Автор: Roxana L.  

Теги: kulturwissenschaften  

ISBN: 90-5496-069-8

Год: 1999

                    TRADITIONELLE INDISCHE


Copyright © 1999 The Pepin Press BV All rights reserved ISBN 90 5496 069 8 A catalogue record for this book is available from the publishers and from the Dutch Royal Library, The Hague All designs by Roxana Lehri, Mumbai Introduction by Pepin van Roojen This book is edited, designed and produced by The Pepin Press in Amsterdam and Singapore Cover design, map and typography: Pepin van Roojen Translations: Sebastian Viehahn (German); LocTeam (Spanish); Laurent Trigon (French); Luciano Borrelli (Italian); Mitaka (Japanese The Pepin Press P.O. Box 10349 1001 EH Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel(+)31 20 4202021 Fax(+)31 20 4201152 Email: mail@pepinpress.com www.pepinpress.com 99 00 01 02 03 I 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printcd in Singapore

Folk Designs from India India, an enormous country and home to nearly one billion people, harbours a wide variety of ornamental and decorative styles. However, despite this vastness and diversity, India's cultural traditions demon- strate some distinct common factors, notably the tendency to adorn and bcautify. The desire to decorate seems to be embedded within the country's society. This applies in particular to personal appearance and to the home and its immcdiate surroundings. Examples of this are to be found in the intricate textile designs presented here, which are either mcant for clothing or for home furnishing, as well as in the stunning wall and floor painting designs. Often, Indian design has a religious or symbolic meaning, for instance, the floor paintings which are made in front of the entrances to many Indian homes, are meant to guard against evil forces, and to stimulate the good fortune and health of the inhabitants. On page 288 a short bibliography is given for readers in search of further Information on Indian art and design. However, as is the case with all Pepin Press Design Books, Folk Designs from India, is meant to provide a large selection of Images, all in single-colour line drawings, which serve to display designs in their purest form. For all designs in this book, the state of origin is specified. See the map on page 3 for the location of these States. Furthermore, the captions may contain some unfamiliar tcrms, which are explained here. 4
Glossary Alpana Ritual floor painting symbolising auspiciousness from the Himalayas; done in ricc flour or chalk. Banjara Nomadic ethnic Community, originating from Rajastan, and now living all ovcr India. Chitrankan Tribal painting. Ganesha Elephant-headed Hindu god; god of wisdom and remover of obstaclcs. Jain Ancicnt Indian religion. Jamaakalam Cotton carpet from South India with designs on all sidcs and one central motif. Kalamkari Cotton textile with a painted or printed design. Kantha Simple type of embroidery in contrasting colours, mostly with animal and foliage designs. Kashidakari Islamic embroidery, usually with a dense background pattern. Kasuti Traditional embroidery from Karnataka. Kolarn Tamil word for floor painting, made by carefully applying a mixture of coloured rice flour and water, water colours, or fine white powder in the desired pattern; auspicious Symbol and object of bcauty. Krishna Hindu god; associated with consciousness and truth. Madhubani Region in north Bihar known for its painting tradition. Natraj The Lord of Dance; personifies the powcr of the universe. Phulkari Lit. 'flowcr work'; type of Punjabi embroidery. Rabari Nomadic ethnic Community, mostly living in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Radha Hindu goddess; the beloved of Krishna. Rangoli Hindi word for kolam used in South and central India. Shantiniketan Abode of peace and university, established by Ravindranath Tagore. Toran Front door decoration; a sign of welcome. Warli Small tribal group, living in the Coastal plain of northern Maharashtra. 5
