Автор: Kothe G.  

Теги: mathematics   vectors  

ISBN: 0-387-90440-9

Год: 1979

                    Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 237
A Series of Comprehensive Studies in Mathematics
G. Kothe
Vector Spaces II
Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin

Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 237 A Series of Comprehensive Studies in Mathematics Editors S.S. Chern J.L. Doob J. Douglas, jr. A. Grothendieck E. Heinz F. Hirzebruch E. Hopf S. Mac Lane W. Magnus M.M. Postnikov W. Schmidt D.S. Scott K. Stein J. Tits B.L. van der Waerden Managing Editors B. Eckmann J.K. Moser

Gottfried Kothe Topological Vector Spaces II Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin
Gottfried Kothe Institut fur Angewandte Mathematik der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universitat Frankfurt am Main Federal Republic of Germany AMS Subject Classification (1980): 46-02, 46 Axx, 46 Bxx, 46 Cxx, 46 Exx Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Kothe, Gottfried, 1905- Topological vector spaces. (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 159, 237) Translation of Topologische lineare Raume. Bibliography: p. 1. Linear topological spaces. I. Title. II. Series. QA322.K623 515'.73 78-84831 With 2 illustrations. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from Springer-Verlag. © 1979 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Printed in the United States of America. 987654321 ISBN 0-387-90440-9 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin ISBN 3-540-90440-9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
Preface In the preface to Volume One I promised a second volume which would contain the theory of linear mappings and special classes of spaces im- portant in analysis. It took me nearly twenty years to fulfill this promise, at least to some extent. To the six chapters of Volume One I added two new chapters, one on linear mappings and duality (Chapter Seven), the second on spaces of linear mappings (Chapter Eight). A glance at the Contents and the short introductions to the two new chapters will give a fair impression of the material included in this volume. I regret that I had to give up my intention to write a third chapter on nuclear spaces. It seemed impossible to include the recent deep results in this field without creating a great further delay. A substantial part of this book grew out of lectures I held at the Mathematics Department of the University of Maryland during the academic years 1963-1964, 1967-1968, and 1971-1972. I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues J. Brace, S. Goldberg, J. Horvath, and G. Maltese for many stimulating and helpful discussions during these years. I am particularly indebted to H. Jarchow (Zurich) and D. Keim (Frankfurt) for many suggestions and corrections. Both have read the whole manuscript. N. Adasch (Frankfurt), V. Eberhardt (Munchen), H. Meise (Dusseldorf), and R. Hollstein (Paderborn) helped with important observations. Frankfurt, August 1979 G. Kothe

Contents of Vol. II CHAPTER SEVEN Linear Mappings and Duality §32 . Homomorphisms of locally convex spaces......................... 1 1. Weak continuity.............................................. 1 2. Continuity................................................... 3 3. Weak homomorphisms........................................... 5 4. The homomorphism theorem..................................... 7 5. Further results on homomorphisms............................ 10 §33 . Linear continuous mappings of (B)- and (F)-spaces............. 11 1. First results in normed spaces.............................. 11 2. Metrizable locally convex spaces............................ 13 3. Applications of the Banach-Dieudonne theorem ............... 15 4. Homomorphisms in (B)- and (F)-spaces........................ 17 5. Separability. A theorem of Sobczyk.......................... 19 6. (FM)-spaces................................................. 21 §34 . The theory of Ptak............................................ 23 1. Nearly open mappings........................................ 23 2. Ptak spaces and the Banach-Schauder theorem................. 26 3. Some results on PtAk spaces................................. 28 4. A theorem of Kelley......................................... 31 5. Closed linear mappings...................................... 33 6. Nearly continuous mappings and the closed-graph theorem.... 36 7. Some consequences, the Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem........... 38 8. The theorems of A. and W. Robertson......................... 41 9. The closed-graph theorem of Komura.......................... 44 10. The open mapping theorem of Adasch.......................... 47 11. Kalton’s closed-graph theorems.............................. 50 §35 . De Wilde’s theory............................................. 53 1. Webs in locally convex spaces............................... 53 2. The closed-graph theorems of De Wilde....................... 56 3. The corresponding open-mapping theorems..................... 59 4. Hereditary properties of webbed and strictly webbed spaces. 61 5. A generalization of the open-mapping theorem................ 65 6. The localization theorem for strictly webbed spaces......... 67
VIII Contents 7. Ultrabornological spaces and fast convergence.................... 70 8. The associated ultrabornological space........................... 73 9. Infra-(u)-spaces................................................. 76 10. Further results................................................... 78 §36 . Arbitrary linear mappings........................................... 80 1. The singularity of a linear mapping............................... 80 2. Some examples.................................................... 82 3. The adjoint mapping.............................................. 84 4. The contraction of J............................................. 86 5. The adjoint of the contraction................................... 87 6. The second adjoint............................................... 89 7. Maximal mappings................................................. 91 8. Dense maximal mappings............................................ 94 §37 . The graph topology. Open mappings................................... 95 1. The graph topology................................................ 95 2. The adjoint of AIa............................................... 96 3. Nearly open mappings.............................................. 98 4. Open mappings................................................... 100 5. PtAk spaces. Open mapping theorems............................... 105 6. Linear mappings in metrizable spaces............................ 106 7. Open mappings in (B)- and (F)-spaces............................ 109 8. Domains and ranges of closed mappings of (F)-spaces.............. 110 §38 . Linear equations and inverse mappings.............................. Ill 1. Solvability conditions........................................... Ill 2. Continuous left and right inverses.............................. 114 3. Extension and lifting properties................................. 116 4. Inverse mappings................................................ 120 5. Solvable pairs of mappings....................................... 124 6. Infinite systems of linear equations............................ 125 CHAPTER EIGHT Spaces of Linear and Bilinear Mappings §39 . Spaces of linear mappings....................................... 131 1. Topologies on £(E, F) ........................................ 131 2. The Banach-Mackey theorem..................................... 135 3. Equicontinuous sets........................................... 136 4. Weak compactness. Metrizability............................... 138 5. The Banach-Steinhaus theorem.................................. 141 6. Completeness.................................................. 142 7. The dual of £S(E, F).......................................... 145 8. Some structure theorems....................................... 147 §40 . Bilinear mappings............................................... 153 1. Fundamental notions........................................... 153 2. Continuity theorems for bilinear maps......................... 157 3. Extensions of bilinear mappings............................... 162 4. Locally convex spaces of bilinear mappings.................... 166 5. Applications. Locally convex algebras....................... 169
Contents IX §41 . Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces................... 173 1. Some complements on tensor products................................ 173 2. The projective tensor product...................................... 175 3. The dual space. Representations of E 0„ F.......................... 179 4. The projective tensor product of metrizable and of (DF)-spaces .... 183 5. Tensor products of linear maps..................................... 187 6. Further hereditary properties...................................... 192 7. Some special cases................................................. 196 §42 . Compact and nuclear mappings......................................... 200 1. Compact linear mappings............................................ 200 2. Weakly compact linear mappings..................................... 204 3. Completely continuous mappings. Examples........................... 206 4. Compact mappings in Hilbert space.................................. 210 5. Nuclear mappings................................................... 213 6. Examples of nuclear mappings....................................... 217 7. The trace.......................................................... 221 8. Factorization of compact mappings.................................. 225 9. Fixed points and invariant subspaces............................... 229 §43 . The approximation property........................................... 232 1. Some basic results................................................. 232 2. The canonical map of E F in ®(E' x F')............................. 236 3. Another interpretation of the approximation property............... 241 4. Hereditary properties.............................................. 244 5. Bases, Schauder bases, weak bases.................................. 248 6. The basis problem.................................................. 253 7. Some function spaces with the approximation property............... 255 8. The bounded approximation property................................. 260 9. Johnson’s universal space.......................................... 262 §44 . The injective tensor product and the e-product....................... 264 1. Compatible topologies on E 0 F..................................... 264 2. The injective tensor product....................................... 266 3. Relatively compact subsets of EeF and E F.......................... 270 4. Tensor products of mappings........................................ 275 5. Hereditary properties.............................................. 280 6. Further results on tensor product mappings......................... 284 7. Vector valued continuous functions................................. 286 8. е-tensor product with a sequence space............................. 289 §45 . Duality of tensor products........................................... 293 1. First results...................................................... 293 2. A theorem of Schatten.............................................. 297 3. Buchwalter’s results on duality.................................... 300 4. Canonical representations of integral bilinear forms............... 304 5. Integral mappings.................................................. 309 6. Nuclear and integral norms......................................... 315 7. When is every integral mapping nuclear?............................ 317 Bibliography................................................................. 320 Author and Subject Index..................................................... 327

Contents of Vol. I* CHAPTER ONE Fundamentals of General Topology §1 . Topological spaces............................................ 1 §2 . Nets and filters.............................................. 9 §3 . Compact spaces and sets.................................... 16 §4 . Metric spaces................................................ 23 §5 . Uniform spaces............................................... 29 §6 . Real functions on topological spaces......................... 38 CHAPTER TWO Vector Spaces over General Fields §7 . Vector spaces................................................ 48 §8 . Linear mappings and matrices................................. 59 §9 . The algebraic dual space. Tensor products.................... 69 §10 . Linearly topologized spaces................................. 82 §11 . The theory of equations in E and E*...................... 101 §12 . Locally linearly compact spaces............................ 108 §13 . The linear strong topology 113 CHAPTER THREE Topological Vector Spaces §14 . Normed spaces.............................................. 123 §15 . Topological vector spaces.................................. 144 §16 . Convex sets................................................ 173 §17 . The separation of convex sets. The Hahn-Banach theorem .... 186 * Abbreviated.
хп Contents CHAPTER FOUR Locally Convex Spaces. Fundamentals §18 . The definition and simplest properties of locally convex spaces . . 202 §19 . Locally convex hulls and kernels, inductive and projective limits of locally convex spaces............................................ 215 §20 . Duality................................................... 233 §21 . The different topologies on a locally convex space.........254 §22 . The determination of various dual spaces and their topologies . . 275 CHAPTER FIVE Topological and Geometrical Properties of Locally Convex Spaces §23 . The bidual space. Semi-reflexivity and reflexivity.........295 §24 . Some results on compact and on convex sets................ 310 §25 . Extreme points and extreme rays of convex sets............ 330 §26 . Metric properties of normed spaces........................ 342 CHAPTER SIX Some Special Classes of Locally Convex Spaces §27 . Barreled spaces and Montel spaces......................... 367 §28 . Bornological spaces....................................... 379 §29 . (F)- and (DF)-spaces...................................... 392 §30 . Perfect spaces............................................ 405 §31 . Counterexamples............................................424 Bibliography......................................................437 Author and Subject Index......................................... 447
CHAPTER SEVEN Linear Mappings and Duality Continuous linear mappings between locally convex spaces are the subject of § 32. The most important result is the homomorphism theorem in § 32, 4. For (B)- and (F)-spaces much more can be said. § 33 contains a detailed investigation of these cases culminating in the homomorphism theorems for (B)- resp. (F)-spaces in § 33, 4. A lifting property for separable locally convex spaces leads to the theorem of Sobczyk. The following two paragraphs contain an exposition of some of the results on open-mapping and closed-graph theorems. § 34 starts with Ptak’s ideas and ends up with Komura’s closed-graph theorem and Adasch’s open- mapping theorem for barrelled spaces. Many other results are included, given by Kalton, Kelley, and the Robertsons. § 35 gives an account of De Wilde’s theory of webbed spaces and his closed-graph theorems, which are especially useful in applications. An optimal closed-graph theorem for ultrabornological spaces is obtained in § 35, 9. Arbitrary linear mappings are studied in § 36. The introduction of the notion of the singularity and the regular contraction of a mapping reduces the investigation to the case of closable (regular) or even continuous mappings. A duality theory and an extension theory are presented. A second method of investigating arbitrary linear mappings uses the graph topology (§ 37). Both methods are applied to nearly open and open mappings. The open-mapping theorems obtained in this way are more general than the previous theorems. The cases of (B)- and (F)-spaces are treated in § 37, 7. § 38 contains applications to systems of linear equations, the existence and continuity of left, right, and two-sided inverse mappings, and an introduction to the problems of extending and lifting linear mappings. § 32. Homomorphisms of locally convex spaces 1. Weak continuity. Volume I contains very little information on linear mappings. We will now enter into a more systematic investigation of this topic and begin by recalling some of the basic facts. Let E, F be topological vector spaces; then £(£, F) is the vector space of all continuous linear mappings of E into F. Any A e £(£, F) has by §15,4. the natural decomposition (1) A = JAK,
2 §32. Homomorphisms of locally convex spaces where К is the canonical homomorphism of E onto E/N[A], A is a con- tinuous one-one linear mapping of E/N[A] onto A(E), and J is the embedding of A(E) into F. The product JA will be denoted by A. A is a topological homomorphism of E into F if every open subset M of E has an image A(M) which is open in A(E). If A is also one-one, then A is a topological monomorphism. If further A(E) = F, then A is a topological isomorphism. We will frequently omit “topological” when there is no danger of misunderstanding. (2) A e £(F, F) is a homomorphism if and only if one of the following conditions is satisfied: (a) A maps every neighbourhood of о in E onto a neighbourhood of о in A(E); (b) A is an isomorphism; (c) A is a mono- morphism. The simple proof is left to the reader. We consider now locally convex spaces E and F. Let E' and F’ be their duals. We replace the initial topology on E resp. F by the weak topology X8(Er) resp. XS(F'). We proved in § 20, 4. the basic result (3) A linear mapping A of E into F is weakly continuous if and only if the adjoint A' maps F' into E'. A is weakly continuous if and only if A' is weakly continuous. The weak topology on F' resp. E' is the topology XS(F) resp. XfJE). An equivalent formulation for (3) is (4) A linear mapping AofE into F is weakly continuous if and only iffor every closed hyper plane Нэ о in F the inverse image A{ ~ 1)(/T) is closed in E. Proof. A hyperplane H in F containing о is given by an equation r(j>) = 0, where г is a linear functional in Fand H is closed if and only if veF' (§15, 9.(1)). The inverse image Л(-1)(Я) is determined by их = v(Ax) = (A'v)x = 0. It is therefore closed if and only if и = A'v is an element of E'. Now (3) follows from (2). For a weakly continuous mapping A of E into Fand its adjoints we have (5) A(Ef = Л(£)° = Я[Л'], A\F'Y = AfF'Y = Я[Л], where Я[Л] denotes the kernel of A. This is an immediate consequence of the relation v(Ax) = (A'v)x, v g F', x g E. By taking polars on both sides of (5) we get (6) Л(Ё) = Я[Л']° = ЯМ']1, Л'(Г) = Я[Л]° = ЯМ]1.
2. Continuity 3 We make the following remarks: i) Every Ле£(£, F) is weakly con- tinuous (§ 20, 4.(5)) and therefore has a weakly continuous adjoint, ii) In particular, (5) and (6) are true for continuous A too. iii) In (6) the closure of Л(Е) may be taken in the initial topology of For in the weak topology; the closure of A'(F') is always the Xs(F)-closure. An immediate consequence of (6) is (7) The range A(E) of A is (weakly) dense in F if and only if = o. The range A'(F') of A' is weakly dense in E' if and only if А[Л] = о. The relations (5) are also contained as special cases in the following proposition. (8) Let A be a (weakly) continuous mapping of E into F. Then (9) A(M)° = A'(~1}(M°) holds for any subset M of F, and (10) Л(’1)^°) = A'(N)Qfor any subset N ofF'. Relation (9) was proved in Volume I, § 22, 7.(1). Replacing A by A' in (9) and using weak duality gives (10). We give an application of (4). (11) Let E be locally convex and suppose that every sequentially closed hyperplane containing о in E is closed. If A is a linear and sequentially continuous mapping of E into a locally convex space F, then A is weakly continuous. Proof. Let H => (o) be a closed hyperplane in F. Suppose xn e A( ~ ^(H) and xn x0 e E. Then Axn Ax0 and Ax0 e Я; thus x0 e A( ~ 1)(H). There- fore Л(-1)(Я) is sequentially closed and by hypothesis closed. The state- ment now follows from (4). The assumption in (11) is satisfied for the weak dual F'[IS(E)] of a separable (F)-space E because of the theorem of Banach-Dieudonne (§21,10.(7)). 2. Continuity. If A is continuous, then it is weakly continuous. The converse is not true. It is not difficult to get an exact description of the situation. If E is locally convex, E' its dual, then a general method introducing other locally convex topologies on E is the following (§ 21, 1.). Choose a total and saturated class 9Л of weakly bounded subsets of £', and let be the topology of uniform convergence on the sets of 9Й. (1) A weakly continuous linear mapping of E into F is continuous in the sense of on E andX^ on F if and only if Л'(ЗЛ2) <= ЗЛ1Ф
4 § 32. Homomorphisms of locally convex spaces Proof. The sets V = M2, M2gJR2, form a base of Xgj^-neighbour- hoods of о in F. By 1.(10) we have = ^(-1)(AQ = A'(M2)0. Therefore Л(-1)(К) is an -neighbourhood in E if and only if A'(M2) e 9Jli. We have already treated the special case in which both topologies are the Mackey topologies, in § 21, 4.(6); for the sake of completeness we state it again: (2) Weakly continuous and ^-continuous linear mappings of E into F coincide. Two other special cases of (1) are given in (3) Every weakly continuous linear mapping A of E into F is strongly continuous and Zb*-continuous. The first statement follows immediately from (1) since every weakly bounded subset M of F' has an image A\M) in E' with the same property. is the topology of uniform convergence on the strongly bounded subsets of the dual space. Let N be strongly bounded in F'. Then we have for any bounded set M in E sup |(Л'м)х| = sup |м(Лх)| < oo xeM.ueN since A(M) is bounded in F. But then A’(N) is strongly bounded in E' and (1) gives the desired result. Observe that a strongly continuous mapping need not be weakly continuous. Since the dual space to £[Xb(£')] is in general larger than £', there even exist strongly continuous linear functionals which are not weakly continuous. The same argument is valid for the topology Xb*. (4) If A e £(£, F), then A' is weakly continuous, strongly continuous, ^-continuous, and Zc-continuous. Since A' is weakly continuous, all the statements with the exception of the last one follow immediately from (2) and (3). Now Xc is the topology of precompact convergence (§21,6.) and by §15, 6.(7) the continuous linear image A(M) of a precompact set M is again precompact; hence A' is Xc-continuous by (1). By § 5, 4.(4) it is often sufficient to define a continuous linear mapping only on a dense subspace: (5) Let E and F be topological vector spaces where F is complete. Then every A e £(£, F) has a uniquely determined linear and continuous extension A defined on the completion Ё of E, A g £(Д F).
3. Weak homomorphisms 5 In § 17, 6.(6) we proved for normed spaces that A" is an extension of A which maps the bidual E" into the bidual F" and satisfies ||Л"|| = ||Л||. For locally convex spaces E and F we have the following situation: (6) a) Let A e £(£, F) be given. Then the double adjoint A" of A is an extension of A which maps the bidual E" into the bidual F" and A" is con- tinuous in the sense of the natural topologies on the biduals. b) A” is also continuous for the topologies ZS(E') andZs(F') on E" and F", respectively, and A" is the uniquely determined weakly continuous extension of A to E". a) A' is strongly continuous by (4), so it is in £(F', E'), where E', F' denote the strong duals. The adjoint A" is thus a mapping of (E'f = E" into F" which is an extension of A. By § 23, 4. a neighbourhood base of о for the natural topology Xn(F') on E" consists of the sets U°°, U an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in £[X], where the last polar is taken in E". Starting with Л(С7) c= F, we have V° <= A(Uf = A’^tTfAfV0) c= UQ, U°° c= A'(V°)° = A"^1^00), and this means A"(U°°) c= V°°, so that A" is continuous. b) A is also weakly continuous and the weak continuity of A” follows as in a) if we use weak neighbourhoods U, V. Since E is weakly dense in E", A" is the uniquely determined extension of A to E". 3. Weak homomorphisms. We begin with a proposition on arbitrary homomorphisms, (1) If A is a homomorphism of the locally convex space F[XJ into the locally convex space F[X2], then A'(F') is weakly closed in E'. Let u0 be a point of the weak closure of A'(F'). For all z e N[Л] we have uoz = 0 by 1.(6). If we define I (Ax) = uox, then / is therefore a uniquely determined linear functional on A(E). It is continuous: U = {x; |wox| < e} is an open ^-neighbourhood of о in E; since A is open, A(U) = Vis a ^-neighbourhood of о in A(E). Therefore |/(Лх)| < e for all Ax e V. By the Hahn-Banach theorem / has an extension vQ e F' and vQ(Ax) = uQx for all x e E; hence w0 = A’vQ and A'(F’) is weakly closed. If Xi and X2 are the weak topologies, the converse of (1) is also true: (2) A e £(£, F) is a weak homomorphism if and only if A'(F') is weakly closed in E'.
6 § 32. Homomorphisms of locally convex spaces Proof. Since A is continuous it is weakly continuous. So we have only to prove that A is weakly open if A'(F') is weakly closed. Let U be an absolutely convex open weak neighbourhood of о in E. Since A(U + 7У[Л]) = A(U), we may assume U Л^[Л]. Then t/° <= 7У[Л]° = A'(F') = A'(F'). Now U° is bounded and finite dimensional in A’(F'f so U° is contained in the absolutely convex cover of finitely many щ e A\F'\ i = 1,..., k. If Uo denotes the open weak neighbourhood of о in £ given by |М|%| < 1, i = 1,..., k, then Uo <= U. There exist e F’ such that щ = A'Vi. Let К be the open weak neighbourhood of о in F given by |tv| < 1, i = 1,..., k. From v^Ax) = (A'v^x = щх follows x e Uo for all Ax eV; therefore A(W) A(Uq) ° V n A(E); A is weakly open. (3) A homomorphism A e £(E, F) is always a weak homomorphism. This is an immediate consequence of (1) and (2). We list some special cases: (4) a) A e £(£, F) is a weak monomorphism if and only if A'(F’) = E'. b) A is a weak homomorphism with weakly closed range if and only if this is true for A'. c) A is a weak monomorphism with closed range if and only if A' is a weak homomorphism of F' onto E'. d) A is a weak isomorphism if and only if A' is a weak isomorphism or if and only if A(E) = F and A’lfF') = E'. e) A is one-one and A(E) = F if and only if A' is a weak monomorphism onto a weakly dense subspace of E'. f) A is a weak homomorphism with dense range in F if and only if A' is one-one and A'(F') is weakly closed. Proof, a) follows from (2) and 1.(7), b) by applying (2) to A and A', c) from a) and b), d) from c) and 1.(7), e) from a) and 1.(7), and f) from (2) and 1.(7). We remark that the range of a homomorphism is in general not closed. For example, the injection J of a normed space E into its completion E / E is a monomorphism with range dense in Ё but different from Ё. Applying e) to J’ we see that J' is one-one and J'{E') = E'; but J' is not a weak isomorphism, since it is the identity on E'[Zs(E)] and maps it on £'№)]• However, if A is a monomorphism of a complete E into F, then the range A(E) is closed in F, since A(E) is isomorphic to E and therefore complete. This generalizes to homomorphisms in the following way:
4. The homomorphism theorem 7 (5) Let A be a homomorphism of in F[X2]. The range A(E) is closed if (E/N [Л])[£1] is complete. In particular, A(E) is closed if A is a monomorphism and E is complete. Examples. 1) Let J be the injection of a subspace Я[Х] of E[I] into E. J is a monomorphism; therefore ((4) a)) J\E’) = H'. If we identify FT with E'/HL (§ 22, 1.), then J' is the canonical mapping of E' onto E’/HL. If H is closed, then J' is a weak homomorphism ((4) c)), where the weak topology on E’/HL is Х3(Я). If H is not closed, J’ is not a weak homo- morphism. 2) Let Я be a closed subspace of £, К the canonical homomorphism of E onto E/H. Then K' is by (4) b) and f) a weak monomorphism of (E/H)' into E'. If we identify (E/Hf with Я1 <= E', then K' is the injection of Я1 in E' (§ 22, 2.). 3) By 1.(1) a continuous linear mapping A of E into Fhas the natural decomposition A = JAK. The corresponding decomposition of A' is (6) A' = ЛГ'2'J'. Is this the natural decomposition of A' as a weakly continuous mapping of F' into £'? By 1) J' is the canonical mapping of F' onto A(E)’ = F’jA(E)L = F'/N\A'} and this is a weak homomorphism if and only if Л(£) = Л(£). This is a first necessary condition. K' is, by 2), the injection of ЯЦ]1 = A'(F') in £', so we find that A'(F') = A'(F') is a second necessary condi- tion. If both these conditions are satisfied, then A' is a weak isomorphism of F'/N[A'] onto A'(F') = (E/N [A])'. Thus we obtain (7) (6) is the natural decomposition of A' if and only if A is a weak homomorphism with closed range. 4. The homomorphism theorem. In 3.(2) we gave a dual characterization of weak homomorphisms. Our aim is now to prove a corresponding theorem for arbitrary homomorphisms. (1) Let A be a weak homomorphism of the locally convex space FflJ into the locally convex space F[X2] and let<iSl1 resp.$Jl2 be the class of equi- continuous subsets of E' resp. F'. If A is Xi-X2-o/?ew, then Л'(Ш12) => JRi n Л'(Г') = {M, e 9Jli; Mr <= Л'(Г')}. Proof. It is sufficient to prove this for an arbitrary absolutely convex and weakly closed set Mt e n A'(F') since A'(Ff) is weakly closed by 3.(1). The polar Ml is a closed ^-neighbourhood of о in E. Since A is Si-X2-open, A(MI) contains a closed ^-neighbourhood of о in A(E),
8 § 32. Homomorphisms of locally convex spaces М2 A A(E), where M2 e 9R2 is absolutely convex and weakly closed in F'. Applying A(~v to A(M{) М2 n A(E) gives MJ + А[Л] => А(-1}(М^ = A'(M2)° (1.(10)). But M,c:A'(F'); hence MJ => А[Л] by 1.(5) and therefore MJ = MJ + А[Л] => A'(M2)°. Taking polars in E' we obtain Mi с Л'(М2). Now M2 is weakly compact by the theorem of Alaoglu- Bourbaki; therefore Л'(М2) is closed, so finally M± <= Л'(М2). (2) Let A be a weak homomorphism of £[Хг] into F[X2]. If A'(2R2) => 5JRi n A\F'f then A is Zr-^-open. We have to show that for every 2^-neighbourhood U of о in E there exists a ^-neighbourhood К of о in Fsuch that A(U) => Vn A(E). It is sufficient to prove this for U absolutely convex and closed and U => А[Л] since A(U + А[Л]) = A(Uf Now U° = Mr is in and Mr c= А[Л]° = A'(F') (here we used 3.(2)); therefore by assumption there exists M2 e 9R2 such that Mi <= Л'(М2). By 1.(10) we have MJ => Л(-1)(М£) and applying A on both sides we get yl(Mj) = A(U) => MJ n A(E), showing that A is Xi-X2-open. Combining (1), (2), and 3.(2) we have (Grothendieck [11]) (3) Homomorphism theorem: Let E and F be locally convex and 9Л1 resp.yjl2 be the classes of equicontinuous sets in E' resp. F'. A linear continuous mapping A of E in F is a homomorphism if and only if a) A'(F") is weakly closed in E', b) Л'(Ш12) SRi n A'(F'). If we use (1), (2), and 2.(1) we get the slightly different version (4) A weak homomorphism A of E in F is a homomorphism if and only ifAfW^) =50li n A\F'f The case of the Mackey topologies is of special interest. (5) Let £[Xi] and F[X2] be locally convex and let X2 be the Mackey topology Xk(F'). A linear continuous mapping A of E onto F is a homomorphism if and only if A is a weak homomorphism or if and only if A'(F') is weakly closed. Every weak homomorphism of E onto F is a ^-homomorphism onto F and conversely. First proof. The condition in the first statement is clearly necessary. Conversely, if A is a weak homomorphism onto F, then by 3.(4) c) A' is a weak monomorphism of F' onto A'fF') and condition b) of (3) is satisfied since every absolutely convex and weakly compact set M in A'(F') is the image of the set Л'(-1)(М) with the same properties in F'. Hence the first statement in (5) is a special case of (3).
4. The homomorphism theorem 9 If andX2 are both Mackey topologies, then a weak homomorphism is a linear Xte-continuous mapping (§ 21, 4.(6)) and the second statement in (5) is included as a special case in the first. Second proof. Let A e £(£, F) be a weak homomorphism onto F; then A is a weak isomorphism of E/N[A] onto E On E, Xx is coarser than Zk(E') and by § 22, 2.(3) the quotient topology Xfc on E/N[A] is identical with the Mackey topology Xte(7V[^]°). Therefore Xx is coarser than Xfc[7V[^4]°] on E/N[A], so that the weak isomorphism A maps Xx onto a topology XI on F which is coarser than Zk(F'). Now the image A(U) of a Xi-open neighbourhood of о in £ is an open X'i-neighbourhood of о in £ and therefore also an open Xte(£')-neighbourhood of o. This means that A is open, and, since by assumption A is continuous, that A is a homo- morphism. If we combine 3.(4) c) with the second statement of (5), we find immediately (6) Let Abe a weakly continuous linear mapping of E into F Then A' is a^-homomorphism of F' onto E' if and only if A is a weak monomorphism with closed range. The first statement of (5) is no longer true for arbitrary weak homo- morphisms of £ into £. The following example of Bourbaki shows that even a weak monomorphism with a dense range need not be a Xte-homo- morphism. Let £=<?,£' = co, and let z be an element of (£')* which does not lie in <p. Let £ be the subspace ф [z] of (£')*• On £ and £ we define the topology Xs(co), so that £' = £' = co. Since co is bornological, the linear functional z is not bounded on all bounded subsets of co. Therefore the class of all absolutely convex and Xs(£)-compact subsets of co is a strict subclass of the class of allXs(£)-compact subsets of co. Since the latter class coincides with the class of all bounded subsets of co, the Mackey topology on <p is strictly finer than the Mackey topology on £ restricted to <p. Now, let J be the injection of <p into £. Since /'(£') = £' = co, J is a weak monomorphism onto the dense subspace <p of £, but it is not a Xfc-homo- morphism. We note an application of (5): (7) Let A be a monomorphism of the complete semi-reflexive space E in the semi-reflexive space F. Then A' is a strong homomorphism of F' onto E'. By 2.(4) A' is a continuous mapping of £'[Xb(£)] onto £'[Xb(£)]. Since £ and £ are semi-reflexive, the strong topologies on Ef and £' coincide
10 § 32. Homomorphisms of locally convex spaces with the Mackey topologies. Hence A" = A and, since E is complete, AfE) is closed and therefore Xs(^ )"cl°sed *n F- By applying (5) to A we obtain (7). 5. Further results on homomorphisms. So far we have investigated homo- morphisms for topologies on E and F which are compatible with the dual systems <E', £> and <F', F>. The situation becomes more involved when we include the strong topology. We give first two examples. 1. I1 is a subspace of Z2. We equip both spaces with the norm topology of Z2. Let J be the injection of Z1 into Z2. Since (Z1)' = (Z2)' = Z2, J' is the identity on Z2 and is weakly continuous but is not a weak isomorphism of Z2[XS(Z2)] onto Z2[XS(Z1)]. However, J' is a strong isomorphism since X^Z1) and Xb(Z2) coincide on Z2. This shows that there exist strong isomorphisms which are weakly con- tinuous but are not weak isomorphisms. 2. Let E be locally convex and H be a closed subspace of E such that the topology ib(E') is strictly finer on E/H than we constructed such an example in § 31, 7. Let К be the canonical homomorphism of E onto E/H. It is a weak but not a strong homomorphism. The adjoint K' is the injection of (E/H)' = HL into E'. If resp. $R2 is the class of weakly bounded subsets of E' resp. then A?'(%) = This means that К satisfies the analogous assumptions in 4.(4) and yet is not a strong homo- morphism. The homomorphism theorem is therefore no longer true for topologies which are strictly finer than the Mackey topology. But it is possible to give a dual characterization of monomorphisms in the general case. (1) Let E and F be locally convex and(!St1 g resp. 9Jl2 ° 8 saturated classes of weakly bounded subsets of E' resp. Ff. A map A e£(£, F) is a monomorphism of £[1^] in £[2яп2] if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: i) Л'(ЭЛ2)<= ________ ii) every e is contained in some A\M?f M2 g ЭЛ2. g is always the class of all bounded subsets of finite dimension, soX$ is the weak topology. Proof, a) Necessity. For i) this is a consequence of 2.(1). Let be an absolutely convex weakly closed subset in Since A is open, there exists an absolutely convex and weakly closed M2 e 9Jl2 such that A(M%) M2 n A(E), so applying Л(-1) gives Ml Л'(Л/2)°. From this follows Л'(М2)°° = AfM^) M,.
1. First results in normed spaces 11 b) Sufficiency. From i) and 2.(1) it follows that A is Xan^X^-con- tinuous. From ii) it follows that IJ Л'(Л/2) ° U = £'; thus ______ M2eSR2 A'(F') = E' and A is one-one. It remains to prove that A isX^-Xgj^-open. But, given e 9Jlx, there exists M2 e 9Jl2 by ii) such that <= Л'(Л/2). Therefore MJ Л'(М2)° = Л("1)(М2°) and Л(М?) MQ2 n Л(£). We have the following special cases of (1): (2) Let A be a continuous linear map of E in F, E and F locally convex. A' is a strong resp. Xc-monomorphism of F' in E' if and only if every bounded resp. precompact subset M2 of F is contained in the closed image A{M^) of a bounded resp. precompact set in E. This follows from (1) since A' is weakly continuous from F' in E' and A" = A satisfies i), because bounded resp. precompact sets have images with the same properties (§ 15, 6.). We close with some remarks on extensions of homomorphisms. (3) Let E, F be locally convex and A e £(£, F), and let H be a dense subspace of E. If the restriction of A to H is a homomorphism resp. mono- morphism of H in F, then A has the same property. Proof. Note first that FT = E', A and its restriction have the same adjoint A', and the equicontinuous sets in E' are the same for H and E. Thus, since A'(F') is Ts(//)-closed in £', it is also 2yF)“cl°sed. The state- ment follows now from 4.(3). (4) Let Abe a homomorphism of £[Xx] in F[X2]. Assume that the natural topologies Xln resp. X2n on E" resp. F" are coarser than the Mackey topo- logies on E" resp. F". Then A" is a homomorphism of E"[Xln] in F"[X2n]- By 2.(6) A" is continuous from E"[Xln] in F"[X2n]. By our assumption on the topologies (E")' = E', (F")' = F', and the adjoint to A" is Af. Since A is a homomorphism, A'(Ff) is Xs(£)-closed and therefore also XS(E")- closed. So condition a) of 4.(3) is satisfied and condition b) is satisfied by A; and by the definition of the natural topologies A" therefore satisfies b) also. § 33. Linear continuous mappings of (B)- and (F)-spaces 1. First results in normed spaces. So far we have investigated linear maps in general locally convex spaces. Much more information is available in the metrizable case, as we will see in this paragraph. We begin with some remarks on normed spaces.
12 §33. Linear continuous mappings of (B)- and (F)-spaces Let E and F be normed spaces and A e £(E, F). Then A has a norm || Л || which was defined in § 14, 1. Let A = JAK = AK be the natural decomposition of A (§ 32, 1.(1)). We have ||J|| = 1 for the injection J of Л(Е) into F and ЦЕ’Ц = 1 for the canonical homomorphism of E onto EIN\A\. We have also (1) Mil = Mil = IK Trivially, Mil = Mil an^ Mil = PIlMllMII = Mil- Since Ax = Ax for every x e x e E/N[A], it follows M*ll = Mil inf|M|| = Mil Mil for all x xex and so ||Л|| ||Л||, which proves (1). If A is a monomorphism of the normed space E into the normed space F, then Л(-1) is a continuous and therefore bounded map of A(E) onto E. From this follows (2) A e £(E, F), E and F normed spaces, is a monomorphism if and only if A is bounded from below, i.e., there exists m > 0 such that ||Лх|| лп || at || for all хе E. Obviously we may define m by ||Л(-1)|| = I Im. The fundamental Banach-Schauder theorem (§ 15, 12.(2)) applied to (B)-spaces E and F says that A e £(E, F) is a homomorphism if and only if the range Л(Е) is closed in F. We give two examples to show that this is no longer true if E or F is normed but not complete. a) Let E be normed and not complete and let J be the injection of E into Ё. Then J is a monomorphism but J(E) is not closed in Ё. b) Let E be I1 and F be I1 but with the norm of /2. Then the identity map of E onto F is continuous and onto but not a monomorphism. F is normed but not complete. Note that the range of a homomorphism between Banach spaces or even (F)-spaces is always closed; this follows from § 32, 3.(5) and the completeness of the quotient spaces of (F)-spaces. The real difficulty lies in the converse statement and it will be our aim to find more general classes of spaces for which the analogue of the Banach-Schauder theorem is true. We now apply the duality theory of § 32 to the case of normed spaces. (3) Let E and F be normed spaces and A a homomorphism of E in F. Then A' is a strong homomorphism of F' in E'. Proof. Af is weakly and strongly continuous (§ 32, 2.(4)). The equi- continuous sets in Ef and F' are the subsets of the multiples of the unit ball. Since A is a homomorphism, it follows from condition b) of § 32, 4.(3) that
2. Metrizable locally convex spaces 13 if Mis the closed unit ball in F', then A'(M) contains a ball of A'(F'). A' is therefore open in the sense of the strong topology. The converse of (3) is true in the following form: (4) Let E be a (B)-space, F a normed space, and A e £(£, F). If A' is a strong homomorphism, then A is a homomorphism with closed range. Proof. By assumption there exists a closed ball N in F such that A’(N°) => M° n A'(F'), where M is the closed unit ball in E. Applying Л'(-1) we get № 4- А[Л'] 13 Л'(-1)(М°) = Л(М)°. Taking polars gives N n A(E) <= A{M). Hence N n A(E) = N n A(M). Since A(M) is abso- lutely convex and F normed, one has N n A(M) = N n A(M). It follows from N n A(E) = N n A(M) that the image A(M) of the unit ball is dense in the ball N n A(E) of A(E). Repeating the argument in the second part of the proof of the Banach- Schauder theorem and using the completeness of E, one finds that Л((1 4- e)M) covers the ball N n A(E); therefore A is open. That A has closed range follows from the completeness of E/N[A]. As an example, in § 37, 6. will show that (4) is false if we suppose E to be only normed. 2. Metrizable locally convex spaces. We begin with an elementary characterization of homomorphisms. Let E and F be locally convex and A e £(£, F). We say that A is sequentially invertible if for every sequence yn e Л(£) converging to zero there exists a sequence xn e E such that Axn = yn and xn -> o. (1) Let E and F be metrizable locally convex spaces. A e£(£, F) is a homomorphism if and only if A is sequentially invertible. Proof. A is a homomorphism if and only if A is an isomorphism of £/А[Л] onto Л(Е). Both are metrizable. If A is a homomorphism and yn = Axn -> o, then xn -> 6. But there always exist xn e xn such that xn -> o, as can be seen by a diagonal procedure outlined in the proof of § 22, 2.(7). Therefore A is sequentially invertible. On the other hand, if yn = Axn -> о and xn -> o, then Axn -> 6 and xn -> 6, so ?Г(_1) is continuous and A is an isomorphism. Our next result will be an application of the homomorphism theorem of § 32, 4. The topology of a metrizable locally convex space E is always the Mackey topology Xfc(£) (§ 21, 5.(3)). If Я is a linear subspace of E, then H is metrizable in the induced topology Xfc(£') and therefore Xfc(£') coincides with Ifc(H')- (2) The topologies Xfc(£') and X AH') coincide on each subspace H of a metrizable locally convex space E.
14 §33. Linear continuous mappings of (B)- and (F)-spaces Remark. By § 22, 2. the equality of Xfc(E') and may be formulated in the following way: If G is a weakly closed subspace of £', where E is metrizable locally convex, then every absolutely convex weakly compact subset of E'/G is the canonical image of an absolutely convex weakly compact subset of E'. (3) Let F, F be locally convex, F metrizable, and A e £(£, F). Then A is a homomorphism if and only if A is a weak homomorphism. IfE and F are both metrizable, then homomorphisms, weak homomorphisms, and ^-homo- morphisms coincide. It is sufficient to prove the first assertion. If A e £(£, F) is a weak homomorphism, then it is in £(£, A(E)) and is a weak homomorphism onto Л(£). By (2) the topology on Л(£) induced by the topology of F is the topology Xfc(/4(E)'). By § 32, 4.(5) A is then a homomorphism onto Л(Е), hence a homomorphism in F. By 1.(3) A' is a strong homomorphism if A is a homomorphism of normed spaces. This is no longer true even for (F)-spaces. A positive result is the following special case of § 32, 4.(7): (4) If A is a monomorphism of the reflexive (F)-space E into the reflexive (JFfspace F, then A is a strong homomorphism of F' onto E'. Counterexamples. 1) In § 31, 5. an (FM)-space E = A[X] was constructed with a nonreflexive quotient space E/N[A]. The canonical mapping AT of E onto E/N[A] is a homomorphism, but the injection K' of (Е/А[Л])' = N[Л]1 into E' is not a strong homomorphism, since the strong topology of N[Л]1 is strictly finer on А[Л]Х than the strong topology of E. 2) In §31,7. we constructed a separable nondistinguished (F)-space H = A[X] which is a closed subspace of an (F)-space E. The topology Xb(E) on E'IHL is strictly finer than ХЬ(Я). The injection J of H into E is a mono- morphism, but the canonical mapping J' of E' onto E'IHL is not a strong homomorphism. The natural question whether A is a X^-homomorphism whenever A is a homomorphism has a negative answer even for (B)-spaces, as the following example shows. By § 22, 4. there exists a closed subspace H in Z1 such that Z1/# is iso- morphic to Z2. No weakly compact subset M in I1 has the closed unit ball of Г^Н as canonical image K(M). Hence K' is a weak monomorphism of Я1 into Z00 but not a Xfc-monomorphism since condition b) of § 32, 4.(3) is not satisfied. On the other hand, the following converse of the question holds: (5) Let E, F be (JF)-spaces and let A e £(E, F). If A is a ^-homo- morphism, then A is a homomorphism. Since A is a weak homomorphism, A(E) is closed and the assertion follows from the Banach-Schauder theorem.
3. Applications of the Banach-Dieudonne theorem 15 In § 21, 6. we defined on E' the topology Xc of uniform convergence on the precompact subsets of E, This topology is more appropriate for studying duality relations for homomorphisms than the topologies Xb or as the following theorem shows. (6) Let £, F be (F)-spaces. A e £(£, F) is a homomorphism if and only if A is a Zc-homomorphism. Proof. Xc is coarser than Zk on Ef and F' by § 21, 6.(1). Therefore, if A is a Xc-homomorphism, A is a weak homomorphism and A a homo- morphism (Banach-Schauder theorem). Conversely, let A be a homomorphism. Then A(E) is closed and A is Xc-continuous by § 32, 2.(4). To see that A satisfies condition b) of § 32, 4.(3) it is enough to show that every compact subset M of Л(£) is the image of a compact set of E. To this end note that A is an isomorphism, so Л(-1)(М) is compact in Е/?/[Л]. By § 22, 2.(7) there exists a compact set ЛЛ с E such that Kfhf) = A^^M) and therefore M = AK(M±) = A(M1). This completes the proof. Tc denotes the topology on E of uniform convergence on the strongly compact sets of £'. This is the topology Xb in the sense of § 21, 7. (7) Let E and F be (fty-spaces. A e £(£, F) is a homomorphism if and only if A is a ^-homomorphism. If A is a Xc-homomorphism, then, since is weaker than the Mackey topology, A is a weak homomorphism and so by (3) a homomorphism. Conversely, if A is a homomorphism, then A(F") is weakly closed and A is by 1.(3) a strong homomorphism. From § 22, 2.(7) it then follows that condition b) of § 32, 4.(3) is satisfied. By § 32, 2.(4) A" is ^-continuous and therefore A as the restriction of A" to E is also ^-continuous. Thus by § 32, 4.(3) A is a Xc-homomorphism. 3. Applications of the Banach-Dieudonne theorem. In § 28, 3. we introduced the notion of local convergence (or Mackey convergence). Let N be a subset of a locally convex space E. We say that N is locally closed (or closed for the Mackey convergence) if the limit of every locally convergent sequence of elements of N belongs to A. We say that a linear mapping A of E in F is locally sequentially invertible if for each sequence yn e Л(£) which converges locally to о there exists a sequence хпе E which converges locally to о and such that Axn = yn. We need the Banach-Dieudonne theorem for the proof of the following result on homomorphisms.
16 §33. Linear continuous mappings of (B)- and (F)-spaces (1) Let Ebe an(F)-space, F a metrizable locally convex space. A e£(E, F) is a homomorphism if and only if A'(F') is either locally closed in E'[%S(E)] or strongly sequentially closed. Proof, a) If A is a homomorphism, then A'fF') is weakly closed, so A\F’) is locally closed and strongly sequentially closed. b) Assume A'(F') locally closed. Let M be an absolutely convex, weakly closed, and weakly bounded subset of E'. Then M is weakly compact by §21, 5.(4), hence (E')M = E'M is a (B)-space by §20, 11.(2). Since the set N = A'(F') n M is closed in Em, it follows that E^ is a (B)-space too. We next prove that N is weakly compact. F' is the dual of a metrizable space and therefore the union of a sequence <= C2 c • • • of absolutely convex and weakly compact sets Cn. Each set Nn = A'(Cn) n M is weakly oo compact and hence closed in E'N. Obviously E7 = U n^n and it follows n=l from Baire’s theorem that one of the sets nNn contains a ball of E'N. Therefore there exists p > 1 such that N pNn; hence N = pNn n M, and N is weakly compact. Since this is true for every M, it follows from § 21, 10.(5) that A'(F') is weakly closed. Hence A is a weak homomorphism and by 2.(3) a homo- morphism. с) M is strongly bounded by the theorem of Banach-Mackey; there- fore the norm convergence in E'M is stronger than the strong convergence in E'. Hence A'(F') is locally closed if it is strongly sequentially closed. We can now generalize 1.(4) to (2) Let E be an (F)-space, Fa metrizable locally convex space, A e £(E, F). If A' is a strong homomorphism, then A is a homomorphism. It is sufficient to show that A'(F') is weakly closed in E', and by § 219 10.(5) this will be true whenever every weakly bounded subset В of A'(F') is contained in a weakly compact subset of A'(F'). We have A' = A'K, where A' is by assumption a monomorphism of (F77V[?l'])[Tb(F)] in E'[37(E)] with range A\F'). We remark that К and A' are also weakly continuous. FfIN[A'] is the dual of the metrizable space Л(Ё) and (Е7А[Л'])[2Ь(Л(Ё))] is the strong dual of ДЁ). By § 22, 2. the topology Xb(F) on F'/N[A'] is stronger than 37(Л(Е)), whereas XS(F) and XS(A(E)) always coincide. Since E is complete, В is strongly bounded in E'; hence Л'(-1)(Е) is bounded in (F7A[?f])[Sb(F)] and therefore in (Е7А[Л'])[2Ь(Л(Ё))]. Since A(E) is metrizable, тГ(-1)(Е) is relatively weakly compact by § 21, 5. and therefore contained in a weakly compact subset C of F'/N[A']. Hence A'(C) is weakly compact and contains B.
4. Homomorphisms in (В)- and (F)-spaces 17 (3) Let E and F be (Ef spaces, A e £(£, F). A is a homomorphism if A' is either a) locally sequentially invertible or b) strongly sequentially invertible or c) weakly sequentially invertible, a) We must show that if a sequence un e A\F'} converges locally to w0, then u0 belongs to A(F'). Let vn be elements in F'/N[A] such that A'vn = un. Now vn is weakly Cauchy; for if not there would exist (nb гщ) -> (oo, oo) such that vni — vmi 4> о weakly. But uni — um. -> о locally so, by assump- tion, there exist zi e F’ with Azx — uni — umi and zt -> о locally. Thus for K: Ff -> F'IN\A'] we would have Kz{ = vni — vmi and, since К is weakly continuous, this would show vni — vmi -> о weakly, which is a contradiction. The weak Cauchy sequence vn e F'/N[A] is weakly bounded and, since A(E) is an (F)-space, relatively weakly compact, so vn has a weak limit vQ and finally A'v0 = u0. The same arguments give the proofs in the cases b) and c). In the case a) we have also the converse result. (4) Let E and F be barrelled spaces, A a homomorphism of E into F. Then A is locally sequentially invertible. Proof. Let uneA\F') be a local null sequence. There exists an absolutely convex, weakly closed, and weakly bounded set C <= £' such that un e pnC, pn -> 0, pn > 0. Since A is a homomorphism, there exists by § 32, 4.(3) an absolutely convex, weakly closed, and weakly bounded subset В c: F' such that A(B) о C n A(F'). Since un e PnC, there exist vn e pnB such that Avn = un and vn is a local null sequence. From (3) and (4) we infer (5) Let E and F be (F)-spaces, A e £(£, F). A is a homomorphism if and only if A is locally sequentially invertible. As we will see in § 33, 5., the corresponding theorem for case c) in (3) will be true only for separable spaces. Remark. If E, Fare (B)-spaces, A e £(F, F), and A a strong homomorphism, then A is strongly sequentially invertible; hence A is a homomorphism by (3). Thus 1.(4) follows also immediately from (3). The results of this section were proved by the author for echelon spaces in his paper [6]. 4. Homomorphisms in (B)- and (F)-spaces. We collect some of the results of § 33, 2.^4. in two main theorems. (1) Homomorphism Theorem for (^-Spaces: Let E and F be (B)-spaces, A a continuous linear mapping of E into F. The following properties of A are equivalent: a) A is a homomorphism*,
18 §33. Linear continuous mappings of (B)- and (F)-spaces b) A is a weak homomorphism; c) A(E) is closed; d) A' is a strong homomorphism; e) A' is a weak homomorphism; f) A\F') is weakly closed; g) Л'(Г') is strongly closed; h) A' is aHc-homomorphism; i) A is a ^c-homomorphism. Proof, a) and b) are equivalent by 2.(3), a) and c) by the Banach- Schauder theorem, a) and d) by 1.(3) and 1.(4), c) and e) by § 32, 3.(2), b) and f) too, d) and g) by § 32, 2.(4) and the Banach-Schauder theorem for Л', a) and i) by 2.(7), and finally a) and h) by 2.(6). (2) Homomorphism Theorem for (F)-Spaces: Let E and F be fF)-spaces, A a continuous linear mapping of E into E The following properties of A are equivalent: a) A is a homomorphism; b) A is a weak homomorphism; с) Л(£) is closed; d) A' is a weak homomorphism; e) A'fF') is weakly closed; f) A'(F') is locally closed or strongly sequentially closed; g) A' is aXc-homomorphism; h) A is sequentially invertible; i) A' is locally sequentially invertible. The proofs for the equivalence of properties a) to e) and a) and g) are the same as in the case of Theorem (1). The equivalence of a) and f) follows from 3.(1); a) and h) are equivalent by 2.(1), a) and i) by 3.(5). Remark. We define three further properties of A : a) every bounded set M A(E) is contained in the image A(N) of a bounded set N of E; fl) resp. y) the same property for weakly compact resp. compact subsets of A(E). We prove that A is a homomorphism if it has one of these properties; and for this it is sufficient to show that A has property h). Let yn e A(E), yn~+o; then there exist pn -> oo such that pnyn ->o by § 28, 1.(5). The set consisting of the pnyn and о is bounded, weakly com- pact, and compact in A(E). By a), fl), or y) there exist zn e E such that Azn = pnyn and the zn are bounded in E. But then (l/pn)zn converges to о and An(l/pn)zn = yn. Hence A has property h). Observe that homomorphisms of (F)-spaces need not always have
5. Separability. A theorem of Sobczyk 19 property a) (cf. §31,5.) nor property fl) (cf. § 22, 4.). On the contrary, a homomorphism always has property y), as follows from § 22, 2.(7). So y) could be added to our list in (2). 5. Separability. A theorem of Sobczyk. If E is locally convex and separable and if TV is a countable dense set in E, we know (§21, 3.(3) and (4)) that the topologies XS(F) and IS(7V) coincide on every equicontinuous subset M of E' and that on M the weak topology is metrizable. Therefore M is weakly closed if it is weakly sequentially closed. Using the Banach- Dieudonne theorem we proved in §21, 10.(7) that if E is a separable (F)-space, every convex subset of E' is weakly closed if it is weakly sequentially closed. Finally, we proved in § 32, 1.(11) that if E is a separable (F)-space and A is a weakly sequentially continuous linear mapping of E' into a locally convex space F, then A is weakly continuous. Taking the scalar field К for F we see that every weakly sequentially continuous linear functional on E’ is continuous. This is a special case of the following general result: (1) Let E be locally convex, separable, and complete. Then every weakly sequentially continuous linear functional on E' is weakly continuous. This is an immediate consequence of Grothendieck’s result (§21, 9.(4)) and the metrizability of the equicontinuous sets in E'. We now prove the following “lifting” property of separable spaces: (2) Let E be locally convex and separable, H a closed subspace. If йп is an equicontinuous sequence weakly convergent to о in EfH0, then there exist un g un such that un is equicontinuous and weakly convergent to о in E'. By § 22, 1. an equicontinuous set in EfHQ is contained in a set of the form K(U°), U an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in E, and К is the canonical mapping of E' onto F'/H°. We will show that if un g K(U°), then there exist un g 2U° with the desired properties. We remark first that there are vn g un, vn g U°. Assume the sequence У1, У2, • • • to be dense in E. We need the following Lemma. Let e > 0 andy19..., уk be given. Then there exists N(e) > 0 such that for every n N(e) there exists wneU° H° and |(t>n + wn)yj e, 1 i k. Proof. We assume the contrary. Then there exists a subsequence vn of vn such that (3) |(^n + w)j>J > £ for all w g U° n H° and a certain integer j g [1, к]. Since U° is weakly compact and metrizable, there exists a subsequence v'n of v'n converging weakly to u0 g U°. Since by assumption v^ converges
20 § 33. Linear continuous mappings of (B)- and (F)-spaces weakly to o, it follows that u0 = o. Therefore u0 g U° n H° and, taking w = — uQ in (3), we obtain a contradiction. The lemma is proved. To prove (2) we determine now M < N2 < • • • such that for every n Nk there exists g U° n H° such that \(vn + и#0) .Pi I l/к for i k. Taking wn = о for 1 n N19 wn = w^ for N± < n й N2, wn = 42) for N2 < n N3 and so on, we have |(rn + 1 for all n > N19 \(vn + wn)b| 1 and |(pn + wn)^2| | for all n > N2, and so on. This means that un = vn + wn converges to zero in the weak topology generated by the dense sequence j^i, y2,.... Since un g wn, un g 2U° and 2U° is weakly compact, this means un converges to о in the sense of ZS(E) and (2) is proved. (4) Corollary: Let E be a separable (B)-space, H a closed subspace. If uneE'IH° converges weakly to 6 and ||wn|| r, then there exist uneun, ||wn|| 2r such that un converges weakly to о in E'. We are now able to prove the result mentioned at the end of 3. (5) Let E and F be (F)-spaces, F separable. A g £(F, F) is a homo- morphism if and only if A' is weakly sequentially invertible. In view of 3.(3) we have to prove only that the condition is necessary. We may suppose that Af is a weak homomorphism of Ff into £'. Suppose wnGy4'(F') converges weakly to о in £'. Then Л'(-1)мп = vn converges weakly to d in Ff/N[Af]. Since Fis an (F)-space, the sequence vn is equi- continuous; by (2) there exist therefore vn g vn converging weakly to о with A'vn = un. (2) is not true for nonseparable (B)-spaces, as the following example shows. Consider E = and H = c0 and the sequence en of unit vectors in E'lFT = I1. The sequence en converges to о weakly but not in the norm. By § 31, 2.(3) it is therefore not the canonical image of any sequence in F' converging weakly to o. If J is the injection of c0 into /да, then J' is a weak homomorphism but not weakly sequentially invertible. We give an application of (4). (6) Let A be a monomorphism of c0 into a separable (ffyspace E and H = A(c0). Then A has a left inverse ВеЩЕ, c0) such that || В || 2||Л-1||. Proof. A' is a weak and strong homomorphism of F' onto I1 with kernel H° and Af is a weak and strong isomorphism of EfH0 onto I1. The sequence en of the unit vectors in I1 converges weakly to о and therefore
6. (FM)-spaces 21 also the sequence un = A'{ 1}en converges weakly to о in EjH°. We have ||йп|| = ||(2)'<-«|| = IKJ-1)! = И-Ч1 = г, where A' = (Ay follows from § 32, 3.(7) and (Л)'(-1) = (A-1)' from (С-1)'= (C')-1 for any isomorphism (if I = CC1 = С~гС then 1= (С-'УС = C'(C-*yy From (4) follows the existence of a sequence unEun, ||wn|| 2r, un weakly convergent to о in E' and A'un = en. If we now define Bx for every x e E as the sequence (wfcx), then Bx e c0, ||Px|| = sup \ukx\ 2r||x||, and finally BA = / since BAen = (ukAef)k = ((A’uk)e„)k = (eke^k = en for n = 1, 2,.... The following result of Sobczyk [2] is now an easy consequence: (7) Let E be a separable (Jfyspace and H a closed subspace isomorphic to Cq. Then H has a topological complement. If H is norm isomorphic to c0, there exists a projection P of norm 2 of E onto H. Proof. Let A be the monomorphism of c0 in E inducing the isomor- phism A on H. Let В be the left inverse with ||Б|| 2||Л-1||. The product P = AB is a continuous projection of E onto H: We have P(E) <= A(c0) = H and, on the other hand, if G 7/, then = Ax0, x0 e c0, and Py0 = A(BAxq) = Ax0 = j0; hence P(E) = Я, P2 = P. The kernel of P is a topological complement to H. If A is a norm isomorphism, then ||Л|| = 1, ||Л-1|| = 1, ||P|| g Milieu 2. (8) The upper bound 2 for ||P || in (7) is sharp. We have c = c0 © [e], where e = (1, 1,...). Let P be a projection of c ontoc0andPe = у = (yr, y2,.. .)ec0« For every n we have || 2 2 ~ e|| = t but since P^2 fet — e) = 2 % et — у and yk 0 we are able to choose n so large that Ц2 2 ~ ^|| = 2 — e. From this follows ||P|| 2 — e; hence ||P|| 2. Theorem 2 is stated in Grothendieck [11 ]; the idea of the proof comes from Kothe [6]. For (6) and (7) compare Kothe [4']; for an even shorter proof see Veech [Г]. 6. (FM)-spaces. Because of § 27, 2.(5) the results of 5. apply to (FM)- spaces which are separable. There is another important property of (FM)-spaces. Let E and F be (FM)-spaces and A e £(£, F). Contrary to
22 § 33. Linear continuous mappings of (B)- and (F)-spaces the situation for arbitrary (F)-spaces, we show that the adjoint A' of a homomorphism A is always a strong homomorphism (as in the case of (B)-spaces). In an (FM)-space E the bounded subsets coincide with the relatively compact subsets; hence Xb(£) coincides with XC(E) on E'. Therefore in 4.(2) condition g) can be read as: A' is a strong homomorphism. Without repeating the whole list of equivalent properties of 4.(2) for (FM)-spaces we record this result in (1) Let E and F be (FMfspaces. A e £(£, F) is a homomorphism if and only if A’ is a strong homomorphism. By a theorem of Dieudonne (§ 27, 2.(8)) a locally convex space E is the strong dual of an (FM)-space if and only if it is barrelled and has a countable fundamental system of absolutely convex compact subsets. These spaces are (M)-spaces, are reflexive, and their duals are (FM)-spaces. Hence the homomorphism theorem for (FM)-spaces can be interpreted as a theorem on homomorphisms of the dual spaces. From 4.(2) and (1) follows in particular a theorem of Banach-Schauder type. (2) Let E and F be barrelled spaces with countable fundamental systems of absolutely convex compact sets. A continuous linear mapping AofE into F is a homomorphism if and only if A(E) is sequentially closed. This theorem applies, for example, to the spaces H(9I) of locally holomorphic functions of § 27, 3. and 4. and to the co-echelon spaces of type (M)of§30, 9. The counterexamples in 2. show that the Banach-Schauder theorem is not true for continuous linear mappings of the strong duals of arbitrary (F)-spaces. Grothendieck [10] constructed an example showing that (2) is false even for the strong duals of separable reflexive (F)-spaces. The example is closely related to the example in § 31, 5. Let a(fe) be the vector (a$}) such that = jk for i < к and dff = ik for i fc, where /,/, к = 1, 2,.... We may write a(fc) in the form fc-i a(fc) = (ЬГ^ЛЧ (к + 1)4...), where = (lfc, 2fc, 3fc,...), e = (1, 1, 1,...). Let A be the echelon space of pth order, p > 1, defined by the steps a(/c), and Ax the a-dual which is a co-echelon space of pth order (§ 30, 8.). A consists of all vectors x = (xiy) such that (1) 2 l^’l |Xy|* < oo, A: =1,2,.... M=1
1. Nearly open mappings 23 Ax consists of all u = (wiy) such that (2) 2 < °° i,j=l for some k, where 1/p + 1/q = 1. With the norms corresponding to (1) A is an (F)-space and by § 30, 9.(1) even an (FM)-space. Ax is the dual of A and an (M)-space for the strong topology. (00 oo \ 2 2 xi2, • • • I defined for every x g A. We prove first that Ax is an element of Zp. Let d = (p15 p2> • • •) be an element of lq and let n be (n, n,...). We show that 6 is an element of Ax. For this we choose к such that kqjp > 1. Then 2 H/Ч-<2/p|^|<2 < 00• For i < к we have fj=i 2 мя"e,pityiQ = 2 f°r z - 2 _g/pir/ie = i~kqip2 Ы9- j j j j Since n g Ax, fj x = 2 vixu is absolutely convergent. Therefore i.j=l (з) их = 2vj 2= d(^x) = < °° i i for all x e A and all d g lq. Hence Ax g lp. By (3) we have A'x> = f) and A' maps lq = (/p)' in Ax = A'; hence A is weakly continuous and therefore continuous from A into /р. A' is one-one and A'(lq) is the subspace of Ax consisting of all n. If a vector u = (u, u,...) is an element of A', then it must satisfy (2) for some k. But then we have 2 \uj\q < 00 and A is in A'(lq). Since a weak adherent point of Л'(/д) must be of the form (u, u,...), we find that Л'(Л) is weakly closed in A'. But then A is a homomorphism of A onto lp. Now the unit ball in lp is bounded but not compact; therefore it cannot be the image of a bounded set in A, since these sets are all relatively compact. From § 32, 4.(3) it follows that A' is not a strong homomorphism of lq in A' though A'(lq} is weakly closed. A is an (FM)-space with /p, a reflexive (B)-space, as quotient space, and there exist weakly compact sets in lp which are not canonical images of weakly compact sets in A. § 34. The theory of PtAk 1. Nearly open mappings. For arbitrary locally convex spaces the homo- morphism theorem (§ 32, 4.) gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a continuous linear mapping to be a homomorphism. In the case of
24 § 34. The theory of PtAk (F)-spaces we have the much stronger theorem of Banach and Schauder. Ptak [4] made the first successful attempt to extend this theorem to a larger class of spaces. We give here an exposition of his ideas and later developments which include generalizations of the closed-graph theorem. PtAk’s starting point is an analysis of the classical proof of the Banach-Schauder theorem (cf. § 15,12.). Assuming A(E) to be not meagre in F, one proves first that A(U) is a neighbourhood of о in A(E) = F, where U is a neighbourhood of о in E. Secondly, one shows that A(U) itself is a neighbourhood of о in F. The following notion will help to describe the situation. Let £, F be locally convex and A a linear mapping of E into F. Call A nearly open if for every neighbourhood U of о in E the closure A(U} in Fis a neighbour- hood of о in A(E). An equivalent definition is: A is nearly open if the closure of A(U} in A(E} is a neighbourhood of о in A(E) for every neighbourhood U of о in E. If we look again at the proof of the Banach-Schauder theorem, the following two questions are very natural: a) What conditions on F assure that a linear continuous mapping A of a locally convex space E onto F is always nearly open ? P) Can one characterize the spaces E with the property that a linear continuous and nearly open mapping A of E into an arbitrary locally convex space F is always open ? The answer to question a) is easy: (1) The barrelled spaces F are characterized by the following property: Every linear (or every linear continuous} mapping A of an arbitrary locally convex space E onto F is nearly open. Proof, a) Let F be barrelled, A linear from E onto F. If U is an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in £, then A(U} is absorbent and absolutely convex. Consequently, A(U} is a barrel and therefore a neigh- bourhood in F. b) Let I be the identity mapping of F[Ib(F')] onto ^[£]; then I is continuous. We assume that I is nearly open. Then a barrel Tin F[I] is a strong neighbourhood of о in Fand, as I(T) is also al-neighbourhood, so F[I] is barrelled. The first part of the proof of the Banach-Schauder theorem is a special case of (1) if we show that a nonmeagre subspace of an (F)-space is barrelled. This will be an immediate consequence of (2). In § 4, 6. we called a subset M of a metric space E meagre in E if M is the union of countably many nowhere dense sets. This notion of meagre- ness is meaningful in topological vector spaces too, and we have
1. Nearly open mappings 25 (2) A nonmeagre linear subspace H of a locally convex space £[I] is barrelled in the induced topology I and dense in E. 00 Let T be a barrel in H. Then H = (J nT. Since H is not meagre in £, _ n=l T is not nowhere dense in £; hence T is a closed neighbourhood of о in E. Since T is closed in Я, T = Tn Я is a neighbourhood of о in Я [I] and Я is therefore barrelled. That Я is dense in E follows from E = (J nT. n= 1 A locally convex space which is not meagre in itself is called a Bai re space. As a corollary of (2) we have (3) Every locally convex Baire space is barrelled. We now turn to question Д) and begin with the dual characterization of continuous nearly open mappings. (4) Let T[Xl] and T[I2] be locally convex spaces,УЛу resp.$R2 the class of equicontinuous sets in E' resp. F'. A linear continuous resp. weakly continuous mapping A of E into F is nearly open resp. continuous and nearly open if and only if Л'(ЭЛ2) ° ®li n Л'(Т') resp. Л'(Ш12) = SJli n Л'(Т'). The statement for weakly continuous mappings is a consequence of the statement for continuous mappings and § 32, 2.(1). So we need prove only the continuous case and then the theorem is obviously in close analogy to the homomorphism theorem (§ 32, 4.(3)). Proof, a) Assume А'(УЯ2) H A'(F') and let U be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in E. We must show that A(U) is a ^-neigh- bourhood of о in A(E). By the theorem of bipolars we have A(U) = A(U)°°. NowX(l/)° = A^-^U0) = A'^-^U0 n A'(F')); since by assump- tion there exists M2 e S0l2 absolutely convex such that A'(M2) U° n Л'(F')> we have A(U)° <= A’^AfM^) = M2 + Я[Л']. Hence A(U) = A(Uf° (M2 -I- Я[Л'])° = M2 n A(E) and this is a ^-neighbourhood of о in ж. b) The condition is necessary. Let A be continuous and nearly open and let e SDlj n A'(F') be absolutely convex and weakly closed in A'(F'). By assumption A(M£) => M2 n Л(Т) for some absolutely convex and weakly closed M2 e Ш12. Taking polars in F' we have ACMir = Л(М°)° <= (M2° П Ж))° = (M°2 n Я[Л']°)° = M2 + Я[Л']. On the other hand, A(MTf = A'^M™) = A'^MJ, since M°f n Л'(Т') = because is weakly closed in A'(F'). Hence Л4"^^) ° M2 + Я[Л']. If we apply A’ to this inequality, we get ^(^"^(MQ) = Mr on the left side and A\M2 + Я[Л']) <= A'(M2 + А[Л']) = A'(M2) on the right side. Therefore <= Л'(М2) = Л'(М2) since M2 is weakly compact.
26 § 34. The theory of PtAk Comparison of (4) with the homomorphism theorem gives (5) A linear continuous and nearly open mapping A of E into F, E and F locally convex, is open if and only if A\F') is weakly closed. Another important consequence of (4) is the following proposition: (6) Let Л g£(£[Ii], £[I2]) be nearly open. Then for every weakly closed absolutely convex^-equicontinuous set in Ef the set M± n Af(Ff) is weakly closed in Ef. By (4) Mr n A'(Ff) is contained in a weakly compact set A'(M2). But then Mi n A'(F') = Mi n Л'(М2) is also weakly compact because it is the intersection of two such sets and therefore weakly closed in E'. Remembering the definition of the topology 27 and the characterization of 27-closed sets in § 21, 8., we have the following equivalent formulation of (6): (6') If A e £(£[Ii], £[X2]) is nearly open, then A'(F') isX(-c/osed in £'. For the weak topology we have (7) Every weakly continuous linear mapping is nearly weakly open. This follows from (4) since Л'(ЭЙ2) =>9Jli n Л'(£') if 9Jli andS0l2 are the classes of all bounded subsets of finite dimension. 2. Ptak spaces and the Banach-Schauder theorem. The results of 1. and question Д) suggest the following definitions. A locally convex space £[I] is called a Ptak space (or ^-complete) if every 27-closed linear subspace of £' is weakly closed. £[I] is called an infra-Ptak space (or £r-complete) if every weakly dense 27-closed linear subspace of E' coincides with £'. Every Ptak space is an infra-Ptak space. It is an unsolved problem whether there exist infra-Ptak spaces which are not Ptak spaces. (1) Every infra-Ptak space is complete. If Я is a 27-closed linear subspace of £' of co-dimension 1, it is either weakly closed or weakly dense in £'. The second case cannot happen by definition of an infra-Ptak space. The assertion follows now from §21, 9.(6). We can now give a complete answer to question Д) of 1. (cf. PtAk [4J). (2) a) A locally convex space E is a Ptak space if and only if every continuous linear and nearly open mapping A of E into an arbitrary locally convex space F is a homomorphism.
2. Pt&k spaces and the Banach-Schauder theorem 27 b) A locally convex space E is an infra-Ptak space if and only if every one-one continuous linear and nearly open mapping A of E into an arbitrary locally convex space F is a monomorphism. Proof, i) Let £ be a Ptak space, A continuous linear and nearly open. Л'(£') is I{-closed by 1.(6') and therefore weakly closed. By 1.(5) A is a homomorphism. Observing that in the case b) Л'(£') is weakly dense in E' because A is one-one, the same argument will show that A is open if E is an infra-Ptak space. ii) Let £[I] be locally convex andSUl the class of equicontinuous subsets of E'. We assume that E is not a Ptak space; E' has therefore a Inclosed but not weakly closed subspace H. By § 22, 2.(1) the topologies ZS(E) and Х(Я') coincide on Я; hence the injection J of Я[Х(Я')] into £'[IS(^)] is a weak monomorphism. J' is the canonical homomorphism К of £№')] onto H'[XS(H)] = (£/H°)[Xs(H)]. Since H is 2/-closed, 9Й n H is a saturated class of absolutely convex and Xs(£/^°)-compact subsets of Я = (£/Я°)[18(Я)]'; therefore Эй n H determines a topology X' on El FT which is compatible with the dual pair <Я, El FT"). It follows from K’ = J that n Я) = Эй n H and from 1.(4) that К is a continuous and nearly open mapping of £[I] onto (£/Я°)[1']. Since H is not weakly closed, К is not open. In the same way one constructs a nearly open but not open continuous injection on E whenever E is not an infra-Ptak space. From (2) and 1.(1) follows immediately Ptak’s generalization of the Banach-Schauder theorem: (3) Every linear continuous mapping of a Ptak space onto a barrelled space is a homomorphism. Every one-one linear continuous mapping of an infra-Ptak space onto a barrelled space is an isomorphism. The classical Banach-Schauder theorem follows from (3) in the following way. We proved in 1. that if Л(£) is not meagre in F, then A(E) is barrelled. By § 21, 10.(5) every (F)-space is a Ptak space; hence A is a homomorphism. The Ptak spaces E are characterized by the property that the linear continuous and nearly open mappings of E onto any locally convex space F are always open. It is natural to ask whether this remains valid for a larger class of spaces E by putting restrictions on the space F. We give two examples. Husain [Г] called a locally convex space £[X] a B^j-space if a 2/-closed subspace H of £' is weakly closed if in H all weakly bounded
28 § 34. The theory of PtAk subsets are I-equicontinuous. Husain proved the following proposition: (4) Every linear continuous mapping of a B(fF)-space F[I] onto a barrelled space is a homomorphism. The Bf^fspaces are characterized by this property. Proof. Let be a F(JQ-space, F[X2] be barrelled, and A e Q(E, F). By 1.(1) A is nearly open and therefore A'(F') is Inclosed. Now Af is a weak monomorphism. The class SUl2 of equicontinuous subsets of F' con- sists of all weakly bounded subsets since F is barrelled. Therefore Л'(ЭЙ2) is the class of all weakly bounded subsets of A'(F'). We have Л'(ЭЙ2) = SUli n A'(F') by 1.(4); hence the weakly bounded subsets of A'(Ff) are equicontinuous. Since E is a ^(JQ-space, A’(F') is weakly closed and A is a homomorphism by 1.(5). If, conversely, F[I] is not a FfJQ-space, then there exists a 27-closed but not weakly closed subspace of E' in which all weakly bounded subsets are equicontinuous. A repetition of the arguments in the second part of the proof of (2) leads to a nearly open but not open mapping of F[I] onto the barrelled space (£/H°)[Ib(H)]. It is also possible to characterize the locally convex spaces £[£] with the property that every linear continuous and nearly open mapping of E onto a locally convex space with the Mackey topology is a homomorphism. The characterizing property is the following: Let H be a 27-closed subspace of E' such that the equicontinuous sets in H coincide with the weakly compact absolutely convex sets and their subsets; then H is weakly closed in E'. The proof is left to the reader. 3. Some results on Ptak spaces. Our first result is a new characterization of infra-Ptak spaces. (1) £[I] is an infra-Ptak space if and only if there is no strictly coarser locally convex topology Xi on E with the property that the ^-closure of a ^-neighbourhood of о is always a ^-neighbourhood. Proof. The condition is necessary, since the identity map of £[I] onto £[2a] is continuous and nearly open and hence an isomorphism by 2.(2) b). Conversely, we suppose that the condition is satisfied and that A is a one-one continuous and nearly open mapping of E onto a locally convex space F[Ii]. We may identify E and F so that A is the identity map of F[I] onto 2Г[2\]. Then for A to be nearly open means exactly that Ii satisfies the condition of the theorem. Ii therefore coincides with I and A is an isomorphism. By 2.(2) b) £[I] is an infra-Ptak space since it is sufficient to consider only mappings onto locally convex spaces F.
3. Some results on Ptdk spaces 29 We next investigate the hereditary properties of Ptak spaces. (2) Every quotient of a Ptak space is a Ptak space. Conversely, a locally convex space is a Ptak space if all its quotients are infra-Ptak spaces. Proof, a) Let EfH be a quotient of the Ptak space E and A a con- tinuous linear and nearly open mapping of £/Я into the locally convex space F. If К is the canonical homomorphism of E onto EjH then the mapping AK of E into Fis continuous. If U is an open neighbourhood of о in E, then K(U) is a neighbourhood of о in E/H and A(K(U)) = (AK)(U) is, by assumption, a neighbourhood in F. Therefore AK is nearly open hence open since £ is a Ptak space. But then A too is a homomorphism and the first assertion follows from 2.(2). b) The proof of the second statement is analogous. If A is linearly continuous and nearly open, then the map A of EIN [A] into F is also nearly open; since EIN[A\ is an infra-Ptak space A is open, and hence A is also. Using 2.(1) we conclude (3) Every quotient of a Ptak space is complete. Every homomorphism A of a Ptak space into a locally convex space F has a range A(E) which is a Ptak space in the topology induced by F. A complete locally convex space with a noncomplete quotient space is therefore never a Ptak space. We saw in § 31, 6. that the locally convex direct sum of countable many spaces c0 is an example for this situation. Hence there exist strict (LB)-spaces which are not Ptak spaces and an inductive limit of a sequence of Ptak spaces is in general not a Ptak space. (4) Every closed subspace H of an infra-Ptak space resp. Ptak space is again an infra-Ptak space resp. Ptak space. Proof, a) Let £ be a Ptak space, H a closed subspace, J the injection of Яш £. Then J' is the canonical homomorphism £of£' onto EfHo = FT. Let L be a subspace of £'IH° such that all subsets (U n H)° n L are Xs(^)-Cl°sed, where U is an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in £ and the polar (Un H)° is taken in H'. We have to show that L itself is Xs(^)-closed in E'IH°. We first consider the subspace £(-1)(£) of £' and prove that U° n £(-1)(£)isalways weakly closed. We have J( Un Я) U,J(UnH)°^ U°, hence U° n £<~1>(£) = U° n J(U n H)° n £<-1)(£). From § 32, 1.(9) it follows that JfUc\Hf = /^((Un Я)°); therefore J(U n H)° n K^-^L) = n Я)° n L). By assumption (U n Я)° n L is
30 § 34. The theory of PtAk Xs(#)-closed and, since ZS(H) = Xs(£) on EftT, it follows that г\ г\ E) is Xs(£)-closed in E'. Hence UQ C\ К{~1}(Е) is always weakly closed and, since E is a Ptak space, K{~ n(L) is weakly closed in £". Finally, L = £(£(-1)(£)) is weakly closed in E'[H° since К is a weak homomorphism, so the complement of X’(-1)(L) in E' is weakly open and L is the complement of the weakly open image of the complement. b) The proof for infra-Ptak spaces is contained in a) if one considers only subspaces L which are weakly dense in EfH0. It follows then that ЛГ(-1)(Л) is also weakly dense in E': The polar L° of L in H is o. Every усК^Е? lies in H since K(~iy(E) H° and H°° = H. From uy = 0 for all и e therefore follows йу = 0 for all й eL. Hence у eL° = о and ЛГ(-1)(Л)° = о. We know that all (F)-spaces are Ptak spaces. Ptak [4] proved (5) Let E be an (F)-space. Then £"[X] is a Ptak space for every locally convex topology X between Xc(£) andXjfE). The strong dual of a reflexive (JE)-space is a Ptak space. We have (E'[X])' = E. It is sufficient to prove that every Xz-closed subspace Я of £ is closed. Let z be in Я; then z is the limit of a bounded sequence xn e H. The xn are contained in an absolutely convex compact and therefore X-equicontinuous closed subset M of E. Since H n M is closed by assumption, z is in H and therefore H is closed. From (5) it follows that a Ptak space need not be quasi-barrelled. (6) If £[X] is a complete locally convex space and if and Zlf coincide on E', then £[X] is a Ptak space. Proof. Under our assumptions Xz coincides with X° because of § 21, 9.(7), so Xz is a topology compatible with the dual pair <£", £>, and therefore aXz-closed subspace of E' is weakly closed. On the other hand, it follows from (6) that if a complete £[X] is not a Ptak space, then the topologies Xz andX^ are different on £", so thatXz is not a locally convex topology. Every a)d is a Ptak space since every linear subspace of a)d = <pd is weakly closed. It follows from (5) that is a Ptak space since it is the strong dual of the reflexive (F)-space ш. In connection with (6) it is of interest to note that it was proved in § 21, 8.(2) that on <pd = a)d, d 2*4 the topologies Xz and Xz/ are different. <pd is complete and every quotient space is complete, but <pd for d 2**o is even not an infra-Ptak space. By (4) it will be sufficient to prove this for d = 2*4 By § 9, 5.(5) ш has the algebraic dimension 2*4 it is therefore possible to find a one-one linear mapping A of onto ш. Since the
4. A theorem of Kelley 31 topology on <pa is the finest locally convex topology, A is continuous. But A is not a monomorphism so that by 2.(3) <pd is not an infra-Ptak space. We remark that it follows from (6) that the topologies and Zlf on <p'd = <*>а are different. We give now an example of a topological product of two Ptak spaces which is not a Ptak space. We observed in § 27, 2. that the spaces <ра> and a)(p are (M)-spaces. They are dual to each other; therefore the absolutely convex and compact subsets form a fundamental set of equicontinuous sets. As was shown in Hagemann [1] and Kothe [2], a subspace of <pa> or аир is closed if it is sequentially closed. The same argument as in the proof of (5) shows now that a 27-closed subspace of <ра> or a><p is closed. Therefore (pa> and аир are Ptak spaces. The product <pu> © axp is not a Ptak space since it has quotients which are not complete (cf. § 23, 5.). 4. A theorem of Kelley. Let (£(£) be the class of all absolutely convex closed subsets of a locally convex space £[X]. We define a uniform struc- ture U on <£(E) in the following way. Let U be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in £ and denote by Nv the class of all pairs (A, B), where A and В are in £(£) and such that А с: В + U and В A + U. These Nv are the vicinities of a base of a uniformity U on (£(£). U is Hausdorff since from A cz В 4- U for all U follows A B, and therefore A = В by symmetry. £[I] is called hypercomplete if the uniform space (£(£) is complete. Kelley [2'] proved that this is the case if and only if E' has the Krein- Smulian property, i.e., every absolutely convex subset C of E' is weakly closed whenever all C n U° are weakly closed in £'. A hypercomplete space is therefore a Ptak space; the problem of the existence of a Ptak space which is not hypercomplete seems to be open. But there is a closely related characterization of Ptak spaces. We consider decreasing nets Ca, a e A, in (£(£), so that Ca Cfi if a Such a net is called scalar if with each Ca of the net, every pCa, p > 0, is also a member of the net. We say that (£(£) is scalarly com- plete if every decreasing scalar Cauchy net has a limit in (£(£). If the decreasing net Ca, a e A, has a limit C in (£(£) and if U is an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in £, then we have C c Q + U for all p /3O(C7). From this follows c c Q Q (ca + = p| Q (G + t/) = Q ca. U a a U a On the other hand, Ca с C + U for sufficiently large a and hence П Q c p Hence if a decreasing net Ca has a limit C in (£(£), then a
32 § 34. The theory of PtAk C = C| Ca. In particular, if Ca is scalar, then C = Q Ca is a closed a a subspace of E. We prove now the theorem of Kelley: (1) A locally convex space £[X] is a Ptak space if and only if&(E) is scalarly complete. £[I] is an infra-Ptak space if and only if every decreasing scalar Cauchy net Ca such that Q Ca = о has the limit о in (£(£). a Proof, a) Let £ be a Ptak space and Ca, ae A, bea decreasing scalar Cauchy net in (£(£) with Q Ca = C. We take polars C° in E' and set H = U C°. Since (pCa)° = (l/p)Ca, we see that Я is a subspace of E' and a H° = c. Let U be a closed absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in E. Since Ca is a Cauchy net, there exists p g A such that Q <= Ca + U for all a p. Since Ca is decreasing, this is true for all a g A; therefore (Ca + U)° c C% for all a. It follows that i(C° n U°) (Ca + U)° <= C°0 H; hence H n U° c= 2C% с H. Since C£ is weakly closed, the weak closure of H r\ U° is contained in H and H n U° itself is weakly closed. Since £ is a Ptak space, H is weakly closed and H = C°. Finally, it follows from H n U° 2C°0 that Q <= 2(H n U°)° = + U) H° + 3U = C + 3U, and this means that Ca converges to C. b) If £ is an infra-Ptak space, we have to consider only Cauchy nets Ca such that Q Ca = o. Then H = |J C° is weakly dense in £' and it follows as in a) that H = £' and from U° = H n U° 2Cp it follows that Q ci 2U; this is the convergence of Ca to o. c) We assume that every decreasing scalar Cauchy net converges in (£(£). Let Я be a 2/-closed subspace of £'. We have to prove that H is weakly closed. Let U be any absolutely convex closed neighbourhood of о in £; then the sets (U° n Я)° form a decreasing scalar net in (£(£). Since u (U° n Я) = Я, 0 (JJ° n Я)° = я°. и и We prove first that this is a Cauchy net. Let V, W be two neighbour- hoods of o; then using the fact that H is 2/-closed, we conclude that (V° n Я)° + 2W (V° c\Hf + W => ((F° n Я)°° n PF°)° = (V° n H n W°)° => (FF° n Я)°. For all F, W c we therefore have (Га Я)° с (Г А Я)° + U and this is the Cauchy condition.
5. Closed linear mappings 33 By assumption (U° n H)° converges to H°; hence for any given U there exists V such that (Г n H)° <= H° + U. Therefore H n U° = (H° + U)° c (K° n H)°° =V°r\H^H and U (Я n U°) = H с H, showing H is weakly closed. и d) If we assume that every scalar Cauchy net Ca with p| Ca = о a converges and if H is 27-closed and weakly dense in then the net (U° n H)° has the intersection о and the proof in c) then shows that H = E' so that E is an infra-Ptak space. (1) permits a simple proof of 3.(4). If Я is a closed subspace of a Ptak space, then every decreasing scalar Cauchy net Ca on H has the limit Pl Ca in Я; therefore Я too is a Ptak space. a We give also a new proof for the completeness of an infra-Ptak space E based on (1). We assume that E is not complete and that z is an element of Ё ~ E. We consider the sets [z] + U, where [z] is the line through о and z and U any closed absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in Ё. We prove first that [z] + U is closed in Ё. If [z] c U this is trivial. Assume fiz^U for \ft\ nQ. By § 15, 6.(10) the sets {az + w; |a| fc, и g U} are closed. If t is in [z] + U but not in [z] + Я, then t + U must contain elements az + w, wg U, |a| arbitrary large. But then (a±z + Wi) — (a2z + w2) would be in 2U, and (ax — a2)z g 4C7, which contradicts ftz ф U, \ft\ n0, for suitably chosen a15 a2. The sets [z] + U obviously form a scalar Cauchy net in (£(£) with limit [z], We consider now the net consisting of the sets ([z] + U) n E. It is a decreasing Cauchy net in (£(E) with intersection о and our proof will be complete if we can show that о is not a limit of this net. We choose U such that о ф z + U and V such that (z + U) n V is empty. Let W c: U; then there exists у g E such that z — у g W, so у g (z + W) n E <= z + U. Therefore for no W <= U ([z] + W) n E is contained in V n E = о + V n E; hence о cannot be the limit of the Cauchy net. 5. Closed linear mappings. As we saw in § 15,12., the classical closed- graph theorem is a simple consequence of the Banach-Schauder theorem. So we can expect a generalization of the closed-graph theorem which is a counterpart to Theorem 2.(3). But it will not be a simple consequence of 2.(3). We begin with a study of mappings with a closed graph. We note first that this notion generalizes that of a continuous mapping. (1) Every continuous mapping A of a Hausdorff topological space Rx in a Hausdorff topological space R2 has a closed graph.
34 § 34. The theory of PtAk The graph G(A) consists of all pairs (x, Ax) e R± x R2, where xe R±. Assume (y, z) g G(A) and z / Ay. There exist in R2 neighbourhoods U of z and V of Ay such that U n V is empty. Since A is continuous, there exists a neighbourhood W of у with A(fF) <= V. Then the neighbourhood W x U of (y, z) contains no point of G(A) and this contradicts (y, z) e G(A). A mapping with a closed graph will be called for short a closed mapping in the following. This is unfortunately in contradiction with the use of the word defined in § 1,7., but it will be always clear from the context in which sense the word is used. A closed linear mapping A of E in F may be not weakly continuous, and then A' will not map every element of F' into an element of E'. If A is a linear mapping of E in F, then the set of all v e F' such that A'v is an element of E' is a linear subspace of F' and is called the domain (of definition) D[A'] of A'. It is easy to determine D[A']: (2) Let E, F be locally convex, A a linear mapping of E into F. The domain D[A'] of A' in F' is the union |J A(U)°, where U is any absolutely и convex neighbourhood of о in E. Proof. If veA(U)° c F', then sup |г?(Лх)| = SUP = 1 and A'v e E'; hence A(U)° <= D[A']. Conversely, if v g D[A'], A'v g E' and there exists an absolutely convex U such that sup |(Л'г)х| 1. But this means v g A(U)°. xeU We can now establish the following useful characterization of closed linear mappings. (3) Let A be a linear mapping of the locally convex space F[Ii] in the locally convex space F[I2]. Then the following properties of A are equivalent: a) A is closed', b) D[A'J is weakly dense in F' ; c) there exists a locally convex Hausdorff topology X2 on F which is coarser than I2 and such that A is continuous from F[IX] in F[I2]. Proof, i) b) follows from a). Let G(A) be the closed graph of A. Let z / о be an element of the polar D[A']° in F. Then (o, z) is not an element of G(A). Since G(A) is a closed linear subspace of F x F, it follows from the Hahn-Banach theorem that there exists (w, v) g E' x F' such that (4) <(w, v), (x, Ax)) = их + v(Ax) = 0 for all x g E and (5) <Su, v), (o, z)> = vz = 1.
5. Closed linear mappings 35 From (4) follows A'v = — w; hence v e D[A']. But this contradicts (5) because z g /)[Л']°. Therefore /)[Л']° = о. ii) c) follows from b). We assume that Я = D[A'] is weakly dense in F'. If we equip Fwith the Hausdorff topology Х8(Я), then A is continuous from £[2XE')] in ^[2S(7/)] by § 32,1.(3) and therefore continuous from in F[Is(tf)]. iii) a) follows from c): Let A be a continuous linear mapping of £[Ii] in Г[Хг], 22 coarser than I2 but still Hausdorff. Then G(A) is Xi x X2- closed, hence 3\ x X2-closed. We note some useful corollaries. (6) Let A be a closed linear mapping of the locally convex space £[Ii] in the locally convex space F[X2]. If we replace I2 by a stronger locally convex topology S2, then A remains closed. (7) The kernel N[A\ of a closed linear mapping A is closed. The linear mapping A is closed if and only if A is closed. Proof. The first statement follows from (3) c), since Я[Л] is the kernel of a continuous mapping. If A is continuous as a mapping of £[Ii] in F[X2], then A is continuous from (£/Я[Л])[21] in F[I2]; hence A is closed as a mapping of (Е/Я[Л])[21] in F[I2]. The converse follows in a similar way. (8) Let A be a continuous linear mapping of a dense subspace H of the locally convex space E in the complete locally convex space F. If A has a closed graph in E x F, then H = E. Proof. Let x0 be an adherent point of H in E and xae H a net con- verging to x0. Then Axa is a Cauchy net in F and has a limit _y0 since F is complete. Hence (xa, Axa) has the limit (x0, j>0) and is in G(A). Therefore xoe H and H = E. (9) Let Ij. and T2 be two locally convex topologies on E. Then the identity mapping I of onto E[I2] is closed if and only if there exists on E a locally convex topology I coarser than Xi andT2- I is closed by (3) c) if and only if there exists a locally convex topology 2 c I2 on E such that / is continuous. But this means I <= 2^ and I <= I2. The following example shows that even under rather strong assump- tions the closed-graph theorem will not be true. We constructed in 3. a one-one continuous and nearly open mapping A of <pd9 d = 2*4 onto which is not a monomorphism. Its inverse has a closed graph since A has
36 § 34. The theory of PtAk a closed graph, but Л(-1) is not continuous. Both spaces have very nice properties: is a reflexive (F)-space; is complete, reflexive, barrelled, and bornological. A(~iy is even nearly continuous in the sense of the next section. On the other hand, the following special case is a simple consequence of (3). (10) Every closed linear mapping A of a locally convex space into a)d, d any cardinal, is continuous. The proof uses the fact that the topology I = on E = a>d is minimal in the sense that there exists no strictly coarser locally convex topology on E: From X it follows that £[IX]' is weakly dense in £[I]' = <pd. But in <pd every linear subspace is weakly closed; hence = <pd andli Is(<Pd). Assume now A closed. Then by (3) there exists a locally convex topology Ii c= $ on u)d such that A is continuous into o>d[Ii]. But 2^ = I and A is continuous. 6. Nearly continuous mappings and the closed-graph theorem. Let E and F be locally convex. A linear mapping A of E in F is called nearly continuous if the closure Л(-1)(К) of the inverse image of every neigh- bourhood V of о in F is a neighbourhood of о in E. This notion is closely connected with the notion “nearly open”: If A is a one-one linear mapping of E onto F, then A is nearly continuous if and only if Л(-1) is nearly open. The following proposition is a counterpart to 1.(1). (1) The barrelled spaces E are characterized by the following property: Every linear mapping A of E into an arbitrary locally convex space F is nearly continuous. Proof, a) Let E be barrelled, V an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in F. Then Л(-1)(К) is absolutely convex and absorbent, hence Л(-1)(И) is a barrel and a neighbourhood of о in E. b) The second half follows from the second half of the proof of 1.(1) by considering 7(-1) instead of I. We will need the following generalizations of § 32, 1.(9) and (10): (2) Let Abe a linear mapping of the locally convex space E in the locally convex space F and let H = D[A']. Then for every absolutely convex neighbourhood U of о in E (3) A(Uf = A'^KU0)
6. Nearly continuous mappings and the closed-graph theorem 37 and for every absolutely convex neighbourhood V of о in F (4) A{~1\V)° = A\HC\ V°), The proof of (3) is almost trivial: veA(U)° means |г(Лх)| 1 or |(J'p)x| 1 for all x g U and this means A'v g U° or v e Л'(-1)((7°). We remark that A(Wf <= н by 5.(2). We prove now (4). Let ve H n V° and и = A'v. For each у g V n Л(£) and x g A(" 1)<y we have = |(Л'г>)х| = |wx| 1. Hence A'(Hn V°) c A^Vf. Conversely, let wg A(~1\V)°. This means |wx| 1 for all xeA(~1}y, where у runs through V n A(E). If we put vy = их, x g A{~^y, then v is uniquely defined on AfE) since и is zero on Л(-1)(о). By the Hahn-Banach theorem v has an extension onto F such that |vy| 1 for all у g V. It follows from v(Ax) = vy = их for all x g E that A'v = w; hence v g H c\ V°, ueAfHn F°), and Л(-1)(К)° <= A'(ffn V°). We give now the dual characterization of nearly continuous maps. (5) Let E and F be locally convex,resp.yjl2 the class of equicontinuous sets in E' resp. F'. A linear mapping A of E in F is nearly continuous if and only if A\H пШ12) с where H = E>[A']. That A is nearly continuous means that for every absolutely convex neighbourhood V of о in F there exists a closed absolutely convex neigh- bourhood U of о in E such that Л(-1)(К) U. This is equivalent to A^-^Vf c u° and this by (3) to A'(H n V°) <= U°. (6) A nearly continuous mapping A is continuous if and only if D[A'] = F'. This is an immediate consequence of (5) and § 32, 2.(1). (7) If A is nearly continuous from £[Ii] in F[I2], then H = D[A'] is ^-closed in F'. We have to prove that H n V° is weakly closed in F' for every abso- lutely convex neighbourhood К of о in F. By (5) we have A'(H n K°) <= U° for some absolutely convex closed neighbourhood U of о in E. Hence Hr\ V° c A'^A'(Hc\ V°) c A'(~ly(U°) = A(U)°by(3). Now A(U)° <= H by 5.(2); hence H n V° = A(U)° n V° and H n V° is weakly closed in F'. We are now able to prove PtXk’s counterpart to 2.(2) b): 8 (8) A locally convex space F is an infra-Ptak space if and only if every linear nearly continuous and closed mapping A of a locally convex space E into F is continuous.
