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                    Настольная библиотека
Выпуск 1

Министерство образования Российской Федерации Уральский государственный университет им. А.М.Горького Настольная библиотека аспиранта Т.Я.Андреева НАУЧНЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Практическое ^с^обие Выпуск 1 ГРАММАТИКА В РЕЧЕВЫХ ОБРАЗЦАХ Екатеринбург Издательство Уральского университета 2000
Практическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре иностранных языков Андреева TSL Научный английский язык: Практ. пособие. Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал, ун-та, 2000. Вып. 1: Грамматика в речевых образцах. 63 с. (Настольная библиотека аспиранта). Ответственный за вып. М.И.Демьянова © Т Я.Андреева, 2000
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Пособие является первым выпуском в серии "Настольная библиотека аспиранта". Каждый из выпусков — законченное практическое произведение, представляющее собой освещение одного из аспектов научного английского языка. Наряду с этим, соблюдение принципа преемственности от выпуска к выпуску является бесспорным. Цель серии — подготовить аспирантов, а также соискателей и магистрантов, к практической деятельности: работать с литературой по специальности, делать сообщения и вести беседу по научной тематике, уметь выразить свои мысли в письменной форме (тезисах, статьях и т.д.) в рамках исследуемой проблемы. Пособие имеет повторительно-коррективный характер, направленный прежде всего на рассмотрение основных грамматических явлений, характерных для научного стиля. Лексическое наполнение фраз определяется целевой ориентацией книги, что, в свою очередь, способствует накоплению соответствующих лексических единиц и адаптирует обучаемого к научному стилю. Основные речевые стереотипы, характерные для научного стиля речи, составляют основу для дальнейшего совершенствования англоязычных умений и навыков по научной тематике. 3
МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ 1. Запомните существительные, заимствованные из греческого и латинского языков, которые сохранили формы множественного числа этих языков: Единственное число Множественное число analysis crisis thesis addendum bacterium datum stratum criterion phenomenon nucleus ' ' radius stimulus formula hypothesis СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ В ФУНКЦИИ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ 2. Переведите следующие существительные. A. A bus stoop. A rest room. Friendship University. Our Institute building. Oil production. Export oil. City traffic. Research methods. Liberation movement. Peace базис, основа кризис диссертация приложение бактерия данная величина слой, пласт критерий явление ядро радиус стимул формула гипотеза analyses crises theses addenda bacteria ■ data strata criteria phenomena nuclei radii stimuli formulas, formulae,^ hypotheses 4
policy. Oil industry workers. Power supply. Science and technology investigations. The production task. Goods prices. Consumption funds. Construction projects. Round-table talks. Top-level negotiations. Sick pay. Pension insurance. Key task. World peace. A peace supporter. A lecture hall. A correspondence course. A first year student. An open-air stadium. B. Labour productivity growth. A twenty-year agreement. A trade union congress. A four-power treaty. A ten per cent wage increase. Foreign language studies. The lectures and consultations time-table. International Atomic Energy Agency. United National Security Council. Second-year post-graduate science student. Continuous action computers. Scientific weather observations. Transmission line performance. Galvanometer photoelectric tube feedback amplifier. ИМЯ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ 3. Дополните следующие словосочетания подходящими по смыслу существительными. Модель: essentially correct The idea is essentially correct. Quite distinct, quite understandable, slightly different, somewhat surprising, highly operative, completely unclear, quite surmountable, paradoxically simple, principally correct, absolutely obvious, essentially speculative, purely academic, fairly instructive, fully under- 5
standable, practically inaccessible, basically correct, highly reliable, rather competent, entirely obscure, primarily speculative. 4. Переведите следующие предложения. The author's agreement is wrong. His conclusions are surprising. The inconsistency of his idea is obvious. His treatment of the question is doubtful. My interest in this problem is academic. This principle is operative. This instrument is sensitive. This method is practicable. The author's analysis of this question is competent. His criticism of Brown's work is understandable. 5. Переведите предложения, учитывая различные способы выражения степеней сравнения. А. 1. This radius is the same length as that. 2. These materials are the same hardness as those. 3. This device is the same price as that. 4. This method is hardly as operative as the other. 5. Our studies are hardly as fruitful as theirs. 6. My interest in this subject is hardly as academic as yours. 7. My understanding of this problem is hardly as profound as his. 8. This chemical element is not so common as the other one. 9. This characteristic is not so distinct as the others. 10. These changes are not so pronounced as the others. 6
В. 1. It is the most impressive achievement of modem science. 2. It is the most promising field in modern physics. 3. It is the commonest element on the earth. 4. It is the least possible explanation of the result. 5. It is the least interesting communication at the seminar. 6. It is the most reliable technique for measuring the energy values. 7. It is the most important point of his report. 8. It is the most impressive result of this work. 9. It is the most surprising outcome. 10. It is the most convincing evidence for this relationship. 11. It was the most productive period in the history of science in the 19th century. СЛОВА-ЗАМЕНИТЕЛИ: it, that, this, these, one 6. Переведите предложения. 1. The reaction is easier to control in methylene chloride since it is run at the reflux temperature of the solvent. 2. The apparatus is identical with that described above. 3. He obtained a series of compounds. These proved to be rather pure. 4. Methylene attacks secondary hydrogen bonds many times as fast as it does the primary ones. 7
5. This substance reacts one tenth as fast as the other one. 6. The problem to be solved at this stage is an entirely geometric one. УСИЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ it (it is... that, which, who) 7. Переведите на русский язык. 1. It is this book that must be found at the library. 2. It is he, who did it. 3. It is noteworthy that the hydrogen bond makes it possible for electrons to travel in a circular path. 4. it is in this respect actually that the theory differs from that discussed above. 5. It is these ions which actually transport the current. 6. It is the data which are reliable. 7. It is from this book that we get our first information about the earliest inhabitants of the British Isles. 8. It was in 1895 that the first radio set was demonstrated. 9. It was Popov who invented the radio. 10. It was in the laboratory that I found these details. 11. It was not until I was through with my experiment that I left the laboratory. 8. Переведите предложения с оборотом there + to be. 1. There are different methods of metal treatment. 2. There exist various forms of matter. 3. There are many papers on this problem. 4. There must be an interesting article on this subject in the magazine, which I gave you yesterday. 5. There may be some mistakes in these calculations. 8
6. There has been an interesting discussion on that subject today. 7. There were many books at the library on the problem of your investigation. МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ 9. Переведите предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. 1. This result can be easily obtained. 2. This difficulty can be understood by everybody. 3. Such changes could be predictable. 4. Such difference is to be recognizable. 5. Such problem is to be approached. 6. This method might be usable. 7. This interpretation has to be accepted. 8. This conclusion might be justifiable. 9. Such experiments can be unrealizable. 10. These values could be incomparable. 11. This process can be uncontrollable. 12. Such transformations can be unobservable. 10. Переведите предложения с модальным значением в прошедшем времени. 1. We were able to follow this process in a previous experiment. 2. We were able to find this relation in a previous study. 9
3. He was able to work out a better method at that study. 4. He was able to answer all of the questions during the discussion. 5. We were able to start the work on time. 6. I was unable to understand his point. 7. We were unable to get a better result at that time. 8. He was unable to explain the result to us. IL Переведите предложения с модальным глаголом must и его эквивалентами. 1. I must complete the analysis. 2. We had to speed up the work. 3. We are to change me technique. 4. We are to examine the question closely. 5. They must find another approach. 6. They must begin the experiments. 7. I have to explain the result. 8. They had to put off the work. 9. He is to change his plans, 10. One of my colleagues has to report the results of his experiment at the conference. 11. He did not have to do much preliminary work. 12. They did not have to use this method. 13. We are to change the direction of our work. 12. Переведите предложения с глаголом might. 1. We might get good results. 2. He might get a prize for his discovery. 3. She might go to Vienna conference next spring. 4. Something might interfere with our plans. 5. This approach might give new information. 10
