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! / \ \ \l \ \ W"' ? z/ kSMNkV'* v// ‘ ' Harold, that's not what's meant by foreplay
FEBRUARY 2024 Volume 50 Number 10 HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM CONTENTS HUSTLER MIA TREJSI Talk to Me Photography by Steven Andres EILA ADAMS 15 Blowjobs Photography by Ellen Stagg KINSLEY KARTER Rainy Day Lover Photography by Larry Flynt Productions BELLA DONNA Bright & Beautiful Photography by ThisYearsModel.com FIONA FROST The Natural Photography by Larry Flynt Productions TARNEY & CANDY Desert Flowers Classic Photography by John Brant 30 LUCIEN GREAVES OF THE SATANIC TEMPLE Reporter Mike Adams interviews the founder and voice of The Satanic Temple to discuss the order’s fight for reproductive rights, religious equality and freedom of speech. Turns out that Greaves is actually fighting the good fight, defending the U.S. Constitution and, well, democracy. 46 HOORAY FOR NIPPLES! HUSTLER digs into its archives to showcase stellar pics of incred­ ibly beautiful nips. Let the titty-twisting begin! 74 COUPLES THERAPY The couple who plays together stays together—and really, does anything say “I love you” like a date with a sex worker? Be you BDSM-curious or simply curious to try a threeway, there’s a high­ ly trained, couples-friendly professional standing by to answer the call. John Blaylock interviews five excellent choices. 106 BABYSITTER SEX 2 These babysitters may be young, but they are far from inexperi­ enced. Photography courtesy HUSTLER Video. IL Zl 7 PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT 11 ASSHOLE OF THE MONTH 9 BRAD FRIEDMAN 13 BITS & PIECES 100 BEAVER HUNT 72 HUSTLER HUMOR 136 COMING SOON 82 HARDCORE SHOWCASE
LVVE AT Fl RST HUSTLER Larry Flynt Founder and Publisher Liz Flynt Chairwoman Anne Denbok Editorial Director ART & DESIGN Kelly Webb Art Director Morgen ‘Tex’’ Hagen Freelance Editorial Writer & Designer RECORDS & ARCHIVES Sean Berrios Product Licensing Manager Paul Berrios Content and Compliance Coordinator/ Custodian of Records NETWORK SYSTEMS Andrea Landrum Network Systems Director PRODUCTION Gina J. Lee Production Director ADVERTISING Wendy Camacho Advertising Production Coordinator FOR ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: HustlerAdSales@LFP.com Advertising@HustlerMagazine.com 323-951-7907 To model in HUSTLER, email S Talent@LFP.com. SUBSCRIPTIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-566-5760 HUSTLER (ISSN-0149-4635), Vol. 50, No. 10, February 2024. The U.S. edition of HUSTLER is published monthly and twice in August by LFP Publishing Group, LLC, 2029 Centu­ HustlerSub.com ry Park East, Suite 4200N, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Copyright © 2023 LFP Pub­ lishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Nothing herein may be reproduced in whole or inLFPpart without written permission of the publisher. Return postage must accompany PUBLISHING GROUP, LLC DOES NOT ENDORSE AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR all manuscripts, drawings, photographs, etc., if they are to be returned, and LFP Pub­ ANY OF THE PRODUCTS OR CLAIMS OF SERVICE ADVERTISED IN THIS MAGAZINE. lishing Group, LLC assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. All letters sent to HUSTLER will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and as subject to HUSTLER’S right to edit and comment editorially. Any similarity between persons and places in fictional portions of this magazine and any real persons or places is purely coincidental. All photos posed by professional models except as otherwise noted. Neither said photos nor words used to describe them are meant to depict models’ actual conduct, statements or personalities. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: For subscription customer service, call 800-566-5760. A oneyear subscription is $44.95 (13 issues). This price represents HUSTLER’S standard sub­ scription rate and should not be confused with special subscription offers sometimes adver­ tised. No international orders accepted except Canada. Back issues (available for USA orders only) are $15 to $25 each, postage and taxes included. Change of address: Allow six weeks’ advance notice, and send in both your old and new addresses. ATTENTION POST­ MASTER: Send change of address to: HUSTLER, P.O. Box 16537, North Hollywood, CA 91615-9355. Periodicals postage paid at Beverly Hills, California, and at additional mailing offices. HUSTLER is registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office to LFP IP, LLC, which licenses the mark to LFP Publishing Group, LLC. PRINTED IN CANADA. The publisher maintains the records relating to images in this periodical required by 18 U.S.C. §2257, which records are located at the office of the manufacturer, 2029 Century Park East, Suite 4200N, Los Angeles, CA 90067, custodian of records. All nude models are 18 years of age or older. Date of publication is December 22,2023. Cover photo by ThisYearsModel.com OR VISIT US ONLINE AT HUSTLERHOLLYWOOD.COM HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM instagram: @HustlerMag_Official twitter: @HustlerMag
PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT e are not paying our representatives to act like bullies in a schoolyard. In November alone, Kevin McCarthy allegedly elbowed one of the representatives who backed his ouster in the kidney. And Senator Markwayne Mullin nearly started a fistfight with Teamsters labor union leader Sean O’Brian, telling him “We can finish it here” and “stand your butt up”—in a Senate hearing!— over a social media spat. The situation dete­ riorated to the point that the committee chairman, Ber­ nie Sanders, had to tell Mullin, “Stop it. Sit down. Sit down. You’re a United States senator!” Are these fools the people we elected to represent us and govern this country? It’s like these politicians left their brains behind, along with any sense of dignity or decorum, when they entered the Capitol. And, yes, I am primarily referring to Republican politi­ cians—because, well, facts are facts. Need more exam­ ples of outright immaturity? How about Paul Gosar post­ W ing an animated video on Twitter depicting him attacking Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and President Biden? Or Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert standing up to heckle the President during his State of the Union address? As Senator Elizabeth Warren noted recently, “I used to teach four- to six-year-olds. They were better behaved than some of the people in this place.” It’s time for politicians to quick dicking around and grow up. It’s time for them to actually do the job they are being paid for. Liz Flynt Publisher HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 7
"5o sue me for trying to have a little fun at work."
BRAD FRIEDMAN DEMOCRACY’S LAST(?) STAND EVEN AT ROAD’S END, IF THE “PROBLEM” IS THE FIRST AMENDMENT, SO TOO IS THE SOLUTION. fter interviewing various MAGA types involved They were not trying to render anyone who was a Re­ publican or a conservative irrelevant.” HUSTLER’S long history of championing the First Amendment is documented by 1988’s landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling in HUSTLER Magazine v. Fal­ well, Milos Forman’s 1996 film The People vs. Larry Flynt and my own presence in these pages. There are necessary limits to the First Amendment, but those fighting for its survival must become more vigilant than ever to preserve a diversified media. Out­ lets exercising the Constitutional mandate to truthfully inform the electorate in the face of another rising wave of authoritarianism are disappearing. This nation’s role as a democratic beacon to the world could also be at the end of that very same road. A vibrant, fact-based media remains our best de­ fense against the liars, con men, autocrats and provo­ cateurs who hide behind Constitutional freedoms. Subscribe to your local newspapers, support non­ corporatized community radio and other outlets that TELL THE TRUTH in the face of the deadly lies of those hell-bent on destroying democracy and peaceful dis­ course. And for God’s sake, every time you can, VOTE! To paraphrase the Navajo elders, we are still the ones we are waiting for. H ily and friends. It was only while he was convalescing in the January 6,2021, attack on the U.S. Capi­ from a stroke that Sanko figured out how to save him. tol for her documentary The Insurrectionist Next Door, She unsubscribed him from the onslaught of emails Alexandra Pelosi—yes, Nancy’s daughter—asserted, meant to inflame and subscribed him to news outlets that inform. “They’re not bad people, but they have a different so­ cial media feed than you and I.” Sanko’s dad eventually returned to his old self. It would be easy to blame social media for the na­ I thought of him during my interview with former tion’s unmistakable creep toward the authoritarianism MAGA activist Rich Logis. “I owned a dozen Trump I’ve long warned of in HUSTLER, particularly amid the hats and shirts and sent money to his campaign that rise and fall and attempted rise again of Donald Trump. could have been spent on my family’s needs,” he con­ The prolific ravings of far-right zealots helped fuel fessed in an article headlined “I’m Living Proof That the most threatening assault on the U.S. government Others Can Leave MAGA.” and democracy since the Civil War. But the use of mass Logis described MAGA as a “cult” he “woke up” media to proliferate dangerous, albeit Constitutionally thinking about each morning and “God knows proba­ bly dreamt about.” His indoctrination by Trump and protected, speech that results in violence and lurches toward populist insurrectionism has actually been a grooming by fellow travelers became “all-consuming” problem for decades. as he was radicalized to believe that MAGA was “on Jeffrey Toobin is the author of Homegrown: Timo­ the correct side of history, and everybody else was on thy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism. the wrong side.” According to Toobin, the man who killed 168 people His eventual path out was “so simple,” Logis told in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal me. He began to diversify his information sources and Building in Oklahoma City was inspired by a book “started to realize, very painfully, that so many of the This will be my final column. My eternal thanks to those “about a right-wing rebellion against the federal gov­ right-wing mythologies I believed were actually the who have supported my investigative journalism and ernment” that he’d read in his teens. exact opposite. Democrats were not coming for our progressive advocacy here. Please follow me on the air Years later, McVeigh was touched off again, by guns. They were not trying to replace white people. (BradBlog.com) andon social media (@TheBradBlog). radio provocateur Rush Limbaugh, who told listeners that “the second violent American revolution” was al­ most here. After the Oklahoma City bombing, President Bill Clinton decried “so many loud and angry voices in America today whose sole goal seems to be to try to keep people as paranoid as possible and the rest of us all torn up and upset with each other. They spread hate. They leave the impression that, by their very words, violence is acceptable. People like that must know that their bitter words can have consequences.” Naturally, Limbaugh blasted Clinton’s response as an “attempt to categorize and demonize” those who the hard-right propagandist claimed had nothing to do with the carnage. Limbaugh’s avoidance of personal responsibility was echoed decades later in Trump’s efforts to absolve himself for the January 6 uprising after lying to supporters that the 2020 election had been stolen and that they needed to “fight like hell” to save their country. Everyday Americans were swept up by the lies, rhetoric and deadly exhortations of the for­ mer President, who faces decades in prison for his actions (not words) that incited the insurrection. Pelosi’s film brings to mind another: Jen Sanko’s 2015 documentary The Brainwashing of My Dad tells the story of a onetime liberal who had been radicalized by years of Limbaugh’s screeds and a steady diet of right-wing spam. Like so many interviewed by Pelosi, "The truth is out there, but not on Fox!" Sanko’s father ultimately became estranged from fam­ A HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 9
Jl w 1 N H e R S 'fa' t w "Sorryz honey. I'll be late for dinner. I'm busy doing the work of the American people."
ASSHOLE OF THE MONTH n this century, a radical watershed mo­ ment in American government occurred in 2010 with the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling, allowing unlimit­ ed spending on political campaigns. This deplorable decision equated mon­ ey with free speech, accelerating the tran­ sition from democracy to plutocracy (rule by the rich). Trevor Potter, former chairman of the Federal Election Commission and president of the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center, sums it up: “A single billionaire can write an eight-figure check and put not just their thumb but their whole hand on the scale—and we often have no idea who they are.” One of the biggest spending plutocrats is the reclusive Robert Mercer, a computer scientist and hedge fund honcho who donat­ ed a whopping $34.9 million to Republican political campaigns ex­ clusively between 2006 and 2016, accord­ ing to Open Secrets, a nonprofit tracking campaign finance and lobbying. After the Citizens United deci­ sion opened the floodgates, he joined the infamous Koch Brothers donor network before spawning his own right-wing money spigot, the Mercer Family Foundation, run by his daughter Rebekah. Daddy Mercer grew up in New Mexico, earning a B.A. degree in math and physics at UNM while writ­ ing computer programs for the Air Force Weapons Laboratory at Kirtland AF Base—an experience, he says, that left him with a “jaundiced view” of gov­ ernment-funded research (source: The New Yorker). Later, working with IBM Research, he helped devel­ op computerized language translation programs that laid the foundation for Google Translate and Apple’s Siri, but only after getting federal funding for the project from DARPA. Yes, big government is bad, bad, bad —unless it fills Bobby’s pockets with grant money! That subsidized project put him on the map, but he didn’t stay long doing productive, beneficial work; like so many other big brains in America during the last three decades, he heard the siren call of big finance and joined the hedge fund pirates at Renaissance Technologies, eventually becoming coCEO, where he pioneered the use of algorithms for hyper-speed computer trading on Wall Street. And made his fortune. By all accounts, Mercer is a socially awkward geek, described as an “automaton” by a former boss and once confessing to colleagues that he prefers the company of cats to humans. In his wealthy, Citi­ zen Kane isolation, he’s built a mansion on Long Is­ land with a huge $2.7-million model train diorama and launched a whole fleet of private yachts. And he’s co-owner of Centre Firearms, possessor of one of the largest collections of machine guns in the Unit­ ed States. Centre Firearms manufactures a civilian version of the German MP5 submachine gun with a 30-round magazine—exactly what America needs more of in the age of weekly massacres with as­ sault-style weapons! He once spent six years (from 2012 to 2018) as a volunteer sheriff’s deputy in Lake Arthur, New Mexico, all so he could reportedly take ROBERT MERCER advantage of a federal law allowing off-duty cops to conceal-carry firearms in any American jurisdiction. Lake Arthur was actually running a “badge factory,” according to Bloomberg, often selling the credentials to enthusiasts like Mercer. When not pumping out bullets on the private gun range in his Long Island mansion, Mercer has used his fortune as an assault weapon on progressive causes, funding an army of right-wing lobby and me­ dia groups: the Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, Media Research Center, Reclaim New York, Citizens for Self-Governance, Cambridge Analytica, a cam­ paign promoting the death penalty in Nebraska, the Brexit campaign in the U.K., an Islamophobic ad cam­ paign against the so-called “ground-zero mosque” in New York, and $10 million to birth the obnoxious alt-right Breitbart News. He gave $11 million to a super PAC supporting the 2016 Presidential candidacy of Ted Cruz before he dropped out of the race; then he bankrolled the Make America Number One super PAC behind Don­ ald Trump’s successful campaign. A former col­ league, Nick Patterson, said that Trump would likely not have been elected without Mercer’s critical sup­ port. The right-wing guru and former Trump aide Steve Bannon said, “The Mercers laid the ground­ work for the Trump revolution. Irrefutably, when you look at donors during the past four years, they have had the single biggest impact of anybody, including the Kochs.” It’s no wonder that Mercer avoids the limelight, because his opinions and beliefs are so toxic and batshit crazy that they would probably harm his money-grubbing ventures if stated publicly. But sev­ eral business colleagues have spilled the beans on what this cloistered fool says in private. According to The New Yorker, a former senior employee at his Re­ naissance Technologies hedge fund remembers Mer­ cer dismissing the risks of nuclear warfare, absurdly arguing that the Japanese survivors not incinerated by the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs were made healthier by the radiation! He was probably thinking of the controversial theory of radiation hormesis—that low levels of background radia­ tion might not be harmful, and potential­ ly even beneficial—but nuclear bombs do not emit “low levels” of radiation. Thou­ sands of Japanese died horrible deaths long after the bombs were dropped. In 2017, Mercer was sued by a former employee, David Magerman, over a wrong­ ful termination. Although the suit was eventually dropped, Magerman told the CBC that he had a conversation with Mer­ cer in January 2017 just before Trump’s inauguration. During the conversation, Mag­ erman claims that Mercer made a number of wacko racist comments on social issues, including that the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act grant­ ing full rights to African-Americans was a mistake; that African-Americans were somehow better off be­ fore this liberating legislation, and had been “infantilized” by it because of the supposed removal of incentives to work; and that the only racists in America now are Black! Try telling that to the fami­ lies of the nine victims murdered by Dylann Roof in Charleston and the ten victims murdered by Pay­ ton Gendron in Buffalo, all simply because they were Black! If all this is not bad enough, consider that this rich idiot is reported to be a tax cheat and tightwad. In the Paradise Papers investigation that exposed global millionaires stashing their loot in offshore tax havens, Mercer was named as a director of eight Ber­ muda companies, which appear to have been con­ stituted to evade U.S. taxes. In 2014, a bipartisan Senate inquiry found that Renaissance presented countless short-term trades as long-term ones to avoid paying $6.8 billion in taxes over more than a decade; the case dragged on until 2021, when Mer­ cer and other executives were finally ordered to pay that amount to the IRS—one of the largest tax settle­ ments in history. In 2013, three of Mercer’s household employees sued him for back wages, claiming that he failed to pay mandated overtime and had deducted pay for transgressions like failing to replace shampoo bot­ tles, close doors or change razor blades, according to The New York Times. The suit was settled out of court, but perfectly demonstrates Mercer’s detach­ ment from the reality the majority of Americans live in. He resides in a bubble of arrogance and wealth. “When the government becomes more like a corpo­ ration, with the richest 0.001% buying shares and demanding board seats,” says David Magerman, “then we cease to be a representative democracy and become an oligarchy instead.” The Mercers haven’t declared their support for Donald Trump yet, but with Trump a likely shoe-in for the GOP nomination, we can safely bet that the Mer­ cer Family Foundation’s current $88.4 million in as­ sets will be deployed to help put the Orange Orang­ utan back into the White House. It’s our job to make damn sure that this fat cat’s money is flushed down H HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 11

