Автор: Mitsuoka I.  

Теги: origami  

ISBN: 4-88996-057-0

Год: 1999

                    STEP-BY-STEP ILLUSTRATIONS

US$17.00 3D ORIGAMI STEP-BY-STEP ILLUSTRATIONS Origami is created by folding small squares of paper into various shapes. 3D Origami takes that tradition to the next level by combining smaller origami projects into three-dimensional structures. These impressive and seemingly difficult sculptures are deceptively easy to make. Each solid object is formed from simple folded units. The works include cranes, swans, turtles, owls, penguins, pineapples, sunflowers, baskets, hats, urns, kittens, rabbits, and others. Most of the processes are illustrated with photographs and step-by-step illustrations. 3D Origami is sure to engage fans of the craft and open up a new world of delight to origami devotees. JOIE / JAPAN PUBLICATIONS isbn ц-ааччь-057-0 9 784889 960570 PRINTED IN JAPAN
Introduction #1 GRANNY OWL Origami, or paper folding, has long been recognized as a hobby for chil- dren. It is fun to create a familiar figure simply by folding a square of origami paper, and when a project is done, you might want to keep it as a decoration. However, authentic origami figures are so light-weight and fragile they don’t last long nor stand by themselves, and they were meant to be thrown away after all. This book introduces you to an in- novative approach to origami craft. The projects are heavy-weight and stable so you can keep them as orna- ments. A small rectangular piece of paper is folded into a tiny, ’’magic” triangle. Make as many pieces as you can and build the figures or structures you fancy. You can suit your own sense by changing colors and numbers of pieces in certain rows, and by using paper of different thicknesses or tex- tures. The possibities are endless. Origami is quite a time-consuming craft, but you need no special tools or workplace. With just paper and scis- sors, 3D origami is fun for all ages. In Japan, it has also become popular among people recovering after all illnesses. Everybody can enjoy folding and interlocking the “magic” triangles just as you would patchwork, knit or build with Lego® blocks. JISTR1BLTORS Jnited States: Kodansha America, Inc. through Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Canada: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd., 195 Allstate Parkway, Markham, Ontario L3R 4T8 Jnited Kingdom and Europe: Premier Book Marketing Ltd., Clarendon House. 52, Cornmarket Street, Oxford, 0X1 3HJ England Australia and New Zealand: Bookwise International, 54 Crittenden Road, Findon, South Australia 5023 Che Far East and Japan: Japan Publications Trading Co.,Ltd., 1-2-1, Sarugaku-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0064 Japan ?irst Edition July 2000 Jriginal Copyright© 1999 Boutique-sha World rights reserved by JOIE, INC., 1-8-3, Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093 Japan 4o part of this book or portions thereof may be reproduced in any form or by any means including electronic retrieval systems w.thout )rior written approval from the author or publisher. Printed in Japan SBN4-88996-057-0 3
ENJOY RECYCLING PAPERS Our daily life is filled with various kinds of paper that are destined to be thrown away; catalogs, wrapping paper, magazines, tickets, flyers, etc. Before just getting rid of them, why don’t you consider recycling them by creating delightful 3D figures? Save glossy, thick papers, patterned or solid, for later use.
Since each basic rectangle should be less than 2” X 4”, you can cut any size of used paper down to that size out some from any used paper. Surpris- ingly beautiful effects will be obtained when patterned pieces are assembled together. This handicraft will be satisfying to you in a number of ways, learning a new skill, a constructive use of your time, and recycling unwanted paper into an artfulspe^JornK BASKET: P.14 USING A VARIETY OF PAPERS л Stack by inserting the points KINGFISHER: P.11 of triangles. Make a triangle at the center. Fold in half again. (See P.28 for details). Fold in bottom corners. Fold in half. 5
TO BEGIN Any 3D origami project begins with a small triangular piece. First, let’s see how the basic triangle is folded. This is an easy example to give you the idea of how the basic piece is formed. See P.27-29 for more detailed instruc- tions. |_ - — Use one half of a Fold in half to make a Fold in half in the other Fold up (upper flap) so square origami paper. thinner rectangle. direction. the bottom edge aligns with the left. Fold down upper cor- Fold down in half, ners. Fold in half to complete a basic triangular piece. Turn over and fold in Open as shown, the same manner. There are 3 types of triangle, according to the project. See P.27-29 for more details. Each of the three sides of the triangle has a different form of edge, which enables the crafter to vary the direction of inserting more pieces, creating 2D or 3D designs. ORNAMENT STAND Instructions for #2 & #3: P.32
Hold the first piece with your Hold the second piece with Insert two points into double Insert deeply as shown, left hand, the pockets facing your right hand so two pocket of the first piece. you. pointed points face left. Insert two points of the third Continue so the pocket side Apply a dash of glue between Completed RING, piece into double pocket. alternates its angle, vertically pieces, adjusting the shape. and diagonally. * Pieces used in the actual project are smaller. 7
#10 The -e is made of #9 TORTOISE Instructions for #9-#15: P.J Make as many as 40 tri- angles to create a beaud ful tortoise. All you ht v to do is insert in the same direction. It’s easy yet creative. TORTOISE ASSEMBLY Different colors are used here for easy comprehension. Make 40 triangular pcs. Place 3 pcs. as Row 1, double pockets down. Join them with 4 pcs. by inserting double points into adjoining pockets of 2 pcs. Row 3: Insert 5 pcs. Row 4: Insert 6 pcs. 8 Row 5: Insert 5 pcs., leaving side triangles unworked . Row 6: Insert 4 pcs. Row 7: Insert 3 pcs.
Cover it again with 1 pc.. Fore legs: Open 1 pc. and Hind legs: Open 1 pc. and Glue on eyes to finish. inserting into outer pockets. insert one point into an insert one point into an outer pocket of Row 2. Repeat on the other side. outer pocket of Row 6. Glue to secure. Repeat on the other side. 9
#16 nstructions for #16-#19’ P.34 This is an ideal project for beginners. By joining pieces in one direction м ill teach you how the triangular pieces work with each other. #20 SOARING CRANE Instructions: P.36

EASY HORIZONTAL ASSEMBLY Most larger projects are constructed on a round base. Once you have learned the trick of the triangula"' pieces, this sunflower can be a goou basis from which to start to proceedi to more complicated designs. ThJ дороге pieces you start with, the mort ^d^sily^,ypu can join them, although 8^№s^gg'qt,er. hole will be enlarged as r.<;i^is;,useful to practice joining) ll<numbers of pieces securely. w fr OWER Bfeictions for #24 & #25: P.13 ЙЯ #25 Completed size • 6” diameter Materials #24: 54 48 #25: 54 24 24 Note The completed pi ding on the thiekpess of the paper used. 2”x 3’4* fectangles of craft paper (yellow) 2”x 3 ^’’.Rectangles of craft paper (browm) 2”x 3$ ' 2”x 3j| ectangles of craft paper (yellow) ectangles of craft paper (black) rectangles of craft paper (ocher) iject may look different depen- 12
SUNFLOWER ASSEMBLY(#25) Apply a dab of glue onto the Press 2 pcs. to secure. Repeat to make a 5-6 pc. Make several clusters until 24 tip of the single point of a cluster. pcs. are joined. Join into a ring triangular piece. and glue to secure. Interlock 1 pc. so as to 3 pcs. are joined to the far 24 pcs. are joined all around. Holding the double pocket covering the adjoining points, side. side of a yellow piece, insert its points into adjoining pockets. 24 pcs are inserted all around. Increase petals by inserting 1 Keep adding until 12 pcs. are Now, the real color petals, 36 pc. into the opening between inserted. in all. every 2 pcs. Hold the flower downside up, When 18 pcs. are added, turn Secure by gluing the final row Apply glue all over the back and insert a piece held at the over and adjust the angles of pieces from the back side. side and attach onto a card- double pocket into adjacent petals. board. openings. 13
THREE-DIMENSIONAL ASSEMBLY First make a circular base with triangular pieces. Then stack upward to create a 3D project. Once you have mastered the con- struction of the first piece, which is a little tricky, various shapes can be constructed as you wish. Start with a small number of pieces and proceed to more elaborate designs using a larger number of pieces. #27 #26 BASKET Instructions for #26 & #27: P.40
TOOTHPICK HOLDER Instructions for #28-#30: P.35 HAT 15
ONA MINI PINEAPPLE Instructions for #36 & #37: P.44 PINEAPPLE Instructions for #34 & #35: P.42 Fold and save triangular pieces in your spare time, in assorted colors or patterns, and challenge yourself to grander projects shown here and on the following pages. 16 Pedestal for Pineapple

#45 । #44 *• и Г */Г|'ПТгП * 1 iBABY SWAN Instructions for #44 & #45: P.54

RED-CROWNED CRANE Instructions for #52 & #53: P.52

KITTEN Instructions for #71 & #72: P.84 RABBIT Instructions for #73 & #74: P.86 25

origami paper: Type “A” The rectangular piece for Type “A” has an exact ratio of 2 : 1 for length to width because it is a half of square folds ★Basic Assembly ★Note the differences between the three sides. к Double points Double pocket In most cases triangles are joined by inserting double points of a triangle into the double pockets of new triangles. Hold two pieces together, double points facing up, then stack on a new piece by inserting the middle points into the double pockets. This makes the second row that connecs the pieces of the first row at the same time. 27
шэд те и Using flyer or wrapping paper: Type “B; [Cut into rectangles] Usually commercial paper does not have the exact ratio of 2 to 1 for its length to width. Sc the width of Type “B” rectangle is slightly longer than a half of the length. This type piece is offer Layer several sheets aligning edges. Fold and cut into halves. useful. Repeat. Fold and cut into halves again. 33/4" Basic rectangle Cut >- 8 rectangles are made, Precisely fold each into 1/з rectangle, and cut. [Fold into triangles] Fold up corner.