6. We might settle this question in the years to come. 7. I might join another research group next year. 8. He might take up another subject next year. 9. We might try another approach to this problem. 13. Переведите на английский язык. 1. Не могли бы вы подробнее изложить вашу точку зрения по этому вопросу? 2. Я мог бы подробнее рассказать о ходе самого опыта, но боюсь, у меня не осталось для этого достаточно времени. 3. Я мог бы привести несколько аналогичных работ, в которых делалась попытка свести все эти данные к какой-то одной теории. 4. Нам кажется, что такие исследования могли бы заинтересовать даже теоретиков. 5. Я не стал бы говорить о недостатках этой работы, если бы не серьезные ошибки, допущенные в расчетах. 6. Я хотел бы перечислить здесь имена тех, кто внес основной вклад в разработку данной проблемы. 7. Работа была приостановлена сразу после начала: для этого, вероятно, были серьезные причины. 8. Эта гипотеза, вероятно, давно была бы отброшена, но против нее не было достаточно убедительных доказательств. 9. По всей видимости, нам придется повторить эксперимент. 11
ВРЕМЕНА ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНОГО ЗАЛОГА (Active Voice) 14. Переведите предложения, содержащие глаголы в Present Indefinite, Active, 1. They do not often deal with situations of the kind. 2. Situations such as these require a specific set of circumstances. 3. The problems are still far from being completely understood. 4. The above problems obviously call for further studies. 5. The further studies however call for the elaboration of a new technique. 6. The above considerations lead us to conclude that the changes are largely due to the influence of weather. 7. These studies are of particular importance: they largely contribute to the solution of the problem. 8. These aspects of the problem go outside the scope of the research. 9. The results obtained do not agree with the previous findings. 10. They often speak on the subject in general. 11. Prof. Lesov often goes into details of it. 12. The new laboratory assistant seems very efficient. 13. It's a pity our new worker does not seem sociable. 14. It's a pity that student keeps company with those good-for-nothing fellows. 15.He should keep company with more reliable persons. 12
15. Переведите предложения, содержащие Present Continuous Active. 1. This is the book he is asking for. 2. That is the research they are carrying on now. 3. This is the theory we are carrying on now. 4. That is the lecture I am looking foreword to. 5. These are the journals I am looking for. 6. These are the phenomena the professor is trying to elucidate! 7. Those are the theories they are referring to now. 16. Поставьте вопрос и ответьте на него, употребив Ptesent Continuous Active. Ask your friend: 1. ... what ideas they are ilooking for in science nowadays. 2. ... what experiments they are performing now. 3. ... what specific features of the phenomenon they are trying to elucidate. 4. ... which of the two theories he is trying to support. 5. ... what his co-worker is doing at present. 6. ... where the guest is staying now. 7. ... why they are leaving so soon. 8. ... why he is staying in the laboratory at such late hour. 9. ... when she is taking her examination in English. 10.... who the professor is talking to. 77. Закончите предложения, используя слова в скобках. Употребите Present Continuous Active. Модель: This is the book I am looking for. These are the facts he is dwelling upon. 1) This is the research ... (they, to carry on), the idea ... (he, to try to bring dut). 13
the lecture ... (I, to look forward to), the hypothesis ... (we, to rely on, now), the argument.. (they, to put forward), the theory ... (they, to elaborate, now). 2) These are the date ... (he, to report, now). the phenomena ... (the professor, to try to elucidate), the theories ... (they, to refer to) the ideas ... (he, to try to present). 3) Here are the journals ... (you, to look for), the pictures ... (she, to talk about). the facts ... (they, to refer to, now), the figures ... (the speaker, to present), the books ... (you, to ask for), the people ... (we, to wait for). 18. Переведите предложения, содержащие глаголы в Present Perfect Active. 1. This is the book I've just read. 2. This is the paper ne nas snown us. 3. This the evidence the experiments have provided. 4. These are the results he has reported. 5. These are the works you have mentioned. 6. These are the new ideas we have put forward. 7. That is the theory he has advanced. 8. That is the point the professor has supported. 9. Here is the letter he has got. 10. Here is the University she has graduated from. 11. Here are the data we nave recently obtained. 12. That is the theory he has advance. ^ 13. These are the results Prof Ivanov has just reported. 14. These are new ideas we have put forward. 15. This is the paper my collegue has just shown. 14
19. Употребите глаголы в Present Perfect Active. Модель: The weather is going to change. The weather has changed. 1. They are going to finish the work. 2. They are going to obtain some further information on the subject. 3. The laboratory assistant is going to describe the procedure in detail. 4. He is going to support his argument by using the data quite recently obtained. 5. This team of researchers is going to elaborate a new technique. 6. They are going to prepare all the things for the experiment . 7. We are.going to talk these things over. 8. I am going to send a message by airmail. 20. Ответьте на вопросы, используя Future Indefinite Active, 1. Is the laboratory going to take up the study of the phenomenon in the nearest future? 2. Are they going to have the discussion at the end of the meeting? 3. Is the study of such complex problems going to be difficult? 4. When are the authors going to publish the results of their observations? 5. Who is going to present that point of view? 6. Is he going to be through with the experiment in about two hours? 7. What subject are you going to specialise in? 15
21. Переведите предложения, содержащие Future Indefinite Active. 1. You will achieve better results if you work hard next term. 2. We shall talk the matter over when we meet in private. 3. They will give a complete account of the work recently done in the laboratory when they finish that fundamental research. 4. The new method will come into use when suitable appliances and devices are provided. 5. Please, let us know the results of your experiments as soon as you complete them. 6. Dr. Ivanov will send us his review as soon as he gets it published. 7. I shall leave right after the lecture is over. 8. We shall talk things over after everyone knows what the situation is really like. 9. We are sure we shall get all the things ready for the experiment before the seminar is over. 10. A great deal of work will still remain to be done before we completely understand the above mechanisms. 11. We shall not succeed in unrevealing this mystery until we know the mechanisms underlying the phenomenon. 12. We shall not start the new set of experiments next week unless we get enough animals to experiment on. 16
13. It won't be easy to provide answers to such specific questions unless we make a different approach to the study and use different technique. 22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Future Continuous Active. 1. Ill be working at my paper. There's still a lot to do. 2. Ill be preparing for my examinations. IVe got too little time. 3. ill be looking through the recent journals. There are so many to look through. 4. Ill be typing my paper. I pmst soon give it to be printed and I haven't typed it yet. 5. She will probably be attending a lecture on recent developments in the world. She has never missed a chance to go to such lectures. 23. Переведите предложения с глаголом в Past Indefinite Active. 1. I did not know the exact answer then. 2. The talk didn't bring about a discussion. 3. He brought out some important facts at the meeting. 4. Yesterday I began a new series of experiments. 5. They brought about some noticeable results. 6. My colleague made a speech at the laboratory meeting the other day. 7. Those facts were quite relevant. 8. I could recall some scientists of the past whose fundamental discoveries were epoch-making in the science they worked in. 9. Their ideas won recognition afterwards. 17
24. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы в Past Continuous Active. 1. They were starting a new set of experiments. 2. They %were discussing something I couldn't quite make out. 3. We were talking about maters of interest to us both after the session was over. 4. Prof. Ivanov was laying emphasis on the responsibility of science for the future of mankind at the closing session. 5. They were discussing advantages and disadvantages of the new technique. 6. He was writing a letter to his foreign colleague. 7. She was looking through the recent publications on the problem. 25. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы в Past Perfect Active. 1. I hadn't done even half of my work by the time they left. 2. The conference hadn't come to an end yet when the announcement was made. 3. The author said his co-workers had accepted the newly-developed theory. 18
