
SINCE 1996
Autori sistema Sahovskog informatora • Авторы система Шахматного информатора • The Inventors of the Chess Informant systems • Die Autoren des Systems des Schach-informators • Auteurs des systemes de I'lnformateur d'echecs • Autores del sistema de Informador ajedrecistico • Autori dei sistemi del Informatore scacchistico • Forfattarna till Schackinformationssystemet • »«OlW£ • ALEKSANDAR MATANOVIC, BRASLAV RABAR, MILIVOJE MOLEROVIC, ALEKSANDAR BOZIC, BORISLAV MILIC Odgovorni urednik • Главный редактор • Editor-in-chief • Chefredakteur • Redacteur en chef • Redactor en jefe • Redattore Capo • Chefredaktor • BRANKO TADIC Redakcija • Редакционно коллеги • Editorial board • Redaktion • College de redaction • Colegio de redaccion • Collegia Redazionale • Redaktion • GORAN ARSOVIC, TOMISLAV PAUNOVIC, BRANKO TADIC, SASA VELlCKOVIC, NENAD VUKMIROVIC Direktor • Директор • Director • Direktor • Directeur • Director • Direttore • Direktor • JOSIP ASIK Predsednik • Президент • President • President • President • Presidente • Presidente • President • • u—A-1’ ALEKSANDAR MATANOVIC © Copyright 2012 Sahovski informator All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. No part of the Chess Informant system (classification of openings, endings and combinations, system of signs, etc.) may be used in other publications without prior permission in writing from the publisher. ISSN 0351-1375 Izdavac • Издатель • Publisher • Herausgeber • Editeur • Editorial • Editore • Utgivare • ЖЯШ • Sahovski informator 11001 Beograd, Francuska 31, PO Box 18, Srbija Phone: (381 11) 2186-498, 2630-109; Fax: (381 11) 2626-583 E-mail: sales@informantl966.com Internet: http://www.informantl966.com, http://www.chessinformant.rs
SADRZAJ • СОДЕРЖАНИЕ • CONTENTS • INHALT • SOMMAIRE • SUMARIO • INDICE • INNEHAL • && • Contributors......................................................................................4 The best ten games of the preceding Volume........................................................6 The ten most important theoretical novelties of the preceding Volume..............................8 Garry's Choice — By Garry Kasparov...............................................................12 Old Wine in New Bottles — By Mihail Marin........................................................20 Anand — Gelfand WCC 2012 Match — By Kidambi Sundararajan ........................................29 Top Five — Exclusive annotations.................................................................35 • By Dmitry Jakovenko.......................................................................36 • By Ernesto Inarkiev.......................................................................41 • By Nigel Short............................................................................44 • By Andrei Volokitin.......................................................................48 • By Nikita Vitiugov........................................................................54 One Country — Sweden.............................................................................57 • By Emanuel Berg...........................................................................58 • By Pontus Carlsson........................................................................60 • By Nils Grandelius........................................................................63 • By Hans Tikkanen..........................................................................65 Chess Informant Labs.............................................................................69 • A 13 by Aleksander Delchev................................................................70 • A 16 by Ivan Cheparinov....................................................................74 • В 85 by Kidambi Sundararajan...............................................................79 • C 00 by Bassem Amin........................................................................84 • C 47 by Dimitrios Mastrovasilis............................................................88 • C 61 by Samuel Shankland...................................................................94 • D 32 by Alexei Bezgodov....................................................................99 • E 05 by Rafael Leitao.....................................................................103 Rising Stars — Samuel Shankland.................................................................107 Guest Column "British Chess Magazine" — By Andrew Martin........................................114 System of Signs.................................................................................116 Games...........................................................................................119 Classification of openings......................................................................119 A...............................................................................................125 В...............................................................................................151 C...............................................................................................193 D...............................................................................................227 E...............................................................................................261 Index...........................................................................................287 Commentators....................................................................................293 Combinations....................................................................................294 Excellent moves.................................................................................297 Endings.........................................................................................300 Problems — By Milan Velimirovic.................................................................303 Studies — By Yochanan Afek......................................................................308 Tournaments.....................................................................................311 The best of Chess Informant — Gate Kamsky.......................................................327 3
SARADNICI • СОТРУДНИКИ • CONTRIBUTORS • MITARBEITER • COLLABORATEURS • COLABORADORES • COLLABORATOR! • MEDARBETARE • • J J-1 J Armenia Georgia Hederland Sergei MOVSESIAN g Tomike SANIKIDZE g Jan TIMMAN g Gabriel SARGISSIAN g Greece Sergei TIVIAKOV g Australia Polska Ian ROGERS Yelena DEMBO wg g Sotiris LOGOTHETIS Athanasios f Mateusz BARTEL g Brasil MASTROVASILIS g Romania Luiz Roberto Dimitrios Mihail MARIN g DA COSTA JUNIOR MASTROVASILIS g Mircea-Emilian Rafael LEITAO g PARLIGRAS g Hrvatska Valentin STOICA m Bulgaria Ivan CHEPARINOV g Bogdan LALIC g Russia Aleksander DELCHEV g India Alexei BEZGODOV g Kiril GEORGIEV g Anna BURTASOVA wg Cesko Krishnan SASIKIRAN g Maria FOMINYKH wm Kidambi Ernesto INARKIEV g Petr HABA g SUNDARA RAJAN g Dmitry JAKOVENKO g Israel Garry KASPAROV g Cuba Alexander MOROZEVICH g Guillermo Yochanan AFEK m Sergei RUBLEVSKY g CAMACHO MARTINEZ f Vitali GOLOD g Sanan SJUGIROV g Luis Enrique VALDES f Michael ROIZ g Nikita VITIUGOV g Deutschland Lietuva Slovenija Peter ENDERS g Sarunas SULSKIS g Alexander BELIAVSKY g Harald FIETZ c> Adrian MIKHALCHISHIN g Artur JUSSUPOW Leon MONS g f Magyarorszag Srbija Michael PRUSIKIN g Tamas BANUSZ g Bosko ABRAMOVIC g Egypt Viktor ERDOS g Zoran ARSOVIC m Imre FANCSY m Goran CABRILO g Bassem AMIN g Zoltan RIBLI g Srdan CVETKOVIC m Endre VEGH m Branko DAMLJANOVIC g England Aleksandar INDIC Nigel SHORT g Moldova Aleksandar KOVACEVIC g Jon SPEELMAN g Victor BOLOGAN g Borko LAJTHAJM g 4
Robert MARKUS g Slobodan MARTINO VIC g Danilo MILANOVIC g Misa PAP g Zoran PETRONIJEVIC m Dusan POPOVIC g Radoslav SIMIC g Zoran STAMENKOVIC m Milan VELIMIROVIC Bojan VUCKOVIC g Sverige Emanuel BERG g Pontus CARLSSON g Nils GRANDELIUS g Hans TIKKANEN g Ukraine Andrei VOLOKITIN g Andrey ZONTAKH g USA Larry CHRISTIANSEN g Alexander IVANOV g Samuel SHANKLAND g 5
D 24 ARONIAN 2807 - V. ANAND 2817 Sao Paulo/Bilbao 2011 - 113/144 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 e6 3. £>13 d5 4. £>c3 dc4 5. e4 Ab4 6. ±c4 £je4 7.0-0 2>f6 8. Wa4 &c6 9. &g5 N [9. ^e5 Hb8 a) 10. d5 ДсЗ 11. £jc6 bc6 12. ЬсЗ (12. de6!?) £>d5 13. Wc6 Jld7 14. Wc5^;6) 10. £>c6bc6 ll.®c6Wd7 12. ®d7 ±d7 13. JLg5 0-0 14. Hfcl+1 Ae7 [9... ДсЗ 10. ЬсЗ 0-0 11. Habloo] 10. Д16 Af6 11. d5 ed5 12. Hfel A.e6 He6±; a2) 16... Hb8 17. Wa6; b) 15... Hb8 16. £>d5 Ш6 17. Wd6 cd6 18. b3 £d8| 0-0 14. Де61е6 15. Hadi [15.He6®d7 16.He2 ФИ8 17. Hdl Wf7=l We8 16. <йе4 We7 [16... Hd8 17. Hd8 Wd8 18. Wb3 ^d4 19. £>d4 Ad4 20. We6 ФИ8=[ 17. Wb3 Hab8? [17... Had8 18. Wb7 ^3d4=l 18.2rf6 Hf619. £>g5 ®b4 20. Wc2 Hg6? [20... g6 21. a3 Wg4 22. ^e4 Hf7 23. f3 Wf4 24. £jc5+[ 21. He4 ®a5 22. h4 He8 23. Hd7 h6 24. b4 [24. He2+-[ Wf5 [24... Wb5 25. a4 £)b4 26. ®c7 £>d5 (26... ®a4 27. ®d8! Hf8 28. Hf44~) 27. ab5 21c7 28. ^f3 £>b5 29. £>e5 Hf6 30. Hg4+-[ 13. Ad5 [13. Даб! ba6 (13... ®c8 14. £)d5 0-0 15. £jf6 gf6 16. ДЬ5±) 14. Wc6 Ф18 15. Hadi a) 15... ДсЗ 16. ЬсЗ al) 16... g6 17. £ig5! (17. Неб fe6 18. £jd4 ФП 19. We6 &g7 20. We5 ФП 21. <йе6 ®d6 22. ®g7 Феб 23. Hel ф£5 24. He3 Haf8 25. Hf3 Фg5 26. Hg3 ФГ5=) Фg7 18. ^еб fe6 19. 25. Неб! 1 : 0 Mil. Perunovic 7
D 46 KHALIFMAN 2627 - INARKIEV 2692 Saint Petersburg — Moscow (m/1) 2011 — 113/166 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. £jc3 £}f6 4. еЗ еб 5. £>13 £lbd7 6. Wc2 Ad6 7. Ad3 0-0 8.0-0 dc4 9. ±c4 b5 10. Ae2 ЖЬ7 11. Idl Wc7 12. e4 e5 13. de5 £je5 14. Qjd4 4jeg4 15. Ag4!? [15. g3 Жс5 16. JLg4 ^g4 17. JLf4 Wb6 18. £jce2 lfe8 19. a4 абоо - 109/2731 JLh2! [15... ^g4 16. h3±[ 16. ФП [16. ФЫ? £)g4 17. g3 ^g3-+l <&g4 17. g3! We5 18. &g2 Ic5 ^g4+l fe4 23. ^h2 e3! 24.13 £}h2 25. ФЬ2 18... c5! N [18... Iae8] 19. £}13 [19. £)db5!? ®h5! 20. £)d6? Ag3! 21. <^g3 Wh2 22. <£g4 f5! 23. £>f5 h5 24. Ф13 lf5-+l Wh5 20. £ld5!? f5?I [20... Iae8 21. £rf4 Wh6 22. £id3! (22. £>d5? ®g6! 23. 2>h2 «Л2 24. ФИ2 le4+) ®h5 23. £rf4=l 21. £>14?! [21. Wc5! £if2! (21... fe4? 22. £se7+-; 21... ФИ8 22. £>f4±) 22. £>f4! ®g4 (22... <&e4 23. ®f8+-) 23. ®f2 fe4 24. фЬ2 ef3±[ We8! [21... Де4!? 22. W Ac2 23. Id7 g6! (23... Ae4? 24. Ig7 ФЬ8 25. Ж14 lad8 26. lel±) 24. Ig7! (24. £>f4 Же4-+) фЬ8 25. ЬЗ! (25. ^h2 gh5 26. Ig5 £jf6+) gh5 26. Ab2 £rf6 27. Ie7! Фg8 (27... Же4 28. Idl Фg8 29. Hdd7! 117 30. If7 £>d7 31. Id7oo) 28. Icl Же4 29. Ic5 £>e8 (29... 117 30. 117 Ф17 31. фЬ2оо) 30. Icc7! h6! 31. Ig7 £)g7 32. Ig7 ФЬ8 33.1П Фg8 34. Ig7=l 22. lei [22. Id5 fe4 23. £)h2 2»h2 (23... £)f2!? 24. Wf2 ^d5 25. Wc5 £f7T) 24. 25... 114! 26. gf4 Wh5 27. Фgl ®13 [27... ДВ?! 28. Wh2 Wg6 29. ФА ®d3 30. фgl Wg6=[ 28. Wh2 Wg4 29. ФП >13 30. фgl le8! [30... Id8 31. ЖеЗ ld6 32. f5! Wg4 33. Ф12! (33. ФА!? Wf5 34. Af2 Wd3 35. 1е2 Ж13 36. laeloo) lf6 (33... Wf5 34. W4+-) 34. ФП! Wf5 35. ±f2 ®d3 36. Ie2 Af3 37. Wb8 lf8 38. ®e5oo] 31. Ie3! [31. Ie2 le6-+; 31. ±e3 le3 32. Ie3 - 31. Ie31 le3 32. Ae3 We3 33. ®12 ®h3 34. ®h2 ®e3 35. ®f2 Wh3 36. ®h2 Wg4 37. Ф12 ®f3 38. фgl? [38. Фе1![ h5! 39. lei [39. Ifl Wg4 40. Ф12 h4+l h4 40. a3 h3 41. 1е8 Ф17 42.1е2 Же4 43. f5!? Фg8?! [43... Wg4 44. Ф12 Wf5+1 44. f6?I [44. We5! ffg4 (44... Whl 45. Ф12 ®g2 46. Фе1 Wgl 47. Фd2 ®g5 48. Фе1 Af5T) 45. ФА Af5?[ gf6 45. lei ®g4 46. Ф12 да 47. фgl Ф17 48.1П ®e3 49. да Wg5 50. фЬ2 Wg2 51. ®g2 hg2 52. If4 15 53. Ih4 фё7 [53... a5 54. Ih6 b4 55. Ia6 c4 a) 56. Ia5 c3 57. bc3 bc3 58. Ic5 c2 59. a4 феб 60. a5 фd6 61. Ic3 (61.1с8 Дс6-+) Фd5 62. аб Фd4 63. 1с8 ФеЗ 64. фё1 фd2-+; b) 56. ab4 ab4 57. 1а4 сЗ 58. 1Ь4 с2 59. 1с4 фГ6 (59... Феб 60.1с5 Фd6 61. Ь4 f4 62. фё1 13 63. Ф12=) 60.1с5 Фg5 61. фё1 ФГ4 62. ф!2 gl® 63. фё1 ФеЗ—+1 54. Ih3 Ь4 [54... с4 9
55. Hg3 ф£6 56. Hg8 Фе5 57. Hb8 a6 58. Hb6 Ф64 59.Наб ФеЗ 60. <£gl f4 61. Hf6 f3 62. Hf8 Ad3! 63. Hf7 Ae2 64. Hf6 Ф42 65. Hf5 Фс2 66. Hb5 c3!-+] 55. ab4 cb4 56. He3 [56. Hg3 ФГ6 57. Hg8 Фе5 58. Hb8 a5 59. Hb5 <£d4 60. Ha5 f4 61. фё1 ФеЗ 62. Ha7 (62. gal фе2 63. Наб f3 64. Hf6 b3-+) f3 63. Hf7 b3 64. Hf8 f2! 65. Hf2 Ж13-+1 a5? [56... ФГ6 57. gel Фе5 58. Hal Фd4 59. Ha7 f4 60. фgl феЗ 61. Hf7 B—hi 57. Hel a4 58. Hdl a3 [58... ЬЗ 59. Hd7 ФГ6 60. Ha7[ 59. ЬаЗ b3 60. Hd7 [60. Hd2! ФГ6 (60... Ac2 61. Hd7 ФГ6 62. Hb7=) 61. Hb2 Ad5 62. a4 фе5 63. a5 Фd4 64. Hd2 фс5 65. a6=[ Ф16 61. Hd6 фе5 62. Hb6 A.d5 63. Hb4 f4 64. ф81 f3 65. Ф12 [65. а4 Фd6-+l Фd6 66. а4 фс5 67. НЬ8 Фс4? [67... Ас4! 68. НЬ7 (68. а5 ЖЬ5-+; 68. Hf8 ФЬ4-+) Фd4 69. а5 фсЗ-+; 67... Фd4! 68. а5 gl>! 69. фgl феЗ-+] 68. а5 ФеЗ 69. аб Ь2 70. а7 Жсб [70... Жа8 71. НЬ5! Фс2 72. Нс5 ФЬЗ 73. НЬ5 фаЗ 74. фgl Фа2 75. На5 ФЬЗ 76. НЬ5 фс2 77. Нс5 Фd2 78. НЬ5 ФеЗ (78... Фс1 79. Нс5 Фdl 80. НЬ5=) 79. Ф12 фс2 80. Нс5 фdЗ 81. НЬ5 ФеЗ 82. фё1 Асб 83. НЬ8 Фс2 84. a8W! Аа8 85. Нс8 ФЬЗ 86. НЬ8 ФеЗ 87. Нс8 Фd3 88. НЬ8=[ 71. a8W! [71. НЬ6 Жа8 72. НЬ5=[ Жа8 72. Нс8= Ф43 73. НЬ8 фс2 74. Нс8 Ф02 75. НЬ8 ФеЗ 76. Нс8 ФОЗ 77. НЬ8 ФеЗ 78. Нс8 ФОЗ 1/2 : 1/2 Inarkiev D 46 1. d4 d5 2. с4 сб 3. £>сЗ £>f6 4. еЗ еб 5. £>f3 £>bd7 6. Wc2 ±d6 7. S,d3 0-0 8. 0-0 dc4 9. Яс4 b5 10. Яе2 .S,b7 11. Hdl Wc7 12. e4 e5 13. de5 £>e5 14. -Ad4 ₽ieg4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 g3‘ Jlg43 Af4 4hce24 a45 a56 f3 Фg2 af5 Жс52 £lg4 ®b6 Sfe8 аб ®a7 ^e5 ^f8 c57 oo 2 Ag4 ФП9 g3 ф£2 ав11 ^jd5 2>f4 £>d313 ^f414 ^h28 &g4 We5 | c 5 | Wh5 Hae812 Wh6 ®h5 1 15. h3? ^.h2! 16. ФП £rf2! 17. Ф12 Ь4!+ [A 18. £}a4 c5 19. £}c5 Wc5 20. Wc5 £}e4 21. ФА £}c5+ I. Ivanisevic] 18. e5 We5 19. £}a4 £}e4 20. ФА £ig3 21. Ф12 Hfe8-+ Ghazarian - Rhode, corr. 2001 2 Xf2; 15... Wb6 16. a4 a) 16... b4 17. a5 ®c5 18. аб! Дс8 19. £»a4 ®h5 20. h4±; b) 16... Hfd8 17. a5 Wc7 18. $if5 Ae5 19. аб ±c8 20. Hd8 ®d8 21. h3 ±f5 22. ef5 £c3 23. hg4 ±d4 24. g5 £id5 25. ®c6 Hb8 26. Ad2± A. Docekal — A. Toman, corr. 2009; 10
с) 16... аб 17. а5 Ша7 18. Ag4 &g4 (Mac. J?drzejowski — Ohtake, corr. 2003) 19. h3 Ac5 20. £}ce2 £e5 21. £f4 Hfe8 22. 2acl± Br. Tadic; d) 16... a5!? 17. i.g4 £>g4 18. W b4 19. Hd6 bc3 20. £jd4 [20. bc3 £>f2] Hfd8 21. Hd8 Hd8 22. bc3 c5oo Vas. Petukhov — R. Romanov, corr. 2009 3 16. h3? <£}f2 17. <£f2 ®e5 18. ДеЗ Had8 19. £if5 [19. W ДеЗ 20. феЗ ®c5 21. Hd4 b4; 19. Wd3 Hd4! 20. Д44 Hd8T] Ь4Т I. Ivanisevic 11 19. £}db5!? 4 A Дс7 19... ®h5! A 20. £»d6? ^.g3! 21. &g3 ®h2 22. <£g4 f5! 23. £>f5 h5 24. ФВ Hf5-+ 5 19. Had £f8 20. f3 £>e5T I. Ivanise- vic 12 20... f5?! 20. h3 £T6 [20... £>e5 21. a5 Ш7 22. Нас 1121. a5 ®a7 22. e5 £>d7 [22... &d5 23. Had £tf4 24. gf4 ДЬ4 25. <Дс6 Дсб 26. ®c6 Да5 27. Hd7±] 23. Had co I. Ivanisevic 7 24. <ДсЗ c4oo B. Gelfand — Inarkiev, Astrakhan 2010 - 109/273 a) 21. £}f4?! Khalifman — Inarkiev, Saint Petersburg — Moscow (m/1) 2011 — 113/166; b) 21. Wc5! <$lf2! [21... fe4? 22. &e7+-; 21... ФЬ8 22. £rf4±] 22. £rf4! ®g4 [22... <£e4 23. Ш8+-] 23. ®f2 fe4 24. фЬ2 ef3+ 8 15... £»g4 16. h3± 9 16. ФМ? Aig4 17. g3 i.g3-+ 10 18... Hae8 13 22. &d5? ®g6! 23. W W 24. Ф>Ь2 He4+ 14 23. ^3f4= Inarkiev Br. Tadic 11
GARRY’S • choice THE 13TH WORLD CHAMPION DISSECTS TOP GAMES OF MODERN CHESS 114/203 E 86 XIU DESHUN 2492 - WEN YANG 2549 China 2012 r [By Garry Kasparov] I he King’s Indian Defense (KID), like the Najdorf Sicilian, will always be close to my heart. And to see a great KID victory, and one dominated by the heart of the opening, the bishop on g7, is especially enjoyable. The opening revolves around this piece, the "Gufeld bishop" — so nicknamed in my youn- ger days for the Kyiv/Tbilisi Grandmaster’s favorite piece, such a devout worshipper of the KID goddess was he — that it can launch a reign of terror from its distant post or, if things do not go well, can be turned into an oversized pawn and marginalized. Such a dismal situation arose for Black in a game I played in 1980 against Gufeld’s pu- pil Maia Chiburdanidze in Baku. A piece sacrifice left her g7 bishop a crippled specta- tor behind a Black pawn on f6 and there was little it could do to prevent my remaining pieces from storming in. * G. Kasparov 2595 — Chiburdanidze 2400, Baku 1980 - 29/621 Page 16 I dropped the King’s Indian in 1997 after one too many bad experiences against Kramnik. And not only Kramnik. I said at the time that getting bad positions against Kramnik with the Garry's Choice Garry Kasparov, the 13th World Champion, needs no introduction: a truly great chess player, who has tremendously influenced the development of chess with his games, his analyses, his writings, Garry is well known everywhere. Chess Informant has had the privilege of hosting the fruits of his deep analytical work for more than thirty years, and there is no doubt that the quality of this work has greatly enriched the contents of this publication - and chess culture overall. Several years after his retirement from professional chess, we are deeply honoured to welcome Garry back to Chess Informant! In this column, Garry's Choice, he is annotating select games from recent practice, in his trademark style, casting his critical eye on the efforts of modern chess stars - and mere "mortals"! Welcome back, Garry! KID was one thing, since he was one of the best players in the world and you could always ex- pect problems with Black. But at the time, too many others were doing well on the White side. But as we have seen from Radjabov and others like this brave Chinese, the King’s Indian is alive and well. It’s enough to make me feel young again! 1. d4 £rf6 2. c4 g6 3. ^c3 ^g7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 0-0 6. <£e3 e5 7. ^ge2 c6 8. ®d2 ^bd7 This line was seen in perhaps my most re- nowned victory over Karpov, in Linares 1993. By move 22, all of his pieces were back on the first rank. I also got important theoretical draws against Beliavsky and Kramnik with it earlier in the same event, and beat Shirov in a 13
GARRY'S choice very complicated game at Dortmund in 1992. White’s 11. c5 idea came later, so I was curious to see how Black would meet it. ** An. Karpov 2725 — G. Kasparov 2805, Linares 1993 - 57/576 Page 17 *** A. Beliavsky 2610 — G. Kasparov 2805, Linares 1993 - 57/(579) Page 17 **** Shirov 2655 — G. Kasparov 2780, Dortmund 1992 — 54/592 Page 18 [14. 4he4 4hd5 15. JLf2oo Leading to a com- plicated position because the typical trick 15... b3? doesn’t quite work here because of White’s surprising 17th move. 16. ®b3 Sb8 9.0-0-0 a6 10. ФЫ b5 11. c5 Wa5 12. Wc2 17. JLel!!] [12. 4hd5= S. Kasparov 2435 — An. Kovalev 2539, Belarus 2003 - 87/475. Offering ex- changes that give White no chance for a win- ning advantage.] 12.. . d5! N A shocking move. Black looks for more than simplification. [12... dc5 13. de5 ^e5 14. <£c5 gd8 15. ^d4 ®c7 16. ab3 Hdl 17. fdl Ш17 18. Wd6= S. Dyachkov 2553 — Smirin 2647, Moscow 2009] 13. ed5 b4! The "spiritually correct" continuation as it gives White more opportunities to err. 13... ^d5 just brings exchanges. 14. dc6?! 14... bc3 15. cd7? It is hard to imagine that 15. cd7 is already the decisive mistake. This second capture is a fatal indulgence. [15. 4ЛсЗ If White wants to capture, this is the way to go about it. 15... ed4 16. cd7 de3 17. dc8® Шс8 18. ^a4oo Difficult for White, but he has not yet passed the point of no re- turn. 15, d5 Deserving attention. Refusing to take any material immediately could lead into wild jungles of complications. a) 15... cb2 16. cd7 <£d7 17. ^сЗ Шс8 18. 4he4 (18. сб JLc6 19. dc6 Псб 20. <£d2 Sac8T) ^e4 19. fe4 <£h6! 20. Wd2 ®d2 21. Ad2 Ad2 22. gd2 gc5 23. gb2 f5 24. <£e2 fe4 25. gel gac8 26. gc5 Hc5 27. Sb7=; b) 15... ^c5 16. ®c3 JLf5 17. Фа1 Wa4 18. b3 ^d5 (18„ W 19. Wb3 JLc2 20. ®a4 14
GARRY'S choice £a4 21. Hd2 e4 22. Jtd4 e3 23. Hd3oo) 19. ®c5 (19. ba4 ^c3 20. ®c3 e4 21. Ad4 Hfd8 22. £g7 Hdl 23. £)dl &g7 24. £>e3oo) £)e3 20. ba4 e4 21. <&d4 £>dl (21... Hfd8 22. fe4 £e4 23. Aa6 Hd4 24. Hd4 Ad4 25. Wd4 43c2 26. ФЬ2 ®d4 27. c7) 22. фЫоо] 15... £)d5!! An amazing leap, ignoring the attack on his bishop. White will have an extra piece and yet the game is practically over. 16. dc8W Hfc8 17. We4? Now there is no hope at all. White should have realized by now that his opponent has no interest in defending his pieces! 117. de5! The endgame should be lost, but White at least has some chances to survive. 17... ae3 18. Wc3 Wc3 19. ^c3 ^dl 20. £>dl Ae5 21. ^f2 Hc5 22. £)d3 Ш5 23. £>e5 le5 24. Ac4+] 17... Hab8 18. Acl 18... Hb2! Withholding the second exclamation point only because Black also had a prosaic win with 18... ed4. [18... ed4 19. Wd5 Hc5 20. £ic3 dc3 21. Ac4 Hd5 22. Hd5 Wc7 23. £b3 a5—H 19. .i.b2 Hb8 20. Фа1 Hb2 21. 4jc3 [21. Wd5 Leading to a picturesque position after 21... c2 22. Hcl Wb4-+ 23. Wa8 Af8 The bishop is forced to leave the long diago- nal but its lethal work has been completed.] 21... Wc3 [21... £}c3 The cold-blooded machine shows that this is also winning. 22. Wa8 JLf8 23. ФЬ2 &dl 24. Фс2 <йеЗ 25. &d3 ed4 26. We4 Ac54~ 1 22. Wd3 ed4 There are too many dual solutions for a gold medal composition but it’s a pleasant dilemma for a game. 15
GARRY’S choice [22... Wb4-+ 23. ®c4 (23. gel e4) £>c3! 24. Ad3 Wa3] 23. ®c3 dc3 24. Hd5 24... gb8! Gufeld could have prayed for this position! White has an extra rook and there are no queens on the board, but the g7 bishop is judge, jury, and executioner. [24... Ш2? It is never too late to make a mis- take! 25. ФЬ1 Sd5? (25... Sb2! 26. Фа1 ПЬ8! - 24... ПЬ8!) 26. c6+] 25. gd8 gd8 26. ФМ Hd2 27. g3 Ad4 0:1 G. Kasparov Your feedback at www.informantl966.com 2012 "YICHENG CUP" CHINESE CHESS LEAGUE Beijing AIGO Team — Shandong Gree Team 21/z : 2!/г Round 1 Board 3 Beijing, April 28, 2012 WHITE: Xiu Deshun Country: Chino Born: 1989 Title: Grandmaster since 2011 BLACK: Wen Yang Country: China Born: 1988 Title: Grandmaster since 2008 * G. Kasparov — Chiburdanidze * * An. Karpov — G. Kasparov * ** A. Beliavsky — G. Kasparov * *** Shirov — G. Kasparov I Kramnik — G. Kasparov 29/621 E 92 G. KASPAROV 2595 - CHIBURDANIDZE 2400 Baku 1980 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. 0-0 6. Ae2 e5 7. Ae3 8e7 8. d5 [8. de5 - 25/744] £>g4 9. A.g5 f6 10. A.h4 h5 11. h3 ah6 12. ad2 c5!= 13. an 113. g4?! hg4 14. hg4 W A ДИ61 £)f7? [13... £ia6 A ±d7, £>c7[ 14. g4 hg4 [14... g5 15. ±g3 h4 16. £h2 £>h8 17. ^e3 &g6 18. f3 £>f4 19. ±fl± A ±gl, Hh2, аЗ, Ь4Т1 15. Ag4! I^gl g5?I [15... £ш6 16. Igl Ag4 17. Ig4 g5 18. £>e3! £)h6 19. <&f5 £rf5 20. ef5 gh4 21. gh4 Hf7 22. Wh5 <£f8 23. Sg4! We8 24. Wh7-; 15... Ag4 16. Wg4 g5 17. £se3! 2Ж6 18. 2rf5 19. ef5 gh4 20. IgU 16. Jtc8 Hc8 * 17. 4}e3!! [17. Jlg3 f5!? 18. ef5 e4[ gh4 18. Wd8?l [18... Wf8 19. Wg4 £>g5 20. £Ж4 ^a6 21. £)f5 £>c7 22. h4 W 23. Hgl £se8 24. фе2±[ 19. ®g4 £>g5 20. £>h4 Дс7 21. a6 22. h4 $.417 23. Igl W8 24. ®e2+ Sa7 25. a4 b6 26. Wh5 Ф118 27. Ag6 Sd7 28. Sagl Hab7 29. Wg4 Abc7 30. Hg2 ДЬ7 31. ФП Ha7 32. <£gl lf7 33. £se2 Wc8 34. f4 [34. £jeg3 Ш 35. Wh5 2Ж7 36. ^)d6 ®f8 37. 2rf7 lf7 38. 2rf51 b5 35. ab5 16
GARRY'S choice ab5 36. cb5 Hab7 37. h5 £jf8 38. Wh3! Wg6 39. hg6 &g8 40. gf7 Ф18 1 : 0 G. Kasparov 57/576 E 86 AN. KARPOV 2725 - G. KASPAROV 2805 Linares 1993 1. d4 2. c4 g6 3. 4лсЗ ±g7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 0-0 6. ЖеЗ e5 7. ^ge2 £>bd7 8. Wd2 c6 ** 9. gdl a6 10. de5 £ie5! 11. b3 b5! 12. cb5 ab5 13. td6 2tfd7 14. 14?! [14. Agl b4 15. ^a4 ga4 16. ba4 ®a5 17. Ad4 c5T; 14. Sd2!? b4 15. &bl!?; 14. a4!? ba4 15. £ja4 ga4 16. ba4 <йс4 17. Wd3 £}b2 18. Wc2 £dl 19. Wdl ®a5 20. Ф12 £te5! 21. 2rf4 f5 22. ef5 Ж15] b4! 15. £sbl? [15. fe5! bc3 16. £sc3 Же5 17. Wc6Q ЖеЗ 18. Wc3 Wh4 19. &d2! ga2 20. Фс1 2rf6! 21. ФЬ1 ga8!Tl £jg4 16. ^d4 [16. Agl!? ga2 17. h3 Wh4 18. g3 ge2 19. Фе2 ®g3 20. hg4 2rf6 21. Af2 Ag4 22. Фе1 ®f3 23. gh2 £je4+| Ad4 17. ®d4 [17. £>d4 ga2 18. gd2 gal 19. £d3 Wb6 20. 0-0 £}c5 21. Жс2 Жаб 22. gel gd8—+1 ga2 18. h3 [18. 8b4 £se3 19. gd2 £)c2--h] c5 19. ®gl [19. Wd3 Жаб 20. Wf3 £jde5 21. fe5 £>e5 22. ®e3! £>d3 23. gd3 Wd3 24. Wd3 ЖdЗ 25. &cl! ЖЫ 26. £}a2 Жа2 27. Жс4 ЖЫ 28. e5 Ж15 29. &d2 ge8 30. gel h5-+] £igf6 20. e5 <йе4 21. h4?I [21. We3 ЖЬ7 22. £>d2 £)d2 23. gd2 gd2 24. Wd2 £}b6! 25. Wd8 gd8 26. £icl ^d5 27. ^d3 £se3-+] c4! 22. ^cl [22. We3!? c3 23. We4 c2! 24. gd2 £>c5! 25. gd8 £>e4[ 22... сЗ!I 23. £>a2 c2 24. 8d4 [24. gel £>e5! 25. gc2 Жg4 26. gd2 £>d2 27. ^d2 ge8 28. fe5 ge5 29. Ф12 Wd2 30. &g3 ge3 31. ФИ2 Hh3#[ cdlW 25. <4>dl [25. ®dl £>g3 26. Hh3 &fl 27. &fl ^ic5 28. Wd8 gd8 29. ge3 gdl 30. gel Жаб 31. Ф12 ^d3-+[ £}dc5! 26. Wd8 gd8 27. Фс2 [27. Фе1 Жg4 28. Же2 Же2 29. Фе2 ^g3; 27. Фс1 Ш 28. ggl gdl 29. ФЬ2 ^jcd31 £)f2 [28. ggl ЖГ5 29. ФЬ2 £idl 30. Фа1 (30. Фс1 <ЙЬЗ#) £)ЬЗ#[ 0:1 G. Kasparov 57/(579) Е 86 A. BELIAVSKY 2610 - G. KASPAROV 2805 Linares 1993 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. <йсЗ Жg7 4. e4 d6 5.13 0-0 6. ЖеЗ e5 7. £ige2 c6 8. ®d2 £>bd7 9. 0-0-0 a6 *** 10.ЖЬбЖЬб! [10... b5 Il.h4®a5 12. h5 b4 13. £jbl ®a2 14. £>g3 ed4 15. Жg7! (15. ^f5?! <&c5 16. <&d4? 2rfe4! 17. We3 £sa4 18. 17
GARRY'S choice Hd2 4}d2-+ Murey 2440 - Apicella 2430, Paris 1991) <4>g7 (15... £ic5 16. Wh6 &b3 17. Фс2 £>al 18. Ф42 Wb2 19. Фе1 £>c2 20. Ф12 ^e3 21. <^>gl £>fg4 22. fg4 £>g4 23. Wf4 <4>g7 24. Ae2+—) 16. Wd4 a5 17. Wd6 c5 18. hg6 fg6 19. e5+-] 11. Wh6 b5 12. h4 Wa5 13. h5 b4 14. £}bl Wa2 15. £ig3 £}b6 16. c5 £)c4 [16... <йа4 17. Hd2 ed4 18. e5 <&c5 19. ef6 £)b3 20. фс2 £}al 21. Фс1 W=Ftacnikl 17.Hd2 <&a5 [17... £)d2? 18. ^d2 Wai 19. £>bl+- A. Beliavsky 2640 - J. Timman 2630, Linares 1991 - 51/5971 18. cd6! ?jb3 19. ®c2 £}al 20. Фс1 Qjb3 21. фс2 Йа1 22. фс1 1/2 : 1/2 A. Beliavsky 54/592 Е 86 SHIROV 2655 - G. KASPAROV 2780 Dortmund 1992 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. £)C3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 0-0 6. Ae3 e5 7. 4}ge2 c6 8. Wd2 4}bd7 9. 0-0-0 аб 10. фЫ b5 **** 11. ^cl ed4! 12. Ad4 12... He8! [12... b4 13. £ja4 c5 14. Af6 Af6 15. Wd6 Ae7 16. Wg3 Ah4 17. Wh3 Ae7 18. Wg3 Ah4 19. Wh3 1/2 : 1/2 Kramnik 2685 - G. Kasparov 2805, Linares 1993 - 57/(579)1 13. Af6 113. ab3 £>b6 14. Ab6 Wb6 15. Wd6 Ae6 16. c5 Wa7ool Wf6 14. Wd6 Wd6 15. Hd6 £se5 16. f4? [16. cb5 ab5 17. £>d3 £jd3 18. Ad3 b4 19. 4}e2 Ae6 20. 4}cl Hec8! 21. Ac2 c5oo] £)g4 17. e5D ^f2! 18. Hgl Af5 19. фа1 b4! 20. £>a4 f6! 21. e6 [21. g4!? £)g4! 22. Ad3 fe5!! 23. Af5 gf5 24. h3 ef4 25. hg4 f3 26. gf5 f2 27. Hfl Hel 28. Hdl Hae8 29. £id3 Hdl 30. Hdl Ad4! 31. ФЫ He2! 32. Hhl! He4 33. Фс2 Hg4+1 Неб [21... Ae6 22. Ae2 <йе4 23. Hddlfl 22. Неб Жеб 23. Де2 f5! 24. £)ЬЗ АП! 25. £ia5 Hd8! 26. Hfl [26. <йс6 Hd2 27. Af3 £,d3 28. Hdl Hdl 29. Adi Ac4+[ £>g4! 27. Hdl Hdl 28. Adi ^e3! 29. Af3 £}c4 30. £sc6 [30. £)c4 Ac4 31. Ac6 Ad4—+1 a5! 31. £>d8 [31. Ae2 Ф18 32. Ac4 Ac4 33. £}a5 Ad5 34. g3 Ad4-+[ 31... <2)d2! 32. Ac6?!© [32. £>f7 ФП! 33. Ad5 Фе7 34. £}b6 &d6 35. Ag8 Фс5 36. £)d7 Феб 37. £)b8 <£d6! 38. Ah7 a4!-+[ Ah6!-+ 33. g3D &fl 34. ab6 [34. £}c5 W 35. ШЗ Ag7 36. ФЫ Af6 37. W ФП1 £ih2 35. £id7 Ag7 36. £)e5 Ae5 37. fe5 Ф18 38. e6 Ae8 39. Ae8 Фе8 40. ^сб 0:1 G. Kasparov 18
GARRY'S choice KASPAROV CHESS FOUNDATION Read more about Chess in School programs at: http://www.kcfe.eu and http://kasparovchessfoundation.org KASPAROV Chess Foundation Europe KASPAROV CHESS FOUNDATION AFRICA 19
EXCHANGING THE DOUBLE PAWNS he evaluation of the weakness or strength of the double pawns has been controversial for at least a century. Although such pawns basically are a structural deffect, World Champions and other great players have revealed, either in their comments or their games, different facets of this issue. Bronstein used to say half-jokingly that double pawns would offer him additional open files for the rooks. Botvinnik treasured the compact area of squares covered by the double pawns and played quite a few instructive games illustrating his views. The following game was played ten years before Bronstein’s birth and about nine years before Botvinnik learned to play chess. Remarkably, it features both aspects exposed above and re- veals an additional and somewhat unexpected one. C 68 CAPABLANCA - D. JANOWSKI Saint Petersburg preliminary 1914 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 ^сб 3. <£b5 a6 4. <£c6 dc6 5. ^c3 £c5 6. d3 ±g4 7. <£e3 <£e3 8. fe3 We7 9. 0-0 0-0-0 10. Wei £>h6 Is there anything new in the chess World? There is an almost unanimous opinion that, in chess as in other fields, the beginning of the third Millenium features an explosion of information without precedent. To me, this seems a bit exagerated. I remember that as a kid I found similar statements in many of the opening monographies of the ’80s, the ’70s and even of the ’50s. Believe it or not, a similar informatic explosion is described in the introduction of the first edition of the Bilguer, the Chess Encyclopaedia of the 19th century. There is nothing really new in life and in chess. In every game, there comes a moment when a novelty inevitably pops up, but one cannot be sure that the idea behind it has not been played before. In this column, I will try to highlight the way in which certain strategic and tactical ideas have maintained their actuality over the decades and sometimes centuries. Remarkably, the modem interpretation not always is more accurate than the classical one. I invite you to re-discover together well forgotten ideas from the past. Mihail Marin 21
MARIN’S column Both sides have double pawns, but this does not seem to be a strategic problem in either case. White has a strong control in the centre and can display some activity along the f-file. Black’s pawns offer a reliable defence to the king and restrict the c3-knight by defending several important squares. Additionally, the latent pressure along the half open d-file pre- vents a white expansion in the centre. The deep purpose behind the next move of the future World Champion must have remained a mystery for his opponent until it became too late. 11. Hbl!! Janowski, an attacking player by excellence, must have taken this as the start of an easy to parry attack. 11... f6 [Had he read Capablanca’s mind, he might have considered 11... Hhf8 12. b4 f5 The ab- stract idea is similar to that of 15. b5: to exchange one of the strong double pawns, in order to gain space and the control over certain squares. However, this method was fated to become famous a few moves later...] 12. b4 4hf7 13. a4 JLf3 Probably fearing 4hh4-f5. 14. Hf3 b6 Keeping the attack un- dercontrol. [Panov recommends 14... b5 , but this would weaken the c5-square chronically and could be met with 15. 4^e2 followed by acl-b3.1 15. b5 One hidden aspect of the weakness of the double pawns is fully revealed now. They are vulnerable in the way that in case of exchanges there is no colleague available to replace them, which results in giving up the control over important squares, such as d5 in our case. This kind of vulnerability will be the main subject of the present article. Instead of block- ing or trying to win them, the player facing double pawns would provoke their exchange! 15... cb5 16. ab5 a5 17. £>d5 ®c5 18. c4 White’s attack has been frozen, but strategi- cally Black is lost. After Capablanca’s last consolidating move, Black cannot even free his position with an exchange sacrifice on d5. The rest is relatively simple. 18... 4hg5 19. Hf2 £>e6 20. ®c3 gd7 21. Hdl фЬ7 22. d4 ®d6 23. Hc2 ed4 24. ed4 &f4 25. c5 ^d5 26. ed5 ®d5 27. сб ФЬ8 28. cd7 Wd7 29. d5 He8 30. d6 cd6 31. ®c6 1 : 0 Curiously, there are very few similar exam- ples available in the Exchange Ruy Lopez. The most remarkable I remember was played 60 years later. 17/291 C 68 MECKING 2615 - KORCHNOI 2670 Augusta (m/12) 1974 This was one of Korchnoi’s most difficult Candidates’ matches. Despite his relative lack of experience, the gifted Brazilian put strate- gic pressure on his mighty opponent through- out the match. However, he only managed to win one game: this one. 1. e4 e5 2. 4hf3 4hc6 3. JLb5 аб 4. Лсб dc6 5.0-0 Wd6 6. d3 f6 7. JLe3 JLg4 8. 4hbd2 0-0-0 Mecking’s next move suggests that he knew tha classics quite well. 22
MARIN'S column 9. Sbl!! 10. b4 g5 Since White has not weakened his kingside structure in any way, this attack is ineffective, but what else can Black do? 11. a4 ^g6 [Black refrains from Janovski’s solution: 11... b6 12. b5! (The strategically tempting 12. a5 b5 13. 4hb3, yielding White the absolute con- trol over the c5-square, would offer Black counterplay after 13... <5}g6 and if 14. h3 Ae6 threatening both ... g4 and ... Ab3, which would eliminate the dangerous knight.) cb5 13. ab5 a5 Enjoying a large advance in devel- opment, White can start an attack immedi- ately: 14. c4 Wd3 15. c5±] 12. b5! cb5 13. ab5 ab5 14. gb5± The first wave of attack has ended up in a success. White has opened queenside files for his attack, and his structure remains more flexible (one big island of pawns against tow Black’s). 14... ®с6?! M. Yudovich sr., criticized this move, but it is not easy to suggest an abso- lutely adequate defence. [14... ®a6 15. ®bl Ad6 16. Hb2!] 15. gb2 Ac5? Missing atactical point. [15... h5 M. Yudovich sr.] 16. 4hb3! Ab4 Setting an incorrect trap. [16... Ae3 17. fe3 ^h4? 18. ^e5± M. Yudovich sr.] 17. £}fd4! ed4 [17... Adi 18. ^c6 bc6 19. Hdl±] 18. Wg4± ®d7 19. ®d7 Hd7 20. ^d4 Ac3 21. ga2! Kochnoi may have missed this. 21... Hd4 22. НаЗ! Hb4 [22... Ab2 23. Hb3±] 23. ПсЗ He8 24. f3 &d7 25. Hal gb5 26. ФГ2 &d6 27. Haa3 h5 28. Ha4 c6 29. Hca3 g4? [29... h4 M. Yudovich sr.] 30. Ha5 Hee5 31. Hb5 Hb5 32. fg4 hg4 33. &g3 Hbl 34. Ad4 gel 35. Hc3 b5 36. Af6 b4 37. Hb3 Hfl 38. Ag5 c5 39. сЗ bc3 40. gc3 Hdl 41. Ae3 c4 1 : 0 In modem practice, the plan of exchanging the more advanced of the double pawns based on b2-b4 is more frequently seen in the Rossolimo Sicilian. Here, too, it is interesting to compare recent games with the classic ones. The next game of the third Millenium proves that standard pawn play can prove ineffective in the absence of harmonious piece display. 87/115 В 31 R. PONOMARIOV 2734 - KRAMNIK 2809 Linares 2003 1. e4 c5 2. £rf3 ^c6 3. Ab5 g6 4. Ac6 dc6 5. d3 Ag7 6. h3 &f6 7. ^c3 ^d7 8. Ae3 e5 9. ®d2 h6 10.0-0 We7 11. a3 ^f812. Ь4 ^e6 23
MARIN’S column White’s plan looks consistent, but one also notices Black’s harmonious development. 13. 4ha4 [Abstractly, White’s approach is correct: by increasing the pressure against c5 he wants to force Black to give up the tension and open queenside files with ... cb4. 13. bc5 does not lead anywhere after 13... f5t However, there is a concrete problem with White’s last move: the knight stands badly on the edge of the board and Black will find an original and effective way to maintain the queenside flexibility even if at the cost of one pawn.] 13... b6! 14.Wi2N[14.bc5 b5 15. ^c3 ^c5 16. 4he2 4he6oo Kramnik; 15... f5! Kramnik] 14... f5 15. f3? [15. ef5 gf5 16. f4! ef4 17. JLf4 JLal 18. Да1 Sg8 19. Де1^ Kramnik] f4 16. JLf2 h5! [16... cb4 17. ab4 Sb8 Kram- nik] 17. bc5 b5 18.4hb2 g5+ The queenside operation has ended up in a fiasco. The b2-knight is passive and Black has attack- ing chances on the kingside. 19. d4?! ed4 20. ^d3 £>c5 21. ^c5 Wc5 22. Hfdl Ae6 23. ®b4 ®b6! 24. a4 c5 25. Wb5 ®b5 26. ab5 ФГ7 27. Ha5 Hhb8 28. JLe5 29. Sdal d3!—h 30. Да7 ФГ6! 31. Sa8 Ha8 32. Sa8 dc2 33. Ш8 &g7 34. Де8 ФГ7 35. Ш8 &g6 36. He8 <£c4 37. Se5 cl® 38. Sc5 Wfl 39. ФИ2 Wf2 40. Sc4 g4 0 : 1 We will go back to the Korchnoi — Mecking match in order to see the right way to carry out this kind of pawn storm. 17/60 A 22 KORCHNOI 2670 - MECKING 2615 Augusta (m/1) 1974 1. c4 e5 2. ^c3 ^f6 3. g3 Ab4 4. Ag2 0-0 5. e4 JLc3 6. dc3 d6 7. We2 The game reached the same structure as the previous one, but with reversed colours. Strictly speaking, Black is a tempo down, but Mecking will use this circumstance in order to develop his queen’s knight in a better way than Ponomariov. 7... 4hbd7 [A clear improvement over a game played by Korchnoi one year earlier and which had been published in the previous issue of the Chess Informant. 7... a6 8. Ь5?! 9. c5! (The correct reaction to Black’s prema- ture attack. 9. cb5 ab5 10. ®b5 JLa6t>5) JLb7 10. cd6 cd6 11. W d5!? 12. <£g5 h6 13. <£f6 Wf6 14. ed5 ^d7 15. 0-0 Ще8 16. a4 ba4 17. ga4 W 18. Ha5!± Korchnoi - G. Kuzmin, USSR (ch) 1973 - 16/54] 8. £J3 4hc5 9. 4bh4 a6! Now that the knight has oc- cupied the best square, Black can start his 24
MARIN'S column main plan. 10. b3 b5 Comparing to Pono- mariov — Kramnik and Korchnoi — Kuzmin, we notice two important details favouring Black. The c4-pawn cannot advance and the threat... bc4 cannot be ignored in view of the threat... £sd3. И. Aa3 <&fd7 12. 0-0 Ab7 13.13 Ac6 14. £)f5 bc4 15. bc4 In order to maintain his control in the centre, White was forced to weaken his structure even more. In principle, his position looks vi- able, because of his bishop pair and slight space advantage, but Black’s play is more pleasant. Therefore, we can state that Black’s plan has ended up in a success. 15... &a4 16. Wd2 ^dc5 17. йеЗ ge8 18. Sadi gb8 19. £jd5 Ad7 20. Ab4 Ae6 21. Sfel c6 22. £se3 Wb6 23. Wc2 [23. Wd6? Sbd8 24. 8e5 £>d3 M. Yudovich sr.l gbd8 24. Afl a5 25. Aa3 Wc7 26. gd2 gd7 27. h4 f6 28. ФЬ2 g6 29. gedl ged8 30. gf2 2e8 31. Wd2 £)b6 32. Й1 £)b7 33. Wc2 Sed8 34. h5? gg7 [34... gh5! M. Yudovich sr.l 35. gh2 [35. hg6 M. Yudovich sr.l gh5 36. ®f2 £}a4 37. gel W7+ 38. Ae2 £sac5 39. gh4 фЬ8 40. ggl gdg8 41. Acl f5 42. ef5 Af5 43. £)f5 ®f5 44. Wh2 Wc2 45. Sh5 Wc3 46. Ah6 gf7 47. gg5 gg5 48. Ag5 <53e6 49. Ah6 Wc2 50. Adi Wh2 51. фЬ2 £>d4 52. &g2 ^c5 53. Ad2 ШЗ 54. Ac3 gb7? 55. f4! £jb2 56. fe5 de5 57. Ab3 a4 58. Ab2 ab3 59. gal! ba2 [59... £}c2 60. gel M. Yudovich sr.l 60. ga2 Sb4 61. c5 gc4 62. Ad4 ed4 63. ga8 &g7 64. Sd8 gc5 65. gd4 gf5 66. g4 gf6 67. gd7 gf7 68. gd6 gf6 69. gd7 <£>g6 70. <4>g3 h6 71. ga7 <£>g5 72. gg7 gg6 73. gf7 gd6 74. gf5 &g6 75. ®h4 gf6 76. gc5 ge6 77. gf5 ge8 78. gc5 gc8 79. &g3 ®f6 80. gh5 gh8 1/2 : 1/2 This game was played in a moment when Fischer’s return to active chess life was be- coming uncertain. It was not until 18 years later that the miracle happened. In the 11th game of his politically controver- sial return match against Spassky, the legend- ary American carried out an accelerated form of the same plan. 55/178 В 31 FISCHER 2785 - SPASSKY 2560 Sveti Stefan/Beograd (m/11) 1992 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 £jc6 3. Ab5 g6 4. Ac6 bc6 5. 0-0 Ag7 6. gel e5 This was a well-known position, but Fischer had prepared a stunning novelty. 7. b4! Apart from its strategic aims (fighting for the cen- tral dark squares), this move tries to take ad- vantage of Black’s delay in development. 25
MARIN’S column 7... cb4 Black has to accept the gambit, since he has no satisfactory way of maintaining his stability in the centre. [7... d6 8. bc5 dc5 9. Aa3 is awful, for instance 9... ®a5 10. d3 ±g4 11. Wd2!] 8. a3 c5 [8... ba3 9. <£a3 d6 10. d4 leaves Black vulnerable along the a3-f8 diagonal. Remarkably, this kind of initiative is typical for the Evans Gambit, also characterized by the sacrificial b2-b4.; Maybe Black should consider returning the pawn with 8... b3, maintaining White’s initia- tive within tolerable limits.] 9. ab4 cb4 10. d4 ed4 11. <£b2 d6 12. ^d4 White’s compensation is beyond any doubt. In the next phase, Fischer will find his way through the tactical compliceations better than his historic rival. 12... ®d7 13. 4hd2 JLb7 14. 4hc4 4hh6 Sad necessity. [The more natural 14... <йе7? has the drawback of taking the e7-square away from the king: 15. 4he6! JLb2? 16. ^d6 winning the queen; 14... 4hf6? runs into 15. e5H—] 15. 4hf5! JLb2 16. <5}cd6 Ф18 17. ^h6 f6 18. ftdf7 Wdl 19. gadl фе7 20. ^h8 Hh8 Spassky was probably hoping to retain some counterplay due to his strong bishops. How- ever, Fischer’s next move takes full advantage of his superior coordination. 21. £J5! gf5 22. ef5 <£e5 23. f4 gc8 24. fe5 Пс2 25. еб Лсб 26. Hcl Hcl 27. gel &d6 28. gdl фе5 29. e7 a5 30. gel <£d7 31. Hc5 Ф04 32. Па5 b3 33. ga7 <£e8 34. Hb7 фсЗ 35. ФП b2 36. феЗ JLf7 37. g4 фс2 38. Ф04 bl® 39. Hbl ФЬ1 40. фс5 фс2 41. Ф06 1 : 0 Strictly speaking 7. Ь4 was a novelty in 1992, but the idea was surely familiar to Fischer 20 years earlier. During his last Interzonal, the one initiating his final climb to the Chess Ev- erest, Fischer doubtlessly had noticed the fol- lowing short but interesting game. В 31 RUBINETTI - MATULOVIC Palma de Mallorca (izt) 1970 1. e4 c5 2. &f3 ^c6 3. <£b5 g6 4. 0-0 <£g7 5. gel e5 6. b4! ? This suits the spirit of the Evans Gambit even better than Fischer’s 7. b4, since White keeps the strong light-squared bishop. 6... 4hb4 7. c3 [For 7. JLb2 see the next game.] ^c6 8. d4 ed4 9. e5 ^ge7 10. cd4 аб?! This and 14... h6?! lose too much time. Black should look for improvements in one of these mo- ments. 11. JLc6 dc6 12. ^bd2 0-0 13. ^e4 <£g4 14. JLg5 h6?! [14... cd4] 15. £rf6 M6 16. M6 <£f3 17. Wf3 Wd7 18. Wf4 ФИ7 19. He4 £>g8 26
MARIN’S column 119... cd4?? 20. Wh6!] 20. dc5 21. ef6 gfe8 22. gael (+ Wade) 1/2 : 1/2 22... ®d4!?^ I cannot stop myself from ex- pressing my slight confusion. but the idea was not entirely new. This will remain clouded by mystery, since Spassky met 1. e4 c5 2. 4hf3 with 2... <5}c6 only in the 20th game, when the match was practically decided. Fischer might have considered un- necessary to reveal such a lethal weapon. Be it as it may, Rubinetti was not the author of the novelty 6. b4. On top of that, White’s play in the following game was by far more convincing than his: 6/441 В 31 GURGENIDZE - KATALIMOV USSR 1968 1. e4 c5 2. ^c6 3. ±b5 g6 4. 0-0 [Once again, I am asking myself whether Fischer had spotted the merits of Gurge- nizde’s novelty by the time he took the start in the Palma de Mallorca Interzonal. Appar- ently not, since his following game with 3. JLb5 played there was rather unconvincing: 4. c3 £T6 5. We2 <£g7 6. e5 <£}d5 7. Wc4?! Too greedy. 7... <йс7 8. Лсб dc6 9. ®c5 ®d3! and Fischer had to suffer a lot before reaching a draw in Fischer — Matulovic, Palma de Mallorca 1970 - 10/407] 4... ±g7 5. gel e5 6. b4!? N ®ib4 7. ±b2 During the 1972 match, Fischer’s play against Spassky’s Sicilians was anything but convinc- ing. This determined him to deviate on the very first move with 1. c4 in four occasions. Still, 1. e4 remained his most frequent move and one would ask himself whether he had al- ready worked out his novelty back in 1972. White’s play in the next phase is so fluent that there is no need for special annotations. I have maintained mainly those originally pub- lished in the Chess Informant. 7... Wb6 8. £>аЗ аб 9. ±fl [9. ®c4? ®c7] d6 10. ^c4 ®c7 11. c3 ^c6 12. d4 b5 13. ^e3 ^ge7 14. ^d5 ®b7 15. dc5 dc5 27
MARIN’S column 16. a4! b4 [16... ba4] 17. cb4 cb4 18. Icl 0-0 [18... jle6 (M. Yudovich sr.) 19. 41g5±] 19. ^e7 <йе7 20. Wd6± la7 21. Ac4! Ae6 22. I.e6 fe6 23. ®e6 Ф118 24. £je5 a5 25. gedl! Wa6 26. £}f7 * *g8 27. &d6 Ф118 28. Ag7 &g7 29. ®e5? [29. Hc7![ &g8 30. &b5 lb7 31. Sd6 8a8 32. h4 ®e8 33. Hf6 Ш6 34. Ш6 ®f8 35. We6 &g7 36. £)d6 Wf4 37. Zdl la7 38. h5 b3 39. ®b3 ®h6 40. ®h5 41. Wh3 1 : 0 About the author GM MIHAIL MARIN • Born 21.04. 1965 in Bucharest • Graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in 1989 • Grandmaster from 1993 • Twice qualified for the Interzonal (1987, 1990) • Three times Romanian Champion (1988, 1994, 1999) • Bronze medalist on the third board at the 1988 Olympiad • Author of 10 books • Learn from the Legends won the Book of the Year award at the Chesscafe.com • Reggio Emilia il torneo de Giubileo (written together with Yuri Garrett) won the book of the Year award in Italy • Married since 1992 with WIM Luiza Marin. Our son also plays chess and we travel together to tournaments Photo by Yaizo Gallach Pei Your feedback at www.informantl966.com 28
MOSCOW, V 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13* 14* 15* 16* V. ANAND g 2791 */2 ‘/2 % ‘/2 % ‘/2 0 1 ‘/2 % !/2 % 6 !/2 1 !/2 !/2 8’/2 B. GELFAND g 2727 ’/2 ‘/2 % % % % 1 0 % Vi У2 % 6 У2 0 У2 У2 T/2 * rapid 114/196 E 60 V. ANAND 2791 - B. GELFAND 2727 Moscow (m/8) 2012 This game was played after six draws and a good win for Gelfand in the seventh game. In a short match of 12 games, this particular game would have been supremely important from Anand’s point of view. And he got right back into the match with a sparkling win! Truly world champion stuff. Interestingly, as in his match against Topalov, Anand equalises in the very next game after a loss. 1. d4 4hf6 2. c4 g6 3. f3 c5 If Black was in- tending to go for a Samisch King’s Indian, he could have played ...JLg7 and ...0—0 before playing ...c5. That would retain more flexi- bility from his perspective. [3... JLg7!? leads to normal King’s Indian positions.] 4. d5 d6 5. e4 <£g7 6. ^e2!? 0-0 [6... b5!? It would be interesting to continue in the spirit of the Benko Gambit and hope to prove that White’s early commitment to f3 and 4he2 is hardly an ideal form of development. But it is also not an ideal scenario to sacrifice a pawn this early in a World Championship match! 7. cb5 a6 8. 4hec3 0—0] 7. £bec3 In a normal Samisch variation, White’s king’s knight goes to g3. It normally does not feel so well there and later it gets re- routed to f2 or fl. White intends to solve that problem radically, by playing his knight to c3 instead, and redirecting the other knight to the ideal square in a Benoni — c4! 29
WCC MATCH 7... £hh5 Novelty; I guess Gelfand wanted to avoid a normal Benoni structure, where White’s knight could get to c4 more easily. [7... e6 8. ke3 (8. Ae2 W 9. 0-0 ±d4 10. ФЬ1 ®h4 isn’t fatal for White because of 11. Wei! and White’s space advantage should tell in the long run.) 8... ed5 9. cd5 a6 10. a4 4hbd7 11. JLe2 White’s knight goes to c4 via a3 or d2; 7... e5 - 53/(563)1 8. Ag5 [8. Ae2 e5!? 9. 0-0 ^f4^; RR 8. g4 £T6 9. h4 e6 10. h5 a6 11. a4 ed5 12. cd5 ^bd7 13. JLe2 ^e5 14. ДеЗ Sb8 15. £>a3 We7 16. &f2 Se8 17. h6 <£h8 18. g5 b5 19. ab5 ab5 20. ^ab5 gb5 21. W £>eg4 22. fg4 ®e4 23. &g2 £>g3 24. gel 1 : 0 I. Iva- nisevic 2655 — Ti. Aliyev 2258, Wheeling 2012 - 114/(196)1 8... JLf6? The critical moment occurs very early in this game! This exchange favours White, though it was surely not easy to evalu- ate it correctly at first. [8... f5! is more in the spirit of the position. Black lacks space and is in a strategically risky position. He needs to make use of his slightly better development and make sure he strikes at White’s centre before White completes his development smoothly. 9. Wd2 (9. ^d2 £>d7 10. ef5 Ш5 И. Ше4 W6=; 9. ef5 Sf5 10. Wcl Wb6T) f4 10. JLe2 £3d7 leads to a non-standard posi- tion with equal chances.1 9. JLf6! [9. JLe3 would also set Black some problems.] 9... ef6 |9... 4hf6 is possible, but here too White’s space advantage, with possibilities of a future kingside attack, would give him a long-term advantage.] 10. Wd2 [10. g4! could possibly be even more energetic. 10... ®f4 (10... 4hg7 11. We2!± White takes care to protect against a check on h4. His aim is to play against the dominated knight on g7. It is almost a mirror image of black knight on b7 in some closed variations of the Ruy Lopez. A ll...f5 12. gf5) 11. Wd2 g5 12. h4Tl 10. .. f5 Black logically tries to open the cen- tre before White consolidates. 11. ef5 Anand had calculated the position that was to occur at the end of the game right at this point! It is an impressive feat, considering the importance of this game in the context of the match. 11... ±f5 12. g4 12. .. Де8 Black could actually be driving White’s king to a good square with this check. [12... Abl 13. Sbl ®g7 14. h4 (14. <4>dl f5) h5 15. &dl± White’s king is gone with the Black’s light-squared bishop, and 30
WCC MATCH 2012 now his position seems to be more pleasant; 12... Ш4 13. <£>dl JLbl 14. Hbl ^g7 Ini- tially I thought Black is doing fine here, since he has stopped White’s h4-h5 idea, and also threatens to play ...f5 in response to White’s 15. Фс2. But White has another, not so obvious idea! 15. Wei! Wei 16. фе1± White’s space advantage, Black’s weakness on d6 and, most importantly, the suffocated knight on g7 mean that Black has not yet completely equalised.] 13. *dl! Ibl 14. Hbl 14... Wf6?? This is the decisive blunder; but White’s position was strategically more de- sirable anyway. [14... 4}g7 15. h4j; 14... 4M6 15. Фс2 ^аб 16. a3 Ah4-h5T] 15. gh5 Wf3 16. Фс2 Whl 17. Wf2 This was the move overlooked by Gelfand. White forces Black to give up one more piece to save his queen. For computers it is an easy move to spot. On the other hand, I don’t think it is as easy for humans, as the position is very non-standard and it is not easy to visualize this particular move 7 moves ago. Gelfand has been unjustly criticised for making an ob- vious blunder, which I feel is rather unfair. While watching the game live, it looked as if Black was fighting for the initiative and that White was in some sort of trouble, since he had forfeited castling. But a deeper look at the game showed that such an assesment was superficial, and that White was always hold- ing the initiative. A splendid comeback effort from the World Champion! [17... 18. £d3 ab4 19. &d2 £>d3 20. &d3+-; 17... ^c6 18. dc6+-] 1 : 0 Sundararajan 114/47 В 30 V. ANAND 2799 - B. GELFAND 2739 Moscow (т/14-rapid) 2012 The only decisive game of the tiebreaks, and the decider of a very hard-fought match. There were some missed chances, that’s true, but there also was some thrilling action in store for the spectators. 1. e4 c5 2. &f3 ^c6 3. <£b5 e6 4. <£c6 bc6 5. b3 e5 6. ^e5 We7 7. d4! Here Anand uncorks his novelty. It surely poses Black lot of practical problems, especially in a game with a faster time con- trol. [7. JLb2 d6 8. ®c4 d5 9. ®e3 d4 10. ^c4 We4 11. We2 We2 12. фе2 Де6= V. Anand 2799 — В. Gelfand 2739, Moscow (m/10) 2012 - 114/48] 7... d6 8. ^c6 We4 9. We2 We2 10. Фе2 JLb7 11. 4ha5! White gives back the pawn, in order to gain a lead in development. Al- though Black has the bishop pair, White’s formidable lead in development gives him a slight advantage. 11... JLg2 12. Hgl JLh3 [12... JLe4 13. £e3 JLc2 (13... cd4 14. JLd4 ^e7 15. ^c3) 14. dc5 dc5 15. ^a3TJ 13. dc5 dc5 14. ®c3 0-0-0 15. £f4 [15. £e3!? ^e7 16. Hadi] 15.. . JLd6?! Black does not have enough compensation for the sacrificed pawn. [15... af6 16. Sadi He8 17. <£еЗ Неб 18. ^c4 JLf5±/= White’s pieces look better, but Black 31
WCC MATCH 2012 has the bishop pair and has restored mate- rial equality.] 16. JLd6 gd6 17. gg5! 117. gg7 Wi6 18. gg3 ge8 19.ge3 ge3 20. феЗ 21. <£f4 ^d4oo] 17... ^f6 18. gc5 фЬ8 19. ^c4 An under- standable choice in a rapid game. [19. 4hb5 !± as indicated by Sakaev, would have been even stronger.] 19... ge8 20. ^e3 20. Ф13+ would still have maintained an edge. At this time, White had a huge lead on the clock and it seemed that Black had an uphill task ahead of him. It could be possible that White missed Black’s fantastic 23rd move.] 20... ^g4 21. <$}cd5 ^e3 22. £>e3 <£g4 23.13 23... Ac8!! An incredible defensive concept. Black shakes the knight’s support on e3 and then threatens to play ...Жаб, with check, from the other direction. 24. gel gh6 25. ghl ghe6 [After 25... gd6, White would have had nothing better than to repeat moves with 26. gel gh6=] 26. gc3 f5 27. &d2 f4 28. ^d5 g5 Black is being ambitious, since his rooks are actively placed. However, White still has the game within the safety margin, and nowhere does he run the risk of becoming worse. 29. gd3 ge2 30. фс1 gf2 31. h4 31... gee2?! Here there were some complicated lines leading to a draw, but keeping in mind the scenario on the clock, wherein Gelfand had just around a minute left, none of these 32
WCC MATCH 2012 lines were obvious. [31... g4!? 32. fg4 £g4 33. Ш Hee2 34. ^g4 gc2 35. <£dl Sg2 36. Bd8 фс7 37. Sd4 Sa2 38. Пс4 фЬ8 39. ^e5 Hgd2 40. Фс1 Se2 41. ^d7 фа8=; 31... £b7!? 32. hg5 See2 33. ФЬ2 Sc2 34. фаЗ Па2 35. ФЬ4 a5 36. ФЬ5 Hf3 37. Hf3 £d5 38. g6 hg6 39. ФЬ6 Sc2 40. Sh8 gc8 41.Ec8 Фс8 42. Sf4 £b3=] 32. ПсЗ JLb7 33. Hdl gh4 34. &f4 Se8 35. Shi Sc8 36. Sc8 JLc8 37. Sh4 £f5 38. Sh5 £c2 39. ПЬ5 Фа8 40. £>d5 a6 41. Па5 ФЬ7 42. ab4 £g6 43. £>a6 Sf3 Gelfand’s practical defence has been excel- lent so far. His passed h-pawn, supported by the bishop, should ensure equality despite White’s material advantage. 44. ^c5 ФЬ6 45. b4 Sf4 46. a3 Sg4 47. ФД2 h5 48. Ш7 фЬ7 49. £>e5 Sg2 50. фсЗ JLe8 [50... h4!? 51. ^g6 Sg6 52. Sh5 Hg3 53. ФЬ2 h3 54. a4 Black should be OK here, but it was probably not necessary to enter this ending.] 51. ^d3 h4 52. He5 £g6 53. &f4 Hg3 54. ФД4 JLc2 55. Sh5 Sa3 56. Sh4 The posi- tion has finally crystalized into one which can be drawn fairly easily at this level. How- ever, we should also take note of the fact that it had already been quite a long match, cou- pled with the fact that Gelfand had less than a minute here, albeit with a ten-second incre- ment. 56... Sg3 57. ^d5 Sg5 58. Ь5 £f5 59. Sh6 £g4 60. Sf6 Sf5 61. ПЬ6 Ф>а7 62. Hg6 £f3 63. Sg7 ФЬ8 64. 4hc3! Although the position is still drawn, and remained so till the final mistake, it is clear that White has achieved some progress. He has occupied the seventh rank, prevented Black from sacrificing his bishop for White’s pawn and now threatens to bring his king to a5, shielded by White’s b5-pawn. 64... JLb7 [64... £e2 65. b6 Sf4 66. фе5 Sb4=] 65. Фс4 £f3 66. ФЬ4 £d5 67. ®a4 Ш7 68. Sg5 <£13 69. 4hc5 White has made even more headway, having improved his knight, though it will still not be enough to change the assesment of the position. 33