Traditionelle indische Ornamentik Indien ist ein Land von ungeheurer Weite und nicht nur Heimat fast einer Milliarde Menschen: Es bietet auch in bezug auf Ornamentik und Dekor eine weitgespannte Stilpalette. Trotz dieser Größe und Vielfalt weisen die verschiedenen indischen Kulturtraditionen ganz bestimmte Gemeinsamkeiten auf, vor allem die Tendenz zum Ausschmücken und Verschönern; der Hang zum Dekorieren ist ein offenbar fest in der indischen Gesellschaft verwurzeltes Element. Dies trifft besonders auf das Äußere der Menschen selbst, ihre Wohnungen und ihre unmittelbare Umgebung zu. Ein Beispiel sind die komplexen Textildekors in diesem Buch - teils für Kleidung, teils zum Dekorieren der Wohnungen - und die beeindruckende Ornamentik in der Wand- und Bodenmalerei. Oft hat die indische Formensprache religiöse oder symbolische Aussagen. Beispielsweise sollen die vor den Eingängen vieler indischer Wohnhäuser angebrachten Zeichnungen vor bösen Kräften schützen und den Bewohnern Glück und Gesundheit bringen. Leser, die sich eingehender mit indischer Kunst und Formgebung beschäftigen möchten, finden dazu auf Seite 228 eine kurze Bibliographie. Wie alle Pepin Press-Designbücher soll Traditionelle indische Ornamentik jedoch in erster Linie eine große Auswahl an Bildern bieten. Alle Bilder sind als einfarbige Linienzeichnungen ausge- führt, um die einzelnen Muster in möglichst reiner Form darzustellen. Zu jedem Muster ist auch der Bundesstaat angegeben, aus dem es stammt; wo die Staaten liegen, ist der Karte auf Seite 3 zu entnehmen. Die Bildunterschriften enthalten zum Teil wenig bekannte Begriffe, die wir im folgenden erklären: 6
Glossar Alpana Rituelle, in Reismehl oder Kreide ausgeführtc Bodenmalerei aus dem Himalaya, die Glück symbolisiert Banjara Nomadische, ursprünglich aus Rajasthan stammende Ethnie, die heute überall in Indien zu Hause ist Chitrankan Stammesmalerei Ganesha Elefantcnköpfige hinduistische Gottheit, Gott der Gelehrsamkeit und Beseitigcr aller Hindernisse Jain (Dschain) Seit der Antike existierende indische Religion Jamaakalam Baumwollteppich aus Südindien mit Mustern an allen vier Seiten und einem zentralen Motiv Kalamkari Baumwollgewebe mit aufgemalten oder -gedruckten Mustern Kantha Einfache Stickerei in kontrastreichen Farben, meist mit Tier- und Blattmustern Kashidakari Islamische Stickerei mit meist engmaschigem Hintergrundmuster Kasuti Traditionelle Stickerei aus Karnataka Kolarn Tamilisches Wort für Bodenmalereien, bei denen vorsichtig eine Mischung aus farbigem Reismehl und Wasser, Wasserfarben oder feinem, weißen Pulver in einem bestimmten Muster aufgetragen wird; glückbringendes Symbol und Blickfang Krishna Hinduistische Gottheit, Gott der Wahrheit und des Bewußtseins Madhubani Für ihre traditionsreiche Malerei bekannte Region im nördlichen Bihar Nattaj Herr des Tanzes, der die Kraft des Universums verkörpert Phulkari Wörtlich “Blumenwerk", eine Art der pandschabischen Stickerei Rabari Nomadische, hauptsächlich in Rajasthan und Gujarat beheimatete Ethnie Radha Hinduistische Gottheit, Geliebte Krishnas Rangoli In Süd- und Mittelindien verbreitetes Hindu-Wort für Kolarn Shantiniketan Von Ravindranath Tagore gegründeter Ort des Friedens mit Universität Toran Dekoration für Hauseingangstüren, ein Zeichen des Willkommens Warli Kleine Stammcsgruppe, zu Hause in der Küstenebene des nördlichen Maharashtra 7
