Автор: Yau-Chun W.   Kung-Fu N.  

Теги: mathematics   vectors  

ISBN: 0-19-853523-6

Год: 1973


TO OUR TEACHERS J. D. Weston S. T. Tsou H. P. Rogosinski

PREFACE The duality theory is one of the most important and fruitful theories in the study of topological vector spaces. This book gives an account of the duality theory of partially ordered topological vector spaces. Through the pioneering works of many great mathe- maticians including Riesz, Frendenthal, Birkhoff, Kakutani, Kan- torovitch, Krein, and Nakano, the theory of Riesz spaces (vector lattices), and in particular the theory of Banach lattices, has been well developed; there are many excellent books containing informa- tion on the classical theory of Banach lattices (for example, Day (.1962), Kelley-Namioka (1963)). The theory was further developed by Luxemburg and Zaanen through their systematic and extensive studies carried out in a series of papers entitled 'Notes on Banach Function Spaces’ published in the 60’s. The classical duality theory of Banach lattices has been generalized and developed in the following two divergent directions: (a) Partially ordered Banach spaces. Krein seems to be the man who initiated this subject; in particular, he shows how the order properties of the Banach space E determine the dual order properties of the Banach dual space E'. Ando, Edwards, and Ellis initiated the attack on the (much more difficult) converse problem; they show that some of the order properties of E are completely determined by the dual properties of E'. Studies of this kind have been carried further by Davies, Ng, Asimow, Perdrizet, and others. The develop- ment of the abstract theory of partially ordered Banach spaces has much been influenced and motivated by other branches of mathe- matics (e.g. G'*-algebra theory and Choquet boundary theory); on the other hand, the abstract theory has also enriched our understand- ing in other branches (cf. for example, the works of Effros, Stormer, Alfsen, and others). (b) Locally convex Riesz spaces. The study of such spaces has been strongly influenced by the general theory of topological vector spaces and abstract integration theory (Kothe spaces theory in particular). Roberts seemed to be the first to investigate the duality theory for locally convex Riesz spaces. The theory has then been de- veloped rapidly through the works of Namioka, Schaefer, Kawai, Peressini, Goffman, Wong, and Fremlin. In most of their investigations, a remarkable theorem of Nakano (asserting that for topological
viii PREFACE Riesz spaces topological completeness follows from certain order completeness assumptions) plays an important role. By utilizing this powerful theorem, Schaefer proved in 1960 that each reflexive locally convex Riesz space is topologically complete. This result is remarkable in view of Kdmura’s example of a non-complete locally convex reflexive space, and indicates that order properties may substantially ‘influence’ the topological structure. In 1969, Wong- extended Schaefer’s theorem to semi-reflexive spaces by considering the .Dieudonne topology ots (and applying Nakano’s theorem); he also showed that a8 is relevant for establishing a converse of Nakano’s theorem.. The present book is an attempt to provide a unifying and balanced treatment of the above two seemingly unrelated subjects (a) and (b). Accordingly, the book is roughly divided into three parts. The first part consisting of the first eight chapters is mainly on the theory of partially ordered locally convex spaces, that is, the ‘common’ theory which is applicable to both (a) and (b). Apart from the work of those mentioned above, we have also included some work by Bonsall and by Weston, and some recent results of Jameson and Duhoux. The second part consists of one single (long) chapter and is a brief account of the results described in (a) with emphasis on those duality results peculiar to normed spaces. The third part consists of the last nine chapters, in which is given not only the theory described in (b) but also Wong’s work on barrelled, order-infrabarrelled, infrabarrelled, and bornological locally convex Riesz spaces. At the end of the book we have included ‘Notes on the Bibliography’. These, together with some comments and remarks distributed through, the text, should be sufficient to lead the reader to the relevant literature. In most cases we have not attempted to trace the origins of the results but instead to refer the reader to standard reference books whenever possible. Thus, for example, when we say that certain results are due to Schaefer (cf. Schaefer (1966)), we mean that the results and some related material can be found in his book published in 1966 even though he published his results in a much earlier paper. Likewise, when we say that by Schaefer (1966, p. 126), we mean ‘by a result appearing on page 126 of his book,’ even though the result may not be due to Schaefer. The book has evolved from lecture notes prepared by the authors for seminars conducted in the Chinese University of Hong’ Kong. These seminars were attended primarily by advanced undergraduated students (in their fourth year) and also by some of our colleagues. We
PREFACE ix believe that this book should be quite accessible to any student who is acquainted with the elementary theory of topological vector spaces. The authors’ interest in the subject was cultivated when they did their research at University College, Swansea. It gives them great pleasure to thank Professor J. D. Weston, the Department Head, and his staff members, in particular Dr A. J. Ellis, Dr H. P. Rogosinski, and Professor G. M. Peterson (who is now at the University of Canterbury) for their guidance and stimulation. We would also like to thank Professor Weston for suggesting that we write the book and for his help in arranging for its publication. The manuscript was written in Hong Kong; we should like to take the opportunity to thank the Chinese University of Hong Kong in general and the United College in particular for financial and moral support. We wish in particular to thank Dr 8. T. Tsou who constantly encourages and helps us in many ways, not only as the Department Head but also as a teacher and as a friend. We are also grateful to the staff of the Clarendon Press for their assistance. United College The Chinese University of Hong Kong May 1973 Y. C. W. К. E. N.

CONTENTS l. Fundamentals of ordered vector spaces 1 2. Cones in topological vector spaces 1 8 3. Locally decomposable spaces 30 4. ^-Cones and local ^-cones 43 5. Locally o-convex spaces 48 6. Locally solid spaces 60 7. The order-bound topology 67 8. Metrizable ordered topological vector spaces 77 9. Ordered normed vector spaces . 85 10, Elementary theory of Riesz spaces 113 11. Topological Riesz spaces 136 ]2. Locally o-convex Riesz spaces 155 13. Completeness for the Dieudon nd topology 160 14. Reflexivity for locally convex Riesz spaces 173 15. Bornological and infrabarrellcd Riesz spaces 178 16. The structure of order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces and its simple properties 187 17. Permanence properties of order-infrabarrellcd Riesz spaces 194 18. Relationship between barrelled, order-infrabarrelled, and infrabarrelled Riesz spaces 197 NOTES ON THE BIBLIOGRAPHY 206 BIBLIOGRAPHY 210 INDEX 215

1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES In this chapter we review some basic facts in linear algebra and ordered vector spaces, which we shall need in what follows. The following notation is used: <f> denotes the empty set, and A\B denotes the com- plement of В relative to A, where A and В are sets. Throughout this book we shall restrict our attention to vector spaces over the real field R. If A and В are subsets of a vector space E and if Я, у are real numbers, we define kA-\-yB ~ {flaAyb'.a e A, b g В]. The expression {ж}4~А will be abbreviated by x-\-A, ( — 1)4 by —A, and A. +(— B) by A — B. Let К be a subset of E. К is said to be convex if ЯА-[-(1 — X)K с К whenever 0 < Я < 1, К is said to be symmetric if —К = K, and К is circled if ЛК £: К whenever |Л| < 1. If В is a subset of E, the smallest convex set containing B, denoted by co B, is called the convex hull of B; and the smallest convex circled set con- taining В (denoted by ГВ) is called the convex circled hull (or ab- solutely convex hull) of B. Let A and В be subsets of E. We say that A absorbs В if there exists Я > 0 such that В s yA for all у with |/z| > Я. If A absorbs every finite subset of E, then A is said to be absorbing. If A is absorbing, the functional pA defined by pA(x) “ inf{2 > 0:«g AA} for any ж in В is called the gauge (or Minkowski functional) of A. A functional p on E is said to be sublinear if 7?(ж+у) <p(x)Ap{y} and р(Я«) — Я^(ж) for all x, у in E and Я > 0. A sublinear functional p on E is called a semi-norm if p(yx) = p(x) for all x in E and у in R. A non-empty convex subset C of E is called a cone if ЯС cz C for all Я > 0. Clearly a cone G in E determines a transitive and reflexive relation ‘ ’ by . r J x < у it y—x e 6;
2 FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES moreover this relation is compatible with the vector structure, i.e, (a) if ж > 0 and ?/ > 0 then x -\-y > 0, (6) if x > 0 then ax > 0 for all Я > 0. The relation determined by the cone G is called the vector {partial) ordering oiE, and the pair {E, G) (or {E, < ))is referred to as '^{partially) ordered vector space. Conversely if *< ’ is a relation in E which is tran- sitive, reflexive, and compatible with, the vector structure of E and if we define „ , w G = {ж e E: x > 0}, then G is a cone in E, and is exactly the vector ordering of E induced by C. A cone G in E is said to be proper if С C\ {—C) = {0}. The vector ordering ‘ ’ of E, induced by a cone G, is antisymmetric if and only if G is proper. It is easily seen that the intersection of a family of cones in E is a cone. The smallest cone containing a given set A is denoted by pos A. Clearly (n 2 ed, > 0 for all i ;= I, 2,..., n /=1 We see that pos A is proper if and only if all = 0 {i = 1, 2,..., n) n whenever 2 where a{ g A\{0} and > 0 {i = 1, 2,..., n). If «=1 A is convex, then pos A has a simpler expression as shown in the following proposition. (1.1) Proposition. If A is a non-empty convex subset of a vector space E, then pos Л = и {U: Л 0}. Furthermore, if 0 ф A then pos A is proper. Proof. Suppose that P U {£4:Л > 0}. It is clear that pP £ P for all у > 0. From the convexity of A, it is easy to show that P is convex, and so P is a cone containing A. Further, if IT is a cone containing A then M c W for all Л > 0, and so P £ W. Therefore P is the smallest cone containing A, i.e. pos A — P.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES 3 Finally, we show that pos A is proper whenever 0 ф A. Suppose, on the contrary, that there exist a, b in A and 2, у > 0 such that 2a = —-[Ab. Then the convexity of A entails that 0 =------a 6 e Л, 2 ft 2 -(* ft which gives a contradiction. This completes the proof. A cone C in E is said to be generating if E = C--C. (1.2) Proposition. Let C be a cone in E. Then the following state- ments are equivalent: (a) C is generating; (b) for any x e E, there exists ueC such that и > x; (c) the vector ordering in E is directed in the sense that for any x, у in E there exists z e E such that x < z and у < z. Proof. Straightforward. Let (E, <) be an ordered vector space. The vector ordering < is said to be Archimedean if x < 0 whenever nx < y, or almost-Archi- medean if x = 0 whenever —y < nx < y, for all positive integers n and some у e E. It should be noted that if the vector ordering is proper and Archimedean then it is almost-Archimedean, but the word ‘proper’ cannot be dropped in the above conclusion as shown by the following examples, (a) In R2, suppose that L = {(ж, y):x > 0} and that ‘ <3 is the vector ordering determined by the (improper) cone C. Then ‘ ’ is Archimedean, but not almost-Archimedean. (b) {(а, Д) g R2: a > 0, > 0} U {(0, 0)} is a proper almost-Archi- medean cone in R2, but it is not Archimedean. In the definition of almost-Archimedean. ordering, the element у involved in the inequalities —y < nx < у must be positive (that is, in the positive cone of E). In the definition of Archimedean ordering we can also consider only positive elements y. More precisely, if (E, <) satisfies the property that x < 0 whenever nx < y' for all positive integers n and some yr e E with y' > 0, then ‘ < ’ is Archimedean. (In fact, suppose nx < у for all positive integers n and for some у e E,
4 FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES where у is not necessarily positive. Let y' = y—x. Then у’ > 0 and nx < y'.) This observation makes the following two propositions clear. (1.3) Proposition. For any ordered vector space (E, <), the following statements are equivalent: (a) the vector ordering ‘ <’ is Archimedean; (b) if x, у in E are such that x < Лу for all Я > 0 then x < 0; (c) if x, у are in E and e is a positive real number such that x < Лу for all Я with 0 < Л < s, then x < 0. (1.4) Proposition. For any ordered vector space (E, <), the following statements are equivalent: (a) the vector ordering < is almost-Archimedean; (b) if x, у are in E such that —Лу < x < Лу for all Я > 0 then x -= 0; (c) if x, y, z are in E and s is a positive real member such that Лу < x < Az for all Я with 0 < Я < e, then x -- 0. Let F be a vector subspace of an ordered vector space (E, G), where C is a cone in E. Then F П G is a cone in F and the vector ordering induced by F Г\ C is called the relative ordering. The ordering for a subspace will always be assumed to be defined in this manner. It should be noted that if G is a proper cone then so is F П G. However, it may happen that F C\ G is a proper cone while G is not. It is clear that the relative ordering of an Archimedean ordering is again Archi- medean and the relative ordering of an almost-Archimedean ordering is almost-Archimedean. Examples (a) The usual ordering for R is that induced by the proper cone R+ of all non-negative real numbers. (b) If E is a vector space of real-valued functions defined on a set 8 then the usual ordering for E is defined pointwise: f < g in E <=>f(s} < gr(s) for all s in In particular, if 8 is a topological space then the ordering for the space of all continuous real-valued functions on 8 is defined in this manner. Another example of pointwise-defined ordering is that in sequence spaces. (c) The usual ordering for the vector space co of all sequences {Я„} of real numbers is that induced by the cone E consisting of all sequences
FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES 5 {/Q, where each Яп > 0. The following subspaces of co are endowed with the relative ordering: m: the space of all bounded sequences of real numbers; c: the space of all convergent sequences of real numbers; c0: the space of all null sequences (that is, sequences converging to zero); lv: the space of all Zi’-summable sequences of real numbers. (d ) Let (Q, (U) be a measure space and E the vector space of all measurable real-valued functions. Here, as usual, functions which are equal almost everywhere are identified. For/, g in E, we define f уоДж) < р(ж) for almost every x in Q. The subspace of all A25-summable functions in E is endowed, with the relative ordering, where p is a positive real number. In all the examples (a)-(d), the vector orderings are Archimedean. Let В be a subset of an ordered vector space (E, С). В is said to be majorized if there exists x in E such that Ъ < x for all b in В; В is said to be minorized if there exists x in E such that x < b for all b in В; В is said to be positive if В и C. For a pair of elements x, у in E with let [x, y] ~ {z e Eix z < y}. The sets of the form [x, y\ are called order-intervals. It is easily verified that order-intervals are convex; the converse is, of course, inexact. A subset in (E, C) is said to be order-bounded if it is contained in some order-interval in E. A subset A of E is said to be order-convex (or full) if [cq, a2] ~ whenever a13 a2 e A and cq < a2. An order-convex set is not necessarily convex. For instance, consider R2 with the cone C defined by c _ {(a> e R2 . a > Then R2\(7 is order-convex but not convex. In fact, we have the following proposition. (1.5) Proposition. Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) each order-convex set in E is convex; (b) the vector ordering induced by G is total, that is, E ~ G U — (7. Proof, (a) => (b): Clearly E\C is order-convex, so must be convex by (a). If G is not total in E, let x e E\(C и — C). Then both x and -~x 2
6 FUNDAMENTALS OK ORDERED VECTOR SPACES are in the convex set E\G; hence 0 - ММ contrary to the fact that the cone G contains 0. (b) => (a): Let В be an order-convex set. Let &15 Ь2 e В, and Лх, Л2 > 0 with Ях + Я2 = 1. Since the vector ordering in E is total, we have either &x < bz or Ьг > &a. Without loss of generality, suppose 6X < &2. Then &x < Лх&х + Я262 < so Лх&х+Л26а g [&XJ 62] — В by the order convexity of B. Simple examples in the plane show also that convex sets are not necessarily order-convex. Thus the concepts of convexity and order convexity are quite distinct. A subset A in an ordered vector space is said to be o-convex if it is both convex and order-convex. The o-convexity must not be confused with the order-convexity. It is clear that the intersection of order-convex sets is order-convex and the intersection of o-convex sets is o-convex. Given a subset В in (E, C), the smallest order-convex set in E containing В is called the order-convex hull of В and is denoted by [В]. Notice that [B] = g E:b1 < x < &2 for some b2 in B} = (BdC) r> (B — C). The order-convex hull [ B] will sometimes be referred to as the full hull of В and will be alternatively denoted by E(B). A subset A of (E, C) is called: (a) positive-order-convex if [0, a] £ A whenever a g A and a > 0 (thus A contains 0 if it contains a positive element); (b) absolute-order-convex if [—a, a] £ A whenever a g A and a > 0. If A is a symmetric set then the order-convexity implies (b) which in turn implies (a). Simple examples in the plane show that the three order-convexities are distinct. A semi-norm p on (E, G) is called: (a') monotone if p(x) < p(y) whenever 0 < x < у in E; (b') absolute-monotone ifp(«) < p(y) whenever — у < x < у in E. The following result demonstrates the relationship between these concepts. (1.6) Proposition. Let p be a semi-norm on an ordered vector space (E, C) and let V = (x g E:p(x) < I}. Then the following statements hold: (a) p is absolute-monotone if and only if V is absolute-order-convex; (b) p is monotone if and only if V is positive-order-convex; (с) V is order-convex if and only if p satisfies the following implication: x у < z in E p(y) < тах{р(ж), р(г)}. (1.1)
FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES 7 (// V is replaced by the closed ball S = {z g E:p(x) < 1}, the proposition remains true.) Proof. Straightforward. (If condition (1.1) is satisfied, G will be referred to as a 1-normal cone in E with respect to p.) An important concept dual to the order-convexity is that of de- composable sets. A set A in an ordered vector space (A', G) is said to be decomposable if for each a in A there exist a2 in A C\G such that a = f°r some Ях, Л2 > 0 with ЛхрЛ2 -= I. Note that a sym- metric, decomposable set may not be convex and that a symmetric convex set is not necessarily decomposable. Observe, however, that the symmetric convex hull of a decomposable set is decomposable. Also the union of a family of decomposable sets is decomposable, but the intersection of decomposable sets may not be decomposable. Given any set A in (E, C), the union of all decomposable sets in E contained in A, which is the largest decomposable set contained in A, will bo called the decomposable kernel of A, and will be denoted by D(A). If A is circled and convex then D(A) can be explicitly expressed as D(A) = {2xux — Л2а2:а1; ай e A n C, Ях, X2 > 0, ЯХ4~/1Й = 1} = Г(А n G) =- co( — (A n G) и (A n G)). A subset В in (E, C) is said to be positively generated if for each b in В there exist bls b2 in В Г\ C such that &x — = b. Thus E itself is positively generated if О is a generating cone. It is also clear that any symmetric convex and decomposable set is positively generated. (1.7) Proposition. Let p be a semi-norm on an ordered vector space (E, G) and let V = {x g E:p(x) < 1}. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) V is decomposable; (b) for each x in E and each positive real number s there exist two positive elements жх, x2 withptxf) pp(x2) < p(x) -j-s such that x = x1—x2. Proof. (a)=>(b): Note that x g (/)(«) +e)F. Since V is decom- posable, there exist vlf v2 in V Ci G and Ях, Л2 > 0 with Ях ТЛ2 = 1 such that x = Ш + еЖ'Ш Let xx = hfp(x) + e)vx and x2 = h2(p(x) -fs)v2. Then (b) is easily verified.
8 FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES (b) => (a): Let v e V. Then there exists e > 0 such thatp(v)-]-e < 1. Lor these v and. e, by (b), there exist xlt x2eC with 2>Ы+р(^) < .рИ+б < i such that v = x1-—x2. Take positive real numbers <i2 such that 0 < p(Xi) < (% for each i, and + — 1. Then x-Jd^ and«2/da are in V and v = — ^й(жй/^а) e D(V). Therefore V is decomposable. A subset В of (E, O') is said to be: (i) absolutely dominated if for each b in В there exists ж in В such that —b, b < x', (ii) positively dominated if for each b in В there exists ж in В such that О, Ъ < ж. Clearly the condition (i) implies (ii). Also a decomposable convex set A is always absolutely dominated. In fact, if a — where ax, aa e А О С, a e А, Л1} Я2 > 0, and 4-A2 = L then let ж ” ^1®1+Я2а2з since A is convex, ж e A. It is clear that < ж. Simple examples show that an absolutely dominated and convex set may not be de- composable. A set which, is both absolutely dominated and absolute order-convex is said to be solid. Solid sets may not be convex and are not necessarily decomposable. Example. Let R2 be the plane with the usual ordering ((a, /3) > 0 if and only if a > 0 and /? > 0). Let A = {(a, /3) e R2: |a] < 2, |/3| < 2} and В ~ {(a, /3): |a| +|/3| < 3}. Then A is a non-decomposable solid set, and В is a solid set but not order-convex. The union A U В is solid but neither circled nor convex nor order-convex. The proof of the following proposition is similar to that given for the preceding proposition and therefore will be omitted. (1.8) Proposition. Let p be a semi-norm on an ordered vector space (В, C) and let V ~ {x e E\p{x) < 1}. We consider the following state- ments: (а,) V is absolutely dominated; (a') for each x in E and each e > 0 there exists у in E with p(y) <p[x)+s such that —ж, ж < у; (b) V is positively dominated;
FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES 9 (b') for each x in E and each e > 0 there exists у in E with p(y} < such that 0, x y. Then the statements (a) and (a') are equivalent, and statements (b) and (b') are equivalent. An ordered vector space (E, C) is said to have the Riesz decomposition property if [0, u] + [0, r] = [0, и |-r] whenever и, v are elements in C. It is easily verified that (E, G) has the Riesz decomposition property if and only if [«1; г/J + |>а= У2] = Oi • жй> 2/i +2/aJ f°r alt xo Vi in ® with хг < yi for each i. The following proposition is well known; the reader is referred to Bourbaki (1965) or Fuchs (1966) for its proof. (1.9) Proposition. For an ordered vector space (E, G) the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E, C) has the Riesz decomposition property; (b) if xit y^ e E and xi < y^ for i = 1, 2,..., n, and j = there exists z in E such that xt < z < y$ for all i, j; (c) if xi} y} eC for all i = 1, 2,... n and j = 1, 2,... m, and if n m m n 2^ = 2 y^ then there exist c^ e G such that xi = ci3- and yj -= съ-. г=1 j—1 i=l A vector lattice (Riesz space) is defined to be an ordered vector space (E, G) with proper cone G such that, for any pair of elements x, у in E, sup (x, y) (the supremum of x and y) and inf(«, y) (the infimum of x and y) exist in E. It is well known and elementary that each vector lattice has the Riesz decomposition property, but the converse is false. Next let us turn to a discussion of ‘dual orderings’. A functional f (not necessarily linear) on an ordered vector space (E, G) is said to be order-bounded if f is bounded on each order-bounded subset of E and is said to be positive if f(x) > 0 for all x e G. Let E* denote the algebraic dual of E consisting of all linear functionals on E. Let Eb denote the set of all order-bounded linear functionals on E and C* the set of positive linear functionals on E. Then C* £ Eb Q E*, and C* is a cone in E* while Eb is a vector subspace of E*. The space Eb will be conveniently referred to as the order-bound dual of E. C* will be called the dual cone in E* and the induced vector ordering will be referred to as a dual ordering. Unless an explicit statement is made to contrary, the ordering in E* will always be the one induced by G*, and the ordering in any subspace F of E* will be the relative ordering induced by C* C\ F. In particular, the order-bound dual Eb has the dual ordering
10 FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES induced by С* Гу Eb = C*. Let E# denote the linear hull of C* in E*, that is, E# — C* — C*. Then E# £ Eb c L?#} where the inclusions may be strict (cf. Namioka (1957)). The ordered vector space (E#, C*) will be referred to as the order dual of E. (1.10) Theorem (Riesz). Let (L?, C) be an ordered vector space with the Riesz decomposition property and E = C—C. Then (Eb, C*) is a vector lattice and Eb = E#. Proof. Let f g Eb. Define for each и in C that g(u) sup{/(a?):rr g [0, u]}. (1.2) Clearly g is positively homogeneous. Also, if u, v g C then g(uj+g(v) = вир{Д«):ж G [0, w]}+sup{/(^):^ g [0, <]} = sup{/(x) +f(y):x g [0, u\, у g [0, г?]} = swp{f(x+y}:x G [0, u\, у G [0, yj} = sup{/(^):s G [0, where the last equality holds since E has the Riesz decomposition property. Therefore g is additive on C. If x — u — v g E = C—C, where u, v eC, then we define g(x) — g(u)—g(v). It is easy to verify that g is a well-defined linear functional on E and agrees with the formula (1.2) on C. It is easy to see that g eL*. By formula (1.2), 0,f < g so g g C* 22 Eb; in fact it is not difficult to verify that g = sup{0,/}. Consequently, Eb is a vector lattice. Note also that f = g--{g-f) g —- E#. This shows that Eb c E^; hence Eb - E#. (1,11) Proposition. Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space, and let f g Eb. Then for each и in C we have sup/[0, u\ 4-inf/[0, u\ = f(u). (1.3) Proof. If и = 0, the equality (1.3) is trivial. We may therefore suppose that и g C and и Ф 0. Let у g [0, и]. Then u—y g [0, u] and inf Д0, u\ <.f(u-y) —,f(u)—f{y) < sup ДО, и], hence f(y) + inf ДО, и] < f(u) < f(y) + sup ДО, и], for all у g fO, u]. The equality (1.3) follows easily.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES 11 We shall now turn our attention to a problem concerned with positive extensions of linear functionals. The following theorem is due, independently, to Namioka (1957) and Bauer (1957). (1.12) Theorem. Let F be a vector subspace of an ordered vector space (E, C), and letf be a linear functional on F. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) f can be extended to a positive linear functional on E; (b) there exists a convex and absorbing subset V of E such that f(x) < 1 for all x g F Г\ (V~~C). Proof. The implication (a) => (b) is clear; in fact, if g is a positive extension of f on E, then the set V - {x еЕ:д(х) < 1} has the desired property. To prove the implication (b) => (a), we note that V-- G is convex and absorbing because of V £ V — C. Suppose that p is the gauge of V—G; then p is a sublinear functional on E and /(a?) < p(x) for all x g F. By making use of the Hahn-Banach theorem, there exists a linear functional g on E which is an extension of f and Note that < Pky} for all у e E. G £ V~C c= {хеЕ:р(х) < 1} and that G is a cone; we conclude that g must be positive. Let (E, G) be an ordered vector space. A subspace E of A1 is said to be cofinal if G £ F—G. (1.13) Corollary. Let F be a, cofinal subspace of an ordered vector space (E, C). Then every positive, linear functional on F can be extended to a positive linear functional on E. Proof. Without loss of generality we can assume that G is generating. Let f be a positive linear functional on F, and let Suppose that U - {ж g Ftf(x) < 1}. V - U-G.
12 FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES Then it is not hard to verify that V is convex and absorbing because F is cofinal. Since C is a cone, it follows that F r\ (V—C) - F n (Г7-С) and that /(«)<! for all x g F Л (F—C'). The result now follows from the preceding theorem. An element e in an ordered vector space (E, C) is called an order-unit if the order-interval [—e, e] is absorbing in E, that is, if e g C and for each x in E there exists Я > 0 such that — Яе < x < Яе. More generally, a net {ел, Я g Л, <} in Е is called an approximate order-unit if the following conditions are satisfied: (a) each ел is in C; (b) for any pair of elements Я15 Я2 in the directed set A with Ях < Я2, it is true that < e2g; (c) for each x in E there exist Я e A and a positive real number a such that —- aeA < x < аел. Thus, if {e2} is an approximate order-unit then the set Ал = U [—ел, e/J = {x e E-. —ex < x < eA for some Я e A} is circled, convex, and absorbing in E. Thus the Minkowski functional of Ал is a semi-norm on E and will be referred to as the approximate order-unit semi-norm defined by {ez}. If e is an order-unit in E then the Minkowski functional of [--e, e] is called an order-unit semi-norm defined by e. If e is an order-unit in (E, C) then the vector ordering is Archimedean if and only if x < 0 whenever x < ae for all а > 0 and is almost- Archimedean if and only if x — 0 whenever — ае < x < ae for all а > 0. (1.14) Coeollaby, Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space with an order-unit (or, more generally, an approximate order-unit {ел}), and let F be a vector subspace of E containing e (or {eA}). Then each positive linear functional on F can be extended to a positive linear functional on E. Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space. A functional q, defined on 0, is said to be superlinear if —q is sublinear, i.e. q(hu) = hq(u) for all Я > 0, и e C, and fpm1)) > Q.(E)-fq(oo) for all u, co in (7.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES 13 The following generalization of the Hahn-Banach theorem was proved by Bonsall (1955) and will be very useful in our subsequent discussions. (1.15) Theorem (Bonsall). Let (E, G) be an ordered vector space and p a sublinear functional on E, and suppose that q is a superlinear func- tional on C such that q(u) < p(u) for all и in C. Then there exists a linear functional f on E such that f(x) < P(x) for x e an^ q(u) < f(u) for all и g C. Proof. Define, for every x e E, that r(x) — inf{j?(a?+u)—-q{u)\u G C}. Since p(u) < p(^+u)+p( —x), it follows that r(x) —p(—x'), and hence that r is finite on E. Clearly r is a sublinear functional on E, r(x} < р(ж) for all x in E, and r(—-u) < — q(u) for all и in G. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, there exists a linear functional / on E such that f(x) < r(x) for all xeE, and so /(a?) < p{x) for all x g E. Since /( — u) < r(— u) < — q(u) for all и g G, we conclude that/(u) > q(u) for all и g G. This completes the proof. Bonsall’s theorem wifi be useful in our investigation of the duality problems. To facilitate its applications, we introduce the following notation. For any subset U of an ordered vector space (F, 0), we define = u {[-u, u]:u gU n G}. Then U is absolutely dominated if and only if 8(U) 2 U; U is absolute order-convex if and only if 8(U) 2 U, and U is solid if and only if 8(U) = U. If A с E the polar of A, taken in the algebraic dual E*, will be denoted by A” and defined by A* = {fGE*:f(a) < 1, Va g A}. For example, Cv — C*. (1.16) Lemma. Let V be a subset of an ordered vector space (E, C). Then we have и/тгял icu-trwv
14 FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES Consequently, if V is absolutely dominated then the polar W of V, taken in E*, is absolute order-convex in E*. Proof. .Let f be in ^(F17). Then there is 0 < g e V” such that Pf < 9- Let x e S(F) and suppose that < v for some v e V. Then 0 < (g~f)(vPx) = 9&) +^И and 0 < (gPf)(v-x) = g(v)-g(x)Pf(v)-f(x). Summing up, it follows that 0 < 2g(v) — 2/(ж). Since v e V and g e V77, we then have f(x) < g(v) < 1, valid for all x in $(F). This shows that f e (S(V)y and hence that ^(F77) £ (S(V))V. .Further, if V is absolutely dominated, then V £ &(F); hence ^(F77) c (&(F))ff <= F"; that is, F* is absolute-order-convex. (1.17) Theorem (Jameson). Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space, and let V be a convex and absorbing subset of E. Then GS'(F))®' = A7(F"). Consequently, if F is absolute-order-convex then Vv is absolutely dominated, and if V is solid then Vv is solid. Proof. In view of the preceding lemma, we have only to show that ($(F))ff £ /S(Fff). Let g be in (/S(F))77. We have to find an f with 0 < f g V77 such that \ g < f. To do this, we define for each x e C that = swp{g{yy.y e E, ±y < ж}. Since g e (£(F))r and since F is absorbing, it is easy to see that q is a well-defined superlinear functional on C. Further, let p be the gauge of V. Notice that and hence that ±V < X E F g(y) < 1 q(v) < p(v) for all v e C. By theorem (1.15), there exists / e E* such that and /(?/) < p(y) for all у e E, q(v) < f(v) for all v e C.
FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES 15 Notice that < q(v) for all vgG; hence < f(v) for all v G G and ffir? < f- Notice also that f(y) < p(y) < 1 for all у g V so that f g This completes the proof for the first assertion of the theorem. Furthermore, if V is absolute-order-convex then $(P) с V and, by the first part of the proof, 7я £= $(7)я -£(7Я); i.e. 7я is absolutely dominated. This, together with lemma (1.16), implies that if V is solid then so is 7я. There do not always exist non-zero positive linear functionals on an arbitrary ordered vector space (cf. Jameson (1970), p. 2 ). By virtue of the preceding theorem we'are now in a position to derive a condition which is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a non-zero positive linear functional on an ordered vector space E. (1.18) Proposition. Let (IS, C) be an ordered vector space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) there exists a non-zero positive linear functional on E; (b) there exists a non-zero absolute-monotone semi-norm on E; (c) there exists a non-zero monotone semi-norm on E. Proof, (a) (b): If f is a non-zero positive linear functional on E then the semi-norm p, defined by p(x) = |/(ж)| (xeEf is a non-zero absolute-monotone semi-norm, on E. (b) => (c): Trivial. (c) => (a): Let p be a non-zero monotone semi-norm on E. Then there exists x0 in E such that т?(ж0) E 0. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, there exists a linear functional g on E such that t/(«0) ~ p(x0) and g(x)<p(x) (xgE). Notice that g g IE, where U = {x eE:p(x) < 1}. Also, since p is monotone, S(U) £ 3U; in fact, if —x < у < x and x G XJ, then 0 < x У у < 2x; hence p(y) < p(x-Py)+p(—x) < p(x-]-y)Ep(x') < 24-1 = 3. By the preceding theorem, (S(U)}V = 8(11^), and it follows that IIP <= (S(U)Y =S(U*f
16 FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES In particular, g g 3 • £(IA); hence < 3/ for some f e Un with f > 0. Let g1 = W+бО and g2 = i(3/-gr). Then gr, g2 are positive linear functionals on E and g = gi~gz- Since дг(ж0) "A 0> one °f 9i an(i g2 must be non-zero at x0. Suppose that (E, C) is an ordered vector space. A sequence {xn: n e N} in E is said to be increasing;, and we write xn], if xn < xm whenever n < m. The sequence is said to be decreasing, and we write xn[, if x.m < xn whenever n < m. If and x = sup xn exists in E, we then write xnfx. Similarly for a decreasing sequence. The index set {хт: т g ,D] (abbreviated to {ay}) of E is said to be directed upwards, denoted by xT], if for every pair rx and r2 in D there exists r in D such that xr < ay and xT^ < xT. It is said to be directed downwards, denoted by жД, if for every pair ту and ra in D there exists r .in D such that xr > xT and xT > ay. If {ay: r g j9} is a directed upwards subset of E, and we define a relation 4 < ’ in D by < r2 if хТ1 < xT2 , then (D, <) is a directed set, and hence {ау:т g D} is a net with the property that жГ1 < жТа whenever r1 < r2; in this case, {жт:т G D} is called an increasing net. If {жг:т g D} is a directed downwards subset of E, and we define a relation ' < ’ in D by < 72 if xTi > xv then (D, <) is a directed set, and hence {xr: r g D} is a net with the property that xT xTz whenever тх < t2; in this case, {xT\r eD} is called a decreasing net. If жД and if x — sup xT exists in E, we write жДж. Similarly for sets directed downwards. A subset 7? of 77 is said to bo order-complete if every increasing net in В that is majorized in E has a supremum which belongs to B, and is a-order-complete if every increasing sequence in В that is majorized in E has a supremum in B. In particular, if E itself is order-complete, we then say that E is an order-complete vector space or if E is a-order-complete, then E is an a-order-complete vector space. A subspace off? which is order-convex is called an o-ideal. A solid subspace В of E is called a normal subspace of E if it follows from xT f x in E with xT in В for all r that x belongs to В; it is called a a-normal subspace if it follows from xn f x in E with xn in В for all n that x belongs to B. It is clear that each solid subspace of E which is order-complete must be a normal subspace of E, and that if E is an order-complete vector space, then each normal subspace of E is an order-complete subset of E. If {[Ea, e!} is a family of ordered vector spaces then Ca ael is a cone in the product space JJ Ea. Notice that J J Ca is a proper cone ctel asl
FUNDAMENTALS OF ORDERED VECTOR SPACES 17 if and only if each Ca is proper. If (E, C) is an ordered vector space and if E is the algebraic direct sum of subspaces (i = 1, 2,..., n) of E, we say that E is the ordered direct sum of E* (i = 1, 2,..., n) if n C — PJ where = C C\ Et (i = 1, 2,..., n). It is easily seen that i==i 0 is a proper cone if and only if each is a proper cone in Fi, that G is generating if and only if each is generating, and that the vector ordering determined by G is Archimedean if and only if each vector ordering determined by Ci is Archimedean.
CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES It is easily seen that the closure of a cone in a topological vector space J? is a cone. But the closure of a proper cone in E need not be proper. By way of example, consider R2 with a cone Cz defined by Of = {(#, y)-x > 0} U {(0, y):y > 0}, then G\ is a proper cone in R2, and the closure Сг of C} with respect to the usual topology is rz . r ы {(x,y)\x > 0}, but Cz is not proper. A topological vector space with a cone is called an ordered topological vector space and a locally convex space with a cone is referred to as an ordered convex space. It should be noted that in an ordered topological vector space the vector ordering and the vector topology need not have any connection. However, if there exists a closed cone C in a topological vector space (E, then the vector topology 0s must be Hausdorff because С П — C — {0} is ^-closed; but the converse is, in general, not true; for instance, consider R2 with a cone Co defined by G) “ {(ж> У}'-х > 0 and У > 0} U {(0, 0)}, then CQ is a cone in R2, but it is not closed with respect to the usual topology. In what follows, all topological vector spaces will be assumed to be Hausdorff, unless a statement is made to the contrary. If (E, C, is an ordered convex space, throughout this book E' will denote the topological dual of E, Eib will denote the set of all bounded linear functionals on E, and C will denote the cone consisting of all positive ^-continuous linear functionals on E, that is, C' E’ C\ C*. Eib is referred to as the topologically bounded dual of E. (2.1) Proposition. Let (E, C, be an ordered topological vector space and let < be the vector ordering determined by C. Then we have: (a) the vector ordering < is Archimedean if C is ^-closed; (b) the vector ordering < is almost-Archimedean if the &-closure C of C is proper;
CONES :IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES 19 (c) if C is tP-closed and if {хт: r g D} is an increasing net in E which converges to x with respect to S?, then x = sup xT; if C is tP-closed and if {xT: r g D} is a decreasing net in E which converges to x with respect to <P, then x = inf xT. Proof, (a) Suppose that nx < у for all positive integers n; we wish. 1 1 to show that x < 0. Since — у 0 with, respect to (P, and - y--x g G, n n we conclude from the closedness assumption that /1 \ —x = lim I —y —x g G, n \n / and hence that x < 0. (b) Suppose that —у nx у for all positive integers n. Then ~x — lim -- y-xf, n \П / x lim I- yPx n \n 1 1 On the other hand, since - n — x g G and since - у 4-х g G, it follows that n nu —xgG, x g G, and hence that x g G П --C. We conclude, from the fact that (7 is proper, that x 0; therefore the vector ordering < is almost-Archimedean. (c) Suppose that xf\. We first show that xT < x for all т e D. For any r in D, let {a;v:v > r, w e D}. Then AT c xT-\--G, and so the ^-closure AT of AT is contained in xrpG because xTpG is ^-closed. Since xr converges to x, it follows that x g Ar, and. hence that x g xtPG or, equivalently, x—xr > 0 for all r in D. This shows that x is an upper bound of {ж/ r g D}. If у in E is such that xT < у for all т g D, then y—-xr g О for all r g D. Since G is ^-closed and since y—xT converges to y~x> we conclude that y — x g C, and hence that x < y. Therefore x ~ sup xT. Finally if then {—-xT'.r g .D} is directed upwards and -—xT con- verges to —x with respect to therefore ~x = sup(— xT) = — inf xT3 consequently x = inf xT. This completes the proof. Remark. It is easily seen that if (E, G, P) is an ordered topological vector space and if G is ^-closed, then each order-interval in E is ^-closed. Furthermore, G is ^-closed if and only if the vector ordering < induced by C is ‘continuous’ in the following sense: Whenever
20 CONES TN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR, SPACES {жи}, {ym} are two convergent nets in (A?, ^) with limits x and у such that xn < ym for all m, n, then it is true that x < y. (2.2) Proposition. Let (E, G, tP) be an ordered topological vector space. Then e is an interior point of C if and only if [— e, e] is a &- neighbourhood of 0; in this case, e is an order-unit element. Proof, (a) Necessity. Let e be an interior point of G. There exists a circled ^-neighbourhood V of 0 such that e + F C; it follows that V S IG—e) П (e — C) since V is circled. It is clear that H,e] = (G—e) n (e~G), consequently [—e, e] is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. (b) Sufficiency. Suppose that [—e, e] is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. We conclude from e] £ C that e is an interior point of G. Finally, e is an order-unit element because [- e, e] is absorbing. (2.3) Corollary. Let (E, G, £P} be an ordered topological vector space. If the interior of C is non-empty, then Еь с E'. Proof. Let e be an interior point of (7, and let f be in Еъ. By the preceding result, [—e, e] is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. Since f is bounded on [-e, e], there exists Л > 0 such that f(y) < 2 for all у e [—e, e]. It then follows that [—e, e] £ {y e E:f(y) < 2}, and hence that / e E'. (2.4) Corollary. Let (E, C, .P) be an ordered topological vector space, and let the interior of G be non-empty. If e is an order-unit element, then e is an interior point of C. Proof. Let x be an interior point of G. By proposition (2.2), [—- x, ж] is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. Since e is an order-unit element in E, there exists 2 > 0 such, that — 2e < x < 2e. Clearly e-J-2~1 [~-x, ж] с G, and so e is an interior point of G. For a barrelled space with a dosed cone, the condition that the interior of G is non-empty in the preceding result can be dropped.
CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES 21 (2.5) Corollary. Let (E, C, PF} be an ordered convex space, and let C be ^-closed. If (E, ^) is barrelled, then each order-unit element is an interior point of C. Proof. Let e be an order-unit element. Since C is ^-closed, [—-e, e] is ^-closed, and so [ — e, e] is a barrel, consequently [—e, e] is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. By proposition (2.2), e is an interior point of C. This completes the proof. (2.6) Proposition. Let (E, C, be an ordered convex space and let Еьъ be the set of all A bounded linear functionals on E. Then Etbc. Eb if and only if each order-bounded subset of E is tP-bounded. Proof. The sufficiency is clear. We use the Mackey-Arens theorem (of. Schaefer (1966)) to verify the necessity. Let В be an order-bounded subset of E, and f e E'. Then f e Etv> £ Еъ. Hence f is bounded on B. This shows that В is a(E, F')-bounded, hence ^-bounded. In theorem (1.12) we considered a positive linear extension problem. The following result deals with continuous and positive linear extensions; the proof is exactly that given for theorem (1.12). (2.7) Proposition. Let F be a vector subspace of an ordered convex space [E, C, <P). Then a linear functional f defined on F has a &-continuous, positive linear extension to E if and only if there exists a convex &-neighbourhood V of 0 such that f(x) < 1 for all x g F Ci ( V— C). (2.8) Proposition. Let (E, C, IF) be an ordered topological vector space with the topological dual E' and let f g E'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) fGC'-C; (b) there exists a convex &-neighbourhood V of 0 and a positive constant a such that f(x) < a for all x e С C (F—C); (c) there exists an o-convex circled Sd-neighbourhood W of 0 and a positive constant such that f(x) < /3 for all x e W. Proof, (a) (b): Suppose that f — g—h where g, h are in O'. Let F — {x eE:g(x) < 1}. Then F is a convex ^-neighbourhood of 0. Further, if x e C C\ (F—C) then 0 < x < v for some v in F. Hence f{x) g(x)~-h(x) < g(x) < 9^) < 1. 3
22 CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES (b)=>(c): We can further assume that V is symmetric. Let U = {ж e V: \f{x) | < a} and W the order-convex hull of (7, i.e. W = {U-j-C) n (U—C). Since/e E', it follows from U - V П {хеЕ:Ц(х)\ < a} that U is a ^-neighbourhood of 0, consequently W is an o-convex ^-neighbourhood of 0. Let w e IF and assume that и < w < v for someiqv e L.Then|/(?z)| < a. Also, since0 < {w~-u)l2 < {v — u)j2 e V, we have (w-~u)/2 e С П (F —C) so that Consequently f{w) ^f{w-u)Ef{u) + < 3a, valid for all го e W. (c) => (a): Since W is a neighbourhood, the polar W° of IF, taken in E', is the same as that taken in E*. Let g fjfi. Then g e IF0. Since W is order-convex, A( IF) £ IF; it follows from the duality theorem (1.17) that g e £ £(1FF = ^(IFff) - A(IF°). Therefore there exists h e IF0 such that Eg < h. Then g -= |(A+^)-|(A-g) eC-C'. This completes the proof of the proposition. Next we shall give a duality theorem parallel to the duality theorem (1.17). We first prove a simple computation rule for polars. Recall that if J. is a subset of a topological vector space E, the polar of A, taken in the topological dual E', is denoted by A0; thus A0 = An П E'. (2.9) Lemma. Let 8 and T be two convex subsets of a locally convex space E containing the origin 0. Then the following propositions hold: (a) if 8 П T — 8 П T {for example, 8 and T are closed) then {8 (~\ T)° = co($° U T°), where the polars are taken in the topological dual E' and go{8° U T°) denotes the o{E', Efclosed convex hull of 8° u T°: (b) if 0 is an interior point of 8 and of T then 8 П T = 8 C\ T. (Thus, roughly speaking, if 8 and T are both open or both closed convex subsets of E containing 0, then the polar of the intersection equals to the closed convex hull of polars.)
CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES 23 Proof. Notice that 8 and T are closed convex subsets of E con- taining 0. By the bipolar theorem, we have ($ П T)° = co($° U T°f Since 8 П T = 8 П T and the polar (in E') of a set is the same as the polar of its closure, we have (Я П T)° (ТГгГТ)0 =3 ($ П Ту = cb($° и T°) = hb(£° U T°), proving (a). To prove (b), let x g 8 ГЛ T. Since 8 is a convex set containing the origin as an interior point, it is easily seen that Ax g 8 for each 0 < 2 < 1 (Ax is in fact an interior point of 8, cf. Schaefer (1966, p. 38)). Similarly Ax g T. Letting A —> 1 in Ax e 8 Г) T, we have x g 8 П T. This shows that 8 П T cz 8 n T and consequently 8 Г\ T = 8 T since the opposite inclusion is obvious. Remark. If we assume one of the sets 8, T to be a neighbourhood of 0 and the other set is closed, then (b) remains true. If both sets are neighbourhoods of 0 then $°, T0 are a(E', E)-compact by the Alaoglu theorem (cf. Schaefer (1966)); hence co($° U T°) is o(E', JE')-closed and (S n Ту - co(A° U T°f (2.10) Corollary. Let 8 and T be two convex absorbing subsets of a vector space E containing the origin 0. Then, for polars taken in the algebraic dual E*, we have (8 n Ту - co(/Sir и T’). Proof. Let r denote the Mackey topology in E with respect to the duality (E, E*). Then all convex absorbing sets ini? are neighbourhoods of 0 in (E, t). Hence the corollary follows from the remark preceding the statement of the corollary. (2.11) Theorem. Let V be a circled, convex, absorbing subset of an ordered vector space (E, Cf Then the following propositions hold: (a) (H(F)f = L>(F7r); (b) (П(У)Г - F(V*y, where DIV'1'} and И(УЯ) respectively denotes the decomposable kernel and the order-convex hull of V77 in the algebraic dual E*.