KIKIISOBEL: FAN SERVICE Once before, in 2022. Honestly, both experiences were so much fun and completely different in how they were filmed, as were the peo­ ple I was fucking. This latest one, in 2023, was my favorite just because my partner was behind the camera. And that facial—what a load! You have to see it for yourself. You clearly love the experience. Why? It’s a great way to make content that people really wanna buy! Real-life content is the best content, but also the hardest to get. So I give my fans what they want: the very real possibility of fucking a porn star. Follow Kiki Isobel! X: @KikiIsobel; Fansly/ManyVids: @Kiki_lsobel; IG: @Kiki_Xposed PORN FOR LOVERS Viewing porn is, for the most part, a solitary experience (please don’t watch it on the bus or subway, okay?). But sometimes it’s fun to play with others. The question is, what will bring mutual enjoy­ ment while not skimping on the heat? While double-anal gangbangs may be your jam, maybe the per­ son sitting next to you on the couch prefers something a little more story-driven (and slightly less intense). To that end, HUSTLER asked content creator, gamer and professional sexy person Ashlyn Sparks to share her fave adult titles for watching with your sweet baby and/ or friend with benefits. Viddy well, perverts! Pirates (Digital Playground): “An absolute must-watch for couples, Pirates offers a blend of captivating costumes, engaging narrative and sizzling, steamy scenes you’ll want to revisit over and over again. The first installment in the series features a legendary roster of stars while setting the standard for blockbuster porn. The sexual intensity is epic, and the storyline is enthralling. Pirates remains the gold standard and my top choice to enjoy with a special someone.” Unfolding (Adam & Eve): “Even if you haven’t read the bestselling novel by Selena Kitt, you’ll still love this faithful adaptation starring Cherie DeVille as the ravishing Charlie. An ideal choice for couples looking to spark conversations about their preferences and fanta­ sies. Unlike some fantastical films, this one offers a relatable, realworld experience.” Underworld (Wicked Pictures): “This film has it all: great story, stun­ ning costumes and tantalizing toys. From the real world to the un­ derworld, it’s a visually stimulating tour de force with group scenes that will leave you breathless. The unknown can be scary, but also erotic; surrender yourselves to this classic.” Luxure: I Offer My Wife to Others (Dorcel): “Luxure depicts the relationships we all yearn for, where fantasy becomes reality and partners delight in fulfilling each other’s desires. It presents a di­ verse buffet of scenarios, including a few surprises. The overall ef­ fect is one of self-reflection: What would it be like if I were to repli­ cate these connections in my own life?” Private Party (Digital Playground): “If Eyes Wide Shut is more your vibe, try this one the next time date night rolls around. Private Party is as sumptuous as it is a thought-provoking journey of self-doubt, growth and fantasies fulfilled. Personally, I think the idea of dress­ ing up with your SO to explore said fantasies is *>.” Lesbian Lust (HUSTLER Video): “HUSTLER titles have become my staple for lesbian films, and Lesbian Lust is a perfect choice. The two-disc set offers a spectrum of sensual moments and playful ex­ ploration with toys, not to mention some of the hottest performers. A perfect choice for Valentine’s Day or any day, especially if you’ve ever entertained thoughts of adding a third person to your relation­ ship. An ideal icebreaker (‘Hey, babe, how do you feel about three­ somes?’) or simply a steamy addition to your next night in.” Follow Ashlyn Sparks! X, OF: @MsAshlynSparks; AshlynSparks.com HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM Roses are red; violets are blue; I ’m schizophrenic, and so am I.” —OSCAR LEVANT, PIANIST Some people play Powerball. Others follow their favorite XXX hotties on social media in the hopes that they may one day claim the ulti­ mate prize: porn star sex that doesn’t involve a Fleshlight. Of course, seasoned gooners know that some fuck-a-fan com­ petitions are more real than others—often it’s more of a theme than an actual bona fide contest, and that’s cool. But still, inquiring minds want to know how it works IRL. Lucky for us, Kiki Isobel of Brisbane, Australia, was more than happy to pull back the curtain for a look at the mechanics of it all; apparently, sex with civilians can be good for business. The 26-yearold content creator, performer and cam model fields five questions about a fan experience like no other. HUSTLER: Why fuck-a-fan competitions? KIKI ISOBEL: It’s a fun way to get new fans to my platform while giving one lucky fan the chance to fuck me on camera for an epic video! What is the screening process like? Pretty simple, to be honest: To qualify, you have to be subscribed to my site. The winner sends me a pic of their ID, plus a live video verification. Then we meet for a quick coffee to plan the date and so forth; luckily the last one also lived in Queensland. How do you ensure your safety? Well, besides getting their personal info, I also had my partner film the video—which made it even hotter. I require a full sexual health test that includes the new Mgen virus; then I do a quick visual check be­ fore the scene. Have you done this before, and do you have a favorite experience? 13
14 HUSTLER FEBRUARY 2024 - DAHLIA VON KNIGHT PHOTO BY ERIC DIKKERSUN ■ ■ RAVEN LANE PHOTO BY CAPTURING THE VISION ■■ Red is the color of love, longing and lust. From lipstick to lingerie, it sends our senses and libi­ dos into overdrive. Sure, Valentine’s Day is a lame, made-up holiday; still, it’s a wonderful excuse to present the Ladies in Red: Sydney Screams proves a splash of color can go a long way. “Red is so powerful. It’s sen­ suality, femininity, hunger and anger all mixed into one. When I wear red, I feel empowered and confident. I can do anything, seduce anyone. All it takes is the right shade.” X: @SydneyScreams4U Let Dahlia Von Knight put some rouge in those cheeks. “I’d love to turn your bottom bright red. Can you handle the sting? Can you think of a better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day?” X: @DVonKnightXXX When Raven Lane calls, you gotta accept the charges! “Red always makes me feel so sexy. I am full of passion and welcome any opportunity to express my sensual side.” X: @RavenLaneXX Red in red? Erin Everheart has us seeing dou­ ble. “There is no better feeling than to love. Love yourself; love others; love the world and every­ th i n g b eyo n d !” X: @ErinEverheart Like her celestial namesake, Nina Nova brings the heat. “I’m red-hot, burning like a superno­ va. This Valentine’s Day, let me send you into orbit.” X: @NinaNovaXOXO Rachel Rampage demands your fealty. “Sub­ mit to the Red Queen.” X: @_RachelRampage Madalynn Raye is a little tied up right now. “Rosy-cheeked and gagged, I remind myself that immobility is a gift and how the cardinal rule of being bound is to try and enjoy it—even (espe­ cially?) the drooling.” X: @MadalynnRaye After careful consideration, we agree with Alexa Payne: Pink is a kind of red. “Pink has al­ ways been my favorite color. It ignites my senses and makes me feel more confident, sexy. This Valentine’s Day, remember we are most alive when we are in love!” X: @AlexaPayneXX When you love red as much as Onyx Muse does, it’s hard not to wear your heart on your sleeve. “Red isn’t just another color to wear— it’s the shade of my aura and a lifestyle that evokes, ‘Love me!”’ X: @OnyxMuseXXX Feeling dirty? Get wet with Goddess Elektra & Luna the Ghost. “Drown in our debauched desires.” X: Elektra @GoddessElektra; IG: Luna @LunatheGhOst ERIN EVERHEART PHOTO BY DEAN CAPTURE For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.” —CARL SAGAN, ASTRONOMER BETTER OFF RED
You can’t blame gravity for falling in love” "C'mon...it's sex, Ralph...everybody wins!" HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM -ALBERT EINSTEIN, PHYSICIST "Let's schedule some meetings to see if there's a chance to save this little ol' marriage of yours." 15
From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate." —SOCRATES, PHILOSOPHER TALES FROM THE CUT: SPENCER BRADLEY 16 Powerhouse performer Spencer Bradley joins the Clit Bri­ gade and delivers an absolute scorcher with this tale of casual creampies and life-changing pussy: “It started out like any other day: I woke up and left my then-boyfriend, B, in bed to rest while I did my makeup. I squeezed into my crop top and miniskirt, then headed off to hook up with one of my fuck buddies in a Sprinter van. “Inside the van, he had an assortment of dildos and vibra­ tors laid out for me. We watched my most extreme bondage video while sucking and fucking each other to completion—I came at least three times before I said my goodbyes and went to meet my boyfriend. “I got back just in time to grab a few drinks with him at a pub during his break from work. And of course, after a few drinks, I had to pee. At this point we were already walking back to his gig at a popular music supply chain where the public restrooms had been closed for a week due to flooding. I could have simply walked back 30 feet to use the restrooms in the bar we just left, but B insisted I use the employee bathroom—I was completely oblivious to his plan. “He opened the door to the stall while I was still sitting on the toilet and let himself in. Innocent me still hadn’t caught on to what he was doing. B was very work-oriented, responsible and had just earned a promotion—a workplace romp was something I never would have thought possible! Especially considering how I had near­ ly gotten him fired a few weeks prior for drawing an ejaculating pe­ nis on the office whiteboard. “As I was pulling up my jeans, he moved in for some face-sucking and bent me over the changing table. Then he pulled out his phone and started recording! He spat on his palm and wiped it over my throbbing hole. I began to rub my clit and came shortly after he started pumping inside of me. It wasn’t long before he pulled out and told me to get on my knees. Smiling ear-to-ear, I let him release his load all over my face to wrap up our public sex tape. But still that wasn’t enough. “Immediately after, we went to the bar again while he was still on the clock. We caught our second buzz and headed back to his car in the work parking lot. This was early afternoon in SoCal, and B didn’t have tinted windows. The sex was rough and loud. He came deep inside me, and my eyes rolled back as I felt his cock pulse with each spray. We kissed and parted ways. “Two weeks went by, and it was looking like we had gotten away with it. But the security guard at the store snitched us out to corpo­ rate, telling them that we were in the bathroom together for a while. That day, B’s keys got taken away, and he was informed there would be an investigation. He didn’t get fired, but knowing his recent pro­ motion would just suck him deeper into a job he already hated, B sent his resignation email that evening. And that’s the story of how my pussy changed a man’s life. Hope you found your dream job, B!” Follow Spencer Bradley! X: @SpencerBradleyX BAD DAD The Republican Party and its far-right base are, if anything, predict­ able. Their strategy basically boils down to one trope: “Accuse the other of that you are guilty.” That this is a quote attributed to Joseph Goebbels should come as no surprise, especially in learning about Mike Johnson’s creepy relationship with his son. The newly elected House speaker is an election-denying, anti-LGBTQ, Christian nationalist who once claimed that school shoot­ ings could be blamed on abortion and teaching evolution (source: Rolling Stone), so you know there’s got to be some profoundly weird shit going on under the hood. And how! In a resurfaced clip on X, Johnson—speaking to a Bap­ tist congregation in 2022—shared how he installed “accountability software” called Covenant Eyes to prevent his precious eyeballs from coming into contact with any sort of unsavory online content. Should he transgress, a report is sent directly to his accountability partner: Johnson’s son, who was 17 years old. Jesus fucking Christ. HUSTLER FEBRUARY 2024 He went on to boast that he and his son both had a “clean slate,” meaning neither of them consumed any porn. So you might be thinking, where is the hypocrisy in that? Why invoke Goebbels if he’s true to his word? Because of the subtext, my friends. If this idiot is willing to pay for third-party Big Brother monitoring on all his devices and his son’s, well, then it’s a good bet that he enjoys porn. Think about it: If you hate Brussels sprouts, you’re not going to install an app on your phone that triggers a proximity warn­ ing. The implication here is that he is denying himself, not trying to keep adult content at bay. There is an ocean of difference between the two; you’re not tempted by something you don’t like. But this is all speculative. The real takeaway here is how utterly creepy it is that a father thinks it’s okay to have this kind of relationship with his underage son. Yes, parents should talk to their children about porn and consent; but putting kids in a position where they might come face-to-face with their parent’s porn preferences? Pure ick.

