Автор: Fischer Steven R.  

Теги: dream book   medieval literature  

ISBN: 3-261-05001-2

Год: 1982

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The somnium (or symbolic dream) of Charlemagne, as illustrated in the German Ro-
landsJied. (Univ. Heidelberg, Codex Pal. Germ. 1 12, fol. 41 v, end of the 1 2th century)

Steven R. Fischer The Complete Medieval Dreambook A Multilingual, Alphabetical Somnia Daniefis Collation PETER LANG Bern und Frankfurt am Main
CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek The complete medieval dreambook: a multilingual, alphabet. Somnia Danielis collation / Steven R. Fischer. - Bern; Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1982. ISBN 3-261-05001-2 NE: Fischer, Steven R. [Hrsg.] © Peter Lang Publishers Inc., Berne|1982 Successors of Herbert Lang & Co. Ltd., Berne All rights reserved. Reprint or reproduction, even partially, in all forms such as microfilm, xerography, microfiche, microcard, offset strictly prohibited. Printed by Lang Druck Ltd., Liebefeld/Berne
dedicated to JOHN A3HER on his sixtieth birthday
Table of Contents Introduction . . 6 I. The Medieval Breambook • 6 II. Breambook Bibliography . 10 HI. Methodology and Operational Procedures 11 IV. Collated Manuscripts and Incunabula of the Somnia Danielis ... 13 V. An Inventory of Breambook Topoi 16 The Complete Medieval Breambook • 21
Introduction I, The Medieval Dreambook Constituting the "tertiary literature” of the Middle Ages, those writings which are neither the product of poetic imagination nor the result of "approved” investigation into the world of physical or metaphysical phenomena (and thus do not figure in the literature of the artes liberales. technical prose of the artes mechanicae. or theological exposition), are those works whose content necessarily invited condemnation by the Church and who, since the Middle Ages, have dubiously savoured the misnomer: the "Black Arts.”'1' Sorcery, spells, 2 charms, divinations, exorcisms, symbols—all but astrology were seen as the machinations of the Devil and, while perhaps yawningLy ignored for the greater part ol the Middle Ages, later directly contributed to the "orthodox” excesses that have subsequently censured an entire age. Featuring prominently among the genres comprising this "tertiary literature” was the dreambook, written evidence of which, however, dates from long before the Middle Ages, indeed revealing an unbroken tradition that has survived for more than four thousand years. Omen dream texts are known during the period ranging from the late Old Babylonian to the era of the Seleucid kings,^ while many names from Greek antiquity—mythological or real—are associated with dreambooks: Phemonoe, the daughter of Apollo who is said to have discovered the hexameter dreambook, Bpfchaim, Antiphon, Cleagorus of Phlius, Panyassis the Younger of Halicamass, Micostratos of Ephesos, Aristandros of Telmessos (Alexander the Creates interpreter), Straton, Demetrios of Phaleron, Philochoros, Dionyeios of Helio- 5 polis, Cratippos, PhoiDos of ^ntioch, and others. Yet none of their works has survived. The first known dreambook author wnose work influenced succeeding writers is Arteraidoros of Daldis (ca. 125-200 A.D.), who collected older dream tradi¬ tions and comoined them into a dreambook, or Oneirocriticon. Another author of a Greek dreambook, Astrampsychos, first named by Diogenes Laertius in the 7 third century, was said to be one of the Persian Magi ; the alphaoetical, iambic dreambook ascribed to him is pseudepigraphic and apparently a copy of
-7- earlier works. The drearabook of Nicephoros, a patriarch in Constantinople in the early eighth century, is also pseudepigraphic and is said to have been rather jjopular,8 although its influence, if any, has yet to be determined.^ (Germanos, also a patriarch in Constantinople in the early eighth century, and Athanasios are questionable sources of dreambook manuscripts whose influence must also have been minimal.^) With the assimilation of classical culture in medieval Europe, the trans¬ mission of the dreambook tradition brought with it a variety of dreambook copies, translations, and editions, as well as a multitude of errors. Yet the majority of the dream interpretations remained surprisingly constant.'1''1' Medieval dreambooks can be classified iito four major groups according to 12 13 function and content: dream chancebooks, dreamlunars, the physiological 14 lb dreambooks of the later Middle Ages, and the dreambooks proper, whose major contributor is the Somnia Danielis. direct descendant of the Greek tradition. host popular of all the medieval European dreambooks, the Somnia Danielis was originally compiled from the fourth-century prose Оуарокрткоу* pipXtgy тov простои Aavir\k npb<; rov path lea Na(Wyo&>v6<Jop ката atya.prjroi/* .Latin version is attributed to seventh-century southern Gaul and is found in 17 many mss. from the ninth to the fifteenth centuries. Similar to the Greek original, the Somnia Danielis is a short, usually alphabetical (according to the Latin copy, even in vernacular translations) inventory of general dream topics once universally understood, but now obscure. By '’universally under¬ stood" it is meant that each dream divination was once part of the commonplace interpretation of that dream, and therefore readily intelligible without the supplementary assistance of a dreambook. Although dreambooks as a literary genre were written down not as an inventory of commonplaces, but as an every¬ day aid in the divination of real-life experiences (many dreambooks are, in fact, prefaced with a statement that not only is the time ot the dream impor¬ tant, but also the corresponding lunar phase and class, sex, and astrological sign of the dreamer), they themselves baldly ignore this fact, and provide one interpretation for each image: fingernail, swine, storm, bear, tree, etc. This is because the Somnia Danielis. despite its professed intention, represents a collection of self-perpetuating topics stemming directly from the classical tradition: It is a library of ancient dream topoi. Naturally, such a library has for us a wealth of uses today; such as:
-8~ a) A Sourcebook of Medieval Imagery; Though derived from ancient topoi, each image is not without its particular significance in the Middle Ages. For this reason, a wild animal is interpreted as an attack by one's enemies, a crown means honour, darkness signifies an illness, and a gently flowing river betokens security. Then there are the later Christian interpretations as well, such as the cross signifying sadness or death, the dove (an ancient topos meaning sadness) symbolizing peace, honour, or good tidings, and the sight of worship in a dream foretelling joy. In this way, the Somnia flanielis can assume its role among other primary works which serve as an 18 important source of medieval imagery. b) A Sourcebook of Medieval Psychology; Here one must proceed, of course, with the utmost caution, as I have shown in an earlier work that the dream in the Middle Ages is not the product of what Freud called the "latent dream thoughts1* of the psyche but foremost a literaiy device. * However, what we have here is not a literary dream but a collation of ancient dream topoi based upon the real experience, whose considered interpretations, one must own, developed only after careful and deliberate observation of particular behavioural phenomena; The topoi are not merely topoi but real attempts at explaining the reason why people dream what they do. It is not to be wondered then that many of the interpretations found in this collation of medieval Somnia Danielis coincide with the latest findings of modern psychological 20 research. For instance, the popular dream topos, "Iacere cum sua matre significat securitatem" (lV), while boldly defying one of Christianity's strongest tabus appears to corroborate Freud's explanation of repression and the normal function of the Preconscious to guard against deviant sexual ■ u 21 wishes. To see oneself grow in a dream—"Maiorem te videre; potestates tibi accrescunt signat" (2l)—seems to reflect Adler's theory that the urge to power is one of man's greatest motivations. And the dream topos of flogging—"Uapulare in soranis, bonura persequitur" (l,2)—appears to bear out in no uncertain terms Alexander's claim that, "A drean of punishment is an attempt to relieve this tension caused by a guilty conscience because conscience 22 can be satisfied only by suffering." Many such analogies can be drawn, with significant and meaningful conclusions both for historical psychology and modern dream research. Yet to say that such investigation is still in its infancy would be a naive exaggeration; there is virtually no research in 23 this field, mainly because of the lack of adequate medieval source material.
-9- This collation of dreambook topoi is the first attempt to satisfy this need, c) A Monument of Medieval Literature: л Somnia Danielis serves in its own right as a prime example of the "tertiary literature” of the Middle Ages; it is not merely a list of topoi, but a creative expression of a people and an age* Often prefaced with imaginative and revealing excursuses explaining the dream experience and its significance in everyday medieval life, the dreambook not uncommonly assumes the role of a versified tutor displaying many similari¬ ties with the didactic and secular literature from which it has adopted its rhetoric and meter. (Even today, the verse dreambooks, in particular, furnish good entertainment, and deserve a wider audience than they have hitherto enjoyed.) d) A Sourcebook for the Interpretation of Medieval Literary Dreams: This is, of course, the Somnia Danielis* most important function today, as it contains those very same dream topoi which the medieval author consciously and deliber¬ ately employed in his narrative, song, or drama to heighten the suspense, symbolically reveal a thematic point, generate a course of action, or fulfil any number of intrinsic and extrinsic functions for which the dream motif is 24 particularly useful. Various scholars have already recognized the value of the Somnia Danielis (or ultimately the Oneirocriticon of Artemidoros) in the interpretation of medieval literary dreams and have attempted ingenious expli¬ cations based upon dreambook divinations, many of which offer original in¬ sights that perhaps could not otherwise have been gained employing "conven- tional” methods® One is reminded, however, that among the different types of literary dreams,only the somnium—the enignatic or symbolic dream which is the creation of a medieval poet consciously manipulating dream images to achieve a given poetic effect—demands an interpretation, and it is through the Somnia Danielis that these manipulated images, and with them often the poet*s intention, can best be identified and explained. A working knowledge of common dream topoi and a careful, exact methodology are essential in the correct interpretation of literary somnia. Nevertheless, let me emphasize that there is no evidence that even one single dream in all of medieval European literature exclusively requires a dreambook for its interpretation; when the dream imagery is not contextually explainable, then, in most cases, its immediate, albeit general divination is afforded by a character in the work or by the poet himself conveniently paraphrasing its significance, or,
-10- if it involves an allegorization (admittedly often superimposed upon an underlying topoic foundation), the immediate divination can be deduced in many instances from Christian symbolism» This means that dreambook topoi, still the medievalist's primary tool in understanding dream imagery in medieval literature, can never be posited by themselves as conclusive "proof" of any one dream interpretation® They can only suggest possibilities or lend convincing support to a proposed claim. II. hreambook Bibliography 28 29 Beginning in chronological order, H. Schindler and M® Steinschneider provide only very general and superficial treatments of the topic from the perspective of mid nineteenth-century scholarship® An excellent statement 50 of ancient dreambook historiography is presented by Karl Krumbacher, 31 similar to what Pauly-Wissowa provides for classical antiquity. The most 32 prominent dreambook scholar to date has been Max Fflrster, whose articles over a twenty-three year period contain both the first medieval Latin dream¬ book published in modem times (here included as ms. 2) and the first scholarly attempt to categorize the various medieval dreambook genres® The 33 best general summary of medieval dreambooks is that by Lynn Thorndike. # 34 i-iaurice Helin publishes facsimiles of fifteenth-century Somnia Danielis together with a nearly complete index of all dreambook incunabula and partial textual comparisons. A very short yet adequate introduction is presented by 35 36 H.-Fr® riosenfeld, similar to the more general article by J. Jacobi. While Walther Suchier*^ investigates the French tradition for the first time, M. Pongracz and I. Gantner^ trace in their book four thousand years of dream¬ book history and include a unique, comparative, alphabetical dream index of the more important works* interpretations (recommended for tracing the source of medieval topoi). The most impressive compilation of dreambook information and bibliography—besides F6rster*s—thus far published is presented by Wolfram Schmitt.^ a relatively recent article by Gerhart Hofftaeister^ relies heavily upon Thorndike and Schmitt® A comprehensive survey can also be found , , 41 by oteven K. Fischer.
Ill, Methodology and Operational Procedures The primary purpose of this multilingual collation of the popular Somnia Danielis is to provide the interested scholar with an indispensible tool for the correct identification of medieval dream topoi. In determining which dreambook topoi are authentic and which are corrupt, needless to say, one encounters many grey zones; but generally speaking, one can be satisfied that one has found a valid topos when there are a service¬ able number of ms. similarities, (if one has in mind a comparative dream- book investigation, one is advised to consult the original articles as well.) There are a multitude ol' problems associated with dreambook transcrip¬ tions and translations, many of which simply cannot be trusted (especially the vernacular translations; you can discover to your horror that you are dealing with a mistranslation of a Latin corruption of an originally mis¬ filed topos!). The scholar is particularly advised to watch out for: a) Contradictions; e.g. PLY yields Hymel auff steygen (22) twice, with contradicting interpretations: haymlich layden and ere (the latter the "correct" Gemian translation of a deviant Latin topos). Result of trans¬ lating and combining two separate mss©, one with "correct" interpretation, the other with a corruption. Corruptions in this collation are noted (when identifiable) by an asterisk (*). b) New topoi, created when translator unsure of vernacular equivalent; e.g. agrimoniam У garclifan or gurges У waele. Many original topoi altered beyond recognition this way. Several reassigned here to their etymon and noted by an asterisk (*)♦ c) Reinterpretations of ancient topoi to accommodate a transfomed symbolism e.g. DOVE formerly "sadness;' then reinterpreted as "peace," "honour," or "good news." Examples few, but to be watched. Also noted by an asterisk (*). d) Blatant errors, which are rife, also creating new topoi. The false topos has lost all relationship to its etymon and, in most cases, cannot be traced back. But: its invalidity is often identifiable, as it is (in most, but not all instances) an isolated topos lacking corroboration. Never trust single entries. Prime example of a runaway error is the very popular topos
-12- COALS which oegan as a simple mistake of reading the letter "d" as a "b," for it is in this way that cardones ) Carbones, an errcr repeated in the i^nglish, French, and Genoan translations* Several obvious errors have been omitted from this collation; for example, fabao) faber У stuck smiden sehen (22); cecus > cetus> whale (12,14,20) and merwunder (22); and leporem > Audsetzig letit (22). Others reassigned to their etymon (wayne < aurigam; berded men < barbatos (, barbaros; bourdes ou fables < bourdons ou abeilles < apes) and noted by an asterisk (*). e) Biolical and literary influences, altering existing topoi or creating new ones; e.g. SHEAF, MWem trawmpt, daz im in dem snyt/ Ander garb die seinen anpit ..." (lb) which derives from Joseph*s first dream (Gen* 57:7), while SUN, MOON, iJEARS, "Wem trawmpt, wie im sun vnd man/ Vnd die stem in peten an ..." (lb) which is Joseph*s second dream (gen0 57:9)- Further, JilllDS is altered by two entries in ms. lb: "Wem trawmpt, wie tote vogelein/ Ym sliefen ausz dem pusen sein,/ Dem sterben seine kint,/ Die von im kumen sintH and "Wem trawmpt, wie ab im ab von dem haupt/ Vogel essen, das ^laubt,/ / {'4 Wirt er nicht erhangen,/ So hat es im wol ergangen," the first an allusion to mother Uote*s dream in the popular Nibelungenlied (st. 1509), the second an obvious reference to the father* s fourth dream in Meier Helmbrecht (ll. b20-2a)„ f) Paraphrases, altering original topos, which are then reinterpreted (or £ 11 hr 1 ( l f . corrupted); e.g. Heden im schlaff is not "Talking in your sleep" but a paraphrase of Orationes facere in sompno. to be found here under PRAYER. In such instances, it is again not always possible to determine the etymon; solitary topoi are often the product of paraphrasis. In this collation, those identified have been reassigned to their etymon and noted by an asterisk (*). In using this collation, the scholar is advised as well to note that general topics such as FIRE, FALL, etc., include only those topoi describing this general object or activity; for specifics of the same (fire in home, fall into the sea), one must consult the specific heading, HOME, SEA, etc. When such a repetition occurs, the resp. heading is always followed by the words: (see also ...). Only medieval dreambook topoi (with corruptions) are to be found in thie
-15- collation; if the scholar wishes to consult an ultimate source, such as the Oneirocriticon of Artemidoros or the ancient Egyptian/Near Eastern tradition, then he is recommended elsewhere.^ The topoi are first listed alphabetically, whereupon the various entries in Latin, English, French, and Oeiman are then each given in chronological order according to language. Each topos is tagged with a number: (l), (8), (14), etc., referring the scholar to the following list of published mss. and incunabula of the Somnia Danielis, also given chronologically. IYo Collated Manuscripts and Incunabula of the Somnia Danielis (Note: ASNSL refers to the Archiv fflr das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen.) (1) Somniale Danielis (Vienna Hofbibl. 271, 10th c.) Published in Max Fflrster, "BeitrSge zur mittelalterlichen Volkskunde, V," ASNSL 127 (l91l), 53-85. This is the oldest known Latin dreambook. Noteworthy is the incipit: "Incipit Somniale Danielis prophete, quod uidit in Babilonia in diebus Nabuchodonosor regis, quando petebatur a princibus ciuitatis at ab omni populo, ut eis somnia, que uidebant, indicaret. Tunc Danihel propheta hec omnia scripsit et els ad legendum tradidit, dicens: 'Ego sum Danihel propheta, unus de filiis Israel, qui captiui ducti sumus de Hierusalem ciuitate sancta. Hec omnia a deo facta sunt. Nihhil tamen per memetipsum dixi uel sustuli; sed ea a domino accepi. Quicunque legerint, Danihelem intellegant.1" (2) De somniorum diuersitate ... Danielis prophete (Cotton Ms. Tiberius A. Ill, ll^1 c.) One OE dreambook extract, one ML dreambook with OE super- linear gloss. The OE gloss first published (with English translation) by Oswald Cockayne, Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Stare raft of Early England III (London: 1866), 198-214. OE extract (fol. 42a here designated 2b) published by Max Fflrster, "Beitrage zur mittelalterlichen Volkskunde, II," ASNSL 120 (1908), 302-05. Later Fflrster published the Latin (fol. 27^-32^; here desig¬ nated 2) and the OE gloss (also fol. 27^-32^; here designated 2c) together, this being the first Latin dreambook published in modem times, in "Beitrage zur mittelalterlichen Volkskunde, IV," ASNSL 125 (l910), 39-70. (З) Somniale Danielis (Titus D„ XXVI, ca. 1020) Quoted in fns. in ASNSL
(1964), 199-208. -16- (23) Ite sompniis secundum ordinem alphabeti (Donaueschinger Codex 793, ca. 1550) Published in Gerhart Hofflmeister, "Rasis* Traumlehre,M Archiv fttr Kulturgeschichte 51 (1969), 152-59. V. An Inventory of Breambook Topoi It is advised to check first the following inventory of topoi to determine whether your image exists as such or whether it has been included under a different heading. Further topoi are to be found under collectives (CLOTHES, MUSIC, etc.), noted by an initial, Buperlinear C. Note* An asterisk (♦) in the following inventory as well as in the text itself indicates an error, a reinterpretation, the poetic/philosophical whim of the scribe or translator, or an otherwise deviant topos. Solitary topoi as well (in nearly every case) can be thought of to bear an asterisk. All asterisked and solitary topoi (including mss. 2 and 2c together) are unreliable as secondary "proof’* of any one dream interpretation in medieval literature, as a specimen of a medieval dreambook topos, or as a reflection of medieval psychology. Absinth . ваше Birds Agrimony ♦Baptism ♦Birth Altar _ ♦Barley ♦Black ♦Anger C. Bam Blessing Animal „ ■ ■ ват Blind Ant Battle (see VAR) Blood Apple Beans Bones ♦Arise Bear Book Arm Beard Bound Arrow (see HOW) Bed Bow ♦Art Bees Bracelet (see RING) Ass Bell Bread Bacon Betrothal ♦Breast Baldness (see HAIR) Bier Bridge
brother -17- ♦Crow ♦Faith ♦Brown Crowd ♦Falcon ♦Brute Crown Fall ♦Bull ♦Crucifix Father ♦Burden ♦Crucifixion Favour ♦Business Cucumber Fear Butter Dance Feather Camel Darkness fftg Candle CThe Dead ♦Find Cannibalism (see FLESH) Death Finger Capture (see PRISON) Decapitation Fingernail Cart Devil Fire Castle Dish (see EAT) Fish Cattle (see GOAT, LAMB, Dispute ♦Fisherman OXjsM, SHNLP) Ditch ♦Fishpond ♦Celebration Dog Flag Chalice ♦Door Fleas Cheese ♦Dough ♦Fleece ♦Chicken Dove Flesh Child Dragon Flies ♦Chrism ♦Drink Flogging Christ Driver Flour Church Drunkenness Flowers ♦Claw Nagle ♦Flute c Clothes ♦Ear Fly Cloud Earthquake Fog ♦Coals Eat Fbod (see FIAT) ♦Cock ♦Eel Foot Cockle Ugg ♦Fortune c Coition Elephant Friend ♦Column FJnperor Frog Combust Enemy FVuit Command (see PROCLAMATION) Eunuch Garden (see ORCHARD) Court ♦Exertion •Garlic (see AGRIMONY) Crane Exile Gem Crop (see GRAIN) Eye Gift Cross Pace Girdle
-IB- ♦Glass Hunt Milk Sloat ♦Hymn ♦Monastery God ♦Ice (see SNOW) Money Gold Illness Monk Goose ♦Immaculate Conception Moon Gourd (see CUCUMBER) Intestines ♦Mosquitoes Grain Iron (see SWORD) Mother Grapes Ivory Mountain Grave ♦Jew Mouse Grow Joy Move (see TRAVEL) Guard (see PRISON) Judge ♦Mule Guest ♦Key Sflusic Hail King (see EMPEROR) Mute CHair Kiss ♦Nail *Hammer Knife Neck Hand Labour ♦Needle Hanging Ladder Nest Hare ♦Lady Net Harvest Lake ♦Noiee Hawk Lamb Nudity Head (see HAIR) Lament Nuts ♦Hearth Lamp ♦Oats Heathens Lantern (see LAMP) Offering Heaven (see SKl) Laughter Oil ♦Hell Lead Ointment ♦Helmet Ledger ♦Old ♦Help Letter Olives Hen ♦Lettuce Onion Herb Lice Orchard Home Lightning ♦Oven Honey Lion ♦Owl Honours (see PERSONAGE) ♦Lizard Oxen ♦Horn Lord Painting Horse ♦Mark Palace Horsecart ♦Marketplace Palm House (see home) ♦Medicine ♦Panther
♦Paradise Park (see ORCHARD) ♦Partridge ♦Path ♦Peacock ♦Pear Pepper Personage Philosophers Physician Pit Play Plough ♦Poison ♦Pomegranate Portrait Pot ♦Poverty Prayer rison ♦Procession ♦Proclamation Profit Prostitute Radish Rain Ram (see GOAT) ♦Rat Raven Read (see WRITE) ♦Red ♦Resin Rich Ring River Road Robbery -19- Roots (see RADISH) Rose ♦Rue ♦Ruin Run Sadness (see LAMENT) ♦Sail ♦Saint Salt ♦Scissors Sea ♦Sendai ♦Sheaf Sheep ♦Shepherd ♦Shield Ship Shoe Shrink ♦Silk Silver ♦Sin Sing Sister Sit ♦Skin CSky Slay ♦Sledge ♦Snail Snake Snow ♦Spear Spectre Spring ♦Squirrel Staff ♦Stag ♦Stain Stairway Stars Statue ♦Steeple ♦Stew Stone ♦Stoop Storm ♦Street Suffer ♦Sulphur Sun Sweets Swim Swine Sword Table (see EAT) ♦Tail Testament ♦Theatre Thistles Thorns ♦Thread Thunder ♦Timepiece ♦Tinder Tooth ♦Tower ♦Town Travel Tree Trial (see COURT) Truce ♦Twig Twins
-20- Twinkling Warriors Wheat (see linction (see OIL) Wash ♦Whirlpool Urinate (see WATER) Water Wife ♦Vegetaole Wax Wine Vinegar Weakness Wolf Vineyard Weapon Woman ♦Virgin Mary WTeather (see SKY) Wood Vomit Weave Worship ♦Wafer Wedding Wound Wagon Weep Write c1T War Well (see SPRING) Wendelstein, Bavaria Steven R. October 19Ы (JRAIN) Fischer
-22- Her comensez a bok of sweuenyng, ]>at men raetej in slepyng; furf) [Daniel] hit yfounden ys, f>at wes prophete of gret pris* Jo he was in a cyte of Babyloyne of gret pouste, Je princes him bysohten alle, bof>e in toun & in halle, Jat he huere sweuenes aredde, Jat huem J>of>te anyht in bedde ant vndude huere sweuenes ariht Jurh Je holi gostes rayht.* *Harleian Ms* 2253, fol* 119a, ca. 1310
-23- abbintu Acetum uel absinthium oibere, molestiam grauem significat. (l) Absinthium oibere, litem grauem significat. (2) Acetum vel absintheura bibere: molestias graves vel infirmitatera signat. (21) Absinthium bibere: m^ol)esticiam. (23) V/ermod drincan, sace hefije hit ge(tacna(t). (2c) Asil ou droisne porter senefie grief raoleste. (4) Aloine user, ce est la(s)teise (lO) AGRIMONY (A)grimoniam edere, nuntium fedum significat. (2) ♦Garclifan etan, aerende fullic je(tacnact). (2c) Agrymonia wflrtz essen: gute potschafft. (22) ALTAR Altare videre significat honores. (17) Altare discoperire significat hilaritatera. (17) Edificare ecclesiam ut altare significat novum sacerdotem. (17) Altaria edificare qui se viderit: honorem signat. (2l) Altaria destruere qui se viderit in somno: mori signat. (21) Ad aram sacrificare vel altaria videre: gaudium signat. (2l) Altare in domo alicuius videre: detrimentum signat. (2l) Altare novum videre: sacramentum vel presoyterera novum signat. (2l) *Altaria videre: labor era. (23) ANGER Trop courecies est re veils f/ Ce est gaains qui est avenus. (lO) A bestiis qui se uiderit infestare, ab iniraicis suis superabitur. (l) Beluas uel elefantos domare, molestiam grauera significat. (l) Hominem in bestia conuersum, deum habet offensum. (l) Quadrupedo loquere uidere, inimici tui ante te terga uer6i sunt in fugam. (l) A bestiis qui se uiderit infestare, ab inimicis superabitur. (2) Bestias domare qui se uiderit, gratiara aduersariorum significat. (2) Bestias currentes uiderit, aliquam turbationem significat. (2)
-24- Bestias loquentes uiderit, molestias graues significat. (2) Quadrupedem quicumque uiderit, anxietatem significat. (2) 4Uadrupedem loqui, inimicitias regis significat. (2) A oestiis superari significat ab inimicis superari. (ll) Bestias videre loqui significat molestiam. (17) Bestias videre infecem facere rumores significat defensionem de inimici. (17) Bestias domare significat habere gratiara. (17) Bestias capere aut videre inclinare ipsas significat tribulationes. (17) Cum bestiis cum quatuor pedibus ire significat infirmitatem. (17) * Domare bestias salvaticas significat dampnum. (17) Hominem transmutatum in bestiam significat offendere deum. (17) A bestiis qui se viderit infestare: ab inimicis suis superabitur vel subve3>- 3ionera vel disturbationera signat. (2l) Bestias domare qui se viderit: leticiam signat et gratiam ab inimicis. (2l) Bestias currentes videre aliquam tribulationem signat* (2l) Bestias videre et ab eis infestari: inimicum cavere signat. (2l) Hominem in feram conversura: lanorera vel deum offensivum signat. (2l) Wuadrupedia quicunque videt se infestare nullum bonum signat. (2l) ^adrupedi loqui: inimici tui ante te vertentur in fugam signat. (2l) A bestiis infestari: ab inimicis superari. (23) (B)estias domare: amicicias inimicorum designat. (23) Bestias fugare: malum. (23) Hominem in bestiam in sorapnis rautare: diis offendere. (23) Fram wyldeorum &е~фе hine gesihd ehtan, fram feondum he byd oferswided. (2c) Wilde deor teraian se-фе hine gesihd, gyfe оЙе f>anc wider-winnena •je(tacnad). (2c) V/ilde deor ymende jesihd, sume gedraef ednysse ge(tacnad). (2c) Wilde deor sprecende gesihd, teonan hefije ge(tacnact). (2c) j*Vf>er^fete swa-wilc-swa gesihd, uneadnysse g(etacnad). (2c) jtyfcen-fete sprecan, feondscipas cincgas g(etacnad). (2c) Hon, fat J)unche5) him bestes dryuen,/ iiis enimy wol wif> him striuen. (7) Mon yturnd in to beste,/ ftat is wra^fre & eke cheste. (7) Of bestes him hated whose si£,/ luere of frend f)at by]>. (7) Hon yturnd in to beste,/ he wrapped God atte leste. (7) A man to be in to a beste, Dy-toknith offence of God. (12) A man, that thynkyth bestis and sayle hym, his ennerayes shul trauaylyn hyia. (12;
-2b- Ffoure-footid beste betokenef), that thyn ennemyes Bhul be glad oe-fom the. (12) A man to be turned to a beste, it by-toknith offence of God. (14) A man, that thynkyth bestis assaillej) hym, his ennemyes shall trauayll hym. (14) To foure foted bestes to speke with, bitokenej), that thin ennemyes shalbe glad by-for '{>e. (l4J A man, that thynkyth f>at bestis assaylyn hym, his ennemyes shall trauell hym. (20; A iiij fotyd beste to speke, hit betoknyth thy ennemyes shall be by-for the. (20j A man to be turnyde yn-to a oeste betoknejbe offence of God. (20b) Lui vir estre vaincu de bestes senefie qu'il est vaincus de see anemis. (4) ♦Homme converse en bestes sauvages senefie labeur. (4) Qui songe bestes danter, si fait a son adversaire amistie. (6) Qui songe veoir bestes paistre, marcheandise li vient de bien. (6) Qui songe veoir parler bestes, tristor li vient en po de tens. (6) Qui songe avoir oeilles ou toisons ou bestes grasses, si croist ses avoirs, (b) Qui songe avoir oeilles tendues ou bestes maigres, pertes li vienent. (6) Se bestes ou aigniaus en songe/ Те vient, сё est biens sans mensoinge. (10) Beste donner pais nous adresce,/ Et s*on le prent, сё est leesce. (10) Et quant on oit beste parler,/ Moleste grant croi demonstrer. (lO) Qui somge beste donner, sy faict a son adverssaire amytie. (lb) Qui somge beste venir paistre, marchandise luy vient. (13) Qui somge beste voir parler, tristece luy vient en brief. (lb) QUi somge chameaux ou autre beste souvaige contre soy venyr, ire et temssons luy croist. (13) Hera von vbeln thier das/ Trawrapt, wie sie durch im hasz/ Wit im vechten vnd in wuntten,/ Der wirt von veinden vberwunden, (15) Hem trawraet, wie er vor im sehe/ Einen menschen, deni so geschehe,/ das er sich wandelt in ein thier,/ Dem geschicht ein schade schier. (15) Hem trawmpt, wie im sprechen zu/ Das vihe, der sol wissen nu,/ Das er sein feind vberal/ Fluchtig macht auff im val. (lb) ♦Tier zam machen: von den feinden yberwunden. (22) Tier reden sehen: truepsalikeit. (22) ANT Formicas quascumque uiderit, lites maximas significat. (2)
-2b- itemyttan swa-wilce gesihcf, saca [)a maes tan ge(tacnad). (2c) To se pisraers, be-tokenef) strife, (14) *Amayssen sehen: grosse ere, (22) Oranyssen sehen: vor feynden sich bewaren. (22) APPLE Poina colligere, raolestiara significat. (2) Poraa commedere significat iracundiam, (17) Роша coiligere significat molestiam. (17) Poma accip damnum signat, (2l) Poina dare: damnum signat, (2l) Poma videre vel corainedere: laborem. (23) teppla gaderian, graraan j (etacnact). (2c) Qui songe pomes mangier, travax li vient, (6) \ler in dem trawrn isset/ Oppfel vnd pirn, so wisset,/ Der wirt sich in kurczer czeit;/ Der trawm im anders nicht geit, (15) ARISE burgere videre significat angustiam. (17) АНН drachia raagna habere, potestates tibi accrescunt. (l) drachia parua haoere, dissolutionem significat, (l) ^i3)rachia ualida habere, incrementum significat, (2) di uideris Drachia tua truncata, bonum significat, (2) drachia magna habere significat potestatem. (ll) drachia parva habere significat desolacionem. (ll) drachia infiima habere significat torraentum, (17) drachia pulchra habere significat anxietatem, (17) drachia sicca habere pessiraum signum est, (17) drachia valida qui se viderit habere: crementum signat. (2l) drachia magna qui videre se habere: potestatem signat, (2l) drachia turpia se habere qui viderit: detrimentum signat, (2l) drachia pulchra habere: omamentum signat, (2l) drachia magna habere: dissolucionem in pectore. (23)
-27- ]*Jormas strange habban, wexinge hit ‘je(tacnact). (2c) 3if J>u gesihst hearmas £ine beraancude, jod g(etacnad). (2c) Armes habbe grete & longe,/ £at is power, ich onderetonde. (7) Arraes habbe sherte & lene,/ f)at is feblesse ase at ene. (7) Armes of>er legges mistumd wose syf>,/ langour & raournyng f>at bi]>. (7) To hauen gret armes, it be-toknith strengh waying. (12) To haue gret armes, tokenef) streynf>e wexynge. (14) To haue gret armes, it be-toknith strengyth whaxyng. (20) (xrans bras avoir senefie forche croistre a ti. (4) Avoir petis bras senefie desolation. (4) Wem trawmpt in des slaffes danck,/ 4'ie er sey der arme kranck,/ Das betewt im den tot/ Oder sunst ein grosse not. (15) ♦Arm groB arm haben: krieg vnd vnmut. (22) ♦Arm klayn arm han: fratfd vnd fraintschafft. (22) ARROW (see DOW) ART Bonas artes videre: lucrum. (25) ASS Asinos uel edos uiderit, crimen negotii significat. (2) Asinos edere, laborera significat. (2) Asinos clamantes aut solutos currere, aliquam litem aduersarie significat. (2) Asinum videre significat malitiam. (17) Asinum videre sedere significat labores. (17) Asinum audire claraare significat dampnum. (17) Asino sedere qui se viderit in somnis: laoorera signat, (2l) Asinum videre in somnis: tedium egritudinis signat. (2l) Asinos pascentes videre: seditionera signat. (2l) Asinum videre: tedium pigritudinis. (2j) Asinum doraare vel infestare se: danpnum. (25) Assan octcte hecenu gesihd, jylt ceapes hit getacnad. (2c) Assan etan, geswinc hit getacnad. (2c) Assan clipiende odde untiende yrnan, sume sace wyderwyrdnysse hit ge- tacnad. (2c)