24 CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES Proof, (a) We first recall that (P — —C*. Next we show that (7+Cy = 7я П Gv = -(7я n G*). (2.1) In fact, since 7, G contain 0, we have VpG э V, C; hence (Ffi-Cy cz V" П C". On the other hand, if f g 7я П Cv then —f e F1 C\ C* (since 7 is circled); hence ( —f)(c) > 0 for all cgC. Consequently f(vpc) = /(v)+/(c) < f(v) <1 (v g 7, e g C), showing that/G (7 + С)я. Therefore formula (2.1) holds. Similarly, we can show that (7 -Gy = 7я П (7*. On applying corollary (2.10), we then have (7(7)F - ((7+0) n (7-+7)Г = со((7+СУ и (7-С)я) = со(-(7я п С*) и (7я п С*)) - П(7Я). (b) Let / g (Р(7))я. Then/(ж) < p(x) for all х g G, where р denotes the gauge of 7. By Bonsall’s generalization of the Hahn-Banach theorem (theorem (1.15)), there exists a linear functional g on E such that /(ж) < g(x) and g(y) < p(y) for all x g C and у e E. Then g g V* and f < g. Similarly, considering -f instead of /, we can find A e 71 such that h < /. Hence / g 7(7я). This shows that (7)(7))я £ 7(7Я). Conversely, let f' e F(Vvf and suppose x = Л1х1 — Л2х2, h' < /' < д', where Л1) Л2 > О, -7Л2 = 1, хг, х2 g 7 п G, and h', д' е 7я. То complete the proof we have to show that f'(x) < 1. To this end, we notice that f'(xf) < </(aq) < 1 and f'(—x2) < h'{ -.ra) < 1 (since 7 is circled, — x2 e 7). Hence f'(x) = Л1/'(+)+Я2/'(-ж2) < z( za -= 1. The proof of the theorem is completed. (2.12) Corollary (Jameson). Let V be a circled, convex, absorb- ing subset of an ordered vector space (E, G), and suppose that V is order- convex. Let f be a linear functional on E such that sup/(7) < go. Then there exist positive linear functionals g, h such that f^=g—h and sup ^(7) + sup A( 7) = sup/(7). Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume that sup /(7) = 1. Then f e 7я = (#(7))я. By the preceding theorem, f e D(VV); thus there exist positive linear functionals/!, f2 e 7я such that / = V1--V2
CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES 25 for some Л2 > 0 with + = 1- Let g = and h = Л2/2. Then / = g—h and, for each v in the circled set F, it is true that f{v) ~g{v)--h{v) = g{v)-\~h{ — v) < sup gr(F)-f sup A(F); hence 1 = sup /(F) < sup <?(F) -)-sup h{ F). On the other hand, since S' “ and A e V\ we know that sup g{ F) < Similarly, sup A(F) < Я3. Consequently, sup (?(F)+sup A( Г) < A + /l2 ~ 1 < sup/(F). Therefore /(F) — sup g( V) + sup h( F), (2.13) Corollary. Let {E, C, IP) be an ordered convex space and V a circled convex IP-neighbourhood of О-in E. If the topological dual E' is order-convex in E* then (D(F))° = _F(F°). Proof. Since Ef is order-convex in E*, the order-convex hull in E' of a subset A in E' is the same as the order-convex hull of A in E*; Ee- J-(J) = (Л+С") П (А—С") = (Л+С*) П (A-C*). By (b) of theorem (2.Il), (D(F)f - #(7”-) = F(F°) and the above sets are contained in E'; thus the equalities can be re- written as (D(F))° = #(F°). The following result is dual to (b) of theorem (2.11). (2.14) Theorem. Let {E, C, ^) be an ordered convex space with a ^-closed cone C, and let E' be the topological dual space with the dual cone C'. Let F be a circled convex IP-closed neighbourhood of 0 in E, and let Е(У^) denote the order-convex hull of F° in (Ef, C'). Then (#(F°))° =Ж)> where the polars are taken with the duality (E, E') and closure relative to IP. {Remark. Since P(F) is convex, the ^-closure D(F) of D(F) is the o{E, $')-closure of D(F).) Proof. As in formula (2.1) in the proof of theorem (2,11), we have (F°+C")° = F00 n (C")° - - F00 n C00 :- . - F о C,
26 CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES since V and d are closed. Also, by the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem, V° is сфЕ', A)-compact, hence VOjrd' is a(E', A)-closed (and convex). By lemma (2.9), we have (A(P))° = ((7« + C") n (7«-C"))° = to((7°+C/)° и (У0 -С')0) = ch(-(7 nC) u(F nd) - A(F). The following separation theorem will be useful in our further investigation. (2.16) Theorem. Let (E, C, be an ordered convex space with the topological dual E'. If К is a ^-compact convex subset of E, then there exists fed' such that „ J swpf(K) < 0 if and only if К r\ d = ф, where C is the ^-closure of d. Proof, (a) Necessity. If К П d ф, take x g К C\ d- then there exists a net {жт: r g D} in d such that xT converges to x with respect to because fed'; consequently sup/(A) > sup{/(x):« g К cC)>() which gives a contradiction. (b) Sufficiency. Since C is ^-closed and convex, it follows from the strong separation theorem, that there exists f e E' such that sup/(A) < inf f(d) == inf f(d). We claim that / is positive. In fact, if и g d then nu Ed for all natural numbers n, and it follows from sup/(A) <f(nu) — nf(u) (n = 1, 2,...) that/(u) > 0; this shows that/is positive. Hence inf f(d) = 0 and so sup/(A) < 0. This completes the proof. (2.16) Corollary. Let (E, d, be an ordered convex space, and let d be &-closed. Then d is proper if and only if d' is total over E. Proof. By making use of theorem (2.15), we have d = {xeE:f(x) > 0, V/eC"),
CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES 27 &o С n -C ^{xeE: f(x) = О, V/ e O'}; consequently the result follows immediately. We are now in a position to give a similar result to the Bonsall theorem (theorem (1.16)) with topological properties involved. (2.17) Proposition. Let(E,C, tP) be an ordered convex space with a closed cone C. Let К be a convex compact subset of E containing the origin and let F be the cone generated Ъу K, that is, F = pos K. Let p be a sub- linear functional on F and let q be a superlinear functional on C with the following properties: (a) q is upper semi-continuous on C; (b) p is lower semi-continuous on К and s = sup |p(W)| < d~oo; (c) q(x) < p(x) for all x e F C\ C. Then, for each e > 0, there exists f e E' such that q(x}<f(x) and f(y)<p(y)+e for all x eC and у e K. Proof. Consider the space E X R with the product topology. Let H = {(a, £) g E xR:a e K, p(a) < £ —s < s} ld j9 = {(a, £) g E x R:a g C, S, < q(a)}. Then H is a compact, convex subset of E x R containing (a, p(a) d-s) for each a in ,K (in particular, containing (0, e)), and D is a closed cone in E X R. Further, by (с), H and D are disjoint. Theorem (2.16) shows that there exists a continuous linear functional ip on E X R such that 0 ~ sup ^(D) < inf ip(H). Since (0, e) g 11, 0 < ip(0, e) = s. ip(0, 1) so ip(0, 1) > 0. Define p on E by the rule , vdo, i) The у is a continuous linear functional on E such that ip(a, y(a)) =0 (a e E). If у e К then (y, p(y) -|-e) g H and so since y;(0, 1) > 0, it follows that p(y) < p(y) + e for all у e K. Similarly,
28 CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOK SPACES since {x, д'(ж)) G D, we can show that q{x) < /z(x) for all x g G. Therefore у is a required functional/, and the proof of the proposition is complete. If {E, С, ёё?) is an ordered convex space, then O' is a o{E', 77)-closed cone in E'. .Recall also that the topological dual of {E', cf{E', E)) is E. Thus we arrive at the following proposition. (2.18) Proposition. Let {E, С, be an ordered convex space. Let К be a convex o{Er, E)-compacl subset of E' containing the origin, and let E be the cone generated by K. Let p* be a sublinear functional on F and let g* be a superlinear functional on Gr with the following properties: (a) g* is upper semi-continuous on G' with respect to the relative, a[E', Eftopology; (b) p* is lower a{Er, E)-semi-continuous on К and s — sup |p*(7<) | <4-00 (c) q*{f) < p*(f)for all fe F П G'. Then, for each s > 0 there exists a o{Ef, E)-conlinuous linear functional {and hence an element x in E) such that £*(/)< Ж <™d д(ж)<р*(д)+« for all f eC and g g K. Remark. Let {E, ё?} be a locally convex space. Recall (cf. Baker (1968)) that a subset A of E' is said to be almost o{E', Enclosed if its intersection with each a{E', 7<7)-closed equicontinuous subset of E' is a{E', 7?)-closed. This is the case if and only if А П F° is a{E', 7?)-closed for each ^-neighbourhood V of 0 in E. Thus any a{E', 7?)-closed set is certainly almost cr{E', .^-closed. Following Baker (1968), a locally convex space {E, ёР) is called a hypercomplete space if each convex, almost o{E', 7?)-closed subset of E’ is o{E', 7£)-closed. In such a space, the condition (a) in the preceding proposition may be replaced by the following equivalent condition: (a') q* is upper semi-continuous on each equicontinuous subset of O' with respect to the relative o{E', E)-topology. In fact, (a) certainly implies (a'). Conversely, if g* satisfies (a') and if Л is a real number, then let ЛМ/еС^<д*(/)}. Since g* is superlinear on O', Ax is convex. Further, if В is a a{E', E)- closed and equicontinuous subset of G' then, by (a'), g*|5 is upper
CONES IN TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES 29 semi-continuous and hence A, n В = {fA < (<?*U)(f)} is a o(E', j&)-closed subset of B. Therefore ЛА П В is cr(7£', .^-closed in E', whenever В is и(2?', J£)-closed and equicontinuous. Since E is hypercomplete, Ал is о^', J5)-closed and so q* is upper semi-continuous on C. This shows that (a') (a). Therefore in proposition (2.18), (a) may be replaced by (a') provided that E is hyper complete. By the Krein-Smulian theorem (cf. Schaefer (1966)), any Banach space is hypercomplete. Thus we arrive at the following corollary (by an ordered Banach space we mean a Banach space with a partial ordering induced by a cone). (2.19) Corollary. Let (E, (7, ||. ||) be an ordered Banach space. Let К be a convex o(E', Efcompact subset of E' containing the origin, and let F be the cone generated by K. Ijetp* be a sublinear functional on F and let q* be a superlinear functional on C with the following properties: (a') is upper semi-continuous on O' C\ S' with respect to the relative a(E', Ef topology, where S' denotes the closed unit ball in (E1, ||. ||); (b) p* is lower a(E', Efsemi-continuous on К and s = sup |p*(7T)[ < -f oo (c) q*(f) < p*(f) for all f g F ГТ C". Then for each e > 0, there exists x in E such that q*(f) < f(x) and g(x) < p*(g) -)-e for all f g Cf and all g g K. Remark. In most applications, К is taken to be the closed unit ball S' or S' П (У. If К S' then the property g{x)<p*{g)Te implies that .... . . x . . r ||ж|5 = sup (/(ж) < supp'I=(gr) he — «s-f-e. j/eE' gelV
3 LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES In this chapter we study in detail the class of ordered topological vector spaces (E, G, satisfying the property that each V gG — V G C is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 whenever V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. Such a property is called an open decomposition property and, in this case, we shall say that G gives an open decomposition in (E, £F). Recall that a subset В of an ordered topological vector space is positively generated if В с В G G — В G G. Thus G gives an open decomposition in (E, SE) if and only if {E, SE) admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 con- sisting of positively generated ^-neighbourhoods. An ordered topological vector space (S', G, 3E) is said to have a nearly-open decomposition property if V G G—V H G is a ^-neighbour- hood of 0 whenever V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. In such a case G is said to give a nearly-open decomposition in (E, Recall that if V is a subset of an ordered vector space (E, G) then jD(V) denotes the decomposable kernel of F. If V is circled convex, we have the following inequalities: i(7 n G—V G G) cz B(V) £ F nC-F n C; thus V G G—V H (7 is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 if and only if D(V) is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. A semi-norm p on (E, G) is said to be semi-decomposable if there exists a positive constant M (depending, in general, on p) such that the following condition holds: for any x e E and any e > 0 there exist ж15 x.2 in C such that x — x1—x2 and p(x1')Ji-p(x2) < Л/(р(ж)+е). By a similar argument to that of proposition (1.7), p is semi-decom- posable if and only if F £ where F — {x e E:p(x) < 1}. Thus the equivalence (a) <=> (d) in the following theorem is clear. (3.1) The о кем. Let (E, G, ^F) be an ordered convex space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) G gives an open decomposition in (E, &);
LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES 31 (b) & admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of circled convex and decomposable sets; (c) admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of circled convex and absolutely dominated sets; (d) P is defined by a family of semi-decomposable semi-norms feaC Г}. Proof. By the remarks preceding the theorem, it is clear that (a) <> (b) <=> (d). It is easy to verify that a circled, convex, de- composable set is absolutely dominated and that a circled, convex, absolutely dominated set is positively generated. Thus (b) (с) (a). liemark. Similarly we can show that C gives a nearly-open de- composition if and only if the sets of the form 7)(F), where 7 is a circled, convex ^-neighbourhood of 0, constitute a neighbourhood-base at 0. As suggested by part (b), an ordered convex space with the open decomposition property will be referred to as a locally decomposable space and, if it has the nearly-open decomposition property, it will be referred to as a locally near-decomposable space. Specializing in ordered normed spaces (that is, normed spaces with a vector ordering), we have the following corollary. (3.2) Corollary. Let (E, G, |].||) be an ordered normed space and P the vector topology induced by the norm || . || . Then the following state- ments are equivalent: (a) (E, G, P) is locally decomposable; (b) there exists a norm ||. ||x on E and a positive real number a such that ||. id is equivalent to ||. || and G is ^.-generating in (E, j|. ||x) in the following sense: Уж gE,3x1,x2eG such that || || x + ||tr21| x < a||x|[i and —— /у „____________________________, a ел/ •-- *^2^ (c) there exists a norm || ||2 on E which is equivalent to ||. || and has the following property: Уе > 0, Уж g E, Зу E G with 1Ы|3< IML + e such that —x, x < y. Proof, (a) => (b): By the corresponding implication in theorem (3.1), there exists a circled, convex, and decomposable ^-neighbourhood
32 LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES V of 0. Let ||. || j be the Minkowski functional of V. Then ||. || and ||. ||x are equivalent. Also, since V is decomposable, in view of proposition (1.7) (more precisely the proof of (a) => (b) in proposition (1.7)), we conclude that C is (1 -fe)-generating in (E, ||. ||x) for arbitrary e > 0. 1 Conversely, if (b) holds, then - Sx c Sx П C-—Sx H C, where a Sx = {ж eE: ||ж||х < 1}. Hence Sx n C-~SX П C is a neighbourhood of 0 in (E, || ||x) and hence in (E, &). This shows that (b) -> (a). There- fore (a) о (b). Similarly we can show (а) о (c). A cone C in a normed space (or semi-normed space) (E, ||. ||) is said to be ^-generating if a is a positive constant such that for each x in E there exist x1} x2 in G with ||жх|| +||ж2|| < а ||ж|| such that x жх—ж2. This is the case if and only if S £ aD(S), where S — {x e E\ ||x|| < 1} and 2)(S) is the decomposable kernel of S in (E, С). C is said to be strictly generating if it is а-generating in (E, ||. ||) for some a. It is obvious that a strictly generating cone must be generating. However a generating cone in (E, ||. ||) may not be strict (of. example (3.7) below). A cone G in a normed space (or semi-normed space) (E, ||. ||) is said to be a nearly ^-generating if for each x in E there exist two sequences {?/„}, {zn} in G such that ||«/n||-|~ИМ < а||ж|| and {yn~z^ converges to x. Clearly this is the case if and only if S £ a D(S). Similarly to corollary (3.2), the following result can be verified without any diffi- culty. (3.3) Proposition. Let (E, C, ||. ||) be an ordered normed space and TP the vector topology induced by the norm ||. ||. Then the following state- ments are equivalent: (a) C gives a nearly-open decomposition in (E, TP); (b) there exists a norm || (f on E which is equivalent to ||. j| and is such that G is nearly ^.-generating in (E, ||. ||') for some a > 0. The following result, due to Nachbin (1965), implies that the open decomposition property, in an ordered metrizable topological vector space, is equivalent to a decomposition property for null sequences. (3.4) Proposition. Let (E, G, ^) be an ordered topological vector space. Consider the following statements: (a) if {жа} is a net convergent to 0, then, for each a, there exist aa and ba in C such that xa = a7-ba and the nets {aa}, {ba} converge to 0; (b) statement (a) with ‘net’ replaced by 'sequence'; (c) G gives an open decomposition in (E, ^).
LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES 33 Then (a) implies (c), and (b) is equivalent to (c) whenever the topology is metrizable. Proof. Suppose that C does not give an open decomposition in (E, P}. Then there exists a ^-neighbourhood U of 0 such that V Ф С n U—G n U for every ^-neighbourhood V of 0. Let be the family of all neighbourhoods of 0. Tor any V g there exists xv such that xr g V and xv ф G И U—С И U. It is clear that the net {xv: V g $1} converges to 0. If xv = av—bv, where av, br are in C, then one of av> bv is not in U; hence neither of the nets {aF: V g <$'}, {bv: VgP] converges to 0. If the topology P is metrizable, then it is clear that (c) implies (b). This completes the proof. Given an ordered topological vector space (E, G, P), if E — C — G, then we can construct a new vector topology in E with the open decomposition property. In fact, let be a neighbourhood-base at 0 in {E, P) consisting of circled sets. For each d g % the set U П G — U Odisa circled and absorbing set in E. Then the family {U PiC-U C\G:U g determines uniquely a vector topology, denoted by in E, for which the family is a neighbourhood-base at 0 for Clearly Фф is the greatest lower bound of all vector topologies which are finer than P and have the open decomposition property. The topology will be conveniently referred to as the vector topology with the open decomposition property associated withP. It is clear that & gives an open decomposition if and only if P = ^D. Notice that a subset В of G is ^D-bounded if and only if it is ^-bounded. If P is locally convex then so is and Ръ will also be called the locally decomposable topology associated with P. (3.6) Proposition. Let (E, C, P) be an ordered topological vector space such that E = C - G, and consider the topology PV) associated with P. Then the following statements hold: (a) a positive subset В of E is P-bounded if and only if it is P^- bounded; (b) if C is P-closed then a monotone increasing net {xn} P-converges to x in E if and only if it P^-converges to x.
34 LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES Proof, (a) is easy to verify, and the sufficiency of (b) is trivial since < ^D. Conversely, suppose {«„} ^-converges to x. Then, by proposition (2.1), x > xn for each n; and for any circled ^-neighbour- hood V of 0, there exists nQ such that x—xn e V whenever n > n0. Consequently, for all n > n0, it is true that x—xn eV П G с V П G — V nC. This shows that {«„} converges to x in E with respect to (3.6) Theorem (Klee). Let P be a metrizable vector topology in an ordered vector space {E, C) such that E =^= G—G. Then is also metrizable. If, in addition, C is tP-complete, then {E, ^D) is complete. In particular, if G gives an open decomposition in {E, tP) {and if C is ^-complete}, then {E, tP) is complete. Proof. Let {Vf.n = 1, 2,...} be a countable base at 0 in {E, consisting of closed, circled sets such that Vn+1pVn+1 £ Vn for each n. Then the family of all sets F„. П G-Vn nG (n ~ .1, 2,...) is a neighbourhood-base at 0 in (E, ^D). Therefore is metrizable. Next we show that {E, is complete. In fact, let (wn) be a Cauchy sequence in (E, lPD). Then, for each Vk, there exists Mle > 0 such that wri---wm e Vk П C—Vk П G whenever m, n > Mk, therefore, there exists a subsequence of {wn} such that П n G {k = 1, 2,...). For each k, let xk, yk&Vk C\ G be such that 27c+] —= xk yk. Then n n n Zn+1' ri 2 (ht+l ‘ 2^7e' 2 У1С 7i=l fc^l. To show the convergence of the ^D-Cauchy sequence {wn}, it is suffi- cient to show the convergence of the subsequence {z„}, and in turn it is sufficient to show the convergence of the formal series 2 Lc and 2 У к in {E, ^D). Let un = J xk, for each positive integer n. Then each un e G and un^4—un — xn^I-... ~Ixn_N e f^+1 П Gp...-j-Vn+(i H G c Vn nd;
LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES 35 this shows that {un} is a ^-Cauchy sequence in C. Since G is F- complete, {un} converges to an element, say u, in G. Further, since Vn and G are ^-closed, passing to the limit as д' -> co in the last displayed, formula we see that u—un e Vn Л G £ Vn C\ C--Vn C\ 0. This shows GO that the series xk converges in (E, .0^) to ад. Similarly, we can show co V-1 that У к converges. The proof of the theorem is complete. We have noted earlier that an ordered topological vector space (E, G, F) has the open decomposition property if and only if F — 8?^, and that this property certainly implies G is a generating cone. How- ever, the converse is incorrect as the following example shows. (3.7) Example. Consider the Banach space C[0, 1] of all real- valued continuous functions defined on [О, I]. Let C be the cone in C[0, 1] consisting of all non-negative and convex functions, and let E = G — C. By the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, E is dense in the Banach space C*[0, 1]. Also, since any function in G must be differentiable on. [0, Ij except at, at most, a countable number of points, any function / in (7[0, 1] which is not differentiable at an uncountable subset of [0, 1] is not in E. Therefore E is a proper dense subspace of (7[0, i], and E is a non-complete normed space in its own right. Further, G is a generating and norm-complete cone in E. By the preceding theorem of Klee, the cone C does not give an open decomposition in (E, |j. ||). The following result implies however that in a .Banach space, a generating and complete cone always gives an open decomposition. (3.8) Theorem. Let (E, G, F) be a metrizable and ordered topo- logical vector space, and suppose that C is F-complete. Then the following statements (a) and (b) are equivalent: (a) (E, G, F) has the open decomposition property; (b) (E, G, F) has the nearly-open decomposition property. Further, if E is of the second category, then each of the statements is equivalent to (с) C is generating in E, and, in this case, E must be F-complete. Proof. It is trivial that (a) => (b). Conversely, suppose (b) holds. Let F = G—C and let be the vector topology in F with the open decomposition property associated with F. By Klee’s theorem (theorem (3.6)), (F, FB) is metrizable and complete. Let i be the identity map from (F, Fv) into (E, F). Then i is continuous. Further,
36 LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES take a ^^-neighbourhood of 0 in F of the form V C\ G—V И C, where V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in E. Then, by (b), i( V C} G—V Ci G) is a neighbourhood of 0 in (E, tF). This shows that the continuous map i is ‘nearly-open’. By the Banach open-mapping theorem (cf. Schaefer (1966, p. 76)), i is open and hence г is a homeomorphism from (F, iFV) onto (E, 3F). In particular, & — and C gives an open decom- position in (E, tF). Therefore (b) => (a) and statements (a) and (b) are equivalent. It is trivial that (a) => (c). Conversely, we show that (c) (a) for the case when (E, tF) is of the second category. By (c), E = C—C = F, so г is a continuous linear mapping from the complete metrizable space (E, ^D) onto the space (E, tF) of the second category. By the open- mapping theorem (cf. Schaefer (1966, p. 76)), i is in fact a homeo- morphism; hence & — and G gives an open decomposition in {E, tF). Further, since E is ^D-comp]etc, so is ^-complete. This completes the proof of the theorem. Let us consider the case when is a locally convex topology in an ordered vector space (E, C) such that E — G—G. Let Ft be a neighbour- hood-base at 0 consisting of circled convex sets. Since, for all V g КV n G — V nd) £= 77(F) s V n G — V n G, the family 77(^<) — {79(F): F e F/} is a neighbourhood-base at 0 in E with respect to the associated locally decomposable topology <FO. In particular, if £F is the vector topology induced by a norm ||. || and if 2 = {x g E‘. ||ж|| < I}, then {e77(2): e > 0} — {I7(s2): e >0} is a neighbourhood-base at 0 in (E, tFv). Thus is precisely the vector topology induced by the Minkowski functional of 77(2). Specializing in this normable case, we have the following numerical version of the preceding theorem. (3.9) Theorem. Let (E, G, |j.||) be an ordered normed space and suppose that G is || .\\-complete. Let a be a positive constant. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) C is (ad-е)-generating for each s > 0; (b) G is nearly ^.-generating. Further, if (a) or (b) holds, then (E, [j. li) is complete. Proof. Let 2 denote the closed unit ball in (E, ||. ||), and let 77(2) denote the decomposable kernel of 2. Define a new norm ||.||' in F — C—C to be the Minkowski functional of 77(2). Then (#, ||. ||') is a
LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES 37 Banach, space, by Klee’s theorem. Also, the identity map i from (E, ||. Г) into (E, ||.[|) is continuous. By (b), S 2 a .D(E), so the closure of the image of Z)(S) under i is a neighbourhood of 0 in (E, |j. |(). By a well-known result (с/. Schaefer (1966, p. 76)), whenever /3 > у > 0. In particular, in the space (E, ]|. )|), (ad-r)Z>(E) 2 a I)(Xj 2 S (e > 0), which implies that C is (aAs)-generating for each e > 0. This shows that (b) => (a). Conversely, if (a) holds then E 2 аВД-АВД <= ah(S)H-£S (e >0); hence E 2 a I)(E), proving (b). Returning to the case when (E, C> ^) is an ordered convex space, the following theorem gives a dual characterization of the ^p-topology. We first recall (cf. theorem (2.11)) that if V is a circled convex neighbourhood of 0 then the polar F\ taken in E*, is the same as the polar F° taken in E’, and (P(F))’r = E(F°), where -F(F°) denotes the order-convex hull of F° in E*. Since D(%) = {D(F):F is a neighbourhood-base at 0 in (E, bPD), it follows that is the topology of uniform, convergence on all sets of the form #(F°), i.e. on the order- convex hulls in E* of ^-equicontinuous subsets of E'. Thus we arrive at the following theorem. (3.10) Theorem. Let (E, C, be an ordered convex space such that E = C —(7. Then the locally decomposable topology associated with & is the topology of uniform convergence on the order-convex hulls in the algebraic dual (i£*, O*) of a,ll &-equicontinuous subsets of E'. Conse- quently & is locally decomposable (that is & — ^D) if and only if the order-convex hull in E* of each E^-equicontinuous subset is &-equi~ continuous. Similarly, we have the following dual characterization (Duhoux 1972b) for (E, C, ^) to have the nearly-open decomposition property. (3.11) Theorem. Let (E, C, be an ordered convex space. Then C gives a nearly-open decomposition in (E, if and only if the order- convex hull in E' of each 0-equicontinuous subset of E' is &-equi- continuous. 4
38 LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES Proof, (a) Necessity. Let A be a ^-equicontinuous subset of E'. Then there exists a circled convex ^-neighbourhood У of 0 such that A s 7° = 7ff. By part (a) of the duality theorem (2.11), we have - (D(7))° (П(7)Г n E' = 7(7°) n E' F(A) n E' where F(A) denotes the order-convex hull in E* of A (so F(A) (~\ E' is the order-convex hull in E' of Л). Since G gives a nearly-open de- composition, .D( V) is a ^-neighbourhood of 0, it follows that the order- convex hull in E' of A is ^-equicontinuous. (b) Sufficiency. Let U be a circled convex ^-neighbourhood of 0. Then U° is ^-equicontinuous and hence F(U°) C\ E' is ^-equicon- tinuous by assumption; i.e., (Z)(?7))0 is ^-equicontinuous by theorem (2.11). Hence D(U) is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. This shows that G gives a nearly-open decomposition. Theorems (3.10) and (3.11) have many important applications; we mention a few below. (3.12) Corollary. Lei (E, G> be an ordered convex space and the locally decomposable topology in E associated with 0. Then the topological dual (E, tPfff of (E, hPff) is equal to the order-convex hull in E* of E' = (E, &)'. In particular, if Sfl is locally decomposable then E' is order-convex in E*. Proof. Apply theorem (3.10). The following result should be compared with theorem (3.8). (3.13) Corollary. For an ordered convex space (E, G, tP), the following statements are equivalent: (a) C gives an open decomposition in (E, tF); (b) G gives a nearly-open decomposition in (E, SF) and E' is order- convex in E*. Proof. In view of the preceding corollary it is clear that (a) => (b). Conversely, suppose (b) holds. Then, by theorem (3.11), the order - convex hull in E' of each ^-equicontinuous subset A of E’ is equi- continuous. Since E’ itself is order-convex in jS*, the order-convex hull of A in E' is the same as the order-convex hull in E*. Thus the order- convex hull in E* of each ^-equicontinuous subset of E' is ^-equi- continuous. By theorem (3.10), tP must be locally decomposable; this shows that (b) => (a).
LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES 39 (3.14) Corollary. Let (E, C, tP) be an ordered convex space with the topological dual E' and suppose that E = C—C. Let т(Е, Ef s r be the Mackey topology in E. Then т{Е, Ef is locally decomposable if and only if E' is order-convex in E*. In particular, if (E, C, is locally de- composable then so is (E, C, r{E, E')). Proof. We recall that т(Е, E') is the strongest locally convex topology in E with the dual E'. Thus, if r is locally decomposable then E' is order-convex in E* by corollary (3.12). Conversely, suppose E' is order-convex in E*, and let be the locally decomposable topology associated with r. By corollary (3,12) again, the dual of (E, rD) coincides with Ef. Since r < td it follows from the definition of the Mackey topology that r •— rD; hence т is locally decomposable. The last assertion of this corollary follows from the first and from corollary (3.12). We now give an example of an ordered convex space (E, C, tP) for which E' is order-convex in E* but tP is not locally decomposable (though the Mackey topology r(E, E') is locally decomposable). This, in particular, shows that the open decomposition property is not invariant with respect to all topologies for a dual pair (E, E'f (3.15) Example. Let L1 = i?[0, 1] be the ordered Banach space of all Lebesgue integrable real-valued functions on [0, 1] with the usual Td-norm ||. || and the usual ordering (we identify, as usual, the func- tions which are equal almost everywhere). Then the topological dual of L1 is L00 = L“[0, 1]. It is well known that the norm topology in L1 is precisely the Mackey topology t(Lx, L™), and is strictly finer than the weak topology cfL1, L™). Let V be the polar in L1 of the constant function 1 (as an element of L“). Then V is a <y{Lf Lro)-neighbourhood of 0. Let S be the closed unit ball in L1. Then it is easy to verify that V П C-V П C <= 2S, where C denotes the positive cone in L1. Since S is not a tr(Lx, L00)- neighbourhood ofO, V C—V П C must not be a neighbourhood of 0. Therefore C does not have the open decomposition property in (L1, а(Е\ L00)). Finally, we consider some permanence property of locally decom- posable spaces. Let {(Ea, Cai : a g Г} be a family of ordered convex spaces. Let E = jQ Ea denote the Cartesian product of Ea, ordered by «еГ
40 LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES the product cone G = Ga. Let F = © be the algebraic direct «сГ «еГ sum of the Ею ordered by relative cone C C\ F. For each a g Г, ja denotes the natural canonical embedding map from Ea into F. The most important topology for F is perhaps the so-called locally convex direct- sum topology © which is the finest locally convex topology for асГ which is continuous. A neighbourhood-base at 0 for this topology is provided by the family of all sets of the form V = co(U Fa), where each Va is a neighbourhood of 0 in (Ea, SPfg. Here, as usual, we write Fa instead ofyfiFJ; thus each E^ is considered as a subspace of F. (3.16) Theorem. Let be the locally decomposable topology associated with and let (© be the locally decomposable topology аеГ associated with © ^a. Then аеГ © A (3.1) аеГ / D йеГ Consequently the following assertions hold: (a) if each B°a is locally decomposable then so is © яеГ (b) the order-convex hull in F* of the product JJ (Ea, &f)' is precisely aef the product of order-convex hulls in E* of (Ea, Proof. For each a in Г, let 17 be a circled convex neighbourhood of 0 in (Ea, Shf). Let A = co f U Faj and В = co ( U-Ж) \абГ / \аеГ To prove the formula (3.1), it is sufficient to show that D(A) = B, because D(A) and В are ‘typical’ neighbourhoods of 0 in F with respect to (© and © respectively. аеГ аеГ It is easy to see that В is a decomposable set; hence to show D(A) = В it suffices to show that А П G = В C\ G. Since A 2 B, we have only to show that A C\ G В C\ C. Let x g А П G and suppose that 71 П x = 2 where 2 К = L each > 0, xt g Уя., and g Г. By the i=l * definition of the product cone G, it follows from x e G that each xi g Ca<. Hence xt g J7. П Ca. 2 D(K.)> and x g B. This shows that x g В Pi G and hence that A n C 2 В (~\ G. Therefore formula. (3.1)
LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES 41 is proved, and assertion (a) follows immediately. The assertion (b) also follows from formula (3.1) and corollary (3.12) together with the following well-known result: (#, ® ^.V = II С®., ^)' and (f, ® = II \ аеГ / аеГ \ аеГ / аеГ The assertion (a) in the preceding theorem can be further generalized in the following form. (A map from an ordered vector space into another space is positive if it sends positive elements into positive elements.) (3.17) Theorem. Let (E, G) be an ordered vector space, {(Ea, Ca, tPfp. a g Г} a family of locally decomposable spaces, and t№ a positive linear map from Ea into E. Suppose that E is the linear hull of (J t^Lf). Then аеГ the inductive topology IP on E with respect to {(Ea, Ca; : a g Г} and {ta: a g Г} is locally decomposable. Proof. Recall that a neighbourhood-base at 0 for P is provided by the family of all sets of the form V — col (J £a(K) )> where each \аеГ / Va is a neighbourhood of 0 in (Ea, .Pf). Now, since Рл is locally de- composable, we can take to be circled, convex, and. decomposable. Since ta is positive, HVf) must also be decomposable. Consequently V, as the convex hull of decomposable sets, must be decomposable. This implies that P is locally decomposable. (3.18) Corollary. Let (E, C, P) be a locally decomposable space, J an order-convex subspace of E, and let q be the quotient map from E onto E/J. Then the quotient topology is locally decomposable in (E[J, CjJ). The following result may be regarded as a dual to theorem (3.16). (3.19) Theorem. Let {(Ea, Ga, ^):аеГ} be a family of ordered convex spaces, and let E be the product space ordered by the product cone C. Let JJ be the product topology and IJJ I the locally decom- аеГ \аеГ /В posable topology associated with JJ ^a. Then аеГ П C.D аеГ (3.2)
42 LOCALLY DECOMPOSABLE SPACES Consequently the following assertions hold: (a) if each is locally decomposable then so is JJ &a; (b) the order-convex hull in E* of the direct sum © (Ea, &ff is pre- «ег cisely the direct sum of order-convex hulls in E* of (Ea, &f}'. Proof. For each a in Г, let Va be a circled convex neighbourhood of 0 in (Ea, &f), and suppose all Va except for a finite number of a in Г are equal to Ea. Then the formula (3.2) follows from an easily verified fact: (пк) Л с -(nd) П с = П (F„ n c-K n C), because the set on the left-hand side is a ‘typical’ neighbourhood of 0 with respect to IJJ 0s A -topology and the set on the right-hand side \аеГ /В is the same with respect to IJJ D I-topology. \аеГ / Assertion (a) follows immediately from formula (3.2); and assertion (b) follows also from formula (3.2) and corollary (3.12) together with the following well-known result: (e, n \ аеГ / аеГ and , \, \ Л/ZlF / Afd"’
4 ^-CONES AND LOCAL ^-CONES Consider a non-empty set X and let be a family of subsets of X. A subfamily Я of is called a fundamental system (or a fundamental subfamily) for if each, member of is contained in some member of Я 5 in other words, if Я is cofinal in under the set inclusion relation. Let (E, C, &) be an ordered topological vector space, and & the family of all ^-bounded subsets of E. Let £ 3d. The positive cone C is called an ^-cone if the family : A e Я is a fundamental system for , and C is called a strict Чо-cone if the family {J. П C—A CxC'.Ae^} is a fundamental system for In par- ticular, G is an 0d-cone if each ^-bounded subset of E is contained in a set of the form А П G—А П C where A is a ^-bounded set in E, and C is a strict 3d-cone if each ^-bounded subset of E is contained in a set of the form A C\ G—A П G. The former is the case if and only if the family of all closures of all positively generated ^-bounded subsets is fundamental in and the latter is the case if and only if the family of all positively generated ^-bounded subsets is fundamental in 3d. In view of the Mackey-Arens theorem, if 3?2 are two locally convex topologies in E with the same topological dual, then a cone G in E is an ^-cone (or strict ^-cone) with respect to if and only if it is so with respect to ^2. Let V be a neighbourhood of 0 in an ordered topological vector space (E, G, 3d). A subset В of E is said to be locally bounded with respect to V if В is absorbed by V, i.e. if there exists Л > 0 such that В 2.V. The positive cone G is called a locally strict 3d-cone if, for any ^-bounded subset В of E and any ^-neighbourhood V of 0, there exist two positive subsets Bx, B2 which are locally bounded with respect to V such that В £ Bx-B2. C is called a local 3d-cone if, for any ^-bounded subset В of E and any ^-neighbourhood V of 0, there exist two positive subsets Bt, B2 which are locally bounded with respect to V such that В ^.B1 —B2. Actually in the decomposition we can always
44 ^-CONES AND LOCAL ^-CONES' take Bt — B2 (replace Bx U B2 for Bx, B2 if necessary). Moreover, since each ^-bounded set is locally bounded, with respect to each neighbour- hood of 0, it is obvious that each ^-cone must be a local ^-cone and each strict ^-cone must be a locally strict ^-cone. In the case when IP is normable then the converse also holds. (4.1) Proposition. Let (E,C, IP) be an ordered topological vector space. If G gives an open decomposition then G must be a locally strict Id-cone. Conversely, in the case when (E, IP) is a bornological locally convex space, any locally strict Id-cone (and, in particular, any strict Id-cone) in E gives an open decomposition. Proof. Suppose (E, C, IP) has the open decomposition property. Let В be a ^-bounded subset of E, and V a ^-neighbourhood of 0. Then V П G — V C\ G is also a ^-neighbourhood of 0 and thus absorbs B‘s i.e. there exists Я > 0 such that В s Я(Р AC— V Л G). Let A — A(V C\ G). Then A is a positive subset of E, absorbed by F and В £ A—A, showing that C is a locally strict ^-cone. Conversely, suppose G is a locally strict ^-cone in (E, IP) and that (E, IP) is a bornological (locally convex) space. Let F be a circled convex IP- neighbourhood of 0. We have to show that F И С — V AC is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. To this end, let us take a ^-bounded set В in E. Then there exist positive subsets Bx, B2 of E such that В s B1—B2 and B1} В2 are absorbed by F. Hence В is absorbed by F П C—- F П C. It is now clear that F H C—V П G is a circled convex set in E and absorbs all .^-bounded subsets. Since IP is bornological, it follows that F Г\ G—V ACisa ^-neighbourhood of 0. Remark. By example (3.15), the bornological assumption in the preceding proposition cannot be dropped. Similarly, we can show the following proposition to be true. (4.2) Proposition. Let (E, C, IP) be an ordered topological vector space. If C gives a nearly-open decomposition then C must be a local Id-cone. Conversely, in the case when (E, IP) is an infrabarrelled locally convex space, any local Id-cone (and, in particular, any Id-cone) in E gives a nearly-open decomposition. Proof. Similar to that given in the proof of proposition (4.1). (4.3) Proposition. Let (E, G, Id) be an ordered topological vector space and suppose that E = C—G. Let be the topology in E associated Ц all в 1 1|| II 11 11 я ALL 'Mg' fig .If ж il f iff ; О I! Ii Si I
SCONES AND LOCAL .^-CONES 4.5 with dt with the open decomposition property. Then the following state- ments are equivalent: (u) any subset В of E is dt^-bounded if (and only if) it is St-bounded; (b) C is a locally strict Td-cone in (E, St). Proof, (a) (b): Let В be a ^-bounded subset of E. Then В is ^D-bounded by (a). Further, by the first part of proposition (4.1), G is a locally strict Ad-cone in (A1, ^D). Hence, for any ^-neighbourhood F of 0, there exist positive subsets B±, .B2 of E such that В c Bx — В % and each of Въ B% is absorbed by the ^D-neighbourhood V C\ G—V A G of 0, and in particular absorbed by V. Therefore (b) holds. (b) => (a): Let В be a ^-bounded subset of E and let V л G~V n C - U be a ^D-neighbourhood of 0, where V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. We have to show that В is absorbed by U. By (b), there exist two positive sets B19 B2 such that В £ B^B^ and each of B1; B2 is absorbed by V and hence by V Л C (since Вг, B2 are positive) and a fortiori by U. This implies that В is ^bounded. (4.4) Proposition. Let (E, G, At) be an ordered convex space and Ad the family of all St-bounded sets. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) G is a strict Ad-cone in (E, At); (b) for each At-bounded subset В of E there exists a circled convex, decomposable, and At-bounded subset A of E such that В £i A; (c) for each ^-bounded subset В of E there exists a circled convex, absolute-dominated, and At-bounded subset A of E such that В £ A. (a), (b), (c) are also equivalent if В £ A is replaced by В £ A in (b) and (c) and in (a) C is a AS-cone. Proof. Recall that if A is a circled convex subset of E then the decomposable kernel D(H) is absolutely dominated and 1(_4 n C-A n C) £ £>(J.) £ A n C-A n C. Hence (a) <=>(b) and (b) => (c). On the other hand, if A is an absolutely dominated, circled convex set then A must be positively generated; hence (c) => (a).
46 ^-CONES AND LOCAL ^-CONES (4.5) Proposition. Let (E, C, ^) be an ordered convex space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) G is a locally strict 3d-cone in (E, (b) for each .^-bounded subset В of E and each &-neighbourhood V of 0 there exists a circled convex and decomposable subset A of E such that A is absorbed by V and В A; (c) for each ^-bounded subset В of E and each ^-neighbourhood V of 0 there exist a circled convex and absolute-dominated subset A of E such that A is absorbed by V and В <= A. (a), (b), (c) are also equivalent if В <= A is replaced by В A in (b) and (c) and in (a) G is a local ^-cone. Proof. Similar to that given for proposition (4.4). (4.6) Proposition. For any ordered normed space {E,G, ||.||), the following statements are equivalent: (a) G gives an open decomposition in {E, ||.||); (b) G is a locally strict 3d-cone in (E, ||. |j); (с) C is a strict 3d-cone in (E, ||.||); (d) there exists a positive real number a such that G is ^.-generating in (E, ||.||). The following statements are also equivalent: (a)' C gives a nearly-open decomposition in {E, ||.||); (b)' C is a local 3d-cone in {E, ||. || ); (с)' C is a 3d-cone in {E, |[.||); (d)' there exists a positive real number a such that G is nearly a-generating in (E, ||. |]). Proof. The equivalence (a) о (d) was established in corollary (3.2). That (a) <=> (b) was proved in proposition (4.1). Similarly, it is easy to verify that (b)o(c). The equivalence of (a)', (b)', (c)', (d)' follows similarly. If {E, |j.||) is of the second category (e.g. if E is a Banach space) we can improve the implications (d) (a) and (d)' => (a)' as follows. (4.7) Proposition. Let {E, G, ||.||) be an ordered normed space which is of the second category. If for each x in E there exist two norm-bounded sequences {yn}, {zn} in C such that {yn-~zn} converges to x in {E, ||.||) {in particular, if E — C—C), then C is a 3d-cone in {E, ||.||) and hence is nearly ^.-generating for some a > 0. If, in addition, G is ^.\\-complete, then G is {aFef generating for all e > 0.
^-CONES AND LOCAL ^-CONES 47 Proof. Let S be the closed unit ball in (E, ||.||), and let Z>(S) be the decomposable kernel of S. Then the stated decomposition assumption oo ___________________________________________ of the proposition implies that E — (J %D(S). Since E is of the second n=i _____ category, there must exist some positive integer N such that 2Vj9(S) has a non-empty interior. Since N Е(Т>) is circled convex, its interior must contain the origin. In other words, Z)(S) is a neighbourhood of 0, and so is D(S). This shows that G gives a nearly-open decomposition in (E, ||.||) and hence, G is nearly а-generating for some a > 0. Finally, if C is also |j.||-complete, then it follows from theorem (3.9) that G is /^-generating for each /3 > a. Theorem (3.9) implies that if a cone G in a normed space (F, ||.||) is ||. ||-complete then G is a ^-cone if and only if it is a strict ^-cone. The following proposition demonstrates another class of vector spaces with such a property. (4.8) Proposition. Let (E, G, £P) be an ordered convex space and let the topological dual E' be ordered by the dual cone G'. Suppose that every a(E', Efbounded subset of G' is equicontinuous. Then G' is a strict A§-cone in (E', o(E', E)) if (and only if) it is a Ad-cone in (Er, o(E'} E)). Proof. Suppose G' is a ^-cone in (E', o(E', E)). Let В be a o(E', E)- bounded subset of E'. Then there exists a a(E', B)-bounded subset of E' such that В s A C\ & —A C\ G'. Clearly we can further assume, without loss of generality, that A is o(Er, j&)-closed. Then А П G' is <r(B',-Enclosed and bounded; also, by assumption, A C\ C' is equi- continuous and hence o(E', B)-compact in view of the Alaoglu- Bourbaki theorem. Consequently A C\ G'-—A П G' must be o(E', E)- closed, hence В c A n O' —A r\ Gr = A n O' — A C\ G'. This shows that G is a strict ^-cone in (Er, a(E’, E)). It is clear that if an ordered, convex space (E, C, tP) is barrelled then every positive o(E', _®)-bounded subset of E' must be equicontinuous, and that the strong dual of a semi-reflexive space is barrelled. Thus we have the following corollary immediately. (4.9) Corollary. Let (E, G, AP) be an ordered convex space. If E is semi-reflexive, and if C is tP-closed, then C is a strict Ad-cone in (E, A0) if (and only if) it is a Ad-cone in (E, tP).
5 LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space. Recall that a subset A of E is order-convex (full) if [a1; a2] s A whenever a15 a2 g A and ar < a2. A vector topology A in (E, C) is said to be locally order-convex (or locally full) if it admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of order-convex sets. In this case, we shall say that (E, C, A) is a locally order-convex space (locally full space) and the cone C is called a normal cone in (E, A). Assuming A to be Hausdorff (as we always do), a normal cone C must be a proper cone. In fact, supposes e О П — C. Let tyl be a ^-neighbour- hood-base at 0 consisting of order-convex sets. Then x e [0, 0] £ U for each U g At. Since A is Hausdorff, {0} = g hence x — 0. (5.1) Theorem. Let (E, O, A) be an ordered topological vector space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) A is locally order-convex; (b) if {xn, n g D, <} and {yn, n g D, <} are two nets such that 0 < xn < yn for each n g D and if {yn} converges to 0 in (E, A) then so does {.rj; (c) for any A-neighbourhood W at 0, there exists a A-neighbourhood V of 0 such that (7-0) n О £= W; (d) for any A-neighbourhood W at 0 there exists a circled ^-neighbour- hood U of 0 such that [О] <= J7; (e) A admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of circled and order-convex sets. Proof, (a) => (b): Straightforward. (b) => (c): Suppose on the contrary that there exists a A- neighbourhood W of 0 such that (7—0) n О ф W whenever V g At, where At denotes the family of all ^-neighbourhoods of 0. Lor each 7 e At, there exists xr e ( 7—О) A О but xv f W. Let yv g 7 be such that 0 < xv < уг. Notice that {yv, 7 e 2 } is a net in (E, A) converging to 0; but {жг} does not converge to 0.
LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES 49 (c) => (d): Take a circled ^-neighbourhood Л] of 0 such that + By (c), there exists a ^-neighbourhood W2 of 0 such that C) C\ G £ W±. Then take a circled ^-neighbourhood JFj of 0 such that W3+W3 <= W2. Let U = TFX nWs. Then U is a circled ^-neighbourhood of 0 with the property that [17] c jy. Finally, the implications (d) => (e) (a) are trivial, and the proof of the theorem is complete. (5.2) Proposition. Let (E, C, .P) be an ordered topological vector space. If 0 is locally ordered-convex then the order-convex hull of each IP-bounded subset of E is P-bounded. The converse also holds in the case when IP is metrizable. Proof. Let В be a ^-bounded subset of E, and V a ^-neighbour- hood of 0. If .P is locally order-convex then there exists an. order- convex ^-neighbourhood U of 0 such, that U s V. Иепсс В is absorbed by U and so [77] is absorbed by [?7] = in particular [B] is absorbed by V. This shows that [B] is ^-bounded. Conversely, suppose IP is a metrizable vector topology in (E, C) such that the order-convex hull of each ^-bounded subset of E is IP- bounded. We have to show that IP is locally order-convex. If not then, in view of the preceding theorem, there exists a ^-neighbourhood W of 0 such that (F-C) n С ф W, whenever V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. Now take a countable neigh- bourhood-base {Vn:n = 1, 2,...} at 0 such that Vn+1lWn+1 cz for each n. Then n С ф W ln = 1,2,...). \n / /1 \ .1 Hence, for each n there exist xn in / - Vn — С | ГЛ C and yn in - Vn such \n I n that i 0 < xn < yn g - Vn and xn ф W. Since each nyn e Vn, it is clear that {nyn} is a sequence in (E, IP) converging to 0; hence that the set A = {0} kJ {nyn:n = I, 2,...} is -bounded. Notice that nxn e [0, nyj £ [Л]. Since nxnfn'W, it follows that [Л] is not contained in any nW (n = 1, 2,...). This implies
50 LOCALLY O-CJONVEX SPACES that the order-convex hull [yl] of the ^-bounded set is not ^-bounded, which is a contradiction. (5.3) Corollary. Let (E, G, tP) be a metrizable ordered topological vector space. Then is locally order-convex if and only if there exists a locally order-convex topology in E for which 0 and <3? have the same, topologically bounded sets. Next let us consider, in ordered vector spaces, vector topologies which are both locally convex and locally order-convex; such spaces will be called locally o-convex spaces, and the topologies are called locally o-convex topologies. Since a locally order-convex topology is not necessarily locally convex, the concepts of locally order-convex topologies and of locally o-convex topologies are distinct. Recall that by an o-convex set we mean a set which is both order- convex and convex. For example, the order-convex hull of a convex (circled) set is an o-convex (circled) set. Hence a locally convex topology 0 in an ordered vector space (E, C) is locally o-convex if and only if IP admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of o-convex (or circled o-convex) sets. Recall also that by an absolute-o-convex set we mean a set which is both convex and absolute-order-convex, and by a positive-o-convex set we mean a set which is both convex and positive-order-convex. (5.4) Theorem. Let (E, G, tP) be an ordered convex space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) is locally o-convex; (b) admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of circled o-convex sets; (c) S? admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of circled absolute-o- convex sets; (d) admits a neighbourhood-base al 0 consisting of circled positive- o-convex sets; (e) the family of all ^-continuous absolute-monotone semi-norms determines the topology &; (f) the family of all tP-continuoiis monotone semi-norms determines the topology &. Proof. The equivalence (a) о (b) was noted by the remark preceding to the theorem. It is trivial that (b) => (c) => (d). In view of the implica- tion (c) => (a) of theorem (5.1), we also have (d) => (a). Therefore the
LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES 51 statements (a), (b), (c), and (d) are mutually equivalent. Furthermore, by proposition (1.6), (с) о (e) and (d) о (f). The proof of theorem (5.4) is thus completed. (5.5) Coeollaby. Let G be a cone in a locally convex space (E, IP), and let G be the ^-closure of G. Then (E, C, IP) is locally o-convex if and only if [E, G, IP) is locally o-convex. Let a be a positive constant. A cone G in a semi-normed space (E, ||. ||) is said to be a-normal if the following implication holds: x < у < z in (E, G) => \\y\\ < а.тах{||ж||, ||z||} (thus a must be larger than, or equal to, 1); in this case, we also say that the semi-norm ||.|| is а-normal in (E, C). If S denotes the closed unit ball in (E, ||.||) and F(S) denotes the order-convex hull of S in (E, G) then G is а-normal if and only if F(S) £ aS. In this case the family of the sets of the form {F(rS):r > 0} = {r#(S):r > 0} is a neighbourhood-base at 0 in E with respect to the vector topology induced by ||.||. Thus the first statement in the following proposition is clear. (5.6) Proposition. Let \\.\\ be a semi-norm in an ordered vector space (E, G). If there exists a> 1 such that G is а-normal in (E, II-II) the ||. ||-topology is locally o-convex. Conversely, if & is a semi-normable and locally o-convex topology in (E, G) then there exists a semi-norm p on E which is 1 -normal and is such that & is precisely the vector topology induced by p. Proof. It remains to show the second assertion of the proposition. If is locally o-convex and semi-normable, then, in view of theorem (5.4), there exists a circled and o-convex ^-neighbourhood V of 0 in E such that {rV:r > 0} is a neighbourhood-base at 0 in [IL &) Then the Minkowski functional of V is 1-normal (cf. proposition (1.6)) and induces the topology IP. This completes the proof. Clearly C is а-normal if and only if it is (a + e)-normal for each e > 0. This remark makes the following result clear. (5.7) Corollary. Let (E, G) be an ordered vector space. Then a semi- norm on E is a-normal in (2*7, G)for some a > 1 if and only if there exists a semi-norm p equivalent to the given semi-norm such that p is 1-normal. , fHEMATISCH INSTHTU ( SjKSUNlWRSrraT ТЕ BIBUOTHEEK
52 LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES Wo now turn our attention to a study of convergence in locally o-convex spaces. The following proposition is due to Bonsall (1955) and the proof given here is due to Weston (1957a). (5.8) Proposition. Let (E, G, SP) be a locally o-convex space such that G is (P-closed, and let {xT‘.r e D} be an increasing net in E. Then xT converges to x with respect to & if and only if xT converges to x with respect to a(E, E'). Proof. The condition is clearly necessary. To prove its sufficiency we first recall, from proposition (2.1), that x = sup x?. Suppose that ur = x— xr feD). Then 0 < адД and uT converges to 0 with respect to a(E, E'f By applying the strong separation theorem, 0 is contained in the ^-closed convex hull of {ut;t g I)}; thus, for any o-convex. and circled ^-neighbourhood V of 0, there exists a finite subset {rpi — 1, 2,..., n} n n of D and real numbers Д > 0 with У h - 1 such that V LuT g G; i=l «‘=1 since .D is a direct set, there exists t0 g P such that тг- < т0 for all n n i — 1, 2,..., n. We have, therefore, 0 < иг = У. кгит < when- i=i i=t 1 ever -г > r0; it follows from, the order-convexity of V that uT g V whenever т > r0, and hence that xr converges to x with respect to AG We recall that if (E, tP) is a locally convex space and if Ad is a family of ^-bounded sets in E, we say that Ad is saturated if (а) Ad contains arbitrary subsets of each of its members; (b) kA g Ad for all к g R and A g Ad\ (c) for each finite subfamily {Api = 1, 2,...,n}, say, of Ad the n closed circled convex hull of (J is in Ad. <=1 The following theorem, due to Schaefer (.1966), may be regarded as one of the central results in the theory of ordered topological vector spaces. (5.9) Theorem. Let (E, G, kP} be an ordered convex space with the topological dual E', and let Tl be a saturated family consisting of a{E', Ey bounded subsets of E’ for which the linear hull of U {В: В e is o‘(E', E)- dense in E'. Suppose that Ad is the ^-topology on E. (a) If G' is an ^A-cone then A? is a locally o-convex topology.
LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES 53 (b) Suppose that is a locally o-convex topology. If & is consistent with the duality {E, E'}, then O' is a strict ^-cone. Proof, (a) Since the linear hull of U {В: В & is a{Ef, J57)-dense in E', the topology is a (Hausdorff) locally convex topology in E. Let F be a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in E. Then there exists a circled convex set A in such that A® £ V, where the polar is taken in E. Since O' is a i^-cone, A is contained in the a(E', Enclosure JD(B) of the de- composable kernel of В for some circled convex В in . Then (Р(Б))° = (2)(B))° is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. Clearly (j9(B))° is order-convex (cf. the proof of theorem (2.11)) and contained in. A0 and hence in F. This shows that is locally o-convex. (b) Conversely, if & is locally o-convex, then each ^-equicontinuous subset of E* is contained in a decomposable equicontinuous set. If, in addition, & is consistent with the duality (2?, E'}, then is a fundamental family for the equicontinuous sets. It follows in particular that each member of is contained in some decomposable member of , i.e. Gr is a strict ^-cone. This completes the proof. The preceding theorem can be restated in the following form (cf. theorem (3.10)). (5.10) Theobem. Let (E, G, £P) be an ordered convex space with the topological dual E', and let be a saturated family consisting of relatively a(E', E)-compact subsets ofE'. If G' is an TGcone then it is a strict 'tf-cone. In particular, if we take % to be a fundamental family of equicontinuous subsets of E', then is a locally o-convex topology if and only if C' is an $-cone, and this is the case if and only if G' is a strict %-cone. It should be noted that if (E, SF) is barrelled then £ coincides with the family of all a(E’, J?)-bounded subsets of E'. If (E, 3?) is infra- barrelled then £ coincides with the family of all p(E', 2?)-bounded subsets of E'. Therefore the following result is a consequence of the preceding theorem. (5.11) Corollary. Let(E,C, dP) be an ordered convex space which is barrelled. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E, G, tP) is locally o-convex; (b) G' is a strict Aft-cone in (E', a(Er, E)); (c) G' is a Aft-cone in (Ef, a(E', Ef). 5
54 LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES If (E, G, is infrabarrelled then (a), (b), (c) are still equivalent but with (E', a(E', E)) in (b) and (c) replaced by (E', fi(E’, E)). The following result should be compared with corollary (3.14). (5.12) Coeollaby. Let (E, C, ^) be an ordered convex space. Then E' O' —G' if and only if (E, C, a(E, E')) is locally o-convex. In particular, if IP is locally o-convex then so is u(E, E'). (5.13) Corollary. Let (E, G, IP) be a metrizable ordered convex space for which E is of the second category, and let G be IP-complete. If o(E', E) (or fi(E', E)) is a locally o-convex topology on E' then (E, G, IP) is locally decomposable, and hence E must be ^-complete. Proof. If p(E', E) is locally o-convex then the order-convex hull in E' of each fi(E', ./^-bounded subset is f(E', £7)-bounded. Since IP is metrizable, fi(E', ./^-bounded sets are ^-equicontinuous; it follows that the order-convex hull in E' of each ^-equicontinuous subset is IP- equicontinuous. By theorem (3.11), IP has the nearly-open decomposi- tion property, and hence is locally decomposable since G is ^-complete (cf. theorem (3.8)). Similarly, if o(E', E) is locally o-convex then, in view of the pre- ceding corollary, G must be generating in E. It follows from theorem (3.8) that IP is locally decomposable. (5.14) Corollary. Let (E, G, IP) be an ordered convex space. If G is an IP-cone in (E, IP) then (E!, G', fi(E', E)) is locally o-convex. The condition is also necessary for the case when (E, IP) is semi-reflexive and G is IP-closed. Proof. The first assertion follows from (a) of theorem (5.9). Con- versely, if (E, IP) is semi-reflexive and G is ^-closed, then E may be regarded as the dual of (E1, G', fi(Er, E)) with the ‘dual cone’ G. If, further, (E'} G', f(E', E)) is locally o-convex then it follows from theorem (5.10) that the dual cone G is a strict ^-cone in (E, IP) and a fortiori a ^Lcone. Specializing in ordered normed spaces, theorem (5.9) can be strength- ened as follows. (5.15) Theorem (Grosberg-Krein). Let (E, G, be an ordered normed space and a a positive real number. Then (E’,G’, Щ) is ^.-generating if and only if (E, G, |]. ||) is ^-normal. This is the case if and
LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES 55 only if ||ж|| < а.зир{|/(ж)| :f e O', ||/|| < 1}, forallxsE. Proof. Let S, S' denote the closed unit balls in E and E' respec- tively. By the duality theorem (theorem (2.11)) we have (Е(Я)У = L(^) = D(S'). Therefore (E, 0, ||.||) is a-normal о E(S) <= aS o(E(S))7r =2 (aS)”’ =-i S' a oa.D(S') 2 S' о (E', O', ||. ||) is a-generating. This proves the first assertion of the theorem; the second assertion follows easily from, the first and the Hahn-Banach theorem. The following theorem was proved by Ellis (1964), and in a some- what weaker form by Ando (1962). (6.16) Theorem (Ando-Ellis). Let (E, C, ||.||) be an ordered normed space and suppose that 0 is \\.\\-complete. Let a > 1. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) C is «-normal in (E', ||.[|); (b) C is nearly «-generating in (E, ||.||); (с) C is (&L^-generating in (E, ||. ][) for any e > 0. If one (and hence all) of the equivalent properties is satisfied then (E, ||.||) is complete. Proof. In view of theorem (3.9), we have only to show that (a)o(b). Since C is ||.||-closed, the polar (C")° of O', taken in E, is exactly --C (cf. the proof of theorem (2.11)). Thus (S'+C")° - (S')° r> (C")° = -(S Л 0). By the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem, S' + <7' is o(E', E)-closed. In view of the bipolar theorem, we have the following chain of equivalent
56 LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES statements: G' is a-normal о(2ЧП n (S'-C") £ aS' о {(S'+C") n (S'2 - S a о Бо((2'+С")° U (S'-0')°) 2 - S a oco( —(S n (7) u (S n C)) ~ S a 2)(S) 2 - S a о G is nearly a-generating, proving that (a) o(b). (5.17) Corollary, Let {E, G, j|.||) be an ordered Banach space, and suppose that G is j|. \\-closed. Then fi(E', E) is a locally o-convex topology on E' if and only if a{E', E) is a locally o-convex topology on E'. We conclude this section with a method constructing a locally full topology from a vector topology. Let (E, G, be an ordered topological vector space, and let be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for £P. Suppose that F(W) - {[F]:fe - {f(F):Fe It is easily seen that there exists a unique locally full (locally order convex) topology SPY, say> such that FlfU) is a neighbourhood-base at 0 for SP^; moreover, is the least upper bound of all locally full (locally order-convex) topologies which are coarser than PF. This topology SPV is referred to as the locally full {locally order-convex) topology associated with SP. If £P is locally convex, then is a locally o-convex topology; in this case, is called the locally o-convex topology associated with SP. It should be noted that SP^ need not be Hausdorff. Observe that the ^-closure of G coincides with the ^-closure of G; it then follows that SP-% is Hausdorff if the ^-closure of G is a proper cone. The following dual characterization of the topology should be compared with theorem (3.10).
LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES 57 (5.18) Theorem. Let (E, C, be an ordered convex space, and let be the locally o-convex topology associated with 0й. Then is the topology on E of uniform convergence on the decomposable ^-equicon- tinuous subsets of E'. Consequently HP is locally o-convex (i.e. HHP = HHPf} if and only if each HP-equicontinuous subset of E' is contained in a decomposable HP-equicontinuous subset of E'. Proof. Let % be a neighbourhood base at 0 in (E, HP) consisting of circled convex sets. Let F(&) = {F( F): F e %}. Then HP is the topology of uniform convergence on {F°: F g %} and tPF is that on {IF0: W g #(Я) = {E( F)°: F g Thus the theorem follows immediately from theorem (2.11). (5.19) Corollary. The topological dual (E, nPff of (E, ^r) is equal to C —O', where O' denotes the dual cone in E' = (E, HP)'. In particular, if HP is locally o-convex then E' is decomposable in E*. Remark. С —O' is the decomposable kernel of (E, H?)r. Finally we consider the permanence property of locally o-convex spaces; the following result should be compared with theorem (3.16): (5.20) Theorem. Let {(Ea,Ca, <^a):aG Г} be a family of ordered convex spaces, and let F = © Ел be the algebraic direct sum of EK) аеГ ordered by the product cone. Let tPa_v be the locally o-convex topology associated with HP л and let (© ^a)i? be the locally o-convex topology аеГ associated with HHtPa. Then ж;Г (©A) (5.1) \аеГ / F аеГ Consequently the following assertions hold: (a) if each HPa is locally o-convex then so is QHP.p аеГ (b) the decomposable kernel in F* of the product JJ ($a, is аеГ precisely the product of the decomposable kernels in E* of (Ea, HPf)'. Proof. For each a in Г, let Va be a circled convex neighbourhood of 0 in (Ea, 0a). Let Л = co(u Fa) and В = co(u F(Fa)V \«еГ / \аеГ /
58 LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES To prove the formula (5.1), it is sufficient to show that В j?(J) с 3B. It is straightforward to verify В s F{A)-} it then remains to demon- strate that F(A) с 3B. Let x e F(A) and suppose that ax < x < a2, where a15 a2 e A. Let У = and a ... Then 0<«/<аеЛсБ. By the definition of В there exist a finite number of indices a1; a3 ... an in Г such that г-1 n where each bi g jF(K.) and hi > 0, =- 1. ’For each a g Г, let 77 a denote the ath projection on the ath coordinate space Ea. Then, since 0 < у < a, it follows that 0 < 77,^) < 77,.(«) E ^F(Vai) cz %.в (i = 1, 2,... n) and 77,(2/) = 0 for all a g Г\{а1, a2 ... an). Hence, since 2^ — 1, У “ 2 e 21B4 22B + ...+2rrB — В. г=1 Consequently x = %y-\-ax g %B \ В = 3B. This shows that F(A') с 3B as required. Thus formula (5.1) is verified, and assertion (a) in the theorem follows immediately. The assertion (b) follows from (a), corollary (5.19), and the following well-known result A © AV = П (A- A)'- al a The following result should be compared with theorem (3.19) and may be regarded as a dual to the preceding theorem. (5.21) Theorem. Let {(Ea>Ga, ^):аеГ) be a family of ordered convex spaces, and let E be the product space ordered by the product cone G. Let П SPa be the product topology and lhe locally o-convex аеГ аеГ topology associated with Then аеГ (n^) (6-2) \ аеГ / К аеГ Consequently the following assertions hold: (a) if each is locally o-convex then so is аеГ
LOCALLY O-CONVEX SPACES 59 (b) the decomposable kernel in E* of the direct sum ®(Ea} is precisely the direct sum of decomposable kernels in E* of (Ea, .Proof. For each a e Г, let Va be a circled convex neighbourhood of 0 in (Ea, 0a), and suppose all Va, except a finite number of a in Г, are equal to Ea. Then formula (5.2) follows from an easily-verified fact: 4пк) - ПЖ)- By methods similar to those used in the preceding theorem, we can verify that assertions (a) and (b) are easy consequences of formula (5.2) and corollary (5.19).
6 LOCALLY SOLID SPACES Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space such that E = C — C and lot V be a subset of E. Suppose that $(7) e F}. We recall that V is absolute-order-convex if S(V) V, that V is absolutely dominated if V &(F), and that V is solid if 67(L) = V. Let us consider a vector topology SP in [E, C) with a neighbourhood- base % at 0 consisting of circled sets. Let S{^) ={^F):fe <%}, F(W) = {E(Vy. V eW}, and n C-W n С - {V n C-V n С: V e W}. Let ^s, SP-%, SPD respectively denote the vector topologies in E for which $(^), Fy%y and C\O — °U П C are respective neighbourhood- bases at 0. The topologies and have been studied in detail (in Chapters 3 and 5); in particular, we know that is the finest locally order-convex topology in E coarser than hP, and that is the coarsest topology in E with the open decomposition property and finer than Similarly one can construct topologies etc. (6.1) Theorem. Let (E, C, be an ordered topological vector space such that E C—C. Then the following statements hold: (a) AC is locally order-convex and has the open decomposition property; (b) Proof. Note that if K+K <= V then <= and 2&(L() iS(V) H C —-S(V) П C; hence has the open decomposition property. Also, since each S( V) is absolute-order-convex, must be locally order-convex by theorem (5.1). Thus (a) is proved. Next we show that (6.1)
LOCALLY SOLID SPACES 61 The first inequality is obvious since F(F) Э &(F), and the second inequality is true since F* nC-F* n C £ £(F) whenever T/rf. , „ Tr V* . • F * V. By inequality (6,1) and (a) of this theorem, we immediately have s < ^DF- It remains to show ^FI) > ^Djr. Take a ^D]rneighbourhood of 0 in E, say F(V r\ G—V H (7), where V is a circled ^-neighbourhood of 0 and F(F nd-F nQ is the order-convex hull of V n C — V n G. ПГИрп inen F(V) n c^^(7) a(7c f(F cC-FnC), (6.2) In fact, if x - y-z G F(F) n C — F(V) n G, where y, z e F(V) n G, then there exist u, v g V such that 0 < у < и and 0 < z < v. In particular, u, —v eV C—V И G (since 0 is in F И (7), and X = у-2Е[-^и\ £ F(V c\G — V HO), proving formula (6.2). This shows that F(V Г) (7—-F П (7) is a neighbourhood. of 0, and hence that > ^df- (6.2) Corollary. Let (E, G, 3й) be an ordered topological vector space. If HP is locally order-convex and G gives an open decomposition then Sfl = HP^. Proof. The assumptions on (E, G, 3й} imply that HP = HPT and HP “ hence ^FD — = HP. By theorem (6.1)(b) we conclude that — ^g. A locally convex topology on an ordered vector space (77, (7) will be called a locally solid topology if 3й admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of solid sets. This is the case if and only if 3й — <^s. Further, since £(F) is circled and convex whenever F is circled and convex, HP is locally solid if and only if it admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of circled convex and solid sets. If HP is locally convex, 3% is called the locally solid topology associated with HP. A semi-norm p on (E, G) is called a Riesz semi-norm if it satisfies the following two conditions: (a) p is absolute-monotone: --и < x < ад in E =>p(x) < p(u); (b) for each x g E with p(x) < 1 there exists и gE with p(u) < 1 such that —ад < x < ад.
62 LOCALLY SOLID SPACES Clearly the condition (a) is equivalent to the absolute-order-convexity of the 'open ball’ U -= {x e E :p(x) < 1}, and condition (b) is equivalent to the absolutely dominated property of U; thus p is a Riesz semi-norm if and only if U is solid. This remark, together with theorem (6.1) and corollary (6.2), makes the following theorem clear. (6.3) Theorem. Let (E, C, P) be an ordered convex space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E, G, <P) is a locally solid space; (b) (E, C, is both locally o-convex and locally decomposable; (с) & is determined by a family of Riesz semi-norms on E; (d) ^; (e) tP = SPjjP. (6.4) Corollary. Let (E, G, ^) be a bornological locally o-convex space. Then (E, G, SP) is locally solid if and only if G is a locally strict Pfi-cone in (E, IP}. Proof. In view of proposition (4.1), C is a locally strict ^-cone in (E, 0) if and only if tP is locally decomposable, i.e. if and only if P = ^D. Since IP is locally o-convex, it follows that C is locally strict .^-cone in (E, 1P) if and only if IP — ^FD = <^s, i.e. if and only if & is locally solid. (6.5) Corollary. Let (E, C, IP) be a locally o-convex space and suppose that E ~ G—G. Then IP3 = and the topological dual (E, Y of (E, ^s) is the smallest solid subspace of E* generated by E' — (E, IP)'. In particular, if IP is locally solid then (E, IP)' is a solid subspace of E*. Proof. Since IP is locally o-convex, it follows from theorem (6.1) that ~ Also since IPS is locally o-convex and locally decomposable, it follows from corollaries (3.12) and (5.19) that (E, LPff is a solid set in E* containing E'. Furthermore, (AT, IPe)' — (E, IPD)' is the order-convex hull in E* of E'. Consequently (E, 1Ра)' must be the smallest solid set in E* containing E'. Similarly we can prove the following corollary. (6.6) Corollary. Let (E, G, IP) be a locally decomposable space. Then IP§ ~ IP$, and the topological dual (E, Ps)' of (E, IPQ) is the
LOCALLY SOLID SPACES 63 largest solid subspace G' —G' of E* contained in E' = (E, P)', where G' - G* П E'. (6.7) Corollary. Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space such that E G—C, and let F be a directed subspace of E* such that F is total over E. Then there exists a locally solid topology IP on E such that (E, IP)' is the solid subspace of E* generated by F. In particular, if F itself is solid in E* then (E, IP}' F. Proof. In view of corollary (5.12), (E, Gj equipped, with the weak topology c>(E, F) is locally o-convex. Let IP = &s(E, F) be the locally solid, topology associated with a(E, F); then the result follows im- mediately from, corollary (6.5). Similarly, on applying corollary (6.6), we have the following result. (6.8) Corollary. Let (E, Gj be an ordered vector space such that (j and ieg p an order-convex subspace of E* such that F is total over E. Then there exists a locally solid topology IP on E such that (E, iPf is the largest solid subspace of E* contained in F. In particular, if F itself is solid in E* then (E, IP}' ~ F. Proof. In view of corollary (3.14), (E, G}, equipped with the Mackey topology t(E, F}, is locally decomposable. Let IP ra(E, F} be the locally solid topology associated with r(E, F}- then the result follows immediately from corollary (6.6). We record another consequence of theorem (6.3). (6.9) Corollary. Let (E, G, IP} be a locally o-convex space with a generating cone G, and let P& be the locally solid topology on E associated zvith IP. Then the following assertions hold: (a) a positive subset of E is P-bounded if and only if it is P ^bounded; (b) if G is a locally strict P-cone, then a subset of E is P-bounded if and only if it is Pa-bounded; (c) if G is IP-closed, then a monotone increasing net {жт} converges to x in (E, P} if and only if it does in (E, Pf). Proof. Since P is locally o-convex, Pa = P Thus the corollary is a restatement of propositions (3.5) and (4.3).
64 LOCALLY SOLID SPACES (6.10) Corollary. Let (E, G, ^) be a locally o-convex space satisfying the property that any o-convex circled subset of E which absorbs all positive SP-bounded subsets of E is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. Then (E, G, ^) is locally solid if (and only if)E = G—C. Proof. It is not hard to see that no strictly finer locally o-convex topology on E has the same positive ^-bounded subsets of E. The result then follows from theorem (6.3) and corollary (6.9). (6.11) Corollary. Let (E,C, ||.||) be an ordered Banach space for which G is ||.||-closed. Let £P be the vector topology in E induced by ||.||. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E, G, hP) is locally solid; (b) G is ^-normal and ^-generating in (E, ||. ||) for some a > 1, /3 > 1; (с) G and G' are generating cones in E and E’ respectively; (d) G is [3-generating in E and O' is ^.-generating in E' for some a > 1, /3 > 1; (e) O' is у-normal and ^.-generating in (E'} ||.||), for some у > 1, a > 1; (f) (E', G') is locally solid with respect to the vector topology induced by the norm ||.|| on E'. Proof. By theorem (6.3), (a)o(b) and (e)o(f). By theorem (3.8) and proposition (4.6), (c)o(d). Finally, by the theorems of Krein- Grosberg and Ando-Ellis (theorems (5.15) and (5.16)), (b)o(d) and (b)o(e). In Banach spaces (considering the metric aspect as well as the topological aspect) we have the following more satisfactory result. (6.12) Theorem (Davies). Let (E, C, ]|.||) be an ordered normed space, and let U be the open unit ball in (E, ||. ||). Let (E', G', Ц.Ц) be the Banach dual space with the dual cone G', and let U', S' respectively denote the open and closed unit balls in (E'} ||.||). We consider the following statements: (a) ][. || is a Biesz norm in (E, (7); (b) U is solid in (E, C); (c) ||.|| is a Biesz norm in (E', O'); (d) U' is solid in (E', G'); (e) S' is solid in (E', G').
LOCALLY SOLID SPACES 65 Then (a)<i>(b) ~>(c) <=> (d) <=>(e). Furthermore, if E and G are ||.||- complete then (c) (a) and hence all the statements (a)-(e) are mutually equivalent. Proof. It is easy to see that (a) o(b), (c) o(d), and (e) => (c). We next show that (c) => (e). Since ||. || is absolute-monotone on (E', G'), S' is certainly absolute-order-convex. To see that S' is absolutely dominated let f g S', f 7^ 0. Then, for each positive integer n, there exist gn e E' with < 1 such that +______L____< q ii/ll +(!/») (by the definition of Riesz norms). Let hn == {||/1Н-(1/^)}рп- Then ||AB|j < 1 + (l/n) for each n. By the Alaoglu theorem, {hn} has a a(E', E}- cluster point, say h. Then ||A|| < 1. and ±/< h. This shows that S' is solid. Thus (c) => (e). Therefore statements (c), (d), (e) are equivalent. (b) (e): Since U is solid, U — S(U). By theorem (1.17), we then have ТГ = RL)f =S(U”), i.e. S' = $(S'). This shows that (e) holds. We have shown that (a) o(b) (c) o(d) o(e), and it remains to show (c) (a) under the additional assumption that E and G are ||. ||-complete. Accordingly we suppose that (c) holds. Then, by the established implication (b) => (c), the norm. ||. || on the second dual space E" must be a Riesz norm. In particular, ||.|| is absolute-monotone on E" so the norm in E must also be absolute-monotone since (E, |j . || ) is isometrically isomorphic to a subspace of E". To verify that ||.|| is a Riesz norm, we have only to show that U is absolutely dominated. To this end, let us consider the vector topology HP on E induced by ||. ||. By (c), it follows from theorem (6.3) and corollary (6.11) that HP is locally solid. Hence the family {SlfXJyA > 0} = {/h?(t7): 2 > 0} is a neighbourhood-base at 0 in (E, HP}. Notice then that a$(£7) c (3S(U} whenever 0 < a < Д. On the other hand, since &(S') -= S' (by (e)), we have (cf. theorem (1.17)) (S(U}y = A((W) = £(S') - S', so that (£(?7))’r’r = S. It follows from the bipolar theorem that S s S(U}. Hence S c iS(U} c (]. -pe)S(U) for each e > 0. Conse- quently U c S(U}, i.e. U is absolutely dominated.
66 LOCALLY SOLID SPACES Finally we record the following permanence properties for locally solid topologies for future references. (6.13) Theorem. The following assertions hold: (a) the product of locally solid spaces is locally solid; (h) the locally convex direct sum of locally solid spaces is locally solid. Proof. By locally convex sum of {Ea: a g Г} we mean the algebraic direct sum of {Pa} equipped with the locally convex direct sum topology. Thus (b) follows immediately from theorems (3.16) and (5.20). Like- wise, (a) follows from theorems (3.19) and (5.21).
7 THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY Suppose that (E, 0} is an ordered vector space and that is the family consisting of all the circled convex subsets of E each of which absorbs all order-bounded subsets of E. It is easily seen that de- termines a locally convex topology (not necessarily Hausdorff), denoted by ^b on E', and this topology ^b is referred to as the order-bound topology (or order topology} on E, It is also obvious that the order-bound topology on E is the finest locally convex topology on E for which every order-bounded subset of E is topologically bounded and that (E, С, <^ъ)' = E\ consequently ^b is Hausdorff if and only if Eb is total over E. From now on, when we consider the order-bound topology <^b, we always assume that is Hausdorff. It should be noted that Еъ is always an order-convex subspace of E*. We state some elementary properties of as follows. (7.1) Proposition, Let (E, G} be an ordered vector space, and let be the order-bound topology on E. Then -PYj is a bornological topology in E and hence is the Mackey topology r(E, Eb). Moreover, the following statements are equivalent: (a) G is a generating cone in E ; (b) G is a locally strict Sd-cone in (E, (с) (E, G, k^b) is a locally decomposable space. Proof. It is easy to verify that (E, ^b) is a bornological space with the topological dual Eb; hence ^b = r(E, Eb}. The equivalence between (a), (b), and (c) follows from corollary (3.14) and proposition (4.1). A sequence {жи} in an ordered vector space (E, G} is called a relative uniform null-sequence if there exists a sequence of positive numbers a„ with -> co, such that {апжп} is an order-bounded subset of E. It is clear that {xn} is a relative uniform null-sequence if and only if there exist positive numbers en, with en -> 0, and an order-bounded subset В of E such that xn s snB for all n.
68 THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY (7.2) Lemma. Let V be a circled convex subset of (E, C). Then V absorbs all order-bounded subsets of E if and only if it absorbs all relative uniform null-sequences in E. Proof. Let be a relative uniform null-sequence in E. There exist positive numbers sn, with en —> 0, and an order-bounded subset В of E such that xn e snB for all n; since V absorbs В and since en 0, it follows that V must absorb {#„}. Therefore the condition is necessary. Conversely, if there exists an order-bounded subset В of E such that the assertion В <= n2V is false for all n, then we have xn e В such that xnfn2V. Therefore V does not absorb the relative uniform null- sequence {xn[n}. This completes the proof. Let (F, be a locally convex space, and let T be a linear mapping of (E, C) into F. Let us say that T is order-bounded if it maps each order-bounded subset of E into a -bounded subset of F. It is clear that each order-bounded linear mapping of (E, 0} into R is an order- bounded linear functional on E. If К is a cone in F, T is said to be positive if T(C) с K. It should be noted that if each order-bounded subset of F is SB-bounded then positive linear mappings from (E, C, into (F, K, are order-bounded. The following result was proved by Wong (1972a). (7.3) Theorem. Let (E, C, tP) be an ordered topological vector space, and let be the order-bound topology on E. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) & is finer than (b) each circled convex subset of E which absorbs all relative uniform mdl-sequences in E is a -neighbourhood of 0; (c) each order-bounded linear mapping of (E, C, tP) into any locally convex space (F, .F') is continuous. Proof, (a) (b): Let V be a circled convex subset of E which absorbs all relative uniform null-sequences in E. According to lemma (7.2), V absorbs all order-bounded subsets of E, so V is a ^-neighbour- hood of 0; consequently V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0, since is coarser than (b) => (c): Let T be an order-bounded linear mapping of E into F and let U be a circled convex PF-neighbourhood of 0 in F. Then T'”1((7) is a circled convex subset of E which absorbs all order-bounded subsets
THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY 69 of E, and so by lemma (7.2) T-^fU) absorbs all relative uniform null- sequences in E. Therefore T-fiU) is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in E, this implies that T is continuous. (c) (a): Suppose that i is the identity mapping of (E, G, into (E, ^b). Since each order-bounded subset of E is ^-bounded, it follows that i is order-bounded, and hence that i is continuous. There- fore is coarser than (7.4) Corollary. Let (E, G, ^) be an ordered convex space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) SP is the order-bound topology 0йb; (b) each circled convex subset of E which absorbs all relative uniform null-sequences in E is a 0-neighbourhood of 0, and each order-bounded subset of E is ^-bounded; (c) every order-bounded linear mapping of (E, G, &) into any locally convex space (F, $~) is continuous, and each order-bounded subset of E is &-bounded; (d) S? is the Mackey topology r(E, Ef and E' = Еъ. Proof. It is clear that (a), (b), and (c) are equivalent by theorem (7.3). The equivalence of (a) and (d) was established in (a) of proposition (7.1). (7.5) Corollary. The order-bound topology on (E, C) is the finest locally convex topology for which every relative uniform null-sequence in E is convergent to 0. An ordered topological vector space (E, C, is said to be funda- mentally a-order-complete if each increasing ^-Cauchy sequence in E has a supremum in E. It is clear that if G is sequentially ^-complete then (E, C, &) must be fundamentally cr-order-complete. In the next chapter, we shall study the fundamentally cr-order-completeness in detail. (7.6) Corollary. For any bornological ordered convex space (E, G, &), if G is a strict &-cone in (E, 0й) and if (E, G, 0й) is funda- mentally a-order-complete, then is coarser than & (and hence each order-bounded linear mapping of E into any locally convex space (E, is continuous); in particular, all order-bounded linear functionals (and 6
70 THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY certainly all positive linear functionals) on E are IP-continuous. If, in addition, each order-bounded subset of E is IP-bounded then IP is ^b. Proof. Let V be a circled convex ^-neighbourhood of 0 in E. Then V absorbs all order-bounded subsets of E. We wish to show that V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. Since IP is bornological, it suffices to show that V absorbs every ^-bounded subset of E. Suppose, on the contrary, that there exists a ^-bounded subset В of E which is not absorbed by V. Since G is a strict .^-cone, for this В there exists a circled convex ^-bounded subset A of E such that В £ А П G—A C\ C. Then the set J n G must not be absorbed by V. Hence, for each positive integer n there exists xn e А G G such that n xn f22nV. The sequence 2 2гкхк (n > 1) is an increasing ^-Cauchy fc=i sequence in E, so n У = sup J 2“~kxk » Л=1 exists in E. Notice that 0 < 2~nxn < у and 2гпхп ф 2nV; therefore the order-interval [0, y\ is not absorbed by the ^-neighbourhood У of 0, contrary to the construction of ^-topology. This shows that V must be a ^-neighbourhood of 0 and hence that < IP. If, in addition, each order-bounded set in E is ^-bounded then 1РЪ = IP "by corollary (7.4). (7.7) Cobollary. Let (E, G, IP) be a metrizable ordered topological vector space, and let (F, ST) be any locally convex space. Then each of the following conditions implies that each order-bounded linear mapping of E into F is continuous (in particular, all positive linear functionals on E are IP-continuous) and hence is certainly coarser than IP. (a) G gives an open decomposition in (E, IP), and (E, G, IP) is funda- mentally а-order complete. (b) G is IP-complete and generating, and E is of the second category. Proof. It is enough to verify (a) since (b) follows from (a) by theorem (3.8). Let {Fn:n > 1} be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for IP consisting of ^-closed, circled sets such that K+i+K+i c Vn for all n > 1. Then {Vn П G—Vn n C:n > 1} is a neighbourhood-base at 0 for IP since G gives an open decomposition in (E, IP). Let V be a circled convex set in E which absorbs all relative uniform null-sequences in E.
THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY 71 If V is not a ^-neighbourhood of 0, then the assertion Vn n C—Vn n C <= n47 is false for each n > 1. For any n, let xn, yn in Vn n О be such that (n \ / n \ 2 and I п~^Ук) are increasing *=i / \fc=i / n ^-Cauchy sequences in C. By the hypothesis, sup = x and n n Jc—'L sup 2 " У exist in G. We conclude from n k-.l У < n~z(xn-yn) < X that {n~z(xn —yn)} is a relative uniform null-sequence for which it is not absorbed by V, contradicting our assumption on F. Therefore V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0, and so is coarser than & by theorem (7.3), It will be seen that (FZ, ^) is complete provided that each order - bounded set in E is ^-bounded (corollary (8.11)). (7.8) Corollary. For any ordered topological vector space (E,C, tP), if G has an interior point e then £Pb is coarser than (and hence each order-bounded linear mapping of E into any locally convex space (F, is continuous); in particular, all positive linear functionals on E are ^-continuous. Proof. The topology induced by the gauge of [ —e, e] is the order- bound topology ^b. Since e is an interior point of O, there exists a circled ^-neighbourhood V of 0 such that e + V c 0, and hence V £ [—e, e]; this implies that ^b is coarser than &. This completes the proof. Let (F, be a topological vector space. A family % of ^-bounded sets in E is called a ^-determined family if each circled convex absorbing subset of E which absorbs all members of is a ^-neighbour- hood of 0. A subset В of the cone G is said to be ^-bounded if for each (n 1 ffLpx^.n > 1 7c=l J is order-bounded. (7.9) Corollary. Let (E, G, УР) be an ordered topological vector space. If there exists a S?-determined family of tP-bounded subsets of E such that each member % is contained in the difference of two ^-bounded subsets of G, then is coarser than S? (and hence each order-bounded
72 THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY linear mapping of E into any locally convex space (F, ) is continuous); in particular, all positive linear functionals on E are &-continuous. Proof. Let F be any circled convex set in E which, absorbs all relative uniform null-sequences in E. If there exists A etfl such that the assertion A c n4F is false for all n > 1, then the assertion Ах— A2 s n4F is false for all n > 1, where A± and A2 are F-bounded subsets of C such that А с A1—A2. For any n, there exist xn e Alt yn e A2 such that n~s(xn—yn) fnV. It is easily seen that {n^{xn-yn):n > 1} is a relative uniform null-sequence for which it is not absorbed by V, (П 'l in A k~2xk\ and j are order-bounded. This contradiction 7c=l / Vc==l > shows that V must be a ^-neighbourhood of 0, and hence the result follows from theorem (7.3). Let (F, ^F) be a locally convex space. A sequence {yn} in F is called a local null-sequence if there exist positive numbers an, with an -> co such that {awa?„} is a 2F-bounded subset of F. It is clear that {yn} is a local null-sequence if and only if there exist positive numbers en, with en -> 0 and a «F'-bounded subset В of F such that yn e enB for all n. (7.10) Theorem. Let (F, PF) be a locally convex space, and let T be a linear mapping of (E, C) into F. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) T is order-bounded; (b) T maps every relative uniform null-sequence in E into a local null-sequence in F; (с) T maps every relative uniform null-sequence in E into a sequence in F which converges to 0 for SF; (d) T maps every relative uniform null-sequence in E into a FF bounded subset of F. Proof. Let {&„} be a relative uniform null-sequence in E. There exist positive numbers аи, with co, and an order-bounded subset В of E such that anxn e В for all n. Let T be order-bounded. Then T(B) is a ^-bounded subset of F, and so {T(xn)} is a local null- sequence in F. This proves the implication (a) => (b). The implications (b) => (c) => (d) are obvious. It remains to show (d) => (a). Suppose that T is not order-bounded. Then there exists an order-bounded subset
THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY 73 В of E such that T(B) is not «У-bounded. Let V be a circled convex «У-neighbourhood of 0 in F such that the assertion T(B) c: n2V is false for all n. For each n, let xn in В be such that T(xn) ф n2V. Then we have found a relative uniform null-sequence {xn/n} in E such that {T(xn!n}} is not «У-bounded. Therefore (d) must imply (a), and the proof is complete. The following result is an immediate consequence of theorems (7.3) and (7.10). (7.11) Corollary. Let РРЪ be the order-bound topology on (E, C), and let (F, be a locally convex space. A linear mapping T of (E, C, <£/b) into (F, is continuous if and only if it is sequentially continuous, and if and only if it satisfies one of the conditions (a)-(d) of theorem (7.10). Let (E, G, PL) be an ordered convex space such that each order- bounded subset of E is ^-bounded. Then each relative uniform null-sequence {ж„} in E is ^-bounded, and so the polar, taken in E', of the set {xn} is absorbing; we denote the topology of uniform convergence on all relative uniform null-sequences in E by «/'o, and denote the topology of uniform convergence on all local null-sequences in E by We now present a dual characterization of the order-bound topology as follows (cf. Wong (1972a)). (7.12) Theorem. Let (E, C, 0s) be an ordered convex space for which C is PF-closed and generating. Then (P is the order-bound topology PPb if and only if PF satisfies the following conditions: (а) «У is the Mackey topology т(Е, E'); (b) each order-bounded subset of E is ^-bounded; (с) E' is ./'^-complete. Proof, (i) Necessity. It is clear that (a) and (b) are satisfied by PL. It remains to verify that E' is «/^-complete. Let {fT} be а «/У Cauchy net in E'. Then {fT} is a a(E', L’)-Cauchy net since {x[n} is a relative uniform null-sequence in E for any x g E, and so there exists f e E* such that fr converges to f pointwise on E. Let {x^} be any relative uniform null-sequence in E, and let A be the set consisting of {£„}. Then/ converges to/uniformly on A since / is a «/^-Cauchy net. It is clear from theorem (7.10) that each / is bounded on A, so that/is bounded on A. Thus, by theorem (7.10), / g Еь ~ E'. Since {xn} was arbitrary, then / converges to / for «/'o, and so E' is «//-complete.
74 THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY (ii) Sufficiency. The condition (b) implies that E’ £ Еъ. We now show that Eb S E'. Suppose that {жи} is a relative uniform null-sequence in E, and that V is the circled convex hull of {xn}. Since E' is J^'o-complete, by Grothendieck’s completeness theorem, it is sufficient to show that the restriction of each f e Еъ to the set V is o(E, ^/)'continuous- I*1 facti since C is generating there exist positive numbers Ли, with Лп —> 0, and e g C such that xn e Лп[--e, e], and so xn c y[ — e, e] for some у > 0, because Лп —>0; consequently V £ e, e] since C is ^-closed. On the other hand, suppose that Ee = (J n\—e, e], and that jjx|| is the n gauge of [-—e, e] in Ee. Then )|. || is a norm on Ee, and [—e, e] is the closed unit ball of (Ee, ||. ||), i.e. [—e, e] {x g Ee: ||ж|| < 1}. Observe that V is a precompact subset of (Ec, (|. ||). There exists a finite subset n {yy 1 < i < n} of V such that 7 c U {Уг\~[~~С e]); since [—-e, e] is a(E, _Zi7')-closed., it follows from 1=1 r — U (гЛ + [-е.е]) = U (»< + [-«> e]) that V is also a precompact subset of (Ee> ]|. ||). By making use of Kothe (1969, § 28,5(2)), the norm topology ||. and the topology cffiE, E') coincide on V because [—e, e] is a(E, ^'J-closed. Finally, since each f e Еъ is bounded on [ —e, e], then the restriction of / to Ee is a contin- uous linear functional on (Ee, ||. ||), and so the restriction of / to V is ||. || - continuous and certainly a(E, .^'/continuous. This completes the proof. (7.13) Corollary. Let (E, C, be an ordered convex space for which C is ^-closed and generating. Suppose that (E, ^) is bornological and that each order-bounded subset of E is .^-bounded. If each J?' - Cauchy net in E' is an J?rc -Cauchy net then & is the order-bound topology Proof. By making use of theorem (7.12), we only have to verify that E' is J^-complete. Suppose that {fr} is an «/"^-Cauchy net in E', then it is an -Cauchy net. Since (E, tP) is bornological, it follows from Kothe (1969, § 28,5(1)) that Ef is jC^-complete; and hence there exists / in E' such that fr converges to / with respect to On the other hand, since each order-bounded subset of E is ^-bounded, then У'о is coarser than and so fT converges to / for This completes the proof.
THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY 75 Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space. We recall that E has the Riesz decomposition property if [0, u-j-w] = [0, u] + [0, w] whenever и and w are in G. E is called a weakly Riesz space (or weakly vector lattice') if E has the Riesz decomposition property and E = G—G-, and E is called a Riesz space (or vector lattice) if each pair of elements x, у of E has a least upper bound, written x v y, in E. It is clear that if E is a Riesz space then O' is a generating cone and E has the Riesz decomposition property; but the converse is not true. Namioka (1967) has given an example to show that the order-bound, topology on an ordered vector space need not be locally o-convex; but Schaefer (1966) has shown that if E has the Riesz decomposition property then the order-bound topology <^b is the finest locally o- convex topology. Therefore, by making use of corollary (6.2), proposi- tion (7.1) (c), and Schaefer’s result (mentioned in the above), the order- bound topology .^b on a weakly Riesz space (E, G) is locally solid. We now give a more direct and elementary proof of this result. (7.14) Theorem. Let (E, G) be a weakly Riesz space, then the order- bound topology <^b on E is the finest locally solid topology. Proof. We first show that is locally solid. Suppose that У is a circled convex ^-neighbourhood of 0, we wish to find a solid convex ^-neighbourhood U of 0 such that U £ F. To do this, let $ = и {[—w, u]:u g V and [0, и] £ F}. It is clear that 8 is solid. If x, у g 8 and if 0 < Я < 1, there exist u,weG, with [0, u] £ F and [0, w] c: F, such that — и < x < и and —w < у < w; and thus — (Яад + (1—A)w) < Яж4(1 — Я)у < Xu4-(l — X)w. By the Riesz decom- position property and the convexity of F, we have that [0, Xu-b(l —A)w] = [0, Xu] -f-[0, (1— X)w~] = Я[0, и] + (I — Я)[0, w] s XVX (1 -A)F - V, and thus Яж + (1 —X)y g 8. Therefore 8 is convex. Furthermore, 8 c 2 F; for if x g 8 then there exists и G G, with [0, u] £ F, such that x-—a . u--x —u < x < u. Since 0 < ------ < и and since 0 <----- < u, it follows . 2 2 ж+w u—x from x = — ——— that x g 2F, and hence that 8 2F. On the 2 2 other hand, we also have that & П С — {и e C: [0, u] <=: F}. Indeed, obviously {и eC:[0,w] £ F} £ /S n G. Suppose that x g 8 n G. Then
76 THE ORDER-BOUND TOPOLOGY there exists и g C with [0, и] V} such that —u < ж < u, and so [0, ж] £ [0, и] c V, therefore x g {u g G. [0, u\ <= У}; this shows that $ П G = {u g O’. [0, u] F}. Finally we show that 8 absorbs all elements in G; from this 8 absorbs all order-bounded subsets of E because G is generating. Suppose not; then there exists x g G such that x ф n8 for all n, it then follows from {u g C: [0, u] £ V} = 8 C\ G that [0, ж] £ nV is false for all n; this gives a contradiction because V absorbs all order-bounded subsets of E. Therefore & is a solid convex ^-neighbourhood of 0 for which 8 Q 2V, and so U — $8 has the desired property. Since each order-bounded subset of E is bounded with respect to any locally solid topology on E, it follows that is the finest locally solid topology. This completes the proof. It is known from proposition (7.1) that (E, G, 0%) is bornological, where is the order-bound topology on£. We conclude this chapter with an example which will show that the topology on a bornological ordered convex space (E, G, ^), for which every order-bounded subset of E is ^-bounded, need not be the order-bound topology. (7.15) Example. Let E be the vector subspace of consisting of all elements x — (xn: n g N) satisfying the condition xn = 0 for all but a finite number of indices n, equipped with the norm ||ж)| = тах{|жп| :n g N}. E has a natural cone G defined by G = (x = (xn\x eN):zn> 0 for all n in N). Let , , , I 1 I V = ж = (xn;x g N): \xn\ < - for all n in N . ( n ) Then У is a convex solid absorbing subset of E which is not a ||. )|- neighbourhood of 0. Therefore the norm topology j|. || is not the order-bound topology.
8 METRIZABLE ORDERED TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES This chapter is devoted to a study of relations between order complete- ness and topological completeness in metrizable ordered topological vector spaces. We shall see that there are useful and elegant results that do not hold in non-metrizable spaces. Throughout this book zf1 denotes the ordered Banach space con- sisting of all absolutely summable sequences of real numbers, equipped with its usual norm and ordering; therefore (2„) in rf1 is positive if and only if each is non-negative. (8.1) Definitions. Suppose that (В, C, is an ordered topological vector space. (1) (E, is said to be boundedly о-order-complete if each sequence in E which is increasing and Abounded has a supremum in E. (E, is said to be boundedly order-complete if each net in E which is increasing and Abounded has a supremum in E. (2) (E, is said to be fundamentally a-order-complete if each in- creasing ACauchy sequence has a supremum in E. (3) (E, ^) is said to be monotonically sequentially complete if each increasing ^-Cauchy sequence is convergent in E. (4) (E, is said to be fl-order-summable if for each positive SP- bounded sequence {un} in E and any positive element (Я„) in fl, the sequences of partial sums of {Anun:n >1} have a supremum in E, i.e. supA^A:n > 1 exists in E\ the supremum will be con- (fc=i J veniently denoted by (0)— 2 It is clear that an ordered topological vector space is fundamentally cr-order-complete if and only if each positive, increasing ACauchy sequence has a supremum, and that if E and C are ^-complete then (B, .^) is fundamentally cr-order-complete. In metrizable and fundamentally cr-order-complete spaces, we have the following useful result characterizing the local order-convexity.
78 METRIZABLE ORDERED (8.2) Theorem. For any metrizable ordered topological vector space {E, C, tP), if {E, tP) is fundamentally a-order-complete {in particular, E and, C are ^-complete) then {E, C, is locally full if and only if each order-bounded subset of E is -bounded. Proof. The necessity is obvious. To prove the sufficiency, Jet {Vn:n > 1} be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for consisting of circled sets such that К-ы+K+i c: K- Suppose, on the contrary, that {E, C, tP) is not locally full; then there exists a ^-neighbourhood W of 0 such that (7^(7) n С Ф 2nW for all n > 1. For each n > 1, there exist xn e E, yn e Vn such that 0 < xn < yn and xn f 2nW. It is clear that the sequence of the partial sums of {yn} is an increasing ^-Cauchy sequence. By the fundamental cr-order-completeness, yk: m > 1J exists in E, and so fe=l J o < Xn < yn < y. Since xn$2nW, it follows that the order-interval [0, y] is not &- bounded. This completes the proof. (8.3) Corollary. Let {E, C, be a metrizable, locally decomposable space, and let {E, tP) be fundamentally a-order-complete. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E, C, is a locally o-convex space; (b) & is the order-bound topology (c) each order-bounded subset of E is tP-bounded. Furthermore, if {E, C, satisfies one of (a), (b), and (c) then {E, C, is a locally solid space; if, in addition, {E, C) has the Riesz decomposition property, then E' — Eb = E# and E' is a vector lattice. Proof. The implication (b) => (c) is clear, and the implication (c) => (a) follows from theorem (8.2). It remains to verify that (a) implies (b). Let {JQ'.n > 1} be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for & consisting of circled convex sets such that K+x+Kii-i c K- Since (E, C, is locally solid, for each n there exists a solid convex neighbourhood Un of 0 such that 17 cf. '-z n fn'
TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES 79 If is not there exists a circled convex ^-neighbourhood Ж of 0 such that ф 2„ w foj; aH n>y For each n > 1, there exist xn g E and yn g Un such that - yn < xn < yn and xn ф 2nW. Since yn g Vn, it follows from the fundamental o'-order-completeness (ТП \ 2 yk: m > 11 exists in E; hence a;=i J У Уп < < Уп < У' Therefore W does not absorb the order-interval [~~y,y] which gives a contradiction. The final conclusion that E' is a vector lattice follows from theorem (1.10). (8.4) Corollary. For any ordered Frechet space (E, C, £P), if C is .^-closed, then (E, C, ^) is locally o-convex if and only if E' ,£lb. In this case, SP is the order-bound topology ^b. Proof. Application of theorem (8.2) and corollary (8.3). (8.5) Proposition. Let (E, G, IP) be a metrizable ordered topological vector space, and let C give an open decomposition in (E, ,^). If (E, C) is Archimedean and if (E, tP) is fundamentally a-order-complete, then (J is ^-closed. Proof. Let {Vn:n > 1} be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for SP con- sisting of circled sets such that Vn+1 +Vn+1 <= Vn, and let x be in the ^-closure of G. For each n, there exists xn g G such, that г.-А(Г. пС-Г.пС), n and so there exists un g Vn ПС such that n(xn-—x) < un. It is clear !n 'I is an increasing ^-Cauchy sequence. By the ) fundamental cr-order-completeness. и = sup IS uk:n > 1 exists in E. J We conclude from the Archimedean property of E and from 1 zi t zyi ri / д-j vL Cv * n that — x 0 and hence that x g C. This shows that C is ^-closed.
80 METRIZABLE ORDERED (8.6) Lemma. For any ordered topological vector space (E, C, consider the following statements: (a) (E, is sequentially complete; (b) (E, SF) is monotonically sequentially complete; (с) (E, ^) is &-order-summable; (d) (E, kP) is fundamentally a-order-complete; (e) (E, is boundedly a-order-complete. Then the following statements hold: (1) (a) • (b) and (e) => (d); (2) (b) (c) provided that (E, is locally convex and C is ^-closed; (3) (b) (d) provided that C is ^-closed; (4) (d) (c) provided that (E, is locally convex; (5) (c) => (d) provided that (E, is metrizable—consequently, for a metrizable ordered convex space (c) and (d) are equivalent. Proof. Wo have only to verify assertion (5) since other assertions are obvious. Let {Vn:n ~ 1, 2,...} be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for SP consisting of circled sets such that K+i+K+i К f°r n > 1, and let {xn} be an increasing ^-Cauchy sequence. There exists a subsequence {xnJ of {xn} such that жи, g 2~Wfc (k > 1), then {T{(xn^-— xnf): к > 1} is a '^-bounded sequence in C, and so, by the ^-order-summability, x > 1] \7c=^l J J exists in E. Since У (ж„ — x„ ) = an -x„ , it follows that ' n*+l nTi! ni+l nl’ k=l у = гЦ(] - supK34i:J > 1} exists in E. We now claim that у = sup{«m:w > 1}; it is equivalent to verify that r „ Xm < У *or all In fact, for any m there exists a positive integer q such that nk > m whenever к > q\ since {xn} is increasing, it follows that < xnk < У- This completes the proof. There are ordered Banach spaces which are fundamentally u-order- complete but not boundedly u-order-complete as shown by the following example.
TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES 81 (8.7) Example. Consider the ordered Banach space 0(0, 1] con- sisting of all real-valued continuous functions on [0, 1], equipped with its usual norm and ordering. Suppose that (0 if 0 < t < | if | < t < l-H n 1 if < I < 1. " n Then {ж„} is an increasing norm-bounded sequence in C[0, 1] but has no supremum in CJO, 1]. Thus C[0, 1] is not boundedly u-order-complete. We observe that the cone О - {ж еф, 1]:ж(/) > 0 for а1П е [0, 1]} is (norm) closed. Therefore (7[0, 1] is fundamentally u-order-complete. The study of the relationship between order-completeness and topological completeness can be broken down into two stages: in the first stage we establish the fact that monotonically sequential complete- ness, under certain conditions, implies completeness; and in the second stage we establish some sufficient conditions to ensure that order- completeness implies monotonically sequential completeness. First, we prove the following theorem due to Jameson (1970). (8.8) Theorem, For any metrizable ordered topological vector space (E, C, 0), if (E, 0°) is monotonically sequentially complete and if C gives an open decomposition in (E, ^), then (E, ^) is complete. The converse is also true provided that C is ^-complete and generating. Proof. Let {Vn :n > 1} be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for con- sisting of circled ^-closed subsets of E for which K+i+K+r К f°r all n > 1, and let Bn = Vn П C—Vn ("} C (n > 1). Then Bn is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. Any ^-Cauchy sequence has a subsequence {zw} such that ^n+y.^n^Bn (n > 1). There exist un, wn in П О such that = un-~wn (n > 1). n n Since zn+1 —z1 = 2 uk — 2 wJc> then the convergence of {zn} is equivalent ы &=i
82 METRIZABLE ORDERED (W I / n \ 2 : n 1 and 2 w7c: n > 1L J u=i ) n+<I n 2 «„ eVn+1 n C+...+V„+, n С s И„ n C s К 7c-l й=-1 (n \ 2 uk: n > 1 is an increasing ^-Cauchy sequence, and fc=i J (n 1 У wk: n > 11 fc=i J converges for SP. Therefore E is ^-complete. The converse follows from theorem (3.8). This completes the proof. As the second stage in establishing the relationship between order completeness and topological completeness, we prove the following result of Wong (19726) which should be compared with the equivalence of (a) and (c) in theorem (3.8). (8.9) Theorem. For any metrizable ordered topological vector space (E, C, fP), if (F < ^b, C is generating, and if (E, is fundamentally о-order-complete then it is monotonically sequentially complete and locally full. If, in addition, E is of the second category, then (E, is complete and C gives an open decomposition in (E, &). Proof. The locally full property of (E, C, 0} is an immediate consequence of theorem (8.2). Let {Vn;n > 1} be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for & consisting of circled ^-closed sets such that J^+1 £ Vn (n > 1). Then {Vn П C— Vn П C:n > 1} forms a neighbourhood-base at 0 for the metrizable topology ^D. Notice that tF < and each increasing ^-Cauchy sequence in E is also <^D-Cauchy. Hence, to show that (E, 0s} is monotonically sequentially complete it is sufficient to show that (E, is complete. Any -Cauchy sequence in E has a subsequence {xn} such that xn+i-^n en~2(Vn r\C—Vn n Cf and so there exist yn, zn in Vn C\ C such that n2(xn+1-xn) = y^-zn. (m a / m \ X h~xyk'.m > 1 , 2 h^z^-.m > 1 fc=i J U=i J (m \ f m \ ^^~2d/c'm > 1 > and { У k~~2zlt.:m > 1} are increasing ^-Cauchy fo=l ) J
TOPOLOGICAL VECTOR SPACES 83 sequences. Since (F/, ^) is fundamentally o'-order-complete, it follows that У о = (°) = (°) ““2 A к ft к (m \ 2 к^уь 'm > 17 converges to у with respect J to For each m, we have m co / 00 1 1 ° < y-2 1<^Ук = (°)- 2 к~2Ук < w-1 (0)- J —г-; ym+1\ < £ 7c^ m-i-1 Ы^+j ) (m A 2 k^2yk'.m > 1> con- &=i j 2 h~~2zk:m > 1} fc=l J converges to z with respect to ^*D. Therefore, the sequence {xm} converges to y— ziz1 with respect to <^D, and hence (7?, <^D) is com- plete. Finally, since & is coarser than ^D, then, the identity mapping from (E, ^p) onto (.S', ^) is continuous, and hence coincides with ^p by the open mapping theorem provided that (E, УР) is of the second category; consequently (E, tP) is complete, and 0 gives an open decomposition in (E, ^). This completes the proof. Remark. It is worth to note that under the assumption of theorem (8.9), the metrizable topological vector space (E, tPjf) has the following properties: (a) each order-bounded subset of E is ^p-bounded; (b) C gives an open decomposition in (E, ; (c) a monotone sequence in E is ^D-Cauchy if and only if it is ^-Cauchy; (d) (E, ^p) is complete. (8.10) Corollary, Let (E, C, 0s} be a metrizable ordered convex space such that C is tP-closed and generating, and let УР be coarser than £^b. If (E, УР) is fundamentally a-order-complete then is the locally decomposable topology on E associated with and {E, C, ^b) is a complete, metrizable locally solid space. Proof. In view of the remark of theorem (8.9), (E, C, ^p) is a complete, metrizable locally decomposable space and is coarser than
84 METRIZABLE ORDERED ^b; hence, by making use of corollary (8.3), = <^b and (E, G, IPD) is also locally o-convex; consequently (.£/, C, <^b) is a locally solid space. This completes the proof. (8.11) Corollary. For any metrizable ordered topological vector space (E, G, IP), if SP is coarser than I?b, then each of the following conditions implies the completeness of (E, IP): (a) G gives an open decomposition in (А\ ^) and (E, C, IP) is funda- mentally a-order-complete; (b) G is IP-complete, generating, and E is of the second category. If, in addition, IP is locally convex then IP — lPb and (E, 0, IP) is a complete metrizable locally solid space. Proof. Since, by making use of theorem (3.8), (b) is an immediate consequence of (a), therefore we have only to show (a). According to theorem (8.9), (E, G, IP) is monotonically sequentially complete, and hence, from theorem (8.8), {E, IP) is complete since G gives an open decomposition in (E, IP). The final assertion follows from corollary (7.7). (8.12) Corollary. Let (E, G, IP) be a metrizable ordered convex space for which G is a locally strict Id-cone in (E, IP), and let IP be coarser than lPb. If (E, SP) is fundamentally a-order-complete, then IP ~ IPb, and (E, C, IP) is a complete metrizable locally solid space. Proof. Since metrizable convex spaces are bornological, it follows from proposition (4.1) that (E, G, SP) is a locally decomposable space, and hence the result follows from corollary (8.11).