/ ■* ’ ' V. Er / *' __ - ic; fi TALK TO ME PHOTOGRAPHY BY STEVEN ANDRES

like to talk, and I talk a lot. I m funny and cheer­ ful—at least I think so—and I’m into trying new things. Like not too long ago, my boy­ friend and I had sex in the woods. That’s the first time I had ever done it in nature, and it was a huge deal for me, because I’m terribly scared of snakes and frogs. “I’ve long known that I am a sexual person, so performing in porn has been a ton of fun, and I love shooting scenes. But the sex I have on set is different from sex in my personal life. When I’m at work, I have a professional approach, and I know it’s my job to perform. But when I’m at home, I make love. The best sex is when you’re totally relaxed and have all the time in the world to enjoy it.”

MIA’S VITAL FACTS hometown: Buchach, Ukraine age: 24 height: 5-8 measurements: 34B-22-34 favorite position: Doggy K®?«•' • z:«5?.¥ <
■fz O'* VW X. > ' / Sgk V 1 u SA-. V W' ; KKv*'■ ’ lw J ' , •* ' -.■■ -W-

THE SATANIC TEMPLE INTERVIEW BY MIKE ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY BY BECKY DIGIGLIO If you ask Lucien Greaves, tyranny has infected America, the socalled land of the free, with a conservative strain of godly gonorrhea. A nation under one God, Greaves contends, has crippled indepen­ dence as our forefathers intended. Recent attacks on the First Amend­ ment and the reversal of Roe v. Wade are perfect examples. Since 2013, Greaves—cofounder and voice of the Salem, Mas­ sachusetts-based religious order the Satanic Temple—has been on the front lines of a fierce battle between good and evil, promot­ ing pluralism above all else: the notion that every American—in spite of their religious beliefs, race or sexual orientation—be permitted to preach to their respective choir in the public square and without prejudice. It’s a war waged by the Satanic Temple through political activism and good old-fashioned blasphemy. Whether it is tea-bag­ ging the gravestone of Reverend Fred Phelps’s mother in response to the hate-filled shenanigans of the Westboro Baptist Church, dis­ puting a Ten Commandments monument at a state capitol or duking it out in the courts over reproductive rights, Greaves and the Sa­ tanic Temple have become protectors of a novel ethos demanding that the government respect a separation of church and state. HUSTLER Magazine recently sat down with Greaves to find out what it’s go­ ing to take for the U.S. Constitution and the people it is designed to serve to overcome the sacerdotal slaying of our democracy. »
USTLER: Some people believe Satanists eat babies and perform human sacrifice. What is the biggest miscon­ ception about the Satanic Temple? LUCIEN GREAVES: I’m not concerned with the people who think we eat babies and engage in human sacrifice. Those people have been living in a fantasy world for so long, and nothing can cor­ rect them. Even when they see what we’re actually doing, they think it’s some kind of artifice that covers up the real agenda or, at best, that we don’t really understand what Satanism is and we’re just con­ fusing people from understanding that it can only lead to evil and depraved acts. For people who are more reasonable, sometimes the most common misperception is that we’re not actually a religious or­ ganization and we’re just a legal tactic trying to leverage the idea of religion to gain the kind of exemptions and privileges that are had by Christian nationalists. That’s not true. Even though we’re up front about being nontheistic—we don’t believe in a supernatural Satan, and we don’t endorse supernaturalism of any kind; we view it as a metaphor­ ical construct by which we contextualize our community and our eth­ ics—we’re very much a religious community, and we hold to our val­ ues as deeply and strongly as any religion could or should. Anton LaVey of the Church of Satan believed Christians practiced basic Satanism in their everyday life, but only sneered at the reli­ gion because it was called by the wrong name. What do you think? I believe that was true of LaVey. The Church of Satan likes to say that we’re a political group and that they’re apolitical. The reality is that LaVey’s positions were far more political than the Satanic Temple’s. The Satanic Temple has these values, and we will fight for them in the courts, and in that way we’re considered political. But we really don’t align very clearly with any political party—whereas LaVey defined his Satanism as Ayn Rand with ceremonial trappings. It was very similar to libertarianism, which looked a lot different for a time and now is more associated with extreme right-wing politics. He probably recog­ nized that the Christian right was moving toward embracing Ayn Rand’s ideals, but certainly not her atheism, embracing this idea of libertarian social Darwinism. But I think now the Christian nationalist movement in the United States ironically does invoke language that sounds almost indistinguishable from LaVeyanism. The Satanic Temple’s Fourth Tenet states, “The freedoms of oth­ ers should be respected, including the freedom to offend.” The cancel culture is doing a pretty good job of infringing on that right. Why is it so important that this country not lose its willingness to offend others? I think it’s really remarkable to have people asking me all the time why we defend the freedom to offend. Why would we take this position when so many people are hurt by hate speech? But asking that ques­ tion of us really ignores the obvious reality of who we are. Every time we try to do anything, somebody is claiming that we should be shut down. They try to silence us in advance. To me, the idea of being paint­ ed with certain intentions that you don’t hold before you’re able to speak and vindicate yourself is horrific. We really need to defend the free speech rights even of those who offend us the most deeply. The Satanic Temple has defended the free speech rights of our opposition directly in certain cases, not because we agree with anything they’re saying, but because we don’t feel 32 HUSTLER FEBRUARY 2024 there’s any place for the government to regulate and inhibit those discussions. We think those discussions help people evolve and grow. If you’re not trying to make your point in a way where you can change people’s opinions, but just speaking to the choir, you’re not really help­ ing grow your community or society. Free speech is a vital component of pluralism and liberal democracy and enlightenment values. If we’re going to ignore any component of that, it’s to the detriment of all the rest of it. Attacks on free speech are increasing. Art exhibits, books and drag shows have all been targeted. In some states, legislation has been considered that would force journalists to register with the state for criticizing public officials. Surveys show that support for free speech is on the decline in the U.S. Why is treating free speech as an expendable right so problematic? What people don’t understand is that laws are based on principles. They think everything is taken on a case-by-case basis and can be decided on convenience. They never think about how prohibitions on one thing can affect their side on another. That’s a real problem right now. No­ body really understands the value of a principled position anymore. You can have freedom of religion, you can have religious viewpoints in the public square, but you have to be prepared to be accommodating to all of them, without just deferring to your distaste for certain sym­ bols or certain practices that are practiced within the boundaries of the law. If you start giving politicians that kind of latitude, there is just no end. That’s a really degenerative spiral into authoritarianism, and at the core of the Satanic Temple, our mission is to combat authori­ tarianism, to combat tyranny. You just don’t have a free society if you don’t have free speech. Books are being banned for sexual references. They claim it’s to protect children, when all kids really seem to care about is their devices, where they can access videos of orgies or even some­ one jacking off a horse. Why are books viewed as a threat? The fight over books, especially in the school library, has a lot less to do with the kids than it does the political mission people are putting for­ ward. But then again, I offer my caveat that you have to be careful about putting intentions into other people’s minds. Maybe they have a dilut­ ed idea of how often the children are actually checking out the books to begin with. We shouldn’t accept book bans, but we need to act without hypocrisy. We need to accept that there will be different viewpoints. I think this bizarre back and forth, debating about whether free speech is a fundamental value we should uphold or if we should requestion it, wouldn’t be taking place if people had a greater respect for principled law—equally applied, neutral, legal standards. The Satanic Temple is a great example of that, because we only ever come in asking for equal access, asking to do things that are already being done. And when we do, sometimes you see whole communities melt down. You see out­ rage. You see Fox News pundits yelling about it. And yet it’s nothing out of the ordinary, and it should be understood for what it is. When you see that kind of pushback from people, you begin to realize that they are woefully unaware of how a democratic society works. I think that lack of education points to a real danger. There’s no question that guns are a problem in the United States. In the documentary Hail Satan?, you wore a bulletproof vest be­
LUCIEN fore speaking on the Capitol lawn. The NRA sides with free speech as a basis for protecting gun rights. In continuing to protect the sanctity of the First Amendment, how do we prevent broader cen­ sorship while also achieving gun control? The important part is any type of regulation be neutrally applied. If you can’t have high-capacity weapons and open-carry and that applies to anybody, unless you’re working in armed forces or in police forces, those are reasonable restrictions. When you’re in trouble is when you say people of a certain political persuasion aren’t allowed to carry GREAVES guns, people of a certain religion, people of a certain color or ethnic background, regardless of their mental state or anything else. Those kinds of arbitrary rules that exclude people or elevate others are real­ ly what we should work against. There’s always going to be a certain amount of debate as to where that is appropriate and where that isn’t. You see that in economic disputes all the time. At what point do you have to regulate industry to better uphold the freedom of people, and at what point does that regulation impinge of people’s freedoms? Some­ times there aren’t very clear delineations, but we should always 1 X J ■ —r-a HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 33
