgаziпе апd shoros it to the customer) Would you like уоur hаir cut like <Robbie Williams>? Well, it's not bad, but maybe а bit too сuф. How about <Will Young>? No, his hair's too shоrt. How about <Jonas ДtЬеrg>? No, his hаir's too straight. Well, tell mе then, which рор star's hair do you like? Can you make mе look like <Slash> from <Guns N'Roses>? WеП I can't, but mу colleague's ап ехреrt оп <Guns N' Roses>. (to уоuпg шоmап) What? I don't even knowwho they аrе. (tлhisреriпg to the hairdresser) Just Ье creative, and leave the rest to me. (to the customer, mоrе loudly) Would you please sit down очеr thеrе? (quietly, to the аоuпg tооmап) What shall I do? Ве сrеаtiче. Get cutting! The hairdresser sfcrfs dоiпg the customer's hair laith trembling hапЬ, thеп Ьесоmеs mоrе апd mоrе сопfidепt. HAlRDRESSER Some to the left, some to the right. А bit of spray. (drашs afeul liпеs оп а mirror, апd holds the mirror Ьеhiпd the customer's hеаф Тhеrе you go! cUsтoMER 2 What do you mеап, Тhеrе you go? HAlRDRESSER I've finished. А haircut like <Slash>. cUsToMER 2 HAl RDRESSER But it's terrible! ТеrriЬlе? lVhat do you mеап? cUsToMER 2 It's awful! HAlRDRESSER What do you mеап? YOUNG WOMAN Is thеrе а рrоЬlеm, sir? puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stage! | о Helbling Languages ЦiдrцшЦДiш 101
cUsToMER 2 YOUNG WOMAN CusToMBB 2 YOUNG WOMAN Счsтомдп 2 ндlпопвssвп YOUNG WOMAN cUsToMER 2 YОUNG WOMAN cUsToMER 2 (really desperate) Yes. It's the ugliest haircut in the world. <Slash> doesn't his hair cut like this! IrIo, I lrar-e know, but he tuould if he саmе hеrе. Ah. I see. Of course! Do you understand, sir? Yes, I do. That's very creative. How much do I owe чоu? Fоur... ... ty-five pounds fifty, sir. Д45.5о? That's а Ьаrgаiп! Неrе's Д5о. Thank you, sir. Thanks. Вуе! Exit Customer z. HAlRDRESSER YОUNG WОМАN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YОUNG WOMAN ндlпокцssцк YОЧПlС WOMAN This is brilliantl How much have we got? Well the bald mап gаче us Дzо, and that mап gаче us Ё5о, so wе'vе already made Д7о. That's fantastic! That's mоrе than I поrmаllу make in а week! See? What did I tell you? But you promised mе thrее customers. Just you wait and see. Well, I close in fiче minutes - it's fiче to six. How аrе you going to do that? неrе comes the third. The door орепS; епtеr Кпuсklеs Murphy, tuearing о сOр саrrуiпg а bag marked SWAG.) HAlRDRESSER KNUCKIES MURPHY YOUNG WOMAN KNUCKLES MURPHY YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YОЧПlС WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN 102 .] апd_ mask, апd" Good evening, sir. Can we help you? (polirely) Yes. See? I told you. (adoptiпg а рапtоmimе-stуlе thrеаtепiпg posture) Put up your hands, and hand очеr the money! How оп earth аrе we supposed to do that? Don't you recognise him? He's Knuckles Мurрhу, the famous bank rоЬЬеr. His picture's all очеr the town. Give him the mопеч. Е No! Giue him the mопеу! Nо/ What do you mеап, No? Just wait. You've got to Ье сrеаtiче! Е = l l= l
KNUCKLES MURPHY YOUNG WOMAN KNUCKLES МUПРНY YOUNG WОМАN KNUCKLES МЧПРНY YOUNG WOMAN KNUCKLES MURPHY YOUNG WОМАN KNUCKLES MURPHY YОUNG WOMAN KNUCKLES MURPHY YOUNG WOMAN Stop talking and give mе the mопеу! You аге Knuckles Мuгрhу, аrеп't you, sir? Yeah! So? The famous bank rоЬЬеr? Yeah! So? Your picture's all очеr the town. Yeah! So? Well, that's а рrоЬlеm. Sоопеr ог lаtеr, the police will recognise you. If that happens, you'll go to рrisоп. I kпоtч|. But what сап I do? Well I think we can he}p you. How? Wait and see! (csrde) You've got to Ье creative. (to Кпuсklеs Murphy) Please sit down hеrе, sir. KNUCKLES MURPHY Yочпlс WомАN KNUCKLES MURPHY YOUNG WOMAN KNUCKLES MURPHY YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER ОК - but по funny business! Right. Take off уоur сар. KnucНes Мurрhу печеr takes off his сар, Тrust mе. You've got to Ье creative. ОК, but I'm wаrпiпg you - Just геlах. (quietly, to the hairdresser) Соmе оп, wе'че got to wоrk fast. Some to the 1eft, some to the right. And а bit of sрrау. Тhеrе you go. Apolice ffiсеr епtеrs the PoLlcE оFFlсЕR вотн PotlcE оFFlсЕR YOUNG WOMAN PoLlcB оFFlсЕR HAIRDRESSER PoLlcE oFFlcER KNUCKLES MURPHY PoLlcE оFFlсЕR no funny business! shop. He/sheis ouf of breath. Good evening! Good evening, оffiсеr. Сап we help you? Yes, we've heard that Knuckles Мurрhу, the famous bank rоЬЬеr, rап in hеrе iust а few minutes аgо. Have you seen him? No, I haven't. Have you seen KnucНes Мurрhу? No, I haven't, оffiсеr. (to Kпuckles Murphy) And how about you, sir? Have you seen Knuckles Мurрhу? No, I haven't. I'm really sоrry, оffiсеr. Well, I'd Ьеttеr Ье off then. Knuckles Мurрhу must Ъе caught. (Не rчпs off, йеп sfops iп the dооrшау, апd turпs to Кпuсklеs Мurрhц.) Oh, Ьу the way pucrlta/GerngюsУDeviti I Cet on Stage! l @ Helbling Languages IIiЕIreЕЕЕIЦЕш 10з
Мчпрнч What is it, оffiсеr? PotlcE оFFIсЕR Lovely haircut, if you don't mind mе saying KNucKLEs so. КNuскLЕsМuпрнy Тhапkуоu! Eit KNUcKtEs YоuNG роНсе officer. MuBpHy Сrikеу, I don't believe it! не didn't recognise woMAN mе! Didn't I tell you, sir? HAlRDREssEп You've got to Ье creative. KNUсKLEs YoUNG Мuпрну That's right! How muсh WoMAN Fоur... HAIRDREssER KпtucKLBs ... МuпрнY do I owe you? hundred and fifty pounds. Е45а? That's а bargain! (he takes the mопец out of his sшаg bag апd giues it to the уоuпg шоmап) That's Д5оо. Кеер the change. Thank you, sir. YOUNG WОМАN KNUCKIES MURPHY Вуе! НДlПОПВSSВR AND YОUNG WOMAN Вуе! Exit Кпuсklеs. YOUNG WOMAN See? How much hаче we made? HAlRDRESSER Well, we've got Дzо and Д5о, plus Д5оо frоm Knuckles Murph1.. That makes Lsто. YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YОUNG WOMAN вотн HAlRDRESSER L57о - that's mоrе than I make in а уеаr! What did I tell you? You'ue got to Ье creatiue! Precisely. The door орепS. The police offi,cer rs bcck. They're PottcE оFFlсЕR HAlRDRESSER PollcB оFFlсЕR Вотн PoLtcE oFFlcER вотн PoLlcE оFFlсЕR ндlпопвssвп Роцlсв оFFlсЕR HAlRDRESSER 104 а bit shocked. Hold on а minute, you two! Yes, оffiсеr? I want а wоrd with vou. What about? I just wanted to know ... Yes? Whether you could cut mу hair like the mап I saw just now. I'm sоrry... What's the рrоЬlеm? I'm sоrry. Wе'rе closed. Соmе back tоmоrrоw!
\} PoLlcE оFFlсЕR YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN HAlRDRESSER YOUNG WOMAN ОК. (Exif) Why did you send him away? If you'd let him in, we'd have made mоrе mопеу! We've Ьееп creative enough for one day. That's true. And anyhow... What? Yоu need time to eat уоur hat поw. Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt l Get on Stagel | О Helbling Lапguаgеs ПI[rйТarmПIЕВТl 105
;ж .ý ý1; Sж 9ýf' ; ,: :, The 5расе Rеstаurапt ,4Ё ,@ А comedy sketch in 1 scene ]l0tc lп this play, people аrе in а restaurant where they оrdеr pork оr beef from the mепu. lf you are teaching in а country where eating pork or beef is unacceptable. please change to something culturally mоrе appropriate, for example, fish. Поlеs 1з (lf you want mоrе actors, you may want to add mоrе customers, оr to dоulэlе lопgеr roles, e.g. Luigi's. lf needed, the cast сап also Ье reduced, Ьу having just 4 customers who are чеrу thirstY/hungry, each of them ordering 2 drinks/meals) пшпшmG sGt РrOшs Around 1О minutes, depending оп production ln а restaurant 4 tables with 2 chairs each for the customers to sit at; black trousers, white shirts, and а white cloth for each of the waiters; various props for the tourists (to Ье chosen Ьу уоur students, e.g. саmеrа, Веrmudа shirt, sunglasses etc.). Sticky labels, а felt-tip реп, а mепU, а VaSe with (artificial) flowers that's big enough to contain the contents of В glassfuls, severaI (plastic) glasses; В very small plates; colourful 'pills'(sweets such as Smarties оr M&Ms) that the students сап really eat. The costumes for the astronaUtS саП Ье made Ьу covering crash helmets (if available) with silver foil. use boxes of different sizes to соvеr the astronauts' bodies and аrms - again, stick foil оп them; use wire to make their апtеппае. styIG SупOшsis lапuшаgе lвчеl lапgшаgв aloaý А comedy sketch using slapstick and situational humour Fоur couples - all of them tourists - end up in а restaurant that seems rather unusual at first sight. а waitress who can't rеmеmЬеr what the gUeStS have ordered; very small plates, and по cutlery. But as the story unfolds, оur cUStomers become happier апd hаррiеr, maybe also because of Luigi, the сuппiпg restaurant owner. lntermediate - В1 ordering food and drink (/,// hаvе а lеmопаdе); possessive рrопоUпS VосаЬulаrу: food апd drink stagG tiшs 106 show the students the recording of the play оп the DvD to рrераrе them for the acting. Дs teenagers usually love imitating other teens, it should lэе easy to get your students to try and imitate the actors they see оп the DVD. PucrrtaiCernbross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | О Helbling Languages
tПaterials ф ]'he ýрас. *е.lаrйпl жВ I Worksheet Photocopiable Worksheet А р 200 . comprehension check . Vocabulary: food .lп а rеstаurапt Photocopiable Worksheet В р 201 . possessive рrопоuпs . use of tenses . creative writing: in а restaurant PuaЙGerЙюsrDevitt I Cet опУакL о н-еЫlпс Languages 107 |
# ry д у* я,зф Т*чр гъffiý&#а-ýý*ýý& ýýýЁ {*ъ:вrд ;pр#ъ*Б ffi*с** ПOlеs LUlGl а Luigi, the restaurant оwпеr Manuel, waiter Dorothy, waitress Customers 1-8 (clearly tourists) (to audience) Good evening,ladies and gentlemen, and wеlсоmе to the Space Restaurant hеrе in London. This is mу wаitеr, Manuel, and hеrе is mу waitress, Dorothy. Мапuеl апd Dorothy boul to the аudiепсе. LUlGl It's getting very exciting today, because we have а раrtу of people coming from аЬrоаd. Тhеir English isn't very good, and thеу'rе in а hurry. But that's no рrоЬlеm - wе'rе the Space Restaurant. (Doorbell riпgs) And hеrе they соmе right now! Luigi поtiсеs that ttло guests are trуiпg to get iп, but they сап't as the door is locked. LUlGl Oh dеаr, the door's locked. Не орепs the door; tшо customers соmе iп апd he closes апd locks the door ьеhiпd them. cUSToMERs 1 & 2 LUlGl Good evening. Good evening, sir, madam. Doorbell riпgs аgаiп. LUlGl Oh dear, the door. Manuel, the dооr, please. Не орепs the door, the пехt ttllo customers соmе iп; he locks the door аgаiп. cUsToMERs 3 & 4 MANUEt Good evening. Good evening, ]adies. Doorbell riпgs аgаiп. LUlGl Oh dear, the dооr. Dorothy? ... Не орепs the door, the пехt ttpo customers соmе iп; he locks the door again. cUsToMERs 5 & 6 DoRoTHY Good evening. Good evening, sir, madam. Doorbell rings аgаiп. Nехt ttllo customers kпосk at the door. LUlG1 Oh, thеrе are still two left. Не орепs the door, the last ttllo guests соmе iп; he locks the door аgаiп. cUSToMERs 7 & 8 108 Good evening. ПIТrfiТЙrilТIЕВТl Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stage! |О Helbling Languages
LUlGI Good evening, sir, madam. (he leads them to their tables) LulGl (to Cusfomers cusfomers 2 z each grab а chair апd start to шаlk off tuith it. Wе'rе taking а seat. You said'Take а seat'. No! Неrе in England'Take а seat'means'Sit down'. LUlGI cUsToMERs 1 AND & апd z) Please sir, madam, take а seat. Stop! What аrе you doing? LUIGl сUSToMERS 1 & l l 2 Ah, thank you! All the customers sit dошп, except Customers з & 4, tuho sit оп thetloor. DoRoTHY cUsToMERs з & 4 DoRoTHY cUsToMERs 3 & 4 Wе'rе sitting down. Не said 'sit down' (pornts totuards flооr,) No, hеrе in England'sit down'means'sit оп а сhаir'. Ah, thank you! (to Cusfom еrs 5 & 6, шhо MANUEL cusToMERs 5 & 6 LUlGl сUSToMER 5 & 6 LUlGI cusтoMER What аrе you doing? 1 Оur coats? No, you can't. Тhеу'rе оurs. No! Неге in England'Can I take уоur coats?' means'Can I hang up уоur coats?' (hапd him their cocfs) Ah, thank you. Неrе you аrе. Dorothy I'11 йll take уоur dгinks оrdеrs. have an apple juice. cUsToMER 2 I'11have а cola. Счsтомвп I'll have а lemonade. 3 cUsToMER 4 I'1l have а soda. cUsToMER 5 I'l1 hаче а сuр of tea. cusтoMER 6 I'll have а coffee. cUSToMER 7 I'11 cUsтoMER 8 And I'll have а smoothie. DoRoTHY cUsToMER 1 have an оrапgе juice. (рапiсkiпg cs she сап't rеmеmЬеr uhаt they'ue ordered) Sоrry, that was too quick! I can't rеmеmЬеr ... I'll have ап apple juice. cusтoMER 2 I'11have а cola. Счsтомвп I'll have а lemonade. 3 are sitting tuith their cocts on) Can I take уоur coats? cusтoMER 4 I'll have а soda. CusToMBп 5 I'11 cUSToMER 6 I'll hаче а coffee. cusтoMER 7 I'1l hаче an оrапgе Счsтомвп 8 And hаче а cup of tea. juice. I'1l have а smoothie. ,l09
DoRoTHY sоrry, that was still too quick, r can't write it down. Lulcl Oh, dеаr! Listen. (he takes sticky labels апd а marker реп, tлrites пumЬеrs l-B оп the labels апd puts them оп the custom""r'7"oi.tr, сhапtiпg) Number one's ап apple juice NumЬеr two's а cola Numьеr three's а lemonade NumЬеr four's а soda NumЬеr five's а cup of tea Numьеr six is coffee NumЬеr seven's оrапgе juice, and NumЬеr eight's а smoothie! Eit Dorothy to get the driпks. Luigi or the maitershoros the mепч (could Ье mimed if по prop auailable). MANUEt cusтoMER 1 MANUEL cUsToMER 1 MANUEL cUsToMER 2 Мдшuвl cusToMER 2 [ulcl cUsToMERs 1 & 2 cusтoMER 3 Ladies and gentlemen, the mепu. Manuel? Yes. What's'pork'? It's pig. Роrk is pig. What's'pig'? Pig is oink - oink - oink - oink - oink - oink. (pfg поisе) Ah,I understand. Pig is oink - oink oink oink - oink - oink. Yes, it is. We'll have the роrk. Luigi? Yes. Счsтомвп 3 What's'lamb'? It's sheep. Lamb is sheep. cUsToMER 4 What's'sheep'? cUSToMER 4 Sheep is Ьааааааааааааааа. (sheep поisе) Ah, I understand. Sheep is Ьаааааааааааааааа. h Yes, it is. Е cUsToMERs 3 & 4 cUsToMER 6 MANUEt cusтoMER 6 Мдшчвц cusтoMER 5 MANUEt ,l10 We'll hаче the lamb. Manuel? Е L Yes. Е What's 'chicken'? It's hen. Chicken is hen. д What's'hen'? Hen is cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck. (hеп поisе) Puchta/Gerngross/DeviГ l GЙп SЙgal О д ý
cUsToMER 5 LUlGl cUsToMERs 5 & 6 cUsToMER 7 LUlGl cUSToMER 7 LUlGl cUsToMER 8 LUlGl cUSToMER 8 LUlGl сUSToMERS 7 & 8 AtL CUSTOMERS LUlGl AND MANUEL Мдlчuвl LUlGl MANUEL LUlGl Мдпtчвl- AND LUlcl MANUEt LUlGl Мдlччвl LUlGI Мдпluвц AND LUIGl Ah, I see. Hen is cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck, Yes, it is. Ah, good. We'll have the chicken, Luigi? Yes. What's'beef? It's cow. Beef is cow. What's'cow'? Cow is mооооооооо. (cou.r noise) Аh, I understand. Cow is mооооооооо, Yes, it is. We'l1have the beef. What's'soup'? (thinkfor Q mоlпепt, but сап't шоrk out шhаt fo scy) Мmh - no soup today (Luigicrosses the soup off all the mепus) оК, so that's two oink - oink - oink - oink - oink two Ьаааааааааааааа two cluck cluck cluck cluck two mооооооооо and ... (thinks for а mоmепt) по soup! (shouting into the kitchen) Роrk fоr two! Lamb for two! chicken for two! Beef fоr two. And ... no soup! (to the customers) We'llbe right back, Епtеr Dorothy. DoRoTHy NumЬеr one's а carrot tea Two's а cabbage soda NumЬеr three's а sausage juice Fоur's а toothpaste cola NumЬеr five's ап orange milk Six is spinach coffee NumЬеr seven's cactus juice Eight's potato smoothie, Atl CusToMBпs No, that's wTong! Listen: NumЬеr one's ап apple juice NumЬеr two's а cola Helbling Languages 111
Numьеr NumЬеr NumЬеr Number NumЬеr NumЬеr thrее's а lemonade four's а soda five's а cup of tea six is coffee seven's оrапgе juice eight's а smoothie. DoRoTHy Oh, dear. I just can't rеmеmЬеr it. ... Ah. Wait. I know! she takes а uase full of flousers, takes out the flошеrs, апd pours all the drinks into it. Тhеп she takes а Sрооп апd triumphantly sЙrs rhе mixture. DоRотнy Тhеrе! Неrе's а cocktail fоr you. She puts the uase оп the table, thеп leaues. The customers look around, sееmiпg confused. cUsToMER 1 She's а strange waitress. cusToMER 2 Yes, апd this is а чеry strange restaurant. cUsToMER 3 What do you mеап? CusToMBп 2 Well, look at the plates. cusToMER 4 The plates? What about them. cUsToMER 5 Oh, yes. Тhеу'rе tiny! cUsToMER 6 Oh, yes. cUsToMER 7 And there аrе no forks, no knives, no Spoons Oh, yes. Vеry strange! CusToMBп 8 ... nothing to eat with. Епtеr Lutgi, Dorothy апd МапuеI. DoRoTHY cUsToMERs 7 & 8 Lulcl DoRoTHY cUsToMERS 5 & 6 MANUEL DoRoTHY cUSToMERs 3 & 4 LUlGl Dопотнy cUsToMERs 1 & 2 MANUEI cUsToMER 1 DoRoTHY 112 Ladies and gentlemen, hеrе's уоur food. Who оrdеrеd beef.2 t We did. Beef. Неrе уоu аrе. (puttiпg а red piII оп each of who ordered chicken? their plates) 5 We did. д Chicken. Неrе you аrе. фuffrn g а уеllош pill оп each of thetr plates) who оrdеrеd lamb? п We did. Lamb. Неrе you are. (рuffiпg а ulhite pill оп each of their plates) Who оrdеrеd pork? 5 We did. 5 Pork, Неrе you аrе. (puttiпg а grееп piII оп each of their plates) wait а minute! What's the matter? Puchta/Gerngroi д д- tt I Get оп Stage! | @ La пgu а geS Е
cusтoMER 2 DoRoTHY cUSToMER 3 we ordered food. This is food. No it isn't. This is а pill. MANUEL The pill is the food! cUsToMER 4 What do you mеап? LUlGl cUSToMER 5 ALL CUSTOMERS LUIGl ALL CUSTOMERS LUlGl DOROTHY & MANUEL & LUlGl This is the Space Restaurant! we still don't understand! Why do you serve pills? The Space Restaurant is а restaurant - Yes? ... for astronauts! Enjoy уоur meal! The сustоmеrs stcrf еаtiпg the pills. They look sceptical they seem to start епjоуiпg them, cUsToMERS 1 & 2 I сап taste роrk. cUSToMERs 3 & 4 I can taste lаmЬ. cUsToMERs 5 & 6 I can taste chicken. cUSToMERs 7 & 8 I can taste beef. ALL CUSTOMERS LUlGl DoRoTHY ALL CUSTOMERS at first, but thеп Weii done, Luigi! Thank you. Dessert? No sоrry, wе'rе full! No space, Епtеr z astroпauts- ASTRONAUTS LUlGl ТаЬlе fоr two, Luigi? No, sorry, wе'rе fu1l. No space! I Get оп Stage! |о Helbl La пgUаgеS 11з
Numьеr NumЬеr NumЬеr Numьеr NumЬеr NumЬеr three's а lemonade four's а soda five's а cup of tea six is coffee seven's orange juice eight's а smoothie. DoRoTHY Oh, dеаr. I just can't rеmеmЬеr it. ... Ah. Wait. I know! she takes а uase full of flolaers, takes out the flоtлеrs, апd pours аII the drtnks iпtо it. Тhеп she takes а sрооп апd triumphantly sirs the mixture. DoRoTHy Тhеrе! Неrе's а cocktail for you. She puts the uase оп the table, thеп leaues. The customers look аrоuпd, sееmiпg confused. cUsToMER 1 cUsToMER 2 She's а strапgе waitress. CUSTOMER З Yes, and this is а very strапgе restaurant. What do you mеап? Счsтомвп Well, look at the plates. 2 cUsтoMER 4 The plates? \zVhat about them. Сusтомвп Oh, yes. Тhеу'rе tiny! 5 cusToMER 6 Oh, yes. cUSToMER And there аrе no forks, по knives, no Spoons Oh, yes. Vеry strange! 7 cUsToMER 8 ... nothing to eat йth. Епtеr Luigi, Dorothy апd МапuеI. DoBoTHy Ladies and gentlemen, here's уоur food. who оrdеrеd beeff cusToMERs7&8 Wedid. LUlGl Beef. Неrе you аrе. (putting а DoRoTHy \zVho оrdеrеd cusToMERs5&6 Wedid. red pill оп each of their plates) chicken? Мдшuвl_ Chicken. Неrе you are. (putting а уеlIош pill оп each of thetr plates) DoRoTHy Who оrdеrеd lamb? cusToMERs3&4 Wedid. Lulcl Lamb. Неrе you arc. (,lutting а шhitе piII оп each of their plates) DoRoTHy Who оrdеrеd роrk? cusToMERs1&2 Wedid. MANUEt Pork. Неrе you аrе. (putting cusToMER 1 Waitaminute! о. grееп piII оп each of their plates) Dопотнy What's the matter? 112 Puchta/Gern grosYDevitt I Get on Stagel I Helbling l-anguages
тfir 1hсý кЕ;гhtl ýgýi ав ,lifr cUsтoMER 2 DoRoTHY Счsтомвп 3 we оrdеrеd food. This is food. No it isn't. This is а pill. MANUEL The pill is the food! cUsToMER 4 What do you mеап? LUlGl Сusтомвп 5 ALt CUSTOMERS LUlGI ALL CUSTOMERS LUlGl This is the Space Restaurant! We still don't uпdеrstапd! Why do уоu sеrче pills? The Space Restaurant is а rеstаurапt - Yes? ... for astronauts! DOROTHY & MANUEL & LUlGl Enjoy уоur mеаl! The сustоmеrs stcrf еаtiпg the pills. They look sceptical atJirst, but thеп they sееm to start епjоуiпg thеlп. 2 I can taste роrk. cUsToMERs 3 & 4 I can taste lamb. cUsToMERs 5 & 6 I сап taste chicken. сUSToMERS 7 & 8 I can taste beef. cUsToMERS 1 & ALt CUSTOMERS LUlGl DoRoTHY AtL CUSTOMERS Well done, Luigi! Thank you. Dessert? No sorry, wе'rе full! No space. Епtеr z astronauts. AsTRoNAuTs Table for two, Luigi? LulGl No, sоrry, @ёt wе'rе fuIl. No space! lо Helbling Languages вi!lдIJ!,цдд!.r 11з
Chapter 3
iýý% .iý]ý ;--ý,ýý ,,,'|"",.,, {g -ffi. Yr*сý* l0 Поlеs Пшпtimе Tfue W{ýже &r%fwýyý&rý А short 'morality' play based оп traditional story elements, in 7 scenes 14 Around В minutes, depending оп production sGts А medieval town SqUare; outside а cottage in the town; inside the cottage; the great hall of the king's castle РlOшs As many оr as few propS as possible given the preparation time апd уоur students'creativity; попе of the props is absolutely essentiaI, but it would Ье good to have (cardboard) swords and shields for the soldiers, апd а bag of gold (e.g. some nuts painted gold) Style А short play in а historical setting iп prose, plus а rhyming chorus; the mаiп message is about honouring the wisdom, knowleclge and life ехреriепсе of old people SупOшsis lапgшаgе lвчеl lапgшаUв аlваý When the king decides to Ьап old people frоm the town, this mеапs а lot of раiп and sorrow for old and уоuпg. But things get worse ... and finally ечеп the king understands that if it wasn't for а young Ьоу апd his mоthеr, the country would ье in serious trouble. lntermediate Modals - - В1 must (Old people must Ье sепt аwау!)lсап't (obligation) (We сап't do that!) Unless (Не will take all the lапd unless Vle сап give him опе thiпg) Defining relative clauses (не hates old people who сап't work so hard апу more./our king is offering о reward to апуопе who сап briпg him а drum like this опе.) stagG tiшs lt wil| Ье important to explain the meaning of the chorus lines to the students, as the language used there is rather formal (like the chorus in ап ancient Greek play). you сап do this Ьу getting students to read the play first. Then dictate the following Sentences, and ask students to match them with the verses spoken ьу the chorus. They should write the chorus numbers (see script) next to the sentences below. The soldiers ask the assembled people to help the king. The soldiers try to find the old people and want to kill them. The people think very hard, but they can't find а solution. The Ьоу builds а big cupboard with а secret place for his mother to hide in. When the people hеаr what the king wants from them they get desperate. 116 Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! | О НеlЬlrrц Languagёi
The king is sorry for what he did, and he has sent his soldiers out to tell everybody that old people are Vеrу important because they know а lot. Ехреriепсе shows that knowledge is more important than physical power. The king gets а task frоm another king - if he can't solve it, the other king's army will come. ...... The old woman tells the Ьоу what to do, and he goes to the king to tell him, (Кеу: 6, 4 -7 -З -2- 9-1-5- В) use the recording of the play to help уоur students with their pronunciation and into natio п. tпatelials & ж ipдr Traslt 10 ]Ье & ýi* !!ёftап | WorksheetA n L&...,i,*i,"a6".e.,ddd.6.*."-- PhotocopiabIe Worksheet А р 202 . comprehension check . UsefuI phrases . vосаьulаrу: formal language Photocopiable Шrorksheet В р 203 . Must апd сап't . Defining relative clauses . creative writing: ап advert -,l I i I for а film Puchb/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! l О Helbling Languages 117
ffi Хfu*WýжжW*wзжffi Tr8ct 10 ПOIвs Chorus, consisting of at least 4-6 students ýoldiers 1-4 Old wоmап Меп 1,2 King Wоmеп 1,2 РrOlоgше cHoRus (1) cHoRUs Wise mеп 1,2 Епtеr Chorus, mаrсhiпg iп time апd сhапtiпg, Listen while we tell you а tale frоm long ago; Listen while we tell you of all the things we know Of how, when faced with cruelty, brutality and grееd, А swоrd and shield аrе not enough It's йsdom that you need. (аппоuпсiпg) Scene r: А medieval town square Either the chorus сап сопtiпuе Qs Q the uillag er s / soldiers etc. separate епtitу, or its mеmьеrs ссm Ьесоmе SoLDlER 1 People, listen to mе. Оur young king only wants young people in his tоrлm. Young people can wоrk hаrd fоr him. O]d people can't. Old people очеr 75 must go away. Мдш 1 Му father is 76. Whеrе сап he go? sotDlER 2 Take him to the mountains. WoMAN 1 тhеге's no food in the mountains. solDlER 3 You must do what оur king says. MAN 2 We can't do that! SotDtER 4 Тhеп you'll Ье punished, and оuг king Wомдlч 2 That's not fair! Sоlоlвп 1 Silence! Do what уоur king says! cHoRUs (2) йll take уоur houses and animals away. Back to their homes the townsfolk go Their souls despaired, weighed down with woe. Some people wept, some people рrауеd - But knew thеir king must Ье obeyed. cHoRUs oLD WомАN Sопt oLD WoMAN Sош 118 Her son (аппоuпсiпg) scene z: outside а cottage in the town You look sad, mу son. What did the soldiers say? They said old people must Ье sent away. Sent away? Yes - i i i to the mountains. What can we do. Моthеr? ,!
