                    May 29, 1923.
Filed Jan. 7. 1921	2 Sheets-Sheet 1

May 29, 1923. 1,456,625 A. T, DAWSON ET AL MACHINE GUN Filed Jan. 7. 1921 2 Sheets-Sheet 2
Patented May 29, 1923. 1,456,625 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ARTHUR TREVOB DAWSON AND GEORGE THOMAS BUCKHAM, OF WESTMINSTER, LONDON, ENGLAND, ASSIGNORS TO VICKERS LIMITED, OF WESTMINSTER, LONDON, ENGLAND. MACHINE GUN. Application filed January 7, 1921. Serial No. 435,651. (GRANTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE ACT OF MARCH 3, 1921, 41 STAT. L., 1313.) To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we, Arthur Trevor Daw- son and George Thomas Buckham, both sub- jects of the King of Great Britain, residing 6 at Vickers House, Broadway, Westminster, in the county of London, England, have in- vented certain new and useful Improve- ments in or Relating to Machine Guns (for which they have made application in Great 10 Britain September 4,1919, Pat. No. 165,859), of which the following is a specification. This invention relates to machine guns, particularly those of the Vickers automatic 18 ty?he present invention consists of a ma- chine gun in which there are combined and nsed together the various devices and mech- anism set forth in the specifications of our three British Patents Nos. 165,857, 165,858 20 and 141,605, the essential features compris- ing the device for retaining the firing spring and the side lever axis pin of the lock in their assembled position as described in the first of our said specifications, the stop-piece 25 for the crank and the resilient bush between the crank-handle roller and the spindle or spigot of this roller as described in the sec- ond of our said specifications, and the sear and tumbler arrangement described in the 30 third of our said specifications. In order that the said invention may be clearly understood and readily carried into effect the same will be described more fully with reference to the accompanying draw-' 35 ings in which:— Figure 1 is a vertical longitudinal section through the mechanism casing of a Vickers automatic gun provided with the combina- tion of features in accordance with this in- 40 vention, Figure 2 is a local side elevation showing the aforesaid crank-handle roller, Figure 3 is a plan of Figure 1 with the mechanism casing cover removed, Figures 45 4 and 5 are, respectively, a sectional side ele- vation and a rear elevation showing on a larger scale the lock and the parts carried thereby. A is the mechanism casing, A* is the 50 crank, A' is the connecting rod pivoted at its rear end to the crank and at its forward end to the socket A0 of the side levers which are pivoted to the lock (the crank, the con- necting rod and the side levers forming tog- gle levers as is well understood), A2 is the 55 crank shaft, A3 is the crank handle, and A4 is the roller with which the tail A3x of this crank handle co-operates. В is the lock cas- ing, B' is the firing pin, B2 is the firing spring and B3 is the side lever axis pin. C 60 is the tumbler for cocking the firing pin, C' is the sear and C2 is the actuating arm for the sear. The aforesaid device for retaining the fir- ing spring B2 and the side lever axis pin B3 65 in their assembled position comprises a re- silient member having forwardly extending arms D, D which are situated a suitable dis- tance apart so as to fit tightly, by reason of their resiliency, against the sides of the 70 lock casing. The lower forward parts of said arms have curved recesses d which fit in circumferential grooves cut in the axis pin B3. D* is a bridge-piece connecting the said arms together at the rear and D' is an 75 actuating member which is riveted or other- wise connected to the bridge-piece D* in front thereof and has two limbs one verti- cal and depending and the other more or less horizontal and projecting forwards. 80 The latter limb has lateral extensions D2, D2 • (Figure 5) at its forward end adapted to engage in recesses in front of projections Ъ, b on the lock casing. The rear end of the firing spring bears against the aforesaid ver- 85 tical limb and by the co-operation of the lateral extensions D2, D2 with the said pro- jections holds the arms D, D in engagement with the circumferential grooves in the axis pin B3. The lower part of the said vertical 90 limb has a dovetail D3 fitted into a corre- spondingly shaped recess in the lower part of the lock casing so as to prevent the de- vice from moving out of position by a bodily vertical movement during the working of 95 the gun. To enable the axis B3 and the firing spring B2 to be removed, the member D' is rocked against the opposition of the firing spring to disengage the arms D, D from the circum- 109 ferential grooves in the axis pin and is then after the withdrawal of the axis pin rocked by the spring B2 in the reverse direction to disengage the dovetail D3 from its recess; the member D' can then be lifted slightly to 105 disengage the lateral extensions D2, D2 from