-26- *Assis or gaitis to haue, tokened grote wynnyng. (14) *i^ii son(ge) asnes veoir ou chevaus avoir, ses avoirs li croist. (6) Qui songe seoir seur asne en laborant, en dolor enterra0 (6) Essel zu sechen: zwitracht. (22) Essel reytten: arbayt. (22) BACON Lardum trectare, aliquis de parentibus eius morietur. (2) Lardura tractare significat mors praeventum. (ll) Lard\im scindere significat mortem alicuius. (17) ♦Lardum coramedere significat excellere sotium in sensibus. (17) Lardum tractare: aliquis de parentibus morietur signat. (2l) Lardo vesci: aliquem parentem moriturum signat. (2l) Lardum coramedere: mortem, (23) Spic handlian, sum of his majum swylt. (2c) Speck essen Oder sehen: den dot. (22) BALDNESS (see HAIR) BANK Hipara ascendere, laborera significat. (l) Hipam cadere, bonum persequitur. (l) Hipas ascendere, laborem significat. (2) Ripa descendere, bonum tempus significat. (2) Ripas et montes adcendere significat laborera. (ll) Ripas descendere significat bonum tempus. (ll) Ripam videre vel ascendere: laborem signat. (2l) Ripam cadere: bonum vel malum prosequitur. (2l) StaJ>u astijan, ^eswinc ^(etacnad). (2c) Of stafte ni£er-sti;jan, jodne timan ^(etacnad). (2c) To comen out of the water, by-toknith trauayle. (12) To come out of the water, hit by-tokenef) travaylle. (14) To cum ow^jt of the whatyr, hit betokenyth trauell. (20)
-29- V/еш trawmpt, wie er vail/ In einen pach zu tall,/ Der Btraucht sich in grosses gut;/ Des trostet wol sich der nut. (15) *Feli3 Oder stain klufft auf steign: arbayt. (22) *FelB aebsteygen: gptte nachuolgung. (22) BAPTISM Baptisare videre significat magnam infirnitatem. (17) BARLEY Ortleum purgare aut movere significat hilaritatem. (17) BARN Horrea edificare: iocunditatem signat. (2l) Lahtoun make & to delue,/ bytokne^ ioie of him selue. (7) To seen a beeme or to make a beeme, by-toknith jocundnesse. (12) To seen a beeme or to make a beeme, it betokened jocoundnesse. (14) To se a beme or to make [one^ betoknyth jocundenesse. (20b) Stadel paven: frolikait. (22) BATH (see also RIVER, SPRING, WASH) Balneo se lauare, anxietatem significat. (2) In balneo se lauare, anxietatem significat. (2) In balneo lavari significat anxietatem. (ll) In balneo se videre significat anxietatem. (17) Balneo lavare: tedium signat. (2l) Balneo lavari: anxietatem. (23) On bef)e hine fy-jean, anxsumnesse je(tacna<t). (2c) Qui songe soi baignier en eve trouble, si a mal ou dolor ou perte. (6) *Q^i somge se baignier en eaue, sy guarist ou ara jouye. (13) V/em trawmpt, wie er siczt/ In padstuben vnd swiczt,/ Merk vast vnd pade:/ Der trawm ist im schade. (15) Padeen in dem traum: zorn. (22) *Vol paden sey: krancks leben. (22) BATTLE (see WAR) BEAUS Fabas coramedere significat infirnitatem. (17)
Fabas tractare: impedimentum signat. (2l) BEAR Vr6um ad ее infestare uiderit, inimici Beditionera significat. (2) *Ab urso comprehendit: lucrum signat. (2l) *Ab vrso se apprehendere: lucrum» (2?) Beran to him ^ewrae^an jesihd, feondes styrunje je(tacnad). (2c) BEARD Barbara prolixam haoere, fortitudinem significat. (l) Barbam radere, damnum significat. (l) Barba sibi tondi, dampnum aignificat. (2) Barba turn se uiderit, omamentum significat» (2) Barbam longam haoere significat fortitudinem. (ll) Barbara rasam habere significat tribulationes» (17) Barbam longam haoere significat fortitudinem vel lucrum. (17)(19) Barbutum se videre significat molestianem. (17) Barbam videre octrahere significat pessimum. (17) Barbam videre tonsam significat peccatum. (17) Sed videre earn lavare significat anxietatem. (17) Barbam sicam videre significat hilaritatera. (17) Barbam parvam habere significat litigationes. (17) Barbam sibi tondi vel radi: damnum signat. (21) Barbatum qui se viderit: decrementum vel infimitatem signat. (2l) Barbara sibi ardere: lucrum signat. (2l) Barbara ardentera videre: lucrum. (23) Barbam prolixam habere: fortunam. (25) Barbam radere: dampnum. (23) Beard him beon bescoren, heorm hit ^je(tacnad). (2c) Oebyrdne hine oesihct, jlaencje jetacnad. (2c) Pilke, f>at haf> berd gret & long,/ he worp of power gret & strong. (7) Mon, £at ^unchef) is berd ув shaue,/ ftat bitoknef) harm to haue. (7) Berd shaue whose syfj,/ rauche ioie $at bif). (7) To haue a long berd tokens strengthe. (B) To se thy berd newe shaue tokens harme. (8) To haue a long berd, by-toknith strengh. (12)
-31- То sen a berd, bi-toknyth harme. (12) To haue a long berd, by-toknith strenfje. (14) To haue a long berd, by-toknith strenkyth. (20) To se a berd, bi-toknyth grete harme, (20) Barbe longe avoir senefie forche, (4) Se barbe rere senefie damage. (4) <^i songe sa barbe rere ou ses chevox perdre, perte li vient. (6) Qui songe que sa baroe ou si chevol ou ses ongles croissent, ses avoirs li croist. (b) yuant on songe grant barbe avoir,/ Grant force senefie avoir, (lo) iqjuant on songe de barbe reire,/ Damages est et chose amere. (lO) <*ui somge sa barbe ou cheveux raire ou perdre, pertte luy vint. (l?) ^ui sonnge ses cheveux, barbe ou onglies croistre, son avoir crroist. (l?) Wer in dem trawm sicht einen man/ Mit einem part vor im stan,/ Das ist seines nehsten frewndes tot;/ Der trawm der bedewt svliche not. (15) *Wem trawmpt, wie er hab/ L an gen part vnd hang herab,/ Dem nahet grosses trawem,/ Davon der mut wirt sawem. (15) Ein langen bart haben, bededt stflrckin. (18) Ein langen bart heben, bedetit gewalt. (lB) Part der prayt ist sehen: stercke. (22) Part lang zu haben: gewalt. (22) Part haben: schwerB leyden. (22) Part der weyb ist haben: freud. (22) Part ab scheren: schadeen. (22) Perttig sich selbs sehen: z&nenung. (22) BED Lectiim suum formosum uidere, uxorem fidelem accipiat. (l) Lectum sibi stratum & bene stratum uiderit, claritatem significat. (2) In lecto iacere significat periculum mortis. (l7) Lectum videre bene omatum significat hilaritatem. (17) Lectum videre pulchrum significat mulierem fidelem. (17) Lectum suum paraturn videre: leticiam signat. (2l) Lectum suum formosum videre: uxorem fidem habere signat. (2l) Bed him ^estreht 7 wel jestreht ^jesihd, beorhtnysse 3(etacnad) • (2c)
CTef f>ou hast a bed of pris,/ fte wor{) a trewe wyf ywis, (7) To seen a fayr bed, be-toknith to wedde a fayr vyff, (12) To se a fayr bed, it tokened to wed a fayr wyfe. (14) To pisse in $e bed, be-tokenef) infirmyte. (14) Lit biel vir senefie prendre fiable femme, (4) Qui somge soyt coucher au soir, douraaige et crime luy vient. (13) Vem trawmpt, wie sey gemeyt/ Sein pet erlich gekleit,/ Per sol preysen den leib;/ Im wirt zu der ее ein reines weipp, (15) Pett sehen die zierlich seynd: getrew frawen haben, (22) BESS Si uideris apes te illudere uel nocere, uitam tuam moueri de hominibus significat. (2) Si uideris apes uolare in domo tua, desertionem significat, (2) Apes in somnis vel aves capere significat lucrum, (ll) Apes bullientes videre significat malam locucionem, (ll) Apes contre se pugnare significat iram. (ll) Apes capare significat lucrum, (l7) Apes cum fructibus videre significat peregrinationem, (17) Apes in somnis qui viderit vel cum ipsis pugnaverit iram signat, (2l) Apes super se videre: inimicos ei nocere signat, (2l) Apes vel vexilla videre: incendium signat, (2l) Apes super se in sompnis videre: inimicos se nocere signat, (23) tfif f>u jesihst beon $e beswican odde derian, lif £in beon astyrud fram mannum 'j(etacnad). (2c) Olf ]bu jesihst beon fleon on huse f>iinura, forlaetincje j(etacnact). (2c) Es perdre senefie damage, (4) Qui songe mangier bordons ou abelles, se li vient croissance de son avoir, (6) *Qui Bomge bourdes ou fables, cr(o)iscamce de son avoir luy vient, (13) ♦Imen vm ain fliegen: groB kranckhait. (22) Imen beysen: vor sein feinden sich htftten. (22) BELL Campanam audire sonare significat disfaraiam, (17)
-33- Caiapanas audire: nuncium bonum signat. (2l) t^iii songe sainz ou vieles ou chalemiax ofr, si orra tan9on. (6) Qui sorage cloches sonner ou challeraeaux, temssons luy vie(nt). (13) Wer harppfen hort vnd lewten,/ Den trawn wil ich in bedewten,/ Das sint vppige wort,/ Die nan spricht vnbewart. (15) Vann ain mennsch hort in dem slaff ain stunnd glokken schlahenn?—Das bedewt ain newen, haimlichen has, (16) ♦Glokken giessen: dem naehet veratung. (22) *Vr Oder glocken hoeren schlagen: wanderenn. (22) iffiCHM. (see also WEDDING) Xsponsalia facere, dampnum significat. (l) BIER *Wer vanen, krewcz vnd peren sicht,/ Der tram anders betewtet nicht,/ Wann das im sol verprinnen/ Sein hab vnd gar czurinnen. (l5) BIRDS Aues in somnis qui contra se pugnare uiderit, iracundiara significat. (l) Aues in somnis apprehendere, lucrum significat. (l) Aues perdere, dampnum significat, (l) Aues in somnis qui uiderit & cum ipsis pugnauerit, lites aliquas signi¬ ficat. (2) Aues in somnis capere, lucrum significat. (2) Aues aliquid a se rapuisse, damnum significat. (2) Aues bullientes uiderit, inimicorum malam locutionem significat. (2) Apes in sompnis vel aves capere significat lucrum, (ll) Aves capere significat lucrum. (17) Aves audire loqui bonum signum est. (17) Aves inter se pugnare significat adversitates. (17) Aves super se videre volare significat nocumentum. (17) Aves plures videre significat dampnum. (17) Aves raortuos videre significat tribulationes. (17) Aves intrare in domum significat dampnum. (17) Aves suffogare significat lucrum. (17) Volucres plures videre significat litigationem et tristitiam. (l7) Videre se esse avem significat destructionem. (17) Aves bulientes et pugnare cum eis: damnum signat. (2l)
-34- Aves sine pennis videre: turbationem signat. (2l) Aves in somnis prenderes lucrum signat. (2l) Aves consequi: consolaciones. (23) Aves perdere: dampnaciones. (23) Aves apprehendere: consolaciones. (23) Aves volantes videre: nuncios. (23) Aves perdere: magnum dampnum. (23) Avem contra se pugnare: iram. (23) Fujelas on swefenum se-fe gesyhi 7 mid him winnect, saca sume hit jetacnad. (2c) Fu^elas on swefnum {jefon, ^estreon hit jetacnacL (2c) Fujelas sum-finco fram him jejripan, hearpan [*hearm] hit getacnact. (2c) Fujeles sceottende Sesihclt, feonda yfele sprece hit jetacnact. (2c) Mon, f>at bryddes syf> slepynde,/ him is toward gret wynnynge. (7) Mon, J>at syf) briddes cokkynde,/ of wra{>f>e $at is toknynge. (7) To se birdes fyght by-tokens wrethe. (8) To se byrdes fyght with hem-self by-tokens chydynge. (8) To se birdes sit on a tre betokens good tydynges. (8) To se byrdis by tokens hame. (8) A man, that dremeth, that byrdys ffyghten with hym, it be-tokneth wrath. (12) A man, that dremeth, that he letyth byrdys gon, it be-tokneth wynnyng. (12) A man, that lesith birdis in hie slep, it betokneth gret ham. (12) A man, that dremeth, that let birdis goo, be-tokneth wynnynge. (14) A man, Jat dremeth, Jat byrdys fitjt with hym, be-tokneth wre£e. (14) A man, that lesith birdis in dreme, it be-tokneth gret ham. (14) A man, £at dreraythe, that byrdys fyjjtyn with hym, hit be-tokneth wrathe. (20) A man, that dremeth, that he takkyth byrdys, it be-tokneth whynnyng. (20) A man, that lesith birdis yn slepe, it be-tokneth gret ham. (20) Songier oysiaus, il senefie compatre contre lui ou iraconde. (4) Oisiaus prendre senefie waing. (4) Qai voit en songes oisiax combatre a soi, tan9on6 senefient. (6) vjui songe oisiax prandre, gaaing senefient. (6) Oisiaus a soi vein venir,/ Ice ne puet raie faillir/ De perdre. (lO)
-35- xiit cis qui combat/ Kn painne et en traveil s,embat, (lO) Oisiaus prendre grant bien nous donne, (lo) Et li perdres damage sonne. (lO) Wer in dem trawm sicht das,/ Vie die fogel durch im hasz/ Kit ein andem streiten,/ Dem nachet zom in kurczen czeyten. (15) *Wem trawmpt, wie tote vogelein/ Ym sliefen ausz dem pusen sein,/ Dem sterben seine kint,/ Die von im kumen sint. (15) Wem trawmpt dar nach,/ Wie er vogel vach,/ Der gewint ein farend gut/ Oder ein weib wol gemut. (15) ♦Wem trawmpt, wie ab im ab von dem haupt/ Vogel essen, das glaubt,/ Wirt er nicht erhangen,/ So hat es im wol ergangen* (15) *Aych horn sehn oder iung foegel: kynd iber kumen. (22) RLttgel geben (oder) verliesen: schaden. (22) Vogel wyder sich zu sein sehen: schande. (22) Vogel vahen: gewyn. (22) Vogel oder pfaen sehens schaden. (22) Voegel wider kumen: krieg. (22) Vogel oder kytz haben: gewin. (22) Vogel verliesen: schaden. (22) Vogel in lflfften sehen: in irsal vallenn. (22) Vogel mit im reden: neyd vnd nach red. (22) Vogel sehen oder mit in streyten: gewin. (22) Vogel fahen ye groesser ye edler: ye groesser gut. (22) BIRTH Partum se videre: infirmitatera. (23) Geberen sehen: trost. (22) BLACK CTif him ftince blaec o&£e red, yfel fcaet byf> and broc. (2b) BLESSING Benedicere se videre significat hilaritatem. (17) Benedicere se videre: gaudium. (2'i) Gesegnen: trew vnd senlichayt. (22) BLIND Cecum se uidere, in peccatis cadere significat. (l)
-36- Cecum qui se uiderit, in-peditionem significat. (2) se cecum viditur significat sedicionem. (ll) Cecum videre significat solutionem. (l7) Cecum te videre: infirmitatem vel in peccata cadere signat. (2l) Blindne se-Je hine jesihd", lettincoe je(tacnact). (2c) Wer sicht in des trawmes taugen,/ Wie er plint sey in den augen,/ I)er vellet in schande vnd sunde;/ Mit dem trawm ich im das kunde. (13) BLOOD Sanguinem de corpore cadere, dampnum significat* (l) Sanguinem de suo latere distillare, dampnum significat. (2) Sanguinem de latere suo exire significat dampnum. (ll) Sanguinem videre vel exire significat dampnum. (17) Sanguinem amittere significat dolorem de culo. (17) Sanguinem minuere: damnum signat. (2l) Sanguinem de corpore exire: dampnum. (23) Dlod of his sidan dropian, hearm ge(tacnad). (2c) To seen blood fallen from thi body, by-toknith harrae. (12) To se blood fall from £e body, by-toknith harme. (l4)(20) Wem trawrapt, wie sein plut/ Aus im rinn, das ist nicht gut,/ Dem nachet schade vnd vngewin;/ Damach richt seinen syn. (lb) *Adem hab gelassen: syechtum. (22) Blut von im gon: schadt. (22) *Blut von irn auff die erd fallen: gut. (22) BONES Hossa mortuorum uel corpora uidere, laboras raaximas significat. (l) Ossa mortuorum uidere, odium et inuidiam significat. (l) Ossa aliqua trectare, odium significat. (2) Ossa mortuorum videre significat odium vel invidiam, (ll) Ossa mortuorum videre significat magnos labores. (17) Ossa mortuorum videre: adium vel invidiam vel iram signat. (2l) Ossa mortuorum videre: odium et iram. (23)
-37- Banu sume handlian, hatunje 3(etacna5). (2c) Os de mors ou cors vir senefie labeur. (4) Os de mors vir senefie haine. (4) Wera trawmet von to ten payn,/ Dem wirt dar nach gemeyn/ Kin erbait, die in mut,/ Do von sein hercz erblut0 (15) BOOK Codices legere uel legentes uidere, nuntium bonum tibi annuntiabitur. (l) Codicellos cuiusque rei accipere uel legere aut legente audire, felicitatem temporis significat* (2) Litteras imparare idest videre se studere significat hilaritatem. (17) Codices legere vel legendo videre: gaudium signat. (2l) *fcimbala et psalteria qui se viderit legere: litem signat. (2l) Codices videre vel in eis legentes: invictum te signate (21) Librum legere vel legentem audire: nuncium bonum signat. (2l) Codices legere vel lectiones audire: leticiam. (23) Librum legere: nuncium. (23) Bee jewilces Jinxes onfon o&te raedan odete raedende lestan, geself>e timan hit *jetacnact. (2c) Bokes rede ojer here reden,/ £at is tidyng of goddeden. (7) To rede on a boke bytokens joy. (8) To reeden bookis or to see reede, by-toknyth good tydyngis. (12) To rede bookis or to see reede, by-toknyth good ti^andys. (14) To haue many gode bokys, be-tokenef) habundaunce. (14) To rede bookis or to see redyng, by-toknyth good thyngys. (20) Lire livres ou vir les lisans senefie boin message. (4) Livres lire senefie goie. (4) *De lievre veir, сё est joie,/ Gaain et grant bien nous otroie. (10) Wer lesen sicht ader list/ Die pucher, dem kumpt in kurezer frist/ Ein liber pot von lieber stat;/ Der trawm es also gekundet hat. (15) Warm ain mensch pucher list?—Vnd verstet die wol? Das ist alien menschen gut. (16) ♦Buecher sehen oder lessen: traurikait. (22) ♦Buecher lemen: gewin. (22)
-3&- ♦Puecher ver brinen: abgang ains guten ginerB. (22) BOUND Ligatum se uidere, impedimentura significat. (l) (9) Ligatum se uiderit, inpeditionem eigniiicat. (2) Ligatum se uidere, dampnum significat. (2) Ligatum se videre significat impedicionem. (ll) Ligatum se videre: impedimenturn signat. (2l) Alligare se in sompnis: impedimentum. (23) Manus ligatus habere: crimen. (23) CJif man raaete, f>aet him Bi his swura gebunden, beorge him forme geo me wid ealle frecne finj. (2b) ifcrendraca gesihd, lettige g(etacnad)* (2c) Geoundenne hine gesihft, hearm hit getacnacL (2c) 3ef pe funchef fou ybounden art,/ lattynge fe worf) strong ft smart. (7) Him self yoounde whose may sen,/ ofer in swymmynge ben,/ oper wycchen ofer weddyng,/ fat is trauail ofer gret lattyng. (7) To see the boounden, by-toknith lettyng. (12) To be bownden, it tokenef lettyng. (14) To se fe bounde betoknefe lettyng. (20b) Lui vir loiet senefie empeechement. (4) Wem trawmet also swinde,/ Vie man in sere pinde,/ Lera widerfert ein irresal/ Auff seiner selde grosse val. (15) Gepunden sich zu sehen: yrselkayt oder hindemfiB. (22) BOV Arcura tendere uel sagittas emittere, angustiam magnam significat. (l) (а)гсшп tendere uel sagittas mittere, laborera uel anxietatera significat. (2) Arcura tendere vel sagittas (mittere) significat anxietatem. (ll) Arcura portare significat desiderium vel tormentura. (17) ♦Arcura trahere significat honorem vel fortitudinem. (17) Sagitas trahere cum arco significat magnam angustiam. (17) Arcum tendere vel sagittas mittere: angustiam vel laborem signat. (21) Arcum perdere vel frangere: honorem signat. (21) ♦Arcura tendere vel sagictara emittere: auxilium. (23)
-39- Bojan bendan octde flan asendan, geswinc odde anjsunmysse je(tacna(t). (2c) *Иоп, bat 3het & bowe bent,/ of sombing he worf) ysend. (7) A man to bende a bowe or to shete arwis be-toknith gret angwysh. (12) To bend a bowe or to shete arowes be-toknith gret angwysh. (14) To bende a bowe or to shete arrowys be-toknith gret angwyse. (20) Arc tendre ou envoier saietes senefie angoisse. (4) (Jii songe arc tendre et saietes traire, labor et angoisse traira. (b) Arc qui li tient et qui en trait,/ Petit avient que painne n*ait. (10) *Hant oogen tragen: geschefft. (22) Hant bogen auff spannen: arbayt. (22) Hant bogen auB schiessen: angst. (22) BRACELET (see RlWCr) BREAD Panem candidum accipere, accusatorem significat. (2) Panera cerariura accipere, amicitias nouas iungit. (2) Panem ordeacium accipere, letitiam significat. (2) Si uideris plurimos panes, letitiam significat. (2) Panera ordeacrum manducare significat leticiara. (ll) Panem album coramedere significat lucrum. (17) Panen nigrum commedere significat tristi tiara. (17) Panem calidura tollere significat acusationera. (17) Panera de ordeo scindere significat hilaritatem. (17) Panem candidum comedere: lucrum et leticiam signat. (2l) Panera ordeaceum comedere: anxietatem signat. (2l) Laf wexenne niman, freodscipas 7j(etacnact). (2c) Hlaf wexenne niman, freodscipas niwe jefejjd. (2c) Laf berenne niman, blisse ^(etacnad). (2c) Oif bu ^esihst maneja hlafas, olisse j(etacnad). (2c) To ete white brede, tokened wynnyng. (14) yui songe mangier pain blanc, biens li vient. (6) ^ui songe mangier pain d*orge, max li vient. (b)
-40- i^iii songe preu pain avoir, avoirs li croist. (6) (*ui songe pain tolir, de son avoir se gart. (6) *J3rot warm essen: frewd. (22) *Brot hauen: ere. (22) prot weyB prot essen: besunder groB gewin. (22) Prot geroten brot essen: sund vnd schand. (22) BREAST Maraillas plenas de lacte significat lucrum. (17) 4ui songe le piz avoir pelous, avoirs li croist. (6) DRIDUE Pontem t/Portum) firraum habere, securitatem significat. (l) Pontem [<Portum] desctructum habere, anxietatem significat. (l) Pontem uiderit, securitatem significat. (2) De ponte cadere significat impedimentum. (17) Pontem ruptum transire significat timorem. (17) Pontem transire: honorem signat vel securitatem. (2l) Pontem firrauin haoere vel videre: securitatem. (25) Bricje gesihct, carleaste j(etacnact). (2c) To seen a stedfast brygge, Ъу-toknith seekirnesse. (12) To seen a broken brigge, be-toknith hardinesse. (12) To see a stedfast brigge, hit bi-tokenef) sekernesse. (14) To se a broken brigge, hit by-tokened hardinesse. (14-) To se a stydfast brygge ... (20) ... brygge ybrokyn, hit betokenyth hardinese. (20) Pont ferme trespasser senefie seinte. (4) Pont destiuit vir senefie grief angoisse. (4) Prucken sehen: sicher hayt. (22) pruck zerbrochen sehen: schaden. (22) BROTHER (see also 'THE DEAD) Pratrem uel sororem uiderit, a pessimis ulcerious fatigatur. (2) *Pratrem tractare: infiimitatem. (25)
-41- Tratres vel so го res videre: gaudium. (23) Inter fratres se videre: leticiara. (23) iiroder od^e swuster jesihd, fram wyrstuin wundura bi<t 'jesvienet. (2c) i^ui songe ses freres ou ses sorors veoir qui sont loing, joie li vient. (6) ijoi somge sos seurs et freres estre loingt, joye luy vient. (13) ♦Brueder Oder schwester sehen: langB leben* (22) BKOWH Praun farben sehen: frewd yber kuramen. (22) BRUTE Brutum se uiderit, infirmitatem significat. (2) Wilde hine ^jesihct, untrumnysse je(tacnad). (2c) BULL ♦Tauros seu tenmonare videre significat hilaritatem. (17) Thaurum videre vel ab eo infestari: inimicitiam figurat. (21) (T)haurum videre: inimicum. (23) BURDEN Gravatum se videre significat anxietatem. (17) BUSINESS Geschefft machen: kain gutz. (22) BUTTER Butirum edere, nuntium oonum significat. (2) buteran etan, haerende uod ^e(tacna(t). (2c) («^ui songe burre mangier, senefie parole d*aucun mesagier. (6) CAMEL» Camelos uidere & ao eis se uiderit infestare, litem significat. (2) Gabello idest caiaelum videre significat adversitates. (17) ♦Camelos videre vel ao eis infestari: lucrum signat. (21) Olfendas -jeseon 7 fram him jesihtt ladhetan, sace hit je(tacnact). (2c)
-42- c^ui somge chaineaux ou autre beste souvaige contre soy venyr, ire et temssons luy croist. (13) Kernel thier sehenn: streytt. (22) CAIJLLE (see also WAX) Cereos facere aut candelabra illuminare, gaudium et iocunditatem signi¬ ficat. (l) Ceram uel cereos uidcrit, gaudium significat. (2) Candelas facere significat hilaritatern. (17) Candelabrum accensum videre significat hilaritatern. (17) Candelas non accensas videre significat premium. (17) Cereas candelas ardentes videre: gaudium vel bonum nuncium signat. (2l) Cereas candelas videre: gaudium signat. (2l) Candelabrum lucens videre: leticiam signat. (2l) Ceram facere vel candelam: iucunditatem. (23) Wex odtfe taperas jesihif, blisse hit jetanat. (2c) Tapres make & condle lyhte,/ ”f)at is ioie day ant nyhte. (7) Caroles make & condles lyhte,/ hat is ioie & гдшфе bryhte. (7) To make daunses & lith candeles, bi-toknith gladnes. (12) To maKe dawnces « lijte candeles, bi-toknith gladnes. (14) To make daunsys ft lyjht candeles, bi-toknith gladnes. (20) drone faire ou alumer es chandelers senefie sols. (4) (*ui songe cierge ou cire vert, joie li vient et biens. (6) *^i songe veoir chandeles ardanz, il voit cors morir. (6) Veir cierges ardans, c'est joie/ Et bon mesaige nous envoie. (lO) yui somge cire ou cierge verd, signiffie joy bien luy vient. (l3) *yui somge voir chamdelle ardemte, signiffie voir quel quin moury(r). (l>) Wen in dem tra^mi lies deucht,/ Wie er mit kerczen leucht,/ Der gewinnet maniger frewden vil;/ Der trawm sich sunst erlegen wil. (lb) *Kertzenn sehenn: begrepndB. (22) Ker(z)enn sehenn: groii giuck vnd frayd. (22) Liecht von wagJ3 erloeschen: schaden. (22) WagB prinen sehen: frewd. (22) CANNIBALISM (see ELESli)
-43- CAPTURE (see PRISON) CART (see also DRIVER, HORSECART, WAGON) Curru sedere, litem grauem significat„ (2) Carrum seu rotam videre significat infimitatem. (17) De curro descendere significat perdere honores. (17) Curro sedere: litem signate (2l) Karratam videre: honorem signat. (2l) Rotas volantes videre: leticiam signato (2l) (c)urrum vel corium videre: impediments. (23) On craete sittan, sace hefy^je liit ^jetacnad’. (2c) A longe chare, to worshupp* (14) To dissend of a chare, disvorshipp* (14) Qui songe avoir charrete, mal a. (6) CASTLE Castellum videre significat securitatem* (17) Castella habitare: securitatem. (23) Wui songe vile ou chastel ou tour cheoir, si muert li sires. CATTLE (see GOAT, LAKE, OXEN, SHEEP) CELEBRATION Vesten Oder dar ain gen: grosse kranckhait. (22) CHALICE Calicem tollere significat tristitiam vel infinnitatem* (17) In sompnis de calice bibere: infirmitatem. (23) Kelch sehenn: trauren vnd triebsall. (22) CHEESE Cases recentem accipere, lucrum significat. (2) (Cases) salsum si fuerit, litem significat. (2) Cases coramedere significat lucrs. (17) Sem salats cases significat mals. (17) Cases recentem manducare lucrs vel gracian signat. (2l) Cases commedere: lucrs. (23)
-44- Qyse ‘jeonjne onfon, ^estreon je(tacnad). (2c) (Суве) sealt *jif he bid, sace hit jetacnad. (2c) Proumage nouviel prendre senefie wains. (4) 4di songe froraage fres mangier, sa gaaigne li croist. (6) Qj.i songe fromage viez mangier, talons li croist. (b) Songe nous donne en fin entendres/ Perte est vBoir frommage tendre. (lo) Qui sorage froumaige vieux mamger, temssons luy croisset. (13) KeB der frisch ist essens gewin. (22) CHICKKN Pullos audire cantare vel eos capere significat hilaritateme (17) CHILD De infantes laudare uidere, de notis suis gloriare. (l) Pilios aut filias nasci uiderit, incrementing significat. (2) Infantes uiderit & cum ipsis luderit, felicitatera temporis significat. (2) Infantes videre et cum eis ludere significat leticiam. (ll) Cum filio suo loqui significat damnum. (l7) *Sem filios videre nascere significat dampnum. (17) Iocare cum pueris significat beatudinera. (17) Pueros videre bonum est. (17) Filios vel filias sibi nasci: crementum signat. (2l) Infantes videre vel cum eis ludere: felicitatem cum gaudio. (2l) Suna o&ie dohtra beon acennede jesihd, eacan jetacnad. (2c) Cildru ^esihd 7 mid him plejad, 'jesaelde timan je(tacnad). (2c) ■^Children bueren ofter habbe,/ ftat is ham wi£-oute gabbe. (7) *Aler nus pies ou vir petit enfant senefie grant tristeche. (4) *Fius ou filles naistre senefie damage. (4) Enfans vir et juer avoec iaus senefie ettr de cors. (4) *Iungling sehen: arbayt. (22) CHRISM Crisma spergere super se eignificat gratiam spiritus sancti. (17)
-45- СНН13Т Corpus Christi videre significat magnam gregem. (17) Fabellare seu loqui cum Christo significat consolationera. (17) Christum videre significat hilaritaten. (17) Christum crucifixisse significat infirmitatem. (17) Christo loqui; iocunditatem signat. (2l) Christum crucifixum videre: damnum signat. (2l) Christum adorare: gaudium signat. (2l) Wann mir trawrat von vnserm herm Ihesu Cristo, wie er mit mir red?—Has bedewt gelflck vnd said, vnd was er dir sagt, das wirt dir war. (l6) Xristum sehen oder anbeten: frewd. (22) Xristum gekretltziget sehen: verderbung. (22) Xristum reden sehen: froelichayt. (22) Xristum tragen sehen: angeneraikait, (22) Xristum reden sehen: fyrsehung. (22) CHURCH Cadere ecclesiam significat magnam periculum episcopi. (17) Cadere tectum eccle perochial significat mortem plebani. (17) Kdificare ecclesiam ut altare significat novum sacerdotem. (17) *Uiesia idest in ecclesia iacere significat murmurationem vestimenti. (17) In ecclesia se videre significat hilaritatem. (17) In loco consecrato ire bonum signum est. (17) In ecclesia ambulare: gaudium signat. (2l) Ecclesiam edificare: sacrificium. (25) In ecclesia ambulare: gaudium, (23) To se a chirche brent, chaunginge of prestes. (14) To bild a newe chirche, bitokenef) an newe preste. (14) Kirchen gon: ain besunderlyches layd. (22) Kyrchen vallen: schaden. (22) CLAW Vngulas uidere, angustiam significat. (2) Nae^elas jeseon, anxsuranysse 'j(etacnact). (2c)
-46- CLOTHiiS Albam uel dalraaticara uestire, hilaritatem uel leticiam magnam signifi- cat. (l) Clamidem uestire uel accipere, consolationera et securitatem significat. (l) Uestimenta combusta uidere, deceptionera significat. (l) Uestimenta formosa habere, gratiam in publico significat. (l) dyrrum album habere, letitiam significat. (2) Вугл1ш coloreum habere, nuntium fedum significat. (2) Alod aut splendida se uestire, iocunditatem significat. (2) Clanide uestiri, securitatem significat. (2) Lalmatica uestire, sibi lucrum significat ex semine. (2) Linea uestimenta lauare uidere, dampnum significat. (2) Lineam uestan uestire, aliquam egritudinem significat. (2) UeBtire qui se uiderit, iocunditatem significat. (2) Western foimosam haoere, letitiam significat. (2) Si uideris multa uestimenta haoere, inimicum tuum in potestate tua habere significat. (2) Albam vel splendidam vestem induere significat joconditatem. (ll) Clamidem accipere significat consolacionem. (ll) Clamio'em perdere significat tristiciam. (ll) Bordonem idest trabem videre significat deceptionem. (17) i)e pannis de serico esse vestitibus significat honorem. (17) Uunellam idest tunicam alban vestire significat hilaritatem. (17) 14antello sive palio se vestire significat securitatem. (17) Hubeam tunicara habere significat hilaritatem. (17) Vestes novas haoere significat honorem. (17) Vestes videre ardere significat malum. (17) Vestes rodatas seu ruptas significat dampnum. (17) Vestes rubeas haoere significat iracundiam. (l7) Vestes varias significat anxietatem. (17) Aurea vestimenta se induere videre: invidiam vel tristiciam signat. (2l) Alban videre vel dalmaticara induere: leticiam signat. (2l) Album vel splendidum se vestire qui viderit in somnis: iocunditatem signat. (21) Albas pennas in tunica vel alia veste videre: leticiam signat. (2l) jjirrum se videre; gravem infirmitatem signat. (21) dirrum album qui viderit se habere: magnum honorem signat. (2l)
-47- Braccas induere: honorem et securitatem signat. (2l) Claude vestiri: securitatem signat et consolationem. (2l) De albatum qui se viderit: proprietatum signat. (2l) Lineo parmo aut verio vestiri: aliquem egritudinem signat. (2l) Purpura qui se viderit vestiri: infiimitatem signat. (21) Vestimenta sua conburrere vel perdere: deceptionem vel damnum signat. (21) Vestire qui se viderit: iocunditatem signat. (21) Vestem formosam habere: leticiam vel gratiam in publico signat. (2l) Bracam induere: persecucionem. (25) Bracam proinduere: lucrum vel gaudium. (25) Bissura induere: detrimen turn. (25) Purpura se vestiri: infirmitatem. (25) Vestimenta sua corabusta videre: dampnum. (25) Vestem foiroosam indui: gaudium. (25) Hwite odde beorhte hine ^esciydan, wynsumnysse je(tacnacT). (2c) Braccas on swefnum jesihcf, earleaste je(tacnact). (2c) Oferslop hwit haban, blisse je(tacnai). (2c) Oferslop bleofah habban, aerende fullic ^e(tacnad)«, (2c) Mid rocce beon ^jescrid, orsorhnysse ^e(tacna<J). (2c) Mid biscop-rocce scrydan, him ^estreon jetacnacfr of cynne. (2c) Linene cladas waxan ;jesihcr, hearm ;j(etacnacf). (2c) Linen reaf scredan, sume seocnysse j(etacnad). (2c) Bcridan sejje hine ^esihct, winsumnysse ;j ( etacnad) • (2c) Reaf hiwlic habban, blisse je(tacnad)0 (2c) Oif $u tjesihst feala clada habban, feond T>ine on anwealde £inum habban 'j(etacnact). (2c) Mon in albe oner clof) whit,/ of ioie £at is gret delit. (7) Buen yshrud in gode clof)e,/ J>at is sykemesse & counfort bobe. (7) Mantel werie whose him syf)t,/ confort & ioie Y>at byf>. (7) Whose sif> clones bernynde,/ deceite is |>e bytoknynge. (7) To be clothed with a tonecle, it be-toknith brythnesse & gladnesse. (12) To mete, that thou hast a fayr cloth, it be-toknith grace & worshipe. (12) A man, that metith, his clothis ben brent, be-toknith disceyt, that shal falle to hym. (12) To haue a wele-shapen garment, is grace. (14) To be clothed with a tunycall, hit be-toknith bri-jtnes & gladnesse. (14)
comford. (l4) hit by-tokened grace & vorshipe. (14) fTtf'haue a white garment, is joie. (.14) The man, that metith, his clothis be brent, it be-tokened that shal fall to hym. (14) To be clothed with a tonycle, be-toknith brytnes & gladnesse. (20) To be clof>id yn a mantill, be-tokened cowmfort. (20) To mete ”f)at |>ou hast a feyr cloth, hyt betokneth grace & whurshuppe, (20b) Blanc dauraticle vestir senefie joie et leeche. (4) Qii songe aube vestir ou blanche vesteure, joie li croist. (6) Qui songe a veoir vermeille vesteure, diar li croist et maus. (6) Qui songe a avoir noire vesteure, si remue sa vie ou muert. (6) Qui songe vestir vesteure vaire, si est batuz ou plaiez ou afolez» (6) Qui songe mantel blanc avoir, grant joie li croist, (6) Qui songe qu*en li tot sa robe noire, la soe chose li tost l*en. (6) Qui songe paille vestir, honorez est, (6) Vestir aube ou dalmatique/ De grant leesce nous affiche. (10) Qui somge avoir vermaillie vesture, il luy croist deueil ou mal. (l3) Qui somge avoir vesture noire, remue sa vie ou meurt, (13) Qui somge avoir vesture vertte, sy est playe ou affoulle. (13) Qui somge pourter manteaud blanc, joye luy croist, (13) Wer in dem trawm pristerlich/ In ein alben gewerbet sich/ Oder ein dalmatig an sich leit,/ Dem nachet frewde in kurczer czeit, (l5) tfem trawmpt dann do bey,/ Wie er mit einer vael sey/ Vol bedecket vnd becleit,/ Das ist trost vnd sicherheit, (15) Swarcz gewannt bedewt angst vnd laid vnd bedewt doch ainem mflnich frewd, wann er taglich swarcz gewannt in seinem orden siechtt vor sein. (16) Wann man dicht nflttet, das du tragen muest kostliches gewannt?—Ks sey purpur gwant oder guldein, das ist angst vnd der tod. (l6) Gewant nettes gewant an habens wirtschaft vnd ere, (22) Guldin roeck sehens grosse ere. (22) Klayder von kostlicher leynwat: sicherhayt. (22) Klayder zerreyssen: verliessung der froeynd. (22) Klayder verbrinnens angnemikayt. (22) Hock der eng ist eehenx kranckhait. (22) Schech vernewenx fread„ (22)