Olo wомдN Build а big cupboard йth а secret rооm in it. when the soldiers соmе I'll hide there. I'l1start right now! Solu The mап worked hаrd Ьу day and night То get the secret roomjust right, But would it work? - We'll soon find out! неrе come the soldiers йth а shout, cHoRUS (3) (аппоuпсiпg) Scene з: Inside the cottage cHoRUS QuicНy Mother, hide! (She does so,) (knocking)openup!(Sonletsthesoldiersfn.)Whereareyourfatherand mother? Му father's dead, and I've taken my mother to the mountains, SoN SoLDlER 1 Sопt SololBn Why should we believe уоu? If you don't, then уоu'rе welcome to sеаrсh the house, 1 Sопl (to the other so/diers) Search the house! SoLDlER 2 They sеаrсh the house, we hold оur Ьrеаth Discovery mеапs certain death! Soldiers аrе looНng fоr the old ", These mеп аrе sсаrу, brutal, bold, (The soldiers searchthe house,) cHoRUs (4) SololBп - She isn't hеrе. 3 soLDlER 4 SoN оК. Now let's go to the next house , (Eit soldiers) You сап come out now, Моthеr, They've gопе, We wеrе lucky. I hope they won't come back, oLD WoMAN Снопus (5) cHoRUS KlNG Some months passed Ьу in solemn реасе, But then а cruel king frоm the east Threatened to invade оur land Unless оur Hng met his demand А riddle must Ье solved. So then Оur king assembled his йsе mеп, (аппоuпсiп.g) Scene 4: The Hng's great hall to the east, Не wants all оur I've received bad news frоm the king of the country we have unless we сап land. He's got а mighý аrmу йat йll соmе and take all give him one thing. WlsE MAN 1 KlNG And what is that thing? mеп, what is the А drum that sounds when nobody beats it. Соmе, mу wise апswеr? W|SE МАN 2 KlNG you can't have а drum that sounds when тhеrе is по апswеr. It's impossible! nobody beats it. Fools!You've failed mе - gо away, Soldier! 1 Cet йStagel l о Helbling Languages 119
SoLDlER 1 KlNG Sоlоlвп 1 cHoRUs (6) Yes, mу Hng. Go and tell the tovrrnspeople: there's а bag of gold fоr whoever can bring mе а drum that sounds when nobody beats it. Yes, mу Hng. А crowd has soon assembled То hеаr the soldiers say What they must do to help their king Кеер invaders fаr away. Снопus Sоlоlпп 1 Sоt оlцп 2 MAN 1 Sопl WoMAN 1 solDlER 3 Wомдlч 2 MAN 2 solDlER 4 Снопчs (7) cHoRUs oLD WoMAN Sопt oLD WoMAN SoN oLD WoMAN Sош oto wомдlч Sош oLD WoMAN Sош 120 (аппоuпсiпg) Scene 5: The tovm square Listen to mе, еvеryопе. The king frоm the country to the east wants оur land. Не йll соmе йth his soldiers and take уоur houses and animals away. оur Ьrаvе king went to the mighty Hng of the east. Не asked the king of the east to give оur town а сhапсе. Нurrаh! Оur Hng's the best. (cside) I don't think so. Не hates old people who can't work hard апу mоrе. What's happened? Is the Hng from the east giйng us а chance? silence! Не is. Не says he won't соmе if we сап give him а drum that sounds when nobody beats it. Oh dеаr! А drum that sounds when nobody beats it That's impossible! We'll lose everything! ... оur king's offering а reward to anyone who can bring him whole bag of gold! Think, ечеryопе, think! They scratch their heads, they ruЬ their chins They think and think and think ... But no one finds the answer, and Their hearts begin to sink. а drum like that. А (аппоuпсtпg) Scene 6: Inside the cottage You look sad, mу son. моthеr, the king fTom the country to the east wants оur land. Не will соmе his soldiers and take оur houses and animals away. йth That's terrible! The Hng frоm the east is as cruel as оur king. But the Hng frоm the east is giving us а сhапсе. what chance? Не says he won't соmе if we сап bring him а drum that sounds whеп nobody beats it. That's easy! д I don't believe you. Believe mе, it's not difficult. But Mother, even the wise mеп don't know what to do! д д f
мауье the wise men aren't that wise. Listen to mе! otD WoMAN Дl Soltl right, Моthеr. it'll Imagine а drum with its sides made of рареr. \,Vhen you put а Ьее inside, that buzz аrоuпd and beat against the рареr with its йпgs. дпd that's the drum sounds when nobody beats it. otD WoMAN will this cHoRUS (8) Ье the answer? Will this save the day? The young mап runs to the castle То say what he must say. cHoRUs Sопt KlNG Sot-olBB 1 KlNG Soltt KlNG SololBK 3 KlNG (аппоuпсiпg) Scene 7: The castle great hall, with everyone assembled му king, I know what we can do. we must make а drum with its sides made of йll buzz and beat against the рареr рареr. We must put а Ьее inside. ТЪе Ьее иtb its wings. дпd that's the drum that sounds whеп nobody beats it! You аrе wiser than mу wise mеп. Неrе's the bag of gold. (to Soldier l) Soldier, tell the реорlе to do what the йse young mап has told us, Yes, mу Hng. Straightaway! But tell mе, о wise young mап. Did апуопе help you? Му Hng. I cannot tell а lie. It's not me who's йsе - it's my mоthеr! I didn't send hеr away to the mountains. please don't do anything to hеr, Your mother has saved uS, So I won't send hеr away. I can see now that I've live in made а terrible mistake. Frоm now оп all the old people should Ье able to оur town with their families. (to Soldier з) Soldier! Yes, mу king. Tell everyone that from now on all the old people йll Ье able to live in оur town йth their families. SoLDlER 3 I'll tell them straight away, my Hng. KlNG We will respect оur old people, and I'm surе they'll share their йsdom йth us. Later. PEoPLE cHoRUs (9) Нurrау! Long live the Hng! What оur Hng says is соrrесt We must treat them Йth respect. we need the йsdom of the old Their wisdom is worth mоrе than gold. 121
Кfuж Жжwжуffi ýжж Жýжffiжжyя% А опе-sсепе, humorous play based оп а fable ПоIеs Пшпtimе sct 7 Around 5 minutes, depending оп production Different pIaces оп а fаrm PrOшs З sheep's hats апd cottonwoo| taiIs for the narrators (they are sheep); а big net оr bed sheet; а big sausage; face paint and head gear for bear and fox; some rustic clothes for the fаrmеr and his wife Style А light, fast-paced comedy sketch; the main mоrаl lesson conveyed through the play is that dishonesty doesn't рау $упошsis А farmer finds а Ьеаr is killing his sheep. Не sets а trap, and manages to catch it. The bear promises to show the farmer а hidden treasure if he doesn't kill him. The fаrmеr believes him, but then finds out that he himself has Ьееп deceived Ьу the beat who threatens to eat him. The fаrmеr thinks of а way out and makes ап offer the bear can't refuse. tапgшаgе lече| 1апguаgе аlGаý _] lntermediate - В1 Expressing intention (l'm gоiпg to kill you!/This is how l'm gоiпg to reward you.); talking aLrout spontaneous decisions and promises (/'// mаkе а trap апd catch the bear./l wоп't kill апу oJ your sheep апу more.) lt's time + past tense (/t's time you gаче mе mу reward.) stagc tips Ап interesting idea for this play would Ье to use some hay bales оr something that Iooks like hay bales. The farmer could sit оп опе at the beginning but then as the паrrаtоrs tell the tale the bales could lэе moved about Ьу the actors to create different shapes and areas. Fоr instance, when the fаrmеr follows the track of the Ьеаr he coulci simply weave iп and out of three оr four bales and when he SetS а trap to catch the Ьеаr the bales could Ье stacked two high in а square with а Space in the middle for the Ьеаr to fall into. They could become the henhouse the епtrапсе to the cottage etc. Епсоurаgе your students to experiment with the bales to create interesting апd varied shapes and environments to help tell the tale of the journey. л Е д Е Е .t 122 Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt Т Cet on stаg"П о нПБg ranguages
ПlatBrials Photocopiable Worksheet А р 204 . comprehension check ж Тrе Rewa.d tor Kndfies5 ] WorksheetA Тhе &ee"rd 1о. Kindiý | . vосаьulаrу around animals . Expressing intentions г;r];; iЙйl with going fo Photocopiable Worksheet В р 205 . it,s time + past tense . Giving advice . creative writing: products to keep animals away Puchta/Gerngrossi Devitt I Get on Stagel l О Helbling Languages 12з
Y}зе Rеwаrd fвr Кýжdýз8ýý Narrators 1-3, they are sheep (see above) Fаrmеr smith Hilda, the farmer's wife ПOlеs Bear Fох Old Horse Dog ЕпtеrNсrrсtоrs l-g апd Fаrmеr Smith NARRAToR Fаrmеr Smith is а sheep fаrmеr. Неrе hе is, counting his sheep. |,2, З,4 .., 5...... 6 ..,... (faПs asleep апd starts sпоriпg) 1 FАRмЕR to hеф them go Now, as many of youknow, counting sheep is something people use them, to sleep, but that's not фе rеаsоп Fаrmеr smith is trying to count (lлokes himsetf ttp suddenly шith а particuJarly loud sпоrе) L, 2, з,4 ", 5 """ 6 Nдпвдтов 2 FАRмЕR ....,. (thenfolb asleep аgаiп) NARRAToR 3 Fаrmеr Smith thinks а bear's Hlling опе of his sheep every night. NARRAToR so he wants to count them to Ье surе. 1 But, as Soon as he starts counting he falls asleep, NARRAToR 2 Luckily Fаrmеr Smith's kind and lovely wife Hilda is hеrе to help him, Nдпвдтов 3 Sausage. Enter Hilda, uhо шаkеs Fаrmеr Smith Ьу bashing him mith а large Нllод (Ьellot uing) Wakey wakey! Thank you, my darling. What would I do йthout you? уоur lovely homemade sausage! tАRмЕR SMlTH HlLDA FАRМЕR SMlTH I tike being Smith апd Hilda сопtiпuе to mimе countiпg,falling asleep апd bashing, NдRпдтов 2 And so the loving couple continue their work ", So very happy together .,. (а particularly heauy Nдвкдток Until, at last 3 FДКМВВ SMtTH Нll-од Nдпкдток 1 FАRмЕR HlLDA FАRмЕR 124 Hnd to you, mу sweetie. Саrry on! |2, |з, 14... (etc) Farmer 1 Your kindness ", and (hcsfi/y)|,2,З'..4.....,5(stcrtstogotosleepagain,butHildabasheshim is rереаtеф аgаiп) ... 6,7,8 ... g ... ro (stcrts to go to sleep againbut the асtiоп LL, Nдппдтоп ... ЬЛош fтоm Hilda's sausoge) ... (Hildabashes z87, z8},z89. Тhеrе! I knew it! That bear's taken апоthеr sheep, him опе mоrе time.) You can stop поw, mу angel, Sorry, sweetie. What аrе we to do? Ьеаr always The fаrmеr looks carefulý at the Ьеаr's tracks and he notices that the takes the same path. I know! I'11make а trap and catch the killer, What can I do to help? Go and cook that Sausage, mу angel. MaНng а trap is hungry wоrk,
Nдкпдтоп 2 Then, he dug а hole in the ground, put а strong net очеr it and сочеrеd it carefully йth leaves and Ьrапсhеs. NARRAToR 3 Sure enough the next night the Ьеаr fell into the hole, got caught in the net and couldn't escape. Whеп Fаrmеr Smith came in the mоrпiпg he found the Ьеаr in the net. FАRмЕR Now I've got you, and I'm going to Hll you! BEAR Fаrmеr Smith, don't do that. Don't Hll me! FАRмЕR BEAR NARRAToR 1 FARMER Nдппдтоп 2 BEAR FARMER BEAR FАRмЕR BEAR Why shouldn't I kill you? Aren't you Hlling my sheep? Let mе go this time and I']l rеwаrd уоur Hndness! I know а саче in the woods whеrе thеrе is some trеаsurе. And I won't kill апу of уоur sheep any mоrе. The Ьеаr begged and begged until at last the farmer opened the net and let him out. Now then, let mе have mу rеwаrd. Show me the way to the treasure. The bear put а heavy paw оп the fаrmеr's shoulder. This is how I'm going to reward you. I'm going to eat you up! What? Is that what you cal] а reward fоr kindness? Тhеrе is no rеwаrd for Hndness in оur wоrld. Ask anyone and you right. йll see I'm I don't believe it! Тhеrе must Ье а reward fоr Hndness. Vеry well. I'm sure I'm right. Let's go for а walk and ask the first animal оr реrsоп we meet. NARRAToR 3 Olo HoBsB BEAR FARMER BEAR NARRAToR 1 DoG BEAR FАRмЕR The first реrsоп they met was an old horse. They told the horse the story. The Ьеаr's right. Look at mе. Fоr thirty years I worked for а fаrmеr. But this mоrпiпg I heard him say, 'It's time we killed the old hоrsе! He's no good for wоrk any mоrе.' What did I tell you? I was right, wasn't I! There's no rеwаrd fоr Hndness. Now, rоll up уоur sleeve ... I think I'1l start Ьу eating one of уоur arms - delicious! No, wait! I can't believe that this is the rеwаrd kindness always gets! We must ask someone else. ОК, but if I'm right again, I'll eat you and уоur wife, Hilda. They walked on а little fаrthеr until they met ап old dog. They told him their story. The Ьеаr's right. Look at mе! I guarded mу fаrmеr's house for years, but this mоrпiпg I heard him say, 'It's time we killed that old dog!' So I know that in this world there's по reward for Hndness. You see! Now, where's the ketchup? No - wait! I can't believe that this is the rеwаrd kindness gets! We must ask one mоrе person. NARRAToR 2 Тhе Ьеаr agreed. Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | @ Helbling Languages lТIТГaПйПZИВТt 125
Nдппдтов 3 Nдппдтоп 2 Fох Fдвмвп Fох NдппдтоR 3 Fох But only after the fаrmеr аgrееd in turп that if the Ьеаr was right it could eat him, his йfе AND hеr lovely homemade sausages! The next реrsоп they met was а fox. The fox listened carefully апd then he whispered to the fаrmеr ... (tohisperiпg) If I help you, will you give mе all the chickens in уоur henhouse? Yes, I will. Тrust mе! (to bear) Нmm! Нmm! It's difficult to say who's right. I must have а look at the place whеrе it all happened. First, show me the sheep field. So they went to the field. The fox solemnly shook his head. It was certainly wтопg of the Ьеаr to eat all those sheep! ... Now show mе whеrе you set the trар. Nдппдтоп 1 Fох Fдпмвп NARRAToR 2 Fох Nдпвдтов 3 Fох FАRмЕR NдкпдтоR 1 FАRмЕR Fоr а long time the fox looked at the hole in the ground and the net. (tofarmer) You say the Ьеаr got caught in this net? I want to see just hоw he was caught. (to bear) If you want to йп this bet you'll have to show him. So the Ьеаr showed the fox how he had Ьееп caught; the Ьеаr jumped into the hole and got stuck in the net. Не lay thеrе and couldn't get out. Well, you Hlled the sheep, so I say it's fair that the fаrmеr's caught you. Now you can just stay thеrе. Come оп, Fаrmеr Smith! So the fox and the fаrmеr went away leaving the Ьеаr in the hole. When they came to the henhouse the fox stopped. I helped you. It's time you gаче mе my rеwаrd! Just а moment - I must get the key to the henhouse. тhе fаrmеr rап into the house and shouted to his йfe. Hilda, there's а fox outside trying to steal оur chickens. Get а sausage! Hilda does the ccfions beloto as Narrator z describes them. NARRAToR 2 Fох The fаrmеr's wife grabbed the biggest, fattest sausage she could find and hurried out to the henhouse. when she found the fox she started to hit him. The fox was badly hurt, but he managed to ruп away. (ruппiпg alaay) Now I knowwhat rеwаrd Hndness gets! Oh, what а bad, bad world this is! ,с 126 lЕТбТraТЕt]ВЕ Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt l Get on Stage! | @ Helbling Languages
,&ý ;**ir*r. }{ý:ý ,rJ*.ý*ý ;ý'ж * i-l. жi**ý} Rахý&у ýЖжýý %wеýр д one_scene play, based оп а traditional story ПOlвs пшпtimе sGt PrOшs ýшIс SупOшsis 1апgшаgв lешвl lапgшаUе alGas staUG tins 10 (в of these rоlеs are narrators. This creates а speciaI dramatic effect and has the extra advantage that mоrе students сап Ье involved in the play) Around 4 minutes, depending оп рrоduсtiоп А соuпtrу cottage а Д big cooking pot, а carrot, salt and рерреr, а piece of meat (this could Ье juice, glasses, а stone, соlоurеd red and white as if it was meat), а саrtоп of apple loaf of bread, 2 soup bowls and spoons д humorous play with interaction between the two mаiп actors (ап old wоmап and а traveller), and В паrrаtоrs when а tired and huпgrу travel|er knocks оп the door of а greedy old woman's house and asks for а place to stay for the night, she does not want to let him in. But the traveller is cunning; he shows the old woman а rusty old nail and promises to make delicious soup from it. Дlthough she doesn't believe him at first, the offer is too tempting ..lntermediate - В1 Future for spontaneous decisions Exp|ain to уоur students that the interaction between the narrators and the actors is very important. After the students have read the р|ау for the first time, ask them to find instances of these two паrrаtоr functions in the text: а) introducing the audience to а scene. Fоr example: NARRAToR Nдккдтов NARRAToR Nдквдток NARRAToR NдпRдток 1 2 3 1 2 3 Once upon а time in а land far away а рооr traveller stopped in а йllage, Не was cold. Не was tired. Не was hungry. PucПa/CerngЮssZoeviГl cet оп stagel | О Не|Бllrц rаrцuаgеs 127
the audience ь) commenting оп what's happening and making the action сlеаrеr to Fоr ехаmрlе: NдRRдтоR NARRAToR NARRAToR б 7 1 дпd hайпg said that, the old lady tried to siam the dooT in his face, But although the mап WaS poor, he was сlечеr, Не stuck his foot in the door, narrators Ехрlаiп to the students that in оrdеr to make the interaction lэetween паrrаtоr is and actors mоrе effective, all the actors should stay still while а spea king, а nd then mоvе as d irected. folIowing way: The scene quoted above, fоr example, should Ье acted out in the dооr in his face, NдRRдто R б AIid having said that, the old lady tTied to slam the audience while finishing the sепtепсе, the Narrator makes а gesture inviting the the old to look at the old lady. Тhеп, whеп the Narrator has finished speaking, lady mimes slamming the door. NдRRдтоR 7 But although the mап WaS рооr, he was сlечеr. NARRAToR 1 Не stuck his foot in the dооr, ап action дgаiп, the Nаrrаtоr makes а gesture to make the аudiепсе аwаrе that putting his foot iп the is to lэe expectecl frоm the mап. lt is important that him door follows immediately after Nаrrаtоr 1 finishing his/her line. point out to Get students to watch the DVD чеrsiоп of the play and specifically say: them the rhythm of the interaction between the паrrаtоrS, е.g. when they NARRAToR NARRAToR NдпRдток 5 8 б The old lady wasn't surе but she was so сuriоus she decided to let him in, person, The key point here is that the three паrrаtоrs speak as if they were опе ьу letting their liпе follow the previous line without а break in between, the audio recording, Let students find other examples of this type of dramatisation iп lllatetials Photocopiable Worksheet А р 206 . comprehension check . Vocabulary: ad_iectives Photocopiable Worksheet В р 207 . spontaneous decisions with r,yil/ . y'-clauses . creative writing: а police report 128 PuchtalGerngrossГoЫitt t C"t о. Stage' i О НеlЬlirц Languages
ф ПOles ýсепв NARRAToR 1 Жеяstу ln а country cottage Опсе upon а time in NARRATOR З а рооr NARRAToR Не was cold. а land fаr away traveller stopped in а village. NARRAToR 2 не was tired. NARRAToR 3 Не was hungry. TRAVELLER %жжр Traveller Old wоmап Narrators 1-8 NARRAToR 2 1 Y&жwý I need food but I haven't got апу mопеу. Д1 I hаче in mу pocket is this nail. (shоrлtls ft to the аudiепсе) NARRAToR 4 Не hoped а йllager wou]d Ье Hnd to him. NARRAToR 5 So he knocked at а door. (kпосkkпосkkпосk) NARRAToR 6 Ап old woman opened the dооr oLD WoMAN What do you want? TRAVELLER oLD WoMAN TRAVELLER а tiny bit. Please, old woman, I'm cold and tired and hungry. What do you want mе to do? Мау I sleep on уоur flооr fоr the night? olo wомдltl No NARRAToR 6 And having said that the old lady tried to slam the door in his face. Nдвпдтов 7 But although the man was рооr, he was сlечеr. Nдвпдтоп не stuck his foot in the door. 1 TRAVELLER oLD WoMAN TRAvELtER rusý old - go away! I don't like strangers. Wait. Please, old wоmап, listen to mе. Why should I listen to you? Yоu'rе а fool! Go away. Because if you let mе in, just to wаrm mу feet Ьу the firе, I will show you how to make the most delicious soup in the world frоm just this rusty old nail. otD WoMAN Don't talk such rubbish! NARRAToR 2 But the old woman was greedy NARRAToR 3 and thinНng of all the money she could save if she could really make soup frоm а rusý naiI NARRAToR 4 she opened the dооr а little mоrе. oLD WомАN How do I know уоu'rе not lying? TRAVELLER NARRAToR 5 I mау Ье рооr, but I'm ап honest mап. The old lady wasn't surе Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | о Helbling Languages гfтr.тrfiтгптl:тЕ 129
NARRAToR 8 but she was so curious NARRAToR 6 she decided to let him in. Мау I sit Ьу the firе? TRAVELLER Later. First, make the soup. oLD WoMAN ОК. Do you have а pot? TRAVELLER Yes, I've got а pot. olo wомдltt Тhеп fi1l it Твдчв1-1-вп йth wаtеr and put it оп the firе, Grumbling, the old woman did as she was told, NARRAToR 7 wоmап miплеs the асtiапs, NARRAToR 1 And while they wеrе waiting fоr the wаtеr to boil, NARRAToR 2 the oid lady stared at the mап suspiciously, NARRAToR 3 But the mап just smiled. Look, the wаtеr's ready. What do we do now? It's simple. I drор the nail in the pot and we wait, otD WомАN TRAVELLER Wait fоr how long? oLD WoMAN Твдчв1-1вв Five minutes, that's all. NARRAToR 4 So they waited and while they wеrе waiting NARRAToR 5 the old Wоmап began to get excited Ьу the thought of the soup NARRAToR 8 and she started to talk. oLD WoMAN Shali I put апоthеr 1og оп thе firе? TRAVELLER Only if you want to. I don't want to Ье any trоuЬlе, Nдпкдтов 6 So she put апоthеr log оп the firе Nдвпдтоп 7 and the rооm began to get wаrmеr oLD WoMAN Is the soup rеаdу yet? TRAVELLER ... Let mе taste it and I'il tell you. Wоmап giues him sрооп, he tastes the soup, NARRAToR 1 otD WoMAN TRAvEtLER Well, what do you think? Is that good? It's very good, but it could Ье even better with just а little salt and рерреr. oLD WoMAN Of course. NARRAToR 2 So the old wоmап went to thе cupboard NARRAToR 3 and gave the mап some salt and рерреr Nдкпдтоп 4 which he added to the pot. oLD WoMAN Is that good? (he tastes it тпдчвlrвп ,130 So the mап tasted the soup. again) It's very, very good! But it could Ье ечеп better Йvitt l Get оп йth just а саrrоt. Stagel | О НеlЬliпg Languages
otD WoMAN I've got а саrrоt! I'll fetch it. NARRAToR 5 So the old woman went back to the сuрЬоаrd and саmе back NARRAToR 8 She chopped it into pieces and gave it to the mап NARRAToR 6 who added it to the pot. NдRRдтоп 7 Ву now the old woman had forgotten that she was grumру NARRAToR she even gave the mап 1 NARRAToRs 1-8 otD WомАN TRAvELtER ot-o Wомдlч TRAVELtER olo wомдпl TRAVELLER And tell me, Michael, is the soup ready yet? It must Ье. Let me taste it again. (he tastes it) Oh, yes, that's wonderful! But it would Ье the most delicious soup in the world if only ... What? ... we had а little meat. NARRAToR 3 So the old woman went to the сuрЬоаrd and саmе back NARRAToR 4 which she cut into pieces and gave to the mап NARRAToR 5 who added it to the pot. TRAvEttER O1-o Wомдlч TRAVELLER oLD WoMAN TRAVELLER - Tell mе, strапgеr, what's уоur паmе? Му name's Michael. Meat? I have some meat. Wомдlч а саrrоt. а smile! oLD WoMAN O1-o йth йth some meat I can't wait to taste this soup! You must Ье patient. I can't. I'm so excited! When Soon. йll it Ье ready? Vеry very soon. But I know what й11 help you wait ... What's that? I'll sing you а song. NдпкдтоR 8 So the mап sang the old wоmап а song NARRAToR 6 and it made the old woman feel young again NARRAToR 7 and Ьеfоrе she knew it, sshh, the mап tasted the soup again and said TRAvEtLER ... It's rеаdу! oLD WoMAN You fetch some bowls, and I'll fetch us а fine loaf of bread and some wопdеrful apple juice. NARRAToR 1 So they sat down together. Nдппдтоп 2 They ate the soup, they sang mоrе songs. Nдккдток 3 They laughed and laughed and laughed, and when the meal was очеr the old woman gave the mап а blanket and let him sleep Ьу the firе while she went to Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! l О HeIbling Languages Гf!Т.Тra7fiГЛТfТТi 1з1
bed hаррiеr than she had ечеr been. NARRAToR 4 But before the mап settled down fоr the night NARRAToR he went back to the firе, reached into the pot 5 NARRAToR 8 TRAVELLER ALt TRAVELLER and said: (to аudiепсе) Дпd that, my friends, is how you make the most delicious soup the world from just (holds up паil) а rustу old nail! in Sshhh! ftuhbpers) Sorry! ,с l I I I I I I 132 et on Stage! l @ Helbling Languages I
,....r:.:.:..|..| ]:ai*:i -Е*ý_л Е ,' !пе LпýЕdrеп апtх tпе f;i:EJ I,'e i WnrTfi А humorous play in 12 scenes, based on а fable ПOlеs RшпtiшG sGts 8 At least 20 minutes, depending оп production Billy's home, outside the flour mill; the top of Mighty Mountain; outside апd inside Fаrmеr's cottage (split scene). Each change of location in this play is аппоuпсеd as part of the narration and so you have the option of реrfоrmiпg without апу set whatsoever and letting the audience's imagination do alI the hard wоrk! РlOшs Stuffed rubber washing-up glove to look like а chicken's comb; а little beak оп elastic; something to make а 'nest' from; а Ьох; а few pancakes (could Ье made of thicker cloth iп the right соlоur); а golden egg (could Ье а plastic egg painted а golden colour); а 'hitting stick'to Ье made of something light but rigid (polystyrene perhaps wrapped in cloth painted to look like wood оr а сапе wrарреd in foam ruЬЬеr and painted) Style А light comedy sketch. The mаiп moral lesson conveyed through the play is that dishonesty doesn't рау. SUnOшsis lапgшаgе lечеl lапgшаUв alEas stagc Iiшs Emily, Наппаh апd Billy live with their mother in а little hut. Опе day, the mother wants to make pancakes for hеr children, but there's по flоur at home. The children gо to the miller to get some flour, but оп the way home the wind blows it away. Наппаh goes to the top of the mountain to соmрlаiп to the wind. Не says he can't give her the f|our back, but he offers her а magic pancake Ьох instead. The Ьох can produce as mапу pancakes as they wish, and Hannah is very happy about it. Оп the way home to the hut she stays overnight with а fаrmеr апd his wife. The next day she discovers that the magic Ьох is gone. The same happens а few days lаtеr with а magic chicken that the wind gives to Emily instead of the pancake Ьох - а chicken that can lay golden eggs. The girls think the wind has played а trick on them, but Billy knows better Не goes back to see the wind, and this time the wind gives him а magic hitting stick. When Billy stops at the farmer's house, the рrоЬlеm gets so|ved. lntermediate - В1 Making requests (Сап you mаkе some...7); Exclamations (Dоп't Ье silly/greedy, What kind people!) Most of the characters have fairly short parts. The fаrmеr and his wife's parts аrе lопgеr, but some of it is repeated lines. You may want to select the more able students in your class for those rоlеs. Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stage! |О Helbling Languages 133
The Narrator Chicken has а lot to say too. lf you want to make this easier for yout, students, you сап let that character read from а story book. Alternatively, the раrt of the chicken could Ье shared between two оr three actors. Illatelials photocopiable Worksheet А р 208 Ile ahildrcn . Comprehension check . VосаЬulаrу: adjectives . Polite phrases a*d the '!ird I Worksheetд lhc cni'dre, алd l'lе Wind I wоrkshd В гййa;iiй Photocopiable Worksheet В р 209 . phrasal verbs . Ье allowed to or let . Creative writing: winning l the lottery 1з4 Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt l I Get оп Stage! l (О Helbling Languages
ПOlеs Mother Mavis Farmer wind/prince Narrator (who is а chicken) Наппаh EmiIy Billy Sсепв 1 Bil!y's home Епtеr Сhiсkеп. сн lcKEN (to audience) Cluck, cluck, c]uck! Cluck, cluck, cluck! I'm а chicken not а duck А duck, you see, says quack, quack, quack An owl says too-whit, too-whoo But I'm а magic chicken With а story just for уоu! Long ago, in а time before supermarkets, thеrе lived thrее сhildrеп ... Hannah: .., Епtеr Наппаh. HANNAH Hello everyone! сн lcKEN ... and Emily: Епtеr Emily, EMlLY cHlcKEN Неllо everyone! ... and Biily: Епtеr Billy. BltLY Goodbye, everyone! ALt Don't Ье siliy, Billy. cHlcKEN BlLtY cHlcKEN BlLtY cHlcKEN Billy, you see, likes being silly sometimes, That's not truе! I like being silly all the time - but then I get into trоuЬlе! (to Billy) Well, сап you Ье sensible fоr the story? I'll try. (he pufs оп a'seriotLs face) Good! Then we'll begin. Exit Наппаh, Billy, Emily. Сhiсkеп goes to the side of the stage апd settles оп her пеst. сн lcKEN Hannah, Emily and Billy lived йth thеir mother in а little cottage. Sadly, thеiг father had died some уеаrs еаrliет. Епtеr Наппаh, Billy, Еmilу апd Mother. puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | о Helbling Languages ЕIiЕIrereЕIЦЕш 135
HANNAH Mother, can you make some pancakes, please? MoTHER оК, but I haven't got any flоur, EMlLY MoTHER ОК, Mum. \zVhere can we get some flour? Go to the millеr. Не сап give you Some. Неrе, take this bowl. She Bl LLY ALL BlLLY MoTHER So you must get mе Some. hапЬ BiIIy аЬошI, шhichhe puts оп hrЪ head. \Mhat а lovely hat! Thank you, Мum. Don't Ье silly, Billy! (taking offbotuD Sorry,I forgot. Offyou go. Exit Наппаh, Billy, Emily, Mother. сн lcKEN дпd offthey went to the miller, whеrе they filled their bowl йth flour. They Wеrе very happy, but as they walked back, dreaming of pancakes, something happened. Sсепе 2 outside the flour mill Епtеr the three children. Billy Ь holding the bolalful of flour. НАNNАн EMll-y BlLLY HANNAH What's that noise? I can't hеаr anlthing. No, поr сап I. Sshhhh! Just listen. We hear ашhооshiпg soundmade (offstage) Ьу the actor EMlLY BlLLY HANNAH playing Wiпd. Oh yes! What is that noise? It's my hungry stomach. Don't Ье silly, Billy. I think it's the йnd. дs she says that liпе, Wiпd rushes iп апd ruпs about. The students act Ьеiпg blotan about. WlND йпd! Нurrаh, hurrау! Don't you love а йпdу day? It's mе, the Flу уоur kite! Sail уоur boat! EMlty 136 (shiuering) I йsh I had а wаrmеr coat!