38 § 34. The theory of PtAk Proof, a) Suppose that F is an infra-Ptak space. If A satisfies the conditions, then £>[A'] is Inclosed in F' by (7) and weakly dense in F' by 5.(3). But then E>[A'] = F' and A is continuous by (6). b) We assume that F' contains a Inclosed weakly dense subspace H / F'. If I' is the topology of uniform convergence on the sets H n U°, U a ^-neighbourhood of о in F, then by 2.(2) b) the identity mapping I of F[I2] onto ^[X'] is nearly open but not open. The inverse mapping /(-1) is nearly continuous but not continuous and /(-1) has a closed graph since I is continuous. From (1) and (8) follows now the closed-graph theorem corresponding to 2.(3): (9) Every closed linear mapping of a barrelled space E in an infra-Ptak space F is continuous. Remark. The topology of F may be replaced by any weaker locally convex topology since the graph remains closed also for the original topology on F. 7. Some consequences, the Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem. Before giving some applications of the closed-graph theorem we will prove that in 6.(9) the class of barrelled spaces E cannot be replaced by a larger class (cf. Mahowald [Г]). (1) If every closed linear mapping of the locally convex space F[I] into an arbitrary (B)-.space is continuous, then F[X] is barrelled. First proof, i) Let Tbe a barrel in F; then its Minkowski functional q(x) is a seminorm on E by § 16, 4.(6). The kernel NT = Q XT of q is A>0 closed in E. We denote by ET the quotient EINT with norm q(x) = q(x} and by ET the completion of Fr; ET is a (B)-space. ii) The canonical mapping К of E onto ET is a closed linear mapping of E into ET. К is a homomorphism of E onto (F/7Vr)[2]. Since T NT is closed in E[I], E ~ T is open and hence T = K(T) is I-closed since it is the com- plement of K(E ~ T) and thus T is a barrel in (E/7Vr)[X]. Using 5.(7) we see that we have only to consider the case NT = {o}. Then К is the identity map of E[I] onto E[2/], I' the norm topology defined by T as closed unit ball. Let U be a о-neighbourhood base of E[I] consisting of absolutely convex U; then {U + (1/h)F; U e U, n g N} defines the о-neighbourhood base of a locally convex topology on E which is Hausdorff since Q (U + (l/n)T) = Q (l/n)T = {o}. Clearly, c I and U,n n % X.
7. Some consequences, the Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem 39 It follows from П (T + U + (1/и)Т) = Q [(« + l)/n]T = T that T is U,n n Хо-closed and §18, 4.(4) c) implies that the completion Ет = F[X'] is continuously embedded in the completion 7?[Т0]- Hence К is continuous as map of F[X] in ET equipped with Xo and К is closed as map of £[I] in ET equipped with X' 50 by 5.(6). iii) By ii) and our assumption the mapping К of E into ET is con- tinuous and the inverse image T of T = K(T), the closed unit ball in ET, is a neighbourhood of о in £, £[X] is barrelled. Second proof (Wilansky [Г]). We begin with the remark that the space Cb(R) of all bounded continuous functions f on a Hausdorff topo- logical space A is a (B)-space for the norm ||/|| = sup |/(z)|. The proof teR given in § 14, 9.(1) for compact R is valid in the general case too. Let now Tbe a barrel in E, T° its polar in E' equipped with£s(F), and let F be Cb(T°). For any x e E we define fx by fx(x') = (x, x'y. Since T is absorbent one has fxE F and A: x \->fx is a linear map of E in F. The topology Xp of pointwise convergence on T° (§ 24, 5.) is weaker than the norm topology on F and A is continuous as a map of E in F[XP] since A is obviously continuous from F[XS(F')] К follows from 5.(3) c) that A is closed as a map of E in the (B)-space F; hence A is con- tinuous by assumption. Therefore the inverse image of the unit ball in Cb(T°) is a neighbourhood of о in E. This means that fxeE, HAII = sup |<x, x'>| 1) = T°° = T L x'eT° J is a neighbourhood in E. We remark that we will show in 9. that the class of infra-Ptak spaces of 6.(9) is not the largest class for which the closed-graph theorem remains valid. We now apply 6.(9) to a problem on complementary subspaces. We prove first the following proposition: (2) Let the locally convex space E be the algebraic direct sum E = H± © H2 of two closed subspaces. Then the projection P of E onto with kernel H2 is a closed linear mapping of E into itself Proof. G(P) consists of all the elements (xx + x2, xx), xx e Ях, x2 e H2. (u19 u2) e E' x E' is in (7(P)° if wxxx + wxx2 + w2xx = 0 for all xx e 7fx, x2 e H2. For xx = о we obtain wx e H2; hence wxxx + w2xx = 0 or ux + u2 e Ях or u2 = — wx + v, v e Therefore G(P)° consists of all elements (wx, — wx + vf wx e H2, v e Similarly, G(P)°° = G(P) since Ях and H2 are closed.
40 § 34. The theory of PtAk From (2) and 6.(9) follows immediately (3) Two algebraically complementary closed linear subspaces and H2 of a barrelled infra-Ptak space are topologically complementary. This includes the case of (F)-spaces, for which the result was proved in §15, 12.(6). The Banach-Schauder theorem 2.(3), even in a more general version, is also an easy consequence of 6.(9): (4) Every closed linear mapping A of a Ptak space E onto a barrelled space F is open. Proof. By 5.(7) the mapping A of E/N[A] onto F is closed. The inverse mapping A(~1} of F onto the Ptak space E/N[A] is also closed and is continuous by 6.(9). Therefore A and A = KA are open. Contrary to the classical case, the open-mapping theorem is here a corollary to the closed-graph theorem, but the converse is not true. We will find that this relation between the two theorems is true also in other cases. Another consequence of the closed-graph theorem is a generalization of the Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem. (5) Let E be barrelled, F infra-Ptak, and A a linear mapping of E into F such that A' is defined on a total subset M of F'. Then A is continuous. Proof. D[A'] contains the linear hull of M\ hence L>[A'] is weakly dense in F'. Thus A is closed by 5.(3) and continuous by 6.(9). Hellinger andToEPLiTZ [1] proved the following: Let 21 = (tfifc)bean infinite matrix such that for every i e I2 the vector 2Ii = ( 2 <hkxk, \k = l 0° \ 2 a2kxk, • • • I exists and is again in I2. Then 21 is the matrix representing k=l / a continuous endomorphism of I2. This is a special case of (5), where E = F = I2 and M is the set of the unit vectors ep since 2Tep is the pth row a(p) of 21, which lies in I2 because 2 aPkxk < 00 for all x E I2- k=l This classical version of the Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem was extended to all normal sequence spaces in Kothe-Toeplitz [2] and leads to a similar result which is not included in (5). Let A, p be two normal sequence spaces containing <p and Ax, px their a-duals (§ 30, 1.). Let A be a linear mapping of A in /x continuous in the sense of Is(^ *) and X^A6 x )• Denote Atk by ak and let 21 be the matrix with columns ak = (aik). Obviously, Aek = 2Iefc = ak if we write the vectors efc, ak as columns. Every element i e A is the weak limit of its sections n n in = 2 xk%k', hence A is the weak limit of the sequence 2Iin = 2 xk&k- By i i
8. The theorems of A. and W. Robertson 41 § 30, 5.(1) 2Iin is coordinatewise convergent to Ax e /x; the zth coordinate of Ax is equal to j aikxk. Therefore Ax can be calculated as the product fc = i Ш of the matrix 41 = (alk) with the column i. Since A is normal, it follows that J |ajfcxfc| < oo for every i. к (6) Every weakly continuous linear mapping of A into p is represented by a uniquely determined infinite matrix 21. The generalization of the Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem to sequence spaces is the following converse to (6). (7) Let A, /x be normal sequence spaces containing <p. Every infinite matrix 21 = (aifc) such that 2Ii e /x for every x e A defines a weakly and ^-continuous mapping of A in p. Proof. By assumption 2 Wk < 00 f°r every ieA; therefore the fc = i nth row a(n) of 21 is an element of Ax since A is normal. Let d = (rb r2,...) be an element of /Xх and t)n the «th section of d. Then u(n) = i?xa(1) 4- + t?na(n) is in Ax and d(2Ii) = lim un(2Ii) = lim u(n)i. The sequence u(n) is therefore weakly Cauchy in Ax and has a limit u by §30, 5.(3). Since ui = u(2Ii) for all i e A, it follows that the adjoint to 21 maps px in Ax. But then 21 is weakly continuous and hence continuous in the sense of Xfc(Ax)and Xfc(/xx). 8 8. The theorems of A. and W. Robertson. The generalizations 2.(3) and 6.(9) of the Banach-Schauder theorem and the closed-graph theorem are rather asymmetric in their assumptions since, as we have seen, the class of barrelled spaces is large and the class of Ptak spaces small. There- fore the usefulness of these theorems in analysis is rather limited. So the question arises whether it is possible to replace the barrelled spaces by a smaller class and the Ptak spaces by a larger class. The first theorems in this direction were given by A. and W. Robertson [Г] as an application of Ptak’s theory. They proved the following closed- graph theorem: (1) Let E be a locally convex hull 2 of Baire spaces Ea9 F a a 00 locally convex hull IJ Bn{F^ of a sequence of Ptak spaces Fn. Then every n = 1 closed linear mapping A of E in F is continuous. Remark. The hull topology on F may be replaced by any weaker locally convex topology since the graph of A remains closed in the hull topology.
42 § 34. The theory of PtAk Proof, i) Bn is continuous from Fn in F by definition of the hull topology. Hence the kernel A[2?n] is closed in Fn and Fn/N[Bn] is again a Ptak space. We may therefore assume that Bn is one-one. ii) We consider first the case that E itself is a Baire space. It then follows from E = A(~iy(F) = J Л(-1)(/?п(Гп)) that one of the sets n = 1 _ A^^tBntFn)) = Я is not meagre in E and therefore H coincides with E. Let Ao be the restriction of A to H. Then Cn = В^“1)Л0 is a linear mapping of H in Fn. We define a continuous injection J of E x Fn into E x F by J(x, y) = (x, Bny). Because G(A) is assumed to be closed, therefore, J(“n(G(^)) = G(Cn) is also closed in E x Fn. Since H is barrelled by 1.(2) and since Fn is a Ptak space, it follows from 6.(9) that Cn is continuous from Я into Fn. But then Я = Eby 5.(8) and Cn e£(E, Fn), Ao = A. Therefore as the product of two continuous mappings A = BnCn is continuous. iii) Consider now the general case E = 2 ^4a(Ea). If Л is the con- tinuous mapping Ja(x, y) = (Aax, y) of Ea x F into E x F, then Л-1)(^(^)) = G{AAa) and G(AA^ is closed in Ea x F. By ii) every AAa is continuous and hence A is also, by § 19, 1.(7). We make the following remark: (2) Let Ebe a locally convex hull 2 AfE^ and H a closed subspace of E. a Then E/H is the locally convex hull 2 KAfE^, where К is the canonical mapping of E onto EjH. WehweEfH = K(JE) = ^KAa{Ea). Since Е(ГаЛ(1/а)) = raKAa(Uaf the quotient topology of E/Я coincides with the hull topology. The second theorem is the corresponding Banach-Schauder theorem. (3) Let E be the locally convex hull IJ BffEf) of a sequence of Ptak n = 1 spaces En, F the locally convex hull 2 of Baire spaces Fa. a Then every closed resp. continuous linear mapping A of E onto F is open resp. a homomorphism. Remark. The hull topology on E may be replaced by any weaker locally convex topology as in (1). Proof. By (2) we may assume that A is one-one. Since G(A) is closed, the graph <7(Л(-1)) of the inverse mapping is closed too. It follows from (1) that Л(-1) is continuous and A is open. All the spaces 2 >4a(Ea), Ea Baire spaces, are barrelled; they constitute a subclass of the class of all barrelled spaces. On the other hand, the class
8. The theorems of A. and W. Robertson 43 of spaces IJ Bn(Fnf Fn Ptak spaces, contains all Ptak spaces but also n- 1 spaces which are not Ptak spaces, as we have seen in 3. We know that every (F)-space is a Baire space. There exist normed spaces which are Baire spaces but are not (B)-spaces. For an example compare Bourbaki [6], Vol. II, p. 3, Ex. 6. That the class of Baire spaces is rather large is shown by the fact that a topological product E = П Ea of (Ffspaces Ea is a Baire space. We aeA indicate the proof: If Mi is a sequence of nowhere dense subsets of E, then there exists a sequence x(fc) e E and closed absolutely convex neighbour- hoods £7(fc) of о in E such that x(fc + 1) + t/(fc+1) cz x(fc) 4- U(k) and (x(fc) + C/(fc)) n Mk = 0. Let U^a\ n = 1, 2,..., be a fundamental sequence of absolutely convex and closed neighbourhoods of о in Ea. We can construct the neighbourhoods C7(fc) in such a way that for a denumer- able subset В = {£n ^2,. . .} c A we have Пк 00 PI f] ^,ppe. i = l /=nfc+l a£B But then the projections x£fc) of x(k) onto П Efii form a Cauchy sequence with a limit x(Bo). If z is any element of П Ea, then x(o) = (x(BO), z) is con- tained in all x(fc) 4- U(k) and is therefore not in (J hence E is not t = i meagre. We note the following important special cases of (1) and (3). Every (LF)-space satisfies the assumption for E and for Fin (1) and (3). Therefore (4) a) Every closed linear mapping of an fLFfspace into an (LF)-space is continuous. b) Every linear continuous mapping of an (LF)-space onto an (JJF)-space is a homomorphism. We remark that (4) b) was first proved for strict (LF)-spaces by Dieudonne and Schwartz [1] and for (LF)-spaces by Kothe [9]. Similar to 7.(3) we have (5) Two algebraically complementary closed linear subspaces of an (LFfspace are topologically complementary. A locally convex space E is called ultrabornological if it can be represented as the locally convex hull 2 ^a(^a) of (B)-spaces Ea. E always a has a representation of the simpler form E = 2 Fa, where the Fa are again (B)-spaces. To see this one replaces Aa(Ea) by Aa(Ea/N[Aa]); then Fa = Ea!N{Aa\ is again a (B)-space and Aa is the injection Ia of Fa in E. By
44 § 34. The theory of PtAk § 28, 4.(1) every ultrabornological space is bornological. Conversely, every sequentially complete bornological space is ultrabornological (§ 28, 2.(2)). The following theorem is included in (1) and (3): (6) Every closed linear mapping of an ultrabornological space into an (LF)-space is continuous. Every continuous linear mapping of an (LE)-space onto an ultraborno- logical space is a homomorphism. Remark. This is Theorem В of Grothendieck ([13], p. 17) except that in Theorem В the graph of the mapping is supposed to be only sequentially closed. We will come back to this question in § 35. Grothendieck constructed in [10] an example of a continuous linear mapping A of a reflexive (LF)-space onto a closed subspace of a reflexive (LF)-space such that A is not a homomorphism. 9. The closed-graph theorem of Komura. There is a more direct approach to the closed-graph theorem for barrelled spaces by Komura [1], which leads to its sharpest possible form, which was given by Valdivia Urena [Г]. Adasch developed these ideas further in his papers [2']-[5']. We give here a short exposition of some of their results. Let E be locally convex. Then the strong topology %b(E') on E is in general not compatible with the dual pair <£', £>. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the compatibility. We denote by H the Is(^)“Quasi“cl°sure °f a subspace H of E' in the algebraic dual £*. H is identical with the weak quasi-completion of H since £* is weakly complete (§ 23, 1.). (1) £&(£') is compatible with (E'9 E) if and only if E' is quasi-closed in E*\XfE)\. This follows immediately from § 23, 1.(3) and § 23, 6.(4). £[ХЬ(£')] is a barrelled space with dual Ё' by (1). We call it the barrelled space associated to £[1] and denote Tb(E') by V. We remark that 2? depends only on <£', £>, not on I. It is obvious from (1) that 2? is the coarsest barrelled topology on E which is finer than Z. The topology H can also be constructed in the following way. We define the topology Xa for every ordinal a: 2^ = X, Xa + 1 is the strong topology on £[Xa], and for a limit ordinal ft is the union of all Ia, a < p. It follows by transfinite induction (§ 23, 2.(1)) that E[Xa]' is con- tained in Ё' for every a; hence every is coarser than 2?. There exists a first ordinal у such that Xy + 1 = Xy and £[Xy] is then barrelled; therefore Xy = 2?.
9. The closed-graph theorem of Komura 45 (2) If A is a continuous linear mapping of a barrelled space E in a locally convex space F[2], then it remains continuous if we replace X by V. Proof. If T is a barrel in F, then A{~X\T) is a barrel in E since A is continuous; A is therefore continuous from E in F[Ib(F')] = F[X2]. Using the above construction of 2? and transfinite induction the statement becomes obvious. (2) can be proved also in the following way: Use § 32, 2.(1), then extend A' to F' by § 23, 1.(4); then the adjoint of this mapping has the desired property, again by § 32, 2.(1). A locally convex space E is called an (s)-space if H n E' = H (the weak closure taken in £') for every subspace H of E'\ E is called an infra-(s)-space if H n Ef = E' for every H weakly dense in E'. We have the following characterization of infra-(s)-spaces: (3) A locally convex space F[X] is an infra-(f)-space if and only if 24 = 2? for every locally convex topology X on E. Proof. If 24 X, then H = F[24]' is a weakly dense subspace of Ef and E[24]' = H- If £[X| is an infra-(s)-space, we have H n E' = E', hence H =E'\ therefore £[2?] and £[24] have the same duals. Since these spaces are barrelled, it follows that 24 = 2Л Assume, on the other hand, that 24 = 2? for every Z. If H is weakly dense in £', then H = £[24(Я)]' and XfH) = 24 <= S. From £[24] = £[2?] it follows that H = £'; hence H n Ee = E' and £[X] is an infra-(s)-space. We are now able to prove Komura’s version of the closed-graph theorem: (4) a) Every closed linear mapping A of a barrelled space E in an infra-(f)-space F[X] is continuous. b) The infraAffspaces are characterized by this property. Proof, a) There exists a locally convex topology 24c 2 such that A is continuous from E into F[Xx]. By (2) A is also continuous from E into F[24]. But by (3) F[24] = F[2?] and X <= 2?; hence A is continuous into F[X]. b) Let F[X] be a space with the property given in a) and let 24 be a locally convex topology on F such that 24 <= I. Then 24 2?. The identity mapping I of F[24] onto F[X] is closed since Xx 24 and 24 <= Z (5.(9)). By assumption I is continuous and by (2) I is also continuous from F[24] onto F[2?]. Therefore 24 о V and we conclude 24 = V; hence F[I] is an infra-(s)-space by (3). This shows that the class of infra-(s)-spaces is maximal for the closed- graph theorem for barrelled spaces. We list some properties of infra-(s)-spaces and (s)-spaces.
46 § 34. The theory of PtAk (5) If E[X\ is an infra-(f)-space and <= I, 2^ locally convex on E, then £[11] is an infra-(f)-space. This is a trivial consequence of (3). (6) Every closed subspace H of an infra-(f)-space F is an infra-(f)-space. Let E be barrelled, A linear from E in H, and G(A) closed in E x H; then G(A) is closed in E x F and by (4) a) A is continuous. Hence H is an infra-(s)-space by (4) b). (7) Every Ptak space is an (s)-space; every infra-Ptak space is an infra-(f)-space. Let H be a subspace of £', £[T] a Ptak space. We show that H n E' is 27-closed. If U is an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in £, the set H n U° is weakly bounded in H. If the net xaE H n U° converges weakly to x0 e £', then x0 e H and xQ e U° since U° is weakly compact. Therefore xoeHn U° and Hn U° is weakly closed. Since £[2J is a Ptak space, it follows that H n E' = H and £[X] is an (s)-space. The same proof is valid for infra-Ptak spaces, but this case is also a consequence of (4) and 6.(9). (8) Every barrelled (sfspace is a Ptak space; every barrelled infra- (sfspace is an infra-Ptak space. If E is barrelled and H a subspace of £', then H is 2/-closed if and only if H is weakly quasi-complete, H = Я. If E is, moreover, an (s)-space, then H = H = H; hence £ is a Ptak space. The same argument settles the case of a barrelled infra-(s)-space. The associated barrelled space £[2?] of an infra-(s)-space £[X] is not always infra-(s); Eberhardt [3'] gave an example in which even £[Xb(£')] is not infra-(s). Adasch [5'] and Eberhardt [T] proved the following weaker result. (9) If E[X] is an infra-(s)-space, then £[2?] is complete. Proof. By §21, 9.(6) it is sufficient to prove that every (^У-closed subspace H of co-dimension 1 in (£[2?])' = £' is weakly closed in £'. In £' all weakly closed and weakly bounded sets M are equicontinuous and therefore weakly compact. All H n M are therefore weakly closed and weakly compact, H = H, and H is weakly quasi-complete. Since H has co-dimension 1 it is weakly closed or weakly dense in £'. We assume that H is weakly dense in £' and will reach a contradiction. H 4- £' is either H or £'. In the first case we would have E' <= H, £' <= H = H, which is impossible. Therefore H + Ef = £' and E'fH = £'/£' г» H by § 7, 6.(6), so that Ff = £' n H has co-dimension 1 in £'.
10. The open mapping theorem of Adasch 47 Therefore E' = [t?0] © H1 and we have also Ё' = [t?0] © Я by § 7, 6.(2). Assume that H1 is weakly dense in E'. Since £[X] is an infra-(s)-space, it follows that Йх n Ee = E'; hence = H n E' = £', which is a contradiction. Therefore = E' n H is weakly closed in E', since it has co-dimension 1. Next we prove that [t?0] © H1 is weakly quasi-complete. This is true for [r0] and H±. Let В be an absolutely convex weakly bounded subset of [r0] © Hi with elements и = pv0 + v, v e H1. Assume there exist un = pnvQ + Vn in В such that pn / 0, \Pn\ ->oo. Then v0 + vn/Pn is weakly convergent to о and v0 is the weak limit of a sequence of elements of ffi- But this is in contradiction to the weak quasi-completeness of Йг. Hence every weakly bounded subset В is contained in a set Br © B2, B± compact in [t?0], B2 weakly compact in Ях. Therefore B± © B2 is compact for the product topology, which is finer than XfE) on Br © B2 and therefore coincides with this topology. Hence [t?0] © Йг is weakly quasi- complete. Since E' <= [t?0] © H19 [t?0] © Й, must coincide with the quasi- completion [t?0] © Я of E'. From Йл H it follows that Ях = Я. Now Я is weakly dense in E'\ therefore v0 6 Я. But Я = Й± = Ях; therefore v0 e Ях, the closure taken in E'. But v0 e E’ and therefore v0 6 Ях n £' = Ях, since Ях is weakly closed in £'. This is a contradiction. We remark that the topological product of two (s)-spaces need not be an (s)-space. This follows from the example at the end of 3., since ya> and амр are barrelled Ptak spaces and the barrelled space <pa> © акр is not a Ptak space, therefore not an (s)-space by (8). In Kothe [2], § 7, Satz 2, a weakly dense strict subspace Я of <pa> © акр is constructed which is sequentially closed. Using the fact that a subset is weakly compact if it is weakly sequentially compact (§ 30, 6.(1)), one sees that Я is ^-closed and therefore (<pw © акр)' = акр@ <pa> is not an infra- Ptak space. Since акр © (pa> is barrelled, we see that the product of two infra-(s)-spaces may not be an infra-(s)-space again. 10. The open mapping theorem of Adasch. We need two propositions on (s)-spaces. (1) a) Every quotient of an (sfspace is an (sfspace. b) A locally convex space E is an (s)-space if and only if every quotient of E is an infra-(s)-space. Proof, a) Let L be a closed subspace of the (s)-space £[!]; then (£/£)' = L° £' and L° (E/L)* <= £*._For a subspace Я of L° the weak quasi-completion Й is the same in L° and in £', since Xs(£) and XfEfE) coincide on (E/L)*. Since £ is an (s)-space, Й n E' = Я and the
48 § 34. The theory of PtAk weak closure H of Hin Ef is also the weak closure in L°. Finally, П n L° = П n £' n L° = H and E/L is an (s)-space. b) Let Я be a subspace of then it is weakly dense in a weakly closed subspace of the form L° = (E/Lf. Since E/L is an infra-(s)-space, H n L° = L° = H, where the weak closure is taken in Ef. We have seen in the proof of (a) that H is also the weak quasi-completion of H in E' and, since H n Ee H, we have H n Ef = Я, so that E is an (s)-space. (2) Every closed subspace H of an (sfspace E is an (sfspace. Let L be a closed subspace of H. Then H/L is a closed subspace of E/L. Since E/L is an infra-(s)-space, H/L is an infra-(s)-space by 9.(6) and the statement follows from (1) b). We now prove Adasch’s open mapping theorem for barrelled spaces. (3) a) Every closed linear mapping A of an (sfspace E onto a barrelled space F is open. b) The (sfspaces are characterized by this property. Proof, a) By (1) a) it is sufficient to consider closed mappings which are one-one. But then 9.(4) a) applies to Л(-1) and from the continuity of Л(-1) it follows that A is open. b) We assume first that every one-one closed linear mapping A of £[X] onto a barrelled space F is open. Let Xx be a locally convex topology on E such that Xx <= X. Then the identity mapping I of £[Xx] onto £[X] is closed, so 7(-1) is open by assumption; hence I is continuous. By 9.(2) I is continuous from £[ХЦ onto £[Х*]; hence Xi => 3* On the other hand, Xi Xfc; therefore Xi = X* and £[X] is an infra-(s)-space by 9.(3). Let now E/H be a quotient and A a one-one closed linear mapping of E/H onto a barrelled space F. Let К be the canonical homomorphism of E onto E/H} then A = AK is by 5.(7) a closed mapping of E onto F and by assumption open. But then A is open too and therefore E/H is an infra- (s)-space. (3) follows now from (1) b). (3) b) says that the class of (s)-spaces is the maximal class of spaces E for which the open mapping theorem for closed linear mappings of E onto any barrelled space is true. With the results of the last two sections it is also possible to improve Theorems 8.(1) and 8.(3) of Robertson. We formulate the analogue to 8.(1) and indicate the proof; the theorem corresponding to 8.(3) is left to the reader. (4) Let Ebe a locally convex hull 2 AafE^ of Baire spaces Ea, Fa locally a oo convex hull IJ Bn(Ff) of a sequence of (sfspaces Fn. Then every closed n = 1 linear mapping A of E in F is continuous.
10. The open mapping theorem of Adasch 49 The only change in the original proof occurs in ii). One proves again that (7(Cn) is closed in E x Fn. But then Cn is continuous by 9.(4) and from 9.(2) it follows that Cn is continuous from H into Fn[2£]. By 9.(9) this space is complete and it follows again from 5.(8) that Cn e £(£, Fn[2£]) and Ao = A. But then Cn is also in £(£, Fn) and the proof continues on the same lines as in 8. Valdivia Urena [3'] has given different generalizations of (4) which are based on his results on subspaces of infra-(s)-spaces and (s)-spaces. A typical one is the following: If a subspace of finite or countable co- dimension of a locally convex space E is an infra-(s)-space, then E itself is an infra-(s)-space. It follows from 9.(5) that there exist many infra-(s)-spaces which are not infra-Ptak spaces; the weak dual of an (F)-space is an infra-(s)-space but not an infra-Ptak space, since it is not weakly complete. But at the moment we know no example of an infra-(s)-space which is not an infra- Ptak space for a stronger topology. Again there is no example of an infra-(s)-space which is not an (s)-space. It follows from 9.(5) and (1) b) that an (s)-space remains an (s)-space if we replace the topology by a weaker locally convex topology and the class of (s)-spaces is strictly larger than the class of Ptak spaces. We recall the result 2.(4) of Husain. He determined the class of B(^)-spaces as the maximal class of spaces E for which every continuous linear mapping of E onto a barrelled space is open. It follows immediately that every (s)-space is a B(^)-space. Sulley [Г] gave an example of a B(^)-space which is not an infra-(s)-space. Remark. Consider the dual pair <F, B> = <<pd, <pd>, where d 2«o, and take XS(F) for the topology on E. Then E is a B(^)-space, since the only subspaces H of E' = F in which every weakly bounded subset is equicon- tinuous are finite dimensional and therefore weakly closed. Now F = E* = wd; therefore the associated barrelled topology on E is Xb(wd) and in this topology E is by 3. not an infra-Ptak space. Eberhardt [3'] has shown that Е[Х8(Г)] is an infra-(s)-space. Adasch gave in his paper [4'] a generalization of PtAk’s theory (including the refinements treated in 8. and 9.) to general topological vector spaces. The barrelled spaces are replaced by the ultrabarrelled spaces which were introduced by W. Robertson [2]. The notions of Ptak spaces, infra-Ptak spaces, (s)-spaces, and infra-(s)-spaces are easily general- ized to topological vector spaces. The duality methods which we used in this exposition had to be replaced by new methods which go back to Kelley’s paper [Г] and are partly included in 4. The paper [Г] of Persson was of some importance for Adasch’s work. For earlier results and references to the literature see Husain’s book [Г].
50 § 34. The theory of PtAk 11. Kalton’S closed-graph theorems. We use the following notation. If F is a locally convex space, ^Z(F) will denote the class of all locally convex spaces E for which every closed linear mapping of E into F is continuous. If j/ is a class of locally convex spaces F, is the inter- section of all ^Z(F), Fg j/. We recall Mahowald’s theorem (7.(1)); if Si denotes the class of all (B)-spaces, then this theorem says that ^z(^) consists of all barrelled spaces. If JSP denotes the class of all infra-Ptak spaces, then it follows from 6.(9) that is again the class of all barrelled spaces. Let resp. denote the class of all separable (B)-spaces resp. all separable infra-Ptak spaces. Kalton [Г] determined ^z(^s) and and obtained new closed-graph theorems which have applications in summability theory. We need some basic facts on separability and metrizable spaces. If a (B)-space E is separable, then the weak topology on the closed unit ball of Ef is metrizable (§ 21, 3.(4)). We prove the converse. (1) Let E be a normed space. If the closed unit ball of E' is metrizable in the weak topology, then E is separable. By assumption there exist finite dimensional bounded absolutely convex sets <= A2 c • • • in E such that Q An = o. If L(A) is the linear n = l span of A = 0 An, then L(A)° = o; hence £(Л) = E and E is separable. n = l We need the following lemma of general topology. (2) Let M be a compact metrizable space and let the Hausdorff space N be the continuous image f(M) = N of M. Then N is metrizable. Proof. f(M) is compact and will be metrizable by § 7, 6.(3) if it has a countable base of open sets. If O19 O2,... is such a base on M, then all the finite unions V = ОП1 и • • • и ОПк determine also a countable base on M. Since f is continuous and closed (§ 3, 2.(5)), the set V = N ~ f(M ~ V) = V) is open in N and it will be sufficient to prove that the V determine a base of open sets in N. Assume G open in N andpeG. Then/(“ x\p) is compact and c=/( “ 1)(G') and there exists V such that /(-1)(р) c V c: /(-1)(G). We have only to verify that then p e V <= G. Assume p$~f(~V). Then pef(~V) and p = f(qf q ф V, so ^e/(-1)(p), which contradicts /(-1)(р) c V. Hence p g V. From V f-^G) it follows that ~/(-1)(G), /(- V) => /(~/(-1)(G)) = ~G, and ~/(~ V) <= G; hence V <= G.
11. Kalton’s closed-graph theorems 51 We recall that if M is an absolutely convex subset of a locally convex space £[X], then X induces on M a uniquely determined uniformity (§28, 5.(3)). We note further: (3) A uniform space is metrizable if and only if its completion is metriz- able. This is a consequence of § 6, 7.(1) and the definition of the vicinities of the completion. (4) Let E be locally convex. Every weak Cauchy sequence une E' is contained in an absolutely convex weakly closed, weakly precompact, and weakly metrizable subset of Ef. It is sufficient to prove for the Xs(^)-quasi-completion E' that every weakly convergent sequence un with limit u0 is contained in an absolutely convex, weakly compact, and weakly metrizable subset of E'. Introduce v0 = u0 and vn = un — u0, n = 1,2,.... Then vn converges weakly to о in E' and N = Г{г0, ...} is the Xs(c0)-Xs(£)-continuous image of the closed unit ball К of I1 in E' (§ 20, 9.(6)). But К is weakly compact and Xs(co)-metrizable; therefore N is weakly compact and XsCE)"metrizable by (2). Since w0, w15 u2,... are elements of IN, the statement follows. We will also use the following lemma. (5) Let E, F be locally convex, A a closed linear mapping of E in F. D[A'] is weakly sequentially closed in F' if E' is weakly sequentially complete. Let vn g D[A'] be weakly convergent to v0 g F'. Then un = A’vn is a weak Cauchy sequence in E' which has a limit u0 g E' by assumption. For every x g E (A'v0)x = v0(Ax) = lim vn(Ax) = lim (A'vn)x = uox. Consequently, A'v0 = uoe E' and v0 g £[Л']. We now prove Kalton’s first theorem. (6) Let E be locally convex. The following statements are equivalent: a) £[Xfc(£')] G ^г(~^); b) £[Xfc(£')] e ^z(co); с) E' is weakly sequentially complete. Proof, b) follows immediately from a). We remark that c0 is isomorphic to c and therefore &l(c0) = &\c). We assume now that £[Xfc(£')] e &l(co) and prove c). Let un be a weak Cauchy sequence in £'. We define a linear mapping A of £ in c by Ax = (wnx). If the net xa converges in £[Xfc(£')] to x0 and if Axa converges to y0 in c, then wnxa -> wnx0 for every n\ hence y0 = Ax0 and A is closed. A is continuous from £[Xfc(£')] in c by assumption.
52 § 34. The theory of PtAk Recall that the continuous linear functionals en on c defined by eny = yn for у e c converge weakly to v0 g c' defined by voy = lim yn (§ 14, 7.). n-*00 Consequently, un = A'en converges weakly to w0 = Я'г0 G E'which is defined by uox = lim unx. Hence E' is weakly sequentially complete. The last step of the proof follows from the following closed-graph theorem: (7) Let E be locally convex and Ef weakly sequentially complete. Every closed linear mapping A of E in a separable infra-Ptak space F is continuous from £[3fc(£')] in F. Proof. D[A'] is weakly dense and by (5) sequentially weakly closed in F'. If U is an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in F, then U° is weakly compact and weakly metrizable. The set U° n D[A'] is weakly sequentially closed and therefore weakly closed. Since F is an infra-Ptak space, it follows that D[A'] = F' and A is weakly continuous and therefore continuous from £[Xfc(£')] in F. We remark that by § 30, 5.(3) every perfect sequence space has property c) of (6). The next theorem determines the whole class ^z(c0). (8) £[X] is in tfl(c0) if and only if every weak Cauchy sequence in E' is equicontinuous. Proof, a) Assume E [I] e l(c0) and let un be a weak Cauchy sequence in £'. Define A by Ax = (unx) as in the proof of (6). It follows again that A is continuous. Consequently, ||Лх|| = sup \unx\ К < co for the n elements x of some absolutely convex neighbourhood U of о in E and this means the equicontinuity of the sequence un. b) Conversely, if every weak Cauchy sequence in E' is equicontinuous, then E' is weakly sequentially complete and £[Ifc(£')] is in ^z(c0) by (6). Hence, if A is a closed linear mapping of £[I] in c0, it is closed as a mapping of £[Xfc(£')] in c0 and continuous by (6). Therefore Af maps the sequence en g I1 which converges weakly to о into the sequence A'en = un which again converges weakly to o. By assumption the set M = {u19 w2, • • •} is equicontinuous in £'. Therefore ||Лх|| = sup |еп(Лх)| = sup \unx\ 1 n n for x g M ° and A is continuous from £[X] in cQ. The separable analogue to Mahowald’s theorem is the following theorem of Kalton. (9) The classes ^l(C[0, 1]), and coincide and consist of all locally convex spaces £[X] with the property that every weakly bounded, weakly metrizable, absolutely convex set В in E' is equicontinuous.
1. Webs in locally convex spaces 53 Proof. If then £g<^(C[0, 1]) and £g<^(^s), since every separable (B)-space is isometric to a subspace of C[0, 1] (§ 21, 3.(6)). Now we assume that £g^z(^s) and that В is a weakly bounded absolutely convex subset of E' which is metrizable for XS(E). The set B° c E is a barrel and the space EB° constructed as in the proof of Mahowald’s theorem (7.(1)) is a normed space and <JEB, EBf> is a dual pair. In the sense of this duality the norm topology on EBo is the strong topology Zb(EB). The dual (EB°)f is equal to (J nB°°, where BOQ is the polar of B° in (£Bo)*. Algebraically, (EB<f is identical with E/B1 = E/(EB)° and on EB the topologies Is(£) and ZS(EB°) = XS(E/Br) coincide. В is therefore metrizable for the topology Is(£Bo). Since B°° is the completion of В for Is(^b°), it follows from (3) that B°° is weakly metrizable. Conse- quently, EBo is separable by (1). The canonical mapping К of E onto EB° is closed as a mapping of E in EB. by 7.(1). Since EB° is a separable (B)-space, К is continuous by our assumption. Therefore £°, the inverse image of the unit ball £(£°), is a neighbourhood of о in £ and В is equicontinuous. The last step of the proof is the closed-graph theorem: (10) Let £[I] be a locally convex space with the property that every weakly bounded and weakly metrizable absolutely convex set В in E' is equicontinuous and let F be a separable infra-Ptak space. Then every closed linear mapping A of E in F is continuous. A weak Cauchy sequence un e E' is by (4) contained in a set В which is by assumption equicontinuous. It follows that £' is weakly sequentially complete and £[Xfc(£')] g ^г(У^) by (6). A closed linear mapping A of £ in £ is therefore continuous from £[2^(£')] in £. Let V be a closed absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in £. Then V° is weakly metrizable and so is A'(F°) by (2). By our assumption on £ the set A'(V°) is equi- continuous; hence A'(V°)° = Л(”1)(К°°) = Л(-1)(К) is a neighbourhood of о in £ and A is continuous. For further results and examples see Kalton [Г]. § 35. De Wilde’s theory 1. Webs in locally convex spaces. When in 1954 Grothendieck stated his Theorem В (compare § 34, 8.(6)), he conjectured that this theorem should be true for a much larger class of spaces than the class of (LF)- spaces. His conjecture said, in particular, the following: The class of spaces £ is now the class of ultrabornological spaces, a subclass of the class of
54 § 35. De Wilde’s theory barrelled spaces, and we are looking for spaces F such that the closed-graph theorem for mappings from any E into F is true. This is the case for F a Banach space, as we know. The closed-graph theorem should remain valid if one performs any one of the following operations on Banach spaces F: taking closed subspaces, quotients, countable products, countable locally convex sums, and a finite number of iterations of these basic operations. This conjecture was first solved in 1966 by Raikow [Г] using ideas of Slowikowski [Г], [2']. At about the same time L. Schwartz [2'] gave a new version of the closed-graph theorem, which was generalized by Martineau [Г], [2']; this new version included also a positive answer to Grothendieck’s conjecture. Finally, in 1967 De Wilde [Г], [2'], [3'] gave a solution by a method which can be understood as a refinement of the classical methods of Banach. We give here an exposition of De Wilde’s approach and some of the consequences. We start with the fundamental notion of a web in a locally convex space E. Let iK = {Cni..nJ be a class of subsets Cni.nfc of £, where к and n19..., nk run through all the natural numbers. iK is called a web if it satisfies the relations 00 00 (w) E = СП1, Cni...........Пк-1 = |^J Cni..nic ni = 1 П1 = 1 for к > 1 and all n19..., nk.1. If all sets of a web are closed or absolutely convex, we say that the web is closed resp. absolutely convex. A web TFisaweboftype^ora ^-web if the following condition is satisfied: For every fixed sequence nk, к = 1,2,..., there exists a sequence of positive numbers pk such that for all Afc, 0 Xk pk9 and all xk e the series J Xkxk converges in E. i We remark that if this is the case, then J Xkxk is convergent in E k = l also under the weaker assumption that |Afc| pk for all к. This follows for real Afc by considering the sequences Aj1’, A^,... and Af, A2 ,..., and, moreover, the sequences 9?A1? 5RA2,... and 5Ab 3A2,... in the complex case (we use the usual definitions A+ = sup (A, 0) and A~ = (—A)+ for A real). It is obvious that the existence of a ^-web in E means a rather weak kind of sequential completeness of E, Conversely, we have (1) A web iE' = {Сщ>_,П}с} on E is a tf-web if for every fixed sequence nk9 к = 1, 2,..., there exists a sequence pk > 0 such that every sequence pkxk, where xk e Cnit_>n/c, is contained in an absolutely convex bounded and sequentially complete subset M of E.
1. Webs in locally convex spaces 55 Proof. We define pk = 2 Then for 0 Afc pk we have Afc = ykp,k and 2 № = I- Since zk = pkxk g M and M is absolutely convex and 1 00 sequentially complete, 2 ykzk converges in E and iE' is a ^-web. i We will also use another kind of web. A web iE* is called strict if it is absolutely convex and if for any sequence nk9 к = 1,2,..., there exists a sequence pk > 0 such that for all xk g Cni...n and all Afc, 0 Xk pk, 00 00 the series 2 Afcxfc converges in E and 2 Afcxfc is contained in Cni.nic for 1 Л-0 all k0 = 1, 2,.... Obviously, a strict web is a ^-web. Conversely, we have (2) IfiE' is an absolutely convex and closed ^-web on E, then W is strict. By the definition of a ^-web we are able to choose the sequence pk for the given sequence nk such that 2 Pk = 1- Then for xk g Cni.........nfc and k = 1 k0 + N 0 Xk pk the sum 2 Afcxfc is always contained in Cni...........nico, since this fco set is absolutely convex and 2 is in Cni nje because Cni n/e is closed. We remark further: (3) Let iE = {Cni> . be a ^E-web or a strict web on E. If pk are the numbers corresponding to the sequence СП1>_>П]с9 к = 1, 2,..., and if U is a neighbourhood of о in E, then there exists k0 such that pkCni.....njc <= U for к k0. Proof. Assume this is not true for a given U. Then there exist infinitely many ki and xki g Cni....njCi such that pklxkl ф U. If we define Ay = for 00 j = kt and Ay = 0 and Xj arbitrary in Cni......nj for j / ki9 then 2 i = 1 converges in E, which contradicts the fact that Xkjxkj does not converge to o. We give a first example. (4) On every (F)-space E there exists a strict web. Let If => U2 • • • be a fundamental sequence of absolutely convex к and closed neighbourhoods of о in E. We define Cni,...nfc = A nff. Then j = i condition (w) is obviously satisfied. We take pk = l/(2knk) for a given sequence nk. Then for 0 Afc pk it follows that Xkxk g (l/2k)Uk for every xkeCni nte; hence 2 £ Uko and 2 A/Л converges in E. k0 1 Therefore W = {Cnb..„nJ is an absolutely convex and closed ^-web, which is strict by (2).
56 § 35. De Wilde’s theory We introduce the following terminology. A locally convex space £[X] in which there exists a ^-web will be said tobeawebbedspace;if there exists a strict web on £[X], then we say £[X] is a strictly webbed space. The hereditary properties of these classes of spaces will be studied in detail in 3. 2. The closed-graph theorems of De Wilde. In his work [3'] De Wilde gave many versions of the closed-graph theorem. We will restrict our exposition to the cases which are the most important for applications. Let E and Fbe locally convex; a linear mapping A of E into Fis called sequentially closed if its graph G(A) is sequentially closed in E x F. In view of the applications it is certainly important to have the closed-graph theorem in the stronger form that A is continuous if it is only sequentially closed. We now give the first theorem of this kind; in its proof the basic ideas of De Wilde’s approach become very clear. (1) Every sequentially closed linear mapping A of an (F)-space E into a webbed space F is continuous. Proof, i) Let 1F = {Cni....nJ be a ^-web on F. From l.(w) it follows that E = U ^1,(C„1), A^\Cnt...........= J A^\Cni..............пк) Пх = 1 nte=l for к > 1 and all n19..., nk_± Now E is an (F)-space. Using Baire’s theorem we find пг such that Л(-1)(СП1) is not meagre in £, then n2 such that Л(-1)(СП1>П2) is not meagre in £, and so on. Therefore we have a sequence n19 n2,... such that every Л(-1)(СП1..nfc) is not meagre in £. Let V be an absolutely convex and closed neighbourhood of о in F. Since Л(-1)(СП1..nte) = U ^(-1)(Qi....пк n rnVf there exists mk such m— 1 that Л(-1)(СПь. n mkV) is not meagre in £. Since 1F is a ^-web, there exist pk > 0 such that J Xkzk converges in F for all Afc, 0 Afc <; pk9 and fc=i all zk e СП1„..П|с. We determine vk e (0, pk] such that, for a given e > 0, 2 e, and we define Mk = А{~1}(укСП1^^>Пк n vkmkV). Mk is again fc=i not meagre in £. ii) We treat first the case of an absolutely convex iF (this includes all strictly webbed spaces). The reader should be aware of the close analogy
2. The closed-graph theorems of De Wilde 57 of this proof with the classical proof of the Banach-Schauder theorem in §15,12. _ In our case the sets Mk are absolutely convex and Mk contains an interior point and therefore an absolutely convex neighbourhood C7(fc) of o. We may assume t7(fc) <= Uk, where U± U2 ° • • • is a given fundamental sequence of absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in E. From E = 0 иЛ(-1)(К) and Baire’s theorem it follows again that ________n=l Л(-Х)(К) contains a neighbourhood of о of E. Hence the continuity of A will follow from Л(-Х)(К) <= (1 + е)Л(~Х)(К). To prove this assume x0 g A<~ly(V). There exists xx e Л(-1)(К) such that x0 — xx 6 C7(X) <= M19 there exists x2 e such that x0 — хг — x2 e C7(2) c M2, n 00 and so on. Since x0 — 2 xk e ^(n) c Un, we have x0 = 2 xfc. By fc=i fc=i construction Ae V, Axk + 1g A(Mk) <= vkmk V for к 1 and also 00 Axk + 1 e vkCni.njc. Therefore 2 Axk converges in F and its limit y0 lies fc= i in V + ( 2 V c (1 + e)K Since A is sequentially closed, Ax0 = y0 and хое(Г + е)Л(“Х)(К). iii) The general case of an arbitrary ^-web is a little more complicated. In this case there exist xk e Mk and absolutely convex neighbourhoods U(k) <= Uk such that Mk xk + t7(fc). Again it will be sufficient to prove that Л("Х)(К) cz (1 + 2в)Л(-Х)(К). Assume x0 e A(~ X)( V). There exists yr e A( ~ X)( V) such that x0 — y± e U(X) and we have x0 — Ji + xx e M±. Having constructed y19..., yk-19 we find yk e Mk-.1 such that к к-1 к к x0 - у yt+ 2 xt e c u>c and xo - 2 y* + 2x*e 11 11 By construction Axi e VfCni>_>nt for all i 1; therefore 2 ^xi converges 00 in F. Similarly, Ayi+1 e щСП1.nt for all i 1 and 2 converges in F. Furthermore, since Ay± e V9 Ayi + 1 e and ЛХ|Ер^К for all к к -1 i 1, and since V is closed, 2^Л — 2 ^xt converges to an element i i к k-1 y0 e (1 + 2e) V. But 2 Ух — 2 xi converges to x0, so, since A is sequentially i i ________ closed, we have again Лх0 = y0 and A(~iy(V) <= (1 + 2е)Л(“Х)(Ю- As a corollary to (1) we obtain now De Wilde’s closed-graph theorem for ultrabornological spaces: (2) A sequentially closed linear mapping of an ultrabornological space E into a webbed space F is continuous.
58 § 35. De Wilde’s theory Let £ be 2 Ла(£а), £а a (B)-space. By § 19, 1.(7) it is sufficient to prove that all mappings AAa of Ea in £are continuous. By (1) this will be true if every AAa is sequentially closed. But this is trivial: Assume that xn -> x0 in Ea and that AAaxn -> y0 in £. Since Aa is continuous, we have Aaxn -> Aax0 in £ and, since A is sequentially closed, it follows AAaxn -> y0 = AAax0. So far we treated the case of a sequentially closed mapping. If one supposes that the mapping is closed, Theorems (1) and (2) are valid in a more general setting. The analogue to (1) is (3) Let E be locally convex and Fa webbed space. If A is a closed linear mapping defined on a nonmeagre subspace E[A] of E and Л(£[Л]) <= F, then A is continuous and D[A] = E. That A is closed means here that its graph G(A) is closed in £ x £ (not only in D[A] x £). Proof. The proof proceeds as the proof of (1) with the difference that now D[A] = 0 We find again the sets Mk and elements Пх = 1 _ xk e Mk such that Mk => xk + Uw for some absolutely convex neigh- bourhood U(k) in £ Furthermore, we construct, as in iii), for a given x0 E A^^F) the elements g Л(-1)(К), yk e Mk_19 such that к к-1 к к *0 - 2 + 2е cz<fc> and х° ~ 2 у* + 2 х«е 11 11 оо оо к к-1 As in iii), we prove 2 Ay к E F, 2 Axt e F, and that 2 Ayt — 2 Axt ii ii converges to an element y0 e (1 + 2e)K к k-1 But we are not able to prove that 2 Л — 2 xi converges to x0, since i i in £ we have no fundamental sequence of neighbourhoods of o. Instead of this we will show that (x0, Уо) E <7(Л) = G(A). From this it then follows again that Ax0 = y0 and Л(-1)(К) <= (1 + 2e)A(~1\F). Since D[A] = О тЛ(-1)(К) is not meagre in £, it follows from Baire’s theorem that m = 1___ Л(“1)(И) contains a neighbourhood of о of £. This is true also for Л(-1)(К) <= D[A]; hence £[Л] = £ and A is continuous. We prove, finally, that (x0, y0) e G(A). Let LZ, W be fixed absolutely к к ______ convex neighbourhoods of о in £ resp. F. Since x0 — 2 Ti + 2 xt E Mk c i i к к Mk + U, there exists tk e Mk such that x0 — 2 Ti + 2 xi ~ h e for all i i
3. The corresponding open-mapping theorems 59 к = 1,2,.... From the definition of the Mk it follows that the sequences Atk and Axk converge to о in F. Therefore 7o - A ^2 yt - 2 e W for к £ k0. Hence (x0, Jo) - (2 + 2^ " ^^(2 ~ 2%i “ ^)) W>> for к kOi so that (x0, To) £ G(A). We made no assumption on E in (3) but, if E has a nonmeagre sub- 00 space H, then E itself is a Baire space, since from E = (J Mi9 nowhere 1=1 00 dense in £, would follow H = |J (Mt n Я), МгС\ H nowhere dense in E. 1=1 Therefore (3) is a slight generalization of (4) Every closed linear mapping of a Baire space E into a webbed space F is continuous. The proof of the following closed-graph theorem is similar to the proof of (2): (5) A closed linear mapping A of a locally convex hull E = 2 ^a(Fa) a of Baire spaces Ea in a webbed space F is always continuous. 3. The corresponding open-mapping theorems. The first three theorems are easy consequences of 2.(2), 2.(3), and 2.(5). The first one is of the Banach-Schauder type. (1) Every continuous linear mapping A of a webbed space F onto an ultrabornological space E is a homomorphism. We will show in 4. that every quotient of a webbed space is again a webbed space (4.(3)). Therefore we may assume that A is one-one. But then Л(-1) satisfies the conditions of 2.(2) and is therefore continuous from E onto F; hence A is an isomorphism. An analogous proof using § 34, 5.(7) and 2.(3) leads to (2) If A is a closed linear mapping of the webbed space F onto a non- meagre subspace A(F) of a locally convex space E, then A is open and A(F) = E. In the same way one deduces from 2.(5) (3) Every closed linear mapping A of a webbed space F onto a locally convex hull E = 2 -^a(Fa) °f Baire spaces Ea is open. a
60 § 35. De Wilde’s theory We remark that (1) is a special case of (3) and that (1) is not the full counterpart to 2.(2) because in the case of an ultrabornological space one expects an open mapping theorem for an A which is only sequentially closed. To prove such a theorem it is necessary to use again De Wilde’s refinement of the classical method. We prove first (4) Let A be a linear mapping which is defined on a subspace D of a webbed space F and which maps D onto a nonmeagre subspace A(D) of the (F)-space E. If G(A) is sequentially closed in F x E, then A is open and A(D) = E. Let = {Cnit_nk} be a ^-web on F Since Л(Е) = U A(Cni n D) ni = l is nonmeagre in E, we find again using Baire’s theorem (recursively) a sequence n2,... such that Л(СПь...>Пк n D) is nonmeagre in E. Let V be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in F; then there exists mk such that A(Cnitn D n mkV) is not meagre in E. Since iK is a ^-web, 00 there exist pk > 0 such that 2 ^кУк converges in F for all Afc, 0 Xk pk9 fc = i and all yk e Cnb...>nfc. We determine vk e (0, pk) such that 2 = £ f°r a given e > 0 and we define Mk = vk(Cni.Пк n D n mkV). By construc- tion A(M^ is not meagre in E. Hence there exist xk e Mk and neighbour- hoods U{k} of о in E such that A(M^ Axk + U{k\ We suppose L/(fc) <= Uk9 where Uk9 к = 1, 2,..., is a fundamental sequence of neigh- bourhoods of о in E. 00 Since A(D) = |J nA(D n V) is nonmeagre in E, it follows from n = 1______________________ Baire’s theorem that A(D n V) contains a neighbourhood of о of E. It remains therefore to prove that A(D n K) <= (1 + 2e)A(D n V) because then A(D) = E follows. To do this we follow the method of part iii) of the proof of 2.(1). Assume y0 e A(D n K). There exists z± e D n V such that y0 — AzT e U(1) and then y0 — Azr + e ^(AF). Having constructed z19..., we find zk e Мк_± such that к к -1 к к ____ y0-^Azk + 2 Ахь е <= ик and у0 - 2 + 2 Ах* 6 А(мк), 11 11 к = 1,2,.... к к-1 Clearly, 2 Azk — 2 Ахк converges to у0 in Е. Using the same arguments i i к k—1 as in 2.(1) iii), one shows that 2 zk — 2 xk E & converges in F to an i i element x0 g (1 + 2e)K Since A is sequentially closed in F x E, x0 e D, and y0 = Ax0, hence A(L> n V) <= (1 + 2e)A(D n K).
4. Hereditary properties of webbed and strictly webbed spaces 61 Now we are able to prove the open mapping theorem for ultra- bornological spaces. (5) A sequentially closed linear mapping A of a webbed space F onto an ultrabornological space E is open. We write E in the form E = J Ea, Ea a (B)-space (compare § 34, 8.). Since Л(Е) = E, we have algebraically F = ^A^^fE^ = 2 Fa. The restriction Aa of A to Fa is sequentially closed in F x Ea and maps Fa onto Ea. By (4) Aa is open. Let V be an absolutely convex and open neighbourhood of о in Fa\ then Va = V n Fa is a neighbourhood of о in Fa and Aa(Va) Ua, where Ua is a neighbourhood of о in Ea. Since A(F) is absolutely convex and since A(F) Aa(Fa), it follows that A(V) ° [~aUa and this is a neighbourhood of о in E. Hence A is open. The same proof can be used for the more general version: (6) Let A be a linear mapping of the subspace D of the webbed space F onto the ultrabornological space E. If G(A) is sequentially closed in F x E, then A is open. 4. Hereditary properties of webbed and strictly webbed spaces. Our aim is to prove that the classes of webbed resp. strictly webbed spaces are stable under the operations mentioned in Grothendieck’s conjecture and thus give a positive answer to this conjecture. (1) Every sequentially closed subspace H of a webbed resp. strictly webbed space E is webbed resp. strictly webbed. If IF* = {СП1'_'Пк} is a web on E, then #2 = {Cnit.„>nfc n H} satisfies condition l.(w). We remark that in the definition of a web it is not required that the sets Cnb.„>nfc have all to be nonempty. satisfies the additional conditions for a ^-web resp. a strict web since H is sequentially closed. (2) If A is a sequentially continuous linear mapping of E in F and if 1F = {Cni....nJ is a strict resp. &-web on E, then {A(Cnit_tnje)} is a strict resp. 4>-web on A(E). The proof consists in the trivial verification of the definitions. (2) has the following corollaries: (3) Every quotient of a webbed resp. strictly webbed space is webbed resp. strictly webbed. (4) If E[X] is a webbed resp. strictly webbed space, this is true also for E[X'], where X' is a locally convex topology weaker than X.
62 § 35. De Wilde’s theory A result in the other direction is (5) Let £[X] be a webbed resp. strictly webbed space. Then the associated bornological space £[XX] and the associated barrelled space have the same property. This theorem is a particular case of a stronger theorem which we will prove later (cf. 8.(5)). 00 (6) The topological product E =П Д of a sequence of webbed resp. i = 1 strictly webbed spaces is again a space of this type. Proof. Let {C^. be the web on Ep. We define a web on E in the following way: We set Dni = x E2 x E3 x • • • for all n± = 1,2,.... Then we set = ^*пьП2 * СпСП X E3 X • • • > where the pairs (w2, n{f) may be denoted by one index n2 = 1,2,.... The next step is ^П1,(п2,п^1))(пз,п^1\п(12)) = ^*П1^П2,пз * ^*n(11),n^1) * ^*n(12) * E± X • • • J where again (и3, n(2 \ n(2y) may be replaced by one index Я3, and so on. It is clear that condition l.(w) is satisfied; hence is a web on E. It remains to prove that this web is of type # resp. strict when this is the case for all the webs on the Д. We begin with the assumption that all the are ^-webs. Let n2 = (и2, n^}\ .. .,nk = (nk, «fcli,..., n(i~lyf ... be a fixed sequence of indices. There exist by assumption numbers pk > 0 such that 2 converges in E± for 0 Xk pk and x(k1} e ; there exist, k = 1 00 furthermore, numbers p^ > 0 such that 2 converges in E2 for k = l 0 Xk p(;f and x^2) e ..............and so on. We define p± = p±, p2 = inf (p2, p^f p3 = inf (p3, p(2X), p(x2)),.... Assume now xk = (x^, x(k2\ ...) e £>П1,я2,...,як and 0 5 Xk pk; then it follows by 00 our construction that 2 ^kx<k} converges in Ep for everyp and this means fc=l 00 that 2 ^kXk converges in the topological product П Д- This settles the k=l i=l case of a ^-web. Assume now that all the webs are strict. Then they are absolutely convex and {£>тл2,...лк} is also absolutely convex. By definition of the we have then 2 Kx^ e 2 Afc-42) e Cm nw , ka ka te° ~ 1
4. Hereditary properties of webbed and strictly webbed spaces 63 and so on. Therefore 2 Afcxfc is in Рщл2,...лл f°r all = 1,2,.... Hence the web is strict- By § 19, 10.(3) every topological projective limit is topologically iso- morphic to a closed subspace of a topological product; hence it follows from (1) and (6) that (7) A topological projective limit £[X] = lim Anm(Em[Xm]) of countably many webbed resp. strictly webbed spaces is of the same type. We now prove (8) The topological inductive limit £[X] = lim En[£n] of a sequence of webbed resp. strictly webbed spaces £n[Xn] is of the same type. By assumption Ep has a ^-web resp. strict web {C^2.,nJ and we have to construct a web on E = Q Ep. p = i We define Dni = Eni and Z>m,...,nfc = for all natural numbers n19 n2,.... Obviously, {Dni.....nk} is a web on E. Assume that all are ^-webs. Then for a fixed sequence и1? n2, n3,... there exist p2, p3,... such that 2 converges in Eni for all Afc, 0 Afc Pk, and all 2 xke <= Eni. Choosing p± > 0 and x± in Eni arbitrary, the con- 00 vergence of 2 Akxfc in Eni and therefore in E follows. Hence {Dni............Пк} k = 1 is a ^-web. If the are all strict, then £ Xkxk e C^„„n for all k0 2 fc0 and for k0 = 1 we have Dni = Eni, so nothing is to prove in this case. Hence {Z>m,...,nfc} is strict. From (6) and (8), applied to the case of a locally convex direct sum, and from (3) and § 19, 1.(3) it follows immediately that (9) The locally convex hull EfX] = 2 Лп(Еп[Хп]) of countably many n = 1 webbed resp. strictly webbed spaces is again a webbed resp. strictly webbed space. De Wilde’s closed-graph theorem 2.(2) for ultrabornological spaces and the hereditary properties for webbed and strictly webbed spaces we have proved so far give a complete solution of Grothendieck’s conjecture. For strictly webbed spaces we have an additional hereditary property. (10) Let E be a space with a strict web IT = {Cnit_>nJ. Then the linear hull L(Cnit ,.>ztp) of any set Cni,_tnp is again a strictly webbed space. Since Cnit,..,nfc is absolutely convex, it is obvious that the sets -^7711.771/ ^1^711.7lp,77lb...,77l2> ^1, ^2? • • • 1,2,...,
64 § 35. De Wilde’s theory define an absolutely convex web on £(Cni>...,n ). Let the sequence m2,... be given and let pk > 0 be the sequence associated to the sequence л1?..., nP9 m2i m3i... in E. Then we define pk = pP + k-! as the sequence associated with m1( m2,... in L(Cni...n ). If xk e ..m(c and 0 S Ak pk, 00 00 then J Xkxk converges in E and, since is strict, we have 2 e fc=l k=l ^iCni,...,np c= £(Cni>...,np) and ^2 and the web is strict. ,ntfc0 ,71 p > ТП2 • The question whether the strong dual of a webbed space is again webbed seems to be open. But there are some results in this direction. (11) The strong dual of a metrizable space E is strictly webbed. Let U1^ U2 • • • be a fundamental sequence of neighbourhoods of о in E. Then E' = Q t/° and E' is complete for the strong topology by § 21, 6.(4). We define Cnb.„>nfc = UQni for all nu n2,.... This gives an abso- lutely convex web on E'. We choose pk > 0 such that 2 Pk = L Then k = l for 0 Xk pk and xk e we have 2 G since is strongly k0 complete. Hence E' is a strictly webbed space. We remark that by using (4) we may replace the strong topology on E' by any weaker locally convex topology. A (DF)-space has by definition (§ 29, 3.) a fundamental sequence of bounded absolutely convex sets. Using the same arguments as in the proof of (11), we find (12) Every sequentially complete (fTFyspace is a strictly webbed space. Finally, we prove the following very useful result: (13) The strong dual E' of a locally convex hull E = 2 Л(Д) of a i = 1 sequence of metrizable spaces Et is strictly webbed. From § 19, 2.(3) and (4) it follows easily that E can be written as the locally convex hull of the metrizable spaces EJN\AX] injected in E. We assume therefore that E is given as a locally convex hull of the form 00 E = 2 4 4 metrizable. i=l Let Utff щ = 1, 2,... be a fundamental sequence of absolutely convex к neighbourhoods of о in Ef. Then we define Cni>...,nfc = Q (U^)°, where the polar is taken in E'. Every ueE' is bounded on a neighbourhood of о of Ej; it is therefore contained in some (U^)0 and hence E' = Q Cni. «1 = 1
5. A generalization of the open-mapping theorem 65 Similarly, we have Cni..nk_1= U Cni........nk and therefore = {Cni......nJ /Ifc = 1 is an absolutely convex and closed web on E'. To see that iE is a ^-web we use 1.(1) with pk = 1: A sequence uk e СП1„_Пк, к = 1, 2,..., is equicontinuous on every Ef since uk g (Е^)° for к z; therefore the set {z/J of all uk, к = 1, 2,..., is contained in some (C7^)°. But then {z/J <= ( Г and Г U£\ is a neighbourhood of о in E by definition of the hull topology. It follows that {z/J is equi- continuous in E' and is therefore contained in an absolutely convex and weakly compact set in E' which is sequentially complete. Hence LE is a ^-web. From 1.(2) it follows that IE is strict. De Wilde proved in [4'] other hereditary properties for webbed spaces. Compare also De Wilde [6']. 5. A generalization of the open-mapping theorem. Kato proved in [Г] the following generalization in the case of two Banach spaces E and F: If A is a closed linear operator from D E onto a subspace A(D) of finite co-dimension in F, then Л(£>) is closed and A is open. Goldberg gave a more general version of this theorem in [Г] and I showed in [7'] that even for A(D) of denumerable co-dimension the theorem remains true and it follows in this case that A(D) always has finite co-dimension. De Wilde examined this question in [4'] in the frame of his theory. He proved (1) Let E[Xi] be a webbed space, F[I2] ultrabornological resp. a locally convex hull of Baire spaces, and let A be a sequentially closed resp. closed linear mapping of a subspace D of E in F[I2]. If A(D) has the algebraic complement H in F and if /7[X'] is a webbed space for a locally convex topology X' ==> X2 on H, then A is open, A(E) and H are closed and topologically complementary in F, and X' = X2 on H. Proof. The product EflJ x ЕГ[Х'] is a webbed space by 4.(6). We define a mapping A of D x H onto F by setting A(x, z) = Ax + z for all x e D, z g H. A is sequentially closed resp. closed in E x H x F. We prove this only for the first case. Assume that (x, z, y) g С(Л). Then there exist xn g D, znE H such that xn -> x g E, zn -> z g H, and Axn + zn -> у g F. Therefore A(x, z) = Ax + z = у and A is sequentially closed. From 3.(6) resp. 3.(4) it follows now that A is open. If If is a ^-neighbourhood of о in D and U2 a ^'-neighbourhood of о in H, there exists a ^-neighbourhood V of о in F such that Л(С/Х x C/2) = Л(С7Х) + U2 V. It follows that
66 § 35. De Wilde’s theory ^4(^i) ° И n A(D) and therefore A is open. Since (Afjfi) + U2) H = U2 Kn H, X' must be weaker than X2 on H, and since X' X2 by assumption, we have X' = X2 on H. Finally, we prove that the projection P of F onto H with kernel A(D) is continuous. Let U2 be given in H and let A{U1 x C/2) => V; then P(V) c P(A(U1 x U2)) = P(A(U1) + U2) = U2, so P is continuous. Hence H = P(F) is closed and A(D) = (I — P)(F) is closed too and a topological complement for H in F. We have the following special case: (2) Let E be a webbed space, F ultrabornological resp. a locally convex hull of Baire spaces and A a sequentially closed resp. closed linear mapping of a subspace D of E in F. If A(D) has finite or denumerable co-dimension in F, then A is open, A(D) is closed and every algebraic complement H of A(D) is a topological complement of A(D) and X2 coincides on H with the strongest locally convex topology. Proof. If I' is the strongest locally convex topology on H, then H[X'] is topologically isomorphic to 99 and this is a webbed space by 4.(8). The proposition follows immediately from (1). The result of Kato is obviously contained in (2). The result that A(D) never has denumerable co-dimension is a special case of (3) Let E be a webbed space, F ultrabornological and metrizable, and A a sequentially closed linear mapping of a subspace D of E into F. If A(D) has at most countable co-dimension in F, then A is open and A(D) closed and of finite co-dimension. This follows immediately from (2) since Fhas no subspace topologically isomorphic to 99 since 99 is not metrizable. We note some consequences of (1) concerning the existence of com- plementary subspaces. (4) Let £[2J be ultrabornological or a locally convex hull of Baire spaces. If E is the algebraic direct sum E = H1 © H2 of two subspaces which are webbed spaces for the induced topology, then /Л[1] and //2[X] are closed and topologically complementary. This follows by applying (1) to the continuous injection of H1 into E. Especially interesting is the following result of De Wilde: (5) Let E be a webbed space which is also ultrabornological or a locally convex hull of Baire spaces. a) If E is the algebraic direct sum E = H2 of two sequentially
6. The localization theorem for strictly webbed spaces 67 closed subspaces, then H1 and H2 are closed and topologically complementary. b) Every sequentially closed subspace H of E of at most denumerable co-dimension in E is closed and has a topological complement which is finite dimensional or isomorphic to 9?. Proof, a) is a special case of (4) since H19 H2 are webbed spaces by 4.(1). Applying (2) to the injection of H into E gives b). (5) a) is a sharper result for (LF)-spaces than § 34, 8.(5), since (LF)-spaces are ultraborno- logical and webbed spaces by 4.(9). On the other hand, (5) a) does not include the corresponding result (§ 34, 7.(3)) for barrelled Ptak spaces. This raises the general question of the relation between Ptak’s and De Wilde’s results. We first remark that <pd for d = 2*o is not a webbed space, since there exists a closed linear mapping of to onto <pd which is not continuous (compare § 34, 5.) and co is certainly ultrabornological. Next we remember that <pw and a><p are Ptak spaces, even (s)-spaces, but 9x0 © амр is not even an infra-(s)-space (compare § 34, 9.). On the other hand, it follows from the hereditary properties in 4. that «pto © to<p is a webbed space. There exist therefore barrelled webbed spaces which are not infra- (s)-spaces. As we will see in 6., the Ptak spaces tod, d > X0) are not webbed spaces; therefore theorem § 34, 8.(1) of A. and W. Robertson is not con- tained as a special case in the otherwise much stronger result 2.(2) of De Wilde. It follows that the class of webbed spaces does not contain all locally convex spaces F for which a closed linear mapping of an ultra- bornological space E into F is always continuous. Therefore the results of § 34 are not contained in the results of De Wilde, but his theory gives more information in many problems. Since the topo- logical product of two Ptak spaces need not be a Ptak space, the proof of (1) cannot be applied when E and H are Ptak spaces. Nevertheless, for a Ptak space E and A(D) of finite co-dimension in a barrelled space F (2) was proved by Kothe [7'] using a different method. 6. The localization theorem for strictly webbed spaces. Let A be a sequentially closed linear mapping of an (F)-space E into a webbed space F. It is natural to ask whether something can be said of the relation of A(E) or A(B), В bounded in E, to a given web iK in E. The answer is simple for strict webs and contained in the following localization theorem of De Wilde. (1) a) Let E be an (Ffspace and F a space with a strict web IF* = {Qi,...,nfc}> A a sequentially closed linear mapping of E into F. Then there exists a sequence nk and a sequence Uw of neighbourhoods of о in E such that A(U6 * * * * * * * * (k)) <= Cni>_>nte for every к = 1,2,.... Hence A(E) <= E(Cnit . _>nfc) for every к and if В is a bounded subset of E there exist > о such that A(B) <= akCnit,„tnkfor every k.
68 § 35. De Wilde’s theory b) The same statement holds if A is defined on a nonmeagre subspace D of a Baire space E and G(A) is closed in E x F. The proof of a) follows the lines of the proof of 2.(1) ii). There exists a sequence nk such that Л(-1)(СП1.Пк) is not meagre for every k. Since iK is strict, the СЛ1.njc are absolutely convex and there exist pk > 0 such that 2 4^ e Cni....nico for all Xk e [0, pfc] and all yk g Cni.nit. We define Mk = pkA(~1)(Cni.....nic); then Mk contains a neighbourhood L/(fc) of 0. It will be sufficient to prove Mk <= Л(-1)(СП1>...>Пй), since then A(U{ky) <= cni..nfc. Assume x0 e Mk. Then there exists xk e Mk such that — xkE U(k + 1) <= Mk+1. Next we find xfc + 1 g Mk + 1 such that x0 — xk — xk + 1 e U(k + 2) and so on. We have x0 = 2 л\ + Р if we assume U(k) <= Uk9 p = 0 where Uk is a fundamental sequence of neighbourhoods of о in E. Since Axk+Pe Pk+pCni.....nfc+p, we have j0 = 2 Axk+peCni.............nic. Since A is p = 0 sequentially closed, y0 = Ax0 and x0 e A(~1)(Cni.nk). The proof of b) is analogous to the proof of 2.(3): The construction of xk + p is the same as before, but in this case one shows that (x0, Уо) e G(A) = G(A). Let (L/, PF) be a given neighbourhood of о in E x F. We have xQ — 2 xk+p E Mk+m + i <= Mk + m + 1 4- U; therefore there exists tk + m<E p = 0 Mk+m+1 such that x0 - 2 xk+p - tk+me U. Since Atk+m converges to о P — 0 m with m -> oo, we have y0 — 2 ^Xk + P ~ Atk + m e PF for w nQ. Hence p = о (xo,jo)-(2 xk + p + tk + m,A( 2 Xk + P + ^+m))e(t/, PF), and (x0, y0)E ____ \p = Q \p = 0 // G(A). 00 Let F be an (LF)-space IJ FnfXn]« In 4.(8) we constructed a strict web n= 1 on Fsuch that Dn = Fn. From (1) a) it follows that there exists n such that A(E) <= Fn. Hence A is closed from E into Fn and therefore continuous. So we see that the localization theorem contains as a special case Theorem § 19, 5.(4) of Grothendieck. The statement in (1) concerning the images of bounded sets is true in the following very general version: (2) a) Let Abe a sequentially closed linear mapping of the locally convex space E into the space F with the strict web iT = {Cnit^^njc}. For every absolutely convex bounded and sequentially complete set В in E there exist a sequence nk and a sequence ak > 0 such that A(B) <= afcCni>_>nfc for к = 1,2,.... b) If F is a space with the strict web = {Cnit_>nJ, then for every
6. The localization theorem for strictly webbed spaces 69 absolutely convex bounded and sequentially complete set В of F there exist sequences nk and ak > 0 such that В cz акСп^ ,.tnkfor к = 1, 2,.... Proof. The space EB = U nB is a Banach space and the restriction n = 1 of A to EB has a sequentially closed graph in EB x F, so a) follows from (1) a). For E = F and A = I, b) follows from a). Another application of the localization theorem is (3) A strictly webbed space E which is a Baire space is an (F)-space. If we apply (1) b) to the identity mapping of E into E, there follow the existence of a sequence nk and a sequence Uw of neighbourhoods of о in E such that U(k) Cni.......nfc for every к = 1,2,.... If U is any neigh- bourhood of о in E, there exists pk > 0 such that pfcCni5...>nfc <= U for some к by 1.(3); hence pkU{k} <= Uand the topology of Eis given by the multiples of the C7(fe), which means that E is metrizable. If xn is a Cauchy sequence in £, there exists a subsequence xnj such that x„,+1 - xniePlcU(lc) c pfccnii...>nfc and xni + Д(х„,+1 - xnj) converges. The sum is the limit of the sequence xnj and therefore the limit of the sequence xn; hence E is complete. It follows that a topological product of more than countably many (B)- or (F)-spaces is never a strictly webbed space, since these spaces are Baire spaces (§ 34, 8.). For ^-webs the situation is more complicated. One obtains in this case (4) a) Let E be an (Ffspace and Fa space with a tf-web IF = {Cni>. _nfc}, A a sequentially closed linear mapping of E into F. Then there exists a sequence nk and a sequence U{k) of neighbourhoods of о in E such that A(U(k)) <= Г Cni„. .tnkfor every к = 1,2,.... b) The same statement holds if A is defined on a nonmeagre subspace D of a Baire space E and G(A) is closed in E x F. The proof follows the same pattern as the proof of (1). One defines Mk = рьА^^С^,..„nfc) and there exists e Mk such that Mk => yk + Uw for some LFk\ Then one has to show that Л(-1)(1—Cni> c (1 + 2e) x Л(-1)(Г“СПь._nfc). This is done in a similar way as in 2.(1) iii) resp. 2.(3). The details are left to the reader (compare De Wilde [3'], p. 48). With (4) b) it is possible to repeat the first part of the proof of (3) and we obtain (5) A webbed space E which is a Baire space is metrizable. It follows, in particular, that cod for d > Xo is not a webbed space.
70 § 35. De Wilde’s theory 7. Ultrabornological spaces and fast convergence. We introduced ultra- bornological spaces in § 34, 8. as spaces which have a representation as a locally convex hull £[I] = 2 £a[Ia] of (B)-spaces Ea. An ultraborno- a logical space is bornological and barrelled (§ 27, 1.(3)). Every sequentially complete bornological space is ultrabornological; therefore every (F)-space is ultrabornological. Our intention is to collect further information on ultrabornological spaces. We begin with some characterizations. We say that an absolutely convex bounded subset В of a locally convex space £[I] is a Banach disk if the normed space EB is a (B)-space with В as closed unit ball (in § 20, 11. we said that В is complete in itself). (1) £[I] is ultrabornological if and only if £[I] is the locally convex hull 2 £B, where В runs through the Banach disks in E. в Let £[I] be the locally convex hull E = J Ea of Banach spaces Ea, The a closed unit ball Ba of Ea is a Banach disk in £; hence E = 2 EBa. Let В be any Banach disk in E. The injection EB -> E is continuous. Since the hull topology of J EB is the finest locally convex topology on E в such that these injections are continuous, it follows that the identity mapping 2 EB -> E = 2 EB is continuous. In the same way one shows В a a that the identity mapping J EBa -> J EB is continuous. Hence J EBa and a a В a a 2 EB define the same locally convex space. в (2) £[I] is ultrabornological if and only if E [I] is the locally convex hull 2 EK, where К runs through the absolutely convex compact subsets of E. к Every К is a Banach disk and therefore 2 Ek is ultrabornological. к Assume now that E is ultrabornological. Then £[I] = 2 В the Banach в disks in E. Let I' be the topology of 2 EK. We have to prove that I and I' к coincide. Obviously I' I. It will be sufficient to prove that every abso- lutely convex set U which absorbs all К absorbs all В too. Assume that U does not absorb the Banach disk B. Then there exists a sequence xn e В such that xn $ n2U. The set C consisting of all xn/n and о is compact in EB and its absolutely convex and closed hull ГC in EB is a set K. There exists therefore a > 0 such that ГC <= all; hence (xn/ri) e all, xnE anU for all n, which is a contradiction. We introduced in § 28, 3. the notion of local convergence. The following notion (De Wilde [3']) is a sharpened form of local convergence. A sequence xn of elements of a locally convex space £[I] is said to be fast convergent to x0 in E if there is an absolutely convex compact set К <= E such that xn and x0 lie in EK and such that xn converges to x0 with respect
7. Ultrabornological spaces and fast convergence 71 to the norm of EK. A sequence xn which is fast convergent to о is called a fastconvergentnull sequence. It is obvious that every fast convergent sequence is locally convergent. In complete analogy to the characterization (§ 28, 3.(2)) of bornological spaces one obtains (3) £[X] is ultrabornological if and only if every absolutely convex set M which absorbs all the fast convergent null sequences is a ^-neighbourhood of о in E. We will need the following slight improvement of § 28, 3.(1). (4) In an (F)-space E every sequence xn convergent to xQ is fast convergent to Xq. If xn is fast convergent to x0 in the locally convex space F, there exist pn > 0, lim pn = oo, such that pn(xn — x0) is fast convergent to o. Proof. If yn~>° in the (F)-space, there exist pn > 0 such that lim pn = oo and рпУп~>° by §28, 1.(5). The closed absolutely convex hull К of all pnyn is compact in E and obviously ||kU 0 in the norm of EK. This is the first statement for a sequence converging to o. If xn -> x0 in £, then there exist positive pn -> oo such that all pn(xn — x0) lie in an absolutely convex compact set К and ||xn — х0||я -> 0. If Kr is the ab- solutely convex hull of К and the set {«x0, |a| 1}, then K± is compact by § 20, 6.(5) and all xn and x0 lie in 2Kr and again ||xn — Xoll^ 0- The second statement follows from § 28, 1.(5). We point out that the last part of our proof shows also that in a locally convex space a sequence xn is fast convergent to x0 if and only if xn — x0 is fast convergent to o. Remark. It follows from the first part of (4) that xn is fast convergent to x0 in E if and only if there exists a Banach disk В in £ such that xn converges to x0 in the (B)-space EB. Hence the notion of fast convergence in E depends only on the dual system <£', £>. From (1), (2), and (3) follows (5) A locally convex space £[Xfc(£')] is ultrabornological if and only if every linear functional on E is continuous which is bounded on every Banach disk of £, or b) on every absolutely convex compact subset of E, or c) on every fast convergent null sequence of E.
72 § 35. De Wilde’s theory For linear mappings we obtain (6) Let Abe a linear mapping of an ultrabornological space E in a locally convex space F. A is continuous if and only if a) A maps fast convergent null sequences in fast convergent null sequences, or b) A maps fast convergent null sequences in bounded sequences. The conditions are necessary. We prove that b) is sufficient. If И is a neighbourhood of о in F and xn is a fast convergent null sequence in E, then V absorbs the bounded sequence Zxn; hence Л(-1)(И) absorbs xn. By (3) A(~iy(F) is a neighbourhood of о in E. We conclude this section with some remarks on the hereditary properties of ultrabornological spaces. (7) The locally convex hull £[X] = J Ла(£а[Ха]) °f ultrabornological a spaces £a[Xa] is an ultrabornological space. In particular, every quotient of an ultrabornological space is ultra- bornological and the locally convex direct sum © £a[Ia] of ultraborno- logical spaces is ultrabornological. The first statement follows from the definition of an ultrabornological space and § 19, 1.(6). Another proof uses (2) and follows the argument of the proof of § 28, 4.(1). From (7) it follows too that the topological product of a finite number of ultrabornological spaces is ultrabornological. In the general case one proceeds as in the case of bornological spaces. One obtains the following version of the Mackey-Ulam theorem (§ 28, 8.(6)): (8) The topological product of d ultrabornological spaces is ultra- bornological if d is smaller than the smallest strongly inaccessible cardinal. Proof. This follows from the fact that is ultrabornological for these d and the result corresponding to § 28, 8.(3) a), i.e., that a product П of d ultrabornological spaces is ultrabornological if a>d is ultrabornological. The proof of this result is the same as for § 28, 8.(3) a) with the only difference that one uses instead of §28, 8.(1) the following proposition: If the topological product E = П Ea of ultrabornological spaces Ea is a not ultrabornological, there exists a discontinuous linear functional on E which is bounded on all Banach disks and vanishes on @ Ea. a For the proof we remark that by (5) a) there exists a discontinuous и which is bounded on all Banach disks. Next we prove that и vanishes on the direct sum of all but finitely many Ea. Assume the contrary. Then there exists a sequence xk e @ Ea such that uxk = к and the elements xk are a
8. The associated ultrabornological space 73 nk contained in finite sums © Еауо with pairwise disjoint sets of indices 7=1 {a(ifc)>J = !>•••> Then E contains the Banach disk В consisting of all 00 elements J J |yfc| 1, and и is not bounded on B, which is a k= 1 contradiction. The linear functional vanishing on © Ea is now constructed as in § 28, 8.(1). For a different proof of (8) compare De Wilde [7']. 8. The associated ultrabornological space. Let £[X] be locally convex. Let 2? be the locally convex topology defined by the family of all absolutely convex sets which absorb all Banach disks В of £ as a system of neighbour- hoods of o. Evidently, £[XU] is the locally convex hull J EB and ultra- B bornological. It follows from 7.(2) that £[2?] is identical with J EK, where к К is any compact Banach disk in E. We have 2 c 2? and 27 is the weakest ultrabornological topology on E which is stronger than X; £[27] is called the ultrabornological space associated with £[X]. If £' = (£[£])' and if Xi is compatible with the dual system <£', £>, then Xu = X?. Obviously Xw Xх, where Iх is the associated bornological topology on £, and Xй => Xf, where Xf is the associated barrelled topology; since £[XU] is barrelled, Xu => X and X* is the weakest barrelled topology with this property. (1) If A is a linear continuous mapping of an ultrabornological space E into the locally convex space F[X], then A remains continuous if we replace X by Xu. Let V be a ^-neighbourhood of о in F; then V absorbs all fast con- verging null sequences in Fand by 7.(5) Л( “ 1}( F) absorbs all fast convergent null sequences in £; hence Л(-1)(И) is a neighbourhood of о in £ by 7.(5). From the definition of £[XU] and 7.(5) follows (2) (£[2?])' consists of all linear functionals m(1) on E which are bounded on all fast convergent null sequences of E or which are bounded on all Banach disks of E. By Xc/(£) we denote the topology of uniform convergence on all fast convergent null sequences of £. If C is the set consisting of the elements of a fast convergent null sequence, then its closed absolutely convex cover Г(С) is a compact subset of some £B, where В is a Banach disk in £. The sets f“”(C) and their subsets constitute the saturated class XR0 defining the topology Xc/(£) on £' = (£[X])'.
74 § 35. De Wilde’s theory (3) Let £[I] be locally convex and E' its dual. Then £[2?]' is the completion E' of £"[Ic/(£)]. Proof. By Grothendieck’s theorem (§21, 9.(2)) E' consists of all linear functionals w(2) on E such that the restrictions on every Г(С) are weakly continuous. Such a w(2) is always a i/(1) in the sense of (2). Conversely, let w(1) be given and а Г(С). Г(С) is compact in some £B, В a Banach disk. Now w(1) is bounded on В and therefore continuous on EB in the sense of the norm topology of EB. Since and Is(£") coincide on the compact set Г(С), w(1) is weakly continuous on Г(С) and therefore a m(2). As a consequence we obtain a characterization of ultrabornological spaces in close analogy to that of bornological spaces (§ 28, 5.(4)). (4) A locally convex space £[I] is ultrabornological if and only ifX is the Mackey topology and E' is %cf(E)-complete. Proof. If E is ultrabornological, then E' is Ic/-complete by (2). If, conversely, E' is Ic/-complete, then, as in the proof of (3), £' consists of all w(1) in the sense of (2) and E is ultrabornological by 7.(5). We now apply our results on ultrabornological spaces to webbed spaces. The following theorem is due to M. Powell [Г]. (5) If E[X] is a webbed space, then its associated ultrabornological space £[2?] is again webbed. Proof. Let £[I] have the ^-web iK = {Cni........nJ. Then for a fixed sequence n19 n2,... there exist real numbers pk > 0 such that J Xkxk k=l converges in E for all xk e Cni>_>nfc and all Xk such that |Xte| pk9 к = 1, 2,... (compare the remarks in 1. following the definition of a ^-web). Let xk e Cnit_tnk be a given sequence. Then the sequence pkxk converges to о in £[X]. Hence K9 the absolutely convex closed cover of the sequence pkxk, is compact in E (it is weakly compact by an argument analogous to that in § 20, 9.(6), therefore complete and hence compact by § 20, 6.(3)). Let £[Ii] be the locally convex hull of all the spaces EK. Then £[Ii] is ultrabornological and Ii => I, hence => 2? and E [2?], is webbed if uEflJ is webbed. But this is nearly obvious: Take the same web iK = {Cni....nJ and the OO real numbers <jk = pk/2k instead of pk. Then J М/Л, xk E Cni,...,nfc and k=l \p,k\ g CTfc, converges in EK and therefore in It follows that all webbed spaces can be obtained from the ultra- bornological webbed spaces by weakening the topology.
8. The associated ultrabornological space 75 Taking into account the remark preceding (1), it is now clear that (5) implies Theorem 4.(5). Recalling the definition of fast convergence we realize that the last part of the proof of (5) includes also the following statement: (6) If iK = {Cni,...,nfc} is a %-web of the webbed space £[X] and n19n2,... a fixed sequence, there exists a sequence vk > 0 such that every 00 series 2 Mfc ™fast convergent in £[X], where xk e Cni....,nfc and \p,k\ ak. k = 1 This fact enabled De Wilde to give a sharper form to his closed-graph theorem for ultrabornological spaces. We say that a linear mapping A is fast sequentially closed if the graph G(A) is closed for fast convergence in E and in F. We begin with a simple case. (7) A linear fast sequentially closed mapping A of an ultrabornological space E into an (F)-space F is always continuous. Proof. Let К be absolutely convex and compact in E. Then the restriction AK of A to EK is sequentially closed by 7.(4); therefore AK is continuous from EK into F. By 7.(2) E is the locally convex hull of the EK and therefore A is continuous. The general theorem is the following. (8) A fast sequentially closed linear mapping A of an ultrabornological space E into a webbed space F is continuous. As in the proof of (7), it is sufficient to prove this for a (B)-space E. We indicate the necessary changes in the proof of 2.(1) to arrive at this new version. One has only to replace the numbers pk by the numbers vk 00 determined in (6) and to realize in part ii) of the proof that then 2 Axk k= 1 is fast convergent in F. Since £ is a (B)-space, the convergence of 2 xk is i fast anyway. The corresponding open-mapping theorem is (9) A fast sequentially closed linear mapping A of a webbed space F onto an ultrabornological space E is open. The details of the proof are left to the reader. De Wilde showed in [5'] that the following characterization of ultra- bornological spaces corresponds to the characterization (§ 34, 7.(1)) of barrelled spaces by Mahowald. (10) If every linear fast sequentially closed mapping of the locally convex space £[I] into an arbitrary (B)-space is continuous, then £[I] is ultra- bornological.
76 § 35. De Wilde’s theory The converse is a special case of (7). Proof. By 7.(3) it is sufficient to prove that an absolutely convex set U which absorbs all fast convergent null sequences is a ^-neighbourhood of о in E. As in the proof of § 34, 7.(1), we introduce the normed space Еи = E[NV and its completion Ev. It will be sufficient to prove that the canonical mapping J of E into Ev is continuous, because then the inverse image of the open unit ball in Ev is open and contained in U. By assumption J is continuous if its graph is fast sequentially closed in E x Ev. Let xn e E be fast convergent to xQ and let Jxn converge to _y0 in Ёи. There exist pn > 0, lim pn = oo, such that pn(xn — x0) is fast con- vergent to o. But then U absorbs the sequence pn(xn — x0) and therefore Jxn converges to Jx0 in Еи. It follows that = Jx0 and J is fast sequentially closed. 9. Infra-(u)-spaces. Let be a class of locally convex spaces. In analogy with the notation introduced in § 34, 11., will denote the class of all locally convex spaces F for which every closed linear mapping of an F e j/ into Fis continuous. If j/ is the class of all barrelled spaces, then Komura’s closed-graph theorem (§ 34, 9.(4)) says that ^?r(^r) is the class of all infra-(s)-spaces. Let now be the class of ultrabornological spaces. De Wilde’s results show that the class of webbed spaces is contained in the class but there exist spaces in ^r(^0 which are not webbed spaces. We will try to determine ^r(^0- At the same time we will solve the following problem: What is the maximal class of spaces F, for which the closed-graph theorem for mappings of any (B)-space into a space F holds? These results have been found independently by Eberhardt [2'], Grathwohl [T], and Powell [Г] in 1972. But they may also be developed as special cases of a more general theory sketched by Komura in his paper [1] of 1962. We will not give here an exposition of his general theory; it is given in detail by Powell [Т]. The existence of such a theory will become plausible to the reader by observing the close analogy between the following and § 34, 9. and 10. (1) The classes ^r(^) and ^r(^0 coincide. We have only to prove that an Fe$r($) *s also contained in ^r(^0- Let E be ultrabornological, F = 2 the Ea (B)-spaces and Ia the canonical injection of Ea in F. Let A be a closed linear mapping of F into Fe^(^). Then every Aa = AIa is a closed mapping of Ea into F and
9. Infra-(u)-spaces 77 continuous since Fe^r(<^). But then A is also continuous and our state- ment follows. We say that the locally convex space £[I] is an infra-(u)-space if Xi = 2? for every locally convex topology on E such that <= I. Corresponding to Komura’s closed-graph theorem we obtain (2) The class ^r(^0 consists of all infra-(u)-spaces. If we replace the associated barrelled topology 2? by the associated ultrabornological topology 2? and recall 8.(1), then the proof of § 34, 9.(4) changes into a proof of (2). The open-mapping theorem connected with this closed-graph theorem can be easily obtained. We say that a locally convex space is a (u)-space if all its quotients are infra-(u)-spaces. We leave it to the reader to verify that the proof of Adasch’s open-mapping theorem (§ 34, 10.(3)) may be used in our case too and that one obtains (3) a) Every closed linear mapping A of a (yfspace E onto an ultra- bornological space F is open. b) The (yf-spaces are characterized by this property. It follows from 3.(1) that every webbed space is a (u)-space. We make some remarks on these new classes of spaces. (4) If £[I] is an infra-(u)-space resp. (u)-space and if Ii <= J, then £[Ii] is again such a space. This follows easily from the definitions. (5) Every closed linear subspace of an infra-(u)-space resp. (ufspace is again such a space. The proofs of § 34, 9.(6) and § 34, 10.(2) can be used also in this case. (6) Every quotient of a (yfspace is a (y)-space. Proof. Let E be a (u)-space and EfH a quotient. A closed subspace of EjH is of the form L/Я, where L is closed in £, and by § 15, 4. the quotient (EIH)l(LjH) is isomorphic to ЕЩ which is an infra-(u)-space by assumption. It follows that E/H is a (u)-space. This is nearly all that is known on hereditary properties in contrast to the subclass of webbed spaces. The statement corresponding to § 34, 9.(9) is false since there exist (LB)-spaces which are not complete (§31, 6.) and such a space is a webbed space and therefore an ultrabornological infra-(u)-space.