LUCIEN aspire to uphold a principled stand that is neutrally applied. What kind of backlash do you receive when appearing in public? I never know. I thought for sure I was going to get shot in Arkansas. You mentioned the film Hail Satan?. I mean, I was wearing the bulletproof vest, but you don’t feel very protected in that because it only covers a very limited range anyways. Your head’s fully exposed. And then I saw it was outdoors and a public building, where people were opening windows, open-carrying across the street from the Capitol grounds. And I thought, Well, fuck, this is it. But nobody fired off a shot, amaz­ ingly enough. You have to have your affairs in order any time you do something like this. Judging from early presidential debates, Republicans are push­ ing for a federal abortion ban. Why are we moving backward? The abortion issue was something that the conservative right really latched on to following their loss of segregation. They knew they lost, and they found fertile ground in rejecting abortion and fighting against it. At the point where Roe v. Wade went into law in the Supreme Court, you had evangelicals at least willing to say they weren’t going to speak against it as a right that was given in society even if they prohibited it within their congregations, which is completely legitimate. If, due to your religion, you’re going to consider yourself obligated to have a baby if you get pregnant, that’s on you. But to make that a whole social pro­ tocol, it was damaging before; it will be damaging again. It was a great political opportunity to unify a movement that has propelled itself for­ ward into a theocratic coup of the United States. Will the damage lead to reform? I think eventually it will be undone again when they see the horrors this will wreak upon people, when they see that women will die be­ cause of this, when they see the horrible medical complications that will arise, the horrible outcomes for some of the children who will be born. They’re looking at it with a very narrow viewpoint. Some of them don’t have the vision or sense of history to know what a stupid idea it is to ban abortion. Others don’t care. To a certain degree, hav­ ing Roe v. Wade overturned is a loss to the theocratic movement, because they’ve been fighting for this for so long. It’s been such a rallying point that if it’s no longer a moving issue for them, they have to focus on other things. A federal abortion ban will further solidify their role and make them need to unify over different issues. We’re seeing schisms break out in the U.S. theocratic movement, and it might be because they’re not sure where to go after Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Why is the government only trying to control women’s reproduc­ tive rights? I’m not sure if it’s just plain misogyny or if it’s a lack of imagination. I think with abortion, you have those extreme images that they love to show all the time of splattered fetuses that they seem to fetishize on the right, and this idea that at the very beginnings of conception, this mass of cells is ensouled. I think some of their market just isn’t sophisticat­ ed enough to realize that there’s no perception there; there’s no high­ er cognitive function; there’s no thought. Because they never respect­ ed that idea to begin with. They feel like our very character, our very nature doesn’t come from our minds and our neuro constructs; it comes from something deeper, some spirit, some outer force. GREAVES What has been the Satanic Temple’s greatest challenge fighting against abortion bans? We’re obviously treated differently in the courts. We have judges clear­ ly using loopholes and technicalities against us that they would never use in other religious liberty claims. We’ve had some judges revert back to old precedent that’s been overturned just to rule against us. The most horrific part is that there is so little pushback from people we thought would have supported us on these issues, people we thought would have been outraged...by judges flagrantly ruling in ways that clearly aren’t upholding the neutrality of law. How flagrant? We’ve seen some really egregious cases. In Missouri, in one of our ear­ lier cases, we had a judge wait over nine months to declare that because our plaintiff could no longer be pregnant, it was no longer an issue. Which was complete bullshit. This was before Roe v. Wade was over­ turned. As part of Roe v. Wade, they had determined that something that was capable of repetition should not evade review. Meaning that if she can get pregnant again or if any of our members can get preg­ nant again, they should have seen the case through. But no, we paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring this through litigation only to have some judge rule by convenience that he didn’t want to look at the case. It speaks to a real problem in our system, that we don’t have re­ course. It is so difficult to get a review on an obviously prejudiced judge. We’ve dealt with many. We’ve had judges put on the record, during oral arguments, statements indicating that they think they know we have certain intentions that we don’t, that we’ve never stated, we’ve never put on the record, premising, even rulings, on information that had nothing to do with the case or evidence given to them, which is completely out of line for judges. And people let it slide, on the left particularly. People are so willing to just shrug their shoulders and say the system is against us and the law is against us, and this is just how it works.. .or blame us, saying we didn’t understand the law and that we’re doing more harm than good. That is absolutely destructive, and this is where we’ll lose if we don’t straighten up our act. What has to happen to change that? We just have to keep up the fight the way we see fit. People get angry at us because they think we’re going to set bad precedent. That speaks to a misperception of us just being a legal tactic. We’re not. We’re not doing what we do to provoke people. We don’t believe in bodily auton­ omy just because it pisses off the theocratic right. These are values we uphold, and we’re going to fight to defend them. If we don’t exer­ cise these rights, we’ve already lost them. And if people who think they politically align with us disagree with these tactics, well, fuck off. You don’t have to join us. We’re not claiming to speak for anybody else but Satanists. One of your tactics was opening the Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Sa­ tanic Abortion Clinic. What is that exactly? It’s a telehealth clinic, so people call, and they’re able to get abortion phar­ maceuticals through us. It’s based in New Mexico, but we’ll serve whom­ ever, wherever. We want the right to distribute these pharmaceutical abortions to any state, to any member, on the grounds of religious lib­ erty. Why shouldn’t this supersede any type of ban, especially when we truly have a religious viewpoint regarding bodily autonomy? HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 35
People act like this is a ridiculous demand, and we have judges play­ ing with this idea that if we don’t have a very specific doctrine that tells people they need to get an abortion and on what exact terms, then our claims don’t apply. You’ll even see these disingenuous, bullshit, fuckhead, theocratic Christian nationalist lawyers making that case too. You don’t have to look far at religious liberty arguments in cases that have gone before the Supreme Court lately to see the lie in that viewpoint. Where in the Bible does it say that a fucking coach needs to pray at the 50-yard line with his team during a high school football game? Where in the Bible do you get the notion that a company like Hobby Lobby doesn’t need to pay for contraceptive options in their healthcare plan? They get away with different standards in the court­ room. Beholding us to a different standard is unconstitutional; it is against the law. But it happens anyway. That’s a very bad sign, and it’s an even worse sign that people aren’t supportive of us. It’s not about Satanism; it’s about those principles. You don’t have to identify as a Satanist. You don’t even have to think it’s a very good idea. But you should recognize that denying us rights that are offered to other peo­ ple is a downward spiral, and it’ll bite everybody in the ass at the end. In a recent UFO Congressional hearing, a whistleblower said the U.S. is keeping “non-human biologies” a secret from the Amer­ ican people. Why would they do that? Does the construct of God/ Christianity come crashing down as soon as they admit there are extraterrestrials? I would really love for us to find some kind of other intelligent life before I die. I’m not hopeful. It is a topic near and dear to my heart. The most diplomatic thing I could say about that would be, who gives a fuck about their concerns at that point? I’m sure intelligent life elsewhere would be difficult for people of a religious mindset who think the most important thing that ever happened in the universe was the death of their human messiah. That’s just something they would have to get over and hopefully serve to break people out of their superstition. The Satanic Temple has a lot of support from U.S. veterans. What inspires vets to jettison God and country for the dark side? Some of the support we get is from veterans of foreign wars, who actually went overseas and recognized that different people do have different viewpoints and we really have to respect their right to have them, even if you’re not going to share them. I think that comes much easier for people who have been exposed to other cultures. A lot of times people’s prejudices are based upon a lack of exposure to other people. I feel like people’s prejudices against Satanists are similar. I think it’s the same for racists and everybody else. They haven’t gotten out enough; they haven’t met enough people; they haven’t been out in the world. They’ve been kind of stuck in a bubble and have certain beliefs about certain people that just don’t apply when you start meeting them on an individual basis and you see how those kinds of categorizations break down and become more and more irrelevant as you get to know them. Are there any perks to your position, like Satanism groupies? The groupies are horrifying. You know, an ironically sad thing about this is, I think a lot of people would like the public attention this brought me. But I’m also convinced that the people who would like that would be very ill-suited to it. They’d quickly want to make it about them, and we’ve seen people like that come and go throughout the Satanic Tem­ 36 HUSTLER FEBRUARY 2024 ple. That’s not in my character, which I’m kind of thankful for. I don’t feel like that’s necessarily an elevated moral characteristic of mine, but just kind of a lucky coincidence. I’m introverted enough that I never really appreciated that attention. The sad part about that is, I think that’s maybe one of the things I could have enjoyed from this, but it’s denied to me because I just don’t. It’s not something I like. It’s high stress, no pay, and I think it’s ruined my opportunities for a normal life with any sense of security. But what I do get is a sense of satis­ faction that I think I’m doing the best I can for the world with what I have. I’ll at least be able to die with some pride, knowing that I did what I could and I utilized my time in a way that was, I think, most beneficial. Considering the dismal state of the nation, what would you say to someone arguing that the last thing America needs is to get into bed with the Devil? The last thing America needs is to get into bed, as an entire nation, with any single religion. They have to realize that there are people of all kinds of religious perspectives and that we need to accept that. They don’t need to accept the Satanic Temple; they don’t need to accept Satan as their lord and savior. They don’t need to become Satanists themselves. They don’t need to be gay. They don’t need to be trans. They don’t need to be nonbinary. They don’t need to be Black. They don’t need to be Asian. They don’t need to be any of these fucking things. They can be exactly who they are, but they just have to under­ stand that other people aren’t them either—and that we can all coex­ ist in a way where we can all enjoy the same benefits and privileges. There’s no reason that we should have some government agency regulating these differences of viewpoint. There’s no way we can sur­ vive if we start trying to unify everybody under a single viewpoint. The only way forward is to recognize our differences and respect them. This U.S. population believes the country was built on “In God We Trust.” But God was never a guide for the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson believed in separation of church and state and pluralism. How long before we realize the true foundation of our country? That depends on right now, on if we actually wake up and recognize that the laws that were put in place by people like Jefferson are being defied by the courts—and in some cases in trials that the Satanic Temple are litigating. If we don’t start fighting back, it’ll take us much longer to get past it. The theocratic movement is on the rise. They are a minority within a minority. But they focus on single issues, and they get results on those things. They unify; they have financing; they ac­ tually get up; they vote. They try to put themselves on school boards; they try to get into political posts. They get active in their communi­ ties. They get loud, and they’ve had an outsize voice because of it. Where­ as their opposition, they tend to eschew those kinds of norms of good citizenship. We’ve tended to frown upon that, and I know, when I was growing up, it seemed very anti-punk rock. We wanted to be outside of the system, rather than a part of it. But I don’t think we have that liberty anymore. Now I think we are forced to engage. We have to do those same things. We have to get on school boards. We have to get in political posts. We have to focus on single issues and get results. We have to accept differences amongst each other internally to get these things done. We have to allow a certain amount of disagreement and move forward to fight against this existential threat to our free­ doms overall. H Formore information, go to The SatanicTemple.com.
"Go ahead. I dare you to ask me what the meaning of life is!"