WCC MATCH 2012 69.. . Фс7 70. Hg6 фа8 Gelfand made this move with just two seconds on his clock! This showed how difficult it is to defend such a seemingly simple drawn endgame, under the enormous tension of playing with the world champion title at stake! 71. фа5 71... Hf5?? [71... He7 could still hold the draw, but under the strenuous time pressure, Black was likely to crack at some point any- way.] 72. ®e6! Фс8 73. ®d4 Hf8 74. ®f3 ШЗ 75. ФЪ6 Sb3 76. Sg8 Фй7 77. Hb8 Sadly for Black, White has reached a winning rook end- game. It should be said that, in an impending time-trouble, a knight is always a dangerous piece; here it achieved the fork at exactly the wrong moment for Black. Having said that, one shouldn’t forget the fact that the World Cham- pion kept up the pressure, even when the posi- tion was objectively drawn, and this definitely had a huge bearing on the final result! [77... Sbl 78. Фа7 gal 79. ФЬ7 Hbl 80. b6 and White will ultimately achieve the Lucena posi- tion.] 1 : 0 Sundararajan Your feedback at www.informant1966.com Additional annotated games: m/5 - 114/(50) m/6- 114/(161) m/7 - 114/160 m/9 - 114/194 m/10- 114/48 m/12 - 114/49 Photos by Anno Burtosovo & Anastasia Karlovich 34
DMITRY JAKOVENKO EXCLUSIVE ANNOTA TIONS 114/137 D 15 D. JAKOVENKO 2729 - M. КОВАНА 2666 Plovdiv 2012 [By Dmitry Jakovenko] After winning in the first two rounds of the European championship, I won only one game out of the next six, and with 5 Vi points out of 8 I already felt out of contention. But in the 9th round Artem Timofeev blundered an ex- change in an equal position against me, and I suddenly got chances to fight for the medals. For this I needed to win once again, and again versus a compatriot. I’d met Kobalia at the board many times in the past, and never won. Moreover, Mikhail had won all his Black games at this tournament, so I did not want to take too many risks. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. &f3 ^f6 4. £>c3 a6 5. e3 ДГ5 An unexpected (4...a6 seemed to be not the most probable choice, and on the 5th move I was prepared only against 5... e6 or 5... b5) and quite unpleasant opening line. The point is that, in this line, the main ways for White to play for an advantage lead to a sharp game, sometimes involving even a piece sacrifice: 6. ®b3 b5 7. cb5 cb5 8. a4 b4 9. ®b4 £}c6 10. ®c5 4ha5 И. Даб and so on. One can find himself in a very hard situa- tion without preparation here. But since I regularly play the Slav defense with Black, I had also considered playing this line for a win with Black many times. And every time I convinced myself out of this idea, because I did not particularly like that, having been surprised, my opponent would play 6. JLd3, and the greatest pity is that after • Country: Russia • Born: 1983 • Rating: 2736 • Peak rating: 2760 • Title: Grandmaster since 2001 this "cowardly" move I would have to defend a slightly worse position. Remembering about that, I thought: if I wouldn’t like to play against 6. JLd3, then why not to play this move? 6. ДдЗ Даз 7. Wd3 еб 8. 0-0 Де7 9. е4 0—0 Here and on the next two moves, Black could trade on e4 and obtain a typical pawn structure that is considered to be quite safe (considering that the light-squared bishops have been exchanged). Nevertheless, in my opinion, White still has a minimal advantage, and I was perfectly happy with such a pace to the game. But my opponent was very quick with cas- tling, showing that he was ready for my cho- sen move. 10. ДГ4 It is not yet possible to exploit Black’s refusal to exchange on e4. After 10. e5 Black continues 10... dc4 11. ®c4 4hd5 and in case of 10. cd5 cd5 11. e5 4Md7 the black knight obtains a good square on c6, and a "French" pawn structure without the light-squared bish- ops appears, where there are no chances for an advantage. That’s why I decided to just continue developing. 10. gdl — 82/338] 36
TOP FIVE 10... <^hbd7 Black retains the tension. [Another interesting possibility was 10... b5!?, forcing the opponent to clarify the pawn structure in the center. 11. cd5 (I did not like the position arising after 11. c5 de4 12. 4he4 ®d5) cd5 12. e5 ^fd7 13. Дас1. Unlike the line after 10. cd5 Black here has made the hardly useful move ...b5 and some time must be spent for the development of the second knight (bad is 13... <5^c6?? due to 14. ^d5). It is hardly pos- sible to speak about a serious advantage for White, but some initiative is on his side.] 11. Sadi [Novelty. After the black knight has occupied the d7-square, the exchange 11. cd5 deserves much closer attention: 11... cd5 (but I did not like 11... ed5 12. e5 <йе8; the knight will come to e6 and the advance of the f2-pawn will always be met by ...f5. 12. e5 ^Йе81 am not sure that Black has solved all his problems, but it is easier for him to play this position; Instead, I was considering the alternative 11. ed5 ed5 12. c5 If you add pawns on e3 and e6 in your mind, then a pawn structure arises, that appears in several of my Black games, from various different openings(!): the Queen’s Gambit (1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. «3f3 ^f6 4. £>c3 Ae7 5. Af4 0-0 6. e3 ^bd7 7. c5 c6 8. h3 b6 9. b4 a5 10. аЗ Лаб), the Slav Defence (1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. ®f3 ^f6 4. «^сЗ e6 5. e3 аб 6. c5 ^bd7 7. b4 b6 8. ЛЬ2 Ле7 9. <£d3 0-0 10. 0—0 a5 И. аЗ Лаб) and even the Nimzo-Indian (1. d4 ®f6 2. c4 e6 3. 4hc3 ЛЬ4 4. e3 0-0 5. ^ge2 d5 6. a3 <£d6 7. c5 Ле7 8. Ь4 c6 9. £T4 b6 10. Ле2 a5 11. <£d2 Лаб). Photo by Harald Fietz All those games ended in a draw, but some- times my position became dangerous, so I felt like I wanted to be on the white side for once. The absence of the e-pawns can be ’’explained" by Black pushing ...e5 and ex- changing on d4 — this operation didn’t al- ways seem profitable for Black to me. Nevertheless, I had to decline this possibility. The reason is that after 12... 4hh5 13. Jld2 ®c7, after White plays b2-b4 and a2-a4 (there is no other plan), Black can answer with ...b6, creating the threat of ...a5. That’s why, after having spent a lot of time, I again made a simple developing move.] 11... Пс8 and again Mikhail replied practi- cally instantly, which already started to irri- tate me, especially since I now had ran out of useful moves. At this moment I noticed that if I now play... 12. ed5 [Hardly profitable is 12. Hfel ЛЬ4! 13. e5 dc4 14. ®c4 4hd5; Of course, possible is 12. ®e2, threatening e4-e5 and forcing an exchange on e4. But, psychologically, it is al- ways unpleasant to lose a tempo.] 12... ed5 13. c5 Black already does not have the option of ...b6. At the same time, the effort 37
TOP FIVE spent on ll.ed5 would not turn out to be a useless loss of time. Finally, the type of posi- tion would be more familiar to me than to my opponent, and he would have to play with his head, not his hands. Indeed, after both sides made two obvious moves... 13... ^h5 14. JLd2 ®c7 15. Efel For the first time I got the opportunity to think not on my own time, but on that of my opponent. 15... Sfe8 Probably the correct choice. I was hoping that Black would be afraid of 16.4he5, but after 16...4he5 17. e5 g6 White cannot de- velop any activity. [In case of 15... JLf6 16. g3 the knight on h5 is out of play, and its transfer via the route ...4hh5-g7-e6 would al- low the white bishop to come to d6.1 16. g3 It is necessary to prevent the invasion of the black knight to f4. [Prospectless was 16. b4 af4 17. Af4 Wf4 18. a4, at least due to 18... ®c7 19. b5 ab5 20. ab5 b6] 16... Af8 17. b4 g6 18. a4 Ag7?! This move does not deserve the "?!" sign, but it never- theless shows that Black experiences undue discomfort. [The logical continuation of the previous play was 18... 4hg7 and after 19. b5 (nothing is offered by 19. JLf4 Eel 20. Eel ®d8 21. JLg5 ®c7) it is possible to simply play 19... ab5 20. ab5 Eel 21. Eel Ea8 It turns out that the white pawn on b5 is not threatening. But, psychologically, one wants to somehow discourage the move b4-b5, at the same time not allowing the white bishop to f4, and so the knight stays on the objec- tively bad square on h5.J 19. Ebl [In case of 19. b5 Black probably in- tended 19... ab5 20. ab5 b6, so the white rook goes to the b-file beforehand.] 19... b5?! After the end of the tournament, Mikhail told me that he was deliberately provoking the following piece sacrifice, be- cause he wanted to get chances to play for a win. But I still think that, the real reason for his decision was that my opponent was very uncomfortable playing without a plan, con- stantly calculating b4-b5 and slowly catching up with me on the clock. [It was still possible to put the knight on e6 — this time the other one: 19... ^f8 20. Ee8 Ee8 21. b5 ab5 22. ab5 Ea8 or 22... <йе6] 20. Ee8 At this moment I made what was probably the best of my decisions at this tour- nament - to sacrifice a piece, almost without any calculation. I had around 30 minutes left on the clock, and I anyway would not be able to fully calculate the consequences of the sacrifice. At the same time, the lon- ger I thought, the harder it would be to go for the sacrifice, in view of the lack of time. I re- alized this quickly and said to myself: "strate- gically, the sacrifice is sound; there are no other ways to fight for a win, so I should have no reservations"! 20... Ee8 21. ab5 ab5 22. £>d5! cd5 23. Wb5 Ee4?! Black starts a counter-attack, but it looks very risky (the rook distracts itself from fighting against the white passed pawns), and it is not surprising that a refutation exists. 24. Eal! [My opponent’s idea could be seen in the variation 24. ®d3? 38
TOP FIVE 24... JLd4! 25. £>d4 ^e5 and 26... Sd4. One can call it luck that a way to indirectly protect d4 exists, but even with no tactics available, White always has the simple 24. Sei] 24... h6? This natural move is already a cru- cial mistake, and White’s answer is rather obvious. It seems that, after 19 calm moves, my opponent was not ready to play concrete chess. [It was necessary to retreat with 24... Ee8; Of course, it is impossible to play 24... Ad4 because of the check on the last rank: 25. ^d4 Sd4 26. Sa8 ^f8 (26... *g7 27. £c3) 27. We8] 25. c6 The pawn is unstoppable. 25... 4hb6 [After 25... 4hb8 White wins with 26. Sa8 Se8 27. Wa4!, followed by b4-b5, Да5 and so on.] 26. Паб ^c8 27. ®b7 Se7 28. Ha8? [Immediately winning was 28. ®c7 Sc7 29. b5 «3d6 30. Sa8 (or 30. Ь6 gc6 31. b7 Ea6 32. b8W) Hc8 31. Hc8 £>c8 32. Ab4 but I was afraid that, in the resulting position with a queen against a rook and a knight, my oppo- nent could come up with a fortress, and in addi- tion I miscalculated something. In order to save time, I decided to go into an endgame with an extra pawn and use my time later.] 28... ®b7 29. cb7 Sb7 30. Пс8 ФИ7 Objec- tively this endgame is won for White, but anything could happen in time-trouble. Luck- ily, I was able keep the position under con- trol, and my opponent defended in a hardly optimal way. 31. ФП «3f6 32. ^e5 £>e4 33. Ael Af6 34. Псб ±e7? 35. ^d3 36. ^f4 ^f5 37. £}d5 £}d4 38. Hc7 Пс7 39. ^c7 ±d6 40. Ac3 ^13 The analysis of the previous moves would take too much space without making much sense, as during the game neither player had time to look for the best moves. Now the time-trouble has ended, and Black is forced into a lost knight endgame. 41. £}e8 Ae5 42. Ae5 ^e5 43. f4 ^d7 44. фе2 <£>g8 45. £}c7! The last nuance - the knight cuts off the black king’s route via f8 and e7 to d6, which could present White some technical difficulties. 45... f5 46. <£d3 ФП 47. <£>d4 g5 48. b5 gf4 49. gf4 <4>g6 This desperate counter-attack does not have any chances for success — White wins with a big margin of tempos. 50. <4>d5 ^b6 51. фс5 ^a4 52. фсб ФИ5 53. £>e6 ab2 54. Ь6 £>с4 55. Ь7 £}а5 56. ФЬ6 4ЬЬ7 57. ФЬ7 &g4 58. Феб 1 : 0 D. Jakovenko 39
TOP FIVE PLOVDIV, III 2012 13th European Individual Championship 23 players qualified for the World Cup 2013 (348 players, 11 rounds) 1. D. Jakovenko 814, 2—14. Fressinet, V. Malakhov, Andreikin, Inarkiev, Matlakov, Bologan, Vallejo Pons, Kryvoruchko, S. Azarov, Najer, VI. Akopian, A. Volokitin, J. Smeets 8, 15—36. G. Jones, Vitiugov, E. Bacrot, Dreev, Khismatullin, M. Kobalia, Durarbeyli, Riazantsev, Ba. Jobava, F. Berkes, Ragger, Cs. Balogh, D. Fridman, Nisipeanu, Iv. Sokolov, Ki. Georgiev, Sargissian, I. Ivanisevic, Sjugirov, Khenkin, Z. Efimenko, S. Grigoriants 7!4, 37—66. Kuzubov, F. Caruana, A. Naiditsch, Melkumyan, S. Zhigalko, Vachier-Lagrave, Nyzhnyk, K. Alekseenko, Arty. Timofeev, A. Korobov, Areshchenko, Mchedlishvili, Khalifman, A. Istra{escu, Mat. Bartel, T. L. Petrosian, M.-E. Parligras, Sergey Volkov, V. Papin, Bo. Vuckovic, Ale. Rakhmanov, Al. Aleksandrov, Edouard, D. Howell, D. Navara, Z. Andriasian, A. Mastrovasilis, D. Mastrovasilis, Huschenbeth, D. Lintchevski 7, etc. European < INDIVIDUAL 19.03 01.04, Dmitry Jakovenko — The European Champion 2012 Your feedback at www.informant1966.com 40
ERNESTO INARKIEV EXCLUSIVE ANNOTATIONS 114/77 В 90 INARKIEV 2689 - KOVCHAN 2565 Moscow 2012 [By Ernesto Inarkiev] 1. e4 I always liked games where one of the players achieved success with a beautiful and, at the same time, correct attack. At the moment when a combination occurs, it seems that the pieces become alive, doubling their strength, and you can feel how time is puls- ing on the board and every second is worth as gold. It is a great pleasure to see such attacks; to play them yourself is an even greater one. It’s a pity, but it is not often that such games are played — the opponent not only does not help you, but tries to ruin all your plans. I do not know if it is possible to actually quantify beauty, but the game that I want you to look at is one of my most beautiful ones, perhaps even the most beautiful of all. 1... c5 2. d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 &f6 5. 5}c3 a6 Najdorf; according to my database, the main opening of Aleksander. 6. Ae3 e5 7. W <£e6 8. f3 h5 One of the most popular lines nowadays. Black mechani- cally prevents the advance of the white pawns. 9. Wd2 ®bd7 10. 0-0-0 gc8 11. фЪ1 Ь5!? An interesting move-order. Black delays the development of the dark-squared bishop and tries to play on the queenside immediately. [11... Ae7 — 89/237 is the main move.] 12. g3!? One of the possible plans. White frees a square for the bishop, which could prove useful on g2 in case of the typical se- quence 4hd5, JLd5, ed5; moreover, White also prepares f3-f4. [12. 4Ы5 is more popular.] • Country: Russia • Born: 1985 • Rating: 2707 • Peak rating: 2707 • Title: Grandmaster since 2002 12... 4hb6 Continuing the plan. [12... JLe7 is also possible.] 13. f4?! Novelty. Concrete play starts here and, although objectively this move is not the strongest, it sets Black a difficult choice. When making this move, White should have foreseen the consequences of the sacrifice that occured in the game. [In the stem game White chose the more solid 13. JLb6 ®b6 14. 4M5 JLd5 15. ed5 g6oo Nepomniachtchi 2718 — A. Grischuk 2757, Wijk aan Zee 2011] 13... Ь4?! Despite prolonged thought, my opponent failed to make the right decision. 41
TOP FIVE [13... 4hc4!? was a decent alternative: 14. Дс4 bc4 15. 4hcl (the endgame after 15. fe5?! de5 16. ®d8 Hd8= is more pleasant for White.) 15... JLg4! It is important that the bishop doesn’t get restricted (weak is the careless 15... ®c7? 16. f5! Ad7 17. ±g5±) a) 16. Hdel?! Де7!+ (16... Д13 17. Hhfl ®e4 18. ^e4 Де4 19. fe5 d5 20. ®e2oo) 17. f5? Д13+; b) 16. aie2 Де7оо; 13... ^a4! was the strongest move, despite its risky ap- pearance. 14. 4hd5 (The white king’s protective wall is destroyed afterl4. 4ha4 ba4 15. 4hcl a3!+) 4he4 15. ®g2 f5! intending ...JLd5 and ...<йсЗ+. In such a radical way Black stabi- lizes the position in the center and, despite the opening of files, White cannot really use the fact that the black king is stuck in the cen- ter. Still, very accurate play is demanded of both sides. 16. фа1! The only way to con- tinue the game. (16. fe5? de5—h) g6! 17. fe5 de5 18. ®c3 ®c7 19. £>e4 fe4 20. c3 ДаЗ! 21. Дс1 ^g4! 22. Де2 W 23. <£g4 ^dl 24. Hdl hg4 25. ДаЗ ®c3 26. ДЬ2 ®c2 27. Hd2 ®c4+ Black is better but White has seri- ous practical chances.] 14. ДЪ6! Missing the last opportunity to "avoid material losses"! [Weaker and more boring was 14. 4hd5?! <йе4! (14... 4hbd5? 15. ed5 <£d5 16. Даб ДМ 17. fe5!±) 15. Wb4 ®d5 16. ®e4 f5! again struggling for the center! 17. ®d3 ®c7oo] 14... ®b6 [14... ЬсЗ? 15. Дd8 cd2 16. ДЯ6± gf6 17. Даб] 15. 4hd5 Дй5 This was Black’s intention be- hind 13...b4, so he was expected to be princi- pled. [Very dull was 15... 4Ы5 16. ed5 Дd7 17. gel±] 16. ed5 4he4 It is difficult to hit the brakes... [Maybe it was objectively better to consent to a position with a pawn less after 16... Де7 17. ДЬЗ Hd8 18. Hhel±] 17. ®e2! The most natural square for the queen. [Strong enough, but weaker than the move in the game, was 17. ®el £tf2 18. Даб Hb8 19. ДЬ5 &d8 20. Дсб ^dl 21. ®dl± The comprensation is obvious — Black’s king is chronically weak and the opposite-coloured bishops strengthen the attack.] 17... <5}f2 18. fe5 £}dl A logical choice of rook - it is always better to kill the one that plays a part in the game. [18... <?}hl 42
TOP FIVE 19. ed6! *d8 20. d7! Sb8 21. Ah3+- W? 22. ®e8 Фс7 23. ®c8] 19. Ah3! With the help of this tempo move White completes his development and wants to capture the knight in comfort, after which his advantage would be obvious. [19. ed6? allows Black to simply retreat his knight: 19... ^еЗ-4-l 19... Wf2 Allowing White to finish the game in style. Objectively, it is already hard to of- fer Black any good advice. [Nothing helps: 19... £ic3 20. ЬсЗ gc3 21. ed6 ПеЗ (21... &d8 22. d7+-) 22. d7!+-; 19... gc3 20. ed6 He3 21. d7H—; The most persistent was 19... Па81 20. gdl JLe7!± and, despite White’s obvious advantage, Black can try to defend.] 20. ed6! Calculating the variations is not dif- ficult after one has seen the idea. 20... ®e2 Black has an queen and rook but, just like in a fairytale, a single white pawn is enough to decide the game. 21. d7 Фе7 22. dc8®3— and the pawn be- comes a queen! 22. .. «ЗеЗ 23. ®c7 ФГ6 24. Wf4 [24... &g6 25. ^d4 Wd2 26. <£f5+-; 24... фе7 25. 4hd4H—] 1 : 0 Inarkiev MOSCOW (open), 2012 (190 players, 9 rounds) 1. Lysyj 7!/г, 2—4. Inarkiev, Dm. Kokarev, U. Eliseev 7, 5—14. P. Maletin, Lastin, Al. Aleksandrov, B. Socko, Svetushkin, Daniil Dubov, Chadaev, E. Romanov, I. Kurnosov, Deviatkin 6/2, 15—32. Goganov, Ni Hua, Kovchan, I. Khairullin, Khismatullin, Andreikin, Bu Xiangzhi, A. Gabrielian, M. R. Venkatesh, Sergey Volkov, An. Demchenko, Tarlev, D. Bocharov, Vidit, S. Arun Prasad, Javakhadze, Ale. Rakhmanov, D. Lintchevski 6, 33—57. Alexei Kornev, B. Savchenko, Mat. Bartel, Shimanov, Arty. Timofeev, Gunina, Korotylev, Chernobay, Mikh. Krylov, E. Vorobiov, R. Khusnutdinov, Sjugirov, Frolyanov, Iljiushenok, Iv. Popov, VI. Kovalev, Sh. Ghane, Pridorozhni, Zontakh, Tukhaev, An. Borisenko, Y. Balashov, M. Petrosyan, E. Krivoborodov, M. Ozolin 5/2, etc. Your feedback at www.informontl966.com 43
NIGEL SHORT EXCLUSIV E ANNOTATIONS 114/86 C 03 Ml. ADAMS 2734 - N. SHORT 2698 London 2011 [By Nigel Short] Prior to this game, I had not defeated Michael Adams in classical chess since 1997. At best, I had managed to put him under con- siderable pressure a few times but, with his fierce determination, excellent concentra- tion and superb technique, victory had con- tinually eluded me. 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3.4hd2 h6! ? The point of this move is not immediately apparent to the casual observer. Indeed even the legendary French expert, Viktor Korchnoi, who was watching in the VIP room, was utterly scathing about it. Neverthless, unusual as it may be, it has its merits: Black takes advantage of the slow na- ture of the Tarrasch to make a semi-useful advance. In my opinion, it makes more sense than the more common but similar. [3... a6 — which has a reasonable reputation.] • Country: England • Born: 1965 • Rating: 2705 • Peak rating: 2712 •Title: Grandmaster since 1984 4. Ad3 [The main idea of Black’s third move is shown in the following variation 4. 4hgf3 Ш 5. e5 ^fd7 6. ±d3 c5 7. c3 £>c6 8. 0-0 g5! after which Black strikes against the vul- nerable d-pawn. Note also here that the Black bishop can effectively be developed on g7 - particularly when White choses, as he often does, to abandon the centre with 9. dc5 — 89/(247)1 4... c5 5. dc5 I don’t believe that such a sim- ple continuation can objectively offer any ad- vantage. 5... <£c5 6. ^gf3 ^c6 7. 0-0 ®ige7 8. We2 Novelty [8. c3] 8... 0—0 9. 4hb3 [There is an argument 9. a3 for intending a queenside expansion.] 9... JLb6 10. c3 de4 11. ®e4 [I thought 11. JLe4 was more natural — as did Aronian, ap- parently, who was in the commentary room that day. The text, however, does contain a serious threat!] 11... ^g6 .. .which I saw. 44
TOP FIVE 12. JLc4?I This is a bit odd. The bishop was on a good diagonal, but now he moves it to face aim at a pawn wall. The idea is prophy- lactic against a Black central pawn advance, but it looks a little contrived. 12... фЬ8 13. ®с2?! It was perhaps not the best day for Michael. This also looks artifi- cial and I think it was based on a tactical oversight. 13... ^ce5 14. ^e5 £>e5 15. Ae2 15... Wh4! 16. g3 ®h3 17. Ae3 [My guess is that Michael had originally intended 17. ®e4 but missed 17... <£d7!I 18. £>d4 (18. We5 ic6 mates!) ^d4 19. ®d4 Дсб 20. f3 f6 21. Wf2 Sfd8 22. JLe3 ^d3 23. Ad3 ld3+ and the weakness of his king position leaves White with an uphill task.] 17... Ae3 18. fe3 4hg4 Seizing the opportu- nity to remove the bishop and further weaken the light squares. 19. JLg4 ®g4+ 20. Sadi f6 [I spent a long time considering the positionally desirable 20... e5 but was concerned about... 21. Hf7. However I underestimated the pawn sacrifice 21... Af5! (21... Wdl 22. ®dl gf7 23. Wd8 Ф117 24. h4 gfl± was the sort of rubbish going on in my mind.) 22. Sf8 Ef8 23. Wcl b6! (denying the c5 square) which gives good play. Still, there is nothing wrong with the text.] 21. <2}d4 Coming over to assist the beleagured king. 21... e5 22. &f5 Ae6 23. e4 Sfd8 24. ^e3 ®g6 25. <4>g2 b5 Thanks to a clever regroup- ing, White has nullified any direct threats to his king. Therefore Black undertakes action on the other side of the board. 26. b3 a5 27. c4 This has the drawback of al- lowing the b-file to open. On the other hand, it creates a passed pawn and, more impor- tantly, secures d5 for the white knight. 27... bc4 28. bc4 ®h5 29. h4 29... Jld7?! A not very successful manoeuvre which, thankfully, also doesn’t cause much harm. [The more natural 29... We8 was better.] 30. Hf2 JLc6 31. ^d5 Hab8 32. ®e2 Wg6 33. Wf3 Sd7 34. ФИ2 gdb7 After some shuffling to and fro Black has eventually made some progress. He now prepares to penetrate on the queenside. In the meantime, White can undertake very little. 35. gdd2 a4 36. ®e3 <£d7 Intending ®g4, hence 37. Wf3 ... preventing it. 37... <£g4 38. We3 <£e6 39. Wf3 Sbl 40. £}еЗ Дс1 Now it starts to become ominous. 45
TOP FIVE Black has infiltrated successfully and threat- ens to double on the back rank. 41. Sd6 Wf7 42. Sfd2 Sbbl 43. g4 An un- derstandable decision but the drawback of this advance becomes painfully clear in a move or two. 43.. . ФИ7 44. h5 Sc3! Simply aiming to re- move the vital defender. 45. *g2 45.. . ДеЗ! 46. ®e3 JLg4 With a very safe king and three attacking pieces, Black is comfort- ably winning. Unfortunately, I now started to play very poorly... 47. ДЬ6! 47... Sal?! [After 47... Scl! the pawns fall like ripe apples and it is only time before the Black forces co-ordinate for an attack on the denuded king.] 46
TOP FIVE 48. Wc3 Sei 49. Щ2 Se4 50. c5 50... Ah5? Very bad. I had totally overlooked White’s next move. [Instead 50... ®h5 51. ДЬ4 (51. сб JLe6 leads to a devastating attack.) Ah3!—+] 51. ПЬ4! Ag6 52. ФИ2 We6 53. Sg2 JLf5 54. ДЬ7 JLg4 55. Ш2?! [I was much more concerned about 55. c6! making the most of White’s assets. Black has lost control to a considerable degree.] 55... f5 56. ДЬ4?! After this I felt back on track and confident of victory. 56... Sb4 57. ®b4 e4 This pawn is far too dangerous. White is reduced to defending, with all his forces. 58. Wd4 e3 59. Hfl Wa2 60. &g3 We2 61. Wf4 ®d2 62. We5 [62. c6 e2! 63. Wd2 efl^ 64. &f4 g5 65. Фе5 ^d2 66. c7 f4] 62... e2 63. Sgl h5 I was very happy with this move, just protecting the bishop. Now many roads lead to victory. 64. c6 f4 65. ФЬ4 ®d8! 66. ®g5 ®g5 67. <4>g5 f3 68. c7 f2 69. Sg4 fl® 70. c8® ®f6 71. Ф115 ®h6# An elegant finish. 0:1 N. Short LONDON, XII 2011 3rd London Chess Classic cat. XX (2748) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 KRAMNIK g 2800 ‘/2 % 1 % % 1 1 1 6 1 2 HI. NAKAMURA g 2758 ‘/2 0 ‘/2 1 1 ‘/2 1 1 5% 2-3 3 M. CARLSEN g 2826 % 1 % ‘/2 ‘/2 ‘/2 1 1 5‘/2 2-3 4 McShane g 2671 0 ‘/2 ‘/2 ‘/2 '/2 1 1 1 5 4 5 V. ANAND g 2811 ‘/2 0 ‘/2 % % 1 ‘/2 ‘/2 4 5-6 6 ARONIAN g 2802 ‘/2 0 ‘/2 ‘/2 ‘/2 1 /1 ‘/2 4 5-6 7 N. SHORT g 2698 0 ‘/2 % 0 0 0 ‘/2 1 2‘/2 7 8 D. HOWELL g 2633 0 0 0 0 ‘/2 % ‘/2 % 2 8 9 MI. ADAMS g 2734 0 0 0 0 ‘/2 % 0 % l!/2 9 Win Draw Loss Score 1 KRAMNIK g 2800 4 4 0 16* 2 HI. NAKAMURA g 2758 4 3 1 15 3 M. CARLSEN g 2826 3 5 0 14 4 McShane g 2671 3 4 1 13 5 V. ANAND g 2811 1 6 1 9 black win 6 ARONIAN g 2802 1 6 1 9 white win 7 N. SHORT g 2698 1 3 4 6 8 D. HOWELL g 2633 0 4 4 4 9 MI. ADAMS g 2734 0 3 5 3 * 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw 47
ANDREI VOLOKITIN EXCLUSIV E ANNOTATIONS 114/2 A 10 VITIUGOV 2726 - A. VOLOKITIN 2686 Deutschland 2012 [By Andrei Volokitin] In the German Bundesliga, two games are played on the weekends throughout half a year. The Sunday game starts at 10 am, which is quite unusual for chess, but professionals should be able to play well at any time of the day. The game was not of competitive impor- tance, as our teams were not fighting for any medals, but I value every game that is rated, especially when I play a strong opponent with a rating over 2700. 1. c4 g6 During preparation I checked all the possible first moves of my opponent. After 1. c4 I decided to play one of the recomendations of Emil Sutovsky, with the idea of reaching the Griinfeld Defence. 2. e4 An important nuance. [2. 4hc3 c5; 2. d4 ^f6 transposes to the Griinfeld.] • Country: Ukraine • Born: 1986 • Rating: 2704 • Peak rating: 2704 • Title: Grandmaster since 2001 2... e5 3. d4 [After 3. ±g7 4. d4 ed4 5. 4hd4 4hf6 an improved version of a King’s Indian line appears on the board, as Black has saved on the move ...d6 and can now play ...d5 at once.] 3... ^f6 4. £}f3 [I witnessed the game Mala- khov — Salgado Lopez, Plovdiv 2012, where 4. £}c3 ed4 5. Wd4 ^c6 6. Wdl ±g7 7. <£d3 was played, with White nurturing hopes of a micro-advantage in view of his better struc- ture and more space.] 4... ed4! 5. e5 48
TOP FIVE 5... 4he4! [This move is stronger than 5... £b4 6. Ad2 We7 7. <£b4 Wb4 8. Wd2 Wd2 9. £}bd2 4hh5 10. 4hd4 with a very slight ad- vantage for White in the endgame. — 29/24] 6. Wd4 JLb4 7. 4hbd2 [White can seek some advantage by means of 7. ^c3 4hc3 8. bc3 9. ®d3, when Black can respond with the calm 9... JLe7 or the sharp 9... JLa5; In both cases Black has adequate counterplay.] 7... This move leads to a more compli- cated game, but it is also more risky. [7... £jd2 is more clear and less ambitious: 8. JLd2 Ш 9. ®e3 JLd2 10. Wd2 We7 11. 0-0-0 Gata Kamsky played here 11... b6 12. JLd3 £b7 13. Ae4 0-0-0 14. ghel ®c5 §uba 2471 - Kamsky 2756, Romania 2011. I think that White is a little bit better here, but the game should end in a draw.] 8. Ле2 4hc6 9. ®e3 [It looks strange to move the queen into the tempo-gaining 9. Wf4 4he6; After 10. ®g3 4hcd4 Black has no problems.] 9... &f3 10. <£f3 0-0 Novelty. [10... We7] 11.0-0 Se8 12. Дсб? Practically abandoning any aspira- tions to an opening advantage. [Only one move could pose Black any problems, and that was 12. Jtd5! Of course, Nikita did not want to sacrifice a pawn without any relevant prepa- ration, especially since it is hard to calculate everything. 12... d6 13. 4he4 Де5 14. ®g3! Not an obvious move. (Less demanding is 14. ®f4 JLe6 15. a3 Sf5 16. We3 <£c5 17. ^c5 dc5 18. <£e6 fe6 19. We6 &g7 20. gel Wd6 and the endgame is approximately equal.) 14... 4hd4 15. ®d3! Black now has several interesting possibilities. a) 15... c6! leads to exchanges and a little ad- vantage for White due to open king and better structure, but objectively this is the least of evils and Black should hold. 16. JLf7! Ф17 17. Wd4 JLf5 (17... We7 18. ^g3±) 18. ^g3 Wf6 19. <£e3 Se7 20. ®dl!±; b) 15... 4he6 An ambitious move, as the play is open to all three results now and Black is taking a real risk: bl) 16. a3! JLc5 17. JLd2! The best is to de- velop pieces, using the weakened position of the black king. In general, White’s game is easy - put the bishop on c3 and bring the rook into action. 17... JLb6 (17... ®e7 18. Дае1 сб 19. <£e6 Леб 20. b4 ЛЬб 21. ^d6±) 18. gadl c6 19. Леб Пеб 20. Wf3! White has a strong initiative, for example 20... JLd4 21. <£g5 Wb6 22. b4 d5 23. ^d6!±; b2) 16. f4 Not the strongest move. White wants to exploit the position of Black’s rook, but at the same time weakening the dark squares. The exchange sacrifice does not provide full compensation. b21) 16... Sh5 This move looks dangerous, but White must play very precisely in order to exploit this. b211) 17. JLd2 Not the best move, as it gives Black an opportunity for profitable exchanges. 17... ^c5! 18. Wd4 ^e4 19. ЛЬ4 c5 20. We4 cb4 21. Sf2 gb8 22. gel <£d7 23. We7 Леб 24. Wd8 Sd8 25. Леб fe6 26. Пеб Ф17 27. Sfe2 Sd7; 49
TOP FIVE Ь212) 17. аЗ! The strongest; in many varia- tions it is important to first ask Black where he wants to put his bishop. 17... Да5 (17... ®c5 18. We2! Да5 19. <£}g5 <S^e6 20. ДеЗ White has shut the black rook out of the game and ДВ is coming next, setting Black seri- ous problems. 20... ®e7 21. ДВ XZh4 22. g3 ®g5 23. fg5 Se4 24. Де4 ®e4 25. b4 ДЬ6 26. Wel±; 17... Дс5 18. ДеЗ Wh4 19. h3 Hf5 20. Дс5 ^c5 21. <^c5 dc5 22. Sael±) 18. g4!± Black loses material, as 18... Sh4? is bad due to 19. f5 Sg4 20. <£h 1 gf5 21. Ш5 ДЬ6 22. Ad2+-; b213) 17. 4hg3 This move gives Black counterplay. 17... Дс5 18. ДеЗ Sh4 19. f5 ®g5 20. Sael W4 All the black pieces are in play and the rook now stands well too. A sample variation: 21. ®ЬЗ ДГ5 22. Дс5 dc5 23. ®Ь7 WB^; b22) 16... Пе4! 17. ®e4 c6 18. Деб Деб 19. ДеЗ ДГ5 20. ®d4 White stands a little better but it is not easy to break Black’s defences.] 12.. . dc6 13. <M3 [White does not manage to put the knight on e4: 13. Wf4 ДТ5!1 13.. . Д§4 The outcome of the opening is that White has a superior pawn structure, while Black has activity and the two bishops. I liked my position. 14. ®b3 [During the game I calculated 14. Дd2 We7 15. ДЬ4 ®b4 16. ®g5! White sacs a pawn but brings the knight to f6! I planed to play 16... ®c4! and the game should end in perpetual check: 17. <5}e4 (17. Sacl ®e2 18. Wf4 ДЕ5 19. e6 f6 20. ®c7 fg5 21. Wf7 *h8 22. Wf6=) <£g7 18. <af6 Sed8 19. h3 Дf5 20. ®g5 We6 21. Wei h6 22. Wi5 ФЪ7 23. ®f6 *g7=] 14... a5 The position is still equal, but I think it is easier to play with Black. 15. Д§5 ®c8 [Also possible is 15... ®d7 16. Дf6 Де7] 16. ДГ6 Де7 17. Де7 The position is com- pletely equal. [Now more solid was 17. ®c3 ДЕЗ 18. Wf3 We6 19. ®c3 Wf5 20. Де7 He7 21. Дае1=] 50
TOP FIVE 17... ge7 18. Hfel It was better to play the other rook here, in order to retain the option of f4-f5. [18. Sael! a4 19. ®c3 <£f3 20. Wf3 We6 21. ®e4 Д68 22. f4 The game should end in a draw but, with a few little inaccuracies, the opponent gives me chances.] 18... a4 A useful move, considering that Black can exchange on f3 at any point. 19. ®сЗ JLf3 20. ®f3 We6 I think that at this moment Nikita did not feel the danger of landing in a strategically hopeless situation. Black wants to seize the d-file and combine threats to the queenside pawns and the one on e5. It was better to exchange queens and play the rook ending. 21. ®c3 [21. ®f6 Sae8 22. ®е6 Пеб 23. f4 f6 24. He4 fe5 25. gael Sd6 26. fe5 gd2 27. c5 Hb2 28. Да4 With active counterplay and both rooks on the board, White should hold the draw.] 21... gd7 22. gadl gad8 23. gd7 Wd7 24. e6!? A responsible decision. White gives up a pawn, but opens up the black king and obtains active counterplay. Alternatively, he could have waited: [24. ФЛ ®f5 increasing the pressure. After 24. g3 White should take the possibility of an unpleasant rook ending into account: 24... ®d2] 24. .. fe6 25. ®еЗ ®f7 with the idea to move the queen to f5. 26. g3 ®f5 At this moment Nikita was in time-trouble, and naturally the value of each mistake grows under such circumstances. 27. &g2 [27. b3! ab3 28. ab3 gd3 29. ®a7! ПЬЗ 30. ®b8 Wf8 31. ®c7 Sb2 32. gfB with equality.] 27... Ф17 Calmly improving the position. 28. h4 Inaccurate. [28. ®h6 28... g5! 29. Wh5 фе7 30. He2 Hf8+; It was a good idea to determine the queenside struc- ture: 28. b3! ab3 29. ab3 Hd3 30. ®a7 ®f3 (30... ПЬЗ 31. Wb8M 31. <£>gl Ш2 32. Hfl Wb3 33. ®b8 Wb6 34. c5 ®c5 35. ®c7 and White should hold.] 28... c5 I continue improving my position and do not force the game yet. Such a manner of play is very unpleasant for an opponent in time-trouble. [After 28... Hd3 29. ®h6 <4>g8 30. ДеЗ b5 31. ЬЗ Black has the advantage, but it is not easy to win.] 29. ®h6 [The computer suggests here a strong move: 29. ®c3! I did not see it during the game. The idea is He5 and ®a5, for in- stance: 29... Sd4 30. ПеЗ! фе7 31. ®a5 b6 32. Wa7! &d6 33. ®a4=] 51
TOP FIVE 29... <£g8 30. We3 Sd4 31. We2? A serious mistake, consequence of the time pressure. [31. b3! ab3 32. ab3 gd3 33. We6 (Also possible 33. ®e2, intending 33... ДЬЗ 34. gdlM ®e6 34. Неб gb3 35. Пе5] 31... e5 Exploiting the chance, I push the pawn as far as possible. Also good was to just simplify the position. [31... b6+ 32. b3 a3; 31... Ф17!?+] 32. ЪЗ [After 32. ®e5 We5 33. ge5 gc4 the rook ending is difficult for White: 34. Де8 (34. ge7 gc2 35. gc7 Ь5+) ФП 35. Нс8 Ь5 36. Пс7 Феб 37. ЬЗ Пс2! 38. Ьа4 Ь4! 39. Sh7 с4—И and the black pawns should reach their goal.] 32... ab3 33. аЪЗ e4 34. Hal Trying to get some counterplay. 34... Sd3 35. Sa8 ФП 36. Sh8 Both players are playing good moves. 36... ф§7 During the game I thought this is the only move. But there was a beautiful al- ternative: [36... We5!? Domination! 37. Hb8 (37. Sh7?? Фg8 38. Sh6 Фg7-+) b6 38. ®g4 ®f5+] 37. Se8! 37... Wf3! 38. ®f3 ef3 39. фИЗ Ф16 40. g4 ДЬЗ The first session is over, so the moment has come to calmly evaluate the situation. Black has two extra pawns in a rook end- game, but these pawns are doubled on the c-file and White has active pieces. I estimated that Black has good chances to win, but I was not sure. 41. g5! The best. [The black king would be activated in case of 41. Hh8?? фе5! 42. Hh7 Фd4—h and Black is now winning: 43. Hc7 Фс4 44. Sg7 (44. фgЗ Hbl!) фdЗ-+] 41... ФГ5! Only forward! Black would gain nothing from bringing his king to the seventh rank. 42. He7 c6 43. Sh7 b5 44. Дс7?? A decisive mistake, missing the chance for a study-like escape. Correct was to give a series of checks on the seventh rank, aiming to worsen the black king’s position, so that the capture of the pawn on g6 would come with check, or the black king would be an ob- stacle to the advance of the black pawns. [44. Ш7! фе4 (44... фе5 45. h5!; 44... Феб 45. Hf6) 45. Se7 Фd4 46. cb5! a) 46... Sb5 47. Неб c4 48. Sg6 Фс5 (48... Фd5 49. Hf6 c3 50. g6=) 49. Hf6 c3 50. ЩЗ Фd4 51. Hf4 Фd3 52. Hf3 Фd2 53. Hf4 c2 54. Sc4 Sb3 55. Фg2 Hc3 56. НсЗ ФеЗ 57. g6 cl® 58. g7=; b) 46... cb5! 47. Hd7! There is no point in in- terfering with the king. 47... ФеЗ (47... фе5 48. Se7! Фd6 49. Sg7 c4 50. Sg6 Фd5 51. Hf6 Hbl 52. g6 Hgl 53. Ф112! Hg2 54. фЬЗ=; 47... Фс4 48. Sd6 Hbl 49. Ф112! b4 50. Hg6 Hfl 51. h5=) 48. h5! No problems for White even the next move is setting a trap... 48... ДаЗ (48... gh5 after 49. Hf7!= leads to a draw, as the g-pawn is very fast) bl) 49, hg6?? 52
TOP FIVE Ы1) After 49... c4?? White escapes with the study-like 50. Hd8!! and now the black rook is forced into an unsuccessful position: (50. Sf7 la8 51. If3 &d4!~+-) 50... Ia7 51. Sf8 bill) 51... ФЬЗ 52. Hf3 сЗ 53.Hf7 Ha8 54. f4! Sc8 55. g7 lg8! 56. &g4 c2 57. Hc7 Sg7 58. Hc6!! Hg6 (58... Hd7 59. g6 b4 60. f5 2d4 61. <£h5D=) 59. Дс2! Фс2 60. f5 Eg8 61. f6D Hf8 62. ФТ5 b4 63. g6 b3 64. g7 gb8 65. f7 b2 66. g8®! bl® 67. ®g3!= According to the Nalimov table- bases, this position is drawn; bl 12) 51... <£d2 52. Hb8=; Ы13) 51... <£d4 52. Hf4=; bl 14) 51... Hg7 52. Hf3 &d4 (52... ф>Ь2 53. Sf6D b4 54. f4 c3 55. Деб b3 56. f5 c2 57. Hc4!!= cl® 58. Icl Фс1 59. f6 Hg6 60. f7 b2 61. f8® bl® 62. ®fl=) 53. Hf4! <£>d3 54. Д13 Фе4 55. &g4! b4 56. Hf7! Hg6 57. Sb7 b3 58. фЬ5 Hg8 59. g6D=; bl2) 49... Ha8!!—I- The only way to win. It is important to get the rook to its ideal posi- tion. 50. Hf7 c4 51. ДВ &d4! The black pawns are faster. Ы21) 52. Hf4 <£d3 53. Hf3 Фе4 54. ДеЗ (54. <£g4 b4-+) <£d4 55. Де7 сЗ—Ь; Ы22) 52. g7 Hg8 53. Hf8 (53. Hf7 c3 54. Hd7 Фе4 55. f3 ФеЗ 56. Ic7 b4 57. f4 ФТ4 58. ДЬ7 фй! 59. ДЬ4 Hg7 60. ФЬ2 ДЬ7 61. <£gl Дс7—b) Sg7 54. Ed8 (54. <£g4 Hc7!-+) фе4 55. &g4 ДЬ7!~I-; b2) 49, h6!! The only escape. The idea of White is to create connected passed pawns. b4 50. Hg7 ДаШ 51. ФЬ2П Да8 52. Hg6 b3 53. ДЬ6 Hh8D 54. *g3 c4 55. &g4 ФЬ2П 56. ФЬ5 сЗ 57. g6D c2 (57... Дс8 58. h7 c2 59. Hc6D Деб 60. h8® ДеЗ 61. g7 cl® 62. g8® ®hl=) 58. НсбП cl® 59. Hcl Фс1 60. g7 Hb8 61. h7 b2 62. g8® bl® 63. h8®=] 44... bc4! 45. Hc6 Hb5!—h The advance of the front c-pawn wins easily. 46. Даб 46... Фе4! 47. h5 gh5 48. g6 c3 Summing up, I once again realized that games are won in the nuances: a surprise in the opening, equal- ization, some inaccuracies by the opponent, a mistake in time-trouble and finally a missed saving chance in the rook endgame. 0:1 A. Volokitin Your feedback at www.informant1966.com 53
NIKITA VITIUGOV EXCLUSIVE ANNOTATIONS 114/27 A 65 VITIUGOV 2709 - I. CHEPARINOV 2665 Plovdiv 2012 [By Nikita Vitiugov] 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. ^c3 JLg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 0—0 6. ЛеЗ Ivan has a wide opening reper- toire, but I was pretty sure he would prefer to fight it out in a King’s Indian. 6... c5 7. ^ge2 ^c6 8. d5 ^e5 9. ^g3 h5 10. Ле2 аб 11. a4 [11. 0-0!?] 11.. . еб 12.0-0 ed5 13. cd5 <£d7 Black com- bines two well-known plans in this structure: preparing ...b5 and pushing the h-pawn to disturb the white knight on g3. [13... 4hh7 — 112/(50)1 14. 4hhl!? [In previous games White usually played more concretely: — 14. h3 h4 15. 4hhl b5 16. <£g5 b4 17. abl c4 18. ЛЬ4 (18. f4?? N Wb6 19. af2 4he4 20. ЛЬ4 Gundavaa 2493 — G. Guseinov 2634, Moscow 2012 — 114/(27)) He8 N (18... Wa5) 19. f4 £>d3 20. Ad3 cd3 21. Wd3 He4 22. £>d2 ge8 23. ^g3 • Country: Russia • Born: 1987 • Rating: 2703 • Peak rating: 2733 • Title: Grandmaster since 2007 Wb6 24. Ф112 1/2 : 1/2 A. Giri 2714 - T. Ra- djabov 2773, Wijk aan Zee 2012 - 114/(27)1 14... b5 Novelty. [14... ПЬ8] 15. 4hf2 White doesn’t hurry, and instead simply improves the placement of his knight. 15... b4 16. £>bl c4 Black has commenced a very aggressive plan. The game now becomes very complicated for both sides. 17. JLd4 [17. 4hd2 Дс8 was simply a differ- ent move order.] 17... Hc8 18. ^d2 [I disliked 18. h3 because of... 54
TOP FIVE 18... He8 (18... h4 19. f4 ^d3 20. Ad3 cd3 21. Wd3 £A5 22. ^g7 <4>g7 with some com- pensation, but maybe not enough; Houdini recommends 18... ДЬ6!) 19. f4 4hd3 20. id3 cd3 21. Wd3 ^e4?? 22. £>e4 ДР5 23. Ш12+-; 21... Wc7^1 18... c3 19. ЬсЗ bc3 20. ^b3 [Only a com- puter could accurately calculate the conse- quences of 20. Де5 de5 21. 4hc4. From a human point of view, it is obvious that Black has easy play.] 20... ^c4 21. ®c2 [After 21. ®cl Black would have the extra option 21... 4ha5!?] 21... 5}d5? Probably the result of a miscalcu- lation. [21... He8 22. ®c3 ^d5 23. ed5 «ЗеЗ 24. Wd2! During the game I was afraid of 24... Hc2, but after simple 25. ®d3H— White wins.; 21... ^a5?! 22. Даб; 21... Д116? 22. ic4 (22. ®сЗ «ЗеЗ) Пс4 23. Wd3 Sa4 24. Sa4 Да4 25. ®c3±] 22. Дс4 Hc4 23. <£g7 «ЗеЗ 24. We2 [Maybe I should have chosen the more natural 24. ®cl Wg5 25. g3 &g7 26. f4 ®f6 27. We3±] 24... Wg5 25. 4hdll? During the game this looked good, but in fact it gives Black decent drawing chances. 25... 4hg2? [The correct capture was 25... 4hfl 26. ®c4 (26. ^f8 ga4 27. Па4 Да4 28. ^сЗ ДЬЗ 29. <£d6=) Sc8! (26... £>e3 27. We2!+-) 27. h4 (27. Wfl &g7 28. Wd3 c2 29. ^сЗ Деб 30. h4 Wh4 31. £}d4±) Sc4 (the point is 27... Wh4 28. Wfl &g7 29. ^e3!) 28. hg5 &g7 29. ФН c2 30. ^f2 Да4 31. ^cl ДЬ5 32. фе1 Дс5± I guess that Black is closer to a draw than White to a win here.] 26. ДИ6! ®h6 27. ®c4 Despite the extra rook, White’s position is not completely won — especially in time pressure. 27... W4© 28. ФЫ Пс8 29. Wd4© [Only a computer becomes greedy in such positions, such as with — 29. ®a6 c2] 29... Деб 30. acl Wg5 31. ggl Wh4 32. Sg3 [I was planning to "finish the game" with 32. 4hc3 but noticed in time that after time 32... ®h3 33. ®e3 Дg4! the game is in- deed over, but not with the desired result.] 32... Sc4 33. Wd6 Sc8 34. £>d3 [The com- puter’s recommendation is 34. 53f2] 55
TOP FIVE 34... £>d3 35. Wd3 c2 36. ^c3 Wf6 37. f4 h4 38. Se3 Wf4 39. gael [39. gel would have won faster, but it wasn’t easy to find the key idea behind this move — geel!] 39... JLg4 40. h3 JLh3? The last mistake. [40... JLh5 41. 4ha2H—; I was gearing up for a long-lasting realization of my advantage af- ter 40... JLdl 41. Sdl cdl® (41... gc3 42. Wd8!) 42. adl+-] 41. ®c2 Ag4 42. ®g2 I was pretty happy with my play on this day. 1 : 0 Vitiugov PLOVDIV, III 2012 13th European Individual Championship 23 players qualified for the World Cup 2013 (348 players, 11 rounds) 1. D. Jakovenko 8/2, 2—14. Fressinet, V. Malakhov, Andreikin, Inarkiev, Matlakov, Bologan, Vallejo Pons, Kryvoruchko, S. Azarov, Najer, VI. Akopian, A. Volokitin, J. Smeets 8, 15—36. G. Jones, Vitiugov, E. Bacrot, Dreev, Khismatullin, M. Kobalia, Durarbeyli, Riazantsev, Ba. Jobava, F. Berkes, Ragger, Cs. Balogh, D. Fridman, Nisipeanu, Iv. Sokolov, Ki. Georgiev, Sargissian, I. Ivanisevic, Sjugirov, Khenkin, Z. Efimenko, S. Grigoriants 7/2, 37—66. Kuzubov, F. Caruana, A. Naiditsch, Melkumyan, S. Zhigalko, Vachier-Lagrave, Nyzhnyk, K. Alekseenko, Arty. Timofeev, A. Korobov, Areshchenko, Mchedlishvili, Khalifman, A. Istra{escu, Mat. Bartel, T. L. Petrosian, M.-E. Parligras, Sergey Volkov, V. Papin, Bo. Vuckovic, Ale. Rakhmanov, Al. Aleksandrov, Edouard, D. Howell, D. Navara, Z. Andriasian, A. Mastrovasilis, D. Mastrovasilis, Huschenbeth, D. Lintchevski 7, etc. Your feedback at www.informontl966.com 56
ONE COUNTRY 'Лиаэ -3 BERG * CARLSSON * GRANDELIUS * TIKKANEN 114/140 D 17 E. BERG 2587 - J. HECTOR 2560 Malmo 2012 1. For a change, I decided to avoid my beloved 1. e4 in favor of a Slav encounter. Of course, I had to take the risk that Hector might try to surprise me with something else over the board, but, according to the games in the database, he was very predictable to a certain point. 1... d5 2. d4 3. c4 c6 4. ^c3 dc4 5. a4 <£f5 6. ^e5 ^bd7 7. £>c4 ®c7 8. g3 e5 9. de5 ^e5 10. <£f4 So far ev- erything was running according to plan. 10 ... 4hfd7 [Apart from the move played in the game, I had seen Hector play the move 10... Hd8 a couple of times with success. It’s a solid setup, but after 11. ®cl JLd6 12. 4hd6 ®d6 13. Ag2 White has got the pair of bish- ops and has a slight egde.J 11. JLg2 JLe7 After some thought, Hector de- cided to repeat the move that brought him victory over Peter Heine Nielsen in Politiken Cup last year. [11... f6 (— 111/183) is usually the main choice by Hector while; 11... g5 (— 111/182) is the main line and probably the best move, but it usually leads to very sharp play with opposite-side castling.] 12. Scl! This move has seen daylight before, but not among the strongest grandmasters. It’s however a logical move, also recommended by the computer. The main ideas are to put pressure on the c-file and create threats like 4hb5 or 4hd5. Black already needs to be ex- tremely careful. [Instead, Nielsen — Hector continued 12. ®cl f6 13. 4he5 £}e5 14. 4hd5 Wa5 N (14... Wd8) 15. <£d2 ®d8 16. ^e7 We7 17. 0-0 0-0 (P. H. Nielsen 2681 - J. Hector 2568, Helsingor 2011), when White * Emanuel Berg Country: Sweden Born: 1981 * * Rating: 2587 Peak rating: 2627 Title: Grandmaster since 2004 has the pair of bishops and a slight pull, but Black is very solid. White didn’t find the right way forward and, in a long fighting game, Black later managed to win.] 12... f6 N This move is a bit too slow. [During the game I started thinking about the move 12... g5 in order to solve the problems of the pin. This does not look sound for Black, but White also needs to react energetically in order to maintain an advantage, 13. 4hd5! cd5 14. ^e5 ^c5 (14... ®a5 15. ±d2 ±b4 16. ^d7 JLd7 17. JLc3 <£c3 18. ПсЗ gives White a solid advantage.) 15. JLe3 (15. 4Sf7I? might 58
SWEDEN ONE COUNTRY also work, as the computer shows, but it looks very messy to me.) ®e5 16. JLd4 ®e6 17. £c5 and White has a stable plus thanks to his better pawn structure and safer King.; 12.., Деб is perhaps the most solid, but also runs into tactics after 13. 4he5 4he5 14. 4hd5! An improvement. (14. ®d4 f6 15. Йе4 Wa5 16. JLd2 ®d8 with a balanced po- sition in L. Coelho 2409 — J. Cubas 2424, Santos 2003) Wa5 15. Ad2 ®d8 16. ^e7 ®e7 17. 0-0 0-0 18. ®c2 and White is somewhat better thanks to his pair of bish- ops.; 12... Bd8 is well met by 13. 0—0 (13. Й45 does not bring much after 13... cd5 14. Йе5 Wa5 15. Ad2 ®b6 and the isolated d-pawn is not enough to bring White a seri- ous advantage.) ®b8 the black queen is now out of danger on the c-file, but White has other trumps. 14. 4he4 0—0 15. ®c2 Vazquez Igarza 2517 — Cao Armillas 2154, Collado Villalba 2006, White threatens 4hf6 and also has a very active position. Black also needs to solve the problem of the pin from the JLf4. If nothing else occurs, White can simply continue Sfdl next and maintains a slight advantage.] 13.0—0 A sad move to play, but the threats of £jb5 or £bd5 started to look scary. [Perhaps 13. 4M5 was even stronger, forcing the line 13... cd5 14. ^e5 Wa5 (14... ДЬ4 15. ФН! will cost Black the pawn on d5 and the king on e8 will not be able to castle, e.g. 15... ®a5 16. £}d7 JLd7 17. JLd5± is perhaps already winning for White, as the computer points out.) 15. Ad2 ДЬ4 16. ad7 Ad7 17. Дc3! ic3 18. Hc3 Wa4 19. Wa4 Да4 20. <£d5± with a favourable ending for White.] 13... ®b8 [However, 13... <йс5 might had been a playable alternative. White should proceed with 14. 4he3 followed by b4 which keeps a strong initiative.] 14. a5! Since White didn’t have any immedi- ate tactical threats, it’s time to play positional chess. White now creates the threat of a5-a6 and provokes weaknesses on the Queenside. 14... a6 [14... Деб 15. 4he4 0—0 16. a6f gives White a clear advantage.] 15.4ha4 A natural follow-up, but even stron- ger was [15. Де5! fe5 (15... 4he5 16. ®b6 will win at least an exchange for White, since 16... Ha7 does not work, in view of 17. f4 4hg4 18. 4hcd5! cd5 19. ®a4H— when the white attack is crashing through.) 16. e4 Деб 17. Дh3! The key move, which brings White a clear advantage 17... ДЬЗ 18. ®h5 g6 19. ®h3± White’s initiative and the threat of ®e6 are just too much for Black.] 15... Wc7 16. ^ab6 Hd8 [16... W 17. ab6 ®b8 is just too passive. White has several ways to proceed, but the best seems to be 18. 4ha5!, which creates the threat of 4hb7, and after the natural 18... 0—0, White can finish nicely with 19. Деб! bc6 20. 4hc6 ®e8 21. ^e7 We7 22. Да8 Да8 23. ®d5+-] 17.4hd5! Now it’s time to convert the advan- tage, before Black manages to castle and con- solidate. 17... cd5 18. ^еЗ Wa5 19. £>f5 White has the pair of bishops, the black king is stuck in the center, and White is already close to winning. 19... g6 20. 4he7 The simplest and best, al- though I spent some unnecessary time trying to make tactical issues with ...4hg7-e6 work. [20. Дd2 ®b6? 21. ®ig7 ФП 22. Д116+-; 20... Wb5] 20... Фе7 21. ®d4 It’s better to let the d5 pawn alone for the moment, and concentrate 59
ONE COUNTRY SWEDEN on activating the pieces. Black’s king will soon come under a serious attack. 21... ^c6 22. ®еЗ ФГ7 [22... ^de5 23. Ae5 fe5 24. Ш6Ч 23. gfdl ^de5 24. b4! [24. Дс5? would be a blunder in view of 24... 4hc4!, and it’s rather White who should try to get out of some trouble. 25. Да5 4he3 26. Ae3 ^a5 27. <£d5 &g7 28. <£b6 would lead to a drawn engame.J 24... ®b5 [24.., Wa2 25. Ae5! fe5 26. gd2+-; 24.., Wb4 25. <£d5 Sd5 26. Ш5 is similar to the game.] 25. Дс5 ®b4 26. JLd5 Hd5 Forced, since the black king has nowhere to escape. 27. Scd5 Де8 28. Де5 4he5 29. ®h6 <4>g8 Black seems to have got away for the moment, but the posi- tion is obviously lost for him. White can play 30. Sd8 to simplify and get a techinical win. However, I found a more entertaining way to finish the game. 30. Se5! fe5 [30... Se5 31. gd8 ФП 32. Wh7 Феб 33. Wd7#J 31. Sd7 ge7 [31... Wbl 32. <£g2 We4 33. f3 We2 34. Ф113 Wfl 35. Ф114 ®c4 36. g4H— and the white king has avoided the checks.] 32. Sd8 фГ7 33. ®h7 ФГ6 34. ®h8 ф§5 [34... фf5 35. Wf8 Феб 36. Wg8] 35. h4 ФГ5 [35... Фg4 36. Фg2!] 36. Wf8 Феб 37. Wg8 ФГ5 38. Wf8 [38. e4! would have forced mate or the win of the queen after 38... ®e4 (38... Фе4 39. ®g6 Ф13 40. Wd3 Фg4 41. Sg8+-; 38... Фg4 39. Wg6 Ф13 40. Wh5 Фе4 41. Wg4#) 39. Sf8 Фg4 40. f3+-] Феб 39. Wg8 ФГ5 40. Sf8 [40. e4!l фе4 41. Wg6 фd5 42. Hd8 фс5 43. XZdl! Black has no chance to defend himself. 43... a5 44. ®d6 фЬ5 45. Wd3 ®c4 46. Sbl фс5 47. ®a3 Black resigned, since he will lose either his rook or his queen on the next move. 1:0 E. Berg 114/100 C 45 P. CARLSSON 2502 - IV. SOKOLOV 2648 Porto Carras 2011 1. e4 This game is from the European Team Championships in Greece. Strenghtened by our good result in round 1, when we were on the verge of beating France, we were looking forward to the match against Holland. They have a very strong team, with Anish Giri, King Loek and Ivan Sokolov on the first three boards. I had therefore counted on getting to play another strong GM and I was not about Pontus Carlsson * Country: Sweden * Born: 1982 Л * Rating: 2531 * Peak rating: 2531 * Title: Grandmaster since 2007 to be dissappointed, since a determined Ivan Sokolov waited on the other side of the board. 60
SWEDEN ONE COUNTRY 1... e5 2. 4hf3 4hc6 Thus far we were both in our preparations, and now it was time for me to step out of Ivan’s preparation with my old childhood love, the Scotch. 3. d4 ed4 4. 4hd4 Here Ivan went into some thought before he played 4... 4hf6. He did that because he plays four different moves in this position, and he wanted to play the move against which he thought I was least pre- pared. 4... £}f6 5.4hc6 bc6 6. e5 4he4 This move was a surprise for me. I just had a vague recollec- tion of some main line starting with 7. 4hd2, but I decided to not try and test my memory, but to play something different. I spent 20 minutes of thought before I played... 7. ШЗ My idea is that the pawn on c6 would be hanging if Black playes ...d5 and White takes en passant. 7... £}g5 Black’s plan in this variation is to play the knight around to e6, where it stands very well and can support the advance of the central pawns. The play is very similar to the old Berlin Defence. 8. Wg3 ^e6 9. ЛйЗ d5 [9... d6 - 57/315] 10. 0-0 White avoids clearing the centre, so as to not help Black to develop. His plan now is f4-f5 10... Лс5 to stop f4 other idea behind the move is to, at the right moment, be able to exchange off the knight on e6, followed by ЛеЗ to take control over the dark squares. 13... ФИ8 Ivan wanted to remove all of White’s Л116 ideas. [13... c5 14. Л116 ®e7 15. c4! is a strong temporary pawn sacrifice in order to stop Black’s central pawns. The idea is very thematic with the bishop on b6, that risks to be enclosed. 15... dc4 16. 4hd2 Лаб 17. <5}e4 gives White a strong attack. 17... Ф118 (17... c3 18. Лg7! 4hg7 19. £Т6 Ф118 20. Wh4 h5 21. ®g5 and white wins) 18. ®h3 gh6 19. Wh6 f6 20. ef6 Wf7 21. Леб with a clear white advantage; 13... f6 14. a4! a5 (14... fe5? 15. Леб Леб 16. a5 and White wins.) 15. ®h3 ^g5 16. Лg5 Лf5 17. Wf5 fg5 18. ®еб Ф118 19. ®c6 with advantage.] 14. c3 4hc5 [14... c5 is the natural move that Black wants to play, but 15. ®h3! g6 ( 15... h6?? 16. Л116! and White wins.) 16. Леб Леб 17. ®g3 gives white good play on the dark squares.] 15. Лс2 White absolutely doesn’t want to exchange the light-squared bishops, since the white bishop is clearly more active and a serious source of threats on the bl-h7 diagonal. 15... f5 A must, since otherwise White will play Лg5 and ®h4, with a deci- sive attack. 11. €}d2! A good move, with the idea to dis- turb Black’s strong bishop. [11. 4hc3I? 0—0 12.4^a4 Ле7 13. f4 f5! was another possibil- ity that also seems to be slightly better for White.] 11... 0-0 12. £>b3 N [12. ^f31 ЛЬ6 13. JLf5!? A interesting move. I wanted to be able to play JLh6 and then threaten Леб. An- 16. ef6 [16. ^c5! Лс5 17. Ь4! Ле7 18. аЗ c5 19. Sdl Леб 20. ЛеЗ is the computer’s sug- gestion and it was clearly a better alternative. The idea is to play for dark-square domina- tion.] Wf6 17. Лg5 Wf7 18. ^c5 Not the best move, but, considering the course of the game, I’m happy that I played it. [18. ЛеЗ! 4hb3 19. ab3 Лf5 20. Лf5 Wf5 21. Лd4! is a key 61