ши те •Using craft paper: Туре “С” Commercial rectangular papers are available at handicraft shops. This Type “C” rectangle has a width slightly less than a half of the length. Fold in half again. Fold up corner. Fold up corner. pocket is formed. Completed. OCutting board ©Flyer ©Ruler ©Scissors ©Paper cutter ©Bamboo skewer to apply glue ©Wood glue ©©©Craft papers 29
Using fiver or wrapping paper: Type “B” Usually commercial paper does not have th exact ratio of 2 to 1 for its length to width. S( the width of Type “B” rectangle is slightly longe than a half of the length. This type piece is offtei [Cut into rectangles] Layer several sheets aligning edges. Fold and cut into halves. useful. Precisely fold each into 1/з rectangle, and cut. Basic rectangle
шэд ?© м craft paper: Type “C” Commercial rectangular papers are available at handicraft shops. This Type “C” rectangle has a width slightly less than a half of the length. Fold up corner. Fold in half again. Fold in half. 29
Fold in half. Fold in half again. #4 TWO-TONE RING WITH CRANE (P.7) Completi 5" diame Materials RING: 50 11Л"хз" rectangles of origami paper (gradated color) CRANE: 1 3" square origami (solid color) Note See P.7 for “RING” instructions. Inside fold Inside fold*: Make a crease at an angle and unfold. Spread and fold up using the crease. Fold again. Inside fold* Spread out from inside and press down to make squares on both sides. Inside fold To stand, pull down wings. Fold to meet at the center. ф Bring up and pres fold ale creases. Turn OV€ repeat. #5 TWO-TONE RING WITH FROG (P.7) Completi 5" diama Materials RING: 52 11/г" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (gradated color) FROG: 1 3" square origami (green, colored on both sides) Note See P.7 for “RING” instructions. Turn over. side Back 30 Bring 3 corners to the center. 5) Turn over. Enlarged. Fold down up
#6 TWO-TONE RING WITH GOLDFISH (P.7) 5" diameter Materials RING: 50 V/2" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (gradated color) GOLDFISH: 1 3" square origami (red, colored on both sides) Note See P.7 for “RING” instructions. i 31
#2 & #3 ORNAMENT STAND (P.6) Completed #2:1%" hig #3: 2%" hie Materials #2:12 3"X6" rectangles of origami paper (gradated color) #3:12 4%"x91/2" rectangles of origami paper (6 colors) Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. № Holding the first piece double Insert the third piece into the Insert the fourth piece into Insert the points of the fir pocket facing left, insert the secon(j. the third. piece into the fourth, points of the second piece into the longer pockets, not too deeply. Push the corners inward to make table top. Make legs. Unfold a triangular piece. Place another unfolded piece in the center. Fold again to make reinforced leg. Make 4. Unfold one triangle of a к and insert into the low pocket of table top. Repeat with the remaining Bring the triangular flap onto Insert the final flap under the Completed ORNAMENT legs. the “table top”. Repeat with first triangle. STAND. remaining legs.
#7 & #8 CHRISTMAS TREE (P.7) Materials #7: 9 1 #8:5 1 11 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (dark green) 3" x 6" rectangle of origami paper (browm) 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (green) 3" x 6" rectangle of origami paper (brown) sequins and beads Completed size #7: 5" high #8: 4" high
#16-#19 GOLDFISH (P.10) Completed size #16 & #17: 2" wide, 5" long #18 & #19:11/e" wide, 31/e" long Materials #16: 16 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (gradated color) 12 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (solid) #17: 28 3"X6" rectangles of origami paper (assorted colors) #18 & #19: 28 1%"хз%" rectangles of glossy paper (from magazine) 2 %" diam plastic eyes each * See opposite page for diagram. Hold the first piece double pocket facing Insert into 3 pcs. to make Row 3. the left, and insert its points into the adjoining pockets of two pcs. to form Row 2. Join 4 pcs. as Row 4, then 5 pcs. г Row 5. Join 4 pcs. as Row 6. Open side Join 3 pcs. as Row 7. Insert side flaps Insert the center 4 points into 1 pc. triangles of Row 5 to form fins. of Row 6 into the outer pockets. form Row 8. Insert all points into 1 pc. Repeat Row Make tail fin: Join 2 pcs. to make Row Glue on eyes to finish. 10 so the tail tapers. 11, and 1 pc. for Row 12. 34
#28—#30 TOOTHPICK HOLDER (P.15) Completed size #28 & #30: 2" high, 1%" wide #29: 21/a" high, 2" wide Materials #28: 64 11/a" x 3" rectangles of patterned washi paper 5 11/a" x 3" rectangles of solid washi paper #29: 69 1%" хз%" rectangles of glossy paper (from magazine) #30: 69 11/a" x 3" rectangles of patterned washi paper Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. Tail Row 12 (1 pc.) Row 11 (2 pcs.) #16-#19 GOLDFISH &FISH V ...........Row 10 (1 pc.) Row Row Row 9 (1 pc.) 8 (1 pc.) 7 (3 pcs.) •v #28-#30 V TOOTHPICK HOLDER Handle lv (5 pcs.) V .V VVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 5 VVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 4 Fin ....Row 6 (4 pcs.) I—VVVW......Row 5 (5 pcs.) VVVV........ Eye attaching_vvv........ position VV......... Row 4 (4 pcs.) Row 3 (3 pcs.) Row 2 (2 pcs.) V............Row 1 (1 pc.) Hold a pair of pieces, double pockets down and the right angles away from you. Join them with a piece, the right angle facing you. Repeat to make 6 3-pc sets. Rows 3-5: Join in the same direction. The center of bottom is somewhat twisted. VVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 2 Join ends to form a ring of 13 pcs. Join all sets by inserting adjoining points into a new piece. Insert any 2 adjoining points into a piece of handle. Row 1 13 pcs. in each row. Join into a ring. 13 pcs. are used for Row 1. Secure handle with glue. 35
Completed t 8" wide, 6V4 #20 SOARING CRANE (P.10) v White ▼ Black vRed Tail ▼ Row 23 Materials 53 15 16 1 3" X6" rectangles of origami paper (white) 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (black) 2" x 3V2" rectangles of origami paper (white) 2" хз’/г" rectangle of origami paper (red) 2 Vi" diam. plastic eyes Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. Wing Row 22 ▼ Row 20 VVV Row 19V Head/Neck First piece of Wing ▼ VW.......V-Row 18 (4 pcs.) W VVV......V -- Row 17 (5 pcs.) 7 WWW V........Row 16 (6 pcs.) VVTW-V-Row 15 (5 pcs.) VVVV.......Row 14 (4 pcs.) vvv......Row 13 (3 pcs.) VV.......Row 12 Row 11 Row 10 White Red Neck (Use small pieces.) Row Row Row Row Row Row 9 8 7 6 5 Repeat joining “1 pc., then 2 pcs. to form Neck. Eye attaching position Signs for piece direction Row Row Row 4 (2 pcs.) 3 (1 pc.) 2 1
#23 SWALLOW (P. 11) Completed size 6" wide, 6" long ▼V Black VGray Tail Row 20 ] 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 VV...Ю Join 1 pc. each for separate Tail. Materials 61 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (black) 24 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (gradated gray) 2 14" diam. plastic eyes Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. Head Row 1 Row 2 Insert and glue. Make 2 sets for Head. ▼ VW... 9 ▼ ▼ yVVW^-- 8 ▼ ▼ ▼ VWT- 7 ▼ V VTVVVV.V - Row 6 V VTVVVTV..V- Row 5 V V VVVV--V—V.Row 4 VV WV....VV..Row 3 Make head referring to figure Join 3 pcs. to form Row 3. above. Make 2 sets. First piece of Row 2 Row 1 Wing Eye attaching position Rows 4-7: Work as directed above. Row 8: Join by covering side flaps of previous row. Make tail base by joining 1 pc. in the next 3 rows. __________। Split the tail and join 1 pc. Make wing. Insert 1 basic Make 2 wings. Join by Attach eyes to finish. each in Row 7. piece into 2 pcs. Join 1 pc. inserting side flap of Row 5 only to one side for Row 4, inserting the point into outer into the wing. pocket. Join 1 pc. covering previous row in Row 8. 39
#26 & #27 BASKET (P.14) Completed siz 6U" wide, 8" h Materials (for each item) 163 2%" x 6" rectangles of patterned paper Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. * Basket and hat are made in a similar way. The procedure is the same until Step 5, on the opposite BASKET A AS А А SSSSSSSS А А А Л SSS АЛАА.Row 6 AAAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA AAA A.Row 5 VVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVV............Row 4 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.....Row 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVvwvwvvvv.Row 2 AAA ААААААДАА A AAAA AAAAAAA.Row 1 24 p( each Make a pair and join with top pc. Join ends to form a ring of 24 pcs. Handle A A Glue. & A A pcs. A A a a Assembly Join 9 pcs. HAT /assembly Row 6 Double pocket Row 5 Insert between 2 pcs. to increase to 48 pcs. АДДДЛАЛАЛАЛЛЛАЛААЛААЛАЛАХ 2 Row 6 (48 PCS.) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAA.Row 5 VVVVVVV VVVW WWW WWW...Row 4 VVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVWVW....Row 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.Row 2 ДА AAA A AAA A A A AAA A A A AAA AAA.ROW 1 241 in e row Join ends to form a ring of 24 pcs. Signs for piece direction Double pocket Double pocket Double pocket Double pocket Insert here. 40
#31-#33 HAT (р.15) Completed size #31 & #32: 64" wide, 34" high #33: 34" wide, 2" high 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (blue) 3” x 6" rectangles of origami pape (balck) 1%" хз%" rectangles of glossy paper (from magazine) Materials #31:168 #32:168 #33:168 Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used Apply glue onto tips and join 6 pcs. Make 4 sets. Join into a ring by gluing points. Insert each 24 pcs. for Rows 2-4. Work Row 6 in the same Make handle referring to the Insert ends of handle into BASKET and glue to secure. Join Row 5 by holding a piece double pocket facing manner. (Proceed to Step © figure on the opposite page, up and the right angle facing for HAT.) in. Fill between pieces by inserting 1 pc., Check the shape and glue several Tie ribbon around to finish, all around. hidden points to secure. 41