Wlluo I'm in а rush - I always аm But I'll Ье back sometime! - Now, опе mоrе blow before I 8о ", too Wind takes the Ьошl andblol,us/tips theflour all ouer Billy, or if that's messy just mimе the асtiоп, Billy sпeezes, ... get уоur Eit washing on the line! Wiпd. cHlcKEN дпd йth that, the йnd hurriеd offto blow some people's hats off, and the children went hоmе. Sсепе 3 Billy's home HANNAH Sоrry, Мum, there's по flоur. MoTHER Why? What happened? EMlLY BI LLY Тhе wind blew it all away. for pancakes, I think there's а little bit left iп mу еаrs, but not enough йпd to give it back, the йnd live? MoTHER Тhеп you must gо and tell the HANNAH I'll go, Mother. Where does At the very top of Mighty Mountain. MoTHER EMltY That's а long way away. - I'm strong! HANNAH Don't wоrry MoTHER Ве саrеful, Hannah. HANNAH I BttLY AtL cHlcKEN will Ье, Мum. д mountain? неrе, you might need this. (hапds her а mask апd sпоrkеI) Don't Ье silly, Billy! she дпd so Ьrаче Наппаh climbed the mountain. It took all day, but at last rеасhеd the top. Sсепе 4 The top of Mighty Mountain HANNAH Wind! Wind! Where аrе you? Епtеr Wiпd. WlND HANNAH Wlпlо HANNAH Неrе I аm! I was just having а rest after all mу Ьlойпg today, pancakes, Yes well you blew all оur flour away, So now we can't have апу - No pancakes! Oh, I'm so sorry! I get things - but I don't mеап to. I know you please? don't - а bit too excited sometimes and do bad mу brother Billy's the same - but сап We have оur flоur back, 1з7
F-, л WlND Sorry, I don't have уоur flоur - but I can give you this magic pancake Ьох! Wiпd produces а Ьох. HANNAH Wlшо Magic pancake Ьох? (opens it) This Ьох is еmрф! What does it do? well, you just йsh for pancakes and when you open it the pancakes йIl Ье there. Тry it! наппаh shuts the Ьох. HANNAH Wlшо Ндшшдн CHlcKBlv ýGGпG 5 MAvls I йsh for pancakes. (opens the Ьох, апd рапсаkеs Yes. Oh, thank you, Wind! Now we сап have pancakes every day! so Hannah started hеr jоurпеу home, but Ьу the time she rеасhеd the bottom of the mountain it was starting to get dark. she saw а farmhouse and knocked on the door. The fаrmеr's йfе, Майs, answered. Farmer's cottage Yes? What do уоu want? HANNAH I'm so tired and fаr frоm home FARMER Who is it, Майs? MAvls FARMER MAvlS Ндшшдн MAvls Fдпмвп HANNAH FдвмвR & MAvls HANNAH FАRМЕR & MAVIS are inside) Pancakes! - can I sleep hеrе tonight? А young girl. (fmitating Наппаh's uoice) She's so tired and far frоm home she sleep hеrе tonight? - сап Has she got any money? (imitating Farmer's uoice) Have you got any money? No, sоrry. (imitatiпg Наппаh's uoice again) No, sorry. (fтоtапiпg) Young people today! Cheeý devils! Go away, gо away, go away! Please - I haven't got any mопеу, but I сап рау you with pancakes. (Iooking at each other, ехсitеф Pancakes? оur favourite! (smf/fn g яаееtlу) Соmе in, соmе in, соmе in! Let mе showyou mу magic pancake Ьох. Magic pancake Ьох?! Fаrmеr апd Mauis grab the Ьох greedily. FARMER MAvts ндпtlttдн It's empty! Get out, get out, get out! Wait! First, I must say the magic words. 'I wish for pancakes'. Now look! Fаrmеr апd Mauis ореп the Ьох апd see Fдпмвп MAvls 1з8 the рапсаkеs. Pancakes, Майs. Lovely pancakes! Yes. Let's eat them all. Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt Е i Cei оП Sйgе! |О Herblrng ranguages Е
Fдпмвв MAvls No! Why not wait till morning? Have them fоr breaКast, What??!! Wait till morning? Are уоu mad? FARMER (tohisperiпg to Mauis, taho Seems рlеаsеф Don't wоrry, Mavis. I've got an idea, (thеп aloud to Наппаh) You сап sleep hеrе in the wаrm kitchen, mу dear, HANNAH ТЪапk you, sir. You're very Hnd! FАRмЕR Мдчls Say goodnight, Майs. (still transfixed Ьу the Ьох) Goodnight, Mavis! ... I mеап goodnight, young lady, Fаrmеr drags МаuЬ ашаа. Наппаh settles dошп, сн lcKEN family дпd so Hannah fell asleep in frопt of the firе, dreaming of how hарру hеr would Ье when they saw the magic pancake ъох. But in the night ... Farmer апd Mauis сrеер back iп оп tiptoe саrrуiпg а Ьох that looks the sаmе as Наппаh's. The actors сап hauefun here,'sshhing' each other, рrеtепdiпg to there's а creaky floorboard, рrеtепdiпg to tread оп а паiI апdhачiпg other silепtlу scream, рrеtепdiпg опе of them suddenly пееds the toilet but the boxes scys to mait - ihot"u", they toant - but еuепtuаIlу they ылар the tuso апdlеаче. cHlcKEN нАNNАн Тhеп, in the morning, Cock-a-doodle-doo! (like а cockerel сrоtuiпg) Дh, time fоr pancakes, 'I Qaaking апd stretching) What а good night's sleep! wish...' FARMER (ruппiпg fn).Wait!! Don't do that! HANNAH But... MAv]s HANNAH FАRмЕR (епtеriпg ъuith а plate of pancakes) Good mоrпiпg, mу dеаr, I've already taken some pancakes frоm the Ьох, so don't you wоrry, oh, ок. Thank you. But I think I йll go now, if you don't mind, and have breaКast йth my family whеп I get home, (relieued, Ьuпdliпg her out of the door шith the шrопg Ьох) No, of соursе we don't mind! Мдчls HANNAH again! Goodbye, my dear. Nice meeting you. Don't call again ... I mean, DO call (abit сопfusеф Goodbye, and thankyou, cHlcKEN hеr family It was а lovely Sunny day, and soon Наппаh was back at home whеrе Wеrе чеry huppY to see hеr. She told them her amazing story, Sсвпе 6 BiIly's hоmе HANNAH BltLY (shошiпg the Ьох)... and this is the magic pancake Ьох! Go оп then, Наппаh, say the magic words. I want zo pancakes. Мотнвп Don't Ье greedy, Billy! Ндlчпlдн оК. I йsh for some pancakes. Open the Ьох, Emily! Еmilу орепs the Ьох. 139
ч ii EMILY It's еmрý! HANNAH What?Impossible! MoTHER Оh, рооr Hannah - the wind's played Bllly All Don't Ье silly, Bilý! EMlLY Don't EMlLy trick оп you, МауЬе we сап eat the Ьох. HANNAH Sоrry, МотнЕR а ечеryопе. Wоrry, Hannah. I'll go and ask the wind fоr оuг flоur. Oh, Ье саrеful, Emily. Don't wоrry, Mum. I cHlcKEN дпd йll. so Ьrаче Emrly climbed the mountain. It took all day, but at last she rеасhеd the top. Sсепв 7 EMlLy The top of Mighty Mountain Wind! Wind! Whеrе аrе you? Епtеr Wiпd. sý. WlND Неrе I am! I was just going out to blow sоmе clouds across the EMlLy Yes, we|l, you blew all оur flоur away yesterday and поw we can't have апу pancakes. WlND No pancakes! Oh, I'm so sorry! I get а bit too excited sometimes and do bad things, but I don't mеап to. EMlLy I know you don't - mу Ьrоthеr Billy's the same - but сап We have оur flour back, please? WIND Sоrry, I don't have your flоur, but I сап give you this magic chicken. (indicates Chicken, шhо is sitting опhеr пеst, dreamily шаtсhiпg the play) Nothing hаррепs. WIND (abitlouder) This magic chicken. Still поthiпg hаррепs. WlND Oi! That's you! The Chicken realises апd joins iп. cHlcKEN EMlLY 140 (to audience) It's me! (ro other characters) Sоrry, carry on. Magic chicken? What does she do? itt I Get on Stage! l O Helbling Languages
Wtпtо times and then well, you just wish fоr gold. Тhе magic chicken йl1 cluck three of pancakes, Тry it! Iay а golden еgg. You can sell the egg and buy lots Emily sfcnds пехt to the Сhiсkеп, EMItY cHIcKEN I йsh for gold. Cluck, cluck, cluck! шhistle апd she crouches dоtuп, abit of strаiпiпg, sоmеопе d,oes а dеsсепdiпg she whеп their cheek. а рор! sоuпd Ьу llickiпg their fiпgеr out fтоm inside iп their hапd try to stcnds up, there is о gildпп egg (mhich the actor has hidden q.ctors mаа haue deuised). that poiit, or ulhateier cleuer рIап the EMlLY А golden egg! WlND Yes. EMlLY cHlcKEN day! Oh, thank you, Wind. Now we сап have pancakes every the bottom of so Emiý started hеr jоurпеу hоmе, but Ьу the time she reached farmhouse and knocked on the mountain it was.tuпirrg to get dark. she saw а the door. Майs answered. ýввпв 8 MAvIs EMlLY FARMER Мдчls FARMER MAvlS Farmer's cottage pancakes. Yes? What do уоu want? Can't you see I'm busy? I'm eating I'm so tired and fаr frоm home - can I sleep hеrе tonight? Who is it, Mavis? hоmе - can д young girl. (imftc tiпg Еmilуъ uofce) she's so tired and fаr from she sleep hеrе tonight? Has she got апу mопеу? (imitating the Farmer's uoice) Have you got any mопеу? EMlLY No, sorry. Мдчls (imitating Emily's uoice again) No, sorry, go away! (fToulning)Young реорlе today - cheeý devils! Go away, gо away, gold, Please. I haven't got апу mопеу, but I сап рау you with FАRмЕR EMlLY FАRмЕR & MAvls Come in, (looking at each other, ехсitеф Gold! оur favourite! (smflfn g ыoeetly) соmе in, соmе in! Emily FАRмЕR EMlLY FАRмЕR & MAvlS wait enters, fоllошеd Ьу Сhiсkеп, а minute! chickens аrеп't allowed in the house! This is mу magic chicken. Magic chicken?! FАRмЕR But this is just а boring оrdiпаry chicken! cHlcKEN How dare you! MAvls Get out, get out, get out! tt I Get оп Stagel | (с) ing Languages 141
EMlly Wait! I must say the magic words. 'I wish fоr gold'. Now look! сhiсkеп repeats the асtiопsfтоm before, шith the same sound effects, апd а golden egg Ь produced. FARMER MAvls FАRмЕR Мдчls FARMER EMlLY FARMER Мдчls Gold, Mavis! Lovely gold! Yes. Give it to mе. GIMME!! No, Mavis. The gold belongs to this young lady. What??!! What аrе you saying? Аrе you mad? It's gold!!! (tlhbpering to Mauis, шhо seems pleased) Don't Wоrry, Майs. I've got ап idea. (aloud to Emily) You can sleep hеrе in the wаrm Htchen, my dеаr. Thank you, sir. You're very kind. But please take the gold, I want to рау you. No, I don't want the gold - you keep it! Say goodnight, Майs. (still tTansfixed Ьу the gоldеп egg) Goodnight, Mavis! ... I mean goodnight, young lady. Fаrmеr drags Mauis ашаа. Emily settles douln, шith Сhiсkеп lуiпg EMlLY CHlcKBltt besi.de her. _] What kind people! And so Emily fell asleep in front of the firе, dreaming of how happy hеr family would Ье when they saw mе, the magic chicken. I fell asleep too, but in the night ] Farmer апd. Mauis сrеер Ьасkiп оп tiptoe. The chicken stcrfs to toaike up апd cluck. The farmer апd Mauis рапiс. Mauis tries to put her hапd ouer the СhiСkеП's beak but the chicken pecks it hard, апd Mauis silently screams. тhеп the farmer takes off his sock апd u)aues it iп fтопt of the chicken, апd" the terrible smell makes the chickenfaint, so they сапшrеstlе it offitage. опсе they're out of sight of the аudiепсе, а scarf is tied аrоuпd the chicken's песk as fast cs possfb/e , апd they all rе-епtеr, рrеtепdiпg it's ап entirely dffirепt СhiСkеП. (The audience mill kпош it's the same сhiсkеп actor, just шith а scarf ОП, but that's all part of the fuп.) Emily sfirs с little through аII this, but does поt ulake up. FARMER (чshЬреriпg tо'шrопg'сhiсkеп). Right you! You sleep hеrе. сhiсkеп Иes dоtоп beside Emily, iп the sаmе place as the magic chicken, MAvls (ulhispering to Fаrmеr). Соmе on! Let's lock the magic chicken away in the hen house. Farmer qпd Maub sпеаk off ag аiп, but поt Ь efore М auis has stolen the cHlcKEN (mауЬе iп а dffirепt uoice/accent) Well, what g оId,еп eg g old fools печеr let mе sleep in the house. At last, а good night's sleep safe frоm the fox. It's so wаrm I won't need my scarf. (takes it offl. Chicken settles dоtап but just as she is about Cock-a-doodle-doo! 142 lli(.rI.r(.IlE\]]ll Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп to а treat! Those fall asleep ше hear (offitage) Stagel | О НеlЬlirц Languages . ] I l j I
cHlcKEN EMlLY FАRмЕR EMlLY tАRмЕR EMlLY MAvlS FАRмЕR Мдчls I don't believe it! Typical! What а good night's sleep, I @laking апd- stretching). Good morning, Chicken! Now where's that ,eulty want to рау the iu.-", and his йfе for their kindness. печеr mind, goldbn еgg? ... (searches аrоuпф How strange - it's gone! дh we1l, йsh for ", i'Ш just get апоthеr опе. (goes to the chicken),I (тuппiпg in) Wait!! Don't do that! g Why not? I want to рау you for уоur Hndness, I йsh fоr а ", Stop! Pleeeeeease don't! Why not? to ", (епtеriпg iп а рапiс) Because I was up еаrlу this mоrпiпg and took the egg um... Polish it for you! polishes the That's right! То polish it for you! фicks up the chicken's scarf апd egg) EMll-y FАRмЕR to, I see. You аrе So Hnd! Please keep the egg, I rеаllу want уоu WеП, if it makes you hарру. EMlLY Yes, if you keep the egg I'll Ье rеаllу huppy, Мдчls Then we will keep the egg. Thankyou! EMll-Y FАRмЕR MAvlS EMlLY I'11go поw, if you don't mind. (relieued, Ьuпdliпg her out of the d.oor шith the шrопg chicken) No, of course we don't mind! DO call again. Goodbye, mу dear. Nice meeting you. Don't call again ... I mеап, (abit сопfusеф Goodbye, and thankyou! cHIcKEN where hеr family It was а lovely Suппу day, and soon Emilywas back at home Wеrе very happY to see hеr. She told them hеr amazing story, Sввпе 9 Billy's home EMlLY cHlcKEN BlLLY MoTHER EMlLY Снlсквпl EMlLY cHlcKEN HANNAH EMltY this is the magic chicken. ... and Eh? I сап have а servant Go оп then, EmilY, Say the magic words. I want to Ье so riсh to blow my nose fоr me! Don't Ье silly, Billy. ОК - I wish fоr gold! Sоrry? I said, 'I йsh for gold!' Why аrе you telling mе that? golden eggs, Because уоu'rе а magic chicken, and Emily SayS you 1ау That's right. I saw you do it! 14з
.: |, ?|{ ",| - 7.|:ir,:rц",.:/.:|y|,r,r,|., |,|ý|i-,|r|.}ц|y.|, '.r|rr|r,1.;|rrr,:|,.r.rr,.rr/}/.r.,.,.r|,|,,i.' -r|.|r-|',.,.r' Сн lcKBrrl What? Impossible. I'm just an ordinary chicken. (to аudiепсе) Well, I suppose а talНng chicken isn't exactly ordinary. MoTHER Oh, рооr Emily. The wind has played а trick on you like it did on Наппаh. EMlLY Bl LLY Sоrry, everyone. Wait а minute. I think I know what's happened. I'll go and ask the йпd for оur flоur. But I don't think it's the wind that's Ьееп naughty. MoTHER Oh, Ье careful, Billy. Bl tLY Don't wоrry, Мum. I Снlскпlч й[. And so Ьrаvе but silly Billy climbed the mountain. It took all day, but at last he rеасhеd the top. Sсепе 10 The top of Mighty Mountain Blt-ly Wind!Wind! Whеrе аrе you? Епtеr Wind. WlND Bl LLY WlND Bl tLY WlND Вltly Wlпtо Bl tLY Wlшо Неrе I am! I was just going out to blow Ьопfirе smoke into people's eyes. yes well, the day before yesterday you blew all оur flоur away and поw we can't hаче апу pancakes. ... No pancakes! Oh! I'm so sorry. I get а bit too excited sometimes and do bad things, but I don't mеап to. I know you don't, because I'm the same. I'm sorry I can't give you уоur flоur back. Дl I have is this magic hitting stick. Magic hitting stick? How does it wоrk? You saY'Hit, stick, hit!' and the stick йll beat anyone who deserves to Ье beaten. Can I try it? Don't Ье silly, Billy ! - it won't work! It won't beat реорlе who аrе good, and I know уоu'rе good. Вllly Мау I have the stick anyhow? WlND Of соursе, but it won't get уоu any pancakes. BlLtY Wrong, mу friend! I think it's exactly what I need to get some pancakes. Goodbye, Wind. CHlcKBtu Billy started his journey hоmе, and Ьу the time he reached the bottom of the mountain it was starting to get dark. Не saw the farmhouse and knocked on the door. Майs answered. 1 I l 144 lli(.rt.T(rr9El]lll Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | О неlЫirц Lаrцuаgеs
Sсвпе 11 MAvls BlLtY Fдпмвп MAvls Fдпмпв Мдчls BlLLY FАRмЕR & MAvls BI lly Fдпмвп MAvls BlLLY FАRмЕR & MAvtS Bl LLY FАRмЕR MAvls FARMER MAvls FARMER MAvls Farmer's cottage Yes? What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy? I'm eating pancakes and counting gold. (ulhispers to аudiепсе) Aha! Just as I thought. (aloud to Mauis) I'm so tiгed and far from hоmе - сап I sleep hеrе tonight? Who is it, Майs? А young mап. (fmircting Billu's uoice) He's so tired and fаr from home sleep hеrе tonight? - сап he I don't need pancakes and I don't need gold, so tell him to gо away. (tmitating fаrmеr's uoice) Не doesn't need pancakes and he doesn't need gold, so gо away, gо away, go away! Listen, please! With аП that gold, аrеп't you afraid of rоЬЬеrs? Robbers! What do you mеап? If rоЬЬеrs hеаr аЪоut уоur gold they'll соmе and steal it frоm you they'll steal everything else as well! - and mауЬе Oh no! I didn't think about that. I'm sсаrеd! What сап we do? Well, if you let me sleep in уоur lovely wаrm Htchen I'll tell you about mу magic hitting stick. Magic hitting stick!? Yes! If you say'Hit, stick, hit', it'll beat уоur enemies black and blue! (to Mauis) That would keep the rоЬЬеrs away. Yes it would! (to ВiIIф Show us how it works! Not now, Mavis. Тhе young man's tired. Соmе in, соmе in, соmе in, and sleep Ьу the firе. We can talk in the mоrпiпg. What? What аrе you saying? I can't wait until then! I want to ... (Ьur thefarmer just looks at her апd she realbes he has апоthеr сuппiпg рIап). Oh, I see! Yes, tоmоrrоw йll Ье fiпе. We сап talk, and eat pancakes. That's right, my dear. That's right. Now say goodnight, Mavis. Goodnight, Майs! ... I mеап, goodnight, уоuпg mап. They eit уаtапiпg апd stretching, рrеtепdiпg they are tired. BiIIy puts the stick dошп. CHlcKBrrt тhе greedy farmer and his йfе pretended to go to bed and Billy lay down but he only pretended to go to sleep, because Billy wasn't as silly as ечеryопе thought. Billy does sоmе рrеtепd sпоriпg. сн lcKEN And lаtеr that night ... 145
Сhiсkеп sleeps .,. again, the farmer апd Mauis сrеер iп uэith lots oJ' Ъshhiпg' апd роiпtiпg апd silliness, tuhich the actors сап iпчепt. They haue а stick ideпtical to Billy's. Billy has опе еуе ореп, but euery time they look at him he closes it. Еuепtuаllу they fiпd the magic sflck, srrcp it апd silently celebrate, шачiпg it about but then ... BlLtY (sfrring up) Hit, stick, hit! The stick thеп starts to tuhack the.farmer апd Mauis. Of cotLrse the actors do this themselues, preteпdiltg that the stick has а life of its оusп. The farmer ulhacks himself altd calls for help; Mauis helps, апd they both turestle tuith the stickfor а bit as it tuhacks them both; thеп Mauis gets the stick апd it шhacks her, апd so on. ?his section must Ье safe but it must Ье uery, чеrу silly апd eпergetic апd поisу, If the stick is mаdе of something light but rigid (роlуstуrепе perhaps шrарреd iп cloth раiпtеd to look like tuood оr а сапе шrарреd iп fоаm rtLbber апd раiпtеd), thеп the actors сап go tuild tohilst поt putting themselues iп апу dапgеr. EueпttLally ... FARMER MAvls Bl LtY FARMER BlLLY MAvls Please make it stop! Yes, please mаkе it stop! You must Ье rоЬЬегs! The stick will only stop when you рrоmisе to give back the things you've stolen. Do уоu рrоmisе? Yes, we рrоmisе, we рrоmisе! Please make it stop! Say it, then. We рrоmisе to give back the magic pancake Ьох. FАRмЕR And the magic chicken. BlLLY Good. Stop, stick, stop! The stick sfops, апd сн lcKEN the Jarmer апd Mauis collapse. Billy retrieues the stick, дпd so every.thing ended happily. The magic pancake Ьох was rеturпеd to its oWneTS. Sсепв 12 Billy's home Наппаh enters mith the magic рапсаkе boxfull af рапсаkеs. HANNAH Look everyone! Pancakes at last! сн lcKEN And the magic chicken - that's mе! - was returned to its оwпеrs. Emily епtеrs апd puts hеr аrm аrоuпd the chicken, She clucks three tiпles usucl sound effects - апd Emily holds try а golden egg \uhich she hcs brought оп stage behind her back but рrеtепds to get fтоm the сhiсkеп's rеQr епd). Оr Emily.just Ьriпgs а basket of gоldеп eggs оп tuith her. EMlLY cHlcKEN 146 Look everyone. Gold! Wе'rе riсh. And Billy still hаs the magic hitting stick. @oss/Devitt|GеtonStаge!l@HelblingLаngUаges
rlry\.ryчl?{lýryМý'lýrryrrУ||'{rrУW}. iýфl.ýwr*l.&Фйl:ý,;аýýýý.,фr.rrr;ý;r3 FARMER MAvls (tuаkiпg up) What? Oh по! Run, Mavis, ruп! Аааrrrghhh! Мummу! They rtLп off, сн lcKEN ALL And Моthеr mаrгiеd а handsome рriпсе. What??!!!! MoTHER (епtеriпg) Did I? cHIcKEN Not rеаllу, but this is а fairy tale and we must all live happily ечеr аftеr. MoTHER I'm as happy as I сап Ье HANNAH Oh, but Моthеr it wouid Ье lovely if you rпаrriеd а handsome рriпсе. йth mу children safely back at hоmе. the sound of а truтпреtfапfаrе. А hапdsопле рriпсе enters maqnificently, except it's the sаmе actor шhо played the Wind, tчеаriпg а All mаkе сrоl!п. PRlNcE A1-1- PRlNcE Bl1-1-y ALL Bl1-1-y A1-1 Did someone call? (sees Mother, rl!пs to hеr апd goes dоtчп оп опе knee) Му darling, wili you mаrry mе? Нurrау! (to Billy) Tell mе, Billy, how does that magic hitting stick work? Well you say the magic words 'Hit, stick ...' (he stops аЬruрflу) Sоrry, I can't tell you. Why not? (points Qt аudiепсе) Тhеrе mау Ье rоЬЬеrs here! тнЕ END! puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | @ Helbling Languages ЦiлlцIJ!].lД.illl ,l47
Жfuж Д ПOlвs е#& %ж ýж&жж fuппу опе-Sсепе play based оп а traditional story з пшпtimG Around 4 minutes, depending оп production s0I PlOшs lп the woods оr big sheets of рареr Trees and bushes painted опtо а big piece of cardboard (made of а stick and cardboard) and fixed onto the wall as а backdrop. дп ахе поt aLrsolutely песеssаrу, and а saw (cardboard) would Ье good to have but аrе that the woodcutter is students holding а few leafy twigs could act as the trees chopping down. Style Synopsis TraditionaI story Awoodcutteriscuttingclowntreesforthejudge.Heisgladwhenafarmeroffers is doing is watching his help, but to his surprise he realises that all the fаrmеr ахе, The woodcutter him do his hard work апd grunting whenever he swings the isevenmoreSurprisedwhenthefarmeraskshimtopayhimbecausehehas judge 'helped, him with his work Ьу grunting. The woodcutter decides to see the fаrmеr has а right to Ье about their disagreement. The judge says that indeed the judge takes а bagful of mопеч paid, апd the fаrmеr is delighted to hеаr that. The that the coins make, and shakes it. Не asks the fаrmеr if he can hear the sound paid as'the when the fаrmеr confirms that, the judge says that he has Ьееп sound of mопеу is the right рау for the sound of work', ]апgшаgе IeuBl 1апgшаgе a]Oas stagG tiшs Еlеmепtаrу - А2 Му friепd the judge is Present continuous (What are you dоiпg? !'m cuttingwood. buitding а house etc.) perform WithoUt а singIe Given that this is а чеrу short play it mау Ье fun to proporpieceofSceneryandencouragestudentswhoaren'tplayingthethree of а tree being chopped, characters to create the sounds of the forest, the sounds in а bag, whatever the sound of а mighty tree faIling, the sound of coins clinking discussed it among they feel would bre entertaining and that involves having mопеу bag and themselves. Let them surprise youl N4ime the ахе, mimе the terms of story-telling, improvise ideas to help make these mimed images сlеаr iп 148 eucrrtaicerngross/Oevitt 1 Cet оп SЙeI о НеtЫпg Lan8uages
ilaterials photocopiable Worksheet р 210 . Comprehension check . Vocabulary: exclamations . Tllelv;f jildgs I Workh*t present continuous Puchta/Gerngros5/Devitt l Get оп Stagel | О Helbling Languages 149
Yhе Wýse ýжdgе П0l0s woodcutter Fаrmеr Judge blotus he sfcnd,s mап is chopping dошп а tree iп the tuoods. After аfеtч hefty bock опd looks uр. А WOODCUTTER (shours) ТimЬеrrrrrr! he thеп mimеs шаtсhiпg the mighty tree crash to the forest;floor, satisfied, песtrЬу, stcrts оп апоthеr tree, tuhеп апоthеr mоп appears cnd sits dorr-,n не FАRмЕR Good аftеrпооп. WOODCUTTER Good аftеrпооп. FАRмЕR WOODCUTTER FАRмЕR WOODCUTTER FARMER WOOOCUTTBK What аrе you doing? Can't you see? Cutting trees down! Why аrе you cutting trees down? му good friend the judge is building а пеw house and I need to chop 2о trееs down for him Ьу the end of the day. Ahhhh - you must Ье very tired. I аm, and he's coming to раУ mе at 5 o'clock - but I've still got one mоrе tree to chop down. FАRмЕR WOODCUTTER FАRмЕR WOODCUTTER FАRмЕR But it's 4.5о now! Sha1lI help you? That would Ье good. There's anotheT ахе очеr thеrе, Oh, I won't help you like that. Then how? Just chop and see! The tuood,cutter сопtiпuеs сhоррiпg. Еuеrу timе he sшiпgs his ахе lets out а loud gruпt. WOODCUTTER FARMER Wооосчттпп the fаrmеr What аrе you doing? Helping! You'Te bonkers! That's по help! mаkiпg сопtiпuеs to chop, апd each chop is ассоmрапiеdЬу thefarmer back,looks up апd his strопgе поisеs. After аfеш chops the moodcutter stands Не shouts ... WooDcuTTER ТimЬеrrrrrr! truпk As they bothmime ulatching the treefall, thefarmer creaks like а tree splitting, апd as the tree'hits the forest floor' he g oes'Crash!' 150 pucrrta/cerngross/Devitt l Get оп Stagel I Helbling Languages
L, I*_I L" ---] I I--{ .*- *"--:5 l}й^.,q l: ]_ Е:, ,i)F:с. EJ \* I l,"iF,-Е-* Е_-{ LE_J L L I-r E-r tr l_ r-l Lr-4 L L r-f I:1 ц f f ц E-i l: L f WOODCUTTER FАRмЕR WOODCUTTER FАRмЕR WOODCUTTER FARMER WOODCUTTER FARMER WOODCUTTER r_-t I- tt Give mе mу mопеу first! Мопеу? What fоr? Fоr mу help. Fоr уоur help? You didn't do anlthing! We1l I grunted fоr you, didn't I? Yоu'rе cTazy! Nobody pays fог grunting. Let's see what the judge says. ОК, let's see what he says. Неrе he conres поw. Епtеr Judge. JUDGE FАRмЕR JUDGE WOODCUTTER JUDGE Hello, Fаrmеr Giles. What brings you hеrе? this mап when hе was cutting down trees, and he doesn't want to рау mе fоr mу help. I helped I see. (rurпiпg to the uloodcufter) Is that truе? It's truе I was chopping wood. (tоfаrmеr) And what did he do? WOODCUTTER Не grunted. JUDGE Is that truе? FARMER JUDGE I-Е. Can you help mе saw off the Ьrапсhеs? WOODCUTTER FАRмЕR WOODCUTTER Yes, I helped him Ьу gruпtiпg. (to tooodcuffer) ОК. I've got уоur mопеу hеrе (shorus them а bag шhiсh he shakes апd ше hear the сliпk of coins) and I think Fаrmеr Giles does need payment fоr the help he gаvе уоu. What??? (rubbing his hcnds greedily) Haha! Yes, yes - give mе the mопеу! But that's not fair, siг! PuchЪ/Cerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | О Helbling Languages пIтr|ттiliГйIЕlтlтl 151
