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HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND WASHINGTON, D.C. 20315 AMC PAMPHLET Nc. 706-189 28 October 1966 ENGINEERING DESIGN HANDBOOK MILITARY PYROTECHNICS SERIES PART FIVE--BIBLIOGRAPHY This pamphlet is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. SANDER: SELWYN D. SMITH, JR Major General, USA Chief of Staff OFFICIAL: STANLEY J Colonel, <Яг Chief, Administrative Office DISTRIBUTION: Special
АМСР 706-189 PREFACE The Engineering Design Handbook Series of the Army Maternd (’omtnand is н coordinated series (if handbooks eontni'.iiiig basic information and funda- mental data useful in the design and development of Army materiel and systems. The handbooks are authoritative reference books of practical information and quantitative facts helpful in tiie design and development of Army materiel so that it will meet the tactical and the technical needs of the Armed Forces. This handbook, Military Pyroh ch nicx, Part Fire, Hibliotjraphy, is a support- ing handbook for ail of the handbooks in the Pyrotechnics Series. It contains a rich source of references, in addition to those specifically listed in the other handbooks of this Series. Material for this handbook was compiled by the Denver Research Institute of the University of Denver while in the process of preparing the manuscript for Military Pyrotechnics, Part thie. Thtory and Application. Noteworthy in the collection of this son; ее material was the diligent pursuance of Mrs. Alta Morrison of the Denver Research Institute. This materia! was collected for the Engineering Handbook Office of Duke University, prime contractor to the U. S. Army Research Office Durham. Elements of the U. S. Army Materiel Command having need for handbooks may submit requisitions or official requests directly to Publications and Re- I "odnetion Agency, Letlerkenny Army Depot, < ‘bambeisburg, Pcmisylvnnia 17201. Contractors should submit such requisitions o, requests to their con- tracting officers. Uomnietils mid suggestions <>u this handbook are welcome ami should be addressed to Army Research Officr-Dtirliam. Box UM. Duke Station. Durham, North Carolina 277il(>.
АМСР 706-189 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................... 1 OPEN LITERATURE ................................. 2 REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS ................................. 12 Aberdeen Proving Ground............................................... 12 Aerojet General Corporation........................................... 12 Air Force Missile Development ('«niter.............................. 13 Air Foret* School of Applied Tnetics.................................. 13 Air Proving Ground Oominami........................................ 13 Air Technical Service Command......................................... 14 Air University ..................................................... 15 Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory....................................... 15 American ('yaiwnid Company............................................ 15 Arkansas, University of............................................... 15 Army Ballistic Research Laboratories.................................. 16 Army Materiel Uomiiiand............................................... 16 Army Materials Resmirch Agency........................................ 17 Army Test and Evaluation Comiiuimi.................................... 17 AHO, Inc.............................................................. IN Atlantic Research Corporation......................................... IN Atlas Powder Company.................................................. IN Atomic Energy Coiiiinission........................................... IB Balke H«*st*nrcli Associates.......................................... IN Barnes and Reinecke, Im-.............................................. IN Baltelle Memorial Institute........................................ IN Boston I'niversity.................................................... IN Bureau of Mines..................................................... IN Bureau of Na vol Weapons............................................. 1ft California Institute of Technology.................................... 27 ('aliforiiia. 1 ’ 11ixersity of........................................27 Callery Chemical Company...............................................27 < aiia<hi 27 Catalyst Research Corporal ion.........................................27 Cluiiiiedl Labnrntioy Company......................................... 27 < 'oast Guard....................................................... 2b Columbia liesear h ami I h-м lupumiil < orpin in ion...................2N Cook Research Laboraim । s .......... .... 2b I lepai i nmiil of An Force. . . ........ ....................2b I 'epact incut ol Л пну ......2N i i
P>u/e i )ернrtinent of Defense............................................... 2 Department of State................................................ '' Denver Research Institute............. ............................... Eagled’ieher Researdt Laboriitories................................. 30 Eastman Kodak Company.............................................. 30 Edgewood Arsenal.................................................... 30 Experiment, Inc..................................................... 34 Explosives Research Laboratory...................................... 34 Factory .Mutual Research Corporation................................ 34 Ferro Drier mid Chemical Company.................................... 34 Foote Mineral Company............................................... 34 France.............................................................. 34 Frankford Arsenal ................................................. 34 (Jenera! Electric ('cinpaiiy ..............................-........ 39 Globe Industries. Inc............................................. 39 Great Britain ...................................................... 39 Harry Diamond Laboratories.......................................... 48 Harvard I'niversity ................................................ 50 Hercules Powder Сотрниу............................................. 50 Illinois, I'niversity of............................................ 51 Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute............. ... 51 Jet Propulsion Laboratory .......................................... 51 Johns Hopkins I'niversity........................................... 51 Lake City Arsenal................................................... 51 Lehigh I'niversity Institute of Research............................ 5) Arthur I). Little, Inc.............................................. 51 Malaker Laboratories ............................................... 52 Glenn L. Maitin Company............................................ 52 Massachusetts Institute of 'Ге -hnology ............................ 52 Metal and Thermit Corporation....................................... 52 Michigan, I'niversity of........................................... 52 Midwest Research Institute.......................................... 52 Miller Reheard) Laboratories........................................ 52 Miscellaneous Documents............................................. 52 Monsanto Chemical Company............................................52 National Advisors' Coiitmiiiee for Aeronauties...................... 52 Natioiml Bnrc;:ii of Standards...................................... 53 National Northern Corporation....................................... 53 Naval Medical Research Laboratory........ 53 Naval Research Laboratories......................................... 54 Naval Schoo) ot Aviation Medicine. 54 The Netherlands. . 51 Neu York I иi\e<-sitv............................................. 54 Noithrop Aircraft Coinpain, Inc......................................... 54 Oilier of Scientific Research .‘Hid I ><• I Mi >p I lie 111 . ......... .54 I til io State Inn i rsit V Oh It I ndlist ries. I tn ... I Ilin M a t II lesoi i < ’ll, uncal < 11 r por.'l I lol I Pc. I no 1 \ all 1.1 Stale I Allege I'll I Hips I ’it > idelli): I oiup.i i IV
АМСР 700-189 far/r . a*ii;ny Arsenal.................................................... 55 U.edel, Inc............................................................ 78 1ч •Ь»'<н»е Ar.s;.ial ................................................. 78 Hi-.initr- Al ins Company, Inc......................................... 78 C .-search Laboratory s, Im-.................................... 78 Rohn and Haas (‘отрину................................................. 78 Sharpies Corporation Research Laboratories............................. 78 Shell Development Company.............................................. 78 Southwest Research Institute........................................... 78 Stanford Research Institute............................................ 78 Stanford University ................................................... 78 Sylvania Electric I’rodtiets, I tic.................................... 78 Tactical Air Commaml................................................... 79 Temple I hi iverni i у ................................................ 79 Tempo, Inc............................................................. 79 Texas, University of................................................... 79 Thiokol Chemical Corr;,i..tion......................................... 79 United Research Services............................................... 79 U. S. Flare Corporation................................................ 80 Universal Match Corporation............................................ 80 Utah University ....................................................... 81 Wesleyan University ................................................... 81 1 V
АМСР 706-189 INTRODUCTION ARIZATION The bibliography is coin posed of selected references to source material of particular value in the field of military pyrotechnics. Material available at mid-year 1964 was included in the search, Tli- bibliography is organized into two main sections: references from the open literature and documents such as reports and memoranda prepared and issued by public and private agencies and organizations. The former references are listed by author, whereas the latter are listed by source installation and alphabetized according to report title; document numbers, authors, dates and numbers assigned at the Defense Documentation Center are given to the extent that these are known, in many cases ail of this information was not available and tiie entry, therefore, is incomplete to such extent. AVAILABILITY Defense Documentation Center numbers are given for all documents for which the numbers were available. Documents listed but n >t identified with DDC numbers may be on file at the Center and inquiry should be directed there. Documents .ot a.a'leble through DDC may be requested froi> lhe source agency. CLASSIFICATION izoeunients listed in ‘he bibliography include some which carried security classification when i.ssmd. Because of changing categories, it is not practical to im-iude the seiiirity classification. Prospective users may. therefore, be required to tstablish seeurib clearance and need to know to obtain some naterial.
АМСР 706-189 OPEN LITERATURE R. J. Ackermann, R. J. Thorn, “Reactions Yielding Volatile Oxides at High Temperatures," A'VZ Cungrex International de t'hemie Pure ct Ap- pHt/utc, Paris, 1957. H. C. Andersen, L. Л. Belz, “Burning Time and Ignition-Temperature Apparatus for Metal Powders,” Review of Scientific Instruments 24, 1004 (1953). L. F. Anderson, “New Combustible for Photo- flash Lamps." lllimiitiation Engineering 53, 657-63 (1958). R. M. Anderson, “Photoflash Technology Hits Its Stride,’’ General Electric Review 59, 54-57 (1956). Anonymous. “Principles of Smoke Production,' ('hem. Warrare 23, 71-5 (1937). E. J. Badin. “Oxidation of Metal Alkyls and Re- lated Compounds.” Thud Symposium on Com- bustion, Flamt and Explosion Pht nomcna, “il- liams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1949, pp. <6- 389. M I). Banns, J. J. MiSharn, Inertasiny the Hiu'iiuiy Hoti of Mrtal Poirdt rs, I . S Pnlent No. 2,688,575, Sept. 7, 1954. .1 1. ifarton 11. Bloom, “The Molecular Wright of Sodium and Potassium Chloride Vapors," Journal of Physical Cliend.it ry 63. 17K5 (1959'. (' Berger. Th> Ih pt nth net of I tsuiil Atiulff nn HlllOlllltltl' I llllll it* filiation to tin Stzi oiul Function ,,t tin Hitinol i iiit, American .Imiriml .>f |4\c|mlog> 54. 336 352 I’>41 |( Д Illi,I II E Edi’i-i l<ai I’’ \\ Michl. Flo*h I.. , t':'i >i m •/. Piiohigratio'iric Engiirs-i iiig 7 2i :t rcii . L. P. Bowden, Л. J). Yoffe, Initiation and Growth of Explosion in Liquids and Solids, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge*, Mass., 1952. B. J. Brettier, H. L. Smith, A Discussion of Pho- tometers Concepts and I'nits, Edgerton Germe- shausen and Grier, Inc., Boston. Leo Brewer, The Dissociation Energies of Gaseous Alkali Halides, University of California, Berke- ley, Calif., 1960. Leo Brewer, Gerd M. Rosenblatt, Dissociation Ener- gies of Gaseous Metal Dioxides, University of California, Berkeley, Calif., I960. L. Brewer, W. Searcy, “High Temperature Chem- istry.’’ Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 7. 259-28(1 (1956). Leo Brewer, Janies S. Kane, “The Importance of Complex Gaseous Molecules in High Tempera- ture Systems," Journal of Physical Chemistry 29, 1(15 (1955). Leo Brewer. Donald E. Mastiek, “The Stability of Gaseous Diatomic Oxides,” Journal о Chemii-nl Physics 19. 834-843 (1951). L. Brewer, “The Therniody inilliic Properties of the Oxides and their Vaporiz.nl mil Processes.” Cheniii ill Hex icw 52. Eeb. 1953 II. E Britt, Forming Snuiki fin Mditorif Pin post 4. U.S Patent 2,3.41,635 1923 Alan St. II Bi oi k, Л illslol lf of Fill Works, (il'ulp- <! 11 arra।> am 1 Co.. Lid London, 1922 11 I Bro.k. i‘l, uso al I , . m.i of .hi nd /“ ot,.,/ iiiphu. Loinrm H-. (Iicei. nml ( innp.im. I'l.V' E. (' I II,,' l> io.i n. Tl-, \ii:ni, 1.1 (6, I.,... 111 Emiti-r in I'l.ot 'Ibmli L,no|>'.. .loiniml i,i ih,. <>plnid sto.-ux ol A in,-1 ieii 37. 6.i:’i-Л11 1''I7
АМСР 706-189 Widbee R. Broth', Chtmieal /и ft г >гч<-пру. John W'ih у and Kohn, New York. 1943. Biili 'Ai z ant! Silgdrit, '' Deternim'iBmi of the Dis Ntx’iHtitoi Constants and Heats of Format ion of Molecules by Flame Photometry Part Stability of MgO and MgOH,” TraiiMHctiuiiH of the Fara- day Society 55, 720 (1959). R. 1>. Cadle, Particle Size Determination, 2nd rev. ed., Interscienee Publication, lite., New York, I960. II. M. Cassel, A. K. Das Gupta, S. Guruawemy, "Factors Affecting Flame Propagation through Dust Clouds,” Third Symposium on Combus- tion and Plame and Explosion Phenomena, Wil- liams and Wilkins Co. Baltimore, 1949, pp. 185-90. II. M. Cas-sel, I. Liebinan, W. K. Mock, “Radiative Transfer in Dust Flames,” Sixth Combustion Symposium, Rheinhold, New Y’ork, 1957, pp. 602-605. B. F'. Chartier. Tests to Determine Intensity of illumination Required on a Right Photogram- metric Range Located at Eglin APR, Florida, I'.S. Government Research Report, PB120202. The Chemical Corps Association, Chemical Her fare Service in World War II, Rheinhold, New York. 1948. W. D. (’hesterniaii, The Photographic Study of ttopid Prints, Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1951. I> Cibocctiptto, “The Oxidation of Zirconium at High Temperatures,” Journal of the Aineiii-tin Chemical Society 72. 4134-41 11950) S ( '1ii*-sh»ii, L. Lindquist. "Fast Photolysis Flush- lump for Very Higli Bight Intensities,’’ Battelle Tech uii'ni Review 7. sHl ipl.lHl Is I1 t oflin. "Some Physical Asp<-ris of the t om- )m-'i<m <d Aiugiii’Miim Riblams,’’ Piftt I'niii- S Ifni/lost i! 14 Rile, llllold. Xi'» \ ork t9.i.l PP :.’H7 I' ||.'| I ihe. /tie ’lolls III tin Solid ^dilti, Chi'lll- it. • i л 42 f'US ' \\ M I ollll. 1 se of Exploding Wires ;b l.iglll Smin-. s <i| \ er» High lut' iisii v and Short Duration. ’ Journal of the (ipthnl Sis-in of Aim ri, a 41. 145-1” । 1951 i H Cotion. I’- nicipb s of fllumiiuihiin, John Wiley and Sons. New York. 1960 P. Coughlin. 'Contributions t<> the Data on The- oretical Metallurgy, Nil Heats mid Free Ener- gies of Format юн of hiorganii’ Oxides," Bnremi of .Mines Bulletin 542. 80 '1954 .' Bcilediet Crowell, Anitrieti's II it nit unis, Id!'- Government Printing Office. Washington, D. C.. 1919. J. ('iiei)ieron. H. Seartazziiii. “< 'mnbiistioii of Aluminum in Oxygen.” ('omptes Reinhis 228, 489-490 (1949' ; 230. 97-98 (1950). J), s. Dator. V. T. Athavale, S. К. K. Jatkar. " !{em-< ions of Chromate at High Temperatures, Part XII. The 25C State of the 1 lc omposit ion of Chromates of Cabium, Strontium, and Bar- ium. ” Journal of industrial Institute «if Science I, 111-8 (1939'; "Part IX Thermal Deconiposi tion of Chromium Trioxide." Journal of 1ч dustrial Institute of Science II. 119-36 (1939). T. L. Davis, Chemistry of Poivder and Explosirt >, John Wiley mid Sons, New York, 1943 R. De Satin. "Coitibnstii of Ahmiiiiiini in Air.” ('omptes Ri'iidus 234, 2 ,7-2439 (1952). A. R. Downie, R. F Barrow, "Silicon Finnic Bands.” Nature 160, 198 ( 1947 ' G. Drummond, R. F’. Barrow. "Thermochemical Dissociali>m Energies if (tHwuus Cah-iiiiii. Stroll tnini and lliiiinm tlxii.es. ” Transact ions of the FurndiB Soei-'tt 47. No. 14-S. Pun l'.f > 19,51 > W P/.ndek. "I 'l*' F’:l rh|c;|| perm ur lies .'hlgliesmill li'llls. ' Zcllschljt* far Wlssehsiliufl It' lie I’fiiilo -’r.-ipim 25. 2,ч7 :’9t! Pl.'s. • I \| l‘. di’i lh- A I-' । i 111 a I uit.f du h'.i.l.b ;i !'.! .1 tn J.-. . । > । -l,i I 11! ч > г 1,11 > ’ 11 < I, i Ma^.i'.-ui'r b.oi'l''- hiii! de- \l H'"-i 111 । Id 11 Ic h’'-- d Ill’ll' III! \\ ,s.. Il-,, I of ! It: | | ' 11. •!. ,. I .1 | I.I ,M i 7
АМСР 706-189 II. Е. Edgerton, R. Bonzali, J. T. Lamb, “Dura- tion and Peak Candlepower of Some Electronic* Flashlampa,” Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Televiaion Engineers 63, 15-18 (1954). Herbert Ellern, Modern Pyrotechnics, Chemical Publishing Co., N. Y., 1961. Erway aiid Seifert, “Vapor Pressure of Beryllium Oxide,’’ Journal of Electrochemical Society 98, S3 (1951). II. B. Farber, Military Pyrotechnics, Vol. /, The History and Development of Military Pyrotech- nics, Government Printing Office, Washington, I). C„ 1919. Fahrenhorst, Report on the Decomposition of Super Saturated Solid Solution of My Alloy, Wintershall AG, Kassel, Aug. 1943, DDC-ATI 20 022. M. Father, “Thermodynamics of AImOs.” Jet Pro- pulsion 28, 760-762 (1958). W. M. Fassel, Jr., Ь. В. Gulbranseii, J. R. Lewis, J. II. Hamilton, “ignition Temperatures of Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys,’’ Journal of Metals 3, .“‘22-528 (1951). F. Feigh, L. I. Miranda, II. A. Suter, “The Direct Reaction of Solids,” Jcurnal of Chemical Educa- tion 21, 18-24. 12 (1944) II. II. Ferguson, T. P. II. MeKeliar, “The Li- Hueiiee of Chromatic Light Stimulation on the Subsequent Rate of Perception nnd'*r Conditions of Low llluinin.itior,” British .Journal of Psy- chology 34, 81-88 (1944). G. I. Finch, F. R. S. Sinha, К. P. t’niha, “On Re- aeti-m in the Solid State,” Prir-t edings of the Royal Noei.-“-, Л 239, 145 153 ( 1957). \V E. Forsythe, M. Л. Easley, “ < haraeteristies of the General Electro Photoflash la»ni|>. ” Jour- nal of Optical Society of Aimrica 21, 685-689 ( 1931 W. E. Forsythe, .u. Л. Eil.Je', “Time Intensity Relation and Spectral Dist ribi.tioii <f the Hudin- t*i. of Photo'’.>sh Lniups.” Journal of Optical Soviet i .!* Am rieii 24. 195-l'»7 f JirMJ Frohlich and Wills “Heats of Reaction and Rates of Burning,” Journal of the Society of '.'heniical Industries (Ijondon) 68, 348-355 (1949). A. Gaydon, H. G. Wolfhard, Flames, Their Sine- turr, Radiation and Temperature, Chapman >i>.d Hall, Ltd., Irnndon, 1960. W, E. Gibbs, Clouds and Smokes, P, Blaklsten’s and Son, 1924. P. A. Giguere, “Revised Values uf the О—0 and the О—II Bond ’Association Energies,” Journal of Chemical Physics 30, 322 (1959). A. Gillies, “Sensitivity of Calcium Silicide Smoke Mh.iures to Static Electrical Discharge,” Cana- dian Journal of Research, March 1948. A. Glasner, The Thermochemical Properties of the Oxides, Fluorides and Chlorides to 2500° h, Atomic Energy Commission, ANL-5750, 1957, p. 70. S, Glasstone, D. Lewis, Elements of Physical. Chemistry, D. Van Nostrum! Co., Lie., N. Y., 1960. S. Glasstone, Textbook of Physical Chemistry, D. Van Nostrand Co.. Ine., N. Y., 1946. S. Glasstone, K. J. Laidler, II. Eyring, The Theory of Rate Processes, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Lie., New York, 1941. II. Goldschmidt, E. P. Partridge, A. Schack, Trans- lators, Industrial Meat Transfer, John Wiley and Sous, Lie., New York, 1933. E. L Gooden, С. M. Smith, industrial and Engi- nit’iny Chemistry, Analytical Edition, Vol. 12, 1940. S. Gordon. “High Tempi rat lire Chemistry as Ap- plied to Metai-liased 1’r pellants, ” Jet Propul- sion 28. 769-770 (1958). S G.irdou, C. Campbel). “ Pre-Ignit ion and Ipoi- h.и Relictions of the Pyroteehi’ic System Al- ('5Cln-KCI(>4, ” Fifth Symporiuin on (’ontbiistion, Rlciidiold Publishing ('u„ \ew York, 11155. 4
АМСР 706-189 L, F. Gowen, Е. Е. Elzufon, “Chwd Bomb and (Sun Studies of Various Mela! Oxidant Mixtures as Igniters for Propellents,” Rulletin of the First Symposium on Solid Propellunt Igndion, Sept. 1953. II. L. Green, W. R. Lane, Particulate. Clouds; Dusts, Smokes and Mists, i>. Van Nostrand I’o,. London, 1957. Л. V. Grosse, J. B. Conway, “Combustion of Metals in Oxygen,” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 50, 663-672 (1958). A. V. Grosse, ‘The Production of High Tempera- ture by Chemical Means and Particularly by the Combustion of Metals,” Proceedings of the Symposium on High Temperature—a Tool for the Future, June. 2Г--27, 1956, Stanford Research Institute, 1956, pp. 59-S8. E. A. G’.ilbransen, ‘Kinetic and Structural Fac- tors Involved in Oxidation of Metals,” Indus- trial and Engineering Chemistry 41, 1385-.L391 (1949). Hardy and Perrin, The Principles of Optics, Mc- Graw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1932. P. L. Harrison, “Combustion of Titanium and Zirconium,” Seventh Combustion Symposium, Rheinhold, New York, 1959, p. 931. D. Hart, “Pyrotechnic Delays,” Second Fuze Symposium, sponsored by Diamond Ordnance Fnz? Laboratories and Samuel Feltman Ammu- nition Laboratories, 14 March 1956. I. Hartmann, “Explosibility of Dust Dispersions,” Industrial Engineering Chemistry 40, 752-8 (1948). J. Ilartn.aini, W. P. Greenwald, “The Explosi- bility of Metal Powder Dust Clouds,” Mining and Metallurgy 26, 331-335 (1945). I. 11nrtma11n, -J. Nagy', Ji. R. Brown, “Explosibil- ity of Metal Powdc’s,” Metai Progress 45, 886-7, 930-4 (1944). 1. Hnrtiuann, ct al., Inflammability and Ejploid- bility of \fetul Powders, Bureau of Mu.es Report ,if ! ;>\ rstigations, 1943. I. Hartmann, “Recent Research on the Explosi- bility of Dust Dispersions,” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 40, 752-758 (1948). J. A. Hedvall, “Changes in Crystal Structure and their Influence on the Reactivity and Catalytic Effect of >Soiids,” Chemical Reviews 15, 139-68 (1934). J. A. Hedvall, “The Reactivity of Solids,” Jour- nal of Chemical Education, Dee. 1953, pp. 638-40. J. A. Hedvall, “Reactions in tiie Solid State,” Kol- loid-Zeitsehrift 88, (2), 224 (1939). J. A. Hedvall, “Sintering and- Reactivity of Solids,” Ceramic Age, Feb. 1955, pp. 13-17. II. Ilelson, “Color Constancy, Conversion, Con- trast, and Adaptation,” Psychology Bulletin 35, 672-673 (1938). G. Ilerdan, Small Particle Statistics-, 2nd ed., The Elsevier Press, New York, 1960. R. A. W. Hill, T. L. Cottrell, “Studies of Com- bustion Waves in Solids,” Fourth Combustion Symposium. Williams and Wilkins Co., Balti- more, 1953г’ R. A. W. Hill, L. E. Sutton, R. B. Temple, A. White, “A Study of Slow Self-Propagating Re- actions in Solids,” London 3, 569-76 (1950). C. N. Hinshelwood, E J. Bowen, “The Influence of Physical Conditions on the Velocity of De- composition of Certain Crystalline Solids,” Pro- ceedings of the Royal Society (London) 99 A, 203-212 (1922). C. N. Hinshelwood, E. J Bowen, "The Rate of Chemical Reaction in the Crystalline State,” Philosophical Magazine 40, 569-578 (1920). J. G. Holmes, “Recognition of Coloured Light Signals,” Transactions of American Illumination Enginei-r-ng Society 6, pp 71-97 S. G. ihiliues, J. (J. Holmes, “Recognition of Col- med Light Signals.” Nature 147. 423 424 (1941). M. T. Hower ton. Engineering Thirmodynamics, P. Van Nostraiid Co., Inc., N. Y., 1962.
АМСР 706-189 Lennart Huldt, Albin Lagerqvist, The Dissocia- tion Energies of the Alkaline Earth Oxides, Band 2 Nr 31, Almqviat and Wiksells Boktry- ekeri AB, Stockholm. M. G. Inghram, J. Drowart, “Mass Spectroscopy Applied to High Temperature Chemistry,’’ In- ternational Symposium on High Temperature Technology, Asllomar, California, Oct. 6-9, 1959, arranged by Stanford Research Institute. Joehnk, “Russian 2-em High Explosive Incendiary Shell,’’ E’Stelle Rechlin, Aug. 1941, DDC-ATI 39 162. L. A. Jones, H. R. Condit, “The Brightness Seale of Exterior Scenes and the Computation of Cor- rect Photographic Exposure,” Journal of the Optical Society of America 31, 651-678 (1941). R. Jonnard, R. Taillie, II. Vial, “Mesure de I’Aeuite Visueile en Fonction de quelques Con- trastes en Lumiere Coloree, ” Travail Hum. 5, 306-316 (1937). W. Jost, Explosion and Combustion Processes in Oases, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Ine., New York, 1946. H. S. Kalish, “Pyrophoricity and Toxicity of Metal Powders,” Speech before Powder Metal- lurgy Committee, AIME, New York Section, Nov. 1959. II. C. Kawecki, High-Purity Beryllium Oxide, U.S. Patent No. 2,647,821, Aug. 4, 1953; Chem- ical Abstracts 47, 11678 (1953). W. D. Kingery, “Oxides for High Temperature Applications,” International Symposium on High Tempera ,;re technology, Asllomar, Cali- fornia, Met. 6-9, 1959, arranged by Stanford Research Institute. В. E. Kleber, E. I. Byrnes, “Make Smoke,” Armrri Forces Chemical Journal, 6 April 1943. T. Knacke, W. Rupe. Incendiary Flare Bomb with Ribbon Parachute, Forsehnugsanstalt Graf Zep- j>eliii, Stuttgart, Nov. 1943, DDC ATI 22 602. Harwood G. Kolsky. Ruth M. Gilmer, Paul W. Gilles, “Free Em rgy Functions for 54 Gaseous Elements,” Journal of Chemical Physics 24, 494 495 (1957). B. Kopelman. V. B. Compton, “Spontaneous Com- bustion of Meta! Powders,” Met/:! Progress 63, 77-9 (1953). F. A. Kroger, F, II. Stielthes, II. J. Vink, “Ther- modynamics and Formulation of Reactions In- volving Imperfections in Solids,” Phillips Re- search Reports 14, 557-601 (1959). R. Kronig, Ed., Textbook of Physics, Pergainon Press, Ltd., 1954. O. Kubaschewski, J. A. Catterall, Thermochemical Data of Alloys, Pergamon Press, New York, 1956. O. Kubaschewski, В. E. Hopkins, Oxidation of Metals and Alloys, Academic Press, New York, 1953. Keith J. Laidler, Chemical Kinetics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1950. R. K. Laird, W. H. Francis, M. P. Tahany, Spec- trographic Investigation of Metallic Combustion, Theses, Oxford University, 1947. M. Laporte, “High Power Photo Flash Tubes,” Nature 168, 552 (1951). J. D. Lash, G. F. Prideaux, “Visibility of Signal Lights,” Illumination Engineering 38, 481-492 (1943). W. Leo, “Determination of the Color Temperature of Photoflash Lamps,” Zeitschrift fur Ange- wandte Photographic in Wisser. chaft nd Teeh- nik 4, 3-6 (1942). B. Lewis, and G. von Elbe, Combustion, Flames and Explosions of Gases, Academic Press, Ine., New York, 1961. B. Lewis, R. M. Pease, H. S. Taylor, (ombustion Processes, Princeton University Press, 1956. G. N. Ijewis, M. Randall, Thermodynamics, 2nd Ed., Revised by K. Pitzer, L. Brewer, MeGruw- llill Book Co., Ine., New York, 1961. L. Line, Jr., W. J. Clark, .1. C. Rahman, “An Apparatus for Studying the Burning of Dust Clouds,” Sisth Combustion Symposium, Rhein- hold, New York, 1957. pp. 779-786. 6
АМСР 706*189 Е. К. Liр[lineott, R. .Schroeder, I). Steele, “Dis- sociation Energies <>f Diatomic Molecules, ” Jour- nal of Chemical Physics 34, 1448-1449 (1961). E. K. Lippincott, D, .Steele, P. Caldwell, “Сенега! Relation between Potential Energy and liiter- nuclear Distance for Diatomic Molecules. III. Excited States,” Journal of Chemical Physics 35, 123 141 (1961). B. F. Logan, II. E. Edgerton, “Characteristics of a Flashtube for Aerial Night Reconnaissance,” Photogrametric Engineering 6, 110-5 (1955). J. Lorrell, II. Wise, “Burning of Liquid Droplets with Finite Reaction Kinetics,” Journal of Chemistry and Physics, April 1956. M. Luekiesh, F. K. Moss, “Brightness Contrasts in Seeing,” Illumination Engineering 34, 571- 597 (1939). M. Eiickiesh, F. K. Moss, “Quantitative Relations between Light and Visibility,” American Jour- nal of Opthalmology 19, 488-497 (1942). M. Luekiesh, A. II. Taylor, “Visual Acuity at Low Brightness Levela, ” American Journal of Opthalmology 27, 53-57 (1944). J. Marsel, L. Kramer, “Spontaneous Ignition Properties of Metal Alkyls,” Seventh Combus- ion Symposium, Rheinhold, New York, 1959, p. 906. John A. Martin, “Combat Smoke in Korea,” Armed Forces Chemical Journal, 7 Oct. 1953. J. E. O. Mayne, The Protective Action of Lead Compounds, 1946. I W. II. MeAdams, Heat Transmission, MeGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1942. D. E. McDonald, “Air Photography,” Journal of the Optical Society of America 43, 290-298 (1953). II. J. M(Nicholas, “Selection of Colors for Signal Lights,” National Bureau of .Standards Journal of Research 17, 955-980 (1936). G. A. Mead, “Relation of Droplet ^’onsninption Rates to Liquid Strand ('o’lsinnption Rates,” ARS Journal 29, 440 (1959). (I IL Messerly, A, W Campbell, High Intensity Flash Bulb, |T. S. Patent No. 2,764,094, Nov. 1946. W. E. Middleton, Knowles, Visibility in Meteor- ology, 2nd Ed., University of Toronto Press, 1941. W. E. K. Middleton, Vision through the Atmo- sphere, University of Toronto Press, 1952. Thomas A. Milne, Daniel Cubieciotti, “Calcula- tion of the Energies of Some Alkali Halide Primers,” Journal of Chemical Physics 30, 1625- 1626 (1959). E. Morrill, “Incendiary Mixtures,” Encyclopedia Britannica 12 (1952). N. F. Mott, ‘ Reactions in Solids, ’ ’ Physics Society, London 6, 186-211 (1940). R. S. Mulliken, “Some Neglected Subcases of Pre- ’ dissociation in Diatomic Molecules, ” Journal of Chemi.al Physics 33, 247-252 (1960). M. F. Murphy, Speech Delivered at Naval Ord- nance Laboratory Pyrotechnic Symposium, 21- 22 Oct. 1959. S. Nakahara, “Studies on Delay Powders: 1. Mea- surement of Temperature of Combustion of De- lay Powders,” Industrial Explosives Society Journal, 1958. N. Nalc.hara, T. Ilikita, “Studies on Delay Pow- ders, 2. The Combustion Pressure of Delay Powders,” Industrial Explosives Society Jour- nal, 1958. S. Nakahara, Shoji, T Hikita, Tsutomn. “Studies on Delay Powders: 3. On Mechanism of Delay Powders,” Industrial Ej plosives Society Jour- nal, 1958. S. Nakahara, “Studies on Delay Powders: 4. The- ory of Combustion Propagation Velocity of De- lay Powders,” Industrial Explosives Society Journal, 1958. 7
ЛМСР 706*189 W. A. Noyee, Jr., Ed., Chemistry (Science in World War II Series)) Little, Brown and Co., N. Y„ 1948. B. O’Brien, T. A. Russell, “Spectral Energy Dis- tribution, Temperature and Color Temperature of the Magnesium Flame in Air/’ Journal of the Optical Society of America, Optical Society of America Cambridge Meeting, Oct. 13, 1932. T. C. O’Hart, Elements of Ammunition, John Wiley and Bonn, New York, 1950. II. N. Olsen, W. S. Huxford, “Electrical and Radiation Characteristics of Flashlamps/’ Jour- nal of the Society of Motion Picture and Tele- vision Engineers 55, 285-98 (1950). Giuseppe Parravano, “Reactions in the Solid State,’’ Chemical and Engineering News, 19 March 1982. R. W. Parry, D. R. Schultz, P. R. Giradot, “The Preparation and Properties of Hexammineeo- balt (III) Borohydride, Hexamminechromium (III) Borohydride and Ammonium Borohy- dride/’ Journal American Chemical Society 80, 1-3 (1958). J. R. Partington, A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder, Heffer and Sons, Cambridge, Gr. Br„ 1960. 8. Paterson, “Source of Light Recorded in Photo- graphs of Detonating Explosives,’’ Nature 167, 479 (1951). Robert J. Peayler, Alan W. Searey, “Dependence of Dissociation Premure Measurements by the Knudsen Effusion Method on Effusion Hole Area, the Dissociation Pleasure of MosGe,” Journal of American ' 'heinieal Society 78 (1956). S. 8 Penner, “The Emission of Radiation from Diatomic Gases. 1. Approximate Calculations/' Journal of Applied Physics 21, July 1950. S. S. Penner, “ i$missivity Calculationn for Di- atomic Gases,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, March 1951. 8. Penner, M. Go’dsuiith, “On the Burning of Single Drop* of Furl in an Oxidizing Atmo- sphere/’ Jet Propulsion 24, 245 (1954). J. II. Perry, Chemical Engineer’s Handbook. R. F. Porter, D. A. Dows, “Blue Emission from the Vapor of Burning Boron/’ Journal of Chem- ical Physics 24, 1270-1271. Riehard F. Porter, C. W. Spencer, “Stabilities of the Gaseous Molecules, BiSe, BiTe, and SbTe,” Journal of Chemical Physics 32, 943- 944 (I960). A, M. Prentiss, Chemicals in War, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1937. H. (). Pritchard, The Kinetics of Dissociation of a Diatomic Gas, Journal of Physical Chemistry 65, 504 (1961). Proceedings of the Symposium on High Tempera- ture—a Tool for the Future, June 25-27, 1956, Stanford Research Institute and University of Cai fornia, Berkeley, Calif. 1956. Arthur B. Ray, “Production of Colored Smoke Signals,’’ Industrial and Engineering Chemis- try 18 (1926). E. M. Rhub, Pyrophoric Thorium Alloys, For- sehungsinstitut und Probieramt fuer Edeime- talle, Sehwaeb, Gmuend, Sept. 1943, DDC ATI 63 888. William P. Rieman, Daniels, Farrington, “Ki- netics of Solid State Reaction of Silver Sulfate with Calcium and Strontium Oxides,” Journal of Physical Chemistry 61, 802 (1957). G. A. W. Rutgers, J. ('. De Vos, “Relation between Brightness, Temperature, True Temperature, and Colour Temperature of Tungsten: Luminance of Tungsten,” Physiea 20, 715-20 (1951). Samuel Sage and R. W. Evans, “Pyrotechnic Rc- seereh Comes of Age,” Ordnance Magazine, Л. i . Ordnance Association. K. F. Sawyer, “Screening Smokes,” Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemisti„, 4th Ed.. Vol. X, Ixntgmaos and Green, Ixmdon, p. 781. 8
АМСР 706*189 К. Schall, О. Shulze, A Short Time Риге Requir- ing Little Energy, Universitaet Berlin Physikal- isehes I nstitut, DDC-ATI 45 986. G. J. Sehlaeht, “Signal and Illuminating Flare Ammunition for Military Purposes and Visible /ange Studies of Army Signals,’’ Ilium. Eng. Soe. 25, 742-7 (1930). F. V. Schossberger, “Solid-Stale Chemistry Gives Insight into Crystal Behavior,” Journal of Chemical Engineering, Nov. 13, 1961, S. Schreier, The Effect of a Condensed Exhaust Phase on Rocket Performance, Thesis, Prince- ton University, 1956. D. W. Scott, “Thermochemistry and Thermody- namic Properties of Substances ” Annual Re- view of Physical Chemistry 6, 1-24 (1955). J. M. Segal, “Study of High Intensity Light Sources,” Illumination Engineering 50, 259-62 (1955). E. W. II. Selwyn, “The Limit of Visual Resolu- tion,” Proceedings of the Physics Society (Lon- don) 55, 286-291 (1943). R. G. S. Sewell, L. N. Cosner, H. W. Wcdaa, R. Gallup, “High Speed Explosive Argon-Flash Photography System,” Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers 66, 21-24 (1957). A. A. Shidlovsky, Fundamentals of Pyrotechnics, Government Publication of the Defense Indus- try, 1st Ed., Moscow, 1943 (Library of Congress Call No. UF 860.85) 2nd Ed., Moscow 1954 (Library of the University of California, Berke- ley). T. Shimizu, “Studies on Colour Flame Composi- tion of Fireworks. 3, On Backgrounds of Colour Flame Spectra,” Journal of Industrial Ex- plosives, Feb. 1963, l)D('-AI) 298 019. L. L. Sloan, “A Lantern Test for Measuring Abil- ity to Discriminate Colored Light Signals,” Journal of the American Optical Society 34, 352 (1944). J. A. Stnid, A. J. II, Veudrik, “Ionization of Metal Vapors in a Flame,” Physics 14, 505-509 (1948). F. O. Smith, “A Study to Determine the Relative Effectiveness (Visibility) of Red, Orange, Yel- low, Green, and Blue under Certain Specified Conditions,” Journal of Experimental Psychol- ogy 26, 124-128 (1940). G. R. Somayajulii, “Dissociation Energies of Di- atomic Molecules,” Journal of Chemical Physics 33, 1541-1553 (1960). J. R. Soulen, Vaporization of Boron Oxide and Other Group Three Oxides, Thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1955. J. R. Soulen, P. Sthapitanonda, J. L. Margrave, “Vaporization of Inorganic Substances: BjO», TeOa and MgsN8,” Journal of Physical Chemu- try 59, 132-136 (1955). D. C. Spalding, Some Fundamentals of Combus- tion, Academic Press, New York, 1955. R. Spelser, S. Naiditch, H. L. Johnston, “The Vapor Pressure of Inorganic Substances, II, BjOs,” Journal of American Chemical Society 72, 2578-2580 (1950). J. E. Spice, L. A. K. Staveley, “The Propagation of Exothermic Reactions in Solid Systems. Part I. Pre-ignition Reactions,” Journal of Society of Chemical Industries (London) 68, 313-9 (1949). J. Stern, “Airborne Flash Lamp,” Science 126, 1356 (1957). D. R Stull, G. C. Sinke. Thermodynamic Proper- ties of the Elements, Advances in Chemistry Series 18, American Chemical Society, Washing- ton, D. C., Nov. 1956. M. Summerfield, Total Radiation from Burning Solid Propellant Strands, Project SQUID Semi- Annual Progress Report, Apr. 1959. (1. Sutherland, The Mechanism of Combustion cf an Ammonium Perchlorate-Polyester Resin Com- posite Solid Propellant, Thesis, Princeton Uni- versity, 1956. 9
АМСР 706*189 А. II. Taylor, ‘‘Vision at lx>w Brightness Level»,” Illumination Engineering 38, 89-98 (1943). I. L. Taylor, F. C. Sumner, “ Actual Brightness and Distance of Individual Colon When Their Apparent Distance Was Held Constant,” Jour- nal of Psychology 19, 79-85 (1945). James Taylor, Solid Propellant and Exothermic Compositions, George Newnes, Ltd., London, 1959. II. N. Terem, “Sur la Cinetique de 1’Oxydation du Magnesium,” Comptea Rendua 226, 905-906 (1948). D. P. C. Thackeray, ‘‘Emission of Light from Electric Discharges of Microsecond Duration in Gases at Atmospheric Pressure,” Journal of Scientific Instruments 35, 206-12 (1958). II. Titman, A. II. A. Wynn, ‘‘The Ignition of Explosive Gaseous Mixtures by Friction,” Re- vue de ITndustrie Mineral 36, 1955. 11. Tominaga, ‘‘Combustion of Aluminum Pow- der,” Journal of Chemical Society of Japan 53, 106-108 (1950). J. Valasek, Introduction to Theoretical end Experi- mental Optics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1949. J. A. M. Van Liempt, J. A. De Vriend, “The Light of Combustion of Alumiimm-Zinc and Aluminum-Cadmium Alloys,” Recueil des Tra- vaux Chimiques dee Pays-Bas 56, 594-598 (1937). J. A. M. Van Liempt, J. A. De Vriend, “Light from the Combustion of Some Metals, ” Reeiieil des Travaux ('himiques des Pay я-Вал 56, 126 128 (1937). J. A. M. Van Liempt, J. A. l>e Vriend, “Sliidien uber das Aluminum tint! Aleiiiinuin-Magiiesiuni- licht,” Reeiieil ties Travaux ('liiinitpiea des Pays- Bas 54, 239-244 (1935). .1. Л. M. Van Liempt, J. A. De Vriend, “Stmlien uber das .Magnesiiimlicht, ” Recueil des Travaux Chimiques dtn Pays-Bas 53, 839-846 (1934). J. A. M. Van Liempt, J. A. De Vriend, ‘‘Studien uber das Verbrennungslicht einiger Metalie und Legierungen II.” Hecueil des Travaux Chim- iques des Pays-Bas 58, 423-432 (1939). J. A. M. Van Liempt, J. A. De Vriend, ‘‘Unter- suchungen uber das Zirkoniumlicht,” Reeiieil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas 53, 895- 898 (1934). A. Van Tiggelen, The Kinetics of Plame Inhibition, University of Louvain, Mai. 1959. DDC-AD 212 716. L. E. Varden, “A History of Flashbulbs,” Mod- ern Photography 19, 116-19 (1955). I. V. Veits, L. V. Gurvieh, V. V. Korobov, ‘De- termination of the Dissociation Energy of Metal Oxides, (Sr, Ca and Mg) by Measuring the Intensity of Resonance Lines of Metal Atoms in Flame Spectra,” Akademil Nauk SSR, Izvestia, Ser. Fix. 19, 5-6, 21-22 (1955). Y. I, Veitser, G. P. Luehinskii, Smo..e Screens, Station Chemical Publications, Moseow-Lenin- grsd, 1947, DDC-AD 100 075. S. Venkateska, “The Explosive Spectra of Some .Metals,” Journal of the Mysore University (India) B2, 55-60 (1941). G. Verhaegen, F. E. Stafford, P. Goldfinger, M. Aekerman, Correlation of Dissociation Energies of Gaseous Molecules and of Heats of Vaporiza- tion of Solids. Part I, Homonuclcar Diatomic Molecules, University Libre de Bruxelles, 26 Mareh 1962. A. D. Walsh, “Oxidization of Hydrocarlmiis,” Transactions of the Faraday Society 42, 269 (1946). J. I). Walton, Jr., N. E. Poulos, “Cermets from Thermite Reactions,” Journal of the American (’«•ramie Society 42, No. I (1959). J. Weiner, M. L'rkind, l isibilitp—.1 Hibliot/raphy, Lihrnry of t'ongress Reference Department, July 1952. 10
АМСР 706*189 George W. Weingart, Dictionary and Manual of Pyrotechity. Garry A. Weingarten, Chemistry of Pyrotechnics, presentation. G. W. Weingarten, Pyrotechnics, Chemical Pub- lishing Co., 1943. R. Wenigrad, G. W. McDonough, “Development of the T78E3 Detonator,” Second Риге Sym- posium sponsored by Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories and Samuel beltman Ammunition Laboratories, 13-14 Mar. 1956. W. L. Wells, Photoflask Cartridge Ejectors, U. 8. Patent No. 2,717,533, June 1951. B. Werbel, Speech Delivered at JANAF Fuze Ex- plosives Sub-Committee Meeting, 17 Nov. 1959. С. II. Winning, II. E. Edgerton, “Exploaite Ar- gon Flash Lamp,” Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers 59, 178-83 (1952). Il, G. Wolfhaid, W. G. Parker, “Emissivity of Small Particles in Flames,” Nature 162, 259 (1948). II. G, Wolfhard, W. G. Parker, Temperature Measurements of Plames Containing Incandes- cent Particles, Proceedings of London Physical Society 862, 523-529 (1949).