ONE COUNTRY SWEDEN move 21... Ad4 (21... Wd7 22. b4! so that Black can’t play ...c5) 22. cd4 and in this po- sition White is better, since his structure is slightly better and, because of that, it is easier to attack Black’s weak pawns on the "c” and a-files.J 18... Дс5 19. Wh4 h6 [19... <£f5! 20. <£f5 ®f5 21. Де7 g5!! A very strong idea of Ivan that I hadn’t seen at all during the game. Later in the evening, over a glass of wine, Ivan told me that he had completely underestimated my queen sacrifice, and therefore was very angry with himself that he didn’t go for this varia- tion. (21... kel 22. We7 Sf7 23. ®c5! was my planned variation. White has a small but clear advantage in this position, since his pawn structure is clearly better than Black’s. He will have the usual problems to guard the "a” and c-pawns.) 22. JLg5 Дае8! For the pawn Black has oppened lines and he now plans ...Se2, to enter the second rank and put pressure on White’s weakest point, f2. Also pay attention to the black bishop, that now is a major force in the game. 23. b4 ДЬ6 (23... He4! an important intermediate move 24. ®g3 ДЬ6 25. ДеЗ Sg8 26. ДЬб Hg3 27. fg3 We5 28. £d4 gd4 29. cd4 ®d4 30. ФЫ Wb4 leads to unclear play. White runs no risk of losing, but the question is whether he can win or not. Most likely the black pawns on the "d" and c-files will save the draw.) 24. Де7! Sf7 25. Дс5 with a white advantage] 20. gael! <£g8 [20... Даб? 21. ДЬб! gh6 22. ®h6 <£g8 23. Деб and White wins; this was my planned variation] 21. Де7! Just like always, White wants to ex- change the dark—squared bishops and then make use of his better structure. 21... g5 22. Д18! I A very strong queen sacrifice, that gives White control over the game. For the queen, White gets total control over the dark squares and a very dangerous initiative, thanks to his development advantage. 22... gh4 23. Дс5 ДГ5 [23... Деб 24. Де5 h3? (24... Де8? 25. Sfel Дd7 26. Де8 Де8 27. Де7 Wh5 28. ДЬ7! <£f8 29. Дс7) 25. ДеЗ White puts the rook on e3 when the g3 square is available. Because of this, Black should keep his pawn on h4. 25... Дf5 ( 25... hg2 26. Sg3) 26. Hg3 ФЬ7 27. ШЗ+-; 23^ h3? 24. Де7 Wf6 25. ДИ7 фЬ8 26. Дd4 and White wins.] 24. Де7! An obvious but strong intermediate move. 24... ®g6 [24... Дс2! 25. ДПФ17 26. Де1 ФЬ6 was the best try. White still has very good winning chances, even after a rook exchange, since he can easily win the h4 pawn and, after doing that, should be able to advance with the kingside pawns to create two passed pawns, that he will support with his king and bishop.] 25. ДГ5 ®f5 62
SWEDEN ONE COUNTRY 26. h3! A nice move to play, that removes all of Black’s possibilities for counterplay with ...h3. After seeing this move, my team- mate Nils Grandelius said that he was sure I was going to win. White’s plan now is very simple: he will put the bishop on d4 and then doubble on the e-file. If possible, then he will also play b4, to have total control over the dark squares. 26... Hf8 27. Sfel! Simple and good. Activ- ity is more important then the c7 pawn. 27... Sf7 28. Пе8 ФИ7 29. <£d4 [29. b4, so that Black doesn’t even have ...c5, was probably even stronger.] ®c2 30. S8e2 [30. Sh8! &g6 31. Леб ФГ5 32. Shh6 Wcl 33. Ф112 ®f4 34. g3! hg3 35. &g2! was a shorter way to victory, and of course the way to play, but I had some time-trouble and therefore missed this variation.] ®d3 31. Se8 To gain some time 31... c5!? 32. JLc5 «c4 33. JLd4 c5 34. Sc8! Wa2 35. <£c5 «Ь2 [35... Wc4 36. Леб d4 37. Sh6 <£>h6 38. £f8 Hf8 39. Дс4 leads to an easily winning rook endgame for White.] 36. ±d4 ®d2? [36... a5 was suggested as a improvement at a Swedish chess-related blog, but it doesn’t matter; White is winning any- way after 37. Ф112! Prophylaxis, so there won’t be any check on cl. White will then play Шеб, followed by Hh8. 37... ®b7 38. gce8 ®c7 (38... a4 39. Шеб ®c7 40. <£>gl and White wins.) 39. g3! hg3 40. fg3 ®b7 41. Sh8 *g6 42. Леб ФГ5 43. She8 Wb2 44. Se2 Wb7 45. S8e6 ®c7 46. S2e5 and White wins.] 37. Sh8 &g6 38. Sg8 ФИ7 39. Sh8 Another repitition to gain time on the clock. 39... *g6 40. Деб! ФГ5 Having reached the time con- trol, I had enough time to find the win. Un- fortunately, I could also see that both Hans Tikkannen and Stellan Brynell were com- pletely lost against Anish Giri and Daniel Stellwagen respectively. There were still some slight hopes that Grandelius could win against Loek van Wely to save the draw. 41. Shh6! Wcl 42. ФИ2 ®f4 43. g3 hg3 44. <£g2!! gf2 45. Shf6 [45. Де5?? We5 46. Sh5 <£>g6—H] and Ivan resigned. Later Nils needed to abort his winning ef- forts, and we lost with the closest margin pos- sible — 2!/г : V/2. Unfortunately, we had too many close losses with 214 : 1 14, and in the middle of the tournament, when we had lost against Croatia with 214 : 114 we felt like a part of the Swedish soccer team in the 1990 World Cup, when they lost all matches with 2:1. Even if the final result of the tourna- ment was not what we had hoped for, our young and new players gained valuable expe- rience that can prove important next time, at the Olympiad in Turkey. 1 : 0 P. Carlsson 63
ONE COUNTRY SWEDEN 114/154 D 38 T. NYBACK 2636 - GRANDELIUS 2545 Plovdiv 2012 1. &f3 d5 2. d4 ^f6 3. c4 e6 4. £>сЗ ДЬ4 5. cd5 ed5 6. JLg5 h6 The Ragozin, nowadays my main choice against 1. d4. The ...c5-c4 line was made popular by Eljanov in 2009, when he won a good game against Radjabov. However, theory has developed a lot and to- day it’s regarded as very risky, albeit not nec- essarily bad for Black. 7. JLh4 c5 8. e3 c4 9. £>d2 g5 [9... <£c3 - 86/418] 10. JLg3 JLf5 11. JLe2!? A clever semi-waiting move, with the idea to force Black to make a decision. [11. h4 is less flex- ible, as White no longer has the option of 0-0. 11... Sg8] 11... 0—0?! This was part of my preparation, but after the game I regard it as too dan- gerous. [11... 4hc6 is more popular and a lot safer. Now White again has to choose between h4 and 0-0. 12. h4 (12. 0-0 0-0) Sg8 13. hg5 hg5 14. gel with the idea of b2-b3 was tested in a few games; 14... ®e7! 15. 0—0 JLc3! 16. gc3 b5 and Black was at least fine in Kosteniuk — Hou Yifan, Rostov-on-Don 2011.] 12. h4! N [12. 0-0] ge8 13. hg5 hg5 14. JLe5 4bbd7 15. f4! The constellation of the f4-pawn and JLe5 is excellent for attacking purposes, as it is very hard for Black to fight Nils Grandelius cn * Country: Sweden * Born: 1993 * Rating: 2556 * Peak rating: 2556 * Title: Grandmaster since 2010 them back. [15. 4hd5?! leads to very good compensation for Black after 15... JLd2 16. Wd2 ^e5 17. £T6 Wf6 18. de5 We5 19. <£c4 gad8 20. We2 ®a5 21. ФН <£g6^1 15... JLc3 16. ЬсЗ b5 This seems to be the critical position for the evaluation of 11... 0-0. 17. g4?! Nyback’s choice, but, by the amount of time spent on it, we can conclude that it was not prepared. The correct move is very difficult to spot, though. [17, Jlf3 Seems like the most natural option, with the idea of bringing the queen to the kingside via e2-f2. a) 17... a5? too slow 18. ®e2 b4 19. g4 ЬсЗ (19... Ad3 20. Wh2 W 21. ^e4+-) 20. gf5 cd2 21. ®d2±; b) 17... b4! bl) 18. cb4 ®b6! seems to give Black adequate counterplay. 19. a3 (19. g4 JLd3 20. fg5 runs into the very strong 20... ge5! 21. de5 ®e3—h) gf4! Utilizing the pin along the e-file. 20. JLf4 Wd4T; b2) 18. g4 <£d3 19. cb4 Wb6±+; 17. ФП! This move looks a bit strange, but 64
SWEDEN ONE COUNTRY actually it is very logical. On f2 the king will get pushed back by a later ...£}e4, and on other moves the queen cannot go to the kingside. Therefore ФП, with the simple idea of Wel-g3. Black seems to be in dire straits. 17... gf4 (17... b4 18. cb4! c3 19. W± is now simply a pawn up for White, as there is no ...£}e4; 17... 4he5 Seems logical with the king on fl, but it does not work out very well. 18. fe5 ^e4 19. ^e4 <£e4 20. <£f3! <£d3 21. <4>gl± and next is ®el-g3 with a lot of pres- sure on the kingside. The main problem for Black is that he is never able to play ...f6, due to the weakness on d5.) 18. ef4 18... ^e5 (18... Wa5 19. g4! <£h7 20. gh3? with the inevitable ®el-h4; 18... b4 19. Wei! bc3 20. Wg3 JLg6 21. f5±) 19. fe5 ^e4 (19... W 20. Wei?; 19... £>d7 20. Wel±) 20. fte4 £e4 21. <£f3 ±d3 (21... Wg5 22. <£e4 de4 23. We2! e3 24. Sel±) 22. <£>gl Wg5 23. Wel±l 17... £h7 18.gh6?! [18. <£f3 b4! 19. cb4 Wb6^> is, as always, good for Black.] 18... ge6 19. fg5 [19, f5 ge8 20. <£f6 £T6 21. <£>f2 This is a positional idea aimed to play against the bad bishop on h7, but, unfortunately for White, all of my other pieces are working excel- lently. Therefore this is just good for Black, for example: 21... We7 22. gh3 b4 23. cb4 Wb4 24. gbl Wa5T Black will soon break through on the queenside; 19. Af3 is the last chance to achieve a playable position, though Black is definitely having his fair share of the chances after the usual... 19... b41? 20. cb4 Wb6M 19... 4he5 20. gf6 4hg6 Now either f6 or e3 is falling, and Black is very well off. 21. g5 [21. afl Wf6+] ПеЗ 22. 22... gc3—h Now the position is a simple win. 23. Wd2 b4 24. £>e3 Wd7 25. *f2 ge8 26. JLg4 Wc7 27. ^f5 gd3 28. Wcl Se4 29. gh7 Ф117 30. Whl &g8 31. <£f3 gf3 Al- though a very short game, I still find it very interesting. Especially the middlegame is ra- zor-sharp and requires further practical tests, although I believe White is better after 17. ^?fl! 0:1 Grandelius 65
ONE COUNTRY SWEDEN 114/84 C 02 SADLER 2660 - H. TIKKANEN 2549 Wijk aan Zee III 2012 After the nice attacking game I managed to produce in the previous round againt Sahaj Grover, I was eager to try my strength against the solid Matthew Sadler, who had not had a very fortunate tournament thus far, but played many interesting games. I was pleased to be Black, since then my opponent would try to win as well, and I really wanted a win in or- der to have good chances to win the group. 1. e4 e6 Since Sadler has hardly played since 2006, I was left guessing what he would play. In my preparation I spent the lion’s part of my time on 1. d4, leaving 1. e4 for my pre-toumament preparations — French. 2. d4 d5 3. e5 The Advance Variation. Quite an aggressive variation, where White prevents Blacks natural development on the kingside with ...4hf6 and opens the bl-h7 diagonal for his bishop. 3... c5 4. c3 ®b6 White has given up the pressure on d5, so Black can put immediate pressure against d4 with ...®Ь6, ...^c6 and ,..^h6-f5. Starting with ...®b6 prevents White from playing with JLe3 and ®d2, although most players do not bother with that line as White. 5. 4hf3 4hc6 6. a3 4hh6 [6... c4 is the most common move, taking control of the the weakened b3-square and preventing White’s planned b2-b4 push.] 7. b4 cd4 8. cd4 &f5 9. <£b2 <£d7 [9... <£e7 is another main move.] 10. g4 White re- lieves the pressure on d4, so he can complete his development. However, it also creates weaknesses on the kingside for Black to play against. 10... 4hfe7 [10... 4hh6 is another interesting line.] 11. 4hc3 4hg6 Eying the weakened f4-square. [In my first real game in the French I instead played 11... 4ha5 which also leads to interesting play, but this time I went for the less unusual game continuation. * * * * Hans Tikkanen Country: Sweden Born: 1985 Rating: 2566 Peak rating: 2596 * Title: Grandmaster since 2010 My game against Roland Greger continued 12 . ^a4 (12. ®c2 - 99/185) ®c6 13. ^c5 4hc4 14. Acl a5 15. 4hd7 ®d7 with abetter position for Black (R. Greger 2380 — H. Tikkanen 2591, Rogaska Slatina 2011).] 12. gel By now I had forgotted my preparation and came up with a new idea. 12... ®d8 An interesting move, preventing ^c3-a4-c5, pro- voking h2-h4 (otherwise maybe Black can consider ...4hg6-h4, to take control of the kingside squares) and giving Black some 66
SWEDEN ONE COUNTRY possibilities on the queenside. [12... JLe7 is the usual move.] 13. h4 h5 14. g5 The position is already somewhat critical, it is a matter of a single tempo if I can get my dream position or not. During the game we both spent a lot of time trying to find the most accurate moves. 14... a6 Protecting the important b5-square. [I would have liked to play the immediate 14... 4hce7 butthen 15. ®b5 would be disastrous.] 15. 9d2 White prepares JLd3 by taking the f4-square under control. 15... ^ce7 Heading to the golden f5-square, from where the knight blocks the JLd3 and puts pressure on the weak h4-pawn. The structure after JLf5 ef5 is not bad for Black, since White will have a really bad bishop left and many weak light squares. [15... 4hge7 is an interesting alternative that I spent a lot of time on. I was afraid of 16. g6 4hg6 17. JLd3 with some unclear complications. I felt pretty sure he would go for this, since it was quite in line with his play in the previous rounds.] 16. £d3 £rf5 It is difficult to find a good plan for White, while Black has many use- ful moves left. 17. Дс2 I had some plans to play ...Ae7, with the idea to take on h4 fol- lowed by ...JLg5, so White prepares JLcl to overprotect g5. [17. JLf5 ef5 18. 4hd5 does not work because of the weaknesses on the hl-a8 diagonal. 18... £c6 19. Hc6 (19. ^c7 ®c7 20. d5 gd8 winning) bc6 20. 4he3 a5 Black should be a little better, thanks to the weaknesses on the light squares and the bad bishop.] 17... Sc8 18. ^e2 <£b5 Now I felt very safe and was looking forward to playing for two results. 19. JLb5 ab5 My dream would be to put a knight on c4, but the knights are not really badly placed in their current positions either. 20. Hc8 ®c8 21. 4hg3 JLe7 It is finally time to develop the kingside, to get the rook to c8 at some point. [21... ®c4 22. £}fl JLe7 23. 4he3 ®a2 is an interesting alternative, but I was afraid of 24. 0—0 when the h-pawn is poisoned: 24... ^gh4? 25. ®h4 W 26. ®c3 and the queen is trapped.] 22. ФП White also wants to get a rook to the c-file. 22... ®c4 23. &g2 23.. . ®d3 I could not find good use for my queen, while his queen defends many squares, so I though it was reasonable to trade. 24. JLcl Wd2 25. JLd2 <^d7 Thanks to delaying castling I managed to keep the king in the centre. I still have my safe pressure with play for two results. 26. 4hf5 It is not feasible to go on without this trade forever, but it gives the black king a possible way into the White position. 26... ef5 27. gel ga8 28. Hc3 28.. . f4! My plan was to put the king on f5, in order to provoke f3 and then break open the 67
ONE COUNTRY SWEDEN position for my bishop with ...f6 and win ei- ther the d4- or the h4-pawn. 29. ФИЗ The knight has to move from f3 in order to prevent ...^d7-e6-f5-e4/g4, so White must passively protect h4 with the king. 29... Феб [It looks nice to put the bishop on b6, but White gets sufficient counterplay by putting the knight on e2. 29... JLd8 30. 4hgl JLb6 31. ^e2] 30. White has several different defen- sive setups, it is very difficult to ascertain which is the best. 30... ФГ5 [Maybe this is the objectively best moment to play 30... f6 but with little time on the clock it felt more right to optimize as many pieces as possible first.] 31. f3 31... Даб! Prepares a possible ...Дсб. It is difficult to calculate a win against passive defence, but there are some different tries White must take into account. For some rea- son I felt, like he did, that it is much more natural for him to try an active defence when he has the option to do so. 32. Дс7? It is psychologically difficult to re- main passive here, but it was White’s best chance, since after this move he is in serious trouble. [32. <£cl Дсб!] ДаЗ! 33. ДЪ7 Да2! 34. ЛеЗ Д12! After some accurate rook ma- noeuvring on my part, White’s pieces have difficulties finding moves. In fact, it is al- ready zugzwang, since the rook is the only piece that can move, and then only to worse squares. 35. Да7 [35. ДЬ5 W! 36. ДЬ7 <£g5 37. ДП Фg6 38. Дс7 should be winning.] 35... f6! Now is the right time to open the di- agonals and win the h4-pawn, after which the white king is in peril. 36. gf6 gf6 37. ef6 ФГ6 Easier to get a handle on in the time trouble. [Maybe even better is 37... JLf6 which I thought was bad because of 38. ДЬ7 but actu- ally wins after 38... 4hh4 39. ДЬ5 JLg5! 40. Д114 JLh4 41. Ф114 Д1121 38. Даб ФГ5 39. ДЪб ^h4 40. ДЪ5 af3 41. Дй5 Фg6 42. ^g2 ^g5 [43. Ф112 f3] 0:1 H. Пккапеп 68
. Chess Informant Co’LAв sa Latest opening trends from the grandmasters' point of view Ai3 ENGLISH OPENING В 85 FRENCH DEFENCE C 4; RUY LOPEZ D За CATALAN ENGLISH OPENING A 16 SICILIAN DEFENCE C oo SCOTCH FOUR KNIGHTS C6i TARRASCH Eo5 Meksander Delchev Ivan Chcparinov Kidambi Sundararajan Basscm \min Dimitrios Mast гол asilis Samuel Shankland \lcxei Bezgodov Rafael Leitao 69
RETI/ENGLISH OPENING Neo-Catalan Accepted vdridtion By GM Aleksander Delchev Rating: 2622 Peak rating: 2669 Country: Bulgaria Born: 1971 Title: Grandmaster since 1998 г | ч I he Reti line with 4... dc4 5. ®a4+ was a subject of my research for my new book "The Modem Reti". In my opinion, the popular reply 5... c6 gives White good chances to obtain an opening advantage, while the older 5... 4hbd7 is probably sufficient for equality. The main dif- ference between the Reti line in question and the main line of the Open Catalan (6... dc4 7. ®c2 a6) is the placement of the white d-pawn; in our case it usually stays on d3. This differ- ence completely affects the character of the play, as here, instead of trying to prevent the ...c5 break (as in the Catalan), White here concentrates on attacking tthe neighboring pawn on b5, with the objective to force it to advance. Achieving this makes the c4-square an unassailable stronghold for the white pieces, because the presence of a black pawn on c5 prevents Black from developing counterplay on the c-file. This article is based on two recent games of mine. In the first one, my opponent, Greek GM Atanasios Mastrovasilis, who had often played the 5...c6 line with good results, was theoretically very well prepared. As usual, he opted for the most solid approach, slowly but surely preparing ...c5 by first defending the b5-pawn with ...®b6. The big surprise came after 16.b4!, when he suddenly was facing unpleasant prob- lems; his queen is misplaced and his queenside pawns become weak. The game was an easy one for me — one could already find the position after 16.b4 in my book, with the evaluation that "the white pieces are more stable and the b5-pawn is hanging. Later on I won the bishop pair, while all his pieces were too passive to fight back. The second game was against Hungarian GM Imre Hera, where White s strategy was seriously questioned. Instead of playing for equality, my opponent took a strategic risk with 12... b4!?, counting on piece activity and a counterattack against my weak d3-pawn. However, the course of the game proved that Black s activity was only temporary and could not fully compensate for his ruined queenside. White completed his development with simple moves, counting on his control of the c4-square. Things in the game would have been quite bad for Black in case of 20. <5}fd2I, instead of the mistaken exchange of a pair of knights with 20. 4hfe5?!, which helped Black to activate his 4hf6. These two games prove that Black needs to reconsider his es- tablished preference for 5,..c6 as an easy road to equality. 70
Д13 Cl LABS 1. c4 e6 2. Af3 d5 3. g3 [3... dc4!? 4. Wa4 £>d7 5. Ag2 аб] 4. JLg2 dc4 5. ®a4 c6 [5... 5M7 6. Wc4 аб 7. Wc2!| 6. ®c4 b5 7. Wc2 Ab7 8.0-0 Abd7 9. £jc3 аб 10. a4! This is the point: to achieve c5 Black must defend one more time b5 pawn or just move it forward. In this game my opponent prefered first one - the positional aproach. Till Move 16 he was doing fine - c5 was achieved, completing his development But then suddently he faced great problems with his W side io... «ьб IIP... Ae7 11. d3 0-0 12. e4 12... b4!? N, Xc4 A very risky approach. Black must now play very energetically to compensate for his weak queenside pawns. (12... ®b6!?) 13. £ibl b3! Otherwise White will play b2-b3 himself. 14. ®e2 a5 Every- thing seems just fine: the passive Bb7 be- comes a very strong piece, applying pressure along the fl-аб diagonal, the c5-square is available for the knight and the d3-pawn is rather weak. 15. Hdl JLa6 16. jLf4! White strives to complete his devel- opment and put pressure on Black s numerous weaknesses (ЬЗ, a5, c6). (16. ЖеЗ?! £}g4!) a) 16... Ac5!? 17. h3 (17. £>bd2 £>g4!) He8 18. ^bd2 e5 19. Ag5 Wb6 (19... h6 20. Af6 ®f6 21. ab3) 20. Had (20. Hdcl!? h6 21. Af6 £>f6 22. £>c4 Wc7 23. £jcd2 Wb6=) £>h5 (20... h6 21. Af6 Ш 22. £sc4 Wc7 23. Aife5 He5 24. d4±) 21. &fl h6 22. Jte3 W6 23. Ai3d2 Ae3 (23... ®b4 24. £>c4 Ae3 25. 2>fe3 Wa4 26. Hal 8b4 27. Ha5 Ab5 28. Ha8 Ha8 29. Af3 Ha2 30. ®d2 ®e7 31. Wc3+) 24. We3 Wb4 25. Hc6 Wa4 26. Hc3 Hab8 27. Wel+; b) 16... ®b6 17. £>bd2+ (A Had, £>c4 Xa5, c6) 17... Had8 18. Had ®b7 19. ftc4 bl) The only chance was 19... Ac4 , after which White has a pleasant choice: bll) 20. Hc4 £sb6 21. Heel £sa4 22. £se5 Hc8 23. £>c4 Ha8 24. Hal Wb5 25. ±d6 Ad6 26. Aid6 Wb4 27. e5 £sd5 28. Hdcl £>c5 (28... Wd4 29. Habl £sab6 30. Hc6 Aid7 31. Hel±) 29. Hc4 Wb6 30. Had Aid7 31. Hc6 Wd4 32. Hel Hfd8 33. £>f5 ef5 34. Hc4 71
Cl LABS A 13 We5 35. We5 <йе5 36. 1е5 <ЙЬ6 37. Ic7 lac8 38. Ic8 lc8 39. Sa5 g6 40. Ib5 2}d7 41. Ib3 S.C255; bl 2) 20. dc4!? Ac5 21. e5 ^g4 22. Ifl Wb6 23. £>el f5 24. £>d3 Jld4 25. h3 26. c5±; b2) 19... Ab4 20. £}fd2! Xb3 Avoiding exchanges was much better, as the £}f6 was not doing any- thing useful. (20. 4}fe5 A. Delchev 2622 — I. Hera 2555, Skopje 2012 - 114/4) £jc5 (20... Hfe8 21. £>b3 Ac4 22. dc4 e5 23. JLe3±) 21. Ad6± and Black is losing mate- rial; 10... Hc8 - 80/9] 11. d3 Sc8 N [Maybe here Black could have tried the im- mediate 11... c5!? but White is much better developed and could claim at least minimal advantage after 12. ab5 ab5 13. Ha8 Aa8 14. ®b3! (14. £>h4 Ag2 15. £>g2 Jld6 16. Wb3 b4 17. <йа4 ®b5 18. <йеЗ 0-0) a) 14... Ь4?! 15. £>dl Же7 16. £je3 0-0 17. £)c4 Wb5 18. Wc2 £>b6 19. £}b6 Wb6 20. £se5 Ag2 21. &g2 h6 22. £>c4 Wb7 23. f3 £>d5 24. e4 £>b6 25. £ja5 Wd7 26. ДеЗ= M. Matlakov 2632 — J. Geller 2563, Magnito- gorsk 2011; 18. e4±; b) 14... £jd5! 15. Sei £ic3 (15... £jb4 16. АеЗ Ac6 17. Wb4 cb4 18. Ab6 £>b6 19. £>a2; 15... Жсб 16. e4 ^b4 17. ad5!!^) 16. Wc3 b4 17. Wc2 Ae7 18. Af4 0-0 19. Sal Ad5 20. ^d2±l 12. e4! c5 [12... Де7 13. АеЗ c5 14. h3] 13. ab5 ab5 14. h3! Де7 15. ДеЗ 0-0 72
A 13 Cl LABS It looks like Black has excellent play; his pieces are very active and everything is OK with his pawn structure. But White s next move creates a very unpleasant situation for him, where his queenside pawns are suddenly very vulnerable. 16. b4! ®c6 116.. . e5 17. ®bl Деб 18. Ecl with pres- sure.] 17. ®bl! The point of White s play. In fact, all this was shown in my book "The Modem Reti", along with the comment that Black has definite problems. 17... e5 117... cb4 18. ^d4 Wb6 (18... ®c3 19. Ecl trapping the queen!) 19. 4M5 ®d8 20. ^3e7 9e7 21. $3a2 Ea8 22. ®b4± is similar to the game.] 18. Ecl cb4 19. Ш5 ®d6 20. ^e7 We7 21. Ea7 [21. ®b2 A. Delchev 2622 - A. Mastro- vasillis 2510, Skopje 2012] 21... Да8 22. Ec8 Ec8 23. Дс12 ®c5 24. Sal± Aleksander Delchev 73
ENGLISH OPENING Anti-Gruenfeld By GM Ivan Cheparinov Rating: 2673 Peak rating: 2713 Country: Bulgaria Born: 1986 Title: Grandmaster since 2004 I n this article I wish to present a line featuring a very interesting novelty of mine in the popu- lar Anti-Griinfeld system. To actually discover a novelty as early as move 5, moreover one that is actually good, is nowadays almost impossible. The line in question starts with the moves 1.4hf3 4hf6 2.c4 g6 3.4hc3 d5 4.cxd5 4hd5 5.®c2. The story of how we (Topalov’s team) came up with this line is very interesting. In the latest match between Topalov and Kamsky, in the 2011 Candidates Matches in Kazan, Veselin was trailing before the last game and found himself in a must-win situation. The match was really short (only four games), and we had one very nice novelty in the Anti-Griinfeld, the one employed in the second game, where Veselin failed to capitalise on his advantage and later lost. But anyway, we were planning to repeat that line and hope that it would prove diffi- cult for Kamsky’s team to come up with a concrete refutation in just two days. The night be- fore the last game we were checking that other line over and over again, but me and Erwin L’Ami found several promising options for Black, so we decided to search for something new and fresh. It may sound funny, but we came up with the 5.®c2 novelty by accident: we just left the posi- tion before that move on the computer screen, and after some time the analysis engine started indicating this move as its top choice. We then started checking all possibilities and were sur- prised to find out that the move was actually quite good! We actually came up with the main line of this article that night, but our novelty still had considerable shocking value. I am now surprised to see that, since that game, White has tried this move in more than 60 games! 74
А16 Cl LABS 1. &f3 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. ^c3 d5 4. cd5 £>d5 5. ®c2 After 5. ®c2 Black has many options, but in my opinion the best reaction is 5... 4hc6! All other moves are a bit dangerous or passive. 5... ^c6! (Dubious is 5... c5?! because of 6. 4hd5 ®d5 7. e4t; Black’s most natural move, and the one chosen by Kamsky, is 6. e4 a) The main idea of 5. ®c2 is that after 4hc3 White can recapture with 7. dc3! c5 (After 7... 0—0 White has the extra option of putting the bishop on e3 and preventing ...c5 8. ЛеЗ) 8. If4 ^c6 9. Ле2 0-0 10. 0-0 (Also inter- esting is 10. h3!?) <£g4 11. h3 ЛВ 12. ЛВ± and here White obtains a small but stable ad- vantage. b) The other option is 6... 4hb4 7. ®a4 bl) 7... ^4c6?! 8. d4 <£d7 (White seems better also after 8... 0—0 9. d5 4he5 10. 4he5 ie5 11. ЛЬ6 Пе8 12. gdl ^d7 13. Ле2±) 9. ЛЬ5 аб (9... 0-0 10. ЛеЗ) 10. ЛеЗ 0-0 11. Edl±; Ь2) 7... 5}8c6 transposes to 5...^c6 after 5... йсб 8. d4; c) 6... <ЙЬ6 7. d4 0—0 (Dangerous is 7... Ш 8. d5 ®ie5 9. ^e5 Ле5 10. ЛЬб?; Or 7... Ig4 8. ^e5 Леб 9. ЛеЗ) 8. ЛеЗ Now Black has many different options, but in my opinion White is slightly better everywere, for example: cl) 8... f5 9. Edl (In the game P. G. Amaudov 2476 - Voiteanu 2275, Plovdiv 2012, White tried 9. Wb3I? Ф118 10. d5! fe4 11. ^g5 a5 12. Sdl a4 13. ®c2 a3 14. b4 Wd6 15. Wb3 and also obtained some advantage.) 9... f4 10. Лс1 Лg4 И. ®b3 (After И. Ле2 ЛВ 12. ЛВ асб 13. ^e2 ad4 14. £>d4 Лd4 15. e5 Black is very close to equality: 15... ®d7! 16. b4 Wa4! 17. Wa4 ЛеЗ 18. Лd2 Лd2 19. &d2 ^a4 20. фс2 a5=) <£>h8 12. ^e2! ^c6 13. d5 ^e5 14. Лf4 15. gf3 Лd7 16. Sd2± and here I don’t think that Black has full compensation for the pawn; c2) 8... ^c6 9. d5 ^e5 10. ^e5 Ле5 11. f4 (Also normal is 11. Sdl!?) Лg7 12. Ле2 (On 12. Edl interesting is 12... c6!? 13. dc6 ®c7) e6 13. de6 Леб 14. 0-0 ^c4 15. Лс4 Лс4 16. Efdl ®e7 17. e5± with a small plus for White; c3) 8... Лg4 9. 4he5 Леб (In the game against Topalov, Kamsky played the dubious 9... Ле5?! and after 10. de5 ^c6 11. h3 Леб 12. Edl ®c8 13. f4± was facing serious prob- lems.) 10. Edl (10. 0-0-0!? also appears in- teresting.) c6 11. Ле2 4h8d7 12. (White obtains a nice advantage also after 12. 0—0!? ^e5 13. de5 ®c7 14. f4 Лс4 15. a4 Ле2 16. ^e2±) Лс4 (12... ^c4 13. Лс1) 13. 0-0 Ле2 14. 4he2± with a very stable plus for White; 5... 4^b4 This leads to the main lain 6. ®a4 ^8c6 7. d4] 6. d4 White’s main move, and the only one to offer chances for advantage. 16. Ш5?! Wd5 7. e4 ®d6 8. ®c3 e5=; 75
Cl LABS A 16 6. аЗ?! Ag7 7. e4 £jf4 8. d4 ^e6 9. d5 ®cd4 10. £>d4 £Ш±^; 6. e4 £>db4 7. ®bl Ag4! 8. аЗ ДО a) 9. gf3 ^a6 10. b4 (10. ДЬ5 <йаЬ8) ad4t5; b) 9. ab4 Jlg4 10. ДЬ5 (10. b5 £sd4 11. Дс4 Ag7 12. 0-0 0-0M Ag7 11. d3 ( 11. Деб bc6 12. d3 Wd6) 0—0 (Probably also fine is 11... Ad7 12. Деб Деб 13. b5 Ad7 14. ДеЗ 0-0) 12. Деб bc6 13. ДеЗ Wb8 14. Дс5 a5 15. Ha4 ab4 16. Hb4 ®d8 17. 0-0 ®d7= with equality.] 6... £}db4! The most critical move, among a multitude of options: 16... Де7 is insufficient for equality in view of 7. e4 a) 1... ^db4?! 8. Wb3 £>d4 (8... ^d4 9. Дс4 0-0 10. ДЬб Деб 11. 0-0-0±) 9. ®d4 Wd4 10. ДеЗ ^d3 11. Фе2±; b) 7... £}c3 8. bc3 0—0 9. Де2 (Interesting is 9.h4!?)£sa5 10. Дк4 c5 ll.Hcl Ag4 12. d5 e6 13. c4±; 6... 4ЛсЗ 7. ЬсЗ e5 This is a novelty 8. e3! In my opinion, White’s best reaction. 8... jLd6 (8... Ag7 9. ДаЗ Af8 10. Af8 <£>f8 11. Hdl±) 9. Ad3 0-0 10. 0-0 We7 11. Hbl b6 12. £)d2+; 6... e5 This move has never been tried in practice, but deserves attention. 7. £}e5 (7. de5 ^c3 8. ЬсЗ Дё7 9. Ag5 Wd5 10. e4 Wa5 11. Af6 0-0=) £jdb4 (7... <йе5 8. We4) 8. ®a4 (8. «ЬЗ Деб) Wd4 9. 9... b5! (9... Wd8 10. a3 £>d5 11. Wc2 Дё7 12. Ag5 2>f6 13. Hdl Ad7 14. e4t) 10. £>d4 (10. ®ЬЗ Деб! 11. ^d4) ba4 11. <йс6 £>c2 (11... £jc6 12. Ad2±) 12. <£>dl £ial 13. e4 Ag7 14. £)d5 (14. ДЬ5 0-0 15. Ad2 a3 16. ЬаЗ ФЬ8 17. e5 Ad7 18. Hel Hfe8 19. f4 a6 20. Да4 Д18 21. £)d5 Had8!) ДЬ7 15. ДЬ5 0—0 and the position remains very com- plicated. 16. f3 (16. 4£)de7 фЬ8; 16. Да4 Hfe8 17. £sce7 <4>f8 18. Де8 He8 19. ЬЗ c6 20. ДаЗ cd5 21. £)f5 &g8 22. ^g7 фё7 23. ДЬ2 <4>f8 24. Да1 de4=) Hfe8 17. Да4 Неб 18. Дf4 ДЬ2 19. Ф42оо; Another move which has hardly gotten atten- tion is 6... Да4 a) 7. ^d5 Wd5 8. e4 Wd6 9. d5 Дй 10. gfl Wb4 11. Дd2 (11. Wc3 Дg7 12. Wb4 £}b4 13. £>dl 0-0-0 14. Дd2 £sc6!) £)d4 12. ®d3 (12. Wc3 Wc3 13. ДсЗ Дg7 14. 0-0-0 e5=) Wb6 13. 0-0-0 (13. ДсЗ Дg7 14. Hdl c5 15. dc6 Hd8 16. cb7 O-Ot) Дg7 14. ДеЗ c5 15. dc6 Wc6 16. ФЫ Hd8 17. Wc3 Wc3 18. ЬсЗ ^c6=; b) 7. e3 is, I think, best; other moves lead no- where. 7... Д£3 (7... Дg7 8. Де2 0-0 9. h3 Деб 10. 0-0±) 8. gf3 e5 (8... Wd7 9. f4) 9. Wb3 ДЬ4 10. Дd2±] 7. Wa4 Дd7! Black should again play with precision. [Less accurate is 7... Дg7 8. e4 Дd7 (8... Дd4 9. ^d4 Wd4 10. ДеЗ £)d3 11. ДdЗ Wd3 12. Hdl Wa6 13. Wa6 ba6 14. £jd5±)9. Wb3 a) 9... Дd4?! 10. £jd5 Деб (10... a5 11. a3±) 11. Дс4 a5(11...0-0 12. ^b4^a5 13. ®dl Дс4 14. Wd4 Wd4 15. ^d4 c5 16. b3+-) 12. &b4 ab4 (12... Дс4 13. £)c6+-; 12... 76
A16 Cl LABS Ш 13. Ae6 fe6 14. Ah6 c5 15. Idl a4 16. »c4±) 13. Ae6 fe6 14. Ah6 (14. O-Ot) ®a5 (14... Ш6 15. O-O) 15. Wb4 c5 16. Wb5 »d7 17. £>d4 cd4 18. Wd31; b) 9... e5 10. d5 ftd4 11. £>d4 ed4 12. ®b4 dc3 13. bc3+ a5 (13... c5 14. Wb2) 14. ®a3 f5 15. JLe2 fe4 16. Ibl b6 (16... Af8 17. ®b2 Ac 5 18. Wb7 0-0 19. 0-0) 17. c4+] 8. Wdl 8... e5! 9. de5 [In the game Evgeny Alekseev 2673 — I. Kurnosov 2633, Russia 2011, White tried 9. a3 but after 9... ed4 10. ab4 dc3 11. bc3 Ag7 12. JLd2 0—0= Black equalised easily.] 9... £f5 10. Ag5 10... jle7 This is the critical line. [But also possible is 10... £}c2 11. ®c2 lc2 12. Ad8 ld8 13. e3 (In W. So 2653 - Ab. Gupta 2644, Ho Chi Minh City 2012 - 114/(7), Black equalised after 13. Scl Af5 14. e4 Ah6 15. Sdl gdl 16. <£>dl Ag4 17. Ab5 Af3 18. gf3 Af4=) a6! 14. Icl A.f5 15. Ae2 Ag7 16. £>a4 £se5 17. Ic7 £)f3 18. Af3 b5oo with compensation for Black, which is probably sufficient for a draw.l 11. e4 Ag4 [White wins nicely after 11... jlg5? 12. ef5 £>d4 13. Ac4! The point! 13... £)bc2 14. <£>fl £rf3 15. ШЗ £jal 16. fg6 0-0 17. h4! Ah6 (17... Ad2 18. ®h5 h6 19. gf7 фЬ8 20. Wg6 We7 21. e6+—) 18. gf7 ФЬ8 19. e6+-[ 12. Ae7 ®e7 13. аЗ Af3 14. gf3 Hd8 15. Wa4 £>d3 16. A.d3 ld3 17. Wb5 [17. f4 Wh4[ All play, from 5... £}c6 to here, appears forced! We analysed this position deeply be- fore the Topalov — Kamsky game; now that some games have occured along these lines, we can draw the conclusion that Black is fine. 17... HB [Also interesting is 17.., Bd4!? 18. £}d5 (18. ^je2 Hd8 19. f4 0-033; 18. f4 O-Ooo Zhao 77
Cl LABS A 16 Jun 2577 — Gao Rui 2427, Ho Chi Minh City 2012 - 114/(7)) We5 19. Wb7 (19. 0-0 0-0 20. Wb7 gd5 21. ed5 Wg5 22. ФЫ Wd5=) Se4 20. ФН (20. fe4 We4 21. £>e3 Whl 22. <^d2 Wai 23. Wc6 ФГ8 24. Wf6 Sg8 25. ^g4 h5 26. W ®a2=) Wd5 21. fe4 Wc4 22. <£gl We4 23. Wa8 Фе7 24. Wh8 ^d4 25. h3 af3= B. Csonka 2289 - M. Bagi 2309, Magyarorszag 2012 — 114/(7); 17... gd81 18. Wb7 18... ^d8! 19. Wb4 Wh4!? I played this rare move in a recent game against Arnaudov, in the Bulgarian Championship. I knew that 19... We5 is more or less equal, but this move is, in my opinion, very interesting, offering Black sufficient compensation for the pawns and a very nice initiative! [In Vorobiov 2574 — Sutovsky 2700, Khanty- -Mansiysk (m/1) 2011, Black played the nat- ural 19... We5 20. Sdl c6 21. 0-0 ^e6 22. Wd6 Wd6 23. Hd6 0-0= and equalised.] 20. 0-0-0 Юг 20. Hfl a5 21. Wb5 <£f8 22. 0-0-0 <£g7; 20. 0-0 a5 21. Wb5 <£f8] 20... a5! Black just wants to castle! 21. Wa5 [In my game White played 21. Wb5?! <&f8 and now after 22. e6? (Necessary was 22. Sd3 Wf4 23. ФЬ1 <^g7 with a compli- cated position.) Wf4 23. ФЬ1 4he6 24. Д43 Sf2 25. Wa5 Sh2+ he ran into trouble, P. G. Arnaudov 2476 — I. Cheparinov 2664, Bul- garia (ch) 2012- 114/7] 21... 0—0^» The position is extremely un- clear, but much easier to play with Black, for example: 22. Wc7 [22. ^d5 ^еб] ^e6 23. Wb6 and now both 23... Дс8 and 23... gf2 give White good compensation for the two pawns! Ivan Cheparinov 78
SICILIAN DEFENCE Scheveningen, Classical variation By GM Kidambi Sundararajan • Country: India • Born: 1982 • Title: Grandmaster since 2009 • Rating: 2447 • Peak rating: 2526 I he Najdorf Variation is possibly the most popular and probably also the most analysed variation in chess. In the present article I wish to take a look at ECO code В 85, which can arise from Najdorf, Scheveningen or Taimanov, and one which remains perennially popular. The line was popularised by Kasparov in his World Championship match against Karpov in 1985 (one can recall the famous 24th game, which made Kasparov the youngest World champion!). This variation is extremely rich and it would be impossible to give an exhaustive coverage of it, so I have limited myself to dealing with Black’s setup involving ...Де8 and ...JLd7. Against this line White’s most critical response is to play g4-g5 followed by JLg2 and try and attack with an eventual Sf3-h3. After the games Grischuk — Rublevsky 2007 and Jakovenko — Van Wely 2008, it seemed that Black was having a tough time. However, after analysing the posi- tion, it seems to me that Black always has a lot of resources and succeeds in maintaining the dynamic balance. Black was doing fine in the game Milos — Fier 2009 as well. I am waiting to see further practical tests in this exciting line. 1. e4 c5 2. &f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. ^d4 ^f6 5. йсЗ аб 6. JLe2 еб 7. 0—0 JLe7 8. f4 0-0 9. <£e3 ^c6 10. a4 ®c7 11. фЫ JLd7 [И... Se8 12. JLf3 JLd7 is a more popu- lar move order to reach the same position.] 12. ab3 Ъ6 13. Ж13 Ше8 14. g4 <£c8 15. g5 ^d7 16. JLg2 JLb7 17. Sf3 [17. Wh5 a) 17... g6 al) 18. Wh4 W 19. Sf2 <£f8 20. Safi <£g7 21. ®h3 Sac8 22. <£d4 e5 23. fe5 ^e5 24. <£e5 Se5 25. Sf7 Se7 26. Se7 We7 27. We3 ^c2 28. Wd2 JLc3 29. ®c2 ±g7... 0 : 1 Z. Almasi 2640 — Alb. David 2595, Bastia 2005; 79
Cl LABS В 85 a2) RR 18. ®h3 £f8! 19. Hadi ^g7oo S. Hristov — D. Ilchev 2055, Bulgaria 1996 — 69/(230); b) 17... A>b4 bl) 18. Hf2 Ы1) 18... g6 19. Wh3 Af8 20. Hafl Ag7 (20... He7oo M. Pavlovic 2505 - D. Pikula 2495, Jugoslavia 1996 - 67/(310)) 21. Ad4 (21. f5 ef5 22. ef5 Ag2 23. Hg2 Ac3 24. bc3 2>d5 25. JLd4 £se5oo A 26. f6 h5!) e5! (21... Ad4 22. £}d4 Wc4 23. Hdl Ш 24. Hfd2 e5 25. £>de2 ef4 26. 2>f4 Wc5 27. Wg3 b5 28. 2>fe2 He5 29. h4... 1 : 0 S. Azarov 2600 - A. Brkic 2550, Budva 2009) 22. fe5 (22. ЖеЗ ef4 23. £f4 He7=) 4te5 23. Же5 He5 24. Hf7 He 7 25. He7 (25. H7f2 Hae8 26. Hdl He5M We7 26. ®e3 He8! 27. Wb6 Ac3 28. bc3 Ae4 29. B4 Jlg2 30. <£g2 ®g5 1/2 : 1/2 V. Anand 2769 — G. Kasparov 2851, Frankfurt (rapid) 2000 - 79/(208); bl2) 18... JLf8 19. Hafl d5 20. e5 Жс5 (20... Hac8 21. Aid4 g6 22. Wg4 £sc6 23. h4 51d4 24. Ad4 ab8oo) 21. Aid4 Ad4 22. Ad4 2>c6 23. £je2 g6 24. ®h6 £>f8 25. Hdl £>e7 26. A>g3 Hac8 27. Wh3 Wc6 28. b3 b5 29. ab5 Wb5 30. £>fl £>f5 31. £>e3 (Evgeny Alekseev 2597 — Cvitan 2481, Warszawa 2005) £>d4! 32. Hd4 Hc3 33. Hfd2 Hec8 34. <£>gl a5 35. Wf3 ^d7 36. ®f2 Wb6+; b2) 18. Aid4 g6 b21) 19. Wh4 e5 20. fe5 (20. f5 ed4 21. fg6 fg6 22. Hf7 h5 Van Wely) Aie5 21. Hf2 Af8 22. Hafl JLg7 23. £>f3 He7 24. £se5 Ae5 25. Af4 Hf8= Lobron 2585 - Van Wely 2605, Antwerpen 1996 — 67/310; b22) 19. Wh3! The queen stands better on h3 than on h4 while Black still has his bishop on el. This is because, with the bishop on el, Black can al- ways answer the Wh4, Hf3-h3 construction with ...h5! The queen on h3 also can help White with sacrifices on e6 or f7. b221) 19... e5 b2211) 20. fe5 £}e5 21. Hael (21. Hf2 ®c8... 0 : 1 E. Giovannini — A. Vaccher, Internet 2008) i.f8 22. Hf4 Jlg7 23. Hh4 £>c4 (23... Wc8 24. Hh7 ®h3 25. Hh3 Hac8 26. £gl... 1 : 0 S. Collas 2285 — M. Palac 2595, Cannes 1997) 24. Hh7 £>e3 25. НеЗ d5! (25... Ad4 26. e5!) 26. Wh4 de4 27. £se4 (27. Hh3 We5-+) He4 28. Ae4 Ad4 29. c3 Ag7 30. Ab7 Wb7 31. <£>gl Hd8 32. Hg7 <^>g7 33. cb4 Wd7+; b2212) 20. f5 ed4 (20... ®c4) 21. fg6 fg6 22. We6 (22. Hf7 £f8 23. Hafl Wc4+) фЬ8 23. ^d4 ^e5 24. Sf7-; b222) 19... Af8 20. f5 b2221) 20... ef5 21. ef5 Ag2 (21... £}e5 22. £}e4 Xf6) 22. Wg2 b22211) 22... £sc5 23. Hf3 d5 24. Hafl Ш (H. Stefansson 2557 — S. Savchenko 2579, Torshavn 2000) 25. fg6! fg6 26. 41e4 de4 27. Hf7 Wc8 28. Wg3+-; 80
В 85 Cl LABS Ы2212) 22... £se5 23. 43e4! (Xf6) b222121) 23... JLg7 24. 2rf6 (24. Sael £}c4 25. Ш Af6 26. gf6 Sab8) Af6 25. gf6 gac8 26. fg6 hg6 27. £jf5->; b222122) 23... ®d5 24. Agl (24. Sael Jlg7 25. Ш Af6 26. gf6 Wb7 27. fg6 hg6 28. Ш Sac8 25. SadlT; b2222) 20... £}c5! This is probably the best move in the position. If Black takes on f5 right away, White seems to get the better chances. 21. Sf2 (21. fe6 fe6... 1/2 : 1/2 H. Klapp - G. Vetter, corr. 2002) Wd7 22. fg6 (22. Safi ef5 23. ef5 JLg7oo) fg6 23. Safi Ag7^; 17. Wd2 43b4 18. Sadi Af8 19. Wf2 Hac8 20. Sd2 d5 21. f5 <йс5 (21... ef5!? 22. Wf5 &e5 23. ed5 £jc4 24. Af4 Wd8 25. Ag3 Se7 26. Se2 g6 27. Wf2 Jlg7 28. Se7 ®е7Я) 22. fe6 fe6... 1/2 : 1/2 M. Sebag 2503 - N. Khurtsidze 2434, Rijeka 2010; 17. Wg4 £>b4 18. Sf2 £f8 19. Sdl g6 20. ®g3 Sac8 21. Sfd2... 1:0V. Anand 2770 - Van Wely 2605, Monaco (blindfold) 19981 17... g6 [17... W 18. Sh3 g6 19. Wd2 £f8 20. Sfl ig7 21. Wf21 18. Sh3 18... &b4 118.., Af8 19. Wei £>b4 (19... £se7) 20. Wf2; 18... gtc5 19. Wei <53b4 20. Wf2 f5 21. gf6 (21. ef5 ef5 22. Sdl £f8 23. Sd4 <йе4 24. Йе4 Se4 25. Ad2 (Ruan Lufei 2486 - Wang Jue 2162, Beijing (zt) 2009) a5=) £f6... 1/2 : 1/2 M. Sebag 2529 - Hou Yifan 2571, Istanbul 2009; 20... Sab8; 18... Sac81? a) 19. Wd2 ab4 20. Wf2 al) 20... f5 all) 21. ef5 ef5... 0:10. Kanmazalp 2404 - J. Geller 2521, Izmir 2011; al2) 21. a5 ba5 22. £sa5 Ae4 23. £3e4 fe4 24. c3 £jc6 25. £>c6 Wc6... 0 : 1 R. Polzin 2469 — V. Teterev 2519, Rogaska Slatina 2011; a2) 20... Aa8 21. Sfl f5 22. ef5 ef5; b) 19. Wei £sb4 20. Wh4 h5[ 19. Wd2 [19. Scl Af8... 1/2 : 1/2 Stukopin 2471 - V. Papin 2565, Russia 2011] 19... Af8 20. Wf2 Grischuk - Rublevsky 2007 and D. Jakovenko — Van Wely 2008 were the first games to show that White can create some tangible problems for Black here. 20... I.g7 21. Sfl 21... Se7! A very essential move. Black needs to protect f7 and prepare to meet Ad4 with e5! [21... Hac8 22. f5 (RR 22. Ad4oo P. H. Niel- sen 2420 — Van Wely 2560, Taastrup 1992 - 54/(232)) <53e5 23. Wh4 h5 24. gh6 Af8 25. h7 Ф118 26. Wf6 Ag7 81
Cl LABS В 85 27. Wg7 &g7 28. f6 1 : 0 Stukopin 2458 - J. Ferreira 2359, Burdur 2010. A nice mating pattern; 21... Hab8 (P. Thipsay 2515 — K. Murugan 2410, India (ch) 1998) 22. f5! ef5 23. ef5 Ag2 24. &g2! Ш 25. f6 ^h8± The bishop remains buried on h8 forever; 21... f5 22. gf6 Af6 23. f5 ef5 24. ef5] 22. Ad4 122. f5 ef5 23. ef5 Ag2 24. <4>g2 (24. Wg2 Hae8... 1/2 : 1/2 Hou Yifan 2590 - C. Sandipan 2558, Subic Bay 2009) Ac3 25. ЬсЗ Wc3; 22. Wh4 Ш 23. W2 £)d7= De Firmian 2575 - Van Wely 2645, New York 1997 — 69/(230). If White wants to make a draw, he can do it this way; 22. <Ad4 a) 22... Wc4 23. Wd2 e5 24. b3 Wc7 25. fe5 ae5 26. ade2 Sae8 (26... Дс8 27. Ih4 £b7 28. &f4 &f3 29. JLf3 £c3 30. Wf2 ±e5 31. c4 ±f4 32. Af4 ^d3 33. Wd4 £jf4 34. Hf4 Sae8) 27. Ad4 (T. L. Petrosian 2580 - J. Geller 2500, Dresden 2007) Ш8 (27... Ac8 28. Hh4 Ab7) 28. &f4 f6 29. gf6 lf6oo; b) 22... f5! 23. gf6 2)f6 24. Wh4 gae8 Black position is harmonious and he is ready to meet any of White’s attacking ideas.] 22... e5 23. fe5 Ae5 [23... de5 24. ЖеЗ ld8 25. a5!? ba5 26. Ш Ш 27. W Wb7 28. ДЬ6 lb8 29. £a5 <53с6 30. b4± A. Grischuk 2717 — Rublevsky 2680, Elista 2007 (m/3) 2007 - 100/161] 24. Ae5 ]RR 24. ad5 ad5 25. ed5 f5 26. gf6 2rf6 27. Ae5 ®g4 28. Wd4 ®e5 29. £id2+ Rublevsky] 24... de5 25. If3 125. adll? Wc2 26. Wh4 f5 (26... 27. £>e3 A Aig4+-) 27. gf6 lf7 a) 28. 4}e3 Wb3 29. £)f5 Wa2 (29... We6 30. Aig7 lg7 31. fg7 h5 32. Ihf3) 30. £je7 (30. 2Ж6 <£>h8 31. Ha3 We6 32. Jth3 Wc4 33. an Wf7 34. Ad7 Wd7 35. f7 Wd6 36. Sh3 h5 37. Igl ФЬ7=) <£>f8 31. ag6 Фе 8 32. ah8 Hf6 33. Sf6 af6; b) 28. Sc3 We2 29. <£>gl (29. &еЗ) Wh5 30. Wh5 gh5 31. a5 Hb8 (31... Ac6 32.1с4 ЖЬ5 33. Ib4 Afl 34. Afl lf6±) 32. ae3 lf6 33. Hf6 af6 34. ab6 Ac6 35. ^c4 £>d7 36. aba5 ab6 37. ae5 ДЬ5=; 25. Wh4 af8 26. adl Дс8 27. Ic3 (27. ae3 ^h3 28. Wh3) Wd8 28. ae3; 25. ad5 ad5 26. ed5 e4 27. Wd4 We5 28. c4 Sc8 29. Sc3 (J. Friedel 2523 - K. Troff 2279, Las Vegas 2011) Wg5!?] 82
В 85 Cl LABS 25... Hf8! [Leaving the knight at d7 from where it performs the important dutiees of guarding f6, b6 and c5. 25... £}f8 26. a5 ba5 27. £ia5 lb8 28. W 8b7 29. Sf6+ White was better in D. Jakovenko 2711 — Van Wely 2677, Foros 20081 26. Wh4 126. Ah3 a) 26... £c6 27. Ag4 Wb7 28. We2 (28. lei a5oo) £>c5 (28... <4>g7?! G. Milos 2603 - A. Fier 2653, Americana 2009) 29. £}c5 bc5 30. g3f2 ld8 31. Wc4 ld6= A. Fier; b) 26... £>c5 27. 4ic5 ®c5 28. If6 Ac6=; c) 26... a5!?; 26. 4M2 a) 26... £>c2 27. £)d5 Ad5 28. ed5 £)d4 (28... Йс5 29. £jc4+~) 29. £je4±; b) 26... f5!? 27. gf6 (27. ef5 Af3 28. £f3 gf5+) lef7 28. ЖЬЗ £jc5[ 26... Id8! Initially I thought that this posi- tion was better for White, as Black has no active plan but to keep defending against White’s threats. But a deeper look at the posi- tion suggested that Black’s position is far healthier than I thought. He has to prevent White from getting a knight to g4 at all costs, and try to get his own knight to f4 if he can. This means that the position is dynamically balanced. [26... <ac2? 27. Icl ®b4 28. <М5 <£3d5 29. Sc7 2>c7±] [27. If7 lf7 28. If7 <4>f7 29. Wh7=; 27. 4Adl!? This is a dangerous attacking attempt. Black however has concrete counterplay. White’s c2 and e4 pawns are targets which Black should attack without wasting time. 27... ®c2! a) 28. Ih3 f5! (28... Ш 29. £ie3±) 29. gf6 lf7 30. ^f2 ФЬ8 31. Ie3 ^f6 32. £jg4 £>d3 33. £}h6 <2jf4 An extremely complex posi- tion, but one where Black has counter-attack- ing chances; b) 28. ^еЗ We4 29. £>g4 ФЬ8 30.13f2 ®c4 31. £b7 ^d3 32. If3 £)f8 33. ^d2 Wb4 34. Aa6 ®d2 35. Ad3 ld3 36. Wh6 ld8 37. 2>f6 We2 38. £>h5 ^e6 39. £)f6=; 27. Sh3 W 28. &dl ld6 29. £>e3 ^.c8 30. Shf3 JLe6= Black has defended the key squares.] 27... £)f8 28. £>d2 [28. &gl Дс8! 29. ^d2 ld4 30. £>fl £>e6 31. Ih3 £)f8 32. Ihf3=l 28... 4je6 29. Ih3 Ш 30. £jfl Ac8 31. Ihf3 [31. Hg3 Aie6 32. Ah3 £>f4 33. Ac8 Wc8 34. £je3[ 31... <53e6 32. <53e3 £}f4 Black prevents white knight from getting to g4 and thereby saves himself. 33. Afl Hd4 34. £jg2 ^g2 35. Ag2= 27. Uf2!? A £sd2-fl-e3-g4; Kidambi Sundararajan 83
FRENCH DEFENCE King's Indian attack By GM Bassem Amin • Country: Egypt | л \d •Born: 1988 £ сз 7* £ c • Title: Grandmaster since 2006 о £ •Rating: 2612 gc • Peak rating: 2612 | rr I he King’s Indian attack (KIA) is one of my beloved openings and has been in my repertoire for more than 15 years! It is a special kind of opening for White, where a calm and solid setup is employed, that can often provide the first player with very strong attacking prospects. Another benefit of the KIA, especially for l.e4 players, is that it can be employed against various defences: the French, the Sicilian, the Caro-Kann. This makes the KIA ideal for building a special opening repertoire, one that will save you time and effort studying complicated chess opening theory, especially against these major defences. Personally, I have achieved several marvelous victories with its help, and I certainly hope that the analysis presented here will prove beneficial and interesting to you as well. The focus of this article is the various KIA plans available against one of the commonest and most solid set- ups for Black, one which may be employed by lovers of the French defence or the Sicilian Paulsen. 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 e6 3. d3 d5 4. ^bd2 ^c6 5. g3 af6 6. Ag2 <£e7 7.0-0 0-0 8. gel b5 9. e5 £}d7 10. ^fl a5 11. h4 A typical and important move for White, com- bining three ideas: covering the g5-square, al- lowing the bishop to come out to a good square on f4 and supporting the lunge 4hg5 is one; clearing the h2-square for the 4hfl, which is on its way to g4 and then f6 or h6, is the second; and finally, the pawn itself can advance to h6, weakening Black’s kingside. 11... b4 12. JLf4 a4 White now has two fun- damentally different approaches: he can ei- ther stop Black’s advance with a3, as Fischer once famously did, or allow Black to push ...a3. 13. ^Ih2!? This move is risky, as it allows Black to play ...a3 and significantly weaken 84
COO Cl LABS White’s queenside, but allows White to speed up his kingside attack. [13. a3 This prophylactic move was previ- ously considered compulsory, to stop ...a3, that in turn weakens the dark squares on c3 and d4, making them juicy targets for the black knights. a) 13... Aa6 14. £>lh2 al) 14... ba3 15. ba3 lb8 16. £}g5 (16. Ah3 - 29/22) £)d4 17. c3 £jb3?l (17... £>f5 18. ih3oo) 18. Ia2 Wa5 19. Ic2 c4 20. d4 la3?? 21. Wh5 h6 22. £jg4 hg5 23. Ш! (23. hg5? £jd4!) all) 23... gf6 24. ef6 &f6 (24... Ifc8 25. Wg5 Ф18 26. Деб! fe6 27. Wg6! and checkmate is coming soon) 25. Wg5 фЬ7 26. Se5H—; a!2) 23... £)f6 24. ef6 gf6 25. hg5 £)d4 26. gf6+-; a2) 14... Ab5 15. c3 (15. £h3 - 80/273) ЬсЗ 16. ЬсЗ Hb8 17. ЖН £>a5 18. £jg5 h6 19. »h5 hg5 20. hg5 £>b3 21. Да2 (21. £>g4 ®al 22. f3 g6 23. Wh4 £d3 24. £d3 c4 25. Ш ±f6 26. gf6 cd3 27. Ag5 d2 28. gal Hbl 29. Sbl Wb8 30. Wh6 Wbl 31. <£>g2 Sfl 32. &fl dlW 33. <£>g2 Wc2 34. ФЬЗ ®f5 35. <&>g2) Wa5 22. £jg4 g6 23. £}h6 &g7 (23... Ф117 24. Wh3 g.h8 25. £>f7 &g7 26. £>h8 Hh8 27. We6) 24. £rf5 ef5 25. Wh6 &g8 26. f3! £>d4 27. Ie3+-; b) 13... ba3 14. ba3 bl) 14... £>a5?l 15. £se3 Aa6 16. Ah3 d4 17. £}fl! heading to the strong e4-square. 17... ab6 18. £tg5 ^d5 19. JLd2 Jlg5 20. Ag5 8d7 21. Wh5 lfc8 22. £>d2 £>c3 23. Af6! We8 24. £je4 g6 25. Wg5 £te4 26. He4 c4 27. h5 cd3 28. Ih4 la7 29. ^g2! dc2 30. Wh6 30... Wf8 31. Wh7!! 1 : 0 Fischer - Myagmar- suren, Sousse (izt) 1967 — 4/17; This is one of the most famous and inspiring games ever played by Bobby Fischer, putting up a dis- play of the KIA’s attacking potential. b2) 14... JLa6! 15. £}e3 (15. £}lh2 transposing to the previous variation.) Sb8 (15... £}d4 16. c4 ЖЗ 17. cd5 £>al 18. Wai ed5 19. Mi — 5/17) 16. c4 dc4 17. £jc4 (17. dc4) £>b6 18. ab6 Sb6 19. Ie3 c4 (19... £)d4!) 20. $lg5! (20. dc4 Wdl 21. Idl Ac4=) h6 21. Ae4! cd3 22. Wh5 (22. £>h7 Де8 23. Wh5) ^d4? (22... Wd7 23. £}h7! This interesting variation was analysed by my best friend, Dr. El Zayady Ahmed. 23... Hfb8 24. ^h6 Wd4 85
Cl LABS COD 25. Ag7 Wai 26. ФИ2 &g7 27. Hf3 ^e5 28. Hf7! £tf7 29. Wg6 ФЬ8 30. 2rf6+-) 23. Ah7! Ф118 24. Ad3 We8 25. Ааб Наб 26. Hd3 ab3 27. Hadi f5 28. We8 He8 29. £jf7 <£>g8 30. ^d6 Hb8 (30... Hd8?? 31. £>f5+- 1 : 0 B. Amin 2551 — S. Sadek 2384, Egypt 2009) 31. Hc3 g5 32. hg5 hg5 33. ЖеЗ+1 13... аЗ 14. ЬЗ Даб 114... Да7? A weak but seemingly logical move, and therefore quite common. 15. £}g5 h6 16. Wh5 a) 16... We8? 17. £)g4 hg5 (17... f5 18. £>h6 gh6 19. Wh6 Ag5 20. Wg5 <£>h7 21. Wh6 фё8 22. Ж13+-) 18. hg5 Wd8 19. Af3+-; b) 16... hg5 17. hg5 bl) 17... He8 18. 4tg4 bll) 18... g6 19. Wh4 Af8 (19... Деб 20. Ш £f6 21. gf6+-) 20. Ш 2rf6 21. gf6+—; bl2) 18... are 19. £f3 £>g6 20. <£>g2 c4 21. d4 (21. Hhl Ac5 22. 2rf6 <4>f8 23. dc4+-) cb3 22. cb3+—; b2) 17... Деб 18. ^jg4 ^jd4 (18... Ab7 19. Af3 g6 20. ДЬб &g7 21. &f5 ef5 22. Wh6 <4>g8 23. &g2+-) 19. JLd5 g6 20. Wh4 &f5 21. ДЬб ДЬб 22. Wh6+- &g2, Hhl to follow.] 15. Hcl! A very important prophylactic move before White starts his attack. 15... Hc8 16. JLh3! After long time of analysing this position I found this very nice move. White always needs this bishop on h3 to prevent black knight from coming to f5 square and also makes pres- sure on e6 preparing for £}g5! !16. Ag5!? h6 (16... £>d4 17. £jd4 Jlg5 18. hg5 cd4 19. Wg4 Hc3 20. Jld5 ed5 21. e6 fe6 22. We6 ФЬ8 23. Wa6±) 17. Af4; 16. g^g5!? a) 16... h6 17. £)gf3 £)d4 18. £)d4 cd4 19. Wg4 ФЬ8 20. JLd2 Wb6 (20... Дс5 21. Wh5 <£>g8 22. Дё4±) 21. Wh5 <£>g8 22. ДЬб! gh6 23. ^g4! ДЬ7 24. f4!+-; b) 16... ^id4 17. ^h3! h6 18. ^gf3 bl) 18... £rf3 19. Wf3 c420.bc4dc4 21.£ig4 cd3 22. £>h6 gh6 23. ±h6 d2 (23... фЬ7 24. Wh5 Hh8 25. He4 f5 26. Af5 ef5 27. ЖеЗ <^>g7 28. Wf5 Hh7 29. Hd4oo) 24. Wg4 ^g5 25. ^g5 «3e5 26. He5 f5 27. Wb4 del® 28. Acl Hc2 29. АаЗоо; b2) 18... 2»f5 19. Af5 ef5 20. e6 fe6 21. Неб ДЬ7 22. We2 Af6 23. Hel White is the proud owner of the e-fde; 86
COO Cl LABS ЬЗ) 18... £ib5 19. Wd2 фЬ7 (19... <йсЗ 20. Ih6 gh6 21. Wh6 Hc6 22. £)g5 Ag5 23. hg5) 20. £>g4 Hh8oo; c) 16... ®e8! cl) 17. Ш5? h6! (17... Ag5 18. Wg5+) 18. &g4 (18. ®gf3 f5) Ag5 19. hg5 f5 20. 2Ж6 gh6 21. g6 £je7+; c2) 17. Wg4!‘? £44 18. £hf3 £f5 19. £h34 16... £d4 116... £a7? 17. £g5 Hc6 (17... h6 18. £f7! Sf7 19. Жеб £f8 20. Af7 ФГ7 21. e6 <£>g8 22. Wg4±) 18. 8h5 h6 19. £g4 hg5 20. hg5 £b5 21. &g2 lb6 22. Ihl g6 23. £h6 фё7 24. £f5! ef5 25. Wh6 &g8 26. £f5 gf5 27. Wh7; 16...С4?! 17. dc4 dc4 18. £g5! £c5 19. ®h5 h6 (19... Jlg5 20. Ag5 Wc7 21. £>g4+-) 20. Scdl! Gaining a very important tempo before sacrificing the knight. 20... Wb6 21. £}g4 hg5 22. hg54—1 17. ^d4 cd4 18. Wg4 фЬ8 19. £>f3 Wb6 20. Ad2 Ac5 21. Wh5 &g8 22. £}g5 h6 23. ^jf3^ and the idea of g4-g5 will follow soon! Bassem Amin 87
FOUR KNIGHTS GAME Scotch variation By GM Dimitrios Mastrovasilis I was very surprised, and I guess everyone else too, when the Scotch Four Knights was used in the 3rd game of the Zurich Challenge friendly match between Kramnik and Aronian. My personal opinion of this opening was that it is too modest to aspire to an opening advantage, leading to very drawish positions in its main line 5... ДЬ4 6. 4hc6 bc6 7. JLd3 d5 8. ed5 cd5 9. 0-0 0-0 10. JLg5 c6. We never got the chance to find out what Kramnik’s idea was there, in or- der to play for a win, because Aronian answered with the equally surprising 5... Дс5, the line I am going to examine in this article, sharing with the reader my analysis and ideas. My attention was first pointed to this line by John Emms’ book ’’Play the Open Games as Black", where 5... Дс5!? was suggested as a more exciting alternative to the "boring" main line. I got a chance to try it myself in three games between 2002 and 2004, with mixed results, but in all these games I got perfectly fine positions out of the opening, as none of my oppo- nents found a way to challenge Black’s strategy. Now, having delved deeper into the resulting positions, I understand that this line is mostly used as a surprise weapon by Black players who wish to avoid drawish lines against weaker opponents: Ivanchuk (albeit in a rapid game), Adams, Eljanov and 1... e5 expert Mark Hebden (the GM who popularised the line, employing it in several games) have all defended the Black side. Strangely enough, the critical variation of 6. ДеЗ! and 7. ®d2! planning 0-0-0, which occured in the Kramnik-Aronian game, was tried only in 4 games, with IMs handling the white pieces in the three games worth mentioning. 1. e4 e5 2. &f3 ^c6 3. £>c3 &f6 4. d4 ed4 [4... ДЬ4 is a third interesting possibility.] 5. 4hd4 Дс5 [5... ДЬ4 is the main line: 6. ^c6 bc6 7. <£d3 d5 8. ed5 cd5 9. 0-0 0-0 10. <£g5 c6 11. Wf3 h6 (11... <£d6; 11... Де7) a) Beware! 12. Д114? g5 13. JLg3 JLg4 14. Дс7! (14. ®e3?? d4-+) Д13 15. <£d8 Sfd8 16. gfi ДсЗ 17. ЬсЗ W+; b) 12. ДА6 Wf6 13. Wf6 gf6 14. ^e2 Дd6 15. ^d4 c5 16. ^f5 ДЕ5 1/2 : 1/2 Svidler 2750 - Sergey Kaijakin 2725, Russia 2010] 88
С 47 Cl LABS 6. ДеЗ! 16, #Ac6 Ьсб a) 7. e5? ®e7 8. ®e2 ®d5 is a very bad ver- sion of the 5...4hf6 Scotch for White, as the usually problematic piece in that line, the Af8, is here placed very actively on c5; b) 7. JLc4 0-0 8. 0-0 ge8 9. Wf3 A sensible way of developing — White puts pressure on f7, defends e4 and prepares an unpleasant pin with Ag5. bl) 9... h6 preventing JLg5 once and for all, and the safest way to continue is 10. JLf4 JLd4 (which is more precise than 10... d6 11. e5!? de5 12. ®c6 JLf2 13. Hf2 <£d7 14. ®c5 ef4 15. Sf4 when White has the better structure and is a bit better.) 11. Hael d6 and Black is fine, e.g. 12. ®d3 <£c3 13. ЬсЗ <£e6 14. <£b3 Ш7 15. ®g3 ®f6 16. e5 de5 leads to mass simplifications, with a probable draw; b2) 9... JLd4?I putting immediate pressure on e4. 10. JLg5 (10. Sei?! allows Black the free- ing 10... d5! 11. JLb3 Ag4 12. ®d3 de4 and Black seizes the initiative.) h6 11. JLh4 g5 12. Ig3 £c3 13. ЬсЗ d5 14. e5! ^d7 15. <£e2 The only good square for the bishop. 15... 4he5 16. ®15 threatening 17. f4 and White gets a pow- erful initiative, e.g. 16... 4hd7. Probably best, redirecting knight to f6. b21) 17. Ad3 <£g7 18. f4 (18. gael ^f6 19. Se8 We8 20. Wdl ^e4oo) Ш 19. Wdl g4 to keep the position closed 20. f5 c5! A c4 and Black is fine; b22) 17. f4! Ш 18. Wh6 Se2 19. Wg5! ФЪ7 20. Sf2! (The more natural 20. Hael leads only to a draw after 20... Sei 21. Sei ®h8! 22. Де7 Wg7 23. ®h4 <£g6! 24. He5? ®h6~h) 20... Se4 (20... Se6? 21. f5 Se4 22. <£e5! He5 23. Щ4! Se4 24. ЩЗ+-) 21. Ah4 Se6 22. f5 Sd6 23. JLg3 ^e4 24. ®h5 <£g8 25. Hf4 ®f6 26. Sg4 <£f8 27. Wh7 <£f5 (or 27... ^g3 28. Sg3 фе7 29. gel <£e6) 28. Wg8 фе7 29. Se4 JLe4 30. ®a8 even though the fight is far from over, in both cases White has the initiative; b3) 9... d6 10. Ag5 h6 11. Ah4 (11. ±f6 Wf6 12. Wf6 gf6 P. Tishin 2407 - Ma. Novikov 2510, Bogoroditsk 2011; Black is fine — his bishop pair and open lines for his rooks fully compensate for his damaged pawn structure.) 11... g5 12. JLg3 Ag4 13. Wd3 <£h5 The same manoeuvre as in V. Potkin — Lastin, leading to wild complications after, for example 14. ФЫ JLg6 15. f3 d5 16. JLb3 a5oo; c) 7. Ad3 cl) 1... 0-0 8. 0-0 Se8 ell) 9. h3 Too modest. 9... h6 10. Wf3 d6 11. Wg3 W 12. Wf3 ®h4 13. £>e2 (13. e5 d5 14. ^d5 cd5 15. Wd5 <£h3 16. Wc5 <£g2 17. фё2 ®g4=) af6 14. e5 £>d5 15. £}f4? This just loses a pawn. 15... He5 and Black went on to win in Kovchan 2558 — P. Eljanov 2712, Ukraine (ch) 2011; 15. ed6oo; cl2) 9. JLg5 h6 10. JLh4 will transpose after 10... d6; c2) 7... d6 c21) 8. ^a4 JLb6 9. <£g5 0-0 10. 0-0 h6 11. JLh4 Де8 12. 4hb6 ab6 Black has, at the cost of his bishop, improved his pawn struc- 89