Completed size #34 & #35 PINEAPPLE (P.16) Materials #34: 375 2W x 6%" rectangles of patterned paper (green) #35: 375 2%" x 6%" rectangles of patterned paper (orange) 1 20" x 12” crepe paper (green) 7 14" #28 wrapped wire (green) 4" Viz" thick craft wire 60" 1/z" floral tape * Materials except rectangular paper are for each item. (Inner diameter: approx.6") Turn upside down here. WWWWWWWWW Row 18 W W W WWWWWW—Row 17 WWW WWW WWW Row 16 W WWW WWW WW-’Row 15 WWW WWW WWW Row 14 W W W W W W W W W -Row 13 WWW WWW WWW Row 12 W WWW WWW WW-’Row 11 WWW WWW WWW Row 10 W W W W W W W W W—Row WWW WWW WWW Row W W W W W W W W W””Row WWW WWW WWW Row W W W W W W W WW-’Row WWW WWW WWW Row W W W W WW W W W—Row VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.Row 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Fruit 18 pcs. in each row Row 1 —Join ends to form-- a ring of 18 pcs. Row 1 to Row 2 assembly (Actual size) Pedestal assembly Glue wire onto back side. Leaf (Make 14 pcs.) € Wire can attached front side For at e Reft loin Insert deeply. Row 1 <® Row 1 Row 1 Make 18 sets. r Be sure to interlock securely. Row 2 J Ma diat RowCc Row 2 Row 1(®) Row 2 (Front) (Side view) jt < avt ep< Join 18 sets to form a ring. (See Step 2, opposite page. 42
Referring to the figures on the opposite page, Join 2 sets by inserting their adjoining points Turn over and hold in your hand, join 3 pcs. and glue to secure. Make 18 sets. into a new piece. Continue to form a ring. For Row 4 to Row 18, join the pieces Row 18 is completed. Turn upside down so the 1st row at an angle to form a pineapple shape. comes on top. Form 6%"-7 Make pedestal referring to the diagram on the opposite page. Direction of creases leaves as illustrated below. Cover top 1/г" with floral tape. Jut out 14 saves from repe paper. Glue wrapped wire onto back side. Craft wire (2%"-3") Insert stem into the top and place on the pedestal. Using floral tape, attach leaves around wire, 2-3 pcs. at a time. Add 2-3 leaves binding with floral tape. Repeat until all leaves are attached. Bind down the tape and make a lump at the end. Insert into the top of the fruit. 43
Materials #36:118 26 12 #37: 123 28 21 10 Completed size #36 & #37 MINI PINEAPPLE (P.16) 11/z" x з" rectangles of origami paper (yellow) V /2" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (green) 11/z" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (brown) 11/z"x3" rectangles of origami paper (yellow, 4 colors) V /2 x 3" rectangles of origami paper (green) V /2 x 3" rectangles of origami paper (brown) V /2" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (pale green) #37 v Yellow ▼ Brown vPale green #36 v Yellow ▼ Brown v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 4 Leaves ДААДАДЛАДЛАДЛА 1(2 TOWS) VV VVVW VV VVVW.Row 11 V VV VV VV VVV VVVV Row 10 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV..Row 9 14 pcs. vvvvvvwvvvvw...Row 8 in each „ row. VVVVVVVVVVVVVV..Row 7 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV.Row 6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV..Row 5 WWWVVVVVVVV....Row 4 VVvvvvvvvvvvvv..Row 3 VVVVVVVVWWW....ROW 2 АЛАЛЛЛЛДАААДДЛ..ROW 1 . 144-Join ends to form- a ring of 14 pcs. vvvvvvvvvvvvv 1 Leaves ДЛЛДДЛЛАЛАААД rows) VVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 10 vvvvvvvvvvvvv ..Row 9 vvvvvvvvvvvvv...Row 8 VVVVVVVVVVVVV ..ROW 7 VVVTVVTVVTVVT...Row 6 VVVVVVVVVVVVV ..Row 5 VVVVVVVVVVVVV...ROW 4 ▼ VVVTVVTVVTVV .Row 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 2 АЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛДАДЛ ..Row 1 --Join ends to form- a ring of 13 pcs. Signs of direction Leaf assembly 44
#37 MINI PINEAPPLE (P.16) Hold a pair of pieces, double pockets down Make another set, and join them with 1 Repeat and join into a ring. The center and the right angles away from you. Join piece. of bottom can look somewhat twisted, them with a piece, right angle facing you. Row 3: Insert yellow and brown pieces Rows 4-5: Join yellow pcs. all around. Row 7: Join yellow pcs. all around, alternately, all around. Row 6: Work the same as Row 3. Row 8: Join yellow pcs., plus one pale green. Row 9: Work the same as Row 2. Rows 10-11: Work as directed in the Make top: Interlock 3 green pcs. as diagram shown on the opposite page. shown on the opposite page. Make 7 sets Insert each set of leaves into the fruit Join 2 adjacent sets by inserting a new Check the shape of leaves and glue to as shown on the opposite page. piece all around. secure. 45
#38 WATERMELON (P.17) Materials 114 66 17 16 11/2"хз" rectangles of origami paper (red) V/2" хз" rectangles of origami paper (green) V/2" x3" rectangles of origami paper (white) V/2" хз" rectangles of origami paper (black) Completed $ 4" wide, 4% Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the pape Hold 1 pc. so double pocket faces right. Apply some glue onto points of another piece and insert into the pockets. v Red ▼ Black v White Repeat until Row 1 and 2 are constructed. Row 3: Join 15 pcs., tucking in side flaps of the bottom row. V...........Row 21 (1 pc.) V V..........Row 20 (2 pcs.) VVV..........Row 19 (3 pcs.) v Green VVVV......... Row 18 (4 pcs.) VVVW..........Row 17 (5 pcs.) WWW............Row 16 (6 pcs.) WVWW...........Row 15 (7 pcs.) VV W W W........Row 14 (8 pcs.) VVVVVVVVV........Row 13 (9 pcs.) VTVTVVVVTV.......Row 12 (10 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVV.......Row 11 (11 pcs.) VTVTVTVVVVVV.......Row 10 (12 pcs.) vvvvvvvvvvvvv......Row 9 (13 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVV......Row 8 (14 pcs.) WVVVVVVVVVVVW.......Row 7 (15 pcs.) V WVVVVVVVVVVVW......Row 6 (16 pcs.) Join Rows 2 and 3 as directed. (Turn upside down) Green —VVVWWWWWWW Row 5 (15 + 2 pc VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV..Row 4 (16 pcs.) VVVWVVVVVVVVVV...Row 3 (15 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVV ..Row 2 (14 pcs.) ЛАДДДДДДААААДАА..ROW 1 (15 PCS.) --Join ends to form a ring of 15 pcs. Work Row 5 by changing colors as directed in the diagram, and add 1 green pc. to each side. Row 6: Work as directed. Row 7: Work with white and red. Row 8: Work with red and black. Rows 9-21: V as directed ii the diagram. Glue green f each other t< finish. 46 * Pieces used in the actual project are smaller.
MO STRAWBERRY (Р. 17) Completed size Ж" wide, 2" long Row 10 (1 pc.) attaching position Row 9 (2 pcs.) Row 8 (3 pcs.) Row 7 (4 pcs.) VVVW.............Row 6 (5 pcs.) WWW...............Row 5 (6 pcs.) VVVW.............Row 4 (5 pcs.) jywvr.......Row 3 (4 pcs.) t N l< *—f ] Green--1—1 ▼ ....Row 2 Green Row 1 Materials (for 3 strawberries) 90 Г/2 x 3" rectangles of origami paper (red) 18 V/2" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (green) 18 black beads Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. Holding 2 green pcs., double Insert points of green into double folds down, and insert one into pockets of 2 red pcs. Place 1 pc. the other. on each side. tin them with 5 pcs. to mplete Row 5. Join 6 pcs. to complete Row 6. Row 7: Join 5 pcs. Row 7: Join 4 pcs. Row 8: Join 3 pcs. Row 9: Join 2 pcs. Row 10: Join 1 pc. Make top: Insert a point of green piece into Row 3. Add 3 more green pcs. Glue on black beads to finish. * Pieces used in the actual project are smaller. 47
#41-#43 ELEGANT CRANE (P.18) Materials #41: 388 1"X2" rectangles of origami paper (gold washi) 4 1" x 2" rectangles of origami paper (silver washi) #42: 329 11/г"хз" rectangles of origami paper (gradated red washi) 62 11/г"хз" rectangles of origami paper (gold washi) 1 11/г" x 3" rectangle of origami paper (silver washi) Silver Gold (12 pcs.) Head/Neck for #41 Chest ▼ v Red for #42 ▼ Gold for #42 Use gold for the Body of #41. #41 & #42 Wing Head attaching position Tail _ Use 3 Wing Neck assembly ▼VVV Row 19 ( 1 p •Row 18 ( 2 f Row 17 ( 4 p Row 16 ( 7 f Row 15 (11 f Row 14 (15 p Row 13 (19 f (Actual size) Row 12 (23 f Silver WWW VW VVVW VVVV VVVVVVV vv-Row Head/Neck VVVV VVVV VVVVVVV VVVV VV WWW-Row for #42 V VVVV VVVV VV VVVV VW VVVV WWV—Row Gold (12 pcs.) VW VVVW VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVW-”-Row VW VVVVVVV VVVW VW VVVVVVV W-Row VVVW WWW WWW VW VVVVVVV- Row 9 8 7 6 5 4 27 p in e; row Neck assembly 3 2 Join ends to form a ring of 27 pcs. In Row 11, divide pieces into four groups: 6 pcs. for Chest, 5 for Left wing, 7 for Tail, and 9 for Right wing. ffiSee P.50 for step-by-step instructioi Signs for piece direction A Double pocket V L \ —•—a Double pocket A Double pocket z V Double —1 pocket L_ глгл Insert here 48
Completed size #41: 3" wide, 41/z high #42: 3 wide, 5%" high #43: 31Л" wide, 6V4" #43:60 1%" x 31/2" rectangles of washi paper (red) 79 1%" x 31/2" rectangles of washi paper (green) 75 1%" x з1/2" rectangles of washi paper (purple) 74 1%" x 31/2" rectangles of washi paper (blue) 4 1%"хз1/2" rectangles of washi paper (gold) Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. ®See P.50 for step-by-step instructions. Head/Neck for #43 #43 vRed VPurple vBlue ▼Green vGold Head attaching position Tail ZCi V V Wing w hestvv V VVV vv ww VVVV VVV Я7 Я7 Я7 Я7 Я7 1 VVVV VVVV \|7 \|7 \|7 \|7 \|7 \|7 Wing v..... VV.... VVV... VVVV.. VVVW — vvvvvv- vvvvvvv Blue (12 pcs.) Gold (Actual size) Row 19 ( 1 pc.) Row 18 ( 2 pcs.) Row 17 ( 4 pcs.) Row 16 ( 7 pcs.) Row 15 (11 pcs.) Row 14 (15 pcs.) Row 13 (19 pcs.) VVVVVVVV..Row 12 (23 pcs.) TVVVVVVVVVV^^??^?^VVVVVVVVV.Row 11 WVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVV-Row 10 ▼ VVVVTTVVVTTVtW^TTVVVVVVVT.Row 9 ▼ vv w ▼ v v v v ▼ Я7 Я7 Я7 Я7 Я7 Я7 ▼ v v v v v v v v ▼ - R о w ▼ VVV VVV VVVTT^W^VTV VVV VVVV’T.Row 8 27 pcs. 7 in each ▼vvvvvvvvvvv?^V?^vvvvvvvvvv-Row 6 row ▼ VVVVVVVVVVV\|7\|7\|7\|7\|7VVVVVVVVVV.Row 5 Neck assembly mVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVWV-Row 4 yvvvvvvvvvvvvv^V^vvvvvvvvw.Row 3 VVVW VV VVV VTpTpTpTpTpTpV WWW VW-Row 2 ▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲A.Row - Join ends to form a ring of 27 pcs.— In Row 11, divide pieces into four groups: 6 pcs. for Chest, 5 for Left wing, 7 for Tail, and 9 for Right wing. 49
#41-#43 ELEGANT CRANE (P.18) Holding pieces double pockets down. Row 3: Cover adjoining points of Row Continue all around to make a circ interlock vertically, alternating the 2 with 1 pc. 27 pcs. (See diagram on the pre' direction of the right angle, until 27 page for color layout.) pcs. are joined. Work as directed in the diagram until Divide pieces into chest(6), left wing(5), 11 rows are done. tail(7) and right wing(9). Work on tail part as directed. Then work on the left wing. Work on the right wing. Work on the chest. Make neck referring to the figure the previous page, and insert into top of chest. 50 * Pieces used in the actual project are smaller.