-49- ochecher sehen: gut. (22) cloud Nebulas nigras uidere, malignitatem significat. (l) Nebulas videre significat malignitatem. (ll) Nubes videre significat discordiam. (17) Nubes celi videre: nullum bonum signat. (21) ♦Nubes stantes videre: leticiam* (25) Air tourble vir ou nues senefie auchir ne demande. (4) Wolcken trieb sehen: groB triepsal* (22) COALS (< THISTLES) ♦Carbones qui se uiderit edere, inimici tui de te mala loquuntur. (2) ♦Carbones videre significat vitupare inimicos. (17) ♦Carbones mortuos videre significat expeditionem. (17) ♦Carbones ardentes in fumo videre significat bene* (17) ♦Carbones comedere: inimici tui de te mala loquuntur signat. (2l) ♦Oleda sef>e hine jesihd etan, fynd £ine be l>e yfela sprecad. (2c) ♦^ui songe a mangier charbons, grant maus li vient qu'en dit de lui. (6) *4Ui songe vers soi giter charbons, gart soi de son anemi. (6) ♦(qjui somge thoucher charbons, signiffie que doumaige luy vient. (13) ♦Kollen essenn: dein fraind ybel redeenn. (22) ♦Kolenn sehenn: so solt du dich hiettenn. (22) COCK (o)allum cantare audire significat bonum tempus* (17) ♦Oallum cantare vel pugnare: subversionem vel sollicitudinem signat* (21) ♦Han kregen hoeren: sorgfeltikait. (22) <X>CKLE(-PLANT) Zizanias seminare in somnis, rixas maximas, scandalum uel periculum significat* (l) Zinzanias seminare significat scandalum. (17) Zizanias seminare qui se viderit: rixas maximas vel scandalum signat* (2l)
-50- A man to soweyn kokyl, be-toknith euelis and stiyf. (12) A man, $at sowen cokkyll, be-toknith malice and stryf. (14) COITION Cum uirgine nubere, angustiam anime significat, (l) Mulier que secum aliquem uiderit nubere, grauem languorem significat. (l) Cum sorore concumbere, dampnum significat. (2) Cum matre, Becuritatem significat. (2) Cum uirgine concumbere, anxietatem significat. (2) Cum coniuge sua concumbere, anxietatem significat. (2) Puellas accipere more, bonum tempus significato (2) Cum aliio peccare, infiiraitatem significato (2) Si uiderie, quod concupiscas uxorem proximi tui, malum dolorem in corpus significato (2) Si uideris cum uxore tua accumbere, bonum significato (2) Cum virgine ludere significat anxietatem. (ll) Cum muliere coire significat laborem. (ll) Adulterium committere significat lites vel scandalum. (17) Cum meritrice cadere significat securitatem* (17) Iacere cum sua matre significat securitatem, (17) lacere cum muliere significat anxietatem. (17) Virgines habere significat hilaritatem, (17) Concumbere cum meretrice: magnam lucrum signat, (2l) Concumbere cum coniuge: litem gravem signat. (2l) Concumbere cum sorore: dampnum signet* (2l) Concumbere cum pecore: infirmitatem signat. (2l) Concumbere cum matre: securitatem signat, (2l) Concumbere cum virgine: anxietatem signat. (2l) Uxorem suam aliis nubere vel cum alio iacere qui viderit: mortem uxoris vel longara infiimitatem signat, (2l) Mulier que se viderit nubere: gravem dolorem signat. (2l) Cum meretrice generare: securitatem. (23) Cum virgine nubere: anxietatem amici. (23) Mulierem nubere: infiimitatem, (23) Uxorem ab aliis videre: mortem uxoris* (23) Mid his svuster jelicjan, hearm hit oe(tacna<t). (2c)
-51- Mid his meder, orsorhnysse hit ge(tacnact). (2c) Mid medene gelicjan, angsumnesse hit. (2c) Mid his gemacan gelicje, anjsumnysse hit* (2c) ifeedenu niman on f>eawe, godne timan g(etacna(£). (2c) "Cum aliio peccare, " untruranysse. (2c) 3if J>u gesihst, £aet f>u gewilnige wif nexstan £ines, yfel sar on lichaman g(etacna#). (2c) Oxf ftu gesihst mid wife f)inum licgan, god g(etacna&). (2c) Casten drynke of>er mete,/ ”f>at a mon ha{> er y-ete,/ ofcer vi|> soster haue to donne/ o£er soster taken him to monne, / $at is a bytokenyng/ of зшше & of moumyng. (7) Jesir avoec foie femme senefie waing. (4) Jesir avoec se femme, tenche. (4) Jesir avoec virgene, angoisse. (4) Jesir avoec se sereur, damage» (4) Jesir avoec se mere, seinte. (4) (jui songe vierge despuceler, si chiet en noise de son cors. (6) yui songe soi couchier ou sa seror, damages li vient ou criesme. (6) Qui songe soi couchier ou sa mere, joie li vient de ce que il orient* (6) Qui songe soi couchier ou plusors, chalanges li vient d*aucune chose. (6) Qui songe a prendre petite fame pucele, grant gaainz li sort. (6) Qui songe prandre fame vieille, grant ahan a. (6) St quant tu songes estre ames,/ Damages est, c*est verites. (lO) Qui somge vierge despuceller, choiet en noise de corps. (13) Wem sein trawm bringt ynne,/ So das er ein jungfraw mynne,/ Das iot angst vnd erbait/ Oder sunst ein herczeleit. (15) *Das du dein mueter beschlaffest, die eraals tod ist?—Das bedewt poB gelttck. (16) *HauBfrawen lygen: zomn. (22) Hftren be schlaffen: gewin vnd pfennig. (22) lunckfrawen frawen beschlafen: verlust an seim f£t. (22) ^/itiwen ligen: gute mere. (22) Vnkeflsch mit ainer gemainen: vnkeflsche laster. (22) Vnketisch mit seiner schwesters schaden. (22) Vnketisch mit seyner muter: sicherhait. (22) Vnketfsch mit ainer junckfrawen: angst der selen. (22)
-52- COLUMN Colunnam de domo cadere significat mortem de raagnis horainibus. (17) COMBUST Uestimenta combusta uidere, deceptionem significat, (l) Videre se ardere significat molestiam, (17) Conburere qui se viderit vel alium: anxietatem signat, (2l) Vestimenta sua combusta videre: dainpnura. (23) Whose sif> clones bemynde,/ deceite is £e bytoknynge. (7) A man, that metith, his clothis ben brent, be-toknith disceyt, that shal falle to hym, (12) The man, that metith, his clothis be brent, it be-tokenef> that shal fall to hym, (14) ♦Klayder verbrinnen: angnemikayt. (22) COMMAND (see PROCLAMATION) COURT In curia se videre significat invidiam, (17) Gaistl(i)kche gericht ftlr gen: beclagung, (22) Geericht ston: irrung der welt, (22) CRANE Grues videre: tristiciam vel lites signat, (2l) Grues videre: leticiam, (23) Grufts olr ou vir senefie tenche. (4) Qui songe veoir ou o'ir gruBs voler, ses gaainz li faut. (6) Krancch hoeren Oder essen: frewd. (22) CROP (see GRAIN) CROSS Crucem videre portare significat tristitiam, (17) Perceseionem vel crucem videre significat mortem, (17) Crucem se videre: tristiciam. (23) ♦Wer vanen, krewcz vnd peren sicht,/ Der trawra anders betewtet nicht,/ Wann das ira sol verprinnen/ Sein hab vnd gar czurinnen. (15)
-5> ♦Kreytz tragenn: verzaycht vil gSter werich. (22) crow ilappenn oder kreen sehen: abziehende frond. (22) CROWD Cum plures se uiderit, aliquam calumniam grauem significat. (2) Plures res videre significat mortem multuram personarum. (l7) I’onne man hine jesihd, sumne teonan hefine hit. (2c) ♦Wunder sehen: fraintschafft. (22) CROWN Coronam accipere, honorem significat. (l) Coronam cuiusque rei accipere, letitiam significat. (2) (c)um ceteris corona, mortem significat. (2) Coronam accipere significat honorem. (ll) Dyadema habere significat lucrum, (ll) Coronam tollere significat hilaritatem. (17) Coronam de auro habere significat dignitatem. (17) ♦Coronam de auro habere in capite significat litigationes. (17) Coronam de duobus coloribus significat qualitatem temp(or)is. ( Corona turn se videre vel coronam recipere: lucrum signat. (2l) Coronam cuiuscunque regis accipere: leticiam signat. (2l) Diadema habere vel videre: lucrum signat. (2l) (c)oronam accipere vel habere: gaudium. (23) Cyne-helm jewilces fcinjes onfon, blisse hit jetacnad:. (2c) Mid octrum cynehelm, dead: j(etacnad) • (2c) Gerlaund whose ha£ & croune,/ forsof) him worf> honour in toune. Croune vnderfonge whose syf>,/ hef)f>e & menske £at byf>. (7) To ben crouned, be-toknith worshipe. (12) To se be crowned, tokened worshipe. (14) To see a crowne, be-toknith worshuppe. (20) Prendre couronne senefie hounour. (4) Porter couronne en songes senefie waing et joie. (4) C^ui songe corone recevoir, grant joie li vient. (6)
-54- Tous couronnes estre veils f/ 3ach<£s bien que сё est ёигэ. (ю) yni somge couronne de тоу recepvoir, joye luy vient. (lj5) Warm du ain kron auf dem haubt tregst mit edlen stainen, wiB, ye kostlicher die kron istf ye grosser er dir ist kunnftigo (16) Ljyaden sehen: frolickait Oder gev;in. (22) Kron von yetlichera ding nemen: er vnd wirdikayt, (22) ♦Kroent sich sehen an legenn: traurikaytt. (22) CRUCIFIX t^ui songe clochier ou mostier ou crucefiz cheoir, se il est prestres, si muert. (6) Kreutzlein auff deim haupt hans nach redt, (22) СЯССШХКЖ (see also СЛЙХЬТ) Crucificare videre significat tribulationes. (17) СЬСЦЫЙК Cucumeres aut cucurbitas uiderit in somnis, infirraitatera significat, (2) Hwerhwettan o&£e cyrfet jesihd" on swefnum, untrumnysse ^je(tacnacl')• (2c) KyrbiB sehen: kranckhayt. (22) DANCifi Saltare videre significat iniquitatem de magnis rebus, (17) ♦Шсеге coream qui se viderit: bonum signat, (2l) Saltamenta facere vel videre: infiimitatem, (23) *To make daunces & lith candeles, bi-toknith gladnes. (l2) *To make dawnces & lit)te candeles, bi-toknith gladnes, (14) ♦To make daunsya & lyjht candeles, bi-toknith gladnes. (20) riochzeiten sein dantzen sehen: hertzlayd. (22) UARhiViiSB (see also UKY) Tenebras uidere, infirmitatera significat, (l) Tenebras uiderit, infirmitatera significat. (2) Tenebre videre significat peccatum. (17) Tenebras in soranis videre: infirmitatem signat. (2l) (T)enebras videre: infirmitatem. (23)
-55- Pystru qesihd, untruinnysse ;j(etacnacT) <> (2c) To seen derknessis, bi-toknith gret syknesne. (12) To se dirkenes, it betokeneT) gret syknesse. (14) To se derknes, oi-toknith gret syknesse. (20) Wer finstern in clem trawra sicht,/ Her trawra treuget nicht,/ Der wirt damach кгапск/ An dem leib sunder wanck. (15) FUnster ntlst sehen: kranckhayt. (22) THE HEAD Cum mori se uiderit, caluranie graues ei aduenient. (l) Cum mortuo loquere, bonum persequitur. (l) Hossa mortuorum uel corpora uidere, labores maxiraas significat. (l) Mortuum uidere uel cum ipso loquere, gaudium et letitiam significat. (l) Cum mortico fabulare, lucrum significat. (2) Cura mortuo loqui, grande lucrum significat. (2) idortuum uiderit, gaudium significat. (2) (M)ortuura osculari, uitam uiuendi significat. (2) Si uideris de manu mortui aliquid accipere, de aliqua parte tibi uenire pecuniam significat. (2) Cum mortuo loqui significat lucrume (ll) Matrem mortuam videre significat leticiara. (ll) Dare aliquid alicui mortuo significat dampnura0 (17) Fratres vel sorores videre mortuos significat longam vitam. (17) Matrera videre mortuam significat male. (17) Mortuum videre de parentibus seu amicis significat hilaritatem. (17) Mortuum osculare significat longam vitam. (17) Mortuum videre esse vivum significat lucrum. (17) A mortuo se coronatum: securitatera signat. (2l) A mortuo qui se viderit trahere: nil boni designat. (2l) A mortuo cibura vel aliquid aliuct accipere vel cum eo loqui: honorem sig- nat. (21) Cum mori te videbis in somnis: calumnie graves accrescent. (21) Cura raortua loqui: lucrum signat vel bonura persequitur. (2l) Fratrem vel matrera vel sorores sibi mortuas videre: leticiara signat et etatem longam, (2l) Hat rein suam mortuam videre: gaudium signat. (2l) Mortuum osculari in somnis: longam vitam haoere signat. (2l)
-5 b- Kortuura videre vel cum ipso loqui; gaudium signat. (2l) A mortuo cioum accipere vel cum eo loqui ..• (23) A mortuo se osculari: pessimum. (23) Cum mortuo loqui; bonura. (23) (j?)ratrem mortuum videre: lucrum, (23) (l'l)atrem mortuam videre: gaudium. (23) Patrem mortuum videre: gaudium. (23) Oif man rasete, faet he deadne raann cysse, lanjsum lif and jesaeli^jlic him bi]) towerd. (2b) Hid deadum spellian, *jestrion hit je(tacna£). (2c) Hid deadum sprecan, micel jestrion hit, (2c) Deade jesihct, olisse j(etacnai). (2c) Deadne cyssan, lif tolibbenne j (etacnact). (2c) Oif ]>u jesihst of handu deades sumfjincj niman, be suman daele £e cuman feoh j(etacnatf). (2c) Oef £ou wi£ dedemon spext,/ muche ioie J>e is next. (7) Whose fte dede speke}) wyf),/ fader о]зег moder, whose hit bij>,/ ase I>e Latyn seifr ywis,/ f>at is muche ioie ft blis. (7) To seen ded body and therewith speke, by-toknith joye ft gladnesse. (12) To speke with a ded body, by-toknith gladnes, that is to come, (14) To se |>ere moder dede, betokened wynnynge. (14) To se offiyng of dede men, betokened def>e of a child. (14) To se a broker or a Bistre dede, wynnynge. (14) To se a dede body and £ere to speke, hit tokened joye ft gladnesse. (14) To speke with a ded body, by-toknith goodnese, that is to come. (20) To se a dede body & f>er-with to speke betokneth joy ft gladenes. (20b) Parler as mors cenefie boin message. (4) Vir raort ou parler a lui senefie joie ou leeche. (4) Os de mors ou cors vir senefie labeur. (4) Avoec mort servir ou parler senefie waing. (4) i^ui songe a parler a ame ou a cors mort, avoirs li vient. (6) (jui songe sa mere morte veoir vive, seurs soit de ce qu*ele quierto (6) (^ui songe mort veoir resuciter, plors et duel senefie. (6) Ht de parler ensemble a mort/ Gaain nous donne et grant confort. (lO) ^i somge a ame ou corps mort, avoir luy vient. (13)
-57- Wer reclet in den trawm mit to ten lew ten,/ So wil sich der trawm also bedewten:/ Dem nahet zu ein frum,/ Von welchem tail das kum. (15) 'rtler in dem trawm die toten sicht/ Vnd rait den sprichet icht,/ Das bethewtet frewden reichen mut;/ Der trawm damach kumpt czu gut, (15) Wann dich dunckt, das ettlich toden erstanden sein von dem tod?—An welher stat daz geschiecht, das bedewt gut ding. (16) *Wann dich dunckt, das du ain totten kussest?—Das bedewt trttbsalikait, anngst vnd not. (l6) Hastu ainem toten ain gewannt geoen, so wirt dein weib oder dein tochter Oder dein diernn sterben. (16) *Kossen mit ainem todten: clagung. (22) Mutter gestorben sein: sicherhayt des lebens. (22) Vatter mit dodt ab gangen sey: synd vnd schand. (22) DEATH Migrare de seculo, habitationem in dissolationem mutabit. (l) Mori se videre significat esse exbanditus. (17) ♦Mortuum qui se viderit in soranis; gaudium signat. (2l) Migrare de hoc seculo: habitationem indissolubilem mutare signat. (2l) Mgrare de hoc seclo se videre: locum mutare. (23) Mon, £at f)unchej) he ded ys,/ newe hous & contort shal buen his. (7) Whose $unchef) him self adreint,/ of desturbaunce he bih ateint. (7) Whan a man thynkith to deye, it be-toknith sclaundre. (12) To passen out of the wor(l)d in thi sleep, be-toknith to changen thi tydyn- gis other thi dwellyngis, (12) Wan a man thynkith to die, it be-toknith sclawndre. (14) To passe out of £e worlde in "})i slepynge, it tokened to change hi stondyng or ])i dwellyng. (14) When a man thynkith to dye, it be-toknith sclaundyr. (20) To passe owt of fte worlde in "fri slepe betokneth to change Ji dwellyng. (20b) Trespasser dou siecle senefie sen haoitacion тиёг ou desconfortement. (4) yui songe soi morir, grant paor doit avoir d'aucun anui. (6) Wer in dem trawm sich selben sicht/ Sterben, furwar dem geschicht/ Ein schade vnd ein herczen gever;/ Der trawm wil nicht sagen mer. (15) Wem also getrawmet,/ Das er die werlt also raumet,/ Der wil sein stetes wesen lan,/ Das merck sunder czweifel an, (15)
-5В- *Wann du w£nest, du seyst tod?—Der wirt erhocht vnd wirt lanng lebenn, vnd im wirt ein news volkch vndertSnig. (lb) ♦Gestorben sich sehen: not vnd angst. (22) *Sterbe Oder von der welt schaiden: langwonung. (22) *Thot sich selbs zu sehen: langB leben. (22) DECAPITATION Decollare se uidere, lucrum significat. (2) Caput videre abscindere significat inJ'iimitatem. (17) . . Decollare qui se viderit in somnis: lucrum vel inimicum superare. (21) (D)ecollari se in somnis: inimicum superare. (2?) Beheafdian hine, jestreon je(tacnact). (2c) Toi vir decolet senefie somonter ton anemi. (4) *<«ui songe que l*en le decole, maleraent est deparlez en traison. (6) *Wui sornge que ont le decolle, est signe de paller en traiso(n). (13) Knthaupten sehen: tlber winden sein veind. (22) Enthaupten sich zu sehen: gewinn. (22) DEVIL Cum diabolo se videre combattere seu percutere significat lucrum. (17) A dernone se comprehendere: lucrum signat. (21) A demoni vexari: lucrum bonum signat. (21) A demonibus vexari: lucrum. (23) To be vexed with a devill, bitokenyj) wynnyng. (14) ♦Warm dich der tewfel erschrecket oder dich slecht an der strassen oder in einem tempel?—Das bedewt einem kunig gewalt vnd ere vnd sig vnd lannges leben. (l6) DISH (see EAT) DISPUTE Litigare in somnis, negotii increraentum significat. (2) Litigare in somnis: crementum signat. (21) Cidan on swefnum, ceapes eacan g(etacna(t). (2c) DITCH Eossas uidere et in eas cadere, calumniara grauem significat. (l)
-59- Fossara uiderit ft in ea ceciderit, aliquam calumpniam significat. (2) Fossas videre et in eas cadere significat calumpniam. (ll) Fossas videre aut intes cadere significat iniuriam. (17) Fossam qui viderit vel in earn cadit: calumniain aliquam signat. (2l) Fossae intrare: vituperaciones. (23) Pitt gesihi 7 on ]запе befeali, sume teonan hit je(tacnact). (2c) In diches falle grete ft deope,/ from blame ne shal he him kepe. (7) To seen a diche and falle ther-inne, by-toknith gret sclaundre of peeple. (12) To se a diche and £ere in to fall, by-toknith gret sclaundre of peeple, (14) To se a dyche ft }>ei>-yn fall betokne^e gret sclaundyr. (20b) Foses vir et chair ens senefie eskiver dou jugeraent. (4) Qai songe fosse veoir et enz cheoir, gart soi bien de jugement. (6) yui sornge fosse et en elle choir, garde de jugemante (13) Wem trawmpt, wie er fall/ In ein grub zu tall/ Oder der sie vor im sicht,/ Vntrew an dem geschicht. (15) #GroJ3 gruben sechen: in kttrtz al>3 gutz. (22) Gruben sehen Oder dar ain falen: sich hyetten vor gericht. (22) j^Graben sehen Oder dar ain falen: anrnit der not. (22) Kanes latrantes uidere uel ab eis infestare, ab inimicis tuis superabis. (l) Kanes tecum ludere, gratias cum aduersariis significat. (l) Canes latrantes uiderit, uel eis infestare, inimici tui te superare querunt significat. (2) Canes ludere uiderit, gratiam significat. (2) Si uideris multos canes, de inimicis tuis te cauere significat. (2) Canes latrantes uidere uel ab eis infestari, ab inimicis superabitur. (9) Cum cane iocare Donum signum est. (17) Canes audire latrare vel ab ipsis molestatum esse significat superare iniraicos. (17) Canes latrantes vel infestantes: inimici tui superare te querunt, (2l) Canes ludentes: graciam adversarii signat. (2l) Canibus infestari: ab inimicis vexari. (23) Canes tecum ludere: amiciciara inimicorum. (23)
-60- 2if raan maete, 'fjaet he fela hunda aet-somne ^eseo, f)onne scilde he hine wi<J his fynd ful jeome. (2b) Hundas beorcynde jesihd odcte him latf-hetan, fynd Jiine ])e ofeivswidan seca<f. (2c) Hundas plejan oesihd, ]>anc hit jetacnad. (2c) ^if T)u gesihst fela hunda, of feondum pinura f)e weamian ^(etacnact) • (2c) On whan houndes berkefi) fele,/ is fomon him founded tele. (7) lioundes berkynde whose eyf>,/ proude von £e spekep wip. (7) Wi|b houndes biset whose him syp,/ tuene of enymis pat bip. (7) To pleyin with houndes, it be-toknith gret grace with thin ennemyes. (12) Howndes to play with pe, it tokened gret grace with ennemyes. (14) Howndys to pley with pe, be-toknith gret grace with pi ennemyes. (20) Vir chiens abaians ou estre encauchies d*iaus senefie lui estre sormonte de ses anemis. (4) Chiens abaians oir ou estre encauchies d*iaus senefie anemis. (4) i^ui songe chien contre soi rechigner, ce sont si anemi qui mal li uelent. (b) ^ui songe chien a soi joer, ce sont si anemi qui a li se uelent acorder. (b) (q^uant tu vois chiens toi abaier/ Ou angoussier ou engressier,/ Anemi sunt qui mal te quierent/ Kt contre toi par mal s*en viennent. (lo) iqtUi somge chien contre soy rechinier, de ces ennerays mal luy vient. (13) Oui somge chien a soyt jouer, ses ennemys a luy vienet acorder. (12) Venn trawmpt einem man,/ Vie die hunde in pellen an,/ Der wirt in kurczen stunden/ Von feinden vberwunden. (15) Vem trawmpt, wie die hundlein/ Fast mit im spilent sein,/ Der gewinnet vmb sein schulde/ Seiner feinde hulde. (15) Hund hoeren pellen: von feinden yber wundenn. (22) Hund mit dir schertzen: mit deinera wider tail reden. (22) Hund an zannen: nach red. (22) DOCK Perg tttrn baum abschneyden: schaden. (22) DOUGH Pasta tractare significat mortem. (l7) JDOVK Columbas uiderit aliquam tristitiara significat. (2) *Columbas videre significat pacem. (ll)
-61- Columban videre significat tristitiam. (17) ♦Aquilam vel columbam supra se qui viderit honorem signat. (2l) Columbas videre: aliquam tristiciam signat. (2l) Culfran gesihct, surae unrotnysse tje(tacnad). (2c) Qui songe avoir colons, se li vient tristor. (b) Qui somge coullonbs, tristece luy vient. (13) ♦Tauben sehen: gutpotschafft. (22) DRAGON Dracones uiderit, aliquam dignitatem significat. (2) Si uideris draconem super te uolantera, thesaurum significat. (2) Draconem videre significat dignitatem, (ll) Dracones videre significat lucrum. (17) Dracones videre: gaudium signat. (2l) Dracan jesihj, sumne wyrctscipe hit ^(etacnact). (2c) Oif T)u tjesihst dracan ofer f>e fleocjende, gold-hord j(etacnact)<> (2c) Qui songe veoir dragons, d'iqui a po voit aucune poeste. (6) ♦Qui somge voir dragon, puys apres perte luy vient. (13) ♦Dracken oder linckwtlrm sehen: verachtung. (22) Dracken oder linckwtlrm haben: wirdikait. (22) DRINK (see also WATER, WINE) Conditam rem bibere: invictum cavere signat. (2l) DRIVER Aurigam currentem uidere, cum propinquis tuis iram significat. (l) Aurigam currentem qui viderit: litem et pugnam cum propinquis signat. (21) ♦Cartes vme whose sif>,/ wraf>f>e of frend J)at by|). (7) *A wayne rennyng, be-toknith stryf betwen neyboris. (12) *A man, £at metij) of a veyne, be-toknith stryf betwen neijborys. (14) ♦A wayne rennyng, be-toknith stryf betwen neypurse. (20) Wagen leuet lauffen sehen: zomig sein. (22)
-62- ШШШШЕЕЕ Ebrium se uidere, infirmitatem significat. (l) Ebriosum se uiderit, infirmitatem significo. (2) Ebrium se videre significat infiimitatem. (ll) Ebris esse significat infirmitatem. (17) Ebrium qui se viderit: dampnum vel infirmitatem signat. (2l) Druncenne hine jesihrf', untnunnesse hit 3 (etacnact). (2c) tat si]) hira self goraeninge ft wod,/ bitokne]) serewe ft no god. (7) Hym selue dronke whose sy]),/ led drawen o])er swyn ]>erwyf),/ feblesse of body pat ilke by]). (7) Lui vir ivre senefie enfreraete. (4) Toi Cvir] ivre senefie enfeimete. (4) Je tu songes que tu ies yvres,/ Damages est, ce dit li livres. (10) Wem trawmpt, wie er truncken sey,/ Der sey an czweifel frey,/ Er wirt sich in kurczer czeit;/ Den trost im sulcher trawra geit. (15) eagle *oi uideris aquilam uolantem, uzorem tuam rapere mortem significat. (2) Aquilam super se videre volare significat honorem. (17) ♦Aquilas plures videre volare significat cooperationem de multi adusita- tibus. (17) Aquilam vel columbara supra se qui viderit honorem signat. (2l) ♦Aquilam sub caput suum ascendere: infirmitatem signat. (2l) ♦Aquilas in domum tuam intrare: inimiciciam. (23) Olf him ])ince, ]jaet his earn swyfje eahte, ])aet by]) mycel flefea. (2b) tlif pu jesihst earn fleon, wif ])in ;jejripan dead" o(etacnact). (2c) To se an egill on ])i hed tokens worship. (8) EAH Caput videre cum auribus longiss fortitudinem signat. (2l) H< crinibus?] ЕШ’НДОКЕ Terre motum uidere, aliqua malignitas superuenit. (l) Terre motum uiderit, aliquid admittit. (2) Terremotum audire significat malitiam de isto loco. (17) Terremotum videre: aliquid araittere vel malum vel impedimentum signat. (2l)
Eorctan styrunje jesihct, sum~])inc he forlaet. (2c) te erfte quaque vhose may sen,/ harm to £ilke stude wol ben. (7) To seen an erthe-quawe, bi-toknith surn wikkidnesse of that lond shal falle to the. (12) To see an erf)equake, it be-tokene£> sum wekydnes of that lond shal fal to the. (14) To se a yourth-quake, bi-toknith sum wykkydnes to f>e. (20) Ver sicht in dem trawm sunder wal/ Die erden czittem vberal,/ Das ist ein vbel gemayne rach,/ Die den leuten sleichet nach. (l5) Ertpidung sehen Oder hoeren: poBhayt der stett. (22) EAT Commedere videre significat consolationem. (17) ♦Cibaria commedere significat dampnum. (17) Discum paraturn vel mensam significat bonem mensem. (17) Mensara perdere: ad nihilum devenire signat. (2l) Mensas videre: gaudium. (23) To se to ordeyne mete, tokened to se a frende. (14) Qui songe plusors mes veoir, mesagier sont de plusors pais. (6) Qui somge voir mamger, signiffie nouvelles dfaucum messagier. (13) *Wem vmb essen travmiet,/ Die rede sich nit ensawnet,/ Dem thunt rait rede die feind sein/ Vnd mit wercken czomes schein. (15) Tafflen sehen: frewd. (22) ♦Wirtschafft haben: zukunfftiger krieg. (22) EEL Anguillas qui viderit vel tractat; laborem signat. (2l) Agwillas videre: laborem. (23) ш; Gallinam oua parere, lucrum cum sollicitudine significat. (2) Ova alba videre bonura signum est. (17) Ova videre qui sunt alteris coloribus albi significat dampnum. (17) Ova rupta videre malum signum est. (l7) Assa ova accipere: lucrum signat. (2l)
-64— Gallinam ovum parere qui viderit: leticiara signat. (2l) ♦Ova videre: litem signat. (2l) Ova cum a mortuo sibi videre affere: malum signat. (2l) Assata ova: lucrum. (25) Henne aegru lecgan, gestreon mid carfulnysse g(etacnad). (2c) ♦Ayer sehen: ain besundere kranckhait. (22) Ayer legen als die huener: kinder czilen. (22) Ayer haben oder verliessenx gewin. (22) ♦Ayer essen: ain toden berauben. (22) ELEPHANT Beluas uel elefantos doraare, raolestiam grauem significat. (l) ELephantum uiderit infestum, aliquam accusationem significat. (2) Boves vel elephantes dormare: molestiam gravem signat. (2l) ♦Elephantes videre gaudium signat. (2l) Yip gesihct ladne ocMe gramne, sume wrohte hit getacnai. (2c) Wem in dem trawm also geschicht,/ Das er ein merwunder sicht/ Oder grosse helfant,/ Das ist ein layd vnerwant. (15) ELephanten sehen: beclagung. (22) EMPEROR Cum imperatore uel rege loquere, dignitatem magnam significat. (l) Heges uidere, de seculo migrare significat. (l) Imperatorem se factum, aliquem honorem significat. (2) Reges uiderit, de seculo migrare significat. (2) Regis nuntium accipere, magnum est signum. (2) De imperatore habere audientiam significat lucrum. (l7) De rege habere vel accipere aliquod significat hilaritatera. (17) Imperatorem videre significat invidiam. (17) Regem vel reginam videre significat hilaritatem. (l7) Regera vel reginam videre morire significat dampnum. (17) Ab Imperatore osculari vel cum eo loqui: lucrum cum gaudio signat. (2l) Ab imperatore coronari: gaudium signat. (2l) Cum imperatore aut magno domino qui se viderit habitare: dignitatem signat. (21)
Imperatorem qui se viderit: honorem signat. (2l) Imperatore tecum habitare aut regem: gaudium signat. (2l) Keges vel regem de hoc seculo migrare: anxietatem signat. (2l) Cum rege se loqui: dignitatem. (23) Cyninjas ;jesih<t, of wurlde tjywitan j (etacnact). (2c) Casere hine beon ^ewordene, wyrdscype a(etacna<£). (2c) Qyninjes bodan underfon, micel hit is tacen. (2c) Wif) kyng speke ojper emperour,/ bat is dignete & honour. (7) To speke with an kyng or an emprour, be-toknith dignite. (l2) To seen kyngis, be-toknith to pacen out of this wor(l)d. (12) To speke with kyng or emperoure, be-toknith dignite. (14) To se kyngis, be-toknith to passe out of this worlde. (14) To speke with a kyng or a emperowr, be-toknith dignite. (20) To se kyngis, hit betoknyth to passe owjjt of this whorld. (20) Parler avoec empereour ou roi senefie dignite d^rrae. (4) Toi vir einpereur fait senefie auchune hounour. (4) Ver in dan. trawm konig sicht/ Vnd anderz mit ym schaffet nicht,/ Das thewt ein heirascheiden/ Von dieser werlt mit leiden. (l^) Wann dir ein kunig furkurabt, den dw erkennest, vnd redt mit dir vnd dw mit jm?—Der kunig bedcwt dir vnsem lieben herm, der nicht liegen mag, vnd was dir der kunig sagt, das behallt, wann es wirt dir alles war: vnd ob dir der kunig gab gibt, so wirstu reich an sel vnd an dem leib. (lb; ♦Kting sterben sehen: newe mer. (22) *Kflnginne sehen: gutte freflnd haben. (22) ENEMY (see also WAtt) Cum inimico loqui significat cavere se de ipso. (17) De adversario suo habere molestiam significat expeditionem. (17) Iniraicoe seu strages videre significat trioulationes. (l7) ^uant to songes prendre anemi,/ C*est c*on parole mal de ti. (lO) EUNUCH Eunuchos uiderit, dampnum significo. (2) Castratos videre significat dampnum. (17) Enuchum se videre: dampnum vel infiiraitatera signat. (2l)
-66- Belysnode ;jesih<£, heaira ^(etacnai). (2c) Galded o£er seeks whose hym sy£,/ robbed o$er outlawed f>erwyf>,/ wreynge & gret blame f>at byj>. (7) EXERTION Molimentum videre significat deprecationem. (17) EXILE Xilium uidere, crlminlbus magnis opprimetur. (l) Qui in exillio sit se uiderit, magnis criminibus opprimi significat. (2) Extra regionem suam se videre significat anxietatem. (ll) Extra regionam suam se videre vel qui se viderit in exilios anxietatem signato (2l) Exilium pati qui se maxime videre in somnis; magnis criminibus opprimi Bignat. (2l) Qui se viderit in exilios magnis peccetis opprimi signat. (2l) SeJ>e on wraec ;jesihd, mid micelum «jyltum heora ofsett a(etacna<t). (2c) Galded ofter seek whose hym syft,/ robbed o£er outlawed £erwyj),/ wreynge & gret blame f>at byf>. (7) ♦Whose tunchej) he God sij>/ o£er out, £at to him bi-liht,/ J>at, ase suggef) £is clerkes,/ bytoknef gode werkes;/ sorame seggej hit is ylle,/ & £at be at Godes wille. (7) EfE Oculos aut dentes perdere significat mortem aliquis amici. (17) Oculum dextrum amittere proxiraums aliquem perdere signat. (2l) Qui songe perdre son oeil destre, si pert l*un de ses plus chiers amis. (6) Qui songe perdre l’oeiel senestre, si pert l*un de ses plus forz anemis. (6) FACE (see also PORTRAIT) Faciem suam in aqua uidere, uitam longam significat. (l) Faciem suam fonnosam uidere, actum et honorera significat. (l) Faciem suam uidere turpera, raultis criminibus opprimetur. (l) Faciem suam in quacunque re uiderit, uita longa ei datur. (2) Faciem formosam se habere, auxilium & honorem arapliorem significat. (2) Faciem turpem habere, multis criminibus subprimitur. (2) Si uideris faciem tuam pulchram, gaudium significat. (2) Faciem suam fozmosara uidere, actus & honorem significat. (9) Faciem suam turpem uidere, multis criminibus opprimetur. (9) Faciem plorara habere significat vitam longam vel honorem. (ll)
-67- Faciem videre pulchram significat honorem0 (17) Faciera in aqua videre significat lucrum seu longam vitam. (17) Faciem suam in aqua videre: longam vitam signat. (2l) Faciem formosam habere: actu et honore multiplicabitur. (2l) Faciem turpem se habere: multis criminibus opprimi signat* (2l) Faciem suam lavare: vitam longam signat* (2l) Faciem rubeum habere: multis criminibus opprimi signat. (21) Faciem suam in speculo videre: filius ei nascetur. (2l) Faciem suam in speculo videre: filium sibi natum. (23) Faciem suam fonnosam videre: honorem. (23) Faciem suam in aquis viderex vitam longam. (23) 31f him maete, faet his onsyne fseger si, ^od faet bid, and him bid wurdinynt toweard; and jif him fince unfaejer, yfel f®t bid. (2b) Ansine his on swa-wilcum finje «jesihd, lif lanj him bid fleseald. (2c) Ansine hiwlice hine habban, fultum 7 wyrdmynt rumran j(etacnad). (2c) Ansine fullice habban, mid manejum ("criminibus") bid offrycced. (2c) CTif fu jesihst ansine fine faetjere, blisse ^j(etacnad). (2c) Mon, fat funchef he haf feir face,/ bitoknef god & feir grace. (7) Mon, fat sif him in water cler,/ of longe lyue he wo if her* (7) Blac whose sif is oune face,/ him worf blame in vche place. (7) His face in water whose syf,/ long lyf fat ilke byf. (7) Ys face feyr whose syf,/ ioie & menske fat ilke byf. (7) Ys face lodlych whose syf,/ bytoknyng of sunne fat byf. (7) To seen the haue a fooul face, by-toknith to be vppe-reysed with meche synne. (12) To se a wele-shapen face, grete worshipp. (14) To se fe haue a foule face, by-toknith to be vp rered wif myche synne. (14) To se his face in water, token of longe lijfe. (14) To se a fowle face, betoknefe fe to be full of synne. (20) He biele fache vir senefie hounour. (4) Se fache vir tourblee senefie lui estre apresse de molt de blasmee. (4) Biele vir (se fache) senefie hounour. (4) C^ui songe sa face gaer en yaue, sa vie li acroist. (6) (jui songe bele veoir sa face, amor li croist. (6) <^ui songe sa chiere laide, deshonor li croiet de blasme. (6)