Cl LABS G47 ture and will obtain counterplay, finishing his development with ... c5 and ... ДЬ7, as in Rozentalis 2645 — Mi. Adams 2680, Koben- havn 1997; c22) 8. 0—0 4hg4 (8... 4hd7 is also possible 9. Де2 0-0 10. £>a4 ДЬб И. ЬЗ Wh4 12. 4hb6 ab6 with a typical position for the 5... Дс5 line, with mutual chances, Miles 2600 - Hebden 2520, London 1994 - 61/310) 9. ДР4 (9. h3 ^e5 10. ^a4 ДЬб И. ^Ь6 ab6 and Black was fine, Volzhin 2540 — Hebden 2560, Hastings 1993; This type of position after 4ha4 ХДЬб, doesn’t create any prob- lems for Black.) 9... g5! c221) 10. Дd2?! Wf6 11. We2 ®e5 12. g3 h5! (Improving over 12... ®e6? as in Miles 2600 — A. Sorin 2500, Matanzas 1995 — 63/270) A 13. ®a4 W! 14. ^c5 Дg4 15. f3 afl 16. Wfl ®c5 17. Wf2 ®f2 18. <£>f2 Де6_19. Дg5 &d7 20. Дf6 Hh6 21. e5! Hg8+ The only way not to lose the exchange back after Дg7, but Black’s pieces are so awkwardly placed that he can hardly make any use of his extra material; c222) 10. ДgЗ h5 И. Де2 h4 12. Дd6!? (12. Дg4 hg3 13. hg3 Wf6 14. Дс8 Hc8 15. ®g4= a repetition will occur after, for exam- ple 15... Hd8 16. ^a4 ®h6 17. Wh3 Wg7) 12... Дf2! (12... ^e3 13. Дс5!? £>dl 14. Sadi with lots of compensation for the W.) 13. Hf2 (13. ФЫ Wd6 14. Дg4 Wdl 15. 4hdl Дg4 16. 4hf2 with a level ending.) af2 14. Wd4 f6 15. Дс5 Wd4 16. Дd4 «3g4 17. Дg4 Дg4 18. Дf6 0-0 19. Дg5 h3 20. g3oo; c23) 8. Дg5 The most challenging. 8... h6 9. Д114 0-0 10. 0-0 He8 И. ФМ (11. £>a4 ДЬб transposes to Rozentalis — Mi. Adams, see 8... ^a4) g5 (11... Дd4 12. f4) 12. ДgЗ Дd4 (Here the idea of ..^c8-g4-h5-g6, to put pressure on e4, tried in V. Potkin 2478 — Lastin 2552, Russia (ch-m/1) 1999; Less strong is 12... Ag4) 13. f4 (13. f3 4hh5) ДеЗ 14. ЬсЗ 4be4! (Stronger than 14... Дg4 15. ®el 4he4 16. Де4 f5 when White can again sacrifice his queen with 17. Деб! Sei 18. Hael^T) 15. Wh5 Дf5 16. Wh6 (16. fg5 Дg6 17. ®h6 ®g5 18. ®g5 4hg5 is not a problem either, since the knight will return to e4 and Black will follow up by doubling his rooks on the e-file) Деб 17. ®h5 Дg6 (or 17... We7^) 18. Wh3 gf4 19. Hf4 Wg5 20. Hafl Hae8oo; After 6, #Ab3!? ДЬб we have transposed to a variation of the Scotch — 3. d4 ed4 4. 4hd4 Дс5 5. 4bb3!? ДЬб 6. 4hc3 4hf6 — that has re- cently become popular; I think it is enough to mention that Magnus Carlsen has played it himself (M. Carlsen 2826 — E. Bacrot 2716, Nanjing 2010) - C 45] 6... ДЬб 90
С47 Cl LABS 7. ®d2! 17, ^ic6 This is the most common move, but fails to impress 7... bc6 a) 8. ДЬ6?! ab6 9. <£d3 0-0 10. 0-0 d6 (10... He8 11. gel d6 12. e5!? de5 13. He5 lg4 14. He8 We8 15. Wd2 1/2 : 1/2 Mario Zovko 2161 — B. Lalic 2538, Bosnjaci 2009) 11.lei ^g4I? M. Kozakov2415-Mi. Ad- ams 2680, France 1997, is a model game for Black’s strategy, — 69/303; b) 8. e5 ДеЗ 9. fe3 £>d5 10. ^d5 cd5 11. 9d5 Bh4 This is exactly the position that attracted me to this line; White must already be careful not to end up worse, e.g. bl) 12. g3 Wb4 13. Wd2 Wb2 14. ®d4 ®b7 15. e6I? a typical computer resource, trying with tactics to force a perpetual 15... 0—0 (15... Whl 16. Wg7 Sf8 17. e7! фе7 18. 9e5=) 16. ef7 Hf7 17. 0-0-0 Whl 18. Дс4 9f3 19. <£d5 Wf2 20. We4!=; b2) 12. *dl Hb8 13. Wd4 (13. Дс4 0-0^T Amgrimsson 2396 — Roussel-Roozmon 2487, Montreal 2009) b21) And now the simple 13... ®d4 14. ed4 Sb4! winning d4, as 15. сЗ? ДЬ2 is clearly bad; b22) Or 13... Hb4!? 14. ®c5! keeping the Black king in the centre, too 14... Hb2 15. Ac4^ as in one of my games: Smerdon — D. Mastrovasilis, Goa 2002; Credits to my op- ponent for his brave and imaginative play that led to my defeat in a very entertaining game 15... Wh5 16. <£d2 Hb6 17. Safi?! f6 18. e4 Hc6 19. Wd5 Wg5 20. <£d3 ДЬ7? 21. Hbl gb6 22. ®f7 <4>d8 23. gb6 ab6 24. e6 24... Де4! (24... фс8?? the decisive mistake. 25. Wd7 ФЬ8 26. e7 We5 27. <£d5 f5 28. Wd8 фа7 29. Wh8 fe4 30. фе2 ®h5 31. Фе1 Wd5 32. e8® Wa5 33. <£dl Wd5 34. Фс1 Wg5 35. ФЬ1 1 : 0 Smerdon 2436 - D. Mastrovasilis 2463, Goa 2002) 25. Фе4 d5 26. Ф13 ®f5 27. ФеЗ ®g5 with a perpetual; 20... <£d8!+; 17. g4!oo; 7. ДЬ5 0-0 8. 0-0 He8 9. Hel ^e5 10. h3 (10. £rf3!? ДеЗ 11. ДеЗ аб 12. £>e5 He5 13. Дс4 d6 White enjoys a small space advan- tage, but Black is extremely solid and has ex- changed enough pieces not to have any real problems) 10... c6 11. ДН d6 12. f4 ^g6 13. Wf3oo M. Golubev 2467 — Ivanchuk 2741, Odessa 2006] 7... 0-0 [7... d5?! loses a pawn. 8. ДЬ5! <£d7 9. ed5 ®d4 10. <£d7 ®d7 11. <£d4 We7 12. ДеЗ ^g4 13. 0-0-0 ^e3 14. Hhel±; 7... #Ag4!? Black’s only real alternative! a) 8. Дg5 f6 9. ^c6 91
Cl LABS C 47 9... Д12! (9... dc6 10. Wd8 &d8 11. Д114+ Andres Miguel 2382 — A. Sorin 2490, Argen- tina 2000) 10. ®f2 dc6 11. Wg3 fg5 12. h3 £}h6co; b) 8. £)c6 bc6 9. Ad4! 0-0 10. f3 2rf6 11. 0-0-0T1 8. 0-0-0 He8 9. f3 9... d5!? [9... d6 10. g4t Black’s ... jLf8-c5-b6 hasn’t been justified in the least, as Black is strug- gling to find counterplay, Reefat 2435 — Heb- den 2570, Dhaka 1995 and Vovsha 2458 - J. Benjamin 2554, New York 20041 10. ed5 £ri511.£g5 11.. . £>c3 a brilliant counterblow, but it just fails to solve Black’s problems; Safer were... Hl... 5hde7 12. £>c6 Wd2 13. Ad2 £jc6 14. ^d5 Деб 15. 41b6 ab6 16. аЗ £se5+; and 11... f6 12. Дс4 ^d4 13. £)d5 Деб 14. ДГ6! (Not as good is 14. £}b6 ab6 15. ®d4 Wd4 16. Деб Неб 17. Sd4 fg5 18. Sd7 He2 19. Sc7 Sg2 20. Hdl Hh2 21. Sdd7 g6 22. ДЬ7 Sf8 and White has no more than a draw, e.g. 23. Hb6 Sf3 24. Hb8 Sf8 25. Щ8 <£>f8 26. a4 g4 27. Sd3 Sh3 28. <£>d2 g3 29. Фе2 Sh2 30. ФП lc2 31. b4=) gf6 15. £jb6 ab6 16. Wd4 Wd4 17. Деб! (17. Sd4 Дс4 18. Ic4 la2 19. &d2 c6 20. Sd4!? Sb2 21. Hd7 Hb5=) Неб 18. Hd4 He2 (18... Sa2 19. ФЫ+) 19. Hd2±l 12. Дd8 £jdl [12... Дd4? 13. lei £sa2 14. ФЫ ld8 15. Фа2 Деб 16. Неб fe6 17. сЗ±1 13. Дс7! [The computer move 13. ДЬ4 simplifies and allows Black excellent chances of creating a successful fortress; as a matter of fact both players in the post-mortem agreed that the endgame was just a draw! 13... £}d4 14. ®dl 2>f5 15. Дg5 h6 16. Д£4 ^ne3 17. ДеЗ ДеЗ 18. ФЬ1 Д£5±] 13... Дс7 14. £}сб £}еЗ everything is forced. [14... £>Ь2? 15. £>d4 £>a4 16. ДЬ5+-[ 15. ДЬ5! Not only an excellent move, but an almost forced one too! After other moves White is even worse. 92
i '; Cl LABS П5. £Ш? JLf4 16. ЖЬ5 £)fl!+ and White will be left an exchange down; 15, Wl? JLf4 16. ad3 Ah6 17. f4 <£f5+ White can hardly move.] 15... Ьсб?! Black’s best practical chance, even though objectively is losing. 115... Af4? 16. ^e7! <£>f8 17. g3+-; 15... аб?! doesn’t help much 16. JLa4 bc6 (16... ^c4 17. Wb4 b5 18. Ab3 Af4 19. ФЬН—) 17. Sei! even better than playing similarly to the game with (17. Ac6) Ab6 (17... Af4? 18. g3+-) 18. Ac6 Sd8 19. ®c3 (19. ДеЗ? JLb7!! 20. Пе8 Пе8 21. Де8 Пе8 22. Wd7 Hd8! and Black comes out on top!; 19. £a8 Sd2 20. &d2 £>c4 21. Фс1 <£>f8 22. b3 ^e3 23. g3) Sb8 20. Se3 <£f5 21. Se2 £d4 22. Wa3 ДЬ2 23. Wb2 gb2 24. ФЬ2+-; 15.., Af5l~l 16. ^d4 JLf4 17. Де8 (17. ^f5?! ^g2 18. JLe8 Se8 19. Sgl g6!=) ^g2 18. 9f4! (18. JLf7 ФП 19. af5 <£d2 20. &d2 Sd8 21. фе2?! g5!=; 19. Wf4!) £>f4 19. £f7 ФП 20. af5 Sd8 21. £>g3± Black doesn’t have enough compensation for the pawn deficit and practically it is much easier to lose than save such type of endgame.] 16. Дсб 4hc4 Let’s pause for a moment and take stock: White has queen and two pawns for three minor pieces (after winning the exchange). Black’s main problem is that he doesn’t have secure outposts for his pieces in the centre, while White can push his army of pawns, kicking the black pieces away; the a7-pawn is weak and in many lines lost, when White gets three connected passed pawns. Finally, White can sacrifice his rook for a bishop favourably in many cases. I shall try to give a few important lines only, and not analyse the rest of the game further. [16... JLf4 17. ФЬ1 (17. gel?? ДЬ7 18. Де8 ^g2-+) Hb8 (17... Af5 18. Да8 Ha8 19. gel Дс2 20. Фа1 Пе8 21. g3 £f5 22. Пе2!+-) 18. Wd4! Де5 (18... <£f5 19. Wf4 JLc2 20. Фа1 JLg6 and now a simple move like 21. a3 or 21. JLe4 both win.) 19. ®e3 Hb2 20. Фс1 Hb4 (20... Леб 21. Wd3 and 22. JLd5+—) 21. Де8 <£f4 22. ®f4 Sf44~] 17. Wb4!+- [17. ®d4?! Kramnik — Aronian, Zurich (m/3) 2012 — 114/101; this move was the first slip of a so far perfect game by Kramnik giving some chances; He still won the game, but only after a few inaccuracies from both sides in mutual time trouble.] Dimitrios Mastrovasilis 93
RUY LOPEZ Bird's defence By GM Samuel Shankland • Country: USA •Born: 1991 • Title: Grandmaster since 2011 • Rating: 2581 • Peak rating: 2581 Early in my chess career, I was an e4 player. I had been told that it was the best match for my aggressive style. As I got more mature, I realized that I was feeling very at home against the Sicilian and the French, but I had no idea how to play against e5 (or c6, but this is for an- other day!). Ultimately, when I was about 2400 FIDE, I started making the transition from 1. e4 to 1. d4 as an antidote to my difficulties meeting 1... e5. As of now, I have been playing d4 almost exclu- sively for a couple years. However, with all the unsatisfying games I had in the Scotch or the King’s Gambit behind me, I think that I will learn a lot by studying the Ruy Lopez, both in terms of improving my understanding in positions that don’t come as naturally to me and po- tentially reincorporating 1. e4 back into my repertoire. After some discussions with Chess Informant, it has been agreed that I will present some of the fruits of my analysis of the Ruy Lopez as I properly learn it for the first time. I should mention, this series is aimed at finding the best plans for White and it is done from White’s perespective, but I will try to be as objective as possible in my evaluations. I believe that with any new opening, it is most important to learn the sidelines first, so we will start off where Black deviates from the nor- mal 3... a6 or 3... 4hf6, in particular with regard to the ...4hd4 motif. Enjoy! 1. e4 e5 2. &f3 ^c6 3. <£b5 ^d4!? The subject of today’s analysis. This move looks suspicious, but it does have the merit of removing the pressure on e5 by exchanging a pair of knights. I think with accurate play White can gain an advantage, but he should know how to react, otherwise Black may achieve an easy equality. [3... JLc5 (C 64) 4hd4’s cousin 4. 0—0 4hge7 (4... ®f6 This move transposes to a sideline of the Berlin Defense, which will be covered in a later issue) 5. 4he5! 4he5 6. d4 a) 6... a6 7. <£e2! <£d6 8. de5 ±e5 9. f4! This resource is available because Black does not 94
С 61 Cl LABS have ...®b6+ 9... JLd6 10. JLe3± Black has less space and will struggle to develop the light squared bishop.; b) 6... Ad6 7. de5 Ae5 8. f4 c6 9. fe5 cb5 10. йсЗ White dominates on the dark squares; c) 6... JLb6 7. de5 ^g6 8. ®c3 ^e5 9. Wh5 (9. 4M5 0—0 10. JLe2 White will grab the bishop pair with a risk-free advantage — this also looks promising.) 4hg6 10. JLg5 f6 11. Id2 0-0 12. ^d5 d6 13. £>b6 ab6 14. f4 White’s extra central space and bishop pair give him a clear advantage; d) 6... c6 dl) 7. Ae2 Ad6 8. de5 Ae5 9. £>d2 (9. f4? ®b6) d5 Black seems OK; d2) 7. Aa4! While the bishop isn’t great on a4, White wants to transfer him to the a2-g8 diagonal, which was not possible previously, and it opens up a line for the white queen ld6 8. de5 Ae5 9. Wh5 d6 10. ^d2] 4.4bd4 This is my recommendation. [4. Ac4 (4... 4hf6 looks decent as well.) 5. Wf3 Wf6 While my computer is very insis- tent with its +0.2 evaluation, I think Black is solid enough and likely to equalize] 4... ed4 5. 0—0 Ac5 This is the main move nowadays. 15... c6 This doesn’t look too challening — the bishop wasnt so great on b5 anyway, so White should be happy to withdraw him to the menacing c4 square. 6. JLc4 a) 6... 4hf6 Probably the lesser evil, but White does retain an advantage by simple means. 7. Sei! Now White threatens e4-e5 (7. e5 d5 Should be playable for Black; 7. d3 d5 8. ed5 4hd5 White may have some edge here as well but I believe Sei is more convincing.) d6 (7... JLe7 8. e5 4hd5 9. JLd5 cd5 10. ®f3 Wins a pawn) 8. d3 Now Black’s dark- squared bishop will be passive and White can gain an edge by simple develop- ment. 8... kel 9. ®d2 0-0 10. c5 11. h3±; b) 6... d5 7. ed5 cd5 8. <£b5 <£d7 9. gel! Dis- turbing Black’s development by forcing the knight to e7. bl) 9... Ae7? 10. ®g4 Wins immediately 10... Ab5 (10... g6 11. Wd4; 10... <£>f8 11. Wd7) 11. Wg7; b2) 9... ^3e7 10. c4! In my opinion this ener- getic move is White’s most promising continu- ation. He anticipates Black castling queenside and preemptively starts a pawn advance. b21) 10... Ab5 11. cb5 Wd7(ll...g6 12. d3) 12. £}a3 0-0-0 13. d3 The open c-file is a huge problem for Black, whose king is un- likely to last too long.; b22) 10... dc4 11. JLc4 The f7 pawn is a big problem; b23) 10... a6 11. Ad7 Wd7 12. £>a3 b231) 12... d3 13. b4! White is not interested in winning a pawn, he has higher ambitions (13. Wf3 0-0-0 14. ®d3 ^c6 15. ЬЗ dc4 16. ®d7 Sd7 17. 4hc4 JLc5 This kind of position should be defensible for Black- his pieces are well placed and the d-pawn is under control.) 0-0-0 14. b5 with a ferocious attack; 95
Cl LABS C61 b232) 12... 0-0-0 13. b4! White starts a queen- side pawn storm 13... ФЬ8 (13... 4hg6 14. c5 White plans 4hc2 and will collect the d4 pawn) 14. b5 ab5 15. W dc4 16. Wa4 ^c6 17. ®c4 The open b-file will be a constant cause of concern for the second player; 5... аб 6. JLc4 ®f6 7. gel d6 8. d3 Leads to a similar position to 5... c6 6. JLc4 4hf6] 6. b4! I believe this innovation of Arkady Naiditsch is White’s best option. If Black is permitted to complete his development, I think that White’s advantage will be minimal and easily extinguished, so energetic play is called for. 6... JLb4 I think that accepting the gambit is the most challenging move. [6... JLb6 Declining the gambit is definitely not a good idea. 7. ®g4 I prefer this move to Naiditsch’s 4ha3. a) 7... g6 8. ®g3 Black has made some weak dark squares on the kingside and the center, but his dark squared bishop is nowhere near the defense. 8... 4he7 9. d3 al) 9... c6 10. JLa4 d5 (10... <£c7 11. <£f4 ^f4 12. Wf4 0-0 13. Wd6 Black is para- lyzed and loses his d4 pawn.) 11. ®e5 gf8 12. ®f6 de4 13. JLh6 the dark squares are proving to be very problematic; a2) 9... 0-0 10. JLh6 Пе8 11. Wf4 and Black is already losing; b) 7... 4hf6 Black has to sacrifice the pawn, otherwise he will be considerably worse with no counterplay.] 7. JLb2 JLc5 17... c6 Probably the lesser of two evils, but White still gets a more pleasant position. I de- cided to keep 7... Ac5 as the main line because it is more principled and more complicated. 8. JLd4! Using the motif of the g7 pawn being hanging. a) 8... cb5 9. JLg7; b) 8... af6 9. e5 ^d5 10. a3! (10. <£c4 0-0 11. JLd5 cd5; 10. <£d3 0-0 11. ^c3) £e7 11. Ad3 0-0 12. Wf3 d6 13. ^c3 White has some pressure. bl) 13... de5 14. <£e5 bl 1) 14... 4hc3 15. JLc3 White’s lead in devel- opment gives him the edge, and Black cannot comfortably develop the light-squared bishop 15... Ad7 (15... Ae6?? 16. We4 g6 17. We5) 16. gfel; bl2) 14... Af6 15. We4 g6 16. ^d5 Ae5 17. We5 Wd5 18. Wd5 cd5 19. gfbl (19. a4) Al- though my computer is giving this as equal, I think Black is under considerable pressure. White will advance the a-pawn and both d5 and b7 can become serious targets. 19... ^g7 20. a4 gd8 21. a5 gb8 22. gb5; b2) 13... ^c3 14. ed6! <£d6 15. <£c3 <£e6 16. ®e4 g6 17. ®d4 f6 18. Ще1 Black’s kingside is a bit tender and White can probe for errors with no risk; c) 8... 4he7 9. JLd3 (9. <£c4 0-0 10. Wh5 d6 11. 4hc3) 0—0 10. Well This funny little computer move is surprisingly strong; due to the threat of JLg7 Black is forced to weaken his position. 10... JLa5 11. ®b2 f6 12. 4hc3 By forcing f6, White has weakened the a2-g8 96
С 61 Cl LABS diagonal and he can hope to further advance with f4, f5, e5, etc. 12... d5 13. Sael cl) 13... Деб 14. ed5 Ad5 15. Дс5; c2) 13... Ad7 14. ed5 cd5 (14... ®d5 15. ®d5 cd5 16. Wb7) 15. Дс5; c3) 13... de4 14. <5he4 With a strong White initiative; 7... ^f6 8. e5 <5he4 9. Wg4 £)g5 10. f4 With a big advantage.] 8. c3 8... dc3 18... d3 9. Ad3 d6 (RR 9... d5 10. ®ЬЗ! c6 11. ed5 Ш’? 12. Sei <£>f8 13. dc6 bc6 14. ia3!± M.-V. Ghinda 2470 - N. Skalkotas 2330, Egion 1986 - 42/(395); 9... £)f6 10. e5) 10. Дс2 £>f6 11. d4±; 8... Wf6 9. Wh5 (9. cd4 Ad4 10. e5 Wb6 11. Id4 Ш4 12. £>c3) ДЬ6 10. cd4 £je7 (10... Id4 11. e5! Wb6 12. e6!+-) 11. e5 Wf5 12. te2 0-0 a) RR 13. Sei £>g6 14. ^d3 Wg5 15. We3 ®d8 16. a4 c6? 17. ДаЗ Se8 18. Ad6± L. Masieev — A. Tolush, corr. 1969 — 7/238; 16... аб M. Yudovich sr.; b) 13. a4 c6 14. ^d3 We6 15. a5 Дс7 White has great pressure; RR 8... c6 9. cd4 Де7 10. Да4 d5 11. ed5 td5 12. £>c3 Wd4 13. ®f3 ®f6 14. Wg3 ld6 15. Sael &f8 16. We3 Деб 17. £te4 ®Ь2 18. £)d6 Wb4 19. We5 ®a4 20. £rf5 Wg4 21. Wc5 Фе8 22. Se4 Wg6 23. Sbl Sb8 24. We5 Sd8 25. Sb7 £)f6 26. Wc5 £>d5 27. Se7 1 : 0 A. Naiditsch 2702 - R. Kula 2341, Trzcianka (rapid) 2012- 114/106] 9. ДсЗ c6 ]9... ДТ6 10. e5 £}g8 11. Де4 Leads to imme- diate disaster for Black; 9... Ad4 10. Wa4! White has a dangerous ini- tiative.] 10. Дс4 Д04 HO... ДТ6 11. e5; 10 ... d6 11. Wb3 Д116 12. Да4 My computer is overwhelmed with enthusiasm, and it looks to be right — White is indeed much better. a) 12... b5 13. ДЬ5 cb5 14. Дс5 0-0 (14... dc5 15. Дg7) 15. Д43 White is clearly better due to his active pieces and superior pawn structure; b) 12... 0-0 13. Wc3 Wf6 14. Wf6 gf6 15. Дс5 dc5 16. Af6±] 11. ®a4! White looks for а ДГ7 shot, trying to use tactics to facilitate rapid development [11. e5 ДЬ6 seems to hold the fort together for Black.] 11... Д116 [11... Де5 Trying to save the pawn is not to be recommended 12. d4 Дс7 (12... b5 13. ДГ7 and White is winning) 13. Wb3 ДЬ6 14. e5 0-0 15. Де4 White’s massive center gives him an edge de- spite being a pawn down. His plan will be to 97
Cl LABS C61 push d4-d5 and open more lines while Black is still underdeveloped. a) 15... Se8 16. Sfel d5 (16... ^f5 17. ДП) 17. ed6 Да5 (17... <£d6 18. ^d6) 18. ПеЗ b5 Black has to play actively, otherwise White excecutes d4-d5 with a huge advan- tage. (18... af5 19. af6 gf6 20. ДП; 18... Деб 19. d5) 19. Д17! ^f7 20. ^g5 Деб 21. 4he6 ®d6 22. f4 White will play f5, perma- nently securing the knight on e6 and leading to a much better position. 22... ®d5 23. f5 Wb3 24. аЬЗ ДЬб 25. Hael± It’s hard to find a plan for Black, while White can sim- ply expand on the kingside 25... 4hh6 (25... a5 26. Sg3) 26. g4 a5 (26... ^g4 27. Sg3) 27. gel gac8 28. h3; b) 15... d5 16. ed6 Да5 (16... Дd6 17. ^d6 ®d6 18. ДаЗ) 17. d5 Black can develop his pieces now, but White has obtained a very strong passed d-pawn; c) 15... ^f5 16. d5 ®h4 (16... d6 17. ed6 ^d6 18. ®c3 af5 19. gadl Black is in big trouble because of the active white pieces.) 17. d6 ДЬб 18. ДdЗ Black is de facto playing down two pieces, the ones on c8 and a8.J 12. ДГ7 an 13. Wd4 13... ®b6! Without this queen exchanging resource, Black would come under an un- stoppable attack on the dark squares. 14. ae2 Wd4 15. ad4 g6 [15... d6 16. f4 0-0 17. Sf3 Дd7 (17... Дg4 18. Sg3) 18. Sg3 g6 19. af3 Looks promis- ing as well; 19. f5 White can attack on the kingside, even in the abscence of the queens; 15... 0-0 16. af5] 16. f4 0—0 17. d3± White has more active pieces and better control of the center, and he can hope to attack on the dark squares. Final conclusion — if White knows what to do against 3... 4hd4 he can expect a clear ad- vantage. Samuel Shakland 98
лк QUEEN'S GAMBIT Tarrasch variation By GM Alexei Bezgodov • Country: Russia § • Born: 1969 -S 1 c • Title: Grandmaster since 1999 « g £ c • Rating: 2508 g g £ • Peak rating: 2576 | 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. ^c3 c5 4. ^f3?! A not so rare move. Quite often, Black coldbloodedly answers with 4... 4hc6, after which the game usually returns to theoretical lines in case of a pawn exchange on d5. Yet, when analyzing the resulting variations, I came to a conclusion unpleasant for White (in case of 4. £rf3): the chances of Black are higher after the immediate capture on d4. This conclusion is connected to the fact that White deliberately accepts the dissolution of his pawn centre! 4... cd4! 5. Ш4 e5 6. Of course, this move is better than the coura- geous hop to b5, but such a melancholic re- treat can hardly promise White an opening advantage! [6. 4hdb5 аб! This simple and seemingly neg- ligible move is in fact the prelude to an ex- change sacrifice! All lines below are the fruit of my analytical work. We should not look into the knight’s retreat to a3 because of its shabbiness. 7. ®a4 JLd7 First a quick word about two weak alternatives: a) Very bad is 8. 4hd5??, because it loses a piece: 8... JLb5 9. cb5 ®d5 10. ba6 ®c6—h; b) 8. e4?! gives Black two minor pieces for a rook, after which White is probably unable to equalize: 8... dc4 9. JLc4 ab5 10. ®a8 bc4 11. Wb7 af6 (11... Дс5 12. Ag5 ^e7 13. Де7 Де7 14. Sdl ^c6 15. W W 16. ®c7 <£>f8 17. 0-0) 12. Ag5 Дсб 13. Wa7 ДЬ4 99
Cl LABS 0 32 14. 0-0 0-0 15. gfdl ®e7 16. We7 Де7 17. a4 Дс5+; c) 8. cd5 The main and essentially only con- tinuation for White. 8... 4hf6! Development above everything - this is Black’s motto. White needs to take on certain responsibilities in order to try and play for a win, and these can become unbear- able. Let’s look into his possibilities: cl) White keeps chances for an equal game in a relatively calm position after the accu- rate 9. еЗ ®b6. The knight’s position on b5 became shaky, which is why White should not neglect the possibility to trade this piece at the expense of a pawn. 10. d6 JLd6 11. ^d6 Wd6 12. ®h4 ^f5 13. Де2 <£d3! De- priving White of the opportunity to use the the power of the bishop pair later on. 14. 0—0 Де2 15. £>e2 0-0 16. e4 ^bd7=; c2) 9. d6 The threat of a very unpleasant check on c7 forces Black to immediately sacrifice an exchange. He cannot refrain from such a drastic step, but he also has no reason to. 9... ab5 10. ®a8 b4 It is difficult to look at White’s position without pity. The queen is in the corner and surveys the entire board from there with the eyes of a caged animal, while the knight is searching for a retreat square. Black’s practical chances are definitely higher. Nevertheless, the extra ex- change gives White chances to hold the po- sition. c21) 11. 4hdl A very modest place for a knight, of course, on which it also interferes with its fellow pieces. 11... JLd6! Black can and should sacrifice the pawn on b7, otherwise his opponent would manage to complete his development. In this alarming situation White has to choose one of the following moves: c211) 12. JLg5 Heading for the quickest com- pletion (or commencement) of development, White gives his opponent a chance to retain the valuable pawn on b7. 12... Деб 13. ®a7 0-0 14. gel h6 15. ДТ6 Wf6 16. ^еЗ Де7 17. ®a5 ®e6 18. Sdl 4hd7 Intending to play ...f5 with a strong initiative. c212) 12. ®b7 Principled, but is it good for White? I could not find a concrete win for Black, but it is very possible that one of the readers would be luckier in this. 12... Деб 13. Wa7 ^e4 14. We3 0-0 15. ®d3 Wa5 The white queen reminds one of a likeable but unlucky character from a thriller movie, who is chased by a crowd of bandits with knives and guns. But chess is not cinema, and there can be no happy end. Firstly, two possi- bilities that are favourable for Black: 16. b3!? Seems to be the strongest. But also here, White’s perspectives seem doubtful to me. (16. Wb3 Дd5 17. Wd3 b3 18. £>c3 ^c3 19. bc3 e4 20. ®d2 ba2 21. еЗ Де5 22. ДЬ2 ДЬЗ 23. Де2 Hd8 24. Wcl £>d7 25. 0-0 ^с5 26. с4 ДЬ2 27. ®Ь2 f6 28. gael Sd2 100
D 32 Cl LABS 29. Wcl Ac2 30. Wb2 &b3 31. c5 Adi 32. Ic4 <£>f8 33. Wb3 Ab3 34. Ab3 lb2-+; 16. f3 ЬЗ 17. £jc3 £>c3 18. ЬсЗ Hd8 19. e4 йаб 20. Wc4 ab4 21. <£>f2 The king is forced to walk. 21... Ac5 22. ^g3 £>c2 23. ab3 Wai 24. Wc5 Wcl 25. Wc6 Wei 26. ФИЗ йеЗ The attack with the support of queen and knight leads to material gain. 27. Wc7 Sf8 28. We5 2k11 29. Hgl £jf2 30. ФЬ4 £je4 31. g3 Wf2 32. fe4 Wh2 33. <£>g4 Wgl-+) 16... £e7 17. f3 Sd8 18. Wc2 18... Й)с3! Black has an easy game — he con- trols all the key squares on the board. 19. йсЗ ЬсЗ 20. e4 Ab7 21. Ac4 Ac5 22. a3 йсб The future of this knight is bright. 23. Ag5 Sd7 24. Wa2 Wb6 25. b4 25... Agl! 26. Hdl The construction of the incredible beauty. 26... 45d4 27. Hd3 c2 28. Ф42 Wg6 29. h4 h6 This series of forced moves leads to a drawish outcome. 30. Sgl hg5 31. h5 Wh5 32. Hcl g4 33. Hc2 Whl 34. ®b2 gf3 There is nothing left to fight for... (Equality is the outcome also after 34... Wg2 35. ФеЗ Wfl 36. Hf2 Wei 37. Wd2 Wai 38. »b2=) 35. gf3 £>f3 36. ФеЗ Wei 37. ФЬЗ Sd3 38. Ad3 ®d4 39. Фа2 £>c2 40. Ac2 № 41. Wc3 Ae4 42. Wc8 <4>h7 43. Wh3 &g8=; c22) 11. £}a4 The knight’s placement on this square is hardly reliable. On the other hand, it has a chance to jump to b6 or c5 later. JLd6 12. ДеЗ 0-0 13. gdl We7 14. ^Ь6 Деб 15. ®a5 4hc6 16. ®Ь5 ЬЗ! A rare case in the opening, especially such a calm one as the Tarrasch Defence — White’s royal couple is in a critical situation. 17. a3 4}e4 18. 4}d5 Дd5 19. Wd5 19... 4hb4! A sacrifice that suggests itself and sharply increases White’s problems. 20. ®e4 £>c2 21.<£d2 ДаЗ! c221) White now loses after 22. ba3 Sd8 23. ФеЗ (23. Wd3 e4 24. ®d8 ®d8 25. Фс1 Wc7) gdl 24. ФЬЗ £>a3 25. f3 Sbl 26. фа2 ®e6 27. фаЗ Wb3; c222) 22. Дс5 The most resistant, but there probably is already no escape. Дс5 23. e3 ДЬ4 24. Фе2 f5 25. ®с4 фЬ8 26. ®ЬЗ ^d4 27. Sd4 ed4—И with a huge advantage in de- velopment and a winning attack.] 6... <14! Of course! 7. 4hd5 The main move. [Let’s look at 7. 4he5?! an adventurous deci- sion that allows Black to win a piece. 7... f6 8. e3 fe5 9. Wh5 <£d7 10. Wf5 101
Cl LABS 0 32 a) 10... Фе8 is enough for a draw by perpetual check, which in itself is an adequate argument against White’s 7th move. b) If Black feels like playing for a win, he can play 10... Фе7 11. ^d5 (11. We5 Ф17 12. Wd4 ^c6) <4>d6 12. ®f3 ^c6 13. c5 &d7 14. Wf7 ^ge7 15. Ь4 gb8 16. b5 We8 17. Wf3 ^d8 18. Дс4 ^d5 19. Wd5 Фс7 20. ed4 ®e6, when it is difficult for me to evaluate the resulting position, but Black’s chances do not appear worse.] 7... 4hc6 8. e4 Trying to support the knight — White’s only hope. [Perfectly possible is 8. e3 af6 9. ed4 ^d5 10. cd5 Wd5 11. de5 ®dl 12. <^>dl JLg4 when the activity of the black pieces guarantee their master a quick return of the pawn, with a probable draw. 13. ДеЗ 0-0-0 14. фс2 ФЬ8 15. gel Де7 16. ФЬ1 Д13 17. gf3 ^е5 18. Де2 f5 19. ghel ^f6=] 8... 4hf6 It is possible to continue develop- ment in two ways: 9. JLg5 White starts with his queenside first, but this only leads to exchanges that are prof- itable for Black. [9. <£d3 Де7 10. 0-0 0-0 11. аЗ a5 12. h3 12... 4hd7! White’s centralised knight cannot create threats by itself, but other pieces are unable to support it efficiently. Pay attention to the various ways the black pieces can play around it, creating effective counterplay. 13. ®c2 ^c5 14. b3 f5 15. gel ^d3 16. Wd3 fe4 17. ^e7 We7 18. We4 ДТ5 19. Wd5 Деб 20. ®e4 Дf5= A move repetition is likely.] 9... Де7 10. ДГ6 [Unatttractive for White 10. ^e7 We7 11. ДdЗ h6 12. Д114 0-0 13. 0—0 a5 14. h3 ®e6 Black will later place his knight on c5, leaving White in a defensive role.] 10... ДГ6 White’s structure is inferior in this position. The central knight hardly compen- sates for the two bishops and flexible pawn chain of the opponent. In case this knight is exchanged for a bishop, White’s weaknesses on the queenside will become more vulner- able. 11. h3 0-0 12. ®d2 Де7 [Other possibilities also deserve attention, for instance: 12.., g6: 12.., Деб!? In all cases it is more enticing to play Black.] 13. g4 Деб 14. аЗ Дс!6 [Also good is 14... a5 15. 0-0-0 a4 16. ФЫ f6] 15. ДдЗ a5 16. 0-0-0 a4 17. ФМ ^a5 18. Hdgl He8 19. ®c2 Hc8T This position occurred in the classical game A. Chistiakov — D. Bronstein, USSR 1945. For several decades White failed to show anything impressive in this line. This means that Black can play 4... cd4! Conclusion on the line 4. 4hf3?! Black, acting extremely concretely, disman- tles his opponent’s pawn centre and starts to harass the hyperactive white knight. If the knight moves to b5, Black has a very attrac- tive (possibly even winning) exchange sacri- fice, while if the knight moves to f3, Black obtains a stable positional advantage in a calm situation. So, White’s chosen 4th move not only leaves him without any chances for an opening ad- vantage, but also quickly puts him in a dan- gerous situation. Alexei Bezgodov 102
CATALAN OPENING Classical variation By GM Rafael Leitao Country: Brazil Born: 1979 Rating: 2623 Peak rating: 2640 Title: Grandmaster since 1998 11 is common knowledge that the Catalan Opening is a hard nut to crack. And what is worse: it is very difficult to obtain unbalanced positions with Black, so players who need to win with Black are left wandering what to do. As mostly an open tournament player myself, I have many times faced this situation. That is why I was attracted to an unusual move that has been in fashion since 2011: in the Main line, instead of searching for equality with some solid setup, Black plays 7... b5!?, defending the c4-pawn and taking the bull by its horns! In some cases Black is ready to sacrifice the ex- change in order to obtain a strong initiative. The idea behind this move is very fresh and the theory has been developing only since 2011. This is also a nice difference in comparison with the Catalan main lines, where new ideas are usually played around move 15-20. Here the theory is still far from exhausted, so it is not so hard to cook up some nice surprises. I believe that the best continuation for White is 9. 4hfd2! answering fire with fire! I should point out that, in order to avoid the intricacies of 7... b5, some White players like to play 7. ®a4!?. In this case, I suggest another creative move: 7... 9d5!?. In this article I offer plenty of new ideas for both sides, that I hope will contribute to further de- velop the theory of this line. 1. c4 e6 2. g3 d5 3. <£g2 &f6 4. &f3 Де7 5. 0-0 0-0 6. d4 dc4 7. ®c2 [7. Wa4 is sometimes played, in order to avoid 7... b5. If 7... аб, then we have a trans- position to the main lines after 8. Wc4. So I suggest a rare move: 7... ®d5!? It looks strange to put the queen under the line of fire like this, but the knight on f3 can’t move and Black can improve his lady’s position by playing ...®c6-a6 in some variations. Apart from that, ...b7-b5 becomes a real possibil- ity. The theory is not very well developed here. Play may continue with the following moves: a) 8. ^a3 <£d7 (8... ДаЗ 9. Wa3oo) 9. ®c4 ДаЗ 10. Wd5 ed5 И. ЬаЗ ДЬ5^; b) 8. ДТ4!? A normal developing move and a dangerous one. But I found a way to neutral- ize White’s attempts. 8... Дd7 9. ®c2 103
Cl LABS E 05 9... £}c6! and with the help of some tactics, Black can achieve a good game. 10. £tbd2 (10. £>e5 ^d4 11. Wd2 Wc5 12. еЗ 2Л5! 13. ^d7? ^d7 14. Wd7 Had8-+; 10. Idl <ЙЬ4 11. Wcl Wa5M £)b4! (10... £>d4 11. £>d4 Wd4 12. ЖЬ7 Hab8 13. Ae3+; 10... Wb5) 11. Wc4(ll. Wcl ^a2! Д 12.1a2c3) Ab5! 12. Wc7 Hfe8 13. Hfcl (13. £je5 Wd4^) Ae2 14. аЗ ^d3 15. &el Wd4 16. Ae3 Wg4 17. ^d3 JLd3 18. Wb7 ^d5^; c) 8. 4hc3 Wc6 9. Wc2 Wa6 Now Black’s queen is in a secure place. The game is bal- anced. cl) 10. JLg5 £jc6 11. e3! h6! Better than (11... £)b4 12. We2oo; 11... £)d7?! 12. Же7 £>e7 13. a4 e5? 14. £}b5± as played in B. Adhiban 2542 — A. Rombaldoni 2459, Chennai 2011) 12. Af6 Af6 13. £}e4 Же7оо; c2) 10. e4 £)c6 11. We2 (11. a3 £>a5oo) £>b4 (11... b5!? 12. d5 b4 13. dc6 ЬсЗ 14. ЬсЗ Wa5^; 11... Id8) 12. Idl This was played in Le Quang Liem 2715 — Megaranto 2544, Khanty-Mansiysk (m/1) 2011. Now I sug- gest an improvement. 12... Sd8! (12... ^d3 13. Ag5oo; 12... Ad7 was played in the game, but White achieved an advantage) 13. £}e5 c5! 14. JLe3 (14. dc5 Sdl 15. Wdl £)d7!! 16. £)d7 £)d3t; 14. d5 ed5 15. ed5 Jld6 16. £>c4 Ag4 17. f3 Af5±?) cd4 15. Ad4 £>d3 16. <M3 cd3 (16... Sd4 17. ae5!T) 17. Sd3 e5 18. £>d5! £)d5 19. ed5 Ad6=] 7... b5!? 8. a4 b4 White has many options here, but I think the biggest discovery of this article is that 9. £}fd2! is the best move. 9. £}fd2! Introduced by Boris Gelfand, this sacrifice is the most dangerous continuation. [9. ^bd2!? a) 9... ЬЗ? This is totally wrong: 10. Wc4 Даб 11. Wb3 Де2 (И... ^сб 12. Wc2 W 13. fdl+ F. Berkes 2682 - K. Rusev 2516, Skopje 2012) 12. gel ДРЗ 13. Д£3±; 13. £tf3± Max. Lagarde 2488 — Alej. Ramirez 2591, Cappelle la Grande 2012. The bishop pair and light squares give White a big ad- vantage; b) 9... ДЬ7 bl) 10. Hdl Agains this clever move I sug- gest a new idea: c3!? (10... c5 11. 4hc4 4hbd7 1/2 : 1/2 E. Vorobiov 2581 — S. Azarov 2648, Saint Petersburg 2011) И. ЬсЗ a5 with the intention of ...4hbd7 followed by ...c5. I think Black is alright; b2) 10. ^c4 Де4 b21) 11. Wdl c5 12. dc5 ^bd7 and Black achieves equality. 13. 4hfe5 (13. 4hd6 Ad5 14. ДеЗ 4hc5 15. Дс5 Дd6= Pumama 2368 - Mareco 2597, Jakarta 2011) Дg2 (13... 4he5 14. Wd8 Hfd8 15. ^e5 Дс5 16. Дg5 Дg2 17. &g2 Hd5 18. Дf6 gf6 19. ^d3+ M. Ragger 2614 — Vallejo Pons 2707, 104
Е05 Cl LABS Aix-les-Bains 2011) 14. &g2 Wc7 15. &d7=; b22) 11. 8b3 c5 (11... £jc6 12. Idl Ad5 is also possible.) 12. ЖеЗ (12. dc5 £}a6) cd4 13. ftd4 Ag2 14. <£>g2 Wd5 15. f3 ®bd7 16. £id2?! (16. lacl; 16. Hfdl) Wb7 17. Sfcl Sac8 18. Ж12 £jc5T P. Maletin 2584 - Zontakh 2568, Russia 2011; 9. Wc4?l Жаб 10. Wc2 £)bd7 White has no time to prevent ...Дас8-Лс5, so Black gets a good game, for instance: 11. £}e5 (11. Sdl Sc8 12. e4 c5 13. d5 ed5 14. e5 <йе8 15. Id5 £ic7 16. Idl £je6+ K. Saurabh 2324 - J. Gustafsson 2647, Pattaya 2011) <®Ae5 a) 12. Жа8 ®a8! (12... Wd4 13. ^.g2 ld8^) 13. de5 £)g4T; b) 12. de5 <53d5 13. Idl ®c8^; 9. ^e5?l This is the most direct attempt, but we can safely state that this move is bad. Black now sacs the exchange and gets the better game in all variations. In the first games featuring this line, many White players suffered with this move: 9... Wd4! 10. Жа8 We5T a) 11. ±g2 Жаб 12. Af4 Wa5 13. 4id2 b3 14. Wcl Wb4 15. £jbl <2jd5 16. ^.d2 Wc51 D. Abel 2411 — Piorun 2521, Deizisau 2011; b) 11. Af4 ®h5! (11... вс5?! 12. Ш2 Жаб 13. JLe3T Gonzalez Zamora 2540 — Her- nandez Carmenates 2564, Merida 2011) 12. If3£>g4 13.£g4 Wg4 14. ad2e5! 15.Же5 ftc6t; c) 11. Ж(3 Жаб 12. Af4 Wa5! 13. £>d2 b3 14. Wcl Ш41 Shimanov 2550 - I. Salgado Lopez 2630, Aix-les-Bains 2011; 9. Жg5 Жаб doesn’t look convincing for White. Ab. Gupta 2627 — Svetushkin 2576, Kavala 2011] 9... c6 10. £)c4 110. еЗ?! White has no time to defend the pawn: 10... b3! 11. ®c4 Жаб 12. Wb3 ЖН and there is not enough compensation for the exchange.] 10... Wd4 White has many plans here. In general, the ad- vantage in development plus the weaknesses in Black’s camp guarantees good compensa- tion. But of course Black is not without play. ll.Sdl [11. ЖеЗ Actually I think this move might be better. a) 11... ®g4 al) 12. £>bd2 Жаб 13. ^e5 Ш5 14. £jdf3 £)g4 15. £>g4 Wg4 16. £jd4^; 16. Sfdloo Av. Grigoryan 2608 — Mi. Olszewski 2541, Shenzhen 2011; 105
Cl LABS E05 a2) 12. £ie5 ®h5 13. ДГ4 (13. ®c6? <5jc6 14. Wc6 41g4 15. h3 ^e3 16. fe3 Hb8 17. Wc7 (Golichenko 2408 — Vysochin 2550, Kyiv 2012) ®c5!T) £)g4 (13... ®d5? 14. Д13) 14. £sg4 ®g4 15. Д(3 ®f5 16. Де4 Wh5 17. 41d2S; b) 11... Wd8! 12. Hdl <®3d5 13. Ad4<ad7 14. e4 Ш6 15. ®bd2 Даб 16. e5 Sd5 17. ЬЗоо] 11... Wc5 12. ДеЗ [12. b3!? is a logical, but untried plan. White secures the knight on c4 and prepares to de- velop the bishop on b2. 12... Даб 13. 4hbd2 £sbd7 14. ДЬ2^1 12... ®h5 13. £sbd2 £>g4 14. 2rf3 <йеЗ 15. 41e3 a5 16. £}c4 Даб 1/2 : 1/2 В. Gelfand 2733 — R. Ponomariov 2743, Russia 2011. And by playing carefully, Black manages to equalize. Rafael Leitao 106
SAMUEL SHANKLAND YOUTH BREAKS THROUGH CALIFORNIA SURFER L J espite being perennially among the world’s strongest chess nations, the United States of America have heavily relied, for several decades now, on foreign-bred players to represent the country in Olympiads and top-level chess. The names of Yasser Seirawan, Lev Alburt, Roman Dzindzichashvili, Greg Kaidanov, Alex Yermolinsky, Alex Shabalov, Alex Onischuk and, of course, Gata Kamsky, immediately spring to mind. The advent of Hikaru Nakamura was hailed by the public, as for the first time in many years an American-raised player was finally displaying potential to conquer the heights of the chess Olympus. The craze of the American public for Nakamura’s rapid rise to the top gave an undeniable boost to youth chess in the country, and this in turn led to the appearance of other promising talents. Two of them are al- ready members of the US Olympic team and respected grandmasters: Robert Hess is the other one, and here we proudly present to you grandmaster Sam Shankland! Sam was bom on the first day of October 1991 in Berkeley, California. He was taught how to play chess by his father, and his first serious in- volvement with the royal game was at the age of 9 (in 2000), when he started receiving in- struction by his after-school teacher. A year later, in 2001, he played his first official tourna- ment. Throughout his career (which obviously is only at the beginning) he was supported by his trainers, FM Andy Lee, GM Vinay Bhat, GM Josh Friedel, while nowadays he works to- gether with GM Jon Ludvig Hammer. It took Sam a few years to really get off the ground, but once he did, he started scoring some remarkable successes. In 2008 he tied for first at the U18 section of the World Youth Championship, along with GMs Ivan Saric and Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son; this tie was achieved thanks to a win against GM Le Quang Liem in the last round. His third place in the 2011 US Championship helped bring him into the limelight, his advance to the semi-finals being secured by a win against 108
RISING STARS GM Alex Onischuk. Having secured a ticket to the 2011 FIDE World Cup, he proceeded to eliminate Peter Leko in the first round, scoring the tournament’s most notable upset. Sam is a pretty dynamic player, with a scientific flavor to his game. He tends to prefer sharp positions, but not completely irrational ones; basically, to quote his own words, he likes posi- tions where good understanding and strong calculation are equally essential in order to play them well. He admires Gary Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik most of all, not only because they were/are two of the greatest players of all time, but also because they have shown that it’s not only talent that is important, but also the capacity for hard work. Sam’s road to the grandmaster title was a quite unusual one. After missing out on his final norm several times, and seriously considering retiring from serious chess altogether, he some- what accidentally scored the elusive norm and finally became a grandmaster! This gave him the motivation necessary to take chess more seriously and become one of America’s top play- ers. With a current rating of 2581, Sam is rising up the ladder quickly and consistently, with steady 2630 performances for the past year. He hopes to reach by the end of 2013, and hope- fully 2700 by the end of 2015. Naturally, his ambition doesn’t stop there! While his chess future does indeed seem bright and promising, Sam is not exclusively focused on chess. He is a student at Brandeis University in Massachusetts, studying Economics, and feels that his school obligations do not really hinder his pursuit of his chess goals. On the con- trary, he believes it is important to have more to think about than just chess, to make sure he is still keeping a good perspective of reality. Still, his main goal is to just try to reach his maxi- mum playing strength - hoping that it will be close to 2800! Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you Sam Shankland! Photo by Betsy Dynako 109
RISING STARS 114/21 A 48 KACHEISHVILI 2612 - SHANKLAND 2580 Philadelphia 2012 1. d4 af6 2. g6 3. Ag5 Ag7 4. ^bd2 0—0 5. c3 d6 [5... d5 This is a more normal continuation.] 6. e4 c5 7. dc5 dc5 8. Дс4 ^c6 9. 0-0 [9. ®e2 For some reason I remember thinking this was the best move, but I have no idea why.] 9... 4ha5 10. JLe2 JLe6 11. JLf4! White makes sure to take control of the h2-b8 diagonal. [11. ®c2 ®c7] h6 Stopping any 4hg5 ideas. 12. h3! Preventing ...W. [12. ®c2 W 13. ДеЗ ®c7 Black has found good squares for all of his pieces.] 12.. . Wb6 13. ®c2 Sfd8 14. Sei!? White reasons that the d-file is not that important, and he wants to organize the e4-e5 advance to restrict Black’s pieces — an original plan that I was not expecting. 14.. . gac8 15. ДП ^d7 16. e5 ®c7 [16... 4hc6 (...&c6 and ...Wc7 is the plan, but by playing ...®c7 first, Black does not allow White to use the c4 square.) 17. Дс4 Дс4 18. ^c4 ®a6 ( 18... ®c7 19. We4) 19. We4 My computer claims Black is totally fine, but during the game I was concerned that my pieces were getting a little passive.] 17. JLd3 4hc6 Tempting fate... 18. JLg6!? After a long think my opponent decided to sacrifice a piece. When I had played ...<йс6 I thought this sacrifice could not possibly be sound, but while he was thinking I realized that it is actually more dangerous than I gave it credit for. 18... fg6 19. Wg6 £>f8 20. Wg3oo ФИ7 21. 4he4 b6?? This move was consistent with my plan of playing ...®d7-e8-g6 to aid the de- fense, but I did not have time to defend c5. [21... JLd5 was necessary. 22. JLh6 JLh6 23. 4heg5 Ф118 White no longer has Де4 so here he is lost; 22. 4hc5] 22. ДеЗ?? After this move Black gets the key tempo he needs to organize a defense, and he probably should be winning. [22. JLh6! Ah6 23. ®eg5 Ф118 24. ge4 <£g7 25. ^e6 To be honest, I think White still has a very danger- ous attack here, which I underestimated dur- ing the game — ...b6 was really not calculated well! 25... ^e6 26. Wg6 ®e5 27. Sh4 *g8 28. We6 af7 29. ^g5 Sf8 30. Sg4; 25. Щ4! !4— I missed this move — I had only considered lifting the rook to the h-file.J 22... ®d7! A very important defensive move. Black can either swing the queen around to g6 or play ...4hg6 now that the e6 bishop is no longer hanging. 23. JLh6 White has to try, but his chance to strike has passed. With good defense Black holds on and retains a material advantage. [23. Wh4 ^g6] 23... Ah6 24. ^fg5 [24. ^eg5 Ф118 25. Де4 4hg6 and now we see one of the points of ...®d7-e6 is defended.] 24... ФИ8 25. Wh4 &g7 26. ^f6! Throwing a third piece into the fray. [26. Sg3? The most obvious move fails 26... 4hg6 27. ®h5 4hce5 and White’s attack has been beaten 110
RISING STARS back. (27... gh8?? 28. £T6) 28. f4 Ag4! 29. hg4 ^f4-+] 26 ... ef6D [26... ^g6 27. Wh5 ef6 28. ef6 &f6 29. Деб ®e6 30. 4he6 White has a mate- rial advantage and a continuing attack; 26... ®d2 27. gg3 Now that e6 is undefended, Ng6 is not possible.] 27. ef6 &g6D 28. gg3 Ag5 29. gg5 ФГ6 Fi- nally, Black looks to have escaped. White has run out of pieces to sacrifice, there is no immediate checkmate, and Black can run with the king. White can take the black queen at any moment, but then Black will still win by material force. [29... ФГ7?? 30. gg7 фе8 31. ®h5 JLf7 32. gel £>e6 33. gg8] 30. Sei [30. gd5 ф!7 31. gd7 gd7-+] ФГ7 |30... ^g6?? In spite of the three extra pieces, Black has to be careful because one move can throw the game away. 31. gf5! <4>g7 (31... &f5 32. g4 <£>f4 33. Wh6 Ф13 34. ДеЗ) 32. tf6 *h6 33. Деб ®e6 (33... ®g7 34. ®h4; 33... gg8 34. ®g5 Ф117 35. Wh5 &g7 36. Sg6) 34. We6+-] 31. f4 [31. Wh5 Фе7 32. gg7 &d6 33. gd7 Sd7-+] 31... фе8? I thought this was a simple win, but I missed a really weird resource that White had, but luckily my opponent missed it as well. [31... JLf5! This was the cleanest. 32. g4 JLg6 33. f5 <4>g7! Pitching back one piece to give the king a safe haven. 34. fg6 ®d6 35. gh5 ^g6] 32. f5 We7 33. fe6 gd6 34. ®h5? [34. Wg4D Somehow this bizarre move keeps White alive. 34. .. Деб 35. gflD and now we see the point - the black rook on e6 cannot move because it is pinned to c8, ...фё8 loses a piece to gf8+, and ...<4>d7 fails to gg7. Black is suffi- ciently tied up that even with two extra pieces he has a hard time stopping a simple move like gf8+. 35... 4hd8 Fortunately, after ...^d8 Black still retains a large advantage, but if my opponent had found this weird computer-like resource, it would have been very dishearten- ing, because I would have to spend a long time fighting against a queen, when I had already put a lot of effort into defending against his original sacrifices. 36. gg7 (36. gf8 Wf8 37. gg8 Дс7 38. gf8 <£>f8+) £}f7 37. gff7 Wf7 38. ДП ФП+] 34... фй8—h Now it really is over — the black king runs to safety on the queenside, he collects the e6 pawn, and he remains two pieces ahead. 35. ®h8 ®g5 36. Wf8 фс7 37. e7 £}e7 38. Де7 gd7 0 : 1 Shankland 114/57 В 50 AX. BACHMANN 2556 - SHANKLAND 2580 Philadelphia 2012 1. £rf3 2. g3 g6 3. ±g2 Ag7 4.0-0 0-0 5. d3 c5 6. e4 £>c6 7. c3 d6 8. gel e5 9. аЗ Ъ6 10. b4 JLb7 11. JLb2 Де8 12. Ъ5 £>Ь8 13. с4 а5 I offered a draw with this move, thinking that the position was totally locked and no- body could make any real progress, and I was somewhat surprised when my opponent de- clined. 14. Ьаб Даб 15. JLcl I took a long think here, and I found that much to my chagrin, Black’s position is just unpleasant. The b6 pawn will be much weaker than a3 and can be easily targeted on the b-file and with 4hd5, and if Black tries to defend it with ...4hd7 then JLh3 will come; conversely, a3 will always be safe. 15... h6? As often happens when dealing with an unpleasant surprise, I reacted poorly. I was concerned about the positional threat of JLg5, exchanging a bad bishop for a good knight, but I should not have been worried about this because then a3 would be targetable. [15... JLc8 16. JLg5 4hc6 17. 4hc3 h6 should be OK for Black.] Ill
RISING STARS 16. ДЬЗ! Now it is clear that White’s bishops will be better than Black’s. 16... Дс8 is never really playable, because then d5 will be much weaker than d4, since White can capture on d4 with the bishop, while Black’s dark-squared bishop is bad forever. 16... 4hc6 17. 4hc3 Д(8 Pre-emptively de- fending d6. 18. Sbl 4hd4 This was my plan — Black stops Де2 and, if White captures on d4, he gains the c5 square for his other knight. 19. ftd4 cd4 20. ftd5?! This was my oppo- nent’s first serious error. [20. 4hb5 was a much better try. 20... 4Ы7 Now we see the point of Д f8 — this maneuver is playable. 21. f4! But White just switches wings! Pawn b6 can no longer be targeted because the knight on b5 cannot retreat, but the knight does per- form the very important task of attacking d4, which will make the ...ef4 resource unplay- able. 21... Деб 22. f5 ^c5 23. Sfl White simply shifts his forces to the kingside. His next moves will be Sb2-f2, and he has a very dangerous attack. 23... g5] 20... Дй5! Black takes the correct positional decision and exchanges off his bad bishop. 21. cd5 ^d7 22. f4 [22. <£d7 Wd7 This pre- vents ...4hc5 and leaves White with a superior bishop, but now Black has a free hand on the kingside with moves like ...h5-h4 or ...f5.J 22... ef4! Now Black gains some room for his dark squares bishop. Note hat this resource would not have been available had White gone for 20. ab5! [22... ^c5 23. f5 Black’s kingside is under pressure and his bishop is going to be passive forever.] 23. gf4 4hc5 White doesnt have a way to get at the weak d4 pawn, and suddenly Black’s pieces are activated. White can hope to play e4-e5 or f4-f5, but Black will try to stop these plans. The position is unclear. 24. Wf3 [24. e5 fails to 24... de5 25. fe5 Wd5] ®h4 25. Sfl [25. ®g3 Not to be recom- mended! 25... Wg3 26. hg3 ^d3] 25... JLg7 26. f5! This positionally risky move is tactically justified. If Black can install his bishop on e5, then the piece that was once like a tall pawn will become the pride and power of his position, and White will be un- der considerable pressure. However, there is no way to get it done here. [26. e5 de5 27. fe5 Se5 28. ®f7 Ф117 Who is attacking who?] 26... ®f6 Black prevents f5-f6, but at the same time now ...Де5 is going to be much harder to achieve. [26... Де5 27. fg6 And f7 is a problem; 26... Sf8 27. f6 ДТ6 28. Wf6 ®h3 29. Sf3 this looked extremely danger- ous to me during the game, but the computer claims Black is holding on. As a human I wanted no part of this.] 27. S.b4! Now that the black queen is in front of the bishop, it is easier to attack d4. 27... Sea8! Black prepares an exchange sac- rifice. 28. 4>hl White is preparing ДЬ2 — he is hoping not to lose a tempo to ...®g5 [28. ДЬ2 The direct attack on d4 was not working because of ...Wg5-e3. 28... ®g5 29. &hl ®e3 Black will win the d3 pawn with clear counterplay.] 28... g5! Now Black shuts down the kingside. 29. ДЪ2 ДаЗ 30. ДаЗ [30. Дd4 Sd3 31. ДГ6 Sf3 32. ДВ ДА6 Despite being an exchange 112
RISING STARS down, Black is much better. He has an extra pawn, no weaknesses that can be attacked thanks to the presence of opposite-colored bishops, and his active pieces will be very good at targeting the weak white pawns. 33. Sb6 (33. <£fl Ae5 34. ДЬ6 ^e4; 33. ДеЗ 1е5 34. ДЬб gal 35. &g2 h5) ^e4] 30... ДаЗ 31. ДсН 31... ©d8! Black defends b6 and is finally ready for ... JLe5. I believe he has full com- pensation for the missing exchange. 32. Hb2 JLe5 33. f6?! White slips — passive defense with a move like JLfl was better, and I think the position has reached a dy- namic equalibrium where neither side can really make progress. [33. Afl] Wf6 34. Af5 Йа4 35. Sg2 35.. . b5! This guy might win the game some day. 36. h4 ФГС 37. gdgl 37.. . JLf4? With just a couple moves to go be- fore time control, Black blunders the game away. [37... £}c5! Ignoring g5 — d3 is much more important! I was trying to play it safe and not give White any activity, but by play- ing ...JLf4 I allowed him an important re- source. 38. hg5 hg5 39. Sg5 ®h6 (39... ШЗ 40. Sh5) 40. Sh5 We3 and Black is win- ning.] 38. JLd7! Oops, now that the pin on the f-file is broken, this move is possible. 38... ^c3 [38... b4! 39. <£a4 Да4 40. ДЬ2 White got rid of his bad bishop for the fantas- tic black knight, and now he can hope to col- lect the b4 pawn and win the game.] 39. ДЬ2 With my precious seconds ticking away I decided to force a draw, but I think the position is no longer better for Black anyway, so I don’t regret this decision. 39... b4 40. ДЬ4 Sa2 41. Sg2 gal 42. Sgl Да2 43. Hg2 Even though I missed a win with time control approaching, I was very happy with the defensive ideas I found to turn around a bad position, which represented my greatest risk of losing in last six months. So far my undefeated streak has reached 26 games, but Kramnik’s record of 80+ is still quite far away! 1/2 : 1/2 Shankland 113
Q (J THE WORLD'S OLDEST CHESS MAGAZINE, PUBLISHED CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1881 This year, Nigel Short was in tremendous form on the Rock. Here is his splendid win against a world-class opponent from Azerbaijan. Ruy Lopez C 94 N. SHORT 2677 - MAMEDYAROV 2747 Gibraltar 2012 1. e4 e5 2. &f3 ^сб 3. ДЬ5 a6 4. Да4 &f6 5. 0-0 Де7 6. gel b5 7. ДЬЗ d6 8. c3 0-0 9. h3 ®b8 The Breyer Variation. Black’s choice at this moment defines the coming middlegame as he basically has to decide how to get counterplay against the imminent d2-d4. 9... 4hb8 admits that the knight is doing nothing on c6 and plans to redeploy to d7, from where the e5 pawn is strong-pointed and the c-pawn and Bishop on b7 unobstructed. 10. d3 Restrained. Of course, 10 d4 is the main line. 10... ^bd7 11. ^bd2 Ab7 12. Conveniently hitting the Bishop en route to e6, a flexible central location. Whilst Mamedya- rov’s method is good, Mickey Adams was much more aggressive when he reached this position: 12... ge8 13. ^g3 JLf8 14. ^g5 d5! ? in the style of the Marshall 15. ed5 4hc5 16. d6 (Clearly 16. Дс2 ®d5 is nothing for White) ab3 17. Wb3 Wd7 18. dc7 Пас8 19. a4 Дс7 & Black certainly has compensation. He has completed his development and the position is wide open. Perhaps you should not play this way against the computer, but over the board, White has problems negotiat- ing the Black initiative: 20. ab5 ab5 21. Да5 Andrew Martin Деб 22. c4?! wrecking his own pawn struc- ture (but he probably didn’t like lines such as 22. Idl Hd8 23. ДеЗ h6; 22. ®c2 Hd8 23. He5 ®d3 24. ®d3 Hd3 25. ДГ4 Hc8 when Black is extremely active, although this last line might not be too bad) bc4 23. dc4 Hb7 24. ®c2 h6! 25. 2>f3 (25. £i5e4 £te4 26. £}e4 ДЬ4—+) Д13 26. gf3 ДЬ4 27. Hee5 Да5 28. Ha5 Wh3 29. ^d2 Hd7 30. ДсЗ Hed8 31. Hal £>h5 32. £>h5 Wh5 33. Да5 He8 34. Wa4 Wh3 35. Wc6 Неб 36. ®a8 фЬ7 Berg never really got into this game. 13. Дс2 He8 14. Wg3 Д18 15. Ь4 адеб It does not seem consistent to put the knight back on d7, but that is precisely what several players have done: 15... £tcd7!? 16. ДЬЗ g6 17. £)g5 He7 18. a4 h6 19. £>f3 c5 20. ab5 ab5 21. Ha8 ®a8 22. Wc2 ®c8 23. c4 bc4 24. Да4 d5 25. ДЬ5 £jb6 26. £>d2 h5 27. edS Дd5 28. Даб Wc6 29. b5 Wa8 30. ДаЗ Неб 31. f3 ДЬ6 32. Дс5 £)fd7 33. Д12 Wd8 34. 114