Disenos folcloricos de la India La India, al ser un pais enorme en el que viven cerca de mil millones de personas, acoge una gran variedad de estilos ornamentales y decora- tivos. Sin embargo, a pesar de tanta inmensidad y diversidad, las tradi- ciones culturales de la India poseen ciertos rasgos claramente comunes, sobre todo la tendencia a adornar y embellecer. En efecto, la propension a decorar parece muy arraigada en la sociedad del pais. Esto concierne especialmente al aspecto personal, al hogar y a sus alrededores mäs inmediatos. Ejemplos de ello son los intrincados estampados textiles que se incluyen en este libro, que estän pensados para la confecciön de prendas de vestir o para la decoraciön de la vivienda, asi como los deslumbrantes dibujos pintados en paredes y suelos. A menudo, los disenos indios poseen un significado religioso o simböli- co. Por ejemplo, las pinturas del suelo que se hacen frente a la entrada de muchos hogares tienen la funciön de protegerlos contra las fuerzas maleficas y de traer buena suerte y buena salud a sus moradores. En la pägina 288 se incluye una pequena bibliografia para aquellos lec- tores que deseen mäs informaciön sobre el arte indio y sus motivos. Sin embargo, como ocurre en todos los libros de disenos de Pepin Press, Disenos folcloricos de la India ofrece una amplia selecciön dc imä- genes, todas ellas dibujos monocromos de lineas sencillas, que mues- tran los motivos en su forma mäs pura. Se especifica el estado de origen de todos los que se incluyen en el libro. Para localizar los estados, con- sültese el mapa de la pägina 3. Ademäs, en algunos pies dc foto pueden aparecer terminos dcsconocidos que se explican a continuaciön. 8
Glosario Alpana Pintura ritual sobre el suelo, simbolo de buenos auspicios, originaria del Himalaya y hecha con harina de arroz o creta. Banjara Etnia nömada originaria del Rajastän y asentada en la actualidad por toda la India. Chitrankan Pintura tribal. Ganesh (Ganesa) Dios hindü con cabeza de elefante; dios de la sabiduria que elimina los obstäculos. Jain (Jaina) Antigua religiön de la India. Jatnaakalam Alfombra de algodön del sur de la India, completamente cubierta de dibujos y con ün motivo central. Kalamkari Tela de algodön con un motivo pintado o estampado. Kantha Tipo de bordado scncillo de colorcs en contrastc, la mayoria con motivos de follaje o animales. Kashidakari Bordado islämico, normalmente sobre un fondo de dcnso estampado. Kasuti Bordado tradicional de Karnataka. Kolam Nombre tamil de la pintura sobre el suelo que se realiza aplicando cuida- dosamente una mezcla de agua con harina de arroz, acuarelas o un fino polvo blanco, sobre el estampado deseado. Es un simbolo de buena suerte y un objeto decorativo. Krisna Dios hindü asociado a la conciencia y la verdad. Madhubani Region del norte de Bihar conocida por su tradiciön pictörica. Nataraj (Nataraja) Senor de la danza; personifica el poder del universo. Phulkari Literalmente "trabajo de flores"; es un tipo de bordado punjabi. Rabari Etnia nömada asentada mayoritariamente en Rajasthan y Gujarat. Radha Diosa hindü; la amante de Krisna. Rangoli Denomination hindi del kolam que se usa en el centro y el sur de la India. Shantiniketan Morada de la paz y la universalidad, establecida por Rabindranath Tagore. Toran (Torana) Decoraciön de la puerta delantera; senal de bienvenida. Warli Pcqucno grupo tribal que vive en la planiere costera del norte de Maharashtra. 9