9 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES By an ordered normed space we mean a normed space (E, |j. ||) equipped with a partial ordering < induced by a cone G. Recall that (E, G, ||. [() is an approximate order-unit normed space if there exists an approximate order-unit {ел, A e A, <} in G such that the given norm |j. || is the gauge of the circled convex set q]:2eA). Since $л is solid, the induced norm must be a Riesz norm and hence (E, G, ||. ||) must be locally solid under the vector topology induced by ||. |]. The following result characterizes approximate order-unit normed spaces among Riesz normed spaces. (9.1) Proposition. Let(E,C} ||.||) be an ordered normed space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) E is an approximate order-unit normed space; (b) G is 1-normal in (E, ||. j|) and the open unit ball U - {хеЕ: И < 1} is directed upwards; (c) U is order-convex and directed upwards; (d) U is absolute-order-convex and directed upwards; (e) U is solid and directed upwards; (f) ||. || is a Riesz norm on (E, G) and U is directed upwards. Proof. In view of proposition (1.6) and theorem (6.3), (b) о (c) and (e)o(f). If U is directed upwards then a fortiori it is absolutely dominated; hence (d)o(e). Further, it is trivial that (c) (d). Thus to complete the proof we have only to show (a) (b) and (e) (a). (a) => (b): Let ||. || be the gauge of SA = e2]:Z eA), and suppose that x < у < z in E. Let M = тах{||ж||, j|z||}. Let e, with e > 0, be given. Then there exist hx, in Л such that and -(^ + Флж < я < (М + е)еЛх -(^ + е)Ч < z < (TH + £)ev 7
86 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES Let у > Лж, Xz in A. Then we have that (Jf + e)eM < x and z < (M-\-e}e^. Hence, since x < у < z, •—(Jf-j-s)^ < x < у < z < (Hf-fie)^. It follows that ||?/|| < M-\-s. Since e is arbitrary, \\УII < > -= max{|H, I)z|j}. This shows that G is 1-normal in (157, ||. |[). To show that U is directed upwards, let ur, u2 e U and a a positive real number such that maxfUuJI, ||u2||} < 1—a. Then there exist 2X, Л2 in Л such that -{l-a)eA. < Ui < (1-а)ел. (i - 1, 2). Let Л e A be such that Л > 7Lj, Я2 and и (1 — a)eA. Then и e V and 26 26 j ? *^2* (c) -> (a): Suppose the open unit ball U in (E, G, ||. ||) is solid and directed upwards. Then U c\ C is also directed. Lor each и e U П C, let eu = u. Then {eu, и e U A (7, <} is a net in G. Let A = u{[—eu> eu\:u e U г\ G}. Since U is solid, it is not difficult to show that S = U. Hence the given norm ||. |] is precisely the gauge of S; that is, |[. |j is an approximate order-unit norm with the approximate order-unit {eM}. In what follows the open unit ball in a normed space (E, |]. ||) is always denoted by U, i.e. U = {x eE: ||z|| < 1}; if (E', ||. ||) is the Banach dual space of (E, ||. ||), then U' will denote the open unit ball in (E'} |j. ||). The closed unit ball in (E, ||. ||) is denoted by S, i.e. 2 = {x e E\ ||ж || < 1}; S' will denote the closed unit ball in (E', ||. )|). An ordered normed space (E, C, |). ||) is called an order-unit normed space if there exists an order-unit e such that |]. || is the gauge of [—e, e]. Thus order-unit normed spaces form a special class of approximate order-unit normed spaces. (9.2) Proposition. Let(E,G, ||.||) be an ordered normed space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) E is an order-unit normed space; (b) G is 1-normal in (E, ||. ||) and there exists e in E with ||e|| < 1 such that e > и for all и e 17; (c) U is order-convex and all elements of U are dominated by some e in E with || e || < 1;
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 87 (d) U is absolute-order-convex and all elements of U are dominated by some e in E with |j e |] < 1; (e) U is solid and all elements of U are dominated by some e in E with IH < I; (f) ||. || is a Riesz norm on (E, 0) and all elements of U are dominated by some e in E with ]|e][ < 1. Proof, (a) => (b): If ||. || is an order-unit norm on E with order- unit e, then e dominates all elements of the open unit ball in E', also G is 1-normal by proposition (9.1). As in proposition (9.1), it is easy to verify that (b) о (о) => (d) and (e) => (f). Next we show that (d) (e). Letw e U. Then there exists a such that ||u|| < a < l.By(d), -[zufcc < e for some e G E with ||e|) < 1. Then ae e U and dominates и absolutely. This shows that 17 is absolutely dominated. Thus the implication (d) => (e) is clear. The implication (e) => (d) is trivial. Therefore (d)o(e). To complete the proof it remains to show that (f) => (a). If (f) holds, then the order-interval [—e, e] contains U and is contained in the closed unit ball in (A1, j|. ||), hence j|. || is the gauge of [—e, e], and thus an order-unit norm with order-unit e. Example. The sequence spaces , c, function space , and the space of all bounded real-valued continuous functions defined on a topological space are examples of order-unit normed spaces. The space c0 of all null sequences is an approximate order-unit normed space with no order-unit. The concept dual to (approximate) order-unit normed spaces is that of base normed spaces. (See Edwards (1964) and Ellis (1.964),) A positive subset В of an ordered vector space (E, C) is called a base of 0 if В is convex and has the property that every non-zero element c in 0 has a unique representation of the form a6 with a > 0 and Ъ e B. If, for each c in С, Д(с) denotes the uniquely determined positive number such that c _ h(c}b where b g B, then h is obviously a strictly positive, additive, and positively homogeneous functional on C (h is said to be strictly positive if h(c) > 0 for all non-zero positive elements c). Let F = C — G. Tor each x = c1—c2 in F, where cls c2 g Gt we define h(x) = Л(с2) -- Л(с2). Then h is a well-defined linear functional on E such that h\C — h. Notice also that В = {c g G:h(c) = 1}. By the Hahn-Banach theorem h can be extended to define on the whole of E. Let/ be a linear extension
88 ORDERED .NORMED VECTOR SPACES of h, then f is a strictly positive linear functional on E such that В = G ={ce G\f{c) = 1}. This remark makes the following result clear. (9.3) Lemma. Let В be a positive set in an ordered vector space (E, G}. Then В is a base of G if and only if there exists a strictly positive linear functional f on E such that В = G x(l). If В is a base of G and if G—G = E, then the circled convex hull Г(В) of В is absorbing in E. The gauge of Г(В) is called a base semi-norm on E (defined by the base B). If the semi-norm is in fact a norm it will be referred to as a base norm. An ordered normed space (E, O', ]] - ) is called a base normed space if E — G—G and if there exists a base В of G such that the given norm ||. || is the gauge of Г(В). If В is a base of G, E G—G and if Г(В) — co(B U — B) is the circled convex hull of B, then. Г(В) is the smallest solid set containing B. In fact, it is easily seen that Г(В) is absolutely dominated; to see that Г(В) is absolute- order-convex let ±Ж < 2/ = ЯЛ-ЯЛ e Г(Б), where b1} b2 e В and Я15 Я2 > 0 with Ях + Яа 1. Since > 0, there exist b,V eB and a, a' > 0 such that у-\~% = <xb emdy—x = a'b'. Then 2x — ab — ab'. To show that x e Г(В), we have to show that |(a + a') < 1. By lemma (9.3), there exists a strictly positive linear functional / on E such that В — C ^/^(l). Notice that 2(ЯЛ — Я262) = 2y = ab-dab', hence, on applying / on both sides, we have I > Ях-Я2 = |(a + a'), as required. This shows that x e Г(.В), and hence Г(В) is absolute-order- convex and consequently Г(В) is solid. Finally, if S is a solid set containing В and if z — p2z2 e Г(В), where z1; z2 <= В and y1, 14 > 0 with ^4-^2 = 1, then let z' = g В c S. Since < z' it follows that z g 8, showing that Г(В) cz S. Therefore we have shown that Г(В) is the smallest solid set in E containing B. Consequently the gauge of Г(.В) is always a Riesz semi-norm on E.
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 89 (9.4) Proposition. Let (E, C, ||. ||) be a base-normed space with base B. Then ||. || is a Riesz norm on В and the following assertions hold: (а) В = {ж g С: ||ж|| = 1}; (b) ||. || is additive on C, i.e, h+2/ll = hll +h|| for all x, у in C; (с) G is (1^-generating for each s > 0; (d) C is 2-normal. (Remark. Clearly the additivity of ||. || on C implies that ||. [| is monotone; thus the condition is a normality condition. Similarly that U be directed upwards is a а-generating condition for appropriate a.) Proof. That j|. || is a Riesz norm, has been noted before. To show (a), let b g B. Then ||6|| < 1. Further, suppose a is a positive real number such that b g aP(R). Then 6/a = a'bf-ai’b" for some b‘, b" in В and a', a" > 0 with a'4-a" = 1. Let/be a strictly positive linear functional on E such that В = О Then a' = /(aW) = + =- + a", \a / a hence I/a — a' —a" < a' + a" = 1, so a > 1. This implies that ||5|| > 1; consequently ||&]| = 1 is valid for all b g B. On the other hand, if c g C and |jc|| — 1, then c ~ yb* for some у > 0 and b* eB; further 1 = ||c|| = \\yb* || = y\\b* || = у by what we have previously proved. Therefore c “ yb* — 6* g B. Thus (a) is verified. To verify (b), let x, у g C. We can further suppose that x 0, у L 0. Then, by (а), ж/||ж||, 2//Ц2/Ц e B. Since В is convex it follows that ж+у hll / a? \ |M|/ ?/ \ B hll + hll hll + hll\hll/ hll + hllwll/ Applying (a) again, we have as required in (b). %+y hll + hll = 1, i.e. h+2/ll = hll + hll Let e > 0 and let x E E. Since ||. || is a Riesz norm, there exists у e E with ||«|(]| < (1+e) Ill’ll such that Lx < y. Let xx = l(y-\-x) and = Then хъ x2 e О, x — xz, and hill + k2|| = hi+^all = \\v\\ < (i-H) h)|. Thus (c) is proved.
90 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES Finally, we verify (d). Suppose x < у < z in E. Then there exist bx, b2 G В and Лх, Я2 > 0 such that y—x = Q^z—y --= Л2&2. By (b), we have hll + hll > h-^ll = HlM-ЛМ = Ц1М + Н2&2И - h-M + h“«/|| > (blHhll)+(ll«/l|-hll), it follows that hll + hll > ||y||. Consequently G must be 2-normal. (9.5) Proposition. Let (E, G, ||. ||) be an ordered normed space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) E is a base normed space; (b) ||. j| is additive on G and G is (1 + e)-generating for each e > 0; (c) ||. || is additive on G and the open unit ball U in (E, |]. ||) is de- composable; (d) I). || is additive on G and U is solid; (e) ||. j| is a Riesz norm on (E, G) and |]. || is additive on G. .Proof. In view of proposition (1.7) and. theorem (6.3), it is clear that (b) о (c) and (d) (c). That (a) (b) and (a) (e) were proved in the preceding proposition. Therefore to complete the proof we have only to verify that (b) (a) and (e) (b). (b) => (a): Let В = {x e G: h|| = .1.}. Since ||. || is additive on G, В is convex. .It is then easily verified that В is a base of G. Let Г(В) = co (В U — B). Then Г(В) is contained in the closed unit ball of (E, ||. ||). On the other hand, it contains the open unit ball U; in fact, if || ж || < 1 then there exist хг, x2gG with ||aq|| -(- hall < 1 such that x = xv-x2. Assuming that хг 0, ж2 0, we have —— , —— e В and hili hall ж = hill I у™? I + hall (vA?) e Г(В). vl^alr This shows that U с Г(В). Consequently the given norm )|. || is precisely the gauge of Г(В), and (E, G, ||. ||) is a base normed space. (e) (b): Let x g E and s > 0. Since ||. || is a Riesz norm., there exists у in E with ||y|| < (1-f-e) hi! such that < y.Letaq = i(y~px) and x2 — i(y—x). Then x Xy — x2, x1} x2 e G, and hill + hall hi+^ll = hll < (i+e) hll> showing that G is (1 -|-£)-generating. Therefore (e) => (b).
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 91 In what follows we shall show that the concepts of base norms and approximate order-unit norms are dual to each other. To this end, we shall first establish the fact that the additivity of the norm is dual to the directedness of the open unit ball. More precisely, we have the following theorem (cf. Ng (1969a)): (9.6) Theobem, Let (E,G, ||.||) be an ordered normed space and (E', ||. ||) the Banach dual space with the dual cone C. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) |i. || is additive on G; (b) the open unit ball U' in E' is directed upwards; (c) the closed unit ball S' in E' is directed upivards. Proof > (a) (b): Suppose that/15/2 are elements of U'. Let 5 be such that max{||/1||, ||/2||} < 6 < 1. We define p(x) = d ||x || (x e E) and q(x) == sup{/](a;1) +/а(ж2) ’-%i> = x} (x e (7). Thenp is sublinear and q is superlinear on where they are defined. Also, since ||. || is additive, it is easily seen that q(x] < jp(a;) for each x in G. By Bonsall’s generalization of the Hahn-Banach theorem (1.15), there exists a linear functional f on E such that q(x) < f(x) and/(?/) < p(y) for all x e G and all у e E. Then/13 /2 < f and \\f\\ < <5 < 1 (so/ e U'). (b) => (c): Let f, g be an arbitrary pair of elements in S'. Then, by (b), for each positive integer n, there exists hn in U' such that n+1 f,g < — n By the Alaoglu theorem, S' is a{E'E)-compact, so {hn} has a a(E'E}- cluster point Ao, say. Then hQ e S' and/, g < hQ. This shows that S' is directed upwards. (c) (a): Let x, у be in G. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, there exist /, g e S' such that f(x) ~ ||ж|| and g(y) = |j?/||. For this pair of functions/, g, there exists h e S' such that/, g < h by (c). Then kll + hll =/(^)+0r(y) < h{x)ph{y) < h+y||, consequently, ||ж|| Т1Ы| = ||ж+у|| by virtue of the triangle inequality for ||. ||. The following result is dual to the preceding theorem and is parallel to theorems (5.16) and (6.12):
92 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES (9.7) Theorem. Let C be a cone in a normed space (E, ||. ||) and let (E', ||. ]|) be the Banach dual space with the dual cone Gr. И+ consider the following statements: (a) ||. || is additive on G'; (b) the open unit ball U in (E, ||. ||) is directed upwards. Then (b) (a). If, in addition, C is assumed to be ||. \\-complete, then (a) (b), hence (a) and (b) are equivalent. Furthermore, if C is ||. ||-com- plete and if (a) or (b) holds, then (E, [|. ||) must be complete. (Remark. It is easy to see that if the closed unit ball is directed upwards then so is the open unit ball. The converse is incorrect: for a counterexample see Asimow (1968). In the case where X and G are assumed to be ||. || -complete, the theorem was proved independently by Asimow (1968) and Ng (1969a). A more general theorem than the present form was announced by Ng and Duhoux (1973).) Proof. If (a) or (b) holds, then we established the fact in theorem (5.16), that (E, ||. ||) is complete whenever G is ||. ||-complete. (b) (a): Let f,geG' and let x,y e U. By (b), there exists z g U such that x, у < z. Then /(^)+^) </(ФЫ/> < \\f+g\\ hll < llf+^l- Since x, у are arbitrary in U, it follows that ||/|[ + 1Ы1 < II/ bf/ll 5 conse- quently II/H +ll^ll = ll/+<7ll by virtue of the triangle inequality. Finally we show that (a) => (b) under the assumption that C is ||. ||- complete (hence E is also ||. ||-complete). Let xf, x" be in U. Let 5 be such that тах{||ж'||, ||+'||} < <5 < I. We shall find an x g U such that x > x’, x". To do this, let = (/еЛ and W) = suptf'M +/"(«") eC'.f =/'+/"} (/eC'). Then P is sublinear and Q is superlinear in the domains where they are defined; also, by (a), Q(f) < P(f) for each/in Gr. Further, P is lower g(E', E)-semi-continuous on E. Next we show that Q is upper semi- continuous on S' C\ O' under the relative o(E', E)-topology. If not, then there exist a real number Я and a net {/a} in S' C\ G' convergent to/0 such that Q(fa) > A > Q(/o) for each a. Then, for each a, there exist /«, f" in °' with A = +/« such that
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 93 Notice that 0 < /a < fa, so ||/a|| < |(/J| < 1 by (a). This shows that each /a is in S' И O'. Similarly/" e S' И O'. Since S' П & is a(E’, .^-com- pact, {/„}, {/"} have convergent subnets with limits, say Д and f£, in S' n C' respectively. Since fa = ff-lff we must have /0 = /o+/o- Passing to the limit in the last displayed inequality, we have Wo) contrary to the fact that Я > Q(f0). The contradiction shows that Q is upper semi-continuous on S' nd'. By the separation theorem, given in corollary (2.19), for 0 < e < 1—-<5, there exists x in E such that and W) <» » < W)+s \\f\\ tfzO') By the last inequality, it follows from the Hahn-Banach theorem that И = sup{/(a:):/ e E’, |)/|| < 1} < <5 + e < 1. Also, for each / in 6", f(x'} < $(/) < /(x). Since G is complete (hence closed), it follows from the Hahn-Banach separation theorem (cf. theorem (2.16)) that x' < x. Similarly x" < x. Thus x is an element of U which dominates x', x". The following theorem is due to Krein and Ellis (cf. Ellis (1964-)). (9.8) Theorem. Let (E, G, ||.||) be an ordered normed space and let (Ef, ||. |j) be the Banach dual space with the, dual cone O'. We consider the following statements: (a) (E, C, ||. ||) is a base normed space; (b) (£?', C", ||. ||) is an approximate order-unit normed space; (c) (E', O', ||. ||) is an order-unit normed space. Then (a) => (b) o(c). If C is assumed to be |). || complete, then (c) => (a) and hence (a), (b), and (c) are mutually equivalent. Further, if C is ||. ||-complete and if one of the statements (a), (b), and (c) holds, then (E, ||. ||) must be complete. Proof, (a) (b): If (E, G, ||. ||) is a base normed space, then ||. || is a Riesz norm on (E, G) and is additive on G by proposition (9.4). It follows from theorem (6.12) and theorem (9.6) that the norm on the Banach dual space (E', O') is also a Riesz norm and the open unit ball U' is directed upwards; hence (E', O', ||. ||) is an approximate order-unit normed space by proposition (9.1).
94 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES (b) (c): If (b) holds, then the open unit ball U' in (£?', ||.||) is directed upwards. For each и e U', let eM = u. Then {eu:u e U'} is an increasing net in the closed unit ball X' which is o{E', 2?)-compact by the Alaoglu theorem. Let e be a cluster point of {eM}. Then e > eu for all u. In view of proposition (9.2), we conclude that (E',C, ||.||) is an order-unit normed space. Finally we show that if G is ||. ||-complete and if (c) holds then (E, ||. ||) is complete and (a) holds. By (c), O' is 1-normal in {E', ||. ||). Hence, since C is ||. ||-complete, it follows from theorem (5.16) that (E, ||. ||) must be complete and G is (1+r)-generating for each s > 0. Furthermore, the open unit ball in the order-unit normed space (Er, G', j|. ||) is directed upwards, and it follows from theorem (9.6) that the norm ||. || on E is additive on G. This, together with the (1 + e)- generating property of G, implies that (E, G, ||. ||) is a base normed space by proposition (9.5), i.e. (a) holds. The following theorem is dual to theorem (9.8) and is due to Ng (1969). (9.9) Theorem. Let (E, C, ||. ||) be an ordered normed space and let (E'} C', ||. ||) be the Banach dual space with the dual cone G'. We consider the following statements: (a) (E, C, ||. ||) is an approximate order-unit normed space; (b) (E’, C', ||. ||) is a base normed space. Then (a) => (b). If G is assumed to be |]. ^-complete then (b) ==> (a) and hence (a) and (b) are equivalent. Further, if C is \\. \\-complete and if either (a) or (b) holds then (E, ||. ||) must be complete. Proof. If C is |]. ||-complete, then we have the following chain of equivalences (cf. proposition (9.1), proposition (9.5), theorem (6.12), and theorem (9.7)): (a) о the open unit ball is directed upwards and ||. || is a Riesz norm on E о the norm on E’ is additive on G' and is a Riesz norm on E' <=> (b). The other assertions can also be easily verified by virtue of the proposi- tions quoted. In general, that E' be a base normed space does not imply that E is an order-unit normed space, as the following example shows. Example. Let c0 be the Banach lattice of all null sequences of real numbers (with the natural ordering and the supremum-norm). Then the Banach dual space of c0 is the space G of all summable sequences of real numbers. The norm on c0 is a Riesz norm and the open unit ball is
ORDERED .NORMED VECTOR SPACES 95 directed upwards; so c0 is an approximate order-unit normed space and G is a base normed space. Further c0 has no order-unit. In fact, consider an element x — (ж15 ж2,...) of c0. Let у = (v%.> Then у e c0, and lim Mfixn = 0 for any constant M > 0. Hence there does not exist a constant M. with the property that (V^i, \/x2...) = у < Их — (>жп Mx2,...). This shows that the order-interval [ — ж, ж] does not absorb y, so x is not an order-unit. Thus c0 has no order-unit at all. In the situation of the preceding theorem, it is easily seen that the set В — {/ e C': ||/|| = 1} is a base of O' and the defining base norm is the same as the given norm. It turns out that the existence of an order- unit in E is related to a topological property of B. (9.10) Theorem (Edwards). Let (E, G, ||.||) be an ordered normed space, and let (E’, O', ||. ||) be the Banach dual space with dual cone C. We consider the following statements: (a) (E, G, ||. ||) is an order-unit normed space; (b) (E!, &, |j. ||) is a base normed space with a o{E', Efcompact base В defining the norm ||. ||. Then (a) => (b). If C is assumed to be ||. \\-complete, then (b) (a); hence the statements (a) and (b) are equivalent. Moreover, if G is ||. \\-complete and if either (a) or (b) holds, then (E, ||. ||) must be complete. Proof. The final assertion can be proved easily, as before. Next we show that (a) (b). Suppose (E, C, ||. ||) has an order-unit e defining the order-unit norm ||. || on E. By the preceding theorem, (E', Gf, ||. ||) is a base normed space; hence the set в ^{fEC-Wfw 1} is a base of G' and the corresponding base norm is precisely the norm ||. || on Ef. It is not difficult to see that В = < 1 and /(e) = 1}. By the Alaoglu theorem, В is o[E',Ef compact, proving (b). Conversely, suppose (b) holds and that G is ||. |[-complete. Then, by theorem (9.9), (E, ||. ||) is also complete and is an approximate order- unit normed space. By (b), co(B U — B) contains the open unit ball U' and is contained in the closed unit ball S' in {E', ||. ||); further, since В is o(E', ^-compact, it is easily seen that co(B U — B) must be equal
96 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES to S'. Next, we note that each / e E' can be expressed as/ f1—f2 for some /1? /2 e C'; define M) = IIAII - 11ЛИ- Since ||. || is additive on O', p(f) does not depend on the particular choice of the components /15 /2 of/. Hence /-> ^(/) is a well-defined linear functional on E'} and its restriction to O' is identical to that of ||. ||. Notice that IB-АВ = 2' n (9.1) In fact, the set on the left-hand side is certainly contained in that on the right-hand side; on the other hand, let / e S' П iu“i(0) and write / = 'Мь. — 'У)2> where b1} Ъ2е В and 2г, Я2 > 0 with ^+^2 = 1. Then О = /<(/) = IIVillHIAsM = А-Л. it follows that | — Я2. Therefore / = l/i —iA e i-S—|-B. Thus formula (9.1) is proved. Since В is o(E', j®)-compact so is the set — Therefore the kernel ;u“1(0) of p intersects S' in a a(E', ^)-compact set. By the Krein-Smulian theorem (cf. e.g. Schaefer (1966, p. 152)), д-ЦО) is o(E', A?)-closed and p is a(E', .^-continuous. Consequently, there exists e in E such that p(fj = f(e) for all feE'. As noted before, (E, C, ||. ||) is, at least, an approximate order-unit normed space: thus, in view of proposition (9.2), to complete the proof we have only to show that ||e|| < 1 and e > x whenever ||ж|| < 1. To verify this, let / — —Я2&2 g S' = co(B U —B) for appropriate Ьг, b2 and 213 Я2. Then /(в) = Л(/) = и лап - плац = ях-лг < 1. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, it follows that [|e|| < I. Moreover if x eE and || ж || < 1 then Ж) < i = VII = ХЛ =/(«) for all / g B; and so /(ж) < /(e) for all / g O'. Since C is ||. ||-complete (hence closed), it follows that ж < e, whenever ||ж|| < 1. This completes the proof of the theorem. Let К be a compact convex subset of a locally convex space. A real-valued function a on К is said to be affine if a(AiA?i + .Я2&2) = Л,]/й(&1) +Aft(^2) whenever Jc1} k2 e К and Я15 Я2 > 0 with = 1. Let C’(K) denote the ordered Banach space of all real-valued continuous functions on E, and let A (A) be the closed subspace of C(.K) consisting of all affine functions. Then the constant function 1 is an order-unit in C(K) and defines the order-unit norm which is precisely the usual supremum in
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 97 C(K). Further, since 1 g A(K), A(K) is also an order-unit normed space in its own right. Thus the implication (b) => (a) in the following theorem is clear. (9.11) Theorem. Let (E, G, ||. ||) be an ordered Banach space with a closed cone G. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E, G> ||. ||) is an order-unit normed space; (b) there exists a compact convex set К in a locally convex space such that (E, G, ||. ||) is isometrically order-isomorphic to A{K). Proof. It remains to show (a) (b). Let В =^= {f e E': \\f\\ = l,/eQ In the proof of the preceding theorem, we noted that В is a o[E', Ef compact base of G', and Г(В) = S'. Let H(_B) be the space of all affine g(E', E)-continuous real-valued functions on JB. We shall represent (E,G, ||. ||) as J.(2?). For each x in E, define x е Л (.13) by the rule </)=>) (f£B). Since F(jB) — S', it follows from the Hahn-Banach .theorem that ||ж|| = ||x||. Further, since G is closed, it is easily seen that x > 0 if and only if x > 0. It is now clear that the map ж —> ж is isometrically order- isomorphic from E into A(B). To complete the proof we have to show that the map is onto. Let a e A(B). Since В is a base of G', a can be uniquely extended to become an affine function on C', and consequently a can be uniquely extended to become a, linear functional on G' —G' = E'. Notice that if f e S' = Г(В) and f — Lb—pc, where b,c g В and p, 2 > 0 with 2 + p = 1, then a(/) = ha(l) — pa(c). Since S' = Г(В) and a is continuous on the g(E* , j^-compact set B, it follows easily that a is continuous on S'. In particular, the inter- section u~1(0) П S' of the kernel with the closed unit ball is o(E', E)- closed; consequently, it follows from the Krein-Smulian theorem that cW’-fO) is g(E', £i)-closed, and hence a is a g(E', E)-continuous linear functional on E'. Therefore there exists x in E such that £ — a; this shows that the map ж -> ж is onto J(B), and completes the proof of the theorem.
98 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES In order to represent approximate order-unit normed spaces in the spirit of the preceding theorem we need to study a special type of compact convex sets. Let {E, C, be an ordered convex space. A non- empty .^-compact convex subset К of C is called a cap of C if C\K is also convex. Notice that any cap necessarily contains the origin. К is said to be universal if 0 — pos K.; i.e. if C — (J {AK: A > 0}. If C has a compact base B, for instance, then the set {Ab: 0 < A < 1, b e B} is a universal cap of C. Another example of a universal cap is the positive part of the unit ball in the Banach dual space of an approximate order- unit normed space, as the following lemma shows. (9.12) Lemma. Let (E, C, ||. ||) be an approximate order-unit normed space, and let (E', C', ||. ||) be the Banach dual space with the dual cone C' and with the closed unit ball S'. Let К ~ S' П C'. Then К is a universal cap of C' in the locally convex space (E', a(E', E)). Proof. By the Alaoglu theorem, К is a compact convex subset of E' with respect to the o-(E', A)-topology. Also, by theorem (9.9), (E'} C, ||. II) a base normed space, so ||. || is additive on C". Conse- quently C'\K is convex. Therefore К is a cap of C. Finally it is easily seen that К must be universal in C. If A is a cap, A0(A) denotes the subspace of J. (A) consisting of all functions vanishing at the origin 0. Then A0(A) is an ordered Banach space in its own right. (9.13) Proposition. Let (E,C, ||.||) be an approximate order-unit normed space, and suppose that (£, ||. ||) and C are complete. Then there exists a universal cap К such that (E, C, ||. ||) is isometrically order - isomorphic to A0(A), where К may be taken to be the positive part of the unit ball in the Banach dual space E'. Proof. Let A — S' П C, as ia the preceding lemma. Then A is a universal cap of C in (E', a{E', A)). For each x in E define x e A0(A) by ЭД-Ж (/SA). Then, as in the proof of theorem (9.1.1), x x is an isometrically order- isomorphic map of E onto A0(A). In what follows we shall show that the converse of proposition (9.13) holds. To this end, we first prove the converse of lemma (9.12).
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 99 (9.14) Proposition. Let (E, G, be an ordered convex space such that G is &-closed and E — G—G. Let К be a universal cap of G, and let j|. || be the gauge of co(.7f U — K). Then (E, C, ||. ||) is a base normed space, and there exists an approximate order-unit normed space (V, W, ||. [|) such that (E, G, ||. ||) is isometrically order-isomorphic to the ordered Banach dual space (V', W, ||. ||) of (F, W, ||. ||). Furthermore, if S = [% g El ||ж|| < 1} then К - S П C. (9.2) Proof. For each x e C, we define p(x) inf{2 > 0:ж g Ж). Since К is ^-compact convex and since C\K is convex, it is not difficult to verify that p is a positively homogeneous, additive functional on G and К = {xe Gip(x) < 1}. Moreover, since К is ^-compact, у»(ж) Ф 0 whenever x e G and x 0. Let В ~ {xeC ip(x) = 1}. Then it is easily seen that В is a base of G and co(A U —K) = co(B U — B). Hence the gauge ||. || of co(l£ U —K) is precisely the base semi-norm defined by the base B. Furthermore, since К is ^-compact, co(A U —K) is ^-compact, and hence ||. || is in fact a norm and со(Б U — B) = co(X U — K) = {x eEi ||ж|| < 1}, that is, co(B U — B) ~ S. To verify formula (9.2), let x e S n G, and suppose that x = 2,1b1— d2&2, where &3, Z>2 g В and Я2 > 0 with Лх-|-Я2 = 1. Then ^(«) + Я2 - У>(жЦ-А262) ^plf^bj = so p(x) = -- Л3 < 1 and x g K. This shows that S П G c X; conse- quently S П С = К since it is obvious that S n G 2 K. Thus formula (9.2) is proved. We have shown that (E, G, ||. ||) is a base normed space with the ^-compact closed unit ball S, and that К is the positive part S П G of the unit ball S. Finally we show that (E, ||. ||) may be iden- tified with a Banach dual space. Accordingly, let (E, &)' and (E, j|. ||)' denote the dual spaces of E und . and ||. || respectively. Let V be the space of all linear functionals f on E such that f is ^-continuous on S. Then (E, £ V с (E, ||.||)'. (9.3) The first inequality is obvious. To see the second inequality let f g V, then/(S) is the continuous image of the ^-compact set S, so is compact and hence bounded in R. Therefore f is continuous on (E, ||. ||), and
100 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES formula (9.3) is proved. Now it is easily seen that У is a closed subspace of the Banach space (E, ||. ||)'. Thus V may be regarded as a Banach space in its own right. Let W be the cone in V consisting of all positive linear functionals on E. Then (V, W, ||. ||) is an ordered Banach space and W is ||. |j-closed. Let (У', W', ||.||) denote the Banach dual of (V, ||. ||) with the dual cone W'. Lor each x in E, define iplx) by the rule (^(ж))(г>) = v(x) (v e V). Then it is easy to see that ip is a 1-1 continuous (in fact norm-reducing) map from E into the Banach dual space V' of V. Since the cone G in E is ^-closed, it is easy to see that x > 0 in E if and only if ip(x) > 0 in V. Also, since each v in У is ^-continuous on 2, the restriction y| S of to 2 is continuous with respect to the relative ^-topology in 2 and the y)-topology in У'. Since 2 is ^-compact it follows that ^(2) is <т(У', y)-compact. Also the set ^(2) is convex. By the bipolar theorem, it is precisely its bipolar (?/;(2))’гя’ with respect to the duality (У', У). Note that (^(2))”' = {w e У:(^(я))(г>) < 1 V# s 2} = {v e У:г(ж) < 1 V# e 2}, which is the unit ball in У, and hence (^(2))’ггг (that is, y(2)) is the unit ball in V1. In other words, ip maps 2 onto the unit ball in V'. Therefore ip is an isometric order-isomorphism from (E, G, |[. ||) onto the Banach dual space (У', Wf, ||. ||). Since (E, C, ||. ||) is a base normed space, so is (У', W', ||. ||) and it follows from theorem (9.9) that (У, W, ||. ||) is an approximate order-unit normed space. Remark. The condition that G is ^-closed is in fact automatically satisfied in view of formula (9.2) and the Krein-Smulian theorem. (9.15) Theorem. Let (E, G, ||.||) be an ordered Banach space with a closed cone, C. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E, G, ||. ||) is .an approximate order-unit normed space; (b) there exists a universal cap К of a cone P such that (E, C, ||. ||) is isometrically order-isomorphic to A,(A). Proof. The implication (a) => (b) was established in proposition (9.13). Conversely, suppose A is a universal cap of a cone P, and let P — P — F. Let ||. || be the gauge of co(A U —A). Then, by the preceding proposition, there exists an approximate order-unit normed space (У, W, ||.||) such that (A, P, ||. ||) may be identified with the
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 101 ordered Banach dual space (F\ W', ||. ||), and К is identified with the positive part of the unit ball in (V, W', |] -1|) (cf. formula (9.2) in proposition (9.14)). By proposition (9.13), (7, W, ||. ||) is isometrically order-isomorphic to J.0(X). Thus A0(.A) is also an. approximate order- unit normed space. This proves that (b) (a) and completes the proof of the theorem. We recall that a semi-norm p on an ordered vector space (.£’, G) is called a Riesz semi-norm if it satisfies the following two conditions: (i) absolute-monotonicity—if — у < x < у then p(x) < p(y); (ii ) for any x e E with $>(ж) < 1 there exists у eG with p(y) < 1 such that ~~y < x < y. Now suppose that (£?, G) is a Riesz space (i.e. vector lattice), and that p is a Riesz semi-norm. Then, in view of the absolute-monotonicity property of p and — |ж| < x < |ж|, we have p(x) < 7>(|ж|). If there is x in E such that p{x) < jp(|^|), and we can assume without loss of generality thatjp(^) < 1 < 79(|ж|), then there exists у e C with p(y) < 1 such that —y < x < y, and thus —у < |ж| < у; using the absolute- monotone property of p again, we obtain ^()ж|) < p(y) < 1, contrary to the fact that 1 < ^(|ж|). This contradiction shows that p(ж) = ^(|ж|) for all x eE. This remark makes the following result clear. (9.16) Lemma. Let (E, O') be a Riesz space and p a semi-norm on E. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) p is a Riesz semi-norm; (b) p is monotone and p{\x|) = p(x) for all x e E; (c) if |ж| < |y| then we have p(x) < p(yf Let fE} C) be a vector lattice. A Riesz semi-norm on E is called a Riesz norm if it is, in fact, a norm. A vector lattice equipped with a Riesz norm is called a normed lattice (or a normed Riesz space). If the norm in a normed lattice is complete then the normed lattice is called a Banach lattice (or briefly В-lattice). It is elementary and well known (cf. proposition (10.3), in the next chapter) that — y^\ < \x—y\ where x, у are in E; hence, if ||. || is a Riesz norm on E, then k+-2/+|l < This implies that the map x —> is continuous in a normed lattice (E, G, ||. |j). Similarly we can show that the lattice operations x —> x~ and x — > |ж| are continuous. Consequently the positive cone in a normed 8
1.02 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES vector lattice must be closed (and hence the positive cone in a В -lattice must be complete). In Chapter 11 we shall generalize the theory of normed vector lattices to a more general case of so-called locally convex Riesz spaces. Nevertheless, in the remainder of this chapter wo study some results peculiar to the normable case. A Banach lattice (X, G} ||. ||) is called: (i) an AM-space (or ALm-space) if ||oq V x2|| = ||жг|| V ||ж2|| for each pair of elements x1} ж2 in (7; (ii ) an AL-space (or AlA-space) if ||aq-f;ra)| = ll^ill + ll^all f°r each pair of elements aq, x2in G; (ii i) an AL®-space (1 < p < oo) if Hi v«2|p < IKF+W3’ < ki+aM® for each pair of elements x2, x2 in G. The following result characterizes AAf-spaces. (9.17) Proposition. Let ||. || be a norm on a vector lattice (X, G) (Biesz space) and suppose that (A, ||. ||) is complete. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (A, (7, ||. ||) is an AM-space; (b) ||. || is an approximate order-unit norm on (A, G); (c) (A, G, |j. ||) is a Banach lattice and the closed unit ball S in (A, ||. ||) is directed upwards; (d) (A, G, ||. j|) is a Banach lattice and the open unit ball U in (A, ||. ||) is directed upwards. Proof. It is easy to see that (a) => (c) (d). In view of lemma (9.16) and proposition (9.1) it is clear that (b) o(d). Thus it remains to show (d) ^=> (a). Let aq, x2 e G. Then 0 < xx, x2 < xt V x2; by (d), it follows that ||aq||, ||ж2|| < Jl^ V x21|; hence ||oq|| V ||ж2|| < Цж-l V ж3[[. We show further that the strict inequality cannot hold. Otherwise there exists a real number M such that H^JI V ||ж2|| < M < ||aq V x21|. Since U is directed upwards, there exists x e A with ||ж|| < M such that x > ж15 x2. Then 0 < xL V x2 < x and ||oq V ж2|| < ||ж)| < M, a contradiction. Therefore we must have ||aq V ж2|| = ||aq|| V ||ж2|| whenever aq, x2 e G. This implies that A is an AM-space. The following result characterizes AL-spaces, and is dual to the preceding proposition.
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 103 (9.18) Proposition. Let ||. || be a norm on a vector lattice (X, C) and suppose that {X, ||.||) is complete. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, (7, ||. |[) is an AL-space; (b) ||. || is a Riesz norm on (X, G) and is additive on G; (c) ||. || is a base norm on (X, G). Proof. By lemma (9.16), (a)<=>(b). By proposition (9.5), (b)o(c). Let (E, G, ||. ||) be an ordered Banach space for which G is closed, and we suppose further that ||. || is a Riesz norm on E. If, in addition, (E, C) is assumed to have the Riesz decomposition property, then Eb = E* ~E' andL" is a vector lattice by corollary (8.3). Consequently E' is a Banach lattice. In what follows we shall show the converse: if E' is a Banach, lattice then E must have the Riesz decomposition property. In order to prove this result let us return to examine the proof of the Riesz theorem, once again, where (E, G) is an ordered vector space with the Riesz decomposition. The principal construction in the proof is to define, for f1}f2 g Eb, that (A v A)(^) = sup^i^j) f>2):x - xt +«2, x1; x2 g С} (xg C) and that (А л /3)(ж) - inf{A(«i) +A(^) ‘x =xr +ж2, x2 g 0} (xg C). Then, because E has the Riesz decomposition property, ft V f2 and A A A are positively homogeneous and additive (i.e. affine) on G. Consequently, A v A (or> mor© precisely, the linear extension of A V A) is the supremum of A and A, and А Л А the infimum of A, A- The construction can be adopted in an ordered vector space even without the Riesz decomposition property. Let us consider an arbitrary ordered vector space (E, C). Let pt, p2 be two sublinear functionals on G and suppose they are bounded on order-intervals in G. Define (Pi A pffx) = inApi^J +р2(ж2): x = xr -рхх, жг, e 0} (x g Cf Then Pi A p2 is an ‘infimum’ of p15 p2; that is, px A p2 is the greatest sublinear and real-valued functional on G which is smaller than (or equal to) both p1} p2. Similarly, if q1> q2 are two superlinear functionals on G and bounded on each order-interval in C, then the functional
104 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES Q.1 v 7г defined by (7i v 7г)И ; J 8ир{7г(ж1)+7йЮ:ж = М~Я2> x2 £ 0} (x g C) is a ‘supremum’ of g15 ^2; that is, qA V q2 is the smallest superlinear functional on G which is larger than дд, q%. We remark that, even if 7i> 7г < Pi> is not necessarily true that gq V q2 < Pt. A p2. Of course, this will be the case if pi} qt arc all affine (that is, both sublinear and superlinear). The following result sharpens corollary (2.19) in the presence of the Reisz decomposition property. (9.19) Theorem. Let (E,G, ||.||) be an ordered Banach space with closed cone G, and suppose that G is normal and generating in (E, ||. ||). Let jp, q be linear functionals on the dual cone G' with the following properties: (a) q < p on G', i.e. q(f) < p(f)for all f e O'; (b) q is upper semi-continuous on С' n S' with respect to the a(E', E)~ topology, where = {f g E': \\f{\ < 1}; (c) p is lower semi-continuous and bounded on G' П S'. If the ordered Banach dual space (E'} G') has the Riesz decomposition property, then there exists x in E such that 1(f) < /И < p(f), for all feG'. (Remark. In view of the Krein-Smulian theorem, (b) implies that q is, in fact, upper semi-continuous on the whole of G' with respect to the a(E', E)-topology. Similarly (c) implies that p is lower semi- continuous on C". Let Ё denote the canonical image in the second dual E" of E. Then the conclusion of the theorem states that there is a a(E', E)-continuous linear functional x lying between the semi-con- tinuous functionals p and q.) Proof. By corollary (3.2) and proposition (5.6), there exist positive real numbers a, /3 such that G is а-normal and /З-generating in (E, ||. ||). Hence, by corollary (6.11), there exists a Riesz norm j|. ||' on (E, G) equivalent to the given norm ||. ||. Therefore we can assume without loss of generality that ||. || is a Riesz norm on E (otherwise, consider |[. ||' instead of ||. ||); hence the norm |j. || on the dual space E' is also a Riesz norm.
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 105 By corollary (2.19), there exists £0 in E such that <?(A <Ж) < WH (9.4) Let »0 denote the canonical image in E" of ж0. Let pt = p A x0 be the ‘infimum’ of the sublinear functionals p and ж0 on G' i.e., Mfl -inlWi)+A(A)7=A+/2>/i>AeC"} (feC). Similarly let qt — q V be the ‘supremum’ of the superlinear functionals q and S$o-- i.e., ?i(A = sup ^(Д) -И0(А) :/ = Л d f2, fv A e (/ e O'). Then pt is lower semi-continuous and qx is upper semi-continuous on С' О S' (and hence on G' by the Krein-Smulian theorem) with respect to the i?)-topology. Furthermore, qx < pz on G'. In fact, let f = fi+fz = 91+02 g O', where Д, A, g15 g2 are in G'. Since (E’, G!) has the Riesz decomposition property, there exist Лп, A12, A31, Л22 in G' such that fl — Л1Т^2О A ^12 d ^22 01 ^11 d ^12? 02 — ^Й1“Ь^22- Since ||. II i-s a Riesz norm, ||Д12И < IIAII- linearity of p, q, it follows from inequality (9.4) that 9'(A)d- ^o(A)“”^N^ < 0(^11) + #(^2i)d' ^0(^12) d-£0(A2)~~“y^ < у>(Л1) + Л(М +7?(Л2) d- А(АЙ) = 7?(A11d-Ai2)d-^0(Aid-^22) By the definition of and^q, it follows that q^f) < p-ff) for all / e G'. Applying corollary (2.19) again, there is xx in E such that 0i(f) <fM < 3h(/H 2a (f^C) Then 0(f) < f(%i) < p(f) + ll/ll 22 (fcC') and Ш f, . -/(^o) < ll/ll 22 (feGf
106 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES Inductively, we can construct a sequence {zm} in E such that ?(Л <Ж) <?(Л+“ГЙ <feG"> cl'flCl It p 11 M rt || < f(xn+1 -~xn) < (f e O') for each positive integer n. Since the norm ||. || on E' is a Riesz norm, i( follows easily from the Hahn-Banach theorem and the last displayed, inequalities that {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in the Banach space (£?, ||. ||), and hence converges, say, to x in E. For this x, we clearly have M < № < P(f) as required. The preceding separation theorem enables us to establish the following important duality theorem. (9.20) Theorem (Riesz-Ando). Let (E, G, ||. ||) be an ordered Banach space with closed cone and suppose that G is normal and generating in (E, ||. ||). Let (E', O', ||. ||) be the Banach dual space with the dual cone C'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E, G) has the Riesz decomposition property; (b) (E’, G') is a vector lattice; (c) (Er, G') has the Riesz decomposition property. Proof. By corollary (8.3), (a) (b), and the implication (b) => (c) is elementary and well known. Thus it remains to show (c) => (a). Suppose (c) holds and that x1} x2 < yx, y2 in E. Let 7 = V x2 and p - y± A y2, where and y4 (i = 1, 2) are the canonical images in E" of and yt respectively. Then p, q satisfy the conditions of the preceding theorem, so there exists x in X such that M < /И < p(f) (f e G'). Then/(aq) < qff) < f(x) for all / e C. Since G is closed, it follows that aq < x. Similarly we can show x2 < x and x < уъ у2. This shows that (a) holds. (9.21) Corollary. Let (E}G, ||.||) and (E',G', ||.||) be as in the preceding theorem. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (15", C', ||. ||) is a Banach lattice;
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 107 (b) (E, G) has the Riesz decomposition property and the norm j]. || on E is a Riesz norm. In particular, the Banach dual of a Banach lattice is a Banach lattice. Proof. Follows from theorems (6.12) and (9.20). The following result was proved independently by Davies (1967) and Ng (unpublished) at about the same time. (9.22) Corollary. Let (E,G, ||.||) and (E’,C, ||.||) be as in the preceding theorem. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E', G’, у. ||) is an AL-space; (b) (E, G, ||. ||) is an approximate order-unit normed space and has the Riesz decomposition property. In particular, if E is an AM-space then E’ must be an AL-space. Proof. By proposition (9.18), (a) holds if and only if (E', C') is a vector lattice and the norm on E' is a base norm. Thus the equivalence of (a) and (b) follows immediately from theorems (9.20) and (9.9). Remark. It may happen that (E, G) is not a vector lattice even though {E',C, ||. ||) is an AL-space. For a counterexample, see Lindenstrass (1964). The following result of Ellis (1964) is dual to corollary (9.22). (9.23) Corollary. Let (E, G, ||. ||) be an ordered Banach space with closed cone G, and suppose that G is normal and generating in (E, ||. ||). Let (E', O', ||. ||) be the Banach dual space with the dual cone G'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (E, G, ||. ||) is an AL-space; (b) (E', G', ||. ||) is an AM-space; (с) (E, G) has the Riesz decomposition property, and the norm (|. || on E is a Riesz norm and additive on G; (d) (E, G) has the Riesz decomposition property, and (E, G, ||.||) is a base normed space. Proof. By proposition (9.5), (c)o(d). By proposition (9.17), (b) holds if and only if E' is a vector lattice and the norm on E' is an approximate order-unit norm. Thus the equivalence (b) and (d) follows from theorems (9.20) and (9.8). Therefore statements (b), (c), and (d) are mutually equivalent. Further, it is trivial that (a) (c). Thus to complete the proof, we have only to show (b) => (a). Accordingly,
108 ORDERED NqRMED VECTOR SPACES suppose (b) holds. Then (c) holds and the second dual space (E", C", ||. ||) is an HL-space by corollary (9.22). By virtue of (c) and proposition (9.18), to show that E is an HL-spacc it is sufficient to show that it is a vector lattice. Now, let x g E. By (c), for each positive integer n, there exists xn in E with ||жи|| < ||ж|| Tl/n such that < xn. Let Уп = and zn -ж). Then yn> zn > 0, xn = yn+zn and x ~ yn—zn, Let yni zn, and x respec- tively denote the canonical images of yn, zni and x in the HL-space E". Let x+ — x V 0 and x~ = — x V 0 in the vector lattice E". Then yn > x+ and zn > x~. Hence, since E" is an HL-space, we have II Ml = \\Уп\\ 114-MI + llMl and IM = 1141! = II4-MI-HIMI- Consequently ||ж||4-1 > H^II = IK+M = IIMI + IIM = II4-MI 'Tb + II4-MI+ IIMI+ IIMI = II4-MIH4-MI+ IM+MI = \\yn-^+\\ +114-MI + ||ж|| -= \\yn-& |j и 114-Ml + 1141- Passing to the limit, as n co we see that yn x+ and zn —> x~. Since (E, ||. ||) is complete, its image Ё in E" must be closed; hence x+, x~ g Ё. This shows that E must be a vector sublattice of E”; hence E is a vector lattice in its own right. This completes the proof of corollary (9.23). Recall that a Banach, lattice (E, G, |]. ||) is an AL- or (HL1-) space if the norm is additive on. E, and that it is an AM- (or H.L00-) space if the open unit ball is directed upwards. Thus, in a general ordered normed space, the additivity of the norm on the cone may be called an HZd-condition and the directedness of the open unit ball may be called an ALm-condition. In view of theorems (9.6) and (9.7), these two conditions are dual. In the following we introduce what may be called Lp-(1 < p < co) conditions and study some duality problems in- volving such conditions. For simplicity we shall discuss the case when (E, ||, ||) is a Banach space and G is a ||. \\-closed cone in (E, ||. ||). Except where we state to the contrary, p and q will denote positive real numbers such that l/p + l/(? = L In (E,G, ||.||), we consider the following conditions linking the norm and the ordering. Lv-condition (г): if x, у e G then ||ж +?/||® > 1М|да~НЫР- JA-condition (ii): if x,y g E and e > 0 then there exists z e E with ||г||р < ||ж|р+ ||y F + s such that z > x, y.