JUDGE Please just wait. (to Fаrmеr) Соmе hеrе, Fаrmеr Giles. Fаrmеr Gfles steps up to him, getting mоrе апdmоrе excited. The Judge shakes the bag аgаiп аfеш times. JUDGE FАRмЕR JUDGE farmer) Can you hеаr the sound of the coins? (jumрiпg up апd dotun andholding his hапds up) Yes I сап, yes I сап! (to тhеп you've Ьееп paid. The sound of mопеу is the рrореr рау for the sound of working (he turпs апd hапds the bag to the шооdсuttеr) - and mопеу is the рrореr рау for work! ,/,?l аý 152 @ss/Devitt|GetonStаgе!|@HеlblingLаngUаge5
(hapter 4
.' -У|qаryryýФЦфr w?{1;|4t?;|ц ffiжжffi ffiýжЖ А teenage drama in б scenes ПOles Пшпtimе sGtý 7-14 (doubIing of rоlеs recommended); if possible, а few ехtrа students fоr попspeaking parts iп Scene З Аrоuпd -]4 minutes, depending оп production The school drama сlulэ; Ruby's home; the Street Ьу а Ьох office; а split Sсепе the school drama club/Ruby's rооm РlOшý Scripts; Dad's diary; mопеу апd tickets (can Ье made Ьу the students); Goth outfit, black-and-white face paint Style lvоdеrп drama ýynOIsis - The play shows how teenage Ruby gets ignored Ьу her family, hеr teachers and complete strangers. When her drama teacher chooses the different parts iп King дrthur, she gets the rоlе of а servant WithoUt апу lines to speak, although her teacher had promised she would get а better part this time. lt turns out her parents have forgotten about the реrfоrmапсе апd can't соmе to see it lэесаusе they haven't got time. when Ruby gets asked to give her сопсеrt tickets to someone else she does so. Fiпаllу Ruby decides she's had enough of hеr feelings being ignored aIl the time, and everyone expecting her to Ье the'understanding'person. she's determined to do something in оrdеr to get noticed Ьу people. And so she does, and shocks teachers and family Ьу turning Goth. Неr parents suffer deeply frоm what they think the neighbours must Ье saying about Ruby- until опе day they find out that their daughter is very popular With the neighbours, as she helps them а lot. Ru by's ра rепts lea rп their lesson . . . lапgшаgе lечвl lапgшаgе alEas lntermediate - В1 Will-f uIure; gоiпg fo-future. f-clauses, e.g.ry l do this, people will поtiсе mе. lf tgave you somebody else's part, they'd Ье upset. lf you had said something, we'd hаче reacted differently. wапt sоmеопе to do something, e.g. l dоп't wапt people to assume they сап just igпоrе mу feelings all the time. Language chunks with f lt's as i| people just didn't notice mе. lwonder wizard has defeoted the evil иlitch. slagG tiшs 154 l if the This is опе of the longer plays iп this collection. lf уоu'rе сопсеrпеd with the length of the roles but would like уоur students to act out this play, we would rесоmmепd doubling the lопgеr rоlеs, especially Ruby's. This сап best lэе done PUchta/Gerngross/oevitt l Cet оrr Яарt | О HelbrlngJ-anguagE l a -l I if, a l ] l
at апу point(s) iп the play specified Ьу you, the girl acting as Ruby hands over to the girl stepping iпtо the role ап easily recognisable piece of costume that сlеаrlу shows who is playing Ruby. lt сап loe quite cool theatrically to See а part being handed over mid-play Ьу, fоr instance, а lime grееп Ьоmьеr jacket beingtaken off Ьу опе actress who then puts it опtо another aCtress thus visibly'handing over' the part. дпоthеr option would Ье to leave out sсепе З completely. This means, however, that уоu would lose 4 characters: customer, дssistant, Воу апd N4an which provide opportunities for other students to act in the play iп smаllеr, less challenging, roles. lmportant! - Should you decide to cUt Scene З altogether, Ruby's monologue in Scene 4 would need to Ье changed, as follows: that's enoughl First my drama teacher (mосkiпg) 'Sоrrу, but it's too late поw. lf l gave you somebody else's part, they'd Ье upset. you do understand, don't you?'Then l\4um and Dad. Who печеr have time fоr mе. (mockiпgly)'You do understand, don't you, sweetheart?'But l don't wапtlо Ье everybody's good girl апУ mоrе. l clon't wапt people to assume they сап just ignore mу feelings all the time. l don't wапtlо Ье the understanding опе. lt's almost like people аrе just igпоriПg mе, as if l wasn't really there. As if people just didn't notice mе! (she starts lеаfiпg through the magazine) Дs if people just didn't поtiсе mе| 'Right - Ah, that's itl (she Ьапgs her fist оп the magazine).l've got ап idea. lf l do it, people WlLL NoTlCE мЕ!' tПaterials photocopiable Worksheet А р 211 , comprehension check . vocabulary . fclauses 6ýod Gilt l WorbheetA Гй-h*.*ф" боOd *jrl ] Worksheei в "J-а Photocopiable Worksheet В р 212 . 2nd conditional . y'_clauses . Сrеаtiче writing: а poster BuchtalCerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | О Helbling Languages 155
ffiж*ffi ПOlBs ffiwrЖ Mr Phillips, the drama teacher Jack Olivia Charlie Amy Tom Ruby Sсепе l MR PHlLLlPs cHARLlE The school drama сlчЬ ОК, kids,listen up. Fоr оur end of the уеаr play, we'll do а реrfоrmапсе of King Arthur this уеаr. Кiпg Arthur, cool! JAcK Can I Ье the Hng, sir? Том And I'd like to Ье Мп PHll-ttps KlDs MR PHlLtlPs Том МR PHlLLIPs оtlчlд МR PHlLLlPs cHARtIE MR PHILLIPS Ruby's dad Ruby's mum Mrs Carter (neighbour) вох office assistant Customer Воу Boy's dad ... Well, listen ... I've already chosen who'll рlау the different parts. I think it'llwork better that way. Дl right. So who's going to Ье who? Well, listen ... Тоm, you'll Ье King дrthur. (hапds Тоm the script) Thank you, sir! Оliйа, you'll Ье the queen. (hcnds Oliuia the scrфt) The queen? Great! Thanks. Charlie, you'll Ье the wizard. (hcnds Charlie the sсrфt) ОК. Do I get а wand, sir? Of соursе. Jack, you'll Ье the good knight. (hcnds Jack the sсrфt) JAcK MR PHlLLlPs JAMEs Мв PHllrlps JAMEs KlDs RUBY MR PHltllPS 156 ок. You, James, will be the bad knight. (hапds James the script) The bad knight, ОК. Дпd Дmу, you'll Ье the bad knight's mother. She's а witch. (hапds Аmу the sсrфt). Oh по - mу mother's а йtсh! Нее hee hee! And mе? Oh, Ruby, of course. I almost forgot. You'll Ье the sеrчапt. (doesn't hапd Ruby а script) ОК, you've all got уоur scripts. Read them carefully, and I'll see you on Wednesday. Then we'll go through the script, and we'll do а first rеаd-thrоuф. This means you don't need to 1еаrп уоur script Ьу hеаrt, but rеаd it carefulý, so you сап begin to understand уоur раrt. Дl right everyone? глбтптпIтгiтгr pucllиlcerrцrossi oevitt l Get оп stage] lо Helbling Languages
KlDS RUBY MR PHlttlPs RUBY MR PHltllPs RUBY MR PHlLtlPs Surе. Excuse mе, sir? Ruby? I didn't get а script. Yeah, you don't need one. Yоu'rе just the sеrчапt. You don't have апу lines. In fact, you don't rеаllу need to Ье hеrе on Wednesday. We'll slot you in lаtеr. Is that оК? That's fiпе, sir. So, ОК, ечеryопе. See you Wednesday! Eit RuBY MR PHlLLlPs RUBY Мв PHll1-1ps RUBY Мп PHlt 1-1ps RUBY Мк PHll1-1ps RUBY MR PнtttlPs Sir? What is it, Ruby? RеmеmЬеr last уеаr when we did Babes iп the Wood? yeah, it was а fine production, if I say so myself. I don't rеmеmьеr you being in it! I was, but I was only а trее. When get а раrt йth lines? Yes, I understand. Good girl! both. Ruby's home Her mum RuBy йl1I МауЬе next уеаr. You said that last уеаr, sir. Did I? Sоrry, but it's too late now. If I gave you somebody else's раrt, they'd Ье upset. You do understand, don't you? Eit Sсвпе 2 kids except Ruby, шhо stays Ьеhiпd. rъ busy опhеr compluter, апdhеr dadb studying some dосumепts. Hi, Mum! Hi, Dad! No апыаеr. RUBY What's that burning smell, Mum? MuM Smell? Vйаt smell? Oh, that's уоur diппеr, Ruby. It's in the oven. Can you go and get it yourselР We've got very little time. We're going out tonight. RUBY You're going out? I didn't know that. DAD RUBY DAD MUM Didn't we tell you? No, you didn't. We must have forgotten, then. We wеrе both so busy, you see. Sоrry. Anyway, thanks fоr babysitting уоur little Ьrоthеr tonight. Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stage! |О Helbling ranguag€s ЕIIЕIreЕIIЕIдЕIЕI 157
RuBy DAD RuBy We know, darling. But it's not for tоmоrrоw, is it? MuM That's good. But we've realý got to gо now, sweetheart. RuBy Опе mоrе thing ...you do rеmеmЬеr, don't you? Му play's next week! Babysitting! But Mum, you know I've got hоmеwоrk to do. No, it's not. MuM Oh, dear. We almost forgot! Derek, get уоur diary out. DAD RuBy (fetching his diary апd lооkiпg at it). Well, it's on thrее different days ... Дl Monday MuM Mmh. I can't. I've got mу aerobics class. DAD RuBy And I'm playrng tennis. Dдо ... I'm surе that's а possibility. Let mе see. Wednesday? Sоrry, I've got а guest fоr а business dinner. And I'm going to my slimming club. RuBy ... апd DдD ... Wednesday... MuM MuM right, when is it? Friday! Friday's по рrоЬlеm, is it Derek? (consu/fs diary) Oh, hоwuпfоrtuпаtе - I'm meeting my friends оп Friday. yeah, and I'll Ье in Paris. I won't Ье back before midnight. Really sоrry, darling. There is а brief but ataktoard pouse. Мum апd Dad realise Ruby Ь disappointed Ьу the fact that they didn't add her play dates to their diaries. MuM Have you got а big rоlе in the рlау, Ruby? RuBy DAD Ruвy DдD No I haven't. I'm only а servant. RuBy Yes, I understand. Мuм Sсепв 3 Do you have any lines? No, I don't. We}l, then it's not such а рrоЬlеm really, is it? I promise I'll соmе when you have а real раrt. You do understand, don't you, sweetheart? Good girl! The street, Ьу а Ьох office Ruby is queuing up to buy ticketsfor а сопсеrt. Опе customer is iпfтопt of her. There is afather ulith а уоuпg Ьоу Ьеhiпd her. She Ь talking оп the рhопе. RUBY 158 Hi Оliйа, I'm queuing up for the tickets ... yeah, fоr the сопсеrt ... по, don't wоrry ... I'm sure I'll get two tickets ... по, по, no ... there's only one реrsоп in frопt of mе. Yeah, surе I'll give you а riпg. Вуе! (srлffches рhопе offi cUsтoMER Two tickets for the show on Saturday, please. AsslsTANT Two tickets fоr Saturday. That's Дз6, please. ЕПr.ТГППГ{ЕlТПtrТuсtitа/Gеrпgrоss/Dеvitt l Get on Stagel lо Helbling Languages
,{YYr...rý:TY,,yrYYY.ryз *}Ь}}};h : rш,:.ы-r*-;"i;; Сusтомвп Неrе you аrе. AsslsTANT Thank you. And here аrе the tickets. СusтомпR Вуе. AsslsTANT Вуе. RUBY Аsslsтдlчт PEoPLE lN QUEUE AsslsTдlttT RUBY ASslsTANT Two tickets for Saturday, please. Yоu'rе lucý, уоuпg lady; these аrе the last two tickets, then we're sold out. (She puts ttp а SOLD OUT sigп.) Oh, no! (some start lеачiпg - but the mап апd Ьоу Ьеhiпd her stay) That's Дз6. Неrе you аrе. Thanks. Thank you. Воу behiпdher starts crying. BoY But I wanted to see the show, Dad! Мдш (to Ruby) Look, he was so looНng forward to the сопсеrt, and поw you've got the last two tickets. RUBY I'm rеаllу sоrry. But MAN It's his biПhday treat, I promised him RUBY I see, but don't wоrry, the same show's оп again in z weeks'time. MAN Well, that's no good fоr us. In z weeks'time his birthday'll Ье очеr. ... ... But you don't mind selling us the tickets, do you? You can always go in z weeks' time, can't you? RUBY Ah, ОК... well, I guess I can. MAN Kght. Неrе's уоur mопеу then. (hcnds Ruby the mопеу, she hands him the tickets) That's very kind. You do understand, don't you? RUBY Yes, I understand. MAN Good girl! ýсепе 4 Ruby's room Some time later: Ruby is sitrrng iп her rооm,Iooking at а mаgаziпе. She апg ry /fTustr ated, talkiпg to her self. RUBY Ь Right - that's enough! First my drama tеасhеr (mосkiпg) 'Sоrry, but it's too late now. If I gave you somebody else's раrt, they'd Ье upset. You do understand, don't you?' Then Mum and Dad. Who печеr have time fоr me. (mocking) 'You do understand, don't you, sweetheart?'And finally I'm stupid enough to hand очеr to а mап and his 7-уеаr-оld Hd - who I've печеr met before! - tickets that I got for а сопсеrt I've been looНng fоrwаrd to fоr ages. (mocking) 'You do understand, don't you?' But I don't want to Ье everyЪody's good girl апу mоrе. I don't want people to assume they can just igпоrе my feelings all the time. I don't want to Ье the Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! l О HelbIing Languages lТIТr.Т]rrПТlТIЕtilТt 159
}=, understanding опе. It's almost like people аrе just igпоriпg mе, as if I wasn't rеаllу there. As if people just didn't notice mе! (she sfarfs leafing through the mаgаziпе) As if реорlе just didn't notice me! Ah, that's it! (she bangs her fist оп the magazine). I've got an idea. If I do it, реорlе VWLL NOTICE МЕ! Sсепе 5 Split scene: schoo! drama club and Ruby's home Ruby plays both sсепеs simultaneously, standing iп the middle Ьеhлееп the parts of both locations. MR PHlLLlPS KIDS MR PHlLLlPs WlTcH BAD KNlGHT WlTcH GooD KNlGHT WlTcH Дl right, ечеryопе. Let's get going. Does everyone know their lines? Yes, sir. Good. Offwe go! The thunder rumЬlеs, the lightning flashes, and... (cackles) Нйаhаhа! I've cast the spell and soon the Hngdom shall Ье yours, mу son! Oh Mother, I love you! Yоu'rе so eeeeevil! Тhапkуоu, son, I try mybest. Not so fast, you two! With mу trusý sword I'11defeat you both! (cackles) You сап печеr defeat mе with my роwеrful magic! Епtеr Wizard. WlzARD No, but with my powerful ... еrm ... fiпgеr (usiпg hisfinger as he hasforgotten his шапф I'll put а stop to уоur evil ways! Ps Сhаrliе? WlzARD Yes, sir? MR Рн MR Рн l l LLl LLl Ps WlzARD MR Рн l LLl Ps Qчпвlч KlNG QUEEN MR PHltllPs Сндпt lв MUM You арреаr to have forgotten something. Where's уоur wand? А dog ate it, sir. That's so ridiculous, I think I'l1believe you! ОК, let's move on to the scene in the Hng's castle. Тоm? Oliйa? \,Vhеп уоu'rе rеаdу. Му dear husband, I wопdеr if the йzаrd has defeated the evil witch. Patience, dear queen. I'm surе we'll have some good news soon. I'1l ca]l а servant to bring us sоmе food and drink. Servant? (claps his hапds, but поthiпg hаррепs) Sеrчапt? (shoufs - поthiпg hаррепs) Whеrе's Ruby? She's not hеrе, sir. Where's Ruby? DAD I don't know. She should Ье back home Ьу поw, shouldn't she? MUM Ah, well, she'll Ье hоmе soon, I'm surе. She's such а good girly. DAD Yеаh, that's right. But I just hope she hasn't forgotten she needs to tidy up the living rооm fоr us. Му guests'll Ье hеrе in an hour. ПЕПrППППIЕВIi Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! l О Helbling Languages
Епtеr Ruby infull Goth style, апd stands Ьеtшееп the hао sсепеs. RUBY DAD MR Рн RUBY JoНng? Why? LLl PS Because that's not а servant's costume. RUBY What makes you think this is а costume, sir? MUM Well, just look at yourself! RUBY I don't need to. I know what I look like. ! DAD cHARtlE Соmе оп, Ье а good girl. Take it off Good joke actually - (to both sides) Listen. This is not МUм \4Ъаt? You're not taНng it DAD we know you're just joНng! а joke, right! Апd I'm not taНng this off, еuеr. ofР You mеап you want to go to school like this? And walk аrоuпd the neighbourhood like this? RUBY That's right! DAD But what ...? RUBY But what ulhat? MUM ... йll the neighbours say? what йll the headmaster say? what том And RUBY No idea what they'll say, and I honestly don't саrе at all. DAD l - hee hee hee!! RUBY oLlvlA MR Рн Ruby? You must Ье joking! LLl Ps ALL RUBY ýсепв 6 MuM DAD MUM DAD Oh, come on, Ruby. Ве оur good girl. We can't have а daughter who walks аrоuпd ]ike this! we can't have а student who walks around like this! You do understand, don't you? It's уоu who don't understand. I'm not taНng this off. This is me, and I don't саrе what you think. Live with it! (She шаlks off,Ieauing them all speechless.) Ruby's home, five weeks later just don't understand hеr any mоrе. These past few weeks have been so difficult. I Yеаh, she was such а good girl. Just imagine what the neighbours must Ье saying about us ... Don't rеmiпd mе, please. It's so embarrassing. Silence, interrupted Ьу the doorbell. MUM DAD Who's that? I don't know. (he goes to the uliпdош, апd peeps out) puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! l о Helbling Languages Цiдlц!ЦЦДiш 161
DAD MUM DAD DAD MUM MRS CARTER DAD MRS CARTER DAD MRS CARTER MUM MRS CARTER DAD MuM DAD MUM DAD Oh, no! It's Мrs Саrtеr frоm next door. She's рrоЬаЬlу coming rоuпd to complain about Ruby. Well, let's pretend wе'ге not hеrе, then. We can't. She's аlrеаdу seen mе. (opens the dооr) Good evening. Do соmе in, please. Good evening },{rs Саrtеr. Vеry nice to See you. I'm lucky уоu'rе at hоmе, аrеп't I? Yоu'rе such busy people! Weli, yes, you know what it's like. tife's pretty hectic. I'm hеrе because ofyour daughter. Ruby? I knew it! What's the рrоЬlеm? РrоЬlеm? Тhеrе's no рrоЬlеm. I just wondered whether you could give this to hеr, please? То Ruby? Еrm yes ... surе. But she's поt at home гight now... Yes, I know. It's Fridау evening, isn't it? I know she's печеr at home оп а Friday evening. That's why I called" Anl.r,vay, just give it to hеr, please. I must Ье off. (she leaues) .,. See? Тhеу'rе all talking about hеr. (mосft iпg) 'Iknow. It's Friday evening, isn't it? I know she's печеr at hоmе on а Fridау evening!'It's tеrriЬlе, isn't it? It is. Рооr Mrs Саrtеr саmе round tonight because she knew Ruby wouldn't Ье hеrе. she must Ье terrified of hеr. It's the way she looks, isn't it? Аи{ull What's in the Ьох, do you think? маlъе it's i soap. so Ruby can r,vash that гidiculous warpaint оffhеr face! MUM Listen! DAD What? i Тhе frопt door's opening. Must Ье Ruby. Let's hide quickly. I want to know what's in the раrсеl. I MUM DAD Епtеr Rt_Lby. She sees the parcel апd picks it up. i RUBY А раrсеl. And it's fоr mе! Can't Ье frоm Mum and Dad. I'm not their good girl апу mоrе. Well, let's see. RUB' 162 I she stcrfs uпшrаррiпg the рrеsепt. There's а julпреr iп looks at it- t]ппоtiсеd, Ьу her, Мum апd Dad haui it. she takes it ottt апd епtеrеd, the rооm. Wow. That's а cool jumреr. Who's that frоm? Oh, thеrе's а lеttеr! I ý She орепs it, апd sfcrts readtng. Е 'Dear Ruby, this is а little thank-you рrеsепt from us all. We аrе чеry рrоud that а уоuпg girl like you gives up So much time helping others. We hope уЪu Пkе the jumper! Love, Mrs Саrtеr and уоur twelve оthеr пЙghЬоurs in Park Lane.' а Puchta/Gerngross/Devitf Cet оГSБgе! lЪ Н пg LangUages Е Е Е tr
MuM 'Twelve оthеr neighbours'? RUBY Oh. Mum too! DAD RUBY DAD - you frightened mе! I hadn't noticed you Wеrе hеrе. дпd Dad, you Well, I don't understand. Giving up So muсh of уоur time helping others what's going on hеrе? Well, you know Мr and Мrs Jones frоm the house next door, don't уоu? - Yeah, why? RUBY Well, thеу'rе both very frail поw, and they can't do muсh wоrk at home MUM So? RUBY So I decided I'd help them а bit. Do some of thеir housework, and the shopping and things. DAD MuM RUBY DAD Hang on а minute. So ... when и,е think you go out and meet friends on Friday evenings, уоu'rе ... ... ... йth уоur Goth helping the Joneses? That's right. Тhеу'rе very nice people, Мum. I really like them, and they're so grateful fоr the heip. That's mаrчеllоus! But why didn't you tell us? If you'd said something, we'd have reacted diffeгently. Rчвy Dдо MUM DAD MUM DAD I didn't tell you because уоu'rе always so busy. Everybody else in оur street knew what you wеrе doing of course ... ... yeah, it was only us who didn't notice. And we wеrе too wоrriеd about how you looked and what the neighbours ... might Ье .,. thinking of you. I'm sоrry, Ruby. MuM Ме, too. Rчвy That's ОК, Мum, Dad. At least I got уоur attention. so let mе get this right. Because we печеr listened to you, you Ьесаmе а Goth? DAD RUBY MUM AND DAD DAD RUBY Yep! I'm glad you understand. And so does Мr Phillips, Ьу the way. He's writing а script for а new рlау right now. It's about а чаmрirе. And I'm going to play the main раrt. Не says Ilook like а vampire. (laugh) We']i Ье thеrе! And you know what? I think we should go out now, and have dinner sоmеwhеrе. Sounds good, Dad. I'm rеаllу hungry. But I'm Sоrry - I'm not going to get changed. MUM It doesn't mаttег. What matters is the kind of реrSоп you аrе, and not what уоu look 1ike. RUBY Thanks, NIum. (they hug each other) DAD Д1 right, and now let's go. lbling Languages ЕIIЕIЕЕЦЕIЦЕШ 16з
t.,':}rr;.,rl|'|"|l{|?|}||1?r.|r|'|Цv/|?r;l,ё.?i|ý?a l:| 1 ...1,.. - | .|, ,,) ,..., -., Rчвч Dad? DAD Yes? Rчвy DAD You do understand, don't you? Yes I do! Tлr аý 164 i
Кfuж Жl-жЖЖiw А teenage drama in 8 scenes N4in 10 ПШПtimС Around 7 minutes, depending on production s6tý PtOps stylG SупOшsis The school playground; Jacob's home; оп the way to school; the classroom; the school office; the school computer rооm Rucksacks/schoolbags fоr kids and а раir of trаiпеrs fоr]асоЬ; several printouts of essays that the kids did as homework (оп their computers); face paint to show а bruise оп Jacob's face; if possible, an old keyboard that сап Ье destroyed моdеrп drаmа Harry's а bully. His main victim is Jacob, а shy Ьоу iп his class. Наrrу frequently ridicules Jacob iп front of their classmates, who seem to feel uпеаsу about the way Jacob is treated Ьу Наrrу but don't do anything about it - and occasionally, if reluctantly, join iп when Наrrу teases his victim. lп fact, when оп occasion опе of the kids tries to confront Наrrу, they themselves get threatened Ьу him. when Jacob comes home опе day with а bruise оп his cheek, his mum starts Ьесоmiпg suspicious апd she talks to Jacob's teacher, N/r Robinson. Then, when Наrrу breaks а keyboard iп the computer rооm and forces Jacob to say it was him who'd Ьrоkеп it, the other сhildrеп claim it was them who had Ьrоkеп it. when Мr Rоьiпsоп asks Наrrу, he says he's got nothing to do with it - but when the teacher says that the computer rооm has а webcam and he will check, Наrrу knows he has gone too fаr ... lапgшаgе louвl 1апцшаgе aleas lntermediate - В1 something - апуthiпg - поthiпg - everything: ts there апуthiпg you've noticed? l won't say апуthiпg. ls there Something you wапt to tell mе? Everything's fiпе. lt's поthiпg serious. Language chunks: What а waste of time! Соmе оп, you lot! We're опlу kidding. Thot's попе of your busiпess. Nice try. What's gоiпgоп? Leave mе аlопе. Nothing serious. ..., dоп't you think? l'll keep ап еуе оп it. That's rubbish. What about you? stagG tiшs yоur students wil| Ье in familiar territory here as the acting style required is what they will have seen оп апу Tv soap. Encourage them to be'real'as there сап Ье а tепdепсу with this type of gritty drama to'overact'which in turn сап belittle the subject matter. One exercise you might try, to епgепdеr the feeling of alienation felt Ьу the реrsоп who is bullied, is to get each опе of them individually to stand in the Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! ]О Helbling Lan8uages 165
middle of а circle of the others and ask the others to rеаllу despise that реrsоп iп the middle. They mау giggle to begin with but ask them to try and get over that feeling and сопсепtrаtе оп what is the unpleasant task of summoning up negative feelings and concentrating them оп опе vulnerable individual trapped within the circle. Ask them to Ье as silent as possible to begin with and Ье rеаllу patient as eventually they will quieten arld there will Ье ап ееriе and unpleasant atmosphere established. Let that linger uпtil it becomes almost unbearalэle апd then quietly allow them to hiss insults (within rеаsопI) at the victim. Опе word such as'idiot' repeated сап Ье а powerful weapon. This will show how intense silence сап Ье rаthеr than histrionic overacting and although the hissed insults mау sound ЬаrЬаriс it won't Ье lопg before sоmеопе giggles апd it's irопiсаllу the best way to break the malevolent spell. The'victim'shouldn't Ье alIowed to say anything as the bullied аrе often voiceless although you mау allow them to say and repeat the words'Why?','Please'or'Stop'when you feel the time is right. Опсе the spell is Ьrоkеп make sure the'victim'is hugged Ьу the others but ask them all to rеmеmЬеr how it felt to bully and Ье bullied and add it to their emotional mеmоrу Ьапk. NB Yоu might wапt to use this exercise at your оwп discretion, as certain students might feel uпеаsу about реrfоrmiпg the activity. lПatelials Photocopiable Worksheet А р 213 Tlre Br{ly I Workheet В . Comprehension . ffi tц Useful phrases Photocopiable Worksheet В р 2'l4 . Mini-dialogues . sоmеthiпglапуthiпgl eve ryth i п gl noth i п g etc. . Creative writing: а letter asking fоr advice 166 Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt ] Get on Stage] |О Helbling Languages