Designi popolari dell'India L'India e un vasto paese ehe conta quasi un miliardo di abitanti e raccoglie un'ampia varietä di stili ornamentali e decorativi. Cionono- stantc le tradizioni culturali dell'India hanno un denominatore comune eine la tendenza al decoro c alla bellezza ehe sembra essere una carat- teristica intrinseca di questa societä. Questo si applica tanto alla cura personale quanto alla casa e all'ambi- ente circostante. Esempi di quanto detto sono gli intricati disegni su tessuto, illustrati in questo libro, intesi per l'abbigliamento e l'arreda- mento ma anche come disegni pavimentali e murali. Spesso i disegni indiani hanno una valenza religiosa o simbolica come testimoniano le pitture pavimentali davanti all'entrata di molte case atte a proteggere dalle forzc malefiche e portare fortuna e salute ai suoi abitanti. A pagina 228 si trova una breve bibliografia per quei lettori ehe inten- dono approfondire la loro ricerca sull'arte indiana e il design. Per quan- to, come tutti i volumi dedicati al design editi dalla Pepin Press, Disegni popolari dell'India e inteso a fornire una vasta selezione di immagini riprodotte come disegni monocromatici per mantenere la loro purezza originale. Per ogni disegno viene specificato il luogo di origine. Si veda la mappa a pagina 3 per localizzarne la posizione. Inoltre, le didascalie potrebbero contenere termini poco conosciuti di cui si da spiegazione qui di seguito. 10
Glossario Alpana Pittura rituale pavimentalc simboleggiante buon auspicio originaria della zona dell'Himalaia; in farina di riso o calcc. Banjara Comunitä di etnia nomade originaria della Rajastan ora presente in tutta 1'India. Chitrankan Pittura tribale. Ganesha Dio indü a testa di elefante, dio della saggezza c rimovitore di ostacoli Jain antica religione indiana. Jamaakalam Tappeto di cotone originario del sud dell'India con disegni su ogni lato cd un motivo centrale. Kalamkari Tessuto di cotone con disegni dipinti o stampati. Kantha Ricamo semplice in colori sgargianti generalmente rappresentanti ani- mali e fogliamc. Kashidakari Ricamo islamico generalmente con un disegno scuro di sfondo Kasuti Ricamo tradizionale della Karnataka. Kolam Parola Tamil per pittura pavimentale eseguita con accurate applicazioni di un insicme di farina di riso colorata e acqua, acquarello o di fine polvere bianca, nel modello desiderato; simbolo di buon auspicio o oggetto di bcllczza. Krishna Dio indü associato alla conoscenza cd alla veritä. Madhubani Regione nel Nord Bihar conosciuta per i suoi dipinti tradizionali. Natraj II Signore della Danza, personifica il potcre. Phulkari Letteralmente 'lavoro floreale', tipo di ricamo di Punjabi. Rabari Comunitä di etnia nomade per lo piü presente in Rajastan c Gujarat. Radha Dea indü, amante di Krishna. Rangoli Parola indü per Kolam usata nel sud e centro dell'India. Shantiniketan Dimora di pace e universitä fondata da Rabindranath Tagore. Toran Decorazione di portale d'ingresso; segno di benvenuto. Warli Piccolo gruppo tribale ehe vive nella piana costiera a nord di Maharashtra. 11
Dessins Folkloriques Indiens L'Inde, patrie gigantesque de presque 1 milliard d'habitants, hcberge une considerable variete de styles ornementaux et decoratifs. Cependant, malgre son immensite et sa diversitd, les traditions cul- turelles de l'Inde inanifestent certaines caracteristiques communes, notamment la tendance de mettre.en valeur et d'embellir les choses; la volonte de decorer semble etre gravee au sein de cette societe. Ces coutumes s'appliquent particulierement pour l'apparence person- nelle, l'aspect des maisons et de leurs environs immediats. Par exem- ple, des textiles tres elabores, designes soit pour etre porte, soit pour orner l'intcrieur des maisons, sont reproduits dans cet ouvrage, de mcme que de remarquables motifs de fresques murales et peintures de sols. La plupart du temps, les dessins Indiens presentent une signification religieuse ou symbolique ce qui est le cas par exemple des peintures de sols decorant la plupart des entrees des maisons indiennes, dans le but d'etre protege des forces du mal et de stimulcr la chance et la santc de scs occupants. Une bibliographie succintc est Offerte en page 288 pour les lecteurs avides d'informations supplementaires sur l'art et le stylisme Indien. Cependant, comme dans tous les Pepin Press Design Books, les Dessins Folkloriques Indiens ont pour intention de procurer une large selection d'images, toutes en dessin au trait d'une seule couleur pour exposer ces motifs dans leur forme la plus pure. Pour tous les dessins dans cet ouvrage, l'Etat d'origine est specifie. Consulter en page 3 pour la loca- tion des differents Etats. En outre, les legendes peuvent contenir des termes non familiers qui sont expliques ci-contre. 12