#9-#15 TORTOISE (Р.8-9) #9 Insert 1 pc. in the middle. Row 8 (2+1 pcs.) Hind leg VW (Insert after Body A is completed) / V W \ Row 7 (3 pcs.) Row 6 (4 + 2 pcs.) TWT..............Row 5 (5 pcs.) 3Blue _ ____ _ 4 Black VWWWWV.............Row 4 (6 pcs.) 5 Orange 7 Gold6 V W W W V.........Row 3 (5 Pcs.) ▼s'|ver Fore |eg\W\27^7y / .Row 2 (4 + 2 pcs.) Row 1 (3 pcs.) Eye attaching position •W- v Head (Insert after Body is completed) #9 Completed size 2%" wide, 2%" long Materials 24 11/г"хз" rectangles of origami paper (silver) 4 IV2" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (brown) 2 11Л"хз" rectangles of origami paper (green, blue, black, purple, orange, gold) 2 1/e" diam. eyes (black cardboard) Eyes: Cardboard (black, cut into Vs" diam. circles) #10 Insert 1 pc. in the middle. Row 8 (2+1 pcs.) Hindleg VW ...................Row 7(3 pcs.) (Insert after BodyV7T7vyy ,л , „ is completed) /V W W V\.............Row 6 (4 + 2 pcs.) 2 Orange ▼ WWW V.................Row 5 <5 Pcs) 4 Purple ▼ W W ▼..................Row 4 (6 pcs.) 5 Blue ▼ Green V W W W V.................Row 3 (5 pcs.) Fore legVy ^7 V\J ............Row 2 (4 + 2 pcs.) Row 1 (3 pcs.) Eye attaching position VHead (Insert after Body is completed) #10 Completed size 2%" wide, 2%" long Materials 25 1%" хз W rectangles of paper (green) 5 1%" хз 1/2" rectangles of paper (orange) 5 1%" хз 1/2" rectangles of paper (red) 2 Ж" хз 1/2" rectangles of papei (blue) 2 1%" хз 1/2" rectangles of paper (purple) 1 1%"хз 1/2" rectangle of paper (gold) 2 1/e" diam. eyes (black cardboard) * Patterned washi paper is used here. #11—#15 Completed size 2%" wide, 2%" long Materials 40 IV2" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (blue for #11, red for #12, orange for #13, brown for #14, pale green for #15) 2 1/e" diam. plastic eyes each * Gradated origami paper is used here. ffiSee P.8-9 for step-by-step instructions. 51
Completed size #52 & #53 RED CROWNED CRANE (P.21) ISIASk Materials #52: 365 3’4" x 4’4" rectangles of 1-ply board (white) 3 3'A" x 41/г" rectangles of textured paper (black) 31 23A" x 4’/г" rectangles of 1-ply board (white) 1 2%" х41/г" rectangle of textured paper (black) 1 2%'' X4’/2" rectangle of textured paper (red) 2 ’/a" diam. plastic eyes #53: 309 2%" X4’A" rectangles of 1-ply boar 56 23/a" X414" rectangles of 1-ply boar 3 23/a" x 4’4" rectangles of textured рг 31 2" x З’/г" rectangles of 1-ply board । 1 2"хз1/2" rectangle of textured pap 1 2" хз’/г" rectangle of textured pap< 2 ’/a" diam. plastic eyes Eye attaching position \ । \Re ▼ Black vBlue v White Head/Neck for #53 (Actual size) / For #53, use white pieces for W Chest Wing Wing v Row 18 (1 p Row 17 (2 p Row 16 (5 p Row 15 (8 pi Row 14 (12 | Row 13 (16 । Row 12 (20 । Row 11 (24 j 7VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row VV VVV VVVV VVVV VVVV VVVV VV VVVW--’-Row 7VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row Row 7 V V VVVW WWW VVVW VVVVVVVVV Row VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VVV VV VVVV VV--ROW ХАДДЛДДАДДАДААДАДЛАЛЛДАЛДААА.ROW 9 8 7 6 28 p in ег 5 row 4 3 2 1 . "-----------Join ends to form a ring of 28 pcs. In Row 10, divide pieces into four groups: 5 pcs. for Chest, 7 for Left wing, 9 for Tail, and 7 for Right wing. Signs for piece direction a а и A Double pocket V L \ л A' w Double < pocket A Double--/ \A pocket z V Double -JI pocket L_ \ PP Insert VA here L A 52
How to fold pieces Black #54 PEDESTAL (P.21) Completed size 7" diameter Materials For #52:32 З’/г" x 5" rectangles of 1-ply board For #53:28 З’/г” x 5" rectangles of 1-ply board Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. Fold up in half. S Align the center with the bottom. Red Head/Neck for #52 (Actual size) White (31 pcs.) Eye attaching position Make a crease. (Front side) 32 28 pcs. for #52 pcs. for #53 #52: V2" #53: %" Assemble points. Fold the edges under (Repeat on the back side). Fold in half pulling center and folding the rest diagonally. 53
26 pcs. a for Neck A #44 & #45 BABY SWAN (P.19) Materials #44: 285 52 1 #45: 286 52 1’/2"x3” rectangles of craft paper (black) f/z" X3" rectangles of craft paper (white) T/z" x 3" rectangle of craft paper (red) V/i" хз" rectangles of craft paper (red) 1’/z" x3" rectangles of craft paper (white) Head/Neck (Actual size) л Eye attaching A position First л piece of * Neck л A Bow/sequin attaching position 1/2 pm Sequin Eye attaching position Row 11 of Body (Shape according to the pattern.) Tie ribbon around T Neck into a bow, and secure the knot with marking v v Turn over here. Body Comple 4%" wi 16" %" ribbon 1 1/z" diam. sequins 1 pearl-headed marking pin * Materials except rectangular pap each item. Note The completed project may Ic depending on the thickness of the p a Black for #44/Red for #45 a White a Red Double pocket Row 1 zn Row 1 Neck assembly First piece of Neck Vj/First piece of Neck Pedestal J £ Apply gli Row 2 ar forming г Row 2 Row 3 Row 2 \|/ Row 1 Turn over. Row 12 ( A Row 11(6 Row 10 (12 Row Row Row VVVV WVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVV Row VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row WWW VVVW VVVV VVV VVVV WWW....Row VVVW VVVW VVVW VVV WWW VVVV Row 'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV..Row VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 9 (16 8 (20 7 (24 6 5 4 3 2 1 4-------Join ends to form a ring of 28 pcs.-y >>>[>[>[>>>[>[>[>[>[>>[>[>[>[>[>>[>[>[>[>>>[>[> Using 30 pcs., make 2 rings of 1%" inner diameter. Glue each other. 54
Row 1: Put a pair, double pockets down. Apply glue onto Turn over and join into a ring Turn over and work Row 3 as center 2 points and insert them into a piece held in the same with a piece. directed in the diagram on op- direction. Make 14 of this 3-pc set. Row 2: Join 2 sets with 1 posite page, interlocking at an piece held in the same direction. Continue to join all sets. angle so as to form a ball shape Work Rows 4-6 in the same manner. All pieces are glued together. Divide into quarters, and join 6 pcs. to each, in a contrasting color. Rows 8-12: Decrease the number of pieces as direct- ed, changing color as well. Onto 1 point, add 1 piece in opposite direction to make base of neck. Form neck interlocking 25 Tie ribbon around neck and Make a pair of pedestals Place SWAN on the pedestal pcs. as directed. make a bow. Attach a and glue them together. and glue to secure. sequin by pushing marking pin into the knot. * Pieces used in the actual project are smaller. 55
ow 1: Put a pair, double pockets down. Apply glue onto enter 2 points and insert them into a piece held in the same irection. Make 14 of this 3-pc set. Row 2: Join 2 sets with 1 iece held in the same direction. Continue to join all sets. Turn over and join into a ring Turn over and work Row 3 as with a piece. directed in the diagram on op- posite page, interlocking at an angle so as to form a ball shape. Work Rows 4-6 in the same rianner. All pieces are glued ogether. Divide into quarters, and join 6 pcs. to each, in a contrasting color. Rows 8-12: Decrease the number of pieces as direct- ed, changing color as well. Onto 1 point, add 1 piece in opposite direction to make base of neck. Form neck interlocking 25 Tie ribbon around neck and Make a pair of pedestals Place SWAN on the pedestal pcs. as directed. make a bow. Attach a and glue them together. and glue to secure. sequin by pushing marking pin into the knot. * Pieces used in the actual project are smaller. 55
9Q joqjo ровэ эпю -jojoiuBip jouui jo sBuu 3 э^вш “sod gg Buisq--------------------------------1 < < < < < < <] <1 ( sod 3g) j. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< IBJSQpQd sod 3g jo Buij в iujoj oj spuo uiop ллоу — Л АЛЛА АЛЛА ЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛ 3 ллоу.AAAAAAЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛ g МОН-ДДДАДAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAДД \ OJOll p ЛЛОу A AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A JOAO Ujn I |IBJ_ JO S MOH— A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A d ISJI-J__ 9 ЛЛОу.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA '(SOd 82) Z ЛЛОуА'Д A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA A AA (•sod pg) 8 ллоу (•sod 33) б ллоу (•sod 02) 01 ллоу ( sod 81) 1Л ллоу AAAAAAAAAAAA -AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAAAAA A >loaN J° A A A A A A AAA A „g„ IB_L JO •AAAAAAAAA aoa!d lSJ!d ддддддддд OOOid JSJIJ \ ..V„ l!Bl jo oooid jsjij (’SOd 91) 3J MOy.AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA (-sod tzO 81 ллоу ( sod gO pj. ллоу (•sod 00 SI ллоу (sod s) 91 ллоу ( sod 9) zi ллоу ( sod p) si ллоу ( sod з) 61 ллоу St# joj Э11ЧДЛ LP# joj \juiy 9t# joj poj-pioo v Aiqiuesse >poN „гЛ ‘uid Buppoiu Щ1ЛЛ jou>| oqj ojnoos рив ‘ллор в ojui >|oon punojB uoqqu эц мод шэ}! цэвэ joj junoo jaded je|n6ue;oaj jdaoxa s|BuajB[A| * uid Bui^jbiu papBaq-|jBad j uinbas ’lUBip „г/i j uoqqu „91 (paj) jaded jjbjo jo biBubjobj „£ x „гЛ1 L (Sfr# э1!Члл ‘ip# joj -MLiid ‘9^# joj pej-p|o6 paujajjBd) jaded jjbjo jo sa|6uBjoej „£ x „гЛ1 61S siBuajBiAj epiw\ „9 |9|diuoo (6 rd) NVMS 8П-9Г#
Tail “A’ Tail “B” (12 pcs., make 2.) Tail “A” (14 pcs, make 1.) c. , . / Tail “B First piece of Tail “B’ Tail “A” & “B” assembly First piece of Tail “A” :irst piece First piece of Tail “B” First piece of Tail “A’ st piece Tail “В’ First piece of Tail “B” First piece > A of Neck 36 pcs. for Neck (Shape according to the pattern.) A\ A Eye A attaching A position Bow/sequin attaching position Tail (Actual size) Gue. Shape Neck along this line. Tail “B” (12 pcs, make 2.) Head/Neck (Actual size) Red piece (Beak) Row 7 of Body Rows 1-3 assembly Row 1 /1> uble- cket Row 1 Row 2 Apply glue onto points of Row 1 pcs, and insert into Row 2 pcs. Form into a ring. Row 3 Row 2 Turn over. ouble pocket <1/ Row 1 Tail “A” (14 pcs., make 1.) 57