4. The speaker emphasized that most of the workers in the above field had expressed views bore out the hypothesis. 5. We knew the authors had obtained no particular information bore on the problem. 6. It was quite clear that the author had given a comprehensive account of the processes. 7. I believed that his profession had provided him with opportunities for the work of that kind. 8. The changes they had observed then were later reported in literature. ВРЕМЕНА СТРАДАТЕЛЬНОГО ЗАЛОГА (Passive Voice) 26. Переведите предложения, содержащие глаголы в Present Indefinite Passive. 1. The following hypothesis is presented for discussion. 2. Each chapter of the book is written by a different person. 3. The term "absorption" is often used or understood in dealing with these figures. 4. Much of our information on this subject is derived from studies with radioactive iron. 5. This conclusion is very generally accepted today. 6. The figures are taken from a number of articles in the literature and are now presented in Table 5. 7. We are now aced with an entirely different situation. 19
8. These phenomena are also influenced by those effects. 9. Similar results are obtained with the use of an alternative technique. 10. The following account is based mainly upon unpublished data. 11. The kind of work youVe just spoken about is done every day. 12. Particular attention is paid to the problem of methodology. 13.The aims and methods to be used are examined in details. 14. Incidentally, in studies of this kind observation is generally used as the only method. 15. By the way, booklets of a similar type are regularly sent out to all members of the academic council. 16. It appears, the experiments youVe referred to are generally performed with conventional technique. 17.1tfs common knowledge that computer techniques are widely used by archivists nowadays. 18. By the way, such conferences as the one you attended are held every year. 19. The letter to Prof. Smith is not posted yet. It's an urgent one and must be posted right awav. 27. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы в Present Continuous Passive. 1. The term is now being used to mean quite a different phenomenon. 20
2. The technique is now being extensively used for determining the values for radioactive iron. 3. Machines are being constructed so that cosmonaut can practice the complex rendezvous when orbiting round the Moon. 4. Experimental observations are now being made with a view to establish certain facts. 5. All experiments of the kind are now being performed under local anaesthesia. 6. Most of such studies now are being made on adults. 7. High-speed industrial methods are being used in building. 8. A system is being developed to bring the capsule back to the earth. 9. The book youVe mentioned is being printed now. 10. The proposal he has put forward is now being discussed everywhere. 11. The method developed in the nineties is now being replaced by new one. 12. The research undertaken in their laboratory a year ago is now being completed. 13. The work of the kind is going to be done soon. 14. Most of their findings are being verified. 15. Special attention is going to be given to developing new experimental technique. 28. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Present Perfect, Passive. 1. These two principles have been accepted without a question by later writers on the subject. 2. These effects have also been investigated. 21
3. During the past ten years many educational establishments have been opened in our country. 4. Most of our data have been furnished by electrophysiological experimentation. „ 5. Considerable progress has been made in recent years in understanding the nature of sleep. 6. In the past few years significant progress has been made in answering some of these questions. 7. The above methods have not yet been fully evaluated. 8. Even this problem has not yet been solved. 9. No complete account has so far been given of these dramatic changes. 10. These principles have been accepted without question by later writers on the subject. 11. This and other similar features have not been observed in our experiments. 12. Most of their studies have been made on adults. 13. Such information has been needed for a long time. 14. The latter phenomenon suggests that the system has been put out of action. 15. The method has recently been replaced by a newly- developed technique. 29. Употребите в следующих предложениях Present Perfect Passive, дополнив until now (up to now), so far. Y " \ 1. No serious attempts are going to be made soon to reconcile two conflicting theories. 2. No comparable information is going to be obtained by the technique. 3. No working hypothesis is going to be advanced to help to elaborate a sound theory. 22
4. No critical approach is going to be made to this particular aspect of the problem. 5. No efficient methods are going to be elaborated soon. 6. No convincing arguments are going to be presented in fayour of these assumptions. 7. No studies of the kind are going to be undertaken soon. 8. No reference is going to be made of the earlier works by the same author. 9. No alternative interpretation of the phenomena is going to be suggested in the near future. 10. No such attempt is going to be made now to disprove the existing theory. 30. Дополните предложения информацией, касающейся области ваших научных интересов. 1. It has long been known that... 2. It has long been of interest to try ... 3. It has long been recognized that... 4. It has long been suggested that... 5. It has long been claimed that... 6. It has long been of interest to try to elucidate ... 7. It has been known for many years now that... 31. Переведите предложения, принимая во внимание глаголы в Past Indefinite Passive. 1. Such comparable differences were not observed. 2. Detailed observation of temperature adaptations were not made in the above studies. 3. Such attempts were not made at the time to improve the existing theory. 23
4. Papers concerned with the basic principles of the theory were not presented at the symposium. 5. An adequate estimate of the above changes was not made in the experiments performed in 1999. 6. An obvious agreement about mechanisms involved in those processes was not reached. 7. Such a vacancy was not opened up then. 8. Studies of the kind were not undertaken in those years. 9. An alternative interpretation of the phenomena was not suggested. 10. The results were not thoroughly analysed when the experiments were completed. 32. Переведите предложения, содержащие отрицательные утверждения с глаголами в Past Indefinite Passive. 1. No attempt was made in 1999 to disprove the existing theory. 2. No obvious attempt was made to reconcile the two conflicting views. 3. No working hypothesis was put forward in the late 1999 to develop a sound approach to the study of those phenomena. 4. No alternative interpretation of the phenomenon was suggested when such information was first obtained. K< 5. No compelling evidence was provided by those large-scale experiments performed in 1999. 24
33, Закончите предложения, употребив глаголы в Past Indefinite Passive. 1. If I am not mistaken ... 2. As far as I remember .. 3. I am not quite certain but it seems to me that... 4. Fraiikly speaking, I don't know ... 5. Frankly speaking, I don't remember when ... 6. I am afraid I don't know exactly when ... 7. I really don't know when ... 8. As far as I know ... 9. I am sure ... 34, Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы в Past Continuous Passive. 1. The difficulty was then being overcome and further steps were being taken to bring the studies to a more realistic level. 2. Little progress was being made than in this field because of the lack of fundamental theoretical works that were urgently needed. 3. During the last two decades emphasis was being made on highly specialized fields of science. 4. In those years extensive information was being accumulated on the problem. 5. As more and more gaps in our knowledge of the subject were being filled in, the < situation was gradually becoming normalized. 6. A new programme was being elaborated then and we were looking forward to it hoping we would 25
have more ample opportunities for fundamental research. 7. No view were being expressed then in favour of the hypothesis. 8. No tasks of the kind were being put forward then. 35. Сделайте предложения логически законченными. 1. The progress that was being made in the field ... 2. The new program that was being elaborated ... 3. The new laboratory equipment that was being introduced ... 4. The new device that was being tested ... 5. The new book that was being brought out... ' 6. The event which was being so widely commented 7. The views which were being expressed then ... 8. The evidence which was being provided by those experiments ... 36. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Past Perfect Passive. 1. The study of that problem had been initiated thirty years before the new technique was developed. 2. After the results had been analyzed and compared with those previously obtained they were summarized in tables and reported at the University annual conference. 3. Enormous preliminary work had been done earlier so that normal conditions of the experiment could be generally defined. 26
