
WARNING There are no excuses tor unsafe handling of firearms, only regrets. Never accept or pick-up a firearm without removing the magazine, checking the chamber to assure it is empty and placing the weapon on safe. Always make sure the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction at all times. Never store a firearm with a cartridge in the chamber or not on safe. b'-ver store firearms and ammunition together, keep them locked up and away from dren or any incapacitated persons. Never keep a loaded firearm in the home, car, boat or R.V. Never attempt when carrying a loaded firearm to climb a wall or any obstacle. Never touch the trigger when working the operating handle. Never tamper with the magazine or use magazines not manufactured by INTRATEC. Never alter any components of your firearm. Never take medications, drugs or alcohol when handling firearms. Never use old ammunition, use only recommended ammunition. Never load or unload a firearm without assuring the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction. Never load a firearm except immediately before shooting. Never handle firearms without proper shooting glasses and ear protection. Never place finger on trigger until ready to fire. Never place hands near the muzzle at any time. Never point a firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot. When firing, make sure your “audience” is ALWAYS 5 feet in back of you and wearing per ear and eye protection. Never shoot at any water surface or any surface where a ricochet can occur. Never shoot until you are sure of your backstop and what lies beyond it. If the gun does not discharge after pulling trigger, do not change its down range position for at least 30 seconds, you could be having a “hang fire”. All malfunctions must be reported immediately and the use of the firearm discontinued until the problem is corrected by the manufacturer. If you do not understand how to operate any of our products or have any questions about their safe handling, please write to us.
9 mm LUGER CASE DESIGN Make Sample Wallthickness Suitability Norma 1 .037 Excellent NATO Mil cHi .032 Excellent S&W ; .029 Very Good Federal .027 Recommended Eagle .027 Recommended Frontier MESSI .027 Recommended Speer CCI .022 Do Not Use Winchester .021 Do Not Use *PMC .018 Do Not Use *.028 Wallthickness Manufactured after Feb. 28, 1984 Recommended. The chart above reveals the structural design of the most popular case manufacturers. Please refer to this chart before using any type of ammunition in your TEC-9. Do n^L use any cases with a wallthickness of less than .027, also do not use any reloaded ammunition regardless of wallthickness. The reason behind this recommendation is that, in all blowback designed firearms like in the TEC-9, as a round is fired, the case begins to move rearward as the expanding gases are at its highest pressure. At this moment a small back portion of the case walls are not supported by the chamber walls. Therefore, making the rear wallthickness a critical factor. If you have ammunition manufactured by other than the specified, please write to us and we will be glad to analyze it and advise of its use.
Threaded Barrel Upper Operating INTRODUCTION The INTRATEC TEC-9 is a radically new type of semi-automatic pistol, designed to deliver a high volume of firepower. It is designed and manufactured in the United States. Extensive research and compu- ter assisted development has been incorporated into this model. Thanks to the advanced design and modern high speed manufacturing techniques, we can assure low cost, without compromising quality in materials and workmanship. DESCRIPTION The TEC-9 is a semi-automatic pistol which operates by elementary blowback and closed bolt position. The sights are standard open combat sights. The push in type safety securely locksthefiring pin from traveling forward. Itcan be fired by oneortwo hands from most shooting positions. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Ammunition * TEC-9 9 mm Luger or j*TEC-9M Parabellum Weight unloaded 50 oz. 44 oz. Weight of loaded magazine 22 oz. 12 oz. Length 121/2 in. 1072 in. Barrel length 5 in. 3 in. Sight radius 10 in. 7% in. Muzzle velocity 1200-1400 fps. 1100-1300 fps. Practical range, off hand 50 yds. 25 yds. with rest 100 yds. 50 yds. Magazine capacity 36 rds. 20 rds. * TEC-9S SAME SPECS AS TEC-9 f TEC-9MS SAME SPECS AS TEC-9M
CONSTRUCTION The tube shaped upper receiver houses the barrel and bolt. The forward end is provided with "ventilation holes for cooling of the barrel and improving sustained fire. The left side of the upper receiver has a slot for the operating handle. The high impact frame forms the magazine well and grip. It also houses the trigger mechanism. The frame is attached to the upper receiver by an assembly pin and a disk at the rear. The bolt is recessed at the back to house the striker and firing pin. FUNCTIONING When ready to fire the bolt is in a closed position, the striker and firing pin are held in the rear position by the sear. When the trigger is pressed the disconnector pulls down the sear, which disengages the striker. The striker carries the firing pin forward, igniting the chambered round. Simultaneously, as the gas pressure accelerates the bullet, the case pushes the bolt rearwards. Due to the much greater mass of the bolt compared with the bullet, the bolt has only moved about 1/16” when the bullet leaves the barrel. On its way rearwards, the bolt by the combined actions of the extractor and ejector, throws out the empty case. At the rear, the bolt is stopped by the increasing force of the recoil spring and driven forward again. The bolt on its way forward catches the top round in the magazine and feeds it into the chamber and then the TEC-9 is ready to fire once again. The complete cycle will take .08 seconds. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Before proceeding to use this weapon a word of caution is in order. The pistol is as safe to handle and use as we can make it, but there is no foolproof firearm. Be sure that the muzzle is pointing in a safe direction at all times, whether the gun is loaded or not. Make safe gun handling a habit. Do not attempt to load and fire this weapon until you are thoroughly familiar with all its safety features and fully understand the operation of this firearm. LOADING THE MAGAZINE Press the cartridges down between the magazine lips. As with all magazines, a light tap on the back ensures a uniform positioning of the cartridges. "Not found on TEC-9M, TEC-9MS.