Put 2 pcs. double folds down. Join them by inserting the adjoining points into 1 pc. Make 16 sets. Join them in the same manner as Step 1, and form into a ring with 32 Turn over so Row 1 faces up. Work on Row 3 as direct® P in the diagram on previou d page. held in the same direction. pcs. When Row 6 is done, divide Form wings as directed in Make neck and head as Make three tails as directed F pieces into three: Right wing the diagram, forming a curvy directed and interlock with according to the actual size p (14), neck(1), left wing(14) and outline. body. pattern. e tail(3). Attach a sequin by pushing glue together. and glue to secure. R a marking pin into the knot. rc ,8 Attach eyes. c<
49 & #50 PEACOCK (P.20) Place a pair of pieces Join them with a piece held Make 15 sets in all and form Applying glue, work Row 3 double pockets down in the same direction. Make a ring. Turn over. to Row 8 as directed in the another 3-pc set and join diagram overleaf, changing with a piece as shown. colors as well. Row 9: Make chest. Join 6 patterned Row 9: Make tail feathers. Join 16 Rows 10-32: Construct fanned feathers by pcs. and add 2 solid (white) pcs. onto pcs., leaving 2 pcs., of previous row increasing 1 pc. on every row, altering colors each side. Work as directed. unworked, on each side. as directed. Rows 33-39: Decrease 1 pc. in every row as directed. Tail feather is completed. Make neck and head. Glue on crest and eyes. Push in marking pins to finish. Place PEACOCK on the pedestal and glue to secure. Make pedestal in the same manner as Rows 1 to 3. 59
#49 & #50 PEACOCK (P.20) Materials #49: 954 %"хш" rectangles of craft paper (white) 313 %" x W rectangles of craft paper (patterned red) 3 %"X1%" rectangles of craft paper (red for beak and crest) 2 1/e" diam. plastic eyes 5 pearl-headed marking pins (assorted colors) #50: 954 1%" x 2%" rectangles of craft paper (cream) 317 14" x 2%" rectangles of craft paper (patterned red) 3 14" x 2%" rectangles of craft paper (red for beak and crest) Neck assembly First piece Row 17 of Chest Completed S #49: 8" wid. #50:10" wid 2 4" diam. plas 6 pearl-headed (assorted cole Va v White for #49 / Cream for #50 Vat Patterned red First piece of Neck a Red Head/Neck 26 pcs. (For shaping, see P.54.) Crest attaching Row 17 (2 pcs.) Pos'tion Л Row 16 (3 pcs.) Row 15 (4 pcs.) д Row 14 (5 pcs.) A Row 13 (6 pcs.) л Row 12 (7 pcs.) д For #50 onlyRow 11 (8 pcs) д ..••-......... Row 10 (9 pcs.) A i—First piece of.A .z. .........Row Tail feather ▼ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼.....Row 7 W WVW.......Row ▼ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼.....Row 7 V V V VVVV..Row ▼ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼.....Row 7VVVVVVV......Row First piece of Neck For #50 only First piece of \ Tail feather1/VVVVVVTTVTWVV 9 (10 pcs.) 8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 30 pcs. in each row A ^/VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVj.....Row 1 /Center back Center backJ Join ends to form a ring of 30 pcs.- (31 pCs.) VVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV- Row 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.....Row 2 VVVV.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV- Row 1 \ Join ends to form a ring of 31 pcs., ) about 2" inner diameter- Pedestal First of I Signs for piece di 60
vv Tailfeathers vv....Row 39 (4 pcs.) vvvv vv vv vv vv vv vvv................Row 38 (17 pcs.) VVVW VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVVV................Row 37 (24 pcs.) WWW VVVV -VVVV VVVV VVVV VVVV VVVW................Row 36 (32 pcs.) WWWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...........Row 35 (38 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWWWWVVVWVVVVVVV............Row 34 (39 pcs.) VVVVVVVV VVV VVV VVVV VVV VVV VVVV VVVV VVV VVVV V----Row 33 (40 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWWW..........-Row 32 (39 pcs.) WWWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVWV............Row 31 (38 pcs.) VVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.........Row 30 (37 pcs.) VVVW VVVVVVVV WV W WVV VVVVVVVVV VVVW.......Row 29 (36 pcs.) VVVVVVVWWW VVVVVVVVVVVVV WVVVVVW............Row 28 (35 pcs.) VVVV VV VVVW VVV VVV V VVVW VV VVVV V VVVV.Row 27 (34 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVW WWW WVWV VVVV............Row 26 (33 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...........Row 25 (32 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVV............Row 24 (31 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWWW...............Row 23 (30 pcs.) VVVTVVVVWVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV............Row 22 (29 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.............Row 21 (28 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVV..............Row 20 (27 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV..............Row 19 (26 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV..............Row 18 (25 pcs.) VV WVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.........Row 17 (24 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVW..........Row 16 (23 pcs.) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV..........Row 15 (22 pcs.) VVV WVWV VVVVVVVVVVVV..........Row 14(21 pcs.) Push in 5 marking pins in a good i proportion. о 13 (20 pcs.) 12 (19 pcs.) 11 (18 pcs.) 10 (17 pcs.) 9 (16 pcs.) maway corner. Crest First piece of Center back Tail feathers End pices of lower row Do not insert into this pocket. Row Row Row Row Row (Directions are reversed so you can work with the Front facing you) Feather assembly iplit.. Glue. End pieces of upper row ®See P.59 for step-by-step instructions. ei
#51 DANCING CRANE (P.20) Materials 288 IV2" x 2%" rectangles of craft paper (white) 35 11/e" x 21Л" rectangles of craft paper (black) 32 11/e" x 21A" rectangles of craft paper (white) 7 214" x 4" rectangles of craft paper (black) 1 11/г" xi1/2" rectangle of craft paper (yellow) 1 11/e" x 21A" rectangle of craft paper (red) 2 1/e" diam. plastic eyes 20" Va diam. cord 4 ft. Vie" diam. wire 26" V20" diam. wire 7 ft. '/2 floral tape 2 B3 boards Tissue paper Completed size 51/г" wide, 13" hid Beak Crest First piece of Neck Body yX 3 white / pcs. (small)/^ 1 Small Beak Crest Insert and glue. Wing attaching position Leg attaching position 35 bl ac kN \ pcs. \ \ (small) \ \ Head/Neck y Interlock 53 pcs. shaping outline according to the pattern. Outer .fold /15 white, f pcs. / (small)/ I I I / 1 //Turn \l I/ here. (Actual size) Make 2. over vvvvvvvvvvvvvv VVVVVVVVVVVVVV- (14 pcs.) ...Row 21 ...Row 20 ...Row 19 ...Row 18 ...Row 17 ...Row 16 ...Row 15 ;..Row 14 ---Row 13 ...Row 12 ...Row 11 ...Row 10 ...Row ...Row ...Row ...Row ...Row ...Row ...Row ...Row ...Row 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Row 1 of Tail Join ends to form a ring of 14 pcs. For Rows 15 see Step 6 on P.66. First piece of Neck Row 21 of Body 62 av white at Black a Red Fold a sheet of tissue in half. ,Cut. Neck assembly -First piece of Neck Leg 8 1/i6"x6"wire 2 sheets facial tissue Floral tape (brown) к Fold. я smnnth prlne
Board ITl Make 2 copies of Wing (3) (Overleaf). Glue. Copy of Wing @ 5 Make 2 copies of Wing CD and Board Copy of Wing (2) Glue onto board. Cut out and make a pair. [7] Glue Wing CD and Wing (2), front sides up. Wing CD Glue. Wing CD Wing (2) Wing (2) 8 Shape wire to align with upper curve of Wing I] Cut out Wings, 2 pairs in all. Cut out. Copy of Wing @ Copy of Wing CD Cut out and make a pair. [3] Layer front and back side of Wing, and glue. Wing @ 0 Make slits into Wing C3'. Slit only into lower feathers. Do not slit top layer., Wing @ Wing CD Do not slit top layer. Slit only into lower feathers. Wing (2) j Do not slit top layer. Slit only into lower feathers. [6] Make slits into Wings CD and Apply glue on back side. Bend 13" wire into half. Wing @ Glue Vi2 inside of paper. Thread wire through cord and shape. Wire Fix wire and core with ample amoi of glue. Let 1" of wire out. [9] Glue Wings made in Step 7 (above) onto Wing Glue on. Wing CD Wing (2) Secure with adhesive tape. Wrap with floral tape: Tape around the bend 2-3 times tightly, then wrap up for 31/2 . taping here. Bind 4 pcs. of wire. 2 pcs. 1 pc. Glue. Bend into a right annla 11/2 Pull tape as you work. 1" Tape to cover tissue. Make 2 legs. Start bt Wrap with tissue. Form a lump with tape. Leave 1/i2"-14" c wire unwrapped 63
#51 DANCING CRANE (P.201 .лр Do no upper Slit. Slit. Do not slit top layer. Slit only into bottom layer, carefully. A/lgn toP edges Make sli Actual size (Make copies) 64
#51 DANCING CRANE (P.20) Put a pair of pieces double Join into a ring, by covering Rows 3-20: Applying glue Row:21 Join 14 small pockets down. Join them end pieces with a new each time, interlock 14 pcs. without glue, with a piece held in the piece. in each row, shaping the same direction. Make 7 sets. body. (14 pcs. on Rows 1 and 2) Make neck by interlocking Form upper neck and head Make legs as directed on Make tail and glue onto a1 15 pcs. with glue. Attach to referring to diagram on P.62. P.63, and insert into the indicated position. body so as to conceal the Attach crest, eyes and beak, indicated positions with glue hole. Make copies of wings (P.64- 65) and form as directed. Pierce 2 holds at the indicated positions and insert completed wings. Tail assembly Apply glue between pieces. i Row 2 (4 pcs Row 1 of Tail Row 1 of Body ДДДА Row 1 (4 pcs. Row Row \/1 v V \/^Rovi c 3 66
П9 LEMON (Р.17) Completed size 214" wide, 1%" high Materials 80 11/г"хз" rectangles of origami paper (yellow) 16 11/2"хз" rectangles of origami paper (white) Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. vYellow ▼ White VVV VVVVVVV WVWV Row 6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVW..Row 5 Row 4 16 pcs. in each row. Row 3 Row 2 Row 1 * Pieces used In the actual project are smaller. Apply a dab of glue on single points of 3-4 yellow pcs., and paste them together. Continue until 16 pcs. are pasted. Join into a circle and put on double double pocket of a white piece. pockets. Continue. Join ends to form a ring of 16 pcs. Rows 4-6: Continue joining the same Turn over for completed LEMON, number of pieces, interlocking at an angle to shape. Glue top to secure. 67 Row 3: Repeat with yellow pieces.