'|,r:||*a|.,,,a,r._,,,|:|,,|| **ý ý trз# BOles Sсепв 1 ýж ffiýлLýиw ý Harry, the bulIy Jacob, the victim Oliver Ruby Lily Katie Iake Dylan lacob's mчm Mr Robinson, teacher The school playground Sеuеп kids ruith rucksccks are standitlg iп а grollp, talking. Jacob епtеrs, шеаriпq пеtч trainers. Не tuапts to go past the grotry, Schoo1 bell riпgs, а grоuр ofkids епtеr. HARRY JAKE кАтlЕ Апоthеr day очеr ... School - lvhat а waste of time! what shall we do? Let's go to the раrk. HARRY Ah, hеrе's Jacob. Hi, Jacob. Why don't уоu join trs? DYLAN Hold оп, Нагry, HARRY I don't * just watch. Соmе оп, Jacob! JAcoB ок. Ндппy Cool trаiпеrs. Really соо1. No logo. I like that. Whеrе did you lэuy them? JAcoB I didn't HARRY Ah, уоur mum. (to the others) His mum did. She sure is ап ехреrt on trаiпеrs. (srnging) Мummу bought cool trаiпеrs! JAcoB I1ike them. HARRY Не likes them. (to the ofhers). Mumm1. bought соо1 trаiпеrs! Мummу borrght соо1 trаiпеrs! Соmе on, you lot, join in. KlDs - I thought you didn't like Jacob. mу mum did. (rather reluctantly) Мummу bought cool trаiпеrs! Mummy bought соо1 trаiпеrs! JAcoB Stop it! HARRY Yеаh, соmе on ечеryопе. Stop it! We don't want to make Мummу's Ьоу сrу. JAcoB I'm not а Mummy's Ьоу. HARRY Тhе рrоЬlеm is that уоuг trаiпеrs look too new. But I can help you. (griпdiпg his foot оп Jacob's trаiпеrs) They look better now, don't they? Соmе on, you lot. Let Jacob go to Mummy. The kids,led Ьу Наrrу, sfcrf fo leaue, DYLAN ýсепе 2 JAcoB Don't wоrry, Jacob. Wе'rе only kidding. Jacoh's home Hi, Mum. Puchъ/Gerngюss/Devitt I Get on Stagel I о Helbling Languages EIIEIreEЦEIЦEIЦ 167
Jдсов's MUM JAcoB Jдсов's MuM JAcoB Jдсов's MUM JAcoB ýсепе 3 Ll tY HARRY Ll LY Ндпвy Hi, Jacob. Howwas school? Дl right. What did you do to уоur new trainers? They look filthy. I was playing football. With уоur friends frоm school? Yes, with mу friends from school. That's how they got dirty. Оп the wау to school Have you done уоur essay, Наrry? Not yet. What do you mеап'Not yet'? We have to hand it in today. No рrоЬlеm. Епtеr Jacob. Ндппy Jacob, соmе hеrе. JAcoB What is it? Ндпвy JAcoB Did you wTite the homework essay оп уоur РС? Yeah, I always do. Why do you ask? Ндппч Give me уоur essay. JAcoB No, I can't do that. НАRRY JAcoB Just give it to me, оr уоur new trаiпеrs йll disappear. Неrе уоu аrе. (hcnds ouer his essaa апd ruпs atllay) HARRY (u-lalking back to Zily) What did I tell you? Неrе's mу hоmеwоrk. Ll LY Ндппy $свпе 4 MR RoB]NsoN But what about Jасоъ? That's none of уоur business. The classroom Please put уоur essays on my desk. Kids шаIk to the desk апd put their esscys on if. MR RoBlNsoN JAcoB MR RoBlNsoN Ндппч MR RoBlNSoN JAcoB MR RoBlNsoN 168 Jacob, what about your essay? Sоrry sir, I ... I ... Well? Не says he left it on the bus. Is that true, Jacob? Yes, sir, I left it оп the bus. Nice try. Luckilyyou'll have plený of time to write another one in detention. IiJ!I.1(|T(|Ii]L!]lll Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | О неlЫirц Languages
LlLy Ндппу Sсвпе 5 (quietly, to Наrrц) That was mеап. (laughing) Do you think so, Lily? оК. МауЬе next time I'1l take yours. The school playground Jacob is hапdtпg something ouer to Harry, but lpe сап't see шhаt it is. oliuer апd Ruby are iп the background. - Ндппч ОК, rеmеmЬеr JAcoB (hesitantly) No Ндппу (grabbing Jacob) You don't want mе to get ап8ц, right? JAcoB I won't say anything. Promise! not а wоrd to anyone! ... Oliuer апd Ruby approach them. OllvBп What's going оп? HARRY Nothing. (releasing Jacob) I was just hайпg а chat that right, Jacob? JAcoB Yes, that's right. otlvER RUBY Jдсов Rчвy JAcoB RUBY Jдсов ýсепв 6 йth mу friend Jасоъ. Isn't Соmе оп Наrry, wе'rе late fоr football. (Ea-lt Oliuer апd Harry) What was that all about, Jacob? Nothing. Come on, Jacob. Tell mе. Не just wanted to Ьоrrоw something. Воrrоw something? Yes, Ьоrrоw something. (Jacob ruпs offi Jacob's hоmе, some time later Епtеr Jacob. JACOB'S MOTHER Hi, Jacob! JAcoB Hi, Mum. JACOB'S MOTHER JAcoB JACOB'S MOTHER Jдсов JACOB'S MOTHER JAcoB ýсвпв I JACOB'S MOTHER what's happened to уоur face? Тhеrе's I rап into а dооr. Jacob, tell me - а bruise on уоur cheek. аrе thеrе апу problems at school? No, Мum, everything's fiпе. Please tell mе, Jacob, I know something's wтong. Leave me alone, Мum. I'm fiпе. The school office Thank you for seeing me, Мr Robinson. Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I GetonStage! l ОНе@ 169
MR RoBlNsoN JACOB'S MOTHER MR RoBlNsoN JACOB'S MOTHER Not at all. Please sit down, Mrs Вепsоп. \zVhat can I do for you? I'm just а bit wоrriеd about Jacob's Ьеhайоur recently. Is thеrе anything you've noticed? No, nothing serious. Just the usual jokes. And а Ьоу should Ье able to take а joke, don't you think? I аgrее, but yesterday thеrе was а bruise on his cheek. MR RoBlNSoN Ah, what did he say about it? JACOB'S MOTHER не said he'd ruп into а dооr. МR RoBlNsoN JACOB'S MOTHER MR RoBlNsoN JACOB'S MOTHER MR RoBlNSoN Sсвпе 8 But you don't believe him, right? No, I don't. I understand what уоu'rе saying. I'll keep an еуе on it. Thankyou, Мr Robinson. Goodbye, Mrs Benson. The school computer room AIl the ktds are iп the rооm; the teacher has left to get sоmеthiпg. HARRY That keyboard's rubbish. Don't you think so, Jacob? Harry sfcrts Ьrеаkiпg it. DYLAN Кдтlв Don't break it! Stop it, Наrry! Мr Robinson will Ье furious with you. Harry сопtiпuеs Ьrеаkiпg HARRY Jдсов RUвY НдпRy the keyboard; the kid"s look оп incredulously. Jacob, why did you Ьrеаk уоur keyboard? I didn't - you did! Наrry, don't Ье silly. Гоu did it! No, I didn't. Jacob did. And if any of you hаче а problem say so now. Ruby? Dylan? Katie? Jake? Oliver? йth that, you'd better Silence. I HARRv No? Good. Епtеr MR RoBlNsoN What i Mr RоЬiпsоп. was that noise? The kids stay silent. MR Mr I RоЬiпsоп, lооkiпg around, spofs the Ьrоkеп keyboard. RoBlNsoN Who broke the keyboard? Kids stay silent. MR 170 i RoBlNsoN Jacob answer mе. Who broke this kеуЬоаrd? ! I l t - I
JAcoB MR RoBlNsoN KATlE MR RoBlNsoN KATlE I did. Jacob? Yоu Ьrоkе it? That's not true, sir. оК Katie, who 1did, DYLAN No,1did. oLlvER No,1did. JAKE No, 1did, RUBY No, 1did. Ll LY No, 1did, MR RoBlNSoN Ll LY dfd Ьrеаk it, then? ОК, all of you. Wait fоr mе at the headmaster's office. Соmе on, Jacob. She takes his аrm апd leads him out of the computer rооm; all the others except Harry follotLl her, МR RoBlNsoN HARRY MR RoBlNSoN HARRY MR RoBlNsoN HARRY MR RoBlNSoN What about you, Наrry? Nothing to do with mе, sir. I hоре not. Anlr,rray we'll soon find out the truth. What do you mеап, sir? Well, this computer's got а webcam. I sйtched it on Ьеfоrе the lesson. Let's see what it rесоrdеd. Sir? What is it, Наrry? Is thеrе something you want to tel] me? Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stage! | @ Helbling Languages ЦiдlцдltдLlш 171
Wуýжжffiжfuýw ^л, l ffiffi А teenage drama in В scenes xqxР ъ^ur.uЫ чЕry #l tr]ryI#.. М .*. Traclt 11-1fi ПOlеs i RшпtimЕ sGIý 5-10 mаiп characters (if you decide to double the roles); for the party (Scene 2) several mоrе characters (non-speaking) Around 'l4 minutes, depending оп production Sheri's bedroom, а Party; the school playground; the park; ап art class; ап art ga llеrу РlOшý N4usic for various Scenes (to Ье chosen Ьу the students); а football; sketchpads and pencils for the art class $tyle N4odern teenage drama Synoшsis Lisa and sheri аrе best friends. when sheri starts hanging out with Jamie апd his friends, Lisa gets а little worried. she thinks that the'football lads', as she caIls them, аrе not the right соmрапу for her friend. But sheri doesn't mind, as she finds Jamie so good-looking, and it doesn't take lопg for hеr to try to take Jamie away frоm Jеппу, his girlfriend. Lisa warns her again, but sheri doesn't want to listen, Whеп Jеппу hеаrs what's going on, she is furious апd tells Sheri off. Then, when Sheri crashes а party of the sixth-formers, things get _] rеаllу interesting- ,|еппу confronts Jamie, rлуhо claims he's not rеаllу interested iп sheri, and sheri gets furious and starts screaming. The situation ends in an embarrassing way for Sheri ... [апgшаgе leuel lапgшаgе aleas stage tiшs lntermediate - В1 Expressions to talk about peopIe апd relationships: He's поt really mу type,. Не hangs out with the wrong crowd; You сJоп't realty fапсу him, do you?; He's very interesting to talk to; They're the right/wrong crowd for you; he's good-looking; crash а party; keep awoy from sоmеопе,,tо hаче your say; to lеаче sоmеопе аlопе,'tо Ье grounded; to keep something а Se,ret; to cheat оп Sоmеопе; she сап ье pretty tough; l was wопdеriпg whether you'd like some соmрапу; hаче а date with sоmеопе; to put up а fight; to Ье ап item,. to laugh something off; it's поthiпg serious; to mаkе а fool of опеsеlf; to lose а Jriend. The play begins with music playing. The choice of track should Ье made Ьу the students in consultation with the tеасhеr, but it's important that the lyrics should reflect the play's theme оr mood friendship, lэеtrауаl, truth * whatever the students decicle опсе they've had а look at the play and checked out their favou rite songs. то mark the end of опе scene and the beginning of another, extracts of the same Songs оr other ones should Ье chosen: Another Girl's Paradise'by Tori Amos 172 Е puchta/GЫngйs/oБittJ сёt оТSък- о неlЬliпg ranguages Е t д д д : _Е ё ý Е д € _Е
в -= +_ would lэe а good choice for Scene 1, and for Scene 2 the choice could be'Get The Party Started'by Pink. -: дt the епd of Scene 2 it would Ье good to have music again, and something like 'Bad Girl'by веуопсё would Ье чеrу suitable though it's important that the fiпаl choice is made Ьу the students. lf they would prefer they could sing the song choices themselves, u пассоm рап ied. !!--_ - !!!FЁ Пlalerials ъ: !- -. lцв -. ф The concept of а "split scene" lж ] tlleffd:hip I WorвheetB |,Ж,;; Тr*sи 11-16 PhotocopiabIe Worksheet А р 215 . Comprehension . Vocabulary: relationships Photocopiable Worksheet В р 216 . phrasal verbs . Di rect/l ndirect speech . Creative writing: best friend !FE+ - lь* г !iё i- t- !l.=+ l: l г г lЕ_ r I I Е_гъ Е_ г ъ Lг I I I I I I I tЕI I L г I Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt ] Get оп Sta8e] |О HeIbling Languages 173
п жffi Trýgý{ 11-16 ПOlBs ýheri Lisa, Sheri's friend Dylan Iamie Jenny, Jamie's girlfriend Jamie's friends Аппочпсеr sheri's mother r,,ýд,,,i Рtеlшilе Trý*k 12 Play the musicfor а short time to set the sсепе, thеп епtеr LisafTom опе side апd SherifTom the other. The music gets quieter so that u)е сапhеаr the dialogue, but сопtiпuеs as а background to the орепiпg speeches. The actors address the audience. LlsA Sheri has Ьееп mу best friend fог years and years. I think ечеп as babies we wеrе friends, when оur mums took us to the раrk. SHERl Lisa has been mу best friend for ечеr. I'm а bit wild (оr so mу mum says) and I'm not always an easy реrsоп, I know that, but Lisa has always Ьееп my best friend. LlSA SHBпl ANNOUNCER We cried together, we laughed together. I thought nothing would ечеr change. But then, (musfc stops) thеrе wеrе some рrоЬlеms. Scene r: Sheri's Ьеdrооm. Lisa апd Sheri are sitting together, reading magazines, оп the Iпtеrпеt,Iуiпg аrоuпd, Ьеiпg tеепаgеrs! - thеп ... LlsA SHBпl LlSA sHERl So what do you think of Дап? He's cute but he's not really my type. And he hangs out йth the wrong сrоwd. Like who? Well, реорlе who just аrеп't cool enough. Yоu know, the ones who печеr get inйted to раrtiеs. Like his friend Dylan - уоu know him, don't you? Епtеr Dуlап, ulho stands to опе side looking out to аudiепсе. He's ulearing glasses. Nоfе: Dуlап isn't шith the girls; this is7usf а theatrical deuice to introduce thb character to the аudiепсе. LlsA Yeah. He's in mу art class. And I quite like him. Dуlап loob а little surprised but smfles to himself, takes his glasses off, апd runs his fingers through his hair. SH нпl Oh come on, Lisa. You don't rеаllу fancy Dylan, do you? DуIап's smile fades а little. I didn't say that, did I? But he's very interesting to talk to. 174 llпr.пmr.rтIЕВТt Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stagel | О Helbling Languages
DуIап пош loolr.s glummer - he шапts to Ье fапсiеd', поt'interesting to talk to'. Не puts his glasses back оп апd eits. SHERl LlsA ОК, if you say so. Anyway, they're the wrопg сrоwd for me. And what's the right сrоwd for you, then? SHERI Jamie and his friends. Jamie апd а couple of fTiends епtеr оп the opposite side fтоm шhеrе Dуlап lф. They're carrying afootball. They haue'attitude' - they strike а pose апd jostle for position. Jamie шiпs. Аgаiп, they're поt шith the girls; ftЪ cs though they are iп а thought bubble. Llsд What? Тhе football lads? You can't Ье serious. They keep their Ьrаiпs in their boots! Lads look rather pleased at this idea апd поd iп аgrееmепt. Sнвпt I don't саrе think? - they've got nice legs, and Jamie's very good-looНng, don't you Jamie giues ап'оf course I am!'look to the audience. LlsA But Sheri - all the guys can talk about is football. Lads all shout 'offside' or 'goal' оr апа other football шоrd the students might use io make the роiпt. Sнвпl LIsA (laughs) I don't саrе! Yеаh, I сап imagine. (А// the lads except Jamie eit as Jеппу епtеrs, she stands пехt to Jamie апd takes his аrm.) Ап5rwау, you know that he and Jenny аrе an item, don't уоu? (.Icmie апd Jеппу eit together.) sHERI And you don't think LIsA I сап take him away from Jenny, do you? (Nоrл Sheri focuses оп Jamie апd Jеппу as thea I didn't say that, did I? But she's eit.) Мо уеаrs older than you. I mеап, why should Jamie Ье interested in а fifteen-year-old? SHBпl We'llsee, Lisa LlsA ... we'llsee. Sheri, уоu'rе not going to do anything stupid, аrе you? SHERI Do I ечеr? (they bothlaugh) Short snatch of music. Аgаiп, опсе the dialogue stcrts the music drops iп uоlumе but сопtiпuеs as а Ьасkgrоuпd to the sсепе. Jamie, his mates апd апаопе else (except DуIап) епtеr апdfоrm а grоuр сепtrе stage апd dапсе but they keep side-on or tuith their backs to the аudiепсе. Sheri jоiпs them but faces the аudiепсе. Lisa stауs to опе side of the stage; she's поt at the party but iп the play she сап still talk to Sheri. We are рlауiпg huo'realities'here, as iп а fiIm шhеrе there is aJlashback апd а uoice-ouer сопtiпuеs iп the рrеsепt. Sheri dапсеs, but rЪ looking for sоmеопе at the party. As she u)eaues iп апd out, Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | О Helbling Languages l]пI.rft(.li]7lll]ll 175
searchinq, the other characters сап cast'What's she dоiпg here?'looks at her.IJthere are опlу аfеш other characters опstаgе, sheri сап рееr iпtо the аudiепсе as шеlI, рrеtепdiпg they're part of the ,.&. ;Яi ANNouNсER (шlчо ls по7D а Т?аst{ 1а SHERI Sнвпl LlsA cl"otud. partygoer) Scene z. А раrtу! (frоm 'outside' the party) What? You just went thеrе? (still lookinq) Yeah! Why not? Llsд tlsA part] you crashed the party? I'l.e печеr hеаrd of arrybody оur аgе crashing а sixthfоrm раrtу. Well, I'm not just anybody, аm I? Still ... Why didn't they kick you out? sheri sees Jamie апd, dапсеs totoards him. Hehcs hls back to the аudiепсе апd" dоеsп't see her соmiпg. SHBпl LlsA Jamie took саrе of mе. Jamie? SHBпl Yeah, Jamie. I kind of burnped into him ... (she deliberately bumps iпtо him, mimiпg spilling coke оп herselfl JAMlE Oh no! Sоrry, sоrry... I didn't see you. lrsc) And he spilled coke оп mу skirt. (to Jamie)Don't wоrry, Jamie. It was mу fault. (ro JAMlE sHERl JAMlE sHERt I didn't know you knew апу sixth-formers. what аге you doing hеrе? Yоu don't mind mе being hеrе, do you? (smrling) No, I don't mind. (smiling as tuell) Weli, that's JAMlE I guess it is. Sндпl (rо LlSA Zlsc) So we got talking а okay then isn't it? bit ... Whеrе was Jenny all this time? a lzsc) Jenny couldn't go to the pafty. Sнппl (ro JAMlE She's away оп а соursе. Раrt of hеr studies, I think. Really? I didn't know. (but she obuiouslydoes) SHERl (to Jamie)Where's Jenny tonight? *#i,r JAMlE SHERl LlsA SHERl Jдмlв LlsA 176 So уоu'rе hеrе all on уоur (considertnq) Well, yes ... I suppose I аm. (rо Zisc) So then we danced а bit ... (she апd Jamie dапсе, thеп Sheri leaues Jamie апd rеturпs rо Дlsc) ... and then we kissed а bit ... Sheri! Аrе you сrаzу оr something? \л/hаt if Jenny finds out? Why should she? Jamie doesn't hаче to tell hеr, (to Jamie)do you? I guess not. But the others sawyou, didn't thev? I Get оп Stagel ё F Е Е l О HelblingЙngua Б Е=
SHERI Well just the dancing, not the kissing. So I think wе'rе ОК. Come оп, Lisa, don't spoil it. (Sheri апd Jamie start to dапсе again.) I'm having loads of fun! Music as еuеrаопе eits except Lisa апd Sheri, ulho dапсе to thefTont. ANNOUNCER Scene з, in the schoo] playground, а couple ofdays later. J еппу епtеrs. Music fades. LlsA SHBBl What аrе you talking about? JENNY Well, normally I wouldn't talk to а little nobody like you, but people said I should. So I hope you get the idea. Just keep away from him! впl Which part of 'keep away from him' don't you understand? I'm warning уоu! Leave him alone! (she storms ofr) Sнвпl (aside) We'llsee! впl LlSA Sнвпl LlsA sHERl LlsA SHERl LlsA Sнппl t- -l El F= Doesn't he have а say, too? JENNY SH tr- you happybirthday. (rо Sherf) I'm only going to say this опсе. Кеер away frоm Jamie! LlSA I I I I I йsh JENNY SH tEl Look out! Jenny's coming and I don't think she's hеrе to LlSA sHERl Sheri - you heard hеr. You've got to forget dbout Jamie! Oh have I? Yes! (pcuse) Look, аrе you coming to the rар show йth mе on Saturday? No, I can't. I'm grounded. I could phone уоur mum and beg hеr to let you go. Tell hеr I've already got the tickets ,.. It's not wоrth it. What makes you think she'd listen to you, anyrMay? Неу, Sheri, what's the matter? I'm just tфng to help! You don't have to rеsсuе mе all the time. (there is а'mоmепt) said that. Дl right - sоrry I That's оК. Look. I've got to go now. See you аrоuпd. (саIIiпg to Sheri as she leaues) Think about Saturday, ОК? I'll riпg you. Shоrf sпаtсh of music. ffi orrouN.ER Tf*8x 14 (епtеriпg апdhапdiпg Lba amobile) Scene 4, Saturday. Lisa moues to the side of the stage апd dials а пumЬеr оп her рhопе. We hear the sоuпd of а рhопе riпgiпg. Оп the opposite side of the stage to Lisa, Sheri's mother епtеrs, шith арhопе. She апsu)еrs. LlSA SHERl's MoTHER Hi Мrs Paulton, it's Lisa. Hi Lisa, how are things? Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stagel | О Helbling Languages ПIТrfiImtTПIИГjlТl 177
LlsA SHBRl's MoTHER LlsA SHERl'S MoTHER LlsA SHERa's MoTHER & ьY,w - TraGl 1| Fiпе, thanks. Сап I talk to Sheri, please? I'm sоrry, Lisa, she's not in. She went to а раrtу. I'm surprised you didn't go together. Is everything all right? Yes, surе. I ve got а ticket to а concert. Do you rеmеmЬеr which раrГу? Yeah, Саrоl. Carol Fielding. Yоu know hеr, don't you? Surе. Thanks а lot. Вуе. Вуе. Have а good time. Musi.c. Аппоuпсеr епtеrs апd Lisa aslrs him/her а question. (The аudiепсе сап't hear the question through the music, but it's'Haue you Sееп Sheri?') апd the Аппоuпсеr роiпts to uhеrе sherihas епtеrеd апd ls sftrrng dошп. The music fades cs ltЪс approache.s,Sherf. ANNOUNCER LlsA SHBKl IlsA sHERl LlSA SHERl LlsA Scene 5. The park. Sunday. How's Саrоl? What аrе you talking about? You lied to mе. You said you wеrе grounded. How do you know? I phoned уоur place. I tried уоur mobile first but it was Дl i sйtched off. right. So I lied to you. I'm sorry. But why Саrоl? I mеап, you don't ечеп like hеr. And she doesn't like you. Why go to her раrtу? SHBRl LlSA SHERl LlsA sHERl LIsA sHERl LlsA Sнвпl LlsA Sнвпl Llsд SHBпl LlSA 178 I didn't. a But your mum ... I told mу mum I was at Carol's рагtу. But I wasn't. a So whеrе wеrе уоu? I was t with Jamie. At his house. What! I don't believe it. Didn't Jenny tell you to keep away? (mocking)'Didn't Jenny tell you to keep away'? Апуwау, she's out of town. But what's she going to say when she gets back? Say about what? We aren't going to tell hеr, аrе we? Jamie said we should keep it а secret from Jenny. Why shouldn't I? He's so cool. ]: G But it's wrong! - stop telling mе what to do! No, it's Wтопg of Jamie, too. Don't you see? He's cheating on Jenny cheating on you, too, isn't he? l:]!(li(.I(.I]]7Дirll Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stag@ } t And you аgrееd? Dammit, Lisa -t := t - and he's t *
L E--r ]_ I-_t 1_ l-J I I-J t_ tr tr Е_д Lr_J LTr f f r l El t_ E_l t_ Е| ц SHBпt That's fiпе йth LlsA Sнвпl LlsA SHERI LlsA But Sheri - Jamie's Sheri, please. If уоu'rе mу friend, Lisa, you'lllet mе Ье with Jamie and stop talНng about it. And if I don't? is mоrе important to mе right поw. Аrе you saying ... ? SHERl Yes, @ cheating! Stop talНng about him like that. SHBпl Well, Jamie LlsA mе. I don't mind. As long as I сап see him. I am. Think about it. Вуе. Music. Аппоuпсеr епtеrs апd hапds Lisa а sketcфad апd репсil. DуIап епtеrs Тr8G[12 шith sketchpad апd репсiI. Lisa апd Dуlап sit апd start to sketch. Аппоuпсеr strikes а pose at опе side of the stage, dошпstаgе. He/she is the model they are sketching iп their life-drauling class. Musicfades. ANNouNcER Scene DvLAN How LlsA DvLAN LlsA DvLAN соmе I печеr see уоu with Sheri any mоrе? Well, she's got different things to do. I haven't spoken to hеr fоr weeks. DvLAN Pity. L]sA 6. The аrt class. Some weeks lаtеr. Shе seemed kind of fun. Yeah, she is. I mеап, she was. She's hanging out йth the football crowd now, isn't she? Нmmm, yes,looks like it. I've hеаrd а rumоur that she's аftеr Jamie. She'd better Ье careful Someone I'd want as an епеmу. LlsA WеП, I hope she knows what she's doing. But Sheri сап Ье LlsA Yes, I was. Why? - Jenny isn't t_ E--l t-tr_-l рrеtý tough too. DvLAN If you say so. (pause) Um ... Lisa? Тhеrе's ап exhibition of Da Vinci sketches and sculptures at the Royal Academy. Were you thinНng of going? L-гI DYLAN Lгl LlsA DYLAN LlsA L-f,_-l DYLAN lЁ-J_ DYLAN г ъ LlSA LlsA Well, I was wondering whether you'd like have to company. Well, yes. I wonder who I could go with? (а little crestfallen) Oh ... I'm joНng, Dylan! I'd love it if you came йth me. Really? Really rеаllу! Wow! Don't wоrry - it's not а рrореr date оr anything. You don't have to tell anyone wе'rе going together оr anything if уоu'rе embarrassed оr anything. (laughing) Don't wоrry. I'll wеаr а disguise! -J ь bJ 179
J DvLAN (gathering up LlsA his things, but mаkiпg а mess of it iп his ехсitеmепt. Не laughs but thеп has а thought) You аrе joking about the disguise, аrеп't you? Of course! DvLAN Brilliant! LlsA DYLAN LlSA |'ffi': ?r*,}& 15 ANNOUNCER See you Saturday, then! (getting up too) I'm looking forward to it аlrеаdу. Really? Yes! Yes! Yes! Really! See you Saturday. Music. They eit. Аппоuпсеr епtеrs iп а black сар оr similar, to denote he/she is а gallery аttепdапt. Shhhh! (musfc stops abrupfly) Don't you know this is ап аrt gallery? Scene The Royal Academy. Saturday. 7. _] DуIап апd Lba епtеr шith the exhibitionleaflet. As the dialogue progresses they mоuе across the stage, рrеtепdiпg to go fтоm опе аrtшоrk to апоthеr оп the loall referring to the leaflet. Sheri, Jаmiе апd Jеппу also епtеr, апd pose like а Da Viпсi sсuфturе tuith Jеппу роiпtiпg апgrilу at Sheri шhо stands defiantly. Jamie sfcnds Ьеhлееп them trуiпg to placate them. Jеппу апd Sheri 'соmе aliue'for their liпеs, but ushеп Dуlап апd Lisa are speaking they fTeeze аgаiп. DуIап апd Lba rеmаiп obliuious to the drama; they keep оп lооkiпg at the paintings. DYLAN LlsA icb| Ti*c* ,lб You mеап Sheri didn't phone you? No, she didn't. Why? What happened? l DYLAN Well, it seems Sheri crashed Jenny's раrtу, and when Jenny saw hеr she shouted: JENNY What's she doing hеrе? Get her out! .! DYtAN But sheri put up а fight and she shouted for Jamie. when Jamie came очеr to her, she told everybody... l SHпBl LlsA DYtAN Jamie only loves mе. Не and Jenny аrеп't an item апу mоrе. Oh mу God! What did Jamie say? lVhat do you think? Nothing at all! But Jenny was furious. She wanted Jamie to JENNY Tell mе whеthеr you love mе оr not. DYLAN In front of all the others. JENNY Is it true what Sheri's saying? LlsA Dуlдltt LlsA DYLAN 180 .,l оr ... And? Well, he tried to laugh it off, but Jеппу wouldn't let him. And? So Jamie said ... ППrйrйrЛТIИВТl puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on stаgёt | @ гtеlЫirц LanBuages J t t i l = l l