1,46S,03B the projections 6, Ъ and the device, is then moved rearwards thus leaving the firing spring free to be removed in a rearward di- rection. To facilitate the manipulation of 5 the member D' the lower part of its verti- cal limb is knurled and occupies a readily accessible position at the lower part of the mechanism casing of the gun; this limb is also formed with a hole dr, through which 10 projects the tail of the safety sear F. The construction and arrangement of these parts is set forth fully in the specification of our aforesaid British Patent Ko. 165,857. E is the aforesaid stop-piece and E' is a 15 part on the crank for coming against the said stop-piece at the end of the movement of the crank during recoil of the barrel, the said stop-piece E and the part E' being dis- posed equally on each side of a vertical plane 20 containing the axis of the barrel. E2 is a barrel returning spring which is em- ployed in addition to the usual fusee spring. The roller A4, with which the tail A3* of the crank handle A3 co- ^25 operates at the commencement of the recoil movement of the barrel as is well understood, has between it and its spindle or spigot A4x a bush a of fibre or other ma- terial suitable for absorbing part of the 30 shock. This arrangement of the parts E, E', and a is set forth fully in the specification of our aforesaid British Patent No. 165858. The tumbler C is adapted to co-operate with a projection B'x on the firing pin B' 35 for cocking the latter and to be moved out of the path of this projection (when the cocking operation has been completed) by a spring Bx which also operates upon the aforesaid actuating arm C2 of_the sear C' 40 so as to urge the latter into engagement with its bent on the firing pin. This arrangement is substantially the same as that described in the specification of our aforesaid British Patent No. 141605. 45 What we claim and desire to secure by Letters Patent of the United States is:— 1. In a machine gun of the barrel recoiling type, the combination with a part recoiling with the barrel, a crank pivoted on said 50 part, the lock, and a connecting rod connect- ing said crank to said lock of a centrally ar- ranged and rigid stop-piece which said crank strikes at the end of its movement during recoil of the barrel, and a device common to 55 the side lever axis pin and the firing spring for retaining these two parts in their as- sembled position. 2. In a machine gun of the barrel recoil- ing type, the combination with a part re- 60 coiling with the barrel, a crank pivoted on said part, the lock, and a connecting rod connecting said crank to said lock of a cen- trally arranged and rigid stop-piece, a mass of metal on said crank, which mass strikes 65 the stop-piece at the end of the movement of said crank during recoil of the barrel, and a device operated upon by said spring to re- tain said axis pin in its assembled position. 3. In a machine gun of the barrel recoiling type, the combination with a part recoiling 70 with the barrel, a crank pivoted on said part, the lock, and a connecting rod connecting said crank to said lock of a centrally ar- ranged and rigid stop-piece which said crank strikes at the end of its movement during ' recoil of the barrel, a device common to the side lever axis pin and the firing spring for retaining these two parts in their assembled position, a cocking tumbler bearing loosely against part of the firing pin for cocking, a ai;' spring for moving the tumbler out of the path of said part after cocking and a seat- engaging with said firing pin. 4. In a machine gun of the barrel recoil- ing type, the combination with a part re- 85 coiling with the barrel, a crank pivoted on said part, the lock, and a connecting rod con- necting said crank to said lock of a centrally arranged and rigid stop-piece, a mass of metal on said crank, which mass strikes the 60 stop-piece at the end of the movement of said crank during recoil of the barrel, a device operated upon by said spring to re- tain said axis pin in its assembled position, a cocking tumbler bearing loosely against part 95 of the firing pin for cocking, a spring for moving the tumbler out of the path of said part after cocking and a sear engaging with said firing pin, said spring also serving nor- mally to hold the sear in engagement with 100 said firing pin. 5. In a machine gun of the barrel recoiling; type, the combination with a part recoiling with the barrel, a crank pivoted on said part, the lock, and a connecting rod connecting J said crank to said lock, a handle connected to said crank, a roller with which a tail on said handle co-operates at the commence- ment of the recoil movement of the barrel, a spindle on which said roller is mounted, a 1 bush of resilient material interposed between said roller and said spindle, a centrally ar- ranged and rigid stop-piece, a mass of metal on said crank, which mass strikes the stop- piece at the end of the movement of said crank during recoil of the barrel, a device operated upon by said spring to retain said axis pin in its assembled position, a cocking tumbler bearing loosely against part of the firing pin for cocking, a spring for. moving 12 the tumbler out of the path of said part after cocking and a sear engaging with said firing pin, said spring also serving normally to hold the sear in engagement with said firing pin. 125 In testimony whereof we affix our signa- tures. ARTHUR TREVOR DAWSON. GEORGE THOMAS BUCKHAM.