GUEST column ^de4 Wc7 35. gdl f5 36. £)d2 <2}c5 37. &dfl ^d3 38. ®e2 Af8 39. ^еЗ Aa8 40. &hl e4 41. £ic2 £sf4 42. Wd2 ef3 0 : 1 Pa. Parol 1869 - Igambergenov 2255, Krakow 2011 16. d4 Berg had been involved before in this varia- tion; it is likely that Adams knew of this pre- cedent: 16. a4 c5 (Both of 16... g6 ; or 16... c6 are better than the over-active text move) 17. bc5 £>c5 18. ab5 ab5 19. <£g5 ^cd7 20. W »c7 21. af6 af6 22. <£f6 gf6 23. ДЬЗ! Wc3 (23... gal 24. Wai Дс8 25. Wa2 Wc3 26. If7 *g7 27. Деб Дс7 28. We2 Wc2 29. ^d2±) 24. gel Wb4 25. W! White is now well on top 25... d5 26. £>f5 Дес8 27. ДЬ1 «сЗ 28. ДеЗ ФИ8 29. Sg3 ДаЗ 30. ^h6 1: 0 E. Berg 2627 — J. Thomassen 2404, Gi- braltar 2011. A classic Lopez attack, which I am sure Nigel was trying to emulate. 16... g6 17. Дс12 White is playing very modestly for the time being, relying only on slightly more space to give him an edge. His plan seems to be to play either c3-c4 or a2-a4 in time. 17... ^d7 17.. . 4hf4 18. a4 ДЬб 19. ДеЗ looks aggres- sive for Black, but does not change the nature of the position too much. 18. ДЪЗ Wf6 19. d5 &f4 20. c4! A good moment to play this move, with c7 unprotected. Whilst the Black pieces look threatening on the kingside, there are really no threats. 20... ab6?! 20... сб looks like a sturdier defence after which Mamedyarov possibly did not like 21. dc6 Деб 22. a4 although 22... bc4 23. Дс4 4hb6 24. ДЬЗ Дес8 has taken away his problem of a weak backward pawn on c7. Black is OK. 21. Дс1 bc4 22. Дс4 ^c4 23. Дс4 Дас8 24. Wc2± Nigel is in control. 24... Де7 25. ДГ4! ef4 25... Wf4 26. Дс7 f5 27. ef5 Дс7 28. Wc7 Дd5 29. Wd7 Ф18 30. fg6 hg6 31. 42Ae5!! gives a flavour of Black’s diffi- culty. 26. ^e2 Дd8 27. ^ed4 The bishops are very poor in this position with White holding a complete grip on the c-file, making it impossible for Black to break free. 27... ДЬ8 28. Wa4 Ф18 29. ®c6 Деб 30. Деб Wb2 31. аЗ f5 Desperation. 31... ДЬб 32. Дс2 ®g7 33. Дс4 ®Ь2 34. Дес1 continues the gripping process. 32. e5 1:0 Not at all an early resignation. The English Grandmaster is in full control and on the verge of breaking through. Andrew Martin British Chess Magazine www. britishchessmagazine. co. uk 115
SISTEM ZNAKOVA • СИСТЕМА ЗНАКОВ • SYSTEM OF SIGNS • ZEICHENERKLARUNG • SYSTEMS DE SYMBOLES • SISTEMA DE SIGNOS • SPIEGAZIONE DEI SEGNI • teckenfGrklaring • Iе beli stoji malo bolje • у белых несколько лучше • white stands slightly better • Weiss steht etwas besser • les blancs sont un peu mieux • el bianco esta algo mejor • il bianco sta un po'meglio • vit star nagot battre • crni stoji malo bolje • у черных несколько лучше • black stands slightly better • Schwarz steht etwas besser • les noirs sont un peu mieux • el negro esta algo mejor • il nero sta un po' meglio • svart star nagot battre • • i- + beli stoji bolje • у белых лучше • white has the upper hand • Weiss steht besser • les blancs sont mieux • el bianco esta mejor • il bianco sta meglio • vit star battre • crni stoji bolje • у черных лучше • black has the upper hand • Schwarz steht besser • les noirs sont mieux • el negro esta mejor • il nero sta meglio • svart star battre • beli ima odlucujucu prednost • у белых решающее преимущество • white has a decisive advantage Weiss hat entscheidenden Vorteil • les blancs ont un avantage • el bianco tiene una ventaja decisive • il bianco ё in vantaggio decisivo • vit har avgorande fordel • • crni ima odlucujucu prednost • у черных решающее преимущество • black has a decisive advantage • Schwarz hat entscheidenden Vorteil • les noirs ont un avantage dёcisif • el negro tiene una ventaja decisive • il пего ё in vantaggio decisivo • svart har avgorande fordel • • jednako • равно • even • ausgeglichen • ёда1Иё • igual • equivalente • like • oo neizvesno • неизвестно • unclear • unklar • incertain • incierto • incerto • oklar • • 55 kompenzaeija za materijal • компенсация за материал • with compensation for the material • mit Kompensation fur den materiellen Nachteil • avec compensation pour le гт^ёпе! • con compensacion por el material • con compenso per il vantaggio materiale avversario • med kompensation for materialet • • e--LiJI Ъ’—* 0 razvojna prednost • преимущество в развитии • development advantage • Entwicklungsvorsprung • avantage de dёveloppement • ventaja de desarrollo • vantaggio di sviluppo • utvecklingsforsprang • О prostorna prednost • преимущество в пространстве • greater board room • beherrscht mehr Raum • avantage d'espace • ventaja de espacio • maggiorvantaggio spaziale • terrangfordel • —> sa napadom • с атакой • withattack • mitAngriff • avecattaque • con ataque • conattacco • medangrepp • —* | sa inieijativom • с инициативой • with initiative • mit Initiative • avec initiative • con iniciative • con iniziativa • med initiativ • Mii'Jtft; —Jl c—r ±5 sa protivigrom • с контригрой • with counter-play • mit Gegenspiel • aveccontre-jeu • con contrajuego • con controgioco • med motspel • • jl——° Q iznudica • цугцванг • zugzwang • Zugzwang • zugzwang • zugzwang • zugzwang • dragtvang • Ф1- mat • мат • mate • matt • mat • mate • motto • matt • > 116
! vrlo dobar potez • очень хороший ход • a very good move • ein sehr guter Zug • tres bon coup • muy buena jugada • buona mossa • ett bra drag • !! odlican potez • отличный ход • an excellent move • ein ausgezeichneter Zug • excellent coup • excelente jugada • mossa ottima • ett utmarkt drag • *-кв- ? slab potez • слабый ход • a mistake • ein schwacher Zug • coup faible • mala jugada • mossa debole • ett daligt drag • • Lk> ?? gruba greska • грубая ошибка • a blunder • ein grober Fehler • erreur grave • grave error • grave errore • ett grovt fel • Т^ЖЭД^т^ • |j-> —ъ—iu I? potez zasluzuje paznju • ход заслуживающий внимания • a move deserving attention • ein beachtenswerter Zug • coup qui тёгИе (attention • jugada que merece atencion • mossa degna di considerazione • ett drag som fortjanar uppmarksamhet • /&31Й?£^ЭД— ?l sumnjiv potez • сомнительный ход • a dubious move • ein Zug von zweifelhaftem Wert • coup de valeur douteuse • jugada de dudoso valor • mossa dubbia • ett tvivelaktigt drag • д sa idejom • с идеей • with the idea • mit der Idee • avec 1^ёе • con idea • con I’idea • med 1с1ёп • □ jedini potez • единственный ход • only move • der einzig spielbare Zug • le seul coup • unica jugada • unica mossa • enda draget • иШ—ЭД— < (Ж) • *-ь_л Cs bolje je • лучше • better is • besser ist • meilleur est • es mejor • e meglio • battre ar • <=> linija • линия • file • Linie • colonne • linea • linea • linje • • J-гР1 ft dijagonala • диагональ • diagonal • Diagonale • diagonale • diagonal • diagonal • diagonal • S center • центр • centre • Zentrum • centre • centro • centra • centrum • у kraljevo krilo • королевский фланг • king's side • Konigsflugel • aile-roi • flanco de rey • lato di R • kungsflygeln • ifpjij • J—ui ci— damino krilo • ферзевый фланг • queen’s side • Damenflugel • aile-dame • flanco de dama • lato di D • damflygeln • ifRiJ • X slaba tacka • слабый пункт • weak point • schwacher Punkt • point faible • punto бёЬН • punto debole • svaghet • | zavrsnica • эндшпиль • ending • Endspiel • finale • final • finale • slutspel • • ^—4—<’ lovacki par • два слона • pair of bishops • Lauferpaar • paire de fous • pareja de alfiles • la coppia degli alfieri • loparpar • cP raznobojni lovci • разноцветные слоны • bishops of opposite color • ungleichfarbige Laufer • fous de couleurs оррозёез • alfiles de distinto color • alfieri di colore diverso • lopare med olika farg • >Е|ё]£ЭД^!. • * istobojni lovci • одноцветные слоны • bishops of the same color • gleichfarbige Laufer • fous de meme couleur • alfiles del mismo color • alfieri di colore uguale • lopare med samma farg • 1^£ЭД& • oo vezani pesaci • связанные пешки • united pawns • verbundene Bauern • pions 11ёэ • peones unidos • pedoni uniti • garderade bonder • ^ШЙЭДЙ^Й • o-o razdvojeni pesaci • изолированные пешки • separated pawns • isolierte Bauern • pions iso^s • peones aislados • pedoni isolati • isolerade bonder • ^^/ЙЭДМФй • 4 о udvojeni pesaci • сдвоенные пешки • double pawns • Doppelbauern • pions ЬоиЫёз • peones dobles • pedoni doppi • dubbel bonder • шГ^'КЭДМФй • ЧР./’ jjc- 117
j Slobodan pesak • проходная пешка • passed pawn • Freibauer • pion раэзё • peonpasado* pedone libero • fribonde • > prednost и broju pesaka • преимущество в числе пешек • advantage in number of pawns • im Bauernmehrbesitz • avantage quantitatif en pions • ventaja en el numero de peones • vantaggio quantitativo dei pedoni • fordel i antal bonder • щЛп @ vreme • время • time • Zeit • temps • tiempo • tempo • tid • Btl's] • 86/203 Sahovski informator • Шахматный информатор • Chess Informant • Schach-informator • Informateur dechecs • Informador ajedrecistico • Informatore scacchistico • Schack-informator • 1Ж&ЖЙЖ • J^-ь E 12 Enciklopedija sahovskih otvaranja • Энциклопедия шахматных дебютов • Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings • Enzyklopadie der Schacheroffnungen • Encyclopёdie des ouvertures d echecs • Enciclopedia de apertures de ajedrez • Enciclopedia delle aperture negli scacchi • Encyklopedi over speloppningar i schack • ЙВзЖЖ^М^^ • e—Л— H 3/b Enciklopedija sahovskih zavrsnica • Энциклопедия шахматных окончаний • Encyclopaedia of Chess Endings • Enzyklopadie der Schachendspiele • Encyclopёdie des finales d echecs • Enciclopedia de finales de ajedrez • Enciclopedia dei finali negli scacchi • Encyklopedi over slutspel i schack • Й^Ш^±4? • c— N novost • новинка • a novelty • eine Neuerung • поиуеаи!ё • novedad • un’innovazione • nyhet • (ch) sampionat • чемпионат • championship • Meisterschaft • championnat • campeonato • campionato • masterskap • • ЧА-Ji (izt) meduzonski turnir • межзональный турнир • interzonal tournament • Interzonenturnier • tournoi interzonal • torneo interzonal • torneo interzonale • interzonturnering • (ct) turnir kandidata • турнир претендентов • candidates' tournament • Kandidatenturnier • tournoi descandidats • torneo de candidatos • torneo dei candidati • kandidatturnering • ЙВз^ШЛ^Ю^ • (m) mec • матч • match • Wettkampf • match • encuentro • match • match • (ol) olimpijada • олимпиада • olympiad • Olympiade • olympiade • olimpiada • olimpiade • olympiad • MEO • ->l ••••* L^1 corr. dopisna partija • партия по переписке • correspondence game • Fernpartie • partie par correspondence • partida por correspondencia • partita per corrispondenza • korrespondensparti • ял- 1 RR primedba redakeije • примечание редакции • editorial comment • Anmerkung der Redaktion • remarque de la redaction • nota de la redaccion • nota redazionale • redaktionens anmarkning • зшйтл. • 3^ R razni potezi • разные ходы • various moves • verschiedene Zuge • dift^rents coups • diferentes movidas • mosse varie • olika drag • L so • c • with • mit • avec • con • con • med • #1 • I bez • без • without • ohne • sans • sin • senza • utan • l&T • II itd. • и.т.д. • etc • usw. • etc. • etc • ecc • o.s.v. • • c11 — vidi • смотри • see • siehe • voir • ved • vedi • se • # • .A-1 118
PARTIJE • ПАРТИИ • GAMES • PARTIEN • PARTIES • PARTIDAS • PARTITE • PARTIER • KLASIFIKACUA OTVARANJA • КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ДЕБЮТОВ • CLASSIFICATION OF OPENINGS • KLASSIFIZIERUNG DER ER&FFNUNGEN • CLASSIFICATION DES OUVERTURES • CLASIFICACION DE LAS APERTURAS • CLASSIFICAZIONE DELLE APERTURE • KLASSIFIKATION AV dPPNINGAR • A - R J 1. d4, 1. e4 - 1. d4 R J 1... £>f6, 1... d5 - 1. d4 £>f6 R J 2. c4 - 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 R J 2... e6, 2... g6 В - 1. e4 R J 1... c5, 1... еб, 1... e5 — 1. e4 c5 C - 1. e4 e6 — 1. e4 e5 1. d4 d5 1. d4 2. c4 g6 L 3... d5 E - 1. d4 2. c4 e6 - 1. d4 2. c4 g6 J 3... d5 119
on 99 £3 •£ 9№ P’ T SJ PP I 6V 9s £ ГЯ£3'£- £8 •£ Г X 9№ "I - 9J© "TГМЯТ- po 7 Г a - SJ PP I 8V a© 'L 9З рз -9 9p spa s Spa £3(j p 93 sp T S’ pa г 9jrg. frP 4 zv Q® £ Г a 98 "9 - 98 -9 Г a pa ’9 - P '9 Г Я 9P "‘S - 9P -$ Г И SP’ -S - SP° $ Г a SP9 "P - spa ••> Г Я £Э(£ p - £0^ p r a - 99 SP •£ S’ pa -i 9j^ frp -i SV 9s ••£ Г a SP •£ - SP T Г a S3 -z - 98 -Z '<)3 -z ‘so -7 r a — pa -I 9JQ> pp -1 SV po 7 Г а 9Я5 -I - SP -[ ‘SJ [ ‘9j^"[ ra- PPI vv S3 fra I ev S3 fra I EV so -[ ‘so -[ r a - pa I IV po I ‘PP I ‘pa I ra- ov
во 1. е4 -RJ 1... сб, 1... с5, 1... еб, 1... е5 В1 1. е4 сб В2 1. е4 с5 — R J 2. - 2. W J 2... £}сб, 2... еб, 2... d6 вз 1. е4 с5 2. ^сб В4 1. е4 с5 2. £>f3 еб В5 1. е4 с5 2. ^f3 d6 — R J 3. d4 — 3. d4 R J 3... cd4 - 3... cd4 R J 4. £}d4 - 4. £}d4 R J 4... &f6 - 4... R J 5. £}c3 — 5. £}c3 R J 5... £}c6, 5... g6, 5... еб, 5... аб — 5... 4hc6 R J 6. jlg5 B6 1. e4 c5 2. £»f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £}d4 &f6 5. £>c3 6. ^.g5 B7 1. e4 c5 2. £rf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £}d4 £if6 5. £}c3 g6 B8 1. e4 c5 2. £tf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £}d4 &f6 5. £}сЗ еб B9 1. e4 c5 2. £rf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £}d4 &f6 5. £}сЗ аб 121
ш 9Р £ЧТ i sq ph 9 pt o-o s 9K& pt'V 9E sot’£ 9x5 аъ ‘z s’ p 1 69 S4T £ ‘PT £ г a 93^ -z - 9^z "'z г a - £J^ 'Z S3 P I 99 9P '"L Г X £ЧТ 'L sq "9 - sq "9 г a ph ‘9 - ph 9 г a pt " s- p® -s - 0-0 s 9№ PT T 9E sqT £ 9”3? a® 'i sa p -I 89 н г s® p i 89 PT "S W -g г a 0-0 ’S - 0-0 s г a 9j^ "v - 9JT г a - PTv 9B sqT '£ 9»® £J<5 г S® P I £9 wz 7 ‘w г г a - S9 p I 89 PT V Г a 9E •"£ - 9®"£Га- sqT £ 93^ £J^ 'Z S3 P -I 99 £3^ •£ SP PP 'Z 93 P I 19 PT £ 93^ £J® г S3 p I S9 £3^ •£ Г a SP "'Z - $p "'z r a гр -z - vp 'z r a - 93 p i 09
DO 1. d4 d5 — R J 2. c4 - 2. c4 R J 2... сб, 2... dc4, 2... еб DI 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб D2 1. d4 d5 2. c4 dc4 D3 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб - R J 3. - 3. R J 3... ^f6 - 3... ^f6 R J 4. m 4. ^.g5 — 4. £rf3 R J 4... c5, 4... сб D4 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. ^c3 2>f6 4. &f3 — 4... c5 - 4... сб D5 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. £}c3 £J6 4. JLg5 - R J 4... Ae7 - 4... r j 5 e3 — 5. e3 R J 5... 0-0 - 5... 0-0 R J 6. - 6. W J 6... ^bd7 D6 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. £}c3 £}f6 4. JLg5 ke7 5. e3 0-0 6. £J3 ^bd7 D7 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 (L 3... d5) - R J 3. £}c3 D8 1. d4 £}f6 2. c4 g6 3. £}c3 d5 - R J 4. ^f3 D9 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. £}c3 d5 4. ^f3 123
ЕО 1. d4 &f6 2. c4 еб - R J 3. 2rf3, 3. El 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 e6 3. &f3 E2 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 e6 3. £}c3 - R J 3... d5, 3... Ab4 - 3... ^,b4 R J 4. Ag5, 4. Wc2, 4. e3 ЕЗ 1. d4 2. c4 e6 3. £}c3 ^»b4 - 4. Jlg5 - 4. Wc2 E4 1. d4 2>f6 2. c4 e6 3. £}c3 Ab4 4. e3 - R J 4... 0-0 - 4... 0-0 R J 5. £}f3 E5 1. d4 &f6 2. c4 e6 3. £}c3 ^.b4 4. e3 0-0 5. &f3 E6 1. d4 &f6 2. c4 g6 (J 3... d5) - R J 3. £}c3 - 3. £}c3 R J 3... d5, 3... Ag7 - 3... Ag7 R J 4. e4 E7 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. £}c3 Jlg7 4. e4 - R J 4... d6 - 4... d6 R J 5. f3, 5. ^f3 E8 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. £}c3 ^,g7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 E9 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. £}c3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. ^f3 124
1.* IN A 09 D. BERCZES 2560 - PRUSIKIN 2545 Osterreich 2012 1. 213 d5 2. c4 d4 3. b4 f6! [3... g6?! 4. g3 lg7 5. d3 e5 6. Ag2 a) 6... h6?! 7. 0-0 &e7 8. a4 0-0 ФЫ^) 14. 2bd2 fe5 (14... We7 15. 2d4 2d4 16. ed4 2e5 17. Sael Ag4 18. We4 Wd7 19. ФМ 0-0-0 20. de5 f5 21. e6 Wd2 22. Wblf) 15. 2e4 We7 16. 2fg5 Hf8 17. ФЫ! (17. АП НП 18. 2П Ae3 19. ФЫ Af4 20. 2ed6 2d6 21. 2d6 Wd6 22. Sf4 Sa5oo) 2c5 18. Hadi 2e4 19. 2e4 Ab8!oo[ 10. ed4ed4! [10... e4 11. 2h4 (11. 2el±) g5 12. Wh5 <£d7 9. 2fd2! N (9. Aa3 - 75/3) al) 9... f5 10. ЙЬЗ 2d7 11. 21d2 Sb8 12. b5 c5 (12... b6 13. a5 Ab7 14. Ab7 Hb7 15. АаЗ ПП 16. ®c2±) 13. bc6 bc6 14. АаЗ; a2) 9... a5 10. b5 c5 11. 2ЬЗ! (А АаЗ, 2d2-e4 Xc5, /hl-a8) ffc7 12. АаЗ (12. e3 A. Delchev 2622 - Vallejo Pons 2693, Plovdiv 2012) 2d7 13. 21d2 f5 (13... Hb8 14. b6! Wb6 15. 2e4 2c6 16. 2ec5 Sd8 17. tfreA AfB 18. Af8 &f8 19. c5 Wc7 20. Scl b6 21. f4!t) 14. Sbl Sf6 15. e3! de3 16. fe3 Sb8 17. d4+; b) 6... 2e7 7. 0-0 0-0 8. a4 a5 9. b5 c5 A. Delchev] 4. e3 e5 5. c5 a5 6. Ab5 [6. 2e5 — 102/3] c6 7. Ac4 2е7?! N (7... ab4 8. 2e5 2h6 9. 2d3 Af5 10. 0-0 de3 11. de3 Ad3 12. Ad3 2>d7 13. 2>d2 2c5 14. Ac2^; 12... 2a6!oo; 7... Ag4; 7... de3] 8. 0-0 (8. b51? cb5 9. Ab5 2bc6 10. 0-0 Ag4 11. 2a3+[ ab4 9. Ab2 2a6?! [9... de3 10. fe3 2f5 11. ®e2 (11. Ae5 fe5 12. 2e5 Wf6) Ac5 12. d4 Aa7 13. de5! 2d7! (13... 2e3 14. ef6 gf6 15. 13. a31! gh4 14. ab4±] 11. Hel! [11. Ad4 Ag4=; 11. 2d4 2c5 12. Wh5 a) 12... <£d7 13. a3!! (13. Wc5 2X15 14. 2ic6 bc6 15. Wd4 Фс7=) Фс7 14. ab4 2>a4 15. Ac3±; b) 12... 2>g6 13. Sei <£d7 14. аЗ ЬЗ 15. 2ЛЗ 2Л>3 16. АЬЗ Фс7=] 2ic5 12. 2id4 [12. Ad4! а) 12... Wd6 13. аЗ 2ie6 (13... ^g4? 14. Ас5 Wc5 15. ab4+—) 14. ab4 Hal 15. Aal±; b) 12... Ь5 13. Дс5 (13. ЖЬ5?? 2>е6-+) Ьс4 14. АЬ4 ФП 15. а4±] Wd6 [12... 2}а4 13. Wb3 2Л2 14. АП Фd7 15. 2>е6 Wa5 16. Wb2 2>d5=; 14. Wb2! Хфе8] 13. аЗ 2>а4 [13... Ь5 14. ab4 Hal 15. Aal bc4 16. bc5 Wc5 17. Wa4 Wb6! (17... ФП 18.2>a3±) 18. Wc4 Wa6 19. Wa6 Aa6 20. 21c6 ФП±] 14. Wb3 [14. ab4 2Л2 15. Ha8 2>dl 16. Hc8 Фd7 17. Ae6 We6 18. 2>e6 2>c8 19. 2>f8 Hf8 20. Hdl 2id6Tl 21b2 15. Wb2! [15. АП Фd8 16. Wb2 2ig6=] Фd8! 16. ab4 Hal 17. Wai Wb4 18. Ae6! [18. 2>e6!? Ae6 19. 125
Аеб Фс7 20. Wa8 g5D 21. &сЗ Ag7 22. Wai Hb8 23. Ah3 Af8 24. Hbl Wd6 25. g3±] фс7?! [18... c5 19. Wa8 Wd4 20. Wa5 Фе8 21. Ac8 ФП 22. Ab7±; 18... Ad7 19. Ad7 *d7 20. £je6 £ic8 21. Wa2±l 19. £}c3? [19. ^a3! a) 19... £jg6 20. £>ab5 (20. £sac2 Wb6 21. Ac8 Фс8 22. Wa8 фс7 23. Wa2+-) cb5 21. Hbl Wd4 (21... Ae6 22. <йе6 ФЬ8 23. Hb4 Ab4 24. g3+-) 22. Wd4 Аеб 23. Hel Ac4 24. d3 Aa3 25. Hdl Hd8 26. Wal+—; b) 19... ФЬ8 20. Ac8 <2jc8 (20... Фс8 21. £>ab5+-) 21. £>c6 (21. He8 Ac5 22. Hh8 Ad4 23. Wcl±) bc6 22. Hbl Фс7 23. Hb4 Ab4 24. 2>c4±] фЬ8 20. Ac8 [20. ^c6 ^c6 21. Ac8 Wa3=; 20. £>e4 c5 21. £jb3 Аеб 22. <&bc5 £ig6 23. £je6 Wc4 24. £>c3 ^e5 25. Ш Hf8 26. He4 Wd3 27. Ha4 Hc8 28. h3 Wd2 29. Ha8 фс7 30. Wa5 <^>d7 31. Wb5 &d8 32. Wb6 &d7 33. Wb7 Hc7 34. Wb5 Феб 35. We8 Ф15 36. Wh5 Феб 37. Наб фе7 38. Wf5 Wei 39. ФЬ2 2>f3 40. Wf3 Wc3 41. Wg4 g6=] Wd4 21. Ah3 [21. Ab7 ФЬ7 22. Hbl Фс8 23. Wa2! Фd7 24. Hb7 Фd6 25. g3=l 21... f5I! [21... g6? 22. He4! Wb6 23. g3+-; 21... Wa7 22. Wb2±; 21... Wd8 22. НЫЧ 22. Wa5? [22. Af5 Wa7 (22... 2rf5 23. He8 Фс7 24. Wa5+-) 23. Wbl (23. Wcl Wa5±) £)f5 24. Wf5 Ac5 25. We5 (25. ^e4 Ad4 26. Wf4 Фа8 27. £>g5 b5 28. ^e6 Ab6 29. d4 We7±) Фа8 26. £)d5 cd5 27. Hal A12! (27... Aa3 28. Wg7 He8 29. h3+-) 28. ФП Hf8 29. Ha7 Aa7 30. Фе1 Hf6 31. Wd5 Ab8 32. Wg8 Hg6 33. Ф12 h6 34. g3 Hf6 35. ФеЗ g5=] g6 23. Hal Ag7 24. g3 £ic8 25. Ag2? Wa7-+ 26. Wa7 £)a7 27. Hel £)c8 28. ФП Hd8 29. Фе2 He8 30. Ф01 Hel 31. фе1 АсЗ 32. dc3 фс7 33. фе2 Ф06 34. ФеЗ 43е7 35. Afl £>d5 36. Фd4 с5 37. ФОЗ £jf6 38.13 Ь5 39. ФО2 с4 40. ФеЗ фс5 41. Ф42 Wd5 42. Ае2 Ь4 43. сЬ4 £)Ь4 44. Adi Фd4 45. Аа4 g5 46. Ad7 14 47. gf4 gf4 48. Af5 h6 49. Ah7 £}d5 50. Ag6 £ie3 51. Фе2 феЗ 52. A17 Фс2 [52... ФЬ2 53. Ас4 £}с4 54. Фd3 £)еЗП 55. Фе4 &g2—•Ы 53. Ag6 ФЬ2 54. Ad3 сЗ 0:1 Prusikin 2. А 10 VITIUGOV 2726 - A. VOLOKITIN 2686 Deutschland 2012 1. с4 g6 2. е4 е5 3. d4 £>16 4. £)13 ed4! 5. е5 <йе4! [5... АЬ4 6. Ad2 We7 7. Ab4 Wb4 8. Wd2 Wd2 9. £sbd2 2Ж5 10. £)d4± - 29/241 6. Wd4 Ab4 7. ^bd2 [7. £>c3 £>c3 8. ЬсЗ ^c6 9. Wd3 Ae7; 9... Aa5±?l £)g5 [7... £jd2] 8. Ae2 e>c6 9. We3 [9. Wf4 £>e6 10. Wg3 ^cd4[ ^13 10. A13 0-0 N [10... We7[ 11. 0-0 He8 126
12. Деб? [12. Ж<15! d6 13. Aie4 Se5 14. Wg3! (14. ©f4 Деб 15. аЗ Sf5 16. ©еЗ Дс5 17. A,c5 dc5 18. Деб fe6 19. ©e6 <^>g7 20. Sei ©d6=) £>d4 15. ®d3! a) 15... Aie6 16. a3! (16. f4 Se4! 17. ©e4 c6 18. Деб Деб 19. ДеЗ ДГ5^) Дс5 17. Дd2! ДЬб (17... ©е7 18. Sael сб 19. Деб Деб 20. Ь4 ДЬб 21. £>d6+) 18. Sadi сб 19. Деб Se6 20. ©В’Л Дd4 21. Дg5 ©Ь6 22. Ь4 d5 23. £}d6!±; b) 15... сб! 16. Д17! ФП 17. ©d4 ДВ (17... ©е7 18. £sg3±) 18. £)g3 ©f6 19. ДеЗ Se7 20. ©dl !±1 dc6 13. £>B [13. ©f4 M5![ Дg414.WbЗ[14. Дd2 ©e7 15. ДЬ4 tb4 16. £)g5! Wc4! 17. Aie4 (17. Sacl te2 18. ©f4 ДГ5 19. e6 f6 20. Wc7 fg5 21. ®f7 ФЬ8 22. ©f6=) <^g7 18. &f6 Sed8 19. h3 ДГ5 20. ©g5 ©e6 21. Sfel h6 22. Ш фЬ7 23. £)f6 &g7=l a5 15. Дg5 ©c8 [15... ©d7 16. ДГ6 Де7[ 16. I.f6 Де7 17. Де7= [17. Wc3 ДВ 18. ©В ©еб 19. ©сЗ № 20. Де7 Se7 21. Sael=[ Se7 18. Sfel [18. Sael! a4 19. ©сЗ ДВ 20. ©B We6 21. ©e4 Sd8 22. f4=[ a4 19. ©сЗ ДВ 20. WB ©e6 21. Wc3 [21. ©f6 Sae8 22. We6 Se6 23. f4 f6 24. Se4 fe5 25. Sael Sd6 26. fe5 Sd2 27. c5 Sb2 28. Sa4^[ Sd7 22. Sadi Sad8 23. Sd7 ©d7 [© 9/f[ 24. e6!? [24. ФА ©f5tl fe6 25. ©e3 ©f7 26. g3 ©f5 27. &g2 [27. b3! ab3 28. ab3 Sd3 29. ©a7! Sb3 30. Wb8 ©f8 31. ©c7 Sb2 32. Sfl3s] Ф17 28. h4?!© [28. ©h6 g5! 29. ©h5 фе7 30. Se2 Sf8+; 28. b3! ab3 29. ab3 Sd3 30. ®a7 ©B (30... Sb3 31. Wb8M 31. <£gl Sd2 32. Sfl ©ЬЗ 33. ©b8 Wb6 34. c5 Wc5 35. ©c755[ c5 [28... Sd3 29. ©h6 <£g8 30. Se3 b5 31. b3T[ 29. ©h6 [29. ©c3! Sd4 30. Se3! Фе7 31. ©a5 b6 32. ©a7! &d6 33. ®a4=[ <£g8 30. We3 Sd4 31. We2? [31. ЬЗ! ab3 32. ab3 Sd3 33. We6 (33. ©e2 A 33... Sb3 34. Sdls?) We6 34. Se6 Sb3 35. Se5[ e5 [31... b6+ 32. ЬЗ a3; 31... фП!?+1 32. b3 [32. We5 ©e5 33. Se5 Sc4 34. Se8 (34. Se7 Sc2 35. Sc7 Ь5+) ФП 35. Sc8 b5 36. Sc7 Феб 37. ЬЗ Sc2! 38. ba4 b4! 39. Sh7 c4—+] ab3 33. ab3 e4 34. Sal Sd3 35. Sa8 Ф17 36. Sh8 Фg7© [36... ©e5!? 37. Sb8 (37. Sh7?? Фg8 38. Sh6 Фg7-+) b6 38. ©g4 ©f5+l 37. Se8! ©B! 38. ©B ef3 39. ФИЗ ФГ6 40. g4 Sb3 41. g5! [41. Sh8?? фе5! 42. Sh7 Фd4-+ 43. Sc7 Фс4 44. Sg7 (44. Фg3 Sbl!) фdЗ—+1 ФГ5! 42. Se7 сб 43. Sh7 b5 44. Sc7?? [44. Sf7! Фе4 (44... фе5 45. h5!; 44... Феб 45. Sf6) 45. Se7 фd4 46. cb5! a) 46... Sb5 47. Se6 c4 48. Sg6 Фс5 (48... Фd5 49. Sf6 c3 50. g6=) 49. Sf6 c3 50. SB Фd4 51. Sf4 Фd3 52. SB Фd2 53. Sf4 c2 54. Sc4 Sb3 55. Фg2 Sc3 56. Sc3 фсЗ 57. g6 cl© 58. g7=; b) 46... cb5! 47. Sd7! bl) 47... ФсЗ 48. h5! bll) 48... Sa3 bill) 49. hg6?? Ы111) 49... c4?? 50. Sd8!! (50. Sf7 Sa8 51. Sf3 фd4!-+) Sa7 51. Sf8 Ы1111) 51... ФЬЗ 52. Sf3 c3 53. Sf7 Sa8 54. f4! Sc8 55. g7 Sg8! 56. Фg4 c2 57. Sc7 Sg7 58. Sc6!! Sg6 (58... Sd7 59. g6 b4 60. f5 Sd4 61. ФИ5П=) 59. Sc2! Фс2 60. f5 Sg8 61. f6D Sf8 62. ФГ5 b4 63. g6 ЬЗ 64. g7 Sb8 65. f7 b2 66. g8©! Ы© 67. ©g3!=; Ы1112) 51... Фd2 52. Sb8=; Ы1113) 51... Фd4 52. Sf4=; bl 1114) 51... Sg7 52. Sf3 Фd4 (52... ФЬ2 53. Sf6D b4 54. f4 c3 55. Sc6 ЬЗ 56. f5 c2 57. Sc4!!= cl© 58. Scl Фс1 59. f6 Sg6 60. f7 b2 61. f8© Ы© 62. ©fl=) 53. Sf4! ФdЗ 54. SB Фе4 55. Фg4! 127
Ь4 56. Щ! Ig6 57. Sb7 ЬЗ 58. ФИ5 Sg8 59. g6D=; Ы112) 49... Sa8!!-+ 50. ДП c4 51. Sf3 Ф44! Ы1121) 52. Sf4 Ф43 53. If3 Фе4 54. ДеЗ (54. &g4 Ь4-+) Ф44 55. Se7 сЗ-+; Ы1122) 52. g7 lg8 53. Sf8 (53. 1П c3 54. Id7 Фе4 55. f3 ФеЗ 56. Sc 7 b4 57. f4 ФГ4 58. Sb7 ФП! 59. Sb4 Sg7 60. ФИ2 lh7 61. фgl lc7-+) Sg7 54. Id8 (54. Фg4 1с7!-+) Фе4 55. Фg4 1Ь7!-+; bl 12) 49. h6!! b4 50. Sg7 lain 51. ФИ2П la8 52. Sg6 b3 53. Sb6 lh8D 54. Фg3 c4 55. Фg4 ФЬ2П 56. ФЬ5 сЗ 57. g6D c2 (57... Ic8 58. h7 c2 59. lc6D lc6 60. h8® lc3 61. g7 cl® 62. g8® ®hl=) 58. lc6D cl® 59. Icl Фс1 60. g7 Sb8 61. h7 b2 62. g8® bl® 63. h8®=; Ы2) 48... gh5 49. If7!=; b2) 47... Фе5 48. Ie7! Фd6 49. Ig7 c4 50. Ig6 Фd5 51. If6 Ibl 52. g6 Igl 53. ФЬ2! Ig2 54. ФИЗ=; ЬЗ) 47... Фс4 48. Id6 Ibl 49. фЬ2! Ь4 50. Sg6 If 1 51. h5=l bc4! 45. Ic6 Sb5!-+ 46. Sa6 Фе4! 47. h5 gh5 48. g6 c3 0:1 A. Volokitin A 10 V. MALAKHOV 2705 - I. SALGADO LOPEZ 2621 Plovdiv 2012 1. c4 g6 2. e4 e5 3. d4 2rf6 4. £>c3 ed4 5. ®d4 £>c6 6. ®dl Ag7 7. Ad3 0-0 8. £sf3 d6 9. 0-0 Aie5 10. Ae2 11. A13 Аеб 12. Ae2 £)d7 N [12... Se8[ 13. АеЗ 13... £>Ь6?! [13... АсЗ!? 14. ЬсЗ ®h4 15. f3 lfe8 16. ®d2 ®e7 17. ®d4 b6 18. Ah6 f6ool 14. ®b3 f5 15. ef5 gf5 [15... Hf51 16. £)d5 АП 17. £jf4T ®d7 18. ®c2 £jc8 19. Sadi Aie7 20. A13 Sae8 [20... &c6 21. c5T[ 21. Ad4 [21. £J15!? Ah5 22. Ah5 £sg6 23. ®b3±[ Ad4 22. Sd4 b6 [22... £>g6 23. Aig6 hg6 24. ®d2tl 23. ®c3! £)g6?! [23... £>c6?! 24. Ac6 ®c6 25. Sd3^; 23... ®d8 24. Adi !± A Aa4, Sd3-g34 24. £>h5 Аеб? [24... ®e7 25. Ac6 A Sd6[ 25. Ac6! [25... ®c6 26. Sd6 ®d6 27. ®g7#; 25... ®П 26. Ae8 Se8 27. Sel+-1 1:0 Br. Tadic 4.* A13 A. DELCHEV 2622 - I. HERA jr. 2555 Skopje 2012 1. c4 еб 2. g3 d5 3. Ag2 2tf6 [3... dc4 4. ®a4 <5jd7 5. ®c4 £jgf6 6. £jf3[ 4. £>f3 dc4 5. ®a4 сб 6. ®c4 b5 7. ®c2 Ab7 8.0-0 Aibd7 9. ^c3 аб 10. a4 Ae7 11. d3 0-0 12. e4 [12. Sdl - 55/91 b4I? N [12... ®b6!? N 13. e5 £)d5 14. £sd5 cd5 15. Ae3 Ac5 16. a5 ®a7 17. d4 Ae7 18. £>g5 (18. Ag5!?) Ag5 (18... g6 19. ®d3 Sfc8 20. h4 ^f8 21. h5T E. Romanov 2625 — Clery 2400, Cappelle la Grande 2012) 19. Ag5 ®d4 20. ®c7 Ac8 21. lac 1 ®e5 22. ®c6 ®b8 23. Ifel^ Br. Tadic; 12... Sc8] 13. £>bl [Xc4] ЬЗ! 14.®e2 a5 15. Sdl Aa6 16. Af4! [16. АеЗ?! £)g4![ ®Ь6?! [16... Ac5!? 17. h3 (17. £>bd2 £jg4!) Se8 18. abd2 e5 19. Ag5 ®b6 (19... h6 20. Af6 ®f6 21. £>b3) 20. Sacl (20. Sdcl!? h6 21. Af6 <23f6 22. £>c4 ®c7 23. £scd2 ®b6=) (20... h6 21. Af6 2»f6 22. <йс4 ®c7 23. £)fe5 Se5 24. d4±) 21. ^fl h6 22. АеЗ W6 23. £>3d2 АеЗ (23... ®b4 24. £sc4 128
АеЗ 25. £)fe3 ®а4 26. gal Wb4 27. Ha5 Ab5 28. Ha8 Ha8 29. AB Ha2 30. ®d2 ®e7 31. Wc3±) 24. ®e3 ®b4 25. Hc6 ®a4 26. Hc3 Hab8 27. ®el±] 17. £jbd2+ [A Sael, ^c4 Xa5, c61 Had8 18. Had Wb7 19. £jc4 Ab4?! [19... Ac4 a) 20. Hc4 <21b6 21. Heel ^a4 22. £>e5 Hc8 23. £>c4 Ha8 24. Sal ®b5 25. Ad6 Ad6 26. ^d6 Wb4 27. e5 Ш5 28. Hdcl Wd4 (28... £ic5 29. Hc4 ®b6 30. Had ^d7 31. Hc6 ®d4 32. Hel Hfd8 33. 2)f5 ef5 34. Hc4 We5 35. We5 £>e5 36. Se5 £>b6 37. Hc7 Hac8 38. Hc8 Hc8 39. Sa5 g6 40. Hb5 £jd7 41. Hb3 Hc2^) 29. Sabi £>ab6 30. Hc6 £>d7 31. Heli; b) 20. dc4!? Ac5 21. e5 2}g4 22. Hfl ®b6 23. &el f5 24. £>d3 Ad4 25. h3 W 26. c5±l 20. We5? [20. 2rfd2! (Xb3) £>c5 (20... Hfe8 21. W Ac4 22. dc4 e5 23. Ae3±) 21. Ad6±l &e5 21. £je5 Hc8 22. Ad2 [22. &c4 Ac4 23. dc4 £>d7 24. e5 £>c5±5[ £)d7 23. Ab4 ab4! 24. £}c4 Ac4 25. Hc4 [25. dc4! £jc5 26. We3 £>a4 27. ®b3 £>c5 28. ®e3 ®b6 29. e5± Xc6, d6[ c5 26. d4 [26. e5!? ®a6! 27. Sal W 28. Heel £la4 29. Wdl Wb5 30. № £>b6=l £jb6? [26... ®a6! 27. Afl £ib6 28. Hc5 We2 29. Ae2 £sa4 30. Hb5 &b2 31. Sbl £й4 32. Hb4 £}c3 33. Hb2 Hb8 34. Hb8 ®e2 35. He2 Hb8 36. Hb2 <£>f8 37. ФН Hb4 38. f3 Hd4 39. Hb3=[ 27. Hc5 £>a4 28. e5! ®d7 29. Hc8 Hc8?! [29... Wc8! 30. Ae4 &c3! 31. ЬсЗ ЬсЗ 32. Hbl c2 33. Ac2 ®c2 34. ®c2 bc2 35. Hel Hc8 36. ФП Hc4 37. f4 h6 38. Фе2 Hd4 39. Hc2=[ 30. d5 £>c3?© [30... Hd8 31. ®d2 ®c7 32. Hal &b6 33. d6 Wc5±[ 31. ЬсЗ ЬсЗ 32. de6 ®e6 33. Ad5 Ш 34. e6 c2 35. ef7 Ф18 36. Hel ®d8 37. Ab3 cl® 38. We8! We8 39. fe8® He8 40. Hel 1:0 A. Delchev 5. A13 A. DELCHEV 2622 - ZONTAKH 2556 Plovdiv 2012 1. c4 e6 2. 2rf3 £>f6 3. g3 d5 4. Ag2 dc4 5. Wa4 £>bd7 6. ®c4 a6 [6... c5 7. 0-0 b6![ 7. ®c2! [XAc8[ Hb8 [7... Ь5?! 8. ^d4 £)d5 9. 4}c6 ®f6 10. 0-0±; 7... c5 8. £>c3! Hb8 (8... b5? 9. £>e5) 9. 0-0 Ad6 10. d4+[ 8.0-0 b6 [8... Ь5?! (Xc6, c5, a5) 9. £>d4 £je5 10. W Ab7 11. Ab7 Hb7 12. d4 £k4 13. £)ld2 ®d5 14. £>c4 bc4 15. £)d2±; 8... c5?! 9. d4± (A Af4) - 7/27; 8... Ad6 9. d4 0-0 10. £lbd2] 9. d4 [9. £>d4!? £3e5 10. £>b3 (10. £jc6 £>c6 11. Ac6 Ad7=) c5 (10... Ae7 11. d4 £)g6 12. £ic3 0-0 13. Ag5± El) 11. d4 cd4 12. Af4 d3 13. ed3 Ad6 14. d4 £)g6 15. Wc6 Фе 7 16. Ag5 Ab7 17. ®c4 ®c7=[ Ab7 10.£jc3 [10. Hdl!? c5 11. Af4Hc8 12. £>c3 cd4 13. Hd4 (13. £>d4?! Ag2 14. &g2 b5T) Ac5 14. Hd2 0-0 (14... We7 15. Hadi 0-0 16. ^g5!±) 15. Hadi ®e8 16. «3e5 Ag2 17. £)d7 £>d7 18. <£g2 ^f6 19. Ad6 Ad6 20. Hd6 b5 21. ®d3+l Ab4!? N [10... с5?! 11. Af4 Hc8 12. Hadi cd4 13. Hd4 Ac5 14. Hd2 ®e7 15. Hfdl 0-0? 16. «3g5 Ag2 17. Hd7±; 15... b5; 15... h6+; 10... Ae7 11. Hdl 0-0 12. £3e5 (12. e4±; 12. Af4 Hc8 13. e4S) Ag2 13. &g2 ®c8 14. &c6 ®b7 15. «3e4 Hbe8 16. £if6 £)f6 17. f3 £jd5 18. e4 (18. a3 f5!) W 19. £se7 (19. 2Л4 Ab4 20. АеЗ c6 21. Had Hc8±) He7 20. Wc3 a5 21. a3 £jc6 22. Af4 Hd7 23. Had £se7±[ 11. Hdl [11. «3e5!? Ag2 12. <£g2 «3e5 (12... ®c8 13. £)c6 Wb7 14. «3e4 Hc8 15. Ш £rf6 16. Ag5 £>d7 17. ®e4 $3b8 18. Hfcl £)c6 19. Hc6 0-0 20. Had Ad6 21. Af4 Hfd8 22. f3 Af4 23. ®f4 Hd7 24. b4±) 13. de5 Ac3 14. Hdl Wc8 15. ЬсЗ £)d5 16. e4 £>e7 17. АаЗ c5 18. Hd6 0-0 19. Hadi £sc6 20. f4 &a5M 0-0 [11... ®c8!? 12. Af4 0-0 13. Had b5 14. £se5 Ag2 15. <£g2 ®b7 16. f3 «3e5 17. Ae5 Ac3 18. Af6 Aa5 19. Ae7 Hfe8 20. Ac5 Hed8 21. Hd3+[ 12. Ag5 [A HaclO «с Xc6, c7; 12. £se5!? Ac3 (12... Ag2 13. <£g2 ®c8 14. £>c6 Wb7 15. £je4 129
Sbe8 16. Ш 17. D Ac5 18. Ш5 ba5 19. Wc5 a4 20. Wc4 Wb5 21. Wb5 ab5 22. e4 lc8 23. Ae3 ^d7 24. lacl f5 25. Ic6 Sfe8 26. lei W 27.1с5 сб 28. led fe4 29. fe4 lcd8 30. h4±) 13. Ab7 lb7 14. 5jc6 Wa8 15. Wc3 O>8 (15... M 16. WD f5 17. Ag5! h6 18. e4!±) 16. £se5 la7! 17. Af4 &d5 18. W3 f6 19. ^c4 £>c6 20. lacl We8 (20... Id8 21. £se3! £rf4 22. Wf4 ld4 23. Id4 e5 24. Id8 £>d8 25. Wc4 <£>h8 26. Idlt) 21. йеЗ Wd7 22. £}d5 ed5 23. e4+ Xla71 АсЗ?! [12... h6 13. Af6 Wf6 14. lacl lfd8 15. £)h4 (15. e4 АсЗ 16. ЬсЗ c5=; 15. аЗ АсЗ 16. Wc3 c5 17. b4 cd4 18. Wd4 AD 19. Wf6 Ш 20. AD g5) Ag2 16. <£>g2 Ac3 17. Wc3 c5 a) 18. dc5 Wc3 19. Ic3 £>c5 20. Id8 ld8 21. b4 (21. £>D a5) ^e4 22. Ic4 £}d2 23. Ic2 g5=; b) 18. £)f3! a5 19. Wd3 We7 20. ®b5 lbc8 21. Id2±l 13. Af6! [13. Wc3 ^e4 14. Ad8 £jc3 15. Ac7 &dl 16. Ab8 W 17. Ad6 lc8^1 Ш6 [13... £)f6!? 14. Wc3 ®d5M 14. Wc3 c5 15. lacl± a5 [15... Ifc8 16. We3! (16. dc5 ШЗ 17. Ic3 £jc5 18. £>e5 Ag2 19. &g2 f6=) AD! (16... cd4 17. £>d4 Ag2 18. &g2± Хсб, Хаб, b6) 17. AD a5 18. a3 cd4 19. Ic8 lc8 20. Id4 We7 21. h4±] 16. dc5 [16. £se5! cd4 (16... ^e5 17. de5 ®f5 18. Ab7 lb7 19. D±) 17. ^d7 dc3 18. 2tf6 gf6 19. Ab7 lb7 20. Ic3±[ £>c5! [16... Wc3 17. Ic3 ®c5 18. ®e5 f6 (18... Ag2 19. &g2 f6 20. ^c6 la8 21. a3! a4 22. Id4±) 19. ^c4 (19. Ab7 fe5 20. Ac6 lbc8 21. Id6 lcd8 22. Id8 ld8 23. 1с2 ФП=) Aa6! 20. 2Л6 lb6 21. Ic5 lb2 22. a4 Ae2 23. Idel lfb8 24. Ia5 Ibl 25. Iac5 18b4 26. Ac6 lei 27. Icl ФП=[ 17. Wf6 [17. <йе5 Aa6! (17... Ag2 18. <4>g2 lbd8 19. Id8 ld8 20. ^c4 We7 21. D+ Xb6) 18. Ш lb7 19. ®f6 gf6 20. £>a5! (20. AD lc7 21. Id6 Ab7; 20. Id6 ld7 21. Id7 22. AD фё7) ba5 21. Ab7 &b7 22. &fl Ab5 23. ЬЗ lb8 24. Ic7 &g7 25. D±[ gf6 18. £>d4 Sfd8 19. £lc6 [19. <£>fl!? Hbc8 20. Ab7 W 21. e3 f5 22. Фе2 £>c5 23. Ic4± Xh7, b6[ Ac6 20. Асб Ф18= 21. &g2 Фе7 22. Id8 ld8 23. Sc2 Idl 24. Ab5 f5 25. ЬЗ ФГ6 26. Sb2 ^je4 27. b4 ab4 28. ДЬ4 £}c3 29. Ad3 £ja2 30. Ib6 ^ic3 31. Sb3 Hcl 32. ДЬ4 ^jd5 33. Ih4 &g7 34. gd4 £)f6 35. h3 Sc5 36. Sa4 Sd5 37. Sa7 ld7 38. Sa4 Sd5 39. Ia7 ld7 40. Hd7 ^d7 1/2 : 1/2 A. Delchev A 13 MAT. BARTEL 2658 - IV. POPOV 2599 Moscow 2012 1. £rf3 £jf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 a6 4. Ag2 b5 5. «ЗаЗ!? d5 N [5... АаЗ?! 6. ЬаЗ bc4 (6... Ab7 7. Hbl Ac6 8. Wc2; 6... 0-0 7. Wc2) 7. £}e5 d5 8. £к4±®; 5... Ab7 6. cb5 АаЗ 7. ba6 ^a6 8. ba3±; 5... b4 - A 051 6. cd5 [6. cb5 ab5 7. ^)Ь5 с5=И1 £>d5 [6... АаЗ? 7. de6; 6... ed5 7. d4 Ad6 8. £>e5±[ 7. £>c2 [7. d4 Ab7 8. 0-0 <af6!? Xe4, £>a3[ Ab7 8. ЬЗ Ae7 9. Ab2 0-0 10. 0-0 10... ^d7?! [10... c5 a) 11. d4 £)d7 12. e4 ^)5f6 13. e5 £>d5 14. We2 gc8=; b) 11. e4 £>f6 12. We2!? ®e4!? (12... Ae4? 13. Af6; 12... £>c6 13. d4 cd4 14. £)fd4 £}d4 15. £id4 Wb6=) 13. ^e5 £46 14. Ab7 W 15. d4oo; c) 11. Icl £>c6 12. ^еЗ £>e3 13. fe3oo[ 11. 130
e4! £)5f6 12. d3 c5 13. аеЗ ab8! 14. Де5 йсб 15. £)c6 .Дсб 16. Icl Sc8 17. &g4 £a8 18. ae5 lc7 [18... £)d7?! 19. ad7 Wd7 20. Wg4 f6 21. ДЬЗ Неб 22. b4!?±; 18... 9b6a) 19. g41cd8! (19... Ifd8 20. >13! h6 21. h4—) 20. Wf3 ad7=; b) 19. >13! Scd8! (19... Ifd8?! 20. g4!t) 20. We3 ad7 21. Ы7?! Hd7 22. b4? Wd8+; 21. ai3=l 19. We2 ad7 20. ag4 ai6 21. ДсЗ! 21... b4? [21... Ic8! 22. h4!? (22. af6 Af6 23. Af6 >16 24. e5 >e7 25. Да8 Sa8 26. We3 Sac8 27. Sc2 Дс7 28. Sfcl Sfc8=; 22. Sc2!?) ag4 23. Wg4 Д.16 24. e5 Де7 25. Aa8 Sa8 26. d4=] 22. Де5 £3g4?I [22... Sc8 23. af6 Af6 24. ±16 Wf6 25. Sc4±[ 23. Wg4 M6 24. ±c7 >c7 25. e5! We5 [25... £e5? 26. ±a8 1а8 27. d4+-[ 26. Wc4?I [26. ±a8 Ha8 27. >c4 ±e7 (27... Sc8? 28. Ш+-) 28. >e4 We4 29. de4 Ф18 30. Sfdl Sa7±[ ±g2 27. &g2 ±e7 28. Wa6 Wd5 29. &gl Ла8?! [29... Sd8| 30. Wc4 Wc4? 31. Sc4 Ha2 32. d4!+- cd4 33. Hc8! ±18 34. Sdl e5 [34... g5 35. Id4 &g7 36. Sd7 Sa5 37. g4 Sc5 38. Hc5 ±c5+-[ 35.14 g6 [35... f6 36. fe5 fe5 37. lfl[ 36. fe5 He2 37. Id4 &g7 38. Sd5 ±e7 39. ФП le4 40. Ф12 16 41. Hc4 le5 42. He5 fe5 43. Hc6 1:0 Mat. Bartel 7 **** A 16 P. G. ARNAUDOV 2476 - I. CHEPARINOV 2664 Bulgaria (ch) 2012 1. $113 af6 2. c4 g6 3. ac3 d5 4. cd5 £)d5 5. Wc2 £jc6 [5... kg.7 ~ 112/91 6. d4 adb4 7. ®a4 ±d7 8. Wdl e5 9. de5 ±15 10. ±g5 ±e7 [10... £jc2 Nil. Wc2 ±c2 12. ±d8 Hd8 13. Sol (13. еЗ аб! 14. Icl ±15 15. ±e2 ±g7 16. £sa4 £se5 17. Ic7 ai3 18. ±13 Ь5о5) ±15 14. e4 ±h6! 15. Idl Idl 16. &dl ±g4 17. ±b5 ±13 18. g!3 ±f4= W. So 2653 - Ab. Gupta 2644, Ho Chi Minh City 20121 H.e4[RRll.±e7?!N>e7 12.e41d8! 13. Wa4 ±d7 14. Wb3 £>a5 15. >dl 0-0t E. Can 2476 — Sutovsky 2700, Plovdiv 2012] ±g4 12. ±e7 We7 13. аЗ ±13 14. gf3 Hd8 15. Wa4 ad3 16. ±d3 ld3 17. Wb5 213 [17... 2d4 a) 18. 14 0-0 19. h4 We6 20. ®e2 Sfd8 21. h5 ®b3 22. hg6 hg6 23. Sh3 2d2 24. ®g4 S2d3 25. Sd3 Sd3 26. 2dl=Zhao Jun 2577 - Gao Rui 2427, Ho Chi Minh City 2012; b) 18. £}d5 We5 19. Wb7 Se4 20. ФН Wd5 21. fe4 ®d3 22. &gl ®e4 23. ®а8 Фе7 24. ®h8 £>d4 25. h3 26. ФН 1/2 : 1/2 B. Csonka 2289 - M. Bagi 2309, Magyarorszag 20121 18. Wb7 £jd8 19. ®b4 ®h4!? N [19... We5 20. Sdl сб 21. 0-0 £}e6 22. Wd6=| 20.0-0-0 [20. 0-0 a5; 20. Sfl a5] a5 21. Wb5 [21. Wa5!? 0-0 22. Wc7 43e6^1 Ф18 [21... сб? 22. Wc5 аеб 23. Wd6±[ 22. еб? [22. Sd3 Wf4 23. ФЫ <£>g7M ®f4 [22... аеб!? 23. We5 ®f4 24. ®f4 af4Tl 23. ФЫ аеб 24. Id3 [24. Wa5 <4>g7; 24. Id7 ^g7[ 112 [24... сб 25. Wc4 (25. Sf3 ®13 26. Wfl &g7+) <^>g7 (25... Id3 26. ®d3 <^>g7 27. Wg3 Sd8 28. Hcl+) 26. ae2 ®f6 27. Sf3 Wf3 28. Wc3 ®c3 29. ac3 Hd8+; 24... <£>g7 25. Hf3 Wf3 26. Idl Wf2 27. We5 Wf6 28. ®a5 Wf4+1 25. ®a5 lh2 [25... ^g7?! 26. ad5! (26. adl Se2 27. ®c3 ®f6T) We5 (26... ®e4? 27. Wc3) 27. ®c3 Wc3 28. Ic3 Sb8 29. Sc2oo; 25... сб!? 131
26. Wa8 <^>g7 27. Wc6 Hh2 (27... Hb8 28. b4 Hh2 29. Hh2 Wh2+) 28. Hh2 Wh2 29. Hd7 Hb8 30. b4 We5+; 25... c5!? 26. 2X11 a) 26... He2 27. 21c3 (27. Wc3 We4+) Hh2 (27... He3 28. He3 We3 29. Hdl <^>g7 30. Wb6T) 28. Hh2 Wh2 29. 21d5 Wgl (29... We5 30. 21b6 фё7 31. 2>d7 We4 32. Wc3 2}d4 33. 2x5 Whl 34. Фа2 Wd5=) 30. фа2 Wcl 31. Hc3 Wd2 32. 2c7 Wd7 33. 2d5 (33. 2a6 <4>g7 34. 2x5 We7) Wd6 34. Hc4 We5 35. 2}b6 фё7 36. 2d7 Wg3 37. 2c5 2x5 38. Wc5 Hd8+; b) 26... Hf3 27. Wc3 Hd3 28. Wd3T; 25... h5!? 26. h3 (26. 2X11 He2 27. Wc3 <&>g8; 26. 2d5 We4 27. Hhdl We5+) <^>g8=l 26. Hh2 Wh2 27. 2>dl! <£>g8! [27... Whl 28. We5 Hg8 29. Фа2^; 27... h5!? 28. Wc3 Hh6 29. a4! TO 30. a5 We4 31. a6 Wa8 32. Wa3 <^>g7 33. a7 h4 34. Hd7 Hh5 35. 2x3=; 28... *g8; 27... c6!? 28. Wc3 *g81 28. Wc3 [28. 2x3 h5 29. 2>d5 Wgl 30. Фа2 Wc5 31. Wd2 <£>g7! 32. ЬЗ Hd8 33. a4 (33. Wb2 фЬ6) сб 34. Wb2 фЬб+l h5! [28... Whl 29. фа2 We4 30. 2x3 c6 (30... h5 31. 2d5 Wa4 32. 2>f6 Ф18=) a) 31. Hd7 h5 (31... 2>f8 32. Hd8 We7 33. Hf8! Wf8 34. 2g4 f6 35. 2f6 Ф17 36. 2>g4=) 32. He7 Wd4 33. Wc6 2x18! 34. Wg2 (34. Wf3 ^g7) Ф18 35. He4 Wd6+; b) 31. 2x4! h5 32. 2d6 (32. 2e5 Hh6 33. 2c6 h4 34. 2x7 ФЬ7 35. Wc8 Hh5 36. Wg8 ФИ6 37. Hdl 2f4 38. TO *g5 39. Hgl 2g2 40. TO h3 41. Hcl=) Wa4 (32... TO 33. 2x8) 33. 2x8 (33. 2>f7 Ф17 34. Wh8 Wc4 35. Hb3 2d4 36. Wh7=; 33. b4 c5 34. bc5 Wc6 35. 2rf7 ФП 36. 8h8 2x5=) c5 34. 2>f6 (34. Hd8 2d4) Ф18=; 28... c6!? 29. 2x3 (29. Wc6 We5; 29. a4 h5 30. a5 We2) h5[ 29. 2x3 [29. фа2 сб; 29. Hd7 TO 30. 2e3 We4 31. фа2 c6[ сб! [29... ФЬ7!? 30. 2id5 (30. Hd7 Hf8) Hb8 31. 2rf6 ФИ6+1 30. TO? [30. фа2 Wc7; 30. 2x4 Wgl (30... Wf4 31. 2id6 фЬ7 32. Hf3 Wd6 33. Hf7 *g8 34. TO Wd3 35. Фа1 Hh7 36. Hh7 ФЬ7 37. We6+) 31. Фа2 Wc5 32. b4 (32. a4 h4 33. b4 We7+) Wf2 33. Hd2 TO 34. 2x5 h4 35. 2x6 ФВ7+; 30. Wc6 a) 30... фЬ7 31. Hd7 (31. 2X15 We5; 31. фа2 Hb8 32. Wc3 We2 33. Hd7 2>g5) 2g5 32. 2>d5 (32. фа2 We5 33. 2x4 We4 34. Hf7 Ф116 35. We4 ^je4 36. a4 g5 37. a5 h4+) Wg3 33. Wf6 Hb8 34. ^f4 (34. фа2 h4) &h6 35. £)g6 ^je4 36. Wf4 Wf4 37. &f4 f5 38. a4oo; b) 30... We5! 31. Hd7 (31. Wd5 Wf6+; 31. £ic4 Wc5) £>g5 (31... Wc5 32. Hd8 *g7 33. Wc5 &c5 34. Hh8 ФИ8 35. Фс2 h4 36. b4 h3 37. &fl £>e4 38. b5 <4>g7^; 31... h4 32. He7) 32. £}d5 *g7 33. He7 Wd4 34. Wc7 (34. £>f4 Wf6; 34. e5 Hb8) Hf8 (34... h4 35. Wf4 Hh5 36. ^jc7 Ф116 37. £je8 h3 38. 2x16 Wd6 39. Wd6 h2 40. He8 hl W 41. Фа2 2>e4 42. Wf8 <4>g5 43. We7 f6 44. We4 We4 45. He4 f5 46. Hel f4 47. b4 f3 48. b5 <£>f4 49. a4 f2 50. Hbl He5-+) 35. 2>b6 h4-+; 30. 2>f5?! gf5 31. ef5 21g7 32. Hg3 Whl 33. фа2 Wd5 34. Фа1 f6 35. Hg7 ^g7 36. Wg3 <£>f8 37. Wb8 ФП 38. Wh8 Wf5+1 Whl 31. фа2 We4 32. Hd7 [32. Hb3 21f8-+] Hh7 33. We7 [33. He7 Hg7-+[ Hg7 34. We8 ФИ7 35. Hf7 [35. Hd8 g5-+[ НП 135... We3?! 36. Hf6+[ 36( Wf7 ФЬ6 [W 8/c[ 37. Wf2 2if4 [37... h4-+[ 38. ЬЗ g5 [38... 2x13! 39. Wf8 (39. Wd2 g5) &g5-+[ 39. a4 h4 40. a5 Wd3 [40... ^g6! 41.2ic4 (41. Wd2 Wd3~+; 41. a6 2>d3-+) h3 42. a6 2x15--hl 41. 2ic4 [41. TO *g7-+; 41. 21g4 фЬ5 42 . 2ie3 £>g6—h[ We2! 42. We2 2>e2 43. фЬ2 [43. аб 2>сЗ-+; 43. 2X16 h3 44. a6 2ic3 45. ФЬ2 2>d5—h] h3 44. 2еЗ фЬ5 45. 2tfl 45... 2>f4! [45... g4? 46. a6 g3 47. 2ig3 2>g3 48. a7 h2 49. a8W hl® 50. Wh8 &g5 51. Whl 2>hl 52. фсЗ=; 45... 2x14 46. ФеЗ 2>e6! (46... 2>b5 47. &d3 2>c7 48. Фе2 &g4 49. Ф12) 47. <4>d3 g4 48. ФеЗ Ф>Ь4 49. &f2 2ic5 50. b4 2id3-+[ 46. a6 [46. фс2 g4 47. <£d2 ФЬ4 48. ФеЗ g3 49. ФГ4 g2 50. 2ih2 ФЬ5 51. 2if3 h2-+; 46. ФеЗ ФЬ4] 2ie6 47. a7 [47. ФеЗ 2ic7[ 2>c7 48. Фс2 [48. 132
ФсЗ £>Ь5] фЬ4 49. Ф02 g4 50. феЗ g3 51. £f4 g2 52. £jh2 фЬ5 0 : 1 I. Cheparinov ge**** |[\| A 18 BU XIANGZHI 2668 - HOU YIFAN 2639 China (ch) 2012 1. c4 £>f6 2. ФсЗ e6 3. e4 d5 4. e5 d4 5. ef6 dc3 6. bc3 Wf6 7. W e5 [7... b6 8. g3!? (8. d4 - 103/10) Ab7 9. Ag2 Ad6 10. d4 h6 11. 0-0(ll.®d3)0-0 12. a4 N (12. Sel)£}c6 13. ^d2 (13. a5 £>a5 14. c5 Же7 15. £>e5 Jlg2 16. <4>g2 Wf5 17. Sei65 S. Movsesian) Ш5 14. Ab7 2»b7 15. &ЬЗ e5 16. a5 ed4 17. cd4 £w5 18. £ja5 ba5 19.Sa5 ЖЬ4 20. Sa2 a5= S. Movsesian 2715 — D. Navara 2705, Cesko 2012] 8. d4 ed4 [8... £>c6 a) 9. de5 &e5 10. We2 £d6 11. Jlg5N(ll.c5? 0-0!) We6 12. £>d4 £)d3 13. <£>d2 We2 14. Фе2 &e5!?; 14... £}c5+ A. Kosten 2493 - W. So 2653, France 2012; b) 9. Ag5 - 66/13; c) 9. d5 N W 10. Ad3 e4!? (10... £}d7 11.0-0 h6 12. Sei Ad6 13. Ac2+ A. Naiditsch 2698 - S. Fedorchuk 2634, France 2012) 11. Де4 Wc3 12. Ad2 Wc4 13. Wbl^J 9. Ig5 We6 10. Же2 Ae7 [10... d3? 11. 0-0 ±e7 (11... JLd6 - 29/37) 12. Ad3 f6 13. Sei «7 14. ®e2! N (14. Wa4) a) 14... fg5 15. <21g5 ®f6 16. £>h7 Sh7 (16... ®f7 17. Ag6+-) 17. Д117+-; b) 14... <йс6 15. Af4 Ag4 16. Ie4 Sd8 17. Sabi £se5 18. Же5 fe5 19. Sb7 ®f6 20. Sc7 Af3 21. Af3+- B. Smith 2444 - Go. Papp 2552, Baia Sprie 2012] 11. cd4 Ag5 12. 4hg5 ®f6 [12... Wg6 - 98/9] 13. Wd2 0-0 14.0-0 £ic6 15. d5 £)d4 16. £>e4 £>e2 17. We2 We5 N [17... Wg6] 18. Sfel b6 19. Wd2 Ad7 20. f4 [20. c5!? bc5 21. ^c5 Wf5 (21... Wd6 22. <йе4 ®g6 23. Sac It) 22. Se7 Sad8 23. Wd4 Sfe8 24. £je6!? Wg6 (24... ®f6 25. Se8 Se8 26. Ш6 gf6 27. 2»f4±) 25. Se8 Se8 26. ^c7 Se2s5; 22. Sacl+] ®e7 21. Sadi Jta4 [^ 21... JLg4 22. Scl Sae8 23. h3 £f5 24. £>g3 Wd7=; 23. c5±] 22. Scl Ad7 23. ®f2 [23. c5T] Sfe8 24. f5 We5 25. f6 ®f5 26. Wg3 Wg4 27. h3 Wg3 28. £jg3 gf6 29. ^h5 Sei 30. Sei Aa4 31. Ф12 ®f8 32. £>f6 &g7 33. ^e4 Жс2 34. <21d2 Ф18 [34... сб! 35. dc6 Sc8 36. Se7 a5=] 35. Sd8 36. ^d4 Aa4 37. Se3 Ae8 38. Sf3 Фе7 39.2rf5 <£f8 40. феЗ Ad7 41. <£>d4 Se8 42. ^h6 Se7 43. g4 Ae8 44. Se3 Se3 45. ФеЗ ^d7 46. ФТ4 f6= 47. h4 [47. ^3f5 Af5 48. ф£5 ф!7=] Фg7 48. £>f5 ЖГ5 49. фГ5 Ф17 50. a4 фе7 51. g5 fg5 52. Фg5 ФП 53. ФЬ6 Фg8 54. h5 ФЬ8 55. a5 Фg8 56. ab6 ab6 57. Фg5 Фg7 58. ФГ5 ФП 59. Фе5 фе7 60. h6 фd7 61. ФГ6 Фd6 62. Фg7 Фе7 63. Фg8 фе8 64. ФЬ7 Ф17 65. ФЬ8 ФГ8 1/2 : 1/2 Br. Tadic 133
9.* A 25 В. ABRAMOVIC 2460 - DA. MILANOVIC 2520 Srbija (ch) 2012 1. c4 e5 2. £}c3 £jc6 3. g3 Ac5 4. Ag2 аб 5. e3 d6 6. ^ge2 Aa7 7. d3 [7. ЬЗ - 112/121 £>ge7 8. ЬЗ A15!? 9. Ab2 [9. 0-0 Wd7 10. Sei Ah3 11. Ahl h5Tl Wd7 10. ЬЗ ДЬ8!? 11. ®d2 [11. аЗ b5oo[ 0-0 12. £>d5 N [12. g4 Ag6 13. ft!? f5 14. O-O-Ooo; 12. ft N 12... Аеб 13. d4 £)f5 14. Ac6 bc6 15. 0-0-0 ed4 16. ed4 £>e7 17. g4 f5 18. g5 Af7oo Hi. Nakamura 2753 — Vallejo Pons 2716, Sao Paulo/Bilbao 2011; 12. Sell b5 13. e4 [13. £>e7 £je7 14. cb5 ab5 15. d4 ed4 16. £)d4 (16. ed4 сб 17. g4 Аеб 18. 2rf4 £>d5 19. £>d5 Ad5 20. Ad5 cd5 21. 0-0 f5M Ag6 17.0-0 Ь4оо[ Аеб [13... Ag6 14. ft!? bc4 15. dc4 f6 16. f5 (16. h4 Ah5 17. Ah3 Ag4 18. Ag4 Wg4oo) Af7 17. g4oo] 14. cb5 [14. ft 15!? (14... bc4 15. dc4 f6oo) 15. g4! a) 15... fe4 16. Ae4 eft 17. ^dftoo; b) 15... eft 16. gf5 Ad5 17. cd5 АеЗ 18. Wc2 £je5 19. d4 (19. Ifl £)f5! 20. ef5 ®f5 21. Ae5 ®e5^) f3 (19... W 20. lfl+) 20. de5 fg2 21. Sh2 bl) 21... glW 22. £>gl de5 (22... Agl? 23. Ig2±) 23. Hg2 Wd6 24. £>f3+; b2) 21... £>f5! 22. ef5 lf5 23. Ig2 de5S; c) 15... bc4 16. dc4 fg4 17. f5 Ad5 18. cd5 £)b4 cl) 19. a3?? 19... £>f5!! 20. ef5 (20. ab4 £>h4—Ь) АеЗ!! 21. Wc3 Wf5 22. ab4 Wf2 23. <£>dl ®g2 24. We3 (24. lei Af2+) ®hl 25. фс2 Wh3-+; c2) 19. hg4 Ш5 20. Sh3!? ®c5^[ ab5 15. d4?! [15. £se7 We7 16. 0-0 (16. Scl ®d7 17. d4 ed4 18. <21d4 ^d4 19. Ad4 Ad4 20. ®d4 c5+) ®f6 17. lacl Ac5T; 15. lol f5 16. f4!?oo[ £)d4 16. £>d4 Ad4 17. Ad4 ed4 18. Wd4 c5 [18... £>d5 19. ed5 Af5 20. g4 lbe8 21. ФП Ag6 22. a4!? ba4 23. ba4 f5 24. g5 ft 25. Af3oo[ 19. £>e7 We7 20. ®e3 la8!? [20... Wc7 21. 0-0 c4 22. Ifcl Sfc8+1 21.0-0 21... la3T 22. Sfdl ld8 23. ®cl [23. Id3 Wc7 24. ladl c4 25. bc4 ld3 26. Id3 bc4fl Wa7 [23... b4!?+] 24. Wb2 f6 [24... c4!? 25. bc4 (25. e5? d5 26. bc4 bc4 27. Wd4 Wa5+) bc4 26. Wd4 Wd4 27. Sd4 Ф18+] 25. Afl c4 26. bc4!? bc4 [26... Ig3?! 27. ФЫ Sf3 28. cb5 a) 28... ®b6 29. Wd4!±; b) 28... Wf7 29. Ag2Wh5 30. фgl Wg6 (30... Ah3?31. AG TO 32. ШЗ+-) 31. ФИ2 Wh5 32. AG Wf3 33. Wd4 Wh3 34. фё1 Wg4 35. ФП Wh5 36. b6±; c) 28... Ah3 29. Ag2! Ag2 30. Фg2 1« 31. f3±; d) 28... Sf2 29. b6! Sb2 30. ba7 Sa8 31. Sd6 ФП 32. Лаб 1Ь7 33. a4 Sba7 34. Sa7 Sa7 35. a5±] 27. ®d4 ®d4 28. Sd4 c3 29. Ac4 ФГ7 30. Аеб Феб 31. 1с4 15 [31... d5 32. ed5 ld5 (32... фd5? 33. ЛеЗ lc3 34. Sdl Фе4 35. Sd8+) 33. Scl ld3 34. ФП=[ 32. ef5 Ф15 33. Scl Sda8 [33... d5! 34. Д4сЗ Sc3 35. Sc3 d4^[ 34. Slc3 Sc3 35. ДсЗ 1/2 : 1/2 Da. Milanovic 10. A 29 1. BANUSZ 2554 - ROMAHISHIN 2526 Porto San Giorgio 2011 1. c4 e5 2. g3 £>f6 3. Ag2 d5 4. cd5 £>d5 5. £>c3 £sb6 6. £jf3 ^c6 7. 0-0 Ae7 8. a3 Аеб!? [8... 0-0 9. Ь4 1е8; 9... аб; 9... Ае6[ 9. Ь4 2и14 [9... 0-0[ Ю. Ibl 11. А13 сб 12. d3I? [12. Ь5 - 80/(21)1 0-0 13. ®с2 134
Sc8!? 14. АеЗ N [14. Ab2 a) 14... c5!? al) 15. Ab7 Sc7 16. Даб (16. bc5 Sb7 17. cb6 Sb6 18. Aal ®a8!W cb4 17. ab4 Ab4 18. Sfel ®d6T; a2) 15. bc5!? Sc5 16. Ab7 ®d7 17. Ag2 Sfc8 18. Sfel a21) 18... Ag5 19. e3 Af5 (19... Ae7 20. Afl) 20. Ae4 Ae4 21. de4 Aic4 22. ®e2±; a22) 18... e4!? 19. ®dl (19. Ae4 Af6 20. d4D ®d4 21. ®dl Sc3 22. Sc3 Sc3 23. ®d4 Ad4 24. e3 Af6 25. ДеЗ Ac3=) ed3 20. ®d3 ®c755; b) 14... f5! 15. £>a4 £>d7! (15... £sa4?! 16. ®a4 Ad6 17. ®a7 ЛП 18. ®e3±) 16. £>c5 £jc5 17. bc5 Wc7 18. Aal Af6=; 14. £>e4!? a) 14... Ad5 15. Ag2! al) 15... £>d7 16. Ah3! f5 17. £>c3 Деб 18. e4 ®e8 19. ef5 Af5 20. вЬЗ ФИ8 (20... ®П? 21. Af5 ®b3 22. Ah7 ФИ7 23. Sb3±) 21. Af5 Sf5 22. Ae3+; a2) 15... f5 16. £>c5 Ag2 17. <4>g2 A 17... ®d5 18. e4 fe4 19. de4 ®c4 20. Sb2! Ac5 21. bc5 ®c2 22. Sc2 Itrfl 23. Ab2±; b) 14... £)d7!? (Xc5) 15. &d2 b6!=l Aid5 15. Ac5 15... b6!? [15... Ac5?! 16. bc5 £>c3 17. ®c3 Wc7 18. Sb4± A Sfbll 16. Ae7 ®e7= 17. Sfel £)f6 [17... f5!? 18. £}d5 cd5 19. 8b2 Wd6=[ 18. £ie4 [18. ®a4!? Ad5!? (18... ®d7 19. Aie4 £)d5 20. £jg5 Ag4 21. Sc2 ДВ 22. £>B f6 23. Sbcl £3e7±) 19. £>d5 cd5 20. Ag2 e4 (20... Sfd8 21. Ah3 Scl 22. Scl g6 23. ®c6 Aie8 24. Ag2 d4 25. ®a4 &g7=) 21. Ah3 (21. de4 de4 22. e3 Sfd8 23. Ah3 Sc7=) Scl 22. Scl ed3 23. ed3 Se8=l Ae4 19. Ae4 c5 20. ®b2 cb4 21. ab4 Scl 22. Scl Sc8 [22... g6=[ 23. Sc8 Ac8 24. ®c3 Ah3!? 25. В g6 26. Ad5 h5 [26... a5! 27. ba5 ®d6! 28. Ab3 ba5 a) 29. ®a5 Wd4 30. ФН ®f2 31. Af7D ФП 32. ®c7 фе8 (32... *g8 33. ®d8 ФП 34. ®c7=; 32... ФГ6 33. ®d8=) 33. ®e5 &d7 34. ®b5=; b) 29. ФС ®d4 30. ®d4 ed4 31. g4 *g7 32. *g3 Afl 33. ФВ Ah3 34. фё3=[ 27. Ф12 <4>g7 28. b5 ®c5 [28... ®d6 29. ®c4 f6=[ 29. ®c5 bc5 30. ФеЗ Ad7 [30... f5!? 31. f4 ФГ6 32. &d2 ef4 33. gf4 g5=[ 31. Ac4 f5 32. f4 ФГ6 33. h4! Ae8!? [33... Ae6! 34. fe5 (34. <£d2 Ac4 35. dc4 ef4 36. gf4 Феб 37. ФсЗ Фd6=) Фе5 35. Аеб Феб 36. Фd2 а) 36... Фd6?? 37. еЗ! (37. ФсЗ? g5! 38. hg5 f4 39. Фd2 fg3 40. ФеЗ Феб 41. ФВ h4 42. e4D=) Фd7 (37... Фс7 38. ФсЗ Фd7 39. Фс4 Фd6 40. d4 cd4 41. ed4+-; 37... Фd5 38. ФсЗ) 38. ФсЗ Фе7 39. Фс4 фd6 40. d4 cd4 41. ed4 Фе7 42. d5 Фd7 43. Фс54—; b) 36... f4?? 37. gf4 ФГ5 38. ФеЗ Фg4 39. фе4 фЬ4 40. ФВ g5 41. f5?? g4 42. фg2 Фg5 43. e4 h4=; 41. e4+-; c) 36... Фе7?! 37. еЗ g5 38. hg5 ФП 39. фсЗ Фg6 40. Фс4 Фg5 41. Фс5 Фg4 42. d4 Фg3 43. d5 h4 44. d6 h3 45. d7 h2 46. d8W hl® 47. ®c7 Ф12 48. ®a7 We4! 49. ®a2 ФеЗ 50. ®ЬЗ фВ (50... ®d3?? 51. ®d3 Фd3 52. b6+-) 51. b6+; d) 36... Ф16! 37. ФсЗ g5 38. еЗ gh4 39. gh4 Феб 40. Фс4 Фd6 41. d4 cd4 42. фd4 феб 43. Фс5 Фе5 44. фсб Фе4 45. ФЬ7 ФеЗ 46. Фа7 f4 47. Ь6 В=; е) 36... ФП! 37. еЗ g5D 38. hg5 Фg6 39. d4 cd4 40. ed4 Фg5 41. ФеЗ Фg4 (41... ФГ6 42. ФВ Фе7 43. ФГ4 феб 44. <^>g5 Фd5 45. ФЬ5 Фd4 46. фё5 фе4 47. ФГ6 f4 48. gf4 фГ4 49. Феб Фе4=) 42. d5 ФgЗ (42... Фg5 43. ФВ Фg6□ 44. фГ4 ф£6 45. d6 Феб 46. d7 Фd7 47. ФГ5 Фd6 48. Фg5 Фс5 49. ФИ5 ФЬ5 50. g4 а5=) 43. d6 f4 44. фе2 фg2 45. d7 В 46. ФеЗ С 47. d8® fl® 48. ®g5 ФЬ2 135
49. Wh5 фё1 50. Wg4 Wg2=l 34. фа2 Xd7 134... e4! 35. ФеЗ ed3 36. ed3 Фе7 37. d4 (37. ФЬЗ фаб A 38. Фа4?! аб 39. фаЗ ab5 40. ЖЬЗ=) фаб (37... Са4 38. фа4 фаб) 38. фаз а) 38... Жа7 39. ас5 Фс5 40. Ь6!? аЬб (40... ФЬ6 41. Af7 Ab5 42. фа2 Фс5 43. Jig6 Фаб 44. ЖЬ5 феб=) 41. Af7 ДЬ5 42. ФеЗ Да4 43. ±g6 Adi 44. Af5 Ь5 45. Abl Ь4 (45... Фа5) 46. f5 Фа5 47. фй ЬЗ 48. Ае4 фаб 49. ФеЗ Ас2 50. Ас2 Ьс2 51. фаг фе5 52. Фс2 ФГ5=; Ь) 38... са4 39. фа4 фаг 40. Фс5 Фе7 41. Ааз Ad7=| 35. ФеЗ Ае8? [35... е4! 36. а4 (36. ФЬЗ Фе7 37. фа4 аб 38. Фа5 аЬ5 39. Ab 5 еаз 40. еаЗ АЬ5 41. ФЬ5 фаб 42. Фс4 фсб=) са4 37. фа4 Аеб 38. Ad5 Ad7 39. Фс5 Фе7 40. еЗ Ае8=1 36. ФЬЗ+- е4 [36... eft 37. gf4 фе7 38. Фа4 аб 39. Фа5 аЬ5 40. АЬ5 Af7 41. Ас4 Ае8 42. фЬб фаб 43. АЬЗО g5 (43... Деб 44. А17 Ad5 45. Ag6 с4 46. ас4 Ас4 47. АИ5+-) 44. fg5 Ag6 45. Ag8 f4D 46. ФЬ5 f3 47. ef3 Ad3 48. Ас4 Af5 49. ft+-1 37. Фа4 аб 38. фа5 аЬ5 39. АЬ5 Af7 40. Ас4 ed3 41. ed3 Ае8 42. фЬб 1 : 0 Т. Bdnusz 11.** IN А 29 V. ERDOS 2631 - V. NEDILKO 2392 Plovdiv 2012 1. c4 e5 2. g3 £if6 3. Ag2 Ac6 4. Ac3 Ac5 5. £>f3 0-0 6. 0-0 d6 7. d3 h6 8. аЗ аб 9. Ь4 Aa7 10. Ab2 He8!? [10... Деб 11. Hel Wd7 12. еЗ Ah3 13. d4!? ea4 14. £>d5 - 101/11] ll.Hcl [П.еЗа) 11... Af5 12. Wc2!? (12. Hel Wd7 13. Hel) Wd7 (12... e4? 13. ae4 &e4 14. &i4) 13. £>d2; b) 11... Ae6 12. Hel W 13. Hel Haas 14. Wb3 ^e7 15. a4 N (15. a4) ed4 16. ea4 (Thiede 2458 - N. Guliyev 2554, Deutschland 2012) сб±? Д b5; c) 11... £>e7!? 12. a4 ea4 13. (13. ed4 сб) сб 14. Hel N (14. ®d2) Ag4 15. ®d2 Wd7 16. Aie4 £ie4 17. Ae4 a5 18. cd5 £jd5oo A. Zhigalko 2571 — O. Korneev 2573, Lille 20111 £id4! N [11... Ag4; 11... Ae6[ 12. £>d2 [12. £}el сб 13. e3 Ag4 14. f3 (14. ®d2? ab3) 2>f5 15. fg4 £>e3 16. We2 £)fg4! a) 17. НВ?! £ic4 (17... £)f5 18. ФЫ Aid4; 17... ^fl!? 18. c5 £jfh2 19. £}e4) 18. ФЫ ab2 19. ®b2 Wb6-; b) 17. ФЫ £>fl 18. Wg4 £>e3t; 12. e3 &f3 13. Aft c6=[ сб 13. e3 [13. h3!? a) 13... a5 14. еЗ £>еб 15. ca5 ca5 al) 16. Aie2 £)g5 17. h4 £>h3; 17. ФЬ2; a2) 16. £>f3 a4 17. ea4 £)d4 18. Hel; b) 13... Aie6 bl) 14. e3 £>g5 15. фЬ2 ®d7 16. h4 ^g4; 16... <53gh7; b2) 14. £jf3 £ig5; 14... a5] A>e6 [13... Ag4! a) 14. ft £>f5! 15. fg4 &e3 16. We2 al) 16... Aic4? 17. ФЫ £>Ь2 18. £>de4 £>d3 19. Ш gf6 (19... ®f6 20. Hf6^cl 21. ®fl) 20. Wd3 d5 21. Wd2-; a2) 16... £>fg4! 17. ФЫ £>fl 18. Hfl (18. Afl Г5Т) ^e3T; b) 14. ®el A>e6 15. h3 Ah5 16. Aice4 (16. ФВ2 d5) ^e4 17. de4 (17. ^je4 f5) a5s?[ 14. &ce4!? [14. £jf3 £jg5 (14... a5) 15. ^g5 hg5 16. Wd2 Ae6 (16... d5 17. cd5 cd5 18. £>a4; 16... g4 17. a4 W) 17. a4 Wd7[ £>e4 15. de4!? [15. £je4 f5 16. £)d2; 15... ^g5[ ^jg5 [15... a5 16. We2 (16. Ш ab4 17. ab4 ^g5) ®e7 17. Hfdl; 15... Ad7 16. We2 b5 17. Hfdll 16. ®e2 Ah3?! [16... We7; 16... a5[ 17. ^h3 £ih3 18. Фg2 £)g5 19. h4 [19. f4! ef4 (19... W7!?) 20. eft a) 20... ^e4? 21. ^je4 f5 (21... d5? 22. Wg4) 22. ^f6! gf6 23. Wh5±; b) 20... £}e6 21. £>13+] £lh7 20. ft 43f6?! [20... f6 21. c5T; 20... a5; 20... c5!?; 20... eft 21. eft Ш a) 22. ®f3 a5 (22... d5 23. cd5 cd5 24. e5 £>e4 25. Hcdl) 23. Hcdl!? (23. Hfel) ab4 24. ab4 h5 (24... ЖЬ8!?) 25. Af6 (25. e5 £>g4 26. &e4 £}e3 27. ФЬ235) ®f6 26. e5 de5 27. £>e4 ®e6oo; b) 22. c5 bl) 22... ^e4? 23. <йе4 f5 (23... d5 24. Wg4+-) 24. Wc4 d5 25. ШЗ+-; b2) 22... a5!? 23. Af6 Wf6 b21) 24. £>c4 dc5 (24... ab4 25. £>d6 ba3 26. e5) 25. ba5; b22) 24. e5 b221) 24... ®e7 25. cd6 (25. £>e4!?) 136
Wd6 26. ^e4; b222) 24... de5 25. £>e4 (25. f5 e4) We7 26. f5^; ЬЗ) 22... dc5 b31) 23. If6 Wf6 24. bc5 (24. e5 cb4) Had8 (24... ®e7; 24... We6 25. e5 A 25... f6 26. ^e4!) 25. e5 ®e6 26. £>e4 Hd4; b32) 23. bc5 £>d7 (23... ^e4? 24. <йе4 Wd5 25. Ae5 f5 26. Sfdl ®e4 27. We4 fe4 28. Hd7+-; 23... ®e7 24. ^f6! gf6 25. e5) 24. Jtd4 (24. £>c4 £c5 25. Hfdl We7 26. Wg4 &f6 27. Af6 »f6 28. e5a5) Ш7±^| 21. c5!T dc5 121... ef4 22. Hf4 (22. ef4 - 20... ef4) Неб (22... dc5? 23. Af6 gf6 24. &c4!) 23. cd6 (23. Hcfl dc5) Wd6 24. £>c4 ffe7 25. Hcfl Hf8 26. Hf6!? gf6 (26... Hf6 27. ±f6 We4 28. Hf3 gf6 29. Wd5 30. £rf5 He8+) 27. ®g4 ФИ7 28. Wf5 <£g8 (28... <^g7 29. e5) 29. Af6 (29. Hf4 He8) Sf6 30. ®f6 We4 31. ФИЗИ A 31... Wc4? 32. Hf4 We6 33. Hg4+-[ 22. fe5 £jd7 23. &c4! ±b8 [23... cb4 24. Hcdl We7 25. Wg4 ЭД8 (25... Had8 26. £>d6 £>e5 27. Ae5 ®e5 28. £if7 Wb2 29. Ш2+-) 26. еб! f6 (26... &e6 27. ®d6; 26... fe6 27. £>d6) 27. Af6 h5 28. Wg5+-; 23... We7 a) 24. Hcdl Had8 25. £)d6 (25. Wg4 Ab8) 43e5 26. <йе8 He8 27. Sf5 £b8 28. Же5 Ae5 29. bc5 g6 (29... Wc5 30. Hd7; 29... f6 30. Wc4) 30. Wg4 Ag7 31. Sf4 Wc5 32. Hd7; b) 24. £>d6 £>e5! 25. bc5 (25. £>e8 He8 26. Ae5 We5 27. Wc4 We4 28. We4 He4 29. bc5 He3 30. Hfdl) Ы) 25... Sf8 26. Hf5; 26. Wh5; b2) 25... Ac5 26. £jf5 Wf8 27. ^g7 b21) 27... <£g7 28. Wg4 ФЬ7 (28... ФЬ8 29. Hc5! Wc5 30. Hf7+-) 29. Wf5 <£>g8 30. Ae5-; b22) 27... Wg7 28. Hc5Tl 24. Hcdl! b5!?© [24... We7 25. Wg4 §lf8 (25... £>e5? 26. Же5 Ae5 27. Hd7! We6 28. ©ie5 We5 29. Hff7 We4 30. We4 He4 31. Hg7 ФИ8 32. Hh7 &g8 33. Hdg7 <£>f8 34. Hb7+-) 26. bc5 (26. ab6) Wc5!? 27. Hd7! (27. еб ^еб 28. Hd7 h5 29. We2-) ®c4 (27... ®d7 28. еб f6 29. ed7+-) 28. еб! WflC 29. &fl ^e6±] 25. Wh5© [25. ®g4! Неб 26. Hf7! ФП 27. Hfl 2>f6D 28. ef6 a) 28... g6 29. h5 al) 29... g5 30. Hdl (30. ®f5 Wg8 31. Hdl Ha7 32. Hd8!) We8 31. Ш5+-; a2) 29... Wg8 a21) 30. Wg6 Wg6 31. hg6 *g6 32. f7 Ac7 33. f8£) Hf8 34. Hf8 bc4 35. Hg8! ФИ5 (35... ФП 36. Hg7+—) 36. g4 ФЪ4 37. ЖсЗ ^g3 38. bc5 h5 39. a4+-O; a22) 30. Hdl! Ha7 31. Hd8 Wd8 (31... He8 32. Hb8!) 32. hg6 Ф18 33. We6+-; b) 28... gf6 29. h5 Wg8 30. Hf6!! Hf6 31. Wd7 <£f8 32. Wd8! ФП 33. ®f6 Фе8 34. Ш6+-1 We7 26. Hd7! Wd7 27. ©b6 We7 [27... Wb7 28. £ia8 cb4 29. ab4 Aa7 30. ®g4 h5 (30... Ha8 31. еб f6 32. Hf6) 31. ®h5 Ha8 32. еб fe6 33. ®g6+-1 28. £ia8 Hf8 [^ 28... Hd8!? 29. Hf2[ 29. ©b6 [29. bc5!? Wc5 30. ®g4 Ae5 31. Hf5 Wc2 32. Hf2 ®c5 33. Wf5+-1 cb4 30. ab4 Wb4 [c 30... Ac7 31. Ad4 Ab6 32. Ab6 ®b4 A 33. Wg4 Wb2 34. Hf2 Ш5 35. Ad4 h5D±l 31. Ad4+- We7 32. Wg4 [32. Hel!?] h5 [32... He8 33. ©id7 h5 34. Ш5+-1 33. Wh5 Ac7 34. Wg4 Ab6 35. 137
,Д.Ь6 с5 36. еб! fe6 37. Щ8 Ф18 38. Wh5! Ш7 39. Жс5 <£>g8 40. We8 1 : 0 И Erdos 12.** А 30 Sr. Cvetkovic 2395 — Mio. Perunovic 2466 Srbija 2012 1. c4 c5 2. £sf3 £if6 3. адсЗ еб 4. g3 b6 5. Ag2 ЖЬ7 6. 0-0 Же7 7. d4 cd4 8. Wd4 d6 9. Hdl a6 10. JLg5 ^bd7 11. Wd2 0-0 12. Af4 £se8 [X^e8, Sf8113. Sael Sc8 14. ЬЗ h6 15. h3 [15. £}el Ag2 16. &g2 Wc7 17. f3 Wb7 18. <йе4 £}c5 19. £)f2 b5 20. £ied3 bc4 N (20... £)f6 - 106/176) 21. Ic4 £)d3 22. Wd3 2rf6 23. Idel ^d5 24. Ad2 W 25. Sc8 Hc8 26. Hc8 Wc8= A. Misto 2561 - Ftdcnik 2570, Cesko 20121 Wdf6 16. g4 [16. ДЬб?! gh6 17. Ш6 £>g7+l Wc7 N [16... £>e4 Na) 17. We3 <йсЗ 18. Ic3 ®c7 19. Scd3? (A. Fier 2603 - Y. Pelletier 2589, Basel 2012) e5! 20. Де5 ДВ 21. Ag7 2jg7 22. Дй &e6+; 19. 2X2=; b) 17. 2je4 Де4 18. £>el ^g2 19. <£>g2 b5 (19... ®c7 20. f3 Hd8 21. 2X2±) 20. ®b4 bc4 21. Sc4 Hc4 22. ®c4 Wa5 23. Wc2+; 16... Wl 17. We3 Ad8 18. £)d2 ^g2 19. <4>g2 £)d7 20. 2Xe4 Де7 21. Wg3 [21. f3!?[ 2x5 22. f3 fid8 23. Де5 de5 24. u.d8 Ad8 25. Hdl [25. h4+l Де7 26. h4 ДЬ4 [26... f6 27. g5 f5 28. gh6 fe4 29. 2X4oo; 27. Wel±l 27. g5+ [X2X8[ Sr. Cvetkovic 13.* !H A 30 LAURUSAS 2360 - BO. VUCKOVIC 2628 Plovdiv 2012 1. 2}f3 2tf6 2. c4 c5 3. 2x3 еб 4. g3 b6 5. Ag2 ДЬ7 6. 0-0 a6 7. d4 cd4 8. ®d4 2x6 [8... d6 - 106/1761 9. Wf4 [^ 9. Wd3 Дс8 10. ЬЗ Де7 11. ДЬ2 0-0 12. ladloo] 2X7 10. e4? [10. ЬЗ £>g6 11. Wd2 ДЬ4 12. ДЬ2 0-0 13. lacloo; 10. gdl a) 10... Ic8? N (At. Dimitrov 2318 — N. Nestorovic 2462, Plovdiv 2012) 11. 2X5! al) 11... Wc7 12. Id7! 2X7 13. W <£>d8 14. ДГ4 2X5 (14... ±g2 15. Hdl! Деб 16. We6 Фе8 17. W7 &d8 18. 2tf3!+- A 2}g5) 15. Sdl 2X5 16. We6 We7 17. Ad5+-; a2) 11... Ag2 12. Sd7! Wd7 13. 2X7 2X7 14. &g2+-; b) 10... £)g6 11. Wd2 Sc8 12. Wd3 ±e7oo Br. Tadic] £>g6 11. We3 lc8 12. ЬЗ [12. Wd3 Wc7 13. ЬЗ Ь5+1 h5! N [12... ®c7[ 13. Ab2 Жс5! [13... h4 14. £)d5! a) 14... ed5? 15. ed5 Де7 (15... We7? 16. Wb6+-) 16. d6±; b) 14... Ac5 15. Ш gf6 16. ^d4oo[ 14. ®e2 h4+ 15. e5? [15. Hfcl Wc7 16. £>a4 (16. ФА <21g4 17. ^dl f5! 18. ef5 Af3 19. Ж13 £}h2 20. <£>g2 ±f2 21. Wf2 hg3 22. Wg3 Ш 23. Ф12 ПИЗ-+) hg3 17. hg3 ®g3 18. ^jc5 Wg4 19. W 20. Wfl £jh3 21. ФЫ ^12 22. &gl £>h3 23. ФЫ ^jf4 24. &gl Wg3—+; 15. ^a4 hg3 16. hg3 ^e4 17. ^jc5 Hc5! 18. Ag7 Hh7 19. ДЬ2 lch5+[ 15... ^h5!-+ 16. ^el [16. £>h4 a) 16... W4 17. Wc2 £>g2 18. ^)g6 (18. £>g2 ^e5-+) fg6 19. Wg6 ФГ8 20. Wg4 &g8 21. Ш ^h4-+; b) 16... £>g3! 17. hg3 Wg5! 18. ^>e4 (18. ДЬ7 ®g3 19. ^g2 £jh4-+) Де4 19. We4 ®g3-+[ ^g2 17. £}g2 hg3 18. 138