15 BLOWJOBS PHOTOGRAPHY BY ELLEN STAGG Ji FT >** .f.~ *T *. t . ■35*555.-: '•'■ ’• ■'
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began nude modeling at 18 and did a few projects before I auditioned for Naked News in 2009. I’ve been with the company ever since. In 2019,1 started my fan site, EilaAdams.com, which features my more explicit content. I have a lot of fun there. Not going to lie, sometimes I masturbate to my own dirty videos! “When I’m not naked, my life is pretty normal. I enjoy traveling, work­ ing out, spending time with my little dog Jackson and reading. I’ve read She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb about 30 times, and I’ll read any­ thing by David Sedaris. I also enjoy buying and renovating houses. I’m currently working on my second place. “I love what I do for my job, so I actually plan to stay in this naked career as long as possible. Creating nude content is a blast! Recently, my boy­ friend and I shot a sexy video titled 15 BJs. After some extensive googling, I put together a list of 15 different blowjobs. Surprisingly, there were a few that I’d never tried before. Who doesn’t love trying new things?”

EILOA’S VIIVBKCTSW hometown: Kelowna, British Columbia height: 5-3 age: 35 favorite position: Cowgirl—yeehaw x & Instagram: @Flexapeeler

LENA PAUL JANUARY ’23 HOORAY FOR NIPPLES! HUSTLER digs into its archives to showcase stellar pics of incredibly beautiful nips. Let the titty-twisting begin!



al Wt' Ph ’ I ■ r™ KX 'b • * J|. oA r r'z V r'nffex. • i *’ V'* ' 1 ■ l< 1 J aL rl' / R\ 1

joined the adult industry after attending the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in January 2018.1 found my agent there, and the rest was history! I’ve always been a sexual person, and having a career that allows me to be sexually adventurous and work with beautiful people is an abso­ lute dream. I can’t wait to make more of my dreams come true. Right now I’m fan­ tasizing about doing a gangbang in the rain. There’s something so hot about fuck­ ing while the rain streams over we. Would you watch if I filmed that scene?”

'a- 'jit & Ml j) spend a lot of time at the beach, which sur­ prises people, because I’m very fair. I love na­ ture, and some of my most memorable sex­ ual experiences have been outside. Not just in a backyard, but in beautiful locations like a jungle or a desert. The craziest place I’ve ever had sex was very high up, looking across a vis­ ta in the Southwest. It wasn’t on the edge of a cliff, but it sure felt like it. “To me, a perfect partner is someone who is supportive, someone with good, loving energy. I like strong, sturdy and protective. Never jeal­ ous or aggressive. Physically, I love beards, and I got to say, I think a lumberjack-looking man on a motorcycle is hot. “I am most proud of my ability to make my life my own. People tell me I have a bright en­ ergy. It attracts people to me, especially at par­ ties, and it brightens their energy as well. I’d defi­ nitely be interested in trying an orgy sex party soon—an Eyes Wide Shut kind of thing.” i

__________ uwe outside... xo Bella HUSTLER HONEY FEBRUARY 2024 CALL US AT 1-800-HUSTLER (1-800-487-8537) CALLER MUST BE 18 YEAT
BELLA VITAL Ffi adopted home: Big Island, height: 5-7 age: 29 Ha’ measurements: 32B-26-37 favorite position: Doggy I x: @BTrickOrTreat I Instagram: @BellaTrixOrT