SAFETY Push the operating handle complete- ly in. This blocks the firing pin from traveling forward. •. 5OTE: The safety will not engage if the striker and firing pin are in the forward position. The bolt can not be cocked in the safe position. BEFORE LOADING Be sure barrel & chamber are clean and free of grease or obstructions. LOADING THE TEC-9 With bolt forward and operating handle in the safe position, insert a load- ed magazine into the magazine well, finger away from trigger. Make sure to pull out the operating handle from the safe position, and then pull the handleall the way to the rear, so the striker becomes en- gaged by the sear. | len release the handle, causing it to move forward and chamber the first round. Warning: During this operation, keep fingers away from trigger and be sure the muzzle is pointing in a safe direction. The TEC-9 is now ready to fire, keep finger away from trigger until you are ready to shoot.
UNLOADING Push the operating handle into the safe position. Press magazine catch forward and remove the magazine. Keeping fingers away from the trig- ger, remove safety and pull operat- ing handle out and to the rear, caus- ing any chambered rounds to be extracted. Work the operating han- dle back and forth 3 to 4 times and check that there are no cartridges in the chamber or on the bolt face. DISASSEMBLY With theTEC-9 in the unloaded con- dition, push out the assembly pin. Holding the upper receiver firmly, lift and separate the upper from the lower receiver. Using quarter coin unscrew and remove the threaded rear disk cap. Pull the operating handle all the way back to the oper- ating handle disassembly notch and lift and remove operating han- dle from bolt assembly. Additional disassembly is not recommended for normal cleaning and inspection. REASSEMBLY Assemble in reverse order. Note: Firing pin in bolt must be pulled to the rear and locked in place by pushing in safety before bedding upper receiver to lower receiver. Also lightly grease rear buffer to prevent binding before assembly of threaded rear disk cap.
SHOOTING Thanks to its dimensions and designs, the TEC-9 can be used in modes of fire impossible with most handguns. The illustrations below show four recommended positions found practical under extensive field tests. WARNING: If, while firing, a weak or softer than Normal Report is heard, stop immediately, unload and check for barrel obstruction. Never attempt to shoot out an obstruction, serious injury may result. Your Gun cannot be fired until the barrel obstruction is removed. If you cannot remove the obstruction please return at once to the factory for safe removal. For short range fast action Weaver-stance for distance up to 50 yds. Hipfire at shortest range Prone with magazine rest at ranges up to 150 yds.
MALFUNCTIONING Stoppages in the TEC-9 are almost invariably caused by the ammunition or its’ maintenance condition. Irregular or very short ejection indicates underpowered cartridges. Unreliablefeeding indicates damaged magazine lipsor unsuitablyshaped bullets. You should also avoid unnecessary dry fire, which causes the bolt face and or the firing pin to be damaged. General Rule: Place the TEC-9 on safe Remove the magazine Remove misfired or jammed cartridge If any of the above problems are not solved by cleaning, immediately discontinue > useof thefirearm and contact INTRATEC to report malfunction and return forserv^ WARRANTY Failure to return the enclosed warranty card within 7 days will void the life time warranty on this product. This TEC-9 is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for lifeto the initial purchaser only. During the warranty period, INTRATECwill repairor, at its option, replace at no charge components that prove to be defective, provided the gun is returned, shipping prepaid, to INTRATEC. This warranty does not apply if your TEC-9 has been damaged by accident or misuse, or after any service or modification by other than INTRATEC, INTRATEC shall not be liable for consequential damages. NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS PROVIDED. SERVICE Should your TEC-9 require adjustment, repair, or refinishing, we sincerely recom- mend that the weapon be returned unloaded to the factory. There is no other way to insure that the work will be done in a properly equipped and staffed shop. All returns must include the following information: Full Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip Code and Phone #. No gun will be accepted for repair if not complete or if received loaded. NON-WARRANTY Charges are very reasonable, being based on the cost of parts replaced plus a labor charge for the time spent on the job. A letter of instruction must be enclosed with the gun, and shipment by individuals must be made prepaid, properly packaged, via U.P.S. Adherence to these suggestions will prevent loss of time in handling at the factory.^ When your TEC-9 arrives for service, it will be carefully inspected, together with yo - letter of instructions. Next, a quotation covering the total cost will be sent to you. No actual work will commence before receiving your approval of our quotation. CARE AND CLEANING To ensure proper functioning, the TEC-9 should be disassembled and cleaned at reasonably frequent intervals. Preferably always after shooting. Use any good commercial solvent, and after cleaning, lubricate sparingly with a light weight gun oil. Outside surfaces may be protected from corrosion by coating lightly with rust inhibiting oil or grease. Be careful not to drop magazines, as they may be sufficiently deformed to cause malfunctions. Always keep ammunition away from gun during cleaning.