Йе4 Ahf4 19. WB £)g2 20. Wg2 [20. hg3 Й2Ь4 21. gh4 Wh4 22. Hfdl 2rf4 23. «3g3 Ш 24. ФА £rf2--hl &f4 21. WB Wh4 0 : 1 Bo. Vuckovic 14. A 34 VI. ZAKHARTSOV 2563 - B. LALlt 2469 Cappelle la Grande 2012 1. &B Af6 2. c4 c5 3. Ac3 d5 4. cd5 5. d4 cd4 6. Wd4 Aic3 7. Wc3 <Ac6 8. e4 еб 9. a3!? [9. Ab51 Ad7 10. Ae2 Hc8 11. 0-0 Ш5 12. Wd3 Ae7 [12... Aa4 13. Wd8 Hd8 14. Ae3 ab3 15. Adi !t — 105/191113.Ae3 |o 13. b4! £)c4 (13... «Зеб?! 14. Hdl M 14. Wd4 Aa4! a) 15. Wa7?! Ha8 16. Wd4D (16. fb7?? ^d6-+) Wd4 17. Aid4 Af6 18. Ac4 Ad4 19. Ha2 Hc8S; b) 15. Wg7! Af6 16. Ш Aal 17. Ag5-1 аб 14. Had Hel 15. gel 0-0 16. £ie5 N [16. Ь4 «Зеб 17. e5 Wc7 18. Ag5 Ac8!±l Aa4! 17. Wd8 Ad8 [17... Sd8? 18. Ab6 &b3 19. Hc7 Hd2 20. Ah5! g6 21. He7 gh5 22. В f6 23. ЙПЫ 18. b4 Йсб 19. £)d7 2M14D 20. Ad4 Ad7 21. e5± 21... Асб?! [21... Ag5! A 22. Hc7 Ac6 23. Ae3 Ad8 24. Hc8 Ae7=l 22.14?! [22. Aa6 Ag5 23. Ae3! (23. НсЗ?! Hd8!) Ae3 24. fe3 Ag2 25. &g2 ba6 26. Hc6 Ha8 27. фВ±] Ad5 23. Ac5 He8 24. ФС f6I- 25. AB fe5 26. fe5 Ah4!? 27. Фе2 AB 28. ФВ Hc8 29. Sdl Hd8 30. Ad6 [30. Hd6 фП=] Ae7 31. фе4 ФГ7 32. Hd3! Hc8 33. НВ Фе8 34. Eg3 g6 [^ 34... Af8! 35. Ac5 Hc7=l 35. Sh3© [^ 35. Ae7 Фе7 36. Hh3! h5 37. Hg3 ФП 38. НВ фе7 (38... &g7!? 39. Hf6 Hc6 40. h3 ФИ6+) 39. Hf6 Hc4 40. <£d3 Hg4 41. g3 h4 42. Hf4 Hf4D 43. gf4 <£d7 44. фс4 Феб 45. a4 h3 46. Фd4 b5?? 47. a5! фЬ7 48. ФеЗ Феб 49. Фе4! Фс7 50. фВ Феб 51. Фg4 фd5 52. фg5! (52. фИЗ?? фс4 53. Фg4 ФЬ4 54. Фg5 Фа5 55. Фg6 Ь4 56. f5 Ь3!-+) Фе4 53. Фg6 Ф14 54. Ф16 ФВ 55. Феб Фg2 56. Фd6 ФИ2 57. еб Фg3 58. е7 И2 59. e8W hlW 60. Фс7!+-; 46... фЬ6!=] Нс4 36. Фd3 Hh4 37. Ае7 [37. Hh4 Ah4 38. Фс4 АС 39. Ь5 аЬ5 40. ФЬ5 Agl 41. ИЗ Фd7 42. Ас5 Ah2 43. ФЬб Фс8=1 Hh3 38. gh3 Фе7= 39. h4 h6 40. фd4 1/2 : 1/2 В. Lalic 15. А 37 A. MASTROVASILIS 2510 - Т. MARKOWSKI 2612 Plovdiv 2012 1. с4 с5 2. £)СЗ g6 3. g3 Ag7 4. Ag2 Асб 5. AB d6 6. 0-0 еб 7. еЗ [7. аЗ Age7 8. Hbl a5 (8... 0-0 - 113/15) 9. d3 0-0 10. Ad2 Af5ool Age7 8. d4 0-0 9. ЬЗ b6 [9... e5 10. de5 de5 11. Ab2 e4 12. Ag5 a) 12... f5 13. We2 Ae5 14. Hfdl Wa5 (14... Ad3? 15. Age4 fe4 16. Ae4+-) 15. «}d5 «^d5 16. cd5T; b) 12... ®dl 13. Hfdl f5 14. Aa4 Ab2 15. Ab2 h6 16. Ah3 g5; 9... Af5 10. Ae2 e5!?a) ll.de5 de5 12. Hbl (12. Ab2?e4 13. Ag7 eB 14. Af8 fg2+) Ad6 13. Ab2 (13. «^d2 Af5 14. e4 Ag4+) Af5+; b) 11. Ab2 cd4 12. ed4 e4 13. «lei e3 (13... d5 - 10/80) 14. Ac2 eC 15. HCool 10. Ab2 Aa6 N [10... Ab7 11. Wd2 d5 12. dc5 dc4 13. Hfdl Wd2 14. &d2 cb3 15. £jb3 (15. ab3 bc5 16. ^a4 Ab2 17. W=) Hfd8=l 11. dc5! bc5 [11... dc5 12. We2 A <21e4 Zb2-h81 12. Wcl Wc7 [12... d5?! 13. Hdl d4 14. ^a4 Wd6 15. Aa3±; 12... ^f5 13. Hdl We7 14. <йе4 Hfd8 15. g4±l 13. «ib5 Wb8?! [13... Ab5 14. cb5 «^d8 15. Ag7 Фg7 16. Wb2 f6 17. Hacl±] 14. Ag7 Фg7 15. Wb2 e5 [15... Фg8 16. Hfdl d5 17. cd5 ed5 18. «jc3±l 16. Hadi [16. Hfdl Hd8 17. «^d6 Hd6 18. <йе5 Hdl 19. Hdl ^e5 20. Aa8 f6 21. Ag2 Ab7 22. f4+-; 21... Wb61 Hd8 17. «)d6!? [17. a4! f6 18. «>d2± Xd61 Hd6 18. ^e5 f6O 19. «)d7 Wc7 20. «jc5 Ac8 21. <йе4 [21. Hd6 Wd6 22. ^je4 We5 23. We5 fe5 24. Hdlrol Неб 22. «ig5 He5 [22... Hd6 23. c5 Hdl 24. Hdl Af5 25. Hd6 Hf8 a) 26. Ae4 Wc8 (26... h6 139
27. Af5 hg5 28. Sd7^) 27. Af5 £>f5 28. аеб ФП 29. Нсб Wc6 30. af8 Ф18 31. Wc3^; b) 26. Wc3 h6 27. £ie4 Ae4 28. Ae4± Д b4-b5] 23. f4! Se3 24. ae4 [24. c5!? Wa5D (24... Ag4 25. Sd6 Sf8 26. Ш2+-) 25. Sd6 Wc3 26. Wc3 Sc3 27. Sf6 ФТ6 28. ae4±[ Se4 25. Ae4± Af5 26. Sfel Sd8 27. АО ФГ7 28. Wf2 Sdl 29. Sdl ab4?! [29... Wa5[ 30. a3 ad3 31. We3 ac5 32. Ь4 аеб 33. c5 h5 34. Sd6 ai8 35. ®d4 Аеб 36. Ae4+- Wb8 37. сб? [37. Sa6!? A Wd6; 37. a4+- Xb5[ Wb5 38. c7?! [38. Ad3 Wa4 39. Ac4 Wc2 40. Аеб аеб; 38. We3 h4 39. Ad3 Wa4 40. Wcl+-1 We2 39. Wd3?© [39. h4 Wei 40. ФИ2 We2 (40... Wcl) 41. Ag2 af5? 42. Se6 We6 43. Ad5+—1 Wb2? [39... Wei 40. Фg2 h4 41. gh4 af5 42. Af5 (42. Se6 аеб 43. c8W af4 44. ФВ ad3 45. Ad5 Фе7 46. Wc7 Фе8=) Af5 43. Wd5 Фе7 44. Wf5 gf5 45. c8W We2=[ 40. We3 Wai 41. ФС Wa2 42. Sd2 Wc4 43. Sc2 Wa6 44. Ad3 Wb7 45. Ae4 Wa6 46. Sc5 Wd6 47. Ab7 Ac8 48. Ae4? [48. Ac8 ac8 49. Wb3 аеб 50. f5! (50. Wd5 Фе7) gf5 (50... Wd2 51. ФП gf5 52. Wd5) 51. Wd5 фе7 52. Wd6 фd6 53. Sf54~] аеб 49. Sc2 аб 50. Wd3 Wb6 51. We3 Wd6 52. Wd3 Wb6 53. We3 Wd6 1/2 : 1/2 A. Mastrovasilis 16. A 37 H. TESKE 2554 - M. PAP 2501 Bad Worishofen 2012 1. af3 c5 2. c4 g6 3. ac3 Ag7 4. g3 аеб 5. Ag2 ah6 [5... d6 6. a3 e5 7. b4 e4[ 6. a3 af5 7. Sbl a5 8. 0-0 0-0 9. e4 N [9. d3 - 51/(52)1 afd4 10. ad4 cd4!? [10... ad4 11. b4 ab4 12. ab4 d6oo] 11. ad5 [11. aa4 Sb8 12. c5 d6; 11... d6oo] d6oo 12. Ь4?! еб! [12... ab4 13. ab4oo[ 13. af4 [13. b5 ae5+l ab4 14. ab4 ae5 15. d3 15... b5!T 16. Ab2?! [16. c5 Sa4 17. ae2 аеб 18. e5 ae5 19. Af4 Ad7oo; 16. cb5 Ad7 17. Ab2 Ab5 (17... Wb6 18. ae2 Wb5 19. Ad4 Sa3 20. Sb3 Sfa8T) 18. Ad4co[ bc4 17. Ad4 cd3 18. ad3 a» 19. А13?! [19. Wf3 Ad4 20. e5 d5 (20... Sb8 21. Wf4 de5 22. ae5=) 21. Wf4 Wb6 22. Sfcl Sa2 23. b5 f6 (23... Ad7 24. Sb4) 24. ef6 Ab7 25. Sc7 Sf6 26. Sb7 Sf4 27. Sb6 Sff2 28. af2 Af2 29. ФЫ Ab6+ 30. Ah3 Se2 31. Scl ФП 32. Sc6 Sei 33. Фg2 Ad4 34. b6=[ Ad4T 20. ab2?! [20. e5 Sb8; 20... d5+; 20. ас 1 Wb6 21. ab3 АеЗ 22. e5 d5+; 20. aell e5! [20... Wf6 21. e5[ 21. ac4 Ae6+ 22. aa5 Wb6 [22... Wd7 23. Wd2 Sac8 24. Sfcl Фg7 25. Sc8 Sc8 26. Scl Scl 27. Wcl Wa4+[ 23. Ag4! [23. ab3 Ac31 15!? [23... Af2 24. Sf2 Ag4 25. Wg4 Sa5 26. ba5 Wbl 27. Sfl Wb5 28. Wdl Wa5 29. Wd6 h5+; 23... Ag4 24. Wg4 Af2 25. Sf2 Sa5 26. ba5 Wbl 27. Sfl Wb5 28. Wdl Wa5 29. Wd6 h5+] 24. ef5 gf5! [24... Af5? 25. Wb3 Фg7 26. ac4±5125. Ae2? [25. Ah3 Sac8 26. Wd2[ Sac8+ 26. Scl фЬ8! [26... Scl 27. Wcl f4; 26... Ac3? 27. ac4![ 27. Sc8 Sc8 28. ab3 АеЗ 29. b5 e4 30. ad2 d5 31. abl Ag7-+ 32. Wa4 d4 33. Adi Ac4 34. Wc2 Wb7 [34... Wc5 35. Hel Wb4 36. ad2 d3[ 35. Sei Ad3?! [35... Wb5 36. aa3 Wb4[ 36. Wb3 Wb5 37. Wb5 Ab5-+ 38. Ab3 d3 39. g4 [39. Аеб Hc2 (39... Sc5-+) 140
40. Af5 Ad4 41. Ae4 Af2 42. ФЫ Ael[ f4! 40. £ja3 d2! [40... e3-+; 40... Aa6—h[ 41. Sdl e3! [41... Ae2! 42. Sd2 Scl 43. &g2 a) 43... Af8-+; b) 43... Afl 44. фё1 Ad3 45. Sdl (45. Adi АсЗ) Sc3-+; c) 43... Af6 44. Sd5 Aft 45. фЬЗ Sgl 46. g5 &g5--hl 42. fe3 fe3 43. £)b5 e2 44. ФГ2 Se8! [44... edl W 45. Adi Se8 46. Ae2 Sb8 47. £sa3 (47. £>d6 Sbl-+) Ad4 48. <£g2 Se8 49. Adi Sei—h[ 45. gel del® 46. Фе1 Af6 0:1 M. Pap 17.** A 43 Sergey Volkov 2623 — Vu. Rasulov 2526 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 £jf6 2. c5 3. d5 b5 4. Ag5 £je4 5. Af4 Ab7 [5... Wa5 6. c3 Ab7 7. Wd3 f5 8. g4 N (8. W2) c4 9. ®d4 ^f6 10. gf5 Ad5 11. Ag2 ^c6 12. We3 еб 13. fe6 de6 14. &e5 ®a6 (14... Ag2?! 15. ^c6 Ac6 16. We6 Ae7 17. Wc6±) 15. Sgl Sd8 16. ^d2 £e7 17. ®h3 ^e5 18. Ae5 0-0 (A. Stefa- nova 2531 — A. Istrafescu 2633, Plovdiv 2012) 19. Ae4 Ae4 20. £>e4 £>e8oo[ 6. a4 [6. ®d3 - 78/(55)1 2>f6 [6... Wa5 7. сЗ еб 8. de6 fe6 9. £jbd2 N (9. <йаЗ) ^d2 10. &d2! (10. Wd2 Ae7 11. еЗ Aa6 12. Ad3 ba4 13. 0-0 £>c6 14. £>e5 Sd8 15. £>c4 lc4 16. Ac4 Wb6 17. Sa4 d5 18. Ae2+ M. Neubauer 2413 — Vu. Rasulov 2526, Plovdiv 2012) b4 11. £sc4 Wd8 12. £)d6±[ 7. e4 Qje4 8. ab5 d6 N [8... e6[ 9. Ac4 g6 10. 0-0 Ag7 11. Sei [11. ®d3 Ш 12. £sc3 0-0 13. Sfel £)bd7 14. h3+l £>f6 12.®e2!? [12. &c3] 0-0 [12... ^d5?! 13. Ad5 Ad5 14. £}c3 Ab7 15. Sadi 0-0 16. ®e7+-; 12... Ad5 13. Ad5 (13. ^c3!?) £}d5 14. We4 W 15. £}c35o| 13. We7 Ad5 14. Wd8 Sd8 15. <?ibd2 h6 16. сЗ A18 17. Ag3 £)bd7 18. Ad5 £>d5 19. £ic4 <£Y7b6 20. £tfd2 f5 21.13 ФП 22. Sedl g5 23. Sa6+ G. Arsovic 18. A 45 N. SEDLAK 2593 - DA. MILANOVIC 2520 Srbija (ch) 2012 1. d4 2rf6 2. Ag5 c5 3. Af6 gf6 4. d5 Wb6 5. ®cl f5 6. c4 Ag7 7. £ic3 d6 8. e3 £jd7 9. £>h3 [9. ®c2 - 103/(46)1 ^e5!? [9... 2rf6[ 10. ®c2 £>g6 N [10... Ad7 11. £if4 Sg8!?oo; 10... h5[ 11. Ae2 Ad7 12. 0-0 0-0-0!? 13. a3 Sdg8 [13... e5 14. b4 (14. f4 Sde8 15. Ad3 ФЬ8 16. Sabi e4 17. Ae2oo) h6 (14... f4?! 15. £ig5±) 15. Sabi ФЬ8 (15... 14?? 16. bc5 Wc5 17. ae4+-) 16. bc5 ®c5 17. Sb4t; 13... ФЬ8!?[ 14. ФМ Ь5?! [14... Af6 15. f4 (15. Sabi ^e5!?) ФЬ8 16. Sabi £>h4oo[ 15. Sabi ФЬ8 16. f4! Af6 17. Ad3 еб [17... Sg7!? 18. Sgl еб 19. e4 e5! (19... £jh4 20. ef5 ef5 21. Shg8 22. £sg5!? Ag5 23. fg5 Sg5 24. $lf4^) 20. ef5 (20. fe5 ^e5 21. ef5 ^d3 22. Wd3 Shg8 23. b4 Ae55o; 20. b4 ^f4 21. 2rf4 ef4 22. ef5 Ad4oo) £>f4 21. ^f4 ef4 22. b4 (22. ^e2 Ae5 23. ®d2 Shg8!? 24. &f4 ®d8!?-) Ad4 23. ^e2!? a) 23... Agl 24. bc5!? ®bl (24... Wc5? 25. ®b2!+) 25. ®bl Ac5oo; b) 23... Ae5 24. f6 Sg5oo[ 18. e4!? ®d8!? [18... e5?l 19. ef5 £rf4 20. ^je4! Ae7 141
21. £>f4 ef4 22. b4±; 18... £>e7!? a) 19. de6 fe6 20. ef5 ef5 21. £>d5 £)d5 22. cd5 c4!? 23. Дс4 (23. Af5 Af5 24. ®f5 ДЬ2 25. Wc2 c3oo) Hg7 24. Hfel Hc8 25. Wd3 h436; b) 19. ef5 ed5!? 20. £)d5 £)d5 21. cd5 Hg7oo; c) 19. b4 Hg7 20. bc5 Wc5 21. Wb3 b6oo] 19. b41? [19. ef5 2Ж4!? 20. Hf2 2rf5 21. Af5 ef5oo; 19. de6 fe6 20. ef5 2Ж4 21. Де4 (21. Hf2 Деб 22. Де4 d5!? 23. Д43 Д44 24. He2 dc4 25. Де4 Де4 26. ®e4 ef5 27. веб He8 28. Wc4oo) a) 21... d5!? 22. fe6 de4 23. Hfdl Hg2 24. We4 £d4 25. ed7 ®d7 26. ®e5!? Де5 27. Hd7 Hc2! 28. Hd3 (28. fe5?? 2>f3—1-) Д443б; b) 21... £>f5 22. Wd2 £jd4oo[ Ad4?! [19... cb4 20. Hb4 Д441? 21. de6 fe6 22. ef5 ef5 23. £)d5±l 20. ef5?! [20. bc5!? dc5 (20... Дс5 21. de6 fe6 22. ef5 ef5 23. ДЕ5 ДГ5 24. Ш5+-) 21. ef5 ef5 22. 2Л5!? ДЬ5 23. Hb5±] ef5 21. Aie2± [21. bc5 Дс5±1 ДГ6 [21... ДеЗ!?±[ 22. bc5 dc5 23. <£3g3I? <ah4Q 24. ^g5!? [24. Hf2 Д44 25. He2 ®f6oo[ Ag5 25. fg5 Hg5 [25... ®g5?! 26. Hf2 Hh6 27. £>f5 (27. ДГ5?! £>f5 28. 2rf5 Hf6oo) £>f5 28. Д15 Sd6 29. a4±[ 26. Wb2?I [26. Wf2!? a) 26... Wc7?? 27. Hb7 ФЬ7 (27... Wb7 28. Wf4+-) 28. Wb2+-; b) 26... Фа8 27. Wc5 b6 28. Wf2 Aig2 29. Af5 ДЕ5 30. £jf5±] b6oo 27. We5 фа8 28. Hbel?! [28. If2 He8 29. Wd6 Hg6 30. ®f4 Hg4 31. Wd2 (31. Wh6 Heg8oo) ®g5 32. Wg5 Hg5 33. HbflSl 28... £>g2!T 29. *g2 h4 30. We7Q hg3 31. h4! Hgh5?! [31... Hg4[ 32. Wd8= Hd8 33. Hf4 фЬ8 34. He7 фс8?! [34... f6 35. <£>g3 Hg8 36. Ф12 фс8 37. Hf7 Hg4 38. Hg4 fg4 39. фё33б[ 35. 117 Hdh8© 36. &g3 Hg8 37. фЬЗ Hgg5! 38. d6!? аб? [38... Hg6 39. ДЕ5 ДГ5 40. H4f5 Hf5 41. Hf5 Hd6 42. h5±l 39. 118 ФЬ7 40. Де2 Hh7?? [40... Феб 41. ДИ5?! Hh5 42. Hf6 b5±; 41. Hf6![ 41. Д13 Деб 42. d7 1:0 Da. Milanovic 19. A 48 Ml. MARIN 2539 - BO. VUCKOVIC 2628 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 &16 2. ^13 c5 3. e3 g6 4. dc5 ®a5 5. £sbd2 Дё7 6. аЗ Wc5 7. b4 Wc7 8. ДЬ2 0-0 9. c4 b6 10. Де2 ДЬ7 11. 0-0 d6 12. Hel £sbd7 13. Wb3 Hac8 14. Hfel!? [A ДА, e4-e5; 14. Hfdl; 14. Hc2 - 46/80] ®b8 N 15. ДП ®a8 16. e4 ДЬ6 [16... Ш 17. ^e4 Де4 18. £}g5±; 16... Hfd8 17. Hcdl A e5[ 17. Hcdl Hfd8 18. £)d4 аб [18... Д42 19. Hd2 ^e4 20. Hddl!5S (20. Hde2 e5) e5 21. &b5 ^3df6 22. f3 аб 23. ^id4! ed4 24. fe4 Де4 25. Д44^[ 19.13 e5 [19... еб 20. <йс2 А Д44О; 19... Wa7 20. ФЫ e5!?] 20. £>e2 [20. £>c2 b5 (20... Ш 21. £sbl £>e6 22. £>c3±) 21. cb5 Wa7 22. £>e3 ab5 23. ДЬ5 d5 24. ФЫ+1 ^>f8 [20... b5 21. cb5 (21. £}c3 Wa7 22. ФЫ Wf2 23. He2 Wh4 24. cb5 £>h5 25. фё1) Wa7 22. ФЫ ®f2 23. £)g3!?] 21. ^c3 ^je6 22. ^jd5 Дd5 [22... £jd5 23. ed5 ^d4 24. Wd3 Дg7 25. f4 b5s=»l 23. ed5 [23. cd5 £}d4 24. Д44 ed4 25. Wb2 (25. ^c4 b5 26. ^b6 ®a7 27. £jc8 Hc8) £jd7co[ £)d4 24. ®d3+ b5 [24... ^f5 25. <йе4 Дg7 26. ^f6 Д06 27. Wd2 (27. f4 e4) Дg7 28. Д43 ®a7 29. ®f2 £>d4 30. f4tl 25. Д04 ed4 26. ®d4 Дg7 27. ФЫ a5?! [27... £)d7 28. We3+] 28. ba5! bc4 29. £}c4 Hc5 142
30. Wf2? [30. Wh4! (Bo. Vuckovic) h6 (30... <£jd5 31. Hd5 Sd5 32. W Hd4 33. Wd4 £d4 34. £ja8 Да8 35. аб ДЬ8 36. a4±) 31. a4 g5 32. Wg3 Aid5 33. £)d6±] Aid5 31. ^d6 Ea5 32. £jc4 Ha7 33. £se3 [33. Hd5? Hd5 34. Ш ^d4!; 33. Hd3 Had7 34. Hedl Wc6=] ДаЗ 34. ^d5 Hd5 35. Дс4 Hdl 36. Hdl lai 37. Hal ®al 38. Wfl Wfl 39. ДП Д16 40. g4 'Ag7 1/2 : 1/2 Mi. Marin 20 A 48 Ml. MARIN 2539 - MUNOZ PANTOJA 2495 Espana 2012 1. d4 c5 2. e3 £jf6 3. £)O g6 4. dc5 Wa5 5. Abd2 Дё7 6. a3 Wc5 7. b4 Wc7 8. ДЬ2 0-0 9. c4 d6 [9... b6 - 46/801 10. Де2 4Ac6!? [10... £>bd7[ 11. 0-0 Ag4 [11... a5 12. Wb31 12. ЬЗ N [12. Hell ДО 13. Д13 a5 14. Wb3 £sd7 15. ^g7 &g7 16. Sabi &g8!? [16... ab4 17. ab4 Ha7? 18. b5 Aia5 19. Wb2+- A b6] 17. Hfcl ab4 [17... Да7? 18. b5+-1 18. ab4 Ha7 19. ^ie4!? [19. b5 £>a5=; 19. c5 dc5 20. bc5 2ice5= Xc51 Hfa8 20. c5 [20. Wdl!? £>ce5 21. Де2 ДаЗ 22. £jc3+O[ dc5 [20... ДаЗ 21. cd6![ 21. Aic5 <5X5 22. bc5± [Xb7[ Дс8 23. Wb6 еб [23... Wb6 24. cb6 Даа8 25. Дс4±[ 24. Hdl Да5 [24... h5 25. Hd6! (25. h4 Да5) h4 26. Hbdl±l 25. Hd6 Wb6 26. cb6 [A £c6[ Дс5 27. Дсб [27. Hd7 Aia5 28. ФИ2 Scl 29. Hel Hel 30. ДЬ7 Hbl=l 15c6 28. Ed7 ДЬ8 29. ДЬ4 e5 [29... g5 30. h4 h6 31. hg5 hg5 32. ДЬ5 ФО (32... f6 33. ФИ2±) 33. Sg5 Hb6 34. Дс5 Дсб 35. ДЬ7±] 30. g4 [30. ДЬ5 *g7 31. g4 (31. Де5 ДЬ6 32. Дее7 Hf6 33. ДЬ7 ДЬ7 34. ДЬ7+) ФГ6 32. g5 Феб 33. Hdd5±[ Ь6 [30... ФК 31. g5 Фе8 32. Hd5 Деб 33. Hh4t] 31. &g2 Ф18 32. h4 фе8 33. Дс7 Дс7 34. bc7 Дс8 35. ДЬ7 <£d7 36. ДЬ5 <£d6 [36... f6 37. ДЬ6 Hf8 38. Даб! (A 39. c8W! Hc8D 40. Hf6) Фс7 39. Да7 &d6 40. Hg7 g5 41. h5±[ 37.ДЬб Фс7 38. Hf6 Д18 39. ФО?! [39. h5 gh5 40. gh5 <£d7 (40... Hg8 41. ФО Hg5 42. Hf7 <£d8 43. Фе4 Hh5 44. Hf54~) 41. ФО Фе7 42. ДЬ6 f6 43. Hh7 Феб 44. Hg7±l Фd7 40. Фе4 Фе7 41. Фе5± [Д 6/е[ Да8 42. ДЬб Да5 43. фГ4 h5 44. g5 НК 45. ФgЗ Да5 46. Hf6 Hal 47. ДГ4 Ф« 48. ФО Фе7 49. ДЬ4 фй 50. Фе4 Да2 51.14 ДЬ2 52. Фе5 Фg7 53. f5 gf5 54. ФК ДЬЗ 55. Де4 ДО 56. Фе5 ДgЗ 57. Фd4 Hgl 58. Д14 Hg3 59. Фd3 ДЬЗ 60. фе2 ДЬ2 61. ФО ДЬЗ 62. Ф12 ДЬ2 63. Фg3 Де2 64. Де4 Де1 65. Ф12 ДЫ 66. Да4 ДЬ2 67. Фg3 Де2 68. ФО ДЬ2 69. 114 ДЬЗ 70. Фе4 Hg3 71. Фd4 ДЬЗ 72. е4 ДЫ 73. фе5 Hal 74. фК Де1 75. е5 ДеЗ 76. Hd4 Hel 77. Ф14 ДЫ 78. ФО ДЬЗ 79. Фе2 ДаЗ 80. Де4 Даб 81. ФО Фg6 82. Ф14 ДЬб 83. Hd4 Фg7 84. ФК ДЫ 85. Дс4 ДМ 86. еб 1еб 87. Феб Фg6 88. Фе5 ДЬЗ 89. Де4 ДЫ 90. Феб ДЬ2 91. Фе7 ДЬ4 92. ДЬ4 Фg5 93. Да4 Ь4 94. ДаЗ Фg4 95. Ф16 ЬЗ 96. Да2 Фg3 97. Фg5 Ь2 98. ДЬ2 1/2 : 1/2 Mi. Marin 21. А 48 KACHEISHVILI 2612 - SHANKLAND 2580 Philadelphia 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. g6 3. ^g5 ^g7 4. ^bd2 0-0 5. c3 d6 6. e4 c5 7. dc5 dc5 8. Дс4 £jc6 9. 0-0 £ia5 10. Де2 Деб 11. ДГ4! [11. Wc2 Wc7; 11. Hel - 54/551 h6 [A £>h5[ 12. ЬЗ! [12. Wc2 £>h5 13. ДеЗ Wc7=[ Wb6 N [12... g5[ 13. Wc2 Hfd8 14. Hfel!? Дас8 15. ДП ^jd7 16. e5 Wc7 [16... £jc6 17. Дс4 Дс4 18. £ic4 Wa6 (18... Wc7 19. We4+) 19. We4+[ 17. ДdЗ £>c6 18. Дg6!? fg6 19. Wg6 2rf8 20. Wg3oo ФЬ7 21. £>e4 Ь6?? [A Wd7-e8-g6; 21... Д45 22. ДИ6? ДИ6 23. £>eg5 Ф68-+; 22. £)c5oo[ 143
22.НеЗ?? [22. Ah6! ДЬб 23. £eg5 ФЬ8 24. Не4 Ag7 25. £ie6 £е6 26. Wg6 £е5 27. Hh4 <4>g8 28. We6 £f7 29. £g5 Hf8 30. Hg4±; 25. Hf4!!4~] ®d7! 23. Ah6 [23. Ш4 £>g6--hl Ah6 24. £)fg5 [24. £eg5 ФЬ8 25. He4 £g6-+[ Ф118 25. Wh4 &g7 26. £116! [26. Hg3? £ig6 27. Wh5 £>ce5 (27... Hh8?? 28. £if6+-) 28. f4 Ag4! 29. hg4 £lf4—-h[ ef6D [26... £ig6 27. Wh5 ef6 28. ef6 Ф16 29. Неб We6 30. £ie64—; 26... Wd2 27. Hg3+—1 27. ef6 &g6D 28. Hg3 Ag5 29. Hg5 ФГ6-+ [29... Ф17?? 30. Hg7 Фе 8 31. Wh5 Af7 32. lei £e6 33. Hg8#] 30. Hel [30. Hd5 Ф17 31. Hd7 Hd7—+1 фП [30... £>g6?? 31. Hf5! <4>g7 (31... &15 32. g4 Ф14 33. ®h6 Ф13 34. НеЗ#) 32. ®f6 ФИ6 33. Неб We6 (33... Wg7 34. Wh4#; 33... Hg8 34. ®g5 ФИ7 35. Wh5 <£g7 36. Hg6#) 34. We6+-1 31. f4 [31. Wh5 Фе7 32. Hg7 Ф46 33. Hd7 Hd7—-hl Фе8? [31... Af5! 32. g4 Ag6 33. f5 &g7! 34. fg6 Wd6 35. Hh5 £>g6[ 32. f5 We7 33. fe6 Hd6 34. Wh5? [34. Wg4Q Неб 35. HflD £d8 36. Hg7 (36. Hf8 ®f8 37. Hg8 Hc7 38. H18 <£>f8+) £117 37. Hff7 ®f7 38. Hf7 ФП+] Ф48--h 35. Wh8 Wg5 36. ®18 Фс7 37. e7 £>e7 38. He7 Hd7 0 : 1 Shankland 22 A 58 B. LALIC 2469 - E. VOROBIOV 2580 Cap pelle la Grande 2012 1. d4 £f6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 c5 4. d5 b5 5. cb5 a6 6. ba6 d6 7. £>c3 Ag7 8. Ag2 0-0 9. £13 £bd7!? 10. 0-0 £b6 11. Hel Даб 12. h3 [12. Hbl Ac4![ £fd7 [12... Ha7!?[ 13. ®c2± Ha7 [13... £c4 - 70/(65)1 14. Hdl!? [14. a4 £c4 15. £d2 Wa5 16. £c4 Ac4 17. Ad2 Wb6^1 Wa8 15. e4 Ab7?! N [15... £c4 16. ЬЗ £ce5 17. £e5 (17. £el) £e5 18. f4±; о 15... £e5 16. ^e5 Ae5 17. b3±l 16. ЬЗ [16. Ag5 £16 (16... He8? 17. £b5 Ha2 18. £c7 Hal 19. £a8 Haa8±) 17. a4 Hb81 f5!±? 17. £g5 fe4 18. Ae4 £)f6?! [18... £>d5? a) 19. Ad5? Ad5 20. £>d5 Aal 21. £>e7 ФЪ8 22. £}g6! (22. Hd6? Ha2^ 23. £>g6 hg6 24. Wg6 Wg2!!+ 25. <£>g2 Haf2 26. ФЫ Hfl 27. &g2 H8f2#) hg6 23. Wg6 2rf6 24. ДеЗ Де5 25. f4 Ha2 26. Wh6 &g8 27. Wg6=; b) 19. £>d5 Aal 20. £je7 ФИ8 21. ДЬ7 Ш>7 22. £sh7! 2>e5D 23. ^g6! (23. ^f8?! £if3 24. <£>fl W 25. Фе1 We7 26. Ae3 Wf8 27. Hal±) ^g6 24. ^f8 25. Hd6+-; 18... Ad4!? 19. Hd4! cd4 20. &b5^ Hc8 21. Wd2 Ha5 22. £se6!^ Hb5?? 23. Wh6+-1 19. Ab2 ^e4 20. We4! ^d5? [20... Ae5 21. £>b5 Ab2 22. ®e7 Ag7 23. ^a7 Wa7 24. We6 ФИ8 25. £)f7 Hf7 26. ®f7 Wa8 27. Hel Ae5 28. He5 de5 29. Ш6 &g8 30. Wb6+-; о 20... Af6!? 21. Ш4 Hf7 22. Hd2±[ 21. ®e6 ФИ8 22. £jd5 Ab2 23. ^c7! Wd8 24. ®f7!!+- Hf7 25. £>f7 &g8 26. £}d8 ДО 27. £)de6 Adi 28. Hdl Ha2 29. Hd3 1:0 B. Lalic 23. A 58 A. KOROBOV 2660 - F. CARUANA 2736 Moscow 2012 1. d4 £jf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cb5 a6 5. ba6 g6 6. ^ic3 Даб 7. £113 d6 8. g3 £bd7 9. Ag2 Ag7 10. Hbl 0-0 11. 0-0 ®a5 12. ®c2 144
аьб 13. Idl [13. ^d4 - 113/231 2)fd7 14. JLd2 ®c4 15. Де1 Hfb8 16. Wcl ^de5 17. Йе5 £se5 18. h3 N [18. ДА[ Дс8 19. ЬЗ c4 20. f4 £>d7 21. We3 cb3 22. ab3 Wd8 23. Йа4 £sf6 24. Д12 [24. g4!?+[ Д15 25. Hbcl gb4 26. g4 ДО7 27. Hc6!? Hab8 [27... Деб 28. dc6 £>e8 29. B-l 28. Hd3 Деб 29. dc6 Wc7 30. Де1 S4b5 31. ^c3 Ha5? [31... Hb3! 32. g5 £>e8 33. £>d5 Hd3 34. ed3 (34. Wd3?! Wd8 35. Wc4 Hbl 36. Ф12 еб 37. c7 £>c7 38. £jc7 d5+) Wd8 35. £je7 <£>f8 36. £)d5oo] 32. g5± ^h5 33. £jd5 Hd5 34. Дd5 еб 35. ДВ Hb5 [35... d5 36. ДИ5 gh5 37. ДсЗ] 36. ДсЗ e5 37. fe5+- Де5 38. Де5 He5 39. Wd2 Wa7 40. &g2 We7 41. h4 d5 42. b4 Wd6 43. b5 Неб 44. ДЬ5 gh5 45. Hd5 He2 46. We2 ®d5 47. &g3 Wd6 48. Ф13 Wd5 49. Ф14 Wd6 50. Фе4 We6 51. ФОЗ 1 : 0 G. Arsovic 24.* IN A 59 A. MASTROVASILIS 2510 - KI. GEORGIEV 2671 Skopje 2012 1. d4 £sf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cb5 аб 5. Ьаб £аб 6. <йсЗ d6 7. W g6 8. e4 ДП 9. ®fl lg7 10. h3 0-0 11. <£>gl £)bd7 12. <£>h2 Wa5 13. Hel Hfb8 14. He2 Qje8 15. Hc2 £>c7 16. Д02 Wa6 [16... ab5 17. We2?! N (17. £>b5) £>d4 18. £)d4 cd4 19. £>dl Wa7 20. f3 £>c5 21. Heel d3 22. We3 £ja4+ Skembris 2463 — M. Turov 2645, Basel 20121 17. <£>gl [17. Hacl - 77/741 17... Hb4! N [17... Hb7; 17... c4[ 18. аЗ ДсЗ 19. ДсЗ He4 20. Wd2 [20. Ь4 Wb7 21. Ьс5 £)с5+1 аЬ5 21. Wh6 ^сЗ+ 22. £>g5 £>f8 [22... £>f6!? 23. НсЗ Не5 24. НВ Wb7! 25. Hf6 ef6 26. Wh7 ФВ+1 23. ЬсЗ He2 24. Не2 We2 25. W Wb2 26. Hel На7 27. НеЗ?! [27. с4 Wa3 28. НЫ На8Т1 Wa2 28. ^g5 Wd5-+ 29. НВ еб 30. Wh4 f5 31. НеЗ е5 32. <ЙВ НаЗ 33. We7 Hal 34. фб2 е4 0 : 1 Z. Arsovic 25. А 62 N. SEDLAK 2593 - A. INDIC 2430 Srbija (ch) 2012 1. d4 2tf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 еб 4. 4Wc3 ed5 5. cd5 d6 6. £)B g6 7. g3 Дg7 8. Дg2 0-0 9. 0-0 He8 10. Д14 4je4 11. Qje4 He4 12. £)d2 Hf4 [12... Hb4a> 13. a3 Hf4 14. gf4 ДЬ2 15. Ha2 (15. Hbl ДаЗ 16. ^e4 ДЬ4 17. Hb4 cb4 18. Wd4 a5 19. Ш <£>f8 20. £>h7 <£>g8 21. £jf6=) Дg7 16. Wb3 (16. e4 - 32/126) £sa6oo; b) 13. Hbl bl) 13... ДЬ2?! 14. ^e4 bll) 14... ДГ5?? 15. Hb2! Hb2 16. Дg5 Wb6 (16... Wa5 17. Wcl Де4 18. Wb2+-) 17. Ш <4>g7 18. Wal+-; Ы2) 14... He4 15. Де4 Дg7±; b2) 13... g5!? 14. ДеЗ Af5 15. a3 Hb2 16. Hb2 ДЬ2 17. Де4Т113. gf4 ДЬ2 14. Hbl Дg7 15. £>e4 N [15. £jc4 ^a6 16. Wd2 b6oo; 15. Hel £>a6 (15... £}d7 - 101/(47)) 16. £)c4 ac7oo[ £sa6 16. £)g3 £sc7 17. e4 Wh4 [17... ДИ6! 18. WB (18. f5 Дg7т) Wh4 19. ^je2 Дg4 20. Wg3 Wg3 21. £>g3 Дс8! 22. f5 Дg7Tl 18. e5 Wf4 19. ed6 ^ie8 [^ 19... Wd6 20. &e4D (20. Wc2? f5+) Wf4 21. WB WB 22. ДВ ^d5=[ 20. d7 Д07 21. Hb7 Дс8 22. He7 £jd6 23. Wcl Wd4? 145
[23... Wh4 24. Sc7 Ad4 25. £>e2 Aa6 26. ^<14 Afl 27. &f3 Wd8 28. Wc5 Ag2 29. &g2 ^e8=l 24. ae4?! [24. Sc7 c4 25. Sc6 Af8 26. ae4 Ah3 27. We3 ®e3 28. fe3 £}e4 29. Ah3 Sd8+] Af8 25. £>d6?! [25. Sdl Wb4 26. a3 Wa4 27. £jc5 Wh4 28. Seel+] Ae7 26. ab5 Wg4 27. h3 Wd7 28. d6 Ab7 29. de7? [29. Ab7 Ш>7 30. de7 Ш>5 31. Sdl! Se8O 32. Sd8 ^g7O (32... f6?? 33. Wh6+-) 33. Se8 We8 34. Wc5 f6 35. Wa7 ФП 36. a4 Wc6 (36... We7? 37. ®e7 фе7 38. &g2 <^>d6 39. Ф13 <^>d5 40. a5 фс5 41. фе4+—) 37. a5±[ Ag2 30. &g2 Wb5 31. Sei Se8 32. We3 Wc6 33. We4 We4 34. Se4 f6 35. Sc4 Se7 36. Sc5 ФП 37. Sa5 Феб 38. ФО Sc7 39. h4 ФП 40. Sa6 Фg7 41. фgЗ f5 42. h5 ФИ6 43. hg6 hg6 44. ФИ4?? [44. ФГ4 Sf7Tl 44... Sc3! 45.14 SO 46. Sa4 [46. Sa7 Sf4 47. ФgЗ Sc4-+] Sf4 47. Sf4 g5 48. Фg3 gf4 49. ФГ4 фg6 50. a4 a5 51. ФеЗ Ф16 52. ФО Фе5 53. ФеЗ Фd5! [53... f4?? 54. ФО ФГ5 55. ФО Фе4 56. Фе2 фd4 57. ФО Фс4 58. ФГ4 ФЬ4 59. ФеЗ Фа4 60. Фd2 ФЬЗ 61. Фе 1=] 0:1 A. Indic 26. А 62 V. ERDOS 2624 - AL. KOVACEVIC 2557 Sarajevo 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 еб 3. g3 c5 4. d5 d6 5. 4Ac3 ed5 6. cd5 g6 7. A.g2 ,ig7 8. £iO 0-0 9.0-0 Se8 10. Af4 2di5 11. Ag5 Wd7 12. ®b3!? [12. a4- 110/41; 12. e4 h6 (12... b5 13. Sei - 90/42; 13. e5!?) 13. Acl (13. АеЗ?! &f6 14. ad2 &g4) b5 14. Sell h6 [12... АеЗ?! 13. ®c3 A 13... Se2?? 14. Sael+-; 12... f5?! 13. e4! fe4 (13... h6 14. АеЗ) 14. £)d2t; 12... £ja6!?[ 13. Ad2 [13. Acl!?[ £ia6 [13... f5!? 14. ^el!? (14. Sfel £jf6) Ш (14... £>a6 15. e4) 15. £>d3 (15. £sc2 £sa6 16. Sael £>c7 17. e4oo) £>e4 (15... £ja6 16. 2rf4; 15... g5 16. f4) 16. Sadi (16. Ae4!? fe4 17. 2)f4 ®f7 18. ab5 Af8 19. O) g5 (16... £)d2 17. Sd2 g5 18. e4 Ac3 19. ЬсЗ fe4 20. аЬ23б) 17. £je4 fe4oo[ 14. Sfel N [14. e4[ £sc7 [14... Sb8 15. £>b5! b6 (15... £tf6!?) 16. e4 £jb4 17. a3 (17. Ab4 Wb5 18. Ac3 Wb3 19. ab3 a5) £>c2 (17... ®b5 18. ab4 A 18... a5? 19. Afl) 18. ®c2 Щ>5 19. Ac3±[ 15. a4 Sb8 [15... b6!? 16. e4 Aa6 17. Wc2+1 16. Wc2 [16. e4 b5! 17. ab5 Aib5^1 аб [16... АеЗ? 17. ЬсЗ £>d5 18. Ah6±; 16... b5 17. ab5 W 18. ab5 Wb5 (18... Sb5 19. Ac3) 19. АеЗ Ac3 (19... Se7 20. e4) 20. ЬсЗ Ш2 21. Щ>2 Sb2 22. Sa7 &f6; 22. e4+; 16... £lf6 17. e4±[ 17. a5! [17. Sabi?! b5 18. ab5 ab5 19. b4 cb4 20. Sb4 £>a6T; 17. e4 b5 18. ab5 ab5^J b5 [17... £>b5!? a) 18. £ja4 We7! al) 19. W Af5 20. Wcl g5 21. h4; 19... Ш; a2) 19. e4 Ag4; b) 18. e4 Wd8 (18... £>d4? 19. £)d4 cd4 20. £sa4±) 19. Wcl ФИ7 (19... g5 20. h4) bl) 20. h3 bll) 20... £>d4 21. <Ad4 Ad4 (21... cd4 22. £sa4) 22. £se2±; Ы2) 20... Ad7 21. АеЗ £)f6 22. £>d2; 21... ^d4 22. ®dl 23. ®O b5 24. ab6 Sb6 25. g4 £jf6 26. Af4; 21... Wc7!?; b2) 20. ^jb5 ab5 21. e5tl 18. ab6 Sb6 19. e4± ®d8 [19... &b5 20. ^)b5 (20. <йа4!? Sb8 21. e5 de5 22. ^c5) Sb5 (20... ab5 21. e5!) 21. Ac3±; 19... £>f6 20. Sadi A 20... ^ig4 21. h3 ^e5 22. £se51 20. Sadi [20. h3!? Ш (20... f5 21. ef5! Af5 22. Wcl!±) 21. ®с1 ФИ7 (21... g5 22. h4) 22. Af4 2)h5 23. АеЗ £if6 24. ^d2±; 20. <йа4 Sb8 21. Ac3 (21. Aa5!?) ab5 (21... Ag4 22. £sd2) 22. Ag7 Фg7 23. e5[ Ag4 21. h3 Af3 22. Af3 ^f6 23. £>a4 [23. e5!?[ Sb8?! [23... Sb5[ 24. Aa5? [24. e5! a) 24... de5 25. Aa5! (25. d6? аеб; 25. £ic5 ab5 26. АеЗ; 25... ®d6!) Sb5 26. ac5!? (26. b4) Wc8 (26... Sa5? 27. ab7) 27. b4±; b) 24... Se5 25. Se5 de5 26. Aa5! (26. ac5 ab5! 27. АеЗ £jd4) Af8 27. b4!±[ ®d7? [24... ad7 a) 25. Ae2!? al) 25... h5!? 26. b4 Sb4! 27. Ab4 cb4=; 26. Фg2±; a2) 25... Wc8 a21) 26. Ag4 &b5! 146
(26... h5 27. ab6!) 27. ab6 1Ь6 28. ДЬб £)d4; a22) 26. <£g2 ab5; a23) 26. b4 ab5 27. bc5 dc5 (27... £sc5 28. ^g4 f5 29. ef5 &d4) 28. ^g4 ad4 29. Wa2 h5; b) cs 25. <£>g2; 24... Sb5!? a) 25. ДеЗ ad7 26. Де2 Sb7! (26... Ib8 27. Да5 - 24... ad7) 27. Да5 We7±?; b) 25. b4 Ha5! (25... Ш>8? 26. e5; 25... ad7!? 26. £>c3 Hb4!; 26. <4>g2) 26. ba5 ab5 27. Wd2 (27. ab6 ad7 28. ad7 Wd7 29. <£g2 Ш8Й) ad7 28. <4>g2± A 28... ad4 29. Hbl] 25. e5!± He5 [25... de5 26. ac5 Wc8 (26... ®d6? 27. ae4! ae4 28. Дс7 Hbc8 29. ^d6 Sc2 30. Де4+-) 27. ^g4!? (27. b4; 27. d6 Йеб 28. b4 ad4 29. Wd3±) £jg4 28. d6 £>e6 29. d7 ®c5 30. de8W He8 31. Wc5 ac5 32. hg4±[ 26. Ie5 de5 27. ac5 Wc8 [27... 8d6? 28. ae4 ae4 29. Дс7[ 28. Дс7 [28. aa4 W 29. Wc8 lc8 30. d6 ad4; 28. d6!? ae6 29. b4 ad4 30. Wd3[ Wc7 29. d6 Wb6 [29... ®d8 30. d7 (A ab7) a) 30... We7 31. ab7!? £)d7 32. Wc7; 31. Деб; b) 30... Wc7 - 29... Ш1 30. d7 e4 [30... Wc7 a) 31. Wa4 Wc5 (31... Sd8 32. Wc6) 32. d8W Hd8 33. Hd8 &h7 34. Ha8! We7 (34... Wcl 35. <4>g2 Wb2 36. Ha7!) 35. Де4! ®c5 (35... ae4 36. We4 «еб 37. Wb7 e4 38. Наб) 36. Наб Wcl 37. &g2 Wb2 38. Дс2; b) 31. b4!? Hd8 (31... e4 32. Де4 ld8 33. ^g6!) 32. Wa4 e4 33. Де44—; 30... Hd8 31. ab7! Hd7 32. Wc8 ФИ7 33. Hd7+-J 31. £je4!+- [31. Де4 Sd8![ ae4 32. Wc8! [32. We4 Hf8 33. ®d5 lf6 34. Hel; 32. Де4 Hd8 33. 8c8 ДГ61 ФЬ7 33. Де4 Д16 34. ®e8! ®b3 [34... <£g7 35. ±d5[ 35. Hd5?! [35. Hd6 A 35... <£g7 36. £d5[ <£g7 36. d8W ^d8 37. Hd8 fid8 38. «d8 W 39. Wa5 1 : 0 И Erdos 27.** A 65 VITIUGOV 2709 - I. CHEPARINOV 2665 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 af6 2. c4 g6 3. ac3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5.13 0-0 6. ДеЗ c5 7. age2 £>c6 8. d5 ae5 9. ag3 h5 10. Де2 аб 11. a4 еб 12.0-0 ed5 13. cd5 Ad7 [13... ah7 - 112/(50)1 14. £>hll? [14. h3 h4 15. ahi b5 16. Ag5 b4 17. abl c4 a)_18. f4?? N Wb6 19. at2 £je4 20. Ah4 ad3+ Gundavaa 2493 — G. Guseinov 2634, Moscow 2012; b) 18. ЖЬ4 Де8 N (18... Wa5) 19. f4 ad3 20. ^d3 cd3 21. Wd3 He4 22. ad2 He8 23. £jg3 Wb6 24. ФИ2 1/2 : 1/2 A. Giri 2714 - T. Radjabov 2773, Wijk аап Zee 2012] b5 N [14... Hb8] 15. £rf2 b4 16. аы c4 17. Ж04 [17. ad2 Hc81 Hc8 18. ad2 [18. h3 He8 (18... h4 19. f4 ad3 20. Ad3 cd3 21. ®d3 ah5 22. ^g7 <£>g7) 19. f4 ad3 20. Ad3 cd3 21. Wd3 ae4?? 22. ae4 £f5 23. abd2+-; 21... Wc735; 18... Ah6![ c3 19. ЬсЗ bc3 20. ab3 [20. Же5 de5 21. ac4] ac4 21. Wc2 [21. ®cl aa5!?l ad5 [21... He8? 22. Wc3 ad5 23. ed5 ae3 24. ®d2! Hc2 25. Wd3!+-; 21... aa5? 22. Даб; 21... ДЬб? 22. Дс4 (22. Wc3 аеЗ) Hc4 23. Wd3 Йа4 24. На4 Да4 25. Wc3±l 22. Дс4 Нс4 23. Дg7 аеЗ 24. We2 [24. ®cl Wg5 25. g3 ^g7 26. f4 ®f6 27. We3+[ ®g5 25. adl!? 25... ag2? [25... afl 26. Wc4 (26. Д18 Ha4 27. Ha4 Да4 28. аеЗ ДЬЗ 29. Дd6=) Hc8! (26... аеЗ 27. We2!+-) 27. h4 (27. Wfl <i?g7 28. ®d3 c2 29. аеЗ Деб 30. h4 ®h4 31. ad4±) Hc4 (27... Wh4 28. Wfl &g7 29. аеЗ!) 28. hg5 <4>g7 29. ФП c2 30. af2 Да4 31.acl ДЬ5 32. Фе1 Дс5±1 26.ДЬ6! ®h6 147
27. Wc4 af4© 28. фЫ Hc8 29. Wd4© [29. Wa6 c2[ Ae6 30. ad Wg5 31. Hgl Wh4 32. Hg3 [32. ac3 Wh3 33. We3 Ag4![ Hc4 33. Wd6 Hc8 34. £sd3 [34. af2[ ad3 35. Wd3 c2 36. асЗ Wf6 37. f4 h4 38. НеЗ Wf4 39. Hael [39. Hell Ag4 40. h3 Ah3? [40... Ah5? 41. £>a2+-; 40... Adi 41. Hdl cdlW (41... Hc3 42. Wd8!) 42. adl+-[ 41. Wc2 Ag4 42. Wg2 1 : 0 Vitiugov 28.* A 67 V. GOLOD 2561 - M. ATABAYEV 2367 Tashkent 2012 1. d4 af6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 еб 4. асЗ ed5 5. cd5 d6 6. e4 g6 7. f4 Ag7 8. Ab5 afd7 9. a4 0-0 10. a» £ja6 11. 0-0 ab4 12. Hel аб 13. Afl He8 14. h3 Hb8 [14... b6 15. Ae3 Ab7 16. Af2 £)f6(16... Hc8 — 35/119) 17. Wd2 N (17. Wb3) Wc7 18. Ac4 Had8 19. Ah4± V. Golod 2561 - Mu. Ismailov 2133, Tashkent 20121 15. a5 N [15. Ad2; 15. Ae3!? b6 (15... b5 16. ab5 ab5 17. ab5 Hb6 18. Ad2+) 16. Af2 Ab7 17. Ag3 Ш 18. Ah2+[ b6!? [15... b5 16. Ae3!? A Af2Sl 16. ab6 аЬбоо 17. aa2!? [17. ЖеЗ!? Ab7 (17... f5?! 18. e5 X» 18. Af2 Wd7oo[ £>a8!? [A £jc7-b5; 17... a5 18. £>c3 Ab7 19. Ha3oo[ 18. Ac4 [18. фЫ!?[ £ic7 [18... Wa5?! 19. Ad2 Ab2? (M. Atabayev) 20. ab4 Wai 21. Wai Aal 22. £>c6±; 18... ab6 19. ab4 cb4Q 20. Afl (20. Ad3?! ad7 A £>c5) ad7oo[ 19. ab4?! Hb4 20. Ha4 Ab2!? [20... Hb6 21. Ha2+[ 21. Hb4 Acl 22. Hb8! Af4 23. e5- 23... de5?? [23... Wd7 (M. Atabayev) 24. Wai! (24. еб fe6 25. de6 We7 26. He4 Ah6oo; 24. ed6 Ad6 25. ^d2 ab5 26. He8 We8 27. We2 Wf8 28. Ha8 £>c7 29. Hb8 ab5=) Ag3 25. He2 Wf5 26. фЫ Hf8 27. Wa5 Wd7 28. Hb6±; 23... Фg7 24. He4 Ag3 25. Wai фg8 26. Wb2 Wd7 27. He2 Wf5 28. ed6 Ad6 29. Wb6 Hd8 30. Aa6 Wf6 31. Ac4±; 23... Ag3!? a) 24. ed6? Ael (24... Hel? 25. ael Ad6 26. Wg4! f5D 27. We2±) 25. dc7 Wc7 26. Hc8 Wc8 27. ^el He4 28. Wcl a5T; b) 24. НеЗ!?; c) 24. He4!? фg7 (24... de5?? 25. d6+—) 25. Wd2 We7oo[ 24. d6 e4 [24... Wd7 25. dc7 Wc7 26. Ha8 A Aa6+-[ 25. Hc8! [25. dc7? Wc7 26. Wd5 Фg7 27. Hc8 Hc8 28. He4±; 25. He4!! Ad6 (25... He4 26. d7 He8 27. Hc8 Wc8 28. dc8W Hc8 29. Af7) 26. He8 ae8 27. Wd5 XФg8, Ac8[ Wc8 26. d7 [26... Wd8 27. de8W We8 28. ah2!? фg7 29. ag4 (A Wai) f6 30. Wbl e3 31. g3+-1 1:0 И Golod 29. A 93 I. CHEPARINOV 2664 - RADULSKI 2552 Bulgaria (ch) 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. ao Ae7 4. g3 f5 5. Ag2 af6 6. 0-0 0-0 7. ЬЗ Ad7 8. АаЗ Ae8 9. Wcl [9. Wc2 - 51/100; 9. Ae7 We7 10. ac31 асб 10. Ae7 We7 11. асЗ N [11. abd2 Ah5=[ Hd8 [11... Ah5 12. e3] 12. еЗ Ah5 [12... ae4 13. &el Ah5 14. ad3+[ 13. Hbl [13. ae2?! e5!; 13. ael?! dc4! 14. bc4 e5 15. ad5 (15. d5 aa5) Wd6T; 13. ae5?! ae5 14. de5 ag4 (14... ae4=) 15. cd5 ae5+; 13. Wb2!? a) 13... dc4 14. bc4 al) 14... aa5 15. c5 (15. ae5 c5 16. Wb5 cd4 17. ed4 Wc7 18. Wb4 Hd4 19.ab5 We5 20. ad4Wd4 21. Wa5 Ae2 22. Hfcl ag4 23. Wei f4 24. We2 fg3=; 15. Wb5 b6 16. ae5 Ae8 17. Wa6 c5=) Af3 (15... b6 16. Hfcl±) 16. Af3 e5 17. Wb5±; a2) 14... b6 15. Hfcl! (15. Had e5 16. ad5 ad5 17. cd5 e4 18. Hc6 ef3 19. Ahl Hd5 20. Wb3 Af7 21. Wc3 We4 22. Hc7 Ha5 23. a3 g5oo) фЬ8 (15... e5 16. ad5 ad5 17. cd5 e4 18. Hc6 ef3 19. Afl±; 15... ab4 16. ael c5 17. аЗ ааб 18. ab5±) 16. Habl±; b) 13... ae4 14. a3!? (14. Had g5 15. Hfel) g5 15. b4+; 13. cd5!? ed5 14. ad ae4 15. ad3+[ ae4 [13... a5 14. ael ae4 15. ad3+; 13... Af3 14. Af3 ae4 15. b4±] 148
14. Ь4!? [14. cd5 ed5 15. Ь4 ab4 (15... Hf6 16. b5 AD 17. AD £ja5oo) 16. ae5 c5! 17. 2ie4 fe4 18. Wc5 Wc5 19. dc5 £jc6=; 14. tb2 a5 15. Hbcl=l ab4 [14... dc4?! 15. b5 W (15... aa5 16. ®e4 fe4 17. £>e5 Ae2 18. Wc3 Afl 19. Sfl b6 20. Ae4t) 16. Wa3 (16. ®e4 fe4 17. ae5 ad3 18. ad3 cd3 19. Ae4 Ae2 20. Wc4S) c5 17. bc6 ac3 18. Wc3 ®c6 19. Wc4 Hc8 20. Wb5 Hc7 21. Йе5 ae5 22. We5±| 15. a3 [15. c5 ad3 (15... £jc6 16. Hb7 Hb8=) 16. Wc2 (16. Wa3 b6) adD 17. HD aD 18. № AD 19. AD b6±?; 15. ae5 a) 15... £sc6 16. Hb7 ae5 17. de5 Wc5 (17... £jc5 18. Wa3) 18. ab5 Ae2 (18... dc4 19. ad4) 19. Hc7 Wb6 20. Wa3t; b) 15... c5! 16. cd5 cd41? (16... ed5 17. £>e4 fe4 18. Wc5 Wc5 19. dc5 £>c6=) 17. ed4 йсЗ 18. Wc3 ad5 19. Wb2=[ £>d3 16. Wc2 dc4 [16... adD!? 17. HD aD 18. WD (18. £D?! f4! 19. gf4 Ag6 20. Wb2 Abl 21. ®bl?) AD (18... Wa3 19. Wb2 Wb2 20. Sb2=) 19. AD c6±51 17. Hb7 Hb8? [17... Wa3!? 18. ae4 fe4 a) 19. ad2 HD! 20. Wc4 (20. HD Ш 21. £jc4 Wa6 22. Hbl HD 23. fte5 Ae8T) Hfl 21. Afl (21. afl WD!) ^c5 (21... ael 22. We6 AD 23. We4 Wc3 24. Wf4 Wd2 25. Hc7 Ad5 26. Hg7 &g7 27. ®g5=; 21... ad=) 22. Wc5 We3 (22... f c5 23. dc5 Hd2 24. Hc7 Hc2 25. Ah3) 23. ФЫ AD 24. aD WD 25. <£>gl We3=; b) 19. ag5 bl) 19... aD? 20. <йе6 Adi (20... te3 21. HD+-) 21. Wc4 ah3 22. ФЫ Sfl 23. Wfl He8 24. d5±; b2) 19... HD! 20. fc4 (20. HD? aD 21. <£D HD+) b21) 20... Hdf8 21. We6 (21. Wc7 Hfl 22. Afl Hfl 23. ФА WD 24. <£g2 WD 25. ФИЗ Wf5 26. &g2 WD=; 21. Hbbl Hfl 22. Hfl Hfl 23. Afi ac5i 24. аьз We3 25. aD аьз 26. We6 <£f8 27. Wf5 AD 28. Wc8 Ae8=) ФИ8 22. Hbbl ac5! 23. dc5 Hfl 24. Hfl We3 25. ФМ Hfl 26. Afl AD 27. aD WD 28. £>gl We3=; b22) 20... Hfl 21. Afl ac5! 22. Wc5 We3 23. <£g2 h6 (23... Ag4 24. Wb5 HD 25. Hb8 WD 26. фЫ AD=) 24. аеб WD (24... Wd2 25. ФЬЗ Wdl 26. Ac4 Wg4=) 25. фgl We3=; 17... ad6! 18. Ha7 Hb8 (18... Ag6 19. Wd2) 19. Hbl (19. ae5 Hb2 20. Wa4 ae5 21. de5 ac8+) Hbl 20. Wbl a) 20... AD 21. AD f4I? (21... WD 22. a4 ae4) 22. ef4 (22. gf4 Wh4) Wf6 23. ae2 g5 24. Hc7 gf4 25. af4 Wd4 26. Wc2 ®al 27. Wdl Wdl 28. Adi af4 29. gf4 Hf4=; b) 20... ae4! 21. ae4 fe4 22. ae5 (22. ad2 HD 23. ac4 HD+) ae5 23. de5 Wc5 24. Hb7 Hd8 25. Hb8 Hb8 26. Wb8 ФП 27. Ae4 Ag6 28. Ag6 hg6 29. Wd8=[ 18. Hb8 Hb8 19. ae4 fe4 20. ae5! [20. ad2 Hb2 (20... Ae2 21. Hbl Hbl 22. abl±) 21. Wc3 Ae2 22. ae4 (22. Hal WD! 23. ae4 AD! 24. Wc4 Ag2 25. Фg2 aD 26. We6 ФЬ8 27. Hbl! Hbl 28. ag5 h6 29. ап ФИ7 30. Wf5 Фg8 31. Wbl ag4 32. ae5 WD 33. ФИЗ аеЗ 34. Wb3 ФИ8 35. ag6 ФИ7 36. aD WD 37. We3=; 22. ac4 Hb8 23. Ae4 Afl 24. ФА Hbl 25. Фе2 acl 26. Фd2 ab3=) a) 22... WD 23. Wc4 Afl 24. Afl aD 25. We6 (25. Wcl He2=) фИ8 26. ag5 Hc2=; b) 22... Afl 23. Afl Hbl 24. Wc4 ael=[ ae5 [20... Wa3 21. Wc4; 20... Hb2 21. Wc3[ 21. de5± Wc5 [21... AD 22. Wc4+; 21... c3 22. Wc3 Ae2 23. Hel Ad3 24. h4±[ 22. Ae4 We5?! [22... Hd8 23. Ah7 (23. Hel сЗ) ФИ8 a) 24. Ae4 c3 25. Hbl (25. Hel) Фg8; b) 24. We4 We7; c) 24. Ag6!? Ag6 (24... AD 25. Hel Wd5 26. h3±) 25. Wg6 Wc6 (25... We5 26. Wg4 Hd3 27. Wc4 Ha3 28. Фg2±; 25... сЗ 26. 149
Wg4 Sd2 27. Wh3 &g8 28. We6 ФЬ7 29. Wf5 <£>g8 30. &g2 c2 31. Scl a5 32. g4±) 26. h4 c3 27. h5 Sb8 (27... c2 28. h6 Sd7 29. ФИ2! gh6 30. We8 фЬ7 31. e4±) 28. g4! (28. h6 gh6 29. Wh6 <&>g8 30. Wg6 <£>f8 31. Wf6 &g8 32. g4 Wc4 33. f4 Wd5; 28. Scl Sb2) c2 29. h6 gh6 30. Scl Wf3 (30... Sb2 31. Wh6 &g8 32. ФЬ2 Wd5 33. Wf6 ®dl 34. g5 Wcl 35. g6 Wgl 36. <£>gl clW 37. ФИ2 Sf2 38. Wf2 &g7 39. Wf6 ФЬ6 40. g7 <4>h7 41. Wg5 Wb2 42. &g3 Wb8 43. Wh4 &g7 44. Wg5 Ф117 45. We7 <£>h8 46. Wf6 ФИ7 47. Wf7 ФЬ8 48. We6 Wg8 49. Wg8 &g8 50. &f4 ФП 51. ФГ5+-) 31. Wh6 &g8 32. We6 ФИ8 33. Wh6 &g8 34. Wg6 ФИ8 (34... <£>f8 35. Wh7 Wg4 36. ФИ2) 35. Wd3 Wg4 36. <£>fl±; 22... c3 a) 23. Ah7 <£>h8 al) 24. Wd3!?; a2) 24. Ad3 Sd8 (24... Sb2 25. Wa4±) 25. Scl (25. Sbl Wd5 26. Ae4? Adi!) Wa3 - 23. Scl; a3) 24. Ae4 Wa3 (24... Wc4 25. Sbl; 24... Sd8) 25. Wd3 фё8±; b) 23. Scl bl) 23... Wa3 24. Ah7! (24. Wc3 Wc3 25. Sc3 a5 26. Sc7 a4 27. Sa7 Ae8±) ФЬ8 25. Ae4 Sb3 26. Sdl!+-; b2) 23... We5 24. Ah7 £>h8 25. Ad3±; ЬЗ) 23... Sd8 b31) 24. Ah7 ФИ8 b311) 25. Ad3 Wa3 26. Afl Af3 27. e4 a5 28. Wc3 (28. h4 Ae4) Wc3 29. Sc3 Ae4=; b312) 25. Ae4!? Wc4 26. Wbl+; b32) 24. &g2 We5 25. Ac6 Ag4 26. Wc3 Wf5 27. h4±; 22... h6 23. Scl Sd8 24. &g2 We5 25. Wc4 c5±l 23. Wc4 [23. Ah7? ФЬ8 24. Ae4 (24. Sbl ДЫ 25. Wbl Af3 26. Ag6 c5=) Ae2! 25. Sbl Sbl 26. Wbl &g8=; 23. Scl!? h6 (23... c5 24. Ah7 фЬ8 25. Ae4±; 23... Sb2 24. Wc4) 24. Wc4±[c5 24. SclSc8 25. Sbl [25. Wd3!? h6; 25. a4!?[ фЬ8? [25... Ag6 26. Ag6 hg6 27. Sdl±] 26. a4± [26. Sb7!? Sd8 27. Sa7 Ae2 28. We2 We4±; 26. h3!?[ Ae2? [26... Sd8 27. Scl; о 26... h6 27. a5[ 27. Wc2 Wh5 [27... c4? 28. f4+-; 27... Ag4 28. Sb7 (28. Ah7 Af3 29. Ad3 c4 30. Sb4 Wai 31. Afl±) Ah3 (28... Sd8 29. h4) 29. Ah7 Sd8 30. Sbl Wd5 31. Ae4±; 27... Sd8 28. h4±[ 28. Sb7! Sd8 [28... c4 29. h3+-; 28... Af3 29. Sa7 (29. Wb2 Sg8) Ae4 30. We4 Wdl 31. <4>g2 Wd5 32. Wd5 ed5 33. <£>fl+-] 29. Wd2 [29. Sa7 c4 30. <£>g2+-[ lg8 30. Wd6 [30. <4>g2 Ag4 (30... We5 31. f3) 31. h4±; 30. Ha7! We5 31. We2 We4 32. Wb2! c4 33. Дс7 c3 (33... h6 34. h4) 34. Wb3+-1 Wh3 [30... c4 31. Ia7±; 30... Ac4 31. Sbl±] 31. Ag2 Wf5 32. e4 [32. h4±[ W8 [32... Wf6 33. e5 Wf5 34. Wc5+-[ 33. We6+- c4 34. h4 [34. e5!? a) 34... c3 35. Ad5 Af3 (35... c2 36. Sc74~) 36. Ic7 Ad5 37. Wd5+-; b) 34... Wc5 35. Ad5 lf8 36. Sf7+-; c) 34... Wa3 35. h4+-[ Wc5 [34... Wc8 35. Wc8 Sc8 36. Ah3+-; 34... Wd8 35. Sa7 (35. Wd5+-) c3 36. Wc6 Wd2 (36... Wdl 37. ФЬ2 Wei 38. Wc5+-) 37. Hc7 Wei 38. ФЬ2 Wf2 39. Hc8 Afl 40. Sg8 &g8 41. We8 Wf8 42. We6 Wf7 43. Wc8 Wf8 44. Wc3 Wf2 45. WB+-] 35. We7 [35. Wd5! Wc8 (35... Wd5 36. ed5+-) 36. Wf7 Ad3 (36... c3 37. Hc7 c2 38. Wg7!+-; 36... Ah5 37. We7) 37. Ic7+-; 35. e5 c3 (35... Hf8 36. Sf7 Hg8 37. Wd6+-) 36. Ad5 Hf8 37. Sf7 c2 38. If8 Wf8 39. Wc6 Ad3 40. Ab3 Ae4 41. Wc7+-[ Wd4 36. Sc7 [36. Id7 Wai 37. ФЬ2 c3 (37... Wa4 38. e5+-) 38. Sc74—I a5 [36... Wai 37. <£>h2 Wa4 38. e5+-; 36... Ad3 37. Wc5+-; 36... Ag4 37. Wb4 Ae6 (37... Wdl 38. ФН2 We2 39. Wc5+-) 38. a5+—1 37. e5 h6 [37... Ag4 38. еб (38. Wd6 ld8 39. Wd4 Hd4 40. Hc5 Ae6 41. Ha5 &g8 42. Sc5 Sdl 43. <£>h2 Sd2 44. Ah3 Ah3 45. ФЬЗ Sf2 46. Sc4+-) We5 39. Sc4 We6 (39... Ae6 40. ФН2+-) 40. We6 Ae6 41. Hc5+-1 38. Wc5 Wdl [38... Wc5 39. Sc5+-1 39. ФИ2 Wa4 40. Sg7! [40. Ad5+-; 40. e64—; 40. Sc8+-1 ^g7 [40... Sg7 41. Wf8 ФЬ7 42. Ae4+-; 40... We8 41. Sc74—1 41. We7 [41... ФИ8 42. Wf6 Sg7 43. Wf8H~; 41.... &g6 42. Ae4 ФИ5 43. Wf7 <£>g4 44. Wf5#l 1:0 I. Cheparinov 150
30 В 00 ALEXA. IVANOV 2513 - T. GELASHVILI 2619 Sturbridge 2010 аб 24. ±c6 Hb8 25. Hf7 Hd8 26. M5+-) Hb8 21. Sd3+-[ аб [19... Wc6 20. Wf7 М18 21. Ab5 Wb6 22. Hhdl фс7 23. НеЗ ФЬ8 24. M8 (24. Ad7+-) Wb5 25. Ш7+-] 20. Wc5 b6 21. M8 1 : 0 Alexa. Ivanov 1. e4 £>c6 2. d4 e5 3. d5 Me7 4. £rf3 ^g6 5. h4 h5 6. ±g5 М7?! [6... 2rf6 - 67/119] 7. d6± cd6 8. М3 £>f6 9. ±f6 ±f6 10. g3 N [10. Wd6[ Wa5?! [10... Wb6?! 11. £>d5 Wb2 12. Hbl Wa3 (12... Wa2 13. Hal Wb2 14. ±c4+-) 13. M7 Ф48 14. Ш8+-; 10... a6±; 10... ±e7±] 11. £)d2± [11. ±c4 Wc5 (11... d5!? 12. Wd5 Wd5 13.±d5±) 12. Wd3 a6±[ d5 12. M5 M7 13. b4! [13. £>f6?! gf6 14. Wf3 f5 15. M4 b5oo[ Wd8 14. &c4 ^d5? [14... d6 15. Ш gf6 16. Wd6!? M6 17. 0-0-0±[ 15. £)d6+- [15. Wd5? 0-0+1 Фе7 16. Wd5 Wb6 [16... Wc7 17. 0-0-0 Wc3 18. ±c4 Wai 19. <4>d2 Wd4 (19... Wb2 20. Фе3+-) 20. Wd4 ed4+- 21. e5 M5 22. 2tf71 17. 0-0-0 Wb4 [17... Sf8 18. М3 <4>d8 19. M7!+-[ 18. ±c4 Ж4 [18... Wa3 19. ФЫ Wa4 20. f4!?+-[ 19. Hd3 [19. Wc5 b6 20. Wd5 (20. Йс8 M8 21. Wb5 Wb5 22. M5 Фс8 23. Hd7 31. !N В 01 P. HABA 2502 - L. MILOV 2515 Deutschland 2012 1. e4 d5 2. ed5 Wd5 3.Ag4 4. М2 M6 5. d4 0-0-0 6. c4 Wf5 7. М3 М3 8. ±13 M4 9. M4 We6 10. М2 We4 11. 0-0 Wd4 12. Wa4 еб 13. М3 Wb6 14. b4 Wb4 15. Wa7 M5! N [15... Wc3 - 103/(60)1 16. Wa8 &d7 17. Hfdl M16 18. Wa7 фе7 19. Ш £>f6 20. Wb7 M5 21. a3 [21. Hdbl Wd2 (21... Wc5 22. M7 <£>f8 23. M6 Ml 24. Wc7 g6 25. Wd8 <£>g7 26. Wd3+; 21... Hb8 22. Wc7 ±c7 23. Hb4 <M4=) 22. &а7П We2 23. ^ic6 (23. Hel М2! 24. ФИ2 £>g4 25. ФЫ Wf2=) Фе8 24. Wb5! £)d7 25. Не1П Wb2 26. £>e5 Wb5 27. cb5 ^je5 28. He5 Hd5 29. Hd5 ed5 30. Hdl фе7 31. Hd5 Ha8 32. Hd2 Ha5 33. Hb2 <£>d7=] Hdl [21... Wc5!? 22. £>a7 Hd6! 23. Hd6 M6oo[ 22. Hdl Wb2 23. ±f3 Hd8! [23... g5 24. Wa7!± Xg5; 23... h5 24. £>a7 М2 25. <£>fl Wb7 26. M7 ^jg4 27. a4±[ 24. Hd8 &d8 25. g3 Фе7! 26. &g2 [26. a4 g5! 27. £ja7 Wcl 28. &g2 Ф18!оо; 26. £>a7 Wb7 (26... Wcl Tl. фё2 Wc4 28. £>c6 <^>d6 29. Wc8 £>d5 30. Wd7!+—) 27. M7 c5 (27... £>d7 28. a4 £)c5? 29. a5!; 27... М3!? 28. a4 &d7 29. ^ic6 ^jg8!=) 28. a4 M8! 29. ^ic6 <£>d6 30. <®}b8 Фс7 31. £1а6 ФЬ7 32. &c5 ФЬб 33. £>ЬЗ £ig4 34. <4>g2 ^e5 35. c5 фс6=] 151
26... g5!= [26... ad7 27. a4±] 27. Wc8 g4 28. Aa8 £)d7 29. ®a7?! [29. £>c7 Ad4 30. We8 Ф06 31. Wh8 &g6 32. Wg8 ФЬ6 33. Wg4 Wf2 34. ФЬЗ ^e5 35. Wf4 Wf4 36. gf4 ^c4=[ Ad4! 30. ^c6 <£d6 31.21d4 Wd4 32. a4! [32. Wa6?! ^b6[ Wc4?I [32... Wc5!+I 33. a5 сб 34. аб Wd5 35. <£gl Wdl 36. <£g2 Wfi 1/2 : 1/2 P. Haba 32. В 01 DOMINGUEZ PEREZ 2725 - IVANCHUK 2764 La Habana 2012 1. e4 d5 2. ed5 Wd5 3. £jc3 Wa5 4. d4 £jf6 5. Ad2 сб 6. Ad3 [6. 2>f3 - 111/431 Ag4 7.13 Ah5 8. <21ge2 £lbd7 9. 2>f4 Ag6 10. ^g6 hg6 11. We2 еб 12. £se4 N [12.0-0-01 Ab4!? [12... Wb6 13. 0-0-0! A 13... Wd4 14. Ac3 Wa4 (14... Wb6? 15. &f6 £}f6 16. Ag6! fg6 17. We6 Ae7 18. Af6 gf6 19. ДЬе1 Wc7 20. Wf6Sg8 21.Sd4+-) 15. Жс4^113. сЗ [13. ^d6 Ф18! 14. a3 (14. &Ь7? Wb6! 15. c3 Ae7 16. ^c5 ^c5 17. dc5 Wb2) Ad2 15. Wd2 Wd2 16. &d2 b6=; 13. Ab4 Wb4 14. c3 We7 15. 0-0-0 0-0-0=] Ae7 14. g3 [14. £>g5!?l £je4 [14... 0-0-0 15. £jg5 Sdf8ool 15. fe4 Ag5 [15... 0-0-0 16. Sfl±l 16. 0-0 [16. Ag5! ? Wg5 17. 0-Oil Ad2 17. Wd2 c5 18. Wf2 0-0 19. e5 [19. a3 cd4 20. cd4 Sad8 21. Sadi 2>f6ool lad8 20. Ae4 cd4 21. cd4 £}b8 22. Sadi [22. Sacl Wb6 23. Sfdloo] £>c6 23. Id3 [23. Ac6 bc6=l Wb6 24. Sfdl Hd7 25. ДЬЗ Wa6 26. ДаЗ Wb5 27. I.c6 bc6 28. ДП? [28. Дс1=1 28... f5! 29. ЬЗ [29. ДеЗ Дfd8 30. Дс5 Wa6 31. Sdl Wa2 32. Дсб Wa4 33. Wc2 Wc2 34. Sc2 Sd4 35. Sd4 Sd4 36. Sc8 ФЬ7 37. Дсб Sdl 38. <£g2 fid2 39. фй ДЬ2 40. Деб ДЬ2 41. Даб ДЬЗ 42. фГ4 ДЬ4 43. ф(3 Де4 44. еб g5-+; 29. Дс1 fifd8 30. Дс5 Wb4 31. ДЬЗ Wa4-+1 Sfd8 [29... с5 30. dc5 Sfd8 31. Ь4 (31. Да4—I- - 29... Sfd8) Wb4 32. ДЬЗ Wc4—1-1 30. Да4 с5!—I- 31. dc5 [31. Sdl Wb6 32. Wfl (32. Wc2 Sd4 33. Sad4 cd4 34. fid3 Wa5 35. We2 g5) a5 (32... Sd4 33. Sdd4 cd4 34. Даб Wc5 35. Wd3 We5 36. Sa7 Wc5 37. Даб e5 38. Sg6 e4 39. Wa6 d3 40. Фg2 Wd5 41. Wa7 e3 42. фё1 Wf7) 33. Дс4 (33. Wei Sd4 34. Sdd4 cd4) Ш4 34. fidd4 fid4 35. We2 fid5; 31. d5 Дd5 32. Да7 Sd2 33. Sa8 Wfl! 34. Wfl Sa8 35. a4 Sad8 36. Wa6 Sa2 37. Wfl Sdd21 Sd2 32. Wf3 Wc5 33. ФЫ Wc2 34. Дс4 Wa2 35. ДИ4 g5 36. Sh5 g4 37. Wc6 Wb3 38. Sg5 Sdl 0 : 1 Sa. Velickovic 33. В 04 В. AMIN 2608 - A. FIER 2604 Rochforf 2012 1. e4 2tf6 2. e5 ^id5 3. d4 d6 4. Ac4 сб 5. 2>f3 de5 [5... ^g4 - 90/(57)1 6. de5 ^g4 7. h3 £f3 [7... ДЬ5 8. еб fe6 9. 0-0+1 8. Wf3 еб 9. 0-0 £>d7 10. lei Wc7 11. We2 £)5b6 12. Ab3 N [12. Ad31 £)c5 13. c4! £>b3 [13... 0-0-0 14. Ac2 Ae7 15. <йсЗ a5 16. b3+l 14. ab3 ^jd7 15. £jc3 £sc5 16. ^g5!? [16. b4 W 17. Sa4 £jcl 18. Scl Же7 19. c5 0-0 20. f4 Sfd8 21. ^je4 Sd5 22. ^d6±l h6 17. Ah4 £sb3 18. ladl Де7 [18... ДЬ4! 19. Wg4 g5 20. ^e4 Ael 21. £jf6 Фе7 22. Ag5 hg5 23. Wg5 Ab4 24. £>Ь7 Фе8 25. <&f6=; 152
20. Ag3531 19. Же7 We7 20. £}e4 0-0 21. We3 Wb4 22. fid3 [22. Ш ФЬ8 23. Id3 Йс5 24. Sd4 Hfd8 25. ledl ld4 26. Hd4 Ш! 27. Sd3 (27. Ih4? Wd2) £sc5=[ £}a5 23. ЬЗ [23. £)f6 gf6 24. Wh6 Wei 25. ФЬ2 We5 26. 14 Wei 27. Wf6=l fiad8 24. £jd6 c5 25. Hedl [25. We4 £>b3 26. Ibl ^d2 27. Sb4 £>e4 28. Ib7=] <йс6 26. фЬ2 £>d4 27. We4 Sd7 28. Ig3 28... Wb6 [28... 15? 29. ef6 Ef6 30. We5 a) 30... If2 31. £>e8! Sf5 32. Sg7 Ф18 33. Wb8! (33. Wg3 £>f3 34. gf3 Sd2 35. Id2 Wd2 36. &gl Wdl=) lff7 (33... Sg7 34. £}d6 фе7 35. Wc7 Ф16 36. ^e8 &g6 37. Wg7 ФЬ5 38. Wg4#) 34. 117 Ф17 35. Sfl &f5 36. ^d6 ld6 37. Wd6 Wb3 38. g4 Wc4 39.112+—; b) 30... фЬ8! 31. Ig7! &g7 32. ldf7 33. Id3 £>f5 34. £)f6 116 35. Sd7 &g6 36. Wb8+-; 28... £)f5! 29. 2rf5 ef5 30. Wf5 Sdl 31. Wf6 g6 32. еб Wb6! 33. Ig6 fg6 34. Wg6=] 29. Wg4 f5? [29... g6 30. 2>e4±] 30. Wg6 фЬ8 31. £>e8! Iff7 32. £)f6!+- lf6 33. ef6 Wc7 34. f4 <4>g8 35. Wh6 a5 36. Idd3 1:0 B. Amin 34 В 07 I. MILADINOVIC 2562 - B. DAMLJANOVIC 2548 Crna Gora 2012 1. d4 d6 2. e4 £>f6 3. Qjc3 g6 4. ЖеЗ сб 5. ®d2 Wa5 6. f3 [6. ^13 - 41/123] £}bd7 7. аЗ аб N [7... Ag7[ 8. Жс4 b5 9. Жа2 ЖЬ7 10. £)ge2 Wc7 11. Sdl еб 12.0-0 c5 13. a4 Ь 13. dc5 dc5 14. Ж14 e5 15. ЖИ6 c4 16. ФЫ ЖЬ6 17. Wh6 Wc5oo[ b4 14. £>bl 14... d5! 15. ed5 [15. e5 cd4 16. ^d4 £>e5 17. Wg5 £jfd7 18. 14 16 19. Wh4 £>c6 20. Ж16 Жс5 21. фЫ £)16 22. Wf6 We7 23. Wh8 <£d7 24. Wa8 Жа8+[ Ж45 [15... £)d5 16. Ad5 Ad5 17. £>f4 ЖЬ7 18. d5 e5 19. Hfel±; 17... £jf6=l 16. c4 Ж.Ь7! 17. d5 ed5 [17... ^.d6!? 18. de6 Ж.Н2 19. ФЫ fe6 20. 21f4 ^g3+l 18. Af4 [18. cd5 ЖД6 19. ЖИ6 0-0-0+1 Жх16 19. We3 Ф18 20. ЖД6 Wd6 21. Wh6 Фg8 22. cd5 c4 [^ 22... He8[ 23. £id2 [23. Дс4 le8oo] ^d5 24. фМ= Wf8 25. Wf8© ФГ8© 26. Жс4 £>c5 [^ 26... £je5[ 27. Ж05 £jd5 28. £je4 1/2 : 1/2 B. Damljanovic 35. !H В 08 ROIZ 2651 - PANCEVSKI 2442 Porto Carras 2011 1. £>f3 d6 2. d4 g6 3. e4 Ag7 4. Же2 £>f6 5. £>c3 Ag4?! 6. h3 [6. 0-0 - 20/181] Af3 7. Ж.В сб [7... £>c6 8. «3e2 0-0 9. 0-0 e5 10. c3±[ 8. ЖеЗ 0-0?! [8... £>bd7+[ 153
9. h4! N [9. d5; 9. Wd2; 9. 0-01 h5 19... ®bd7 10. h5 e5 11. hg6 hg6 12. Wd2-] 10. Wd2? [10. g4! hg4 11. Ag4- Wb6 (11... c5 12. h5 £)g4 13. Wg4 cd4 14. ^d4 Ad4 15. hg6 ^g7 16. 0-0-0 Wd7 17. Wh5 fg6 18. Wg6 Sf6 19. 8h7 <±>f8 20. Sdgl+—) 12. h5 ®b2 13. Ad2! ^g4 14. Sbl £)f2 15. <±>f2 Wa3 16. hg6 fg6 17. ±>g2 £>d7 18. Wg4 Sf6 19. Wd7 Saf8 20. Де1+-] £jbd7 11. Sdl [11. 0-0-0 Wc7 12. Sdgl Ь5^| еб 12. g3 [12. 0-0 Wc7 13. Де2 b5 14. f3 W 15. ЬЗ+1 a6 [12... 8c7 13. 0-0 Ь5 14. Ag2 £jg4 15. Ag5 f6 16. ДГ4+1 13. 0-0 Se8 14. Де2?! [14. Ag2 5jg4 15. Ag5 Wc7 (15... f6 16. ДГ4+) 16. f3 ^gf6 17. <±>Ь2+] b5 15. f3 Wc7 16. <±g2 ^b6= 17. Wei [17. ЬЗ £)fd7 18. a4 b4 19. £sa2 a5=] Sac8 18. £jbl £>bd7 [18... c5 19. c3=] 19. Wf2 e5 20. c4 [20. c3 d5 21. ®d2 ed4 22. cd4 de4 23. fe4 c5^1 bc4 [20... d5!? 21. ed5 bc4 22. d6 Wd6 23. Дс4 £)d5M 21. Дс4 d5 22. Даб?! [22. ed5 £)d5 23. ^d5 cd5 24. £}c3 Wb7=] Sa8 23. ^d3 de4 24. fe4 [24. Де4? £}e4 25. fe4 £)f6+[ Sa2? [24... Sf8! 25. We2 (25. Де2 £}e4 26. Wf3 ^d6T) £lg4T] 25. ^c3 25... Saa8?! [25... £ig4! 26. Wf7 ±>h7 27. We8 (27. Д12 Saa8 28. d5 Sf8 29. We7 Sf2 30. Sf2 £>f2 31. ±>f2 Wb6 32. <±>g2 Wb2 33. ^e2=) <йеЗ 28. ФЬЗ Hb2 29. d5 £idl 30. £}dl Sd2 31. We7! We 8 32. Даб! Wa6 33. Sf7 ФЬ8 34. Wd7 We2 35. We8 <±>h7 36. Sg7 <±g7 37. We7=[ 26. d5 ^g4?© 27. Wf7 ФИ7 28. Agl+- Sab8 29. Sd2 [29. Де2 Sf8 30. dc6! Sf7 31. If7+-1 118 30. We6 in 31. ДП Cd5 32. ed5 £18 33. Wc6 Wa5 34. d6 £je6 35. Wd5 [35. Дс4 £>d4 36. Wc7+-[ Wd5 36. ^d5 e4 37. b4 ДЬб 38. Se2 e3 39. ДеЗ?© [39. £se3 ^d4 40. £ig4 <йе2 41. W £igl 42. &f7 <±>g7 43. Дс4+-| ^еЗ 40. £>еЗ 1Ь4 [40... £>d4 41. lei ДеЗ 42. Ie3 Sd8 43. Дс4 ld6 44. Sd3+-[ 41. £>d5 ld4 42. £>f6 [42. 1е6?! Sd5 43. Se7 Дg7 44. d7 <±h6± A 45. Дс4 ld2 46. ±>f3 Д16 47.117 Дd8 48. Фе4 Sd6 49. Фе5 Sdl 50. Дd5 Дс7 51. Фе4 ДЬб 52. Деб Sd6 53. Фе5 Idl 54.118 Дс7 55. Ф16 Ifl 56. Фе7 118 57. Ф18 g5=] <±g7 43. £}h5 Ф17? [43... gh5 44. 1е6 Дd2 45. Де2 ДЬ4 46. ДЬ5 ld6±l 44.112 Фе8 45. ДЬ5 [45.116 Sd6 46. Ig6+-1 <±d8 46. 116 [46... Sd2 47. ФЬЗ ld6 48. Sg6 £>g5 49. Sg5 Дg5 50. hg5 Sd5 51. Деб lg5 52. g4?? Ih5 53. gh5 <±>e7=; 52. ±>h4+-1 1 :0 Roiz 36.* В10 DM. KOKAREV 2637 - SJUGIROV 2610 Russia 2012 1. e4 сб 2. c4 d5 3. cd5 cd5 4. ed5 £)f6 5. Wa4 £>bd7 6. £sc3 g6 7. £)13 Дg7 8. Дс4 0-0 9. d3 a6 10. Wa3 b6 11. 0-0 ДЬ7 12. lei le8 13. ДеЗ [13. Дd2 - 113/(33); 13. £lg5 - 113/331 b5 14. ДЬЗ a5!? N [14... Д18; 14... W 15. d6 Д13 N (15... ed6) 16. gf3 ed6= M. Panarin 2523 — Riazantsev 2710, Russia 2012; 14... ^3g4!? 15. Wb4 Ш 16. fe3 lc8oo] 15. £jb5 £)d5 16. £)g5 [16. Дс4 ^еЗ 17. ЛеЗ ДЬб; 16. Дd2 Wb6 17. Дс4 £>Ь4 18. Wb3 еб 19. d4 ДО 20. gf3 ^с6=; 16. Дg5 Wb6 17. Дс4 Деб 18. d4 Wb7 19. Wd3 £)7Ь6 20. ЬЗ ^Ь4 21. We2 Дй 22. gf3 Wd7561 h6 [16... <йе5!? 17. d4 &d3 18. ledl (18. Se2 £)3b4 19. Scl Wd7S) <a3b4^] 17. Д05 [17. «3e4 £>e3 18. He3 Wb6^1 Д05 18. «3e4 Wb8 [18... Sb8 19. £)bc3 Да8551 19. £>ec3 [19. £jbc3 Де4 20. de4 «Зе5 21. £)d5 еб 22. £>b6 Sa6 23. Ш «3g4 24. g3 Wb5=[ Деб 20. ^id4 ДЬ75§ [20... Wb4 21. Wb4 ab4 22. £jc6 bc3 23. b4+[ 21. Wa4 Hd8 22. £)b3 Wd6 23. d4 £>f6?I [23... Деб 24. Wc4 Sac8 25. £sc5 ^f6; 23... ab6!? 24. Wb5 Даб 25. Wc5 ^ic4 26. Wd6 ed6=[ 24. f3?! [24. Wb5! Деб 25. Wc5 ^d5 26. Wd6 ed6±l £jd5 25. £jd5 Д05 26. £>c5! [26. Д12?! Hdb8ffl Деб [26... e5 27. de5 Де5 28. Sadi ДЬ2 29. <±>Ы Дё3 30. «3e4 We5 31. £>g3 Wg3 32. Wf4=l 27. 154
®с4?! [27. Wc2!? Ad4 28. Ad4 Wd4 29. №=[ Hab8 28. Wc3 28... Ad4?l [28... e5! 29. Wcl (29. d5 Ad5 30. Wa5 e4 31. £>e4 Ae4 32. fe4 Sb2 33. Sabi Ibl 34. Ibl Wd3 35. Wb6T) g5 30. AD Hbc8+1 29.1.d4 Wd4 30. Wd4 fid4 31. ЬЗ еб 32. lacl ld6 33. Ф12 a4 34. £sa4 Aa4 35. ba4 Hd2 36. He2 ld4 37. a5 la4 38. Sc5 Sa3 39. Hd2 &g7 40. <£>g3 Sb7 41. Sdc2 1/2 : 1/2 Sjugirov 37. В 11 BOLOGAN 2687 - MCHEDUSHVILI 2626 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 сб 2. £sf3 d5 3. Qjc3 2tf6 4. e5 £se4 5. h3 [5. <йе2 ®b6 6. d4 еб 7. £tfgl f6 8. f3 <53g5 9. £>g3 £>f7 10. ef6 gf6 11. £jh5 £>d7 12. ^e2±; 5. d4 a) 5... Af5 6. Ad3 еб 7. 0-0 Ae7 8. Wei £}c3 9. Af5 21a2 10. Аеб fe6 11. Sa2+; b) 5... £>c3 6. ЬсЗ Ag4 7. h3 Ah5 (7... AD 8. Wf3 еб 9. Ae2) 8. еб fe6 9. Ibl ®c7 10. Ae2 AD 11. AD ®d7 12. 0-0Й; c) 5... Ag4 6. h3 Ah5 7. еб fe6 8. Ae2 £>c3 9. ЬсЗ AD 10. AD £id7 11. 0-0 e5 12. Ag4^[ еб 6. d4 c5 [6... Ab4 7. Ad2 £>d2 8. »d2 0-0 9. Ae2 c5 10. a3 Wa5 11. 0-0 Ac3 12. ЬсЗ Ьбоо] 7. Ad3 £>c3 8. ЬсЗ c4!^ 9. Ae2 Ae7 10. h4 адсб 11. h5 h6 12. g3 N [12. Sh3; 12. a4 Wa5 13. Ab2 Ad7 14. £)h4 0-0-0 15. f4 ldg8oo[ Wa5 13. Wd2 Ad7 14. 5314 0-0-0 15. a4 Hdg8 16. Ag4 Ag5! 17. f4 Ae718. Ф12?! g5! 19. hg6 fg6 20. £>D Wd8 [20... g5 21. fg5 hg5 22. Ih8 Sh8 23. &g2 ®d8 24. АаЗ Aa3 25. Ia3 We7 26. lai ®h7!^; 20... £>d8! 21. АаЗ АаЗ 22. НаЗ af7Tl 21. We2 Wf8 22. <£>g2 £>d8! 23. a5 [23. АеЗ £>f7 24. Safi Wg7 25. a5=l W 24. Sfl! Wg7 25.£id2 h5 [25... g5 26. f5 ef5 27. еб+—1 26. AD [26. Ah3 g5 27. Аеб Аеб 28. f5 h4 29. g4 £}d8 30. аб b5 31. fe6 £>e6 32. ФИ2 £jf4 33. WD Sf8oo[ g5 [26... h4 27. g4 g5 (27... h3 28. ФИ2) 28. f5; 26... Ab5! 27. аб Ьаб 28. Ihl g5 29. f5 g4 30. Ad5 ed5 31. f6 Af6 32. ef6 Wf6 33. Sfl Wg6 34. We7 £sg5 35. If6 Wg7 36. Wc5oo| 27. ^c4?! [27. f5 g4 28. Ad5 ed5 29. f6 Af6 30. аб b6 31. If6 h4 32. £jc4 hg3 33. Sf7 Wf7 34. £sd6 Фс7 35. £)f7 Sh2 36. ФА Hhl 37. &g2 Sh2=[ g4? [27... h4 28. g4 gf4 29. Af4±; 27... gf4! 28. Af4 Ag5 29. Ф12 h4 30. Фе1 hg3 31. Ag5 Wg5 32. Ag2 dc4 33. Sf7 ID 34. If6 Sf6 35. ef6 Wf6+[ 28. Ad5! ed5 29. 4jb6!!~ ab6 [29... <4>d8 30. ^id7 *d7 31. Wb5 Фс7 32. аб Ь6 33. Wd5 1Ь8 34. f5+-[ 30. ab6 Ф08 [30... ФЬ8 31. еб ^d6 32. ed7 Wh7 33. АаЗ We4 34. We4 de4 35. Ia2+-; 30... Af5 31. Wb5 Ф08 32. Ia8+-; 30... Ad6 31. Ia8 Ab8 32. f5+-1 31. Sa8 Ac8 32. Wb5!+- ^d6 33. Wd5 Wf7 34. Wc5 Af8 35. f5 Wd7 36. еб Wc6 37. Wc6 bc6 38. f6 Sh7 39. П lg6 40. АаЗ Леб 41. Ad6 1 : 0 Bologan В 11 MONS 2296 - PE. PROHASZKA 2553 Osterreich 2012 1. e4 сб 2. £)D d5 3. 2}c3 Ag4 4. h3 AD 5. WD еб 6. d4 de4 7. We4 [7. £se4 - 104/1761 ^f6 8. Wd3 Ae7 9. Ad2! 0-0 N [9... Wc71 10.0-0-0 a5 11. g4 £ja6 12. f4 £)d5 13. ФЫ 155
даз 14. Wc3 ^Ь4?! [14... Ab4! 15. We3 Ad2 16. Wd2 a4 17. аЗ &c7 18. h4 Wd6 19. Ag2+[ 15. ®f3 b5 [15... Wd5 16. Wd5 ®d5 17. c4 <53c7 18. Ag2 Hfd8 19. Ae3±[ 16. Ag2 Wd5 17. Wd5 £}d5 18. Hhfl+ A.f6 19. c3 g6 20. f5 [20. a4!? ba4 (20... b4 21. c4 да 22. АеЗ Hfd8 23. Ae4±) 21. фс2 Hac8 22. Sal W=1 ef5 21. gf5 Ah4? [21... фё7] 22. Scl [22. a4!?+[ Sfe8 23. AG £>e7? [23... Hab8! 24. fg6 hg6 25. c4 bc4 26. Sc4 да 27. АеЗ НеЗ 28. d5 Af6!=] 24. fg6 hg6 25. c4 b4 26. Af4 Hed8 27. d5!± Наб [27... cd5!? 28. cd5 M 29. Hcdl! да 30. Aa8 Ha8 (30... &h3 31. Ad5 Hd7 32. Af7! Hf7 33. Hf7 ФП 34. Shi g5 35. Sh3 &g6 36. Фс2 Ф115 37. Hd3! g4 38. Hd5!+-) 31. Sf4 Ag5 32. Hc4±[ 28. Ac7!+- Sd7 29. d6 £)f5 30. Ag4 Ad8 31. Af5 gf5 32. Ad8 Hd8 33. c5 He8 34. Hf5 НеЗ 35. Hdl Ha8 36. Sgl Ф18 37. Sh5 1 : 0 Prusikin, Mons 39. В 12 ALEXEI FEDOROV 2609 - G. IWATEUTA 2507 Romania 2011 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. dc5 £jc6 5. да [5. Ab5 - 107/(36)1 Ag4 6. Ab5 [6. Ae2 еб 7. Af4 Ac5 8. Aibd2 £)ge7 9. h3 AG 10. да даб (io... ®ьб’? п.о-о даб 12. Ag3 Wb2) 11. Ag3 0-0 12.0-0 Wc7 13. Ad3=[ Wa5 [6... еб a) 1. b4!? al) 7... Wc7 8. Ab2 дае7 9. £jbd2 g6 (9... b6 10. cb6 Wb6 11. c4) 10. h3 AG 11. ^G a5 12. a3 Ag7 13. 0-0 0-0 14. Wel!±; a2) 7... 41ge7 8. Aibd2 a5! (8... g6 9. h3 AG 10. да Ag7 11. Ag5±) 9. c3 g6 (9... g5!? 10. h3 Ah5<x>) 10. h3 Af3 11. да Ag7 12. Ag5 Wc7 13. 0-0 ab4 14. cb4 (14. Ae7 Фе7 15. Ac6 bc6 16. cb4 Ae5) 0-0 15. Ae7 да7 16. We2 Sa3^; b) 7. Ae3 дае7 8. сЗ bl) 8... даб?! 9. Wa4! AG 10. Ac6 bc6 11. Wc6 Фе7 12. gG (12. Ag5?f6 13. ef6 gf6 14. Wb7 Фе8+) <2}e5 13. Wb7 Фе8 14. f4 Sb8 15. Wa6 A>c4 16. b4 да 17. fe3 g5 18. f5±; b2) 8... аб 9. Aa4 Wc7 (9... AG 10. WG даб 11. Wg3 Ae7 12. 0-0+) 10. Aibd2 (10. Ad4 даб 11. £)bd2 Ae7 12. 0-0 0-0 13. Sei Ag55S) да (10... ftg6 11. h3±) 11. Ad4 Ae7 12. h3 Ah5 13. g4 да4 14. cd4 Ag6 15. 0-0 h5 16. a3 0-0-0 17. g5+l 7. даз еб 8. АеЗ ®ge7 [8... аб 9. Асб Ьсб 10. аЗ AG 11. WG Ac5 12. Wg4 Af8 13. 0-0±[ 9. a3 0-0-0 [9... да 10. h3! (10. b4 Wc7! 11. Af4 g5M &e3 (10... Ah5 11. Ad2! AG 12. WG Wc7 13. 0-0+) 11. fe3 AG 12. WG (12. gG Wc7 13. Wd4 Ae7 14. b4 0-0 15. Асб Ьсб 16. Sgl f6!M Wc7 (12... Ac5 13. b4 Ab4 14.0-0 АсЗ 15. Асб &d8D 16. Wf7 Wc7D 17. Ab7±) 13. b4 We5 14. 0-0+1 10. b4 AB [10... Wc7 11. Асб (11. Af4 g5!oo) ^c6 12. Af4 f6 (12... g5 13. ab5±) 13. h3 AG 14. WG fe5 15. Ag3 да4 16. Wd3±[ 11. gG [11. WG!? да>412. o-o да (12... да>сб i3. Ad2! да 14. We2 Wc7 15. SablT) 13. Sael Wc3 14. Wf7 (14. Aa4 d4 15. Sc2 Wa3 16. Hbl Sd5 17. Ab3 de3 18. Ad5 £>d5 19. WG да7!+ A 20. Hbcl e2! 21. сб Ac5 22. cb7 ФЬ8 23. h3 SB 24. Wg7 даб+) Wa5 15. сб! (15. We6 ФЬ8 16. a4 &e3 17. fe3 Wc7 18. сб даб 19. Hf7 Ae7 A She8) a) 15... &e3!? 16. c7! (16. We6 Фс7 17. fe3 Wb5 18. Sbl Wc6 19. Hfcl Wcl 20. Hel дабТ) Wb5 17. cd8W <^d8 18. fe3 Wb6 19. ФЫ h5 20. e4 d4 (20... de4? 21. Sc4!+-) 21. Hbl Wc6 22. Hbcl (22. Hfcl We4! 23. We6 Sh6 24. WG Wf5+) Wb6 (22... We4? 23. We6+-; 22... Wa6 23. Hfdl^) 23. Hbl (23. Hfdl ^c6 24. We6 АаЗ) Wc6 24. Hbcl=; b) 15... Wb5 16. cb7 ФЬ8 17. Sc2 d4 (17... Wd7 18. Sbl! d4 19. Ad4 Wd4 20. Hc8 Hc8 21. bc8W Фс8 22. We8 Фс7 23. Wb8 &d7 24. Hb7 фсб 25. Hc7 <^>d5 26. Sd7 Фе4 27. Hd4 <4>d4 28. a4±) 18. Hfcl bl) 18... Wd7 19. Hc8 ФЬ7 20. Hd8 Wd8 21. Hbl фс7 (21... фа8 22. Ad4! Wc8 23. АеЗ h6 24. Scl Wd7 25. 156
Id2!-> A ДЬ4) 22. Hel ФЬ7 (22... ФЬ8 23. ±d4!) 23. Hbl=; b2) 18... Wb7!? 19. ^d4 b21) 19... Wd7 20. Hbl фа8 21. Hc4! h5 22. Wf3 ^d5 23. Wb3 a6 (23... Де7? 24. Ia7!+-) 24. h4! Де7 (24... Hh6? 25. Ha4+-) 25. Ha4 Wc6 26. ДЬб! НЬ8П 27. Наб ФЬ7 28. Ha7 фс8 29. Wa4! Hb6D 30. Ha8 <4>d7 31. Wc6 Феб 32. Hb6 ФЬ6 33. Hh8±; b22) 19... «3d5! 20. We6 ДаЗ!? (20... Ш 21. ®g4 £)d3 22. Да7 Фа7 23. Hc7=) 21. Hal Shf8 22. h3 (22. g3 a5!+ 23. Ha3 Wbl 24. &g2 Wc2 25. Wa6 We4) a6 (22... a5? 23. Ea3 Wbl 24. ФИ2 Wc2 25. Wa6!±) 23. Ha3 £tf4 24. Wb6 Hd4D 25. Wb7 ФЬ7 26. Hb3 Фа8 27. Ha2 (27. Неб На4) Hd7 (27... Фа7 28.НЬаЗ=) 28. Наб На7 29. Hd6 НЬ8 30. Sf3=l Wc7 12. Деб «1с6 [12... Ьсб!? 13. £d4 ^g6 14. f4 (14. We2 f6±?) £>f4 15. <§3e2!? (15. Hgl £)g6 16. We2 f6! 17. ef6 e5±?) £)g2 16. ФП 2Ж4 17. Wd3 g5!? 18. Sgl Де7 19. b5 h5 20. a4 g4oo[ 13. Дd4 [13. ДГ4 a6 14. ДgЗ (14. We2 f6oo) g5!? 15. h4 Дg7 16. hg5 Де5 17. £je2 f6 18. gf6 h5!?55 A h4[ a6 14.14 14... f6 [14... g5!?a) 15. f5 ef5 16. Wd3 £}d4 17. Wd4 Дg7 18. 0-0-0 Де5 19. Wd3 ДеЗ 20. Wc3 Hhe8 21. Wf6 (21. ФЫ a5) We5 22. Wg5 Wai 23. <£d2 Wa3 (23... Wd4=) 24. Wf5 ФЬ8 25. Hbl He4 26. Hb3 Wa2 27. Hel Hd4 28. ФсЗ Hc4 29. фd2 d4+ A d3; b) 15. fg5 h6 bl) 16. g6 fg6 17. Wg4 (17. f4 g5) ^d4 18. Wd4 Дg7 19. f4 g5 20. 0-0-0 (20. 0-0 Hhf8!+) Hdf8 21. fg5 Де5Т; b2) 16. gh6 b21) 16... ДЬб 17. Ь5 ab5 (17... £>d4 18. Wd4 ДГ8 19. c6=) 18. Hbl Wa5 19. Hb5 Wa3 20. Hb3 Wa5=; b22) 16... Hh6!? 17. h41? (17. f4 f6 18. £je2 fe5 19. fe5 Дg7 20. c3 Hdh8T; 17. <йе2 £}e5 18. f4 £)f3 19. ФС M4 20. Wd4 Де73б) Дg7 (17... £se5 18. We2 £>c4 19. O-O-Ooo) 18. £je2 (18. f4 f6 19. ef6 £>d4 20. fg7 Wg7 21. Wd3 £se2!) ®d4 19. Wd4 Де5 20. We3 Hdh8 21. 0-0-0 Hh4=[ 15. ef6 [15. h4 g6!? 16. Wd3 ДЬ6Э| gf6 [15... £>d4 16. Wd4 gf6 17. 0-0-0 ДИ6 18. «3e2 e5 19. Wd3±; 15... Wf4 16. fg7 Дg7 17. Дg7 Hhg8 18. <йе2 We4 19. Hgl Hd7 20. Wd3±] 16. ДГ6 Дg7 17. Дg7 [17. Wg4 ДГ6 18. We6 ФЬ8 19. Wf6 Hhf8 20. Wh6 d4 21. ^e2 (21. ^e4 Hf4 22. ^d6 We7 23. фdl Hf2 24. Hel ^e5 25. Wh5 Hg8!+) We7 22. Фd2 (22. ФА We4 23. Hgl Wc2t) d3! 23. cd3 We4!? (23... Hd3 24. фdЗ Hd8 25. Wd6 Hd6 26. cd6 Wd6 27. ФеЗ We6 28. фй Wd5 29. Фе3=) 24. Wh3 ^3e5! 25. fe5 Hf3 26. Wf3 Wf3 27. d4 Wf2 28. фdЗ Wf3 29. Фd2 We4 30. Hhgl We5 31. Hg8!=[ Wg7 18. Wd3 N [18. Wd2 a) 18... a5 19. 0-0-0 ab4 20. ab4 £>b4 21. Wd4 Wd4 22. Hd4 £sc6 (22... £}a6 23. £ja4 Фс7 24. Heli) 23. Ha4 Hhg8 24. Hel Hg6 25. h4 Hh6 26. f5 ef5 27. <ЙЬ5±; b) 18... d4! 19. £>e4 d3 (19... Wg2 20. 21g3 Wf3 21. 0-0 Hhg8 22. Hael! h5 23. Wd3 Wf4 24. We4 Wf7 25. ФЫ+ A f4) 20. c3 Wg2 21. £jg3 bl) 21... Wf3 22. 0-0 e5 (22... h5 23. We3!±) 23. We3 Wf4 24. £}e4±; b2) 21... h5!? 22. 0-0-0 157