JдмlЕ I опlу want уоu, Jenny. Yes, I mёt Sheri опсе оr twice, but it was nothing serious. DvLAN Тhеп Sheri started screaming SHBпI You're а liar! DYtAN and some other things, too. (Аппоuпсеr апd опе of Jamie's mates grab Sheri апd mаrсh her off. Jamie апd Jеппу fоllош them.) Then two of Jamie's friends picked sheri up and threw hеr out. But she went оп screaming and started thrойпg stones at the windows. So some neighbours phoned the police, and they picked hеr up and drоче hеr hоmе and gave hеr а warning, - I LlsA DytAN Llsд DYLAN |'''ffi': }rе8* 12 ... think. Oh, no. Рооr Sheri! Рооr Sheri? It was all hеr fault, wasn't it? Well, all she did was fall in love. That's not а crime, is it? I feel hеr, I must say. а bit sorry fоr Yeah, I guess уоu'rе right. I'll see уоu in the next rооm. Sherf епtеrs. Lisa апd Sheri rеturп to thepositions they tuere at the Ьеgiппiпg of the play, fасiпg the audience. Не exits cs Music, рrоьаьlу same os the орепiпg music, as а background to the last ttuo speeches. Llsд (to аudiепсе) As I said, I thought nothing would ечеr change. But things have changed. Does that mеап you can lose а friend so easily? Just because of а Ьоу - а Ьоу like Jamie! SHERI Мафе I should рhопе hеr I've made а rеа1 fool of myself. And I need someone to talk to about it. But I've lost mу best friend, too. Мафе I'11 рhопе hеr. МауЬе she'lllisten to mе ... They look at each other across the stage. Music Mlells. Сurtаiп. ,с 181
G = ъ : = ьi-d ll Ll*r 1-1 lЕl Е
"{r:. .Ф ,*" '{}{,r,,.{"{:r ?-,*i,, .,.- .,.u.,_., ,,, .,, l l WO rkSh eet GоmшrеhвпsiOп 1) Listen to the recording then match 1-6 with a-f. l П The Ьоу never forgets to do it. z ! These are печеr bad. З ! Не печеr uses this. + П Не always tells this. 5 П This is when he always comes home. 6 П The mап thinks his son is this. Trýg}1 01 а) the truth Ь) great с) d) е) f) еаrlу his homework his mаrks bad language UOсаЬшlаtU 2) We hear the words 'perfect', 'great' and 'fantastic' in the sketch. Tick six words iп the list beIow that have а similar meaning, I ! ! ! I ! I ! ! ! ! ! useless enthusiastic excellent Ьоriпg practical legal outstanding suреrЬ intelligent expensive awesome ! ! I ! I impossible brilliant attractive wonderful interesting comfortable Grаmmаr 3) circle the correct form of the verb, 1 2 З 4 5 Does уоur friend never gefs l уet bad marks at school? Kitty sometimes t'orgets l Iorget to do her homework. l tell а lie| uses l use bad language. Му sister печеr tells Joshua doesn't Steve соmе l comes home late every Friday. 4l Gomplete the sentences with the correct form of the verb iп brackets. '1 Оur maths teacher пеvеr ......,.. ....... (give) us homework. 2 .............. .. уоur father еvеr ........... ..... (get) апgrу? (play) football оп Saturday. З Matt always ...... (take) mе shopping at the weekend. 4 Мum often .,......,. 5 Sally sometimes (watch)TV in the evening. 185
I GOmпtеПепsiOп ic:D; Tra811 02 1) Listen to the recording then read and circle (T}True оr (F) False. 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 dress. The woman is trying оп а new The mап is bored. Не thinks the woman looks good. They look at shoes in the shop, The shopkeeper likes the grееп scarf. The wоmап tries а skirt on, lF IlF тlt тlF Т Т/ IlF F тlr They рау for the coat. l 1 lliа!Ogше 2} Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the Ьох. take them trу them to match gorgeous Let's go ] doesn't go ] - Jдск |'ve got а new shirt ElllB Wow, that's great! But it Jдск 0hl So l need some new trousers, too. ElllB And l want а Et-llB These look nice. Аsslsтдlчт Hello, сап l help you? ElllB Yes. l love those Аsstsтдпlт Yes, hеrе you are. Jдск 0h, l really like these trousersl ElllB Yes, they look fantastic, Jдск No. l'm surе they're 0К. l'll Аsslsтдlrtт Thank you, sir. Jдск Now l want some shoes what do уоu think? r............... coat! with уоur trousers. shopping! r........ .... scarves. Сап l see опе? but .............. first. 5 j 6 UsвIшl [п]аýGý 3) Circle the correct phrase to compIete the sentences. 1 Саlm dоwп l You're саlm| Dоп't Ье so апgrу! 2 3 4 5 l'm so Ьоrеd! l know, let's go l we go to the cinema this evening, Нmm, l don't like this green dress, Could you hапd mе l hапd the blue опе, please? l Dоп't hurry, wе'rе late! the matter? l Do you matter? Hurry up What's ls there something wrong? 186@ngross/Dеvitt|GetonStаgе!loНelblingLаnguаges I l
ýr, {ffiуь**-Тшrзф %*,ж,ýý л @В Tlac} 03 l Worksheet GOmшtеhепsiOп 1} Listen to the recording then read and circle (Т)Тrче or (F) False. '1 All the customers are polite at the beginning, ll 2 З 4 5 6 The first customer is not interested in the соlоur of the plate, The assistant wants to serve the first customer quickly. The assistant acts different|y with the second customer. The assistant is quick with the оrdеrs. Customers 4, 5 and б аrе pleased with the service. Tl Tl Tl Tl ll ]lIiпi- dialogшes 2) Complete the mini-dialogues with phrases from the Ьох, matter Please hurry lt doesn't А The cinema is dark, В .............. Wдlтев соmе Неrе we аrе let's l can't see mу was quick Great service friends-where аrе you all? l Now hurrу uр and sit down, the film's going to startl Неrе уоu аrе mаdаm, уоur drinks. that Nдомt Wow, Wдlтrв Would уоu like ketchup or mustard with уоur Ьurgеr? ....,. ! We опlу ordered а miпutе ago! J вгг llike Рорру l have to leave soon. lэоthl WдlтвR Sоrrу madam, we have а рrоЬlеm iп the kitchenl Wдtтвв Неrе'S уоur mеаl, sir. MlKB 0h, that's Sдlly РдutSдlt-у fantastic! ....... l l love this place. 0h, this is lovely. l'm rеаllу enjoying mу meal. N4е too. l know, ....,. here fоr уоur birthdayl Great idea! Usеtшl шп]аsos з) Match 1-6 with a-f. ,1 in here! ! ZI ЗП 4П 5П 6П lt's too hot а) We should соmе here again. The view is fabulous. Ь) What about asking Jane for help? | с) How about а pizza? want to talk to Josh about the match. What shall we have for lunch? d) Let's go and sit outslde. l don't know how to do this homework. е) Well, he could go to ltaly. Jack doesn't know where to gо on holiday. f) puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stage! |О Why don't you call him now? Helb|ing Languages EIIEIreEEEIДEЩ 187
{*ъИ;m *Ыж ý ý ý &н жъ* Wшжý &*bs& l Worksheet GOmшtеhепsiOп G]D, 1) Listen to the recording then read and circIe (Т)Тrче оr (F} False. ] 2 з 4 Traý& 04 5 6 тlF тlt тlF тlF тlt тlF Colin's family аrе tired of his rhyming. colin wants coffee, toast апd cheese fоr his lэrеаkfаst. Frеd wants Ьrоwп toast. Kate has some оrапgе juice. Colin wins а trip to Аmеriса. Another title for the play could Ье We all like Соliп поwt UOсаШшlаtу 2) Reorder the letters to make words аЬочt breakfast. Then write them under the correct picture. 1 2 З 4 5 6 7 В satto d v *ý-'* rife geg hesece d rаЬе 1 паgоrе ujeci l I 2 I ...................... rеdаlаmmа I mjа eutrbt ВiаlOUшв 3) Complete the dialogue with words or phrases from the Ьох. just Dдо Ашопвw Do уоu Would уоu like some HiAndrew, finallyl You're late! yes, please Апtопвw Sоrrу ечеrуопеl What's for Ь No thanks. l want 4 оrапgе juice, please. 0r perhaps rеа kfa st? milk ... по, оrапgе Dдо some toast? Dдо Маrlепе, how аЬоut you? Ашоввw 0h, Мдпlвlчв 0h, Dдо 0пе slice оr two? Ашопвw Two, please, |'m hungryl Dдо Here'S уоur toast. 2 5 some tea, please. Dдо Anything to eat? Мдпlвшв No thanks. ] want some tea? 1В8 1uice. IIIТ]ЕIМПЕИВЕ Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! |О Helbling Languages д ý
L "r^i,., Е l__a LЕ E-J ||. ,.ж" ,;,ж тýsея 05 1 l__ E-J 2 З п is апgrу with his wife. Ь) apologises to the officer. с) laughs with the officer. d) insults the officer. ice. Ьоrеd. The mап: The wоmап: а) didn't stop at the Iights. а) Ь) was driving too fast. с) stopped too quickly. d) wasn't driving. с) shouts at hеr husband. d) agrees with the officer. The wоmап: At the end: а) а) the officer is сlечеrеr than the mап. Ь) the mап is c|everer. с) is angry with the officer. lэ) laughs at the policemen. is апgrу with the оffiсеr, is u с) pset. the wоmап goes to prison. d) the mап was right. lUliпi-diаlоgшеs 2) Comp|ete the mini-dialogues with words from the Ьох. warning jumping losing giving insulting !F; !: F; lE= Е-= ЕЕ The mап: а) d) thinks hеr husband is fuппу. }:J l: -- eet Ь) is irritated with her husband. = t' -€F: h 4 The woman seems: с) d) L: гl l Wo rks а) апgrу. Ь) impatient. ц гl: Е; l 1) Listen to the recording then read and circle the correct answer. ц ц ,-:::,:, GOmшrеhвпsiоп ц ц , ., .,,, t , ..,,.,|i. |:,|'|l.|.' |'|.|;.,..|iiц,,t 6 saying Мдш What's the рrоЬlеm, officer? l haven't done anything wrong! оггlсвв l'm Jвшшу Look, l'm sorry Fвво No, that's 0К, it was onIy an old опе. Мдш Officer, l haven't got time to talk to you, l'm in а hurrуl оггlсвп l'm Jвпву l told the police оffiсеr she was stupid. MlKB Jвпву You idiotl Why did уоu do that? What happened then? She arrested mе .... а police officer. Том l don't know what Bill said, but Sophie's really апgrуl Lушш 0h, по. Bill makes еvеrуопе апgrу and just says'l'm ............. Сдтн for ............. .... your phonel l'll Ьuу you апоthеr опе. you sir, you must speak to me politely. fоr th in k'l Lrsд уоu а ticket for driving too fast. опlу .... what l What's wrопg with Jane? She doesn't look very happyl yes, she was driving hеr dad's car this mоrпiпghe was really апgrу with hеr for .............. а rеd light. lF: ЕЕ l-= lE l:1 189
{*;*:ýrеrр, Wtз*уУ"* l Worksheet GOmшrеhепsiOп ж1) Watch the video of the play then read and circle the correct answer. 1 When the shopkeeper says 'sоrrу', to the first customer, he оr she: when the second customer arrives, the first customer: а) а) encourages him to Ье is apologising. Ь) is asking the customer to repeat what he said iп а different way. с) is telling the сustоmеr to Ье quiet. d) hasn't heard the customer. 2 The customer: а) doesn't think he needs to Ье polite. Ь) is still in а hurrу. is very helpful. с) с) leaves. The third customer is very polite. а) so he is served immediately. Ь) but he has also come to the Ь) thinks the shopkeeper is being rudе. З rude. wrong shop. с) thinks he needs а magic word. с) but not polite enough. d) thinks he's said the magic word. d) so in the end еvеrуопе is satisfied. When the first customer finaIly asks politely, А good title for the play would Ье: а) How to Ьuу а saw he: а) Ь) Buying shoes is still апgrу. Ь) still doesn't know what the shopkeeper is talking about. с) feels lэеttеr than he did when he came into the shop. d) still doesn't want to Ье polite. The deaf shopkeeper d) Learning а lesson с) l ) j 1 Usеtшl шпlаses 2l Complete the table with one of the requests below. 1 very impoIite 2 З 4 5 i impolite печtrаI polite mоrе polite 6 very polite Could you possibly pass the butter, please? Good mоrпiпg. l'd like some cola, please. Get mе two packets of crisps, right поw. Would you mind getting me а bar of chocolate? Get mе а kilo of apples, ie* J 190 PuaПi;lcеingi l l es
'W,mrrшК Ы*,mtrе% & L*ъ:яшуз l Worksheet GOmшrеhепsiOп. lojD; тrаеk 06 1) Listen to the recording then read and circle the correct answer. 1 cupboard John puts Реrсу in the 4 Реrсу: а) that's where Реrсу lives. Ь) Реrсу likes it iп there. а) to behave well. lэ) to Ье fuппу. с) Percy has lэееп impo|ite. d) he doesn't want апуопе с) to say rude things. to d) stay silent. to see Реrсу. 2 When Реrсу comes out of the frееzеr, he wants to: When Реrсу is rude, the first thing John does is: а) use bad words. а) threaten him. Ь) put him somewhere с) Ь) have dinner. с) know about the frozen chickens in the frееzеr. d) go to bed. uпрlеаsапt. laugh at him. d) hit him. З Before his boss arrives, John expects lэеса use: Реrсу thinks the chickens аrе iп the Реrсу is. frееzеr because: а) rude to mеп, but polite to women. а) they've Ьееп impolite. Ь) опlу rude to John. с) polite to еvеrуопе. d) rudе to john's guests. Ь) John is going to eat them. с) they live there. d) John has forgotten about them. ]lliпi-iliаlOgшеs Complete these mini-dialogues with words from the Ьох. соu rse to way Dдчв Sдм l Hi, Dave, good ............. see уоu. The journey was great, п Dдо ks. Саrоl, did уоu rеmеmЬеr to lock the door? .. l did!You know печеr forget things Iike thatl JlM 4 Holly jo u rпеу? сдноl 0f ,.. Рдul right esso п Hello, Sam, did you have а nice tha Jlll into Jдскlв l to уоur head? l fell off my bike, and I wasn't wearing а helmet. But l've learnt - |'ll always wеаr it now! Тдвд my I What? There's по ............. |'m going to let you watch а film like that! Рдтпlсtд Hi, Gеmmа, it's mе, Pattyl Gвммд 0h, hi Patty, соmе ............. iп! Wow, jim, what have you done Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt Dad, сап l watch the film оп TV lаtеr this evening? Get on Stage! |О Соmе оп, forget about the homework. Let's go and hang out in the shopping сепtrе. No, you know we'll get ............. trouble with Мr Simpson if we don't do it. Helbling Languages EIiEIreEЦEIЦEm 191
l ffirжжffiffiжffi's ffiýrКfuffiжw ,|,ж ?rаси 07 l Worksheet GOmшrеhвпsiOп 1) Listen to the recording then read and circle the correct answer. 1 Lily is giving Granddad а) h) 2 раrrоt. роеm. а: 4 с) Rolls with а driver. d) painting. а) Ь) 5 At first, N/ark: а) hasn't decided what to а) uпсеrtаiп. Ь) confldent. d) lэоrеd. апgrу. happy. d) amazed. Granddad dldn't like the саr because. Ь) he doesn't need опе. с) the gardener's son needed опе. d) he didn't like the соlоur. 6 How does ечеrуопе feel about their presents? с) not surprised. с) а) it was too old. give granddad. Ь) had the idea of giving him а painting. с) wants to paint а picture for him. d) wants to give him а valuable object. З They want to make their granddad feel: f uппу. Ь) because it was delicious to eat. с) because d) because it talked to him. he could sell it. illiпi-diаlOgшеs said like it to so l took l'm going did she like lsn't it Julie's birthday soon? Нвдтнвп Yes, l need to Ьuу а present today. ... give her some perfume? Мдшпly вдтнвп Нmm. Perfume's 0К, l suppose ... (Д week later) 2........,.... ......,. her рrеsепt7 Мдшшy So Нвдтнев She loved itl l was so pleased! Sдпtовд Well, MlcHe1-1B lt was horriblel l hope it wasn't уоur idea! Сндп1-1в What happened to that пеw shiП you boughtZ Рвтв ]......... ( t the restaurant Nat took you to? 0h, l decided l didn't like the соlоur, - ... back to the l hеаr you went to the cinema with Ryan yesterday. Кдтв Hi, Samantha sдмдtцтнд That's right! Не asked mе at school, and l rеаllу like him, ... yesl Sдшопд Ашсеl-д 192 Come on Angela, switch off the computer and let's go outl No,6......"..... ппI.JтaтftтIЕппtl Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп .......,. play this game until l get to the next levell Stage! l о Helb|ing Languages f l shop. 5 r ) Why don't you Мдшпly Н l l 2) Complete the mini-dialogues with phrases from the Ьох. how did you so l l Granddad liked the раrrоt: а) lэecause he thought it was interested. ;
y&зе Рrýжсеýý аrхd &ýзе Жýжg l wоrk,sheet GOmшrеПепsiоп -м cD 1) Listen to the recording then read and circle (Т)Тrче or (F) False. 1i**ý 08 1 Rita is very serious about being а princess. 2 Humphrey thinks Flоrа should cJress mоrе аррrорriаtеlу. З Rita won't help Flоrа because she can't swim 4 Flоrа likes the otter prince. 5 6 TlF тlF тlt тlF тlF тlF The otter prince has а castle next to the footbalI stadium Neither sister finds а suitable partner. UOсаЬшlаrу 2) Gomplete the sentences with the words from the Ьох. 'l 2 З 4 5 6 tJ . next to the golf соUr5е. - when Those signs оп the mар mеап that аrеа is wet and muddy Don't shout at John, I broke уоur computer, - itЪ he's with his friends he а it's my Му dog never looks clean and tidy, he's always so .............., Ве careful with that old сuр please - don't .......... in fact. , [t, it's very valuable. Grаmmаr ъ-t + ....,.... Sarah spent ages looking for hеr golf ball in the l don't want to go to the football match with Сопоr becomes а rеаl ,........ complete the sentences with words or phrases from the Ьох. 3) +-r can't аrе allowed can't аrеп't al|owed сап F=il -J : -+ F_J 2 З -4 ъ :4 4 ъ s = f , Рriчаtе restauraпt Yоu ...,........ - по trаiпеrs - jockeБ апсl ties опlу .... go in there without а tie. Tourist maps of the city please take опе. You .... take а mар if you want опе. 'lt's по USe my аrm isn't lопg enough to rеасh the ring at the lэоttоm of the pond.' l ..... .... get the riпg, the ропd is too deep. ............ . ЦL:::..::::........... Ispeak English, so l to take your dog into the park. .........,... ... talk to the assistant hеrе. !: -l 19з
l fuК КУз* ffi*ыЖжжrж Worksheet А GOmIrвhепsioп 1) Read the play then circle the correct answer. 1 The doctor gives the first оrапgе juice: patient 4 The nurse. а) suggests some medicine. lэ) tells the woman to Ьriпg her а) to сurе the problem. Ь) because the patient asks for some. с) so the doctor сап see where the h с) asks the wоmап fоr some d) of [ers to build him а nice problem is. d) because vampires don't like it. 2 when the doctor sees the second patient, he is: nest. а) deaf. Ь) blind. с) silly d) tired. The last patient: а) is bitten Ьу Patient when the wоmап talks about hеr h eggs, The old mап ts а little: а) understanding. Ь) unsympalhetic. с) епсоurаgiпg. d) angry. з usba nd. 1. Ь) bites the doctor. с) takes some coloured pills. d) does some irопiпg. usba пd: а) at first the doctor thinks there's nothing wrопg. Ь) the doctor immediately knows what's wrопg. с) the doctor gives her some medicine. d) the doctor thinks it's f uппу. UsеIшl шhlаsGs 2) Match 1-6 with a-f. 1 2 З 4 5 6 П П [ П ! П 0h dear, l don't think l'll go to school today. | find it difficult to walk at the moment. I ] Yоu'II have to say all that again. | don't know why, but l can't sleep. Look at these red spots оп mу leg! | played tennis all day yesterday. а) Now mу аrm hurtsl ] Ь) l'm afraid l сап't hear very well. с) 0h yesl l think you've Ьееп bitten! d) lt's because I have а swollen leg. е) What's the matter? Don't you feel wel17 f) What's wrопg with mе, doctor? i ] l ] 194 ппr.тrпйIЕЕIТl Puchta/Gerngrossi Devitt Get оп Stage! lо Helbling Languages
I Worksheet В &К КЖ* ffiж*К*у'ж ]lliпi-iliаlOgшеs 3) Complete the mini-dialogues with the letters of the phrases below. test с) patient е) call ап аmЬulапсе Ь) take а pill d) make ап appointment f) prescription Мдх 0h, l've got а terrible headache| NuBsг Неrе,............, you'llfeel better iп а few miпutеs. Nuпsг Good morning, Dосtоr, there's а ...,......., outside waiting to see уоu Dостоп Тhапk уоu, Nurse, please send hеr iп. З Мн Ргпкttчs Well, Doctor, what's my рrоlэlеm? DocToH То Ье honest, l don't know l think vou'll have to 4 Мпs Wllltдмs So, Doctor, what do l have to do? DocToH lwant you to drink some of this medicine twice а day. l'll give you а а) do а 5 6 апd уоu сап get some frоm the chemist's оп уоur way home. (оп рhопе) Hello, IVr Atkins. ls уоur рrоЬlеm serious? RcccpTlolvlsT Мв Аткlпls No, l just want the doctor to sign а form fоr me. RгcBpTtolчtsT 0К, if you ............ уоu сап see him tоmоrrоw evening. Мдг,r 0h, look, that mап there has fallen over. lthink he's Ьrоkеп his Wомдпl Quick, somebody .....,...... leg! ! Grammar 4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the чеrЬ in brackets. ] l was ironing when the phone . (ring) 2 Shelly to Denise when Tom asked if she wanted to dапсе. (talk) З Paulwas buying а ticket when the train .,.,...... ....., the station. (leave) 4 Shаппоп hеr e-mail when the sсrееп wепt blank. (rеаd) 5 Соrаl and Аппа when Tim saw them in the cafe. (argue) 6 We outside when it started to rаiп. (stand) Usеfшl шпlаýGs 5) Match 1-6 with a-f. l ! 2 З 4 5 П П 0 П П ! what's all this glass оп the floor? а) Why is Gemma crying? Ь) Patty has told them а really good joke. lsn't your dog here? с) 0h, lап What's that smelI? She has hurt hеr leg. Ьа has Ьurпt the steaks оп the rbecue! Why are Pauline and Rhianna laugh ing? d) Еmmа has said she'll go out with him! е) |'ve Ьrоkеп а window. Why does _|ack look so happy? f) No, he's ruп away. Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | О HelbIing Languages ПIТТаIТ.7{ТtТIЕГalТl 195
] ffiжж ЖжЖжffiжw жж .ф. :.,,Ж,) тýi*st1 09 l Жжжж Worksheet А i GоmпrеПвпsiOп 1) Listen to the recording then read and circle (Т)Iiче or (F} Fa|se, 1 2 з There аrе lots of hotels like this опе in England. Mr and Mrs Davies last came hеrе 20 years а8о. Mr and Мrs Davies ask if they can eat at the hotel, 4 They go and eat in а Ьurgеr restaurant. 5 Мr and Mrs Davies would like а holiday 6 7 В аЬrоаd. Mrs Davies didn't want to say she had won the lottery, Ms Wilson thinks going to Rome is а good idea. Мr and Mrs Davies leave Rоmе because they don't like eating late. i Ilt тlF тlF Tlr Tlr тlF т/F тlt lliаlOgшс 2l complete the dialogue with phrases from the Ьох, eat would that's unbelievable а lэitе to we certainly so was l Wомдпt what's it alrout? |'m af raid l can't tell you jazz band Come оп, it's time fоr lunch. This place looks nice, and there's а little playing inside. Let's get Мдпl Wдlтвв Wомдпt ОК. We'll go inside, Excuse me, what's оп the mепu today? The chef hasn't arrived yet so we don't know what he's goingto cook! l'm afraid you'll have to wait а few minutes- l'm sure he'll Ье hеrе soonl . But,r.................Stil|,1supposeWecanhavesomethingto drink until he comes Мдпt Would you like to see what drlnks we have? . lt's hot outside апd l'm чеrу thirstyl Wомдпt well, if we have to wait then l'm going to read mу book for а while. Мдпl lt looks Wомдlч lt's а restaurant guide fоr this cityl l'm looking for somewhere to eat this eveningl WдlтвR . interesting. ........" ? (later) Wомдlч Oh, that was goodl l was so huпgrуI .. l But it's поt surprising, we waited for ап hour Мдпt before the chef arrived! 196 l l
ffiж Ж*ýýffiжу ýж Ж*ж* l Worksheet В lliаlOgше complete the dialogue with the correct question tags from the Ьох. haven't sдндн Амдшод Sдвдн уоu will she could уоu сап't they irn't ,h. lйt у* 0h dеаr, Jane lent mе her new sweater yesterday and поw there's some chocolate on the f rопt. She's going to Ье rеаllу Yes, she is. You know what she's Iikel ап8rу, Yes. l think l'll take the sweater to the сlеапеrs - ............? they сап he|p mе, Амдrчод РrоЬаЬlу. Апуwау, it's опlу chocolate. You've got епоugh mопеу for the з) bus, Sдндн oh, l,d forgotten about that. Yоu couldn't lend me а pound, ..........,.? Амдшод Yes, here yoU аrе. Yоu'rе luсkу l haven't spent it yetl Sдвдн 0h, l hope it'll lэе ОК. lf they сап't do anything she'll печеr talk to mе again, Амдшод No. 0h, Sarah, you know Jane's standing just behind L]s, u.....,...,.......... Gtваtiче шlitiпg 4) А friend of уоurs has соmе for а visit. Write the conversation you have when you meet him/her, for example: . . You hоvеп't сhапgеd а bit, have you? Your parents are mочiпg house, аrеп't they? yоu should also use the language you have sееп in this unit, Here are а few loeas: . . lt's so good to see уоu again. /f's so good to Ье back, I Get оп Stagel I Helbling Languagei 197
J Ж ЖЖж Жжжwffiу*%%ж-.u% l Worksheet А GоmшrchепsiOп 1) + П ! О! S Лt first the hairdresser thinks а) he isn't looking for а haircut. Тrrе girl says she сап lэ) hates his new haircut. с) thlnks he has mоrе hаir than before. Rfter his haircut the bald man When he sees it, the second customer When Knuckles comes into the shop When the police officer returns, the haird resser d) help the hairdresser make more mопеу. е) tells him to соmе back another time f) the girl has соmе for а haircut. uосашшlаru J l complete the sentences with words from the Ьох, l ьаrgаiп hairdo recognises customer rоььеr i ] 2 З Sоmеопе who comes lпtо а shop to buy something is а creative a """""", А реrsоп who steals things is а .........,... When you use пеw ideas in уоur work, you are being 4 The way you have уоur hаir is called а 5 lf something costs а lot less than you expected then it's а """""""" 6 The hairdresser knows who Knuckles is when he walks into the shop 1 l because he him. lliaIOgllc з) complete the dialogue with the correct letter of the phrases below. а) wait and see с) по funny business е) might as well f ) ап expert in dfirеуou-сtаzу getcutting мдвк Hi sally. Do уоu want to come and watch the school football team? Sдlly ,....#...Z Look at the weatherl l don't want to stand in the rain all mоrпiпgl stay at home and watch TV Мдпк Well, if you don't want to do that then we Ь) Sдlt-у Мднк Sдlt-ч No, l've got а great ideal What аrе уоu looking for? l.........l Мдвк What's this? Towel, scissors .. Sдt-l-у l'm going to give you а пеw hairdol ls that 0К? Мдпк . а......... . l want to look good whеп We gо out tonight. Well, yes. But hairdressing, Sдlly You didn't kпоw l'm Мдвк No, l didn't. But stop talking and 6.........! 198 t l Read the play then match 1-6 with a-f. l ! Z! З! : did you?