-68- Yeir ta face cleire et bele/ Honneur te dorrne et grant querele. (Ю) Qpi somge sa face laver en eaue, sa vie luy croist. (13) Qui somge avoir sa face avoir bien laide, deshonneur luy croist. (13) \<em trawrapt, wie er sich ersech/ Vnd das dann in wasser geschech,/ Der trawm bethewt langes leben,/ Das im got hat gegeoen. (lb) V/enn trawmet einera man,/ ’wie er schon vnd wolgethan/ Vnder seinen augen sey,/ bem nahet grosse ere bey. (lb) Wer sicht sein antlicz vngestalt/ Von smehen malen raanigvalt,/ Der wirt von manigen handen/ Zu laster vnd czu schanden. (lb) Angesicht schoen erscheinen: fryd vnd seld. (22) ♦Angesicht im wasser sehen: grosse feyntschafft. (22) FAITH Katholicam fidem se in somnis habere: vitain etemam signat. (2l) falcon Cura falcone ire seu super manura portare significat honorem. (17) FALL (see also DITCH, PIT, RIVER, SEA, SPRING, WELL) Si uideris, quod de altissimo cadas desubtus, ad pauperem bonum & ad diuitera malum significat, (2) Hi uideris de alto loco subtus in obscuro te cadere, angustias uel iniurias significat, (2J Cadere se videre significat debonorari seu scandalisario (17) Cadere in aquam et non posse levare significat mortem vel periculum. (17) *Cadere de celo significat hilaritatem. (17) Consentire cadere cum dolore significat periculum vel infirmitatera. (17) Descendere se videre: dampnum signat. (2l) tlif man raaete, £aet he of heahre dune fealle, 'jod ^aet bi<£ ^earfan, and Ъага weliflan yfel. (2b) 3if })u ^jesihst, ^aet of hehstum ftu fealst nifter, to ftearfan •jodan 7 to welijan yfelan ^(etacnad). (2c) tfif fju ^esihst of hehre stowe nyfter on f)ystrum feallan, anxsumnyssa odde teonan ^(etacnact). (2c) To dissend, be-tokened hevynesse. (14) Vallen sich sicht; verliesung der er. (22) FATHER (see also THE DEAD) Patrem suum occidere bonum signum est. (17) Patrera videre significat consolationem. (17)
-69- Patrem suum vivura aut mortum videre: securitatem si gnat* (2l) FAVOUR Beneficium facere significat hilaritatem. (17) Beneficium facere qui se viderit: gaudium signat. (2l) Lieb beweyssennj gutt. (22) FKAR To seen, that thou haue dreed of slep, it be-toknith gret lettyng. (12) To seme, that thou haue dreed in £i slepe, hit tokened gret lettyng. (14) To dreme f>at ^ou hart in grete fere hit betokneth gret lettyng. (20b) FEATHER Plumas videre significat leticiam. (ll) Albas pennaa in tunica vel alia veete videre: leticiam signat. (2l) ♦Federen nemen: ere. (22) FIG Ficum uiderit, lites cum inportuni3 significat. (2) (F)icum nigrum accipere, tristiciam significat. (2) Ficus colligere: dampnum. (23) Fic-treow oesihd", saca mid unjedafenlicum ^(etacnaft)® (2c) Fic-treow sweart onfon, unrotnyssa j(etacnai). (2c) FIHD Gzielich oder schon ding findent dodt vater vnd mutterB. (22) FIHOER Digitos videre abscindere significat dampnum. (17) Digitum sibi precindere: dampnum signat. (2l) (]))igitum precidere; dampnum. (23) FDIGERNAIL ♦Ungues tollere significat hilaritatem..(17) Ungues abscindere significat anxietatera. (17) Ungues radere vel precindere: angustias graves signat. (2l) To pare or shaue пау1ез, angwissh or tribulaciouns. (14) «ч-ui songe les ongles li reoignier l*en, son avoir li tout l1 an. (6)
-70- songe que sa barbe ou si chevol ou ses ongles croissent, ses avoirs li croisto (6) Qui somge ses onglies rongnier, sy ont luy otte son avoir* (13) 4^ui sonnge ses cheveux, barbe ou onglies croistre, son avoir crroist. (13) *Negel an fingern wagssen: wirt vast alt* (22) МНЕ Incendia in quacunque domo uideris, ipsa doraus aliquod periculum obtine- bit. (l) Incendia in quocumque loco uiderit, aliquod periculum significat. (2) Incendia videre significat pericula vite* (ll) Ardentum ignem videre significat diluvium aut rautationera loci. (17) Ignem de celo cadere significat magna facienda. (17) Ignera videre significat dampnum vel periculum. (17) Incendium sentire significat periculum. (17) In igne videre se ardere doloram significat* (17) Videre se ardere significat molestiara. (17) Incendia in quicunquis domo videre: domus ipsa aliquid periculum paciet. (21) Incendia in somnis videre: pericula vite signat. (21) Brynas on ^ewilcre stowe Jjesihcf, sume fraecednysse ;j(etacnact). (2c) Fe*r sehen oder dar ain fallen: schadeen. (22) Fewr sehen brinen: zom von froeinden. (22) Prinnen sehen: schaden* (22) FISH Maris pieces uiderit, anxietatem grauem significat. (2) Pisses vivos videre significat pietatem* (17) Sed magnos significat hilaritatera. (17) Pissies capere malum signura est. (17) Pisses marinas videre significat anxietatem. (17) Pisces videre in somnis: leticiam signat. (2l) Pisces magnos videre in aquis: gaudium. (23) S«-fixas -jesihct, anxsumnysse hefi^e j(etacnad). (2c) To see ffisshe, be taken impediment. (14)
-71- Fisch groJ3 sein sehen: gewin. (22) Fisch auH den moer sehen: not vnd angst. (22) PISKiili'lAN Piscatores videre: deceptionem signat. (2l) FISHPOND In piscario lauare, iocunditatem significat. (2) On fisc-pole Jwean, winsuranysse. (2c) FLAG Apes vel vexilla videi'e: incendiura signat. (2l) Wer vanen, krewcz vnd peren sicht,/ Der tram anders betewtet nicht,/ Wann das im sol verprinnen/ Sein hab vnd gar czurinnen. (15) FLEAS Pulices tractare significat molestiam. (17) *Qui se videt pulices caperes pluviam. (23) 1LEECE Oui songe avoir oeilles ou toisons ou bestes grasses, si croist ses avoirs. (6) FLESH Camera huraanam commedere significat labores. (17) Carnes assatas coramedere significat peccatum. (17) Carnes crudas vel siccas commedere significat tristitiara. (17) ♦Huraanam carnem coramedere significat hilaritatem. (17) Assas carnes videre vel manducare: damnum signat. (2l) Carnes humanas manducare: bonum a deo missum signat. (2l) Assas carnes comedere: dampnum. (23) To ete roste fleshe by-tokens harrae. (8) To etyn or to seen etyn fflesh, it be-toknith, that thin ennemies shul speken euel of the. (12) To ete or se ete fflesh, tokened, that byne ennemies shal speke euel of the. (14) To eete or se ete fflesh, betokneth, that f)i ennemies shall speke euel of the. (20) Vir viandes senefie corporel doleur. (4) yui songe mangier char humaine, si vit en pelerinage. (6)
-72- i^ui songe char menoier, si raenoie cors ou malade qui rauert. (6) sorage manger char humaine, ira en pelermage. (13) Lebraten fleisch essen Oder sehen, bedetlt schaden. (18) Flesch essen welcher hand es sey: kranckhait. (22) *Flesch essen roch: groB krieg. (22) Gebratten fleisch sehen oder essen: schaden. (22) Menschlichs fleysch essen: kirchferten. (22) FLIES Muscas videre significat iniuriatum esse. (17) Muscas plures videre: inimicitiara signat. (2l) ♦HuscaB videre: nunciura. (23) To se ffleyes, is harme or enemyes. (14) ymi songe muches veoir, si voit tumulte ou raurmure. (6) jFLiegen sehen: nit gute maer. (22) *Pinnen flyegen sehen: frewd. (22) FLOUGIUG Uapulare in somnis, bonum persequitur. (l)(2) Vapulare in sompnis significat bonum insequitur. (ll) Vapulare in soranis: bonum prosequitur. (2l) bwinjon on swefnum, 3od sefter-filifl<f. (2c) *^ui songe que l'en le chastre, se li arable l'en son avoir. (6) *i^ui somge que l'on le chastre, l'on luy derobe son avoir. (13) Hawon in selbs sehen: groB glttck. (22) FLOUR Farinam in soranis trectare, incrementum negotii significat. (2) *Farinam cenere darapnun. (l7) Melu on swefnum handlian, eacan ceapac oe(tacnact). (2c)
-73- ♦Farine maniier senefie damage. (4) 4ui songe farine manoier, croissance li vient de son avoir, (b) Qui somge farine mamger, croissamce luy vient. (13) 14elb mit melb vmo gan: zu nemnung. (22) FLOWKHS Fiores collidere significat hilaritatem. (17) Flores accipere: gaudium. (23) To see floures or to geder flowres, joye. (14) ♦Fleurs queillir ou prendre senefie meeaise. (4) ♦Qui songe fleure avoir, avoirs li vient. (b) ♦Plumen sehen Oder prechen: schaden. (22) M'ii Aulionem ferreum videre: securitatem. (23) FLY Uolare qui se uiderit, locum mutare significat. (l) Qui se uolare uiderit, locum mutare significat. (2) Ascendere in celum significat honorem. (17) Volare se videre significat mutationem loci. (17) Ad celum volare: peregrinationem signat. (2l) Volare qui se viderit: peregrinationem vel locum mutare signat. (2l) (Q)ui se volantem videt: locum mutare. (23) Sefce hine fleon ^esiht, stove avendan. (2c) Whose fjunchef) £at he flyl>,/ chaunge of stude J>at ilke bif>. (7) A man, that metith, that he fleth, bi-toknith chongyng of plase. (12) A man, that metif), he fleith, it be-tokenej) Chaunging of place. (14) A man, that dremyth, that he fleyth, be-toknith change of hys plase. (2()) Qui songe nagier ou voler, s*il vet ou serement d*iqui ou il est. (6) liymel auff steygen: ere. (22) ♦Hymel auff steygen: haymlich layden. (22)
Nebula super terram, nullum bonum significat, (2) ♦Nebulas descendere ad aquas significat bonum, (l7) ♦Nebulam videre: nuncium bonum signat. (2l) Mist ofer eorfran, nan ^od j(etacnad). (2c) Wem trawmpt, wie er nebel seh,/ Was im libes davon geschech,/ Das hat er kurczlich verczert;/ Vbele ding sint im beschert. (lt>) Neoel auii dor erden: schwemuB. (22) ♦Nebel sehen: gut. (22) K)0D (see HAT) POOT Nudis pedibus ambulare uel nudum se uidere, tristitias et labores magnas significat. (l) Nudis pedibus ambulare, dampnum significat. (2) Pedes lauare, anxietatem significat. (2) Pedes lavare significat anxietatem. (ll) Cum pedibus infirmis ambulare significat iniurias. (17) Pedes lavare significat anxietatem. (17) Nudis pedibus ambulare: tristiciara et languorera signat. (2l) Pedes lavare: expeditionem signat. (21) Pedes pilosos habere: irapedimentum signat. (2l) Nudis pedibus ire: laborein. (23) Pedes lavare: expediciones. (23) Barura fotum jan, heann g(etacnad). (2c) Pet Jwean, anxsuranysse ^(etacnad). (2c) CTef ]>e Junchef) J>ou gest barefot,/ bytoknef) serewe & no god. (7) To gon barefoot or thynken, that thou art naked, bi-toknith sorwe and lamentacion. (l2) To seme barefoot or £ynke, that thou art naked, it bitokenyth sorwe and grete lamentacioun. (14) To goo barefoot or thynkyng, that thou hart naked, bi-toknith sorwe. (20) ♦Aler nus pies ou vir petit enfant senefie grant tristeche. (4) Wer in dern trawm parfusz get/ Oder ein nackender vor im stet,/ Das ist
-75- erbait vnd trawem/ Bey seinen nachgepawem. (15) EueB waeschen: auBrichtung. (22) Fuss sehen scheen: kranckhayt* (22) FORTUNE Eure est de peril contrester/ Et en grant joie ramener. (lo) FRIEND (see also GUEST) Ludere vel amicos gaudentes: mortem. (23) Eretlnd sehens groB triepsal. (22) FROG Kanas uiderit, anxionem significat. (2) Froxas tjesihd, anxsumnesse 'je(tacnad)* (2c) Qui songe veoir lesardes ou crapauz, gart soi de ses anemis. (6) krotten sehenn: betrieglichayt. (22) ♦Krotten in seim hauB sehen: reychtum in kurtzen stunden. (22) FRUIT Plures fructis videre significat hilaritatem* (17) Wer list in dem trawm/ Das obsz von dem pawn,/ Bern get ein grosser nucz czu/ Ben abent spat, den morgen fru. (15) *0bB sehen oder essens langB leben. (22) Fitter frucht essen: kranckhayt. (22) GARDEN (see ORCHARD) GARLIC (see AGRIMONY) №Л Gemmam de anulo perdidisse, aliquid admittit* (2) Si uideris gemmae pretiosas inuenire, parabolas significat* (2) Gemmas videre significat tristiciam* (17) Gemmas videre: turpitudinem signat. (2l) (TT)if him ftince, £aet he Rimmas sceawije, $aet biod raaeniofeald and un-cuctlic £in;j. (2b) Oimm of ringe for-leosan, sum-^inc for-laet 0 (2c) Oif J)u gesihst Rimmas deorwyrJa findan, spellu ^(etacnad)* (2c)
-7b- Le gemme del aniel chair senefie que tu perderas auchune chiere chose. (4) *Qui songe a veoir pierres precieuses, ses gaainz li vient. (6) Zongier pierre d'anel cheir/ Chiere chose est tout sans rnentir. (10) *Qui sorage avoir pierres pressieuses, ayse luy vient. (l^) Merck auch, das edell gestain anders bedewtt ainera edeln dann ainera pawm. Dem edeln bedewtten sy, das jm gotes weyshait geoffent wirt vnd bedewtt auch, das er frewd vnd wollust mit gotes willen haben wirt hie vnd in dem hiraelreich, aber ainem pawrn bedewt es schanndt vnd lass- tor. (lb) Edel gestain sehen: not vnd angst. (22) ♦Gestain edel gestain haben: gltfck vnd hayl. (22) GOT Aliquam in menus aliteri dare: lucrum signat. (21) Qui songe que l'en li doint avoir, descorde a. (6) Wem trawmpt daz ime gut gibt/ In dem trawrapt an der czeit,/ Dem nachet gut vnd ere;/ Den trawra ich nicht verkere. (l^i) Kostbarlich gab haben; armut. (22) GIRDLE Zona aurea accingere, lucrum significat. (l) Zona Partica accingere, languorum et iniuriam significat. (l) Luna cingi, tutamento significat. (2) Luna perdere, fidei salutationem significat. (2) Luna aurea cingere, inuidiam significat. (2) Luna pertica cingi, ualitudines significat. (2) Zona aurea percingi, lucrum significat. (9) ZInctura de auro se cingere significat gaudium vel invidiam. (17) Zincturam perdere significat dampnura. (17) Zincturam de argento tangere significat honores. (17) Zinctura nova significat honorern. (17) Zinctura rupta significat darapmun. (17) Zinctura antiqua se cingere significat labores. (17) Baltheo cingere qui se viderit: protectionera signat. (21)
-77- Zonis cingere qui se viderit: tutamentum signat. (21) Zona aurea precingere: lucrum vel invidiam signat. (2l) Zonarn perdere: fidei seditionem signat. (2l) Zona veteri precingere: languorem Bignat. (2l) Baltheo se cingere: honorem. (23) rJif him maete , $aet his earmas beon fae^ere jejerede, fast bict freod-scype. (2b) Luna beon gejyrd, trymniige. (2c) Luna forleosan, 'jeleafan tolysin^e 3 (etacnatf). (2c) Luna ^yldenne by^yrdan, andan 3(etacna<f). (2c) "Luna pertica cingi," stran^jnesse ^e(tacnact). (2c) Gurdel wosshen whose syf),/ choste, ychot, f)at ylke by£. (7) To oeen gird with a silueren gerdil, oy-toknith winnyng. (12) A girdil partid, bi-toknith langour and envie. (12) To be gird with a siluere girdill, hit bitokened winnyng. (14) A girdil partie, bi-toknith longoure & heuynes. (14) To be gyrde with a syluer gyrdyll bytokneth wynnyng. (20b) A gyrdyll partyde betokneth langor & envye. (20b) Gtlrtel bliesen Oder zeorechen: von lieb geschayden werden. (22) Guldinn schntlr sehen: gewinn. (22) Schnuer vmmgtlrten: gewin. (22) Silberin schntlr sehen: ere. (22) Schnflr alt schntlr vmm dtlrten: schmertzen. (22) GLASS Vitrura frangere significat angustiam. (17) GOAT1 Agnos uel hedos habere, consolationem significat. (l) Hyrcos uel arietes uidere, habundantiam significat. (l) Yrcos uidere, neminem bonum persequitur. (l) Asinos uel edos uiderit, crimen negotii significat. (2) Hircos uel capras uiderit, expeditionem significat. (2) Si uideris multas capras, uanitatem significat. (2) Capras vel hircos videre significat habundantiam. (17) Montonos seu capras videre significat habundantiam. (17)
-78- Agnos vel hedos videre vel habere: consolationem vel incrementum signat. (a) Hircos indomitos vel arietes habere: abundanciam signat. (2l) Hircum qui se viderit: bonam famem signat. (2l) (H)ircos vel capras videre: expediciones. (23) Assan ойе hecenu jesihi, -jylt ceapes hit ;jetacnacL (2c) Buccan oct<Je flet ^esihcf, fer&runje 3(etacna&). (2c) Olf £u ^esihst maneja 'jet, ydel ^(etacnact). (2c) non, £at metef) of lomb & got,/ £at toknef) confort, God yt wotl (7) Lombren suen of)er calf,/ bytokne^ plente on vch half. (7) To se lambes or kydis by-tokens good counsell. (8) A man to haue lambren or get, it be-tokneth comfort in workyng. (12) A man to see get or wedris, bi-toknith plente. (12) A man, f)at ha^e lambren or get, it tokenef>e comford in worchinge. (14) A man, £at raetij), frat he sef>e get or we^eres, it be-tokenef>e plente. (14) A man to haue or geete or lambyrne, it be-tokneth comfort in worchyng. (20) A man to se gete or wedyrys hit betokneth plente. (20b) Aigniel ou bouc avoir senefie consolation. (4) Wer sich in trawmen licz,/ Wie er lemblein ader kicz/ Habe, das ist ein gewiser trost,/ Von dem er wird ausz leyd erlost. (15) Wer die wider vnd pock in trawm sicht,/ Fur die warheit, dem geschicht/ iir von grossem gut;/ Das seyt der trawm wol geraut. (15) Pock oder wider sehen: yber flissikayt. (22) Wider sehen: gltfck vnd seld. (22) Vogel oder kytz haben: gewin. (22) GOD Deum videre seu loqui cum sanctis significat periculum. (17) Maiestatem dei videre significat mortem. (17) Maiestatem dei videre: mortem vel pessimam infirmitatem signat. (2l) Whose fcunchef) he God si{)/ ofter out, ])at to him bi-liht,/ ftat, ase suggeft |)is clerkes,/ bytokne^ gode werkes;/ somrae seggef) hit is ylle,/ & f)at be at Godes wille. (7) To se £e raaieste of God, bitokenej) de£e of ffadre and moder. (14)
-79- Warm ainer wMnet, das er got sey?—-Pistu gesunt, so bedewt es dir lennger gesunthait; pistu siech, so muestu sterben paid» (16) ♦Got anbeten: freud. (22) ♦Got sehen vnd mit im reden: grod vnerkant sind. (22) GOLD Aurum aut argentum tractare, feliciora tempora significat. (l) Aurum in somnis trectare, expeditionem negotii significat. (2) ♦Aurum tractare seu cororaedere significat iracundiam. (17) Aurum argentum tractare expeditionem de factl tuis. (17) Auiura videre: lucrum signat. (2l) Aurum cemere vel tractare: fertilior tempora signat. (2l) Aurum vel argentum tractare: feliciora tempora designat. (23) Gold on swefnum handlian, foriunje ceapes 'jetacnait. (2c) ♦Seluer seon & gold bryht,/ f>at is ueder cler & lyht. (7) To se gold tokens gret vjorshipe. (8) ♦To se gold or syluer tokeiis envy, (б) To tellen gold or siluer, be-toknith good tyme, that is to come. (12) To tel gold or siluer, hit be-toknith good tyme for to come. (l4) To tell gold or siluer, hyt be-toknith good tyme, Ipat ys to come. (20) Or ou argent maniier senefie pourfit ou mieudre tans. (4) Qui songe or monee ou argent ou deniers avoir, a tant de marchie. (b) ♦i^ui songe or criole(z), si est amez. (6) ♦ Qui songe argent ou or venir,/ Taute et envie est a venir. (lC)) ♦Gold oder pfennig haben: verlust. (22) Gold haben oder vm gegtirt: gutt. (22) GOUGE Anserem videre; magnam honorem signat. (2l) To se ganders & take hem tokens joy. (8) GOURD (see OTCURBERJ GRAIN Frumenta aliqua trectare, infirmitatem significat. (2) Frumentum tractare significat infirmitatem. (17)
-80- Granum videre seu frumenturo significat rixas vel adversitates. (17) ♦Terrain planam videre: gaudium signat. (2l) ♦Terrain plenam videre: gaudium. (23) Hwaetae sume andlian, untrumnysse j(etacnai). (2c) ♦Forment raaniier senefie esjo’ir entre freres et sereurs. (4) Qui songe soier ble ou fauchier, labor li vient de grant travail* (b) Qui somge moissonner bled ou faucher pre, grand travail ateraper. (lj) Korn abschneyden oder dtlr sehen: verlust an seynen guetern* (22) ♦Sat gehelmpt mit ehem: g&tz gemuet. (22) GRAPES (see also VINEYARD) Vuas acerbas uidere, litem significat. (2) Vuas albas colligere significat lucrum. (17) Vuas nigras significat molestiam. (17) Vuas calcare cum pedibus significat inimicos superare. (17) Vuas acerbas videre: lites aliquas signat. (2l) Vuas albas videre: gaudium signat. (2l) Vuas nigras videre: paupertatem vel infiimitatem signat. (21) *(u)vas albas videre: tristiciam. (23) Winberian sure jeseon, sace ^(etacnact). (2c) да. songe a mangier roisins, de joie li vient fause novele. (6) GRAVE In terra videre se esse subterratum significat murmurationem. (17) Grab ira grab beschloesen sein: schaden leyden. (22) GROW Minor maior se factum uidere, potestates ei accrescunt. (l) Maiorem se uiderit, gaudium minus est & detrimentum significat. (2) Maiorem se videre esse factum significat acusationem. (17) Altiorem qui se viderit: graviter languescere signat. (2l) Maiorem te videre: potestates tibi accrescunt signat. (2l) Maiorem se factum videre: potestatem. (23)
-81- Maran hine flesihi, Dlisse lsesse hit is 7 hynde o(etacnact). (2c) o"ef |>ou wore « more wext,/ of god poer frou shalt buen hext. (7) Lui vir grant ou petit senefie fait amenuisie par poeste. (4) (^ui songe soi acreistre, si amenuisse, (6) Qui songe croistre soi, si chiet en grant maladie ou en povrete. (6) (*ui somge soy croistre, sigmiffie grand pouvrette ou malladie. (13) Wer weschet an die grosz,/ Den trawm ich im enplosz:/ Der gewinnet kreftigen gewalt/ Pey seinen genoszen manigvalt. (15) GUAHD (see PRISON) guest Hospites superuenientes habere, insidias maximas significat. (l) hospites haoere, inuidiam significat. (2) Hospitem habere significat invidiam, (ll) Hospites haoere: invidiam vel insidias magnas signat. (2l) Hospites habere: invidiam magnam. (23) Cuman habban, andan 'jet(acna^), (2c) Hon, }>at sif) gestes come,/ ywayted he is to buen ynome. (7) To haue gestis, be-tokenef) envye. (14) Wer in dem trawm hat vernumen,/ Wie im gest zu kumen,/ Dem wirt ein hut in kurczer czeit/ I<iit grossen vntrewen geleit, (lb) Pretl(n)d entpfachen: czwytracht, (22) Gestzukunft: neyd. (22) HAIL Grandinem uel tempestatem uidere, dampnum significat, (l) Grandinem in somnis, tristitiam significat. (2) Grandinem in somnis uiderit, dampnum crudele significat. (2) Grandinem videre vel audire: damnum magnum signat, (2l) (G)randinem vel tempestatem videre: dampnum, (23) Hajol on swefnura, unrotnysse 3(etacna£)• (2c) Ka^ol on swefnum jesihd-, hearm welreowne je(tacnad). (2c) Mon, £at sy£ gret snow & hayl,/ hit bitoknef) gret trauail. (7)
-82- То seen hayl and tempest, by-toknith harrae. (12) To hayl in tempest, tokened haime. (14) To se hayle & tempest betokne'fce harme. (20b) Uresil ou tempestes vir senefie damage. (4) HAIR Kaput album habere, lucrum significat* (l) Kaput cum longis crinibus habere, fortitudinem significat. (l) Kaput tondere, deceptionem cum dampno significat. (l) Kaput lauare, ao omni metu et periculo liberabis. (l) Pilosum se factum uidere, fortitudinem significat. (l) Caput album habere, lucrum significat. (2) Caput sibi tondi, dampnura significat. (2) Caput lauare, ab omni metu & omni periculo liberabitur. (2) Pilosum se uiderit factum, periculi increraentum significat. (2) Capillum se uidere, incrementum significat0 (2) Mulierera sparsis crinibus se uiderit, seditionem significat. (2) Pilosum se videre significat periculum0 (ll) Caput album significat hilaritatem. (17) Caput cum crinibus longis significat honorem* (17) Caput tonsum significat dampnum. (17) Caput lavare significat liber esse de periculo. (17) Caput alterius videre lavaturn esse malum est. (17) Caput valde album habere significat societatem. (17) Crines de capite tollere significat perdere amicos. (17) Corpus pilosum videre significat expeditionem in negotiis. (17) Cimam de capite perdere significat mortem inimici. (17) Pilosum se vel alium videre significat fortitudinem. (17) Caput valde album videre significat lucrum0 (19) Caput album habere: lucrum signat. (2l) Caput sibi tondi: dampnum signat. (2l) Caput sibi (l)avare: ab omni periculo liberabitur. (21) Crines longoe se habere: fortitudinem signat* (2l) Pilosum se videre: creraentum vel fortitudinem signat. (2l) Capillatum se videre: periculos. (2j) Caput album habere: lucrum* (23)
-83- Caput cum crinibus haoere: fortunam0 (23) Caput tonsum habere: decepciones, (23) Caput lavari: periclos. (23) Capillum ruffum videre: tristiciam„ (23) Heofod wit habban, gestreon ^e(tacnact), (2c) Heafod him beon ^escoren, hearm ^e(tacnact). (2c) Heofod pwean, fram selcum eje 7 eelcere fraecennysse he bict alesed. (2c) Wif tospraeddum loccum hine jesih<!, ■jespriicj j(etacna<l). (2c) Huhne hine -jesihct ^ewordenne, fraecednysse eacan g(etacnai). (2c) Loc hine ^jeseon, corcii 3 (etacnact) * (2c) Pat is hed is wyt whose metep,/ gret by^ete hit bytoknep. (7) 'Whose punchep is hed is shaue,/ strong hit is from luere him saue, (7) Whose metep is her is long,/ he worp of poer gret & strong* (7) Oef pe metep me wosshep pin heued,/ sunne & peril pe worp byreued. (7) Whit heued whose syp,/ gret byjete pat byp. (7) Wosshen is heued wose syp,/ of sunne & peril to-lyured he byp, (7) To se a white hed tokens wynynge. (8) To se the hed shore tokens longynge. (8) To haue a white hed, it be-toknith wynnyng. (12) To haue long her on his hed, it be-toknith gret strenght. (12) To haue a pollid hed, be-toknith disseyt, (l2) To seen hymself heiy, be-toknith plente. (12) To haue a white hed, be-toknith wynnyngee (14) To haue long her on his hed, be-tokenep streynpe, (14) To haue a pollid hed, be-toknith grete disseyte, (14) To se him heri, be-toknith plente, (14) To se eny thyng heiy, hyt be-tokenyth plente, (20) Cies blans senefie waing, (4) Lui vir velut senefie forche, (4) Cies a tout Ions cayiaus senefie forche, (4) Laver se teste senefie leeche. \4J Toi avoir blanc chief senefie waing, (4) Chief tondut senefie damage, (4) Sen chief laver des homines senefie: il sera delivres de peur et de peril. (4) 4ui songe sa barbe rere ou ses chevox perdre, perte li vient. (6)
-84- да. songe quc sa barbe ou si chevol ou ses ongles croissent, ses avoirs li croist, (6) Quii songe a avoir blanc chieff, grant joie avra. (6) <jni songe que si chevol li croissent, se li croist ses avoirs, (b) yai son chief laver, si est confes de ses pechiez ou de peril delivrez, (6) (£ii songe le piz avoir pelous, avoirs li croist. (6) pliant tu songes ton chief laver,/ Grant leesce cuit demontrer, (lO) 4*ii somge sa barbe ou cheveux raire ou perdre, pertte luy vint, (13) Qoi sonnge ses cheveux, barbe ou onglies croistre, son avoir crroist, (13) Qui somge avoir blanc chef, grand jouye ara en brief, (l'3) (£ii somge que cheveux luy crroicet, son avoir luy croist, (13) Qui somge chief laver, sy est comffuer de ses neches ou de peril delivre. (13) Wer in dem trawm daz haubt sein/ Weisz sicht, derselbe sein/ Nucz vnd frumen bedewt;/ Der trawm nicht anders lewt. (15) Ver trawmpt, wie sein haubt hab/ Langes har vnd hange herab,/ Das betheu- tet im ein stercke grosz;/ Des ist der trawm ein gewises losz. (15) Wem trawmpt, wie man in bescher,/ Derselbe wirt betrogen ser/ Vnd wirt dainach vberladen/ nit manigvelticklichen schaden, (15) Wem trawmpt, wie er twachent sey/ Sein haubt, der wirt vorhten vrey/ Vnd aller seiner herczenleit;/ Der trawm anders nicht entseit, (15) Ein weyss haubt sehen, bedettt gewin, (18) Eraw nit irem har z8 sehen: verliesung der froeind. (22) Haupt das kal ist sehen: schaden. (22) haunt das weyH ist sehen: gewin. (22) haupt rait langem har: sterck (22) Haupt oeschoren sehen: oetrieglichait. (22) haupt waschen sehen: von ybel erledigt werden. (22) *Har. lang har han: betriepntih. (22j HAnl'lEli Hamer sehen: gewalt geschehen, (22) HALD Manus suas inquinatas uel lotas habere, damonum et peccatum significat, (1) manus se lauare, a peccatis lioeraois et a crini/iibus excusaois, (l) Manus sibi inquinatas uiderit, opera iniqua significat, (2) Manus lauare, molestias graues significat. (2)
-85- Manus suas inclinatas habere significat dampnum. (ll) Manus lavare significat molestiam. (l7) Manus maculatas videre significat dampnum vel periculum. (17) Manus respicere significat magnam infirraitatem. (17) Manus inquinatas habere: damna signat. (2l) Manus lavare qui se viderit: a peccatis liberabitur signat. (21) Manus ligatus habere: crimen. (23) Manus lavare: a periculis liberare. (23) Manus inquinatas videre: expedicionem. (23) Handa him befylde qesihdr, weorca unrihte •j(etacnaA). (2c) lianda |)wean, teonan hefi^je ^(etacna^t). (2c) Vhose foule si£ is honde,/ he is fol of sunne & shonde. (7) To seen thyn handes defoulid, be-toknith synne and harme. (12) To se £yne hondis be defuled, be-toknith synne and harme. (14) To se handes defowlyd betokneth synne & harme. (20b) Ses mains cunchies ou lavees avoir senefie grief pechie. (4) Lui vir laver ses mains senefie estre delivret de pechies et de blasmes. (4) Vlem trawmpt, vie im widerzem/ Sein die hend vnd vngenem,/ Der vellet in schand vnd in sund;/ Des ist der trawm sein vrkund. (15) Vfer twecht in dem trawm sein hende,/ Der wirt der missewende/ Vnd seiner sunde gar entseyt;/ Des geit der trawm sein sicherheit. (15) HAMMING 'Jif man majte , f)aet he si upi>-ahafen, 'jod f)aet tacnai. (2b) To se men hanngid, grete joie. (14) Vein trawmpt, das man in hach,/ Dem volget gem hemach/ Czu raamcher hand wirde sein;/ Das ist an manigen schein. (15) HAKE beporem videre significat timorem. (17) («2ui songe lievres chacier, paors et criemes li vient sovant. (6) Hassen sehen: forcht des dots. (22)
-86- ♦Rephuener Oder hasen vach: verlust an feim gut. (22) HARVEST Messes colligere, letitiam significat. (2) Menses colligere significat leticiaia. (ll) Messes colligere: leticiau signat. (2l) Ripu gaderian, olisse ^(etacnad). (2c) HAWK Accipitrem in manu portare: honorem. (25) TTef $ou sist ftyn hauek flen,/ in ioie T>ou shalt weole у sen. (7) HEAD (see HAIR) HEARTH Eocurn videre significat dampnum. (17) HEATHENS Helium uel barbaros uidere, iram in publico significat. (l) (B)ella uel baroaros uiderit, letitiam in publico patet. (2) Gentiles pugnantes uiderit & ab eis infestare, lites cum periculo signi¬ ficat. (2) Helium vel barbaros videre: iram signat. (2l) Gentiles pugnando videre et ao eis infestari: litem et periculum signat. (a) Gefeohtu odde hexene gesihd, blisse on openum hit openad. (2c) Hae^ene feohtende gesihd 7 fram hirn cidan, saca mid f raeced nysse j(etac- nad). (2c) *To seen a batayle or ellis oerdid men* by-toknith open wrath. (12) ■•To se batayll or else berdede men/ hit oy-tokened open wrajpe. (14) *To se batell or else berdyde men/ ьу-toknith opr:n wrathe (20) Hatailles vir en songes ou baroarins senefie cornune ire. (4) *Wer in dem trawm bedewt/ Sicht mit parten lewt^ Oder streitlich geporn,/ Daz ist ein offenbarer czom. (lb) ♦Peertig leu/ sehen: zom. (22) \*barbatos < barbaros)
-87- ИШШ (see SKY) HKLL In inferno se videre significat tristiciam. (17) ♦Hel hin nab varen; irrung ail sein (jut. (22) HELMET Kassidem haoere: honorem signat. ^2l) HELP Auxilium se videre: crimininus opprimi. [23j m\ Oallinam oua parere, lucrum cum sollicitudine significat. (2) Oallinam cum pulcinis uiderit, negotii incrementum significat. (2) Oallinam facere ovum significat lucrum. (17) dallinam se videre esse significat anxietatem. (17) Oallinam cum pullis videre significat dampnum. (17) Henne аедги lecjan, Qestreon mid carfiLLnysse o(etacnad). (2c) Henne mid cicenura-jesihcf, ceapes eacan 3 (etacnact). (2c) To ber hennys, oe-tokened gladnesse. (14) HERB Herbam capere: angustiam signat. (2l) To se herbis in house, betokened vtepynge. (14; Wurzel Oder kredter essen: krieg. (22) kredter klaubeen oder nemen: angst Oder not. (22) HOME Boraura suain edificare, consolationem significat. (l) Bomum suam destruere uel cadere, dajnpnum significat. (l) Bomum suam ardentem uidere, scandalum uel periculuin significat. (l) Domo sua sacrificare, incrementum letitie significat. (2) Bomum suam cecidisse, darapnum cum pluribus significat. (2) Domum cecidisse & destruere, dampnum significat. (2) Bomum suam ardere uiderit, periculum uite significat. (2) Hi uideris domum tuam ardentem, inuenire te pecuniam significat. (2) Hi uideris fabricare domum tuam, pecuniam tuam crescere significat. (2)
-88- donium suara edificere significat consolacionero. (ll) doraum videre ardere significat scandalum. (17) Domum purgare significat penam vel tormentum. (17) Hdificare domum significat consolationem. (17) Videre se habere doiaum pulchrara significat peregrinationem. (l7) Domum suam edificare: magnum lucrum vel consolationem signat. (2l) Domum suam ardentem videre: periculum signat. (2l) Domum suam cecidisse videre: dampnum signat. (2l) Domum suam destruere vel cadere: periculum signat. (21) Domum suam se videre: gaudium. (2j) Domum edific<-ire: consolaciones. (2^) domiua destruere vel cadere: cUunpriun. (23) On huse his offrian, wexincje octcfe blisse hit oe(tacna<2). (2c) Hus his feallan, hearm mid manegum hit getacnacT. (2c) Hus feallan 7 towyrpan, heann hit ^e( tacnacT) • (2c) Hus his oymari ^jesyh(T, fr«tcenysse lifes 'je(tacnatf'). (2c) 3if Tju gesihst hus pin oyrnende, findan pe feoh o(etacnaft). (2c) Oif fju jesihst tiraorian hus f)in, feoh f)in wexan hit getacnait* (2c) 3ef (юи rankest houses newe,/ ioie ft blisse J>e shal siwe. (7) Clef fin nous falleb mid $e wowe,/ f;e woif> harm & eken ho we (7) Hon, pat sif) is hous bemynde,/ ful gret peryl him is comynde. (7) Hous falls* of)er oeme whose syf>,/ sclaundre ne may he wyten him wyj). (7) To maken a newe hous, it be-toknith comfort. (12) To seen a hous brenne, oi-toknith sclaundre, poorte and perel of lyf. (12) To make a newe hous, tokened conford. (l4) To se an hous brenne, tokened sclaundre, pouerte and perel of lyf. (14) To make a newe hous, betokneth corafort. (20) To se a hous branne, bi-toknith sclaundre, pouerte and perel of lyf. (20) 8c raaison edefiier senefie consolation. (4) destruire se raaison ou chair senefie damage. (4) Se maison ardre senefie escandle ou peril k*il li est avenir. (4) liaison saintefHer senefie leeche. (4) Haison destruire ou ardoir ou chair senefie damage. (4) c^ui songe que sa meson chiet, son signor pert, damages li vient. (b)
-89- i*ui songe que sa meson voie ardoir, grant peril li vient et perte. (6) yui eomge que la inaison choiet son seigneur, nerte et doumaige luy vient„ (13) •ч-ui somge que la maison orulle, ung grand peril et perte luy vient. (15) Wer in dem trawm paut/ Ein hausz, oo er getraut,/ das ist nicht wann ein gewiser trost,/ Von dem er wirt ausz leit erlost. (lb) У/era trawinpt in dem synn,/ wie sein hausz im gar verprinn,/ das ist ein zornigleiche schand,/ die im schendet in dem land, (15) Wer in trawmen verbrunnen sicht/ Ein haus, furwar dem geschicht,/ Da von es verdirDt/ Vnu an virden stirbt. (lb) Alte pew odor alte hetisser sehen: veratung, (22) Hetisser zimeren: grosse ere. (22) Hetisser declcen mit seim gewant: grod reychtum. (22) Hoff yoer ziehcn mit seim gaden: schaetz vnd reichtum. (22) Hetisser nider fallen: irung von seim nachpaum. (22) Hauu prinnen sehen: schaden. (22) HOME! hel accipere se uiderit, caueat ne ao alio seducatur significat. (2) Mel accipere significat iniuriatura esse ao aliis. (17) Mel accipere: ininicos cavere signat. (2l) Huuij niman hine ^esihcT, warni^je f>aet he na fram ocfrum si beswicen. (2c) lies de rniel senefie desfendement, (4) ^ui songe miel mangier ou breschetes, dialx li vient son ami. (bj Hoennig essen: zu ktinfftig truepsal. (22) KUHOUHH (see PEdoCNAGE) HUHl'J Cornua se habere: periculum vite vel litem signat. (2l) HU НЕЕ Equos albos habere uel sedere, iocunditatem significat. (l) Equos rufos uel baios habere, bonum nuntium significat. (l) Equos nigros uel fallicios sedere, anxietatem cum dampno uel detrimentum significat. (l) Equo albo sedere, euentum bonum significo. (2) Equo nigro sedere, anxietatem significo. (2)