PARTS LIST 131 - Extractor 132 - Extractor screw 140 - Recoil Spring 144 - E-Ring (small) 151 - Assembly pin 152 - Rear cover 156 - Rear cover screw 160 - Trigger 161 - Trigger axis 162 - Trigger spring 170 - Disconnector 171 - Disconnector axis 172 - Disconnector spring 181 - Sear axis 183 - Sear retainer 185 - E-ring (large) 190 - Magazine catch 191 - Magazine catch axis 192 - Magazine catch spring 200 - Ejector 211 - Magazine body (36 Rd.) 213 - Magazine spring (36 Rd.) 214 - Magazine Follower 215 - Magazine Locking plate 216 - Magazine floor plate 221 - Magazine body (20 Rd.) 223 - Magazine Spring (20 Rd.) t 900 - Barrel *929 - Upper receiver sub-assembly f 930 - Bolt 933 - Operating handle 935 - Firing pin j" 936 - Striker 937 - Striker spring 938 - Striker spring guide 940 - Recoil spring - mini 941 - Recoil spring guide * 950 - Frame 957 - Threaded rear Disk Cap 958 - Buffer 959 - Buffer plate j" 980 - Sear 982 - Sear spring * Factory exchange only t Factory installed only For TEC-9 and TEC-9M parts add prefix 160 and part number above. For TEC-9S and TEC-9MS stainless parts add prefix 165 and part number above. WHEN ORDERING PARTS PLEASE USE PART NUMBERS AND FULL DESCRIPTION WARNING: Improperly fitted part may cause dangerous malfunction, damage to the firearm or personal injury to the shooter. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to have all replacement parts correctly fitted and installed. Care has been taken in the preparation of this manual, however, INTRATEC U.S.A. INC. is not responsible for typographical errors and omissions con- tained herein.
v viib/uil MWLiOOVniCO Complete the order form below. Mail to INTRATEC with Money Order or send in order form alone with no Money Order, for C.O.D. Cash Deliveries. Please Note: If order form is received with Money Order; shipping is prepaid by INTRATEC. All C.O.D. CASH Deliveries are not prepaid and will have C.O.D. Shipping Charges of $2.00. ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. TEAR HERE Please send me the following items and quantities checked below. QUANTITY ORDER No. DESCRIPTION PRICE 175001 20 rd. Compact Magazine-Blue 20 rd. Compact Magazine-Stainless 36 rd. Hi-Capacity Magazine-Blue 36 rd. Hi-Capacity Magazine-Stainless Deluxe Black Cordura case w/gold logo. 3 external mag pouches Recoil Compensator Reduces Flash & Recoil *Assault Grip Increases Control & Contort 1” Nylon Sling With Keepers-Black 6 ” Barrel Extension - Non-Glare Blue 24.95 175002 34.95 175003 32.95 175004 39.95 175007 32.95 175009 29.95 175006 29.95 175010 4.95 175011 39.95 *B.A.T.F. HAS RULED THAT THE ASSAULT GRIP MAY NOT BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE TEC-9 OR SIMILAR MODELS SUBTOTAL C.O.D. ORDERS TOTAL Check one: □ MONEY ORDER ENCLOSED □ SEND MY ORDER C.O.D. CASH 175011 Please Note: NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. ALL PRICES ARE SUBjCCT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. 175007 175009 175003 175004 175006 175001 175002
INTRATEC U.S.A. INC. 11990 S.W. 128th ST. MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186