#57-#58 TEMARI BALL (P.16) Completed size #22: 2" wide, 2" #23: 6" wide, 6" Materials #22: 52 each 11/2'’хз" rectangles of origami paper (4 colors) 26 Г/г" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (1 color) 13 Г/г" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (1 color) 8" 1/z" ribbon #23: 60 each 2" хз" rectangles of origami paper (10 colors) 12" 1" ribbon 1 miniature bell Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used. Apply a dab of glue on single points of When 19(30 for #58) pcs. are used, Row 2: Insert adjoining points of Row 4-5 pcs., and paste them together paste each other and join into a circle. into the double pocket of a piece Make several sets. Continue all around. I I I I I Row 3-18: Continue, altering colors as directed on the left page, and shaping into a ball with as small opening as possible Cover the top with a bow. (Sew a miniature K<il onto wrong side of the bow before attaching.) 68
# 59-#61 GOOD-LUCK HYOTAN (GOURD) ( Completed size # 59: 51/г" wide, 10" high #60: 5%" wide, 9" high #61: 4%"wide, 7" high Materials # 59: 762 2%"X4%" rectangles of washi paper (silver) 3 ft. cord with fringe #60: 762 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (pale green) 1/2 ft. cord with fringe #61: 762 1%"хз%" glossy paper (from magazine) V2 ft. cord with fringe Row 19 & 20: Work in opposite direction. VVVW VW VVVVVV VVVVVV...Row 28 WVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 27 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVW....Row 26 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 25 VVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVV..Row 24 VVVVVVWVVVVVVWVWV....Row 23 VVVVVVVWVVVVWVWW..Row 22 . vv vv vv vv vv vv vv vv vv vv- Row 21 ДАЛЛАДЛАДЛАДЛДААДЛАДЛДЛАДДДАЛА.Row 20 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA A A---ROW 19 VVV VVVV VVVW VVVV VVVV VVV VVVVVV.Row 18 20 pcs. in each row How to make t Cut rectangular pap< VVVV VVV VVV VVVV VVVW VVVW WWW-Row 17 VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV VVVVVVVV VV V.Row 16 VVVV VVVV VVVW VVVV VVVV VVV VVVV VV-Row 15 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVW......Row 14 VVVW VVVVVV VVVW VVVV VVVV WWW-Row 13 VVVW VVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVV VVV VVV....Row 12 VVVW VVVW VVVV VVVV VVV VVV VVV VW-Row 11 VVVV VVV VVVV VVVV VVV VVVV VVVV VVV.Row 10 VVVV WV VVVVVV VVVW VVV VVV VVVWV-Row 9 VVVW VVVW VVVW VVV VVV VVVV VVVV.....ROW 8 VVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV WWW V VVVWV-Row 7 VV VVVV VVV VVVV VVVV VVVVVVV VVVV V.Row 6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-Row 5 VVVV VVV VVVW VVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV....Row 4 VVVV VVVV VVVVVVV VVVV VVVV VVVV WV-Row 3 VVVV VVVV VVVV VVV VVVW VVV VVV VVV..Row 2 A A A A A A A A AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA A —Row 1 ------Join ends to form a ring of 30 pcs. Layer 4 sheet Ф 30 pcs. in each row Roll up and How to reduce in Row 21 Row 21 1711 711711 711711 71 Repeat this to decrease the nu Row 20 of pcs., from 30 to 20. 70
Apply a dab of glue on single points of 5-6 Paste each other and join into a circle Row 2: Insert adjoining points of Row 1 pcs and paste them together. Repeat to of 30 pcs. (Row 1). into double pocket of a piece, double make this set until 30 pcs. are used. points facing up. Continue all around. Rows 3-18: Work in the same manner inter- Row 19: Change the direction of Row 20: Work as for Row 18. Row 20: locking at an angle so as to form a ball. pieces. Change the direction of pieces again. Row 21: Decrease the number of pieces Rows 22-28: Work with 20 pcs. on Layer 4 rectangles and roll up to form to 20 Insert 3 points into a double every row. stem. Glue onto top of gourd, and tie pocket so that 2 pcs. cover 3 pcs. cord around the stem, into a bow. 71
#65-#67 WINGED OWL (P.24) Materials <#65> [#66] |#67| 317 2%" x 4V4" rectangles of craft paper <black> [brown] Imoss greenl 81 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper <white> [white] Iwhite] 2 2%" x 4У4" rectangles of craft paper <dark brown> [dark brown] Idark brown] 1 2%" x 41/4" rectangle of craft paper <pinl> [pink] Ipinkl 1 pearl-headed marking pin <blue> [white] lyellowl %" wide ribbon <3" moss green> [8" green] |3" greenl 2 Vi' diam. plastic eyes each 1 Vi' diam. bead wheel each Ear A A A A...................Row 22 (4 pcs.) A A A A..............................Row 21 (4 pcs.) Bill attaching position Body ..............Row 20 (8 pcs.) Eye attaching _ . _ , ;Z" Row 19 (6 pcs.) < position for #06 \ “ / V ,......Row 18 (8 pcs.) Eye for -#65 & #67 Row 17 (10 pcs) VVVVVVTTT VVTTTVVVVVV.Row 15 VVVVVTWTVVTTT VVVVVV-Row 14 x , . VVVVVVTVTTTTTVVVVVVV.Row 13 lng a..?C lng A AAAA A AAA A A A A AAA A AAA*—Row 12 POSI 1 П VWvWv ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ W\7 VVV Row 11 VVVVVVTTVVTyyVVVVVVV-Row 10 Bow attaching wvvvvvvyvtvtvvvvvvv.Row 9 position VVV VVVVTVTTT VVVVWVV Row 8 VVVVVVVVTVTTVVVVVVVV Row 7 VV VVVV VVWVV VVVVVVV V Row 6 VVVVVVVVVTTVVVVVVVVV Row 5 Foot attaching VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV•••Row 4 position VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV---' Row 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-Row 2 Neck AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Row 1 Center front Join ends to form a ring of 20 pcs. Signs for piece direction Double pocket Double pocket Completed size 7" wide, 6%” hi. ABIack for #65 Brown for #66 Green for #67 A White Wing (Make 2) АЛЛА..Row 6 (4 VVVVV- Row 5 (5 VVVV Row 4 (4 VVV...Row 3 (3 VV....Row 2 (2 V.....Row 1 (1 20 pcs. in each row #66 Insert here. 72
pply a dab of glue on ingle points of 5-6 pcs., and aste them together. Repeat ) make this set until 20 pcs. re used. Paste each other and join into a circle of 20 pcs. (Row 1). Row 2: Insert adjoining points of Row 1 into double pocket of a piece, double points facing up. Continue all around. Rows 3-11: Continue joining the same number of pieces, altering color as directed on the opposite page. 12: Change the direc- of pieces so the right ss face outward. See Rows 13-16: Change the direction of pieces again so the right angles face inward. Row 17: Begin at center front; join 5 pcs. each rightward and leftward. Insert Rows 18-22: Change the direction of pieces again and form ears, one by one. a pink piece into center See diagram for color layout. for color layout. front. Both ears are completed Make a wing referring to the Insert wings into indicated Insert feet into indicated diagram. Make 2. positions. positions. Attach eyes and bow to finish
v Purple ▼ Gray v White #75 BRIDEGROOM (P.26) Completed t 414" wide, 51 Materials 274 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper (purple) 102 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper (gray) 62 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper (white) 1 2%" X4%" rectangle of craft paper (pink) 2 pearl-headed marking pins (purple & white) 12" %" ribbon (purple) 2 1/г" diam. plastic eyes 1 14" diam. bead wheel 2 silk flowers (p Eye attaching position Body Row 24 ( 2 pcs.) Row 23 ( 4 pcs.) Row 22 ( 6 pcs.) Row 21 ( 8 pcs.) Row 20 (10 pcs.) Row 19 (12 pcs.) Row 18 Row Row Row Row Row 13 Row 12 Row 11 Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Bow „ Mar 17 16 15 14 Bow attaching position Silk flower attaching position Push in marking pin here. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 22 pcs. in each row How to make Center front Join ends to form a ring of 22 pcs. Slit to the middle. Signs for piece direction ®See P.77 for step-by-step instructs 74
Completed size 414" wide, 6" high #76 BRIDE (P.26) 2%"X4%" rectangles of craft paper (white) 2%"X4%" rectangles of craft paper (pink) 2%"X4%" rectangle of craft paper (gold) 2%"X4%" rectangle of craft paper (red) 16" 14" ribbon (silver) 115 1/a" diam. perl beads 1 14" diam. bead wheel 3 silk flowers (pink) 12"xi3" dotted tulle Materials 399 75 1 1 2 1/г" diam. plastic eyes 1 pearl-headed marking pin (white) a White Sew on beads omitting the center of veil, др п.^ in a flower pattern (See bottom). ° d I -------------1 о О О 1V8"X О Veil Eye attaching position 0 о О Ear Silk flower attaching position о о Bill Row 23 ( 2 pcs.) Row 22 ( 4 pcs.) Row 21 ( 6 pcs.) Row 20 ( 8 pcs.) Row 19 (10 pcs.) Row 18 Row 17 (12 pcs.) О о Row 15 0 q— 2%‘ О 4 О Bow attaching position Row 11 Neck 1/2" 1/2" %"з)4 Silk flower Silk flower vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.Row attaching position vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv----Row VVVV VVV VVVV VVVV VVV VVVV........Row 9 8 7 22 pcs. in each row (61/2" for kid owl) 12" (6" for kid owl) Body VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV--ROW 6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV..Row 5 V VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVVV VV-” Row 4 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV..Row 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-" Row 2 ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲A Center front Join ends to form a ring of 22 pcs. Row 1 How to secure beads Bead embroidery pattern Dot of the tulle Backside! I Pearl bead q q—' Tulle (cross section) ^Bead Front side ®See P.77 for step-by-step instructions. ©Tie into a knot winding twice, before the glue becomes dry. ©Using a threaded needle, sew on bead twice. ©Apply a dab of glue onto the first stitch. Glue —> ©When the glue is dry, 75 trim away excess thread.