-90- Equo flauo sedere, detrimenturn significo. (2) Equo baio sedere, expeditionein significo. (2) Equo castaneo sedere, negotium fedum significo* (2) Equos colutos currere aut ab eis infestare, dampnum significat* (2) Equos nigros <k faciliter sedere, anxietatem cum dampno uel detrimento significat. (9) Equos ruffos uel badios habere bonum nuncium significat. (9) Equos albos habere uel sedere, iocunditatem significat. (9) Equum album videre significat joconditatem* (ll) Equos rufos habere significat nuncium bonum* (ll) Equos nigros videre sedere significat raolestiara* (17) Equos albos videre significat hilaritatem* (17) Equos videre ire significat bonum tempus* (17) Equos rubeos videre significat bonum tempus. (17) Equos raortuos videre significat prosperitatem. (17) Equum diversi coloris videre significat expeditionem. (17) Equitare videre significat bonum mensem. (17) Equum castraturn videre significat acusationem. (17) Equos videre ascendere in altum significat bonum mensem* (17) Equum videre et super eum sedere: lucrum signat* (2l) Equum canum videre: etiam lucrum signat* (21) E’quum rubeum videre: bonum nuncium signat* (2l) Equum seliatura in somnis videre: laborem signat. (2l) Equum mortuum videre: lucrum signat vel si plures videt* (2l) Equo albo sedere: adventum bonum vel iocunditatem signat. (2l) Equum nigrum se habere vel super ipsum sedere: anxietatem signat. (2l) Equum castrare: daiflpnum signat et secreta denudari. (21) (E)quos albos videre vel habere: gaudium. (23) (E’)quos ruffos videre: (23) Equos nigros vel flammeos: anxietatem. (23) Equum ascendere: laborem. (23) On folan sittan, swicunje ceapes hit ge(tacnaft). (2c) On horse hwitum sittan, belimp god g(etacna<t). (2c) On horse sveartan sittan, anxsumnesse (j(etacna^). (2c) On horse gelewum sittan, hyn<£e g(etacnact). (2c)
-91- On horse dunnan sittan, fer^runje ^(etacnacT). (2c) On horse brunum sittan, ceap fulne ^(etacna<t). (2c) Hors wilde yrnan ocfcfe fram him heamian, hearm ^(etacnatf). (2c) Oef f>ou ridest on hors whyt,/ J>at is ioie ant delyt. (7) Heed hors seon oper ryden,/ gode tidinge f)at wol tiden. (7) On blac hors ryden o$er seon,/ “fat wol luere & tuene buen. (7) White hors & rede habbe,/ god tydynge wiftoute gabbe. (7) Hlake hors o£er falewe habbe,/ apeyrement, у nul nout gabbe. (7) To set on an hors tokens wynynge. (б) To haue a white hors or to ryden on, bi-toknith gladnesse. (12) An hors of diuers colouris, bi-toknith good tydingis. (12) To riden vp-on a blak hors or a slou hors, oy-toknith streytnesse and hairae. (12) To haue a white hors or a reed, bi-toknith grete gladnesse. (14) To haue an hors of diuers colouris, bi-toknith good tidyngis. (14) Also to ride on a blak hors or a salowe, it bitokenef) streytnesse and hanne. (14) To se a dede hors, J wynnynge. (14) To haue a white hors or to ryde on oon, bi-toknith gladnes. (20) An hors of diuers colouris, bi-toknith good tythyngys. (20) To ryde apon blak a hors or falowe, by-toknith streytnesse and harme. (20) Chevaus ou siergans avoir ou sir senefie leeche. (4) Chevaus rous ou bais vir senefie coin message. (4) Cheval blanc ou kenut chevauchier ou vir senefie waing. (4) Cheval mort senefie waing. (4) Cheval noir.senefie mal. (4) Qui son(ge) asnes veoir ou chevaus avoir, ses avoirs li croist. (6) Qui songe chevauchier chevau blanc, granz biens li vient. (6) ♦Qui songe a chevauchier cheval noir, joie li vient. (6) Qui songe a chevalchier cheval bail, alegretez li vient. (6) yui 8omge chevaucher cheval noir, grand deuil luy vient. (13) Wem trawmpt, wie er reit/ Sin weisses rosz an der czeit,/ Hem widerferet frewden vil;/ Her trawm nicht anders bedewten wil. (lb) Wer graue rosz vnd rote sicht/ In dem trawm, das felet nicht,/ Ym kdra von liebe ein lieber pot,/ Von dem verswinden musz sein not. (lb)
-92- V/er in deia trawrc reitet/ Swarcze rosz, des peitet/ )4anige angst vnd sorge grosz,/ Bie ira machent frewden plosz. (l^) PloB pferd sehen: sein feind sich frewen. (22) Pfero totdt sehen: groB fretid vnd wunn. (22) Ко о В sehen: kranckhait. (22) *Kotte rod reytten: gnossen zom. (22) KoB weyse roB reiten: nahet gltfck. (22) KoB schwartze rod reyt: nahet vnglflck. (22) KoB die hoech sind auff steigen: froelikait. (22) itoB das dot ist sehen: gewin. (22) KoB d<is weiB ist sehen: frowd. (22) KoB das schwartz ist: vngietikait. (22) KoB das schnel ist sehen: arbaito (22) *KoB das praun ist sehen: lesterung. (22) KoB das wild ist zemen: yber windung der veind. (22) KoB das verschnitten ist sehen: heimlich schaden. (22) НОКЗВСлКТ Quadrigas equorum ascendere, honorem significat. (l) (*uadrigas descendere uel de eis cecidisse, honores perdere uel seniores offenderee (l) Quadrigas albas uiderit, uel sedere, negotii inpeditionem significat» (2) yuadrigas albas sedere, honorem significat. (2) yuadrigas et equos habere: honorem signat. (2l) (c^adrigam ostendere: honorem perdere signat. (2l) Craetu hwite jesihd otfde sittan, ceapas lettincje 'je(tacnact). (2c) Craetu wite sittan, wyrciment ^e(tacnacf) • (2c) To fallen doun or come down of a carte, bi-toknith offence of his bettre. (12) To styen in-to a carte with hors, by-toknith gret worship. (12) To fall or come of a carte, bi-toknith offence of his bettre. (14) To stye in-to a carte with hors, by-toknith gret worshuppe. (14) To fall doun or come down from a kart, bi-toknith offence of his bettre. (20) To stye yp-on a carte with а Ьогзе, hyt betokenith gret worship. (20) V/er in dem trawm steiget/ Auff wegen, zu dem neiget/ (Jrosse er vnd manigvalt/ Vnd maniger wertlicher gewalt. (15)
-95- ROUSE (see HOME) ШЛЯ' Uenationes facere, aliquara adquisitionem significat. (l) Venationem facere, lucrum significat. (2) Venaturn facere significat lucrum, (ll) *Ire venandum significat acusationem0 (l7) Venationem facere: lucrum vel acquisitionem signat. (2l) Venacionen facere: occasiones. (25) Hunta<t don, ^estreon ge(tacna<t). (2c) Whose gef> on hontyng,/ f>at bytoknef) purchasyng. (7) To seen huntyng, be-toknith good. (l2) To raaken an huntyng, be-toknith purchasing. (12J To se huntyng, be-toknith gode is comrayng. (14) To make an huntyng, be-toknith purchasing. (14) To make huntyng, be-toknith purchesyng. (20) *De cerf chacier paours n’est nule,/ De tost courre, joie qui dure. (lO) Iffl'ffl Hyranos seu laudes cantare significat impedimentum. (17) Imnos cantare: expeditionem signat. (2l) ICE (see SNOW) ILLNESS Ynfimas uidere, hoc est non bonara famam audire. (l) liegrotum se uidere, aliquam accusationem significat. (l) Infinnitates aliquas uiderit, sollicitudinem significat. (2) Egrotum se videre: expeditionem negociis alicuius signat. (21) Untrumnysse sume ^esihtt, carfulnysse g(etacna(t)« (2c) Kon, f>at metef) him self sek уз,/ of woramon accusynge Jat is. (7) Oalded o^er seek whose hyra sy{>,/ robbed of>er outlawed perwyf>,/ wreynge & gret blame f>at by£. (7) To thynken, that thou were syke, be-toknith an excusacion. (12) To pinke, that thou were syke, be-toknith an excusacion. (14) *To se him silfe sike, betokened gladnesse. (14) To thynke, that thou were syke, be-toknith an excusacion. (20)
-94- Lui vir /prater sencfie angoisse. (л) Lui vir inalade senefie aucimne acusation. (4) Wer in dein trawm sicht vor in stan/ /Jinen niton krancken man,/ dor trawra anderz nicht entseit/ Wann ein grosze erbait. (lb) Amaechtig ligen: in schwaere synd vallpnn. (22) Kranck cehen: auB redung. (22) Wund worden scham red. (22) L'il'iACULATji CONCEPTION Je virgine nascis lucrum. (2b) BrcLSTBUSS w'ein trawmpt, wie man sein geweyde/ Wundt ausz ira zu leide,/ Vmb ein gepiet vil weyt,/ Deг wirt gewaltig sunder streyt. (lb) oein ingewayd sehen: haimliche ding offenber. (22) IROli (see SWOilL) IVORY Eborum trectare, inpeditionem significo. (2) Eborum eraere aut uendere, tristitias maximas significat. (2) Ylpes-ban handlian, lettincje g(etacnact). (2c) Ylpes-ban becjan octde beceapan, unrotnyssa m®ste ^(etacnad). (2c) JEW Iuden mit iuden reden: verlost an seim gut zu sten. (22) JOY Gaudere in soranis, tristitiaia significat. (l) (2) Gaudere in somnis significat tristiciam. (ll) Videre se esse hilarum significat tristitiam. (17) Gaudere in somnis: tristiciam signat. (2l) Geblissian on swefnum unrotnysse ^(etacnad). (2c) Joie in sweuenyng whose syf>,/ moumyng f>at toknef) & byj;>. (7) To joye in sleep, by-toknith heuynesse. (12) To ^)i joie in sleep, tokened grete heuynes. (14) To yoy in slepe betokne|>e heuynesse. (20b) Vir esleechier senefie tristeche. (4)
-95“ Esjoir es songes senefie tristeche. (4) Qui songe avoir joie, si a duel* (6) Qui somge avoir joy, deuil ara en brief. (13) Wer sich ane masz/ Prewet in dem trawm, der lasz/ Sich beweisen, wann ira nach/ Sleichet ein vngemach. (15) I'rewen sich in dem schlaff: traurickayt. (22) Prolich sein: entsetzt der eren* (22) Singen vnd frolich sein: nach red triepnuD. (22) judoe Si uideris, quod iudicas po pul urn, bonum uel honorera significat. (2) ♦Iudicem se factum videre: lucrum* (23) TTif f>u cjesihst, hsot fni demst folc, »jod oMe wyriscipe 0 (etacnatf). (2c) Qui songe qu*il comande, si puie en grant honor. (6) Claves perdere significat iracundiam* (17) Schlussel zS saraen clauben: gewin* (22) KIKC (see EMPEKOR) KISS (see also THE DEAD) Osculum accipere, lucrum significat. (l) Osculum dare, damnum significat. (l) Osculum dare, dampnum significat* (2) Si uideris osculum te dare proximo, bonum significat. (2) Oscula dare significat dampnum vel discordiam. (ll) Dare osculum aliqui significat dampnum. (17) Esse osculatus a raagnis ho(min)ibus significat lucrum* (17) Osculum accipere: lucrum signat. (2l) Osculum dare: damnum signat. (2l) Osclum dare: dampnum* (23) Cossas syllan, hearm. (2c) 'Jif £u ^Jesihst coss f>e syllan nehstan, ‘jod j(etacna<£). (2c) ’Whose wepef) in sweuenyng,/ of>er metef) of cussyng,/ of>er palmen may ysen,/ ioie ft blisse f>at wol ben* (7)
-96- То take a cusse, other while be-toknith winning. (12) *To kysse or to take a cosse, it by-tokenefre gret gladnesse. (14) To take а собве, by-toknith gladenes & whynnyng. (20) Prendre baisier senefie waing. (4) Donner baisier senefie damage. (4) *Qui songe baisier, domages li vient. (6) Wem trawmpt, wie man in kusse,/ Des trawm sich wol entslusse,/ Wann im dar nach spat und fru/ Get frum mit grossen frewden zu„ (lb) Wem trawmpt, wie er ander lewt/ Kussen sol, das ich im bethewt;/ Ein schaden er des gewinnet,/ Des im nicht czu rinnet. (15) Koessen mit past kaysar kflnigen: wirdikayt. (22) KflBt dich yemant Oder dus reychtum vnd gewalt. (22) КШЗ nemens frewde. (22) Kossen mit aym kttng Oder kaysar: wyrdikayt. (22) KNIFE Cultellum tollere significat destructionem inimicorum. (17) Cultellum donare significat inimicitiam. (17) Cultellum accipere: inimici de te mala loquuntur. (2l) Cultellum dare: inimi cum cavere signat. (2l) Coutiel donner senefie prendre son anemit. (4) Coutiel prendre: ti anerai parolent maideraent. (4) De coutel prendre ou de donner,/ C'est anemi prendre ou tuSr. (lO) LA130UH Opera magna tractare, impedimentum graue(m) significat. (l) Opera trectare, inpeditionem significat. (2) Opera magna tractare significat impedimentum. (ll) (17) In labore ardere: expeditionem signat. (2l) Opera magna tractare: impedimentum signat. (2l) Opera magna tractare: impedimentum. (23) Olf man maete, fraet he micles "fringes geweald age, fraet bi<t, fraet he him his fynd to gewealde getihd. (2b) Weorcu handlian, laettinge g(etacna^). (2c)
-97- Eaire grant oevre senefie grief empeechement. (4) Wem travflnpt, wie er trachten sey/ Grosse ding, dera nachet bey/ Ein Irsal, das in ratfet,/ Da von sein hercze wdet. (15) Grosse werck wflrcken: irrung. (22) *Wurken sehen oder zedlen: gutpotschafft. (22) LADDER Scala sedere, deceptionem significat. (2) Descendere per scalam significat hilaritatem. (17) Scalam videre significat deceptionem. (17) Scalam ascendere significat honorem. (17) Scalam videre: deceptionem signat. (2l) Scalam ascendere: leticiam. (23) On laeddran sittan, swicunc^e 3 (etacnait), (2c) Laytteren sehen oder dar auff sitzen: betrieglichayt. (22) LADT Dominam seu muliere videre parere significat securitatera. (17) LAKE In piscina cecidisse, gaudium significat. (2) On mere feallan, blisse. (2c) LAMB Agnos uel hedos habere, consolationem significat. (l) Agnellum vel capriolum videre significat consolationem. (17) Agnellos pascere seu damare significat penam vel tormentum. (17) Agnos vel hedos videre vel habere: consolationem vel increraentum signat. (21) Agnos pascentes vel dormientes videre: detrimen turn signat. (2l) Agnum habere: consolaciones. (23) Mon, £at mete]) of lomb & got,/ £at toknej) confort, God yt wotj (7) Lombren suen o^er calf,/ bytoknej) plente on vch half. (7) To se lambes or kydis by-tokens good counsell. (8) A man to haue lambren or get, it be-tokneth comfort in vorkyng. (12)
-98- A man, f)at ha^e larabren or get, it tokenefe comford in worchinge. (14) A man to haue or geete or lambyme, it be-tokneth comfort in worchyng. (20) Aigniel ou bouc avoir senefie consolation0 (4) Se bestee ou aigniaus en songe/ Те vient, сё est biens sans raensoinge. (10) Wer sich trawraen licz,/ Wie er lemblein ader kicz/ Habe, das ist ein gewiser trost,/ Von dem er wird ausz leyd erlost. (15) ♦Lemmer Oder schaff essen: zu erstoerung. (22) Lemer oder schaff haben: nahe reychtura. (22) LAMENT Plangere in sompno significat hilaritateme (17) Lugere qui se viderit: gaudium signat. (2l) Lugere se videre: leticiam. (2?) Qui songe avoir duel, si a joie. (6) Qui somge avoir dueil, joye ara en brief. (13) Schlaff im schlaff betriept: frewd. (22) Veinper sech: er vn wiritschafft. (22) LAMP Luminaria trectare, infinnitatem significat. (2) Luminaria se uiderit, securitatera significat. (2) Luminaria videre significat lucrum. (l7) Luminaria facere vel accendere: lucrum et leticiam signat. (2l) Luminaria accipere vel facere: lucrum. (23) Leoht-fatu handlian, untrumnysse 3(etacna<t). (2c) Leoht-fatu hine tjesihA, orsorhnvsse tj(etacnatf). (2c) Wintliechter sechen: traurikait der ... (22) Zinder oder leychter seheni frefld vnd wun. (22) LANTERN (see LAMP) LAUUHTER Ridere aut ridentem uidere, lucrum significat. (l)
-99- i&dere aut stridentes uiderit, tristitiara significat. (2) Ridere in sorapnis significat tristiciam. (ll) Hidere vel ridentera videre lucrum signat. (2l) Hlihhan ocltfe ^nyrende gesihcf, unrotnyssa ge(tacnad). (2c) To lauhe at hym, that lawith, be-toknith stiyff. (12) To laughe at hym, that laugef>, hit by-tokenef>e strife. (14) To lawe at hym, that lawyth, hit betokenyth stryfte. (20) Wem trawmpt, wie er lach,/ Dem widerfert zo gemach/ An dem gut ein grosser gewin;/ Das kundet im des tram sin. (15) Wer in dem trawm lachen sicht,/ Vil wunder wol dem geschicht;/ Dem wider- fert ein nucz gut,/ Der wol trostet seinen mut. (15) Lachen im schlaff: gewin oder zorn. (22) LEAD Porcos uidere aut plumoum tractare, infiimitatem magnam significat. (l) Plumbum trectare, infirmitatem significat. (2) Porcos aut plumbum tractare significat magnam infiiroitatem. (17) Plumbum tractare qui se viderit: infirmitatem signat. (2l) Lead handlian, untrumnysse ^j(etacna^). (2c) Hym selue dronke whose syf),/ led drawen o£er swyn $erwyf)f/ feblesse of body |)at ilke byf). (7) To seen a hog or drawe led, be-toknith syknesse. (12) To se an hogge or drawe leed, hit bitokene|> sikenes. (14) To se a hogge drawe leede, hyt betokenyth syknesse. (20) Wem damach trawmpt dobey,/ Wie er wandel pley/ Und mit purgenturen vmbget,/ Dem nahent schade an der stet. (15) LEDGER Tabulas aut cartas videre significat hilaritatem. (17) Taoulas vel calculos videre: leticiam signat. (2l) LEUTEH (c)artam scribere aut legere nuntium fedum significat. (2) Codicellos cuiusque rei accipere uel legere aut legente audire, felici- tatem temporis significat. (2) Cartam legere significat variationem fidei vel bonum mensem. (17) Cartam vel scribere significat accusationem. (17)
-100- Sem radere significat se in oro inemittere. (17) Taoulas aut cartas videre significat hilaritatem. (17) Cartas legere vel scribere: nunciuin bonum signat venire» (2l) Cartara legere: negocium. (23) Cartas in sompnis scribere: accusationem. (23) Cartan writan o&te raedan, aerende fullic hit 3etac(na<l). (2c) Mon, !>at of cartes met,/ of dederaon tidyng he het» (7) Bryeff lessen: gute potschafft» (22) Bryeff sehen: vor dieben sich hueten. (22) Y/urcken sehen oder zedlen: gutpotschafft. (22) hm uce Lettig oder glat ding sehen: yberwindung der veind. (22) LICE To haue lijs, betokened wynnynge. (14) LeyB vol layB kreyssen: nahet gewin. (22) LIGHTNING ihilgura videre: b<?num signat. (2l) Pulgura videre: bonum. (23) C^ii songe ou tonoire ou foudre o'ir, si orra mellee. (6) somge tonnerres ou fouldres ouir, eigniffie mesllee. (13) Plitz auB dem hymel sehen gon: schwerer zom. (22) LION Leonem currentem uiderit, expeditionem negotii significat. (2) Leonem donnientem uiderit, malignum negotium significat. (2) Leonem infestare, inimici seditionera significat.*(2) Mus & leo in soranis, securitatem significat. (2) *Leonem videre significat timorem. (17) Leonem currere significat expeditionem de negotiis. (17) Leonem dormire significat cooperationem suorum inimicorum. (17) Leonem currentem qui viderit: expeditionem suorum negotiorum signat. (2l)
-101- Leon ymende t)esih&, ferctrunje ceapas o(etacnact) • (2c) Leon slajpencle -jesihct, aviyritfedne ceap ^(etacnact). (2c) Leon wedan, feondes ^estric ^(etacnaJ). (2c) Hus 7 leo on swefnum, orsorhnysse Qe(tacnai). (2c) *Lewen ain sperren: angst vnd not. (22) LIZARD Qqi songe veoir lesardes ou crapauz, gart soi de ses anerais. (6) LORD Cum magnis dominis loqui vel intrare in aliquam locum significat hilari- tatem. (17) De magnis dominis habere vel accipere significat hilaritatem. (17) Cum imperatore aut raagno domino qui se viderit habitare: dignitatem signat. (21) Wein trawmpt in den nachten,/ Wie er sull mit ftlrsten achten/ Vnd mit in reden, der virt wert,/ Ob er wil vnd eren gert. (15) Herren mit hem essen Oder trincken: weltliche ere. (22) Sein obersten sehen: ere. (22) MARK (ONESELF) Tricare qui se uiderit, anxietatem significat. (2) Hearcian se-f)e hine 3esih<£, anxsumnesse ;je(tacna<£). (2c) MARKETPLACE In foro ambulare vel dormire: infirmitatem signat. (2l) MEDICINE Medicinas videre dare significat vivere in paupertate. (17) MILK Lac se videre bibere bonum signum est. (17) Lactare qui se viderit: leticiam signat. (2l) Lac bibere vel comedere: gaudium designat. (2l) Milch essen oder trincken: frewd. (22) *Melcken sehen: yber windung der veind. (22) MONASTERY Qui songe clochier ou mostier ou crucefiz cheoir, se il est prestres, si muert. (6)
-102- момыг Pecuniam accipere, litem significat. (2) Si uideris plures denarios aut inuenies, parabolas uel irrisiones uel maledictiones significat. (2) Denarios tractare significat iracundiam. (17) Oif man mfete, t he penejjas octcfe mancsas finde, f>aet tacnarf iefaeste. (2b) CTif man maete, £aet he finde and ne ‘jrete, f)aet tacnact blides mannes onsion; gif he nimf>, ne deah him $aet. (2b) Peoh under-fon, sace. (2c) Olf $u ^jesihst faela peneja odcte findast, bi^spellu ocfcte taelinc^ja odde w^r^inja g(etacnatt). (2c) *Qii songe or monee ou argent ou deniers avoir, a tant de raarchie. (6) *0old Oder pfennig haben: verlust. (22) Gelt nemen: zwytracht. (22) MONK Monachum videre significat mortem vel paupertatem. (17) Monachum se videre esse factum significat tristitiam. (l7) Monachum se videre: mortem vel paupertatem signat. (2l) Wann dir trawmpt, das man dir ain platten scher vnd legt dir ain kutten an vnd mach ain mtfnich aus dir?—Jst er ain kunig, dem dits trawmbt, der verlewst das reich vnd stirbt enntlich. Ainem burger bedewt es den tod, ainer junckfrawn auch den tod. Airier eefrawn bedewt es, das sy jm man verliem mus. (l6) ШОК Lunas duas cum plures uidere, potestates tibi ascrescunt. (l) Lunam sanguinean uidere, periculum significat* (l) Lunam de celo cadere, laborem maxiraam significat. (l) Lunam clarara uiderit, inuidiam significat. (2) Lunas duas uiderit, inuidiara significat. (2) Lunam sanguinem uiderit, damnum significat. (2) Lunam de celo cecidisse uel ascendere uiderit, laborem significat. (2) Lunam albam uiderit, lucrum significat. (2) Lunam colores haoere, damnum significat. (2) Jolem uel lunam uiderit, letitiam iudicii significat. (2)
-юз- oi soraniaueris te duas lunas uidere, gaudiura & letitiam significat. (2) Lunas duas vel plures uidere, prosperitatera tibi. (9) Lunam albam videre significat hilaritatem. (17) Lunam de celo cadere significat infiimtatem. (17) Lunam decrescere significat decrescentiam principum. (17) Lunam sanguineam videre significat peregrinationem. (17) Lunan obscuram videre significat tristitiam. (17) Lunam novam videre significat expeditionem de negotiis. (17) Lunas duas videre significat crescere honores. (17) Solum cum luna videre pessimum signum est. (17) Lunam claram in somnis qui viderit: crementum signat. (2l) Lunas duos vel plures videre: potestates sibi accrescent. (2l) Lunam s an guinea a videre: damnum vel periculum signat. (21) Lunam de celo cadere: laborem vel languores magnis signat. (2l) Lunam obscuram videre: tristiciara habere signat. (21) Lunan aloam videre: lucrum vel leticiam signat. (2l) Solem cum luna currentes: lites vel pessimum nuncium signat. (2l) (L)unam obscuram videre: tristiciara. (23) Lunam de celo cadere: laborem. (23) Lunam claram: augraentationem. (23) Lunam sagwineam: periclos. (23) Lunam albam: lucrum. (23) Solem per lunam cadere: litem. (23) O’if he geseo twegen monan, f>aet byf) micel gefea. (2b) Honan beorhtne gesih<t, blisse ge(tacnact). (2c) Honan twegen gesihj, andan ge(tacna<l) • (2c) Honan blodigne gesihtf, hearm g(etacna£). (2c) Honan of heofene feallan otfcte upastigan gesihcf, geswinc g(etacnatf). (2c) Honan wittne gesihcf, gestreon ge(tacna^). (2c) Honan bleoh habban, hyncfe g(etacnacf). (2c) Sunan octcte monan gesihct, blisse domes g(etacnact). (2c) gif |>u swefnast £e twege monan geseon, gefean 7 blisse g(etacnad). (2c) gyf ^юи sist two mone,/ in pouste fx>u shalt waxe sone. (7) Oef f>e funchef) f>ou sist f>e mone/ shapen, of hard f)e wort to done. (7) te mone blody o^>er doun falle,/ trauail & peril me may calle. (7)
-104- Tueyn monen at eue ysen,/ chaunge of kyng of>er prince f)at mai ben. (7) To seen a fayr moone, Ъу-toknith thi poure shal encrece. (12) To seen a bloody raoone, by-toknith pereyle. (12) To seen the raoone fallen from heuene, by-toknith gret trauayle. (12) To seen J>e sunne & the moone, by-toknith wikkid message. (12) To see a fayr moone, hit by-tokenep £i power shal encresse. (14) To se f>e sunne & the moone, hit bytokenej) wikkid message. (14) To se a bloody raoone, it tokenyf) perile. (14) To se |>e moone fall from heuene, it bitokenef) gret trauayle. (14) To se f>e sunne & the raoone, by-toknith whykyd message. (20) To se a feyr raoone betokneth thy power shall encresse. (20b) To se a blody moone betokneth peiyll. (20b) To se {)e moone fall from heuyn betokneth gret trauayle. (20b) Deus lunes ou pluisors vir senefie poissanche acroistre. (4) Lune sans wine vir senefie peril. (4) Lime vir charr dou chiel senefie grant labour. (4) Qii songe le soleil et la lune veoir cler, si vient pes en terre. (b) (41! songe le soleil veoir cler et la lune trouble, si rauert li sires de la terre. (6) (£ii songe veoir la lune torte en partie, si voit dolor avenir et duel. (6) 4jii somge le soullert ou la lune, signiffie paix em terre. (13) i^ui somge la lune tainte en partie, doulleur voist advenyr. (13) Wer den man sicht an/ lJlutvarb im trawn zu hirael stan,/ Der hut sich, das Wer IirP23erif Q'^Jeen/ Oder dennoch raer,/ Der gewinnet gewalt und er. (15) Wem trawrapt, wie er sun vnd man/ Lull zu himel kaphen an,/ Dem kumpt von grosser swer/ iiin wunderboses mer. (15) * Wem trawrapt, wie im sun vnd man/ Vnd die stem in peten an,/ Dera werdent dinsthafft betheut/ Sein freund vnd ander leut. (lb) Mon vinster werdon: den ftLrsten flehen. (22) lion zwen Oder mer sehen; gewaltyg oder potestat. (22) Mon pluetig sehen: schaden. (22) Mon von hymel vallen: schaden. (22) Mon oehen: gewin. (22) Mon ratt sehen: windig. (22) Mon purpur sehen: gewin. (22)
-105- i'ian new am himel sei worden: verkeren zu ainer herschafft* (22) Son bey clem man sehen: роеЛ potschafft. (22) MOSQUITOES Mucken vil sehen: dorhaytt. (22) Schnocken sehen: gutte mar0 (22) Schnocken zerbrochen sehen: ver kert werclen in fremde. (22) MOTHER (sue also COITION, THE jOEAD) Mat rein suam rnortuam aut uiuam uiderit, gaudium significat,, (2) Matrem videre vivam significat hilaritatem. (17) i'ioder his deade oide cucu ^jesihd, blisse Qe(tacnact). (2c) MOUNTAIN Ripas et montes adcendere significat laoorera. (ll) In monte se videre significat periculum. (17) Montem ascendere: laborem signat. (2l) Altos montes ascendere: inimicos superare0 (23) Perg auff steigen: (22) Perg yber steygen: sein sorg ringer werdenn* (22) *Perg ttlm baum abschneyden: schaden. (22) MOUSE kus d; leo in soirnis, securitatem significat. (2) Hus 7 leo on swefnum, orsorhnysse 3e(tacna<£)« (2c) Meuii sehen: gewin. (22) MOVE (see TRAVEL) MULE Mulam parere significat crescentiam rerum* (17) MUSIC Citharam cum cymbalis audire, uerba inania et otiosa signilicat* (l) Organum audire cantantem, iracundiam magnam significat* (l) Cimbala aut salteria aut corda tangere, lites significat* (2) Citharam uiderit, securitatem negotii significat. (2) Organa cantare uiderit, uicinas letitias* (2) Organum audire significat joconditatem* (ll)
-106- Cimbalum audire вопаге significat contrarietatem. (l7) Organum videre sonare significat iracundiam. (17) *Cirabala et psalteria qui ве viderit legere: litem signat. (2l) Citharam audire: vava verba signat. (2l) Organa cantare vel audire in somnis: discordiam signat. (2l) Tubas audire vel prospicere: nunciura bonum signat» (2l) Organa audire: leticiam. (25) Cimbalam odcte psalteras odde strenjas aetrinan, saca hit (^etacnad). (2c) Kearpan 3esih(t, orsorhnesse ceapes hit ge(tacnad). (2c) Pip-dream sin^an gehyred, ^ehende blisse. (2c) Keren symphayne o£er harpe,/ £at bitoknej) wordes sharpe. (7) To heren an harpe or an syraphany, it be-toknith idel wordis or weyn. (12) To heren organis, bi-toknith most open wrath. (12) To hire of harpe or cyrnphonye, betokenej) idel wordis. (14) To hire orgonyns syng, it be-tokeneJ> most open werre. (14) To here a harpe or a symphony, oe-toknej)e idel wordis. (20) To her orgonse synge, bi-toknith most open wrathe. (20) Orgenes chantans oir senefie iraconde. (4) Harpes ou tamburs oir senefie vainnes parolles. (4) Q*i songe sainz ou vieles ou chalemiax oir, si orra tan9on. (b) *De harpe, de taoour veir,/ C'est devine parole oir. (10) Qui soiage cloches sonner ou challemeaux, temssons luy vie(nt). (l3) Wer harppfen hort vnd lewten,/ Den trawm wil ich im bedewten,/ Das sint vopige wort,/ Die man opricht vnbewart. (15) Wer in trawmen Orgeln hort,/ Dem wirt sein hoher mut zustort;/ Das bethewtet im der klanck,/ Der im thut der orgel sanck. (15) Czymbalen schlahen: krieg. (22) Saiten spil hoeren: straffung von fremden leit. (22) PIUTE l'lutum se esse factum significat hilaritatem et cito videbis. (17) *Mutum se videre factum: impediraentum signat. (2l) To se a dome man, betokened joie. (14)
-107- Sturaen sehen: wirdikait vnd er. (22) NAIL Clauos colligere uel facere, laborem significat. (2) Swicynjas [< *spicinjas] jadirian oicte wyrcean, ;jeswinc hit tjetacnacf. (2c) NECK Si uideris collum tuum ligatum, cautum te esse, ne quid iniquura facias, significat. (2) Cervices suasaraittere: nuncium timere signat. (2l) Collum perderes mortem. (25) CTif |>u ^jesihst swiran £ine 3ewrif>ene, waerne £e beon, baet £u naht unrihtes ne do tj(etacnacl)o (2c) NEEDLE Aculum habere in manu significat infiniitatem. (17) NE2T Nidos auiura qui inuenerit, nuntius ei bonus accrescit^ (l) Nidus auium uiderit, agoniara negotii significat. (2) Nidos videre significat negocium. (ll) Nidum avium invenire bonum est signum. (17) Ni(d)um capere significat lucrum. (17) Nidum avium videre: bonum nuncium vel negotium. (2l) ♦Nidum avium invenire: nil boni sed malum signat. (2l) *(N)idum invenire: malum facere. (23) Nest fujela ^esihtf, sije ceapas g(etacnad). (2c) Whose briddes nest haf> yfounde,/ good shal to him abounde. (7) Who-so seth a neste of birdis, be-toknith gret lettyng. (12) Who-so seth a neste of birdis, it bitokenej) gret lettyng. (14) ♦To se birdis nestis, betokeneb deserte. (l4) Who-so seth a neste of birdis, hyt betoknyth gret lettyng. (20) Nis d'oisiaus trouver senefie boinne besoigne avenir. (4) tjii songe niz d*oissiax veoir, croissance li vient de son avoir. (6) Wer vindet nester vogel vol,/ Des mut sich sol gehaben wol;/ Er vindet nucz vnd ere;/ Des ist der trawm sein lere. (15)
-108- Vogclnest sehen: zunemung. (22) Ш Kete videre significat pluviam. (17) \vem trawmpt, wie sein necz/ Vahe preyt vnd verr geplecz,/ Der wirt preyt an seinem gewalt/ Pey den leuten manigvalt. (lb) NOldd 4\ii songe bataille veoir ou noise, en brief tans li vient grant joie. (6) i^ui somge noise fair, signiffie doumaige ou mort d!amy. (lj$) nudity Nudic pedibus ambulare uel nudum se uidere, tristitias et labores macnas significat. (l) Peminam nudam videre significat mortem aliquis. (l7) Nudum se videre esse factum significat labores. (l7) Nudum se videre currere significat expeditionem de negotiis. (17) ♦Nudum se videre: leticiam. (23) To gon barefoot or thynken, that thou art naked, bi-toknith sorwe and laraentacion. (12) To seme barefoot or })ynke, that thou art naked, it bitokenyth sorwe and grete lamentacioun. (14) To goo barefoot or thynkyng, that thou hart naked, bi-toknith sorwe. (20) *Qii se verra estre despoulliet de ses prochains senefie que ses secres sera denonchies. (4) Wer in dem trawm parfusz get/ Oder ein nackender vor in stet,/ Das ist erbait vnd trawem/ Bey seinen nachgepawem. (15) Bloii sich sehen: truebsaelikait. (22) ♦Nacket sich sehen: gut. (22) NUTS Nuces colligere, lites significat. (2) Olandes colligere et manducare: effectum consequi signat. (2l) *Nuces accipere vel comedere: leticiam signat, (2l) Nuces commedere: litem. (23) linyte ^aderian, saca 3e(tacna<J). (2c)
-109- *Aychel klauben: froelichayt. (22) ЫшЗ sehen oder essen: zwitracht. (22) OATS Avena se aliquid rapuisse qui viderit: damnum signat. (2l) OFFERING Ad sacrificiura accedere uel sacrificare, letitiam magnara significat. (l) Domo sua sacrificare, incrementum letitie significat. (2) Ad sacrificium ire significat hilaritatem„ (17) Ad aram sacrificare vel altaria videre: gaudium signat. (2l) Diis imolare qui viderit: magnum lucrum signat. (2l) Ad sacrificandum ascendere: leticiaia etateme (23) On huse his offrian, wexincje oclcfce blisse hit ;je(tacna<£). (2c) Mon, Jjat to God dof) offryng,/ of gladnesse hit is tvdyngo (7) To come to a gret feste, or to don sacrifise, be-tolcnith gret gladnesse. (12) To come to a gret feste, or to do sacrifise, be-toknith gret gladnesse. (20) Venir a sacrefisce ou sacryfie(r) senefie leeche. (4) Ofrandes faire senefie boin tans. (4) <^uant on aproche a sacrefice,/ Au siecle dou bien senefie. (lO) Wem in dem trawn also geschicht,/ Das er des altars opfer sicht/ Vnd der eewert zu opfer gat,/ Dem nachet frewde an der stat. (15) Opfferen zu gens grosse frewd. (22) OIL Oleum accipere, letitiam significat. (l) Oleum uidere, letitiam significat. (2) Oleum accipere emere vel vendere significat leticiam. (11J ♦Oleum super se spersum vel fusum significat lucrum. (17) Oleum accipere vel videre: leticiam signat. (2l) (o)leum videre: leticiam. (23) KLe ^eseon, blisse j(etacnatt). (2c) To se oile, is grete gladnesse. (l4)
-110- flem man ol in trawmen gebe,/ bes mut in grossen frewden strobe;/ Iia nachet frewde one wanck/ Vnd wirt soin trawem alios kranck. (lb) *01 vergiessen bedettt: zeyttliche gyetter. (22) omWkT Unguentum facere, angustias significato (l) Ungucntitfn facere significat angustiam. (ll) Unguentum facere significat molostiam. (17) Unguentum facere: angustiain signat. (21J (u)ngentum facere: anxietatem. (2b) 'X'o maice an oynement, oi-toknith angir and disese. (12) To make oynement, it be-tokened angre and dissese. (14) To make a noyntment, bi-toknith angur and riyssease. (20) **ui songe soi oindre d*uile, si croit ses cuers et ses sens. (t>) Qui soiige soi oindre de sain de pore, si pert out est malades ou a duel. (6) OLD Antiquum se videre: laborera signat. (2l) OLIVES Oliuas colligere, lucrum significat. (l) Oliuas trectare, lucrum significat. (2) OlivaiQ colligere significat gaudiura vel lucrum, (ll; Olivas colligere significat lucrum. (17) Olivam accipere vel videre: leticiam signat. (2l) Ele-beamas handlian, ^jestreon 3(etacna£). (2c) 0Н1Ш Cepas uidere, oculoruin dolorem significat. (2) Zioollas commedere vel videre significat dolorem ocolorum. (17) Enne-leac jeseon, ea^jena sar hit ^etacnatf. (2c) ORCHARD Hortas facere uel edificare, iocunditatem uite significat. (l) In pomerio ambulare, anxietatem grauem significat. (2) Ortum uidere, dampnura significat. (2) In pomario deambulare significat angustian. (ll)