(22. h4 ДО 23. 0-0 e5t) h4 23. Ihgl Wft 24. &fl Hhf8 25. Hg6 We45S] Hhf8 [19. Wg3 Wd4 20. Hdl Wf4=; 19. 0-0-0!? Hf4 20. Hhel (20. ФЫ £>e5 21. Wh3 £>c4T) a) 20... Ж7!? 21. b5 (21. фЫ ФЬ8!) Hft 22. We2 Hc3 23. bc6 Hc5 24. cb7 ФЬ7 25. веб ®f2 26. Hd2 Wf4 27. He3 Wc7=; b) 20... ®f6 bl) 21. b5 ab5 (21... Hft 22. Неб!) 22. 41b5 ®al 23. <£d2 Hf2 24. He2 He2 25. ®e2 ®b2 26. веб ФЬ8 27. £>c3 ®a3=; b2) 21. ФЫ Hft! (21... ФЬ8? 22. Wg3 фа7 23. He6±; 21... Hf2 22. £>a4 £>e5 23. ®g3±) 22. He3 Hf2 23. £ja4 Hh2 24. Hfl (24. Hh3 Hh3 25. W ФЬ8 26. Wh3 Aid4 27. 8h7 ab5 28. Hhl! <21c3 29. Фс1 £>e4 30. ФЫ 8c3 31. Hh3 Wd4 32. Фа2 Wdl 33. ФЬ2 Wd4=) Wh6 25. Hfel e5 26. Aib6 ФЬ8 27. £>d5 веб 28. c4 h5 29. H3e2=; 18... d4? 19. £>e4±; 18... ®f6 19.0-0-0 ®f4 20. ФЫ ®f2 21.Hdel+l 1/2: 1/2 V. Stoica 40. В 12 ALEXEI FEDOROV 2609 - M.-E. PARLIGRAS 2625 Romania 2011 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Af5 4. АеЗ еб 5. Ad2 ^d7 6. £>gf3 £>e7 7. Ae2 Ag6 8. £jh4 £>f5 9.Af5 10.0-0 Ae7 [10... f6 - 92/(69)1 11. f4 Ag6 [11... g5 12. g4 gf4 13. gf5 fe3 14. fe6±[ 12. c3 [12. g4 0-0 (12... f5 13. c4 0-0 14. g5±) 13. c4 (13. f5 ef5 14. gf5 Ag5 15. £ic4 dc4 16. Wd2 АеЗ 17. We3 W?) dc4 14. Ac4 (14. £}c4 Ae4) b5 15. f5 ef5 16. gf5 Ag5=; 12. ЬЗ 0-0 13. c4 АаЗ!? 14. Ah5 (14. g4 f6 15. f5 Af7oo) Ad3 15. Ae2 Ag6=[ 0-0 [12... h5 a) 13. фЫ h4 14. Ag4 (14. h3 Wb6M al) 14... Af5 15. h3 (15. Af5) Wb6 16. Af5 ef5 17. Wc2 g6 18. c4+; a2) 14... Ad3 15. Hft Wb6 16. Af2 (16. f5 Wb2 17. fe6 fe6 A 18. Аеб Hf8! 19. Hh3 ®c3 20. Hel ®b2 21. Agl Ae2=) Ag6 17. c4±; a3) 14... Wb6 15. f5 (15. ЬЗ Wa5 16. c4 Ad3^) ef5 16. Af5 Af5 17. Hf5 Wb2 18. Hbl Wc3 19. Hb3 Wa5 20. Hb7 h3 21. Wg4 O-O-Ooo; b) 13. £>f3! h4 14. h3 0-0 (14... ®b6 15. Ad3 Ad3 16. Wd3 0-0-0 17. a4±) 15. Ad3 Ad3 (15... Ah5 16. Wc2+) 16. Wd3 g6 17. £)g5 Фg7 18. We2+| 13. Ah5!? N [13. g4 f5 14. g5 c5oo; 13. £>f3 Wb6 14. ЬЗ a5oo A a4; 13. Ag4[ Ad3 [13... Af5 a) 14. Ag4 Ad3 15. Hf2 c5 16. f5 (16. £)fl c4) ®b6 17. fe6 fe6 18. 2>ft Ae4±5; b) 14. ®e2 Wb6 (14... g6 15. Af3 h5 16. h3 h4 17. Ag4±) 15. g4 Ac2 16. £sc4!? dc4 17. Wc2 g6 18. f5! A>e5 19. ®е43б[ 14. Ae2 Ag6 15. Ah5 Ad3 16. Hf2 f5 [16... c5!? 17. c4 18. £jg3 f5ool 17. £>fl Aa6 18. g4! g6 [18... Ah4 19. Hg2 We7 20. gf5 ef5 21. Aid2 £)f6 22. фЫ±[ 19. gf5 gf5 [19... gh5? 20. fe6 <ЙЬ6 21. f5±; 19... ef5 a) 20. Hg2 Hf7! 21. еб (21. £)d2 Ш=) Hg7 22. ed7 gh5 23. Wh5 Hg2 24. фё2 Wd7 25. ^d2 ®e6 26. Ф12 фИ8=; b) 20. Aft He8 21. Hg2 ^jf8; c) 20. Ae2 Ae2 21. We2 He8 22. Hg2 ^jf8 23. £>d2 ^je6 24. £>f3 ФИ8 25. ФЫ a5 26. Hagl (26. a4 Wb6 27. h4 £jg7 28. ^jg5 Ag5 29. hg5 £jh5 30. Hagl He7 31. Hh2 ®b3oo) a4 27. h4 £>g7 28. £>g5 Ag5 29. hg5 a3 30. ЬЗ He7 (30... £>Ь5 31. Hh2 ®d7 32. Hh5 gh5 33. ®h5 Hg8 34. Фg2 Hg7 35. Hhlt) 31. Hh2 Фg8 32. Hh6 £ie6 33. фё2 Wa5 34. Wd3 b6 35. Hghl Wa7 36. c4 Wd7 37. ФgЗ c5 38. dc5 d4^[ 20. Hg2 фЬ8 21. ®f3± [21. £)d2 Wb6 22. ЬЗ (22. ^ft Hg8±;) c5! (22... Ad3? 23. Wft!±) 23. ®f3 (23. ФЫ Hg8) Hg8 24. Af7 Hg2 (24... Hg7?! 25. ФЫ! Hf7 26. Wh5 Hff8 27. Hagl±) 25. Фg2 (25. ®g2? Hf8-+) cd4 26. Ad4 Ac5 27. ®e3 Ad4 28. cd4 Hf8 29. Ah5 £>b8 (29... Hg8 30. ФЫ £)f8 31. Hel Wb5 32. Wh3 Wd7 33. Wh4 Wg7 34. Wf6!?±) 30. £jf3 Wc7 31. ФЫ h6!32. ah4 Hg8 33. £>g6 ФЬ7 34. Hgl £>c6oo[ Ah4 [21... Wb6? 22. ФЫ Hg8 23. Af7+-; 21... Ad3 22. £>d2 Ae4 (22... Wb6? 23. ФЫ! Wb2 24. Hagl+-; 22... £>b6 23. Wh3 ®d7 24. Ag6 158
Ad8 25. ЬЗ We7 26. Af2±) 23. <йе4 de4 24. № Ah4 25. ФЫ We7 26. lagl+1 22. <£jd2 Ad3 [22... Hg8 23. Hg8 (23. Wh3 Hg2 24. <£>g2 Ad3 25. Af2 Af2 26. Wd3 Ah4 27. £O Ae7 28. Hgl±) Wg8 24. ФЫ Wg7 25. ®h3 Ae7 26. Hgl Wh6 27. Hg3 Hd8 (27... Ad3 28. Af7! Wh3 29. Hh3 £>f8 30. Hg3 h6 31. Hg8 ФИ7 32. Ae6±) 28. Фё2 (28. Af7 Wh3 29. Hh3 Ш 30. Hg3 h6) £>f8 29. &O! Ie2 30. ф£2 AO 31. ФО a5 32. фе2О Ш7 33. Af7 Wh3 34. Hh3 2»f8 35. Hg3 h6 36. Hg8 ФИ7 37. Af2±[ 23. Wh3 Ae4 24. £>O! AO 25. AO We7 26. ФЫ Hg8 27. Sagl Haf8 28. Ah5! [28. a4 Wd8! 29. Ah5 Sg2 30. Hg2 We7 Д Hg8=] b6 [28... Wd8 29. Hg8 Hg8 30. Af7±; 28... b5[ 29. a4 c5 30. b4 [30. c4!? dc4 31. Ae2±[ c4? [30... cb4 31. cb4 b5! (31... Hg2 32. Wg2 Hc8 33. b5± A Acl-a3) 32. ab5 ^b6] 31. b5± Ha8 [31... Wd8 32. Hg8 Hg8 33. Af7 Hgl 34. <£>gl We7 35. Ae6±l 32. Ael Hac8 33. WO [33. ia3! Wa3 34. Af7 Hg2 35. Wg2 Wf8 36. Ae6 Hd8 37. Ad5 Ae7 38. Ac4+-[ Hcf8? [33... £>b8 34. АаЗ Wa3 35. Af7 Hg2 36. Wg2 Wf8 37. Ae6 Hd8 38. Ad5 Af2 39. Sfl±l 34. We2?! [34. АаЗ! Wa3 35. Af7! Ag5 (35... Hg2 36. Wg2+—) 36. Ae6+-1 ®d8 35. АаЗ Ae7 [^ 35... Hg2 36. Hg2 Ae7 (36... Hg8? 37. Af7+-) 37. Ael (37. Ad6 Ad6 38. ed6 Wh4 39. Sgl £>f6 40. Af7!? Hf7 41. We6 Hg7 42. Wc8 Hg8 43. Sg8 ^g8 44. Wf5 Wel=) Ah4 38. Wa2 (38. Sgl Hg8=) Ae7 39. Sgl ^b8[ 36. Ael? 136. Ad6! Ad6D 37. ed6 a) 37... Wf6 38. Sg8 Hg8 39. Hg8 <^>g8 40. Ae8 &b8 (40... &f8 41. d7+—) 41. Wh5+—; b) 37... Hg2D 38. Wg2 Wf6D 39. Wg3!± A We3[ Hg2 37. Hg2 Ah4 38. АаЗ Ae7 39. Ael Ah4 40. Wa2 £>b8 41. Sgl?! [41. a5[ Hg8! 42. Hg8 Wg8= 43. АаЗ Wg7 44. Wg2 Ael 45. Ad6 ^d7 46. Ab4 £)f8 47. a5 ba5 48. Aa5 £>d7 49. We2 Ah4 50. Ae8 1/2 : 1/2 K. Stoica 41.*** В 12 A. FIER 2599 - BOLOGAN 2687 Luanda 2012 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Af5 4. £>O еб 5. Ae2 Йе7 6. 0-0 h6 7. £sbd2 £)d7 8. адЬЗ Ag6 [8... g5 - 109/52; 8... Ah7 - 109/(56)1 9. Ad2 [9. a4 N 9... £)f5 10. a5 (10. g4 2Ж4 11. £)h4 Wh4 12. f4 h5 13. g5 Af5 14. АеЗ Ae4 15. AO Wh3oo) аб 11. Ad2 (11. c4 Ae7 12. Af4Hc8 13. Scl 0-0 14. Wd2 dc4 15. Ac4 Ah5±?; 11. g4 ^h4 12. £)h4 Wh4 13. f4 h5 14. g5 Ae7 15. HO f6 16. Wfl Af5^) Ae7 12. g4 £)h4 13. £)h4 Ah4 14. f4 Ae4!^ G. Gopal 2566 — Bologan 2680, Gibraltar 2012] £>f5 [9... ^c8 N 10. c4 dc4 11. £sa5 Wc7 12. £jc4 £>cb6 13. Aa5 Ae7 14. Ad3 Ad3 15. Wd3 0-0 16. Hacl Sfc8 17. We4 Wd8 18. £je3 Wf8 19. a3 ^d5 20. ^3d2 b6 21. АсЗ a5= Vaehier-Lagrave 2710 — Ivanchuk 2775, Beijing (blindfold) 2011] 10. c4 [10. Hel N Ah5 11. h3 AO 12. AO Ae7 13. Ag4 £sb6 14. Af5 ef5 15. WO g6 16. Hcel± Paikidze 2411 — Charochkina 2358, Moscow 2012; 10... Ae7oo[ dc4 11. £sa5 Sb8 N [11... Wc8[ 12. £jc4 Ah5 [12... W!? 13. Aa5 Ah5 14. £>e3 AO 15. AO Wd4 16. £>f5 Wdl 17. Adi ef5 18. Ab3 Ae7 19. Hadi Hd8=l 13. АсЗ [13. h3 AO 14. AO £>d4 15. АеЗ £>f5 16. Ag4 b5 17. Af5 bc4 18. Ae4 Wc7oo] £)b6 14. £je3 £jd5= [14... ^e3 15. fe3 £)d5 16. Ad2 Ae7 17. e4 £sb6 18. АеЗ 0-0 19. Hel Ag6 20. Ad3 Wd7=[ 15. £)d5 [15. ^f5 ef5 16. еб fe6 17. £}e5 Ae2 18. We2 &f4 19. WO g5 20. Hael Wd5 21. Wd5 £)d5 22. £>g6 Hh7 23. Неб ФП 24. Hfel Hd8=[ Wd5 16. h3 £je7 [16... Ag6!? 17. Wa4 аб 18. Hfdl Ae7 19. Ab4 0-0 20. g4 We4 21. Hd2 a5 22. Wa5 Ha8 23. Wb6 ^h4T[ 17. g4 [17. Ab4 Hd8 18. Wa4 <21g6 19. Af8 «3f8 20. Wa7 £>g6[ Ag6 18. £)h4 Ah7 19. f4 Wd8 20. £)g2 Ae4 [20... ^3d5 21. f5 ef5 22. gf5 Ae7[ 21. AO 159
42 В 12 А13 22. WB ^d5 23. f5 Wd7 24. Sf2 [24. f6 gf6 25. ef6 Ad6 26. Sael Ac7+; 24. fe6 We6 25. 2>f4 £if4 26. Wf4 Ae7=[ Ae7 25. Safi Sf8 [25... 0-0 26. We4 f6 27. fe6 We6 28. Wg6 Wf7 29. Wf5 Sbd8 30. еб 8e8 31. We4±l 26. We4 Sd8 27. Ad2 [27. £>f4 2>f4 28. Sf4 Wd5 29. fe6 We6 30. Wh7 Wg6 31. Wg6 fg6=; 27. fe6 We6 28. Ad2 c5=| Ag5 28. h4 Ad2 29. Sd2 We7 30. Sdf2 Sd7 [30... Ф47!? 31. £)f4 Wh4 32. fe6 fe6 33. £>d5 ed5 34. Sf7 Sf7 35. Sf7 Фс8 36. Wf5 ФЬ8 37. *g2 Wel=[ 31. a3 <4>d8 32. f6?! [32. h5 фс8 33. fe6 We6 34. £)h4=l gf6 33. ef6 Wd6 34. Wh7 фс7 35. Wh6 Sg8 36. g5 Wg3 37. Wh7? [37. SB Wg4 38. Wh7 Wd4 39. S3f2 Sg6 40. Wh5 Sd8[ 37... аеЗ! 38. We4 [38. Wg8?? £jg4--h; 38. Wd3 £>fl 39. SB Wh2 40. ФА Sgd8-+[ £)fl 39. Sfl Sd5 [39... Wb3!? 40. ^el Wb2 41. £>B фс8 42. Wd3 Sd5 43. Sbl Wa2+] 40. SB Sd4! 41. Sg3 Se4 [S 9/n[ 42. h5 Se5 43. g6 Sf5!-+ 44. gf7 Sf8 45. h6 [45. £>e3 Sf6 46. £>g4 S6f7[ Sf7 46. Sg7 S5f6 47. h7 Sg7 48. h8W Sfg6 49. Wh2 <£>d7 50. We5 Sg2 [W 6/dl 51. ФП S7g5 52. Wd4 Фс8 53. Wd6 Sg8 54. a4 S2g6 55. b4 Se8 56. b5 cb5 57. ab5 Sg5 58. b6 ab6 59. Wb6 [W 6/a[ Sf8 60. Фе2 Se5 61. <£d3 Sd8 62. ФсЗ Sd7-+ 63. Wgl Sc5 64. фЬ4 Sc6 65. Wg8 Sd8 66. Wg7 ФЬ8 67. We5 Sdd6 68. Wh8 Фа7 69. Wai Sa6 70. Wgl Sdb6 71. Фс5 Sa5 72. фс4 e5 73. Wg7 Sd6 74. We7 Sd4 75. ФсЗ Sad5 76. Wf6 Sc5 77. ФЬЗ Sd3 78. ФЬ4 Sdc3 79. Wf2 S3c4 80. ФЬЗ e4 81. Wf6 Sc3 82. ФЬ4 еЗ 83. Wf7 S5c4 84. ФЬ5 Sc6 85. Wa2 Sa6 86. We2 Sb6 87. Фа4 Scl 0: 1 Bologan A. VOLOKITIN 2695 - LENIC 2637 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Af5 4. £)B еб 5. Ae2 c5 6. АеЗ £>d7 7.0-0 a6 8. c4 £>e7 [8... dc4 - 62/(123)1 9. <йсЗ N [9. dc5 dc4 10. Ш c3fe (10... £>c6; 10... £>d5) 11. b4 £)d5 12. Wb3? a5!+[ cd4 [9... dc4 10. d5Tl 10. £id4 [10. Wd4 £jc6 11. Wf4 dc4 12. Ac4±[ dc4 11. Ac4 [11. f4! Sc8 (11... b5 12. g4! Ad3 13. Ad3 cd3 14. Wd3± b4 15. <йе4 &d5 16. £>c6t) 12. Wa4 Ad3 13. Ad3 cd3 14. Sael! (14. Sfdl ^c6 15. £>c6 Sc6 16. Sd3 Wc8^) £>c6 15. ^c6 Sc6 16. 2>e4±l £>e5 12. Wa4 [12. Ab3!? b5 13. Sei g6! 14. £>e6 fe6 15. Ad4 ^7c6 16. Ae5 £se5 17. Se5 Wdl! 18. Sdl Ag7 19. Se3 АсЗ! 20. ЬсЗ ФП 21. В h5 22. Sfl Фg7 23. Ae6 Ae6 24. Se6 She8±] £>5c6? [12... £>d7? 13. Ag5!± b5 14. Ab5 ab5 15. <2Ш5+-; 12... £)7c6! 13. ^f5 b5! 14. £>b5 ab5 15. Wb5 Sb8 16. £>d4 Sb5 17. Ab5 Ad6 18. £ic6 ^ic6 19. Асб Фе7 20. g3 Wb8 21. a4 Sc8 22. Ag2 Ac5! 23. Ac5 Sc5 24. a5 Sc2 25. a6 Wa7 26. b4 Sb2! 27. Ac6 Sb4 28. Sfdl ФА5 29. Sd7 Wc5 30. Sb7 (30. a7?? Sb2) Wc3=[ 13. Sfdl Wa5 14. Wb3! 0-0-0 [14... Wb4 15. ^db5! ab5 16. W 2>d5D 17. Ad5 Wb3 18. A.b3 Sc8 19. Aa4 Ae7 20. £ja7 Sa8 21. A.c6 bc6 22. Ш Af6 23. Ad4 Ae4 24. Af6 gf6 25. £>d4±] 15. Sd2 [15. £sa4! Wb4 16. ^f5 ^f5 17. Ae6 fe6 18. We6 ФЬ8 19. Sd8 £jd8 20. Wf5 Wa4 21. Af4 Фа7 22. We5!+-[ £>d4 16. Ad4 Sd6 17. Scl! ^c6 [17... Sc6 18. Scdl ^g6 19. Ae2±[ 18. Ab6 We5 160
19. Se2 [19. Ааб!! Ьаб (19... Sd2 20. АЬ7 ФЬ7 21. Ad4+-) 20. Wc4 фЬ7 (20... Sd2 21. Wc6 ФЬ8 22. £)Ь5+-) 21. f4!! Wf6 22. Sd6 Ad6 23. £jb5+-l Wf4 20. АеЗ We5 21. &a4!+- b5 22. Ac5 [22. f4! bc4 (22... We4 23. £)c5+-; 22... Wf6 23. Ab5 ab5 24. Wb5+-) 23. fe5 cb3 24. ed6+-[ bc4 [22... ®f4 23. Seel! £>a5 24. Аеб Se6 25. АеЗ Wd8 (25... Ф07 26. Wd5+-) 26. Wd5+-1 23. Wf3! Wc5 [23... Wd5 24. W ФЬ7 25. Aid5 Sd5 26. Af8+-1 24. ®c5 Sd5 25. Aia4 Aid4 26. Sc4 ФЬ8 27. fid4 ud4 28. Wb3 Ab4 [28... фа8 29. Wc3!+~; 28... Sb4 29. Wg3 Фа8 (29... ФЬ7 30. Sd24—) 30. Wc7+-1 29. a3 Shd8 30. £>c3 Ac2 31. Wc2 Ac3 32. Wc3! 1:0 A. Volokitin 43. В 12 R.-A. DRAGOMIRESCU 2353 - T.-M. GEORGESCU 2391 Romania 2011 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Af5 4. £)f3 еб 5. Ae2 c5 6. АеЗ cd4 7. Aid4 <£le7 8. Aid2 Abc6 9. &2B Ag4 10. 0-0 A13 11. £)f3 ^15 12. Af4 Ae7 13. Ad3 ®h4 14. Ah4 15. ®g4g6 16. c4 [16. Ah6!? a) 16... ^e5!? al) 17. Ab5 Aic6 all) 18. ®a4 f5! 19. c4 (19. Ac6 bc6 20. Wc6 ФП 21. Sael Se8 22. Se3 Wc8=) d4 20. Sfel (20. Ag7 Sg8 21. Ac6 bc6 22. Wc6 ФП 23. Ae5 Af6 24. Af6 <£f6 25. Sfel We7 A Sgd8=) ФП 21. c5 Se8 22. Sadi Af6 23. Se2 (23. Ac4 £se5 24. Ab3 Wd7) Se7 (23... g5 24. f4 g4 25. h3 gh3 26. Wb3! h2 27. ФИ2 &g6 28. Wh3 Ah4 29. g4!T) 24. Sdel (24. >3 2>a5) d3 25. Sd2 £se5 26. Sedl Wc7=; al2) 18. c4!? f5! 19. Wf4 Af6 (19... ФП 20. cd5±) 20. Sfel (20. cd5 Wd5 21. Ac4 Wd4 22. Аеб Wf4 23. Af4 g5 24. Ad2 £jd4 25. Ac4 0-0-0=) ФП al21) 21. cd5 ed5 22. Sadi Se8 23. Se8 We8 24. Sd5 Sd8 25. Sd8 Wei 26. Afl Ad8 27. g4 (27. Wc4 ф₽6 28. АеЗ Ab6!) Wdl! 28. gf5 ^d4 29. Фg2 £)f5 30. Ac4 Фе8 31. We5 Ae7 32. Wb8 Wd8=; al22) 21. Se6!? £>d4! 22. cd5 £jb5 23. Sael Sc8! (23... g5 24. Wf5 £)d4 25. We4 Sc8 26. h4M 24. d6 (24. Wb4 Wd7 25. a4 She8 26. Se8 Se8 27. Se8 We8 28. ab5 Ab2 29. АеЗ Ae5!= A 30. Aa7 Ad6 31. Wbl We5) ^d6! 25. Sd6 Se8 26. Se8 (26. Sedl Wd6 27. Wd6 Sed8 28. Wd7 Sd7 29. Sd7 Феб 30. Sb7 Sc2^) We8 27. Wb4 b5 28. Wb3 Sc4 29. Wdl We4!±? A 30. АеЗ f4 31. Sd7 Ф18!оо 32. Aa7? Wc6+; a2) 17. Wa4 Aic6 18. Aa6!? (18. Ab5 - 17. Ab5) We7 (18... Wa5 19. Wh4 Wa6 20. Sfel Sg8 21. Ag5 h5 22. Wf4t) 19. Wb5 (19. Ab5 f5 20. c4 d4oo) Wd7 20. Ab7 Sb8 21. Wc6 Sb7 22. Wc3 d4 23. Wh3!? (23. Wf3 f5! А ФП) Af6 24. Wf3 Фе7 (24... Ae5 25. Sfel f6 26. Sadl± A c3) 25. c4!? dc3 (25... g5 26. Wg3 Sg8 27. h4±) 26. Sadi Wb5 27. Af4!? (27. a4 Wb3 28. ЬсЗ Sc8 29. Wf4 Wb6 30. c4 Wc6=) Sd8 28. Sd8 Ф08 29. ЬсЗ Sd7 30. Wa8 Фе7 31. Ah6t; b) 16... Ae7 bl) 17. Sfel Af8! 18. Af8 Ф18 19. h4!? (19. c4 dc4 A Фg7=; 19. Sadi Фg7 20. c4 Se8 21. Wf4 Wa5=) h5 20. Wf4 (20. Wg3 Фg7 A 21. Se3 £jb4=) Sg8!? (20... Фg7 21. Se3!± A Sg3) 21. c4 g5±?; b2) 17. Ab5 Af8! (17... Wb6 18. c41; 17... Wc7 18. c4! A 18... We5?! 19. Sfel Wb2 20. Ac6 bc6 21. cd5 Wb4 22. Wh3!±) 18. Ac6 (18. Wf4 - 17. Wf4!?) bc6 19. Wf4 We7! 20. Ag5 (20. c4 Ah6 21. Wh6 Wf8 22. Wd2 We7=) Wb4 21. Wf6 Sg8 22. c3 (22. Wf3 h6 23. c3!? Wb2 24. Sabi Wc2 25. Af6^) Wg4!= A Wf5; ЬЗ) 17. Wf4!? b31) 17... g5 18. Wd2 Sg8 19. f4+; b32) 17... Wb6 18. Sfel! Wb4(18... Af8 19. Wf6Sg8 20. Af8 ФЯ8 21. c4+) 19. c4 dc4 20. Ae4! (20. Ac4 g5! 21. We4 0-0-0±>) Sd8 (20... Af8 21. Af8 ФГ8 22. Sadl±) 21. Sedl! Wb6 (21... ^d4 22. Ab7! £}e2 23. ФЛ±) 22. Ac6 Wc6 23. Sd8 Ad8 24. Sdl Sg8 25. h4^; b33) 17... Af8 18. Ab5 (18. Sfel Ah6 19. Wh6 Wc7 A 0-0-0) b331) 18... We7 19. c4 Ah6 20. Wh6 Wf8 21. We3! (21. Wf4 Wb4! 22. a3 Wb3) dc4 22. a3!? We7 23. 161
Hacl Hc8 24. Hc4 0-0 25. Hfcl±; b332) 18... «Ь6 b3321) 19. Деб Ьсб (19... Wc6 20. Wf6 Hg8 21. Af8 Ф18 22. c4! dc4 23. Hfdl?) 20. ЬЗ Wb4 21. Wf6 (21. c4 ДЬ6 22. Wh6 Wf8 23. We3 We7 A 0-0) Hg8 22. Д18 <£>f8 23. c4 We7 24. cd5 Wf6 25. ef6 cd5 26. Hacl g5!=; b3322) 19. a4 ДЬ6 (19... аб 20. Деб Wc6 21. Д18 <£>f8 22. НаЗ!±) Ь33221) 20. Wh6 0-0-0 Ь332211) 21. Wf4 Hhf8 22. Hfdl ФЬ8 23. НаЗ (23. сЗ £}e7) Ш5^; Ь332212) 21. Wg7 Hdf8 22. сЗ (22. Hfdl £id4!; 22. c4 dc4 23. Hacl ФЬ8=) £>e7 23. Wf6 Wd8 24. Wf4 Wc7= 25. c4 ФЬ8; b33222) 20. Деб!? b332221) 20... Ьсб 21. Wh6 Wb2 (21... 0-0-0 22. Wf4 A b4) 22. Wg7 Hf8 23. Hfbl Wc2 24. НЬ7Т; ЬЗ32222) 20... Wc6 21. Wh6 A 21... Wc2 22. Wg7 Hf8 23. Hfcl Wb2 24. Habl Wa3 25. Wf6^1 h5 17. Wf3 dc4 18. Дс4 Дg5 N [18... 0-0 - 105/(34)1 19. Hfdl [19. Hadi!? We7 20. ДЬ5 0-0 a) 21. Деб Ьсб 22. Hd6 Hab8 al) 23. Дg5 Wg5 24. Wc3 (24. We2 Wg4! 25. f3 Wb4 26. ЬЗ a5! 27. Неб а45б) Wf4! (24... Hb5 25. f4) 25. ЬЗ (25. Неб Wa4! 26. аЗ Hb2=) НЬ5 26. Hel Hd5! 27. g3 (27. Неб Hd2=) Wf5 28. Неб Hfd8 29. Hc8 Hc8 30. Wc8 <4>g7 31. Wc3 (31. Wa6 h4 32. Wa7 h3 33. We3 Wc2=) h4 32. gh4 Hd3 33. Wb4 a5 34. We4 Hdl !=; a2) 23. ЬЗ a21) 23... Hb4 24. ДеЗ! a211) 24... Hb5 25. Wc6 He5 26. Hd7! We8 (26... Wb4 27. Да7 Ha5 28. Hb7 Wa3 29. Дd4±) 27. Wb7 ДеЗ 28. fe3 НеЗ 29. He7±; a212) cs 24... ДеЗ 25. We3 Wc7 26. Hel Wa5 27. Hc2 Hb5 28. f4±; a22) 23... Д£4! 24. Wf4 Wc7 25. Wd2 (25. Hel Wa5=) Hb5 26. Hel He5 27. Нссб Wa5=; b) 21. Hd6! Af4 22. Wf4 ®c7 23. a3! (23. a4 Wa5 24. Hfdl Wb4!) Wa5 (23... Wb6 24. Деб Ьсб 25. b4 a5 26. Hcl±) 24. Деб Ьсб 25. Hc6 (25. We3 c5) Hab8 26. Hc2 Hb5 27. He2! (27. Hfcl He5 28. b4 Hf5=) Hd5 (27... Hc8 28. Hdl Hd5 29. Hd5 Wd5 30. We3 Wdl 31. Hel 8c2 32. Ь4±) 28. Hel Wb5 29. We3 Hfd8 30. ЬЗ Hd3 31. Wg5 Hdl 32. Hel±[ We7 20. ДЬ5 0-0 [20... Hc8 21. Hd6 Д£4 22. Wf4 0-0 23. Hadi Wc7 24. Деб Ьсб 25. Wd2+[ 21. Деб [21. Hd6 Д£4 22. Wf4 Wc7 23. a4 (23. a3 Wb6!-. A 24. Деб Wb2=; 23. We4 Hab8! A 24. a3 Wa5 25. Деб Ьсб 26. Ь4 Wa4=) Hab8! (23... Wa5 24. Деб Ьсб 25. Ь4 A Нс1±) 24. Hel (24. Ь4 а5! 25. Ьа5 Wa5 А 26. Hel Wb4 27. We3 £>е7=) Ш5 25. ЬЗ Wb4! 26. We3 £}е7 27. Hd4 (27. Wa7 Wb3 28. Hd7 Wb2! 29. Hel Wc3 30. We3 <2}d5=) Wa3 28. Wd2 Hbc8 (28... Wb3?? 29. Hd3+-) 29. НЫ аб=1 Ьсб 22. Hd6 Hab8 23. ЬЗ [23. Дg5 Wg5 24. Wc3 Hb5 25. Hel Hd8! 26. f4 (26. Hc6 Wd2ff; 26. Hd8 Wd8 27. g3 Wa5=) We7 27. Hc6 Wb4!=] Hb4 [^ 23... ДГ4 24. Wf4 Wc7 25. h3 Wa5 26. We3 (26. Hc6 Hb3=) Hb5 27. f4 Hfb8!=] 24. Ag5 [24. Дс1 НЬ5 25. Wg3 (25. ДЬ2 Hd5 26. Неб Hfd8 27. ЬЗ Hd3 28. We4 Wb75S) ДЬ4! 26. We3 (26. Wf4 Hd8! 27. ДаЗ Wg5=) Wc7! (26... Hd8 27. ДаЗ Wg5 28. f4±) 27. ДЬ2 (27. a4 Hd5 28. ДаЗ Де7=) Дg5! 28. f4 Де7±5; 24. ДеЗ!? НЬ5 25. Wc6 Не5 26. Д44! (26. Hd7 We8! 27. Дg5 Hd5 28. He 7 Wc6 29. Hc6 Hg5 30. Наб Ha8 31. Hel Hd5 32. g3 Hd7=) He2 (26... Hd5 27. Hd5 ed5 28. h3±) 27. Hd7 We8 (27... Wb4 28. g3±) 28. Wb5! (28. Wd6 Wc8 29. Ha7 Hd8^; 28. Wc7 Wa8 29. Wa7 We4?6) аб (28... ДЬб 29. Hdl Ha2 30. We5 f6 31. Wc7 Hf7 32. ДЬ6!±) 29. Wg5 Wd7 30. Wf6 e5 31. Де5 He5 32. We5 Wd2 33. Wel±[ Wg5 25. Hel c5 26. Wc6 [26. Hd7 a5 27. Wc3 Hd4 28. Hd4 cd4 29. Wd4 Hd8 30. Wc3 Wd2=| Hd4 27. Wc5 Hd6 28. Wd6 [W 9/e[ Hd855 29. Wa6 Wd2 30. НП Hd7 31. h3 <4>g7 32. Wa4 a5 33. Wh4 *g8 34. Wf6 Hd4 35. g3 h4!? [35... Hd3 36. &g2 He3=[ 36. g4 [36. gh4 Hf4 37. Wg5 Wd4!5§ Д 38. <i>g2 Wd5 39. f3 Hf5=[ g5 [36... Hf4!? 37. Wh4 (37. Wg5 Hf2+) Hf35o 38. g5 (38. &g2 Wd5 39. &gl Wd2=) Hc3 39. Hal (39. Wg4 Wa2T; 39. &g2 Wd5) Hf3 40. Hfl Hc3=l 162
44.* В 12 37. аЗ?!© [37. <4>g2 Hd3=[ Ш4?!© [37... Sd3! 38. <£g2 Hg3 39. ф>Ь2 Hb3+1 38. Wf4 Sf4 [H 6/e; о 38... gf4 39. Hbl Hd3=l 39. Sei Hd4 40. НеЗ Hdl 41. <£g2 &g7 42. Ф13 Sd2 [42... Hal 43. a4 <£g6 44. Фе4 Hfl 45. Sf3 (45.13 Hf2 46. Ф44 Hh2=) Hdl 46. Hd3 Sfl 47. ФВ Hel 48. НеЗ Hel 49. Фе4 Hfl=l 43. Hc3 &g6 44. ФеЗ Hd5I? [44... Ha2 45. a4 Sal 46. <£d4 Hel 47. He3 He 1=1 45. f4 Hdl 46. Фе4 gf4 47. ФГ4 Hgl 48. Фе4 фё5 49. SO Hel 50. ф(13 He5 [^ 50... Hal 51. a4 Sgl 52. Фе2 *g6=] 51. Hf7 Hel 52. Hf3 Sal 53. a4 Hgl 54. Фе4 Hg2 55. He3 Hgl 56. Ф13 Hbl [56... <£f6 57. Фе4 e5=l 57. Se5 [57. Фе4 Hgl 58. Hf3 Hg2 59. <£d4 Sg3=l ®f6 58. НеЗ Ф-gS 59. He5 ФТ6 60. Sb5 Hgl!? [^ 60... e5=[ 61. Ha5 [61. g5 Sg5! 62. Hg5 *g5 63. Фе4 *g6! (63... ФГ6? 64. &f4! e5 65. <^g4 &g6 66. ФИ4 <£f5 67. &g3 Фе4 68. ФС+—) 64. Фе5 фё5=[ Hg3 62. ФГ4 Hb3 63. g5 ®g6 64. He5 Hh3 65. Неб [S 5/i[ ФП 66. Наб [66. НеЗ Hhl 67. <^g4 Sal 68. He4 h3! 69. ФЬЗ фё6 70. Hg4 (70. &g4 Hgl 71. ФГ4 Hg5 72. He5 Hgl=) Hfl 71. &g3 Ф115 72. <£g2 Hbl (72... Hal? 73. g6! &g4 74. g7+—) 73. Hg3 <£g6 74. ФС Hb4 75. Ha3 <£g5=] Ha3 [66... Hg3 67. a5 &g7 68. Ha8 Hgl=l 67. Ф15 [67. g6 *g7 68. Фё5 h3 69. Ha7 &g8 70. фЬ6 Н13П 71. Ha8 Hf8 72. Ha5 h2 73. Hh5 Hf2 74. a5 Ha2=[ h3 68. Sa7 Ф18 69. ФГ6 [69. <^g6 НеЗ! (69... h2? 70. Sa8 фе7 71. Hh8 Ha2 72. a5O+-) 70. Ha8 Se8 71. Ha7 He7=[ Hf3 70. <£g6 НеЗ [70... h2!? 71. Ha8 Фе7 72. Hh8 Hf2 73. a5 Ha2O 74. Hh3 Ф18!=[ 71. Hh7 Неб 72. Ф15 Ha6= 73. Hh3 Ha4 [H 3/b[ 74. <^g6 ®g8 75. Hf3 Sa8 76. Hf6 Hb8 77. Наб Hc8 78. ФИ6 Hb8 79. g6 Hc8 80. Ha7 Hb8 81. Hc7 1/2 : 1/2 И Stoica A. VOLOKITIN 2695 - BA. JOBAVA 2704 Osterreich 2012 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Af5 4.£f3 еб 5. Ae2 c5 6. АеЗ cd4 7. £d4 £e7 8. £d2 £bc6 9. £1213 Ae4 10. 0-0 Wd7!? N [10... Af3 - 112/79, 80, 811 11. c4 [RR 11. Hel Hd8 12. c3 Af3 13. £f3 £g6 14. Wb3 £ge5 15. £e5 £e5 16. jla7± Bologan 2680 — Krush 2467, Gibraltar 2012] Hd8 12. £ib5! £15 [12... £g6 13. cd5 Ad5 14. £a7+; 12... £c8 13. £ig5±l 13. cd5 £e3? [13... Ad5! 14. Aa7 Af3 15. gf3! (15. Af3 £a7 16. Wd7 Hd7 17. £a7 Ac5 18. £Ь5 Фе7 19. Hacl Ab6 20. ЬЗ Hhd8 21. a4 £d4 22. £d4 Ad4 23. Hfel Aa7±) We7 16. Wcl g6 17. Ab6 Hc8 18. Hdl Ah6 19. £>d6 £d6 20. Wh6 £f5 21. Wf4 0-0 22. ®e4+l 14. dc6? [14. fe3! Ad5 15. Wc2!! (15. £g5 £e5! 16. ®d4! Ad6 17. Hadi! Ab8 18. £f7! £f7 19. Wg7 Ae5 20. £d6! Ad6 21. Ab5 Hf8 22. Ad7 Hd7+) a) 15... a6 16. £g5 £e5 17. £c7 фе7 18. e4^; b) 15... Af3 16. Hadi!? Ae2 (16... Ad5? 17. Hd5 ed5 18. e6+-) 17. Hd7 Hd7 18. ®e2±; c) 15... Ae7 16. e4! £b4 17. Wa4 Ae4 (17... Ac6 18. Hadi Wc8 19. Wa7 0-0 20. Hcl±) 18. £g5! Ac6 19. £f7 Wd2 20. Af3 0-0 21. £d8 Af3 22. gf3±[ Wdl 15. Hfdl £dl [15... Hdl? 16. Adl+1 16. c7D £b2 [16... Hc8! 17. Hdl Ad5 18. £d6 Ad6 19. ed6 <£d7 20. £e5 <£d6 21. £>f7 фс7 22. £h8 Hh8=[ 17. £g5 [17. £a7 Af3 18. gf3 A.c5 19. Hel £a4 20. Ab5 Фе7 21. cd8W Hd8 22. A.a4 Aa7 23. Hc7 &f8 24. Hb7 Ac5=; 17. cd8W &d8 163
18. а4 Фс8! 19. ^g5 (19. ^а7 ФЬ8 20. <ЙЬ5 Ad5=) Ag6 20. Sa2 аб! 21. ^d6 Ad6 22. ed6 f6 23. d7 (23. £>e6 He8=) Ф47 24. Hb2 fg5 25. 1Ь7 фсб 26. Да7 Sb8=[ Ag6 18. <йа7 [18. Hel аб 19. ^d6 Ad6 20. c8W Ae5! (20... Дс8 21. Hc8 <4>d7 22. Sh8 Ae5 23. W7±) 21. Wb7 0-0 22. 2>f3 Af6 23. Ааб h6M Ас5П= 19. Scl £sa4D 20. cd8W Ad8 21. £>b5 b6 22. h4 h6 23. h5! Ah5 24. Аеб fe6 25. Ah5 Фе7 26. Ic4 Ab2 27. Hf4 Hf8D 28. Hf8 ФГ8 [AA 9/c] 29. Ae2 фе7 30. g3 g5 31. <£>g2 h5!? [31... Aa4 32. f4 Ab4=[ 32. Ac3 h4?? [32... Ad4 33. Ae4 g4 34. £>f6 Ae5 35. Ah5 Aa4 36. Ag4 Ac3 37. a3 ФП=1 33. Ae4!± hg3 [33... Ad4 34. Ag5 hg3 35. f4±] 34. fg3??© [34. Ac5! bc5 35. fg3 a) 35... Aa4 36. ФВ Ac3 (36... Ab6 37. Ab5+~) 37. Ac4+—; b) 35... <^>d7 36. Ф13 фсб 37. фе4+—; с) 35... c4 36. ФС сЗ 37. ФеЗ Фd7 38. Ad3 фсб 39. Фd4 Adi 40. Ac2 Af2 41. ФеЗ Фd5 42. ФЬ4! Ag4Q 43. Ab3 фсб 44. Аеб Ae5 45. Фс3+-[ Ad4 35. Ag5 Ae5 36. Ag4 Aa4 37. Аеб ФГ6 38. АЬЗ ф85 39. Aa4 Ad4 40. Ф13 1/2 : 1/2 A. Volokitin 45. В 19 KAMSKY 2741 - SEIRAWAN 2643 USA (ch) 2012 1. e4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. Ac3 de4 4. Ae4 Af5 5. Ag3 Ag6 6. h4 h6 7.Af3 Ad7 8. h5 Ah7 9. Ad3 Ad3 10. Wd3 еб 11. Ad2 Agf6 12. 0-0-0 Ae7 13. Ae4 Ae4 14. We4 Af6 15. Wd3 0-0 16. ФЫ c5 17. g4 Ag4 18. We2 [18. Shgl - 104/281 ФЬ8 N [18... cd4; 18... Wd5; 18... Wb6| 19. Hhgl Af6 20. dc5 Wc7 21. Ae5 Ac5? [21... Sad8[ 22. Ah6!+- gh6 [22... Hg8 23. Af4] 23. Hd7!! Wd7 [23... Ad7 24. Wd2 фЬ7 25. Ag4| 24. Ad7 Ad7 [24... Hg8 25. Hdl (25. Hg8 Hg8 26. b4 Ad4 27. Wdl Af2 28. Wd2 Hgl 29. ФЬ2) Ad7 26. Hd7 Hgl 27. Hdl A 27... Sdl 28. Wdl Af2 29. Wd2[ 25. Wd2 ФЬ7 26. b4 [26. Wd7 Af2 27. Wd3 (27. Hfl) ФИ8 28. Wc3 e5 29. Sfl Ad4 30. Wd2 фё7 31. сЗ Ab6 32. Wg2[ Had8 27. bc5 Af6 [27... Ac5 28. Wf4 Hd5 29. Wf6 Sg5 30. Ig5 hg5 31. h6 Sg8 32. Wf7 фЬ8 33. Wf6 ФИ7 34. We7 ФИ6 35. Wc5[ 28. Wf4 &e8 29. We4 ФЬ8 30. Wb7 £jg7 31. Wa7 Sc8 32. Hdl ^jf5 33. Id7 Фg7 34. a4 Ф16 35. a5 1:0 Sa. Velickovic 46.*** В 22 M. PAP 2501 - L. GUTMAN 2452 Bad Worishofen 2012 1. e4 c5 2. c3 2»f6 12... d5 3. ed5 Wd5 4. d4 ^3f6 5. ^if3 Ag4 6. Wa4 Ad7 7. Wc4 (7. Wb3 - 85/(102)) cd4 8. Wd5 (8. cd4) £id5 9. ^jd4 £)c6 10. £ib3 N (10. ^c6 Ac6 11. £}a3 0-0-0 12. Ae2 e5 13. £>c4 f6=) еб (10... e5!? 11. g3 0-0-0 12. Ag2 Аеб 13. £>ld2 f6) 11. Ae2 Ae7 12. 0-0 0-0 13. Af3 (13. c4!? A ^jc3) ^je5 (13... Ifd8!?) 14. Ad5 ed5 15. Sdl Sfd8 a) 16. Id5 Аеб (16... Aa4!?) 17. Id8 Hd8 18.aid2^d3^; b) 16. £>ld2 Aa4 (16... Hac8!?) 17. £>fl £>c6 18. АеЗ Af6 19. £>fd2 (19. Ad4?! £jd4 20. cd4 Hac85 Hrzic 2290 — Sr. Cvetkovic 2394, Srbija 2012) bl) 19... d4 20. cd4 Ad4 (20... £)d4 21. ^je4) 21. Ad4 £)d4=; b2) 19... b5 20. £jf3 b4 21. Hdcl ЬсЗ 22. ЬсЗ £>e5 23. £}e5 164
Же5 24. £с5 ЖЬ5 25. ^d4 Жс7оос₽ Sr. Cvetkovicl 3. е5 £d5 4. d4 cd4 5. £f3 [5. cd4 d6 6. £f3 £c6 (6... de5 7. £e5 £c6 8. Жс4 еб 9. 0-0 Же7 10. £c6 Ьсб 11. £c3oo) 7. Жс4 a) 1... £b6 8. ЖЬ5 d5 9. £c3 Jlg4 (9... £f5 10. £h4 Ж47 11. 0-0 еб 12. £13 Же7оо) 10. h3 Жй 11. ШЗ еб 12. ЖеЗ Hc8 13. 0-0+ аб 14. Жсб Hc6 al) 15. Hfcl?! N £c4 all) 16. ЬЗ? £e3 17. We3 ЖаЗ+ 18. Scb 1 □ (18. Hc2? ®c7-+ Schartz 2147- M. Pap 2501, Lille 2012) Wa5 19. £e2 0-0+; al2) 16. £e2 Wd7 17. Wg3 (17. ЬЗ £e3 18. Hc6 Wc6 19. We3 ЖаЗ) £Ь2Т; a2) 15. Hacl±; b) 7... de5 8. de5 £db4 9. ®d8 £d8 10. £a3 bl) 10... ^.g4 ll.£d4a6N(ll... еб) 12. ЬЗ ld7 13. 0-0 еб 14. Hdl £dc6 15. £c6 (15. £f3?! Жс5 16. Af4 b5 17. ЖЬЗ £a5 18. Sael £b3 19. ab3 Sc8+ A. Skripchenko 2468 — Ziaziulkina 2343, Gaziantep 2012) Жсб 16. ЖеЗ=; b2) 10... аб 11. 0-0 £dc6 12. &d2 еб 13. Hfcl Ad7 14. £c2 £c2 15. Sc2 ЖЬ4 16. ЖеЗ Hc8 17. аЗ Же7оо] £сб 6. Жс4 £Ь6 7. ЖЬЗ d5 8. ed6 ®d6 9.0-0 ЖГ5 19... Жеб] 10. £d4! [10. cd4 ЖЫ 11. Hbl еб] £d4 11. cd4 ЖЫ?! [11... еб 12. £сЗ (12. ДО) Же7оо[ 12. Hbl еб 13. Wg4!? [13. ШЗ Же7 (13... Wc6 14. Wg4 h5 15. ®g5±; 13... Wd7 14. ЖГ4 Жd6 15. Жd6 ®d6 16. W 0-0 17. Hfdl Hfd8 18. Hd3 - 32/207; 18. Hbcl±) 14. Wb7 0-0 15. ®e4 Hfd8 16. ЖеЗ £d5+[ h5 14. We4 Же7 N [14... ®c6 15. d5 £d5 16. Жg5 Же7 17. Же7 (17. Hbcl £сЗ) фе7 (17... £e7 18. Жа4 Ь5 19. ЖЬ5 W>5 20. Wa8) 18. Hbcl ®d6 19. Жd5 Wd5 20. fb4 &f6 21. Hc5±; 14... Wd7 a) 15. d5 £d5 16. Hdl Же7 17. Жd5 Hd8 18. Жg5 Ag5 (18... ed5 19. Hd5) 19. ЖЬЗ ®c8 20. Ia4<£f8; b) 15. Ж14! Же7 16. Hfcl Af6 17. Же5 Же5 18. We5±| 15. Wb7 0-0 16. ®e4± Hfd8 17. Hdl [17. ЖеЗ] £d5 18. We5! g6 19. Жd5 ®d5 20. ЖЬб 20... f6?! [20... Жf8 21. ЖГ8 Ф18 22. Hbcl We5 23. de5 Hdl 24. Hdl Hc8 25. h4! (25. g3) Hc2 26. Hd8 Фе 7 27. Ha8 Hb2 28. Ha7 Фе8 29. a4±; 20... ®e5 21. de5 g5 22. h4 gh4 a) 23. ЖеЗ <^>g7 24. Hdcl Hd7 25. Hc4 Hb8 26. ЬЗ Hb5 27. Hbcl Hbd5 28. Hc7 &g6 29. ФА (29. Жа7 ЖаЗ) a5 30. Hd7 Hd7 31. Hc4 Hd5 32. Жd4 Жg5 33. Фе2 (33. Ha4) Ж£4=; b) 23. ФП ФИ7 24. ЖеЗ *g6 25. Hd8 Жd8 26. Hdl ЖЬ6=; c) 23. Hbcl ФИ7 24. ЖеЗ &g6 25. ФА ФЕ5 26. Фе2 фе5 27. Hd8 Жd8 28. Hc5 <£>d6 29. Hh5+[ 21. Wd5 [21. We2 фЬ7 (21... Wa2 22. d5 e5 23. Wc2 ФИ7 24. Hal Hdc8 25. Wc8 8al 26. Hal Hc8 27. ЖеЗ &g8 28. Ha7 Жс5 29. Hb7+) 22. Ж14 Wa2 23. Hbcl ®d5oo[ Hd5 22. ЖеЗ± Ha5 [22... f5 23. ФА Af6 24. Hbcl Had8 25. Фе2 Жd4 26. Hd4 Hd4 27. Жd4 Hd4 28. Hc8 ФП 29. Hc7 <£>f6 30. Ha7±[ 23. Hal Hb8 24. Hd2 Hab5 25. ЬЗ Hc8 [25... a5[ 26. d5! ЖЬ4 [26... Hd5 27. Hd5 ed5 28. Жа7 ЖаЗ 29. Hdl Hc2 30. g3 Ha2 31. Hd5 Hb2 32. Hd3±[ 27. He2 Hd5 28. Жа7 e5 29. g3! ЖаЗ 30. ЖеЗ Ф17 31. Hbl ЖЬ4 32. <^>g2!? [32. Hbb2 Hdl 33. ±>g2 Hcd8 34. Hbc2 Hbl+; 32. h4 Xg5[ g5 33. Hel Hel 34. Жс1 Hdl 35. Hc2! Феб 36. аЗ Жd6 37. a4! Hd3 38. a5 Hb3 39. аб НЬ8П 40. a7 Ha8 41. ЖеЗ± <£d7 [41... *d5[ 42. h3 [42. ЖЬб g4 43. <£>fl f5 44. фе2 Феб 45. Фd3 Фd5 46. Hc4 e4 47. ФеЗ h4 48. ЖеЗ+-1 g4I? [42... f5 43. f3 f4 44. gf4 ef4 45. Agl±] 43. h4! f5 44. Hc4?! [44. f4! ef4 (44... gf3 45. фй±) 45. gf4±[ Феб? [44... f4 165
a) 45. gf4? ef4^ 46. Af4 (46. ДЬб ffe) Ha7 47. Hd4 Наб 48. <£>g3+- Ha3 49. <4>g2 Наб 50. Hd5 Феб 51. Hg5 Де7 52. Hh5 Ha4 53. ^g3 ФГ6 54. Hh6 ФГ5 55. Hb6+; b) 45. ДЬб! f3 (45... Феб 46. gf4 ef4 47. f3±) 46. ФА Феб 47. ДеЗ±1 45. Нсб Ф45 [45... f4 46. gf4 Фd5 (46... ef4 47. ДГ44~) 47. Наб ef4 48. Hd6 Фd6 49. ДГ4 Феб (49... Фd5 50. ДЬ8 Фе4 51. f3 gf3 52. ф!2 фГ5 53. ФО+-) 50. ДЬ8 Фd7 51. Фg34—1 46. На6± Дс7 47. 13! [47. Hh6? f4 48. gf4 ef4 49. Hh5 Фе4 50. Дс5 D 51. ФА Hd8 52. ДЬ4 (52. фе1 Да5 53. ФА Hdl#) На8 53. Дс5 Hd8=[ f4 48. gf4 ef4 49. Д§1+- Де5 50. Hh6 Нс8 51. Наб [51. Hh5 Нс2 52. ДА На2 53. Hg5+-1 На8 52. Д12 ДеЗ 53. Hh6 Де5 54. Hh5 g!3 55. Ф13 Нс8 56. Hg5!+- 1:0 М. Рар В 30 V. ANAND 2799 - В. GELFAND 2739 Moscow (т/14-rapid) 2012 1. е4 с5 2. 2>13 2>с6 3. ДЬ5 еб 4. Деб Ьсб 5. ЬЗ е5 [5... 2se7 6. ДЬ2 2sg6 7. 0-0 f6 8. d4 cd4 9. 2>d4 Де7 (9... Дс5 - 23/(342)) 10. c4 ДЬ7К(10...0-0) П.^сЗ с5 12. 2>de2 0-0 13. ®d2 f5 a) 14. 13?! (Guin. Mammadova 2324 — Ushenina 2458, Gaziantep 2012) fe4 15. fe4 HA 16. Hfl ДсбТ Xe4; b) 14. Hadi Деб 15. ef5 Hf5 16. <21g3 Hf7 17. f3 2if4 18. £ice2=l 6. 2>e5 We7 7. d4! N d6 8. 2c6 We4 9. 8e2 We2 10. фе2 ДЬ7 11. 21a5! Дg2 12. Hgl ДЬЗ [12... Де4 13. ДеЗ Дс2 (13... cd4 14. Дd4 2>е7 15. 2>сЗ) 14. dc5 dc5 15. 2>a3tl 13. dc5 dc5 14. 2>c3 0-0-0 15. Д14 [15. ДеЗ!? 2e7 16. Hadll Дd6?! [15... 2)f6 16. Hadi He8 17. ДеЗ Неб 18. £ic4 ДГ5+1 16. Дd6 Hd6 17. Hg5! [17. Hg7 2>h6 18. Hg3 He8 19. НеЗ НеЗ 20. ФеЗ 2)f5 21. ФГ4 2}d4oo[ 2>f6 18. Hc5 ФЬ8 19. 2c4 [^ 19. 2)b5!±l He8 20. 2>e3 [^ 20. ФА+1 2>g4 21. 2cd5 2>e3 22. 2>e3 Дg4 23.13 23... Дс8!! 24. Hel Hh6 25. Hhl Hhe6 [25... Hd6 26. Hel Hh6=[ 26. Hc3 f5 27. Ф42 f4 28. 2>d5 g5 29. Hd3 He2 30. Фс1 H12 31. h4 Hee2?! [31... g4!? 32. fg4 Дg4 33. 2f6 Hee2 34. 2g4 Hc2 35. фdl Hg2 36. Hd8 Фс7 37. Hd4 Ha2 38. Hc4 ФЬ8 39. 2>e5 Hgd2 40. Фс1 He2 41. 2>d7 фа8=; 31... ДЬ7!? 32. hg5 Нее2 33. ФЬ2 Нс2 34. фаЗ На2 35. ФЬ4 а5 36. ФЬ5 НО 37. Hf3 Дd5 38. g6 hg6 39. ФЬ6 Нс2 40. Hh8 Нс8 41. Нс8 Фс8 42. Hf4 ДЬЗ=[ 32. НеЗ ДЬ7 33. Hdl gh4 34. 2>f4 Не8 35. Hhl Нс8 36. Нс8 Дс8 37. Hh4 Д15 38. Hh5 Дс2 39. НЬ5 Фа8 40. 2>d5 аб 41. На5 фЬ7 42. 2>Ь4 Дg6 43. 2>а6 НО 44. £>с5 фЬ6 45. Ь4 Hf4 46. аЗ Hg4 47. Ф02 h5 48. £)d7 ФЬ7 49. ^е5 Hg2 50. ФсЗ Де8 [50... Ь4!? 51. £)g6 Hg6 52. Hh5 Hg3 53. ФЬ2 h3 54. a4] 51.21d3 h4 52. He5 Дg6 53. 2>f4 Hg3 54. фd4 Дс2 55. Hh5 Ha3 56. Hh4 Hg3 57. 2id5 Hg5 58. b5 Д15 59. Hh6 Дg4 60. Hf6 Hf5 61. НЬ6 Фа7 62. Hg6 Д13 63. Hg7 ФЬ8 64. 21сЗ! ДЬ7 [64... Де2 65. b6 Hf4 66. Фе5 Hb4=[ 65. Фс4 Д13 66. ФЬ4 Дd5 67. 2ia4 Н17 68. Hg5 Д13 69. 21с5 Фс7 70. Hg6 фd8 71. Фа5 Hf5?? [71... Не7[ 166
72. £>еб!+- Фс8 73. £)d4 118 74. AiO НО 75. ФЬ6 НЬЗ 76. Hg8 <£>d7 77. НЬ8 [77... ЙЫ 78. Фа7 Hal 79. ФЬ7 НЫ 80. Ь6] 1 :0 Sundararajan 48. IN 49 В 30 V. ANAND 2791 - В. GELFAND 2727 Moscow (т/10) 2012 1. е4 с5 2. ао £)с6 3. АЬ5 еб 4. Дсб Ьсб 5. ЬЗ е5! 6. £>е5 We7 7. Ab2 d6 8. £jc4 8... d5! N [8... We4 - 84/991 9. £je3 [9. £je5 f6 10. <5X6 (10. Wh5? g6 11. Aig6? We4-+) ®e4 11. <£>fl (11. We2? We2 12. Фе2 a5!+ X£c6)a,) 11... We6 12. Wh5(12.£ja5 Wa6 13. We2 Ае73б X£ia5) g6 13. We2 We2 14. Фе2 a5 15. £}e5!; 14... ФПЯ; b) 11... a5 12. £)c3 We6 13. Wh5 Ф47 14. Hel Wc6 15. 5X5 g6 16. Wf3 Ab7 17. c4rcl d4 10. 5X4 We4 11. We2 We2 12. фе2 Аеб 13. d3 £>f6 14. £sbd2 0-0-0 15. Hhel Ae7 16. Afl She8= 17. АаЗ Ad5 18. Ae4 £>b4 19. He2 Ac4 20. bc415 21. Ab4 [21. £>g3 g6 X£ig31 cb4 22. £sd2 Ad6 23. He8 He8 24. Ab3 c5 25. a3 [25... ЬаЗ 26. НаЗ ФЬ7 27. g3 ФЬ6=] 1/2 : 1/2 Br. Tadic В 30 V. ANAND 2799 - В. GELFAND 2739 Moscow (m/12) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. AO 5 кб 3. Ab5 еб 4. Аеб Ьсб 5. d3 £ie7 6. ЬЗ d6 N [6... £jg6[ 7. e5 £sg6 8. h4!? Ae5 9. Ae5 de5 10. Ad2 c4!? [10... Wd4 11. Hbl Ae7 12. £jc4 f6 13. Ab2 ®d5 14. Wh5 g6 15. ®g4 0-0^1 11. ^c4 Aa6 [11... Ab4 12. Ad2 Ad2 13. ®d2 0-0 (13... f6 14. Wb4 ®e7 15. Wd6 Wd6 16. £)d6+ A £>e4-c5, Xc6) 14. ®e3 f6=| 12. WO [12. h5!?[ 12... Wd5! [12... Wc7 13. 0-0 А <йе51 13. Wd5 [13. Wg3 Ac4 14. bc4 Wa5 15. Ad2 Ab4=[ cd5 14. £se5 f6 15. £iO e5 16. 0-0 167
ФП 17. с4 Ае7 18. АеЗ АЬ7 19. cd5 Ad5^ 20. Sfel а5 21. Ас5 Shd8 22. Ае7 1/2 : 1/2 Br. Tadic 50.* В 33 Р. НАВА 2502 - LU. VLASAK 2319 Cesko 2012 1. е4 с5 2. £1В £с6 3. d4 cd4 4. £d4 £f6 5. £ic3 e5 6. £idb5 d6 7. Ag5 a6 8. £a3 b5 9. £>d5 Ae7 10. Af6 Af6 11. c4 £>d4 [11... b4 12. £>c2 0-0 13. g3 a5 14. Ag2 Ag5 15. 0-0 Ae6 (15... £e7 - 111/(69)) 16. Wd3 Ad5 17. cd5 (17. ed5 £d4 18. £d4 ed4 19. Wd4 Af6 20. Wd2 a4=) £b8 18. a3 N (18. h4) £>a6 19. ab4 £b4 20. £b4 ab4 21. h4 Ah6 22. Ah3 Wb6 23. Ad7 ЬЗ 24. Ac6 Sa2 25. Sa2 ba2 26. Wa3 Sb8 27. Wa2 1/2 : 1/2 V. Anand 2799 - B. Gelfand 2739, Mos- cow (m/5) 2012] 12. cb5 0-0 [12... Ae6 - 104/(195)1 13. Ьаб Ag5 14. h4! [14. £c2 Ag4S] Ah6 15. £c2 Ae6 N [15... Ag4[ 16. £d4 Ad5 17. Ad3! [17. ed5 Wa5 18.фе2 ed4 19.®d4 g635[ Ae6 [17... ed4[ 18. £e6 Wa5 [18... fe6 19. b4! Wb6 (19... d5 20. We2+-) 20. 0-0 Wb4 21. ®b3 Wb3 22. ab3 Ad2 23. Sa4 Sfb8 24. Sdl Ab4 25. Ac4 ФП 26. Sb4! Sb4 27. Sd6+-1 19. ФП fe6 [А АеЗ] 20. Sh3! d5 [20... Sa7 21. SB SB (21... Saf7 22. Ac4+-) 22. Wf3 Sf7 23. We2+-] 21. We2 Wb6 22. Sbl [22. <£gl!? de4 23. We4! Wf2 (23... Sf2 24. ФЫ+-) 24. ФЫ ®f5 (24... g6 25. h5+-) 25. Wa8 ®h3 26. gh3 Sa8 27. b4+-] Sf4 23. SB [23. b4! Saf8 24. SB SB 25. gB d4 (25... ®d8 26. ed5+-) 26. b5 8d8 27. b6 Wh4 28. фе1+-[ SB [23... Sh4 24. фё1 (XSh4) de4 25. Ae4 Wa6 (25... Sa6 26. Ш2+-) 26. ®c2 Sc8 27. Sc3+-| 24. gB! [24. ®B Sf8 25. We2 Ae3±d Af4 25. Wc2 de4 [25... d4 26. b4+-1 26. Ae4 [26. Ac4!? eB 27. b4 Wd8 28. We4+~] Wa6 27. Ad3 8a2 [27... Sc8!? 28. Aa6 (28. Wb3!?) Sc2 29. Ad3 Scl (29... Sd2 30. Ae4+-) 30. Фе2 Sbl 31. Ab 1 Ac 1 32. b4 АаЗ 33. b5 h6 (33... Ac5 34. a4 Ab6 35. h5+-) 34. Ь6 ФП 35. Фd3 Фе7 36. Фс4 Фd7 37. ФЬ5 g5 38. h5+-O] 28. Ah7 Ф118 29. Ae4! Wa6 30. Фg2 Sc8 31. Sal!+— Sc2 32. Sa6 Sc8 33. b4 Sb8 34. b5 1 :0 P. Hdba 51. В 33 P. HARIKRISHNA 2693 - WANG YUE 2690 Zaozhuang 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £B £c6 3. d4 cd4 4. £d4 e5 5. £b5 d6 6. £>lc3 £f6 7. Ag5 a6 8. £a3 b5 9. Af6 gf6 10. £d5 Ag7 11. Ad3 £e7 12. £e7 We7 13.0-0 0-0 14. c4 f5 15. Wh5 Wb7 16. Sfel d5 17. ed5 e4 18. Afl Ab2 19. Sabi Ag7 [19... АаЗ? 20. Wg5 ФИ8 21. ®f6 фё8 22. Sb3+-[ 20. £c2 ®d7 21. g3!? Wd6?! N [21... bc4 - 56/1791 22. £e3 f4 [22... ®g6 23. Wg6 fg6 24. c5 f4 25. gf4 Sf4 26. Sbdl АсЗ 27. Se2 Ab4 28. Sc2±; 22... ®f6 23. c5 Se8 24. Ah3 f4 25. gf4 ®f4 26. Ac8 Sac8 27. сб Scd8 28. Wh3T; 23. d6!T A 23... ®d6 24. £f5 Af5 25. Wf5±l 23. £f5 Af5 24. Wf5 e3 25. Wf4 Wf4 26. gf4 ef2 27. Ф12 168
bc4 28. Жс4± Hfc8 29. ЖЬЗ Ж18 [29... Ad4 30. Ф13 Hc3 31. <^>g4 Hd8 32. Heel Hd6 33. Sc3 ЖеЗ 34. Жс4±1 30. Hgl фЬ8 31. Hgcl Scl 32. Hel a5 33. Неб <4>g7 34. ФО a4 35. Дс4 Hd8 36. Фе4 аЗ [36... He8 37. <£f5 Sd8 38. h4 Ad6 39. h5±] 37. h4 [37. Фе5!? Se8 38. <£f5 Hd8 39. h4] Hd6? [37... Ad6[ 38. Фе5! Hd8 [38... f6 39. ФГ5+-1 39. d6 h5 [39... He8 40. <£d5 Hel 41. Наб Hdl 42. Фе5 Hel 43. <£d4 A 43... Hdl 44. Д43+-] 40. f5 He8 41. Деб! Hd8 [41... fe6 42. Hc7! ФИ6 43. d7 Hd8 44. Феб ЖЬ4 45. Hc8 Жа5 46. Фе7+-1 42. f6 Фg6 43. Д15 ФЬб 44. d7 Ab4 45. Hc8 1:0 Br. Tadic 52.* В 38 PRUSIKIN 2541 - AFEK 2299 Nurnberg 2011 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. АсЗ ^g7 4. e4 0-0 5. fcf3 c5 6. Же2 cd4 7. £jd4 £jc6 8. ЖеЗ d6 9. 0-0 ДО7 10. Wd2 Ad4 11. ^d4 a5 12. ФЫ Деб 13.13 £)d7 14. Ag7 Фg7 15. f4! 15... a4 [15... Wb6 16. Hael Hae8 N (16... Wb4 - 39/209) 17. H13 f5 18. Aid5! Ad5 19. Hb3 Wd8 20. ed5 £jc5 21. He3l Alexander Moiseenko 2715 — G. Guseinov 2625, Ningbo 2011; 15... £>c5[ 16. НО! П6. Hael Wa5115 N [16... Wa5!? (- 40/(193)) 17. НеЗ Фg8 18. Hfl±l 17. Hh3 fe4 [17... Де4 18. £>e4 fe4 19. f5 £>f6 20. g4!—>118. f5 £)f6 19. Wh6 ФП 20. НП [20. g4!?[ Hg8 [20... gf5 21. Hf5 Фе8 22. £3d5 Ad5 23. cd5 фd7 24. Hc3 Wb6 25. Hf2!! (25. Hfl ®b2 26. ^.g4 Фе8 27. Hfcl Wc3 28. Hc3 £>g4oo) Wf2 26. ДЬ54—; 20... Wb6! 21. £jd5! Ad5 22. cd5 Wb2 23. fg6 hg6 24. Ag4 Фе8 25. Wg6 фd8 26. Wg7 He8 27. Hh6 27... Hc8!! 28. Дс8 (28. Hhf6 ®f6!) Фс8 29. Hh8 Hh8 30. Wh8 Фс7=] 21. £}d5! [21. c5!? d5 22. fg6 hg6 23. Wg5! Фе8 24. We5 Wb8 25. We6 Wc8 26. Hf6 ®e6 27. Неб ФП 28. Ag4! Hh8!oo[ Ad5 22. cd5 W8 [22... Hg7 23. fg6 Фg8 24. g4 Hg6 25. Wh4 Hg7 26. g5 ^d5 27. We4 £sc7 28. g6 Wd7D 29. Hh7 Hh7 30. gh7 ФИ8 31. Wb7±; 22... ®a5 23. fg6 hg6 24. Wg5 фе8 25. ^.g4 £jg4 26. Hh7!! 2>f2 (26... ^3f6 27. He7 фе7 28. Wf6 Фd7 29. Wf7 Фс8 30. ®g8 Фс7 31. ®e6±) 27. Фgl Wc7 28. Hf2 Hc8 29. Hc2 169
Ш6 30. фЫ Hc7 31. h4±l 23. fg6 hg6? [23... Hg6 24. Wh7 Wg7 25. Wh5 <£g8 (25... фе8 26. Ab5 Ф48 27. We2±) 26. ®f5 Hf8 27. Hh4 Hh6 28. We6 117 29. Hh6 Wh6 30. g3 <^g7 31. Hf4±l 24. We3! &g7? [24... Ih8 25. Ih8 Wh8 26. We4±[ 25. ®h6 Ф17 26. We3 <^g7 27. g4+- g5 28. Wg5 Ф17 29. Wh5 Фg7 30. Wg5 Ф17 31. ®f5 Фе8 32. ДЬ5 ф(18 33. g5 Ha5 34. Hel 1 :0 Prusikin 53.** В 43 A. ARESHCHENKO 2688 - L. PANTSULAIA 2595 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £)13 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 аб 5. £>c3 b5 6. I.d3 Wb6 7. £>f3 Wc7 8. 0-0 ДЬ7 9. lei Ae7 [9... Дс5 10. Jlg5 (10. Wd2 - 96/(119)) fcf6 11. ДИ4 N (11. Wd2) d6 12. Wd2 ^bd7 13. Jlg3 e5 14. a4 b4 15. <2ja2 a5oo A. Areshchenko 2688 — Najer 2640, Russia 2012] 10. Jlg5 [10. e5 f5 11. Af4 4hh6 12. ^g5 N (12. a4 - 99/108) 0-0 13. аЗ?! (13. ®h5) <£ic6 14. Wh5 Ag5! 15. ®g5 ^g4 16. Wh4 (16. ^d5?! ed5 17. Д15 £}h6 18. еб ®d8+ R. Hovhannisyan 2600 - Vitiugov 2709, Plovdiv 2012) £>ge5 17. НеЗ Ш6Т1 Ag5 [10... b4 - 90/(148)1 11. ^g5 f6 12. £)h3 £)h6 13. Wh5 N [13. e5[ £)f7 14.14 £>c6 15. a4 b4 16. £)dl 0-0 17. ^e3 £>d4 18. e5 f5 19. £jg5 £jg5 20. Wg5 (diagram) 20... ЬЗ! 21. сЗ <йс2! 22. Ac2 [22. <йс2 bc2 23. ®g3 ®b6 24. ®f2 Wb2 25. Wc2 Wc2 26. Дс2 Hfc8+1 bc2+ 23. £>c2 ®b6 24. ФМ?! [24. £)d4 Wb2 25. Wg3 Де41 Де4 [24... ®Ь2!? 25. Habl Wc2 26. Hb7 Wa4+| 25. £}e3 Wb2 26. £>c4 ®c3 27. Had Wb4+ 28. £id6 Жсб 29. Hbl Wa4 30. Hal Wb3 31. Habl Wh3-+ 32. <йе4 ®h6 33. ®h6 gh6 34. ^f6 Ф17 35. Hbdl Ha7 36. Hd2 a5 37. He3 Hb8 38. фgl a4 39. Hh3 a3 40. Hh6 Hbl 41. ФС Hb2 42. Hh7 Ф18 0:1 Br. Tadic 54.* !H В 43 S. MOVSESIAN 2702 - L. PANTSULAIA 2595 Plovdiv 2012 1. ^f3 c5 2. e4 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 аб 5. £ic3 b5 6. Ad3 Wb6 7. £jb3 ®c7 8. 0-0 ЖЬ7 9. We2 ^f6 [9... b4 10. ^dl Ш 11. f4 a5 12. ФЫ N (12. c4 - 111/76) d6 13. £id4 ^c6 14. ab5 Wb8 15. ДеЗ ^d7 16.15+ e5?! 17. Д12 Де7 18. £>e3 0-0 19. £jd5 Ad8 20. Hadl± Ni. Dukic 2513 — Shimanov 2591, Plovdiv 2012; 16... ef5[ 10.14 d6 11. ФЫ [11. Д<12 - 94/(117)1 ^bd7 12. Д02 £>c5 170
13.£jc5! N [13. е51 dc5 [13... Wc5?! 14. e5 (14. a4 b4 15. £sa2 a5 16. c3±; 14. b4!? Wc7 15. a4±) de5 15. fe5 £>d7 16. Де4 Wc7 17. Sael±l 14. e5 £>d5 [14... £)d7 15. 15! We5 16. fe6 We6 (16... fe6 17. Wg4±) 17. Hael 0-0-0 18. ©dl±; 15... 2}e51 15. ^d5 Ad5 16. c4± bc4 17. Дс4 Wc6 18.15 Дс4 [18... Де7 19. ^d5 Wd5 20. f6±[ 19. Wc4 Wd5 20. ©c2 Hc8 21. Hadl+- ef5 22. ^g5 Wc6 23. ©15 ©еб 24. ©c2 [24. ©e41 Де7 25. Де7 Фе7 26. Hd6! We5 27. Hddl Ф18 28. Sd7 ©еб 29. Wd2 He8 30. Wd6 Wd6 31. Sff7 1:0 Z. Arsovic 55. В 47 RUBLEVSKY 2686 - NEVOSTRUJEV 2461 Russia 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £ic3 адсб 3. <7/ge2 еб 4. d4 cd4 5. £)d4 ©c7 6. Де2 £jf6 7. f4 £>d4 8. Wd4 Дс5 9. Wd3 0-0!? N [9... d5 - 104/391 10. e5 £}d5 11. £se4 [11. ^d2? 2Л4 12. We4 f5! 13. ef6 d5-+; 11. ^d5 ed5 12. ©d5 (12. ДеЗ d6 13. Дс5 ©c5 14. 0-0-0 de5 15. fe5 Se8 16. ©d5 ©e3 17. Hd2 Д15 18. Wd4 ®d4 19. Hd4 Hac8=) d6 a) 13. ed6 ©a5!? 14. ФА (14. ©d2 ©a4S) Деб 15. ©b7 Д<16й; b) 13. Ad2 Деб 14. ©e4 de5 15. Id3 g6 16. We5 (16. fe5? Hfd8 17. ДсЗ ©b6 18. 0-0-0 Hac8- Д 19. Hhel ДаЗ!) ®e5 17. fe5 Дd4=l 11... b5! 12. Д02 [12. ©Ь5? ДеЗ 13. ДеЗ <£je3 14. Ф12 ^c2 15. Sabi (15. Hacl Hb8 16. ©c5 ©c5 17. <йс5 Hb2T) 16! 16. Hhcl fe5 17. ©ЬЗ Hf4 18. Д13 d5 19. Hc2 ©e7 20. g3 de4 21. gf4 ef3+; 12. £>c5 ©c5 13. ©b5 ©c2 14. Wc4 ©g6 15. 0-0 ДЬ7=[ ДЬ7? [12... Де7 13. 0-0-0 ДЬ7=] 13. <йс5 ©с5 14. ©b5 ©c7 15. c4 £}e7 16. Да5 ©c8 17. ДЬ4?! [17. 0-0!? £>f5 18. ДсЗ Де4 19. Hf2 Hb8 20. ©a5±l Дg2 18. Hgl Hb8 [18... Деб!? 19. ©a5 He8 20. 0-0-0+] 19. Wa4!? [19. ©c5 £>g6! a) 20. Hg2 ©b7 21. Hg6 fg6! (21... hg6 22. ДсЗ±) 22. Дd2 ©hl 23. ДА Hb2oo; b) 20. ©c8 Hfc8 21. Дd6 (21. Дd2 £>h4 22. ДсЗ £)f3 23. ДВ ДВ 24. Ф12+) Hb2 22. Hg2 £>f4 23. Hf2 He2 24. He2 ^e2 25. Фе2 Hc4 26. Hbl g5+] Деб 20. ©аЗ £sg6 21. Д18 Wf8 22. ©18 Ф18 23. ЬЗ 2tf4 24. Hg3± h5 [24... £}g6 25. He3±[ 25. <£>d2 h4 26. Hg5 h3 [^ 26... f6 27. ef6 gf6 28. Hg4 ^e2 (28... e5 29. Hagl ФП 30. Hh4±) 29. Фе2 h3 30. Hh4 фе7 31. Hh3±[ 27. Hfl ^je2 28. Фе2 &g8 29. Hf4 g6 30. Hg3 Дg2 31. Hd4 Hb7 32. Hgd3 [32... Деб 33. Hh3 ±>g7 34. Hdh4+-[ 1 : 0 Rublevsky 56. !H В 48 DOLUHANOVA 2285 - MUNGUNTUUL 2452 Moscow 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £jc6 5. £ic3 аб 6. ДеЗ Wc7 7. Wd2 £tf6 8. 0-0-0 Де7 9.13 0-0 10. g4 b5 11. g5 £>h5 12. ФЫ £ie5 13. Hgl [13. Де2 - 106/(207)1 ДЬ7 14. f4! N [14. Hg4[ ^c4 15. Дс4 Wc4 16. ©12?! [16. £sb3 !±[ b417. £ja4 ©c718. f5 e5? [18... Де4! 19. ©h4 d5 20. ©h5 e5 21. f6 Д06!-| 19. ^)ЬЗ?! [19. f6! ed4 20. fe7 Hfe8 21. Дd4±l Де4 20. f6! Д06 21. Hd2 [21. 171
Wd2! Hac8 (21... Wc6 22. W>6±) 22. Wd6 Дс2 23. Фа1 Д41 24. Wdl 2tf4 25. ^b6±[ Hfe8 [21... Hfd8 22. Hgdl ДГС 23. ДЬ6+-1 22. Hgdl Неб [22... Деб 23. W>6+-[ 23. ^ac5 Дс5 24. £>c5 d5 25. <йе4! [25. ^еб fe6 26. ДЬб Wb7 27. Дс5±[ de4 26. Hd7 Wc4 27. ЬЗ Wc3 28. Wh4!+- [28. Hld5!?+- A Hc5[ £>f6? [28... Hc8 29. Hld2 g6 30. We4+-[ 29. gf6 We3 30. Wg4 g6 [30... Wh6 31. Hd8 He8 32. Wd7!+-[ 31. Hd8 He8 32. Wd7 Had8 33. Wd8 ®f8 34. Wd6 <4>g8 35. We7 Пе7 36. fid8 1 : 0 Dembo 57. В 50 AX. BACHMANN 2556 - SHANKLAND 2580 Philadelphia 2012 1. £>G £>f6 2. g3 g6 3. Ag2 ^g7 4.0-0 0-0 5. d3 c5 6. e4 £jc6 7. c3 d6 8. gel e5 9. аЗ b6 [9... b5 - 54/2] 10. Ь4 ДЬ7 11. ДЬ2 N [11. ?/bd2] He8 12. b5 £>b8 13. c4 a5 14. ba6 Наб 15. Дс1 h6? [15... Дс8 16. ^g5 £>сб 17. £>c3 h6=l 16. ДЬЗ! асб 17. £ic3 Д18 18. Hbl £>d4 19. 5/d4 cd4 20. ^d5?! [20. £>b5 ^d7 21. f4! Деб 22. f5 £jc5 23. Hfl± A Hb2-f2[ 20... Ad5! 21. cd5 5/d7 22. f4 [22. ^d7 Wd7= A f5, A h5-h4[ ef4! [22... £>c5?! 23. f5Tl 23. gf4 £jc5oo 24. WG [24. e5? de5 25. fe5 Wd5-+[ Wh4 25. Hfl [25. Wg3? Wg3 26. hg3 ^d3+] Ag7 26. f5! [26. e5 de5 27. fe5 He5 28. Wf7 ФЬ7Т| Wf6 [26... Де5? 27. fg6+-; 26... Hf8 27. f6 Af6 28. Wf6 Wh3 29. HGool 27. Hb4! Hea8! 28. ФЫ [А ДЬ2; 28. ДЬ2 Wg5 29. ФЫ We3±s] g5! 29. ДЬ2 НаЗ 30. ДаЗ [30. Дd4 Hd3 31. ДГ6 HG 32. НС ДГ6 33. ДП (33. НеЗ Де5 34. Hb6 Hal 35. &g2 h5-+; 33. Hb6 £se4?) Де5 34. Hb6 ^e4Tl НаЗ 31. Hdl Wd8! 32. Hb2 Де5 33. f6?! [33. ДА] Wf6 34. ДГ5 £ia4 35. Hg2 b5! 36. h4 Ф18 37. Hdgl 37... ДГ4? [37... ^c5! 38. hg5 hg5 39. Hg5 Wh6 (39... ^d3? 40. Hh5) 40. Hh5 We3-+1 38. Дd7! £)C3 [38... b4! 39. Да4 Ha4 40. Hb2oo[ 39. Hb2 b4 40. Hb4 Ha2 41. Hg2 Hal 42. Hgl Ha2 43. Hg2 1/2 :1/2 Shankland 58. В 51 TIVIAKOV 2673 - V. ANAND 2799 Deutschland 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £)G d6 3. ДЬ5 £>d7 4. d4 cd4 5. Wd4 a6 6. Дd7 Д07 7. c4 e5 [7... Дg4 - 113/(57)1 8. Wd3 h6 [8... 2>f6 9. ^сЗ Де7 10. Дg5+l 9. £>c3 £>f6 10. 0-0 Де7 [10... b5 11. cb5 ab5 12. £}Ь5 ^e4(12... Wb6) 13. We4 ДЬ5 14. ^e5+-1 11. a4 b6?I [11... 0-0 12. ЬЗ?! b5!=; 12. a5±l 12. ЬЗ На7?! N [12... Деб 13. WH? (13. ДаЗ) g6 14. £rf3 b5±[ 13. Hdl Дс8?! [13... 0-0 14. ДаЗ Дg4 15. Дd6±; 13... Дg4 14. h3 (14. ДеЗ Hb7±; 14. ДаЗ Hd7 15. h3 ДИ5+) ДИ5 15. g4 Дg6 16. ДеЗ Hd7+[ 14. ДаЗ [14. ДеЗ!?; 14. ^el!? А £)с2-еЗ; 14. £)d2!?[ Hd7 15. ^id2 [15. ^el 0-0 16. ^c2± A £>e3[ 0-0 16. £)П ДЬ7 [16... W 17. £je3 (17. Ш ^jf4 18. £>f4 ef4+; 17. WG Ш 18. £se3 ДЬ7 19. £scd5 Дg5±) Ш 18. Wc2 Дё5±[ 17. ^еЗ He8 [17... £>h5 18. £>ed5 £)f4 19. We3 £>d5 20. £jd5 Дd5 21. Hd5 f5 22. Hadi 172
fe4 23. 8e4 Hf4 24. ®e2±; 18... Ag5±[ 18. «icd5 «3d5 118... Af8!?J 19. «3d5 Ad5?! [19... Af8 20. We3 (20. Acl!? А АеЗ) Ad5 21. Hd5±; 19... Ag5 20. Ab4 A a5] 20. Wd5 [20. cd5?! Wa8 21. Had Hc8 22. Hc8 Wc8 23. Hel Hc7 24. Hc7 ®c7+] Wa8 [20... Ag5 21. Wc6!? Неб 22. Hd5±l 21. Wa8 Ha8 22. Hd5 f6 [22... Hc8 23. Hadi Hc6 24. g3 A f4[ 23. Hadi Had8?! [23... Ф17!? (А Феб) 24. Ad6 (24. g3 Феб 25. f4 g6±) Ad6 25. Hd6 2d6 26. Hd6 b5±l 24. g3! [A f4-f51 g5 [24... Ф17 25. f4 g6 (25... Феб 26. f54~) 26. f54~ 1 25. f4 gf4 26. gf4 Ф17 27. ФГ2 [27. f5?! Hg8 28. фй Hg4 Xe4[ ef4 28. ФО Феб 29. Acl+- Hc8 30. Af4 Af8 [30... Hc5 31. АеЗ Hd5 32. ed5+—; 32. Hd5+-; 32. cd54~1 31. h4! |Xh5, g6, h6[ Неб [31... Hc5 32. Ae3+- Xb6[ 32. h5 Hb7 33. АеЗ Hb8 [33... b5 34. cb5 ab5 35. a5!4—1 34. Ad4 Hc7 35. Hgl Ag7 [35... Hg7 36. Hg6 Hg6 37. hg6+-[ 36. Sg6 Hf7 37. АеЗ Hd7 38. Hf5 Hf7 39. Ф84 [39. Фе2!? A ФdЗ, Ah6[ Af8 40. Ah6 Ah6 41. Hh6 [1 6/f] Hg7 [41... Hg8!? 42. Hg6 2g6 43. hg6 Hf8 44. a5 (44. Hh5 Hg8 45. Sh6 Фе5±) ba5 45. Ha5 Hg8 46. ф£4 Hg6 47. Наб Hh6 48. b4 (48. c5 Hh4 49. ФgЗ Se4 50. Hd6 Фе7 51. Hb6 фd7±; 48. Hb6 &d74~) Hhl (48... Фd7 49. ФГ54—) 49. c5 Sh4 50. ФО Фе5 51. сб! Hf4 52. Фg3 He4 53. c7 Hc4 54. Ha7 f5 55. b5+-] 42. Ф14 2f8 43. a5! [43. e5 de5 44. He5 Ф17 45. Hf5 Феб 46. a5 Hgl 47. He5+-[ Hgl [43... ba5 44. e5 de5 45. He5 Фd6 (45... ФГ7 46. Hf5 Фё8 47. Hff6 Hf6 48. Hf6 a4 49. ba4 Hc7 50. Наб Hc4 51. фg5+—) 46. Ha5+-[ 44. ab6 Hbl [44... Hfl 45. фё4 Hg8 46. Hg6 Sg6 47. hg6 Hgl 48. ФР4 Hg6 49. Hd5+- Д b4, c51 45. b7 [45. Ha5 Hb3 46. Наб Hb8 47. c5+-1 Hb3 46. e5 de5 47. He5 фd6 [47... ФП 48. Hh7 Фg8 49. Hee74~l 48. Hf5 Феб [48... Фе7 49. Hh7 Hf7 50. Hf7 ФП 51. Hb5+—1 49. Hh7 Hd8 [49... Hb8 50. Hc5 Hb6 51. Hcc7+-[ 50. Hd5 [50... Hd5 51. cd5 Фd5 52. h6 A Hg7, h7] 1 : 0 Tiviakov 59. В 52 GA. PAPP 2551 - HRACEK 2627 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 c5 2. «313 d6 3. Ab5 Ad7 4. Ad7 ®d7 5. 0-0 «3f6 6. e5 de5 7. «3e5 ®c8 8. ЩЗ еб 9. ЬЗ [9. «ЗсЗ - 112/(114)1 Ae7 10. Ab2 0-0 11. d3 «3fd7 N [11... «3bd7[ 12. «3d7 8d7 13. Wg4 g6= 14. «3d2 «Зеб 15. «30 Wd5 16. Hadi Had8 17. c4 ®f5! 18. Wf5 gf5 [18... ef5 19. Hfel Hfe8 20. НеЗ Af8=[ 19. d4 Af6 20. АаЗ 20... cd4! [20... «3d4 21. Ac5 «3e2 22. фЫ «ЗсЗ 23. Hel Hfe8 24. Hc2 a6=[ 21. Af8 Ф18 [A e5] 22. «3el e5T 23.13 Ag5 24. f4?! [24. «3d3 АеЗ 25. ФЫ Hd7] Af4 25. Hf4 ef4 26. «3d3 фе7 [26... О] 27. «3f4 фd6 28. a3 [28. Hel a5 29. a3 (29. «3d3 «3b4 30. «3b4 ab4 31. Ф12 d3 32. НеЗ фсб 33. Фе1 Ha8+) Ь6 (А ®е5) 30. £}d3 f6+ 31. «3f4 £je5 32. Hdl фсб 33. «Зеб Hd6] He8+ 29. Ь4 [29. Ф12 Не4 30. «Зе2 Фс5+ А НеЗ] НеЗ 30. «3d3 Ь6 [30... «Зе5!? 31. «Зс5 фсб 32. Hd4 НаЗ—+1 31. Ф12 «Зе5 32. «Зе1 «3g4 33. фgl НаЗ 34. Hd4 Феб 35. h3 «Зе5 36. с5 НеЗ 37. Hd6 Фе7 38. Hd5 Феб 39. Hd6 фе7 40. Hd5 f6 41. cb6 ab6 [Н 9/Ы 42. НЬ5 Неб 43. «30 Фd6 44. «3d4 14 [44... Нс4 45. НЬ6 173
Фс7—+1 45. af5 Ф07 46. Ф12 Sc2 47. Ф-gl О-+ 48. Sb6 [48. gfi at3 49. ФП Феб] Hg2 49. ФП адс4 0:1 G. Arsovic 60.** В 52 N. KOSINTSEVA 2535 - J. VOJINOVIC 2356 Gaziantep 2012 1. е4 с5 2. ai3 d6 3. ДЬ5 Ad7 4. ^d7 Wd7 5.0-0 af6 6. Sei асб 7. сЗ еб 8. d4 cd4 9. cd4 d5 10. e5 ae4 11. abd2 ad2 12. ^d2 Де7 13. Scl 0-0 14.Sc315 [14... Sac8 a) 15. a3 ab8 16. Sd3 Wc6 (16... Wc7 - 109/(116)) 17. ДсЗ ad7 18. h4 ab6 19. ag5 aa4 N (19... g6) 20. Wg4 h6 21. ah3 ФИ8 22. Sg3 Sg8 23. ag5 We8 24. See3 асЗ 25. Sc3 Sc3 26. Sc3 Sf8 27. ah3 Wd8 28. Sg3 Sg8 29. sra Sf8 30. Sg3 Sg8 31. Sf3 Sf8 32. Sg3 1/2 : 1/2 O. De la Riva Aguada 2545 — R. Leitao 2623, Quito 2012; b) 15. We2 Sc7 N(15... аб) 16. Seel Sfc8 17. Wd3 h6 18. h3 ab4 19. Sc7 Sc7 20. Sc7 Wc7 21. ДЬ4 ДЬ4= 22. Wb5 Wcl 23. ФИ2 Wf4 24. фё1 Wcl 25. ФИ2 Wf4 26. фgl Wcl 1/2 : 1/2 Kuzubov 2615 — Ba. Jobava 2706, Dubai 20121 15. ef6 Sf6 16. We2 Ad6 17. a3 [17. Ag5 - 109/1161 Saf8 18. Sd3 N [18. ^g51 h6 19. Ь4 аб 20. Sfl Wc7= 21. h3 S8f7 [21... Wf7!?l 22. ael Wd7 23. ac2?! [23. ДсЗ] e5! 24. de5 ae5+ 25. Sd5 [25. Sg3 d4 26. ad4 асб 27. Sd3 ad4 28. Sd4 ДИ2+1 We6?l [25... ara! 26. ФЫ (26. gG Sg6) ah2+i 26. аез ara 27. фы аьг 28. sci Sf2 29. Wc4 afl 30. an? [30. Wc8 Wc8 31. Sc8 ФИ7 32. Sd6 ad2 33. ac4 ac4 34. Sc4 Sa2 35. Sc3 Sff2 36. Sg3=l 30... Sfl? [30... We4!! 31.ae3 Wc4-+1 31. Sfl Sfl 32. Wfl Wd5 33. We2 Де5 34. Де1= Wd4 35. a4 A.d6 36. We6 фЪ7 37. W15 Фg8 38. We6 ФИ7 39. W15 Фg8 40. We6 Ф67 41. Wf5 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Arsovic 61.** В 52 M. КОВАНА 2666 - DURARBAYLI 2543 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 c5 2. a» d6 3. ДЬ5 Ad7 4. Д07 Wd7 5.0-0 af6 6. We2 асб 7. сЗ еб 8. d4 cd4 9. cd4 d5 10. e5 ae4 11. ДеЗ Де7 12. ael f6 i3.raag5 i4.ad3 o-o[i4... an i5.f4f5 16. ad2 o-o 17. ara ьб is. Дd2 n (is. Sael - 90/(169)) Wb7 19. Ь4 аб 20. Sfcl Sfc8 21. a4 aa7 22. Wdl Scl 23. Scl Sc8 24. Sc2 Sc2 25. Wc2 Wc6 26. Wc6 асб 27. ФП afd8 28. h3 Ф1В 29. ФеЗ Фе8= D. Mastrovasilis 2631 — L. Nestorovic 2374, Skopje 2012] 15. ad2 Sac8 16. Sael b617. Д12 an 18.14 N [18. a3[ 15 19. ai3 19...aa5 [19... Sc7 20. Sc2 Sfc8 21. Sfcl ab8 22. h3 Sc2 23. Sc2 Sc2 24. Wc2 Wc6 25. Wd2 ad7 26. ФИ2 Wc8 27. ДеЗ af8 28. Wdl Wc6 29. ЬЗ ad7 30. Дd2 a5 31. adel ab8 32. We2 Ф18 33. Wd3 Wc8= M. Kobalia 2673 — Robson 2596, Moscow 20121 20. h3 Scl 21. Scl Sc8 22. Sc8 Wc8 23. Де1 асб 24. Wc2 Wd7 25. Wc3 acd8 26. ЬЗ Wc6 27. Wd2 Wb5 28. ДЪ4 ДЬ4 29. ah4 a5 30. Wc2 Wd7 31. а» асб 32. Wc3 aa7 33. a4 ac6= 34. ФЬ2 ae7 35. Wcl асб 36. Wc3 ae7 37. Wcl асб 38. Wc3 ae7 39. Wcl асб 40. Wc3 ae7 1/2 : 1/2 SI. Martinovic 174
62 ROBSON 2596 - AL. RESHETNIKOV 2514 Moscow 2012 1. e4 c5 2. af3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £jd4 5. <£jc3 £>c6 6. ^g5 Ad7 7. Wd2 lc8 8. <йсб bc6 [8... Деб - 96/153] 9. 0-0-0 h6 10. Д14!? N [10. ЖГ61 e5 11. Ag3 [11. ДеЗ?! <£jg4 12. Да7 Wa5 13. ДеЗ Де63б[ £)h5 12. ФЫ Де7 [12... £sg3 13. hg3 Де7 14. Дс4 Sb8oo[ 13. Дс4 1Ь8 [13... 0-0? 14. Де5±[ 14. ДЬЗ Деб? [14... £jg3! 15. hg3 Wc7oo[ 15. Деб Геб?! [15... £jg3 16. ДП±[ 16. Де5!+- Wb6 [16... de5 17. We2 ДЬ2 18. ФЬ2 Wb6 19. Фа1 £jf6 20. Wc4; 16... о-о 17. даб даб 18. шб шаб 19. даб Hf2 20. Деб[ 17. <йа4 ®аб 18. Даб! Дав 19. £>с5 Wb5 [19... Wc4 20. £>Ь7 Sd7 21. ®a5![ 20. £se6 Даб 21. £jc7 ФП 22. Wd6 1: 0 Detnbo 53.**** В 61 D. SOLAK 2613 - DANIIL DUBOV 2498 Moscow 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £sf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £jd4 £jf6 5. ШЗ £)сб 6. Дg5 Д07 7. Wd2 Дс8 8. 14 §ld4 9. Wd4 Wa5 10. e5 de5 11. fe5 еб 12. 0-0-0 Деб 13. £)Ь5 ДЬ5 14. ef6 Деб 15. h4 g6 16. Дс4 Дс5 17. Wg4 [17. We5 - 112/1181 Ь5 18. Wg3 Де4 19. ghel Д15 20. Hd5 Дg4 N [20... Wb4 N 21. ДЬЗ Дg4 22. Дё2 Wb5 23. ДО Wc6 24. Дее5 1 : 0 Iv. Saric 2643 — P. Czarnota 2554, Deutsch- land 2012; 21... Да4!?; 20... Wb6!? 21. Д15 gf5 22. Wd3 N (22. Д14) Ф18 23. Sdl <£g8 24. ДГ4 Д12 25. ДЬЗ ДЬ4 26. Де5 фЬ7 27. ДО <£g6 28. ФЫ lcd8 29. Ifl Hd2-+Ad. Feher 2323 - Duport 2169, Wien 2011; 20... Дс2!?[ 21. Д02 [21. Дее5?! 0-0 22. лаз Wb6 23. ДЬЗ Даб 24. ДеЗ Де5 25. We5 Wc6 26. Id2 lfd8 27. Да4 Wa6 28. Wei e5—h Iv. Popov 2599 — Daniil Dubov 2498, Moscow 2012] Wb6 22. ДО Ф18 23. Sd3 Фg8 24. ДЬЗ! [24. ДЬЗ Д1В+ N. Kosintseva 2560 — E. Kovalevskaya 2421, Nalchik 20111 Wc6 25. ДаЗ Д18 [25... Wg2 26. Де4 ДО 27. ДЬ7 ДО (27... Sd8 28. ДО Д12 29. ДАЧ--) 28. Д14±] 26. We4 [26. НеЗ Wd7 27. Дс8 Wc8 28. We5!?] We4 27. He4 Дс7 [27... Д15 28. Sd4 ДаЗ 29. Ibd3+-; 27... b6 28. Да4 lc7 29. Sc3!4~] 28. Дс4 Sd7 [28... Дс4 29. Дс4 Ь6 30. Id3! Де2 31. Sd4 Дс4 32. Дс4± A 32... Дс5 33. Ь4 Даб 34. Sd4 Де5 35. Hd8 фЬ7 36. Hd7 SfB 37. Sa7+-[ 29. Де4 b5 [29... b6 30. ДаЗ! Даз 31. ДаЗ Дс5 32. Ь4 даб 33. Sd4 Де5 34. Ш8 ФЬ7 35. Id7 lf8 36. Да7 Д16 37. ДеЗ+—[ 30. Дс8+- [30.1Ь5 Де2 31. ДаЗ даз (31... даз 32. саз+-) 32. Жс8 gas (32... Id2 33. Sf8 ФЬ7 34. Sh8 ФЬ8 35. ДЬ8 ФЬ7 36. фа2+-; 32... Sd7 33. Sf8 ФЬ7 34. ДЬ8 ФЬ8 35. ДЬ8 фЬ7 36. Ь34~) 33. Id8 ДЬ5 34. ДЬ4 фЬ7 35. Д18 (35. Sf8 lf8 36. Д18 g5 37. g3 Фg6 38. Дс5 аб!) g5 36. g3 gh4 37. gh4 lg8 38. b3±[ e5 [30... ФЬ7 31. Sd3 ДаЗ 32. даз! 31. ДЬ5 ФЬ7 [31... Id2 32. Hf8[ 32. Да8 Hd6 33. Де5 [33. Да7 Sf6 34. Ь4[ Hf6 34. сЗ Д06 35. Ih8 ФЬ8 36. Да5 ДgЗ 37. Да7 ДЬ4 38. с4 175
Hf2 39. b4 ДГб 40. b5 <£>g7 41. b6 ^d4 42. ДабДе2 43. Ь7 Де5 44. Ж<13 Hg2 45. ДеЗ 1 : 0 Sa. Velickovic Ф4.***** |ц В 47 NICOLAE-COSTEL BURNOIU 2395 - A. MURARIU 2503 Romania 2011 1. е4 с5 2. £sf3 £sc6 3. d4 cd4 4. Ad4 £)f6 5. АеЗ d6 6. Ag5 еб 7. Wd2 аб 8.0-0-0 ^d7 9. ФЫ Де7 10.13 Wc7 11. h4 [11. g4 h5 12. gh5 a) RR 12... 0-0-0 N 13. h4 Де8 14. ДЬЗ ФЬ8 15. £)c6 Дсб 16. Wd4 ДЬ5 17. ДеЗ Фс8 18. Дg5 ФЬ8 19. ДеЗ Фс8 20. Дg5 ФЬ8 1/2 : 1/2 Adhiban 2551 — Jay. Ashwin 2473, India (ch) 2011; b) 12... ДЬ5 13. h4 (13. 14 A>d4 14. Wd4 Wc5=) b5 14. Aic6 (14. a3 Aid4 15. Wd4 Wc5 16. Wd3 ДЬ8±? A a5; RR 14. Дg2 N £)d4 15. Wd4 e5oo Ir. Semenova 2241 — Khismatullin 2656, Saint Petersburg 2011; 14. Wei) Дсб 15. Дg2!? Hd8!? (15... b4 16. £>e2 a5 17. £)d4+; 15... d5 16. ed5 £)d5 17. f4±) bl) 16. аЗ ДЬ8(16... d5 17. We3! de4 18. fe4+) 17. f4 a5^; b2) 16. Aie2 ДЬ7 17. £>d4 (17. £)f4 ДЬ8 18. £)d3 Дс8 A 19. ДЬЗ d5M g6!? A 18. ДЬе1 e5 19. £ib3 d5M h6 [11... b5!? a) 12. £sc6 Дсб 13. ДР6 ДЬб 14. Wd6 Wd6 15. Id6 Sc8=; b) 12. a3 £>а5±»; c) 12. ДЬ5!? ab5 13. £>db5 Wb8 14. £>d6 Ф18 15. ДЬб (15. Aic4 Де8 16. ДР4 Wb4oo) ДЬб 16. f4 Де7 17. e5 (17. £}f7 Ф17 18. Wd7 Wb4!^ A ДЬЬ8) Дd6 18. Wd6 Wd6 19. Id6 Фе7 20. Ihdl Да7=; d) 12. £>db5!? ab5 13. W Wb8 14. £>d6 <£>f8 15. Дс4 (15. £sc4 ^e5oo; 15. Де2 Ws? A 16. Дс4 £ja2!; 15. ДЬ5!?) A,e5 16. Де2!? (16. ДЬЗ Да6!оо) Дсб (16... Wa7 17. аЗ ДЬ8 18. Wc3 (А ДеЗ) Wf2 19. ДА Aic6 20. ДЬ5±) 17. f4 Aied7 18. е5 £>d5 (18... Ь6 19. ef6 gf6 20. Д13+) 19. Де7 £je7 (19... Фе7 20. c4±) 20. ДЬЗ!?Т1 12. ДеЗ h5 [12... Ь5!? 13. аЗ (13. £sc6 Дсб 14. ДР4 Ь4 15. Aie2 е5±^; 13. £jdb5 ab5 14. £)Ь5 Wb8 15. Aid6 <£>f8 16. Дс4 Aie5 17. Де2 Дсб 18. Wd4 £>е8оо) Ь5 (13... £>e5 14. g4±) 14. Aic6 (14. £sdb5!?) Дсб 15. ДР4 Sd8 16. ДЬЗ!? A Hg3tl 13. Дg5 £je5 [13... b5 14. £к6 Дсб 15. A>e2 ld8 16. A>d4 ДЬ7 17. ДdЗ+; 13... Aid4 14. Wd4 b5 15. £>e2 a5 16. Wd3!? (16. ДР6 - 99/145; 16. Wd2 b4 17. Aid4 Wb7 18. ДdЗ a4M b4 17. Aid4 ДЬ8 (17... Wb7 18. £>b5±; 17... 0-0!? 18. g4!?) 18. Wc4 Wb7 19. Wa6±[ 14. f4 [14. Де2 b5 15. f4 a) 15... £ieg4 16. Дg4 hg4 (16... A>g4 17. Де7 b4 18. ДЬЗ! Фе7 19. £rf5! <£>f8 20. £jd6±) 17. аЗ А Ь5±; b) 15... Ь4! 16. Aid5 (16. fe5 ЬсЗ 17. ed6 Дd6 18. Wd3 Де5 19. ЬЗ 0-0 20. We3 Wa5M ed5 17. ДР6 (17. fe5 &е4) ДГ6 18. fe5 de5 19. 2rf5 ДР5 20. ef5 e4 21. Wd5 0-0 22. ДЬ5 Дас8 23. Wb3 a5=[ £>eg4 15. ДdЗ [15. ®el b5 A 16. ДdЗ b4 17. Aice2 Wb6! (17... a5 18. £jg3oo) 18. Wg3 e5+; 15. £>f3 b5 16. e5!? (16. lei - 91/187) b4! 17.ef6bc3(17...gf618.^e4fg5 19. hg5 d5 20. Wd4!) 18. fg7 Sg8 a) 19. Wd4 f6 20. ah2 (20. We4 Wb8! 21. Wg6 &d8 22. ЬЗ Wb4 23. Id3 fg5 24. hg5 Wf4 25. ДеЗ d5+) W 21. Sh2 fg5 22. hg5 lb8 23. ЬЗ d5!? 24. Sh5 Sb4 25. Wd3 Sg7 26. ДЬ8 Д18 27. g3 Wc5! (27... a5 28. lei! Wc5 29. Wf5! a4 30. Wf6! If7 31. We5oo A 31... ab3 32. ab3 ld4 33. g6 Wa3 34. Wb8 фе7 35. Деб! Деб 36. Wc7 Дd7 37. We5=) al) 28. Wa6 Дс8! 29. We2 (29. Wd3? 1с4!-+) Дс4! 30. Wh5 *d7 31. Фа1П Wa3 32. ДЫ Де4! 33. ДЬ5 фс7+; a2) 28. f5 lg5 29. fe6 Деб 30. Wa6 <£>d7+; b) 19. Wd3!?lg7 20. Де7 фе7 21. Wd4f6 22. ЬЗ a5 23. Дс4! d5 24. Дd5 ed5 25. Wd53S; 15. g3 b5 a) 16. Де1 0-0 (RR 16... Дd8 N 17. ДЬЗ Ь4 18. £jdl a5co Videnova 2314 — J. Vojinovic 2299, Pancevo 2011; 16... b4; 16... g6) 17. ДЬЗ ДРе8 18. Ihfl (18. аЗ lab8s?) Ь4 (18... Дас8) 19. £)dl ДЬ5^; b) RR 16. аЗ bl) 16... Wb6 N 17. ДЬЗ ДЬ8 18. Дg4 &g4 19. Де7 Ь4 20. ab4 Wb4 21. ^db5 Фе7 22. £>d5 ed5 23. Wb4 ДЬ5 24. Wd4 1 : 0 Hommerson 2215 - D. Bednarczyk 1994, Krakow 2011/12; bl) 176
16... Wc5; ЬЗ) 16... Sb8 N 17. ЖЬЗ a5 18. Jtg4 hg4oo Videnova 2297 — P. Dimic 2034, Obrenovac 20111 ШЬ6±? 16. Жс4 [16. Же2!? <£jf2 17. e5 Aig8 (17... de5 18. fe5 £)dl 19. Sdl £id5 20. £>d5 ed5 21. Же7 Фе7 22. Ж(3±; 17... £jdl 18. Sdl £jg8 19. f5^; 17... &Ы 18. Shi Aig8 19. £)е43б) a) 18. We3 £>hl 19. ed6 Жаб 20. £>d5 Wc5 21. 2rf5 We3 22. £)d6 &f8 23. <йеЗ 2rf2 24. Sfl ®g4! A 25. f5 &8f6 26. ^b7 <2/e4=; b) 18. f5 £>hl 19. fe6 fe6 20. £ie4 0-0-0! (20... £if2 21. £sf2 0-0-0 22. Wc3 ФЬ8 23. ed6±) 21. Же7 £>e7 22. £)d6 ФЬ8 23. Shi &c6 24. <£jf3 Же8 (A £g6) 25. Wg5 £>e5 26. Wg7 Wd6 27. Wh8 2}g6oo A £>f4; c) 18. ЖЬ5!? cl) 18... ab5 19. Wf2 f6 20. ed6 Ad6 21. f5 e5 (21... b4 22. fe6 Жеб 23. We3!±) 22. ЖеЗ! (22. We2 £>e7 23. £>db5 Жс5оо) Wa6 (22... ed4 23. Sd4t) 23. &b3±; c2) 18... £ihl 19. Жа7 <^d7 20. f5!S (20. Shi Sd8+ A 4>c8) c21) 20... Sd8 21. fe6 fe6 22. £w4! Wc7 23. Wei!? (23. £}e6!?) d5 24. Whl We5 25. Wh3t; c22) 20... Фе 8 21. fe6 de5 22. ef7 Ф17 23. £>f3 ЖГ6 24. Shi £>e7 25. Sfl3sl Sc8 17. ЖЬЗ [^ 17. We2 a) 17... Sc4 18. Wc4 £)f2 19. f5 Wc5 20. Wb3 e5 21. ЖА6 lf6 22. £>f3 £>hl 23. Shi Жсб 24. Sdl A ?ld5; b) 17... 0-0!? 18. f5 Sc4 19. Wc4 Sc8 20. Wb3 Wb3 21. £sb3 £)f2 22. Shfl £>dl 23. Sdl Sc7 (23... ef5?! 24. e5!) 24. <2}d4 &f8! A 25. £)de2 ef5 26. ЖГ6 gf6 27. ef5 If5 28. Sd4 Sc5 29. £)f4 Se5 30. Фс1 lg4T; c) 17... £>f2 18. Wf2 Sc4 19. Wd2 cl) 19... d5 20. ЖЬб ЖЬб 21. e5 Же7 22. f5! ЖЬ4 (22... 0-0 23. f6!) 23. Sh3! ef5 24. ?lde2 Se4 25. Sg3oo; c2) 19... 0-0 20. £>b3 Жсб 21. e5 de5 (21... <йе4 22. We2! £)c3 23. ЬсЗ Se4 24. Wh5) 22. fe5 £>e4 23. £>e4 (23. f e2 2to3 24. ЬсЗ Se4 25. Wh5 Se5+) Же4 24. Же7 Жс2 25. Фа1 Жа1 26. Wdl Se8 27. Жg5 Wf2 28. Sfl Wg2 29. Sf7 ф(7 30. Wh5=[ 17... Sc3! N [17... Wa5 18. Shel Sc5 (- 91/(187)) 19. £>f3 Жсб 20. f5 e5 21. ЖЬб 2>f6 22. ag5±[ 18. Wc3 £je4T 19. Wei?! [19. Wf3 £>ef2 a) 20. Же7 Фе7 (20... £)hl 21. Жаб!) 21. Shel £)dl 22. Wdl (22. Sdl Sc8+) Sd8 23. Wd3 (23. 2>f5 ФЬ8+ 24. Wd6 Wd6 25. £id6 Жсб—+) ФЬ8 24. f5 Wa5! (24... e5 25. £je6!oo) 25. c3 (25. £>f3 ЖЬ5!) ef5 26. Wf3 Se8 27. Se8 Же8 28. Wb7 We5+; b) 20. Shel £>dl 21. Wdl (21. Sdl ЖЬб!) ЖЬб! 22. £>f5 0-0 23. £>e7 (23. Wd6 Wd6 24. £)d6 Жсб 25. сЗ Sd8T) Же7 24. Же7 Se8 25. Жаб (25. Wd6 Wf2) ЖЬ5!Т A Sd8; c) 20. f5!? Жg5! (20... e5 21. £>e6M cl) 21. hg5 e5 22. f6 g6 23. Shel £>dl 24. Wdl *d8 25. Sf8 26. Wd3 (26. £jd2 Wd4+) ЖЬ5! (26... Фс7? 27. ЖП!±) 27. Wc3 (27. c4 Жd7+) Жс6+; c2) 21. fe6 fe6 22. hg5 Sf8 23. We2 e5 24. £>e6 Жеб 25. Жеб ^dl 26. Sdl Sf2 27. We4 Wd4! 28. Wg6 &d8T] £jef2+ 20. <йе6 [20. Же7? &dl 21. Жd6 Wd6 22. ^f5 Wc5 23. £ig7 Фе7 24. Wdl 53f2 25. Wgl Sg8-+; 20. f5 Жg5 21. fe6 fe6 22. hg5 (22. ^e6 ЖАб) ^3dl 23. We4 £}de3 24. ^e6 Жеб 25. Жеб &d8-+; 20. Sd2 £>hl 21. Же7 Фе7 22. Whl Sc8 23. c3 <£>f8 24. Wfl g6+; 20. Wd2 £jhl 21. Shi ЖА5 22. ^f3 (22. ЖГ6 £rf6 23. c3 0-0 24. Жс2 e5+) 0-0 23. c3 Wf2+[ fe6 21. Жеб Жg5 [21... 21f6 22. Sd2 (22. ЖЬЗ £>dl 23. Wdl We3 24. Sei Wf2-+) ^hl 23. Se2 Жеб 24. Se6 Wc7 25. Жйб gf6 26. Whl <4>f7-+[ 22. hg5 [22. Жg4 <^>d8 23. fg5 (23. hg5 Жg4-+) hg4-+[ ^d8 [22... ^dl 23. Жg4 ae3 24. Sh3 Жg4 25. Se3 &d8-+[ 23. Жа7 £)dl—Ь 24. Wdl ^f2 [24... <£d7 25. Wd5 Sf8[ 25. 177