78 § 35. De Wilde’s theory If £[X] is a webbed space, then £[XU] is again a webbed space by 8.(5). But there exist infra-(u)-spaces £*[1] such that £[2?] is not infra-(u) (see Eberhardt [3'], Section 1). Our definition of infra-(u)-spaces corresponds to the characterization of infra-(s)-spaces given in § 34, 9.(3). These spaces were defined by using a property of the dual. Such a dual characterization is possible also for infra-(u)-spaces. (7) £[X] is an infra-(\i)-space if and only if for every weakly dense subspace H of E' the completion of Я[1С/(£[15(Я)])] coincides with E', the completion of £'[XC/(£[I])]. This follows from the definition of an infra-(u)-space, from 8.(3), and from the fact that it is sufficient to consider only the 2^ <= I of the form Ii = 2ЦЯ), where H is weakly dense in E'. We remark that the topology depends not only on the vector space E but also on the topology on E. Finally, we mention another case of Komura’s general theory. Let Ж be the class of normed spaces and $8(9 the class of bornological spaces. Then ^Г(Ж) = ^Г(ЖР) and this class is very small. It was thoroughly investigated by Eberhardt [2']. 10. Further results. We did not follow here the method employed by many authors (De Wilde [3'], Raikow [Г]) to prove “two-sided” closed- graph theorems or, what is the same, closed-graph theorems for linear relations. This method has the advantage that a closed-graph theorem and an open-mapping theorem are special cases of one single theorem for a linear relation. But since these theorems are rather abstract and seem to have no interesting applications, we preferred our elementary approach. We note some additional results. In his paper [8'] De Wilde proves the following: Let E and Fbe topological vector spaces and H a subspace of E of finite co-dimension. If A is a linear mapping of H into F with a graph closed in H x F, then A is the restriction to Я of a closed linear mapping from E into F. From this theorem follows: If every closed linear mapping of E into the fixed space Fis continuous, then this property holds also for the subspaces of E of finite co-dimension. In [7'] De Wilde studies the following problem: Let the class & of spaces F be fixed; for example, & is the class of infra-Ptak-spaces or the class of strictly webbed spaces. Let be again the class of all spaces E such that the closed-graph theorem is true for mappings of E in every Fin Does contain all the topological products of its elements? The answer is positive in both of these cases and in others.
10. Further results 79 Macintosh [1'] gave a version of the closed-graph theorem which is not contained in the previous results. (1) Let F[X] be a sequentially complete locally convex space, Z the Mackey topology, and let F'[Xb(F)] be complete. Let F be a semi-reflexive webbed space. Then every sequentially closed linear mapping A from E in F is continuous. Proof. The associated bornological space F[XX] = Er is ultra- bornological and from the closed-graph theorem 2.(2) it follows that A is continuous from E± into F. Hence A' is continuous from F'[Xb(F)] into E[[Tb(F)] (the bounded sets in E and Ex are the same). Since E'[Xb(E)] is complete, E' is a closed subspace of £’1'[Xb(£)] and its inverse image D[A'] = Л'(-1)(Е') is therefore a closed subspace of F'[W)]. Since F is semi-reflexive, Xb(E) coincides with 2^(F) on F' and L>[A'] is therefore a weakly closed subspace of F'. Hence D[A'J = F', since D[A'] is weakly dense in F' as the domain of definition of the adjoint of a closed mapping. Therefore A' is weakly continuous from F' into E' and A is weakly continuous from E into F. Since every weakly continuous mapping is continuous for the Mackey topologies, our statement is proved. An interesting consequence of (1) is the following result (see De Wilde [3'], p. 99). (2) Let E and F be (F)-spaces and A a weakly sequentially closed linear mapping from E' into F'. Then A is weakly continuous. Proof. E'[Xfc(E)] is sequentially complete by §21, 6.(4). Its strong dual is E, which is complete. The space F'[XS(F)] is a webbed space by 4.(11) and 4.(4). Since Fis barrelled, F'[XS(F)] is semi-reflexive by §23, 3.(1). A is sequentially closed for the topologies Xfc(E) on E' and ZfF) on F'; therefore (1) applies and A is continuous and also weakly con- tinuous. As we said at the beginning of this paragraph, we followed here mainly the ideas of De Wilde. A short exposition of the methods of Schwartz and Martineau is contained in an appendix to the book [Г] of Treves. A detailed version of this theory and the connections with the theory of De Wilde are given in De Wilde [3'] and [9']. Recently W. Robertson [Г] developed a systematic theory based on the ideas of Kelley (compare § 34, 4.), which leads to a very general but rather abstract closed-graph theorem which contains many of the theorems of §§ 34 and 35 as special cases. This theory is valid also for non-locally convex spaces. Different kinds of webbed spaces are also considered in the frame of this theory.
80 § 36. Arbitrary linear mappings § 36. Arbitrary linear mappings 1. The singularity of a linear mapping. In our study of the properties of linear continuous mappings of locally convex spaces we were led more and more to consider noncontinuous linear mappings and to investigate their properties. Our intention was to show that many of these mappings are really continuous but we encountered also examples where this was not the case. Noncontinuous mappings play an important role in Hilbert space theory. So the question seems very natural: Is it possible to develop a systematic theory of arbitrary linear mappings of locally convex spaces ? The following exposition will be based on papers of Adasch [Г], Browder [Г], and myself [3']. Let A be a linear mapping defined on a subspace D[A] of the locally convex space £[Хх] with the range Я[Л] = A(D[A]) in the locally convex space F[X2]. If the domain of definition D[A] is dense in £[Xi], then we say A is dense or densely defined. We do not assume that A is continuous. It is natural to describe the discontinuity of A at the point о in the following way. Let U = {17} be the filter of all X-neighbourhoods of о in D[A]. The images A(U) of all the U generate a filter Л(Ц) in F. We say that the set of all adherent points of Л(Н) is the singularity 5[Л] of A at the point о or, for short, the singularity of A. If A(U) denotes the closure of A(U) in F, then we have (1) SW = Cl W (2) S [A] is a closed subspace of F. Proof. Since it is sufficient to take only the intersection of all abso- lutely convex A(U), 5[Л] is absolutely convex and closed. If xe p > 0, then px e P| A(pU) = 5[Л]; hence 5[Л] is a linear subspace. и Using nets instead of filters, we have (compare § 2, 4. and 5.) (3) 5[Л] is the set of all у e F such that there exists a net xa e D[A] converging to о and Axa converging to y. This is equivalent to (4) S [A] is the set of all у e F such that (o, y) e G(A), G(A) the graph of A in E x F. We say that a linear mapping A is regular if 5[Л] = о and singular if 5[Л] / о. From (4) it follows that A is regular if and only if G(A) is the graph of a linear mapping A. This mapping is obviously a closed linear mapping in our former terminology and A is the uniquely determined
1. The singularity of a linear mapping 81 smallest closed extension of A: In Hilbert space theory a linear mapping which has a closed extension is called closable; hence “regular” and “closable” are equivalent notions and we will use “closable” for “regular” too. If A is continuous, then the kernel А[Л] of A can be defined in the following way: Let 93 = {V} be the neighbourhood filter of о in F[X2]. The inverse images Л(-1)(К) <= D[A] define the inverse filter A(~ 1}(93) in D[A\. Let Л(-1)(К) be the closure of ^’^(Hin D[A\. Then Q Л(-Х)(Г) is the set of adherent points of Л(-1)(93) in D[A] and this set is identical with 7V[/4] since А[Л] is closed in D[A], For an arbitrary A we define now Q Л(-1)(К) = Q(A) as the УеЗЗ extended kernel of A. Analogously to (2) one has (5) Q[A] is a closed linear subspace of Т>[Л][Хх]. We have the following connection between 5[Л] and Q[A]: (6) Q[A] = Л<-%$[Л]), A(Q[A]) = 5[Л] n Я[Л]. Proof. We have A(U) = Q (A(U) 4- F) and therefore Уе 93 Л<-%!>[Я]) = л<-х’(р| Q (A(U) + П) = A A <U + U V Since A{~V(V) => МЛ], Л<-Х)(Г) + #[Л] = A'-^V); hence Л<-Х>(5[Л]) = Q Cl (U + = Cl Л‘-1>(К) = Q[A]. V U V The second formula in (5) follows immediately from the first. By analogy to (4) one has (7) Q[A] is the set of all x e Dpi] such that (x, o) g G(A). By (6), xe Q[A] if and only if Лхе5[Л] and this is equivalent to (o, Ax) e G(A). Since (x, Ax) e G(A), (x, Ax) — (o, Ax) = (x, o) g G(A) if (o, Ax) g G(A) and conversely. Obviously, Q[A] => А[Л] and, since Q[A] is closed in D[A], we have also Q[A] => А[Л], the closure of А[Л] in D[A], We say that A is weakly singular if Q[A] = А[Л] and strongly singular if А[Л] / Q[A]. It follows from (5) that if A is regular, then Q[A] = А[Л]; hence in our terminology a regular mapping is also weakly singular.
82 § 36. Arbitrary linear mappings For Я[Л] we have the relations (8) Л(Я[Л]) = p| A(U\ Я[Л] = It is sufficient to prove the second formula which follows from Л(С/)) = Q (U + МЛ]) = ЛГ[Л]. Let us point out that Е[Л] and Q[A] are not really dependent on the topologies Z2 but only on the dual systems <EZ, £> and <FZ, F>. This is obvious for Е[Л] from (4), since the closure G(A) of G(A) is the same for all admissible topologies on E and F. It follows for Q[A] from (6). 2. Some examples, i) Let i = 1, 2,..., be an orthonormal basis of I2. We write this basis also as a double sequence eik, i,k= 1,2,.... Let H be the linear space of all finite linear combinations of the eik. On H = 1>[Л] we define A by Aeik = for all i and k. A is a dense linear transformation of H <= I2 into I2. Clearly, Л(Я) = H. We determine the singularity of A. Let U be the closed unit ball in H; N n then A(U) = H: Every x = 2 eik£k with 2 I6J2 < 1 is in U and N k = 1 1 Лх = 2 Zk is, for suitably chosen N, £k—an arbitrary multiple of et. i Since the same is true for every multiple of U, we have Q Л(1/) = H. By 1.(8) we have D[A] = H = Я[Л]; therefore Q[A] = Я[Л] since Q[A] <= D[A]. Hence A is weakly singular. Since A(U) = /2, we have Е[Л] = /2; in this case the singularity is the closure of the range of A. We remark that A is an open mapping of H I2 into I2 since A(U) = H is a neighbourhood of о in A(H) = H. We have here an example of a dense open weakly singular and not regular linear mapping of a (B)-space into itself. Obviously, Я[Л] / Я[Л]. ii) Let D[A] = H c I2 as in i). We define Л(п) on H by Awekn+j = ej for j > 0, 1,..., n — 1. Then A{n\H) = [e1?..., en] and by using similar arguments as in i) we find 5[Л(П)] = AW(H) = [eb..., en], Q[A(n)] = N[A(n)] = Я. Л(п) is open, weakly singular, not regular, and of и-dimensional range which coincides with the singularity. So this is an example where 5[Л(П)] is of finite dimension n. iii) We give now examples of strongly singular linear mappings of (B)-spaces. Let E be a (B)-space and let Л be a one-one linear mapping of E onto itself which is not continuous. (7(Л) is not closed by the closed-graph theorem; hence there exists (o, y) e G(A), у / о. Е[Л] / о follows now
2. Some examples 83 from 1.(4), Q[A] / о by 1.(6). Since 7V|\4] = о, 7V|\4] = о and A is strongly singular. We give a concrete example. Let H be the linear span of the unit vectors i = 1, 2,..., in cQ and define A on H by Ae{ = (i + l)ef. Let G be an algebraic complement to Я, cQ = H © G. For the construction of G one has to use Zorn’s lemma. It is possible to do it in such a way that yo) = (1, 1/22, 1/32,...) is an element of G. We define A on G by Ay = у for every у e G. Obviously, A is then defined on c0, A is one-one and onto c0 and noncontinuous. We determine an element of 5[Л]. Let U be the closed unit ball in cQ. For every natural number N there exists k(N) such that ||)4O) — yo)|| < 1/N for all к k(N\ where j4o) = (1, • • •, 1/&2, 0, 0,...) is the fcth section of yo). For к k(N) all elements Л(^О) — Уо)) are therefore contained in (1/Я)Л(£7). Since уГ g H and yo) g (7, one has Л(ЛО) - yo)) = АуГ - Уо) = (1, 1/2,..., 1/fc, 0, 0,...) - (У°> - уГ). It follows that z(o) = (1, 1/2, 1/3,...) is contained in (1/7V)?4(£7) for every N and therefore z(o) g 5[Л]. The element t4(-1)z(o) is / о and in Q[A]. iv) Let Ai be the restriction of A in iii) to Т>[ЛХ] = H © [Уо)]. Then A± is densely defined in c0, the range = Т>[ЛХ]. It follows from iii) that S[A] / o. Therefore Аг is a singular mapping of Z>[A] <= c0 into c0. We prove now that QIA^ = o, which means that Аг is weakly singular. Let U be the closed unit ball in cQ, UQ = U n Z>[A]. Since Я[А] = it is sufficient to prove that no x0 g x0 / °, is contained in all A^XeUo), e > 0. We may assume x0 to be of the form x0 = z0 4- УО), z0 g H. An element у of eUQ has the form у = z + Ayo), z = (z19 z2,...) g H, and we have |zn + (A/n2)| e for all n = 1, 2,.... We have to show that there exists e > 0 such that the inequality ||xQ — A(z + А/О))|| < 8 has no solution z + Ayo) g eUQ for some 8 > 0. If Nq is sufficiently great, the Mh coordinate of xQ is equal to l/№ for n Nq since z0 e H. We have therefore for all N NQ A ZN + дг2 № F n2 < 8 and 8. From the second inequality it follows that zN = — (A/7V2) + z'N, |z^| e; from the first we obtain then |A + (1/7V)| < 87V 4- 7V(7V 4- l)e. For N = No and TV = 7V0 4- 1 we obtain two inequalities for A which have no common solution A for sufficiently small e and 8. From Q[At] = о and 1.(6) we conclude that S[A] n = о; no point / о of the singularity lies in the range of Av
84 § 36. Arbitrary linear mappings 3. The adjoint mapping. The usefulness of 5[Л] and QfA] will become clear at this point, when we investigate whether some kind of duality theory can be developed for arbitrary linear mappings A. We make the additional assumption that DfA] is dense in F[XJ and hence (2>[^])[Хх]' = E'. The domain of definition of A' is then the set DfA'] of all v e F' such that A'v is an element of E'. Interpreting A as a linear mapping of DfA] in F and applying § 34, 5.(2) we obtain (1) D{A’] = U A(uy, 176U where U is a basis of absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in and the polars A(U)° are taken in F'. An easy consequence is (2) If A is a dense linear mapping of DfA] <= E into F, then DfA'Y = 5[Л] and Щ7] = 5[Л]\ where DfA'] is the weak closure of DfA'] in F' and orthogonality relates to the dual pair <JF', Fy. The first relation follows from (1) and D[AT = (и = Cl = Cl ЖГ = 5[Л]. \ и / и и The second relation follows immediately from the first. As example i) of 2. shows, DfA'] may consist only of the element o. For 5[Л] = о, (2) specializes to (3) A dense linear mapping of DfA] <= E into F is regular (closable) if and only if DfA'] is weakly dense in F'. The classical relations between kernels and ranges of A and A' in the continuous case are contained in the following theorem: (4) Let Abe a dense linear mapping of DfA] <= F[XJ into F[X2], A' the adjoint mapping of DfA'] <= F' into E'. Then а) ^[Л]1 = А[Л'] and = А[Л']\ where orthogonality is defined by (F', Fy and Л[Л] is the closure in F[X2]j b) Я[ЛТ = QfA] and Ж] = QM1. In this case orthogonality is defined by (E', />[Л]> and Л[Л'] is the Х5(Т>[Л])- closure of in E'.
3. The adjoint mapping 85 Proof, a) If v e ^[Л]1, then v g L>[A'J by (1) and even v g 7V[^4'] since v(Ax) = (A'v)x = 0 for all xe D[AJ. The converse is also true; hence ^[Л]1 = А[Л']. The second statement in a) follows by polarity. b) Assume x g D[AJ. If x g Я[Л']х, then (A'v)x = 0 for all v g D[A'] or v(Ax) = 0 for all v g DfA'J; therefore Ax g £>[Л']х. By (2) Ax g 5[Л] and x g Л(-1)(5[Л]) = Q[AJ. Conversely, if xg Q[A], then by reversing the argument it follows that x g ^[Л']1. Polarity gives the second equa- tion b). The following corollary is obvious: (5) A is weakly singular if and only if the polar to А[Л'] in DfA] coincides with А[Л]. The range of A is dense in F[X2] if and only if A' is one-one. The range of A' is XfD[A\)-dense in E' if and only if A is one-one and weakly singular. The relations (4) are special cases of the following proposition which corresponds to § 32, 1.(9): (6) Let A be a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= £[Xi] into F[X2]. Then a) DfA'J n A[M]° = Л'(-1)(М°) for every subset M of DfAJ; b) DfA] n A'(N)° = Л(-1)(А°) for every subset N of DfA']. In a) the polars are taken in F' resp. E'; in b) in E resp. F. We prove a): v g A(M)° is equivalent to 3{v(Ax) 1 for all x g M. If therefore v g DfA'], then 9i(A'v)x 1 or A'v g M° or v g A'^^M0). By reversing the argument one obtains a). The proof of b) is analogous. By applying § 34, 6.(4) to A as a mapping of DfA] in F we obtain 7 8 (7) Let A be a dense linear mapping of DfA] <= £[2^] into FfX2]. For every absolutely convex and closed neighbourhood V of о in F one has Л("1)(К)° = A'(DfA'] n V°), where the first polar is taken in E'. The sets A'(DfA'] П F°) are therefore XfDfA])-closed in E'. We have the following corollary on the structure of £[Л'] which corresponds to (1): (8) Let A be a dense linear mapping of DfA] <= £[Xx] into FfX2]. Then Л[А'] = IJ where 93 is a basis of absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in F. This follows from Я[Л'] = J A\DfA'] n F°).
86 § 36. Arbitrary linear mappings 4. The contraction of A. We recall that if A is a closed linear mapping of the locally convex space E[Xi] into the locally space F[X2], there exists on F a weaker locally convex topology X2 such that A is continuous as a mapping from £[Хх] into F[X2] (§ 34, 5.(3)). Is a similar statement true for arbitrary linear mappings? Let A, as before, be a linear mapping defined on a linear subspace D[A] of Е[Хх] with values in F[X2]. Since 5[Л] is closed, the quotient F/S[t4] exists and is locally convex for the quotient topology X2. If К is the canonical homomorphism of F onto F/(5[^]), then KA is a linear mapping of £>[Л] <= E[Xx] into (F/S[Л])[Х2]. (1) KA is regular and #[ЕЛ] = Q[A]. Proof. We have 5[AL4] = Q KA(U). The canonical image of ______ и ____ F ~ A(U) in F/5[^] is open and has the complement KA(U) since ОД) 5[Л]. Therefore KA(U) = KA(U). From this follows 5[X4] = Pl K(A(U}). Now if у is an element of the residue class у g K(A(U)), then ye ~A(U) since АЩ) 5[Л]. Hence Q К(ДйУ) = = и и ОДЛ]) = о. The second statement follows by 1.(6) from (ОД-^о) = Я("1)(Л:<-1)(о)) = Л<-ОДЛ]) = Q[A\, Therefore we call KA the regular contraction of A. If A is regular KA = A. We come back to our problem. Clearly, there exists a finest topology Xo on F with a basis of absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о such that Xo с 22 and A is continuous from (^[Л])[Хх] into F[X0]. When is Xo locally convex, i.e., Hausdorff? Let W be an absolutely convex X0-neighbourhood of o. By assumption there exists an absolutely convex ^-neighbourhood И of о such that W V and an absolutely convex Xi-neighbourhood U of о in D[A] such that W => A(U). Hence W => Г(A(U) и V). The class of all these sets Г(Л(£7) и V) is then obviously a ^-neighbourhood basis of о in F. Since i(A(U) + К) <= Г(ОД) и V) <= A(U) + Ffor U, Vabsolutely convex, the class of all sets A(U) 4- V is also a X0-neighbourhood basis of о in F, The topology Xo is Hausdorff if and only if the intersection of all neighbourhoods of о is o. But Cl Cl (A(U) + V) = Cl Ж) = 5[Л]. U V и Therefore Xo is Hausdorff if and only if A is regular. In the general case
5. The adjoint of the contraction 87 we obtain a locally convex topology precisely on F/S[^], but this means we have to consider KA instead of A. Therefore we have (2) Let A be a linear mapping of DfA] <= F[Xx] into F[X2] and let К be the canonical homomorphism of F onto Г/5[Л]. Let Xo be the topology on F/S[^4] defined by the neighbourhood basis of о consisting of all sets K(A(U) + K), where U and V are absolutely convex Xx- resp. ^-neigh- bourhoods of о in DfA] resp. F. Then Xo is the finest locally convex topology on F/S[?4] weaker than X2 and such that KA is continuous from DfA] Е&] into (F/SL4])[X0]. Recall that KA, the regular contraction, is defined as the mapping from DfA] <= F[Xx] into (F/5[^])[X2], To avoid misunderstandings we will write from now on JKA for the mapping in (2), where J is the identity mapping of (F/S[^])[X2] onto (F/S[Л])[Х0], and will call JKA the continuous contraction of A. As a special case we obtain (3) Let A be a linear mapping of DfA] <= F[Xx] into F[X2]. Then A is regular if and only if there exists a locally convex topology Xo с X2 on F such that A is continuous from (/>[Л])[Хх] into F[X0]. This contains the corresponding result (§ 34, 5.(3)) for closed linear mappings and we remark that we have given a precise description of the finest topology Xo with these properties. 5. The adjoint of the contraction. We make the additional assumption on A that DfA] is dense in E[Xx]. The regular contraction KA is then a dense linear mapping of DfA] <= £[Xx] into (F/S[^])[X2]. The adjoint (KA)' is therefore a linear mapping of Z)[(AL4)'] c: (F/S[^])[X2]' into E'. Now the canonical homomorphism К of Fonto F/S[^] has as adjoint the natural injection/ of (F/S[^])' into F'(§ 22, 1.) and/(F/S [Л]') = S^]1 = DfA']. Furthermore, (1) /(/)[(/C4)']) = DfA'] and (KA)' = A'L Proof. For all v g (F/S|>4])' and all x g DfA] we have fv, KAx) = <Jv, Ax) and <fKA)'v, x) = (A'lv, x). Hence (KA)'v is in E' if and only if A'lv is in E'. From this follows the statement. If one treats / as an identification, then (1) becomes (2) A and the regular contraction KA have the same adjoint, A' = (KA)'.
88 § 36. Arbitrary linear mappings We determine now the adjoint of the continuous contraction JKA. (JKA)’ is a mapping of (F/S[^])[X0]' into E'. J' is the canonical injection of (F/5[^])[X0]' into (F/5[^])[X2]'; hence IJ' is the canonical injection of (Е/5[Л])[Х0]' into F'. We have the following proposition: (3) Let A be a dense linear mapping of DfA] <= F[XJ in F[X2]. Then IJ'((F/SfA])fZQ]') = IJ'(Df(JKA)']) = DfA'] and (JKA)' = A'U'. If we identify (£/5[Л])[Х0]' DfA'] by IJ', then A and its continuous contraction JKA have the same adjoint A'. We have to prove only the first identity, because the second identity follows then from <w, JKAxy = (A'IJ'w, x> for all X G DfA] and all w e (F/SM])[X0]'. We have DfA'] = IJ A(U)° by 3.(1). If 93 is a basis of absolutely C7eU convex Хо-neighbourhoods of о in F, then it follows that niA'i = U U w)°n K°)- L7eU Ve® By the definition of To in 4., the sets JK(\~(A(U) и V)) constitute a basis of absolutely convex X0-neighbourhoods of о in (F/5[/4])[X0]. Its dual space can be written therefore as IJ J JK(r(A(U) и V))° = J IJ n V°). U V U V If we now apply IJ', we obtain J J (A(U)° n V°) = DfA']. и v (3) enables us to apply our previous results on the adjoints of con- tinuous mappings to the general case. (4) Let Abe a dense linear mapping of DfA] <= F[XJ in F[X2]. Then A' is a continuous linear mapping of (£L4'])[XS(F)] into £'[XS(£[^])]. A' = (JKA)' is by (3) weakly continuous from (£[Л'])[Х8(Е/£[Л])] in £'[XS(£[^])]. Since DfA'] ^[Л]1 <= F', the topology Х8(Е/5[Л]) coin- cides by § 22, 2.(1) on DfA'] with XS(F). We consider now the case that A' is a homomorphism. (5) Let Abe a dense linear mapping of DfA] <= £[Xi] in F[X2]. Then A' is a homomorphism of (£[Л'])[Х8(£)] in £'[Х8(£>[Л])] if and only if £[Л] + £[Л] is closed in F. By § 32, 3.(2), A' = (JKA)' is a homomorphism if and only if F[JAL4] = RfKA] is closed in (£/£[Л])[Х5(£[Л'])]. Assume £[£Л] closed in Е/£[Л]
6. The second adjoint 89 for Ss(Z>L4']). Then it is closed for X2 and KS~ 1)(Л[7С4]) = Е[Л] + S[Л] is closed in F. Conversely, if Е[Л] + Е[Л] is closed in F, then Е(Е[Л] + Е[Л]) = 7?[FS4] is closed in (Е/Е[Л])[12]. By 3.(4) a), F[7G4] is the polar in Е/Е[Л] of М(ЕЛ)'] = 7У[Я'] с 5[Л]\ But 7У[Л'] <= D[A'], so that E[AL4] is also the polar of N[A'] in the sense of the dual system <JD[A'], Е/Е[Л]> and is therefore Xs(Z>[^'])-closed. The next proposition considers the case that KA and JKA coincide. (6) Let A be a dense linear mapping of £>[Л] <= F[XJ in F[X2]. If the regular contraction KA is continuous, then L>[A'] is weakly closed in F'. Conversely, if L>[A'] is weakly closed in F', then KA is weakly continuous from (Т>[Л])[2Ж)] in (F/S[^])[Xs(F')]. IfE and F are metrizable, then D[A'] is weakly closed in F if and only if KA is continuous. Proof. If KA is continuous, then (KA)' = A’ is defined on the dual of (F/S [Л])[Х2], which coincides with 5[Л]° in F'. If, conversely, D[A'] is weakly closed in Fz, then D[A'] = Е[Л]° by 3.(2); hence IS(Z>[^]) = ^[Л]°) = ZS(F’) on F/S [A] and the statement follows from (4). Finally, if E and Fare metrizable, the topologies on £>[Л] and F/S[Л] are Mackey topologies and weak continuity of KA therefore implies continuity. 6. The second adjoint. We begin with some remarks on closed linear mappings. The situation is now more general than in § 34, 5., since we suppose only that A is defined on a linear subspace D[A] of E[Xi] and that its graph G(A) is closed in Е[1Х] x F[X2]. The kernel of a regular (closable) mapping is closed in D[A], as we have seen in 1. For closed mappings we have the sharper result (1) If A is a closed linear mapping of £)[Л] c F[IX] in F[I2], then #[Л] is closed in E. If хае7У[Л] <= £>[Л] and xa^xeE, then Axa о in F; therefore (x, o) e G(A) = G(A). By (1) A can be written as AK, К the canonical homomorphism of E onto E/N[A], and one has (2) A is a closed linear mapping of D[A] (E/TV^Ptij in F[I2]. Proof. H = 7У[Л] x о is closed in F x Fand G(A) is the image of G(A) by the canonical mapping of E x F onto (Е/7У[Л]) x F = (E x F)/H.
90 § 36. Arbitrary linear mappings Since G(A) is closed in E x Fand G(A) => H, we have that G(A) is closed in (E/NfA]) x F. We recall that if A is regular, then A has a closed extension A such that G(A) = G(A). We showed in 5.(4) that for a densely defined A the adjoint A' is con- tinuous from (Z>[?1'])[XS(F)] into E'[^S(E[T])]. What happens when we replace XS(Z>M]) by the stronger topology XS(E) ? We denote by *(7(Л) the subspace of F x F consisting of all (Ax, x), x e Р[Л]. (3) Let A be a dense linear mapping of £>[Л] <= F[Xi] in F[X2]. Then С(Л)1 = fG(— A'). Hence A' is a closed linear mapping of DfA'] F[XS(F)] in E'fXs(E)]. G(A)1 consists of all (u, v)e E' x F' such that <(w, v), (x, Ax)) = их + v(Ax) = 0 for all xe DfA]. Then и = — A'v and ve DfA']. Con- versely, (—A'v, v) e С(Л)1 for all v e DfA']; hence С(Л)1 = *<7(— A'). (4) Let A be a dense regular linear mapping of DfA] <= FfXJ in F[X2]. Then A and its closed extension A have the same adjoint, A' = A'. WehaveG(Z) = G(^)andby (3)Ч7(-Л') = С(Л)1 = С(Л)1 = 'С(-Л'). From this and 5.(4) follows a slight improvement of 5.(4) for regular mappings. (5) Let A be a dense regular linear mapping of DfA] <= F[XJ in F[X2]. Then A' is continuous from (Z>[^4'])[Xs(7r)] in E'[£S(£>M])]. These results show that there are different ways to define the second adjoint of a regular dense mapping A. In this case DfA'] is weakly dense in F' by 3.(3). If A' is considered as a continuous mapping from DfA'] [XS(F)] in E'[Xs(E[t1])], as in 5.(4), then its adjoint A" coincides with A, which maps (E')' = DfA] in DfA']' = F. If we consider A' as in (5) as a continuous mapping from (Z)[T'])[XS(F)] in E'[XS(E[T])], then (A')' coincides with A, which maps DfA] in F. Finally, we may consider A' as in (3) as a closed linear mapping of DfA'] c F'[XS(F)] in E'[XS(E)]. Since DfA'] is weakly dense in F', we are able to apply (3) to A' and we find G(—A')1 = {G((Ajj. Since lG(—A') = G(A)1, we conclude that G((A')') = G(A)L1 = G(A) = G(A). Hence again (ЛУ = A. (6) Let A be a dense regular mapping of DfA] <= E[Ti] in F[X2]. Then A' is a dense closed linear mapping of DfA'] <= F'[XS(F)] in E'[XS(E)]. The adjoint of A' is A.
7. Maximal mappings 91 For dense closed linear mappings A we have full duality by (6). The interpretation of A' as a closed linear mapping is more symmetric than the interpretation as a weakly continuous mapping and we will use this approach to duality in the general case too. Let A be now a dense linear mapping of £>[Л] £[1^ in F[I2]. Then D[A'] is weakly dense in (£/£[Л])' = Spl]1 by 3.(2). We recall that the regular contraction KA maps £>[Л] in £/5[Л] and that (KA)' = A'. If we apply (6) to KA, we obtain (7) Let A be a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= £[XJ in F[X2] with the singularity £[Л]. Then A' is a closed linear mapping of D[A'] <= (*S’[^4]-L)[^Xs(F)] in £'[XS(£)] and the adjoint A" coincides with KA, the closed extension of KA. It is therefore natural to ask for a characterization of those A which have a closed regular contraction. We treat this problem next. 7. Maximal mappings. If A is regular, then G(A) is the graph G(A) of the closed extension A of A. If A is not regular, then G(A) is not the graph of a linear mapping. But it is possible that A has an extension A such that G(A) <= G(A) <= G(A). We say that A is a slight extension of A. A slight extension A of A is maximal if it has no proper extension which is a slight extension of A. If A has no proper slight extension, we say that A is maximal. (1) Every linear mapping A of D[A] £[Xi] in F[X2] has a maximal slight extension A. Proof. Let 9Л(Л) be the class of all subspaces G of £ x F such that G(Aj G G(A), where G contains no (o, y)9 у o. $Ш(Л) ordered by set theoretic inclusion satisfies the assumption of Zorn’s lemma (§ 2, 2.(2)). There exists therefore a maximal G and if we define Ax = у for every (x, y) e G, then A is a maximal slight extension of A. We denote by HA the image of G(A) under the projection of £ x F onto £. Then we have (2) If A is a maximal slight extension of A, then D[A] = HA. A is maximal if and only if D[A] = HA. By definition of a slight extension, £[Л] <= HA. We assume there exists xqeHa ~ Let y0 e F be such that (x0, y0) e G(A). It is easy to see that G(A) © [(x0, j©] is in $Ш(Л). So A is not maximal. For a maximal slight extension A we have therefore D[A] = HA.
92 § 36. Arbitrary linear mappings (3) If A is regular there exists only one maximal slight extension, the closed extension A. If A is not regular and if D[A] is a proper subspace of HA there exist infinitely many different maximal slight extensions of A. Assume A to be regular. Since D[A] = HA, A is a maximal slight exten- sion of A. If A is another maximal slight extension, then (o, Ax — Ax) e G(A) and hence Ax = Ax. If A is not regular, then 5[Л] / о. If x0 e HA ~ D[A], there exists, as in the proof of (2), fa, Уо) e G(A) and by Zorn’s lemma one constructs a maximal slight extension A such that G(A) G(A) © [fa, To)]- If :е5[Л], z / o, then (o, z) e G(A) and fa, y0 + pz)eG(A) for every p / 0. Using these elements instead of fa, y0) one finds infinitely many different maximal slight extensions of A. (4) S[T] = S[A]for every maximal slight extension A of A. This follows immediately from 1.(4). (5) All maximal slight extensions have the same extended kernel Q[A], which is the set of all x e E such that (x, o) e G(A). If A is maximal, Q[A] is closed in E. By 1.(6), Q[A] consists of all x e D[A] such that (x, o) e G(A). But D[A] = HA, the projection of G(A) onto E. From this follows the first statement. The second is immediate, since the set of all (x, o) e G(A) is closed in E. The relation between Q[A] and Q[A] is not obvious. Since Q[A] is closed in E, the closure Q[A] of Q[A] in E is contained in Q[A]; but Q[A] can be a proper subspace of Q[A], as the example below will show. We are now able to answer the question raised at the end of 6. (6) Let A be a linear mapping of D[A] ° E into F. The regular con- traction KA is closed if and only if A is maximal. Proof. Let A be maximal. Then Z>[T] = D[KA] = HA by (2). Let H be the closed subspace о x 5[Л] of E x F. Then G(A)!H consists of all (x, Ky), where (x, y) e G(A). It is therefore obvious that G(A)IH G(KA). But since G(A) => H, G(A)IH is closed and it follows that G(KA) = G(A)[H. Hence HKA = HA and KA is maximal by (2) and closed by (3). Conversely, if KA is closed, KA is maximal, E[KA] = HKA, and Hka = HA, as we have seen. From D[KA] = L)[A] = HA it follows that A is maximal. (7) Let A be a linear mapping of L>[A] c E into F and A a maximal slight extension of A. Then the regular contraction KA of A is the closed extension KA of KA, where in both cases К is the canonical homomorphism of F onto F/S[A].
7. Maximal mappings 93 That К is the same follows from (4). That KA is a slight extension of KA follows from G(KA) = G(A)IH = G(A)[H = G(KA). From (6) follows kA = KA. _______________ Let Ga be the image of G(A) under the projection of E x F onto F. Corresponding to (2) we have (8) If A is maximal, then Я[Л] + 5[Л] = GA. This is trivial for closed A. If A is arbitrary, x e D[A], z e S[T], then (x, Ax + z) = (x, Ax) + (o, z) e G(A); therefore Я[Л] + 5[Л] <= GA. As- sume now A to be maximal and (x, y) e G(A). Then xeHA= D[A]; hence Ax is defined and (x, y) — (x, Ax) e G(A), y- Axe 5[Л]; therefore уеЯ[Л] + 5[Л]. The following example of constructing maximal slight extensions is due to Adasch. We recall the linear mapping A± of Example 2. iv). AT is defined on Z>[/4J = H @ [/o)] ° c0, where y(o) = (1, 1/22,..l/«2,...). Let z(o) = (1, 1/2,..., l/«,...) and y \2 1 (n + 1)«2 n2 J The space E resp. F is defined as the subspace of c0 such that E = D[A] ® [УЧ resp. F = D[A] © [z(o)]. We proved in 2. that 7?[A] = [z(O)] с: and QIA^ = o, so that AT is weakly singular. Since D[Ai] has co-dimension 1 in E, either Ar is maximal or Z>[A] = E for every maximal slight extension Ar of Alt We use (5) to determine Qtfi]. Let y(2) be the &th section of y(2) = (1/2,..., l/[(« + 1)и2],...). Then j42) e H and y(2) — /o) converges to ya\ Since Л1(еу^2) — yo)) converges to o, the element (yw, o) is in and y(1) e 6tA]- If t = z + Ау(1) with ze£)[A] is any element of QtA^], then t — Aj>(1) e QfAfl n E[A] = Q[A] = о and therefore Q[AT] = [j(1)]. Hence Ar is not maximal and QIA^ is a proper subspace of gfAJ. We define the extension AT of Аг by Л1фу(1) = z(o). Since (y(1), o) e G(A±) and (o, z(1)) e <= G(A±), we have G^A^ <= G(A±) and Аг is a maximal slight extension of AT. We have А[Л] = о, £[A] = b(1)], 5[A J - S[A] = [z(o)]. The first statement is trivial. We proved the second statement. The third statement follows from A^QIA^) = S[JTj n = S[A] using 1.(6). Obviously, the maximal slight extension Аг is strongly singular. If we define the extension by A^-1) = o, then it is easy^to see that AT is ajso a maximal slight extension of A±. But in this case QIA^ = [z(o)] = hence Ax is weakly singular.
94 § 36. Arbitrary linear mappings Therefore a maximal slight extension of a weakly singular mapping may be weakly singular or strongly singular. 8. Dense maximal mappings. We now make the additional assumption that £>[Л] is dense in £[Xi]. We know then that the adjoint A' exists and we study the consequences of maximality for the duality properties. (1) Let Abe a dense linear mapping of D [A] E into Fand A a maximal slight extension of A. Then A' = A'. This follows from *G(—A') = G(A)1 = G(A)1 using 6.(3). Conversely, we have (2) An extension A of a dense linear mapping A is a maximal slight extension of A if A' = A' and D[A] = HA. Since *G(— A') = С(Л)1 = G(A)f we have G(A) = G(A) and the state- ment follows from 7.(2). The duality properties of dense maximal mappings are listed in the following theorem: (3) Let Abe a dense maximal linear mapping of £>[Л] <= in ^[ЗУ- Then A' is a closed linear mapping of D[A'] <= (S[Л]1)^^)] in £'[IS(£)] and (A')' coincides with the regular contraction KA of A. The following duality relations hold: a) D[A'] = (J A(U)°, U a ^-neighbourhood base of о in £>[Л]; [Jell b) Я[Л'] = (J A(~iy(V)°, 33 a ^-neighbourhood base of о in F; Ve® с) £[Л] = D[KA] = HA = U A'(W)°, 2B a ^^-neighbourhood We2B base of о in D[A']; d) 7?[AL4] = (J Л'(-1)(У)°, X a XfJEyneighbourhood base of о in Ef. XeX The polars in a), b), c), d) are taken in F', E', E, Г/5[Л] respectively. The relation d) can be replaced by d') 7?[Л] + 5[Л] = Ga = (J Л'(-1)(У)°, where the polars are now XeX taken in F. Proof. The first statement is implied by 6.(7) and 7.(6); a) is 3.(1); b) is 3.(8). c) follows from a) applied to A’ instead of A. Similarly, d) follows from b) applied to A' and from 7.(2). Finally, d') follows from d) by applying K{~1} to both sides and from 7.(8). The following proposition will be useful later: (4) Let A be dense and maximal. Then the Is(.Enclosure of Я[Л'] in E' coincides with the Zs(D[A})-closure.
1. The graph topology 95 Assume that this is not the case. Then there exists u0 which is in the Is(^n])”cl°sure but not in the Xs(£)-closure of £[Л']. There exists x0 e E ~ £>[Л] such that woxo / 0 but (Л'г)х0 = 0 for all v e D[A']. Hence <(—A'v, v), (x0, o)> = (— A'v)x0 + vo = 0 for all v e D[A']. Therefore (x0, °) e *G(-A')1 = G(A) and xQ e Q[A] D[A] by 7.(5), which is a contradiction. § 37. The graph topology. Open mappings 1. The graph topology. So far we investigated arbitrary linear mappings A of D[A] E[XJ in F[X2] by weakening the topology on F and intro- ducing the continuous contraction to represent the continuity properties of A. There is another way to study arbitrary mappings A. Instead of weakening the topology on Fone introduces on D[A] a stronger topology so that A becomes continuous. More precisely, we have the following proposition: (1) Let Abe a linear mapping of £>[Л] <=: in F[X2]. IfViisa base of absolutely convex ^-neighbourhoods U of о in D[A] and 93 a base of absolutely convex ^-neighbourhoods of о in F, then the class of all U n A(~1)(V) is a neighbourhood base of a locally convex topology Хл on £>[Л]. Хл is the coarsest topology Тл ==> such that A is continuous from (£>H])[SJ into F[X2]. It is obvious that the class of all U n Л(-1)(К) defines a locally convex topology Тл on £)[Л] which is stronger than and such that A is con- tinuous. Assume that X' is a locally convex topology on D[A] with these properties. Then there exist ^'-neighbourhoods W19 W2 of о such that W1 c U and A(W2) с V. But then W1C\W2^ UnA^^V); hence I' Хл. Тл is called the graph topology on D[A] since (2) (£>[Л])[Хл] is isomorphic to G(A). The isomorphism is defined by P(x, Ax) = x. That it is topological follows from P(fU x V)n G(A)) = U n A^^V). If Xi is defined on E by the system of seminorms pa, X2 on F by the system qfi, then Тл on £)[Л] is given by the system max (pa(x), q^Ax)) or [pa(x)r + q0(Ax)r]llr, 1 r < 00.
96 § 37. The graph topology. Open mappings If E and F are normed spaces, then A will be continuous for the norm ||х||л = ||*|| + M*|| on D[A], the so-called graph norm. If E and F are metrizable locally convex spaces, then Тл is a metrizable topology on We have the following corollary to (2): (3) Let A be a linear mapping of D[A}<^ E in F, where E and F are complete locally convex spaces. Then A is closed if and only if (7>[Л])[Хл] is complete. If A is regular {closable) and A its closed extension, then D[A] is the completion of Proof. If G(A) is closed in E x F, G(A) is complete and by (2) (£>[Л])[Хл] is complete and conversely. The second statement follows from G(A) = G(A) and (2). We denote by IA the identity mapping of (7)[Л])[Хл] onto (£>[Л])[Х1]. We say that AIa is the continuous refinement of A and we have to distinguish between A and AIa from now on. It is easy to determine Тл in Examples § 36, 2. i) and ii). We leave the details to the reader. 2. The adjoint of AIa. Since Тл is finer than Xi on D[A], the adjoint ГА is the canonical injection of D[A]' = (£>[Л])[Х1]' into D[AIa]' = (£>[Л])[Хл]'. We give a more detailed characterization of £>[Л7л]'. (1) Let A be a linear mapping of £)[Л] <= £[2\] in F2- Let Vibe a base of absolutely convex and closed ^-neighbourhoods U of о in D[A] and ® a base of absolutely convex and closed ^-neighbourhoods V of о in F. Then (2) D[AIa}’ = |J |J (U° + U V where the polars are taken in D\AIA]r or in the algebraical dual 7>[Л]*. The class of sets U° 4- Л(-1)(И)° is a fundamental system of XA-equi- continuous subsets of D[AIAy. Proof. A fundamental system of ^-equicontinuous sets is given by the polars (U n Л(-1)(К))° of the ^-neighbourhoods U n Л(-1)(К) of о in D[AIa]. Since Gand A(~V(F) = (Л7л)(-1)(К) are closed absolutely con- vex sets in D[AIa], it follows from §20, 8.(10) that (G n Л(-1)(К))° = Г(С/°и ^-^(K)0), the Xs(Z>H])-closure taken in L>[AIa]'. We have|(t7° + A^Vf) c r(G° и А{~1у(У)°) <= u° + A^Vf. Since G° is Is(^[^])“comPact and Л(-1)(К)° Is(^M])“cl°sed, the set G° + Л(-1)(И)° is £5(7)[Л])-closed by § 15, 6.(10). It is therefore possible to replace \~(G° и A(~ly(V)°) by Г~(С7О и Л(-1)(К)°) in the inequality and
2. The adjoint of AL 97 it follows that |(U° + Л(-Х)(К)°) g: (Un Л<-Х)(Г))° C U° + Л(-Х)(К)°. This proves (2). It is convenient to give our result in another form. For v e F' the expression v(Ax) defines a linear functional on D[A\ which we denote by v о A. This is an element of the algebraic dual £>[Л]*. Since AIa is con- tinuous and (Л7л)' maps F' in Е[Л7л]', we have v(Ax) = v(AIax) = ((AIAyv)x; hence v°A = (AIa)'v. By § 34, 6.(4) we have Л(“Х)(К)° = (Л7л)(-Х)(К)° = (Л7л)'(К°). It follows therefore from (2) that (3) D[AIa]' = D[A]f + F'o A = D[A]' + Е[(Л7л)']. If A is densely defined, then D[A]' = E’. We assume now that D[A] is dense in E[XJ and investigate the relations between A' and (Л7л)'. (4) A' is the restriction of (AIAf to E' and the following relations hold: W] = А[(Л/л)']; Е[Л'] = Е[(Л7л)'] n Е'. If veD[A'], then (A'v)x = v(A/ax) = ((AIa)'v)x for all хе/)[Л]; hence A'v = (Alffv. If (Alffw = 0, then >г((Л7л)х) = w{Ax) = 0 for all x e Е[Л]; hence w e L>[A'], A'w = o. Obviously, Е[Л'] R[(AIa)'] n E'. Conversely, let we E',u = (AIa)'v, v e F'. Then их = (fAIf)'v)x = v(Ax) for all x e D[A]; therefore v e D[A'], и = A'v e Е[Л']. (5) Let Е[(Л7л)'] be the TfD[A])-closure of R[(AIa)'] in D[AIa]'. Then Е[(Л7л)'] = А[Л]° + F' о A = //[Л]1 * 3 * * 6 + Е[(Л7л)'], where А[Л]° is the polar of 7У[Л] in E'. By § 32, 1.(6) Е[(Л7л)'] = А[Л/л]°, the polar taken in D[AIa]'. Using (3) we find that w = w + yo Л is orthogonal to А[Л] if and only if <w, 7У[Л]> + <v ° А, 7У[Л]> = <w, 7У[Л]> = 0, which is the case for every w e 7У[Л]° and every v e F'. These results and the following proposition are due to Adasch [Г]. (6) Let A be a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= E[2\] into F[X2]. Then Е[(Л7л)'] is Xs(D[A])-closed in D[AIa]' if and only if R[A'] is ZS(D[A])- closed in E' and A is weakly singular. If Е[(Л7л)'] is closed, then Е[(Л7л)'] = А[Л]° + Е[(Л7л)'] by (5); hence 7У[Л]° с Е[(Л/л)'] n Е' = Е[Л'] by (4). We proved in § 36, 3.(4) that Е[Л'] = Q[A]°, where the polar is taken in E'; therefore Е[Л'] А[Л]° => Q[A]° = ЁЁЛ7]. Hence Е[Л'] is Xs(£>[^])-closed in E' and А[Л]° = Q[A]°. Taking polars in Е[Л] we find А[Л] = Q[A]; A is weakly singular.
98 § 37. The graph topology. Open mappings Conversely, let A be weakly singular and Fpf] Xs(Z>M])-closed in E'. Then Я[Л'] = А[Я]° and Я[(Л7л)'] = Я[Л'] + Я[(Л7л)'] = Л[(Л7л)'] by (5). 3. Nearly open mappings. As a first application of our general theory of linear mappings we investigate nearly open mappings, which were introduced in § 34, 1., where the continuous case, in particular, was studied. We repeat the definition. A linear mapping A of £>[Л] <= F[Ii] in F[I2] is nearly open if for every absolutely convex Ix-neighbourhood U of о in £>[Л] the closure A(U) in F is a ^-neighbourhood of о in Fpl]. (1) Let Abe a linear mapping of £>[Л] c F[Ii] in F[I2]. The following statements are equivalent: a) A is nearly open; b) the regular contraction KA is nearly open; c) the continuous contraction JKA is nearly open; d) the continuous refinement AlA is nearly open. Proof. From a) follows b). Let £7 be an absolutely convex neighbour- hood of о in £>[Л]. By assumption A(W) Kn F|\4] for some open absolutely convex neighbourhood К of о in F KA will be nearly open if we show that 3KA(U) => 3K(AtUf) K(V)n F(F[^]). If Ky e K(V) n F(F[?1]) we are able to choose у eV such that у = Axq + z0, where x0 e D[A], z0 e 5[Л]. Then Ax0 e V + 5[Л]. Since 5[Л] <= Л(Т7), we have Ax0 e V + Л(£7) <= Л(С/) + 2K Hence AxQ = AxT + e U,z1e2V. Therefore z± e 2(V n 7?[Л]) c 2A(U). It follows that Ax0 = Axi + Zi e 3A(C7) and у = Ax0 + z0 e 3A(U) + 5[Л]. Finally, Ку e ЗК(Диуу From b) follows a). If U is given there exists by assumption V such that KA(U) => K(Vn А[Л]). Now A(Uj => 5[Л]; therefore K(A(U)) is closed in F/S[A] and we have K(A(U)) => K(V n Л[Л]). If у e V n Л[Я], there exists zx e 5[Л] such that у = + z1? j^i e A(fJ\ But zx e A(fJ\ Therefore у e 2A(W) and 2A(fJ} V n Fpl]; A is nearly open. From b) follows c). It is sufficient to assume that A is regular and nearly open. Let A(U) V n Я[Л], U and V absolutely convex. Then AfU) => Г"(Л(С7) и (Vn K[A])) = Г(Л(£/) и V) n Я[А]. But Г(Л(С7) и V) is a ^-neighbourhood in F; hence J A is nearly open. From c) follows b). If J A is nearly open, then A is nearly open, since Io is weaker than I2.
3. Nearly open mappings 99 From d) follows a). This is obvious since 1Л is finer on D[A] than Ip From a) follows d). We prove first the following lemma. (2) Let U be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in the locally convex space E and К an absolutely convex subset of E. Then U n К = UC\K. U n К c U n К is obvious. Let x e U n K. Then x is the limit of a net xa e K. For a given e > 0, x e (1 + e)U and we may assume that all xa e (1 + e)U, Then xa e (1 + e)C7n (1 + e)K = (1 + g)(C7 n F); hence x/(l + e) g U n K. It follows that x e U n К, and hence U n К U n K. Let now A be nearly open and let U n Л(-1)(К) be a I0-neighbourhood of о with absolutely convex U and V. Then by (2) Л/л(С7 n Л(-1)(К)) = Л(С7)п(КпЯ[Л]) = ДС7) n V n Я[Л] and this is a I2-neighbourhood of о in 7?[Л] since A is nearly open. Hence AIa is nearly open. The dual characterization of continuous nearly open mappings of § 34, 1.(4) is valid also in the general case: (3) Let £[Ii] and F[I2] be locally convex, SRi resp. SR2 the class of equicontinuous subsets of E' resp. F'. A dense linear mapping A of /)[Л] <= £[1г] in F[I2] is nearly open if and only if (4) A'(D\A'] n SR2) SRX n Я[Л'] holds. Proof. It is sufficient to show that (4) is necessary and sufficient for JKA to be nearly open. Now JKA is continuous from (1)[Л])[11] into (F/S [Л]) [Io]. If we apply § 34,1 .(4) to JKA and remember that (JKA)' = A' we find that (5) A'(№) => SRX n Я[Л'] is the condition for JKA to be nearly open, where SR is the class of equi- continuous subsets of D[A'] = (Г/5[Л])[10]'. By § 36, 4. SR is the class of all sets A(L7)° n V° and their subsets. Since A(U)° c L)[A'], we have SR c D[A'] n SR2 and (4) is a consequence of (5). Conversely, we assume that (4) is true. Assume U° n 7?[Л'] e SRi и Л[Л']. Then there exists V° e SR2 such that A'(D[A'] n K°) UQ n Я[Л']. Now by § 36, 3.(6), A'(A(U)°) = AfA’^KUy) U° n Я[Л'] and there- fore A'(A(U)° n V°) U° n jR[A']; hence (5) is satisfied.
100 § 37. The graph topology. Open mappings We remark in generalization of §34, 1.(7) that every dense linear mapping A of D[A] c E in F is nearly open for the weak topologies on E and F. It follows that for a linear mapping A to be nearly open means no restriction on the singularity of A. (6) Every maximal slight extension A of a nearly open dense linear mapping is again nearly open. This follows from A' = A' and (3). Proposition § 34, 1.(6') is true also in the general setting. (7) Let A be nearly open dense and linear from D[A] £[Xi] in F[2y. Then £[Л'] is %{(P\A\)-closed in E', i.e., for every absolutely convex U о in D[A] the set £[Л'] n U° is HfD[A])-closed in E'. By (4) there exists V such that £[Л'] n U° <= A'(D[A'] n V°). This set is X,(Z)|/l])-closed in E' by § 36, 3.(7). But then 7?[Л'] n U° = A'(D[A'] n K°) n U° is Xs(Z>[y4])-closed too. Baker [Г] proved a partial converse of (7) which gives a new dual characterization of nearly open mappings in this special case. (8) Let Abe a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= £[IX] onto £[I2], where I2 is the Mackey topology. Then A is nearly open if and only if £[Л'] is ^{{D[A])-closed in E'. We assume that £[Л'] is I{(Z)[/l])-closed. If we are able to show that A(U)° c d[A'] c f' is X,(F)-compact, then^(£)°° = ~A(U) is a ^-neigh- bourhood of о in F and A is nearly open. Since £[Л] = F, we have N[A'] = о by § 36, 3.(4), and by § 36, 5.(5) A' is a topological isomorphism of (Z)[t4'])[Is(F)] onto (£[Л'])[28(£[Л])]. Since A(Uf = A’^fU0 n £[Л']) by § 36, 3.(6) and since U° n £[Л'] is X;(Z)|/l])-compact by assumption, it follows that A(U)° is Is(F)-compact. 4. Open mappings. In contrast to nearly open mappings, an open mapping does not have an arbitrary singularity. (1) Let A be an open linear mapping of D[A] cz £[Xx] in F[I2]. Then A is always weakly singular. If U is an absolutely convex ^-neighbourhood of о in D[A], then A(U) = V n £[Л], where V is an absolutely convex ^-neighbourhood of о in F. Hence every set U + JV[^4] is of the form Л(-1)(И). Therefore Q[A] = p| A^\V) p (U + ЛГ[Л]) g p (2U + МЛ]) v и и = C\(U+ ЛГ[Л]) = ЛГ[Л].
4. Open mappings 101 Hence Q]A] = 7У[Л]. As we have seen in § 36, 2., there exist open linear mappings which are not regular. (2) If A is open, then the regular contraction KA is open. Conversely, if A is weakly singular and KA is open, then A is open. Proof. If A is open and Л(С7) => Кпад then 3KA(U) => K(V) n K(R[A]), as in the proof of 3.(1); therefore KA is open. Conversely, assume that A is weakly singular and KA open. For every Uq we have by § 36, 1.(6) and (8) 5[Л] n Л[Л] = Л(/7[Л]) = A(U) A(U0). u Since KA is open, KA(Uq) => K(VQ n Л[Л]) for some Ko. If AxQ e Vo n 7?[Л], then there exists zr e 5 [Л] such that AxQ = Axr 4- z15 хг e UQ. Hence Zi e 5[Л] n А[Л] <= Л(С70) and therefore 2Л(1/0) => Vo n Я[Л], A is open. The following example shows that the assumption in (2) that A is weakly singular is necessary. We recall Example § 36, 2. i). Let G be an algebraic complement to H, so that I2 = H © G. We extend A from Я to I2 by defining A-l on G as a nonopen linear mapping of G into G and A± = A on H. Then Ai is not open and 5[A] => 5[Л] = I2; therefore 5[Л1] = I2. Therefore KA± = KA is the open mapping of I2 onto o. It follows from (2) that A± must be strongly singular. (3) If A is open, then JKA is a homomorphism of (£)[Л])[Х1] in (F/S[^])[I0]. Conversely, if A is weakly singular and JKA is a homo- morphism, then A is open. If A is weakly singular and JKA is open, then KA is open; hence A is open by (2). Conversely, let A be open. Then using (2) we may assume that A is regular and we have to show that J A is open. This is done as in 3.(1) for nearly open mappings. A more satisfactory result is the following: (4) A linear mapping A of /)[Л] <= £[2^] in F[I2] & open if and only if the continuous refinement AIa is a homomorphism of (1)[Л])[1л] in F[X2]. A 2^-neighbourhood of о in /)[Л] is of the form U n Л(-1)(К) and AIa(U n Л(-1)(К)) = A(U) n V. Therefore if A is open, A(U) is open and A(W) n V too; hence AIa is open. Conversely, if AIa is open it follows that A(U) n V is open; hence AfU) is open. In § 32, 4.(3) we proved the homomorphism theorem, a dual charac- terization of homomorphisms. This theorem is a special case of the following dual characterization of open mappings.
102 § 37. The graph topology. Open mappings (5) Let A be a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= £[Ii] in F[I2]. A Is open if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: а) Я[Л'] is XfD[A})-closed in E'; b) A'(D[A'] n SUi2) ®?i n 7?[Л'], where SUli resp. ЯЛ2 is the class of equicontinuous subsets of E' resp. Ff; c) A is weakly singular. If A is further maximal, then a) can be replaced by: а') 7?[Л'] is HfEfclosed in E'. We remark that b) is by 3.(3) always equivalent to: b') A is nearly open. Proof. By (3) a weakly singular A is open if and only if JKA is a homomorphism. By the homomorphism theorem this is the case if and only if a) is satisfied and Л'(ЭЛ) => ЭЛх n А[Л'], where 9Л is the class of lo-equicontinuous subsets of DfA']. We proved in 3.(3) that this condition is equivalent to b). That a) can be replaced by a') for a maximal A follows from § 36, 8.(4). Since b) is always satisfied for the weak topologies, we have the follow- ing corollary to (5): (6) Let A be a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= £[Xi] in F[X2]. A is weakly open if and only if A is weakly singular and is%,fD\A\)-closed in E'. If A is dense and open, then A is weakly open. A closed dense linear mapping A is weakly open if and only if А[Л'] is HfEfclosed in E'. In generalization of § 32, 4.(5) we have (7) Let I2 be Xk(F') on F. A linear mapping A of D[A] <= £[Ii] onto F[I2] is open if and only if it is weakly open. Proof. The condition is necessary by (5) and (6). Conversely, if A is weakly open it is sufficient to prove that A is nearly open. But this follows from 3.(8) since Я[Л'] is Is(Z>[/l])-closed. (8) If A is dense and open, then every maximal slight extension A is open. Proof. We have (A)' = A'; hence condition (5) b) for A is satisfied. Since 18(Т)[Л]) is stronger than 18(Т)[Л]), condition (5) a) for A is satisfied. It remains to prove that A is weakly singular. Since A is weakly singular, Я[Л'] = 2У[Л]°, where N[A] is the closure of 7У[Л] in DfA] (§ 36, 3.(5)). The polar of 7?[Л'] in DfA] is therefore 7У[Л]°° = 7V[/4], the closure of N[Л] in DfA]. On the other hand, the polar of А[Л'] = А[Л'] in DfA] is QfA] by § 36, 3.(4). It follows that QfA] = NfA] <= N[A]; hence QfA] = TV [2].
5. Ptak spaces. Open mapping theorems 103 We conclude with two simple but useful results on the range of an open mapping. (9) Let Abe a closed dense and one-one linear mapping of D[A] <= Е[Хх] in F[X2]- If A Is °Pen and E complete, then £[Л] is closed in F. A(~r) is continuous from (£[Л])[Х2] onto (£>M])[Xi]. Let xa be a net in D[A] such that Axa converges to y0 in F. Then xa is a Cauchy net in D[A] with a limit x0 e E. Since С(Л) is closed, x0 e E)[A] and AxQ = Уо e ^[Я]. (9) is a special case of (10) Let A be a dense maximal open linear mapping of D[A] <= Е[1Х] in F[I2]. If E/N[Л] is complete, then £[Л] 4- £[Л] is closed in F. By § 36, 7.(5), 7V[/1] is closed in E, so EjN[A] exists. The regular contraction KA is closed and dense. By § 36, 6.(2), the mapping KA of D[KA\ <= EIN[KA] = EIN[A} in F/S[/1J is closed. By (9), F[/C4] = F[/C4] is closed in F/S[Л] and therefore F(-1)(F[AL4]) = £[Л] 4- SM] is closed in F. 5. Ptak spaces. Open mapping theorems. We generalize some of our previous results on Ptak spaces. A linear mapping A of D[A] <= £[Xi] in F[X2] is nearly continuous (§ 34, 6.) if for every ^-neighbourhood V of о in F the closure Л(-1)(И) of Л(-1)(К) in D[A] is a Xi-neighbourhood U of о in D[A]. If D[A] is dense in E[Xi], then the class of all equicontinuous subsets of (£[Л])[Х1]' = E' coincides with the class of all equicontinuous subsets of £[Xi]'. Hence Propositions § 34, 6.(5) and § 34, 6.(7) read as follows: (1) Let A be a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= F[Ii] in F[X2]. A is nearly continuous if and only if A'(D[A'] n $Jl2) c 9J?i. If A is nearly continuous, D[A'] is ^-closed in F'. For the weak topologies the condition in (1) is always satisfied, therefore (2) Every dense linear mapping of D[A] E in F is nearly continuous in the sense of the weak topologies on E and F. From (1) and A’ = A' follows (3) If A is dense and nearly continuous, then every maximal slight extension A of A is nearly continuous. We generalize the characterization of homomorphisms of Ptak spaces given in § 34, 2.(2) to open mappings.
104 § 37. The graph topology. Open mappings (4) Let E be a Ptak space, F locally convex, and A a maximal weakly singular linear mapping of D[A] E in F. If A is nearly open, then A is open and £[£Л] is closed in F/S [Л]. ____We can assume that D[A] is dense in £; otherwise we replace E by L>[A], which is also a Ptak space. Since A is nearly open, condition b) of 4.(5) is satisfied. A will be open by 4.(5) if £[Л'] is Is(£)-closed in £'. By 3.(7) all sets £[Л'] n U° are Is(^l/4])-closed and hence 3X£)‘cl°sed. The U° are also the polars of neighbourhoods of E since D[A] is dense in E. Since £ is a Ptak space, it follows that £[Л'] is weakly closed in £'. That £[AL4] is closed follows from 4.(10) since every quotient of a Ptak space is complete. By § 34, 1.(1) every linear mapping onto a barrelled space is nearly open; hence (4) contains as a special case the following open-mapping theorem: (5) Let E be a Ptak space, F barrelled. Then every maximal weakly singular mapping of D[A] <= £ onto F is open. This generalizes the open-mapping theorem § 34, 7.(4), which resulted as a corollary to the closed-graph theorem § 34, 6.(9), whereas (5) is a consequence of the dual characterization of open linear mappings. We list two further corollaries to (4): (6) Let E be a Ptak space, F locally convex, and A a closed linear mapping of D[A]^ E in F. Then £[Л] is meagre in F or A is open and £[Л] = £. If U is an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in D[A], then £[Л] = 0 nA(CJ). If £[Л] is nonmeagre in £, then A(U) is a neighbourhood of о n= 1 in £. But then A is nearly open and hence open by (4) and £[Л] = £. (7) Let E be a Ptak space, F locally convex, and A a dense and weakly singular maximal linear mapping of D[A] cz £[1!] onto £[Xfc(£')]. If P[A'] is ^{-closed in E', then A is open. The assumption £[Л'] is I{-closed means that every set £[Л'] n U°, where U is a Xi-neighbourhood in £, is X,(£)-closed. Since U° = (U n £[Л])° and since on U° Xs(£) and 18(£[Л]) coincide, every £[Л'] n U° is X,(Z)|/l])-closed in £'. By 3.(8) A is nearly open and by (4) open. We investigated in some detail the behaviour of arbitrary linear map- pings with the intention of understanding better the meaning of the closed-graph theorems and the open-mapping theorems.
5. Ptak spaces. Open mapping theorems 105 If one does not make any assumption on a linear mapping Л, then possibly 5[Л] о and there is no way to prove that A is continuous except in the case where £ is a space with the strongest locally convex topology. Hence the natural assumption will be that A is regular (closable) and this is a necessary condition. If D[A] = E, then this means that A is closed. If £И] is a subspace of £, then the assumption that A is regular is more general. But if we have a closed-graph theorem which says that every closed linear mapping A of D[A] <= E in F is continuous, then these theorems remain true if we replace “closed” by “regular.” This is obvious since the closed extension A is continuous by the closed-graph theorem and then A is continuous as a restriction of Л. The situation for the open- mapping theorems is different. Here the intention is to prove that a linear mapping A is open. The assumptions made on A in the open-mapping theorems in § 34 and § 35 (compare § 34, 10.(3), § 35, 3.) are that A is closed or sequentially closed. But these assumptions are not necessary, as we have seen, since there exist open linear mappings which are not regular. The natural and necessary assumption is obviously that A be weakly singular. We succeeded in (5) in generalizing the open-mapping theorem for Ptak spaces and barrelled spaces (§ 34, 7.(4)) to weakly singular maximal linear mappings. We ask if a similar generalization is possible in other cases. We give two examples. We recall Adasch’s closed-graph theorem (§ 34, 10.(3)) that a closed linear mapping A of an (s)-space £ onto a barrelled space £ is open. It can be generalized to (8) A weakly singular maximal linear mapping of an (s)-space E onto a barrelled space F is open. The regular contraction KA is by § 36, 7.(6) a closed linear mapping of £ onto £/£[Л] which is again a barrelled space. By Adasch’s theorem KA is open and by 4.(2) A is open. We recall De Wilde’s theorem (§35, 3.(6)): A sequentially closed linear mapping A of D[A] <= £, £ a webbed space, onto an ultraborno- logical space £ is open. We prove the following variant: (9) Let Ebe a webbed space, F ultrabornological. Then a weakly singular maximal linear mapping of D[A] E onto F is open. By § 36, 7.(6) the regular contraction KA is closed and by De Wilde’s theorem KA is open and hence A. An example in 6. will show that in (4), (5), (8), and (9) it is not possible to drop the assumption that A is maximal. For further results see Baker [1'], [2'] and Browder [Г].
106 § 37. The graph topology. Open mappings 6. Linear mappings in metrizable spaces. In this case more information is available. (1) Let E and F be normed spaces and A a dense linear mapping of D[A\ <= E in F. a) A is nearly continuous if and only if A' is strongly continuous. b) A is nearly open if and only if A' is strongly open. c) If E is a (ffyspace and A, moreover, weakly singular and maximal, then A is open if and only if A' is strongly open. Proof, a) By 5.(1) A is nearly continuous if and only if A'(D[A'] n ЭЛ2) <= 9Jli. But this means that the image of the closed unit ball of E[A'] is contained in a multiple of the closed unit ball of E'. b) By 3.(3) A is nearly open if and only if A'(D[A'] n ЭЛ2) => n 7?[Л'] and this means that the image of the unit ball of E[A'] contains a multiple of the unit ball of 7?[Л']. c) follows from b) and 5.(4). Let L be an infinite dimensional vector space on which there are defined two inequivalent norms ||x|| x ||x|| such that L with norm ||x|| is a (B)-space Fand with norm ||x|| x a normed space E. Then the identity mapping I of E onto F is continuous but not an isomorphism. I is nearly open by §34, 1.(1) and Г is strongly open by (1). Since Г is strongly continuous, Г is a strong isomorphism. This is the counterexample mentioned at the end of § 33, 1. It shows too that (1) c) is false if we assume E only to be normed. We remark that the definition of a strictly finer norm on a Banach space F seems possible only by using Zorn’s lemma. Let F = I2 and {xa}, a e A, be an algebraic base of I2 such that ||xa || = 1 for every a. For n n x = 2 defines ||x||i = 2 |£J- One verifies easily that || x|| г ||x|| and that these norms are inequivalent. For details cf. Goldberg [1'], II.1.10. We use this example also to obtain the counterexample mentioned at the end of 5. Let Ё be the completion of the normed space E. Then I is a dense continuous linear mapping of D[7] = E <= Ё onto F. Its closed extension / is a homomorphism of E onto F. Hence I is not maximal but otherwise satisfies the assumptions of A in 5.(4), 5.(8) and (9) and is not open. We give some conditions for the continuity of linear mappings. (2) Let E and F be (F)-spaces, A a dense closed linear mapping of L)[A] E in F. The following properties of A are equivalent: a) A is continuous', b) A is nearly continuous',
6. Linear mappings in metrizable spaces 107 c) D[A\ = E; d) П[Л'] = F'. IfE and F are (f£)-spaces, one has the further equivalent property: e) A' is strongly continuous. Proof. If we consider A as a mapping of D[A] in Fand if we assume b), then A is continuous by § 34, 6.(8); hence a) and b) are equivalent. From § 34, 5.(8) it follows that a) implies c); conversely, c) implies a) by the closed-graph theorem, a) and c) imply d) and d) implies a) by § 36, 5.(6). If E and F are (B)-spaces, then b) and e) are equivalent by (1) a). We now investigate open mappings. For normed spaces we have an elementary characterization of open mappings which generalizes § 33, 1.(2). (3) Let E, Fbe normed spaces and A a linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. Then A is open if and only if there exists m > 0 such that ||Лх|| w||x|| for all x e D[A], where x is the residue class of x in £)[Л]/А[Л]. We remark that А[Л] is not necessarily closed in D[A], so ||x|| = inf II x' II may be 0 for x / 6. X'ex + NW] Proof, a) Assume A to be open. There exists p > 0 such that for у e A(D[A]), Hj’II = 1, there exists xe D[A], ||x|| p, such thatj> = Ax. Hence ||Лх|| (l/p)||x|| (l/p)||x|| for all x e/)[Л]. b) Conversely, assume ||Лх|| >и||х||. Then if у e A(D[A]), Ц^Ц = 1, there exists x such that 1 = ||Лх|| (m — e) ||x|| for a given e > 0; hence ||x|| l/(m — e) and the image of the ball of radius l/(m — e) in D[A] contains the unit ball in Л(/)[Л]) and A is open. (4) Let E and F be metrizable locally convex spaces, A a linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. A is open if and only if A is sequentially invertible. Proof. A is open if and only if the continuous refinement AIa is a homomorphism of (£>[Л])[2л] in F[I2] (4.(4)). The space (1)[Л])[1л] is again metrizable by 1. Therefore A is open if and only if AIa is sequentially invertible (§ 33, 2.(1)). Assume AIa to be sequentially invertible. Then it is clear that A is sequentially invertible. Conversely, assume A to be sequentially invertible. Let yn e A(D[A]) converge to o; then there exist xn о in D[A] such that Axn = yn- But then (xn, Axn) -> о in E x F and this means that xn con- verges to о in the sense of 2Л; hence AIa is sequentially invertible. We give three further characterizations of open mappings.
108 § 37. The graph topology. Open mappings (5) Let E, F be metrizable locally convex spaces, A a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. A is open if and only if A is weakly open. Proof. If A is open, then it is weakly open by 4.(6). Assume now that A is weakly open. We consider A as a mapping Ao of D[A] <= E onto H = (Е[Л])[Х2]. Then A is open if and only if Ao is open, and A is weakly open if and only if Ao is weakly open, since Is(//') and IS(E') coincide on H. It follows from 4.(7) that Ao is open, since X2 induces on H the Mackey topology. (6) Let E be an (F)-space, F metrizable locally convex, A a dense, maximal, and weakly singular linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. A is open if and only if Е[Л'] = A'(D[A']) is locally closed in E'[XS(E)] or strongly sequentially closed in E'. The conditions are both necessary by 4.(5). It remains to prove that if is locally closed, it is Is(E)-closed, since then A is weakly open by 4.(5) and open by (5). Let L/x => t/2 о ... and => V2 => • ♦ • be neighbourhood bases of о in D[A] resp. E Then the sets Wn = К {A{U^ и Kn) are a neighbour- hood base of о for the topology Io on Е/Е[Л] (cf. § 36, 4.) and (Е/Е[Л])[10] is metrizable. Let (Е/Е[Л])[10] be the completion. The continuous con- traction JKA of A has a continuous extension В which maps Е[Хх] in (FIS[A])[X0]. Now (F/EMD^o]' = (F/S[A])[X0]' = D[A'] by § 36, 5.(3) and therefore B' = (JKA)' = A'. By assumption A'(D[A']) = E[E'] is locally closed as a subspace of E'[XS(E)]; it follows therefore from § 33, 3.(1) that В is a homomorphism and A'(D[A']) is Is(E)-closed. (7) Let E and F be (F}-spaces, A a dense maximal and weakly singular linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. A is open if and only if A' is 3f-open. Proof, a) A is open if and only if the regular contraction KA is open. The topologies for A' are XC(F) and XC(E), and the topologies for (KAf = A' are ХС(Е/Е[Л]) and XC(E). But XC(F) and ХС(Е/Е[Л]) coincide on ЕИ]1 D[A']; it will therefore be sufficient to consider the case that A is closed. b) Let A be closed and A' Xc-open. The Xc-topologies on E' and F' are weaker than the Mackey topologies; therefore D[A'] is Xc(F)-dense in F'. Therefore A' is weakly dense and weakly closed and A" exists and coincides with A. It follows from 4.(5) that Е[Л"] = Е[Л] is closed in F and from 5.(5) that A is open. c) Conversely, let A be open and closed. Then A' is a dense and closed linear mapping of D[A'] <= F'[XC(F)] in E'[XC(E)]. We verify the condi- tions of 4.(5).
1. Open mappings in (B)- and (F)-spaces 109 We have again A" = A and А[Л"] is 2s(F)-closed; therefore we have only to prove A(D[A] n SRJ =5 ЗЛ2 n А[Л], where resp. ЭЛ2 is the class of relatively compact subsets of E resp. F. Since А[Л] is closed, it is sufficient to show that every absolutely convex and compact subset M2 of 7?[Л] is the image of a set M± <= E with the same properties. By § 21, 10.(3) M2 is the closed absolutely convex cover of a null sequence yn. Since A is sequentially invertible by (4), there exists a null sequence xn e Р[Л] such that Axn = yn. Since A is closed, the closed absolutely convex cover MY of the sequence xn is a compact subset of D[A] and A(MJ = M2. 7. Open mappings in (B)- and (F)-spaces. As in the continuous case in § 33, 4., we collect the main results on open mappings in two theorems. (1) Let E and F be (JX)-spaces and A a dense closed linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. The following properties of A are equivalent: a) A is open', b) A is nearly open; c) A is weakly open; d) Л[Л] is closed', e) A' is strongly open', f) A' is weakly open', g) A' is Zc-open; h) ] is weakly closed', i) Л[Л'] is strongly sequentially closed', j) there exists m > 0 such that ||Лх|| w||x||, x e EIN [A], If A is dense, maximal, and weakly singular, all this remains true if we replace d) by d') А[Л] + 5[Л] is closed. We prove the second statement, which includes the case of a closed A. a) and b) are equivalent by 5.(4), a) and c) by 6.(5), a) and e) by 6.(1), a) and g) by 6.(7), and a) and j) by 6.(3). d') follows from a) by 5.(4). Conversely, if А[Л] + 5[Л] is closed, then A[AL4] is closed in Г/5[Л] and KA is open by 5.(5) when we consider KA as a mapping on A[AL4]. Finally, A is open by 4.(2); hence a) follows from d'). The equivalence of h) and i) with a) is a consequence of 6.(6). We show, finally, the equivalence of d') and f): A' is open as a mapping of (^M'])[XS(F)] in £"[XS(E)] if and only if A' is open as the mapping (KA)' of D[A'] <= (5[Л]°)[Х8(Г/5[Л])]. As such it is dense and closed as the adjoint of the contraction KA. Since KA is closed, we have (КА)" = KA and by 4.(6) (KA)' = A' is weakly open if and only if A[AL4] is weakly closed in F/SfX]. But this means d').
по § 37. The graph topology. Open mappings (2) Let E and F be (F)-spaces and A a dense closed linear mapping of E>[A] <= E in F. The following properties of A are equivalent: a) A is open*, b) A is nearly open; c) A is weakly open', d) Л[Л] is closed', e) A is sequentially invertible; f) A' is weakly open', g) A' is Zc-open; h) Л[Л'] is weakly closed', i) Я[Л'] is locally closed or strongly sequentially closed. If A is dense, maximal, and weakly singular, all this remains true if we replace d) by d') Л[Л] + 5[Л] is closed. The proofs given for (1) are valid also in this case. The equivalence of a) and e) follows from 6.(4). In the case of (FM)-spaces we have, by analogy to § 33, 6.(1), (3) Let E and F be (FM)-spaces and A a dense, maximal, and weakly singular linear mapping of E in F. Then A is open if and only if A' is strongly open. We omit the trivial proof. 8. Domains and ranges of closed mappings of (F)-spaces. Not every subspace of an (F)-space F is the range of a closed linear mapping of another (F)-space E in F. It is possible to give an intrinsic characterization of the subspaces which are the range of a suitable closed linear mapping. We say that a locally convex space £[X] is an (F)*-space if the asso- ciated barrelled space E[V] is an (F)-space (§ 34, 9.). (1) A subspace H of the (F)-space F[X] is the range A(E) of a continuous linear mapping of an (F)-space E[X'] in F if and only if Я[Х], X the topology induced on H by X, is an (F^-space. If Я[Х] is an (F)*-space, then the injection of Я[Х*] in F[X] is con- tinuous and has the range H. Assume, conversely, that H = AfE), A e £(E, F). Without loss of generality we may suppose that A is one-one. We consider A as a mapping of E[Z'] on Я[Х]. Since E[X'] is barrelled, A is also continuous as a mapping of E[Z'] onto Я[Х*] by § 34, 9.(2). But then it is a one-one continuous mapping of an infra-Ptak space onto a barrelled space and therefore an isomorphism by § 34, 2.(3); hence Я[Х{] is an (F)-space. For the larger class of closed linear mappings the result is the same.
1. Solvability conditions 111 (2) Let E, F be (F)-spaces and A a closed linear mapping of Р[Л] <= E in F. Then А[Л] is an (Ff-space. The continuous refinement AIa of A is by 1.(3) a continuous mapping of the (F)-space (£>[Л])[Хл] in F and А[Л/л] = А[Л], and so Я[Л] is an (F)*-space by (1). (3) Let E and F be (F)-spaces. Let D <= E be the domain of definition of a closed linear mapping in F; then D is an (Ff-space and the graph topology XA coincides with the associated barrelled topology of D. We know from 1.(3) that /)[ХЛ] is an (F)-space and Хл => Ii, the topology induced on D by the topology Xi of E. It follows from § 34, 9. that the associated barrelled topology Xi is weaker than XA on D. There- fore the identity mapping I of (Т>[Л])[Хл] onto (Р[Л])[Х1] is continuous and it follows again from § 34, 2.(3) that / is an isomorphism, which proves the statement. If D is a subspace of £[X] which is an (F)*-space, then the identity mapping I of D <= £[X] onto Z>[X4] is closed and D is a domain of defini- tion of a closed linear mapping; hence the class of all these domains is again the class of all subspaces of E which are (F)*-spaces. A subspace which has a countable but not finite algebraic dimension is not an (F)*-space. The class of range spaces of linear operators in Hilbert spaces has been studied in detail (cf. Fillmore and Williams [I']). § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings 1. Solvability conditions. Let A be a linear mapping of the locally convex space E in the locally convex space F. For a given element y0 e F (1) Ax = y0 is called a linear equation and the problem is to find all solutions x e E which satisfy (1). If y0 = ° we have the homogeneous case and А[Л] is the set of all solutions. In the inhomogeneous case y0 / ° all solutions are given by x0 + z, z e А[Л], where x0 is one solution of (1). The first problem is therefore to give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of one solution of (1) or, equivalently, to give necessary and sufficient conditions for the given y0 to belong to the range of A. We use again duality arguments. (2) Let E and F be locally convex and A a dense regular linear mapping of £)[Л] <= E in F. (1) is solvable in D[A] if and only if l(A'v) = vy0, v e D[A'], defines on А[Л'] a XS(D[A])-continuous linear functional.
112 § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings Proof. If x0 e D[A] and AxQ = y0, then v(Ax0) = (A'v)x0 = vy0 for all v e D[A'] and x0 is a Xs(Z)[T4])-continuous linear functional on £' and hence on Л[Л']. Conversely, if / is uniquely defined and Xs(Z)[/l])-continuous on £[Л'], then it can be continuously extended on £' by the Hahn-Banach theorem and is therefore generated by an x0 E £[Л]. It follows from (A'v)x0 = v(Axq) = vy0 for all v e D[A'] that Ax0 = y0 since D[A'J is weakly dense in D' by § 36, 3.(3). We remark that we can replace in this proof Х8(/)[Л]) by any locally convex topology on Er which is compatible with the dual pair <£', 7)[Л]>. We formulate our result for the case Х^(Т>[Л]) in the following way: (3) Let E and F be locally convex spaces and A a dense regular linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. The equation (1) is solvable in D[A] if and only if there exists an absolutely convex and XfE'fcompact subset К of D[A] such that (4) |ry0| sup |(A'v)x) for all v e D[A']. xeK If (A) is satisfied, (1) has a solution x0 e K. We have only to prove the last statement: p(u) = sup \ux\ is a semi- xeK norm on £'. (4) says that |Z(w)| p(u) on Л[Л']. The extension ux0 of 7(w) can be chosen such that |ux01 p(u) on E'. But then xQ e K°° = K. If E and F are reflexive (B)-spaces and A e £(E, F), y0 e A(E) if and only if there exists r > 0 such that |vy01 r\\A'v|| for all ve F' and then (1) has a solution x0 with ||x0|| = r. The following solvability condition was given by Cross [Г]: (5) Let E and F be locally convex and A a dense regular linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F (1) is solvable for y0 / о if and only if A'(L>[A'] n [^0]°) is a strict subspace of A'(D[A']), where in both cases the closure is the XfD[A])-closure. Proof, a) Necessity. We assume that AxQ = y0, x0 e D[A], and that A'(D[A'] n [j^o]°) = £[Л']. For v e D[A'] n [^0]° one has 0 = ry0 = v(Ax0) = (A'v)x0. But then ux0 = 0 also for all и e A'(D[A'] n |>0]°); hence ux0 = 0 for all и e Л[Л']. From (A'v)xQ = v(Ax0) = 0 for all v e D[A'] follows Ax0 = °, which is a contradiction. b) Sufficiency. We assume that A'(D[A'] n [j>0]°) is a strict subspace of Л[Л']. There exists v0 e D[A'] ~ [jPo]0 such that A'v0 ф A'(D[A'] n |>0]°). We assume roTo = 1- Using the Hahn-Banach theorem we obtain x0 e D[A] such that v0(Ax0) = (A'v0)x0 = 1 and v(Ax0) = (A'v)x0 = 0 for all v e D[A'] n [j>0]0.
1. Solvability conditions 113 We prove that this x0 is a solution of (1). We have D[A'] = (DM'] n Ы°) © [г0]. On D[Af] we have v0(Ax0) = 1 = voyo and v(Ax0) = 0 = vy0 for all v e L)[A'] n [jo]°- Since D[A'] is weakly dense in F', it follows that Ax0 = To- The following problem is closely related to the linear equation (1). Let £ be a locally convex space and M = {ua}, a e A, an infinite set of elements of E'. The problem is whether the system of equations (6) uax = ya, a g A, where ya are given real or complex numbers, has a solution x e E. One has the following result: (7) The system of equations (6) is solvable if and only if there exists an absolutely convex weakly compact subset К in E such that where the flk are arbitrary real resp. complex numbers and uai,..., uan are n arbitrary different ua. If we define then I is a uniquely defined and Xfc(£)-continuous linear functional on the linear span of M if and only if (8) is satisfied. By extension of / onto E' we obtain a solution х0 e К of (6). (7) includes as special cases two classical results of Hahn [2]. (9) Let {ya}9 a e A, be an infinite set of real resp. complex numbers, {xa}, a e A, a set of elements of a (ff>)-space E. The system of equations UXa = ya, a E A, has a solution u0 in E' such that ||w0|| M if and only if n n РкУак = M flkXajc ’ 1 1 n = 1,2,..., for arbitrary real resp. complex flk and n arbitrary different xa. (10) Let E and F be reflexive (ffyspaces. Then (6) has a solution x0 e E, INI = M if and only &Ma)e||/or arbitrary fa. If E is not reflexive (10) is not true in general. For a finite number of equations one has the following classical result of Helly [2].
114 § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings (11) Let Ebe a normed space, u19.. .,un elements of E', y19..., yn real resp. complex numbers. Then the system of linear equations u-Kx = yk, к = 1,..n, has for every e > 0 a solution xe such that ||x£|| S M + e if and only if 1 1 for arbitrary real resp. complex numbers Proo f. Denote by H the polar of the linear space [w1?..., wn]. Then E/H is of dimension n and (EIHf can be identified with [w1?..., wn]. The system of equations = 7i, i = 1,..., n, x e EjH, has by (10) a solution x0, ||x0|| M9 if and only if Л/Ц 2 РкЦк || for all ftk. If this condition is satisfied there exists xE e x0 such that ||xe|| || Xq || + £ = M + £ and xE is a solution of the original system of equations. 2. Continuous left and right inverses. The results of 1. are rather general but not very satisfactory. The existence of a solution of an equation Ax = y0 is proved by using the Hahn-Banach theorem and is therefore nonconstructive, and for a different y0 one has to verify the conditions again. One would prefer to have an explicit formula which gives immedi- ately a solution for every possible j>0. Before treating this problem in generality we consider first the con- tinuous case. Let £[Xi] and F[X2] be locally convex spaces and A e£(E, F). We remark that (1) A e £(£, F) is an isomorphism if and only if there exists В e £(F, £) such that (2) BA = IE, AB = IF. If A is an isomorphism, then В = Л(-1) is continuous and satisfies (2), and if (2) is satisfied with A and В continuous, then A is an isomorphism by §1, 7.(2). We recall from § 8, 4. that В is uniquely determined by (2) and is called the inverse Л"1 2 of A. Hence, if A is an isomorphism, A ~ is the unique solution of Ax = y0 for every y0 e F.
2. Continuous left and right inverses 115 If В e £(F, E) satisfies the relation BA = IE, then В is called a continuous left inverse of A; analogously Ce£(F, E) is a con- tinuous right inverse of A if AC = IF. One has the following theorem: (3) Let E and F be locally convex and A e £(E, F). a) A has a continuous left inverse if and only if A is a monomorphism and A(E) has a topological complement in F. b) A has a continuous right inverse if and only if A is a homomorphism of E onto F and А[Л] has a topological complement in E. Proof, a) Let Ee£(F, E) be a left inverse to A, BA = IE. It follows that A is one-one and А[ЛЕ] = N[B], Since (AB)2 = A(BA)B = AB, AB is a continuous projection. It follows from A(E) => (AB)(F) => A(BA)(E) = A(E) that the range of AB is A(E) and A(E) is closed as the range of a continuous projection. The kernel 7V[E] of AB is then a topological complement to A(E). Finally, A is an isomorphism of E onto A(E) by (1) since the restriction Bo of В to A(E) satisfies B0A = IE and AB0 = /Л(£). The conditions are also necessary: Let P be a continuous projection of F onto A(E) and В = A 'P. Then В e £(F, E) and BA = IE. b) Let AC = IF, C e £(F, E). Then C is one-one and CA is, as before, a continuous projection of E onto C(F) with kernel А[Л]. Hence C(F) is a topological complement to А[Л]. The mapping A can be considered as a continuous mapping of C(F) onto F. It has the continuous inverse C and is therefore an isomorphism of C(F) onto F; finally, A is a homo- morphism of E onto F. The conditions are sufficient: Let P be a continuous projection of E with kernel А[Л]. Identifying E/N[A] with the subspace P(E), we define Ce£(F, E) by C = PA'1 and have AC = IF. If В is a continuous left inverse to A, then all continuous left inverses to A are given by В + D, D e &(F, E) and A[Z>] => A(E). Similarly, if C is a continuous right inverse to A, then all right inverses to A are given by C + G, G e £(F, E), G(F) <= А[Л]. The importance of the existence of left resp. right inverses for solving equations is obvious: If there exists В such that BA = IE and if у0 e Е[Л], then x0 = By0 is the unique solution of Ax = y0. If AC = IF, then Ax = y0 is solvable for every y0 e F and x0 = Cyo is a solution. The solution is not uniquely determined if 7V[^4] o. A different right inverse will in general give a different solution. If A e&(E, F) has a left inverse В e £(F, E), then A'B' = IE', hence B' is a right inverse to A' and the transposed equation A'v = и has the solution v = B'u e F' for a given и e E'. Similarly for right inverses C.
116 § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings We remark that our problem was first stated and solved in Hilbert space by Toeplitz [Г]. Using § 33, 1.(2) we have in this case (4) A e £(/j) has a continuous left inverse if and only if A is bounded from below. A e £(/2) has a continuous right inverse if and only if P[A] = Fd. la is a space with the property that every closed subspace has a topo- logical complement. We listed in § 31, 4. all known locally convex spaces G with this property. Eberhardt [4'] discovered some new spaces G. It follows from (3) that every monomorphism A of a locally convex space E with Е[Л] closed in G has a continuous left inverse. Similarly, every homomorphism A of a space G onto a locally convex space F has a continuous right inverse. We leave it to the reader to formulate the theorems for the different spaces G. We remark further: If in (3) Л(Е) resp. N[^] has finite dimension or finite co-dimension, the left resp. right inverse exists. Fortunately, these are not the only cases where the existence of continuous left resp. right inverses can be proved, as we will see in 3. 3. Extension and lifting properties. The Hahn-Banach theorem shows that it is always possible to find a continuous extension of a continuous linear functional defined on a subspace of a locally convex space to the whole space. Simple examples show that it is in general not possible to extend continuously a continuous linear mapping of a subspace H <= E in F to a mapping of E in F. We prove that this problem is closely related to the problem of the existence of a continuous left inverse. (1) Let H be a closed linear subspace of a locally convex space E. Then the following properties are equivalent: a) there exists a continuous projection P of E onto H; b) every continuous mapping A of H in a locally convex space F has a continuous extension A mapping E in F; c) every monomorphism Ar of a locally convex space X in E with range H has a continuous left inverse If. Proof. The equivalence of a) and c) is by 2.(3) a). If P exists, then A = AP is a continuous extension of A. Finally, we assume b); let J be the identity mapping of H <= E onto F = H and J a continuous extension to E. Then is a continuous projection of E onto H since JJ1 = IH. If the spaces involved, E, F, X, are all (B)-spaces, we have, moreover, (2) The following properties are equivalent: a) there exists a continuous projection P of norm ||P || A of E onto H\
3. Extension and lifting properties 117 b) every A has an extension A such that ||Л || А||Л ||; c) every monomorphism Ax has a left inverse В such that ||B|| Л|| A± 11|. Proof. That b) and c) follow from a) is trivial from the construction of A resp. (cf. 2.(3)). a) follows from b) since J~ is a projection on H and || J ~ || = A. Finally, let / be the injection of //in E, В its left inverse, ||В|| A; then P = IB is a projection on H and ||P|| A. Hence a) follows from c). It was the extension problem that attracted attention first and the following result was the starting point. It is essentially due to Phillips [1]. (3) Let H be a linear subspace of the locally convex space £[X] and A e £(H, la )• Then A has an extension A e £(£, /®). If E is a normed space, then there exists A such that ||Л|| = ||Л||. Proof. There exists an absolutely convex neighbourhood U of о in E such that || Az|| 1 for all z e U C\ H. Now Az = у is an element (ya), a e A, of I™- If we define ya = uaz, then ua is a linear functional on A(H) such that \uaz\ 1 for z e U C\ H. Every ua has an extension ua on E such that \uax\ 1 for xe U. The linear mapping Ax = (uax), a e A, is an extension of A and ||Лх|| 1 for x e U. The result for normed spaces is included in our proof. We have the following corollary: (4) Let E be a locally convex space and H a closed subspace isomorphic to Id - Then there exists a continuous projection P of E onto H. If E is a (fty-space and H a closed subspace norm isomorphic to l°f then there exists a projection P of E onto H such that ||P || = 1. Proof. Let J be the isomorphism of H <= E onto / ® and J its extension by (3). Then J ~ is a continuous projection of E onto H which has norm 1 when J is a norm isomorphism. We leave it to the reader to formulate the equivalent statements b) and c) of (1) resp. (2) in our case. This result motivated the following definition: A (B)-space E is called a /\-space if it has the following property: If X is a (B)-space which contains E as a closed subspace, then there exists a projection P of X on E with ||P|| A. /J is a Pi-space in this terminology. (5) The following conditions are equivalent: a) E is a PK-space; b) let F, X be (f£)-spaces, X E; then every A e £(E, F) has a con- tinuous extension Ae£(X, F) such that ||Л|| А||Л ||; c) let F, Y be (^-spaces, Y F; then every A e £(F, E) has a con- tinuous extension Ae&(Y, E) such that ||Л|| А||Л||.