ЛМСР 7M-1W REPORTS ANO DOCUMKNTS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATS ORGANIZATIONS ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND Maryland .. Development of Small Arms Ammunition and first Report on Test of Caliber .30 Explosive and Incendiary Ammunition Loaded with Lead and Zirconium (35th Partial Report on by W. B. Hardigg, C. G. Eddy, О. P. Boyer, July 1941, DDC-ATI 42 «71. Effectiveness of Incendiary Ammunition against Aircraft Fuel Tanks, by A. Stein, M. J. Torsch, MR 484, Oct. 1958, DDC-ATI 42 383. Evaluation of Incendiary Effectiveness of Cal. 50 Ml Rullet with Zirconium Incendiary Mix, by JI. V. Rowell, T81-46, R-32, Feb. 1955, DDC AD 59 594. .. Functioning of Small Arms Ammunition and First Report on Cal. .30 Japanese Type, In- cendiary Ammuition (67th Partial Report on the..), by G. G. Eddy, E. II. llarriaon, E. Wit- kowaki, June 1942, DDC ATI 38 456. .. Functioning of Small Arms Ammunition and Fourth Report on Frankford Arsenal Cal. .30 Incendiary Ammunition and Fourth Report on Remington Cai. 50 Incendiary Ammunition (4ith Partial Report on the..), by W. B. Ilar- digg, U. G. Eddy, E. Witkowski, Oct. 1941, DDC- ATI 40 641. . . Functioning of Small Arms Ammunition and Fifth Report on Frankford Arsenal, Cal. .34 Incendiary Ammunition (43th Report on..'), by W. B. Hardigg. G. <1. Eddy, E. Witkowaki, Nov 1941, DDC-ATI 40 640. . Functioning of Small Arms AmmviiiliM and Tenth Ri port on Remington Caliber 50 In- cendiary Ammunition (64th Partial St port an..), by G G. Eddy. E. II. Harrison, E Wit- kowski, June 1912, DDC-ATI 40 781. .. Functioning of Small Arms Ammunition and Eleventh Report on Remington Cal. .50 Incen- diary Ammunition and Fifth Report on Frank- ford Arsenal... and Seventh Report on Frank- ford Arsenal (69th Partial Report on.the..), by G. G. Eddy, E. II. Harrison, E. Witkowski, July 1942, DDC-ATI 38 489. ' Incendiary Rombs, Apr. 1944, DDC-ATI 41 475. .. Instrument for Static Initiation and Control of Rurning of Incendiary Pellets (Ли • •), by E. O. Baiey, T. R. Jeter, R766, Aug. 1951, DDC-ATI 117 953. Luminosity-Time Records of Experimental Photo- flash Rombs, by W. I’. Bidelman, T. D. Carr, MR 398D, Oct. 1945. Test of Experimental Photoflash Charges, by C. N. Gardner, Project 4612, R-3, Feb. 1945. ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT Washington, D. See: MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. AEROJET GENERAL CORPORATION Design, Development and Fabrication of Recogni- tion Signals, by J. Edberg, UN 891, Oct. 1954, DDC-AD 56 1 22. Infrared Flan, WADD TH 61 ‘>01. R.411, Mai. 1961, DDC AD 122 042 Survey of Ignition literature, by K. J. Korpi. KN 10117, July 195ti, DDC-AD UK 414 12
АМСР 706-189 AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio See: AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND. AIR FORCE ARMAMENT CENTER Eglin Air Force Base, Florida 8ee: AIR PROVING GROUND COMMAND. AIR FORCE BOARD Washington, D. C. See: DEPARTMENT OF AIR FORCE. AIR FORCE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH CENTER Cambridge, Massachusetts See: AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND. AIR FORCE EVALUATION BOARD See. DEPARTMENT OF AIR FORCE. AIR FORCE MISSILE DEVELOPMENT CENTER Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico Colored Smoke Agents, by E. Grundemeir, TR 57 8, Aug. 1957, DDC AD 135 002. Laboratory and Flight Tests of Chemical ”racking Aids Performed for Project 6875, by L >na)d L. Ekstedt, AFMDC-TR 58-2, July 1958, DDC-AD 23 736. Preliminary Field Test Report Smoke Tests (H-21 and II-22), by W. F. Harris, Sept. 1951, DDC- ATI 118 276 Survey of lAterature on Ch emir al Tracking Aids, by E Gnindeineir, TR 57-7, Aug. 1957, DDC- AD 135 001. AIR FORCE SCHOOL OF APPLIED TACTICS Tests of Recognition and Visual Material, Apr, 1943, DDC-ATI 88 458. AIR MATERIEL COMMAND Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio See: AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND. AIR PROVING GROUND CENTER Eglin Air Force Hw, Florida Sec: AIR PROVING GROUND COMMAND. AIR PROVING GROUND COMMAND Eglin Air Force Base, Florida Evaluation of a Colored Marking Head for the 2.25-in TMAR, by C. L. Johnson, TR 53-22, June 1953, DDC-AD 12 713. Evaluation of Incendiary Ammunition at High Altitude, by A. G. Bilek, AFAC TN-54-14, 1954: Operational and Engineering Test of Metallic Dust Bombs, Type T-86, APG/S8B/141-A, May 1951. .. Operational Suitability Test of the 5004b Aim- able Incendiary Cluster Ml9 {Final Report on ..), Jan. 1952, DDC-ATI 125 918. ..Operational Suitability Test of Auxiliary Charges for Increasing Visibility of Standard Spotting Charges (Final Report on ..), by D. D. Carlson, Aug. 1949, DDC-ATI 72 288. Penetration and Incendiary Test tke T21EI Am- munition—Supplement to Penetration Teste of the E117R3 Incendiary Cluster, by О. C. John- son, AFAC TR 56-55, Nov. 1956, DDC-AD 110 845. .. Service Test of Pyrotechnic Distress Signals (Finol Report on ..), by К. M. Hammer, L, E. Lyons, F. E. Brandeberry, Apr. 1948, DDC-ATI 50 916. Supplementary Test of Smoke Marker Bombs, AAFPG 1-43-84-1, Aug. 1944. Test of Bomber Formation Assembly by Visual Signals; Csv of Smoke Generator, AAFPG 1- 45 11, May 1945. Test of a 750-lb Cluster of tO-lb I ncendiary Bombs {Cluster El 15), by E. A. Coy, AFAC TN 54-5, Mar. 1954, DDC-AD 27 937. Test of Incendiary Ammunition at High. Altitude, by A. G Bilek, AFAC-TR-55-H, 1955. Test of the 10004b Incendiary Clusters, EtO.tRl and E103R2, by E. A. Coy, AFAC TN 54 1, Jan. 1954, DIM -AD 25 903. Tut of Operational and Tactical Suitability of the Type T-8 Very Cartridge Itischarger ami the Type T-12 Very 1‘hotofiash Caeirideg, Final Kejwrb 8-46-1, <‘et. 1347. 13
АМСР 706-189 AIR PROVING GROUND COMMAND (amtM) Test of Smoke Markerg К13, AAFPG 1-43-84, Mw. 1844. Tests to Determine Intensity of Illumination Re- quiren on a Night Photogrammetric Range, Sept. 1955. AIR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio See: AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND. AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND Wright-Patterson Air Force Bane, Ohio Adapter Cases to Improve Efficiency in Perform- ance of the M-23 Photoflash Bomb, by В. G. Tarkington, R-EXP-M-59-676-27-9, 1942, OTS- PB 5777. Cage History of Night Photography. Part I. The Photoflath Bomb, Oct. 1945. Cold Weather Testing of M-3 (E3R2) Incendiary Oil Mixing and Transfer Vnit and the E-74 Fire Bomb, by J. B. Bowden, TN WCLG-53-15, Mar. 1953, !)D€-A” 7309. Collaboration snith Califotnic. Inttitute of Tech- nology, Pntndena, California, by В N. Feieht, R-EX P-M-59-476-15-k3, 1941, OTS-PB 10058. Colored Smoke Generuiors for Aircraft, MR ENG- 57-535-66, Aug *944. Comparative Tes.a of Photoflash Bombs, l£-46, by R. 0. Tarkington, R-ENG-M-59-676-15-28, OTS-B. . . Conference on Flame M 'nitiouj Servicing Equip- ment (Trip Report он , by K. W. MclAchian, MR WCEG-R-555-1355, J-n 1952, DIM'ATI '.50 400. Conference al Picatiuny Aisenal r< Photoflash Powder Mixtures, by R. N F-icht, R-EXP-^I- 59-676-55-2, OTS-PB 10057. Daylight Tests of Inert Type M-23 Photoflash Bombs, by К N. Feieht, R-EXP-M-59-676-15-J6, 1941, OTS-PB 5775. Daylight Tests of Type M-23 Photoflask Bombs, by R. N. Feieht, R-EXP-M-59-676-15-11, 1940, OTS-PB 5774. Development of Bomb, Phot о flash, M-46, by G. R. Gold, NAVORD 73-45, Sept. 1945, OTS-PB 46937. Droppable Marker Light Feasibility Study, by R. C. Martin and II. V. Hawkins, TN 55-325, July 1955, DDC-AD 80 854. Effectiveness of Incendiary Ammunition at High Altitude, by J. L. Freeh, Memo MCREXG-555- 1335, Aug. 1950. Examination of Foreign Ammunition for Aircraft Weapons—Russian 2 CM High-Explosive In- cendiary Ammunition No. NAD-6052, by Joehnk (Translation from German), 1948. Illumination, Contrast, Spectrum and Color Con- ditions in an Average Outdoor Scene, Etc., by M. Nagel, Aug. 1956. Inflammable Alloys for Incendiary Bombs, by D. J. Emery, TN WCLG 54-11, Feb. 1954, DDC-AD 30 671. In.'estigaiion of Photo flask Powders, by R. N. Feieht, R-EXP-M-59-676-15-21, 1941, Same, R- EXP-M-59-676-15-22 Light Distribution Effects for Varies» Burst Alti- tudes of Standard Phot о flash Munitions, by R. T Johnson, TN-WCLR 55-6, Oct. 1955, DDC- AD 77 415. Luminous and Spectral Reflectance as Well as Cc'vrs of Natural Objects, by R. Penndorf, Feb. 1954. Night Aerial Photography by Moonlight, by W. A Seige), Dee. 1957, DDC-AD 142 020. Night Photographic Tent, by R. N. Feieht, R-EXP- M-59-676 21-1, 1942, OTS-PB 9935 14
A МСР 706-189 AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND (coat’d) Night Photographic Texts of Experimental Bombs for Ordnance Department at Midland, Texas, by M. L. Kenyon, R-TSEPL-4-676-15-33. 1945, OTS-PB 11262. Niff kt Photographic Texts of 1мгge Site Photo- flash Bombs, by R. N. Feieht, R-EXP-M-59-676- 15-3, OTS-PB 5773. NigKt Photographic Tests at 150 Miles Per Hour, by R. N. Feieht, R-EXP-M-59-676-15-6, 1940, OTS-PB 5406. Photoflash Bombs and Films Us.-d in Night Pho- tography, by R. G. Tarkington, R-EXP-M-59- 676-31-1, 1942, OTS-PB 9936. Phctoflash Powder, by R. N. Feieht, R-EXP-M- 59-676-15-18, 1941, OTS-PB 10055 Photoflask Powders and Methods of Ignition, by R. G. Tarkington, R-ENG-M-59-676-31-2, 1943, OTS-PB 9933. Physics of Night Aerial Photography, May 1950. Progress on Test of Effectiveness of Incendiary Am- mu nit ion at High Altitude, by E. A. Brigner, MR WCEGE-R-555-1346, Sept. 1951, DDC-AD 61 299. Service and Shelf Life Text for Igniter MK153 Mod 2, and Rochet Motor 14-DS-1000 MK4 Mod 2, by J. R. Parrish, 00Y-TR-59-9, Aug. 1959, DDC-AD 226 848. Simplified Method of Determining Optimum Burst Altitudes for Aerial Photoflash Bombs under Various Conditions of Light Output and Flight Altitude for Fixed Camera-Trail-Angle Combi- nation, by J, R. Quick, R. T. Johnson, TN- WCLR 55-5, Nov. 1956. Slant Visibility, by R. Penndorf, Dec. 1952. Standard Procedures for Evaluation of Infrared Emission from Pyrotechnic Devices, by R. A. Aycock, B. A. Breslow. et al., ASD TDR 62-483, Aug. 1962. DIM’-AD 287 525. Summary of Data он Fires and Explosions in Combat Aircraft Fuel Tanks, TSEOO-524-1698, 1946. Tests of Type T-3 Photoflash Bombs, by R. N. Fe.icht, R-EXP-M-59-676-15-19, 1941, OTS-PB 5455. . . Theory of Flame Propagation Limits Due to Heat Loss (A ..), by E. Mayer, TN 455-6, June 1957, DDC-AD 132 367. Thermodynamics of High Temperature Gas Mix- tures, and Application to Combustion Problems, by J. S. Gordon, R-57-33, 1957. AIR UNIVERSITY Colorado Springs, Colorado Implications and Summary of a Psychological War- fare Study in South Korea, May 1958, DDC- ATI 115 751. ALLEGHENY BALLISTICS LABORATORY Cumberland, Maryland Fitting Metal Oxidant Compositions into Practical Rocket Igniters, by R. S. Fey, J. E. DeVoto. Investigation of Replacements for the. Black Pow- der Charge tin Rocket Igniters, by R. S. Fey, P. II Skidmore, ABL/B-15, Dee. 1956, DDC- AD 136 279. AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY CALCCT CHEMICAL DIVISION Boundbrook, New Jersey Colored Oil Smoke, by E. J. Brook, ACC-ETF- 913-5, June 1943. Colored Ou Smoke. The Vse of Dyestuffs in the DcVilbix» Generator, by E. J. Brook, ACC-ETF- 913-9, Sept. 1943 ARKANSAS, UNIVERSITY OF Fayetteville, Arkansaa Final Historical and Technical Report. Contract DA-2.1-O72-ORD-25, by M. T. Edmison. TH 20, Oct 1952, DDC-AD 24 497. 15
АМСР 706-189 ARKANSAS, UNIVERSITY OF (cont’d) Investigation :>f the Hgyroscopic Effect of Im- purities tn Pyrotechnic Ingredients, by A, E. Harvey, L. L. Hays, RN 27, Aug 1955, DDC- AD 79 052. . Research and Development Work Concerning Evaluation of Experimental Igniter Composi tions (Final Report on..), Oct. 2953. Research and Development IVork in Connection with Pyrotechnics, by A. E. Harvey, Oet. 1953, DDC-AD 24 497. ARMOUR RESEARCH FOUNDATION Chicago, Illinois Ser: ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE. ARMY AIR FORCES See: DEPARTMENT OF AIR FORCE ARMY ARMOR BOARD Ft. Knox, Kentucky See: ARMY TEST AND EVALUATION COMMAND. ARMY ARCTIC TEST BOARD Ft. Greely, Alaska Set: ARMY TEST AND EVALUATION COMMAND. ARMY BALLISTIC RESEARCH LABORATORIES Aberdeen Pr •v’ing Ground, Maryland rodynumic Heating of the ProjeetiL 20ntm, llEl, Fuze by R. Sedney, BRL MH *037, Sept 1956, Proj. ТВ34И426, DDC- AD 119 «53 Ammunition F.ffi tivcncss, by E. Hoenicke, (Trans, from German, F.neqi. st, 1.нгя X.). R-X 1.33, 1953. ('otnparisoo of Firings of Incenduiry Ammuni- tion against Varums Aircraft Fuel Tanks an.l R< plica Targits, by К G Bernier, W. R. Harris, BKL MR 665, Apr 1953. DDC AD 15 143. Effictn-iiuss a/ .1.4 .'hill I undid with /niirtduitii p, fh ts. by F King, TX 2H9, Sept. 1950. DD<- Л TI 1 19 >6(1. Effectiveness of Incendiary Ammunition against Aircraft Fuel Tanks, by A. Stein, M. J. Torscli, MR 484, Oet. 1948, DDC-ATI 42 383. Estimates of Visible Flashes from Incendiary Type- Projectiles Striki/iif the MIG1', Aircraft, by R G Bernier, W. D. Dunn, BRL MR 710, J.dy 1953, DDC-AD 20 966. Luminosity-Time Results on Experimental Photo- mask Bombs M-J6, T-9, T9El, and Т9Г.1, by R. W. Potts, R413, Feb. 1946. Short Delay Baffle Detonators for Antiaircraft Contact Fuzes, by J. Squier, L. Zernow, BRL 690, Feb. 1949. Some Problems in a Practical Ignition Study, by D. C. Vest, E. V. Clarke, Jr., W. W. Shoemaker, MR 650, Mar. 1953, DDC-AD 8931. Test of Experimental Photoflash Charges for NDRC, by С. X. Gardner, ORD-3534, Feb. 1954. ARMY CHEMICAL CENTER Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland See: EDGEWOOD ARSENAL. ARMY CHEMICAL CORPS Washington, D. C. See: EDGEWOOD ARSENAL. ARMY FIELD FORCES BOARD See: ARMY TEST AND EVALUATION COMMAND. ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND Washington, D. C, American Phoiuflaxh Bomb, M 23, Ordnance Board Proceedings 16/612, Mar. 1942. Color'd Smoke (Am color, OTC Subcommittee Re- port M396, Sept. 1945. Low Altitun, Sight Photoi/raphy, (Irdumii i- Hoard Proceedings 2(//6(>l, Nov. 1942. Low Altitude Sight Photography Ri guiri meat f<>< Photographic Flush to be Find from I1 -.-»bi< A Signal Pisinl, Ordimme Board Prui ceilings 19 771. (let 19 42
АМСР 706-189 ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND (cont’d) Photographic Plash Inces jution with a View to Improvement and Economy (4.5-ii,ch .Ord- nance Board Proceedings 16/565, Msr. 1942. .. Photographic Flash, Use of Magnesium end Potassium Perchlorate 50150 Mixture (4.5- inch . .), Ordnance Board Proceedings 12/645, June 1941. Standardization, of ilomb, Smoke, Colored, Stream- er, Item 1434 of CCTC Minutes, Aug 1945. Standardization of Grenade, Rifle, Smoke, Red Streamer. M2i (Tl2), Item 28152 of OTC Min- utes, .f ine 1945. Standardization of the Grenade, Smoke, Red М3 Al and Reclassification of the Grenade, Smoke. Red AN-M3, Item 1624 of OCTO Minutes, Aug. 1946. Standardization of M3AI Smoke Grenade, Item 1694 of (Ч ТО Minutes, Oet. 1946. ARMY MATERIALS RESEARCH AGENCY Watertown, Massachusetts Spotting Round Projectiles: Feasibility Study on Development, by F. Л. BrouiHette. J. P. Me- Donoiigli, Jan. I960, DDC-AD 231 900L. ARMY ORDNANCE CORPS Washington, 1). C. See: ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND. ARMY ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Washington, D. 0. See: ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND. ARMY ORDNANCE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Washington, I). С. ARMK MATERIEL COMMAND. ARMY TEST AND EVALUATION COMMAND Aberdeen Pioving Ground. Md. 17 .1 coilubility of l.ong-lturning High Altitude Track- ing Florex, by C. A. Lundquist, R-6M7I, Aug. 1955. Confirmatory Test of Signal, Ground, Hand-Held, MI28EI, June 1960, DDC-AD 237 652. Confirmatory Text of Signals, Ground, Hand-Held M125E1 and M12DEI, July 1959, DDC-AD 220789. Environmental Text of Grenade, Hand, Red Smoke, MIS, by A. L. Mori, DPGR 233. July 1959, DDC-AD 226 941. Evaluation of Signals, Ground, Hand-Held, Mf25 and M127 (Renovated), Apr. 1960, DDC-AD 235 944. . . Flares for Increasing Visibility of Missiles (Pre- liminary Report on..), by R. A. Becker, TN- 18-2-1, Oet. 1954, DDC-AD 130 323. Military Characteristics for Grenade, Hand, Il- luminating, by II. E. Kelly. Feb. 1952, DDC- ATI 149 546. ’ Service Test of Rarster, Incendiary, E-4, Proj. 2744, June 1958, DDC-AD 302 421. Service Text of Shell, illuminating, 155mm, T72E2, ATB 1-212, Apr. 1962, DDC-AD 275 882. Service Text of Signals, Ground, Hand-Held, Mt27 Wh'te Star Parachute (Modified Design), Army Arctic Test Board Proj. ATB 457, DA Proj. 504- 22 016 ROB Technical Objective LC-18, ATDEV 3470/20, July 1958, DDC-AD 200 214. ..Text of Colored Smoke Grenades, Mid (Report on . .), Proj. 153, May 1943. Text of Grenades, Smoke, Colored Mill, Proj. 346, Mar. 1944 ..Test, Project AI’.V 1857, Evaluation of Flares for ttattlcfiild Illumination (Report of..}, ATDEV-6 470/18, July 1958), DDC-AD 200 217. ..Test, Shill, HE, Colored Murker, UOmm, Tt't (Supph nn ntol Report of . .), Proj. ЛА-349, .Inn. 1954, DDC All 2.1 HOI. Test of lt)5mm Shell, Smoki ,WM, Proj. 493-1, Nov 1943
АМСР 706*189 ARO, INC. Tullahoma, Tennessee Method of Obtaining High Altitude Ig.'ition for Liquid Propellant Rockets (A..), by II. A. Reichmann, Jr., ABDC-TR-59-2, Feb. 1959, DDC-AD 210 001. ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION Alexandria, Virginia Development of Long Wavelength Infrared Flare, WADD TN 61-101, Mar. 1961, DDC-AD 322 041. Development of a Pyrotechnic Formulation for BZ Dissemination, R-3, Jan. 1963, DDC-AD 333 791. Development of a Pyrotechnic Formulation for BZ Dissemination, by J. S. Bowen, K. D. John- son, et al., R-4, Feb. 1963, DDC-AD 334 339. Development of a Pyrotechnic Formulation for BZ Dissemination, by J. S. Bowen, K. D. John- son, et al., R-5, Mar. 1963, DDC-AD 335 046. Development of a Pyrotechnic Formulation for BZ Dissemination, by J. S. Bowen, L. A. Salva- dor, R. S. Scheffee, W. Schicker, G. Aron, R-8, June 1963, DDC-AD 337 115. Development of a Pyrotechnic Formulation for BZ Dissemination, R-10, Aug. 1963, DDC-AD 339 801. ATLAS POWDER COMPANY Wilmington, Delaware Gas Generator, by R. McGirr, Final Report, Con- tract DA VMO8-4O5-CML 212, Nov. 1958, DDC- AD 207 025. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Washington, D. C. Tables of Free Energy Functions for Elements and Compounds »a the Range of MOO’ -5000’ К, by W. M. Utimer, MDDC-1462, 1952. BALKE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Doylestown, Pennsylvania Chemical and Metallurgical Examination of So- viet Cartridge 7.(>2mm Explosive incendiary (FMAM-2M0-L), Contract DA-36038-ORD- 8144, Oct. 1952, DDC-AD 1052. BALLISTIC RESEARCH LABORATORIES See: ARMY BALLISTIC RESEARCH LABORATORIES. BARNES AND REINECKE, INC. Naval Pyrotechnics Development for V. S. Naval Ammunition Depot, Contract N164s-6762, 1957, DDC-T1P IJ5O772, DDC-AD 159 423. BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE Columbus, Ohio Research for Understanding Mechanisms of Flame Inhibition, by A. Levy, June 1959, DDC-AD 225 864. BOSTON UNIVERSITY Boston, Massachusetts Collection of Graphs Concerning Atmospheric Transmission, Natural Illumination anti Reflec- tance of Terrain, (A ,, Optical Research Lab- oratory, July 1952. BUREAU OF MINES Washington, D. C. Combustion Products of Primer Mixtures, by J. M. Kuchta, P. A. Richardson, J. A. Ileriekes. Contributions to the Data on Theoretical Metal- lurgy. HI. Free Energies of Vaporisation and Vapor Pressures of Inorganic Substances, by К. K. Kelley, Bull. 383, 1935. Contributions to the Data on Theoretical Metal- lurgy. X. High Temperature Heat Content, Heat Capacity, and Entropy Data for Inorganic. Compounds, by К. К Kelley, Bull. 476, 1949. Contributions to the Data on Theoretical Metal- lurgy. XI. Entropies of Inorganic Substances, by К. К Kelley, Bull. 477, 1950. 18
АМСР 706-189 BUREAU OF MIKES (cont’d) Contributions to the Data on Theoretical Metal- lurgy. XII. Heats and Free Energies of For- mation of Inorganic Oxides, by J, P. Doughlin, Bull. 542, 1954. Explosive Characteristics of Titanium, Zirconium, Thorium, Uranium, and Their Hydrides, by I. Hartman, J. Nagy, M. Jacobson, Report 4835, Dej. 1951. Inflammability and Explosibility of Metal Pow- ders, by I. Hartman, J. Nagy, H. R. Brown, Re- port 3722, Oct. 1943. Inflammability and Sensitivity Tests of Smoke Compositions, Starter, Delay, and Flash Pow- ders Submitted by Chemical Warfare Service (Report on..), ACC-ETF 150.2-9, June 1944. BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAPONS Washington, D. C. Adjustment of Dominant Wavelengths in Nоп- II <t log e noted Colored Flares (The..), by D. M. Johnson, RDTN-76. Aerial Burst Simulator, Development of WEP- TASK, by J. W. Puckett, RDTN-27. Aerial Pyrotechnic Signal for Use from Deep Operating Submarines (An..), by E. F. Davis, NOL TR 63 150, June 1963, DDC-AD 341 485. Air Standardization Coordinating Committee Pro- gram: Results of Tests of Canadian Aircraft Signal Cartridges Jl/x-ineh, by R. A. Simon, NOL R6853, Apr. 1960, DDC-AD 317 934. Air Standardization Coordinating Committee Pro- gram: Results of Tests of United Kingdom Parachute Flare, Rocket Flare Head, and Hand Distress Signal, by R. A. Simon, NOL R6856, June 1960. DDC-AD 318 481. Aircraft Parachute Flares: High Speed Flight and Drop Tests, Мяу 1953, DDC-AD 14 918 Aircraft Pyrotechnics and Accessories, 01’ 998, May 1947, DDC-ATI 178 279. Artillery Burst Simulator (Whistle) Type I Sta- bility Tests, by C. Armour, RDTR 9. Attributes of Gasless Delay Devices, by A. B. Dietemann, NAVORD 6046, Jan. 1950, DDC- AD 157 272. Burning Characteristics of Manganese, Barium Chromate and Lead Chromate Mixtures, by E. E. Elzufon, NAVORD 2261, Jan. 1952, DDC-AD 134 343. Burning Characteristics of Phosphorus Candles, by TO, Beck, RDTN-16. Cartridge, Photofiash, EX 54 MOD 0, by B. Bliss, J. Laaweli, RDTR-25, DDC-AD 331 757. Chemical Analysis of a Magnesium-Sodium Ni- trate Composition in a Laminac Binder, by W. Ripley, RDTR-21, Apr. 1961, DDC-AD 255 726. Chemical Analysis of Red Smoke Mixture for Visibility of Smokes and Flares, by J. McGrif- fin, July 1962, DDC-AD 288 745. Chemical Analysis of a Typical Phosphorus Smoke and Flare Compositions, by W. Ripley, RDTR- 16. Chemical Analysis of a Typical 6-6-8 Pyro Starter Composition, by W. Ripley, RDTR-27. Chemical Analysis of Yellow Smoke Mixture— Visibility Investigation of Smokes and Flares, by J. MeOriffln, July 1962, DDC-AD 283 297. . . Chemical Ignition System (A..), by D. M. Johnson, RDTN-56. Colored Balloons, Visibility of, by D. Jensen, R-3984, Jan. 1958. Colored Flare Ingredient Synthesis Program, by В Douda, RDTR 43. Combustion Processes of Solid Compositions, by D. M Johnson, RDTN-74. Combustion Products of Primer Mixtures, by J. M. Kuchta, P. A. Richardson, J. A. Herickcs.
АМСР 706-189 BUREAU OF If AVAL WEAPONS (coat'd) .. Comparative Study of Five Pyrotechnic Delay Compositions (A..)» by M. F. Murphy, NAVORD 5671, Apr. 1958, DDC-AD 209 388. .. Comparison of Burning Properties of the MK 7 MOD 3 Starter Mix (A..), by J. Feagans, RDTR-19. Comparison of NAD Crane Candlepower Measure- ment Equipment as Used on MK 24 Parachute Flare, by H. L. Benham, RDTN-40. Compatibility of Igniter Ignition Mixtures with Protective Roller-Coating Materials, by W. G. Gough, B. Johnson, F. A. Zihlman, TR 80, NAVORD 3051, July 1954, DDC-AD 40-787. Delay Element XF-7B; Effect of Temperature and Humidity Conditioning on Delay Time, by A. R. Timmins, R-2505, Mar. 1954. Delay Powder, Requirements and Test Procedures, BIJORD Drawing 1183355, NOL D-16. Description and Requirements of Manganese De- lay Compositions, NAVORD 05 5445C. . . Design and Development of Tracers EOB MOD 2 and EOB MOD 2A (The..), by J. B. Hoy- land, R. H. George, TM 486, Apr. 1953, DDC- AD 103 111. Designed Experimentation to Determine Feasi- bility of Modifying the Sidewinder Л1А Igniter, by J. Hollis, NAVWEPS 5481. Descriptions and Requirements, Powders, Ignition, Gasless, NAVORD OS 8976A, 1959. Determination of the Burning Rates of Gasless Delays, by К. II. Cornyn, NOLM 8971, June 1947. De eelopment and Characteristics of the 5-inch Flash Head (NOTS-2 ReBb l 12-2, TM-955, NOTH Model 113A), Oct 1951, DDC-AD 5023. Development of D-637 Igniter for the HPAG Rocket, by X. C. Eckert. TN 453, June 1951. Development of the Igniter NOTE Model D639, by N. C. Eckert, NOTS 1236 NAVORD 4928, Oet. 1955, DDC-AD 77 682. Development of the Igniter MK 127 MOD 0 for the Sidewinder Propulsion Unit, by J. H. Wil- son, D. A. Colpitts, W. W. Boyle, NOTS TP 2237, NAVORD 6540, May 1959, DDC-AD 309 258. .. Development of the XE-57B Delay Printer for the Picket Boat Depth Charge Pistol (The..), by E. E. Kilmer, NAVORD 6092, Oet. 1958. Development of a Delay System for the XE-2, XE-3, and XE-9 Delay Actuators and the XE-26 Delay Primer, by В. B. Herman, B. Bernstein, I. Kabik, NAVORD 4204, DDC-AD 95 666. Development of the Hand Illuminating Grenade, Mark I, by J. M. Miller, NAVORD C52632, RN 5-44, Mar. 1944, DDC-AD 134 638. Development of Ignition Elements for Guided Missile Ignition Sy stem t, by G. W. Peet, E. E. Elzufon, L. F. Gowen, NAVORD 6283, Mar. 1959, DDC-AD 226 937. Development of the 15mm T72E2 Illuminating Shell, by R. Smith, NAVWEPS 8248. Development of EX-33 MOD О Marine Location Marker, by E. Mason, Sept. 1961, DDC-AD 264 279 Development of Marina Location Marker EX 16 MOD O, by P. Cornwell, A. Erickson, NAVORD 5479, Dec. 1959, DDC-AD 234 020. Development of Marine Location Marker, MK 28 MOD O, by R. Richardson, NAVWEPS 8256, Oet. 1963, DDC \D 347 515. . . Development of Mixing Procedures for Guslcss Риге Powders (The..), by К. T. Skelton, NAVORD 1773, Jan. 1951. Development of Red Phosphorus Smoke Composi- tions, Nvn-Linseed Oil and Non-Aging Typr, by C. Armour. RDTR-5. 20
АМСР 706-189 BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAPONS (coat'd) Development of 5.0-inch Rocket Head NOTS Model 1040 (Pyrotechnic Delay Flare Head), by D. Stoehr, NOTS TM 1077, Nov. 1952, DDC- AD 19 299. Development of a Series of Metal-Oxident Igniter Materials for Use in Rocket Igniters and Gun Primers, by H. Hurwitz, E. E. Elzufon, L.F.X. Gowen. .. Development of a Short Duration High Intensity Photoflash Cartridge, EX-54 (The ..), by В. H. Calkins, RDTN-51. Development of the Signal, Flash, Guided Missile MK 37 MOD О for the Sparrow III Missile, by R. G. Weldon, NOTS 1978, NAVORD 5860, May 1958, DDC-AD 203 417. Development of Submarine Emergency Identifica- tion Signal Marks 41, 45, and 46 MODS O, by P. O. Cornwell, R5476, 30 Dec. 1959, DDC-AD 315 940. Development ef Submarine Location Marker MK8 21, 22, 23, and MOD (), by G Johnson, R5482. Effect of Container Material and Loading Pressure on Burning Characteristics of Colored Flares, by D. W. Jensen, NAVORD 6682, Dec. 1959, DDC-AD 232 757. Effect of Loading Variables on the Burning Char- acteristics of Delay Powders, by E. E. Elzufon, NAVORD 2262, Dee. 1951, DDC-AD 72 686. Effect of Moisture Content in Black Powder Per- formance of Igniters, by II. Lottes, RDTR-17. Effect of Particle Size on the Burning Rate of Delay Mixtures, by R. H. Cornyn, E. E. Elzufon, NAVORD 2158, Dee. 1951, DDC-AD 141 646. Effect of Pressure on the Burning Rate of Gasless Delays, by R. Coinyn, R. S. Skelton, R-1787, July 1951. ..Effects of Particle Size of Puds on Burning Rate and Output Charaderisties of Pyrotechnic i.The. J, by S, Л1. Cnsig, RDTN-18. .. Electrostatic Sensitivity Evaluation of Zirco- nium-Lead Dioxide Igniter Powder (The..), by N. Stuffle. RDTR-18. Emission Studies of Selected Pyrotechnic Flames, by B. Douda, RDTN-77. .. Evaluation of Flame Intensity by Comparison of Flares (Ля ..), by J. W. Feagans, RDTN-68. Evaluation of EX-54 Photoflash Cart.idge Air- craft Launched, by L. Hitchcock, RDTN-78. .. Evaluation of Plastic Coated Safety Fuse for Use with Pyrotechnics (An ..), by I. F. Wagner, NAVORD 2826, July 1953. Evaluation of Preliminary Lots of Igniter MK 125 MOD 4 Manufactured by Federal Ord- nance, Inc., by С. II. Anderson, NOTS 1570, NAVORD 5323, Sept. 1956, DDC-AD 113 459. Evaluation Test Results on Service and Experi- mental Squibs, by G. W. Peet, L. F. Gowen, NAVORD 6061, DDC-AD 160 287. .. Evolution of Gas from Coated Magnesium-Black Powder Igniter Mixtures (The..), by R. Moon, Jr., NOTS TM 1962, July 1954, DDC-AD 39 725. Examination of Germaa Signal Cartridge, by G. F. Hussey, Jr., NR 4-297, Apr. 1944, DDC- AD 300 008. Experiment in Developing Green Flare Formulas, by C. Armour, RDTR-11. . . Experimental Ashless Blue Flore Composition (Ля . .), by W. Ripley and J. MeGriffln, RDTR- 34, Apr. 1963, DDC-AD 411 866. Explosions and Chemistry Research Departments Safety Manual, by R. M<Gill, NAVORD 6256, May 1959, DDC-AD 226 938. Explosives, Propellants and Pyrotechnic Safety Covering Laboratory, Pilot Plant, and Produc- tion Operations, by R. McGill, NOLTR 61 138, Oet. 1961, DDC AD 272 424. Factors Affecting Signalling by Visual Methods, by R D Dwiggins, NAVORD 6034, Dvr. 1957, DDC-AD 162 931. 21
АМСР 706*189 BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAPONS (cont'd) Factor» Affecting the Visibility of an Object or Light Source through the Atmosphere, by J. Swinson, RDTN-57. ..Factors influencing Burning Characteristics of Flares (Report on..), by T. 0. Beck, RDTN-13. Feasibility ct Metal-Flvorocarbon Reactions for Igniters and Pyrotechnics, by F. G. Crescendo, E. C. Julian, В. C. Meyers, NOTS 1607 NAVORD 5371, Sept. 1957, DDC-AD 150 131. Field Evaluation Technique Study of Pyrotechnic Signals, by L. Kaner, TM 244, June 1960, DDC- AD 240 507. Flare XA-1A; Compatibility of Explosive and Pyrotechnic Compounds with Each Other and with Inert Parts, by D. Steele, R-3518, June 1956. Flare Composition, by C. J. Thelan, Oct. 1959. Flare Formulation and Diamete- Study of Stan- dard Flare Composition, by J. Feagana, RDTN- 75. XA-IA Flare Fuze Primer Firing Investigation by D. F. Scheets, R-2966, Feb. 1955. Flare Performance Investigation, by II. Lottes, NAVWEPS 8250. Formula for Delay Powder (HP-25 Type), NAVORD 8720. Glycine-Strontium Perchlorate Compound Synthe- sis, Characterization and Discussions, by В. E. l>ou<la, RDTN-26. Heat Decoy Countermeasures for Infrared Guided Air to Surface Missiles, by II. M. Sternberg, E. A. Cadwallader, NAVORD 3804, July 1954. Hovering Flare, by C. Lohkamp, KDTN-47. . identification of Antiaircraft Projectile Hursts (The. A. by NSL, В 1689, Jan 1941. Infrared Flare Experiment Using Teflon-Wax Binder, by J. Feagans, NAVWEPS 8249, DDC- AD 331 756. ..Infrared Flare Radiometer (An..), by D. I. Gilbert, NOTS 1977, NAVORD 5859, Mar. 1958, DDC-AD 160 358. Improved Tracer Composition, by 1. F. Wagner, NAVORD 2895, Mar. 1954. Improved Tracer Composition Loaded i* MK-11 Tracer Bodies; Compatibility of, by P. J. Smith, R-2762, Oct. 1954. Improved Tracer Compositions, Program for, by В. E. White, R-1015, Jan. 1952. Influence of Air on Heat of Reaction Determina- tions, by R. II. Comyn, NOLM 9338. Infrared Measurement System, by II. L. Benham, RDTN-70. . Infrared Tracking Flare (TAU-15/B..), by L. C. Hitcheock, RDTR-28, July 1962, DDC-AD 332 252. Instrumentation for the, Measurement of Cases Evolved from Burning Delay Powders, by R S. Skelton, R-1815, 1951. .. Inter-Station Pyrotechnic Conference (Sec- ond ..), Oet. 1959. .. Inter-Station Pyrotechnics Conference at the V. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station (Third..), NOTS TP 2505, Apr 1960. .. Inter-Station Pyrotechnic Conference (Minutes of the Fifth ..), by S. M l-fwig, RDTR-24, 1961, DDC-AD 327 837. Same, Dec. 1958. Investigation of the Burning Characteristics of the Lead Dioxide-Cupric Oxide-Sdicon Starter Com- position, by W. Ripley. RDTR-41. . . Investigation of Desensitizing Agents for Pyro- technic Mixtures (An..), by R. D. Cool, NAVORD 2213, Jan, 1952, DDC AD 29 858. Investigation of MK ~’ti Infrared Flare Composi- tion, by W. Ripley, R. Ilg.r, RDTR-23, DDC AD 327 322. 22
AMCP 706-J89 BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAPONS (coat’d) ..Investigation of Internal Venting for Delay Actuators, by II. S. Leopold, E. E. Kilmer, NAVORD 5724, Sept. 1957. Investigation of Low Temperature Ignition for the. 3.75" AAFF Rocket, by N. C. Eckert, NOTS ' TM 420, Mar. 1951, DDC-AD 122 756. .. Investigation of the MK 58 Signal Fuse to Black Powder Pellet Transfer Failure (An..), by C. Armour, RDTN-85. Investigation of the MK 25 MOD 2 Smoke Flarc Composition, by W. Ripley, RDTR-33, DDC-AD 411 548. Investigation of MK 25 MOD 2 Starter Composi- tion, by W. Ripley, RDTR-36, DDC-AD 436 599. Investigation of Visibility and Formulation of “Ashless Blue Flare," by J. MeGriffin, W. Ripley, RDTR-31. Investigations into the Calorimetric Determina- tion of the Heat of Combustion of a Tertiary Pyro Composition: Thermite Mixture, by W. Ripley, RDTR-13. Investigations of Physical and Chemical Param- eters of the MK 56 Smoke Tracking Kit Smoke Composition, by J. Wildridge, J. Kemp, NAVWEPS 8258. Kinetic Energy Calculations for the NAD Crane. Friction Sensitivity Pendulum, by J. Hollis, RDTR-14. Laminac Resin, Gel Time and Viscosity of, by P. J. Smith, R-3618, July 1956. life Raft MarHer--MK-6 Mod i), Field Tests, by C. A. Browning, R-534, June 1951. Long Rurntng Colored Flares and Smokes, by В E. Douda, RDTN-1. . . Low Gassing Igniter Mirturr for Various Pyro- technic Delay Compositions (A..), by К E Kilim r, NOLTR 61 153, Nov. 1961 Low Temperature Tests on Various Production Pyrotechnics, by S. M. Fasig, NAVORD 3644, Jan. 1954. Manganese and Cobalt Delay Mixtures, by R. H. Cornyn, R. Skelton, NAVORD 1775, Mar. 1951. Marker, Location, Submarine MK 27 MOD 0, by R. Smith, NAVWEPS 8257, Aug. 1963, DDC- AD 346 249. .. Meeting af the Air Standardisation Coordinating Committee, Working Party 4(b) 3 on Air Pyrotechnics (Report on the 4th..), Heid in London, by L. LoFiego, NAVORD 2187, Sept. 1951. .. Method for Determining the Effective Emitting Temperature of a Radiating Body (A..), by G. Laramore, D. Johnson, RDTR-44. .. Method for Measuring Effective Energy from Radiation Sources (A..), by H. I. Sumricht, NOTS 1979, NAVORD 5861, Mar. 1958, DDC- AD 157 082. . . Method for Measuring the Pressure Developed during the Burning of Pyrotechnic Delay Ele- ments (A . .), by L F. Marino, B. Aaront, July 1952. . . Method of Protecting Metal Powders from De- terioration (A ..), by R. 11. Cornyn, R. Skelton, NAVORD 1814, Apr. 1951, DDC-AD 87 471. Military Pyrotechnics, by M. K. Bemett, E. D. Margolin, R147, Feb. 1958, DDC-AD ’ 9 423 . . Modified Amhenius Equation for the Combus- tion Rate (A ..), by D M. Johnson, RDTN-63. Naval Pyrotechnics Development, USNAD, Crane, Ind., by W. R. Noreeock, 0. A. Platz, Jr., 1957. Nine Areas of Difficulty in Performing a Pyro- technic Assignment, by S. M. Fasig, RDTN-17. Nitrate Particle Size Investigation, by H. C. Lottra, RDTN45. NOTS Standard Method for Axaiyns of Flash Signal Composition KOTS XS 1.57, by R 11. Pierson, NOTS TP 2147, NAVOHD 6440, Jan 1959. DDC AD 211 978. 23
АМСР 706-189 BUREAU OF If AVAL WEAPONS (coat'd) NOTS Standard Method for Analysis of Ignition Mixture, NOTS-XZ-1 (Zirconium, Lead Per- oxide, and PMVT Polymer), by R. II. Pierson, NOTS TP 2172, NAVORD 6457, Mar. 195», DDC-AD 306 223. NOTS Standard Method for Analysis of Pelletized Ignition Mixture, Boron, Potassium Nitrate, and Lamina# Resin, by R. II. Pierson, NOTS TP 2359, NAVORD 6615, Nov. 1959. Operating Manual and Description of Pyrotechnic Time Sequence Measuring Equipment, by J. P. Madden, NOTS TM 1055, Aug. 1952, DDC-AD 120 169. Ordnance Explosive Train Designers Handbook, NOLR 1111, Apr. 1952. Parasite Tracer for the 2.7.r“ EPAR, by W. G. (’lark, B. A. Bretdow, W. N. Kendal), TM-1075, Nov. 1952, DDC-AD «620. ..Photoflash Cartridge (Interim Progress Report on EX lit..), by L. B. Arnold, В. II. Bliss, В. H. Calkins, C. W. Gilliam, J. E. Ijaswell, II. C. Uittes, R. J. Stovall. RDTN-33. ..Photoflash Cartridge, Aircraft Launched, EX- 54 MOD О to PPE (Rclcast Report of..), by B. Blin. C. Gilliam, RDTN-73. . Photoflash Research (Interim Progress Re- port..), by B. Bliss, RDTN-48. . . Photometric System for Measuring Intensity and thiratio.i of Pyrotech nic Signals (.4 . .), by 11. E. I,awreiice, NOTS 2105, NAVORD 6408, Sept 1958, DDC-AD 207 6M. Pour Cast Pyrotechnic Mosses, by It E Douda, RDTN-35 Sai.n, RDTN-55. Pn -Analysis unit Synopsis of Anticipated Results of the Elarc P< rforniaixe Invt stiga'.ior, by 1! C. D.ttes, RDTN II Pit hniinoti/ Study of Gitshss l)< logs, by ll. 11 Coniyn. Nol.M 9X62. 195? Preparation of Manganese Delay Composition, by W. F. Ilabc^, NAVORD 9360, Jan. 1957. Primers ХЕ-ббЛ, XE-67A, XE-70A for I lot point, by V. J. Mcnichelli, NAVORD 6083, May I95t Problems in Producing Satisfactory Colored Smoke Clouds, by S. M. Fasig, RDTN-19. Program Proposal for Value Engineering MK25-2 Progress Report on Candle Manufacture, by T. O. Beck, RDTN-24. Properties of Strontium Perchlorati-Methyle Methacrylate Solutions, by В. E. Douda, RDTN- 28. Proposal for Pyrotechnic Radiation-Avplication and Generation (PRAll) Generation Phase I, by D. M. Johnson, RDTN-39. Proposed Data Collection System for Phosphorus Compositions, by T. Berk, RDTN-72. Proposed Study of Visual Missile Guidance Sys- tems, by J. Swinson, RDTN-69. Propulsion Development Department Review, “Chapter 4, Explosives and Pyrotechnics, ’’ NOTS TP 2990, Jun. 1962, DDC AD 333 165. Prospective Study of Chemical and Physical Ear- tors Di h enduing the Burning Characteristics of the Silicon-Lead Dies ide-Cupric Oxide Start- er Composition by W. L. Ripley, RDTN-37. Pyrotech ntes, by It. E. Douda, KDTN-9. Publications during Cult ndar Year IUt>2 Ex- plosivts, Propellants .inel Pyt otech nies, by R. McGill. 1’. Keller, NOi/TR 63-lx, Apr. 1963. DDC Al) 33» 345. Publications of the Explosions and Chi inistry Research Dt partmt nts. by II McGill, l“. Heller, NAVORD 6166. Oct 1958, DIM AD 328 526. Same. NODTR 62 10. .ian 1962, DDC AD 329 257. i'yrttitch ntc Ammunition, ('.impositions <in<( Physi- cal Data, by D W .Ihimh. NAVORD 6221. Dee 1958 DDC AD 306 100. 24
АМСР 706-189 BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAPONS (cont’d) Pyrotechnics Applied to Fuze Evaluation, by R. G. Weldon, G. T. Hahn, Feb. 1957. Pyrotechnic Design for Extreme Temperature Submarine Float Signal MK-2 MOD 1; Low Temperature Tests of, by S. M. Fang. R-2212, Dec. 1953. Pyrotechnic Formulae (AM-205), by L. LoFiego, G. Butters, TM 9292, Aug. 1947. Pyrotechnics and Miscell'neous Explosive Hems, OP 2213, Dee. 1957. Pyrotec» nics in Moaern Warfare, by L. LoFiego, NAVORD 1870, Oet. 1951. Qualifications fests of the V. S. Flare Division’s W211 Jacketed Tracking Flare, by E. A. Allen, I DP 859, Feb. 1960. Quanidine Nitrate as a Flare Additive, by 1>. M. Johnson, RDTN-22. Quantitative Analy w of lied Smoke Composition EX 2 ASTD, by J. MeGriffin, ('. Armour, A. Trenta, RDTN 12. Quonfitfiftt'r Chemical Analysis of a Green Smok' Composition, by W. Ripley ai.d V. Reed, RDTR 22, July 1961, DDC-AD 267 653. Quantitative Spectral Measurements of Sunlit backgrounds, by D. E. Martz, II. J. Suinricht, G. C. Augastfii, Apr. 1956. Reflective Telescope f"r Evaluating Light Output of Clares, by L. Smith, RDTN-14. . . Relationship between Sensitivity and Loa ding Prtssur's for a Standard Tyyi Timing Mixture (The .by G. Г. Gra.T, R T Skelton. R 2110, Aug 1951. Hi lotionships Dbsirvid >n t'olorrd by B. D.hkIh, RDTR 243.3. Ii'iliittii Spictrid Distribution of Reining An imlm. bv M E Biu-kniaii, Nol'S f>22. NA\OPP 2005. Jan Г’53. 1>I>< • AD 7171 Reports Issued by Explosives Rest arch Depart- ment during Calendar Year 1У52, by R. McGill, NAVORD 2762, DDC-AD 13 s50. Research in Chemistry, NAVORo 6541, Mar.-Apr. 195L, DDC-AD 309 061. Same, NAVORD 6558, Apr.-.June 1959, DDC-AD 309 595. Research in Chemistry, Propellar.ts, and Explo- sives: Quartci j Progress Report, NOTS TP 2273, NAVORD 6558. June 1959. Results of Comparison Tests on the Parachute Red Star Distress Signal T.55E1 and the Pistol Rocket Signal MR 1 MOD 1, by 8. M. Fasig, K. N. Boley, NAVORD 3643, Mar. 1955. Safety Manual—the Laboratory Preparation of Pyrotechnics, by C. Armour, R-29, July 1962, DDC-AD 289 445. Sensitivity of Pyrotechnic Compounds, by K. An- derton, RDTN-50. Smoke Puff Warheads for Terrier, Tests of, by R. T. Ruble, B. W. Sarver, RN-564, Feb. 1950, DDC-TA1 204 196. . . Smoke. Tracking Device (EX-1 MOD O..), by O. Beekes, NAVWEPS 5484. Spectrographic Studies of Pyrotechnic Fiares, by L. IxFiego, E. II. Winger, MR 10619, De,- 1949, DDC-AD 35 594. Statistical Study of Primer Sensitivity Drop Tests, by I. R Sullivan, NAVORD 2226, June 1953, DDC Al) 66 429. . . Status of Gasless Delay Development tn the Navi) {The..}, by M. F. Murphy. Sludits of Proptllanl Ignition by Pyrotechnic Mixtures, by К. I). Cool, NAVORD 1 >7,4, Dec. 1350, DDC ATI 11.4 134 Rtudu of the Rur-iiug Rate of Richford Fuse i<nd< r Constant I'rniuri Timperature, ami 1 <>/- umr C,>n ilioiis ;.1. i, by R .1 Ah-lb-нгу, К N Boley, NAVORD 1279. Jun.- 1956. DDC- AD 113 :.’77. C-tndii of /.muting Frisson nini Flor: Ffr forino.-ivi I .1 !>;. J W FeilgJHb. lil)T\ 6t
АМСР 706*189 BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAPONS (coat’d) Study of the Optimum Suspemiion of a High In- tensity Parachute Flare, by J. E. Laswell, RDTN- 30. Submarine Emergency Identification Signal Marks 41, 45 and 46 MODS O, by P. O. Cornwell, NAVORD 5476, Dee. 1959, DDC-AD 315 940. Surface Pyrotechnic» and Projectors, Ordnance Pamphlet 1177. Surveillance Characteristics of Gutless Igniter», NAVORD 1774. Surrey of (’AD Pyrotechnic and Explosive Items in {'. 8. Aircraft, Vol. 2, Pt. 1, R-7971, May 1962, DDC-AD 290 706; Vol. 2, Pt. 2, R-7971, May 1962, DDC-AD 290 707; Vol. 3, May 1963, DDC-AD 290 708. Systems for Measurement of Fuse Delay and Ejection Velocity of EX-54 Photoflash Car- tridge. by L. C Hit<*he(M*k, RDTN-38. T ehnieal Investigation of “Exploding” Flare Fatality, by S. Faaig, RDTR-39. Tiding of MK 25 Talos Tracking Flare, by C. Armour, RDTR-6. Testing of MK 2> Tracking Flare, by C. Armour, H DTK-8. Teels of M К 14 MOD it Delay Elements, N'Oi, TN ‘2013. Theorcticeel Aspects of Visible Radiation from Pyrotechnic Mixtures and Influencing Factors Thereof. by D. M. .Johnson. RDTN2I Theory of Coloreet Flame Produclmn, by В E Bond». HDTN 7J Dniimil Delay I'yo'e ch sir Heater, by f{ I| Coinyn, Aii’iiio to Files. C>< i IC>(). Th.rnieil E [fells i.f .l<in Cgil, "И it К ',6 Smoke fo,>ipost!ion. Io .1 \V E.oicans. RDj.N-53. The) med Timing Device, by II. L. Benham, RDTN- 44. Thermokinetic Processes in the' Pyrotechnic Pro- duction of Radiant Energy, by D. M. Johnson, RDTN-34. Toxic Hazards Associated with Pyrotechnic Items, by R. D. Dwiggiits, R-6643. Toxic Hazards Associated with Pyrotechnic Items, by G. K. Hartmann, OP 2793. May 1959, DDC- AD 436 880. Tracer MK ill Evaluation, by S. M. Fasig. P. B. Morgan, NAVORD 3827, Dee. 1954. .. Tracking Flare (MK 27 MOD 0 . .), by J. Hollis, D. White, NAVWEPS 5483. Tracking Flare, EX 1 MOD О Static Test, by C. Armour, RDTR-1. Two Tyues of Phototube' Instrumentation Csed in the Destructive Testing of Igniters, by H. M. Hansing, L. W. Hart, NOTS 1033, June 1952, DDC-AD 121 023. Pnie/ue- Chemical Compound: Synthesis anil Char- acterization. by В. E. Douda, RDTN-52. Га/ис Engineering Study and Proposal for the' MK 21 MOD 2 AP Flare, by C. Connor, R. D. Smith, T. O. Beck, R. Breedlove, K. Adams, D. P MiNevin, J. E Brown, J. F Elrod, RDTN-62. Г«/|« Engince ring Nfiidi; and Proposal for MK- 6-2 AC Float Light (Interim}, J J. Hollis, L B. Arnold, A. W. Norris, B. D. Leach, It. VaiiMet-r. RDTN-46. !ГЛл/’.< Going On in last Pyrotechnics, by В. E. Douda, RDTN 67 Yellow Fhitni Production, Chlorine a to I Potassium Inflio o. e by В E Doinla, Hl'TX 82 BUREAU OF ORDNANCE Wii'-hiiigtiiu. D C s\, • BUREAU OF NAVAL WEAPONS. CALCO CHEMICAL DIVISION AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY.
АМСР 706-189 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Pasadena, California Apparent Population Temperatures for OH in Flames, by S. S. Penner, TR-5, May 1952, DBC- AD 5698.* Farther Studies of the Effect of Composition on the Prof retie s of Flash Powders, by R. M. Bad- ger, A. L. Wahrhaftig, Contract W-535-AC- 24521, July 1942. CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF Berkeley, California Dissociation Energies of Gaseous Metal Dioxides, by L. Brewer, G. M. Rosenblatt, Oct. 1960. Fuel Ignition Studies, by P. B. Stewart, E. S. Starkman, F. Kreith, Series 49. Laue 1, Contract AF-33(600) 17677, Sept. 1952, DDC-AD 65 419. Fuel Ignition Studies, by P. B. Stewart, E. S. Starknian, PR P’.^se 2, July 1953. Fuel Ignition Studies, Gunfire Tests, by’ P. B. Stewart, E. S. Starkman, TR-6, Sept. 1955. . . Thermodynamic Properties of the Alkali Halides (The..), by L. Brewer, i'CRL-9952, Contract W-74O5-ENG-48. Nov. 1961. CALLERY CHEMICAL COMPANY Expansion of a Smoke, by P. B. Olmsted, CCC- lt*24-TR! 11. May 1955, DDC-AD 138 289. CANADA . . Agung of Amiiioiiiuni Chloride Smokes (The . by T. Oillespie, G O. Langstroth. Snffield Ex- p-rinient Station, Aug 19.50, l)DC-ATI 88 249. .to Tt sts of M id Flash Horn) , by 1“ D Car- iiuiii L. ('ol)ins, Xntii•na! Research Labora- tories. Ottaon. 1’0-345. Aug 1941 l.i/iib/ l.uiidmii s-./u.i/ .Vii 7 V A 7 и a < I Pro- neto' Uh I. Cold Width, v l)p< rotnu/ and .sf,,i(-o' 71 in/v f'i' inid PE Repoet. Л1(М 1 52. Ciiiiral К \ peri ni-'i'tal and Proving Esbdiiish l:b'Ht, Apr i;>52. New Delay Composition for the Fuzes 199 and 221, by G. C. Benson, E. Gaggis, G. F. Wright, Report XR-7L.SR7/43/772(3), University of Toronto. Opticil Investigation of Initiation and Detonation. I. Reaction Time and Related Topics, by G. Herzberg, G. R. Walker, University of Sas- katchewan, Mar. 1945, DDC-AD 48 955. Research on Composition of Flash Rombs for Night Photography, by P. D. Carman, National Re- search Laboratories, Ottawa. PO-183, Sept. 1942. Same, by P. D. Carman, L. E. Howlett, National Research Ijalioratories, Ottawa, PO-297, Jan. 1944. .. Self-Projecting Streaming Type Colored Smoke Signal (A..), by Davies, Canadian Military Headquarters, Tech. Minute No. 73, Sept. 1944. Some Factors Affecting the Performance of Fire Rombs, by W. L. Archer, Fifth Symposium, Chemical and Bacteriological Warfare, Defence Research Board, Dec. 1953. CATALYST RESEARCH CORPORATION Baltimore, Maryland Research on Ileal-Producing Compositions, by C. A. Poppendieck. Aug. 1958. Same, Nov. 1958. Research on Heat-Producing Compositions, by J. M. McCauley, J. Goodkin, L. J. Apostolos, R-5, Aug. 1959, DDC-AD 315 449. Research on Heat-Producing Compositions, by J. Goodkin, L. J. Apostolos, R-6, Nov. 1959, DDC- AD 316 8.36 Same, by J. Goodkin L J. A(K»»t(>- los, R-7, July I960. DDC-AD 317 842. Same, by J. Goodkm, Final Report, July I960, DDC- AD 323 827. CHEMICAL CORPS TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Washington, I». 1 .Sil,- ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND. CHEMICAL LABORATORY COMPANY Ailtlltimnl Models ot thrmus .s,-»i,.-7( Sio;t<ils Ru itch sich I: i ich' ii i. (huiugi, -sp. It," ltnd V io, •port No 22. Nov 1944 27
АМСР 706489 CHEMICAL LABORATORY COMPANY (cont’d) German Hand Signal» (Hanelrauchzoichen) Pull Type, Violet, Report No. 29, Apr. 1945. Goman Hand Smoke Signal ( Handrauchzoichcn) Red, Blue, Violet and Green (lith Captured Material Technical Report No. .W), Dee. 1944. German Hand Smoke Snjncds, Scratch Type (H andrauchzoiche.n) Red, Blue, Violet and Green, Report No. 20 Nov. 1944. CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE Washington, I). C. Sec: EDGEWOOD ARSENAL. COAST GUARD Washington, D. (’. P*‘ld Те. ting and Derrlepmcnt I’nit Project CGTD {!/>?) Pyrotechnic Distress Sig- nals, by P. (,). Chapman, R-305, (let. 196*2, DDC- AD 286 948L. Teste of Aluminum Shell Pistol Projected Reel Place Distress Signal», Lot No. IS2, R-204, 1959, DDC-AD 230 821L. Tests of Pyrotechnic Distress Signals, by I'. O. Chapman, It-300, Sept. 1962. DDC-AD 284 657L. COLUMBIA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Coininbus, Ohio V ulncrubilihf Study, by W. В. Г al!, J. !. Zib-ker, OKDC R-120-1. Contiaet Ab 3,616)2130, Apr 1954, DDC-AD 33 198. COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUBCOMMITTEE Washington, D. C. Sn : MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. COOK RESEARCH LABORATORIES Disuin anil D< ri lopmi >d of (’lushes. Plaits, Т.Ю <t:;d I :i by R. Ranker. PR 32-'. May 1!C>4. DDC AD 39 236. PR 5*2 2. .Ju. > 1954. DDC-AD 36 234 PR 32 3. July 1931. 1)01' AD 36 214 PR 32 i Aug l‘i.’» I. DDC-AD 36 271 . PR 32 3. Sept 19,H DDC AD in 272. PR >2-1. Dee 1931. DDC AD till 222 DEPARTMENT OF AIR FORCE Washington, D. C. Comparative Test of Oxidizers, M-t6 Photofash Bombs, by M. A. Townsley, Kina) Report, Proj. M-4 468, Sept. 1944. Explanatory Notes on Conference o.i Photoflash Missile for High Altitude Aircraft, Sept. 1948. Night Aerial Photography and Photoflash Bombs, Teeh. Order 10-1-10, Mttr. 1945, OTS-PB 37 370. Optimum Techniques for Aerial Flash Bomb Photography, Ъу (I. T. Sowers. Proj. 4056C413.53, Jan. 1945. Relative Effectiveness of Various Type Bombs anti Fuzes against Strategic and Tactical Objectives, Feb. 1945, DDC-ATI 40 756. DEPARTMENT OF ARMY Washington, D. C A.Mcl’ 706-210. Engineering Design Handbook, Ammunition Series, Fuzes, General and Mechan- ical. Ammunition, TM 9-1900, 1956. ..Chemical Warfare Si nice: Prom Laboratory to Pield (The . .), by L. P. Brophy, D. M. Syndhani. R. C. Coehrane, Olliee of Chief of Military His- tory, 1959. billing, Smoke, Colored (Par Grenade, Rifle, Smoke (Colored), .1/22), (Impact Type}, I1 S Army Speeiih-ation 9t>-!31-261, Aug. 1945, Foot- note lh, 39, 104. Grenade, Smokt. Color d, Mis, d S. Army Spe- eifici.tion 96-111 92, th t 19»5, Footnote ’20. 42, I DI. (In uadi , Smoki. lit,I, t.V .1/.?, Г. s. \ rniy Speeifi- <aiion Uti Ill 46. Apr 1945, I'lsitlmt:- 91. tldllnr’i E rplusiri s. TM 4 1411) ih-'iturg Prubii ms with Airosolsnnd \<>npi r.si'h nt Gusts, hy W. A Xoyes, Jr. 1446 Uditniy Pin'oti ih HICS. TM 1374 244. Dee 1458.
АМСР 706-189 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Washington, I). C Proceedinyx of First Mcctiny J A RAF Thermo- chemical Panel tO-rides), by L. J. (Jordon, Nov. 1959, DDC-AD 314 453. DEPARTMENT OF STA ЧЕ Washington, D. C. Colored Smoke G< tn ratorx, Report 51567, M tary Attache (Great Britain), Nov. 1942. DENVER RESEARCH INSTITUTE Denver, Colorado Additional Studies on Properties of Pyrophoric Type Incendiary Mixes for Tse in Small Arms Ammunition, by M. Pieeone, Phase Report 12, Oet. 1954. Applied Research for Threat Signature Generation Techniques, by W. A. Sehmeling, Final Report, Aug. 1963, DDC-AD 340 441, Basic and Applied Research on Small Arms Am- munition, Progress Report 46, Mar. 1951. Same, Progress Report 57 May 1954. Basic Research on Incendiary Ammunition, by T. Zandstra, PR-41, Feb. 1952, DDC-AD 30 521. Roxie Rtseo'ch on Incendiary Ammunition, by T. Zandstra, Progress Reports: 44, Aug. 1952, DDC-AD 17 676 45, Del. 1952, DDC-AD 16 599. 46. Dee. 1952, DDC-AD 16 598. 47, Feb. 1953. DDC-AD 16 597. 48, Apr. 53, DDC-AD ’6 596. 51, Aug. 1953, DDC-AD 18 242. Basie A’i starch on Incendiary Ammunition, by T. Zandstra, Progress Reports; 41. June 195:',, DDC-AD 16 595. 50A. No. 1953, DDC-AD 22 534. 54. Dee. 1953, DDC AD 23 695 55, Jan. 1954, DDC-AD 25 242. .58. July 1954, DDC-AD 36 382. 59. Sept 1954, DDC-AD 41 991. CO, Nov. 19,54, lillC-AD 46 707. 61-62, Mur. 1955, DDC AD 53 587. til. June 1955, DDC Al) 67 888. (.5, Aug lf>5, DDC AD 70 077 66. (let 19.55, DDC AD 74 9I14. Basie Research on Incendiary Ammunition, by R. M. Blunt, Ross Bnehanan, et >d, Final Report. Oet. 1950, DDC-AD 44 705. Basie Research on Incendiary Mixtures, by T. Zandstra, Progress Report 46, Dee. 1952. .. Development of a Duration Photometer for f’xe in the Evaluation of Incendiary Ammunition, (The . by G. II. Custard, W. M. DeBell, Phase Report 13, Aug. 1955. Development of Screening Agents, by W. Cul- bertson, R. A. Fisher, Sept. 1955, DDC-AD 73 496. Experimental Inrextigation of Infrared Radiating Sources, by R. M. Blunt, TN 4, Alar. 1962, DDC- AD 328 630. Same, by R. W. Evans, TN 9, July 1961. DDC-AD 324 807. Same, Final Rej >rt, Nov. 1962, DDC-AD 332 848. Incendiary Ammunition Research, by T. Zandstra, Final Report, Nov. 19-52. DDC-AD 17 675. Incendiary Project, by T. W. Za. dstrn, Progress Report 24, June 1950. htrctidiory Project Annual Report, by С. II. Prien, S. A. Johnson, Jr., Progress Report 12, June 1949. infrared Decoy Study, TN 6. June 1960, DDC-AD 318 15.5. Same, by R. W. Evans, TN 7, Sept. I960. DDC- AD 319 951. Infrared Decoy Study. Phase If, by R. W. Evans. TN-3, Sept. 1959. Same, TN-4, Dee. 1959, DDC-AD 316 1.52. lustriinu nt for Dt tr rnmuilitiu of Transient Flame Tt mpcraturr x, by t}. W. Bncis< rman. Phase Re- port 4, 1952. . . Rtsumt of Rtac'io.t Halt Tli: ><o .1 . by T. L. Jhirlor, R J Colfee, Oct. 19.54 s’laoiV .tnn.v / net ttdtary .4 iinnii niiton, .1 R< i n ic of the History and Dt ft lopim nt. (J II. Cnstnid, G. Frahi"- IV Svhiimkenberg, Frnnl’|’ord Ar -uni ii'-por* H 1 107-'' Dec 1956. 29
АМСР 706*189 DENVER RESEARCH INSTITUTE (coat’d) Studies of Pyrophoric Type Incendiary Mire» for Use in Small Arms Ammunition, by G. II. Cus- tard, Phase Report 7, July 1953. . . Study of the Activity of Manganese Powders (A ..), DRI 1029, Contract DA-49-186-502-ORD- 798, Final Report. Dec. 1959. Theoretical Considerations Involving the Func- tioning of Incendiary Mixes, by G. Francis, T. L. llarlor, et al., Phase Report 8, Aug. 1953. DIAMOND ORDNANCE FUZE LABORATORIES Washington, D. C. See: HARRY DIAMOND LABORATORIES. DUGWAY PROVING GROUND Utah See: ARMY TEST AND EVALUATION COMMAND. EAGLE PICHER RESEARCH LABORATORIES Joplin, Missouri Turbidimetric Particle Size Analysis, by Musgrave, Harner. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rochester, New York /'• toyraphic and Photonn trie Study of Plash I unbs for Night Aerial Photography, by W. f'.brk. Mar. 1941. EDGEWOOD ARSENAL (ARMY CHEMxCAL CENTER) Marvl.ti.’, ,l< i : f'irhh- Marker, 70 lb. (IlQ) fur the Navy. by b Cistiei >U4. Oct. 1949. Aircraft Tracki.t.: C >lor< d-Smoke Marker, by W. '.V. K.aves, K. G. ,'iirli.u. CWLR ’1338. Jan. I960, DD< AD .'31 12: .iatip< .wri.ii F.ffiet.t of Incendiaries, by W. W. Hey th. I'DI.IK 42. Feb 1952 fiuiiib, 1 m< mlhiry, l-l Ki.iRl, in M. ('litler, T('IR-5I(>, .Vov 1949 / Bomb, Smoke, 10 lb. (НС) M77, by M. Cutler, TCR-72, Nov. 1950, DDC-ATI 95 174. Bomb, Smoke, ИС, 100 lb. 77, by T. A. Ruble, TDMR-933, Dee. 1944. Bomb, Smoke, Colored, 100 lb. E34, by T. II. Guion, TDMR 1149, Nov. 1945. Burning Rates of Ensign-Bickford Pyrotechnic Composite ’’s, by L. G. Willke, TCIR-82, Feb. 1944. Burster, Incendiary, Ei, by L. J. Dailey, S. T. Byezuski, CWLR 2137, June 1957, Final Engi- neering Test No. 129. ..Chemical, Mortar Colored Smoke Shell (/.д’- tn. .by R. W. Elton, TCR-52, Dee. 1949, DDC-AD 35 830. Color Measurements for Field Evaluation of Col- ored Smoke, by R. K. June, G. W. Batzis, J. D. Wileox, CWLR 2096, Nov. 1956, DDC-AD 123 152. Colored Signal Smokes, by L. Finkelstein, W. P. Munro, ETF 913-2, June 1944. Colored Smoke Grenade (For Use in Airborne Operations) (E15R1..), by W. W. Reaves, K. G. Carlon, CWL(1 1, Sept. 1958, DDC-AD 204 958 Colored Smoke Grenades, M16, by S. J. Magrain, L. Finkelstein, TDMR-497, 1942. Colored Smoke Pots for the Grenade of the Sub- marine Recognition Signal, EACD 384. Nov. 1926. Colored Smoke for Skywriting and Colored Smoke for Aircraft Smoke Generator, by M. Cutler, M. J Bessey. TDMR 1356. June 1948, DDC-ATI 205 902. Colored Smckix, by L. Finkelstein, Vol. 12 of History of Research and Development of the Chemical Warfare Service in World ll'nr l[, 31 December 194.5, DDC-ATI 207 451. Colonel Smokis: Color'd Smoke Tract Bombs К 1.1, Eliltl and F/.i'/i’J, Tl).VG-86’. Aug. 1944. 30
АМСР 706489 EDGEWOOD ARSENAL (cont’d) Colarcel Smokes Deiulopment of Aerial Smoke Puff Fillings, by W. P. Кnuro, TDMR 679, June 1943, DDC-ATI 209 847. Colored Smokes Fast Burning Compositions for Colored Smoke Grenades, by W. P. Munro, TDMR 751, Oct. 1943. . . Comparison of the Burn Producing Effectiveness of Two. Incendiary Agents, 4.2%M1 and 5% ЕЮ (A..), by M. J. Wargovieh, CWLR 2298, Aug. 1959, DDC-AD 225 614. Comparison of Dechlorane and Ilcxachloroethane. in Smokescreen Compositions, by W. W. Reaves, K. G. Carlon, CRDL Spec. Pub. 1-27, May 1956 to Sept. I960, DDC-AD 266 364. Compatibility of И7-* with Aluminum in the Pres- ence of Steel, by R. D. Kraeke, S. R. Slovettko, Nov. 1950, DDC-ATI 94 874. Conference on Health Hazards of Military Chem- icals Program, by E. II. Kraekow, W. II. Cham- bers, Sept. 1950, DDC-ATI 91 781. Delay Igniter for Aircraft Destructor Equipment, by T. A. Ruble, TDMR-1191, I?-. 1945. Delay Mixture with Binder, Chemical Corj>s For- mula B2-53. Delay Trains foi I'sc i»i the Floating Smoke Pot, by J. II. Mi l,ain, S. Mayer. TDMR 732. Sept. 1943. Distruetor D< vicis --Orientation and D< monsfra- tiov, by Munitions Division. ETC 180-56, Aug. 1954. Ih h rioratioii Phenomena of Pyroti chnics, by M. R. I hi rdri.'tiiirgli, Feb. 19." I. . De ti rminahon uf Pai hcl< Si.< Dietl ibutlun o; Dye-duffs I'm 1 for Production of Colored Smokt Clouds din ). l'H7, DDC ATI 51 .'>37. . . lh 14111/1111! Ill of ,i lilueh Siiioh- Candle for Sig- on! Piiifius's i I h i .1. EAt'l' 376. Mur. 1926. Development of the Bomb, Smoke, 10 lb. M6~, by W. (J. Franz, J. F. McCannc, TDMR 1220, Mar. 1946. Development of B-iiich Fire Rockets, E42 and EIURl, by J. R. Tnrkeltaub, CRLR 630, Mar. 1956, DDC-AD 97 551. Development of a Fuel Destroyer, by R. E. Bob giano. CRL.R-37, Nov. 1952. Development of Grenade, Incendiary, AN-M14, by J. E. Gilbert, TDMR 1114, Aug. 1945. .. Development of the HC Smoke Grenade, (The ..), by С. M. Williams, E. T. Lawrence, S. F. Brown, ETF 271.2-1, Aug. 1923. Development of cu Improved Floating Smoke Pot, by J. If. McLain, E. R Padavic, TDMR 822, Apr. 1944. Development of ~i0-lb. lueei.diary Be mb, by A. S. Berlin, J. J. Keenan, TCR-77. Ja:.. 1951, DDC- ATI 94 823. Development of an incendiary Pellet, by W. A. Show, et al, TCR 59, May 1950. . . Dctclopme nt of Incendiary Urits for the De- struction of the Contents of Safes and Secret Cryptographic Machines (The..), by Л. F. Watts, TDMR 1140, Get. 1945. Development of the E7 Ineendiary Warhead for the B-dlA Matador Pilotless Bomber, by T. W. Traiiberg, CWLR 2085, Feb. 1957. DDC-AD 124 310. Di relopnicnt of Reieorkintj Proc-dur, fn- the Grenade, Hund, incendiary AN-Mli, by M. Cutler, W. W. Reaves, CRLR 21 \ July 1953, DDC AD 16 991. De rilopment of h‘IH, Incendiary, Et and E7, by V. J. DiPaola, Л. I. Alper, CRLR-438, July 1955. Di ri loptiii nt of Hu Btorh r, Fire. E,, by К D. Knu-kr, С. H Peek, TCR 61, June 1*6,0. Di ri lopmi nt and T< xl uf l и nil 11 Eliiti : Md.l) и nd Fun EoHi'i i) fa, I'm fJr>>iD>4, by D M. Col........ D Shneek. В В Wbeeler. ( Kl.X з:>:1. Др,- 31
АМСР 706-189 EDGEWOOD ARSENAL (cont’d) Dissemination of Toxic Chemical Agents by Ther- mal Generation, by M. Cutler, CRLR-11, Aug. 1951. Effect of First Fire Mixtures on Functioning of 2.36” Rockets Filled TH., by D. Л. Bridges, TCIR-147, July 1944. Effects of Heat eud Air at Normal and at High Humidity on Powdered Metallic Magnesium and Rarium Chromate Mixtures, by A. Green, R. A. Reynolds, TDMR-1344, Jan. 1948. Evaluation of the Antipersonnel Effectiveness of Several incendiary Agents, by E J. Robinson, M. J. Wargovieh, CWLR 2070, Oet. 1956. Evaluation of Antipersonnel Incendiary Munitions, by W. W. Beyth, D. R. Howes, CRLR-58, Aug. 1953, DDC-AD 25 180. Evaluation of Methyl Aluminum Chloride as an Incendiary, by S. J. Magrani, CRLR 23, Dee. 1951 Evaluation of a Plastic Handed HC Smoke Com- position for the MR Grenade, by J. E. Andrews, Jr., K. (1. Carlon. W. W. Reaves. CWL-15-21, May 1957. ..Fast Hurning DM Mixture (A..), by W. W. Reaves, K. G. Carlon, CWL-15-22, June 1958. Fit tel Tests of MIR Colored Smoke Grenades. Re- port of Army Chemical Corps Board, Project No. 352, Mar. 1944. Field Texts of Grtnadrs, Smoke, Red AN-Me, Re- port of Army Chemical Corps Board, Project No, 37k, Feb. 1944. Final Кttgineerinij Testing of the Grenade. Hand, Colored Smoke, Efdil. TR-DPtlR 239. !><•<•. 1959. Final F. ngint t ring listing of И I' Fdhd igniter, In V> Avery. DPG Тем Plan :llt Mur 19..7 First Ftnx for Magus mum Himibs. !>, r< iopm< nt of FF.'o. tn x I Magram. 'f'l>.Ml< 7 >5. Oct. 1943 Flame Fougasse and Similar Flame Weapons, by О. B. Maiiaffie, S. P. DiMattia, Cml C. Bd. Study 12-52, Dee. 1952. Fundamental Study of Screening Nmoles: Mea- surement of Visibility, Transmission, and Re- flection, by I). Ehrenfield, EATR117, Mar. 1941. Grenade. Colored Smoke, EI5RI (For Use in Airborne Operations), by W. W. Reaves, K. (1. Carlon, CWL-15-20, May 1957. Grenade, Hand, Riot, CN E3R2, by R. W. Elton, TDMR-951, Dee. 1944. Grenade, Hand, Riot, CN, El3, by F. E. Egner, TCR-8, Sept. 1948. Grenade, Hand, Riot, (CN) Eli, by F. B. Hale, TCIR-446, Jan. 1949. Grenade, Hand, Smoke, HC MN—Aluminnm-Xinc Oxide Hexachloroethane Filling, by L. Finkel- stein, B. Becker, TDMB-472, Nov. 1942. Grenade, Hand, Smoke, ViP, Mid, by K. W. Elton, TDMR-959, Jan. 1945. Grenade, Smoke, Hand and Rifle, 1VP, E16, by G. I*. Silling, CRLR 119, Feb.- 1953. DDC-AD 3394. Same, CRLR 205, June 1953, DDC-AD 16 920. High Temperature Thermit-Type Ignition Compo- sitions, Development of FF.W, by S. J. Magram. J. J. Blissel, TCR-62, May 1950 History of Research and Development of the Chemical Warfare Service in World H’«r 11, (1 July 1940-31 Dee. 1945), 18 Volumes A series of monographs on the Chemical Warfare Service in World War II, DDC-AD 51 226. DDC Al) 48 316, DDC TIP I 8059, DDC Al) 42 047. Igndion Mixture with Hinder, Chemical Corps Formula B2-5O. Improved Phosphorus Smoke. by R. D. Knuke, TCR-I3, Mar. 1949, Improvement Siadit for 1 lire ltdvi i g Safi find Egnt/imi ni Ihxtrogsr, M2.it, In W. W. ReitVes. .1 J Blissel,'CR')L SP ]-2|. Aug. 196(1.
АМСР ПМШ9 EDGEWOOD ARSENAL (cant’d) 1 iieendiarics, by A. S. Berlin, CWL 440-1, May 1957. Incendiaries, Vol. 18, Part 11 of History of Re- search and Development of the Chemical IFer- fare Service in World IVhr 11, by L. Finkelstein, A. E. (Jani. Incendiary Agents, by Chemical Division, ETF 182-14, June 1952. Incendiary Agents Summary, by L. Cohen, CWL SP-1-1, Jan. 1958. Incendiary, TH, Improved Bartcs Thermit as a Substitute for Therm-9, by L. Finkelstein. S. J. .Magram, TDMR-407, July 1942. ..Inflammability and Sensitivity Tests of Violet Smoke Hires Submitted Ry Chemical Warfare Service (Report on..), by I. Ilartment, M. A. Elliott, Cheiniral Warfare Service Report 2653- K Sil 7, Mar. 1945. Inflammable Alloy for Incendiary Bontb Bodies, by О. B. Mahaffie, Sept. 1950, DDC-ATI 84 047. ..Infraved Screening Propertits of Smoke (The . A, by R. E. Shaffer, J. J. Ford, Jr., Dee. 1954, DDC A D 76 034. Indian! Smokes: .4 Pre Him i nary 1 nvestigation, by L. Finkelstein, ETF-120-5. Nov. 1938. Inn stigation of a Long Bure'ing Plastic Bomicd, Colored Smoke Mixture, by W. W. '{eaves, J. H. 1 lassnnnni, DDC-AD 233 750. I uri shguhon of Yelloiv Dyes for I'sr in thi H IS Colored SlileAe- Grenade, bv W. W. Reaves. K. (J. Carlon, CWLR 2336, Jun. 1960. DDC-AD 231 128. I ion-111 xuchlore thane-Potassmm Chloral) Smoke Mirturis, by E Л1. Winn ton, I. Finkelstein. TIME 516. Dee 19-}2. Miniut m i t'olorid Smoke I'ondlis, liv M Cutler, R Rodriquez, T< ’I R .Mur 19.HI. Modification of Incendiary Grenaille A..V-,V St (TH ERMiT) for Electrical Tiring, by V. L. Sehaf. W. J. Green, ETF 273-6, Jan. 1947. Mollification of MM) 14b. Magnesium, Bomb as Pirc Bomb Igniter E17, by J. J. Keenan, R. J. Classen, M. Cutler, CRLIR-4, Mar. 1951, DDC- ATI 100 440. Modification of Starter Cup Assembly of Pot, Smoke, 1IC, Ml, by M. Cutler, TCIR-434, Dee. 1948. Modifications to Increase the Antipersonnel Effect of the Grenade, Hand, Smoke, WP, Mid, by A. (’, Fairchild, TDMR 2239, Apr. 1946. . . New Method of Comparing Ignition Sensitivity of Pyrotechnic Mixtures (A. A, by J. H. Mr- kin, A. L. Prahm, TDMR 882, Sept. 1944. Noutoxic Smoke Training Candle, by M. Cutler, J. C lloleck, TDMR 1334, Jan. 1948, DDC-ATI 50 275. Pot, Smoke, HC, Ml Aluminum-Zinc Oxide-IIexa- chloroethane Filling, by J. II. Melatin, TDMR 559, Feb. 1943. Preliminary Investigation of Colored Smoke for Aircraft Smoke Generator, by J. C. Driskell, M. Cutler, M. J. Bessey, TDMR 1324. Aug. 1947, DDC-ATI 205 903. . Pre hniineiry Investigahon of Sulfamic Acid for New Scree in ng Smoke Mitnres (.4 . J, by S. J. Magrarn. J. D. Wileox, CWLR 2138, July 1957. A'r nsitirdg of Colored Smoke Mixtures, by S. .1. Magrnni TDMR547. Miriu iif Static Ti sts of a Thermal Grenade Filled Agent EA 1779, by F. L. Horning, 1). M. Shaw. 'I'M .33-21, Apr. 1959, DDC-AD 308 173. Shell, S'neoke, [lit''' ’mum. Bus, Emission, by T A. Ruble, TD.MR-993, Feb. 1945. Sinn- limning Compositions lor Bombs Ed-iX and E \ , by L. (>. Willke, I! I>. I lacks1 rioii. Tt’lR I*»7 Aug 1911 Snitdl Ijinriit in i/ Etii Stni tie. by M Culler. IC |i Kriiiki-. Ti ll 21, 20 Dee 1948.
АМСР 706-189 EDGEWOOD ARSENAL (cont’d) Smoke Munition* fur Airborne Operation*, Smoke Honib Ej. by J. И. Glayes, L. Andrews, TDMR-823. 1944. Smoke* о nd Munition* Applicable to Spotting and Tracking Charge* for Guided Missile Test Ve- hicles, by C. T. Mitehell, G. E. Miles, II. E. Norton, ete., May 1948, DDC-ATI 25 776. Starters, Vol. 16 of History of Research and De- velopment of the Chemical Warfare Service in World IVer II, by S. J. Magrai», Apr. 1954. .. Survey of Starters for Horning Type Munitions (Л ..), by S. J. Magram, TDMR 655, May 1943. Summary of PWP Literature to I July 1916, by C. J. Moxley, TDMR 1287, Nov. 1946. Trial Report Smoke Grenades (WP-E16), by D. W. II. Diekson, CRDL 550, E-325, Nov. 1961. ELECTROMAGNETIC WARFARE AND COMMUNICATIONS LABORATORY Wright-Patterson Air Foree Base, Ohio See: AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND. EXPERIMENT, INC. Combustion of Elemental Huron, Quarterly Sni.i- niary Re|Mirts, 1956-1958. EXPLOSIVES RESEARCH LABORATORY Brueeton, Pt nnsyl vania . . Application of Flash Photography to the Study of Explosion Phenomena (The..), by E. M. Boggs, R. J. Brumbaugh, G II. Mesaerly, DSHD 5616, .Inn 1945 FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORATION !»:<•< ndiary Evaluation Irojict Report IEP Courparatert I nci rn'iar-y EffeciivtHc»* of the Е Г> and V ill Incendiary Itombs, by N. .1 Thompson, M Dakin, Apr 1915, !)))<’ ATI 33 3t9 34 FELTMAN RESEARCH LABORATORIES See: PICATINNY ARSENAL. FERRO DRIER AND CHEMICAL COMPANY .. Investigation of Magnesium Pastes for Use in Incendiary Mixtures (Ла..), by O. (). Ken- worthy, J. I*’. Cher, et al.: R-l, Feb 1949, I C-AD 264 098. R-2, Mar 1949, DDC-AD 264 099, R-3, Apr. 1949, DDC-AD 264 100. R-4, May 1949, DDC-AD 264 101 R-5, June 1949, DDC-AD 264 10 R-6, July 1949, DDC-AD 264 KX: R-7, Aug. 1949, DDC-AD 264 104. ..Investigation of Magnesium Pastes for Use in Incendiary Mixtures (An..), by О. O. Ken- worthy, J. F. Cher, et al.: K-8, Bep. 1949, DDC-AD 264 105. R-9, Oet. 1949, DDC-AD 264 106. R-10, Nov. 1949, DDC-AD 264 107. R-ll, Dee. 1949, DDC-AD 264 108. R 12, Jan. 19.50. DDC-AD 264 109. FOOTE MINERAL COMPANY Berwyn, Pennsylvania Factors Controlling the Combiislion of Zirconium Powders, by II. C. Anderson, et al. Special ('hemical and Physical Analyses of Zir- conium Metal Powders, Project 22121, Report 22451, Feb. 1958. FRANCE >S'p<<ei/ Rorkctx and Pyrotechnics Problems, bv J. (1. Thibodaux, R-396, July 1961. Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Develop- ment, Paris, DDC-AD 287 ;544. FRANKFORD ARSENAL Pliil.sdeiphia, Pennsylvania . 1 m in auition. Caliber . >0. Spotti r'!r<:-i r, i<o I with the 106mm Recoilless M10 Syst, m, by }{ к Donnard. 11 B. W hit more. Jr. M 5ч Pt 1, F<1> 19.50
АМСР 7064*9 FRANKFORD ARSENAL (cont’d) Analysis of Tracers and Igniters tn Small Arms Ammunition, by G. Norwitz, TR8-7647, Aug. 1 959, DDC-AD 226 459. .. Apparatus for Determination of Smoke in Pow- der as Applied to Cal. .30 Ammunition (An . .), by II C. Nortnile, R-14, Sept. 1933 Chemical Balance of the P4 Primer, by II. A. Kirshner, R-987, Oet. 1950. Comparative Gas Evolution Rates, Magnesium Metal in Water and in Calcium Hydroxide for Tracer Compositions, oy A. Gallaeeio, MR-2242, Dee. 1943. Comparison of impact Sensitivity of Incendiary Mixtures, by T. Stevenson, MR 2203, Nov. 1943. Delay Action and Dim Igniters for Small Xml», by T. Stevenson, R-708, Feb. 1946. Delay Action Tracer Ammunition, by T. Steven- son, E. R. Reehel, R-44, June 1940. Determination of Acltre Titanium tn Titanium Powder Used for Pyrotechnics, by M. Codell, R. I*. Egan, G. Norwitz, MR-5189, Feb. 1957, DDC-AD 126 887. i -termina. on of the Product Residues and .1/ nium Flame Temperatures of Several Primer Mi. ’< < 'A 1, by E. Levy, R-1206, May 195 J. и, .iiino :<e. <•/ -• -ill Ai vtints of Copper and , 41 , I R Ph. ’'Tils hl . v w. i If 11 >ei If tj; I, Aug. 4 > ID, -innlti in of .L .11 .'I Iron . lied ; h, i.'A.'l . I . > ’iel< ' , II'. VH4. fh h . iniii.. Ito. •• . .'i, < о Arre ‘ h'l.1 Po.i i ' <j >< I .• о;/ .1 г V< tj i < i i, мн ;оз. . - .'A < ! I.'[чю sit о < i . -‘fi r 1 ’ J !hbi i .,i 'f ! I, \ 1 I, 1 1ч ' - 'II ' Development and Evaluation of Delay Initiators, Mi end M6At, by L. I). Saeh-s, R-1344, May 1956 (American Machine and Foundry Co.) Development and Evaluation of Initiator, Delay, MIO, by L. D. Sachs, R-1362, July 1956. Development and Evaluation of Initiators, М3 and М3 A I, by L. D. Saehs. R 1324, June 1956 (American Machine and Foundry Co.) Development of an Incendiary Bullet, by L. Fox, W. E. Kavasch, R-105, Dee. 1941. Development of Methods for Alumination of Red Phosphorus, by И. Zislin, R-532, Aug. 1944. Development <if a Rapid Safe Peroxidation Pro- cedure for the Stabilization of Commercial Red Phosphorus, bv M. L. Burroughs, G. F. Nord- blom, R-531, July 1944. Development of a Satisfactory Bullet for Car- tridge, Tracer, Caliber .30 М2, by M. A. Fry, R-849, Feb. 1948. Development of Spotting Cartridge for the, PAT- 234 Recoilless Rifle System, by R. C. Reagan, MR-702, Oct. 1958. Development of Tracer Ammunition at Erankford Arsenal during 1923, 1924, 1923, by S. P. Meek, R-233, June 1925 Ih velopini nt of Tracer Ammunition at Frankford Arsenal during 1923 and 1926, by S. P. Meek, H-216 Dee. 1926. Dii'hiomatt d Magnesium, Meg nr si um-Aluminum Alloy and Atomieed Magnesium tn Small Armt Tracer Ciimposition, by T. Sti ven.ton, R-793, May 1947 Effect of Certain hieryanic Compounds on the Oxidation Rati of Red Phosphorus, by M. Я. Sil\erstein, J .1 Jakatk in, C W. Dittrich. R-205, Sept 1942 Effici nt ('hiingi ‘ im ,1/riAi -if tl:r- Falling Rid! on th< Si n utility of Pt imi r.i. liy i' W ( iu.i chiiiHii, MK t>. JO I !, I’riiiief Info Hut (i 35
АМСР 706-189 FRANKFORD ARSENAL (cont’d) Eject of Copper and Iron on the (Ixidati:in Rate, of Red Phosphorus with a Method for Removing Copper, by M. L. Burroughs, G. F, Nordbloin, R-890, Jan. 1946. Effect of iron Added Our». Alumination on the stability of Red Phosphorus, by Я Zislin, M. S. Silventein, R-716, Apr. 1946. Effect of Iron-Complex Formation Compounds on the Stability of Red Phosphorus, by И. Zialin, К 703. Feb. 1946. . Effect of Iron on the Stability of Rea Phosphorus (The. .), by M. L. Burroughs, G. L. Nordblom, R-658, Oct. 1945. Effect of Magnesium Granulation on the Function anti Stability of 1-276 Igniter in Caliber At) Tracer, by W. W. Cavell, MR-374, Nov. 1947. Effect of Metals on the Oxidation Rate of Red Phosphorus, by J. J. Takiibeiii, M. S. Silver- stein, R-187. May I**'-’, DDC-ATI 197 084. . . Effect of Parlon upon the Sensitivity of Pyro- technic Compos.tions (The..}, by D. Jacobs. MR 523. Nov. 1952. DDC-ATI 173 556. Effect of Portale Sire on Rat* of Oxidation of Red Phosphorus, by M. Silverstein, J. J. Jakabciu, R-I.:.'», Jan. 1942. Effect of Preble tiding Tune on Igniter Stability. by T. Stevenson, MR 39, Mar. 1945, Tracer info. Bill 2 Effect of Pritnir Fillets Weight on Sensitivity {The. by E. M. Arnold. MR 11. Dee. 1943 Primer Info Bui. 14. Effict of Variation of Curdy Geomitry upon Nimill .Irmx Tract r Rurning, by R Shulman. R-142>, Nov. 1957. DDC AD 15!» 241 Effn tire Hiss of Smell .tons /nc.ndnirg .biniiiou lion at High Alfih.di s, by D Jacobs, J ('aven. R J «М2. DDC AD 139 641) Eh i’ti oitoln SifstiiH for /Gc.nding Peu.lir lg nil,on 1 hi i.ln I. by J 5‘ ] > i i j i h a i ri. N N Tiniibitll, R 2H. c, l I9!b Engineering and Laboratory Evahiation to Im- prove Test Procedures in Military Specification MIL-C-20171), Calcic tn Resinate, by G. Norwitz, T60-19-1, Mar. 1960. Evaluation of Methods and Equipment for De- termining Incendiary Flash and ignition Char- acteristics, by S. C. Piecoli, R-1411, Jan. 1958, DDC-AD 200 092. Exan'ination of German 7.!>2mm ЛР Incendiary Ammunition, bv .if. Wiater, MR-1547, Mar. 1943, DDC-ATI 41 245. Examination of German 7.!)2ntm AP Incendiary Ammunition, High Velocity, (FMAM 717), by M. Wiater, R-536, 1945. DDC-ATI-125 755. Examination of German 7.!)2mm Incendiary Ob- serving Type Ammunition, by M. Wiater, R-330, Sept. 1943, DDC-X924I. Examii ftioi of German 7.!)2mm Mauser AP In- cendiary Am.nitmtion, by M. Wiater, R-328, July 1943. Examination of German 20mm Mauser Incendiary Tracer Ammunition (FMAM-121), by M. Wiater, R-501, 1945. Examination of German 20mm Mauser AP In ccndiary Ammunition (FMAM 612), by M. Wialer, R-492, 1944. Exomituilion of German 20mm Solothurn, ЛР In- cendiary Tracer Ammunition { FM AM-.'l.'ifi), by- м. Winter, R-5(r5, 1945. Examination of Ten Rounds of .20tnm Hispano Sutra Ammunition with Incendiary Rearing A’ uior-f'u icing Projectiles, by W. II. Qnitt- niMit, D. C. Fletliei, MR-494, Feb. 1952, DDC- ATI 156 lit E ram Hol I ton of Ten Rounds of II n,paiti>-S ni;n 2<>mm A ui tnit Hitiiin with High E rplosii i , in riHitiury Shill, by W. 11. Qiiiuiiiiin, MR 5i.i. Aug 1952. DDC ATI 162 295 Exam tmiliuH Of ifaluio Vmm I net ndtili g . tnimaai li'.o , h i!A M l i. by M W;ai< r. R-5JJ.
АМСР 706-189 FRANKFORD ARSENAL (cont’d) Examination of Japanese ~.7ntn Incendiary Am- nt и и if ion, by S. Lipson, R-305, Apr. 1943, DDC- ATI 192 562. Examination of Unfired Sorict li.’ttnm API, Type HS-il (FAf AM-2125) and 20mm API, Type HZ (FMAM-2231) Ammunition, by W. II. Qnitt- mait, MR-574, Feb. 1954, Proj. TRS-0035. DDC- AD ИЗ 301. Expendable Prop-Test Pin for Mcasuriny Impart Sensiticdy of Pyrotechnic Compositions, by T. Q. Ciecone, Tracer Info. Bnl. 4, MR-306, Mny 1946. Explosion-Proof, Automatic, Flare Detection Equipment, by I.-, Galluii, E. Roffnian, R-I104, Nov. 1952. Factors Affecting the Sinsitirity of the M.ifiAl Primer, by E. M. Arnold, MR 30. June 1944, Primer Info. Bill. 30. Factors Affcctiny Small Arms Tracii Hi.rniny, by R. S. Shulman. RN R-12S7, Sept. 1955. DDC- AD 3(1 279. Flarc Diticlion Equipment, by R. E. LeVino, E. Roffimm, R-936, Sep*. 1949. Fnncttoniny and Stability of Igniter !-1 f) i Con- tuininy Strontium Peroxide of Special Composi- tion. by W W. Cnvelt, R 790, May 1947. Hint 1‘oieder, F/, -41, ,Von-tftisi ous, VE-PD-104. Rev 2, -Inly 1954. History, Part IV, нр »o 3(1 Sep! 1943. (j.R I, 1 Del. io 31 Dee 1913 QR I, 1 Jan to 31 Mar 1944 (jR2, I Apr. to 30 June 1941 QR 3, 1 -I illy Io .30 Sept 1914 <;R I, 1 < let to 31 Dee 1944. I/R 1, 1 J tin to 31 M ar I 945 (jR-2. I Apt to 3D June 1945 9R i. I JiH.i to .30 Sept 1945. QR 1. 1 lift (o .11 Dee 1945 tlhniili: Engl "i • I Ulf/ t\ l ilt iiit t n>n of the 14/ J- Spoilt i Xqstim, tn A <’ Karr, M .>9 24 | M.'y 1 :t.»D Compositions 1-276, by Л. Gallareio, MR- 2940, Aug. 1945. 1 net ii<Пап; Hulht, Cal. AO, 7’,'iU White Phosphor»*, by T. Q. Ciecone, R-719, May 1946. DDC-X9544. . . 1uerndiary Hiillit Dccclopment (Cal. .20..), by E. R. Rechel, R-6HO, Dee. 1945, DDC-X9446. incendiary Compositions Containiny Metallic Phos- phides for Cal. .’>(/ Ainmnnition, by T. Q. Cic- cone, R-784, Apr. 1947. I net ndiary Compositions Containing Oxidizers Substituted for Potassium Perchlorate, by T. Q. Ciecone, T. Stevenson, R-744, Oet. 1946. Inci stiyation of Alkaline Earth Superoxide* (-in . .), by G. Knieeik, A. Shoeliet, R-1144, Dee. 1953. DDC-AD 22 400. Inrcstiiiiition of a ('lose Toll rance Pyrotechnic Metallic Delay Element, by W. R. Peterson, R-1693, Sept. 1963. h‘vixttyation of Various Type Chemicals for Use in Pyndichnic Compositions (The..), by S. E. Pieeoli, R1377, Apr. 1957, DDC-AD 143 962. A‘< ii-Shi t t-lnci niliai у Composition. К on tics .if the Corrosion of Atomized Magnesium in Moist .lie, by J E. Regan. M. S. Silverstein, R-1092. July 1952. Kinetics of the Corrosion of Magnesium in Moist .Dr, by J E. Regan, M. S. Silverstein, R-9H1, Nov 1950. I.tdioi ritory Simulation uf Tracer Function, by T A Doris \V VV Covell, R 1704, Jan 1964. If ogili si Utn A/n Hl in II in -illilfj us ,i Siihstityte for Mnyni siiim in Tract i t'oinposition. by E. R. Rrehr), 1' 57(, Mur 1942. .'iiigm > i и in I’ou di r son, T-1 2'27. ilit i НА, In ’1 . SteA en- ililimiil for Ptoposid .1 С.Ч pl-uti l / st fol ,s, no tlrity of /'< >'rit.S'ioa Primite, In I' \V Chnrell- nin ii. li 25!। A . J ini. P> 43 37
АМСР 706489 FRANKFORD ARSENAL (cont’d) Manufacture of Tracer Bullets, Caliber ,*W, by II. W. Euker, T-2176, Juh 1943. Manufacturing Process for Bullet, API Cal. ..30, FATI SIH Using Incendiary Pellets, by A. G. TomsHsetti, R-1182, Jen. 1954. Method for Measuring Ince,., i’lry, Igniter and Tracer Compositions for Impact Scnritii'ity, by A. Gallaeeio, T. Q. Cieeone. MR 258. Nov. 1945. Tracer Info. Bui. 3 Method of Testing Sensitivity of Printers, Per- cussion M:36A l-XVI-(iEL3), by M. A. Fry, R-983. 1950. .. Most Economical Sample Site for Drop Testing Cal. ..30 Primers (The . by J. A. Darby, R-69, July 1941. . . Л7и> Bomb Method for Determining the Stability of tluminated Red Phosphorus (/I by G. F. Nordblotn, R-924. Oct. 1949. Oxidation of Red Phosphorus, by M. Silveratein, R-62, Feb. 1941. Same by M. Silventein, J. W. Mitchell, K-62A, June 1941. Particle Size Classification of Red Phosphorus, by II. Zislin, M S. Silverstein, R-530, July 1944. Preliminary Study of Some Rosie Eactors Affect- ing the Burning Rates of Tracer and Igniter Mixtures, by J В Reel, R-283, Mar 1943. DIM‘ ATI 206 911 Pre>.sere-Ttme Studies of Various Small Arms Priming Compositions— Project TS I-11-17, by II. Л Kirshner, R T. Еек“пг<м1с, MR-505, June 1932. DOC-ATI 162 296 Pyrottchuic Delaj Devices for Low Energy Dtt- oitaltnii ( ord Systems. by .! F. Kovtalick, Mill 2t> 1. Apr 1964. Rilahon of /moacf S< nsdti ity. Ignthon Tr»ip< ro ture, and Barrel Length tn igniter I' <i netianrug in Trarrr Bullitt, by 'Г Stevenson. MR 346. Jan. 19ч7. Tracer Info Bui. 5. Sensitivity Drop Tests on Loose Pyrotechnic Pow- der Compositions of Incendiary, Igniter and Tracer Types, by J. J. Cavrn, MR-564, Tracer Info. Bui. 8, 1958, DDC-AD “1 696. .. Sensitivity Test for Primer Compositions (.4 . .), by E. M. Arnold. MR 10, Oet. 19 3, Primer Info. Bui. 10. Smoke Tracer Caliber .Mt Tf/S, by W. W, Cave!!, T. Stevenson, R-1025, Nov. 1951. Specific Surface of Powdc red Magnesium by (ras Adsorption, by W. Baulknight, W. Dittrieh, M. S. Silverstein, R-952, Det*. 1949. Spectral Energy Distribution of Incendiary Bullet Flame, by D. J. Troy, T-1987, Feb. 1943. Spectrochemical Analysis of Impurities in Barium Xitrati, by H. Levitsky, G. Ritzheinmr, T6O-17-I, Jan. 1960. . . Stabilization of Commercial Red Phosphorus, (The..), by M. S. Silvei-stf,.., G. Nordblotn, R-206. Apr. 1943. Stabilization of Red Phosphorus, by II. Zislin. R-660, Oct. 1945. Standardization of Drop Test Machines Used to Inspect Small -irrn.t Prime -s, by M. R. ! evens, ('. W. Churchman R 458, ’ ’eb. 1944. Strontium Trtroxidc in Strontium P< rioxie’e, by T. Q. Cieeone, R 669, Nov. 1945 Study of Particle Size and Shape of Tracer Com- ponents by Mians of Electron Microsci g, by R Feder, MR 459. May 1951 . . Study of Wiriahuns in Static Burning Rut< s of Caliber and Caliber .50 Tracer Bullets Такса from Daily production (.i .), by J. li. Reed, M E Stevens. П-702. Feb 1946 Sulu,, : Particle Si.r Dis tribt1> ,ч of Pcwderid Magni slum by St dime ntatu n in .1 ndreaso'i Pi- /и th. bv .1 E Regan, M S. Sil rerstein. R-H77, X, v .!GH Sinfoci .'.*•/). try nf Lrinii rs and Troiii*. by M. S. HloTHi.in. И 431 Xov. I!»43. 1 >DC-X‘-269.
АМСР 706-189 FRANKFORD ARSENAL (cont'd) Thermal Stability </f Parlon anil Its Mixtures with Barium Peroxide anti lied Ttmrf, by R. A. Garstka, MR-650, May. 1957, DIM ’-AD 135 233. . . Theraioche inistry of Priniiuff Mixtures (The..), by R. F. Wilkinson, R-970, Apr. 1950. Trace) Ammunition Inrestigations, by E. R. Reehei, T. Stevenson, R-26, June 1938. Tracer D< releipuie nt for Fixer! Fin Stabilised Am- munition, by D. Crowl, R-1315 Apr. 1956. Tracer Invistigations, by K. R. Rechel, R-4, Nov. 1929. . . I'sc of Metallic Aluminum for th'' Stabilisation of Pt P'imer.s 3/3fi2 (The ..). by C. W. Dittrich, M. S. Silverstein, R-78.8, Мнг. 1947. X-Ray Examination of Rat turn Peroxide and lo- ader Mixture Submitted by Picatinny Arsenal for Eridenec of Barium Peroxide Octahydrate, by J. B. Reetl. M. R. Stevens, R-418, Oct. 1943 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Photoflesh Lamps. by F. s. Hawkins, J. W Ryde. British Patent 737.594, Feb. 1953. GLOBE INDUSTRIES, INC. Photoflash System. by R. A. Stein, L. S. Wasser- man, June 1951, I!. S. Patent 2,609,523. GREAT BRITAIN . . Accuracy of Pyrotcch tic Delays (The..}, by A. N. Mosses, RAE Tech. Note ЛИМ 584, Apr. 1956. .lie S< a W arfare llliemiontiou Systems, Ministry of Supply, DOR/S59H, Apr 1954. . 11 и oi n e m Poude r Hujl. Explosive Flash Rombs. Modif.cations to the Aluminum Pmcdir Con ti ,.,i c, by -I •’ t iK kett, It. F. Wilkinson. ARD 12 <7. 19 17. ! ppliced u>u "J li ad Tiibuifi to ihi Fdlhiej of F .-/i di re on- ll./ays I'llu I. bv Л M. Scott, X 4 9 rs ]{ . . Appreciation of the Problem of Slept Photog- raphy front feet (.4n by J. B. Reid. Royal Aircraft Establishment Tech. Note PH 407, Jan. 1947. . . Rase Ejection Sme/ke- Shell. Comparative Trial for Screening Effect (IS Pdr. . .), by R. Kin- gan, PR 1578, July 1936. Rase Ejection Smoke Shell. Shell Q. F. 25 Pdr. (Din to DD/L/7223B. Smoke Efficiency Trial, by E. L. Davies, PR 1992. Oct. 1938. Rase Ejection Smoke' Shell. Pse of Zinc Dust instcael e/f Calcium Silicide. Trial with 3.7” How Shell 36.3.33, by E. W. Bateman, \V. G. Abinett. PR 1418, Oet. 1935. Rattle fit lei Illumination, by J. <’. Caekett, ARDE eo/.-it, Dec. 1954, DDC-AD 84 378. . . Drowning Tracers. .1 Report on the Develop- ment of Mcthoel of Filling for Air Service Tracers (0.3”. A, RDEK 371/42, Dec 1942. . .Ruining of Single Drops of Fuel, Part I, Tem- perature Distribution and Heat Transfer in the Pre-Flame Reejion, (The..), by (1. A. E. God- save, National Gas Turbine Establishment. R-66, Mar. 1950. Darning Time of Illuminating Flares, Discussion of Factors Affecting Burning Time and their' Control at Manufacture. by J. S. Forbes, (XT Report L/301 /3011. Sept 1946. .Cliniati" Ti t- on Calcium Silicide Smoke Can- dles (Report on . .), by E. W. Bateman, PR 1179, .Inly 1933. Cedar Measurement of Target Ineiicator Candles, by R. («. Horner, Selo Physics Laboratory, III ford Ltd., RW 4. May 1945. Same, E18. 1945 Dark Ignition. The D relopment of a Priming Composition to (Нее a Dark ignition i DI 1 Period of liul yehds ( (I. MR. Ill ). RDER 3(>6 42. Dee 1912 Dm к lifiiition. The D> re lopriu nt of e Primine/ Comimsihon to litre ,> hoik le/n.tion Pi 4'rei of less Than :e> yards >, .'.Л C MK 17 . J. RDER 42. Oct 19)2 39
АМСР 706-189 GREAT BRITAIN (cant’d) . . Dark iff nit ion. Л Report on the Effect of Addi- tion of Mayne-xium Carbonate to SR H(iS on the / <jth of Hrilliancy of Trave (.№!" G. MR ill к \ . .). RDER/42^ June 1!)42 Delay Compoxitinnx Conlainine, Amorphous Horan, by J. C. Cac; 'it, F. p. Watkins, ARE 23/53, Nov. 1053. Ilesiyn for an neendiary Itomb, by R. Saiiger, Halstead Exploiting Centre, Nov. 1945, DDC- ATI 126 6Й4 Di It rioratimi of Smoke Stores—Meetiny at Tonehe //.?./ >, ,V ‘ 3842. 11.2023/43, 1943. De te rmie>atton of the Particle hue Distribution of Dyestuffs Tse-l for the Production of Coloureet Smoke Clouds—/I Method Rased on the Rate of Se<ii.:te>t<!tion {The..), by J. T. Stack, G. D. Heath, I’ortoi* Tech. Paper 23, l1 2701. Sept. 194'. f)t et iopint >tt and Dexiejn of Weapons for Coloured Smoke'. by (1. D. Heath, P.Mon.9.214, Feb. 1946. De velopment of the flirt < i-i\jnition Shell Trace - (lf>i7-l'>21' [The ), oy J. S. Pick, RDER 306/43. Sept. 1!M3. De reieipme nt of hrproi'fd Trackiny Composi- tions of the SR .472 Type fen 20mm Oerlikon Ammunition with !<><> yds. mid 2'0 ads. Dark liiniliiin iTh< I. by E A Ilnthni, ARD 33/48. t >et 1948. 1 lr i ' hi j.nn и I of (hi /'|-n( I’hidofleisb C'trhimli and its b;i:.e. b- i! ' Kinnard. MOS ARM 609. D-.’ 19'7, DltC-Ai 1.57 ('34 h и h, pun nt of PililtSodiieiii Xdruti Smoke Gin iiiihiis, In l( M A Wel<hl"»ll, !7 W. I in I r1 nil i i PR 26*'>. -Inn- i '4 ' i >. . i. .piii i , al i. '14 e -' <. * oh) s - 1e1 о о -S' it i e.. a a So'al., I i I'l l‘rl - -': I In -. hi M Л P Hoirg. i’ iT >"7 ii i’t.’t.'i I, i . i..(.>;< н! .-I rtonlitl.rn lynihi^ f--a a t>“ h'lii.t.J. !.i k !! Porter. ИЛЕ Те. I> \»t>- GW ..'txt 19 ,> De relopnu nt of Pyrotechnics (The..), ARDE, LA DO/25/OG. Dec. I960. DDC-AD 322 009L. Same Aug. 1960, DDC-AD 318 291L. Development of Smike Generators Conta;nine/ Pitch, and Sodium Nitrate (Report on the..), by J. D. Waipole, E. Л. P ri-en, B. Monat Jones, PR 2222, June 1941. De e'e lapilli nt of Stabilized Ceempoxitions for the' Grenade, If and, C oloreei Snioke, A'o. Sd (The . .), by M. A. P. Hogg, PTP 673, Mar. 1959, DDC- AD 312 055. Dispersion and Combustion of MetalHe- P/ireltrs in -hr, by I. II. Hildebrand, London Mission Memo to NDR*', 31 July >43. Effect e'f Variations in Atmospheric- Pressure- mi the Combustion of Pyrotechnic Compositions [The. ), by J. Cn"kett Misinstry of Supply Report 61/54. Dee. 1954, DDC-AD 84 379. feect e>f Variation of Carbon Tetrachloride Con- tent e>n Eienctioninej e>f Compeexitions PN .'>11 ami PN by W. N. J. Bright. PR 2668, Mar. 1945. Plastie- Pyrote ch nies: Part 1: II. i-elopme nt uf th, DAnrh Xtr/iiftf Cart ielyt , by G. W. Hast nigs, Minisiry of Supply. 16/R/59. Рае II. The Early Staeies hi the Driolnp,., nt of a Suitable llinih > System, by G M. Hastings, ERDE Tei-h. Memo 22 M/60. Mar 1961. DDC All 334 617. Rj-uinination of Sunn Delay Conipeexitions for I si in thi (//•' lee in ,n ealihri Gun Peeves iinei Simj/ui Sushiiis, by N. Grifliths. X2, ARDE, Lang 57 R295 E.r/n rum >:hii I no neleary 4'uni yositimis S; iisi/ir- ihl mid h'lush Tt sts. M-nistev of Supplv, At ’ I’D ) INC SCI 3.5 t >. t 19 13 I i у. i i> < и Is uil h e 'и,, y, i f!,, m (>s i ' h a i in < I И I' iiud lit 4’fiHijluai, rah iRij'.nt mi . I,x 41 Ross, PR 3’i 2. < >< t It-2 ! 7. p, I : III) H 4 S i> Il t hl I II1 I i. - (... II ,y .ll no U I S IIIIII io/ .\ife-lt S IH Pl, mil p. Ill IS, by c. J. Wilkin-. i: 1‘ - al-ill ARD 'W|- hept <;,31 14. 194 I
АМСР 706-189 GREAT BRITAIN QorU’d) E.r piastre Fillers with Additional I net ndiiiry Ef- fect, Inrinrin Pattnt (Translation), by Weidle. Halstead Expiring Centre, S<‘pl. 1942. .. Fstfusion of /hiriiftoit </ Fie h (.St).'!' U. MK 17/ . ARI) 3K-4/-43. 1943. Factors Affectimj Qitahiy in A’li/hi Photoyruphy with Pyrotechnic Flash!.;, by W. Romer, RAE Tech. Note PH 333, 1945. Finnic Weapons,\n- A. W. ('ox, ARDE Memo (MN) 3/61 DDC-AD 324 77». FlninniabHit;/ of Mayntsium, Aluminum, and May- ntxiuin Alumin Alloy Dusts, by A. L. Godbert. L. (*. Would, Safety in Mines Research Estab- lishment, R 113, 1955. Flash, Photograph, 8", So. z’, MK.l, Armament Research ami Development Establishment, Х4/ W/8/59, Feb. 196(1. ШК -Л1) 311 837L. . . Flush Photographic l.~~> (The . .), by J. ('. Cack- ett, R. F. Wilkinson, ARI) 1/47, 1947. F опии t io и of Colour! <1 Smoke Clouds Port 1 lit rii ir of Sitihild Organic Dyestuff, tTht . by (J. 1). Heath. PR 2547, Apr. 1913. F и iH’tioai ng lliiyhts for Photoflosli! s anti Puro- ihuh Floris, by A. N. Mosses Ministry of Sup- ply Technical Note ARM 505. .Ione 19.>7. DDC- AD 157 3*9. F II ni l Ion. oy of Sllllfll ( ' Olli /HIS 11 Ilf IIS liuii III Ihuillliy Ol Pai hi idui lit !• 11 in i Du it ( 'll I -roll i.-drei (Irliotl Snim Fii'hos Afftehny Hu Fnlokt I 'out posit intis with to Sodium l'ii i uniif i . I> v I.' W. IainPR 2(>7? Mar 1915. /')(.< Hill, fold Ги/Ч VllIHltlllll О/ PDF Hull III !ln, ’I>i.'11 odh Гн чип . I>i lioiica'h. 14 •>. ’ 9 I f. Пинии, 1 art stiyotions 0)1 the .Mi h orology of Chemical Warfnri, by -I. II. Simpson, British Intelligence Objectives Siib-Conimittee, DDC- AT1 109 7 55. (hrinan Fgrnh clinic Factoriis, by M. P. Lisowski, Brir.’sh Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee, DDC-ATI 64 424. (Iran and Orauyt Hand Spectra of f'aOIl, CaOD unit Calcium O.ridc, by A. (I. Gaydon, C'lieni. Engineering Dept., Imperial ('allege, London, May 1955. (In 1:.'dis Filial WP, by (1. L. Wiitkinson, PH 2259, Oct. 1941; PR 2289A, Dee. 1941. ..lhc,t Comluctieity of Mixtures (The..'), by Frohlich, Wills, SAC/PIF 100. ..Uiatiny Гр of Suiokc Compositions (The..). Statement by CD 3, R(J 10. Ih ots nf lit act ion and iiahs of Hitruiny Solid Sy.ittms, by Spice, Staveley. I! lyh Alhtudi Combust ion of Pyroteehmcs, by A. J. Taylor, ARDE Memo (MX) 41/60, Aug. 1960, DDC-AD 319 248. . . lynituLil’ty of 111 .raeliioroi thorn and ('(imposi- tion Sfi .'(i'll/ (Th, . .), by A. R. Boyle, F. .1. I Jew .1 ly 11, Report a(X)19 Birmingham. Feb. 191 1. lyuilioii and lluiiiim/ Propirtns of ,\o. /5.1 Piiikfind I'u.i al Low Prissuris illn . by R F WilkiiMmi, RDER5I1 41. Mar. 1911 liinitiiiii on sli .’dK' Pyrntieh>nc Composition. Thi Eflu t of thi I st ,,f .Mori Thun <> a Fiiii. tn E. G. HarriMin, Rocket Propulsion Esiab'ish- nirnt Tei-li Mi nio 214, Nov. I9iitl, DDC-AD 321 Oss !'n i I' "ili 1 <1 4 c<.oil ., R!> (i,l il s s III III О I *11111 fill I <‘/.III 1 Г bl I SI -I til III I itn‘nn iii Aliou iii t'.,,n/п.м/рш л ii -n, .1 <’ Cj.koli, F I' Walknis. ARD Io .>!. 1551 I,I,. /Col’, f. \n liA.il.;;. lH. . JH>( ATI I27o 11.4 f,, .>1 1 on n! .,i rliosphin us Sill It 1 Inti 1 ini Ii poif < u . In К Л -I Met Inn'. I‘|{ 357. .hili I9ji; llllllllllll ill 11 I' HI H111 у Oil III' lipllcrl! Dlltlllo ,ll I . ' I <1 ' >1 ,S( I . . Ill ,1./ .s II nd ! S' I h. . i, tn A S < i I! iJI. I'll 1 pis p. ; |
АМСР ТО-18$ GREAT BRITAIN (coat’d) Influence of Particle Site of Zinc Dust on Rate of Burning of Smoke t'lnn positions, by W. N. J. Bright, J. D. Morton, J. A. Prigg, PR 2577, Mur. 1944. Infrared Decoys, AHDE Меню (MX)44/6O, Aug. 1960, DDC-AD 319 25OL. .. IntelliyrMce on Enemy Г1Г and Smoke (Sum- mary of..), bj A. Y. Stephen, Porton, Muy 1943, DDC-ATI 42 236. Same, Dee. 1942, DDC-ATI 42 215. . . Investigation of the Атони/ of Light Required for Air Night Phi.i-j/aphy from High Altitudes (An . .), by J. (’. Caekett, R. F. Wilkinson, E. A. Talbot. ARD 23/48, 1948. . . Investigation of the Plash Produced by Alu- minum Scattered by Means of Aluminized High Explosive (An . by J. C. Caekett, R. F. Wil- kinson, RDER 1003/46, June 1946. . . Investigation inti. the Performance i/ HE and НЕ/1. Fillings for S’AA, Part i.' An Investi- gation of the Fragmentation of 2t)mm Oerlikon Shell Filled with Various HE and HE/Incen- diary Com positions (An ..by J. P. Leigh, ARE 9/54, May 1954. DDC-AD 34 336. Part I, ARE 31/53, DDC-AD 31 114. Same, Part VII, Ex- perimental Assessment of the Flash Produced from Various Classes of HE and HE/I Filled 2f>mm Oerlikon Shill Fired into Air, Orggen «nd Nitrogen Atmospheres, by A. J. Skinner, ARDE Memo 1’4/6/55, 1955, DDC-AD 100 511. Invi stig'diens <-n Shell Tracers. by L. A. Wiseman. Coiversi’y of Bristol, RD 18, Apr 1944. rotors, bv II (J Mich,II. PDR t . May 5939. V,,:,/>,•. of liin in’ll Pi turidi-Magm slum Compos/- 'ioiii, Pli> nival Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford, Л1- 8979. P!F 197 A”u« ties \>f leu--. to Lugir Burning in <>а.чВпк t'olilp :slt III i: s, b> R W Hill .1. E. Spice R 15 F T-mple. SAC P1F 1*81, Apr itllti Same, VIF 127 A’isr tics of Lager to Layir Burning in Slow Hurn- •ng Compositions, RM.18. Lone) Service Sn-uke Shell. A Comparative Trial of Shell 4.:>" How. MK.VI and MK.VII and MK.VIli Charged WP and Shell 4A" How. HE MK. I / I,(DDIL/IWJ'>), by R. Kingan, PR 1630, Nov. 1936. Lead Fuhr Delay for SD Hase Fu'e, RE 7. . . Lethality uf <i Forward Frayr . '-Projecting Rocket (The . by L В. C. Cun am, W. R. llynd, M. McKinney, Air Wa Analysis, Sept. 1945, DDC-ATI 106 772. . . Light Output of Air Hurst f-.l-inch, MARK IV, Photographic Flashes of Different Terminal Ve- locities, by R. F. Wilkinson, Л. C. Caekett, E. A. Talbott, ARE 24/48, Sept. 1948. . . Limiting Air Velocities for Flames Burning frg n Liquid Surfaces at Subatmospheric Pressures (The..), by R. Hirst, D. Sutton, RAE Tech. Note EPD, Mar. 1954 ..Lirins Drums Charged Phosphorus (Report on . .), by K. A. J. MeClure, PR 471, July 1927. Low Attitude Night Photography by Camera, by F. Spencer. RAE Tech. Memo Air PH 84, Feb. 1951. Low Speed Wind Tunnel Model Tests of the Dropping of Fire Bombs from о Hunter, by T B. Owen, RAE Tech. Note Aero 2291, Jan. 1954. DDC-AD 33 740. . . Machine for Safely Filling Phutoflashes (A . . >, by .1 C. Csekett, RARDE, FXD/70/026 Magnisiuhi Powder Stabdity, Ministry of Supply. Advisory Council <>f Scientific Research uiul TechniciiI Development. Mar 1916, DDC-ATI 51 239. Mia >u< mint and Control nt Particle Size in I’yri-ti chuic Ingredients i Thi 1, by A M. Wild, RARDE Лето i.\) 3.63 Jan 1963. DDC- Al) 334 978. .)/< <4mmi >/ th.i Huvi-mg of Sf-f ‘</4 \ Thc ), by Froiilieh. Wills, W>x man SAC PIC t>6.
АМСР 706-189 GREAT BRITAIN (coat’d) Meeting to Dixeiiss the Deterioration of Smoke Stores Held at CDF!N Dorian ^U.fl.IA (Report on Second..), AC 4443, P1F 25 II 2023/43, Juno 1943. Metallic Smoke Compositions. Preparation of Com- bustible Fibre Handed Pastes Containing Zinc and Carbon Tetrachloride, by B. A. Tonis, К. E V. Speneer, PR 258, Jan. 1944. Meteorology for Chemical Warfare and Smoke, 1954, DDC-ATI 146 311, Air Ministry Meteo- rological Office. .. Miring and Handling Coloured Smoke t’ornpo- dtwni (The..), by 1). R. Mackey, M. Leekie. Ministry of Supply, DDC-ATI 44 538. A'r u’ Lu mi nous Priming Compositions for Tracers, by Л. 11. Warburton, RDER 610/44, June 1944. Might Photography: Development of a Suitable Photographic Clash, by W. F. Coxon, ARD 8/41, March 1941. Sight Photography Trials from 10,000 feet Using 600-lb. Conical Torpex Photo Plash, by C. R. Thorne, F. Spencer, N. P. Court, P. Wfiite, RAE Tech. Note P!| 423, Jan. 1959. . . Sight Photograph у Trials front 10,000 feel Using e'O-lb. Photoflash (Interim Report on..), by C. R. Thorne, RAE Tech. Memo PH 57, July 1949. Sight Photogi a phi/ Trials, Woomera, Australia, by C R. Thorne, F. Spencer, ’ While", N. I’. Court. D. B. Minterne. RAE Te. >. Note PH 442, 1950 Sight Hu ninoissance in :t f Wing. 2nd TAF/ORS, 1945 Fob, Is Il. .Г(1е/11ог1н tham I audits. I i nmiualiori of t'lfiiillis h'itiirutd afttr > yi;i-s »;i Iraq, l>\ II (> Milsoil, !’]< >238, M;;\ 1934 \olnh ll. . hto; o. tham Siho.m CtindliS If. port он t'lt.un ic and Stor»gi О >«>/<, by II G. Mим. i. !’R I I'll. July 1935. Nou-Toxic Son-irritant 1< noke (Pneraiors, by G. D. Че th, FTP 309, Oet. 1952. Observation tm the Horning of liinary Pyrotechnic Composition Containing a Metal as Fuel, by P. R. Rowland, Ministry of buppiy, MDiS 163, July 1947. Also, .SAC/PJF 197. Obscuration Produced by Ntnoke Curtains (The..), by А. Г. Alerringtnn, E. (J. Richard- son, .ARM 174. Mar. 1943. ..Hit Fmoke Production (interim Report on..), PR 36, Oet. 1922. On the Hehavior of Radiation Inside the, Luminous ('loud Formed by Photographic Flash /tombs; Some I'.rpi unts on the Obscuration of One Flash by /inoiher, by J. C. Caekett, E. F. Caldin, t.DER 427/45, Nov. 1945. .. Optical Density of Smoke Produced from No. .1. MK.l and Nobel (ffl.29) Generators in Rela- tion to Concentration and Partich Hite (R..pert on . ), by J. A. Bannerman, 11. L. Green, PR 1638, Nov. 1936. Particle Rice Distr ibution of Dyestaff Used for Smoke Cloud, by G. D. Death. PTP 23, Sept. 1947. Particle Hi;c Distribution of Dyestuff Used for Cimnkr Cloud. A Method Rased On the Rate of Sedimentation, by J. T. Stock, G. I). Heath, PTP 23, Sept 1947. Phosphorous Fillings for Antipc/sori-el Incendiary Weapons, by R. Г. Phillip», DRER 609/44, June 1944. rus Smoke Candles by" Messrs. Albright and Wilson, 18 and Ik August, Iftdli (Report on ', by K. A J. McClure, PE .' 73. Sept. 192K. Photo (’ill Dptrated High Altitude Recounais- sance Sight P,/:hii,; (FX Hft . by F Spencer, RAE <•<. h. Memo Air PH 58, 1949. Photaflash Tr«<t?s ll:!d at tsho~. . .о 4 uess ( Report on >. Selo PhyMcs Laboratory, Hiio‘'d Lt<’. PRC 32.43. i!O2 I'hnfoflash trials Ji.i’or Range J. Tre'blle - WJlOHHs. Л JM 'Esh. Mein i 1671. 43
АМСР Ж 489 GREAT BRITAIN (cant’d) .. Pkototfrephic >’/о«Л Mark HI (i.'t-inck . .), Or- fortlti«*HH Rewarch Station, OHS, REF. ВТ 84, Ort. 1444. 7‘Ло10<;’»ч4рЛ|с Л’/ллЛс.ч, by J. (.. Caekett. A monograph .. Photoyra phi? Flash tfontb (The..), АШ) 9/52, Sept. 1952. Photoyraphic Flash tFmili. The Miasu,i‘mcnt nf hiejht from Air-lturst Combs (The 8-in. . .), by •I. C. Caekett, F. 1’. Watkins, ARE Z5/51, Nov. 1951. Photoyraphic Flash Homb. The McCfntrement of the l.ifjht from Airburst Rombs nt Orford Hess (The x”. 1, by J. C. Caek.tt, F. 1’. Watkins, ARI) 9/52, 1952. Photoyinphie Flash Rom^Mark /Г, Methods hn/iroriny the Effict асу of the Flash (The i-.’i-ineh . .), by .1. (’. Caekett, R. F. Wilkinson, ARD 12/48. Photmjraphic Flash Hotnb Phol.-nutrie- Trials Orfurdness (The й< sO-lb by J. C. Caekett, E- A. Talbot, R. F. Wilkinson, ARD 22/49, 19.50. t’tnituyraphic Flash Com poset loirs, Selo Physics Laboratory, IHford, Ltd., A 90, Oct. 1941. "hotoyretphte Flashes -lh rdopinent, Ministry of Supply, BM BWR/355, May 1948. I'hotoyra Hr Flushes fur Shyh Attitude Photoej- 'aphy nt N-yhl. Director, Armament Research hue’ Developii'cin । Airi. Progrmnine Item 27. 19 k i'h :>toi, rupti ’( trim the . Iir ut Л l<//0; .1 History of tfv lie < i lopmi nt eheltliy the Pi nod / U > 7. / 9/.., Kirnit Aircraft Establishi,icnt, J.»P i’ll '2. Mono ,.(rHph 2.5 13. DDC ATI 113 263 Phot, a,, trie 1>ч!ц ‘or t'rneii < ’uniiiosdi" >o . Pi,p . tifilflfit it t S R :<>i, 1 пип С о и posit nui. to Д H V. Hchnrto ,. Xi I >.»ОЛ! Hi 1. RD 1 1 Photome try utld Liyht Hist rib nt io и of Aircraft (The..), by S. S. Beggs, J. S. Sniytll, •!. M. VGildrani, GEC 8259. 1943. Photometry of Pyrutcehnie Flames (The..), by ,4. C. Caekett, ARD.E Memo (MX) 69/60, Port llnii tend. Possibility of fynitiny Tracers at the Mn-.zle (A Note o.t. .), by J, S. Dick W. R. Maxwell, RDER 648/54 Sept. 1944. F. cpeirativH of Park ly nition Priminy ami 'f’rac- iiiy Compe:sitioux for Small Arms: A min и nit lee it, DEF Engineering, REIT MXE/R11/47, Sept. 1943, .. Production of Hlack Smoke from Candles (Fi- nal Report on th- ..), by E. W. Lanfear, PR 600. June 1923. . . Production of Coloured Smoke s by Es-plosire dispersion (The . .), by G. I). Heath, FTP 147, Jan. 1950. . . Produelion of Colure it Smoke !. The Proeluetioii of Coloured Smoke by the Vaporization of a Cedenireel Oryanic Compounel (Report on the . .), by J. S. Anderson, E. A. Perren, i’R 266, Joly 1925 ..Pi Inchon of Coleirreel Smokes by the- I’se of Inoryaitic Coin you nth (The .), by E. A. Perren, J. S. Anderson, PR 266A. Get. 1925. Product: m of Phofoyraphic Flashes from Meta) powdi rs, by J. C. Caekett, WA-859-15, ARD 230 43, July 1913. DDC A!) 4423. Smile, ARI) 408/45, Mar 1945, DDC-AD 8090. Same, WA 2080-13, ARD 522 44, Apr 1941, DDC-AD 6162 Same. Aiii> 2Ail.13, Jam 1943. Same, WA-4302- 1.5. ARD 408 45, DDC-AD 8090. SII Fyrote ill nte- Com/iustli'ii Itool: (Tli ..i. b\ .1 C ( Iiekett. ARDE (Л1Х) Hi 59. DDC AD 306 8s7. /З/i ot< i$ in,- fh/nys i Co to > on 1,'ГТ(!' Report h'XD 70 02(i l'i/i oh , и me I. tii',!,/!-,., nt .s rt-i, । . In J. (' 1 'iiclseit. ARDE Me.mi MX 2 til. b'.l> 1460. DDC AD 323 639
АМСР 706-189 GREAT BRITAIN (cont’d) 1’tp otci-hnic Hcttctionx inroh-ing Pt.taxsiuoi Chin- rat). Classification of Compounds According to their Ability to lit tu t u'>t!i I'idas.tiiiiii Chlorate, by G. 1). Heath. РТР 223, Feb. 1951. /'// ottchnic Heaetions Iiirolring 1 *otasxii;in I'hle- ri./i 11. Some Obserrntiou* on l<f’H)tir.->; 7’i »i~ priatiirt- ami Itfiti of Propagation of H’artit n, by G. 1). Heath, PTP 444, Oct. 1954. . . Hutes of Burning and Luminosity uf Pyreti chn><. IIIн>ninat111у and Signal Compositions ( The . i, by J. C. Caekett, ARDE Меню (MX) 3/82. Jun. 1962, DDC-AD 327 «94. ..Halts .of Hiirniiig of Various Safety /'«<(.« at Htilnced Pressures (The..), by J. L. WtGon. RDER 626/44, July 1944. ..Hi artion behcet n Magnesium anel Nitrate Solu- tions (The..), by C. •!. Wilkins, E. I1’, t’akiin, ARD Exp. Hept. «31/44, 1944. Heseareh on Metallic Snio're Compositions. II lie- placcmcnt of Carbon Tetr..chloride by Tetra- ehlorot tlii/li ne in Zinc -CC1 f Smoke Ctonpa.d- tinns, ny G. S. Hartley, PR 2582, Jan. 1944. litxiilts of High Altitude Night Pliologrtiphg Trials I'sing ti'iO-lb. flush r Plush, by C. ii. Tliorne. F. Spencer. P. White, RAE '''eeh. Note PH 415, Aug. 1948. . . Shelf of Htov Smoke, Bast Election, /.*/>,- L.'.'ii.'io Modified Io Dll] l.lSK 121», aft-r Hough I’sugt anti IP, * Chnltitic Tests <Htpoit >"..>, by W. G Abinett, E. W Bateman. PR 1219. Apr 1934. Slnll Tract is, bv T. К Browiison, RDER 319 -13. Sep). 1943 Sim/ki t oinpositi.iiix HoSftl tin Phospho.-i-,. A \. Mosses. ARM GW, Mui 1938. Stool,i Effie a lira Trials ,-f QP. /. I'.ii i ini hi lip Sn-'b Sh-!l. le. Д L,' :l li b'liui. P I i“ IKi. -Oily 19..II Soioki Pi .st ч, t >11; H e, t11 i p::,,.ci h ,t it и !, - Ii, i."' /, .! . )•' E W H.iIi’ihii11 11 (; Mii,.it। Pi; !'l ! Jle.r I'l-'l Siuokt duel ion for 1 net iiiliury Bombs I., by F. 11. (Jainer, T. (I. Hunter. A. E. Clarke, Pni- versity of Birniingliam, IB I, Mur. 1943. Same, //. The Temp iicif to Smoke of Organic Sub- stances он l!iir-ii;ig, IB 2, June 1943. Sinox.' SMI for Gb-PHr («"на, by l.i, (!. TurbbulL PA 719, Jim. 192(1'. Sioitt Chtorimsffd I 'i.,.iu fin Tse in Heryir Tifpr- Snii.kc Mfrlun >. i Z’ff (lAie.'tft'ry hr/до/ ««..). by E. Л. Реп'ен, H >:». .Vcnnosi, PR 3"J5, 192«. s'llllll Cnntp/f.r f e "о;..1 li.’fx fl.V f.Jj’- I, lнН rim rit port oi; .;, 4 T ; 'yhansKi. S. Mjjiahm). JUHHi 2’i8/45, '<< ;;.j Semi p./ctsi'..' P|,i«>'M-rPirf'e 1‘,-l.t j1«f, -|...1'.‘i; i.f/ fh> .Viglit froi,) .b’l/'-.V-.i/VH . i’j ,i< u<« I o.tf» : 'oju Hons, by E. F, Caldht. arh S'G.’Jh, !М.)С-Д!Ч 7571. Stunt Pat-tors fiort .i'ii' fiG H/ficie чсу of Pkai-.i- f/ruphic M’a.vlirs, by R. F. VOPAiimh!. ,E. A. Talbot, ARE’, 12?45. 4mv- 59-19. San<e, Alt!) 12/49, pt49 St;,a,, llb.ii i eiilious ini the .Hni'inntj t>f Ria^rrt/ Py- nttiihini- f'/Hii/.Hi.riltomi F^rtAiiiAari a Metal <и.ч h'fiil, by K. Admits, R. RowJhh.E., L. A. Wiseman. SAC/PIF 16«, IMs/HWi. Xeiiir .S pf cl re:,-e,'ipie Ofe.s; ;( uf юп.ч u.e Pip ul-,-:b rui- Pkini.'x. Pby.siei.I Cheiiiistrv Whveaiorv, Depart- inent -.f A'e'iito,tr;.. LeciG I ’nii.ersify. ,fnu. 1949. HIM' Til’ Г4-М72 Spidle nt Affi.'i' 1’htri.» (’.«J i:> Pi.'roi.' eh i,ie4. ’ i h । . ', by J. 15 и у 1 cs-v R A R11E Мею о ( ИХ i 21 - Г>2. .Eisv 1992. B! »’-A E 3 И «17 8 i,lf A . /)( ri stoii! 1,0' iff < in r-., I e"W , »»y M. Г I'aluiny <>\I'l.s'-l, iifi'e }9P,i, TbtM’1 8pl ' l’ I1 ’A'.’1' it 410) 11 I 1 11 f 'I Л - ii ''l: 11 ,1 и,1 1Л ' oil S" t *.*.(- ’> и' t ton,. Ii\ W I; p’l’.-tir- л. i>\,.,’i'U, Jji.it-. 19 99. Tl,--F. - м < о и e. i’ и 11 j .-, о! ? . >> г -,., i /о,,; , / 'i e> • <. ii'/ f ।, у..,., I, 1г, ГЬум- > I. iii > , i nt, ->-\ , I l \ E' i A I ’ i, - X I I 'll!’ . 11 If >1.-. .1 lie.' I b.
АЖСР 706-189 GREAT BRITAIN (cont’d) .. Spontaneous Heating and Ignition of PN 376 {The..), ('DG/1699/1 A. Spontaneous Heating and Ignition of Snioke Com- position* Соя'а>и»я0 Hexachloreethanc, Calcium Silicide, and £»nc Oxide, by E. F. Caldin, J. L Wilson, J. Wilkins, RDER 187/42, July 1942. Spontaneous Heating and Ignition of Smoke Com- position* Containing Zine Oxide, Zinc Dust and Hexachloroethane, by J. L. Wilson, RDER 281/ 43, Aug. 1943 Spontaneous Heating of Smoke Compositions Con- taining Carbon Tetrachloride, Zinc Dust and Zinc Oxide, by J. L. Wilson, RDER 280/J'J, Aug. 1943. Spontaneous Heating of Smoke Compositions of the Type: Calcin »• Silicide—Zinc Oxide—Hexa- eMoroethanc, by J. L. Wilson, E. F. Galdifi, RDER .>5/43. Feb. 11Ш. Spontaneous Ig nit iu<- of Composition PN 431. I’m-- restigation He-uttiny from Fire on $-1.3.43. by R. O. F. Swy nne non, R1j 51; ..Stability of Smoke '"wmposi/iows (ТЛе..), by J. D. Morton. 11. 4. -'in< -tn PR 24M.?, Feb. 194X SiabiCip r-f' A'snu-h- t‘/t. >.4,'! (TAe..). b,y П G. (I ViiHfi F V Fa; -man, G. Coinin', PR 2576. .19-1Ч у rebi h <•• 8'wF'- *'amj о/ Sm-1 *'Лг. -<it о /H'E.'Zine Da.tt l”i.-mp/.uri- J«oo (?A< ), by E W. Hatcniwii, PH 2546. .ч.-pt VM:t. Study of rhe Exptrimental Data Available for Various Type of Pho.ographic Plash, by R. F. WillJiison, RDER 1001/46, Jan. 1946. A'tudy of the i.e ninosity Produced When High Explosive is Detonated in an Atmosphere of Argon (Л . b.- J. *'. Caekett, R. F. Wilkisisosi, ARD 43/47, 19- 7. Storage Trials of I..E. Shell Charged Zinc Smoke .Mixture 1 Report on..), у О. G. Free- man, E. W. Bate nan, PR1622, О t. 1936. . . Study of the Temperature and Emissivity of th:’ Ъ»т>яокя ('loud Produced b;e the Flash Phoii,graphic Airercft (A..), by R F. Wilkin- son, J. C. < itckett, RDER 1004/46, Dee 1946. Submarine I>:sast,r Position and Identity .'evict t, Ariii iiiient Research and Development Est.tblis - ment, X4/S2/6O, Авд. 1960, ED!'-AL' 318 299... ... Submarine Smoke Penetration Trial Сс>тй I Uttt on May IO, fSC' {Report on . .), I» i . /7. Kent. PR 80, Aug. 1924. Submarine PyrotcHi mcs. Armament Research aid Development Estal’li»hine;it, Xi/A/4/59, Feb I960, DDC AD 314 832F. Niibsfif at. Eerg-'p Mixture {interim Fei.iOrt ><nt. .). by E. A. Peri-.-ti, H. 1. Mason, Pit :72, May 1924. . . (ТтлЛ-' Ho l -г AnioZr Shed, DD/l./gHA t'hargid II /' f it:i port on 3.7". i, by C. Ross, PR 223. Feb. '/2.-. Тип/. Soio.. -/ ("«) < s. interim A’c pot <.<ii t'!itnafi<- Ttn-iis <i:t-r :> and 9 Months Simp, i, by ll. G Mil'll., PH rioti, Mar. 1934. Ni.ft.r / ' Л n A.. lik'h /»’( p.rvi -M . !, iy 1.1 H 1 atx.:'*ii.F' Ltd I'.f el<i -4? У/; .ч -Ч, г-7 .'I r .i * 1 ’. art* is.. - и, Sehi riiysiv, PRC 42/43. Nov. 1943 7’dtlA' l'is»3h-:(' ilfli r ) i/.Wa i ',fi»i-Cl;' E’G .'84-2 De.- )!M7. ,7/J.s.l ' •> ч s I’i'hl/.' Storugi, by 11. Ci Miis»n У л.’»);! ,i iMi.-h f'u itJC *, bi H Cl Mason PH p..’ M.-is 143,. < .... , >; IA . \f ‘A,..-. ,'i, i... ' if pH I V A .'I nd H [ Iffi'l ' 4 A , I ‘ OU<./rtl y/l О У/<(>/'< * : , = . ,H t- V, >Iyji « ч. h!)t/is i.> З/.., !><. limj-rni/i.-n of she i'ff-n У- /и,., iwn ( Tk; by П V Wart c'ib<- fy. (I. !> !sv?-, ARl'E S! .».•>'4 th.oly of lay11 <f‘ oi>, г tlh:. < о ; 1 < ? ?. 2 - / > ., It, < Г - Л ( jf 7 .- , I. t ' - v • у I; : ' 2л. I •. I'G • 4i-
АМСР 7G6-189 GREAT BRITAIN (cont’d) 'llnui‘y of Phofufliishi.s, by E. F. Cahlin, WA-4527- 8, ARD -M5/45, .May 1945. . . Theory of Photoflcrh Ror.ibs: Rtharior of Radia- tion Inside the Liuuinous (’loud (The..), STA/ 0402, 1945. Thiorg of Photographic Flashes, by •! C. Caekett, Лrmaiiient Research Department, June 1945. ’Ihemi) of Photoyraphic Flashes, Arnii.inenl Re- search Department, R.2.302-45, June 1945, DDC TIP S2O6847. 7' 1 of Photographic Flashes: Part ll, Report, by l< ( . RDER 41a.TH. Ai.p. 1945. Tin 01 if of Photographic Flash s, Pncitugraphf: Fashes for High Altitude Fight Photography, A rinaiieiif Research Establishment, 1948. . Thiori,- of Primary Fire Raixdiy with Email In e/i/du'ig Rombs \The..), by К. В F?J»t r, BmmHv.ski. Ministry of Dossie Sectinty, A. ?9П, :!.')( ATI 113 986. / a;, Powehrs, AC .4922, IMF 9. ' i- Уис, Powder X'R 227, NR 227.1, NR ?27/J. R с. - Ifitifi Spi c , RE 9. a., . tn Jiir<stig(l(ion lab» the Effect ef < Л/m 7 k/c Io Composdion SR '>5(1, t siri m Ct., (i 1Г (, no' (1.1 I Tract rs {. it .1 i. 41 i.R JtHie 1942. 7’. <; ; I innti HEsA ZD fro '• r .lNM««i'ie<i. AVI Sep J . 111 v. <>, h, h port i s > .'N ' >.1 >' t * 4/ < >53. X, ,. 19 7 ii.nobs * 7i . ey,./ .<0. ii a'id ('.ip S if /,« , . > th go ' oil .1 t'V 1 •! ‘ .' 2i 1, . HI. Г ' > ' .•, л. "A; ; j>: 1<Л .ч' i o; S ci < i e, 411 ). О if ‘>00 > S' >'l " Il ЧС S'llR :'l i 1 ” /4 -it 'I !. p is I, .lull, i’ll . | :< j [ > •1' > !l . hl ’Л )’,> "J; / 'io|.t • <'f ,-'i'. • , । 'Л i , ,1 g •• » 1 , л . .. b К .. . V. '> SO : X 4 Trial of г 1/(1^’ Flail f. ith the Follotciny Chargin ix; Sulphur Tew'de, Oleum, Titanium Tctrucblorule. White РЛмрЛигив (li /’) (Report on . J, uy K. A. J. McClure, PR 598, May t.'i28. Trial with IF-Ptlr Shrapnel Type Charged WP fReport an a..), by K. A. J. MeCkire. PR 3(>1, July 1926. Trial of Iti-Pdr (Sntap'.nl Type) Shell Charged Wl' and Spun Steel (Report on . by K. A. J. McClure, PR 407, De<‘. 1926, Tr 'jl of Smolee bursters for Chemical NArU (Report on. .7, by C. Ross, PR 237, Apr. 1925. 1 r'ul if “A”’ Type Smoke Cases Charged, Mtssr-t. FubcFx F Type Smoke Xijrturc 2T.4.:Fi, IE.'port on.,), by P. Murphy, PR 249, May Trial of 60 lb. Smoke (It aerator ( harped Rerger : id's it ititjhir’ ( Report mi a..), by H. G. Mason. PR 404, Dee. 1926. . . Trial of WP Smole Shell (..о" lime) lC.d.^6 Report OH a . .), by C. Hess, PR .4.4 Mar. 1926. Trial of о WP Swtike Shell 4.5’' and 6” Пои- Report on a . .). by C. R >ss, PR 3;»6. Mar. 1926. T'mis of Aniiricun I I Flo4iin< Snn/kc Rot, by Л. <". Brockes, A. >V. Je> ar, r’Ti Nov '917 Truels of Ruby Saudi Rombs > .r dt's-sr., Sobels (Report l.v К. Л. ''u iiir >, PR 333, Mar. 1926 <’r. of R! Honib i,Fille<t Smoke 4 nfiositie'n) (R< 1 >rt on . I ( Ross, ;*B 98, X I‘12;J Tri.if> , • Rmnb' У I. Mortar 0" to Zh i./r Rl, COi ' J I Chur'),d WP iR’pir, mi ' by I' K.iipsiu. !’R мм; Л г 19.40 liiu/s и/ Combs V. I !' .if irtiir (>i signs t О ' I. <.h!> nd IC, I. thmirni IV P / ‘ f <ч: 1 !>s К X. .1 Mi li '-e. PH Ma, 1: 7 •• Л ' s;t>' ;n:h /Со.-.Ьз, УтоЬ, . 11:1/ V- i • ( h' ; t -i, r>. X Д i Г • t 1 h' *•! ’. 11 M e
АЖСР 706-189 GREAT BRITAIN (coat’d) Trials to Determine the Hext Type of MK Smoke Generator (Report on..), by II. G. Mason, PR 136, Mar. 1924. TritAs of Different Types of Ea-pliisiris I’.xrJ for Lead Killing in /..»* How Shell Charged И'/’ (Report on..), by К. A. -I. MrChirc, PR 405. Dec. 1926. Trials of Three Nobels 20 Minut' Smoki Candles < nd rhrre 60 lb. Smoke Generators (Rtpori on ..'. by K. A. J. McClure, PR 330, Mar. 1926. Tiials of rhotographie Flashes ot Ashh,/ Walk. Selo 1 hysi s Lalmratory, lllford, Ltd, PRC 9 4y < n t. 1 41. Trials of l‘hot pro о ' Flashes at Hi rni rs lleath, Selo Pinon La отпСг» A.92, Ort. 1940. Same, A.93, Зии. ;941 Trulls of / 2' I’hm igrnphii- Flashis at .htrby, Selo 1’hysirs Labor । >ry, lllford. Ltd.. A.91, Aug. 1940. . . Trniis nf III• :-lh R. t To i< Cult Smoki Hoinh with Faraehati t\- pin ' .i ), by P. Murph;.. PR 231. .Vnr. 19 Trials ,>f <h,ll >1 Is. ('har.i.il ПТ ПП I |v< ( Rt pn t o, 1 hi К Л «I. Met ’lore. PR .,>*. Eb. 19 . Trials - ith 1A“ How Skill d to IP/'. I/»I 1 -runs A’i, rtoii it-i t haii/i p/s i Rt po> I on ). >\ К A. C Met line, PR I! t. .Ini', 1027 . T> tills ..-itb 6<> I’dr ' Ills l>, s ,-n DD I. . : Chur, id 0/' t IT i a t .in I, lo К. Л I M<t lo,i. I I? <7. Mai Ю/, 1 rials nf Phi II (f T /' t dr Shi -p.-i I 7 up, Chui pi A Rim Со -чТ ( Hi i ч1 ini )>; R A .1 Met lll.e. PR 7>2. .I'll 1927 />!.(', '' !'?( > hl i: n,-, I Top- Л/l, 0 nith I i. t'l< a I .11 -J , II 1' a ,P I ‘ 7 j i t ... > , In к Л I M. I Ini . . Pii ?' s. n li>2., 4 -I I I ll t . ,1 I’ll ., ‘ I 4 i II / : , . < II ’ ' I I <1 ,1 I, I- ' --.,1 ’I ' . ip ; i In к \ .1 M. ( I-;! i’lf ; t ..'I !' . . Trials of Various Types of Expt rimeidal Smoki Candles (Report on . .), by K. A. J. McClure, PR 560, Feb. 1926. .. Two Trials of Smoke Device., for Screening Rack Areas (Report on..), by K. A, J. McClure, PR 317, Jan. 1926. Us, of Amino AZO Dyes for Production of Coloured Smokes by Explosive Means, by G. 1). Heath, W. E. B. Whatley, PTP 197. Sept. 1950. . . Tse of Flares at High Altitude (The..), by J. C. Cnekett. A. ,J. Taylor, BM/X4/457, 1957. ../'< of Metal Alkyls in Incendiaries (The..), Dec. 1942. Use of Zinc Oxide in Smoke Compositions, State- ment by CD3 15 1.43, KG 9, Jan. 1943. P«si7 ?t> ARDE Lar.ghurst on 22 .lulu Ill'iH, to Discuss Vigilant FL. re (Notes on. ), by S. A. Johnson, Vickers, Asmstrong, Ltd., i;\V2 B'0S 211, May 1960. HoniiiK Firt Risiuich, Miiiisiiv of Home Secu- rity. 1946. DDC-АТ! 10<i 737. II a.ung oj tbi Dijistuff.s of tne Coiiipo.vii ion xh’ '><' (7 11 . . by С. E. 11. Bavvu, Brisk I Be- scarcb Rep >rt ’>2, Sepi. 1942. HARRY DIAMOND LABORATORIES Washington. 1> ( Rosie Radiant Hint Tninsf-r list to lli tt rmi in the fi iisihitit if ul I pp. wal io и pi Thirinid Di lay Tint', In II Martn: Sept 1951. Hui miiri Ipih 11 st, >. b\ 1 R, Mnrcns. Ге 16. July 19<i0. /' libi ol uni ot th, Coir till ll< и i I', idee I ’ il-o it.,. P ;. In 1 R Miit'eii-.. R 420-.79 12. i чч ’ 'o' ! ни- к >ud.-i i d,. by ' Kaplan R 13 13 It. 1/ 1.! i, i • n I I -1. :. f о pin. I ' I I' I . M 11 tin ! ;a IH I 11 1:1 7 , - ' l>lt : 11. i 1, I- p -l: - и " - l Old I I, I i s I Ih'lil, | SI J | ‘ | .