4. The research that had just been completed by the time bore out the views expressed earlier by several workers in the field. 5. The speaker emphasized that most of the above studies had been made on adults, 6. The author pointed out that the data presented in the review had been obtained in collaboration with other workers. 7. A monographic study of that vital problem appeared in 1999. No comparable study of the kind had been made until then. 8. No explanation of the phenomenon had been advanced until then. 9. The research that had just been completed by the time proved to be the greatest astronomical event of the year. ^ , 10. The talks which had just been completed then seemed very fruitful. 11. The speaker gave a comprehensive account of the changes that had been observed during adaptation to extremes of temperature. 37. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Future Indefinite Passive. 1. The data obtained at this stage will be analyzed in detail.. 2. The hypothesis will be offered as a starting point for discussion. 3. The texts will be carried out later. 4. The experiments will be carried out under local anaesthesia. 27
5. These communities will relatively soon be totally transformed. 6. These and similar studies will be reviewed in details... 7. An example of this will be shown in Fig. 5. 8. A brief survey will be given of the nature, number and distribution of population groups. 9. An attempt will be made to distinguish between the two substances in the light of recent findings. 10. The various categories of research as already outlined above will be examined in the light of those re - views. 11. The studies, which will be undertaken, will obviously be dependent on the financial resources. 12. The findings which will be presented here are the result of a study initiated as back as 1999. 13.The conference, which will be held soon, will be largely concerned with new discoveries in astronomy. 14. This aspect will be described in a subsequent section, 38. Переведите предложения, содержащие отрицательные утверждения с глаголами в Future Indefinite Passive. 1. In my opinion, no hypotheses will be suggested to account for these phenomena. 2. I have an impression that no assumption will be made as to the mechanism underlying the above changes. 28
3. I have a feeling that no information will be provided r^by these experiments. 4. As far as I can see, no satisfactory interpretation of the results will be offered soon. 5. It seems that no particular reference will be made to the earlier works by these workers. 6. As far as I can see, no obvious conclusions will be made from the experiments performed. 7. I am told that no adequate equipment will be provided in the next few months. 8. As I understand, no suitable technique will be developed in the near future for performing experiments of this kind. 39. Переведите предложения, употребив глаголы в страдательном залоге. 1. Данной проблеме уделяют большое значение. 2. Много литературы было изучено по этому вопросу. 3. Основные аспекты этой проблемы изложены в монографии профессора Н. 4. Чтобы детально исследовать эту проблему, было проведено несколько экспериментов. 5. Краткое изложение проблемы нашло отображение в докладе ведущего ученого. 6. Решено описывать ход эксперимента по частям. 7. Полученная информация была подробно описана в статье. 8. В работе аспиранта представлена вполне надежная информация о ходе эксперимента. 29
9. Представленная информация может быть использована для дополнительного изучения вопроса. 10. В статье сообщаются новые дополнительные факты. СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕН 40. Переведите предложения, помня о согласовании времен. 1. Не said progress in the field was very slow. 2. I knew it was the only explanation he could give. 3. The professor asked me if I was quite sure there was a mistake. 4. He asked me if I could state quite definitely whether or not our results supported the earlier conclusion. 5. He said he didn't know what the changes were due to. 6. I said I had no idea if he knew what decision the Committee was going to take. 7. We knew that the author had not succeeded in bearing out the assumption. 41. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в сложные, соблюдая правила согласования времен. Модель: The professor will make a brilliant speech. (Every one expected). Everyone expected tne professor would make a brilliant speech. 30
1. This post-graduate student will present the material in a clear and concise way. (No one doubted). 2. He will show a remarkable grasp of the situation. (It was quite obvious). 3. The newly published book will be a great success. (Everyone expected). 4. We shall take steps to improve the situation. (Everyone hoped). 5. We shall get things done as soon as we possibly can (We thought). 6. The difficulty will soon be overcome. (I was sure). 7. It will be a great idea. (He said). 8. He will present his results. (Everyone expected). 9. The agenda of the conference is rather crowded. (The chairman said). 10. The scope of the book is much narrower than its title suggests. (He had the impression). 42. Закончите предложения. 1. The research that had been completed by the time ... 2. The new equipment that had been bought then ... 3. The changes that had been observed then ... 4. The comments that had been made then during the pervious talk... 5. The remarks that had been made before the talk was started... 6. The information about archaeological findings that had been found in 199 9... 7. The questions that had been asked then ... 8. The talks that had just been completed then ... 9. The hypothesis that had been put forward before the discovery ... ^^l c4^ 10. Many views on the subject that had been expressed before... 31
СОСЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ НАКЛОНЕНИЕ (The Subjunctive Mood) 43. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы в сослагательном наклонении. 1. I should like to suggest a new program of investigation of this phenomenon. 2. They would like to comment on it. 3. It would have been impossible to make such experiments a few years ago. 4. It is necessary that this up-to-date machinery should be used on our construction sites. 5. We could have introduced the new technology if the machinery had been delivered in time. 6. Some reference books were on the table so that the postgraduates might use them. 7. It is essential that the temperature should be raised. 8. The post-graduate student insisted that the new system should be introduced as soon as possible. 9. But for modem computers a large number of technological advances would not have taken place. 10. Without computers the development of atomic power stations would have been quite impossible. 1. I wish every post-graduate student would look through that material and tell me his opinion. 2. He spoke as if he were an expert in that field of knowledge. 3. It is desirable that you should be present at that conference as a specialist in this branch of industry. 4. We suggest that this project be discussed in detail. 5. It is necessary that he should give his consideration to this subject. 6. t£ he had come earlier he would have spoken to the professor. 32
7. It was desirable that the meeting should take place in three days. 8. Everybody required that the new methods of management should be taken into consideration while making the program. 9. It was essential that every post-graduate student had been present at the professor's first lecture. 10. We suggest that this project be suggested in detail. 11. They spoke as if they had seen everything with their own eyes. ИНФИНИТИВ 44. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод различных видовременных и залоговых форм инфинитива, 1. The discoveries in physics can be applied in chemistry. 2. I cannot pretend to classify all such differences. 3. When we get in the laboratory it may be too late to do anything. 4. I am sorry to have kept you so long at the conference hall. 5. Most of the patterns of the relief seem to have been lacking during early phases of development of the peatland. 6. The surface of the star must have got enormously hotter in a very short period. 7. These relations cannot be determined by purely chemical techniques. 8. This sound cannot here been fully formed in London English much before the fifteenth century. 9. Giotto could have been the first humanist and yet have been a mediocre artist. 10. Everyone should be familiar with the signs used on such maps. 33