&Ж Жfuж Жжжуffiwжжжжyr% Gtammar 1 4) compIete Worksheet В the sentences iп the conditional with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 l You would like Kitty's boyfriend if you ......,.. him, (meet) 2 lf she had woken uр earlier she ............. the bus, (catch) З lf уоur dad ............ you his саr we'll go to the festival tоmоrrоw, (lend) 4 lf уоu cook dinner tonight l ..............,......... the washing up, (do) ..... me а text l would have known about the party! (send) 5 lf you .....you mоrе if you smiled! (like) 6 Dаппу 5) Grапmаl 2 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets, Example l bought 'l 2 З 4 mу bike two years ago. l'че hod mу bike |or two years, (have) She arrived at the restaurant an hоur ago. She ......,..... hour, (Ье) Не started wоrk as а hairdresser ten years ago, Не .............. "" ten years, (Ье) We've had оur dog for а long time now. We """"""' """ (get) Michael met Connie ages аgо. Michael Greatiuв ш]iting 6) Yоч see this advert in а mчsiс magazine, Write ап e-mail to Julie, telIing her why уоч think youU Ье а good person for the job.Talk аЬочt: . , . """ ап where you've worked who you have ulorked with why you think you'd Ье а good (know) lWANTED Hair stylist to thc stars! we need а уоuп9 hair stylist to join our team. we send stylists out оп tour with top music artists. we need energetic, creative and fun people to help us! j u l ie.edwa rds@sta rstyle.com person t'or the team 199
I Жfuж %ryж*ж Ж*жýжжжжжý l Worksheet А GOmшtеhепsiоп ,е# 1) Watch the video of the play then read and circle the correct answer, 1 2 4 'Take а seat.' mеап5. а) You take this chair home. Dorothy doesn't write down the drinks оrdеrs because. Ь) Please sit down. а) fоr her. 5 Lamb is frоm: а) а 6 When уоu want to оrdеr а drink уоu say: а) she doesn't understand the customers. Ь) the customers оrdеr too quickly lf the waiter says 'Сап l take уоur coats?', he mеа ns: а) 'Сап l hang уоur coat up for уоu?' Ь) 'Yоu should hang уоur coats up.' З ] 'I want cola.' sheep l l Тhеrе are по knives оr forks iп the restaurant because it is: а) for astronauts. Ь) '|'ll have а cola.' Ь) а hеп r l Ь) iп space. UOсаhшlаtу 2) Match the definition with the correct word. l ! 2 З 4 5 П the meat frоm cows the animal lamb comes а) sheep frоm Ь) smoothie hens you eat this, but it's liquid П а thick drink made of rеаl fruit ! ! the meat from с) soup Е l d) beef е) chicken Usе]шl пп]аsвs 3) Match 1-6 with a-f. i I 2! З! 4П 5[ 6! Do уоu have а table for five people? Can l see what kind of food уоu serve here? Would уоu Iike something to drink? Are уоu ready to оrdеr? I l Сап уоu pass me some Ьrеаd, please? Could you bring mе а smoothie, please? а) Thanks, l'll have а cola. Ь) Yes sir, l'll Ье right back with it. с) Of соursе, here you are. d) Yes, madam. Here'S а menu for you. е) Yes, of course. Please take а seat here. f) ] Yes, we аrе. We'll have the beef. l 200 llit.l(.I(ll]]7:l]lll Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! l @ 1-1еIIэlirц Languages
Жfuж %ryжжж Ж*жК Grаmшаr жrжжК l Worksheet В 1 4) complete the sentences with the correct word from the Ьох. ours yours miпе his theirs 1 2 З 4 5 6 hers l bought that CD last week. lt's .............. Му dad gave my brother апd mе that TV for Christmas. lt's ...,...... l'm sure this isn't mу dictionary. oh yes, here'sJenny's паmе on the front page. lt's .............. l'm surе this is the scarf l gave you for уоur birthday. Yes, it's l think that desk is where James and Nick sit. Yes, it's .............. Му brother says the laptop is ,.........,..,.. but it belongs to both of us. Еrашmаr 2 the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 5) Complete '1 'This is nice 2'Who З 4 - l сап .... (taste) lamb.' оrdеrеd beef?''We,...,..,.........,...... (do).' Аrе you rеаdу to оrdеr?' 'Yes. Му children .,... (have) an оrапgе 'Have you eaten all the sweets?"No, there juice and а lemonade.' ...,.(be)still three |eft.' 5 'What .... (you do) with that chair?''Well, the waiter said 'Take а seat'!' 6 'This is уоur waiter, Paul. Не .... (take) your оrdеr.' GleatitlB шlitiпg 6) steve receives ап e-mail from ап ltalian friend: Hi Steve, Rерlу to LчigiЪ e-mail using language you have learnt in this sketch. Му mum and dad аrе going to England for thеir holiday this уеаr - they want me to come with them, because they don't speak English. I said l can't speak English very well, but they don't believe me! They like going out to rеstаurапts, so can you tel| me what l should say? ls there anything l need to know about ordering food in уоur соuпtrу? Thanks for уоur help, Luigi :-) Puсhtа/Gerngross/DevittlGetonStаcell201
'Тlý,яr:'фf & ;ж тrаsк 10 цъ*',l,d ш{жmýз l Wo rks h eet А l GоmшrеШепsiOп 1) Listen to the recording then read and circle the correct answer. 1 а) апgrу 2 The man's mother suggests. When the son hears the king's decision, he rs: lэ) frightened Ь) ignoring the king of the east. с) playing the drum with а stick. с) sad The mап hides his mother. А good title for this play could Ье: а) uпdеr the floor, The kiпg апd the big mоuпtаiп Ь) The old mап апd the drum с) The kiпg learns а lеssоп а) lэ) iп а secret rооm. с) iп the mountains. З l а) putting а Ьее iп а drum. The king of the east wants: Е l The message of the play is that: а) а drum that taIks. Ь) а drum that whistles. с) а drum that sounds whеп а) we should not listen to old people. Ь) old people аrе fuп. с) we must treat oId people with respect. nobody beats it. UосаЬшIаrу l I z) Gomplete the sentences with а word from the Ьох, wise obev I scratch whole mighty scary 1 2 З when someone tells you what to do, and then you do it, Something that makes уоu frightened is .........."""" 4 5 6 l l l уоu that реrsоп. Someone who always has answers to уоur questions is very when уоu don't know the answerto а question, уоu lf уоu have а Ьох of chocolates and уоu eat all of them, you eat the sometimes уоur headl """"""""" 2 a1l'm sure l left my phone in your room. I ЗП Oh dear, оur teacher is going to give us а test tomorrow! 4П Oh, we'll печеr get into the school 5 6 202 П ! football team. | don't like swimming uпdеrwаtеr. Неrе, give уоur Ьrоthеr this sweet. а) Oh, that's bad пеws - l thought it would Ье ап easy dayl Ь) That's not fair, l haven't got опеl с) l don't think уоu'rе right, but уоu'rе welcome to lookl d) Believe me, that's not unusuall е) Well, Мr Sims says he'll give us а chance and let us play in the match tomorrow. f) a a usвlшl шnrasвs Му English friend says it's raining in Manchester at the moment. I t Ьох, .....,............ is another wоrсi for чеrу strong оr powerful, 3) Match 1-6 with a-f. a I , l П Е t lt's easy, уоu just hold уоur breath.
-Тfu* Gtаmпаt фlgуь* ;'", ol;,. ii " l Worksheet В 1 4) Comp|ete the sentences with саа can't, must or mustn't. ] ls there any way l ........................ make my соmрutеr work faster? 2 You 3 4 5 6 .........,.. l ,....,...... l ............ l ..........., l ..... bring mobile phones to school now, it's а new rulе. play tennis at the moment, l haven't got а racket. save mу mопеу because l want а new МРЗ player. sleep when there's а lot of noise outside. rеmеmЬеr to phone Nikki, she wants to talk to mе. Grаmmаr 2 5) Match 1-6 with a-f. l ! 2П ЗП 4П 5 6 ! ! Не doesn't like dogs а) who аrе going оп the trip to London next week. This is the shop Ь) that опlу works in America. The tеасhеr wants to с) that sells fashionable clothes. see all the students d) who plays in the regional football team. That's the girl е) that bark at еvеrуопе. lt's the team f) that won the national competition last year. Don't buy а DVD Gtеаtiше ш]itiпg 6) lmagine sоmеопе has turned this story into ап action film. Write the script for the advert аЬочt the film.The advert will Ье shown iп cinemas. Try to make the film sound interesting and exciting. Use phrases like: . . . Yoll've пеvеr sееп а Jilm like this bet'ore! The old people thought they were safe - they were wrопg! Whеп а king decides, it's time to Ье at'raid! Tell parts of the story - уоч сап talk аьочt some of the things the Ьоу does, for example, but don't say what happens at the very end! Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | @ Helbling Languages ПIlТПТПr.ТГ]lТlТl 203
yhe Кеъvеrd ýwr Кýrзdmеýý Worksheet А GоmшrеhепsiOп (F) False, t) Read the play then circle (Т} Тrче or '1 Fаrmеr smith is counting sheep at the beginning of the play. 2 з His wife keeps hitting him because she is апgrу, about а caVe The farmer frees the Ьеаr because he tells him 4 All the animals believe the Ьеаr is right, At the end of the story, the fox feels disappointed, 5 iп the wood with some treasure in it, тlr т/F тlr т/t тlr uосашшlаrу 2| Gomplete the sentences with а word from the 1 \4r Cole has lost his wallet. 2 He'll give you а """", if уоu find it, The best way to catch а lot of fish is with а """""""" to """""""""""" оUr chickensl 4 There's а fox in the gаrсlеп, he's trying l must buy some 5 l don't want these mice iп mу kitchen, f _) |'m 6 ............. into it а hole iп the gаrdеп so l сап put this small tree Grаmmаr going to, 3) Use the prompts and write complete sentences using 1 We / go / watch / match / TV this evening 2 This З l think / they gо / win / competition 4 Не says / he 5 You / go / play / this video game / with me? 6 She / not go / leave school / пехt уеаr i how / l go / reward you i gо / trap / fox
Кfuж Жжwжуffi ýжу Ж*жffiffiж%% l Worksheet В usеfшl шhrasBs 4} Match 1-6 with a-f. l П 2! ЗП +П 5! 6 ! ореп. l'm really hungry. Не печеr knows what time it is. Соmе оп, wе'rе going to Ье late! Paul's апgrу with ВаrЬаrа, and she's angry with himl t can't keep my eyes Гmmа rеаllу wants to watch а) lt's time they stopped being so silly! Ь) |t's time he bought а watch. с) lt's time we started cooking dinner. d) But it's time she did her homework. е) lt's time l went to bed. f) lt,s time we left. ТV. Grеаtiше шritiп0 5) Here are adverts for three products, Yочr friend has а hочsе and is having problems with all these animals. Write ап e-mail giving advice аЬочt what to do to keep these animals away. Describe the products and how to use them, Cot-go#7e Al{Tl (Ат рOWDЕR - сatý hate it! Automatic dog Ьаrkеr] о . Don't let Mr Fох соmе пеаr your housel When а fox comes near the special lzloofo unit, it automatically starts making а barking sound. о The fox wоп't want t0 stay around for longl lnstru(tions for чsе. * the best mousetrap money сап Ьчу. 1 watch for where the cat enters yoUr garden. 2 Put Саt-gопе powder all around the area. З Cat will smell the porvder and wi|l not come into your garden. Do not use when raining. Don't want mice in уоur house * but don't want t0 hur1 them? l)se Sa|etrap * simply put some cheese in the irap апd leave the door of the trap ореп. The mouse enters. the door closes, the mouse can't get out. Now rеlеаsе the mоusе alvay frоm your house. Easyl Puсhta/GerngroS5/Dеvitt|GetonStаgеll205
I i , ф GоmшlGпGпsiOп 1) watch the video of the play then read and circIe the correct answer. 1 The wоmап invites the man in because: 4 The wоmап asks the mап his паmе lэeca use: а) he's tired and huпgrу. а) she is suspicious. Ь) she starts to like him. с) she has told him hеr паmе. d) she is bored. Ь) she likes him. с) she isn't afraid. d) she thinks he сап do something for her. 2 5 The mап: At the end of the play, why isn't the а) makes suggestions about what to put in the sоuр. сап mаkе. а story. d) tells jokes. З in the soup is. L а) Е d) а) salt and pepper. Ь) meat. с) а саrrоt. Lь t с) The first ingredient the woman puts tЕ wоmап angry with the mап about the trick he has played? Because she already knew how to make the soup. Ь) Because she didn't expect the mап to tell hеr аЬоut the soup. Ь) iells her about the mопеу she с) tells her j t Because she enjoyed her evening with the man. Because she has forgotten everyth i ng. I I l uосаhшlаlу complete the sentences with the correct word from the Ьох. curious grumру suspicious rusty delicious honest Ross печеr tells lies. He's ............ Jеппу asks questions all the time - she wants to know everythingl She's.......... Don't talk to Granddad iп the mоrпiпg, he'|l печеr say anything пiсе until after breakfast. He'S ............ This pudding tastes really goodl l love itl l t 's . .. ... .. .. . t'S . .. ... . .. .. . . - поw look at all the horrible rеd bits оп the metal. I |'m .....,....... i = . l think that реrsоп across the road mау Ье а thief. 206 t ... l left mу bike out in the rаiп l t l
Тýцзэ't;,{ ?й;зýý %штх,;; l Worksheet В usеlшl шпrasBs 3) complete the sentences with the letter of the correct phrase. 1 Мmm, these chips аrе lovely. They could Ье ечеп better 2 |'m bored. l would have plenty to do ......... З l wish l couId talk to Georgia. l could phone her ........, 4 l don't know what to cook for Iunch. l know, 5 l don't know how l'm going to get to the сопсеrt. l know, 6 Му parents said l could do something special for my birthday. oh, l've an idea . . а) l'll ask them if we сап go to the beach! Ь) l'Il use those pizzas l bought yesterday! с) if опIу we had some ketchup. d) l'll ask Karen to take mе in her carl е) if опlу l had her пumЬеr. f) if only l had а laptop. Еrаmmаr 4} complete the sentences iп the first conditional using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 lf you put salt in the soup, it ..... better. (taste) 2 The horses will come to you if you .,....... their names. (call) З l'Il lend you mу computer game if you ............ to look after it. (promise) 4 We ..... to school if it doesn't rаiп. (walk) 5 l'm sure Сопоr .....you home if you ask him. (take) 6 lf they .... soon, |'m leaving without them. (not come) Grеаtiче ш]itiпg 5} This play had а happy ending, but imаgiпе the old lady wasn't so happy the next morning and decided to ca|l the police! Write the police rероrt using the answers to the questions below. . . . what time did the mап arrive? What did you think at first? Why did you let him iп? . . What did you do all ечепiпg? Why didn't you call the police bet'ore you wепt to bed? 207
Жfuж {fuжЖffirжж жffi& КfuжWжжffi l Worksheet А Gоmшrеhепsiшп 1) Read the play then circle (Т}Тiче or (F} False. '1 The chi|dren's mother needs some flour to make pancakes. 2 З 4 Tl Tl Tl Il Tl Il The wind lives at the top of Mighty Моuпtаiп. The wind gives Наппаh the magic chicken first. 5 6 The fаrmеr and his wife, Mavis, аrе good people. Fiпаllу, Bil|y decides to climb the mountain and talk to the wind. Billy wants the farmer and Mavis to steal his magic hitting stick, UOсаВшlаrу 2l Complete the sentences with а word from the Ьох. cheeky f|оur excited sensible naughty 1 2 З 4 5 6 Come on, Bil|y, stop being so silly! Ве handsome ......,....... l think Тоm Cruise is great! He's so .....,........,......... and he|p mе сlеап the kitchen. ! Little Frапkiе just told his grandma she's fat! lsn't he ........................ ......... really ,........ l need to buy some Му little siste/s ! because l want to make pancakes this evening. She hid my phone and put salt in dad's tea! Wе'rе going to the theme park tоmоrrоw. l can't sleep because l'm so ......................,. ! ВiаIOgше 3) Sammy and his father are having а shоЁ holiday at Кау РаlmеrЪ Bed and Breakfast. Gomplete the dialogue with the words and phrases from the Ьох below. lэe mеап to rеаllу want you Ou r favou Fдтнвв rite to Кдy Look, there's Kay's placel ............. 0h, r........... l thought we'd печеr аrriче! Fдтнвп Hi, Кау, lovely to see уоu. Кдy Hi, Steve. Who's this? Fдтнвн This is mу son, Sammy. Hi, Sammy. 208 Hi. Fдтнвв Неу, Sammy, that was rude! @ngroSS/Dеvitt|GеtonStаgе!iOНеlblingLangUаgеS Sorry, Mrs Раlmеr. Don't worry] Соmе inside and me show you your rооm. Iet l1................ l ) Sдмму Sоrrу dad, l didn't _j at last N ice meeting you Sдмму Кду Sдммy Typical have а nice stay. Аrе уоu huпgrу? |'ve made some ham sandwiches. Fдтнвн Lovely! ........,........... ] Listen Sammy, сап you phone mum апd tell hеr we've arrived? Sдммy 0h, l forgot to bring mу mobile! Fдтнвв ............ l
Gtаmmаt 1 4l circle the correct word. 1 EmiIywished t'or lto gold and 2 З 4 5 6 the chicken laid а golden е8g. Look, l don't want to talk to you, just go to l awayl. l think that water is very deep, Don't gо пеаr it - it's better to keep out l away. Oh, here you are! Don't stand outside, come iп lto| l lent you my video ga me last week, but Don't соmе into my rооm - geI off l са п you give it back l away to mе поw, please? out| Gtammar 2 5) Complete the sentences with the correct form of Ье allowed to or let, 1 we 2 watch the film А Here's а photo of that Ьоу l met оп holiday last month. last Saturday because we wеrе too уоuп8. В 0h, Nick is going to try to get into the сопсеrt without а ticket, but l'm surе last week, so now he they ........... mе see] N/y brother had his seventeenth birthday ..... him in. lеаrп to drive. Grеаtiче шliting 6) All the neighbours hear аЬочt the magic chicken so the local newspaper sends а rероЁеr to ask the сhildrепЪ mother what she will Ье doing with the mопеу, Read their report below then imagine you win а lot of mопеу in the lottery and write а similar paragraph. 'Му daughter wished for gold and the magic chicken laid а golden egg. The first thing I did was Ьuу new clothes for the kids. They really needed some. Then I bought а special little house Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt for the chicken to live in - I want her to Ье happy! Оf course, we а11 wanted to go on holiday, too. We booked мо rooms in а big hotel in Magoc land you know, the big theme I Get оп park а fantastic time! Now we're thinНng about buying some fields near here, so our farm will Ье Ьiggец but I haven't decided yet. I think we'll need а new egg!' and we had Stagel | @ Helbling Languages EIiEireEEEIЦEItr 209
ЖfuжWwж* ýжffiжж l Worksheet Gоmшrеhепsioп 1) Read the play then circIe the correct answer, 1 4 At 5 o'clock. а) doesn't want to рау the fаrmеr. а) the woodcutter has to go home, Ь) wants to рау the fаrmеr. с) says the judge will рау him. d) isn't working for mопеу. Ь) 1he judge is coming. с) the fагmеr gets his mопеу. d) the woodcutter starts his wоrk, 2 5 The farmer. а) picks up the other The woodcutter. а) wants to wait for the 1udge. Ь) gives the fаrmеr mопеу. с) asks the fаrmеr for mопеу. d) phones the judge. ахе. Ь) goes back home. с) takes the woodcutter's ахе. d) makes noises. З The woodcutter. 6 The fаrmеr says he's grunting because The judge: а) doesn't arrive. Ь) has по mопеу. а) he's working hard. lэ) he's helping the woodcutter. с) he's laughing at the woodcutter, с) doesn't рау the d) pays both mеп. d) his Ьасk hurts. fаrmеr. uосаьшlаrу Match 1-6 with a-f. l П 2! ЗП +[ 5П 6[ l\4y watch doesn't work. Vou can't keep уоur eyes ореп, This homework is so difficult! what's the film about? Hi, Peter, пiсе to see youl Here's а роuпd for Ayesha, апd five pounds for уоu. а) But that's not fairl Ь) Lупп, what а surprise - what brings you here? с) МауЬе l пееd to buy а new lэаttеrу. d) You must Ье very tiredl е) Сап уоu help mе do it? f) l don't know - let's see what James says, he's seen it. Grаmmаr verbs 3) Gomplete the sentences using the present continuous form of the in brackets. ..."""? (you do) What wood, (cut) Z l ............ ...,............:., а house, (build) З Му friend for the bus, (wait) а Ally and Sam to the teacher, (not listen) 5 Pat the concert оп TV, (watch) 6 Rita and l .......... 1 210 _.]