-111- Ortum videre significat gaudium. (ll) In orto ire seu ambulare significat hilaritatem0 (17) Hortum videre vel in pomerio ambulare: gaudium signat. (2l) Hortos edificare: iocunditatem signat. (2l) In pomerio deambulare: leticiam signat. (2l) On a?ppel-tune jan, anxsuranysse hefije ^etacnad). (2c) Orcyrd ^eseon, hearm ^j(etacna(t). (2c) To se a gardyn oy-tokenyth good tydynges. (б) Faire courtius ou edefiier senefie joie. (4) Courtil vir senefie leeche0 (4) bn gardin aler senefie angoissee (4) (^ii songe soi veoir en vergier, si chiet en quelque peril ce soit. (b) V/er machet in trawi ein garten/ Von edeln krawt vil zarten,/ Bern nachet frewd so ztf hand,/ Mein trew ich im gib zu pfanto (15) Garten sehen odr ain gen: frewd. (22) *Gangest im grienen grab: langs leben. (22) OVKN JjUrnum ardentum videre significat mutationem loci. (17) ♦Clibanum se ascendere qui viderits bonum tempus signat. (2l) OWL dubonem sedere qui viderit: deceptionem signat0 (2l) bfllen sechen: langefrettd. (22) OXKrt boues pascentes uiderit, agoniam negotii significato (2) doues dormientes uiderit, malitiam negotii significat. (2) doves pascendo bonum signum est. (17) doves pingues viderem significat bonum tempus. (17) doves macros videre significat carestiam rerum. (17) doves videre arare significat lucrum. (17) doves dormire significat maluia tempus. (17) doves ire ad aquam malum est signum. (17) doves albos collocare significat honores. (l7) doves nigros videre significat periculum. (17)
-112- Boves sine camibus videre significat expeditionem inimicorum. (17) Boves pascentes vel stantes: gaudium signat. (2l) Bovem per clivum ascendere magnam leticiam signato (2l) Bovem cedere qui se viderit: inimicitiara signat. (2l) Boves macilentos videre: terapus malum signat. (2l) Boves domientes qui viderit: tempus malum signat. (2l) Boves currentes videre: gaudium signat. (2l) Boves pugnantes videre: negotium signat. (2l) Boves vel elephantes dormare: molestiam gravem signat. (2l) Boves qui se viderit infestare: negociura miserum signat. (2l) Bovem raugientem qui viderit: litem signat. (2l) Boves currentes videre: gaudium. (25) Bovem mugientem videre: lucrum. (25) 'Dlf him maete, £aet he ^jeseo hwitne ocsan o£cte on-ufan sitter £aet bict wur&nynt. (2b) 'D'if man maete, fast he geseo hwitne oxan and raicelne, ^>aet Dif> ;jefea. (2b) CTif he hom-leasne oxan jeseo, £onne ofer-cymct he his find. (2d) Oxan jrasiende ^esihct, si^e ceapas tje(tacna<J)0 (2c) Oxan slapende jesihtf, yfel-nysse ceapes oe(tacna<£). (2c) To syt on a whit ox tokens worship. (8) To se a blak ox tokens pereles. (8) To se a gret ox tokens wynynge. (8) Bous ou raoutons vir senefie habondanche. (4) *Oxen sehen mit ain ander kriegen: lieb vnd frewd. (22) Oxen sehen: ertpidung. (22) Oxen sehen huet ten in der wayde: fretfd. (22) ♦Oxen schlaffen sehen: gewinn. (22) PAINTING Pincturas videre significat deceptionem. (17) To se payntyng, disserte. (14) Qui songe a veoir pointure, deceuz est. (b)
-11>- *Bild sehen Oder anbetten: cut. (22) kernel sehen: betrtignuB. (22) *Pyld sch(n)itzen Oder malen: der wil kind erben* (22) *Pyld sehen; wandere. (22) palace In platea uel pulatio deambulare, anxietatem significat. (2) In palacio ambulare sicuificat anxietatem* (ll) Palatium videre vel in eo dormire significat destructionem vel tormentum. (17) In palatio deambulare: anxietatem signat. (21) On strete o^e on palentan abutan-jan, un-eadnysse o(etacnad). (2c) PALM Palmam accipere, honorera significat* (l) (2) Palmas tollere significat honores. (17) Palmam accipere: honorem signat. (2l) Palmam accipere: honorem* (23) Palrnan under-fon, -wyrdraent ^(etacnad). (2c) Whose wepeT) in sweuenyng,/ of>er mete£ of cussyng,/ o$er palraen may ysen,/ ioie ft blisse fat wol ben. (7) To resseyue palmis, bi-toknith woorship* (12) To resseyue palmis, it by-tokene£e worschupp, (14) To receyue palmis, bi-toknith worshupp* (20) Wem man in dem tram geit/ Einen palm sunder streit,/ Das thewtet michel ere,/ Czu welher hand er do kere. (l5) FARTHER Panthier sehen: verlust. (22) PAilADISE A paracliso aliquid accipere vel comedere vel bibere; honorem signat. (2l) Vnd wann du wanst, du seyst in dem baradeis: siecht das ain gueter mensch, so ist es ain zaichen von got, das im got lonen wil vmb sein guete ding. (16) PARK (see ORCHARD) PARTRIDGE Rephuener oder hasen vach: verlust an feim gut* (22)
-114- PATH Semitam difficulter transire: tribulationem signat. (2l) PEACOCK Vogel Oder pfaen sehen: schaden. (22) PEAR Wer in dem trawm isset/ Oppfel vnd pirn, so wisset,/ Der wirt sich in kurczer czeit;/ Der trawm im anders nicht geit. (15) PEPPER Piper tractare, ab inimicis tractari. (l) Peperem nigrum commedere significat iracundiam. (17) Peperem terere significat anxietatera. (17) piper tract are: cm inimicis pugnare signat* (2l) ♦Piper tractare: ab inimicis habere pacera. (23) To drawe pepir, be-toknith a man to ben scorned of his ennemyes & fie hem. (12) To drawe it, be-toknith a man to be scorned of his ennemyes & fie hem. (14) To drawe pepir, be-toknith a man to be scorned of his enmese. (20) Qui songe poivre mangier, si a mal. (6) Ver in dem trawm wandelt/ Pfeffer vnd in handelt,/ Der kumpt von den feinden sein/ Czu sunden grosz; das wirt wol schein. (15) PERSONAGE (see also LORD) Maior minor se factum uidere, potestates ei minuuntur. (l) Cum altiore loqui aut ambulare, expeditionem significat. (2) Ad mensam potentis sedere: gaudium et bonitatem signat. (2l) Altiori iungi qui se viderit: expeditionem signat. (2l) Cum maioribus loqui: expedicionem. (23) Mid his yldran sprecan о<Йе ;jan, fyrirunje. (2c) Whose metef) him lasse ymaked,/ of is power he byf) aslaked. (7) Toi vir champion senefie tristeche. (4) Qii songe qu'il comande, ei puie an grant honor. (6) ♦ELlentgroB sich sehen: verspottung oder schmach. (22)
-115- PHILOSOPHEtiS Pilosophos uiderit disungi, dampnum significat. (2) *Cum philosophis loqui significat lucrum. (17) Udwitan ^jesihi twysehtan, hencfe ^(etacnad). (2c) Phillosophes vir et estre avoec iaus senefie damage. (4) PHYSICIAN Wedicura se esse factum significat hilaritatem. (17) Artzet sehen: gewin. (22) PIT Puteum fodere uel in eum cadere, calumniam grauem significat. (l) Puteum uiderit & in eum ceciderit, calumpniam significat. (2) Puteum evacuare vel intis cadere significat iniurias. (17) Puteum videre fodere vel in eum cadere: calumniam signat. (2l) (p)uteum videre vel in eo cadere: inimicos. (23) Pytt ^esihct 7 on hine befeali, teonan g(etacna&)e (2c) To dygge a pitte or to fallen ther-inne, be-toknith sclaundre. (l2) To dygge a pitt or fall ther-inne, be-toknith sclaundre. (14) To dygge a pyte or to fallen ther-inne, be-toknith sclaundre. (20) Wem trawmpt, wie er grab zutal/ Ein tieffen prunnen, ader von dem val,/ so das er fallen sull darin,/ Das ist sein grosser vngewin. (15) PLAY Ludere vel anicos gaudentes: mortem. (23) Velr jouer, 90U est tritesce,/ Qai le songe n*en a leeece. (lO) ♦Spilen sehen: gewin. (22) Spilen im schlaffx trawren. (22) PLOUGH Arare se uidere, laborem significat. (l) Arare qui se uiderit, labores maxi mas ei obueniunt. (2) Arare qui se viderit significat laborem et lucrum, (ll) Arare se videre significat labores. (17) (19)
-116- Arare qui se viderit in soiuiis: abundantiam cum laoore signat. (2l) Агате se videre: laborem. (23) Krian se-f>e hine jesihtf, swincu raaeste him on-jean cuma£. (2c) Eryen lond whose him syf>,/ trauail for-sobe f>at bif). (7) To eyre land oy-tokens besenes in f>e world, (в) (^ii songe arer ou foir en terre, grant travail atant. (b) En terre soi voir aleir/ Kn traveil grant le cuit entrer. (lo) yai sornge fouyr ou errer la trote, grand travail atant* (13) Wer in dem trawm sicht wacker/ Aren die pflug den acker,/ Per sey erbait gewisz,/ Als ich es an dem puch liesz. (lb) Acker segen: arbayt. (22) *Pawen sehen acker: kyrchferten dun. (22) POISOE Qai songe a boivre asil ou poison, si cliiet en grant maladie. (b) POkEUKANATE branata mala videre: tristiciam signat. (2l) POIHJKaIT m suam in quacunque re uiderit, uita longa ei datur. (2) In tabula se pingi uiderit, uita longa ei datur. (2) In tabulis se pingeri significat longam vitam. (ll) In tauulis se videre depinctum significat longam vitam. (17) In tabulis se pingi: vitam longam signat. (2l) Ansine his on sva-wilcum T)inje jesihd, lif lanj him bi(T jeseald. (2c) on brede hine oeon jemetne, lif lanj him bict jeseald. (2c) Whose him [)unche*> ben peint on bord,/ ftat is long lif at lut word. (7) *4ui songe estre en chartre ou en monument, si chiet em oeril ou muert. Kb) *Qui somge choir en chartre ou en montaine, choist en peril ou muert. (13) jpiegel sehen: langij leuen. (22) P or Ydrias plenas uidere, consolamentum uel habundantian significat. (l)
-117- ♦Situlares ruptos haoere significat dampnum. (17) Drias plenas de terra significat consolationem. (17) Idrias plenas videre: aoundantiam signat. (2l) Polle vesseles in house ysen,/ plente $at toknef) to ben. (7) To seen pottis ful of watir, be-toknith consolacioun & plente. (12) To se pottis ful of watir, it be-tokenej) consolacioun & plente. (14) To se pottes full of water betokneth consolacion & plente. (20b) ]$ymer oder wasser geschirs trostungen. (22) POVISRTY Mem trawmpt in dem slaff dabey,/ Wie er in grosser armut sey,/ Das bedewt grossen gewalt,/ Den er gewinnen mag manigvalt. (15) PRAYER (see also WORSHIP) Orationes facere, faciliora tempora significat. (l) Orationem facere, feliciora tempora significat. (2) Si uideris te orare ad dominum, grande gaudium tibi aduenisse significat. (2) Orare vel orationes perficere significat beatitudinem. (17) Orationem facere: feliciora tempora signat. (2l) Oraciones facere; feliciora tempora. (23) TTebed don, ^eselijran timan ^(etacnad) • (2c) 'Jif £u ^jesihst f)e ^ebiddan to drihtne, micel blisse £e to-cumon hit Qetacnai. (2c) To make prayeris, blessid time it be-toknith. (l2) Та make prayers, blessid time it be-toknith. (14) To make prayers, a blessyde time it be—toknith. (20) Wer spricht in trawm sein gepet,/ Der sol versten an der stet,/ Das im kumpt ein selickeit,/ Die im grosse frewde geit. (15) dot anbeten; freud. (22) ♦Petten dz bedeflt; von wirden vnd eren kumen. (22) ♦Reden im schlaff: grosse frewd. (22) PRISON Custodias introire, deceptionem significat. (l) Cancellos uiderit aut in eis se reclusum uideat, in aliqua calumpnia uel custodia detinetur. (2)
“118- Car ce re qui se uiderit, aliquam sollicitudinem uel calumpniam signifi- cat. (2) Custodias qui uiderit, deceptionem significat. (2) In carcere se uidere, dampnura significat. (2) In custodiara intrare significat deceptionem. (ll) Videre se esse custodem significat testimonium. (17) Custodias videre: tedium signat. (2l) Custodias in captivitatem intrare: deceptionem signat. (2l) Incarcere qui se viderit: calumniam vel ao inimicis superari signat. (2l) Custodiam intrare: decepcionera. (23) On cwearteme sef>e hine Qesihd, sume carfulnesse o&te teonan 3e(tacna<£). (2c) Eah-f>yrlu ^esihd осЙе on him hine belocene ^eseo, on suraum teonan ocMe on haeltnode bitf jjehaefd. (2c) Ileordredena sefte Qesihi, swicunfle hit ^jetacnai. (2c) On cwearterne -jeseon, hearm ^j(etacna^). (2c) Mon, fat is in lokyng,/ deceyte him is comyng. (7) Whose punchef) him in piisoun,/ "J>at is chalenge & raunsoun. (7) To entre a strong place, it be-toknith disceyt. (l2) iintir in to a stronge place, by-tokeneft disseyte. (14) To entyr yn a straung place, betoknyth dysseyte. (20) C^ii songe qu*an le prent, se il est pris, delivrez est. (6) *Qii songe que l*en li tost, se li done l*en. (6) Q^i somge que l*ont le prant, sy est prins, dellivre sera. (13) Wem der trawm also thut,/ йав er in der feinde hut/ Reit, dem ist geleit,/ Der wirt betrogen in kurczer czeit. (15) OefencknueB ayn gen: betrieglichayt. (22) Kerker dar ain beschlossen: schaden. (22) ♦Krieg im kercker sein: schadenn* (22) Kerker yn kerker beschlossen: schaden. (22) Menschen gefangen nemen: sorg der selen. (22) Schloff kamer dar in verschlossen: schaden. (22) PR0CKJ8I0N Percessionera vel crucem videre significat mortem. (17)
-119- ркоаАЯАгюк iiagno idest preceptum facere significat tedium. (17) Kanarem seu preceptura videre facere significat iracundiam. (17) darmurn seu preceptum audire et non videre significat infimitatern. (17) PROPIT Videre se lucrare in aliquo significat securitatem. (17) To haue good wynnynge tokens worshipe. (в) Oewin sech zu sehen: gewin. (22) *Lauffen sehen nahet gewin: fauls pluet. (22) prostitute Cum meritrice cadere significat securitateni. (l7) Concumbere cuin me retrice: magnam lucrum signat. (2l) Cum meretrice generare: securitatem. (2;$) Huren be schlaffen: gewin vnd pfennig. (22) RADISH Radices commedere significat discordiara. (17) <^ui songe mangier raiz, si a ten9on. (b) yui songe porter raiz, diax li vient. (6) Qui songe avoir raiz, tristor li vient. (b) *Wllrtzlen graben: reichtum. (22) Wurzel Oder krellter essen: krieg. (22) RAIN pluuias uidere, haoundantiam et letitiam significat. (l) Pluuiam uiderit, letitiam significat. (2j Pluviam videre significat habundantiam. (17) Pluviam videre in somnis: leticiam vel abundanciam signat. (2l) Ken gesihct, blisse 3(etacna<£). (2c) To seen reyn plente, it be-toknith gret gladnesse. (12) To se reyn plente, tokene^e gladnes. (14) To see reyne, wynynge also. (14)
-120- То se reyn, it betokenyth plente ande gladenes. (20) *V/er sicht in dem trawin regen,/ Der mag vil jamers hegen;/ Warm v/er in trawmen regen furt,/ Der tot den selben gem rurt. (lb) Wer in dem trawm sicht den regen,/ JDer sey ein frewdenreicher degen;/ Vann frev/den vnd reiche czucht/ Hat riu dem selben flucht. (15) *Heg'en sehen: troung. (22) RAh (see 00AT) KAT Ratten sehen: zom schand. (22) xttimi Corvos videre significat rixas habere. (17) Corvum audire cantare significat planctum0 (17) Corvum super se videre volare significat periculum. (17) Corvum videre tollere de clomo significat mortem vel perditionem. (17) *Rappenn oder kreen sehen: abziehende frund. (22) kKAi) (see brtITid) itfcj'jL) 3if him [)ince blaec odde red, yfel fiaet byb and broc0 (2b) Rhdlk Resinas uel sulphur uiderit, grandes molestias significat. (2) Ryselas [sic] odcte swefel oesihd, hefije teonan о(etacnad) • (2c) RICH Jiviten se videre: iniuriam pati signat. (2l) Divitem se videri: inluminationes0 (2b) Oif man nmete, ])&t he mioel rice haebbe, f)^t by<£ wurctmynt. (2b) 3if liim £ince, [)c£t he micel ^od ha?bbe, £aet bid his 3oda wanunj. (2b) KIdO Anulos uel annillas accipere, aliquam securitatem significat. (l) Anulos aut amillao dare uel perdere, dolorern significat. ^ 1^ Anullum ranis uiderit, locum exsperatun significat. (2) (a) nullum in somnis accipere, securitatem significat. (2) Anullum dare, dampnum significat. (2) dernmam de anulo perdidisse, aliquid admittit. (2)
-121- Si uideris anulum aureum haoere, honorera significat. (2) Anulos vel armillas perdere siguificat gravera dolorem. (ll) iUiulofj accipere significat securitatem. (ll) Annulurn tollere significat securitatem. (17) (lfj) Annulum dai’e significat dainpnum. (17) (19) Anulum qui sc viderit accipere: leticiair. signat. (2l) ♦Anulum dare vel anoillain: donum signat et honorem. (2l) anulum ferreum accipere: uritatem signat. (2l) ArraillaJ'i perdere vel anulum: dolum graven signat. (2l) Anulum in digito portarc: leticiam. (2j$) dinO on swefnum oe-sihd, ctowe jewilnode hit 3e(tacnacT). (2c) king on swefnum under-fon, carleafite ^je(tacnact). (2c) iUnj syllan, hcarm 3e(tacna<1). (2c) tfiram of rinje lor-leosan, sum-{)inc foj>-la?t. (2c) Olf pu ^jesihst hrinj jyldenne habban, wyrciscipe tje(tacna(t). (2c) йоп, bat met of broche cc ryng,/ ftat bitokneb syker \>yng. (7) lion, T>at broche of>er ryng forlest,/ he bif> bitreyed alre nest. (7) To geve a rynge betokens harme. (в) To hold a rynge by-tokens securnes. (B) sseyuo ryngis, by-toknith to resseyue gret swerte of thyng. (12) To lese a rynge, bitokeneb harme. (14) To reserue ryngis, by-toknith to reserue gret seuerte of binges. (14) To receyue ryngis, by-toknith to receyue gret swerty of thyngys. (20) Le gemme del aniel chair senefie que tu perderas auchune chiere chose. (4) i^ui songe anel porter, honor avra apres. (b) Qui songe anel qui siens soit doner, pertes li vient et donates, (o) Anel donner, anel puirier/ Damage fait grant pronuncier. (lO) Bonder pierre d'anel cheir/ Chiere chose est tout sans mentir. (l^) V/ег sicht in dem trawm sein,/ Vie er gebe ein vingcrlein,/ Der gewinnet gut vnd ere;/ Das in der trawm also lere. (lb) Ver in dem trawm verloren hat/ Sein vingerlein, der sey an der stat/ Vntrewer honkust/ (Jewisz einer grosser verlust. (lb) tfingerlin geben oder verlieren, bedcflt schmertzen. (IB,1 j?’ingerlin annemen, bedetit sicherheyt. (18)
-122- jf'ingerlin geberi Oder verliossen: schmertzen. (22) i'ingerlin nemen: sicherhayt. (22) *ltync &b der hant verlyrens sein lieb verainen mit ауш anderen. (22) Kinglin sehen: weltliche ere. (22) UIYAi i-lumen limpidun uel pacificum ti<msire, securitatem significat. (l) Flumen turbulentum uel tempestiuum transire, accusationem et confessionem significat. (l) Flurnen in domuio suarn intrare, periculurn ipsa patietur. (l; Flumen turbulentum uiderit, offensiones significat. (2) FLumen in domo sua introire, periculurn ipse patietur. (2) In flumine lauare, gaudium significat. (2) Flumen domum intrare significat periculurn. (ll) In flumine lavari significat g-audium. (ll) FLurnen turoatum perire significat anxietatem. (17) Лишен intrare doraum significat habundantiam. (17) Flumen exire domum significat periculurn de vita. (17) Лишен clareid significat securitatem. (17) In flumine se videre lava turn esse significat hilaritatera. (17) A flumine rap turn: inimicorum rixaia signat. (2l) 1‘lumen turoulentum qui viderit: accusationem vel offensionem. (2l) Литеп pacificum videre vel transire: securitatem signat. (2l) Eluvium rubicundum transire: terapestatem signat. (2l) Литеп in domum intrare: periculurn signat. (2l) ♦In flumen cecidiss : anxietatem signat. (2l) ♦Hivos currentes: lites propinquas signat. (2l) (l)n flumen cadere se videre: leticiam. (23) i'lod drof tJesihd, aebyliigda hit ^(etacnad). (2c) Hod on huse his infaran, fraec endnysse he fx>larf. (2c) On flode }>wean, blisse ^(etacnact). (2c) In grete water, ase Teraese is, £rowe,/ euel toward he may trowe. (7) Water cler whose syf),/ bytoknyng of sykemesse fiat byf. (7) Water in to hous ybore whose sif),/ tocknynge of peril f>at by}). (7) Water trouole whose syht,/ wreynge foi^*sof)e f>at ylke bif>. (7) Water passen cler & stille,/ bitoknefc sikernesse & wille. (7) In water f>ikke & trouble buen,/ bytoknep bo deceyte & tuen. (7)
-123- То passen a water ful of tempest and rowe, bi-toknith dreed and streyt- nesse, (12) To passe a water ful of tempest and roujly, dreed and schrewdnes bitokenyjje. (14) To passe a stondyng whater bytokenyth sykymes. (20b) To passe a whatyr full of tempest & rowe bytoknyth drede & streytnes. (20b) i?lueve bleu vir ou trespasser senefie seurte. (4) Flueve entrer en se maison senefie le peril de cele maieon. (4) En fontainne ou en cler flueve lui vir laver senefie leeche. (4) En fontainne orde ou en flueve tourble lui laver senefie acusement, (4) Flueve courant vir senefie seurte. (4) *Toi laver en flueve senefie angoisse. (4) Qui songe cors d*yaue passer, segurement puet aler. (b) *Qui songe cheoir en flueve, si descent en deshonor et pert. (6) Qui somge cours d*eaue passer, seurement peuult aller. (13) *Vem ym trawm ist beschert,/ Das er vber liechte wasser vert,/ Der virt geruget ser/ Vnd geleidiget michels mer. (lb) V/ern trawmpt, ez fliez ein bach/ In sein hausz, das ist vngemach,/ Der seinem hausz widervrert;/ Das sagt der trawm vnerwert. (l5) Vem trawmpt, wie er vail/ In einen pach zu tall,/ Der straucht sich in grosses gut;/ Des trostet wol sich der mut. (lb) *Paech groB wasser sehen: verclagung. (22) ♦Brunnen fliesen in das hauB: schaden. (22) ROAD Uiam lutosam ambulare, periculura significat, (l) Via lutosa ducere uel ambulare, molestias graues significat. (2) Viam lutosam ambulare: periculum signat. (21; On we;je fenni'jum laedan o<tc£e ^an, teonan hefiQe ^(etacnaci’)о (2c) ROBBERY Xspoliatum qui se uiderit, a propriis denudatur. (l) Nudare seu spoliare se videre significat imp edimen turn. (17) Videre se esse spolratum significat danpnum. {ll) Explorare £< Expoliare] qui se viderit: dampnum vel vestimentum perdere signat. (2l) Dispoliari se videri; infirmitatem. (23) (Q)ui se spoliare videtur: proi)iis amicis preliare. (23)
-124- opolium facere: dampnum. (2'}) j&poliare se videre: dampnum. (2p) 'Jif him m<eto, fart he stele, T«£t fe wurct undem and cu<J, fast he aer ana witan sceolde* (2b) Oolded ober seek whose hym syf),/ robbed ofer outlawed bervqФ,/ wreynge cl gret blame fat byf. (7) a man, that metith, that he is robued, by-toknith, of his freendis he siial be mad bare* (l2j A man, that metith, that he is rubbed of his frendis, it be-tokenep he shal be mad bare. (14) A man fat drerayth pat he ys robbyd of fry des he shalbe made bare. (20d) *Cjui se verra astro despoulliet de ses prochains senefie que sen secres sera denonchies. (4) Beraubt werden: dye nesten verlyessen. (22) HOOTS (вое HABISli) K03K Hosam uiderit, ualitudines significat* (2) Hosas videre vel haoere significat hilaritatem. (17) Hosam dare vol accipere de aliis; leticiam magnam signat. (2l) Hoscrn jesihtf, strenjfa o(etacnacf) * (2c) To se a xoos, worshupp. (14) Hosen sehen: gesunthait. (22) киМ-РкйТ) Hautten sehen wagsen: ere* (22) Hautten essen: vnkeusch werck verbring. (22) KUIH Huinam videre significat deceptionem. (17) KM Currere se non posse uidere, infirmitatem significat. (l) Currere qui se uiderit ft non potest, inpeditionem significat. (2) Currere se non posse uidere, infirmitatem grauem significat* (9) Currere non posse significat infirm tat em. (ll) Currere se videre significat negocii expectacionem. (ll) Currere velle et non posse significat infirmitatem. (17)
-125- Currere velociter mente significat hilaritatew. (17) Ire cito vel currore significat lucrum* (17) Currere velocius qui se viderit: magnam loticiam signat. (2l) Currere non posse: impedimentum vel de trimen turn signat. (2l) Currere non posse: infinnitaten. (2j) Currere velociter: leticiam. (2'j) Tfif him J>ince, f>aet he у me swybe, fionne byd hira broc towerd. (2b) Yman sef>e hine gesihj) 7 he ne mazj , lettinje hit oetacnad. (2c) ilon, £at wolcie erne, all he ne may,/ £at is sekn \se par fay* (7) Vrne feintliche whose him si$,/ seknesse bat toknej) ^ byp. (7) To see men, that thou nyght nouth renne, by-toknith gret siknesse* (12) To seme, that they myjt not renne, by-toknith gret sykenesse, (14) To see menne, that they may not renne, by-toknith syknes. (20) (^uant on ne puet courre, senefie enfremote. (4) Courre tost senefie leeche. (4) lit nient pooir courre senefie destruisement* (4) songe corre isnelement, consiut ce que il ataint* (6) Wem trawmpt, wie er luffe gem/ Vnd er es doch musz enpem,/ J)er wirt sich in kurczer czeit;/ Der travra irn das zu mercken geit* (15) *Lauffen sehen nahet gewin: fauls pluet* (22) Lauffen nyt mttgen: hindemttd. (22) ♦Lauffen sich sicht: verlyesung der eren* (22) aAJWESS (see LAMKLT) SAIL Vela videre malum signum est* (17) SAHB? Deum videre seu loqui cum sanctis significat periculum* (17) ♦Halyg mit haelygen reden: groB gltlck* (22) SALT Salatas res tractare significat infiimitatera. (17) Saltz sehen: kranchait* (22)
-126- ijCIobOdbl Scheren sehen: gewin. (22) SKA Hare limpidura uidere, expeditionem significat. (l) Mare terapestatiuum uidere, anxietatem grandera significat. (l) In mare se lauare, letitic significat. (2) In ma cecidisse, lucrum significat. (2) i-iare nlacidum uiderit, negotii expeditionem significat. (2) In mari cecidisse significat gaudium vel lucrum, (ll) In mari videre se lavare significat hilaritatem. (lV) Hare clarura videre significat expeditionem negotii. (lV) Hare quietum videre significat hilaritatem. (17) Hare tempestatum significat iracundiam. (17) Hare limpidiesimum videre: expeditionem signat. (21) Hare tempestuosura videre: anxietatem signat. (2l) itore placatum videre: gaudium signat. (2l) Videre mare in somnis: hilaritatem signat. (2l) *Cadere se in mare videre: calumnniam. (23) (и)are quietum videre: gaudium. (23) Haris tempestates videre: anxietatem. (23) On se hine fwean, blisse oetacnact*. (2c) On sae feallan, ^estreon g(etacnad)o (2c) Set* smylte -jesihi, ceapas fyrctrunje oe(tacnad)0 (2c) 3ef hon sist see ful cler,/ J>e is god toward ner ft ner. (7) Oof f)e see is yn tempeste,/ F>e tid anguisse ft eke cheste. (7) Vo seen a blak see, be-toknith gret speed. (12) Vo seen a roow see, oe-toknith gret hardinesse. (12) To s a blak see, be-toknith gret speed. (14) To se a roufl see, be-toknith gret hardinesse. (14) To washe him in see, betokenyf) gladnesse. (14) To se a blake see betokneth gret speede. (20b) To se a row^e see betokneth gret hardnes, (20b) Le mer terapestive vir senefie angoisse. (4) Vir le mer bleue senefie expectacion. (4)
-127- Toi laver en mer senefie joie. (4) Her in das mer fallen: gewin. (22) Mer stil sehen: fredd. (22) Her wueten sehen: schedlich. (22) Her lautter sehen: froelichayt. (22) Her auff dem moer vnder gon: groB ellend vnd pein. (22) SSNDAL Zendel oder syden sehen: fyrsehung des leybs. (22) SKHAl’ *Wen trawmpt, daz izn in dem snyt/ binder garb die seinen anpit,/ Die rede die sawmet in nit verre,/ Er werde der seloen lewt herre. (li?) aiiEKF Oues tondere, damnum significat. (l) Oues uiderit tonsas, dampnura significat. (2) Montonos seu capras videre significat habundantiam. (17) Рессогез tollere significat lucrum. (17) Peccores inter se rumores facere significat iracundiam. (17) Oves tonsas videre: damnum signat. (2l) (o)ves videre: lacrimosa dampna. (23j Sceap ^jesihd ^)escorene, hynde j(etacnad). (2c) Sheren shep whose syf),/ sof>liche harm f>at by$. (7) To sheren sheep, bi-toknith harms. (12) To shere shepe, bi-toknith harme. (14) To shere shype, bi-toknith harme. (20) Vir .i. mouton courant senefie ires des proismes. (4) Bous ou moutons vir senefie habondanche. (4) Brebis tondre senefie damage. (4) Qui songe avoir oeilles ou toisons ou bestes grasses, si croist ses avoirs. (6) QH songe avoir oeilles tendues ou bestes maigres, pertes li vienent. (6) l/em trawmpt in des slaffes ker,/ л/ie er sein schaff bescher,/ Der wirt von seinem gut geschom/ Hit groszem schaden vnd mit czorn. (it?) ♦Lernmer oder schaff essen: zu erstoerung. (22)
-128- Lemer Oder schaff haben: nahe reychtum* (22) Schoff sehen mit vil wollenj gutten gewin* (22) Schoff echeren: schaden. (22) Schoff huetten Oder easens gewin. (22) SHKPHKRD (p)astorem se videre: decepcionem. (23) SHIELD Cum scuto se pungi: pacem. (23) SHIP Nauigium uidere, nuncium bonum significat* (l) Naues uiderit, bonum nuntium significat. (2) In navem parvara ascendere significat infirmitatem* (17) Naves videre aut navigare bonum est. (17) Naves plurea videre significat furorem. (17) Naves plenas rebus videre significat bonum tempus. (17) Naves in fortunis videre significat periculum. (17) Naves magnas videre significat impedimenturn* (17) Navigare qui.se viderit in periculis: leticiam signat. (2l) Naves videre vel eas ascendere: nuncium bonum signat* (2l) Nautare se videre: impedimentum* (23) Navim nautare et in periclo se videre: gaudium* (23) Scipu ^esihd', 3od aerende q (etacnact) * (2c) To seen a ship, be-toknith good tytingis* (12) To see a shippe, be-toknith good tidingis. (14) To rove in a flood, long jomey. (14) To se blak vessell, pylgrymage. (14) To se a ship, be-toknith good thyngys. (20) Navie vir senefie boin message. (4) Qui songe a soi venir bone nef, si a bon mesage a son talent. (6) Wem ym trawm ist beschert,/ Das er vber liechte wasser vert,/ Der wirt geruget ser/ Vnd geleidiget michels mer. (15) Wer schieff sicht faren in trawm,/ Des geding sich nicht sawmj/ Dem kumpt von boten liebeu mer,/ Die im wenden herczen swer. (15)
-129- I-ler auff dem mer faren; gro.3 ell end begenen. (22) Schiff machen sehen: wol gefallenhait. (22) Schiff mit leitten sehen: gute zeit. (22) iichiff in fliessenden wasser: frewd. (22) Schiffen auff dem ertrich: frewd. (22) Schiffen In aim verschlossenen bach: kranchait. (22) Schiff mit zum port kumen: hindernild. (22) ochyff yber lant varen: verwanderen. (22) Schiff maechen: arbait. (22) Schiff ain steigen; neit g&tz, (22) ochiff schon machen: gutt. (22J Schiff sehen: fr(e)ud. (22) SUO a kalciamenta noua habere, gaudium et letitiam significat. (l) kalciamenta uetera tractare, angustiam grauem significat. (l) Calciamento nouo calciari, lucrum ex insperato significat. (2) Calciamento ueteri calciari, deceptionem significat. (2) Caiciamenta nova habere significat lucrum, (ll) Calciamenta nova hasere significat consolationera. (17) Caiciamenta antiqua significat tristitiam. (17) Calciamenta perdere significat dampniim. (17) Caiciamenta nova se haoere: leticiam vel lucrum signat. (2l) Calciamenta vetera habere: angustiam cum deceptione signat. (2l) Calciamenta nova habere: gaudium. (Zj) Mid ^escy niwan beon jescod, jestreon of unjewenedum je(tacnact). (2c) hid 5escy ealdum beon •jescod, svicunje je(tacna^). (2c) ^Tef £ou hast on newe shon,/ £ou shalt ioie vnderfon. (7) 3ef fe inetef) |>in shon be£ olde,/ in anguisse £e worf> yholde. (7) To renewyn thyn hosen or thyn shoon, bi-toknith gret joye. (12) To drauen thyn hosen or thyn shoon streyte, it be-tokmth anguysh. (12) To renue "fryne hosen, bi-toknith gret joye. (14) To drawe f)ine hosen and 1>y shoon, bitokened angwyssh. (14) To renewe thy hosen and shoon, bi-toknith gret yoy. (20) **Avoir nouviele cauchemente senefie traitier grief angoisse. (4)
-130- Cauchemente cauchier senefie waing. (4) Qui songe a avoir chaucemente nueve, gaaing li croist. (6) Qii somge chausseure nefve, gaingt luy vient. (13) Wem trawmpt, wie er haben sol/ 2wen new schuch, der wil wol/ Von frewden vnd von thun;/ Das seyt der thrawm versun. (li>) Wer in dem trawm vmbgat/ Hit alten schuhen an der stat,/ Das ist wan angst vnd darczu leit/ Oder ein groszeu erbait. (15) SHRINK Maior minor se factum uidere, potestates ei minuuntur. (l) Hinorem se factum videre: utilitatem signat. (2l) Whose metej) him lasse ymaked,/ of is power he oyf) aslaked* (7) Lui vir grant ou petit senefie fait amenuisie par poeste. (4) Wem trawmpt, wie im mynner werde/ Des leibs auff der erde,/ Des gewalt wirt gemynnert;/ Des wirt er wol geynnert. (15) SILK Zendel oder syden sehen: fyrsehung des leybs. (22) SILVER Aurum aut argentum tractare, feliciora tempora significat. (l) Argentum commedere significat lucrum* (17) Argentum tractare qui viderits lucrum signat. (2l) Aurum vel argentum tractare: feliciora tempora designat. (23) Seluer eeon & gold bryht,/ fat is weder cler & lyht* (7) *To se siluer & haue it not bytokens chidinge* (в) ♦To se gold or syluer tokens envy, (б) To tellen gold or siluer, be-toknith good tyme, that is to come* (12) To tel gold or siluer, hit be-toknith good tyme for to come. (14) To tell gold or siluer, hyt be-toknith good tyme, fat ys to come* (20) Or ou argent maniier senefie pourfit ou mieudre tans. (4) songe or monee ou argent ou deniers avoir, a tant de marchie. (6) ♦Qui songe argent ou or venir,/ Taute et envie est a venir* (10)
-131- SIN Qui songe peeschier, travail li sourt. (6) SING (see also WORSHIP) Nuptias facere uel cantatrices uidere, planctum et laborem significat. (l) Cantatrices videre significat planctum,, (17) Nupcias vel incantatrices videre significat discordiam0 (l7) Nuptias facere vel cantatrices videres planctum et laborem signat® (2l) Cantare se videre: tristiciam. (23) ♦Brudale o|>er songes heren,/ bytoknef) plente to alle feren. (7) *Caroles make & condles lyhte,/ f>at is ioie & murf>e bryhte. (7) Qii songe chanter, si tance. (6) Wer trawmpt, vie er komen sey/ Czu preutolfft dabey,/ Er sing ader hore singen,/ Das ist clag noch vngelingen. (l5) Singen vnd frolich sein: nach red triepnuB. (22) SISTER (see also COITION, THE DEAD) Eratrem uel sororem uiderit, a pessimis ulceribus fatigatur. (2) Eratres vel sorores videre: gaudium. (23) Broker odcte swuster jesihct, frara wyrstum wundum bi£ jeswenet. (2c) Qui songe ses freres ou ses serors veoir qui sont loing, joie li vient. (6) Qui somge ses seurs et freres estre loingt, joye luy vient. (13) *Brueder oder schwester sehen: langB leben. (22) SIT Sedere in somnis, infimitatem significat. (2) Sedere significat infirraitatem et dampnum. (ll) Sedere videre significat dampnum. (17) Sedere qui se viderit: infimitatem signat. (2l) Sittan on swefnum, untrumnysse o(etacna<t)„ (2c) SHIN Pelles lavare significat anxietatem. (17)
-132- Pelt z werck sehen: zeytlich {jut. (22) SI cc Aerem limpidura uidere, expeditionem significat. (l) Aerern turbolentum uel nebulosum uidere, aliquara petitionem significat. (1) Caelum flammeum uidere, aliquod iniquitatis toto orbe accrescit. (l) Aerem limpidein uiderit, negotii expeditionem significat. (2) Celum flamineum uiderit, aliquas iniquitates in toto orbe obueniunt. (2) Aerem lippidum videre significat expectacionem. (ll) Aerem nebulosum videre significat aliquo peticionem. (ll) f&ta raagna videre significat hilaritatem. (l7) Aerem clarum videre significat lucrum. (17) (l(j) Aerem turbidum videre significat expeditionem negotii. (17) Celum fumosum seu rubeura significat crescentiam iniquitateiu. (17) Cel urn floritum significat vanitatem. (17) Aerem videre serenum: lucrum signat vel expeditionem. (2l) Aerera videre turbulentura vel nebulosum: deceptionem vel peticionem signat. (21) Ad celum scandere vel deum adorare: magnam traditionem signat. (21) Aerem tempestuosum videre: anxietatem grandem signat. (2l) Celum si vides interra: expeditionem signat. (2l) Celum scandere vel deum adorare: honorem signat. (2l) Celum flammeum videre: aliquas iniquitates in corde tractare vel iniqui¬ tates in toto orbe crescere signat. (2l) Aerem turpidum videre: peticiones. (23) Celum videre: illuiiinaciones. (23) Celum flammeum videre: inquietatem dominorum. (23) Weder hlutter ^esihtf, ceapes ferdrunje hit ^etacnatf. (2c) Heofen lijenne ^Jesihd, surne unrihtwisnysse on eallum erabhwyrfte onjjean cuma<£. (2c) Mon, J>at syf> f>e skywes cl ere,/ of somfdng he worf> yboden here. (7) Mon, £at sij) f>e heuene vndon,/ to al f>e world hit wycked won. (7) ]tyr шуsty whose syf),/ desturbaunce £at bif). (7) Heuene yleged wose syf),/ harm in huerte softliche hit byf>. (7) To se f>e ayre clere by-tokenys wynynge. (8)