118 § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings The equivalence of a) and b) follows from (2). We assume a) and A e£(F, E). Then there exists such that E <= Z® and A e £(F, I™). By (3) A has an extension А e£(K, Z®), ||Л|| = ||Л||. If P is a projection of Z? onto E, ||P || A, then A = PAe&(Y,Ef ||2|| АЦЛ ||. Conversely, we assume c). The identity I on E has an extension 7е£(У, E), ||71| A, I2 = 7; thus 7 is a projection of Y on E. The class of Pi-spaces was determined by Goodner [Г], Nachbin [3], and Kelley [Г] in the real case and by Hasumi [Г] in the complex case. A (B)-space is a Pi-space if and only if it is norm isomorphic to a space C(E) of all continuous functions on a compact Stonean space K\ a Hausdorff topological space is Stonean if the closure of every open set is again open. A relatively short proof of this result was given by Kaufman [1]. Intensive research has been done on PA-spaces and related extension problems. We refer the reader to the work of Lindenstrauss [Г] and the expository papers of Nachbin [Г] and Kothe [6']. A previous result, the theorem of Sobczyk (§ 33, 5.(7)) and § 33, 5.(6), is another example belonging to this kind of problem, which says: If //is a closed subspace of a separable (B)-space E and H is norm isomorphic to c0, then there exists a projection of norm 2 of E onto H. For other examples of (B)-spaces with this “separable extension property” see Baker [3']. Conversely, recently Zippin [Г] proved that a separable infinite dimensional (B)-space which is complemented in every separable (B)-space containing it is isomorphic to c0. If we use only the structure of locally convex spaces and not the richer structure of (B)-spaces, we obtain analogous problems which can be formulated in the following way. Let jaZ be a class of locally convex spaces. A space E e jaZ is called jaZ-detachable if it has the following property: Let X be any space in jaZ and H a subspace of X isomorphic to E; then H has a topological com- plement in X. If jaZ is the class LP of all locally convex spaces, then Z? is ^-detachable by (4). For other results compare Kothe [6']. We will now establish an analogous relation between the existence of a continuous right inverse and the lifting of certain linear mappings. Let A be a continuous linear mapping of E into the quotient F///. We call ylliftableinEif there exists 5e£(E, F) such that A = KB, where К is the canonical homomorphism of F onto F//Z. (6) Let E be locally convex and E/H a quotient. Then the following properties are equivalent:
3. Extension and lifting properties 119 a) there exists a continuous projection P of E with kernel H; b) every continuous linear mapping A of a locally convex space X in E/H is liftable in E; c) every homomorphism of E with kernel H onto a locally convex space F has a continuous right inverse. Proof. Assume a). We have P = PK, P an isomorphism of E/H onto P(E). Furthermore, KP is the identity on E/H. Let A be a continuous linear mapping of X in E/H. Then A = (KP)A = K(PA) and В = PA is the lifted mapping, so b) is true. Assume now b). Let I be the identical mapping of E/H, J its lifting in E, I = KJ. Then P = JK is a continuous projection of E with kernel H. The equivalence of a) and c) follows by 2.(3) b). If all spaces E, X, F are (B)-spaces we have the sharper corollary (7) The following properties of E and its quotient E/H are equivalent: a) there exists a continuous projection P of norm ||P || A of E with kernel H\ b) every A е£(У, E/H) has a lifting В such that ||B|| ЛЦЛ ||; c) every homomorphism Ar of E onto F with kernel H has a right inverse C such that || C || All^f1!]. Proof, b) and c) follow from a) by the construction of В resp. C in (6) resp. 2.(3). a) follows from b) since P = JK, as in the proof of (6). Finally, let К be the canonical homomorphism of E onto E/H. By c) it has a right inverse C of norm A. Then P = CK is a projection of norm A of E with kernel H and a) follows from c). A (B)-space E will be called an Яд-space if it has the following property: Let У be a (B)-space with a quotient X/H norm isomorphic to E; then there exists a projection P of X with kernel H and ||P || A. Using (7) one obtains other equivalent definitions of an Яд-space. Let j/ be a class of locally convex spaces. Ее sJ is called lift able in if for every X esJ and a quotient X/H isomorphic to E there exists a continuous projection of X with kernel Я. The following simple result is essentially due to Kothe [1']. (8) Every / J is liftable in the class of(B)-spaces. Every / J is an H1 + e-space for any e > 0. Proof. Let I be an isomorphism of l\ onto X/H, X a (B)-space. We construct a lifting J of I in the following way.
120 § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings If ea is a unit vector in /J, then Iea = xa e XJH. For a given e > 0 there exists xa e xa such that ||xa|| ||xa|| + e = ||7|| + e. We define J by Jea = xa. J is a continuous linear mapping of /J in X since Therefore ||J|| ||7|| + e and I = KJ\ J is a lifting of I. P = JI~1 2 3Kis a continuous projection of X with kernel H. This proves that /J is liftable in the class of (B)-spaces. If I is, moreover, a norm isomorphism, \\P || 1 + e and /J is an 7f1 + e-space. Grothendieck proved in [14] the following counterpart to the result on Pi-spaces. There exists no -space. Every (B)-space which is a /71 + fi-space for every e > 0 is norm isomorphic to an /J. Kothe proved in [5'] that every (B)-space which is liftable in the class of (B)-spaces is isomorphic to an /j. The proof relies on results of Pelczynski [1'] on complemented subspaces in Z1. For further results on liftable spaces compare Kothe [5'] and Lindenstrauss [1']. 4. Inverse mappings. Let E and F be locally convex and A a linear mapping of D[A} E in F. If 7У[Л] = о, then the inverse mapping Л(-1) defines a linear mapping of Я[Л] onto D[A], We will denote it by A'1. So far we have used this notation only in the case where D[A] = E and Я[Л] = F (cf. 2.). Again we have (1) A~rA = Тщаъ AA~r = IR[A} and the inverse Л-1 is uniquely determined by (1) if it exists. We note further that G(A~1) = lG(A). From § 36, 3.(5) it follows immediately that (2) A weakly singular dense linear mapping A of D[A] <= E in F has an inverse A'1 if and only if А[Л'] is XfD\A\)-dense in E'. It is of special interest to know when A ~1 is continuous. (3) A linear mapping A of E[A] <= P[Ii] in F[I2] has an inverse A~r which maps (Л[Л])[12] continuously onto (2)[Л])[11] if and only if A is one-one and open. This is trivial. (3) shows that the continuity of A -1 is equivalent to the openness of Л, and this has been one of the problems we investigated thoroughly before. We will therefore make only some remarks on this subject and leave it to the reader to reformulate our previous results on open mappings as statements on the existence of a continuous inverse.
4. Inverse mappings 121 We list first some general facts. (4) Let A be a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= E[Ii] in F[I2] and SRi resp. SR2 the class of equicontinuous subsets of E' resp. F'. A has a continuous inverse A~r if and only if а) Е[Л'] = E' and b) A'(P\A'] n Wl2) => Wk n Е[Л']. In particular, A has a weakly continuous inverse A~r if and only if Е[Л'] = E'. By (3) we have to prove that these conditions are equivalent to the fact that A is one-one and open. But this follows immediately from § 37, 4.(5) since Е[Л'] = E' implies by § 36, 3.(5) that A is weakly singular and, conversely, any open mapping is weakly singular. The last statement follows from § 37, 4.(6). (5) Let Abe a dense linear mapping of D[ A] <= E, E locally convex, onto a locally convex space F[Ifc(F')]. Then A has a continuous inverse A~r if and only if Е[Л'] = E'. This follows from (4) and § 37, 4.(7). (6) A dense linear mapping A of a locally convex space E into a metriz- able locally convex space F has a continuous inverse Л"1 if and only if А[Л'] = E'. This is a special case of (5) since A(E) is metrizable and its topology is therefore 1^(Л(Е)'). As another example let us mention De Wilde’s open-mapping theorem, Theorem § 35, 3.(5). It says: A sequentially closed one-one linear mapping A of a webbed space F onto an ultrabornological space E has a continuous inverse A -1. For the existence of (Л')-1 we have the following condition: (7) Let A be a dense linear mapping of E in F, where E and F are locally convex spaces. The inverse (A')~1 exists if and only is dense in F. This is an immediate consequence of § 36, 3.(4) a). We remark that this includes the case where D[A'] consists only of the element o. (8) Let A be a dense linear mapping of E in F, both locally convex. If A and A' have inverses, then (Л-1)' = (Л')"1- Е[Л] is dense in F by (7); hence Л-1 is a dense linear mapping of Е[Л] <= FinE. By §36, 6.(3) we have (^(Л"1)') = Ч^-Л'1)0 = С(-Л)°.
122 § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings Again by § 36, 6.(3) G(—A)° = *G(A'). By assumption A too has an inverse and therefore <7((Л')-1) = ^(Л'); and, finally, 6((Л-1)') = <7((Л')-1), which includes the statement. By analogy to the second statement of (4) we have (9) Let Abe a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. The mapping A of (Z>[^'])[IS(F)] onto (Л[Л'])[^з(^И])] has a continuous inverse (Л')"1 if and only if R[A\ + 5[Л] = F. This is a special case of § 36, 5.(5). If A is, moreover, maximal we have a better result: (10) Let A be a dense maximal linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. Then (Л')-1 is weakly continuous if and only if R[A] + 5[Л] = F. In particular, if A is a dense closed linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F, then (Л')-1 is weakly continuous if and only if ^[Л] = F. Proof. The weak topologies are IS(E) on Л[Л'] and 2S(F) on D[A']. Since IS(^[^D is weaker on Я[Л'] than IS(E), it follows from (9) that the condition Я[Л] + 5[Л] = Fis sufficient. We assume that A is weakly open. Since (KAf = A, this means that the closed linear mapping KA has an adjoint which is dense and closed as a mapping from D{A] <= (S[Л]1)^^/^MB in E'[IS(E)]. It is also open. Since A is maximal, KA is closed and therefore (KA)" = KA. By § 37, 4.(6) F[/C4] is Xs(‘S'^]1)-closed in F/S [Л]. It follows from (7) that Е[ХЛ] = F and this means Е[Л] + 5[Л] = F. We now investigate the strong continuity of (Л')"1, which is always to be understood in the sense of Xb(E) resp. Ib(F) on Е[Л'] resp. D[A']. (11) Let E be locally convex, F quasi-barrelled, and A a dense linear mapping ofD[A] <= E in F. If (A)-1 exists and is strongly continuous, then R[A] = F and A is nearly open. Proof. Е[Л] = F follows from (7). By § 37, 3.(3) we have to show that A(D[A] n SR2) => SRi n А[Л']. This is equivalent to (Л')-1^ n Я[Л']) <= D[A'] n 3Jl2. Every M еУЛ1 n Е[Л'] is relatively weakly compact in E' and therefore strongly bounded. Since (Л')-1 is strongly continuous, (Л')-1(АТ) is strongly bounded in F'. Since Fis quasi-barrelled, (Л')-1(М) 6 D\A] n ЭЛ2. As a corollary we obtain the following generalization (Mochizuki [1']) of the theorem of Banach-Hausdorff : (12) Let E be a Ptak space, F quasi-barrelled, and A a dense closed linear mapping of D[ A] <= E in F. If {A) ~1 exists and is strongly continuous, then A is open and Е[Л] = F.
4. Inverse mappings 123 This follows from (11) and § 36, 5.(4). The converse of (12) is not true even for (F)-spaces E and F, as is shown by Counterexample § 33, 2. 1), where A? is a homomorphism onto E/N[A] but (jK')-1 is not strongly continuous. Closely related to (12) is (13) Let E be semi-reflexive, F locally convex, and A a dense closed linear mapping of D [A] <= E in F. If (A')-1 exists and is strongly continuous, then Л[Л] = F. By assumption (Л')-1 is continuous from (F[^'])[Ite(£)] in F'[2b(F)]. Every continuous linear mapping is weakly continuous. Since (A[/l'])[Ite(£)]' = E/R[A']°, the weak topology on А[Л'] is XS(E) and the weak topology on F'[Ib(F)] is 2S(F"). Since IS(F") is stronger than XS(F), it follows that (Л')-1 is weakly continuous. Л[Л] = F follows now from (10). The following two results of Krishnamurthy and Loustaunau [Г] have some interest in connection with the remark after (12). (14) Let £'[2b(E)] be metrizable and F barrelled or sequentially com- plete. If A is a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= E onto F, then (A')'1 exists and is strongly continuous. (Л')-1 exists by (7) and maps the metrizable space (А[Л'])[1Ь(Е)] onto (Р[Л'])[2Ь(Г)]. We assume that (Л')-1 is not continuous. Then there exists a sequence A'vn e А[Л'] which converges strongly to о such that the sequence vn is not strongly bounded (§ 28, 3.(4)). From Л[Л] = F and (A'vf)x = vfAx) 0 for all x g D[A} follows the weak convergence of vn to o. But under the assumptions on F every weakly bounded set in Fr is strongly bounded, and this is a contradiction. (14) applies in particular to (DF)-spaces E. (15) Let A be a dense linear mapping of the distinguished space E into the locally convex space F. If the strong dual F'[Ib(F)] is an infra-(f)-space andifR[A] = FandR[A'] = Ef, then (A')-1 exists and is strongly continuous. Since Е[Л] = F, (A'fl1 exists and maps Л[Л'] = E' onto D[A'] <= Ff. By § 23, 7.(1) E'[2b(E)] is barrelled. The graph G(A') is weakly closed (§ 36, 6.(3)) and therefore (Л')-1 is a closed linear mapping of the barrelled space E'fXb(E)] in the infra-(s)-space F'[2b(F)]. By Komura’s closed-graph theorem (A')~1 is continuous. (15) is true in particular for semi-reflexive spaces E. We close with some results on normed spaces and (B)-spaces. It follows immediately from § 37, 7.(1) that for a dense closed linear mapping A of a (B)-space E into a (B)-space F, (Л')-1 exists and is strongly continuous if and only if Л[Л] = F.
124 § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings The next result is a trivial consequence of § 37, 6.(1) b). (16) Let E and F be normed spaces and A a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. Then (Л')-1 exists and is strongly continuous if and only if A is nearly open and Л[Л] = F. We remark that by (14) in the case that F is a (B)-space it is sufficient to assume for A that Л[Л] = F. (17) Let E and F be normed spaces and A a dense linear mapping of D[A] <= E in F. The following two statements are equivalent: а) Л[Л] = Fand A~r exists and is continuous; b) Л[Л'] = E' and (Л')-1 exists and is strongly continuous. Proof, a) implies that A is open; hence by (16) (A')-1 exists and is strongly continuous. Finally, Л[Л'] = E' follows from (6). Assume now b). (6) implies the existence and continuity of Л-1 and Л[Л] = F follows from (7). The results presented here may look rather unsystematic and accidental. But they are the main tools in the theory of state diagrams for linear mappings first developed by Taylor [2] for continuous mappings of Banach spaces, then by Goldberg [Г] for closed mappings of Banach spaces and by Krishnamurthy [Г] and Krishnamurthy and Loustaunau [Г] for mappings of locally convex spaces. The reader will find there a systematic theory of the connections between the properties of the range and the inverse of A and the same properties of Af. 5. Solvable pairs of mappings. The following problem has its origin in the theory of partial differential equations and was treated systematically by Browder [Г]. We give here only one of his results and follow the method used by Goldberg [Г]. Let £, Fbe locally convex and Ao, Ar two dense linear mappings of E in F. We assume that Ar is an extension of AQ, Ao <= A19 that Ao is one-one, and that Л[ЛХ] = F. We are looking for a linear mapping A such that Ao <= A <= A19 A is one-one, and Я[Л] = F. We give a purely algebraic construction of such an A. Let (1) E = Ш] © Eo, F = Л[Л0] © Fo, where £0, Fo are algebraic complements. We define 7)[Л] as (2) D[A] = Р[Л0] © (Fo n /f1^)) and A by (3) Afa + x2) = А0Х! + Arx2 for %! g £>[Я0], x2 g Eo n 4-1)(F0).
6. Infinite systems of linear equations 125 We remark that the sum in (2) is direct: For x e £>[Л0] n (Eo n Л(1"1)(Е0)) we have Aox = Aj_x e R[Ло] n FQ = o. Since Ao is one-one, x = o. Clearly, Ao <= A <= ЛР We show that A is one-one. Let A(xj_ + x2) = AQx1 + Агх2 be o; hence Ло%1 = — A±x2. Since Aoxr e Е[Л0] and — Агх2 e Fo, it follows that AQxr = о and therefore = o. From A±x2 = о and x2 $ follows x2 = o; hence A is one-one. Finally, Л[Л] = F: Let у be an element of F, then у = Аохг + z, z e Fo. Since Л[ЛХ] = F, there exists x2 e such that A±x2 = z, x2 e A^fFo). There exists x3 e А[Лх] such that x2 - x3 e Eo n ^“^(Fo); hence x2 — x3 e D[A] and A(x2 — x3) = Ax2 = z. Finally, у = А(хг + (x2 - x3)) and у e Л[Л]. The construction of A depends on Eo and Fo, but if these complements are given, A is uniquely determined. We leave the details to the reader. (4) If Aq1 is continuous, Ar closed and the decompositions (1) topo- logical, then A is closed. Assume я? + £>[Л0], x2 e Eo n Ai 1(FQ), and A(x“ + x2)^y. We have to prove that xe D[A] and у = Ax. Since A A± and Ar is closed, A±x = y. Now Ax“ e Е[Л0] and Ax2 e Fo and it follows from (1) that Axl -> y± e Е[Л0] and Ax2->y2EFQ, у = y± 4- y2. Since Aq1 is continuous, Xi converges to an element x± e £>[Ло], Ax± = 'y1. Hence x2 converges to an element x2eE0 since Eo is closed. Now Ax is closed; hence Arx2 = y2 and therefore Хг^ГЧ^о) and x2 e D[A]. But then x e D[A] and Ax = y. The pair (Ao, A±) is called solvable if A has, moreover, a continuous inverse Л-1. Since A is one-one, it is sufficient to prove that A is open. If we apply § 37, 5.(6) we find the following rather large classes of solvable pairs: (5) Let E be a Ptak space, F locally convex, and Ao c Ar two dense linear mappings of E in F such that Aq1 exists and is continuous and such that Ax is closed and F^] = F. Assume, further, that there exists a topo- logical decomposition (1). Then there exists a one-one linear mapping A such that Ao с A A19 Е[Л] = F, and such that A~r exists and is continuous. 6 6. Infinite systems of linear equations. We begin with some elementary facts. In particular, we present the results of Eidelheit [1'], [2'], which give a complete answer for a special type of systems of linear equations. Let E be an (F)-space defined by the sequence of semi-norms pr (x) p2(x) We consider the system of equations (1) щх = Ci, щ e Er, Ci real resp. complex, i = 1,2,....
126 § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings We say that (1) is fully solvable if (1) has a solution x e E for every sequence c = (cb c2,...). The problem is to find conditions for the щ which are necessary and sufficient for the full solvability of (1). If we define Ax = (upt, u2x,...), then A is a linear mapping of E into co. Since the щ are continuous, it is easy to see that A is a continuous linear mapping of E into co. The full solvability of (1) is therefore equivalent to Л(£) = co. Since E and co are (F)-spaces, (1) is fully solvable if and only if A is a homomorphism of E onto co. The adjoint A' is the linear mapping of <p into E' defined by / n \ n a Viey = 2 ViU>- The homomorphism theorem for (F)-spaces (§ 33, 4.(2)) implies that (1) is fully solvable if and only if A' is one-one and locally sequentially invertible. Since the bounded sets in 99 are finite dimensional, this means that a sequence A 'v™, v™ e 99, converges locally to о in E' if and only if the v™ are uniformly bounded in length and converge coordinatewise to o. Eidelheit introduces the order n(u) of ueE' as the smallest n such that |ux| Mpfx) for all xeE and some M > 0. If Un is the closed neighbourhood of о defined by pn(x) 1, then n(u) is also the smallest n such that и e E'u°n in our terminology. We formulate now Eidelheit’s theorem. (2) The system (1) is fully solvable if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: i) the ui9 i = 1,2,... are linearly independent} ii) for every natural number m there exists a natural number rm with the r following property: Let и = J v^ be any linear combination with vr / o. 1 Ifn(u) m9 then r rm. Proof, a) Necessity. If (1) is fully solvable, A' is one-one and hence i) is satisfied. Assume that ii) is false. Then there exists for some m a sequence w(fc) = A'v™ such that |w(fc)x| Mkpm(x) and the v™ are not bounded in length. But the multiples (\IMkk)u™ then converge locally to o, which leads to a contradiction since the corresponding sequence (\IMkk)v™ in 99 has unbounded length. b) Sufficiency, i) implies that A' is one-one. From ii) it follows that for every sequence u™ = A'v™ which converges locally to о in E' the v™ are uniformly bounded in length and therefore coordinatewise convergent. Hence A' is locally sequentially invertible. Eidelheit applied (2) to the infinite system of equations (3) О-гк^к ^ki I 2, . . . , k-1
6. Infinite systems of linear equations 127 where the aik and ck are given numbers. We assume in the following that for every к there exists at least one aik / 0. This is no restriction on the generality. We are first looking for solutions x = (x1? x2,...) of (3) such that 2 |^гЛ| < 00 for every i or solutions in the sense of absolute con- fc = i vergence. The space of all these x is the (F)-space E defined by the semi- norms pm(x) = 2 (2 ™ = 1,2,..., and the = 2 Ък*к define elements of E'. So we have a special case of (2) and we obtain (4) The system (3) is fully solvable in the sense of absolute convergence if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: i) the rows a{ of the matrix (aik) are linearly independent', ii) for every natural number m there exists a natural number rm with the r following property: Let 2 v^i be any linear combination with vr / o. If for some M > 0 2 = M 2 1^1 fork = 1,2,..., i=1 ; = 1 then r rm. The proof is obvious; we remark only that the equivalence of | (2 viaijx j = Mpm(x) to the system of inequalities in ii) can be seen by taking x = ek9 к = 1,2,.... There is a second problem connected with (3). We now allow as 00 solutions all sequences x such that the sums 2 aikxk are convergent for k= 1 all i = 1,2,... or solutions in the sense of conditional convergence. We will show that the space of all these x is again an (F)-space and that therefore (2) can be applied. Let the sequence b = (Z?b b2,...), all bk / 0, be given and let p. be the 00 space of all sequences x = (xb x2,...) such that 2 converges. We k = l In I n 2 bkxk on /г. If x e /x and sn = 2 bkxk, then 1 I 1 Jx = s, s = ($!, s2,...) is a convergent sequence and J is a norm isomor- phism of p onto c and /x is a (B)-space. We determine //. We saw in § 14, 7. that a continuous linear functional 00 v on c is of the form vs = 2 + vo Um sk and ||y|| 1 if and only if k=l k-*<x> 2 |^fc| 1. Since in /x every x is the limit of its sectionsand ^=>99, every k = 0 element of /x' is of the form wx = 2 wkxk = 2 Ukbkxk. The closed unit k = l k = l ball in /x' will consist of all w = J'v, ||y|| 1. We determine all и = (u19 u2,...) which correspond to the v, ||u|| 1.
128 § 38. Linear equations and inverse mappings If x is defined by bpxp = 1, bkxk = 0 for к / p, then Jx is the sequence 5 with Si = 0 for i < p, sk = 1 for к p and we have oo WX = Up = VS = 2 vk + Vo. p oo Consequently, vp = up — up + 1 for p 1. Hence 2 vp = ur — lim un and, 1 n-*00 since Ui = J vp + v0, we conclude that v0 = lim un. Therefore 1 n-*oo (5) [i/ consists of all w = (щЬи u2b2,.. .)such that 2 \uk ~ w/c + i| < °o. k = 1 The closed unit ball in p consists of all w such that |«i - W2| + |u2 - u3| 4------h |lirnun| 1. We come back to (3). Let F be the space of all sequences x such that 2 aikxk converges for all i = 1, 2,.... F is metrizable for the semi-norms fc=l n qfx) = sup 2 fykXk ,7 = L 2,.... Let x(n) be a Cauchy sequence in F. n I к = 1 I If we delete in x e F all coordinates xk for which ajk = 0, then the remain- ing sequence x0) lies in a Banach space Pj with norm ^(x0)) = qfx). The sequence x{$ has a limit x$O) which is also the coordinatewise limit. It follows that x(n) converges coordinatewise to a sequence x(o) which is the limit of x(n) in F, So F is an (F)-space. It is obvious that 2 is a continuous linear functional on F for /с = i every i = 1,2,.... So we are in the situation of (2). We introduce the increasing sequence of semi-norms Pi = q19 p2 = max (p1? q2f.... If Vk is the closed unit ball corresponding to pk, then If = Vi9 U2 = V± n V2,... are the closed unit balls corresponding to p19p2,.... The polars in F’ are t/J, U°2 = Г(П w V°2),... (§ 20, 6.(5), § 20, 8.(10)). It follows now from (5) that F^ consists of all sequences of the form (6) (мцЛц, w12a12,...) 4- • • • 4- (umlami9 um2am2,...), 2 1мл _ M* + il < °°> j = fc = l Eidelheit’s theorem takes now the form (7) The system (3) is fully solvable in the sense of conditional convergence if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: i) the rows a{ of the matrix (aik) are linearly independent} ii) for every natural number m there exists a natural number rm with the
6. Infinite systems of linear equations 129 following property: Let 2 viat be any linear combination with vr o. If T 2 ад is of the form (6), then r rm. i = l There is quite a literature on these and related questions. For further references see my own paper [6] and especially Niethammer and Zeller [Г].
CHAPTER EIGHT Spaces of Linear and Bilinear Mappings The set £(F, F) of all continuous linear mappings of E in F, where both E and F are locally convex, is a vector space. If F = K, then £(F, F) = E' and so it is obvious that there are many possibilities to define a locally convex topology on £(F, F). This is done in § 39 and by adapting the methods of Volume I it is possible to obtain generalizations of some classical theorems as the Banach-Mackey theorem and the Banach-Steinhaus theorem. The relation between equicontinuous and weakly compact subsets of £(F, F) is a little more complicated than in the case of dual spaces. Bilinear mappings B(x, y), (x, y) g E x F, and B(x, y) g G are studied in § 40. If G = K, then we speak of bilinear forms on F x F. These notions were introduced in § 15, 14.; §40 contains now a systematic study. The notion of hypocontinuity which lies between separate continuity and continuity of a bilinear mapping is a very useful tool in studying bilinear mappings. The fundamental results are the continuity theorems in § 39, 2. To extend bilinear mappings continuously is quite a difficult task (§ 39, 3.). In § 41 we investigate the projective tensor product E ® л F and its com- pletion E ®nF,E and F locally convex. We follow Grothendieck’s ideas and methods. Results for special classes of spaces are given and different properties are studied in detail. Some problems remain unsolved. As a necessary preparation to the investigation of the approximation property we treat in § 42 compact mappings, in particular the subclass of nuclear mappings. §42, 1. contains some basic properties of compact map- pings; § 42, 2. is interested in weakly compact mappings. A lot of examples are given, including Hilbert-Schmidt mappings in Hilbert space. There exists a canonical mapping ф of Eb F in £(F, F) for (B)-spaces E and F. The 0-images in £(F, F) are defined as the nuclear mappings of E in F. The space of all nuclear mappings 91(F, F) is a normed space relative to the nuclear norm || ||v. If ф is one-one, Z g Eb F, then ||0(Z)||V = ||Z||n. In §42,8. the method of factoring mappings is applied to compact mappings and we are led to the class of 00-spaces of Lindenstrauss and Pelczynski. § 42, 9. contains the fixed point theorem of Schauder-Tychonoff and the theorem of Lomonosov on the existence of invariant subspaces. § 43 investigates the approximation property. Important equivalent formu- lations are given: a) This property of E and the property that ф is one-one from Eb E in £(F) are equivalent for (B)-spaces F; b) the c-tensor product F 0e Fand the с-product EeF are introduced in § 43, 3. and a (B)-space F has the approximation property if and only if F F = FcFfor every (B)-space F. Hereditary properties of the approximation property are obtained in § 43, 4. Enflo’s example of a separable (B)-space not having the approximation
1. Topologies on £(E, F) 131 property is only mentioned; we suppose its existence and we give in §43, 9. Johnson’s example of a separable (B)-space without the approximation property and therefore without a basis. A few results on the existence of a basis and some remarks on the bounded approximation theory give only some idea of a vast field of recent research. e-products and е-tensor products of locally convex spaces are studied in detail in § 44. In contrast to the projective tensor product there seems to be little known in this case, most of it due to L. Schwartz. I have tried to add some details to this picture but many questions remain open. One question was investigated very carefully by Grothendieck, namely, the determination of the dual space of E F. This is the space 5(E, F) of integral bilinear forms on E x F, which we study in § 45. To every such form corresponds a continuous mapping which is also called integral. In the case of Hilbert space Schatten proved that 3(E, F) can be identified with E' ®»F'-, hence integral and nuclear mappings coincide in this case. Our last theorem in § 45 (Theorem § 45, 7.(6)) generalizes Schatten’s result to (B)-spaces, where E is arbitrary, F reflexive. This theorem of Grothendieck relies on a deep theorem on vector measures which we state without proof. § 39. Spaces of linear mappings 1. Topologies on &(E, F). Let E and F be locally convex and £(E, F) be the vector space of all continuous linear mappings of E in F. In § 21, 1. we defined topologies on E’ = £(E, K) in a systematic way. We follow these methods in our more general case. In the sequel SR will always be a class of bounded subsets M of E with the properties а) SR is total in E, i.e., IJ M is total in E; МеЗЛ b) if and M2 are in SR, then и M2 is in SR. We call SRsaturatedifit has the further properties c) if M e SR, then pM e SR for every p > 0; d) if M e SR and N <= M, then TV e SR; e) if Л/i, M2 are in SR, then Г(M± и M2) is in SR. The saturated cover of SR will be denoted by SR. Let £(E, E) and SR be given. If M e SR and К is a neighbourhood of о in E, we define U(M, V) as the set of all A e £(E, E) such that A(M) <= V. As we will see immediately, these sets V) are a neighbourhood base of о of a vector space topology on £(E, E) and we will write £эл(Е, E) for this topological vector space. Хщ is called the topology of SR-conver- gence on £(E, E). (1) £яп(Е, F) is locally convex. i) Every U(M, V) is absorbing since, given A e £(E, E), one has A(M) <= pV for some p > 0 because M is bounded, and thus (l/p)A e U(M, V).
132 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings ii) If V is absolutely convex, and A2 in U(M, V), then c^A^M) 4- a2A2(M) <= a±V + a2V <= V for laj + |a2| 1; hence U(M, V) is abso- lutely convex. iii) U(M19 KJ n U(M2, V2) U{M1 и M2, n K2); hence we have a filter base. iv) pU(M, V) = U(M, pV) for V absolutely convex and p > 0. v) is Hausdorff: If A e Q U(M, V), then A(M) c V for all M,V M, V; hence Л|и^)сС|^=о and therefore A = о since SR is total. We have the following generalization of § 21, 1.(4): (2) The topologies Xm and Xfii on £(F, F) coincide. Two topologies 2W and 2лш2 on £(F, F) coincide if and only if^Slx = SR2- Proof. Enlarging SR so that c) and d) are satisfied evidently does not change the topology. The same is true for e), since for every closed abso- lutely convex V we obtain UiyiMx и Л/2), V) = и(М± и М2, V). The second statement of (2) follows from § 21, 1.(4) and the first half of the following lemma: (2') F'[2^n] is topologically isomorphic to a complemented subspace of SWF, F). F is topologically isomorphic to a complemented subspace H2 of F). Proof, a) We define the mapping f of F'[%in] with range H1 c SWF, F) by fu = и ® y0, where y0 ° in F and (w ® y0)x = (ux)y0. We choose v0 e F' such that voyo = 1 and define the mapping Kr of SWF, F) into by K±A = v0A. One has K^fu = Kfu ® y0) = (vQyQ)u = w, or K^f = IE>, the identity on F'. Then = J1K1 is a projection of £®i(F, F) onto Ef. We leave it to the reader to check that f and K1 are continuous. It follows that Ji is a topological isomorphism of F'fXm] onto If <= SWF, F). b) By a similar argument one obtains the second statement of (2') by using the mapping J2 of F onto H2 <= SWF, F) defined by J2y = uQ® y, u0 / o, from F', and the mapping K2 of SWF, F) into F defined by K2A = Axq, where woxo = 1. We remark that our notation is in accordance with § 9, 7. Ian can be described by semi-norms. If {pa(^)}, a e A, is a system of semi-norms defining the topology of F, then is defined by the system of semi-norms (3) Рм,а№) = sup ра(Ах), a e A, M e 2R, xeM
1. Topologies on £(E, F) 133 or by the system (4) Pm,n(^)= suP |HXy)|, M g 9Л, N equicontinuous in F'. aeM,vcN The set {A;pM>a(A) 1} is obviously identical with U(M, V), where V = {y; pa(y) = И- Hence U(M, V) is I^-closed if V is closed in E We list some important particular cases of Define g, Я, (£, 8*, 8, as in § 21 as, respectively, the classes of all finite, absolutely convex and weakly compact, precompact, strongly bounded, and bounded subsets of £; then the corresponding topologies will be denoted by Is, 2^, Xc, Xb«, and 2b, and the corresponding spaces by £,S(E, F), £fc(£, F), &C(E, F), £b,(E, F), and £b(£, F). It is usual to call Xs, 2C, Xb, respectively, the topologies of simple, precompact, and bounded convergence. These are the weak, precompact, and strong topologies in the special case £(£, К) = E'. In the same way we will use the simpler notations Es, E's, and so on for E[%.(£')]> £'[£sC£)L and so on. We say that 9Л covers £ if IJ M = E or, equivalently, if 2R => g. МеЗЛ The following remarks will be useful. (5) If 9W covers E, then the mapping A -> AxQ, where xQ is a fixed element of E, is continuous from £эл(£, F) in F. If И is a given neighbourhood of о in Fand if x0 e M e 9Л, then AxQ e V for all A e U(M, V). (6) If SR covers E and V is a closed neighbourhood of о in F, then U(M, V) is closed in Sis(E, F) (simply closed). Let Ao be an adherent point of U(M, V) in £S(E, F). Then for each хе E Aox is by (5) an adherent point of the Ax, A e U(M, V), in F. If x are in M, then the Ax are in V; hence Aox e V and A0(M) V. But this is the statement to be shown. We recall that we introduced in § 14, 6. in the case of normed spaces E, F the uniform norm topology on £(E, F). Obviously, this is the topology of bounded convergence in the case of normed spaces. Let E, Fbe locally convex. We denote by L(E, F) the space of all linear (not necessarily continuous) mappings of E in F(in Volume I we used the notation S(E, F)). Obviously, £(E, F) <= L(E, F). We introduce now a topology on L(E, F) such that this inclusion will become topological: &S(E, F) <= LS(E, F). We define again the ^-neighbourhoods U(M, V) of о as the sets of all A e L(E, F) such that A(M) <= V, where M is a finite subset of E and V is a neighbourhood of о in F. It is straightforward to verify that LfE, F) is locally convex and that ZfE, F) LS(E, F).
134 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings It is rather obvious that for classes 2R strictly larger than 3 the space L^fE, F), defined in the same way, will no longer be Hausdorff. We determine the structure of LS(E, F). Let {xa}, a e A, be a linear base for E. For each xa define Axa to be some element of F. Extending this map linearly we obtain a well-defined linear map A from E in F. In fact all linear maps from E in F arise in this way. Hence LfE, F) can be identified algebraically with FA = П 7^, where Fa = F. This identification is a a topological isomorphism if we equip FA with the product topology and the topology on F is the given locally convex topology. We remark that the topology of E does not directly enter in the definition of but that the size of the space £(£, F) depends on the topology of E. We recall that £(£, F) is always a subspace of £(ES, Fs) and that this space coincides with F), where F has any locally convex topology between Xs and It follows that there are many topologies on the space £(ES, Fs) which depend not only on the class SR of subsets of E but also on the class St of subsets of F' determining the topology on F. The following definitions take care of this situation. Let <£', £> and <F', F) be two dual pairs and let £(ES, Fs) be the space of all weakly continuous linear mappings of E in F. Let SR be a total class of weakly bounded subsets of E as before and SI a total class of weakly bounded subsets of F'. Define again, for M e SR and N e SI, C/(M, A°) as the set of all A e £(ES, Fs) such that Л(М) <= №. The topology defined by these neighbourhoods of о on £(ES, Fs) will be denoted by and Fs) will be the corresponding locally convex space, if it exists. We will also use the notations £b*tb*(E, F), and so on, according to the conventions introduced after (4). (7) Fs) is locally convex if SR or SI contains only strongly bounded sets. The proof of (1) can be repeated except for the proof that U(M, №) is absorbing. Assume M strongly bounded in E and A weakly bounded in F'. Let A be in £(ES, Fs). Since A is weakly and hence strongly continuous, A(M) <= p№ for some p > 0 and U(M, №) is absorbing. Assume now M weakly bounded and N strongly bounded. Then A(M) is weakly bounded and by the definition of a strongly bounded set (§ 20,11.) there exists p > 0 such that A(M) <= p№. Again U{M, №) is absorbing. The adjoint mappings A' to the A e £(ES, Fs) determine the space £(F', E's) of all weakly continuous linear mappings of F' in £' and we have under the assumptions of (7) (8) The spaces й^^{Е5, Fs) and E's) are isomorphic under the correspondence AA’.
2. The Banach-Mackey theorem 135 This follows from = pNtM(A')9 since the semi-norms (4) deter- mine again the topology £3^. This generalizes the fact that ||Л|| = ||Л'|| in the case of normed spaces. 2. The Banach-Mackey theorem. Let <E2, Fx> be a dual system; then this theorem says that a Banach disk in E± resp. E2 is always strongly bounded (§ 20, 11.(3)). It follows that in a locally convex space E weakly bounded and ^-bounded sets coincide and that, if E is sequentially com- plete, even weakly bounded and strongly bounded sets in E resp. E' coincide. It is easy to find the generalizations of these results for the spaces £(E, F). (1) Let E, F be locally convex. Then every simply bounded subset P of £,(E, F) is Zb*-bounded. If P is simply bounded, then for every хе E and every equicontinuous set N <= F' sup |г(Лх)| = sup |(Л'г)х| < 00. AeP,veN Hence the set (J A'(N) is weakly bounded in E'. If M is strongly bounded AeP in E, it follows that sup |(Л'г)х| = sup |г(Лх)| < 00• AeP, veN, xeM But this means A(M) <= p№ for all A e P; thus P is bounded in £b*(E, F). Using the Banach-Mackey theorem we obtain two corollaries. (2) Let E, F be locally convex. Then every simply bounded subset P of £(F, F) is bounded for the uniform convergence on Banach disks. We say that a locally convex space E is locally complete if every bounded subset is contained in a Banach disk. E is locally complete if it is sequentially complete. (3) If E is sequentially complete or locally complete, then every simply bounded subset P of £(F, F) is ^-bounded. As a special case of (3) we obtain the so-called “principle of uniform boundedness”: (4) Let E be a (Wy space, F a normed space. A subset P of £(F, F) is Xb-bounded, i.e., sup ||Л|| < oo, if and only if sup ||Лх|| < oo for every AeP AeP хе E.
136 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings This is nothing new; we proved this theorem even more directly in § 15, 13.(2'). For a single continuous linear mapping the Banach-Mackey theorem implies (5) Let E or Fbe sequentially complete or locally complete and A e £(F, F). Then if B± is a bounded subset of E and B2 any weakly bounded subset of F', sup |г(Лх)| < °0- Proof. It follows from the assumptions that either B± (and therefore Л(ВХ)) is strongly bounded or that B2 is strongly bounded. We prove now a similar result for bounded sets of mappings which is sharper than (1) for the spaces £(£s, Fs). (6) Let P be a subset of £(ES, Fs). If sup |г(Лх)| = p(v, x) < oo for every x e E, v e F', AeP then (7) sup |i>G4x)| = a(N, M) < oo AeP,veN,xeM for every strongly bounded set N <= F', M <= E. Or, equivalently, every simply bounded subset P of £(ES, Fs) is also bounded in £bM*(Fs, Fs). Proof. It follows from (1) that a simply bounded subset P <= £(ES, Fs) is £b*-bounded; hence (J A(M) is (weakly) bounded in F for every 4eP strongly bounded M <= E. But every bounded subset of Fis also Ib»-bounded in F; thus (7) is satisfied. As a corollary we obtain (8) Let E and F be sequentially complete or locally complete. Then every simply bounded subset of £(ES, Fs) is bounded in £,btb(Es, Fs), i.e., sup |г(Лх)| < AeP,veN,xeM where N is weakly bounded in F', M bounded in E. 3. Equicontinuous sets. We proved in § 15, 13.(1) that a set H c £(F, F) is uniformly equicontinuous if it is equicontinuous at the point o; for simplicity we will call such a set “equicontinuous.” This means that for every neighbourhood V of о in F there exists a neighbourhood U of о in E such that A(U) <= V for all A e H or H(U) = u A(U) с V. AeH
3. Equicontinuous sets 137 We remark that the absolutely convex cover of an equicontinuous set is again equicontinuous. (1) Every equicontinuous subset H of £(E, F) is bounded for every locally convex topology on £(E, F). Proof. Let U(M, V), M bounded, be a lan-neighbourhood of о in &n(E, F). By assumption there exists in E a neighbourhood U of о such that H(U) <= V. Since M is bounded in E, M <= pU for some p > 0 and it follows that py or H <= pU(M, V); thus H is I^-bounded. We recall that the theorem of Banach (§ 15, 13.(2)) states, conversely, that a simply bounded set H <= £(E, F) is equicontinuous if E is complete metrizable and F is any topological vector space. We obtain now the following general theorem for the locally convex case. (2) Let E be barrelled, F locally convex. A subset H of £(E, F) is equi- continuous if and only if it is simply bounded. The condition is necessary by (1). Assume now Я to be simply bounded and xe E. Then there exists p = p(x, V) > 0 such that pAx e V for all A e H, ka given neighbourhood of о in F. Hence the set В = Q A(~iy(F) AeH is absorbing in E. If V is absolutely convex and closed, then В has these properties too; thus В is a barrel in E. Hence В is a neighbourhood of о in E and it follows from H(B) <= V that H is equicontinuous. We remark that the class of barrelled spaces is the maximal class of locally convex spaces E for which (2) remains true: Assume (2) to be true for the space E and all locally convex spaces F. If we take F = K, then £(E, К) = E' and it follows from (2) that every weakly bounded subset of E' is equicontinuous. But then the topology on E is the strong topology and E is barrelled. (3) Let E be quasi-barrelled, F locally convex. A subset H of £(E, F) is equicontinuous if and only if it is Xb-bounded. If H is Ib-bounded and M a bounded subset of E, then there exists P = p(M, V) > 0 such that PA(M) <= V for all AeH. The set В = Q 24(-1)(F) is for V absolutely convex and closed again a barrel which AeH absorbs now all bounded sets; В is therefore a neighbourhood of о in E and H is equicontinuous since H(B) c y. Since a locally convex space E is quasi-barrelled if and only if the equicontinuous sets in E' coincide with the strongly bounded subsets, the class of quasi-barrelled spaces is the maximal class of spaces E for which (3) is true. Recall that every bornological space is quasi-barrelled (§ 28. 1.(1)).
138 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings We give a dual characterization of equicontinuous sets. By H' we denote the set of all A' e £(F', E's), where AeH. (4) H <= £(F, F) is equicontinuous if and only iffor every equicontinuous set N <= F' the set H'(N) is equicontinuous in E'. Let V be an absolutely convex and closed neighbourhood of о in F. If H is equicontinuous there exists an absolutely convex and closed neigh- bourhood U of о in E such that HfU) V. By polarity, using § 32, 1.(9), we obtain Я'(И°) ° thus the condition is necessary. Conversely, if V° is the given equicontinuous set in F' and <= U°, using polarity again we have H(U) <z J/; hence the condition is sufficient. Again for arbitrary locally convex E, F we have (5) H <= £(F, F) is Zb-bounded if and only if H' is equicontinuous in W, Eb). If H is ^-bounded and В is a given absolutely convex and closed bounded subset of E, then H(B) <= C, where C is an absolutely convex and closed bounded subset of F. By polarity we obtain <= B° and this is the equicontinuity of H'. Using polarity again we obtain H(B) <= C; thus the condition is also sufficient. We note the following corollaries. (6) Let E be quasi-barrelled, F locally convex. H <= £(F, F) is equi- continuous if and only if H' is equicontinuous in £,(F'b, Eb). This is a consequence of (3) and (5). (7) Let E be quasi-barrelled and sequentially complete or locally com- plete, F locally convex. H <= £(F, F) is simply bounded if and only if H' is equicontinuous in £,(F'b, Eb). This follows immediately from (3) and 2.(3). 4. Weak compactness. Metrizability. We recall that an equicontinuous subset of E' is always weakly relatively compact. This is the Alaoglu- Bourbaki theorem (§ 20, 9.(4)). We will see that this is no longer true for equicontinuous subsets Я of a space £(F, F). We proved in § 21, 3.(3) that on an equicontinuous set M in E' the topologies IS(F) and IS(7V) coincide, where Я is a total subset of E. The proof uses the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem. Nevertheless, the result is true in general. (1) Let H be an equicontinuous subset of £(F, F) and let N be a total subset of E. Then the topology Xs of simple convergence on E and the topology <XS(N) of simple convergence on N coincide on H.
4. Weak compactness. Metrizability 139 Proof. Since equicontinuous sets remain equicontinuous by transla- tion, we may assume that о e Я, so that we have to compare only neighbourhoods of о in H. Let M be a finite subset {x19..., xn} of E, V an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in F, and U(M, V) the corresponding ^-neighbour- hood. It will be sufficient to determine a finite subset G of N and a p > 0 such that H n U(G, PV) <= U(M, V). There exists U о in E such that H(U) <= К Since N is total in E, there exist linear combinations z< = 2 аи<Угк of elements yik e N such k=l that Xi — zf g |E for i = 1,..., n. We now define G to be the set of all yik and put p = l/2(r, where ст > 0 is such that zf e стГ”G for all i = 1,..n. Then if A e U(G, pV) we obtain Azt and from A e H it follows that A(Xi — e Thus Ax{ e V for all A e H r\ U(G, pV) and (1) is proved. Our next theorem is a straightforward generalization of § 21, 6.(2). (2) Let H be an equicontinuous subset of £(E, F). Then the topologies Xs and Xc coincide on H. Again we assume о e H. We consider a ^-neighbourhood E(C, K) of o, where C is a precompact subset of E and V is an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in E Let U be a neighbourhood of о in E such that H(U) <= V. Since C is precompact, there exists M = {x19..., xn} <= E such that C <= IJ (*t + We define now the ^-neighbourhood U(M, %V) and the statement will follow from U(C, V) =э H n U(M, %V). Let A be in H n U(M, |F). An arbitrary element у of C has the form у = xk + z, ze-JE, therefore Ay = Axk + Aze^V + = V. Thus A e E(C, K). We recall from 1. that £S(E, F) can be considered as a subspace of LS(E, F) which is isomorphic to a topological product FA. (3) Let H be an equicontinuous subset of £(E, F) and let H be the closure of H in LfE, F). Then H <= £(E, F) and H is again equicontinuous. Let Ao be an adherent point of H in LfE, F). If V is an absolutely convex and closed neighbourhood of о in F, then there exists a neighbour- hood U => о in E such that H(U) <= V. For each fixed x e U the element Aox is an adherent point of H(x) in F. Since V is closed, AQx e V. Hence A0(U) <= V and the result follows. (4) Let E, F be locally convex and F quasi-complete. Assume that 9Л covers E. Then every closed equicontinuous subset H of £эл(Е, F) is complete in &ir(E, F).
140 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings Proof. LS(E, F) = F* is quasi-complete as a topological product of quasi-complete spaces. Hence the weak closure Я of Я in LS(E, Ff which is bounded, is ^-complete. By (3) Я <= £s(£, F). From 1.(6) and § 18, 4.(4) it follows that Я is ^-complete. Since Я <= Я is ^-closed, H is ^-complete. We are now able to prove Grothendieck’s generalization of the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem. (5) Let £, F be locally convex. The following properties of Q(E9 F) are equivalent: a) every equicontinuous subset H of £(£, £) is relatively ^-compact; b) every bounded subset of F is relatively compact. Proof, b) a). The closure Я of Я in £S(E, F) is equicontinuous by (3) and complete by (4). Since every bounded subset of FA is relatively ^-compact, Я is ^-compact in £(£, £). a) b). We use an indirect proof and assume that £ contains a bounded but not relatively compact subset B. We will construct an equi- continuous subset H <= £(£, £) which is not relatively ^-compact. For every у e £ let u0 0 у be the linear mapping of £ in £ defined by (w0 0 y)x = (uox)y, where uQ / ° is a fixed element of £'. Let H be the set of all u0 0 y9 у e B. H is equicontinuous: Given a neighbourhood V о in F, there exists P > 0 such that aB <= у for all a, |a| p. If Я is a neighbourhood of о in £ such that |wox| p for all x e Я, then (u0 0 y)(U) = u0(U)y с V for all у e £; thus Я is equicontinuous. Я is not relatively Xs-compact: Choose xQ e £ such that woxo / 0- The map A Ax0 of £S(E, F) in Fis continuous (1.(5)), so if Я were relatively Xs-compact, then Я(х0) would be relatively compact in F. But since Я(х0) = (иохо)В, this is not the case; thus Я is not relatively ^-compact. We now prove some results on metrizability and separability. (6) Suppose that SR is saturated. Then £®?(£, F) is metrizable if and only if F is metrizable and there exists a sequence <= M2 <=•••, Mk e SR, such that every set M is contained in some Mk. Proof. If the conditions are satisfied and V1'=> V2 • • • is a neigh- bourhood base of о in F, then the Я(МЬ yt)9 i = 1, 2,..., constitute a ^-neighbourhood base of о in £®t(£, F). Assume now that£an(E, F) is metrizable. Recall from the proof of 1.(2') that Е'Ряи] is isomorphic to a subspace of £$n(£, F). Hence Е'[Тзл] is metrizable. Let Ях Я2 => • • • be a neighbourhood base of о in £'[X®i]; then the polars Mx = <= M2 = U2 <= • • • in E are in SR and every set M g SR is contained in some Mk.
5. The Banach-Steinhaus theorem 141 Similarly, F is isomorphic to a subspace of £эд(Е, F) and therefore metrizable: Let u0 / ° be a fixed element of E'; then we define for every у e F the map (w0 ® y)x = uQ(x)y. Let G be the subspace of £яи(Е, E) consisting of all u0 ® y. The correspondence и0 ® у -> у is an algebraic isomorphism of G onto F. Let К be a closed absolutely convex neighbour- hood of о in Eand M e SR. Then G n U(M, V) consists of all и0 ® у such that py g F, p = sup | wox|. Hence the isomorphism is topological. xeM (7) Let E be separable, F metrizable. Then the topology of simple convergence is metrizable on every equicontinuous subset H of £(E, E). Let N be a countable set dense in E and ZS(N) the topology of simple convergence on N. It follows from (6) that £(E, F) is metrizable for XS(N) and from (1) that H is metrizable for Xs. (8) If E and F are separable and N is a countable dense set in E, then £(E, E) is separable for the topology ZS(N). Proof. Let P be a countable set dense in F. If Na = {x15 ..., xk} is a finite subset of N and P$ a finite sequence zb ..., zk of elements of P, there exists a mapping Aa(3 e £(E, F) such that Aa(3Xt = z<, i = 1, ...,&, as can easily be seen. The set 21 of all these Aa/3 is countable and Xs(W)-dense in £(E, E): Let A e £(E, E) and U(Na, F) be given, V a neighbourhood of о in F. If Axi = yt for Xi e Na, there exists z^P such that уг — z< e F. For Pp the sequence zb..., zk it follows that (A — Aafi)xt = yt — zf e V or that Aafi e A + U(Na, F). (9) Let E be separable and F separable and metrizable. Then every equicontinuous subset H of &(E, F) is separable and metrizable for the topology <ZS. Let N <= E be countable and dense. By (8) £(E, E) and hence H is X;(7V)-separable. But ^XS(7V) and Xs coincide on H by (1). Xs is metrizable on H by (7). 5. The Banach-Steinhaus theorem. The classical theorem (§ 15, 13.(3)) considers sequences of continuous linear mappings of a complete metrizable space into a topological vector space. The general theorem for locally convex spaces is now an easy consequence of previous results. (1) Let E be barrelled and F locally convex. Let Aa, a e A, be a net in £(E, E) such that for every xe E the net Aax is bounded in F and converges to an element Aox e F. Then Ao e fl(E, F) and the convergence of Aa to Ao is uniform on every precompact set in E, Aa —> Ao in йс{Е, F).
142 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings Proof. The set H of all Aa is equicontinuous by 3.(2). Ao is, as the Ts-limit of the net Aa, in H <= £(£, F) and by 4.(3) Ao e £(£, £). Finally, by 4.(2) Aa converges to Ao in the topology Xc. We give a second version of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem. (2) Let E be barrelled, F locally convex and complete. Let Aa, at \ be a simply bounded net in й(Е, F) such that Aax is a Cauchy net in F for all x of a total subset N of £. Then Aa ^-converges to a mapping Ao e £(£, £). The set Я of all Aa is again equicontinuous and Aa is a Ts(;V)-Cauchy net in H <= £(£, £). It follows from 4.(1) that Aa is a Cauchy net for the topology Zs. Since £s(£, £) <= £s(£, F) = FA and FA is complete, the net Aa has a limit Ao in LfE, £). By 4.(3) Ao is in £(£, F) and, again by 4.(2), Ao is the Xc-limit of Aa. Remark 1. In (2) it is sufficient to suppose that F is sequentially complete if we consider a simply bounded sequence An which is ^XS(7V)- Cauchy. Remark 2. If one supposes in (1) and (2) only that £ is quasi- barrelled, then one has to assume that the net Aa is Xb-bounded in £(£, F) to obtain similar results (compare 3.(3)). The exact formulation is left to the reader. Remark 3. Husain [2'] calls a locally convex space £ countably barrelled if every weakly bounded subset of £' which is the union of countably many equicontinuous sets is itself equicontinuous. This is equivalent to the following property of £: Every barrel which is the inter- section of countably many absolutely convex closed neighbourhoods of о is itself a neighbourhood of o. The Banach-Steinhaus theorem in both versions (1) and (2) is true for sequences An e £(£, F) if £ is countably barrelled. One has only to show that the set H of all An is equicontinuous; the rest of the proof remains the same. If we look at the proof of 3.(2), we see 00 that В = P| Лр1)(К) is a barrel which is the intersection of countably n = 1 many absolutely convex closed neighbourhoods of о in £ and therefore a neighbourhood of о in £; hence H is equicontinuous. 6 6. Completeness. If £ is a normed space and F a (B)-space, then £b(£, F) is complete, as we proved in § 14, 6.(5). The completeness of £$n(£, F), in general, does not even depend on the completeness of £. (1) Let E be locally convex, F locally convex and complete. Then £$n(£, £) is isomorphic to й^{Ё, F), where SR denotes the class of subsets of Ё consisting of all closures M in Ё of the sets M e SR.
6. Completeness 143 Proof. Every Ле£(Е, F) has a uniquely determined continuous extension A from E to Ё and the topologies Зэд and 2Ж on £(Д F) obviously coincide. In contrast to this we obtain (2a) Let E, F be locally convex. If ftm(E, F) is complete, then F is complete. By 1.(2') F is isomorphic to a complemented, hence closed, subspace of £яп(Е, F). This implies the completeness of F. Therefore, if we are interested in complete spaces £эд(Е, F), we have to assume that F is complete. One obtains a second necessary condition as a consequence of 1.(2'). (2b) Let E, Fbe locally convex. If £эд(Е, F) is complete, then Е'[2лщ] is complete. These two necessary conditions are sufficient in many cases, as the following theorem of Grothendieck [11] shows. (3) Let E, F be locally convex and assume that the topology on E is the Mackey topology. If^Ti is a class of bounded subsets of E which covers E and if F and Е'[2лщ] are complete, then £эд(Е, F) is complete. Proof. Let Aa, ae A, be a Cauchy net in £®i(E, F). Then Aax is a Cauchy net in Fby 1.(5) and has a limit AQx since Fis complete. Obviously, Ao e L(E, F). Since Aa is a Cauchy net for the convergence Aa -> Ao is uniform on every M e SR. It will be sufficient to show that Ao is weakly continuous, since weak continuity implies continuity because the topology on E is Mackey’s topology. Ao is weakly continuous if A'ov e E' for every reF. Since Aa-^A0 uniformly on every Me SR, it follows that ua = A'av e E' converges uniformly on every M e SR to u0 = A'ov. Since Е'[2лщ] is complete, u0 e E'. We remark that we may replace the assumption that E has Mackey’s topology by the weaker assumption that £(E, F) contains all weakly continuous linear mappings of E in F The proof remains unchanged. We remark further that if we assume Fonly to be quasi-complete in (3), then £эд(Е, F) is quasi-complete. The proof remains the same; we have only to consider Cauchy nets Aa which are bounded in E. As a special case we obtain (4) If E is bornological, F is complete (quasi-complete) locally convex, and SR contains all sets consisting of local null sequences in E, then £эд(Е, F) is complete (quasi-complete). The topology of a bornological space E coincides always with 3fc(E') (§ 28, 1.) and Е'[3яп] is complete by § 28, 5.(1).
144 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings (4) can be proved directly in a simpler way: As in the proof of (3), one shows that Ла-> Ao uniformly on every M eSR; hence Ao is continuous on every M, especially on every local null sequence, and from § 28, 3.(4) it follows that Ao is continuous. (5) IfE is barrelled, F is quasi-complete, and SR covers E, then fyfji(E, F) is quasi-complete. If E is quasi-barrelled, F is quasi-complete, then &b(E, F) is quasi- complete. Proof. Let E be barrelled and Я a closed bounded subset of £эд(E, F). Then H is simply bounded and equicontinuous by 3.(2). H is complete by 4.(4). The second result follows similarly from 3.(3). (6) If E is a (DF)-space and F complete, then &b(E, F) is complete. Proof. A Cauchy net Aa has a Xs-limit Ao ^L(E, F) which is con- tinuous on the bounded sets of E. From § 29, 3.(7) it follows that Ao is continuous on E and therefore in £(E, F). We are now interested in the completion of a space £sr(F, F). For the simple topology we obtain (7) The completion of QS(E, F), F complete, is LS(E, F). As we have seen in 1., £S(E, F) is a subspace of LfE, F) and LS(E, F) = FA is complete as a topological product of complete spaces. It remains to prove that £(E, F) is Xs-dense in LS(E, F). But this follows easily from the fact that for AoeL(E, F) there always exists A e £(E, F) such that Axi = AqXi for a finite set of given elements xt e E. For the general case we reproduce a construction of Adasch [6'] which generalizes a result of A. and W. Robertson [2']. We assume again that F is complete and that SR covers E and we consider £®t(E, F). Let G be a subspace of L = L(E, F). We denote by G(M, V) the set of all A e G such that Л(М) <= к, where M e SR and К is a neighbourhood of о in F. We define (8) H = (£(£•, F) + L(M, K)). MeSLR, V Clearly, £(E, F) = £ <= H <= L. It is easy to check that Я is a linear subspace of L. We define the topology Хэд on H by taking all sets H(M, V) as neighbourhoods of о in H. By checking the proof of 1.(1) we see that Хэд is a locally convex topology on H if we show that every set H(M, V) is absorbing in H.
7. The dual of £S(E, F) 145 Suppose Ao e Я; then by (8) Ao = + A2, A± e £, A2 e L(M, V/2). Obviously, A2e H and Ao — A2 = Ar is contained in pH(M9 K/2) for some p 1. Therefore Ao = A, + A2ep(2H(M, K/2)) <= PH(M9 V); thus H(M9 V) is absorbing and Я [Хэл] locally convex and contains £яп(Е, F) as a subspace. (9) Я [Хэл] is the completion of £эл(Е, E). We prove first that £ is dense in H. Let Ao e H and H(M9 V), V abso- lutely convex, be given. Again Ao = A± + A2, A± e £, A2eH(M, 7); hence Ar = Ao — A2e Ao + Н(М, V) and £ is dense in H. Secondly, we have to show that Я [Хэл] is complete. A Хэл-Cauchy net Aa in H has a pointwise limit Ao in L(E, E). We have to prove that Ao e H and that Aa converges to Ao in the sense of Хэл- Let V be absolutely convex and closed. Then L(M, V) is Xs-closed in L(E, E). There exists a0 such that Aa — A0 e Н(М, V) L(M, V) for a, p a0- For the pointwise limit Ao it follows that Ao — A0 e L(M9 V) for p a0. Hence Ao e A^ + Е(М, И) = A<f> + A^ + Е(М, F), e £, 42)e£(M, K), and thus Ao e £ + L(M, 27). This and (8) imply that Ao e H and, since Ao — A0 e H(M9 V) for P a0, the net Aa Хэл-соп- verges to Ao. The result of A. and W. Robertson is the special case £эл(Е, E) = Е'[Хэл]. (10) Let E be locally convex and suppose that 9Л covers E. Then the completion of Е'[Хэл] is the intersection Q (E' + M°)9 where M° is the polar of M taken in the algebraic dual E*. 7 7. The dual of £S(E, E). We give a concrete representation of the dual of £S(E, E) for arbitrary locally convex spaces E, E. For x e E, v e F'9 <w, A) = v(Ax) defines a continuous linear func- tional w on £S(E, E), as follows immediately from the definition of Xs on £(E, F). More generally, all the expressions (1) <w, Л> = 2 vi(^xi)> xi e E, vtE F'9 define elements w of (fls(E, F))'. We prove now that every continuous linear functional has such a representation. The proof of 6.(7) shows that £S(E, E) is dense in LfE9 F); hence £S(E, F)' = LS(E9 F)'. We saw in 1. that LS(E9 F) is isomorphic to FA in such a way that every A eUf F) is represented as an element C4-Xa)aeAj where is linear l^ase • TThe du&l. is a? cc ? aeA
146 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings and thus every w e (FA)' is of the form <w, = 2 ^a{G4*ai), which proves our statement. We have to use the tensor product to obtain from (1) the isomorphic representation of L's. The correspondence (v9 x) —> v(Ax) is a bilinear mapping of F' x E into £'. By § 9, 7.(2) it defines a linear mapping of F’ ® E into L's given by 2 vi ® xi where w is defined by (1). This mapping is onto, as we have proved. We prove that it is also one-one. An element / о of Ff ® E can be r written as 2 vi ® хь r > 0, where the e F' and the xt e E are linearly independent (§ 9, 6.(8)). Let ук9 к = 1,..., r, be elements of F such that ^Ук = ^ik for all z, к = 1,..., r (§ 9, 2.(7a)). Since L(E, F) consists of all linear mappings of E in F, there exists Ao e L(E, F) such that A0Xi = yi9 i = 1,..., r. It follows that <w, Ao) = 2 vi(^oxi) = r 0. This con- i = l eludes the proof of (2) Let E9 F be locally convex. Then the dual of £S(E, F) can be identified with F’ ® E if we define the linear functionals by the formula Vi ® X‘>A/> = 2 V<(AXi) for V vt ® xt e F’ ® E and A e £(E, F). i = l As a corollary we obtain (3) Let E, F be locally convex and a saturated class of relatively weakly compact subsets of E which covers E. Then the dual of £$щ(Е, Fs) is F’ ® E. Obviously, £эд(Е, Fs) = fyfji(ES9 Fs) and this can be written as 2$n,s(ES9 Fs) in the sense defined in 1. By 1.(8) 2^ifS(ES9 Fs) is isomorphic to £s.an(F', E's) by transposition. Now QS(F'S9 Е'[%щ]) <= £s,an(F', E's) <= LS(F'S9 E'[%m]); hence QS(F'S9 E'[%m]) is dense in £s>9n(F', ЕЭ and both have the same dual. By (2) the dual to £S(F'S9 Е'[2лщ]) is E ® F'9 since (E'[%n])' = E. To the isomorphism A -> A of £эд(Е, Fs) onto £s,®t(F', E') corres- ponds the isomorphism w -> w' of the continuous linear functionals given by <>', A’> = <^2, Xi ® Vi’ A’^ = 2 Xi(A'Vi) = 2 Vi(AXi) = <2v' ®Xi’A^ = A^’ which proves our statement.
8. Some structure theorems 147 This is our first example of the determination of the dual of a space of linear mappings, which is in general a rather difficult task. The notion of the tensor product of vector spaces arises quite naturally in the discussion and the later investigation of this notion has here its first motivation. 8. Some structure theorems. We studied in § 22, 7. the duals of locally convex hulls and kernels and their topologies. We consider now the more general situation of £(E, E), where E or Eis a locally convex hull or kernel. Let E be the locally convex hull E = J Aa(JEa) and F locally convex. a A linear mapping В of E in F is continuous if and only if all BAa are continuous linear mappings of Ea in F (§ 19, 1.(7)). If we define TaB = BAa, then Ta is a linear mapping of £(E, F) in £(Ea, F) and £(E, F) is, in the sense of § 19, 6., the kernel К T<-X)(£(Ea, E)) of the Tj“X)(£(Ea, E)). We assume now that the £(Ea, E) have topologies Хэда, where SRa is a class of bounded subsets of Ea. Then again in the sense of § 19, 6. £(E, E) will be the locally convex kernel К Т<-1)(£эла(Еа, E)) and the kernel a topology I of £(E, E) can easily be determined: A Хэ^-neighbourhood Wa of о in £япа(Еа, E) consists of all Ba such that Ba(Mf) <= Va9 where Ma e 5Ra and Va is a neighbourhood of о in E. Hence the corresponding X-neighbourhood Т^~1У(И^а) consists of all В such that B(Aa(Ma)) <= Va. The finite intersections of the T^^Wa) determine a X-neighbourhood base of о in £(E, E). From this follows (1) Let E be the locally convex hull E = J Ла(Еа), E locally convex, a Let SRa be a class of bounded subsets of Eafor every a and let SR be the class of all finite unions of sets contained in |J Ла(Ш1а). Then £эд(Е, E) is the a locally convex kernel of all the T{a~ 1)(£<та(Еа, E)), where TaB = BAa for В e £(E, E). We remark that X$n = Xs if all Хэла = Xs. We state two corollaries. 2 3 (2) If E = © Ea and Flocally convex, then &wi(E, E) = П £эда(Еа, E), a a where SR is the class of all finite unions of sets contained in IJ SRa. a For = Is, Ifc, for all a, we have = Xs, 2^, respectively. (3) Let H be a closed subspace of E and К be the canonical mapping of E onto E/H. Then F) = К 77< “ 1>(£ял(Д F)), where = F(3R) and ТВ = BKfor В e &E/H, F).
148 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings T is an isomorphic injection of Q$i(E/H9 F) onto the subspace of £эд(Е, F) consisting of all A vanishing on H. The situation is more involved if we assume E to be a locally convex kernel. We suppose first that E is a topological product П Ea and F locally a convex. Let В be an element of £(E, F), Ba the restriction of В to Ea, Pa the projection of E onto Ea. Then for x = (xa) e E we have Baxa = (BP^x and BaPa = BPa is in £(E, F). If only finitely many Ba are / o, then Д Ba{ e © and В = Д BaiPai e £(E, F). Thus we have (4) £ (П => © \ a J a But in general © £(Ea, F)Fa is a proper subspace of £(П Ea, F). This is illustrated by the following example. Let E = F = ш and let us write w as П Kn, where Kn is the scalar U=1 oo field K. Then every В e © £(Kn, o>) has finite dimensional range, but the n= 1 identity mapping from £(<o, w) does not. But there is a case in which we have equality in (4). (5) Let E be the topological product Y\Ea of a class of locally convex a spaces Ea and F a locally convex space with a fundamental sequence Ci ° C2 ° - • of bounded subsets. Then Ж F) = И = © Ж«, \ a J a Assume that there exists a В e £(E, F) such that infinitely many restrictions Ean, n = 1,2,..., are different from o. Then there exist xan e Ean such that yn = Banxan = Bxan ф Cn for every n. The set N of all xan is a bounded subset of П Ea, but B(N), the set of all yn, is by construction unbounded in F, which contradicts the continuity of B. Hence £(E, F) c= © £(Ea, F)Fa and (5) follows from (4). The topological situation is even more complicated. If SRa is a class of bounded subsets of Ea defining the topology Хэда on £(Ea, F), then it is natural to introduce on E = П Ea the class SR of bounded subsets con- sisting of all products M = П Ma e SRa. We denote the topology Хал on £(E, F) by X and the hull topology on © £эда(Еа, F) by X'. a (6) Under the assumptions of (5) the topology X' of © £$na(Ea, F) is a finer than the topology X of £эд(Е, F).
8. Some structure theorems 149 Let W = W(M, V) be a X-neighbourhood of о in £WF, F), where M = П Ma e Wla, and И a neighbourhood of о in F. Let Wa be the neighbourhood W(Ma, K) in £эда(Еа, K). Then W' = Wa is a X'-neigh- a bourhood of о in © 2уяа(Еа, F). It is sufficient to prove W' <= W. An element of W' has the form ^caBa, BaEWa, 2Ы 1. Hence 2 caBa(Ma) <= V. For the corresponding В e £(E, F) we obtain B(M) = 2 caBaPa(M) = 2 caBa(Ma) <= V; hence W' <= W. For our next proposition we need the following lemma on (DF)-spaces. (7) Let Vn, n = 1, 2,..be a sequence of absolutely convex closed neighbourhoods of о in the (DF)-space F. Then there exist pn > 0, n = 1, 00 2,..., such that V = Q pnVn is a neighbourhood of о in F. n= 1 Using condition b) of the definition of a (DF)-space (§ 29, 3.), we see that it is sufficient to prove that V absorbs every set of a fundamental sequence Q <= C2 ° • • of bounded subsets of F We choose pn such that pnVn ==> Cn (==> Cn-1 =>...□ Q for и = 1, /с-1 2,.... Then there exists a <jk9 0 < vk 1, such that Q pnVn ==> <jkCk and n = l it follows that Q pnVn = F => vkCk9 which proves the statement. n= 1 (8) Let E be the topological product П En of countably many locally n = 1 convex spaces En and F a (fTF^-space. Then £эд(Е, F) and © 2уяп(Еп, F) n=l are isomorphic. In particular, £b(E, F) = © £b(En, F) and £c(£, F) = © £c(En, F). n=1 n=1 Since we proved in (6) that X' is finer than X, we have to show that every X'-neighbourhood W' of о contains a X-neighbourhood of o. Recalling § 18, 5.(8), we can assume that W' is of the form © Wn, where n= 1 Wn = W(Mn, Vnf Mn e 9Jln, and Vn is an absolutely convex and closed neighbourhood of о in F. Applying (7) to the sequence of neighbourhoods Vn, we obtain Fn) = W(PnMn, PnVn) о W(PnMn, F) and it follows that W’ © W(pnMn, F). Hence it is sufficient to n= 1 consider X'-neighbourhoods of the form Wf = © W{Mn, F). n = l
150 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings Define W = W(M, V)9 where M = П Mn c E. Then PFis a X-neigh- n = 1 bourhood of о in £(E, F). Let В be in W; then Pn(M) = Mn <= M and к BPn(M) = Bn(Mn) <= V. Hence <= W(Mn. V) and 2 Pn, the element n = 1 corresponding to B, lies in W'. Thus W <= W'. We remember from § 19, 6.(4) that a subspace Я of a locally convex space E can be written as a special case of a locally convex kernel, H = К J(-1)(E), where Jis the injection of Я into E. From analogy one would expect the relation (9) £(Я, F) = £(E, F) J for any locally convex F. We prove (9) for a complemented subspace Я. Let E be Я © and F, Fi be the projections of E onto Я resp. vanishing on resp. Я. Then from (1) follows £(E, F) = £(Я, F)F © £(Я1? F)P1. Multiplying by J from the right proves (9). Now we suppose only that Я is a closed subspace of E. If (9) were true, every A e £,(H, F) would have a representation A = BJ9 where В e £(E, F) is a continuous extension of A from Я to E. But such an extension exists for every Fif and only if Я is complemented in E (§ 38, 3.(1)). On the other hand, if Я is dense in E and if F is complete, then every A = BJ, where В is the uniquely determined extension of A from Я to £, and in this case (9) is true and J is an isomorphism of £(E, F) onto £(Я, F). We are now well prepared for the negative result in the general case of a locally convex kernel E = К A(a~ 1}(Ea). It can be identified with a a subspace £ of the topological product П Ea (§ 19, 6.) and for any locally a convex F we have £(E, F) => @ £(Ea, F)Aa. The elements of the direct „ a sum are restrictions to E of the elements of £(П Ea, F), but in general there will be many other mappings contained in £(E, F). We turn now to the dual situation and begin with the case that F is a locally convex kernel F = К Л(а-1)(Еа). A linear mapping В of a locally convex space E into F is continuous if and only if all mappings AaB are continuous, i.e., AaB e £(E, Fa) (§ 19, 6.(6)). Hence we have linear mappings Aa such that Aa£(E, F) <= £(E, Fa) and therefore £(E, F) = К A(a~ 1}(£(Е, Fa)) algebraically. In particular, £(E, П Eaj = П £(E, Fa) since every П Pa, Ba e £(E, Fa), obviously defines a continuous mapping of E in П Fa. Now let ЯЛ be a class of bounded subsets of E defining the topology Хэл on £(E, F) and the £(E, Fa). We prove that the kernel topology X on К A(a~ 1}(йэл(Е, Fa)) coincides with the topology Хэл on £(E, F). a
8. Some structure theorems 151 A neighbourhood Wa of о in £эл(Е, Fa) consists of all Ba such that Ba(M) <= Va, where МеЭИ and Va is a neighbourhood of о in Fa. The corresponding ^-neighbourhood A^^W^) consists of all В such that B(M) <= Л(а-1)(Ка); this is a Хяп-neighbourhood of о in £(E, F) and every ^-neighbourhood of о in £(E, F) contains a finite intersection of neigh- bourhoods of this type. This concludes the proof of (10) Let E be locally convex and F the locally convex kernel К A(a~ X)(Fa). a Let ЯЛ be a class of bounded subsets of E. Then &wi(E, F) is the locally convex kernel К A(a~ 1)(йдл(Е, Fa)). In particular, £an(E, П Fa j = П &n(E, Fa). If Я is a subspace of F, J the injection of H in F, then £эд(Е, H) = К</(-1)(£ед(Е, F)) and J(£au(E, H)) is the subspace of £an(E, F) consisting of all В with range in FL Next let F be a locally convex direct sum @ Fa. We have always a (11) яЯфГ.) => ©£(£,Fe), \ a / a к since for Bai e £(E, Fa<) the finite sum 2 Fai can be identified with an element of £(E, © Faj. But in general the equality sign in (11) is false. To see this take E = F = tp and write F = tp = @ Kn, Kn = K. The n= 1 equality sign in (11) would imply that every В e £(<?, tp) has a finite dimen- sional range, but this is not true for В the identity. Nevertheless, there is a counterpart to (8). (12) Let Ebe a metrizable locally convex space and F the locally convex OO direct sum © Fn of countably many locally convex spaces Fn. n= 1 Then 2b(E, F) s © 2b(E, FJ and Sic(E, F) © £c(£, Fn). n=l n=l We prove first that £(E, F) = © £(E, Fn). Let 5e£(E, F); then n = 1 Bn = PnB e £,(E, Fn), where Pn is the projection of F onto Fn. We have to prove that only a finite number of the Bn are different from o. Assume that this is not the case. Then there exists a sequence x}- e E such that Bn.x} / o, where nj -> oo. Since E is metrizable, there exist p}- > 0 such that the set C = {piXi, p2x2,...} is bounded in E. But B(C) is not bounded in F by § 18, 5.(4), in contradiction to the continuity of B. This settles the algebraic part and we remark that this proof remains valid also in the general case of any locally convex direct sum @ Fa.
152 § 39. Spaces of linear mappings For the second part of the proof we remark that if M19 M2,... is a sequence of bounded subsets of E, there exist pn > 0 such that M = 00 IJ pnMn is again bounded. The analogous statement for precompact n = l subsets Mn follows from § 21, 10.(3) in the same way. Let ЯЛ be in the following the class of bounded resp. precompact subsets of E. Let X be the topology of £^(E, F) and X' the topology of © £ед(Е, Fn). Let PF be a X-neighbourhood of о of the form W(M, V), n= 1 where M e 9И and V = © Vn, Vn a neighbourhood of о in Fn. It follows n = 1 again from § 18, 5.(8) that these V define a neighbourhood base of о in E к A Be W can be written as В = 2 PnB = 2 Fn, Bn e £(E, Fn), and from n= 1 B(M) <= © Vn follows Bn(M) <= vn or Bn e W(M, Vn). Since W = n= 1 °° fc ~ @ PF(M, Vn) is a X'-neighbourhood and every 2 Bn e W defines a В e PF, it follows that X' ==> X. 00 Conversely, let PF' = © PF(Mn, Fn) be a X'-neighbourhood (we use n = l again § 18, 5.(8)). We determine the pn > 0 in such a way that Q pnMn = M n = l is in 9И and let PF be the X-neighbourhood W^M, © pnFn.^ Then for £ ° PF we have Bn(M) <= PnFn, Bn(pnMn) <= PnFn, Bn(Mn) <= Fn; hence 2 Bn e Wf and X Zf. n We remark that if we assume E and the Fn in (11) to be (F)-spaces, then the statement that £(E, F) = © £(E, Fn) is a special case of n= 1 Grothendieck’s theorem, Theorem § 19, 5.(4). Its general form says that й(е, IJ Fn1 = |J £(E, Fn), where F = J Fn is the inductive limit of (F)-spaces Fn and E is an (F)-space. For an arbitrary locally convex space E and a locally convex hull F = 2 Aa(Fa) we always have £(E, F) @ Aa(£(E, Fa)), but equality « a will be an exception. We verify this statement in the simple case F/Я = KF, where К is the canonical homomorphism of F onto F/Я. £(E, FIH) = E(£(E, F)) would mean that every A e £(E, FIH) has a representation A = KB with В g £(E, F) (A is liftable in F). And this is true for every E if and only if Я is a complemented subspace of F (§ 38, 3.(6)). We indicate some examples. We use the notations and results of § 13, 5. and § 23, 5. on spaces of countable degree, especially that these spaces are all reflexive, so that their topology is always the strong topology.
1. Fundamental notions 153 Using (10) we obtain (13) = £dL,n kJ (Kn = К). \ n=l J n=l Using (2) we obtain (14) £(,(93,93) = fiJ© Kn, 93j ~ П £d(Kn, 93) ~ <093, \n=l J n=l (14) is also an immediate consequence of (13) and 1.(8). (15) *>) = £>(© Kn, <0) = П Wn, Ч s to. \n=l / n=l (16) £d(t0, 9>) = S>bL>, © kJ = © £b(to, Kn) by (12). \ n=l / n=l In the same way we obtain the following isomorphisms: £ь(9>, анр) _ акр, Qbfspi У§ * * * * ***) = coqxo, £ь(а>, axp) = £b(ct>, gxt>) <paxp and £b(<po>, <ры) 2^ анракр, and from this by 1.(8) £b(a><p, акр) ~ axpaxp. We are also able to settle the case £b(<pw, o><p), since 00 00 £d(93to, <093) ~ [“[ £d(ton, a><p) ~ (1093),, ~ <093; n=1 n = 1 but our methods fail in the case £b(<*xp, which remains undetermined. § 40. Bilinear mappings 1. Fundamental notions. Bilinear mappings and bilinear forms were briefly introduced in § 9, 7. and studied again for metrizable spaces in § 15, 14., where the important Theorem § 15, 14.(3) of Bourbaki was proved. We will now make a more systematic study of this topic which will become useful in the theory of tensor products. Nearly all results presented here are due to Bourbaki and Grothendieck. Let £, F, G be locally convex. We denote by B(E x F, G) the vector space of all bilinear mappings В of E x F in G and by B(E x F) the vector space of all bilinear forms mapping £ x F in K.
154 § 40. Bilinear mappings For В g B(E x F, G) we define Bx e L(F9 G) by Bx(y) = B(x9 y)9 x e E9 у e F9 and By e L(E9 G) by By(x) = F(x, у). Further, let В e L(E9 L(F9 G)) be defined by Bx = Bx and В e L(F9 L(E9 (7)) by By = By. Conversely, if В e L(E9 L(F9 G)), define В e B(E x F, G) by B(x, y) = (Bx)(y) = Bxy and, if В e L(F, L(E, G)), define В e B(E x F, G) by ' B(x, y) = (By)(x) = Byx. Hence the correspondences and B-+ В are one-one and onto and we obtain the algebraic isomorphisms (1) B(E x F9G) L(E9 L(F9 G)) L(F9 L(E9 G)), (1') B(E x F) L(F, F*) L(F, F*). We recall that a bilinear mapping В of E x F in G is continuous if it is continuous as a mapping of E x F in G or, as one says, if it is con- tinuous in both variables simultaneously. We denote the vector space of all continuous bilinear mappings of E x F in G by ^(F x F, G) and by ^(F x F) we denote the space of all continuous bilinear forms. It is obvious what equicontinuity of a set H of bilinear mappings means and by § 15, 14.(1) it is only necessary to check continuity or equi- continuity of bilinear mappings at the point (o, o) e F x F. В e B(E x F, G) is separately continuous if Bx and By are continuous for all x, y9 i.e., if Bx e £(F, G) and By e £,(E9 G) for all x, y. It is obvious that every continuous bilinear mapping is separately continuous. We denote the vector space of all separately continuous bilinear mappings of F x F in G by 93(F x F, G)9 and 93(F x F) denotes the space of all separately continuous bilinear forms. The correspondences B-+ B~+ В generate the following algebraic isomorphisms: (2) ®(F x F, G) £(F, S,s(F9 G)) £(F, £s(^, Q); (2') ®(F x F) £(F, F's) £(F, E'). Proof. Since 93(F x F, G) is symmetric in F and F, it will be sufficient to prove the first isomorphism in (2). a) If В e 93 (F x F, G), then В e L(E9 £(F, G)). We must show that В is continuous from F in £S(F9 G). Let <%(M9 W) be a given neighbourhood of о in £S(F, G)9 where M is a finite subset of F and W a neighbourhood of о in G. By separate continuity of В there exists a neighbourhood U of о in F such that B(U9 M) <= W. This means B(U)(M) <= W or, equivalently,
1. Fundamental notions 155 BX(M) <= W for all x e U, Hence Bx g PF) for all x e U. Thus B(U) <= ^(M, PK) and В e 2(E9 2s(F9 G)), b) If В e £(E, £8(Л <?)), then В e B(E x F9 G)9 where В is defined by B(x9 y) = B(x)(y). We must show that В is separately continuous. Obviously, Bx = B(x) e £,(F9 G). Let у be an element of F and ^({y}, W) a neighbourhood of о in £S(F9 (7). Since В is continuous, there exists a neighbourhood U of о in E such that B(U) <= ^({y}, W). This means B(x9 y)EW for all x e U or By(U) <= W and By e £(F, G). Remark. For bilinear forms the isomorphism £(E, F') £(F, E') of (2') consists in taking adjoints: By definition B(x9 y) = <y, Bx) = < J>, x) for all x e E and all у e F = (F'sy thus В = S'. The following example shows that in general a separately continuous bilinear form В will not be continuous. Let E be locally convex and of infinite dimension and let E' be its dual. We consider the canonical bilinear form B(u9 x) = их mapping E's x E on the scalar field К. В is separately continuous since Bu = ueE’ is continuous on E and Bx = x is weakly continuous on E'. But В is not continuous: Let U be an absolutely convex weak neigh- bourhood of о in E' and M a subset of E such that |wx| 1 for all и e U and all x e M. It follows that M is contained in t/° and therefore finite dimensional. Therefore M can never be a neighbourhood of о in E and В is not continuous. We now define a type of continuity for bilinear mappings which lies between separate continuity and continuity and was introduced by Bourbaki [2]. Let SR, 31 be classes of bounded subsets of E resp. Fwith the properties a), b) of § 39, 1. A separately continuous bilinear mapping В of E x Fin G is said to be SR-hypocontinuous if for every МеУН and every neighbourhood W of о in G there exists a neighbourhood V of о in F such that B(M9 V) <= PK. Note that В is SR-hypocontinuous if and only if for every M e SR the collection {BX9 x e M} is equicontinuous in £(F, G). Similarly, 3l-hypocontinuity of В means that the collection {By;y e N} is equicontinuous in £(E, G) for every N e 31. Finally, В is (SR, 3l)-hypocontinuous if it is both SR- and Sl-hypo- continuous. We remark that SR resp. St can be replaced by its saturated cover SR resp. St without changing the notion of hypocontinuity. This is an immediate consequence of the following proposition, (3) a) or b).
156 § 40. Bilinear mappings The strongest type of hypocontinuity occurs when SR and JI are the classes 93 of all bounded subsets of E resp. F. In this case we say that В is hypocontinuous. It is obvious that separate continuity and (5, 8?)-hypocontinuity are equivalent, where is the class of finite subsets. Every continuous bilinear mapping is SR-hypocontinuous and Sl-hypo- continuous for every class SR resp. SI. We denote the space of all SR-hypocontinuous resp. (SR, ^-hypo- continuous bilinear mappings of E x F in G by Х(<ЗЯ\Е x F, G) resp. Х(ал’^)(Е x у? q and by X(E x f q the space of all hypocontinuous bilinear mappings. For bilinear forms we use the notations Х(9Л)(^ x X(aJl,9l)(£ x F), and 3£(E x F). In (1) and (2) we characterized the linear mappings В and В corres- ponding to a bilinear resp. separately continuous bilinear mapping B. We have similar results for hypocontinuous mappings. (3) a) В g 93(E x F, G) is УЛ-hypocontinuous if and only if В maps F continuously in £эл(£, G). Therefore X(W(E x F, G) and £(F, £<jr(E, G)) are algebraically isomorphic. b) В g 93(E x F, G) is УЛ-hypocontinuous if and only if В maps every M g SR into an equicontinuous subset of £(F, G). Proof, a) If В g Х(9Л)(Е x F, G), then, given M g SR and Wb о in G, there exists Keo in F such that B(M, V) <= W. So <= W and thus B(V) is contained in the neighbourhood U(M, W) of о of £<jr(E, G). Therefore В g £(F, £<щ(Е, G)). Conversely, if J g £(F, £<щ(Е, G)), then, given U(M, Wf there exists V в O such that B(V) <= U(M9 W). So B(V)(M) <= W and E(M, V) <= W. Therefore В g X(9Ji)(E x F, G). b) B(M, V) <= IK if and only if F(M)(K) <= W. So В g X«(F x F, G) if and only if B(M) is an equicontinuous subset of £(F, G) for every M g SR. If we replace in the last argument M by a neighbourhood U of о of E we obtain for bilinear forms (4) В g 93 (E x F) is continuous if and only if В maps some neighbour- hood U of о in E into an equicontinuous subset of F' or if and only if В maps some neighbourhood V of о in F into an equicontinuous subset of E'. An important property of hypocontinuity is stated in (5) a) If Be Х(9Л)(Е x F, G), then В is continuous on every set M x F, МеУЛ.
2. Continuity theorems for bilinear maps 157 b) If В g Х(9Л,91)(Е x F, (7), then В is uniformly continuous on every set M x TV, Mg9JI, TVg 9L Proof, a) Let (x0, y^)E M x F. We must find neighbourhoods of o, U9 Kin E resp. F, such that B(x9 y) — B(x0, y0) g Wfor all (x, y) g (M x F) n ((x0, Xo) + (t/ x K)). We use the identity (6) B(x9 y) - B(x0, уо) = F(x, у - j>0) + B(x ~ x09 уо). Let W be a neighbourhood of о in G. Since В is 9Jl-hypocontinuous, there exists Vb о in E such that B(M9 V) <= hence B(x9 у — у0)е for x g M9 у — y0£ V. Since ByQ is continuous, there exists t/э о in E with B(U9 y0) <= fW. Thus if x g M9 x — x0 g t/, then B(x — x0, Xo) e |IK and from (6) follows B(x9 У) ~ £(*o> Xo) e for x e M9 x — xoe U9 у — уо g V9 which proves a). b) Let x, x be in M9 y9 у in TV. There exist neighbourhoods U9 V such that B(U9 N) <= iW and B(M9 V)c^. Then it follows from (6) that for x — x g U and у — у g V9 B(x9 y) - B(x9 y) g B(M9 V) + B(U9 N) c W9 and this is the uniform continuity of В on M x TV. Remark. We say that Eg93(Ex F, G) is sequentially con- tinuous if x(n) x(o) in E and y(n) -> /o) in F implies always E(x(n), j/n)) 2?(x(O), x(o)) in G. If the class ЯЛ of bounded subsets of E contains all convergent sequences (for instance, if ЯЛ is the class of all compact subsets of £), then it follows from (5) a) that every ЭИ-hypocontinuous bilinear mapping is sequentially continuous. Examples. 1) Let E be locally convex and B(u9 x) = их the canonical bilinear form on E'b x E. Then В is (9Л, SR)-hypocontinuous, where 9Л is the class of all equicontinuous subsets of Ef and Л the class of all bounded subsets of E. 2) If E is barrelled, then их is hypocontinuous on E'b x E. This is a special case of the previous example. 3) Let E be an (F)-space which is not a (B)-space. Then их is hypo- continuous and sequentially continuous on E'b x E. But их is not continuous: The neighbourhoods U of о in E are unbounded and therefore sup |wx| = oo ueB°,xeU for every U and every bounded subset В of E. 2. Continuity theorems for bilinear maps. We introduced different notions of continuity for bilinear mappings in 1. If we investigate not only one but a whole set of bilinear mappings, we will have to use the corres- ponding notions of equicontinuity.