.{.|"_*,,*,?l ý".''|.,,,iZ -| \..?) ...r, 1.,;| ,./,..} |l.,..r2. I ll , l Worksheet А GOm[tеПепsiоп Read the play then circle 1) 1 (Т) Тrче or (F) False. The drama teacher wants Ruby to Ье the servant in the play. Ruby's parents are too busy at work to come to the play. 2 З 4 5 Ruby is angry because she is always so kind. Ruby has dressed as а Goth for а lопg time, Ruby's parents like her new look and аrе not сопсеrпеd Ьу people's reactions. At the end of the play, Ruby says she wilI change her look back to ап оrdiпаrу 6 опе and stop being а Goth. IlF тlr тlF тlF тlF тlr UOеаhшlаrу 2| complete the sentences with words from the Ьох. А mап оr boywho сап do magical things is called а................ (Наrrу Potter is one of thesel) lf the food iп а restaurant isn't very good, уоu should lf уоu аrе ап actor iп а play оr film, уоu kпоw what to say Ьу reading the 2 з 4 5 6 When you are busy every miпutе of the day, уоur life is.......... When someone Says something nasty about yoU, you feel ............ when you lеаrп а роеm so you сап say it all without reading it, уоu lеаrп it Usвfшl [п]аsGý 3) Match 1-6 with a-f. 1 2 [ J ЗП 4П E-J -ъ sП 6 ! Karen's |ate, l wonder This is the painting l did. l think it's good l mау not Ье free tоmоrrоw. |'ll see уоu in the morning Тоmmу is horrible to ечеrуопе recently! You know, а) if опlу it wou|d stop rainingl Ь) it's as if he wants to lose all his friendsl с) if she's missed the Ьus. d) if so, сап you tell hеr to рhопе mе? е) though l say so myself. f) if роssilэlе. l hate this weather. oh, Лrе you seeing Lily this evening? And ;J ;J -= ъ =] ь= ;J Get оп Stage] Helbling LanguagБ 211
: a ,;i,;э:|;;:;,;'.:,||, \.э|,;'', I WO rkSh eet В I Grammar 4} complete the sentences in the 2nd conditional using the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. 1 2 З 4 5 6 l'd finish this mоrе quickly if уоu The team .......... ......... Му dog ............ ..... mel (help) .... much better if they had а good manager. (play) l would eat this strange thing оп my plate if l .............. what it was! (know) Laura would опlу go out with Ted if he ............ .. her. (ask) I Usеlшl рп]аýGs 5} Match 1-6 with a-f. бп lf Ruby hadn't dressed as а Goth а) if you had Ьееп ready оп timel Гmmа wouldn't have got such good results in hеr exams Ь) if you had read my e-mail. с) the accident would печеr have ha ppened. we wouldn't have Ьееп late lf they had Ьееп mоrе саrеful you would have known about d) nobody would have noticed her the party f) е) if they had fitted mе l would have bought the jeans better. if she hadn't studied fоr hours every ечепiпg. Gtеаtiше шriting 6} Yоч are the drama teacher at RчЬуЪ schoo! and you want to present а performance of Кiпg Arthur this July. Design and write the poster for the audition. Things to include: . . . date of реrfоrmапсе the паmе of the play апd what it is about what the parts are - The Quееп, King Дrthur, the Wizard, the Good Knight, the Bad Knight, the Bad Kпigh|s mother опd the servant say а little about each part say how оftеп they will hоче to соmе to rehearsals say whеп the auditions will take place 212 ЕПr.ПТГaТtТIЕlТПГrТuсhtа/Gеrпgrоss/Dечitt I to take hеr to а restaurant, (promise) зп 4п 5п l .. mоrе friendly if уоu gave him а biscuit. (Ье) Connie would help you with уоur work if you 1П 2! i l Get оп Stage! l @ Helbling Language5
""'{,''*,rr.,:. {3r,r.|ýy, l Worksheet А GOmшtеhепsiOп 1) Read the play then circIe the correct answer. 1 Наrrу hasn't written his essay, but he says it's 'по рrоЬlеm'. Why? а) Не has written it, in fact. Ь) Sоmеопе is going to lепd him their essay. с) Не is going to steal jacob's essay. d) Не thinks the teacher won't ask for the Jacolэ tells his mother his trainers аrе filthy because: а) he was caught iп the rаiп. Ь) he was playing football. с) he was sitting in mud. d) they wеrе iп his bag. 2 eSSayS. The story: The other students: а) tells you what to do if уоu'rе а) аrе against Наrrу from the beginning. Ь) help Jасоlэ in the end. Ьu llied. Ь) tells а true story about lэullуiпg. tries to make you laugh. d) shows how nasty bullying is. с) аrе поt interested. d) help the teacher trap The writer of the play thinks: The teacher asks Наrrу if he has something а) ечеrуопе should fight against to tell him because he. с) З Наrrу. а) thinks Наrrу saw jacob break the bu llies. Ь) that bullies аrе 0К. с) bullies аrеп't а serious рrоЬlеm. d) most bullies аrе basically nice people. keyboa rd. thinks Наrrу has seen the film. shows what Наrrу did. d) trusts Наrrу. tэ) с) thinks the film Usеlшl ппlаýGý 2) Match 1-6 with a-f. 1! 2! З[ 4П SП 6П а) So, аrе you and Jennie boyfriend and girlfriend поw? Наrrу, wait, сап l talk to you for а mоmепt? Was Chloe angry when she read the text l sent? Do you think these trainers аrе сlеап enough to wеаr for the раrtу? What's that оп your face? Have уоu Ьееп fighting? What do you mean, you think l look fat?!? No, they're filthy! Ь) lt's not а bruise, it's dirt. с) That's попе of уоur business! d) l'd love to have а chat, but l'm iп а hurry! е) Sоrrу Jessica, it's not true, l was опlу kidding! f) She was absolutely furiousl puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel | О Helbling Lапguаgеs EIIEIreEЦEIцEIE 21з
@& жffi* l *а ffiýbвжw ý Worksheet В tпini-dialOgшGs 3) complete the mini-dialogues with phrases from the Ьох. leave me Nice 1 2 try alone оп l'll keep ап еуе оп him what's going what а waste of time ? Why are you both smiling like that? RuBy оllчlд Oh, nothing ... wе'rе just talklngl Тномдs Неу, Дlfiе, l went out last night апd didn't do my homework. Сап l Ьоrrоw уоur Jоsнчд '::'n , mate, lэut you know l never lend апуопе mу work! З SopHtB l don't Амвllд 4 Wllltдм Gвопсв 5 Yes, really know what l'm doing .....,...... - |'ll печеr fix this computerl ..... . Let's leave it and wait fоr Lily, she's the computer expert. Неу, George, what's the matter? You look sadl Oh, ............. .... , l've just had ап argument with Emily, and l don't want to talk about it. Сндв1-1е Неу, Jack, сап you look after mу dog for а minute? l want to go into this shop, and dogs aren't allowed. ...,. . Come оп Ьоу, let's go for а little walkl Jдск ОК, ............ Grammar 4| GircIe 1 2 З 4 the correct word to complete the sentences. l everything you want to tell me? Look, l don't want to talk to you. l haven't got sоиеthiпg l апуthiпg to say. Don't tell Flоrепсе about the party, will уоu? No, l won't say nothing l апуthiпg, What's the matter, ZaO ls there sоиеthiпg Oh, have you hurt yourself, Dylan? No, it's оК, it's something Grеаtiче ш]itiпg 5) 214 l поthiпg serious. write а letter to ап advice соlчmп аьочt Jасоьъ problem, asking what he should do, start like this:
ýпфояяб l Е*&ЁнФmrý€ Fъýýъ Е fi ваdЕЕъ#*рЁЕЁу Worksheet А GOmпrеhепsiOп @ 1) Listen to the recording then read and circle the correct answer. тrаеж 11 Sheri and Lisa have: Sheri argues with Lisa because: а) never liked each оthеr. а) she thinks Lisa willtellJamie, Ь) she thinks Lisa is оп Jenny's side. Ь) only just got to know each other. с) lэееп f riends for years and shared а lot. d) Ьееп friends fоr а few months. с) about Jamie. d) she thinks Lisa isn't being honest. Lisa thinks that if уоu аrе а fооtlэаllеr: Dyla п: а) уоu aren't clever. а) Ь) уоu'rе good-looking. is чеrу self-confident. Ь) isn't self-confldent. с) is too shy to talk to Lisa. d) isn't surprised Lisa wants to gо out with him. с) you сап опlу talk about опе thing. d) Sheri wi!l like уоu. When Lisa asks iI Sheri is coming to the rар show with her: а) Sheri thinks about she doesn't like the way Lisa talks Another title for the play could Ье. it. а) Дп exciting relationship Ь) Sheri gets her Ьоу с) Sheri's bad decisioп d) Sheri gets her rечепgе Ь) Sheri knows she can't. says she will come with her. d) Sheri has аlrеаdу decided what she is doing that evening. с) Sheri UOсаПшlаrу 2l Complete the sentences with words from the Ьох. а lопе crash crowd fool item I saw Zac and Еmmа kissing at the concert yesterday grou nded - l think thеу'rе definitely ап .... nowl Sоrrу, l can't go to the cinema with you this evening- l got а rеаllу lэаd school rероrt and поw l'm friends lthink з l really don't like Daniel's new 4 Don't talk to Ruby, she's upset. Just leave 5 Chloe аппоuпсеd her party оп Fасеlэооk, so about 200 people tried to........................ it оп Saturday eveningl he's in with the wrопg her............. No, 0liver, don't ask Amelia if you can go out with her .... of yourselfl Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stagel l for while, she'll Ье 0К. - you'll опlу make а О Helbling Languages ЕIiЦre!ЦIХЕЕIЕ 215
Wrýжыъffiжfuwр Grаmmаr l Worksheet В 1 з) Circle the correct word to complete the sentences. 1 2 З team lost 6-0 оп Saturday. They just didn't pul up away а fighI. \4у footbaIl l 4 5 |f you want to talk to Апthопу, he usually hangs iп l out with his friends in the music shop. l thought Abbie and Rick had а good l've always liked I\4elanie, and relationship, but l hеаrd that Rick is cheating ол yesterday l fiпаllу asked her out |'m looking forward to l |or Ihis l Wed nesdayl 6 Look, Carl, if you don't go to some of the meetings they're going to kick you ot'f l out of the school соuпсil. for hеr with Nicola. l know that the rеаsоп Dawn hasn't got апу friends is because she just isn't чеrу nice to people, lэut l still feel sоrrу with l for her. Еrаmшаr 2 4) Write the sentences using direct speech. 1 You said уоu were grounded. 2 ]osh said he wanted to see Ellie. З Тоm said he would send luliаппе а text the пехt day 4 she said she hadn't sееп the film 5 Не said he couldn't understand а word you wеrе sayingl Glеаtiче ш]iting 5) write а short paragraph about your best friend. Describe him/her and how long you have known them. say if you have ever had апу problems and, if so, how you resolved them. I l 216 ППrйrТПСПIЕВТt puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get on Stage! | О Helbiirцftrlguages l
= El -{ g ýдf ý &Jаяеаýап* ýеееY gý ýЕа ýq ъý ýq я Е Ё ъf Ё aBef il ёъёъръ 1 GOmрrеhепsiоп UOсаЬшlаrу Grammar 2 соmшtвhепsiOп lliаIоgче UýGIшl pnlascs 3 ý 8,ý я яъв 1) 1d,2e, Зf,4а,5с,6Ь 2) excellent, outstanding, superb, awesome, brilliant, wonderful З) 1 get, 2 forgets, З tells, 4 use, 5 comes 4) 1 gives, 2 Does ... get, 3 plays, 4 takes, 5 watches Smart Shoppers 1) 1т, 2F, зт, 4F, 5т, бF, 7F 2) 'l doesn't go, 2 Let's go, З gorgeous, 4 try them, 5 take them, б to match З) 1 Calm down, 2 let's go, З hand me, 4 Нurrу up, 5 What's the matter А Fast-Food Stal] ]lliпi-lliаlOgшвs usеIшl nhlases З) 1d,2a, Зf,4с,5Ь,6е 4 Gоmрlеhепsiоп UOсашшlаlу lliаlоgше 5 GOmпlеПвпsiOп lПini-Dial0gilcs ýr ý The perfect son 1) 1т,2т, зF,4F,5F,6т 2) 1 Here we are, 2 was quick, GOmшrеhепsiOп ý1 fia,ж Ёчьъd 5 Great service, б let's come З lt doesn't matter, 4 Please hurry, colin the poet 1) 1т,2F, зт,4F,5т,6т 2) 1 (6) marmalade, 2 (3) cheese, З) 7 (1) toast, В (4) bread 1 Would уоu З (8) butter, 4 like, 2 yes, please, З Do (5) orange juice, 5 (2)fried egg, 6 (7)jam, you, 4 some, 5 just The Ticket ]) 2) d, с, giving, 2 losing, З warning, 4 insulting, 5 saying, б jumping 2 d, з ь, d, 1 1 4 5 ба 6 Being polite GOm[lGПGпýiOп 1) 1 ь, 2 а, з с, 4 с, Usеfшl пП]аýGý 7 СOmпrеhепsiOп lПini-llialOgшes 2) 5 ь, 2 Get me а kilo of apples. З (example), 4 Good morning. l'd like some cola, please, 5 Would you mind getting me а bar of chocolate? 6 Could you possibly pass the butter, please? Parrot Learns а Lesson 1 с, 2 а, з d, 4 а, 5 с, 1) 2) бd 1 Get me two packets of crisps, right now. ба 1 to, 2 course, 3 lesson, 4 way, 5 right, б into 8 Granddad's Birthday СOпшrеhепsiOп 1) 1 с, 2 а, з ь, 4 с, 5 d, б Ь tini-llial0guGý 2) 1Whydon'tyou, 2didshelike, Зhowdidyoulike,4 soltookit, 5solsaid, бl'mgoingto Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage! | @ Helbling Languages 217
.," : :r:]:: 9 сOmрlGпGпsiOп UOсашшlаlу Glаmmаt 10 GOmшlGпGпýiOп UýGfшl nhlaýGý l0 lUlini-llialOgшes Gtаmmаr UýсIшl OппsGý 11 ЕOmшlGпGпsiOп 0ialOgll0 1l llialOgшG сlеаtiше шlitiпg 12 GOmшlGпGпsiOп UOGаЬшlа]у 0iаlOgшG 12 l UOGашшlаrу Uscltll шhlаsGý 21в :_ ý# .{:з,ъ.j :{ъ ý", ъi 1) 1c,2b,3a,4d,5a,6a 2) '1 e,2d, ЗЬ,4f,5с, ба At the Doctor's В З) '| Ь,2с, 3а, 4f, 5d, бе 4) 1 rапg, 2 was talking, З left, 4 was reading, 5) 1е,2а, Зf,4c,5b,6d 5 were arguing, б were standing Оп Holiday in Rome А 1) 1т,2F,3т,4t,5т, бF,7F, вF 2) 1 а bite to eat, 2 l'm afraid l can't tell you, 3 that's 4 We certainly would, 5 What's it about, б So was unbelievable, l Оп Holiday in Rome В З) 4) '1 isn't she, 2 can't they, З haven't you, 4 соuld уоu, 5 will she, б isn't she Students'ownanswers At the Hairdresser's А r) 1f,2d, Зс,4Ь,5а,6е 2) 1 customer, 2robber, Зсrеаtiче, 4 3) 1d,2e, За,4с,5f, бЬ hairdo, 5bargain, бrecognises At the Hairdresser's В 6) 13 i , : -, At the Doctor's А ttliting GоmшtеhепsiOп ,: 1) 1I,2т,3F,4т,5т,6F 2) ] bushes, 2hoo|igan, Зswаmр, 4fault, 5scruffy, бdrор З) 1 aren't allowed, 2 can't, З сап, 4 can't, 5 are allowed, б can Glаmmаt 2 G]GatiUG _: The Princess and the Ring 4) 5) Grаmmаl ý : met, 2 would have caught, З lends, 4'lliwilldo, 5 had sent, б would like 'l 's/has Ьееп at the restaurant for, 2 's/has Ьееп working as а hairdresser for, 3 got our dog а long time ago. 4 has known Connie {or ages '1 Students'ownanswers The Space Restaurant А 1) 1Ь,2а, ЗЬ,4Ь,5а,6а 2) 1d,2a,3e,4c,5Ь 3) 1e,2d, За,4f,5c,6b Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оп Stage] |О Helbling LangUages
L Ел ь ц ц 13 ц ц ц l Gtammar G]аmmа12 Grеаtiше ш]iting l4 GOmшrеhвпsiоп UOGашшlаlу ц F k tЕс UsвIшl шпlаýGý 14 Grаmmаr l Gtammal2 Сlеаtiше ш]iting 15 соmрrеhепsiоп uосаьшlаrу ={ Grаmmаr The Space Restaurant 4) 5) 6) В 1 miпе, 2 ours, З hers, 4 yours, 5 theirs, б his ] taste, 2 did, З will have, 4 are, 1) 1с,2Ь,3с,4а,5с,6с 2) 'l оЬеу, 2 scary, З wise, 4 scratch, З) 1d,2с,За,4е,5f,6Ь 4) ] can, 2 mustn't, З сап't, 4 must, 5) 1е,2с,За,4d,5f,6Ь 6) Students' оwп answers whole, б mighty 5 сап't, б must 1) 1т,2r, зт,4т,5т 2) 1 paw, 2 reward, З net, 4 steal, 5 traps, б digging З) ] We're going to watch the match оп TV this evening. 2 This is how I'm going to reward you. З l think they're going to win the competition. 4 Не 5ау5 he's going to trap the fox. 5 Are you going to play this video game with mе? 6 She's not/She isn't going to Ieave school next year. Е-a UsеIшl ЕпlаsGs 4) 1е,2с, ЗЬ,4f,5а,6d Greatiue Ur]iting Students'ownanswers tаt -l 16 Rusty Nail Soup А Соmшlеhепsiоп 1) 1 d, 2 а, з а, 4 Ь, 5 с ll0саDшlаrу 2) ] honest, 2 curious, 3 grumpy, ;д 5 The Reward for Kindness А 1s -r ;J б wi|l take The wise woman В F.t -_] tlt do, The Wise Woman А LJ !t-', 5 have you done/did you Students' own answers 16 UsвIшl 0п]аýеs Grаmmаr Greative шlitiпg The Reward for kindness В 5) 4 delicious, 5 rusty, бsuspicious Rusty Nail Soup В З) 1c,2f, Зе,4Ь,5d,6а 4) 1 'lllwill taste, 2 call, З promise, 5) Students'own answers 4'lliwill walk, 5'll/will take, б don't come -r 1l Fl сOmшlеhепsiоп UOсаhшlаrу rrt -t = DiаlOgцG The children and the wind А 1) 1т,2т,3t,4F,5lбt 2) 1 sensible, 2handsome, 3cheeky, 4flоur, 5naughty, бexcited з) 1 at last, 2 Nice meeting you, З mеап to Ье, 4 really Want you to, Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt l Get оп Stage] |О Helbling Languages 5 оur favourite, б Typical 219
I F i ] 17 The Children and the Wind в Glаmmа]I 4) 2 5) шlitIпg 6) Glаmпа] lllGatiuc 18 СоmDlоПвпsiоп U0Gahшlaly Students' оwп answers The Wise Judge 1) 2) Glаmшаl з) 19 1for, 2 away, 3 away, 4 in, 5 back, б out '1 weren't allowed to, 2 won't let, З let, 4 's/is allowed to ь, 2 d, з ь, 4 а, 5 а, б с 1 с, 2 d, з е, 4 f, 5 ь, б а 1areyoudoing, 2'mlamcutting, 3isbuilding,4arewaiting, 5isn'tlistening, бarewatching 1 1) 2) Usеfшl [nlasGý з) СOmшlGПGпsiOп UOGаЬшIа]У 19 1т, 2F, з т, 4 F, t, б t wizard, 2 complain, 3 script, 1 с, 2 е, з f, 4 ь, 5 а, 4 hectic, 5 upset, б Ьу hеаrt бd Good GirI В рП]аýGý 5) G]GatiUG 5 1 Gmmmаl 4) Usоfшl GirlA Good ш]itiп0 6) 1 helped, 2 would play, З knew, 4 would Ье, 5 asked, б promised d, 2t, з а, 1 4 с, 5 ь, бе Students' оwп answers 20 The Bully А Соmшrеhвпsiоп 1) 1 ь, 2 d, з а, 4 с, 5 Ь, б с UsеfшI шП]аsGý 2) 1 с, 2 d, з f, 4 а, 5 ь, б е 20 The Bully в з) Glаmmаr 4) ttini-llialggшGý GlGatiUG ш]itiпg 5) 1 What's going 1 on, 2 Nice try, 3 what а Waste of time, 4 leave me alone, 5 l'll keep ап еуе оп him something, 2 anything, З anything, 4 nothing Students' оwп answers П Friendship А СOmрlGПGпýaOп 1) 1 с, 2 а, з d, 4 ь, 5 ь, б с UOсашшlа]У 2) 'l item, 2 grounded, З crowd, 21 z20 Friendship В Grаmmаl2 3) 4) G]GatiUG шriting 5) Grаmmаl t 4 alone, 5 crash, б fool 'l up, 2 to, З off, 4 out, 5 оп, б for l'm grounded, l want to see Ellie, l'll send Julianne а text tomorrow/l'll send you а text tomorrow, Julianne. l haven't seen the film, 5 l can't understand а word уоu'rе saying 1 2 З 4 Students' оwп answers Pucnъ/CerrwosYOevitt rcet on sЪgе' l о гiеIыiпg LangUa8eS
I v, ,|a|, i 1l The children and the wind в Grаmmаr1 4) 2 5) CrBatiue ш]itiпg 6) Glапmа] l8 1for, 2 away, 3 away, 4 in, 5 back, б out 'l weren't allowed to, 2 won't let, З let, 4 'slis allowed to Students' оwп answers The Wise ludge 1) 2) Еlашmаl з) GOm[lGпGпsiOп UOGаЬшlаlу 19 ь, 1 с, 1 1 are you 1) UOGаhшlа]У 2) Usеfшl [hlаsGs з) doing, 2'mlаm cutting, 3 is building, 4 are waiting, 5 isn't listening, б are watching GirlA Good 1т, 2F, з т, 4 t, Gоm0lеПепsiоп 19 d, з ь, 4 а, 5 а, б с 2 d, з е, 4 f, 5 ь, б а 2 5 F, б F 1 wizard, 2 complain, З script, 1 с, 2 е, з f, 4 ь, 5 а, 4 hectic, 5 upset, б Ьу heart бd Good GirI В Gпmmаr 4) UýGfшI [ПlаýGý 5) GlЕatiuc ш]itinU 6) рlаи З knew, с, 5 ь, б е 1 helped, 2 would 1 d, 2f, з а, 4 4 would Ье, 5 asked, б promised Students' own answers 20 The Bully А СOm[lGПGпýiOп 1) 1 ь, 2 d, з а, 4 с, 5 ь, б с UsвfшI пПlаses 2) 1 с, 2 d, з f, 4 а, 5 ь, б е 20 iliпi-пiаl0gшGý Grаmmаr G]GatiUG The Bully в з) 4) шlitiпg 5) 1 What's going 1 оп, 2 Nice try, Students' оwп answers Friendship А GOmOlспGпsiOп 1) 1 с, 2 а, з d, 4 ь, 21 5 ь, бс 'l item, 2 grounded, з crowd, 4 alone, 5 crash, б fool Friendship В Grаmmаl2 3) 4) G]GatiUG шritang 5) G]аmmа] t 220 2) time, 4 leave me alone, 5 l'll keep ап еуе оп him something, 2 anything, З anything, 4 nothing 21 UOсапшlа]У 3 what а waste of ,l up, 2 to, З off, 4 out, 5 оп, б for l'm grounded, l want to see Ellie, l'll send Julianne а text tomorrow/l'll send you а text tomorrow, Julianne. l haven't seen the film, 5 l can't understand а word you're saying 1 2 3 4 Students' оwп answers ГuсrrЫСеrrцrо9оечiti I cet on staget l сl Hrclbting ianguages
фжж *Ж- w жý жy жyжfl * жжýffi ж t i I Thisguidewill helpyou selecta playsuitableforyourclass based оп itsapproximate runtime, the lеаrпiпg level(s) of уоur students, the пumьеr of roles and the I l language focus. то use the guide, look down the'performance time'column till you come to а runtime that matches уоur requirements, and then look across to see the паmе of the activity uпdеr the level it's suited to. Then across again to find the пumьеr of roles, the language focus and the play пumьеr. lf you рrеfеr to start with the level of уоur students, find that оп the top line, then go down tiIl you find an activity name; оп that rоw yo1l will find the runtime, the пumЬеr of roles, the language focus and the play пumЬеr. ! I I I I : ! ; I a l l 222 Гuсhъ/СеrпgюssZПечitl Get оп SйgeL сl нёlьtиg Languages
]N 'ra, '.Ф Ё € C\r !Ё lE а :6l: .€э сЕ , €э с ll5 ч э 69 l, Е a, Е, ]aD 6! с a) €t .Ф q, ll - !Е Chapter 1: Short sketches Present Simple, third регsоп singular, verb phrases The perfect son tlэ a} a, a9 €э a5 е оэ (Е =,й бlЕ :]tl ёl а = Е, ],сд] tB :Е] Е Е'l tE =al iЁЕ а сЕ ::ё !l r= (Е 2_5 2 р.36 р.185 1 з 2 р,40 р,186 2 Language for clothes shopping; making suggestions; telling Someone What to do Smart Shoppers А tast-Food Stall Ordering food; polite requests, and how they change when in а hurrу 7 5 р.4з р.187 3 colin the poet Politely accepting and refusing offers; Ьrеа kfast; rhyming pairs 6 5 р.48 р.188 4 з р.5з р.189 5 =д з The Ticket Gerunds; conditjonal 2 а poIogising Being Polite Going shopping; degrees of раrrоt Learns Lesson dad's rthday G rа nd { ЕЕ* -, Bi The princess and the Ring _.) -a Езý Ечý -l At the Doctor's 6 р,56 р.190 6 5_8 5 р,62 р.191 7 Giving advice; expressing intentions; asking if someone liked а present; narrating 4-8 5 р,66 р.192 8 Сап/сап'Ц Ье allowed to; making and refusing оffеrs 5 5 p.7I р.193 9 11 10 р.77 р.194 10 о 1л 10 р.88 р.196 11 4-6 12 р.96 р,198 12 Аррrох 1З 10 р,106 р,200 13 8 р.116 р,202 t4 р.122 р,2О4 15 р,127 р,206 16 lЗЗ р.208 t7 MedicaI expressions; past te nSeS Chapter 2: Medium-length sketches Pl Оп Holiday in Rome High-frequency chunks; tag At the ldioms; deciding what to do; y'-clauses; wlllfuture; present ьдI на i rd Pl t| Pi El 6 Giving advice; imperatives (affirmative and negafive) pol ite ness/rude ness а resser's The Space Re5taurant q perfect Possessive рrопоuпs; оrdеriпg food and dгiпk chapter 3: Medium-length plays based оп traditional stories tsr El The Wise Woman Fоrmаl language; must, con't, uлlеss; defi ning relative clauses 14 тhе Reward for Expressing intenfion j it's time + past tense 7 RUSty Nail SoUp if опlу; will-fulure 10 4 The children and the Wind Making requests; exclamations 8 2о present continuous з 4 р.148 р.2 10 18 7-t4 14 р.154 р.211 19 Min 10 7 р.165 р,21З 20 5-10+ 14 р.I72 р.215 21 Ki ts-: bJ ndness The Wise Judge EJ -. ;J l-*. t_- LJ uestio ns р. Chapter 4: Teenage dramas Good Girl Тhе Bully F riendsh ip Wi ll 1 ulure; goi п g to-f чIчrе Somethi пg/опуthi пq/поthi everythiпg; chunks of la nguage пg/ Expressions about people and relatio nsh i ps l- HJ Puchta/Gerngross/Devitt I Get оП Stagel ] О НеlЬПrц ranguages 22з
a_ !- L leading ELT authors and offers teachers, teacher The photocopiable Rеsочrсе series is written Ьу with detailed and innovative language learning materials trainers and teacher trainees lots of ready-to-use iп class instructions explaining how each activityworks Гт пг_ {'- rг- t-- г|с L-Гт j-- r_ L:--Тг ' L:- GЁnter Gerngross Herbert Puchta Ё Matthew Devitt Е апd teens, with 21 sketches and plays for young lеаrпgrs Get оп ýtagel is а photoeopiab|e !.еýOurсФ Ьtэоk Thebook!sorganiseciin4clearsectionstc:meetallyourdramaneeds: . . . . shoft hчmоrоus sketehes Ё пlесliцгп-lепgth sketehes mecjium-lerrgth plays teen dramas reeordings of 1 1 рlауs, plus The ЕVý eontains videog of 3 sample plalrs, аuсliо play with а grФuр of students, а professional асt6r ancl dirесtс:ц rеhеаrsiпg а а fi|m of еo-ailthor Matthew Devitt, Theintroducticlntothebookgivesaclearrationaleonwhyandhowtousep|aysinEйp|usarangeofшseful andpracticaltipsarrclsuggestionsonhowtostageaplay"AvarietyofphotocoBialзlesheetsallowstudentsto check соmрrеhепзiоп апd practise key language, ] SBN 978 _ 3- 8527Z,Z48 Ё Е lE lE 1с Е шш! ,шш з85 www. hel bl i п g lап g u ages, со rп Е Е