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES 109 Let (E', C, ||. ||) denote the ordered Banach dual space with the dual cone C. We shall show that the ZAcondition (i) and the TP-condition (w) are dual conditions. (9.24) Lemma. For any ordered Banach space (E, C, ||. ||) with closed cone С, E satisfies Lp-condition (ii) if and only if E' satisfies iF-condition (i). Proof, (a) Necessity. Let/, g e Er be such that/, </ > 0. We have to show that [|/+<7Г> ll/H’+hll’- (0-5) If / = 0 or g = 0, then inequality (9.5) is trivial. We may therefore suppose that / 0, p 0. Take a real number such that 0 < e < (I/Ц, |L< Then there exist u, v in E with ||w|| < 1 and ||г> [| < 1 such that ll/ll-e <f(u) and ||p||-£ < g(v). x = (Ц/ll — s)qlvu and у — (||p|[ — s)'D,,1v. Since E satisfies Lp-condition (ii), there exists zeE such that z > x, у and hll’ < IH’+M’+e < (VII-£)’+(hll-s)’+a. Since/, g are positive and q — 1 + q[p, we have (\\f\\~-e)qF(\\g\\-sfi <f(x)+g(y) <f(z)-\g(z) < \\f+g\\ ||< and it follows that «ii/и-^+(hii-~e),+e}irt J y Passing to the limit as e —> 0, we have (ll/ll’+hll’)1'1 = (II/F+hll’)1-1'» < 117+9'11. proving inequality (9.5). (b) Sufficiency. Let x, у be in E and e > 0. Define Q(h) = sup{/(z) Fg(y):/, g e O', h = f-\-g} (h e C') and +W = W (hh + ll’/ll’)1'1 CheE'Y Then Q is an upper o(E', j^)-semi-continuous real-valued superlinear functional such that Q(h) > h(x), h(y) for all h e C'; and P isa lower a(E’, E)-semi-continuous real-valued sublinear functional. Also, since
по ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES E' satisfies Lq-condition (if by Holder’s inequality we have f(x)±g(u) < ll/ll 1М + 1Ы1 hl! < (II/F+ < Wf+gW (kF+h!l^ = m wheneverf-\-g = h and/, g, h are in Cr. This shows that Qlfi) < P(A) for all heC. Since E is complete, by a standard Hahn-Banach separation argument (cf. corollary (2.19)), we can findzeE such that Q(h) < h(z) (h e G'f ВД < P(A)/6 \\h\\ (heE'), where <3 is a positive real number such that {(lkir+hF)1/J’+^}1’ < hF+hF+e. Then ||z||s’ < hF + e. Also, since C is closed, it follows from h(x) < Q(h) < h(z) (h e C) that x < z. Similarly у < z. (9.25) Lemma. Lei (E, C, ||.||) be as in the preceding lemma. Then E satisfies Lv-condition (г) if and only if E' satisfies LP-condition (m), i.e. if and only if E' satisfies the following condition: (iii) if f, g are in E', then there exists h e E' with ||Л||в < И/1М~1ЫР such that h > fig. Proof. We first remark that in the situation of Banach dual spaces, the e that appeared in //-condition (и) can be dropped (by a compact- ness argument). If E’ satisfies //-condition (u), then it follows from, the necessity part of lemma (9.24) that E” satisfies //-condition (г), so does E, since E is isometrically isomorphic to a subspace of E" (under the canonical embedding). Conversely, suppose that E satisfies //-condition (г), and let /, g eE' . Define Q(z) = sup{/F) Pg(y} :x, у eG,z xf-y} (z e (7) and A*) = Wl (11Л° + |1О1/г (геЯ). Then P and —Q are sublinear functionals on where they are defined. Also, since E satisfies //-condition (г), by Holder’s inequality, we can show that Q(s) < P{E) for all z eG. By Bonsall’s generalization of the Hahn-Banach theorem (1.15), there exists a linear functional h on E
ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES Ш Q(w) < A(w) and h(z) < P(z] for all w e G and z e E. Then A e E' and satisfies the required property in (iii), and a fortiori E' satisfies Z5-condition (и). Remark. From our proofs it is clear that the preceding lemma and the necessity part of lemma (9.24) are still valid even if E and G are not complete. An ordered Banach space (not necessarily a vector lattice) is said to satisfy the IP-conditions if it satisfies both Z^-conditions (i) and (гг). Combining lemmas (9.24) and (9.26) we arrive at the following theorem. (9.26) Theorem. Let p, q be real numbers such that Ifppi/q — 1, and (E, G, ||. ||) an ordered Banach space with a closed cone G. Then E satisfies Lv-conditions if and only if the ordered Banach dual space E' satisfies Lq-conditions. It should bo noted that an ordered Banach (E,G, ||.||) is an AL^-space if it is a Banach lattice and satisfies the IP-conditions. Notice that in an AZ^-space E, the following equalities hold: IMP - II И IP - IMP+IMP (xeEf where |ж| — x V —x, xь = x V 0 and x~~ = —x V 0. (9.27) Theorem. Letp, q be real numbers such that 1/ppi/q ~ 1, and (E, G, ||. ||) an ordered Banach space with closed cone G. Then E is an AlP-space if and only if E' is an AL^-space. Proof. If E is an Л/Аярасе, then E' is a Banach lattice (by theorem (6.12)), and satisfies A/Aconditions (by the preceding theorem); hence E' is an AIAspace. Conversely, suppose that E' is an AZff-space. Then E" is an AZp-space and E satisfies AZp-conditions by theorem (9.26). Further, by corollary (9.21), (E, G) has the Riesz decomposition property, and the norm ||. || on E is a Riesz norm. Thus, to show that E is an AZAspace, it remains to show that E is a vector lattice. We prove this by a similar argument as that given in corollary (9.23). Let x be in E. For each positive integer n, there exists xn e E with ||жп|| < ||ж|| +- n such that < xn. Suppose yn = ^(xnpx) and zn = |(rrw— x). Then
112 ORDERED NORMED VECTOR SPACES yn, zn> 0 and x yn—zn- Since E satisfies Lp~conditions, it follows that ШР+1ЮР < ll^+^ll1’ = IKF < (|И+~) • (9-6) On the other hand, let </> denote the canonical embedding of E into E" and let <У>(ж)+ — ф{х) V 0 and </>(#)~ = •— ф(х) V 0 in the vector lattice E". Since E" is an ATA-space, we have W)^+ll^rF - IIW - IFF- Notice also that ф{уп} > </>F)+ and ф(%п) > ф(х)~~. Hence Ш11 = WWII" = ШУп')--'Кх')+ +'Яж)+11‘’ Я Yi fl IKII’ = \\ФЮ\\” -= |1ЖЬ<И®)“+ЖН’ so it follows from formula (9.6) that (м+;У > llAll’+kV > Н(л)-^^)+11’+|1^Ю--^М-Г+||«!1’. Passing to the limit as n -> go, we see that ф(уп) -> ф(х)+ and f(zn) $(%)". Since E is complete, it follows that ф(х)+ e ф(Е) and </>(ж)_ g ф(Е). Therefore ф(Е) is a vector sublattice of AF and so E is a vector lattice. Consequently E is an HZAspace. Remark. As in theorem (9.26), the proof of the necessity part does not require the assumption of the completeness of E and G. (9.28) Theorem. Let (E,G} ||.||) be an ordered Banach space with closed cone G. Suppose that the norm ||. || is a, Riesz norm on (E, G) and that (E, G, jj. II) satisfies ALP-conditions (1 < p < go). Then E has the Riesz decomposition property if and only if it is an ALp-space. Proof. Let q be the (extended) real number such that lfp-\Alq = 1 (if p — 1 then q — co). We only have to show the necessity part. Accordingly, suppose that E has the Riesz decomposition property and satisfies the assumptions of the theorem. Then the ordered Banach dual space E' is a Banach lattice (by corollary (9.21)) and satisfies the ALq-conditions (by theorems (9.26) and (9.6)); hence E' is an AIAspace. Brom the preceding theorem (and corollary (9.23)), we conclude that E is an A-ZA-space.
10 ELEMENTARY THEORY OK RIESZ SPACES We recall that an ordered vector space (X, O') with a proper cone G is called a Riesz space (or vector lattice} if each pair of elements x, у of X has a least upper bound, written x V у (or sup(x, y)), in X. Equivalently, (X, (7) is a Riesz space if and only if each pair of elements x, у of X has a greatest lower bound, written xKy (or inf(rr, y}), in X. Indeed, x V у — —(—-ж Л —у} if one of them exists. From now on (X, 0} (or simply X} will denote a Riesz space with the positive cone C. It is clear that each Riesz space must be a weakly Riesz space. The following example shows that there are weakly Riesz spaces which are not Riesz spaces. Consider R2 with the cone defined by Cw — {(aq, ж2) g R2:xr > 0, x2 > 0} U {(0, 0)}. Then (R2, Gw) is a weakly Riesz space but it is not a Riesz space. For further examples, see Fuchs (1966). (10.1) Proposition. Let (X, O') be a Riesz space. Then the following statements hold: (a) (x V y)-fz ~ (x-j-z) V (yT-z) and (x A y)-fz — (ж+2) A (y-f-z); (b) if u, v, w are in G then A w < (wA w)-ffv A w); (c) if x A z == у A z = 0 then (x-f-y) Az = 0; (d) if и ~ x-f-y — z-\-w then и — (x V z}-f-(y A w); (e) x-f-y = x V y-f-x A y. Proof. It is straightforward to verify (a); (c) follows easily from (b) since x, y, z are certainly in (7; (e) follows from (d) (by putting z ~ у and w = x). To prove (b), let z ~ (ufi«) A w. Then 0 < z < u-j-v, we have by the Riesz decomposition property that z = x-f-y, where 0 < x < u, 0 < у < и. On the other hand, since x < z < w, у < z < w, it follows that x < и A w and у < и A w; these imply that (u 4~^) A w = z < и A w-\-v A w. Finally, note that the statement (d) is equivalent to y fy A w) ~ (ж V z) — x. (10.1)
114 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES Notice also that У~{У Л w) - y-\-( --y v -w) = 0 v {y-w}, x M z~~x = (ж—ж) V (z—x) — О V (z — x). By hypothesis y—w = z — -x, thus equality (10,1) is clear. (10.2) Proposition. A Riesz space (X, (7) is distributive, that is: (a) if аир{жй: a g 1} exists in X then у A sup{aq: a e 1} = sup{y A xa: a g I}, (b) if inf{aq: a G 1} exists in X then у V inf{xa: a g 1} = inf{y V xa: <x e I}. Proof. Let x = sup{«a: a g I}. Then it is obvious that у A x > у A xa for all a g I. Suppose that z > у A xa for all a ef. To prove (a), we have to show that z у A x. In view of proposition (10.l)(e), it is equivalent to verify that z > xAy~{y У x). Now, for each a g I, we have %Х(У V x) > z + (y V xa) > у Л x^Py V x, ^ yPx,, Consequently, . . „ . . zpfy V ж) > as required. The proof of (b) is similar and will be omitted. If (X, (7) is a Riesz space and if x is in X, we define x+ = x V 0 x~ — ( —x) V 0 and |a?| = x V (—ж). x+ and x~~ are called the positive part and the negative part, respectively, of the element x, while |ж| is referred to as the absolute value of ж. It is easily seen from proposition (10.1)(e) that x = x+—x~. Two elements x and у of X are said to be disjoint, written x I y, if |ж] A \y\ = 0. Bor any subset В of X, we write Ba = {ж g X:x _L 6 for all b in B}. (10.3) Proposition. Elements of a Riesz space X satisfy the following properties: (a) x+ X x~; (b) |ж| = ж+Н-ж-" = ж+ V x~~;
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES 115 (c) x — x is the unique representation of x as a difference of two disjoint positive elements; (d) (ж+у)'1' < x+Py+and (ж +«/)"” < x~Py~; (e) \xPy\ < И+Ы; (f) [ж—y\ = ж V у — x Л у = \х V z—y V z| +|ж Л z—y Л z|; (g) |ж+—у+\ < |ж — 2/| and < 1Ж~“У\'> (h) х ± у if and only if |ж| + |?/J = | |ж| — \y| |; (i) |ж] < и if and only if —u < x < u. Proof, (a) Observe that X+ A %~—X~ — (ж+ — ж~) A 0 = X A 0 — —X~, it then follows that ж+ J ж~. (b) In view of proposition (10.1)(a) and what we have just proved, we have ж+4-ж~' = x+ V x~ = x V 0 v ((—ж) V 0) ~ ж V (—ж) = |ж|. (c) Suppose that ж -= и— w, where и, w > 0 and и | w. It is required to show that и x+ and го = ж~. Notice that 0 < u--x+ < u, 0 < w—xr < w, и— ж'н — w—x~, it follows from и | w that w —-x~ = u—x+ — (и— ж+) A (w~~x~) — 0, and hence that и = ж+, w = ж~. (d) Clearly 0, xPy < ж+-р-у+; hence (ж-|-^)+ < x+PyP Similarly we can show that (ж+«/)“’ < x~ d y~* (e) In view of (b) and (d) of this proposition, we have |ж+?/| = (ж +«/)++(жРу)- < х+Ру+рх-ру- = |ж] + |«/|. (f) Observe, for any ж, у in X, that [ж-2/l = (ж- 2/)++(ж-2/)“ = (p-У) V 0 — (х-~у) л 0 .-= Ж V у-у-(р А у--у) = Ж V у-х л у, we then have, by proposition (10.I)(e), that ]ж V z—y v +|ж A z—y A z| = (ж V z) V (y V z) — (x V z) A (y V z) 4~(ж A z) V (y A z) -—(ж A z) A (ij A z) = X V у V Z — (x Л у) V zp(x V y) \ Z—X \y A Z — (Ж V yPz)-~(x A y pz) X У у —Ж Л у = |Ж— у\.
116 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES (g) In view of (f) of this proposition, we have |ж+—?/+| < |ж+—-?/+[+ л 0—y A 0| = \%—y\ \x~-yA < («+-y+\ +| -x~-Vy~\ = \x-y\. (h) By proposition (10.I)(c) and (f) of this proposition, we see that kl+lz/l = и v |г/|+к| л |^| = | |+2 И л [у\. Recall that х _£ у if and only if A |?/| — 0, thus this is the case if and only lf kl+l«d = | И-|^l I- Finally, it is trivial to verify (i). We recall that a set 8 in an ordered vector space E is solid if and only if 8 = U{[~~u, u]:0 < ue8}. In terms of lattice structure, we are able to give some characterization of solid sets as follows. (10.4) Proposition. A set 8 in a Riesz space X is solid if and only if it satisfies the following property: |ж| < \y\ with yeS=>xe/S. (10.2) Proof. If 8 is solid and if |ж| < \y\ with у e 8, then there exists 0 < и g8 such that —и < у < и and so, by proposition (10.3)(i), |t/| < u. Observe that ]ж| < u's apply proposition (10.3)(i) again, —u < x < u, consequently xeS. Conversely suppose statement (10.2) holds. Then \x\ g 8 whenever x g 8; it follows from — |ж| < x < |a;] that 8 c U{[-и, ад]:0 < и eS}. On the other hand, if —и < x < и for some 0 < и e 8 then, by proposition (10.3)(i), |ж| < и, and hence x g 8. Therefore 8 ~ U{[—и, и]: 0 < и g $}, and the proof is complete. It is easily seen that the intersection of a family of solid sets in a Riesz space X is either empty or solid, and that the union of a family of solid sets in X is solid. If В is a subset of X, the smallest solid set containing B, written 8B, is called the solid hull of B. It is clear that SB = и{[ЧЬИЬП:Ъ g B}. The solid hull of an element x in X will be denoted by 8X; therefore 8X = [—\x\, |ж|]. If В is a subset of X, the set defined by sk(B) c B} is called the solid kernel of B. It is clear that sk(B) is either empty or the largest solid subset of X contained in B, and that sk(B) = U{[ —u, u]: и, и] £ B}.
ELEMENTARY THEORY ON RIESZ SPACES 117 We recall that a set В in X is absolute-order-convex if and only if 8(B) В and absolutely dominated if В <= 8(B), where $(B) — u{[—w, w'|:0 < и e B}. Therefore, if В is absolute-order-convex then 8(B) is the solid kernel of B, i.e. 8(B) = sk(B). If В is absolutely dominated then 8(B) is the solid hull of B, i.e. 8(B) = 8B. Some elementary, but useful, properties of solid sets are summarized in the following proposition. (10.5) Proposition. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space, and let V be a subset of X. Then the following statements hold: (a) the convex hull of each solid set in X is solid; (b) if V is convex then so is sk(F); (c) if sk(F) is non-empty then sk(F) is absorbing if and only ifsk( F) absorbs every order-bounded subset of X; (d) F absorbs every order-bounded set in X if and only if sk(F) absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X; (e) if A, В are solid subsets of X then A -\-B and AB are solid for any real number X. Proof. (&>) It is clear that 8kx ASX for any real number A and x e X. We now claim that 8x+y SXA-8V. If z e 8x+y, then Fl < k+g/i < ki+|y| and so 0 < (г + |ж|+ |г/|)/2 < |ж| + Ы- By fb.e Riesz decomposition property, there exist and w2 with 0 < < |ж|, 0 < w2 < |?/| such that z + И + Ы = 2w1-]-2w2. Take и = 2wx —|ж|, v = 2w2~-\y\; then и e 8x, v е8у and z = ири; this implies that 8хЛ.у 8xp8u. If A is a solid subset of X and if x e co A, there exist ai e A and n n At e [0, 1] with 2 = I such that x = 2 ^iat- We now conclude, from i=l 8X c V L8a. £ У A{A c co A, 2=1 i = l that co A is solid. (b) Notice that sk(F) is the largest solid subset of X contained in F, and that co(sk(F)) is solid. We conclude from co(sk(F)) cz F that sk(F) — co(sk(F)), and hence that sk( F) is convex. 9
118 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES (c) Since sk(F) is solid, sk(F) absorbs и e C if and only if it absorbs [—и, и]. (d) The condition is clearly sufficient. To prove its necessity, it is sufficient to show that sk(F) absorbs each order-interval of the form [—it, u] where и e G. Since V absorbs [—it, u], there exists A > 0 such that [—и, u] 27, and so [—u, u] sk(AF) = Л sk(F). (e) It is clear that Л В is solid. It remains to verify that A /-В is solid. Let x g A, у e B, and let z, in X, be such that |^| < |ж-Ь«/|. It is known from the proof of (a) that 8XH, £ hence there exist a g 8x and b e8v such that z = a 4-6. Since A and В are solid, it follows that 8X c: A, 8V B, and hence that z eA-\B. Therefore A-\-B is solid, and the proof of this proposition is complete. It should be noted that the solid hull of a convex set in a Riesz space is, in general, not convex. By way of example, consider R2 with a positive cone G defined by О - {(ж, у):ж > 0, у > 0}, then (R3, G) is a Riesz space. Suppose that В = {A(-2, 0)4(1 — A)(l, 3):A g[0, 1]}. Then В is convex, but the solid hull 8B of В is not convex because {A(—2, 0)4~(l —2)( —1, 3):2e [0, 1]} is not contained in. 8B. A vector subspace 8 of a Riesz space (X, C) is called a Riesz subspace if x+ e 8 whenever x e 8. Solid subspaces of X are referred to as lattice- ideals (or simply ^-ideals). An /-ideal В of X is called a normal subspace of X if it follows from xT 'f x in X with xT in В for all т that x belongs to B. It is clear that the intersection of a family of normal subspaces of X is a normal subspace. An /-ideal В of X is called a a-normal subspace of X if it follows from xn 'f x in X with xn in В for all n that x belongs to B. The intersection of a family of cr-normal subspaces of X is a cr-normal subspace, of /-ideals in X is an /-ideal and of Riesz subspaces of X is a Riesz subspace. If В is a subset of X, the smallest /-ideal containing В is called the /-ideal generated by B. If В is a subset of X, the smallest Riesz subspace containing В is called the Riesz subspace generated by B. It is clear that if В is a Riesz subspace of X, then the order-convex hull [ B] of В is the /-ideal in X generated by B. If 8 is an /Ideal in X, the smallest normal subspace containing B, written {B}, is called the normal subspace generated by 8. If 8 is an /-ideal in X, the smallest ^-normal subspace containing 8, written
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES 119 {$}ff, is called the o-normal subspace generated by 8. For instance, if A is a subset of (X, G), then Ad is a normal subspace of X. If $ and В are /-ideals in X, 8 is said to be order-dense in В if В c. {&}; 8 is o-order- dense if В {$}a. In particular, 8 is said to be order-dense if X = {$} and o-order-dense if X = {/?}„. (10.6) Proposition. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space, 8 an Aideal in X, and suppose that и gC, Then the following statements hold: (a) и g {&} if and only if there exists a positive increasing net {ur} in 8 such that uT f u. (b) и g {$}a if and only if there exists a positive increasing sequence {un} in 8 such that un } u. Proof. The proof of (b) is similar to that of (a) and will be omitted. For the proof of (a), it is clear that if uT f и with ur e 8 then и e {8}. Conversely, suppose that В ~ {и e C: there exists an increasing net ur in 8 Ci G such that ur f u} and that g _ g _ Then 8 8 ez {&} and В = {иeC: u sup {w e8: 0 < w < ад}} (10.3) because 8 is an /-ideal in X. Notice that U{[0, u]:u е- В} с B; it then follows that n r 4.. В g o}. We complete the proof by showing that 8 is a normal subspace of X. If щ , ад2 are in B, then u1pu2 is an upper bound of the set {w g$:0 < w < ux-\-u2}. On the other hand, if v is any upper bound of the set {w g 8:0 < w < адх +ад2}; then v > Wjl+Wj, for any w2 e 8 with 0 < w± < ux, 0 < wz < ад2- According to formula (10.3), there are u± = sup{m g 8:0 < m < u±} and ада = sup{n c 8:0 < n < u2}, it follows that и^-щ < v, and hence that ^i+M2 = sup{w g£:0 < w < ад1Тад2}-
120 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES This shows that B-\-B <= B. Clearly IB £ В for each non-negative I and it follows that S is a vector subspace of X. Furthermore, S is an /-ideal. If у e 8 and if x g X is such that |ж| < \y\, there exist u15 u2 e В such that у = щ — u2. Then иг-^и2 e B, and so x+ e В by the con- struction of В and 0 < x+ < Mj+ug. Similarly, x~~ e B. Therefore x ~ 8; this shows that 8 is an /-ideal. We now claim that $ is a normal subspace of X. Suppose that 0 < uT f и in X, where uT g B. Then и = sup uT supr sup{«; g 8: 0 < v < uT} = sup{r g 8: 0 < v < uT for some t). Note that for a fixed r, the set {s g 8: 0 < s < uT} is directed upwards; therefore и e В and a fortiori и g 8. This shows that 8 is a normal subspace of X, and the proof is complete. (10.7) Proposition. For any set A in a Riesz space X, the set Ad is always a normal subspace of X. Consequently {8} 8dd whenever 8 c X. Proof. It is easy to verify the first assertion. To see the second, we note that 8dd is a normal subspace containing 8; hence 8dd contains the normal subspace {8} generated by 8. It should, be noted that {8} and 8dd are, in general, not equal, as shown by the following example: consider R2 equipped with the lexicographic ordering. Then R2 is a Riesz space which is not Archimedean since 0 < n(0, 1) < (1, 0) for all n; the only /-ideals in R2 are {0}, the «/-axis, and R2 itself; all of these /-ideals are normal subspaces of R2. Now if we take 8 to be the «/-axis, i.e., S = {(0, then 8 = {8}, 8d = {0}, and 8dd = R2; it then follows that 8 8dd. (10.8) Lemma. Let Lr, L2 be subspaces of a Riesz space (X, C) such that Lx Ci L2 = {0}, and let L be the algebraic direct sum of Lr and L2. If Lx and L2 are Cideals in X, then L is the ordered direct sum of Lx and L2 (i.e. if xx g Lx and ж2 g L2, then xl-f-x2 > 0 if and only if xx > 0 and x2 > 0), denoted by L — Lt®L2.
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES 121 Proof. Suppose that xi g Li (i = 1, 2). It is clear that > 0 whenever xt > 0 (i == 1, 2). Conversely, if Px2 > 0 then 0 < Xi+xf < xf, xf e Llt and x2, W g L2 because L± and L2 are /-ideals in X; in particular, 0 < xf < xfpxf. By the Riesz decomposition property of X, there exist w1} w2 with. 0 < < xf (i = I, 2) such that xf = w-P~w2; therefore wi gL{ (i — 1, 2) since are /-ideals in X. It now follows from w2 = .'T —wt g L± and from L{ Г\ L2 — {0} that w2 ~ 0, and hence Xt = X'f--Xj' = Xi --W} > 0. Similarly we can show that x2 > 0. Therefore L is the ordered direct sum of and L2. (10.9) Proposition. Let (X, (7) be a Riesz space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, C) is Archimedean; (b) for any Aideal A in X, if Md = {0} then A is order-dense; (c) for any Aideal A in X, M©Md is order-dense; (d) for any normal subspace В of X, we have В — Bdd; (e) for any Aideal A in X, we have {Л} yldd. Proof, (a) => (b): Let A be an /-ideal in X such that Ad — {0}. In view of proposition (10.6), we have to show, for each и e C, that и -= sup{t> e A: 0 < v < u}. Let Au -~= {v g A: 0 < v < u}. Then и is certainly an upper bound of Au. Let w be another upper bound of Au such that w X u. We have to show that и < w. To do this, let w' = и A w. Then w' is again an upper bound of Au. We claim that w' = и (so и < w). In fact, if w' p u, then let z = u — w' > 0. Since AA — {0}, z f Ad so there exists a0 e A such that z Л |a0| X 0- bet z' = z A |a0|. Since z' -= z A |a0| < ]a0| e A and A is an /-ideal, we have z' e A; also z' < z < u, it follows that z' g Au. Moreover, since z'Aw' < z-\-w' = и and w' is an upper bound of Au, we have z' + c Au and a fortiori 2z' e Au. Inductively we have nz' e Au, i.e. nzr < и for all n; but z 0, contrary to (a). This proves the implication (a) => (b).
122 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES (b) => (c): Observe first that if A is an /-ideal then so is the direct sum Farther, (A®Ad)d = Ad П Add — {0}; hence A(i)Ad is order-dense by (b). (c) => (d): By proposition (10.7), В = {B} c Rdd. Since both sets are positively generated, to see the opposite inclusion it is sufficient to show that С H Bdd cr B. Let и g C C\ BdA, ^Nq have to show that и E B. By (c), B@Bd is order-dense; hence there exists a net uT > 0 in B®Bd such that ur | u. For each r, suppose uT — хт-\-Уг, where 0 < хт e В and 0 < yr g Bd. Notice that 0 < yT < uT < и e Bdd, hence yT e Bdd. But we also have yT e Bd\ therefore yT = 0, valid for all r. Thus xT — u7 f и and хт e В; it follows that и e В because В is a normal subspace of X. (d) => (e): We start by observing that Ad = {A}d. Next if В = {A} then В is a normal subspace of X; hence, by (d), we have {А} - В - Bdd = {A}dd - Add. (e) (a): Suppose that X is non-Archimedean. Then there exist ад, v in C such that 0 nv < и for all n. Let Xv LH ~~v> Then Xv is an /-ideal in X. We shall show that {Xv©Xd} is not (XiJ@Xd)dd. We verify this by showing that и ф {ХуфХ1} because of (X.@Xd)dd = (0/ - X. Let Bu = {w g X„®Xd:0 < w < u}. Then (u— v) is an upper bound of Bu; in fact, let w e Bu. Then w has a unique decomposition of the form w = wq-Hfq where g Xv and w2 g Xd. Since Xv is an /-ideal, we have that wx-Av e X„, and hence that w-Av = (Wi+v)+w2 Further, since Xv I Xd, (Wi-Av) A w2 = 0 80 wAv = (w1-|-'y)-]-w2 = (w1X'v) V w2 < u. This shows that (u—v) dominates every element w in Bu. Therefore {u— v) is an upper bound of Bu and и is not the supremum of Bu. In view of the proof of proposition (10.6), we conclude that и ф {X^©Xd}. If X is an order-complete Riesz space and A. a subset of X, then Ad and Add are disjoint normal subspaces of X, and hence the algebraic direct sum of Ad and Add is the ordered direct sum, and Ad©Add is a subspace of X. In fact, X = Ad©Add, as the following result, due to Riesz (1940) shows.
ELEMENTARY THEORY OK RIESZ SPACES 123 (10.10) Proposition. Let (X, (J) be an order-complete Riesz space, and let A be a subset of X. Then X is the ordered direct sum of normal subspaces Ad and Add of X, that is, X = Ad®Add. Proof. Given a positive element и in X, we show that и — 7/t+<M.2, where g Ad, u2 g Add, and иг > 0, u2 > 0. Define u± by иг = snp{?z A |«| :x g Ad}. Since и is an upper bound of the set {и А |ж|: x g Ad}, it follows from the order completeness of X that ur exists, and hence that ut g Ad because Ad is always a normal subspace of X. Notice that ut is the largest element in Ad which is majorized by u. It is clear that 0 < иг < и. Let u2 — u—u1; then u2 > 0. We further show that u2 e Add. To sec this, let x e Ad, and let z = (u—uf) A |x|. Since Ad is an /-ideal, z eAd, thus g Ad. Notice also that the element of Ad is dominated by u; hence z-\-ux < and z < 0. Since it is obvious that z > 0, we must have z — 0 and z u2 л [ж| = 0. This shows that u2 e Add, and hence that и = utpu2 e _z4d©.4dd. Therefore X — zld®Add. (10.11) Corollary. Let (X, C) be an order-complete Riesz space. Tor any normal subspace В of X, we have X. В ®Bd. Proof. We remark that, since X is order-complete, the ordering in X must be Archimedean. Thus the result follows from propositions (10.9) and (10.10). Let (X, C) be an order-complete Riesz space, and let В a normal subspace of X. Define PB by Р/?(ж) = sup{zH’ л |y| :y e B}--sup {x~ A |?/] :y e B}. According to proposition (10.10), PB(x) e B, and so PB is a linear transformation of X onto B. This Pf} is referred to as an ^-projection on B. (10,12) Theorem. Let (E, CJ) be a weakly Riesz space. Then (Xb, (7*) is an order-complete Riesz space, and the following statements hold: (a) for any и e C and f e Xb, we have. f+(u) ~ sup{/(a?): 0 < x < u}, f'~\u) ~ sup{/(x): —u < x < 0}, |/|(w) = sup{/(«): — и < x < и} ~ sup{|/(ic)|: — и < x < u}, 1Ж1 < 1/1 (1«И) whenever у gE,
124 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES (b) if {fT:r e .D} is a majorized increasing net in Eb, then h = sup{/r: r g 1)} exists in Eb, where h(u) sup{/T(w): r g J)} for any и in C. Proof, (a) We have shown in theorem (1.10) that (^ь, C*) is a Riesz space and /+(u) = g(u) sup{/(#):0 < x < u} (u g G). Therefore, in view off~ = (—f)^, we obtain f~fu) = (-f)+(u) = sup{ -f(y) ;0 < у < и} sup{/( - y): -u < --y < 0} = sup{/(x): — и < x < 0}. Since \f\ — 2/+—/then IЛИ = 2ЛИ"/И 2 sup{/(<r):0 < x < гОНН = sup{/(2a?—u): 0 < x < w} = sup{/(?/): -u < у < it} = sup{|/(?/)|: ~~u < у < и}, in particular, 1/КЫ) = snp{|/(w)|: — |?И < w < Ы} > L/W (b) Given и g C, we define h(u) = sup{/r(w): r g D}. Then h is positively homogeneous and additive on C because/rf. Since G is generating, h can be extended uniquely to a linear functional h on E. Notice that, since {/J is majorized in E\ h eEb. It is clear that fT<h for all r g D. On the other hand, if g g Eb is such that/r < g for all 7 g D, then h(u) — sup{/r(w): т g D} < g(u) for all и g C, and so h = sup{fr: т g D}. Therefore (Eb, (7*) is an order-complete Riesz space. Remark. If/, g are in Еъ we have, by making use of the preceding result, that (a) (/v g){u) = sup{/(x) -\-g(u—x"): 0 < x < u} =~ sup{/(v) -Gg(w) \v, w > 0 and и — vfi-w}; (b) (/л g)(u) = inf{/(x)+(?(%— ж):0 < x < u} = mi'{f(v)Pg(w') :v, w > 0 and и — vpw} (ueC);
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES 125 (c) for any и e C, [— u, nf {f GXb:Jff(w) < 0, where [— u, uf is the polar of the set u, u] taken in E\ Recall that a semi-norm p on an ordered vector space (E, 0} is a Riesz semi-norm if it satisfies the following two conditions: (i) p is absolute-monotone, i.e. —- и < x < и in E =-> p(x) < p(u); (ii) for each x e E with p(x) < 1 there exists и e E with p(u) < 1 such that —u < x < u. In view of lemma (9.16), if (X, G) is a Riesz space, then a semi-norm p on X is a Riesz semi-norm if and only if it follows from |ж| < |y| with x, у in X that p(x) < p(y). (1.0.13) Theorem (Luxemburg-Zaanen). Let (X, G) be a Riesz space, p a monotone semi-norm on X, and suppose that Y is a Riesz subspace of X. Iff is a positive linear functional on У which is dominated by p on Y, then there exists a positive and linear extension ф of f such that |^(^)| < р(И) for any x g X. Furthermore, if p is a Riesz semi-norm then ф is dominated by p. Proof. Suppose that q(x) = p(x]~) (zeX). It is easily seen that g is sublinear on X and that Ш < f(y+) < Р(У+) = Ш for all у g У. In view of the Hahn-Banach extension theorem, there exists ф e X* such that ф(у) = f(y) for all у g Y and ф(х} < q(x) for all x eX. For any и g G, we have ф(-и) < qf—u) ^pf-u)+) ^p(O) 0, and so ф g G*. On the other hand, by theorem (10.12)(a), we have 1Ж)1 < \ф\(|ж|) - <£(|ж|) < q(|ж|) - ^(|ж|) for all х е X. In particular, if p is a Riesz semi-norm then |#r)| < p([x\) ^p(x), and so ф is dominated by p. This completes the proof. Before giving a dual result of theorem (10.12)(a), we need the follow- ing lemma. (10.14) Lemma. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space, and let f g (7*. For any и g 0, there exists g g C* such that 0 < g < f, g(u) = f(u), and g(x) 0, whenever x и.
126 ELEMENTARY THEORY OE RIESZ SPACES Proof. For any w e C, define h(w) = sup/(w A nu). n Then h is positively homogeneous on C, 0 < h(w) < f(w) for all го g C, and h(u) = /(u); further, h is additive on C. In fact, if w3 and w2 are in C\ by proposition (10.1)(b), we have (wxd-w2) A nu < WT A nu-PWz A nu and so 7/ i \ у/ \ \ t./ \ On the other hand, it is clear that го1 A nu-l-w2 A mu < (wi+w2) A (n-\-m)u, and thus 7, 4,7/ x^.7./ । \ H-/z(?u2) < h(w1-\~wz). There exists a linear functional g on X such that g(w) ~ h(w) for all w e C; in particular, g(u) = h(u) = f(u), 0 < g(w) A(w) < f(w) for all w e C. Finally, if |m| Л и ~ 0, then |«] A nu = 0 for all n, consequently 0 < |^(ж)| < £/(|ж|) — sup/d^j A nu) = 0. Now we easily deduce a dual result of theorem (10.12)(a) as follows, (10.15) Proposition. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space. For any f gC* and x e X, the following equalities hold: (a) f(x+) - sup{^(;r):0 < g < /}; (b) f(x~) = sup{A(ti): -/ < h < 0}; (c) f(\x\) - 8пр{0(ж): -f < g <f) = 8ир{|д(ж)|: -f < g < f}. Proof. It is clear that (b) and (c) follow from (a), and hence we only have to show the assertion (a). For any g e Eb with 0 < g < f, the following inequalities hold: g(x) < </(z+) < f(x+), hence sup{</(a;):0 < g < f} < f(x+). Apply lemma (10.14) to obtain h e C* such that 0 < h < f, h(x+) ^=f(x+), and h(y) = 0, whenever У I ad-. Therefore f(x+) = h(x+) = h(x+)—h(x^) = h(x),
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES 127 consequently /(ж+) = supW): 0 < , < д This completes the proof of this proposition. Remark. For any f gO*, [—f,f]Q {x eX‘.f(\x\) < 1}, where, of course, the polar is taken in X. The following result is a consequence of theorem (10.12)(a) and proposition (10.15). (10.16) Proposition. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space and let Y be a Riesz subspace of (Xb, (7*). Then the following statements hold: (a) if A. is a solid subset of X then the polar Arr( Y) of A, taken in Y, is a solid subset of Y; (b) if В is a solid subset of Xb then the polar Bn of B, taken in X, is a solid subset of X. Proof. Let g e Л1Г(У), and let f g Y be such that [f\ < |</|. For any a g A, we have, by theorem (10.I2)(a), that /(«) < l/KN) < |0|(И = sup{f/(a'): |m[ < |a|}. Since A is a solid subset of X and since g eAk(Y), it follows that |gr|(|a|) < 1, and hence that/(u) < 1. Therefore A”(Y) is a solid subset of Y. This proves the assertion (a). The proof of (b) is similar, by making use of proposition (10.15). Let (X, C) be a Riesz space with the order-bound dual Xb, and let ф be in Xb. ф is called a normal integral (or order-continuous) on X if for any net {ur} with uT J, 0, then inf |<4(ur)| = 0; ф is called an integral (or order- a-continuous) if, for any sequence {ади} with un | 0, then inf = 0. The set of all normal integrals on X is denoted by Xb and the set of all integrals on X is denoted by Xb. It is clear that Xb c Xb (10.17) Proposition. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space. Then Xb and Zb are normal subspaces of Xb. Proof. It is clear that Xb is a vector subspace of and that if 0 < g < h g Xb then g g Xb. In order to show that Xb is an /-ideal, it suffices to verify that if f g Xb then f+ g Xb. Suppose un J, 0. For any w in X with 0 < w < zq, we have, by proposition (10.1 )(a), that 0 < w—w Л un < u1—un and w A un | 0.
128 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES It follows from/(w — w A un) < f+(w—w A un) < f+tp^—uf) that 0 < f+M < /'(fo) +/(w A un) for all n, and hence that 0 < inf/1 (un) < f+(uf) —f(w) for all w c [0, w3]. By theorem (10.12)(a), inf J1-(mJ — 0, and so/+ g Xb. Now suppose that {/J is a positive increasing net in Xb guch. that fT t/ in Xb, and that un j, 0 in X. By theorem (I0.12)(b), 7>i) sup//mJ. For any e > 0, there exists t0 such that 0 < f(ul)—fT (uf) < e. Since un | 0 and since/—/Tq > 0, it follows that 0 < fM -fTo(un) < /(uj --ДЫ < e for all n, andhencethatlim[/(Mj—/./mJ] < e. Notice that 0 < Д eXb and that lim/jMj inf/jwj - 0. n n Therefore m£f(un) = lim/(uj < e. Since e is arbitrary, this implies n n that / g Xb, and so Xb is a normal subspace of Xb. This proves the result for Xb, and the proof for Xb is similar. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space. For any / e Xb, we define ^ = {«еХ:|/|(И)=0}. It is easily seen that Nf is the largest /-ideal in X contained in the kernel of/, and that if/is a normal integral thenN/ is a normal subspace of X. Furthermore, we also have that N.f ~N,n — Ж+ П Nf-, and that Nf = 3ktf-W The following two results, which will be needed later, are of some interest in themselves. (10.18) Proposition. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space, h e Xb, and let феХьв. If h ±ф then N% <= Хф, Proof. Without loss of generality one can assume that h and / are positive. Notice that the statement that N& cz Хф is equivalent to the statement that if 0 < w e then w e Хф because and Хф are /-ideals in X. We now suppose 0 < w e N&. Since ф A h = 0 and since (ф A A)(w) = inf{ф(х) + h(y):x, у e G, xXy = w},
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES 129 there exist positive sequences {«„} and {yn} with xn +yn = w such that ф(хп) < 1/2” for all n 1, 2,... . For any e > 0, if we can find positive sequences {y’n}, {y"}, and {zn} with the following properties: (a) 0 < y'n < zn I 0, yn Уп+У'^ (b) ф(Уп) < z, then </>(w) — 0, and so w g A7'^: in fact, since xn ~~ w—yn = w— y'n —y"n, we then have ф(ги—у'п) = ф(хпХу'п) < 2~nj^£ for all n = 1, 2,... . Note also that w > w— y'n > w— zn f w; it follows from 0 < ф e X that ф^—у'п) -> </>(w) as n~>oo, and hence that ф(ш) < e; conse- quently <£(w) = 0. We complete the proof by showing the existence of positive sequences {y^}, {y"}, and {уи} satisfying (a) and (b). For each n > 1, let Уп.т = sup{yK, yn+1,..., ym} (m > n). Then yn < уП1)П < w for all n, уП1П1 are in N& for all n, m, and Ук,т > У1.т, Уп.к < Уп.з whenever к < j, so that ф{уп,т) < <£(w). It follows that lim ф(уп-т) exists, and hence that there exists a sequence Wl—>CO {mn} of natural numbers with mn f such that ф{Уп.J ~Ф(Уп,mn) < for all к > mn. Let . r, , - - mf{yliWh, у2)й?а,..., yn>nin}. Then zn[, zn < yWiWji, and so zn e ; furthermore zn | 0. In fact, since < Уп-тп < Уп ХУп+1 H~ • • • ~\~Утп1 we have that 0 < k{zn) < 2-”-p2^(w+1) + ...-|-2^mm~> 0 (as n -> oo). Hence if v e G is a lower bound of the set {sra} then h(v} — 0, which is to say that v e Nn. Notice that 0 < v < zn e and that is an /-ideal, hence v g Consequently v — 0. We now define Уn Уп A and yn Уп~~Уп- Then 0 < y'n < zn | 0, y"n > 0, and yn — УпЛ~у"п> it remains to show that ф(у'п) < £ For each n, let (Уг,тп Уг.т^)-
1.30 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES Then ФМ I ШУг.тп)~Ф(Уг.т^ < I &Г all П. j-=l i~1 Since ykm > yjtm and?;w 7[. < yn>.} whenever к < j, it follows thatvm > 0 and Уп.тп~~Ъп < У г.mt ^ОГ йТН = 1J 2,..., П, and hence from the definition of zn that Уп.тп a^ We observe that w„ < y„ m .thus tj it M fl'i ‘tVyi 7 yn--vn <. zn for all n. On the other hand, since y'n = УиУ'п = yn ~Уп A zn sup{0, yn-zn} < vn, since ф > 0, and since ф(рп) < e for all n, then Ф(Уп) < ф(рп) < e f°r a^ n> and so {y'n}, {y'n}> and {zw} are the required positive sequences. A partial converse of the preceding result is given below. (10.19) Corollary. Let (X, C) be an Archimedean Riesz space, and let h, ф be in X^. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) h ± ф; (b) N£ C N„; (c) <= Nh; (d) Si ± Nj. Proof. Since X is Archimedean, proposition (10.9) gives {A} = Add for any «f-ideal A in X; in particular, Nh = {Nh} = (XJdd for every h e X^. Therefore (b), (c), and (d) are equivalent. On the other hand, the implication (a) => (b) follows from proposition (10.18). Conversely if < с Хф, then \ф\ A |A| eXj and (\ф\ А |Л|)(ж) = 0 for all x ENh®Nf Since X is Archimedean, it follows from proposition (10.9) that Nh®N^ is order-dense, and hence that \ф\ A |A| — 0 on X; i.e. ф | h. (10.20) Proposition. Let (X, C) be an Archimedean Riesz space, 0 < h g X£, and let и eC be such that h(u) > 0. Then there exists w g X with 0 < w < u such that h(w) > 0, and = 0 for all ф e X^ with ф X h.
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES 131 Proof. Since (X, C) is Archimedean, it follows from proposition (10.9) that Nh®N% is order-dense, and hence from proposition (10.6) и — sup{s+w:0 < s e Nh, 0 < w eNfi, spiv < u}. Since 0 < h e X^, we have h(u) — sup{A(s) ph(w): 0 < s e Aft, 0 < w e Nf, s-j-w < u} = sup{A(w):0 < w < u, w eN^}, and so, by making use of the fact that h(u) > 0, there exists w e Nf with 0 < w < и such that h(w) > 0. If ф e X° is such that ф | A, then, by proposition (10.18), <= Хф, and so w e Nф, because wsNf. We conclude from |</>(w)| < \ф\ (|w|) that ф(ш) = 0. This completes the proof. (10.21) Corollary. Let (X, C) be an Archimedean Biesz space, and let В be a normal subspace of X^, If 0 f e Xf\B, then there exists го e G such that f(w) > 0 and w e B°, where B° is the polar of В with respect to the duality (X, X^). Proof. Set BA = {h e X^-h | B}. Since X^ is order-complete, it follows from corollary (10.11) that X^ = В®ВЛ, and hence that/has the unique decomposition / -- g-ph, where 0 < g e В and 0 < h e B&. Note that h -=f=- 0 because f ф B; hence there exists и e C such that h(u) > 0. Since h | B, and since Xj) с X1/ we conclude from proposi- tion (10.20) that there exists w e X with 0 < w < и such that h(w) > 0 and w e B°, and hence that f(w) = g{w)-ph(w) > 0. This completes the proof. Let A be a subset of a Riesz space (X, C). denotes the polar of A taken in X£, i.e. =^fE X^.f(a) < 1 V a e A}. A^ denotes the polar of A taken in X^, i.e. A” - {/eX^:/(a) < IVaed}. If A is a subspace of X, then ^n {/ e ^:/(a) = 0 У a e A} and Avg ={fEXb0:f(a) -OYaeA}.
132 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES (10.22) Corollary. Let (X, C) be an Archimedean Riesz space. If В is an /-ideal in then {B} = (B0)^, where B° = {x e X :f(x) = 0 V f e B}. Proof. We start with the observation that (B0)^ is a normal subspace of X^ such that В cz (B0)^; it then follows that {B} <= (B0)*. Note that B° = {B}°. If 0 < f e Х^\{В}, then, by corollary (10.21), there exists w e C such that flw) > 0 and w g {B}°; hence f f (B0)", consequently {B} = (B0)(J. This completes the proof. (10.23) Corollary. Let (X, C) be an Archimedean Riesz space, and let A, В be /-ideals in X^. Then the following statements hold: (a) {X.} cz {B} if and only if A° B°; (b) {J} = {B} if and only if A° — B°. Proof. The conclusion (b) is an immediate consequence of the assertion (a); and the assertion (a) follows from corollary (10.22). This completes the proof. Let X, Y be .Riesz spaces, and let T be a linear operator of X into Y. T is called a lattice homomorphism (or briefly an /-homomorphism) if it preserves the lattice operations; and the /-homomorphism is called an /-isomorphism if it is injective. It is clear that each /-homomorphism is positive. We list some elementary properties of /-homomorphisms as follows. (10.24) Proposition. Let X, Y be Riesz spaces, and let T be an /-homomorphism of X into Y. Then the following statements hold: (a) the kernel of T, written k(T), is an /-ideal in X; (b) Tlx) > 0 if and only if there exists и in С П k(T) such that x/m > 0; (c) Tlx) < T(y) if and only if there exists z e X such that x V у < z and T(y) Tlz); (d) |T(a?)| < |TQ/)| if and only if there exists w ek(T) such that \w\ < |x| and |ж—-w\ < Jg/]/ (e) if A is a solid set in X then T(A) is a solid set in T(X); (f) if В is a solid s J in T(X) then so is TpB) in X.
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES 133 Proof, (a) Straightforward. (b) The sufficiency is obvious. To prove its necessity, we note that 0 < T(x) = (T(x))+ = T(x+) and that x~ — x+—x eC nk(T). Then и = x~ is the required element. (c) The sufficiency follows from T(x) < T(z) = T(y). For the neces- sity, we observe that T(y — x) > 0, there exists, by (b), и e C C\ k(T) such that y-x-G и > O.Letg = u-h^/. Then rr V у < zandT(y) = T(z). (d) (i) 'Necessity. We start with the observation that there exists v e G П k('71) such that |ж| < 13/1+^ and 0 < v < |x|. In fact, since Т()ж|) = |Т(ж)| < |T(y)| T(|?/|), there exists, by (b), и e С П k(T) such that — |ж| > 0, so |ж|— \y\ < и and hence |ж| — [y| < и A |«|. Taking v = иЛ |ж|, then |ж]-~|y| < v, 0 < v < |гг[, and v e G C\ k(T) because 0 < v < u. On the other hand, since 0 < v < |ж| = Ъу the Riesz decomposition property of X there exist v2 g X with 0 < vr < <r+, 0 < v2 < x~~ such that v — Obviously v± A v2 ~ 0. Set w ~ —v2. We obtain, by virtue of proposition (I0.3)(h), |w| = ]^1—V2j = KI+KI = so w e k(T), [w| < \xSimilarly, since (ж+—Л v%) = 0, we also have |ж—w| = lx ^-—х~-—у1-У-м21 = -г>х)= |ж[— v, which implies that \x—w\ < |?/|. (ii) Sufficiency. Since ги ек(Т) and since ||ж— w\ — |ж[| < |ж— W—xl = |w|, it follows that [x— w| — |ж| g k(T). The sufficiency now follows from the following computation. 1ЖН T(\x\) = T(\x^w\) < T(\y\) = \T(y)\. (e) Let z e T(X) be such that \z\ < |T(a)| for some a e A. There exists x e X such that z = T(x). By (d), there exists w such that |w| < |x| and \x — w\ c |aSince A is solid, it follows that x—w e A and io
.134 ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES hence that T(x—w) e T(A). We conclude from T(x) = T(x —w) that T(x) e T(A). Therefore TtA.') is a solid subset of T(X). (f) Let z be in T~BB)> and let x e X be such that |ж| < |z|. Then |Т(ж)| = Т(|ж|) < T(|2|) |T(z)J, so T(x) e В because В is a solid subset of T(X), and thus x e Therefore Т~Л(В) is a solid subset of X. This completes the proof. Let J be an /-ideal in a Riesz space (X, C), and let x [ж] be the canonical mapping of X onto X/J defined by [ж] = ж 4 J. If [O]t/ = {[ж] e Xf J: there exists j e J such that e C}, then (X/J, [CJj) is a Riesz space, and the canonical mapping ж [ж] is an /-homomorphism of X onto X[J. If {(Xa, Ca): a e Г} is a family of Riesz spaces, then the product space X JJ Xa is a Riesz space under the ordering C = JJ Ca> and the аеГ аеГ algebraic direct sum ф Xa is an /-ideal in {X, G). Moreover, each аег projection 7тй: П Xa —> Xx is an /-homomorphism; also each injection ac-L’ >ФХа is an /-isomorphism. Observe that the properties of аеГ order-completeness as well as of u-order-completeness are preserved in the formation of products and algebraic direct sums. Let (X, C) and (У, K) be Riesz spaces. We say that (Y, K) is an order-completion of (X, C) if: (a) (Y, K) is order-complete; (b) there exists an /-isomorphism, say ж ж, of (X, C) into (У, К); (с) for any у е Y, we have у = sup{d; а е X, а < у} = inf{S: Ъ е X, у < 6}. It should be noted that the condition (c) in the definition of order- completion can be replaced by the following condition: (d) for any у e Y with у > 0, there exist a, b in X such that 0 < d < у < 6. For a proof, see Luxemburg and Zaaren (1971). For the sake of convenience, we shall identify X with the Riesz subspace {d: a e X} of У. The following result is concerned with the existence of the order-completion of a Riesz space. The construction of an order-completion of an Archimedean Riesz space is a straightforward generalization of the Dedekind procedure for completing the rational number system, therefore we leave the proof which can be found in Peressin (1967)) to the reader.