11. He has come into the world too late. He should have lived in the eighteenth century. 12. If transplanted to Venus, we might perhaps continue to live without much derangement of habit. 13. The work of Apollodoras, which might have given us reliable information, is unfortunately lost. 14. Now he discussed what he ought to have said instead of what he did say. 15. Perhaps, she ought not to have answered him like that. 16. He cannot have caused an explosion in the laboratory. He is too careful. 17. This is only the part of the story that can be told in figures: 45. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции подлежащего. 1. То complete a journey round the sun requires nearly 29 lA years. 2. To move in space calls for quite new concepts of energy. 3. To prolong this discussion is to waste time. 4. To form such judgements about things depends not on a single person but on several or many observations by several or many people. 5. To accomplish this would require about a million times as much energy. 6. To settle down in a strange country and to study successfully the wild creatures which inhabit it demands a few of the elements of real warfare. 7. To say that surprisingly little has been done in oceanography is not by any means to belittle what has already been achieved. 34
46. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции второго члена именного составного сказуемого. 1. The purpose of this chapter is to describe certain properties of pure substances. 2. Knowing the moon's distance, it is easy to find her diameter. 3. It is rather difficult to explain the absence of such forms in the sixteenth century. 4. The X-ray spectra are much more difficult to excite. 5. The duty of the artist and the writer is to see clearly in their spheres of activity and to define the means to serve the future of humanity. 6. The aim of the book exhibition is to change experience and to display the finest editions. 7. Some of the biological expedition members were mountaineers whose duty was to climb the mountain peaks. 8. Other methods of active observation are to break something down into its parts or elements and then to reconstitute it again or to effect changes in its properties through the agency of other things. 9. The function of the connections inside the animal's brain is to connect the animals with what lies outside - that is, with its surroundings. 10. For the production of electric power the problem is to conduct away the heat from the reactor. 11. The first approach was to find a high-atomic number material both soluble in the compatible to plastic. 12. Here the guiding principle is to take into account the changing shape of the overall potential. 13. The development of the form WAN is not altogether easy to follow. 35
47. Переведгапе предложения с инфинитивом в функции второго члена составного главного сказуемого. 1. We can convert energy from one state to another. 2. Ten years later came the first of the Saxon raids, which were once again to change the history of this country. 3. Other types of fossil are to be found only in one stratum. 4. How was I to know that he was going to be acclaimed as the greatest scientist of our day? 5. This record, one may assume, is to serve some subsequent purpose. 6. This was actually the first and, as later events were to prove, the most important type of nuclear fission. 7. These anomalies are to be expected in the*above method. 8. But the best is yet to come. 9. Steel output is to go up in the next years. 10. A more graphic reminder of the epic here is to be found on the front panel of the celebrated walrus ivory box. 11. Vast rivers are to be diverted from the Arctic to the Caspian Sea. The climate of half a continent is to be changed. Deserts are to be made fertile. 48. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции прямого дополнения. 1. We mean later to investigate these problems. 2. A man gave me a very useful list of "do's and don'ts" in Britain if a visitor wants to be considered as a member of civilized society. 3. I only want to be given my chance. 4. He was pleased at last to have come face to face with the researcher of whom he had heard so much. 5. Several researchers claim to have detected this reflected wave. 36
6. The professor told the post-graduate student to think it over. 7. The subjects are discussed in sufficient detail to permit a student to orient himself in electrochemistry. 8. Improved transport facilities have enabled people to live farther from their work. 9. I am so glad to have been at the recital, as it was simply magnificent. 10. I'm nappy to have been of some help in such a case. 11. I'm pleased to have been invited to attend the conference. 12.1 don't think any one need to be ashamed to have written such a book. 13. This scientist claimed to have identified a number of very easy cultures from these deposits. 14. We are proud to have been instrumental in acquainting the world with the creative work of a young man of talent. 15. The discovery will induce the historians of the Greek alphabet to reexamine their chronology with special care. 16. The ideas and assumptions enable us to understand the sequence of elements. 17. The evidence forbids us to believe in the story of the Indo-Greek rule in Barygaza. 49. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции определения. 1. At first several dilute solutions of the substance to be investigated are prepared. 2. But the setting of the sun just before midnight and rising again an hour or two later is a spectacle never to be forgotten. 3. There is something to be admired and respected in him. 4. Then an incident occurred to disturb the monotony oflife. 37
5. Many people think of the Mona Lisa as a beautiful object, a thing to be looked at and admired. 6. The first point to be mentioned is that Regional dialect disappears completely from the written language of tne South. 7. Dinny was the last person in the world to talk of her roots. 8. The first minor planet to be discovered is called Ceres. 9. The country to be traversed possessed great natural wealth. 10. It is a novel to read for pure enjoyment. 11. The discoveries of science enhance menfs collective power to satisfy their requirements, and serve as means of enlightenment. 12. This is the lesson to be learnt from a study of our excavations. 13.The traditional role of science is to make people healthy and the world a brighter place to live in. 14. All the attempts to confirm this suggestion have failed. 15. The units are to reproduce themselves only when the object to be reproduced is introduced as a pattern. 16. He is a nature-lover and knows all the interesting sights to be found in the region. 17. The Sun is the first object to be studied by rocket astronomy. 50. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции обстоятельства. 1. In order that we may know something of the people who invaded England in 1066 we must go back a little. 2. Our telescopes are not sufficiently powerful to notice such trivial matters as these. 3. I have turned aside to discuss these matters and to demonstrate how brain action is converted into thought and thought into brain activity. 38
4. An expedition which went to the Pamirs to explore the glacier has just returned home. 5. These components must be fixed arbitrarily so as to define the system. 6. He found the problem too difficult to solve. 7. The implications are enough to generate discussion on the pages of learned periodicals. 8. Itfs still too early to speak about the efficiency of this method. 9. The air system was maintained at normal t°, but the inside of the hood was sometimes too hot to touch. 10. The fact is too plain to conceal that on this occasion, too, united labour action has proved fruitful. 51. Запомните глаголы и глагольные сочетания, выступающие в функции вводного члена предложения. Используйте га при составлении предложений. to tell the truth to say the.least to make a long story short to come to closer quarters with to put it mildly to put it briefly to put it simply to put it another way to begin with to start with to judge from (by) to use (an unsatisfactory term) to return to sum up to take (an example) suffice it to say needless to say to say nothing of по правде говоря мягко выражаясь короче говоря если подойти непосредственно к мягко выражаясь короче говоря попросту говоря иначе говоря прежде всего судя по, если судить по если употребить (неудачное выражение) если возвратиться если подвести итог если привести (пример) достаточно сказать нет надобности говорить не говоря уже о 39
so to speak так сказать to name (only a few) если Упом*нуть (лишь несколько} mention (only some) если упомянуть (лишь 7 некоторые) to quote (a single ex- если привести ample) (один пример) 52. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в функции вводного члена предложения. 1. То put it briefly and bluntly, Chaucer did not create the English of literature. 2. Needless to say, no accuracy could be secured under such conditions. 3. To begin with, all maps must have a clear indication of direction and scale. 4. Many people envy the author his joy of life and his intellectual vigour, to say nothing of his literary productivity. 5. That, to put it mildly, is a rather dubious conclusion. 6. To use the author's words, those who delight in sensations can quote out of context phrases and interpret them in their own fashion. 7. To put it simply, when we try to transfer other and more vital organs from one individual to another we are up against great difficulties. 8. To put it another way, it should not be possible from the comparison of the two versions to determine which was the original and which was the translation. 53. Переведите предложения, содержащие инфинитивные оборот, вводимый предлогом for. 1. We need only determine the suitable method for study. 2. That problem is still too vague for scientists to be thoroughly commented at present. 40