158 § 40. Bilinear mappings Let Я be a family of separately continuous bilinear mappings Be %5(E x F, G). We say that Я is separately equicontinuous if the family {Bx, Be H} resp. {By, Be H} is equicontinuous in £(E, G) resp. £(E, G) for every x e E, у e F. Let SR be a class of bounded subsets of E. H is SR-equi hyp о con- tinuous if, given M еУЛ and РКэо in (7, there exists V => о in F such that B(M, V) c W for all В e H. If SR is a class of bounded subsets of E, then SR-equihypocontinuity is similarly defined. Я is (SR, Sl)-equihypocontinuous if it is both SR- and SLequihypo- continuous. H is equihypocontinuous if it is (®, 93)-equihypocon- tinuous, where 93 is the class of all bounded subsets. We recall the theorem of Bourbaki (§ 15, 14.(3)). It says in the locally convex case that a separately continuous bilinear mapping of a product of two (F)-spaces in a locally convex space is always continuous. It is possible to weaken the assumptions a little and to arrive at our first continuity theorem: (1) Let E and F be metrizable barrelled spaces and let G be locally convex. Then a) every В e 93 (E x E, G) is continuous, and b) a family H <= 5S(E x F, G) is equicontinuous if and only if the set H(x, у) = {E(x, у); В e H} is bounded in G for each fixed (x, у) e E x F. The proof is the same as for § 15, 14.(3) with the only difference that the theorem of Banach is used in the form § 39, 3.(2). A slightly different version of (1) is (2) Let E and F be metrizable barrelled spaces and G locally convex. A family H <= 5S(E x F, G) is equicontinuous if and only if it is separately equicontinuous. This follows easily from (1) b): Let H be separately equicontinuous and (x, y) e E x F given. Then to W э о in G there exists V э о in F such that E(x, V) <= W for all В e H. If у e pV, p > 0, then Я(х, у) e pW. Thus Я(х, у) is bounded in G and the condition of (1) b) is satisfied. We remark that, conversely, if this condition is satisfied, separate equi- continuity of H follows from the theorem of Banach (§ 39, 3.(2)). We will now drop the metrizability assumption and look at the case of general barrelled spaces. (3) Let F be barrelled and E, G locally convex. Then a) every separately continuous bilinear mapping В of E x F in G is
2. Continuity theorems for bilinear maps 159 ^-hypocontinuous, where ® is the class of all bounded subsets of E, and, more generally, b) every separately equicontinuous subset H of ®(£ x F, G) is %5-equi- hypocontinuous. Proof, a) By 1.(2) the corresponding mapping В of £ in £S(F, G) is continuous; thus the image B(M) of a bounded subset M of E is simply bounded in £S(F, G). By the theorem of Banach (§ 39, 3.(2)) B(M) is equicontinuous in £(F, G). Hence there exists V э о in F such that B(M)(V) = B(M, V) <= W, where IV во in G is given. But this is the S-hypocontinuity of B. b) The same proof will work if we show that the set H(M) = {Bx ; В e H, x e M} is simply bounded in £S(F, G). But this follows immediately from (4) Let H be a subset of ®(£ x F, G), E, F, G locally convex. If H is separately equicontinuous, then the corresponding set H in £(£, £S(F, G)) is equicontinuous. This can be proved by applying the arguments of part a) of the proof of 1.(2) to H instead of to В e ®(£ x F, G). As an immediate consequence of (3) we obtain the second continuity theorem: (5) Let E, F be barrelled, G locally convex. Then a) every В e ®(£ x F, G) is hypocontinuous, and b) every separately equicontinuous subset H of ®(£ x F, G) is equi- hypocontinuous. If £ is a reflexive (F)-space which is not a (B)-space and F = E£, then E'b is barrelled by §23, 3.(4); Example 1.3) shows that the canonical bilinear form on £b' x £ is not continuous. Hence it is not possible to replace “hypocontinuity” by “continuity” in (5). The exceptional character of a continuity theorem of type (1) is made clear by the following proposition, which is another version of 1.(4). (6) Let E, F be locally convex. The following statements are equivalent: a) every separately continuous bilinear form on E x F is continuous; b) for every A e £(£, F') there exists a neighbourhood U of о in E such that A(W) is equicontinuous in F'. It is obvious that b) is a rather strong condition for the pair E, F. The following method reduces the study of bilinear mappings to that of certain sets of bilinear forms. Let £, F, G be locally convex and В e B(E x F, G). If w is an element of G', then wB(x, y) = <w, B(x, y)) is a bilinear form wB on £ x F. If M
160 § 40. Bilinear mappings is a subset of G' and H a subset of B(E x F, (7), we denote by MH the set of all wB, w e M, В e H. If A is a set of complex numbers, |A| will denote sup |a| or +oo. aeA The method is now described by the following two lemmas. (7) В e BfE x F, G) is separately continuous if and only if all sets MB, M an equicontinuous subset of G', are separately equicontinuous in ®(£ x F). Let x be a fixed element of E and W any absolutely convex and closed neighbourhood of о in G. Then the following statements are equivalent: a) to PF there exists a neighbourhood К of о in F such that B(x, V) <= PF; P) to PF there exists a neighbourhood F of о in Fsuch that | PF°F(x, F)| 1. From this and the corresponding equivalence for a fixed у in Ffollows (7). (8) H <= B(E x F, G) is equicontinuous resp. Wfl-equihypocontinuous if and only if all sets MH, M an equicontinuous subset of G', are equicontinuous resp. yjl-equihypocontinuous in ®(£ x F). The proof is similar to that of (7) using the following equivalences: a) B(U, V) <= PF for all В e H if and only if | W°B(U, F)| 1 for all BeH; b) B(M, F) <= PF for all В e H if and only if | W°B(M, F)| 1 for all BeH We relate now the results of Grothendieck [10], [11] on bilinear map- pings of (DF)-spaces. A linear mapping A of E in F is called bounded if there exists a neighbourhood U of о in E such that AfU) is a bounded subset of F. A class H of linear mappings is called equibounded if there exists t/эо such that H(U) = IJ A(U) is a bounded subset of F AeH (9) Let E be a (F)F)-space, F metrizable locally convex. Then every A e £(£, F) is bounded and every equicontinuous subset H of £(£, F) is equibounded. Let Fi => F2 => • • • be a neighbourhood base of о in F Then every set Un = ^(-1)(Fn) is a neighbourhood of о in E. By § 39, 8.(7) there AeH exists a neighbourhood U of о in E such that U <= pnUn for suitable pn > 0. Hence H(U) <= pnVn and H is equibounded. (10) Let E, F be fDF)-spaces and G locally convex. A bilinear mapping В e 93(£ x F, G) is continuous if and only if В is hypocontinuous. A set H <= 93(£ x F, G) is equicontinuous if and only if it is equihypocontinuous. It follows from (8) that it is sufficient to prove this for a set H c 93(£ x F).
2. Continuity theorems for bilinear maps 161 Let H be an equihypocontinuous subset of £(£ x F). Then for every absolutely convex bounded subset M of F there exists a neighbourhood U of о in E such that \H(U, M)\ 1. From this follows H(JJ) <= M°, where H is the set of all B, Be H. Hence H is an equicontinuous subset of £(£, F&). Since F£ is an (F)-space, H is equibounded by (9). Hence there exists an absolutely convex neighbourhood Ur of о in £ such that Я(£х) is bounded in Fb'. Since £ is a (DF)-space, If is the union of a sequence Kn of absolutely convex bounded subsets of £; thus Я(Я1) = U n- 1 Using again the equihypocontinuity of H, there exists Vn э о in F such that \H(Kn, Fn)| 1; hence <= VQn and is equicontinuous in F'. Therefore HfUf, as the strongly bounded union of a sequence of equicontinuous subsets of F', is itself equicontinuous (compare the definition of a (DF)-space in § 29, 3.). Hence H is equicontinuous in ®(£ x F). For an analogous theorem see also § 45, 3.(3). Combining (10) with (5) we obtain the following counterpart to (2): (11) Let E, F be barrelled (T>Y)-spaces, G locally convex. Then every ВеЪ(Е x F, G) is continuous and every separately equicontinuous subset H of ®(£ x F, G) is equicontinuous. (11) applies to the case where £ and F are the strong duals of distin- guished (F)-spaces (§ 29, 4.(3)). For the strong duals of arbitrary (F)-spaces we have a weaker result which will follow from (12) Let £, F, G be locally convex. Then every separately weakly con- tinuous bilinear mapping from E' x F' into G is strongly hypocontinuous. Moreover, every separately weakly equicontinuous set H of bilinear mappings from E' x F' into G is strongly equihypocontinuous. By (8) we need only prove the assertion for bilinear forms. So let Яе®(£' x F') be separately equicontinuous. Then H is an equicon- tinuous set in £(£s, Fs). Let M be an absolutely convex weakly bounded subset of E'. Then H(M) is weakly bounded in F and therefore an equi- continuous subset for F'b. Hence there exists a strong neighbourhood V of о in F' such that |Я(М)(К)| 1 or \H(M9 V)\ 1. But this implies the strong equihypocontinuity of Я with regard to Er. Interchanging the roles of E' and F' completes the proof. As a direct consequence of (10) and (12) we obtain (13) Let E, F be (Ffspaces and G locally convex. If H is a set of separately weakly equicontinuous bilinear mappings of E' x F' in G, then H is strongly equicontinuous.
162 § 40. Bilinear mappings 3. Extensions of bilinear mappings. We have seen (§ 39, 6.(1)) that a linear continuous mapping A e £(£, F) has a uniquely determined con- tinuous extension A e £(£, F) if F is complete. We are interested in the corresponding questions for bilinear mappings. (1) Let E, F, G be locally convex and Eo resp. Fo a dense subspace of E resp. F. If В is a separately continuous bilinear mapping of E x F in G which vanishes on Eo x Fo, then В is identically о on E x F. Proof. For a fixed x e Eo, Bx(y) = о for all у e Fo. Continuity of Bx implies Bx(y) = о for all у e F. Therefore By(x) = о for all x e £0, у e F. Now continuity of By implies By(x) = о for all x e £, у e F (1) says that if an extension of В from £0 x Fo to £ x F exists, this extension is uniquely determined? There is no difficulty with continuous bilinear mappings, as the following proposition shows. (2) If В is a continuous bilinear mapping of E x F into a complete space G, then there exists a uniquely determined continuous extension В to Ё x F. If H is an equicontinuous set of bilinear mappings, then H = {B; Be H} is also equicontinuous. Proof. The uniqueness follows from (1). We construct an extension in the following way. For a fixed x e £, Bxe £(F, G). It has a continuous extension Bx e £(F, G). This defines an extension of В to £ defined on £ x F. We want to show that В is (i) bilinear and (ii) continuous. (i) Bilinearity: В is linear in the second variable by definition. Linearity in the first variable follows from B(ai%i + a2X2, y) = lim B^a^ + a2X2, yf) p = lim B(x1? yf) + a2 lim B(x2, yf) в n = аДх15 y) + a2B(x2, y), where у e F and у = lim y$, y$ e F. (ii) Continuity: There exist neighbourhoods U of о, V of о in £ resp. F such that B(U, V) c W, where IT is a given closed neighbourhood of о in G. Let V be the closure of V in F; then by taking limits in F we obtain V) <= W. В is a continuous bilinear mapping of £ x Fin G. Proceeding in the same way we extend Ё to a continuous bilinear mapping В of £ x Fin G. The second statement of (2) is nearly obvious: If B(U, V) <= Wfor all
3. Extensions of bilinear mappings 163 В g H9 then B(U, V) <= W for a closed IT by the first part of the proof and this is the equicontinuity of H. In the case of bilinear forms on arbitrary locally convex spaces £, F, (2) enables us to identify x F) and x F) as vector spaces for which equicontinuous subsets are preserved. The assertion of Proposition (2) is no longer true if we replace “con- tinuous” by “separately continuous”, as is shown by the following example. Let E = F = <p be endowed with the 100-norm and define B(x, y) = 2 *пУп n = 1 for x = (xn) g and у = (yn) g <p. В is separately continuous, since Bx is continuous on 9): || Вд; || = 2 |xn|, if xk is the last nonvanishing coordinate n = l of x. Since <p is dense in c0, the continuous extension Bx of Bx to <p x c0 is given by Bx(y) = f x„yn = B(x, у), у = (yn) e c0. ж n = l But Bis not separately continuous since By is not continuous: The sequence x(n) = (1,..1/V«, 0, 0,...) is bounded in <p, since ||x(n)|| = 1, but for у = (1, 1/V2, 1/V3,.. .) g c0 we have B(x(n), y) = 1 + • • • + (1/n) -> oo. Nevertheless, it is possible to extend hypocontinuous bilinear mappings in a modest way, as was shown by Bourbaki [6]. (3) Let F, F, G be locally convex and G quasi-complete. Let Eo be a dense subspace of E and SR a class of bounded subsets M of Eo which covers Eq and with the property that the class SR of the closures M in E covers E. Then every bilinear УЯ-hypocontinuous mapping В of Eq x F in G has a uniquely determined ^Sl-hypocontinuous extension В on E x F. A corresponding statement is true for SR-equihypocontinuity. Proof. By assumption every element of E is contained in a set M and E is therefore contained in the quasi-completion of Fo. It follows from §23, 1.(4) that every By, yeF, has a uniquely determined continuous extension By to E and thus B(x, y) = Byx is a mapping of E x F in G, linear on E by definition and linear on F as in the proof of (2). That В is ЭЛ-hypocontinuous follows now easily. For given M e SR and W cz G there exists V <= F such that B(M, V) <= W. Taking W closed in G, it follows that B(M, V) <= W. Thus В is separately continuous and SR-hypocontinuous. We can go one step further. (4) Let F, F, G be locally convex, G quasi-complete. Let Eo resp. Fo be a dense subspace of E resp. F and SR resp. SI a class of bounded subsets of Eq resp. Fq which cover Eo resp. Fo and with the property that the class SR resp. SI of the closures M resp. N in E resp. F covers E resp. F.
164 § 40. Bilinear mappings Then every bilinear (5R, ^-hypocontinuous bilinear mapping В of Eo x F0 in G has a uniquely determined (SR, ty-hypocontinuous extension В on E x F. A corresponding statement is true for (SR, 3l)-equihypocontinuity. Proof of (4). We apply (3) and obtain an ЭЛ-hypocontinuous exten- sion В defined on £ x Fo. В is Sl-hypocontinuous; thus for N e 51 and a closed W => о in G there exists £ => о in £0 such that B(U, N) <= PF. By taking limits of bounded nets in £0 we obtain an (SR, 9l)-hypocontinuous extension В of В which satisfies our statement. If we extend В first to Eq x F and then to £ x F, we obtain the same bilinear mapping, since by (1) the extension is uniquely determined. We discuss a result similar to (3) which appears as Lemma C in Grothendieck [13], p. 26. It concerns the extension of a separately weakly continuous bilinear form from £ x £ to £" x F. The topology on the bidual E" will be £n, the topology of uniform convergence on the equicontinuous subsets of £' (§23,4.); the weak topology on £" will be Ss(£')- (5) Let E, F be locally convex. Then a) a hypocontinuous bilinear form В on E x F is separately weakly continuous and has a uniquely determined separately weakly continuous extension Ё to E" x F, b) if H is an equihypo continuous set of bilinear forms on E x F, then H = {Ё; В e H} is (®, ty-equihypocontinuous on E" x F, where ® is the class of the weak closures in E" of the bounded sets in £, c) if H is an equicontinuous set of bilinear forms on E x F, then H is equicontinuous on E" x F. Proof. If В is separately continuous on £ x F, then by 1.(2') Bx e F' and By e E' and thus В is separately weakly continuous on £ x F Since £ is XXBO-dense in £", By has а £Х£Э“сопйпиои8 extension Ёу to £". Every z e E" is the °f a bounded net xa e E (§ 23, 2.(3)); there- fore Ёу2 = lim Byxa. Hence B(z, y) is defined by lim B(xa, y) on £" x F a a and is Xs(^,)-Continuous on E". Now we use hypocontinuity. For M bounded in £ there exists V в о in F such that |B(M, K)| 1. If M denotes the Ss(£,)-Cl°sure of M in £", it follows from the weak continuity on £" that |B(M, K)l = L If z g Ж then \Ё(?, К)| 1, B2 e F'; hence B2 is £sCF)"continuous on F. Since the M cover E" by § 23, 2.(3), Ё is separately weakly continuous. That Ё is uniquely determined follows from (1); hence a) is proved. If H is equihypocontinuous, there exists V э о in F such that \H(M, V)\ 1 for a given bounded subset M of £ and U в о in £ such
3. Extensions of bilinear mappings 165 that \H(U9N)\ 1, N a given bounded subset of F. By a) follows \H(M9 K)| 1 and \H(U9 A)| 1, which proves b). _ Finally, \H(U9 V)\ 1 follows from \H(U9 F)| 1 by a). Since U = U°° if U is absolutely convex in £, this proves the equicontinuity of H on E" x F9 the topology on E" being Zn. It is in general not possible to extend Ё from E” x F to E" x F" so that it remains separately weakly continuous. We consider the following example (Grothendieck). Let В be the canonical bilinear form их on E' x E9 E a (B)-space, E' its strong dual. В is continuous on E' x E9 hence separately weakly continuous in the sense of Xs(£") on E' and XS(E') on E. The extension В to E' x E" according to (5) coincides with the canonical bilinear form on E' x E" and is continuous on E' x E" and separately continuous on F'fXXF")] x £"[Х5(£')]. The problem is now to extend В to Em x E" in such a way that the extension is again separately weakly continuous in the sense of is(£") and XS(E')- Since the Xs(£")-continuous extension of Bz = z from E' to EM is uniquely determined, the only possible extension of В is the canonical bilinear form B(w9 z) = wz on Em x E". But Bw = w g E'" is Xs(F')-continuous on E" if and only if w g £'. Hence our problem has a negative answer except in the trivial case where E is reflexive. It is interesting to see what happens when we reverse the order of exten- sions. We obtain first by (5) the separately continuous extension B(w, x) of B(u9 x) = их to E’,//[XS(F//)] x £[XS(£')]. If ua g E' Zs(E") converges to w in E'"-9 then B(w9 x) = lim uax = wx. We recall (§31, 1.(10)) that Em = E' © E1. a Let P be the continuous projection of Em onto E', then wx = (Pw9 x) and thus B(w9 x) = (Pw)x. The only possible extension of В to Em x E" is then B(w9 z) = (Pw)z. Obviously, В coincides with В on E' x E" but В is not continuous on £W[XS(F")] x E"{Zs(E')\9 since there exists no such extension of В as we have seen. Nevertheless, the extension from E x F to E” x F" is possible for a large class of bilinear forms on (B)-spaces E9 F. A mapping A g £(£, F) is called weakly compact if A(K) is relatively weakly compact in F, where К is the closed unit ball of E. Let В be a continuous bilinear form on E x F. ThenBe&(E9 F'b). We say that В is weakly compact if В is weakly compact. This means that B(K) is relatively X5(^, )“comPact *n F- (6) A continuous and weakly compact bilinear form В on the product E x F of two (ffyspaces E9 F has a uniquely determined extension В which is separately continuous on £''[£s(£)] x ^IXU7')]- Proof. We have B(x9 y) = (Bx)y for all x g £, у g F, where В g £(£, F£). By § 32, 2.(6) the double adjoint B" g £(£", Fb) is the uniquely deter- mined Xs(£9“^s(Fz,)-continuous extension of В to E".
166 § 40. Bilinear mappings We define B(z, t) = (B"z)t for z g E\ t g F". If za XfE'fcQKNQXgQs to z0 g £", then B"za Ts(F")-converges to B'% g F"; hence B(z, t) is XS(F')- continuous in z for fixed t g F". Let К be the closed unit ball in £; then by assumption B(K) cz C, where C is Xs(F")-compact in F - The unit ball of E” is the Xs(F')‘cl°sure £ of Fin E” and so B"(K) c= B(K) <= Gand therefore B"(E”) <= F'. Hence if z g E" is fixed, B(z, t) = (B"z)t is Xs(F')-continuous in t. The uniqueness of В is obvious. 4. Locally convex spaces of bilinear mappings. We introduced different spaces of bilinear mappings. There exist natural topologies on these spaces which we will now consider. Let £, F, G be locally convex and ®(£ x F, G) the space of separately continuous bilinear mappings of E x F in G. Let 9Л resp. 91 be a class of bounded subsets of E resp. F which covers E resp. Fand satisfies condition b) of § 39, 1. Let M g SR, N e 91, and let PF be a neighbourhood of о in G. Then we define N, W) as the set {B g ®(£ x F, G); B(M, N) <= W}. Obviously, N, W) is absolutely convex if Wis absolutely convex. The intersection N19 Wr) n W(M2, N29 PF2) contains и M2, и N29 PFX u PF2). From this it follows easily that the class of all W(M9 N9 W) is a neighbourhood base of о of a topology defined on ®(F x F, G) by endowing each Bo g ®(£ x F, G) with the neighbourhoods Bo + ^(M, N9 W). is Hausdorff: If Bo ± o, then there exists (x, y) g E x F such that F0(x, y) = w / o. If w $ W9 then Bo $ W(M9 N9 W) for an M э x and an N э у. We write ®зл^(£ x F, G) for ®(£ x F, G)[Xsm,^]« If 9Л and 91 are the classes g of all finite subsets, we call the topology X$,$ the simple topology Xs and write also ®S(F x F, G). If SR resp. 91 is the class ® of all bounded subsets of E resp. F, then X®,® = X& is the bibounded topology and we write ®&(£ x F, G). We remark that Хзл.эт remains unchanged if we replace SR, 91 by their saturated covers SOT, 91. Unfortunately, Хзл.эт is in general not locally convex. By § 18, 1.(1) this depends on whether the sets ^(M, N9 W) are all absorbent or not. Assume that for Bo g ®(£ x F, G) the set BQ(M9 N) is not bounded in G; then there exists a neighbourhood W => о in G such that Bq(M9 N) is not contained in any multiple of PF; thus ^(M, TV, PF) does not absorb BQ. Conversely, if Bq(M9 N) is bounded in G, ^(M, N9 W) contains a multiple of Bo. Therefore (1) A subspace X of ®эд,^(£ x F, G) is locally convex if and only if the sets B{M9 N) are bounded in G for every Bel and every M g 9Л and Ne%
4. Locally convex spaces of bilinear mappings 167 The problem can be reduced to bilinear forms. (2) ®a«,gi(£ x F, G) is locally convex if and only if ®эд,^(Е x F) is locally convex. Proof. Assume that ®эдг^(Е x F) is locally convex. Let В be any element of 93(E x F, (7); then wBe ®(E x F) for every w e G'. The set wB(M, N) is bounded in К by (1) for every M e N e 91. Hence B(M, N) is weakly bounded or bounded in G. Again by (1) ®зл,эт(Е x F, G) is locally convex. Conversely, if z0 о is a fixed element of G and В e ®(E x F), then the correspondence B—> Bz0 maps ®«щ ^(£ x F) isomorphically onto a subspace of 93зл,эт(Е x F, G) and, if this space is locally convex, it follows that ЗЗялtji(£ x F) is locally convex. Using previous results on spaces of linear mappings we obtain sufficient conditions for local convexity. (3) ®яп,*п(Е x F, G) is locally convex if a) Ш1 or 91 consists only of strongly bounded subsets, or b) if the closed absolutely convex bounded subsets of Ml or 91 are Banach disks, or c) if E or F is locally or sequentially complete. We have only to show that a), the weakest condition, is sufficient. By (2) we need only consider ®зл,эт(Е x F). Now 93(£ x F) is by 1.(2') algebraically isomorphic to £(E, F') and this space is identical to £(£s, F'). One checks immediately that by this isomorphism B—> B, the topology on £(£s, F') corresponding to is the topology introduced in §39, 1. From § 39, 1.(7) it follows now that a) is sufficient. We consider a special case which will be needed later. We denote by ® the class of equicontinuous subsets of the dual E' of a locally convex space £. The corresponding equicontinuous resp. bi-equicontinuous topology X© resp. Xg g will be denoted by Xe and, correspondingly, we will write £e(E', F) resp. ®e(E' x F', G) for the space endowed with this topology. From (3) we obtain immediately (4) Let E, F, G be locally convex. Then 95e(E's x F', G) is locally convex. In the case of bilinear forms we have (5) Let E, F be locally convex. Then SRe(E's x F's) is topologically isomorphic to йе{Е'к, F) and ®e(E' x F') is complete if and only if E and F are complete. Proof. ®(E' x F^) is by 1.(2') algebraically isomorphic to £(£«, Fs) and this space is identical with £(Е^, F). That the topologies correspond follows from the equivalence of \B(M, A)| 1 and B(M) <= A ° for equi- continuous absolutely convex M, N.
168 § 40. Bilinear mappings The statement on completeness follows from § 39, 6.(2a), (2b), (3). Let us now consider spaces of hypocontinuous and continuous bilinear mappings. Since these are subspaces of the spaces of separately continuous bilinear mappings, we expect better results. (6) Let £, F, G be locally convex and let SR resp. 31 be a class of bounded subsets of E resp. F which covers E resp. F. Then the spaces x F, G), x F, G), ^m^E x F, G) are always locally convex. It is enough to prove the first case. But by the definition of SR-hypocontinuity the set B(M, is bounded in G for every В e Х(9Л)(£ x F, G) and by (1) X!^(B x F, G) is locally convex. (7) X$$n(F x F, G) is topologically isomorphic to £jr(F, £эд(£, G)). We proved in 1.(3) a) that X™(F x F, G) and £(F, £®i(£, G)) are algebraically isomorphic by the correspondence B—>B. The neighbour- hood ^(Af, N, W) of о in Х^^(£ x F, G) consists of all В such thaj: B(M, N) W. The corresponding set in £(F, £эд(£, G)) consists of all В such that B(N)(M) <= W and this is the neighbourhood <%(N, U(M, JV)) of о in £<n(F, £эд(£, G)). This implies the assertion. Remark. By 1.(2) ®(£ x F,G) is algebraically isomorphic to £(F, £S(F, G)) and by the same procedure the topology can be carried over from ®(£ x F, G) to £(F, £s(£, G)) and we denote it again by In general, £jr(F, £зл(£, G)) will be a proper subspace of W, ад, <?)). As a consequence of (7) we obtain (8) Let £, F be barrelled, G quasi-complete. Then ®(£ x F, G) = X(£ x F, G) and ®зл,$п(£ x F, G) is locally convex and quasi-complete for SR resp. SI covering E resp. F. Proof. One has always ®(£ x F, G) => Х(9Л)(£ x F, G) X(£ x F, G). From 2.(5) it follows that the three spaces coincide for E and F barrelled. ЗЙ^(£ x F, G) is isomorphic to £jr(F, £эд(£, G)) by (7). The assertion follows by applying twice § 39, 6.(5). The Banach-Mackey theorem is true for bilinear mappings in the following version. (9) Let E and F be sequentially or locally complete and G locally convex. Then every simply bounded subset H of ®(£ x F, G) is Xm. ^-bounded for the arbitrary class SR resp. SI of bounded subsets of E resp. F which covers E resp. F.
5. Applications. Locally convex algebras 169 Proof, a) We remark that by (3) с) x F, G) is locally convex. We reduce the problem to the case of bilinear forms. If W is an absolutely convex closed neighbourhood of о in G, then for given M e 9Л, N e 5R the statements H(M, N) <= W and \ N)\ 1 are equivalent. This means that H is Тэд ^-bounded in ®(E x F, G) if and only if all sets QH, Q equicontinuous in G', are ^-bounded in ®(E x F). Hence, if all ^-bounded subsets of ®(E x F) are Ism.^-bounded, the same is true for the subsets of ®(E x F, G). b) Let H be simply bounded in ®(E x F). Now ®(E x F) is alge- braically isomorphic to £(E, F'g) = 2(ES, F') and H, the subset of £(ES, F's) corresponding to H, is simply bounded in £(ES, F'). As we saw in the proof of (3), ®an,9i(F x F) is topologically isomorphic to £®i^(Es, F'). Now § 39, 2.(8) implies that H, and therefore H, is lan.^-bounded. We close with a result of Grothendieck [10] on (DF)-spaces. (10) Let E, Fbe (JJF)-spaces,G locally convex, Ha subset of Ъ(Ех F,G). If H is the union of a sequence of equicontinuous sets Hn and if H is bounded for the bi-bounded topology, then H itself is equicontinuous. Proof. By using 2.(8) and part a) of the proof of (9) one reduces (10) to the case of bilinear forms. By 2.(10) it is sufficient to prove that H is equihypocontinuous. Let Hn be the corresponding subset of £(E, F£). If M is bounded in F, then the equicontinuity of Hn implies that Hn(M) is equicontinuous in F'. From the assumption that H is bounded in ®&(E x F) it follows that H(M) is strongly bounded in F'. Hence, by the definition of a (DF)-space, H(M) = 0 Hn(M) is equicontinuous in F'; thus there exists Vbo in F n = 1 such that \H(M, У)\ 1. Therefore H is Ж-equihypocontinuous in the first variable. By repeating this argument for the second variable we obtain that H is equihypocontinuous. 5. Applications. Locally convex algebras. So far we have considered £(E) = £(E, E) only as a vector space and £эд(Е) as a locally convex space. If we introduce the product or composition BA of two mappings as a further operation in £(E), then £(E) becomes an algebra over К with unit element I as in the case of normed spaces (§ 14, 6.). Obviously, the composition BA can be considered as a bilinear mapping of £(E) x £(E) into £(E). If E is a normed space, then this mapping is continuous on £b(E) x £b(E) (§ 14, 6.(7)). But this will not be true in the general case £эл(Е), E any locally convex space. We introduce the following generalization of the notion of a normed algebra. A real or complex algebra A endowed with a topology I is said
170 § 40. Bilinear mappings to be locally convex if the underlying vector space A[Z] is locally convex and if the multiplication yx of two elements is separately con- tinuous. With this definition we obtain (1) Let E be locally convex and JR a saturated class of bounded subsets covering E such that Л(9Л) <= JR for every A g £(£). Then fyjjfE) is a locally convex algebra with unit element. We have to prove that the product BA is separately continuous. Let W be the neighbourhood W(M, V) in %jr(E), M g JR, and Va neighbourhood of о in E. Let В be fixed and U э о such that B(U) <= V. If A is contained in W{M, U) or A(M) <= U, then BA(M) <= V or BA g W(M, V). Hence BA is continuous in the first variable. Now let A be fixed and A{M) = g JR. If Be W{M19 V), then BA g W(M, V) and this is the continuity in the second variable. As a consequence of (1), we see that for every locally convex E the corresponding algebras 2S(E), £k(E)9 £&*(£), and £b(£) are locally convex (for the definitions compare § 39, 1.); the case £b*(£) follows from § 32, 2.(3). It is possible to develop spectral theory in a locally convex algebra A [X] (compare Neubauer [1'], [2']; Waelbroeck [L], [2']) if in A multiplication is bounded, i.e., if the product MN = {ух; у g M9 xe N} of two bounded subsets of A[Z] is always a bounded subset of A[T]. One has the following sufficient condition: (2) If the locally convex algebra A[Z] is locally or sequentially complete, then multiplication in A[T] is bounded. Proof. From the assumption and 4.(3) c) it follows that ®Ь(Я x A, A) is locally convex and from 4.(1) that for every separately continuous bilinear mapping В the sets B(M9 N) are bounded, where M and N are bounded subsets of A. This is true in particular for B(y9 x) = yx. Neubauer ([Г], 8.8) gives an example of a commutative locally convex algebra which contains a sequence xn converging to о such that x% is unbounded. If the bilinear mapping yx is sequentially continuous, i.e., if yn-^° and xn -> о imply ynxn о in A[T], then multiplication in A[T] is bounded. This follows immediately from § 15, 6.(3). Also one sees easily that the boundedness of multiplication is equivalent to: If xn о and yn o, then ynxn is bounded. From 2.(1) and 2.(11) we obtain (3) If the locally convex algebra Я [I] is barrelled and metrizable or barrelled and a (DF)-space9 then multiplication in A[T] is continuous.
5. Applications. Locally convex algebras 171 In the general metrizable case one has (4) Zf A[%] is a metrizable locally convex algebra with bounded multi- plication, then multiplication in A[T] is continuous. It is sufficient to prove that yx is sequentially continuous. We assume the converse. Then there exist xn о, yn -> о such that ynxn ф V, where V is some neighbourhood of о in A. By § 28, 3.(1) there exists a sequence pn->oo, Pn > 0 such that pnxn-^o. But then рпУЛ^рпУ and this contradicts the assumption that multiplication in A is bounded. After these remarks on locally convex algebras we come back to multiplication of mappings. One has the following generalization of (1): (5) Let E, F, G be locally convex. The product BA, В e £(F, G), A e £(£, F) is a separately continuous bilinear mapping of fyssvfF, G) x fyffifE, F) in fymfE, G) if ^CUfi) <= 4Jl2for every A e £(E, F); resp. ЭЛ2 is a class of bounded sets covering E resp. F. The proof of (1) can be immediately adapted to this more general situation. From (5) and the remarks after (1) it follows that in many important cases the multiplication BA is separately continuous. We give an example to show that sequential continuity of BA is a more difficult problem. Let Is be a Hilbert space in its weak topology. Then £S(Z?) is a locally convex algebra by (1). Let Cik = (cik) be the infinite matrix with cik = 1 and cn = 0 for (j, /) Ф (i, k). Then Cln and Cnl converge to о in £S(Z?), but the product ClnCni = Си does not. As the remark at the end of 1. shows, sequential continuity of the product will follow from hypocontinuity properties of the bilinear mapping BA. We note the following general result (Grothendieck [11]). (6) We assume the situation described in (5). Let ф be the class of all subsets H of £(E, F) such that H(M) e УЯ2 for every M e Then BA is (®, ty)-hypocontinuous, where ® is the class of all equicontinuous subsets of £(F, G). Proof, a) We show first that BA is CB-hypocontinuous. Let IF' be a neighbourhood of о in G) and let Q be an equicontinuous subset of £(F, G). We must find a neighbourhood of о in SwifE, F) such that Q°U <= 1F, that is, BAEiF for all В e Q and all AeW. Let iF be iF(M, W), where and IF is a neighbourhood of о in G. Since Q is equicontinuous in £(F, G), there exists V => о in F such that Q(V) <= W. Define = <%(M, F). Then for all A e and all В e Q we have В(Л(М)) <= E(K) <= W. So BA e1F and QW <= 1F.
172 § 40. Bilinear mappings b) BA is ф-hypocontinuous in the second variable. Let be defined as before and H e Sp. We have to find a neighbourhood F' of о in £$r2(F, G) such that F'H <= Now H(M) = Ng 1R2 and we define F' as F(N, W). Then for В g F and A e H we have BA(M) <= B(N) <= W, so FH c We have the following corollaries: (7) a) If SJli = 9R2 = 3» the class of all finite subsets, then BA is ^-hypocontinuous from £,S(F, G) x £S(E, F) in 2S(E, G); b) If ЭЛх = ЭЛ2 = ®, the class of all bounded subsets, then BA is ((£, ty-hypocontinuous from 2b(F, G) x £,b(E, F) in йь(Е, G), where SR is the class of all bounded subsets of £,b(E, F); c) If JRi = ЭЛ2 = (£, the class of all precompact resp. all compact subsets, then BA is (G, ^-hypocontinuous from £,$(F, G) x £&(£, F) in £c(E, G), where SR is the class of all precompact resp. compact subsets of £C(F, F). Proof, a) If Я is a finite subset of £(£, F) and M a finite subset of E, then H(M) is a finite subset of F; thus g $R2. The statement follows now from (6) since g <= ф. b) If Я is a bounded subset of £b(E, F), then for any bounded subset M of E the set H(M) = (J A(M) is a bounded subset of F, so we have AeH again a special case of (6). c) If Я is a precompact resp. compact subset of £&(E, F) and M is a precompact resp. compact subset of E, then Я x M is precompact resp. compact. The bilinear mapping (A, x) -> Ax of £&(E, F) x E in F is (^-hypocontinuous in the second variable. Therefore (A, x) -> Ax is continuous on £&(£, F) x M by 1.(5) a). Hence H(M) is precompact resp. compact in F. Thus SR с: ф and (6) proves the statement. We are now able to deduce sequential continuity of BA by using 1.(5) a). If Q is an equicontinuous subset of £(F, G), then BA is continuous on Q x £S(E, F) by (7) a). If F is barrelled, then every simply bounded subset of £(F, G) is equicontinuous (§ 39, 3.(2)). Hence (8) Let E, G be locally convex, F barrelled. If An->o in £S(E, F) and Bn->o in £,S(F, G), then BnAn -> о in й8(Е, G). Using (7) b) and the continuity of BA on £b(F, G) x Я, Я a bounded subset of £&(E, F), we obtain (9) Let E, F, G be locally convex. If An—> о in £b(E, F) and Bn-> о in £b(F, G), then BnAn о in &b(E, G). Similarly, we obtain from (7) c)
1. Some complements on tensor products 173 (10) Let E, F, G be locally convex. If An -> о in й&(Е, F) and Bn-+o in £a(F, G), then BnAn -> о in £s(E, G). There exist similar theorems for converging nets. § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces 1. Some complements on tensor products. We defined in § 9, 6. the tensor product E ® F of two vector spaces E, F as the quotient A/Ao, where A(E x F) is the space of all formal linear combinations of elements (x, y) of E x F and Ao is defined as the linear subspace generated by the elements of the form § 9, 6.(1). We consider the canonical mapping of A = A(£ x F) onto A/Ao = E ® F. Its restriction to E x F is called the canonical bilinear mapping x of E x F into E ® F and we have x(C*> у)) = x ® T- We remark that x(E x F) generates E ® F in the sense that E ® F consists of all finite sums of elements of x(E x E). We have to change some of the notations used in § 9 to conform to the notations introduced in § 39 and § 40. We exemplify this in reformulating the fundamental relation § 9, 7.(2) between bilinear mappings and linear mappings of tensor products. (1) Let E, F, G be vector spaces, В e B(E x F, G), the space of all bilinear mappings of E x F in G. Then В = Bx, where В e L(E ® F, G), the space of all linear mappings of E® F in G. Conversely, if Be L(E ® F,G), then В = Bxe B(E x F, G). The correspondence B-> В is an algebraic isomorphism of B(E x F, G). and L(E ® F,G). If we combine (1) with § 40, 1.(1), we obtain the identities (2) B(x ® у) = B(x, у) = (Bx)y = (By)x, x e E, у e F. They define the algebraic isomorphisms (3) L(E ® F, G) BfE x F,G)^ L(E, L(F, G)) L(F,L{E, G)). In the case of bilinear forms we obtain (4) (E ® F)* B(E x F) E(E, F*) E(F, £*). We see that the notion of tensor product gives a third possibility of considering a bilinear mapping as a linear mapping. The tensor product can be characterized by the following universal mapping property.
174 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces (5) Let E, Fbe fixed vector spaces and H a vector space with the following properties: a) there exists a bilinear mapping xi of E x F into H such that xi(E x F) generates H; b) if В is a bilinear mapping of E x F in a vector space G, then В = B^i, where Br g Е(Я, G). Then there exists an isomorphism AofE® F onto H such that Xi = Ax, where x is the canonical bilinear mapping of E x F in E ® F. Proof. It follows from (1) that E ® Fhas properties a) and b). In (1) take G = H and В = xi; then there exists A g L(E ® F, H) such that Xi = ^X- Interchanging the roles of E ® F and H, one finds from a), b) an A± g L(H, E ® F) such that x = Axi- Therefore x = A^X and Xi = AA^. The first relation means that A±A is the identity on y(E x F). Since y(E x F) generates E ® F, it follows that ArA = IE®F. Similarly, AA± = IH. Thus A and A± are isomorphisms and especially xi = A- In § 9, 7. we introduced the tensor product A ® В of two linear mappings A g E(E, ЕД В g E(F, FJ. We repeat the definition: The map- ping (A, B) defined by (A, B)(x, y) = (Ax) ® (By), x g E, у g F, is a bilinear mapping of E x F into E± ® F±. We denote the corres- ponding linear mapping of E ® Finto Er ® F± by A ® B, thus: (6) A ® B(x ® y) = (Ax) ® (By), xe E, ye F. We determine the structure of the kernel of A ® B, Let M be a subspace of E and N a subspace of N. We denote by D[M, TV] the subspace of E ® F generated by all elements x ® y, where x is in M or у is in N; D[M, N] = M®F+E®N. (7) Let A, В be linear mappings of E onto E± and F onto F19 respectively. Then A ® В is a linear mapping ofE®F onto Er ® Fr. The kernel TV[_4 ® E] is the space D[N19 N2], where N± = TV[/t], N2 = TV[E], Proof. The first statement is trivial. It is also clear from (6) that N = N[A ® E] =5 D[N19 TV2] = L>. We prove now the converse. Let К be the canonical mapping of E ® F onto (E ® F)/D. Let x and x' be in the same residue class x e E/N±; then x®y — x'®y = (x — x') ® у e D. Thus K(x ® У) = K(x’ ® y). Analogously, K(x ® y) = K(x ® y') if у and y' are in the same residue class у e F/N2 and we conclude easily that К defines a bilinear mapping KQ(x, y) on E/N1 x F/N2.
2. The projective tensor product 175 If A = AK19 where Kr is the canonical mapping of E onto and similarly В = BK2, we obtain for x± = Ax, = By that K(x ® y) = E0(x,j)) = ЛГоС^"1*!, = ^o(xi,Ti), where Bo is a bilinear mapping of E± x F± onto (E ® F)ID. But then Е0(хг, Ti) = A)(*i ® Ti)> Bo G L(E± ® F±, (E ® E)/D). It follows that Е0(хг ® Ti) = B0((A ® B)(x ® t)) = K(x ® y). Hence if z g TV, then B0((A ® E)z) = о = Kz or z g D[N±, N2]. We give a second proof: There exist direct decompositions E = G © N[Л], F = H © N[E], and for x g E, у g F we have x + у = (x1 + x2) ® (t1 + y2) (x1 g G, x2 g 7V[/1], j/1 g H, y2 g N [E ]) = X1 ® y1 + [x1 ® y2 + X2 ® j/1 + X2 ® y2] = x1 ® y1 + t, teD = Р^[Л], TV[E]]. Hence E ® F = G ® H + D. This sum will be direct and we will have N <= D if we prove (A ® B)z / о for every z g G ® H, z / o. n z has a representation z = 2 ® Ть и = h with linearly independent i=l Xt in G and linearly independent yt in H (§ 9, 6.(8)). Since A and В are one-one on G and H, respectively, the Axt in E± and the Byt in F± are linearly independent and so are the Axt ® Byt in E± ® F± by § 9, 6.(5). Hence (A ® B)z = 2 ^~xt ® Byt / o. i = l We remark (8) TV[/t ® E] = Z>[7V[y4], N[E]] is true for arbitrary linear mappings A, B. We have only to replace Er, F± in (7) by the ranges Е[Я] and E[E]; this does not affect the kernels. We note the following corollary to (7): (9) Let K± resp. K2 be the canonical mapping of E onto EIN± resp. F onto E/7V25 where Nr, N2 are subspaces of E and F, respectively. Then K± ® K2 is a linear mapping of E ® F onto E/Nj. ® FjN2 which induces the canonical isomorphism z -> (Ег ® E2)z of (E ® F)/D[N1, N2] onto E/N± ® FfN2. (10) Let f, J2 be isomorphisms of M, N into E and F, respectively. Then Ji ® J2 Is an isomorphism of M ® N into E ® F. This follows immediately from (8). (10) is also equivalent to § 9, 6.(7). 2. The projective tensor product. If E and F are locally convex spaces, the problem arises immediately how to define a locally convex topology on E ® Fin a natural way. If E and F are normed spaces, one is similarly
176 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces interested in suitable norms on E ® F. It was this problem which was first investigated by von Neumann for E and F Hilbert spaces and later by Schatten for arbitrary normed spaces (Schatten [Г]). The tensor products of locally convex spaces were treated in Grothendieck’s thesis [13], which is the main source of the following exposition. We refer the reader also to the expositions in Schaefer [Г], Schwartz [Г], and Treves [Г]. As we will see in § 44, there are many “natural” topologies on E ® F, but not all of the same importance in applications. We start with the projective topology on E ® F. We will use the following notation. If A and В are subsets of E and F, respectively, then A ® В will denote the set of all a ® b, a e A, b e B. This definition introduces a certain abuse of notation, since E ® F, where E and F are vector spaces, is not exhausted by the elements of the form x ® у, x e E, у e F; E ® F contains all finite sums of these elements too. Our idea is now to define a finest locally convex topology on E ® F such that the canonical bilinear mapping у of E x F into E ® F is con- tinuous. Let U, V be absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in E and F, respectively; then U x К is a neighbourhood of о in £ x E Thus the absolutely convex cover \~(U ® V) of U ® V = x(U x V) should be a neighbourhood of о of this topology and one expects that the class of all these sets will provide a neighbourhood basis. We prove first (1) [~(U ® V) is absorbing. If p andq are the semi-norms corresponding to U and V, then [~(U ® V) defines the semi-norm p ® q(z) = inf У P(xt)q(yt), zeE® F, i=l n where the infimum is taken over all representations z — 2 x{® yfinE ® F. i = l Proof. We show first that \~(U ® V) is absorbing. Let z = be an element of E ® F. Observe that n 2 Xt ® Уг i=l x’t = s e U’ y'i= < x e V P(xf) + 8 z q(yt) + 8 for every 8 > 0 and hence х\® y\E U ® V. Given e > 0 we may choose 8 sufficiently small such that (2)z = (p(xf) + 8)(^(^) + 8)xJ ® Д p(Xi)?Oi) + Thus [~(U ® V) is absorbing.
2. The projective tensor product 177 Since \~(U ® V) is absolutely convex, it defines a semi-norm r(z) on E ® F. We will show that r(z) = p ® q(z). Now r(z) = inf A, zg X[~(U ® V). It follows from (2) that r(z) g Л> 0 2 Since this is true for every representation of z as a sum of <=i elements of the form x ® y, we obtain n (3) r(z) g inf У p(xt)q(yt) = P0 q(z). i = l Conversely, suppose zeX\~(U ® V). Thenz = ® = 1, qty'k) 1, ak 0, 2 ak < A. For this particular representation we have 2 P^x'My'k) 2 «к A and hence p ® q(z) = inf 2 p(Xi)q(yi) A. This is true for every A with z g АГ“((7 ® K); thus p ® q(z) r(z). From (3) follows, finally, r(z) = p ® q(z). (4) There exists a finest locally convex topology Хл on E ® F for which the canonical bilinear mapping x of E x F into E ® F is continuous. The class of all sets [~(U ® K), where U, V are absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in E and F, respectively, is a ^-neighbourhood base of о in E ® F. or 77 is called the projective topology on E ® F and E ® F equipped with this topology will be denoted by E ®л F and called the projective tensor product of E and F. If I15I2 are the topologies on E and F, respectively, one writes also = 3^ ®л X2. Proof of (4). By (1) the sets [~(U ® F) are absorbing and absolutely convex and Г“(СЛ ® Fi) п Г(^2 ® F2) Г((&1 ® (Ki n F2)). Therefore {\~(U ® F)} is a filter base on E ® F which defines a locally convex topology. That this topology is Hausdorff will follow from (5) (E ®n Ff => E' ® F' and (E' ® F', E ® F) is a dual pair. Proof. Let ueEf, veF'. There exist continuous semi-norms p(x), q(y) such that |u(x)| p(x), |у(т)| = <1(у)- By § 9, 7.(2) every element of E* ® F* defines a linear functional on E ® F. In our case we have |(w ® v)z\ = n (и ® v) У Xi ® yt i = l ^p(Xi)q(yi)- 2 (Mx*)(^i) This is true for every representation of z; therefore (6) \(u ® v)z\ p ®q(z) and this proves the first statement. Now for the proof that is Hausdorff and the second statement of (5) it will be sufficient to construct for a given z / о in E ® Fa w e E' ® Ff
178 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces such that wz / o. By § 9, 6.(8) there exists a representation z = £ xi ® Уь where the and the yt are linearly independent. Choose ue E' with w(xx) = 1, w(%i) = 0 for i / 1 and v e F' with = 1. Set w = и ® v. Then wz = 1. We remark that if we take not all the absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in E and F but only neighbourhood bases Ua, a e A, V09 ft e B, then the class of all \~(Ua ® Vf) is a neighbourhood base of о in E ®n E Cor- respondingly, if {pa}, {q0} are directed systems of semi-norms determining the topologies of E and F, respectively, then the pa ® q0 form a directed system of semi-norms determining on £ ® F. From this remark and (4) follows (7) If E and F are metrizable locally convex spaces with defining semi- norms p± p2 • and q± q2 , respectively, then E ®nF is metrizable with defining semi-norms p-t® q± P2® #2 = • • • • If E and F are normed spaces with norms p and q, respectively, then E ®nF is a normed space with norm p ® q. This norm is called the projective norm or 77-norm on E ® F and will be denoted by || ||л. The semi-norms p ® q have the following properties. (8) Let E, F be locally convex and p, q continuous semi-norms on E and F, respectively. Then a) p ® q(x ® y) = p(x)q(y) for хеЕ, у e F; b) Let N19 N2 be the kernels of p and q, respectively. Then the kernel N of it = p ® q is D[N±, N2], which is therefore a closed subspace of E ®n F. If p, q, 77 are the quotient norms on EIN±, F/N2, (E ® F)//)^, N2], then (9) = ”(?) = p® q(z') for every z e E ® F, where z is its residue class in (E ® F)ID and z is the corresponding element in E/N± ® FjN2. Proof, a) Choose linear functionals ueE', veF' with u(x) = p(x), Kt) = #(t)> and |w(x')| p(xf), |Kt')I = ^(У) f°r x'e E, y'e F (Hahn-Banach). Then p ®q(x®y) p(x)q(y) = u(x)v(y) = и ® v(x ® y) p ® q(x ® y), the last inequality being a consequence of (6). b) We proved in 1.(9) that z->z' = (K± ® K2)z is an algebraic isomorphism of (£ ® F)ID onto E/N1 ® FfN2. We have тт(г) = о for every t e D[Nr, N2] since tt(x ® у) = о if x e or у e N2. It follows that 7r(z + /) = 7r(z) = 7r(z) and 77 is a semi-norm on (E ® F)/D.
3. The dual space. Representations of E F 179 Now p ® q is a norm on Е/Л\ ® F/N2 by (7) and, if fi(z) = p ® q(z') for every z e E ® F, then is also a norm and the kernel of tt is D. Thus we have only to prove that ir(z) = p ® q(z') for every z e E ® F. If z has the representation z = 2 xi ® Уь then z' = ® K2)z has the representation z’ = 2 Л ® Уг in Е/Л\ ® F)N2. If, conversely, a represen- tation z' = 2 А ® A is given, then it follows by 1 .(9) that z = 2 ® Tt + where e xi9 e yi9 and teD. From this and 2 РСчМЮ = 2 ААЖтЭ it follows that tt(z) = p ® q(z'). We will be interested also in the completion of a projective tensor product E ®л F. We will denote this completion by E ®л F, If E and F are normed spaces, then E ®л Fis a (B)-space for the тт-norm. If E and F are metrizable spaces, then E ®л Fis an (F)-space by (7). Let E, F be locally convex. The algebraic isomorphism 2 xi ® Tt ^yt® xt of E ® F onto F ® E (§ 9, 6.) generates a topological isomor- phism of E ®л F onto F ®ЛЕ and of E ®л F onto F ®л E. If E and F are normed spaces, these isomorphisms are even norm isomorphisms. In this sense the тт-tensor product is commutative. It is also associative: The natural algebraic isomorphism of (E ® F) ® G and E ® (F ® G) generates the natural topological isomorphisms (E®nF) ®nG E®n(F®nG) and (Е®л F) ®л G ? Е®л (F®, G). 3. The dual space. Representations of E ®л F. We recall from 1.(1) the algebraic isomorphism В В of L(E ® F, G) and B(E x F, G). If E, F, G are locally convex, we are interested in the continuous linear mappings В of E ®л Fin G. What are the corresponding bilinear mappings В of E x F in G? We obtain (1) A linear mapping В of E ®nF in G is continuous if and only if the corresponding bilinear mapping В = Bx of E x F in G is continuous. Thus £(E ®л F, G) is algebraically isomorphic to &(E x F, G). We remark that (1) is true also for E ®л F if G is complete, since then £(E®,F,G) = &(E®nF9G). Proof of (1). Suppose В continuous. Then the continuity of % implies that В = Bx is continuous. Conversely, assume В continuous. If W is an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in G, there exist U9 V such that B(U x V) <= W. ThusE(G® V) <= W and this implies B(ffU ® V)) <= W since W is absolutely convex. Similar to 1.(5) is the following characterization of the projective tensor product.
180 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces (2) Let E, F be fixed locally convex spaces and H a locally convex space with the following properties: a) there exists a continuous bilinear mapping xi of E x F into H such that xi(E x F) generates H; b) if В is a continuous bilinear mapping of E x F in a locally convex space G, then В = В±Х1, where Br e £(Я, G). Then there exists an isomorphism A of E ®л F onto H such that xi = Ax, where x is the canonical bilinear mapping ofExF into E ® F It is easy to adapt the proof of 1.(5) to the present situation. As a special case of (1) we obtain (3) The dual of E ®nF and E ®nF can be identified with &(E x F). The duality <^(E x F), E ®л F) is expressed by <B, z> = ® z = (4) The equicontinuous subsets of (E ®л F)' = (E ®nF)' are the equi- continuous sets of bilinear forms on E x F. V~(U ® V)° consists of all В such that |<E, F(U ® K)>| 1. The corresponding set of bilinear forms В = Bx consists of all В e ^(E x F) such that \B(U x V)\ 1. This implies the statement. (5) E' ® F' is XS(E ® Ffdense in &fE x F). This follows from 2.(5). We consider now the case that E, F, and G are normed spaces. A continuous bilinear mapping В of E x F in G has the natural norm ||E|| = sup ||E(x, y)||- This norm defines the bibounded topology llxll^ 1,113/11^1 on <^(E x F, G) (§40,4.). Obviously, ||x|| = 1 for the canonical bilinear mapping of E x F into E F (1) and (3) can be improved in the following way. (6) If E, F,G are normed spaces, then the correspondence B-^ В = Bx defines a norm isomorphism of £b(E ®л F, G) onto &bfE x F, G). The strong dual (E ®л F)b = (E ® л F)b is norm isomorphic to &b(E x F) and to £b(E, FO- Proof. Let z = 2 ® yt be in E ®л F From ||Ez|| = ||2 B(xi9 X)|| = PH 2 1МНЫ1 follows ||Bz|| ll^llllzh. Thus ||B|| ||< Conversely, ||5(x, j)|| = ||B(x ® у)|| g ||J?||||x ® у||я = ||B||||x||h||; hence || E || || E||. The last statement follows from the fact that \B(U, V)\ 1
3. The dual space. Representations of E F 181 is equivalent to |B(U) V\ 1, where U and V are the unit balls in E and F, respectively, and В is the linear mapping of E in F£ corresponding to B. Let E, F be locally convex. E ® F can be considered as a space of continuous linear mappings: For A = (x, y) we define Ле£(Е', F) by Au = (ux)y, и e E'. The bilinear mapping A A generates a linear mapping ф(А) = A of E ® F in £(E', F). Every A has finite rank. The mapping ф is one-one, which becomes obvious when one uses linearly independent and yt in the representation of A, A = 2 xi ® Л- Conversely, if A e £(E', F) has finite rank, A can be written as Au = n 2 аг(и)Уь where the yt are linearly independent. There exist щ e E' such i = l ~ that Ащ = yi and e F' such that v{yk = 8ik. It follows that ai(w) = <X, Au) = (A'vi9 u) = (xi9 u), where xt e E. Thus A corresponds to A = 2 xi ® Tt- (7) Let E, F be locally convex, A = 2 xi ® yt e E ® F. Then Au = (uXi)yi9 и e E', defines an element ф(А) = A e £(Eg, F) and ф is an algebraic isomorphism of E ® F with the subspace of all maps of finite rank in &(E'S, F). Correspondingly, one obtains (8) Let E, F be locally convex, A = ® vtE E' ® F'. Then Ax = (wjx)^, x e E, defines an element Ф(А) = A e £(E, F's) and ф is an algebraic isomorphism of E' ® F' with the subspace of all maps of finite rank in £(E, Fg). In connection with (5) the following corollary to (8) is of interest. (9) If E or F is equipped with the weak topology, then (E F)' ^(E x F) E' ® F'. It is sufficient to prove that if В e ^(E x F), the corresponding map Be £(E, F's) has finite rank. But by §40, 1.(4) ^(E x F) is isomorphic to the subspace of £(E, F's) consisting of all В which map a neighbourhood of о into an equicontinuous set in F'. If Fhas the weak topology, such an equicontinuous set is finite dimensional; thus В has finite rank. We note as a special case (10) (E' ®л F'ky &(E'S x F'k)^E®F^ @(E'S x F's) (E's ® л Ffsf. We obtained in (7) a straightforward interpretation of the elements of E ® F as linear mappings. Is such an interpretation also possible for the elements of E ® л F?
182 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces We investigate first the case where E, F are (B)-spaces. The injection Ф(А) = A of E ® F in £(E', F) is a continuous injection of E F into £b(E£, F). To prove this we remark first that an element of finite rank in £(£', F) is also continuous from Eb into F. The continuity of ф follows now from 110(^)11 = И11 = = sup 112 (wXi)^|| 2 INI bill, since this implies ||Л|| <; Щ|я = inf 2 ||*i|| ||Ti||> the infimum being taken over all representations of A. &b(E'b, F) is complete; thus ф can be continuously extended to E F and we obtain (11) If E and F are (Wy spaces, the canonical continuous injection ф of E ®nF in Qb(E'b, F) has a uniquely determined extension to a continuous linear mapping ф of E ®nF in £b(E'b, F). We will see later that in some exceptional cases ф may fail to be one-one. Now let E, F be locally convex. By (10) E ® F can be identified with &(E'S x Fg), which is a subspace of ®(E' x F0, the space of separately continuous bilinear forms. Is it possible to extend the injection of E ® F in ®(Es x Fs) to a mapping of E ®л Fin ®(Е£ x F^)? We equip ®(E' x F's) with the bi-equicontinuous topology Xe (§ 40, 4.) and obtain first (12) The injection of E ®л F into S8e(Es x F's) is continuous. It is sufficient to prove that the canonical bilinear mapping : (x, y) -» B(u, v) = (ux)(vy) of E x F in ®e is continuous. Let M9 N be absolutely convex equicontinuous subsets of E' and F', respectively. One checks immediately that Xi(M° x A °) is contained in the Xe-neighbourhood {B; \B(M, N)\ 1} of о in Se. By §40, 4.(5) ®e(E' x F') is topologically isomorphic to £е(Е£, F); thus the canonical injection of E ®л Finto £е(Е£, F) is continuous too. Again by § 40, 4.(5) ®e(Es x F') and £е(Е£, F) are complete if and only if E and F are complete. From this and (12) we obtain (13) Let E and F be complete locally convex spaces. Then the canonical injection ф of E ®л F in *!Be(Efs x F's) resp. йе{Ек, F) has a uniquely deter- mined continuous extension ф to E ®л F. Again there is the problem whether ф is an injection or not. We give the following criterion which is of interest compared with (5): (14) Let E and F be complete locally convex spaces. The canonical mapping ф of E ®nF in ®e(Es x F's) is one-one if and only if E' ® F' is XS(E ®л F)-dense in &(E x F) = (E ®л F)'.
4. The projective tensor product of metrizable and of (DF)-spaces 183 We prove first (15) <w ® v, By = 0(£)(w, v) = B(u, t>), where В e E ®л F, ue E', v e F', and В = ф(В) e %5(Efs x F'). This is trivial for В e E ® F because of the duality <E' ® F', E ® F>. If В = 2>lim Ba, Bae E ® F, then ф(Ва) ф(В) in ®e and (15) follows by continuity. Now ф is not one-one if and only if there exists а В / о such that 0(E) = о or by (15) а В / о which is orthogonal to E' ® F' in the duality <^(E x F), E ®л Fy, where ^(E x F) E' ® F'. This implies the statement. 4. The projective tensor product of metrizable and of (DF)-spaces. Grothendieck [13] obtained a concrete representation of the elements of E ® л F for metrizable locally convex spaces E and F. His method was simplified by A. and W. Robertson [2'] and A. Pietsch [2']. We start with a result on normed spaces. (1) Let E and F be normed spaces, z an element of E ®л F. Then for every e > 0, z has a representation oo (2) z = 2 An(*n ® J'n), Xn e E, ||xn|| 1, yn e F, ||k|| 1, n=l and 2 lAn| 1И|Я + e. n—1 Proof. We choose zne E ® F with ||z — zn||^ < (l/2n + 2)e for n = 1, 2,.... Then Hzi||я < ||z||* + e/2and |ЩЛ < (l/2n + 1>for tn = zn + 1 - zn, n = 1,2,.... From the definition of the projective norm follows by induction the existence of representations: Z1 zi = 2 ® у^> i= 1 ln + 1 tn = 2 AA%i ® INI g i, hJI 1,2 N < kL + */2, 1 kdl i, 11л11 i, ^IM <(i/2n+1>, *n+l Clearly, z = zr + tr + t2 + • • • and (2) follows easily, oo oo We remark that 2 Ri(^i ® Тд||л = 2 Rd; thus the series (2) is i = 1 i = 1 absolutely convergent. Conversely, every absolutely convergent series 00 ~ 2 x'n ® Уп defines an element of E ® л F n=l
184 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces For the metrizable case we need a generalization of § 21, 10.(3) due to A. and W. Robertson. Their proof is elementary, whereas § 21, 10.(3) was obtained as a corollary of the Banach-Dieudonne theorem. (3) Let F be a dense subspace of a metrizable locally convex space E and M a precompact subset of E. Then there exists a sequence xn of elements of F converging to о such that every element x of M has a representation x = S with 2 |An| 1. n= 1 Proof. Let || ||i || ||2 • • • be a sequence of semi-norms defining the topology on E. Since M is precompact and F dense in E, there exists a finite set Nr F such that for every x e Л/, ||x — x(1)||i (l/2)(l/23) for some x(1) e N±. Recalling that a finite union of precompact sets is again precompact, one obtains successively finite sets N29..., Nn, such that ----------------- for every xe M and suitable x(l) e Nt. We note that (4) ll^lln-! ||x - X<!>--------- + ||X _ XO)--------x<"->||n_1 < 1.1- Let y(n) = 2nx<'n) for every x(n) e Nn. The sequence consisting first of the elements j>(1), followed by the elements /2) and so on, converges to о in F because of (4) and (3) follows from x = x(1> + x<2> +... = 1 У» + 1 у» + .... Remark. If E is normed, then for every e > 0 the xn in (3) can be chosen so that ||xn|| (1 + e)y, where у — sup ||x||. xeM We use the inequalities ||x - X(1)|| < and IIх - x<1>--------------x<n)ll < 2^2 in the same construction. (5) Let M be a compact subset of E ®nF, where E and F are metrizable locally convex. Then there exist null sequences xneE,yneF such that every element z of M has a representation z = 2 An(Xn ® Уп), 2 lAnl -L
4. The projective tensor product of metrizable and of (DF)-spaces 185 Proof. By (3) there exists a null sequence zneE®nF such that every z e M has a representation z = 2 MA> 2 ImJ = 1- Let Pi® q± p2 ® ^2 = • • * be a sequence of semi-norms defining the тт-topology on E ®л F. For r = 1,2,... we determine kr such that pr ® qr(zn) < 1/r for n kr. For n < k19 zn can be written as a finite sum zn = 2 pm(^ni ® Упд, xni e E, yni e F, 2 W = L For kr n < kr + 1 there exists a representa- tion zn = 2 vni(xn( 0 yni),Pr(xni) < 1/Vr, qr(yni) < 1/Vr, and 2 |vnf| g 1. i i oo Thus z = 2 Mn 2 ^ntC^ni ® Ki)- Reindexing the xni and yni using dictionary n — 1 i oo order, we obtain sequences converging to o. Since 2 2 ImaJ = 1, z has n=l i the desired representation. Remark. (5) shows that every compact set in E ®nF, E and F metrizable, is contained in a compact set of the form Г (Q ® C2), where Ci and C2 consist of sequences converging to o. As a special case of (4) we obtain (6) Let E and F be metrizable locally convex. Then every z e E ®nF has a representation oo ? = 2 0 k)> 2 N - ls n= 1 where xn and yn are null sequences in E and F, respectively. Suppose that M and N are bounded subsets of the locally convex spaces E and F, respectively. Then Г~ (M ® N) is bounded in E ®л F. It is natural to ask if all bounded subsets of E ®nF are contained in subsets of this form. Recall that the bibounded topology Xb>b on ^(E x F) = (E ®л F)' is given by the neighbourhoods of o, ^(M, N, 1) = {B e ^(E x F); \B(M, #)| 1}, where M, N are bounded subsets of E and F, respectively. Now \B(M, A)| 1, \B(M ® N)\ 1, \B(T(M® N)\ 1 are equivalent; therefore Ib b is defined by the polars of the sets r(M®N) <= Е®ЛЕ Therefore our problem is equivalent to the question: Is the strong topology Ib(E ®л F) on ^(E x F) identical with Ibb? The answer is yes in the case of normed spaces (3.(6)); for E and F both metrizable the question seems to be open; in general the answer is no, as
186 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces we will see by an example in 6. For (DF)-spaces we have (7) IfE and Fare (DYfspaces, then E ®л Fand E ® л Fare (T)F)-spaces. If Cn and Dn are fundamental sequences of bounded sets in E and F, respec- tively, then Г" (Cn ® Z>n) is a fundamental sequence of bounded sets in E ®л F. The strong topology on (E ®nF)' and the bibounded topology on x F) coincide. To prove the last statement we have to show that the canonical isomorphism of Д/Е x F) onto (E ®л F)'b is continuous. The bibounded topology on ^(E x F) has a neighbourhood base of о of the form <%(Cn, Dn, 1) = {B; \B(Cn, Z>n)| g 1}, n = 1, 2,.... Therefore ^b(E x F) is metrizable and bornological. Thus it will be sufficient to show that every sequence Bn converging to о in &fE x F) is a bounded set in (E ® л F)b. By § 40, 4.(10) the set {E1? B2,...} is equicontinuous in ^(E x F), hence equicontinuous in (E ®л F)' by 3.(4), thus bounded in (E ®л Ffb. It follows that E ®nF and E ®nF have fundamental sequences of bounded subsets and by § 40, 4.(10) condition b) of the definition of a (DF)-space (§ 29, 3.) is satisfied too and (7) is proved. From (7) we obtain further properties of the projective tensor product of two (DF)-spaces. (8) Let E and F be (jyFfspaces. Then a) if E and F are barrelled, E ®nF and E ®KF are barrelled, b) if E and F are quasi-barrelled, E ®л F is quasi-barrelled and E ®nF is barrelled, c) if E and F are bornological, E ®nF is bornological, d) if E and F are (fAfspaces, E ®nF is an (fA)-space. Proof, a) Let H be a IS(E ®л F)-bounded subset of ^(E x F). By 3.(4) we have to show that H is an equicontinuous set of bilinear forms on E x F. The assumption means that \H(x, y)| < oo for every (x, y)e E x F. Then for every xe E the set Я(х) is bounded in F' and therefore H(x) is equicontinuous in F' since F is barrelled. Similarly, for every у e F the set H(y) is equicontinuous in E'. Thus H is separately equicontinuous and by § 40, 2.(11) H is equicontinuous. This proves a) for E ®л F. That E ®л F is also barrelled follows from § 27. 1.(2). b) Now we have to show that a Ib(E ®л F)-bounded subset H of ^(E x F) is equicontinuous. For M, N bounded subsets of E and F, respectively, \H(M, N)| < oo. It follows that is strongly bounded in F'. Since Fis quasi-barrelled, Й(М) is equicontinuous in F' and there exists a neighbourhood V of о in F such that \H(M, F)| 1. Similarly, there exists a neighbourhood U of о in E such that \H(U, N)| 1. Thus H is equihypocontinuous and by § 40, 2.(10) equicontinuous.
5. Tensor products of linear maps 187 c) Bornological spaces are quasi-barrelled; thus E®nF is quasi- barrelled by b). Recalling §28, 1.(3), we see that we have to prove that every locally bounded linear functional В on E ®л F is continuous. Let В be the bilinear functional on E x F corresponding to B. Then \B(M, 7V)| < oo for every pair M, N of bounded subsets of E and E, respectively. The same argument as in b) proves that В is a continuous bilinear form; thus В is continuous on E F. d) If E and F are (M)-spaces, then E F is barrelled by a). We have to prove that every bounded subset N of E ® л F is relatively compact. If Cn, Dn are fundamental sequences of bounded subsets in E and F, respec- tively, then Г (Cn ® Dn) is a fundamental sequence of bounded subsets in E ®л F; thus N <= (Cn ® Dn) for some n. By assumption Cn, Dn are precompact; hence Cn ® Dn = x(Cn x Dn) is precompact and l~(Cn ® Dn) is compact. 5. Tensor products of linear maps. Let E19 E2, F19 F2 be locally convex. For e £(Eb FJ, A2 e £(E2, F2) the mapping (A19 A2)(x19 x2) = (AxO ® (A2x2), Xi e Eb x2 e E2, is a bilinear continuous mapping of Ег x E2 into Fx F2. The corres- ponding linear map of Ег E2 in F± F2 defined by A± ® A2(xt ® x2) = (Л1Х0 ® (Л2х2) is continuous by 3.(1). The kernel jVMi ® A2] is equal to Р^[Л1], Л^[Л2]] by 1.(8). (1) Ar ® A2 has a uniquely determined continuous extension Ar ®л A2 which maps E± ®л E2 in F± ®л F2. If E1? E2, F1? F2 are normed spaces, then (2) НА® Л2\\ = ||Л ®л л2|| = Ш111ЛЦ, where the norms of A± ® A2 and A± ®л A2 are taken in £(Ei E2, Fj F2) and £(Ei ®л E2, Fi F2), respectively. This is easy to see: The norm of the bilinear mapping (A19 A2) is ЦЛ ||Л2|| and by 3.(6) this norm is equal to ||Ai ® Л2||. Our first result is (3) If A19 A2 are homomorphisms onto Fr and F2, respectively, then Ai 0 A2 is a homomorphism of Er ®л E2 onto Fr ®л F2 with kernel ZWA], tfH2]].
188 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces The range of ® A2 is Fr ® F2. If Г(t/x ® U2) is a neighbourhood of о in Ei E2, there exist neighbourhoods V19 V2 of о in Fr and F2, respectively, such that Л/С/О V19 A2(U2) => V2. Thus Ar ® Л2(Г(СЛ ® t/2)) => r(Fi ® F2) and Ar ® A2 is open. As an immediate corollary we obtain (4) The п-product EIM ®л F/N of two quotients is isomorphic to the quotient (E ®л F)/D[M, А]. Our next result states that the тт-tensor product of two complemented subspaces is a complemented subspace of the тт-tensor product. More precisely, (5) Let F19 F2 be locally convex spaces, P19 P2 continuous projections with ranges Pi(F^ = E1? P2(F2) = E2, and kernels N19 N2. Then Pr ® P2 is a continuous projection of Fr ®л F2 onto the subspace Er E2 with kernel D[Nr, TV2] and P± ®л P2 is a continuous projection of Fr ®л F2 onto the subspace Er ®л E2 with kernel D[Nr, N2], where the closure is taken in Fi ®л F2. Proof. Pr ® P2 is continuous, has the range Ex ® E2, and reproduces the elements of Er ® E2. Hence Pi ® P2 is a continuous projection of Fi F2 onto Er ® E2. We denote Er ® E2 equipped with the topology induced by Fr ®л F2 by (Er ® Е2)л and show that (E± ® Е2)л is isomorphic to Er ®л E2. If Ji, J2 are the injections of E19 E2 into Fi and F2, respec- tively, then f ® J2 is the continuous injection of Er ®л E2 in Fr ®л F2; thus the topology of E± E2 is finer than the topology of (E± ® Е2)я. Conversely, if we consider Pr andP2 as elements of £(Fi, Ex) and £(F2, E2), respectively, thenPr ® P2 is a continuous map of Fr ®л F2 onto Er ®л E2; hence its restriction to (Er ® Е2)л is continuous and the topology of (Ei ® Е2)л is finer than the topology of Er E2. This proves the first statement and Fr ®л F2 is the direct topological sum Ei ®л E2 © D[Ni, N2]. Since the completion of such a sum is the sum of the completions, Fr ®л F2 = Er ®л E2 © D[N19 N2] and this implies the second statement. In (5) we have an example of a result on projective tensor products which remains true for the completed tensor products. This is not the case for the result (3) on homomorphisms in general, as we will find out now. We prove first (6) Let E, F be locally convex. Then a) the injection J of E ®nF into Ё ®nF is a monomorphism on a dense subspace, and therefore E ®nF and Ё ®nF are isomorphic,
5. Tensor products of linear maps 189 b) if Er is dense in E, F± dense in F, then the topology on E± ® F± induced by E ®nF coincides with the topology of Er c) if E and F are normed spaces, ||J|| = 1 and E®nF and Ё ®ЛЁ are norm isomorphic. Proof, a) We remark first that if а x F) = (Ё®лЕу vanishes on E ® F, it vanishes on Ё ® F; thus E ® F is dense in E ®л F. By the homomorphism theorem (§ 32, 4.(3)) and 3.(4) J is a mono- morphism if and only if J' maps &(Ё x F) onto &(E x F) and equi- continuous sets onto equicontinuous sets. If В e ^(£ x F), then it follows from <2?, J(x ® у)У = (fB, x ® y) that J'В is the restriction of В to E x F. From § 40, 3.(2) follow now the required properties of J'. b) is an easy consequence of a), and c) follows from ||J'|| = 1. We are now able to prove (7) Let A19 A2 be homomorphisms of E19 E2 onto dense subspaces of Fr and F2, respectively. Then Ar ® A2 and Ar ®л A2 are homomorphisms of E± ®л E2, E± ®л E2 onto dense subspaces of F± ®л F2 and F± ®л F2, respectively. The kernel ТУ[ЛХ ®л A2] is the closure D of Р^[ЛХ], TV[>42]J in Er ®л E2. If E19 E2 are metrizable and A± and A2 homomorphisms onto Fr and F2, respectively, then A± ®л A2 is a homomorphism onto Fr ®л F2. Proof, a) By (3) A = A± ® A2 is a homomorphism of Ег ®л E2 onto ^i(^i) ®л Л2(Е2). By (6) b) this is a dense subspace of Л ®л F2 equipped with the induced topology; thus A± ® A2 is a homomorphism in F± ®л F2. It follows from § 32, 5.(3) that A = A± ®л A2 is also a homomorphism of ®л E2 in F± ®л F2. b) A and A have the same adjoint A' and, since A is a homomorphism, the range of A' is D1, D the kernel of A, and the kernel of A is P11, which is D by the theorem of bipolars. c) If E19 E2 are metrizable, Ег ®л E2 is an (F)-space, Ег ®л E2/D is complete, the range of Ar ®л A2 is complete and dense in F± ®л F2 and coincides therefore with F± ®л F2. It follows from the last argument that Ar ®л A2, where A19 A2 are homomorphisms onto F± and F2, respectively, will be a homomorphism onto F± ® л F2 if and only if the quotient (E^ ®л E^/D is complete. We obtain the following corollary: (8) Let E and F be metrizable, E/M and F/N two quotients. Then EIM ®л F/N is isomorphic to (E ®л F)/D[M, TV]. IfE and F are normed spaces, this isomorphism is a norm isomorphism.
190 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces The first statement is an immediate consequence of (7) for A19 Л2, the canonical maps onto the quotient spaces. For normed spaces we write A = ®n A2 as A = AK, where К is the canonical homomorphism of E ®nF onto (E F)/D. We have to show that A is a norm isomorphism. We note that by 3.(6) the normed spaces (E F)'b and &b(E x F) can be identified. Let В e ^{E/M x F/A). We have B(x, у) = <Д x ® y> = <Д A(x ® j>)> = (А'В)(х ® у) = (Л'В)(х, y)\ hence A'В has the same norm in ^(£ x F) as В in &(E{M x F/N). Therefore Af = JA', where A' is a norm isomorphism of 08(EIM x F/N) onto a subspace of &(E x F) which is norm isomorphic to ((£ F)/D)' by § 22, 3.(1) b) and J is the injection of this subspace into &(E x F). Thus A is a norm isomorphism. Another proof follows from the norm isomorphism of (E F)ID and EIM F/N, which is a consequence of 2.(8) b). Let now E19 F± be subspaces of E, F and let Jb J2 be their injections into E and F, respectively. f and J2 are monomorphisms. Then J = f ® J2 is the injection of Er F± into E ®л Fand Jis continuous, but in general not a monomorphism, so that the topology of E± F± is in general strictly finer than the topology induced by E ®n F. We study this question in some detail. We denote f J2 by J. Our first result is (9) J and J are monomorphisms if and only if every equicontinuous subset If of^E. x Fr) is the set of restrictions to Er x F± of an equicontinuous subset H of &(E x F). If E and F are metrizable, it is necessary and sufficient that every B± e ^(E± x F±) be the restriction of a Be &(E x F). Proof. As in the proof of (6), we use the homomorphism theorem (§ 32, 4.(3)) and see that J and J are monomorphisms if and only if every equicontinuous subset H1 of ^(E1 x Fx) is contained in the image J'(H) of an equicontinuous subset H of &(E x F). Let Be^(E x F). It follows from <Д J(xx ® x2)> = (J'B, xx ® x2> for xx e E19 x2 e F± that B± e ^(E1 x Fi) corresponding to Д = J'В is the restriction of В to E1 x Fx. In the metrizable case one has only to prove that J is a weak mono- morphism (§ 33, 2.(3)), and this is the case if and only if J\@(E x F)) = ^(Fx x Fx). Let us now assume that E and F are normed spaces. Then f and J2 are
5. Tensor products of linear maps 191 norm isomorphisms into E and F, respectively. In this case one has (10) J and J are norm isomorphisms if and only if every continuous bilinear form on Er x F± is the restriction of a continuous bilinear form В on E x F such that ||B|| = ||BX||. Assume that J is a norm isomorphism and let Br e ^(E± x Ex). Then B1J~1 is defined on J{E± Ex), ||BX|| = By Hahn-Banach 7?XJ-1 has a linear extension В to E ®nF such that ||7?|| = ||EX||. Thus Br is the restriction ofx F) to E± x F± and ||EX|| = ||B||. Conversely, if the condition is satisfied, then J is a norm isomorphism, since ||Л||Я = sup |<5,Jz>| = sup z>| = sup |<ЛЬ z>| = ||г||л IIBIIS1 IIBIISl IIBJISI (9) and (10) are the dual formulations of our problem. We give now some positive and some negative results. (11) a) Let E, F be locally convex and E" be the bidual equipped with the natural topology Xn. Let f be the canonical injection of E into E" and I the identity on F. Then the injection J = f ® I of E F in E" F and the mapping J = of E ®KF in E” F are monomorphisms. b) If moreover, E and F are normed spaces, then J and J are norm isomorphisms. We remark that if E is quasi-barrelled, then E” is the strong bidual (§23, 4.(4)). Proof. We recall § 40, 3.(5) c). Let H1 be an equicontinuous subset of ^(E x F). Then |ЯХ(?7, L)l = 1 for suitable neighbourhoods U в о, V в о in E and F, respectively. By using weak continuity in the first variable one extends every B± e H1 to a В defined on E" x F such that |B(EO°, F)| 1. a) follows now from (9). b) follows in the same way from (10). (12) Let J19 J2 be monomorphisms. If Jfflfj andJ2(E2) are complemented in E and F, respectively, then J = f ® J2 and J = J2 are mono- morphisms. This is a corollary to (9), but also to (5). In the case of normed spaces Ex <= E, F our problem is equivalent to an extension problem for linear continuous mappings. We recall the norm isomorphism of &b(E x E) and £b(E, 7%) of 3.(6). ABX e^(Ex x F) will be the restriction of a 7? e ^(E x E) if and only if the corresponding mapping 7?x of Ex in Fb has a continuous extension to a mapping В of E in Fb. This remark is useful in the proof of the following result of Schatten [Г].
192 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces (13) Let E, F be (B)-spaces such that E'b is a subspace of F. Let be the injection of Eb in F, I the identity on E. Then J = I and J = are monomorphisms of Eb E in F ®nE resp. Eb E in F ®nE if and only if Eb is complemented in F. The condition is sufficient by (12). Assume, conversely, that J is a monomorphism. Then by the preceding remark the identity /e %(E’b, Eb) has a continuous extension Ze £(F, Eb) and JxZis a continuous projection of F onto Eb since (JXZ)2 = fl- We remark that if Jx is a norm isomorphism, then J and J are norm isomorphisms if and only if there exists a projection of norm 1 of Fonto Eb. Using the examples of § 31, 3., it is now easy to construct many counter- examples : A closed reflexive noncomplemented subspace of a (B)-space F can always be written as £'. Then by (13) the injection of Ef ®n E into F ®n E is not a monomorphism. 6. Further hereditary properties. Let E be a locally convex kernel К Л^-1)(Еа), where a belongs to a directed set of indices A and there exist for a < a' linear mappings Aaa> e £(Fa,, Fa) such that (1) Aa Aaa'Aa'9 Aaa'Aa'a" — Aaa„ for cc <c cc is satisfied. We suppose, moreover, that K4'W is reduced, i.e., Aa(E) is dense in Ea for every a. By § 19, 8.(1) a neighbourhood base of о of the kernel topology on E is given by the sets where Ua is a neighbourhood of о in Ea. Let F be similarly a reduced locally convex kernel К X)(F3) with addi- tional maps B00> e &(F0f, Ff) satisfying the relations corresponding to (1). Then (2) E ®KF is identical with a reduced locally convex kernel К (Aa® B0f~1\Ea®nFfi) a,0 with the additional maps Aaa> ® B00> e 2(Ea^ F0>, Ea F0) satisfying the relations corresponding to (1). Proof. It is obvious that E ® Fean be written as К (Л® Bff-»(Ea®F,) a,0 and that the mappings Aaa> ® B00, satisfy the relations corresponding to (1). Since Aa(E) is dense in Ea and B0(F) is dense in F0, it follows that (Aa ® Bf)(E ® F) is dense in Ea ®л F0 and the locally convex kernel К (Aa ® В0)(~1У(Еа ®л F0) is reduced. We denote by Хл the topology of E ® n F and by X the topology of the
6. Further hereditary properties 193 locally convex kernel К (Aa 0 B^ F0). We have to prove that а,в XK and I coincide. Let {Ua}, {Fe} be bases of absolutely convex open neighbourhoods of о in Ea and F09 respectively. Then the sets W = Г (A(a~ 1}(U^ ® B^~ 1)(K/J)) define a ^-neighbourhood base of о on E ® F; similarly, the sets W' = (Aa ® ВД)(-1)(Г(Ua ® F#)) define a X-neighbour- hood base of o. Any z e W has the form z = 2 ® Уь 5 Rd = h xi E yt g B^CVp); hence (Aa 0 B0)z g Г(Ua 0 V0), W <= W' and Хл is finer than X. We prove the converse first for the particular case that Aa(E) = Ea, B0(F) = F0. Since Ua, F0 are absolutely convex and open, one has for any z' e PF' that (Aa ® B0)z' = 0 vj9 p = 2 Ы < h Щ e Ua9 g V0. By assumption there exist x'G^(a-1)(t7a),^'.GB^_1)(^) such that (Aa ® B0)(z' — 2 ^Xj ® y'j) = °- Hence z' = 2 ® X) + where t is in the kernel of Aa ® B$. Now 2 mX*/ ® y'j) E pVF and it follows from 1.(8) that t e eW for every e > 0, in particular for e = 1 — //. Thus z' g W and W' <= PF, X is finer than Xn. In the general case Aa(E) and B$(F) are dense in Ea and 7^, respectively, and Aa{E) 0 B0(F) is dense in Ea F0. We have to prove that every W' is contained in a PF. But W' = {Aa0B^\r{Ua0F^ = (Aa ® B0y-» (r(Ua ® V0) n (Л(£) ® B0(F))) and by 5.(6) b) F(Ua ® F.) n (Aa(E) 0 B0(F)) cz r(U' ® F'e), where U'a, V'B are suitable open neighbourhoods of о in Aa(E) and B^(F), respectively. It follows now from the result in the particular case that W' <= (Л ® ® F^)) cz ПЛ^Ж) ® ^"1)(^)), which is easily seen to be a set of type W. In the terminology of Grothendieck and Schwartz the locally convex kernels of the type considered above are called “projective limits” and the hereditary property (2) for “projective limits” was the reason for using the term “projective tensor product.” We use the term “projective limit” in a more restricted sense, as we pointed out in § 19, 8., and the hereditary property (2) is not true for projective limits in our sense. We will give an example at the end of 6. Our next result deals with completed тт-tensor products of two locally convex kernels. Let E and Fbe two reduced locally convex kernels with all the properties assumed above and, moreover, in reduced form. Then (3) E ®nF is isomorphic to the reduced projective limit lim (Лаа/ Вр^)(Еа' FQ/).
194 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces We prove this in two steps, a) By (2) we have E F = К (Aa ® Ffi). а,в This space is, by § 19, 8.(1), topologically isomorphic to a subspace of the projective limit G = lim (Aaa> ® BBB>){Ea> Ff), the isomorphism being defined by the mapping z (zaB) = ((Aa ® B^z) from E ®nF into П (Ea F0). G is reduced, since (Aa ® B0)(E ® F) is dense in Ea FB. a0 We prove that E F is dense in G. Let z in G and \~(Ua ® FB) be a neighbourhood of о in Еа®лЕв; then there exists by assumption a z(o)eE®KF such that - z^er{Ua®VB)orz - z(o)e(Aa ® B0f-»(r(Ua ® VB)), which by § 19, 8.(1) proves the assertion. b) The second step is an immediate corollary of (4) Let E = lim AaB(EB) be a reduced projective limit; then Ё is isomorphic to the reduced projective limit lim AaB(Efy where AaB is the continuous extension of AaB e £(E^, Ea) to AaB e £(Ё0, Ea), We remark first that the relations Aa0A0v = Aav, a < p < y, are easy consequences of the relations AaBABv = Aav (one uses the adjoints). Secondly, E is topologically isomorphic to a subspace of lim AaB(EB) and the same argument as in the proof of (3) shows that E is even a dense subspace. Finally, § 19, 10.(2) concludes the proof. (5) For arbitrary locally convex spaces Ea and FB and arbitrary sets of indices К = {a}, В = {/3} one has the isomorphism (п ®»(п £4 = n \aeA / \0eB / (a^)GAxB It is sufficient to prove (П Ea j ® л F П (Ea E) for a locally convex F. We consider © Ea as a subspace of П Ea in the obvious way; then a a _ H = (© £«) ® F is a X-dense subspace of (П Eaj ®n F, where X is the tensor product topology. H can be identified algebraically with © (Ea ® F), which is dense in П (Ea F) in the sense of its topology a a X'. If we prove that X and X' coincide on H, then the statement follows from the completeness of both spaces. Let Ua, Fbe absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in Ea and F, respec- tively. As X-neighbourhoods of о on Я we take the sets W consisting of all m z = 2 Ai(xJ“1) + • • • + + zt) ® yt, 2 |\| 1, 6 Ua yt e V, i- 1 Zi 6 © E0, where n is fixed, m arbitrary. As X'-neighbourhoods of о
6. Further hereditary properties 195 on H we use the sets W' of all elements t = 2 *(a)> t(aj) e r~(Uat ® K), t^ E Eq ® F,ft / aj-,j = 1, . . ., П. One has W <= Wf, since z e W can be written as z = 2 t{a\ where = XpdfP ® yt e Г(Uaj ® K). Conversely, W' <= (n + 1) IF since for t e Wf, t = 2 *(a) one has Fa? e [“(Uaj ® K) <= W, j — 1,..n, and 2 e W. Hence X and X' coincide on H. 0*<xj i=l...n For locally convex hulls one does not have results of the same generality. (6) a) Let E be the locally convex hull 2 Ea of an arbitrary class of aeA locally convex spaces Ea and let F be a normed space. Then (2 F is isomorphic to (Ea F). a b) Let E = 2 En, En locally convex, and let F be a (E)lF)-space. Then n = 1 ( 2 En) P is isomorphic to 2 (En ®я F). a) It is easy to check that H = (2 Ea^ ® F can be considered alge- braically as the linear span 2 (Ett ® F). We write (2 Ett) = Я[Х] a and 2 (Ett F) = 7/[X']. The space Ea F is continuously imbedded in H[X] and Я[Х']. Since X' is the hull topology on H, it follows that X' => X. It will therefore be sufficient to show that every X'-equicontinuous set M <= (Я[Х'])' is X-equicontinuous. Every В e M is a linear functional on H, hence a bilinear form on (2 Ef) x F. It follows from the remark after the proof of § 19, 1.(7) that the restrictions of the В e M to Ea F form an equicontinuous set Ma of bilinear forms. Thus, if V is the unit ball in F, there exists a neighbourhood Ua of о in Ea such that \Ma(Ua, K)| 1. But then \M(U, K)| 1 for U = Г Ua and M is X-equicontinuous. b) The proof is analogous. We find Un in En, Vn in F such that |Mn(t7n, Fn)| 1 for n = 1,2,.... By § 39, 8.(7) there exist pn > 0 such that Q pnVn = К is a neighbourhood of о in F. Hence n= 1 Mn(— Un, Й g 1 and \M(U, V)\ 1 for U = Г - Un- \Pn / n = 1 Pn Since a locally convex direct sum @ Ea is complete if and only if all Ea are complete (§ 18, 5.(3)), we obtain (7) Under the same assumptions as in (6) a), (© Fa) F and @ (£a F) are isomorphic, and under the same assumptions as in (6) b), a
196 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces (© En) and © (£n F) are isomorphic. \n=l / n=l As an example we investigate a> 99. By (5) we have <*>®л<Р = (п <P £ P7 {(etK) 99). \i = l J i = l \ J If we denote by ... the unit vectors in 99, we see that every element z of co ®n <p can be represented by a double sequence z = (f^ ® fk), co ®л 99 contains only elements such that gik = 0 for к kQ for some kQ independent of i, whereas every z is in co ® л 99 for which gik = 0 for к k(i\ where k(i) depends on i. Hence co ®л 99 is incomplete and we have an example of a тг-product of two projective limits which is not a projective limit. Similarly, if M, N are bounded (compact) sets in co and 99, respectively, then r(Af®7V) contains only elements z such that |£ifc| Rik and gik = 0 for к kQ. On the other hand, every set of elements z with Ы Rik and gik = 0 for к k(i) is bounded and compact in co ®л <p. Thus in co ®л 99 the sets Г (M ® TV), M and N bounded (compact), do not contain all bounded (compact) subsets. By 3.(6) (co 99)' = co' ® 99' = 99 ® co. We leave it to the reader to verify that the strong dual (99 ® co)& is the topological direct sum of a sequence of spaces isomorphic to co (a space isomorphic to 99C0) and that the bibounded topology Zbb on 99 ® co is the topology so that ((99 ® co)b)' = co ®л 99 and (99 ® co)[Xbb]' = co ®л 99. We remark finally that (7) b) is no longer true if F is an (F)-space. We 00 / 00 \ take again co 99 and write 99 = © Kb ~ K. Then co ®л (©KJ is t=i v = i / a space of type C099, whereas © (Kt ® n co) coincides with co ®л 99 and is of i = l type 99C0. Not only are the topologies induced on co ® 99 different; even the dual spaces are different. 7. Some special cases, a) Pietsch gave in [Г] a concrete representation of Л ®л F, where A is a perfect sequence space, F arbitrarily locally convex, which we reproduce here. The topology on A will be the normal topology, defined by the elements u of Ax and the corresponding semi-norms pu (§ 30, 2.). The topology on Fis given by a neighbourhood base {U} of o, U absolutely convex, qv the associated semi-norm. We define A{F} as the space of all sequences у = (yn), yn e F, such that 2 ипУп converges absolutely in F for every u = (wn) e Ax, which means n= 1
7. Some special cases 197 that 2 Wtfu(jn) < 00 for every u e Ax and every Ue{U}. An equivalent n = 1 condition is that the sequence (qu(yn)) is in A for every U e {U}. The topology X on X{F} is defined by the semi-norms = 2 1“"'^’ y=On)eAtF}> U6 Ax, Ue{U}. n = 1 (1) The completion of X{F} is X{F}. The proof is standard: A Cauchy net y(a) = (/na)) is a Cauchy net in every coordinate and the sequence consisting of the coordinatewise limits in F is the limit of y(a\ Let (pF denote the space of all sequences (yn), yn e F, such that yn = ° for n greater than some n0. Obviously, X{F} => (pF and (2) (pF is dense in X{F}. This is obvious since there exists always a section Уп°> = (yi,---,yn0, °, °, •••) such that 7ru,u(y — y*"»’) = 2 Iмп|?и(к) < E- Every у e A{F} is the limit n0 + 1 of its sections. For i = (xn) e A and yo) e F we define the map (i, /o)) (xn<y(o)) of A x F in X{F}. It is bilinear and induces therefore a linear map 2 *(f) ® = ( 2 of A ® F in X{F}. J is one-one, which becomes obvious if one chooses the y(i} linearly independent in F. (3) J is an isomorphism of А F onto a dense subspace of X{F} such that (4) 7Tu,u(Jz) = P\1 ® qu(zf zeX®„F. к Proof. If z = 2 *(<) ® y(i), then t = i 00 / \ = 2 *№) ^22iMnikwa n = l \i = l J n i Since pu ® qv(z) = inf 2 ( 2x |«n| and since 7rn>u(Jz) is independent of the particular representation of z as a sum, it follows that 7TUfU(Jz) pu® qu(z)- Next we show that pu ® for z ey ® F or, equiva- lently, Jz e (pF. For the unit vector en e A and yn e F, J(yn ® yn) is the sequence with only the nth member yn different from o. One has Pu ® qu(tn ® К) = |«пкс/(к) = ® A))-
198 § 41. Projective tensor products of locally convex spaces An arbitrary element of (pF has the form 2 tn ® к) and one has / N \ N / N \ Рн®<1и\У en®jn) s 2 =’’u.t/U 2 сп®а|- \n=l J n=l \ n=l / Therefore (4) is true for z e у ® F. Since у ® F is dense in A ® F and (pF is dense in X{F} by (2), (4) follows by continuity for every z e A ® F. Finally, J(A 0 F) (pF is dense in A{F}. As an immediate consequence of (1) and (3) we obtain (5) A ® л F can be identified with A{F}. In particular, I1 ® л F for complete F can be identified with the space F{F} of all absolutely summable sequences у = (yn), yn e F. The topology is given by the semi-norms л-[Д» = 2 <1и(Уп)> Ue{U}, a neighbour- n = 1 hood base of F. It is interesting to note (compare 3.(13)) that (6) The canonical mapping ф of A ® л F, F complete, into , F) is one-one. Let z = 2 en ® Уп e <P ® F, Then 0(z) is the mapping u -> 2 wnjn, n=1 n=1 where u = (wb u2,...) e Ax. Since every у = (yn) e X{F} is the limit of its sections Упо} and, since ф is continuous, we obtain Ф(у)(и) = 2 wn<yn. — . n = 1 Thus ф(у) = о if and only if у = о. We leave it to the reader to verify the following representation of A{F}'. It consists of all sequences v = (rn), vn e F', such that there exists an absolutely convex neighbourhood U э о in F and a u e Ax with vn e |un\ U° for every n. The duality is given by <r, y) = 2 vnyn. The bilinear func- 71 — 1 tional В corresponding to v is given by B(i, y0) = 2 хп(рпУо)- n= 1 The reader should also reconsider the example in 5. as a particular case of these results. b) The same method can be applied to obtain a representation of the spaces L^tli ®л F, where Fis a real resp. complex locally convex space and Lxtli is the (B)-space of all equivalence classes of absolutely ^-summable real resp. complex functions f on the locally compact space X and p a positive Radon measure on X. The norm is defined by ||/'|| x = f |/(T) | dp. X We assume some elementary facts on integration theory. We treated a particular case in § 14, 10.