HUSTLER HUMOR THERE (vAf A YOUNG lady uell-stacked, toHO InANTEd to give Question: What did one lesbian frog sa to the other? ( Answer: “We do taste like chicken!” cop arrived at the scene of a car ac­ cident. He rushed over to the vehicle and asked the driver, “Are you seriously injured?” “I don’t know,” the driver responded. “I haven’t talked to my lawyer yet.” A Shot her breasts. VE PEOPLE Question: What’s the bad news about being a test-tube baby? ( Answer: You know for sure that your father is a wanker. M n I q n and Bubba came across a l\lUI dl I sheep with its head stuck ThrDD I I 11 ti tJ horndogs were discussing what they most liked about women. “I like to watch a wom­ an’s tits best,” the first guy announced. The second said, “I like to look at a woman’s ass.” He then asked the third guy, “What about you?” “I prefer to see the top of her head.” HUSTLER Wisdom: Of course a man and woman can be friends with no sex involved. It’s called marriage. Pnllnrl'H ^ or an audit ’ ^ revor UdlieOwas confronted by a surly IRS agent. “It says here that you’re single,” the agent said, “yet you claimed a dependent child. Surely this must be a mistake.” Staring at the agent, Trevor ex­ claimed, “Yup, it surely was!” Question: What does a deaf gynecolo­ gist do? _Answer: Read lips. _ arrived home flashing a new diamond ring. “Where did you get that?" her hus­ band Mitch asked. “My boss and I played the lottery,” Connie explained. “We won, so I bought this ring with my share of the winnings.” A week later she came home wear­ ing a leather coat. “Where did you get that?" her suspicious husband inquired. “My boss and I played the lottery again,” Connie replied, “and guess what? We won, so I bought this coat with my share of the winnings.” Three weeks later, Connie returned home in a brand-new Lexus. Connie 72 HUSTLER FEBRUARY 2024 “Where did you get that friggin’ car?!” Mitch hollered. “It may be hard to believe, dear,” Connie cooed. “My boss and I won an­ other big lottery prize, and I bought it with my share of the winnings." At bedtime, Connie asked Mitch to run her a nice, warm bath. Once in the bathroom, she noticed that the water was only a few inches deep. “Why didn’t you fill the tub?” Connie murmured. “Well,” Mitch grunted, “we don’t want to get your lottery ticket wet, do we?” in a fence. "I’m feeling a little frisky,” No­ lan said, then proceeded to have his way with the animal. When Nolan was finished, he asked his pal, “Ya wanna have a turn?” “Sure,” Bubba agreed. He dropped trou and stuck his head in the fence. “Okay, I’m ready.” Question: What’s a woman’s idea of a perfect lover? Answer A man with a nine-inch tongue who can breathe through his ears.
THE COUPLE WHO PLAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER-AND REALLY, DOES ANYTHING SAY “I LOVE YOU” LIKE A DATE WITH A SEX WORKER? Seeking out the services of a sex worker need not be a solitary pursuit. Couples can also enjoy the singular pleasures of a service provider; all that’s required is an open mind, enthusiastic consent and the budget to make it happen. In fact, seeing a sex worker can even help to strength­ en the bonds of love. The first step is figuring out what you want. Be honest with each other about your desires and expectations—bound­ aries too. Once a fantasy comes into focus, it’s time to take the plunge. Be you BDSM-curious or simply curious to try a threeway, there is a high­ ly trained, couples-friendly professional standing by to answer the call. ELECTRA RAYNE QueerCrush founder-director and XXX performer Electra Rayne had always been fascinated by the idea of full-service sex work, but it wasn’t until she relocated to Las Vegas that the former cold case in­ vestigator finally decided to try her hand at legal brothel work. An erotic empath whose strap-on skills are peerless, Electra loves to help The idea of full-service sex work is something that’s always kind of appealed to me, but I was too scared about my physical and legal safety to pursue it. Also, I went to school to be a forensic scientist and got work as a cold case investigator for a while, so it was sort of like, Well, I guess I can’t do this big illegal thing while I’m trying to stop other Then I moved to Vegas. I had a friend working at Sheri’s, and she said it was absolutely worth it. So I tried it out and it was incredible. I’m really glad I did. big illegal things. I love this line from your bio: “My favorite thing is fulfilling fan­ tasies and making dreams come true.” You know, it’s funny because that’s something I’ve always said and how I’ve always felt, even before I was a sex worker. When you work in a brothel, that’s kind of what the whole job is—people are there looking for something. It feels really special to be part of someone’s fantasy, and I am so thankful that I get to do this work. curious couples in search of new horizons. HUSTLER: I’m curious, what made you want to try brothel work? ELECTRA RAYNE: I first considered it about four or five years ago, when I learned that legal brothels in the U.S. were still active. It all begins with a conversation. How do you approach topics like consent and expectations? With couples, this can be a little tricky for two reasons—one obvious and one not so obvious. The obvious one is that you are now navigat-
COUPLES THERAPY ing three sets of boundaries: what is and isn’t okay for me to do to them, what is and isn’t okay for each of them to do to me and their boundaries with each other. And the less obvious reason? A lot of couples don’t actually know what they want. They sort of have this idea that we’re going to have a threesome, but they don’t really consider any of the details or what that might look like. It could be me having intercourse with one partner while the other partner is watch­ ing; it could be them having intercourse while I’m watching or maybe being a kind of accessory, like booby play or spanking. It could mean some sort of chain situation where everyone is actively involved. It can mean so many things. And I think that couples—not all couples, but many couples—show up without the specifics of what they want. So the consent conversation is not only, “What is okay?” but also, “What do you want? How do we figure this out as a team?” Do you remember your first experience with a couple? I remember it very well, because it was also one of my favorite book­ ings of all time—and their first! First threesome too. They were so cute, probably in their mid- to late-30s. She had purple hair, and they recognized my World of Warcraft tattoo. Just, like, adorable. They clearly cared about each other so much and were both really excited to be there, which is important. When we got to our room, LITTLE RAMPAGE PHOTO BY @ROYALREFLECTIONSSTUDIO they knew exactly what they wanted—makes my job a lot easier. And it just so happened that she had never been fucked with a strap-on before! Anybody who knows me will tell you that I am an absolute strap-on expert. Strap-on topping is, like, my favorite sex act. She was so enthusiastic and even wore the strap-on to fuck me— another first! She was very good at it. And the amount of joy and compersion he was experiencing from watching his wife’s fantasy be fulfilled, it was so sweet. Everything was amazing from start to finish. Is it ever difficult to manage boundaries and emotions between a couple while working with them? Yes, absolutely. I am fundamentally polyamorous, so I feel like this is something I am particularly sensitive to. It’s not that difficult to man­ age when people are honest with themselves and willing to be open about the fact that they may be a little uncomfortable. Where it be­ comes very challenging is when you get people who want to seem like they’re the coolest, most fun and down-for-anything couple ever, be­ cause then you end up with a dishonest situation—even if that’s not what they intended. So, in summary, what advice do you have for couples who want to visit a brothel and get the most out of their visit? The number one most important thing is to know what you don’t want, right? For example, “I would be uncomfortable if his penis goes inside you.” Or kissing. Or maybe certain positions are just for you and your partner? The more clear you can be about those types of boundaries, the easier it is for us to respect them. We want everybody to have a good time. Follow Electra Rayne! X, OF: @ElectraRayne; IG: @ElectraFromChicago; ChicagoSlut.com; QueerCrush.com; X: @QueerCrushX LITTLE RAMPAGE A trained fighter, pro grappler and self-defense martial artist, Little Rampage is a lethal combination of deadly technique and stone-cold freak. The curvaceous powerhouse blends BDSM and raw physicality (all consensual, of course) for couples who crave a commanding dad­ dy domme to put them in their place. Bow down to a real boss bitch. HUSTLER: Pro domme, wrestler, fetish performer—so badass! How did a 4-10 firecracker become such a tough cookie? LITTLE RAMPAGE: I was a submissive my entire life, constantly being walked all over, abused throughout my childhood and adulthood. Then one day it was like a switch just went off...I had had enough. And from the flames of self-loathing was born a new, dominant me I never knew existed. As I was on this path of self-discovery, I got approached by a friend who was mutuals with another girl I didn’t quite like. Long story short, I was beckoned to her studio for a belly-punching scene where I got to beat up this broad that I wasn’t very fond of. The thrill, the excite­ ment, the therapy of it all! I earned the name Rampage that day as they had never seen another model throw punches like that before. And it all took off from there. Submissive men are naturally attract­ ed to me, and it wasn’t long before I grew a book of clients who adore being bullied and dominated by me. And at what point did you get your first couples clients? Pretty early on. As a gym rat, men would approach me with requests
to dominate their wives in front of them. I guess I just resonate big­ dick energy! Do you work with couples more as a domme or a wrestler? It’s a pretty even mix. There’s some crossover, as wrestling is very D/s as a sport. What do you ask a couple who wants a session with Rampage? I want to know exactly what they want, their expectations, bound­ aries and hard limits. I have a tendency to look out more for the la­ dies—it’s a respect thing. I make sure I talk to her face-to-face be­ fore the scene. If this does not seem like something she wants any part of and/or is being forced into it, you better believe I’m giving the guy a hard time; I won’t tolerate any form of abuse. Once these things are established and I have your deposit, then we’re off! Does your unique expertise attract a certain type of couple? I’d say that I tend to attract three types of couples: alpha men who would allow me and only me to dominate them; men who want to see me dominate their wife; and then absolute submissives, where both partners want me to rule over them mind, body and soul. Tell me about the time you “punished” a cheating wife. I was contacted by a distraught fan who was at his wits’ end over an unfaithful wife and offered me a handsome cash reward if I’d take her on in a competitive catfight. In the fetish industry, cat­ fights are often associated with bikinis, face slapping, hair pulling, tit mauling and cunt busting. After hearing his sob story, I was pumped to meet them at a nearby hotel, where she and I went toe to toe. She sure tried, but as a tenured fighter, I bested her 4-0. Then she had to live through the humiliation of me grinding my ass and pussy in her face afterwards! And what about dominating a couple together? A submissive couple sought me out to experience a true kink session together. As a pro domme, I am trained to get deep inside the mind and assume total control. I started off their session by making them approach me on all fours, both collared to reinforce who was in charge. I held the man’s chin in my hand as we locked eyes. “We’ll start with you, mutt! You’re gonna prime my cock so that I can fuck your wife with it. Do you understand?” With his bottom lip quivering, he reluctantly parted his lips to let my rubber dick enter his mouth. It wasn’t long before my strap-on was sopping wet with drool as I forced it in and out, fucking the back of his throat. Then I turned the wife around and bent her over, one foot on her head to brace myself as I dealt powerful back shots. The hus­ band watched, enraptured, as I disrespectfully fucked his wife. “I’m Rampage’s bitch!” she screamed. “I live to be your fuck sock.” My favorite part was when the husband thought it was over. For my grand finale, I used the cum she left all over my strap-on as lube to stretch out his asshole. That night they both learned who daddy was. Why do couples seek out physical domination? What is the un­ derlying drive here? Sexual exploration. And I am a specialist. Would you ask your wife or husband for a root canal? No, because that would be reckless and unsafe. They turn to me because I am a professional who can bring these fantasies to life without anyone getting hurt. Follow Little Rampage! X: @Little_Rampage; IG: @TheGoddessRampage MISS VIOLET FARADAY When we caught up with LA. pro domme Miss Violet Faraday, she had just returned from a successful business trip to New York. Back home, she’s busy at work planning her next kidnapping—one of Vio­ let’s favorite fantasy role-play scenarios. She has yet to do one with a couple, but it’s definitely on her list. Ready for a date night you’ll nev­ er forget? HUSTLER: You know you’ve made it when people are flying you across the country for your services. What’s your story? MISS VIOLET FARADAY: I started pro domme work around 2018, but really started to take it seriously in 2020. I was already part of the kink community and had been dominant in my personal life for years, so the switch to pro work was fairly seamless. I’m also naturally in­ clined toward the perverted and deviant—I love this stuff! Since then I’ve gotten to travel all over the country, speaking to crowds, doing podcasts, hosting nightlife events.. .it’s been fantastic. A lot of my work right now is centered around fear play, blood play, erotic humiliation, interrogation and kidnapping role-plays. I do plenty of tame sessions too! HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 77
In interviews or at speaking engagements, does the topic of cou­ ples ever come up? Yes, I often get asked if I see couples. I do! Then there are usually fol­ low-up questions about how couples might book or how seeing a professional dominatrix could help their relationship. Can you give us an example? Seeing a dominatrix can help with communication around kink and sex. I also think that a healthy sex life often includes trying new things. Think of me as a fun luxury experience. Invest in your relationship! The pre-session consultation is a window into what a client wants. How do you approach a consultation with a couple? I always speak to each member of the couple individually. I want to hear from them, in their own words, what they are expecting from a session with me. I want to know that they are both enthusiastically seeking this experience out. I want to make sure their goals for the session are realistic and whether I’m a good fit for them. CHELSEA CHAVIS PHOTO BY PAXTON GREGORY 78 HUSTLER FEBRUARY 2024 Does one session in particular stand out? An experience that made you feel good? One of my favorite sessions ever was with a couple who were curious about femdom but not sure where to start. The woman was absolute­ ly gorgeous—the kind of body you want to see in latex. She just had some confidence issues with all the whips, ropes and gadgets. So we spent most of the session teaching her how to use my equipment, basic protocol, safety, negotiation skills, etc. They were both so into it that by the end he was licking her feet and calling us both “Mistress” while I flogged him. They still keep in touch and have a whole D/s dynamic now. What about a session where both people want to submit to you? Has that ever happened? Yes, and it’s always a treat to have two eager subs ready to please me. One comes to mind in particular. They were both switches but both leaned a little further to the submissive side of the slash. They were really communicative and seasoned BDSM players, so I think it
COUPLES was a cathartic session for all of us. They were both into hardcore verbal degradation, pain and objectification. At one point I had them facing each other while they were in nipple clamps, chains inter­ locked. I was whipping both of them on their backs, and as they strug­ gled and jumped, the clamps tightened and pulled. How romantic! The session ended with me pulling on his leash while I sat on her face and he made her come. No orgasms for him though. Sometimes I’m a bit of a purist. It’s called femdom, after all. What should couples do before reaching out to you? They should absolutely ask each other about what they want: Answer honestly about what you are and aren’t comfortable with. Knowing your triggers and limits beforehand is a must. I think it’s good to dis­ cuss any potential jealousy as well—what kind of physical contact between each of you and the domme is okay? You mentioned interrogation and kidnapping role-play. If a cou­ ple gave you carte blanche, what would you do with them? I would love the chance to help consensually kidnap a submissive partner, with their dominant partner working in tandem with me. Per­ haps get them to a hotel room, where I’m waiting to interrogate them. And believe me, I have methods of making you talk! Follow Violet Faraday! X: @VioletFaraday; OF: @MissVioletFaraday; @ VioletFaraday. bsky. social CHELSEA CHAVIS She’s worked the pole in over ten states and three times as many clubs, but for Chelsea Chavis, New Orleans will always be home. The pop princess, comedian and proud pig mom (yes, she lives with an actual pig named Maisy) is a master profiler who uses humor to suss out couples. Her body may be a wonderland, but only the pure of heart get to go on Chelsea’s wild ride. You live in New Orleans and currently dance at the HUSTLER Club, but have previously worked at strip clubs across the U.S. How many are we talking here? I’ve danced in over 30 strip clubs in 11 states—New York, Nevada, Tex­ as, Colorado, Ohio, Florida, North Dakota.. .I can’t even remember the rest. That’s impressive. But why? I wanted to see America. I traveled a lot when I was younger, but had barely seen my own country. So I would just go to random states and big cities—and what better place to check out a city than in a strip club? I learned a lot. Now I can clock what a customer wants and how much they’re willing to pay based on the things they say to me. So let’s say you’re at the club tonight and a couple approaches you—how are you clocking them? I enjoy working with couples who are cool, comfortable and have a healthy relationship. I listen to them talk, ask what they’re doing in town. Maybe they were dropped off by a private driver? All these things help me figure out who they are and how much they have to spend. From there I usually focus on the woman. I’ll be like, “Hi, I’m Rose­ mary. What’s your name?” And then my go-to line is, “And is this your penis?” in reference to the guy she’s with. So I’m playfully objectify­ ing and belittling the man. I’ll tell him, “Well, looks like you got the golden ticket,” i.e., his wife or girlfriend. So right away she’s happy THERAPY that I’m paying attention to her. But it has to be genuine—unlike a man, a girl can tell when you’re being fake. Humor is such a great way to disarm and read people. For the most part, the guy is very thankful, because he wants his part­ ner to feel comfortable and happy. These are the best couples. NOLA is a whole vibe, but what about the couples—any strange tales to speak of? There was this beautiful woman in her 60s and her old, fat husband who she was just totally over. She wanted to go upstairs and asked me to find a girl to keep him distracted. Once we were alone, the floodgates opened. She told me all about how she’s in love with her son-in-law, that they share this very deep and spiritual connection. I made $3K that night. Then they came back the next day, and she dropped another couple thousand dollars just to talk. It was very weird. Good money though. Wow. Sounds like the setup to a stepmom scene. Yeah, exactly. Do young couples ever approach you? I did a private room recently with a really cute young couple. They were like 23, and she had never been to a strip club before, but was very open to the experience. She wanted to go upstairs, and I offered them a price that was more in line with who they were—I don’t like taking advantage of young people who have to pay rent, you know? She really enjoyed it. She had never touched a boob before, anoth­ er first. I danced on her, and he was having a great time telling me all about their sex life. Couples love to talk about their sex lives. They’ll even show me nudes on their phones. It was clear that they trusted and loved one another; I was a fun and safe way for them to experiment. We kissed a little, not making out, but on the lips. “This is amazing,” she said in a daze. And then of course they invited me to have a threesome with them later, which I politely declined. Because everyone wants to bring a stripper home, right? It’s so much more fun when everyone is on the same page. You could even argue that strippers make stronger marriages. Whatever your age, be you swingers, polyamorous or completely mo­ nogamous, the strip club is there to have fun together. I’ll dance for the guy; then I’ll go upstairs with her; then they go back to their hotel room and have crazy sex. It’s fun to share new experiences and mix it up once in a while! Healthy too. It’s also a lot cheaper than therapy or divorce. For sure. I love seeing couples in their 40s, 50s and 60s still hope­ lessly attracted to each other. You’ve had good and bad experiences. Cumulatively, how do they average out? Do you enjoy interacting with couples? I really do. I have a lot of fun with them. It’s always entertaining, and I’ve learned a lot about relationship dynamics. It takes trust, commu­ nication and an open mind, but the great thing about it is that I’m a professional and you’re in a safe, controlled environment. So relax and enjoy the ride! Follow Chelsea Chavis! X: @ChelseaChavis;IG: @UglySupermodelTV; Spotify: Chelsea Chavis HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 79