Glossaire Alpana: Dessin rituel peint sur le sol symbolisant la disposition bienveillante de l'Himalaya; effectue pour la farine de riz et la craie. Banjara: Communautc ethnique nomade originaire du Rajasthan vivant dorena- vant un peu partout en Inde. Ganesha: Dieu hindou ä la tete d'elephant; Dieu de la sagesse et surmonteur d'obstacles. Jain: Ancicnnc religion indienne. Jamaakalam: Tapis en coton du Sud de L'Inde avec des dessins sur les cötes et un motif central. Kalamkari: Textile en coton avec un dessin imprime ou colorö avec de la pein- ture. Kantha: Modele de broderie sans pretention aux couleurs contrastees, generale- ment composc de dessins d'animaux et de fcuillage. Kashidakari: Broderie islamique, en general avec un motif au fond dense. Kasuti: Broderie traditionnelle originaire du Karnataka. Kolarn: Mot du Tamil Nadu qui signifie peinturc de sol, confectionnee en appli- quant delicatement une mixture de farine de riz coloree et de l'eau, de la pein- turc ä l'eau ou une fine poudre blanche sur le modele desire; Symbole de bonnc augure et objet de beaute. Krishna: Dieu hindou; associe ä la conscience et la verite. Madhubani: Region du nord du Bihar reputee pour ses peintures traditionnelles. Natraj: Le Seigneur de la Danse; personnifie la puissance de l'univcrs. Phulkari: Utter. 'Oeuvre florale'. Un exemple de broderie du Punjab. Rabari: Communautc ethnique nomade vivant principalement au Rajasthan et au Gujarat. Radha: Deesse hindouc,- la bien-aimee de Krishna. Rangoli: Mot Hindi pour kolam utilise au sud et au centre de l'Inde. Shantiniketan: Demeure de la paix fondee par Rabindranath Tagore. Toran: Decoration de porte d'entree,- un signe de bienvenu. Warli: Petit groupe tribal habitant la plaine cötiere du nord du Maharashtra. 13
lOBAjfi^AFI&^ogAftHAA Flcft, KKüMA^LV^ tFA $)%„ < > KOXftiWm^AT'tM*left-ft Z>i)\ ^Aft'lUcfeSA^ftÄMMALA, tiftoiaiwW'sriäo rgfü^Aj ft0A<Dä^0A5fto ütlft, AO^AAdMÜL^, '^AAOii’iföWJ.'rlBlftfUFiAl^ 5» *Wft®O±ftftWft^+A^A^-tfA>t^0-0<JA, £ SMO^ffiftAHB^A >AU Töte, a^OHLV^SE! ^Afefsü^nrv^» < > Wzteft£$WftfeQ^OiiWft t>0Z^<, ß'ilx.ti •^M50 AI^II-JI'IIWU; A A < Mfenäm^o^ffitrA* W ftb'A0, feZt6TA5(rtU5»ib5. r -f> H 0RKiAM (Folk Designs from India) J 0Atf>7PUX • —ßOfölffiAA *»A $> §Ol 1C ft0BS L fto A AA-noföW A o X ft, 7A-^0ffiH£W,V>ftft'£ft0o 14
Wall Painting from Rajasthan 15
16 Decorative Door Hanging from Gujarat
Embroidered Decorative Door Hanging from Kutch, Gujarat 17
x>0<XXXxX>O<XXX><X><XXX>O<XKXXXXXXX><XXX>0<XXXXXXXXXX^ 18 Embroidered Border Design from Kutch, Gujarat
Embroidered Border Design from Kutch, Gujarat (Rabari Tribe) 19
>ooooocooo^oooooc*o<>oo<xxx>xx>oo<xx><x><xxxx>o<x>xx>oo<>ooo< Xxxxxxxxxxxyxxxxx><xxxx><>0<XX><xxxx>o<xxxxxxxyxxxxxx>o<x><xx>o< 20 Embroidered Border Design from Kutch, Gujarat (Rabari Tribe)
o<x Embroidered Border Design from Kutch, Gujarat (Rabari Tribe) 21
22 Printed Textile Design from Gujarat
Embroidered Border Design from Madhya Pradesh or Maharashtra (Banjara) 23
24 Embroidery Designs from Madhubani, Bihar
Embroidered Border Design from Kutch, Gujarat 25
26 Border Design from North India
Marble Carving Designs from Udaipur, Rajasthan 27
28 Designs from Gujarat
o Border Design for Textile Printing, North India 29
30 Floral Textile Designs from Uttar Pradesh
South Indian Ornaments 31
32 Paintcd Motifs from Madhubani, Bihar