Completed size 4" wide, 6V2" high #62-#64 OWL (P.24) Materials <#62> [#63] |#64| 328 2" X31/2" rectangles of craft paper <yellow> [blue] Ipinkl 88 2” x 31/2" rectangles of craft paper <white> [white] Iwhitel 1 2" ХЗУ2" rectangle of craft paper <red> [red] Iredl 1 pearl-headed marking pin 8" %" ribbon 1 V2" diam. bead wheel 2 1/г" diam. plastic eyes each <white> [white] Iwhitel <yellow> [blue] Ipinkl <white> [blue] Ipinkl a Yellow for #62 Blue for #63 Pink for #64 a White Ear Row 23 ( 2 pcs.) Row 22 ( 4 pcs.) Row 21 ( 6 pcs.) Row 20 ( 8 pcs.) Row 19 (10 pcs.) Bow Bow attachmgvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. position VVV W W VVVVVVVVVWVWV.... Row 10 Row 9 22 pcs. in each row Body VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVWVV...Row 8 VVVVVVVVVVVTTVVVVVWVV....Row 7 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV....Row 6 76
Apply a dab of glue on single points of 5-6 pcs., and paste them together. Repeat to make this set until 22 pcs. are used. Paste each other and join into a circle of 22 pcs. (Row 1). Row 2: Insert adjoining points of Row 1 into double pocket of a piece, double points facing up. Continue all around. Rows 3-12: Continue joining the same number of pieces, altering color as directed on the opposite page. Row 13: Shape neck by Rows 14-16: Change direction Insert bill (red) into Row 16. Row 17: Work in the same changing direction of pieces, of pieces again, and work as manner as the previous row. the right angles facing out- directed on the color chart. ward. See diagram for colors. Row 18: Form ears; change Both ears are completed. Glue on eyes. Attach bow and bead wheel direction of pieces and work by pushing in marking pin. only on ears.
#77-#79 FLOWER GIRL & RING BEARER (P.26) 2%" wide, з high Materials <#77> [#78] |#79| 274 11/e" x 21/a" rectangles of craft paper <yellow> [blue] Ipinkl 88 11/e" x 21/e" rectangles of craft paper <white> [white] Iwhitei 1 11/e" x 21/e" rectangle of craft paper <red> [red] Iredl 1 pearl-headed marking pin <yellow> [blue] Ipinkl 3" 1/з" ribbon <silver> [silver] {silver} 1 1Л" diam. bead wheel <gold> [gold] Igoldl 5 stemmed silk flowers plus 1 stemmed bud each 2 X6" diam. plastic eyes each 5" x 8" tulle (for #79) 2 silk flowers (for #79) Row 22 ( 2 pcs.) Silk flower attaching position ЕУе for #79 attaching vvv P°si*on ~wvx Bill(red)---------- Row 21 ( 4 pcs.) Row 20 ( 6 pcs.) Row 19(8 pcs.) a Yellow for #77 Blue for #78 Pink for #79 a White Bow attaching position Bouquet- attaching position VVVVVVVVVTTVVTVVVVVV... ААДАДЛАААААЛАААААААД Body VV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVW... VVVW WWW VVV WWW........ VVVW VVVVVVVVVVVVV VV... VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.... VVVVVVVVVVVVVV WWW...... ААЛАAAAAAAAAДАAAAAAA.... I t ) \ Center front 7 Join ends to form a ring of 20 pcs. Row 18 (10 pcs.) Row 17 Row 16 Row 15 Row 14 Row 13 Row 12 Row 11 Row 10 Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Row Row (12 pcs.) Bow Neck Bead wheel Marking pin ©See P.77 for step-by-step instructions. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20 pcs. in each row Bouquet Stemmed silk flower 1V4 Bind with floral tape. Bud 1/2 • For veil, see P.75 Signs for piece direction 78
Completed size 24" wide, 4" high #1 GRANNY OWL (P.3) Materials 328 116" X2%" rectangles of glossy paper (black shades) 88 11/z"x2%" rectangles of glossy paper (white base 1 116"x 24" rectangle of glossy paper (red shades) 2 Vi' diam plastic eyes 1 pearl-headed marking pin (white) 2" #28 wrapped wire (green) 1 pair doll’s glasses Л Magazine paper in black shades A Magazine paper with white base Ear A AA Row 23 ( 2 pcs.) A A.....................Row 22 ( 4 pcs.) AAA.........................Row 21 ( 6 pcs.) AAAA AAAA.........................Row 20 ( 8 pcs.) Glass attaching position AAAAA. | AAAAAAAAAAAA...... Eye attaching vVVVVWV'T'T^Vy'T'TVV'VVVVV Leaf (Actual size) РО5Д1°П УУУУУУУУТУУуУУУУУУУУУ- Attach with marking pin. Bi||^ed. WWVWTVyVYTTTT/WW7 VVVVVVVVTVVVTTVTVVVVVV" /X, Neck ЛЛЛЛЛЛЛА AAAA AAAAAAAAAA- 'v \ Body VVVVVVVVTTTVjTTVVVVVVVV- Leaf attachin7^^WvTVTVVVVVVVVVV position VVVVVVVVWTTyyVVVVWVV" Reading glasses Doll’s glasses are used here, but if not available, make a pair with a piece of wire. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV- VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV” Row 19 (10 pcs.) Row 18 (12 pcs.) Row 17 Row 16 Row 15 Row 14 Row 13 Row 12 Row 11 Row 10 22 pcs. Row 9 in each Row 8 rOW Row 7 Row 6 Row 5 Row 4 Row 3 Row 2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ->Row 1 l t \ Center front Join ends to form a ring of 22 pcs. How to attach hook for glasses Hook Piece Insert with glue. 4" Join pieces in the same manner as for #62-64 OWL on P.77. How to make Bill P.77 for steo-bv-steo instructions. Slit to the middle. 79
Completed size 31/г" wide, 5" high #68 КАРРА (Р.25) Materials 250 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper (pale green) 75 2%" x 41Л" rectangles of craft paper (black) 58 2%" X4%" rectangles of craft paper (yellow)+2 pcs. for hands 20 11/e" Х4У4" rectangles of craft paper (yellow, for rain hat) 1 V/2" X4" rectangle of craft paper (black, for hair ornament) 55 41/4" xiy8" rectangles of tissue paper (black) 8" Vie" cord (purple) Felt (black) for nostrils and navel 1 ft. Vie" wire (bronze) *55 of 75 black pcs. are used to construct back of body. When folding these pieces, layer black tissue paper to give thickness. * When folding pieces for rain hat as instructed on P.29, cut rectangles lengthwise in half, omit the first folding, and start from Step 2. j—Hair ornament attaching position Nostril attaching A ********** *. position vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. position - Bill- Row 20 Row 19 Row 18 Row 17 Row 16 v Pale green ▼ Yellow v Black VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.Row 15 Neck—” ЛЛАЛАДАДДАДДДДАДДЛАД.Row 14 Hand attaching vvvvvv^vvvvvx^lvvvvvvv.Row 13 position VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.Row 12 Navel attaching vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.Row 11 position vvvvvvvvv)i(vvvvvvvvvv.Row 10 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 9 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 8 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 7 Body vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv..Row 6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 5 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV..Row 4 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row 2 (Actual Size) Join ends to form a ring of 20 pcs. Felt Nostril (Make 2) Navel oFeit How to make Arms 20 pcs. in each row Dowel Wind wire around dowel or pencil. Hair ornament Row 1 Signs for piece direction 80
Apply a dab of glue on single points of 5-6 pcs., and paste them together. Repeat to make this set until 20 pcs. are used. Paste each other and join into a circle of 20 pcs. (Row 1). Row 2: Insert adjoining points of Row 1 into double pocket of a piece, double points facing up. Continue all around. Rows 3-13: Continue joining the same number of pieces, altering color as directed on the opposite page. Row 14: Shape neck by changing direction of pieces, the right angles facing Rows 15-17: Change direc- tion of pieces again, and work as directed. Insert bill Row 18: Work in the same manner as the previous row, altering colors as directed. Row 19: Make hair by joining 20 black pcs. outward. (yellow) into Row 17. Row 20: Make rain hat by Insert hair ornament into Glue on eyes and felt Make arms and hands with joining 20 yellow pcs. center back of Row 20. nostrils. Glue felt navel onto wire and triangles, and insert Row 10. into body. 81
Completed size 4%" wide, 6У4" high #69 & #70 PENGUIN (P.25) Materials <#69> [#70] 304 2%" Х4У4" rectangles of craft paper <black> [blue] 48 2%" Х4У4" rectangles of craft paper <blue> [white] 7 2%" Х4У4" rectangles of craft paper <yellow> [yellow] 3 2%" x 4У4" rectangles of craft paper <black> [blue] (Following materials are for each item.) 4" 1/з" ribbon (red) 2 V2" diam. plastic eyes 1 straw hat for dolls for wing and feet 1 1У4" X2%" rectangle of craft paper <yellow> [yellow] for bill Bill attaching position Eye attaching position Eye attaching position VVVVVVV^ VVVVVVVVVVRow 18 (19 pcs.) Body Wing attaching position - Bow — attahing position VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row 17 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow 16 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row 15 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow 14 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row 13 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow 12 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row 11 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow 10 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row 9 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow 8 row VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row 7 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow 6 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row 5 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow 4 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow 2 ЛЛАЛАЛЛЛЛЛАЛАЛЛАЛАЛА ROW 1 . I Center front Join ends to form a ring of 20 pcs. 20 pcs. in each v Black for #69/Blue for #70 ▼ Blue for #69/White for #70 v Yellow Bow tie Paste 2 layers of sheets and cut out. Signs for piece direction 82
Apply a dab of glue on single points of 5-6 pcs., and paste them together. Repeat to make this set until 20 pcs. are used. Paste each other and join into a circle of 20 pcs. (Row 1). Row 2: Insert adjoining points of Row 1 into double pocket of a piece, double points facing up Continue all around. Glue on eyes and bow tie. Check the shape. Interlock so the top Rows 3-18: Join 20 each pcs. in the same manner, altering colors as opening is as small as possible. Make bill as directed below, and glue Make wings and feet. Glue onto body. Glue on straw hat to finish, onto the indicated position. How to make Bill Fold a IV4" x 2%" rectangular paper in half. 2%"^ ИШШШ111П1111///1////Х Paste together. Base Fold down corners to meet at the center bottom, and secure upper half with glue. Fold down in half and unfold. t'Base Overlap squares and glue together. 83