7. Some special cases 199 Let 5 be the subspace of Lxtll consisting of the equivalence classes of n all simple functions a(z) on X, a(z) = 2 where the are real resp. i = 1 complex numbers and the Xi are the characteristic functions of pairwise disjoint measurable sets As in the case of § 14, 10., it easily follows that 5 is dense in Lxtll. n Next we consider the functions of the form s(t) = 2 хМУъ teX, i = l yi e F, where the xt again belong to pairwise disjoint measurable sets and are determined only almost everywhere. It is easy to see that the set of all these F-valued “functions” is a vector space; we equip it with the topology X defined by the semi-norms (7) iru(s) = У р(А)чи(уд = f qu(s(t)) du, i=1 i where qv is a semi-norm on F corresponding to a neighbourhood U of a neighbourhood base {U} of о in F, and ^(Л) is the measure of /j. It follows immediately from (7) that I is Hausdorff. We denote this locally convex space by S{F} and its completion by LitM{F}. This space is called the space of absolutely /x-summable F-valued functions. A justification for this terminology will be given below. Our aim is to prove that Lxtll ®л F is isomorphic to L1,M{F}. 5 is a normed space as a subspace of The mapping (о-, у) -> ay of 5 x F in S{F} is bilinear and therefore generates a linear map J of 5 ® Fin S{F}. J is one-one because for linearly independent y{ e F, J(2 &i ® yd = 2 aiyi = ° if and only if all = о in 5. We prove now that J is an isomorphism of 5 ®nF into S{F}. Let z = 2 аг ® Уг- Then from ”u(J?) = j dp 2 Mi«p(ji) follows 77u(Jz) inf 2 INIitfcXK) = P ® 4u(z), where p is the norm in т i n Conversely, every Jz = 2 ЗД can be written as 2 ХкУк = Л 5 Xfc ® X V i = l к \к J where the Xk belong to pairwise disjoint measurable sets and we have P ® 4u(z) 2 pUi^uty'k) = <lu(Jz) dfj. = irv(Jz). Thus iTutJz) = p ® qu(z) and J is a topological isomorphism. Since 5 is dense in LxtU, S ®л Fis dense in L1 ®л Fand, by the definition of Lxtfi{F},
200 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings we obtain (8) For every locally convex space F we have the isomorphism Lxtfl ®nF If F is a (Jfyspace, this is a norm isomorphism. This elegant proof was given by Schaefer [1'], III, 6. 4. We introduced L1 in § 14,10. as the completion of its subspace of continuous functions. We could have introduced L1 also as the completion of 5. We then gave a concrete representation of the elements of L1 as classes of measurable functions f for which j |/(/)| dt < oo. If F is a (B)-space, one can do exactly the same and we find a representation of the elements of LxtU{F} as classes of F-valued functions f for which now ”(/) = J 11/(011 Ф has X to be < oo (for detailed information see Bourbaki [7], Chap. IV). Hence, in the case of (B)-spaces F, the terminology introduced above is completely justified. For arbitrary locally convex Fthe situation is more complex. There are cases in which not all elements of Lxfll{F}, F complete, are representable as classes of F-valued functions. § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings 1. Compact linear mappings. Let E and F be locally convex spaces. A continuous linear mapping A of E in F is called precompact resp. compact if there exists a neighbourhood U of о in E such that A(U) is precompact resp. relatively compact in F. Every A 6 £(E, F) of finite rank is obviously compact. If F is quasi-complete, then every precompact A is compact. The identity I on E is precompact if and only if E is finite dimensional (§15, 7.(1)). We denote by (£P(E, F) resp. (£(E, F) the set of all precompact resp. compact A g £(E, F). (1) (£P(E, F) resp. &(E, F) is a subspace of £(E, F). If A e £(E, F), В g £(F, G), and if A or В is precompact resp. compact, then BA is pre- compact resp. compact. Proof. Let Ль A2 g (£p(E, F) resp. (£(E, F). There exist neighbour- hoods t/1? U2 of ° such that ^i(Gi) and A2(U2) are precompact resp. relatively compact. Then (а^! + a2/t2)(Gi n t/2) <= «^(СЛ) + a2A2(U2) and this, by § 15, 6.(8), is again a precompact resp. relatively compact set.
1. Compact linear mappings 201 The second statement follows from the fact that the continuous linear image of a precompact resp. compact set is again a precompact resp. compact set. (2) If E is normed and F locally convex, then &P(E, F) is a closed sub- space of £b(E, F). If F is, moreover, quasi-complete, then (£(£, F) is closed in S,b(E, F). It is sufficient to prove the first statement. This is a special case of the following lemma: (3) Let УЯЬе a class of bounded subsets of E defining a locally convex topology on H(E, F), E, F locally convex. The set H of all A g £(£, F) such that A(M) is precompact for every M еУЯ is closed in £од(£, F). Let Ao be an adherent point of H in £эд(£, F), M еУЛ. If U is an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in F, there exists AeH such that Aqz eAz+E for all z e M. Since A(M) is precompact, there exist x1?..., xn in E such that Л(М) <= |J (Axt + E). It follows that i = l y4()Z e Az + E (AXi + E) 4- E c AXj + 2E n for some i; thus A0(M) <= (J (Axt + 2E), which implies that A0(M) is i=l totally bounded for every M e or that Ao e H. (4) If E is a (ty-space, then (£(£, £) = £(£) is a two-sided closed ideal in the Banach algebra Hb(E). This follows from (1) and (2). In general, (£(£) is not closed: Take £ = co, where co is the (F)-space endowed with Zb(<p). Let In be the mapping Inn = xn, x g co and xn the «th section of x. Then In is of finite rank and therefore compact. It is easy to see that In converges to the identity I in £b(u>) and I is not compact. We study now the duality properties of precompact and compact mappings. Recall that on £', denotes the topology of uniform con- vergence on the precompact subsets of £. (5) Let E, F be locally convex. If A e S*(E, F) is precompact, then A' e £(Fc, E'c) is compact. Proof. Let E be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о such that C = A(E) is precompact. Then C° is a neighbourhood of о in F'. We have C° = А'^ЧЕУ, thus Л'(С°) <= E° and E° is ^-compact by § 21, 6.(3).
202 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings An (M)-space E is quasi-complete and reflexive, is again an (M)-space, and every bounded subset of an (M)-space is relatively compact. From this and (5) follows immediately (6) Let E and F be (fAy spaces. A e £,(E, F) is compact if and only if A' g £(7% £0 is compact. This is nearly obvious. A deeper result is the first duality theorem for compact mappings, the theorem of Schauder: (7) Let E, F be normed spaces. A e &(E, F) is precompact if and only if A' g £(Fb', Eb) is compact. We obtain it as a corollary of the following theorem of Grothendieck which generalizes § 21, 7.(1): (8) Let (E', E) and <JF', F} be dual pairs, 9R a saturated collection of weakly bounded subsets M of E which cover E, 91 a similar collection of subsets N of F'; finally, let A be a weakly continuous linear mapping of E in F. Then the following statements are equivalent: a) A(M} is Hyi-precompact for all M g 9R; b) Л'(А) is Hjji-precompact for all N g 91; c) the restriction of A to every M g 9R is uniformly continuous for the topologies XS(E') on E and Zyt on F'; d) the restriction of A' to every N g 91 is uniformly continuous for the topologies XS(E) on Ff and on E'. Proof. It follows from § 32, 2.(1) that a) is equivalent to the statement that A' is a (uniformly) continuous mapping of F'[IC(F[I^])] in E'[2^r], where Ic(F[X*r]) is the topology of uniform convergence on the I^-pre- compact subsets of F. Every N g 91 is I^-equicontinuous in F' F[Isr]' and by §21, 6.(2) the topologies IS(F) and Ic(F[Ijr]) coincide on N. Therefore the restriction of A' to N is uniformly continuous for the topologies IS(F) on F' and on E'. Thus a) implies d). We assume now d). Every N e 91 is weakly precompact as an equi- continuous subset of F' <= F[2/r]'. It follows from d) that A'(N) is Зяп-precompact. Thus d) implies b). By symmetry, b) implies c) and c) implies a) and this concludes the proof. If one takes for 9R and 91 the classes of strongly bounded subsets in the normed space E resp. F', (7) becomes a special case of (8). For (F)-spaces we obtain from (8) (9) Let E, F be (Fyspaces. A g £(E, F) maps all bounded sets into relatively compact sets if and only if A g £(Fb, E^) has the same property.
1. Compact linear mappings 203 This is true even if E and F are both only barrelled and F, moreover, quasi-complete (§ 23, 1.(3)). Thus (8) specializes to the theorem of Schauder for normed spaces, but even in the case of (F)-spaces it gives a theorem which says nothing on precompact mappings. A slightly different approach will give us more information. (10) Let {Ef, E} and (F', F} be dual pairs, M and N bounded weakly closed absolutely convex subsets of E' and F, respectively, and E'M and FN the associated normed spaces. Let A be in £(£s, Fs). Then A(M°) is precompact in FN if and only if A'(№) is precompact in Em- Proof. Weassumethat is precompact in FN. Then A(M°) pN for some p > 0 and it follows by polarity that A'(№) <= pM°° = PM <= E’M- Let e > 0 be given. Since A(MQ) is precompact in FN, there exist %i,..., xn in M° such that (11) sup \uA(x - X|)| ue№ О for all x e M° and a suitable xt depending on x. The set of all vectors (uAxr,..., uAxn), и e №, is bounded in Kn and therefore precompact in /„ . Hence there exist u1,...,um such that sup |(u - иО(Лх4)| = sup \(A'(u - Mfc))xf| g | for all и e № and uk depending on u. From this inequality and (11) follows for x e M° and ue № E \(A'(u - uk))x\ \(A’(u - uk))(x - X()| + \(A’(u - Wfc))x,| g J + j = e. Thus sup \(A'u — A’uk)xl e and A’(N°) is precompact in E'M. xeM° The converse statement follows by symmetry. An equivalent result was proved in Kothe [8'] using Schauder’s theorem. The proof above allows an even more general statement (compare pp. 200, 443 of [1] by Garnir, De Wilde, and Schmets. We note that (7) is also a special case of (10), so we have two different proofs for the theorem of Schauder. For metrizable spaces we obtain (12) Let E be locally convex, F metrizable locally convex. If A e й{Е, F) is precompact, then A' e H(Fb, E'b) is precompact.
204 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings For the proof we need the following lemma: (13) If Cis a precompact subset of the metrizable locally convex space F, there exists an absolutely convex closed precompact subset Cr C such that C is precompact in the normed space FC1. Proof. By § 41, 4.(3) C is contained in the closed absolutely convex cover of a sequence xn e F converging to o. By § 28, 3.(1) there exist pn > 0, pn -> oo such that yn = pnxn converges to о too. The closed absolutely convex cover Cr of the yn is precompact in F and C is precompact in FCv Proof of (12). Let U be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о such that A(U) = C is precompact in F. By (13) there exists Ci => C, C± precompact in F, such that A(U) is precompact in FC1. It follows from (10) that A'(Cl) is precompact in E'u*. Since U° is strongly bounded in E' (§ 21, 5.(1)), the norm topology on E{j° is finer than the topology induced from Zb(E) and thus A'(Cl) is precompact in Eb. This implies the statement. The converse of (12) is false, as is shown by the following example. We recall the situation of § 31, 5., where a linear continuous mapping A of the (FM)-space A onto I1 was defined, which is a homomorphism. It was proved in § 31, 5. that the mapping A' of 100 in Aj> = Abx is compact. But A is not compact: Let A be the isomorphism of A/TVpl] onto Z1; then if A would be compact, AA~1 the identity on Z1 too would be compact, which is not the case. 2. Weakly compact linear mappings. Let E, F be locally convex and A g£(E, F). A will be called weakly compact if there exists a neigh- bourhood U of о in E such that A(U) is relatively weakly compact in F, that is, if A is a compact mapping from E in F[IS(27)J the sense of 1. For (B)-spaces we introduced this notion before, in § 40, 3. If A is compact, then A is weakly compact. Since the weakly bounded and the weakly precompact subsets of F coincide (§ 20, 9.(3)), A e £,(E, F) will be called bounded (instead of weakly precompact) if, for some neighbourhood U of o, A(U) is a bounded subset of F. If F is weakly quasi-complete, E locally convex, then weakly compact and bounded A g £(F, F) coincide. One has the following basic result of Grothendieck ([7], [11]): (1) Let E, Fbe locally convex, A g £(F, F). The following two conditions are equivalent: (i) A maps every bounded subset of E in a relatively weakly compact subset of F; (ii) A" maps E" in F. (i) or (ii) implies
2. Weakly compact linear mappings 205 (iii) A' maps the equicontinuous subsets of F' in relatively ZS(E'^-com- pact subsets of E'. If F is quasi-complete, (iii) is equivalent to (i) and (ii). Proof, (i) ~ (ii). A" is a weakly continuous mapping of E" into F" and an extension of A. The space E" is the union of all sets В, В bounded in E and В the weak closure taken in E" (§ 23, 2.(1)). Hence Л"(Е") is contained in the union of all sets A"(B) <= A(B), the weak closure being taken in F". But since by assumption A(B) is relatively weakly compact in F, A(B) c= f. (ii) (i). Assume A"(E") <= E. If В is bounded in E, then its weak closure В is weakly compact. Thus Л"(Е) is weakly compact in Eand Л(В) is relatively weakly compact. (ii) ~ (iii). Л"(Е") <= E implies that A” is continuous from E"[IS(£')] in F[IS(F')J. Its adjoint A' is therefore continuous from F'[XS(F)] in E'[IS(E")L A' therefore maps equicontinuous subsets of F', which are relatively weakly compact, in relatively Is(E*)-compact subsets of E'. Finally, we suppose that Fis quasi-complete and that A' satisfies (iii). We will prove that (ii) holds. Let M <= F' be equicontinuous. It follows from (iii) that IS(E") and IS(E) coincide on Л'(М). Thus A' restricted to M is continuous for XfF) and IS(E")- This implies that the linear form on F', defined by <z0, A'v) = <A"z0, v), z0 e E", v e F', has a Is(F)-con- tinuous restriction to M. This is true for every equicontinuous M and it follows from § 21, 9.(2) that A"z0 e F, the completion of F. z0 is in the weak closure of an absolutely convex bounded subset В of E; thus A"z0 is contained in the closure of A(B) in F (§ 20, 7.(6)). Since F is assumed to be quasi-complete, A"z0 lies even in Fand (ii) is satisfied. We obtain as a special case the theorem of Gantmacher-Nakamura: (2) Let E be a normed space, F a Banach space, A e &(E, F). The following conditions are equivalent: (i) A is weakly compact; (ii) Л"(Е") c= F; (iii) A' is weakly compact as a mapping of F{, in Е'ъ. We note the following easy consequence of the definitions: (3) Let E, F be locally convex. If E or F is a reflexive (fFyspace, then every A e Sl(E, F) is weakly compact. By analogy to 1.(1) one has (4) Let E, F be locally convex, 2B(E, F) the set of all weakly compact mappings of £(E, F). Then 2B(E, F) is a subspace of &(E, F). If A e £(E, F), В e £(F, G), and if A or В are weakly compact, then BA is weakly compact.
206 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings The proof of 1.(1) works with minor changes also in this case. Corresponding to 1.(2) and 1.(4) we have (5) IfE is normed and F complete, then 2B(F, F) is a closed subspace of W,F). In particular, if E is a (B)-space, 2B(F) = 2B(F, E) is a closed two-sided ideal in the Banach algebra &b(E). We prove only the first statement. Let Ao be an adherent point of 2B(F, F) in £b(F, F). Then there exists a net Aa e 2B(F, F) converging to Ao in £b(E, F). By (1) A"(E") <= F for every a and we have to show that A'q(E") <= F If V is a closed absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in F, there exists a0 such that Aax — Aox e V for a a0 and all x e E, ||x|| 1. Since the closed unit ball in F" is the weak closure of the unit ball in E and the A”a and A'o are weakly continuous, it follows that Anaz - A^zeV for all z e E", ||z|| 1, where V is the closure of V in F". Hence A«z is a Cauchy net in F since Л'о(£") <= F. Its limit A'oZ is in F since Fis complete. 3. Completely continuous mappings. Examples. We come back to Theorem 1.(8). An immediate consequence of the equivalence of a) and c) in this theorem is (1) If A e £,(ES, Fs) satisfies a) A(M) is X<s\-precompact for all M еУЛ, then the following condition is satisfied too: e) if xn e M e and xn converges weakly to o, then Axn Zyt-converges to o. We are interested in conditions on E and F such that e) implies a). A first result is (2) Let E, F be locally convex and Eb separable. If A e &(Es, Fs) maps every sequence хпе E which converges weakly to о onto a sequence Axn which converges to о in F, then A maps bounded sets of E on precompact sets of F. Proof. Since Fb is separable, the topology IS(F') on every bounded absolutely convex set M E is metrizable (§ 21, 3.(4)). By assumption the restriction of A to M is sequentially continuous at о and therefore con- tinuous at о and by § 21, 6.(5) uniformly continuous on M for the weak topology on M and the given topology on F. Thus condition c) of 1.(8) is satisfied.
3. Completely continuous mappings. Examples 207 A second result is (3) Let E be a reflexive (F)-space or a semi-reflexive strict (LF)-space, F metrizable locally convex, A e SflEs, Fs). Then A maps bounded sets of E onto relatively compact sets of F if the weak convergence of xn to о in E implies Axn -> о in F. Proof. Let M be a bounded subset of E. Since Fis metrizable, it is sufficient to show that A(M) is relatively sequentially compact. Let Axn, n = 1, 2,..., be a sequence in Л(М); then the set {x1? x2? • • •} c Af is relatively weakly compact and by §24, 1.(3) and (4) there exists a sub- sequence xnj which converges weakly to an element x0 e E. The sequence xnj — Xq converges weakly to o; thus by assumption Axnj Ax0 in F and A(M) is relatively sequentially compact. We consider now the case where E and F are (B)-spaces. A e Q(E, F) is called completely continuous if A maps weakly convergent sequences into norm convergent sequences. A is completely continuous if A maps every sequence which converges weakly to о into a sequence which converges to о in the norm. It follows from (1) that every compact A is completely continuous. As an immediate consequence of (2) and (3) we obtain (4) Let E, F be (B)-spaces. If E'b is separable or if E is reflexive, then completely continuous and compact A e £,(E, F) coincide. The injection J of I1 into I2 is completely continuous but not compact: Jis continuous by § 14, 8.(9) and weak and norm convergence of sequences in I1 coincide (§ 22, 4.(2)); thus J is completely continuous. The set of all Ci, i = 1, 2,..., is contained in the image of the unit ball of I1 and this set is not relatively compact in I2. The same argument shows that for any cardinal d the injection J of l\ into I2 is completely continuous. That Jis not compact follows for d > Xo immediately from (5) A precompact A e £(E, F), E and F locally convex, F metrizable, has a separable range. 00 A(E) = U иЛ(17), where A(U) is precompact in F and A(U) is n= 1 relatively compact in the completion F. By § 4, 5.(2) A(W) is separable. Another consequence of 1.(8) is (6) Let E, F be (Jfy-spaces, F separable. A e Q(E, F) is compact if and only if the XfF)-convergence of a sequence vn e F' implies always the strong convergence of A'vn in E'.
208 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings Proof. By 1.(8) A is compact if and only if the restriction of A' to the unit ball M of F' is uniformly continuous for the topologies IS(F) on M and Ib(F) on Ef. From the separability of Fit follows that M is metrizable for IS(F) and, as in the proof of (2), the sequential continuity of A' on M implies uniform continuity. In /J weak and norm convergent sequences coincide. It follows imme- diately that for arbitrary (B)-spaces E, F every A e £(£, /J) and every A e 2(1 a, F) is completely continuous. We see from (4) that if E is reflexive or if E'b is separable, then every A e 2(E, la) is compact. We note some results for c0. (7) For any fB)-space F a weakly compact A e £(c0, F) is always compact. Proof. A' is weakly compact in 2(Fb, I1) by 2.(2). In I1 weakly compact sets are compact (§ 22, 4.(3)); thus A' is compact. Finally, A is compact by Schauder’s theorem 1.(7). If F is reflexive, then every A e £(c0, F) is weakly compact since the bounded sets in Fare relatively weakly compact. Thus (7) implies: Every continuous linear mapping of c0 in a reflexive (W)-space is compact. This result can be slightly improved. (8) Let F, F be (ffyspaces, Eb separable, F weakly sequentially complete. Then every A e 2(Es, Fs) is weakly compact. Proof. A bounded set M c E is metrizable for IS(F') and %S(E')- precompact. Therefore every sequence xn e M contains a weak Cauchy sequence xn/. Since F is weakly sequentially complete, the weak Cauchy sequence Axnj has a limit in F and thus A(M) is relatively weakly sequen- tially compact. By the theorems of Smulian and Eberlein (§ 24, 3.(8)) A(M) is relatively weakly compact. Using (7) we have the special case (9) Every continuous linear mapping of c0 in a weakly sequentially complete (ty-space F is compact. The following interesting result is due to Pitt [Г]. (10) Let 1 p < r < oo; then every A e 2(T, lp) is compact. Proof. We denote by Pn (resp. Qn) the projection of lr (resp. lp) which maps every element x = (x1? x2,...) onto its «th section (x1?..., xn, 0, 0,...). Setting Ап>т = (I — Qn)A(I — Pm) we have the decomposition (11) A = An,m + QnA(I - Pm) + (I - Qn)APm + QnAPm.
3. Completely continuous mappings. Examples 209 We need the following fact: (12) lim \QnA(I - Pm)|| = 0 for every n = 1, 2,.... 7П-* OO This is easy to prove: QnA is of finite rank and has therefore a represen- tation QnAx = 2 <«i, yt 6 Щ e (/r)' = lrl/r + 1/r' = 1. Hence i QnA(I - Pm)x = 2 <(J - x>yi. From lim ||(Z - P^W = 0 for 1 m-*oo every i follows (12). In (11) the three last mappings are of finite rank. If ||ЛЛьт||| 0 for two sequences ni9 гщ of integers, then A will be compact as the limit of a sequence of mappings of finite rank. We assume that A is not compact. Then there exists 8 > 0 such that Mn.mll > 8 for every n, m. Let a = (ai, a2, • • •), “i > 0, be an element of Г, ||a||r = 1, which does not lie in lp (compare § 14, 8. for the construction of such an element), and let ei9 i = 1, 2,... be a sequence of positive numbers such that oo < 8/2 and 2 aiet = c < oo. < = i There exists in Г an element x(1) = (x^,..., x^1/, 0, 0,...), ||x(1)||r = 1, such that || Лх(1)||р > 8 and there exists пг such that the nxth section y{1} of Лх(1) satisfies || УХ)|| p > 8 and z(1) = Лх(1) — УХ) satisfies ||z(1)||p < £X. It follows from (12) that there exists m2 > mr such that || QnrA(I — Pm$ || < e2. There exists in Г an element x(2) = (0,..., 0, x^+1,..., x^, 0, 0,...), ||x(2)||r = 1, such that || ЛП1>т'х(2)||р > 8. Since Pm'X(2) = o, it follows from (11) that Лх<2> = Ani^ + QniA(I - Pm$x™ = Ani^ + s<2>, ||^(2)||P < e2. We choose now n2 > n± such that the n2th section У2) = (о,...,о,л21)+1,...,Л22), о, о,...) of Ani m'x(2) satisfies ||У2)||Р > 3 and z(2) = Ani m'X(2) — /2) satisfies к2Ъ < e2. Then > ||y2>||P - ||j(2)||p - ||>||p > 8 - 2e2. We continue this construction by induction and obtain a sequence x(<), || x(i) || r = 1, of elements of Г with nonoverlapping nonzero coordinates and this is true also for the corresponding sequence ||У°||Р > 3, in /р. The sequence tn = cqx(1) 4--------1- anx(n) is bounded in /r, since / n mi \1/t / n ua= 2 <4 2 i< = (2«0 ii«iu- mj + l ' \1 /
210 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings For the corresponding sequence Atn = 2 + •y(0 + z<0) one obtains (n \ 00 2 a? |1/p — 2 2 thus Atn is unbounded by our assumption 1 / 1 on a. But this is a contradiction since A is continuous. In contrast to (10), the canonical injection of /p in /г, 1 p < r < oo, is not compact. This follows as in the example after (4) from the fact that the set of all ег, i = 1, 2,..., is not relatively compact in Г. For compact mappings between ZAspaces see Rosenthal [Г]. Kato [1'] introduced the following notion: Let E, F be (B)-spaces, A g £(E, F). Then A is called strictly singular if A has no bounded inverse on any infinite dimensional subspace of its range. Every compact A is strictly singular, but the converse does not hold. The strictly singular endomorphisms of a (B)-space E constitute a two-sided closed ideal in Qb(E). For the theory of strictly singular mappings we refer the reader to Goldberg [1'], Lacey and Whitley [1'], and Pelczynski [2']. There exist (B)-spaces E with the property that every weakly compact A g £(£, F), F any (B)-space, maps every weakly compact set in a compact set of F. Such an Ehas the Dunford-Pettis property. Examples for these spaces are the spaces C(K), К compact, and Li(/x), /x any measure. There exists a rather deep theory of these and related spaces and their weakly compact mappings. We refer the reader to Grothendieck [7], Edwards [Iх], Chap. 9, and, for further references, to Batt [1']. 4. Compact mappings in Hilbert space. We assume that the reader is familiar with the elements of Hilbert space theory. We denote the scalar product of two elements x, у of a (real or complex) Hilbert space by (x, y). The following representation of compact mappings of Hilbert spaces is a consequence of the spectral theory of compact symmetric operators. (1) Let H19 H2 be Hilbert spaces, A e £(ЯХ, Я2) compact and not of finite rank. Then there exist orthonormal systems {en}9 n = 1,2,..., in and {fn}, n = 1, 2,..., in H2 such that (2) Ax An(x, ^п)Уп> % Нъ n= 1 where Ал > 0 and An -> 0. Proof. Since A is compact, A*A is compact too and positive, where Л* denotes the adjoint in the sense of the scalar product. It follows from spectral theory that there exists an orthonormal sequence of eigenvectors en, n = 1,2,..., and eigenvalues A£ > 0, A£ -> 0 such that A*Ax = 2 e^en- n-1
4. Compact mappings in Hilbert space 211 A* A is zero on the orthogonal complement H of the closed subspace spanned by all the en. But then A is zero too on H: Take у e H and suppose Ay o. Then (Ay, Ay) = (y, A*Ay) / 0. But this would imply A*Ay / o. Therefore we have a representation Ax = 2 (X en)Aen. Define now n = 1 fn = (1/Ап)Лел. Then Ax = 2 X(X en)fn and our proposition will be 71=1 proved if we show that {fn} is an orthonormal system. But (fi,fk) = (V1^, Afc- 4ek) = Xf~1Xk1(A*Aef, ek) = Xi~1Xk1(Xfel, ek) = 8jfc. (3) Conversely, every mapping A e £(ЯЬ Я2) which has a representation (2) with An > 0, An —> 0 is compact. к oo Let Ak be £ An(x, en)fn; then ||(Л - Лп)х||2 2 A2|(x,en)|2 n = 1 n = к + 1 e21| at||2 if | An| e for n > k(e). Thus A is compact as the limit of the An in Ж н2). From this proof and (1) follows immediately (4) Let H19 H2 be Hilbert spaces. Then every compact A e £b(#i, Я2) is the limit of a sequence of mappings of finite rank. The An of (2) are called the singular values of A and the non- increasing sequence of all singular values of A is uniquely determined by A. The representation (2) can be written in a different way using linear forms instead of scalar products for the coefficients of the fn. The scalar product (x, y) in Hilbert space H is linear in x for у fixed; thus it defines a linear functional (y, x> = (x, y), where у is uniquely determined. One calls у the conjugate element to y. There exists an orthonormal basis {ea}, a e A, of H such that for x = 2 У — 2 a a (x, y) = 2 = <У, X>. a Since this is true for all xeH, it follows that у = 2 the co- a efficients of у are the conjugates of the coefficients of y. The following properties of the mapping у -> у are immediate con- sequences : («ib + «2b) = «1У1 + «2У2, У = У, (x, у) = (X, y), ll/ll = ||y||. Hence the conjugate system {v0} of an orthonormal system {v0} is again an orthonormal system. For the basis {ea} one has, obviously, ea = ea and (x, ea) = <x, ea>.
212 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings It follows from these considerations that we can replace the represen- tation (2) by the representation (2 ) Ax = хУ/ы % Ях, n = 1 where en and fn are orthonormal sequences in H1 and H2, respectively, An > 0, An->0. We consider a subclass of the class of all compact linear mappings of Hilbert spaces. Let Яь H2 be Hilbert spaces. A e £(ЯХ, H2) is called a Hilbert-Schmidt mapping if, using orthonormal bases {ea} in Ях and {fp} in H2, we have ми® = 2 к^«,л)12 < at0 ||Л||h is the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of A and we have ||Л|| ЦЛЦ^ for every Hilbert-Schmidt mapping: мм = a(2 2 i^im^ii (2 i^i2F (2 \ a / a \ a / \ a J = МММ- The norm ||Л||Л is independent of the special choice of the orthonormal bases, since (5) 2 к^л)12 = 2 мм2 = 2 mw- a,0 a 0 (5) implies that A is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if Л* is Hilbert- Schmidt and we have |U*||ft = Щ|л. From (2 ||U + Ж||2)1/2 (2 ЦХЦ2)1'2 + (2 IM2)1'2 follows |U + B\\h Щ1 h + || В || h; thus the sum of two Hilbert-Schmidt mappings is again a Hilbert-Schmidt mapping. Together with ЦаЛ||л = |a| ||Л||^ for a complex, this shows that the class §(Hi, H2) of all Hilbert-Schmidt mappings A e £(ЯХ, Я2) is a normed space. It is even a (B)-space: A Cauchy sequence Ar is a Cauchy sequence in £(ЯХ, Я2) and has therefore a strong limit Ao and it follows from 2 II Ur - 4X11 e for r, s r0 that 2 II Ur - ^oX|| e; thus Ao e$(ЯХ, Я2) and |Uo - 4||^ 0. If we define (A, B) = 2 (Aea, Bea) for A, Be $(ЯХ, Я2), then (A, B) a is a scalar product such that ЦЛЦ^ = (A, A)112. The proof is straight- forward. We collect these facts in the following proposition: (6) Let H19 H2 be two Hilbert spaces, {ea} an orthonormal basis of
5. Nuclear mappings 213 If we introduce in §(Я1? Я2) the scalar product (Л, B) = 2 (Яеа, Bea), a then §(Я1? H2) is a Hilbert space. The Hilbert-Schmidt norm ||Л||Л = (A, A)1/2 is stronger than the norm ||Л|| of A in £Ь(Я1, Я2). We remark that (A, B) is independent of the choice of the basis {ea}, since the Hilbert-Schmidt norm is independent and the scalar product can be expressed as a linear combination of norms. Every continuous linear mapping A of finite rank is a Hilbert-Schmidt mapping, since there exists an orthonormal basis {ea} such that only a finite number of the Aea are / o. If A is Hilbert-Schmidt, then it follows from 2 Mea||2 < 00 that only a for countably many a can Aea be different from o. Thus we may suppose 00 that A is of the form Ax = 2 <X Then Ap defined by Apx = n= 1 p 2 <x, епУАеп is of finite rank and A is the limit of Ap in $(ЯХ, Я2). This n = 1 implies in particular that A is compact. (7) $(ЯХ, Я2) is the completion of the space of linear continuous map- pings of finite rank for the Hilbert-Schmidt norm. §(Я1? Я2) consists of compact mappings. $(Я) is a two-sided ideal in £(Я). We have only to prove the last statement. If A e $(ЯЬ Я2), В e £(Я2, Я3), then ||W = 2II Wl2 PI2 2 MM2 = Ц2ФМ112; thus |p< g p II |M||h. If A e $(Я2, H3), В e £(ЯХ, H2), then by (5) IIW = 2 И*Л*Л||2 p||2M||l в and || ЛВ || ^ ||Л|| h || В ||. The assertion is a special case of these results. (8) A compact mapping A e й{Нг, Я2) is Hilbert-Schmidt if and only if IL < °°> where the are the singular values of A. Moreover, ||Л||Л = vTa2. i If A is compact, it has a representation (2), so that Aet = Xif and Mil2 = 2 by (5), which implies the statement. 5. Nuclear mappings. We establish the connection with the results of § 41. We showed in § 41, 3.(13) that for complete locally convex E, F there exists a canonical mapping ф of E F in £е(Е^, F) which has a con- tinuous extension ф to E F. If A = 2 хг ® yi £ E ® F, then ф(А) = A is given by Au = 2 These A are of finite rank. If A e E F, then
214 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings A is the limit of a net Aa, Aa of finite rank, in the topology of uniform convergence on the equicontinuous subsets of E'. It follows from 1.(3) that A maps every equicontinuous subset of Ef onto a relatively compact subset of F. Hence (1) Let E, F be complete locally convex spaces. Every Ле E ®KF defines an A e £е(Е^, F) which maps equicontinuous sets of E' in relatively compact subsets of F and A is the Xe4imit of mappings of finite rank. By § 41, 3.(11) we have as a special case (2) Let E, E be (bfspaces. Every Ле E ®л F defines a compact mapping A e Qb(Ef, F) which is the Xb-limit of mappings of finite rank. It will be interesting to study more closely the class of these compact mappings. So far we have defined them only for the special case where the first space is a dual space. It is easy to deal with the general case. Let E, E be (B)-spaces. An element Л = J щ ® yt of Ef ® F generates i ~ a mapping ф(Л) = A e £(E, E) by defining Ax = J («<х)^ for x e E, so i that ф is an algebraic isomorphism of Ef ® E with the subspace of all maps of finite rank in £(E, E). The injection ф of Ef ®л F in £b(E, E) is continuous since one has ||ф(А)|| = || Л || М||л, as in the proof of § 41, 3.(11). Therefore (3) Let E, F be (Bfispaces. The canonical continuous injection ф of Ef ®л F in £b(E, E) has a uniquely determined extension to a continuous linear mapping ф of Ef®nF in Qb(E, E). As before we obtain (4) Let E, F be (B)-spaces. If Ле Ef ®KF, then the corresponding mapping ф(Л) = Ae £(E, E) is compact as the Xb-limit of mappings of finite rank. The subspace ф(Е’ь ®л E) of £(E, E) is called the space 5П(Е, E) of all nuclear mappings of the (B)-space E into the (B)-space F. The nuclear mappings were introduced by Grothendieck. We have the following characterization: (5) Let E, F be (B)-spaces. A e £(E, F) is nuclear if and only if A has a representation (6) Ax = 2 K(unx)yn, uneE', ||wn|| S l,y,eF, n = 1 IlKlI 1, £ N < oo. n= 1
5. Nuclear mappings 215 Proof. If A = ^r(z), ze E'b®nF9 then z has a representation z = 2 An(wn ® y^) by § 41, 4.(1), and then 0(z) has the representation (6) by n= 1 _ °0 continuity of ф. Conversely, from (6) it follows that z = 2 Anwn ® yn is i an element of F by the remark following § 41, 4.(1). We introduce the nuclear norm Щ|у as the infimum of the sums 2 | An| taken over all representations (6) of A. If ф is one-one, then by n= 1 _ § 41, 4.(1) ||Л||Р = ||z||n, where A = 0(z) and 5П(£, F) is norm isomorphic to E'b F, If ф is not one-one, then the nuclear norm is the quotient norm of (Еъ ®я F)/N9 where N is the kernel of Ф, and 5П(£, F) is norm isomorphic to (Ef, F)/N. There is a second characterization of nuclear mappings. Assume that A e £(E, F) has a representation (7) Ax = 2 (й»*)Л, йпеЕ', yneF, 2 II «п IIII Лп II < <»• n = 1 n = 1 If one defines un and yn by un = ып/||й„[|, yn = Л/II All, then from (7) follows a representation (6) with An = ||wn|| ||yn||> so that J |A„| = 2 II«nil IIЛII- Conversely, (6) may be written as (7) by setting if — Xnun andyn = yn; then 2 ||Л|| ||yn|| g 2 |A„| < oo, since ||wn|| g 1, ||y„|| S 1. П= 1 Thus the nuclear norm can also be defined by (8) Mllv = inf 2 IIMIIM where the infimum is taken over all representations (7). (9) a) If A e ЩЕ, F), В e £(F, G), then BA e 9t(£, G) and ЦВА ||„ g MIIML. b) IfBe£(E,F),AeW(F,G),thenABeW(E,G)andtiABHv MllvMII- Proof, a) If A is represented by Ax = 2 (wn^)?nand 2 II wn IIIIКII = n=1 n= 1 || Я || v + e, then BA is represented by BAx = 2 (unx)Byn and 2 II Mn IIII Byn || MIKMIlv + e). b) ABx = 2 (w„(-8x))yn = 2 ((5'un)x)yn; hence M^llv 2 РЧИЫ1 MIKMIlv + 4 (10) Let E, Fbe (B)-spaces. Then <Jl(E, F) is the completion of the space of linear continuous mappings of finite rank for the nuclear norm. 91(E) = 9l(E, E) is a two-sided ideal in 2(E).
216 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings This is an easy consequence of (4), the norm isomorphism 5П(Е, F) ~ Щ®яЖап(1 (9). It will be important to generalize the notion of nuclear mapping to the case where E and F are normed spaces. We use now (6) as the definition in this more general situation. It is obvious that the set 5П(Е, F) of all nuclear mappings is again a vector space and that it is a normed space for the nuclear norm ||Л || v defined as above, and one always has Щ| ||4||v. It follows from (7) that every nuclear A is the v-limit of a sequence of mappings of finite rank and therefore precompact. The range A(E) is always separable (3.(5)). Since (9) is true also for normed E and F, 5П(Е) is again a two-sided ideal in £(£). If F is a (B)-space, then 5R(E, F) and 5П(Д F) can be identified, since every A e £(E, F) has a uniquely determined extension A to Ё and Mllv = H^llv In this case 5R(E, F) is a (B)-space for the nuclear norm. If Fis normed and not complete, then 5П(Е, F) is obviously a subset of 5П(Е, F). That this injection is a norm isomorphism was proved by Pietsch. (11) Let E, F, G be normed spaces and F dense in G. If A e £(E, F) is in 5R(E, G), then A e 5R(E, F) and the nuclear norms coincide; ||Л||у = Щ|?. Proof, a) For every zeG and e > 0 there exists a sequence yneF such that z = 2 л and 2 h»ll (1 + e)||z||. n= 1 n=1 To prove this we choose Xе with II * — XII = (l/2n + 1)e||z|| and set У1 = yi, Уп = y'n- y'n-1 for n > 1. Clearly, z = lim= 2 Уп- Also n=l hill = (1 + 5)И and Ubll + 2*)SHZII- It follows that 2 Ihnll ^[1 + 2 + «(2рт+2 ijlkll a + е)1И1- b) Suppose now A e 5П(Е, G). So A has a representation Ax = 2 (unx)zn, where un e E', zn e G, and 2 1Ы11Ы| g ||Л||? + e. Using a), n= 1 we can write zn = 2 Утп, where ymneF and 2 h*»ll (1 + £ЖИ- m = 1 m Hence Л-X = 2 2 = 2 2 ^итп^)Утп9 umn = wn* n=l \m=l J n=lm=l
6. Examples of nuclear mappings 217 Now =2w2iib.nii n m n m 2 WIG + e)K|| g (1 + e)(H? + e). n Since e > 0 is arbitrary, ЩЦ* Щ|?. The inverse inequality is trivial since the infimum defining Щ|? is taken over more representations than the infimum defining ||Л||у. Thus ||Л||у = ||Л||?. We close this section with the following result. (12) a) Let E, F be normed spaces. If A e £(E, F) is nuclear, then the adjoint A' is nuclear and ||Л'||Р ||Л ||v. b) If F is a reflexive (ffyspace and if A' is nuclear, then A is nuclear and M'lL = MIL- Proof, a) Let>4 e 91(£, F), Ax = 2(«п^)а,2 1ЫНЫ1 MIL + e- If veF, then v(Ax) = (unx)(vyn) = (A’v)x = [2 (v/n)«n]*- Therefore Л'г = (ynv)un and 2 Mnllhnll MIL + £- But this means that A' e 9l(F', E') and ||Л' || v Щ|р. b) If A' e ?l(F', E'), then A" e Q(E", F) is nuclear by a) and so is the restriction A of A" to E, since A = A"J, where Jis the canonical injection of E into E". Using a) and (9) b), we obtain ||Л||Р ||Л"||Р||7|| = M"||v < ||Л'||у and, since ЦЛ' || v ||Л || v, the statement follows. We remark that we proved in (12) a) that (13) If A = Ф\ 2 un ® yn), 2 un ® yn e Ei F, then A' = П 2 Tn ® и»), 2 Tn ® “n e F®л Ei. \n=l / n=l For a deeper result on the adjoint of a nuclear mapping see 7.(8). 6. Examples of nuclear mappings. We study nuclear mappings A between Hilbert spaces If, H2. Since A is compact, A has a canonical representation of the form 4.(2) with positive singular values An. The nuclear mappings have the following characterization: (1) Let If, H2 be Hilbert spaces and A e &(ff, H2) compact with a representation (2) Ax = 2 AnM, en)fn, n= 1
218 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings where {en}, {fn} are orthonormal sets in and H2, respectively, and | An| ->0, An complex. Then A is nuclear if and only if 2 I An| < oo, and Щ|у = 2 Rn|- n=1 n=1 Proof. If a compact A has a representation (2) such that 2 W < oo, then A is nuclear and M||v g 2 I ^n| • We have only to recall that (x, en) n = 1 can be replaced by <ёл, x>. Conversely, let A be nuclear; then A has a representation (3) Ax = 2 y-n(x, gn)hn, n=l ||gn|| <; 1, ||йп|| 1, 2 l^nl < oo. A always has a representation of the form (2), at least its canonical representation. We will show that 2 | An| g 2 Ы; then, by the definition of the nuclear norm, Щ|у = n=l n=l 2 | An| and (1) follows. n=l The following proof is due to S. Simons. From (2) we have Aep = Xpfp, which by (3) is equal to J pn(ep, gn)hn; n therefore (4) Ap = P'nipp) ^n)(^n, fp)- n= 1 From this follows (5) 2 |AP| ^22mmm(Wp)I P= 1 P n = 22 (Ы 1/2im ?.)|хы1ВЫ1) P n / \1/2 / \1/2 22Ni(ep,gn)i2 22Im»ikwp)|2 \pn J \ p n / / \1/2 / \1/2 = 2 i^ni 2 i(^^n)i2 2 i^i 2 к^л)12 \n p / \ n p / / \1/2 / \1/2 (2^iiig»ii2) (2imim2) since ||gn|| 1, Ц/Ц £ 1. We note that if a compact A e £(Я) has a spectral decomposition Ax = 2 Pn(x, un)un, where {un} is an orthonormal system, then by (1) A
6. Examples of nuclear mappings 219 is nuclear if and only if J |^n| < oo, and Mllv = 2 ImJ = 2 where n An, n = 1, 2,..., are the singular values of A. From (1) and 4.(8) it follows that every nuclear mapping A between Hilbert spaces is Hilbert-Schmidt and that ||Л|| ||Л||Л ||Л||У. The connection between nuclear and Hilbert-Schmidt mappings is very close, as the following two propositions show. (6) The product of two Hilbert-Schmidt mappings A and В is nuclear and\\AB\\v Let H19 H2, H3 be Hilbert spaces, A e $(H2, H3), В e ^(H19 H2). Since В is compact, it has a separable range, and if {fn} is an orthonormal basis of then Bx = 2 (7?x,/n)/n and A&x = 2 (Bx>fn)Afn = 2 (x, В*/П)Л/П. Therefore n / \1/2 / \l/2 M*h 2 ll5*AII МАИ (2 ll^/nll2) (2 MAU2) Conversely, (7) Every A e 4t(H19 H2) is the product of two Hilbert-Schmidt mappings. Let (2) be the canonical representation of А, ЦЛ||v = 2 Define n Ai e £(Ях, H2) by Aj.x = 2 Ai/2(x, en)fn for x e HY and A2 e £(Я2) by A2y = 2 А^/2(у,/п)/п for у g T/2; then Л = Л2ЛХ and Mill» = VJX = IIA2\\h, so that Mllv = |M2|MMi||n. A similar factorization is possible for general nuclear maps. (8) Let A be nuclear from the normed space E into the (ffyspace F. Let 1 < p < oo, 1/p + 1/^f = 1, e > 0. Then A = CB9 where В e £(E, /p), CeW’,n and Mil £ (Mllv + e)1/₽, ||C|| < (Mllv + e)1/e. Proof. A has a representation Ax = 2 ^n(anx)yn, ||un|| 1, ||yn|| = 1, 2 |An| Mllv + We define В by Bx = (| An|1/P(unx))n=1>2>3..... From ||5x|| ||x||(S lAn|)1/p = (IMIIv + £)1/PMII follows the statement for B. Let C be defined by C(^„) = 2 fn|An|^n, (^)e/p. n= 1
220 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings Since F is complete, this has a meaning and / \llp / \ koi 2 i^iiAni1/4 (21^1”) (2 n) (ми» + e)1/,ii(«ii- Hence C e £,(lp, F) and CBx = Ax. As our second example we study nuclear mappings between spaces I1. Let E be a (B)-space of all x = 2 xn^n, ||*||i = 2 |*n| < 00; similarly, n= 1 letFbethe(B)-spaceofallj’ = f ymfm, ||y ||i = f | /ra| < oo, xn,yme K. m=l m=l An A e Si(E, F) can be represented by an infinite matrix 21 = (amn), where the amn are defined by Aen = 2 amnfm. Since the image of the bounded m= 1 00 set of all en is bounded, continuity of A is equivalent to 2 |«mn| = M for m — 1 some M < oo and all n. (9) A g F) represented by the matrix 21 = (amn) is compact if and only if lim sup 2 l^ml = 0- m-*oo n i = m Proof. A is compact if and only if the set of all the Aen = 2 amnfm m = 1 is relatively compact. The statement follows now from § 22, 4.(3). (10) Ae £(£', F) represented by the matrix 21 = (ятл) is nuclear if and only if 2 sup l^mnl < 00 and this expression is the nuclear norm of A. m= 1 n Proof, a) Suppose A nuclear; then A has a representation Ax = (w(fc)x)/fc), w(/c)g£", j?(/c)gF, IIII °° II /fc) II i = Mllv + e- We denote by e' the elements of E' defined by е[ек = 8<fc, i, к = 1,2,...; the definition of f\ e F' is similar. If w(fc) = 2 wkfc)^n> /fc) = 2 №fn, n=l n=l then A is represented by the matrix (amn), where amn = fm(Aen) = 2 (umen)(fmym) = 2 и™У™- Jc = l k = l Now sup |amn| = sup 2 “nW n nV 211«<юи-ш к and 2SUPlflmn| 2 11М<*)|1”11>'<'Й||1 = Mllv + e- m n
1. The trace 221 Therefore 2 sup |aOTn| ||Л||У < oo. m b) Conversely, assume 2 SUP |«mn| < 00 f°r = (amn) e £(E, F). m n Denote by am the element J amn^n of E'. Then Ax = 2 n=1 m=1 where amx = 2 Wn* From this representation of A follows ||Л||У n = l 2 Ikmhll/mlli = 2 sup |amn| < CO. Thus A is nuclear and Щ|„ = m m=l n 2 sup |amn|. m = 1 n 7. The trace. Let E be a (B)-space. By § 41, 3.(6) the dual of Е'ь ®n E can be identified with the space ^(Eb x E) of all continuous bilinear forms on E'b x E. If we take specifically the canonical bilinear form (w, x) = <w, x> = ux,ue E’9 xeE9 then we obtain a continuous linear form on E£ ®n E which is called the trace tr z of the element z e E'b ® л E. By definition tr (и ® x) = их. If z has a representation (1) Z = 2 АЛ ® Xn, Hll 1, IWI 1, 2 lA"l = llZh + *’ n = 1 then it follows by continuity that (2) tr Z ^п(^п^п), n=l the convergence being absolute, and obviously |tr z| ||г||я. The trace does not depend on the special representation (1) of z. If the canonical mapping 0 of E'b ®n E in £(E) is one-one, then we define the trace of a nuclear mapping Ax = 2 ^n(unx)xn by tr A = tr ( 2 An“n ® Xn) = 2 An(»nX„). \n=l / n=l If 0 is not one-one, the trace of a nuclear mapping may not be uniquely defined. In any case the mapping of Е'ь ®n E in £(E) is one-one, so that the A of finite rank always have a uniquely determined trace. (3) If the trace is uniquely defined for the nuclear mappings of £(E), E a (B)-space9 then tr {AB) = tr (BA) for A9 В in 41(E). Assume Ax= 2 (wnx)x„,2 ll“n||||x„|| < CO, Bx = 2 (fnx)/n,2 1ЫШ1 < oo; n=l n=l then an easy calculation shows that oo oo tr (BA) =22 (vmxn)(unym) = tr (AB). m = ln=l
222 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings We consider again the case of Hilbert spaces. Anticipating the general discussion in § 43, we show that the trace is uniquely defined in Hilbert space. A (B)-space E has the approximation property if ф(Е' ® £), the space of all continuous linear mappings of finite rank, is dense in _______________________________________________________________ It is sufficient to prove that the identity I is in the closure 0(£' ® E) in £c(£): Let Bg£(£) be given and assume that the net Aa converges to I, where Aa g 0(£' ® £). Now every BAa is of finite rank, so it will be sufficient to prove BAa—^B. Given the neighbourhood U(M9 V)9 M compact in £, there exists a neighbourhood W such that B(W) <= V. Then (BAa - B\M) <= B(W) <= К if (Aa - 7)(M) <= W. (4) Every Hilbert space H has the approximation property. Proof. Let £ be a compact subset of H and U the closed unit ball with radius e > 0. There exists a finite set {x19..., xm} such that К c (J (%i + U). Let G be the linear span [xb ..., xm] and P the orthogonal i=l projection of H onto G. If x g K9 then x = xt + yi9 yt g U, for some i9 Px = Xi + Pyi9 and therefore ||x — Px|| e for all xeK. This means that I еф(Н' ® H) с £С(Я). (5) For a Hilbert space E the mapping ф of Е'ь ®K E on 9l(£) ° £(£) is one-one. The trace is uniquely defined for all nuclear mappings in £(£). Proof. We remark that £, £', £" can be identified. By § 41, 3.(14) it is sufficient to show that ф(Е ® E) is Xs(£ ® я £)-dense in ^(£ x £). An element z of E ®ЛЕ has a representation z = 2 ® Уп> ||xn|| -^0, ||j>n|| -^0, and 2 lAn| 1 (§41, 4.(6)). Let К be the compact set consisting of о and all xn9 C = {y19 y2,...} and U = eC°. Let Be^(E x £) and В the corresponding mapping in £(£); then by (4) there exists Ae E ® E such that (В — Л)(£) <= eC°. It follows that \<B- A9z>I = 00 2 W - A)(xk, yk) fc= 1 00 2 Afc((5 - Л)хк)Л k=l Hence £ ® E is Is(£ ®л £)-dense in ^(£ x £). We give a second proof of the uniqueness of tr A on 5R(£), £ a Hilbert space, without using (5) but, instead, elementary results given in 6.
7. The trace 223 00 Let A be nuclear and Ax = 2 en)fn its canonical representa- n = 1 tion with the singular values An > 0 and || A ||v = 2 'V We define tr0 A = n= 1 2 An(/n, en) = 2 (Aen, en). If A = ftz), z = 2 ® У™, 2 k(n)U x n=1 n=1 n=1 n ||J?(n)|| < oo, the uniqueness of the trace will follow from 00 00 00 (6) tr0 A = 2 (Леп, en) = 2 (x<n)> yn)) = 2 <x<n>’ ^<n)>= tr z- n = l n=l n=l Proof of (6). We remark first that tr0 A = 2 t?a), where {va} is a any orthonormal basis of E*. It is obvious that we can enlarge the orthogonal system en to an orthonormal basis ua such that tr0 A = 2 G4wa, wa). By a 6.(7) we write A as the product А2Аг of two Hilbert-Schmidt mappings; then 2 G4wa> wa) = 2 -4*wa) = (Ль Л*), the scalar product defined a a in 4.(6). But this is independent of the choice of the orthonormal basis. We take now as basis the basis {ea} introduced in 4. for which ea = ea and (x, ea) = <x, ea}. We write xa = (x, ea) for every xe E. The double sum in tr z = 2 <*(n)> ^(n)> = 2 2 n=l n=l a converges absolutely, since 2 |4П%П)| ||x0,)||||/n>|| and 2 llx<n)ll II-У00II < °0- a n=l On the other hand, (Aea, ea) = | 2 <*(л)> еаУу(п), ea) = 2 x(an)j7(an); there- \n=l / n=l fore tr0 A = 2 (4ea, ea) = 2 2 х(ап)У(ап)- Since this double sum converges a a n= 1 absolutely it equals tr z. (6) implies that tr A = tr0 A is a linear functional on $R(E) and from the definition of tr A and 6.(1) follows |tr Л| Ml|v> the continuity of the trace. Let E, F now be arbitrary (B)-spaces, ^(E, E) the dual of E F. We show that the bilinear form <B, z>, В e &(E, F), z e E 0Л F, can be expressed by using the trace. As before, we denote by В the element of £(E, E^) corresponding to В (§41, 3.(6)). Let I be the identity on E. Then by §41, 5.(1) B®nI is a
224 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings continuous mapping of E ®л F in F'b ®л F determined by the mapping В ® I of E ®л F in Fb ® F. We have (B ® I)(x ® y) = (Bx) ® у for x e E, у e F; hence tr ((B ® I)(x ® >0) = (Bx)y = B(x9 y) = <B,x® y>. By continuity this implies the formula (7) <B, z> = tr ((B ®л I)z)9 В e &(E x F), ze E®n F, which is valid for (B)-spaces E and F. Grothendieck [13] used (7) to obtain the following result, closely related to 5.(12), on nuclear maps: (8) Let E, F be (Wyspaces and suppose that the canonical mapping ф of E" ®n E' in £(E') is one-one. Then A e £(E, F) is nuclear if and only if A' e &(F'9 E') is nuclear and ||Л||У = ||Л'||v. We remark that E'9 E", F' are always equipped with the strong topology and considered as (B)-spaces. Proof, a) If A is nuclear, then A' is nuclear by 5.(12) a). We assume now that A' e £(F'9 E') is nuclear. By 5.(3) A' = ф(г)9 z e F" ®л E'. We will prove that the nuclearity of A' implies z e F ®л E', z = 2 Уп ® wn. n= 1 Then x(A'v) = (unx)(vyn) = v(Ax) for all x e E9 v e F'. This implies A = 0(2 un ® yn)9 ^un® ynE E' ®n F\ hence A is nuclear, b) To prove that z e F ®n E' we remark that F ®л E' is a closed sub- space of F" ®л E'9 so it will be sufficient to show that <B, F ®л E'} = 0 implies <B, z} = 0 for every В e &(F" x E'). For the corresponding В e Q(F"9 E") we have B(F) = о and by (7) <B, z> = tr t9 t = (В ®n I)z e E" ®л E'. It will be sufficient to show that t = о or, by the assumption on E" ®л E', that T = 0(Z) e £(£') is o. z has a representation z= 2 ® u(n) e F№ ®л E'; hence t = n=1 2 C&(n)) ® uw and by 5.(13) we have for all x" e E" T’x" = (uwxr,)(Bzw). Since A’ = ф(г) = 0(2 z(n) ® w(n)), A" = 0(2 a(n) ® ^(n)) and BA"x" = 2 (w(n)x")(Bz(n)). Hence Г = BA".
8. Factorization of compact mappings 225 Now A is compact and by 2.(1) we have Л"(£") <= F. Since B(F) = o, it follows that T' = о and so T = o. c) By 5.(12) a) M'||v m|v. Since Л"(Е") <= F, A is the restriction of A" to E and ||Л|к ||4'||v follows as in 5.(12) b). We will prove in § 43, 2.(7) that the assumption in (8) is equivalent to the assumption that Ef has the approximation property. 8. Factorization of compact mappings. Terzioglu [3'] gave the follow- ing characterization of precompact mappings between normed spaces. (1) Let E9 F be normed spaces. A e £(E, F) is precompact if and only if A satisfies an inequality of the form (2) ||Лх|| sup \unx\ for all x g E9 where uneE', lim ||wn|| = 0. n n Moreover, Щ| = inf sup \\un\\9 where the infimum is taken over all sequences n uneE' satisfying (2). Proof, a) Assume A precompact; then A' is compact by 1.(7). Let V be the closed unit ball of F; then A'(F°) is relatively compact in E' and contains only elements и with ||w|| ||Л'|| = ||Л||. By §41, 4.(3) and the remark following this proposition there exist elements wne£', ||wn|| Щ| 4- e, lim ||wn|| = 0 such that every ueA\V°) has a representation и = 2 fA, 2 Ifni L Therefore for v e F' n= 1 ||Лх|| = sup |(Л'г)х| sup |wnx| llvll^l n and (2) is proved. It follows that Щ1 sup ||wn|| Щ1 + e> which implies the second n statement. b) We assume now that A satisfies (2). We define В e £(E, c0) by Bx = («1%, u2x,...). Obviously, \\B|| = sup ||wn||. If U is the closed unit n ball in E, then B(U) is contained in the set К of all vj = (^n) e c0 such that |^n| <; ||wn||. Since ||wn|| -> 0, it is easy to see that К is totally bounded in c0, so that В is compact. If Я = B(E)9 then В is precompact as a mapping of E onto Я. We define now on Я a mapping C e Q(H9 F) by C(Bx) = Ax for all BxeH. Since ||C(Bx)|| = ||Лх|| sup \unx\ = ||Ex||, Cis well defined on Я and || C || 1. Thus we have a factorization A = CB9 where В is pre- compact. It follows from 1.(1) that A is precompact and (1) is proved.
226 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings We note the following facts: (3) a) A subset M of c0 is relatively compact if and only if it is contained in the normal cover of an element t; = (fn) g c0. b) If E is a (B)-space, then a compact A e £(E, c0) has a representation Ax = (щх, u2x, ...), where un e E' and ||wn|| -> 0. We leave the proof of a) to the reader. That ||wn|| ->0 in b) follows from a) by contradiction. If A is precompact, then from the proof of (1) follows the existence of a factorization A = CB, ||B|| ||Л|| + e, ||C|| 1, where В is pre- compact. By a slight modification we will obtain a factorization in two precompact mappings. Since ||wn|| -> 0, there exist pn 1, pn -> oo such that for u'n = pnun we have ||W;|| —> 0 and sup ||w„|| = sup ||wn||. If we define Ar by Arx = (u[x, u2x, ...) e cQ for x g E, then В = BrA19 where Br is the diagonal transformation BJ; = d2^2, • • •) in £(c0) and where dn = l/pn -> 0, dn 1. By (3) b) Br is compact in £(c0) and precompact as a mapping of A^E) onto B(E). A is now the product A2Ar = (СВ^АГ of two pre- compact mappings and we obtain the following factorization theorem (Randtke [2'], Terzioglu [3']): (4) Let E, F be normed spaces, A precompact in £(E, F). Let e > 0 be given. Then there exists a linear subspace H of c0 such that A = A2A19 H), A2e£(H,F), Ar and A2 precompact, ЦЛ Щ| + e, 11ЛЦ 1. In this general case we have H = A^E). If F is a (B)-space, we replace H = Ar(E) by its closure Я in c0J then Ar is compact in £(E, Я), A2 has a continuous extension A2 to H, and we obtain in this way a factorization A = A2Ar in two compact mappings through a closed subspace of c0. It is natural to ask in what cases a precompact A g £(E, F) has a precompact factorization through c0, not only through a subspace of c0. A sequence yn in a normed space Fis called weakly summable in F if sup 2 I vyn\ < °°> where v g F'. A mapping A g £(E, F), E and F IIVII^I n=l normed spaces, is called infinite-nuclear if it has a representation 00 (5) Ax = 2 (unX)yn, uneE', lim ||wn|| = 0, and the sequence yn is n= 1 n weakly summable in F. From ||Лх|| = sup v(y(unx)yn\ (sup|wnx|| sup T |ryn|
8. Factorization of compact mappings 227 follows (6) Mil (sup ||wn||j sup 2 l»Al- This implies that every linear mapping of finite rank is infinite-nuclear and that every infinite-nuclear mapping is precompact as the Ib-limit of mappings of finite rank. (7) If A is infinite-nuclear from E in F, E and F normed spaces, and if E is a subspace of the normed space X, then A has an infinite-nuclear extension A e £(Z, F). Proof. By Hahn-Banach there exist continuous extensions un of un to X such that ||wn|| = ||wn||. Then Az = %(unz)yn, z e X, answers the n question. If one defines the infinite-nuclear norm ЦЛЦ® by inf (sup ||un||) sup У \ n / llvll^l n where the infimum is taken over all representations (5), then ||Л|Ц° = Mll“- The problem raised above has the following solution: (8) A precompact linear mapping A e £(E, F), E and F normed spaces, has a precompact factorization through c0 if and only if A is infinite-nuclear. Proof, a) Assume that A = A2Ar, Ахей(Е9с^ and precompact, A2 g £(c0, F). By (3) Ar has a representation Arx = (щх, u2x,...), uneE', lim ||wn|| =0. Let e15 e2,... be the unit vectors in c0; then n Ax = A2\ 2 (Wn^)^nl = 2 (unx)yn, Уп = To see that A is infinite- \n=l / n=l nuclear we have only to prove that the sequence yn is weakly summable in F. Now A2v e I1 for every v e F', so sup У |pyn| = sup у IM2VKI sup МИ1 = M2II < °0- llvllSl-T llull^l"— IMS1 We remark that we did not use that A2 is precompact. b) Conversely, if A has a representation (5), A can be factored in two precompact mappings Ar e £(E, c0), A2 e £(c0, F). This follows from writing A as Ax = 2 ((PnWn>)(l/pn)K> where the pn 1, pn->oo are chosen such that || pnun|| -> 0 and ||(1/рп)л11 0. These results can be used to characterize an interesting class of (B)-spaces F. One says that F has the compact extension property
228 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings if a compact linear mapping from a subspace Я of a (B)-space X into F has a compact linear extension mapping X into F. Similarly, F has the Со-extension property if every compact A e £(Я, F), H <= c0, has an extension A e £(c0, F) (A does not have to be compact). (9) Let F be a (B)-space. The following properties of F are equivalent: a) F has the cQ-extension property; b) every compact A e &{X, Ff X a normed space, has a compact factorization through cQ; c) compact and infinite-nuclear linear continuous mappings from X into F coincide for every normed space X; d) F has the compact extension property. Proof. Suppose a) and consider a compact A e £(У, F). By (4) A has a compact factorization A = Л2Л1, Ar e &{X9 Hf A2 e £(H, F), where H <= c0. Now A2 has an extension A2 e £(c0, F) so that A = A2Ar. By the first part of the proof of (8) it follows that A is infinite-nuclear; hence a) implies c). By (8) we see that b) and c) are equivalent, c) implies d) because of (7). Trivially, d) implies a). For this theorem and further results compare Randtke [Г], [2'], [3'] and Terzioglu [4'], [5']. It is clear from § 38, 3.(5) that every PA-space, A 1, satisfies condi- tion a) and therefore has the compact extension property. Lindenstrauss proved in [Г] that a (B)-space X has the compact extension property if and only if the strong bidual X" is a PA-space for some A 1. Another very satisfactory characterization of our class of (B)-spaces was given later also by Lindenstrauss. We need some definitions. For two isomorphic (B)-spaces E and F the distance coefficient d(E,F) is defined as inf (||F|| ||T-1||), where the infimum is taken over all isomorphisms T of E onto F A (B)-space is called an £FP A-space for some A 1,1 p oo, if for every finite dimensional subspace F of F there is a finite dimensional subspace G F such that d(G, 1%) A, where n is the dimension of G. E is called an JFp-space if it is an JFp>A-space for some A. These spaces were introduced by Lindenstrauss and Pelczynski [Г] and their theory has been developed very rapidly during the last years (Lindenstrauss-Tzafriri [Г]). We formulate now Lindenstrauss’ theorem: (10) A (B)-space has the compact extension property if and only if it is an space. For the proof we refer the reader to Lindenstrauss and Rosenthal [Г]. We state also a dual result of the same authors.
9. Fixed points and invariant subspaces 229 A (B)-space E has the compact lifting property if for any quotient X/Z of (B)-spaces every compact A e £(£, X{Z) has a compact lifting A e £(E, X), i.e., A = KA, where К is the canonical homomorphism X-+ x/z. (11) A (Bfspace has the compact lifting property if and only if it is an Ht^-space. 9. Fixed points and invariant subspaces. Fixed point theorems are the main tool in nonlinear functional analysis. We will present here only one of these theorems, the Schauder-Tychonoff theorem, which we will apply immediately. We need a simple fact on finite dimensional convex sets. (1) Let К Z о be a compact subset ofPn; then the closed convex cover _ n + 1 C(K) consists of all convex combinations J ppq, J = 1, pt 0 of i = l n + 1 arbitrary points of K. In particular, С (К) = С (K). We proceed by induction. (1) is true for a compact set К on the line, because C(K) is then a closed interval whose endpoints are in K. We assume (1) to be true for all dimensions ^n — 1. Let К be compact in Pn. If C(K) is contained in a hyperplane, the statement is true. If C(K) is not contained in a hyperplane, it is a convex body (see the remark preceding Example 1 in § 16, 2.), so every point of the boundary of C(K) lies in a supporting hyperplane (§ 17, 5.(1)). Let x be a point of С (K) different from the point ре К and let q be a boundary point of С (K) which lies on the half-line from p through x but not between p and x. The point q belongs to a supporting hyperplane H of G(K) and lies therefore in By assumption q is a convex combination of n points ..., pn of К n H, so x is a convex combination of p, pu..., pn. We borrow from topology Brouwer’s fixed point theorem: (2) Let К be a nonvoid convex compact subset of Kn and у a continuous mapping of К into K. Then has a fixed point x0 e K, i.e., <p(xo) = x0. We apply (2) to locally convex spaces. (3) Let A be a convex subset of the locally convex space E and let f be a continuous map of A into a compact subset К of A which is contained in a finite dimensional subspace H of E. Then f has a fixed point. Proof. The convex cover С (K) of К is compact by (1) and contained in A. The restriction off to G(K) has a fixed point by (2).
230 § 42. Compact and nuclear mappings (4) Let Abe a convex subset of E, К relatively compact in E and К <= A. For every absolutely convex closed neighbourhood U of о in E there exists a continuous mapping f of К in a finite dimensional compact subset of A such that f(x) — xe U for all xe K. m Proof. There exist x19...9xm in К such that U (x; + It/). Let p be the semi-norm corresponding to U. The function a/x) = max (0, 1 — p(x — x^) is continuous on E and for every x e К at least one af(x) is / 0. If we write ft(x) = аг(х) / J aj/x), then the function I k = l m f(x) = 2 Pt(x)xi defined and continuous on K. Every /(x), x e K, is a i=l convex combination of xb ...., xm, so f(K) is contained in the convex cover of {xi,..., xm}, which is a compact subset of A. Consider finally f(x) - x = 2 А(х)(х, ~ x) for xe K. If $(x) / 0, i = l then afx) / Oandp(x — xf) < 1 or xt — x e U. This implies/(x) — x e U. We prove now the fixed point theorem of Schauder-Tychonoff (compare Landsberg [Т] to our exposition). (5) Let E be locally convex and A a convex subset of E. Then every continuous map <p of A into a compact subset of A has a fixed point. Proof. Let t/be an absolutely convex closed neighbourhood of о in E. Since К = <p(A) is relatively compact in A, there exists a continuous map- ping/ of К in A with the properties statecj in (4). In particular,/(^(x)) — <?(x) e U for all xe A. We write fv for the mapping/° of Л into A and obtain fv(x) — <p(x) e U for all x e A. The map fu satisfies the assumptions of (3), so there exists xv e A such that futxf) = xv. If we write Lf U2 for Lf => If then Ыха)} is a net in К which has an adherent point z in A, since К is relatively compact in A. This means that for every absolutely convex neighbourhood V of о in E there exists a cofinal subset <p(xV') such that ^(x^) — z e V for all U'. For every V we choose U’ = U(V) such that U(V) <= V. If we set Utff) U(V2) for Vi ° ^2, then {99(хщУ))} is a net converging to z. Now since U(V) <= V9 we have <p(x) — /щу/х) e V for all хеЛ; in particular, ^хЩу)) — xU(V) e V. Together with z — e V9 this implies z — xu(v) e 2V or lim xU(V> = z. Since is continuous, it follows v that <p(z) = z. Let E be locally convex, A e £(£*). A closed subspace H of E, different from о and E, is a nontrivial invariant subspace of A if A(H) <= H. Aronszajn and Smith [1'] proved in 1954 that every compact A e £(£),
9. Fixed points and invariant subspaces 231 E a complex infinite dimensional (B)-space, has a nontrivial invariant subspace. This result has been generalized in many ways, but even in the case of E = I2 it is not known whether every A e £(/2) has a nontrivial invariant subspace. Recently Lomonosov [Г] proved a very strong result. We reproduce it here in an even more general version due to Lindenstrauss which was communicated to us by Dugundji. (6) Let E be a complex infinite dimensional locally convex space, let A, В in £(£*), A / о and compact, В XI for every complex X and В commuting with A. Then the set R of all C e £(E) commuting with В has a common nontrivial invariant subspace. Proof, a) There exists xQe E with AxQ / °. Let V be an absolutely convex and closed neighbourhood of о in E such that AxQ $2V. Let U be an absolutely convex and closed neighbourhood of о such that A(U) <= V and A(U) is relatively compact in E. For 5 = Xq + U we have Л(5) = AxQ + A(U) <= Ax0 + V and it follows from Ах0 ф 2V that Л(5) л V is void. Thus о ф A(S) and оф S. b) We assume now that R has no common nontrivial invariant sub- space. Then for any _y0 e 4(S) the set F(y0) = {Cy0; C e A} is dense in E, since F(y0) is invariant for R and _y0 / о. Therefore x0 e F(y0) and for every e A(S) there exists Co e R such that Coyo — xoe %U, U a given absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in E. Let p be the semi-norm corresponding to U. The set Mo = {у e E; p(CQy — x0) < 1} is open and contains y0 g A(S). Since A(S) is compact, there exist finitely many sets Mi = {y,p(Ciy — x0) < 1}, i = 1,.. .,m, covering A(S). c) We proceed now by analogy to the proof of (4). The function ____________________________________________________ m щ(у) = max(0, 1 — p(Ciy — x0)) is continuous on A(S); 2 ^ify) / 0 fc=i for every у e A(S) since p(Cty — x0) < 1 for at least one i. If we write Pi(y) = «Ay)/ 2 “fc(j) and g(y) = 2 Pi(y)Ciy, then g is a continuous / fc=l f=l function from A(S) in E. g(y) is a convex combination of the Cty which have coefficients Pity) / 0 only if Cty is in x0 + U = S, so that g(A(S)) <= S. Since A(S) is compact, g(A(S)) is compact and g о A is a continuous mapping of 5 into a compact subset of 5. It follows from (5) that there exists zoeS such that g(Az0) = z0 and z0 / ° by a). d) Consider now the continuous linear mapping Aox = 2 Pi(AzQ)CiAx, i=l x e E, which is compact and satisfies Aozo = g(Az0) = z0. Let H = {z; Aoz = z}. This is a closed linear subspace, different from о and E since
232 § 43. The approximation property Ao / /. Moreover, H is finite dimensional since H <= Л0(Е) and Ao is compact. Since В commutes with every Q and with A, we have B(H} с Я, because Bz = BAoz = A0Bz for every z e H. Therefore В has an eigenvalue A with a closed eigenspace HK / E. For every x e HK and every С e Я we have XCx = CXx = CBx = BCx. Thus C(HA) <= ff for every C e R. This is a contradiction to the assump- tion in b). § 43. The approximation property 1. Some basic results. Let E and F be locally convex. It will be con- venient to write g(£, F) for the space of all continuous linear mappings of finite rank of E in F. We recall that g(E, F) = ^(E' ® F), where the canonical map ф is defined by n n Ax = Ф(А)х = 2 (.uix)yi f°r A = 2 ut ® yi9 щ e E', yt e F, x e E. i= 1 i = 1 If no difficulties arise we will identify A and A and g(E, F) and E' ® F. In accordance with § 42, 7. we say that a locally convex space has the approximation property if g(E) is dense in £C(E), where Xc is the topology of uniform convergence on all precompact subsets of E. This is Grothendieck’s definition. L. Schwartz and Hogbe-Nlend use a slightly different notion: Let Tco be the topology of uniform convergence on all convex compact subsets of E Schwartz defines the approximation property of E by requiring that g(E) is dense in £C0(E). We call this the weak approximation property. If E is quasi-complete, then and Xco coincide on £(E). Thus one obtains the same notion for quasi-complete spaces, but a weaker notion for the general case. To prove the approximation property for E it is sufficient to show that the identity I is a Xc-adherent point of 5(E). The proof given in § 42, 7. for (B)-spaces covers the general case. (1) Let E, Fbe locally convex. If E has the approximation property, then 5(E, F) is dense in £C(E, F) and 5(F, E) is dense in HC(F, E). Proof, a) Assume 4e£(E,F), К precompact in E, V a circled neighbourhood of о in F. There exists a neighbourhood U of о in E such that A(U) с к Since E has the approximation property, there exists
1. Some basic results 233 В e 5(E) such that x — Bx e U for all x e K. It follows that Ax — ABx e V and this means that AB e 5(E F) is in the neighbourhood A 4- W(K, V) of A, so that A is in the closure of g(E, F) in £C(E, F). b) Assume A e £(F, E), К precompact in F, U a neighbourhood of о in E. Then A(K) is precompact in E and there exists Ее 5(E) such that x — Bx e U for all x e A(K), or Ay — BAy e U for all у e K. From BA e 5(F, E) the statement follows. (2) Let H be a dense subspace of a locally convex space E. If E has the approximation property, then H has it also. In particular, E has the approximation property if its completion Ё has it. Proof. Let К be a precompact subset of H, U an absolutely convex closed neighbourhood of о in H, U the closure of U in E By assumption there exists w = 2 щ® x^e E' ® E such that (w — Z)(E) <= (1/2) L7. Let i = l M > 0 be such that |wjx| M < oo for all i = 1,..., n and all x e K. n Choose Zj e H such that e (1/2иМ)С7 and define t = 2 ui ® zi E i = l Ef ® H = IT ® H. One has (t — I)x = (t — w)x + (w — F)x for x e K. Since (Г — w)x = (WiX)(zj — Xj) e nM ° | and — e | it follows that (t — T)(K) c U. The proof of the approximation property for a locally convex space can be reduced to the case of (B)-spaces in the following way. (3) The locally convex space E has the approximation property if E has a fundamental system of absolutely convex neighbourhoods U of о such that all the (Jfyspaces Ev have the approximation property. Proof. By (2) it is sufficient to assume that all Еи have the approxima- tion property. Recall that Ец = E/N(U), N(U) = p(-1)(°), wherep is the semi-norm corresponding to U. If we take U to be open, then K(U) is the open unit ball in Ev, К the canonical map of E onto Ev. One has U = K^^KfUf). Let C be precompact in E; hence E(C) is precompact in Ev. Now by n assumption there exists В = 2 ui ® Ext E (EuY ® Eu such that BKx — i = 1 Kx e K(U) for all x e C. Obviously, can be identified with an element of
234 § 43. The approximation property E' and щКх = щх. Thus BKx — Kx = 2 (u^Kxi — Kxe K(U). Apply- ing E(-1) to both sides we obtain Ax — xe U for all xeC, where A = 2 Щ ® Xt e 3(E). We proved in § 42, 7.(4) that every Hilbert space has the approximation property. It follows from (3) that (4) A locally convex space E has the approximation property if it has a fundamental system of absolutely convex neighbourhoods U such that every Ёи is a Hilbert space. (3) implies that it will be important to study first the approximation property of (B)-spaces. The following two propositions were obtained by Grothendieck [13]. We proved in § 42, 4.(4) that every compact mapping between Hilbert spaces is the Xb-limit of a sequence of mappings of finite rank. This is a special case of (5) The following statements are equivalent: a) the (Bfspace E has the approximation property; b) let F be any (B)-space. Then every compact A e £(F, E) is the Zb-limit of a sequence of continuous mappings of finite rank. Proof, i) Assume a) and let A e £(F, E) be compact and let V be the closed unit ball in F. Then A(F) is relatively compact in E. By assumption there exists В e 3(E) such that || Ex — x || e for all x e A(F). This means that ЦЕЛ - A|| e, BA e 3(F, E); hence 3(F, E) = (£(F, E). ii) We assume b). Let C be a compact subset of E. By § 42, 1.(13) there exists an absolutely convex compact subset D of E such that C cz D and C is compact in the (B)-space ED. Let К be the canonical map of ED in E It is compact and one-one, so K\E'} is weakly dense in (ED)' and therefore also Xc(ED)-dense. It follows that K\E\ ® E is dense in (ED)' 0 E in the sense of the topology of 2C(ED, E). By assumption there exists В e (Ed)' ® E such that ||Ex — Xx|| e/2 for all xe D cz ED. If we determine Ao e K'(E') 0 E such that || Aox — Ex|| e/2 for all x e C cz D, then ||Лох — Xx|| e for all x e C. Let Ao be 2 (K'ui) ® Xj and A = 2 ® x<; then by identifying Kx i i and x we obtain ||Лх — x|| e for all xe C, where A e ^(E). (6) The following statements are equivalent: a) the strong dual E' of the (B)-.space E has the approximation property; b) let F be any (fty-space. Then every compact A e £(E, F) is the Xb-limit of a sequence of mappings of finite rank.
1. Some basic results 235 Proof, i) Assume a). Let A e 2(E, F) be compact. Then A' is compact in £(F', E') and Л'(РТ) is precompact in E', where W is the closed unit ball in F'. By assumption there exists 2 wt ® щ e E" ® E' such that i ||2 (WitA'v^Ui — A'v\\ e for all ve W. Now w^A'v) = (A"Wi)v and it follows from A"(E") <= F that Л'Ч = yt e F (§ 42, 2.(1)). Let В be 2 Щ ® yt e Ef ® F; then Bf = 2 ® Щ and we have ||B' — A'|| e, which implies ||B — Л|| e. ii) We assume b). By (5) it will be sufficient to show that every compact A e £(F, E') is the Ib-limit of a sequence of elements of F' ® E'. The adjoint A' e £(E", F') is compact and so is its restriction A'Q e £(E, F'). For a given e > 0 there exists by b) an element 2 Щ ® vz e E' ® F' such that ||2 (u^Vi — Ло%|| e for all x e E, ||x|| 1. Since A is continuous, A' is continuous for the topologies IS(E'), XS(F) on E" resp. F'. It follows that ||2 (uiz)vi ~ A'z\\ = e for all zgE", ||z|| 1, and this implies ||2 vt ® ui ~ ^11 = e- We note the following corollary to (5) and (6): (7) Let E, F be (Jfyspaces. If E' or F has the approximation property, then every compact A e £(E, F) is the Zb-limit of a sequence of continuous mappings of finite rank. The problem whether every compact mapping between (B)-spaces is the Ib-limit of mappings of finite rank was raised by Banach. By (5) this is equivalent to the question whether every (B)-space has the approximation property. For a long time a positive answer was expected. Grothendieck made in [13] a deep analysis of this problem. He found many equivalent formulations and consequences but no solution. He conjectured a negative answer. Only recently Enflo [Г] succeeded in constructing counterexamples. His ingenious but highly complicated methods were simplified to some degree by Davie [1']. We state their results without proofs. (8) Every lp, 2 < p < co, has a closed subspace which is a separable reflexive (B)-space not having the approximation property. Also, c0 has a closed subspace without the approximation property. We note that Grothendieck proved in [13] that if there exists a (B)-space without the approximation property, then there exists a closed subspace of c0 without the approximation property. We remark that recently Szankowski [!'] proved (8) also for lp, 1 p < 2. The construction of the examples in (8) is very involved and there is no simple definition of these spaces. But we will give in 9. an example of a (B)-space without the approximation property which has a nice definition.
236 § 43. The approximation property 2. The canonical map of E ®n Fin 23(Eg x F'y We recall the problem raised in § 41, 3.: Let E, Fbe complete locally convex spaces. There exists a continuous injection ф of E ®n F in 23e(Eg x Fg). It has a continuous extension ф to E ®n F. When is this canonical map ф one-one? The key to this problem is the approximation property. We treat first the case of (B)-spaces. We need some auxiliary results. In accordance with § 41, 7., we denote by c0{F}, F a (B)-space, the set of all sequences у = (yb y2,.. •), Л G F, Ц^Ц -> 0. We introduce the norm || j/1| = sup || yn||. Using the elementary methods of § 14, 7., one sees easily n that c0{F} is a (B)-space. It is also straightforward to show (§ 14, 7.(11)) that its strong dual can be identified with ^{F'}, the space of all v = (ri, v2,.. Ff, 2 ||rf|| < oo, equipped with the norm ||r|| = 2 II ||• The duality </1{F'}, c0{F}> is given by the bilinear form <r, y) = 2 vnyn- We note (§ 20, 9.(5)) (1) The closed unit ball К = {г; ||г|| = 2 ИМ = 1} of F{F'} is Xs(c0{F})-compact. We use this fact in the proof of (2) Let E, F be (fi\spaces. The dual of £C(E, F) can be identified with a quotient of E ®n F'. Proof, a) We show first that every zeE®nFf defines a ^-con- tinuous linear functional on £(E, F). By § 41, 4.(6) z has a representation z = Д XiXi ® Vi, Xi e E, ||XiII 0, Vi e Ff, ||г<|| 1, Д I Ail = i- We recall (§ 41, 3.(6)) that (E ®n Fy can be identified with <^(E x F') and £(£, F"), so that we have the dual system <£(E, F"), E ®n F') and, since £(E, F) can be identified with a subspace of £(E, F"), every z defines uniquely a linear functional <Л, z> = 2 'Mi(A) on £(F, F). i=l Let C be the closed absolutely convex cover of the xi9 i = 1,2,..., and V the closed unit ball in F. We remark that C is compact in E. Let W be the neighbourhood of о in £C(E, F) consisting of all A such that A(C) <= V. Then one has for all A e W |<л,2>| 2 WHA)I 2 lA‘l = 1 i=l i=l and thus z is Ic-continuous on £(E, F). Since £(E, F) is a subspace of £(E, F"), the polar £(E, F)° in E ®n Ff may be different from zero, so that not E ®n F' itself but the quotient H = (E ®л F')/£(E, F)° is a subspace of £C(E, F)'.
2. The canonical map of E Fin ®(ES' x Fs') 237 b) We prove that, conversely, every Ic-continuous linear functional w on £(E, F) is given by an element of H. One has |<w, Л>| lforall?lofaIc-neighbourhoodPF={y4;74(C)c= F}, where C is absolutely convex and compact in E and V is the closed unit ball in F. We recall that £S(E, F)' = E 0 F' (§ 39, 7.(2)), so that E ® Ff is a subspace of H. Since one has <Л, x ® r> = v(Ax) for x ® v e C ® V°, it follows that W can be written also as (C ® F°)°, the last polar being taken in £(E, F). We have E 0 F' с H cz £(E, F)*, the algebraic dual of £(E, F). Now w e W° = (С ® Г)°° = Г (C ® K°), where the last polars in the first two expressions and the IS(£(E, F))-closure are taken in £(E, F)*. Our statement will be proved if we show that Г~(С ® K°) is contained in H. Since E is a (B)-space, we can assume that C is the closed absolutely convex cover of a sequence x2,..., ЦхЛ -> 0. All ® vi9 vt e V°, are in C 0 V° <= Я and if K± denotes the set of all zeH, where z = 2 0 vi9 i=l Vi e F°, 2 I Ail 1, then we have Г(С ® T/°) cz Kr c= r(C® F°). If we show that KA is Ts(£(£> F))-compact, then K± = Г (C ® V°) and this set is contained in H. We define a mapping J of /^F'} into H by Jv = J(v19 v2,...) = z, where z is the residue class in H of z = 2 xi ® Vi in E 0n F' and Xt is the i = l sequence defining C. It is easily verified that J(E), К the closed unit ball in F{Ff}, is K19 so that Kr will be ZS(£(E, F))-compact by (1) if Jis continuous for the topologies IX^ofT7}) on F{F'} and Is(£(£> F)) on H. Suppose ^fce£(E,F). Since ||xj ||-^0, the sequence j(/c) = (Akx19Akx2,...) lies in c0{F} and one has <У<м, ») = 2 Vi(AkXi) = A 2 Xi 0 vt = <Л, Jv). i=l i=l Let V± be the TS(£(E, F))-neighbourhood {z; |<^fc, z>| e, k = 1,..., m} in Hand Lf theXs(c0(F))-neighbourhood {r; |<yfc), r>| e, k = 1,..., m} in /^F'}; then J(t/i) c Vx. Thus Jis weakly continuous and (2) is proved. The proof of (2) yields the following particular case: (3) If E, F are (B)-spaces, F reflexive, then £C(E, Ff can be identified with E 0Л Ff. We recall from § 42, 7. the problem of the existence of the trace of a nuclear mapping. It has the following solution: (4) Let E be a (ffyspace. The trace of every nuclear mapping of £(E) is uniquely defined if and only if E has the approximation property.
238 § 43. The approximation property Proof. Let 0 be the canonical map of E' ®ЛЕ in £(E). Then the uniqueness of the trace is obviously equivalent to the statement (*) 0(z) = о implies tr z = 0 for every z e Ef ®л E. The approximation property of E is equivalent to: Every ue£,c(Ey which vanishes on Ef ® E <= £(E) vanishes on the identity 7e£(E). Using the representation of £C(E)' determined in (2), we obtain the following version of the approximation property of E: (** ) If z e E ®nEf vanishes on Er ® E, z vanishes on I e £(E). We note (5) tr z = <7, z> for every ze E ®л E\ since for z = 2 xn ® wn, xn e E, une E', we have tr z = 2 unxn = n=l n=l 2wn(/xn) = <7,z>. Furthermore, one has (6) 0(z) = о if and only if ze (Ef ® Ef <= E ®л E'. To see this recall that 0(z)x = 2 (unx)xn, thus <w ® x, z> = n= 1 2 (wxn)(wnx) = <w, 0(z)x>, и e E', x e E. Thus 0(z) = о means z e (E' ® Ef. Now we assume (*). Let z be in (E' ® Ef. Then 0(z) = о by (6) and tr z = о by (*). (5) implies <7, z> = 0, so (**) is satisfied. Conversely, suppose (**) and let 0(z) = о for z e E ®л E'. Then z e (£' ® Ef by (6) and <7, z> = 0 by (**). (5) implies tr z = 0 and (*) is proved. We will now answer the question raised at the beginning of this section for the case of (B)-spaces. (7) Let E be a (B)-.space. Each of the following properties is equivalent to the approximation property: a) the canonical map ф of E' ®л E into £(E) is one-one; b) for every (fifspace F the map ф of F' ®л E into £(F, E) is one-one; c) for every (B)-space F the map ф of F ®ЛЕ into £,(F', E) is one-one. Proof. We show that c) implies b): It follows from c) that the map ф of F' ®л E into £(F", E) is one-one. Now £(F", E) can be identified with a subspace of £(F, E) and then ф coincides with the canonical map of F' ®л E into £(F, E) which is therefore one-one. Obviously, b) implies a) and a) implies (*), so that it follows from (4) that each of a), b), and c) implies the approximation property.
2. The canonical map of E F in %(E'3 x F'3) 239 It remains to prove that c) is a consequence of the approximation property. Let z = J yn ® xn, yn e F, xn e E, be an element of F ®nE _ n=1 _ such that 0(z) = o, where 0(z) is the corresponding nuclear mapping in SfiF', E). We have to prove that z = о or that <F, z> = 0 for every E) = (F®nE)'. Let В be the mapping in £(F, E') corresponding to B. According to § 42, 7.(7), <F, z> = tr (B ®K F)z, where t = (B ®n I)z e E' ®K E. Let 0(f) be the corresponding nuclear mapping in £(F). Then it follows from oo ф(1)х = 2 ((ВУп)х)хп = 2 (Уп(В'х))хп = ф(г)(В'х), хеЕ, п= 1 that 0(f) = 0(z)B'. Thus 0(f) = о since 0(z) = о. Now E has the approxi- mation property and by (4)(*) we conclude that tr t = (B, z> = 0. £b(F', E) can be identified with a subspace of &b(F' x F') by defining B(y, u) = u(Bv) for В e £(F', E), veF', ueE'. Thus we have also a canonical map ф of E ®K Finto £%(F' x E'). 00 ,-u- Let us remark further that to z = J xn ® yn e E ®n F corresponds n = l the mapping Bv = 2 (^n)*n in £(F', E) and the mapping Bu = n= 1 2 (ихп)Уп in £(F', F); thus u(Bv) = v(Bu) = B(v, w), В and В are n=l adjoint to each other, and z В is one-one if and only if z В is one-one. From (7) c) and these remarks follows (8) If one of the (Wyspaces F, F has the approximation property, then the canonical maps ф of E ®KF into &(F' x E') or SL(F", E) or £,(E', F) are one-one. Similarly, one has (9) If one of the f&)-spaces F', E has the approximation property, then the canonical map of F' ®nE in £(F, F) is one-one. Proof. By (8) the canonical map of F' ®n E in £(F", F) is one-one and £(F", F) is a subspace of £(F, F) (compare the proof of (7)). We note the following improvement of (2): (10) If one of the (J£)-spaces F', E has the approximation property, then the dual of &C(E, F) can be identified with E ®n F'. Proof. Let ф be the canonical map of F' ®nE in £(F, F) with Ф(?)У = Ф\ 2 Vn ® xn) у = 2 (vny)Xn- As in (6), 0(z) = O if and only if \n=l / n=l
240 § 43. The approximation property ze(E' ® F)°, E' ® F <= Z(E, F). Since (E' ® F)° &(E, F)°, the polars being taken in F' 0% E, it follows from (9) that £,(E, F)° = o, which is the statement with F' E instead of E ®nF'; but these are isomorphic. We come back to the general problem raised at the beginning of 2. We need the following useful remark: (11) Let U be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in the locally convex space E and let К be the canonical mapping of E onto the normed space Ец. Then J = K' is the injection of (Ef)' in E' onto Ef and J is a norm isomorphism of (Ef)' and Ef. This follows from (KU)Q = J-^U0). (12) Let Ebe a complete locally convex space with a fundamental system of absolutely convex neighbourhoods U of о such that every Еи has the approximation property. Then for every complete locally convex F the canonical map ф of E ®nF in %}(E'S x F's) is one-one. Proof. By § 41, 3.(14) it is sufficient to show that E' ® F' is Is(£ ® л F)- dense in &(E x F) = (E Ff. Let В be in &(E x F). Then \B(U, K)l = 1 for some U of the funda- mental system of neighbourhoods of E and some absolutely convex neighbourhood К of о in F. Let K19 K2 be the canonical mappings of E onto Ец and F onto Fv, respectively. Then B(x, y) depends only on the residue classes ffx and K2y, so that Bfl^x, K2y) = B(x, y) defines a B± e ^(Еи x Fv). By § 40, 3.(2) B± has a uniquely determined continuous extension Br e x Fv). The mapping К = ® K2 of E Finto Ёи Fv has by § 41, 5.(1) a continuous extension К = ® n K2 which maps E ® n F in Ev ®n Fy. From the definition Bf^x, K2y) = (B19 K(x ® y)) = <B, x ® y) follows immediately <БЬ Kz) = (B, z} for every z e E ® F, and the continuity of B19 В, К implies (13) <Bb Kzy = <B, z> for every ze E ®nF. Since Ец has the approximation property, it follows from (8) that the canonical map of Ец ®nFv in &((Ef)' x (Fv)') is one-one and by §41, 3.(14) (Ef)' ® (Fy)' is Zs(Eu ®n Fv)-&msQ in @(Ёи x Fv). Therefore, if e > 0 and zb..., zk e E ®л F are given, there exists w e (Ef)' ® (Fv)' such that (14) |<w - B^Kzf] 8, i=l,...9k.