Painted Motifs from Madhubani, Bihar 33
34 North Indian Tile Design
Designs for Brassware from Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh 35
36 Decorative Motifs from Bengal
Wall Painting from Bengal 37
38 Stone Carving, Mathura Temple, Uttar Pradesh
Design for Textile Printing from Gujarat 39
40 Wall Painting, Chitrankan Tribe, Madhya Pradesh
Wall Painting from Rajasthan 41
42 Wall Painting from Rajasthan
Rangoli Design from Mandana, Gujarat 43
44 Design for Textile Printing, Uttar Pradesh
Textile Motif from Rajasthan 45
46 Design for Textile Printing, Gujarat
Rangoli Design from Karnataka 47
48 Kolam Design from South India
Decorative Design from Gujarat 49
50 Embroidery Design from Kutch, Gujarat
Embroidery Design from Tamil Nadu 51
52 Circular Design from Rajasthan
Circular Design from Rajasthan 53
54 Embroidery Design from Kutch, Gujarat
Design for Textile Printing from Kutch, Gujarat 55
56 Floral Designs from South India
Motif from Sathia, Gujarat 57
58 Wall Painting from Rajasthan
Geometrical Design from South India 59
60 Motif from a Jain Manuscript, Gujarat
Design for Textile Printing, Gujarat 61
62 Design from Bengal
Snake Pattern from Madhya Pradesh 63
64 Block Print from Gujarat
Block Print from Rajasthan 65
66 Alpana Design from Uttar Pradesh
Design from Kutch, Gujarat 67
68 Design for Textile Printing from Gujarat
Design for Textile Printing from Gujarat 69
70 Embroidery Design (Phulkari) from Punjab
Kolant Design from South India 71
72 tttii 111 ii ii mm Design from South India
Wall Decoration from Bengal 73
74 Rangoli Design from West Bengal
Kolam Design from from South India 75
76 Wall Painting from Kutch, Gujarat
Rangoli Design from West Bengal 77
78 Rangoli Design from Mandana, Gujarat
Design from Rajasthan 79
80 Wall Cloth from Rajasthan
Embroidery with Mirror Work from Kutch, Gujarat 81
#- 82 Embroidery Design from Madhya Pradesh (Banjara Tribe)
Block Print from Maharashtra 83
84 Purse from Rajkot, Gujarat
Weaving Design from Madhya Pradesh 85
86 Wall Painting from Madhya Pradcsh
Wall Painting from Gujarat 87
88 Floor Mat from Kerala, South India
Wall Cloth from Kutch, Gujarat 89
90 Design for Textile Printing from Gujarat
Design for Textile Printing from Gujarat 91
92 Embroidered Border Design from Gujarat
Cotton Carpet (Jamaakalam) from Gujarat 93
94 Embroidery Design from Kutch, Gujarat
Wall Painting from Rajasthan 95
96 Design for Textile Printing, Kashmir
Wall Painting from Rajasthan 97
98 Wall Hanging from Gujarat
Alpana Design from West Bengal 99
Embroidery Motif from Gujarat
Phulkari Embroidery Designs from Punjab 101
102 Embroidery Motifs from Gujarat
Kasuti Embroidery Designs from Karnataka 103
104 Kasuti Embroidery Designs from Karnataka
Kasuti Embroidery Designs from Karnataka 105
106 Painted Design from Madhubani, Bihar
'ui1! Kantha Embroidery from West Bengal 107
108 Kantha Embroidery from West Bengal
Kantha Embroidery from West Bengal 109
HO Folk Art from Kutch, Gujarat
Folk Art from Kutch, Gujarat 111
MöMöööööööI 112 Block Prints from Rajasthan
Tn/rmf Embroidery Designs from Gujarat (Rabari Tribe) 113
114 Design for Textile Printing from Punjab
Motifs from Kutch, Gujarat 115
116 Embroidery Designs from Madhubani, Bihar
Rangoli Design from Gujarat 117
118 Design for Textile Printing from Saurashtra, Gujarat
Design for Textile Printing from Saurashtra, Gujarat 119
120 Wall Painting from West Bengal
Illllllllllllllllllll Kolam Design from Bengal 121
122 Embroidery Design from Kutch, Gujarat
Wall Painting from Rajasthan 123
124 Design from West Bengal
Design from Saurashtra, Gujarat 125
126 Rangoli Design from Mandana, Gujarat
Rangoli Design from Mandana, Gujarat 127
128 Kolam Design from West Bengal
Kolam Design from West Bengal 129
130 Wall Decoration from Bengal