-133- То se |>е ay re dark betokens shame. (8) To se £e fyrmament bytokens joy* (8) A man, that seth the eyr blak, it be-tokneth sped in his nedis. (12) A man, that seth the eyr dowdy and trobly, it be-tokneth nedis, that is to come. (l2) To sen a brennyng ffiraament, it be-toknith shreudnesse of herte. (12) A man, that seth the eyr blak, it tokened sped in his nedis. (14) To se a brennynge ffirmament, tokened shrewned of hert to speke. (14) A man, that seth the eyr dowdy and trowbely, be-tokneth nedis, that bef)e to come. (14) To se cler eyre, by-tokenef> honoure. (14) To se £e eyre greue, by-tokene^ wynnynge* (14) A man, that Beth the eyr blak, it be-tokneth sped in his nedis. (20) To see a brannyng ffirmament, betoknyth gret sredenes of hart to speke. (20) Air gansne veir senefie expectation. (4) Air tourble vir ou nues senefie auchir ne demande. (4) Le ciel vennel veir senefie auchune chose d*iniquite acroistre par tout le monde. (4) *Lui vir le chiel senefie chair en pechies. (4) Qoi songe a veoir le ciel nuble, ampetrez est d'aucune rien. (6) QllL songe veoir le ciel ardoir, enfeimetez li vient. (6) (joi somge voir le ciel en nubles, emperere est d*aucura (13) (rien ampetrez)< Cjii somge voir le ciel ardoir, iraffirraitte luy vient. (13) Wem czimpt in des trawmes guft,/ Wie vor ira tunckel sey der luft,/ Des gemach wirt gestort/ Vnd hin vnd her enport. (15) Wem trawmpt, wie der hyrael prinn,/ Der sol sich wol versinn/ Eyner gemeinen raissetat,/ Die vber das selbe reich gat. (lb) Wer den lufft wutten sicht/ In dem trawm, dem geschicht/ Von angst ein grosse erbayt,/ Die im bringet herczenleyt. (15) Schdn wetter sehen, bedeflt gewin. (18) Czeychen am hymel sechen: schadeen. (22) Hymel lauter sehen vnd die suns on zweyfel grosse fretid. (22) Hymel prinnen sehen: kranchayt oder in tod sund. (22) Hymel vallen sehen: in dodt sind vallen. (22) Lufft der lauter ist sehen: gewin. (22)
-134- *Lufft der neblich ist sehen: sammung der freund wider sich. (22) Lufft der betriept ist sehen: arbayt. (22) ♦Lufft der clar ist sehen: raynigung von den siSnden. (22) SLAX Hominem occidere, tutamentum significat. (2) liorainem occidere significat securem esse. (17) Oif he geseo, J>aet man o[ieme man slea, beorge him wi£ broc. (2b) Mann ofslean, bewerunge ge(tacna<J). (2c) Homme tu«r senefie desfendement de besoigne. (4) *Q*i songe qu*i* ocist home, si est desoreilliez [< desconseilliez}. (6) HLKlXrE Schleyffen sehen: arbayt. (22) SR/UL Schneygen sechen: frerade wonung haben. (22) SNAK£ Serpentem infestare, inimici tui superationem significat. (l) Serpente infesto pati, inimici uisionem significat. (2) Si uideris colubram contra te uenire, contra malas feminas te defendere ammonet. (2) Serpentes videre significat inimicos. (ll) Cum serpentibus pugnare significat vincere inimicos. (17) De serpentibus esse molestaturn significat superare in inimicos. (i7) Serpentes occidere significat inimicos vincere. (17) Serpentes multas videre significat deceptionem de femina. (l7) ♦Serpentem se occidere qui viderit in somnis: gaudium signat. (2l) Serpentem infestare: optati inimici visiones signat vel inimicum superare. (21) ♦Serpentes videre: gaudium signat. (21) Serpentes infestare: inimicos superare. (23) J?*rara naeddran ladre £olian, feondes ^esihde 3(etacna(£). (2c) 3ef {>u jesihst snacan onjean T)e cuman, ongean hyfele wyf-men $e bewerian myne^atfr. (2c) To see an addre aesayle $e, эу-toknith, that thi ennemies shuln ouer-corae I>e. (12) To sle wormes, dissencioun. (14)
-135- fl’o see an adore assayle |>e, it uytokenef), that ^ine enernys and ^>i foie siiall ouer-come f>e. (14) To se an eddyr assayle, by-toknith, £e to be ouercum by f>e enymys. (20) Qui songe serpent veoir contre soi, ce sont males paroles d'anomis. (b) Qii conge qu(e) serpent le mordent, ce sont les paroles de ses anerds qui nuisent. (b) Qui songe tuer serpent, si tue ses anemis et estaint. (b) (Q)ui songe serpent mangier, si crot paroles de malves losengier. (6) *Qii songe .serpens li voit le col envelopant, honors li croist. (b) Qui somge que serpans le mordent, ont nuict a ses ennemys. (l'i) Qui somge qu’il tue serpans, ocist ses enemys. (13) Qii somge sergens Csi(3 niamger, contre luy croisset querelles de mauese(s) louamges. (13) *Qui somge que son corps va envellooer par serpant, honneur luy croist „ (13) We г mit nattem vmbget,/ JiLn hessige rede im bestet,/ ilach dem travrni veintschafft,/ Lie in tempfet an der krafft* (15) ♦Natteren oder schlangen sechs reychtum in kurtzen stunden* (22) Sclilangen von in angefochten: argenlist der feind. (22) ochlangen beyssen: vor sein veinden hieten. (22) SWOW Niuern uidere, letitiam magnam significat. (l) Uiues uiderit, letitiam significat. (2) hives videre significat leticiam. (ll) hives videre bonum signum est. (17) *Nivem videre vel glaciem: tristiciam et languorem signat. (2l) Snawas gesihet, olisse. (2c) Wer in dem trawra sicht den sne,/ Dem volget frewde michel me,/ Vnd wandem schir wil;/ Der trawm yn lert an ezil. (15) Schne sehen: gute potschafft. (22) SPJSAH liastan portare significat securitatem. (l7) Hastaia destruere significat labores. (17)
-136- oPKCU'iiJ:; (сее also THJi JldAD) (Phantasmas uiderit, lucrum ex insperato significat. (2) Imagines videre significat amiciciam. (ll) Corpus videre valde bonura signum est. (17) *Pantasma videre significat angustiam. (17) xiom' 'stitum de albo bonum signum est. (17) Imagines videre: rnutationen signet. (2l) Pantasma videre: anxietatem. (2’S) (h)omines quoscumque in se videre: leticiam. (2'j) Jcinlacu flesihd’, Qestreon of ungewendum hit g(etacnart). (2c) iion in aide of>er cloT) whit,/ of ioie J>at is gret delit. (7) SPRING ibntes uidere aut in eis bibere, consolationem et letitiam significat. (1) In fontein lauare aut in claro flumine, letitiam cum lucre significat. U) (9) In fontem sordidum aut in flumen turbolentum, accusationem cum darapno significat. (l) Pontera in domo sua uiderit aperiri, incrementum uel letitiam significat. (2) In fonte se lauare, lucrum significat. (2) In fontem cecidisse, aliquara accusationem significat. (2) In fonte lavari significat leticiam. (ll) Pontanas Claras videre significat habundantiam. (17) Sed turbidas videre significat effusionem sanguinis. (17) Pontanam nascere in domo significat hilaritatem. (17) Sed fetorem sentire significat dolorem. (17) In fontana clara lavare significat hilaritatem. (17) In fontana putrida se lavare significat acusationem. (17) In fontana turbida cadere significat acusationem. (17) In fontana clara cadere significat honorem. (17) Pontes aque qui se viderit biberes negotium habebit. (2l) Kt de ipso lucrum acquiret et consolationem. (2l) In fonte lavari vel in claro flumine: leticiam vel lucrum. (2l) In fonte sordido lavari: accusationem cum darano signat. (2l) Pontem in domo bibere vel videre: consolacionem. (2'j) (l)n fonte lavari: leticiam. (2j5)
-137- In fonte lavare: lucrum. (23) Oif man maete, f*et he on wyllan fwean, faet by& jestreon. (2b) Wylsprinj on huse his jesihtf beon jeopenad, eacan odcfe blisse j(etacna<£). (2c) On wille hine fwean, jestreon j(etacnad). (2c) On wyll feallan, sume wrohte hit jetacnatf. (2c) Whose hym wosshef of cler water ofer welle,/ of ioie к wynnyng he shal telle. (7) Wallen suen & of hem drynke,/ ofer in house walle sprynge,/ ioie it bijete fat is toknynge. (7) To seen the water of a welle or entre in thyn hous, bi-toknith gladnesse & comfort. (l2) To ben washe in water clene, by-toknith gret gladnesse. (12) In foul water to ben washid, it be-toknith acusyng of hamie. (12) To seen a welle or there-of to drynke, by-toknith wynnyng. (12) To se a welle ofere fere of to drynke, hit by-tokenefe wynnynges. (14) To Den wasshe in clene water, it oytokenef gret gladnesse. (14) In foul water to be wasshen, it by-toknith acusyng and harrae. (14) To se the water of a welle entre in to thyn hous, it tokenef gladnesse & comfort. (14) To se a whell or therof diynk betoknythe whynnyng. (20b) To be whasche yn whatyr clene betoknefe gret gladnes. (20b) & to oe whasche yn fowle whater betoknefe accusyng к harm. (20b) ito fontainne ou en cler flueve lui vir laver senefie leeche. (4) En fontainne orde ou en flueve tourble lui laver senefie acusement. (4) Puc vir et chaar ens senefie mesaise. (4) Vir fontainnes coies senefie joie chair. (4) Toi laver en fontainne senefie waing. (4) *Qui songe veoir fontaine, aucune avision li vient de Bieu. (6) Qui songe soi baignier en yaue clere, si garist de mal et a joie. (6) (£ii songe soi baignier en eve trouble, si a mal ou dolor ou perte. (6) v£ii songe cheoir en yaue taiouse, si est malades. (6) ^ui songe cheoir en fontaine clere, si monte en honor. (6) ^ui songe cheoir en puis, si chiet en vau. (6) Jtontainne veir, 90U est joie/ Et mout grant bonte nous otroie. (10) ♦v^ui so rage avoir fontaine, aucum amy luy de Bieu. (13)
-138- ^ui sorage voir une fontaine clere, sy monte en honneur. (13) t<ui eomge choir en icelle fontaine, sy choist en deshonneur et pert. (13) Wem trawmet во versunn,/ Wie er grab einen prunn/ Vnd trunck ausz einem, daz ist gut,/ Der wirt von frewden hoch gemut. (l5) Wer in dem trawm padet sich/ In einem prUnlauter tich/ Oder in einem wasser licht,/ Frewd vnd frumen dera geschicht. (15) Wer vellet in trubeu wasser vil/ Ausz truben prun sich paden wil,/ Des schand wirt gerugt;/ Der trawm im kumer zu fugt. (15) ♦Brunnen fliesen in das hauB: schaden. (22) Brunen etspringen sehen: freud. (22) Gewaschen werden auB brunen: erloesung. (22) Prunnen in aym vnrainen prunen lygens beclagung. (22) Prennen sehen: gut gewin. (22) Prunnen in ain prunnen faellen: beclagung. (22) зомхкш Aych horn sehn oder iung foegels kynd iber kumen. (22) STAFF Baculum habere ambulando: dolorem vel infirmitatem signat. (2l) To eyt on a staf tokens seknes. (8) Stecken am gon haben: kranckhait. (22) STAG Cervum infestare qui viderit se: nullum timere signat. (2l) STAIN Maculae videre significat multos labores. (17) ЯГАШАХ Grados videre significat labores. (17) Gradum aliquem ascendere: laborem cum honore signat. (2l) Gradus ascendere: litem. (23) Stiegen auff steigen: arbait. (22) STAHS Stellas de celo cadere, populus in prelio cadet, (l) Stellas cum plures uiderit, letitiam significat. (2) Stellas cadere de celo significat periculum imperatoris. (17)
-139- Astra celi videre in soranis: magnam leticiam signat. (2l) Stellas duas vel plures videres potestantes tibi accrescunt et etiam leticia. (2l) Stellas de celo cadere: prelium signat magnum* (21) Stellas de celo cadere: populum in prelio perire. (23) Stellas plures videre: gaudium. (23) Steorran осЙе feala Sesihct, blisse 3(etacnacf). (2c) Sterren of f>e heuene falle,/ gret bataille $at is vif>-alle. (7) To seen sterris fallen from heuene, bi-toknith, peeple in batayle shal perishe. (12) To see sterris, gladnesse. (14) To so sterris fall from heuene, it be-tokenef>, f>e peple in bataill shal perishe or be discomfid* (14) To se sterris, bitokenej) joye. (14) To se sterris fall from heuene, f>e pepyl in batell shal peiyshe. (20) Les estoiles dou ciel veir,/ J*en croi grant leesce a venir. (lO) *^ui somge voir les estoielles, sy voist crroistre prestbres. (13) Wem trawmpt, wie von himel stern/ Vallen, damach kumpt vil gem/ Das hervart manigen man/ Wirt dem thod vnderthan. (15) *Wem trawmpt, wie im sun vnd man/ Vnd die stem in peten an,/ Dem werdent dinsthafft betheut/ Sein freund vnd ander leut. (15) Gestim des hymels sehen: frewd. (22) ♦Gestim sehen: schaden Oder traurikait. (22) Stern vom hymel fallen: den dodt. (22) Stem vom hymel vallen: betriepnttB. (22) STATUE Statuam videre significat amicitiam. (17) Statue imolare: fantasiam signat. (2l) blWLE t^ui songe clochier ou mostier ou crucefiz cheoir, se il est prestres, si muert. (6) STEW Pultes accipere, lucrum cum sollicitudine significat. (2) liriwas niman, ^estreon mid carfulnysse (etacnai). (2c)
-140- 2ЛЧШИ Lapides mittere, egritudinem significat. (2) Lapides mittere vel colligere: egritudinem signat. (2l) (L)apidatum se in sompno videre: molestiam. (23) ♦Lapides magnos videre: leticiam. (23) Stanes asendan, seocnesse 3(etacnact) • (2c) Stain werffen: kranchait. (22) stoop Pucken 8ich sehen: verlierung der syn. (22) STOJJh Orandinem uel terapestatem uidere, dampnura significat. (l) Teinpestates uiderit, lucrum significat, (2) Tempestatem videre significat lucrum, (ll) Tempestates videre: lucrum signat. (2l) (o)randinem vel terapestatem videre: dampnum. (,23) Unjewyderu ^esihcf, gestrion ^(etacnad). (2c) To seen hayl and tempest, by-toknith harzne. (12) To se hayle & tempest betoknefje harme. (20b) Oresil ou terapestes vir senefie damage. (4) Wem trawmet also sawer,/ Vie vngewitter vnd schawer/ Er sehe, das ist ein schade grosz,/ Der ym machet frewden plosz. (15) Orossen schaur sehen: schaden. (22) Schaur schlach: zorn Oder straffung. (22) STHEEf In platea uel palatio deambulare, anxietatem significat. (2) On strete оЙе on palentan abutan-jan, un-eacJhysee ^etacnatf). (2c) SVPEEii Lui veir ahaner senefie labeur. (4) Ellend sich sehen: echuld Oder sttnd. (22)
-141- SULPHUK Kesinas uel sulphur uiderit, grandes molestias significat. (2) flyselas [sic] оЙе swefel tje8ih<t, hefije teonan ^(etacnacf). (2c) SUN Soles plures uidere, gaudium significat. (l) Sol splendidum uidere, stabilitatem significat. (l) Sol tenebrosum uidere, periculum significat. (l) Sol cum luna uidere, nuntium pessimum significat, (l) Soles duas uiderit, honorera significat, (2) Solem splendidum uiderit, gaudium significat. (2) Solem uel lunam uiderit, letitiam iudicii significat, (2) Solem splendidum videre significat gaudium, (ll) Soles duos videre significat honorem, (ll) Solem tenebrosum videre significat periculum regis, (ll) Solera clarum videre significat stabilitatem dominorum. (l7) Solem tenebrosum significat periculum dominorum. (17) Solum cum luna videre peesimura signum est. (17) Soles duoB vel plures videre: honorem et gaudium signat. (2l) Solem splendidum videre: gaudium signat vel regis stabilitatem. (2l) Solem tenebrosum videre periculum vel instabilitatem regis signat. (2l) Solem rubicundum videre: exitura vel etatura signat. (2l) Solem sanguineam videre: invidiam signat. (2l) Solera cum luna currentes: lites vel pessimum nuncium signat. (2l) (s)olem splendentem videre: gaudium. (23) (s)olem tenebrosam videre: periclos. (23) Solem per lunam cadere: litem. (23) Soles duos videre: vitara longara. (23) Sunnan twa 3esih£, wyrctscipe je(tacna<T). (2c) Sunan beorhte ^esihcf, blisse ;j(etacna<f). (2c) Sunan odcfe monan jesihd, blisse domes ^(etacxiad)* (2c) fe sonne cler whose syf,/ fat bitoknef рев & gryf» (?) £e sonne derk whose may se,/ peril of kynges fat wol be. (7) Pe sonne reed whose syf,/ shedyng of blod pat tokne byf>. (7) To seen a shynand sunne, be—toknith stabilnesse. (12)
-142- То seen a therk sunne, be-toknith perel, that shulde falle to pe kynge. (12) To 6een £e siume & the moone, by-toknith wikkid message. (12) To se the sonne schynand, it be-tokenej stlenesse £sic] of rewme. (14) To se a dexke sonne, it by-tokenef perile, Y>at ehal fal to a kynge. (14) To se f>e sunne & the moone, hit bytokenef wikkid message. (14) To se two sonnes, gladnes and worshipp. (14) To se J>e sone shynne, hit be-tokenyth stabylnes of a rewm. (20) To se a darke sone, be-toknith peiyll lykly to fall to f>e kynge. (20) To se f>e sunne & the moone, by-toknith whykyd message. (20) *(&ii songe le soleil et la lune veoir cler, si vient pes en terre. (6) songe le soleil veoir cler et la lune trouble, si muert li sires de la terre. (6) %ui somge le soullert ou la lune, signiffie paix em terre. (13) Wem trawmpt, wie er mtlg gesehen/ Die sunn in liechten presen,/ Dem wil zu seinen eren/ Bin stetickeit sich keren. (15) Wem trawmpt also reyn,/ Wie er sehe mer sun dan eyn,/ Das thewtet im vil frewdenj/ Des mag sein mut wol geuden. (15) Wem in dem trawm also geschicht,/ Das er die sunnen tunckel sicht,/ Der entphehet einen stos^ Yon einem vngluck grosz. (15) Wem trawmpt, wie er sun vnd man/ Sull zu himel kaphen an,/ Dem kumpt von erosser swer/ Bin wunderboses mer. (15) ♦Wem trawmpt, wie im sun vnd man/ Vnd die stern in peten an,/ Dem werdent dinsthafft betheut/ Sein freund vnd ander leut. (15) llymel lauter sehen vnd die suns on zweyfel grosse glttck. (22) U>n scheinen sehen: stetz gemuet. (22) Sonnen oluetig sehen: firstlichen Ion. (22) Son vom himel vallen: fttrsten dot. (22) Son tunckel sehen: fttrsten gefelichait. (22) Son bey dem raon sehen: poeB potschafft. (22) Son vil sonen sehen: frewd. (22) SVEhTS IXilcia edere, in multis criminibus opprimitur significat. (2) IXilces res gustare significat deceptionem. (17) IXilcia edere: in multis criminibus opprimi signat. (21) Dulcia audire [< edere] : decepciones. (23)
-145- Swete edan, on mane^um leahtrum bi£ ofsett hit je(tacnact). (2c) Suess essen Oder nemen: betrieglichait. (22) SWIM Natare qui se uiderit, impedimentum graue significat. (l) In flumen natare, anxietatem significat. (2) Natare se uidere, dampnum significat. (2) *In aquam grandam natare: vitam longam signat. (2l) Natare qui se viderit et non posse: impeditionem signat. (21) On flod swymman, anxsumnesse -je(tacna^)* (2c) Swimman hine ^eseon, heaira j(etacnaJ). (2c) Him self ybounde whose may sen,/ of>er in swymmynge ben,/ of>er wycchen of>er weddyng,/ fiat is trauail of>er gret lattyng. (7) To se him silf swym, is token of losse. (14) Lui vir noer senefie empeechement. (4) ♦Qui songe nagier ou voler, s*il vet ou serement d'iqui ou il est. (6) i^ii songe nagier a tempeste, sa perte va querant et pert. (6) *(£ii songe nagier avant paisible, si va gaaigner quel part que ce soit. (b) Wem travmpt, wie er swirame,/ Der gewinnet grossen grymme/ Von einem vbeln Irresal/ Auff seiner selden val. (15) Schwimen im schlaff: hindemfiB. (22) SWINE Porcos uidere aut plumbum tractare, infirmitatera raagnam significat. (l) Porcos uiderit, infiimitatem significat. (2) Porcos videre significat tristiciam vel infiimitatem. (ll) Porcos aut plumbum tractare Bignificat magnam infiimitatem. (17) Porcos videre: infiimitatem signat. (2l) Swin flesihct, untrumnysse ^)(etacna3). (2c) Hym selue dronke whose syfi,/ led drawen ofier swyn fierwyfi,/ feblesse of body f>at ilke byf. (7) To seen a hog or drawe led, be-toknith Byknesse. (l2) To se an hogge or drawe leed, hit bitokenef) sikenes. (14)
-144- То ее а hogge drave leede, hyt betokenyth syknesse. (20) Pore ou leus vir senefie enfennete. (4) Qii eonge pore avoir, empechie eat* (6) #Schwein habeni gesundhaet. (22) ♦Saw eehen: liegen vnd Bchand. (22) SVOHJ) Ferro percussum ве uidere, desolationem significat. (l) Ferro percussum uiderit, sollicitudinem significat. (2) Ferrum cuiusque rei trectare, aliquae infinnitates eignificat. (2) Gladium ferre & de ipso ludere, anxietatem eignificat. (2) Si uideris, quod gladio eris ciinctus, securitatera significat. (2) Ferre percussum significat videre dampnum. (ll) Cum ferro ae videre vulnerare significat dampnum. (17) ♦Feces vini videre aut ferrum tractare significat longam vitam. (17) Videre ae pulneratum aliquo ferro significat prohibitionem. (17) Anna turn aibi infestum vel ferro percussum: a potenti persona opprimi Bignat. (2l) Ferrum tractare: infinmitatem signat. (21) Ferro ae percuaaum videre: desolationem signat. (2l) Gladium ferre et de ipso ludere: anxietatem vel negocium. (21) Gladium accipere qui se viderit: insidiam vel discordiam signat. (2l) Ferro se percussum se videre: desolacionem. (23) (G)ladium habere: tristiciam. (23) Jif him mete, $aet he ве mid aeni^es cynnea irene slaej en, ymb-hydu f>«t beoi, and sorje £«t tacnacf. (2b) 3lf him mste, he sweord ve^e, orsorhneese yfela f)aet bio$. (2b) Mid isene jesle^ene ;Jesih<t, carfulnysse ^e(tacna^). (2c) Ieen ^ewylces f)in^es handlian, sume untrumnyssa hit ^(etacnai). (2c) Swurd beran 7 be him plejean, uneadnysse ^(etacna^). (2c) 03. f f>u ^esihst, J>aet £u mid ewurde bist bejyrd, sorhleaste hit ^etacnai. (2c) WiJ suerd of>er knif whose is smyte,/ of tuene he shal eft ywyte. (7) Wi$ swerd o$er knyf tyhte,/ £at is deceyte al aiyhte. (7) Wlf) yme ysmite whose him eyf>,/ raournynge f>at ilke byj. (7) To ben smetyn with iren, by-toknith desolacion. (12)
-145- То be smytt with iren, tokenep desolacion. (14) To be smyte with iren, by-toknith desolacion. (20) Lui vir feint de fier sene fie damage. (4) Еврее porter et de li Juer senefie angoisse. (4) *<£ii songe glaive porter, sachiez que il vaintra. (6) *Qai somge glaive pourter, vaincra ees enemys. (13) Wer wirt in trawm von Eysen wunt,/ Dem thut der trawm also kunt,/ Daz er sich von frewden scheide,/ Sein liebe von herczen leide. (15) Geschlagen werden mit eysseni verloessung. (22) ♦Schwert haben: weltliche er. (22) Schwert zer brechen: nvhet veintschafft. (22) TABLE (see EAT) TAIL Schwantz haben: sicheihait. (22) TESTAMENT Teetamenta facere, tutamentum significat. (2) Testamentum facere malum est. (17) Cwydas don, trimni^e 3 (etacnact). (2c) THКАТИМ In theatrum uel in amphitheatrum exspectare se uiderit, tumultura aliquem significat. (2) On plej-stowe o4<te on wafunj-stowe and-bidian hine ^esihd', Btyrun^e sum© O(etacnai). (2c) THISTLES (> COALS) Kardones comedere, inimici tui de te male loquentur. (l) 3ef pou etest of pystles ^Jurne,/ py fomon pe fretep on vche hume. (7) Pieties eten whose him syp,/ euel speche of fon pat byp. (7) Cardons mangier senefie le maise locusion de ton anemi. (4) THORNS Super spinas ambulare significat inimicorum destructionem. (17) To be hurte in pe fete wip pomes, ouer-corayng of enemyee. (l4)
-146- THRKAJD Llnlam claram videre significat lucrum. (ll) Liniam de celo cadere significat invidiam, (ll) Liniam videre eanguineam significat dampnum. (ll) THUNDER Tonitruum uidere, uerba fortia significat. (l) Tonitruum audire uel uidere, nuntium bonum eignificat. (2) Tonitruas audire significat verba iniuriosa. (17) Tonitruum audirei verba fortia et bonum nuncium signat. (2l) Tonitrua audire: forcia verba. (2j) Кшог jehyran octte jeseon, aerende ^od ^(etacnad)* (2c) Itourne whose JuncheJ) he syf,/ Jat befc grete wordes & styf>. (7) To heren thonder, be-toknith good woordis. (12) To hire fmndre, I by-tokened good woordis. (14) To her thundyr, be-toknith good word. (20) *Qai songe qu tonoire ou foudre oir9 si orra mellee. (6) *Qii somge tonnerres ou fouldres oulr, signiffie mesllee. (13) Wer in dem trawm donern hort,/ Dem wirt sein mut damach enport/ Von grossem warten auff die vart;/ Doner theutet starckeu wort. (15) “Wer in dem trawm sicht geschosz,/ Das furwar ist ein gewises losz,/ Das ia ein libe potschafft kumpt,/ Die im damach vil wol frumpt. (15) •Doner auff doner tretten: yber windung der veind. (22) Donner hoeren: gute botschafft. (22) ТШЕРПЕСЕ Horologium accipere: pacis mutationem signat. (21) Vr oder glocken hoeren schlagen: wanderenn. (22) TINDER Zinder oder leychter sehen: frettd vnd wun. (22) TOOTH Dentes sibi cadere uiderit, de parentibus suis aliquis morietur. (l) Dentes inferiores aut raolares cum sanguine et dolore cadere, plus proxi- ■um parentea perdere. (l) Dentев suos cadere, aliquis de parentibus suis morietur. (2)
-147- Dentes inferiores aut maxillares cui ceciderint, si cum sanguine aut sine dolore, alienus erit a parentibus. (2) Dentes sanguinolentes significat mortem. (17) Dentes eitrahere cum dolore significat mortem aliquis. Ц7) Dentum ulti vel penult! maxille perdere significat mortem. (17) Dentes plures perdere significat mortem amici. (17) Oculos aut dentes perdere significat mortem aliquis amici. (17) Dentes suos cadere: aliquis de parentibus morietur signat. (2l) Dentes inferiores aur maxillaree si ceciderint cum sanguine aut sine dolore: egenus erit aut proximum perdere ami cum. (2l) Dentes in sompnis cadere: mortem ami corum. (23) Te& his feallan, sum of his majura swylt. (2c) Te£ neoderan o£de tuxas Jana afealla£, *jif mid blode осйе butan sare, fraemde he bid fram majum. (2c) 3e, Jat fallej toj ojer tweyn,/ Ji nexte frendes shule deyn. (7) His tef> falle whose syj,/ luere of frend, ychot, Jat hyj. (7) WongteJ blede & JarewiJ falle,/ dej of cun we mo we calls • (7) To meten, that thou lesist thi teth, thou shalt lesyn a frend, or on of thi ken shal deye. (l2) To mete, that thou lesist thi teth, f>u shalt leese a frend, or on of hem shal dye. (14) To dreme, that thou lesist thi teth, ye Jou shall leese thy fiynde. (20) Vir see dens chair senefie doleur de ses parens mors. (4) Les dens desous ou les maselers avoec sane ou doleur chair senefie perdre son pere. (4) Dens cair sains sane et doleur, senefie ... (4) WUi songe que la dent pert, .i. de ses paranz ou de see amis pert. (6) songe que la denz maissele(re) li chiet, si pert ami qui po li est. (6) *Qui songe see denz enveloper de palu et aloignier, si engendre anfanz. (6) yuant vois choir ou traire tes dens,/ £ou est perdre amis ou parens. (lO) *Qui somge ses demps envelloper, sy emgemdre enffent. (13) Wem trawmpt, wie zu stunde/ Die czenn ym reysent auez dem munde,/ Das ist ein verderben,/ Seinz nehsten frewndes eterben. (15) Wem in dem trawm also geschicht,/ Das er eein czen plutig sicht/ Hit grossera smerezen vnd mit not,/ Das ist eein nehsten frewndes tot. (15)
-14а- Zen auss fallen: fretlnd wellen sterben. (22) *Zen auB dern mund klauben: des himB schwind\mg. (22) Zen essen: von disser welt echayden. (22) ♦Zen aui3 dem mund fallenn: reichtum. (22) *Zen auBbrechen: fretlnd zu kunfft. (22) TOWER (jui songe vile ou chaetel ou tour cheoir, si niuert li sires* (6) TOWN v^ii songe vile ou chastel ou tour cheoir, si muert li sires* (6) TRAVEL (M)igrare, deceptionem significat* (2) Errantem se videre: molestiam signat. (2l) Errantem se videre: molestiam. (23) ifcran, bi^evicae Oe(tacnad). (2c) Wondrynde whose hym sy£,/ mournyng $at bytokne|) & by$. (7) To erren, by-toknith gret ennemies of body. (12) Lui vir esrant senefie ansiete avoec damage ou abaissement. (4) Toi vir esrant senefie anui. (4) Wem trawrapt, wie er ir var,/ Der sol haben das furwar,/ Das im nahet sorgen/ Den abend vnd den morgen. (15) Irren sich zu sehem truebealkayt. (22) TREE Aroores cum fructibus uidere, lucrum expertum significat. (l) Arboree aecendere, nuntium bonum significat. (l) АгЬогев cum fructu uiderit, lucrum exsperatum significat. (2) АгЬогеб ascendere, aliquam dignitatem optinebit. (2) Arboree cum fructu videre significat lucrum, (ll) Aroores videre vel aecendere significat honorem. (17) Arboree cum fructibus videre significat lucrum. (17) Arboree aridoe videre significat deceptionem. (17) Arboree magnos videre significat expeditionem. (17) Arboree abecindere significat dampnum. (17) Arborem ее eeee significat infirraitatem. (17)
-149- In arborem ве videre esse factum significat bonum mensem. (17) Arbores videre vel aecendere significat honorem. (19 ) Arborem cum fructu in somnie videre: lucrum signat. (2l) Arbores ascendere nuncium bonum vel aliquam dignitatem. (2l) Arbores ostendere: inimicos et propinquoe cubtodire signat. (2l) Arbores incenderei deceptionem signat. (2l) Arbors sedere: sidum nuncium signat. (2l) Arborem cade re: propinquam mortem signat. (2l) Arborem aridam qui viderit: deceptionem vel negocium signat. (2l) Arbores cum fructibus videre: lucrum signat. (2l) Ab arbore cadere qui se viderit: tristiciam signat. (2l) Arborem ascendere: bonum nuncium. (23) Arbores cum floribus videre: lucrum. (23) Arbores precidere: danpnum. (23) ♦Arbores videre: decepciones. (23) Arborem cadere videre: mortem. (23) Treow mid waeBtme ^esihd, jeetreon ^ewilnode hit ^jetacnact. (2c) Treow upp-astijan, eumne wyrttscype he bejyt. (2c) Mon, "fiat syf> tren blowe & here,/ bitoknefr wynnyng <3k no lere. (7) Monf ^>at styf) on tre anheh,/ gode tidynge him is neh. (7) Tren wi£ frut whose si$,/ bi^ete forsbfce |>at byf>. (7) To clime on a tre by-tokens worshipe. (в) To se a grete tre by-tokens worshipe. (в) A man, that seth trees with ffrut in drem, it be-tokneth gret wynnyng. (12) A man, that stieth vp treys in drem, it by good tytyngis. (12) ♦To se a tre fall, betokened joie. (14) A man, that seth treis with fruyt in dream ... (14) A man, that seth treys with frute in drem, it be-tokneth gret wynnyng* (20) A man, that stieth vp on treys, it betoknyf) good tythynggye. (20) Arbres grans veir ou monter senefie waing esprouvet ou hounour. (4) (^ii songe arbres veoir chargiez, gaains senefie de eon avoir. (6) i^oi songe seur arbres monter, si puie en grant dignete. (6) Arbre monter bous senefie/ Honneur et grande signourie; Arbre monter,
-150- c*est bons mesages,/ Bt qui le songe, il fait que cages, (lO) Wer eicht in dem trawn,/ Wie vor ini eein die pawn/ Heraten wol mit guter frucht,/ Der sey gewisz reicher czucht. (15) Wer in dem trawn steiget/ Hoch auff die pawn, dem neiget/ Von liebe ein liebe potschafft/ Mit viel frewden reicher krafft, (15) Wer list in dem trawn/ Das obsz von dem pawn,/ Dem get ein grosser nucz czu/ Den aDent spat, den morgen fru. (lb) Kin baum steigen, bedettt eer. (18) Holtz hacken: der wil an seim gut ab nem. (22) Holtz klauben: groB layd vnd triepsal. (22) ♦Pawn grien sehen vnd die naigen: seyn veind sich ergeben. (22) Paum mit frflchten sehen: gewin, (22) Paum auff steygen: ere, (22) Paum aohauwen: bet(r)iegntiB. (22) Perg tflrn baum abschneyden: schaden, (22) TRIAL (see COURT) TRUCE Pacem dare significat iram vel discordiara, (ll) ♦Prendre concorde honneurs eet grans,/ Bn ciel monteir, joie plaisans, (10) Jb'iyd mit den feynden machen: streyd, (22) Versonung in aynem zwytracht: schaden. (22) TWIG Perdere virgam virilem significat perdere connationera, (17) TWINS Gementes qualecunque videre: anxietatem signat. (2l) Gementes quoscumque videre: anxietatem. (23) TWINKLING Coruscationes uiderit, lucrum significat. (2) Corruscationes videre: lucrum signat, (2l) Li^-raesceas gesih£, orsorhnesse hit ge(tacna^). (2c) UNCTION (see OIL) URINATE (see WATER)
-151- VKGKTAxiLK 01 era comederes anxietatem designat. (2l) VINEGAR Acetum uel absinthium bibere, molestiara grauera significat. (l) Acetum bibere in somnis, infirmitatem significat. (2) Accetum portare significat infirmitatem. (17) Acetum vel absintheum bibere: nolestias graves vel infirmitatem signat. (21) Acetum bibere: anxietatem vel infirmitatem. ^23) Eced drincan on swefnum, untrumnysse je(tacnact). (2c) Itysil diynke & bittre byng,/ som serewe him is comyng. (7) biynke eysil whose syf),/ to-sof>e seknesse J>at bij). (7) JbTor to drynken eysel, it be-toknith gret heuinesse of body. (12J To drynke eysel, it be-toknith gret heuinesse of oody. (14) To diynke aysell, it be-toknith gret heuinesse of body. (20) Asil ou droisne porter senefie grief moleste. (4) (^ui eonge a boivre asil ou poison, si chiet en grant maladie. (6) Aisil boire, c*est enfreteis. (10) Wem in dem trawm so geschech,/ Wie er tranck eszech/ Vnd wasz sauer wesen mag,/ Der gewind vil trawrig tag. (15) *Essig trincken: gut gewinen. (22) VIWbTARD Uindemiare in eomnis, hilaritatem significat. (l) Vites raaturas plenas uiderit, letitiara significat, (2) Vindemiare, hilaritatem uite significat. (2) Vites maturas videre significat leticiam. (ll) Vites plenas uvis videre significat hilaritatem. (17) Vites maturas videre: gaudium signat. (21) Vindemiare qui se viderit: hilaritatem signat. (2l) Vindemiare se videre: gaudium. (23) Vinaeardas ripe fulle jesihcf, blisse ^e(tacnad). (2c) Wineard wyrcen, bliclhysse lifes de(tacnact). (2c) To setten vinies, bi-toknith gladnesse. (12)
-152- То set vynes, bi-toknith gladnesse. (l4) To set vynys, bi-toknith gladnesse. (20) VIRGIN MARY Fab ell are вей loqui cum virgine Maria significat hilaritatem. (17) VOMIT Cibura uomere, dampnum significat. (2) Ceroma uomere, lites significat. (2) Si uideris te uomicum facere, cogitationes & consilia tua dispersa & adnichilata esse significat. (2) Cibum que coramedisti proicere significat damnum. (17) Mete spiwan, hearm hit ^etacnai. (2c) Ceroma spiwan, saca hit oe(tacnaJ). (2c) CTif £u Jesihst £e spiwefran don, jejancu 7 jefreahtu £ine tostredde 7 to nahte ^etealde beon (etacnadt) • (2c) Casten drynke o|>er mete,/ £at a mon ha£ er y-ete,/ ojjer wi£ soster haue to donne/ of>er eoster taken him to monne ,/ fiat is a bytokenyng/ of sunne & of mournyng. (7) WAFER ODlaten niessens ertzney der selen, (22) WAGON ♦Carrura seu rotam videre significat infirm!tatem. (17) Ne carro descendere significat perdere honorев. (17) (c)arrum quicunquem se рогtare videre: negocium bonura signat. (2l) ♦Wagen auff steigen: kranckhait. (22) Wagen faren; er vnd gut. (22) WAR helium uel barbaros uidere, iram in publico significat. (l) In hostes aut in prelia ambulare, angustie graues significat. (l) *(B)ella uel barbaros uiderit, letitiam in publico patet. (2) Gentiles pugnantee uiderit & ab eis infestare, lites cum periculo signi¬ ficat. (2) Inimicos seu strages videre significat tribulationee. (17) Bellum vel barbaros videre: iram signat, (2l) In hostes vel in prelia ambulare: angustias graves signat. (2l) Hostes in prelio ambulare: angustiam. (23)