COUPLES MASTER ALEXIS WYLDER Master Alexis Wylder capitalizes Her pronouns and honorifics, which should give you some idea of how this is one pro domme you do not want to trifle with. An arresting beauty who delights in doling out pain and degradation, She is a true doyenne of dark pleasures. From pow­ er exchange to whips and chains, let the Master take you and your THERAPY Do couples ever ask you to control certain aspects of their lives? Once I had a couple who loved the look of all My fetish wear and gear. I enjoy the dressing up part of My sessions as much as the session itself, so when they asked Me to help them go shopping, I was beyond excited. It felt like BDSM Barbie and Ken! I had the best time and so did they. partner on a guided tour of Taboo Town. Before becoming a pro domme, you spent some time working as a stripper. What drew you away from the club and into BDSM? Because of My queer, sapphic sexuality, stripping always felt extreme­ ly transactional and heteronormative. Then I began to notice how a lot of My clientele actually enjoyed My dominant persona and the part I’d play at the club every night. Eventually I realized how much I loved the psychological elements of power exchange just as much as the phys­ ical aspects. You craved a deeper kind of interaction. I craved a deeper connection with My submissives and the thrill of pushing boundaries. Over the years I’ve become a fairly well-known Lesbian Pro Domme here in Los Angeles, specializing in everything from financial domination to corporal punishment. I’m a very eclectic Domme if I do say so Myself! In a consultation, what kind of questions are you asking and what are you looking for? I have an extensive list of questions. I ask about things like what their individual fantasies are, what they are looking to experience, what their expectations are. I’m looking for positive attitudes, open com­ munication and a mutual respect of boundaries. I’m also looking for inconsistencies. If they’re contradicting each other, then this tells me they aren’t being completely transparent about their experiences or feelings. Other warning signs include a lack of respect for things like aftercare and safe words. Do not disrespect Me. I say this with the highest praise, but you seem pretty hardcore. Has a couple ever shocked you with what they wanted? Nothing usually shocks Me when it comes to kinky requests, but there have been a few that, shall we say, caught Me off guard. I once had a couple who seemed extremely vanilla on the exterior: white-collar husband with a petite, shy wife, both extremely conser­ vative and lacking in any experience. During our very first consulta­ tion, they were begging to dive deep into humiliation and degradation play. It was pretty shocking, all things considered—but that’s why they say you can’t judge a book by its cover! And it just so happens that verbal humiliation is one of my specialties; they definitely came to the right place. What advice would you have for couples who are curious but don’t necessarily know what they want? Never, ever pressure your partner into doing anything they don’t want to do. Respect your partner and set boundaries before play. What do you enjoy most about working with couples? My favorite part about working with couples is witnessing the intima­ cy and trust they share, then guiding them in deepening that bond through BDSM. Every couple brings a unique dynamic to the table, and it’s extremely cathartic for Me to see them explore their desires together, pushing boundaries and growing as a team. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that BDSM isn’t just about the acts themselves but the connections we make. There’s something I find really beauti­ ful about that. H Follow Master Alexis! X: @AlexisToria; AlexisToria.com No two couples are the same, but are there any similarities insofar as what they want from you? Of course! Some just want to explore their kinkier side and need help getting started. Others are looking to add some excitement to their long-term relationship. And then there are those who want a judgment-free space to explore taboo fetishes. But what everyone wants? A professionally-guided experience. Imagine couple’s therapy, but instead of a couch, we have a Saint An­ drew’s Cross. Do you ever play around with gender roles and role reversal? Once I had a couple where the husband was a big-time CEO and his wife was a stay-at-home mom. During our initial consulta­ tion, you could really tell that the husband, who was tired of being the alpha in his vanilla life, wanted to relinquish control, while his wife, who was saddled with the burden of housework and parenting the kids, felt exhilarated by the power and con­ trol. First, she blindfolded her husband, using her voice to con­ trol his body, then light tasks and commands that ranged from kneeling by her side to massaging her feet. Post-play, they both expressed how much they enjoyed Our time together and how much they were looking forward to Our next session. HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 81
HARDCORE SHOWCASE 82 I FUCKED MY BOYFRIEND’S BEST FRIEND! HUSTLER VIDEO. DIRECTOR: FUMIGALLI. STAR­ RING: RIVER LYNN, VALENTINA JADE, SWEET SOPHIA, ARIA SLOANE, DANNY MOUNTAIN, WILL POUNDER, CODEY STEELE & NICK STROKES. Cheating young sluts abound in I Fucked My Boy­ friend’s Best Friend!, the latest from visionary pervert and HUSTLER mainstay Fumigalli. If these girls are any indication of Gen Z attitudes toward monogamy, then this may be the greatest generation yet. Off the top is River Lynn, whose beautiful, curly blond locks are a total throw­ back to the Gen X porn stars of yesteryear. Subtlety is not her strength, but who has time for nuance when your boyfriend is out and you want to fuck his BFF before he gets back? Resistance is futile as she shame­ lessly shows off her white cotton panties, her eyes begging for that forbidden dick. River’s ass is hypnotic as she bounces up and down on Mountain, who glazes her from navel to neck in an explosive finish. Valentina Jade is planning a sexy boudoir shoot for her man, but things take a steamy turn when she enlists his friend to be the photographer. The tension is palpable as she models her lingerie for him, but it’s game over when he goes in for close-ups of Valentina’s juicy, shaved pussy. If you’re into blowjobs with lots of eye contact, look no further. You’ll love hearing her moan and squeal as he explodes all over her not-so-innocent face. Sweet Sophia is shopping online for a shirt to give her boy­ friend, but really she has other motives in mind. “What do you think of this one?” she asks her beau’s best friend, pointing to her phone. Smash­ cut to the bedroom, where she’s giving him the ol’ gluck-gluck before they fuck other’s brains out. Aria Sloane takes top prizes for both flimsi­ est excuse (“Can I use your shower?”) and best facial, courtesy of Nick Strokes. Fun and frisky from start to finish, I Fucked My Boyfriend’s Best Friend! is a youth movement we’re proud to support. —Walden Lee HUSTLER FEBRUARY 2024