3. It is very good for any researcher to have a fair hypothesis that is not contradicted by any fact. 4. It is possible for water to contain dissolved materials and not be hard. 5. It is desirable for you to know about it. 6. It is quite possible for an educated person to speak with a very marked provincial accent and yet to write perfectly good English. 7. For the electron to remain in its orbit these two forces must be equal. 8. The asteroids are not close enough to Jupiter for disruption to have been caused by his attraction. 9. The only practical thing is for oceanographers to learn how the water movements are governed by atmospheric pressure, wind and climate. 10. They waited m silence for the experiment to be over successfully. 11. There is only one thing for you to do. 12. My supervisor suggested books for me to read. 13. It is easy for you to do it. 14. The instrument was used for two years, just long enough for the repairs to have been needed. 15. By some means it must be possible for him to turn to philosophical thinking. 54. Запомните глаголы, употребляющиеся с оборотом "Объектный падеж: с инфинитивом". should хотел бы (would) like want хотеть like любить, нравиться hate не любить, не нравиться wish желать, хотеть desire желать intend хотеть mean хотеть expect ожидать, полагать 41
believe assume think consider hold reckon estimate judge know find imagine understand show prove declare see hear feel watch notice perceive observe order , command permit allow enable forbid require полагать, предполагать считать знать находить, считать представлять себе понимать показывать доказывать заявлять видеть слышать чувствовать наблюдать замечать наблюдать приказывать позволять давать возможность запрещать требовать 55. Переведите предложения, содержащие "Объектный падеж с инфинитивом19. 1. I want him to be a thorough investigator. 2. One might suppose this component to be the only factor. 3. You can't expect me to show genius already. 42
4. It is absurd to suppose that our answer is absolutely exact. 5. The ancients believed that planetary motion was due to some superhuman activity. 6. Prof. Zhukov feels that the work is in too early a stage. 7. Each generation probably sees something of the old usage given up. 8. Refined experiments showed this to be not quite true. 9. Scientists do not consider this effect to be an experimental error of any kind. 10. The English assume the movement to have stood the test of time. 11. The probable composition of the intermediate enables a mechanism for the reaction to be proposed. 12.1 thought their information to sound so urgent that I went right to you. 13.1 do not think these people were very intelligent. 56. Запомните глаголы, употребляющиеся в обороте "Именительный падеж с инфинитивом ". to say to report to state to announce to expect to think to believe to suppose tocxMsider to hold to take to assume to understand to know говорить, называть сообщать заявлять объявлять ожидать, полагать полагать, считать полагать, предполагать считать предполагать, допускать понимать, считать знать 43
&tod to estimate to see to observe to hear to show to reveal to find to seem to appear to prove to turn out to happen ч to chalice ^ is likely is sure . is certain Ю VVl 1ЛЛХМ.1. иметь в виду, предназначать подсчитывать видеть наблюдать слышать показывать обнаруживать оказываться казаться кажется, оказывается, по-видимому оказываться случиться,оказаться,доводиться вероятно, может конечно, наверное, несомненно, обязательно 57. Переведите предложения, содержащие "Именительный падеж с инфинитивом19. 1. Не is said to have achieved some success in the characters of Cato and Brutus. 2. Then Falcon Island was reported to be missing again. 3. Membership is expected to include biochemists, cytologists, microbiologists and others having in common an interest in the cell. 4. Magnesium was shown to consist of isotopes of relative masses 24, 25 and 26. 5. Here again the agreement between theory and experiment is found to be quite satisfactory. 6. All the stars appear to share equally in the movement from East to West. 7. The procedure proved to be rather difficult and not very precise. 44
8. At the beginning of his teaching career the young instructor is likely to be faced with a heavy load of elementary teaching. 9. The word is sure to contain at least one of such phonemes. 10. Speakers who have not learned to produce English phonemes are certain to make this phonetic substitution. 11. The difference is not thought to be large. 12. All atoms can be shown to consist of the same structural units. 13.It is generally believed that the Indian sources also contain reference to the Indo-Greek king Demetri- umsl. 58. Прочтите предложения, содержащие "Именительный падеж: с инфинитивом" и выразите свое отношение (согласие или опровержение). 1. A scientist is always supposed to be able to read modern science. 2. A scientist is always expected to know the latest work on his own speciality, 3. The migration is thought to take place as a molecular — or ionic — disperse system of particles. 4. This simple machine is seen to be able to function as an automatic dictionary. 5. It often happens that things turn out to be different from what tney at first appear to be. 6. Here we seem to have the first authentic remnants of eastern Greek fresco painting of the late sixth century B.C., true to the style of eastern Greek art. 7. Some insects have been observed to remain hidden in the soil until twilight, at which time they emerge and fly away. 8. There seems to be no real need for a specific term for substances which act like acetylcholine. 45
59. Замените конструкции "Именительный падеж с инфинитивом" придаточными предложениями. 1. The professor seemed to invite the undergraduates to join him in his consideration of the mysteries of the nervous system. 2. This lead method might be expected to be more reliable than the helium method since lead is not so likely to have been lost by slow diffusion. 3. The homogeneity was found to vary to some extent with position. 4. These experiments do not appear to add any new general conclusions to those from earlier experiments. 5. On the whole, the weight of evidence seems to favour the scheme. 6. These nuclides are now thought to have a special structure interpreted in terms of the "shell mode" of nuclear structure. 7. You appear to have found something in this phenomenon that I have missed. 60. Переведите предложения на английский язык употребив оборот "Объектный падеж: с инфинитивом". 1. Мы хотим, чтобы они знали наше мнение об этом эксперименте. 2. Мы хотим, чтобы вы сделали собственные выводы. 3. Немыслимо даже представить, чтобы искусство развивалось вне связи с жизнью. 4. Каждый истинный ученый готов на величайшие жертвы, чтобы увидеть, что его идеи живы. 5. На основании подобных исследований биологи предполагают, что образование органических веществ происходит в этом случае неорганическим путем. 46
6. Ученый полагает, что биологические явления связаны, прежде всего, с проявлением именно этих взаимодействий. 7. Все эти особенности позволяют выяснить многие вопросы. 8. Все это дает возможность отнести живопись этой пещеры к древнекаменному периоду. 9. Все астрономические методы позволяют изучать небесные тела косвенным образом. 10. Сравнение теории с опытом дает возможность установить параметры этой модели. 61. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребив конструкции "Именительный падеж с инфинитивом11. 1. Сообщают, что эта методика исследования находит широкое применение. 2. Говорят, что картина довольно точно отражает сюжетную линию романа. 3. Вся внутренняя стена одной из пещер оказалась покрытой рисунками художника каменного века. 4. Как известно, старт и полет ракеты происходили строго в соответствии с намеченной программой. 5. Как известно, работа рек имеет две стороны — разрушительную и созидательную, тесно связанные между собой. 6. Эта находка оказалась намного древнее, чем предполагалось ранее. 7. Можно сказать, что первоптицы жили в условиях тропического климата в лесу. 8. Оказывается, что пески без растительного покрова обладают способностью накапливать влагу. 9. Можно предположить, что данное произведение принадлежит перу романиста 19 века. 10. Изложенная теория, по-видимому, не требует дополнительной проверки. 11. Данный метод проведения эксперимента, кажется, дал очень хорошие результаты. 47
12. Считалось, что ядерные реакции протекают только внутри звезд. 13. Этот народ, по-видимому, был цивилизованным 2500 лет тому назад. 14. Наверное, об этой планете написано много научных работ. ПРИЧАСТИЕ 62. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастие в функции определения. А. 1. Another paper described a series of carefully controlled experiments. 2. The discovery of the intense radiation belt surrounding the Earth was important. 3. There is a growing demand for the kind of information given in these tables. 4. The other experiment is the recently reported high altitude grenade, shot at Woomera, Australia. 5. Many of the books reviewed are available from stock. 6. The work described here was part of an investigation of the fundamental properties of uranium oxides. 7. Readers of the report cannot fail to be impressed by the variety of services provided and by the diversity of research. 8. It will suffice to deal with the data utilized and the conclusions that have been reached. 9. Prof. Green believes that the point raised is sufficiently important to deserve formulation as a general principle in physics. 48