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF RIESZ SPACES 135 (10.25) Theorem (Nakano). A Riesz space (X, C) has an order- completion if and only if X is Archimedean. Furthermore any two order-completions of X. are ^-isomorphic. As we shall see in Chapter 13, the order-completion of a locally convex Riesz space may be identified with the topological dual of some locally convex Riesz space under certain additional assumptions.
11 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES By a topological Riesz space (or topological vector lattice) we mean, a Riesz space (X, C) equipped with a vector topology & which admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of solid sets in X. A Riesz space equipped with a locally solid topology is referred to as a locally convex Riesz space (or locally convex vector lattice). Therefore, by making use of theorem (6.3), (X, C, &) is a locally convex Riesz space if and only if it is both locally o-convex and locally decomposable. (11.1) Proposition. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space, and let (X, tP) be a topological vector space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, G, IP) is a topological Riesz space; (b) the mapping (x, y) —> x V у is uniformly continuous on X xX; (c) the mapping x —> is uniformly continuous on X; (d) (X, C, 3s) is locally full and G gives an open decomposition on (X, 0>); (e) (X, G, &) is locally full and the mapping x -> x+ is continuous at 0; (f) for any two nets {жа:а g J)} and {ya:^ e &} in %, if < \yf for all a g D and if converges to 0 with respect to then xa converges to 0 with respect to SP. Proof, (a) => (b): Let V be a solid ^-neighbourhood of 0, and let W be a solid ^-neighbourhood of 0 such that W + W <= R For any elements x, y, w1; and w2 in X, wi A w2Tx л у < (ж+wj) V (y+w2) < V w2X-x V y, — (IwJ+lwJ) < W-JL A W2 < wt V W2 < |wj +|w2|, and so -(И11+Н1) < (ж+Wj) V (y+w2)-x V у < |wj+|wa|. Therefore, if w15 w2 g W then (xX-wf) V (y+w2)~- x V у g V; this implies that the mapping (ж, у) -> x V у is uniformly continuous on XxX. (b) (c): Obvious. (c) (d): Let IF be a ^-neighbourhood of 0. By the uniform con- tinuity of the mapping x -> x+, there exists a ^-neighbourhood V of
TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES 137 0 such, that x+ — y+ g W whenever x~yeV. We now claim that (F—- G) P\C W, and then it would follow from theorem (6.1) that (X, C, A6) is locally full. Suppose that 0 < w < u, where и e V and w e X. Then w —(w — и) и g V, and so w — w~r w"h — (w —«)+ e W. For the proof of the open decomposition property, we first notice that the mapping x —> x+ is continuous at 0. Let W be any ^-neighbourhood of 0; then there exists a ^-neighbourhood V of 0 such that x+, x~ e W whenever x e V, so V <= W n C — IF C\ G, and thus G gives an. open decomposition on (X, (d) => (e): Let W be a circled, order-convex ^-neighbourhood of 0, and let V ~ W C\ G—W C\ C. Then V is a ^-neighbourhood. For any x eV, there exist w1} w% in W C\ G such that x — w1-- w2, so 0 < 0 < x~ < w2; it then follows from the order-convexity of W that x+ e W, and hence that the mapping x -> x+ is continuous at 0. (e) => (a): For any ^-neighbourhood W of 0, there exists a circled order-convex .^-neighbourhood U of 0 such that U a W. Since the mapping x x+ is continuous at 0, then the mapping x -> |ж| is also continuous at 0, so there exists a ^-neighbourhood V of 0 such that |ж| g U whenever x e V, and so V sk(JF); this shows that the solid kernel sk( W) of W is a ^-neighbourhood, consequently (X, C, is a topological Riesz space. Therefore statements (a) -(e) are mutually equivalent. Finally we show that these statements are equivalent to (f). The implication (a) (f) is easy to verify. On the other hand, suppose (f) holds. Then, in view of theorem (5.1), A6 must bo locally full; further, the map x is clearly continuous. This shows that (f) => (a); consequently statements (a)-(f) are equivalent. If (X, G, 0s} is an order-complete topological Riesz space and if В is a normal subspace of X then, by the preceding result and corollary (10.11), X is the topological direct sum of В and B(\ (.11.2) Proposition. Let (X, G, SG) be a topological Riesz space. Then the following statements hold: (a) G is &-closed; (b) (X, C) is Archimedean; (c) the solid hull of each ^-bounded set in X is ^-bounded, conse- quently if В is &-bounded then so are B+, B~, and |B|, where B+— fb+\Ъ e В}, B~ - {b--.be B}, and \B\ {\b\:b e B}; (d) C is a strict ^d-cone in (X, ^); (e) the A6-closure of each Riesz subspace of X is also a Riesz subspace.
138 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES .Proof, (a) Since О = {u c X: и u+}, it follows from the con- tinuity of the mapping x at 0 that C is ^-closed. (b) follows from (a) and proposition (2.1). (c) follows from the fact that IP admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of solid sets in X. (d) follows from (c). (e) Obvious. (11.3) Proposition. Let (X. C, IP) be a topological Riesz space. Then the following statements hold: (a) the IP-closure H of each solid set II is solid; (b) the solid kernel sk(H) of each IP-closed set II is IP-closed; (с) H absorbs every ^-bounded set in X if and, only if sk(.H) absorbs all IP-bounded subsets of X, where II cz X. Proof, (a) Let be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for IP consisting of solid sets in X. Since H гл{11 + V: V g %}, it follows from proposition (10.5)(e) that Й is solid. (b) Since sk(H) is the largest solid subset of X contained in II, it follows from (a) that sk(LZ) is ^-closed. (c) The sufficiency is obvious, and the necessity follows from proposition (11.2)(c) and from the fact that sk(H) is the largest solid subset of X contained in II. This completes the proof. (11.4) Corollary. Let {X, C, ^) be a topological Riesz space. Then the IP-closure of each P-ideal in X is an P-ideal in X. In view of proposition (11.3), for any topological Riesz space (X, C, IP) there exists a neighbourhood-base at 0 for IP consisting of ^-closed solid sets in X; in fact % = {P: V is a solid ^-neighbourhood of 0} is such a neighbourhood-base at 0 for IP, where V is the ^-closure of V. (11.5) Proposition. Let (X, С, IP) be a topological Riesz space. Then each normal subspace of X is IP-closed. Proof. Let В be any normal subspace of X. Since (X, C) is Archi- medean, it follows from proposition (10.9) that В = _Bdd, The closedness of any set of the form Ad is an immediate consequence of the continuity of lattice operations, and hence В is ^-closed.
TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES 139 It should be noted that if В is an /-ideal in a locally convex Riesz space (J, G, &), then, by proposition (11.6), В <= {B}. Therefore the question arises whether В — {В}; we shall see (in theorem (13.1)) that this is the case if and only if all continuous linear functionals are normal. (11.6) Proposition. Let (X, G, &} be a locally convex Riesz space. The topological completion (X, .P) of (X, G, ^) is a locally convex Riesz space ordered by the cone C, where 0 is the P-closure of G in (X, P). Proof. Since the lattice operation (x, y) x V у is uniformly con- tinuous from X xX into X, it follows from a well-known result that this mapping has a unique uniformly continuous extension from. XxX into X. It is easily verified that this extension makes (X, 6) into a Riesz space. On the other hand, if the locally solid topology P is determined by a family {pT: r e D} of Riesz semi-norms on (X, C), then, for each т e I), pT can be uniquely extended to a continuous Riesz semi-norm pT on (X, 0, P), and P is determined by the family {pT: 7 e JD} of Riesz semi-norms on (X, 0); it then follows from theorem (6.3) that (X, (f, P) is a locally convex Riesz space. (11.7) Proposition (Kawai). Let (X, C, P) be a locally convex Riesz space, and let (F, K) be the order completion of (X, G). If (X, С, P) satisfies the condition that {xy: у g 1} converges to 0 for P whenever xy | 0, then there exists a locally solid topology P on (F, K) such that P induces P on (X, G) and X is dense in (F, К, P). Proof. Let {pa: a e D} be a family of Riesz semi-norms on X generat- ing the locally solid topology P. In view of the definition of order- completion, for each у e F there is an increasing net {aA} of X with 0 < < \y\ such that |?/j supfipj, we now define ffix) = sup{pa(aA)} (a e D). Л Since (X, G, P) satisfies the property that pa(xy) —> 0 as xy j, 0 (y e D), then each pa is independent of the particular choice of an increasing net {uA} with f |y|. It is easily seen that each pa is a Riesz semi-norm on F for which pa(d) — pfia) for all a e X.
140 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES Therefore the family (ррхЕ!)} determines a locally solid topology 0s on Y such that 0s is the relative topology on X induced by and that X is dense in (У, 7^). A Riesz semi-norm on X is called a Riesz norm if it is a norm, A Riesz space equipped with a Riesz norm is called a normed Riesz space; and a Riesz space with a Riesz semi-norm is called a semi-normed Riesz space. Obviously, normed Riesz spaces are locally convex Riesz spaces. A normed Riesz space is called a Banach lattice (or В-lattice) if it is complete for the norm. A locally convex Riesz space (X, C, is called a Frechet lattice (or F-latlice) if it is metrizable and complete for the topology 3s. Similar to the case of locally convex spaces, we shall see (below) that each locally convex Riesz space (X, (7, 72s) is /-isomorphic and topologically isomorphic with a Riesz subspace Y of the projective limit of 15-lattices {L^ \ a e Г}. It is easily seen that every Riesz subspace of a locally convex Riesz space, equipped with the relative topology, is a locally convex Riesz spacej and that the Cartesian product of a family of locally convex Riesz spaces, equipped with the product topology, is a locally convex Riesz space. If J is a closed /-ideal in a locally convex Riesz space (X, (7, then the quotient space (X/ Jt [(7]^), equipped with the quotient topology, is also a locally convex Riesz space; for the sake of convenience, it is referred to as the quotient Riesz space. We shall see that the locally convex direct sum of a family of locally convex Riesz spaces is also a locally convex Riesz space. (11.8) Proposition. Every locally convex Riesz space (X, (7, d^) is ^-isomorphic and topologically isomorphic to a dense Riesz subspace of the projective limit of a family of Banach lattices; this family can be so chosen that its cardinality equals the cardinality of a given neighbourhood-base at 0 for Proof. Let {pa:a e Г} be a family of continuous Riesz semi-norms on (X, C, ^) generating iP. Г is a directed set when we define a < f if px(x) < PjfF) for all x g X. For each a e Г, let Л - {жеХ:^(ж) = 0}; then is a ^-closed /’-ideal in X. Further, we define [CL = M e X/J.: e J, such that z+j, e C}, II ИХ
TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES 141 then (X/Ja> [6% |]. ||a) is a normed Riesz space and the norm topology ||. [| a is coarser than the quotient topology on. X(Ja induced by Moreover, a continuous /-homomorphism gaf} from (X/J^, |(.||^) onto (X/Ja, [GJa, ||. ||a) is defined by setting [ж]а = ^(Ид) whenever a < (J. By proposition (11.6), the completion La of (X{Ja, [CJa, ||. ||J is a Banach lattice (a e Г), and hence can be uniquely extended to a continuous /-homomorphism. ga/j from Lp into La whenever a < /?. If 7тй denotes the projection of JJ La into ,La, then the projective limit «бГ lim of the family of Banach lattices {La: a g Г} with respect to the /-homomorphisms ga(j(a, ft e Г, a < /5) is a closed/-ideal in the product space JJ Ъл, because a 1™ 9«pLp = {2 бП ^a'(^a-gap ° = 0, a < Д a, I? e Г} 4 a and TTa“-gaj5 ° Ttj} is a continuous /-homomorphism from JJ La into La. a Notice also that the product space JJ La is complete with, respect to the a product topology J; it then follows that lim gapL^ is a complete locally convex Riesz space with respect to the relative topology r induced by J. Now if we define a mapping у from X into JJ La by setting a ^) = ([<:аеГ) (жеХ), then tp is an /-isomorphism and a topological isomorphism from (X, C, 3s) into (lim g^Lp, e/rf and y(X) and X[Ja are /-isomorphic; a this implies that y(X) is a dense Riesz subspace of (lim gajiLp, We now turn our attention to seek some conditions ensuring that the inductive topology with respect to a family of locally convex Riesz spaces is locally solid. (11.9) Proposition. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space, and let & be the inductive topology on X with respect to locally convex Riesz spaces {(Xa, (7a, ^a):a g Г} and /-homomorphisms {TK:a g Г}. If X is the linear hull of fj Ta(fXf) and if each TJfXf) is an I-ideal in X, then & is a «еГ locally solid topology and hence (X, C, is a locally convex Riesz space. Proof. Let V be any convex ^-neighbourhood of 0 in X. Then each 27“ky'i is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in Хж, and so there exists a solid
142 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES and convex ^-neighbourhood Wa of 0 in Xa such that Wa <= T/^T). By proposition (10.24)(e), each Ta(Wa) is a solid subset of TJX^, and hence Ta(Wf) is a solid subset of X because each Ta(Xa) is an /-ideal in X. Observe that the union of a family of solid sets in X is a solid subset of X. It follows that W = (J Ta(Wa) is a solid subset of X, and схеГ hence, from proposition (10.5)(a), the convex hull U of И7 is a solid subset of X. Since X is the linear hull of (J Ta(Xa), U is absorbing, аеГ and so U is a convex, solid, and absorbing subset of X. It is clear that U is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 since Wa 77a“1(B;r) cz Tf^U), and that U qV since V is a convex set containing W. Therefore we have found a convex, solid ^-neighbourhood U of 0 in X such that U <= J7; consequently is a locally solid topology, and this completes the proof. In view of the definition of a strict inductive limit and the preceding result, it is known that if {Xw} is a sequence of /-ideals in X, and if (Xn, Gn, are locally convex Riesz spaces, then the strict inductive limit of {Xn} is a locally convex Riesz space. (11.10) Coboll ary. The locally convex direct sum of a family of locally convex Riesz spaces {(Xa, Сж, G Г), denoted by © (Xa, Ca, tPf), is a a locally convex Riesz space. Furthermore, © (Xa, Ca, tPf) is complete if a and only if each Xa is complete for &a. Proof. If X denotes the algebraic direct sum of {Xa; a g Г], ja denotes the injection map of Xa into X, and if О = X Л JJ Oa, then аеГ the Riesz space (X, C) is the linear hull of (J ja(Xa), and each©(X J is an аеГ /-ideal in X. The result now follows from proposition (11.9) and the definition of locally convex sum topology on X. Let (E, C) be an ordered vector space, and let e be an order-unit in E. Then the gauge ||. ||e of [—e, e], defined by ||ж[|е = inf{2 > 0:# g Я[--e, e]}, is a semi-norm on E, and it is referred to as the order-unit semi-norm corresponding to e. It is clear that ||. ||e is a norm if and only if (E, O') is almost-Archimedean, and that the order-unit semi-norms corre- sponding to two different order-units are equivalent; so the topology given by order-unit semi-norms can be regarded as a topology determined
TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES 143 by the ordering. An order-unit semi-norm, which is also a norm, is called an order-unit norm. A normed Riesz space (X, C, ||. |j) is called a unital normed Riesz space if the norm ||. || is an order-unit norm. It is clear that if (X, C, ||. ||) is a unital normed Riesz space, then the norm topology is the order- bound topology. This leads to the following result. (11.11) Proposition. Let (X, C, be a locally convex Riesz space. Then & is the order-bound topology ^b if and only if there exists a family of unital normed Riesz spaces {(XM, Cu, ||. ||M): и e Г} and a family of Ghomomorphisms {Tu:u e Г} with the following properties: (a) X is the linear hull of U Tu(Xf); меГ (b) each TU(XU) is an Gideal in X; (c) & is the inductive topology of {(XM, Cu, ||. e Г} with respect to {Tu:u e Г}. Proof, (i) Necessity. For each и e C, let Xu - U n[-u, ul n Cu — Xu П G> ||. || u be the gauge of [— w, u] on Xu, and let Tu be the injection of Xu into X. Then each (Xu, <7W, ||. ||J is a unital normed Riesz space with the order-unit и, X — (J Xu, and each Xu is an A ueC ideal in X. Suppose that X' is the inductive topology of №-u,Ou, \\.\\u):ugC} with respect to {Tu, и g C}. Then, by proposition (11.9), N' is locally solid, and a fortiori ЗГ is coarser than ^b. On the other hand, since the relative topology on each Xu induced by is coarser than the norm, topology ||. ||M, it follows that the injection map Tu from (XM, Cu, ||. ||M) into (X, С, is continuous, and hence from the defini- tion of inductive topology that 0й is coarser than Therefore, ^b is the inductive topology of {(Xu, Cu, ||. ||„):u e 0} with respect to {TpueC}. (ii) Sufficiency. Let ||. ||M be the order-unit norm on Xu corresponding to the order-unit и e Xu. In order to show that is the order-bound topology ^b, it is sufficient to verify that each convex and circled subset V of X, which absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X, is a iP- neighbourhood of 0 or, equivalently, each Ty^F) is a ||. |(M-neighbour- hood of 0 in Xu. Let V be such a set. Since и is an order-unit in Xu and
.144 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES since ||. ||M is the order-unit norm corresponding to u, it follows that the order-interval [—ад, ад] is a ||. || „-neighbourhood of 0 in Xu. Notice that Тм([ —ад, ад]) = [—Tu(u), ^(ад)] is an order-interval in X; then, there exists а Я > 0 such that [ —Tu(u), ^и(ад)] <= XV. We conclude from [—ад, ад] that PffV) is a ||. ||„-neighbourhood of 0 in Xu; hence is the order-bound topology ^b. We shall now turn our attention to the topological completeness. It is natural to ask under what conditions an order-complete topological Riesz space is necessarily topologically complete. (11.12) Definition. A topological Riesz space (X, C, ^) is said to be locally order-complete if there exists a neighbourhood-base at 0 for consisting of solid and order-complete sets in X. Obviously each locally order-complete topological Riesz space must be order-complete. (11.13) Proposition (Nakano). Let (X, O, be a topological Riesz space. If (X, C, is locally order-complete, then each order-interval in X is complete for Proof (Schaefer). Since X is a Riesz space, it is enough to verify that each order-interval of the form [0, ад] (ад e C) is ^-complete. We first prove that the result holds for the special case when 0 is metrizable. Choose a countable neighbourhood-base f№Q:n e N] at 0 for & con- sisting of solid order-complete sets and Wn+1 + K 4-1 C Wn for all n. Any ^-Cauchy sequence in [0, ад] has a subsequence such that xn+i ~~xn E Wn+t for all n e N. Suppose that yr — supDn:n > r}, zr — inl'D’,,:n > r}. For fixed r and for any natural number q with q > r, sup{«n:r < n < q}—xr is increasing with respect to q and 0 < sup{a?m — xr'.r < n < q} < ад; it follows from the order-completeness of X that w = sup{sup{«n—xr\r < n < 7}}
TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES 146 exists in X. Furthermore we also have w sup{sup{a;w:r < n < <?}} — xr sup{«m:n > r}—xr = yr — xr. On the other hand, notice that 0 < sup{a;n:r < n < q}--x.r < sup{|a?„ — xr\:r < n<,q} < l^r+i 'xr \ I'l^r+2 ^r+il d~• • • '4~l^ It then follows from the order-completeness of Wr that w e Wr, and hence that yr g xrXWr. A similar argument shows that zrExrqWr. Therefore we have, for any r g N, yrExr-\-Wr and zrExr+Wr. (11.1) It is clear that yr j, (гД) and that 0 < yr (zr < u) for all r; then у = inf{y/.r > 1}, z = sup{gr:r > 1} exist in X, and y, z are in [0, и]. Since e Wn+1XWn+1 <= Wn for all n, we conclude from p Wn = {0} that y—z = 0; hence neN inf{yr:r > 1} = sup{^:r > 1} — y. (11.2) We now claim that xn converges to у with respect to Indeed we note that Zn~~Xn < Z~~Xn = У ХХп < Уп Хи- Since zn—xn and yn—xn converge to 0 and 0 is locally solid (so locally order-convex) it follows from theorem (5.1) that xn converges to у with respect to This proves the result for the metrizable case. Now let us consider the general case, that is the case when is not necessarily metrizable. Let % — {Wa: a e D} be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for Sfi consisting of solid and order-complete sets in X. Define Q to be the class of all countable collections “ {Ж<„: g D, n = 1, 2...} of each of which forms a neighbourhood-base at 0 for a vector topology, say. Then Q is non-empty, directed by inclusion, = vj g £1},
146 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES and (X, C, is a pseudo-metrizable (not necessarily Hausdorff) locally order-complete topological Riesz space. For each a e D, let W(a0) = n Л>0 and suppose that Then Xo and are normal subspaces of X. Since X is order-complete, then, by corollary (10.11), we have, for each X = Х^фХ| = X0@X£. Let P be the /-projection of X onto N%, and let PQ be the /-projection of X onto Nq. The following conclusions concerning /-projections are easily verified: (a) if c then P^ < P^ and P^ ° P^ — P^; (b) 0 < Pe < Po — I, where I is the identity map; (c) Po = sup{P^: ^efl}; (d) if uT } и then P^(uT) } P#(u) for each $ eQ; (e) if denotes the vector topology on N^, induced by then Pg is a continuous /-projection of (X, C, ^) into (X^, ^). Suppose that {жя} is a ^-Cauchy net in [0, u], For each efi, {^(жй)} is a ^-Cauchy net in X^; since (X|, is a metrizable locally order-complete topological Riesz space, there exists № G [0, P^)] such that Pg(%a) converges to yv with respect to ; for convenience, it is denoted by y<$ = .^—lim P^(«a). By (b), у % g [0, X|. Therefore a we find a net {y^: g Q} in [0, u], where У % = ^J-lim Р^(жа). a Moreover, the net e fl} has the following properties: (i) if c then y^ = ^Jg-lim P^K), a (ii) v — supfy^:^7 g Q} exists in X and P^(r) - y^, for any g Q. In fact, if c: ^g, then X^ cz X^g, and so property (i) follows from the fact that (X^, is Hausdorff. To prove property (ii), we observe that 0 < y^ < u; it follows from the order-completeness of X that r <z> v == sup{^: g 12}
TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES 147 exists in X (0 < v < u). On the other hand, if <= then, by (a), (e), and property (i), we have -= B^(^|a-lim P^M) = P^-lim (P^ ° PrJK) a a - Р|а-НтР^(жй) = y^. Я We conclude from (d) that = sup{PA(y^):^ eQ} = sup{P^(y^): cifeD} = y^, verifying property (ii). Therefore we complete the proof by showing that xa converges to v with respect to In fact, since PM = P^-lim PM) e Ct P#(v) is a .^-cluster point of { tP^(xx)}. Note also that P# is a continuous ^-projection of (X, onto (N^, ^L) which vanishes on whence v is a ^-cluster point of {жй}. Clearly {aq} is a ^-Cauchy net for each e Q; consequently жй converges to v with respect to for each e Q. We conclude from Щ - и 6Й) that x^ converges to v with respect to tP, and hence that [0, it] is iP- complete. Recall that an ordered topological vector space (X, C, tP) is said to be boundedly order-complete if each increasing net in E which is iP- bounded has a supremum in E. We now present one of the deepest results in the theory of topological Riesz spaces concerning the topo- logical completeness. (11.14) Theorem (Nakano). A topological Riesz space (X, С, P) which is both locally order-complete and boundedly order-complete is complete for P. Proof. Let {хт:т c JD} be a ^-Cauchy net. In view of proposition (11,1), {xf:r c D} and {«7:r e I)} are also ^-Cauchy nets, and hence it is sufficient to verify that : т e D} is convergent with respect to P since the convergence of {жг} follows immediately from that of {W} and {.г."}. Lor any x g C, the continuity of lattice operations ensures that {&+ A x-.r e D} is a ^-Cauchy net in the order-interval [0, «]; it then
148 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES follows from proposition (11.13) that there exists Ax g [0, ж] such that л x converges to A№ with respect to Therefore we have found a net {Ax:x g (7} in C, where Ax is the limit of A x with respect to We now claim that {Ax:x g 0} is directed upwards and ^-bounded. For any x, у e С, x V у g C, by making use of the continuity of lattice operations, we have ~ ]im{.y!' л (x v y)} — {lim x* А ж} V {lim ж/ л у} Ax V Av so that {Ax:x g C} is directed upwards. On the other hand, let W be any solid ^-neighbourhood of 0, and let V be a solid ^-neighbourhood of 0 such that F+ F+ V W. Since {жг+ : r g D} is a ^-Cauchy net, there exists r0 g D such that x^—x^ g F whenever r, t > r0; for this t0 there exists Ло with > 1 such that x^ g AoF and so xt = V + <= ^0(F+F). Since xx A x converges to Ax with respect to there exists r0 e D such that л I7 . Ax—x‘ A x G V whenever r > r0. Take ту g D such that тг > r0 and rr r0. We conclude, from 0 < Ax == (Ax—л x)-\-xt A x < (Ax —xf А ж)+ж+ e F--H0(F+F) c ^o(^+^+F) cz X0W whenever т > тъ that {Ax:x g C} is ^-bounded. According to the hypothesis, a = sup^/.a: e C} exists in X. Furthermore, the element a has the following property: a A у = Av for any у eC. (11.2) In fact, by proposition (10.2), we obtain since а л у = у Л 8ир{Лд,:ж g С} = supfz/ A Ax:x е G}; у л Ах == у л {lim л «} = 1нп(ж+ л х л у} = Axf,y (х е С) and since АхЛу < Av for all x g C, it follows that а Л у = Ay.
TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES 149 We complete the proof by showing that x^ converges to a with respect to B8. Let W be any ^-neighbourhood of 0, and let V be a solid ^-neighbourhood of 0 such that F+F <= W. Since {x^’.teB} is a ^-Cauchy net, there exists r0 e D such that x^—x^, e F whenever т, ?' > r0. (11.3) On the other hand, for any t\e D with > r0, let xt = x'}' V a then, by equality (11.2), A^ = a A xt = а л (ж* Va) = a. Notice also that xAT A xt converges to A^ with respect to then there exists r2 g D such that A xr~~a = x+ A xl—AXi e F whenever т > т2. (И.4) ^ncc x^—a = (#+ —«if A aq) +(жгн A aq — a) (t g D) (11.5) and since [ж;1' — A aq|~ \x^ Л Xt — %* A X^ < (r G P), (11.6) it then follows from formulae (.11.3), (11.4), (11.5), and (11.6) that x^-a e F+F JF, where > r0. This implies that x+—a g IF whenever т > r0, and hence {x^'.r e D} converges to a with respect to It should be noted that the above result is still true whenever & is non-Hausdorff. For a proof, see, for instance, Peressini (1967). The following example shows that a topological Riesz space which is topologically complete need not be boundedly order-complete. (11.15) Example. Consider the space c0 consisting of all null sequences of real numbers with the usual ordering and norm. Then c0 is a В-lattice. Let en = (1, 1,... 1, 0, 0 ...) g c0 and let В ~ {en:n e N}. Then В is increasing and norm-bounded. It is obvious that В does not have a supremum (not even any upper bound) in c0. This shows that c0 is not boundedly order-complete. It is known from corollary (6.5) that the topological dual of any locally convex Riesz space (X, C, is an zf-ideal in Xb. Therefore it is natural to ask whether the strong dual of a locally convex Riesz n
150 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES space is also a locally convex Riesz space. We give an affirmative answer of this question as follows. (11.16) Theorem. Let (X, 0, be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X', and let {3(X', X) be the strong topology on X'. Then (Xz, C, fl(X', X)) is a locally convex Riesz space and locally order- complete. If, in addition, (X, IP) is infrabarrelled, then (Xf, O', fi(X', X)) is boundedly order-complete and hence X' is complete for @(X', X). Proof. Since the polar, taken in X', of any solid set in X is solid in X', and since the solid hull of each ^-bounded set in X is ^-bounded, then (X', C, @(X', X)) is an order-complete locally convex Riesz space. Suppose that is the family consisting of all convex, solid, ^-bounded subsets of X. Then % = {B°:B g is a neighbourhood - base at 0 for fi(X', X), where B° is the polar of В taken in X'. We now show that each B° is order-complete. Let {fr} be an increasing not in which is majorized in X'. Then/ = sup/r exists in X' because (X', O') is clearly ord er-complete. For any x g B, we obtain /И <f(\x\) = sup/r(|^|) < 1. Therefore / g B°, and hence each B° is order-complete; consequently (X', С, P(X', X)) is locally order-complete. Suppose now that {X, tP) is infrabarrelled, and that {fr} is а /3(Х', X)- bounded subset of X' which is directed upwards. Then, by the Alaoglu- Rourbaki theorem, {fT} is relatively a(X', X)-compact, and hence {fT} has a <7(X', X)-cluster point / in X'. Since /4 and since C' is a(X', X)-closed, it follows that / = sup/r in X'. Therefore (X', O', fi(X', X)) is boundedly order-complete. Finally, in view of the Nakano theorem (11,14), X' is complete for /3(Х', X). Therefore the proof of the theorem is complete. We shall see in the next chapter that (X', O', а&(Х', X)) is also locally order-complete for any locally convex Riesz space (X, C, &), where crs(X', X) is the locally solid topology associated with а(Х', X). (11.17) Definition. Let (X, C, &) be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then (X', O', fi(X', X)) is called the Riesz dual of X and (X", C", fi(X", X')) is referred to as the Riesz bidual of X, where X" = (X', /?(Х', X))' and C" is the dual cone of O'.
TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES 151 (11.18) Proposition. Let (X, C, be a locally convex Riesz space with the Riesz dual (X', С', /3(Х', X}). Then the image X of X into X" under the evaluation map x —> x, defined by for all feX', is a Riesz subspace of X", and the evaluation map is an ^-isomorphism of X onto X. Furthermore, X <= (X')b, and hence X cz X" П (X')b. Proof. It is clear that the evaluation map is a bijection of X onto X. We now show that x+ = (ж)+. Let/be in O'. It follows from proposi- tion (10.15){a) that x+(f) = Лж+) = вир{0(ж): 0 < g < /}. Obviously x is an order-bounded linear functional on X'; in view of theorem (10.12)(a), we obtain (£’)+(/) = sup{f(#):0 < g </}. Therefore x+(f) = ($)+(/), hence x+ = (ж)+ because of X' = C—C, and thus the evaluation map x -+ x is an /-isomorphism of X onto X. Consequently X is a Riesz subspace of X". By making use of theorem (10.12)(b) and of the definition of normal integrals, we have X <= (X')b, and hence X X" П (X')b. This completes the proof. In the future, if no confusion can arise, we shall agree not to dis- tinguish between x and ж; thus X will be identified with its canonical image X. The question naturally arises as to whether X is an /-ideal in X". In Chapter 13, we shall give necessary and sufficient condition to ensure that this occurs. We conclude this section with a few examples of topological Riesz spaces. (11,19) Examples, (a) Let T be a non-empty set. The vector space RT of all real-valued functions on T is an order-complete Riesz space with the ordering induced by the cone К = {x g RT:x(fi) > 0 for all t e T}. Let X be a Riesz subspace of RT, (5 a family of subsets of T such that every ж, in X, is bounded on each В e (5, and suppose that T - u {B:B s ©}.
152 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES The topology on X of uniform convergence on members of ® is then a locally solid topology defined by the Riesz semi-norms {pB:B g ®}, where pB(x) = вир{|ж(/)| :t e B}. If T is a Hausfdorff topological space, X is the Riesz space G(T) consisting of ah continuous real-valued functions on T, and if each t g T is interior to some В g (5, then X is complete by, for example, Bourbaki (1961). If T is a completely regular Hausdorff space and if (5 is the family of all compact subsets of T, then the topology on G(T) of uniform convergence on members of (5 is called the compact-open topology, and denoted by & . In particular, if T is a compact Hausdorff topological space then the compact-open topology on C(T) is the uniform topology; in this case, G(T) is a В-lattice. (b) Let (X, O') be a Riesz space with the order-bound dual Ab, and. let У be a Riesz subspace of Хъ such that У is totaJ over X. For any f g У П C*, suppose that p/ж) = /(|ж|) (жсХ). Then the locally solid topology | u|(A, У) determined by the family of Riesz semi-norms {pf:f g У n C*} is generally called the Dieudonne topology (more precisely, the Dieudonne topology induced by У). In next chapter we shall show that |o‘|(X, У) is the locally solid topology associated with cr(X, У). (c) Let (T, 3d, y) be a totally u-finite measure space, and let co {7’n:neN} be a fixed sequence in J? such that T = (J Tn and n-1 y{Tn) < oo for all n e N. A real-valued function x on T is said to be locally summable if the restriction of x to each Tn is summable. Two functions on T are said to be equivalent if their difference is zero except on a set of //-measure zero. Let Q denote the set of all equivalent classes of locally summable functions on T. Q has a natural cone G, defined by (7 = {ж g Н:ж(£) > 0 for all t g T}. It is easily seen that (Q, C) is a Riesz space; in fact, (Q, G) is order- complete. For a given set A in Q, we define Д Ax = {ж g Q:xy g ВЦу) for all у g A}, Ax = {z g Q:zx g D^y) for all ж g Л}, then A and Ax are Aideals in Q; A and Ax are placed in duality by the bilinear form f (x, Z) = И dy Ж G Л Z G Ax. 21
TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES 353 A is called a Kothe function space, and Ax is referred to as the Kothe d/ual of A; of course, Ax is also a Kothe function space. It is not hard to show that A is the Kothe dual of Ax, i.e. A = Axx. Q is the largest Kothe function space and Dx is the smallest Kothe function space under the inclusion. From now on, we always assume that A is a Kothe function space and that Ax is the Kothe dual of A. If C\ C C\ A, then (A, CA) is a Riesz space; moreover it is order-complete since A is an /-ideal in Q. If A* is the algebraic dual of A and Ab is the order-bounded dual of (Л, <7Л), we then define a mapping ф of Ax into A* by putting </>(z)(&) = (x, z) for all x g A, where z g Ax; it is easily seen that ф is an /-isomorphism of Ax into Ab, and hence </>(Ax) is a Riesz subspace of Ab, consequently Ax can be regarded as a Riesz subspace of Ab. According to the above remarks, u(A, Ax) and cr(Ax, A) are locally o-convex topologies on A and Ax respectively, and Ax is the topological dual of (A, u(A, Ax)); A is the topological dual of (Ax, u(Ax, A)). If crs(A, Ax) denotes the locally solid topology on A associated with cr(A, Ax) (for definition see Chapter 6), then (A, CA, ng(A, Ax)) is a locally convex Riesz space; in view of corollary (6.5), the topological dual (A, CA, crs(A, Ax))' of (A, CA, os(A, Ax)) is the /-ideal in Ab generated by the Kothe dual Ax of A. Let ® be a family consisting of solid and o*(Ax, A)-bounded sets in Ax which covers Ax and is directed by inclusion. Then there exists a unique locally solid topology, de- noted by ^K, on (A, CA) such that {.В0: В G 65} is a neighbourhood-base at 0 for so (A, CA, is a locally convex Riesz space. This topology is called a Kothe topology, and (A, CA, ^K) is referred to as a topological Kothe function space. It should be noted that there is a finest Kothe topology, denoted by on A obtained from Ax in this way; this is the one obtained by letting ® be the family of all solid and cr(Ax, A)-bounded sets in Ax. Also there is a coarsest Kothe topology on A obtained in the described way from Ax; this is the one obtained by letting ® be the family of all order-intervals of the form [—-z, z] (0 < z e Ax). We note that the coarsest Kothe topology on A is pre- cisely the locally solid topology crs(A, Ax) associated with u(A, Ax). Coffman (1959) has shown that, by virtue of the Nakano theorem, every topological Kothe function space is topologically complete. (d) Let T be a locally compact Hausdorff space, and let K(T) be the Riesz space of all real-valued and continuous functions on T with
154 TOPOLOGICAL RIESZ SPACES compact support, ordered by the positive cone C of non-negative functions in K(T). For any compact subset L of T, let K(T, L) be the set of all elements in K(T) with support contained in L. It is easily seen that K(T, L) is an Д ideal in K^T) and that K(T) is the linear hull of {K(T, L)'.L is compact subset of T}. For any compact subset L of T, the norm ||. ||z, defined by IMIz = sup{|«(£)|:t el} (x gK(T, L)), is a Riesz norm on K(T, L). The inductive topology on K(T) with respect to the family of {(K(T, L), ||. ||х):^ is compact in T} and the injection maps {jL:L is compact in T} is referred to as the measure topology on K(T). In view of proposition (11.9), is a locally solid topology on K(T), and hence (K(T), C, 3Q is a (Hausdorff) locally convex Riesz space. Further we note that (K(T), is bornological (cf. Schaefer (1966)). The topological dual of (K(T), C, can be identified with the space MIT} of all Radon measures on T (cf. R. E. Edwards (1965)), and hence from corollary (7.6) M(T) = K(T)b because K(T) is ^-complete. Therefore each normal integral on ,K(T) is a Radon measure on T; but the converse is not true as shown by Roberts (1964).
12 LOCALLY O-CONVEX RIESZ SPACES Feom the preceding chapter we have seen that solid sets in a Riesz space play an important role in the study of topological Riesz spaces. Although locally o-convex topologies on a Riesz space are, in general, not locally solid (cf. example (3.15)), some results on locally convex Riesz spaces can be generalized to the case of locally o-convex Riesz spaces. On the other hand, we have seen from Chapter 6 that any locally o-convex topology & can be associated with a locally solid topology which is the greatest lower bound of all locally solid topologies that are finer than HF. Now if HF is a locally o-convex topology on a Riesz space (X, C) and if is a neighbourhood-base at 0 for HF con- sisting of o-convex circled sets in X, then - {sk( F): V e - {$( F): F e Я is a neighbourhood-base at 0 for <^g. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space with the order-bound dual Xb, and let У be a Riesz subspace of Xb which is total over X. Recall that the Dieudonne topology |сг| (X, F) on X, induced by Y, is defined to be the vector topology determined by the family {pf:Q </g F} of Riesz semi-norms, where , 4 n (ж e X). We now show that |cr| (X, F) is the locally solid topology associated with the weak topology u(X, F). (12.1) Proposition. Let (X, C) be a Riesz space with the order-bound dual Xb, and let F be a Riesz subspace of Xb which is total over X. Then [cr| (X, F) — <7В(Х, F) and the family </g F) forms a neighbourhood-base at 0 for <rs(X, F). Furthermore, the topo- logical dual of (X, G, o“s(X, F)) is the /-ideal in Xb generated by Y Therefore, if F is an /-ideal in Xb, then <rs(X, F) is the, coarsest locally solid topology which is consistent with the duality (X, F).
.156 .LOCALLY O-CONVEX RIESZ SPACES Proof. Since У is a Riesz subspace of Xb, then У У n С* — У n C*; in view of corollary (6.1.2), the weak topology сг(Х, У) on X is locally o-convex. On the other hand, for any 0 < f e У, if V = {x еХ:|/(ж)| < 1}, then sk(F) ~ {ж аХ:|_ - [ж|, |ж|] с F} {ж еХ:/(|ж|) < 1), and it follows from proposition (10.15) that sk(F) = Therefore |cr| (X, У) = crg(X, У) and {[•—/, f]°:0 < f e У} is a neighbourhood - base at 0 for crg(X, У). The result now follows from corollary (6.5) and the proof is complete. (12.2) Corollary. Lei (X, (7) be, a .Riesz with the order-bound dual Xb, and let У be an Lideal in Xb which is total over X. Then the following statements hold: (a) a subset M of X is a(X, Y)-bounded if and only if its solid hull is a(X, Y)-bounded; (b) each a(X, Y}-bounded subset of X is uniformly bounded on each order-interval in Y; (c) a subset В of Y is as(X, Yf equicontinuous if and only if it is an order-bounded subset of У, (d) a subset В of Y is с8(У, X)-bounded if and only if SB-o(Y, X)- bounded. Proof. Since У is an У-ideal in Хъ, then. us(X, У) is consistent with the duality {X, Y). The conclusion (a) follows from proposition (11.2) and the Mackey-Arens theorem, while the conclusion (b) is an imme- diate consequence of proposition (12.1). The conclusion (d) follows from the remark (c) of Theorem (10.12). It remains for us to verify (c). The sufficiency follows immediately from proposition (12.1); to prove the necessity, we note that the polar B° of B, taken in X, is a <ts(X, У)- neighbourhood of 0 in X, hence there exists 0 < f g Y such that <= B°, and hence В cz [—f,f~]. This completes the proof. (12.3) Corollary. Let (X, (7) be a Riesz space and let Y be a Riesz subspace of Xb which is total over X. Then each positive u( У, Xfbounded subset В of Y is uniformly bounded on each order-interval in X.
LOCALLY O-CONVEX RIESZ SPACES 157 Proof. Elementary. (12.4) Proposition. Let P be a locally o-convex topology on a Riesz space {X, G) and let be the locally solid topology on X associated with TP. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) C is a locally strict P-cone in (X, P); (b) each P-bounded subset of X is ^bounded: (c) G is a strict P-cone in (X, P). Proof. The implication (c) --> (a) is obvious, and the implication (a) ~> (b) is a restatement of corollary (6.9). The observation that G is a strict ^-cone in (X, Ps) shows that (b) implies (c). (12.5) Corollary. Let P be a locally o-convex topology on a Riesz space (X, G). If the topological dual X' of (X, G, P) is an /-ideal in Xb then G is a strict Rd-cone in (X, P). Proof. Since X' is an /-ideal in Xb, it follows from corollary (6.5) that the locally solid topology Ps associated with P is consistent with the duality (X, X'). The result now follows from, proposition (12.4). A partial converse of the preceding result is the following corollary. (12.6) Corollary. Let P be a locally o-convex topology on a Riesz space (X, G). Suppose that each circled o-convex set in X which absorbs all IP-bounded subsets of X is a P-neighbourhood of 0 (i.e. (X, С, P) is o-bomological in the sense of Kist (1968)). Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) P is locally solid; (b) the topological dual X' of (X, G, P) is an /-ideal in Xb; (с) C is a strict P-cone in (X, P); (d) G is a locally strict P-cone in (X, P). Proof. The implication (a) => (b) follows from corollary (6.5), the implication (b) ->- (c) and the equivalence of (c) and (d) follow .from proposition (12.4). It remains to verify that (c) implies (a). Since (X, G, P) is o-bornological, it is easily seen that no strictly finer locally o-convex topology on X has the same ^-bounded sets in X, it then follows from proposition (12.4) and from the definition of PQ that
158 LOCALLY O-CONVEX RIESZ SPACES and hence that is locally solid. This completes the proof. It should be noted from example (3,15) that the o-bornological condition in corollary (12.6) cannot be dropped. We shall see in Chapter 15 that under one of the assumptions (a), (b), (c), and (d) in the preceding result, (X, (7, ^*) is a bornological Riesz space. By a locally o-convex Riesz space we mean a Riesz space (X, C) equipped with a locally o-convex topology & on X such that the cone C is 6^-closed. It is known from Peressini ((1961), theorem 2.4) that if (X, 67, ||. ||) is a normed Riesz space with the topological dual X', then the weak topology <r(X, X') is locally solid if and only if X is finite-dimensional. It is natural to ask under what conditions the Mackey topology т(Х, X') is locally solid. It will be shown that т(Х, Xх) is locally solid if and only if it is locally o-convex. (12.7) Proposition. Let (X, 67, ^) be a locally o-convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the Mackey topology т(Х, X') on X is locally solid if and only if т(Х, Xх) is a locally o-convex topology on X. and X' is an /-ideal in Xb. Proof. See theorem (6.1) and corollary (3.14). (12.8) Proposition. Let {(Xa, C\):a g Г} be a family of Riesz spaces, and let &a be a locally o-convex topology on (Xa, C\) for each a e Г. Suppose that I = = П that 0 - JJ аеГ аеГ аеГ product topology on X). Then ^aS, and therefore the /-ideal in аеГ Xb generated by © (Ха, (7Й, ^Jx is precisely the algebraic direct sum of аеГ /-ideals in Xb generated by (Ха, (7a, ^a)x (a G Г), where denotes the locally solid topology on Xa associated with for each a e Г and denotes the locally solid topology on X associated with (P. Proof. See theorems (3.19) and (6.1). (12.9) Proposition. Let {(Xa, 67a):a g Г) be a family of Riesz spaces, and let be a locally o-convex topology on (Xa, 67a) for each a е Г. Suppose that Y = © Xa (the algebraic direct sum of {Xa: a g Г}), acP К — Y Y\ JJ Ca, and that = © 3/л (the locally convex sum a a topology of on F). Then and therefore the /-ideal a
LOCALLY O-CONVEX RIESZ SPACES 169 in Yb generated by JJ (Хй, tPaf is precisely the product of /-ideals in aef Xb generated by (Xe, Ca, &a)' (a g Г), where ^a>& denotes the locally solid topology on Xa associated with for each a. g Г, and <£% denotes the locally solid topology on Y associated with SP. Proof. See theorems (3.16) and (6.1). We conclude this chapter with a result concerning the locally order- completeness of (X', C, a3{X’, X)). (12.10) Proposition. Let (X, C, be a locally o-convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. If X' is an /-ideal in Xb, then (X', O', crg(X', X)) is always locally order-complete. Proof. Since X' is an ^-ideal in Xb, it follows that (X', С, аа(Х\ X)) is a locally convex Biesz space. In view of proposition (12.1), {[—u, u]0:u g C} is a neighbourhood-base at 0 for crg(X', X). In order to verify this result, it is sufficient to show that each [ — и, ад]0 is order- complete. Let {fT} be an increasing net in [—ад, ад]0 which is majorized in Xf. Then/ = sup/T exists in X' because (X', C1) is order-complete. It is clear that /(w) — sup/r(w) for any w e C; then fT converges to / with respect to a(X', X), and hence, from the tf(X', X)-closedness of [—ад, ад]0, we have/ g [—ад, ад]0. Thus each [—ад, ад]° is order-complete, consequently (X', С', аа(Х', X)) is locally order-complete.
13 COMPLETENESS EOR THE DIEUDONNE TOPOLOGY It is known from proposition (11.18) that a locally convex Riesz space X can be embedded as a Riesz subspace of X" C\ (X7)k. The following question naturally arises: (1) What condition is necessary and sufficient for the embedding to preserve the supremum and infimum for infinite subsets of X ? This also suggests the following two intimately related questions: (2) What condition on X (or X7) is necessary and sufficient for X to be an /-ideal in X'1 П (X7)^ ? (3) What condition on X (or X7) is necessary and sufficient for X to be a normal subspace of (X7)^ ? This chapter is devoted to answering these and other related ques- tions. We shall see in particular that the answer to (3) relies on the converse of the Nakano theorem or, equivalently, on the completeness property of the Dieudonne topology (see theorem (13.9)). (13.1) Theorem (Ando-Luxemburg-Zaanen). Let (X, C, TP) be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) X' cz Xj; (b) if wT J. 0 (r g D) then wT converges to 0 with respect to (c) the d-ideal in X" generated by X is an order completion of X; (d) the supremum and infimum of any subset of X are preserved under the evaluation map x x of X into X" П (X7)^; (e) for any f e X', the Lideal Nf- {хеХ: I/КИ) = 0} is & normal subspace of X; (f) each order-dense Lideal in X is iP-dense in X; (g) each ^-closed Lideal in X is a normal subspace of X. Proof. In view of proposition (5.8), it is clear that (a) o(b). (a) => (c): Let L be the /-ideal in X" П (X7)^ generated by X. In order to verify that L is an order-completion of X, it is sufficient to verify that, for each 0 < u" e L, there exist u0, и e X such that
COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONNE TOPOLOGY 161 0 < й0 < и" < u. Since X is a Riesz subspace of X" Л (А^')д, the generated /-ideal L must be the order-convex hull of X.; hence и" < й for some и e X. Since u" > 0, for this u, we can take a positive real number A small enough such that (u" ~~ M)+ > 0. For such a A let yA = (u" — Au). Then, vx, v~^ are all in X" П (JC/J. Let A {y; GX'w^ip} 0}. Since is a normal integral, A is a normal subspace of X'; also X' = ЛфЛа by corollary (10.11). Since > 0, it follows that X' A A and hence there exists 0 < h e Ad such that w‘|(A) >0. Since v\ < и" < й, h(u) = u(h) > v^(h) > 0 for this h. Since (a) holds, apply proposition (10.20) to obtain an element w eX with 0 < w < и such that h[w) > о and y>(w) = 0 for all ip e with ip | A; thus, in particular, ip(w) — 0 for all ip e A. Then Aw g X and 0 < Aw < ад". To verify this, let 0 < ip e X/, and suppose that ip — where 0 < ipt g A and 0 < ip2 g A". Then (Ac6)(y>T) = Aip^w) = 0 < u"(yg). Also, since | v^, we recall from corollary (10.19) that must vanish, on Ad, and, in particular, that W(Vk) 0. Consequently (u"~Aa>)(ip2} > (ад"-Аад)(^2) - = > 0. This, together with an earlier established inequality, implies that (ад" —Aco)(y>) = (ад" — Ac6)(yg) +(ад"— Aa>)(ip2) > 0, therefore ад" > Aw, as claimed. (c) => (d): Let {ag: r g D} be a subset of X and let x be the supremum in X of the set {жг}. We assume without loss of generality that 0 e {ag}. Let L be the /-ideal in X" generated by X. Then x is also the supremum in L of {жг} since L is an order-completion of X. Finally, since L is an /-ideal in X", x must in fact be the supremum of {ag} in X". To verify this, let у be an element of X" majorizing {ag}. Then 0 у hx < x eL, so у A x g L and is an upper bound of {ag} in L, hence x < x A у since x is the supremum of {ag} in L, Therefore x < yy and this implies that x is the supremum of {ag} in X”. (d) (e): Let / G X' and let 0 < uT f ад in X, where ur g Nf. Then, by (d), we have 0 < ur } й in X", i.e. sup uT{ip} = ад(у’) (у’ £ X.', ip > 0).