-153- ♦Gefeohtu oMe hejene ^JesihJ, blisse on openum hit openact. (2c) Kaejene feohtende jesih^ 7 fram him cidan, васа raid fraecednysse -j(etac- na<t). (2c) Armes ysen & eke bataille,/ hit is strif & vrake vijoute faille. (7) Whose sif) is fomon in bataille,/ anguisse him tid wiJ>-oute faille. (7) Vncomely to bataille gon,/ £at is shorae of is fon. (7) To seen a batayle or ellis berdid men, by-toknith open vrath. (12) In lysteB to gon or seen lystes or batayle, it be-toknith gret angwish. (12) To se batayll or else berdede men, hit by-tokened open wra£e. (14) In lystes to gon or se lystes or batayle, hit by-tokened gret angwish, (14) To se batell or else berdyde men, by-toknith open wrathe. (20) To goo (to) or to se batell betoknefje gret anguisshe. (20b) Batailles vir en songes ou barbarins senefie commune ire. (4) Aler encontre son anemit ou en bataille senefie grief angoisBe. (4) *(jui songe bataille veoir ou noise, en brief tans li vient grant joie. (6) Wui songe combatre, de see anemis se gart. (6) Velr batailles et barbacanes/ Kn songe sunt ires et tences. (10) *yui somge baitaillie voir, en brief luy vient grand joye. U3) Wer in dera travm bedevt/ Sicht mit parten lewt/ Oder streitlich gepom,/ Daz iet ein offenbarer czom. Ц5) Wer in trawmen kumpt in streit/ Ynd czu veinden an der czeit,/ Bo nachet im ein vngeraach/ Vnd ein veintlich rach. (lb) ♦Kiyegen im schlaffs zukflnfftigen fryd. (22) *Krieg im kercker eeins schadenn. (22) Krieg sehenn: zorenn. (22) Krieg inn krieg seyns grosser vnfall. (22) Krieg in krieg sein: schaden. (22) *3treitten im schlaff: yber windung der veind. (22) Streit in streit gen: angst. (22) Stech oder schlach: gro!3 irung. (22) WAHRIOH (see also HEATHENS, УАК) Gladiatorem se factum uidere, deceptionera significat. (l) Uladiatores uidere et cum ipsis ludere, angustiam significat. (l) Gladiatorem se factum uiderit, dampnura fedum significat. (2)
-154- Gladiantes expectare, uicinas litas maximas significat. (2) *Kilites uiderit, letitiam significat. (2) Gladiatores videre significat angustias. (ll) ♦Axmatos videre bonum signum est. (17) Armatoe contra se venire significat raolestiam, (17) Gladia tores seu interfectores videre significat labores. (l7) Gladiatores seu interfectores videre contra se venire significat decep- tionem. (17) Anna turn sibi infestum vel ferro percussums a potenti persona opprimi signat. (2l) Uladiatores videre: superabunt te inimici tui signat. (2l) Gladiatorera se factum: deceptionem Bignat. (21) Gladiatores videre vel cum eis ludere: angustiam signat. (2l) Gladiatores videre: tristiciam. (23) Swurd-boran hine ^ewordene ^esihd, hearn fullic ^(etacnaff). (2c) Swurd-wegende an-bidian, Qehende saca maeste g(etacna(£). (2c) ♦Cnihtas 3esih<f, blisse je(tacnad). (2c) Armes ysen & eke bataille,/ hit is strif & vrake vifcoute faille* (7) To seen men pleyin at the bokeleer and with hem pleye, bi-toknith gret angwysh. (12) To se men play at the bokeleer and hem to play» it bitokene$ gret angwysh, U4) To se men pley at J>e bukler And with them play betokenyth gret anguysche. (20b) Hommes а евреев vir et avoec iaus aler senefie angoisse, (4) Hoste sourvignant a lui vir senefie grant envie. (4) Vir combatans senefie tenche, (4) <^ui 6onge a veoir chevaliers, plaie a et duel. (6) Vem trawmpt, wie er worden sey/ Kin swertfurb, der wisse dobey,/ Der wirt trugentlich betrogen/ Von einem, der ym hat gelogen. (15) Eechter sehen: notturfftikayt. (22) Sar im felt sehen: streit. (22) WASH (see also HATH, FOOT, HAND» RIVER, SEA, SPRING) Cum masculo lauare, defectionem significat. (2)
-155- Mid vepmen ^wean, fleteorun;) g(etacna<£). (2c) ♦Waschen inuendig: zunemung. (22) WATER (see also RIVER, SPRING) Si uideris, quod in aqua pulchra intres aut ambulaueris, nullum bonura significat. (2) Si uideris te in calida aqua lauare, dampnum corporis significat. (2) Si uideris te in aqua frigida lauare, sanitatera corporis significat. (2) Aquam bibere significat sanitatem. (ll) Aquam calidaia bibere significat infiimitatem. (17) Aquam putridam bibere significat infiimitatem. (17) Aquam claram bibere bonum signum est. (17) Aquam calidam bibere in somnis: infimitatem signat. (2l) Aquam frigidam bibere: longam vitam et sanitatem signat. (2l) Super aquam pedibus ambulare: honorem et leticiam signat. (2l) Aliquam aquam sinceram videre: irapedimentum. ^23) Aquam calidam videre: infiimitatem. (23) Aquam frigidam videre: sanitatera et vitam. (23) O'if 1>u ■jesihst, "Jjaet £u on waetere fee^ere inja oMe oferga, sorhleaste ^(etacnad). (2c) 'ITif 1>u gesihst on weaimum watere ^>wean, hynde lichaman je(tacnad). (2c) CTif X>u jesihst f>e on waetere cealdan fwean, haelde lichaman j(etacnad). (2c) To pisse in T>e bed, be-tokened infirrayte. (14) Qoi songe yaue boillant, males paroles orra de ses anemis. (6) Wem trawrapt in dem pet,/ Er gebe auff seiner stet/ Wider wasser vnuejv czeit,/ Da3 ist nicht dann arbeit. (15) Prunnen machen: schaden. (,22) Saichen des nachtz in das b(e)tt: ktlnfftige kranckait. (22) Wasser trinken: gewin. (22) Wasser syeden sehen: mit feinden reden. (22) Wasser im wasser zablen: truepsal. (22) Wasser vnder gang: schwerer zom. (22)
-156- WAX (see also CANJbiS) ♦Ceram aridam edere, lites cum importunis significat. (2) Ceram uel cereos uiderit, gaudium significat. (2) Ceram habere significat gaudium et lucrum, (ll) Ceram facere vel candelam: iucunditatem. (23) ♦Wex drije etan, saca mid unjecoplicum je(tacna<t). (2c) Wex octtfe taperas jesih<t, blisse hit jetacnat. (2c) Cirons faire ou alumer es chandelers senefie sols. (4) Qai songe cierge ou cire vert, joie li vient et biens. (6) (jui sorage cire ou cierge verd, signiffie joy bien luy vient. (13) ♦Liecht von wagB erloeschen: schaden. (22) WagB prinen sehen: frewd. (22) WliiAiQJSbb (see also TIibIJ£b«i) Infirmum se videre significat tristiciam. (17) Videre se esse infirmum significat molestiam. (17) Afligatum qui se viderit: impedimentum aliquod signat. (2l) ♦Defectum se habere: gaudium cum honore signat. (2l) ♦Infirraum se esse qui viderit in somnis: bonum signat. (21) WEAPON Anna in somnis portare, honorem significat. (l) Arma in somnis perdere aut frangere, dampnum significat. (l) Anna in somnis portare, tutamentum significat. (2) Arma in somno portare fortitudinem significat. (3) Arma in sompnis portare, securitatem significat. (5) Arma se videre portare: tutamen signat vel honorem. (2l) Arma perdere aut frangere: damnum signat. (2l) Arma portare: honorem. (23) Arma frangere videre: dampnum. (23) Wsepnu on swaefnum beran, bewerunje hit jetacnact. (2c) Mon, fat funchef he brekef armes,/ fat ywis bytoknef harmes. (7) Yef fou dremyst of Armery it be-tokenyth chaunge of sum finge. (8) Yef fou dremyst fou bere armour it by-tokenyth worship. (8)
-157- A man to be armed in drem, it be-tokneth meche worfhep. (12) A man to be armed in drem, it tokened myche worship* (14) A man to be armed in drem, it be-tokneth much worshup. (20) Armes perdre ou brisier senefie damage. (4) i^ui songe armee porter, seignorie senefie seur see anemia. (6) yui songe soi armer, honor li croist. (6) Armes porter, ce nous devine/ Honneur et grande signourie. (lO) Wer in dem trawm vafen treit,/ Der sol versteen sunder 6treits/ Gewalt, reich vnd eren,/ Das mag sich nit vexkeren. (15) Wera trawropt, wie er verkyez,/ Zubreche Oder verliez/ Gewaffen, der wirt mit schaden/ In kurczen czeiten vberladen. (15) Lantzen tragens sicherhayt. (22) Waffen verliesen Oder zerbrechen: schadeen. (22) ♦Waffen tragens schweren. (22) WEATHER (see SKY) WEAVE Telas uel testrices uidere, nuntium bonum significat. (l) Tela quicuraque texerit & letitiam siue tristitiam uiderit, bonum nuntium significat. (2) ♦Tela aut videre texere significat deceptionem. (17) Telas vel textrices videre s leticiam vel nuncium bonum signat. (2l) Webbu sva-wilo-swa wyfd 7 blisse odde unrotnysse ^esihct, flod aerende ^(etacnad). (2c) To seen a webbe, bi-toknith a good message. (12) To se a neve webbe, it be-tokenej a good message. (14) To se a whebe, bi-toknith a good message. (20) WEDDING (see also BETROTHAL, COITION) Nuptias facere uel cantatrices uidere, planctum et laborem significat. (l) Uxorem ducere, dampnum significat. (l) (2) Nuptias facere, dampnum significat. (2) ♦Nupcias facere significat lucrum, (ll) Cum sua muliere facere matrimonium significat periculum. (17) Cum sororibus suis maritare significat periculum. (17) Ducere mulierem significat dampnum. (17) Matrimonium facere significat dampnum. (l7)
-158- Kuptias facere significat dampnum. (17) Nupcias vel incantatrices videre significat discordiara. (1/) Huptias facere vel cantatrices videre: planctum et laborem signat. (2l) Uxorem ducere: damnum signat. (2l) (K)upcias facere: planctum. (23) Uxorem ducere: dampnum. (23) 3ifta don, hearm ^(etacnad). (2c) Wif laedan, hearm 3(etacnad). (2c) Oef mon f>unchef>, J>at he is wedded,/ longe he worf> seek in bedde. (7) *Brudale of)er songes heren,/ bytoknef) plente to alle feren. (7) *3ef f>e fmnchef) f>ou takest veil,/ bitoknef) ioie, god, & eyl. (7) Wif) maide wedded whose him syf),/ anguisse on soule mon saif) f>at byf). (7) Him self ybounde whose may sen,/ of>er in swymmynge ben,/ oper wycchen bf)er weddyng,/ f>at is trauail of>er gret lattyng. (7) A man to wedde a fayr wyf, by-toknith harme. (12) To wedde a mayde, by-toknith angwysh. (12) To seen harpen & sen bridales, be-toknith wepynge & sorwe. (12) A man to mete to wede a wife, it betokenef) harme. (14) To wed a mayde, tokenef) grete angwysshe. (14) To se grete harpyng or to make bridales, be-toknith wepynge & sorwe. (14) To whede a maydyn, by-toknith angwysh. (20) To se harpyng & make bridales, hit bytoknyf>e wepynge & sorwe. (20) А man to whedde a wyffe bytokneth harme. (20b) yui songe посев faire, damage li vient ou mort d'ami. (6) Wer trawmpt, wie er komen sey/ Czu preutolfft dabey,/ Er sing ader hore singen,/ Pas ist clag noch vngelingen. (15) liochzeiten sein dantzen sehen: hertzlayd. (22) Hochzeyt bey hochzeyt seyn: fablen merlein schadenn. (22) Hochzeyt mit aynen diemlin: schaden. (22) WEEP Plorare in somnis, gaudium significat. (l) (2) Plorare in somno: gaudium signat. (2l) *Plorare: anxietatem. (23)
-159- Wepan on swefnura, blisse 3e(tacnact). (2c) Whose wepef) in sweuenyng,/ o£er metef> of cussyng,/ ofrer palmen may ysenF/ ioie & blisse fiat wol ben. (7) To wepe, be-toknith joye. (12) To wepe in sclepe, tokened joye. (14) To whepe yn slepe, be-toknith yoy. (20) Avoir pleur senefie joie. (4) Wem trawmpt, vie er weyn,/ Frewde ist dem gemeyn,/ Daran sol er czwifeln nicht;/ In kurczen czeitten das geschicht. (15) Wainnen im schlaff: fretld. (22) WILL (see SPRING) WHEAT (see CHAIN) WHIRLPOOL In gurgite sordido lauare, aliquam accusationem significat. (2) In gurgite sordido cecidisse, aliquam calumpniam significat. (2) #0n vaele fulum $weanF sume vrohte j(etacnai). (2c) *On vaele fulan feallan, sumne teonan ^e(tacnad). (2c) WIPE (see also COITION) Mulierem sparsis crinibus se uiderit, seditionera significat. (2) Parare mulieri doraumF incrementum significat. (2) Si uideris, quod concupiscas uxorem proximi tui, malum dolorem in corpus significat. (2) Dominam seu muliere videre parere significat securitatem. (17) Parietum si raulier videt: damnum vel detrimentum signat. (2l) Uxorem ab aliis videre: mortem uxoris. (23) Wif tosprseddum loccum hine jesihct, jespriicj j(etacnact). (2c) Oerwi^an wife hus, wexincje o(etacnact). (2c) 'WINE Folium cum uino accipere & bibere, infiraitatem significat* (2) Folia cum recente uino accipere & bibere, felicitatem temporis signifi¬ cat. (2) Vinum bibereF infiraitatem significat. (2) Vinum bibere significat infiraitatem. (ll)
-160- Feces vlni videre aut ferrum tractare significat longam vltam. (,17) Vinum bruscum bibere significat bonum. (17) Vinum turbidum bibere significat tristitiam. (17) Mustum biberei tempora feliciora signat. (2l) Vinum bibere: infirmitatem signat. (2l) Leaf mid wine onfon 7 drincan, untrumnysse fle(tacna<£). (2c) Leaf mid nivan wine niman 7 drincan, jesel<fe timan ^(etacnaJ). (2c) Win drincan, untrumnysse ^j(etacnact). (2c) WOLF Lupas videre significat infimitatem. (ll) ♦Lupum videre significat securitatera ab inimicis. (17) A lupo se comprehendere vel tenere: ab inimicis opprimi signat. (2l) Pors ou leus vir sene fie enferinettf. (4) Qui songe loue encontrer, de larrons se doit garder. (6) ♦Wolff seheni kurtzlich g8t fraint. (22) Wolff mit im schertzen: veind gemeret. (22) WOMAN Feminam toilers significat mutationem loci. (17) Feminas plures videre significat mutationem. (17) Sem feminas se videre ere significat infimitatem. (17) To speke with a woman tokens wynynge. (8) $ii songe veoi(r) lier ou pignier fame, belement honors li avient. (6) Qii songe veoir fame hericier, si pert .i. de ses amis ou a duel. (6) Frawen petten sechen: gutte zeit. (22) WOOD In silva se videre ambulare significat labores. (17) Silvam videre significat hilaritatem. (17) Silvan in somnis tractare: leticiam signat. (2l) Walden ir gann: in schwere sind vallen. (22) Waeld sehen: frewd. (22)
-161- WGHSHIP (see also OPiTERING, PRAYER) Adorare deum significat hilaritatera. (17) Eura adorare vel sacrificare significat hilaritatera. (17) *Цугапо8 seu laudes cantare significat impedimentum. (17) Ad celum scandere vel deum adorare: magnam traditionem Bignat. (21) Celum scandere vel deum adorare: honorem signat. (21) Deum adorare: gaudium signat. (2l) Orare deum qui se viderit: solatia temperis signat. (2l) To do a messe tokens joye. (8) yui songe messe chanter ou oir, s'il est prestres, joie li vient. (6) (jii songe messe de norz chanter et n'est prestres, diaus li vient. (6) (^ii somge messe de mort chamter, et il n'est presbtre, douleur luy vinst. (15) *Lobgesang singen: ver hindemttR. (22) Lobgesang sehen oder hoeren: frewd. (22) ♦MeBhor singen: in betruepntlB vallen. (22) ♦MeBe selber leB: peyn vnd leyden. (22) Stunden hoeren: gltlck. (22) WOUWl) (joi songe plaie avoir, chevaliers voit ou a joie. (6) Wund worden sein: scham red. (22) Verschossen sich sehen: verliesung ains glides. (22) tfKlTE Xn tabulis scribere: in calumniam cadere signat. (21) (^ii songe escrire ou lire, celement novele ot de son anemi. (6) yuii somge lire ou eecripre, sy ara nouvelles de ses amys. (13)
-162- Of alle sveuenes, £at men mete|)t day o£er ny$t, vhen hue slepeftt, nomon ne con fat sof>e |>yng telle, bote f>e heuene-kyng. He yo vyte & warde bo ant euer shilde vb from vr fo.* •Harleian Mb. 2253 , fol. 121a, ca. 13Ю. •Earleian Ms. 2253, fol
-163- Cf. Wolfram Schmitt, "Das Traumbuch des Hans Lobenzweig," Archiv fttr Kulturgeschichte 48 (1966), 181, and G. Bis, "Mittelalterliche Fachprosa der Artes," in Deutsche Philologie im AufriB. 2nd ed., ed. W. Stammler, II (Berlin: I960), 1103-1216; Mittelalterliche Fachliteratur (Stuttgart: 1962); "Artes,M in Rcallexikon der deutschen Literaturgeschichte. 2nd ed., ed. W. Kohlschmidt and W. Mohr, I (Berlin: 1958), 102-06. For more information on the occult sciences, see: Lynn Thorndike, A HiBtoiy of Magical and Experi¬ mental Science. 8 vols. (New Yoik: 1923-58); A. Lehmann, Aberglaube und Zauberei von den flltesten Zeiten an bis in die Gegenwart. 3rd ed. (Stutt¬ gart: 1925); A. Bouche-Leclercq, Histoire de la divination dans 1*antiquity. 4 vols. (Paris: 1879-82); E. and M.A. Radford, Encyclopaedia of Supersti¬ tions (London: 196l); Hanns Bflchthold-Steubli, Handwflrterbuch des deutechen Aherglaubens. 10 vols. (Berlin and Leipzig: 1927-42); Real-Bncyclopfldie der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft (Pauly-Wissowa), Neue Bearb., ed. W. Kroll, XIV, I (Stuttgart: 1928), 301-93 and 1258-88; М.-Th. d'Alvemy, "Survi vance de la magie antique," in Antike und Orient im Mittelalter. i/dscellanea Mediaevalia, ed. P. Wilpert, I (Berlin: 1962), 154-78. 2 Astrology, which figured together with astronomy in the artes liberales. was censured only when dealing with forbidden topics or processes, such as magic or soothsaying. See W.-E. Peuckert, "Astrologie," in Geschichte der c^heimwissenschaften I (Stuttgart: I960); and H. BAchthold-Sttubli (fa. l), XV, 342-400; VII, 36-294; IX, 596-782. ^ During the judicial secularization of the Church in the later Middle Ages, magic and witchcraft were branded as heresy by both ecclesiastical and lay courts, resulting in the infamous witchhunts that cost thousands their lives. For more information, see: R.H. Robbins, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology (New York: 1959); W.G. Soldan and H. Heppe, Geschichte der Heienprozesse. ed. M. Bauer, 2 vols. (Munich: 1912); A. Mayer, Erdmutter und Hexe (Munich and Freising: 1936) • ^ a. Leo Oppenheim, The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near Bast, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 46, 3 (1956), 256. ^ for a list of ancient dreambook authors, see Johann A. Fabricius, Bibliotheca Graeca 5 (1796; rpt. Hildesheim: 1966), 255-69* See also Pauly-Wissowa, II, 6, 2236-45.
-164- 6 ibr a critical edition, see toger A. Pack, Artanidori Dal.diani Oniro- criticon Libri V (Leipzig: 1963). Though a German translation is available oy Friedrich S. Krauss, Symbolic der Trflume (Vienna: 18Bl), the only known English translation is that of riobert Wood (London: 1606). For further information, see Pack, ^ Рог more infoimation, see B. Hase, Bibliotheca Classics. II (Paris# 1893), 396-403; Karl Krurabacher, Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatux (Munich: 1891), 629; Thorndike (fn. l), II» 291; and Pongracz and I. Santner, lias Kdnigreich der Trflume (Vienna and Hamburg: 1965), P« 88 ■ 8 Editions: N. Rigault (Paris: 1603), B. Hase (fn# 7), II» 407-13» and C.-E. Ruelle, ’’Vers inedits et bonnes variantes dans 11 Oneirocriticon de Nicephore Gregoras,” Revue des etudes grecques 8 (1895), 251-55- Krurabacher (fn. 7), p- 650, corrects this to ’’Nicephore Patriarchs.” Por more informa¬ tion, see Jp. Drexl, "Das Traumbuch des Patriarchen Nikephoros,” in Pestgabe fttr Albert Khrhard. Beitrflge zur Geschichte des christlichen Altertums und byzantinischen Literatur 14 (Bonn: 1922), 94-118. 9 See Krurabacher (fn. 7), p. 63O. ^ Bee P. Drexl, "Das Traumouch des Patriarchen Germanos," Laographica 7 (1923), 428-48. According to Krumbacher (fn. 7), Р- 630, Athanasios appears to be identical with Rigault's Astrampsychos. Prom this sane tradition is an unidentified drearubook published by F. Drexl, "Das anonyrae Traumbuch,” Laographica 8 (1925), 347-75. 11 Pongracz (fn. 7), pp. 87f. 12 In the dream chanceoook, the content of a dream is insignificant; following one pater raster, one ave Maria, and three in nomine, the Psalter is then opened at random, and it is generally the custom that the first letter appearing upon the left-hand page or attracting the eye of the reader is compared with the corresponding alphaoetical list of divinations. In the Latin manuscripts, these are entitled oorapnile Joseph, a pseudepigraphic allusion to the Biblical Joseph's oneiroraantic talent (Gen. 41:14-36) meant to lend validity to the interpretations. Literature: H. Fltigel, "Die Los- bttch^r der Muhamedaner," Sflchsische Sitzungsberichte. Philologisch-historische Klasse (1861), pp. 24-74; Johann Bolte, "Zur Geschichte der Losbticher," in Georg Wick rams Kerke IV (Tttbingen: 1903), 276-347, and "Zur Geschichte der
-165- Punktier- und Losbticher," Jahrbuch fflr historische Volkskunde I (1925)» 185- 214; Bflchthold-Stflubli (fn. l), V, 1429; Мах Fflrster, "Beitrflge zur rnittel- al ter lichen Volkskunde, M Archiv fflr das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 125 (19Ю), 39f», and Forschungen und Fortschritte 4 (1928), 204-06; Thorndike (fn. l), II, 294-96; Walther Suchier, "Altfranzflsische Traumbttcher, " Zeitschrift fflr franzflsische Sprache und Litcratur 67 (1957), 161; and Wolfram Schmitt (fn. l), pp. 96-99» Published Old Knglish chance- books: E. Si ever в, Zeitschrift fflr deut aches Altertum 21 (1878), 189f. Middle High German: M. Steinmeyer, Zeitschrift fflr deutsches Altertum 17 (1874)» 84; Е» Schflnbach, Zeitschrift fflr deutsches Altertum 18 (1875)» Blf.; and Schmitt (fn. l), pp. 98f. Old French: Jules Camus» "Des manuscrits franpais de Modene," Revue des langues romanes 35 (l89l), 205f»» and Suchier, pp. I62f. Dream chancebooks in Latin: K. Sievers, "Bedeutung der Buchstaben, " Zeitschrift fflr deutsches Altertum 18 (1875)» 297; H. Tobler, "Die altvene- zianische tfbersetzung der Sprflche des Dionysios Cato," Abhandl ungen der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophischr-historische Klasse I (1883)» 86; Anton Schflnbach, "Bedeutung der Buchstaben,” Zeitschrift fflr deutsches Altertum 34 (1890), 1-6; and FBrster, p. 40. 13 A dreamlunar is a list of dream interpretations for each day of the lunar month according to the phases of the moon. Here dream content has only a secondary significance, while the interpretation itself is restricted to general statements about the manner and period of dream fulfilment. Literature: Richard Wttnsch, "Volkstflmliches aus alten Handschriften," Hessische Blfltter fflr Volkskunde II (1903), 2, 7f., and 89f.; Fflrster, Knglische Studien 60 (1926), 58-66; and Suchier (fn. 12), p. 164. Published Old English dreamlunars: Oswald Cockayne, Leechdoms. Wort cunning, and Star- craft of Early England III (London: 1866), 154-61; Fflrster, ASNSL 110 (1903)» 356; ASNSL 121 (1908), 33; and Englischc Studien 60 (1926), 59-93» Published Latin dreamlunars: Wflnsch, pp. 89-91; Fflrster, ASNSL 121 (1908), 33» and Suchier, p. 164» No Middle High Gennan or Old French versions have yet been discovered. Cf. Suchier, p. 164» ^ Once the later Middle Ages had rediscovered Aristotelian oneiroraancy, seeking in dreams the source of physiological ailments (cf. Paul Dlepgen, Traum und Traumdeutung als medizinisch-naturyisaenschaftlicheB Problwa im Mittelalter (Berlin: 1912)), the physiological dreambook waB bom, a genre
-166- quite apart from the others. The interest in the prophetic dreambook did not wane; on the contrary, most of the surviving dreambook manuscripts date from the later Middle Ages, and the number of dreambook incunabula proves their continued popularity. But the physiological dreambook offered a wholly new approach to the experience, and today is the only type of dreambook receiving scholarly attention. Literatures Schmitt (fn. l), pp. 181-218 (in which the interpretations commence as those of a physiological dreambook, but soon adopt the ecclesiastical colouring of the Latin Expositio sompniorum from the end of the 13th c.); and Gerhart Hoffmeister, "Rasis* Traumlehre," Arcjiiy fttr Kulturgeschichte 31 (1969)» 137-59» which includes a Latin Somnia Danielis. For a unique contemporary assessment of Rasis, see Konrad von Megenberg, Das Buch der Natur, ed. Franz Pfeiffer (1861; rpt. Hildesheim: 1962), pp. 53f. The production of dreambooks continued on beyond the Middle Ages, but the subsequent authors are, for the most part, noteworthy only in the fact that they carried the ancient tradition into the modern period, such as Walther Ryff, Traumbtlchlein (strassburg: 1554)» and Hieronymus Cardanus, Synesiorum Somniorum Libri IV (Basel: 1562). All later dreambooks are only derivatives. Recent examples are discussed by Fdrster, ABNSL 125 (1910), 40f.; Zeitschrift Cttr celtische Philologie 13 (1919), 59 and 86; Englische Studien 60 (1926), 60-62; J. Jacobi, Ciba Zeitschrift 55 (1952), 1849f.; and Schmitt (fn. l), 186, fn. 5. In any bookstore from New York to New Zealand, one can find dreambooks for sale, many of whose interpretations coincide with the ancient and medieval topoi. 15 The dreambooks proper represent by far our largest corpus of medieval dreambooks. Included among this type of dreambook is the compilation of Pascalis Romanus (see Simone Collin-Roset, "Le Liber thesauri occulti de Pascalis Romanus,H Archives dfhietoire doctrinale et litteraire du Moyen Age 30 (19ЬЗ), 111 -98, whereby Books II and III of the Liber comprise an original dreambook) and the Arabic dreambook of the pseudo-Achmet, Leo Tuscus* Latin translation of which spread throughout Europe at the close of the twelfth century. Literature on the pseudo-Achmet: C.-E. Ruelle, "La clef des songes d'Achaet Abou-Mazar," Revue des etudes grecques 7 (1894), 305-12; Pauly- WisBowa, I, 248; F. Drexl, Achmets Traunbuch. Einleitung und Probe einee kritischen Textea (dies. Freising: 1909), and "Achmet und das syrische Traum- ouch," Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1929/30), 110-13; and Karl Krumbacher
-167- Un. 7), ?. 630. Literature on Tuecue: A. Dondaine, "Hogues Ktherien et Leon Toscon," Archives em.stoire doctrinale et litteWe du Ho^en A£e 19 (.1952), 67-134. Collin-itoset, p. 135, believes 'fuscus did not translate the pseudo-Achmet until 1175 or 1176, approximately ten years after i tortus < work haii been completed. Vuscus’ version van the first complete translation of the Liber and also the basis for the later 16th-century vernacular rendi- tions. This translation has never been miulish*-*»! Literature, b. d otoops, "Oneirocriticon du prophete Daniel dedie au roi Nabuchodonosor," Hevue de jshilologie. de litterature et d’histoire anoiennes 33 (1909), 93-111; F. Drexl, "Das Traumbuch des Propheten Daniel," dyzantinische ^Uschilft 26 (1926), 290-314; and Pongracz (fn. 7), p. 88. 17 1Ъг a list of manuscripts and editions, see ASKSL 110 (1903), 357j Д 123 (1910), 41, and text, 47-70; AdNSL 127 (1911), 31-84; Zeitschrift fflr celtische Philologie 13 (1919), 60 (Fflrster recognizes at least two different textual variants at the beginning of the 10th c.); Thorndike (fn. l), IX, 294; Suchier (in, 12), p. 136; B.S. Cron, A Medieval JDreambook (London; 1963; private printing of a privately owned dreambook, 100 copies only); and liofftoeister (fn. 14), pp. 132-59. 18 For example, we can also view entries under "Traum" in Hanns >3achthold- Stctubli (fn. l), X, 337f.J consult the massive Dictionnaire А*Агс11ео1ого.е Chretienne et de Liturgie. ed. F. Cabrol and H. Leclercq, 13 vols. (Paris: 1907-33); веек classical antecedents in Pauly-Wissowa (fn. l), 67 half vols. and 9 Buppl. vols. (Stuttgart: 1893-1964); try to find further articles through Victor Pdschel, Dibliographic zur antiken Bildersprache (Heidelberg: 1964); or seek an ecclesiastical interpretation through the Kncyclopedia of rieligion and Kthics, ed. James Hastings, 13 vols. (New Yoik: 1912-27). Invaluable contemporary infoimation can also be gleaned from such works as konrao von Megenberg's i3uch der Natur (fn. 14); the Lucidarius, ed. F. Heidlauf, Beuteche Texte des Mittelalters 28 (Berlin: 1913)? the Spicilegium Solesmense, ed. J.B. Pitra, 4 vols. (1852-58; rpt. Graz: 1962-63); and T.H. White, The 33estiary (New Yoik: I960). 14 See the Foreword in Steven R. Fischer, The Dream in the Middle High Iterrcan £pic. Australian and New Zealand Studies in German Language and Litera¬ ture 10 (Bern, Frankfurt, Las VegaBi 1978), p. 12 and fn. 4. For a general summary of Freudian oneiromancy, see J.A. lladfield, Dreams and Nightmares
-168- (Baltimore: 1954). 20 Cf. Pongracz (fn. 7), p. 9s "Dabei entdeckte ich die «berraschende Tatsache, dali viele der alten Traumdeutungen mit den Forschungsergebnissen der letzten Zeit weitgehend flbereinstimmten." 21 Cf. Hadfield (fn, 19), p. 19: ’’Another reason for repression is that for a boy, for instance, to wish to possess his mother sexually meets with the hostility of his father and the threat of castration at his hands. It is therefore the function of another part of his personality which Freud calls the Preconscious to guard the person against these dangerous sexual wishes from the unconscious and keep them in check.” 22 tooted in Hadfield (fn. 19), p. 35. 23 'Mjuite unacceptable is Suchier's (fn. 12) claim resting on a generalized preconception, p. 130: "Was den Inhalt dieser Texte betrifft, no rauB es hier bei einigen allgemeinen Beraerkungen sein Bewenden haben. Vor allem w£re zu sagen, daB von einer JDeutung nach modemen psychologischen Gesichtspunkten natttrlich nicht die Rede sein kann; vielmehr komnt es stets nur darauf an, aus dem Getrduraten eine Voraussage fttr die Zukunft zu gewinnen, and dafflr mttssen, da es auch damals an objektiven Kriterien fehlte, alle mflglichen fluBerlichen Motive herhalten.” Suchier appears to forget whence the dreara- book tradition originates and the underlying, exclusively subjective cause for its generation. 24 Cf. Fischer (fn. 19), p. 156: "The medieval author recognized in the adopted literary and indigenous oral traditions the poetic potential of the dream experience and creatively exploited it for two major reasons. First and foremost is its capability for making the epic narration more interesting, a capability ascricable to the inherent mystique surrounding the real experi¬ ence itself. Second to this is its usefulness as a functional device, one bound only by the limits of the author’s own imagination. Each dream regu¬ larly fulfils several functions, both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic¬ ally, the dream justifies and generates a course of action, resolves a con¬ flict, establishes a link between the divine and terrestial, validates a point of view, and consoles. Extrinsically, its most pronounced function is to heighten the suspense through epic anticipation, though it also serves as a foim of Ersatzabenteuer. identifies historical figures and situations,
-169- provides sympathetic evidence for a cult, and characterizes an epic figure; further important extrinsic functions of the dreai are to provide a transi¬ tion from fortune to misfortune (in only isolated examples also the inverse), to afford a structural element unifying disparate ends of the tale, to furnish proof of divine favouritism, to invoke an extemalization of hidden sentiments, and to disclose information crucial to a better understanding of the epic.” 25 Modern scholars who have employed the Oneirocriticon in the interpre¬ tation of dreams in medieval literature includes Emil PloB, "Byzantinische Traumsymbolik und Kriemhilds Falkentraum, M Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 39 (1958), 218—26; Wilhelm jDeinert, Hitter und Kosmos ini Parzival (l-iunich: I960), pp. 3-11; Hans Hesse, "Herzeloydens Traum," Germanisch-Homanische Konatsschrift 43 (1962), '306-09; Karl-Josef Steinmeyer, Untcrsuchungen zur allegorischen Bedeutung der Trfluss. Ad al_tfranzdsischen RolandsIie.d. Langue et Parole 5 (munich: 1963); and Arthur T. Hatto, "Herzeloyde*8 Dragon-Dream," Решал Life and Letters 22 (1968/69), lb-31, The earliest articles which mploy medieval dreambooks in the interpretation of medieval literary dreams are those oy Paul Graf funder, "Traum und Traumdeutung," Sammlung fremeinver- standlicher wissenschaltlicher УогЬгсПке. Heue Polee 9, 40 (liambure: 1894), and Hofus Larsen, "Antik og Nordiek Diyfrometro," Aarb/ger for Nordisk Oldkynd- i/yhed og Historie 111, 7 (1917), 37-85. After nearly half a century follow those oy Pierre Jonin, "Le songe d*Iseult dans la foret du Morois," Koyen ^jre 64 (1958), 103-13; Collin(-Roset)(fn. 15; an unsuccessful attempt to apply itoraanus* Liber to the literary dream); Arthur B. Groos, "Time Reference and the Liturgical Calendar in Wolfram von Kschenbach*s Parzival," Deutsche Viertel.jahrBschrift 75 (1975), 4’3“65; and Steven R. Pischer (fn. 19), as well as "Der Traum der Mutter Huodliebs," Zeitachrift fflr deutsche Philologie 101 (19B2), ^ ibr the medieval audience, there were several, each of which with its own particular mraning. The undisputed authority on dreaas and dreaming for the Middle Ages, Ilacrobius (Ambrosius Theodosius, ca. 400; see Commentary on the Dream of ocipio, trans. William Harris Btahl (Hew York: 1952), pp. 42-46, and Lmst Robert Curtius, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, trans. Willard R. Trask (Hew York and Evanston: 1953), p. 443), informs us in Chapter III, Section 2, of his Commentary that there are in point of fact five types of dreams: the nightmare (insomnium). the apparition (visum),
-170- the prophetic vision (visio). the oracular dream (oraculum). and the symbolic dream (somnium). Cf. Fischer (fn. 19), pp. 19-22. 27 Those scholars wishing to employ the Somnia Danielis in the interpre¬ tation of medieval literary dreams are advised to consult Steven Я. Fischer, "Dreambooks and the Interpretation of Medieval Literary Dreams, " to appear shortly in Speculum (1982). ^ P037 Aberglaube des Kittelalters (sreslaus 1858), pp. 245-48. 29 "Das Traumouch Daniels und die oneirokritische Litteratur des Mittel¬ alters," Serapeum 24 (I863), 195-201 and 209-16. See fn. 7, pp. 629f. 31 See fn. 1, II, b, 223y-45* 52 "j3eitrilge zur mittelalterlichen Volkskunde," Archiv fttr das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 110 (1903)» 356f.; 120 (1908), 302-05; 121 (1908), 35 and 35; 125 (19Ю), 39-70; 127 (1911), 31-84; 134 (1914), 264-93; and also in the Zeitschrift fttr celtische Philologie 13 (1919), 55-92, which is partially reprinted in Mnglische Studien 60 (1926), 58-93* Wote: Otto Gotthardt's impressive-sounding, contemporary study, "Uber die Traurabttcher des Mittelalters," Deila/те zum Jahresberichte des ktfnifrlichen Lutherfr/mnasiums zu FiBleben (Eisleben: 1912), treats only minor manuscript variations. 33 See fn. 1, II, 290-302. 34 La clef des sondes (Paris: 1925). 35 "Traumbuch," in Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasser- 1 exikon IV (jJerlin: 1943), 492-96. 36 8ee fn. 14, pp. 1839-51* See fn. 12, pp. 129-67. 38 . _ _ bee fn. 7. 59 bee fn. 1, pp. 181-218. 40 See fn. 14, pp. 137-59. 41 42 bee fn. 19, pp. 22-32. For this purpose I would highly recommend Pongracz^ and Santner's
-171- Дав Kflnigreich der Trflume. which, though not strictly a scholarly wozk, none¬ theless still offers something of value for the interested scholar; вее the Bibliography and fn. 7.