Completed size 4" wide, 51/г" high #71 & #72 KITTEN (P.25) Materials <#71> [#72] 220 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper <yellow> [green] 134 2"X314" rectangles of craft paper <yellow> [green] 1 %" x %" rectangle of craft paper <black> [black] for ear 6" wired tinsel <yellow> [brown] (Following materials are for each item] 20" 1/з" ribbon (pink) 2 ’/2" diam. plastic eyes 1 miniature bell IV2 ft. #28 wrapped wire (white, for whiskers) 1 ’/з" diam. button (black) Nose (button) Ear attaching position Ear attaching position j attaching position r—Eye attaching position attaching wVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row 15 position---« 1 VV VVVV WWV VV WW VV VWRow 14 vvvwwvvvvlwVVVVVVVVV Row 13 attaching position ЛЛ АЛААЛЛДААААЛЛД AAAAAARow 12 VW VVVVVVV VVVW VW WWRow 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Body VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRow VVVVVVV VVVV VVV VVVVV VWRow VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Row V VV VV V VV VV VV VVVVV vlv VWRow I Tail attaching Center front position > Join ends to form a ring of 22 pcs.^ How to make Ear Inner piece Inner piece Insert this point into Body. Glue on. Double pocket Use small pieces. Use large pieces. How to join a piece in Row 11 22 pcs. in each row How to make Whiskers Wrapped wire Apply glue and let dry to harden. 11/4 Bend. How to make Mouth Use 2 pcs. of 2" long wrapped wire Glue 2 pcs. together. Bind into a hook. 84
Apply a dab of glue on single points of 5-6 large pcs., and paste them togeth- er. Repeat to make this set until 22 pcs. are used Paste each other and join Row 2: Insert adjoining Rows 3-10: Join 22 each into a circle of 22 pcs (Row points of Row 1 into double pcs. in the same manner. 1). pocket of a piece, double points facing up. Continue all around. Row 11 Using small pieces, shape neck by changing direction of pieces, so the right angles face outward. Row 12: Work as for Row 11 with small pieces. Row 13: Change direction of pieces again. Rows 13-17: Work in the same manner with small pieces, shaping into a ball. Make ears as directed and insert between 4th and 5th pcs. from center front of Row 17. Make mouth with wire as Make 2 whiskers using wire, Attach bell onto center of Glue eyes and nose onto directed, and insert into and insert into both sides of ribbon, and tie around neck indicated positions center front of Row 14. nose. into a bow. Insert wired tinsel as tail. 85
Completed size З’/г" wide, 5’A" high #73 & #74 RABBIT (P.25) Materials <#73> [#74] 292 2" x З’/г" rectangles of craft paper <white> [pale pink] 14 2" * З’/г" rectangles of thin craft paper <pink> [pink] 1 2" x З’/г" rectangle of craft paper 1 pearl-headrd marking pin (Following materials are for each item.) 1 W diam. button (black) 2 ’/г" diam. buttons (red) 8" ’A" ribbon (red) <red> [red] <white> [pink] V/2 ft. #28 wrapped wire (white, for whiskers) 1 ’/2" bead wheel (gold) ♦ When folding thin craft paper as instructed on P.29, cut rec- tangles lengthwise in half, omit the first folding, and start from Step 2. Nose attaching position How to make Whiskers A Ear A A A л White for #73 < < < < AAA- AAA- Pale pink for #74 AAA AAA; a Pink AAA AAA- Direction of AAA AAA- ear pieces AAA AAA- ~aIa aIa- 19 18 17 Whiskers attaching position Lips (red) ........Row 22 ........Row 21 ........Row 20 .......Row Bow attaching position .......Row .......Row ........Row 16 ........Row 15 ........Row 14 .'Row 13 Eye attaching position vvvv V V.Row 12 7VVVVV..Row 11 WWW.....Row 10 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^NeckRow W WWW WWW WWW..........Row W WWW WWW WWW..........Row W WWW WWW WWW..........Row W WWW WWW WWW..........Row W WWW WWW WWW..........Row VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV...Row AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...Row 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Center front Join ends to form a ring of 20 pcs. Bow Marking pin 1% Bend. Ear Row 1 of Ear Row 13 of Bod Apply glue and let dry to harden. Wrapped wire 6 pcs. in each row 20 pcs. in each row Bead wheel Insert pink piece between pale pink pieces Just push in pink piece between the 2. Divide 3 pcs. into 2 (3 points each) and insert into 2 pcs. Signs for piece direction A Double pocket V L \ ——A Double < pocket Л Double--/ \=i pocket ' ' V Double —1 pocket “\r\ Insert \V here. 86
Apply a dab of glue on Paste all sets together and Row 2: Insert adjoining Rows 3-8: Join 20 each single points of 5-6 pcs., and join into a circle of 20 pcs. points of Row 1 into double pieces in the same manner. paste them together. Repeat (Row 1). pocket of a piece, double to make this set until 20 pcs. points facing up. Continue are used. all around. Row 9: Shape neck by Rows 10-12: Change direc- Push in a beak piece (red) Row 13: Work in the same between center 2 pcs. of manner, using 20 pcs. changing direction of pieces, tion of pieces again, and continue in the same Row 12. manner. Shape ears by changing direction of pieces. Join 2 each pcs., sandwiching 1 pink piece. Rows 21-22: Join 1 pc. each, covering only the center 2 points. Glue on eyes and nose. Make whiskers referring to the figure on the opposite page, and insert into the Attach bow and bead wheel using a marking pin. 87
#55 & #56 METALLIC URN (P.22) w Materials #55: 916 Р/г" x 2%" rectangles of craft paper (gold) 2 ft. %" ribbon (gold) #56: 916 V/2" X2%" rectangles of craft paper (silver) 2 ft. %" ribbon (silver) Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used URN ЛДДДДДДДЛДДДДДААААДДДЛДДДДДДДДДД.......Row 21 (32 pCS.) ЛЛДДДДЛДЛДДААДАДДДДДДДДДАДДДДДДД.....Row 20 (32 pcs.) ЛАЛЛЛЛЛЛ/\|ААЛЛЛЛАЛАЛАААЛЛ|АAAAAAAA...Row 19 (32 pCS.) ДДДДАААДДДДДАAAAAAAAДААДАДДДДДДДАДДДДДДД ROW 18 ' ДЛЛДЛДЛЛДЛЛДДАЛДЛЛАДЛАЛЛДЛДЛДДДДЛЛЛДДЛДД-Row 17 H®nd'e АДА ДЛДДДААДАДААААДДДАДДД ДАДД АДДДД ДДДДДДД Row 16 attaching position АДА ДЛДДДДД ДА А ДДДДДД ДАДДА ДДДДЛДДДД ДДД AAAA"Row 15 ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД ROW 14 АДДДД ДДДДДДД ДДД ДДДДДД ДДДДЛДДДД ДДДД ДДДДДД--Row 13 ДДДДДАДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДАДДАДАЛАДДД Row 12 ДЛЛЛЛЛДЛЛЛДЛДАЛЛДЛДЛДДЛЛДЛДЛДЛЛДЛДДДДДДД-Row 11 ДАДД ДЛААЛА|ДЛДДД ДДДДДДД ДДДД ДДДД|ЛДД ДДДДДДД Row 10 ДДДАДАДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД-Row 9 ДАЛЛ АЛЛАЛЛЛДЛЛЛДЛА ДДДДДДД А АДА ДДДД ДДДДДД •••Row 8 ЛАААДДДДЛДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДАДДДДДДДДДДДДДД-Row 7 40 pcs. in each row Change direction of pieces here. I А А ААААДДДДДДАДДАДД АДДДД ДДДД ДДДД А А ДДДДДД •••Row ДДДАДДАДЛАДАДДДАЛАДАДДДДДАДДДДДДДДДДДДДД-ROW VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV vvvv vvvwv — Row VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVWV-ROW ЛАД ДДДДДААДдДдА дДдддД АДДДД ЛАДД ДДДАДДДДДД Row VVVVVVV VVV VVVW VVVVVV VVVW VVVV VVVV VVVVVV Row Center Join ends to form a ring of 40 pcs. (%" inner diameter.) 6 5 4 3 2 1 . [>[>[>>>[>[>|>[>>|>[>[>[>>[>[>[>[>>>[>[>[>>>[>[>[>[> Join 30 pcs. into a ring of 2" in diameter. Make 2 and glue together.--------| Pedestal assembly Signs for piece direction Place URN on the pedestal and secure with glue. ffiSee P.90 for step-by step instructions. A Double pocket V Double < pocket A Double-// pocket ' V Double -J pocket | лгл Insert here. 88
Rows 1-2 assembly Direction of pieces This side becomes Turn upside down. This pair makes 1 pc. for Row 1. Make 40 pairs and join into a ring. How to decrease number of pieces Row 3 assembly Row 5 assembly Repeat this pattern. Side view Handle (20 pcs.) How to attach Handle Row 18 End of Handle Handle assembly and Row 9 Apply glue onto points insert between pieces. First piece д of Handle л Apply glue onto points and insert between pieces. Handle (Actual size) (Make 2) V Shape according to the pattern (right) First piece of Handle 89
Turn upside down. This pair makes 1 pc. for Row 1. Make 40 pairs and join into a ring. How to decrease number of pieces Repeat this pattern. Row 3 assembly Side view Row 5 assembly Row 18 End of Handle and Apply glue onto points insert between pieces. How to attach Handle Row 9 Apply glue onto points and insert between pieces. Handle (20 pcs.) First piece of Handle д Handle assembly First piece of Handle Handle (Actual size) (Make 2) V Shape according to the pattern (right) X First piece of Handle 89
#55<-#56 METALLIC URN (P.22) and prepare 40 sets. piece. Continue to join all 40 sets, Row 4: Work in the same Row 5: Change the direction Rows 5-6: Join pieces at an into a ring. manner, with 40 pcs. of pieces, the right angles angle so the opening is 13/4"-2" facing out. in diam., securing with glue. Row 7: Pieces are joined Rows 8-13: Work in the Rows 14-18: Work in the Rows 19-20: Decrease the almost vertically. same manner, this time ex- same manner, reducing the number of pieces to 32, re- panding the diam. gradually. diam. ferring to the figure overleaf. Row 21: Work in the same Make pedestal and handles Attach handles to sides. Tie a ribbon around the neck manner, slightly enlarging as directed. Glue pedestal and the to finish. the opening to form rim. bottom of the URN together.
0 1cm 2 cm 3 cm 4 cm 5 cm 6 cm 7 cm 8 cm 9 cm 10 cm 11 cm 12 cm 13 cm 14 cm 15 cm Linear Measures inches x 2.54 = centimeters centimetsers x 0.39 = inches INCHES CENTIMETERS (nearest equivalent) INCHES CENTIMETERS (nearest equivalent) 1/e" 1/4 cm 41/4" 11 cm 1/4" % cm 4%" 12 cm %" 1 cm 5" 13 cm 1/2" 11/2 cm 51/2" 14 cm %" 2 cm 6" 15 cm 1" 21/2 cm 61/4" 16 cm 11/s" 3 cm 7" 18 cm 11/2" 4 cm 8" 20 cm 1%" 41/г cm 9" 22 cm 2" 5 cm 10" 25 cm 2%" 6 cm 1 ft. 12" 30 cm 3" 71/2 cm 11/2 ft. 18" 45 cm 31/2" 9 cm • 20" 50 cm 4" 10 cm 2 ft. 24" 60 cm 5" 6"