162 COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONNL TOPOLOGY In particular, since uT g Nf, 0 sup |/|(^r) - sup uT(|/|) = й(|/|) - |/| (< showing that и eNf. Therefore Nf is a normal subspace of X. (e) => (f): Let A be an order- dense /-ideal in X. If A is not ^-dense in X, then there exists и e G such that и ф A. By the separation theorem, there exists a g e X' such that g(u) 0 and g(a) = 0 for all a in A. Let/ - |^|. Then/eX', f(u) = sup{|^(a;)|: |ж| < и] > |^(w)| > 0, and /(a) = 0 for all a in A. Since A is an /-ideal, it follows that A c Nf. By (e), we then have {A} cz Nf. However, since A is order-dense in X, {А} = X, that is, X Nf> contrary to the fact that f(u) Ф 0. Therefore A must be ^-dense in X. (f) (g): Let В be a ^-closed /-ideal in X, and let {B} be the normal subspace in X generated by B. Since X is Archimedean, by proposition (10.9), we have that {B} = _Bdd and that BG>Bd is order-dense in X. By (f) it follows that B®Bd is ^-dense in X. In particular, if 0 < и g {B}, then there exists a net {uT: r e D} in such that uT converges to и with respect to For each т g j9, let wT = иф Ku. Then 0 < wT < u, wT g B®Bd, and wT converges to и with respect to S? because the lattice operations are ^-continuous. Since 0 < wT < и g {B} = Bdd, each wT g J5dd. We shall show that wT g B. In fact, write гот — w'-f-w" e B@Bd, where w'r g В and w" g Bd. Then, since В c Bdd, w’T g Bdd, w” = wr-w; g Bdd-Bdd c Bdd. But we also have w" eBd; it follows that w" = 0. Hence wT = w'T g B. Since и is the ,^-limit of {wT}, it follows that и G B. Since В is ^-closed, и g B. This shows that {В} с: B. Consequently {В} = В and В is a normal subspace of X. Finally we show that (g) => (b). Clearly (b) is equivalent to the following statement: (b') If 0 < ur f и then uT converges to и with respect to
COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONNE TOPOLOGY .163 Suppose that 0 < ur f u, and let Ж be a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in X. Take a convex and solid ^-neighbourhood V of 0 such, that V + V <= W. Choose a real number a with 0 < a < 1 such that (1 —a)u e V. For each r in the index set D, let vT — ит-—ам and let A be the /-ideal in X generated by {vT:r e D}. Since vr | и — aw, it is clear that u — au e {A}, hence и e {Л}. On the other hand, let A denote the ^-closed of A. Then A is also an /-ideal and hence must be a normal subspace in X by (g). Therefore A = {A} and wed, Take an element w in A such that u—w e V. Then w+ e A and hence 0 < w+ < nvT ‘o for some positive integer n and some т0 e I). Thus 0 < w+ < nvfo; and since v~ is disjoint from vf, it must be disjoint from w+ and w1' A u. ТТрпpp A U — vfQ v (w+ A u) < и and 0 < < u — w+ А и a (u—w+) V 0 < [?Zh —W+| < \u~-w] g V. Since V is solid, we see that гН e Г. Now, for all т > r0 in D, wc have u—u. < u—uT ~ и—uT — ашА-аи 7 ro To 1 = (1 — a)up(uTQ—~au)"— (uT — au)+ < (I — а)и + (иГо — au)" - (l~a)u+v- e V+V c W. This implies that uT converges to и with respect to thus (b') is true and hence (b) is proved. (1.3.2) Corollary, For any Riesz space (X, C), the following statements are equivalent: (a) (b) for each f e Xb, the ^-ideal Nf = {x e X: \f\ (|^|) = 0} is a normal subspace of X; (c) each a(X, X^-closed d-ideal in X is a normal subspace of X. Proof. It is clear that cr(X, Xb) is a locally o-convex topology on X. Let aQ(X, Xp) be the locally solid topology on X associated with a(X, Xg). Since X^ is an /-ideal in Xb, it follows from corollary (6.5) that Xb — (X, C, as(X, Xb))' and hence that an /-ideal in X is од(Х, Xb)-closed if and only if it is и(Х, Xb)-closed. The result now follows immediately from the preceding theorem.
164 COMPLETENESS FOR THE DJEUDONNl^ TOPOLOGY (13.3) Corollary. Let (X, C, be a locally o-convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then X' c: X£ if and only if ur converges to 0 with respect to 33 whenever u.. | 0. Proof. Let be the locally solid topology on X associated with 3L Then (X, C, tPsy <= Хд if and only if uT converges to 0 with respect to whenever ur | 0, in view of theorem (13.1). Therefore the result follows from (c) of corollary (6.9) and corollary (6.5). We note that this corollary can also be proved directly from proposition (5.8). The proof of the following proposition is similar to that given in theorem (13.1), and will be omitted. (13.4) Proposition. Let (X, C, 33} be a locally convex Riesz space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) X' c Xj; ' (b) if un j. 0 (n g N) then un converges to 0 with respect to £3; (c) the supremum and infimum of any countable subset of X are preserved under the evaluation map x —> x of X into X" П (X')^. We are now going to seek some necessary and sufficient condition ensuring that X can be regarded as an /-ideal in X". Parts of the following theorem, namely the equivalence of (a), (b), and (d), were proved by Kawai (1957). (13.5) Theorem. Let (X, C, 33} be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) X' c= Хд and (X, (7) is order-complete; (b) X is 3-isomorphic with an 3-ideal in X" under the evaluation map xx of X into X" П (X'£; (c) the Dieudonne topology од(Х', X) on X' is consistent with the duality {X, X'); (d) each order-interval in X is cr(X, X'}-compact; (e) each order-bounded subset of X which is directed upwards has a 33-limit. Furthermore, if (X, C, 33} satisfies one (and hence all} of (a)-(e) then (X, C, £3} is locally order-complete. Proof. Recall from corollary (6.5) that the topological dual of (X', crs(X', X)) is the /-ideal in X" generated by X — X; thus the
COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONNlS TOPOLOGY 165 equivalence of (b) and (c) is clear. Proposition (12.1) tells us that o,g(X,J X) is the topology of uniform convergence on order-intervals in. X, hence the equivalence of (c) and (d) is just a restatement of the Makey-Arens theorem. Further, by proposition (5.8), a directed upwards net in X converges with respect to Sd if and only if it does with respect to <r(X, X'); hence (d) implies (e). Therefore, to complete the proof, it remains to verify that (a) => (b) and (e) => (a). (a) => (b): Suppose (a) holds. In view of theorem (13.1), the «f-idcal L in. X" generated by X is an order-completion of X. However, since X is already order-complete, it follows that X = L. (e) => (a): The order completeness of X is obvious since C is ^-closed. On the other hand, if 0 < u? j 0 in X, for any fixed r0, let wq = inf{w„ uTo}. Then 0 < wT < urQ 0 < wr < uT, so that wT j, 0, we then have that 0 < uTg —wT f uT(j in X. In view of the assumption (e), there exists и eX such that urg—-wT converges to и with respect to IP. It follows from proposition (2.1) that uTg—wT f u, and hence from адТо—| uTg that и = uTg. Therefore wT converges to 0 with respect to F. Since uT is decreasing, then uT converges to 0 with respect to and so, by making use of theorem (13.1), X' cz X^. Finally, let & be a neighbourhood-base at 0 in (X, ^) consisting of ^-closed solid sets. Then each number V in is order-complete. In fact, let xT in V be such that xT f < у for some у e X. Since X is order- complete, there exists x e X such that x = sup xx. It follows from X' с Хц that xT converges to x with respect to and hence that x g V. Therefore each V is an order-complete set in X, consequently (X, C, is locally order-complete. This completes the entire proof of this theorem. (13.6) Corollary. Let (X, C, IP) be a locally o-convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) X' c: X^ and (X, C) is or der-complete; (b) each order-bounded subset of X which is directed upwards has a iP-limit. Furthermore, if denotes the locally solid topology associated with IP, and if (X, C, IP) satisfies one of (a) and (b), then (X, C, Pf) is locally order-complete. Proof. It is known from corollary (6.5) that X' c X^ if and only if (X, C, Ff)' <= X£. From corollary (6.9), ur converges to и with respect to IP if and only if ur converges to и with respect to <^s whenever 12
166 COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONNE TOPOLOGY Therefore the result follows immediately from the preceding theorem. (13.7) Corollary. Let (X, (7) be a Riesz space, Xb total over X, and suppose that Xnn is the set of all normal integrals on Xb, that is Xnn = (Xb)b. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) X is order-complete; (b) X is I-isomorphic with an I-ideal in Xm under the evaluation map x -> x defined by x(f) = f(x) for all f e Xb. Furthermore, if X satisfies one of (a) and (b) then the smallest normal subspace of Xnn generated by X is precisely Xnn. Proof. Since Xb is a normal subspace of Xb and certainly an /-ideal, (X, C, oJs(X, Xb)) is a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual Xb, and so (b) implies (a) in view of theorem (13.5). Conversely, if X is order-complete, then theorem (13.5) shows that X is an /-ideal in (Xb, X))' and hence in (Xb)b. Note also that X = Xnn and that Xnn is an /-ideal in (Xb)b; then X is an /-ideal in Xnn, and consequently (a) implies (b). Finally, since Xb is order-complete and since X is an /-ideal in Xnn, it follows from corollary (10.22) that {X} — (X0)", where X° = {f e Xb:«(/) =f(x) — 0 V x e X}. Since Xb is total over X then X° = {0} and so (X°)n = Xnn; consequently the smallest normal subspace of Xnn generated by X is exactly Xnn. (13.8) Corollary. Let (X, C) be an order-com,plete Riesz space, and let Xb be total over X. If r(X, Xb) denotes the Mackey topology on X. with respect to the dual pair {X, Xb), then the following statements are equivalent and each is equivalent to each of (a)-(g) of theorem (13.1): (a) (X, G, r(X, Xb)) is barrelled; (b) each ffiX, Xfif-closed I-ideal in X is a normal subspace of Xb; (c) if ur | и in X then u7 converges uniformly to и on each tr(Xb, X)- bounded subset of Xb. Proof. In view of corollary (13.7), X is an /-ideal in Xnn, then (Xb, trs(Xb, X))' = X, and hence the solid hull of each <r(Xb, X)- bounded subset of Xb is u(Xb, X)-bounded because the topologies и(Хь, X) and Os(Xb, X) are consistent with the dual pair (X, Xb). Consequently fi(X, Xb) is a locally solid topology on X. Now suppose that (X, G, r(X, Xb)) is barrelled. Then each u(Xb, X)-bounded subset of Xb is r(X, Xb)-equicontinuous, and hence r(X, Xb) is exactly ^(X, Xb); consequently (X, C, (fiX, Xb))' = Xb. By theorem (13.1),
COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONN-Й TOPOLOGY 167 each [fiX, X^)-closed /-ideal in X is a normal subspace of X, thus (a) implies (b). If uT f и in X and if the statement (b) holds then, in view of theorem (13.1), uT converges to и with respect to fi(X, X^); in other words, ur converges uniformly to и on each cr(X^, X)-bounded subset of X^. Finally suppose that the statement (c) holds. Then wr converges to 0 with respect to /3(X, X^) provided that wT | 0; hence, according to theorem (13.1), (X, G, (fiX, X^))' c X^, and consequently /?(X, X^) is consistent with the dual pair (X, X^). Therefore /?(X, X^) is exactly т(Х, Хц), and so (X, C, r(X, X^)) is barrelled. This completes the proof. We are now in a position to deal with the final question posed at the beginning of this chapter, namely: What condition on X (or X') is necessary and sufficient to ensure that X is a normal subspace of (X')n ? We shall see that the answer to this question is equivalent to the completeness of X for the Dieudonne topology. On the other hand, it is known from example (11.15) that, in general, the converse of Nakano’s theorem (11.14) fails; therefore it is interesting to find some classes of locally convex Riesz spaces for which the converse of Nakano’s theorem holds. The following result of Wong (1969c) shows that the completeness of X for the Dieudonne topology ensures that the converse of Nakano’s theorem holds. (13.9) Theorem. Let (X, G, HF} be a locally o-convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) X' <= x£ and (X, G, HF} is boundedly order-complete; (b) (X, G, os(X, X7)) is both locally order-complete and boundedly order-complete; (с) X is complete for (rs(X, X'); (d) each positive a(X, X'}-bounded subset of X which is directed upwards has a <fiX, X'}-limit; (e) each positive P-bounded subset of X which is directed upwards has a HF-limit. Furthermore, if (X, C, HF} satisfies one of (a)-(e) then X is complete for HF Q. Proof, (a) => (b): Since cr(X, X') and HP are consistent with the duality (X, X'}, then the locally o-convex Riesz space (X, G, tf(X, X')) is boundedly order-complete; in particular, (X, C, crs(X, X')) is boundedly order-complete and X is order-complete. According to corollary (13.6), (X, G, as(X, X')) is locally order-complete. (b) (c): Follows from Nakano’s theorem (11.14),
168 COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONN'fi TOPOLOGY (c) => (d): Let {адг} be a positive a(X, X'/bounded subset of X which is directed upwards. Then, for any/ g C, {/(wT)} is a bounded increasing net of real numbers. It follows that {wj is а <r(X, X7)-Cauchy ne^ and consequently a ^(X, X')-Cauchy net since u/\. There exists и e X such that uT converges to и with respect to <rg(X, X') and a fortiori with respect to u(X, X'). (d) => (e): Let {wr} be a positive ^-bounded subset of X which is directed upwards. The {^r} is cr(X, X')-bounded, and so there exists и e X such that uT converges to и with respect to u(X, X'); we conclude from proposition (5.8) that uT converges to и with respect to (e) => (a): It is clear that (X, C, is boundedly order-complete. On the other hand, suppose ur j, 0. Without loss of generality we can assume that uT < и for some и g 0. Then {u—uT} is a positive order- bounded subset of X which is directed upwards, and. so {u—uT} is ^-bounded. There exists е X such that u~-uT converges to w0 with respect to so, by the closedness of C, u—ur t u0, and hence и = u0 because u — uT f u; consequently uT converges to 0 with respect to SP. In view of corollary (13.3), X' <= Xb. To see the final assertion of the theorem, it suffices to remark that > o's(X, X') and both topologies admit the same topological dual. The following corollary is a dual result of theorem (13.9). (13.10) Corollary. Let (X, C, be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X', С', a(X', Xf) is boundedly order-complete; (b) (X', &, ug(X', X)) is both locally order-complete and boundedly or der-complete; (с) X' is complete for oQ(X', X); (d) each positive o(X.', X)-bounded subset of X' which is directed upwards has а a(X\ Xflimit; (e) X' is a normal subspace of X\ Proof. It should be noted that (Xf, Cr, g(X', Xf) is a locally o-convex Riesz space for which the topological dual of (X', C', a(XX)) is contained in (X')b, and then the equivalence of (a), (b), (c), and (d) follows immediately from theorem (13.9). It remains to verify the implications (d) ~-=> (e) => (a). (d) (e): Let {fT} be a positive and directed upwards subset of X', and let / in Xb be such that fr /, The f(u) ~ sup/T(^) for any и e C, and so {fr} is o(X', X)-bounded. By the statement (d), there exists g e X' such that fr converges to g with respect to g(X', X), so fr f g
COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONNE TOPOLOGY 169 since C is a(X', X)-closcd, hence/ = g and/ g X'; consequently X' is a normal subspace of Уь. (e) => (a): Let {fT:r e D} be a о^У', y/bounded and monotonically increasing net in X'. Then, for each и e C, {ffu): r e D} is a bounded and increasing net of real numbers; hence the net converges to a real number, denoted by/(ад). Then ад ->/(ад) is a well-defined, additive, and positively homogeneous functional on C. This function / can be extended to be defined on the whole X. Then/ e Уь and fr | /, and it follows from (e) that / e X'. Thus (a) holds. The completion of (X', ав(Х', X)) coincides exactly with the normal subspace of Уь generated by X', as the following result (due to Peressini (1967)) shows. (13.11) Corollary, Let (X, O, HP) be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the completion of X' for aQ(X', X) is the normal subspace of Хъ generated by X'. Proof. Let Y be the normal subspace of Уь generated by X'. Then о"8(У, У) is a locally solid topology on X such that У is the topological dual of (У, C, os(X, У)), so, by corollary (13.10), У is complete for cts(Y, X). It is clear that for each x e X, the linear functional x, defined by for аЦ is a normal integral on У; hence (У, ^(У, .У))' Уь and consequently (У, os(y, X))' c y*. Furthermore, X' is an У-ideal in У, it follows from theorem (13.1) that X' is dense in У with respect to <т8(У, X). Since the topology &s(X', X) on X' is the relative topology induced by и8(У, X), we conclude that У is the completion of X' for ogpC, X). (13.12) Corollary. Let (X, C} HP) be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the following statements are equivalent and each is equivalent to each of (a), (b), (d), and (e) of theorem (13.9): (a) X is a normal subspace of (У')ь; (b) X = (X')J; (с) X is complete for cts(X, X'). Proof, (a) => (b): Since I» = {/g Г:ж(/) - /(ж) - 0 for all же!}- {0}, it follows from corollary (10.23) that {Z} — (У')ь, and hence from statement (a) that X — (У')^-
170 COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONNE TOPOLOGY (b) (c): Note that (X')q is a normal subspace of (X')b. It follows from the statement (b) that X is the topological dual of (X', O', as(X', X)), and hence from corollary (13.10) that X is complete for <rs(X, X'). (c)^>(a): In view of theorems (13.9) and (13.5), X is an /-ideal in (X')b, it follows from corollary (6.5) that X ~ (X', С', o^X', X))', and hence from corollary (13.10) that X is a normal subspace of (X')b. A Riesz space (X, C) is said to be perfect if Xb is total over X and X = Xnn. Using theorem (13.9) and corollary (13.12), we give some characterizations of perfectness in terms of topological completeness. The equivalence of (a) and (e) in the following corollary was given by Nakano (1950a). (13.13) Corollary. For any Riesz space (X, C), if Xb is total over X, then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, C) is perfect; (b) X is a normal subspace of Xnn; (с) X is complete for us(X, Xb); (d) each positive <r(X, X^-bounded subset of X which is directed upwards has a u(X, X^f-limit; (e) (X, C, <r(X, Xb)) is boundedly order-complete; (f) (X, (7, <ts(X, Xb)) is both locally order-complete and boundedly order-complete. Proof. Give X the topology us(X, Xb). Then the equivalence of (a)-(c) is a restatement of corollary (13.12) and the equivalence of (c)-(f) follows from theorem (13.9). (13.14) Corollary. Let (X, C) be an order-complete Riesz space for which Xb is total over X. Then Xnn is the completion of X for ffg(X, Xb). Proof. By making use of corollary (13.7), X can be regarded as an /-ideal in XnI1, hence, by corollary (6.5), X is the topological dual of the locally convex Riesz space (Xb, ug(Xb, X)). In view of corollary (13.11), the completion of X for us(X, Xb) is the normal subspace of Xnn generated by X, consequently, by corollary (13.7), Xnn is exactly the completion of X for crs(X, Xb). The completeness of X' for trg(X', X) ensures that ug(X', X) and ^b(X') have the same topologically bounded sets as shown by the following result.
COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONNP TOPOLOGY 171 (13.15) Proposition. Let (JC, O', ^) be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X', and let lPb(X') be the order-bound topology on X'. Suppose that X' is a normal subspace of Xb. Then, for any subset В of X', the following statements are equivalent: (a) В is &b(X'}-bounded; (b) В is fl(X', X)-bounded; (с) В is aQ(X', Xybounded. Proof. It is clear that trg(X', J?) is coarser than fi(X', X) and that fi(X', X) is coarser than ^b(X'). Then the implications (a) => (b) => (c) are obvious. It remains to verify that (c) implies (a). Without loss of generality we can assume that В is a convex, solid, and о8(Х', X)- bounded subset of X'. If j? is not ^b(X')-bounded, there exists a convex and solid &b(X')-neighbourhood V of 0 in X' such that the assertion В c 2ZnV is false for each natural number n. For any n, there exists fn in X' such that \fn\ e В and \fn\ ф 22W F. Let gn = 2~* \fk\. Then {</„} is а a&{X', J?)-Cauchy sequence in X' because В is convex and crs(X', X)-bounded. Since Xr is a normal subspace of JVb, by corollary (13.10) X' is complete for ^(JC7, X), and so there exists g g X' such that gn converges to g with respect to crs(X', X). Since 0 < gn] and since C is &8(Х', X)-closed, it follows from proposition (2.1) that g = sup gn. Since V is a tPb(X^-neighbourhood of 0 in X', there exists a natural number к such that [0, <?] <= 2fcP. We conclude from 0 < 2~~7с|/й| < gk < g that \fk\ e 22fcP, contradicting the fact that \fn\ ф 22nV. Therefore В is ^b(X')-bounded, and the proof is complete. We now present a dual result to proposition (13.15) as follows. (13.16) Corollary. Let (X, 0, SR) be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X', and let /Pb be the order-bound topology on X. Suppose that X is a normal subspace of (X7)b. Then, for any subset A of X, the following statements are equivalent: (a) A is ^-bounded; (b) A is fi(X, X')-bounded; (c) A is o(X, X’ybounded. Proof. Since X' is an Aideal in Wb, then а(Х, X') and cfs(X X') are consistent with the duality (X, X1), therefore a subset A of X is o{X, X')-bounded if and only if it is trg(X7, X)-bounded. On the other hand, since X is a normal subspace of (X7)b, X must be the topological
172 COMPLETENESS FOR THE DIEUDONNP TOPOLOGY dual of the locally convex Riesz space (X', C, <rs(X', Xf), and so the result follows from, proposition (13.15). (13.17) Proposition. Let (X, C, ^) be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. If X' is complete for в&(Х', X) then it is complete for @(X', X). Proof. Let {fr’.T e I)} be a fl(X', X)-Cauchy net in X'. Then it must be а сгд(Х', X)-Cauchy net because а&(Х', X) is clearly coarser than {3{X\X). Since X' is complete for сг8(Хл, X), the net {fp.r g D} (Г$(Х', .X)~converges in X', say to f. (Tn particular, {ft} converges to f with respect to a(X', X).) We now show that fT converges to f with respect to /3(Х\ X). Let A be any solid, convex, and a(X, X')-bounded subset of X. There exists r0 e D such that fT—fTo e whenever т r0, where is the polar of A taken in X'. Since A0 is <r(X', X)- closed and since fT converges to/with respect to o'(X’, X), it follows that /~~/Го e |.4°, and hence that f-fr = + e M° + M« = Л» whenever r r0. Therefore fT converges to/with, respect to /3(X', X); consequently X' is complete for P(X', X). This completes the proof. It will be seen from theorems (11.16), (18.17) and example (15.9) that the converse of the above result is not true in general. The following corollary, which should be compared with theorem (13.9), is a dual result to proposition (13.17). (13.18) Corollary. Let (X, C, IP) be a locally convex Riesz space. If X is complete for crs(X, X1) then it is complete for {3(X, X') and also for SP. Proof. It is known from corollaries (13.12) and (6.5) that X is the topological dual of the locally convex Riesz, space (X', O', а&(Х', X)); it follows from proposition (13.17) that X is complete for /?(Х, X'). Finally the completeness of X for P follows from a well-known result. Of course, crs(X, is the coarsest locally solid topology on X consistent with the dual pair (X, X') while /?(Х, X') is not consistent with (X, X'), therefore the preceding corollary is of particular interest.
14 REFLEXIVITY FOR LOCALLY CONVEX RIESZ SPACES This chapter is concerned with a study of the interrelation between reflexivity and order. It is known from Komura (1964) that there are reflexive locally convex spaces which are not topologically complete. But for locally convex Riesz spaces completeness is a consequence of semi-reflexivity as shown by the following result due to Wong (1969c). (14.1) Theorem. For any locally convex Riesz space (X, C, the following statements are equivalent: (a) X is semi-reflexive; (b) (X, C, tfs(X, X')) is both locally and boundedly order-complete, and X" c: (X')£; (с) X is complete for аа(Х, X'), and X" <= (X')^; (d) each positive a(X, X'fbounded subset of X which is directed upwards has a <r(X, X'flimit, and X" <= (X')^; (e) each positive ^-bounded subset of X which is directed upwards has a Sd-limit, and X" <= (X')^; (f) (X, C, ^) is boundedly order-complete, X' c: X^ and X" <= (X')^; (g) X is a normal subspace of (X')^ and X" c: (X')„. Furthermore, if (X, C, tF) satisfies one of (a)-(g) then X is complete for SP and also for [3(X, X'). Proof. We have only to verify the implications (a) (b) (g) (a). Other equivalences follow from theorem (13.9). Observe that X is always a Riesz subspace of (X')^. It follows from the semi-reflexivity of X that X" = X с (Х')д and hence from proposition (12.10) that (X, С, a&(X, X')) is locally order-complete. Let {wT} be a од(Х, X')- bounded subset of X which is directed upwards. Since <Tg(X, X') is consistent with the duality (X, X'), then {/q} is ^-bounded and hence the polar ({4q})° of the set {адг}, taken in X', is a /5(X', X)-neighbourhood of 0 in X/. According to the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem, {uT} is relatively cr(X, X')-compact, and hence {адг} has a n(X, X')-cluster point и in X,
174 REFLEXIVITY FOR LOCALLY CONVEX RIESZ SPACES consequently ur u. Therefore, (X, C, trs(X, X')) is boundedly order- complete; this proves the implication (a) => (b). The implication (b) => (g) is a consequence of corollary (13.12). To see the implication (g)^> (a), let X° = {h g X': h(x) = 0 for all x in X) and (I? = {/ g X': <£(/) = 0 for all ф in X"}. Then X° = {0} (Xz/)°; since X and X" are /’-ideals in (Xz)b it follows from corollary (10.23) that {X} 2 {X"}. By (g), X = {X}. Conse- quently X 3 {X"} 3 X" and so X = X". This shows that X is semi- reflexive and proves the implication (g) => (a). The final assertion that X is complete for & and also for /?(X, Xz) is a consequence of corollary (13.18), therefore the proof is complete. Remark. Since X" is the topological dual of the locally convex Riesz space (X', G', /3(XZ, X)), then the condition that X" cz (Xz)b in theorem. (14.1) can be replaced by any one of the equivalent properties of theorem (13.1). Since semi-reflexivity and reflexivity are equivalent for normed vector spaces, we obtain an immediate consequence of the preceding result as follows. (.14.2) Corollary (Ogasawara). Let (X, G, ||. ||) be a normed Riesz space. Then the following statements are equivalent and each is equivalent to each of (b)-(g) of theorem (14.1); (i) (X, G, ||, ||) is reflexive; (ii) (X, G, || -1|) is boundedly order-complete, X' <= Xb and X" (Xz)b. (14.3) Corollary. Let X be a locally convex topology on a Riesz space (X, O') such that the topological dual X' of (X, X) is an dideal in Хъ. Then the following statements are equivalent and each is equivalent to each of (b)-(g) of theorem (14.1); (a) X is semi-reflexive; (b) X is complete for <rs(X, X'), and X” <= (X')b, Proof. Since X' is an /-ideal in Xb, it follows that u(X, X') is a locally o-convex topology on X, and hence that us(X, X') and X are consistent with the duality (X, X'). On the other hand, since semi- reflexivity and boundedly order-completeness depend only on the duality, the result now follows from theorem (14.1).
REFLEXIVITY FOR LOCALLY CONVEX RIESZ SPACES 175 (14.4) Corollary. Let (X, G) be a Riesz space, Xb total over (X, G), and let LT be a locally convex topology (not necessarily locally solid) on X which is consistent with the duality (X, Xb). Then the following statements are equivalent and each is equivalent to (b)-(g) of theorem (14.1); (a) X is semi-reflexive; (b) Xb = Xb, X is perfect, and (Хъ0, /3(Х*, X))' <= Xnil. Proof. (a)=>(b): Let us denote the topology o's(X, Xb). Then (X, 0's)' = Xb. By (a), (X} (/g) is semi-reflexive. By the implication (a) => (f) of theorem (14,1), (X, G, 0's) is boundedly order-complete, Xb <= Xb and (Xb, ^(Xb, Xb))' c (Xb)b. Consequently, Xb - Xb and (Xb, Д(ХЬ, X))' <== (Xb)b = Xnn. Further, by (c) of theorem (14.1), X is o's(X, Xb)-complete and it follows from corollary (13.13) that X is perfect. (b) (a): By the first two properties stated in (b), it follows from corollary (13.13) that (X, og) is complete. The third property stated in (b) implies that (Xb, /?(ХЬ, X))' cz (Xb)n. By the implication (c) => (a) of theorem (14.1), we conclude that X is semi-reflexive. (14.5) Corollary, Let (X, G) be a Riesz space, and let X be a locally convex topology on X such that the topological dual X' of (X, X) is an /-ideal in X)\ If (X, X) is reflexive then X is a locally solid topology, consequently X is complete for o's(X, X') and also for X. Proof. It is known that cr(X, X') is a locally o-convex topology on X. Since X' is an /-ideal in Xb, it follows from corollary (6.5) that (X, G, us(X, X'))' = X/, andhencefrom theorem (11.16) that the strong dual (X', C', fi(X', X)) of (X, X) is a locally convex Riesz space. Since (X, G, X) is reflexive, (X, С, X) is the strong dual of (Xz, G', /3(Х', X)) so, by theorem (11.16) again, (X, G, X) is a locally convex Riesz space, consequently X is a locally solid topology. Finally, in view of theorem (14.1), X is complete for Og(X, %') an(^ als0 for X. Theorem (14.1) leads to the following characterizations of reflexivity for locally convex Riesz spaces. (14.6) Theorem. For any locally convex Riesz space (X, G, X) with the topological dual X’, the reflexivity of (X, С, X) is equivalent to the following three conditions:
176 REFLEXIVITY FOR LOCALLY CONVEX RIESZ SPACES (a) is the Mackey topology т(Х, X'}; (b) if ur J, 0 in X then uT converges to 0 with respect to fi(X, X'), and if fr J, 0 in X' thenfT converges to 0 with respect to [}(X', X); (с) (X, С, а(Х, X')) and (X', C, &(X', X)) are boundedly order- complete. (Remark. The statement that if uT | 0 in X then ur converges to 0 with respect to fi(X, X') in theorem (14.6)(b) can be replaced by one of (a)-(g) of theorem (13.1); similarly for the statement that if/r | 0 in X' thcn/r converges to 0 with respect to f3(X', X) in theorem (14.6)(b). Also the statement that (X, С, a(X, X')) is boundedly order-complete in theorem (14.6)(c) is equivalent to each of (a)-(e) of theorem (13.9), and there is a similar equivalence for the statement that (X', C'cfX', X)) is boundedly order-complete in theorem (14.6)(c).) Proof. It is well known that (X, C, tP) is reflexive if and only if is т(Х, X') and both (X, С, a(X, X')) and (X', O', /3(Х', X)) are semi- reflexive. Then the necessity follows from theorems (14.1), (13.5), and (13.1) and & — (3(X, X'). Conversely, if uT 0 in X, then uT must converge to 0 with respect to SP since & is, in general, coarser than fi(X, X') and hence (X, О, а(Х, X')) is semi-reflexive in view of theorems (13.9) and (13.1); on the other hand, because of corollary (13.10) and the fact that X" - X £ (X')b, (X', O', ft(X', X)) must be semi-reflexive. Therefore (X, C, ^) is reflexive, and the proof is complete. Let (E1; Ef) be a dual pair. Recall that Et is said to be semi-reflexive with respect to E2 if Ek — (E2> fl(E2> Ef))' and that the dual pair (E1} Ef) is said to be reflexive if Er is semi-reflexive with respect to E2 and E2 is semi-reflexive with respect to E3. For further information about the reflexivity of a dual pair, we refer the reader to Kothe (1969). (14.7) Proposition. For any Riesz space (X, C), if Xb is total over X then X is semi-reflexive with respect to Xb if and only if the following two conditions hold: (a) X is perfect; (b) iffr J, 0 in Xb thenfT converges to 0 with respect to /3(Xb, X). Proof. Since Xb is a normal subspace of Xb, it follows from corollary (6.5) that Xb = (X, 0, crs(X, Xb))'. Therefore the semi- reflexivity of X with respect to XJ( is equivalent to the semi-reflexivity
REFLEXIVITY FOR LOCALLY CONVEX RIESZ SPACES 177 of (X, C, o*s(X, X^)), and this is the case if and only if X is complete for tfs(X, 1ц) and (X^, fi(X^ X))' c consequently the result now follows from theorem (13.1) and corollary (13.13). Remark. The condition (a) in proposition (14.7) can be replaced by one of (a)-(f) of corollary (13.13), and the condition (b) in proposition (14.7) is equivalent to each of (a)-(g) of theorem (13.1). (14.8) Corollary. For any Riesz space (X, C), if X^ is total over X, then the dual pair {X, X^) is reflexive if and only if the following two conditions hold: (a) X is perfect; (b) if ur [ 0 in X then ur converges to 0 with respect to fi(X, X^) and if fT I 0 in Хд thenfT converges to 0 with respect to fi(X\, X). Proof. The necessity is obvious. To prove the sufficiency, we first note that the perfectness of X^ is a direct consequence of the perfectness of X and so, by proposition (14.7), X^ is also semi-reflexive with respect to X. Consequently the dual pair (X, X£) is reflexive.
15 BORNOLOGICAL AND INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES The remaining four chapters of this book are devoted to studying some important classes of locally convex Riesz spaces and their relationship. Let (E, ^) be a locally convex space. Recall that (E, tP) is bornological if each convex circled subset of E which absorbs all ^-bounded subsets of E is a ^-neighbourhood of 0, (X, is barrelled if each barrel in E is a ^-neighbourhood of 0, and that (E, tP) is infrabarrelled if each barrel in E which absorbs all ^-bounded subsets of E is a ^-neighbour- hood of 0. Clearly bornological spaces and barrelled spaces are infra- barrelled. A locally convex Riesz space (X, C, ^) is called a bornological Riesz space if (X, ^) is bornological; it is called an infrabarrelled Riesz space if (X, ^) is infrabarrelled. It is known from proposition (11.2)(c) that if SP is a locally solid topology on (X, C) then the solid hull of each ^-bounded subset of X is ^-bounded. Therefore the question arises naturally whether the converse of proposition (11.2)(c) is true, namely: If & is a locally convex topology on (X, (7) such that the solid hull of each ^-bounded set in E is ^-bounded, is & a locally solid topology? Example (3.15) shows that the answer to the above question is, in general, negative. However, we have the following theorem. (15.1) Theorem. Let 3? be a locally convex topology on (X, C}such that (X, ^) is bornological. If the solid hull of each Abounded subset of X is ^-bounded, then SP is a locally solid topology. Proof. We first note that each order-bounded subset of X is ^-bounded because C is generating and the solid hull of each и e C is [— u, u]. Let be a neighbourhood-base at 0 for tP consisting of convex and circled sets in X, and suppose that = {sk(F):Fe^Z}, where sk(F) is the solid kernel of V. In view of proposition (10.5)(d), each sk(F) absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X, and is certainly absorbing. On the other hand, it is easily seen that sk(ZF) = A sk(F)
INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES 179 л v’ sk(F) n sk(lF) - sk(F n W), and that sk(JF) £ sk(F) whenever W £ V. There exists a unique locally solid topology, ЗГ say, on X such that is a neighbourhood-base at 0 for ЗГ. Clearly ST is the greatest lower bound of all locally solid topologies on X which are liner than 33. We now claim that any ^-bounded subset of X is ^-bounded. In fact, let A be a ^-bounded subset of X. Then A is contained in a solid ^-bounded subset В of X. For this B, there exists F in such that В £ nV for some natural number n. Since В is solid and sk(F) is the largest solid subset of F under the inclusion, it follows that A £ В c n sk(F) for this n, This shows that A is ^"-bounded. Finally, since (X, 33) is bornological or, equivalently, no strictly finer locally convex topology on X has the same topologically bounded sets, we conclude that 3? and 3F coincide, and hence that is locally solid. This completes the proof. (15.2) Corollary. Let 33 be a locally convex topology on {X, C), and let Xtb be the topologically bounded dual of (X, ^). If the solid hull of each ^-bounded subset of X is 33-bounded then the Mackey topology t(X, Xtb) is a locally solid topology on X. In particular, the bornological space associated with a locally convex Biesz space is always a locally convex Biesz space. Proof. Since the locally convex topologies 33 and t(X, Xtb) have the same topologically bounded sets in X, it follows that the solid hull of each r(X, Xtb)-bounded subset of X is r(X, Xtb)-bounded, and hence the result follows from theorem (15.1), A semi-norm p on an ordered topological vector space is said to be topologically bounded if it sends every topologically bounded set to a bounded set; it is said to be order-bounded if it sends every order-bounded set to a bounded set. In terms of the order structure, we are able to give some characterizations of bornological Riesz spaces as follows. (15.3) Proposition. For any locally convex B,iesz space (X, G, 33) the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, G, 33) is bornological; (b) each decomposable circled convex set in X which absorbs all 33- bounded subsets of X is a 33-neighbourhood of 0;
180 BORNOLOGICAL AND (c) each circled o-convex set in X which absorbs all tP-bounded subsets of X is a tP-neighbourhood of 0; (d) each convex solid set in X which absorbs all ^-bounded subsets of X is a ^-neighbourhood of 0; (e) each topologically bounded, Riesz semi-norm p on X is -con- tinuous. (Remark. Before giving the proof of this proposition, we note that, since О is a strict ^-cone in (X, tP), a subset В of X absorbs all ^-bounded subsets of X if and only if it absorbs all positive ^-bounded sets in X, therefore, in the statements (b), (c), and (d) of the proposition, ‘^-bounded subsets of X’ may be replaced by ‘positive ^-bounded subsets of X’.) Proof. The implication (a) (b) is trivial. It is noted that for any convex circled set V in X, co( — (V П С) U (V П (7)) is a decompos- able subset of X for which co(-(F Л С) и (V n C)) s V, aild C n {co( —(F П С) и (V Л О))} - V П C. It then follows that (b) implies (c). Suppose that V is a convex and solid subset of X and that W is the order-convex hull of B, i.e. W = (BXC) n (B-C), where В - co(-(F n (7) и (F n (7)). Then IFnC'-FnC'- В П (7, W £ 2F and IF is o-convex and circled; consequently Fabsorbs all ^-bounded subsets of X if and only if IF absorbs all ^-bounded subsets of X since C is a strict ^-cone in (X, &); consequently (c) implies (d). Since a subset F of X absorbs each ^-bounded set in X if and only if the solid kernel sk( F) of F absorbs all ^-bounded sets in X, it follows that (d) implies (a). Observe that the implication (d) => (e) follows from the fact that W = {x eX:p(x) < 1} is a convex solid subset of X which absorbs all ^-bounded subsets of X. Finally, since the gauge of a convex, solid, and absorbing subset of X must be a Riesz semi-norm, then (e) implies (d). Therefore the proof is complete. It is well known that subspaces of a bornological, locally convex space are, in general, not bornological with respect to the relative topology. But the following result shows that any Z-ideal in a borno- logical Riesz space must be bornological with respect to the relative topology.
INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES 181 (15.4) Corollaby. Any d-ideal in a bornological Riesz space is bornological with respect to the relative topology. Proof. Let J be an /-ideal in a bornological Riesz space (X, C, ,P), and let V be a convex solid subset of J which absorbs all ^-bounded subsets of J. In view of the preceding proposition, we have only to show that V is a neighbourhood of 0 in the subspace J. Let U - {xeX:y e V whenever 0 < у < |ж| and у e J}. Then U is a convex solid set in X such that U П J = V. Further, U absorbs all ^-bounded subsets В of X. To verify this, we may assume without loss of generality that В is solid. Now, if В Ф nU for each positive integer n, then there exists bnG В such that bn fnU. Hence there is yn e J with 0 < yn < \bn^n\ such that yn ф V. Since В is solid, the set {nyn}f^ is contained in В П J, but fails to be absorbed by V, contrary to our assumption on V. Therefore U must absorb all tP- bounded sets in X. Since X is bornological, it follows that U is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in X. Since V — TJ C\ J, V is a neighbourhood of 0 in J with respect to the relative topology. Similar to the case of bornological spaces, we shall show that each bornological Riesz space is the inductive limit of a family of normed Riesz spaces with respect to /-homomorphisms. (15.5) Proposition. Every bornological Riesz space (X, C, ^) is the inductive limit of a family of normed Riesz spaces (and of В-lattices if X is guasi-complete for IP} with respect to ^-homomorphisms; the cardinality of this family can be so chosen as the cardinality of any fundamental system of tP-bounded sets in X. Proof. Let Ad denote the family of all ^-bounded, convex, solid, and ^-closed sets in X. According to propositions (11.2) and (11.3), Ad is a fundamental system of the family consisting of all ^-bounded subsets of X. For each В g Ad, suppose that XB = (J nB and that n pB is the gauge of В on XB. Since В is solid and convex, XB is an /-ideal in X, and pB is a Riesz semi-norm on XB. Observe that the relative topology on XB induced by A? is coarser than the semi-norm topology pB\ it follows that (XB, CB, pB) is a normed Riesz space, where CB = C Oi XB. Obviously each injection jB of XB into X is an /- homomorphism, and X — U {XB-.B g Ad}. By a well-known result (cf. 13
182 BORNOLOGICAL AND Schaefer (1966)), & is the inductive topology with respect to the families {(XB, pB\.B e SS} and {jB’. В e ^}, therefore (X, G, ^) is the inductive limit of a family {(XB, GB, pB): В e of normed Riesz spaces with respect to /-homomorphisms {jB:B e F§}. This completes the proof. A subset V of a locally convex Riesz space (X, C, is called a solid barrel if it is ^-closed, convex, solid, and absorbing. It is known from proposition (11.3) that a barreJ V absorbs all ^-bounded subsets of X if and only if the solid barrel sk( F) absorbs all ^-bounded sets in X. This deduces the following characterization of infrabarrelled Riesz spaces. (15.6) Proposition. For any locally convex Biesz space (X, C, 01), the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, C, is infrabarrelled; (b) each solid barrel in X which absorbs all positive ^-bounded subsets of X is a ^-neighbourhood of 0; (c) each solid barrel in X which absorbs all tP-bounded subsets of X is a SP-neighbourhood of 0; (d) each topologically bounded lower semi-continuous Biesz semi-norm on X is IP-continuous; (e) each positive /?(X', Xfbounded subset of X' is S?-equicontinuous. The proof of this result is similar to that given in proposition (15.3) and will be left to the reader. (15.7) Corollary. Any P-ideal in an infrabarrelled Biesz space is infrabarrelled with respect to the relative topology. Proof. Let J be an /-ideal in an infrabarrelled Riesz space (X, G, and let Г be a solid barrel in the subspace J which absorbs all bounded subsets of J. Let U — {x e X:y e V whenever 0 < у < ja?| and у eJ}. As in the proof of corollary (15.4), U is a convex solid set in X such that F = V. П J and U absorbs all ^-bounded subsets of X. Further, U is ^-closed. In fact, let x e U and suppose that is a net in U which is ^-convergent to x. Let у eJ be such that 0 < у < ]ж|. Then 0 < у Л |ят| < |жт| g U and each у л |жт| е J since J is a /-ideal. By the definition of U, it follows that у Л |жт| e V. By the continuity of the
INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES 183 lattice operations, we conclude that у К [жг| converges to у Л |«| = у, hence у е V = V. This shows that х g U and hence that U is ^-closed. Therefore U is a solid barrel in X which absorbs all ^-bounded sets in X. Hence U is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in X. Consequently, V = U И J is a neighbourhood of 0 in the subspace J. This implies that J is infrabarrelled. It should be noted that the quotient Riesz space and the locally convex direct sum of infrabarrelled Riesz spaces are infrabarrclled; the quotient Riesz space and the locally convex direct sum of borno- logical Riesz spaces are bornological. Combining propositions (15.3) and (15.6) we have the following result. (15.8) Proposition. Let (X, (7, ^) be an infrabarrelled Riesz space. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, G, is bornological; (b) each topologically bounded monotonic semi-norm on X is lower semi-continuous; (c) each topologically bounded Riesz semi-norm on X is lower semi- continuous. It is known from proposition (7.1) that if is the order-bound topology on (X, G) then (X, C, ^b) is bornological. The question naturally arises whether the topology on a bornological Riesz space is necessarily the order-bound topology. The following example gives a negative answer. (15.9) Example. Let X be the Banach space of all continuous real- valued functions on [0, 1] with, the supremum norm defined by ||«j| = max{|ir(i)j :le[0, 1]} and let G = {x g X ;x(t) > 0 for all t e [0, 1]}. Then (X, G, ||. ||) is a Banach lattice. Suppose that J is the vector subspace consisting of all elements ж in X which vanish in a neighbour- hood (depending on x) of t = 0, and that Cr = G П J. Then J is an /-ideal in X, and (J, Cr, ||. [|) is a normed Riesz space and a fortiori a bornological Riesz space. Let V — {x eJ-.n |.r(rr<)| < 1 for all natural numbers n > 1}. Then V has the following properties: (a) V is not a ||. ||-neighbourhood of 0 in J; (b) V is a solid barrel in (J, Cr, ||. ||).
184 BORNOLOGICAL AND In fact, in order to verify the assertion (a), it is sufficient to show that for any natural number R > 1, there exists xR in J with ||жл|| < 1/7? such that xR ф V; it then follows that 0 is not an interior point of 7; consequently V is not a ||. ||-neighbourhood of 0. Consider two closed disjoint subsets [0, 1/47?] and [l/(7? + l), 1] of [0, 1]; by Urysohn’s lemma, there exists a continuous real-valued function, xR say, on [0, 1] with range in [0, 1/7?] such, that xR(t) = 0 (t g [0, 1/47?]) and xR(t) --= 1/7? (t e {1/(7? +1), 1]). Clearly xR gJ and ||+j| < 1/7?. On the other hand, since / I 1 1 ж+7?+1/ = R > 7?+“l ’ it follows that xR ф V. This proves our assertion (a). It is easily seen that V is convex and ]. |[-closed. Let x be in J, and lot with 0 < oq. < 1 be such that x(t) — 0 for all t g [0, аж]. If we choose 2 = ||ж||-1, then 2.x eV, and so V is absorbing. It remains to show that V is solid. Let x belong to V, and let у in J be such that |?/| < ]ж|. It follows from n l+v1)! < < 1 that у e V, and hence that V is solid. This proves the second assertion. Finally since a solid set is absorbing if and only if it absorbs all order- bounded sets, this fact implies that V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in Js and hence from (a) that the norm, topology on J is not the order-bound topology ^b. We are now in a position to establish some necessary and sufficient conditions for the topology on a bornological Riesz space to be the order-bound topology. (15.10) Proposition. For any bornological Riesz space (X, G, &), the following statements are equivalent: (a) tF coincides with the order-bound topology (b) each order -bounded semi-norm on X is topologically bounded; (c) each monotone semi-norm on X is topologically bounded; (d) each Riesz semi-norm on X is topologically bounded; (e) each positive o(Xb, Xfbounded subset of Xb is tF-equicontinuous. Proof. The implications (b) => (c) => (d) are clear. If p is an order- bounded semi-norm on X, then the semi-norm p, defined by p(x) = sup{p(?/):0 < у < И}, (ж gX),
TNFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES 185 is a Riesz semi-norm on X for which p(x) < 2p(x) for all x g X. There- fore, if the statement (d) holds then each order-bounded semi-norm on X must be topologically bounded; consequently the statements (b), (c), and (d) are equivalent. On the other hand, if the statement (e) holds, then Xb = X' and so = r(X, Xb) because (X, 0, SP) is bornological; thus (e) implies (a). It remains for us to verify the implications (a) => (b) (e). For any order-bounded semi-norm q on X, the set V =- {ж eX:q(x) < 1} is convex, circled, and also absorbs all order- bounded subsets of X. Now if SP = ^b, then V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0, hence q is ^-continuous, and a fortiori topologically bounded, therefore (a) implies (b). (b) => (e): Let В be a positive cr(Xb, X)-bounded subset of Xb and V = {жеХ:/(|ж|) < 1 for all f e B}. Then V is a solid convex and absorbing set in X, and hence absorbs all order-bounded sets in X. By (b), it follows easily that V absorbs all topologically bounded subsets of X and hence must be a ^-neighbour- hood of 0 since is bornological. Corollary (15.2) leads naturally to the following question: Under what conditions is the order-bound topology on a locally convex Riesz space (X, C, S?} the topology on the bornological space associated with (X, C, SP) ? By using the preceding result, we are able to give an answer as follows. (15.11) Corollary. Let (X, C, SP} be a locally convex Riesz space with the topologically bounded dual Xtb. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) Xtb : Xb; (b) r(X, Xtb) is the order-bound topology gP^ on X; (c) each order-bounded semi-norm on X is topologically bounded; (d) each monotone semi-norm on X is topologically bounded; (e) each Riesz semi-norm on X is topologically bounded; (f) each positive <г(Хь, Xfbounded subset of Xb is r(X, X^fequi- continuous. Proof. It should be noted that (X, C, t(X, Xtb)) is a bornological Riesz space by corollary (15.2), and that the locally solid topologies £P and r(X, Xtb) have the same topologically bounded sets. Therefore the result follows immediately from the preceding proposition.
186 INFRABARRELLED RIESZSPACES (15.12) Corollary. Let (X, (7, be a locally convex Riesz space with the topologically bounded dual Xtb. If each increasing tP-Cauchy sequence in X has an upper bound {in particular, if X is monotonically sequentially tP-complete), then Xtb = Xb. If, in addition, {X, SP) is bornological then S? is the order-bound topology. Proof. If p is a Riesz semi-norm on X which, is not topologically bounded, then there exists a positive, ^-bounded, convex subset В of X such that 0 g В and p{wn) > 22n for all n > 1, where wn g B. It is n clear that 2 2~fcw7c is an increasing ^-Cauchy sequence in X; and so n there exists w g X such that 2~kwk < w. We now conclude from p(w) > 2~np(wn) > 2n for all n > 1 that p is not bounded on the order-interval [0, w], which gives a contradiction. Therefore, in view of corollary (15.11), Xtb = Xb, and the proof is complete.