3. Another interpretation of the approximation property 241 Let w be, in particular, и ® v, и g (Ец)', v g (Fy)'. Then (11) implies <W ® Г, K(x ® j)> = <W, ^1%><Г, K2y) = <J1W, x)^J2v, y) = <J(u ® v),X ® y>, where J = «Л ® J2 maps (Evy ® (Fy)' into E{y> ® Fy* <= E' ® F'. From this follows by continuity for every w g (Ev)' ® (Fvy and every z e E ®KF the relation <w, Kz; = <Jw, z>, Jw g E' ® F'. By this relation and (13) we rewrite the inequalities (14) in the form |<Jw — B9 zf>| c, i = 1,..., k. Thus В is in the IS(F ®K F)-closure of Ef ® F'. 3. Another interpretation of the approximation property. The tensor product E ® F of two locally convex spaces E and F is algebraically a subspace of 23e(F' x F'), which is isomorphic to £e(Ffc, F) and £e(Ffc, F) by § 40, 4.(5). Instead of introducing the тг-topology on E ® F, as we did in 2., we will consider E ® F as equipped with the topology of the bi- equicontinuous topology and we will try to determine the closure E ® F of E ® F in 23e(F' x F'), £e(Ffc, F), and £e(Ffc, F). This will lead us to a new interpretation of the approximation property of F. Ify4eF®F<= ®(F' x F'),then the corresponding mapping is of finite rank and maps the equicontinuous subsets M of F' in relatively compact sets in F Similarly, A g £(Ffc, F) maps the equicontinuous sets N of F' in relatively compact sets in F Moreover, these maps are weakly continuous, where in 3. the weak topology on a dual F' will always mean ZS(E). We note (1) If a weakly continuous linear mapping A of E' in F maps every equi- continuous set M of E' in a precompact set A(M) in F, then A(M) is always relatively compact. M is contained in a weakly compact set ; A(Mf) is weakly compact and therefore complete. Hence A(M) is relatively compact. The following proposition gives different characterizations of the map- pings considered in (1). (2) Let A be a weakly continuous linear mapping of F' in F, and A' the adjoint weakly continuous mapping of F' in E. Then the following properties are equivalent: a) A maps the equicontinuous subsets M of E' in relatively compact sets in F; b) A' maps the equicontinuous subsets N of F' in relatively compact sets in E; c) A e £(E'O, F), where Ico is the topology of uniform convergence on the convex compact subsets of E;
242 § 43. The approximation property d) Л'е£(£'о, E); e) the bilinear form A(u, v) = (Au, v) = (u, A'v) is (®, ty-hypocon- tinuous on E'co x F'c0, where ® is the class of equicontinuous subsets. Proof. The equivalence of a) and b) is a consequence of §42, 1.(8) if we use (1). Suppose a) for A. If N <= F' is given, TV equicontinuous, there exists by b) a convex compact С <= E such that A\N) <= C. Hence А(~1У(№) => C°, A(C°) <= № and this means A e й(Е'С0, F). Conversely, assume A e £(£c'o, F). Then A is weakly continuous. Furthermore, every weakly closed equi- continuous M is Ic-compact (§ 21, 6.(3)); hence IC0-compact, and therefore A(M) is compact, so that A satisfies a). The equivalence of d) with a) and b) follows by symmetry. We prove now that a), b), c), d) imply e). If A e &(E'C0, F) and A' e £(FC'O, £), then A is separately continuous for the weak topologies and for the topologies Zco since A and A' are the mappings corresponding to A (§ 40, 1.(2')). Furthermore, if the equicontinuous set M <= £' is given, there exists an absolutely convex and compact set C such that A(M) <= C or \A(M, C°)| 1, and this is the hypocontinuity of A with respect to the class of all M. By symmetry it follows that A is (G, (g)-hypocontinuous. Conversely, assume that В is ((£, (E)-hypocontinuous on £c'o x Fc'o. Since В is separately continuous, the corresponding mappings В from £p0 in (JFc0)' = F and В from F'co in (E'cof = £ are weakly continuous (§ 40, 1.(2')). By assumption there exists for every equicontinuous set M <= £' an absolutely convex compact set Cin Fsuch that | B(M, C°)| = \(B(M), C°>| 1; thus B(M) <= c and В satisfies a). Similarly, В satisfies b). We determinedin (2) the subspaceX((b(£)(Fc'o x Fc0) of %5(E'S x F')and showed that the corresponding spaces of linear mappings are £(£c'o, F) c £(££, F) and £(Fc0, B) <= £(K, £). Using the notations of § 40, 4., the correspondences В В generate the topological isomorphisms (3) ^\E'O x F'o) ~ £e(£'o, F) £e(F'o, £). In the notation introduced by Schwartz in [3'] these isomorphisms take the form (3') e(£, F) EeF FeE. EeF = £e(£c'o, F) and FeE = &e(F'C0, E) are called the e-products of the spaces £ and F and e(£, F) is the space X(®*e)(Ec'o x F'o), whose elements В are called the e-hypocontinuous bilinear forms on Bco x Fco.
3. Another interpretation of the approximation property 243 We also introduce the notation E ®E F for E ® F equipped with the topology induced by the topology of 23e(£' x F') and call E ®EF the c-tensor product of E and E The completion of E®eF will be denoted by E ®E F. This notion will be studied in detail in § 44. (4) EeF is a closed subspace of £,e(Ek, F). The closure of E ®E F in !ie(Ei, F) is a subspace of EeF, Since E ® F £(E'O, F), by (2) we have only to prove the first state- ment. But this is an immediate consequence of (1) and § 42, 1.(3) applied to £e(El, F). We recall that Ste(Ek, F) is complete if and only if E and Fare complete (§ 40, 4.(5)). This implies the following particular case of (4): (5) If E and F are complete locally convex spaces, then E ®eF is a closed subspace of the complete space EeF, We are now able to formulate and prove the following result of Grothendieck and Schwartz: (6) a) Let E be locally convex. E has the weak approximation property if and only if F ® E is dense in FeE for every locally convex F. b) If E is quasi-complete, then E has the approximation property if and only if F ® E is dense in FeE for every locally convex F. We have to prove only a) (see the remarks at the beginning of 1.). i) Sufficiency. Take F = E'co. Then (£c'0)c0 = Ey, where Iy is the topology of uniform convergence on the convex relatively IC0-compact subsets of E'. Every weakly closed equicontinuous subset of E' is (Zc- and therefore) IC0-compact; hence Zy = ZC0(E'C0) is finer than the original topology I on E. Thus £(£, £) c £(£y, £). A fundamental system of the equicontinuous subsets of (E’c(y = £ is given by the convex relatively compact subsets of £; hence £e(£y, £) = £e((£c'o)co, £) = E'coeE induces on £(£, £) the topology Ico. Thus £co(£) is a subspace of E'coeE, By assumption £' ® £ is dense in E'coeE', hence £' ® £ is dense in £co(£) and £ has the weak approximation property. ii) Necessity. By assumption there exist Aa e £' ® £ such that Aa -> I in £co(£). Let В be an element of FeE = £e(£c0, £). Let N be an equi- continuous subset of £'. Then B(N) is relatively compact in £ by (2) and from (AaB — B)(N) = (Aa - I)(B(N)) it follows that AaB e F ® E con- verges to В in FeE. Thus £ ® E is dense in FeE. (5) and (6) imply the corollary (7) Let E and F be locally convex and complete. If E or F has the approximation property, then E ®E F = EeF, which means that E ®eF
244 § 43. The approximation property consists of all weakly continuous linear mappings of E' in F which map equicontinuous subsets of E' in relatively compact sets in F. For (B)-spaces E, F one obtains a sharper result. We remark first that in this case £e(Ffc, E) is the space of all weakly continuous mappings A of F' in E equipped with the strong topology Ib generated by the norm ||Л||. Moreover, FeE = £b(Fc', E) is the subspace of £b(Ffc', E) consisting of all weakly continuous and compact mappings. (8) A (B)-space E has the approximation property if and only if F ® E is dense in &b(Ffk, E) = FeE or F ®eE = FeE for every (JX)-space F, which means that every weakly continuous compact mapping of F' in E is the Zb-limit of weakly continuous mappings of finite rank. Proof. Because of (6) we have only to prove sufficiency, and by 1.(5) this will be done if we show that every compact В e £(F, F) is the Ib-limit of mappings of finite rank. We take B" e £(F", E") which is a weakly continuous extension of В and satisfies F'(F") <= F by § 42, 2.(1). В is compact and weakly con- tinuous in the sense of Zs(F'f ZS(E'). Hence B" e £((F")C, F) = F'eE, and therefore by our assumption applied to F' and F it follows that B" and also its restriction В is the Ib-limit of mappings of F' ® F. We note that Bierstedt and Meise proved in [Г] that also in (6) b) it is sufficient that F ® F be dense in FeE for every (B)-space F. 4. Hereditary properties. Since the discovery of Enflo the interest in the hereditary properties of the approximation property has increased. We recall that 1.(2) is a first result of this kind. The examples of Enflo and Davie (1.(8)) show that there exist even separable reflexive (B)-spaces (the spaces If 2 < p < oo) which have the approximation property but have a closed subspace without this property (for the approximation property of lp see 7.). A positive result in this direction is (1) If the locally convex space E has the approximation property, so has every complemented closed subspace. Proof. Let F = H @ H' be the direct topological decomposition, P the projection of F onto H with kernel H'. The restriction of P to H is the identity on H. By assumption there exists an A e £(F) of finite rank such that for a given precompact subset К of Я one has (A — P)(K) U @ U', where U and U' are given absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in Я and Я', respectively. Since Px = x for every xe K, one has (AP — P)(K) c U® U' and P(AP - P)(K) = (PAP - P)(K) <= U, which is the state- ment, since PAP is of finite rank on Я and P is the identity on Я.
4. Hereditary properties 245 (2) The locally convex direct sum E = @ Ea of locally convex spaces Ea a has the approximation property if and only if all Ea have this property. The necessity follows immediately from (1). We prove sufficiency. It follows from § 18, 5.(4) that a precompact subset К of E is contained in a set Kai ©• •-® Kan, Kajc precompact in Eak. Let U be a given neighbour- hood of о in E. It contains a sum If ©• • •© Un, where Uk is a neigh- bourhood of о in Ea.. By assumption there exists z(fc) = 2 ® x(ik\ i u(k) g Eak, x(k) g Eafc, such that (z(fc) — I^x^ g Uk for all x(fc) g Kak, where Ik is the identity on Eak. Identifying the u{k) in the obvious way with elements of E', one obtains ( 2 z<fc) “ e ©• • •© C/n for all x g AT, \fc=i / which implies the statement. (3) The topological product E = Y\Ea of locally convex spaces Ea has a the approximation property if and only if all Ea have this property. Necessity follows from (1). Conversely, let AT be a precompact sub- set of E. It is contained in a set П Ka, Ka precompact in Ea. Let U be a a neighbourhood of о in E. We may suppose U to be of the form U = | П Uai) x П Ea, Ф a finite set of indices. We put П Eai = Еф, \а<еФ / а^Ф cqe® П Uai = иф9 П xai = *ф- Applying (2) to £ф we find Аф g 8г(£ф) such а|бФ «|€Ф that (Лф — /ф)хф g иф for all хф g П Kai. We extend Аф to an A g %(E) о^еФ be defining Axa = о for all xa g Ea, а $ Ф, and we obtain (A — I)x g U for all x g K. It follows from (2) and (3) that all cod, and all spaces of countable degree (§ 23, 5.) have the approximation property. We proved in § 42, 7.(4) that every Hilbert space has the approximation property. By (3) every topological product of Hilbert spaces also has the approximation property. In this case one can say more: (4) Every subspace E of a topological product F = f[Ha of Hilbert a spaces Ha has the approximation property. Since a finite product of Hilbert spaces is isomorphic to a Hilbert space, F has a fundamental system of neighbourhoods U of о such that every Fu = Fv is a Hilbert space. Then {V} = {E n U} is a fundamental system of neighbourhoods of о in E. Let p be the semi-norm on F corres- ponding to U. For у g E the mapping у + 7V(K) ^~>y + N(U) of Ev in Fu is one-one and even a norm isomorphism since p(y + МЮ) = p(y + N(U)) = p(y). It follows that Ev is a Hilbert space and 1.(3) implies the statement.
246 § 43. The approximation property (5) Let E be the strict inductive limit lim En of a sequence Ex <= E2 <= • • • of locally convex spaces such that every En is a proper closed subspace of En + 1. If all En have the approximation property, then E has it. Proof. By § 19, 4.(4) every precompact subset К of E lies in some Ek and is precompact in Ek. Let U be an open neighbourhood of о in E; then Uk = U n Ek is a neighbourhood of о in Ek. By assumption there exist n щ g Ek, х{ g Ek such that 2 (ц*)*< — x g Uk for all x g K. Let щ be 1=1 Hahn-Banach extensions of the щ to E\ then (2 щ® x{ — I)x g U for all x g K. (5) is closely related to the following proposition (Hogbe-Nlend [2'], Bierstedt and Meise [Г]): (6) Let E be the locally convex hull 2Ia(Ej) of locally convex spaces Ea, a Ia the injection of Ea in E. Suppose further that every absolutely convex and compact subset of E is contained in some Ea and is compact in Ea. Then E has the weak approximation property if all Ea have the weak approximation property. If E is, moreover, quasi-complete, E has the approximation property. Proof. Let U be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in E, К an absolutely convex compact subset of E. Then by assumption К lies in some Ea and has there the same properties. Ua = U n Ea is a la-neighbour- hood of о in Ea and by assumption there exist щ g E'a, xt g Ea, such that 2 (щх^ — x e Ua for all x g K. Now Ia is an injection; therefore I'fE') i = i is weakly dense and even Ico-dense in E'a. It follows that there exist g E' such that |(Wi — uj)x\ e for all xeK and i = \,...,n. We choose n e > 0 such that 2 e Ua for all ai9 |aj e. Then we obtain for i = i 2 ® x, gE' ® E 2 (Wi ® Xi)x - x = 2(Ui® Xi)x - x + 2 ((^1 - Ui)x)Xi e Ua + Ua<= 2U. Let E be a locally convex kernel К A^^Ea), where the a form a a directed set A of indices and there exist for a < a' linear mappings Aaa, E £(£«', Ej) such that y4a Aaa'Aa', Aaa'Aa'a" Aaa" for oc <c <c <x . The Ea may be arbitrary locally convex spaces. By § 19, 8.(1) a neigh- bourhood base of о of the kernel topology on E is given by the sets ^a-1)(^a)> where Ua is a neighbourhood of о in Ea.
4. Hereditary properties 247 We will further suppose that E is reduced, that is, that AfE) is dense in Ea for every a. A special case of such a locally convex kernel is any reduced projective limit lim of locally convex spaces Ea. (7) A reduced projective limit lim A(a~ 1)(Ea) or, more generally, a reduced locally convex kernel E = К A^KE^ with the properties stated above has the approximation property if all Ea have this property. Proof. Let AT be a precompact subset of E and Л(а-1)(С7а) a neighbour- hood of о in E. Since Aa g SfE, Ea), the set Aa(K) is precompact in Aa(E), which is dense in Ea. Using 1.(2), we find vt g £«, Аахг g Aa(E), such that 2 (0г(Аах))АаХ1 — Aax g Ua for every x e K. Now vfAax) = (А'м)х, where i Aa g SjEas, ^s); hence A'aVi = ще E' and we obtain 2 (щх)Аахг — Aax g Ua for all x g K. i Therefore 2 (WiX)Xj — x g A^KUj) for all x g K. i There are some results on dual spaces. (8) Let E be a (ffyspace. If the strong dual E' has the approximation property, then E has the approximation property. In particular, a reflexive (B)-space E has the approximation property if and only if E' has it. Proof. If E' has the approximation property, then by 2.(9) the canonical mapping of E' E in £(£) is one-one. By 2.(7) this implies the approximation property of E. By 1.(8) lp, 2 < p < oo, has a closed subspace which does not have the approximation property. It follows from (8) by duality that lq, i/p + 1/q = 1, has a quotient which does not have the approximation property. Hence a quotient of a separable reflexive (B)-space with the approximation property does not always have this property. Not every quotient of I1 has the approximation property (§ 22, 4.(1)). We remark that it follows also from Enflo’s counterexample and a theorem of Pelczynski [3'] that there exists a separable (B)-space with a basis which therefore has the approximation property (see 5.) such that its strong dual is separable and does not have the approximation property. 9 (9) Let E be quasi-complete locally convex. If E'c is also quasi-complete and has the approximation property, then E has the approximation property.
248 § 43. The approximation property Proof. Let C be absolutely convex and compact in E, К absolutely convex, and Ic-compact in E'. There exists A e £(E'C) of finite rank such that (A — I)(K) cz c°. By duality we have (A' — I)(C) <= K°, where A' e ’Sf.E) and K° is a ^-neighbourhood of о in E (see proof of 3.(6)). Since is finer than the topology I of E, this implies the approximation property of E. (10) Let £[I] be quasi-complete, Z the Mackey topology. If E'c is quasi- complete and E has the approximation property, then E'c has the approxima- tion property. If Z is the Mackey topology, then Z = Zy; hence E[I] = (E'cyc and the statement follows from (9). We recall that Z = Zy is the same as Z = Z°° or that E[I] is polar reflexive (§ 23, 9.). Combining (9) and (10) we obtain (11) Let £[1] be locally convex and quasi-complete, where Z is the Mackey topology, and let E'c be quasi-complete. Then E has the approxima- tion property if and only if E'c has this property. As a particular case we have by § 23, 5.(3) (12) A reflexive locally convex space E has the approximation property if and only if E'c has this property. By § 27, 2.(1) every (M)-space E is reflexive and in this case E'c is the strong dual E'b. Using Enflo’s counterexample, Hogbe-Nlend [T] gave an example of an (M)-space which does not have the approximation property. 5. Bases, Schauder bases, weak bases. Let £[1] be locally convex. A sequence (xn) of elements of E is called abasisofEif every xe E has a unique representation of the form x = 2 an(x)xn, an(x) e K. The n = 1 к convergence of this sum means that the partial sums Skx = 2 tin(x)xn n= 1 converge to x in the sense of Z. (xn) is a weak basis of E if it is a basis for the weak topology ZS(E'). The (weak) basis (xn) is called a (weak) Schauder basis if an(x) is a continuous linear functional on E for every n. A basis (xn) is called equicontinuous if the set of corresponding projections Sk, к = 1, 2,..., is equicontinuous in £(E). (1) Let E be a locally convex space with an equicontinuous basis (xn)- Then E has the approximation property.
5. Bases, Schauder bases, weak bases 249 Proof. The set H consisting of I and all Sk is also equicontinuous. The sequence Skx converges to lx = x for every x e E. But on Я £(£) the topologies and Xc coincide (§ 39, 4.(2)) and thus Sk converges to I in £c(£). As a consequence of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem we have, in particular, (2) Let E be countably barrelled (which includes barrelled}. If E has a Schauder basis, then E has the approximation property. The set {Sk} is simply bounded and therefore equicontinuous in £(£) (§ 39, 5.); hence the statement follows from (1). The following result is a little stronger. (3) If a countably barrelled space £[£] has a weak Schauder basis, this basis is a Schauder basis and E has the approximation property. Again the set H = {SJ и {/} is an equicontinuous subset of £(£). The sequence Skx converges to x in the sense of I for all x which are finite linear combinations of the xn. The space N of all these x is dense in E. This means that Sk converges to I in £(£) in the sense of 2S(7V). By § 39, 4.(1) 2S(7V) and coincide on Я; therefore Skx -> x in the sense of I for every x and the basis is a Schauder basis. Banach proved that a basis of a (B)-space is always a Schauder basis. This result was generalized to (F)-spaces by Newns [Г]. Banach proved, further, that a weak basis of a (B)-space is always a basis. Bessaga and Pelczynski (see Edwards [Г], p. 453) generalized this result to (F)-spaces. We will prove here the result of Banach and Newns and a recent rather general weak basis theorem of De Wilde [3'] which contains the Bessaga- Pelczynski result as a particular case. (4) (Banach-Newns) A basis (xn) in an (F)-space E is always a Schauder basis. Proof. Let p^x} P2W • be a sequence of semi-norms defining (fc \ 2 afx)Xj I. 1 / Since Skx converges to x for every x, one has always p*(x} < 00 and pn(x) Pn(x). It is trivial to check that is again a semi-norm on E and the topology I* defined by the sequence p^(x) ^*(x) • is metrizable and finer than I. It follows from |an(x)|^fc(xn) = Pk(an(x)x^ = pk(Snx - Sn-ix) 2p*(x) that |an(x)| 2= Cp*(x) for a к for which pte(x„) / 0. Thus every linear functional an is I*-continuous. If E[I*] is complete, then £[£*] and £[£]
250 § 43. The approximation property are isomorphic by the Banach-Schauder theorem; hence an is then also continuous on £[X], which is our statement. So we have to show that £[X*] is complete. Let yn be a X*-Cauchy sequence. Since an is X*-continuous, an(7i)> ^(^2),... is a Cauchy к sequence in К and therefore has a limit tn. We will prove that 2 tnxn n= 1 X-converges to an element yeE and that у is the X*-limit of yn. Let p be one of the pk and p* the corresponding X*-semi-norm. Since yn is X*-Cauchy, there exists r0 for a given e > 0 such that 2 £ for all n > m and all s > r r0. \k = m / e for all n > m and all r r0. Р\Ут ~ У) = sup Taking the limit s -> 00 we obtain (5) ^(2 а>с(Уг)хк - 2 ^хк \k = m m ((n 2 ак(Ут)Хк I = £ for all n > m m0, mQ m / n \ 2 tk*k I < for П > m / m mQ. Since such an inequality is true for every ph it follows that n 2 tkxk is X-Cauchy; thus it has a X-limit with the basis representation 1 У = 2 6Л = 2 an(y)xn in E. n=l n=l Now it follows from (5) for m = 1 and all n that ak{yT}xk - 2 6Л ) e for Г Й r0, or у = X*-lim yr. Using his closed-graph theorem, De Wilde [3'] was able to prove the following weak basis theorem: (6) Let E be bornological, sequentially complete, and strictly webbed. IfE has a weak basis (xn), then it is a Schauder basis and E has the approxi- mation property. a) The first part of the proof is similar to the first part of the proof of (4). Let {pa} be the set of semi-norms corresponding to a neighbourhood base {Ua} of о of the topology X of E. We define p*(x) = sup pa(Skx) = к (к \ 2<Фп| as before; then pa(x) p*(x) and one verifies again 1 / that {p%} is a system of semi-norms defining a neighbourhood base {U%} of о of a topology X* D X on E.
5. Bases, Schauder bases, weak bases 251 We will show that £[X*] is a webbed space. The identity mapping Z of £[X] onto £[X*] is closed since I* => X. Now £[X] is ultrabornological and £[X*] is webbed; thus it follows from § 35, 2.(2) that I is an isomor- phism and I* = X. But an(x) is X*-continuous as in the proof of (4); hence an(x) is X-continuous. The last statement follows then from (2). b) It remains to prove that £[X*] is webbed. Let = {Cni...........nJ be a strict web on £[X]. For every xeE we introduce the set B(x) = F{x, S]X, S2x,...}, which is absolutely convex, closed, and bounded in E. Since E is sequentially complete, it is clear that B(x) is also sequentially complete. It is proved in § 35, 6.(2) b) that for every B(x) there exists a sequence nk of integers and a sequence of positive numbers ate, к = 1, 2,..., such that B(x) <= afcCni> <>nfc for all k. For the following it will be convenient to replace iK by another strict web, W = {C'ni.....nJ, on E which has the property that we can suppose ak = 1 for all k. This can be done in the following way. We define = WiCni, where n[ = n±\ ^711,^2 = Cn[ ^2^711,n2> ^2 = (^2> ^2)9 • • •> ~ Cn[,...,nk.. 1 ^k^nlt...,пк9 ^k ~ (в^к9 ^fc)> and so on. These sets are absolutely convex. The defining relations for a web, 00 00 (w) E = |^J Cn',..., Cn'>t т = |^J Cn'.................nj^, n'L = 1 nk = 1 follow easily from the corresponding relations for iK. It remains to show that W = {Cn'......n'k} is strict. Now iK is strict. That means that for every fixed sequence nk there exists a sequence pk > 0 such that for all Afc, 0 Ate pk, and all zk e Cni,...,nk the series 2 Afczfc converges in E and 2 \<Zk is contained in 1 k0 cni...nk0 for every k0. Consider a fixed sequence nk = (mk, nk) and define p'k = pkfmk, where the pk correspond to the nk in the web #7 Suppose 0 Xk p'k and 4 e Ci;...n'k. Then 0 g Xk g Pk for Xk = X'kmk and zk = zk/mk e Cni„..nt, since c mkCni.....nk. It follows that £ Xkzk = % Xkzk converges in E. Moreover, £ Xkzk = £ Xkzk e Cni.....n <= m,Cni....„ for ally k0, since ko iK is strict. This implies 2 Kz’k £ Cn'lt...,n'k0 by the definition of Cn'lt...n'k^ Hence is a strict web on E.
252 § 43. The approximation property Finally, if B(x) акСП19.„Пк and if ak mk, mk an integer, then fc £(*) c Д mjCni.....n, c C'ni.....n'k, where nj = (my, nj). Therefore we may suppose that there exists a strict web = {Cni.........nfc} on E such that for every x e E there exists a sequence nk of integers such that B(x) c cni....nk. c) Let be the set of all x e E such that B(x) <= Cni..............nit. It is trivial to check condition (w), so iK* = {C^....nfc} is a web on E. It remains to prove that is of type in £[£*]. Let nk be a fixed sequence and pk the sequence of corresponding numbers for the web We suppose the pk decreasing and < 1. It will be sufficient to prove that for Xk e [0, pk] and zk e .....nfc the series 2 converges in £[£*]. We remark first that by the definition of B(x) the elements zk9 S^, S2zk,... are all contained in Cni...nfc; hence 2 Kzk and 2 ^kSmzk converge in £[£] to elements у resp. ym for all m = 1,2,.... Our aim is now to prove that ym = Smy and that ym converges weakly N N to y. By definition 2 Kc$izk = 2 а/Л(а)*1 converges to уг; hence ic=i i oo NN У1 = ft*i, where ft = 2 а/А<а)- Similarly, 2 Afcam(zfc)xrn = 2 *kSmzk - i ii N 2\Sm-iZk converges to ym - ym-i‘, thus ym - ym-i = with 1 oo m — 2 Afc^m(^fc)« It follows that ym = 2 ft^i- Because (xn) is a weak basis i i it will be sufficient to show that ym converges weakly to y, since then it follows from the uniqueness of the basis representation that ym = Smy. Let и be an element of E'. We write u A В ^^2 ^k^mzk Ут l«O - Jm)| + sup m c. We show first that for a given e > 0 we can choose No such that A and C are e/3 for N No. We recall that the sequence pn < 1 is decreasing, that 0 Xk pg, and that zk e C*lt_nk or B(zk) c= Cni............nfc. Hence У - 2 = 2 = + 1 2 A^Zfc’ Afc = Pfc for к N + 1. 1 Я+1 N+l
6. The basis problem 253 Since iK is strict, we have oo N ^kzk £ Cjii,...,nN + i and у ^kzk £ Pn + + N+l 1 N Similarly, ym - 2 XkSmzk e pN + 1Cni..n„ + 1. Now let U be a neighbourhood of о in £[£] such that |wx| e/3 for x e U. By § 35, 1.(3) there exists No such that pN+1Cni..nN + 1 <= U for all TV No. For such an N obviously A e/3 and C e/3. N /N \ We fix N No and observe that 2 ^kSmzk = 2 I converges in i \i / N 4 m weakly to 2 hence for m sufficiently large one has В e/3. It i follows that ym converges weakly to y. d) We come to the last step of De Wilde’s proof. We showed that N Ут = $my for every m. We use this to prove the I*-convergence of 2 \A to у in the following way. One has again У /. ^kzk £ Pn 4-1 Сщ nw 4. i > $тУ £ Pn + + N = 1,2,.... Let p be a continuous semi-norm on E and let N be such that p(x) e for x e PN+iCni...nN + 1. Then it follows that / N p* N This shows that 2 converges in £[1*]. i In § 35, 4. one can find classes of spaces which satisfy (6). For example, it follows from § 35, 4.(8) that a weak basis of a sequentially complete (LF)-space is always a Schauder basis. 6. The basis problem. If the locally convex space E has a basis (xn), then the finite rational resp. complex rational linear combinations N 2 »nxn are dense in E; therefore n = 1 (1) A locally convex space with a basis is separable. The basis problem, “Does every separable (B)-space possess a basis?,” was raised by Banach in his book [3] and was solved in the negative by Enflo [Г]. He constructed separable (B)-spaces which do not have the approximation property. By 5.(2) and 5.(4) such a space has no basis.
254 § 43. The approximation property During the forty years between the statement of the basis problem and its negative solution, bases of (B)-spaces and their properties have been studied intensively and the results of these investigations are of great importance for the finer structure of (B)-spaces. Detailed expositions are given in Lindenstrauss-Tzafriri [Г], [2'], McArthur [Г], Marti [Г], and Singer [Г]. Our interest is at the moment limited to the fact that it follows from the existence of a basis in a (B)-space that the space has the approximation property. It is trivial to check that the unit vectors define a basis in c0 and in lp, 1 p < oo, so these spaces have the approximation property. The space c of convergent sequences (§ 14, 7.) has a basis consisting of the unit vectors and the vector e = (1, 1,...). The space 700 is not separable and therefore has no basis. But 100 has the approximation property, as we will see in 7. Bases in the spaces C[0, 1] and Lp[0, 1], 1 p < oo, have been con- structed by Schauder (cf. Singer [Г], I § 2); hence these spaces have the approximation property. The (F)-space has the unit vectors as a basis; the (F)-space Я(®), where ® is the open unit disc in the complex plane, has 1, z, z2,... as a basis (cf. § 27, 3. for the definition of Я(®)). It seems to be unknown whether the (B)-space ЯВ(®) of all functions analytic on the open unit disc and continuous on the closed unit disc has a basis. But it has the approximation property (see 7.). A large class of sequence spaces with a basis is given in (2) Let Л [I] be a perfect sequence space, where X is the normal topology Xn or the Mackey topology S*(AX). Then the sequence ex, e2,... of unit vectors is an equicontinuous basis of A[I] and A[I] has the approximation property. Proof. Every i = (xb x2, • • •) e A is the Х-limit of its sections *n = H---------Ь xnzn by § 30, 5.(8) and § 30, 5.(10), and xn = eni, where en e Ax; hence eb e2,... is a Schauder basis of A[I]. A neighbourhood base of о is given by the set of all normal closed neighbourhoods U of o. This is trivial for the normal topology and follows from § 30, 6.(2) for the topology Ifc(Ax). Therefore U contains with i its sections xn = Snt and Sn(U) <= U for n = 1,2,... means that the basis (en) is equicontinuous. The last statement in (2) follows from 5.(1). We proved in § 30, 5.(11) that every perfect A[I], where X is the normal or the Mackey topology, is sequentially separable, i.e., every element is the limit of a sequence of elements belonging to a fixed countable subset of A.
1. Some function spaces with the approximation property 255 By a similar argument one proves the following sharpened form of (1): (3) A locally convex space E with a basis is sequentially separable. 00 Let (xn) be the basis and x a fixed element in £, x = 2 an(x)xn. Then n= 1 the Snx and the an(x)xn = Snx — 5n_iX are contained in an absolutely convex bounded subset В of E. Determine the (complex) rational numbers p({n), i = 1,2, ...,n9 such that |</fn)| = |«t(x) — p(in)| = (1/и2)|аХх)|. One has then X - = (x - Snx) + a^xt. Let U be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in E. Then there exists n nQ such that for n n0, x — Snx e U/2 and also 2 CTin)*i e ^/2, since i n n 2 vtn)Xi e B/n. Hence the countable sets of all 2 pixv> pi rational, n = 1, 1 i=l 2,..., is sequentially dense in E. The importance of sequential separability is demonstrated by the following result of Kalton [2']: (4) The barrelled space a>d, d = 2*4 is separable but not sequentially separable. wd has the approximation property but no basis. A sequentially separable space contains at most 2**o elements, but <od contains 2d elements (§ 9, 5.). Hence <od is not sequentially separable and has no basis by (3). It has the approximation property by 4.(3). A proof of the curious fact that cod is separable can be found in Henriques [Г], where other closely related facts are given. Bases of barrelled spaces were investigated for the first time by Dieudonne [Г]. 7. Some function spaces with the approximation property. We treat first the case E = C(K), where К is any compact topological space. (1) Let R be a normal topological space and U19 ..., Un open sets such n that R = {J Ui. Then there exist n continuous functions <p19.. .9<pn on R i=l with values in [0, 1] such that (2) 2 9>t(*) = 1 for xt R and щ(х) = 0 for xe R ~ If. i=l Such a system {<p19 ..., <pn} is called a partition of unity on R. Proof, a) We show first that there exist open sets O19...,On such that Oi <= (f c If and (J (f = R. i = l
256 § 43. The approximation property The set R ~ Q is a closed subset of U±. By § 3, 7.(N') there exists an 2 open set Oi such that R ~ |J <= Ux. Again O± и U2 u- • • 2 и Un = R. Repetition of this procedure proves the existence of O19..., On. b) By Urysohn’s lemma (§ 6, 4.(1)) there exists a continuous function on R with values in [0, 1] such that 0£(x) = 1 on and 0f(x) = 0 on n R ~ Ui. It is obvious that the functions = 0f/0, where 0=20* satisfy (2) and have values in [0, 1]. We note that the support of <pb supp <pi9 is contained in (supp f is the closure of the set {x e R\f(x) Ф 0}). (1) is true in particular for compact spaces R (§ 3, 7.(2)). (3) C(K) has the approximation property. Proof. Let {99 J be a partition of unity on and Xi e supp z = 1,...,«. n We define the corresponding mapping A e g(C(Af)) by Af = fix^. Obviously, Щ| = sup ЦДЛ 1; hence the set H of all these mappings 11/11 1 is equicontinuous in £(C(AQ). If I is the identity of £(C(AQ), then H и {1} is equicontinuous and and Xc coincide on this set. Therefore it will be sufficient to prove that I is a Is-adherent point of H. Let e > 0 and f19.. C(K) be given. Since К is compact, there m exists a finite covering К = IJ Uj9 Uj open, such that every fx has an /=1 oscillation e on every Uj. Let {<pj} be a corresponding partition of unity and A the corresponding mapping. Then by (2) II fi - Л/ill = sup /(x) - 2 XGK ;=1 sup 2 «PyWI/W -/iCOI e, i=l,...,k, so that 7 is a Is-adherent point of 77. Let R be a locally compact space, C(R) the vector space of all con- tinuous functions on R. Let {Ka}9 a e A, be a fundamental system of compact subsets of R. The topology of compact convergence on C(R) is then defined by the system of semi-norms pa(f) = sup |/(x)|. xtKa Let Jafbe the restriction of/e C(R) to Ka. Then Ja maps C(R) onto C(7fa), as follows easily from § 6, 4.(5). One checks immediately that C(R) is the reduced projective limit lim J(a-1)(C(7fa)). Thus (3) and 4.(7) imply (4) C(R), R locally compact, has the approximation property.
7. Some function spaces with the approximation property 257 Let R be a locally compact space which is not compact but countable at infinity (§ 3, 6.) and let be the space of all continuous functions on R with compact support. If К is a compact subset of R we denote by X\K) the (B)-space of all f e with supp f <= К and ||/|| K = sup |/(x)|. One xeK equips JT(A) with the hull topology of 2 M\K). Since R is countable at к infinity there exists a fundamental sequence K± <= K2 c • • • of compact sets such that Kn + 1 is a neighbourhood of Kn for every и, Я = (J Kn, and n= 1 Jf(R) = lim This inductive limit is strict by § 19, 4.(1) and com- plete by § 19, 5.(3). (5) Let R be locally compact, noncompact, and countable at infinity. Then has the approximation property. Proof. Let M be a compact subset of :%\R). By § 19, 4.(4) M lies in some JT(^n) and is therefore compact in JT(/Q. It will be sufficient to define for a given e > 0 an A of finite rank which maps JT(7?) into rf\Kn + 1) such that |(Л/)(х) — /(x)| e for all x e Kn+1 and all f e M. Let J/be the restriction of/e JT(A) to ^n + 1. Obviously, J maps JT(7?) continuously in C(KnJr^) and J(M) is compact in C(^n + i). By (3) there exists В e g(C(7^n + 1)) such that (6) |(B(J/))(x) - (#)(x)| г for all + 1 and/eM. Let a(x) be a continuous function on R with values in [0, 1], identically 1 on Kn and identically 0 on R ~ Kn+1. We define A = a(x)BJ, then A e ^(JT(A)), and it follows from (6) that |(Л/)(х) — /(x)| e for all x e Kn + 1 and f e M, since supp f e Kn. We remark that by a refinement of the method of proof of (3) it is also possible to prove the approximation property for К a compact subset of R (see Bierstedt [Г]). Then (5) follows from this result and 4.(6). We give another application of (3). Let S be a completely regular space and CB(S) the space of all continuous and bounded functions f on S equipped with the norm ||/|| = sup |/(x)|. Clearly, CB(S) is a (B)-space. We denote CB(S)' by 9Л(5) as in the case of a compact 5 (§ 24, 5.). We define the mapping Ф(х) = (where Sx(f) = /(%)) of S into the unit ball of 9Л(5). Ф is one-one and one has ||8X|| = 1 for any x e 5 as a consequence of § 6, 6.(V). (7) Ф(5) equipped with Zs(CB(S)) is homeomorphic to S. Proof. A weak neighbourhood of 8Xo consists of all such that K8* - sxo)/il < e or !/*(*) ~/»(xo)| < s, i = 1, • • •> П. Since the / are
258 § 43. The approximation property continuous, this is true for some neighbourhood of x0. Hence Ф is con- tinuous. But Ф is also open: Let {/J, a e A, be the set of all continuous functions on 5 with values in [0, 1]. The set of all [fa< 1] is a base of open sets in 5 (§ 6, 6.). The set of all и e 9Л(5) such that </a, w> = w(/a) = 1 is a closed hyperplane in 9Л(5). This hyperplane cuts Ф(5) in {3X; 8x(/a) = 1}, which is the complement of Ф([/а < 1]) = {3*; 3*(/a) < 1} in Ф(5). Hence ф([А < 1]) is open. Let ftS be the weak closure of Ф(5) in 9Л(5). Since ftS is contained in the weakly compact unit ball of 9Jl(5), ftS is a compact space. It follows from (7) that ftS can be considered as a compact extension of S and S is dense in pS. One calls fiS the Stone-Cech compactification of 5. We use this construction in the following proposition: (8) Let S be completely regular. Then CB(S) is norm isomorphic to C(J3S) and has the approximation property. Every f e CB{S) has a continuous extension to fiS which has the same norm. Conversely, every continuous function on $S is bounded and has a restriction to 5 with the same norm. The last statement follows from (3). (9) I has the approximation property for every cardinal d. Proof. The elements of Z“ are of the form i = (£a), where a runs through an index set A with cardinality d. We consider A as a discrete topological space and A is therefore completely regular. Hence Z" is the space CB(A) and (8) implies the statement. We indicate a direct proof: Let A = Ax и • • и An be a partition of A into n disjoint subsets and щ a fixed element of Af. Let e(Af) be the charac- teristic function of Af which is an element of Z“. Then A defined by Ax = 2 is in 3(Z") and ||Л|| = 1; hence the set Я of all these A is equicontinuous. It is easy to determine A in such a way that || AXj — xy|| e for a finite set of e Z“. Hence I is a Is-adherent point of H and the statement follows as in the proof of (3). The same method, which goes back to Phillips [1], will also settle the case of ZAspaces. We will consider these spaces in greater generality than in § 14, 10. and refer the reader to Bourbaki [7] for detailed information. Let A be a locally compact space and p a positive Radon measure on R. Then LP(R, p) is the (B)-space of equivalence classes of functions on R which are /х-integrable in the ^th power with the norm ||/||p = (J |/|p dp^1,p. We
7. Some function spaces with the approximation property 259 note that the subspace of all continuous functions with compact support is dense in LP(R, p). (10) LP(R, p), 1 p < oo, has the approximation property. Proof. Let К = Kr u- • -u Kn be a decomposition of the compact subset К of R in disjoint relatively compact subsets, m = гщ = and let Xi be the characteristic function of Then we define the mapping Af = 2 (J fXi which obviously lies in g(Lp). From Holder’s inequality it follows with / = fxi that Hence И/l ]> ll/.ll^rllpXi and j M/l” /2 Ф = 2 ин- Therefore ||Л|| 1 and the set of all A is equicontinuous. Let now /(1),... ,/(m) be given functions in X\R) and let XT be a com- pact set containing the support of all these f(k\ We decompose К in disjoint relatively compact subsets, К = Kr и • • • и Kn, such that the oscillation of all f(k) on every K, is e/m1/p. Let A be the mapping corres- ponding to this decomposition of K. One checks easily that for every x e К one has | Af(k\x) — /(fe)(x)| e/w1/p; hence ||Л/(/с) — /(fe)||p e for к = 1,..., m. This implies that the identity I is an adherent point of the equicontinuous set of all mappings A for the topology of simple convergence on JT(7?) and therefore I is adherent point for Ic also (§ 39, 4.(1) and (2)). The space L°°(7?, /л), R locally compact, consists of the equivalence classes of all locally measurable functions and locally almost everywhere bounded functions on R and is a (B)-space with the norm Ц/Цоо = inf{c; |/(x)| c locally almost everywhere}. (11) L°°(7?, /л) has the approximation property. This can be proved directly with the method indicated in the second proof for I a . It is also an immediate consequence of the norm isomorphism of L°°CR, p) with a space C(K), К compact, which can be obtained as the Gelfand representation of the Banach algebra L°°(7?, p) defined by point- wise multiplication.
260 § 43. The approximation property (12) The (ty-space Ф the open unit disc in the complex plane, has the approximation property. Proof. To/еЯВ(ф) one introduces fn(z) = /(z/(l + l/л)). One has ||/n|| ll/ll and fn-^fin the norm. Let Tknfbe the Zcth partial sum of the Taylor expansion of fn at the point z = 0. Then Tkn is of finite rank, \\Tkn\\ 1 and || W- /II IIW- All + ll/n - /И - for k, n suffi- ciently large. This implies the statement. We remarked in 5. that it is unknown whether ЯВ(Ф) has a basis. Most of the examples in 7. can be found in Grothendieck [13], Phillips [1], and Schwartz [Г]. 8. The bounded approximation property. In 7. we proved the approxima- tion property for some (B)-spaces. In every case we showed that for a given compact set К and e > 0 there exists A g %(E) with ||Л|| 1 such that || Лх — x|| e for all xeK. This sharper form of the approximation property is called the metric approximation property. If A g %(E) can always be chosen such that Щ| A, then E is said to have the А-metric approximation property. E has the bounded approxi- mation property if it has the А-metric approximation property for some A. A (B)-space E with a Schauder basis always has the bounded approxi- mation property, since the set {Sn} of 5.(2) is equicontinuous. It follows from the proof of the theorem of Banach-Newns (5.(4)) that it is possible to introduce an equivalent norm on E such that ||Sn|| 1 in this new norm, so that E has the (l-)metric approximation property. Recently, Figiel and Johnson [1'] constructed a separable (B)-space E which has the approximation property but not the bounded approximation property and thus has no basis. They use Enflo’s counterexample and Pelczynski’s result cited before 4.(9). E can be chosen to have a separable conjugate E' and in this case the authors show that there exists a non- nuclear mapping A g £(£) whose adjoint A' is nuclear in £(£")• It is not known whether there exists a separable (B)-space without a basis but with the metric approximation property. If one follows the reasoning of the proof of 1.(1), one obtains easily (1) Let E, F be (B)-spaces. If E has the metric approximation property, then the unit ball of %(E, F) is Xc-dense in the unit ball of 2b(E, F) and the unit ball of 3r(F, E) is Xc-dense in the unit ball of Qb(F, E). Grothendieck proved in [13] some deep results on the metric approxi- mation property that are based on some facts on bilinear integral forms, which will be considered in § 45.
8. The bounded approximation property 261 One of his results was proved in a more elementary way by Johnson [Г]. We reproduce his proof. Let E, Fbe (B)-spaces. We recall from 3. that £b(Ek, F) is the space of all weakly continuous mappings A of F' in Fand the topology is given by the norm Mil- If F is finite dimensional, then £b(Ffc, F) contains only mappings of finite rank and we have in this case £b(Ffc, F) = E F. We need the following lemma: (2) Let F, F be (JXy spaces, F finite dimensional. Then (F F)" = F"®eF We remark that X' resp. X" always means the strong dual resp. strong bidual of X. The proof of (2) will be given in § 45, 1.(11). (3) Let F, F be (B)-spaces, F finite dimensional, and H a finite dimen- sional subspace of E'. Suppose A e £b(F', F) = E" ®eF, 8 > 0. Then there exists В e йъ{Ек, F) = F ®eF such that В coincides with A on H and\\B\\ M|| + 8. Proof. H ® F' is a finite dimensional subspace of (F F)'. By (2) A is an element of (F F)" and it defines on H ® F' a linear functional with norm MII. We apply Helly’s theorem (§ 38, 1 .(11)) to this situation and find an element В of F F = £b(Ffc, F) which coincides on H with A and has norm ||F|| Mil + 8. We are now able to prove (4) Let Ebe a (ty-space. If E’ has the X-metric approximation property, so has F. A reflexive (fi)-space E has the X-metric approximation property if and only if E' has this property. Proof. We assume that F' has the Л-metric approximation property. If Wi,..., um e E' and e > 0 are given, there exists then A e g(F') such that Mil A and \\Auk — uk\\ e/2, к = 1,..., m. By (3) there exists В 6 g(F') = F ® Ef such that В coincides on H = [u±,..., um] with A and ||B|| Mil + 3 A + 8 for a given 8 > 0. We put C = [A/(A + 8)]F; then || C || A. For a suitable 8 one has (5) \\Cuk - wk||S B \ + b)Uk Uk S - wfc|| + 8||wfc|| < e e = 2 + 2 = Thus I is Is-adherent point of the convex set of all Ce F ® E' with bound A. The adjoints С' e E' ® Ее %(E) determine also a convex set
262 § 43. The approximation property M with bound A. (5) implies |wfc(C'x — x)| e, к = 1,..., m, for a fixed x, ||x|| 1; hence x is a weak adherent point of the set {C’x} of all C'x, C' g M. Since M is convex, it follows from § 20, 7.(6) that x is also a strong adherent point of {C'x}. This means that there exists C'o e M such that || С'ох — x|| > 0 given. Thus I is Is-adherent point of M. Since M is equicontinuous, the statement now follows from § 39, 4.(2). 9. Johnson’s universal space. Shortly before Enflo discovered his counterexample, Johnson constructed in [2'] a (B)-space C[ with the property that if Ci has the approximation property, then every separable (B)-space has the approximation property. Since this is not the case, C[ is another example of a (B)-space which fails to have the approximation property. C[ has also another interesting property, so we present this example in detail. We recall the notion of the distance coefficient d(E, F) = inf (||T|| \\T~11|) of two isomorphic (B)-spaces from § 42, 8. (1) There exists a sequence Gn, n= 1,2,..., of finite dimensional (fty-spaces with the following property: For every finite dimensional (fty-space Fandevery e > 0 there exists n0 such that dim Cno = dim Fandd(F, GnQ) < 1 + £. It is sufficient to construct such a sequence for all Fof a fixed dimension N > 0. The norm p(x) of F defines a continuous function on the 7V-dimen- sional Euclidean unit ball К = {x; ||x||2 1}. Since C(K) is separable, the subset of all norms p(x) is also separable (§ 4, 5.(1)), so there exists a sequence of norms /h,p2, • • • such that |p(x) — /?fc(x)| for all x g К and some к depending on p and Let G19 G2,... be the sequence of TV-dimensional (B)-spaces with the norms Pi,p2,... and let I be the identity map of F onto Gk. The closed unit ball U of F is contained in pK for some p > 0. For у g U we have therefore p(y) = pp(y/p), where у/p g K; hence pk(y) p(p(y!p) + ej 1 + pe±. This implies ||/|| 1 + pe±. The closed unit ball V of Gk is contained in 2pK\ Otherwise there would exist an x with ||x||2 = 2p, pk(x) 1, and p(x) 2, which contradicts |p(x) — pfc(x)| 2рЕг for small enough. The same reasoning as before shows that ||/-1|| 1 + 2p£lt For small enough ||/||||7-1|| will be < 1 + e, which implies the statement for a fixed dimension N. Let C\ be the space /1(Gn) of all sequences x = (xn), xn g Gn, ||x|| = 2 ||xn|| < oo. Its strong dual is the space Ci = /°°(С„) of all и = (un), UntG’n, ||w|| = sup ||wn|| < oo.
9. Johnson’s universal space 263 We need the following lemma of Johnson: (2) Let F, F be (B)-spaces and A e £(F, F). Let Fa, a e A, be a net of subspaces of F, directed by inclusion, such that U Fa = Fo is dense in F. Assume, further, that for every a there exists Ba e £(Fa, F) such that ABa = IFa and lim sup ||Ba|| = A < oo. a Then A' is an isomorphism of F' into E' with inverse S, ||5|| A, and there exists a projection P of E' onto A'(F') such that ||P|| А||Л||. The method of proof is rather interesting; it uses a compactness argu- ment going back to Lindenstrauss. We extend Ba to Ba defined on Fo by setting Bay = о for у e Fo ~ Fa. Then Ba is a noncontinuous and even nonlinear map of Fo in F. Let К be the one-point compactification of the scalar field K. We define Sa by (Sau)y = u(Bay) for every we F' and every у eFo. Sa is a mapping of F' into KFo. The net Sa, a e A, is contained in the compact space (KFo)F' and has therefore an adherent point S. Thus for every a e A and every neighbourhood U of S there exists an a = a'(a, U) a in A such that Sa< is contained in U. The set В of all /3 = (a, U) is directed by setting (ab Uj) (a2> U2) if a2 and If => U2. Hence all Saw, ft e B, form a net over В which converges to S. This implies (Su)y = lim (5a>^u)y = lim u(BaX^y) for every у e Fo, и e E', 0 0 where the limit is taken in K. Now every у lies in some Fa and so Ba>^}y = Ba^0)y for /3 /30, where My) is (a> ^7) f°r some U. It follows that (Su)y = lim u(Ba.wy). 0^0О(У) Recalling lim sup ||Fa|| = A < oo we see that the limit is always finite and a it follows also that (Su)y is a bilinear form. More precisely, |(5w)y| lim |и(ЛаЧЙ)у)| g lim sup ||5a||Mhll> 0 a so S e £(F', Fo) and ||51| A. Extending every Su from Fo to F we obtain 5 e £(F', F') such that ||5|| A. Furthermore, (SA'v)y = lim {A' v){Ba4^y) = lim v(ABa^0)y) = vy for 0 every у e Fo, v e F', which implies SA' = IF„ Finally, P = A'S is the projection of E' onto A'(F'), ||P|| АЩ|. Now we prove the following universal property of C[: (3) Let F be a separable (fS)-space of infinite dimension. Then the strong dual F' is norm isomorphic to a complemented subspace H of C[ and H is the range of a norm one projection of C±.
264 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product Proof. Let Fi cz f2 <= • • • be a sequence of subspaces of F such that dim Fn = n and IJ Fn = Fo is dense in F. By (1) there exists an л-dimen- n=l sional space Gfc(n) and an isomorphism Tn of Gfc(n) onto Fn such that ||Tn|| = 1 and ЦТ-1!! 1 + l/и. Let A e £(Cb F) be defined by Ax = А(х1г x2,...) = Д rnxWn), xn e Gn. Then ||Лх|| ||xfc(n)|| || x|| im- plies Щ| 1. We now define 2?n = 1 e Q.(Fn, С±) and have lim ||Bn|| = 1 n and ABn = IFn, It follows from (2) that A' is an isomorphism of F' into with inverse S and that ||Л'|| = ||5|| = 1, so A is even a norm isomorphism of F' onto a subspace H of The projection P = AS of C{ onto H has norm one. (4) The (B)-space does not have the approximation property. We assume that C[ has the approximation property. Then by (3) and 4.(1) every strong dual of a separable (B)-space has this property and by 4.(8) so does every separable (B)-space. This contradicts Enflo’s result. § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product 1. Compatible topologies on E ® F. We introduced in § 41, 2.(4) the тт-topology on the tensor product E ® F of two locally convex spaces E and F. This was done in a rather natural way and we studied the properties of E ®л Fand its completion E ®л F In § 43, 3. we were led to introduce the е-tensor product E ®eF and so we obtained a second topology on E ® F. Thus the problem arises of finding a nice class of topologies on the tensor products E ® F of locally convex spaces which will contain the Tr- and the e-topology as particular cases. Following Grothendieck [13] we will say that a locally convex topology on E ® F is compatible with the tensor product if it satisfies: a) the canonical map % of E x F into (F ® F)[IJ = E ®XF is separately continuous; b) every и ® v, и e F', v e F', is in (F F)'; c) if G± <= E' is equicontinuous on F and G2 <= F' is equicontinuous on F, then G± ® G2 cz F' ® F' is equicontinuous on F ®T F. The meaning of a) is clear from (1) Condition a) implies (F ®x F)' <= 93(F x F), the space of separately continuous bilinear forms.
1. Compatible topologies on E ® F 265 Proof. We assume a). Let x0 be an element of £ and W an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in £ £. Then there exists a neighbourhood V о in £ such that y(x0, Ю = *o ® V ° Ж Hence, if Be(E £)' and |B(I7)| e, then, using the notations of § 41, 1.(1), we have I£(*0, j)| = |-Sx(x0, JOI = 1^0 ® jOI e for all у e V and B(x, y) is continuous at о in the second variable. Using the same argument for the first variable, it follows that В is a separately continuous bilinear form. We note that conditions a) and b) together imply (2) £'&£'<= (£ £)' c ®(£ x £). Another definition of the compatible topologies on £ ® £ is contained in (3) A locally convex topology on E ® £ is compatible if and only if it is a topology Злщ of uniform convergence on a class of subsets M of ®(£ x £) satisfying the following two conditions: a) every M e 9W is separately equicontinuous, i.e., for every xoe E the set M(xq) is equicontinuous in F' and for every yoe F the set is equi- continuous in E'; ft) 9W contains all sets Gr ® G2, where Gr and G2 are equicontinuous subsets of E' and F', respectively. Proof, i) We suppose that is compatible. A class 9W defining consists of all equicontinuous subsets of (£ £)' and it follows from condition c) that condition ft) is satisfied. Let Й be an equicontinuous subset of (£ ®TF)'; then |Л^(РТ)| 1 for some neighbourhood W of о in £ £. It follows now from condition a) that we can choose an absolutely convex neighbourhood Lof о in £such thatx(x0, V) <= W. Then |Л^(х0 ® У)\ 1 or equivalently |M(x0)(L)| 1, M(x0) <=z V°; hence M(x0) is equicontinuous in £'. This is condition a). ii) Conversely, assume a) and ft) to be satisfied. Obviously, ft) implies b) and c) and is Hausdorff. It remains to prove a). It is sufficient to show that for a given x0 e £ and a given neighbourhood W of о in £ £ there exists a suitable neighbourhood Г of о in £ such that x0 ® V <= W. We can assume W = M °, where M is absolutely convex and separately equicontinuous by a). It follows that M(x0) is equicontinuous in £'; hence there exists a V such that |M(x0)L| 1, |M(x0 ® K)| 1, so that Xq ® V <= W. The compatible topologies on £ ® F have the following important property: (4) Every subspace x0 ® £, x0 o, of E £ is isomorphic to F; every subspace E ® yQ, yQ / o, of E ®TF is isomorphic to E.
266 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product Proof. We denote the topology ofFby I. The subset fi ={(xoj);jeF} of E x F is obviously homeomorphic to F[I]. The map у of F± onto x0 ® Fis one-one and continuous by property a); hence <= J on x0 0 F. Conversely, let V be an absolutely convex closed neighbourhood of о in F, u0 g E', uoxo = 1; then u0 ® V° is a IT-equicontinuous subset of E' ® F' and (w0 ® У°)° H (x0 ® F) = x0 ® V is a ^-neighbourhood of о in x0 ® F. Thus I on x0 ® F and = I implies the statement. Obviously, there is a finest compatible topology on the tensor product E ® F of two locally convex spaces, the topology of uniform convergence on all separately equicontinuous subsets of ®(F x F). This topology is called the inductive tensor product topology and E®inF is the inductive tensor product of E and F. An immediate consequence of (1) and (3) is (5) Iin is the finest locally convex topology I on E ® F such that the canonical map x°f E x Fin (F ® F)[I] is separately continuous. The dual (F ®in F)' can be identified with ®(F x F). There is a close connection between the inductive and the projective tensor product. We recall (§ 41, 2.(4)) that is the finest locally convex topology on F ® F such that у is a continuous bilinear mapping of F x F into F F. This and the fact that every set G± ® G2 is an equi- continuous set of linear forms on F F show that is compatible with the tensor product and obviously weaker than Iin. Both topologies coincide in the following cases: (6) Let E and Fbe locally convex. The inductive and the projective tensor products E ®in F and E ®nF coincide if a) F and F are both barrelled and metrizable, or b) if E and F are both barrelled fDF)-spaces. Proof. The continuity theorems § 40, 2.(2) and § 40, 2.(11) assure that ®(F x F) = <^(F x F) in the cases a) and b) and that separately equi- continuous sets and equicontinuous sets of ®(F x F) coincide. Recalling § 41, 3.(4), we see that this implies the identity of and Iin. So far the inductive tensor product did not have many applications in analysis. For further details we refer the reader to Grothendieck’s thesis [13], p. 73. 2. The injective tensor product. Let F ® F be the tensor product of two locally convex spaces. It follows from the definition that there exists a weakest compatible topology on F ® F, the topology of uniform convergence on the class of all sets G± ® G2 ° F' ® F', where G\ and G2 are equicontinuous subsets of F' and F', respectively. is Hausdorff and is called the injective or e-topology on F ® F and F F is the
2. The injective tensor product 267 n 2 i = 1 injective tensor product or е-tensor product of E and F. We will see in a moment that this notion coincides with the е-tensor product we introduced in § 43, 3. Again E ®eF will denote the completion of E®eF. Evidently we have (1) Let E and F be locally convex spaces. The topology of E F is determined by the system of semi-norms (2) eG1,G2(z) = SUp |(U ® V)z\ = SUp У (uXtXvyd , u<g)V6G1(g)G2 (u,v)gG1 x G2 n where z = У F and G19 G2 are equicontinuous subsets of E' i=l and F', respectively. If E and F are normed spaces, then E ®eF has a natural norm, the e-norm, defined by (3) e(z) = ||z||e = sup |(w ® v)z\ = sup If U, V are the closed unit balls of E and F, respectively, then W = (£7° ® V°)° is the closed unit ball {z; e(z) 1} of E ®e F. Let the topologies on E and F be given by the systems of semi-norms {p} and {q}, respectively, and let G± be the polar of U = {x e F; p(x) 1} and G2 = V°, V = {ye F; q(y) 1}; then we will also write £GltG2(z) = p ®eq(z). We note further that for bases {U}, {V} of absolutely convex neighbour- hoods of о in E and F, respectively, {Ж} with W = (U° ® V°)° is a base of absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in F F. From (2) follows immediately (4) p ® y) = p(x)q(y) forxeE^eF (see the corresponding relation §41, 2.(8) a) for the projective tensor norm). (5) If E and F are metrizable locally convex spaces with defining semi- norms p2 = • • ’ and q± q2 , respectively, then E ®eF is metrizable with defining semi-norms pr p2 ®eq2 = • • • and E®eF is an (F)-space. This is trivial and corresponds to § 41, 2.(7). Let us remark that it is unknown whether F ®e F or F ®eF are always (DF)-spaces if F and F are (DF)-spaces, contrary to the situation for the ^-tensor product (§ 41, 4.(7)).
268 § 44. The injective tensor product and the ^-product Let us now establish the connection with § 43, 3. We know that E ® F can be algebraically imbedded in ®(E' x F'). The element В of %}(E'S x F') corresponding to В = 2 xt ® У г is defined by B(u, r) = 2 (wXi)(^K>. The topology on E ® F is given by the neighbourhoods {BeE® F; ® G2)B\ 1}. The bi-equicontinuous topology on ®(E' x F') is given by the neigh- bourhoods {Ee®(E' x F's), \B(G1, G2)\ 1}. Obviously, and coincide on £ ® F This implies that we may define E ®e F also as the subspace E ® F of ®(E' x Fs) equipped with the topology induced by Ie. This we did in §43, 3. We introduced there also the e-product EeF of two locally convex spaces which is closely related to the е-tensor product. For the convenience of the reader we recall some of the results of § 43, 3. which are fundamental in the study of the properties of the injective tensor product and the e-product of two locally convex spaces. EeF consists of all weakly continuous mappings of E' in F which map equicontinuous subsets of E' in relatively compact sets in F and the topology on EeF is Ie, the topology of uniform convergence on the equi- continuous subsets of E'. E ®s F is the subspace of EeF consisting of all weakly continuous mappings of finite rank. If E and F are complete spaces, then EeF is complete and contains E ®e F as a subspace and E ®eF = EeF if E or F has the approximation property (§ 43, 3.(7)). If E and F are (B)-spaces, then EeF can be identified with £b(Ec', F), the space of all weakly continuous compact mappings of the (B)-space E' in F and E ®e F is the closed subspace of £b(Ec, F) consisting of all mappings which are Ib-limits of weakly continuous mappings of finite rank. We recall that the topology Ib on EeF = £b(Ec, F) is defined by the norm Щ|, A e £(E', F). If, moreover, E or F has the approximation property, then every weakly continuous compact mapping is in E ®e F (§ 43, 3.(7)). The following result is a useful corollary. (6) Let E and F be f&)-spaces. Then E'eF is norm isomorphic to the subspace &b(E, F) of 2b(E, F) consisting of all compact mappings and Ef ®e Fis the space of all compact mappings which are Zb-limits of mappings of finite rank. If moreover, Ef or F has the approximation property, then E' ®e F = W F).
2. The injective tensor product 269 Proof. We recall that E'eF can be identified with £b((E")c, F), the space of all linear continuous compact mappings of E” in F which are also IX^-^sCFTcontinuous. Let A be in (£(F, F). Then A" is a con- tinuous and Xs(£9-£S(^9-Continuous map of E" in F" (§ 32, 2.(6)). From Schauder’s theorem (§42, 1.(7)) and §42, 2.(1) it follows that A" is a compact mapping of E" in F; hence A" e S,b((E")c, F). Clearly, the map J: A A" of (Sb(F, F) into 2b((E")c, F) is one-one and a norm isomorphism because of ||Л"|| = ||Л||. Finally, the map J is onto since every Ao e £d((£")c> F), Ao / o, has a restriction A / о to E which is in (£(£, F) and AQ = A" (§ 32, 2.(6)). This proves Cb(F, F) = E'eF. The remaining statements of (6) are immediate consequences of the remarks preceding (6) and of § 43, 1.(7). There is another connection with the results of § 43. Since is the weakest compatible topology on E ® F, the identity map ф of E ®л F onto E F is continuous and its extension ф to a map of E ®л F into E ®e F is also continuous. If E and F are both complete locally convex spaces, then E ®e F is a subspace of ®e(Fs x F') or £е(£^, F). In this case the problem whether ф is one-one is identical with the problem treated in § 43, 2., where we have seen that the solution depends on the approximation property of the spaces involved. We note that, in general, E ®s F will not be contained in EeF. It follows from 1.(4) that E®SF^ E®SF\ therefore in E®SF there will lie mappings with a range which is not contained in F, but EeF consists only of mappings of £' into F. Similar to (5) is (7) If E and F are metrizable locally convex spaces, then EeF is metriz- able; if E and F are (fF)-spaces, then EeF is an (f^fspace. We leave the proof to the reader. We close with the following useful proposition of Schwartz: (8) If E and F are quasi-complete locally convex spaces, then EeF is quasi-complete. Proof. Let Вa, a e A, be a Cauchy net on a bounded subset N of &e(E'C0, F) (§ 43, 3.). Then by § 39, 1 .(5) Bau is a Cauchy net on the bounded subset N(u) of F for every ue E' and has a limit BQu e F by assumption. Hence Bo e L(E', F). By § 43, 3.(2) it will be sufficient to show that Bo is weakly continuous and that it maps every equicontinuous subset M of E' in a relatively compact subset of F.
270 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product By § 43, 3.(3') EeF is isomorphic to FeE and this isomorphism takes Ba into its adjoint B'a = Bae E); hence Ba is a Cauchy net on N' and, as before, Bav has a limit Bov e E for every ve F' and BQ e L(Ff, £). From v(Bau) = (Bav)u follows v(BQu) = (BQv)u or BQ = B'o and it maps F' into E. Now §20, 4.(1) implies that BQ is weakly continuous; thus Boe£(£;,Fs). £e(£co, F) is a subspace H of £e(£s, Fs). It follows from the equivalence of a) and c) in § 43, 3.(2) that § 42, 1.(3) can be applied and we see that BQ(M) is precompact in F for every equicontinuous M. Since F is quasi- complete, it follows that B0(M) is relatively compact. 3. Relatively compact subsets of EeF and E ®SF. We start with some simple observations on bounded subsets of EeF. We recall from § 43, 3. that e(£, F) ~ EeF can be written as X(eG,(£)(F'o x Fc'o), the space of e-hypocontinuous bilinear forms on Feo x F'co with the topology of uniform convergence on the sets M x N, where M and N are equicontinuous subsets of Ef and F', respec- tively. One has the isomorphisms § 43, 3.(3) and if В e X, then В and В = В' are the corresponding elements in £e(Fc'o, F) and £e(Fc0, E), respectively. (1) Let E and F be locally convex and M and N arbitrary absolutely convex equicontinuous subsets of E' and F', respectively. A subset H of ^'®\E'C0 x F'co) = e(E, F) is bounded if and only if one of the following equivalent conditions is satisfied: a) \H(M9 7V)| = k(M, TV) < oo for every pair M, N; b) is a bounded subset of F for every M; к c) H(N) is a bounded subset of E for every N; d) H is an e-equihypocontinuous subset of Э^®(Е'Ь x F&). Proof, a) is an immediate consequence of the definition of the topology on e(E, F); b) and c) are obviously equivalent formulations of a) in EeF and FeE, respectively. It remains to prove the equivalence of d) with the boundedness of H. i) We show first that X((b(£)(Ec0 x F'c0) <= Х((£,(£)(Еь x F&): A bilinear and separately continuous form В on E'co x F'co is e-hypocontinuous if for given equicontinuous sets M and N in Ef and F', respectively, there exist always IC0-neighbourhoods If Кof о in E' and F' such that\B(M, K)| 1 and \B(U,N)\ 1. Since every ^-neighbourhood of о is a ^-neighbourhood of o, it is obvious that В is also separately continuous and e-hypocontinuous on Еъ x Fb.
3. Relatively compact subsets of EeF and E F 271 ii) Let H <= e(E, F) be е-equihypocontinuous in Х((£,(£)(Еь x E&). Then there exist ^-neighbourhoods Vx of о in F' such that \H(M, Fx)| 1 for a given equicontinuous M in E'. An arbitrary equicontinuous N <= E' is strongly bounded; hence there exists к > 0 such that N c kVY and \H(M, jV)| \H(M, &Kl)| к < oo for every N. This implies a). iii) Assume, conversely, that H is bounded in c(E, F). By b) H(M) is a bounded set B2 in F. It follows that B2y\ = |Я(М, B2)\ 1. Similarly, Br = H(N) is bounded in E and \H(B^, N)\ 1. Both in- equalities together imply the е-equihypocontinuity of Я in Х((£,(£)(£^ x E&). We note that for (B)-spaces E,F z subset H of E ®s F or EeF is obviously bounded if and only if the elements of H are uniformly bounded in norm. We give now a characterization of the relatively compact subsets of EeF and E F, essentially due to Schwartz [3'], p. 22. (2) Let E, F be locally convex and quasi-complete and H a subset of e(E, F) = X(eG,(£)(Eco x F'c0). Then the following statements are equivalent: i) H is an e-equihypo continuous subset of e(E, F); ii) H is equicontinuous in EeF = £e(Ec0, E) and H is equicontinuous in FeE = Qe(F'o, E); iii) is relatively compact in F for every equicontinuous subset M of E' and H(N) is relatively compact in E for every equicontinuous subset NofF'; iv) H is relatively compact in EeF. Proof, a) i) and iii) are equivalent: i) means that for given absolutely convex, weakly closed equicontinuous subsets M and TV of E' and E', respectively, there exist absolutely convex closed neighbourhoods V and W of о in E'o and Fc'o, respectively, such that (3) |Я(М, IF)| 1, \H(V9N)\ 1. Since V = C°, W = Z)°, where C and D are absolutely convex and com- pact in E and F, respectively, the inequalities (3) are equivalent to <= D and H(N) <= C, and this is iii). Conversely, if iii) holds, D and C H(N) can always be chosen absolutely convex and compact since E and F are quasi-complete; hence (3) follows from iii). b) ii) and iii) are equivalent: By § 39, 3.(4) Я is equicontinuous if and ~ да only if for every equicontinuous N <= Ff the set H'(N) = H(N) is equi- continuous in (ЕсоУ = E. This is equivalent to H(N) <= C, where C is absolutely convex and compact in E. This is for a quasi-complete E the second condition of iii). Similarly, the equicontinuity of Я is equivalent to the first condition of iii).
272 § 44. The injective tensor product and the «-product c) iv) implies iii): Let Я be a compact subset of £e(£co, F) and M an absolutely convex, weakly closed equicontinuous subset of E'. We equip M with the topology Ico(£). Then M is compact for Ico(£) since it is Is(F)-compact (§21, 6.(3)). flfM) will be compact in F if the mapping J(B, u) = Bu of &e(F'C09 F) x Af[XC0(F)] in Fis continuous. Let № be a given neighbourhood of о in F and BQ e £, w0 g M fixed. We take as the neighbourhood of BQ the set BQ + U, where U = {B; B(M) <= %№}. There exists an absolutely convex compact set С <= E such that B0(C°) c %№ and we take (w0 + C°) n M as a ^-neighbourhood of w0 in M. The continuity of J in (Bo, w0) is now a consequence of J(B0 + U, (w0 + C°) n M) <= BQ((uQ + C°) n M) + U((u0 + C°) n M) <= Bouo + B0(C°) + U(M) <= Bouo + №. Since EeF is isomorphic to FeE, iv) implies that H is relatively compact in FeE and it follows similarly that H(N) is relatively compact for every equicontinuous N <= F', which is iii). d) iii) implies iv): We recall from § 39, 1. that £S(E'CO, F) <= LfE', F) = F\ where is the simple topology on L(E', F) and A the index set of a linear basis {ua}, a e A, of Ef. Every set H(ua) is relatively compact in Fby iii); hence H, as contained in the topological product of these sets in FA, is relatively compact in FA. By ii) H is equicontinuous in &(Ec0, F) and by § 39, 4.(3) the Is-closure Я of Я in FA is contained in £(Е'С0, F) ; hence Я is equicontinuous and Is-compact in £(£c0, F). But Я is also Ic-compact by § 39, 4.(2). We have to prove that Я is Ie-compact in £(FC'O, F) and this will be obvious if we show Ic on £(F'O, F). Let TV be a weakly closed equicontinuous subset of £'. Then N is weakly compact and IC0-compact. Thus the class of all equicontinuous subsets of Ef is a subclass of the class of all precompact subsets of E'co and Xc => Ze on £(F'O, F). For complete locally convex spaces E and F the completed e-tensor product E F is a closed subspace of the complete e-product EeF (§ 43, 3.(5)). Hence we have the following corollary to (2): (4) Let E and F be complete locally convex spaces. A subset H of E®eF is relatively compact if and only if the following condition is satisfied: iii) H{M) is relatively compact in F for every equicontinuous subset M of E' and H(N) is relatively compact in E for every equicontinuous subset NofF'.
3. Relatively compact subsets of EeF and E F 273 Note. The following example shows that in (2) in ii) and iii) we need both conditions. Let E be a (B)-space. Following the remarks in the proof of § 43, 4.(10), the spaces (E'c)'c and E can be identified. We consider £((£')', E) = £(E). The set H = {Ле£(Е); ||E|| 1} is equicontinuous in £(E), but for every x Ф о, x e E, the set H(x) is obviously not relatively compact in E. From b) in the proof of (2) it follows that Я is not equicontinuous in £(E', Ec). Similarly, only the second condition of iii) is satisfied. We have E ®SF ~ F ®SE and E (F ®s G) ~ (E ®e F) ®s G for the completed е-tensor product. The isomorphism EeF ~ FeE was stated in § 43, 3.(3'). That the e-product is also associative will be proved now. (5) Let E19 E2, E3 be locally convex. Then E1£(F2eF3) is isomorphic to (E1eE2)eE3. In the case of (ty-spaces there exists even a norm isomorphism. Proof. Let T(w1? w2, w3) be a trilinear form on (EiKo x (E2)'o x (E3)c0. Such a T is called e-hypocontinuous if the following conditions are satisfied: To given equicontinuous subsets E{, M2 <= E2 there exists a neighbourhood W3 of о in (E3)fC0 such that \T(M 19 M2, W3)\ 1; similarly, there exist W19 W2 such that \T(W\, M2, Af3)| 1 and |T(M1? W2i M3)\ 1 for given M19 M29 M3. We denote by e(E1? E2, E3) the space of all e-hypocontinuous trilinear forms on (Б])™ x (E2)'o x (E3yco equipped with the topology Xe of uniform convergence on all products x M2 x M3 of equicontinuous sets. A fundamental set of ^-neighbourhoods of о is given by the sets {F; |T(M19 M2, M3)\ 1} with M2, M3 given. Since e(E1? E2, E3) is symmetric in its arguments and since EeF e(E, F), it will be sufficient to prove that e(E1? E2, E3) and E^efE^ E3)) = £e((^i)co, e{E2, E3)) are topologically isomorphic. To every T(w1? w2, w3) e e(E1? E2, E3) corresponds a T which maps Wi e Ei into a bilinear form Тщ on E2 x E3 defined by (Twi)(w2, w3) = T(w1? w2, w3). It follows from |(Tw1)(M2, PF3)| = |T(wb M2i W3)\ 1 and \(T(uyy)(W2, M3)| 1 that TWi ee(E2, E3). Obviously, T is linear on Ei and it follows from \T(W19 M2, M3)\ = |(ДИ^))(Л/2, M3)| 1 that T maps in the ^-neighbourhood {B\ |B(M2, M3)| 1} of о in e(E2, E3). Hence f corresponding to T is an element of £((Ex)c0, e(E2, E3)). Conversely, every T e fi^Ei)^, e(E2, E3)) defines a trilinear form T(Wi, w2, w3) = (Twi)(w2> w3). We have to show that Tis e-hypocontinuous. It is obvious that for given M29 M3 there exists such that 17(1^, M29 M3)\ 1. We prove the two other conditions. By § 43, 3.(2) a) f maps a set into a relatively compact subset of e(E2, E3) which is by (2) e-equihypo- continuous. Hence there exist W29 W3 such that \(Т{МУ)){М29 PF3)| 1 and |(7(M1))(IF2, M3)| 1, which implies the e-hypocontinuity of T. Thus every T corresponding to a T is in e(ET, E2, E3).
274 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product Finally, it follows from the equivalence of \T(M19 M2, M3)\ 1 and M3)| <; 1 that the topologies on both spaces coincide. If Fb E29 E3 are (B)-spaces, then the spaces are in this way even norm isomorphic. The bounded subsets of an e-product were determined in (1). For some classes of locally convex spaces sharper results can be obtained. Let Bb B2 be absolutely convex bounded subsets of the locally convex spaces E and F, respectively, BJ, B2 their polars in F' and F', respec- tively. Using the dual pair <F' ® F', e(F, F)> with the bilinear form 2 ui ® vi, = 2 B(ui9 one identifies (B? ® B2)° with the set {Beb(F, F); sup |B(w, v)\ 1} = {Beb(F, F); \B(B°19 B°2)\ 1}. Hence (Bi ® B2)° is obviously an equicontinuous set of bilinear forms on E'b x F&. Since an equicontinuous set in F' or F' is always strongly bounded (§ 21, 5.(1)), (B? ® B2)° is also е-equihypocontinuous on Eb x Fb9 thus bounded in e(F, F) by (1). Conversely, a subset of e(F, F) which is an equicontinuous set of bilinear forms on E'b x Fb is always contained in some (В? ® B2)0. Therefore (6) Let E, F be locally convex. The class of all sets (В? ® B2)0 and their subsets (where B19 B2 are bounded subsets of E and F, respectively) coincides with the class of all bounded subsets of c(F, F) which are equicontinuous sets of bilinear forms on Eb x Fb. The following result is due to R. Hollstein. (7) Let E, F be (JF)-spaces. The bounded subsets of e(E9 F) or of E ®eF coincide with the subsets of the sets (В? ® B2)0, where B± and B2 are arbitrary absolutely convex bounded subsets of E and F, respectively, and where the polar of BJ ® B2 is taken in e(E, F) resp. E ®SE Proof. By (1) a bounded subset H of e(F, F) is an e-equihypo- continuous subset of X((£,(£)(Fb x Fb). Since F and F are barrelled, the equicontinuous subsets of F' and F' coincide with the weakly bounded subsets and by § 20, 11.(3) with the bounded subsets of Eb and Fb. Hence H is an equihypocontinuous subset of X(Eb x Fb). Now Eb and Fb are (DF)-spaces and by § 40, 2.(10) H is equicontinuous on Eb x Fb. The statement follows now from (6). For (DF)-spaces one has similarly (8) Let F, F be complete (J5F)-spaces, Вг <= B2 c • •• and Cx c C2 c • • • fundamental sequences of bounded sets in E and F, respectively. Then (в? ® cd° <= (B2° ® c°2f <=...
4. Tensor products of mappings 275 is a fundamental sequence of bounded sets in e(E, F) resp. E ®eF (the polars are taken as in (7)). Consequently, the strong duals of EeF and of E ®SF are metrizable. We prove this only for e(E, F) EeF. A bounded subset H of e(E, F) is by (1) an е-equihypocontinuous subset of Х((Ь(£)(Еь x F&), where Ej, and Fb are (F)-spaces (§ 29, 3.(1)). It follows from the definitions that an е-equihypocontinuous set of bilinear forms is separately equicontinuous on E& x F^. Using § 40, 2.(2), we see that H is equicontinuous and the statement follows now from (6). A similar result holds for relatively compact subsets: (9) Let E, F be (FySpaces. The relatively compact subsets of e(E, F) or E F are the subsets of the sets (C± ® C2)°, where C19 C2 are absolutely convex and compact in E and F, respectively, and where the polar of CJ ® C2 is taken in e(E, F) or in E F. Proof. A relatively compact subset H of e(E, F) is by (2) an e-equi- hypocontinuous set of bilinear forms on E'c x F'. Since the equicontinuous subsets of E' and F' are the bounded subsets, H is an equihypocontinuous set of bilinear forms on E'c x F'. By a theorem of Hollstein (§ 45, 3.(4)) H is equicontinuous on E'c x F'. Hence there exist absolutely convex and compact G с: E, C2 <= F such that H <= (CJ ® C°2f = [в g e(E, F); sup \B(u, r)| 11 Conversely, every set К = (Cj ® C2)° is relatively compact: К is equicontinuous on E' x Fc', hence equihypocontinuous and, finally, relatively compact by (2). If E and F are complete and if every bounded subset of E and F is relatively compact, then this is true also for e(E, F) and E F, as follows immediately from (1) and (2). In particular, (10) IfE and Fare (JFM)-spaces, then EeFand E Fare (JFM)-spaces. 4. Tensor products of mappings. Let E19 E2, F19 F2 be locally convex, g £(E1? Fi), A2e&(E2,F2). In §41,5. we defined the linear map Ar ® A2 of Ei ® E2 into Fi ® F2. The following proposition corresponds to § 41, 5.(1) and (2). (1) Ar ® A2 is a continuous linear mapping of Er E2 into Fr F2 and AT ® A2 has a uniquely determined continuous extension AT®e A in &(E1 E2, Fi F2). If all the spaces are f&)-spaces then Mi ® A21| = Mi ^г|| = Mill * МгЦ-
276 § 44. The injective tensor product and the «-product Proof, a) Let G19 G2 be absolutely convex equicontinuous subsets of Fi and F2, respectively. Then ^l(Gi) and A'2(Gf) are equicontinuous subsets of El and E2, respectively (§ 32, 1.(10)). One has (A'iVi ® A'2v2, xt ® y() = <уг 0 v2, Лй ® Azyt> for all xt e Ey, уг e E2, e Glf v2 e G2, and this implies that for every n z = J Xi ® e (AitGJ ® ^2(^2))° the image (Ar ® A2)z is contained in (Gi ® G2)° <= Fx F2; hence Ar ® A2 is continuous. b) For (B)-spaces one has Ml ® ЛЦ = sup |OX ® v2, (A± ® л2)г>| l|v1ll»l|v2ll^l»l|2|le=l = sup ® A2v29 z)\ MiII • M2II and, conversely, Ml ® A2\\ sup K^i ® v2, Arx± ® Л2х2>| = Mill • M2L llxJIJI^dlVillJIVall^l We give another interpretation of the map At ® A2. We recall that Ex E2 can be identified with 3fe(Ex, E2), the space of all weakly con- tinuous mappings of finite rank of E{ into E2. If z = 2 ® *i2) is an element of E± E2, then the corresponding i=l Z e Зге(£{, E2) is defined by Zu = 2 (wx<1))x(i2), w e E[. To A± ® A2 i = l corresponds the map ((A, ® A2)Z)v = У (КЛх^ХЛх^) i=l = 2 ((A'^x^A^-) = A2ZA[v, v e Fl. i=l Hence, if we consider Аг ® A2 as a map of 3re(Fi, F2) into Se(Fb F2), it has the form (2) (Лг ® A2)Z = A2ZAf19 Z e 5e(£{, E2) and is continuous by (1). Formula (2) suggests that the domain of definition of Аг ® A2 may be enlarged. Indeed one has 3 (3) For all Z e E1eE2 resp. for all Z e &e((Ei)k, F2), (2) defines a con- tinuous linear map of ЕгеЕ2 in FreF2 resp. of Ef) in £e((Fi)fc, F2).
4. Tensor products of mappings 277 Proof, a) We verify first that A[ e ft((Fl)C0, (E[)co) if e Q(E19 FJ. Let C be absolutely convex and compact in E1; then D = A^C) has the same properties in F19 and from A^C) <= D follows A'^D0) c C°, which is the statement. If Z g E1eE2 = £e((Fx)'C0, £2), it follows now that A2ZA\ is the product of three continuous mappings, hence is continuous from (Fi)'co in F2 or A2ZA-l e F]eF2. Similar arguments with 2* instead of Ico show A^A^ e £e((Fx)i, F2) for Ze £e((£x)i, F2). b) It remains to prove the continuity of Ar ® A2 in both cases. A Xe-neighbourhood of о in £e((Fx)c0, F2) is defined by W = {У; Y(M) V}, where M is an equicontinuous subset of F{ and V a о-neighbourhood in F2. Now N = ^i(Af) is equicontinuous in £x and there exists a ©-neigh- bourhood U in E2 such that A2(U) <= V. But then the Ar ® ^2-image of Wr = {Z; Z(7V) c: U} is contained in W since A2ZA'fM) <= V. The same argument settles the second case. It is natural to introduce the notation A±eA2 for the map defined by (2) from E1eE2 into FxeF2. The second mapping of (3) has another interpretation. We recall from § 40,4.(5) that E2) is isomorphic to ®e((Fx)' x (£2)'). Let В e £e and В e ®e be corresponding elements. The bilinear form in ®e((Fx)' x (F2)s) corresponding to (A± ® A2)B e F2) is given by v^tAzBA'JvJ = (A2v2)(B(A'1v1)) = B(A{v19 A'2v2) (using (2) and § 40, 1.(1')). Introducing the notation Ar KI A2 for the second case of (3) and the isomorphic situation for bilinear forms, we have (4) ((Л1 К A<^B)(y19 ^2) = B(AiV19 A2v2), where Ar e £(Fx, Fx), A2 e £(£2, F2), В e ®e((Fx)' x (£2)'), e Fx, v2 e F2; hence (At К A2)B g £e(Fx)'s x (F2)'s. We also write A± ®s A2 for Аг ® A2 considered as a map of Er ®e E2 in Fx F2. With these notations we have (5) Let E19 F2, F19 F2 be locally convex, AT e £(£x, Fx), A2 e £(£2, F2). If Ar and A2 are one-one, then Аг ®e A2, AreA2, and Ax К A2 are one-one. If E19 E29 F19 F2 are complete, then also Ar ®e A2 is one-one. Proof. By § 43, 3. one has Er ®s E2 <= EreE2 <= £e([Efyk, E2) = ^((E^s x (F2)s) and Er ®s E2 <= EreE2 in the case of complete spaces. Hence all the mappings considered are restrictions of Аг К A2 and it will be sufficient to prove that Аг К A2 is one-one.
278 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product It follows from the assumption that ^i(F0 and A2{F^ are weakly dense in Ei and E2, respectively. Let us assume that ((Ar KI Л2)В)(г1? v2) = 0 for all v± e Fi, v2 e F2. Since B(w1? w2) is weakly continuous in each variable, (4) implies that B(w1? w2) = 0 for all иг e Ei, u2 e E2. Hence A± К A2 is one-one from ^((EO' x (E2)') in %e((Fi)'s x (F2ys). An analogous important result is (6) Let Ei, E2, Fi, F2 be locally convex, Ar e £(Eb F^), A2 e £(E2, F2). If Ai and A2 are monomorphisms, then Аг A2, Аг ®s A2, AieA2, Ar К A2 are also monomorphisms. If Ei, E2, Fi, F2 are normed spaces and А г and A2 are norm isomorphisms in Fi and F2, respectively, then Ar ®s A2, Ai ®e A2, AxeA2, Аг К A2 are also norm isomorphisms. In particular, if Hi and H2 are subspaces of Er and E2, respectively, then Hi H2 can be identified with the subspace Hi ® H2 of E± ® E2 equipped with the topology resp. norm induced by Er ®e E2. Proof. If Ai ®€A2 is a monomorphism resp. a norm isomorphism, then its continuous extension Ar ®s A2 has these properties too. Using the same argument as in the foregoing proof, we see that we have to consider again only the case Аг К A2. Ai is a monomorphism if and only if Ai maps the class of all equi- continuous subsets of Fi onto the class of all equicontinuous subsets of Ei (§ 32, 4.). Thus a ^-neighbourhood of о in ®e((£i)s x (E2)') can be assumed to be of the form U = {B; | Л2((72))| 1}, where G±, G2 are equicontinuous subsets of Fi and F2, respectively. Using (4), we see that Be U if and only if (Ai К A2)Be V = {C; |C(Gb G2)| 1}, where C e ^((FO' x (F2)'). Hence Аг К A2 is open and a monomorphism by (3). In the case of normed spaces we take as G15 G2 the closed unit balls in Fi, F2 ; then -^(GO and ^2(G2) are the closed unit balls in Ei and E2, U is the closed unit ball in %e(.(Fi)'s x (E2)'), and (Аг К A2)(U) is the closed unit ball in the range of At К A2; in particular, we have ||(^i ИЯ2)5|| = sup \J3(A'1v1, A'2v2)\ = sup |j?(wb w2)| = ||B||, IIVjH.II^IISl IIUjIl.llUjIlSl so that Ai К A2 is a norm isomorphism. Speaking of “injections” instead of “monomorphisms,” the tensor products Ai ®e A2 and Аг ®s A2 of two injections are again injections and so (6) is the reason for using the term “injective tensor product” for the е-tensor product. We will see later in 4. that the product A± ®s A2 of two homomorphisms onto will in general not be a homomorphism of Ег ®e E2 in Fi ®e F2. Thus we have a kind of dual behaviour of e- and тт-tensor products, since
4. Tensor products of mappings 279 Лл A2 for homomorphisms and A2 onto is a homomorphism, whereas the product Ai A2 of two monomorphisms into is in general not a monomorphism into (see the results of § 41, 5.). Before studying е-tensor products of homomorphisms we prove a related but simpler result. We recall that for an absolutely convex neighbourhood U of о in a locally convex space E and the corresponding semi-norm p(x) the space Ец is defined as the quotient E/N[U] considered as a normed space with norm p(x) = p(x), x = x + jV[C7], 7V[t7] = p(-1)(0). Consider similarly Fv = F/NfV], the corresponding semi-norm being q(y). As we remarked in 2., the pair U, V determines the neighbourhood (U° ® V°)° = {z; p ®e q(z) 1} in E ®e F. We describe the structure of the corresponding normed space in (7) (E F)(CZoOyo)o is norm isomorphic to Ev ®e Fv; in particular, N[(U° ® П°] = A[C7] ® F + E ® 7V[F]. Proof. We know from § 41,1. that Ev ® Fv is algebraically isomorphic to (E ® F)/D, D = N\U\® F + E ® N[V\, in the following manner: Let z = 2 xi ® Уг be an element of E ® E, z = 2 ® Уг the corres- i = l ponding element in Ev ® Fv, and z the residue class of z in (E ® E)/E; then z <-> z is the algebraic isomorphism. This is even a norm isomorphism if we define ||z|| = ||z||e. We obtain PH = ||z||e = p ®eq(z) = sup ueU°,ueV° 2 (m^)(^) = sup ue U°,veV° 2 (uxt)(vyt) = p®e q(z). It follows immediately that p ®eq(z) = 0 if and only if z e D; hence D = N[(U° ® K°)°] and ИII is the norm on (E ®e Е)(г7о0Уо)О, which proves the norm isomorphism. We study now the product A± ®e A2 of two homomorphisms onto. Let E, F be (B)-spaces, К the canonical homomorphism of F onto a quotient F/H, I the identity map on E. Then I ®e К is a continuous map of E®eF into E ®e (F/H). Since (Z ® E)(2 *i ® у/) = 2 xi ® fy» Xi e E, yte E, the range of I ®e К contains E ® (F/H) and is therefore dense in E ®e (F/H). Hence I ®e К is a homomorphism if and only if its range is E ®e (F/H). Let us assume that E', the strong dual of E, has the approximation property. Then E' ®e F can be identified with (£d(E, F) and E' ®e (F/H) with (£b(E, F/H), as follows immediately from 2.(6).
280 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product If Z e <£b(E, F), Zis the identity on £", and Ал s as before, then (I ® e K)Z = (JeK)Z = KZ by (3) and I ®e К will be a homomorphism if and only if every compact mapping of E in F/H has the form KZ, i.e., has a compact lifting. We know from § 42, 8.(11) that this is the case for a given (B)-space E for every quotient F/H, Zany (B)-space (E has the compact lifting property), if and only if E is an o^-space. Thus we have (8) Let E be a (JXpspace such that E' has the approximation property. Let I be the identity map on Ef and let К be the canonical homomorphism of a (fYpspace F onto its quotient F/H. Then I ®e К is a homomorphism of E' ®e F in E' {F/H) for every quotient F/H if and only if E is an £\-space. This shows that a product ®e A2 of two homomorphisms onto is not necessarily a homomorphism. The same is true also for A± A2, as the following observations show. (9) Let E± E2, F19 F2 be normed spaces, Ar e £(Eb Fj), A2 e £(E2, F2) homomorphisms onto such that A± ®e A2 is not a homomorphism of Er ®e E2 into F± F2. Then Ar ®e A2 is a continuous map of E± E2 onto Zi F2 but not a homomorphism. Assuming that Ar ®e A2 is a homomorphism, we arrive immediately at a contradiction by using (10) Let Abe a homomorphism of X into Y, X and Y metrizable spaces. Then the continuous extension A which maps % into Y is again a homo- morphism. Proof. A and A have the same adjoint A' = Af e £(У', Xf) because ft' = A"'and Y' = Y'. Since A is a homomorphism, A'(F') is 2s(^)’cl°sed in E' by § 32, 3.(2). Then A\F') is also 2s(^)’cl°sed and A is a homo- morphism by § 33, 4.(2). A systematic investigation of the relations between lifting properties and the c-tensor product has recently been made by Kaballo [Г]. 5. Hereditary properties. As an easy consequence of 4.(6) one obtains (1) Let E± and E2 be dense subspaces of the locally convex spaces Fr and F2, respectively. Then Er E2 is dense in Fr F2. If follows that Er E2 is always isomorphic to Ёг ®e Ё2. If Ex and E2 are normed spaces, this isomorphism is even a norm isomorphism.
5. Hereditary properties 281 Proof. Let 2 У<1) ® xi2) be an element of F± ® E2 and let p ®eq be a Je-semi-norm on Fr ® F2. Since Ег is dense in E15 there exist х{1У e E± such thatр(У<1) — = £ln for i = 1,..., и. Using 2.(4), one has P W1’ ~ x<(1)) ® х‘2>) = 2 p^‘1> “ xi^(x^ = e sup<7W2)), \i = l J i=l 1 which implies that Ex ® E2 is dense in Fr ®e E2 and this space again is dense in F± ®e F2. That Er ®e E2 is also a subspace of F± ®e F2 in the sense of the topologies is an immediate consequence of 4.(6). Proposition § 41, 5.(5) is true also for е-tensor products. (2) Let E15 F2 be locally convex, Pr, P2 continuous projections with ranges PfjF^ = Eb P2(E2) = E2 and kernels Nr, N2. Then Pr ® P2 is a continuous projection of Fx ®e F2 onto the subspace Ег ®e E2 with kernel D\NX, TV2] and PY ®eP2 is a continuous projection of Fr ®e F2 onto the subspace E± ®e E2 with kernel D[Nr, TV2], the closure being taken in Л f2. As in the proof of § 41, 5.(5), it is obvious that P± ® P2 is a projection of F± ®e F2 onto Ei ® E2. By 4.(6) the topology induced by F± ®e F2 is the topology of Ех®еЕ2; hence Pr ® P2 is continuous with kernel E[7V15 TV2]. The second statement follows immediately, as in the proof of §41, 5.(5). In particular, (3) Let Ei,..., En, F be locally convex. Then one has always (© Ei\ ®e F = ® (Ei ®e Ff | © Et| ®e F = @ (Ei ®e Ff \i = l / i=l \<=1 / i=l n n We could have written instead of © Et and so the problem arises 1 = 1 i=l immediately whether these relations remain true for infinite products and infinite direct sums. We will answer these questions even for e-products by using structure theorems from § 39, 8. (4) Let E, Fa, a e A, be locally convex and F the locally convex kernel К A^-^Fj). Then EelKA^FjfX ^(hA^-^EeF.). a \ a J a Furthermore, Ее П Лг = П (EeFj). a a By definition EeG s £e(ec'o, G) and (4) is a particular case of § 39,8.(10): EeF £e(£'o, F) s К A^^E^, Fa) s К (leAJ-^EeF^ a a where the last equality is a consequence of 4.(3).