HARDCORE SHOWCASE BREAST WORSHIP 8 JULES JORDAN. DIRECTOR: JULES JORDAN. STARRING: SARAH ARABIC, OCTAVIA RED, KYLIE PAGE, HAILEY ROSE, HOL­ LYWOOD CASH, JULES JORDAN & ZAC WILD. Praise be unto the porn gods for gifting us with a treasure trove of huge, all-natural knockers. In Breast Worship 8, Jules Jordan shows us why he is a sommelier-level connoisseur of big boobs, with four bra-busting scenes to drain your swollen balls. It all begins innocently enough with webcam superstar Sarah Arabic and her 36H (!!!) mommy milkers. The chesty hotel concierge is showing Mr. Jor­ dan around his room, where the view is spectacular—of course we’re referring to her glorious sweater kittens. Sarah takes very little con­ vincing before she’s on her knees, willing to do “whatever it takes” to get more followers on social media. Maybe it’s the “slut” tattoo right below her belly button or the way cum drips from her eyelashes, but what’s not to love about busty babes who fuck at the drop of a hat? Elsewhere, Zac Wild is the envy of men, women and carbon-based lifeforms everywhere because he gets to play with Octavia Red’s sub­ lime boobs, and she’s a redhead! Kylie Page is an absolute revela­ tion—more of this breathy, busty blonde, please! Jules is back as the penis, and boy, does it get a workout. Kylie’s head-game is unim­ peachable, while her creamy pussy is positively mouthwatering. She titty-fucks him for a faceful of baby batter, then sucks every last drop from his swollen pecker. Swoon/The topper, however, features Hailey Rose and Hollywood Cash. Between her magnificent mammaries and his jaw-dropping python, it’s a match made in heaven to be watched start to finish, no skipping around. Suffice it to say, Breast Worship 8 is a genre triumph. —W.L.
MY HOTWIFE’S GANGBANG 5 NEW SENSATIONS. DIRECTOR: PAUL WOOD­ CREST. STARRING: DESTINY CRUZ, MAYA FARRELL, SCOTTY P, WILL TILE, JAMIE KNOXX, JACK BLAQUE & AJ FRESH. Hotwives...so hot right now! If you’re a fan of cheating brides, we recommend adding My Hotwife’s Gangbang 5 to your XXX watch list. This one boasts sensuali­ ty and a storyline. MHG5 is hardcore with a touch of class (but sadly no ass). Petite powerhouse Destiny Cruz takes on three huge cocks like it’s nothing, deepthroating each of them be­ fore they have their way with her. As gangbangs go, it’s the perfect mix of gonzo and great choreography: The framing is tight, the lighting is just right, and wifey is rarely without at least two pricks at once. It cannot be overstated how sexy Destiny is, but it’s her stamina that deserves applause—the woman just never tires of taking thick fucksticks every which way. Sweaty and gasping, she smiles ear-to-ear as they paint her face to resemble some kind of semen-y Rorschach ab­ straction. Then a quick creampie for good measure. A master stroke. In Part 2, Maya Farrell plays a very convincing hotwife who loves to be shared. Standing there in her bespoke linge­ rie, aching to take on multiple monster dongs for her hus­ band’s pleasure, Maya’s excitement is the perfect prelude to a scene that never once lets up, as she dutifully takes huge hard-ons in her mouth and vag. You really can’t tell which end she enjoys more. Still, nothing beats a climactic cum bath, and Maya delights in every drop. All killer and no filler, My Hot­ wife’s Gangbang 5 will have husbands and wives rounding up all able-bodied penises in their neighborhood. —W.L.
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"Hey, keep your girlfriend quiet, will ya? I'm trying to do your homework!"
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o 1?: 233 LUU IVIt 1 U VUYtUno rAV t AlVhA 1 tU t HUNT EDITED BY MORGEN HAGEN w < I 1i > X 5 , /»■ CLARITY “I feel that I have a beautiful body, and I love to show it off,” professes Clarity, 25, a bartender from, Atlanta, Georgia. “What better place to do that than in HUSTLER?” The 5-foot-4 Peach Stater adds, “I’m fun, energetic, kind and uplifting. My pastimes involve anything that feeds my soul, especially being outdoors and experiencing nature. I also love being social, making people laugh and smile.” Clarity, a hiking and skinny-dipping enthu­ siast, goes the extra mile when it comes to sex. “I’m seductive, submissive, adventurous and bi-curious,” she avows. “I’ve been told I’m highly skilled at kissing and giving blow­ jobs. I’m not afraid to suck on a dick. Some other activities that really get me going are having my pierced nipples and kitty licked and fucking.” Clarity, who once got off on having multiple sexual partners weekly, describes her fave position: “I take it from behind, but I’m oriented in such a way that I can see what the guy is doing. I love watching his abdomen flex with every stroke, as well as the pleasure on his face.” —Photos by Chris Burgess 100
to i >1a 1 1 rw Hk». J,-, tFie ’Hix '• --’fi -”, W '<Jn ■' I'll 111 I ll i I ililil i Ilf!! w KwHw MB . ..//if’ 1**^’ UM l I -n ’i ™ C ! L .i > Lnr h l.«» I’ p, nil i ■ dI UpOl1 flH H llnir! .LX’i ’•*’ ’Hr i hw SB li ll ll Illi alIlp I “I fantasize about threesomes a lot. I think most about sucking the same cock with a woman. I also fantasiz^ about having a train ran on me. I know that’s Yv V \ really dirty, but I get off on V Vv » the thought of all those \ • YA\ A different cocks in me.” m ■■■ rs® • '• wA'1. ■ ■‘Yv »* U f A iv TlVl c ■ < Instagram: @Clarityy6913 OnlyFans.com/Clarityy6913 L I !? Kt ■ w vvn ■ (MyJ HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 101
BEATRIX TEMPERLEY “I wanted to pose for HUSTLER because I’m a big fan of vintage nudes,” says Beatrix Temperley, 29, an antiquarian from Benton City, Washington. “I’ve based some of my aesthetic on your issues from the 1970s and 1980s. I also want to be able to flip through the magazine when I’m 85.” The 5-foot-6 bush fancier is a busy Beaver: “My hobbies include collect­ ing antiques—I have the world’s largest collection of milk teeth jewelry— transcribing old diaries, reading historical fiction, gardening, raising bees, binge-watching, visiting graveyards, rainy walks and hanging with my dog Greta.” Beatrix continues, “I take a while to warm up to someone, but I’m always sexually confident. I’m basically a cat.” She elaborates, “The fun of sexuality is being carefree and expressing various alter egos: to be dominant or submissive, to be ultrafeminine or a dark mistress, to take a pounding in the ass or to give one. Yes, I’m a switch. I love men and women. I am a very giving partner and will give head anytime and any­ where. My favorite position is doggy-style, and my wildest encounter was having sex with an OnlyFans admirer.” —Photos by Clint K. 102 HUSTLER FEBRUARY 2024
BEAVER HUNT jr j■ his l' * 11iTr L5 £>/ JJJ5 cl -Jhcentury, and I’m a chambermaid ery night. Some nights he COLI/i friends. Other nights he licki vzl?r OK.” 3k 1 HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 103
RHIANNONFIT “At nearly 55 years old, I wanted to show that us mature women can still be sexy and sensual,” proclaims Rhiannonfit, a personal trainer and nutri­ tion coach from Richmond, Virginia. “I’m in my prime and hotter than I was in my 20s!” The 5-foot-5 nude-modeling buff admits, “I typically keep my opinions to myself regarding sensitive subjects like politics and religion.” But Rhiannonfit has no qualms about disclosing some hobbies—“hanging out with my man and our dogs, working out, reading, puzzles, pingpong”—and amorous proclivities. “I’m bisexual, although my experience with women is minimal. I prefer a big, hard cock and strong hands. I’m generally more submissive and like to be told what to do by a man who respects me and knows how to take charge without being an asshole. I very much love to please my partners. Nevertheless, I’m interested in learning how to be a dom.” —Photos by Enrique Diaz 104 HUSTLER FEBRUARY 2024
“I recently lived out an exciting fantasy, having sex with my man and another woman. My fantasy now is a threesome with him and another guy. It will happen! 1 Instagram: @Rhiannonfit1 X: @Rhiannonfit2 OnlyFans.com/Rhiannonfit Clips4sale.com/Studio/243787/RhiannonFet ARE YOU AN AMATEUR EXHIBITIONIST 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER? For information on how to be a Beaver Hunt model—and be paid $250—send an email to BeaverHunt@LFP.com. HUSTLERMAGAZINE.COM 105
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[jj1 h J "S 'Pn 1 nee the tucked in, time to fuck Daddy dearest. Briana Bangs, Mina Luxx, Violet Gems and Molly Little show you exactly how they like to be tipped...;and dicked. They may'be young, but they are far from inex perieYiced. *

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hese two hearty travelers love to see the world, and wherever they go, they leave their mark on the landscape by indulging in some hot outdoor amour. This isolated desert outpost proves to be the perfect setting for the duo to chalk up another unforgettable adventure. With the scorching sun beating down, the weary globe-trotters decide to take a break. That’s when things really get sweaty. Tarney explores Candy’s cave with her long tongue. More than happy to return the favor, Candy licks and probes deep into Tarney’s luscious valley. Naturally, the inseparable sidekicks are excit­ ed about being one with great outdoors and each other. f Together the horny hikers reach every peak. As the sun sets on the scene of their latest excursion—and the climaxes abate—Candy and Tarney pause to enjoy the view and pon­ der where to head next. T ■ V ■** .’.i
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