®gl фа7 26. Hh3 He8 27. аЗ He2 28. Wfl V. Stoica Hd2 0:1 65 Hl. NAKAMURA 2775 - ROBSON 2614 USA (ch) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. d6 3. d4 cd4 4. wd4 £>f6 5. /АсЗ g6 6. ДеЗ Ag7 7.13 £sc6 8. ®d2 0-0 9. g4 Деб 10. 4je6 fe6 11. 0-0-0 Qje5 12. Де2 ®c8 13. h4!? [13. ДЬб - 45/(251)1 £>fd7 14. f4 4jc4 15. Дс4 ®c4 16. e5 £)b6 N [16... £se5; 16... Had8[ 17. h5 de5 18. hg6 hg6 19. ®h2 Hf4 20. Д14 ®f4 [20... ef4 21. ®h7 Ф18 (21... ФП 22. Hh6d—) 22. Wg6 ®c5 (22... ДеЗ 23. Hh7d—; 22... f3 23. ФЫ+-) 23. Hdeld—1 21. ФЫ ®Ь2 [21... /Ac4 22. ®h3 Hf8 (22... e4 23. £ie4d—) 23. ЬЗ /Ad2 24. Hd2 ®d2 25. ®Ь7 ФП 26. Hfl Фе8 27. ®g6 Фd7 28. Hdld— 1 22. Hh2 118 [22... Hc8 23. /Ae4 ^d5 24. g5! Hc4 25. Held— XДg7] 23. 2X4 [23. g5! Hf4 (23... e4 24. 2X4 2tc4 25. c3 2x3 26. Held—) 24. He2! 2X5 25. 2x4 b5 26. аЗ ФП 27. Фа2 a5 28. Hd3! a4 (28... Sfl 29. Hf2 Hf2 30. 21f2d—) 29. ЬЗ Hf5 30. ba4! 2tf4 31. Hed2! 2X3 32. cd3 (32. ab5d—) ba4 33. ФЬ2 Ifl 34. ФсЗ НЫ 35. Hb2! Hdl 36. Фс4 Hel 37. ФЬ5 Hdl 38. Hd2!d— XДg71 Hf4 24. 21g5 Hg4 25. 2x6 ДГ6 26. ЬЗ 2X8 27. c4 2X6 28. c5 2X5 29. Hd7 Ф17 30. Hb7 Hgl [30... феб 31. Hb5 Фd5 32. Фс2 e4 33. Hd2 феб 34. Ha5 Hg3 35. Ha7 Фс5 36. Hc7 ФЬ6 37. Hc4d—1 31. Фс2 2x3 32. фЬ2 2X1 [32... феб 33. фаЗ Фd5 34. Нс2 Феб 35. На7 е4 36. фа4 еЗ 37. Ь44—1 33. 2X8 Фе8 34. 2X6 е4 35. Фс2 2X3 36. Фd2 2X1 37. ФеЗ Hel 38. Ф12 Нс1 39. Hh7 Нс2 40. Фg3 НеЗ 41. Фg4 еЗ [41... Нс5 42. 2X7 НЬ5 43. 2ig8d—[ 42. 2X7 е2 43. 2X5!! [43. НЬ8 Фd7 44. 2X5 Феб 45. 2x3 ДеЗ (45... el® 46. Нс8#) 46. Нс8 ФЬ5 47. а4 фЬ4 48. НЬ7 ФаЗ 49. Не8 el® 50. Hel Де1 51. об Да5 52. Ь4 Дd8 53. Hd7 ДЬб 54. a5d—1 Hg3 44. фГ4 Дg5 45. Фе51! el® 46. Фd6 ДГ4 [46... Де7 47. НЬе7 ®е7 48. Не7 Ф1В 49. сб+-1 47. <2114 Hd3 48. 2X3 ®g3 49. 2X5 1:0 Sa. Velickovic В 80 TIVIAKOV 2650 - A. ZAPATA 2483 Bogota 2011 1. e4 c5 2. 21f3 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. 2X4 2X6 5. 2X3 ®c7 6. g3 a6 7. Дg2 d6 8. £ic6!? bc6 9. ЬЗ [9.0-0 — 110/1081 Де7 10.0-0 £jf611. ДаЗ N [11. ДЬ2[ e5 [11... 0-0 12. e5 (RR 12. ®e2 e5 13. Hfdl Hd8 14. £ja4 Дg4 15. f3 Деб 16. c4 £}d7co M. Joseph 2198 — A. Zapata 2485, Bridgetown 2012) de5 13. Де7 We7 14. Деб ДЬ7 15. ДЬ7 ®Ь7оо[ 12. ^а4 0-0 13. с4 ДЬ7 [13... Деб; 13... Hd8] 14. Hel Hfe8 [14... Hfd8 15. ДЬ2[ 15.®d2 [15. ®d3; 15. Hel; 15. ДЬ2[ ДГ8 [15... ^d7?! 16. Hfdl (16. Hcdl c5 17. £>c3) c5 17.^03+1 16. Hfell? g6?I [16... c5 17.£ic3 Деб 18. ДЬ2 а5 19. а4+ ®Ь7 20. ®с2 А ^Ь5[ 17. ДЬ2 [17. Hcdl с5 (17... Had8 18. ДЬ4 ®е7 19. ^)Ь6±; 17... Hed8 18. ДЬ4 а5 178
19. ДсЗ+) 18. асЗ±1 с5 [17... Sad8 18. ДеЗ ®е7 19. Да5 Sb8 20. с5±; 17... ^g7 18. Scdl+] 18. ah5?! 19. £>d5 Wd8 [19... Ad5 20. cd5±l 20. b4!? [20. ДеЗ a5±] cb4 21. Wb4 Sb8 22. ®a3 £>f6 23. ДеЗ £d5?! [23... £>d5 24. cd5 Wd7 (24... f5 25. Да5±) 25. Ibl f5 26. B± A ДА, Sb6] 24. cd5± Wb6 [24... ДЬб 25. Sc2[ 25. ДП ДЬб 26. Sc2 Sec8 27. Sb2 Wc7 28. Sb8 [28. Да5±[ Sb8 29. ДЬ4 И 29. Да5±[ Aie8 [29... ДВ 30. Scl (30. ^d3±) Wb6 31. Sc4±[ 30. Wa4?! [30. ^d3 a5 31. Wa5 (31. ДеЗ Sc8±) Wa5 32. Да5 Sa8 33. ДЬб Ea2+; 30. Да5±1 30... Wb6 [30... a5!! 31. Wa5 (31. Да5 ®a7 32. ДЬ5 ^f6+; 31. ДаЗ Дd2 32. Sdl ДЬ4+) ®a5 32. Да5 Sa8 33. ДЬ4 Sa2+] 31. a3 <Йс7 [31... Sa8 32. ®c6 Wc6 33. dc6+-[ 32. ®d7 [32. Wc6 ®c6 33. dc6 Sb6 34. Дd6 Sc6 35. Де5+-1 <йе8 [32... &b5 33. ДЬ5+-; 32... ДВ 33. lcl+-[ 33. ®сб ®c6 34. dc6 Sc8 [34... Sb6 35. ДЬЗ+- a5 36. Дd7 ab4 37. Де8 Sb5 38. Дd71 35. ДЬЗ! [35. Даб йсб 36. ДЬ5 Sc8 37. Де8 Se8 38. Дd6 Дй 39. Дй фй±[ 15 [35... Sc6 36. Дd7+-l 36. ef5 Sc6 37. fg6 £)f6 [37... hg6 38. Дd7^—] 38. gh7 ФЬ7 39. Sdl Дй 40. Дg2 Sb6 41. Ecl <^?g6 42. Sc6 1 : 0 Hviakov 67.* В 81 NEPOMNIACHTCHI 2711 - SASIKIRAN 2681 Ningbo 20 / / 1. e4 c5 2. £)B d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £jd4 £>f6 5. £}сЗ аб 6. ДеЗ еб 7. g4 h6 8. Дg2 Aic6 9. B!? [9. h3 - 101/1561 d5?! N [9... Де7; 9... Wb6!?[ 10. ed5 ^d5 11. £)d5 8d5 [11... ed5 12. ®e2 Де7 13. 0-0-0 0-0 14. 14 Se8 15. h3 a) 15... Дс5 16. Wf2 Wd6 (16... Se3 17. We3± Xd5) 17. ФЫ Дd7 18. c3±; b) 15... Aia5 16. £)b3!±l 12. £>c6 Ьсб!? [12... Wc6 a) 13. Wd4 Wc2 14. 0-0 ®g6 15. Sadi Де7 16. Wa4 al) 16... b5? 17. Wa5 ДЬ7 (17... 0-0 18. ®c7+-; 17... Дd7 18. Wc7 Sd8 19. ДЬб e5 20. ®a7 Wc6 21.14 e4 22. Де4 We4 23. Дd8 0-0 24. Sdel Wg6 25. Wd7 Дd8 26. Se8 ДЬб 27. &g2 Wc2 28. &B+-) 18. Wc7 Дd5 19. Дс5 Дс5 20. Wc5 <4>d7 21. Sd5 ed5 22. Sdl Wc6 23. Sd5 Фс7 24. We7 ФЬ8 25. We5 Wc7 26. Sd6 Sa7 27.14 f6 28. Wd4 We7 29. Wb6 Sb7 30. ДЬ7 ®Ь7 31. We3±; a2) 16... фй! 17. ®a5 (17. h3 b5 18. Wa5 ДЬ7 19. Sd7 Дd5 20. Scl ДГ6 21. Sa7 &g8 22. Sa8 Да8 23. ®a6 Ф>Ь7 24. Wb5 Дd5 25. a4 Де5! 26. f4 Sb8 27. f5 Wf6±?; 17. f4 ®g4 18. SB Wf5 19. Wc4 g6 20. Sg3oo) фё8 18. Wc7 ДЬ4 19. Д12 Д12 20. S12 ФЬ7 21. Sfd2 e5 22. We5 Wb6 23. фЫ Деб 24. Sd6 Wb4 25. a3 Wb3=; b) 13. We2 Дd7 14. 0-0-0!? (RR 14. f4 Wa4 15. Ф12оо M. Cornette 2568 — Max. Lagarde 2433, France 2011) Дс5 15. ФЫ Wb6 16. Дс5 Wc5 17.14 0-0-0 18. Sd3 ДЬ5 19. WB Дсб 20. Sc3 ДВ 21. Sc5 Дсб 22. Дсб Ьсб 23. Sc6 ФЬ7 24. Sc4 Ь5 25. g5 Sd2s?; c) 13. ®d2! Де7 (13... Дd7 14. 14 Wb5 15. 0-0-0 Дсб 16. Дсб ®c6 17. Wd4 Sc8 18. ФЫ! Wc2 19.фа1Т) 14. 0-0-0 0-0 15. f4 Wa4 16. ФЫ e5 17. ЬЗ Wa3 18. f5±[ 13. We2 Wa5 14. сЗ Де7 15. 0-0 0-0 16.14 Дd7?! [16... Wc7! 17. g5 (17. Wc4 ДЬ7 A c5) hg5 18. fg5 ®e5 (18... Sb8 19. Sadi g6 20. h4+; 18... g6 19. h4 e5 20. h5 Д15 21. h6 Had8 22. Sadli) 19. Wd2 (19. g6 fg6 20. Sf8 ДВ 21. № Sb8 22. Sdl Sb7 23. Дсб Sf7 24. Wg3 ®f5 25. h3 Wc2^) Дс5 (19... Sd8? 20. ®f2 Sf8 21. Sael±) 20. Дс5 (20. ДВ ДЬ7 21. Sael ®f5 22. Дс5 ®c5 23. We3 We3 24. Se3 Sad8 25. g6 Sd2 26. b4 fg6 27. Se6 Sa2 28. Se7 Дс8 29. Дсб Sfl 30. <£>fl ФЬ7+) Wc5 21. Sf2 Sa7 22. Ь4 ®b6 23. Sei a5 24. We3±; 16... ДЬ7 17. Sadi Sad8 18. Wc4 Wc7 19. ®b3 Sdl 20. Sdl e5 21. ®b6 Wc8 22. f5 Sd8 23. Sd8 Дd8 24. Wa7±l 17. Sadi [17. a4 ®c7 18. a5 Sab8 179
19. АЬ6 Hb6 20. ab6 Wb6 21. ФЫ Ас8 22. Ае4+[ Hfd8 18. Ь4! (18. Hd7 Hd7 19. Асб Had8 20. Ad7 Hd7 21. аЗ Ac5 22. Ас5 Wc5 23. <£g2 Wc735 X<£g2] Wc7 19. Wf2?! [19. а4 Ае8 (19... а5 20. Ь5 НаЬ8 21. с4±) 20. а5 Sdl 21. Sdl Hb8 22. Wa6 с5 23. Wc4 Ab5 24. We4 Ае2 25. Hel!? cb4 26. cb4 Wd8 27. Wc2 Ad3 28. Wc7 Ab4 29. Wd8 Hd8 30. Ab6 Hb8 31. Ф12+1 Hab8 20. Ad4 [20. g5 c5 a) 21. bc5 h5!? 22. h4 Ab5 23. Hd8 Hd8 24. Hbl Hc8 25. c4 Ac4 26. Ab7 (26. Hb7? Wc5!+) Hb8 27. сб Ad5 28. Ab6 Hb7 29. cb7 Wb755; b) 21. gh6 Ab5 bl) 22. f5 Afl 23. Hfl cb4 24. fe6 f6 25. hg7 We5 26. ФЫ Wh5 27. Af4 Hb5! (27... bc3 28. Ab8 Hb8 29. Wf4 Hd8 30. Af3 Wg5 31. Wc4 Wb5 32. Wb5 ab5 33. Hgl Ac5 34. e7 Ae7 35. Adi Hdl 36. Hdl <^g7 37. Hd7 Ф18 38. Hc7 b4 39. <£g2±) 28. Af3 (28. Wa7 Wc5=) Wh3 29. cb4 Hb4 30. Ag2 Wh5=; b2) 22. Hd8 Wd8 23. Hel (23. Wg3 g6 24. Hel Hc8±?) cb4 24. c4 Ah4 25. We2 Aa4 26. Aa7 Hc8 27. Ab7 Hc7 28. Ab6 Af6!? (28... Hc4!? 29. Ad8 Hel 30. &g2 Ad8 31. Ae4 gh6 32. Wa6 Ac2 33. Wc4 Ae4 34. We4 фё7 35. f5 ef5 36. Wf5 Hc6 37. We4 Наб 38. Wc4 Hg6 39. фй Ae7=) 29. Ac7 Wc7 30. We4 Wc5 31. <£g2 g6oo[ Ae8 21. аЗ?! [21. Ae5 Ad6 22. Hd6 Hd6 23. Wc5 Hbd8 24. a4 We7 25. Ad6 Hd6 26. a5 Wd8±] Ad6 22. We3 [22. Aa7 Hb7 23. АеЗ Hbb8 24. Ae4 c5 25. bc5 Af8 26. Hd8 Hd8 27. g5 Ab5 28. Hel hg5 29. fg5 We5 30. Ab7 Wc3±?; 22. c4 a5 23. c5 Af4 24. Wf4 Wf4 25. Hf4 e5 26. He4 f6 27. ba5 Ha8 28. Hd2 Hd4 29. Hdd4 ed4 30. a6 Ag6 31. Hd4 Наб 32. Hd8 ФП 33. Hc8 НаЗ 34. Hc7 ФГ8 35. Ac6 h5=[ a5! 23. Hdel [23. Ae4 ab4 24. ab4 Hb5!? 25. Ad3 c5fe| ab4 24. cb4 Hb5! [A c5[ 25. Hel h5?! [25... e5! 26. Ac5 Ac5 27. Hc5 ef4 28. Hf4 Hc5 29. bc5 Wa5^[ 26. gh5 e5 27. fe5?! [27. Ac5 Ac5 28. Hc5 ef4 29. Hf4 Hc5 30. bc5 Hdl 31. Afl Wd8 32. h4±] Ae5 28. Ae5 He5 29. Wg3 [29. Wf4 Wa7 30. ФЫ Hh5 31. Ac6 Hd4 32. Wf2 Ac6 33. Hc6 Hg5 34. Hc8 ФИ7 35. Wf3 f6 36. Hc2 Wd7^] Wa7 30. ФЫ Hh5 31. Hc4 c5 32. Hg4 [32. Af3 Wa6 33. Hgl g6 34. Hf4 Hh7 35. bc5 Hd2 36. h4 Ас63б[ g6 33. Hg5 Hg5 34. Wg5 Hd3? [34... Hd4 35. bc5 (35. Wc5 Wc5 36. bc5 Hc4 37. сб Ac6 38. Асб Hc6 39. a4 Hc5 40. Hal Ha5 41. Фg2 ф(8 42. Ф13 Фе7 43. Фе4 Фd6=) Ab5 36. Hgl Wc7S A Ac6| 35. bc5?! [35. Ad5! ФИ7 36. Wh4 Фg8 37. We4 Hd5 38. Wd5 Wa3 39. Wc5 Wa8 40. <£gl iwre4 41. h3 Ac6 42. Ф12 Wg2 43. фе1 Wh3 44. Hf2±] НаЗ?! [35... Wc7! A Ac6] 36. We5 [36. Wd8 Wd7! 37. Wd7 Ad7 38. сб Ae6 39. Hel ФГ8 40. c7 Ac8=; 36. сб!? Wc7 37. Ad5 ФИ7 38. Wh4 фg7 39. Wf6 ФИ7 40. Hel (40. Hf4 Hh3 41. фё1 Wa7 42. Hf2 Wc5 43. Af7 Af7 44. Wf7 ФИ6 45. Wf8 Wf8 46. Hf8 Hc3 47. Hc8 Фg7 48. c7 g5=) Hh3 41. He5 Wc8 42. Ae4 (42. Ag2 Hd3 43. Hel Hd2 44. Wc3 Hd6 45. c7 Ad7 46. h3 Af5 47. He7 Hd7 48. Hd7 Wd7 49. Afl Wd5 50. фgl Ac8=) Wg4 43. Wfl Wg3 44. We2 We5 45. Ag6 Фg6 46. We5 Ac6 47. Фgl Ad7=[ Ab5 [36... Wa4! 37. Ad5 Hd3 38. сб Ac6 39. Wb8 Фg7 40. Hf7 ФИ6 41. Wf8 (41. Wh8 Фg5 42. We5 ФИ6 43. Wg7 ФИ5 44. Wh7 Фg5 45. h4 Wh4 46. Wh4 ФИ4 47. Ac6=) ФИ5 42. Hh7 Фg4 43. Wc8 (43. Hh4 ФИ4 44. Wh6 Фg4 45. Wg6 ФГ4 46. Wd3 Ad5 47. Wd5 We4 48. We4 фе4=) Фg5 44. h4 (44. Wc6 Wdl 45. Фg2 Hd2-+) Wh4 45. Hh4 Ad5 46. фgl фЬ4=[ 37. Hgl [37. Hbl!? Wa4 38. сб Hd3 39. h3 Hdl 40. Hdl Wdl 41. ФИ2 We2 42. We2 Ae2 43. c7 Aa6 44. h4 ФГ8=[ Wd7! 38. Hbl [38. Ad5 ФИ7 39. Ae4 Наб!? (39... Асб 40. Wh5 Фg8 41. Hg6 fg6 42. Wg6 Wg7 43. Wg7 Фg7 44. Ac6=) 40. Wh5 Фg7 41. We5 Фg8 42. Hbl Неб 43. Wb8 Фg7 44. Wb5 Wb5 45. Hb5 He4=[ Hd3 [38... Hb3!? 39. Hel Асб 40. Асб Wc6 41. фgl a) 41... Hb5 42. We8 We8 43. He8 Фg7 44. He5 (44. Hc8 Hb2=) 180
&f6 45. Hd5 Феб 46. Hd6 Фе7 47. Нсб Hb2 48. Лаб Hc2 49. сб Феб 50. h4 Нс4 51. Ф12 НЬ4 52. с7 Фd7 53. На8 Фс7 54. На7 Фd6 55. Hf7=; b) 41... фЬ7 42. Hfl=] 39. ЬЗ ФЬ7 40. Hb4 f6!© [40... НЬЗ 41. Ah3 Wdl 42. ФЬ2 Wd2 43. Ag2 Wb4 44. сб=| 41. Hh4 [41. Wf6 НЬЗ 42. фё1 Wdl 43. Afl a) 43... Afl 44. Hb7 ФЬб 45. Wf4 g5 46. Wf8 (46. Wf6 ФЬ5 47. Hh7 Фg4 48. We6 Фg3 49. We3 Фg4=) фЬ5 47. Wh8 Фg4 48. Wc8 Wg3 49. Wb8=; b) 43... Wfl 44. Wfl Afl 45. ФП Hc3=l Фg7 42. Wb8 We8!= 43. Wc7?? [43. We8 Ae8 44. Hc4 Af7 45. Hc2 Ad5 46. Ad5 Hd5 47. сб Hd8=l Hd7 44. Wg3 [44. Wf4 g5 45. Hg4 Wei 46. ФЬ2 Hdl 47. Af3 Hd2 48. Ag2 We2 49. Wc7 Фg6 50. Sg3 Ac4 51. h4 Hd4—hl 44... Асб!! 45. Hg4 [45. Асб Hdl 46. фЬ2 (46. Фg2 Wc6 47. ф£2 Wc5 48. We3 Hfl 49. &fl We3-+) Wc6 47. We3 Whl 48. Фg3 Sgl--hl Ag2 46. Wg2 [W 9/f[ Hdl 47. Ф112 We5 48. Hg3 Hd3 49. h4 НеЗ 50. Wh3 ФЬб??© [50... f5 51. Фg2 He2 52. ФЫ We4 53. Hg2 Hg2 54. Wg2 Wh4 55. £gl Wd4-+; 53... НеЗ—+1 51. Wg4 Hg3 52. Wg3 Wc5 [W 4/b[ 53. Wf4 Фg7 54. W13 We5 55. ФЬЗ ФЬб 56. Wa8? [56. Wdl! (Xh5) We3 57. Фg2 f5 58. ФЬ2 We5 59. ФЬЗ We4 60. Фg3 f4 61. ФИ2 We6 (61... &g7 62. Wg4 фйб 63. Wg5 Феб 64. Wg4 Wf5 65. We2 We5 66. Wc4 фf5 67. Wf7 Wf6 68. Wd7 We6 69. Wb5 We5 70. Wd7=) 62. Фg2=l Wc3 57. Фg2 фЬ5—h [Xh4] 58. ®e4 We5 59. Wc4 f5 60. Wf7 We4 61. £>gl ®el 62. Фg2 We4 63. фgl f4 64. Wh7 Фg4 65. h5 We3 66. ФМ Wei 67. фЬ2 Wf2 [67... We2 68. ФЫ ФЬЗ 69. Wd7 (69. hg6 ФgЗ—h) ФgЗ—-hl 68. ФЫ Wfl 69. ФЬ2 Wh3 70. фgl Wh5 71. Wd7 Ф114 72. Wc7 Wdl 73. ФЬ2 Wd2 74. фgl Фg3 0 : 1 Sasikiran 68. !N В 84 Nl HUA 2641 - A. GABRIELIAN 2545 Moscow 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £}f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £jd4 £>f6 5. £)сЗ аб 6. АеЗ еб 7. Ae2 Wc7 8. g4 £>c6 9. g5 £)d7 10. f4 Ae7 11. Wd2 [11. £>b3 - 63/2031 b5 12. a3 Hb8 13. f5 Wle5 14. Hfl! N [14. fe6; 14. 0-0-0!?l 0-0 [14... £sc4? 15. Ac4 bc4 16. £ic6 Wc6 17. 0-0-0 Wb7 18. Wd4!±; 14... £ja5 15. ЬЗ! Ad7 16. 0-0-0±; 14... £>d4 15. Ad4±l 15. £>c6! Wc6 16. f6!± Ad8 17. 0-0-0 Ac7 [17... g6 18. Wd6 Wd6 19. Hd6±l 18. fg7 [18. Aa7 b4 (18... Hb7 19. Ad4 g6 20. Wf4±) 19. ab4 Hb4 20. £)d5!±] Hd8 [18... Фg7 19. g6!+-[ 19. Ah5!+- Hd7 20. Ad4 Ab6 21. g6! fg6 [21... hg6 22. Wh6+-; 21... Ad4 22. gf7 23. Af7 Hf7 24. Hf7 ФГ7 25. g8W Фg8 26. Wd4+-; 21... £}g6 22. Ag6 Ad4 23. Wh6 Ag7 24. Wh7 ФГ8 25. Af7!+-1 22. Ae5 de5 23. Hf8! Фg7 24. Hc8 Hd2 25. Hc6 Hh2 26. Ag4 [26. Hd7!? ФИ6 27. Af34~1 Ad4 27. Наб [27. Ae6+-1 b4 28. ab4 Hb4 29. Ae6 h5 [29... АсЗ 30. ЬсЗ He4 31. Hd7 ФИ6 32. Ag8+—1 30. Hfl h4 31. £)dl [31. Hf7 ФЬб 32. Af5+-1 Ac5 32. Hf7 фЬб 33. Af5 Hg2 34. Hff6 1 : 0 Dembo 181
69.* В 86 D AUIN ОАПЯ _ VERA GONZALEZ-QUEVEDO 2482 Cappelle la Grande 2012 1. e4 c5 2. ai3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 af6 5. £ic3 аб 6. Жс4 еб 7. ЖЬЗ Же7 8. g4 0-0 [8... <йс6?! 9. g5 ad4 (9... ad7?! 10. Жеб fe6 11. аеб Wa5 12. ag7 Ф17 13. af5±) 10. Wd4 ah5 11. Igl Wa5 (11... b5 - 44/290) 12. ЖеЗ 0-0 13. 0-0-0 g6 14. f4 N (14. ФЫ) ag7 15. ФЫ Жа7 16. Wd2 Wd8 17. Жа4 le8 18. f5 ef5 19. ad5 Жеб 20. Af6 21. gf6 ЖЬЗ 22. аЬЗ аеб 23. Wh6 Wa5 24. Ig3 1 : 0 B. Amin 2608 - Al Qudaimi 2395, Dubai 20121 9. ЖеЗ асб 10. g5 ad7 11. Igl ad4 [11... ade5 - 46/(320)1 12. Ж04 ac5 13. Wh5! ab3 14. аЬЗ g6 N [14... e5 15. ЖеЗ Жеб 16. 0-0-0±; 14... Ie8; 14... b51 15. Wh6 e5 16. ЖеЗ Жеб 17. f4! ef4 [17... Ie8 18. f5! gf5 (18... Ж18 19. Wh3 Жd7 20. ad5 Жg7 21. Wh4+-) 19. g6 ЖИ4! (19... hg6 20. Ig6 fg6 21. Wg6 ФИ8 22. Wh6 <£g8 23. We6 ФИ8 24. Wh6 &g8 25. 0-0-0+-) 20. фе2 hg6 21. Ig6 fg6 22. Wg6 Ф18 23. Wh6 Фе7 24. Wh7 ЖП 25. ad5 &d7 26. Wf7 le7 27. ab6 фс7 28. Wh5! +-118. Жd4! f6 19. ae2! [19. gf6 ЖА5 20. Ig6 hg6 21. Wg6 ФЬ8 22. Wh6 <£g8 23. Wg6=l Wc8? [19... Wc7D 20. 0-0-0 lfc8 21. ЖеЗ ЖГ8 22. Wh4 fg5 23. Wg5-1 20. Ф02! [20. 0-0-0 lf7! 21. af4 ЖЬЗ 22. Id2 Ж18 23. Wh4 lc7oo; 20. gf6 lf6! 21. Wh4! Wf8 (21... If7?? 22. Ig6!) 22. ЖГ6 ЖР6 23. Wf4 ЖЬ2 24. Wf8 lf8 25. Idl Же5=1117 21. gf6? [21. af4! Ж18 22. Wh4 f5! (22... fg5 23. Ig5 Жg7 24. ag6 hg6 25. Ig6+-) 23. ag6 Жg7 24. af4 (24. Жg7 lg7 25. af4 fe4 26. Iael4—) Жd4 25. g6 hg6 26. Ig6 lg7 27. Wg3! Ж17 28. Ig7 Жg7 29. Igl Wf8 30. ef5 ФИ7 31. Wh4 ЖИ6 32. f6 ЖЬ5 33. Ф43! Wf7 34. Wh5 Wf6 35. ad5 We6 36. Ifl Wg6 37. Wg6 &g6 38. If6+-1 ЖГ6 22. Ig6! hg6 23. Wg6 Ж§7 24. Igl Wd7 25. af4! If4 26. Жg7 ЖГ5!! [26... Ig4? 27. Ig4 Жg4 28. ЖГ6 Ф18 29. Wh6 &g8 30. Wh8 ФП 31. Wg7 Феб 32. Wg4 Ф16 33. Wd7+-; 26... Wf7? 27. Wh6 112 28. Фе1 Ifl 29. Ifl Wg7 30. We6+—1 27. ef5 [27. Wg5 lg4 28. Ig4 Жg4 29. Жd4 ФИ7 30. h3! ЖИЗ 31. Wh5 Фg8 32. Wh8 Ф17 33. Wa8 Жg2=l Wf5 28. Wd6! If2? [28... Ig4! 29. Ig4 Wg4 30. Wd5 ФИ7 31. Жd4=l 29. Фе1 1П 30.1П le8 31. Же5!! Ie5 [W 9/e] 32. фd2 ld5 [32... Wg5 33. ФеЗ 1еЗ 34. фd4!l 33. ФеЗ! 1е5 34. Ф04! We4 [34... 1е4 35. ФеЗ ®ИЗ 36. ®g3 i®rg3 37. hg3 1еЗ 38. ФЬ4 lg3 39. ldl!±l 35. ФеЗ ®еЗ 36. Wd3! [36. ФЬ4 1Ь5 37. Фа4 ®е8! 38. фаЗ 1а5 39. ФЬ4 Wb5 40. ФеЗ Wfl 41. Wd8 Фg7 42. Wa5 Wei—1-] 1с5 37. ФЬ4 1Ь5 38. фа4 Wd3 [38... We8 39. Wc4 ФИ8 40. Wc3 ФИ7 41. Wc7 ФИ8 42. фаЗ!+—1 39. cd34— [1 6/j] lh5 40.112 lh3 41. Id2 Ф17 42. Ь4 Феб 43. Ь5 Ф05 44. Фа5 lh6 45. Ьаб la6 46. ФЬ5 Фd4 47. Ic2 la2 48. ФЬб Фd3 49. Ig2 la4 50. ФЬ7 [1 4/fl lh4 51. Феб Фс4 52. Фd6 ФЬЗ 53. фе5 lh8 54. Ф16 lh7 55. фg6 lh8 56. Id2 [56.11211 фс4 57. If2 ФЬЗ 58.1е2 Фс4 59. Id2 ФЬЗ 60. 112! Ig8 61. ФЬ7 lg4 62. ФЬб 1Ь4 63. Фg5 1Ь8 64. Ь4 lg8 65. фГ4 118 66. Фg3 lg8 67. ФЬЗ 1Ь8 68.1Ь2 1:0 В. Amin 182
70. В 88 SU. VAIBHAV 2494 - SANIKIDZE 2549 Metz 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £)f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. wd4 £)f6 5. £ic3 £jc6 6. Ac4 еб 7. АЬЗ аб 8. АеЗ ®с7 9. f4 Ае7 10. Wf3 <21d4 11. Ad4 Ь5 12. е5 [12. аЗ 0-0 13. 0-0 Ab 7 14. Hael Нас8 15. Wg3 ФЬ8 16. ФЫ ®сб 17. Hf3 а5 18. Wg5 Ь4 19. ab4 аЬ4 а) 20. Hg3? Hg8 21. Аа4 (21. е5 de5 22. fe5 £je4—1-) ®а6 22. Ab5 Wa5 23. Ad3 ®g5 24. fg5 £>h5! 25. Hh3 2tf4-+; b) 20. 2idl Ha8! (20... h6?! - 62/282) 21. £)f2 ®c7 22. £>g4 Ha5! 23. ®h4 Hh5 24. Wg3 4/e4 25. He4 Ah4-+1 de5 13. Ae5!? [13. ®a8 ed4 14. £se4 Ab4 15. c3 dc3 16. Ш gf6 17. 0-0-0 cb2 18. ФЫ 0-0—b; 13. fe5 - 79/2091 ®b7 14. ®g3 b4?I [14... a5! 15. a4 b4 16. ab5 ®e4 17. <£d2 0-0 18. Sael ®g6Tl 15. <£3e2 0-0 16.0-0-0!+ a5 17. Да4! We4?! N [17... g6; 17... ®b6! 18. Hhel lb7 a) 19. Hd7 £>h5! 20. ®g4 (20. ®h3 №! 21. Hedl ®e2 22. Hb7 Had8+) &f6=; b) 19. f5! ef5 20. £)d4! £}h5 21. ®h3 g6 22. &f5 gf5 23. ®h5 ®g6 24. We 2 Ae4±[ 18. Shel Wg6 [18... Ab7?? 19. Hd7+-[ 19. ®f3!± ^d5 [19... Ha7 20. £>d4 Ac5 21. £c6±[ 20. £jd4?! [20. Асб! Наб 21. Ad5 ed5 22. Wd5 a4oo; 21. ^d4!±[ Ab7 21. Асб Деб 22. £>c6 Hfe8?! [22... Af6!?±; 22... Sfc8!? 23. Wd5! Wc2! 24. фс2 ed5 25. Hd5 Hc6 26. <£>d3 f6 27. Ad4 Hd6±l 23. f5! Wh6 24. ФМ Af6 25. fe6 fe6 26. Ad4? [26. g3!±[ ®h2 27. g3 [27. Af6 Ш 28. £se7 ФП 29. g31? (29. Hd7 Had8!+; 29. g4!? фе7 30. g5 Ш7 31. Hd7 <£d7 32. Wb7 <£d6 33. Wb6 &d7 34. Wb7=) Had8 30. Hd8 Hd8 31. £>c6 Hc8 32. £sd4 He8 33. W ®h5oo[ 27... Wh6! 28. Hfl? [28. Wd3=[ a4?! [28... Wg6!?[ 29. Af6 Wf6 30. We4 Wg5 31. £>b4 £)b4 32. Wb4 a3= 33. Hd7? [33. ®f4 ®f4 34. Hf4 ab2 35. Hd7oo] ab2?! [33... Hf8’+1 34. Wc3? [34. Wf4!=[ Hf8 35. Hhl Hab8 36. Wd4 h6 37. a4 Hfd8 38. Hfl Hf8© 39. Hdl Hfc8 40. a5 Ha8+ 41. Ha7 Hd8 [41... Ha7 42. Wa7 Wf5 43. Hd3! (43. Hd2 ®fl 44. ФЬ2 Wb5 45. фс1 Hb8 46. Hd3 Wb2 47. <£dl Hc8 48. Hd2 ®bl 49. Фе2 Hf8-+) фЬ7!!-+[ 42. Ha8 Ha8 43. ®b6 ®a5 44. ®a5 [44. Hd8 ФИ7 45. ®a5 Ha5 46. ФЬ2 &g6+l Ha5 45. ФЬ2 [H 6/c[ &f7 46. c4 Hg5 47. Hd3 e5 48. ФсЗ [48. c5 e4 49. НеЗ e3 50. Фс2 Hg3[ Феб 49. НеЗ Hg4 50. ФЬ4 e4 51. c5 Ф05 52. ФЬ5 Hg6?! [52... Hg5’-+[ 53. НеЗ Hc6 54. Hel Hc8 55. Hdl Фе5 56. сб e3 57. Hd7 Фе4 58. Hg7?? [58. c7 e2 59. Феб Hf8 60. Hd8 el® 61. Hf8 ®c3 62. фd7 Wd4 63. Фс8 Фе5—Ь; 58. He7! Фd5 59. Hd7 Феб 60. Hd3 е2 61. НеЗ Фd5 62. Не2 НЬ8 63. фаб фс6-+[ Не8!—I- 59. с7 е2 60. Не7 Не7 61. c8W el® 62. ®с4 Ф13 0 : 1 Sanikidze 71.* В 90 KAMSKY 2741 - HI. NAKAMURA 2775 USA (ch) 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £jf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £tf6 5. £)c3 a6 6. a4 e5 7. Ae7 8. Ac4 0-0 9. 0-0 Ae610. Ab3 [10. We2 ®c7 11. Ab3 (11. Aa2=) Hc8 12. Ag5 (12. Hdl £jc6=) W7 183
13. Sfdl h6 14. Af6 N (14. АеЗ) &f6= R. Ponomariov 2764 — Bruz6n Batista 2673, Khanty-Mansiysk (m/2) 2011; 10. Aa2 — 93/1951 &c6 11. Ag5 &a5 N [11... h6; 11... Sc8!?l 12. Af6 Af6 13. Ad5?! [13. Aa2 ac4!?=; 13... Sc8 A ac4=; 13. ad5 £>b3 14. cb3 Sc8 15. £}f6 Wf6 (15... gf6 A d5=) 16. Wd6 Ab3 17. Wb4 Ac2 18. Wb7 Sfd8cZ>; 15. Wd3=l Sc8 14. £jd2 [14. Wd3 Wb6 a) 15. Sabi (A b4) Wb4+; b) 15. Sfbl Wc5 (15... Wb4 16. £sa2 Wa4 17. b4 Ad5 18. £)c3 Sc3 19. Sa4 Sd3 20. cd3 Ac6 21. Sa5 Ab5oo) 16. Sdl Ae7+; 14. lei Wb6 15. Ibl Wb4=| Wc7 [14... Wb6!? 15. Ibl Wb4 16. We2 Sc7Tl 15. Sei Ag5 [15... ^c6!?[ 16. ап [A ae3[ Wb6 17. Ibl [17. Wbl?! ac4 18. Ac4 Sc4 19. аеЗ АеЗ 20. Se3 f5+[ ac4 18. We2 [18. Ac4 Sc4 19. аеЗ Sd4+; 18. Wh5 h6 19. Wf3 Wb4T] Ah6 [18... g6!? 19. Sedl (19. Wf3 &g7T) Wb4 20. Ac4 Sc4 21. £se3 АеЗ! 22. We3 Sd4+1 19. h4? [19. Sedl Wb4 20. Wf3 Sfd8Tl Wb4!? [19... Sc7 20. Sedl Wb4 21. Sd3+1 20. g3 Sc7 [20... g6!? 21. Ac4 Sc4 22. аеЗ АеЗ 23. We3 &g7+[ 21. &g2 Ab6 22. Ab3l? [22. Sedl g6 (22... Ad5? 23. £)d5 ad5 24. Sd5 Wa4 25. c3oo; 22... £>a4 23. aa4 Wa4 24. c3 Wd7 25. ae3T) 23. Ab3 Ab3 24. cb3 Wb3+1 Ab3? [22... ac4! 23. Ac4 Sc4 24. аеЗ АеЗ 25. We3 f5+] 23. cb3 Wb3 24. a5 aa4 [24... ac8 25. ad5 Sc5 26. afe3 АеЗ 27. We3 We3 28. Se3 f5 (28... Sa5 29. Sb3 f5 30. Sb7 fe4 31. Scl Sd5 32. Scc7=) 29. Sc3 fe4 30. Sc5 dc5 31. Sdl! g6 32. ac3 e3 33. fe3 ae7 34. <йе4 £)c6 35. ac5 aa5 36. b3=; 24... £)c4 25. ad5 Sc5 26. ae7 ФЬ8 27. &f5 Wb4 (27... Sc6 28. Wh5=) 28. Wh5=| 25. ah2?! [25. ad5! Sc5 (25... Sc2? 26. ae7 фЬ8 27. Wdl ab2 28. Wd6t) a) 26. afe3 АеЗ 27. We3 We3 28. Se3 (28. аеЗ?! g6+) Sc2 29. ЬЗ ac5 (29... W?? 30. ФА! A Se2 xab2+-) 30. £ie7 ФЬ8 31. Sdl Sb2 32. af5 аьз 33. Sd5 f6 34. Sc3=; b) 26. ae7 ФЬ8 27. 2>f5 d5 28. ah6 gh6 29. Wh5=l g6?! [25... ac3 26. ЬсЗ Wc3 27. ag4 a) 27... Wa5 al) 28. ah6? gh6 29. Wg4 фЬ8 30. Wf5 Wa2 31. Sedl b5 (31... Wc2? 32. Sdcl Wcl 33. Wf6 *g8 34. Scl Scl 35. Wh6=; 31... We6 32. We6 fe6 33. Sd6 Se8 34. Sbb6 Sce7+) 32. Sal We6 33. Sa6 Wf5 34. ef5 *g7! (34... Sd8? 35. Sad6 Sd6 36. Sd6 Sb7 37. f6 Sb8 38. Sd3 b4 39. Sb3 Sb6 40. ФО Sf6 41. фе4 Sf2 42. фе5 f6 43. Фе4 <^>g7 44. Sb4 &g6 45. Sb7+) 35. Sb6 Sd8 36. Sb5 ф£6 37. Sbd5 Sc6 38. f4 ef4 39. g4 Sc3 40. Ф12 фе7 41. Sei Фё7 42. Sedl фсб 43. Sa5+; a2) 28. Sedl! a21) 28... Wa4 29. Wi6 gh6 30. Sd6 Sc6 (30... f6 31. Sbb6 ScH 32. Wg4 фЬ8 33. Wf5=) 31. Sb6 Sd6 32. Sd6 h5 33. Sb6 Wd7 34. Wh5 f6 35. Wh6=; a22) 28... f5 29. ef5 Wc5 30. Wa2 Scf7 31. ФЬЗ Wc6 32. We6 Af4 33. ah2 Se8 34. Wd5=; b) 27... Wd2! 28. Sb6 We2 (28... Sc2!?) 29. ah6 (29. Se2 Acl 30. Sd6 f6+) gh6 30. Se2 Sd8 31. Sd2 фё7 32. Sbd6 Sd6 33. Sd6 Sc5 34. Sd7 Sb5+[ 26. ag4! Ag7 27. ad5 [27. ^еЗ!? f5 28. ef5 a) 28... ac3 29. ЬсЗ Wf7 (29... Wc3? 30. £id5 Wc6 31. Wa2+) 30. fg6 Wg6 31. Sb6 (31. Sfl=) Scf7 32. Sflco; b) 28... gf5 29. Wdl! (29. Wd3? ac3 30. ЬсЗ Wf7 31. c4 f4 32. ad5 Sc5 33. gf4 ФЬ8!+) Wdl (29... £ic5 30. Wd6 Sc6 31. Wd5 ФЬ8 32. Sedloo) 30. Sedl Sc3 (30... ac3 31. ЬсЗ f4 32. ad5 Sd7 33. g4=) 31. ЬсЗ ac3 32. Sb7 &dl 33. adi d5 34. Sa7 d4 35. Sa6 Sc8 36. Sb6 Scl 37. аб! Sal 38. f3 d3 39. &f2 d2 40. Sd6=[ Sc2 [27... Sc4!? 28. Sedl ^c5 (28... Sd4 29. h5! f5 30. ae7 ФЬ8 31. Sd4 ed4 32. hg6+-) 29. adf6 Af6 30. af6 Фg7 31. Sd6oo[ 28. We3= ac5 [28... We3 29. £ige3 a) 29... Sb2? 30. Sb2 ab2 31. Sbl aa4 (31... ad3 32. Sb7 ac5 33. Sb6±) 32. Sb7 Sa8 33. f3+; b) 29... Sd2 30. Sedl Sd4 31. Sd4 ed4 32. &c4 ac5 33. f3 Sd8 34. ФД=[ 29. h5!? [29. adf6!? Ф118 (29... Af6 30. af6 Фg7 31. ah5 gh5 32. Wg5=) 30. ad7! Sc8 (30... Sd8 31. ac5 We3 32. £se3 Sc5 33. b4 Sc3 184
34. Ь5=) 31. £>с5 We3 32. £>еЗ Н2с5 33. Ь4 S5c7 34. ^d5=; 29. ^gf6!? фЬ8 30. £)d7! ®d3 (30... Hd8 31. £к5 We3 32. НеЗ Нс5 33. Ь43б) 31. £>f8 НС 32. &gl Wc2 33. Sbcl Hg2 34. ФП HC=[ We3 30. ®ge3 Sd2 31. £jc4 Hd4 [31... Hd3? 32. £}d6±] 32. ftd6 Hd8 33. b4 ®d3 [33... Aie4? 34. <йе7 фй 35. ab7 He8 36. £ic6±l 34. <ЙЬ7 £sel 35. Hel Ha8 [35... Hd7 36. £jc5 Ha7 37. Salool 36. f3? [36. hg6!? hg6 37. £jd6 ЖЬб 38. b5 ab5 39. £>b5 Hd2 40. Hal Hb2 41. Ы6 Наб 42. £jc4=; 36. £}c5! Жй (36... Ea7 37. Hal! Hd2 38. £>a6 Наб 39. b5 Ha8 40. аб Ж18 41. b6 Hb2 42. b7 Ha7 43. hg6 hg6 44. Ha2 Hbl 45. Hal=) 37. НЫ! (37. Sal? *g7 38. hg6 hg6 39. Hbl Жс5 40. bc5 Sc4!+) f5 (37... Ha7 38. hg6 hg6 39. £>f6 &g7 40. £se8=) 38. <йе6 Hd2 (38... Hd3 39. Йес7 Ha7 40. hg6 hg6 41. 2tf6 Ф17 42. Hh7 &f6 43. £>e8 *g5 44. Ha7 ЖЬ4 45. Наб Sd2=) 39. g4 fe4 40. £)f6 ФП 41. £}g5 <£>f6 42. Aie4 Феб 43. ®d2 ЖЬ4 44. Aie4=| Ж18 [36... Hd2!? 37. ФЬЗ Ha7 38. £>d6 Hc2+[ 37.Hcl?! [37. £ic5 Hd2 (37... gh5!? 38. He2 &g7 39. Hb2 Ha7+) 38. ФЬЗ gh5! 39. £)d7 a) 39... ЖЬ4? 40. Hbl Жа5 (40... Af8 41. ^5f6 Фg7 42. Hb6 ^d6 43. 2Ж5 Фg6 44. Йе5 ФЬ5 45. W Hf8 46. Hf3 47. &e8=)41. £je5 ^d8 42. Hb7 f5 43. £jf7 fe4 44. £>f4! ef3 45. £>Ь6 ФЬ8 46. £>e6 £f6 47. W=; b) 39... Hc8! 40. g4 Hcc2 bl) 41. Shi? Hf2 (41... ^d6? 42. £>7f6 ФЬ8 43. gh5 Sd3 44. Фg3 НЬЗ 45. h6 Hc8 46. Hdl=) 42. f4 ±g7 43. fe5 hg4 44. Фg4 h6 45. £se7 фЬ7 46. 2rf5 Hh2 47. Hh2 Hh2 48. £)g7 Фg7 49. ^c5 Фg6—+; b2) 41. W6 Фg7 (41... ФЬ8 42. gh5 Ag7 43. Hgl h6 44. £>e8 f5 45. ef5 Sd5 46. f6 Фg8 47. fg7 Hc6 48. Hel e4 49. Se4 Hh5 50. Фg3 Hg6 51. ФС Hh2 52. ФеЗ Hb2 53. ФГ4 Hbg2 54. He7 h5 55. Hd7 h4 56. Фе5 H2g5 57. ф£4 Hg3 58. ФГ5=) 42. gh5 Hh2 43. Фg4 Hcg2 44. ФГ5 Ad6 45. Ш ef4 46. £>e8 ФГ8 47. £)d6 He2 48. Hgl Hd2 49. £>c4 Hc2 50. £>b6 Hh5 51. ФР4 Hh3T[ ЖЬ4!-+ 38. Hc7 [38. h6 ЖГ8 (38... Id2 39. Hc7 ЖЬб - 38... Af8) 39. Hc7 (39. Ш ФЬ8 40. Hc7 ЖЬб 41. £>d5 Hf8 42. £ic5 Жg7 43. Aid7 He8 44. £>7f6 Hd8 45. Sf7 Hf8 46. Hf8 ЖГ8-+) ЖЬб 40. £>d6 a) 40... Жg7? 41. £>f7 Ha4 (41... h6 42. Hd7! Sd2 43. ФЬЗ НС 44. £>Ь6 ЖЬб 45. £)f6 фй 46. W=) 42. £sg5 фЬ8 43. ^еб (43. £>f7 Фg8 44. £>g5=) Hg8 44. Hf7 Ha5 45. ^e7 ЖЬб 46. Aid5 (A £jf6) Ha2 47. ФЬЗ Жg7 48. Aig7 Hg7 49. Hf8 Hg8 50. Hf7=; b) 40... Hf8! 41. £)c4 f6 42. £>cb6 Hf7 43. Hc8 Ф87-+] gh5! 39. ФЬЗ [39. Aib4 Hb4 40. ^d6 f6 41. 2rf5 Hbl 42. ФЬЗ НЫ 43. Фg2 Hal 44. ah6 Ф18 45. Hh7 Hd8 46. НЬ8 Фе7 47. ^)f5 Фd7 48. НЬ5 Феб—H Фg7 40. ФЬ4 [40. ^ib4 Hb4 41. £)d6 ФГ6 42. W Hb5 43. £)d6 Ha5 44. НЬ7 Ha3 45. ФЬ4 Фg6 46. Hh5 Hf3 47. £}c4 ФГ6 48. ^Ь6 He8-+[ На7 [40... ЖГ8 41. ФЬ5 Hd3 42. Фg4 Ь5 43. ФЬ5 Hf3 44. фg4 НЬЗ 45. £)с5 Жс5 46. Нс5 НЬ5 47. Неб На5 48. ФГ5 Hal—+1 41. фЬ5 41... Hd5! [41... ЖГ8 (Х<ЙЬ7) 42. £>d6 (42. ^еЗ Hd2 43. Aig4 Hb2 44. Aid6 Нс7 45. £se8 ФЬ8 46. £>с7 Жd6-+; 42. Фg4 На4 43. Hd7 На5 44. Hf7 Ф17 45. £>а5 феб-+) Нс7 43. 4}е8 ФЬ8 44. ^>ес7 На4 45. 4й6 Жd6 46. 41ас7 Жс7 47. £ic7 На5-+[ 42. ed5 Жа5 43. Не7 [43. d6 ЖЬб (43... Жс7 44. dc7 На8 45. Aid6 а5-+) 44. Не7 а5-+1 ЖЬб! [43... ФГ8? 44. d6 ЖЬ4 45. Hd7 Жd6 46. Hd6 Hb7 47. Наб НЬЗ 48. f4 Hg3 49. fe5=[ 44. d6 a5 45. Фg5 [45. ^id8 Ф18! (45... a4? 46. ^je6 ФГ6 47. £>c7 Жс7 48. dc7 Ha8 49. Hd7 Hc8 50. Hd6 Фе7 51. Наб Hc7 52. Ha4 НеЗ 53. f4 Hg3 54. fe5 Феб 55. Hf4 Hg7 56. ФЬб Фе5 57. Hfl=) 46. Ha7 Жа7 47. £)с6 ЖЬб 48. £se5 а4 49. £sd3 аЗ 50. W фе8 51. Фg4 Фd7 52. ФГ5 Фd6 53. Фе4 Фс5 54. £jc2 а2-+; 45. d7 ФЬб 46. Не8 НЬ7 47. d8® Жd8 48. Hd8 На7-+1 а4 46. ФГ5 аЗ 47. £>d8 а2 48. £se6 ФЬб 49. ^ig5 аШ 50. А1П Фg7 0 : 1 Petronijevic 185
72.* В 90 FROLYANOV 2555 - BU XIANGZHI 2670 Moscow 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £if3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £jd4 £jf6 5. <йсЗ a6 6. АеЗ e5 7. £>13 Ae7 8. Ac4 0-0 9. 0-0 £>c6 10. lei Ae6 11. Ad5 Ad5 12. ed5 b5 13. Afl [13. Ab5 - 104/54] Aib4 14. c4 bc4 15. Ac4 Wa5 16. Ad2 Wc5 17. Scl £)bd5 18. Ag5 Wa5 19. £>e5 N [19. b4 N £>b4 (19... ®d8?! 20. Ad5 £>d5 21. Wd5 Ag5 22. £>g5 Wg5 23. Wd6±) 20. Af6 (20. Wd2 Дас8) Af6 21. a3 Wa3 22. Sal Wc3 23. Icl Wa3 24. gal Wc3 25. Scl 1/2 : 1/2 Frolyanov 2556 - Dm. Kokarev 2637, Russia 2012; 19. a3; 19. Ad5[ de5 20. Де5 Wb4 [20... Wb6 21. Af6 Wf6 22. Id5 Wb2 23. g3 lad8 24. Дс2 Sd5 25. Ad5 We5 26. Wf3+ Xf7] 21. Ad5 £jd5 22. Sd5 Ag5 23. Sg5 Wb2= 24. Wc2 Wc2 25. Дс2 g6 26. Sgc5 Sfd8 27. g3 Ad3 28. a4 Да7 29. Ag2 Ag7 30. h4 h5 31. Да5 ld6 32. Дас5 ld3 33. Да5 Д06 34. Дас5 ld3 35. Да5 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovic 73. В 90 INARKIEV 2695 - TER-SAHAKYAN 2578 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 c5 2. &f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. &d4 2rf6 5. £ic3 a6 6. АеЗ e5 7. £jb3 Ae7 8. f3 Ae6 9. Wd2 0-0 10. 0-0-0 a5 11. Wei Wc8 12. a4 /Деб 13. ФЫ /ДЬ4 14. g4 Sd8!? [14... d5 - 106/741 15. Ab6 N [15. g5[ Hf8 [15... Де8 16. Ab5±l 16. Aa5!? АЬЗ?! [16... d5? 17. g5!± £>h5 18. ed5 Af5 19. Ab4 Ab4 20. We5+-; 16... /Дс2! 17. фс2 АЬЗ 18. ФЬЗ Да5 a) 19. g5? /Д47 20. M5 <^c5 21. фс2 /Де4 22. ФЫ ld5! 23. Hd5 £ig5T; b) 19. £)d5? £>d5 20. Wa5 £>e3! 21. Д42 (21. Ad3? We6—b) We6! 22. Hd5! Дс8+; c) 19. Ab5!oo[ 17. Ab4 Aa4 18. /Да4! Да419. Ab5 Да7 20. We3! [20. c3 Wc7 21. We2 lfa8oo] Wa8 [20... Ь6!? A £jd7-c5[ 21. c3+ ^e8!? [A £ic7; 21... Дс8 22. фс2[ 22. Ac4! [22. фс2?! £sc7 23. Ac4 a) 23... Дс8 al) 24. Ad6? Ad6 25. Д46 £>e8 26. Деб!! (26. Shdl £)d6 27. Ш6+) Ф18! (26... Да5 27. Wb6±) 27. Wg5 fe6 28. Аеб Деб 29. Wf5 Ш 30. g5 We8 31. Ad5 g6 32. Асб gf5 33. Ae8 /Де8 34. ef5 £>d6+; a2) 24. Ab3 /ДЬ5 25. h4! £)d4 26. Id4 ed4 27. Wd4+; b) 23... b5 24. АЬЗ £>e6oo[ &f6 [22... £>c7 23. Wb6! Ic8 24. Ad6 Ad6 25. Wd6 b5 26. Ad5 £>d5 27. Wd5±; 22... b5!? a) 23. Ab5?! «3c7 24. Асб Wb8!S (24... Wc6? 25. Wa7 Да8 26. We3 Wa4 27. Wb6!±) 25. Фс2 Даб 26. Ad5 £jd5 27. Sd5 Wa8oo; b) 23. Ad5! Wb8 24. фс2 «Зс7 25. Да1+1 23. фс2 Дс8 24. АЬ5?! [24. АЬЗ! Даб 25. f4±[ £>е8! [24... Да2 25. с4!± А 26. АаЗ, 26. Ad6[ 25. Wb6! [25. Ае8?! Де8 26. Ad6 Да2! (Д Wa4; 26... Ь5 27. Ае7 Дае7 28. Да1±) 27. Wb6 Даб! 28. Wb4 Ad6 29. Дd6 Дd6 30. Wd6 Wa4 31. ФЫ Да8оо ХФЫ] Ad8?! [25... h6!? 26. h4! (26. Hhfl Ad8 27. Wgl Ag5oo; 26. ДdЗ Ad8 27. Wf2 Ae7oo) Да2 27. g5 Ad8 28. Wgl± Aa5 29. ФЬЗ! Ab4 30. cb4; 25... Да2!? 26. h4!? (26. Ae8 Де8 27. Ad6 - 25. Ae8) h6 - 25... h6| 26. Wgl! [А Да1] Aa5 [26... Ag5 27. h4 Af4 28. Да1+[ 27. Aa5 Да5 28. Wb6! [28. 186
Ае8?! Не8 29. Hd6 На2 30. Wb6 Наб 31. Wb4 - 25. Ае8] На2 [А ®аЗ; 28... £к7 а) 29. Ad7!? Наб 30. Wb4 Hd8 31. Hd6 Hd6 32. Wd6 £>b5 33. We7! (33. Wb4? £>c3=) Wa4 34. <4>d3!±; 31... £je6+; b) 29. Ac4 £ie8 30. Wb3 Hc7 31. Ab5± Xd6] 29. Hd3!± [Xc3, d61 £>c7 30. Ac4 Ha4 31. Wb3! Hf8 32. Hd6 b5 33. Af7! [33. Ab5? He4!ool фЬ8 [33... Hf7 34. Hhdl £>e8 (34... Wf8 35. Hd8 4}e8 36. Ш+-) 35. Hd8 Wc6 36. НМ7+-; 36. Ш5+-1 34. Hhdl+- Hal 35. Hal Wai 36. Wa3 Wa3 [36... Wfl 37. Hdl+-[ 37. ba3 g6 38. Hd7 Aa6 39. g5 1:0 Inarkiev 74 В 90 A. VOLOKITIN 2695 - S. ZHIGALKO 2649 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £jf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £jd4 Ш 5. ^сЗ аб 6. АеЗ e5 7. АЬЗ Аеб 8. h3 Abd7 [8... h5; 8... Ae7[ 9. g4 Hc8 10. Wd2! b5 11. 0-0-0 Ae7 [11... W 12. g5 a) 12... £>fd7 13. f4 ef4 14. Af4 Ae7 (14... 4}e5 15. Aid5 Ad5 16. ed5 Ae7 17. h4+) 15. £>d5! Ad5 16. ed5 0-0 17. h4±; b) 12... 2Ж5 13. ФЫ Ae7 14. Ae2 (14. £>a5!?±) £>c4 15. Wei АеЗ 16. fe3 g6 17. Ah5 gh5 18. Ad5 Ag5 19. h4 Ah6 20. Aa5 <£>f8 21. Wb4+; c) 12... b4! 13. gf6! (13. Ab6 Wb6 14. <Aa4 Wc6 15. gf6 gf6!oo) ЬсЗ 14. ЬсЗ gf6 15. Aa6 £}c4! 16. ®d3 Фе7! (16... АеЗ 17. We3 Hb8 18. a4 Wb6 19. Ab5 Фе7 20. Wb6 Hb6 21. c4 Ah6 22. ФЬ2 Hc8 23. c5 dc5 24. c4+) 17. Ac5!! (17. Ac8 Wc83s) АеЗ 18. Аеб fe6 19. fe3 Hb8 20. Ac4+[ 12. 14 N ± [12. фЬ1[ ef4 [12... 0-0 13. f5 b4 14. Ad5 Ae4 15. Ae7 We7 16. Wb4 Ab3 17. ab3 Adc5 18. ФЫ!±; 12... b4 13. Ad5 Ae4 14. Wg2! (14. Wb4 Ad5 15. Hd5 Ag3 16. Hgl Wc7 17. c3 Wc6T) Ad5 15. Hd5 ef4 16. Af4 a) 16... Aec5 17. Ad6! al) 17... Ab3 18. ab3 all) 18... Af6 19. Ae7 We7 (19... Wd5 20. Ab4+) 20. Hdl 0-0 21. ФЫ±; al2) 18... Ab6 19. Hd3! Ad6 20. Wd2±; a2) 17... Ad6 18. Hd6 0-0 19. Ac5 Wg5 20. ФЫ Ac5 21. Aa6+; b) 16... Adc5 17. Aa6 Aa6 18. We4+[ 13. Af4 Ac5 [13... Ae5 14. ФЬ1 0-0 (14... h6 15. Ad4 b4 16. Аеб fe6 17. Aa4 0-0 18. Ae5 de5 19. Ad3+) 15. g5 a) 15... Ah5? 16. Ae5 de5 17. We2 Ag3 (17... Wc7 18. Wh5 b4 19. Ad5 Wc2 20. Фа1+-) 18. Hd8 Hfd8 19. Wf3 &hl 20. Whl+-; b) 15... £>fd7 16. £jd5 Ad5 17. ed5 £jb6 18. h4±[ 14. We3 [14. £)c5! a) 14... Hc5 15. Ad6 Wd6 (15... b4 16. £>a4 £je4 17. Wb4 Ad6 18. We4 Hc7 19. Aa6 0-0 20. ФЬ1±) 16. Wd6 Ad6 17. Hd6±; b) 14... dc5 15. £)d5! (15. We3 Wa5 16. g5 £jd7 17. ФЬ1 0-0 18. £jd5±) Ad5 (15... £je4 16. We3 Ad5 17. Ag2 Af6 18. Ae4 Ad4 19. Wf3 Ae4 20. We4 We7 21. Hhel We4 22. He4 <£>f8 23. c3! Af2 24. g5 &g8 25. Ad6+-) 16. ed5 £ie4 17. Wh2 £jd6 18. h4 0-0 19. g5±[ £}b3 [14... 0-0! 15. ФЫ He8! 16. Ag2 b4 17. ^ic5 Hc5 18. ^d5 £)d5 19. ed5 Ad7=l 15. ab3 Wc7 16. Hh2 0-0 17. ФЬ1± Hfe8 [17... Hfd8 18. Hhd2 h6 19. b4±] 18. Hhd2 h6! 19. b4! [19. e5 de5 20. Ae5 Wc5 21. Ad4 Wg5! 22. Wg5 hg5 23. Ag2 b4 24. £sa4 £id5 25. £)b6 ab6 26. Ab6+; 19. Hd4 £>d7 20. Ad6 Ad6 21. Hd6 b4 22. Ааб ЬсЗ 23. Ac8 187
Пс8 24. Wc3 £с5 25. Ь4 £е4 26. ®с7 1с7±1 led8 [19... Дс4 20. Дс4 Wc4 21. Id4 ®е6 22. Даб Д48 23. Дс5 Дс7 24. £d5 £d5 25. Sd5 We4 26. We4 Де4 27. Hd7+1 20. e5? [20. Де2! Wb7 21. Hd4! Wb6 22. Wd2 £e8 23. g5 hg5 24. Дё5±] de5! [20... £e8 21. Ag2! de5 22. Де5 Даб 23. Даб Sd6 24. £d5 Да5 25. Да5+] 21. Де5 Wc6 22. Дg2 We8 [22... Wc4?? 23. Hd4+-1 23. ДЬ7 Hd2 24. Id2 lc4? [24... Id8! 25. Даб Sd2 26. Wd2 ДЬ4 27. ДГ6 gf6 28. ДЬ5 ДеЗ 29. Wd3 Wb8 30. bc3+] 25. ЬЗ! Hb4 26. £a2? [26. We2! a5 (26... £id7 27. Деб Дg5 28. Даб! Да2 29. ®d2 a5 30. £a2! f5 31. £b4 ab4 32. gf5 ДГ5 33. ДЬ4±) 27. £a2 a4 28. £44 ДЬ4 29. Hd3 ab3 30. cb3±l b4 15. Дс4 ЬсЗ a) 16. Wc3 £e4 17. ®d3 Дg5 (17... £ec5) 18. 8e4 (18. Д17 lf7 19. We4 ДеЗ 20. ®еЗ ®c7+) ДеЗ 19. ®еЗ Hc4 20. Hd6 Wc7 21. Id2 £f6 22. Igl lc8 23. c3 lf4+; b) 16. We2! cb2 (16... £e4 17. f6!) 17. ФЬ2 £e4 18. f6 gf6 19. ДаЗ (19. gf6 £df6 20. Hdgl ФИ8 21. ДИ6 Hg8 22. ДП Sgl 23. Sgl Д18 24. Д18 ®f8 25. Деб ge8 26. Д153б) f5 20. № d5 21. ®f5^[ 14. We2 b4 15. £d5 [15. £a4!? Wc7 (15... £e4?! 16. Wg2!) 16. g5 £e4 17. Wg2 Wb7 18. f6 Давос] £d5 16. ed5 [16. Id5 £f6 17. Sd3 £e4 18. Wg2 d5 19. Shdl Дg5s51 Дg5!? [16... a5 17. £d2 a4 18. ФЫ Wc7 (18... ЬЗ 19. сЬЗ ab3 20. a3 Sa4 21. Shgloo) 19. g5oo[ 17. Дg5 N [17. ФЫ1 Wg5 18. ФЫ 26... Дс8?? [26... £g4! 27. hg4 Дg5 28. ®c5 lb3! 29. сЬЗ Да2 30. ФЬ2 Дg4 31. Даб Да7^1 27. Af6!+- [27. Дс8?? Не4+] ДЬ7 28. £Ь4! gf6 29. 1е2 Ф18 30. ®Ь6 <4>g8 31. Wd2 Ф18 32. £45 Да5 33. Wd5 ®с8 34. We4 ДаЗ [34... Wd7 35. ®е7! ®е7 36. Se7 Фе 7 37. с4 Ьс4 38. Ьс4 феб 39. h4+-1 35. Wh7 1:0 A. Volokitin 75 В 90 ALVIR 2353 - DU. POPOVIC 2573 Aschach 2011 1. e4 c5 2. £13 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £d4 £f6 5. £сЗ a6 6. ДеЗ e5 7. £ЬЗ Деб 8. Wd2 Де7 9. 0-0-0 0-0 10. f4 b5 [10... £g4 - 103/(168)1 11. Де2!? [11. f5; 11. ФЫ] £bd7 12. 15 Дс4 13. g4 Де2 [13... d5 14. g5!±; 13... Ic8!? 14. g5 (14. Д13 b4 15. £d5 £d5 16. ed5 a5 17. ФЫ a4 18. £cl Hb8 19. g5 ЬЗоо) 18... £f6! 19. Ihgl [19. h3 a5 20. £d2 a4 21. £e4 £e4 22. We4 Hfb8 23. h4 Ш8+1 Sfc8 20. £a5 [20. h4!? Wh4!‘? (20... Wf4 21. g5 We4! 22. Wd2 £h5 23. £a5S) 21. g5 Ш4 22. Wd2 £h5oo[ Hc5 21.£c4 [21. £b7 Sd5 22. Sd5 £d5 23. £d6 We3Tl ld8 [21... £d5?? 22. Id5 Sd5 23. We4+-; 21... Sd5 22. Sd5 £d5 23. ®e4 £c7 24. 8b7 ®e7 25. Wb4+[ 22. £e3 h6! 23. h4?! [23. ®el! Ш4! 24. h4 £e4oo] Wh4 24. g5 hg5 25. £g4? [25. ®g2 Ф18+1 Hdc8 26. Scl £g4 27. Sg4 Sc2! 0 : 1 Du. Popovic 76.* !H В 90 Nl. DUKIC 2513 - PALAC 2593 Skopje 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £f3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £d4 £f6 5. £c3 a6 6. ДеЗ e5 7. £ЬЗ Деб 8. f3 h5 9. Wd2 £bd7 10.0-0-0 Де7 11. ФЫ Wc7 12. 188
g3 1с8 13. £)d5 ad5 14. ed5 Ж15 15. Ad3 Ad3 16. Wd3 Wc4 17. Wd2 17... ^d8! N [17... b6 N 18. h3 a5 19. a3 0-0 20. g4 h4 21. g5 Sc7 22. Wd3 Wd3 23. Sd3 f5 24. gf6 Sf6 25. ®d2 Sg6 26. Igl Sgl 27. Agl Sc8 28. Sb3± Ni. Dukic 2513 - Kuzubov 2615, Plovdiv 2012; 17... 0-0 - 110/(123)1 18. Shel [18. h3 a5 19. £jcl ЖЬб! 20. Shel 0-0=1 0-0 19. Ж12 f5 [19... a5!? 20. Se4 (20. ^cl Ag5!) Wa6 A f5[ 20. f4 a5 21. We2 [21. fe5 de5 (21... ^e5 22. We2± A Aid4) 22. d6 a4 23. £>cl Sc6oo[ We2 22. Se2 a4 23. £)d2 e4 24. £)fl b5 25. i,d4= Ж16 26. йеЗ g6 27. аЗ Sc7 28. h4 Sfc8 29. Ж16 £>f6 30. Sd4 £>g4 31. £jg4 hg4 32. c3 Sc4 33. Sdl <£>g7 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovic 77.* В 90 INARKIEV 2689 - KOVCHAN 2565 Moscow 2012 1. e4 c5 2. 2rf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £>f6 5. 5;сЗ аб 6. ЖеЗ e5 7. АЬЗ Жеб 8.13 h5 9. ®d2 Abd7 10. 0-0-0 Sc8 И. ФЫ b5!? [11... Же7 - 89/2371 12. g3I? [12. Ad5[ Ab6 13. f4?I N [13. ЖЬб; 13. Жg5 N Ac4 14. Жс4 Sc4 15. Ad5 Жd5 16. ЖЬб Wf6 17. Wd5 We6 18. Aa5 Sc5 19. Wa8 Wc8 20. Wc8 Sc8= Yu. Quesada Perez 2625 — Nepomniachtchi 2716, La Habana 2012] (diagram) 13... Ь4?! [13... Ac4!? 14. Жс4 bc4 15. Ael (15. fe5?! de5 16. Wd8 Sd8=) Жg4! (15... Wc7? 16. f5! Жd7 17. Жg5±) a) 16. Sdel?! Же7!Т (16... Ж13 17. Shfl Ae4 18. Ae4 Же4 19. fe5 d5 20. Ae2oo) 17. f5? Ж13+; b) 16. Ale2 Же7оо; 13... Aa4! 14. Ad5 (14. Aa4 ba4 15. Ael a3ff) Ae4 15. Wg2 f5! (A Жd5, АсЗ) 16. фа1П (16. fe5? de5—b) g6! 17. fe5 de5 18. АсЗ Wc7 19. Ae4 fe4 20. c3 ЖаЗ! 21. Жс1 Жg4! 22. Же2 Ab2 23. Жg4 Adi 24. Sdl hg4 25. ЖаЗ Wc3 26. ЖЬ2 Wc2 27. Sd2 Wc4=| 14. ЖЬб! [14. Ad5?! Ae4! (14... Abd5? 15. ed5 Жd5 16. Жаб ЖЫ 17. fe5!±) 15. Wb4 Ad5 16. We4 f5! 17. Wd3 Wc7oo[ Wb6 [14... ЬсЗ? 15. Жd8 cd2 16. ЖГ6± gf6 17. Жаб! 15. ^d5 Жd5 [15... Ad5 16. ed5 Жd7 17. Sel±l 16. ed5 Ae4 [16... Же7 17. ЖЬЗ Sd8 18. Shel±[ 17. We2! [17. ®el £jf2 18. Жаб Sb8 19. ЖЬ5 &d8 20. Жсб £idl 21. Wdl±l £>f2 18. fe5 ^jdl [18... ^hl 19. ed6! <4>d8 20. d7! Sb8 21.ЖНЗ+- ^f2? 22. We8 фс7 23. Wc8[ 19. ЖЬЗ! [19. ed6? ae3-+l Wf2 [19... £jc3 20. ЬсЗ Sc3 21. ed6 Se3 (21... <£>d8 22. d7+-) 22. d7!+-; 19... Sc3 20. ed6 Se3 21. d7!+-; 19... Sa8! 20. Sdl Же7!±[ 189
20. ed6! We2 21. d7 фе7 22. dc8W+- £se3 23. Wc7 ФГ6 24. Wf4 [24... <4>g6 25. £>d4 Wd2 26. Af5+-; 24... Фе7 25. £sd4+-[ 1 : 0 Inarkiev 78. В 92 GY. SAX 2513 - E. VEGH 2252 Zalakaros 2011 1. e4 c5 2. &B d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £)f6 5. £jc3 аб 6. f4 e5 7. W £sbd7 8. АеЗ [8. g4 d5!?; 8. a4 - 38/(362)1 Ae7 9. Ae2 0-0 10. 0-0 b5 11. a4 b4I? 12. £sd5 Ab7 [12... 4/e4?? 13. <йе7? We7 14. Wd5 &df6 15. Wa8 Ab7 16. Wa7 Sa8 17. Wb6 £>d5+; 13. Af3!+-[ 13. £>b4 [13. £je7?! We7 14. Ad2 a5Tl ^e4 N [13... Ie8!?; 13... ef4; 13... Ae4] 14. £}d5 £>ef6 [14... ^df6!?[ 15. £>e7 We7 16. ®a5 Ae4 17. c4 [17. Wd2 Sfe8 18. fe5 4ie5 19. Ad4 Ag6oo; 17. 4/c4 d5 18. fe5 (18. £>e5 £se5 19. fe5 M7!) dc4 19. ef6 ^f6 20. Ad4 lad8 21. c3 We6oo[ Sfe8 18.112 [18. Sel!?l Sab819. А13?! [19. Afl Aa8; 19. Wd2 Aa8[ Sec8 [19... ef4! 20. Af4 ^e5!+l 20. Aa7 Sa8 21. АеЗ Sab8 [21... Af3!?[ 22. Wd2 A13 23. SB 21e4 24. Wei £jdf6 [24... Sb2? 25. Acl; 24... ef4! 25. Sf4 (25. Af4 Sb2) g5! 26. 113 Sb2+1 25. b4! d5! 26. fe5 We5 27. Idl [27. Af4 Wd4 28. АеЗ (28. ФЫ lb4!) We5[ dc4 28. Af4 We6 29. Ab8 Sb8 30. ФМ© И 30. Id4[ 30... £>g4! 31. Wgl c3 [31... h6!+[ 32. h3 £>gf6 [32... c2! a) 33. lei Sc8 34. hg4 (34. £jb3 £>ef2 35. Sf2 £)f2 36. Wf2 Wb3-+; 34. Scl Wd6 35. ab3 &gf2 36.112 £}g3 37. ФЬ2 £se2-+; 34. Ie4 We4 35. ^3b3 ld8 36. hg4 Idl 37. Ifl We2—+) Wh6 35. Ih3 Wd2 al) 36. £)b3 £>12 37. ФЬ2 Wf4 38. g3 (38. Sg3 £>g4 39. ФЬЗ 2rf2 40. ФЬ2 f5 41. Iee3 lc6-+) W13-+; a2) 36. Scl £>f2 37. ФЬ2 £>g4 38. ФЫ «312 39. ФЬ2 2ЖЗ-+; b) 33. lol lc8 bl) 34. hg4 Wh6 35. Sh3 £tf2! 36. W12 (36. ФЬ2 ah3 37. gh3 Wd2 38. ФЫ lc3-+) Wcl 37. ФЬ2 Wb2—+; b2) 34. Wd4 We5! 35. We5 <йе5 36. Ie3 2rf2 37. Фgl &fd3-+; ЬЗ) 34. b5 $3e5 (34... ab5!? 35. ab5 £je5+) 35. Sb3 Wh6 36. Ie3 (36. b6 ^3f2-+) Wf4 37. Wei £)f2 38. фё1 &fd3 b31) 39. Sd3 Wcl! (39... ®d3 40. lc2!)40. Wcl £>d3-+; b32) 39. Sc2 Sc2 40. Id3 h6 41. Se3 ab5 42. ab5 lc5+l 33. Wd4 Sc8? [33... We8; 33... h6] 34. b5! ab5 35. ab5 h6? [35... Sb8] 36. £jc6 [^ 36. Ь6!+-[ фЬ7 37. Wd3 ФЬ8 38. Фgl Wb3 39. Ibl Wa2 40. Scl [40. lei Wb2!?[ Wb2 41. Sc2 Wb3 42. Se3 le8 43. Дсе2 We6 44. Wd4 Wb3 45. ab4 Wbl 46. lei? [46. фЬ2 Wfl 47. «3a2! (47. Ie4 ^e4 48. Ie4 le4 49. We4 Wb5) c2 48. Wc4 Wf4 49. g3 Wb8 50. lc2+-[ c2! 47. Wc4 [47. £)d3 Wb5 48. Scl (48.1е4?! Ie4 49. Ie4 Wbl!) Ic8 49. Ie4 £>e4 50. We4 ld8 51. ^el (51. ^12 ld2) Wc5 52. ФЫ Idl 53. Ic2 (53. Wf4? We7-+) Sei 54. Wei Wc2 55. We8 ФЬ7 56. Wf7=[ «ld6! 48. Ie8? [48. Wc3 Se3 49. We3 Wb4-+; 48. Wc2Q Wb4 49. Ie8 2rfe8 50. Ibl Wd4 51. ФЫ £)c4 52. Sb4 £>ed6 53. b6 We3=| £>fe8 49. Wc3 ^3e4! 50. We3 Wb4 51. b6 ^>8f6 52. Icl £>d5 53. Wd3 Wb6 54. ФЬ2 Wd6 55. g3 [55. Фgl 2Л4 56. We4 Wdl 57. ФЬ2 Wcl 58. We8 (58. Wb4 Wfl-+) ФЬ7 59. We4 g6 60. Wc4 ^d5-+[ ЙЬ4! 0:1 E. Vegh 79. В 94 SJUGIROV 2610 - GALLAGHER 2502 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 c5 2. £)B d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 £tf6 5. £)сЗ аб 6. Ag5 £jbd7 7. f4 Wc7 8. W13 h6 9. Af6 ^f6 10. f5 e5 [10... Wc5 - 113/911 11. fe6 fe6 12. 0-0-0 Ad7 13. g3 0-0-0 14. h4!? N [14. Ah3 Se8 15. ФЫ ФЬ8; 15... Ш7!?] ФЬ8 15. Ah3 Se8 16. ФМ Ac8 17. £jce2?! [17. Shel+1 190
17... d5! 18. ed5 ed5 19. Ac8 Hc8 20. &Г4 ld6 21. Hhfl [21. c3!? Af4 22. gf4+l Af4 22. Wf4 Wf4 23. Д14 [23. gf4 Hhe8=l £>e4 24. g4 ДМ8 [24... g5 25. hg5 hg5 26. Hf5 Sh4 27. Hgl Hch8 28. ЬЗ Hhl 29.Hhl Hhl 30. ФЬ2 Hgl 31. Hd5 Hg4=l 25. Hf5 g6 26. Sd5 2tf2 27. Sgl £)g4 28. c3 h5 29. Hd6 Sf2?! [29... £je5 30. Неб £tf3 31. £>f3 Hf3 32. Hgg6 Hf4 33. He7 Hc6!=l 30. Hg6 Sh2?! [30... «ЗеЗ 31. Деб £>c4 32. Де2 Де2 33. £je2 Де8 34. £}d4 He4±l 31. Hel Hf8 32. a4! 1112?! [32... &f2 33. He7 ^d3 34. Sb6 43c5 35. Hb4±[ 33. ДЬб?! [33. Де8! Фа7 34. a5!! ДЬ2 35. Фс14—1 фа7 [33... Ef7 34. а5±[ 34. а5 ДП 35. Hd6!+- £)12 36. £>ЬЗ ДЬ4 37. Де8 Де4 38. Д118 £>g4 39. Sdd8 Hel 40. фа2 Ь6 41. На8 фЬ7 42. Shb8 феб 43. ДЬб Ф45 44. Д48 1:0 Sjugirov 80.*** В 96 Е. BERG 2550 - VACHIER-LAGRAVE 2699 Gibraltar 2012 1. е4 с5 2. £jf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 2tf6 5. &сЗ аб 6. Ag5 еб 7.14 h6 8. Ah4 Wb6 9. ®d3 [9. аЗ - 113/921 Wb2 10. Hbl Wa3 11. f5 Ae7 12. fe6 fe6 13. I.e2 0-0 14. 0-0 фЬ8 N [14... £jc6 15. £jc6 bc6 16. £>d5 Wd3 17. £se7 ФП 18. Ad3 (18. cd3!? Фе7 19. Sfel Ad7 20. e5 de5 21. Ag3T) фе7 19. Sb6 N (19. e5) Ad7 20. e5 1/2 : 1/2 Da. Klein 2438 — Beerdsen 2066, Bussum 2012] 15. ФЫ [15. Hb3 Wa5 16. Wh3?! £>c6 17. £)c6 bc6 18. Ael e5 19. Wh4 Wc7+ Mi. Nemeth 2438 — Ga. Papp 2551, Magyar- orszag 2012] £>bd7 [^ 15... £}c6 16. £jc6 Ьсбсо] 16. £}e6! £>e5 17. &18! [17. Wh3?! Ae6 18. We6 Wc3 19. We7 Wc2 20. Af6 Hf6+1 £sd3 18. £sg6 фЬ7 19. Ad3 [19. £ie7 £}e5 20. Hb3 Wc5 21. Af6 gf6 22. £>cd5 Wc2 23. Adi Wc4ool <£g6 [19... Ad8 20. ®d5! b5 (20... Wa2 21. £>de7 Ae7 22. £>e7 ФЬ8 23. НЬЗ Деб 24. Hf6+- Ab3 25. Hh6 gh6 26. Af6 Ф117 27. e5#; 20... M 21. ed5 Ah4 22. Hb3 Wa4 23. 4}e7 Af5 24. £>f5±) 21. £>ge7+- Ae7 22. 4ie7 Ab7 23. Af6 gf6 24. Hf6 Wa2 25. Hbfl <^g7 26. Hg6 ФИ8 27. e5 1 : 0 P. Bobras 2544 — An. Maksimenko 2553, Deutschland 20121 20. e5 Ф65 [20... ФП 21. ef6 ±f6 22. ^sd5 ®a2 23. £>f6 gf6 24. Hf6+-] 21. ef6 ±f6 22. ±f6 gf6 23. Hb3+- [23. ^>d51 ®a5 24. Hf6 ^.d7 25. £se4 ±g4 26. h3 Hg8 27. hg4 Hg4 28. Ae2 ®el 29. фЬ2 1:0 G. Arsovic 81. В 96 RADULSKI 2552 - B. LALIC 2469 Cappelle la Grande 2012 1. e4 c5 2. d6 3. d4 cd4 4. £)d4 £)f6 5. £)сЗ аб 6. Ag5 £jbd7 7. We2 ®c7 8. 0-0-0 еб 9. f4 Ae7 10. 2tf3 £)b6 11. g4 N [11. Wei; 11. e5 - 17/5211 0-0 12. e5 de5 13. ^e5 ^)fd5 14. £sd5 ^d5 15. Ae7 We7 16. We4 b5= 17. ^d3 g6 18. g5!? 15? [18... ЖЬ7 19. £jg4f5! (19... h5?! 20. £)f6 2rf6 21. gf6 Wc7 22. We3 Ahl 23. f5! Wd8O 24. Wg5! ef5 25. Af5 Af3 26. Hd8 Had8 27. ЬЗ фЬ7±) 20. £>h6 ФЬ8 21. We5 Wg7 22. Wg7 Фg7 23. Ae2! Hfc8 24. Hd4 Hc7 25. Hhdl 191
Нас8 26. Hld2=[ 19. gf6 Wf6 [19... Hf6?! 20. lhfl±[ 20. Hdfl Ha7! [20... Wh4?? 21. ^g6 hg6 22. Wg6 ФЬ8 23. Hhgl Ha7 24. Hg4 Wh7 25. Wg5 Hg7 26. We5 Wh6 27. Hg64—] 21. h4!^ £>f4 22. £)g4^ ^d3O 23. Wd3 Wg7! [23... ®d8? 24. £>h6 <£>g7 25. Wc3 ФЬб 26. We3±[ 24. h5! Hfl? [24... gh5! 25. &А6 (25. Hf8 Wf8 26. Hfl НП 27. НП ФП 28. Wh7 Фе8 29. Wh5 Ф47 30. £je5 Фс7+) Hf6 26. Hhgl Hfl 27. Wfl in 28. Hg7 <£g7[ 25. Hfl Hf7D 26. НП [26. Wd8 Hf8D (26... Wf8?? 27. £>h6+-) 27. Hf8 Wf8 28. £>f6 ФП 29. Wf8 ФА8 30. h6! e5 31. W Фg8 32. £>g5 Af5 33. Фd2±l ФП 27. Ь6!± Wf8 28. Wd4?© [28. Wf3 фе8 29. Wf8 ФА8 30. 2tf6 e5 31. W ФП 32. £)g5 Фg8 33. Фd2 Af5 34. a4! ba4 35. c4 Ad7 36. ФеЗ Асб 37. c5O ФЬ8 38. &П ФЬ7 39. ^e5 Ag2 40. сб фЬб 41. c7 Ab7 42. £>П Фg7 43. ^d64~] e5! 29. <йе5 фе8 30. We3 We7 31. ФО2 Wb4 [31... Af5?! 32. £>f3!± We3 33. ФеЗ Ac2 34. £>g5[ 32. Фе2 Жеб 33. ^d3 We7 34. Ф02?! [34. ЬЗ Af5=[ Ac4?® [34... Aa2!= 35. We7 Фе7 36. ЬЗ a5 37. ФеЗ a4 38. ФЬ2 аЬЗ 39. сЬЗ АЬЗ 40. ФЬЗ g5 41. £if2 фАб 42. ФЬ4 Фg6 43. ФЬ5 ФЬб 44. Фс4 ФЬ5 45. фd31 35. £>е5 Аа2? [35... Аеб? 36. £)g6! hg6 37. Ь7 Wh7 38. We6+-; 35... g5? 36. <?3c4 bc4 37. Ь3!± cb3?? 38. We7 фе7 a) 39. ab3? a5! 40. ФеЗ Феб 41. Фе4 ФА5 42. сЗ!? (42. с4 Фе6=) Феб 43. с4 ФА5 44. Фd5 g4 45. Фе4 фg5 46. с5 g3 47. ФП фА5 48. Фg3 Фе5 49. Фg4 фd5 50. ФА5 Фс5 51. фАб Фd5 52. фg7 Феб 53. ФЬ7 фП; Ь) 39. сЬЗ! фd6 40. ФеЗ фс5 41. ФАЗ ФЬ4 42. Фg4 фаЗ 43. Фg5 Фа2 44. ФА6 ФЬЗ 45. Фg7 а5 46. ФЬ7 а4 47. Фg8 аЗ 48. Ь7 а2 49. h8W+~; 35... АП!±136. ЬЗ а5 37. ФеЗ! а4 38. ФЬ2 аЬЗ 39. сЬЗ АЬЗ 40. ФЬЗ g5 41. We4 We6 42. фЬ4 g4 43. Wa8 Фе7 44. Wb7 фГ6 45. Wg7 фГ5 46. ®h7! [46. £jd3? g3 47. Wh7 Wg6 48. Wd7 We6 49. We6 Феб 50. h7 g2 51. h8W gl® 52. £>c5 ФП=[ Фе5 [W 4/Ы 47. Wc7! фе4? [47... ФА5 48. h7 a) 48... Wei 49. Wc3! (49. ФЬ5? Wbl 50. фаб Wd3 51. ФЬ7 Wb5 52. Фа7 Wa4 53. ФЬ8 Wb5 54. фс8 We8=) We4 50. Фс5 We7 51. ФЬб Wd8 52. фЬ7 We7 53. ФЬ8 Wd6 54. Wc74—; b) 48... We4 49. Фс5! We3 50. фсб We4 51. ФЬб We8 52. Wg7 Wb8 53. фс5 Wc8 54. ФЬ4 Wc4 55. Фа5 Wa2 56. ФЬб Wf2 57. ФЬ7 Wg2 58. ФЬ8 Wh2 59. Фс8 Wc2 60. фd8+-l 48. h7 Wf6O 49. Wc2 фd5 50. Wg2 Ф06 51. Wh2+- g3 52. Wg3 Фе7 53. Wc7 фе8 54. h8W 1:0 B. Lalic 192
82 С 00 83. !H C 02 В. KOVANOVA 2383 - KARNAUKHOVA 2328 Moscow 2012 1. е4 еб 2. d3 d5 3. We2 Де7 4. £)f3 £>16 5. g3 b5 6. Ag2 de4 7. de4 b4 8. £bd2 Даб 9. £c4 £c6 10. e5 £d5 11. We4 0-0! [11... Wb8[12. 0-0 lb8 N co [12... Wd7 - 83/(236)1 13. Eel Wd7 14. Д§5 [14. £g5!? Ag5 15. Ag5 h6oo[ h6 [14... Дс4!? 15. Wc4 Ag5 16. £>g5 h6 17. £rf3 a5oo[ 15. Де7 We7 16. ДП Wc5= 17. ±d3 g6 18. h4! £ce7?! [18... Дс4 19. £c4 £de7=[ 19. h5 ДЬ7? [19... £>f5 20. ®g4T[ 20. Wg4 £Ь6?! [20... ^g7 21. £d4±[ 21. £cd2! ^g7 [21... ФИ8П 22. hg6 £g6 23. Wh5±l 22. £b3! Wd5 [22... Wc6 23. Де4 Wb5 24. £fd4+-[ 23. Де4 Wd8 24. ДЬ7 Eb7 25. £c5 [25. hg6! £g6 26. £a5 Eb8 27. £c6+-[ Eb8 26. Eadl Wc8 [26... £bd5 27. hg6 £g6 28. £h4+-[ 27. hg6 £g6 28. £h4 Ee8 29. £>g6 fg6 30. Wb4+- П18 31. Wg4 215 32. Ed8! Wd8 33. £еб ФЬ7 34. £d8 Ed8 35. еб! £>d5 36. Wa4 £e7 37. Wa7 1: 0 Dembo MILLIET 2374 - PRUSIKIN 2541 Merlimont 2011 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 £c6 5. £f3 ^d7 6. ДОЗ cd4 7. cd4 Wb6 8.0-0 £d4 9. £bd2 Дс5 10. £d4 Д04 11. £f3 £>e7 [11... Дс5 12. Ebl a5 13. a3 a4 14. £g5 £e7 15. b4 ab3 16. ЕЬЗЧ 12. £d4 [12. Ebl - 105/(247)1 Wd4 13. lei £c6 [13... £g6!? 14. ДеЗ (14. Дё6 Wdl 15. ДП ФП 16. Edl=) We5 15. Дс5 Wg5 (15... Wb2!?) 16. g3 Sc8 17. ДаЗ Дсб+1 14. ДеЗ We5 15. Дс5! N [15. Wd2[ Wg5 16. Wb3 b6 17. ДаЗ ^jd4 18. Wb4 [18. Wdl !±[ £)13 19. фЫ £>el 20. Eel Bc8 21. f4 Wh4! 22. g3 Wd8 [22... Wf6 23. Wd6 Ec6 24. Wb8 Ec8 25. Wd6 h5 (25... e5 26. Ee5 <£d8 27. Wf6 gf6 28. Де7 Фс7 29. ДГ6 Ehe8 30. ДЬ7оо) 26. f5? e5!+; 26. h4oo[ 23. Wd6! [23. f5 Ec5 24. Wd4 0-0-+1 Ec5 [23... Ec6!? 24. Wd5 Ecl!! 25. Ecl ed5 26. Eel Деб 27. ДЬ5 Wd7 28. Дd7 <£d7 29. f5 (29. ЬЗ Ec8 30. Ee2 a5 31. <£g2 h5 32. Ed2 f6 33. <£f2) ДГ5 30. Ee7 фсб 31. Ef7 g6 32. Ef8 Ef8 33. Af8=] 24. 193
15 Wc7 25. Ac5 Wc5 26. Wb8 ®c8 [26... Ac8 27. b4 (27. fe6 0-0 28. ef7 Hf7) Wc3 28. Ab5 фе7 29. Wa7 <£f6 30. Hfl ef5 31. ®b6 Ae6 32. a4 Hc8T[ 27. We5 [27. Wa7 0-0 28. fe6 Ae6 (28... fe6 29. ®b6=) 29. Wb6 d4 30. a3 He8 31. He2 ®cl 32. &g2 Ad5 33. Ф12 Hc8 34. Wd4 WhlT X*f2[ 27... f6! [27... 0-0 28. f6 g6 (28... gf6 29. Wh5 f5 30. Wg5=) 29. ®f4 ФИ8 30. He5 Hg8 31. Hh5 gh5 32. ®h6 Hg6 33. Ag6 Wg8 34. Ah7 Wh7 35. ®f8=[ 28. Wd5 [28. Wd6!? e5! (28... ФГ7 29. He2+-) 29. He2! Af5! 30. Hc2 Wd7 31. Wb8 Ф17 32. Wh8 Ad3—+[ 0-0 [28... ФП!?+1 29. ®c4 [29. Wb3 Асб 30. Ae4 He8 31. fe6 Ae4 32. He4 Wa8 33. e7 ФЬ8 34. We6 f5 35. ®f5 He7-+[ Асб 30. &gl Ad5 31. ®c8 Hc8 32. fe6 He8 33. e7 Ф17 34. h4?! [34. a3 g6 35. Hel He7+[ He7 35. Hdl [35. He7 фе7 36. Ah7 Aa2-+[ Aa2-+ 36. Ah7 g6 37. h5 gh5 38. Ф12 Ae6 39. Hd8 Ag4 40. Ag8 <£g7 41. Ac4 Hd7 42. Hg8 фЬб 43. ФеЗ Hg7 44. Hf8 &g5 45. b4 He7 46. Ф04 Ae6 47. Ab5 <£g4 48. Ae2 <£g3 49. Ah5 f5 50. Фе5 Af7 51. ФГ6 Ah5 52. фе7 f4 53. Hg8 Ag4 54. Ha8 13 55. Ha7 12 56. Hal b5 0:1 Prusikin SADLER 2660 - H. TIKKANEN 2549 Wijk aan Zee III 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 Wb6 5. £13 £c6 6. a3 £116 7. b4 cd4 8. cd4 £f5 9. Ab2 Ad7 10. g4 £fe7 11. £c3 £g6 [11... £a5 - 99/1851 12. Hel Wd8 N [12... Ae7[ 13. h4 h5 14. g5 a6[14...£ce7 15. £b5±l 15.Wd2 [A Ad3[ £ce7 [15... £ge7!? 16. g6 £g6 17. Ad3oo] 16. Ad3 £15 17. Hc2 [17. Af5 ef5oo 18. £d5?! Асб 19. Hc6 (19. £c7 Wc7 20. d5 Hd8-+) Ьсб 20. £e3 a5+l Hc8 18. £e2 Ab5 19. Ab5 ab5 [A Hc4[ 20. Hc8 Wc8 21. £g3 Ae7 [21... ®c4 22. £fl Ae7 23. £e3 ®a2 24. O-Ooo £}gh4? 25. W 2Ж4 26. Wc3+-1 22. ФП ®c4 23. <£g2 ®d3 24. Ael Wd2 25. Ad2 <&d7 26. £>15 ef5 27. Scl Ha8 28. Hc3 28... f4! [A £e6-f5] 29. фЬЗ фе6+ [29... Ad8 30. ^gl Ab6 31. ^e2[ 30. Ф)е1 Ф15 [30... f6!?[ 31. 13 Наб! [A Hc6[ 32. Hc7? [32. Ael Hc6![ Ha3! 33. Hb7 Ha2! 34. АсЗ H12! 35. Ha7 [35. Hb5 £)h4! 36. Hb7 Ag5 37. Hf7 &g6 38. Hc7 ^f3-+[ f6! 36. gf6 gf6 37. ef6 Ф16 [37... Af6 38. Hh7 &h4 39. Hh5 Ag5! 40. Hh4 Ah4 41. &h4 Hh2#[ 38. Наб ФГ5 39. Hb6 £ih4 40. Hb5 £113 41. Hd5 <£g6 42. £ig2 £g5 [43. <£h2 f3[ 0:1 H. Tikkanen 85 C 02 D. HOWELL 2614 - Ml. MARIN 2539 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 £c6 5. £13 ®b6 6. a3 c4 7. h4 Ad7 8. h5 [8. g3 - 42/3231 0-0-0 9. We2!? N [9. h6? £h6 10. Ah6 ®b2; 9. £g5 £h6 A f6; 9. £bd21 £a5 10. Af4 [10. £bd2 ФЬ8 11. g3 f5!?[ £b3 [10... Aa4!? Xb2; 10... ФЬ8 11. Wc2?! (A £bd2) £b3 12. Ha2 Aa4[ 11. Ha2 h6 12. g3 194
&е7 13. Ah3 g5 14. АеЗ [14. hg6 fg6 15. Ag4 g5T 16. Ag5? Hg8 17. Ae7 Ae7 18. Ah3 £)cl-+] Ag7 15. 0-0 f5 16. ef6 Af6 17. £>bd2 £>f5 18. lei [18. £>ЬЗ? cb3 19. laal Ab5--h] £>e3 [18... Hhe8 19. 2ЛЗ (19. 2>fl ФЬ8 20. £>lh2 Ag7 21. £)g4 ^e3 22. We3 e5t) 8b3 20. laal ^e3 21. We3 (21. fe3 e5 22. Ad7 Hd7) Wb2 22. Habloo] 19. We3 [19. fe3 g4! 20. Ag4 lhg8 21. £>h2 Wd6 22. <£g2 £>d2 23. Wd2 e5- XHa2[ Hhe8 20. afl [20. <ЙЬЗ Wb3 21. laal - 18... Ihe8[ le7 21. £>e5 Ae8 22. Ag4 Wd6 23. &B [23. W Ae5 24. We5 We5 25. He5 Ad7 26. Adi acl 27. lai ^d3 28. He2 e5^| фЬ8 24. £>ld2 Wb6 25. We2 [25. W Wb3[ Ab5 26. <йе5 26... £Ш!? 27. cd4 c3 28. We3 cd2 29. Wd2 Ec8 30. laal Ae5 31. He5 [31. de5 Hf7+1 Hc4 32. Idl [32. lael? Hd4-+[ Aa4 33. Idel Wd4 34. Wd4 ld4 35. Ae6 Idl [35... Ac6!?l 36. Idl Adi 37. f4 gf4 38. gf4 Ah5 39. Ad5 le5 40. fe5= фс7 41. ФВ b6 42. &g3 <4>d7 43. фЬ4 Ag6 44. &g4 Фе7 45. &f4 Af7 46. AB h5 47. Ae2 феб 48. Ac4 Фе7 49. Ae2 Ae8 50. Ac4 Af7 1/2 : 1/2 Mi. Marin 86 C 03 Ml. ADAMS 2734 - N. SHORT 2698 London 2011 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. 5/d2 h6 4. Ad3 [4. ftgfi - 112/1511 c5 5. dc5 Ac5= 6. £)gB £>c6 7. 0-0 £>ge7 8. We2 N [8. c3] 0-0 9. £)b3 Ab6 10. c3 de4 11. We4 [^11. Ae4] ^g6 12. Ac4?! [12. Idl] фЬ8 13. Wc2?! [13. Sell £>ce5 14. £>e5 £>e5 15. Ae2 15... Wh4! 16. g3 Wh3 17. АеЗ [17. We4 Ad7!! 18. £id4 (18. We5?? Ac6-+; 18. Wg2 Wg2 19. <£g2 Асб 20. В Hfd8+; 18... Wf5T) Ad4 19. Wd4 Асб 20. В f6 21. Wf2 Hfd8 22. АеЗ £)d3 23. Ad3 Hd3+ XB[ АеЗ 18. fe3 £jg4 19. Ag4 Wg4T 20. Hadi f6 [20... e5!? 21. Hf7 Af5! (21... Wdl 22. Wdl Hf7 23. Wd8 ФЬ7 24. h4±) 22. Hf8 Hf8 a) 23. Wd2 Ae4 24. £к5 Асб 25. b4 (25. Hfl Hfl 26. ФП Wc4—+) b6 26. £ib3 WB-+; b) 23. Wcl! Ь63б 24. Hfl Hd8[ 21. ^d4 e5 22. 2>f5 Ae6 23. e4 [23. Hd6! Af5 24. Wf5 Wf5 25. Hf5 Had8 26. Hd8 Hd8 27. Hf2=[ Hfd8 24. ^e3 Wg6 25. <£g2 b5 26. ЬЗ a5 27. c4 [^ 27. Hd8 Hd8 28. Hdl] bc4 28. bc4 Wh5 29. h4 Ad7?! [29... We8[ 30. Hf2 Асб 31. ^jd5 Hab8 32. We2 Wg6 33. WB Hd7 34. фЬ2 Hdb7 35. Hdd2 a4 36. We3 Ad7 37. WB Ag4 38. We3 Ae6 39. WB Hbl 40. «ЗеЗ Hcl+ 41. Hd6 Wf7 [41... Ac4 42. ^f5 A 42... Hbbl 43. Hd8 фЬ7 44. Hd7s?l 42. Hfd2 Hbbl 43. g4 фЬ7 44. h5 Hc3! 45. <£g2 НеЗ! 46. We3 Ag4 47. Hb6! Hal? [47... Hel 48. Hd5 (48. Hf2 Hc4) Hal! 49. Wc3 Wh5 50. Wai Wh3 51. <£f2 Wh2-+[ 48. Wc3! Hel 49. Hf2 He4 50. c5 Ah5?! [50... Wh5 51. Hb4 (51. сб Ae6-+) Ah3![ 51. Hb4! Ag6 52. фЬ2! We6 53. Hg2 Af5 54. Hb7 Ag4 55. Hf2? [55. сб Hc4 56. Wd3 f5 57. He7! (57. Wd7 Wg6! 58. c7 Wh5) e4 58. Неб ed3+[ f5 56. Hb4 Hb4 57. Wb4 e4—+ 58. Wd4 e3 59. Hfl Wa2 60. &g3 We2 61. Wf4 Wd2 62. We5 [62. сб e2! 63. Wd2 efl£> 64. <£f4 g5 65. Фе5 £id2 66. c7 f4[ e2 63. Hgl h5! 64. сб f4 195
65. ФЬ4 Wd8 66. Wg5 Wg5 67. <£g5 f3 68. c7 f2 69. Hg4 flW 70. c8W Wf6 71. ФИ5 ©h6# 0:1 N. Short 87. IN C 03 P. CARLSSON 2502 - M. DRASKO 2530 Porto Carras 2011 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. Qjd2 Ae7 4. Ad3 c5 5. dc5 2tf6 6. We2 £)c6 7. ^gf3 a5 8.0-0 0-0 9. сЗ He8?! [9... a4; 9... £>d7[10. e5 £jd7 11. £)b3± a4 [11... ^c5 12. £}c5 Ac5 13. Af4±] 12. -Sbd4 ^c5 13. Ac2 Ad7 [13... h6 - 82/(252)] 14. Af4! N [14. Hell Hc8 [14... Wa5 15. Hfel ®a6 16. ®e3 £>a5 17. b3±; 14... f5 15. ef6 Af6 16.^e5±[ 15. Hfdl! h6 [15... a3 16. £}c6 Hc6 17. b4 4}e4 18. Ae4 de4 19. £)d2 Hc3 20. £>e4 Hc7 21. b5 b6 (21... ®c8 22. Wd3 Hd8 23. Ag5+-) 22. Wd3 Ac8 23. Wg3 Hd7 24. £>d6 Ad6 25. ed6±[ 16. b4! ab3 17. ab3 £>d4 18. Hd4!? [18. ^d4!T Ag5 (18... £>e4 19. Ae4 de4 20. c4 Wb6 21. We4±) 19. Ag5 Wg5 20. b4 £}e4 (20... £w6 21. Hd3±) 21. Ae4 de4 22. ®e4 Hc3 23. Wb7±[ 4}e4?! [18... Wc7! 19. Ah6!? (19. Hcl±) gh6 20. Hg4 ФИ8 21. ®e3 Af8 22. £ig5! (22. Hh4 Ag7 23. Hh6 <£g8 24. Hh4 £se4 25. Ae4 de4 26. Hg4 ®c3 27. Hg7 &g7 28. Wg5 Ф18 29. Wh6 Фе7 30. ®f6=) Ab5 23. &h7 Ag7 24. £>f6 £)d7 25. Hg7 (25. Hh4 £>f6 26. ef6 Wc3 27. fg7 Wg7 28. Hh6 <£g8 29. Ah7 Ф18 30. Hdl d4 31. ®f4 e5 32. Wh4 Hc6 33. Hc6 Ac6 34. Ae4oo) &g7 26. ^h5 Ф18 27. Wh6 фе7 28. Wg5 <£f8=] 19. Ae4 de4 20. We4 Ac5 [20... Wc7 21. «еЗ! Ac5? 22. Ah6! Ad4 23. Wg5+-[ 21. Hd2 Ac6 22. Hd8 Ae4 23. He8 He8 24. £>d2 Ad3 25. b4 Ab6 26. АеЗ! АеЗ 27. fe3 Hd8 28. Ha7 [28. c4! Ae2 (28... Ac2 29. £>f3 Ae4 30. £>d4±) 29. Ha2±[ Aa6 [28... Hc8! 29. Ha3±[ 29. £}e4 Hdl 30. <£f2 Ad3 31. ФО?© [31. £jd6 Hfl 32. <£g3 b5 33. Hb7 Hel 34. Hb8 ФИ7 35. £)b5 Ab5 36. Hb5 Hc3 37. фВ±] НП 32. £tf2 Ab5? [32... Ac4! 33. h4±[ 33. <£g3 Hel 34. Ф13? [34. Hb7! Ac6 35. Hb8 Ф117 36. b5 Ad5 37. e4+—] Ac6 35. e4 Hel 36. НаЗ Ab5 37. <21g4 Hfl 38. <£g3 Hel 39. Ф13 Hfl 40. ФеЗ! Hel 41. Ф04! Hdl 42. фс5 Ac6 43. c4! Hd2 [43... Ae4? 44. £>f2 Hel 45. £je4 He4 46. Ь5+-1 44. £je3 Ae4 45. b5 f5 [45... Ag2? 46. ^g2 Hg2 47. ФЬ6 Hh2 48. ФЬ7 Hc2 49. Ha4 h5 50. Фа7 h4 51. b6+-; 45... <£f8 46. ФЬ6 Hb2 47. c5 Ac6 48. Ha5 Hb4 49. £>c4!; 45... h5 46. ФЬ6 h4 47. c5 f5 48. ef6 gf6 49. Ha4 f5 50. £jc4 Hg2 51. £>d6 Ad5 52. £>Ь74~ 1 46. ef6 gf6 47. ФЬ6 f5 48. g3 Hh2 [48... Hb2 49. c5 Hb4 50. Фа5 Hb2 51. £>c4 Hc2 52. Ha4 Hh2 53. £>d6 Ad5 54. ФЬ6 Hb2 55. Ha8 ±>g7 56. ab7 Ab7 57. Ha7+-[ 49. c5 Hb2? [49... e5 50. £jc4 f4 51. £se5 fg3 52. Hg3 <£f8 53. £)c4+-; 49... Ф17! 50. £jc4 Hc2 51. ^jd6 <£f6 52. Ha7! e5 53. W f4 54. gf4 ef4 55. сб f3 56. £jc5 Af5 57. НаЗ f2 58. Hf3 &g5 59. c7 <£g4 (59... Ac8 60. Hf2 Hf2 61. £>e4+-) 60. Hf5! &f5 61. c8WI 50. £>c4 Hb4 51. £>d6 Ad5 52. Ha8! <£g7 53. £jb7! Ab7 54. Ha7 <£f6 55. Hb7 e5 56. сб e4 57. c7 1 :0 P. Carlsson 196
88 С 04 Р. CARLSSON 2496 - PEREZ MITJANS 2422 Barbera del Valles 2011 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. ^d2 Асб 4. £jgf3 &Г6 5. e5 Ad7 6. c3 f6 7. ЖЬ5 acb8?! [7... fe5 - 113/951 8. 0-0 f5 9. £jb3 N [A £jg5, £jc5 Xe6; 9. gel] h6? 10. g4! fg4 [10... g6 11. gf5 gf5 12. фЫ±[ 11. ael We7 [11... h5 12. <21g2! (12. f3 g3 13. hg3 h4 14. g4 ЬЗ 15. f4 Wh4 16. фЬ2 Же7 17. ЖеