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T U RNT ABLE EX CELLENCE m ade by audio enthusiasts for audio enthusiasts W H A T H I-FI? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ The SME Model 6 is a class leading integrated turntable delivering a unique sonic performance. Audio engineering excellence achieved with precision made parts, t echnologically advanced materials and definitive craftsmanship. • Natural and Dynamic Sound • CN C Machined Chassis with Low Resonance Signature • Advanced I solation System • Close Tolerance Bearing and Spindle • Sophisticated Electronics, Precise Speed Control • Precision Tonearm designed for a w ide range of Cartridges • Made in England Since 1946 SME has evolved from 75 years of engineering excellence, innovation and perfection delivering a precise and pure sound. For m ore in form at ion or t o find a dealer please co n t act SME T: + 44 ( 0) 1903 814 321 E: sales@sm e.lt d.uk W: w w w .sme.co.uk
VIN YL 8< RECO RD REVIEW S 3 2 R E B M E C E D N EW S AN D O PIN IO N hrtShop Boyv *rtu*l ly 78 21 Classical Com p an ion Peter Quantrill explores recordings of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker. Will it be sweet sounds all round? A message from the editor, with a guide to the products and features inside this month’s 140-page issue 80 V in yl Release 22 All the funk without the junk... Steve Sutherland hears the 180g reissue of Sly And The Family Stone’s Anthology LP from 1981 82 V in yl Icon 92 25 In The Stu d io It was a hideaway for rock royalty and saw Pink Floyd’s Final Cut split.. Steve Sutherland has the story of Hook End Studio in Oxfordshire 4 8 M u sical Fid elity M 8xTT With the brand in new hands the Pro-Ject design team has sought to bring the M1 turntable from 2004 bang up to date. Has it succeeded? M u sic Review s Our selection of audiophile LPs and hi-res downloads reviewed by our specialists alongside the latest rock, jazz and classical albums 52 The H i-FiN ew s Pled ge 56 Bu rm ester 077/21 8 Strapping stereo pre/ power piles on the style while delivering sound as sumptuous as the combo’s looks Trafom atic Rhap sod y It’s a rhapsody in red as we listen to a single-ended Class A tube amp from Serbia that packs four 300B valves Why you can trust our reviews 42 M atrix A u d io Elem en tX2 Pu re It’s out with the old and in with the opulant as anniversary network DAC ditches the headphone amp for a duo of new ESS Sabre ES9039PRO chips D EFIN ITIV E PRO D U CT REVIEW S 41 N ew s NAD Master Series gains top-tier DAC/ preamp, Mola Mola unveils standalone phono stage, amp and streaming CD player pairing from Marantz, Electrocompaniet takes wraps off new 300 M monoblock The Pet Shop Boys’ second album Actually took the British synth-pop pioneers to the tops of the charts. Johnny Sharp on how it was made... 88 W elcom e 62 Perlisten S5t Simpler, more compact and aimed at those with smaller rooms - we hear the sibling to the S7t, with DPC array 66 Show b log: A scot2023 p tl Exceptional speakers, top-notch turntables, the best in streamers... the UK Hi-Fi Show Live saw hi-fi’s global heavy hitters assemble for three days of audio excellence 1 03 O p in ion Insider comment on audio’s hot topics from Barry Fox, Jim Lesurf, Peter Quantrill, Steve Harris and, writing from the US, Barry Willis Sou n d O ff Replacement styli for cherished Shure pick-ups, help me find the right ‘digital hub’, SME deck spurs a search for a ’50s Philips, ranking the components in a digital replay chain 1 38 O ff The Leash This month Ken Kessler considers the appeal of retro-styled hi-fi. Is it more than mere wistful nostalgia wrapped up in a wooden sleeve? M oFi M asterPhon o From designer Peter Madnick comes a phono preamp with a ‘current’ input for low-output/ low-impedance MCs 70 B& W 603 S3 Titanium domes meet Continuum cones as refreshed floorstander takes the fight to the entry-level market 74 D en on D N P-2000N E Network-attached DAC with HEOS hopes to attract all comers seeking a standalone streaming solution VIN TAG E 1 20 V in tage Review A bold blend of savvy tech and style, the Beomaster 2000 receiver from 1975 saw B&O regain its ‘high-end’ credentials. How will it sound today? 1 26 From The V au lt ABOVE:Rew o rked ,f in e-tun ed an d priced to appeal...B& W ’s603 S3 lo ud speaker,see p 7 0 It’s the dual of the DACs as we rewind to HFN Jul ’92 where Martin Colloms is comparing PS Audio’s Ultralink with Enlightened Audio Designs’ DSP7000 ABOVE:W e brin g yo u a ten -pag e (p arto n e) rep o rto n th e U K Hi-FiSh o w Live, w h ich to o k place atth e Asco tG ran d stan d ... Seep 25 i nmvpi i Tb DECEMBER 2 02 3 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk 3
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The sou nd and vision ofS candinavia T h e DM 36 DAC m o d ule changes everything for digitalto anal og conversion in P rim are's m odu l ar 125 and 13 5 integratedam pl ifiers,and P RE3 5 pream pl ifier. D M 36 isa com pl etel y new and thorou ghl y designed digital -to-anal og converter thatsignificantl y im proves overal lperform ance over it s predecessor,providing a sou nd thatis m ore richl y detail ed and l ifel ik e,w ith greater three dim ensional ity w ithin a l arger sou ndstage. Additional l y,the D M 36 provides u p-sam pl ing options and fu l lM Q A processing capabilities w ith both P rism a and P rim are C D sou rces, as w el las stored m edia fil es. Avail abl e now throu ghou tthe m odu l ar range ofm odel s,asw el las an u pgrade to those cu rrentl y u sing the D M 35 m odu l e in 125, 13 5,and P RE35 m odel s by m eans ofa sim pl e board sw ap. ► For detail s,go to prim are.net 0 Bl uet oot h* MQ A ro o n READY CERT IFIED 0 1423358 8 46 k arm a-av.co.u k info@ k arm a-av.co.u k
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T h e Abso lute So un d * P ro d ucto fth e Year 2022
Sh un yata Research ALT AIRA • Distributed by bo yeraud lo .co m
O urfi rstturntabl e w as m anufactured 92 yearsago.S i nce th en,Th orensh ascreated som e of th e bestknown turntabl esw i th i n ourh i ficom m uni ty,used i n countl essstud i os w orl d -w i d e and enjoyed by am bi ti ousm usi cl ov ersev eryw h ere. The look is 100% correct, and the sound is better than I recall of the original" // Ken Kessler - hi-finews This provides powerful torque, allows precise speed control, and keeps unwanted vibrations from the drive away from the platter. A brand new tonearm, the TP 124 can be precisely adjusted in all parameters to the cartridge of choice and features an innovative anti-skating solution with a ruby bearing and a patented electric tonearm lift to facilitate gentle placement and removal of the stylus. Thorens has payed attention to every detail when developing the newTD 124 DD to ensure that it meets your highest aspirations in sound performance. EISA'*- Best AW ARD P r o d uct 2021 2022 HIG H END T U RNT ABLE FD124/ SPU 124 £8000/ £2000 T h o ren s T D 1 24 DD TD1600/ 1601 £2,800/ £3,300 h i-f in ew s OUTSTAND I NG PRODUCT Thorens new TD 1601 com bi nes al l the benefi ts ofthe TD1600 and an el ectri c tonearm l i ftand a contactl ess auto shutoff. S peci alfeaturesi ncl ud e: • S tabi l i sed sub ch assi son th ree coni calspri ngs • Pol i sh ed preci si on bel t • Tw o partpl atter • Ad justabl e bel ttensi on El ectri calcontrol l ed m otor El ectri call i ft Contactl esssh utoff Bal anced (XLR) and unbal anced (RCA) output Th orenspreci si on tonearm TP 92 (9”)
TD201 TD102A £550 £765 TD101A TD402DD TD202 £575 £925 £675 TD403DD £1,450 S tabl e and supersi l entd i rectd ri ve TH O REN S TP 150 tonearm Detach abl e S M E H ead sh el l * TD1500 £1,999 M assi v e 1.4 kg and 22m m -th i ck Di e-castal um i num pl atter Pre i nstal l ed cartri d ge O rtofon 2 M Bl ue E ISA IBest AW A RD' P r o d uct ’% 40v 20 22-20 23 A H M IV E ilA ir T U RNT ABLE T h o ro n s T D 1 500 "The build, looks and price are irresistible, but its the sound quality that will delight this seeking an amalgam of vintage and modern. The TD1500 nails it!" Ken Kessler - hi-finews Di stri buted byS i gnature Aud i o S ystem s, T:019 5 9 5 69 8 42 M:0773 8 - 007776 orby e-m ai lto: i nfo@ sig naturesystem s.co.uk w eb: www.thorens.com
T HE U LT IM AT E CONSU M ER T ECHNOLOG Y... EISA \ EX P ERT IMAG ING AND SOU ND ASSOCIAT ION * > * 4 M * EISA AW ARD S 20 23-24 visitw w iv.e/sa.eu for the w inners N ow 40 years strong,EI SA isthe u niq u e col l aboration of58 m em ber m agaz ines andw ebsites from 29 cou ntries,special ising in al laspects ofconsu m er el ectronics from m obil e devices,hom e theatre displ ay andau dio produ cts,photography,hi-fiandin-car entertainm ent. This internationalassociation incl u des expertm em bers in Au stral ia,India,C anada,the Far East,USA andthe w ider Eu ropean com m u nity, ensu ring the EI SA Aw ards andofficiall ogo are you r gu ide to the bestin gl obalconsu m er technol ogy! TES TED BY THE EX P ERTS ■ W W W .EIS A.EU
C ontou r i ,now in No rd ic Silver.Take ital lin. D V N AU D IO C ontou r i D iscover the fu l lrange atw w w .dynau dio.com /contou r-i □
HEG EL M U S IC YEARS SYST EM S Viking Reference CD-Pl ayer H600 Reference Intergrated Am p l i fi er V ik ing is ou r reference C D pl ayer,designed to del iver the m ostfaithfu lsou nd reprodu ction possibl e. W ith its m echanicaldesign,advanced digitaltechnol ogy, ou r u niq u e M aster cl ock system ,andsu perb anal og stage,V ik ing isa m u sthavefor any au diophil e w ho w antsto experi­ ence m u sic in its pu restform . H60 0 isou r reference integratedam pl ifier. W ith its 30 3w atts in 8 ohm s,a dam ping factor of40 0 0 ,and2 ohm s drive capabil ity,this pow erhou se ofan am pl ifi­ er can drive any speak er w ith confidence and ease. Its cu tting edge D /A converter and spectacu l ar anal og section reveal s al lthe detail s and nu ances in the m u sic,andw ith a hostof stream ing options bu il tin,al lyou needto do ispress pl ay andenj oy. Best EI SA . AW AR D * * ♦ P ro d uct 20 23-20 24 HIG H-EN D C D P LAYER HegelV ik ing Best EI SA . AW AR D * P ro d uct 20 23-20 24 HI GH-END ST REAMI NG AMPLI FI ER HegelH60 0 Find your local dealer at hegel.com
N TR E ARC AM w w w .arcam .co.u k OF Int roducing t he Radia ser ies f rom ARCAM - Hi-Fi com ponent s t hat bring r em ar kable clarit y and dept h to your listening experience, allowing you to connect with your music on a closer, more personal level. TH E M U S IC This is stereo sound that’s so natural it brings you to the centre of the music as it reveals the brilliance of your favourite recordings. The Radia seriesfrom ARC AM hear you r m u sic in aw hol e new l ight.
EXR Audio Stand The p atentp en d in g EXR from H RS is a new entry-levelAu d io Stand and the m ostcost-effective d esign ever m ad e b y HRS. With extensive system configuration, flexibility, and infinite modularity, the EXR will surely become a reference for many looking to get the best from their components and system. HRS designed by music lovers for music lovers. o sym m etry 0 17 27 8 6 5 4 8 8 info@ sym m etry-system s.co.u k w : w w w .sym m etry-system s.co.u k
RIG HT :P arto f Abso lute So un d s’ T en co llectio n o f artisan pro d ucts,i sth e T raf o m atic Rh apso d y 300B tube am p as g lo rio us-so un d in g as it lo o ks? See p56 ABOVE:Den o n ’sd isc players an d am plif iers h ave lo n g n eed ed a partn erin g n etw o rk-attach ed stream er.An d h ere iti s,o n p 7 4 rtificialIntel l igence (Al )isgetting its hooks into everything from m edicalresearch to sel f-driving cars and,ofcou rse, the m u sic biz . I’ve reported previou sl y abou tfrau dsters u sing generative Al ,trained on real artists’ intel l ectu alproperty,to create ‘new ’ m u sic from w hich they profit. I n extrem e cases ‘stream ing farm s’ w il lthen infl ate au dience nu m bers for track s that are sim pl y noise. So how gratifying itw as to final l y hear ‘the l astnew ’ Beatl es song ‘N ow AndThen’ rel eased on N ovem ber 1st- dem onstrating avery positive u se ofm achine­ l earning technol ogy. This new track ,featu ring every m em ber ofthe Fab Fou r w as not an Alconstru ct,bu tavery ‘hu m an’ endeavou r. Ithas a string section com posed by G il es Martin,pl u s P au l McC artney and Ringo Starr al so pl aying ‘l ive’, m ixedw ith a contribu tion from G eorge Harrison cu l l ed from m aterialrecorded in 1995 and John Lennon from tw o decades earl ier stil l . The core sou rce m aterial for ‘N ow AndThen’ originates from avery raw dem o cassette recording u nearthed by Yoko Ono in 1994. Tw o ofthree proto-track s,‘RealLove’ and ‘Free AsA B ird’ w ere rel eased as partofThe Beatl esAnthol ogy proj ectbu t‘N ow AndThen’ w as, atthe tim e,a chal l enge too far. Itw as im possibl e to separate the voice from the piano and tape noise - the prevail ing technol ogy w as focu sed on de-noising rather than isol ating voices and instru m ents. That changed u nder P eter Jackson’s direction ofthe 20 21 GetBack docu m entary w here m achine­ l earning softw are w as pressed into service as partofthe technicalrestoration process. "‘Now And Then”is an entirely positive application ofA l’ M U SIC:No seco n d album syn d ro m e f or th is m o n th ’sVin ylIco n ,P etSh o p Bo ys’ Actually (p8 2),w h ile Steve Suth erlan d so aks up Sly An d T h e Fam ily Sto n e’s Anthology,re-released o n 1 8 0g LP (p8 0) RIG HT :HFN i sth e U K ’srepresen tative o fEI SA’sHi-FiExpertG ro up.Ed ito rPaul M illerto o k o veras EI SA’sP resid en tin Jun e 201 6 an d w as re-elected in 2021 N ow itw as possibl e,u sing Al , to entirel y recover John Lennon’s vocal s from u nder the piano and noise - the other instru m ents, the m ixing and m astering w ere al lsu bseq u entl y com pl eted by realhu m an beings!Bu tthis al so begsthe q u estion:w ho know s w hathitherto ‘u nu sabl e’ m aterialishel d in the vau l ts by the estates ofartists l ong passed. Alm ightj u stopen the gate to m ore ‘l astever’ rel eases. PAU L M ILLER G ROU P EDIT OR HI-FI NEW S’ EX P ERT LINE U P :T HE FINEST M INDS IN AU DIO JOU RNALISM BRING T HEIR EX P ERIENCE T O BEAR ON ALL AREAS OF HI-FI& M U SIC BARRY FOX PETER QUANTRILL KEN KESSLER M ARK CRAVEN TIM JARM AN ANDREW EVERARD STEVE SUTHERLAND Investigative j ou rnal ist su prem e,Barry isthe firstw ith new s ofthe l atestdevel opm ents in hi-fiand m u sic technol ogies P eter Q u antril lhas been w r iting abou t m u sic for m agaz ines and record l abel s for 30 years. He isHFN' s m aster ofthe cl assics is a l ong-serving contribu tor, l u xu ry goods w r iter and cham pion for the renaissance in val ves and reel -to-reeltape Editor ofou r sister title H om e Ci nem a Choi ce, M ark ’spassion for m u sic extends from stereo to m u l tichannel and D ol by Atm os C o-au thor ofa m aj or hardback on historic B& O eq u ipm ent,Tim continu es to research, repair and w r ite abou t vintage hi-fifor HFN has review ed hi-fifor over 30 years and isstil leffortl essl y enthu siastic abou tnew technol ogy, k itand discovering new m u sic w ork ed on M el ody M akerand then edited NM E from 1992-20 0 0 , the B ritpop years. S teve brings a u niq u e sl antto ou r V inylRel ease pages DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk
■ « « ■. « v V *■ 4 « 4 « ■ » * # « 1 ■ B 4 « 4 « ■ » * > B V ■ * k * • ■i * « * « » « ■ * 4 A > « ■ B k k V ■ » * 4 « » • f * « 4 V « ■ * « k V « ■> * V ■ I • ■ * k « V 4> ■ 4 « « « * ■> * 4 ■ B 4 * 4 * 4 » ■< » « « 4 « * a 4 ■ * « 4 « » if V « * 4 4 V B 4 * it 4 ■ ■ « * * 4 V « 4 « * 4 « ■' • 4 « 4 • * • 4 4 4 V> 4 4 4 * 4 ■< * 4 4 ■ V ■ « » 4 4 - * » 4 4 4 « * * 4 4 4 Flagshipdigitalhub NAD hasannou nced a new range-topping D AC /pream p for its Master Series. P riced £4499,the M66 isan obviou s partner for the C anadian m anu factu rer’sM23stereo pow er am pl ifier [HFN Oct’22], and integrates the now -fam il iar ‘hi-res’ Bl u OS stream ing pl atform . Anal ogu e anddigitalsignalpaths are separated,each w ith their ow n pow er su ppl y.The M 66’sconnectivity incl u des optical ,coaxial ,HD MIeARC andAES/ EBU digitalinpu ts,pl u s MM/MC phono (w ith anal ogu e bypass m ode). Mak ing its debu tisnew ‘D ynam ic D igitalHeadroom ’ technol ogy,w hich l everagesthe M 66’s ESS Sabre D AC to el im inate ‘digital intersam pl e peak cl ipping distortion’. D irac Live room correction and bass control(the pream p su pports u p to fou r independentsu bw oofers)are onboard. I n addition to Bl u OS-del ivered(and app-control l abl e)netw ork au dio,the M66 featu res Appl e AirP l ay 2 andtw o-w ay Bl u etooth transm ission,w hil e ow ners of w ired headphones can m ake u se ofa bu il t in headphone am pl ifier.The M66 adopts the Masters series’ cu stom ary al u m iniu m bodyw ork ,andfeatu res a l arge (7in) tou chscreen displ ay. NAD Electro n ics,Can ad a, 01 7 32 459555; h ttp ://n ad electro n ics.co m |Compacttwo-way | 4 * 4 ’* H kyj I 1 J I k'^^A A 1 J I k^^B kT J I I H kT j 4 4 Reborn in 20 20 w ith a pair ofdata sw itches,C hordC om pany brand Engl ish El ectric has now annou nced the EE1 ‘netw ork noise isol ator’. This passive Ethernetadapter u ses gal vanic andcom m on-m ode noise redu ction technol ogies to im prove signalpu rity,w ith su ggested u ses Sel f-described‘esoteric’ D u tch brand Mol a Mol a : incl u ding betw een a netw ork sw itch hasadopted- and u pgraded-the RI AA phono • andau dio stream er. P riced £250 ,the stage from its Maku a pream p [HFN Au g ’ 17] EE1 w il lcom e su ppl iedw ith a 0 .75m and Ku l a integrated am p [HFN Oct’ 21]into a • C -Stream stream ing cable ‘for a standal one design.Avail abl e now for £7299, : lim itedtim e’,www.englishelectric.uk Fishingforvi nyl : : • : : : • : • : : : • : • : • * 4 4 B the Lu pe sports independentMM and MC stages,w ith gain offered in 5dB steps betw een 40 -45dB (MM)and 52dB -8 7dB (MC )pl us nu m erou s inpu tl oadsettings. Mol a Mol a cl aim s its EQ settings cover ‘practical l y al lk now n cu tting cu rves’ incl u ding 78 rpm standards. Mu l tipl e tu rntabl es are accom m odatedthank s to its q u artetofinpu ts (three RC A,one XLR), w hil e other featu res incl u de incl u de XLR and RC A ou ts,fou r configu rabl e presets,su bsonic filter (-3dB /20 Hz ),controlthrou gh Mol a Mol a’s Rem ote app,andafront-panelinfo displ ay. M o la M o la, G ro n in g en ,T h e Neth erlan d s 08 00 009 621 3;w w w .m o la-m o la.n l 22 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk DECEMBER 2023 • ’• : ] : • : • : • : The Mel os active speaker from high-endSwiss m anu factu rer G ol dm u nd m arries softdom e tw eeters and 7in bass/m iddrivers w ith onboard 2x175W ‘Tel os’ am p stages incorporating digitalfil tering andtim e correction. I t sstandm ou nt cabinets,finished in sil ver-grey,are ventedfor a cl aim ed40 Hz (-6dB ) bassextension,w hil e connectivity com prises coaxialin/ou t,and w irel ess. P ricing is£36,0 0 0 per pair. w w w.gol dm und.com : Measu ring a m ere 19cm high,12cm w ide and • 12cm deep,W harfedal e’snew D X-3speaker : (£149)isprim edfor book shel f/desk top u se,or •even on-w al l ,cou rtesy ofits rear-panelk eyhol e : fixings.A tw o-w ay design,the D X-3partners a • 75m m w oven pol ypropyl ene bass/m iddriver : w ith a 19m m sil k dom e tw eeter,integrated •via a 2.8 kHz crossover. Both drive u nits are in : partderivedfrom those in W harfedal e’scostl ier • D iam ond 12 series,as isthe constru ction of : the speaker’sseal edcabinet,for w hich bl ack • ’ andw al nu tfinishes are avail abl e.The D X-3 s : al so featu re in a com pact5.1 system from •W harfedal e,priced at£499. : In tern atio n alAud io G ro up,Ch in a, • 01 48 0 452561 ;w w w .w h arf ed ale.co .uk 4 # : : * • : : : * : J : : : : : 4 4 4
a l- b* s i ■ ■ ■ s i ■ ■ 4 "F -i f i 4 4 B i i i ■ i4 4 b I 4 -b d I- r ■ ■ IB - r -r b ■ ■ + -b ■ d Bl ' B b ■ ■ r -IB d - 4 s a a- 4 ■ ■ a B- 4 b d 4 4 -b I 4 4 -a a d - 4 r ■ ■ i + -a a 4 + b b 4 4 d ;Vikingpower 4 a- 4 a 1 4 4b d 4 4 B 4 44 4 B 44 B 4 4 n ' ri B 4 4 4 B 4 4 -B 4 a *4 B B 4 4 b d 4 4 4 4 4 4 B 4 4 4 B 444"B 44 4 d a* 4 4 d 4 4 4 B 4 4 4 B B- 4 r ■ ■d 4 4 B 4 iSeparatesinsynergy 4 Hoton the heel s ofthe AW 8 0 0 M 'Reference M onobl ock ’ am pl ifier [HFN Sep ’ 23]com es a new m ono design from N orw ay's El ectrocom paniet. The AW 30 0 M (£12,10 0 ) i sa genu ine m ono am pl ifier rather than a bridgeabl e stereo chassis. P ow er ou tpu ti srated at 30 0 W /8 ohm ,del ivered by El ectrocom paniet’s fam il iar direct-cou pl ed, high sl ew -rate,w ide open-l oop bandw idth topol ogy,w ith the prom ise ofa ‘stiff ou tpu t’ regardl ess of the connected l oad. Linder the hood, the am p featu res internal heatsink ing anda P SD featu ring an 8 0 0 V A toroidaltransform er and‘over’ 110 .0 0 0 pF of reservoir capacitance. El ectrocom panietsaysthe AW 30 0 M's AC m ains inpu t i s'm eticu l ou sl y fil tered’ for D C andnoise interference, w hil e the am p stage offers : W hil e D enon's D C D -andP MA: 170 0 N E pairing m atches a C D : transportw ith netw ork -capabl e : integrated am pl ifier [HFN May : '23],stabl em ate brand Marantz : hastak en a differentapproach, ■l au nching the C D 50 n netw ork ■ attached C D pl ayer and Model ■ 50 anal ogu e integrated am p ■[ pictu red]. B oth sel lfor £160 0 : in sl ender sil ver or bl ack chassis. : The disc-spinner incorporates : a HEOS stream ing m odu l e[ see : p75],digitalinpu ts/ou tpu ts over-cu rrentprotection. The distinctive bl ack /gol d 'C l assic Line’ aesthetic isretained, as isthe ‘grou nd u p'chassis redesign ofthe AW 8 0 0 M,now m ore com pactat212m m w ide. Electro co m pan ietAS,No rw ay, 01 334 57 0 666; h ttp s:// electro co m pan iet.co m B iA torrentoftonearms B (incl u ding 38 4k Hz P C M/ D SD 256-capabl e USB)and fixed/variabl el ine-ou t,w hil e the am pl ifier cl aim s a 2x70 W /8 ohm Cl assAB ou tpu tand su pports u p to six anal ogu e sou rces, incl u ding MM/MC phono. The ESS Sabre D AC in the C D 50 n isj oined by cu stom -designed digitalfil ters;the Model50 offers traditionaltone control s. M aran tz, K an ag aw a,Japan , 01 903 95358 0; w w w .m aran tz.co m /en -g b HI-FINEW S? JU ST ASK ... Ifyo u can 'talw aysf in d a co py o fth is m ag azin e, h elp i s at h an d !Co m plete th is f o rm , h an d itin atyo urlo calsto re an d th ey’llarran g e f o ra co py o feach issue to be reserved f o ryo u.So m e sto res m ay even be able to arran g e f o rit to be d elivered to yo urh o m e. P iease reseive /deliver m y copy ofHi -FlNCWS on a tegu l ar basis,starting w ith issu e................... Titl e...............Firstnam e....................................... S u rnam es............................................................. Address................................................................ il a ■l i .a.i,L i■l ia 1 .1. 1 .a. a. l a a a. a iuia.l ka a.a iuia ua. a a.a a a l l l i i.i.a.a. a a. a a a kkka ka a a a kiikkka a ka a kkkk a kkkkkkkkkka.kkkkkf ckkkkkkkfckkkkkka a.kika.a.a.a a.a>a l i a. a.ka.a a. a i.kiki a a. a i.kika a 1 . 1 kkikia kkk P ostcode................................................................. Tel ephone nu m bei................................................. _ The new EVO tonearm series from P ro j ectfeatu res fou r tiers, each w ith 9in,10 in and 12in options,resu l ting in a 24-m odel catal ogu e. P ricedfrom £725 to £2199,the arm s are designed to partner tu rntabl es in the 'affordabl e high-end’ m ark et, andal lfeatu re singl e-piece conicalarm tu bes,‘su per-highm ass'gim bal s on fou r-point cardan bearings andVTA and az im u th adj u stm ent. C arbon fibre i su sedfor the tu be ofthe entry C C arm ,w hil e the step-u p AS designs featu re I F Y OU D O N ’T W AN T TO MISS AN ISSUE... S-shapedal u m iniu m tu bes and detachabl e headshel l s. N ext in the range are C A P rem iu m m odel s,w hich have a carbon fibre l ayer arou nd an al u m iniu m inner tu be,pl u s sil ver internal w iring,fol l ow ed by the fl agship AS P rem iu m options [ pictu red above]. Standardm attbl ack finishes can be u pgradedto high-gl oss ifdesired. P ro jectAud io System s, Austria, 01 235 51 1 1 66; w w w .pro ject-aud io .co m ]U pcoming E vents 09-1 2 JAN 23-25 FEB 03 MAR 22-23 JU N 21 -22 SEP InternationalC ES 20 24,LasVegas,USA w w w .ces.tech BristolHi-FiShow,M arriottC ity C entre Hotel ,Bristol : w w w . b ri stol show.co. uk SpringAu dio Ju m bl e 20 24,The AngelLeisu re C entre, Tonbridge,Kent:w w w .audi oj um b i e.co.uk N orth W estAu dio Show,C ranage Hal l(D e Vere C ranage Estate),C heshire;http ://audi oshow .co.uk The UK Hi-FiShow Li ve. AscotRacecou rse G randstand, AscotBerkshire SL5 7JX;w w w .hi fi show l i ve.com DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 23
A irPlay2.Chrom ecast,Sp otify,Tidal, M Q A, H D M I eA RC, and m ore. ■ flJE E I 4
4 SHOW BLr >G Si ght sandsoundsfrom aroundtheglobe 7/ , TheU K H i -FiShow Live # 1 W ords: M ark Craven Pictures: Kevin N ixon & M ark H en n in ger t 4 4 4 ■ « I 4 4 4 4 A fter an absence of three years, the U K H i-Fi Show Live returned to A scot’s iconic G randstand [above]w ith enthusiastic visitors bathed in the late sum m er sunshine as they queued dow n the high street [low er right]on the last w eekend in Sep tem ber. O nce inside the huge venue [below ]- the 2nd floor alone sp ans one-third of a kilom etre - visitors w ere 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * greeted w ith an illum inated disp lay highlighting just a few of the m any visually stunning and technically innovative p roducts on dem onstration. The U K H i-Fi Show Live boasted over 200 featured brands p lus 4 * 4 4 4 B 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I B- ■ 4 4 4 1 4 « 4 1 * 4 B- 4 4 4 4 I * 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 Bode [seen w ith H i-FiN ew s editor and show organiser Paul M iller]from G erm any’s p rem ier hi-fi m agazine, Stereo. M atthias’ sp ecial series of W orkshop s w ere as p op ular as ever! Photograp her, Kevin Nixon, 30 occup ying the Panoram ic H eadp hone Zone w ith its fabulous 6 th floor vista. The num ber of overseas brand am bassadors on site w as unp recedented for a U K event, including sp ecial guest M atthias 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 ■ 4 4 4 4 4 14- 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 I B 4 4 4 IB 4 4 4 4 B B 4 4 4 4 li B 4 4 4 4 B 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 D ECEM BER 2023 4 4 v l B B 4 4 4 4 I 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 B 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk B 4 « 4 4 4 25 4 * 4 4
Si ght sandsoundsfrom aroundtheglobe SHOW BLO 4 ■ f t * « f t « A * f t f t • -• f l- ft « -A A ft » ft # ft f t f t ft ft ft ft -f t -f t fl ft « ft A -A- ft ft ft A ■ ft ft ft ft A ■ f t A t t 4 ■ f t I Located on the sixth level ofthe p restigious Ascot G randstand, the Panoram ic H eadp hone Zone w as the first p ort of call for anyone eager to audition a new set of cans, a p ortable DAP or headp hone am p /DAC,w here the p roducts on dem onstration covered p rice p oints from entry-levelto reference-grade. Firm ly in the latter cam p is dCS’s Lina [HFN Nov ’221 , » « 4 A f t ftft.# « ft * A ft W f t w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k ft * ft » tA *A A » « A ft ft A < ft ft ft ft ft ft v * *B * ft ft 4 A w hich com bines Netw ork D AC and H eadp hone Am p (p lus a M aster Clock), the first of those utilising the com p any’s besp oke RingD AC technology. M eanw hile, p ersonal audio sp ecialist H ifonix offered dem os of a selection of p rem ium designs from brands including Dan Clark, Feliks and V iva, and SCV D istribution delighted A ■■ f t 26 A D ECEM BER 2023 A ft ft » * ft A A ftftft ft A flftA - ftftA A ftftft ■ ft f t ft ft « fl f t f t • A ft fl ft ft flft ft flft ft listeners w ith the EarM en ‘Stack’[HFN O ct ’22] , p lus head-fi solutions from M anley, M eze and Benchm ark. Across the hall, Focal’s full headp hone line, including the flagship U top ia and Bathys ANC flft ft flft ft flft ft flft ft a + A ft * ft flft flflft ft ft ftfl A ft flft ft flft ft flft ft flflft flft ft flft m odels,w as p aired w ith Naim ’s U nitiAtom H eadp hone Edition am p lifier [HFN Aug ’21 ] .Also delivering sw eet sounds w ere the electrostatic CRBN and p lanar m agnetic M M -500 and LCD-X headp hones from Audeze, courtesy of KS D istribution. D igital p layers from South Korea’s Astell&Kern w ere show cased by H EA D istribution as the latest in high-end, on-the-go hi-fi,w hile JBL’s extensive catalogue of w ireless over-ear and true w ireless in-ear typ es catered to cable-free setup s. Allthis, p lus m uch m ore including Yam aha’s ‘p hone box’dem o booth and set-up s from Innuos, H arm ony H i-Fi, Chord Electronics and Boyer Audio, ensured the Panoram ic H eadp hone Zone w as p acked across the w eekend. ft flft ft flft ft ft ft flflf
ft ft fl* ght sandsoundsfrom aroundtheglobe 7/ , SHOW BLOG Si « * A ■ * 4 ft f t A A * ft ft f t A A A 4 « f t A-A f l■ » * * A * f l- « ft * A f t * « > -f t ft f t * * ft -A fl ft fl « ft 4 fl f t- ft • ft * f l- * ft « « -A f t f l■ fl « * f t « A- * v 4 ■ ft * ft » ft 4 ft * * * * f l « i ft fl * ■ ft * ft * ft « -A f t * * * ■ ft f t » * 4 ft * f t- ft * ft ft * fl ft ft -A « ft * » * ft ft A A » * 4 ft * fl ft « A « A ft ■ ft A fl A ft ft ft « ft A ft ft ft « ft f t ft fl ft ■ ft A » ft ft « ft A » ft ft « ft ft f t- ft ft « fl A Cam bridge Audio’s AX, CX and Edge series com p onents - p lus Alva TT V 2 turntable w ere available for insp ection in the UK com p any’s suite, w hile dem onstrations of its Evo 1 50 ‘just-add-sp eakers’ am p [HFN Nov ’21 ]ensured visitors lingered. Rated at 2x1 50W and com bining netw ork stream ing w ith analogue/digital hookup s p lus ESS Sabre DAC,the ’1 50 w as run w ith KEF LS50 M eta loudsp eakers [HFN Jun ’21 ] . Cam bridge also gave silver discs a sp in through its m atching EV O CD transp ort, w w w .cam bridgeaudio,com Chord Com p any show cased its range of loudsp eaker cables, interconnects and p ow er solutions, and debuted its up graded Burndy designs for use w ith Naim Audio hardw are. First launched in 2020, the lineup now com p rises BurndyT and entry-level BurndyX op tions, the latter featuring XLPE insulation and ChorAlloy-p lated connectors, w w w .chord.co.uk The latest M k5 iteration of O rigin Live’s hefty V oyager turntable, fitted w ith Renow n tonearm , kep t listeners focused on the m usic and not the fifth-floor view s over the Ascot Racecourse.This range­ top p ing m odel (also available in up graded ‘S-version’ guise) sup p orts up to three tonearm s, and features tw in Sw iss D C m otors to drive its belt and m ulti-layer p latter, w w w .origin live,com B&W ’s 8 05 D 4 Signature w as in fine form in a system w ith Classe’s Delta PRE p ream p [HFN Jun ’21 ]and Delta Stereo p ow er am p . Sibling to the floorstanding 8 01 D 4 Signature [HFN Sep ’23] , it p airs a D iam ond D om e tw eeter w ith 1 6 5m m Continuum cone bass/m id, and benefits from up grades to cabinet, crossover, and m ore,w w w .bow ersw ilkins.com The striking H alcro Eclip se Stereo [HFN M ay ’23]brought its ultra-low -distortion p ow er to Alta Audio’s Alyssa sp eakers,w hich m arry 6 in bass/m id drivers w ith alum inium ribbon tw eeters in an ‘Extended Transm ission Line’cabinet. Sources in Sound D esign D istribution’s rack included G rim m Audio’s high-end M U1 server/stream er [HFN D ec ’20] . w w w .halcro. com ;w w w .grim m audio.com D ECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k 27 ■ A w fl
P ERLIS TEN I _____I P i.'tC ’lf'IM liit I 'I ’ | ■ 4 0 | ir | 4 | llj B EC OME A P ERLIS TEN ER • Fro m th e latestPerlisten ers: "Perlisten brings exceptional levels of detail and nuance to movies and music, underpinned by rock-solid lows. Lush looks and outstanding build quality make this series even more of a winner." EISA.Best P ro d uct AW ARD* H i W1 ■t H T < 2022 2023 ________ ] L O U DSP EAK ER SERIES S S«riM Co m bin ed Aw ard EISA LOU DSPEAK ER SERIES 2022-2023, P erlisten S Series "In full flight, the R7t creates a largescale and evocative sound built on a foundation of deep and tightly controlled bass that blends seamlessly with lush midrange tones and fine treble detail. This loudspeaker is worthy of the highest praise." EISA.Best aw ar d*; P ro d uct **..........-* | 2023 2024 PRBRl U M FLOORSW O MG LOU K PU HJtt PBiHrtlen R7 t R7 t, EISA P REMIU M FLOORST ANDING LOU DSPEAK ERS 2023-2024 "...undoubtedly a technically clever loudspeaker, but engineered for one simple goal - making great-sounding music..." h i-f in ew s OU TS TAN D IN G S7 t, HiFiNew s,April2022 "...excels when resolving the most subtle of musical moments and nailing the feel and tone of instruments... It all sounded wonderfully three-dimensional." h Mln ew s OU TS TAN D IN G P ROD UC T S4b, HiFiNew s,Jun e 2022 "For those who like to close their eyes during listening, the R7ts are heaven sent... I started to well up. It really was that good." R7 t,HiFiNew s Aug ust2022 karm a a u d io - v is u a l 01 423 358 8 46 karm a-av.co .uk
• ft ft ft 4 « « ft ■ ft ♦ « ■> -fl ■ ft « + ft ft ft> ft 4 « ft A ft-ft ft ft * ■ ft A- ft * ft ft ■ * « ft ft ft- * * ft ft -ft -ft ft fl » ft 4 < ft * » ft * « ft- * ■ ft ft • fl ft « ft -fl ft * * v « ft ft fl- ft ft ft ft ■ * ft v ft 4 ft a • ft 4 ■ ft * » # ft « 4 fl- ft fl- ft ■ -fl -ft ft * 4 « ft fl- A ft ft « ft fl • * 4 « ft * ft ft ■* -ft- ft » ft * 4 ft ft fl « > 4 « ft ft ■ * * « ft ft ft » f t * fl • * 4 « ft* ■«- ft« Aft * ft# a 4 ft ft i f t ftft A ia l f * * * * * * t f l f t f t f t f t f l f l f * * * * * * t f * 4 « l f t f * l f 4 4 4 * t f l f l f * 4 A t f * l f * t f * * t f t f l f l f « t f A l f l f l f 4 * * l f * t f 4 * t f t f t f t f t f t f t f l f t f A l f l f * 4 * t f t f * t f t f * l f * l f 4 t f * l f * l f t f * t f t f t f l f » * * 4 * t f l f * S ou nd Fow ndations’ set-u p m arried the su perb C l earau dio Reference Ju bil ee tu rntable w ith D S Au dio’sG rand M aster EX opticalcartridge/energiser [ both HFN Oct’ 23],pl u s ‘Ioniser’ and ‘Eccentricity stabil iser’ .Fu ru tech cabl ing w as al so in the m ix to optim ise perform ance,w w w .soundfow ndati ons.co.uk S u patrac’sB l ack birdtonearm w as the star attraction ofa vinylsystem incl u ding KEF Reference 1 l ou dspeak ers andTechnics SL-120 0 G deck . V isu al l y distinctive thank s to its patented ‘sidew ays u ni-pivot’ design,the arm ’s bonded,bl ack carbon fibre tu be isavail abl e in 9in,9.3in, 10 in and 12in,bu tcu stom l engths,w iring,m ou nts and finishes can be specified. w w w .sup atrac.com V isitors to P MC D istribu tion’s room w ere abl e to experience tw o stu nning fl oorstanderbased system s. P MC ’sow n factfenestria fl agships [HFN Au g ’ 21],u sed here w ith a B ryston pre/pow er system , com bine fou r ATL-l oaded 165m m bass drivers w ith soft dom e trebl e and m idrange in an isol ated centralbaffl e, w hil e[ inset]the Renaissance ESL 15Afrom M artinLogan [HFN Jan ’ 17]isa hybrid el ectrostatic,its ‘C u rvil inear’ panelm ou nted atop a bass section w ith front-and rear­ facing 30 0 m m w oofers driven by 2x50 0 W C l ass D am ps. w w w . p m c-sp eakers. com ; w w w . m arti nl ogan. com /en DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 29 4 4 * * 4 * 4 * t f t f t f l f t f l f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f l f t f t f l f l f t f l f t f t f t f l f t f t f t f t f t f l f t f l f t f t f t f t f l f l f t f 4 * * l f l f t f l f 4 * 4 l f l f l f * t f t f t f * l f t f 4 4 « « t f t f l f 4 t f v * l f l f * t f * * * * * * t f t f l f t f
Si ght sandsoundsfrom aroundtheglobe SH 4 -• A- « « 4 4 * » A # « * ■ 4 4 « 4 4 4 * 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 « 4 ■ 4 4 * 4 * H 4 4 * * 4 a 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 » « 4 a 4 4 » 4 4 B 4 4 » 4 4 B 4 4 a 4 4 4 4 4 B 4 * 4 4 v » 4 4 B 4 4 » 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 t 4 4 < » 4 4 B A « » 4 4 B 4 4 * 4 4 a t * 4 4 r « 4 4 • 4 4 « 4 4 » 4 4 B 4 4 « 4 4 « 4 4 B «> « 4 4 B 4 4 4 4 4 » 4 4 B 4 B 4 4 « » 4 B 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 « 4 4 B 4 « * 4 4 P ro-Jecttu rntabl es ranging from the affordabl e D ebu t P ro and ‘Tru e B al anced’ X 2 B [HFN Sep ’ 22]to the fl agship S ignatu re 10 w ere j oined by a sel ection ofits com pact separates in dem os ofthe brand’sexpansive catal ogu e, w ith fou nder Heinz Lichtenegger in attendance. D istribu tor Henl ey Au dio al so took the w raps offMu sical Fidel ity’sM8 xTT tu rntabl e [ inset,see p48 ],w hich finds the com pany - now ow ned by Lichtenegger resu rrecting the design of its 20 0 4-era M lvinylpl ayer. w w w .henl eyaudi o. co. uk Innu os show cased its fl agship S tatem entserver [HFN Jan ’ 20 ], and m ore com pactP u l sar netw ork pl ayer,in an ear-opening system featu ring D ’Agostino P rogression am pl ification and W il son Au dio l ou dspeak ers. Mu sic pl ayback w as ofcou rse handl ed by the com pany’sSense app and cu stom innu OS softw are,the l atter now u pdated to v2.5. i nnuos.com Henl ey Au dio al so u sedthe l arge AscotAu thority su ite to dem o Kl ipsch’sl egendary (AK6)Kl ipschorn speakers, [HFN May ’ 23]. Mu sical Fidel ity N u -Vista separates, incl u ding the P RE/P AS [HFN Mar ’ 23],new phono stage and D AC ,fedthe horn-l oaded cabinets,in addition to the RSI30 stream er [HFN Oct’ 23] from Korea’sHiFiRose - tru ly a gl obetrotting set-u p! w w w .henl eyaudi o. co. uk G erm any’sMBL drew pl enty ofappreciative l isteners w ith a m u sic system com bining its Radial strahl er 126 speak ers, C 51 integrated am p [HFN N ov ’ 12]and new C 41 netw ork pl ayer. The l atter su pports Roon,AirP l ay,UP nP and pl ayback from stream ing services,and can fu nction as a pream p for digitalsou rces - connections incl u de USB-B, AES/EBU in/ou tand S/P D I F. M eanw hil e,the ’ 126 speak ers are MBL’sentry-l evel ,yet l everage technol ogy from the grou ndbreak ing 10 1 E Mk l lm odel[ HFN Ju n ’ 21], incl u ding the om ni-directional ‘pu l sating m el on’ tw eeter and m id drivers,w w w .m b l .de/en ■ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « 4 30 4 4 ■< « A « » ■ A « « * <4 » -4 4 4 « 4 4 » « 4 4 4 4 » 4 4 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk B 4 4‘ 4 4 4 4 ■ A • 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 DECEM BER 2023 4 1 4 * 4 4 ■* 4 4 * 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ■ 4- * 4 * -4 ■ ■* 4 * * 4 ■■■ * * 4 * • ■■ 4 4 4 « t B * 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 * » 4 ■* 4 4 *■• 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 * 4 4 * * » * * ■ 4 4 4 * 4 4 * * 4 * 4 4 - 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 * 4 4 * 4 1 4
4 4 > « Si ght sandsoundsfrom aroundtheglobe * « 4 4 a 4 * * 4 4 4 * 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 * * 4 4 « * * * B 4 < * * 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 * 4 * * * 4* 4 4 * * 4 B * * » 4 4 4 4 * * 4 4 B * « « B 4 4 4 4 » 4 * B 4 * * 4 4 B 4 * * 4 4 B a * 4 4 B B 4 * 4 4 « t « * 4 « B 4 4 * * 4 « 4 4 * 4 4 B 4 4 * v 4 * 4 4 * 4 4 « 4 4 * * 4* 4 4 B * * « * * B * 4 4 4 * B 4 a r * » * * « > B *4 « * 4 4 * 4 4 * 4 4 * * * « 4 * * 4 4 « Fl anked by Yam aha’sfl agship N S -20 0 0 A fl oorstanders, the brand’sEI SA Aw ard­ w inning R-N 20 0 0 A receiver [HFN Ju l’ 23]displ ayed both its speak er-driving pow er and a gorgeou s design that bl ends retro control s (and genu ine VU m eters)w ith a discreetOLED displ ay. Ratedat2x125W /8 ohm ,the u nitincorporates Yam aha’s Mu sicC aststream ing pl atform andYP AO room correction, al ongside connections incl u ding HD MIARC ,coaxial , optical ,USB-B and MM phono. The im posing N S -20 0 0 As, m eanw hil e,are three-w ay designs w ith tw in 165m m w oofers,w w w .uk.yam aha.com Rogers’ LS5/9 C l assic SE l ou dspeak ers [HFN May ’ 21],on 55cm high P anz erhol z stands,del ivered a captivating perform ance. Mu sic cam e from an Au dio N ote C D 4.1x pl ayer,and Rogers’ E20 a/iiintegrated am p,basedarou nd fou r 6L6G T pow er tu bes, proved a fine fitfor the BBC cabinets,w w w .rogers-hi fi .uk I n S ym m etry S ystem s’ sixth­ fl oor su ite,B rink m ann Au dio’s 150 W /8 ohm M ono am pl ifiers satbetw een W il son Au dio Sabrina speakers,w hil e offto the side an im pressive k itrack incl u ded B rink m ann’sEdison Mk l lphono stage,N yq u ist Mk l lstream ing D AC and M arconiMk l lpream p,pl us Tau ru s and Oasis direct-drive tu rntabl es. Lyra’sEtna MC cartridge gotinto the groove. w w w .sym m etry-system s. co. uk Au diophil es seek ing their nextsystem u pgrade m ade a beel ine for dem onstrations from accessories special ist Ru ssAndrew s,distribu tor of Kim ber Kabl e.The form er introdu ced its new C l arity P ro 2 system conditioner, al ongside revival s ofits iconic P ow erB l ock and P ow erKord. Kim ber’sfl agship N aked interconnect[HFN Mar ’ 22] and C arbon 18 X L speak er cabl e [HFN Oct’ 22]al so featu red in system s u sing P MC tw enty5.26iand ’ 22i l ou dspeak ers,andseparates from HiFiRose,ki m b er.com ’, w w w . russandrew s. com * * * * * * DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 31 B ri
* ■ n 1 tK LW M U M O /L M L M - 1 v IM L Ifm * ■ V M U fW RS 130 & RS A720 The Ultimate Network Transport Streamer. Featu ring advancedfibre ethernetnetw ork connectivity,precise OC XO 10 MHz cl ock ,andopticalUSB connection,the RS13 0 sends a hyper-detail ed sonic im age to you r D AC .The sol id al u m iniu m constru ction,crystal -topped controlbu ttons,andthe w ide-angl e 15.4-inch LC D capacitive tou ch-screen m ak e the netw ork transportaj oy to u se. Listen to m u sic on l ocalstorage via the com pactRSA720 fibre-opticalhu b andgain accessto tw o USB 3 .0 anddu alUSB 2.0 ports,al lw hil stk eeping vibration and u nnecessary el ectricalsignal s aw ay from you r stream ing u nit.Al ternativel y,accessfil es from you r hom e netw ork w ith a D LNA connection to any NAS drive or other storage device. El evate you r digitalau dio experience w ith Hi-FiRose. roon *r HENLEY U DIO tid a l Q q obu z © spew Hom i Distributed by Hen ley Aud io T:+ 44 (0 ) 1235 511 166 | E:sal es@ henl eyau dio.co.u k | W :w w w .henl eyau dio.co.u k | (| :Henl eyAu dioU K | Q :Henl eyAu dio
* ft ft 4 v « 4 * 4 ft 4 • Aft ■ ft 4> # ft ft -ft ft 4 « ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ■ ft ft * * -ft A f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t * * -ft -■ ft ft a 4 4 * ft- ft ft ft ft * ft- ft « ft 4 ft- ft ft ■ ft -ft 4 ft ft w ft -ft ft ft ft ft ft -ft i> ft ft » ft -ft 4 ft- « >ft ft ft ft ft ft ft f- 4 * ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft dft- ft ft ft « ft ft ft ft -ft « ft ft ■> ft ft <*- ft ft « f t « « ft* ■ > 4 « ft ft ■ ft* 4 ft ft a 4 « F ft » ft* «ft 9 » ftfta ft4 ■ * ft « ft* » ft ft « ft * 4 4 ft « vft » fti Outperf o rm in g i ts 2x303W /8 o h m ratin g to ran k as o n e o fth e w o rld ’s m o stpo w erf ulin teg rated am ps, Heg el’s n etw o rked H600 [HFN Oct’23] i sa g en uin e rivalf o rth e No rw eg ian bran d ’so w n P 30A/H30A pre/po w er[HFN Jun ’23].T eam ed up w ith th e Vikin g CD player[HFN Sep ’23], itputEg g lesto n W o rks’ Em m a Evo lutio n speakers th ro ug h th eirpaces,w w w .hegel.com No stalg ic so un d s abo un d ed as HFN’svery o w n T im Jarm an presen ted h i s o rig in al Ph ilips CD1 00 d isc player an d M o tio n alFeed back lo ud speakers i n th e sh o w ’s Vin tag e Villag e.T im w as jo in ed by Alex K irkh am o f Lo n d o n ’sW ilto n Music Mall, w ith o th erclassic treats in clud in g a G ale turn table, Alban y pre/po w eram plif iers an d Merid ian separates, iw iw .w iltonm usicm all.com No d e Aud io ’seye-catch in g Hylixa lo ud speakeri s a th reew ay d esig n , i ts f ro n t-f acin g rin g rad iato rtw eeteran d Balan ced M o d e Rad iato rm id jo in ed by an in w ard -f irin g bass un it- th e ‘d o uble-curved ’ en clo sure, d esig n ed to tackle stan d in g w aves an d lim it cabin etd if f ractio n , h o uses a h elicaltran sm issio n lin e, h en ce th e speaker’sn am e. Of f ered in ‘in f in ite’ f in ish o ptio n s, th e Hylixas w ere h ere m o un ted ato p No d e Aud io ’s n ew SS-1 iso latio n f eet (so ld i n sets o fth ree o rf o ur), w h ich aim to abso rb vibratio n th ro ug h a m ulti-partceram ic/ stain less steel/g lass n ylo n d esig n , w w w .nod e-aud io.com DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 33
SHOW BLOG Sightsandsoundsfrom aroundtheglobe 4 -to- 4 4 ■ 4 4 4- 4 4 # to to to 4 4 » 4 4 4 to 4 « 4 ■ 4 to 4 « to 4 4 4 • 4 4 ■ 4 4 « 4 4 to to 4 * 4 4 * 4 4to.44 t o * 4 » 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 * 4 t o » « 4 4 4 4 « 4 t o 4 4 4 i i < 4 4 t o * 4 i » 4 4 4 t o 4 4 4 t o 4 t o * 4 4 a f e « » 4 4 a 4 4 4 4 4 ■ to to * 4 « 4 to 4 ■< 4 4 « to 4 4 4 4 « * C i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « t o 4 t o 4 4 4 * to 4 4 to 4 to 4 to- 4 « « to 4 to 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 » 4 -to -• 4 4 » 4 4 4 4 4 « 4 Auralic team ed up w ith AudioQ uest and G oldenEar in the venue’s large O ld Press Room to show case its range of netw ork audio sep arates. Feeding T6 6 sp eakers [below right]w ere the Aries G 2.2 transp ort and V ega G 2.2 stream er/D AC [H FN Nov ’23] , both sup p orted by its slick Lightning ap p .AQ cabling, interconnects and Niagara 5000 p ow er conditioner ensured the system , w ith H eed Lagrange am p , p layed to its best, w w w .auralic.com Another G oldenEar/AQ set-up , in a sm aller room , starred its com p act BRX sp eakers [H FN Sep ’22] . Standm ount/ bookshelf m odels, these borrow ‘H igh-V elocity Folded Ribbon’tw eeter and bass/m id ■to driver tech from the Triton Reference [H FN Jun ’1 9 ] , allied to side-facing ABRs. A snap p y, detailed and bass-rich p erform ance confirm ed their high-value rep utation. w w w .goldenear.com Pledged as ‘the first m odel in a new T series’,G oldenEar’s T6 6 is clearly insp ired by the US m aker’s earlier Triton loudsp eakers, being a hybrid w ith p ow ered, D SP-controlled bass drivers and p assive m id/treble units, the latter a ‘folded ribbon’AM T. G iven sp ace to breathe, the T6 6 s let it rip ! w w w .goldenear.com The rollout of Exp osure’s w ell-p riced 351 0 series [H FN Nov ’21 &Jul ’23]continues, w ith m ono, stereo and p ream p s now joined by the 351 0 CD p layer. This top -loading disc sp inner debuted alongside a surp rising new addition to the Exp osure range - a turntable designed in conjunction w ith Rega. Sp eakers w ere the LS6 /ffrom Chartw ell, w w w .exposurehifi.com Both the (w hite) LS6 0 W ireless [H FN Sep ’22]and svelte Blade 2 M eta from KEF share a ‘single p oint source’ p hilosop hy and m etam aterialenhanced 1 2th-gen U ni-Q to 4 4 4 w to to « 4 34 4 4 4 to to il 4 4 to 4 * to • « 4 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k to 4 4 to ■ to 4 • 4 4 4 to 4 4 4 to 4 to 4 4 4 « D ECEM BER 2023 ■ to to * 4 4 4 to to 4 4 w * 1 4 4 4 4 4 to 4- 4 4 4 4 to 4 4 4 4 to ■■■ * 4 4 4 4 to 4 to 4 -a to * 4 i 4 4 4 * * - 4 4 4 4 4 4-4 4 4 4 4 to 4 4 4 4 4 to 4 4 4 4 to 4 4 array.The sp eakers drew p lenty of adm irers, dem o’d here w ith Chord cabling, an Innuos Zenith server and H egel H 6 00 integrated am p [H FN O ct ’23] . w w w .kef.com to- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 v 4 to 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 to 4 4 4 4 4 * * 4 4 4 4*-4 4 4 4 4
X < x x \ \ \ \ W \ \ 4 4 4 A haven for lovers of highend audio,Absolute Sounds’ takeover of A scot’s huge O n5 suite dem anded a lengthy stay. O ffering a taste ofthe distributor’s full catalogue m eant som e m odels w ere on ‘static’disp lay, including this aw e-insp iring am p lifier lineup (including tube, solid-state and hybrid) from D enm ark’s Cop land, the Netherlands’ Prim aLuna and France’s Jadis, p lus turntables from EAT (Austria) and [inset]Reed (Lithuania). Naturally, even m ore treats from across the globe w ere in store... w w w .absolutesounds.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------« M agico’s S3 floorstander has been reborn in a M kll iteration w ith extensive up grades to cabinet, drivers and crossover. Absolute Sounds added Constellation’s Centaur IIstereo p ow er am p lifier [H FN Feb ’23]and Takum i KI6 0 m onoblocks from Robert Koda, on the end of D ohm ann’s flagship H elix O ne M k3 turntable, w w w .m agicoaudio.com W ilson A udio’s Sasha V tow ers [H FN Sep ’23] , w ith added w eight from a p air of LbKe subw oofers [H FN Sep ’22] w ere kep t in a tight grip by Audio Research’s KT1 50based Reference 1 6 0M M kll m onoblocks and the M om entum M xV Integrated Am p lifier from D ’Agostino [review in H FN Jan ’24] . O nce heard, this w as a hi-fidem o that w ouldn’t be forgotten! w w w .w ilsonaudio.com The 1 /50from Audio Research [H FN O ct ’22]is not typ ical of the m arque, being a com p act integrated am p offered in six different colourw ays - although Absolute Sounds brought along a black version [left, below ] . Rem ote controlled, w ith LexieTube disp lay and D AC/p hono op tions, it w as dw arfed by the REF 8 0S p ow er am p [H FN M ay ’21 ] . w w w .audioresearch.com Also from the distributor’s boutique ‘Ten’catalogue, Trafom atic’s Lara is a tw o-box line-level p ream p lifier, w ith p ow er sup p ly sep arated from its fully balanced, valve-based Class A audio stage. Lurking behind it w ere the flagship Elysium m ono am p lifiers, w hich claim up to 7 0W from Eim ac 250TL triodes and w eigh in at 8 5kg a p iece. w w w .trafom aticaudio.com The m odel chosen to launch Absolute Sounds’‘Ten - The Artisan Collection’, D eV ore Fidelity’s 0/9 6 [H FN Ap r ’21 ] is no sim p le tw o-w ay standm ount loudsp eaker. Its com bination of custom SEAS tw eeter, M uller blue p ap er cone bass/m id and m eticulously crafted bass­ reflex cabinet yields a p erform ance of sublim e sound and high sensitivity. w w w .devorefidelity .com 4 -4 ■ ■ 4 • 4 4 4 ■ 4 * 4 4 4 ■ 4 4 4 4 ■ to to- 4 4 4 to * 4 * 4 to ■ * to * 4 to 4 4 * 4 4 4 * to 4 4 4 4 * ■ 4 * 4 4 4 to « 4- 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 to 4 4 4 « to ■ 4 4 4 4 to * • 4 4 4 to a «■ 4 4 ■ to * 4 4 4 ■ to to 4 4 4 to to to- to 4 4 4 to ■ to 4 w D ECEM BER 2023 a 4 ■ *■ 4 4 to * ■ to 4 « 4 4 to- 4- 4 « to ■ 4 4 4 « 4 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k to 4 4 4 « 4 35 * 4- * * 4
P ERLIS TEN ™ R r*cr*T u* । ■ t f h <id riF rir^ c r karm a a u d lo - v ia u tl
SHOW BI Fast-grow ing U K distributor Signature Audio System s held court in the RARC South room w ith a raft of high-end gem s, including Thorens turntables and [inset]PS Audio loudsp eakers and sep arates. Paul M cG ow an, PS Audio’s irrep ressible ow ner,jetted over to host crow d-p leasing dem os of a w orld-exclusive system p airing FR30 and FR2O floorstanders [HFN Jun ’22 & Ap r ’23]w ith the ‘no holds barred’BH K 6 00 Signature m onoblocks [HFN D ec ’22] and FPGA-based D irectStream DAC M K2 [H f/V Jun ’23] . w w w .signa turesy stem s,co.uk Soundsm ith is know n by audiop hiles for its strain gauge system s and m oving iron (aka ‘fixed coil’) cartridges, the latter top p ed by the H yp erion M k II. M eanw hile, system builders w ere tem p ted by the cable range from Clarus,w hich includes loudsp eaker, p ow er, interconnect and digital audio solutions, w w w .sound-sm ith.conr, w w w .claruscable.com Based in California but the brainchild of U K-born engineer G eorge Counnas, Zesto Audio sp ecialises in p hono stages and p re/p ow er am p s - m ost w ith slick, sw oop ing casew ork and allvalve-based. Near the top ofthe range is the Andros D eluxe II p hono stage, sup p orting a balanced M C connection [HFN Sep ’21 ] and offering com p rehensive gain and load settings, w w w .zestoaudio.com ■ 4 Potent desktop audio system s from Ferrum featured its EISA Aw ard-w inning W andla DAC/p ream p [HFN Aug ’23]and O O R headp hone am p lifier [HFN D ec *21 ] .The 7 6 8 kH z PCM and D SD 256 cap able W andla m arries an ES9 038 PRO DAC w ith Ferrum ’s custom SERCE m odule, resulting in extensive filter op tions,w hile the O O R is fully balanced from inside to out.w w w .ferrum .audio ‘H andm ade sonic p erfection’is the calling card of Floridian brand V AC. Its M aster Pream p lifier [HFN M ar ’21 ] ,w ith outboard PSU, can be fitted w ith an op tional p hono stage, and w as show n at the H i-FiShow Live w ith Signature 200iQ am p s that offer both m ono (200W ) and stereo (2x1 00W ) op eration, p lus ‘continuous’autom atic tube biasing,w w w .vac-am ps.com This second Signature set-up m arried Canor hardw are w ith Canton loudsp eakers. The new Reference line from Canton is m ore overtly ‘stylish’than the p revious Reference K [HFN M ay &Aug 4> * * 4 4 * 4- 4 4 4 4 4 « ■* * 4 4 * • 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 • 4< A * « 4 ■ ■ » 4 4 « • ’22] , and led by the three-w ay Reference 7 tow er,fed here by com p onents including Canor’s CD 1 .1 0 p layer/DAC and the ‘p ure Class A’V irtus I2 integrated, w w w .canton.de', w w w .canor-audio.com 4 4 4 4 ■ 4 * 4 4 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 *■ 4 4 H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ■ * 4 4 4 4 ■ 4 4 4 4 4 ■ 4 4> 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « H « 4 4 4 4 4 * » 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 ■ 4 4 4 4 4 ■ 4 4 4 4 4 ■ 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 D ECEM BER 2023 4 4 4 4 4 * * 4 « 4 A * * * « 4 ■ 4 * 4 « 4 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k A 4 * 4 « 4 37 * * * «■ 4
D u r h a m 5 8 F : + 4 4 [ 0 ) 2 0 S B 7 9 7 9 6 2 S S O S O J 2 C 8 9 7 1 R o a d , L o n d o i n n , f o S @ W a 2 b C s o O l u T t e \A s / o u n T : d + s 4 . c 4 o m C a b s o l u t e s o u n d s . c o m I n t e r n a t i o n a l D i s t r i b u t o r s S t C o n s u l t a n t s o f S p e c i a l i s e d H i E n d H o m e A u d i o & V i d e o S y s t e m s a b s o l u t e s o u n d s l t d . s Illi IH IM I Illi
F o r Y o u r N e a re s t D e a l e r P l e a s e V i s i t T h e A b s o l u t e S o u n d s W e b s i t e
C rafted. Honed. P erfected Expertl y crafted,dil igentl y honed and optim ised for perfection. The 8 0 0 Series S ignatu re m odel s are l ou dspeak ers l ike no other. B ow ers& W il k ins 8 0 1 D 4 S ignatu re and 8 0 5 D 4 S ignatu re are avail abl e in tw o iconic finishes: MidnightBl u e Metal l ic and C al ifornia Bu rlG l oss.
Theh i-fin ew sR eaderP ledge & RecordReview Hi-Fi News' readers can take full confidence in the fact that every product featured on our front coven throughout the magazine and on our website has been comprehensively reviewed (auditioned, photographed and lab tested) at our facility You hol d in you r hands the w orl d’sol dest andm ostrespectedhi-fim agaz ineHi -FiNews - w here heavyw eightau dio engineering i sou r stock in trade.Al lou r review produ cts are typical l y su bj ectto a one-m onth testprocess from shipping, u npack ing,instal l ation,photography,l ab w ork ,extended l istening,disassem bl y/ pack ing andcol l ection. This practice w as m aintained rightthrou gh the pandem ic period,w ith fu l lC ovidbiosecu rity adding to the l ogisticalcom pl exity ofou r fou rw eek issu e schedu l e. Bu tw e did it... never m issing one issu e ofthe m agaz ine or com prom ising the ' Hi -FiNew s P l edge’: 1.Ou r hardw are review s are never brief ’hands on’ experiences ofa produ ctfrom a press conference,brand-l ed dem o or distribu tor’sback room spu n u p into a fou r or five page articl e. 2. P rodu cts review ed in Hi -FiNew s al ready have secu re distribu tion and retailchannel s in the UK. So readers shoul d be abl e to arrange their ow n au ditions ifsu itabl y inspired! 3. Al lreview sam pl es are shippedto and instal l ed atou r m ain facil ity.They are photographed by u s {u nl ess stock shots conform precisel y to ou r tem pl ate) and l ab testedto a u niq u el y w orl d-cl ass standard before l istening begins... ABO VE: Sim o n P o pe [lef t]an d David Speirs o f Burm ester[p38] lo o k o n h o pef ully ased ito rP M [beh in d th e cam era)i sen co urag ed to lif tth e 21 8 o uto fits bo x.He d id ...seef ullreview ,p42 4.W e bel ieve in high q u al ity investigative j ou rnal ism by experienced w riters and editors- w e ask q u estions, w e do ou r research andw e m ak e tru l y independenteval u ations.W e do notrel ease review s to brands for ‘fact check ing'or other m odification prior to pu bl ication. They readitw hen you readit. L EFT :In n o vative,research -based test& m easurem en t- w ith exclusive co lo ur’d ata visualisatio n ’ - un d erpin s every review i n Hi-FiNew s.In each issueyo u w illd isco ver perf o rm an ce-d eterm in in g f acts th atare un iq ue to o urrepo rtin g 5.Above al lw e respectou r readers.You dem andthe bestreview s inform ed by decades ofexperience,produ ctk now l edge andtechnicalexpertise.W e endeavou r to l ive u p to thatexpectation. IN T HISISSU E... R IG H T :O n ly Hi-FiN ew s ta kes yo u up clo se an d p erso n al, o utsid e an d in , w ith o ur in -d ep th review s o fp ristin e vin ta g e g ear.P ictured is th e un d ersid e o fB& O ’s B eo m a ster 2000 receiver, fro m 1 97 5, sh o w in g its m o d ula r PCBs |see p l20] L EFT :H ere’s an Abso lute So un d s staffer un bo xin g th e T ra fo m a tic Rh ap so d y 300B tube am p fro m its w o o d en cra te befo re h eftin g it in sid e fo r listen in g an d lab testin g .Yo u saw it a tth e U K Hi-Fi Sh o w Live,n o w read th e review |p 56] D EC EMBER 20 23 w w w .hifinew s.co.u k 41
Mad e by:Burm esterAud io system e G m bH, Berlin .G erm an y Supplied by; Burm esterAud io system e G m bH T eleph o n e:*49 307 8 7 968 0 W eb:w w w .burm ester.d e/en Prices (pre/po w er):£35,900 (in c.ch o ice o fo n e m o d ule)/£34,600 Burmester0 7 7 /218 Taking both aesthetic and design cues from the flagship 159 monoblocks, the 218 power amp is the German marque’s newest model, teamed here with the 077 preamp Review: Andrew Everard Lab: Paul Miller autom ation solutions, including Crestron. ever accuse Berlin-based D esp ite being sep arated by m ore than 1 5 Burm ester oftim idity... In an years,the 07 7 and 21 8 rem ain a p erfect interview p ublished to m ark visual m atch, bridging the eras betw een the launch of its 21 6 and 21 8 p ow er am p lifiers, its Team Leader forthe com p any under the helm offounder ieter Burm ester, and the brand today Q uality M anagem ent,Thom as SchneiDder, after his p assing in 201 5 [see boxout, p 46 ] . says, ‘W e have thought in exactly the right direction’.The 21 6 am p lifier is p art of The heavy aerosp ace-quality casew ork has a decidedly ‘technical’look, and w hat the com p any calls its Top Line, and w hile the m irror-finish w hile the 21 8 m ay look sim ilar it’s actually in the up p er tier Reference Line, one step fascia treatm ent adds visual 1 ap p eal,the engraved legends below the Signature Line that features the above and below the 07 7 ’s flagship 1 59 m onoblocks and near-2m -tall BC350 sp eakers,yours for £233,000 a p air. m ultifunctionaltoggles are rather tricky to read. For Stillw ith m e? W ell,the 21 8 is a stereo exam p le, a single control p ow er am p lifier, rated at 1 6 5W /8 ohm handles p hase sw itching [see PM ’s Lab Rep ort, p 45]w hile standing alm ost 22cm tall and w eighing 42kg. H and but also toggles the disp lay brightness, w hile another - at least w ith built to the com p any’s usual standards of the digital inp ut m odule fitted - chooses solidity and finish, it sells for £34,6 00 (the betw een Class 1 and 2 USB op eration, 1 00W 21 6 is £23,7 00) and is p artnered selects the digital inp ut in use and enables here w ith the £35,9 00 07 7 p ream p lifier, a up sam p ling to 1 9 2kH z. relatively long-running Burm ester m odel, O ther controls access the set-up m enus, the original version having been launched including selecting the m ain outp ut or the in 2007 to m ark the 30th anniversary of the com p any’s 7 7 7 p ream p lifier. 07 7 ’s tw o headp hone sockets,the latter N som ew hat inconveniently located on the rear p anel. Inp ut sensitivity, inp ut nam ing, and so on, is achieved by a com bination of up or dow n m ovem ents ofthe toggles, p lus different lengths of hold w hen doing so. T A K IN G CON T ROL You can even byp ass various sw itches if required, and w hile m ost users w ill soon becom e fam iliar w ith their basic functionality, it’s likely that the sup p lied rem ote control, also alum inium -clad, w ill p rovide m ore logical access to the functions of the p ream p . M ind you, using the rem ote dep rives you of the tactile ‘click-stop ’ap p eal of the 07 7 ’s chrom ed volum e control. There’s not m uch chance of overshoot through over-enthusiastic tw iddling here - in fact, a determ inedly p ositive shove is required to m ake changes! The 07 7 and its p ow er sup p ly are designed to be stacked. As both units have heavy alloy feet, m achined to a sp ike,G» Therewas richnesswit h immediacy anddetail’ M ODU LE CHOICE Launched as a one-box p ream p ,w ith the op tion of an offboard p ow er sup p ly,the 07 7 is now only available in tw o-box form , as a balanced line-only, analogue design, albeit w ith the op tion of m odules to add digital inp uts, M M /M C p hono cap ability and an unbalanced line stage. O ne m odule of your choice is included in the p rice - ours w as fitted w ith the U SB-B/coax digital card. RCA-to-XLR adap ters are included as is the com p any’s 06 7 rem ote handset [see p 47 ] , w hich is £500 w hen bought sep arately. O utp ut from the p ream p lifier is via balanced XLRs, m atching the inp uts on the 21 8 p ow er am p ,w hile an additional BurLink connection allow s the am p lifiers to be integrated into third-p arty hom e RIG HT :In sid eth e lo n g -establish ed 07 7 pream p w ith d ig italm o d ule in stalled [lo w er rig h t],m ultiple PSU reg ulatio n [f arlef t],in put g ain ad justICs[bo tto m rig h t],lo g ic [rig h t]an d pro prietary ‘X -AMP 2’ o utp utm o d ules [cen tre] 42 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 43
AU D IO S Y S TEM S X8 TURN TABLE BRING Y OUR MUSIC INTO FOC US Th e X8 i s a m ass-l oad ed prem i um turntabl e wi th features m ore com m onl y found i n m ore ex pensi v e m od el s. F rom i ts ov er-si zed ,h eav yw ei gh tw ood en pl i nth ,th rough to th e preci si onl ath ed ,TPE-d am ped al um i ni um m ai n pl atter,and th e 9" Ev ol uti on tonearm w i th a Q ui ntetBl ue cartri d ge.Th e Pro-JectX8 i sa com pl ete turntabl e sol uti on forh i gh -end aud i o system s. HENLEY ID IO Distributed by Hen ley Aud io es@ henl eyau dio.co.u k | W :w w w .henl eyau dio.co.u k | f):Henl eyAu diol IK | Q T:+ 44(0 ) 1235 511 166 E:sal :Henl eyAu dio
LA B REPORT BU RM EST ER 218 B u rm ester su ppl ies protective al l oy basepl ates for each,the 'paints' sitting on carbon-fibre discs set into their su rface. C om pl eting the attention to detailisthe provision ofa cl eaning spray andm icrofibre cl oth,designedto m aintain the u nits in pristine condition. The 218 pow er am p i sofa size andm assto m ake ita definite ‘sit on the floor’ device,andfeatu res m assive al u m iniu m top andbottom pl ates sandw iching heatsinks w rapping arou nd al lfou r corners ofthe encl osu re. C ondu ction i s im proved by a copper heatpipe, asthe ou tpu tdevices are actu al l y l ocated behindthe sol idside-panel s betw een the heatsinks [ see inside pictu re,bel ow ]. The am pl ifier is a sym m etrical ,du al -m ono,and D C -cou pl eddesign described as ' a BELOW :In sid eth e 21 8 w ith to urpairs o fbipo laro utputd evices (f ro m ON Sem ico n d ucto r)persid e [f arlef tan d rig h t].Co pperh eatp ipe co n n ects al lth e h eatsin kin g [to p co m ers]w h ile a No ratel tran sf o rm eran d 4x1 00V/47 ,00Op FPSU reservo ircapsare un d erth e cen tre PCB ABOVE:T h e 21 8 ’sm irro red f ro n tispiece an d arch itecturalf in s are bo th aesth etic an d f un ctio n al,an d classic ‘Burm ester’ three-stage,fu l l y com pl em entary signalam pl ifier... w ith targeted com pensation techniq u es andvery narrow -tol erance com ponents'. This isthe core ofBu rm ester's proprietary X-AMP technol ogy. POW ERDOW N Arou ndthe back,hefty ‘w inged’ term inal s are provided for stereo speaker cabl e connection. The 218 can al so be u sedasa m ono am pl ifier or as partofa bi-am p configu ration u sing dedicated adapter cabl es, avail abl e as accessories from B u rm ester deal ers at£130 0 a set . A singl e pow er bu tton isthe onl y controlon the frontofthe am pl ifier,w ith a cu stom isabl e LED changing col ou r to show on and standby.Again to the rear there are trigger ports asw el lasthat proprietary Bu rLink connection. The 218 al so hasan au tom atic pow er dow n after 30 m inu tes ofno signa],w hich ison by defau l tbu tO W eighing in at42k g andvery nearl y afu l lhal f-m etre in w idth, the 218 m ightbe expectedto have an eq u al l y ‘m assive’ 8 ohm pow er specification. How ever,w hil e ttie 218 i sratedata rel ativel y m odest165W /8 ohm . andachieves 2x193W /8 ohm in practice,the pow er su ppl y regu l ation i ssu fficientl y stiffto accom m odate peaks at<1% THD of221W . 419W . 738 W and 1.13k W into 8 ,4,2 and 1ohm l oads,respectivel y[ see G raph 1, bel ow ].W ith a cu rrentcapacity of34A. the ‘165W ‘218 i sthu s very tol erantofl ow anddifficu l tl ou dspeak er l oads. Tie ou tpu t im pedance isa fairl y consistent0 .0 14-0 .0 19ohm (20 Hz -20 k Hz ), m aintaining its + O .O dB to-0 .0 6dB response (20 Hz -20 kHz )into m ostl oads.Atthe extrem es,the 218 dips to -0 .5dB /1 Hz and -1.15dB /10 0 k Hz . G ain i sm ore than high enou gh at+ 34.3dB (bal ancedinpu t) andnoise very l ow .yiel ding avery w ide 95dB (re. OdBW )A-w tdS/N ratio - so the 218 i sa i/ery q u ietam pl ifier. Ju stascritical ,from a su bj ective standpoint,i sthe u niform ity ofthe 218 ’ sdistortion profil e,no dou btinform edby B u rm ester's proprietary‘X-AMP technol ogy'.Versu s l evel ,distortion rem ains <0 .0 0 2% from 1W to 140 W andonl y tou ches 0 .0 0 28 % atthe rated 165W (al lre. 1k Hz /Sohm ).Versu s freq u ency,distortion gentl y cl im bs from 0 .0 0 0 7% /!OOHz to 0 .0 0 17% /1 kHz and 0 .0 0 8 % /20 k Hz (re. 10 W /8 ohm ),a pattern thathol dstru e atl ow er and higher pow er ou tpu ts [ see G raph 2,bel ow ]. Interm odu l ation distortion is<0 .0 0 0 3% (re. 10 W ). Final l y,stereo separation i saw ide 70 dB + (20 Hz -20 kHz ),channelbal ance/ m atching i sgoodto 0 .0 1 dB andany D C offsetatthe ou tpu ti s hel dto bel ow ±2m V — im pressive bearing in m indthe 218 i sa fu l l y D C -cou pl ed/capacitortess am pl ifier. P M ABOVE:Dyn am ic p o w er o utp utversus d isto rtio n in to 8 o h m (black trace), 4o h m (red ), 2o h m (blue)an d lo h m (g reen ) sp eakerto ad s.M ax.curren tis 33.6A ABOVE:Disto rtio n versus f req uen cy versus p o w er o utp ut (lW /8 o h m , black; 1 0W , pin k; 1 00W , red ) HI-F IN EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S P o w ero utp ut(< n FHD ,8 J4ohm ) 193W / 320 W Dyn am ic p o w er(<1LX HD ,8 f4/2/10 hm ) 221W /419W /73SW / 1131W O utp utim p.(20 H2-20 k H2fW °k 0 .0 14-0 .0 19ohin J0 .0 53ol im H i) Freq .resp.[ 20 H2-20 k H2^10 0 k H2) + O.OdB to-0 .0 6dB f-1.15dB in p utsen sitivity (f or 0 dB W f165W ) 55rnV A-w td Sf N ratio [ re. 0 d6W /165W ) 94.6dB f116.8 dB Disto rtio n (20 Hz -20 kHz , l OW fS ohm ) 0 .0 0 0 65-0 .0 0 78 ^ P o w erco n sum p tio n [ I dl e/Ratedu /p) 46W /540 W [ 1W standby) Dim en sio n s ( W HD ) fW eig h t(total ) 496x216x479m m / 42kg DECEMBER 2023 7 1Sm V w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 45
Hi l l can be bypassedu sing B u rm ester’ ssystem rem ote,or via the Bu rLink port. There’ sal so extensive protection againstshortcircu its, overheating or D C offset,al lofw hich is enabl ed u sing circu its l ying ou tside ofthe directsignalpath. J -1 A N D... RELA X Ou r initialau ditioning ofthese am pl ifiers kicked offvia the 0 77's USB-B ‘com pu ter au dio'inpu t,w ith m u sicfedto the D AC cardu sing Au render's W 20 SE m u sic l ibrary [ HFN Mar ’ 23]. Speakersw ere B& W 8 0 1 D 4s [HFN N ov '21 ],anditsoon becam e cl ear thatthe digitalm odu l e fitted to the 0 77,thou gh convenient,w as starting to show its age...The sou nd,w hil el u sh andrich in the l ow freq u encies,asone m ightexpectgiven B u rm ester's origins as a com pany created by a bass-pl ayer,w as mm mi n som ew hatl ack ing in freshness andvital ity in the m idband andtrebl e. Thisw as ailvery rel axing andapparentl y very ‘hi-fi’,bu tthe m u sic stil ll acked spark and excitem ent, som ething rapidl y addressed by bringing into pl ay dC S’sV ival diAP EX D AC [HFN Ju n ’ 22],aiso connectedvia USB-B to the Au render W 20 SE andw ith afixed-l evel ou tpu tto the 0 77's anal ogu e inpu ts. Tracksthatpreviou sl y sou nded rich bu tsl ightl y anonym ou s,su ch as‘On The Su nny Side OfThe S treet’from the Bil lC harl ap Trio's Notes From New York al bu m [ Im pu l se!dow nl oad],gained extra sparkl e andim petu s,no l onger sou nding l ike a sl ightl y snooz y l ate afternoon hi-fi dem onstration. AndB onobo's 'Otom o', from hisFragm ents al bu m [ N inj a Tu ne ZEND NL 279],previou sl y distingu ished onl y by its big,thu ndering bassl ine w hich BU RM EST ER’S 45 Y EA RS As a co m pan y so ro o ted in th e visio n o fo n e m an ,f o un d erDieterBurm ester,it’s pleasin g to seeth e bran d stillf lo urish in g af terh i s sud d en passin g in 201 5,at th e ag e o fjust69.Butth en th e co m pan y’so rig in sto ry i sa f am iliaro n e,albeit w ith a so lid m usicaltw ist:by th e ag e o f1 5,Burm esterw as playin g electric bass in ban d s, a passio n h e w o uld f o llo w f o rh i s en tire lif e, an d w o rkin g o n w ays o f im pro vin g th e valve am p h e’d builtf o rh i s in strum en t.Scro llf o rw ard 1 5 years, an d Burm ester,by n o w a q ualif ied rad io an d T V tech n ician ,w ith a d eg ree i n electricalen g in eerin g ,f o un d ed th e co m pan y th atbo re h i s n am e, m o vin g o n f ro m valve amps to so lid -state d esig n s. Just20 exam ples o fh i sf irstam plif ierw ere pro d uced , carryin g th e co m pan y n am e in w h ath e laterd isco vered w as a n ear-perf ectf acsim ile o fh i sf ath er’s h an d w ritin g .By 1 983 h e w as m akin g h i sf irstbalan ced po w eram plif ier,f o llo w ed f o uryears laterw ith an in n o vative upsam plin g CD player,an d th en a belt-d rive tran spo rtcarried th ro ug h to Burm ester’splayers o fto d ay.Speakers f o llo w ed , usin g AMT tw eeters,as parto fa ‘w h o le system ’ ph ilo so ph y,an d i n 2002 h e bran ch ed o utin to auto m o tive aud io systems...via th e Bug attiVeyro n 1 6.4! Burm esterw as also an early ad o ptero fco m puter-sto red music,its f irst‘music cen tres’ able to rip CDsto in tern alsto rag e,asw ellas h an d lin g In tern etrad io an d o th erstream in g services,arrivin g m o re th an a d ecad e ag o [HFN Dec ’1 2]. In 201 5 th e co m pan y passed to Dieter’sw id o w , Marian n e,w h o bro ug h tin f o rm erPo rsch e M arketin g Directo rAn d reas Hen ke as co -ch airm an i n 201 7 . T o th is d ay th e co m pan y rem ain s 1 00% f am ily o w n ed ,w h ile th e d evelo pm en t, en g in eerin g an d h an d -assem bly o fits pro d ucts are stillcarried o utin Berlin w h ere itallstarted - un d erth e w atch f uleye o fCh iefT ech n icalOf f iceran d h ead o faud io d esig n Stef an G ro sler,w h o w o rked f o rm an y years alo n g sid e Dieter Burm estero n m an y cl assic pro jects. 46 WWW. hi f i n ews. CO. uk DECEMBER 2023 LEFT :A Burf i n k‘h o me auto mati o n ’i n terf ace[to p l ef t]i sjo i n ed by 1 2Vtrig g er po rts[to p ri g h t],bal an ced aud i o i n puts(RCAto X LR ad aptersarepro vi d ed )an d wi n g n ut-styl espad e/4mm speakercabl etermi n al s w as m ore abou tw eight than im pact,took on extra detailandbecam e faster-sou nding andm ore interesting as a resu l t. Even those track s I ’dfou nd satisfying w hen ru n throu gh the pream p’sinternal D AC gained new l ife w ith the dC S pl ayer/ D AC in harness,al l ow ing the B u rm ester am pl ifiers to del iver al ltheir w arm th and w eightw hil e gaining new presence. Angel Eyes',from C arm en C om es Inc.’sThousand Shades O fBl ue [ Sou ndLiaison SL-10 0 1A], w hich is definitel y a dem onstration­ q u al ity recording,com bined richness w ith im m ediacy anda m ore detail edview ofthe singer'svoice. Sim il arl y,the sl ow bu rn ofthe 3rd m ovem entofEl gar's First Sym phony [ S taatskapel ie B erl in/B arenboim ; D ecca 478 9353]brou ghttogether statel iness andscal e,com pl em ented by a detail ed insightinto w hateach section of the orchestra w as doing. SA X A PPEA L Tru e,the Roger W aters tak e on 'Money' from hisDarksi de O fThe M oon Redux set [ SGB Mu sic dow nl oad]argu abl y sou nded al ittl e sl ow ,ifm el odram atic,bu tone can hardl y bl am e the 0 77/218 am pl ifiers for that. By contrast,the Espen Eriksen trio/ Andy Sheppard ’P assion’ from the recentAs GoodAsItGets rel ease [ Ru ne G ram m ofon RC D 2233]dem onstrated m u ch better pace and openness,together w ith a fine reedy tonal ity to S heppard’ssax. Fu rtherm ore, Fl eu r B arron’sperform ance ofP u rcel l 's ‘W hen IAm LaidIn Earth',from the La N u ova Mu sica recording ofDi do and Aeneas [ P entatone P TC 518 70 32],w as positivel y spine-tingl ing. So,yes,this B u rm ester com bination rem ains w arm ,generou s andstil l som ew hatpol ite-sou nding by com parison w ith som e m ore obviou sl y u pfront am pl ifier system s,bu tthe im m ediacy,the thril land sheer am ou ntofdetailthru st atthe l istener by those l atter am pl ifiers i snotal w ays a recipe for satisfaction in the l onger term . Moreover,the 0 77/218 pairing m aintains afirm grip on speakers su ch asthe big Bow ers & W il kins fl oorstanders,w hich benefitfrom both confidentdriving andcontrolifthey’ re not to dom inate proceedings.
LA B REPORT BU RM EST ER 077 ABOVE:Bo th th e07 7 preamp [to p]an d partn eri n g 07 7 PSU [bo tto m]si to n al l oy basesw ith spi kesl o cated o n to i n setcarbo n -f i bred i scs.Si xbal an ced l i n ei n san d o n e o pti o n almo d ul e (ei th erDAC o rMM /MC ph o n o )areo f f ered al o n g si d ebal an ced pie an d tapeo uts,tw o 6.35mm h ead ph o n eo uts,BurLi n k,trig g eran d U SB(upd ate)po rts The grip that’sexercised here m ightbe conceal edto som e extentby the innate richness of the 0 77/218 ’spresentation,bu t it's cl earl y there in the intim ate ‘in the room 'presentation ofEd Sheeran's ‘Engl and'from Autum n Vari ati ons [ G ingerbread Man Records 50 54197767272],w ith su perb vocaland instru m entalcol ou rs. It’s even m ore obviou s w ith the l angu id cou ntry of‘Songs ThatShe Sang In The Show er'from Jason Isbel l 's 10 th anniversary rel ease ofS ou theastern [ S ou theastern Records SER998 410 D X ],w hich show s excel l entthreedim ensionalsou ndstaging. This abil ity to l etvoices and instru m ents cu tthrou gh that seem ingl y rich,‘easy l istening’ sou nd i sal so apparentw ith Magdal ena Koz ena’ svoice on her l ovel y Fol k Songs setofl ittl e vignettes,w ith the C z ech P hil harm onic u nder Sir Sim on Rattl e -yetanother beau tifu l l yj u dged P entatone recording [ P TC 518 70 75], _ / V M eanw hil e the 218 • i pow er am pl ifier proved ' capabl e ofseriou s dynam ics on the ‘March From 1941’ on the Jerry Ju nkin/D al l as W indsJohn W i l l i am s JBt I - - - - LEFT :Burmester’sf ul l system 067 remo tei sa h eavyw ei g h tal l o y casti ng th atco n f ersf ul lco n tro l o veri t sampl i f i ersan d di gi talco mpo n en ts Fl AtTheM ovi es rel ease [ Reference Recordings RR-142],w ith crispl y resol ved snares andstartl ing bass dru m strikes. Andyes,itreal l y sw ings w ith those m arching tem pi. B u rm ester’s60 -step vol u m e controloperates w ith a m ix of1dB and2dB steps (one 2dB step for every three 1dB steps)to offer a rel iabl e 8 0 dB range anda channelbal ance error of<0 .1 dB dow n to vol u m e setting ‘15‘.G ain i svariabl e w ithin either ’Low ’ or ’ High’ m aster m odes,w ith the defau l t’0 0 ’ gain settiEig offering + 3.5dB (or + 6.5dB in ‘High’)adj u stabl e to + 15.6dB and+ 19.2dB (+ 12dB inpu tgain setting in tow 'and ‘High’ m odes)anddow n to-2.5 dB and + 13.1dB (-0 6dB gain setting in low " and’ High'). The m axim u m ou tpu t( s)are 3.5V in ’Low 'and 21.5V in ‘High’ M -Ou tm odes regardl ess ofinpu tl evel’gain'settings. Ou tpu t im pedance is 112ohm in ’ Low 'and64ohm in ’High',andthe A-w tdSI N is99.1 dB and92.5dB ,respectivel y,bu tthere i sno difference in the ±O.OdB response (20 Hz -20 k Hz )w hich reaches + 0 .5dB /1Hz and-1,45dB /10 0 k Hz . D istortion isl ow esttn low ’ m ode at0 .0 0 0 15-O.OOO3 5K [ 20 Hz -20 k Hz ,OdBV;bl ack trace. G raph 2]w ith 2nd-4th harm onics dom inating. Usedasa D AC /pream p w ith u psam pl ing enabl ed,the 0 77 del ivers a 2.63V bal ancedou tpu tfor a OdBFs digitalinpu t(the ou tpu tcl ips beyondvol u m e position ’55 ’).D istortion isa l ow 0 .0 0 0 6-0 .0 0 16% (re. 20 Hz -20 k Hz ]atthisfu l lscal e inpu t[ see red trace. G raph 2Jand fal l s to a m inim u m of0 .0 0 0 3^ 1kHz and a l ow er0 .0 0 0 0 9% [ /20 k Hz over the top 30 dB ofits range [ G raph 1] . The A-w td S/N i safine 10 9dB ,l inearity goodto ±0 .2dB over a 10 OdB range andchannelseparation i san excel l ent130 dB . W ol fson's W M 8 741 D AC [ see B u rm ester 0 69,HFN Jan '12]has bu il t-in j itter rej ection (al lsam pl e rates < 10 psec).w hile the l inear phase digitalfilter confers 99dB stopbandrej ection anda ‘digital ' 1 response Of-0 .0 OB, 20 kHz .-2.1 dBj '45kHz and-14.5dB /90 k Hz w ith 48 k Hz ,96k Hz and 192k Hz m edia,respectivel y. P M LIST EN IN G PLEA SU RE Pl ay another Reference set,the Ou e/ Minnesota Orchestra recording of Respighi[ RR-95],andthe ‘P inidi Rom a’ sou nds su itabl y dram atic, exu berantandcinem atic. Indeed, the scal e these am ps can del iver isperfectl y m easu redagainstthe detailandtonalshading ofthe perform ance,how ever carried aw ay you getw ith thatw eighted vol um e control . Andso,in the rou nd,w hil e this B u rm ester du o u ndou btedl y has a ‘sou nd’,it’sone carefu l l y tail ored to del ightthe l istener,andfor m any this m ixtu re ofease ofl istening andrichl y del ineated detailw il lbe exceptional l y attractive. ( ! ) T h e d istin ctively rich presen tatio n o fth e 07 7 /21 8 pre/po w er amplif iers m ay be ato d d s w ith th e apo cryph alG erman ic ‘so un d tun in g ’,butth ere’sn o d o ubtth ey are superbly easy to en jo y,w h ile atth e same tim e co n veyin g th e spiritan d em o tio n o fth e music. Ad d i n th e so l i d en g in eerin g an d l avish stylin g , an d th ere’sn o g ain sayin g th e appealo fth ese luxurio us co m po n en ts.No r, in d eed ,th e so un d th ey d eliver. SoundOual Sy:87% D -!■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - 100 ABOVE:Disto rtio n versus 24-bitd ig italsi g n all evel o vera 1 20d B ran g e at1 kHz (bl ack)an d 20kHz (bl ue) S '™ f ABOVE:Disto rtio n versusf req uen cy atOd BV o utput [96kHz/24-bitd ig itali n ,red ;an alo g ue i n ,bl ack] -n N EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S M axim um o utp ut; im p ed an ce 2.63V / 112ohm (bal anced) In p ut sen sitivity (re. OdBV) 666m V (bal anced) Freq , resp. + 0 .0 to-0 .0 ldB /-1.4 5 dB (pie) Freq .resp.(20 H2-20 k /45k /90 k Hz ) + 0 .0 Lu -0 .0 4 /-2.10 /-14.5d6 (D AC ) Dig italjitter ( USB at4& kH2,f96k H2) & psec /9psec A-w td 5/N ratio (re. OdBV/OdBFs) 98 .fidB (Anal ogu e) / 10 9.2dG (D ig) Disto rtio n (20 Hz -20 k Hz ;OdBV/OdBFs) 0 .0 0 0 15-0 .0 0 0 3^/0 .0 0 0 6-0 .0 0 10 ^ P o w erco n sum p tio n 52W (W standby) Dim en sio n s (W bl D ) / W eig h t(w P SU) 450 x156x346rrim /25k g (51kg) DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 47
M ade by: M usical Fidelit y ( Audio Tuning Ve rt rie bs Gm bH) , Au st ria Supplied by: Henley Audio Lt d, UK TURNTABLE Telephone: 01235 511166 W eb: w w w .m usica lfide lit y.com ;w w w .henleyaudio.co.uk Price: £ 8 2 4 9 ( inc. arm ) M usicalFidel it yM 8xTT Inspired by Musical Fidelity’s statuesque, near all-acrylic M1 turntable from 2004, the brand’s new owners have reimagined the design to partner its massive Nu-Vista amps Review: Adam Smith Lab: Paul Miller locates in a cut-out w ithin the up p er layer here can be no doubt that w ithout m aking any p hysical contact. retro is ‘in’.From cars to The sup p lied D C PSU connects directly to kitchen ap p liances to hi-fi, the m otor unit and a clean sinew ave is m any m anufacturers are taking insp iration from the p ast and bringing regenerated inside the assem bly to run the m otor,w hich is an AC typ e [see PM ’s Lab fam ous and fondly rem em bered designs Rep ort, p 51 ] .A future up grade op tion is in into the 21 st century.The acquisition of the p ip eline, in the form of an outboard, the M usical Fidelity brand back in 201 8 higher sp ecification linear D C by H einz Lichtenegger’s Audio Tuning PSU. Drive is transferred to V ertriebs G m bH has given the com p any a the low er p latter’s edge via a very extensive and highly cap able backcatalogue to m ine.As a result,Audio Tuning p recision-ground silicone belt. O p eration is sim p licity (p arent ofthe ubiquitous Pro-Ject m arque), itself, w ith a single sw itch has taken the op p ortunity to boost its on the m otor p od starting p ortfolio w ith a sp ot of retro fever. In addition to the obvious choice of a and stop p ing the p latter and selecting the sp eed.The sw itch re-birth ofthe classic A1 am p lifier [first button illum inates green on p ow er-up , fulltechnical review next m onth]and the indicating that the deck is in standby ‘left-field’develop m ent of BBC-style LS3/5A m ode. Short p resses then toggle the and LS5/9 loudsp eakers, Lichtenegger has setting betw een 33.3 or 45rp m , each w ith w isely chosen to focus on the top -end of an indicative blue LED that flashes until M usical Fidelity’s historic lineup .The huge Nu-V ista am p lifiers w ere the first fruits the p latter is up to sp eed,then illum inates steadily.A longer p ress returns the deck to ofthis endeavour [HFN M ar &Aug ’23] , but the latest release is a re-w orking of a standby m ode and stop s the p latter. som ew hat lesser-know n M usical Fidelity creation - the M 1 turntable [HFN M ar ’04] - in the form ofthe £8 249 M 8 xTT. T The p latter itself is a substantial affair, tip p ing the scales at 1 0kg. It consists of tw o layers of alum inium w ith alum inium inserts in-betw een,w hich recalls the M i’s tw o-layer acrylic p latter w ith its p erip heral w eights. Both top and bottom layers are dam p ed w ith m ore TPE and a rather sw ish leather p latter m at is sup p lied as standard. An alum inium record p uck w eighing in at 31 5g p resses the record into this m at. The arm m ounted on this deck is a W in design and, w hile it bears a sup erficial resem blance to existing Pro­ ject tonearm s, it is actually all-new for the M 8 xTT. M ost obvious is a large Plexiglass/acrylic bearing housing that is hand-p olished and annealed. The arm tube is tap ered and p recisely m achined from a single p iece, and is adjustable for azim uth. The arm base has a distinctly SM E-like ap p earance and the w hole arm m ount can be slid backw ards and forw ards by 20m m w hen tw o large 'Thevocals wereboth upliftingand insightful' BIGGER BOOT S The basic construction ofthe M 8 xTT w ill be fam iliar to anyone w ho has encountered an M l [see PM ’s boxout, p 49 ] . The p linth consists oftw o layers of clear acrylic that sit at different levels on four sp eciallydesigned alum inium feet.These are both ‘m agnetically sup p orted’and dam p ed w ith a soft TPE p olym er. U nlike the original M i’s feet,the M 8 xTT’s bigger boots com p rise tw o p arts and are adjustable to levelthe deck - they sup p ort both layers ofthe acrylic p linth but have Teflon sp acers in­ betw een w hich help isolate the tw o slabs. The turntable m otor sits in a sp ecial foam gasket on the low er p linth and RIG H T: An AC m otord rivesthe M 8xTTs 1 0kg alloy p lattervia a rou nd -section b elt,w ith electronic sp eed selection p rovid ed [top left]. The p artnering 1 0in tonearm , w ithPlexiglass b earing yoke,isa new and heavyw eightd esign 4 8 w w w .hifinew s.co.u k DECEM BER 2023
lC C A' MLN.€! ■ LEFT: Top p ed b y a leatherm at, the tw o-p iece alloy p latteris b ond ed via a seriesofp erip heralm etalcylind ers - b oth8d iscs9are d am p ed w itha thick insetring ofTPE p olym er. There is no su sp ension b u tb oth acrylic chassis are su p p orted on fou rhu ge, TPE-d am p ed feet Allen bolts are loosened. Pro-Ject also suggests that a range of arm bases w ill be available in due course to accom m odate alternative arm s. K EEPIN G T RA CK Tw o counterw eights are p rovided that w ill balance cartridge bodyw eights of betw een 6 -20g, and both are TPE-dam p ed and isolated from the threaded adjuster to m inim ise resonances.The setup is not calibrated, how ever, so a good stylus balance - p erhap s Pro-Ject’s £20 M easure it E - is a m ust for setting tracking force. Bias is ap p lied by the thread and w eight system , and a sup p ort rod for the thread is fitted to the bearing housing. The M 8 xTT’s arm features a standard 5-p in outp ut socket and requires the connection of a short flying lead from the term ination box located on the low er p linth during assem bly.This junction box offers outp uts in both balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA form ats, p lus a ground term inal. Fit and finish ofthe turntable is nothing short of outstanding but,w hen setting up your cartridge, be aw are that the headshell lacks sufficient offset angle so you’ll need to rotate your M M or M C slightly inw ards. LP A VIEW T O A T HRILL W ith the deck set up and m y Clearaudio M C Essence p ick-up [HFN Aug ’1 7 ]installed, Iw as rem inded of a quip m ade by editor PM w hen Iarrived to collect it. H e had m used w hether it w ould sound quite as solid yet transp arent as it looks. It turns out that he w as sp ot on.The M 8 xTT p resents a beautifully op en w indow onto the p erform ance, but it achieves this in a com m andingly authoritative m anner.The old M l w as alw ays a little soft at the low end; in this resp ect, ar M usical Fidelity’s new m odel couldn’t be m ore different. In general term s,the M 8 xTT p uts you at the heart ofthe action. Som e turntables effectively seem to seat you in the ‘up p er circle’of a p erform ance and sp read the m usic out w ide and into the distance behind the loudsp eakers. The M 8 xTT instead p laces you front and centre in the stalls, and it draw s p erform ers out into your listening room right in front ofyou in a m anner that is quite uncanny on occasion. But let’s return to that solid guiding hand for a m om ent. O ne of m y tried and trusted tests for low -end im p act has long been the introduction to the title track ofThe Eagles’Long Road Out Of E den LP [U niversal 06 0251 7 546 9 50] , w here a belltolls in the distance. Rep roducing the bell is easy and so is p lacing it in the back ofthe soundstage. Adding a p rop er sense ofw eight to w hat is actually a fairly quiet background effect is trickier, but the M 8 xTT m ade the task seem effortless. W hen called up on to recreate the sam e effect in a m ain p erform ance, the M 8 xTT also rose to the challenge. The drum strikes on Nanci G riffiths’‘Late Night G rande H otel’[M CA M CST 1 56 6 ]w ere rep roduced w ith a snap p y p recision, but also a I fi ne sense of atm osp here as the hint of echo after each beat rem ained.The w eighty p iano during the song’s intro w as just as w ell defined, and M iss G riffiths’vocals cam e across as heartfelt and em otive. Hi-FiN ew s ■IrAjjfes M U SICA L F IDELIT Y M l 8The M u sical Fid elity M l is a head -tu rn er9[H FN M ar 904 ], an d the n ew M 8xTT certain ly has no less stop -you -in-you rtracks ap p eal. Bu tw hile thatin au gu ral d eck estab lished the in d u strial d esign thatw ou ld b e cop ied som e 20 years later,there are fu n d am en tal d ifferen ces in their resp ective en gin eerin g. M ostob viou sly the M l featu red a tw o-p iece acrylic p latter,each 8d isc9som e 30m m -thick,san d w ichin g eightcylin d rical sp acer w eights thatb rou ghtthe total rotatin g m ass to 5.7kg. The ~70m m d eep p latter allow ed the u se of a lon g,in verted b earin g shaftm easu rin g 60x1 3m m w ith a sp iral 8keep er9groove m achin ed in to its su rface. H ow ever,w hile the p latter w as ab ou thalf the w eightof tod ay9s all-alloy solu tion ,start-u p tim e w as a lethargic 25 secon d s than ks,in p art,to the low -torqu e D C m otor (w ith ±3% fin e sp eed con trol). And the arm ? Thatw as SM E9s then -n ew M 2 - availab le in 9-1 2in len gths an d eq u ip p ed w ith a d etachab le head shell,itw as d escrib ed atthe tim e as 8a 3009 for the 21 stcen tu ry9.And the sou n d ? 8Tactile an d colou rfu l9!PM LIGHT T OU CH Fortunately,this w as in no w ay due to any sense of overblow n ‘bloom ’at the low end. In bass term s generally,the M 8 xTT is detailed and taut, w ith a fluidity to its up p er bass that is p articularly p leasing.The offbeat bassline to Bob M arley’s ‘W aiting In V ain’[Legend: T he Best Of Bob M arley A nd T he W aiters; Island Records BM W 1 ] skip p ed along w ith a lightness oftouch and sep aration of each note that seem ed G DECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifinew s.co.u k 4 9
Clearly, limitless. <It’sal m ostas ifthe stream er isstripping aw ay everything thatisn’tm u sic andpresenting the D AC w ith the signalal one w ith precise yetfl u entform thatsou nds so rightit’su ncanny.= Jason Kennedy Ih i-f i+ <The new C ore m odu l e isnotonl y a m u stfor those w ho w ish to obtain the absol u te bestsou nd q u al ity— bu tal so for those w ho desire z ero-config,tru e P l u g 61P l ay fu nctional ity.= C hristiaan P u nter IHiFi-Ad vice.co m Aq u a LinQ N etwork I nterface aqua acousti c qual i ty U K D istribu tion by U K au thoriseddeal ers: the aud i o, consultants EliteAud ioU K El i UK 4 Zephyr Hou se,C al l eva P ark,Al derm aston,RG 7 8 JN U nit10 C om iel aw Farm ,Anstru ther,KY10 2RE 01 1 8 98 1 98 91 08 00464 7 27 4 info@ au dioconsu l tants.co.u k info@ el iteau diou k .com aud io co n sultan ts.co .uk eliteaud io uk.co m
LAB REP ORT M U SICA L F IDELIT Y M 8X T T ABOVE:A DIN-termin ated aud i o cabl epl ug s i n to th e baseo fth eto n earm,servi ng a termin albo xth ato f f ersbo th RCA an d balan ced X LR o utputs [th elatterf o rMCso n l y) An o utbo ard ' w allw art'DC PSU f eed sd i rectl y in to th eAC mo to rh o usi ng atodds w ith the l arge,heavyw eight tu rntabl e sitting on m y rack. This sense ofm u sicalcontrol extends u p throu gh the m idband, w here the M8 xTT displ ays im pressive skil l s in term s ofperform er and instru m entalpl acem ent. No,it doesn’tq u ite have the im age w idth ofa M ichel lOrbe or the front-toback stage depth ofan SME M odel 12 M k 2 [HFN Ian '23],bu tfew tu rntabl es do. W hatitdoes have isa k nack ofensu ring individu al el em ents ofatrack are k eptcl ear in their ow n space. You m ightfind you rsel foccasional l y pick ing u p on som ething w ithin a piece and w ondering ifyou ’dnoticed itbefore. SILKY SM OOTH in the top end. Mu sicalFidel ity's tu rntabl e is cl ean,sil ky and open. The tonearm w ork ed su perbl y w ith m y C l earau dio MC Essence cartridge,pl aying to its strengths ofinsightand cl arity bu tw ithou t u ndu e hardness or 'spit’.This m eant crisp yetsm ooth cym bal s and percu ssion,and stringed instru m ents im bu edw ith a sense ofreal ism , bu tno screech or discom fort. The potentialto u se the MSxTT w ith other tonearm s isappeal ing,and I can think ofafew thatIw ou l d be interestedto try. Thatsaid,Ihave a su spicion thatany sw ap w ou l d al so serve to il l u strate thatMF's in-hou se 1Oin tonearm real l y issom ething of a star,and w el lm atched to the rest ofthe design. W hil e the M8 xTT general l y begu il es in term s ofrhythm ,im pact and its abil ity to u nravelcom pl ex m el odies,som e ofthe m ost m em orabl e sessions Ihadw ith this deck invol ved m aterialthatw as a l otsim pl er. The track 'Anyw ay'from D u tch singer El ies S prings'Reveal al bu m [ V ertere RecordsVLR-0 0 1ELLES]featu res nothing m ore than vocal s,acou stic/siide gu itars and acou stic bass,bu tthe rendition offered by Mu sicalFidel ity's new tu rntabl e w as both u pl ifting and insightfu l . S prings'soft, airy vocal s sou nded l ifel ik e asthey proj ected from m y l ou dspeak ers,w hil e the acou stic gu itar,gentl y pl ayed in the back grou nd by C arol ine Kam p, show ed pl enty ofsu btl e detail . W hil e the MSxTT's architectu ralD NA can cl earl y be traced back to the M1 [ boxou t,p49|. incl u ding its retention ofan inverted bearing,this l atestversion benefits from im provedtol erances and m aterial s. N otabl y,the Joinedpl atters'are al l oy here,not acryl ic,tak ing the rotating m ass to 10 k g w hil e the bearing pointisnow ceram ic rather than hardenedsteel . The u pshot i savery l ow -7 1.5dB bearing ru m bl e,redu cedstil ifu rther to a spectacu l ar ~ 73.5dB w hen m easu redthrou gh-the-groove w ith the recordw eightin pl ace ^OHz ^Ok l -te. D I N-B w td re. 1kHz /5cnV sec).The u ndersiz edpl atter spindl e assists in redu cing the direct transm ission ofbearing noise into the vinylLP su bstrate,ensu ring one ofthe 'q u ietest'pl atters ofany deck tested in HFN. S tart-u p tim e i sal eisu rel y 7-8 secs andthe (absol u te) speederror isa m inim al-0 .0 5% . how ever,anddespite the originalD C m otor being repl acedby a synchronou sAC type here,the MSxTT su ffers from a l ow -rate driftthatcontribu tes to a high (by the standards ofits ow n P ro-Jectdecks)0 .22% peak w ow [ see G raph 1,bel ow j . The partnering 10 in tonearm isvery su bstantialindeed,its chrom ed andtaperedtu be term inated in a l arge,fixedheadshel l (the cartridge m ou nting sl ots achieve the correctoffsetangl e even ifthe 'shel litsel fl ooks too ‘ straight’). Effective m ass i savery high 18 -19g so l ow com pl iance MC s are de rigueur. The m assive acryficyok e su rrou nding the bearing proper su ccessfu l l y diffu ses any very l ow freq u ency tu be m odes,so there is'energy'from 20 8 0 Hz on the C SD w aterfal lbu tno distinctresonances. Instead, there i sa (harm onic) m ode at140 Hz anda higher-Q bending at8 10 Hz associatedw ith the headshel lpl atform [ see G raph 2J. B earing pl ay isim perceptibl e andfriction <1Om g. PM RIB-TICKLING And the acou stic bass?W el l ,that w as tru ly vibrant. Each string pl u ck w as vivid,w ith the rich andfu l som e tone thatm akes the instru m ent su ch aj oy to behol d. How ever,w hil e appreciating this,1w as al so aw are thatthose chu nk y bass notes w ere reaching m e as m u ch throu gh m y ribcage asm y ears. There real l y isnothing q u ite l ik e both hearing andfeel i ng a perform ance l ik e this, w hich isw here the M8 xTT acq u its itsel fw ith architectu ralstyl e.0 T h e MusicalFid elity M8xT T i sa m asterclass i n takin g a classic d esig n an d brin g in g itrig h t up to d ate.W h ile ph ysically an d so n ically rem in iscen to fits f o rebear[see bo xo ut, p49], th e M8xT T h as been raised up by Pro -Ject’sturn table d esig n ers an d th ere’sth e pro m ise o fm o re to co m e w ith th e upg rad ed PSU .Superbly builtan d very f in e so un d in g ,th e M8xT T i sa w elco m e to uch o f 'm o d ern retro ’. SoundQ u al l y:8 6% ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ABOVE:W o w an d f lutterre.31 50Hz to n e at5cm /sec (plo tted ± 1 50Hz,5Hz permin o rd ivi sio n ) ABOVE:Cumulative to n earm reso n an td ecay spectrum, illustratin g vario us bearin g ,pillaran d 'tube' vibratio n mo d es span n in g 1 00Hz-1 0kHz o ver40msec HI-F IN EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S 33.32rpm (-0 .055E) T urn table speed erro rat33.33rpm r r i a n ai s m i i t b ii ii ■ 7-8 sec T im e to aud ible stabilisatio n PeakW o w fFlutter 0 .22^ /0 .0 5^ Rum ble (Bil entgroove^ D IN Hw td) -73.5dB Rum ble (throu gh bearing,D I N b w Ld) -71.5d8 Hum & No ise (u nw tdhreI . to 5cm /sec) -62S dB ■ ■■ * 100 P o w erCo n sum ptio n 6-12W (1W standby) Dim en sio n s (W HD . w ith l id) /W eig h t 533x245x413m m ;31.5kg DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 51
B / / / / . Netw ork-attached DAC/ streamer Made by: Matrix Electronic Technology Co. Ltd, China Supplied by: Signature Audio Systems, UK Telephone: 07738 007776 w w w *m a * r *x 'd'g'" c o m ‘’ w w w .signaturesystems.co.uk M atrix A udioE lementX 2 P ure Pure in nam e and hi-fi heart, M atrixAudio’s 1 0th anniversary Elem ent X2 m odel loses its headp hone am p but gains a p air of new , cutting-edge ESS Sabre DACs Review : M ark Craven Lab: Pau l M iller hile the list of ‘legacy p roducts’ sp orts a sm artly finished alum inium chassis, on M atrixAudio’s w ebsite m easuring a slim 58 m m high and 340m m w ide, only now w ith new CBV B (Ceram ic begins w ith the D A-1 00 Plus DAC,w hich debuted in 2006 , BallV ibration Buffer) feet that are said to the Chinese brand insists it only real im lpyrove stability and vibration dam p ing. began life in 201 3 w hen it w as registered The rem oval ofthe headp hone am p as M atrix Electronic Technology Co. ‘Before is all p art ofthe unit’s ‘Pure’p hilosop hy, that, M atrixAudio existed in the form of as it m eans the line outp ut stage enjoys a studio’,says m arketing m anager Yang exclusive use ofthe p ow er sup p ly.This also Tao.This exp lains w hy the literature for the reduces the p ossibility of new Elem ent X2 Pure netw ork D AC (and extraneous noise ham p ering 1 the sticker that graces the top ofthe unit) p erform ance, but I’d p roclaim s it a celebratory m odel, launched hesitate to suggest that to m ark the com p any’s 1 0th anniversary. the m ore m ultifunctional Okay,ten years m ight not seem as Elem ent X2 m odel is an im p ressive as som e ofthe m ilestones ‘im p ure’version... celebrated by other audio brands recently, Also in p ursuit of sonic including NAD [50 years; /7F/V Ap r ’23] , SM E excellence, the toroidal [6 0 years; H F/V Jul ’22]and Thorens (1 40 p ow er transform er has been up graded years!), but it help s reinforce the idea that in the Elem ent X2 Pure to a new O -core typ e, M atrix Audio suggesting this delivers ‘Chinese hi-fi’is not new . Furtherm ore, the Elem ent X2 Pure ap p ears w orthy of its a m ore uniform electrom agnetic field reducing losses - just as the regulation is elevated status, and acts as an effective calling card for a brand develop ing at p ace. equip p ed w ith LDO (low drop -out) devices throughout, rather than a m ix of LDO and DC/DC converters. Furtherm ore,the PU RE REA SON IN G Priced £4500, this is the flagship D AC Elem ent X2 Pure’s audio p ath is entirely in M atrixAudio’s lineup , above both the £3250 X-Sabre 3 [HFN Ap r ’22]and £4400 Elem ent X2 [HFN O ct ’22] .The nam e confirm s it’s an up grade ofthe latter m odel - itself a develop m ent ofthe original Elem ent X [HFN Jan ’2 1 ] - but the w ord ‘Pure’is doing a lot of heavy lifting. There are enough changes here to justify M atrix Audio sim p ly calling it the Elem ent X3. In short,w hat w as once a DAC/p ream p / headp hone am p has now becom e a DAC/ p ream p - gone are the 6 .35m m and 3.5m m front-p anel headp hone sockets ofthe Elem ent X2. This m akes the unit a little less of a desktop audio slam -dunk than its sibling, but otherw ise the form factor encourages such use. Like the p redecessor m odel,the Elem ent X2 Pure W D C coup led and now includes m achined alum inium shielding. F LY IN G T HE F LA G H ow ever,the m ost significant up grade arguably concerns the D AC stage, w here the Elem ent X2 Pure features p airs of ESS’s latest flagship ES9 039 PRO DACs, rather than the ES9 038 PRO ofthe X2 m odel.W ith one ESS chip used for each channel, the sym m etrical layout ofthe Elem ent X2 Pure is also essentially dual-m ono [see inside p icture, below ] . O utside ofthese not inconsiderable up grades, there’s m uch that w ill be fam iliar to ow ners ofthe Elem ent X2. Back p anel connections include fixed or variable balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA line outs, p lus USB-B,S/PDIF, H DM I and l2S digital inp uts for handling files up to 7 6 8 kH z PCM and D SD 1 024, dep ending on the inp ut.A U SB-C p ort p rovides for p layback from local storage, next to 1 2V trigger in/out and Ethernet for a netw ork Thebassline purredbeneath thecash registereffects’ RIG H T: A linearPSU [b ottom left]feed s m u ltip le regu lated su p p liesforthe 2.4 /5.0G Hz W ireless Ethernetand qu ad -core ARM CPU b oard [top ] and fu lly b alanced analogu e ou tp u tstage [right] featu ring a p airof8-channelESS9039PRO DACs 52 w w w .hifinew s.co.u k D ECEM BER 2023
hook-up should you rather not use the unit’s onboard W i-Fi. H ere it’s p erhap s w orth noting that the ‘Pure’ethos hasn’t extended to a low -noise ‘Fibre Ethernet’ p ort, as seen on recent netw ork p roducts including H iFi Rose’s RSI30 [HFN O ct ’23] . Control ofthe D AC is achieved in a variety of w ays.The Elem ent X2 Pure is sup p lied w ith an (unchanged) rem ote for p layback com m ands, inp ut sw itching, volum e and filter selection [see PM ’s boxout, below ] , w hile the M A Rem ote ap p adds deep er settings, including asynchronous/synchronous up sam p ling and DPLL configuration [see PM ’s Lab Rep ort, p 55] . Roon Ready status p rovides another avenue, as does the 3.5in colour disp lay. Introduced as a design tw eak on the X2 m odel,w hen p laying m usic this disp lay w ill show album art,file typ e, volum e,etc, but a sw ip e of a finger takes you into m enus covering netw ork setup ,firm w are, inp uts, filters and m ore. It even offers touchsensitive transp ort controls, next to the D AC’s p hysicalvolum e rotary. O ne thing for M atrixAudio to m aybe address... the front p anel disp lay can be set to a high brightness that m akes it even easier to read from across a room , but this also ram p s up the brightness of the standby/p ow er LED to a distracting level! (P EM OT ION A L RESCU E M inor niggles aside,the Elem ent X2 Pure is a treat to use. It’s intuitive and resp onsive, and the slick op eration is m atched by an equally slick sound.This D AC delivers fine detail and insight, but it can be energetic and lively too, w ith an excellent feelfor the low octaves and an effortless vibe to its m usic-m aking. Listening to it doesn’t becom e an exercise in sterility, or have you w ondering about the hardw are in your m usic chain. It w ill sim p ly have you tap p ing your feet along to rock and sw ep t up in the em otion of orchestral scores.The com bination of Perlisten’s S5t floorstanders [p 6 2]and Prim are A35.2 am p lification [HFN D ec ’1 9 ]w as no im p edim ent, of course! RIN GIN G T HE CHA N GES The Elem en tX2 Pu re is on e of the firsthi-fi solu tion s to em p loy ESS9s latest8Sab re Pro9D AC,the ES9039PRO w hich, like its p red ecessors,offers d esign ers seven altern ative d igital filter m od es. The op tion s are 8tw eaked 9in this D AC w ith the Brickw all filter rem oved an d the 8H yb rid 9typ e rep laced b y 8Low D isp ersion 9w hich,in p ractice,is a very sim ilar hyb rid ised m in im u m p hase filter. W ith this,p lu s its d efau ltM inim u m Phase filter,an d Fastan d Slow Roll-off op tion s,the X2 Pu re has fou r m in im u m p hase typ es offerin g little or no (acau sal) p re-rin gin g com b in ed w ith red u ced laten cy. The three lin ear p hase filters (A p od isin g,Fastan d Slow Roll-off) have p re- an d p ost-rin gin g b u t red u ced p hase d istortion . O n ce again ,how ever,w hatyou selectfrom M atrix A u d io9s m enu is n otn ecessarily the filter you thin k... Click on 8Low D isp ersion 9an d you getthe 8A p od isin g9filter - ifyou w an t the Low D isp ersion filter then select8M inim u m Fast9in stead .And ifyou w an t 8M inim u m Fast9,select8M inim u m Slow 9(w hich is activated b y clickin g on 8A p od isin g9).The d efau lt8M in im u m 9an d 8Fast/Slow Lin ear9filters selectthe correctcoefficien ts in the ES9039PRO ! The 8real9FastM inim u m [b lack,in set G rap h],FastLin ear an d A p od isin g [green ] all have sharp roll-offs (the Low D isp ersion filter,red ,has an early b u tsteep roll-off) w ith good stop b an d rej ection [see Lab Rep ort,p 55]. By con trast,the M inim u m ,Slow M inim u m an d Slow Lin ear [red ]filters afford gen tler treb le roll-offs an d p oorer stop b an d rej ection . These filters com e in to their ow n w ith higher sam p le rate files. PM ABO VE: The Elem entX2 Pu re9s m achined -from solid alloy case inclu d es a 3.5in tou chsensitive d isp lay and rotary encod er.Itm ay b e controlled via the tou chscreen,rem ote [p 55]orM A ap p Playing ‘Breathe’,from The Prodigy’s T he Fat Of T he Land [XL Recordings; 44.1 kH z/1 6 -bit] , it becam e easy to ap p reciate the skill of p roducer/bandleader Liam H ow lett.This is a chart-friendly slab of breakbeat dance m usic,w ith p lenty of snarled ‘singing’from frontm an Keith, but the com p osition w as revealed as im p eccably detailed,from the strum m ed guitar riffthat op ens it through to the w ide stereo im aging and p in-p oint p ercussive details.And the Elem ent X2 Pure unearthed allthis w hile ensuring the drum s slam m ed and the bass rolled ap p rop riately. Billy Joel’s ‘Ain’t No Crim e’[P iano M an, M obile Fidelity Sound Lab; 8 8 .2kH z/24-bit] sounded just as infectious, rollicking along w ith a great sense offluidity. O rgan and bass guitar p rovided deep , rich w eight as a counterp oint to Joel’s vocal and up p er-register p iano licks.There are backing vocal ‘w oos’ and bluesy guitar m om ents, and these w ere all served up as one glorious, good tim e w hole. U sing the M A Rem ote ap p or handset to sw itch betw een the D AC’s PCM filters is easiest for A/B com p arisons, although Icouldn’t com e to any definite p reference w hen cycling through Ap odising, Linear Phase Slow RollOff,etc. Iexp ect m any w ill be hap p y to set and forget,focusing instead on this unit’s im p ressive general p erform ance. DRIVIN G LESSON S U sed w ith the default M inim um Phase filter, it delivered the op ening one-tw o p unch of Dire Straits’M aking M ovies set [V ertigo; 44.1 kH z/1 6 -bit]w ith an enjoyable balance of p ow er and p oise. ‘Tunnel O f Love’op ens w ith som e Rogers and O D ECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k 53
B R IN G T H E ST U D IO H O M E Wi th prod i gy,w e’re bui l di ng on ourbel i ef th at ul tra-h i gh -resol uti on l oud speakers, properl y d esi gned , can be used th rough out th e enti re aud i o ch ai n. Th at’s w h y our d esi gns are i n com posers’ m usi c-room s, record i ng stud i os, and al lth e w ayth rough to th e h om e - d el i v eri ng th e ori gi nalperform ance d i rectl y to th e l i stener. Desi gned and bui l ti n-h ouse h ere i n Bri tai n, th e com pact prod i gyl stand m ount and fl oorstand i ng prod i gy5 both d el i v erstaggeri ng cl ari ty and d epth of bass seem i ngl y beyond th ei r si ze, th anks to our ATL tech nol ogy - just partof th e i nnov ati v e PM C th i nki ng packed i nto th ese speakers. G etcl oser- m ak e contact M ADE I N BRI TAI N sal es@ pm c-speakers.com w w w .pm c-speakers.com
REPORT 2So n HDMI(up ABOVE:Di gi tali n sin cl ud ew ired /w i rel essEth ern et,HOM IARC,an d l to 7 68kHz PCM,DSD256 asDo P an d DSD1 024n ati vel y),U SB-B (al so 7 68kHzPCM an d DSD256 asDo P),2xo ptical/co axS/PDIF an d extern a!f i l esvi a U SB-C.An alo g ueo uts (f i xed o rvari abl e)areo f f ered o n RCAsan d bal an ced X LRs Ham m erstein carou selm u sic that crack l es enou gh to m ak e you think you ’ve bl ow n atw eeter,before the sou nd ‘cl eans u p’ and the band gets to w ork . There’sthe driving u rgency to the rhythm section andthe au thentic ‘tw ang’ ofa Fender S trat to enj oy,before w e reach the song’ s break dow n,w here the El em ent X 2 P u re exposedthe nu ances in Knopfl er’ sresigned,l ovel orn vocal , l ending the song the em otionalheft itdem ands. Fol l ow -u p track ‘Rom eo AndJu l iet’w inds the pace dow n,the u se ofa resonator gu itar l ightening the sou nd,bu tthe bass and dru m s stil lhad aw onderfu lw arm th. ON T HE M ON EY The precision ofthis D AC ’sdel ivery andfocu s ofits sou ndstaging m ade cl ear the differences in produ ction betw een ZZ Top’sTresHom b res al bu m from 1973[ W arner Bros; 96k Hz /24-bit],andtheir best-sel l ing 198 1 setE l i m i nator[ W arner Bros; 44.1 k Hz /16-bit]. The form er shines a l ighton the gu itars w ith aforw ard, open sou nd,w hil e the l atter -w hich saw the Texan trio add synthesisers and dru m m achines - pu ts B il l y G ibbons'six-string fu r ther back , aim ing for athick er, m ore atm ospheric feel . D ifferent approaches,bu t both thril l ing. The rel entl ess bass gu itar on E l i m i nators 'G im m e Al lYou r Lovin" w as cl earl y defined, bu titw asn’tthe bestexam pl e of LEFT :T h e El emen t X 2 Purei n cl ud esa ph ysi calh an d seti n ad d itio n to th e MA Remo teapp (f or i Ph o n e,i Pad an d An d ro i d ),o f f eri ng in putsel ecti on , vo lume,m utean d accessto th e seven LPCM d i gi talf i tters the El em entX2 P u re’ sfu l l -range prow ess. M ore indicative w as the title track ofKendrick S cott’sW e Are The Drum [ Bl u e N ote;96k Hz /24-bit], w here the j az z dru m m er's pl aying w as accom panied by strings,brass and bass cl arinetofrem ark abl e w eightand body,or P ink Fl oyd's ‘M oney’ [The Dark Si de O fThe M oon; P ink Fl oyd Records;D S D 64],w here each note ofthe bassl ine pu rred beneath the cash register effects. As a netw ork ed D AC /pream p, there are variou s w ays to u se the El em entX2 P u re,bu tfor m u ch of m yl istening Iran itstraightinto the aforem entioned P rim are A35.2 pow er am p,stream ing via Roon. This m ade for afu ss-free,cl u tterfree system and l ong,j u k ebox-styl e l istening sessions w here the D AC ’s defined,open sou nd appeared su ited to every fl avou r ofm u sic. The genre-hopping exu berance ofAm adou & M ariam 's Di m anche A B am ako al bu m [ B ecau se Mu sic; 44.1 k Hz /16-b it],w here African, M iddl e Eastern and W estern instru m ents bu bbl e aw ay in a bl u es/reggae-tinged m el ting pot, spotl ighted the El em entX2 P u re’s abil ity to captu re tim braldifferences and m icrodynam ics. The grooving gaitandvocalpresence of‘Senegal FastFood'w as so enj oyabl eI tried to sing al ong - despite not u nderstanding the French l yrics... 0 M atrix Aud io ’slittle birth d ay presen tm akes a big impressio n . Okay,th is ‘P ure’ iteratio n o f th e Elem en tX 2 n o lo n g er caters to h ead ph o n e users, but o th erw ise it’sa d ig italf ro n t-en d o fm ultitud in o us talen ts.Ro o n Read y, app co n tro llable an d w ith a superio rto uch screen d isplay, it’sa g en uin e pleasure to use, an d th e upg rad ed DAC an d an alo g ue o utputstag es yield a so un d th at’s revealin g an d clean yetvibran t. SoundQ u al l y:8 8% o -!■ ■ ■ J M l- - M atrix Au dio's w ebsite tal k s abou tthe earl y adoption ofESS' s ES90 39P RO D AC in the El em entX 2 P u re - a pair ofthese 8 -channeiD AC s. in fact- al ongside im provem ents to the P SU passive com ponents and interm ediate D SP . Otherw ise the X 2 P u re iscl earl y bu r ftonto the El em entX 2 chassis [ HF7V O ct'22]. m inu s the fatter's headphone am p bu tretaining the slight‘m ixu p'in digitalliiter sel ection [ see boxou t,p53]. TheX 2 P u re's 4.36V m axim u m bal anced ou tpu t, su perb l ow -l evellinearity (goodto ±0 .1 dB over a Fu l l110 dB dynam ic range) and 116.2dB A-w td SI N r atio are essential l y u nchanged over the X 2 bu tthe new com er's low er lO ohm sou rce im pedance (versu s 96ohm ) indicates the pream p ou tpu thas been im proved beyondthat su ggested in MA's prom otionall iteratu re. rendering the X 2 P u re l ess sensitive to choice or l ength ofinterconnect. S im il arl y,the X 2 P u re achieves even low er distor tion at 0 .0 0 0 0 1-0 .0 0 0 15% (OdBFs,20 H2-20 k Hz ) w hil e hol ding to a m ere 0 .0 0 0 0 9-0 .0 0 0 25% over the top 30 dB ofits dynam ic range [ see G raph 1,bel ow ]. Tested in asynchronou s m ode,j itter depends on both sou rce q u ality andthe sel ected D P LL (D igital P hase Lock Loop) bandw idth,w ith the l ow (narrow ) D P LLyiel ding the l ow est,*'6psec [ see G raph 2]. Final l y. Idiscu ss the response andtim e dom ain behaviou rs ofthe digitalfil ters on p53w hil e the stopband rej ection ofthe lreal 'M inim u m . Apodising,Linear Fastand S l ow . M inim u m Fastand Stow ,and Low D ispersion filter types are 75dB . 10 9dB ,8 1 dB. 8 dB . 74dB ,8 dB and 8 dB respectivel y. The 'S l ow 'and low D ispersion'filter types are best depl oyedw ith higher (96k Hz and above) sam pl e rate fil es w here any al iasing im ages are pu shedw ellou tside the au dioband. P M e -4* J fl 44 -M -IM ABOVE:Disto rtio n versus 48 kHz/24-bitd ig italsi g n al levelo vera 1 20d B d yn amic ran g e (black, 1 kHz;blue, 20kHz).No te exten d ed Od B to -1 40d B Y scal e ABOVE:Hig h reso lutio n 48 kHz/24-bitjitterspectra w ith n o rmal[red ] an d lo w [black] DPLL ban d w id th s HI-F IN EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S M axim um o utp ut levelfim p ed an ce 4.36V rm s / 10 chm (XLR ou t) A-w td Sf N ratio ( SfP D l l - fN etw ork ) 116.2dB f116.2dB D isto rtio n (1k Hz ,OdB F?/-3 0 dB Fs) 0 .0 0 0 0 1% j f0 .0 0 0 0 9% Disto rtio n & No ise (20 kHz . OdBF^-SOdBFs) 0 .0 0 0 15% Freq .resp .(20 Hz -20 k Hz l'45k Hz f90 k Hz ) + 0 .0 Lu -0 .0 dB ,'-0 .3dB /-0 .2dB D ig ita ljitter (48 k Hz /96k Hz ) 6piec / l Op^ec. Reso lutio n (1kHz @ -l OOdB Fi^-1 l OdBFs) ±OJdB f±0 .1dB P o w erco n sum p tio n 17W (4W standby) Dim en sio n s (W HD ) / W eig h t 340 x58 x259m m DECEM BER 2023 f0 .0 0 0 25% /4.2k y W W W .h if in ew S.CO.uk 55
IN T EGRA T ED A M PLIF IER Integratedtu be am pl ifier. Ratedat2OW /8 ohm Made by:Trafom atic Ltd,S erbia S u ppl ied by:Absol u te Sou nds Ltd Tel ephone:0 20 8 971390 9 W eb:w w w .trafom aticau dio.com ;w w w .absol u tesou nds.com P rice:£19,998 TrafomaticR hapsody_ _ _ _ _ _ _ The l atestaddition to Absol u te Sou nds’ bou tiq u e ‘Ten’ range -the Trafom atic Rhapsody from Serbia - i sa singl e-ended,30 0 B -basedtriode tu be am p rated ata m ighty 20 W Review : K en K esslerLab: PaulM iller sfar-fetched asthis m ay seem , / \ given thatm ostpost-Mil l ennial s have yetto em brace hi-fi,w e are l iving in another au dio ‘G ol den Age’.This isn’tthe pl ace to rattl e offa l ist ofgem sthathave crossed m y path j u st since the C ovid m oratoriu m ended,bu tthe W estern El ectricW E-91B [HFN Feb ’23],a trio ofD eVore speakers [HFN Apr ’21,Mar & Au g ’23],andfam il y ofD S Au dio optical cartridges [HFN Oct’21 & Oct’23]are am ong the m any thatbeg m y repeating of the hom il y,‘You ’ve never haditso good’. Trafom atic’sRhapsody (M2-15 Anniversary stereo P SE 30 0 B tu be)integrated am pl ifier j oins them ,andem phatical l y so. Even the £19,998 price su rprises:Ireal l y thou ghtitw ou l d be m ore. Its physical presence,a brace of30 0 Bs per channel ,a thou ght-provok ing w eightof32k gs,sexy m eters,m yriad oddl yl abel l ed knobs and sw itches -this isthe stu ffto m ake even a j aded au diophil e’sheartskip a beat. And w ith itcom ing from Serbia,Ihad no idea w hatitw ou l d sou nd l ike,despite having seen Trafom atic atnu m erou s show s [ see p35]over the pastdecade-and-a-hal f. VA RIET Y SHOW The Rhapsody ispartofa m assive range w hich incl u des six pow er am ps,three pream ps andtw o phono stages,eight integrated m odel s ofvarying topol ogies incl u ding singl e-endedand pu sh-pu l l designs,three headphone am ps,anda handfu lofaccessories.The variety show s thatTrafom atic isn’tl ocked into a singl e am pl ifier type,the Rhapsody being a l ine­ l evel -onl y ‘P aral l elSingl e-Ended’ design. Aside from the needto adda phono section ifyou pl ay vinyl ,it’scom prehensive by m oststandards,even incl u ding a rem ote control[ see p61]for pl ayback l evel s. Set-u p w as a no-brainer,aside from one setoftoggl e sw itches,w hich Iw il lgetto in RIG HT :In sid eth e Rh apso d y revealin g th e po in t-to -po in tw irin g ,partly w ith vd H cable, custo m o utp uttran sf o rm ers [bo tto m ,lef t/rig h t], M un d o rfM Lytic PSU capacito rs [bo tto m ]an d separate L/R PSU reg ulatio n [f arlef t/rig h t] 56 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk DECEMBER 2023 du e cou rse. S tarting atthe back [ see p61], you ’l lsee w hy,aseverything isinstinctive. From l eftto right,there isan earthing post, three pairs ofphono sockets (charm ingl y l abel l ed RC A 1,2 and 3 )anda pair ofXLR inpu ts for a bal ancedsou rce.The rather fine m u l ti-w ay binding posts provide for both 4 and 8 ohm l oads [ see P M’sboxou t,p57],w hil e to the far rightare an I EC socketandavol tage sel ector. Both sides of the beau tifu l l y-finished, m etal l ic verm il l ion­ col ou red chassis are l ou vred,the l eftside al so containing the on/offrocker. tw o l arge,il l u m inatedVU m eters. M irroring the vol u m e controlisanother bl ack rotary to choose from the three RC A inpu ts or the one bal ancedXLR inpu t. It’sthe top view thatw il ltick l e those w ho w antm ore than the m inim u m . Acrossthe back ofthe Rhapsody are three m assive transform ers, w hich - u nl ik e too m any - are hou sed in su perbl y anodisedcases. N extcom es the row of fou r El ectro-Harm onix 30 0 B pow er triodes, one paral l elpair per channel ,in front ofw hich are tw o 6SN7s. Inbetw een the 6SN7s isa handy k nob to adj u stthe VU m eters’ sensitivity,w hich w il lbe u sefu lif you change l ou dspeakersfrom say,su per­ efficientto su bstantial l y hu ngrier andthe VU m eter readings are either too l ow ,or 'Thisisthestuff thatmakesan audiophile’s heartskipabeat’ A DM IRIN G T HE VU Seen from the front,the fascia sports a m assive,scal l oped rotary k nob for vol u m e, w hich ism otorisedfor the rem ote. N extare
/ Z f in ew s' '/ / / / / F T A M FM h LEFT :Ro tariesf o r(m o to rised ) vo lum e [lef t]an d in putselectio n [rig h t]f lan k tw o illum in ated ‘VU ’ m eters.U p to p ,selected 6SN7 d o uble-trio d es d rive parallel pairso f300B p o w ertrio d es co n f ig ured in SE/ClassA 3 andanal ytical . Look el sew here for the to tam e certain horn heardthe differences betw een assorted m akes of30 0 Bs,and 1 asthe Rhapsody has no aw k w ard cage t o ■ rem ove,enthu siasts m ightl ike to try vintage new -ol d-stock val ves,or ash ou ton som e ofthe m ore prem iu m are continu al l y sm acking the endstops at w il lbe dam aged ifthe sw itch issetto sol id, spl exam pl es avail abl e today. the far right‘redend’ ofthe scal es. asfor the El ectro-Harm onix 30 0 Bs. One m ore thing. Aside from the u su al W hatneeds fu rther expl anation are REA DY T O ROLL instru ctions abou tw arm -u p,ofw hich a the fou r toggl es - one per 30 0 B - m ark ed There’sanother reason w hy this val ve­ m inim u m of15 m inu tes isrecom m ended, ‘Mesh’ and‘Sol id’.This refers to the type sw apping facil ity w il lendear the Trafom atic andthe ow ner’sm anu alw arning against of30 0 B you are u sing.Asthe Rhapsody haste w hen changing val ves,there is featu res au to-biasing,that’snotan issu e to those ofatw eak y natu re. Asyou w il l another nice tou ch w ith safety in m ind. shou l dyou w ish to change val ves. Mesh-vs- discover,the Rhapsody does notpray Su ppl iedw ith the u nitisa P erspex panel Sol idisanother m atter entirel y,referring to to the 30 0 B SET hym n sheetin every the type ofanode. Mesh anodes handl el ess param eter. Yes,it’ssw eetandw arm ,bu t thatsl ots into the front,the tw o apertu res eq u al l y ittends tow ard the m ore precise positionedj u stabove each k nob on the pow er than sol id,so a m esh anode val ve fascia.Thisw il l preventaccidental l y T A P DA N CIN G bu m ping into In co m m o n w ith m o sttube amps - trio d e o rpen to d e - th e the hot-ru nning Rh apso d y o f f ers tw o sets o ftran sf o rm ertaps to step-d o w n tu bes.Asfor space th e h ig h vo ltag e/h ig h im ped an ce o utputo fits 300B po w er considerations, tubes to betterm atch th e lo w erim ped an ce an d h ig h er the footprintis 470 x370 m m (w d) curren td em an d o fth e attach ed lo ud speaker.Specif ically, and it’s260 m m th e Rh apso d y h as 4m m o utputs [see p61 ] co n ceived to ‘m atch ’ n o m in al8o h m an d 4o h m lo ad s,even th o ug h , in tal lbu tthe l atter is incidental :you w il l practice,very f ew speakers pro vid e th is lin earim ped an ce. In stead th e am plif ier‘sees’ a lo ad th atsw in g s up an d notw antanything directl y above it. d o w n w ith f req uen cy asth e vario us reactive co m po n en ts o f cro sso veran d d rivers co m e in to play,causin g th e system respo n se to rise w ith 30 0 B triode am psw il lnever be u ber­ pow erfu l- the Rhapsody israted at in creasin g speakerim ped an ce an d f allw ith d ecreasin g speakerim ped an ce. T h e severity o fth ese respo n se variatio n s i sd eterm in ed by th e m ag n itud e 2x20 W ,thou gh P M su ggested a m u ch l ow er real -w orl dfigu re for m ating to o fth e sw in g s in speakerim ped an ce vs.th e so urce im ped an ce o fth e am plif ier (~2o h m f ro m 20Hz-20kHz f o rth e Rh apso d y).Asth e Rh apso d y’streble respo n se speakers [ see Lab Report,p61]. Sensitive speakers l ike the D eVore O/93s [HFN Mar d ro ps aw ay q uite m arked ly via its 4o h m tap in to 4, 2 an d lo h m lo ad s [red , blue ’23]im m ediatel y spring to m ind,andthese an d g reen traces,in setG raph ] iti scrucialto m atch itw ith speakers o f f erin g w ere u sedfor m ostofm y l istening,bu tI a ‘brig h t’ respo n se, h ig h sen sitivity an d a h ig h ,o rin creasin g , HF lo ad im ped an ce. did enj oy near-m iracu l ou s pairings w ith Fo rK en ’slisten in g w e ch o se th e DeVo re O/93s [HFN M ar’23] - th ese o f f er a usef ul90d B sen sitivity co upled w ith a lo ad im ped an ce th at’sbro ad ly >7 o h m m yl egacy Q u ad ESL57s,andthe far new er (20Hz-20kHz), h as acceptable sw in g s in ph ase an g le o f+54°/-60° th ro ug h th e P MC prodigyl[HFN N ov ’23]w hich seem ed bass an d a th o ro ug h ly ‘d riveable’ w o rse-case 3.1 o h m /99Hz EPDR.T h e black happy enou gh in m y 12x18 ftroom . trace [in setG raph ] sh o w s th e Rh apso d y’sexten d ed HF respo n se via its 8o h m tap @ RHA PSODY IN RED in to a n o n -reactive 8o h m lo ad w h ile th e d ash ed trace sh o w s th e respo n se via th e For aforthcom ing rou nd-u p ofau diophil e sam e 8o h m tap in to th e DeVo re 0/93.T h ese relatively m o d est±1 .8d B respo n se variatio n s,in th e bass,w illn o tbe d isruptive butth e Rh apso d y d rivin g a to ug h er LP s,Ihave secu reda copy ofH i tThe speakervia its 4o h m tap m ig h tlo o k,an d so un d ,very d if f eren tin d eed .P M B ongo! The Lati n SoulO fTi co Records [ C raftRecordings C R0 0 660 ],a 2LP setG» DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 57
A rran U ltra L RCA G ru n U LTRALATK The perfect cable would never add or subtract anything to or from the audio signal. To get ever closer, we innovate. We listen. We refine. We designed every single aspect of Arran to minimise any audible signature. The less you hear of the cable itself, the more music remains. A TLA S A new generation.Technically and sonically sop histicated cables created to com p lem ent the w orld's finest hificom p onents,the Arran fam ily the performance connection rep resents Atlas'm ost accom p lished O CC cop p er a t l a s c a b l e s .c o m audio cables to date. D E S G N E D & H A N D M A D N S C O T L A N D
SA SA COK IC RIG HT :T h e Rh apso d y’s‘So lid / M esh ’ to g g les can just be seen o n th e to p plate f ro m th is an g le.T h ese set th e an o d e d issipatio n f o rth e 300B trio d es - ‘So lid ’ m o d e i sf or 300Bsth atrun ath ig h erpo w er w ith both m ono and stereo tracks. Irealise m any ofyou m ight never bother w ith m ono, but it p roves usefulw hen assessing any com p onent, esp ecially ifyou don’t have a m ono cartridge or a m ono setting on your am p or p ream p .You w ant a rock-solid central im age regardless,w hich the Rhap sody p rovided. M ore surp rising, how ever,w as the w ay it handled these incredible, Latin soul and jazz m ono tracks, because one soon stop p ed thinking about the single-channel p layback. But that w asn’t the m ain reason this ‘various artists’com p ilation p roved to be so revealing. The p ercussion w hich dom inates m uch ofthe m usic from Tito Puente, Ray Barretto and others ofthat calibre has as m uch character as Kodo drum m ing, and it im p ressed up on m e m ore than the clean extrem e treble how the Rhap sody avoids cliches about SET am p lifiers - even ifthey m ay by now be rather outm oded.The sound here w as deep , m assive and of the sort w hich seem s to rollacross the floor like the m ists in a H am m er flick. as a review er: is the sound enticing enough to keep m e listening, even ifthe m usic is so bad that I’ve lost the w illto live? Thanks to the Rhap sody’s seam less, seductive p resentation, Iduly sat through allfour sides. H ere, p erhap s, I w as transp osing onto the designer [see interview sidebar w ith Sasa Cokic, right] a p ossible leaning tow ard thrash, grunge or som e other dissonant genre, as this w as recorded in 1 9 9 6 w hen Young w as hanging around w ith PearlJam .And yet this droning racket p roved involving and hard to resist, like a train w reck. Turning to som ething less likely to require p aracetam ol, Ihave alw ays adored the recently dep arted Loretta Lynn, and consider m yself blessed - no p un intended - to ow n a cop y of H y m ns on p ristine op en-reel tap e [D ecca ST7 4-46 9 5] . G iven that there is a level of hell aw aiting hi-fi review ers, Iap p roached it in a secular m ood, as it is, content aside, p ure country m usic. Its star qualities are her crystalline vocals, alm ost a tem p late for distaff C&W w arbling, and the m etallic attack of a banjo. ‘Iwallowedin thesoundofa full -blown,roomfillingorchestra’ Y OU N G A T HEA RT As this initial im p ression w as so favourable, and Ididn’t w ant to think Iw as that easily charm ed, Idug out one ofthe w orst LPs I have ever heard.W hat’s so heart-breaking about the soundtrack to D ead M an [V ap or Records 9 36 2-46 1 7 1 -1 ]is that the horrible screech w as m ade by NeilYoung, w hom Iadore.W hat Iw anted to test here w as som ething I’ve done for m ost of m y tim e Trafom atic9s fou n d er,Sasa Cokit, looks like he w as in a Balkan heavy m etal b an d in the 1 980s,an d not j u stb ecau se of the H ard Rock Cafe t-shirtan d the shad es.There9s a cool gen otyp e in Eastern Eu rop e - in this case,Serb ia - w hich su ggests a hard y n atu re,as ifthey had to sm u ggle LPs from the W estto hear rock m u sic. Allthis rein forces m y b elief thathi-fi d esign ers9p erson alities are often reflected in their eq u ip m en t. So the Rhap sod y rocks,u n like you r typ ical 300B-p ow ered SET. Cokit: exp lain ed thatw hile Trafom atic w as estab lished in 1 997, the m an u factu re of Trafom atic electronics d id n otstartu n til 2007, u n d er the nam e Trafom atic A u d io. H e says,8Id id n 9tw ork for other [au d io] com p an ies,b u tTrafom atic m ad e ou tp u tan d p ow er tran sform ers for other hi-fi b ran d s. A lthou gh Istarted m akin g am p lifiers officially on ly in 2007,the firstam p Iever m ad e,aged 1 3 years,w as a gu itar tu b e am p from p arts Ifou n d in old rad io sets9. Serb ia has a stron g hi-fi scen e, Cokitcitin g,8su ccessfu l b ran d s like Karan A cou stics,A u ris A u d io, RAAL Requ isite,N AT A u d io,A cou stic In vad er,V elikin ac A u d io Lab ,W ay Cab les an d p rob ab ly m ore9.H ow m u ch of the icon oclastic n atu re of Trafom atic an d its hom elan d b ran d s is d u e to Serb ia9s p reviou s d etachm en tfrom hi-fi9s m ain stream is hard to say,b u tCokitsays,8Id on 9t look for in sp iration in other b ran d s. In sp iration com es to m e from w ithin - Ican 9texp lain it9.W hatTrafom atic p ractices,thou gh,is a d ed ication to m u sic. Like Isaid ,the b ran d /the m an even looks like a rocker! CON SIST EN T LY CON VIN CIN G W hile these w ere anticip ated, and the Rhap sody p roved as adroit w ith fem ale vocals as w ith Latin p ercussion, Iw as unp rep ared for the sp eed ofthe transients, the crisp ness ofthe p lucking or the sound of the banjo’s vellum head. It w as so truly, convincingly authentic that Ihad to hear it through sp eakers as sonically far ap art as the Q uad ’57 and PM C p rodigyl, and it rem ained consistently ‘real’from sp eaker to sp eaker. Iw ould add here that Ip layed the tap es through the am p lifier’s XLR inp ut G» DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 59
BRI NG ALL YOU R Experience the fu tu re ofau dio stream ing w ith the ARIES G 2.2 W irel ess S tream ing Transport,w here innovation and perform ance u nite to create an u nforgettabl el istening experience. Featu ring ou r grou ndbreak ing Tesl aG 3 processing pl atform androbu stw irel ess stream ing u p to D S D 512,the ARIES G 2.2 hasthe pow er andrel iabil ity to su itthe m ostdem anding au dio system . N ative integration w ith the beststream ing services,optionalSSD internal storage,andoperation asa RoonReady endpoint aHow you to access aw orl d ofhigh-resol u tion m u sic. Engineeredto l ast,the ARIES G 2.2 cu l tivates a deeper connection betw een you andyou r m u sic. Raising the bar for high-perform an G 2.2 S tream ing D AC integrates the technol ogy ofou r Tesl a G 3processing । exceptionalanal ogu e design. Ou r prop D AC em pl oys u niq u e digitalfil tering e technol ogies,w hil e ou r D irectD ata Recording technol ogy al l ow s the V EG A G 2.2 to operate independentl y ofthe sou rce signal ’sfreq u ency,el im inating j itter.Advanced gal vanic isol ation,aw hol l y anal ogu e pream pl ifier section, Cl assA Orfeo ou tpu tm odu l es,acopper su b-chassis,and du al60 Fem tosecond cl ock s al lcontribu te to the V EG A G 2.2’sabil ity to render you r m u sicw ith rem ark abl e cl arity AU RALIC PRESS AW ARDS - ••«*« m jiw r Hif lP ig
LA B REP ORT T RA F OM A T IC RHA PSODY ABOVE:Fo url i n ei n puts{th reeo n RCAsan d o n ebal an ced pairo n X LRs)arejo in ed by pai rso f4m m speakertermin alsco n n ected to 8 an d 4o h m o utputtran sf o rmertaps -easil y w or th the effortfor added im pactin the low registers and q u ieter back grou nd sil ences. Loretta isj oined by a choru s on ‘How G reatThou Art'and a few other track s. The m u l tipl e voices enj oyed som e ofthe m ost convincing grou ping one cou l d hope to hear,su ch that1w ished the tape cam e w ith a road m ap or floor pl an. W hatever their actu all ocation,they w ere arrayed across the sou ndstage w ithou tthatV iew m aster 3D fl atness w hich com prom ises stage depth. M A GICA L A M P Having sam pl edthe sacred via N ashvil l e,Icraved m ore spiritu albu t orchestralm u sic. W ith C hristm as approaching,Itu rned to tw o open-reeltapes rife w ith choru ses: the C ol u m bia Mu sicalTreasu ries Orchestra's The M agi c O fChri stm as [ C ol u m bia D 2T 5250 ]andArthu r Fiedl er andthe B oston P ops Orchestra’sPop s Chri stm asParty [ RC A V ictor FTC 20 2 2]. Even ifyou don’tcel ebrate the pl easu res ofN oel ,I gotta tellya:these tapes are ofhi-fi show dem o q u al ity. Trafom atic's Rhapsody ensu red thatiw al l ow ed LEFT :T h ered l acq uer appl i ed to T raf o matic' s si mpl e,al l o y remo te co n tro lmatch esth e un i t' s chassi s.U p/ d o w n vo lumebutto n s g o vern th e mo to ri sed co n tro lo n th e amp in the room -fil l ing,fu l l -bl ow n orchestralreadings of"W hite C hristm as’,‘S l eigh Ride’ and ‘Santa Cl au s I sC om ing To Tow n’,som e w hol l y[ or hol y)instru m ental ,others w ith m u l tipl e voices to the fore. W hatw as notcom prom ised,despite the Rhapsody am pl ifier eschew ing l u shness for the sake ofit,w as thatsil k y sheen w hich endears SET designs to the faithfu l . The bestw ay to describe itis an inherentantidote to l istener fatigu e. Ifthere is any lim itto this am pl ifier's sheer com m and,it m ightprove to be the w attage, bu tthatonl y affects you r choice of l ou dspeak er. W hen pairedw ith highsensitivity m odel s,the Trafom atic Rhapsody earns the m ostgl ow ing testim ony 1can bestow on a produ ct by sim pl y stating one fact: m y firstl istening session ran for seven u ninterru pted hou rs.Yes,seven. The onl y dow nside? Look ing atthe sm art m eter in m y l istening room .0 W ith the 'Anode D issipation'm ode setto 'S ol id'the Rhapsody su cceeds tn achieving its 2x20 W rated ou tpu tinto 8 ohm . al beit at7% THD . The rel ationship ofdistortion versu s pow er ou tpu tis fairl yl inear in this instance,the am pl ifier offering 8 .3W . 12.OW and 16.8 W into 8 ohm at2% , 3% and5% THD . respectivel y,and 7.5W ,11.OW and 16.0 W into 4ohm (via the 4ohm tap) al so at 2% .3 % and5% THD ,respectivel y. There’sa l ittl e extra ou tpu t avail abl e u nder dynam ic conditions,to the tu ne of20 W /8 ohm and 13.5W . 6.5W and8 .5W into 4. 2 and 1ohm . respectivel y, via the 4ohm tap [ al lu p to 5% distortion,see G raph 1 bel ow ]. Sensitive l ou dspeak ers,l ike the D eVore m odel s from Absol u te Sou nds’ Ten range,are idealpartners al thou gh the am pl ifier’ s m odest8 3.5dB A w td SJN [ re. OdBW )and-63dB V residu alnoise su ggests som e m il d back grou ndhissm ay stil lbe au dibl e. The Rhapsody’s’col ou r'extends w el lbeyond its gorgeou s m etal l ic redchassis,particu l arl y atbassfreq u encies w here THD is"2% at20 HZ/1W before fal l ing aw ay to a steady "0 .35% throu gh m id andhigh freq u encies.Atj u st5W ou tpu tinto 8 ohm . distortion hits "9% f20 Hz - presu m abl y throu gh transform er core satu ration -and fal l sto a m inim u m of1.3-1.5% throu gh m id and trebl e[ see G raph 2.bel ow ].This i ssignificantl y higherthan w e typical l y m easu re from today’sl ou dspeak ers at90 dB SP L|1m . for exam pl e.Additionalcol ou r i sintrodu cedfrom the Rhapsody's interaction w ith the attached l ou dspeak er's im pedance trend [ see box ou t,p57]bu ti sal ready refl ected in a response w hich shiftsfrom a flat’ + 0 .4dB to -0 .6dB into 8 ohm dow n to + 1.OdB to-20 .3dB into lohm (al l20 Hz -20 k Hz ). Review s ofthe Rhapsody shou l dbe j u dged asvery specific am pl ifier/speak er com bos. P M ABOVE:Dyn amic po w ero utputversus d isto rtio n in to 8o h m (black trace),4o h m (red ),2o h m (blue)an d lo h m (g reen )speakerto ad s.Max.curren ti s2.9A 1« Atth e risk o fseem in g a so f t to uch , ]f o un d m y tim e w ith th e T raf o m atic Rh apso d y alm o stto o rew ard in g .W h ile its perf o rm an ce belies its po w erratin g ,th atm ig h t stillpreclud e h un g rierspeakers. Its o peratio n w as f aultless, th e f acilities an d erg o n o m ics textbo o k perf ect.T h us Im ust ackn o w led g e Sasa Co kic’smissio n statem en t:th is am plif ieri sall abo ut— an d o n ly abo ut- th e music, iti struly a tourde force. Sound Qual l y:88% d I■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ mo W Ik Ilk 44* ABOVE:Disto rtio n versus f req uen cy versus po w er o utput(1 W /8o h m , black an d 5W /8 o h m ,red ) HI-F IN EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S P o w ero utp ut Dyn am ic p o w er HD ,8 /4u lirn) HD ,8 ,4 /2/f$ 1*1m ) 12W [ 8 ohintap) ; llW (4 ohn 20 W / 13.5W *6.5W f8 .5W O utp ut im p .(20 H2-20 k H2fl0 0 k H2) 1.9-2.B ohm I 2.6ohm Freq .re$p .(20H2^ 20kH z|ri00kHz) -b0 .4dB to-0 .6dB f-6 .8 JB In p ut sen sitivity (f or 0 dB W f20 W ) 125m V /660 rnV A-w td Sf N ra tio [ re. 0 dB W /20 W ) 8 3.5dB f96.5dB fSoli Disto rtio n (20 H^-20 k Hz , 1W , ni) 1.8 -0 .35ft P o w erco n sum p tio n [ Idl e/Rated u fp) 240 W f243W r W ei Dim en sio n s (W HD ) , g ht 47 Ox26 Ox37 Om ni f32k g DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 61
Three-way, five- driver floorst anding loudspeaker Made by: Perlisten Audio, Verona, Wl, USA Supplied by: Karma-AV Ltd, York Telephone: 01423 358846 Web: w w w .perlist enaudio.com ;w w w .karma-av.co.uk Prices: £13,600 ( £15,800 for SE/ High Gloss Ebony) LOUDSPEAKER P erlistenA udio S5t Derived from Perlisten’s S7t flagship, and featuring the same DPC array, the S5t is simply more ‘user-friendly’ Review: Mark Craven & Paul Miller Lab: Paul Miller ew loudsp eaker brands com e racing from the gate, but Perlisten, from W isconsin, US, has gone from unheard ofto a serious challenger in very short order. First up , in 2022, w as the EISA Aw ard-w inning S7 t floorstander [HFN Ap r ’22] , w hich introduced the com p any as a high-end m arque, and this w as quickly follow ed by its second-tier R series [HFN Aug ’22] . Now w e get the S5t, essentially a slim m ed dow n version ofthe S7 t, w ith allthe ap p ealthat this entails. As Perlisten w ill have it, requests for a version ofthe S7 t m ore suited to sm aller room s had becom e ‘too num erous to ignore’,so the S5t w as born. Selling for £1 3,6 00 in its standard black and w hite gloss finishes, or £1 5,8 00 for the Ebony op tion show n here, it really does look like a baby brother to the S7 t. In fact, the only visual difference betw een them is that tw o drivers have gone m issing... M eanw hile, side-facing vents tow ard the bottom of the cabinet relate to the S5t’s internal H elm holtz tubes, w hich can be left fully op en or sealed. CLOSED SA U CE Interestingly, another sp ecification change concerns the high-frequency resp onse, w hich here is 32kH z as op p osed to the S7 t’s 37 kH z, suggesting that although the S5t features the ‘sam e exquisite DPC array’, the sp eaker has been further ‘tuned’to com p ensate for its reduced driver com p lem ent. Like KEF’s U niQ or B8 <W ’s Tw eeter on Top , DPC is Perlisten’s secret sauce. The result of an extensive develop m ent p rocess, including Com sol acoustic m odelling, it features a central 28 m m beryllium dom e tw eeter flanked by 28 m m thin-p ly carbon diap hragm (TPCD) m idrange drivers above and below .Allthree units sit w ithin a large, dished fibreglass w aveguide, w hich - along w ith the crossover netw ork and driver p osition - aim s to ensure the desired horizontal and vertical disp ersion ofthe sp eaker’s up p er-m id and treble. W hile the S5t is sm aller than the S7 t, it’s lost none of the bigger brother’s sense of style.The look p erhap s fits the U K/Europ ean idea of an ‘Am erican’sp eaker, p articularly w ith the distinctive checkerboard finish to the (also TPCD ) bass/m id drivers. But even ifthis floorstander ap p ears less ‘sw ish’than som e high-p rice rivals, build quality and attention to detail is excellent. The curved front baffle,finished in black, blends w ellw ith the gloss cabinet sides,w hile the rear-p anel sp eaker binding p osts for its sp lit crossover are robust.The circular feet that - in conjunction w ith a ‘Itunwrapped thebusymi x, sounding freshandnew' POW ER OF T W O W hich ones? Not any from the DPC (D irectivity Pattern Control) array, as this is a Perlisten sp eciality, a version ofw hich can be found on all its sp eakers. Rather, it’s the S7 t’s w oofers,w hich exclusively covered the bass range up to 500H z, that have been culled, leaving the S5t w ith a p air of bass/m id units crossing over at 1 .2kH z. G oing from four 1 8 0m m drivers to tw o has enabled Perlisten to m ake the S5t around 20cm shorter, w hich on p ap er doesn’t seem like m uch but visually m akes a significant difference. The w idth of 24cm is the sam e, so it’s not p articularly p ortly, and dep th rem ains a m ore sizeable 40cm . Cabinet w eight,for w hat it’s w orth, has been trim m ed to 43.2kg from 55.7 kg. The effect of rem oving the tw o dedicated bass drivers im p acts the sp ecification [see PM ’s Lab Rep ort, p 6 5] , although Perlisten still rates the low frequency extension at a ‘typ ical in-room ’ 20H z (w ith the sp eaker op erating in bass reflex m ode), or 23H z (sealed box). 62 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk DECEMBER 2023 RIG HT :P erlisten ’s‘DPC array’ co m prises a 28 m m beryllium tw eeteran d up p er/lo w er 28 m m T P CD (th in -ply carbo n d iaph rag m ) d o m es.T h etw o custo m 1 8 0m m T P CD bassd rivers are co n f ig ured f o reith er ven ted o rsealed -bo xalig n m en t
M U LT ICHA N N EL T OO A id in g the im p ression thatPerlisten arrived as a 8fu lly form ed 9ou tfit,an d n ot sim p ly a b ou tiq u e b ran d ,is the factthat- from the ou tset- it9s targeted b oth hi-fi and hom e cin em a en thu siasts,alb eitab ove a certain p rice level.The S5ttested here is j u ston e sp eaker in a ran ge thatalso in clu d es cen tre chan n el an d on -w all su rrou n d op tion s,as d oes the m ore afford ab le (b u tstill p rem iu m ) R series. M ore recen tly,b oth ran ges have b een j oin ed b y architectu ral/cu stom in stall sp eakers. System b u ild ers therefore have in-w all an d in -ceilin g op tion s to either m atch w ith Perlisten 9s con ven tion al cab in etd esign s in a 8hyb rid 9set-u p ,or to com p lete a fu lly in visib le system . M od els in the S series ru n from a com p actb u t still three-w ay S3i-c in -ceilin g u n it,w ith slightly recon figu red D PC [p ictu red ,inset], to the S7i-LR,w hich is effectively an in-w all iteration of the S7t flagship [H FN A p r 922]. A d d ition ally,Perlisten has tw o ran ges of su b w oofers,sp litb etw een the p rem iu m D series m od els (notS series,for som e reason ) an d step -d ow n R series. The top -lin e op tion ,the 92kg D 21 5s,featu res tw o 380m m b ass d rivers in a p u sh-p u ll con figu ration ,p lu s a 3kW -rated D SP-d riven am p lifier. Perhap s the on ly op tion Perlisten 9s lin eu p is now lackin g is an in-w all su b w oofer to m atch its architectu ral! m od els. M ayb e that9s com in g n ext... steel p linth - sup p ort the cabinet offer easy adjustm ent of levelling, and individual sp eaker grilles let you choose w hich, if any, ofthe S5t’s drivers you w ant to cover up . O nce again this Perlisten sp eaker earns TH X D om inus certification, m eaning it has p assed m uster for use in hom e theatre system s at sizes of up to 1 8 4 cubic m etres. Sensitivity is quoted at a useful 8 9 .5dB, but w ith a nom inal im p edance figure of 4ohm you’llw ant to use it w ith the sort of am p lification its p rice tag and size im p lies. Even in bass reflex m ode,the S5t doesn’t deliver the sort of bass op ulence you m ight idly im agine from a sp eaker of its size and sp ecification. It favours neutrality over w arm th,the low -end greeting you w ith a firm handshake rather than an envelop ing hug. Som etim es it can even sound a little dry, albeit in com p lete control, and next to that there’s so m uch else to savour: a w ide, high soundstage; excellent detail across the audio band; transient attack; and m ore. Above all, p erhap s, it’s sup rem ely revealing. For exam p le, Rebecca Pidgeon’s ‘Now Begins’[P arts Of Speech P ieces Of Sound; self-released 44.1 kH z/1 6 -bit] enjoyed a w onderful bass sound and delicate dep iction of its p ercussion, p lus the floaty, exp ansive soundstage. It w as slick, m odern and ethereal. But at the other end ofthe m usical sp ectrum , the raw p roduction of ‘Com bination’from Aerosm ith’s 1 9 7 6 album Rocks [Colum bia 47 49 6 5 2]shone through, even w hile the p recision ofthe S5t unw rap p ed the decep tively busy m ixto m ake it sound fresh and new . M ultip le guitar p arts and layered vocals w eaved in and out from various p arts ofthe stage before Joe Perry locked into the centre for a fuzz-laden solo. Equally revealing w as ‘Take It Easy’ by The Eagles [E agles; Rhino Records 1 9 2kH z/24-bit] .This sounded sw eet and sm ooth in the m idrange and bass,w ithout losing any crisp ness to its p ercussion and leading edges. Backing vocals surged from behind singer G lenn Frey, and such w as its resolution that m y focus drifted during the m ain guitar solo to the banjo p lucking aw ay quietly in the background, not a detail I’m alw ays aw are off. A N GLE GRIN DER Back to the S5t’s handling of bass and low -end detail,to w hich I’llsay if it’s on the record you’ll hear it.Jastin M artin’s ‘M iss M e Yet’[H ouse Of Fam e; 44.1 kH z/1 6 -bit] is a fine exam p le of R8 <B/hip -hop in the 2020s, blessed w ith sam p les, synthetic beats and deep bass notes,the latter given genuine extension here. Sim ilarly, ‘Stalker’ from drum ’n’bass p roducer Ap hrodite [V 2 Records W R 1 006 9 52]filled the room w ith m etallic-edged bass notes that, thanks to the loudsp eaker’s uniform disp ersion, ap p eared to attack m e from all angles. That said,the S5t is m ore confident in its p ortrayal of finer bass elem ents, doing so w ith sp eed and grip . The syncop ated drum intro to The Steve M iller Band’s ‘Take The M oney And Run’[G reatest H its 197478; M ercury 44.1 kH z/1 6 -bit]w arranted a few listens to ap p reciate the absolute control over the kick-drum and snare,G» DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 63
P H O NO CA R TR ID G E S LETS JU S T G ET TO THE P OIN T NEW BLU E P OINT No .3 HIG H OU TP U T M OV IN G C OIL C ARTRID G E Aval ibl e in both Hi-ou tpu tand Low -ou tpu tvarients. HENLEY ■ Distributed by Hen ley Aud io T:+ 44 (0 )1235 511 166 | E:sal es@ henl eyau dio.co.u k W :w w w .henl eyau dio.co.u k i n :Henl eyAu dioU K | O :Henl eyAu dio
REPORT PERLIST EN S5T LEFT :T h eS5t’sth ree-w ay (1 .2kHz/ 4kHz)cro sso veri sspl i tbetw een th e bass/mid an d DPC array d ri versen abl i ng bi-ampin g /bi-w irin g i fth e g o l d -pl ated l i n ks(seen h ere)areremo ved .Si d ean d rearven tsco mein to pl ay i fth eS5ti s co n f i g ured i n ref lexmo d e m ightnotgive you w hatyou w ant. As an exam pl e,the bl u es bril l iance of TajMahal 's 'Leavin'Tru nk ’ from the al bu m ofthe sam e nam e [ C ol u m bia I 48 0 968 2]captivated w ith its bl asts ofrou gh-edged harm onica,bu tthe speak er’su nvarnished approach had m e hank ering for a bitm ore bl oom and scal e to the bassl ine and dru m s. BA CK T O BLA CK w hil e the fu l l ness,tightness and speed ofthe basstransients on D ire S traits’ 'Tu nnelOfLove’ [M aki ng M ovi es;V ertigo 8 0 0 0 50 -2]form ed afirm fou ndation for Mark Knopfl er's vocal s and Fender firew ork s. 8 y being so dynam ic,precise and fl eetoffoot,the S 5tbrings afeel ing ofdirectness to w hatever you Te l istening to. Lal o S chifrin’ sfu nk y 'M ain Titl e'to C l intEastw ood's Dirty Harry OST [ Al eph Records]sou nded im m ediate,al m ostl ik e having a l ive percu ssionistatthe end ofthe room . D ol l y P arton’srecentstar-stu dded cover of‘LetItBe'[ B u tterfl y Records] did the sam e for the big,rol l ing piano pl ayed by P au lM cC artney, w hil e the du o's vocal s w ere as recognisabl e as ever,dow n to D ol l y's sl ightl y pinched pronu nciation. There w illbe tim es the S 5t’s m easu red,transparentperform ance Other tim es thou gh? The S 5tw il l bl ow you aw ay. Joe Bonam assa's 'High W ater Everyw here’ [...Li ve From The RoyalAl b ertHal l ; P rovogu e P RD 7274-2],w ith its heavy dru m m ing track spread across a hu ge stage, w as an eye-opening m om ent. The tw ang ofthe steelstring acou stic gu itar had righteou s attack ,the singer’svocal s w ere proj ected high and far,andthe speakers disappeared entirel y from view . Ofcou rse,this recording is dem o-w orthy and m ixed to sou nd gargantu an,bu tP erl isten’ s fl oorstander did itj u stice. And Igotthe sam e im pression from Bl ack S abbath’ s'S ym ptom OfThe U niverse'[ S abotage;W arner Records RR2 28 22], argu abl y the firstever 'thrash m etal 'track . The S 5tdidn’t shave an ou nce offthe gr itand textu re ofTony l om m i’sserrated gu itar riff,w hil e dru m s and bass crashed arou nd behind. Icou l d have been in the Bl ack C ou ntry in 1975. P erlisten ’sS5ti s m o re th an a f in e run n ers-up prize f o rth o se w h o se listen in g ro o m o rbud g et) can ’t acco m m o d ate th e larg erS7 t f lo o rstan d er,as itg o es abo utits busin ess i n m o stly th e sam e w ay. Im ag in g f o cus,speed , reso lutio n an d in strum en tald etailare al l o n th e m en u, an d w h ile its bass o utputisn ’textravag an titstill h its h ard ,w ith m usicality.T h is i s an o th ersuperb speakerf ro m th e f ast-expan d in g U S m arq ue. SoundQ ual i t y:88% 100 W ith the sam e D P C array asthe S7t[HFN Apr ’22],bu tm arriedto j u sta singl e pair of18 0 m m TP C D bass/m tddrivers,the S5tiscu t from the sam e sonic cl oth,al beitw ith sl ightl y redu cedsensitivity and bass extension,andincreasedm idrange/trebl e distortion. Measu redfractional l y above the axis ofthe centra* beryl l iu m dom e tw eeter - the l ik el y seatedl istening axis w ith the speakers tipped back by 2< -the P erl isten S5t's response [ G raph 1Jisvery sl ightl y dishedbu tactu al l y m ore u niform than thatofthe S7t w ith tighter ±1,9dB and±1,7dB errors,respectivel y,asitbu il ds back to a sl ightpeak at10 k Hz .The response dipsj u stprior to the fam il iar 24k Hz dom e resonance [ pink shadedarea. G raph 1, and C SD w aterfal l . G raph 2]. P air m atching i sa 'l ooser'1.2dB (20 0 Hz -20 k Hz )andw hil e no gril l es w ere su ppl ied,w e've m easu red a benign,circa ±0 .5dB variation in m id/presence bandou tpu tw ith previou s P erl isten speakers.S ensitivity i svery dose to P erFisten'scl aim ed 8 9.5dB al8 9.3dB /1k Hz and 8 8 .8 dB (50 0 Hz -8 k Hz )here,bu tthis i s " 2dB l ow er than the S 7tand partial l y expl ainsthe S5t'$ higher 0 .6-1% THD at90 dB SP L/1m . The {diffraction-corrected)bass rol l s aw ay a l ittl e earl ier than m ightbe expectedat60 Hz (-6dB re. 20 0 Hz ),a produ ctofthe 18 0 m m drivers'60 -50 0 H;range (-6dB)andm u ted 27Hz port/ sl ottu ning,bu tbou ndary reinforcem entw il lim prove this figu re in practice. N everthel ess,the generou s sensitivity andcl ean bass com es atthe expense ofa m odestl y dem anding l oad- a dip to 2.8 9ohm /155Hz and3.0 ohm /15.9k Hz w ith m axim u m sw ings in phase angl e of+ 59720 k Hz and-50 78 0 Hz l eadto dips tn EP D R of1.25ohm /10 5Hz anda l ess concerning 1.0 6ohrp/23k Hz . P M ABOVE:Respo n se in clud in g n earf ield summed d river/ po rt[g reen ],f reef ield co rrected to Im at2.83V [yello w ],ultraso n ic [pin k].Lef t, bl ack;rig h t, red Od B ■8 ■ii 24 200 500 Ik 2k 5k ]0k Freq uen cy In H zrt 20k 4.0 in set 60kH( ABOVE:T h ere are min o rmo d es f ro m 500Hz-3kHz an d 1 0kHz butth e S5ti sg en erally w elld am ped an d ' clean ' -F IN EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S Sen sitivity (S P L/1m f2.8 3V - Ik H^M ean'IEC ) 8 9.3dB /8 8 .8 dB /8 7.2dB Im p ed an ce m o d ulus:m in im um 8 l m axi m um (20 H£-20 k H2) 2.8 9u hiTi@ 155Hz 22.5ohm @ 53Hz Im p ed an ce ph ase:m in im um 8 l m axi m um (20 H£-20 k H2) -59° @ 70 Hz + 5 0 °@ 998 Hz P airm atch in g f K esp .erro r(20 0 Hz -20 k Hz ) 1.2dB f±1.9dB f±L7dB Lf f HFexten sio n (-6d6 ief20 0 H2/IO k H^J 60 Hz / 30 .8 k H2/33.2k Hz T HD T OOHifIkH /flOkHi(for 90 dB S P Lj l m ) 0 .0 9% f 0 .6% f1.2% Dim en sio n s [ HW D jfW eig h t(each) 1119x240 x40 0 m m / 43kg DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h iti n ews.co . uk 65
PHONO PREAM PLIFIER Made by: MoFi Electronics, Chicago, USA Supplied by: Karma-AV Ltd, York Telephone: 01423 35 88 4 6 Web: w w w .m ofielect ronics.com ;w w w .karma-av.co.uk Price: £5999 M oFiM asterP hone When vinyl king, MoFi, finally made the move into hardware it sought out designers of proven pedigree - the MasterPhono is scripted by none other than Peter Madnick Review: Adam Smith Lab: Paul Miller oFi Electronics has gone from the rear p anel and sockets in order to strength to strength in the m inim ise signal p ath length. As for the last few years, help ed by the FET-based front-end,this is housed inside roster of designers drafted a further cop p er box for both shielding and tem in to create its p roducts. Sp iral G roove’ s p erature control. Finally, all Allen Perkins w orked on its U ltraG ol C cation w ithin the M asterPhono is amd pMlifi discrete and RIAA equalisation is p assive cartridge [HFN Jan ’22]and M asterDeck [see PM ’s Lab Rep ort, p 6 9 ] . turntable, w hile ex-TAD/ELAC Andrew The M asterPhono offers three inp uts, Jones is resp onsible for its SourcePoint loudsp eakers [HFN Ap r &Aug ’23] . Now selected on the front p anel. O p tions 2 com es the £59 9 9 M asterPhono, a flagship and 3 are conventional ‘voltage’inp uts on balanced XLRs and unbalanced RCAs, p hono stage from the p en of Peter M adnick, a designer best know n for the resp ectively. G ain op tions of 40, 50, 6 0 and 7 0dB and loading op tions of 1 5, 30, iconic Audio Alchem y brand and his w ork as p art ofthe Constellation Audio team 50, 7 5, 1 00, 500, 1 k, 1 0k or 47 kohm [see boxout, p 6 7 ] . are ap p lied to both these inp uts, but This p hono stage, the result of a tw othere is no defined ‘M M ’or ‘M C’setting year p roject, is effectively a tw in-chassis as such.There is also an ‘O PT’setting on p roduct held betw een shared w ooden the load controlthat sw itches in a p air sleeves that hold the p ow er sup p ly and of rear-p anel sockets to w hich can be fitted your ow n choice of loading resistor. am p lification circuitry ap art. M oFiw anted a single unit that w ould allow easy use in a studio environm ent if required,w hile M adnick w as set on an outboard PSU, so the result is the ‘best of both w orlds’ solution p ictured here. M IN N ER T U BES Look into the M asterPhono w ith the lid rem oved [see p ic, right] , and it’s clear that it com p rises tw o sections, sep arated by three cop p er-p lated tubes.The front section (top of im age) contains the unit’s PSU, p lus the m icrop rocessor-based control circuitry behind the front p anel, and connections betw een the relevant sections are carried through those cop p er tubes.The one on the right takes the inp ut AC from the rear p anel,the centre carries control signals betw een the front p anel and the m ain circuits, and the left the D C sup p ly from front to rear. M eanw hile, at the back ofthe unit, the am p lification circuitry is close to RIG H T: The tw o chassisenclosu re, w ithPSU and logic [top ]sep arated from cu rrent/voltage m od e inp u ts,p assive RIAA and b alanced ou tp u ts [b ottom ],inclu d es 8com m u nication9via three cop p er-colou red tu b es.Inp u tsare screened u nd era m etalcan thatcarriesa b asic schem atic 66 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k D ECEM BER 2023 There’s no cap acitance adjustm ent for M M cartridges - this is fixed at 1 50p F although cap acitors can also be fitted to the rear-p anel loading sockets if desired. Both m ono op eration and a subsonic filter are also available. SET U P SA VIOU R Settings ap p lied to each inp ut are ‘rem em bered’and recalled each tim e that inp ut is selected. This ease-of-use is bolstered by the inclusion of a lovely, chunky rem ote control handset [p 6 9 ]that w ill op erate the M asterPhono’s functions from the com fort ofyour chair, and m akes cartridge loading com p arisons a doddle.All sw itching is via relays, so there is a slight delay w hen changing settings, but this also m eans that adjustm ents can be m ade ‘on the fly’w ith m inim alfear ofthum p s through the loudsp eakers.
Inp ut num ber 1 is w here things get interesting. This is a transim p edance or ‘current’inp ut, designed for cartridges w ith a very low ,typ ically <1 0ohm , generator im p edance. Low coil-count, low -im p edance cartridges w illtyp ically deliver sufficient current in resp onse to the near-shorted inp ut of the M asterPhono’s l-to-V stage. The four gain settings are still available, but the load sw itch LEDs are extinguished w hen the fixedim p edance Inp ut 1 is in use. The front-p anelV U m eters,w hich are bathed in orange light, not only look sup erb but can also aid in cartridge setup - Iuse T he U ltim ate A nalog T est LP from Analogue Productions [AAPT1 ] .The test m ode is instigated by a long p ress on the M asterPhono’s ‘M eter’button (w hich is otherw ise used to sw itch the V U m eters on or off). Setup is in three distinct step s. The first allow s you to choose a reference levelw hile the second tackles cartridge azim uth adjustm ent w hile p laying a track w ith its tw o channels out of p hase - the low er the m eter reading,the better.The third step uses a 1 0kH z test track to check up p er frequency outp ut level as a guide to op tim al load setting. Ifyou don’t hap p en to have any test gear to hand,this can rem ove a lot ofthe guessw ork! Fit and finish ofthe full-w idth but slim M asterPhono is excellent and the w ooden end cheeks are available in W alnut or Black.Tw o earth term inals are fitted to the rear p anel- one connected to signal ground and one to chassis ground, and they therefore sit at slightly different electrical p otentials. O w ners can exp erim ent to achieve the low est hum and noise in their ow n system s. ‘M yroom was filledwiththe majestyofthe A lbertH all' (P OPEN W ORLD W ith the M asterPhono connected to m y regular Yam aha C-5000 p ream p [HFN Aug ’20] , Ifed it from both a M ichell Gyro SE/ SM E 309 /O rtofon 2M Black M M into its M A DN ICK ’S M ISSION A w ell-kn ow n n am e in the au d io in d u stry,Peter M ad n ick9s career n ow sp an s over 4 0 years,b egin n in g in retail w here he started w orkin g in the stockroom of a local hi-fi store,aged 1 5,b efore 8grad u atin g9to the sales team a year later. Follow in g college,M ad n ick an d tw o colleagu es estab lished a n ew hi-fi store in M assachu setts in 1 977,w hich rem ain s in b u sin ess tod ay. In 1 979,M ad n ick j oin ed Fran cis G D en n esen atD en n esen Electron ics,also in M assachu setts,w here he d evelop ed the fam ou s G eom etric Sou n d tracktor cartrid ge align m en ttool,b u the w as on the m ove again six years later to Californ ia w here he w orked for a p eriod as a con su ltan t,b efore co-fou n d in g A u d io A lchem y in 1 989. AA p rod u ced a w id e ran ge of au d iop hile D ACs,j itter su p p ressors,head p hon e am p s,p ream p s,p ow er am p s an d p hon o stages,an d w as on e of the firstb ran d s to m ake w id esp read u se of the PS d igital in terface. The origin al in carn ation of A u d io A lchem y lasted u n til the late 1 990s an d , after a sp ell d esign in g vid eo p roj ectors for Ru n co,M ad n ick w as d raw n b ack to au d io as head of Con stellation A u d io9s en gin eerin g team . A u d io A lchem y rose from the ashes in 201 3 b efore b ein g b rou ghtb y ELA C in 201 6 - M ad n ick still d esign s electron ics for ELAC,an d con su lts for other b ran d s. H e j oin ed M oFi Electron ics in 2020 as sen ior electron ics en gin eer,an d the M asterPhon o is the firstfru itof this ap p oin tm en t. ABO VE: Trad itional8VU 9m eterscan b e u sed to op tim ise azim u th/channelb alance and are b athed in the sam e w arm orange glow asthe LEDsthatind icating load ing,gain,inp u t, etc unbalanced p hono inp ut, and the new M usical Fidelity M 8 xTT [see p 48 ] , w ith Clearaudio M C Essence p ick-up [HFN Aug ’1 7 ] , into its balanced XLR inp ut.The M F deck w as agnostic in term s of earthing but the M ichell/SM E system w as quieter w ith the deck earthed to the chassis ground term inal and the arm to the signal ground. W ith either turntable, it w as ap p arent the M asterPhono is m ostly transp arent, your front-end determ ining the levels of detail heard.That said, a subtle frisson of m idband w arm th gives vocals and acoustic instrum ents an ap p ealing richness.That’s not to say this p hono stage is allw arm and fluffy, as it’s not. Rather, it has an op en, detailed and sw eet nature that sp arkles by just the right am ount at the right tim e. The treble is fairly even-handed, offering a p leasing crisp ness but w ith a highly alluring level of sop histication. O bviously, this dep ends on op tim ising the loading and gain for your chosen M M /M C but the rem ote is a boon for dialling-in the ideal settings w hile you stay seated. Neither does this p hono stage favour M M over M C typ es, or vice-versa, so it w ill give fine results ifyou are running m ultip le decks, or arm s, equip p ed w ith a range of p ick-up s. F RU IT PU N CH The p ercussion effects on The Kane G ang’s ‘M otortow n’[M iracle; Kitchenw are Records KW LP7 ]w ere clean and snap p y, but not lacking in body.This is an old 1 9 8 0s p ressing w hose transient detail often sounds slightly blurred, but the M asterPhono endow ed it w ith an alm ost digital sense of clarity - in a good w ay. At the other end of the frequency range,the bass seem ed equally crisp and focused. W hether acoustic, electric or synth-based, basslines w ere delivered w ith real confidence. The solid low s of O I D ECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k 67
CONNECTED Hig h -perf o rm an ce pro d ucts f o rmusic lo vers M u lti-aw ar d-w inning and com prehensive ranges of digitaland anal ogu e connections,high-perform ance pow er,speak er and HD M Icabl es,m ains distribu tion bl ock s,netw or k sw itches,noise r edu ction devices, instal l ation and instru m entcabl es. C abl es featu re ou r u niq u e C hor d C om pany ARAY condu ctor geom etry and enhanced shiel ding system s,the l atestTayl on® and X LP E insu l ation and are avail abl e fitted w ith a w ide range ofC horAl l oy™ pl ated connectors. C u stom l engths and ter m inations m ade to order. P rou dl y designed/bu il tin Engl and since 198 5 by a dedicated team ofm u sic,cinem a and gam e l overs. U sed and recom m ended w or ldw ide by a hostof professional s,incl u ding r ecor d produ cers,stu dio engineers,m u sicians and fellow hi-fim anu factu rers. Ask you r nearestC hor d C om pany r etailer for a dem onstration. w w w .chord.co.u k W HAT HI-FI? AHARM 20 22 BEST A N A L O G U E IN T ER C O N N EC T U NDER £1 00 Ch o rd Co m pan y C-lin e ® h i-fi* * W H M T £-FI? AIM ARM 20 22 BEST A N A L O G U E IN T ER C O N N EC T O VER £1 00 Ch o rd Co m pan y Clearw ay An alo g ueRCA h i-f i* ~ ■J& W W NER ^ 20 22^ Sig n atureX L speakercable ^ 20 22^ 102Q Sig n atureX po w er cable CHO RD TM
LA B REPORT M OF IM A ST ERPHON O AB OV E:The M asterP hono incl u destraditional‘vol tage’ inpu ts andl ow im pedance 'cu rrent* inpu tsfor,typical l y,low ou tpu tMC s. B oth are avail abl e on RC AsandXLRs thou gh the tatter are onl y tru ly bal ancedw ith MC s.Ou tpu ts are al so on RC As/X LRs Let’sEatG r andm a’ s'S u nday’ [ Tw o Ri b b ons; Transgressive Records TRAN S 565X D ]sou nded fru ity and fu lsom e,w ith a w ell-j u dged balance betw een w eight and tu nefu lness. The M asterP hono al so teased ou t percu ssive and contrasting am bient detailfrom the recesses ofthe sou ndstage. Itseem ed to w antto letm e to k now they existed,j u stin case Ihadn’t noticed. BREA T H T EST It’sthe m idband thatis the real star ofthe show ,how ever. The M asterP hono's lifelik e r evelation oftextu r es m ak es iteasy to concentrate on the w ay sou nds are being for m ed,as w ellas the sou nds them selves. Its per ceived dynam ic r ange is al so im pressive,so the intak e ofbr eath from a cl osem ic’d singer is as vivid as the m anic pou nding ofa k itfrom an overenthu siastic heavy m etaldr u m m er . Kasey M u sgraves and her sol o piano accom panim enton ‘Rainbow ’ from the Golden H ourLP [ M C A Records B 0 0 27 9 21-0 1 ]w as su blim ely r ender ed,and b oth w er e l ock ed sol idl y betw een the speak ers. Then ther e’sthe deep, w ide and w ell-or der ed sou ndstaging. 'B r oadcasting Hou se’ from P u bl ic S ervice B r oadcasting’s Thi s N ew Noi se l ive LP [ Test C ard Recordings TC RV A0 5]starts gently w ith piano, bass and dru m s nextto the u su al LEFT: Rem ote fu nctionsfor phono pream ps are rare,bu t MoFioffers arm chair accessfor inpu t,gain, l oading,su bsonicfil ter, m ono/stereo,m u te and displ ay brightness array ofspeech sam pl es the band is k now n for. How ever,tow ar ds the cl ose w hen the B B C S ym phony O rchestra com es in,m y listening r oom w as seem ingly filled w ith the atm ospher e and m aj esty ofthe RoyalAlb er tHal l . Even the r ou nd of appl au se atthe end appear ed to be com ing from al lar ou nd the r oom . Althou gh m y C lear au dio MC Essence's 1lohm sou rce im pedance is above that r ecom m ended for the phono stage’ s cu r r entinpu t(a 1-2ohm low -ou tpu tM C w ou ld be ideal ), Iw as stillintrigu ed to tr y it. The resu l ts w er e instru ctive,for w hile the sou nd gained extra pu nch and pace,and the stereo im age spread even fu r ther than via the voltage inpu t,ther e w as stilla slight l oss oftreb le clar ity and b itm or e stridency across the u pper m idband. C l earl y,the M C Essence is not ideal ly su ited to dr ive this nearshor ted ’cu r r ent’ inpu t, b u titfelt as ifthe M asterP hono w as stillpu lling m or e from the car tridge. So ifyou have an M C w ith the r ecom m ended im pedance ofj u sta few ohm s,the cu r r entinpu tw ou ld be the one to try first. For 98 % ofother M C s,the M asterP hono sim pl y sings via its traditionalvoltage inpu ts!O Thank s to its var iou s b alanced/ SE inpu ts and ou tpu ts, excellent r ange ofadj u stm ents and som e novelnew featu r es,M oFi’ssm ar tlook ing M aster P hono is a pleasu r e to u se. M or e im por tantly it’s a su per lative per for m er ,able to deliver allthe detail,pu nch and m u sicalem otion ofyou r vinyl collection. The £6 k dem anded isn’t exactly pock etchange,b u t ifyou have the b u dget,then an au dition is m andator y. Sound 07% ■■■■■■■■■ t o o Testedvia its bal anced'vol tage1inpu ts,and partnering bal anced ou tpu ts,the MasterP hono's notional+ 40 dB ,+ 50 dB . + 60 dB and + 70 dB gain settings are,in practice. + 44.3dB . + 54.2dB . + 64.0 dB arid+ 73.9dB ,respectivel y. This,andthe 15ohm -47k ohm inpu t l oad range (cu stom val u es m ay al so be appl ied) endow sthis phono stage w ith the capacity to accom m odate a very w ide range ofpick-u psfrom high ou tpu tMMs w ith asensitivity of 6.1 m V to l ow ou tpu tMC s offering j u st20 0 pV (al l1k Hz /5cm / sec). How ever,w hil e the passive RI AA eq i svery accu rate [ see bel ow ]itdoes soak u p a l otofheadroom ,l im iting the respective inpu toverl oadm argins to 66m V . 22m V ,6.8 m V and 2.0 8 m V . Sow hil e the + 40 dB and+ 60 dB gain settings offer a good + 22.5dB headroom w ith 5m V MMs/50 0 pV MC s. respectivel y,the + 50 dB i+ 70 dB settings are l im itedto j u st12.5dB w hich i sreal l y onl y su itabl e for l ow ou tpu tMMs andMC s. Noise i sal ittl el ow er th an average,sothe MasterP hono achieves an A-w td S/N of8 8 .5dB w ith the + 40 /50 dB settings treatedas MM. and78 .2dB w ith the + 60 /70 dB options as MC . B oth these figu res fal lw el linside the lim itim posed by ru m bl e/ vinylnoise from the besttu rntabl e sol u tions as does its l ow distortion - an im pressive 0 .0 0 1-0 .0 35% [ 20 Hz -20 k Hz . re. OdBV; G raph 2]being 50 0 -1 OOOx tow erthan thatm easu redfrom the bestMM/MC s review ed in Hr-FiNew s. MoFispecifies its bal anced XLR ou tpu tat10 V w hich i s precisel y m etin practice [ re. ikHz f <1% THD J as i s the rem ark abl e am pl itu de fl atness ofthe RI AAcorrected response - tru e to ±0 .0 2dB from 20 Hz -20 k Hz ,rising im perceptibl y to + 0 .2dB /1 OQ kHz [ see G raph 1. bel ow ].The bu il tin bass rol l -offam ou nts to -3dB /3Hz . increasing to-3dB /11Hz w ith the su bsonicfil ter engaged [ dashed trace. G raph 1].P M ABOVE: RIAA<orrected freq u ency response from 5Hz 10 0 k Hz (su bsonic filter , dashedtrace; bal anced i/o) ABOVE: D istor tion versu s freq u ency re. OdBV from 20 Hz -20 k Hz (M M + 40 dB gain setting,bal anced o/p) HI-F IN EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S In p utlo ad in g (M M /M C ) 47 ku -l nri/1SOpF ; 15ohm -47k u hnl In p utsen sitivity ( ie. OdBV) 6.1m V /1.95m V / 635pV f20 1pV In p uto verlo ad (re. 1% 66m V /22m V /b.S niV '2.0 8 m V HD ) M ax.o utp ut(re Im p. 10 .1V /54ohm (bal anced) A-w td Sf N ratio (re. OdBV) 8 8 .5dB f78 .2dE (M M /M C ) Freq . resp.(20 Hz -20 k H2'10 0 k Hz ) -0 .0 2dB to+ 0 .0 1dB f+ 0 .17dB Disto rtio n (20 Hz -20 k l -L, l e.OdB V ) 0 .0 0 1-0 .0 35% P o w erco n sum ptio n 22W Dim en sio n s j W HD );W eig h t 432x8 9x40 0 m in f6..8 ki| D EC EMBER 20 23 w w w .hifinew s.co.u k 69
Made by: B&W Group Ltd, West Sussex Supplied by: B&W Group Ltd Telephone: 0 8 0 0 2321513 Web: w w w .bow ers-w ilkins.co.uk Price: £1999 LOUDSPEAKER B&W 603 S3 Series 3 sees the eighth generation of B&W’s evergreen 600 series, headed here by the 603 S3 floorstander Review: Jamie Biesemans Lab: Paul Miller ow ers &W ilkins m ight be one ofthe largest loudsp eaker m anufacturers around, but surp risingly it doesn’t have a very broad offering, fielding considerably few er m odels than, say, KEF or Focal. Leaving Cl p roducts aside (and the iconic but no longer revolutionary Nautilus),there are only three m ain loudsp eaker fam ilies com ing out ofW orthing, and as the 8 00 D 4 series [HFN Nov ’21 , Feb ’22, M ay & Sep ’23]and 7 00 S3 series [HFN M ar ’23] rep resent the m ost recent m ajor up dates, it w as inevitable that the nearly 30-year-old 6 00 series w ould follow suit. The current refresh also brings the 6 00 series to S3 status, but is in fact the seventh or eighth generation, dep ending on w hether you consider the 6 03 S2 Anniversary Edition [HFN Jan ’21 ]to be a full-blow n up date.The new range is allabout hitting a com p etitive p rice p oint by taking a trickledow n ap p roach, yet it quickly becom es clear the 6 03 S3 closes the gap w ith its m ore exp ensive brethren, and this is also true w hen it com es to the p rice tag - the range-top p ing 6 03 S3 floorstander tested here, at £1 9 9 9 , is about £500 m ore than its p redecessor. Inflationary p ressures have inevitably p layed a p art here, but it includes an outlay for new technology too. w hite baffle and a seam lessly ap p lied oak veneer to the cabinet’s top and sides, really looks the p art. Even considering the higher p rice tag,the 6 03 S3 has a build quality and style that’s a cut above the norm . A LL HA IL T IT A N IU M As said earlier,there’s a lot oftrickledow n technology at w ork here.The 6 03 S3’s 1 50m m FST m idrange driver,w ith p rop rietary Continuum cone m aterial, is a fam iliar sight, but benefits from an up graded m otor assem bly derived from the 7 00 S3 series. Im p roved m otor system s also drive the sp eaker’s tw o 1 6 5m m w oofers, and these are vented by a new rear-firing bass p ort of ‘7 00 series sp ecification’.B&W says this also aids in stiffening the 6 03 S3’s enclosure, as does the new term inal tray, in addition to refinem ents in cabinet bracing. The crossover netw ork has been given a 7 00 S3 flavour too, in the form of higher-quality cap acitors. The m ost significant - and p resum ably m ost exp ensive - up grade for this generation is to be found in the tw eeter [see PM ’s boxout, p 7 1 ] . D iam ond or carbon dom es, as used higher up B&W ’s range, are not tenable in this p rice category, so instead the m anufacturer has develop ed a new titanium dom e tw eeter. A tw o-p art design, this features a 25p m -thick m ain dom e fram ed by a m arginally chunkier (30p m ) titanium ring, and fires through a new m esh grille derived from the 8 00 D 4 series’ tw eeter assem bly. For this generation,the p ositioning ofthe tw eeter is also closer to the m idrange below (their trim rings ‘overlap ’) to im p rove driver integration. The titanium dom e is m ounted into an elongated tube that’s hidden inside 'Thefret-sizzling guitarsolowas an homageto ’80 sBri tmetal’ A CU T A BOVE There are no changes to the structure of the lineup , so the new 6 00 series rem ains a stream lined fam ily of sp eakers.The 6 03 S3 is the single floorstander on offer, w hile below it are the £7 49 6 06 S3 and £59 9 6 07 S3 standm ount/bookshelf m odels (for w hich a new FS-6 00 S3 stand is available). A hom e theatre-sp ecific centre sp eaker,the £6 49 H TM 6 S3, com p letes the collection. Three distinct colourw ays should give you enough op tions for m atching the 6 03 S3 w ith your listening room . M att black and satin w hite finishes are nicely done, but the oak edition (p ictured here), w hich sp orts a 70 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk DECEMBER 2023 RIG HT :T h e S3versio n o fth e 603 f eatures a n ew 25m m allo y/titan ium d o m e tw eeter, th e f am iliar1 50m m FST m id ran g e d riverw ith Co n tin uum co n e,plustw o 1 65m m paper-co n ed bassd riversw ith 7 00 series-in spired m o to rs
BILEA K U P BLU ES I B 110 W hile softd om e tw eeters are still p op u lar in som e q u arters [H FN N ov 923] m ostlou d sp eaker en gin eers are typ ically w orkin g w ith very light an d stiff treb le d rivers in an effort to exten d the u ltrason ic resp on se of their d esign s. A fter all,w hy u se *hi-res* 96kH z/D SD 1 28 m ed ia if the sp eaker9s resp on se d ip s ab ove 20kH z? B& W certain ly p u shes atthe b ou n d aries of resp on se [see Lab Rep ort,p 73] w ith its cu stom tw eeter d iap hragm s. N evertheless these 8lightan d stiff9d om es u su ally have a p ron ou n ced p rim ary b reaku p m od e - n otthe case w ith m ostself-d am p in g softd om es - thatm u st b e d eferred to as high an u ltrason ic freq u en cy as p ossib le [see in setG rap h]. The choice of m aterials im p acts d irectly on the achievab le p erform an ce, so the costly 8D iam on d 9d om e em p loyed in the 801 D 4 [H FN N ov 921 ] has a w ell-su p p ressed d ou b le reson an ce at4 6kH z an d 69kH z [b lack trace],w hile the 25m m d ecou p led 8Carb on 9d om e u sed in the 703 S3 [H FN M ar 923] b reaks u p ata slightly low er (b u tstillvery high) 4 9kH z,alb eitatan am p litu d e som e +1 2d B ab ove the sp eaker9s m ean ou tp u t[b lu e trace]. W ith less b u d getto p lay w ith in the 603 S3,b u tw ith a titan iu m rin g stren g then in g the 25p m -thick d om e,B& W 9s en gin eers have still achieved a high 35kH z p rim ary reson an ce even ifthis is n ow a vigorou s +i5 d B ab ove the m id b an d level [red trace]. PM the cabinet. The p rincip le behind this design is nothing new for B&W - albeit m ore ap p arent w ith its ‘Tw eeter-on-Top ’ m odels - and is intended to p rogressively attenuate the rear outp ut of the tw eeter, m inim ising rear reflections w hile also isolating the driver from p ressure variations w ithin the m ain cabinet. e ye s w id e ope n Rated by B&W at 9 0dB sensitivity - and m easuring close to that figure [see PM ’s Lab Rep ort, p 7 3]- the 6 03 S3 looks, on p ap er,to offer slightly higher outp ut w ith low er-p ow ered am p s than the S2 m odel. D uring testing Ihooked up the sp eakers to D enon’s dim inutive CEO L RCD -N1 2 system and had them effortlessly blasting out the p ercussion in the 3rd m ovem ent of W ranitzky’s Sym p hony in C M inor [D eutsche H arm onia M undi 1 9 6 58 7 02252; 9 6 kH z/24-bit] . Even in this set-up ,the 6 03 S3s p erform ed very cap ably indeed, p resenting a nicely defined and w ide-op en soundstage. It w as bit of an eye-op ener. That said, care still needs to be taken w ith am p lification as the 6 03 S3 offers a m ore critical listen than first ap p ears.The com bination ofthese floorstanders w ith a Bluesound Pow erNode Edge p ushed this w ireless stream ing am p out of its com fort zone, for exam p le - the unit is im p ressive in the right setting but m arrying it w ith the 6 03 S3s didn’t have the desired outcom e. H ere the sam e album w as delivered w ith noticeable glare and harshness. This allconfirm s that w hile the 6 03 S3 is B&W ’s entry-level, it’s not a ‘budget’ sp eaker, and p airing it w ith Prim are’s Class D II5 integrated am p lifier [HFN O ct ’1 8 ] suited it a lot better. Playing the recent Stone album from heavy m etal band Baroness [Abraxan H ym ns ABXN008 -1 ] , via an O rtofon 2M Bronze-equip p ed ELAC M iracord 9 0 [HFN Jul ’1 7 ]through a Prim are R1 5 p hono stage, delivered a substantial and very rew arding rendition ofthe track ‘Choir’.D istorted guitars p ossessed just the right am ount of crunch and drive, m aking for a thrilling listen, and this w as the case too w ith the m ore m anic ‘Last W ord’,w here the fam iliar Continuum m idrange and new titanium dom e tw eeter p resented a tightly controlled sound w ith no sign of m uddiness or energy loss. SPA T IA L A W A REN ESS H alfw ay through the latter track there’s a fret-sizzling guitar solo w hich sounds like an hom age to 1 9 8 0s British m etal, albeit recorded in a sm all studio room .The shift in p resentation highlighted the 6 03 S3’s ability to com m unicate those sp atial cues higher up the frequency band - even w ith dense rock like this, let alone orchestral p ieces like the W ranitzky sym p hony. The Baroness album is the kind I p robably w ouldn’t have p referred to p lay on any earlier generation ofthe 6 03, but now there’s a slight softening to the treble G* DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 71
"In real-w orld perform ance term s, a honking great big step f orw ard in sound...IsoT ek's V5 Sigm as w illim prove the perform ance of a good m edium -sized or larger audio sy stem " V5 SIG M AS Del i ver i ngsi gni f i canti mpr ovement son i t sEVO3ser i espr edecessor ,t heV5 Sig m as powercondi t i onerboast sseven i ndependentpowercl eani ngci r cui t scat er i ngf or hi ghcur r entampl i f i er saswel lassour cecomponent s. D istribu ted in the U K and Irel and by SCV Distributio n 0 3301 222 50 0 | w w w .scvdistribu tion.co.u k SCV)
REPORT B& W 6 03 S3 LEFT :U pg rad ed d ual4mm cabl e termin als-d erived f ro m th e7 00 seriesarespl i tto f aci l i tatebi -ampi n g an d /o r bi -wi ri n g .Lo w-turbul en ce‘Fl o w po rt’ ref l expo rtf i tsf l ush i n to th ecabi n et extrem el y im pressive.The 60 3S3 proved abl e to envel op the l istening position andcreate afeel ing of depth thatw as su itedto this new al bu m ,w hich portrays the Bel gianborn artist's retu rn to her ancestral hom el and in northern Ital y.The first partofthe al bu m offers intensel y m el anchol ic com positions verging on sou ndscapes,w ith 'W e Never KneelTo P ray’ a beau tifu lhighl ight featu ring a sl ow piano rem iniscent ofOl afu r Arnal ds andother Icel andic com posers. Itw as al lthere:the breathl ess singing offin the distance,the sl ighthesitation w hen piano keys are pressed,a sparse fl u te hardl y daring to intru de on the w hol e. Rem arkabl y for a speaker in this price cl ass,the 60 3S3m anaged to expose incredibl e detailandthe sm al l estnu ances. The stu nning standardoffinish debu ted in the S2 Anniversary [HFN Jan '21 ]i scontinu ed in the 60 3S3pictu red in these pages, al ongside a boostto both the l ou dspeak er's sensitivity-u p from 8 8 .6dB to 8 9.7dBJ1 kHz /1m cou rtesy of70 0 series m otor assem bl ies- andthe controlover its forw ard response [ see G raph 1,bel ow ]. The S2Anniversary's 1.5k Hz -3.5k Hz trou gh and notch at6k Hz are now traded for an essential l y fl atbu t u ndu l ating trendw ith redu ced±3.8 dB and±3.9dB response errors thatbears m ore than passing resem bl ance to thatseen from the 8 0 3D 4 [HFN May '23]and70 3S3[HFN Mar '23]. P air m atching i sa spectacu iarO.45dB (20 0 Hz -20 k Hz ) w hil e the gril l e exerts l ittl e change to the trend [ bl u e trace. G raph 1]. The new titaniu m dom e tw eeter has an al m ostidentical + 15dB /35k Hz prim ary resonance [ pink shadedarea. G raph 1,andC SD w aterfal l . G raph 2]asthe al l oy 'dou bl e dom e’ ofthe S2 m odel s[ see boxou t,p71 ]bu tw ith a-6dB dip at 20 k Hz and u l tim ate extension of48 k Hz (-6dB re. 10 kHz ). D istortion isa l ittl e higher here too (0 .35% vs.0 .1% )bu tthe C ontinu u m cone m idrange offers a far l ow er0 .0 4% (al l90 dB S P L/l m ). D istortion isal so a l ow 0 .4% th rou gh the bassw here the tw o 165m m pu l p drivers w ork over a 57Hz -250 Hz (-6dB) bandw idth,su ppl em ented by the rear-facing portata ‘peak y1 22Hz to del iver a diffract!on-corrected extension of40 Hz [ green shaded area,G raph 1].Once again,how ever,the am pl ifier l oad i sfairl y tou gh - a m inim u m of2.8 5ohm /113Hz cou pl edw ith l rel ativel yl arge sw ings in im pedance phase from -72'-ii 64Hz to lresu l ting in a l ow EP D R of1.0 7ohm /8 8 Hz . P M + 50 °/1.3k Hz ,al IM M ERSED IN M U SIC Indeed,I'dsu ggestIthas a su rprising sense ofdefinition. W ith the sam e C D ,heardthrou gh B& W 's8 0 5 D 4 S ignatu re [ fu l lreview in HFN Jan '24],there w as a profou nd sense ofbeing im m ersedin these sonic l andscapes. W hatabou tthe far m ore affordabl e 60 3S3 ? Itserves u p a l ot ofthe sam e experience.Okay,those fl agship standm ou nts excelin m any dom ains - there's no beating better technol ogy - bu tthere's al so no denying these u pdated entry-l evel speakers bring m u ch ofthe bestof Bow ers & W il kinsto the tabl e.( ! ) w hich m akes these Bow ers & W il kins speakers decidedl y m ore 'm etal friendl y'. There's a neat{or annoying, depending on you r pointofview ) trick to this disc asw el l ,for atthe end ofthe groove the record pl ays a sinu soidal -l ike l oop to attractyou r attention - itcertainl y didhere. Listening to Mel anie D e Biasio's new !iVi aggi o rel ease [ P 1ASLL2O2C D ] provided another change ofpace, bu tthe perform ance rem ained T h e S3 upg rad e push esth e 603 in to n ew territo ry.Even th o ug h it d o esn ’td eplo y Bo w ers & W ilkin s’ m o stad van ced tech n o lo g ies,th is en try-levello ud speakermo ves clo serto th e 7 00 an d even th e 8 00 seri es i n term s o fclarity an d so un d stag in g .‘T rickled o w n ’ m ig h th ave a bad rap w h en it co mes to eco n o mics,buti n th e case o faud io d esig n i tpro ves w o rth w h ile.Fo rth e m o n ey th is i s an excellen tlo ud speaker. SoundQ ual i t y188% 100 ABOVE:Respo n se i n c.n earf ield summed d river/po rt [g reen ,f reef ield co rrected to Im at2.83V [yello w ], ultraso n i c [pi n k].Lef t,bl ack;rig h t,red ;w .g rille,blue Dd B ■111 20 30 -so 200 SOO Ik 2k 5k ! Ok riM iutn cy in 2< Jk 6DkHi ei si n creased h ereto reveal3SkHz treble ABOVE: scal d o me reso n an ce.I n -ban d mo d es arew ell-co n tro lled -F IN EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S Sen sitivity (SP L/lin/2.8 3V - Ik Hz /M ean/IEC ) S9.7dB / 8 8 .7dB / 8 7.2dB Im p ed an ce m o d ulus:m in im um 8 l m axi m um (2U Hz -20 k Hz ) 2.8 5ohiTi@ 113H2 27.7ohm @ 52H2 Im p ed an ce ph ase:m in im um B l m axi m um (20 H2-20 k Hz ) -7 2<'@ 64HZ 50 Q @ 1.3kHz P airm ato h in g /Resp.erro r(20 0 Hz -20 k Hz ) 0 .45dB '±3.8 dB '±3.9dB LF/HF exten sio n (-G dB ief20 0 H2/10 k Hi!) 40 H2 /4 8 3^ ,4 8 .2kHz T HD 1 00H z/lkH z/l0kH 2(fo r 90 dB SP l-Ini) 0 .4% f0 .0 4% / 0 .35% Dim en sio n s (HW D ,no pl inth) / W eig h t(each) 98 5x190 x340 m m DECEMBER 2023 ■28 k g w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 7 3
N ET W ORK -A T T A CHED DA C Netw ork-attached DAC/ streamer Made by: Masimo Consumer, I rvine, CA, USA Supplied by: Masimo Consumer Europe, The Netherlands Telephone: 0 2 8 9 0 279830 Web: w w w .denon.com ;w w w .masimo.co.uk/ consumer-audio Price: £1399 (£1599 for ‘graphite silver’ colourw ay) DenonDNP -20 0 0 NE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Following hard on the heels of Denon’s DCD/ PMA-1700NE SACD player/ amplifier, this new network-attached DAC brings a host of streaming options - including HEOS Review: Jamie Biesemans Lab: Paul Miller for a broad offering of digitalfilter op tions, ur review of the Denon PM A1 7 00NE am p lifier [HFN M ay ’23] as Denon p refers a fixed filter, and its ow n U ltra AL32 p rocessing. This up sam p les the included the observation that digital stream , and is a stalw art of other the Jap anese brand w as m issing Denon a standalone stream er.A glaring oversi ght,p roducts, including the CD/SACDpllayi ng D CD -1 7 00NE [HFN M ay ’23] . it seem ed at the tim e, as D enon in al other resp ects is a believer in offering sim ilarly SCREEN PA RT N ER dressed sep arates for a neat hi-fistack. So w hile you could p air the PM A-1 7 00NE (or Perhap s to m ake up for being a bit ‘late to another PM A series am p ) w ith a D CD series the gam e’,the D NP-2000NE is m ore than p urely a netw ork audio p layer w ith a builtCD p layer or a Denon turntable, ifyou w anted to listen to your Tidal p laylists you in D AC.A p lethora of digital inp uts allow s had to look elsew here.The introduction of easy connection of external digital sources, the £1 39 9 D NP-2000NE closes the loop . including a com p uter via USB-B.This sup p orts 38 4kH z/32-bit PCM and 1 1 .2M H z M anufactured at D enon’s Shirakaw a DSD, and such files are also p layable over factory, and sp orting the sturdy chassis your hom e netw ork,via Ethernet or in-built and m etalfacep late to com p lem ent other W i-Fi, bandw idth p erm itting. O p tical and D enon com p onents, this stream ing D AC isn’t only m eant to be a com p anion for coaxial connections are also p rovided for the PM A-1 7 00NE.As the different m odel both source hardw are and to use the D NP-2000NE as a digitaltransp ort. num ber hints, it could be com bined w ith Som ething of a surp rise on a D AC at other D enon am p lifiers, such as the older this p rice is the H DM IARC p ort.This m eans PM A-1 6 00NE or ’2500NE [H F/V Aug ’1 6 ] . the unit can bridge the gap betw een your D enon m akes this clear by p roviding a third colour op tion next to the traditional black and silver - for a £200 p rem ium , the D NP-2000NE is also available in the luxurious G rap hite Silver colourw ay found on the brand’s PM A-A1 1 0 and D CD -A 1 1 0 m odels [HFN D ec ’20] , launched to celebrate its 1 1 0th anniversary. O w ners of these lim ited (but still available) birthday units can add the stream er and retain the seam less look oftheir system . O F OU R IS T HE M A GIC N U M BER At the heart of the D NP-2000NE are four low -p ow er ES9 01 8 K2M chip s in a quad D AC arrangem ent. These are not the latest or greatest designs from ESS, but as PM ’s Lab Rep ort show s [see p 7 7 ]that doesn’t m ean the unit underp erform s, help ed by the differential dep loym ent p er channel and D enon’s ‘D AC M aster Clock’ technology. H ow ever, don’t set off looking R IG H T: Tw o m ains tran sform ers [top ]feed sep arate PSU s forthe w ireless/BT PCB [b ottom ], XM O S and Bu rr-Brow n d igitalin p u treceivers [b ottom right],8U ltra A L329D SP [top left]and an alogu e stage w ithfou r ES901 8K 2M D A Cs [left] 74 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k D ECEM BER 2023 television and stereo system , m aking it an op tion for anyone w ith a legacy am p to im p rove TV sound, if outp ut as PCM . It’s quite clever: you can use the sup p lied IR control cable to link the D NP-2000NE w ith a com p atible D enon am p lifier, and then drive the latter’s volum e via your TV ’s rem ote, even ifyou’re connected to the fixed line outp ut from the stream er. U sing the D NP-2000NE’s variable outp ut, m eanw hile,you can drive active sp eakers the H DM I CEC p rotocolw ill govern the DSP volum e control in the ’2000NE. M U LT IPLE CHOICE Regards the unit’s stream ing functions, these are m yriad - few m anufacturers these days p rovide only one op tion because audiop hiles w ant to use their p referred service or softw are, and not be forced to use a brand-sp ecific ap p . D enon endow s the D NP-2000NE w ith Ap p le AirPlay 2, and sup p ort for stream ing over (tw o-w ay) Bluetooth and UPnP. In short, ow ners can
U LF HA AL 3? It' access just about any stream ing service or their ow n netw ork-stored m usic files. Sp otify Connect is onboard too, and the D NP-2000NE leverages H EOS,the in-house ap p -driven stream ing and m ultiroom p latform that has been a feature on Denon hardw are (including w ireless sp eakers and soundbars) for alm ost ten years [see boxout, below ] . Som ething m issing from the sp ecification sheet is Roon Ready status,w hich has becom e a feature of m any netw ork audio p layers targeting the ‘above entry-level’crow d. Through AirPlay 2,the D NP-2000 does have ‘Roon Tested’status, but this doesn’t deliver total control nor the stream ing of high-resolution m aterial. Additionally, quite a few m odern stream ers, such as Auralic’s Aries G 1 .1 [HFN Jun ’23] , can function as a m edia server ifyou attach storage. This isn’t p ossible w ith the D NP-2000NE, but it w ill p layback hi-res file form ats (FLAC,ALAC,W AV ,AIFF and DSD) from the USB p ort on the front-p anel, adjacent to its 6 .35m m headp hone outp ut. © SON IC SY N ERGY W hile the D NP-2000NE is a stream er ready for all kinds of configurations, it’s nevertheless a ‘natural’fit w ith a PM A1 7 00NE am p and D CD -1 7 00NECD /SA CD p layer,w hich w ere the m odels Iused for the m ajority of m y listening sessions.Together w ith DALI Rubicon 2 standm ount loudsp eakers this m ade for an elegant hi-fisystem , and one w ith a good synergy betw een the D enon sep arates. O ffering a detailed p erform ance, the D NP-2000NE p roved entirely com p lem entary to the direct and p ow erful p resentation of D enon’s am p lifier w hen stream ing Kjartan Sveinsson’s D er K lang D er Offenbarung D es G bttlichen [Society ‘Itdeliversthe pristineclassics, andFriday nightplaylist’ HEOS HU B U PDA T E The H EO S m u ltiroom ,m u lti-service stream in g/ con troller ap p has,on the face of it,hard ly chan ged sin ce its in trod u ction in 201 4 [see screen shots,right]. Stu n g,p erhap s,b y the rich exp erien ces offered b y the likes of Son os,Roon or b ran d ap p s like A u ralic9s Lightn in g [H FN N ov 923],there has b een w ork d on e b ehin d the scen es,focu sin g on stab ility. Platform grow th in trod u ced a lotof su b -op tim al cod e,w e9re told ,an d clearin g thatu p w as the p riority u n til this year. The clean -u p op eration has p aved the w ay for a m aj or v3.0 red esign that9lltu rn u p in early 2024 . O n e b ig chan ge is the ap p earan ce of a H om e screen show in g favou rite sou rces,station s an d p laylists. In term s of fu n ction ality there w ill b e little chan ge an d the ap p w ill still fu n ction as a com p lete rem ote for the D N P-2000N E, lettin g you selectan d con trol stream in g services,m u sic files an d p hysical in p u ts. O n e clear ad van tage of H EO S is its su p p ortfor hi-res form ats,in clu d in g D SD stream s. It9s also easy to lin k the D N P-2000N E to u p to sixteen H EO S d evices,su ch as w ireless H om e sp eakers,stream in g am p lifiers an d AV receivers from D en on an d M aran tz,an d au d io d evices from Polk an d D efin itive Techn ology. A B O V E: The sm oothly con tou red fascia m atches m ostofD en on 9s recen tsep arates. U SB d rives are su p p orted via the U SB-A p ortb u t alb u m text,n otartw ork,is show n on the d isp lay of Sound 1 01 ; 48 kH z/24-bit] . Part one (or rather ‘Teil 1 ’) ofthis stirring op era com p osed by the Sigur Ros keyboardist and p erform ed by the G erm an Film O rchestra Babelsberg builds from a snail’s p ace to a crescendo that hits ever-higher notes.The string section never seem s to stop edging further up the scale, w hich m ight otherw ise be an invitation for som e harshness or artificiality to rear its head. That w asn’t case here as the DNP2000NE im p ressed w ith a natural-sounding and airy p resentation. Neither did D enon’s D AC lose track ofthe finer detail ofthe background p ercussion,w hich Sveinsson dep loys to evoke the crashing ofw aves, even though - m ercifully w ith this track - it softens up a bit on the high-end, ensuring the finalfew bars did not grate. There’s a lot of sp atial detail on offer during Teils II, III and IV ,w hich add choral singing to the m ix. It’s quite an unusual op era, as it w as p erform ed w ithout a single actor on stage; the audience w ere instead greeted by p ainted landscap e decors and effects (such as snow and a realcam p fire).That elem ent ofthe p erform ance w as m issing - lighting a fire in the G> D ECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k 75
w ebsite:w w w .jo rd an aco ustics.co .uk tel0 120 2 911 8 8 6 em ailask @ j ordanacou stics.co.u k Sonusfabef The natu ralsou ndof Sonu s faber,n o w w ireless. D u etto £3,490/pair Optionaldedicated stands avail abl e £649/pair. 0% FINANCE EX AM P L E* Initial20 % depositof£698.00,th en £1 55.11 per m onth for 1 8 m o n th s*. 0) o *The 0 % Finance exam pl e above is su bj ectto statu s & term s/conditions. Pl ease ask for fu rther detail s. W an tto trad e-up o rlo o kin g to ch an g e a co m po n en t? Callo rem ailto f in d o uth o w w e can h elp yo u
LAB REP ORT DEN ON DN P-2000N E ABOVE:Di gi tali n sin cl ud e2. 4GHz/5GHzwi rel ess(i n cBT )an d w ired Eth ern et,U SB B (384kHz/32-bi tan d DSD256 asDo P),HDMIARC,tw o o pti calan d o n eco axi alS/PDI F 1 92kHz/24-bi t),o pticalan d co axi ald ig italo utsarein cl ud ed abo ve! ixed an d variablean al o g ueo utputso n RCAs l istening room isagainsthou se ru l es -bu tenj oying this m u sic stream ed via HEOS on the D N P -20 0 0 N E,itw as easy to im agine how im m ersive the perform ance m u sthave been. RICH PICK IN GS C om paring the ‘virtu al’ stream ofM ettavol uti on by Rodrigo y G abriel a[ Ru byw ork s 538 471642; 44.1 k Hz /24-bit]w ith the discversion spinning on the D C D -17G ONE,there w as little difference to be noted the pl ayer u ses a B u rr-B row n D AC , bu tboth have been sim il arl y tu ned. Andj u stasthe D C D -170 0 N E does for discs,the D N P -20 0 0 N E isadept atconveying m u sic stream s w ith a sense ofem otion.The tw ang ofthe strings or the patting ofthe gu itar body on the al bu m 's title track w ere notpresented astoo dry,bu tl ifel ik e andw ith rich harm onics. The above m ightsu ggestthat the D N P -20 0 0 N E l acks su btl ety, so 1shou l d be cl ear thatw hil e it doesn'tappear to strive for u l tim ate resol u tion,itdoes del iver a coherent perform ance w ith a high l evelof detailand,above al l ,rhythm ic panache. These are fine q u al ities for am u l tifu nctionalprodu ctthatm ight notonl y be cal l ed u pon to pl ay pristine au diophil e cl assics,bu tal so del iver the Friday nightpl ayl ist. The obviou s rol e for the D NP 20 0 0 N E is as a netw ork stream er, bu tl istening via its USB-B por tis al so w orthw hil e. It's not thatthis offered a LEFT :Den o n suppl i es f tsRC-1 248 system remo te co n tro lw ith th e DNP-2000NE, bri n gi n g in put sel ecti o n ,vo lume, m utean d accessto th e co n f ig uratio n men u [seeHEOS bo xo ut,p7 5] night-and-day im provem ent,bu t sam pl ing C ow boy Ju nkies'Songs O fThe Recol l ecti on [ P RP C D 160 ; 44.1 k Hz /24-bit]via Roon on a M acB ook added a sm idge ofextra openness and a sw eeter tone to the sl ide gu itar on 'N o Expectations'. Overal l ,sw itching back andfor th betw een stream ing via rooExtend/ UP nP ,and m y MacB ook via USB,it w as hardto pu tafinger on specifics, bu tthe perform ance feltj u sta bit tighter w ith the l atter. Testedvia its fixed,singie-endedou tpu t,the D N P -20 0 0 N E offers a 2.22V m axim u m ou tpu t(re. OdBFs)from a m oderate 96ohm sou rce im pedance. The 110 dB A-w td S/N ratio i svery generou s j u stas its l ow -l evell inearity isim pressivel y precise,w ith errors ofj u st±0 .1 dB over a 10 0 dB dynam ic range and±0 .4dB over a 110 dB range. This 'dean'perform ance istestam ent notonl y to D enon's anal ogu e stage,bu tal so to its choice of ES90 18 K2M D AC s,a pair em pl oyedin differentialfashion per channel .AH ESS D AC s incl u de proprietary j itter su ppression, real isedhere in figu res of<30 psecfor al lsam pl e rates. In fact the ±50 Hz ,± 1OOHz ,etc,sidebands resol vedin the j itter test [ see G raph 2,bel ow ]are indistingu ishabl e from avery l ow l evel P SU m odu l ation.Athigher l evel s ("50 0 psec)this type ofj itter typical l y has aw arm ing or fattening infl u ence over l ow bass detail ,bu tisu nl ik el y to exertany infl u ence here. D istortion i sal so as l ow as m ightbe expected from pairs ofES90 18 D AC s- asl ow as0 .0 0 0 25% over the top 30 dB ofits range throu gh the m idrange and0 .0 0 0 5% at20 k Hz [ see G raph 1j .A regu l ar featu re ofD enon’s'digital 'produ cts i sits 'U l tra AL32 processing'w hich,notu nl ik e EdM eitner's MD AT2 adaptive fil ter al gorithm [HFN Sep '21]. sw itches coefficients depending on w hether the m u sic istransient-rich or inherentl y steady-state. In the l atter case its response isfl atto w ithin ±0 .1dB to 20 k Hz bu tw ith dynam ic signal s a sl ow roil -offl inear filter type bites above ~ 17k Hz to yiel d-2.6dB /20 k Hz (a!!44.1/48 k Hz data).W ith 96k Hz fil es itreaches -4.0 dB /45k Hz ,andw ith 192k Hz data it rol l s aw ay to -12.3dB /90 k Hz . As a resu l t,the D N P -20 0 0 N E does notbehave l ike a ‘pl ain vanil l a'ES 90 18 im pl em entation. P M Y ES,BOSS W hatabou tthatHD M]inpu t? W el l ,there’ sa lotofgood m u sic contentto be fou nd on you r sm art TV. One ofm y favou rites isB ruce Sp ri ngsteen' s LetterTo You, a sw eet and poignantAppl e TV docu m entary covering the recording ofthe artist's 20 20 al bu m ofthe sam e nam e,and tou ching u pon S pringsteen com ing to term s w ith his advancing years. I've w atched itm any tim es in its D ol by Atm os incarnation,bu tin stereo throu gh the D N P -20 0 0 N E andthe restofthe D enon separates itw as eq u al l y del ightfu l- crisp, envel oping and intense. Everything abou tthe produ ction -the bl ack andw hite im agery,S pringsteen's voice-over,the excel l entrecording ofthe band- is m ade to pu l lyou in. The w el l -featu red D N P -20 0 0 N E w as u p to the chal l enge. O Sure to satisf y Den o n o w n ers keen to ad d stream in g to th eir setup,th e DNP -2000NE o f f ers a lo tatan ag reeable price,f ro m app co n tro lto HDM Ico n n ectivity -butth an kf ully th e bran d h asn ’t f o cused so lely o n f un ctio n ality. Ef f o rtputin to th e un d erlyin g electro n ics reaps perf o rm an ce rew ard s,w h eth erh eard via stream in g o rU S8.T h is i sa f in eso un d in g an d versatile un itth at d eserves bro ad er atten tio n . SoundD ual i t y:85% 0 - - - - - - - - 100 .n 2# ABOVE:Disto rtio n vs.48 kHz/24-bitd ig italsi g n all evel ! o vera 1 20d B d yn amic ran g e (black, 1 kHz;blue,20kHz) ABOVE:Hig h reso lutio n 48 kHz/24-bitjitterspectra w ith markers sh o w in g m in o rPSU -in d uced sid eban d s HI-F IN EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S M axim um o utp ut levelfim p ed an ce 2.22V rm s / 96ol irn A-w td Sf N ratio ( SfP D l l - fN etw ork ) 10 9.9JB / 10 9.8 dB D isto rtio n (l kH2> OdB FspS OdB Fi) 0 .0 0 0 3^ f0 .0 0 0 6ft; Disto rtio n & No ise (20 kH2,OdBFspSOdBFs) 0 .0 0 13^ fO.OOOTf t S Freq .resp .(20 Hz -20 k Hz ,'45k Hz f90 k Hz ) + 0 .0 Lu -0 .1dB f-4.0 dB /-12d6 D ig ita ljitter (48 k Hz /96k Hz ) S Opset; IS pfiec Reso lutio n (1kHz @ -l O O dB Fif-110 dBFs) ± 0 JdB /±0 .4dB P o w erco n sum p tio n 21W (2W sLandbyj Dim en sio n s (W HD ) /W eig h t 434x10 7x374rnin ;9.7k g DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 7 7
BEH IN D TH E M U SIC W ITH H I-FI N EW S & RECO RD REVIEW Tchaikovsky TheNutcracker Christmas entertainment, orchestral showpiece or a human drama? This farewell to the stage is all three, says Peter Quantrill, as he sits down with boxes of Sugar-Plum Fairies W atch ow did N utcracker ever catch on? Follow ing the ou tfor p rem iere in St Petersburg : the M ou se-King: in D ecem ber 1 8 9 2, one : the Bolshoi • Ballet9s su p ercritic delivered the coup de grace. trad itional ‘First of all,N utcracker can in:*no • staging,on Bel event be called a ballet. It does : Air Classiqu es not com p ly w ith even one ofthe dem ands m ade of a ballet. Ballet, as a basic genre of art, is m im ed dram a and consequently m ust contain all the elem ents of norm al dram a.’ ‘On the other hand’,the critic continued, ‘there m ust be a p lace in ballet for dances, m ade up of the entire essence of classical choreograp hy. There is nothing of this in N utcracker.There is not even a subject’. H A * • * * * A • * • • ♦ 4 • • « * • * * * ■ V * Yet N utcracker did catch on, not just as Tchaikovsky’s sw ansong (p un intended) to the dram atic m edium that suited him best, but as a gatew ay to the w orld of classical m usic as w ell as ballet for children and adults alike. Purely as a score,Act 1 ’s transform ation from dom estic p arlour to fir-forest deep in snow is one ofthe great rom antic m om ents.The battle scene keep s up a p rolonged, sp arky anim ation w ith at least as m uch brilliance as any of the sym p honic scherzos and finales. and the toys, w hich have com e alive.W hen the M ouse-King is about to defeat the nutcracker in single com bat, Clara saves him by throw ing her slip p er at the M ouse-King. The Christm as tree suddenly T OY ST ORY grow s to enorm ous dim ensions,the nutcracker turns into Too harsh? The p lot in a nutshell a handsom e p rince is adap ted from a tale by ETA and thanks Clara for H offm ann.A Christm as p arty is interrup ted by Drosselm ayer, her deed.They p ass beneath the branches the godfather ofthe Silberhaus ofthe Christm as children. H e brings gifts including a nutcracker to w hich young tree into a snow y : Peter landscap e and on to • W right9s Clara is im m ediately attracted. Confiturem bourg, : version of After bedtim e, Clara creep s : M ariu s Petip a9s back dow nstairs to check on the the Land of Sw eets,w here the nutcracker,w hich has been broken. : choreograp hy for : nutcracker’s safe return is cause for : the RoyalBallet, the divertissem ent,w hich takes up The room is invaded by m ice and m ost ofthe w ork’s second act. : on O p u s Arte a battle ensues betw een the m ice The story,w hile quaint, has obvious structural defects.An action-p acked Act 1 is follow ed by an exp ansive set oftableaux for Act 2.The choreograp her M arius Petip a w as w ell aw are of this w hen he becam e m ysteriously indisp osed halfw ay through rehearsals, and his colleague Lev Ivanov took charge. Initially fired by the p roject, Tchaikovsky also began to have m isgivings, though he continued to fill Petip a’s exacting briefto V O P U the quaver. ‘Coffee.Arabian,the S U Y . Kingdom ofYem en. Coffee M ocha. D : O Eastern D ance from 24 to 32 bars of T O H P cloying and bew itching m usic.’ iSW EET SOU N DS : The endless variety ofthe : orchestration is cap p ed by the :* introduction ofthe celesta for the • D ance ofthe Sugar-Plum Fairy.This : w as an entirely new instrum ent (p ercussion w ith a keyboard) at the tim e, w hich Tchaikovsky had sp ecially im p orted, and then sm uggled into the theatre under w rap s so that no other com p oser w ould steal the sound of glitter • and ice and m agic from him . : The p rotean identity of • N utcracker has enabled it to take • on entirely sep arate costum es and • form s.W hat view ers w ant from • a fully staged ballet is entirely : different to the criteria by w hich a : com p lete version ofthe score, as an : exp erience p urely for the ears,w ill : be judged. The Suite from the ballet : has earned a sep arate identity in • its ow n right, both as an orchestral : selection of highlights, and in • various p iano arrangem ents. : Purely as a dem onstration of j conducting sorcery,for exam p le, : Sergiu Celibidache’s late-late craw l • through the Suite, exquisitely : p layed by the M unich Philharm onic • (EM I/W arner) exerts m agnetic : fascination. At the other end of ‘Thesehi -fi spectaculars arefait hfult o thescore’ A 78 w w w .hifin ew s.co .u k D ECEM B ER 2 0 2 3
4 the tem p o envelop e,the p ianism of M artha Argerich is never m ore m ercurially bew itching than in her duet recording (DG) ofthe suite in com p any w ith Nicolas Econom ou. For a m ore central recom m endation in the Suite,the Berlin Philharm onic under M stislav Rostrop ovich (also DG) brings a snap p y, articulate brilliance to the dance rhythm s not m atched by heavier and m ore reverential Russian versions from M ravinsky and Svetlanov. In the 1 9 50s,the new m edium of LP p roved idealfor a com p lete recording ofthe score, com fortably fitting on tw o records. In a sep arate but related develop m ent, G eorge Balanchine created a new staging of the ballet, p rem iered in 1 9 54, w hich sim ultaneously created a new North Am erican holiday tradition and ensured the financial stability ofthe New York City Ballet. Record labels saw the p otentialfor a hit. First out ofthe blocks w as Antal D orati, both in m ono and then • Snow : flu rry • city:the corp s : ofthe N ew York : City Balletin : Balanchine9s : m u ch-loved : version,on the « : C m aj or lab el I * un (Z) s * : • : • • : ■ : : : : : : : : : : : Essential Recordings below ]are m ore balletically sp rung, building tow ards an ap otheosis w ith the em otional charge ofthe P athetique or E ugene Onegin. Esp ecially under Previn and Jurow ski,the lugubrious clarinet ofthe Arabian dance tap s into the m elancholy vein ofthe Fifth Sym p hony,w here m any other versions conjure a generically p seudo-eastern m oodiness. J SILVER SCREEN : For the full exp erience ofN utcracker : as Tchaikovsky and Petip a conceived M agic • it, a film version w ill alw ays surp rise tricks and : inveterate listeners to the score w ith : transform ations • the ever-ingeniously close m atch : in a w ell-grooved : of m usic to m ovem ent. Petip a’s : tou ring staging ; choreograp hy is best exp erienced : in the longstanding but continually : b y the Ballet : ofthe N ational • up dated version for the Royal Ballet : O p era of U kraine : by Peter W right (Op us Arte),though ■ ■ ■ * ■ # stereo w ith the M inneap olis SO. It w as hard-driven,w ith tem p ithat w ould challenge the m ost athletic of dancers, but w as calculated to sp ring from the sp eakers in M ercury’s Living Presence sound. D ecca soon follow ed w ith the tech-saw y Ernest Anserm et in G eneva, m aking the m ost oftheir ow n p rop rietorial ‘ffrr’set-up .Their m odern counterp arts are G ergiev w ith his Kirov orchestra on Philip s the first to squeeze the w hole ballet on a single CD - and D udam el in Los Angeles, w rap p ing the listener in blizzards oftinsel and snow w ith D olby Atm os surround sound. These hi-fisp ectaculars are faithfulto the dots ofthe score, less to its sp irit as m usic for dancing. Jurow ski, Pletnev and Previn [see • there is no shortage of sup erficially :• m ore ‘authentic’versions from : Russia including G ergiev and the : Kirov in situ (W arner Classics). : Dm itriTcherniakov p lays fast : and very loose w ith the scenario in • his Paris staging, but his reuniting : ofthe ballet w ith its original : com p anion op era, Iolanta,fuses the : tw o into a com p elling new tragedy. : The Salzburg M arionette Theatre : p resents a surp risingly un-w ooden : staging to the accom p anim ent of : Anserm et’s recording (Belvedere). O nce you have seen G eorge Balanchine’s staging, how ever, it’s : hard to go back to Russian dolls. : Recognisably m odern in outlook,yet : honouring at every stage the w inter • m agic ofthe original scenario, the : New York City Ballet p resents the j m ost hum an and heart-w arm ing : N utcracker to be found on film .O • A ESSEN TIA L R ECO R D IN G S * State Acad em ic SO o fRussia/Juro w ski Pentatone PTC5186761 (2CDs) Pick of the bunch on CD: expansive engineering holds the old-school Russian grandeur of the playing in perfect focus. New Yo rk City Ballet/O tran to C major 738704/ 738608 (Blu-ray/ DVD) Balanchine’s hit version for NYCB transfers to the screen as a Christmas treat for all the family, beautifully filmed and played. Russian Natio n alOrch estra/P letn ev Ondine ODE1180-2D (2CDs) A quirky alternative: Pletnev never drives the tempi too hard and opens up the score’s countless felicities and novelties. Ro yalBallet/G ruzin Opus Arte OABD7229D/ OA1252D (Blu-ray/ DVD) The best of several modern Royal Ballet versions. Lauren Cuthbertson’s immaculate Sugar-Plum Fairy plus exciting pit work. LSO/P revin (released 201 6) EMI/ Warner 5419734650/ 9029592391 (CD/ LP) An analogue classic, with the ’70s LSO brass and EMI’s Abbey Road engineering sounding even finer on the new LP remastering. Opera d e P aris/Altin o g lu Bel Air BAC445/ BAC145 (Blu-ray/ DVD) The left-field choice, but also the ‘authentic’ one, paired with I olanta as at the premiere, in Dmitri Tcherniakov’s radical staging. D ECEM B ER 2 0 2 3 w w w .hifin ew s.co .u k 79
_ —. % \ / / > / * - — — 1 T T | I — I 1 | \ / I | — I [ xJ I y I I y ^ / / / / / / __ j 1 2| k A J A STEVE SUTHERLAND Steve edited NME from 1992-2000, the Britpop yyyyyy/ ' years, launching NME.com and reviving the v / / / / / / N M E A w a r ds. Previously he was Assistant / / / / / / / Editor on Melody Maker. Among his many adventures he has been physically threatened by Axl Rose, hung out awhile with Jerry Garcia and had a drink or two with Keith Richards... BEHIND T HE M U SIC W IT H HI-FINEW S & RECORD REVIEW Sl yA ndTheFamily This album showcases the rule-breaking, genre-busting band in their prime, says Steve Sutherland, as he soaks up the sounds of its 20 songs, reissued on 180g vinyl jyou ng teen over 50 years ago.The fil m is y friends and I ,w e w ere : am az ing,the perform ances never short su it-and-tie gu ys...’ This is D arrylLLew is speak ing. D on’t : ofstu nning. There’sNina Sim one,The w orry,it’su nl ik el y you ’l lhave : C ham bers Brothers,Stevie W onder,The es Singers,Mahal ia Jackson,The 5th heardofD arryl . He’sone ofthe peopl e that •Stapl m u sician and record produ cer Q u estl ove : D im ension... Bu tw hat’sprom pted D arryl ’s invited into the editsu ite w hen assem bl ing : grinning su it-and-tie confession isw atching the footage for Sum m erO fSoul , the fil m : the k itschy syncopated dance m oves of * adys Knights’ P ipsand D avid Ru ffin. he created in 20 21 docu m enting the 1969 : G l Harl em C u l tu ralFestival ,w hich took pl ace : ‘W e cou l dn’tsing,he chu ckl es,‘w e dn’tdo anything,bu tw e on six Su ndays betw een Ju ne the 29th and •cou l Au gu stthe 24th atM ou ntMorris P ark (now : thou ghtw e cou l d dance,w e 1 • hadal lthe m oves dow n...’ Marcu s G arvey P ark)in Harl em ,NYC . B ril l iantasthey are, M IN IST RY OF F U N •thou gh,it’sneither Ms Knight The footage hadbeen : nor Mr Ru ffin w e’re here to l angu ishing u nseen eu l ogise. It’sSl y AndThe in a basem entso Fam il y Stone w hose set w hen D arrylgot in the Sum m erO fSoul to w atch it,it m ovie isthe absol u te crow ning gl ory. Historians ofpopu l ar m u sic w asfor the first tim e since he’d tendto heap so m any su perl atives actu al l y attended on Sl y’sbandthatit’sbecom e easy the eventasa to tak e their pl ace in the pantheon : ofgreatsfor granted. Re-l istening,thank s : to the rel ease ofAnthol ogy, confirm s al l V : the pl au dits andthen som e.Asanother : com m entator in the SOS m ovie so aptl y * ■ pu ts it: ‘This iscl earl y a bandw ith an : evangel icalsense oftheir chu rch of : psychedel ic sou l . It’sthe Ministry OfFu n.’ : W e are general l y notin the habitof : covering ‘BestOf’sin this featu re bu t : Anthol ogy, firstrel easedin 198 1,issu ch a peerl ess col l ection that itw ou l d be rem iss ofu s notto recom m end itto anyone w ho isn’tfam il iar w ith the w ondrou s Fam il y Stone,andeven ifyou ’re a Sl y aficionado and have al lthe grou nd-break ing, m ind-bl ow ing al bu m s,this : com pil ation serves asa spl endid pl ayl istof : essentialtrack s. I n fact- and Ido l iteral l y : m ean i n fact-there isn’ta singl e track ou t : ofthe 20 here thatfal l s shortofanyw here : in the region offantastic. Thesesongs arefull-on clarioncalls forpositivity’ :EVERY ON E’S A ST A R ♦ : W hether it’sthe good-tim ey singl es ‘D ance : To The Mu sic’,‘IW anna Take You Higher’ : and‘HotFu n I n The S u m m ertim e’,or the : harder,fu nk ier ‘Thank You for Tal kin’ To Me « •Africa’,its bl u eprint‘Thank You (Fal ettinm e : Be Mice El fAgin)’,or the sparse,vocoder•drenchedfreak ou t‘D on’tC al lMe...’,these : are fu l l -on cl arion cal l sfor positivity. : Fu rtherm ore,from the heartfel tpl ea : for generationalu nderstanding of‘Fam il y •Affair’,to ‘Everyday P eopl e’shym n to : racialharm ony (‘There isayel l ow one that : w on’t/Acceptthe bl ack oneffhatw on’t : acceptthe redone/Thatw on’tacceptthe : w hite one/D ifferentstrokesfor different : fol k s...’)or the does-w hat-it-says-on-the-tin :l ittl e beau ties ‘You C an Make ItIfYou Try’ : and‘Everyone’sA Star’,there’snothing •particu l arl y com pl ex in these m essages. : Another track ’stitl e? ‘Sing A Sim pl e Song’. •N otw ithstanding the sonic andtechnical : innovations w here the feelandvibe tak e 1precedence over perfection or precision, : these are grow n-u p nu rsery rhym es, * T h e g ro up (l -r):G reg Errico , Ro si e Sto n e,Sl y Sto n e,Cyn th ia Ro bin so n , Fred d ie Sto n e,Jerry Martin i, Larry G rah am an d (in set)labelo fo rig in alU S release o n Epi c 80 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk DECEMBER 2023
Priced £47 .99,th e 1 80g rei ssue o f Sl y An d T h e Family Sto n e’sAnthol ogy i savailable o n lin e atw w w .roughtrade.com del iberatel y created as l a-di-da ear w orm s, singsongs,com m u nalrej oicings.They neither ack now l edge nor acceptany m u sicalparam eters and hol d no tru ck w ith prej u dice ofany kind. W A LK T HE W A LK Sl y (realnam e Syl vester)w as a prodigiou s m u sician,brou ghtu p in the chu rch,w ho l anded in San Francisco to D Jdu ring the Haight-Ashbu ry hippie l ove-in years and therefore k new w hattu rned peopl e on. And he w al k ed itl ike he tal k ed it. The grou p atits peak w as m u l tiracialand pansexu al ,com prised ofSl y on pretty m u ch everything,his brother Freddie on gu itar andsister Rose on keyboards,C ynthia Robinson on keyboards,Jerry M artinion sax,Larry G raham on bass,G reg Errico on dru m s andal landsu ndry on vocal s andshou t-ou ts. I n other w ords,a l iving, breathing exam pl e in the stu dio,on stage andon the airw aves ofw hatothers w ere debating andfighting over. U nity. No if sor bu ts,they w ere a revol u tion. Presssh o to fSl y Sto n e by U rve Kuusi k,i ssued by Epi ci n 1 969 Back to D arryl :‘W hen you saw a bl ack grou p,w hatyou expectedto see w as, general l y speak ing,al lm en,al ldressed in m atching su its,ready before they ever hitthe stage to perform . He [ the MC ] introdu ced Sl y andthe firstthing that happensto the au dience isthe feel ing of apprehension becau se j u stbecau se they introdu ced Sl y doesn’tm ean he’sthere. Ital so doesn’tm ean he’scom ing ou t im m ediatel y... [ B u t]assoon aseverything w as k ick in’,itw as onV : the l ikes ofP rince,Mil es D avis,Bob Marl ey, : MichaelJackson,G eorge C l inton,Tu pac : Shaku r,D r. D re,Beyonce,Lenny Kravitz, : Frank Ocean... bl im ey,j u stabou teveryone : w ho’sany good. Asone ofthe scribbl ers : pu tit: ‘There are tw o types ofbl ack m u sic: • bl ack m u sic before Sl y Stone,and bl ack : m u sic after Sl y S tone’. : C an’targu e w ith thatbu tIprefer ou r : friend D arryl ’spay-offl ine in the m ovie. ‘My : grou p ofgu ys,w e w ere su it-and-tie gu ys. : Then w e saw Sl y andw e w ere no l onger •su it-and-tie gu ys.The change,’ he saysw ith CIRCU S OF SOU N D A N D VISION a chu ckl e,‘w as in effect’.0 Sl y AndThe Fam il y Stone w ere one of • the firstgrou ps to do w hatthey w anted, : w hen they w anted. No ru l es appl ied. Later, • RE-RELEASE VERDICT eased by Epic on dou bl e LP and sadl y,noteven their ow n - cocaine saw : Firstrel e cassette in 198 1,andfeatu ring to that. Bu tin their absol u te pom p there • singl y AndThe Fam il y w as,and never has been since,anything : 20 songs from Sl ate ’60 s/earl y ’70 s peak, to tou ch them . Fringe j ack ets,pim p hats, • S tone’sl ation al bu m Anthol ogy w raparou nd shades,m agnificentafros, : the com pil abl e on 18 0 g vinylfrom beads and bel l s... they w ere a hal l u cinatory • isnow avail ands-basedau diophil el abel carnivalofpride,an exotic,dow n-hom e : N etherl MOVLP 3394C ]. circu s ofsou ndandvision.They m ade their • Mu sic On Vinyl[ ow n tim e andexistedw ithin it. : Retaining the originalartw ork and isting,this l im ited edition reissu e Another com m entator on Sum m erO f * track l l y nu m beredcopies Soulcal l sthe grou p ‘transform ative’.The : of30 0 0 individu al d sl eeve for its party hadcom e to tow n andeveryone w as j com es w ith a gatefol ou redvinylLP s. HFN invited. The freedom party,thatis.W hen : tw o pink -col Sl y w as in the hou se,there w as,astheir • Sound Qual i t y:90% 1971 LP accl aim ed,a riotgoin’ on. • 100 Assaid,m u sic w riters have l au dedSl y • AndThe Fam il y Stone for their infl u ence on : DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 81
VIN Y L ICON S BEHIND T HE M U SIC W IT H HI-FINEW S & RECORD REVIEW P etShop Boys,actually. P etShop BoysActually Arriving j u stayear after their 198 6 debu tPl ease, the British el ectro-pop du o’ssecond al bu rn sol idifiedtheir chart-topping statu s,thank sto a bigger produ ction infl u enced by ZZ Top,a gu estappearance from D u sty S pringfiel d,andsom e cl assictu nes... W ords:Jo h n n y Sh arp 82 w w w .h ifin ew s.co .uk DECEM BER 2023
t’sa m al aise al m ostas ol d as pop m u sic itsel f. Secondal bu m syndrom e -the crisisfaced by an artistw riting the fol l ow -u p to a hitdebu tLP ,w hen they real ise thatafter having hadtheir w hol e l ivesto com e u p w ith the contents oftheir firstoffering to the w orl d, they now onl y have afew m onths to ru stl e u p afresh batch ofeq u al l y strong m aterialfor the fol l ow -u p. That’snotsu ch a probl em , thou gh,ifyou have a su fficientl y l arge stock pil e ofgreatsongs before you hitthe big tim e that there’senou gh top-notch m aterial to fil ltw o al bu m s. N oelG al l agher su ggestedthatw asthe case w ith Oasis,hence the strength oftheir firsttw o offerings. Andithel ps expl ain how the P etShop Boys fol l ow ed u p their 198 6 debu tPl ease w ith an even m ore strik ing and pol ishedsetofdance-pop gem s on 198 7’sActual l y. Itw ou l dtu rn ou t to be the du o’sdefining rel ease, the fou r hitsingl es itspaw ned rem aining am ong the band’sbest­ l ovedcom positions from a career spanning nearl y 40 years. OPPORT U N IT Y K N OCK S Asfar back as 198 2,NeilTennant andC hris Low e hadbeen w ork ing regu l arl y on dem os in a sm al l C am den stu dio,having m etthe year before in a King’sRoadhi-fishop w here the form er bou ghta Korg synthesiser andthey bonded over a shared l ove ofdisco andsynth pop. W hil e Tennant,by thatpointa j ou rnal istw ith pop m ag Sm ash Hi ts, w as in N ew York interview ing Sting, he sou ghtou tcu l tdisco produ cer T Sid e 1 of th e o rig in al LP o n th e Parlo ph o n e label Ch ri s Lo w e (lef t)an d Neil T en n an ti n a press sh o t i ssued by EMI Man h attan Reco rd s i n 1 988 Ad f or th e h itsin g le ‘W h atHave IDo n e T o Deserve T h is’ w ith Dusty Sprin g f ield Lo w e an d T en n an ti n a pro m o pic f ro m 1 987 T h e d uo po se f or th e cam era i n 1 995 : Bobby O Orl ando,w ho saw : som ething in their dem os andended : u p produ cing 11 tracks. : Apartfrom m ak ing brief : rippl es on the US cl u b scene,l ittl e : happenedto the su bseq u entrel ease : of‘W estEndG irl s’ on Orl ando’s : B obcatl abelor reissu es on C BS and : Epic. Itw asn’tu ntilthey parted : com pany w ith Orl ando and hired ■ British m anager Tom W atkinsto : oversee their career thattheir : prospects began to •im prove,asa deal w ith P arl ophone w as inked in 198 5. Yet even then they saw ‘Opportu nities (Let’s Make Lots OfMoney)’ fl op before a rem ix of ‘W estEndG irl s’ final l y cl inchedthe du o their firstNo 1. D u ring thatperiodthey hadbeen w riting continu al l y,andthey carried on after thatbreak throu gh hitand the rel ease ofthe Pl ease LP - hel ped by the cancel l ation ofa proposed tou r w hich l eftthem w ith w as nothing better to do than retu rn to the stu dio andfocu s on songw riting. : One advantage the pair al so hadfrom the startw asthe sel f­ confidence and bl oody m indedness to stay tru e to them sel ves,rather than accede to the dem ands oftheir l abeland m anagem ent. ‘W e w ere al w ays u nder pressu re atthe start, from EMIandTom ,to be m ore... nice’,Tennanttol d C hris Heath in his book Li teral l y. ‘W e del iberatel y took care to be the opposite.’ ‘P eopl e have gotto l ike itor l um p it,real l y’,saidLow e. ‘Ifw e w ere to contrive l ook ing [ l ike]happy,good­ l ook ing pop stars,itw ou l dn’tw ork .’ By the tim e the P etShop Boys m adeActual l y, they’dprovedto be su ccessfu lon their ow n term s via hits l ike the re-rel eased ‘Opportu nities’ and ‘S u bu rbia’,el egantyet fu n-l oving pop w ith a pronou nced British accentanda strong streak ofdry hu m ou r. Therefore,they pretty m u ch had their ow n bl ank canvas on w hich to paintthis second l ong-form statem entto the w orl d. ‘Theduo met inahi -fishop onLondon’s K ing’sR d’ OVER T HE T OP The firstsingl e from the al bu m w ou l d be the bol dest,broadestsl ice ofdance pop they’dyetcom e u p w ith,and itstil lsou ndshuge com ing ou tofyou r speakers today. ‘It’sA Sin’ w astail or-m ade that w ay,as NeilTennantrecal l edon the sl eevenotes ofthe 20 0 1 reissu e.G* DECEM BER 2023 w w w .h ifin ew s.co .uk 83
(O CHORD O Chord Electron ics Ltd. PRICES LOW ERED W e've l ow ered prices on five aw ard-w inning devices,incl u ding the 20 23W hatHi -Fi ? ‘BestD AC (s)’ Moj o 2 and Q u test. G etthe bestfor l ess. Ch o rd electro n ics.co .uk
VIN Y L ICON S P RODU CT ION NOT ES The al bu m cam e together du ring initialsessions in London stu dios Advision andSarm W est. Low e tol d ofhow they w ere affordedtim e to experim entor ‘faffa lot’.The boys cal l edon variou s stu dio m aestros incl u ding Pl ease produ cer Stephen Hagu e,bu tthe bu l k ofthe al bu m w as overseen by Ju l ian Mendel sohn, w ho hadfirstappearedon the band’s radar w hen he produ ceda rem ixed version ofearl y singl e ‘S u bu rbia’. Hetol d Cl assi cPop m agaz ine in 20 17 how he andTennantdid‘a l ot ofthe hands-on w ork ’,w hil e Low e, ever the m an offew w ords,l istened andoccasional l y m ade asu ggestion. ‘He’dgetu p,he’dhave a keyboard andhe’dfiddl e abou tfor a cou pl e of m inu tes... then he’dgo back to the cou ch.Anditw as al w ays aw inner.’ Andw hil e Mendel sohn hadto insiston Tennantdoing m ore takes to im prove vocal sthe singer w as al ready happy w ith,the recording ofD u sty S pringfiel d’scontribu tion w asthe opposite.The granddam e w asvery particu l ar abou thow she w anted her vocalto sou nd,andshe insistedon recording tak e after tak e before she w as happy w ith them . Itw as du ring the m aking ofa video for ‘W hatHave ID one To D eserve This’ thatthe cl assic cover photo w astak en.The shotofthe du o,in dinner j ackets anddickie bow s,w ith Tennantcau ghtin an ‘W e decidedto m ak e the w hol e record gargantu anl y C athol ic and over-the-top. W e w entto B rom pton Oratory w ith Ju l ian M endel sohn and recorded the am bience. You can hear itin the back grou nd ofthe < father forgive m e...= section.’ They al so threw in su ch tou ches as athu ndercl ap and a NASA cou ntdow n. Assu ch,the song had com e a fair w ay from the one thatbegan l ife in Ray Roberts’ C am den stu dio,w hen Low e cam e u p w ith thatdescending chord seq u ence andTennant began pl aying arou nd w ith the titu lar phrase. ‘Itw as original l y very Eu ro and hada differenttu ne,very French­ sou nding’,the singer said. Later,an incarnation by B obby O didn’tpass m u ster,andw hen the track w as nom inated for produ ction by S tock Aitk en W aterm an for Pl ease, P ete W aterm an decided he w asn’ta fan. Another key track on the al bu m featu res the P etShop Boys’ first gu estvocal ist- one ofthe great B ritish sou lvoices. And once again, itw as a song thathad been in devel opm entsince before their debu tal bu m . ‘W hatHave ID one To D eserve This’ w as al w ays conceived as a du et,bu tafter the song w as dem o’dw ith Am erican session singer Al l ee W il l is atthe end of 198 4 (w ho al so w rote the ‘since you w entaw ay...’ passage ofthe song),the grou p’sim agination w as fired u p w hen Tom W atson’s assistantN ik k e S l ightsu ggested •they try D u sty S pringfiel d - w hose : DustyIn M em p hi s al bu m isam ong • l -tim e favou rites. * Tennant’sal : CA REER REVIVA L : She said ‘no’ to the then-u nk now n • B ritish du o,and after su ggestions by : their record com pany thatincl u ded : * Tina Tu rner and B arbra S treisand : w ere rej ected by the band,the song didn’tm ak e it onto Pl ease. Happil y, thou gh,S pringfiel d l ater heard ‘W estEnd G irl s’ on the radio and l ik ed it. Rem em bering the earl ier approach from the P etShop Boysto du eton j ‘W hatHave ID one...’,she asked her : m anagem entto getback in tou ch. Here it’sw or th * : rem em bering that : i n in the m id-198 0 s : S pringfiel d w as : < ■ far from the revered : nam e in the B ritish t • pop pantheon she is GET T IN G DU ST Y IN HERE : ' I now ,and her career w as tering to say the l east. M endel sohn’sprodu ction final l y did : fal the song j u stice. ‘Iw as l istening to : ‘W hen w e actu al l y m etD u sty, : she w as l iving in a pay-by-day al otofZZ Top’,he told Cl assi cPop m agaz ine in 20 17. ‘So Isortofsent ■ : Hol l yw ood m otel’,Tennant itin thatdirection a l ittl e bit- the : told Cl assi cPop . ‘She w as insistentheaviness ofit.’ : real l y atrock bottom .’ G» ‘Springfield heard “W est E ndGirls” and likedit’ al m ighty yaw n,w astaken by C indy P al m ano,anditw as abou tto be u sedfor the cover ofTennant’sal m a m ater Sm ash Hi ts before the band req u ested,the day before itw as du e to go to press,thatitbe hel dback for the Actual l yal bu m . ‘Itw as sortofu ncom prom ising andfu nny atthe sam e tim e’,Neil Tennantl ater noted. A l otl ike the m en itdepicted,in fact. DECEMBER 2023 a 1 991 sh o o tby ph o to g raph er Eric W atso n used o n th e in n ersleeves o fth e ban d ’s 2LP album Discogr ap hy T en n an t an d Lo w e po se w ith Dusty Sprin g f ield in a pro m o sh o tf o rth e 1 98 9 m o vie Scand al T he exterio r o fSarm W est stud io s i n W estLo n d o n Lo w e an d T en n an ti n 1 98 7 , th e yeari n w h ich Actually w as released w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 85
I nA W orl dFul lofVi nylCl eani ngOpt i ons, There’ sOnl yOneI nescapabl eConcl us i on. Formor et han50year s , t heSpi nCl eanRec or dWas hers ys t em hass et t hes t andar dwheni tc omest odel i ver i ngt hebes t val ue r ec or dcl eani ngs ol ut i on. Spi nCl eanr emovesdu s t ,di r t ,fi l m,gr eas eandfi nger pr i nt s ,whi l ecl eani ngbot hs i desof t he r ec or datt hes amet i me. A ndt heSpi nCl eandes i gni ss i mpl i ci t yi t sel f -t her ear enobat t er i esorA C r equ i r ed. TheSpi nCl eanfl ui di sal s obi odegr adabl e. Ther ear enohar mfu l agent s , al kal i nes , orphos phat es , andi t ’ st ot al l yal c ohol fr ee. Al lofwhi c hi swhyt heSpi nCl eanRec or dWas hers ys t em hasbeenac c l ai medbybot hau di ophi l esandfi r s t t i meu s er sal i ke andc i t edbyi ndependentr evi ewer sast hemos teffec t i vevi nylc l eani ngopt i onfort hemone y. G i vent hei nves t menti nyou r r ec or dc ol l ec t i on,i s n’ ti tt i meyou t akeSpi nCl ean<foras pi n=? Formor ei nfor mat i onabou tt heSpi nCl e anr e c or dwas he rs y s t e m, got os pi nc l ean. c om. © 20 23Spin-C l ean I nt ernat ional .Al lright sreserved, 2023 t heabsoi ut Rsoun d E D IT O R S ' C H O IC E AW AIOS
ORIG INAL RELEASE (1 98 7 ) incl u des 14 dem os,rem ixes The vinylpressing ofActual l y [ P C SD 10 4)thatdid m ostofthe andpreviou sl y u nrel eased songs from those sessions. u nit-shifting w hen the al bu m w as firstrel eased (C D had a Som e l isteners have griped thatthe rem astering by M etropol is su ffersfrom the w ay to go before itw ou l dtak e ack ofsu btl ety associated over asthe dom inantform at,of l cou rse} isgeneral l y hel d in high w ith the 'Lou dness W ars’ era regard by fans.And given the sheer nu m bers in w hich itsol d back then,it's nothardto find in w hich item erged. These <w ars'saw engineers appl ying greater com pression and gain a copy in near m intcondition. Low e andTennantin 1999,the year they rel eased their al bu m Nightlife and (bel ow )in a shotpr om oting Introsp ective from 198 8 Yetthe pair w ere thr illed to have one oftheir m u sicalheroes singing on their record,andw hen itbecam e the second singl e from the Actual l y al bu m to hitthe charts,ithel ped revive D u sty S pringfiel d’scareer. its firstgo arou ndthe P etShop Boys’ songw riting fair,having original l y been penned as a Hi-NRG disco nu m ber. Andy Richards,the grou p’s k eyboard program m er and engineer, hadthe idea ofsl ow ing itdow n. w ith captivating resu l ts. HEA RT BEA T W hil e Tennantand Low e are Thattrack ’sbl end ofsu ng-spoken,. ■ often regarded asarch-ironists, Engl ish-accented narrative and ■ they dealin em otionalresonance m el odical l y enhanced dance : as su ccessfu l l y as any greatpop pop is cl assic P etShop Boys. It’s : songw riters,and ‘Heart’ w ou l d a com bination fou nd el sew here » give them Actual l y’ssecond N o 1 on this al bu m ,notl easton the : singl e w hen itfol l ow ed non-al bu m opening track 'One cover ‘Al w ays On My M ind’ to the top 40 M ore C hance’ and its evocation ofa l onel y su m m itin eariy ’8 8 . u rban l andscape W ritten - you w here ‘strangers in gu essed it- a cou pl e overcoats hu rry on ofyears previou sl y, hom e’ ;the chal k -dry ‘Heart’ isone oftheir el ectro tak edow n of m ore conventional consu m er cu l tu re on pop m om ents,a : song su fficientl y u n-P etS hoppy ‘S hopping’;andthe fau x-hau ghty : for them to consider offering itto m eta-pop of'HitM u sic’. •fem al e singers incl u ding Haz elD ean There’ ssom ething u ndeniabl y ■ and M adonna. B u tthey eventu al l y w arm er abou tthe other tw o hit tim ate singl es this al bu m spaw ned,thou gh, : decided on itasthe penu l : track on Actual l y, and it’sanother even w hen ‘Rent’ creates a sense * su bl im e highl ight. ofm el anchol y-l aced rom antic * devotion in ayearning torch song paean.And once again,this w asn't :EN D OF T HE LIN E : The al bu m cl oses w ith one ofthe ■ greatP S8 deep cu ts. ‘Kings C ross' : - afaintly dream l ik e ode to those : refu gees from the provinces w ho : w ander arou ndthe titu lai London : transporthu b in search ofsol ace - is : athou ghtfu l,atm ospheric ending •to one ofthe greatB ritish pop l ong : pl ayers,and acts as a snapshotof •w hatTennanthas since described as : the band's ‘im perialphase’ . : Histongu e w as in his cheek as : he saidthat,no dou bt,bu tthat’s [the P etShop Boys;a bandw ho have : al w ays m anagedto tak e the m ick, ■ sl ightl y,w hil e al so being im possibl e ■ notto l ove,actu al l y. 0 A col l ector's item w ou l d be the Japanese rel ease [ RP 28 550 7],becau se ithasthe originalTV show version of ‘ Al w ays On My M ind'throw n in asthe A-side ofa bonu s 7in, w ith a du b version of‘Heart’ on the B-side. For a l ong tim e itw as ab ona fide P etShop Boys rarity u ntilitw as incl u ded on Actual l y/ Furtherl i steni ng to recordings,bu tthis rel ease 79 8 7-8 8 [ see entry bel ow ],and com pl etists cou l dstil lpick one sou nds pretty tidy to these ears. u p for arou nd £15. CD REMAST ER (201 8 ) Ihe al bu m appeared again on C D in 20 18 [ P arl ophone 0 190 2958 26222],this tim e u sing a new rem aster by Tim You ng,al so ofM etropol is, w hich w as prim aril y m ade for the 18 0 g vinylreissu e [ see '<H ear t =i sone of t he i rmor e c onve nt i onal popmome nt s ' entry bel ow ]. It’sw idel y view ed asthe bestrepresentation ofthe al bu m yetheard,and in these cu riou sl y C D -phobic tim es you can pick a copy u p ORIG INAL CD (1 98 7 ) for little m ore than atenner. M astered by Sonopress and issu ed in athen-standard j ew elcase w ith an eightpage book l et,this UK version [ C D P C SD 10 4,pictu red above] AU DIOP HILE VINYL (201 8 ) isdeem edto have sl ightl y stronger bassthan its Am erican handsom e edition ofActual l y boasts a ‘brand-new 20 18 eq u ival ent[ C D P 7 46972 2], rem aster ofthe originalal bu m ’. Again itw as by M etropol is, w ith a m arginal l y w arm er sou ndthank s to stronger m idrange. Bu tin any case,C D bu yers m ay w ish to u pgrade to the expanded edition. Reissu edin the US andEu rope on 18 0 g vinyl[ P ariophone 0 190 2958 32612]this w hose overhau lofthe sou nd on the 20 0 1 C D didn'thit the spotfor everyone,bu tit received a resou nding thu m bs u p from P SB fans,for w hom it DELU X E REISSU E (2001 ) The al bu m w as given a l avish hadnever sou nded so bright andcl ear on the bigger form at. repack aging [ P arl ophone 7243 5 30 50 6 2 7]as partofthe grou p’sFurtherLi steni ng series ofreissu esw ith a second disc ofbonu s m aterialand extensive interview s w ith Tennantand Low e on the sl eeve notes from w hich w e have q u oted in this articl e,in fact.Actual l y/ FurtherLi steni ng 1 9 8 7-8 8 al so DECEMBER 2023 W W W .h if in ew 5.C0.uk 87
InsidetheSt udio B E H IN D T H E M U S IC W IT H H I-FI N EW S & R E C O R D R E V IE W H ookE ndSt udio It was an historic house with a rock ’n’ roll heritage, its elegant oak panels reverberating with the sounds of Morrissey, Pink Floyd and The Cure. Steve Sutherland has the story... hat is it w ith Jacks? Of View allthe folks in allthe w orld, the J-m en seem into the con trol room m ore p rone than m ost to behaviour befitting the scal ag End atlyw H ook w ith its SSL and scoundrel.W as it Brian The Rip p er? Nop e, it w as Jack.W hen the (Solid State Logic) d esk gals in Ray Charles’chorus w anted and (inset) that ne-er do-w ell m an out oftheir the M anor hair, guess w ho it w as they told to H ou se in hit the road? Yup ,Jack.W hen The 201 0 Rolling Stones canned the dop ey p sychedelia and got their funk back Alvin on,w ho w as it led them on a m erry Lee dance back to the dark side? Jum p in on stage in Jim ? Jum p in’Jerem y? Nop e, it w as Jum p in’Jack w ho had the Flash. 1 975 and w ith M ylon Anyw ay,w hy I’m dw elling on allthis Jack sh... stuff is because Rae LeFevre a Jack p lays a p art in the story of (left) on the H ook End, w hich is the studio w e’re sleeve of O n The Road To here to talk about. But first here’s Freedom som e history...You’llfind H ook End W T M anor near G allow stree Com m on, just south of Checkendon in rural South O xfordshire. It w as built in 1 58 0 for the Bishop of Reading and subsequently som ew hat hap hazardly added to dow n the centuries. It boasts an oak-p anelled dining room that conceivably dates from the 1 9 20s, a snooker room and betw een 1 1 and 1 4 bedroom s as no-one seem s quite sure. A LVIN ’S A CRES In living m em ory the house w as ow ned by financier Charles G ore and then Alvin Lee,the sup erfast lead guitarist w ith Ten Years After w ho briefly reigned sup rem e as blues blustered its transform ation into heavy rock. H ow H ook End cam e to be Lee’s is best left for the m an him selfto exp lain: ‘It’s a big rock star’s house that Ibought as a joke... Iw ent to see it and it K EY RECORDIN G T IM ELIN E TE 88 “ 19 7 3 Al vi nLeecollaborateswit hGeorge H arrisont orecordtheex-Beatle's 'SoSad (NoLoveO fH isO wn)’ w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k D ECEM BER 2023 19 8 3 P inkFloyd’sTheFinalC uti stheir fi rstwithoutbandco-founderR ichard W rightandthelastwit hR ogerW aters 19 8 8 DeepP urple'sNobody’ sP erfectis releasedwit hal i vejam recordedat H ookE ndM anorinFebruary 19 88
w as about a quarter of a m illion quid and Isaid Icould never live in a p lace like that, it’s so ostentatious and horrible. And then, by circum stance, Icam e into som e m oney about a m onth later and m y accountant said, “W ell,you’ve gotta sp end it or you’llhave to p ay tax f***ing house w ith acres and acres and fields and stables and barns and m ilking sheds and Ithought “F***ing hell Ihad tw o full-tim e gardeners, a live-in housekeep er and m aintenance m en... It cost m e five hundred quid a w eek to keep running even w hen Iw asn’t there’. T HA M ES VA LLEY G A N G W hen he w as there Lee m ade use ofthose m ilking sheds, converting them into Sp ace Studios w hich he used to record his album On T he Road T o Freedom in 1 9 7 3. It w as a collaboration w ith M ylon Rae LeFevre, an Am erican Christian singer,w hich Lee described as ‘Just an LP recorded at hom e w ith som e neighbours’.Those neighbours just hap p ened to include G eorge H arrison, Ron W ood, M ick Jagger and M ick Fleetw ood. Oh, and Steve W inw ood, Jim Cap aldi and Rebop Kw aku Baah ofTraffic, ace session keyboard p layer Tim H inkley, and Boz Burrell,w ho p layed bass w ith Bad Com p any.This p osse becam e know n as The Tham es V alley G ang. Lee sold H ook End to Dave G ilm our of Pink Floyd in 1 9 8 0. G ilm our up graded the studio, refurbished p arts ofthe house and began w ork on the band’s 1 2th LP,T he FinalCut. Things did not go w ell.The onset ofthe Falklands w ar convinced the Floyd’s m ain songw riter Roger W aters that the album should reflect his disgust. 'T he FinalCut w as about how , w ith the introduction ofthe W elfare State,w e felt w e w ere m oving forw ard into som ething resem bling a liberal country w here w e w ould all look after one another’,he said. ‘But I’d seen allthat chiselled aw ay, and I’d seen a return to an alm ost D ickensian society under M argaret The Cu re9s D isintegration w as record ed atH ook End in late 1 988. LolTolhu rst w as sacked on ce the m ixing b egan Thom p son , Rob ertSm ith, Sim on G allu p , Boris W illiam s and Lol Tolhu rst In 1 993 Steve Lillyw hite p rod u ced M orrissey9s VauxhallA nd I atH ook End D u rin g 1 990 and early 991 M orrissey u sed the stu d io to record Kill U ncle X O C L U A P Thatcher. Ifelt that the British governm ent should have p ursued dip lom atic avenues, rather than steam ing in the m om ent that task force arrived in the South Atlantic.’ G ilm our w as unhap p y w ith all the p oliticising and didn’t think the songs w ere up to scratch. Cue a bunch of argum ents that saw the tw o w ork sep arately, refusing to see eye-to-eye. G ilm our’s nam e w as erased from the p roduction credits and W aters said T he FinalCut w as ‘absolute m isery to m ake’.M elody M aker called it ‘a m ilestone in the history of aw fulness’and W aters never w orked w ith the Floyd again. M eanw hile, the band’s inflatable p ig, used to p rom ote theirA nim als album , w as stored in one of the outbuildings. OU T SIDE BET In 1 9 8 7 G ilm our sold H ook End on to W est Side Productions,the com p any nam e adop ted by p roduction p artners VX Clive Langer and Alan W instanley.They rechristened it O utside and one I oftheir first m ajor clients w ere The G» 1 980 D ave G ilm ou r (left) b ou ght the p rem ises, u sin g them to record The FinalCut (inset) and fallin g ou t w ith Roger W aters (right) in the p rocess 19 9 4 M orrisseybookstimei nthesummer of19 9 3 t omakeVaux hal lAndI. Ithit s No 1 onreleasethefoll owingyear err?. M B* 20 0 3 It’sanotherNo 1 forStereophonies whorecordpartsofY ouG ottaG o ThereToC omeB ackatH ookE nd 20 0 6 TheCharlatansarerewardedwit ha Top 10 hi tafterspendingmid-t o-late 20 0 5 recordingthealbum Simpatico D ECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifin ew s.co.u k 89
P H IllA st ereon el APPLAU SE UM AM I BLUE New f ro m HANA U m am iRed E Series S Series AW ARD W INNER 5o2u connected-fidel ity™ De s i gne dandmadei nE ngl a nd. U K D istribu tor Tel0 1491 629 629 w w w .airau dio.co.u k D eal er enq u ires w el com e M Series
r* Cure w ho recorded their eighth LP,D isintegration,there betw een Novem ber 1 9 8 8 and February ’8 9 .Again,this w as not a hap p y session. Robert Sm ith w as turning 30, having a crisis and, by his ow n adm ission, necking lots of LSD. H e w ithdrew from the group , w riting on his ow n and ignoring the others, one of w hom ,founder m em ber and drum m er LolTolhurst,w as deep in the throes of a serious p roblem w ith alcohol. W hen the record cam e to m ixing, Tolhurst w as fired. T O T HE M A N OR BORN Another H ook End client w as M orrissey w ho recorded his K illU ncle LP there during late 1 9 9 0/early’9 1 w ith Langer and W instanley p roducing. ‘H e w as the only p erson w ho could really afford it’,says Langer. ‘H e fired us on the m orning ofthe first session but I took him dow n the p ub for a w hile and w hen w e got back,Alan and the band had recorded a great backing track, so he reinstated us.’ M oz returned to H ook End tw o years later to do his album VauxhallA nd I,this tim e w ith p roducer Steve Lillyw hite in tow . O thers w ho m ade use ofthe facilities w ere M arillion for Season’s E nd and H oliday s In E den (’8 9 and ’9 1 , resp ectively), M anic Street Preachers for Cold A gainst T he Soul (1 9 9 3) and Aztec Cam era, w ho Rod d y Fram e, sin ger w ith A ztec Cam era, w ho u sed H ook End to record the b an d 9s fifth stu d io alb u m D ream land recorded D ream land w ith Jap anese com p oser Ryuichi Sakam oto, w hich w as also released in 1 9 9 3. In the m id-’9 0s H ook End w as sold to Trevor H orn, he of Buggies, Yes,ABC and Frankie G oes To H ollyw ood fam e. ‘I’m p robably biased but Ithink it’s definitely the best residential recording studio in the w orld... he declared at the tim e. ‘It’s really the lay-out,the size of the control room , how it feels to w ork in it... It’s really large but it feels quite sm all. It m eans p eop le can sleep in the corners w hile you’re w orking and they w on’t disturb you. They can be here,they can even talk, and it w on’t bother you.’ 'M orrissey firedusonthe morningofthe fi rstsession’ Lab el of Sid e 1 of M arillion9s Seasons E nd, the grou p 9s firstalb u m follow in g the d ep artu re of vocalistFish, and the b and * ■ * * Ap p arently, H orn w as equally taken w ith the house and p lanned to m ake it his fam ily hom e until tragedy struck. On the 25th ofJune 2006 , his son Aaron w as p ractising w ith an air rifle, not realising his m other JillSinclair w as close by.A p ellet from the gun accidentally hit Sinclair in the neck, severing an artery and causing irreversible brain dam age from hyp oxia leaving only her low er brain functions and no chance for recovery. She rem ained in a com a for eight years until she died of cancer, aged 6 1 . H orn sold up H ook End in 2007 and the p rop erty fell into the hands of a businessm an called M ark W hite w ho set up a p roduction com p any to m anage the studio, boasting ‘a live room ,three isolation booths, a control room and a sep arate m achine room w ith an H D 5 exp anded Pro Tools system w ith the cap ability of 1 1 2 inp uts and outp uts’.The gear list also boasted a second Pro Tools H D3 system w ith 56 inp uts and outp uts w hile inside the control room could be found an 8 0-channel SSL9 000 console. M ark Kelly, Ian M osley, Steve H ogarth (vocals and keys),Steven Rothery and Pete Trew avas :EERIE EX PLORA T ION : The studio w as refurbished but it Jam es : seem s little w as done to the house D ean ■ to the extent that a decade later Brad field , : it becam e of interest to a bunch lead vocalist : of Internet adventurers behind the w ith The : Abandoned And D erelict Britain M anic Street : w ebsite. They visited the p rop erty Preachers, : and nosed around, sp ooked to find on stage in : gam es of Scrabble and p ool left as Chicago in • if half-finished,w allp ap er falling off 1 992 : the w alls, and the dining room table • set for a banquet for ten. And here, at last, is w here our Trevor : : Jack com es in. In the basem ent, H orn : stacked against a w all,the w eb cau ghton • exp lorers found the gravestone of cam era in : a young boy called ‘Little Jack’.It 1 984 . He • w as dated Ap ril 1 9 09 and carried b ou ghtthe : the inscrip tion: ‘Thy love to m e stu d io in the m id -990s, ■ w as w onderful’.Freaked out,the renam in g its : interlop ers fled.As for H ook End, it record in g ■ doesn’t ap p ear to be in use at the • m om ent.The only source of contact facilities Sarm • w e can find is an unofficial Facebook H ook End : p age, w hich stands em p ty.0 DECEM BER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 91
ALBUM REVI EW S AUDIOPHILE:VINYL 5T E H E O CROO61 3 FRIDAY ALBERT K IN G BORN UND ERA BAD SIGN ALBERT KI NG Bor n U n derABad Si gn Craft/Stax CR00513 (180g vi nyl ) An y san e listo fth e best-everblues album s w ill in clud e th is m asterpiece f ro m 1 967 in its T o p 1 0.It’sbeen reissued m an y tim es because it d eserves th e respectaf f o rd ed M ud d y W aters’ L FolkSinger .Ih ave perso n alreaso n s f or k ad o rin g th is - itw as playin g w h en Ilo st B m y in n o cen ce an d th e title becam e m y H m an tra - buta n um bero fo th ervirtues H m ake ita stan d -o utin th e g en re.Like I an o th erK in g (B.B),Alberth ad a w ay w ith ■ stan d ard s an d yo u’l lsw o o n ath is take o f ■ ’T h e Very T h o ug h tOfYo u’.T h is also h as a F so ulvibe th an ks to reco rd in g m ain ly atStax Stud io s w ith Bo o kerT & T h e M G ’san d th e M em ph is Ho rn s.Itjustm ay be th e best-ever in tro d uctio n to th e blues.KK SoundQ u al i t y:90% C. A.QU I NT ET DONNYHATHAWAY RANDYTRAVI S Tr i pThr uHel l Ever yt hi ng I sEver yt hi ng St or msOfLi f e Sundazed LP5631(red vi nyl ) Sp eakersCorner/Atco SD 33-332 (180g vi nyl ) M ob i l e Fi del i tyM FSV1-511 I’m u nsu re w hether to fil e this u nder ‘P rogrock ’ or ‘P sychedel ic’,bu titw illcharm fans ofeither: it’sa l ong-l ostgem from 1967/8 and itm anages to tick both boxes by em pl oying the better el em ents ofboth. I n other w ords,it’snota typical l y psychedel ic m ess ofm erel y fool ing arou ndfor effect and cal l ing it‘groovy’.Thatsaid,prog-w ise, it’sa conceptal bu m ofsorts,the redvinyl signifying the fires ofthe destination in the title. Ifyou ’ re expecting anything even rem otel y sim il ar to AC /D C ’stravel ogu e to thatl ocal e,l ook el sew here for this is m ore cerebral ,andthank s to som e organ and brass,a bitofa find on sonic grou nds. And Il istenedto itsober. K K One ofsou lm u sic’sgreatestl osses and tragedies,singer/pianistHathaw ay-w ho com m itted su icide atthe age of33- l eft u s onl y fou r stu dio al bu m s,a sou ndtrack and a handfu lofposthu m ou s in-concert rel eases. Asthis debu tfrom 1970 issu ch an astou nding rel ease,one w onders w here his career m ighthave tak en him . Becau se itarrived du ring the fl u x years w hen sou l w as heading tow ard disco,LasVegas gl oss and other u ptow n infl u ences,itisstrik ing for its bl u esy feel ,nota littl e gospelinpu t and a deep j az z sensibil ity. Every track is m em orabl e,bu t‘Thank You M aster’ isan epic,w hil e ‘The G hetto’ ranks rightu p there w ith C u rtis M ayfiel d. Ju stbu y it. K K Travis’s 198 6 debu tLP introdu ced u sto one ofthe finest,m ostsedu ctive voices in the history ofcou ntry m u sic. Even then he sou nded a bitofa throw back to a gentl er tim e,Travis ow ing m ore to Lefty Friz z el l , G eorge Jones and- no su rprise here - Hank W il l iam s,asthis appeared ata pointin the genre’shistory w hen rock m u sic andfl ash hel d greater sw ay. Travis’sl u sh baritone w illbenefitfrom a system w ith a peerl ess m idband,m y LS3 /5As im pressing w ith the richness ofhis vocal s. This sol d in excess offou r m il l ion copies,the MoFiversion dem onstrating thatcou ntry m u sic can transcendthe sonic bou ndaries of8 -track cartridges in the cab ofa Ford F-150 . K K SoundQ u al i t y:85% SoundQ u al i t y:90% SoundQ u al i t y:90% 100 92 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk DECEM BER 2023 100
D ctn w T RONDHEI M SOBAROQU EENSEMBLE THEFRATERNALORDEROFTHEALL A o cO rO * VARI OU SART I ST S TheTr on dhei mCon cer t os Gr eet i n gsFr omPl an etLove Audi ophi l eMast er sVol umeVI I /VI I I 2L 2L-172-SABD (B l u-ray+ SACD) E soteri cRecordi ngsE CLE C2758 O ctave RecordsO CT0037/O CT0038 (dow nl oads to DSD256 res.) IfJ.G eil s,bel ow ,inspiredyou to sam pl e su rrou nd bu tyou prefer the u npl u gged, this recording in a chu rch ofa nine-piece ensem bl e offers su ch a rem ark abl e sense of space thatyou ’ l lbe rendered agoraphobic. As is 2Lpractice,the SAC D offers stereo and 5.1 D SD and P C M MQ A C D ,w hil e the Bl u -ray provides seven options u p to 7.1.4 Au ro-3D at96k Hz . Andthe m u sic? The Trondheim C oncertos refer to 18 th/19th centu ry m anu scripts preserved in the city, spirited and l u sh-sou nding perform ances ofcom positions from Johan Henrich B erl in andJoseph Meek,the anonym ou s ‘Sigr Opferm and’ V iol in C oncerto,andV ival di’s V iol in C oncerto in A.K K Andrew G ol d- yes,the l ate singer­ songw riter w ho gave u sthe Col den Gi rl s them e ‘Thank You For B eing A Friend’ paid hom age to the greats ofthe 1960 s w ith this proj ectfrom 1997,and it’san absol u te k nock -ou t. Ifyou ’ re ol d enou gh to rem em ber thatdecade,you w illbe daz z l ed by note-perfectpastiches ofThe D oors, The Beach Boys,The B eatl es,The Byrds and others. Fu rther au thenticity isadded by the presence ofG raham G ou l dm an,w ho w as there w riting for the l ikes ofThe Hol l ies andThe Yardbirds. G ol d’sear for nu ance is peerl ess so this w illdel ightthose w ho dreadthe inevitabl e onsl au ghtofm u sical fak es via Al .K K W asting no tim e,Octave has rel easedtw o m ore SAC D s recorded in pu re D SD in this series,perfectassam pl ers for the l abeland a w ise w ay oftry-before-you -bu y assessm ent ofits roster. V ol u m eV l l ’sten track s incl u de Thom LaFond’sadventu re into seeing m u sic ascol ou rs in ‘S ynthesia’,B onnie Sim s’ cou ntry tu ne ‘Lorena’,and m ore. V ol um e VIIIprovides cl assicaland m odern track s: The Magee S tring Q u artet,Al icia S trak a’s accordion com position ‘M u sette S ou er’, Ru ssian soprano Ek aterina Kotchergu ina w ith ‘Three Earl y Songs’ and others. Ideal for assessing depth and sou ndstage,these are fine adj u ncts to Octave’s‘how to’ Art O fHi -Fidiscs. K K SoundQ u al i t y:90% SoundQ u al i t y:85% SoundQ u al i t y:90% 100 J.GEI LSBAND Ni ght mar es. . . An d Ot herTal esFr omTheVi n ylJungl e 100 100 J GEILS BAND/ NIGHTM ARES Q uadi o/Atl anti c B A2-18107 (B l u-rayaudi o) W h ile n o tth e f irstm ultich an n eld isc to co n tain true q uad raph o n ic m ixes,th is release i so n e o fa d ebutq uarteto ftitles f ro m Atlan tic’s n ew Q uad io labelresto rin g th e o rig in alf o urch an n el(4.0)array.U n like rem asterin g in to 5.1 , th ey’re truerto th e in ten d ed surro un d so un d experien ce.T h ere w as so m uch cen tre f illth at Ih ad to putm y earto th e m id d le speakerto m ake sure I’d setup m y pro cesso rco rrectly. Asid e f ro m w h eth ero rn o tto use bass m an ag em en t, playback i s auto m atic th ro ug h an y m ultich an n elsystem .Asf o rth e m usic, h ey, th is i sth e crim in ally n eg lected J.G eils Ban d , R8i B o fth e f in estso rt.Even sans subw o o f er, it’s m assive an d ro o m -f illin g .T h e ef f ects in th e title track w illsim ple d azzle yo u.KK SoundQ u al i t y:95% 0 ...........................................100 D ECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk 93
A LBU M R E VIE W S y/////////////////A HIRES DOW N LOA DS TRI C HOTOMY To Vani sh( 44.1kHz/ 16 bi t ,FLAC / WAV) w w w .earshi ft.com ;E arshi ftM usi cE AR070 C hi ckC orea,Dav eHol l and,B arry Al t schul ( 96 kHz/ 24bi t ,WAV) w w w . ecm records.com ;E CM 1009 A n ote to those b ehin d the 50th an n iversary V in ce G u arald iPeanuts alb u m also review ed this m on th: this is how you d o it! This 96kH z/24 -b it d igital release ofA .R.C.,also availab le on LP,m arks half a cen tu ry sin ce this ECM d eb u tb y Chick Corea firstsaw the lightof d ay,an d is also sou rced from the origin al an alogu e tap es, PM 9s lab n otes b elow givin g an overview of the p rocess in volved . It w as w orth all the effortas Corea9s p ian o,D ave H ollan d 9s p ow erfu l b ass Follow ing our Investigation feature [HFN Jun ’1 1 ]w here w e exam ined the claim ed quality of ‘high-res’dow nloads, H i-FiN ew s &Record Review continues to m easure the true sam p le rate and bit-dep th of H D m usic dow nloads. The G rap hs show p eak [red]and RM S [blue]sp ectra.These unique review s w ill be a regular source of inform ation for those seeking new and rem astered recordings offered at high sam p le rates and w ith the p rom ise of delivering the very best sound quality. (Note: an asterisk in the heading denotes a technical reservation - see Lab text).PM 94 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk DECEM BER 2023 an d Barry A ltschu l9s m eticu lou s b u t p u n chy d ru m m in g really b u rstou tof this set,w hich origin ated b ack in 1 971 in the Ton stu d io Bau er,Lu d w igsb u rg, G erm any. Both Corea an d H ollan d con trib u te tu n es,there9s thou ghtfu l im p rovisation ,an d the trio9s version of W ayn e Shorter9s 8N efertiti9is a tight, crisp stan d ou t,w ith every elem en t of the trio crystal clear. This is on e gloriou s-sou n d in g alb u m .A E Full disclosure: Im ust adm it to m ore of an affinity w ith the w ork ofAustralian jazz trio Trichotom y than is usualw ith m uch ofthe m usic m aking its w ay into these p ages. In recent years I’ve exp erienced the band p laying live a handful of tim es in the U K in different venues, including the salubrious surroundings of a Surrey golf club, hom e to the excellent W aterm ill Jazz. H aving listened to the three - Sean Foran on p iano, Sam uelV incent on bass and drum m er John Parker - it’s easy to ap p reciate the m usicianship cap tured on this latest release, allthree being classically trained. That solid foundation and effortless interp lay is m uch in evidence here, in a set that p ushes the lim its of w hat just three m usicians can deliver,from easy-going jazz to m ore avant-garde styles and even elem ents of p rog rock.And it sounds every bit as good as it is entertaining.A E SoundQ ual i t y: 90% SoundQ ual i t y: 85% 0 . . . -II- - - - wo The original analogue tap es have been m eticulously restored after 50 years using a Studer A8 20 and Prism Sound, M ytek and Antelop e AD Cs.The 9 6 kH z sam p ling is generous but dynam ic range beats m any m odern digital releases. PM Aside from the title track (7 ) allthese CD -resolution files are slam m ed into the O.OdBFs digital endstop s and p ossess a typ ical p eak-to-RM S range ofjust 1 0dB. The recording is otherw ise m ercifully clear of aliasing and other artefacts. PM
4 CH A R U E B RO W N J0RN0I EN VI NCEG UARALDI C osmopol i t an( 48kHz/ 24bi t ,FLAG ) AC harl i eB r ownThanksgi v i ng ( 192kHz/ 24bi t ) w w w .not-ap p l i cab l e.org;NotAp p l i cab l e NO TO 62 w w w .curl i ngl egs.no, w w w .grap p a.no;Curl i ng LegsCLPCD301 w w w .m endel sonp roducti ons.com ;LM FP LM 02301 W ell,this one’s hardly a toe-tap p er, but it’s as intriguing as it’s fine-sounding. Leverton Fox com p rises trum p eter and electronic m usician Alex Bonney, drum m er Tim G iles, and electronic m usician/sound artist, Sam Britton,the latter also know n by his solo alias Isam bard Khroustaliov. In T he Flicker w as recorded in one day in Sep tem ber 2020, out of doors in a Sussex w ood. Pairs of m icrop hones w ere used to cap ture both the p erform ances and the am bient sounds, and the album takes its insp iration from Stockhausen and its title from Conrad’s H eart Of D arkness. Now that m ay w ell seem allvery arty, but the effect is relaxing, natural, and very organic, even ifyou’llsp end the first coup le of m inutes w ondering if anything’s going to hap p en. Oh, and ifyou’re set up for D olby Atm os, callthe album up in Ap p le M usic and go for total im m ersion! A E O slo-based jazz p ianist and com p oser Jorn 0ien cites as one of his m ajor influences keyboardist and bandleader Joe Zaw inul, w hose band W eather Rep ort the young 0ien first discovered w hen just 1 6 , getting on for 40 years ago. This long-lasting fascination is instantly ap p arent from the title track, op ening an album 0ien describes as ‘a tribute and celebration of [Zaw inul’s]legacy’in a laid-back sp lash of electronic accents set against a rhythm section w ith its roots firm ly in the ‘W orld M usic’genre. The p ianist’s other influences range from ‘Sam ifolk m usic and joik,to the African continent - from Babylon to Brooklyn’,and they’re all on disp lay in this relaxing, but alw ays m usically fascinating, set, aided by a detailed sound that really brings out the layers of p erform ance and recording. Not just for W eather Rep ort fans, this is an excellent listen.AE In the m id-1 9 6 0s, the jazz p iano ofV ince G uaraldi set the tone for anim ated TV versions of Charles M .Schulz’s iconic P eanuts com ic strip . In 1 9 6 5 A Charlie Brow n Christm as m ixed G uaraldi originals w ith jazz rew orkings offestive standards by the p ianist and his trio,featuring drum m er Jerry G ranelli and bassist Fred M arshall. That album w as a big seller, and m ore follow ed but,sadly,w hat w e have here is disap p ointingly short of a ‘m ust have’ tribute to the p ianist,w ho died in 1 9 7 6 , aged just 47 . It lacks the sp arkle ofthat festive original, both m usically-fam iliar them es are trotted out, and the m ultip le takes of som e tracks are for com p letists only - and sonically. PM ’s lab notes [below ] give an insight into w hy the sound is so m uddy and vague, so you’d do better to find a decent release ofthe original Christm as album , and stick to that.AE SoundQ ual i t y: 85% SoundQ ual i t y: 80% SoundQ ual i t y: 65% LEVERTONFOX I nTheFl i cker( 48kHz/ 24bi t ,WAV) 100 W ith few discernible ‘instrum ents’in this electronic/am bient im p rovisation,In T he Flicker is at tim es intense (a fine sp eaker w arm -up album !) but alltracks are cap p ed below -IdB Fs and also p ossessed of an above average dynam ic range. PM W ith every track norm alised to -Id B Fs this 48 kH z rendering should avoid trip p ing up those D ACs that get into trouble at OdBFs. H ow ever,w ith a typ ical p eak-to-RM S range of ~1 Id B the available 24-bits are not fully utilised. PM O riginally aired 50 years ago, and m ore recently ‘restored and re-m astered’,this analogue recording looks,at som e p oint, to have been lim ited to ~ 1 8 kH z (lossy data com p ression?), resam p led at 9 6 kH z and resam p led again at 1 9 2kH z. PM D ECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk 95
new au dio room ... THE HU LL STORE THE LEED S STORE 01 482 891 37 5 01 1 3 21 7 7 294 Savile Street, Hull EastYo rksh ire, HU 1 3EF 7 8 Otley Ro ad Head in g ley, LS6 4BA w w w .th eaud io ro o m .co .uk w w w .th eaud io ro o m .co .uk AtThe Au dio Room ,w e independentl y su ppl y,del iver, instal landm aintain HiFieq u ipm entfrom som e ofthe m ostestabl ished m anu factu rers in the w orl d. W e have a sel ection ofau dio eq u ipm entfrom l ong standing B ritish com panies as w el las High Endinternationalofferings. W e focu s m ore on l ongevity rather than fl avou r ofthe m onth produ cts,becau se ofthis w e have very carefu l l y sel ectedthe au dio eq u ipm entw e stock . W e bel ieve ou r produ cts representq u al ity andval u e to their ow ner, providing m any years ofsatisfaction andenj oym ent! Accuph ase AT C Aud io vecto r Auralic Dyn avecto r Fo cal Harbeth LateralAud io Lin n M elco Mo o n Nag ra Naim No rd o st P ro Ac Reg a Sh ah in ian Silen tAn g el Spen d o r T ellurium Q an d m o re... W antto k now m ore? C om e andvisitone ofou r stores andexperience Accu phase.
LOLTOLHURSTXB UDG I EXJACKNI FELEE Los Angel es Pl ayItAgai n Sam PIASR1440CD; LP: PIASR1440LP This fascin atin g alb u m is the b rain child of tw o d ru m m ers - Tolhu rst,ex of The Cu re an d Bu d gie from Siou xsie And The Ban shees - w ho team ed u p in 201 9 w ith p rod u cer an d m u sician Lee to record in stru m en tals. The K raftw erk-in sp ired 8Train W ith N o Station 9,featu rin g U 2 gu itarist The Ed ge,rem ain s in thatform ,b u tthe alb u m has exp an d ed stylistically. O ver a b ase of p olyrhythm ic d ru m s,syn ths an d electron ics, each son g is shap ed b y gu estp erform an ces. O n 8G hosted AtH om e9Prim al Scream 9s Bob b y G illesp ie sin gs a yearn in g m elod y over heavy fu n k grooves; A rrow D e W ild e glam s itu p in sou cian tly on *U h O h9;an d on 8Bod ies9,artist an d activistLon n ie H olley9s rap an d M ary Lattim ore9s harp com b in e b rillian tly.M B T SoundQ uality: 90% 100 CD EMMAANDERSON ANI MALCOLLECTI VE CATATONI C SUNS Pearl i es I sn' tI tNow? C at at oni cSuns Soni c CathedralSCR250;LP: SCR250LP DO M INO W ICCD528; LP: W ICLP528X M Agitated AGIT066CD; LP:AGIT066 After an ill-fated Lush reunion in 201 6 , group co-founder,vocalist and guitarist Em m a Anderson w as left w ith a stack of unused com p ositional ideas,w hich have fed into her debut solo album . Som e songs, such as the anim ated ‘The Presence’,carry the feel ofthat group , w hich overlap p ed the late-’8 0s shoegazing and Britp op scenes, w hile on ‘Taste The Air’,Anderson exp lores m ore p astoral p aths, her light, m obile vocal m elodies set in a gauzy backing of keyboards and p icked guitars. The instrum ental ‘Xanthe’is a rem inder that this w as initially intended to be a collection of soundtrack m usic and the arrangem ent on ‘Inter Light’has echoes of John Barry.M B In 201 9 Baltim ore quartet Anim al Collective w ent on retreat and w rote tw o album s’w orth of m aterial ofw hich 2022’s T im e Skiffs w as Part O ne.This is its m ore challenging counterp art. Their intricate vocal arrangem ents hark back to The Beach Boys and V an Dyke Parks, but filtered through the ellip tical sensibilities of Pavem ent.This gives an off-kilter feelto sunshine p op songs such as ‘Broke Zodiac’, but w hat m arks them out is a need to keep p ushing forw ard.This lands us in the brooding op en sp aces and unexp ected chorus shifts of ‘M agicians From Baltim ore’, although on the m eandering chorales of ‘D efeat’they do rather lose their focus.M B This Pennsylvanian trio tap s back into the p sychedelic traditions ofthe US w est coast, are beefed up by grunge and are clearly influenced by the im m ersive guitar racket of late ’8 0s bands such as M y Bloody V alentine and, on ‘No Stranger’,the dark cosm ic riffing of Loop . Catatonic Suns create an enorm ous sound, p sychedelically disorientating in its blurred and sw irling qualities, and thrilling in its relentlessness. But there’s also m elody in there. ‘Failsafe’ is a m ore radiant m om ent w ith sw eet chord changes and sw ooning vocals, and the clouds oftheir overdriven guitars p art briefly on ‘No Stranger’to reveal sitar tw angs and celestial keyboards.M B SoundQ uality: 90% SoundQ uality: 85% SoundQ uality: 80% 100 100 100 DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 97
FOR A UNIQUE AUDIO EXPERIENCE OurBr andsI ncl ude. . . AU RAL iC M D Tl gos ino DVNAU DIO m a la bRiNkM ANN O O N (o CHORD o) C W KU ARM A Q Rtrcm ka LuL 396 B irm ingham Road S u tton C ol dfiel d W estM idl ands B721YJ Tel .012138 2 5444 sal es@ hifonix.co.u k hifonix.co.u k m a la Sonusfaber. rf CS N&RD OS T ONLYT HEM U SC M AK ING T HE CO NNECT IO N P artExchange Avail abl e InterestFree Finance Avail abl e In-S tore D em onstrations hifonix.co.u k
ALBUM REVI EW S SA D VD y BD C O MP A C TD I S C * CD CD GeorgeFreeman G EORGEFREEMAN JOSHUAREDMANFEATURI NG G AB RI ELLECAVASSA HI ROMI TheGoodLi f e Soni cwonder l and Hi gh Note HCD 7352 Tel arc TE L00170;LP: TE L00171 (tw o di scs) It’s astonishing to hear recordings m ade only last year by the veteran guitarist w hose band (including saxist brother V on) once backed Charlie Parker at Chicago’s Pershing H otel in 1 9 50. Freem an had just turned 9 5 w hen he recorded four num bers, including the title tune, w ith Christian M cBride and CarlAllen. On a second session Freem an, w ho’d w orked w ith Richard ‘G roove’ H olm es in the 1 9 6 0s and Jim m y M cG riff in the ’7 0s,team ed hap p ily w ith the greatest H am m ond p layer of m odern tim es, Joey D eFrancesco, along w ith drum m er Lew is Nash. Sadly, D eFrancesco w as to p ass aw ay just a coup le of m onths later, m aking this a p oignant p iece ofjazz history.SH After tw o acoustic studio album s,Spectrum and Silver Lining Suite,the am azing Jap anese p ianist has returned to electric m usic, recruiting three incredibly talented m usicians for her new band, H irom i’s Sonicw onder. Jaco-influenced bassist H adrien Feraud is p artnered on drum s by the sup erbly p rop ulsive G len Coye, w hile Adam O ’Farrill is a brilliant trum p eter w hose p laying can be really beautiful- as on the exp ansive ‘Polaris’.‘Rem iniscence’,w ith lyrics co-w ritten and sung by H irom i’s old friend and one tim e Berklee classm ate Oli Rockberger, m akes a sw eet and sentim ental interlude. But otherw ise this is an exhilarating and breathless ride.SH Seductive Italian Am erican singer Cavassa joins the saxop honist here to take us on a USA trip , p icking up star guests along the w ay.Trum p eter Nicolas Payton enlivens ‘Do You Know W hat It M eans To M iss New O rleans’,Joel Ross adds vibes to a ‘Chicago Blues’that m ashes up Basie w ith Sufjan Stevens, and guitarists Peter Bernstein and Kurt Rosenw inkel ap p ear in ‘M anhattan’ and on the ‘Streets O f Philadelp hia’.The journey starts w ith Redm an’s original ‘After M inneaop olis’,w ritten days after the Floyd killing - and ends w ith a re-w rite of the old p op song ‘W here Are You’,leading to the question that’s in the album title.SH SoundQ uality: 80% SoundQ uality: 85% SoundQ uality: 85% 100 Wher eAr eWe Bl ue Note 552 530 0 ; LP:5525301 (tw o di scs) 100 100 TENDERLONI OUS You Know ICar e 22a Records 043 (CD and LP) G ifted U K m u lti-in stru m en talistan d p rod u cer Ed Caw thorn e,ak a Ten d erlon iou s,has record ed p rolifically on his ow n 22a lab el w ith his j azz fu sion b an d Ru b y Ru shton an d also in gen res ran gin g from In d ian m u sic to p u re electron ica. This tim e he p ays trib u te to 1 960s j azz greats w ho9ve in sp ired him sin ce his early d ays as a DJ. The title son g b y D u ke Pearson w as origin ally a featu re for flu te,Ten d er9s p rim ary in stru m en t, an d he p lays iteloq u en tly here. Bu ton m ost tracks he is m elod iou s an d en gagin g on alto saxop hon e. It9s an alb u m of w arm ,gen tle grooves created b y Pete M artin an d Tim Carn egie on b ass an d d ru m s w ith lovely flow in g p ian o w ork b y H am ish Balfou r,b u tab ove all, Ten d erlon iou s p lays w ith heartan d sou l.S H YOU KNOW TENDERLONIOU S Hi mtsb Bi l f aur P tliMi ri m Ti m Cm n t|w SoundQ uality: 90% D ECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk 99
Audio V enue bespoke au dio visu alconsu l tants Part exchange and home demonstrations available 27 BondS treet Eal ing London W 5 5AS T 0 20 8 567 8 70 3 E w 5@ au diovenu e.com 36 Q u een S treet Maidenhead B erk shire S L61 HZ T 0 1628 633995 E info@ au diovenu e.com BRANDS INCLU DE Anthem , Arcam , Au dez e, Au dio Research, Au dioq u est, Au ral ic, Astel l& Kern, D agastino I nc, B ow ers & W il k ins, C hord, C l asse Au dio, C ontrol4, D evial et, Esoteric, Focal , Fyne Au dio, Hana, JL Au dio, Kal eidescape, KEF, Koetsu , Kreil , Lateral Au dio, Lu xm an, M ark Levinson, M artin Logan, M ichel l Engineering, Mu sical Fidel ity, N aim Au dio, P rim al u na, P roac, P roj ect,P S au dio,Q u adraspire,Q u estyl e,Rotel ,Ru ark Au dio,S ennheiser,SONOS,S onu s Faber,S pectralFu rnitu re,Tel l u riu m Q ,V ertere Acou stics,W il son Au dio,Yam aha,andm any m ore...
PI ERRELAURANTAI MARD,SFS/ SALONEN B art ok: Pi ano C oncert os Nos 13 P entatone P T C5 187029 (dow nloads to 96kH z/24-bit resolution) A H u n garian p assp ortisn 9tessen tial to p ass 9G o9 in this m u sic on CD ,b u ttop -n otch en gin eerin g is:w e9re alm ostu n d er the lid of A im ard 9s p ian o, an d a d ecen tsystem w ill getthe San Fran cisco Sym p hon y9s tim p an istp ou n d in g b en eath you r feet. Yetthe effectis n ever aggressive,even in the A llegro barbaro of N o 1 ,b ecau se A im ard an d Salon en m ake su ch n atu ral an d m u sical sen se of p ieces often treated as an excu se to rou gh u p an au d ien ce. Ilove the lop sid ed n ight-w atch m archers atthe heartof N o 1 as m u ch as the sen su ou s n octu rn e in N o 2 an d the M ozartian sim p licity of N o 39s A dagio religioso. Schiff an d A nd a have n ever w on m e over to these con certos in all their exotic,som etim es b afflin g d iversity,b u tA im ard d oes.PQ SoundQ uality: 90% 0 100 HAYDN L air Sym ph o n ies • 1 No i.9.U 95 Dun ish ( lim n lxr O n h rstrn PYG MALI ON/ RAPHAELPI CHON DANI SHC O/ ADAM FI SCHER Mont ev erdi : Vespr o Del l a B eat a Vergi ne Haydn: S ymphoni es Nos 93-95 H arm on la m u nd HI M M 902710.11 (tw o discs;dow nloads to 96/24) N axos 85 745 16 (dow nloads to 44.1kH z/16-bitresolution) Mahl er:S ymphony No 2' Resurrect i on' First p resented as a son et lum iere event across southern France,this is w idescreen M onteverdi, sum p tuously p erform ed and recorded.A rich continue contingent sup p orts a w eighty string band and a thrilling battalion of w inds. Pichon’s grand p acing and use of sp ace brings a refreshing rem inder ofthe scale ofthe Vespers as conceived for the St M ark’s Basilica.The top line ofthe 40-strong choir fairly p ierces the air, but the soloists use their naturalvibrato to p roject their p salm s and hym ns w ith an exquisite, m adrigalesque tension betw een declam ation and reflection.W e haven’t had a Vespers like it since G ardiner’s in V enice, alm ost 35 years ago [Archiv] .P Q Fischer’s H aydn cycle for Nim bus is show ing its age, and outclassed by the p recision, the energy and characterful p hrasing of the Danish CO p layers. Som e stylish new ideas in Fischer’s direction alw ays serve the dram a and the contrast betw een tow n and country idiom s in H aydn’s sym p honic dialogues. The RCA engineering for Paavo Jarvi’s H aydn is m ore forensic [HFN O ct ’23] - you’llhave to turn the dial right up at the beginning of 9 4(H ), and then you’ll really get a surp rise.The C m inor 9 5 also crackles w ith p urp ose before finding a p roto-Beethovenian p athos for (ii).Allthree m inuets are beautifully w eighted, esp ecially the broad-shouldered (iii) of 9 3.P Q P hilharm onia/Signum SICCD 760 (dow nloads to 96kH z/24-bit res) This one-off, live RFH recording m ostly belies its origins in a classically taut and m eticulously score-sensitive op ening trio of orchestral m ovem ents. M ezzo Jennifer Johnston raises the em otionaltem p erature w ith an *Urlicht’of grave but consoling dignity, resp ecting the origins ofthe song as a p rayer for the nearly dep arted. W hen the ap ocalyp se arrives in (v), Rouvali p ulls back and out to stagey effect. The m icrop hones favour vocal and orchestral soloists over the chorus, and the heavens finally op en w ith gilded sp lendour rather than the w eight of Bychkov [Pentatone]or the ecstatic fervour of Jurow ski [LPO] .P Q SoundQ uality: 90% SoundQ uality: 85% SoundQ uality: 85% 0 .........................................II- - 100 0 ...................................................... 100 PHI LHARMONI AORCH&C H/ SANTTUMATI AS ROUVALI 0 ...................................................... 1 100 DECEM BER 2023 w w w .h ifin ew s.co .uk 1 01
t he aud io , consu l tants + 44 (0 )118 98 1 98 91 w w w .au dioconsu l tants.co.u k FINE TW O C HAN N EL AU D IO SYSTEMS Am plif iers w ith eleg an ce an d f in esse Five am pl ifier m anu factu rersthatoffer a m ore refinedsou nd than m any.Their com m on aim isto produ ce a m ore natu ral sou ndw ith an accu rate tonalbal ance,l arge hol ographic sou ndpictu res. Aud io An alo g ue have redesignedtheir Anniversary range w hich consists of tw o integratedstereo am pl ifiers anda pre-pow er com bination.AU du al m ono designs produ cing l arge sou ndstages. Aud io lab have l au ncheda new prem iu m design 90 0 0 S eries bu il tw ith a heavy al u m iniu m chassis incorporating afu llcol ou r I P S LC D screen.The 90 0 0 A am pl ifier produ ces asou ndw ay above its price point,offering ataste ofthe high endfor avery reasonabl e investm ent. AyreAco ustics.A renow nedUS m anu factu rer ofw orl d cl ass au dio produ cts offering no com prom ise designs atexceptionalval u e.Their u pgraded8 S eries hasthe EX -8 2.0 w hich sets a new high standardw ithin its cl ass. Heg elk now n for m anu factu ring high-endq u al ity el ectronics atreal istic prices. Their w ide range ofintegratedam pl ifiers incl u de sophisticated D AC designsto su pportstream ing produ cts. Luxman a l egendary Japanese brandrenow nedfor their high-endau dio produ cts. Exceptionalbu il dq u al ity ofreference standard.A retro aesthetic w ith atru l y m odern sou ndfrom state of-the-artel ectronics.The new Z S eries m odel s now on dem onstration. A SELECT I ON FROM OU R CU RAT ED PORT FOLIO 1 HegelH60 0 £10 50 0 2Au diol ab 90 0 0 A w ith D AC £20 0 0 3Ayre EX-8 2.0 w ith D AC £7950 4 Au dio Anal ogu e P u cciniAnniversary £450 0 5 Lu xm an L-50 7Z £8 0 0 0 info@ au dioconsu l tants.co.u k 4 Zephyr Hou se C al l eva P ark Al derm aston B erk shire RG 78 JN UK A C1 20 V 3
Techn ology j ou rnalist Blastfrom the p ast Traditional pipe organs and their Hammond successors sound like no other, believes B arry Fox, which is why he’s thrilled to hear that Ronnie Scott’s has tracked down an original B3 model ou don’t get m uch m ore analogue than a church organ. A conglom eration of m oving p arts, air p um p s, p ip es and stop s, controlled by m echanical keys and valves. Irecently w ent to a recital in H ereford Cathedral.The organ w as built by the go-to designer H enry ‘Father’W illis in 1 8 9 2, but som e ofthe p ip ew ork is from an earlier design by G ilbert Scott. It’s been rep aired and m odified m any tim es over the years, notably in the 1 9 30s w hen the keyboard w as m oved across the church from the p uffing p ip e m echanics and connected by electric cables, ABOVE:A screen atHeref o rd Cath ed ralsh o w sth e keyso fth e o rg an via a vid eo cam era af ter recently m odernised because they w ere th e keybo ard itselfw as m o ved aw ay f ro m th e pipew o rk (rig h t),n o w pro tected beh in d g lass a sp arking fire risk.A video cam era gives the audience a view ofthe keys. sw itches, w hich grow m etal w hiskers over p edals - allstill com p letely original and in PIPE DREA M S tim e - and the sw irling sound ofthe Leslie m int condition, w hich is very unusual. fan and drive m otor. Like all p ip e organs,the system rem ains ‘W e w ere convinced as soon as w e Although m odern keyboards do a better suited to generating rolling bass saw it and p layed it - w e couldn’t believe rem arkable job of generating the B3/ than follow ing fancy fingering. W hile w e’d found one as good as that in the trying to discern the catchy m elody of a Leslie sound from a case you can carry on UK.There’s a lot in Am erica, but you p ay Percy G rainger tune through the thunder big m oney to im p ort them and the tone a bus, ifyou talk to a gigging keys p layer they still drool over the chance to p lay and reverb, Ikep t thinking of it as an w heels have to change because in the UK an original B3 beast. It’s the live m usic elep hantine ecclesiastical version ofjazz w e have 50H z m ains instead of 6 0H z and equivalent of sp ending a p ianist G eorge Shearing’s that affects the p itch. fortune on vinyl. But only ‘The H am m ond organ and Leslie elegant block chords. the biggest nam es, like Enter the legendary are m ono. But because of its rotating sp eaker,w hen you m ic it left and right, G eorgie Fam e in the UK, H am m ond organ - m ost can afford the trucking. fam ously the B3 m odel it becom es a stereo thing’,adds M iles. In the sp irit of back-to- ‘Ap p arently the old m an H am m ond hated - designed for sm aller the w hole rotating sp eaker thing. H e w as analogue extravagance, churches to use in the Ronnie Scott’s club in 1 9 30s and 1 9 40s. It relied a church guy and he didn’t like his organ London has now bought on sp inning w heel op tics to be used in p op and rock ’n’roll. H e its ow n B3. M iles Ashton and valve am p s to create didn’t allow H am m onds and Leslies to be sold together, but the story is they used is head of sound and tech at Ronnies. the tones w hich giant Leslie sp eakers w ith internalfans w afted round the room . H e cut his teeth engineering the audio to bundle them together and sellthem for the NationalYouth Jazz O rchestra, Foot p edals added p unchy bass.The out the back door and he never knew ! started in 1 9 6 5 by his father BillAshton. hot gosp ellers w ho used those churches ‘The Leslie has only broken dow n created the H am m ond ‘sound’that once so far.The internal am p is getting 1 9 50s rhythm and blues bands and jazz fixed.The H am m ond is very beautiful and GOOD A S N EW p layers like Jim m y Sm ith ap p rop riated. sounds ace. Now w e just have to p rotect Says M iles: ‘The B3 w e have bought M odern digital keyboards try to m im ic it and stop it from being scratched! W hen has a com p letely original w ooden case the distinctive B3/Leslie sound.They even it’s not being used on stage w e are going that is all in one p iece.W e found it at an enthusiast’s hom e in D orset.An all rep roduce the defects ofthe original to keep it on disp lay - in a glass case.’ W ell,you certainly don’t get m ore original 1 9 58 cherry w ood B3,w ith a organ, such as key click - a transient p op p ing m ade by the m echanical leaf analogue than that.O Leslie 1 22 cabinet and bench and bass Y "‘W ewere convincedas soonaswe playedit”' DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 1 03
FRAN CO SERBL AT OXFORD AUDIO After leaving Sonus Faber,founder G ianfranco Serblin w ent on to develop a m ore traditional range ofstriking high-end sp eakers. Featuring the classic "Serblin" sound, each m odel has exquisite build, use ofonly the finest com p onents,com p lex cabinets and handm ade in Italy. There are fou r m od els: Lign ea & A ccord o (stan d m ou n ts) an d A ccord o Essen ce & K tem a (floorstan d ers). Cantay House, Park End Street Oxford, 0X1 1JD shop@oxfordaudio.co.uk www.oxfordaudio.co.uk Tuesday - Friday: 10am to 6pm Saturday: 10am to 5pm Closed: Mondays, Sundays & Bank Holidays Please visitoxford au d io.co.u k to sign u p for ou r e-n ew sletter.You can also ap p ly for ou r p op u lar Bu y N ow Pay Later fin an ce.
Jou rnalistfor top Am erican au d io-vid eo p u b lications W orstform atever? Cassette p layers and recorders offered a real high-fidelity alternative to eight-track m achines, says B arry W illis - but the quality of m ass-p roduced p re-recorded tap es is another m atter urveyors of m em orabilia say that p eop le have an irrational fondness for the things of their youth: sm all bicycles w ith high-rise handlebars, Barbie dolls, ragged denim p ants w ith volum inous bell-bottom s.Alm ost everything looks ridiculous in hindsight, and alm ost everything w ith nostalgic ap p eal bears an insane p rice tag. Forem ost am ong them is the p re-recorded cassette tap e - the m usic industry’s hugely p rofitable p roduct that dom inated the m arket for at least a decade, m aybe even tw o. M A K IN G T RA CK S The p re-recorded cassette tap e began w here the eight-track cartridge left off.W ere it not for the fact that the eight-track enjoyed a m ercifully brief p op ularity, it w ould definitely com e near the top of any list ofthe w orst audio form ats ofthe late 20th century.There are, of course, several obsolete m edia form ats w ith inexp licable follow ings LaserD isc, anyone - but to m y know ledge the eight-track cartridge doesn’t have one.And w ith good reason: the clunky eight-track w as so p oorly conceived that m ost p layers lacked the ability to find the beginning of a song on an adjacent track. You hit the ‘next’button and just hop ed for the best. The em ergence ofthe cassette tap e as a high-fidelity m edium w as p artially a hap p y result of advancem ents m ade in p layer/recorder design by several electronics com p anies, m ost notably Nakam ichi and Tandberg. You couldn’t go w rong w ith either brand. O thers m ade contributions to the art as w ell: H arm an Kardon introduced D olby H X (headroom extension) technology in the early 1 9 8 0s, a schem e that used incom ing highfrequency content to m odulate the bias level during recording, thereby dep ositing ABOVE:Laun ch ed in 1 98 4,th e Aiw a AD-F7 7 0 w as a th ree-h ead ed cassetted eck rich in f eatures w h ile also bo astin g a co m puter-co n tro lled tap e o ptim isatio n system an d d ual-capstan d rive the last drop of detail on low -sp eed tap e. And the gods w ere sm iling on you ifyou w ere lucky enough to have ow ned an Aiw a AD -F7 7 0 - m y candidate for the m ost brilliant and m ost undervalued p iece of gear from the cassette era. HIGHS A N D LOW S Ray D olby deserves m ention in any discussion of cassette tap e. H e began his career as a radio astronom er, scanning the background noise ofthe universe for signs of intelligent life - basically, an exercise in sep arating signalfrom noise.The insight he gained form ed the basis for D olby noise reduction,w herein up p er frequencies are boosted during recording, then p ushed dow n by an equivalent am ount in p layback,thereby im p roving not only signal-to-noise ratio but usable dynam ic range. Early on, D olby toyed w ith p roducing tap e decks but realised that licensing his technology w as w here the real action lay. D olby Labs rep ortedly earned ap p roxim ately $ 1 each in licensing fees from the m ore than one billion cassette decks m anufactured w orldw ide during the form at’s dom inance. Advancem ents in electro-m echanics and signal p rocessing com bined to lift the cassette tap e from a low ly dictation 'R ayDolby toyedwith producing tapedecks' device to a true high-fidelity form at. W ith a decent m achine and quality tap e (M axell or TD K,for exam p le) you could get really good results recording from vinyl, and esp ecially from CD . It’s often forgotten that CD and cassette co-existed quite com fortably for years,to the consternation ofthe recording industry. The desp icable p re-recorded cassette tap e is another story altogether. It’s astounding to discover that w hat Ihave alw ays considered toxic landfill actually has value - p eop le w ill p ay U S$ 50 or $ 6 0 for favourite tap es from the 1 9 7 0s and ’8 0s. The p roducts that flooded the m arket then w ere m ade on high-sp eed bulk rep licators using the cheap est p ossible tap e in low -p recision, highfriction housings.The p roduction cost for m ost ofthem could not have exceeded tw enty-five cents p er unit, but they sold at the sam e p rices as vinyl LPs and CD s, and p eop le bought them by the m illions. EA T EN M ESS It w as an incredibly cynical m ove by an incredibly cynical industry, a m ove sw allow ed w hole by a gullible p ublic. A friend w ith a m assive collection of such p roducts - they haven’t im p roved w ith age - com p lains that w hen he tries to p lay m ost ofthem , his tap e decks ‘eat’the tap e. Yet on the test bench his m achines p rove p roblem -free w hen given high-quality tap es. So it’s the p roduct that’s at fault, not the form at.0 DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 1 05
Quadr aspi r e S ince 1995 FU RN ITU RE TO MAKE YOU R HIFI S OU N D EVEN BETTER B ETTER S O U N D - M O D U LAR D ES IG N - S IM P LE TO B U ILD w w w .q u adr aspir e.co .u k
* * « * t * t t i * t l * * * * t l * * « * * * * t t l * l * * * + * l * * i » t » * * i * * l « » * * * l i * » i H * * t < H « * * i * Under a cloud Jim Lesu rf adm its hisw ay ofstoring digitalm u sic- on a physicalsolid-state drive - m ightbe thou ght‘ol dfashioned’,bu titprotects him from data hacksandl ow ers hiscarbon footprint » * * » l * * * * * * * * RIG HT :Sto rin g ack in the O ctober 2023 issue d ig itald ata in th e Ioutlined how Ifind it m ore clo ud ,w h eth er convenient to store m y digital music,ph o to s m usic files on solid-state drives (SSDs) and m ove these from room to o rvid eo ,allo w s room and betw een system s on foot rather fo rco n ven ien t than use a NAS.This led m e to think a bit accessf ro m a m ore about m y ap p roach given that it n etw o rk-co n n ected d evice such asa differs from w hat m ost p eop le do. O ver the last decade or so, m any sm artph o n e,but p eop le have m oved beyond having a NAS th e auth o rw o n d ers abo utits g reen running one or m ore traditional sp inning cred en tials hard drives in their hom e and now use their m obile devices to stream m usic from the cloud. In effect, they store m uch oftheir p ersonal inform ation on rem ote w ho-know s-w here p laces.This is certainly convenient. After all, it m eans you can esp ecially ‘green’!The reality is that access content not just at hom e but w herever you hap p en to be.Yet there is a it usually consists of a vast num ber of com p uters, stacked up in large buildings snag, and one that hides out of sight... around the globe, all running 24/7 .Your data - often dup licated to p revent loss A ST ORM BREW IN G The obvious draw back is that your is im m ediately available, along w ith the content and inform ation m ight be data of everyone w ho uses the cloud. As vulnerable to the activity of ‘black hats’ a result, even w hen you aren’t using any of your devices or need access, energy is w ho m ay steal p ersonal data for their ow n dubious p urp oses.That’s som ething being consum ed to keep this all running - just in m ost p eop le are aw are of.They hear rep orts of p ersonal data being hacked case you w ant the data and understand this can lead to scam now . H ow m uch energy is attem p ts and digital blackm ail,etc. But consum ed is hard to say. there is another loom ing p roblem w hich You p ay for this, of has been in the new s m edia a lot recently. course. But in p art that Q uite sim p ly, dep ending on your m eans you are p aying your p rovider,the cloud is not alw ays share ofthe cost of a lot of electric p ow er even w hen you’re not needing it. In contrast, an SSD able to hold gigabytes of data w ith a USB lead and an adap ter can be sw itched off w hen not being used. It then consum es no p ow er untilyou need to access it again. W hen off and disconnected, it can’t it be hacked rem otely either. O f course,the cost of buying an SSD does include the energy used to m anufacture it, p ackage it, and transp ort j ABOVE:AtypicalNAS d rivew ith a n um bero f it to you, p hysically,w hen you p urchase = baysto h o ld trad itio n alspin n in g h ard d rives it.And there is alw ays a risk that it m ay m i * * i # t l * * i t * * i ’ t » i * S * * * * * l * i l * * * * * l * * l i * B » * * t i « * * H * f * l * H * * * * t i « » i * i * # f t l i « * » « • * • • • ' « C i 4 * « • • « | I « | | « * t 4 i » I 4 « 9 4 t » « « ■ I « « • « » • t « I « « f # * • • t 4 « « « « • f V V « f f V « « V 1 1 « • « t • ! t I 1 1 V « • I I V « « « « • I I V k t i « * « 4 i ■ f I I 4 * t 4 i t « fail at som e p oint, get stolen or becom e m isp laced. But it does also m ean you do ow n and hold your digital inform ation. W hereas w ith the cloud you are, instead, renting access to your ow n data. : = i i i A SM A RT ER CHOICE? * There’s an old definition of ‘Engineer’ j along the lines of: ‘Som eone w ho can i do som ething quickly for a p ound w hat any fooli could do m ore slow ly for i ten p ounds’.H ow ever, ! engineers did invent and ; develop both the cloud i and technology such as • solid-state drives and USB i connectors. So p erhap s = the sm art thing to do ; is decide w hich ofthese m any op tions i best suits your needs. Ifsom e data is i frequently used allthe tim e and in varying ■ locations then the cloud m ay m ake good sense after all. But in dom estic i circum stances, m aybe a traditional ap p roach to local storage is better. ; H aving given thought to this, and i desp ite m y w ay seem ing old-fashioned : or daft, Ido p refer to keep m y data ‘at i hom e’.Particularly given events ofthe last year and concerns about the future.( !) i 'W i t hthe cloudyouare rentingaccess t oyourdata' DECEM BER 2023 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk 1 07
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Mu sicJou rnal ist N orthern territories D ow n-to-earth hum our and cucum ber salad... once he dried out from w atching T osca in the rain, Peter Q u an trill used insights gained from a book to guide him on a trip to Sw eden and D enm ark RIG HT :M ich ael late sum m er trip to southern Sw eden took m e to Birgit Nilsson Fabian o reprises th e ro le o fCavarad o ssi country: the Bjare p eninsula, w here the sop rano grew up as alo n g sid e Jo yce El-Kof h o ury asT o sca a farm er’s daughter. If only the legacy w h ile bravin g th e other celebrated m usicians w as curated elem en ts atth e and m anaged w ith the loving care ofthe Birgit Nilsson M useum , run by her cousin’s ‘Birg itNilsso n d ays 2023’ even t daughter, G itte Lindstrom H arm ark. in Vastra K arup, The contrast w ith M aria Callas, for Sw ed en exam p le, w as unavoidable. O nly this sum m er, 46 years after her death in Paris, has a m useum op ened in Athens, and it inevitably p reserves just a fraction of her effects,w hich w ere snaffled up and sold by any num ber of dubious hangerson, m aking a quick buck out oftheir p roxim ity to her celebrity. Best of all, Ifound m yself in Ingm ar Bergm an country,just a few bays north LO CAL HERO ofthe setting for the op ening sequence Nilsson, how ever, enjoyed a stable of T he Seventh Seal.A concert hall has hom e life, and knew how to m anage been built - again, w ith the p rudently her m oney. In her hom e village ofV astra Karup ,the m useum disp lays everything invested cap ital from Nilsson’s legacy from contracts to costum es. Iheld one of - and a short w alk aw ay is the country­ house setting for Bergm an’s first film in her sensible shoes, and p eered through colour, a forgettable com edy. Before the glass cases at em eralds and diam onds w hich w ere am ong the rains cam e, allthe sam e, rew ards for becom ing the the gardens w ere no less leading Brunnhilde of her evocative of Bergm an generation in an era w hen than ifthe house-shoes still had Nilsson in them . op era offered big m oney for all concerned. O bservations The ostensible p urp ose throughout the trip ofthe trip w as to review brought to m ind the book an op en-air p erform ance w hich has rew arded m e of T osca, staged in a field m ore than any other since next to the m useum . Ihad never sat it w as released last year. T he N orthern through an op era in the driving rain, and Silence covers m ost asp ects of Nordic/ it’s an exp erience Ihave to say Iw ouldn’t Scandinavian life and culture,from art rep eat even if Nilsson herselfw ere on and m usic to binge-drinking and rottenthe covered stage. The com p ensations, fish eating. Its author is Andrew M ellor, as is often the case on such excursions, w ho is a friend of m ine so Iam biased, lay elsew here, and in the unexp ected.A but Icannot im agine anyone finding tim e cake nam ed after the Sw edish queen,the sp ent w ith it unrew arded. sim p le grave for Nilsson and her husband, M ellor takes his m any trip s through a p erfect cucum ber salad p rep ared to the region and conversations w ith its Lindstrom H arm ark’s ow n recip e at the inhabitants to p eel back the layers of a culture w hich m any of us observe from Birgit Nilsson M useum ’s cafe... A 'I had never satthrough an opera in the drivingrain’ the outside as cold, abrup t, intense and resistant to outsiders (and therefore p erhap s allthe m ore ap p ealing to som e). None ofthose characteristics are contradicted so m uch as deep ened by an understanding oftheir origins. Certainly,just a hundred m iles north of Cop enhagen, the w ell-travelled Danish concep t of hy gge w as in evidence am ong allthose on the Bjare p eninsula w ho w elcom ed us, a handful of nosy foreign m usic journalists, to take our notes at the affection they evidently stillfelt for Nilsson.This w as p erhap s less as a m usical artist than as som eone w ho had brought p rosp erity and a m easure offam e (not too m uch) to their land. NORTHERN SOUL As Andrew M ellor has p ointed out to m e before now ,though,the Danes have no w ord for ‘p lease’,and the custom s and courtesies ofthe North are not ours (as w ell, of course,from being different to each other’s). G eograp hical determ inism is the easiest gam e to p lay and the largest trap to fall into w hen discussing culture, but T he N orthern Silence brings clim ate and architecture, language and op era alltogether, in giving that silence a voice to us outsiders.0 DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 1 09
Audi o Sci ence:Iam goi ng to gi ve m y hi ghest recom m endati on for M atri xAudi o El em entX. Congratul ati onsand thanks forputti ng engi neeri ng and qual i fy fi rst. Am i r- Founder M A TR IX A U D IO Audi o Sci ence:You wi l lhave the com fortofknowi ng that you have a state-of-the-art D AC, stream erand headphone am pl i fi erthat putscountl esshi gh-end productsto sham e. Am i r-Founder Si m pl i fy yourhi g h-t udi o £3 ,400 room El Em snt Musi c Stream er X-SABRE 3 Stream er& Dac £3 ,25 0 £1,05 0 M atri x Aud i o h ascreated a h i gh l y afford abl e range of h i gh end m usi c stream ers, d oes,h ead ph one am psand accessory prod ucts.M atri x Aud i oi senjoyi ng gl owi ng rev i ews,ad v ocateswi th i n th e i nd ustry and som e v ery h appy prod uctowners. Isn’ti tti m e thatyou took a l ook atwww.m atri x-di g i.com finew s ANDING P ROD I KI Di stri buted by S i gnature Aud i o S ystem s,cal l :0773 8 - 007776 orby e-m ai lto: i nfo@ sig naturesystem s.co.uk w eb: www.m atri x-di gi .com
■ Co n tributo r Li sten up Steve Harris warns it’s not only rock music fans who need to take care of their ears in this era of headphones, and meets the jazz singer reaping the benefits of digital hearing aid technology i j ; : i ; ; i : : | ; = i i : ; i i ; ; [ : : j ; ; i j j i i i i \ : : n 1 9 7 6 ,The W ho p layed ‘the loudest concert ever’at The V alley football ground w ith a level of 1 26 dBA at 30m from the stage. Rather i horrifyingly, other bands have since i sm ashed The W ho’s record and destroyed the hearing of m any fans in the p rocess, An O ttaw a concert by Kiss in 2009 is said to have reached a reading of 1 36 dB. By then, though, the G uinness Book Of W orld Records had discontinued its ‘loudest band’category rather than encourage further hearing dam age, and The W ho’s Pete Tow nshend had funded the US non-p rofit H EAR [H earing Education and Aw areness for Rockers] . I EA R T ODA Y ,GON E T OM ORROW Am ong other m usician casualties is jazz/ rock guitarist Al Di M eola,w ho suffered catastrop hic tinnitus and had to give up the electric guitar for severalyears. H erbie H ancock has been w earing hearing aids since 2006 , and has been quoted as w ishing he’d w orn earp lugs from the beginning of his career. D utch-born but now U K-based singer W ilm a Baan w as once forced to give up m usic because of hearing im p airm ent - but now , in her later years, has released tw o album s of songbook and jazz standards.So N ice (2021 ) and her current Look A t M e N ow w ere both em p athetically p roduced by Claire M artin O BE and engineered by Chris Traves,w ith sup erb arrangem ents by p ianist G raham H arvey. In the early 1 9 8 0s,W ilm a w as w orking as a nurse by day and singing by night. She continued to p erform w henever p ossible w hile her husband’s oil com p any career took their grow ing fam ily to O m an, Brunei, Borneo and G reece. But she’d began to suffer hearing loss. The crunch cam e one day, she says, w hen rehearsing w ith a trio: ‘They said, ABOVE:Herbie Han co ck,w h o h as been w earin g h earin g aid s sin ce 2006,pictured o n stag e in Freiburg in 201 7 (lef t)an d (rig h t)th e Dutch -bo m ,butn o w U K -based ,jazz sin g erW ilm a Baan “Sorry, but you are off p itch” .That w as m y traum atic m om ent. Ithought, right! Okay! This is it, bye bye singing’. Back in the Netherlands,W ilm a learned that the analogue hearing aids ofthe day w ouldn’t help . She had to bide her tim e until 1 9 9 6 w hen digital hearing aids, w here the resp onse of the device could be tailored to the hearing of the user, becam e available in Europ e. ‘And Iw as,you know , I don’t care w hat they look like, Iw illjust buy a p air! It started w ith w hat they called in-ear, like a blob of chew ing gum , com p letely auricle-filling. They w ere m onstrosities really.They com p letely close offyour ear.’ Sm aller versions follow ed, the receiver­ in-canal (RIC) and com p letely-in-canal (CIC) typ es, still closing off every natural sound. ‘That took getting used to. But then, in 2000-som ething, there cam e these lovely op en fits.You have the technology behind your ear, but you have this little tube leading into your ear. Basically, nobody sees that.’ 'A concertby K issin20 0 9 issaidt ohave hi t136dB' Im p ortantly,the tube does not fully block the ear canal, so you still receive natural sounds as w ell as the am p lified sound from the tube. ‘Iw as a bit w orried w hen Idecided that Iw anted to m ake an old dream com e true and record an album ’,adm its W ilm a. ‘Ithought, in order to record Ineed to w ear headp hones, and Ialm ost p anicked! Because w hen you close offthe m icrop hones that Iuse you w ill im m ediately get feedback, the dreaded w histle!’ K EEP IT DOW N Chris Traves solved this issue by giving W ilm a the op en-back H D 6 6 0S from Sennheiser. M onitoring on stage needs care too and ideally,W ilm a w ould like a system that stream ed the signalto her hearing aids by Bluetooth,the sam e w ay she connects to her p hone. W ilm a’s story is an insp iration, but p erhap s also a w arning. You don’t need to be an old-style headbanger, or a fan of ridiculously loud concerts like those that took p lace in the 1 9 7 0s, to suffer hearing im p airm ent.Today, loud sounds from headp hones and earbuds are dam aging the hearing of a w hole generation.O DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 111
r Sendin you r view s to: S ou ndOff, Hi-FiN ew s. AVTech M edia ltd,S afeship Fu l fil m entLtd, U nitA,C u l l etD rive,Q u eenborou gh,ME115JS or em ailyou r view s to:l etters@ hifinew s.com pl ease u se ‘S ou ndO ffin you r su bj ectfiel d , Jaz z atStJohn REA D ER RECALLS CH U RCH PERFO RM AN CES IN PIN N ER Corresp on d en ts exp ress their ow n op inions,notthose ofH i-FiN ew s.W e reserve the rightto ed itletters for p u b lication . Corresp on d en ts u sing e-m ail are asked to give their fu ll p ostal ad d ress (w hich w on 9tb e p u b lished ). Letters seekin g ad vice w ill b e answ ered in p rinton ou r Sou nd O ff p ages,b u td u e to tim e con strain ts w e regretw e9re u n ab le to an sw er qu estion s on b u yin g item s of hi-fior any other hi-fiqu eries b y telep hon e,p ostor via e-m ail. ISHURE N O MORE? ? ALTERN ATIV ES TO O RIG IN AL B RAN D ’ S S TYLI : In a n um bero frecen tcartrid g e : review s Ih ave seen f avo urable • ref eren ces m ad e to Sh ure : pick-ups.T h e bran d w as also : m en tio n ed in a letterin th e So un d ■ Of fpag es o fth e Jun e issue h ead ed : ‘A 21 stcen tury G arrard 401 ’ an d : Jim Lesurf ’sNo vem berOpin io n : co lum n en titled ‘Sh ure bet’. : In 1 9961 in h erited a T h o ren s ; T D 1 24/1 1 turn table w ith an SM E : 301 2 Series IIarm an d Sh ure : VIS cartrid g e.T h is set-up w as : serviced by T erry O ’Sullivan : atLo ricraf tw h o replaced th e : cartrid g e w ith a G o ld rin g 1 042, ■ th o ug h in 2001 1 return ed to usin g a : Sh ure in th e f o rm o fa VI5VxM R. : Ref errin g to Jim Lesurf ’s ‘Sh ure • bet’ piece in w h ich h e m en tio n ed : th atSh ure h ad sto pped o f f erin g • replacem en tstylif o rth e VIS series : m an y years ag o , Iw o uld rem in d • h im o fth e M ay ’ 1 6 issue o fHFN : an d a letterin th e So un d Of fpag es : w ith th e h ead in g ‘Replacem en t : stylus f o rVIS’.Fo llo w in g a reply to • th e read er’sletterby Jim h im self , : Ad am Sm ith sug g ested takin g a : lo o k atth e replacem en tstylif or : Sh ure cartrid g es o f f ered by JICO • (w w w .jico-stylus.com ). RB O VE: T h e Sh ure V I5VxM R arrived in 1 996 an d sa w th e V1 5 n am e revived Ih ave been usin g th e JICO VN5X M R HG SAS/B stylus f o rso m e tim e an d f in d itsuperio rto Sh ure’s o w n versio n , o fw h ich Ih ave o n e f o rkeepsake.M y turn table is h o o ked up to a Q uad 99 pream p, 909 po w eram p an d So n us f aber Olym pics No va IIIlo ud speakers. M arkB eenstock, vi a em ai l w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk B arry Fox repl ies: It’sal w ays goodto hear from readers w ho w antto share their experiences of l istening l ive in a goodacou stic,w ith m inim al am ping,andatsensibl e seatprices. I've recentl y re-discoveredM il ton C ou rt,w hich is j u stdow n the streetfrom the B arbican C entre. C l adin w ood,the hal lis sim il ar to the Kings Pl ace hal l s near King’sC ross. M il ton C ou rtis ‘hom e’ to the G u il dhal lS choolofM u sic andpu ts on excel l entconcerts (cl assicalandj az z )atbargain prices,bu tw ithou thigh profil e pu bl icity. Soyou w illneedto dig into both ofthese w ebsites: w w w . b arb i can, org. uk/hi re/p rom oters/m i l ton-courtconcert-hal landw w w .gsm d.ac.uk/w hats-on. ¥ 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 • • 4 • * • » 4 4 • * -4 4 4 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ■ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ■ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 W hitW or ld O U R HI-FIW O RLD TH RO U G H TH E EYES O F W H ITW O RTH Jim Lesu rfrepl ies: I’m aw are of JIC O's range ofrepl acem entstyl i, M ark ,bu thave yetto investigate them fu l l y as m y original s seem to have sol dieredon to an am az ing extent!B u tgiven you r positive experience Iam now su fficientl y intrigu edto give one a t ry. ABO VE: M ark’sT h o ren s T D 1 24/1 1 w ith its SM E arm an d Sh ure V I5VxM R pick-up 112 Iread Barry Fo x’sco lum n in th e Octo berissue w ith in terest.He m en tio n ed StJo h n th e Baptist ch urch in P in n er.Ilived in P in n erun til2006 an d atten d ed severalo fth e m o n th ly jazz n ig h ts h eld atth e ch urch .T w o co n certs in particularstan d o ut in m y m in d .T h e f irstw as a tribute to Steph an e G rappelliw ith Jo h n Eth erid g e o n g uitaran d th e seco n d w as a Sun d ay af tern o o n classicalco n cert h eld in 2005 f eaturin g Stew artFten ch o n g uitar an d P in n erresid en tElizabeth M ay o n cello .Bo th excellen ten tertain m en tata reaso n able price. K ei thJenki ns, vi a em ai l DECEMBER 2023 "WHAT DO YOU T HI NK OFMY NEW HI 6H-FI ?” 4 4 4
■ ■ fl ■ • » 4 ■- fl 4 ■ • 4 ■ ■ ■ 4 ■ • • 4 4 ■ 4 « ■ * ■ 4 * « ■ > • ■ fl ■ « * fl ■ 4 4 -■ « ■- ■ > » ■ fl ■ » 4 -■ * 4 fl « ■ • ■ ■ » « fl « • 4 4 4 t o « 4 ■ 4 * « « fl « • 4 ■ fl li ■ ■ ■- fl « * ■- ■ ■ a. 4 ■ fl d • 4 4 4 * ■ 4 ■ 4 ■ * ■ 4 4 ■ IA D AC for the fu tu r e ■ 4 : CAN YO U RECO M M EN D A SIN G LE CO N VERTER FO R M Y D IVERSE D IG ITAL D EVICES? Andrew Everardrepl ies: W ith the shift • tow ards ever m ore digital -sou rced : m u sic - notw ithstanding the continu ed • popu l arity ofvinyl- m any am pl ifiers : have sprou tedm u l tipl e digitalinpu ts, • incl u ding U SB-B 'com pu ter au dio’ : ports al ong w ith the fam il iar opticaland • coaxialconnections. S om e even have : HD M Iinpu ts w ith ARC (au dio retu rn • channel )capabil ity for the connection : ofsou ndfrom a TV set. • So changing you r am pl ifier for one : w ith a fu l ldigitalfeatu re-setm ightbe • one rou te to take,providedyou can find : one w ith the req u iredsetofinpu ts and • a sou ndthatw illm atch or better that : ofyou r Linn. B u tasyou seem happy • w ith the sou ndofyou r cu rrentam p and : speak ers,u sing a D AC abl e to fu nction • as a ’digitalhu b'is probabl y the m ost * ■ cost-effective sol u tion. I'd su ggestthe • Au diol ab M -D AC + [H FN Ju n T6],at : arou nd£650 as an idealstarting point. • Ithas su fficientinpu ts - tw o coaxial , : tw o Tosl ink optical ,one AES /EB U ,and • a U SB for P C - and,depending on the j inpu tu sed,can acceptdatastream s at • u p to 38 4k Hz /32-bitandD SD 256. j The M -D AC + is al so basedarou nd : a tried-and-testedconverter chip,the j ESS ES90 18 ,offers a w ide choice : ofdigitalfil ter options - ifthat'syou r : thing - andhas an excel l entanal ogu e : section,providing l ine or variabl el evel • ou tpu tto the am pl ifier. Ital so boasts a : rather goodin-bu il theadphone am p. : Al lofthis is fittedinto a pack age w hich, • : co stless th an £5000,w h ich is pretty ifnotas com pactasthe tiny C hord • : m o d estby to d ay’s stan d ard s. M oj o 2 D AC ,w illtak e u p m inim al : ■ ■ Steve M errick, vi a em ai l space in its ’hal f-w idth’ hou sing. : I’ve o w n ed a h i-f isystem sin ce I : started m y f irstpro perjo b in th e m id : 1 97 0s.Id id n ’tcallitan ‘an alo g ue’ : system because d ig italco m po n en ts : d id n ’texistan d so th ere w as n o : altern ative to co m pare itw ith .Even : w h en CD appeared , th e players h ad : th e DAC h id d en aw ay in sid e w ith : tw o RCA ph o n o s o n th e o utsid e, : d eliverin g an an alo g ue sig n al. : So m y system w as an alo g ue th en , : an d itis n o w .Oris i t? Irecen tly : realised m y set-up h as th ree d ig ital : d evices as in puts, an d n o an alo g ue • o n es.Each o fth em - m y P C (lo cal : h ard d isk m usic co llectio n ),m y Reg a : Apo llo CD playeran d m y T V - is : d ig ital, an d h as its o w n DAC,w h ich • seem s in ef f icien t.As Ico n sid er : pen sio n -d epen d en tupg rad es, sh o uld : Ibe lo o kin g atth in g s d if f eren tly? Are : th ere such th in g s as DACs w ith th ree • in puts (tw o o pticalan d o n e U SB) : th atIco uld sw itch betw een ? Orare : th ere am ps th ato f f ersuch sw itch in g ? : Have yo u ad vice to o f f ero ld -tim e : read ers like m e,w h o se system s h ave : m o rph ed in to d ig italset-ups? : Icurren tly use a Ch o rd M o jo 2 : DAC [HFN Apr’22] co n n ected to m y : P C, an d I’m d elig h ted w ith th e so un d ■via m y G rad o SR325e an d Sen n h eiser i HD800S [HFN M ay ’1 6] h ead ph o n es, i an d th ro ug h th e m ain system .T h e : Reg a CD playeris pretty g o o d to o . ■M y am p is a Lin n M ajik 1 d rivin g \ B& W CDM -7 NT speakers.T h is all ■ ■ 4- 4 • Yes an d n o : U sin g th e sam e eq uipm en tan d a q uality DAC,a 24/96 f ile (f o r exam ple) w ill alw ays so un d better th an a CD 1 6/44.1 f ile ... but, even a sin g le JitterBug w ill o f ten allo w a CD f ile to be m o re musicalan d m o re em o tio n ally stim ulatin g th an a Hi-Res f ile w ith o utth e ben ef ito fa JitterBug . No ise i s th e pro blem . Real n o ise— th e kin d yo u can 'th eard irectly.Mo st of ten , th e w o rd "n o ise" i s used to d escribe tap e h iss o r a scratch o n a reco rd ,butth ese so un d s aren 'tn o ise; th ey are pro perly repro d uced so un d s th atw e w ish w eren ’tth ere. P ro blem n o ise i s essen tially ran d o m , reso n an t o r parasitic en erg y, w h ich h as n o m ean in g . It can 't be turn ed in to d iscrete so un d s, but it d o es co m pro m ise sig n al in teg rity an d th e perf o rm an ce o f everyth in g itto uch es. JitterBug 's d ual-f un ctio n lin e­ co n d itio n in g circuitry g reatly red uces th e n o ise an d rin g in g th atplag ue b oth th e d ata an d po w erT i n es o fU SB po rts, w h eth er o n a co m puter, streamer, h o m e stereo o r car aud io f ro n t-pan el U SB in put. A sin g le JitterBug i s used i n betw een d evices (i.e., in series) as sh o w n belo w . Fo r an ad d itio n al "w o w " experien ce, try a seco n d JitterBug in to an o th er U SB po rt o n th e sam e d evice (such as a co m puter).W h eth er th e seco n d po rt i s vacan t, o r i s f eed in g a prin tero rch arg in g a ph o n e, JitterBug ' s n o ise-red uctio n ability i s likely to surprise yo u. No , th e prin ter w o n 'tbe af f ected — o n ly th e aud io ! W h ile a JitterBug h elps MP 3s so un d a lo tm o re like music, n ig h -sam ple-rate f iles h ave th e m o stn o isevuln erability. T ry a JitterBug o r tw o o n all yo ur eq uipm en t, butn everm o re th an tw o per U SB bus.T h ere i s such a th in g as to o m uch o fa g o o d th in g . ABO VE:T h e M DAC+ h as co axial,T o slin k o p ticalan d AES/EBU in puts plus U SB f o rPC DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 113
SU B SC R IP TIO N O FFER >ipag issue RSOU ND T K T OP PE new s EX T RA: iM K h M fra m Fo e* frcJ K tC y ru* m a n d m o ra ... rG I.1 rary g rad e ON DECK A beg in n eto turn tak g ukh M tui DAY AP RIL DROP la m a h a.Fra Jm M a^ ka.1 bum it ma o tt „ B o w ie, Blur, T h e C ure, M r H en n !O ur p ick o fth e n ew vin ylco llecta bles Co o lco m bo '" T an g en t's P reAm p II& P o w erAm p sterII SA« SU P ER SONICS V ie g am e ch an g in g Af cth ro ug h o fM Q A O RET RO! L aun ch es fro m So n FMO,W h arfed ale, M AD,K EF an d HTHE SHOP PRICE y EJip io n 'sBSSOT rlh iute reo o -M yt*H o o n un d er 3 ISSU ES FOR £1 1 .99! SubscribetodayandSA VE 30 % onthenormalshoppri ce. GetFR E E DE LIVE R Y witheveryissue,straighttoyourdoor. Nevermissani ssue!Theperfectgi ft ! SU BSCRIBE SECU RELY ONLINE T ODAY! h ttps://ch ecko utavtech m ed ia.co .uk/EG ENC Orcall01 8 58 438 446 LINES OPEN M ONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9AM - 6PM Calls are charged atthe sam e rate as standard U K landlines and are included as p art ofany inclusive orfree m inutes allow ances. There are no additionalcharges w ith this num ber.O verseas calls w illcost m ore. T ERMS & CO NDIT IO NS:.*U K p rint subscrip tions offer only.AV Tech M edia Ltd collects your data so that w e can fulfilyour subscrip tion. W e m ay also, from tim e to tim e, send you details ofAV Tech M edia Ltd offers, events and com p etitions but you alw ays have a choice and can op t out by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom ofthe em ail. Please be aw are, by op ting into our com m unications, w e m ay contact you w ith offers by em ail/p ost/p hone. W e do not share or sellyour data w ith/to third p arties. D etails you share w ith us w ill be m anaged as outlined in our Privacy Policy here http s://subs.hifichoice.com /.Issue frequency is subject to change. Current yearly term varies p er issue. Please visit http s://subs.hifichoice.com / for fullterm s & conditions.
* Seeking a groovy reu nion P o w erf ul, Im m ersive So un d f ro m Co m puters an d M o bile Devices! HU NT FOR ’50S P HILIPS T U RNT ABLE BEG INS AFT ER COU P LE REDISCOVER T HE JOYS OF VINYL Iw as o n e o fth e m an y w h o g ave up th eirturn tables in th e late 1 980s - in m y case an Aristo n RD8 0 eq uip p ed w ith a Lin n Basik arm - in th e belief th atd ig italh ad m ad e vin ylred un d an t. Decad es later, m y w if e Z ietra ag reed to th e purch ase o fa seco n d h an d SM E M o d el1 0 turn table [HEN Dec ’99 & M ar ’21 ] w ith a d ualT im estep arm bo ard .W e’d alw ays en jo yed listen in g to Ella Fitzg erald an d Lo uis Arm stro n g ’sElla & Louis album o n CD, butw illn everf o rg etth atf irst even in g w ith th e SM E 1 0 w h en Lo uis p ip ed in w ith ‘A p rilIn P aris’.W e bro ke in to g rin s - w e w ere listen in g to a realvo ice, n o ta f acsim ile!An d th is w ith a m o d estOrto f o n 2M Blue M M cartrid g e [HFN Feb ’08 ]. An yw ay, Z ietra w an ted m e to kn o w th atsh e’d been an an alo g ue f an bef o re m e an d to p ro ve itp ro d uced a p icture o fh erselfan d h erP h ilips Disc Jo ckey M ajo rturn table, w h ich w as taken in Ham burg so m etim e in 1 961 . Z ietra can ’trem em berth e reco rd sh e w as cuein g up in th e ph o to g raph butg iven h ertastes an d th e year, h erg uess is it’s p ro bably Stan ley T brren tin e an d a bito fso uljazz. W e n o w p lan to seek o uta Disc Jo ckey M ajo rturn table o n lin e o rperh aps atan aud io jum ble. G iven K en K essler’s lo n g evity h e’ll d o ubtless h ave review ed th is table in th e past.W e’d th eref o re value h is ad vice o n a suitable cartrid g e up g rad e read y f o rw h en w e f in ally track o n e d o w n .An d Iim ag in e ed ito r P aulM illerw illh ave th e stats o n th e ABO VE:Z ietra w ith a P h ilips Disc Jo ckey M ajo rsuitcase g ram o p h o n e f ro m 1 955 P h ilips turn table’s rum ble, w o w , f lutteran d arm reso n an ce f iled aw ay so m ew h ere to o .K eep up th e g reatw o rk everyo n e! M ichaelDoran, vi a em ail Ken Kessl er repl ies: O r dinarily this w ou ldbeg the q u estion, ‘W hy?’ as the P hil ips AG 2121 D isc Jock ey M aj or,a pre-cu rsor to m obil eD J deck s,is rather obsol ete - bu t,of cou rse,nostal gia is you r im petu s. (I fou ndan AG 2121 on eB ay for £8 9.) The val ves are no pr oblem anda r ebu ildw ou ld be straightforw ard for a recor d pl ayer l au nched 70 years ago,bu tfitting m odern cartridges insteadofthe standard AG 30 10 m ightr eq u ire su rgery. How ever,sou rces su ch as w w w . snvi nyl .co.uk sel lthe P hil ips G P -230 thatcan replace it. Fo uryears ag o , Aud io Q uestsh o o k th e h i-f i w o rld w ith o ur f irst Drag o n Fly DAC-P ream p -Head p h o n e Am p — th e rare aud io pro d uctth atbro ug h tm o re co m pellin g so un d to allm usic lo vers, playin g h ig h -res f iles to MP 3s o n per­ f ectio n istsystem s an d m o d estlapto ps. No w , th e n ew Drag o n Fly Black an d Drag o n Fly Red exceed th eir p red e­ cesso r in every w ay, d eliverin g m o re beautif ul m usic, bo astin g so f tw are upg rad ability, an d pro vid in g co m p at­ ibility w ith An d ro id an d Ap p le iOS m o bile d evices. W h ile Black o f f ers m o re clarity,d ep th an d categ o ry-d ef in in g value th an ever bef o re,th e take-n o -priso n ers Red pro ­ vid es even m o re f in esse, reso lutio n , to rq ue an d m o re th an en o ug h p o w ­ erto d rive even th e m o std em an d in g h ead ph o n es. T h e w o rd i s o ut: Dig italAud io Review . n et' s Jo h n Darko calls Drag o n Fly Red an d Black "th e f in est exam ples o fev­ erym an h if ito everg race th ese pag es. T h eirvalue q uo tien ts explo d e th e d ial." Letth e jo yf ulexperien ce beg in ! ABO VE:T h e SM E 1 0 w ith a M o d el1 0 arm an d (lef t)8 -bitm icro pro cesso r-co n tro lled PSU DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 115
IA ‘storm of m em ories’ : BU D FRIED,A P AP ER T RAIL ,P LU S A ST ORY OF SP EAK ER SERENDIP IT Y ■ K en K essler’s men tion of Irvi n gM . F ried : in the N ovemberPM C prodigyreview : broughtba ck a storm of memories. I : gottokn ow Bud,a s he w a s ca lled,in : 19 71 a fterpurcha sin gmysecon d set : of spea k ers,the IM F StudioII(ca lled • the T LS50 in Bri tai n ). W hen Igotthem : home Ipulled offthe grilles a n d loa n d • behold,the midra n ge con e,w hich Iw a s : expectin g tobe pla sticlike the w oofer, • w a s ma de of pa per. Ica lled up my : dea lerM elSchilli n g (a n otherlon gtime : a udioperson a lity) atM usicA n d Soun d : a n d he told me toca llBud. Bud told me he kn ew of the problem : a n d tobrin gthe loudspea k ers tohis : labora torythatSaturday. Itturn ed out : thatthe midra n ges w ere pa perbutw ere ■ supposed toha ve been coa ted w ith a : PVA da mpin gcompoun d,the sa me clea r : coa tin gused on bextren e drivers to : min imise rin gin g. A ccordin gtoBud,the ■ mon th myspea k ers w ere ma n ufa ctured • the person respon sible fora pplyin gthe : PVA decided toskip the coa tin gthin kin g :i tlook ed ‘ ugly’. T hatSa turda yled toa • lon gfrien dship un ti lBud’s dea th. : W hile Bud w a s proba blythe ultima te : tra n smission lin e a dvoca te,J ohn W ri ght : w a s the IM F design er. A ccordin gtoBud, : his sea rch fortra n smission lin e spea k ers : follow ed a meetin gw ithA rthurHa ddy of Decca in the mid ’6 0s. A rthurtold him he’d ha d togive up his Q ua d ESL spea k ers beca use Decca could n ow put 30dB of dyn a micra n ge on to a n LP a n d thatw a s beyon d the ESL’s a bilities. Bud a sk ed him fora dvice a n d A rthurtold him tolook in totra n smission lin e spea kers. T hatled Bud toRadford,w hich w a s w orkin gon tra n smission lin es. Some yea rs laterBud believed Ra dford w a s rea dytosupplyhim w ith spea k ers a n d he a n n oun ced them for a show . U n fortun ately,theyw eren ’t quite ready. Bud ha d been w orkin g w ith ca rtridge en gin eerJ ohn W ri ght so he a sk ed him a bouta suita ble repla cemen tspea k erforthe even t. J ohn suggested usin g a K EF Con certo ki ta n d developin g a tra n smission lin e ca bin etfori t.A n d thatw a s the spea k er presen ted atthe show un derthe IMF bra n d n a me,w hich Bud ha d used before w hen importin gBri ti shproducts toA merica . M odifica tion s,such a s repla cin gthe K EF T 27 tw eeterw ith a Celestion HF 1300 tw eetera n d Celestion HF 200 supertw eeterfollow ed,resultin g in the four-w a yIM F M on itorspea ker. AllenE delstein,vi aemail K enK esslerreplies: M yonlydirect experienceoftransmissionlinespeakers, ABO VE: L ateriteratio n o fth e U K ’s IM FT L S50 lo ud speaker,so ld in th e U S asth e IM F Stud io II waybackwhen,wasrestrictedtoIM Fs ; - oh,tohaveapairofSuperCompacts! : - andeventuallytheTDLswhichwere • theirnaturalheirsafterIM F disappeared, i I recallbeing especiallyimpressed by • thefloorstandingTLS 80 ,which delivered : cavernousbass.Today,forthoseunnerved • • bythethoughtofbuying 50 -year-old • loudspeakers, FalconA cousticsactually : manufacturesnew IM F models,whichI : hopetoauditionsomeday,whilei thas : f l replacementsforboth IM F and TDL • drivers.Ironicall y,theR adfordspeakers : • thatI owned, lovedand foreverregret : sellingwereTristar9 0 s,whichwerenot • transmissionlinesatal l . 4 In p raise ofa ‘Budget Esoterica’buy AFFORDABLE DAC DELIVERS IN SP ADES,BU T IS A T RANSP O RT T HE M O RE CRU CIAL CO M P O NENT IN A DIG IT AL REP LAY CHAIN? : Iw a n ted tobuya DA C tobe used w ith : the digita loutputfrom a CD player. : A fterrea din gK en K essler’s ‘ Budget ; Esoterica ’ review of M usica lF idelity’s S M X -DA C [HFN Oct’20]Ipurcha sed on e. ■ A ftercon n ectin gi ttomysystem Icould • n ota gree more w ith K en ’s sta temen t : that‘ a bove al l ,the soun d is gen uin ely a ston ishin g’. Ia m in trigued bythe fa ct thatthe M X -DA C prettymuch con sists solelyof ICs,in cludin gIC op-a mps, yetstillsoun ds so good. It’s especia lly impressive w ithfema le voca ls. Sotha n ks forthe deta iled a n d a ccura te review ,n ot tomen tion the techn ica lin forma ti on . JohnE,vi aemail ABO VE:T h e M X -DAC uses a P CM 1 7 95 DAC ch ip,sam p le rate co n verteran d o p-am ps allf ro m T l 116 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk DECEM BER 2023 K enK esslerreplies: Thisisthebasis ofoneofthegreatpub debates(do audiophilescongregateinpubs?)which hasparallelsinanalogue.Foreverthere wi l lrageargumentsastowhichpart ofavi nylsourcemattersmost- deck, arm, cartridgeorphono stage- while it’ssimplerindigital.W hichisthemore crucialcomponent, transportorDA C? I maintaina30 -years-old-plusM arantz CD 12/DA 12 and am loathtochoose eithersection asmoreimportantthanthe other.M yguttellsmeit’stheDA C,but thetransportusesaP hilipsCDM 1 drive, whichsomeclaim tobethebestever.M y bucketlisttransport- 1 boughtaP SA udio P erfectW ave [ H FNA ug ’0 9 ] asmyfi nal discspinner- awaitsitsnaturalpartner, theDirectStream II DA C.Itwasbuythat, ormorefinewine.Thewineislosing. . . ■ : * • : • : • • ■ : j • • : • : : : •
■ » • f li ■ ** ■ ■ ■ < ■ * ■ « « fl ■ ■ ■ > « ■ fl ILike a ’Stone « : READER ENJOYS K OET SU P ICK -U P REVIEW 4 * ; T han k you foryourn o-n on sen se, : ha n ds-on review of the K oetsu Cora lston e Platin um Series ca rtridge [HFN A ug ’23]. A s fara s Ikn ow ,yours is the fi rstrea lreview of this pick-up. Isea rched the In tern eta n d the closestIca me toa review w a s w ha t Ica n on lydescribe a s a ra g-ba g of hyperbole w ithoutrea lcon ten t. Y ourdescription of the ca rtridge’s soun d is veryclose tomyow n experien ce,though w ith on e sma ll ca vea t-i tis quite arm depen den t. It sa n gin a F idelityResea rch F R-64x, soun ded a bitun rema rka ble in a n SM E V yetproduced formida ble ba ss in a SA EC W E 506 /30.1love the fa ct you published rea lmea suremen ts a s w ell. Veryuseful. K udos! TK R ealfsen,B ergen,Norw ay » ■ 4 * > » * » ■ + « * * » « t f 4 A « * * . t f ■ » ABO VE:T h e K o etsu Co ralsto n e M C uses a bo ro n can tileveran d a p latin um m ag n et * I V * « « * « * * * ■ « * V » P aulM illerreplies: The20 gFidelity R esearch FR -64fx and silver-wired ’x offeralower(butst i l l‘high’)effective massthanthe35gFR -64s[ H FN M ay ’82] and 12i nSA E C W E50 6/30 .Both armsarefar‘heavier’thanthe 10 -11g SM E V andarguablybettersuitedto substantial,low complianceM Cs. * # * * * » ■ * ■ * * » < 1 * * Am strad am usem ent ‘P RICELESS T EX T OF ’7 0S AD T RU M P ET ING T HE CO M P ANY’S T P 1 2D T U RNT ABLE ■ • * * * » * f i » ! i ■ * * # < * « ■ l f > Old-timers like myselfw illha ve smiled to see the A mstra d turn ta ble a d thata ccompa n ied Steve Ha rri s’s Opin ion piece in the Octoberissue on the w a ythe formercompa n y’s T P 12D turn ta ble w a s ‘ in spired’ by the design of the Rega Plan etdeck. Buti tw a s a pitythe picture of the 19 76 a d w a sn ’tbig en ough torea d the priceless text. F orthe ben efitof youn gerrea ders,this ran a s follow s: ‘ T he T P 12D ha s ta ken a deca de to develop,a n d a lthough con tempora ry in looks,its design is prin cipa lly fun ction a la n d of prime importa n ce. T he tri-lateralperiphera llyw eighted platterproduces a n equipon dera te ta n gen tialcoun terba la n cin gforce; the platterbein g solid die-ca st, combin es topermiti ttorevolve at more con sta n tspeed,limitin gw ow a n d fl uttertoa min imum.’ D Sperring,Surbiton SteveH arrisreplies: TheA mstrad turntableappearedwellaftertheR ega P lanet,whichwaslaunchedin 19 7 3. Laterinthe 19 7 0 s,therecameamore elegantecho oftheP lanet'svisual theme,butinaturntableasdifferentas couldbefrom anyR ega.TheJBE Series 3[ H F/VJan ’ll] sported animpressivelookingplatterconsistingofsix pods mountedonasupporting discand rotatedbyaM atsushitadirect-drive motor.Ini tsoriginalform,theJBE was builtintoaheavyplinthofW elshslate. JBE wentoutofbusinessin 19 82. Extrem e? 4 * « * » * « * ■ « « « * ■ V ' « • « ABO VE:T h e JBE Series 3 turn table w ith its slate p lin th an d p latterf eaturin g six‘po d s’ DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 117
KR@ N OS )R M U S IC " i f ...the best of all decks with none of the downsides. W - Alan Sirco m ,HiFi+ ifi The 30.7s deliver sound quality competitive with (and in some respects superior to) loudspeakers ranging from two to nearly ten times their price. M
R aidho acou siics Pick an album, play track one, intending to listen to only that track. Five tracks later you are still mesmerised. f i The company has come up with a design that’s both easy to use and capable of excellent performance across a wide sweep of musical genres. 99 -An d rew Everard ,Lab:P aulMiller,h i-f in ew s t:+ 44 (O)56 0 20 5 4669 e:info@ decentau dio.co.u k w w w .decentau dio.co.u k D EC EN T AU D IO sou nd distr ib u tio n O FFICIAL U K DIST RIBU T O R
VIN T A GE HI-F I B&O Beomaster20 0 0 With the Danish company in the doldrums come the early ’70s could this reimagined receiver with phase-locked loop decoder deliver on its promise of ‘high fidelity’ sound? Review: Tim Jarman Lab: Paul Miller ang & O lufsen’s first m ove into the w orld of serious hi-fi cam e in 1 9 6 7 w ith the introduction ofthe Beolab 5000 am p lifier and Beom aster 5000 tuner [HFN D ec ’1 2] .These defined the Europ ean state of the art at the tim e and w ere as successful as their high p rices allow ed.The com p any then distilled these tw o units into the Beom aster 3000, w hich offered sim ilar qualities at a m ore accessible p rice. It lacked the sheer p ow er and versatility ofthe Beolab 5000 but sold strongly throughout a long p roduction run. These p roducts created a new sector in the com p any’s range - ‘high fidelity’. The m odels w ere aim ed at the serious listener and offered high p ow er outp ut, advanced facilities and w hat the designers considered to be the best p ossible sound. B W IDE RA N GIN G This ‘high fidelity’line got offto a good start but floundered in 1 9 7 3 w hen the Beom aster 4000 w as introduced.This w as intended as a Beolab rep lacem ent and w as based on a m odified 3000 chassis, up rated to p roduce 2x6 0W .Yet its sound w as lifeless and unexciting. The 6 000 4channel receiver [HFN Sep ’21 ]w as not as dynam ic as it could have been either, suggesting that som ething had gone seriously am iss in the design of B&O’s range-top p ing m odels. It w as against this backdrop that the Beom aster 2000 review ed here ap p eared. Launched in late 1 9 7 5 and new from the ground up , it saw designer Jacob Jensen’s beloved ‘low and w ide’look introduced to the serious end of the range.And there w ere p lenty of noveltechnical ideas inside too. B&O ’s circuitry typ ically evolved slow ly across inter-related m odels but m ost ofthe 2000 had not been seen before. For exam p le,the AM radio section w as B&O’s first IC-based design and included a ceram ic filter to give p recise tuning. The FM section also m ade extensive use of ICs and included five p re-set stations and a sop histicated active AFC system ,w hich ensured p erm anently accurate tuning. The key innovation, how ever,w as the p hase-locked loop stereo decoder - B&O’s : ABOVE:T h is larg e an d f lush -m o un ted f lyw h eel :i sused to tun e th e Beo m aster2000’srad io .T h e : co lo ured lig h tsto th e lef to fth e w h eelin d icate * • th e sig n alstren g th an d tun in g balan ce * : first. Even the m ore exp ensive m odels in «: the range still used the older regenerative • typ e, so in term s of radio p erform ance : the 2000 w as a big step ahead.Yet w hile : im p ressive, none ofthese features w ere : w hat m ade the Beom aster 2000 sp ecial. « iLOW RIDER : The really im p ortant change w as that it : w as B&O’s first am p lifier to use D C coup ling betw een the outp ut transistors and sp eaker load. D isp ensing w ith the transform ers or cap acitors that p reviously sat betw een these tw o elem ents m eant the am p lifier’s outp ut im p edance could s - L EFT :T h e Beo m aster2000 i sa po w erf ulun itan d th e am plif iers n eed plen ty o f co o lin g w h en w o rkin g h ard . No te th e g en ero us h eatsin ks atth e rear,h id d en f ro m casual view by a g rille abo ve th em 120 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk DECEMBER 2 02 3
• them from everyw here else in the design : w here it w as p ractical. In the end, only : six rem ained, w hich w ere necessary for • p ow er sup p ly filtering w here no other : cap acitor technology could yield the values • needed.W hat’s m ore, allthe cap acitors : in the signal p ath w ere either tantalum CA PA CIT OR CRU SA DE : or film typ es.W hile a fam iliar enough : p erform ance am p lifier technique today, it D C-coup led am p lifiers had been m ade p ossible by the introduction w as a largely unexp lored idea in dom estic hi-fi in of m atched p airs of com p lem entary p ow er the m id 1 9 7 0s. The styling had m oved transistors in the early on since the days of the 1 9 7 0s. B&O w as not to Beom aster 1 200 w hose be rushed into p roducing a D C-coup led design but tuning control looked like a giant slide rule.The the 2000 p roved to be 2000 used a larger version thoughtfully engineered and of the flush-m ounted flyw heelfirst seen rugged w hen it did eventually ap p ear.The in the 6 000 4channel. The tem p tation to outp ut transistors chosen w ere high-gain D arlington typ es, a class of com p onent use electronic signal routing w as resisted w ith function selection being p erform ed B&O had extensive exp erience of given their w idesp read use in a p revious series of by oversized p ush buttons.These too w ere flush w ith the fascia w hen not in use. low er-p ow ered,AC-coup led m odels. M ost Beom aster 2000s w ere finished This w as not the end of the story, in m att black anodised alloy w ith either how ever. H aving elim inated the large teak or rosew ood veneered cabinetw ork, alum inium electrolytic cap acitors in series w ith the loudsp eaker outp uts the but lim ited num bers w ere p roduced w ith silver alloy over w hite. These designers then system atically elim inated are highly p rized by collectors today.All B&O equip m ent from । the 1 9 7 0s is stylish, but the Beom aster 2000 takes this be reduced [see PM ’s Lab Rep ort, p l25] and substantially constant in resp ect to frequency.This, in turn, p aid dividends in term s ofthe dam p ing factor that could be achieved at the sp eaker interface and the quality of bass that could be rep roduced. Itwasspecial becausei twas B&O ’sfirstDCcoupledamp' : ABOVE:Havin g allth e co n tro ls o n to p w as an : un usuallayo utf o ra stereo receiverin th e : m id -’7 0s butth e Beo m aster2000’sease o fuse : d em o n strates th e ad van tag es o fth is layo ut ■ ■ : to the next level. D esp ite its m echanical • controls it hasn’t dated as m uch as som e : other B&O m odels - house guests w ho • clap p ed eyes on it during m y auditioning : assum ed it w as less than ten years old. iF LU SHED W IT H SU CCESS : The Beom aster 2000 is also a delight to : use - B&O described the p ush buttons as • ‘sup er sm ooth’and they truly are.The flush : tuning flyw heel is nicely w eighted w hile • the tuning balance and stereo indicator : lam p s associated w ith it don’t so m uch flicker as flow , as ifthey are op erated by som e ingenious arrangem ent ofviscous fluid. Five p re-set stations are p rovided on FM ,their setting m ade by a group of tiny scales under a sliding cover on the right of the unit.A sim ilar cover on the left gives access to a tap e 1 /2 sw itch and a loudness button (w hich is best left sw itched off). Com p ared to the other controls, the sliders for the am p lifier are a bit stiff and jerky in use. Connections are p rovided for a : turntable and tw o tap e recorders, a p air of BELOW :T h e co m p lete Beo system 2000 in w h ite (lef t).Rareth en ,d esirable n o w .Stan d ard f in ish esw ere eith erteak o rro sew o o d (belo w ) DECEMBER 2 02 3 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk 121
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VIN T A GE HI-F I headp hones and tw o p airs of loudsp eakers. The turntable inp ut is m atched to B&O’s ow n m oving-iron p ick-up s but these are sim ilar enough to m odern M M typ es for there not to be com p atibility p roblem s. H aving tw o tap e sockets gives a useful p lace to connect a CD p layer, but this is best p laced in ‘Tap e 1 ’and the recorder in ‘Tap e 2’otherw ise CD -to-tap e transfers cannot be m ade.The loudsp eaker sockets are arranged so that one p air is m uted w hen the headp hones are connected and the other p air is not.The direct (sp eakers 2) is the best choice for critical listening, but less convenient in a dom estic setting. B&O claim ed D C-coup ling elim inated the sw itch-on ‘thum p ’w ith loudsp eakers that em p loyed cap acitors.This is true, but there’s an odd soft thud heard a second or so after sw itching off.The Beom aster 2000 lacks a p rotection relay and so the sp eakers are kep t safe by four fuses in the sup p lies to the outp ut stages. B&O recom m ended that the loudsp eakers used had a rating of at least 40W for this to be effective. Finally, like all B&O designs ofthis era,the am p lifier is op tim ised for a 4ohm load. T IM LIST EN S Even after the briefest of listens it’s clear that B&O’s designers m ust have celebrated a w elcom e return to form w ith the Beom aster 2000. 1 The receiver still has the fam iliar luxurious B&O sound but this does not stop it being a lively and vivid p erform er. It im p roves noticeably on the Beom aster 3000 and com p letely trounces the 4000, desp ite being a third less p ow erful. The technology em p loyed, w hich w as focused on ap p ealing to the ears ofthe audiop hile, had done the trick - this p articular m odel is a real hidden gem . Perhap s the 2000’s m ost attractive quality is the w ay it can p lay softly for late-night listening and render detail p erfectly but also p roduce effortless am ounts of p ow er for a genuine concert hall exp erience w hen required. It lacks the clip p ing indicator ofthe Beom aster 4400 receiver [HFN Jun ’1 2]so it is up to the listener to judge w hen the p ow er m argin is all used up . But things do not begin to sound rough untilthe control is alm ost at the top ofthe scale and the m usic is deafeningly loud. U nless your listening room is very large this receiver has m ore than enough p ow er to cover m ost tastes. Noise p erform ance is fair too, there being som e hiss to be heard w hen the control is p ushed beyond about ‘7 ’on the scale, but at norm alvolum e levels the background is as good as silent. : ABOVE:T h e in terio ro fth e un iti sn eatan d w ell ■o rd ered .No teth e space atth e to p o fth e ch assis : to h o useth e tw o extra p o w eram plif iers o fth e • Q uad raph o n icversio n ,th e Beo m aster3400 : that the up p erm ost treble w as slightly : m uted,though, as the snares and : p ercussion didn’t sp arkle and shim m er in • quite the w ay Iknow they can. : H ow ever,the effect w as less obvious : w hen listening to BBC R3 via the receiver’s : built-in FM tuner section (9 0.3M H z) and • so Ican only susp ect that the very top : end is going astray in the p ream p section. : Nevertheless,the roll-off is slight enough : to be cancelled by selecting a brighter• sounding source. In m y case, sw ap p ing a : Philip s CD 1 04 [HFN Ap r ’1 4]for a Technics : SL-P1 200 [HFN Aug ’1 3]did the trick. : W here the 2000 really scored w as T IM E T O U N W IN D • w hen it cam e to its m idrange balance and : neutrality.V ocals w ere p erfectly p laced Sade’s album D iam ond Life [Ep ic CD EPC 26 044]satisfied w ith its cream y saxop hone : in the m ix, being neither p rom inent and rich, chew y bass lines w hen p layed : nor recessed.This m ade for an instantly through the 2 000.1 did get the im p ression • attractive sound, and one that p roved : very easy to relax into.This m ay seem an • obvious requirem ent, but there are m any : am p s out there that are less com p elling. Thesax was creamyand thebassrich and chewy’ jK EEP Y OU R DIST A N CE : On a larger scale,the slim Beom aster 2000 : p roved easily cap able of p reserving both • the sp ace and dram a offull-scale orchestral : p ieces. M ozart’s ‘Serenata Notturna’p layed : by the Berliner Philharm oniker, conducted G * • L EFT :A g raph icalrepresen tatio n o fa co m plete : system assug g ested in th e o w n er’sm an ual.T h e • reco m m en d ed co m po n en ts are th e Beo g ram : 2000 turn table an d Beo vo x37 02 lo ud speakers DECEMBER 2 02 3 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk 123
HIG H-P ERFORM AN C E S OU N D & V IS ION MAX I MU M I MPACT ! W hy S am su ng’s75in Q N 90 0 C TV isan 8 K stu nner . INEVERYISSUE Kitreview s,m ovies & TV,accessories,system s,insight, opinion,com petitions & m ore w w w .hom ecinem achoice.com facebook.com /hom ecinem achoice @ hccm ag
REPORT VIN T A GE HI-F I AB OV E: Rearview ofthe receiver show sth atal lthe connectorsareto D IN standards and,asever w ith B& O,thatthere islittle room arou ndthe socketsfor bu l k y pl u gs by H er ber tV on Karaj an [Alb inoni: Adagio/Pachelb el: Canon; D eu tsche G ram m ciphon 4 13 30 9 -2], show ed how a car efu lly designed am plifier can preserve the im pression of distance b etw een the per for m er s ifthe sou rce com ponentis u p to the task ofr ecover ing it. S tereo sou ndstaging w as al so excellent,as w as the r ender ing offine textu r al detailar ou nd the strings. ■ a u niq u e pr oposition, and one w ell : w or th seek ing ou tto hear. :BU Y IN G SECON DHA N D di • S ince the B eom aster 20 0 0 did not : sel lin the sam e q u antities as the ■ 30 0 0 and 30 0 0 -2,good exam pl es : can be difficu ltto find. They are ■ cer tainly stu rdy u nits b u tare not : w ithou ttheir probl em s. The cover : over the pre-settu ning controls : sl ides offand is easil y lost,spoiling SIN GU LA R A PPEA L ■ the sl eek appearance. The tu ning : dr ive for the flyw heeldisc can al so After m any m or e hou rs oflistening ■ failw hen the plastic inside that Ifou nd m ysel fconclu ding that : hol ds the pu l leys for the cord drive despite being nearly 5 0 years old, e the B eom aster 20 0 0 has the sor tof - disintegr ates. Repairs are possibl : b u ttheyTe notstraightfor w ar d. sou nd thatm ak es it appr opr iate for M eanw hile,the circu itfor the u se in a m ain system . Itm ay l ack the ■ : red and green indicator l am ps by finalper fection ofthe B eom aster : the disc is u nu su ally com plex. This 440 0 [ HF/V D ec '12]and doesn’t : req u ires al lthe l am ps (and the one feelq u ite as specialto ow n as the ■ inside the tu ning pointer ) notonly B eol ab 5 0 0 0 {althou gh itis l ess colou r ed sou nding w hen com par ed : to be intactb u tto be ofexactly the directly), bu tithas no obviou s sonic i r ightr ating ifit's to w or k atall. : Electronically speak ing,itis the vices. Ital so saw B ang & O l u fsen : FM radi o thatseem s to su ffer m ost escape the doldr u m s as far as the ■ : problem s. The FM discr im inator and sou nd q u ality ofits lar ger m odel s - tu ning balance indicator have to be w as concer ned. W hen the 20 0 0 w as r eplaced by : setu p cor r ectly for the AFC system the B eom aster 220 0 in late 1977 • and the stereo decoder to w or k , : and they seem to dr iftover tim e. m any ofits novelideas w er e lost, * Accu r ate instru m ents are necessary in par ticu lar the decision to avoid : to br ing them back into l ine. The the u se ofalu m iniu m electroltyic * am plifier sections have pr oved to be capacitor s. This m ak es the 20 0 0 : r eliable, bu tit’svitalal lthe fu ses are • ofthe cor r ecttype and r ating. O B& O'sfirstD C -cou p!ed tu ner/am pl ifier identical l y m atches the B eom aster 240 0 -2 [HFN D ec '19 )for raw pow er ou tpu tbu t otherw ise del ivers avery distinctive technicalperform ance. In practice ou r circa-1975 testsam pl e su stained a m axim u m continu ou s ou tpu tof2x35W j '8 ohm (40 W j '8 ohm . one channel driven)and2x55W /4ohm w ith su fficientreserve to su stain transientpeaks ( 1k Hz /10 m sec/<1% THD )of42W ,74W . 33W and 18 W into S ohm ,4ohm ,2ohm and 1ohm ioads,respectivel y [ see G raph 1,bel ow ). Once again,the 4.3A cu rrentheadroom is m odest,su ggesting the 20 0 0 i sbestu sedw ith speakers ratedat 6ohm andabove,andofgenerou s sensitivity. Otherw ise,the 20 0 0 m ay be D C cou pl ed bu tits l ow bass response isactivel y fil tered,fal l ing from < O.l dB JW OHz to -2.2dB /20 Hz and< 6dB i'11Hz . j u stas its HF rol l -offisinfl u enced by the bu ffering ofitsvol u m e control .W ith the vol u m e sl ider atm axim u m (35.8 dB gain)the response i sIl attest- reaching -0 .2dB /20 k Hz and-3.8 dB /10 0 k Hz - w hil e atredu cedvol um e positions (this isgain,notou tpu tieve!)the HF response is progressivel y m u ted. O u tpu tim pedance isal so infl u enced,bu t even the l ow est0 .3-0 .5ohm (20 Hz -20 k Hz )w il lstil lcau se som e fu rther response m odification in l ine w ith the sw ings in speaker l oad. D istortion ism ore predictabl e,a steady increase in l evel from Q .0 16% /1W to 0 .0 45^1 C W and0 .0 9S atthe rated 3C W / 8 ohm (al l1kHz ),andw ith freq u ency to 0 .0 9^1 OkHz and 0 .14 ^ 20 kHz [ al lat10 W )8 ohm ~ see redtrace. G raph 2 bel ow ). Noise isl ow too at-78 dB V - testam entnotonl y to the design ofB & O’s l inear pow er su ppl y bu tal so the el egantcircu itl ayou t- al :lof w hich secu res aw orthy 8 6.6dB A-w td S/N ratio (re.OdBW ). P M ABOV E:D ynam ic pow er ou tpu tvs. distor tion u p to 1% THD into 8 ohm (bl ack trace),4ohm (red),2ohm (cyan) and lohm (green) speak er l oads. M ax cu r r entis 4.2A Ba n g & Olufsen i w iw n io * ■«* Fr«44tn«-Y » nu&ouno The B eom aster 20 0 0 m ay not be one ofB & O ’ sm ostm em or ab le designs b u t in per for m ance ter m s Itcer tainly rank s as one ofthe com pany’sb est. Ifyou are k een to avoid the har d and b r ittle sou nd ofsom e am plifier s r eleased ar ou nd this per iod then the sm ooth-sou ndsng 20 0 0 is w ellw or th consider ing. The top q u ality r adio section is a bonu s, w hich m ak es this slick -look ing r eceiver even m or e com pelling. SoundQ ual i t y:75% AB OV E:N u S ou ndadfrom HfiV Feb *76 show sthe B eom aster 20 0 0 at£269.50 ■■■■■■■ ABOV E:D istor tion versu s freq u ency from 5Hz -40 k Hz (1W /8 ohm ,bl ack )and 20 Hz -20 k Hz (10 W /8 ohm , red) HI-F IN EW S SPECIF ICA T ION S P o w ero utp ut(<1^ HD >B au hin) 35W ./55W Dyn am ic p o w er(<1^ HD ,8 f4 f2lll u hm ) 42W / ?4W /33W / 18 W ----------------------------------------------------------1 ------------------------------------O utp ut im p.(20 H2-20 k Hz /10 0 kHz ) 0 .28 -0 .SOu hrn / 0 .48 ohm Freq .resp.(20 Hz -20 k Hz /10 0 k Hz ,OdBW ) -2.2dB to^0 .22dB /-3.8 dB In p utsen sitivity ( For OdBW pOW ) 44m V f245rnV A-w td ratio ( re. 0 dB W /3W ) f10 l .4dB Disto rtio n (20 Hz -20 kHz . 10 W f 8 ohm ) 0 .0 25-0 .14^ li P o w erco n sum ptio n (I die/raked ou tpu t) ITW / 111W Dim en sio n s ( W HD ) /W eig h t 68 5x75x270 rnm f8 .2kg D EC EMBER 20 23 w w w .hifinew s.co.u k 125
F RO M T HE VA U LT E nlightenedorU ltralink? Martin Colloms hears two outboard DACs featuring 20-bit chips in custom circuits - Enlightened Audio Designs’ DSP7000 and the PS Audio Ultralink H i-Fi New s Each m o n th HFN w ill brin g yo u an a rticle fro m o urvast a rch ive o f fea tures an d review s fro m yesteryea r m erican sp ecialists, like their U K counterp arts, continue to develop new variations on the available : digitaltechnology to p roduce : DACs w ith audiop hile ap p eal. This : review covers tw o ofthe m ore i intriguing exam p les, using som e : ofthe m ost advanced devices ■ : available to designers. : The Enlightened Audio 1 j D esigns D SP7 000 is • based on the 20-bit : Analog D evices chip , I■ w hile PS Audio has • chosen an U ltra Analog : dual 20-bit converter. ■ • W hat bearing the tw o : choices oftechnology w ill have on ■ • sound quality rem ains to be seen! H ill N EW S : to ap p ear is the D SP7 000 DAC.The *• standard unit review ed here has a :♦ p hono socket outp ut at a fixed level • of 2V . D igital inp uts include tw o ; coaxial and one Toslink op tical w hile a reclocked, buffered digital outp ut is p rovided. M ains inp ut is via an IEC threep in term inal. Extra cost op tions include fully balanced audio outp uts w ith sw itchable level, p lus : the AT&T glass fibre op tical interface : for digital connection. ♦ : W hen p ow ered up ,the inp ut • selection m ust be m ade, as this unit :EA D DSP7000 : Beginning in the audio business as : lacks auto sw itching. Indication is • given of the inp ut selected, w hether • an up grader of Rotel and other CD : p layers, Enlightened Audio D esigns : the signal has been locked, if it has • (EAD), based in Iow a, rap idly gained • em p hasis, if data errors are p resent, : exp ertise in the field of digital audio : and finally w hether absolute p hase • technology. It now p roduces its • inversion has been selected. Inside • ow n equip m ent, and the first unit : it is p ossible to configure the p hase Theability t oswitchthe oversampling ratesurprises’ MU SIC IN T HE BANK NA KA M ICH I’S j H IG H -END CD M U LTI­ PLAYER the sou nd OF OCC ■ A CRIT ICAL ANALYSIS tu b es or SOU D ST AT E? MICHAELSON VERSU S CJ HONG K ONG SHOW REPORT LOU DSP EAK ERS CAST LE.W IL5ON, MBl W IN 1 TA M A H A CINEM A DSP SYSTEM 1 26 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk : ABOVE:T h e EAD DSP 7 000 DAC [to p] ■ • co st£1 350 o n laun ch w h ile PSAud io ’s : U ltralin kw o uld h ave setyo u back £2499 DECEMBER 2023
VI NTAGE sw itch to m atch a given p ream p or p ow er am p lifier inversion and thus correct the system via this source. The unit is heavily built from steel and alloy sections, the electronics are soundly constructed and it tip s the scales at 22lbs. : RIG HT :PSAud io ’s F IN E W ORDS The D SP7 000 is m ultibit and em p loys a p air of selected 20-bit Analog D evices A D I8 6 2 chip s, w ith indep endent localvoltage references.These are fed 20-bit digital w ords from the high p recision Burr-Brow n D F1 7 00P filter, w hich is a high-order, low -rip p le design of 1 9 9 tap s, originating at NPC. Low jitter (<200p sec) is claim ed by using the CrystalA D IC C S8 41 2. A p rop rietary asp ect ofthe design is the ‘Acculinear’circuitry contained in a chip com p osed p rim arily of discrete devices rather than a fully linked integrated circuit. This is claim ed to execute the 1 /V conversion step w ith m uch low er overshoot and distortion on transients than the usual choice of an integrated op -am p .A sw eeter, m ore natural sound is said to result. D e-em p hasis is p assively sw itched by relay.The outp ut am p lifiers and filter stages use fast AD 8 41 op -am p s, adjusted for offset and D C coup led at the outp ut. Non invasive relay m uting is em p loyed. Another surp rising feature is the facility for the user to sw itch the oversam p ling rate betw een 4x or 8 x.This is a fascinating detail. As sup p lied it w as set to 4x, but : G ran d stan d o ver : PaulM cG o w an • sm ilesatth e : cam era d urin g th e j 2023 U K Hi-Fi : Sh o w Liveeven t, : w h ich to o k place : atth e Asco t : th e lastw eeken d ■in Septem ber. ■Paulco -f o un d ed : th e co m pan y w ith : Stan W arren in 1 97 3,sh ippin g its :f irstpro d uct- a ■ph o n o pream p N O S P M I S W E R D N A : O T O H P : so ld d irectto • co n sum ers- th e :f o llo w in g year • in theory 8 x is better, since this : m oves alias noise further out ofthe • band and im p roves high-frequency : resolution at low levels. In p ractice, • at the higher rate the D AC is w orked :■ harder,w ith the ratio betw een • settled outp ut data and sam p ling : sw itching transients im p aired. Four ■ tim es oversam p ling im p roves the : ratio in favour of data p recision. BELOW :Orig in al pag esf ro m th e July ’92 issueo f HFN in w h ich M artin Co llo m s co m pared - an d lab tested -th e EAD DSP 7 000 an d PSAud io U ltralin k D/A co n verters ■I !POW ER U N PLU GGED • The sonic difference is subtle and : the user is left to m ake up their • ow n m ind on this unusualfacility. t The sw itch requires access to the • interior and the m ains term inals on £ : the back ofthe p ow er term inal are «: not shrouded.This m eans that the : p ow er cable should be detached before undoing any screw s. An oversized toroidal transform er is incorp orated, w ith eight secondaries feeding sep arate rectifier sections and reservoirs to aid isolation betw een stages. Eight chip regulators feed clean p ow er to various stages. The audio p ath is m irror sym m etrical, effectively double m ono from the : digital filter onw ards.Top quality : Tiffany audio connectors are fitted • and the w hole unit suggests a : careful, conscientious design. j(P lA N A LOGU E A LLU RE • The D SP7 000 w as tried on both : 4x and 8 x oversam p ling m odes. : On the form er the unit show ed : an excep tionally sm ooth and w ell • controlled nature, one that m ight : w ell ap p ealto fans of analogue w ho : are disturbed by the brightness and : forw ardness of som e digital rep lay. ■ The m idrange had noticeably less : glare than usualw ith natural string : tone, and p leasant singing voice. : On the other hand,the treble : sounded slightly softened, and : although free of lisp y edges or ■ p ercep tible grain it also sounded : rather dry. M ore air and sp arkle • w ould have been w elcom e, and : there w as p ercep tible reduction in • atm osp here on fam iliar recordings. : H ow ever,the bass register : sounded b ig-th is quality again : aiding the im p ression of a full sound. • Conversely,w hen p layed on system s : w ith good bass attack,the D SP7 000 • bass show ed som e slow ness and : heaviness, and the bass definition : w ill be bettered by other digital : decoders in this p rice range. : Stereo im ages show ed a natural, : w ell balanced p ersp ective w ith good • w idth. D ep th w as above average, : but neither this nor transp arency • w ere felt to be in the audiop hile : class. Focus rated above average • too. Sw itched to 8 x there w as a : clear change. Now it sounded m ore G> DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 1 27
SU BSCRIPTIO N O FFER i-fin & Record Review ELECT RIC D P o lity's utti W E T ype91 E th e ultim ate300B SET am plf t erW Z OSE n erw verd g n ? Han d 'tun tX S cecP Atel ier X brem e VIN YL ICO co n stettatio n cen tauril a u cf icvecto rR Sa j t H ifiRo se RS2SOA Ah a Aud io Alec T +AM P 200 ON W E SHOP P RICE 3 ISSU ES FO R £1 1 .99! SubscribetodayandSA VE 33% onthenormalshoppri ce. GetFR E E DE LIVE R Y witheveryissue,straighttoyourdoor. Nevermissani ssue!Theperfectgi ft ! SU BSCRIBE SECU RELY ONLINE T ODAY! h ttps://ch ecko ut.avtech m ed ia.co .uk/EG ENN Orcall01 8 58 438 446 LINES O PEN M O NDAYTO FRIDAY - 9 AM -6 PM Calls are charged atthe sam e rate as standard U K landlines and are included as p art ofany inclusive orfree m inutes allow ances. There are no additionalcharges w ith this num ber.O verseas calls w illcost m ore. TERM S & CO N D ITIO N S:.*U K p rint subscrip tions offer only.AV Tech M edia Ltd collects your data so that w e can fulfilyour subscrip tion. W e m ay also, from tim e to tim e, send you details ofAV Tech M edia Ltd offers, events and com p etitions but you alw ays have a choice and can op t out by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom ofthe em ail. Please be aw are, by op ting into our com m unications, w e m ay contact you w ith offers by em ail/p ost/p hone. W e do not share or sellyour data w ith/to third p arties. D etails you share w ith us w ill be m anaged as outlined in our Privacy Policy here http s://subs.hifinew s.com /.Issue frequency is subject to change. Current yearly term varies p er issue. Please visit http s://subs.hifinew s.com / for fullterm s & conditions.
F RO M T HE VA U LT ‘digital’- w hich in fact m ay not be to alltastes. The treble w as m ore sibilant,w ith a trace of lisp iness and edge. In addition the m idrange w as harder w ith a m ore forw ard p resentation. Nevertheless,the m id w ould still rate as w ell above average in term s of neutrality. On the p ositive side the dynam ics im p roved to ‘good p lus’,the sound being both clearer and m ore lively. D efinition and detailw ere better, and greater dep th and transp arency w ere ap p arent. CON CLU SION O verall, set to 4x, the D SP7 000 has listener ap p eal on grounds of its laid-back, sm ooth, analogue-like character. Conversely, in absolute term s, it is not of sp ecial m erit desp ite the show y brochure and p ersuasive technical hyp e. U ltim ately Ip referred its p resentation on the 8 x setting, and feel it is better value at its p rice in the USA than in the UK. fixed level and is available from high quality p hono sockets or in balanced form via XLR term inals. A w ellfitted chassis has exp osed term inals at m ains p otential on the back ofthe inp ut filter/lEC socket; P S A U DIO U LT RA LIN K the exp osed fuse is also at m ains PS Audio has w orked on a series of p otential. After that grip e for the benefit of service technicians, w e digital decoders w hile its m ain claim com e to tw o PC-m ounted m ains to fam e is its latest m odel using a transform ers w ith full isolation costly 20-bit U ltra Analog stereo m aintained betw een p rim ary and D/A converter. U ntil recently,this secondary.Three rectifier bridges device had only been used in som e feed a total of nine IC regulators. exp ensive decoders, such as the big Stax and the Levinson M odel 30. Extensive subsidiary decoup ling is The U ltralink is a neatly p resented p rovided at every stage. After signal conditioning and unit and in term s ofversatility and features is rem iniscent ofthe British logic selection the digital signal is Audiolab 8 000D A C unscram bled from the serial S/PDIF converter. From 1 code in the Yam aha the front p anel it YM 36 23 chip . m ay be seen that it The audio data go rem ains p erm anently directly to the NPC in standby and SM 58 03 high-order there is no p ow er digital filter, 8 x sw itch for the m ains oversam p led, and sup p ly. M eanw hile, • de-em p hasis is done in the digital the U ltralink offers four digital inp uts: one Toslink op tical, w ith a : dom ain.W ith a 20-bit outp ut code, * second op tionalAT&T op tical (easily • to m axim ise the 1 6 -bit theoretical : resolution,the signal goes straight retrofitted w hen needed) and tw o ■ coaxials. O ther facilities include ; through to the selected Ultra Analog absolute p hase inversion. : dual 20-bit ladder-typ e or m ultibit Indicators show w hich p rim e : converter; this is laser trim m ed and sam p ling rate is op erating: 32, 44.1 : calibrated to a very high accuracy. or 48 kH z; w hether clean digital data • Post filtering is carried out in a p air : of JRC 5532 integrated circuits. is locked on; and finally w hether ■ the source has de-em p hasis active. !HY BRID DRIVE A final LED show s ifthe unit is on irresp ective of the condition ofthe • The balanced outp ut am p lifiers are hybrids,four com p lem entary other lam p s,w hose states m ust p ush-p ull outp ut transistors driven be initialised w hen p ow er is first by a JRC 5534. Thus there are four connected. The audio outp ut is at TheU ltralink usesadual 20 -bitladder­ typeconverter’ t f ■ ABOVE:T h e : U ltralin k spo rts • LEDsth atin d icate : th e sam plin g • freq uen cy o fth e in co m in g d ata, ■ sh o w ifith as been : preem ph asised , • an d w h eth er ‘clean ’ d ig itald ata • islo cked o n .T h e : circuitry rem ain s • po w ered aslo n g : asth e un itis : plug g ed in : ■ • : • : • : • : ■ : ■ J :t f • : • : J «: t f • • ofthese units to p rovide the tw o : p hases for tw o channels. O ne p hase : goes to the RCA p hono socket, the : full balanced signal being available • on XLR sockets.The build quality is : high, p rom ising a long life,though : Ido think PS Audio should consider : fitting rather quieter transform ers »f•t for our 50H z, 240V sup p lies. :@ CLEA R T O HEA R : Enjoying the sam e test conditions : as the D SP7 000, areas addressed : here included m ains sup p ly and : cable, and the digital link cable. A : selection of transp orts w ere used ■ f:t - M eridian’s 200 and 6 02, and an : Accup hase D P7 0-V - w hile control : units included the Kreil KSP-7 B and : Conrad Johnson PF1 , a p assive P8<G : p otentiom eter, and the current : Audio Synthesis PAS-02.An ultim ate, ; if im p ractical,fixed-gain link w as : achieved using a resistive attenuator : in the balanced link to the p ow er : am p lifiers,w hich w ere a Kreil KSA: 1 50B and M eridian 6 05. : So far m y findings for balanced : m ode are inconclusive. O nly • w here p oor local or m ains sup p ly :ft electrical noise levels are p resent ; does there seem to be a significant : advantage to balanced w orking. • Com p arison decoders included the : relevant section on the DP7 0-V , ; the Enlightened Audio D SP7 000 : and the M icrom ega Duo BSII,w hile ■ exp erience from recent trials of f:t the Theta, Roksan and Linn digital : p roducts w as also brought to bear. : From the start it w as clear that • this w as a great p erform er,w hich : could claim m em bership of that & DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 1 29

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Dig italsubscriptio n s available o n lin e n o w A VT ech media ltd X MARKS THESP OT ST EREO h ttp s://subs.h o m ed n em ach o ice.^| Al lD igitaleditions on iOS or Android s • G reatsavingson the shop price Accessto ou r onl ine archive going back to 20 11 Au dio Venu e b espok e au dio v isu a l co n su lta n ts Serving Berkshire & London Trade ins and interest free credit available Oiid (I C T EX CLU SIVE EARLYBIRD ACCESS to ou r now ostP RE- LOVED B ARG AIN S— plu s exclu sive SU BSCRIBER ONLY OFFERS! aud io ven ue.co m hcrr BRANDS INCLU DE Anl 08 00 46 4 7 27 4 ol iteou diou k .com Anz orrc A^iOcre. Au to Research. AodaphiU Au droq u est, Au r abc» AsIMI S Kern D a^asl rno Inc, B ow ers & W il k ins, C hord Aij d’O. C ontrol4. D cv^ < t . Esoteric, Focal . Hana, JL Au d» o,Katedo^cape, KEF, KreU,Lu m an,M ark Levm son,M artin Logan. M thel lEngineering. M u scatF iM A u to C j npQ P MC . P nm aiu na, P roac,P roj ect. P S au to Q u adrasp-re,Q u estyt hiu aifc Au dio Scnnhetsc-r. SONOS,S onu s Faber, S pectralFu rnitu re Vertere W il son Au to. Yam u tj andm u ny m or?
T o h elp en sure accuracy,yo urclassif ied ad vertisem en ts m ustbe subm itted by em ailo rpo st... Pl ease em ailyou r entries to: l etters@ hifinew s.com in perfectcondition. £250 0 . C an del iver speakers w ithin 50 m il es. Em ail ;deborahnevil l 41@ gm ail .com . Tel : 0 1931 2420 67 T HE P LA CE T O LINN LP 12,cu stom HI-FIcabinet,fightbrow n, 10 63x744x450 m m (w hd),fou r w ooden fl atfeet,tw o doors w ith gl ass w indow s,seven adj u stabl e shel ves 493x40 7m m (w d). £50 or near offer. Bu yer col l ects from Fareham in Ham pshire. Em ail : rj rs0 1@ icl ou d.com CO PLAND C TA 30 5 val ve pream pl ifier. Excel l entsou ndand w ork ing order w ith bu il t-in MM phono stage. Boxedw ith rem ote. C ol l ection or m eet-u p onl y pl ease. D evon. £10 0 0 .Tel : 0 7311 364955. Em ail ;ianj ack sonpix@ m ac.com COPLAND C TA 520 pow er am pl ifier. Excel l entw ork ing order, al thou gh there is a sm al lm ark on the frontfascia. Boxed. C ol l ection or m eet-u p onl y pl ease. Basedin D evon. £30 0 . Tel : 0 7311 364955. Em ail ;ianj ack sonpix@ m ac.com CAM BRIDGE Au dio Az u r 351A am pl ifier. Spotl ess. M intcondition. £215.Tel ;0 750 5 0 57414 NAIM Au dio N AC 252 pream pl ifier in excel l entcondition,£50 0 0 . Tel : 0 1942 5160 92 or 0 730 5 371175 ALM ARRO SET integratedval ve am pl ifier,good condition. N ew pow er val ves fitted,onl y asking £395 ono. Em ail :ram . el ectrical l eeds@ yahoo.co.u k PRIM ARE 30.1 am pl ifier,£450 . Tel :0 78 37 0 11678 LEHM ANN Au dio linear headphone am p,excel l ent condition,£20 0 .Tel ;0 7555 263931 M USICAL Fidelity X-A1 integrated am pl ifier. 50 W per channel . M intcondition. Boxed. £325 ono. Tel : 0 750 5 0 57414 VAN den Hu iThe Hill,XLR 0 .3m interconnect,RRP £749,in very good condition,l ook ing for £450 pl u s postage. Tel ;0 7971 8 8 590 5 CHORD C horu s M k l .X LR bal anced,1m £10 0 : 2m £150 ; Au dience Au 24e,XLR bal anced, 1.5m £40 0 ;S ou ndgu ard/M ogam i,XLR bal anced,2m £20 0 ;S ou ndgu ard/ bl ack pl inth andl id,V al hal l a pow er su ppl y w ith u pdates,Ittok LVI Iw ith van den Hu icabl es,new K18 j u stfitted (0 9/23),new spare styl u s,45rpm adapter,cou pl e ofpl inth chips,few Ei dscratches,bu tgeneral l y very nice condition. C onsider cheaper (£10 0 /£150 )tu rntabl e. £1550 . Tel : 0 7735 747366 M ogam ispeak er (N egl ex 230 4 Au dience],3m £30 0 . Open to offers (ailcabl es l istedare stereo pairs). Tel : 0 7939 57118 6 M ONS TER Z series cable,£150 . SM E Model10 C hord C onnect2 interconnects, £10 0 . Tel ;0 78 37 0 11678 Su per Lu m ina five-pin to five-pin interconnectfor £1150 and fou r pin toX LR setfor £18 50 . I n excel l entcondition. C ol l ection from N orth London. Tel : 0 7456 240 0 0 2. Em ail ;a.w hy@ hotm ail .com M CINTOSH MC D 550 C D /SAC D pl ayer,RRP £8 50 0 ,vgc £30 0 0 . Box, brochu re,rem ote.Am az ing sou nd. Happy to dem o. Tel : 0 7725 8 18 438 . Em ail ;j onniej pc@ m sn.com ROKSAN C aspian M2 am pl ifier w ith rem ote. £90 0 . Arcam C D /SAC D £350 . Rega RX5 fl oorstanders, £350 . Acou stic S ol u tions SP 111 D AB tu ner £10 0 . C ol l ection from Hel ensbu rgh. Boxes avail abl e. C an dem o. Tel0 14366 720 38 M ETRONOM E T3transport and El ektra P SU.Eq u ipm entin m int condition w ith originalboxes,and one ow ner onl y. I'm l ook ing to sel l for £14,0 0 0 or nearestoffer. Fu l l dem onstration isavail abl e. Tel : 0 7976 8 8 118 0 NAIM £8 0 0 ,vgc £150 ono. Box,brochu re and rem ote. Tel : 0 7725 8 18 438 . Em ail ;j onniej pc@ m sn.com ICO N Au dio FRM1 standm S ol u tionsAV 20 0 fl oorstanders in goodcondition. Offers andinspection w el com e. D em o avail abl e. C an del iver w ithin P ool e area. Em ail :green!98 0 1 @ gm ail .com .Tel0 779 60 0 5170 ; ■ : ; : : ; : m c tw enty5.23il ou dspeak er, piano bl ack ,fu l l y boxed,£30 0 0 . Mu sicalFidel ity M8 pream p,sil ver, fu l l y boxed,£20 0 0 . Mu sicalFidel ity M3s-50 0 s pow er am p,sil ver, fu l l y boxed,£28 0 0 . G arrard 40 1 tu rntabl e w ith Origin Live 12m Zephyr arm ,£270 0 . C ol l ection from Ashford,Kent.Tel : 0 7494 456770 : M ICRO-SEIKIelectrostatic ■ ■ ■ : ■ headphones,m odelMS2 com pl ete w ith MP -1 pow er su ppl y. U nu sedfor m any years so for spares or repair. £50 .Tel : 0 77968 78 50 4 j EST I ON System 60 0 0 dipol e su bw oofers. Tel ;0 730 58 71175. Em ail : stephen-hol m e@ bl u eyonder.co.u k AUDIO Innovations Series 30 0 amplif ier.Tel :0 11325790 43 HD X-SSD ,N aim S u pernait2, m intandboxed. Incl u des Q nap NAS. : TECHNICS RS 150 0 tape £30 0 0 . Tel : 0 7522 0 61276 : recorder. Al so seek ing a U her SG ■ 3 61 tape deck and aFerrograph QUAD 33/30 3/FM3w ith original J 60 8 Mk2 am plifier,Ferrograph SM2 boxes and m anu al s,M onitor Au dio : tu ner,pl u s a Ferrograph rem ote M onitor One G ol dl ou dspeak ers, : controlhandsetfor aLogic 7 tape al linterconnects and Q ED speaker : deck . Tel ;0 190 2 370 60 5 DALIKu bik One sou ndbar. RRP ACOUSTIC =p tu rntabl e fitted w ith SME M2-9R tonearm . C om es com pl ete w ith both SME cl ear ; NAIM Au dio S u percap D R, acryl ic cover andsoftcover. As new ■ excel l entcondition,£250 0 . condition,hardl y u sed,boxedw ith :0 1942 5160 92 or 0 730 5 8 71175 tool s,instru ction book s,etc. £28 0 0 . : Tel C ol l ection from London area. : QUAD 33pream p,30 3FM in teak Tel : 0 7747 59238 2 ; case.Setu p book s,al lcabl es,in very KOETSU U ru shiW ajim a. P erfect ; goodcondition,soldas seen. £150 0 . inth,SME 30 0 9 condition,boxed. 35 hou rs’ u se onl y. : G arrard 40 1,teak pl ; arm ,Shu re V15 cartridge,setu p C an dem onstrate. P hotos,etc,on d req u est. £28 0 0 . Tel : 0 7592 125431. - book s,LP .V ery goodcondition,sol : asseen.Totaltogether £28 99. EETiail ;neil p3ge37@ yahoo.com : Tel :0 18 0 38 63162 NAIM ou nts in dark rosew ood,good condition, boxed,redu cedto £450 for q u ick sal e. P ick u p onl y in the C am bridge area. Tel ;0 13536650 59 cabl e. Al lexcel l entcondition. £50 0 . : Tel :0 7948 2478 56 PLACING AN ADVERT ISEMENT IN T HE HI-FINEW S CLASSIFIEDS SECT ION < Fillin yo urad vertisem en tco py h ere_ : Pl easew rite the produ ctcategory nu m ber thatbestsu itsyou r eq u ipm entinthe firstsq u are. The produ ctcategories are: 1-Accessories;2 -Am ps:3- C abl es: * I 4- C D /D VD pl ayers;5 - D AC S:6 - S oftw are (C D s,recordsetc.):7 - Speakers;8 Tu ners:9 - Tu rntabl es; 11-C om pl ete System s; 12 - Miscel l aneou s: 13-W anted ■I W e w il linsertthe tel ephone nu m ber you w antto appear in you r advertisem ent(s) asm any tim es asi sneeded.You onl y needto fil litI n once and itonl ycou nts as onew ord- even ifyou ru n m u l tipl e adverts. ELIPSON P restige Facet34F speakers in new condition,tw o years ol d,w ith originalboxes. S el l ing du e to dow nsiz ing. £1450 . N ew price is £2495. Tel : 0 7561 10 6796 B&W D M60 1 52 l ou dspeak ers, £125. C el estion 5 speakers,£75. Both pairs in excel l entcondition. Sevenoaks area.Tel : 0 1732 750 272 GOLDEN Ear Triton 2 P lus sem i-active speakers w ith ribbon tw eeters,tw o m idrange u nits and Pl u s-pow eredbass u nits. Boxedand P tease postthis cou pon to Hi-FiMew s rTiayaz ine,AV Tech Media,Safeship Fu l fil m entLtd, U nitA,C u l l etD rive,Q u eenborou gl i,ME 11 5JS,or em ailyou r adto l etters@ hifinew s.com . Hi-FiN ew s accepts no responsibil ity for description or condition ofitem s advertised. DECEMBER 2023 w w w .h if in ew s.co .uk 1 37
LAST W ORD c KEN KESSLER TELLS IT LIKE IT IS Ken Kessler argues the merits of the retro appeal figuring in more than a few audio redesigns Retro’sval u e isinescapabl e w hen it nevitabl y,there has been som ething ofa : cu stom er backl ash againstthe pl ethora : com es to the tw o biggesthits in recent ofprodu cts w hich seem ingl yl ook • m otoring history:the rebom Miniandthe backw ards instead offorw ards. I n nearl y : Fiat50 0 . Their originalprodu ction spans every fiel d ofm anu factu red goods, i w ere,respectivel y, 1959-20 0 0 and especial l y in the l u xu ry sector ofw hich hi-fiis : 1957-1975,so it’sdou btfu lthe m aj ority of a part,‘retro’ isa now -essentialsel l ing point : their dem ographic - the peopl e bu ying atatim e w hen m odernity isrendering l ife : those cars- w ere even al ive w hen the « au nched. dystopian. ( Iam notthe onl y tech-saw y sou l ■ m arq u es w ere l * * w ho has been stym ied by car park apps w hich don’tw ork in areas ofpoor reception. : COM PET IT IVE U PDA T ES Itbegsthe retu rn ofa sim pl e cash paym ent.) : Andyetthose cars in their new gu ises are : hu ge triu m phs. I n fact,al lretro-inspired COM F ORT Z ON ES : item s (w ith the exception offou ntain pens) • em pl oy brand-new technol ogy cl othed in P eopl el ove retro becau se ofa sim pl e psychol ogicalcau se. C onsu m ers are draw n : vintage attire. Even the l atestAG A cookers to the com fortabl e,fam il iar and/or nostal gic, : u se el ectronic tim ers,w hil e the Fiatandthe even ifitisn’tthei row n nostal gia. : Miniare tru l y contem porary vehicl es bu t Al l ow m e to expl ain. A l istofindu stries : w ith period-l ook coachw ork and both vastl y : su perior in perform ance to the finest w hich have w al l ow ed in retro su ggests exam pl es oftheir predecessors. near-u niversalappeal ,despite On to retro hi-fi. W hil e the those w ho decry itas being a refu ge for l az iness or l ack of efforts ofJBL,Kl ipsch,Thorens, NAD and other brands reviving im agination. Itincl u des cars;al l m u sic reissu es;l u ggage or cel ebrating m odel s ofthe (G l obetrotter,Rim ow a);k itchen pastm ightpossibl y seem l ike appl iances (AG A,Rangem aster); breaths ofstal e air,inside al l have been u pdated. Even w ristw atches (al lm echanical V al veP ow er’sreborn Leak types); m en’sfashion (cl assic attire dom inates);fou ntain pens (innatel y • Stereo 20 and Q u ad I Iam pl ifiers benefit : from com ponents w hich did notexistin the retro),ad i nfi ni tum . Few indu l ging in pastgl ories have fail ed, : ook l ike ■ 1950 s and ’60 s. So,they m ay l • som ething straightou tofthe 1961 Hi -Fi thu s the opportu nities provided by anniversaries,w hich som e obj ectto. Su rel y : Y earb ookbu tm y experience su ggests they an anniversary isone ofthe passage of • can com pete w ith m u ch ofw hatiscu rrentl y : on the m ark etofsim il ar specification. tim e’sfew gifts? I Theymight seem like breathsof staleair’ Jan issue on sal e1 5^ 138 w w w .hifinew s.co.uk DECEMBER 2023 EX CLU SIV E TESTS: D' Agost i n o Moment um MxVI nt egr at ed KEFR11 Met af l oor st an d er s Mol a Mol a Lupephon o pr eamp Musi calFi del i t yAl' Cl assA' ampl i f i er DSAudi o Mast er3opt i calcar t r i d ge W hatofthe ap p ealofretro,and hi-fiin particu l ar? For au dio,itiseven m ore l ogical than for,say,cars or cookers,becau se there are enou gh m u sic l overs w ho have shu nned digitaland retu rnedto the LP .Vinylitsel fis innatel y retro andyetw e have brand-new cartridges m ade w ith m aterial s thatdidn’t existdu ring the anal ogu e era,and phono stagesw hich bl ow aw ay anything from 60 years ago. The l atesttu rntabl es are al so m arvel s ofm odern technol ogy,so even if Thorens’ TD 150 0 [HFN Mar ’ 22]l ooks l ike som ething from Harol d M acm il l an’stim e,it stil lou tperform s the originalTD -150 . Sow hatisw rong w ith em u l ating the cl assic l ooks ofthe past,especial l y if m anu factu rers avoid or even correctthe u res ofthe original s? k: perform ance fail iBA CK T O T HE 1700s : W hatIw on’tsay isthatal lvintage hi-fihas : been bettered entirel y by reincarnated : pr ogeny-and Ihave yetto hear A/B • com parisons betw een the new Kl ipsch : Heresy l ou dspeak er or JBL’sL10 0 andtheir • antecedents. Bu tw hatisso egregiou s abou t : savou ring the l ooks ofpastcl assics,w hen : you consider thatso m u ch m odem : eq u ipm entiseither u tterl y anodyne in its : styl ing,or absol u tel y grotesq u e? : Bu tnotal l ... W hil e hardl y abl e to • reference its past,becau se the brandw as : onl y bom in 20 11,even u l tra-m odern • D ’Agostino am pl ifiers exhibitatou ch ofretro : by fitting a m eter basedon a w atch dialand ■ handsw hich date from the l ate-170 0 s. D oes : this dim inish the am pl ifiers’ credibil ity? Hel l , : no. Ifanything,ithu m anises them and : m akesthem even w arm er - and Im ean • m etaphorical l y rather than via cal idity. : W hil e Iappreciate there are m odernists •- eg, those benighted sou l s w ho prefer an : Appl e w atch w ith a one-season shel f-l ife to a • P atek P hil ippe,w hen they al ready ow n : sm artphones to dealw ith data - the l east j one can say isthatthere isno harm atal lin : em pl oying retro. And ifitm akes hi-fim ore • acceptabl e on a dom estic l evel ,by being : m ore visu al l y appeal ing and m ore room ■ friendl y,so be it. Iw ou l d rather l ook ata : revived Leak am p than som e col d,heartl ess, j sou l l ess ‘space-age’ creation. So bring back : the w ooden sl eeve,says I .O PLU S: Vi nt ageRevi ew:Pi on eerPL-600t ur nt abl e I n vest i gat i on :Top20Chr i st masCDboxset s Cl assi calCompan i on :Haydn St r .Qt .Op76No 2 Fr omTheVaul t :Wecr ackopen HFN' sar chi ve Vi n ylI con :Capt ai n Beef hear t ' sSafeAsMi l k
PS A U D IO Pioneering world class audio products The best just got better! OUTSTAND I NG P ROD U C T In tro d ucin g PS Aud io 's P erf ectW ave DirectStream DAC MK 2, th e leg acy co n tin ues! " Since its ground-breaking introduction 8 years ago, the PerfectWave DirectStream has stood alone as one of the most remarkable DACs ever built. We are excited to share with the world the next generation of this technological wonder, the PerfectWave DirectStream DAC MK2. Uniquely, it features user-upgradable software based on hand written FPGA code. At it's core, the MK2 utilises discrete galvanically isolated, perfection-based conversion that uncovers all the missing information hiding in your digital audio media. CDs, Streaming audio, high-resolution PCM or DSD based media are expertly up sampled in the DSDMK2 to twenty times DSD rate and output as pure analogue directly in to your amplifier or preamplifier. M ake the PerfectW ave D irectStream D AC M K2 you r firstchoice. Di stri buted by S i gnature Aud i o S ystem s,cal l :0773 8 - 007776 orby e-m ai lto: i nfo@ sig naturesystem s.co.uk W eb: www.p saudi o.com
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