282 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product For topological products and projective limits we obtain (5) a) Let E, Fa, at A, be locally convex. Then E ®E П Fa fl (E ®> e Fa). a a b) Let E = lim Aaa (Ef) and F = lim B^Ff) be reduced projective limits of locally convex spaces Ea, a e A, and F0, ft e B, respectively. Then E®eF is isomorphic to the reduced projective limit X = Inn (Aaa> ®e Bw)(Ea. ®e Ff). a) E ® (© Faj is dense in E ®E П Fa and @ (E ® Fa) is dense in П (E ®e Fa) by (1). It follows from (4) that on H = E ® (© Faj = © (E ® Fa) the topologies induced by E ®e П Fa and by П (F ®e Fa) a a a coincide, which implies the statement. The second formula of (3) is a particular case of (5) a). We note that 00 00 E ®E П Fn is in general not isomorphic to П (E ®E Fn). To see this one n=i n=l takes E = cp and Fn = К such that E П Fn = cp ®E co, which is incom- n oo plete, whereas П (<p K) co® is complete. n = l Proof ofb). E and F are locally convex kernels, E = К Л(а-1)(Еа), F = К Bf~ 1}(ЕД and one has for E the relations 0 (*) Aa ct < ct , Aaa'Aa'a" Aaa"9 ct ct ct , similarly for F. Every xe Ecan be written as an element of ПЕа,х = (xa),xa = AaxeEa; a similarly, у e F as у = (yf) e П F^, y$ = В$у e F^. Then E ® F is the 0 linear span of the elements x ® у = (xa) ® (yf) е(ПЕа) ® p/i). Obviously, E ® F can algebraically be represented as a kernel К (Aa®B^-^(Ea®F^ a,0 in particular, x ® у is represented as a vector (xa ® yf) e П (Ea ® ЕД a,0 where xa ® y0 = (Aa ® BeXx ® y). Using a), we see that this corres- pondence (xa) ® (yf) (xa ® y0) is generated by the topological isomor- phism (П Fa} ®E (П Fn j П (Fa ®E Ff). It follows from 4.(6) that E ®E F is isomorphic to Z = К (Aa ® Bf)(~1}(Ea ®e Ff) (equipped with а.в the kernel topology). Consequently, E ®£ F is isomorphic to the com- pletion Z. We have to show that Z = X.
5. Hereditary properties 283 We introduce Y = lim (Aaa> ® B^fE^ ®e F0>). This projective limit exists since the relations of type (*) for the mappings Aa ® B0 and Aaa> ® B00, are immediate consequences of these relations for E and F. It follows, as in part a) of the proof of § 41, 6.(3), that Z is contained and dense in Y and that Y is reduced. Finally, §41, 6.(4) implies that Z = Y = X and that X is reduced. (0° \ / 00 \ © Fn) resp. E ® e I © Fn) n=l / \n=l / is in general different from © {EeF^ resp. © (E ®e Fn). n=1 n=1 We use the known structure of cp, a> and § 39, 8.(14) and verify that co ®e ср = a>ecp = £ь(995 93) — <*>cp 00 and that for <? = © Kn, Kn = K, and a>n = a> n = 1 oo oo © (a> 0e Kn) = © (a>n Kn) = © Qb(<p, Kn) = © шп = <pa>. n = 1 n=1 n= 1 n = 1 One has £(<?, <?)=>© £(<p, Kn) by § 39, 8.(11) and in our case the sign => is n = l (00 \ © Kn) n = 1 / 00 is different from © (o> ®e Kn). n = l co is an (F)-space and, in view of our counterexample, the following positive result is quite interesting. (6) Let E be a (DFfspace, F^ F2,.., locally convex spaces. Then one has the following isomorphisms: Eel © Fn\ Q)(EeFn),E ®e I © Fn \ \n=l / n=l \n=l / © (£ 0£ Fn), and £®e F„j S ф (E 0e Fn). n=1 \n=l / n=l Proof. The first statement reads £e^Ec'o, © Enj © £e(E'o, Fn) and looks similar to § 39, 8.(12). We note the following fact on (DF)-spaces E, which is an immediate consequence of § 39, 8.(7): (*) Let M19 M2,... be a sequence of equicontinuous subsets of E'; then there exist pt > 0 such that M = |J is again equicontinuous i = l in E'.
284 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product Using § 39, 8.(11) and (*), one shows, as in the proof of § 39, 8.(12), that £лЕ'С0, © Fn) = © £(Eco, Fn). Again by using (*) for the class 9JI \ n=l / n=l of equicontinuous subsets of E', one deduces the identity of the topologies on both spaces, as in the second part of the proof of § 39, 8.(12). The second statement of (6) is a simple consequence of the third statement. We remarked in the proof of (5) a) that the two spaces in the last statement of (6) are algebraically identical, which implies that they are also topologically identical. L. Schwartz [3'] proved the following result: (7) Let E and F be locally convex. a) If E and F have the weak approximation property, then EeF has this property. b) If E and F are quasi-complete and have the approximation property, then EeF has the approximation property. c) If E and F are complete and have the approximation property, then E ®e F has the approximation property. We prove first a) and use § 43, 3.(6) a). We have to show that G ® (EeF) is dense in Ge(EeF) for every locally convex space G. Since E has the weak approximation property, G ® E is dense in GeE*, hence (G ® E) ® F is dense in (GeF) ® F. Since F has the weak approximation property, (GeE) ® F is dense in (GeE)eF. The associativity of ® is trivial and the associativity of e was proved in 3.(5); hence G ®(E ® F) is dense in Ge(EeF), which implies that G ® (EeF) is dense in Ge(EeF). Thus a) is proved. b) follows from a) and 2.(8), c) follows from b) and EeF = E ®eFm this case. We note without proof the following result of De Wilde [3'], p. 79: (8) Let E be an (F)-space and Fa complete webbed resp. strictly webbed space. Then E ®e F is again webbed resp. strictly webbed. 6. Further results on tensor product mappings. For the тг- and the е-tensor product we investigated quite thoroughly under what conditions the product Aj_ ® A2 of two homomorphisms is again a homomorphism. Obviously, there are many questions of this type and we will answer a few of them (the easy ones) here. (1) Let Er,E2, F1,F2 be locally convex spaces, Ar e Q(E1,F^,A2 e й(Е2, F2). If Ai and A 2 are compact, then Ai ®nA2 is a compact map of Er ®n E2 into Fi ® л F2.
6. Further results on tensor product mappings 285 Proof. We have Л/СЛ) с Cn Л2(С72) ° Cz for suitable neighbour- hoods C715 U2, where Сь C2 are compact subsets of Fb F2. Since the canonical map x of F± x F2 in Fr ®n F2 is continuous, the subsets G ® C2 and Г (Ci ® C2) of Fr ®n F2 are compact. The statement follows from (A, Л2)(Г(С/1 ® U2y> <= FWJJJ ® Л2({72)) <= rCQ ® C2). (1) and the next proposition were proved for (B)-spaces by Holub [2']. (2) Let Ely E2, F19 F2 be complete locally convex spaces, Ar g ЩЕ^ FJ, A2 g £(F2, F2). If A]_ and A2 are compact, then A1eA2 and Ar ®e A2 are compact mappings of ExeE2 in F1eF2 and Er ®e E2 in Fr ®eF2, respectively. Proof. Since E®eF is a complete subspace of EeF for complete spaces, it will be sufficient to prove (2) for the e-product. By assumption there exist absolutely convex weakly closed equi- continuous subsets Mi ° E[, M2 E2 and compact sets Q <= F19 C2 <= F2 such that Л1(М?) <= C19 A2(M°2) c C2. Recalling 3.(2), it will be sufficient to determine a ©-neighbourhood W in E1eE2 = £e((j^i)co, F2) such that its image Й = (Л1сЛ2)(Ж) has the property that H(Gr) is relatively compact in F2 for every absolutely convex weakly closed equicontinuous Gr F{ (this is half of condition iii) in 3.(2)), and then to show also that H(G2) is relatively compact in F± for every absolutely convex weakly closed equicontinuous G2 <= F2, where H= H' <= £e((FX, Fi). We define W = {Z e Е1ЁЕ2\Z(MJ <= M2}; then H = {A2ZA'19 Z g Ж}. Let us determine A^A'i/Gj). Since ЛХ(М?) ° C19 one has Л^(С1) Mi° = Mx. For some p > 0 one has Gr <= pCl; hence Л'1((71) cz pMr. Therefore for every Z g W we have A^A'fG^ c pC2 or H^G^ <= pC2; /7((?i) is relatively compact in F2. By transposition we get W' = {Z';Z'(M2) <= Mi} and H' = {Л^'Л2; Z' g W'} and the same argument proves that Hf(G2) is relatively compact in F±. We recall from § 42, 5. the definition of a nuclear mapping and of the nuclear norm. The following proposition is due to Holub [Г]. (3) Let E19 E2, F±, F2 be normed spaces and A! g £(£i, FJ, A2 g £(£2, F2). If Ai and A2 are nuclear mappings, then А! ®л A2 and A± ®e A2 are also nuclear mappings and one has ||Л1 ®я A21| v Mill у||Л2||у, М1®еЛ2||у = MlIlvMallv-
286 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product Proof. Recalling § 42, 5.(7) and (8), we see that there exist representa- tions of and A2 of the form AiX1 = 2 (.UnX^yk, x1eE1,u1neE'1,y1nEF1, 2 MIIIIXII Mill» + n= 1 Л*2 = 2 (“nX2)^, x2 e Ea, u2 e Ea, y2n eF2, 2 Mil Wil Mali» + n = 1 m Consequently, for 2 xl ® x? e Er0 E2 one has i=l / m \ m / oo \ / oo (A ® ^2)^2 ® = 2 f 2 ® f 2 (икХк)Ук = 2 (м ®«“) 2 w ® *?)) w ® yi) n,k=l \ i=l J and this double sum is absolutely convergent in the 77- and the e-norm since М®«ЖМ®/Ж = hill Mil hill II ^11 = M<8MlbW<8Wlle and 2 hill Mil hill Wil = (2 hillMll)(2 hilllhkll) n,k=l \n=l J \k = l J (Mill, + e)(M2||v + e). It follows that Ai 0 A2 is nuclear on 0 E2 for both norms and so are the continuous extensions A± 0Л A2 and Ar 0e A2. The inequalities for the nuclear norms are obvious. More and deeper results on tensor product mappings A± 0 A2 of (B)-spaces are contained in Holub [Г], [2'], [3']. Even the cases where Ar and A2 are unbounded have been thoroughly investigated in connection with spectral theory. We refer to the work of Ichinose [Г], [2']. 7. Vector valued continuous functions. We study an important class of examples for the c-tensor product. Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space, E a locally convex space. We denote by C(X, E) the space of all continuous functions on X with values in E. Its natural topology is the topology of compact convergence on X defined by the semi-norms pK{f) = sup p(j\t)f where К is a compact teK subset of X and p is a semi-norm of a system of semi-norms defining the topology of E, (1) C(fX, E) is complete if and only if E is complete.
7. Vector valued continuous functions 287 Proof. If Eis complete and iffa is a Cauchy net in C(X, E), then fa(t) is a Cauchy net in E for every fixed t g X and it has a limit point Since the convergence fa -> f0 is uniform on compact subsets, it follows that /о is continuous and C(X, E) is complete. Conversely, if C(X, E) is complete and xa is a Cauchy net in E and <p(t) = 1 on X, then <p(f)xa = xa is a Cauchy net in C(X, E) which has a limit in C(X, E) and also in E, so E is complete. If E is an (F)-space and X is countable at infinity, then C(T, E) is an (F)-space. If E is a normed space and X compact, then C(X, E) is normed with norm ||/|| = sup ||/(0||. teX We consider now C(X) ® E. The mapping (<p, x) -> f(t) = <p(t)x of C(X) x E into C(X, E) is bilinear; therefore it generates an algebraic (n \ n 2 ® xil = 2 ?<(/)*<• i=l / i = l By assuming the linearly independent one verifies that ф is an algebraic isomorphism. In this way C(X) ® E can be identified with the subspace of C(X, E) consisting of all functions on X having their range in a finite dimensional subspace of E. One can say much more: (2) а) ф is an isomorphism of C(X) ®e E on a dense subspace of C(X, E). b) If E is complete, then C(X) ®e E is isomorphic to C(X, E), c) If E is a (ffyspace and X is compact, then C(JX) ®e E is norm isomorphic to C(X, E). Proof, i) We show first that C(X) ® E is dense in C(X, E). Let f e C(X, E) be given, К a compact subset of X, p a continuous semi-norm on E. We note that there exists a compact subset Kr of X which contains an open neighbourhood of K. Let O19..., Om be a finite open cover of K± such that sup p(f(ti) - e, j = tl»t2eO; and let ф19..., фт be a corresponding partition of unity on KT (§ 43, 7.(1)) and a e C(X), 0 a(t) 1, where a = 1 on К and a = 0 outside K±. m Then epi = ф{а e C(X), <Pi = a. We choose a fixed tk e Ok for every i = l к = 1,..., m. Then g(t) = 2 ® Ah) e C(X) ® E and for every t e К k=l
288 § 44. The injective tensor product and the ^-product we have p(/W - g(t» = %(')(/(') -Ж))) 2 sup pvw ~ ae =e k^l se0/c or pK(f - g) e. ii) Next we show that ф is a topological isomorphism. Let A?be a com- pact subset of X. Consider the subset PK of C(X)' consisting of all point measures 8t, teK. The absolute polar of PK is UK = {/; sup |/(7)| 1} teK and GK = Г(РК) = Uk is an absolutely convex, weakly closed, equi- continuous subset of C(Xy. If К varies over all compact subsets of X we obtain a class {GK} defining the topology of C(X). Let p be a continuous semi-norm on E and Gp the polar of {x e E; p(x) 1} in E'. For the semi-norms defining the c-tensor product topology on C(X) ® £ we now obtain eGK,G sup 2 м(<Рг)<Х %i> = sup ueGK,ueGp u.er(PK),u^Gp sup tkeK,ueGp,2^k\^l 2 <8b ViXu, xt> = sup teK,ueGp Consequently, eGjc,0>1(2 <Pi ® *«) = sup |2 w><«> x(>| = supp(/(t)), teK,ueGp teK where f(t) = 2 = Ф(2 <Рг ® *t). This proves a). iii) b) is an immediate consequence of (1) and a). In the case c) our proof shows that the isomorphism of C(X, E) is even a norm isomorphism, so c) is true also. We consider the particular case E = С(У), Y locally compact. Then (2) shows that C(X, C(Y)) is isomorphic to C(X) ®e С(У). There is a better result: (3) Let X, Y be locally compact Hausdorff spaces. Then C(X) ®e С(У) is isomorphic to C(X x Y). If X and Y are compact, this isomorphism is even a norm isomorphism. We have to prove the (norm) isomorphism C(X x У) C{X, CfY)). Let tp = cp(s, t) be in C(X x У). We define <ps e С(У) by <ps(t) = <p(s, t) and ф by $(s) = <ps. We will show that ф e C(X, С(У)). This means that
8. e-tensor product with a sequence space 289 for e > 0 and a compact subset K2 of Y there exists a compact neighbour- hood K± of So e X such that pKf<ps - <pSQ) = sup \<ps(t) - <pSQ(t)\ e for all s e Kx. But if K{ is a compact neighbourhood of s0 in X, then 99(5, 0 is continuous on K[ x K2 and the existence of follows from the com- pactness of K[ x K2. Conversely, every element of C(X, C(Y)) is the image of an element of C(X x У). Hence <p $ is an algebraic isomorphism of C(X x У) onto C(X, C(Y)). That it is also a topological resp. norm isomorphism follows from sup \<p(s, 01 = sup I sup |<p,(OI I = sup Pk^(s)). (s,t)eK1xK2 se/q \teK2 / seK'1 The next statement follows immediately from (2) b), § 43, 7.(4) and 5.(7) c): (4) Let X be locally compact, E complete locally convex. Then C(X, E) has the approximation property if E has this property. Extensive use of the e-product and the е-tensor product has been made by Schwartz in his theory of vector valued distributions and recently by Bierstedt [Г] and Bierstedt and Meise [2'] in their theory of vector valued functions. 8. е-tensor product with a sequence space. In § 41, 7. we found a con- crete representation of Л ®л E for arbitrary perfect sequence spaces A and an arbitrary locally convex space E. Following again Pietsch [Г], [2'], we will now obtain a similar representation of A E. Let A be a set of indices. The class Ф = {99} of all finite subsets 99 of A, partially ordered by inclusion, forms a directed set. Let E be a locally convex space and x = (xa)aeA, xae E\ then the vector x is called sum- mable if the net Sq, 99 e Ф, s^ = 2 xa, is a Cauchy net in E. It has a limit ae<p s = lim Sy in Ё (not necessarily in £); s is called the sum 2 xa of the <p aeK vector x = (xa). It is easy to see that for A = N, the set of natural numbers, the sum- mability of a sequence x = (x19 x2,...), xn e E, is equivalent to the unconditional convergence of 2 xn- n = 1 If E = K, the real or complex field, one has in generalization of a classical result of Riemann : (1) A vector x = (xa)aeA of real resp. complex numbers is summable if and only if it is absolutely summable, i.e., x e Tf
290 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product Tfsup |5да| = M, then ||x||i = 2 W = 4M. Феф a Proof, a) Let x = (xa) be summable with sum s. Then there exists <p0 e Ф such that |s — s^l 1 for all <p 2 <pQ. Now let <p be arbitrary in Ф. Then k<p| 2^a аеф 2 Xg 2 Xa фиф0 Фо~Ф $Фиф0 + p $Фо~Ф 1 + и + Ko~j 1 + и + 2 w = 7 < °°- aea>o Hence sup IsJ = M < 00. <реФ If the xa are real numbers, then 2 n = аеф 2 x* ха>Ъ,аеф 2 xa< 0,аеф g 2M. For complex xa one has 2 ixai 2 w*«)i + 2 №)i 4M’ аеф аеф аеф and this implies J |xa| 4M < 00. aeA b) Conversely, if 2 W < °°, then xa / о only for countably many aeA a e A. Thus one has only to consider the case of an absolutely summable sequence (xb x2,...). It is easy to see that such a sequence is summable. Thus /д is the space of all summable scalar vectors x = (xa)aeA, and this space has a natural topology defined by the norm ||x||i = 2 W- aeA Let now E be a locally convex space. We denote by 11(E) the space of all summable vectors x = (xa)aeM xa e E. This space has also a natural topology, as we will see now. Let x° = (x„) be an element of l£(E). Consider the set В <= E of all 2 /X |ya| < 1,?еФ. For everyueE' the vector (wXa)aeA is summable аеф in К and therefore absolutely summable by (1). Then аеф аеф UX°a\ 2 lMX«l aeA < OO. Hence В is weakly bounded and therefore bounded in E. Let U be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in E. Then |uy| p < 00 for и e U°9 у e B. For every <p e Ф there exist ya, aE<p, such that <fw, 2 УЛ^> = 2 lwxa| = p. Therefore for every x° = (x°) e/А (E) the \ аеф / аеф
8. е-tensor product with a sequence space 291 expression (2) £u(x°) = sup У Iux°a\ ueU° is finite and is obviously a semi-norm on Ц(Е). The topology on /a(F) is now defined by the system of all the semi- norms (2). It is easy to see that /ДЕ) is locally convex. If E is normed, then //(£) is normed by (2), where U is the unit ball; if E is metrizable, then l£(E) is metrizable. We note (3) If x° = (x°) is summable, then every (yaXa), |ya| = 1, again summable. This follows easily from the finiteness of (2). Let now Л be a perfect sequence space, F locally convex. We define A(F) as the space of all sequences у = (^n)n = i,2...., Уп E E, such that for every u = (wn) e Ax the vector (unyn) is summable in F. It follows from the previous remarks that for every u e Ax and every absolutely convex neighbourhood U the expression (4) eu,p(j) = sup 2 l«n(f/»)l wo* n=l is a semi-norm on A(F) and the system of all semi-norms (4) defines a natural topology on A(F). For A = I1 this new definition of l\E) coincides with the previous one because of (3). If we recall § 41, 7. we see that X{F} <= A(F) and that eUtU(y) = тги>[7(^) for every у e A{F}. Since A ® F can be identified with a subspace of A{F}, A ® Fis also a subspace of A(F) and for the induced topology one has (5) The topology of X(F) induces on A ® F the e-topology. Proof. We recall that the topology of A is the normal topology; hence, using 2.(2), we see that the e-topology on A ® Fis defined by semi-norms of the type X(i) ® = sup \i=l / hnl^|un|,ueC7’> к / °° \ 2 (2 f=l \n=l / u = (un) e Л *, x(i) = (£?) e Л, e F. To j x(i) ® yf) e A ® F corresponds the element i- 1 fc \ 2 in i=l /n=l,2,...
292 § 44. The injective tensor product and the e-product A(F) (§ 41, 7.) and for the semi-norm on A(F) corresponding to u and U one obtains from (4) &>(<))) veU к Un 2 ^n(vy<{>) 1 = sup l^nl^|un|,veCJ° oo к 2 vn 2 n=l i=l This implies the statement. Similarly, one proves (6) The topology of 11(F) induces on ll ® F the E-topology. We note that for a normed F the norm on /A(F) and the norm on /a1 F coincide with J 2 х(0®У°) = sup 2 I 2 £(aW(0) L \i=l / llvll^l a H=1 I (5) and (6) indicate that we have a situation corresponding to that in § 41, 7. and our aim is now to prove in analogy to § 41, 7.(5) that A F is isomorphic to A(F) and that ll Fis isomorphic to 11(F). We investigate first the case Ц. A vector x = (xa)aeA, xa e F, is called weakly summable if the vector (uxa) is summable for every ueE'. Following Pietsch we denote this space of all weakly summable vectors over E by //[F], The arguments leading from the definition of 11(E) to the formula (2) are valid also for the elements x of ll [F], so that the semi- norms (2) define also a topology on ll[F] and Z/[F] is the space of all vectors x = (xa)aeA with finite £u(x) for all U. Obviously, 11(E) is a subspace of ll[F] and it can be a strict subspace as is shown by the following example: Consider Z1^]- The vector x0 = (e19 e2,...) of the unit vectors is weakly summable, so x0 E Z1 [c0]> but is not summable in c0, so x0 ф F(c^). Let x = (xa)aeA, xa e F, be an element of // [FT] and let 99 be a finite subset of A. The finite section хф of x is the vector with хф = xa for a e 99, Xa = O for аф cp. (7) x = (xa), xa e F, lies in H(E) if and only if for every absolutely convex neighbourhood U of о in E there exists a finite subset <p0 of A such that еи(хф) 1 for all finite ф e A ~ cp0. Proof, a) Assume xe 11(E); hence = 2 6 Ф, is a Cauchy аеф net in F. There exists <p0 such that — зФо e £U for 99 D <p0 or s# e for all ф <= A ~ 99O. This means sup |us^| = sup 2 uxa I i- By application ueC7° I aei/r I
1. First results 293 of (1) to the numerical vector (иха)абА~Фо we °btain sup J |wxa| 1 or ueU° aety *и(х*) 1. b) If the condition is satisfied, then the net corresponding to x is obviously a Cauchy net in E, so x is summable. We have the corollary (8) // ® E is dense in 11(E), A finite section хф of x = (xa) e l£(E) can be written as the element 2 ea ® xa of /д ® E and by (7) there exists <p0 such that ец(х — хф) 1 аеф for <p D <po and this proves the statement. (9) /д ®e E is isomorphic to 11(E), even norm isomorphic in the case of a normed space E. Since li ® E is dense in // ®e E, it follows from (8) that Ц ® E is dense in li(£); hence 11(E) <= /А ®e E, so we have to prove only that Ц(Е) is complete for complete E. Let x(/J) be a Cauchy net in l£(E), For U D о there exists )%(£/) such that еи(х^ — x(in) = sup 2 k(x(/) — x(/9)| 8 for all Po(U), veU° a Hence for every a e A, x(/} is a Cauchy net in E with a limit x(aO). Put x(O) = (x(aO)). It follows easily that ец(х(/0 — x(O)) 8 for all ft fto(U) and x(O) lies in /Ах[£]. By (7) there exists <p0 such that sup 2 I I 8 for all finite ф e A ~ <pQ, veU° aerlf where ft £o(^) is fixed. Hence SUp У l^XaO)| = SUP V |г(х(аО) - Х(/})| + SUP T veU° a£lf veU°^ if and x(o) e l\(E) by (7). We have the corresponding results for A(F). (10) у = (к)п=1.2...., Уп E F, lies in X(F) if and only if for every u = (u19 u2,...) g Xх and every absolutely convex neighbourhood U of о of F oo there exists n0(U) such that sup 2 lwk(rA)| = L veU° к = n0 + 1 A ® F is dense in X(F); X®£ F is isomorphic to X(F). The first statement follows easily from (7) applied to the different spaces of summable sequences of which A(F) is the intersection. The details of the proof are left to the reader. § 45. Duality of tensor products 1. First results. Let E, F be locally convex spaces. We recall that the dual of E ®nF can be identified with &(E x F), the space of all
294 § 45. Duality of tensor products continuous bilinear forms on E x F. The тг-equicontinuous subsets of (E ®nFy are exactly the equicontinuous subsets of &(E x F) (cf. §41, 3.(3) and (4)). In this paragraph we are interested in the dual (E Ff and its equicontinuous subsets. Since is weaker on E ® F than every continuous linear functional on E ®e F can be represented by a uniquely defined element of &(E x F), so that (E ®e F)' will become a subspace 3(E x F) of &(E x F). The elements of x F) are called integral bilinear forms on E x F. The reason for this notation will become clear in 4. We recall from § 44, 1.(2) the relation (1) E' ® F' c 3(E x F) c ^(E x F). The following statement is rather obvious. (2) Let E, Fbe locally convex: then 3(E x F) = (E ®e F)' = (E ®e F)' is the union of all sets Г (Gi ® G2), where Gr and G2 are equicontinuous subsets of E' and F', respectively, and where the closure of\~(G1 ® G2) is taken in &(E x F) for the ZS(E F)-topology or the <^,fJE F^y topology. Every set I- (Gx ® G2) w equicontinuous and every equicontinuous subset of^(E x F) is contained in some Г (G\ ® G2). Proof. We consider the dual pair <3(£ x E ® F). The e-topology on E ® Fis defined by the polars (Gx ® G2)°, where Gr ® G2 <= E' ® F' <= 3(E x F) and where Gx and G2 are absolutely convex, weakly closed, equicontinuous subsets of E' and F', respectively. The bipolar (Gx ® G2)°° = Ж ® G2) in 3(£ x F) is equicontinuous and weakly complete (Alaoglu-Bourbaki), hence coincides with the XfE ® F)- resp. IsCE F)-closure of Г (G± ® G2) in ^(E x F). Conversely, every equicontinuous set in ^(E x F) is contained in the polar of some absolutely convex ^-neighbourhood of o, hence in some r(Cx ® G2). If E and F are normed spaces, then the norm of (E F)£ is called the integral norm || ||z on ^(E x F), and it is given by (3) 1М/= sup |<w, z>|, we^(E x F), zeE®eF. II z|| e=1 We remark that in the following we will usually write E' for the strong dual space E£ of a normed space. We compare the integral norm with the тг-norm. (4) Let E, F be (Wyspaces and w e Ef ® F'. Then ||w||z ||и>||л.
1. First results 295 Proof. Let we£", veF, z= 2 xk ® Укe E ® F. Then by the k=l definition of the e-norm we have |<w ® f, Z>| g ||w||||t>||||z||£. If w = m щ ® vt, then |<w, z>| (£ l|w|M|f||i)l|z||e. Let us suppose that we have a representation of w such that 2 IIw II i II II t < ||w||я + e; then it follows that ||w||z = sup |<w, z>| < ||м>||я + e. Since IlSlIg 2= 1 there exists such a representation of w for every e > 0, we conclude that М/ ll<- We make the useful observation (5) Let E, F be (fi)-spaces. Then E' F', E' ®e F', and E'eF' can be norm isomorphically embedded in &b(E x F) = (E ®л F)' = &b(E, F'). Proof. By § 41, 3.(6) &b(E x F) and Qb(E, F') are norm isomorphic. Furthermore, by § 44, 2.(6) E'eF' is norm isomorphic to ^b(F, F') <= flb(F, F'). The other statements are immediate consequences. Remark 1. If, moreover, E or F has finite dimension, then E®nF = E ®л F and (E ®л F)'b = £b(E, F') = E' ®e F' by (5). Remark 2. If E and F both have finite dimension, then E ®nF and E' ®e F', similarly E ®eF and E' ®n F', are the strong duals of each other. Next we consider the case that E and F are locally convex and E of к finite dimension к, E = © It follows from § 41, 6.(5) that E ®n F is i = l к isomorphic to © (Ke^ ®л F). Now ®л F = ® F is by § 44, 1.(4) i = l к isomorphic to F; hence E ®л F is isomorphic to Fk = П Л, Fi = F i=i Similarly, using § 44, 5.(3), we get E ®s F £ Fk, so we have (6) Let E, F be locally convex, E k-dimensional. Then one has the isomorphism E ®nF £ Fk £ E ®e F. By taking strong duals we obtain (7) (E ®e F)i (E ®л F)'b (Fk)'b (Fb)k ^E®nF^E®e Fi, where the central isomorphism can be found in § 22, 5. We recall the definition of the natural topology on the bidual F" of a locally convex space F (§ 23, 4.). By using § 22, 5.(1) we see that the equicontinuous sets of (Fk)' = (Fi)k coincide with the subsets of products
296 § 45. Duality of tensor products of equicontinuous subsets of F'; hence ((F")n)fc = ((Fky)n. Taking duals in (7) and using (6), we obtain the isomorphisms (8) (E ®£ Ffn (E Fyn ((Fky)n ((F'')ny ^E®nF"n^E®s Ft These results are nearly trivial. For (B)-spaces the situation is much more delicate because in this case we are interested in norm isomorphisms and not only in isomorphisms as in (6), (7), and (8). (9) Let E, F be (Byspaces, E of finite dimension. Then (E ®£ F)b = 3fE x F) = E' ®„ F', where equality means norm isomorphisms. Since £b(E, F) = E' ®£ F, one has equivalently £b(E, F)b = E ®л F'. We reproduce a proof for the second statement due to Lotz [2']. a) Since E is finite dimensional, we have E ® F' = E" ® F' c 3(£' x F) c £(F', F') = E ® F', so that every w e £b(E, F)' is an element of E ® F' and |M|Z || vp||л by (4). b) Next we construct for a given e > 0 a topological isomorphism of flb(E, F) into a space lm(F), where m depends on e. The unit sphere S of Eis compact; therefore for given e > 0 there exists a set M£ = {хь..., xm} <= S such that S <= U (*i + being the i = l closed unit ball of E. Then U = C(S) <= C(M£) + eU. If x'o is a given element in U, then for к = 1,2,... there exist ak e C (M£) and xk e U such that = ak + exk. This implies x'o = 2 [1/(1 — e)]C(Me), fc=i since C(M£) is closed. Hence U <= [1/(1 — e)]C(Mfi). Now let /“(F) be the (B)-space with the elements ..., ym), yt e F, and ||(Fi, - • - > Fm)|| = sup ||^|| (see §26,8.). For every A e £(E, F) we define<7(Л) = (Лх15..., Axm) e lm(F). Obviously, ||/(Л)|| = sup ||Лх{|| i sup ||Лх|| = ||Л||, so J is linear and continuous. 11X11^1 Clearly, we have (1 — e)UC(M£); hence for A e £(E, F) (1 - £)MII = sup M*ll g sup Mzll = sup M-M = ||Л4|| xe(l-e)U seC(Me) x(eMg holds. Therefore (10) (1 - e)MII IIJ^II Mil, J is an isomorphism of flb(F, F) on a closed subspace of 1^(Е).
2. A theorem of Schatten 297 c) Take w e £b(E, F)' = JfE' x F) = (E ® F')/ (see a) and Remark 1); ||w|| = 1. We define w' on the closed subspace J(£(E, F)) of lm(F) by O', JA) = О, Л>. The inequality 1 ||w'|| 1/(1 — e) is an easy consequence of (10). is the strong dual of 1™(F) (this is nearly obvious; see also § 26, 8. for related proofs). Using Hahn-Banach, we obtain a norm-preserving extension w of w’ to lm(F) and w is of the form w = (v19..., £m), e F', m 1 PH = £ IIM 1/(1 - «)• Hence <w, A) = <m>, JA) = <м>, (Ахг,Axm)> = У г((Лх() = ХУ Vi ® xb a) = <w, A). i=l \ i / m Therefore w e E ® F' is represented by an element w = 2 ® of E ® F' such that 2 ||M kill = 1/(1 “ «)• Therefore ||w||„ 2 IIM kill 1/(1 — e). Our arguments are true for every e > 0; hence we have || ур||л 1 = || w||z. This, together with a), gives ||и>||я = || w||z and this implies (9). We note the corollary (11) Let E, F be (fi)-spaces, E of finite dimension. Then (E ®e Ff = E®e F" and Qb(E, Fy = S>b(E, F"). Proof. (E ®e F)b = E' ®n Ff, (E' ®я F')b = &b(E' x F') = E ®e F" and £b(E, F) = E' ®e F, &b(E, Fy = E' ®e F" = £b(E, F"). This is Lemma §43, 8.(2). 2. A theorem of SCHATTEN. The results of 1. will certainly not be the final answer to our problem of characterizing 3(F x F). The first im- portant result in this direction is due to Schatten [2'], who settled the case of Hilbert spaces by using Hilbert space methods. His main result corresponds to 1.(9). (1) If E, F are Hilbert spaces, then 3/(F x F) is norm isomorphic to E' ®я F'. Proof, a) We will use a representation of Hilbert space mappings by diagonal mappings going back to Kothe [9']. We recall the polar decomposition of any A e £(E, F). The mapping C = (A*A)1/2 e 2(E) is nonnegative, (Cx, x) 0, and one has ||Cx||2 = (Cx, Cx) = (C2x, x) = (A*Ax, x) = (Ax, Ax) = ||Лх||2.
298 § 45. Duality of tensor products From this it follows that the equation UCx = Ax defines unambiguously an isometry U of C(E) into F since (UCx, UCx) = (Ax, Ax) = (Cx, Cx). Extending U to C(E) and defining U = 0 on C(E)\ we find a partial isometry U e й(Е, F) and A = UC is the polar decomposition of A e %(E, F). oo b) We determine now a decomposition of C. Let C = J A dPA be the o- spectral decomposition of C, where PA is continuous in A from the right. Since C 0, one has Рл = 0 for A < 0. For A 0 we write A = S(A)<p(A), where 8(A) = 2n for 2n < A 2n+1, n = 0, ±1, ±2,..., 8(0) = 0, 99(A) = A/2n for 2n < A <; 2n + 1, и = 0, ±1, ±2,...,<p(0) = 1. Observe that 1 99(A) 2 and 1/2 1 /99(A) 1 for A 0. We define P = J 99(A) dPA; then 0- 00 0- oo Finally, we define D = J 8(A) dPA. By the rules of the functional calculus 0- we obtain immediately the decomposition C = PD = DP, A = UPD, where D e й(Е, F) is a diagonal mapping since D can be written as D = 2 2n(P2n+1 - Л"). n= - 0O c) We need the representation A = UPD in a more concrete form. The kernel of D is PQ(E) and its orthogonal complement (I — Pq)(E) = 2 (P2n+1 - Pzn)(E) has an orthonormal base {ea}, a e A, such that Dea = Xaea with Aa = 2n for ea e (P2n+1 — Ръп)(Е)- We write UPea = then Aea = Aa/a and we have (2) Ax = 2 \x(*, ea)fa for X e E, Aa 0, a where only countably many (x, ea) are / 0. We note that {fa} is not necessarily an orthogonal system, but ||/a|| = ||l/Pea|| 1 ||P II 2.
2. A theorem of Schatten 299 Every ea is in the range £>(E); hence PeaePD(E) = C(E) and = DP~1(E) <= D(E) = DPP-\E) <= DP(E) = C(E) and so Р~геа e C(E). We define ga = UP~1eae F and observe ||ge|| g ЦР-11| 1. Since U is an isometry on C(E'), we obtain the relations (3) WJ = (С/Р-Ч, UPea) = (P~^Pea} = (e„ ea) = With these facts from Hilbert space theory the proof of (1) will now be straightforward. d) Suppose В e 3(£ x F) &(E x F). The corresponding В = A e F') has by (2) a representation Ax = A«(x, ea)fa = 2 A«<*«, x>/«> xe E, eae E’,fae F’. a We use the notations of § 42, 4. and recall that {Ja}, a e A, is an ortho- normal system in E'. It follows that for у e F B(x, y) = (Bx")y = 2 Аа<ё«, X></a, У> a = 2 A^x> е«)(л7Л A« = °> 7«e F- a Since Be%(E x F), we have |<F, z>| ||P||7 < oo for all zeE®F, IkIU i- Consider now an element z = 2 ® where Ф is a finite subset 0еФ of A and where the g0 e F' are defined as before. Then one has ||z||s S sup У \<U, eBXv, ge>\ ||ull=Bl,llv|| 1 у sup (2 l<“’ e«>l2) SUP (2 l<r’^>l2) • lluii^l y-g J llv||=iivy / Clearly, 2 |<w, вд>|2 1. Also /3 2 i<^>i2 = 2 i<^>ia = 2 к*, ^"4>i2 13 0 0 = 2i<(^'1)'^4ez,>i2 i, 0 since ||(P “х)'U'v\\ 1. It follows that ||z||e 1 and (3) implies |<5,Z>| = 25(^>^) = 22 A“^’ ea)(gB,fa) = 2 A« = 0 n .. 0еФ 0 a Since 2 ай = II-SII/ f°r every Ф, we have 2 Aa РЦ/ < °0- 0&Ф a
300 § 45. Duality of tensor products It follows that A = В is nuclear and В can be identified with the element 2 \Аёа ® fa) of E' ®n F' since Hilbert space has the approxima- te tion property. Thus ^(E x F) is algebraically a subspace of E' ®n F'. e) Conversely, assume 2C еЕ'which means that = В^еЩЕ.Р') is nuclear. By § 42, 6.(1) Br has a representation Br = 2 ^n<en, х></л, У) n= 1 with An 0 and {en} and {fn} orthonormal systems in E' and F', respec- tively, such that || Bi || л = Ц^Цу = 2 ^n- We conclude, as in d), that n= 1 || z || e 1 for every z = ^ep®f0EE®F and one verifies, as in d), II^L = Millv = 2 An 1 ||2M,. n = l Since pi||7 H-Sj||л by 1.(4) for all e E’ ® F', we have Ц^Ц, = ||5j||„ on E' ® F'. But then for every B± e Ef ®л F' follows Il-Sih = lim m-*’ oo = lim m Xn(fn ® fn) n = 1 m 2 Xn(en ®fn) n= 1 - lim У An Л m-»0O n = 1 , = РИ/. This and the result of d) imply the algebraic and norm isomorphism of 3/E x F) and E' ®л F’. From (1) and § 41, 3.(6) we obtain the theorem of Schatten: (4) Let E and F be Hilbert spaces. Then E®eF is the subspace of all compact mappings of Sib(E', F). Its strong dual ^j(E x F) coincides with E' ®л F', the space of all nuclear mappings in £(E, F'), and the тт-погт coincides with the nuclear norm v. The strong dual of E' ®л F', which is the strong bidual of E ®e F, coincides with &b(E' x F') = йь(Е', F), the space of all continuous linear mappings of E' in F. We observe that if E and F are reflexive (B)-spaces, (4) shows that E ®eF, E ®л F, and £b(E, F) need not be reflexive spaces. On the other hand, (4) shows also that in the case of Hilbert space the integral and the тг-norm coincide on 3(£> E). This is not true in general as we will see in 6. 3. BUCHWALTER’s results on duality. We give an exposition of recent results of Buchwalter [Г] on a duality between e- and тг-tensor products of (F)- and (DF)-spaces. Bierstedt and Meise [2'] have pointed out that by using the e-product instead of the е-tensor product it is possible to drop
3. Buchwalter’s results on duality 301 the assumption of the approximation property in one of Buchwalter’s theorems. We will show that this is possible also in the second theorem. The first duality theorem of Buchwalter says (1) Let E, F be (F)-spaces; then (£ F)'c = E’ceF'c and (E'ceF'cyc = E&nF. Proof. By § 41, 3.(3) we have (£ ®n £)' = <^(£ x £). On the other hand, it follows from § 43, 3.(3) and from the polar reflexivity of (F)-spaces (§ 23, 9.(5)) that £>F' = Х™К(Е'УС x (£')D = #™\E x F), the space of (®, ®)-hypocontinuous bilinear forms on £ x F (where ® is the class of all relatively compact subsets of £ resp. F). Since every separately continuous bilinear form on E x F is continuous (§ 40, 2.(1)), it follows that X(G’G)(E x F) = <^(£ x F); thus (£ F)' and E'ceF'c coincide algebraically. Using the remark following § 41, 4.(5), we see that Zc on (£ F)' is the topology of uniform convergence on the sets C± ® C2, where Cx and C2 are relatively compact subsets of £ and F, respectively. But this topology coincides with the topology Xe of bi-equicontinuous convergence, since the equicontinuous subsets in E and F for E'c and F', respectively, are the relatively compact subsets. But Ze is also the topology on E'ceFfc\ hence E'ceF'c = &e(E x F) = (£®^F)'. By polar reflexivity we obtain ((E®nF)')c = E®nF and this implies the second statement in (1). The proof of the second duality theorem needs some preparation. Adasch and Ernst [Г] call a locally convex space E[X] locally topological if it has the following property: An absolutely convex set U c £ is a ^-neighbourhood of о in £ if M n U is a ^-neighbourhood of о in M for every bounded subset M of £ containing o. £ is called ог-locally topological if £ has, moreover, a funda- mental sequence c M2 <= • • • of absolutely convex bounded sets. By § 29, 3.(2) every (DF)-space is ог-locally topological. (2) Let E be а-locally topological with the fundamental sequence c M2 c ... of absolutely convex bounded subsets. Let Un, n = 1, 2,..., be a sequence of absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о in E. OO Then U = Q (Uk + Mk) is a neighbourhood of о in E which is absorbed k=l by every Un, n = 1,2,.... Proof. One has Um + Mm Mn for m n; hence U n Mn I Pl C4) n Afn is for every n a neighbourhood of о in Mn and U is a \fc=i / neighbourhood in £. From U c Un + Mn <= (1 + pn)Un for suitable pn > 0 follows the second statement.
302 § 45. Duality of tensor products Hollstein [Г] proved the following generalization of § 40, 2.(10): (3) Let E, F be а-locally topological spaces and let H be an equihypo- continuous set of bilinear mappings of E x F into the locally convex space G. Then H is equicontinuous. Proof. Let Mn,Nn, и =1,2,..., be fundamental sequences of bounded subsets of E and F, respectively. Let W be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in G. Then there exist neighbourhoods Un, Vn of о in E and F, respectively, such that H(Un9 Nn) <= W9 H(Mn9 Fn) cz W. It follows that H(Un + Mn, Nn n Vn) cz 2W9h( Q (Uk + Mk)9 Nn n Kn) \fc=i / c 2 PF for all и = 1,2,.... U = Q (Uk + Mk) is a neighbourhood of о in E by (2) and we have k=l H(U9 Nnr\ Fn) c 2W for all n. Since F is ст-locally topological, V = | (Nn n Vn) is a neighbourhood of о in F. Hence H(U9 V) c 2IF; H is n=l equicontinuous. If Fis an (F)-space, then by the Banach-Dieudonne theorem (§21, 10.(1)) the topology Zc coincides on E' with the topology given by the absolutely convex sets which intersect all bounded sets containing о in ^-neighbourhoods of o. Hence E' is ст-locally topological and we note as a particular case of (3) (4) Let E9 F be (F)-spaces, H an equihypocontinuous set of bilinear forms on E'c x Fc'. Then H is equicontinuous. We are now able to prove the second duality theorem of Buchwalter [1']: (5) Let E, Fbe (F)-spaces. Then (EeF)'c = E'c F'c and (E'c F'cyc = EeF. Proof, a) EeF = ^e(E' x F'). By § 43, 3.(3) EeF = 3^\E'C x F'). The equicontinuous subsets of E'c and F' are the bounded subsets; hence 3E(®’G)(Ec x F'c) = 3Ee(Ec x Fc), the class of all hypocontinuous bilinear forms on E'c x Fc. It follows from (4) that 3te(E'c x F') = &e(Ec x F'), the class of all continuous bilinear forms on E' x F'. b) E' ® F' is dense in (EeF)'. A ^-neighbourhood of о in &e(E'c x F'c) is of the form {Bc&e-9 \B(M x 7V)| 1}, where M and N are bounded
3. Buchwalter’s results on duality 303 subsets of E' and F', respectively. Therefore {Л; \B(u, r)| 1} = {E; |<E, и ® г>| g 1} is a ^-neighbourhood; hence и ® v is, for и e Ef, v e F', a ^-continuous linear form on EeF by a) and E' ® F' c (EeF)’. EeF is an (F)-space by § 44, 2.(7); hence ((EeF)c)c = EeF by § 23, 9.(5). We consider H = Ef ® F' as a subspace of (EeF)c- Then Я° = о in ((EeF)')c = EeF and (EeF)'c = H°° is the Xc-closure Я of Я in (EeF)'c. c) We determine the topology Zc on (EeF}’. The relatively compact subsets of EeF are by § 44, 3.(2) the е-equihypocontinuous subsets of X(G’G)(E' x Fc'), which coincide with the equihypocontinuous subsets, and hence by (4) with the equicontinuous subsets of &(JE'C x F^). Using § 41, 3.(4), we see that Xc coincides with the тг-topology on E’c ® F'c\ hence E'c ®л F'c (EeF)c. Since (EeF)' is complete by § 44, 2.(7) and § 21, 6.(4), we have E'c ®n F’c (EeF)'c. Using b), we obtain (EeF)' = E' ®л F'c. The second statement in (5) follows by taking the duals in the first statement and equipping them again with the topology Ic. (6) If E or F has the approximation property, then E'ceF'c = E’c®e F’c in (1) and EeF = E ®e F in (5). This is a consequence of § 43, 3.(7) in both cases, recalling that E' and F'c are complete for (F)-spaces E and F. The theorems resulting from (1) and (5) by using (6) are the original theorems of Buchwalter. The duality established by (1) and (5) can be described in the following way. Denote by (^) the class of all (F)-spaces. (^) contains with two spaces E and F the completed тг-tensor product E ®nF and the e-product EeF by § 44, 2.(7). Next we construct for every E the Jc-dual E'; then we have a one-one correspondence of (^) and the class (^c) of all Ic-duals of (F)-spaces. If we take once more the Jc-dual, then we come back to E = (E')'c g (^). It follows immediately from (1) and (5) that (^') con- tains with G and Я the spaces G ®ЛН and GeH and that taking Xc-duals of spaces interchanges the completed тг-tensor product and the e-product. It seems remarkable that for this duality it is essential to use the e-product and not the completed е-tensor product. Next we consider the class (^^) of all (FM)-spaces, which is a subclass of (J^). The topology Ic on E' coincides with the strong topology and by § 27, 2.(2) Eb is a (DFM)-space, i.e., a (DF)-space which is also an (M)-space (we note that a (DFM)-space is always complete by § 29, 5.(3)). Conversely, if F is a (DFM)-space, then F^ = Fb is an (FM)-space by § 29, 3.(1) and again § 27, 2.(2).
304 § 45. Duality of tensor products Thus by taking the strong duals we obtain a one-one correspondence between the classes and (^^^). The duality theorem (5) takes the following form: (7) If E and F are in then EeF is in If E and F are in (£^u^), then E ®nF is in Furthermore, i) (EeFyb = E'b ®n Fbfor E, F in ii) (£ ®л F)'b = EbeF'bfor E, F in Proof. By § 44, 3.(10) FeFis an (FM)-space and i) follows immediately from (5). Reading i) from the right, one sees that the completed тг-product of two (DFM)-spaces is again a (DFM)-space and ii) is a consequence of the second equality in (5). This is only half of the duality we expect to be true for (FM)- and (DFM)-spaces. Unfortunately, we do not know whether E ®л F is again an (FM)-space if E and F are (FM)-spaces or, equivalently, whether EeF of two (DFM)-spaces is again a (DFM)-space. A positive answer would give the full duality. A partial solution of this problem was recently given by Hollstein [2']. 4. Canonical representations of integral bilinear forms. Let A be an element of £(E, F), where £ and F are locally convex. Then BA(x, v) = <Лх, p>, x g E, v e F', is a continuous bilinear form on £ x Fb. We say that A is an integral mapping if BA(x, v) is an integral bilinear form on £ x Fb. We denote by £Z(E, F) the vector space of all integral mappings of E in F. If the spaces involved are normed, one introduces again the integral norm (cf. 1.(3)) on £z(£, F): (1) M||/= pjz = sup |<БЛ, z>| = sup iizii.gi -i 2 vt(Axi) i In the case of (B)-spaces the correspondence A -> BA gives a norm isomorphism of £Z(E, F) into x F'). Since E' ® F" c 3(£ x F') by 1.(1), it is obvious that in general the image of £Z(E, F) is a strict subspace of 3(£ x F'). Results on integral bilinear forms can be translated into results on integral mappings. A first example is (2) Let B(yx,y2) be an integral bilinear form on F± x F2 and let Ai e £(Eb Fj), A2 e £(E2, F2). Then the bilinear form C(x19 x2) = B(A1x1, A2x2) on Ei x E2 is integral. For normed spaces one has ||C||7 ||>41||||^2||||2?||/. Proof. В can be considered as a continuous linear form on Fx ®e F2.
4. Canonical representations of integral bilinear forms 305 Now Л1 ® A2 is a continuous mapping from E± ®e E2 in Fr ®s F2 (§44, 4.(1)). This implies the first statement; the second follows from Mi ® ^all = MIII М21| • The version for integral mappings is (3) Let В be an integral mapping from F± into F2, e £(E1? FJ, Л2 e £(F2, E2). Then the mapping A2BAxfrom Er in E2 is again integral. For normed spaces one has ||^42^41||z = Mill Mali Mil/- Proof. The bilinear form corresponding to В is v2), y^Ft, v2 g F2, and (2) gives the result in the form C(x19 u2) = (BA^, A2u2), where x± e Elf u2 g E2. The use of the term “integral” is justified by a representation of the elements of ^(E x F) due to Grothendieck [13] which we now discuss. The space C(K) of all continuous functions on a compact topological space К is a (B)-space for the sup norm; its strong dual ЯЛ(Е) is the space of all (Radon) measures p on K. For f e C(K) one writes </*,/> = к Now let E, F be locally convex and Gr and G2 weakly closed equi- continuous subsets of E' and F', respectively. Then Gi is SsCE)“comPact> G2 is Js(^)"comPact> and Gi x G2 is compact for the product topology ZS(E) x ZS(F). The spaces C(G± x G2) and x G2) are well defined. E ® F is embedded in &(E'S x Fs') by § 41, 2.(5) and § 41, 3.(3); thus every element z of E ® F is a continuous bilinear form on E's x F' and has therefore a restriction z to G± x G2 which lies in C(Gi x G2). Since the elements of E®SF are on G± x G2 uniform limits of elements of E ® F, each ze E®SF has a restriction z to Gr x G2 which lies in C(Gi x G2). This implies the relation (cf. § 44, 2.) (4) £g1(g2W = sup |(w ® v)z\ = sup \z(u, v)\ w®veG1®G2 (u,v)eG1 x G2 = ||z||G1xG2, zeE®eF, where the last norm is the sup norm in C(G1 x G2). Now let p be an element of 9Л(б\ x G2). We define a linear functional w on E ®s F by (5) w(z) = p(z) = J z dp for every ze E®eF. Gi x G2 It follows from (4) that (5') |w(z)| HMI = ||mII®g1,g2(z);
306 § 45. Duality of tensor products hence w g (E F)' and the bilinear form B(x, y) g 3(F x F) representing w is integral with (6) B(x, y) = w(x ® j) = J (ux)(yy) dp, x e E, у e F. Gi x G2 We will now prove that, conversely, every w g (E F)' resp. В e 3(F x F) has an integral representation (5) resp. (6). (7) i) Let E, F be locally convex, G± and G2 weakly closed equicon- tinuous subsets of E' and F', respectively. Then the equicontinuous subset Г (<7i ® G2) of^ (E x F) is the set ofall bilinear forms (6) with p e x (72) and ||p|| 1. The corresponding elements of (E F)' are given by (5). ii) If moreover, G± and G2 are circled, then we obtain all elements of Г ((7i ® (72) by using only positive measures p with ||^|| 1. Proof, i) If w has the form (5) and ||/lc|| 1, then |w(z)| eG1KGfz) by (5'); hence wg F((7i ® (72)°° = T((7i ® (72) (using the duality <3(F x F),F®eF>). Conversely, let w be in F(C?i ® (72). This is equivalent to |w(z)| eG1xG2(^)- We define w(z) = w(z) for the restriction z of z to Gx x (72. It follows from (4) that |w(z)| ||z|| and thus w(z) is well defined on the subspace H = {z; z e E ®s F} of C((7i x (72). Using Hahn-Banach, one extends w to a measure p on (7i x (72 such that ||^c|| 1 and one has w(z) = w(z) = p(z) = J z dp for all z e E F. Gfj x G2 Thus w has a representation of the form (5) with ||^c|| 1 and (6) follows. ii) The point measure is a positive measure on (7i x (72 of norm 1. Let D be the set of all (u, v)eG1 x (72. We denote by D the set of all restrictions of the to the subspace H of C(G1 x (72). We have Ь Hf and Г ((7i ® (72j H'. Obviously, Г(Д)0 = {ze H; ||z|| 1} = F((7i ® (72)°, the polars being taken in H, so that Г (j5)°° = Г" ((7i ® (72) in H', where the closure is the Xs(#)-closure in H'. G± and (72 are circled by assumption. It follows from the bilinearity of z that for every complex a, |a| 1, и e Gr, v e G2, <«S(u,V), Z> = az(u, V) = Z(au, v) = <§(aM.v), Z>. Since au e G±, it follows that Ь is also circled; hence Г(b) = Q(b) and Г (Ь) = С (Ь) for the Xs(7/)-closure. The subset C (D) of 2R((7i x (72) consists of positive measures of norm 1 and is compact and closed for the topology ZS(C(C1 x (72)). Let К be the canonical mapping of
4. Canonical representations of integral bilinear forms 307 9Jl(Gi x G2) onto its quotient H'. Since К is weakly continuous, K( C (D)) is Xs(#)-compact and we have K( C (D)) = C (D) = Г (D) = Г (Gi ® G2). This means that every Д e Г (Gi ® G2) can be represented by a e C (D), ||/41| 1, fi 0. Such a fi is a Js(^(^i x G2)-limit of positive measures and therefore positive. For normed spaces (7) can be replaced by (8) If E and F are normed spaces, then every w e x F) has a representation (8') w(z) = /c(z) = J z dfi, fi positive on Ul x U2, ||w||7 = \\fi\\, u°*u° U± and U2 being the closed unit balls in E and F, respectively. Proof. It is sufficient to prove this for a w of norm ||w||7 = 1. Then all the statements follow from (7) except ||/c|| = 1. But (7) implies ||/x|| 1 and it follows from (5') that ||w||7 ||/c||. We note an important example. Let AT be a compact space, v a positive Radon measure on K, ||v|| = v(K) = 1. The formula (9) Jo(fg)=jf(t)g(t)dv, f and g in C(K\ к defines a bilinear form on C(K) x C(K). (10) The bilinear form (9) is integral on C(K) x C(K) and ||J0|b = M = 1- Proof. The mapping t-> embeds К into the unit ball of 9Jls(^)- Let fi be a measure on K. We define the measure p on К x AT by /х(Л) = J h(t, t') dp = J h(t, t) dfi, heC(K*K). к*к к (9) can be written in the form (9') W,g) = j <8t,fX^,g> dv. KxK This is a special case of (6) and therefore (9') defines an integral bilinear form on C(K) x C(K) and a linear functional on C(K) C(K). We remark that v is again positive, ||v|| = v(K x K) = v(K) = 1, and we note that Jo depends only on К and v; finally, ||J0|b = ||v|| = 1.
308 § 45. Duality of tensor products We know from § 44, 7.(3) that C(K x K) = C(K) C(K); hence (ii) ыс(к) x c(K)) = (c(K) ®e c(K))'b = c(k x куь = УЛ(К x K). We use this example to give a representation of an integral bilinear form B(x, y) e ^(E x F) which is slightly different from (6). Let B(x, y) be defined by (6) for К = (7i x G2 and d/i = dv, v(K) = 1 (this is no restriction, since we may replace К by any positive multiple pK). Then we introduce the mappings e 2(E, C(K)) and A2 e £(F, C(K)) defined by Агх: (и, v) -> (их), A2y: (и, v) -> (vy), (u, v) g Gx x G2. Using (6) and (9), we obtain (12) B(x, y) = J (ux)(vy) dv = -ЦАтус, A2y), Gi x G2 where ve3B(G1 x G2), v(Gx x G2) = 1. We note that in the case of normed spaces one has always ЦЛ S 1 and ||Л2|| 1. If f and g are arbitrary elements of JF?(K), К compact, the measure v on К positive and ||v|| = 1, then (13) к is a bilinear form on .5?“(X) x &™(K) and, similar to (10), we have (14) is integral on x ^(K) and ЦЛ, ||z = 1. Proof. We show first that |<J„ z>| g ||z||e for all z = ^ft ® g, e Since the simple functions on К are dense in &?(К), we will assume that the fi and gt are simple functions. n A simple function has the form s = 2 where the щ are complex n numbers and ym. is the characteristic function of Mi and К = (J is a i = l disjoint union of sets of positive measure v(M^. If s' = is a second simple function on K, then s + s' = 2 («i + P^Xmikn, is again a simple function (we omit sets Mi n Nj with measure 0). Using this remark, we see that it is sufficient to prove |<Ло, z>| ||z||e
5. Integral mappings 309 for elements of the form z' = 2 Уря(хмр ® Xn4)> where К x К = P»<Z U Mp x Nq is a union of disjoint sets of positive measure. p,q From (13) and v(K) = 1 follows 2 Xm,(0Xw,(0 dv 2 Ур« dv P,q J sup |yP4|. P»q Next we prove (15) llz'lls = sup |у,,|. p,q The unit ball of &i(K) is weakly dense in the unit ball of o2?®(X)'; hence for w, v e &\(К) one has = sup f «(OKO 2 Ур«Хм»(0х«,(^) d(y x v) J P.O 2 Ур«Хм,(0хя,(О P.q = sup |yp<z|. If we choose и = [l/v(Afr)]yMr and v = [1/v(Ns)]xns> we have |<w ® v, z'>| = |SyPQ<w, Xmp><v, XNe>l = Yrs, which implies (15). Thus we have proved Uooll; 1. For z = 1 ® 1 one has /«(I, 1) = v(K) = 1 and (14) follows. We use Joo for a representation of integral bilinear forms similar to (12). (16) Let E, F be locally convex (normed) spaces. В e &(E x F) is integral (and ЦБ Ц/ 1) if and only if there exists a compact space K, a positive Radon measure v on К with v(K) = 1, and mappings Ar e S1(E, &y(K)), A2 e £(F,JF?(K)) (with H^ill 1 and ||Л2|| 1) such that (17) B(x, y) = Ja(A1X> Azy) = | А^хЮА^уЮ dv. К Proof. If (17) is true, then В is integral by (2) since is integral by (14). If the spaces are normed, then \\B Ц/ 1 follows again by (2). Conversely, if В is integral we have the representation (12), which is for К = G± x G2 a representation (17) since A± and A2 may be considered as mappings into &V(K) instead of C(K) (with norms 1 in the case of normed spaces E and F). 5. Integral mappings. The results of 4. on integral bilinear forms can be translated into factorization theorems for integral mappings.
310 § 45. Duality of tensor products We need an extension property of bilinear forms. Let E, F be locally convex spaces. It follows from § 40, 3.(5) that a continuous bilinear form В e x F) is separately weakly continuous on E and F, respectively, and that В has a uniquely determined extension^ to E x Fn,Be@(E x F„) which is again separately continuous on E for IS(E') and on F" for XS(F'). We recall the definition: 6(x, z) = lim F(x, ya), where ya g F is a net a weakly convergent to z g F". (1) Let E, F be locally convex. a) Bo g ^(F x F) is integral if and only if g &(E x F„) is integral, where Xn denotes the natural topology of the bidual. Moreover, if E and F are normed spaces, then ||j§0||/ = ||Д)||ь so that ^fE x F) is norm isomorphically embedded in 5z(F x F"). b) The subspace E ®eF is X£$(E x Ffydense in E ®e F”n. Moreover, if E, F are (B)-spaces, then the closed unit ball U of E ®e F is XS(3(E x F))-dense in the closed unit ball V of E ®e F". Proof, i) We assume that Bo is integral, i.e., continuous on E F". By § 44, 4.(6) the restriction Bo of Bo to E ®e F is again integral. ii) We prove b) first for locally convex E and F. Every element of д E ®e F^ is of the form 2 ® zi9 *i e E, zte F". It is sufficient to show i = l that every x ® z is the Xs(3(£ x F))-limit of a net x ® ya, where ya g F By § 23, 2.(3) z is the Is(F')-limit of a bounded net yaEF and for every Fg5(F x F), B(x, y) = Bx(y) is weakly continuous in y; therefore lim Bx(ya) = Bx(z) = B(x, z). Hence x ® ya ZS(3(E x F))-converges to x ® z and b) is true for locally convex E and F. We have also shown that every Be$(E x F) has a Xs(3(£ x F))- extension to E ®e F”n which coincides with Ё. iii ) Let E, Fbe (B)-spaces. Then the closed unit ball of (F F)" is the Xs(3(^ x F))-closure of C/by § 23, 2.; hence U will be Xs(3(^ x £))-dense in V if we prove E ®e F" <= (F ®e Ff. Now F F" = (J H ®e F", where His a finite dimensional subspace H of F and H ®e F" = (H F)" by 1.(11). If Y <= X for (B)-spaces, then Y” X” canonically; hence H ®e F" c (F ®e F)" and E®eF” = IJ H ®e F" <= (F F)" and this proves b). H iv ) We assume now that Bo is integral. Then Bo is Xs(3(^ x ^-con- tinuous on F Fand there exists an absolutely convex ^-neighbourhood U of о in F ®e F such that sup |<E0, 5>| = 1. Bo has by b) the uniquely seU defined Xs(3(£ x F))-continuous extension to F ®e F^ and one has also sup |<Д, O| = 1 for the Xs(3(^ x F))-closure U of U in F FJ. teU
5. Integral mappings 311 Now § 44, 4.(6) implies that U is a ^-neighbourhood of о in £ ®e F"n and so BQ is integral. If we take for U a multiple of the closed unit ball in the case of normed spaces, we obtain || II/ = ||Bo||p We note a simple corollary to (1): (2) Let £, £ be locally convex, В e &(E x £), and let В be the corres- ponding mapping in &(E, Fl,), where Bg is the bilinear form in &(E x £") corresponding to B. Then, if one of these three objects is integral, all three are integral. Proof. We recall that for x g £, у e £, B(x, y) = <B(z), y), B(x) g £', and that for z g £" and a net yae F weakly converging to z, B%(x, z) = (B(x), z) = lim <B(x), ya) = lim B(x, ya) = £(x, z). Hence В and Bg are a exactly in the situation of Bo and Bo in (1) a). Hence, if В is integral, then Bg is integral by (1) a); hence В is integral by definition of an integral mapping. If В is integral, then Bg is integral by definition and В by (1). If Bg is integral, then В is integral by (1). Let A be an element of £(£, £), £ and £ locally convex. The corres- ponding bilinear form is BA(x, v) = (Ax, v), x g £, v g £'. We denote by N the canonical injection of £into £" and by J1>00 the canonical injection of &y(K) into &l(K), К compact, v 0, ||v|| = 1. The corresponding bilinear form on JFf(K) x JFf(K) is integral by 4.(14); hence J1>00 is also integral and ||J1>001|; = ||Ло ||z = 1 by 4.(14). We give now the factorization theorem corresponding to 4.(16): (3) Let E, F be locally convex resp. normed. A mapping A g £(£, £) is integral (and Щ|/ 1) if and only if there exist a compact space K, a positive measure v on К with v(K) = 1, and mappings C± g £(£, JF?(K)) and C2 g £(^v°°(£), F") (with ЦСЛ 1 and ||C2|| 1) such that NA has the factorization NA = C2Ji,aaC1. Instead of the last equality one uses also the equivalent statement that the diagram is commutative. Proof, a) If NA has a factorization (4), then NA is integral by 4.(2) since Ji<00 is integral.
312 § 45. Duality of tensor products Since (NAx, w>, и’ g Fm, is the separately weakly continuous extension of <Лх, v>, v g F', (1) implies that <Лх, r> is integral and therefore A also (and Mil; = ||2V< by (1) and ||2V< 1 by 4.(3)). b) Conversely, let us assume that A is integral (and ЦЛЦ/ 1 for normed spaces). Then the corresponding bilinear form £(x, v) = <Лх, v) on E x F’b is integral and on the compact space К = UQ x V°° (U, V absolutely convex neighbourhoods of о resp. the unit balls in E and F) there exists a positive measure v, v(K) = 1, such that by 4.(16) (5) B(x, v) = (Ax, v) = J (u, x)(z, v) dv = J^{Arx, A2v) к = (f.^A^, A2v) for all x e E, v g F', where Ag£(£,^v°°(£)), Л2 g £(F', ^»(£)) (and ||A|| 1, ||Л2|| 1). Every continuous bilinear form B(x, v) can be written as (Bx, v), where В g £(£, F^. In our case obviously В = NA follows from the first equation of (5), but (5) implies also B(x, v) = (JltOaA1x, A2v) = <Л2/ЪооЛ1Х, r> for all x and v, where A2 g £(^(£)', F"). If we write Cx for and C2 for the restriction of A2 to LFfK), then NA = C2Ji>00Ci, which proves (3). We remark that Cx is defined as Gx = fx(u, z) = (и, x), C\ g &?(U° X F°°) for every x g E and that C2h(u, z) = j h(u, z)z dv g F" for every UoxV°° he^(U° x F°°). We have the following corollary: (6) a) Let E, F be locally convex, A g £(£, F) integral. Then NA is weakly compact, where N is the canonical injection of F into F". b) If F is quasi-complete and A g £(£, F) integral, then A is weakly compact. Proof. The statement a) follows from the factorization (4) if J1>00 is weakly compact. Let M be the closed unit ball of }(£)'; therefore M is Is(<^i(^))-compact. We will show that J1>00 is Xs(^i)~ Is(o£T)-continuous. But then Ji>00(M) is Xs(^J°)“comPact *n and this will be a). А Х5(^“^neighbourhood V of о in is of the form h g ; sup i = l,...,n J hf dv
5. Integral mappings 313 Let U be /e ; sup \ffidv < e with the same f elF? <= then Л.ДСЭ с V and this is the wanted continuity of Ji.oo. We assume now that F is quasi-complete and A g £(£, F) is integral. Let U be an absolutely convex neighbourhood of о in £ such that NA(U) is relatively Xs(^w)“comPact in F" by a). The Xs(^w)“cI°sure NA(U) is then Is(Fw)-compact in F". But NA(U) = A(U) <= F and XfF"') = XS(F') on A(U), so that A(U) <= £ since £ is quasi-complete, and A(U) is IS(F')- compact. In the case of Hilbert spaces we saw in 2. that every integral mapping is nuclear, so that even a compact mapping need not in general be integral. On the other hand, there exist integral mappings which are not com- pact. Let К be the interval [0, 1] and v the Lebesgue measure; then Jloo is not compact: Let fn be the function which has the alternating values +1, —1, +1, —1,... on the intervals of length l/2n into which [0, 1] is divided. We have ||AII« = ||/n||i = 1 and ||/n -/m||i = 1 for n / m; hence JltO0(U) is not relatively compact in £j([0, 1]), where U is the unit ball in £"([0, 1]). (7) a) Let E, F be locally convex. If A g £(£, £) is integral, then A' g £(F^, £&) is integral. b) If E is, moreover, quasi-barrelled, then A is integral if and only if A' is integral. c) For (fi)-spaces one has 1174'11/= ||Л||/. We remark that b) includes the case that £ is metrizable. Proof, a) A is integral implies that BA(x, v) = <Лх, v), x g £, v g £', is integral on £ x Fi or that (A'v, x> is integral on Fi x £. Then by (1) (A'v, z), z g £", is integral on E"n x Fi. Now is weaker than the strong topology on £"; hence (A'v, z) is also integral on F'b x E"b and this implies that A' g £(F£, E'b) is integral. b) The converse is true if and coincide on £", and by §23, 4.(4) this is the case for a quasi-barrelled £. c) BA and BA> have the same supremum on the corresponding unit balls. Examples of integral bilinear forms. From § 44, 8. we recall the spaces /a E and A £ for complete locally convex spaces £ and perfect sequence spaces A. We showed that /д E is isomorphic (even norm isomorphic if £ is a (B)-space) to the space Za(£) of all summable sequences
314 § 45. Duality of tensor products x = (xa)9 a e A, xa e E, and also that A E is isomorphic to the space A(£) of all sequences у = (yn), yn e E, such that (unyn) is summable for every u = (wn) g Ax. We determine (/2 E)' = 3W x E) following Pietsch. A subset M of £' is called prenuclear if there exists a neighbourhood U of о in E and a positive Radon measure /x on U° such that sup |t’oxo| = / I woxo| VqGM {jo for all xoe E. A vector v = (ya)9 a g A, va e E', is prenuclear if the set {va; a e A} is prenuclear. (8) /а(£)' = ЗС/д1 x E) can be identified with the set of all prenuclear vectors v = (va), va e E'. The duality is given by = 2 v“Xa’ x = (x“) G Proof, a) Sufficiency. Let г = (va) be prenuclear. By assumption there exist U9 /x such that |vax01 f |uoxQ| dp. By using § 44, 8.(2), we obtain u° 21«л1 = 2 = 2 i“°Xaidfi a a J J a U9 U° и su₽ 21= 1ЫМ*) < °° tioeU° V and vx = 2 vaxa is continuous. a b) Necessity. Assume v e ll(Ef. Then |rx| ev(x) = sup 2 Iwoxa| uoeU° a for some U in E and all x = (xa) e IjfE), xa e E. Let ea, a g A, be the unit vectors in l£ and x0 E E. We define vaxQ = v(xoea) and we have va e E' since |rax0| = |Kxo^a)| = sup |woXo|. The summability of x = (xa) uoeU° implies vx = 2 vaxa- It remains to show that v = (va) is prenuclear. a If К is the closed unit ball in Z®, then it follows from |гх| ea(x) and 4.(8) that there exists on К x U° a Radon measure /x = 0, ||/x|| 1 such that vx = J x dp, where x is the continuous function on К x U° KxU° corresponding to x, x = (£а(иоха))9 (fa) g l™9 fa| 1 for a g A, w0 g L7°. Hence |rax0| = Mxoea)| = J fa(wo^o)^M f |woXo| dp = /x(lwo*o|)- * К x U° KxU* Let p be the restriction of the linear functional p on C(K x U°) to C(U°) defined by p(f) = p(l x /) for f e C(U°) and 1 the identity on K; then we obtain |rax0| J |woxo| dp9 i.e., the prenuclearity of v = (va). uQ
6. Nuclear and integral norms 315 Let A be a perfect sequence space such that Xх is the normal hull of vectors u = (wn), where all un / 0. By definition (§ 44, 8.) A(£) is the intersection of the spaces Au(£) consisting of all vectors x = (xn), xn e £, such that (unxn) is summable in E for the chosen u. Obviously, Au(£) is isomorphic to P(£) by a diagonal transformation. Using (8), one sees easily that A(£)' consists of all vectors (гя/ия), where {rn} is a prenuclear set in £' and u = (wn) is some element of Ax, where all un / 0. 6. Nuclear and integral norms. Let £, £ be (B)-spaces, A a nuclear mapping from £ in £. In generalization of 1.(4) one has (1) Every nuclear A is integral and ||Л||/ ||Л||У. Proof. Since A is nuclear, there exists for any 8 > 0 a representation A = 2 Un®yn, uneE', yneF, such that £ ||un||||yn|| < (Mllv + 8). n=l n=l By 4.(1) we have Mill = m sup 2 vi(Ax>) We write un = ||u,||i4 yn = ||к||Уп, and obtain 2 v{(Axf) = 2 i=l i=l 00 t>i 2 (ипх<)Уп n = l 2 IIм" ii ii 2 (1,<>'")(м"х‘) = 2 ii m" ii ii n=l i n=l since | Д Gv»)(«n*i)| || Д ® xt||£ 1. This implies ЦЛЦ, < Mllv + s for every 8. In fact, in the most important cases one has even ||Л|| v = ||Л||/. This is a consequence of the following characterization of the metric approxi- mation property due to Grothendieck [13]: (2) Ear a (fi)-space E the following statements are equivalent: a) £ has the metric approximation property; b) for any (JS)-space F the canonical map of E®nF into ^fE' x £') = (£' £')ь is a norm isomorphism. Proof, a) implies b). We recall that (£ F)' = ^(£ x £) so that <^(£ x £), £ Fy is a dual pair. It follows from 1.(5) that the closed unit ball V of £' £' is contained in the closed unit ball U of ^b(E x £).
316 § 45. Duality of tensor products Using a) and § 43, 8.(1), one sees that for a given e > 0, a given com- pact set К E, and a given A e £b(E, F') = &b(E x F), Щ| 1, there exists a = E' ®e F', ||E|| 1, such that ||(Л - E)(E)|| £. Since Be V, this implies that V is XS(E ® F)-dense in U or U = V = K°°, where V denotes the IS(E ® F)-closure of V in &(E x F). This implies U° = V° in E ® F; hence the тг-unit ball U° in E ® F coincides with the Xb(E' ®e F')-unit ball VQ in E ® F, which means that E ®л F is norm isomorphically embedded in 3/(F x F'). By completing E ®л F to E ®л F we obtain b). b) implies a). The closed unit ball Vx of E' ®e E" is contained in the closed unit ball W of &b(E x E') by 1.(5). The assumption b) implies that the canonical mapping of E ®л E' into 3i(E' x E") — (Ef ®e E")b is a norm isomorphism. Using polarity in <E ®л E', E' ®e Е"У and in <E ®л E', &(E x E')>, we obtain as the closed unit ball in E ®л E' in the first case and in the second case W°. Hence one has Fi° = = W, where means the ZS(E ® Enclosure in ^(E x E'). Using 5.(1) b), we see that the closed unit ball Vo of E' ®e E is ZS(3(E' x E))- and therefore also ZS(E ® E')-dense in Vr; hence Vo is ZS(E ® E')-dense in W, which is by § 41, 3.(6) also the closed unit ball in £b(E, E"). We have to show that Vo is Xc-dense in PF0 = W n £(E, E). So far we have proved that Wo is the ZS(E ® Enclosure of Vo in £(E, E). We recall from § 39, 7.(2) that £S(E, E)' = E' ® E; hence ZS(E ® Ef) is the weak topology on £S(E, E), whereas Xs is the simple topology. Hence Vo — for Xs on £(E, E). Since Wq is equicontinuous in £(E, E), Xs and coincide on Wo (§ 39, 4.(2)), which finally implies a). As a corollary we state (3) For a (B)-space E the following statements are equivalent: a) E' has the metric approximation property; b) for every (B)-space F the canonical map f of Ef ®л F into 3/(E x F') is a norm isomorphism. N Proof. We assume a). If w = 2 un ® Уп G E' ®л F, then fwe n = 1 N 3j(E x F') is defined for x ® v e E ® F' by (7iw)(x ® v) = £ (unx)(vyn). n = l The canonical injection I2 of ^fE x F') into ^(E" x F') is a norm isomorphism by 5.(1) a) and /2Л is a norm isomorphism by (2); hence f is also a norm isomorphism. From b) it follows that /2Л is a norm isomorphism of E' ®л F into 2u(E" x F') and, using (2), we obtain a).
7. When is every integral mapping nuclear ? 317 (4) IfE' has the metric approximation property, any integral A g £(£, F) is nuclear and Щ|у = Щ|л = Щ|;. Proof. A can be identified with an element Л of E' Fand ||4||v = ||Я||я. The corresponding bilinear form <Лх, r> is in 3(£ x F') and (3) b) implies ||Л||У = MIL = ||Л||;. In the same way as (2) implies (3), (3) implies (5) For a (ty-space E the following statements are equivalent: a) Ef has the metric approximation property; b) for every (ty-space F the canonical map of E' F' into 5/(F x F) is a norm isomorphism. The following example shows that in general 9l(F, F) is a strict subspace of S,l(E9 F) even if the nuclear norm of the elements of 9l(F, F) coincides with the integral norm. Following the remarks preceding 5.(7), we see that the integral mapping Jlt00 of £®([0, 1]) into £}([0, 1]) is not nuclear; on the other hand, (£®([0, 1])') has the metric approximation property (see Grothendieck [13], p. 185) and we have the situation described in (4). 7. When is every integral mapping nuclear? We saw in 6. that this is not always the case. Nevertheless, in the case of Hilbert spaces integral and nuclear mappings coincide; this is Schatten’s result 2.(4). So one looks for a generalization of Schatten’s theorem. The first decisive results were given in Grothendieck’s thesis [13]. So far these theorems have been proved only by using rather deep results on vector measures. During the last years some geometric properties of (B)-spaces have been found which are equivalent to the measure theoretic properties involved. All this material has been collected in the very recent book of Diestel and Uhl [1']. We will here indicate only a few of the first important results of Grothendieck. Let К be a compact space, F a (B)-space, /x a positive measure on K, mW < oo. We introduced in §41, 7. the space Lr^F} of all absolutely /х-summable F-valued functions as the completion of the space S{F} of all m F-valued simple functions s(t) = 2 Х&)Уь where t g K, yt g F, and xt the i = l characteristic functions of the /х-measurable sets of a decomposition К = 0 Kt, Ki<-\K} = 0 for all i * j. For f g £|tJF} there exists therefore a sequence of simple functions sn such that ||/- jn|| = 7t(/- 5n) = J ||/(t) - sn(t)|| К
318 § 45. Duality of tensor products For a simple function s(t) the integral j s(t) dp is defined as J p^Kfiyi К i = 1 and for f(t) by lim J sn(t) dp if sn тг-converges to /. This integral is called n к the Pettis-integral. An F-valued function g on К is called ^-measurable if there exists a sequence sn of simple functions such that lim ||g(/) — 5n(r)|| = 0 n /z-almost everywhere. We are now able to understand the meaning of the following theorem (for a proof see Grothendieck [4'], p. 234): (1) (Dunford-Pettis-Phillips). Let К be compact, p a positive measure on К, p(K) < oo, E a (fi)-space, T a weakly compact linear mapping from Lr^ into E. Then there exists a p-measurable E-valued function g(t) on К such that (2) ||g(0|| \\T\\forallteKand (3) T/ = f g(t)f(t) dp for allfeL^. К (1) will be needed in the proof of Grothendieck’s theorem: (4) Let E, F, G be (fi)-spaces. If A e £(£, F) is integral, В e £(F, G) is weakly compact, then BA e 2{E, G) is nuclear and (5) ||БЛ||^ pllMII,. Proof. We assume that ЦЦ/ = 1. Using the factorization 5.(3) for A, we obtain the following diagram: G or BA = B"NA = B,,C2Ji^C1, where К is a compact space, p a positive measure on K, p(K) = 1, and || Ci|| 1, ||C2|| 1. We remark that by assumption В maps the unit ball of Finto a weakly compact subset of (7; hence B" is again weakly compact from F" into G (§ 42, 2.(1)) and В = B"N. Now T = B"C2 is weakly compact from into G and has by (1) a representation Tf = J g(t)f(t) dp, feL^iU, g eL^u{G} = L^u ®n G. The К last identity follows from § 41, 7.(8).
7. When is every integral mapping nuclear? 319 Since К is compact, Lr^ = (Z,^)' <= hence 7V100 is the restric- tion of T from to Lr^. One has 7УЬоой = j gh dp for every h g Lf,* к and TJ^ooGLr^&xG <= SHLr^G). It follows that TJl aD is nuclear since Lr^ has the approximation property (§ 43, 7.(10)) and one has ||TJ1(ooIL = ||7V1(00||v by a remark after §42, 5.(6). Hence BA = TJi(00Ci is also nuclear. We investigate the norms. We recall from §41, 7. the norm of g in LUG} and find ||771>e>||v = ||g||, = J ||g(0|| Ф J ||T|| ф ||T|| by (2). Furthermore, one has ||&4||y ||7’A,e>||v||C1|| ||T|| ||Б"|| = Mil \\в II M||i, which proves (5). As a corollary to (4) we obtain a generalization of Schatten’s theorem: (6) Let E and F be (JS)-spaces; let F, moreover, be reflexive. Then integral and nuclear mappings A of E in F coincide and one has ||Л ||; = ||Л ||v. Hence ytfE, F) is norm isomorphic to SHJE, F). Take for В in (5) the identity on F; then ||Л ||v ЦЛ || z by (5) for every integral mapping and 6.(1) implies ||4||v = ||Л||7. Another immediate corollary to (4) is (7) Let E, F, G be (ty-spaces. If A g £(£, F) and В g £(F, G) are integral, then BA g £(F, G) is nuclear. (6) is not the best result available. Fundamental for the understanding of the situation is a vector measure theoretical notion, the so-called Radon-Nikodym property of (B)-spaces. We refer the reader again to the book of Diestel and Uhl [Г], where this situation is explained in detail and with all the interesting ramifications in the different parts of Banach space theory. In the second part of his thesis [13] Grothendieck developed the theory of nuclear spaces which grew out in a natural way of his theory of tensor products and of nuclear mappings. This theory has been made into a theory in its own right with many deep results. Unfortunately, it seemed impossible to include an adequate presentation of this theory also in this volume. We refer the reader to the book of Pietsch [10'] and a forthcoming book of Mitiagin.
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Author and Subject Index |A|i 160 /11 ^2 187 /li 0g /I2 277 /li 0e /I2 275 /lie/12 277 /li Ю /I2 277 Adasch, N. 1, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 80, 93, 97, 144, 301 Adasch’s open mapping theorem 48 approximation property 222, 232 Aronszajn, N. 230 associated barrelled space 44 associated ultrabornological space 73 @s 50 E-complete 26 Er-complete 26 78 E(X)-space 27 B(E x F), B(E x F, G) 153 ^(E x F), ^(E x F, G) 154 ®(E x F), 23 (E x F, G) 154 23эд,Э1(Е x E, G) 166 <^9JI,$r(E x F, (7) 168 ?(S) 258 Baker, J. W. 100, 105, 118 Baire space 25, 43 Banach, S. 235, 249, 253 Banach disk 70 Banach-Mackey theorem 135, 168 Banach-Steinhaus theorem 141, 142 basis 248 — problem 253 Batt, J. 210 Bessaga, C. 249 bibounded topology 166 bi-equicontinuous topology 167 Bierstedt, K. D. 244, 246, 257, 289, 300 bounded approximation property 26 bounded mapping 160 Bourbaki, N. 9, 43, 153, 155, 163, 200, 258 Browder, F. 80, 105, 124 Buchwalter, H. 300, 301, 302, 303 CE(5) 257 C(X, E) 286 (£(E, F) 200 (£P(E, F) 200 Wo), W) 51 50 ^(^), ^l(^s) 50 ^r(^), ^r(^"), canonical bilinear mapping x 173 Со-extension property 228 closable 81 closed for the Mackey convergence 15 closed mapping 34 compact extension property 227 compact lifting property 229 compact mapping 200 compatible topology 264 completely continuous 207 conjugate element 211 continuity theorems 158, 159, 160, 161 continuous contraction 87 continuous left inverse 115 continuous refinement 96 continuous right inverse 115 countably barrelled 142 Cross, R. W. 112 d(E, F) 228 D[M, N] 174 Davie, A. M. 235, 244
328 Author and Subject Index dense mapping 80 densely defined mapping 80 detachable 118 De Wilde, M. 1, 53, 54, 56, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 73, 75, 78, 79, 203, 249, 250, 253, 284 De Wilde’s closed-graph theorem 57 304 (DFM)-space 303 Diestel, J. 317, 319 Dieudonne, J. 22, 43, 255 distance coefficient 228 domain of definition 34 duality theorems of Buchwalter 301, 302 Dugundji, J. 231 Dunford-Pettis property 210 167, 242 F 44 E> 74 E®XF 177 E®nF 179 E F, E F 243 E ®in F 266 EeF, e(E, F) 242 e-hypocontinuous bilinear form 244 e-hypocontinuous trilinear form 272 e-product 242 е-tensor product 243 e-topology 266 Eberhardt, V. 46, 49, 76, 78, 116 Edwards, R. E. 210, 249 Eidelheit, M. 125, 126 Enflo, P. 130, 235, 244, 247, 248, 253, 260, 262, 264 equibounded 160 equicontinuous basis 248 equicontinuous topology 167 equihypocontinuous 158 Ernst, B. 301 extended kernel 81 FA 134 (^), 303 (F^-space 110 fast convergent 70 -----null sequence 71 Figiel, T. 260 Fillmore, P. A. Ill finite section 292 fully solvable 126 Gantmacher, V. 205 Garnir, H. G. 203 Goldberg, S. 65, 106, 124, 210 Goodner, P. 118 graph topology 95 Grathwohl, M. 76 Grothendieck, A. 8, 19, 21, 22, 44, 53, 54, 61, 63, 68, 120, 130, 131, 140, 143, 152, 153, 160, 164, 165, 169, 171, 176, 183, 193, 202, 204, 210, 214, 224, 232, 234, 235, 243, 260, 264, 305, 315, 317, 318, 319 /fA-space 119 212 Hagemann, E. 31 Hahn, H. 113 Hasumi, M. 118 Hellinger, E. 40 Hellinger-Toeplitz theorem 40, 41 Helly, E. 113 Henriques, G. 255 Hilbert-Schmidt mapping 212 Hilbert-Schmidt norm 212 Hogbe-Nlend, H. 232, 246, 248 Hollstein, R. 274, 302, 304 Holub, J. R. 285, 286 homomorphism theorem 8 -----for (B)-spaces 17 -----for (F)-spaces 18 Husain, T. 27, 28, 49, 142 hypercomplete 31 hypocontinuous 155, 166 50 {G(A) 90 Ichinose, T. 286 inductive tensor product 266 --------topology 266 infinite-nuclear 226 — norm 227 infra-Ptak space 26 infra-(j)-space 44 infra-(w)-space 77 injective tensor product 266 injective topology 266
Author and Subject Index 329 integral bilinear form 294 integral mapping 304 integral norm 294 invariant subspace 230 3(E x F) 294 Johnson, W. B. 131, 260, 261, 262 257 Kaballo, W. 280 Kalton, N. J. 1, 50, 51, 52, 53, 255 Kalton’s closed-graph theorems 50, 51, 53 Kato, K. 65, 66, 210 Kaufmann, R. 118 Kelley, J. L. 1, 31, 32, 49, 79, 118 Komura, Y. 1, 44, 45, 76, 78 Komura’s closed graph theorem 45 Kothe, G. 17, 21, 31, 40, 43, 47, 67, 118, 119, 120, 203, 297 Krein-Smulian property 31 Krishnamurthy, V. 123, 124 H(E) 290 H[E] 292 H{F} 198 Li^LUF} 199 LP(R, 258 ^°°(F) = £°°(E, M) 259, 308 ^,-space, ^р.л-space 228 £(E,F) 133 £(E, F) 1 &(E, F) 304 £an(E,F) 131 fyjR&CEs, Fs) 134 A{F} 196 A(F) 291 А-metric approximation property 260 Lacey, E. 210 Landsberg, M. 230 liftable 118 lifting property 19 Lindenstrauss, J. 118, 120, 130, 228, 231, 254, 263 Lindenstrauss’ theorem 228 linear equation 111 localization theorem 67 locally closed 15 locally complete 135 locally convex algebra 170 locally sequbntially invertible 15 locally topological 301 Lomonosov, V. I. 130, 231 Lotz, H. T. 296 Loustaunau, J. O. 123, 124 McArthur, C. W. 254 Macintosh, A. 79 Mackey-Ulam theorem 72 Mahowald, M. 38, 50, 52, 53, 75 Marti, J. T. 254 Martineau, A. 54, 79 maximal slight extension 91 Meise, R. 244, 246, 289, 300 metric approximation property 260 Mitiagin, B. S. 319 Mochizuki, N. 122 78 Ж(Е, F) 214 Nachbin, L. 118 Nakamura, M. 205 nearly continuous 36 nearly open 24 Neubauer, G. 170 Neumann, J. von 176 Newns, H. F. 249 Niethammer, W. 127 nuclear mapping 214 nuclear norm 215 open mapping theorem of Adasch 47, 48 p 0 q 176 7r-norm 178 Рл-space 117 ф 181 partition of unity 255 Pelczynski, A. 120, 130, 210, 228, 247, 249, 260 Persson, A. 49 Pettis-integral 318 Phillips, R. S. 117, 258, 260 Pietsch, A. 183, 196, 216, 289, 292, 314, 319 Pitt, H. R. 208 Powell, M. 74, 76 precompact mapping 200
330 Author and Subject Index prenuclear 314 principle of uniformed boundedness 135 projective norm 178 projective tensor product 177 projective topology 177 Ptak, V. 1, 23, 24, 27, 30, 37, 41, 49, 67 Ptdk space 26 Q[A] 81 Radon-Nikodym property 319 Raikow, D. A. 54, 78 Randtke, P. J. 226, 228 reduced locally convex kernel 192 regular contraction 86 regular mapping 80 Riemann, B. 289 Robertson, A. and W. 1, 14, 48, 49, 67, 79, 144, 145, 183, 184 Rosenthal, H. P. 210, 228 5[Л] 80 (s)-space 45 ст-locally topological 301 saturated, saturated cover 131 scalar net 31 scalarly complete 31 Schaefer, H. 176, 200 Schatten, R. 131, 176, 297, 317 Schauder, L. 130, 202, 254, 269 Schauder basis 248 Schmets, J. 203 Schwartz, L. 43, 54, 79, 131, 176, 193, 232, 243, 260, 271, 284, 289 separately continuous 158 sequentially closed mapping 56 sequentially continuous 157 sequentially invertible 13 sequentially separable 254 Simons, S. 218 simple topology 133, 166 simply closed 133 Singer, I. 254 singular mapping 80 singular values 211 singularity of A 80 slight extension 91 Slowikowski, W. 54 Smith, К. T. 230 Sobczyk, A. 1, 19, 118 space of absolutely /z-summable F-valued functions 199 Stone-Cech compactification 258 strict web 55 strictly singular 210 strictly webbed space 55 strongly singular mapping 81 Sulley, L. J. 49 Szankowski, A. 235 %a 95 Xb 166 Xc 201 %cf 73 Zco 232 Xe 167 Ze 268 266 Хэл 131 Хэл,$Л 166 хя 177 Xs 166 Xе 44 Xм 73 Taylor, A. E. 124 Terzioglu, T. 225, 226, 228 theorem — of Dunford-Pettis-Phillips 318 — of Gantmacher-Nakamura 205 — of Grothendieck 143, 202 — of Hausdorff-Banach 122 — of Kelley 32 — of A. and W. Roberson 41 — of Schatten 300 — of Schauder 202 — of Schauder-Tychonoff 230 — of Sobczyk 21 Toeplitz, O. 40, 116 tr (trace) 221 Treves, F. 79, 176 Tychonoff, A. 130 Tzafriri, L. 228 76 (w)-space 77 Uhl, J. J. 317, 319 ultrabornological 43 Urysohn, P. 256
Author and Subject Index 331 Valdivia Urena, M. 44, 49 Veech, W. A. 21 2B(E, F) 205 Waelbroeck, L. 170 weak approximation property 232 weak basis 248 weak Schauder basis 248 weakly compact bilinear form 165 weakly compact mapping 204 weakly singular mapping 81 weakly summable 226, 292 web 54 — of type <8 54 webbed space 56 Whitley, R. J. 210 Wilansky, A. 39 Williams, J. P. Ill X(^)(ExF, G) 156 x F) 156 X(®W(e x F, G) 156 x F) 156 X(ExF, G) 156 X(E x F) 156 x F, G) 168 Zeller, K. 129 Zippin, M. 118

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