Embroidery Design from Gujarat 131
132 Design from North India
Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli Tribe) 133
134 Wall Decoration from Gujarat
Design from North India 135
136 Wall Painting from West Bengal
Designs from Kntch, Gujarat 137
138 Embroidery Design from West Bengal
Rangoli Design from Rajasthan 139
140 Wall Painting from Santhi, West Bengal
Alpana Design from West Bengal 141
142 Wall Painting from Madhya Pradcsh
Wall Painting from Madhya Pradesh 143
144 Designs from Madhya Pradesh
Tattoo Designs from Madhya Pradesh 145
146 Wall Decoration from West Bengal
Kashidakari Embroidery from Kashmir 147
148 Wall Painting from Orissa
Textile Motifs from West Bengal (Shantiniketan) 149
150 Designs from Madhubani, Bihar
Carved Designs from Bihar 151
152 Textile Design from Gujarat
Design from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 153
154 Embroidery Design from Kutch, Gujarat
Textile Design from Bihar 155
156 Design for Textile Printing from South India
Folk Designs from Gujarat 157
158 Folk Designs from Gujarat (Rabari Tribe)
Folk Design from Gujarat 159
160 Textile Design from Gujarat
Textile Print from Rajasthan 161
162 Motifs from South India
Wall Painting from Rajasthan 163
164 Carved Designs from Bihar
Painted Motifs from Bihar 165
££Ät4 166 Folk Designs from Kutch, Gujarat
Tattoo Design from Rajasthan 167
168 Kalamkari Textile Print from Masuli-Patan, Arunachal Pradesh
Painting from Madhubani, Bihar 169
170 Embroidery Design from Uttar Pradesh
Kantha Embroidery Design from Bengal 171
172 Kantha Embroidery Design from West Bengal
Kantha Embroidery Design from West Bengal 173
174 Designs from West Bengal
Designs from Bihar
176 Block Printing Designs from Bihar
Block Printing Design from Sanganer, Rajasthan 177
178 Folk Art from South India
Stencil Design from Sanzi, Rajasthan 179
180 Kalamkari Textile Prints from Marulipakna, Andhra Pradesh
Embroidery Designs from Kutch, Gujarat 181
182 Phulkari Embroidery Designs from Punjab
Phulkari Embroidery Designs from Punjab 183
184 Kantha Embroidery Designs from West Bengal
Embroidery Designs from Rajasthan 185
186 Folk Art from Gujarat
K & & SJ Phulkari Embroidery Designs from Punjab 187
188 Embroidery Designs from Gujarat
Wall Paintings from Rajasthan 189
190 Embroidery Design from Gujarat
Folk Art from Maharashtra 191
192 Embroidery Designs from Rajasthan
Embroidery Designs from Rajasthan 193
194 Designs from Madhubani, Bihar
Designs from Madhubani, Bihar 195
196 Kolam Design from Madhya Pradesh
Traditional Snake Ornament 197
198 Folk Art from Gujarat
Kasuti Textile Print from Karnataka 199
200 Printed Textile Design from Bihar
Woodcn Toys from Rajasthan 201
Jo °°°^ %<> § a 0 D^aoflQ^^ d Da a r o <? ° P>°0 0 2«% % ° 0 ü LJ 202 Designs from Bengal
Design for Textile Printing from Gujarat 203
204 South Indian Textile Design
Wall Hanging from Gujarat 205
206 South Indian Textile Design
Design for Embroidery from Rajasthan 207
208 Folk Design from Kutch, Gujarat
Design based on the Animal Festival in Maharashtra (Warli) 209
210 Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli)
Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli) 211
212 Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli)
Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli) 213
214 Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli)
Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli) 215
216 Wall
Wall Painting from Maharashtra |Warli| 217
218 Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli)
Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli! 219
220 Wall Painting of a Wedding from Maharashtra (Warli)
Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli) 221
222 Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli)
Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warlij 223
224 Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli)
Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli) 225
226 Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli)
Wall Painting from Maharashtra (Warli) 227
228 Wall Painting from West Bengal
Folk Art from South Bengal 229
230 Folk Art from Saurashtra, Gujarat
Wall Painting from Bengal 231
232 Wall Painting from Orissa
233 Wall Painting from Bihar
234 Wall Painting from Motuka, Rajasthan
Wood Carving Designs from Madhya Pradesh 235
236 Wall Painting from Orissa
Wall Paintings from Orissa 237
238 Wood Carving Designs from Madhya Pradesh
Wood Carving Designs from Madhya Pradesh 239
240 Wall Hanging from Jaipur, Rajasthan
Carved Wooden Combs from Madhya Pradesh 241
242 Wall Hanging from Punjab
Embroidery from Himachal Pradesh 243
244 Wall Painting from Gujarat
Wall Hanging from Saurashtra, Gujarat 245
246 Folk Art from Rajasthan
Printed Card from Madhubani, Bihar 247
248 Design from Madhubani, Bihar
Printed Card from Madhubani, Bihar 249
250 Folk Art from Madhubani, Bihar
Printed Card from Madhubani, Bihar 251
252 Wall Painting from Madhubani, Bihar
Folk Art from Gujarat 253
254 Wall Painting of Radha and Krishna from Rajasthan
Folk Art from Gujarat
256 Folk Art from Gujarat
Folk Art from Saurashtra, Gujarat 257
258 Ganesha Design from Maharashtra
Ganesha Design from Maharashtra 259
260 Ganesha Design from Maharashtra
Ganesha Textile Design from Gujarat 261
262 Decorated Kettle from Gujarat
Statue of Natraj from South India 263
2*64 W°°den Comk‘^m Sou,hl«<li,
V^rnmrmn npiuiuiiiiiin Woodcn Combs and Hair Pins from Madhya Pradesh 265
266 Decorated Pots from Rajasthan
North Indian Ornamental Design 267
268 Design for Textile Printing from Gujarat
Design for Textile Printing from Rajasthan 269
270 Design for Textile Printing from Jaipur, Rajasthan
Design for Textile Printing from Madhya Pradesh 271
272 Design for Textile Printing from North India
Design for Textile Printing from West India 273
££££££££££££& 274 Design for Textile Printing from Madras, Tamil Nadu
Design for Textile Printing from Rajasthan 275
276 Design for Textile Printing from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Embroidery Design from Marulipakna, Uttar Pradesh 277
278 Design for Textile Printing from Varanasi, Uttar Pradcsh
Embroidery Design from Kashmir 279
280 Embroidery Design from Uttar Pradesh
Embroidery Design from Kashmir 281
282 Design for Textile Printing from Andhra Pradesh
Design for Textile Printing from Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh 283
284 Brocade Design from North India
Design for Textile Printing from South India 2,85
286 Design for Textile Printing from Kashmir
Design for Textile Printing from Andhra Pradesh 287
Suggested further reading Bhowmick, S.; The Master Weavers, Bombay 1982 Brijbhusan, J.; Masterpieces of Indian Jewellery, Bombay 1983 Coomaraswamy, A.K.; History of Indian and Indonesian Art, New York 1965 Fisher, N.; Mud, Mirror and Thread, New Mexico 1993 Gillow, J.; Indian Traditional Textiles, London 1991 Hatanaka, K,; Textile Arts of India, Kyoto &. Bombay, 1993 Mehta, R.J.; Masterpieces of Indian Temples, Bombay 1974 Mehta, R.J.; Masterpieces of Indian Bronzes and Metal Sculpture, Bombay 1981 Saksena, J.; Art of Rajasthan, Delhi 1979 Parthasarathy, A.; The Symbolism of Hindu Gods and Rituals, Bombay 1983 About the author Roxana Lehri is an artist and author living in Mumbai, India. She has travelled extensively throughout India, and studied the arts and crafts from all regions of the country. Mrs. Lehri, herseif a master of various crafts, has written books about textiles and fashion, and is currently working on books on jewellery, pottery and furniture. 288
ISBN 90-5496-069-8