10. Recent work at Harwell reported here has, however, provided important evidence. 11. The figures quoted do not refer to the whole plant and will not hold good in all cases. 12. The text of papers submitted must be concise. B. 1. The book will be found complete as a first text-book for beginners within the limits indicated. 2. The material included comprises all the basic considerations of reaction theory. 3. It is considered, however, that the relationship demonstrated above is of lesser interest. 4. The conclusions being drawn are based on recent finds. 5. The author's general conclusions as given in his latest work, are of great practical value. 6. The congress attended by scientists from several countries was held in Moscow. 7. All the questions answered by him concerned his work. 8. The book referred to here was published last year. 9. The meeting attended by us was held in a big hall. 10. The group joined by archaeological expedition consisted of 15 people. 11. The review is divided into three parts followed by a brief comment. 12. These manuscripts are somewhat newer than those referred to in the preceding paragraph. 13. A new program agreed upon by the two countries envisaged an interesting form of cultural cooperation. 49
63. Переведите предложения с причастием в функции обстоятельства. 1. They worked using the best modern equipment. 2. Making the experiment he was seriously injured. 3. Having finished his experiment, he compared the results. 4. Having plenty of time, he decided to write a paper. 5. Leading its own life each cell plays a part in the life of the organism. 6. Published for the Documentational Committee this book is designed to give sponsors and scientists an export approach to documentary and educational film making. 7. The atomic weight as seen from the table refers to that substance. 8. When written the paper was handed to the editor. 9. Demonstrating his new finds the archaeologist gave a detailed description of the excavation site. 10. Being demonstrated at the University the new finds produced an impression. 11. Given certain conditions, such work can be done by anyone. 12. Given to the world only at the beginning of the century the work was translated in English only 90 years later. 64. Переведите предложения с обстоятельственными причастными оборотами. 1. When showing his finds the archaeologist gave a detailed description of the site. 2. If taken separately these words mean very much for the development of this branch of science. 50
3. When shown to the experts the manuscript aroused great interest. 4. When shown that manuscript the scholars became very much interested in it. 5. If translated into European languages this historical work may prove helpful both to historians and ethnographers. 6. If taken separately the sentence may be rendered in quite a different sense. 7. If asked for this paper can be found easily. 8. When asked to give an account of your search do not forget to say a few words about your latest find. 9. The conclusion would be bold unless supported by further evidence. 10. Books are reserved for readers for two days and if not applied for are returned to the shelves on the morning of the third day. 65. Запомните сочетания, наиболее часто вступающие в функции вводного члена предложения. omitting all the details considering the situation all things considered generally speaking granting it to be true assuming that allowing for not counting speaking of (for) judgingby beginning with опуская все подробности учитывая положение принимая во внимание все обстоятельства вообще говоря если это так считая, что принимая во внимание не считая говоря о судя по начиная с 51
66. Переведите предложения, содержащие причастный оборот в функции вводного члена предложения. 1. Put another way, the conclusion is quite obvious, 2. Strictly speaking, the author is not right here. 3. Turnine now to other sources, we come upon groups of woras of very various kinds, 4. Broadly speaking, words may be divided, according to use, into two great classes. 5. As already observed, the work under consideration is not primarily linguistic in nature and does not introduce new linguistic data. 6. Speaking somewhat inexactly, it may be said, that a language is the product of the thought of a nation, and reflects its corporate character. 67. Переведите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом, 1. The possible combinations being endless, we are not surprised at there being very numerous plant associations. 2. She remembered him talking at the conference. 3. I have something to be thankful for, all things considered. 4. Testing the motor the engineer applied the most modern method. 5. The paper being ready, I shall show it to the professor. 6. It being late, we made up our minds to finish testing the new mechanism. 7. The conference being over, the participants went on an excursion. 8. The experiment completed, the post-graduate student left the laboratory. 9. The figure represents an animal, its total length being two and a half inches. 10. There being nobody in the room, he decided to wait. 11. The University was established at Constantinople in 425, teaching being conducted both in Latin and Greek. 52
12. The matter of definitions settled, we may begin our consideration of cultural influences. 68. Переведите предложения с оборотом "Объектный падеж: с причастием". 1. I told you how I watched the black ice melting and freezing on the ground. 2. They heard Professor's name mentioned at the conference. 3. She was to write a letter to her foreign friend and have it mailed in San Francisco. 4. He would not have any people heard any longer. 5. We want to have our young people filled with a new realization that History is not over. 6. He heard his ticket booked beforehand. 7. There is an excellent system of subscribing to any periodical at the post-office and having it delivered with the letter. 8. We saw the student making an experiment in the laboratory. 9. We consider the Work completed. 10 Л often hear his book discussed. 11. He considered these finds as belonging to the 2d millennium. 69. Переведите предложения, содержащие "Именительный падеж с причастием". 1. The find was identified as belonging to the 4th century. 2. They identified these ruins as belonging to the Chin Dynasty. 3. He was seen making the experiment at that time. 4. The professor was heard coming upstairs and enter the lecture hall. 5. He was seen starting the engine. 6. She was heard speaking English to that foreign professor. 53
7. He is seen leaving the library at 8 sharp every evening. 8. He was heard saying that he was very busy. 9. He is often heard speaking at conferences. 10. These figures are considered being of great significance for this report. 11. The plane with delegates to the conference was reported missing. 70. Переведите предложения, используя причастие. 1. Здесь нельзя не вспомнить уже цитированное выше положение об органической связи предметов и явлений друг с другом. 2. Следует широко распространять накопленный и обобщенный опыт. 3. Наконец, вышла в свет карта, подробно рисующая особенности геологической структуры различных областей нашей страны. 4. В связи с указанными трудностями появились новые теории. 5. Приведенные примеры доказывают это. 6. Часто возникает необходимость получить изображение исследуемого объекта. 7. Приведенный материал представляет большой интерес и имеет большое значение. 8. Именно это он предполагал в цитированной работе. 9. Актуальность указанной выше проблемы доказана фактами. 10. Как видно из приведенных выше примеров, полисемия, конечно, играет свою роль. 11. Не обнаружив соответствующих данных в литературе, один из авторов настоящего сообщения Йэовел серию опытов, росмотрев литературные источники, ученый - собрал большой описательный материал. 54
ГЕРУНДИЙ 71. Переведите предложения, содержащие герундий 1. The author has succeeded in basing his study on sound principles. 2. Collecting rare books was his favourite occupation. 3. In studying the inscriptions they applied anew method of deciphering. 4. I remember seeing him at the international conference. 5. Writing papers took all his time. 6. After finishing school he went on an expedition. 7. In examining the manuscript the historian discovered a curious detail. 8. This volume differs from the previous in embracing a wider range of subjects. 72. Переведите предложения, учитывая функции герундия. 1. Going on expedition is his favourite occupation. 2. His going on an expedition surprised everybody. 3. He hates being asked about it. 4. We all like listening to professor's lectures. 5. Examining the manuscript through a lens gave interesting results. 6. We regretted our having missed the opening lecture. 7. These words are worth remembering. 8. It's no use arguing now. 9. It is worth while remembering this rule. 10. He insisted on your taking part in the conference. 11 • I object to your discussing this problem now. 12. He never complained of the conditions of his work being too hard. 13. It is worth noting in this connection that there are at least two kinds of analysis practised by science. 14. The author shows how a language varies in passing from one social group to another. 55