16 THE STRUCTURE OF ORDER» INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES AND ITS SIMPLEST PROPERTIES It is known, that a locally convex space equipped with the finest locally convex topology is barrelled, and that the order-bound topology on a Riesz space is the finest locally solid topology. This suggests the following question: If <^b is the order-bound topology on (X, G), is (X, С, ^b) barrelled ? Unfortunately the following example shows that a locally convex Riesz space, equipped with the order-bound topology, may not be barrelled. (16,1) Example. Let be the Banach lattice of all bounded real sequences, with the pointwise ordering and the supremum-norm ||.||. For n = 1, 2,... let en be the sequence having 1 in the mth coordinate and 0 elsewhere. The subspace Eo of generated by the en consists of all finite sequences. Let e be the sequence having 1 in every coordinate, and let E - {x+Xe\x gX0, A g R}, with the supremum-norm ||. || and the ordering inherited from . Then E is an order-unit normed space with order unit e, and so the norm topology ||. [| is the order-bound topology. Also it is easily seen that E is a Riesz space. We show that E is not barrelled. Let 70 = {(cq, a2,...) eX0:|uJ < 1/n for each n}, and let V - {x + Ae-.x g Fo, |A| < 1}. Then Fo is a relatively closed, convex, circled, and absorbing subset of Eo, and contains (l/%)eK for all n. Since [ — 1,1] is a compact subset of R, it follows that V is a barrel in E. We show that V is not a ||. ||-neigh- bourhood of 0 in E. Let e > 0. Choose a positive integer m such that llm < e and put Then || у || = 8. We claim that у ф V; suppose not, there exists x g Vo and A e [ — 1, 1] such that у = x-J-Ле. Since x = eew —eem+1—Ae g Fo
188 THE STRUCTURE OF ORDER-INFRABARRELLED by considering the ?nth and (wH-l)th coordinates of x, we have 1 1 18 — ЛI '— I — s — I —— < m m 1 It then, follows that । । £ < ~ —+—~v) < — , 2 \m m +1/ m contrary to the choice of m. This shows that у ф V. Since ||?/|| = e and since s is arbitrary, it follows that V is not a (|. || -neighbourhood of 0 in E. Therefore, E is not barrelled. (16.2) Definition. A locally convex Riesz space (X, C, (?) is called an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space if each barrel in (X, ^) which absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. It should be noted that if (X, C, I?) is a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X' and if us(X', X) is the locally solid topology on X' associated with u(X', X), then <rs(X', X) is coarser than the strong topology fi(X', X) because each order-bounded subset of X is ^f- bounded; consequently each /3(X', X)-bounded subset of X' is as(Xf, X)-bounded. (16.3) Theorem. Let (X, C, (?) be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, C, (?) is order-infrabarrelled; (b) each solid barrel in (X, C, (?) is a (?-neighbourhood of 0; (c) every order-bounded, lower semi-continuous semi-norm on X is (?-continuous; (d) every lower semi-continuous Riesz semi-norm on X is (?-continuous; (e) each barrel in (X, (?) which absorbs all relative uniform null- sequences in X is a (?-neighbourhood of 0; (f) each a3(X', X)-bounded subset of X' is (?-equicontinuous; (g) each positive c^X', X)-bounded subset of X' is (?-equicontinuous. Proof, A semi-norm p on X is order-bounded and lower semi- continuous if and only if the set V ~{xe X:p(x) < 1} is a barrel in (X, C, (?) which absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X; this means that (a) and (c) are equivalent. A semi-norm q on X is a lower semi- continuous Riesz semi-norm if and only if the set U = [xeX: q(x) < 1} is a solid barrel in (X, C, (?); it then follows that (b) and (d) are
RIESZ SPACES AND ITS SIMPLEST PROPERTIES 189 equivalent. On the other hand, a subset W of X is a barrel in (X, G, hP) which absorbs all order-bounded sets in X if and only if the polar W° of W, taken in X', is од(Х', X)-bounded, therefore (a) is equivalent to (f). Observe that O' is a strict ^-cone in (X', crs(X', X)) and that each positive a(X', X)-bounded subset of X' is од(Х', X)-bounded; it then follows that (f) and (g) are equivalent. It is known from lemma (7.2) that a barrel in (X, (7, ^) absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X if and only if it absorbs all relative uniform null-sequences in X, then (a) is equivalent to (e). It is clear that (a) implies (b); we therefore complete the proof by showing that (b) implies (a). Let W be any barrel in (X, C, which absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X. By making use of proposition (11.3), the solid kernel sk(PF) of W is a solid barrel in (X, C, £P), hence sk(lF) is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 by the statement (b), and therefore IF is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 ; consequently (X, C, is ordcr-infrabarrelled. For any locally convex Riesz space (X, C, A#), /?|ff|(X, X') denotes the topology on X which is determined by the family {B°:B is a8(X', X)-bounded}, where jB° is the polar of B, taken in X. It is clear that & is coarser than (16.4) Coeollary. A locally convex Riesz space (X, G, ^) is order- infrabarrelled if and only if & coincides with p\afX, X'), and this is the case if and only if & is the topology of uniform convergence on the convex, solid, crs(X', Xfbounded sets in X'. Proof. This follows from theorem (16.3). (16.5) Corollary, For any order-infrabarrelled Riesz space (X, C, the dual cone O' of C is a strict &-cone in (X', a(X', X)) if and only if it is a Sd-cone in (X', a(X', X)). Proof. By making use of theorem (16.3), each positive a(X', X)- bounded subset of X' is ^-equicontinuous, the result now follows from proposition (4.8). A locally convex Riesz space (X, C, tP) is called a barrelled Riesz space if the locally convex space (X, hP) is barrelled. The following result gives many examples of order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces. 14
190 THE STRUCTURE OF ORDER-INFRABARRELLED (16.6) Corollary. Barrelled Riesz spaces are order-infrabarrelled, and order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces are infrabarrelled. Further, a locally convex Riesz space equipped with the order-bound topology is always order-infrabarrelled. Example (15.9) shows that a bornological Riesz space, and hence an infrabarrelled Riesz space is, in general, not order-infrabarrelled; while example (16.1) indicates that the class of all barrelled Riesz space is properly contained in the class of all order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces. Now the topology of an order-infrabarrelled Riesz is the topology of a bornological Riesz space, as Nachbin (1954) and Shirota (1954) have shown. Before giving other characterizations for which a locally convex Riesz space is order-infrabarrelled, we require the following notation: let (X, C, be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X' and let X^ = (X', С', o8(X', X))'. It is known from, corollary (6.5) that X'^ is the Aideal in (X')b generated by X. If we define the mapping of X into X^ by putting («)(/) = /И for ah f in X' and if is the positive cone in Xj" j consisting of all positive crs(X', X)- continuous linear functionals on X', then is an injective ^-homo- morphism of (X, C) into (X|"|, C^j). Moreover, is a relative open mapping of (X, C, into (X|" (, /3(X"ffj, X')); namely, for any circled convex ^-neighbourhood V of 0, Т^^Е) is a relative neighbour- hood of 0 in J|ffl(X) induced by (3(X”a\, X'). (16.7) Theorem. For any locally convex Riesz space (X, C, ^), the /-homomorphism of (X, C, into (X|"|, Cp.|, /?(Х|"|, X')) is continuous if and only if (X, C, is an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space. Proof. Let В be any од(Х', X)-bounded set in X'. Then the polar ,B0(X|^|) of B, taken in X"ff|, is а /S(X|"(, X')-neighbourhood of 0 in X|" |. If e|ff| is continuous, then e^(B°(X|" |)) is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in X. If B° denotes the polar of B, taken in X, it follows from e^(.B0(Xf;,)) = B« that В is ^-equicontinuous; and hence from theorem. (16.3) (X, С, is order-infrabarrelled.
RIESZ SPACES AND ITS SIMPLEST PROPERTIES 191 Conversely, let F" be any f(X'^p X')-neighbourhood of 0 in X"CTp and let В be a (7S(X', X)-bounded subset of X' such that B°(X^|) Q V", where B0(Xj" |) is the polar of B, taken in X^. Since (X, C, X} is order- infrabarrelled then, in view of theorem (16.3), В is X-equicontinuous, and so the polar B° of B, taken in X, is a ^-neighbourhood of 0. The continuity of e^i follows from e|ff|(B<>) В°ВД П си(Х) and w = n Therefore the proof is complete. Since X"ff| is the /-ideal in (X')to generated by X, it follows from theorem (13.1) that X^ is the order-completion of X if and only if X' £ Xl (16.8) Corollary. For any locally convex Biesz space (X, С, X), the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, C, X) and (X|"p C”a^ f{X'^, X')) are topologically isomorphic and ^-isomorphic under the mapping e^p- (b) (X, (7, X) is an order-infrabarrelled order-complete Biesz space and X' £ Xj(. Proof. (b)=>(a): ejfr| is certainly an /-isomorphism and an open mapping from (X, C, X) onto the subspace е^(Х) of (Xfffp Cfffp piX^, X')). Further, by (b), ep|(X) is order-complete, and hence coincides with its order-completion X^ (the condition X' £ Xj( is used here (cf. theorem (13.1)). In other words, eiffj is onto X^. Finally, since X is order- infrabarrelled, it follows from theorem (16.7) that is continuous and consequently topologically isomorphic to ©^[(X) = X"^. In view of theorems (13.1) and (16.7), the implication (a) (b) is trivial. In order to give another characterization of order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces in terms of the closed-graph theorem, we recall the follow- ing well-known terminology: If (E, and (F, X) are topological vector spaces and if T is a linear mapping of E into F, then T is said to be nearly continuous if, for each X-neighbourhood U of 0 in F, the ^-closure T~1(U’) of T“1(U') is aX-neighbourhood of 0 in В; T is said to be nearly open if T(F) is an X-neighbourhood of 0 in F whenever F
192 THE STRUCTURE OF ORDER-INERABARRELLED is a ^“-neighbourhood of 0 in E, for each ^/-neighbourhood U of 0 in F. A locally convex space (E, hF} is said to be fully complete (or В-complete, a Ptak space} if a subspace Q of E' is o(E', Enclosed whenever Q П A is o‘(E', Enclosed in A for each ^-equicontinuous subset A of E'. It is well known that every Frechet space is a Ptak space. (16.9) Theorem. A locally convex Biesz, space (X, C, &} is order- infrabarrelled if and only if for any Ptak space (F, hF} the following statement holds: if T is a linear mapping of X into F such that (a) T is order-bounded and (b) the graph of T is closed then T is continuous. Proof. Suppose that T is order-bounded and that V is a circled convex «У-neighbourhood of 0 in F. Then T~ \ V) is a barrel in (X, C, F} which absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X, hence T is nearly continuous provided, that (X, C, F} is order-infrabarrelled, and so the necessity follows from a well-known result due to Ptak (cf. Robertson and Robertson (1964, p. 115)). Conversely, let IF be a solid barrel in (X, C, &}, p the gauge of IF, and let J = jp ^(O). Then p is a lower semi-continuous (Riesz) semi- norm on (X, F}, thus J is a ^-closed subspace of X (in fact, J is a ^-closed /-ideal in X), consequently (X/J, p} is a normed vector space. Let (У, p} denote the completion of (X/J, p}, and let ф be the quotient mapping of (X, C, SF) into (X/J,p}. If В is any order-bounded subset of X, there exists Я > 0 such that p(b} < Я for all b g B, it then follows that ф is an order-bounded linear mapping of X into (У, p}. By the following lemma (16.10), ф has a closed graph. Hence, in view of the hypothesis of the sufficiency, ф is continuous. In particular, </>"x(S) is a neighbourhood of 0 in (X, F), where 2 - {?/ e У $(&} < !}• Notice that ^>~1(S) s W; thus IF must be a neighbourhood of 0 in (X, F}. This shows that (X, C, F} is order-infrabarrelled. (16.10) Lemma. Let p be a lower semi-continuous semi-norm on a locally convex space (E, FT}, let (F, p) denote the completion of the normed space (Е/^"х(0), p}, and let ф be the quotient mapping of (E, FT} onto (Elp-^Q), p}. Then the graph of ф is closed (with respect to the product topology of ST and the norm topology p).
RIESZ SPACES AND ITS SIMPLEST PROPERTIES 193 Proof. Suppose that xT converges to x in (E, and that ф(хт) converges to у in (F, p). Then, for any s > 0, there exists x' eE such that р(у — ф(х')) < e/2. The lower semi-continuity of p with respect to ST and the contin uity of p with respect to the norm topology on F show фЬ,ф\:с)---ф{х'У) --p(x-x') < lim inf_p(a?r—«') - lim inf р(ф(хт)-ф(х')) =- р(у-ф(х')У We conclude from р(?/-/(ж)) < р(у-ф(х'))-\-р(ф(х')-ф{х)) < £ that у = ф(х), and hence that the graph of ф is closed. This completes the proof. It should be noted that if in theorem (16.9) we omit (b), we obtain a characterization for to be the order-bound topology (cf. corollary (7.4)), while if we omit (a) and keep (b), we obtain a characterization of barrelled Riesz spaces, in view of lemma (16.10). We conclude this chapter with a result about the topological dual of order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces. (16.11) Theorem, For any order-infrabarrelled Biesz space (X, C, ^), the topological dual X' of X is a normal subspace of Хъ; consequently X' is complete for оё(Х', X) and also for fl(X', X). Further, (X', C, fl(X', X)) is boundedly order-complete. Proof. Let fT in C be such that fr ] f in Xb for some f 6 Xb. It is required to show that/belongs to X'. Observe that f(u) = sup/(ад) for any и in C. It follows that {/} is tf^X', X)-bounded, and hence from theorem (16.3) that {fT} is an ^-equicontinuous subset of X'. In view of the Alaoglu- Bourbaki theorem, {/} has a o(X', X)-cluster point, say g, in X'. Since /f and since C is o(X.', X)-closed, it follows that/ f g, and hence from fT]f that g = / Therefore f g X/ and X' must be a normal subspace of Xb. The completeness of X' for crs(X', X) and also for fi(X', X) is then a direct consequence of corollary (13.10) and proposition (13.17), and the bounded order-completeness of (X', С", /(X', X)) follows from theorem (11.16) because (X, C, 0s) must be infrabarrelled.
PERMANENCE PROPERTIES OF ORDER-INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES We have seen from corollaries (15.4) and (15.7) that /-ideals in a bornological Riesz space are also bornological with respect to the relative topology, and those in an infrabarrelled Riesz space are infrabarrelled with respect to the relative topology; but example (15.9) shows that this is not true for barrelled and order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces. We shall see below that if there are some additional conditions about some sort of completeness, then the hereditary property is still satisfied for barrelled and order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces. We recall that an /-ideal J in a Riesz space (X, C) is a u-normal subspace of X if it follows from 0 < un j и in X with u^eJ for all natural numbers n that и e J. (17.1) Theorem. Let (X, C, be an order-infrabarrelled, a-order- complete Riesz space, and let J be a o-normal subspace of X. Then J is order-infrabarrelled with respect to the relative topology. Proof. Let V be a solid barrel in the subspace J and suppose that U — {ж e X: у eV whenever 0 < у < |ж( and у eJ}. Then U is a ^-closed convex solid set in X such that U ГУ J = V. Further, U must be absorbing in X. Otherwise, there exists an element x of C which fails to be absorbed by U. Hence, for each positive integer 1 n, there exists ynEJ such that 0 < yn < - % but yn ф V. By the n m-order-completeness of X, у = sup{n7/w:n = 1, 2,...} exists in X. Since J is a cr-normal subspace of X, it is clear that у e J. Thus {nyff^ is contained in the order-interval [0, y\ in J and is not absorbed by V; this is absurd since F is a solid barrel in J. The contradition established shows that U absorbs every element in X; hence U is a solid barrel in X. Since (X, C, 0s) is order-infrabarrelled, U must then be a neighbour- hood of 0 in (X, ^). Since V = U ГУ J, it follows that F is a neighbour- hood of 0 in the subspace J. This shows that J is order-infrabarrelled in its own right.
ORDER-INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES 195 (17.2) Proposition. Let (X, C, 3?) and (Y, K, be locally convex Riesz spaces, and let T be a positive continuous linear mapping of X into Y. If (X, C, is order-infrabarrelled and if T is nearly open then (У, K, is order-infrabarrelled. Proof. Let V be any barrel in (Y, K, ЗР} which absorbs all order- bounded subsets of Y. Then T“1( J7) is a barrel in (X, C, ^) and absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X, so is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in X; the near-openess of T implies that the ^-closure T(T-1(I7)) of У(/Г^1('У)) is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in У. We conclude from V ~-= V that V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in У. Therefore (Y, K, 3") is an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space. As a special case of the preceding result we have the following corollary. (17.3) Corollary. Let (X, C, ^) be an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space, and let J be a ^-closed I-ideal in X. Then the quotient Riesz space (X[J, ^j) is order-infrabarrelled. The property of being order-infrabarrelled is preserved under the formation of inductive topologies with respect to lattice homo- morphisms as the following result shows. (17.4) Proposition. Let (X, (?) be a Riesz space and let {{Xa,Ca, ^):аеГ} be a family of locally convex Riesz spaces. Suppose that Ta is an I- homomorphism of Xx into X (a <= Г), and that X is the linear hull of и{Тя(Хй): a e Г}. If 3? denotes the inductive topology on X with respect to {Xa} and {Ta}, and if each (Хй, Ca, 3?f} is order-infrabarrelled, then each solid barrel in (X, C, is a &-neighbourhood of 0. If, in addition, & is Hausdorff then (X, C, 3°) is order-infrabarrelled. Proof. Let V be any solid barrel in (X, C, 3й). Since each If is a continuous ^-homomorphism of (Xa, Ca, 3f) into (X, C, ^), it follows from proposition (10.24)(f) that IfffVf) is a solid barrel in (Хя, Ga, 3^) and hence that T“1(l7) is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in Хй. Consequently У is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in X.
196 PERMANENCE PROPERTIES OF (17.6) Corollary. The locally convex direct sum of a family of order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces is an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space. Proof. Follows from corollary (11.10) and the preceding result. It is worthwhile to remark that the quotient Riesz space and the locally convex direct sum. of barrelled Riesz spaces are barrelled. (17.6) Proposition. The completion of an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space is a barrelled Riesz space. Proof. Since order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces must be infra- barrelled and since, in view of proposition (11.6), the completion of a locally convex Riesz space is also a locally convex Riesz space, it follows from a well-known result that the completion of an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space is barrelled. (17.7) Proposition. Let (X, C, ^) and (F, K, be locally convex Riesz spaces and let T be a lattice homomorphism of X into Y. Then the following statements hold: (a) if (X, C, ^) is order-infrabarrelled then T is nearly continuous; (b) if (F, K, .Xj is order-infrabarrelled and if T is surjective then T is nearly open. Proof, (a) If V is any tX-closed, convex, solid -neighbourhood of 0 in F, then T”1(F) is a convex solid subset of X which absorbs all order-bounded subsets of X and hence, by proposition (11.3)(a), T~1(F) is a solid barrel in (X, C, X); consequently T-1(F) is a neighbourhood of 0 in X. Therefore T is nearly continuous. (b) Let U be a ^-closed convex solid ^-neighbourhood of 0 in X. Since T is surjective, it follows from proposition (10.24)(e) that T(U) is a convex, solid, and. absorbing subset of F, and hence that T(U) is a solid barrel in (F, К, «X). Therefore, in view of the hypothesis, T(17) is a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in F and so T is nearly open.
18 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BARRELLED, ORDER-INFRABARRELLED, AND INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES In Chapter 15 we have given some conditions for infrabarrelled Riesz spaces to be bornological and for the topology on bornological Riesz spaces to be the order-bound topology. It is known from corollary (16.6) that locally convex Riesz spaces equipped with the order-bound topology are order-infrabarrelled and, from the example constructed by Nachbin and Shirota, that the converse is, in general, not true; therefore the following question naturally arises: (1) Let (A, C, ^) be an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space. What condition on X (or X') is necessary and sufficient for the topology & to be the order-bound topology ? Since barrelled Riesz spaces are order-infrabarrelled, and since the example (16.1) shows that order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces are, in general, not barrelled, this leads to the following question: (2) What condition on X (or X') is necessary and sufficient for an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space (X, G, to be barrelled ? Also the class of order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces is properly con- tained in the class of infrabarrelled Riesz spaces, in view of corollary (16.6); therefore it is interesting for us to answer the following natural problem: (3) What condition on X (or X') is necessary and sufficient for an infrabarrelled Riesz space (X, C, to be order-infrabarrelled ? The last chapter of this book is devoted to answering these questions; we shall begin with a discussion of problems raised by question (1). (18.1) Theorem. For an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space (X, C, ^), the following statements are equivalent: (a) is the order-bound topology; (b) each order-bounded semi-norm on X is lower semi-continuous; (c) each monotone semi-norm on X is lower semi-continuous; (d) each Riesz semi-norm on X is lower semi-continuous; (e) each positive tr(Xb, Xf bounded subset of Xb is &-equicontinuous.
198 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BARRELLED, Proof. The implications (a) => (b) (c) => (d) are easy; wo prove the implications (d) (e) (a) as follows. Suppose that the statement (d) holds. We then show that Xb — X'. For any 0 < f e Xb, let pf(x) = /(И) for any x in X. Then pf is a Riesz semi-norm on. X, and. so pf is lower semi-continuous. Since (X, C, P) is order-infrabarrelled, it follows from theorem (16.3) that pf is ^-continuous. We conclude from {x eX'.pf(x} < 1} с {ж eX:\f(x)\ < 1} that/is ^-continuous, and hence that Xb = X'. On the other hand, if В is any positive <r(Xb, X)-bounded subset of Xb, then it is Ой(Хь, X)- bounded, and so В is ^-equicontinuous in view of theorem (16.3). Therefore (d) implies (e). If the statement (e) holds, then Xb = X' and P is the Mackey topology t(X, Xb). Hence ГР is the order-bound topology, consequently (e) implies (a). This completes the proof. It is known from example (16.9) that the relative topology on an. /-ideal induced by the order-bound topology need not be the order- bound topology. In the next result we give some sufficient conditions for this sort of hereditary property. (18.2) Proposition. Let (X,C, be an а-order-complete, locally convex Riesz space, and let J Ъе a cf-normal subspace of X. If tP is the order-bound topology then the relative topology on J induced by Pb is also the order-bound topology. Proof. Let V be a circled convex set in J which absorbs all order- bounded subsets of J. We have to show that V is a neighbourhood of 0 in the subspace J. We can assume without loss of generality that V is solid (if necessary, consider the solid kernel of F). Now, as in the proof of theorem (17.1), let U = {x g X: у gV whenever 0 < у < |ж| and у e J}. Then U is a convex, solid set in X such that U ГУ J — V. Further, since X is (У-order-complete and J is a tf-normal subspace, it follows from an argument given in the proof of theorem (17.1) that 17 must be absorbing. Consequently, U is a circled convex set in X which absorbs all order- bounded subsets of X; hence Г7 must be a ^-neighbourhood of 0 in (X, 7^) since ГР = Pb. Since V — U ГУ J, it then follows that V is a neighbourhood of 0 in the subspace J, as required to be shown.
ORDER-TNFR AB ARRELLED RIESZ SPACES 199 We are now in a position to deal with, the second question posed at the beginning of this chapter, namely: What condition on X (or X') is necessary and sufficient for order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces to be barrelled? We shall see that the concept of ^-cones as well as the geometric properties of solid sets play an important role in these considerations. (18.3) Theorem. Let (X, C, be an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space with the topological dual X'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, G, df is barrelled; (b) each lower semi-continuous semi-norm on X is order-bounded; (c) each lower semi-continuous semi-norm on X is dominated by a lower semi-continuous Riesz semi-norm defined on X; (d) O' is a dd-cone in (X', а(Х', X)); (e) the solid hull of each u(X', Xfbounded subset of X' is still cr(X'; X)- bounded. Proof. The implication (a) (b) follows from the fact that each order-bounded subset of X is ^-bounded and that each lower semi- continuous semi-norm on a barrelled space must be continuous. By making use of theorem (16.3), (c) implies (a). Suppose now that p is a lower semi-continuous semi-norm on X, and that the statement (b) holds. Bor each x in X, we define p(xj = sup{p(w)ffi < u < Ml- Since p is bounded on order-bounded sets in X, it follows that p is finite on X. It is clear that p is a Riesz semi-norm on X and that p{x} < 2р(ж) for all x g X. If we can show that p is lower semi-con- tinuous, then q = 2p is the required Riesz semi-norm. Suppose that xr converges to x in (X, and that p(xT) < p for all r and for some p > 0. For any s > 0, there exists и in X with 0 < и < |ж| such that p(u) > p(^) — 8. Suppose that uT = inf{iq then uT converges to и = inf {ад, |ж|} with respect to and 0 < ur < |«J. It follows from p(uT) < Р(хт) < У that p(u) < p because p is lower semi-continuous, and hence that p{x) < р(и)У-& < p-\-e. Therefore р(ж) < p, and so p is lower semi-continuous. This shows that (b) => (c); therefore state- ments (a), (b), and (c) are mutually equivalent. Note that a subset В of X' is ns(X\ X)-bounded if and only if SB is a(X', X)-bounded; hence by theorem (16.3), (a)o(e). Also it is trivial that (e) => (d). Conversely, suppose (d) holds. Then, by proposition (4.8), C must be a
200 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BARRELLED, strict <^-cone in (X', a(X', X)). Hence if В is a o'(X/, X)-boundcd subset of X/, then there exists an o-convex circled a(X', X)-bounded subset A of X' such that В с. А Л C' —A. C\ O'. Consequently the solid hull SB of В must be contained in 2 A. This shows in particular that SB is (/(X', X) bounded, and hence that (d) (e). Since a locally convex Riesz space equipped with the order-bound topology must be order-infrabarrelled, we record a simple consequence of the preceding theorem. (18.4) Corollaey. Let the order-bound dual Xb of a Riesz space (X, C) be total over X, and let be. the order-bound topology on X. Then (X, C, £Pb) is barrelled if and only if C* is a StLcone in (Xb, ^(Х1*, X)), i.e. if and only if the conditions in theorem (18.3) hold. Before giving another characterization for order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces to be barrelled, we need the following result. (18.5) Proposition. Let (X, C, be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X', and let X"^ = (Xх, O', crs(X', X))'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) each n(X', Xybounded subset of X' is a8(X', X)-bounded; (b) the topology fi(X, X') on X is the relative topology induced by ^(X|"|, X'), and the a(X', Xfclosure of each ffs(X', Xfbounded subset of X' is crs(X', Xybounded. Proof. (a)=>(b): Recall that the /3(X, X')-topology on X is the topology of uniform convergence on the family of all a(X', X)- bounded subsets of X', and that the relative fi(X"a\, X')-topology on X is the topology on X of uniform convergence on the family of all as(X', X)-bounded subsets of X'. By (a), = ^2; it follows that the two topologies (3(X, X') and relative /RX'^, X') must coincide on X. This proves the first assertion in (b). Further, the second assertion in (b) is a trivial consequence of (a). (b) (a): Let В be any a(X', X)-bounded set in X'. Then the polar B° of B, taken in X, is a j3(X, X'^neighbourhood of 0 in X, and it follows from (b) that there exists a circled convex crs(X', X)-bounded set A in X' such that A° = Л°(Х|" |) л X c B°, where JL° and H°(X|(r|) are the polars of A taken respectively in X and X^. Notice that В £ В00 £ Л00. In view of the bipolar theorem, J.00 is the <т(Х, X')- closure of A; it follows from (b) that Л00 is also и3(Х', X)-bounded, and a fortiori, В is us(X', X)-bounded.
ORDER-INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES 201 As a direct consequence of proposition (18.5), theorem (16.3), and of the well-known fact that a locally convex space (E, X') is barrelled if and only if each a{E', X)-bounded set in E' is ^-equicontinuous, we have (18.6) Corollary. Let (X, C, Tf be an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space. Then it is barrelled if and only if the topology fi(X, X') on X is the relative topology on X induced by fl(X”a|, X'} and the a{X', Xfclosure of each од(Х', Xfbounded subset of X' is <7S(X', Xfbounded, i.e. if and only if the conditions in theorem (18.3) hold. Let (X, С, TP) be a locally convex Biesz space, and let и be in C. It is easily seen that Xu ---= (J n[—u, w] is the Aideal in X generated by n u. If pu denotes the gauge of [ —u, u] on Xu and suppose that Cu — С П Xu, then (XM, Cu, pf is a normed Riesz space, и is an order- unit in Xu, pu is the order-unit norm, and hence the relative topology on Xu induced by T? is coarser than the norm topology pu. We shall see that the completeness of (Xu, pf is one of the sufficient conditions for order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces to be barrelled (proposition (18.8)), but the completeness of (Xu, pf can be characterized by the funda- mental u-order-completeness of (Xu, pf as shown in the following. (18.7) Lemma. For any locally convex Riesz space (X, C, TP) and for any и in C, the normed Riesz space (XM, Cu, pf is complete if and only if it is fundamentally a-order-complete. Proof. The necessity is clear. For the sufficiency, we note from theorem (8.9) that (XM, Cu,pf is monotonically sequentially complete; and hence, in view of theorem (8.8) (Xu, Gu, pf is complete. (18.8) Proposition. Eel (X, C, Tf be an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space. For any и g C, if Xu is complete for the normpu then (X, G, Tf is barrelled. Proof. Let F be any barrel in (X, C, Tf, and let В be any order- bounded. subset of X. There exists и in G such that В £ [— и, и]. Since Xu is complete for pu, then (XM, Cu, pf is barrelled. It is clear that F П Xu is a barrel in (Xu, Gu, pf since the relative topology on XM induced by T? is coarser than the norm topology pu. Consequently
202 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BARRELLED, V Ci Xu absorbs [~u, u]; in particular, V absorbs B. Therefore V is a ^-neighbourhood of 0, and thus (X, C, B) is barrelled. (18.9) Corollary. Let (X, C, ^) be an order-infrabarrelled Riesz space. If (X, C) is cr-order-complete then (Xu, Cu, pu) is complete for each и g C, consequently (X, G, IB) is barrelled. Proof. Let {wn} be an increasing ^U-Cauchy sequence in Xu. Then {wn} is a pw-bounded subset of Xu, there exists Л > 0 such that wn g Я[--u, u] for all natural numbers n. By the cr-order-completeness of (X, G), w - sup wn exists in X. Since Xu is an ^-ideal in X, we conclude from —Xu < w < Xu that w g X,, and hence that (X„, G,., pA is fundamentally cr-order-complete. The conclusions now follow from Iemma (18.7) and proposition (18.8). (18.10) Corollary. Bor any locally convex Riesz space (X, C, IB) with the topological dual X', if PT is any locally solid topology on X', then (Xf, G', B") is barrelled if and only if it is order-infrabarrelled. This is a direct consequence of corollary (18.9). (18.11) Corollary. A locally convex Riesz space (X, G, IB) is distinguished if and only if {X', C', (3(X', X)) is order-infrabarrelled. Proof. It is well known (cf. Kothe 1969) that (X, G, tB) is dis- tinguished if and only if (X', G', fi(X', X)) is barrelled. The result now follows immediately from corollary (18.10). One of the sufficient conditions for the hereditary property of barrelled Riesz spaces is easily deduced. (18.12) Corollary. Let (X, G, IB) be a barrelled, а-order-complete Riesz space, and let J be a a-normal subspace of X. Then J is a barrelled Riesz space with respect to the relative topology induced by tB. Proof. It should be noted that J is cr-order-complete. In view of theorem (17.1) and corollary (18.9), J is a barrelled Riesz space with respect to the relative topology induced by &. As an immediate consequence of corollaries (18.9) and (16.6), we have (18.13) Corollary. Let Xb be total over (X, C), and let tBb be the order-bound topology on X. If X is cr-order-complete, then (X, C, lBb) is a barrelled Riesz space.
ORDER-INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES 203 We shall seek some classes of locally convex Riesz spaces (W, C, 0?) for which (Xu, pu) is complete for any ueC. (18.14) Proposition. For any locally convex Riesz space {X, G, 0s), if (X, C, 0?) is fundamentally a-order-complete then (Xu, pu) is complete. If, in addition, (X, G, 0?) is order-infrabarrelled then (Xu, pf) is barrelled. Proof. It is enough to verify that (Alu, Gu, pu) is fundamentally o'-order-complete. Let {wn} be an increasing pw-Cauchy sequence in Xu. Then {wn} is an increasing ^-Cauchy sequence in X and wn g I[—u, u] for some 2 > 0. It follows from the fundamental c-order-complete- ness of (X, C, 0?) that w ~~ sup wn exists in X. It is clear that w g 2[ — и, и]. On the other hand, since Xu is an if-ideal in X, we conclude that w g Xu, and hence that (Xu, Cu, pu) is fundamentally o'-order- complete. The result now follows from lemma (18.7) and. proposition (18.8). (18.15) Corollary. For any locally convex Riesz space (X, C, J3), if {X, G, 0P) is monotonically sequentially complete then (Xu, pu) is complete for each и e G. If, in addition, (X, G, 0?) is order-infrabarrelled then (Xu, pu) is barrelled. Proof. Since G is ^-closed, the result now is a direct consequence of lemma (8.6) and proposition (18.14). (18.16) Proposition. Let (X, G, 0?) be a locally convex Riesz space, and let и be in G. Then (Xu, Gu, pu) is complete if and only if it is monotonically sequentially complete. Proof. Since Cu gives an open decomposition in (XM, pu), the result follows from theorem (8.8). We now turn our attention to the third question posed at the beginning of this chapter, that is: what condition on X (or X') is necessary and sufficient for infrabarrelled Riesz spaces to be order- infrabarrelled? We shall see that some sort of completeness plays an important role in these considerations. (18.17) Theorem. For any infrabarrelled Riesz space (X, G, 00), the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, C, 0?) is order-infrabarrelled;
204 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BARRELLED, (b) each lower semi-continuous Riesz semi-norm on X is topologically bounded; (c) each positive a(X', Xybounded subset of X' is @{X’, Xybounded; (d) (X', С', а(Х, X}} is boundedly order-complete; (e) (X', O', crg(X', X)) is both boundedly order-complete and locally order-complete; (f) X' is complete for cfs(X', X}; (g) each positive ct(X', Xybounded subset of X' which is directed upwards has a a{X’, Xyiimit; (h) X' is a normal subspace of Xb. Proof. The equivalence of (a), (b), and (c) follows from proposition (15.6) and theorem (16.3), and the equivalence of (d)-(h) follows from corollary (13.10). In view of theorem (16.11), (a) => (h). If (X, C, &} is infrabarrelled then, by proposition (13.15), (h) => (a). Therefore the proof is complete. Since each bornological space is infrabarrelled, we obtain the following corollary. (18.18) CoEOLLAEy. For any bornological Riesz space {X, C, &}, if it satisfies one {and hence all} of (b)-(h) in theorem (18.17), then (X, (7, &} is order-infrabarrelled. The following result can be proved by a similar argument to that given in the proof of proposition (18.5). (18.19) Proposition. Let (X, C, &} be a locally convex Riesz space with the topological dual X’, and let X^ = (X', C, us(X', X))'. Then the following statements are equivalent: (a) each ofiX', Xybounded subset of X' is fl(X', Xybounded; (b) the topology X'} on X^ is the relative topology induced by fi{X", X'), and the a8{X', Xyclosure of each fi(X', Xybounded subset of X' is fi(X', Xybounded. As an immediate consequence of theorem (18.17) and the preceding proposition, we have the following corollary. (18.20) Corollary. Let (X, (7, &} be an infrabarrelled Riesz space. Then it is order-infrabarrelled if and only if the topology fi{X"a(, X') on X"^ is the relative topology induced by @(Х”, X'), and the us(X', X)- closure of each fi(X', Xybounded subset of X' is {3(Xf, Xybounded, that is, if and only if the conditions in theorem (18.17) hold.
ORDER-INFRABARRELLED RIESZ SPACES 205 Since each normed Riesz space is infrabarrelled, we obtain the following corollary. (18.21) Corollary. Let L be a normed Riesz space with the topo- logical dual L'. If L is order-infrabarrelled then the topology ft(L"a\, IT) on is normable. (18.22) Corollary. Let {X, C) be an order-complete Riesz space, and let Xb be total over X. Then crs(X, Xb) coincides with fi(X, Xb) if and only if (X, C, ofiX, Xb)) is infrabarrelled. Proof. The condition is clearly necessary. To prove its sufficiency, observe that (X, C, us(X, Xb))' = Xb is a normal subspace of Xb. It follows from theorem (18.17) that (X, (7, Оц(Х, Xb)) is order-infra- barrelled and hence, from corollary (18.9), that (X, C, <?s(X, Xb)) is barrelled; consequently os{X, Xb) and /?(X, Xb) coincide. Combining theorems (18.3) and (18.17) we have the following very interesting result. (18.23) Theorem. For any infrabarrelled Riesz space (X, C, ^), the following statements are equivalent: (a) (X, CJ, ^) is barrelled; (b) (X', O', a{X', X)) is boundedly order-complete and C is a d$-cone in (X', <j{X', X)); (с) X' is complete for trH(X', X) and the solid hull of each n(X', X)- bounded subset of X' is a{X', X)-bounded; (d) X' is a normal subspace of Xb and C' is a HR-cone in (X', <r(X', X)). Remark. The condition that X’ be a normal subspace of Xb in the preceding result can be replaced by any one of the equivalent properties listed in theorem (18.17), and the condition that C be a ^-cone in (X', cr(X', X)) can be replaced by any one of the equivalent properties listed in theorem (18.3). (18.24) Corollary. For any bornological Riesz space (X, C, ^), if it satisfies one {and hence all) of (b), (c), and (d) in theorem (18.23), then (X, C, HP) is barrelled. 15
NOTES ON THE BIBLIOGRAPHY Chapters 1 & 2 The results of these two chapters, in particular, theorems (1.10), (1.12), (1.15), (1.17), and (2.11) should bo considered very fundamental and important for the study of the theory of ordered topological vector spaces. The positive extension problem for linear functionals was first studied by Krein and Rutman (1948); the general characterisation for linear functionals admitting positive extension, as that given in theorem (1.12), is due to Namioka (1957) and Bauer (1957, 1958). Theorem (2.8) is the work of many hands, e.g. Weston (1957b), Namioka (1957), Schaefer (1966), and Bauer (1957, 1958). Tho generalization of the Hahn-Banach theorem, given in theorem (1.15), is due to Bonsall and is very useful for our investigation of the duality problems for ordered vector spaces. Theorem (1.17) is essentially due to Jameson (1970). Theorem (2.11), in the present form, is taken from an article of Ng and Duhoux (1973), while parts are implicitly given in earlier papers of Ng (1970), Wong (1970a) (1973a), and Duhoux (1972a). Corollary (2.12) is given by Jameson (1970) with a different proof; but see also Grosberg and Krein (1939). Chapters 3, 4, and 5 In the study of an ordered locally convex space (£?, O, 0), two conditions have played an important role in our discussion: one condition is to say that the cone is ‘large’ enough to give an open decomposition, property and the other is to say that the cone is ‘small’ enough such that & admits a neighbourhood-base at 0 consisting of order-convex sets. These two conditions are respectively equivalent to saying that & is locally decomposable and locally o-convex. Krein appears to bo the first one to consider locally o-convex Banach spaces, and the duality theorem (5.15) was proved in a 1939 joint paper with Grosberg (see Krein and Grosberg (1939)). The result was generalized to general locally convex spaces by Bonsall (1957), and Schaefer (1966) studied the duality of locally o-convox spaces and ^-cones. Dually, Bonsall (1955) introduced locally decomposable normed spaces and the concept was extended by Jameson (1970) (where ho used the term ‘open decomposition’), Wong (1973c), and Duhoux (1972a). The dual characterization of such spaces was independently obtained by Andd (1962) and Ellis (1964). The construction of the associated locally o-convex topology is essentially due to Namioka (1957) and that of to Wong and Cheung (1971). The dual characterizations of and (in particular, the dual charac- terization of locally decomposable spaces) are given by Ng and Duhoux (1973b). The equivalence of (a) and (b) in theorem (3.8) is due to Klee and the (c) equivalence is duo to Jameson (1970). Tho short proof presented here for this theorem as well as that of theorem (3.9) is taken from Ng (1973b). The concept of nearly open decomposition is due independently to Wong and Duhoux (1972b); and, in particular, theorem (3.11) and corollary (3.13) are taken from the latter. Propositions (4.1) and (4.3) are duo to Wong and Cheung (1971). Theorems (5.1) and (5.4) are due to Namioka (1957) and Schaefer (1966). For other
NOTES ON THE BIBLIOGRAPHY 207 equivalent properties for normality see Riedl (1964). Theorem (5.9) is a funda- mental duality result between normal cones and ^-cones; it is due to Schaefer (1966) but part (ii) is also implicitly contained in Bonsall (1957). The proof presented here is taken from Ng and Duhoux (1973), while other short proofs were also given by Wong (1970a) and Duhoux (1972a). Theorem (5.16) is dual to theorem (5.15) of Grosberg and Krein and is due to Ellis (1964) (whore he assumes that the space E is complete, and Ng (1973b) observes later that the completeness is automatic from the other assumptions by applying a generalized open mapping theorem). A. somewhat loss strong form of theorem (5.16) was earlier obtained by Ando (1962) (where ho did not calculate the constants). The proofs of theorems (5.15) and (5.16) are taken from Ng (1970) and (1973b). An- other related paper: Kist (1958). Chapter 6 The concept of solid sets in a general ordered vector space was introduced by Ng (1971b) and Duhoux (1972a). Theorem (6.1) seems to be new. Theorem (6.3) is a generalization of Nachbin’s result (1965) on. vector lattices, in part due to Wong (1973c) and Duhoux (1972a). For the Banach space ease, theorem (6.12) was proved by Davies (1968); for the present form, see Ng and Duhoux (1973). Other related papers: Wong (1969a) and Wong and Cheung (1971). Chapter 7 The construction of the order-bound topology .^b is due to Namioka (1957) and Schaefer (1966), while the dual characterization of ^b is given in (1972a) by Wong. Theorem (7.3), duo to Wong (1972a), can be regarded as a general form for studying the continuity of positive linear mappings. Corollaries (7.6) and (7.8) are due to Schaefer; (7.7) is established by Namioka (1957) and Klee; and (7.9) was deduced by Ng (1973a). Theorems (7.10), (7.12), and (7.14) were proved by Wong (1972a), but (7.14) was earlier obtained by Namioka in (1957) in the vector lattice case. Chapter 8 The study of the relationship between order completeness and topological com- pleteness can be broken down into two stages. The first stage is to establish some sufficient conditions ensuring that the monotonically sequential completeness implies the completeness; this had been done by Jameson (1970) for the metriz- able case (cf. theorem (8.8)). The second stage is to establish some sufficient con- ditions ensuring that the order completeness implies the monotonically sequential completeness. This has been done by Wong for the metrizable case (cf. theorem (8.9)). With the exception of several results pointed out in the text, all results in this section are taken from an article of Wong (1972b). Other related papers: Duhoux (1972a), and Ng (1972a). Chapter 9 The notion of order-unit norm is essentially duo bo Kadison (1950) and that of base-norm to Edwards (1964) and Ellis (1964). Much of the theory developed in
208 NOTES ON THE BIBLIOGRAPHY this section was initiated by them. In. particular, Edwards is the first to note that each compact convex set can be affine-homoomorphically embedded in a Banach dual space with the w*-topology, and establishes the duality theorem (cf. theorem (9.10)). A dual result (cf. theorem (9.8)) was given by Ellis (1964). The notion of approximate order-unit was suggested by (7*-algebra theory and was introduced by Ng (1969a); ho proved, theorems (9.6), (9.9), and (9.15). The concept of the Lb-condition and results from lemma (9.24) to theorem (9.28) wore cited in an article of Ng (1972b). In the case of a partially ordered Banach space with closed cone, theorem (9.7) was proved independently by Asimow (1968) and Ng (1969a), and the theorem in the present form was noted in. the joint paper of Ng and Duhoux (1973); in that joint paper further generalizations of some results of this section were also discussed. The implication (a) => (b) in theorem (9.20) is a famous theorem of Riesz (1940) and Ando proves the much more difficult implication (b) => (a). Effros (.1967) calls an ordered Banach space E with closed cone a simplex space if the dual E' is an Л^-space. A intrinsic characterization (equivalent to those presented in corollary (9.22)) of simplex spaces was independently given by Davies (1967) and. Ng (unpublished) at about the same time in 1966, by virtue of a powerful separation theorem of Edwards (1965). A large portion of the materials presented in this section can be found in Ng (1969a). Chapter 10 Most of the material of this chapter can be regarded as mathematical folklore. The solid hull and the solid kernel (absolute core in the terminology of Roberts (1952)) were introduced by Roberts (1952). The important result of proposition (10.10) concerning tho basic relation between normal subspaces and order direct sums in Riesz spaces was cited in an article of Riesz (1940). The concepts of normal integrals and integrals were introduced in an article of Nakano (1950a), and so was proposition (10.17). Systematic and extensive treatments of the theory of Riesz spaces can be found in the book of Luxemburg and Zaanen (1971). Chapters 11 and 12 The early theory of Banach lattices was studied by F, Riesz, Frendenthal, Birkhoff (1961), Kakutani (1941, 1942b), Krein (1940), and Nakano (1950a), while Roberts (1952) seems to be the first to investigate the duality theory for locally convex Riesz spaces. Theorem (11.14) concerning the completeness of topological Riesz spaces is duo to Nakano (195. 0), and so is proposition (11.13), but the proof that we have presented here for (11.13) is due to Schaefer (1960). A part of theorem (11.16), namely that the strong dual of a locally convex Riesz space X reflects the properties of X, was introduced by Kawai (1957); while the second assertion in theorem (11.16) on the completeness of the strong dual of infrabarrelled Riesz spaces was proved by Wong (1969b), it is a generali- zation of Schaefer’s result (1960). Most of the results in Chapter 12 are taken from the articles of Wong (1969a) and (1969b). Other papers or books related to the subject matter of Chapter 11: Jameson (1970), Peressini (1967), Coffman (1956, 1959), Gordon (1960), andKuller (1958).
NOTES ON THE BIBLIOGRAPHY 209 Chapter. 13 The equivalence of (b) and (e) in theorem (13.1) was found, by Ando, and the other equivalent properties in theorem (13.1) were proved by Luxemburg and Zaanen. Kawai (1957) and Wong (1969b) found the criterion, for X to be an Z-ideal in X"; their results are presented in theorem (13.5). A necessary and sufficient condition for X to be a normal subspaco of X" was proved by Wong (1969c). Corollary (13.7) was cited earlier in the article of Nakano (1950a). Theorem (13.9) on the completeness for the Dieudonne topology was established by Wong (1969c), and it generalizes results of Goffman (1956), Porossini (1967), and Schoafer (1960). Corollary (13.11) is duo to Perossini (1967). Results (13.15) • (13.18) are taken from an article of Wong (1973b). Chapter 14 This chapter is concerned with a study of the interrelation between reflexivity and order. Corollary (14.2) is due to Ogasawara. Corollary (14.5) was cited in an article of Schaefer (1960). Theorems (14.1) and (14.6) were found by Wong (1969c). Chapter 15 Kawai (1957) proved that every bornological Riesz space is the inductive limit of a family of normed Riesz spaces (cf. proposition (15.5)); also he proved corollary (15.4). (15.1)--(15.3) and propositions (15.6)-(15.10) are taken from Wong (1970b). Other related paper: Warner (1960). Chapters 16, 17, and 18 It is known that a locally convex space equipped with the finest locally convex topology is barrelled, and that the order-bound topology is the finest locally solid topology. However example (16.1), due to Ng (1971b), shows that locally convex Riesz spaces equipped with the order-bound topology may not be barrelled. The class of order-infrabarrelled Riesz spaces, on the one hand, includes the class of locally convex Riesz spaces equipped with the order-bound topology, and on the other hand, it behaves as and plays a role similar to barrelled spaces in the theory of locally convex spaces. The class was introduced and studied by Wong in (1969d) and (1973c). In particular, he gave (1969d, 1973c) various characterizations for spaces in the class, for example that presented in Chapter 16, studied (1969d) the permanence properties of such spaces, presented here in Chapter 17, and established (1969d) some interrelationship between various classes of locally convex Riesz spaces, for example that presented here in Chapter 18. Some of his work was extended in Ng (1971b) to weakly Riesz spaces.
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INDEX Absolute monotone seminorm, 6 order-convex, 6 value, 114 Absolutely convex hull, 1 dominated, 8 Affine function, 96 Almost-Archimedean, 3 Almost <y(E', jS)-closed, 28 AL-space, 102 A ZA-space, 102 A/A-space, 102 AL00-space, 102 AM-space, 102 Antisymmetric, 2 Approximate order-unit, 12 normed space, 85 seminorm, 12 Archimedean, 3 Banach lattice (B-laltice), 101 Barrelled Riesz space, 189 Base norm, 88 normed space, 88 seminorm, 88 Б-complete space, 192 Bornological Riesz space, 178 Boundedly order-complete, 77; 147 cr-order-complete, 77 Cap, 98 Circled, 1 Cofinal subspace, 11 Compact-open topology, 152 Complement, 1 Cone, 1 ^-cone, 43 local ^-cone, 43 strict ^-cone, 43 locally strict ^-cone, 43 ^-cone, 43 strict ^-cone, 43 dual cone, 9 normal cone, 48 а-normal cone, 51 Convex, 1 circled hull, 1 Decomposable, 7 kernel, 7 Decreasing, 16 Dieudonne topology, 152 Directed downwards, 16 upwards, 16 Disjoint, 114 Dual cone, 9 ordering, 9 .Empty set, 1 Equivalent, 152 Erechet lattice (H-Iattice), 140 Full hull, 6 Fully complete space, 192 Fundamental system, 43 Fundamentally cr-order-complete, 69; 77 Gauge, 1 Generating, 2 «-generating, 32 nearly «-generating, 32 strictly generating, 32 Greatest lower bound, 113 Hypercomplete space, 28 Increasing, 16 Infrabarrelled Riesz space, 178 Integral, 127 Kothe dual, 153 function space, 153 topology, 153 Lattice-ideal (Z-ideal), 118 generated by, 118 Lattice homomorphism (Z-homomorph- ism), 132 Z-isomorphism, 132 Z-propeotion, 123 ZLbounded, 71 Z1-order-summable, 77 Lp-condition (i), 108 .ZA-condition (ii), 108 L^-condition, 111 Least upper bound, 75
216 INDEX Local ^-cone, 43 null-sequence, 72 Locally bounded with respect to, 4 3 convex direct sum topology, 40 convex Riesz space, 136 convex vector lattice, 136 decomposable space, 31 decomposable topology associated with, 33 full topology, 48 full space, 48 full topology associated with, 56 o-convex Riesz space, 158 o-convex topology, 50 o-convex space, 50 order-complote Riesz space, 144 order-convex topology, 48 order-convex topology associated with, 56 order-convex space, 48 solid spaco, 61 solid topology, 61 solid topology associated with, 61 strict ^-cone, 43 summable function, 152 Majorized, 5 Measure topology, 154 Minkowski functional, 1 Minorized, 5 Monotone, 6 Monotonically sequentially complete, 77 Nearly a-generating, 32 continuous, 191 open, 191 -open decomposition, 30 -open decomposition property, 30 Negative part, 114 Normal a-normal cone, 5]. cone, 48 integral, 127 subspace, 16; 118 <7-normal subspace, 16; 118 tf-normal subspace generated by, 119 Normed lattice (normed Riesz space), 101 o-convex, 6 Open decomposition, 30 property, 30 Order bound dual, 10 bound topology (order topology), 67 bounded (linear) functional, 9 bounded (linear) mapping, 68 bounded semi-norm, 179 bounded set, 5 complete, 16 completion, 134 continuous, 127 о-continuous, 127 convex hull, 6 convex set, 5 dual, 10 infrabarrelled Riesz spaco, J 88 interval, 5 unit, 12 unit normed spaco, 86 unit semi-norm, 12 Ordered Banach space, 29 convex space, 18 direct sum, 17 < normed space, 31; 85 topological vector space, 18 vector space, 2 tf-order-complote, 16 Perfect space, 170 Polar, 13 Positive functional, 9 linear mapping, 68 part, 114 sot, 5 Positive-order-convex set, 6 Positively dominated set, 8 generated set, 7 Ptak spaco, 192 Proper cone, 2 Quotient Riesz space, 140 Reflexive dual pair, 176 ordering, .1 Relative ordering, 4 uniform null-sequence, 67 Riesz bidual, 150 decomposition property, 9; 75; 113 dual, 150 norm, 101 seminorm, 61 space, 9; 75 subspace, 118 subspace generated by, 118
INDEX 217 Saturated family, 52 Semi-decomposable semi-norm, 30 Semi-norm, 1 Semi-reflexive with respect to, 176 Simplex space, 208 Solid barrel, 182 hull, 116 kernel, 116 sot, 8 Strict ^-cono, 43 ^-cone, 43 Strictly generating cone, 32 positive linear functional, 87 Sublinear functional, 1 Symmetric, 1 ST -determined family, 71 Theorem of Ando-Ellis, 55 Andd-Luxemburg-Zaanen, 160 Bonsall, 13 Davies, 64 Edwards, 95 Grosberg—Krein, 54. Jameson, 14 Klee, 34 Luxemburg-Zaanen, 125 Nakano, 147 Riesz, 10 Riesz--Ando, 106 Schaefer, 52 Topological Kothe function space, 153 Riesz space (topological vector lattice), 136 Topologically bounded seminorm, 179 dual, 18 Topology of uniform convergence on local null-sequences, 73 on relative uniform null-sequences, 73 Transitive, 1 Unital normed Riesz space, 143 Universal cap, 98 Vector lattice, 9 (partial) ordering, 2 topology with the open decomposition property associated with, 33 Weakly Riesz space, 75