АМСР 706-189 HARRY DIAMOND LABORATORIES (cont’d) Disiyn Hi least Dtila — TfiEi Delay Elemi nt. by R. II. Cornyn, Dee. 1956. D< teriiiination of (Jases in Uarium e'hroniafe for Ise i'»i Pyrotcrh nir Delay anti Heat Mu titres. by A! (’ouch. TR 495, June 1957. l>rrt lopmen-t of T'JEt Pyrotechnic Dilay Eli taint. Part I. Zircoiiik‘»i-/>unt<in ('hromate Delay Compositions, by -I. I). Yancey, Лr., K. 11. Wein- gratl, TR 346, June 1!>5G, DDC-AD 217 138. Deri lopmi nt of a Split lyniter for Initiatin'/ (Jilsless Delays, by I. H. Mafclis, Tl{ 87,’>, Nov I960, DIN -AD 248 ,191. D()FL Purchase De seriphon of I'llree-Fibe r Heat Peiptr. TL-l’D-90, Oet. 1959. . Efjiet oi Piberson Until Efolveil by Piat Конги tlutiiials (The ..), TR O', Ляпе DDC- AD 317 690. Entiinti i iny list Data. TiEi Dilay Elinunt, by L. Mnrtiii. H-32D-61 -16. Sept 1961. Factors Affertiny tin Hh tuliny of (teislexx ihr tires, by R E McIntyre. TR 648. Eeb 1959. . H<at Poieibr I nliirinii t ry (Summary of ..) by К I! ( ’oniyii. Ini R Muri n'-. TR s6’. Aug 196i« DDC-AD 241 069 hllpl : I Mtlhmls о/ fill niliuy thrh.-S Mutliris, I-, 8 E M,.; Ityre. TR. IП l‘ o/iltion of Com/юге ' lllil ;'l'ocis\ I ill liltloll tor Т и ny.it1 n Dilini ('iitions, by R E M. luti re. R 1321» 01’20. Sept 1961 I и i l it 1ЧП I UH, ol t hl Efhd Illi t It t ftllf’llllf (’Sill- act , • t -.1 ic x of I it Ilisil ’• D< hili t н/aril ,o о 1, Ic. R II < '.<11ly :i. R E M. 1111; re. .i иg )'»’>! I IO I 111 i/lt I ill < 1 iI1 I , /'! I ! Ill It,’ , C. . In i , l on : Il. Ilia .‘H, I'Ih.i irli’l I’-i , ). !<)•/ < '.III.,, < 0.1!, \ |.. |,’ II < . iI 1. I lit .. I . К I '1 ( i ,’2. I , I -I. 1 Ilire sliijithon of Enrironiiii ntiil Effects on Типу- shu Dilay Composition*, by N. L. Martin. R 320-61-2, Лап. 19til. M< iisnri ineiit ol II nil Erolrul f>y Thirniitt Mir- tnr<::. Purl I. Tin Disiyn anil ('ntlhrotion i.f a Culortmi It r for I’se eis a Primary Stauiiard. TR 488, Mar. 1957. Mi asni i ini nt of Unit Erofrui by Tin riniti Mir- Ihi'is. Part II. Factors Affictiny the Unit Erolrul by Thermite Hi actions' Dnriny Ceilnri- mitric Measure ni< nts {The ,),by Л. 1‘. Gibbons, TR 494, Mar. 1957, DDC-AD 141 215 Mi iisnri an nt of that Erolrul by Th'imiti Mu- llins. Part III. Stinnlaril t'aloriini t> у for Qual- ity Control, by I. R. Mareu-x, TR 576 Лап. 1958. Mi <imirt mi nt of Unit Ei olriil by Thermite Mires. Purl 1Г. .1 Laboratory Mierocalnrimetir far Ernlnahny Thi'miti Mui<- from 6'C to 'c / . by 1 R. -Mureus, TR 844, 4iiii<- 19Ы). DIM All 31/ 689. M ! OS .4 ri nil nt of Parttrit S 1 : I ill ( ’ ОП1 pent nt s of (illsll.is ill.rt III I л, by R. 11 Coniyil, M. I. lOlieh, R E M. liilyre. TR 636. Aug. 195.8. DDC Al) 2<I6 <46 Pnuu I 'hilly I .1/ ! -’6 i, bv R. E Mellltxre. R 321! 61 17. .1II He 19,;i .”i or, ilni i tn pi fi > tiiinatiun of (ins Erolrul by 1 hi спи?, l/i.fn <x, by R E. M. liityre, TR 7<”2. I--. I> I960. DDC AD 233 (»48 I’onohni t-п Di 11‘i,i i io ну th, (Jnsi , Erolrul by th. (b и s i i,,:i Ol Pyohih.-n Ui.rluriS, by -! i, Clark. 'I’li IO -. M.i\ 1955. DDC А И I i? 617 Pin/iosil I ‘ If r ,i III l.o l>i , i hyo in; 1,’nl I >! ' 1 tout I iny Ih it Poirib '. by R 11 Син,у ii. Dee I ».'> I P.ilol , hole Inlay Ihi'i ^tojala iii fol tlo ipt’ 'ini th. .Seiiib.i t oi., Sy.-iiiuriy .,! l}\ ' II. ........ b 1 ii‘ ' 21 S.-pt 1961. I /.•,ic it, •< и •.' ’’if-'i t ’.i, i I ll.i.l .i I/,/ ' I ' / I >’ I I 11 ' H l’ I( -8 | . \ I i !>( \ I > i . :l, V.
АМСР 706-189 HARRY DIAMOND LABORATORIES (cont’d) Pyreeltchnic Research a! DOFL. Part 11. Pyro- trchnic Delays, by R. 11. Coinyn, TH 1015, Feb. 1962, DDC-AD 273 042. Specification of Harittm Chreimatc for Tse in Cu.s- icM Mixtures, by R M. Coinyn, M. L. Condi, R. E. McIntyre,* TR 635, Sept. 1956, DDC-AD 207 212 Spedfixation of Zirconium for Tse in (taxless ,Viz- turex, by R. E. McIntyre, M. L. Conch, TR 821. Mar. I960, DDC-AD 34 317. Stability of Manganese' Delay Mixtures, by R. II. Comyn, M. L. Couch, R. E. McIntyre, TR-965, Sept. I960. Statistical Evaluation of Calorimetric Meaxure- nientx on Jleaf-Source Mat< rials, by S. (! Levin, R E McIntyre. TR 1028, Mur 1961 . . l'»e if Chemical Reactions in Nd'S.I Devices (The L by R Il Comyn, TM 605, Feb 196C C.u of (lashss Mixturex for Proelucinej Con troltr’l Tino Delays in (Irebionce De I ice x \The 1, by К. II. C'iiiivii, R 22-57-6. Oct 1957 1st of the P.irr Pe roxute llomb ('eilorinie te r lor .it, eis u i * ч,/ the Hints Evolve et by The route Riiections \ lhe ,.i, by T'ioI'Ihs E liolx’rf;, R-22- 57-S. Nov 1957 HARVARD UNIVERSITY H. . III. MtiXHNeh llset t s . ,,,hte \s ,f the SA и III th< 1 !. initi/ >,* th, Sict I 1 he by D II Mciizi I. II К Sen. SR.'I. Coil!r.-,i-» AF I'l IhH 4l|(i2. J’roj /til’t. Tusk AFt HI. 61 249. Mill 1961. IИ H AD lli.( 103 Fill >1,0,/ /. >fs. \ 10 I > I IS |M ! “f ' . \|il<C Г‘»2 |»1)( All II 'L? ( от/oil < l ' I. , ‘ \ ,f I ! I l.o, . I .’O , lll/c : I I/ . I I ’ > ix I. F I- I, I. ,\DK< . > I’D 1 I’D’ All I s, |.! I'Ul io,( \TI !1 ’*<>? Com/fareittre Tests of i'nrimis hive :ieltary Mixtures. Peirt III. Preliiilinary ()!>se rratier.ix on the In- flue nec of the Rubber Соече eitivtion <>>iel on the Effect eef Finely PinrelereJ Xitreih. by L. F. Fieser, Oet. 1941, DDC-ATI 33 547. Ceinipeirohre Te sts of Various I nee nelieevi/ Mix- tures, Part IV. 1 uiprore nnnt in the " st Pro- ceebere' Evaluation of Different Types t Rubber, by L. F. Fieser, Dee. 1941, DDC-ATI 1 7НЯ. Final Proepisi: Report, by R. M. Ferry. An 1951, DDC-ATI 115 040. Ince nilieirie x from the (iibbx Lab (Me ntoremelum on . .1, by I.,. F. Fieser, Feb. 1942. DDC-ATI 33 550. . . Magni sium Ronib anel Its Сотрете nts {Informal 1'royrexs t,i port on the E-l!) [formerly E-1) . .1, by L 1 . Ficsei, K. It. Ilcrshb.'ig. XDRC. Oil. 1941. DDC-ATI 33 549 Moelifieil .l/-.‘>2 Two-Peiunel Moyne siuen lionib for I se Ayaieixt Japan, by К. H. Ilershl>er<r. NDRC. Jim 194.5, DDC-ATi 31 514 Proehee tiein of hire neliariex from Acetylene Pejy- me rs (/>1.1 einei .' /•Ol.by I. F. Fieser. XDRC. Nov. 1911. DDC-ATI 31 K91 tie e ioiioo iiitatlon fm th, Filhny einel Firimi "! th, teut-ib (tel I ni: iieli-e i ,f Horn!» ( .1/-»7 on,I .1/ /Alt) ( Re pm I on I, by I,. F. Fieser \ D R( Apr 1942. DDC ATI 51 s:is I f st P.orhel 'Ttini th l<t\i !ne , nehary, liv 1. I1' Fieser. Fell !‘H1. DDC A 11 31 772 HERCULES POWDER COMPANY \V 11 in । n el । i Dehi w и । e th I III lit II I' ill I III/ 1/ I I ll l , la Л . /' ,ts. th, tmil, ,i;,, Fl.mt. I I h, . |1? || II < 11,1 111 ; I I , I. iI 11111. I " I 111 J I.. li Kllllll.llll I. I'l I I. i >; H ATI ' 7III ,,l,,llb,O ll.„O,o,l„lll „I 11, I,, I, ,1 i I,.,, ,, ' -1 - .bi 3 G bus X Д \ < и; I) :’i mi i. > J......... 1'4 >
HOLLOMAN AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER llolhninni Air Force Base, Ne»v AJ(‘xi<*o Лее.- AIR FORCE MISSILE DEVELOPMENT CENTER. ILLINOIS, UNIVERSITY OF I’rbatia, Illinois Deposit ion uf Drop., of a h'oneolaiile l-iyuid on Virtual anil Horizontal Surfaces (The..), by W. E. Wiiiselie, II. F. Jobnshme, <4n. 1944. DD( -ATI 32 7:..'). (Dili ration and Pse of Concentrated Mustard V.,por Clouds (The..’), by II. F. Jolinstone, E. W. Coin-— . Dee. 1943, DDC-ATI 32 806. Practical Consideration hundred in the Csc of Scrieniny Sinokes. by W. M. Kodehusli, Apr. 1943, DDC-ATI 34 006. Proyriss Kcpi.rts for Soi‘l)tlber l!>tl, by II. F. •Johns!..... Nov. 1944, DDC-ATI 32 6f>G. Ргпуп ss Deports from XDIfC Munitions Derilop- mint Lab, by K. W. Parry, et al, 1945, DDC-ATI 32 659. Feb. 1945, DDC AT! 32 658. Mar. 1915, DDC-ATI 32 657. Ap'. 1945, DDC-ATI 32 656. May 1945, DDC-ATI 32 655 .1 one 1915, DDC-ATI 32 651 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE t Ii 1, ago. 11111 mis ii'i / ill |.111 di 1 p HifiCitn SCi anti Sltit/H iif Dm Pi" in!,, нюI the Color nt Sinokt, Final Heporl. Api 1'61. DDC Aw .-и Siu,ii; io' \! il, n,iiS, |>y P К As,-. S l\ni'. A Ii r {[11 1 11,r, I'lhi, DDC All 969 AMCP 706-189 JET PROPULSION LABORATORY Pnsfiiieiiii. California . . Characteristics of (Jashss hjnilers (The..), by D. Altman. PB-20-303, Ai>p. 1956. DDC-AD 112 717. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Baltiiinire, Maryland Perchlorate Preparation • Hihliotjraphy and Trans- lations of Japanese Articles, by 11. .1. Elliott, •Jr., D. P. Herron, /Ing. 1951, 1)DC-A1) 106 229. Pyrotechnics Decoys for Csc as Infrared Counter- measures, by J. B. Newman, TRAF-17, Apr. 1955, DDC-AD 65 792. ..Purrty of Kesiarch on h/nition of {solid f’ro- petlants (.1 . .), by P. C. Maybury, C. A. Orlick, К Steinberger, June 1952, DDC-AD 52 879. LAKE CITY ARSENAL I inlepemlence, Missonri I>ie< ndiary 'dir /нееstiyationf T-'ildEd API, by D. L. Stohger, Pcoj. OAC 5<>-]86 and OAC 56-33, 1ED К 58-19, Nov. 1958, DDC-AD 206 4'4 LEHIGH UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH BetIilehein, Pennsylvania Hiyh Esploviei' and Inet ndiary Hondiiny Inci di iifs. hy il S. Deck, M (I. Fuller, К. P. baiigh- Im, et al. Proj TM2-91O8. 8. pt 1947 DDC AT! 39 869. ARTHUR D. LITTLE, INC. v 'nnibi niye M Iissiielinsi't ts t I’lll pill! f l.l l! of Eltill.l illitf ,s rl'ltk ll'll II / lliiirui'1 fn-i, p piicnhti h, lit,,,.. PI,!,hi \ l.S ', Fin;. ! Si: 11,1 n,1 eBep. .it, S.| it 1 4 > ! 1 > ’I ни 11 :i / f't'f ' 1 a el I1 !; .-i; , ii, ! i, W 1\ I -ii s, 11. A Ii .\ liir I.ia, Ph- l'i. v Ii.tr,,. 1 D V 19 9.'l> < i|>‘D ' I'll. M.11 Pi . . DI •( AD t,| .
АМСР 706-189 PICATIKNY ARSENAL (cont’d) /•> г/lupnu t*t r f a Lcttil-Chrtonaic-Silicon I’ou'dtr burning in Чч-.ЧЛ w -пчАе in the ‘it-sccond i'iCr~\t. 7'inir Fuze, by t). E. Bu.toi», TR185 (First Progress Report), Feb. 1932, DDC-X38(K). lit I'flupnir nt r;f Lotulinff Technique for 20mm Ji E Incendiary Shell, by I). E. S«jffer<', TRI 189, Aug. 1912, hDC-TlP 1’71277. Ih velopment and Mainfacpfre of Fifteen Signals for Observinp Flight o' Rond/i, by J. M. King, TK713, Apr. 1936 Development of a Method for the Calibration of Secondary Standard Lamps, by C. L Davidson, TK-2283, J tme ’956, DDC-AD 98 2C1. Developn:cnt of a Method for Measuring the Range of Visibility of Pyrotechnic Signals, by V, C. AHiwn, U J. S-hlsdt, TR921, July 1930. JU vel<>pmeni of a Method of Freeenting igtsilion Failures о/ Мл.,4/ Parachute Flares Manufac- tured >.*« O.LD 7277, by II. S. Ei’oe, TK924, Hept. 1938. Devc’utpment of Missile Spotting Devices, by 11. B, Wrijrht, L. J. Frey, Jr., Apr. 1958. i)i ri lupment of a “Molded Squib Assembly" fur the Claret Fhotoflash Cartridge [The..'), by В A. Larwen, Feb. V*'»4. l>( те-lopment ot a A’rw Ignition Temperature. Ap- paratus, by J. E. Abel, S. Alster, Л. C Forwyth, И Jackson, C. 1'atuky, TR20T.3 \;>v. 1954, DDC AD 4t> 818. Jleceicpintni of T !s None lionib Fuze, by F. Sehnltr.e, TK97O June 1939 DDC-T1P C 70811 [it . t iopmi nt of a Nuclear Timer for Satellite Ap- plication. by M. Мхкгия, C. L. Smith, TR2564, Sept 1958. I)< 11 ioptut nt o, a I‘hot<>ft<i»k Composition for the Huckrt Flash, 2.7.'»", ТЗ.Ъ, by C. Kintpp, PL C- TX 8, June 1957. Jh !• h>f on nt of Phutuftash Systems /<•'< f.uv AMi- nidc Night Aerial Phtdiigtarhy. TN 21. J>< relopmciit of a Portable Integr-ting Photom- eter for I,hidufliish llomb Evaluation, by C. L. Smith, ( . W. I’inkley, TR-1930, Mar. 1953. Deri lopme nt of a Primer for Use with the T1027E1 Fun, by P. Murphy, A. Graff, TR2588, Jan. 1959, DDC-AD 303 721. Dci i’lopmcnt of a Propellant Ignition System for Rocket. HE, 2.75-inch Tl.il, by M. E. РоПае’с A. Irwin, TR2011, DDC-AD 33 180. Di et lopment of a Pyrolcchnie Composition for Amber Colored ' gnal. by W. II. Hinkenbach, G. J. Sehlafft, Trt596. Feb. 1935, DDC-X4O36. DDC TIP IJ70454. Development of Pyrotechnic Delay Trains for the Г201И and T2066 Rocket Fuzes, by R. A. Green- berg, TR2365, Oet. 1956, DDC-AD 109 124. Dciebipment of a Pyrotechnic Delay far the Vigi- lante N7mm ТАЗ-t HE Cartridge, by B. Werbel, W. M. Stirrat, TR2S72, Apr. 1960. Development of a Radio Transmitter for Ob ‘.ainiug Timing Pulse Signals fiom a Missile Under- going Sled Tears, by Л C. Ruscus, May 1958. Det'eiopmeni of a Rapid Scasniny Infrared Spec- trometer, by W. Kizner, S. Haffner, TR1954, Jure 1954, W-AD 36 576. Developmem «' fiMatinp Machine for Testing 21- second an i second Fuzes, by C. J. Bain, TR469, De. 1933, DDC-Tir 1П0034. Development uf tie ХЛа£ Рос.кидех for lO.’nnm and 155mm Has* Ejection Sh-lls, by J. E. An drew*, Jr., Apr 19SI. Dci-cltipment of a Slow-Hurning Ponder for Load- ing in the t.'i-srconi Combination Fuze, by S LivingHtoti, Any. 19J0 fh'relopnti nt of Smoke ('omp jsition for the Fuze, t'h< nncol, Mine, AT I’roctice, T20, by D. Hart, TR1571, O: t. 1945, '1'111590, Apr 1946. D< v< Inpmcnt of a Smoke Canipo*t*t«K fur the Uiw Altitude, Parachute Type /tomb, G. J. Schladt, TR33I, h’eb 1933. DDC TH’ 1'70094. 62
АМСР 706*189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (cont’d) Development of a Svsolrc Composition for the Low Dlitudt, Poriichiftr Type, Pructie.e Bomb, by G. J. Schladt, T‘<427, CM. 1933, DIM TIP ’'70001. l>ivclopmcnt of Smoke Signal for Training tn High Htrst Ranging, by H. S. Eroe, TRH99, July 1939, DDC-TIP I (70748. Development of a Smokeless llluminant Composi- tion for the T-24 Flare, by II. J. Eppig, TR1527, Muy 1945, DDC-X46H. Dev, lopnient of Special Delay Trains for Project ‘'Umbrella,’' by J. Allison, May 1957. Development of Special Flares for Rockets, by IX Hart, TR1726 Apr. 1949, DDC-ATI-66 944. Di velopment of a Spotting Round for 8lmm Mor- tar, by V. R. Reed, 27 Mar. 1941, DDC-TIP I'5.9764. D< i elopntent of a Stable Mixture for Use as the Slash Charge of the Squib, Electric, Ml Al, by C. F. Dieter, Jr., J. E. Abel, A. C. Forsyth, MR-37, July 1958. Development of Static Test Charge Assembly for Simulated Davy Crockett Round, by G. Wein- garten, J. Kristal, FRL-TN-39, Mar. I960, DDC- AD 233 907. D< velopment of a Substitute for the Barium Chlo- rate tlrecn Composition for Use in Pyrotechnics, by W. II. Rinketibach, J. B. Nichole, TR613, Mar. 1935, DDC-X4O47, DDC-TIP H70470. Diedopment of a Substitute for the Potassium Chlorate Red Compositions Used in Pyrotechnics, by W. II Rinkcnbaeh, (I. J. Schladt, TR’00, July 1931, DDC X375I. DDC TIP C70189. Same by W. II Rinkenbacli, G. J. Schladt, TRI77, Feb 1932. DDC TIP Г7О263. Same by W. 11. Rinkcfibach, J. B. Nichols, TR6O4, Mar. 1935, D DC X 40-10, DDC-TIP l'7()4(>2. Same by W. II Rinkcnbaeh, <'. G. Dunkle, TR8J6, Apr. 193Я, DDC-X4231, DDC-TIP V7O745. D> rtlopment of a Substitute for Potassitir.i Per- chlorate in Type III Phofofitthh Puuultt, by D. Hart, (I. Wi-iugurten, S. Saruer, ТЛ2О46, Aug. 1954, DDC-A D 46 991. Devetopmi nt of Tl'J Pi-second Tail Bomb Fuse, by J. R. Hopkins. TRI036, May 1940, DDC- TIP 1'69713. Development of a Time Face for the T.l Aircraft Parachute Flare, by M. L. Matheson, TR564, Dec. 1934, DDC-TIP 70424. Development of Tracer for the .77nim TSJ-iEHJS Shell (Vigilante), by R. B. Wright, TN45, May I960. Development of Two Alternate llluminant С<>:л- positions for the MS9 Trip Flare, by L, 11. Eriksen, TR1317, July 1943, DDC-TIP 1’71229. Development <,f Universal High Altitude, High Tesnpcreifurc Resistant Squibs with and witho. RF and MF Protection, by С. Киирр. ГЯ-2653, Get. 1959. Development of WkiG Light Composition for Il- luminating Projectile for (idmm Mortar, by M. B. Winoknr, TRI 195, Aug. 1942. Dev, lopment of While Light Composition for Use in Signal. Ground, White Star Parachute, by G. J. Schladt, W II. Rinkenbach. TR1677, Mar. 1941, DDC-X5539. Development of the tiSmn A’lf H’Afte. Smoke Cartridge for the l.tsmm X3f7C Moritser. by J. I’. Allison. Mar 1960. Develop'»! nt of Zirconium-Nickel Alloy Delay Powder for MSfMAl Hand Grenade Fuees, by D. J. Zauder, T. J. Mehler, M. T. Hedge, TR2228, hm. 195o, DDC-AD 81 618. Differential Thermal A'.alysis of Inorganic Oxi- dants: Nitrates, by S. Gordon, C Campbel', TR-2079, Nov 1954, DDC-AD 49 410. Dtfferential Thermal A ialysit of Inorganie Oxc dents; Perchlorates, by C Can.pM1, TH-2200, S. GorJon, July 1955. 63
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (coat'd) Differential Thermal Analysis of Potassium Per- cklorulv, by 0, A. Inderson, E. S. Freeman, Маг. 1963, DDC-AD 403 804. Differential Thermal Analysis of Satii oly- esters, by D. A. Andereon, E. 8. Free..— <-C- TN-19, Mar. 1958, DDC-AD 161 799. Differential Thermal Analytic and Tkerhiogr<i‘'i- metr-y Applied io Analytical Procedures for (‘ottissium Perchlorafe-Aluminum-Harium Ai- tf&ii Mixtures, by V D. '.’ogan, S. Gordo», C. Cttnpbeli, TR2373, Feb. 1957, DA Proj. 504- ,DO3O. Ord. Proj TA2-9201, DDC-AD 121 426. Discussions of Some Problems of Fast Transient Reproduction in the Pyrotechnic Test Facility, by J. F. Tyroler, Jun. 1958. „.Effect of Cross Sectional Area and ('a . Malt- reat on Burning C’aracteristies uf Pyrotechnic Compositions (The..), by B. Jackson, PL-C-TN 7, Sept. 1357, DDC-AD 115 722. Effect of Fuel and Oxidart Particle Size on the Performance CkarccteriitK* of 60/40 7’<dax»n<m Perchlorate / Aluminum Flash Composition. b> S. M. Kaye, J. Harris, FKL-TR-44, GMS 5530. 11.550Л, DA Proj. 504-01-027 Nov. 1961. DDC- AD 266 486. Effect of Loading Pressures on the Kate of Burn- ing of ~1- and l:~>- econd Fun- Pou'dir, !>v R. W. S.’hsrf, TR675, Nov. 1935. ..Effect of Taeiiele Size of Oxidants on! Furls (The , by К. M. Kaye, May 1962. ..Effect of Small Amounts of Foreign Substances upon the Functioning Okaraett rixttes of Photo- flash Fouler* (The..), by Ii. J. Ep pig. С. E. Nhefiirii, TRI >34, Feb. 1944, DDF TIP X‘470. . . fc'^rct of T i mtn ret are on ft'i Transmission ГЛягй’Негь'ОЬ’л of Colored tllast Filters (The . .), hj S. Haffner. TR2O69. Sept. I’>54. (W-All 44 542. of Vuriut ('>< ;>i i 'l opart lulls of I >11/re d it nt я !f'.‘ ft'/'-';•{>• .4|-y Г'Л' .V>trill’ PhntO- flash ptot-dfr, by H. J Eppig О. E. ^licffiGd, ТЙШ’. <м Низ. DDV-X4-BT ElL't of Various Parameters on tin liuining Characteristics of Pyrotechnic Illuminating Sys- tems, by B, Jackson, Mar. 1957, DDC-TIP 147736. ft.J et of J’tmoiM Parameters in Night Atrial /’A tography on the Aren Photographed (The . .), by II. X. Cohen, (1 F. Kottler, TE2149, Mar. ID'5, DDC-AD 57 818. Effti^s at Case Coating on Loading nod llit>'uii:t ' r-aeterislics of Experiment/!1 < ». ft., /4.* and XM116 Ground t’ignais, by . Kris- Il. Werbel, DMH 5530.I2.548F0, DA Proj. 504-22016, Oct. 1962. Effects of a Change in Relay Loading Assembly and Phutoflash Composition in the Daisy'’ Photoffash Cartridge, by T. Advokat, Dee. 1957. Effects ini Light Oitt^ott tn the Buttercup Cartridge Occasion, d by a Change in the Wall Thickness of the Charge Case, by T. Au ’okat, Dee. 1957. Effects of Magnesium Content, fuse Material, and Case Coating on Burning Characteristics of a Flan System, by A. F. Tnwhler. S. M. Kaye, TX 42. Apr. i960, DDC-AD 235 837. Effects of Muterials on the Properties of Explo- siri4, by (>. K. SlieftiC I, 'ГН-17ЧЗ, Nov. 1950. Efftets '.r Moist Mfr on the Slabilitg of Pyroteeh nd' t'ulll/i sitir. Ту Ji. J. Eppig, TP 1661, Aug. 1917. Di>r ATI 206 6.i‘. Effiets >f X-fiity and Cittmmu Ray Irradiation on ih'-mai Ihconiposition of Solid Ammuoinm P- rrhlarate. by ID. S. b'reeihHu, D А Лгчкгч.ш, Apr IbaO, DDC-AD 2.J5 205. Ehctruehi nitci'l and ('himici'l Methods of A'lf-- Sterilization in the Ant ipn soni’i I Ui.ic, .1 Fciisdalda Study, by B. Werlte), FL-C TN 6, Aug. . . ELctronic f'a a I'lrstnit for (rropliie lit ,"ji u-itk th: Cht erniird Photograph ,- lit eonti/ч/ ThermolKiiance < ..), by 8. '’ordua, i’ Cni-ip- )><!!. Tll-2284. Mar l.T>6, DlM’-.AI) -Ю 66! h'trctruntc Multiple hnpid»t Fair for hl, Win- <Лп . •. by M. Lazarus. July i'n>0. 64
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (cont’d) Electrostatic Sensitivity of Barium Chromate/ Huron Compositions, by A. F. Taseliler, E. E. .Jone;, FRLTN-3, Oet. 1960, PB149960, Ord. Proj. TS5-54O7, ОЛ Proj. 5804-01-027, DDC- AD 244 572. Electrostatic Sensitivity of Pyrotechnic and Ex- plosive Compositions: First Report, by D J, Edelman, ’yro. Lnb. t Encyclopedia of Ex pl ь-л Vol. 1, by В. T. Fed л . .. ... - K .‘, iDC- AD 257 189. Energy Determination of Carton Bridge Detona- tors, by J. Silverstein, Oet. 1958. EPR Observation of NIp + Formed by X-Ray Irradiation of Ammonium Perchlorate Crystals, by J. 8. Hyde, E 8. Freeman, FRL-TR 38, Aug. 1961, DDC-AD 261 343. Establishment of a Blend and Preliminary Load- ing and Testing of Powder, for the First A’rtry Order, for the i5-second Combination Fuzes, )1K X VI, by S. Livingston, TRW8, July 1931, DDC-TIP 1170197. ET Е/view Point Notes for dlmm TiliE? Illumi- nating Cartridge w/M~~Et TSQ Fuze, by L. J. Frey, Jr.. June 1960. ET Review Point Notes for XM Nenes Hand Held tiroiiud Signals, by S. Lopatin, Sept. 1960 Evaluation of INXneh Canadian Elastic Signal Cartridge Case, 'jy B. Jaekwn, 8. M. леуу G. Weingarten, RFL-TN-2, Aug. I960, DDC-AD 243 022 . . Eveduistwn of Delmar Type 24A IK Tracking Flares (Th#..), by J. Tyroler, Мяу 1957. Erol на-i ion of Doped /' гсл/ага/г» tn i\.>;•< rim: ntpl Pkotojfash Canipositions, by D. J. Edelman. H M. Kaye, TMI091, Oei. 1963 AMC.M8 Code 5539.1158}’., DA Г >,.>,) 5804-01-02?. Evillwiitoft of Eimit1' as a Subset utc fm Ц1шЛ Powd-rs 5?f Artillery Primers, by '1. Iia>.-.inan. ’ГК-*5J5. Apr. 1957. DA l’r..J 5A04-O14J40, < ‘rd. TAl-:x>2:i. DDC-AD 157 638. 65 . . Evaluation of Explosive Charges with Kodak Ekt ran Detectors |Л»..), by J. Tyroler, May 1957. Evaluation and Extension of the Fisher Stib-Sieee Sizer as an Instrument for Determining the Average Particle Size of Powdered. Pyrotechnic Ingredients, by B. Dubrow, MR-12. Evaluation of Filter Paper and Delrin Plastic as Case Materials for Flare and Signal Systems, by -Joseph Kristal, Burton Wcrbel, Everett D. (’nine, FRL-TN-51, Sept. 1961, DDC-AD 263 996. Evaluation of Herman 'Hide Flare, by G. Schiffer, MR63, Oet. 1954, DLJ-AD 45 642. Evaluation of Nongaseous High Altitude Flare Compositions, by J. Kristal, S. M. Kaye, Feb. 1964. .. Evaluation of the NOTS Type 702A Infrared by J. Tymler, C. Knapp, Oet. 1957. Evaluation of the Sharpies Micromerograph for Particle Size Distribution Analysis, by 8. M. Kaye, D. E. Middlebrooks, G. Weingarten, Feb. 1962. Examination of Bufors Tracers for .47mm Shell, by J. M. King, TR395, Aug. 1933, DDC-TIP 1’70348. Examination of Delay Element Primers and In- - r,'litigation of a Mena for Sealing the Interior of the Fuze, by A. F. Teitseheid, TR446, Dei*. 1933, DDC-TIP C70020. . . Exam, nation of Foreign Matfrial (Memorandum deport on . .), by R. E. Wakeman, MR-39, Aug. 1953 DD( AD 24 825. Examination of C,‘ft, 76mm Fired, APl-T wfEx- plosive Filler, i'-’de VBER-.t:>4B wfProjectilc O-.750W am/ Fuze HD, Model MD-o, FMAM 2:t'>6.t, by Л. B. Schilling, TRlHilA, A*>g 1953; Rev. 195/. Proj TB3-OO35, DJH’-AD 21 5*00 Exa>n"(<iti<fi- uf tttriiK.i'i .!ireeo/I C'ei«>»rd Nmoic Snynv?: t'a.j V-i , by F. 6. Ihverlak. Tit i 5(i5. Mir г 194 5
АМСР 706-189 PICATINMY ARSENAL (cont’d) Examination of German Colored Smoke Signals for Hand l’*< (F.V4V-#.M) by F. G. Ilaverlak, TR1519, Apr. 1945. Examination of Soviet Flares, Signal, Ground, t Red, 1 Green, t:t/i inches die, 10% inches long, by R E. Wakeman, MR-39, Aug. 1953. Examination of I’tifircd 75ntm Chemical (Smoke) Shell. German, FMAM-IiS, by A. B. Schilling, TR1334, Nov. 1943. Examination of I'nfired 8Лтт API-T Complete Round of Soviet Ammunition, Mod. UHZR-26'>K, FMAM 2.113, by A. B. Schilling, TR1910, Mar. 1953, Proj. TB-0035, DDC-AD 8882. Examination of I’nfired Explosive Incendiary Shell Complete Rounds of German 20mm Solo- thorn Ammunition (FMAM-.ol), by F. G. Ilav- erlak. TR147H, Dee. 1944, DDC-X1O541. Examination of I'nfired 20mm HE Shell Deftruy- ing Tracer Type, Complete Round of German Ammunition, by A. B. Schilling, TR1256, May 1943, DDC-TIP 1’69857. Examination of I'nfirid HE Tracer Shell Complete Rounds of German 20mm Mauser Ammunition (FM AM-420), by F. G Ilaverlak,'1’111430, July 1944, DDC-TIP 1 71287. Examination of 20mm Al’ Inceiidviii/ Complete Round of German Ammunition, by H. M. Denina, TK1248, Apr. 1943. Experimental Verification of Expression for Rate of Fall of I’ai ichnte Sttxptndtd Flare, by M. Nowak. J Tyrob r, TR2623, July 1959, DIM’ AI) 214 769. Explosive Characteristics of the И2111 Tracer, by К S. Wnrn>n, D. il. KrikM-n, TH1354, Oct. 1943. DDC X4434. F.risibility of an Electronic 2t-houi Timer for a !h mohtiun Di vice, by M. (ллагим. Mar 1963. F< asihditу Study of < Т’>1 НЕ И !:iti Maik- <r 5AU/. by К. C Slieflicht. P. IS Tweed. C. K. Jacobtion, TI<24|(>, July. 1957. DIM AD 137 85 ’ F< asibilitу Study on Monochroinatie Di betion bff Photography (-1..), by M. Nowak, Nov. 1959. Ftaxibility Study of Solid Stale Safety and Леш- ий/ Device for Squibs, R, M. Grogan, P. J. Ki- aatsky, Apr. 1964. Feasibility Study of Cltrariolet Systems, by P. Zirkind, Mar. 1961. Flare Simulation of Missile Radiation Character- istics, by C. A. Knapp, Apr. 1964. Flare, Tracking, M1H6 (Tt.ll), by W. A. Macie- jezyk, TN120, June 1956, DDC-AD 98 028. .. Flash Smoke Rocket Head and Its Fuzing Sys- tem (XMl 762mm , by L. J. Frey, Jr., R. B. Wright. Aug. 1957. Formula for Calculating Parachute Velocity Rela- tive to Load in Designing a Parachute Suspen- sion System, by H. N. Cohen, !•. A. Dubrow, Apr. 1955, DDC-AD 60 624. Friction Pendulum, Picatinny Arneual Teat Man- ual 7-1 Further Research on CcMg and LaMg Systems, by R. Vogel, T. lieu inarm, Jan. 1947, DDC-ATI 9865. Gas Generator for the EI20 Hombht, hy Arthur Graff, R26.33, Dec 1959. Gashss Powders for Delay Elements of Fuzts by D Hart. TR1239, Feb. 1943, Same by 1» Hart, TR14O6, Mar 1944, DDC-X4478 Same by D. Hart, TK1513, Mar. 1945. Girmau Illuminating Flurcs, by II. .1 Eppig. Aug. 1945, DIM TIP 1’2335, Hund Gr< nodi s and hiCindiary Hatths, by II. \ <nrs. May 19.18, TrHiihlation No. 25 from Vill- Tgh No Vfl B15 53, DDC-AD 1 ti2 702 HE Ciduii l Maikir Stull fur lO'unui lliiutl'.iu I V;’.l I. Mt, I/».]/) till. !,>> ItlHf . I , by T. Advokal, TH2.ii.)4, < let 1950. DDt-AD 111 782. 66
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (coat'd) ..HE ('tdorrd Marker Nheli for М2!) and T/2 Mortars (8lmm M.'l62..), by T. Advokat, TR2664, Jan 196(1, l)l)C-AD 314 621. Heats of Reaction of Various Chemical Systems for I'xc in Pyrotechnics and Propellants, by Knapp, July 1963. High Altitude Plash Characteristics of Calcium] Potassium Perchlorate and Standard Photoflash Compositions, by S. Lopatin, TR2646, Oft. 1959, DOC-AD 313 204. ..High Explosive Colored Marker Shell {81mm ММ2..), by T. Advokat, TN148, Jan. 1957, DDC-AD 123 896. Ignition Temperature anti Differential Thermal Analysis Data for Frankford Arsenal Experi- mental Igniter and Tracer Compositions, by E. D. Crane, S. Gordon, Jan. 1958. ..Improved Delay Circuit for Fusing Applica- tions (Ал ..), by C. L. Smith, M. Lazarus, Nov. 1956 Improved Green, Ped, Yellow and Violet Composi- tions for Rocket-Type Parachute Ground Sig- nal:., by Everett D. Crane, Burton Werbel, Garry Weingarten, May 1963, DDC-AD 404 312L. Improved Methods and Techniques for Testing Impact Sensitivity of Explosives, by A. Bulfinch, TK2282, July 1956, DDC-AD 103 505. Improvement of M-8 Flare, by 11. 8. Eroe, TR517, June 1934, DDC-TIP C7O378. Improvement of M-!) Flare, by W. II. Kinkenbaeh, G. J. Schladt, TR685, Dw. 1935, DI>'' X4O9O. Improvement in Мн Flare. lieport of Sta x- Tests of Illuminants Encased in Metallic Sheathing, by II. H. Eroe, TR688, Jan. 1936, DDC-TIP Г 70554. Impavished Pyrotechnic Mixtures for (htcrrilla Warfare Applications, by B. Jaekaon, Jr, S. M. Kaye, TM12H0, Apr. 1964. ЛМС118 Code 5561 12 4(i*(»2, DA Proj 1A54270'1-D 346, DDC-TIP t 71205 Infrared Flash VЛ-I2IH/DA Pyrotechnic Study, by S. Resnick, TR2010, Мну 1954, DDC-AD 33063. Infrared and Visible Radiation Research Section, и Novel Approach for Determining usitivity of a Detector, by J. F. Tyroler, June 1960. Initial Evaluation of Low Energy Detonating Cord to Ignite Metal Oxidant Type Powders in Ar- tillery Primers, by II. Навдшап, TR2460, Kept. 1957, DA Proj. 5AO4-O1-O4O, Ord. Proj. TA1- 5025, DDC-AD ‘40 683. Investigate the Practicability of Utilizing a New Type of Primer Composition for Fates, by C. J. Bain, TR 859, Oct. 1937, DDC-TIP Г222991. Investigation of the Vaporization and Thermal Decomposition of Organic Dyes. I. Thermo- gravimetric Determination of the Energies of Activation for VolatiHzaXou, by D. A. Anderson, >S. Gordon, D. J. Edelman, PL-C TN 16, Apr. 1958. Investigation of the Vaporization and Thermal Decomposition of Organic Dyes. II. Differential Thermal Analysis and Thermogravimetric Analy- sis of Organic Dyes, by D. Edelman, D. A. Anderson, 8. Gordon, PL-C-TN-25, May 1958. Instrumentation and Applications to Thermo- gravimetry and Differential Thermal Analysis, by C. Campbell, 8. Gordon, (’. L. Smith, M-25, July 1959. Integrating Circuit for Evaluating Plame Muni- Isons. by C. L. Smith, C. W. Pinkley, TR23G9. Oet. 1956, DDC-AD 111 787. Investigation of Cause of Dripping from M8A1 Flares, by U. J Sehlark, TR1096, June 1941, DDC-TIP 1'69772. Investigation of Delayed Arming Mechanism in the Mind Nose Homb Fuze to Determine the ('uuse of Rinding, by F. Sehulise, TH937, Nov. 1938, DDC-TIP Г7О783. I Mi4 stigation to Dr hi mine Ihc Cause of Rlinds end Short Tiuc'-s . i-mm Tracer ini mu nit io», by F V Ludden, ГН464, Jan 1934, DDC TIP 1 70030. 67
АМСР 706489 PICATINNY ARSENAL (cant’d) / Ht’t stigation to lit it rudite tin Cattxi of Deteriora- tion of Signals, Aircraft, IVhitr Sltif, Parachute, .1/it) of Lot 2-1, by E. F. R<4*M‘, 9 Feb. 1939, DDC-TIP Г7О796. hire stigation io lift trio i и e Cause of Ifangwire Fail к it я of Ms Flans, by li. S. Eroe, TR696, Mar, 1936, DDC-TIP Г7О561. Innstigation to Di ti rntine Pretcticc Loading for Anti-Tank Mint uad Риге, by F. Sebnltze, TR1O1O. Nov. 1939, DDC-TIP 1'713«S. I net stigatioH of Domestic Il'orew Silk for Pyro- technic Parachutes, by II. S. Eroe, TR791, Jan. 1937, DDC-TIP Г7О644. Iiirt i.tigntian of Effects of Hunting Area on Can- dlepower of Pyrotechnic Conij.ositions, by W. II. R.ukenbaeh. J. B. Xichels, TR646, Aug. 1935, DDC-TIP Г70522. . . I net xtigtition of the Effect» of Loading pressure. Elan t'ast ('outing ant! Magnesium Particle Site on the Hurtling Tiinr, Luminous fnttnsity anti Color Characteristics of Pyrotechnic Flarc Compositions (Ли..), by H. Jeekson, PL-C-TX 14, Apr. 1958, DDC-AD 147 155. Int-fxtigution of Factors Affecting the Hurning Time of Time Faces, by R. W. Scharf, TR574, Jan. 1935, DDC-TIP Г7О434. I nr-stigation of Failure of .1/1’7 Photoflash HoiiAi, by J H. Robinson. TR1O4O, June 1940. DDC- TIP 1’69717. Iи c. st igatio.n of Faihii t я of U2.i Photoflash Hombx, lot //’/o,’-/, by J. II. Robinson. TR1068. Jan. I.Hl. DDC TIP Г097П. Inre stteyif u>n of the Ft eisil-dit g of ar Ehctro- <)i<ifin<lir hohtctioM Face for Photoflash Cor- ti idy, я by .4, Kh'iii, J Bolognese, TR19J7, Jun. J';53. DDC All 9931 I it If el n/.lhon into tilt Ff a sibll it g of о Pyro- !.,hiile l.iini P< />,,;< < .Di -. In < L Sinili). P .1 Kiv.i-k). '1'1131(1 2, Лни piti3. ]>!>«. AD 120 23a (кН . . hire stigation of Flare Illumination Iuti nsitI/ Meaxitri nit nt Techniejue (Interim Report on..), by P, Zirkintl, (let. 1961. Jnrt xtigotion of Foreign Tracer Compositions, by L. II. Eriksen, TR1386, Feb. 1944. Same by L. II. Eriksen, TRJ413, Apr. 1944, DDC-X4484. Same by I,. II. Friksen, TR1415, May 1944, DIM’. X4486. lurestigation of (ironml Signals with Exirtidcd Aluminum Hodies, by W. R. Carson, TR1081, Apr. 1941, DDC-TIP 1'69757. I lire stigation of Hercules Nou-Gaseous Powder for I’sc in 21 -second Time Face, by R. W. Scharf, TR648, Sept. 1935, DDC-TIP 1’70524. . . hirextigation of the Heats of Reaction of Vari- ous Chemical Systems for Use in Pyrotech nics and Propellants (An..), by С. "'"Чрр, PL-C- TX-2, July 1957, DDC-AD ill 788. . . inccr.tigafien of the Ignition and Hurning Char- acteristics of Zirconium Powder, Types I and ll, Frankford Arsenal Purchase Description RED-16o5 (An . .), by C. Knapp, G. Weingarten, R. Davis, Sept 1953. Same by C. Knapp. G. Weingarten, R. Davis, PL-C-TX-3, July 1957. Iиrestigateun of Ignition Failures of the (I*Al Flare, by II. S. Eroe, TR961, Mar. 1939. Inifstigation of Lampblack for Use in 21 second Fuci Powder, by R. W. S<-h:>rf TR6I9, May 1935, DDC-TIP 1'70476. hirestigation of Loading of Л on-ti’ascous Free Powdir, by C. J. Bain, TRH16. Apr, 1937, DDC- TIP C 70668. In< i stigation of Mildew Pri r<'ilithrcs for Pgro- tii-hnif Parachuli Silk aiut Mticiiizid Cotton Airphnti Cloth, by I. D Hopper, TR789, Dec. 1936, DDC-TIP Г7О642. I in t stigation of (hik Chur.full for Un in 2t lonul lino Fu:i, by If W. Scharf, TR6I5, July R>35. DDC TIP I '7047:? IH If st IfiUttffH if I ll I \ i 11. & / Ol Pl Iliff I g 1 t t If I f , In D E S.-.ger, 'ГК2НН Apr 1055. DDC AD «1 103