15. In discussing the problem they touched upon some very interesting items. 16. The first problem in reviewing the world's languages is to decide what to count a language. 73. Переведите, принимая во внимание герундиальные обороты. 1. I insist on writing the letter to the head of the archaeological expedition immediately. 2. This reference oook differs from the previous in including a greater number of names. 3. I hear about your brother's going abroad to the conference. 4. In addition to being both creative writer and critic he is also a scholar. 5. Without language there is no understanding 'among people, and without understanding there is no chance of their being able to work together. 6. Scientific discoveries affected intellectual life by overthrowing many of the old ideas respecting the world and nature. 7. In estimating these poems we should make ourselves aware of the literary situation wherein they were written. 8. The novelist can similarly tell a story without laying claim to having witnessed or participated in what he narrates. ПРИДАТОЧНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ 74. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. That the author shares this view is quite obvious. 2. Whether the author shares this view is not quite clear. 56
3. How difficult it was to accomplish this work is seen from his diary. 4. How it occurred can be seen from the following examples. 5. My book was what is often referred to as an autobiographical novel. 6. What 1 mean here is that every one of these factors is liable to mislead, 7. He confirmed what we already knew. 8. Archaeological excavations give us a better idea of how the people of those days live. 9. Where the related languages do not agree, some or all of them must have made some change. НЕЗАВИСИМЫЕ КОМПОНЕНТЫ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ 75. Сделайте вывод о каждой представленной в предложении ситуации, добавив по смыслу therefore, consequently, as a consequence, as a result 1. In recent years historical studies have been very intensive. 2. The studies initiated at this laboratory a few years ago have not given any positive result. 3. In the last few years many researchers have shown a keen interest in these enigmatic phenomena. 4. Any attempt to answer this question implies an intimate knowledge and fundamental understanding of the problem as a whole. 5. At present high qualifications are demanded on the research worker. 6. The situation in this field is becoming very serious but some investigators have taken a superficial view of its possible consequences. 7. The newly derived information requires an expert analysis and profound consideration. 57
76. Выразите свое несогласие со следующими утверждениями. 1. Scientists today have a wide choice of research methods, (however.). 2. Scientific information is growing at a very high rate, (nevertheless). 3. There has been considerable progress in our understanding of «solar-terrestrial phenomena, (yet). 4. The small amount ot data available at present does not permit us to make a realistic analysis of this mechanism, (nevertheless). 5. There have been considerable difficulties on the way to this discovery, (in spite of that). 6. He was advised to confine himself to a mere statement of the problem, (instead). 7. The conference was poorly organized and the translation of papers was also inadequate, (in spite of that). 8. I was supposed to give a brief account of my work, (instead). 9. The mam body of this book is devoted to a discussion of experimental findings, (however). 77. Выразите свою точку зрения на следующие утверждения. 1. My friend says that investigators can easily do without reading professional literature. 2. She says that meetings of scientists do not do anybody any good. 3. I am tola that it is no use wasting time and effort on this research. 4. They say that man is helpless in the face of nature. 5. One says that scientific discoveries are made only by individuals. 6. Somebody says that group efforts in research do not lead to very great results. 7. One says that research requires neither skill nor creativity. 58
8. They say that scientists are dull and uninteresting people. 9. My fiiend says that it it neither interesting nor useful to be a researcher. 10. One says that there must not be exceptions to the rule, if it is a rule. 78. Запишите следующие предложения, употребив оценочные фразы: Certainly. Sure our е. It goes without saying. You are right I agree with you. Definitely. That's right. 1. Investigation is often a tiring experience. 2. It takes a lot of effort to become a skilful investigator. 3. A scientist must be able to handle laboratory equipment. 4. He must possess a creative mind. 5. A laboratory apparatus should be large. 6. A research metnod must be accumulating. 7. Experimentation is the basis of any investigation. 8. The experimentatorfs life can sometimes be hard and even dangerous. 9. A research laboratory today must have a highly skilled staff. 10. Science stimulates the development of technology. 79. Добавьте ко второму предложению одно из данных слов или словосочетаний так, чтобы его содержание было зависимым и дополняло первое предложение: besides, moreover, similarly, in addition to, in fact, as a matter of fact 1. This machine can perform many operations. It can give high accuracy of measurement. 59
2. The paper under review contains newer results. The author suggests an interesting interpretation of the mechanism. 3. The book summarizes recent developments in this field. It gives an expert analysis of some ideas and theories. 4. The body of scientific information is growing rapidly. The number of periodicals is increasing. 5. International meetings of scientists promote personal contacts. They stimulate research. 6. The problem will be solved. It is a mater of time. 7. Theoretical physics is difficult. It is one of the most complicated subjects. 8. My visit to London was very useful. It was an ex- citing experience. 9. The article under review deals with a historical analysis of scientific thinking. The author suggests an interesting interpretation. 80. Сохранив основную идею и употребив предлагаемые клише оформите предложения как ссылки на указанное утверэюдение (as stated above, as mentioned previously, as emphasized, as shown, as pointed out, etc.). 1. The results reported in this paper are new and encouraging. 2. The purpose of this analysis was to find a possible correlation between the processes. 3. This simple procedure is merely a means of obtaining the preparation in a pure form. 4. The information presented in this paper is much debated in literature. 5. It is difficult to estimate off-hand the possible significance of this discovery. 6. Modern laboratories require highly skilled personnel. 7. The method described in this paper lacks accuracy. 60
81. Придайте предложениям форму выводов. Используйте: in short, in brief, in other words, on the whole, this, to summarize, to be more exact, in conclusion, 1. The 1990's witnessed remarkable progress nearly in every field of science and this process seems to be accelerating. 2. This paper covers the period of the last ten years in the development of political sciences and discusses the data accumulated during this time. 3. At the time this new science was beginning to take shape, there was no general theory to support experimental work. 4. There were neither the necessary instruments nor the qualified scientists to conduct the investigations. 5. The paper under review contains new data and their interpretation from the entirely new viewpoint. 6. The work that has just been described has taken five years of sustained efforts by many researchers. These efforts have not been in vain, since they have led to revision of our older concept. 7. This science is very young, but it is making rapid progress and involves more and more people from adjacent fields. 61
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Предисловие 3 Множественное число существительных 4 Существительные в функции определения 4 Имя прилагательное 5 Слова-заменители it, that, this, these,one 7 Усилительное местоимение // (it is ... that, which, who) 8 Модальные глаголы 9 Времена действительного залога 12 Времена страдательного залога 19 Согласование времен 30 Сослагательное наклонение 32 Инфинитив 33 Причастие 48 Герундий 55 Придаточные предложения 56 Независимые компоненты предложения 57 Тамара Яковлевна Андреева НАУЧНЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Практическое пособие Выпуск 1 ГРАММАТИКА В РЕЧЕВЫХ ОБРАЗЦАХ Редактор М.А.Овечкина Оригинал-макет А.Г.Кохно ЛР№ 020257 от 22 Л.96. Подписано в печать 14.06.2000. Формат 60x84 1/16 Бумага для множительных аппаратов Печать офсетная Уч.-изд. л. 1,97. Усл. печ. л. 3,6. Тираж 300 экз. Заказ4/4 . Уральский государственный университет им. А.М.Горьхого. Екатеринбург, пр. Ленина, 51. ИПЦ «Издательство УрГУ». Екатеринбург, ул. Тургенева, 4.