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (cont’d) Divestigation of Spanish Caliber .50 Incendiary Bullet. by C. E. Webster, 3’111059, Dec. 1940. inrextigution of Stability of igniter Composition “K” and Red Tracer Composition, by D. Hart, TRL3O3, June 1943, DDC-TIP R55251. Same by D. Hart, TR1645, May 1945, DDC-ATI 207 381. /nrcstigation of Torpedo Igniter Mark VI, Models d, .7 and 4, by G. Weingarten, C. Knapp, TR2180, July 1955, DDC-AD 68 345. Kinetics of the High Temperature Reaction Between Magnesium Powder and Oxygen (The..), by S. S. Freeman, C. Campbell, Oet. 1902, DDC-AD 287 739. . . Kinetics of the Thermal Decomposition of Po- tassium Nitrate and of the Reaction Between Potassium Nitrite and Oxygen (The..), by E. K. Freeman, 1957. KinCics of the Thermal Degradation of Laminac 1116, a Synthetic Styrenated Polyester, by D. A. Anderson, E. N. Freeman, FRL-TR-2593. Dee. 1959, DDC-AD 230 497. Kim Pcs of (he Thermal Degradation of Poly- styrcm and Polyethylene, by D. A. Anderson, E. S. Freeman, FRL-TR 32, July 1961. . . Kinetics of the Cndtru-altr Corrosion of Pow- dered Magnesium (The..), bv E. K. Freeman, K. Gordon. Feb. 1955; TR2203 Sept. 1955, DDC- AD 72 671. L'ght Emission Characteristics of Expt rimental Safi-Typ< M/tol Dust Phofoffash Bombs (Shupid Bursters), by J. К Andrews, <1. Weingarten, 7112047. Aug 1954. DDC AD 41 707. I.i<ihl Emission Characti ri»tics of Tt/Eet Photo- flash (tombs in HE amt RBi6 Aircraft Tisis, !i\ li -I. Eppig, (1 Weingarten. A I. Dorfman, l> Ila, I. TK1775. June 1950. Leaitiini thi M Hi th lay Holdir. by H Slrmrod, I’M Ifi. -July 1944 Long Rangi Basic and T/chnieal Ifisiareh /.Hiding to Satisfactory Tracer Composition, Determina- tion of Optimum Conditions for Tracer Loading, by I*. D. Tweed, TRIGK4, Mar. 1948, DDC ATI 207 383. Long Rungi D/ ri lopmi nt of Delay Powders far Ammunition Fuze Application (Bomb Fuzea), by M. C. Epton, J. I). Hopper, TR1686, Apr. 1948, Proj. TM-2 9203A. Long Range Dieelopnu nt of Delay Powdirs for Ammundion Риге Applications, by D. Hart, TR1733. June 1949. Long Range Development of Delay Primers for Ammunition Риге Applications, by D. Hart, TR1735, June 1949, DDC-TiP C71O96. Long Range Research on Pyrotechnics, by G. Wein- garten, II. Dubrow, Mar. 1953. Long Range Research on Pyrotechnics: Burning Characteristics of Binary Mixtures, by D. Hurl, 11. J. Eppig. TRI 669, Oet. 1947, DDC-ATI 66 289. Long Range Riscareh on Pyrotechnics: Develop- ment of an Illumincnt Composition for the TI0E2 Aircraft Flare, by D. Hart, II. J. Eppig, TR1710, Jan. 1949, DDC-AD 128 405. Lung Range Rest arch on Pyroteehnies: Dirt lop- mi nt of an Improv d Smoke Composition for Activator, Practice, Mt, by G Weingarten, TRI 799, Nov. 19.50 Long Range Research on Pyrotechnics: Deritup- ment of a Portable Inti grating Photometer fur 1‘hotoftash Bomb Eval nation, by C. L Smith, C W Pinkley TR1930, Mar 1953, DDC AD 14 282. i.ong Kaugi Rtsiisi'h on Pyrotechnics: Evalua- tion and Exti nsion of th* Fuhtr Sub-sieve Siitr as an lush uim nt for Determining thi At nag' Particle Si:i of Powdered Pyrotechnic lngr<dte.its, by H. Dubro», G Weingarten. MR- 12. Mar 1953, DDC-AD 6254 I.ok<i h'lni/i R'lHireh он lmproi ',t /yuit'r-Type Powders, Dcrtlop Soa-lffpjrvtcoptc /gsitii Cow dir, by 8 Inigsteii, TR1612. June 19+6. DDC- ATI 204 952
AStCP 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (coat’d) i.oug Raiigi Reseeirch <>u Pyrotechnics: Purach ittc Illumiuuting Flares, by 1). Hart, G. Kottler, ( . Knapp, TRI 8:19, Sept. 1951, DDC-AT1-117 282 b/sy Range Research on P grot ее 'lilies (Special Types of Magnesium Powder for Csc in Tracer and Igniter Гот position»), by W. H. Rinken- ba< h, H. J. Eppig, TR16H3, Mar. 1948, DDC- TIP I’71069, DIM-ATI 207 302. Long Runge kt search on Pyrotechnics: Statistical Description of Particle Size and Distribution of Atomized Magnesium Powder, by B. Dnbruw, Til 1887, July 1952, DDC-AD 3331. l-ong Range Research ox Pyrotechnics: a Study of Light Emission Characteristics of Safe, Dust 1у pc Photoflash Hombs, by 11. J. Eppig, D. Hart, TR1727, Apr. 1949, DDC-TIP C6OO12. Long Rouge Reseaich on Pyrotechnics: Statistical Description of Particle Size and Distribution of Magni sium Powder, by B. Dubrow, 1952, DDC- ATI 3331 Magnetic ('ore ('aunties, by D. L. Diekemon, P. J. Kiaatsky, Aug. 1963. Malfunction Inet stigation of Cartridge, IO.~>mm, Smoke, НГ, HE, h»l, by W. 1. GautcMi, AED TH 3094, July 1963, DDC-AD 413 MOJ. Malfunction I nri stigation of Star Failures Signals, III u.ninating. Aircraft, Double Star Models AXMitAz1, AhMIIAl1 and AN-Ml.iA.'l, by Gi'orge Nilsen. TK3O33, May 1962. DDC-AD 277 419L. Manufacture of Itarium Chromate Delay Powder us a St pi» Plant Scali, by S. Sage, TK1432, July 1!IU. DIM-TIP 1'70907. Unnrfactuie Fleishlight Hombs, Pn parol ion of Flashlight llomb Drawings, by H. S Erov. T itfi) 1. Apr i H5 HIM TIP I 70469 Sptih,um tin .1 Hulyn.i of eiasions i’.inibus- lu.u t’l'nlmly ft-ou Ditay Powdirs, by I* K.m h Im TH20O6. Миг 1954. DIM'-AD 28 954. . . Mechanism of ignition and Propagation of Oxi- dant-Metiit Flushes (The . .), by J. Hershkowitz, April 1958, DDC-AD 156 424. Metal Dust Photoflash lionibs, by S. A. Richer, Research and Development Lecture, Pieatinny Arsenal, June 1954. Method for Calculating Majimum Impact Load in Designing a Parachute Supension System, by II. X'. Cohen, Apr. 1955, DDC-AD GO 623. Method for Designing and Optimum Photoflash Homb, by 11. X. Cohen, TR2153, Apr. 1955, DDC-AD (id 522. Method for Determining the Moisture Content of h'on-Laminuc Type P otechnic Compositions (-4 , .), by A. R. Lusan J. Wingler, TR2516, Aug. 1958, DA Proj. 5A04-01-027, (trd. Proj. TS5-34O7, DDC-AD 201 940. Method for Thtrtnogravimetrically Determining Activation Energies of Vaporization and Sub- limation, and an Estimation of These Lati nt IIcuts, by D. Amieraoii, S. (Jordon, C. Campbell, Mar. 1958. Military Pyrotechnics, by 1>. Hart, Encyclopedia Re|H>rt No 1'924, DDC ATI ;9 999. Modification of MS Flare Composition to Increase Candlepowi r. by (J. -J. Schladt, ’ГК538, Aug. 1934, DDC-TIP 1'70399. Same by W. II. Rin- kenbaeh, G. J. Schladt, TR676, Nov. 1935, DDC- X4086. DIM'TIP 1’70549. Same by W. H. Rinkenbach, J. B. Nichols, TKM01, Feb. 1937, DDC X4157, DDC-TIP 1’70654 Same by W II. Rinkenbaeh, TR841, June 1937, DDC-X4187. Sruu* by W. H. Kinkenbaeh, C. G. Dunkle, TR!M7, Dee 1938, DDC-X4262, DDC TIP Г7О795 Л<и- High Altitude Photofla»h ('oatiMsitions. by D Hart, N. Dipaiin, T.R2467, Aug. 1957, DA p.-oj 5AO4O1 027. Ord Proj ТЛ2 92О1, DDC- AD 138 615 A'«’ lufiaird Flair Compositions, by t' A Knapp, T|(3»r.’O. July lm;.| I'DC.M) 337 Ph) .V< «• Infiairtl Flm < о nd Itigh ,\f(i(n<l< h/uiLr C,,»ipositions, by C A. Knapp, TR'JtiAI. -Itilv 195'1. DDC AD KHi 217 70
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (cont’d) .Vrir Light Producing Reactions for Photoflush th ins; Bromine Triftoiiridc with Powdered Alum- inum and Magnesium, by J. E. Andrew»*, G. Weingarten, TR2250, Xov. 1955, DDC-AD 80 278. AVie Methods for the Measurement of Relative Ignitability and Ignition Efficiency, by ('. R. Grande. TR2469, Feb. 1958, DDC-AD 153 190. Л5 w Red, (t'r<<n and White Compositions for Hand Held, Rocket-Type Signal Flares, by E. Crane, J. Kriatal, TX 50, June I960, DDC-AD-239 166. .Vir Type Photographic Brightness Pyrometer, by J. F. Tyroler. TH-2135, liar. 1955. S'ohs on Illuminating Ammunition, by В. E. Quass, Apr. 1953. . Optical Density of Nmokt Produced from No. 5, MH 1 and Nobel (7.W.9) Ce nt rotors »w Relation to Concentration and Particle Size (Report on . by II- Green. J. A. Bannerman. PR1638, Xov. 1936. (Iptital Method of Obtaining Biquincinej Time of Events without Direct Contact with the Test Item, by J. Ь. Wright, C. L. Smith, Nov. 1957. ..Optimum Height <>/ a Burning Flarc (The..}, by II X Cohen. TK2081, Ge.. 1954, DDC-AD 44 36. Faiui’hiifts for Bombs and flares, by S. K. Ein- binder, TXI3, Sept. 1957, DDC Al) 144 766 I’/Uihuitton of /duniinunts to Impr</<c Photoflush Ef/icir ney, i>y 8>. Lopatin, С. A. Knapp. TN24, A ng 1959. DDC Alt 2<*~ 977 Ph'-toflash 1 'nrtru'tgi ( 7 hi.’ .). by J. 11. AiltKim, Aug 1957 photoflush l'aitild'/< 1 Will !. bi E Bert ratul Mar. i960 Ptioi ,,40 I lie Arinh’sis uf IPuiuui Nitiali in .4n- // <idi oipn. I) xh yd rage n. <isil O.i утч i yh ni Fh’oos. by .1 M l.mitt. TR 211*2. July 1855. Polymerized Laminae Resin lll(i; Heats of For- mation end Combustion and ('arban, Hydrogt it, Oxygen Content, by (1. Weingarten, S., 7, l.-n>3, DDC-AD 419 594. Poppy Photoflash Cartridge d.^embly, by A. J. Neigh, A. J. White, Jr., .fitly 1962. Pre-Ignition and Ignition Reactions of the Pyro- technic Smoke Com position Zinc-H cjrachlora- Bcnz nt -Potassium Perchlorate, by S. Gordon, C. Campbell, TR2123, Mar. 1955 DDC-AD 59 206. Pre Ignition and Jgii’ttou Reactions of the Hystcnt Barium Pi'voxidc-Mognesium-Calcium Resinate. by V. D. Hogan, N. Gordon, 1957. Pi, -Ignition and Ignition Reactions of the Bystem Magncsium-Nodium Nitritte-Lamiuac, by V. 1). Hogan. S. Gordon, PL-C-TN-2-’ Apr. 1958. Preliminary Evaluation of the Coulter Counter Particle Size Instrument, by 1). E. Middlebrooks, S. M. Kaye, I). J. Edleinan, G. Weingarten, TM1O54, Oet. 1963, ЛМСМА 5530.11.558. 5504- 01-027. Pri Him entry I nci shgation of Effect of Plastic Costs on Light Output of the “Daisy'’ Photoflash Cartridge. by В. E. Quaes, No- . 1956. Pr< timniary I nee stigation of 1:>5тм M ltd HE ('idoei d Mark< r sh< II, by M. J. Margolin, TR22S3, Aug 1955. DDC-AD 71 5o.4. Preliminary lit port on 2o0-s/comt Magnetic ('re Timer, by D L Dickerson P J. W. Koutsky. Apr 1964 Preliminary Results Obtained from Constant Cur- rent 74ж» Ihlag ('trends f<v <’a thi TfizisN Land Mine, by M Lararns, •' L. Smith. Apr. 1957 Pri loninaru yt uo > of tin Effect of Igmfieen I'nreisi- < ties uh tb< I’irfiitnivsei of Phrdtiflilih dti Mee thou. b\ 51 Kb ni. TRL't) 1 * May 19 ’4, l»i’’ AO 32 -itn Pe t pare,'ion of 7, :rn ntft ocarba ;olc n « 8. mu. Flout Bcub , l.u Maortc. liaer, ТИ19*4. ХЗе I9'» S, 1II >i ’ A l> ‘.'1 C'l 71
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (cont’d) Priuu г Cinnpoxitions, by E. Herz, Tniimlnt ion No. 92, May !*>«<>, DDC-AD 237 678. . . Primer Mixture for Initialing Delay Composi- tions (PA-101..), by T. W. Stevens, K. G. Sheffield, Ortl. Proj. PA-3-6, Report No. 10, Apr. 1957. Production Engine cring and Improvement of Ig- niter for .L'i-inch Rocket M2HAH, M^f/A2, and .WHO. DC-tr:3-5«, Apr 1959, DDC-AD 216 210. Progress tn lliyh Altitude Flash Compositions, by I). «1. Edletnan S. M. Kaye, ItFL-TN-i 17, May 1962, OMS <’<к1е 5530.11.558A, DA Proj. 504-01.027. Propagation Phenomena iu a Photoflash Mix (60/ 10 by Weight of Potassium Perchlorate/Atom- ised Aluminum), by J. Hershkowitz, Feb. 1958. Properties of Explosives. A Ctueiy of the Influence of tie : rat Chemical and Thermodynamic Prop- erties on the Ignition Efficiency of the M1A1 Rt/uib and the MtAl Rguib Loaded with "Modi- fied'’ T61 f’ompesiti. n, by C Ia-iichitz, TR1940, June 1953, DDC TIP Г17О97. Properties of Mt)X-Type Explosive Mixtures. by О. E Sheffield, TK22O5, De'. 1 *155. Proposed Tiro Delay Circuit 1’tilizing Constant Current Device’, by C. L Smith, M. Ьахнгпк, Jan. 1957. Pyrotechnic Lose i Proprane l/). by L. Smith, Dee 1962 Pyrote eh rtie Loser Proeft ы tfil, by С. I,. Smith and J. 1. Wright, \p 1963 Pye edech nit S pot t Ine/ e e-ice for (кг fl one id John Rochet System, be । В Wright. TR2691. July 19tHi f'nneie eh ole . l.eeomme eioil 'o/imli’, ( ,i . leulele /e> ,i 1/|,.ai/< lloi’i.e Tl'rtrAiil;/ 1 *d. Ip I*. A f,rit. '1’112126 -hui>’ I'l.iZ. DA 1‘roj (04-t.iJ- it.il. Old I’lvj TA2 ikMD HIX AD ]3 176 Radiation Chareieleristi'-s of the XM-l.l iiiiel the dOnim Hispano Suiza Tracer Rounds, by M. Nowak. J. R. Staley, R. B. Davis, W. S. Wheeler, TR3049, May 1963, DDC-AD 406 273. . . Radioactivity-Controlled Time’ Fuze’ for " Eofeir” Honib (A ..), by P. Kisatsky, Oet. 1961. Radiometric De termination of Homogeneity of a M ulticom pone id Pyrotechnic Mixture, by R. J. Grnybtish, T. C. Castorina, TR3O57, Feb. 1963, DDC-AD 297 999. ..Recoilless Rifle’ Artillery Flush Kimulator (XMFi6 1(>6mm..), by J. II. Allison, June 1960. . . Relationship Retween the Length-to-Diamc.tc.r Ratio of the Container anil the Time-Luminosity Characteristics of Type HI Photoflash Powder (The . .), by S. Narper, R. Schiffinan, R. Oziinek, TR2O45, Aug. 1954, DDC-AD 39 339. Research and Development on Military Pyrotech- nics, by D. Hurt, Feb. 1955. DDC-TIP l’lt»76!l. Research and Development Progress in Military Pyroteehni. Lecture No. 24, Feb. 1955. DDC- AD 82 678. Rrxins lithe i' Thun Laminac tllti as Hinders in Pyrede ch me Compositions, bv B. Jackson, К. M. Kaye (I. W'iagarteu, T\4i), Jnn. 19(itt, DDC- AD 231 186. Re usable Se ll cteible Time’ Circuits fell’ Self Stcrili- zttion of the T-.'d' Mint, by C L. Smith. M. Laxarus, Oct. 1958. !{e lie w <ef Ih-e leepme nt of ;V it'll t Photeieirii ph у from Records S и infill, d by Wriijht Field, Day- teen, Ohio, Memo for I ’ у !o! erh о le Section, 29 October 1937. Rocke t Artille ry Clash hdnulator i Л’.W t C ।'. by .1 II. Allisot. Aug । *’i>0 Loe.Ct, Flash, J , , , 7\. . b) C Kni;|.|>. June 19 57 h'. if Flash S mol., 11 i,7 me! t<s Fii.iiki '-a- h n, 1 If ICi»\ I. .1 Frev, .!>• К В Wright. Jiii!- I'l.’iH
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (cont’d) S'ro l.eril ef nil High Alfiliteli Performer lice- of Ex- perimental F'hotofla.:h ('mil positions, l>y S. Lopa- tin, FRL-TR-29, Oct. 1961, DDC-AD 26(> ‘213 Л7 gre gat ion of Potassium Pe rchloralc in Phoio- flnxh r, by О. E. Sheffield, TRl‘278, Apr. 1943. . . Selected Lite-ruturc of Infrared Jiiuliatioii (In- terim lie-port on..), by (’. <'iiiiipbi’l:, Mar. 19(50. Self Hen dining Pyrotechnic Compositions, by 11. J. Eppig, J. I). Strachan, TR18('l, Dec. 1950, DDC- Al) 223 113. Sensitivity of Tracer Compositions Containing Harium Nitrate, by JI. J. Eppig, 'ГН1254. Mar. 1943, DDC-TIP C71194. Shell. Fixed, Smoke, Cedorcd, Tit), Ihlmni Hint, MIA2, by P. B. Tweed, TRI673, Nov. 1947. Simple Conversion for Automatically Recording Weight Changes with an Analytical Haiance, by Campbell, S. Gordon, Feb. 1957. Simple Method for Dcrirat re Diffe re ntied Thermal Analysis. by E. Freeman, I). Anderson, M-13, 1959. Simulated High Altitude Tests of llluniinalinej Compositions, by S. Resnick, TR2166, Apr 1955, DDC-AD 61 693. Simulated /' igi; Altitude Texts of Pyrotechnic Flans. b> W. L. Grafton. Aug 1955. DDC-TIP <’27fi04. Stnokt Container for Tse eeifh Aircraft for Asre rtaininej Iliad Direction lift port on .). by F. L. (.osxagc, P R23, Sept. 1922. Smoke sin am< r Signals, by К. E. Wakeman, Lec- ture given IK May 19ё4 at I’iraliimy Arsenal. Stnolns, Ii; >1. E. Andrews, Jr., I! V.'erbel, FPL, M»i 196? л<,/a t ion of llo 5 on - F ie net ton' 11,7 Prolili HI of th/ 14 l.uiiet Mui’ truth r Simulated Ti d I'uSilr (ions. ii. С I. Sinitli, M Lnr-iri!s. •Iihi. 1957. Some Effects of Те mpm ell tere on Tight Output of Daisy Tgin Flaxl, Cen Irielgis of Cellulose Ace- tate flat grate, by В. E. Qimss, Dec. 1956. X«w< Prope rticx of Stoichiome tric Delay ComposT Herns Containing Moron as a Fuel, PL-C-TN-12, Jun. 1958, DDC-AD 158 199. Special Types of Magnesium Powder for Cse in Tracer and Igniter Compositions, by II. J. Eppig, TR 1683, Mar. 1948. Spectral Energy Distribution e»f the Flash from Hit/ap Tritonal Em ploy eel as a Spotting Charge, in tin- Led' Warhead, by S. Resnick, TR2127, Jan. 1955, DDC-AD 55 191. Spectrograms and Spectral Energy Distribution Curve s of Flares, Guide, THE I, T7E1, and TSE I, by D. Hart, II. J. Eppig, TR1526, May 1945, DIM -Х456Ч, DDC-TIP 1’70980. Spotting Charge’ Composition Progress, by S. Цор- atm, PL-C-TN 15, Alar. 1958. Steebilit у of Pyrotechnic Compositions Employed iii the AN-M.1.4 te.i -Mod Aircraft Fig'’’'s, by II. J Eppig, ТН-15Я8, Jan 1946. Steehility Tests on Special Pyrotcchnic Composi- tions, by C. J Schiadt, TR42, Apr. 1931, DDC- TIP I 69920. Same by G. J. Schladt, TR176, Mar. 1932, DDC-TIP /70262. Same by G. J. Sehladt, TR472. Feb 19.:! DDC-TIP 1’70037. Same by G. J. Schladt, TRG1H, Apr. 1935, DDC- TIP I 70475 Same by J. B. Nichols. TRK46, July 5937, DDC-TIP 1'70698. Same by C G Dunkle, TR9.I0, Oet. 1938. DDC-TIP I 70776. Same by G. J Schladt, TR983, Aug. 1939, DDC- TIP 1'70824. Same by V. C Allison TR762, An;: 1936. stabilization of Ground Sigtwls, by 11. S. Ens1, TR497, Apr 1934, DDC TIP i'7'Ю62. Stiibrliiid Ground Signals, Sir,auie: Type, by II. s Erie', TR6O6, Apr. 19.35. DDC-TIP I’7b4’'4. Sfiilidurel l.eihoratory f’liei elieit x f т Seesif ii’it v fiviseinei, anel Stability of EjoiIo* in .1, by W. It. |{iiikenlinel.. A. J (dear, TRlJttl, Rev. 1, lar. 19 14 Rev Feb 1950. DDC Т’Г I .>. 811 73
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (cont’d) static am! Atrial Flush Characteristics of T'!2 Photoflash Hombx i.tHitlnl 4‘ith Type HI, Class „J Photoflaxh Powder and Atrial Tests iff M120 Phtiteeflifsh Hamb ('axes Loaded u'ith Experi- mented Photoflaxh Compositions, by (J. Weingar- ten, 1’ЛТН 2O5H. Ann- 1954, DDC-AD 52 3HH. Sfedie1 ill amination Texfx of ТЮ2 Phedeeflersh Ccr- trielyes, by J. Allison, Jan. 1957. .. Steitixtical Evaluation of the Pyrotechnics Elec- trostatic. Senxitiidtу Tester (.! ..), by E. Crane, July 1959. . , Steel-Wool White Pheesphorux (SWP) Smoke (Irrfiade (The T.MiEl . .), by L. F. Young, W. M. Conway, TH 261*. Proj. TAI-4054, Nov. 1959. Studies of Soiiic Delay Compositions, by B. Werbel, TN' 42, Mar. 1955, DDC-AD S3 079. Study of Han inn Nitrate for l’x,- in 21-xeeond Fuze Powder, by R. \V. Scharf, TR639, July 1935, DDC-TIP *1’70496. Study ,f Harium Nitrate for Use in 2t-s,-cond Fuze Powder, by P. Varrato, TI1746, Aug. 1936. St inly of Explosive- and Incendiary Powder De- ri loped by Mr. Follre L. Shoric, by A. J. Phil- lipx, TR’ 322. Aug. 1943. DDC-TIP 1'7123.3. ..Study uf thi Factor Involviel in Securinej Uni- formity of Kate of Hurniny of Kid Lead-Silicon Powder (A by S. Li viugstui:, TR31, Aug. 192«. DDC-TIP 1'69910; TR105, Nov. 19.30. DDC-TIP 1'7(1195. Study of Fliyht Htirnini/ Timex of I'‘-se cond Time Funs, by 1). K. Beeman. TR«13, Apr. 1937, DDC-TIP 1'70665 Study of thi infrared /bopiriUs of Solid Pre,- jultiiu' Re.vk t Motor I'lumex. by J. L. Wright, P. BirkinJ. Nov. 1961. . . Xtmhi ‘ the l.i<iht Emission I'heiieh-le mxtics of Saji . Dust Type Photoflaxh Hennbs (.1 . ), by I). Hart TK-1727. Apr. 1949; Til 1757, Feb. 1950. Study eij Methods fur De ti rminiutj the Suh-Sit et Particle Site Distribution of Maityanexe Powder, by V. Lindner, TR1650, Apr. 1D47. Study of Nickt l-Hirconinm Type Delay Composi- tion for Use in 11- to t t-xecond T2 Primer-Det- oiiator, by T. J. Mahler, M. C. Epion, TIU976, DDC-AD 18 «73. Study of Passive- Decoy Tech nic/llcx for Suiter- sonic Vehicles, by ('. A. Knapp, A. (Iraff, Jan. 1964. Study of Possible Substitutes fur Maejncsiuni ontl Aluminum in Pyrotechnics and Tracer Compo- sition». by О. E. Sheffield. TR1215, June 1943, DDC-X4320. Study Report for Optimum Ilciyht, Illuminance, ond Hurniny Time for TtOE-1 and TI0E6 Air- craft Parachute Flares, by F. Shelton, Oet. 1957. Study of Slow Hurninej Fuze Powders Contain.ny ftariam Nitrate and Oak Charcoal, by P. Var- iate, TR812, Apr 19.37. DDC-TIP П70664. Stutly of Special Types of Aluminum Powder for Use in Flare ('отposition, by A. Strasser, TR117H, June 1942, DDC-X5625. Stutly Substitution of Potassium Perchlorate as a Substitute for Ammonium Perchlorate tn the ll2.',‘E Composition for Xiynid, Aircraft, Red Star Cluster, Mlf. by (I. J. .Schladt, TRI049, July ]?>-»!>, DIM -TIP 1'69726. slud!/ Substitution of Pctoxxium Perchlorate ax <i NhWiftrfc fur .tninioiritem—Perchlorate in tin R24E t’ompositieni far Siejnal, Aircraft, Red star Cluster, MH, by W. II. Rinkenbach, TRiJ49, July 1940, DDC-X5515. St.uly I’xe of SA-pe rci nt tirade of Sodium (txalate in I’l/titeelinic I' -impositions, by A. Strasser, TR1101, Ma- i!>42, DDC-X5612. Study t.'f the l x, of M tidlic Maytit siuni in the I’yride clinic White l.iyht Coni positions, by (i. J. Sellladt, .inn. 1931. ,-tuelyof i rt of Noehelnr .1 tiiminuin fnon lUynuldx .'It lids Company, by A. Strasser, 1’111171, May 1912, DI»C X562(». 74
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (cont’d) Study of the Use of Thermite Type Compositions as Pyrotechnic Ilhiminanh, by W. II. Rinken- baeli, G. J. Schladt, TR128, Sept. 1931, DDC- TIP Г7О217, DDC-AD 103 510. Substitute for Pyrotechnic Parachute Silk, by S. Livingston, TR136, Sept. 1931, DDC-TIP 1’70224. Sa’*>e by W. Anderson, TR636, June 1935. DDC-TIP 1’70493. Substitutes for Potassium Perchlorate in Pyrotech- nic Compositions, First Progress Report, TR1222, Dee. 1942, DDC-X1222. Same by L. II. Eriksen, TR1321, Aug. 1943, DDC-X44O8. Same by L. II. Eriksen, О. E. Sheffield, TR1408, Mar. 1944, DDC-X4480. Same by L. II. Eriksen, TR1426, June 1944, DDC-X4495. Substitutes for Silk in Pyrotechnic Parachutes, by F. V. Ludden, TR5i;6, July 1934. Substitution of Aluminum for Magnesium in II- himinant Composition for the MS Al blare, by W. II. Rinkenoaeh, C. G. Dunkle, TR1091, June 1941, DDC-X5550, DDC-TIP 1’69767. Substitution for Potassium Perchlorate in Pyro- technic Compositions, by L. II. Eriksen, TR1280, Apr 1943, DDC-TIP 1171205. Substitution of Sodium Nitrate for Barium Nitrate and Sodium Oxalate in VVAite Light Composi- tions, by II. J. Eppig, TR1266, Mar. 1943, DDC- X4359. Suggested Method for Measuring Low Light Level Lnminants, by R. Davis, J. Tyroler, July 1959, DDC-AD 214 770. Suitability of Recovered Dow Metal Powder i4 Pyrotechnic Compositions, by C. G Dunkie, TR1116, Sept. 1941, DDC-TIP Н697Г9. Suitability of Reynolds Metals Aluminum. Types Р-.Ч and D-12, as Substitutes for Grade В Alum- inum in llluminant Compositions for the AN- .Uj6 Plan-, by L. II. Eriksen, TR134I, Sept. 1943. DDC-TIP 1’71252 Suitability of Secondary Aluminum powder for Use in Pyrotechnic Compositions, by W. J. Wis- wesser, TR)t<7, June 1942, DDC-X5624. Summary of Foreign Manufactured Ordnance Items Examined at Picaiinny Arsenal, from 1 July ШЗ tn 30 June by В. C. Schofield, TR2068, Nov. 1.954, DDC-AD 47 990. Summary Rej.-ui Corering the Availability of Battlefield Illumination Devices and Night Vis- ion Aids, by S. Resnick, L. J. Frey, Jr., S. II, Cohen, Dee. 1962. SurreT'anee Study of Nickel-Eirconium Type De- lay Powder for M20S Hand Grenade Риге, by AL T. Hedges, T. I. Afahler, ТЯ1952, Aug. 1953. DDC-AD 17 143. Surface Active Agents as an Aid in Blending Py- rotechnic Compositions, by C. Campbell, Jr., W. J. Nolan, TR2172, Мяу 1955, DDC-AD 63 717. Survey of Sensitivity Characteristics of Typical Delay, Igniter. Plash, and Signal Type Pyro- technic Compositions, by J. Kristal, S. M. Kaye, TAI1316, Apr. 1964, AMCM8 5522.11.558, DA 1C 52380/A302, DDC-AD 222 993. Surveillance Test on М3 Aircraft Parachute Plarc, by J. H. Robinson, TR1011, Nov. 1939, DDC- TIP , 69689. Surveillance Test of Ms Plares of Lot 1351- II under Accelerated Storage Conditions, by J. II. Robinson, TR9O8, Aug. 1938, DDC-TIP 1’70757. Surveillance Tests, Cartridge, Photoflash M112, by C. Knapp, S. Ijopntiii, R. Schiffinan, PL-C- TN 1, June 1957. Surveillance Tests on H16A1 Primer Detonators Containing Type I, Class В Delay Powder, by J. E. Oxmun, TR1546, July 1945. Surveillance Tests of 37mm Red Tracers (Incom- plete). by H. N. Erne. TR703. Feb. 1936, DDC- Т1Г 1’70568. . . Surrey of Available Literature un the Rapid Combusts'» of Metah in Air (A . .), by H. Hoff- ner. TR2J61, Sep! 1954, DDC-AD 44 543. A'ymposom on Boric Pyrotechnics Risearch, Ab- stracts of Papers, Feb 1957, DDC-TIP C583I2. 75
АМСР 706-189 PICATIHlfY ARSEHAb (совГЛ) .. Temperature Stable НЮС Cycle. Oscillator (4 ..), by D. L. Diekeraon, M. Lmmhih, June 1964. Ternary Mixtures of Chromic Oxide-Boron-Rar- imu Chromate us Delay Compositions, by U. Werbel, PL C-TN-22, Apr. 1958. Ternary Mixtures of Chromic Ofide-Roron-Bariutn Chromate as Delay Compositions, by B. Werbel, PL-C-TN-22, Apr. 195Я. Teat of Cover and Reinforcing Ring of the Im- proved M8 Flare, by H. S. Eroe, TR689, Feb. 1936, DDC-TIP U70556. Text of Flare. Suspension Rands, by L. F. Yaung, TR488, Mer. 1934, DDC-TIP Г79053; TR505, May 1934, DDC-TIP I '70366. Tcs,t of Md. Flare Suspension Bands, by II. 8. Eroe, TR540, Sept, 1Ж Text of Trie Powders in .W-5’4 Time Fine, by R. W. Scharf, ТЙ1О97, June 1941, DDC-TIP 1169773. Text of (Jertnan Colored Smoke Signals, by J. M. King, TR338, Mar. 1933, DDC-TIP 1)70099. Text of Hand Held Rocket Type Distress Signals (T66 Type Modified), Resubmitted ba A Com- pany and В Company, by II. S Eroe, TR-1Z06, Nov. 1948; TR-1734, May 1949. Test of High Altitude Hand Held Rocket Type Distress Signals (T66 Type Modified) Submitted by .1 Company und H Company, by Ii. Я. Eroe, 30 Nov. 1948 Test of New Type MS Flare Suspension Bands, by II S. Eroe, TR65O, Sept. 1935, DDC-TIP (170526. Test of .Ven1 Ту p> Ms At Flare Suspension Bands. Stitngth Texts of New Type Ms.ll Flare Xf;x pension Band Assemblies with Formed Locating Stops, by ' II. Robinson TRH78, 15 Feb. 1938, DDC-TIP Г7072.9. Test of New Type .118 Flare Suspension Bands. Test of Strengthened New Type M8 Flare Silf- peftnion Band Assemblies, by H. 8. Eroe, TR697, Apr. 1936, DDC-TIP H7O562. Same by II. S. Eroe, TR775, Dee. 1Ж Test Report of Dynamic Tests for Infrared and Visible Light Measurements on Two Types of Caliber .50 Spotter-Trucer Ammunition, by J. L. Wright, Sept. ’961. Tests of Granidar Magn<sium Powder in Pyro- technic Compositions, by W. II. Rinkenbach, G. J. Sehladt, TR1073/Mar 1941, DDC-TIP II69749. Theory of Rates of Propagative Burning for Sys- tems which Undergo Crystatline Transitions and Changes in State, by E. R. Freeman, G. Wein- garten, TR-2596. Thermal, Analysis of D-16 Delay Powders, by 8. Lopatin, PL-C-TN-5, Aug. 1957, DDC-AD 111 789. Thermal Parameters Associated with Ignition of the Magnesium-Barium Nitrate System, by M. Gilford, S. Gordon, FRL-TN-4S, Mar. 1960, DDC-AD 234 323. Thermal Parameters Associated with the Ignition of the Magncsium-Sodium Nitrate System, by M. Gilford, S. Gordon, G. Weingarten, TN 27, Aug 1958, DDC-AD 212 848. .. Thermal Theory for Rates of Propagative Burn- ing (A ..), by E. S. Freeman, G. Weingarten, TR2596, June 1959, DDC AD 218 171. Thcrmoanulyxix of Binary Systems КС 1(^1 Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Nitrates, by V. I). Hogan, S. Gordon, Sept. 1959. Thermminalysix of Pyrotechnic Systems: Magne- sium, Barium Chlorate, Saran or KEL-F, and Laminac, by E. Crane, S. Gordon, TN-33, Aug. 1959. Th >-moanalytiral Charactr citation of Several Qui- »al Clathrate Compounds, by M. Gilford, S. Gordon, TN41, Mar. 1960, DDC-AD 23 » 847 76
АМСР 706-189 PICATINNY ARSENAL (corn’d) .. Thermoanedyttcal Study of Binary llrieianf Sys- tems. I. Potasdum Perchloivde-Rarium Nitrate (A..), by V. D. Hogan, S. Gordon, PT CW 17, Mar. 1958, DDC-AD 161 791. .. '!'/:< rmoanalytieal Study of Ninety Oxieiet/tt Sys- tems. If. Barium PerMorate-Potatsiam Ni- trate (A . .), by V. !). Hogan, 8. Gordon, PL- C-TN-18. Apr. 1358, DDC-AD 157 635. . . Thermetanalytical Study of the Binary Oxidant Systems of Potassium Perehloraie SelcCe.d Alkal' anel Alkaline Barth Metal Nitrate» (-1..), by V. Пора»;, S. Gordo»), TIL 2 608. .. Tlierruoanalytical Study of the Ignition and Combustion Reaction» of Black Powder (A ..), by C. Campbell, G. '»Ve»ngarten, PL-C-TN 27, June 1958, DDC-AD 207 077. . . Thermoanalytical Study of the Recip.'etcal Sys- tem 2KN0, + BaCl,, 2KCI + Ba(N()t}t, (A ..), by V. Hogan, 8. Gordon, 1960. Titan Flash Cartridge, by J. W. Leath, Oet. 1961. Toreranets Permissible in the Percentage Compo- sition of Type Hl Class A, Photojtash Powder, by 8. F. Sarner, TR2O74, Oct 1954, DDC-AD 46 683. Use of the Baheo Micro Particle Classifier in Sepa- rating a Narrow Micron Range Sample of Atom- ized Aluminum, by A. Tawliler, PL-C-TN-28, July 1959, DDC-AD 215 359. . . Trial on the Screening of Back Areas from .l»r Ob.xirration (Report an..), by W. R. (lalwey, PR629, Sept. 1928. Type 17 Red Smoke Tracking Blare, by J. IL Allison, Nov. ]9Gi. . . Use of Aluminum Powder Tailings in Pyrotech- nic Compositions (The..), by H. J. Eppig, »>. E Sheffield, TRI397, Mar. 1944, DDC-IvW?. DDC AD 170 877. i \t of .Alomioel Magni xium in Blare and Signal Compositions, by A I'liav^r. TRIlMi. Aug. 1942, DDC-Til’ 171271 .. Use of Differential Thermal Analysis for In- vestigation of the Kffeet of High Bncrgy Radia- tion on Crystalline Ammonium Perchlorate (The..), by E. 8. Freeman, D. Anderson, M-33, Aug. 1959. Cue of Blake Magnesium in Blare end Signal Composition:;, First Pn res» Report, TR1227, •Ian. 1.943, Same by О. E. Sheffield, TR1301, June 1943, DDC-TIP C71216. Use of 65fSi> Magnesium-Aiuminum Alloy in Photo- flash Powders, by H. J. Eppig, TR1356, Oct. 1943, DDC-TIP 1770847. Uee of Polyvinyl Chloride in Compositions for Blares, round, T9, and T12, by О. E. Sheffield, TR1545, July 1945, DDC-X4581. ITe of Potassium Perchlorate in Composition the Signal, Aircraft, Red Star Parachute, M-ll, by W. II. Rinkenbach, G. J. Sehladt, TN1095, June 1941, DDC-X5554, DDC-TIP U69771. US UK-Canada TTCP Report of Working Group #5 Pyrotechnics, by S. Sage, June 1961. Volumetric LourVr for Nun-Flowing Powders, by E. ..'esceraerrtki, DB-TR 3-58, Mar. 1958, DDC- AD Lib 149. Warhead, ’76Jmm Racket, Flash Smoke, XM38, by S. Gordon, 7. Ilror.itiak, J. Andrews, Sept. 1959. Wai head Section, Practice, 318mm Rocket, Flash Smoke, XM8, by E. Blackman, J. Andrews, Dee. 1959. While Smetke Competition for Fun, Mine, AT, Piuctici, M60i, by C. A. Knapp, (1. Weingarten, TR22H5, July 1956, DA Proj. None, Ord. Proj. PA-3-3, DDC-AD 100 771. 11Л7,1 Smoke Compositicns for Use in the iOSmm ТЮ7В2 White Smoke Shell, Ьу E. D. Crane, B. Werbel, May 1962. . . Working Parly No. 23, (Air Pyrotechnics) (Re- port 3rd Mn ting . J, Apr. 26 to May 7. 1954, DDC TIP С599.Ч, (Report of ith Meeting ), M».y to ! JiP! 1956, DDC-TIP (’46541.
АМСР 706-189 P1TMAN>DUNN LABORATORIES Philadelphia, PenmQ-lvania See: FRANKFORD ARONAL. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Rosie Research in Physical and Chemical Kinetics Related to Problems of Combustion and Propul- sion, TK-59-174. Nov. 1959, DIM’-AD 231 «30. .. Stability of Propellants and the Theory of Thermal Ignition, by I. Glawnan. R460, AFOSR TN 5Й-586, May 1959, DDC-AD 217 185. Staircase Methods of Sensitivity Testing, by T. W. Anderson, NAVORD 6546, Mar. 1946, DDC- TIP 1’55107. Statistical Analysis for a New Procedure, in Sensi- tivity Experiments, R-4040, July 1944. REDEL, INC. Mechanistic Studies of Conductive Film Ignition, Reports: GPR-1, Aug. 1958, DDC-AD 303 102. GPR-2, Nov. 1958, DDC-AD 304 638. OFR-3, Feb. 1959, DDC-AD ЗОЯ 779. О PR-4, May 1959, DDC-AD 306 209. REDSTONE ARSENAL lltmtaville, Alabama Compilation of liata oa Army, Navy, and Com- mercial Standard Electric Squibs, by R. E. Betts, 3J14N1, Jan. 1956. Investigation of Possible. Improvement in Rocket Ignition, by M. Gallagher, TR-2, Sept. 1953, DDC-AD 37 539. Mctal-flxietant Ignttir Mattrials, by S. Zeman, llovket Development laileiratoriis*. REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY, INC. Bridgeport. ('on лее! ifnt D< c< lignin uf of Cal ,6ч High Expluxivt and /«- iiin/tiitii Ihtlhb, by (». 9. t'lifTonl. Final Re- port. .Inly l!H-’> RESIN RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INC. Investigation of New Type Polymers to he Used in Pyrotechnic Ettels for Thermal Dissemination of Agents, R UM, Aug. 1963, DDC-AD 416 033. ROHM AND HAAS COMPANY Philadelphia, Pa. . . All Purpose Metal-Oxidant Ignition System (An ..), by D. L. Kilbouni. SHARPLESCORPORATION RESEARCH LABORATORIES 424 W. 4th St., Bridgeport, Pennsylvania Particle Sire Distribution Analysis, Bull. 101, The Sharpies Micromerograph. SHELL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Study of Mechanised Flame Throwers, by R. D. Dawson, May 1943, DDC-ATI 33 260; July 1943, DDC-ATI 33 258; Aug. 1943, DDC-ATI 31 965. SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Studies in Ignition, by F. A. Warren, R. J. Martin, J. II. Wiegand, TR-9, Project 7-361-A, Feb. 1956. STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE Palo Alto, California High Tvmperatnrt—A Tool for the Futwe, Pro- ceedings of Sym|M>siuni, 1956. STANFORD UNIVERSITY Palo Alto, California . . Investigation of the Igitv : I'nipvatnrc of Solid Metals (An . by W. . nokls, June 1957. SYLVANIA ELECTRIC PRODUCTS, INC. /иfi firi tl P'lrtNll .1/Л •/,?/«** W'/M. l.i.iitp Stiithf, Piiiitl KvpoH, Sept. 19.TI
АМСР 706-189 TACTICAL AIR COMMAND Langley Air Forec Ba e, Virginia Paiachutc Flare Evaluation, by I. L. К hues, Jr., AFSAWC TDK 6.3, Aug. 196.3, DDC-AD 416 217. TANK DESTROYER BOARD See: ARMY TEST AMD EVALUATION COMMAND. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .. Combustion of Metals (The ..), by A. V. Grosse, J. B. Conw.iy, Project N9-OXR-87301, Oet. 1951. Office of Naval Research High Temperature Project, by A. V. Grosse, J. B. Conway, Final Report, July 1954. Powdercel-Met al Flames, by J. B. Conway, A. V. Grosse, TR ONR Contract X9-ONR-87301, DDC- AD 20 972. TEMPO, INC. Production Engineering Study of 105mm, M.'iflAd Illuminating Shell, by I). F. Salmon, June 1957, DDC-AD 201 190. TEXAS, UNIVERSITY OF Preliminary Thermodynamic Calculations on Var- ious Fuels and Related Compou, ds, by R. C. Anderson, L. F. Hatch, W A. Felsing, ГТ/DRL 62, June 1946, DDC-ATI 198. THIOKOL CHEMICAL CORPORATION Elkton, Maryland Ay, mg of T-M7 Rocket Motor with Model “IF' h/Hitti, by .1. Felhn’ii, RX-30-54, Aug. 1'1.>4, DDC AD .39 4 >*. I>, ri lu/inii >it of Improve el Ignition Si/sh in fur the 7’joos Ruehl! Motor.\>y J. E. Pelham. RN-.36-55, Del DDC Al) sO 6hi. !>e re lupinent of Improved Imudiug Methods for T-6 Delay Elements, Contract DA-1-49*186-502* OR D-P-362, Sept. 1956. Development of Metal Powder-Oxidizer Composi- tions for Ignition of Polysulfide-Perchlorate Pro- pellants, by E. C. Ricks, W. R. Ignatius, RN- 9-52, DDC-AD 10 550. . . Development of a Modified ignition System for High Altitude Performance of the M7A1 Rocket Motor {Final Report on the..), by К. P. King, RX-14-59, May 1959, DDC-AD 307 067. Development of New and Improved Fuel Hlocks for Thermal Generation, by A. Irwin. Reports: RX-E.3-55, Jan. 1955, DDC-AD 57 544. Feb. 1955, DDC-AD 57 637., Д RN-E5-55, May 1955, DDC-AD 68 fiGZ. RN-E14-55, June 1955, DDC-AD 79 37t. RX-E6-56, Mar. 1956, DDC-AD 90 085. Development of New and Improved Solid Fuel Hlocks for Thermal Generation, by A. Irvin, K-2, CAIL ETF 248-3/2, Contract DA-18-108- CML-5376, July 1954, DDC-AD 310 108. Development of a Reduced-Debris Igniter System for Small Air to Air Rockets, by J. E. Pelham, К. P. King, RX .3-56, May 1956. Quarterly Progress Reports: RX-5-54, Kept. 1954 RX-17-55, Mar. 1955 RN-5-55, June 1955 RX-1-56, Apr. 1956, DDC-AD 88 955 RX-10-56, June 1956 RX 21-56, June 1956, DDC-AD 115 414 RX-33-56, Kept 1956, DDC-AD 122 737 RX-20-57, Mar. 1957, DDC-AD 134 847 RN-50-58, Sept 1958 RX-20-59, Mar. 1959 UNITED RESEARCH SERVICES Burlingame. California Feasibility of Active Counte rneeasures for Tluruied Effects of Nuchar Weapons, by T. C. Goodale, M. В Hue. kins, Л. B. Willoughby, Filial Report, ( oiiH-net Dl l) t)S 62 242, July 19ti3 DDC-AD 412 73.3
АМСР 706-189 US. FLARE CORPORATION Sun Valley, California (Subsidiary of Atlantic Reneareh Corporation) Design end Development and Fabrication of ig- niter for ЗЛ-inch Rocket, by R. Smith, Mar. 1954, DDC-AD 31 569. Design and Development of 60mm lUuminating Shell, T213, by J. R. MeGibbeny, Aug. 1955, DDC-AD 74 630. Design and Development of Improved Tracer for Tank Oun Ammunition, by G. F. Gerth, Apr. 1955, DDC-AD 66 467 May 1955, DDC-AD 66 734 June 1955, DDC-AD 70 090 July 1955, DDC-AD 70 Я14. Development of Simm, Illuminating Shell T214E2, Oet. 1958, DDC-AD 206 977. U.S. FORCES, ETO Department of Defense, Waahington, 1). C. Sec: MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. UNIVERSAL MATCH CORPORATION Mt. Louia, Missouri As»borne Infrared Countermeasure», Final Report, CMC 875, Feb. 1959 DDC-AD 306 54). Conference on High Altitude and High Velocity Ignition and Sustained Rteming of Pyrote.‘Antes, Dee. 1955. Design and Development of Г- and 6O-second De- lay Switch, 1958. Ih sign and Development of Simulator Illttminaling Shitt, Ts3El. by R. IIopkiitH, Final Rv|a>rt, Apr 1954. DDC-AD 11 934 Disign and De i t lopmi nt of a Spotting Charge for Huuihs with Conical Fins, I’roj. TA2-2O5O, hy II C. i’ilt. June 1958, 1>IM’-A1> 98 571. Sitine, Min 1956. DDC-AD 97 580. Di sign and Development of a Torpedo, Signaling Railway, T2, Project TA-29291 F, June 1954, DDC-AD 60 557 July 1954, DDC-AD 60 558 Aug. 1954, DDC-AD 60 559 Sep. 1954, DDC-AD 60 560 Nov. 1954, DDC-AD 60 971 Feb. 1955, DDC-AD 61 779 Determination of Heat Powder Parameters, by I Kowaraky: Alar. 1954 Apr. 1954, DDC-AD 32 515 May 1954, DDC-AD 36 780 June 1954, DDC-AD 32 284 Development of Gasless Heat Powders, by O. J. Buckbeitn: July 1956, DDC-AD 119 850 Oet. 1956, DDC-AD 115 919 Jan. 1957 Apr. 1957, DDC-AD 133 586 Oet. 1958 Jan. 1959, DDC-AD 159 558 Extruded Ignition Materials, by P. G. Boyhnan, Sept. 1957, DDC-AD 146 711. Fuze Explosive Trains: June 1956 Jan. 1957, DDC-AD 138 495 Sep. 1957 Nov. 1957, DDC-AD 147 922 Jan. 1958, DDC-AD 154 333 Feb. 1958, DDC-AD 157 828 Apr. 1958 May 1958, DDC-AD 162 335, DDC-AD 301 266 June 1958, DDC-AD 3OI 267 July 1948, DDC-AD 302 987, DDC-AD 306 283 Sep. 1948 Fust Explosive Trains: Apr. 1959 July 1959, DDC-AD 312 673 Aug. 1959 !><-<. 1959, DDC-AD 315 482 Jan. I960. DDC-AD 317 011 Hint Powelir, FZ-.il, Уon-tiaxituts. July 1954, DDC-AD 34 732 Performance Test Under t.aboralory Ciniililnnis of .1 (А’Л’-i) Fiori Ixiuncher Ejection Sy,ti ill. T1C102-10. Dee. 196J. DDC \D 270 498. 80
АМСР 706-189 UNIVERSAL MATCH CORPORATION (cont’d) Research and //ccelopmcut „/ Improved igniter Materia!», Feb. I960. /{(march on Infrared Flare: Aug. 1955, DDC-AD 80 315 Nov. 1955 Apr. 1956, DDC-AD 92 111 May 1956 •July 1936, DDC-AD 100 559 Jan. 1957, DDC-AD 125 981 /{emarch Inrestigatiuns of Heat Powders, by (). J. Bockheim: Apr. 1958 July 1958, DDC-AD 303 960 Oct. 1958, DDC-AD 305 490 Jan. 195b, DDC-AD 308 988 Apr 1962, DDC-AD 59 558 ; Shell, illuminating, 105mm, T107E1: Shell, Propa- ganda, 105mm, T107 ; Shell, Colored Marker, 105mm, Ml: Jan. 1955, DDC-AD 53 225 Apr. 1955 May 1955, DDC-AD 66 551 June 1955, DD'’-AD 70 721 July 1955, DDC-AD 72 303 Aug. 1955, DDC-AD 72 307 Sep. 1955, DDC-AD 73 722 Oet. 1955, DDC-AD 78 415 Nov. 1955, DDC-AD 80 569 Dee. 1955, DDC-AD 83 358 Jan. 1956 Feb 1956, DDC-AD 90 087. Shell, Propaganda, 155mm, T72; Shell, Colored Marker, 155mm, M107: Sep. 1955 Nov. 1955 Dec. 1955 UTAH UNIVERSITY Thermodynamic /lata anti lioml Energie» for Seme tloroit Compound», hy D. II. Pack, (1. R. Hill, MC( -ИГ23 TR-169, June 1955, DDC-AD 103 146 WAR DEPARTMENT 8’< t. DEPARTMENT OF ARMY. WATERTOWN ARSENAL Watertown. Ma^Kaehnsetts St . ARMY MATERIALS RESEARCH AGENCY. WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Atrial Photograph Flash Powder», Composition and I'xt, by С. R. Hoover, NDKC G-68, Final Report, Feb. 1942. Apparatus and Methods for the Study of Photo- flash flomli Explosions, by G. A. Hill, et al., DSHD 6333, Nov. 1945. .. Cinema Spectrograph (A ..), by II. A. Wadnian, ORD 1949-8, May 1949. Cinema Spectrograph, I/, by II. A. Watbuan, ORD 1950-6, June 1950. .. Color Value Meter (A ..), by II. S. Moran. M. G. M. Clarke, ORD 1949-7. May 1949. Color Value Meter, //, by II. S. Moran, ORD 1950-5, June 1950. Colored Smokes, by W. C. Nelaou, ORD 1948-5, Nov. 1947. Colored Smokes, I/, by W. C. Nelaoii, ORD 1948-8, May 1948. Colored Smokes, by E. Sliuiowiea, W. C. Nelaou, ORD 1951-3, June 1951. Colored Sntokts Measurement Technique» and Methods, by W. C. Ncluon, С. E. Hlimowiea, R. (1. Clarke, M. G. M. Clarke, WT 1949-9, May 1949. DDC AD 161 649. .. Comparison of Electronic and Pyrotechnic Cashes (A . .), by B. W. Smith, Jr., TN 48, Aug. 1954, DDC-AD 37 115. />t ter mination of Metallic Aluminum in Atomized Powders, by J. E. McKeon, л. M. Barba, W. C. NcImmi. ORDWES TN 54, Sept. 1954. Determination of the Relative Sptctral Sensitivity of Phototubes, by H. Я. Moran, ORDWES TN 34, Sept. 1953. fit relopnit ' of the Photoflash /fjwtfe, by M. G. M. Clarke, (b DWES 1949-5. Apr. 1949. 81
АМСР 706-189 WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY (coat’d) Dyeing of Meyneiiuin, by Л. M. Barba, W. C. Neiaon, B. C. Mlimowiea, TN-9, May 1951, DDC- ATI 129 265. ..FAuA Homb (T-dEl..), by G. A. Hill, R. G. Clarke, NDRC-432, Dee. 1944. F!«fA lloubt, Mar. 1953. ..Floak Cartridge (Special Report, T-10..), by G. A. Hill and R. G. Clarke, Apr. 1945. Further Development of the Original Design: Theory e>i^l Testing of an Improved Model II Design, by C. G. Ford, et al., ORDWES 1949-1, Nov. 1948. Ground Illumination Produced by the Od>9 Flash Romb at Various Heights and Aspect Angles, by C. G. Ford, JI. 8. Moran, AFTN 19, Nov. 1951. Haze and its Eject on Eight Aerial Photography, Feb. 1953. . High Npeed Motion Picture Camera, I. The- oretical Consideration: E rperintentai Model (A..), by C. G. Ford, W. I». Senett, L. A. Keholx, R. G. Clarke, ORD 1948-2. .. High Speed Motion Picture Camera, II. Further Development af the Original Design: Theory and Testing of aa Improved Model II Design (A ..), by C. G. Ford, R. G. Clarke, R. 8. К a rd а», С. O. Fro*!, ORD 1949-1, Nov. 1948. High Hjiced Motion Pictures of Air Hurst Flash Hombs: Special Report on Teets Run al Ottawa, by G. A. Hill, К G. Clarke, Oct. 1945. . . Ilturiinatiou of Vertical Surface*, (The ), Mar. fmprovcmtnl of Photofiush Homb», by <> A. Hill, R. <1 t'lnrkv, O8RD 2C10, Nov. 1943 Index !/> Quiirhfhi Rtpnrt* and Technical Notes, > F 1951-4, IM 1951. Ion Exchange Purification of Samples for Chemi- cal Analyses of Trace Elements, by R. II. Robin- son, ORD 1951-4, Sept. 1951. ..Tate Experimental Work (Final Report on..), by G. A. Hill, R. G. Clarke, NDRC, Oet. 1945. Еоьс Altitude Night Photography: The Position of lUuminant, by R. G. Clarke, ORDWES TN 42, July 1954 Magnesium Hurner 11: Fuels, by If. S. Moran, R. Я. Kardas, A. M. Barba, W. C. Neiaon, AFTN 2.i, Oct. 1952. .. Magnesium Hurner—Uses Other Than Photo- graphic (The..), May 1951. Mechanical Time Fuses, by II. A. Wadnian, A. J. Coutu, R. 8. Eastman, ORDWES TN 10, May 1951, DDC-ATI 129 267. Mechanical Time Fuzes 11, by II. A. Wadman, A. J. Coutu, R. S. Eastman, Nov. 1951, DDC- ATI 130 443. Mechanical Time Fuzes 111, by II. A. Wadman, A. J. Coutu, R. 8. Eastman, AFTN 17, Nov. 1951, DDC-ATI 130 442. .. Miniature Photofiash Cartridge (A ..), by R. M. Dawson, W. C. Nelson, A. J. Coutu, R. G. Clarke, TN 53, Sept. 1954, DDC-AD 46 821. Night Aerial Photography, A Technical History, by M. G. M. Clarke, G. N. Conklin, TN 51, July 1954, DIM’ AD 46 595. Same, Appendix IV, Supporting Documents, Electronic Flash, TN 51. IIRDWER Quarterly Reports, by ORDWES Staff: No. 1, Frb 1947 No. May 1947 No. 4, Aug. 1947 No. 4. Nov. 1947 No. 5, Feb. 1948 No. 6, May 1948 No. 7. Au/. 1948 No. 8, Nov. 1948, DDC ATI 65 525 No. 9, Feb. 1949 No. 10, May 1949 No 11, Aug 1949 Na 12. Nov. 1949
АМСР 706-189 WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY (cont’d) OlfDWfiS (pearterly lieports, by ORDWES Staff: No. 13. Feb. 1950 No. 14. May 1950 No. 15, Sep. 1950 No. Hi, Dee. 1950 No. 17, Mar. 1951 No. 18, Sep. 1951 No. 19. Dee. 1951 No. 20, Mar. 1952 No. 21, Sep. 1952 No. 22, Dee. 1952 No. 23, Mar. 1953 OjielantPn, I CornpoiritioKS for Vaporizable Ae/tntx, by W. Plaskon он. CML 1952-2, July 1952, DIH - AD 264 083. . . Perception of Color at Smalt Subtense and the Specification of Subjtctire White (The..), by .1. II. Taylor, ORD 1949-4. Mar. 1949. . . Phute/fhish Itontb 11: Technical !>, i'ilopmcnts in I'lt/'-i); Pritiminary Theoretical Treatments (The..), by It G. Clarke. (*. G. Ford, May 1949. . . Pholeithtsh Homb III: The Ctisiuef end the Ihist Chortp, Infrared Ifadoituin from Plashes (Thi ..). by It G. Clarke, ORD 1950-4, June 1950. . . phtdoflet.sh Heiiiib, IV (Thi . .), by \V. C. Nelson. It W. Stallbaiini, It G. Clarke. (HID l:i.53-2, .lime 1953. . . Plodnfleesh Hoiub. I Г. The fffects of Cast and Hand Packeti llursftrs. Spherical Гг/.va» Cylin- drirui Types. Peiytltreel Iron us an Aelehthe, fhid'inl S< e/ri aatnm 'The by R G Clarke, VV. C. Nelson, It W. Stallbauin. (HID 1951-2, •Dine 1951 DDC-AD 513Г. . . Pkchiftash Homb. Г (The 1>\ W. ('. Nelson. It \V. Slalibaiiiii. (H<D 1952-2. June 19.52. . Phuloflash Hoe,ib. 17 (7 he . by \V. C Nelsun. It \V SUiHbaoin, К G Clark<’, (HID 1953-2, June 1953 Photoflosh Heniib Types, by W Г Nelson, TN.52. S. j.t 1954. DDC-AD !9 933. Photoflash Pencell is, I, by Л. M. Barba, TN-28, Mar. 1953, DDC-AD 4689. Phedofiash Pcicdtrs, II, by Л. M. Barba, TN-3H, Jan. 19.54. DDC-AD 24 732. Photometric Instruments for Photofiash Study: Liejht Pulse Phot cine tecs anil Integrator, by II. S. Moran, ORD 1949-10, May 1949. Physics of h’iejht Atrial Photography, (let. 1949 Apr. 1950 July 1951 Oet. 1951 Jan. 1953 Apr. lnJ3 Oet. 1953 Dee. 19.53 Jan.1954 Mar. 1954, AF 1954-1, DDC-AD 27 190 June 1954. AF 1954-2, DDC-AD 33 «23. ' Pyrotechnics Project, by R G. Clarke, NDRC, July 1945. Hesldts of Tistr. on Modified M-16 anti M-60 Photo- flash Itonibs, by G. A. Hill. It G. Clarke, OSRD 2095. Dee 1943. . . St ijri gati d Photoflash Itomb (Thr . .), by R. W. stallbainn, A. M. Barba. It M. Dawaon, W. C. Nelson, c. E Slimowiez, R. G. Clarke. AFTN 20, D<:, 19(il DDC-ATI 130 431. St nsefu ity of the (l-li'e flash Hamb to Ilultet Im- pact. by A ‘1. Barba. It W. Stallbanni, AFTN 13. (><-t 1951. . She,ch te am Phedtiflash lioneb (1 he . .1, L>v C. G Foul. W. 1*. S.ne!t, ORIIWKS 1946-1. Jnlv 1946. Small Scede Photograph if, Apr. 195.1 Snbnel holer to <th!>WfS itepoits. ORD 1946-1 ihroiifzli (»RD J953 2. In M (< M. Clarke. .Inin 1953 lest fteite, ,'o It.' h'lasit Cat ti oitp s, i>< It G ( I., ki'. Part I. Лиц. I'D , 1'nrf 2, -Iniie CD'S
АМСР 706-189 WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY (coat’d) .. Tests with Full Size Pkotofladt Bombs, 2t>-23 April (Report of. .), by G. A. Hill, R. G. Clarke, with BRL, 1943. Trott of Photoflush Bombs, by G. A. Hill, R. G. Clarke, (IBRD 5457, Aug. 1945. Tests Ran at Bglin Field, June 5, 1941, by G. A. Hill. R. G. Clarke, June 1944. Theory of the Photoflash Booth I: Dispersal of he Flash Clotid, by R. G. Clarke, TN 43, July 1954. DDC-AD 35 720. Theory of the Photoflash Bomb II: The Time- Temperature Curve of tke Flash, by R. G. Clarke, TN 44, July 1954, DDC-Al) 35 981. Theory of the Photoflash ЧотЬ Hi: The Time- Intensity Curve, by R. G. Clarke, TN 45, July 1954, DDC-AD 35 982. Theory of the Photoflaxh iioinb IV. The Segre- gated Flash as а Шаек Body Radiator, by R. G. Clarke, ORDWES TN 49, Aug. 1954. . . Time Required to Burst Flash Bombs (Report concerning..), by G. A. Hill, R. G. Clarke, Sept. 1943. Vndet 'atcr Flares, by G. A. Hill, K. G. Clarke, OSRD-1522, June 1943, DDC-ATI 31 558. Wesleyan Pyrotechnics Surrey, Final Report, Feb. 1946. WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE New Mexico See: ARMY TEST AND EVALUATION COMMAND. WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio Set : AIR TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMAND. 84
ENGINEERING DESIGN HANDBOOK SERIES j^istsl balms- are the HaaiOxiw^» *1 ch have published or submitted for publication• Handbooks with publica- tion dal»• prior to 1 August 1962 wars published as 20- terioa Ordnaacs Сотри pamphlota,, AMC Circular 310-26. i? July 19< 3. radsaignsted Chess pubUcatioaa ?06-eer)es AMC paxnpblata (i.a., OKDP 20- ill wau radacipMUtad AMCP ?06-13'4). All naw, raprlniad. a>r reviasd ИаоЛЬмАа are biaiag publiahad aa ?06-s«risa AMC pamphlets. General and Miacollaaaoua Bubjacta Wo. Title 106 Elemsatt ot Arrmunem EaginSBrioy, Part Gee, Sources of Energy 10? Elements of Armament K&ptoeariag, Part Two, Saliietica 101 Elements of Armament/.rglaearing, Part Three, Weapon ByeU^is and Components 110 E>tPerimental Statiatic»., bectioe 1, %a«i« Cun- eapta and Anal vela at Maaauremen? Dr.ia 111 Eaperimental Statistics, Section 2. Anelyaie at EaumsraHvs and Claseificatorjr Data 112 Eiqterimental Statistics. Section 3, Planaisg and Analysis of Comparative Experiments 113 Es&orimental Statistics, Section 4, Special Topics 114 XaperimentU Statisticu, Sectian 5. Tables 121 Parka ping and Pads Engineering 134 Maintanawra Engineering Guide for O*dr«»cn Design 135 1ат&л1кы»е. Patents, and Bsuated Matters (Eevis ad) 1S6 Servomechanisms, Section 1, Theory 13? Servomechanisms, Bectir . 2. Measurement and Signal Converters 111 Servomechaademo, Section 3, AmpHUcadoo 1?4 .tervomechaaisDis, Section 4. Power Elements and System Design 170(C) Armor and lie Application to Vehicles (O) 2*0 Gun*--General (Guns Series) 252 Oun Tubs* {Cues Series) 270 Propellant Actuated Devices 290(C) Warheads--General (U) 331 Cou^poasatuAg Elements (Fire Control №ri«a) 355 The Automotive Assembly (Automotive Series) (Stevised) Ammunition and E-iploeivee Series 175 Solid Propellant*, Part Спа i?4<c; Solid Propellant*, Part Тл?в (UJi 17? PropertieJ of EsvAoeivas of Military later*at S^ctio® 1 17KC) P.operti^» -*2’ Esgaloeivo* of Military later«et, SecUan 2 (U) 1?5 E>«p2e*«ve Train* 210 Fua**, GonoraJ jfead MeciuuiioU 21'(C) fnee, Pr*jri»Ti.ty, Ei*ctric&l. Part Ona (U) 2.2(8) Fua**, PrcMmity, ElocUical, Part Two (U) 21XS) fu»8«, ProxcUnlty* El* ЛНсаА, Part Throe (U) 214(B) Iws, Preattmity. Electrical. Fart Four (U) 215(C) Fusee. ProsAmity, EA*cto'ic4jut Part Five (UJ 2<!-S Sactie® 1. Artillery Ллйв®глаШ*1а-—General, with Table of Стаеам, Glossary and Sad«a for **ri*s 243(C) SoctU** I, £M*ig* far TorwsiaM E^ect* (Ii) 244 Section 3, DtiKign for Castrol of Fligat Char ac&sr i*tic r 24? 4, DoKign Pro^ciiaa Saejtiwa 5, InepoctiwK Л«;пнЛ* »* Аг'И'-агу AntOQUntti u D«*lg& 24» 6 MaA'idactM^e M Metallic СоодуовммкС* of АпШягу BaUiaiUt. Missile Series No. Title no--mi 261(S-RD) Weapon “Systew. E0»eiiv*noe* <U) 262 Рг«арм1Смг. and Propo/laat* Ж93 A*rodytmmic* 264(C) Tre>*ctori«* ^U) 266 Structural B&Uiartic* Seri** 140 TrAj*ctori**( X№£f*r<*ntial K£fe&t*( and Data for Pi-o/rctilo* J5C interior Balliotic* of Gum? 16П(5) El^nant* jf Terminal ВаШеНсв. Part Oner brtreductiaeu КШ Mtchaalosn*, a«A Vulu. . лилШу (U| 1&S\S| JClanMtnts of Tarmiaai ВаШаёс*, Fart Two, CaUoctioa and Aaalyoi* of Data Gonc«n*iag Target* (U) 162($-MD) Element* erf Terminal BallieUc*, Part Three, Applicatieck to Mi**U« and Space Target* (U) Carriage* and Muutrt* Seri** 360 Carriage* and Maunie --General 341 Cradle* 542 Bocoii Sy»tom* 34? Top Carriage* 344 Bottom Carriage* 345 EgulllirrKt&r* Э44 Elevating Mecbaaiecn* M7 - Traversing Mec^anlrm* Military Pyrotedmlc* B*yi** ’06 Part Two, Safety, Precede?** and Glo«wary J 67 Fart Three , Propertie* of Material* Used in Pyrotechnic Сопцдо-рШоп* Sur£ace^to*Alr Mieslxe Serui* 29 i Fart Ctoe, Byevatn Integration 292 Part Two, Weapon Control 29.3 Part Three, Computer# 2?4{S) Fart Four, МАелУе Armament (U) 295(S) Part Five, Cauutermeasuree (U) t&b Part Sin, Structure» and Power Source - 297(6) Part Seven, Semple Problem (U) Material* geria*» I4i 6‘iM>*r and Bnbber^bike Material* 212 Qaetavi Materials (NMunetallic} 691 Adhesive* Guide Lu Be’ectieM *f Bubfeer CX-ftlage 693 Magnesium and Msnaeeium Alley* 694 Alrmisum sad .lUvunUmm Alleys 697 Tltanxum and Tiieniura Alloy a 693 C«Pr - Cnyyrr Alleys 6?9 Guide to 4pc-c.lfi^*t£«»e bar Ficvlbu® Fub**er Pr«Hiucte 70V Plastic* 721 Cnrreelsn and СоггееХзмэ Prvtectioa of 7 21 Glaes Metal* FTirri3L7UrXn?^arses ?« реЫ1»Ы4 a* Military Haarfhoahe (МЬ-НШЖЧ which are available w> Depa»tm»et of Defanee АцапНм}>> frwm the Mvra! Sv^p1,^ Dey.M, 5301 Tahrr Av»w*\ PMladejpMa, Perajrylvania 191 £0,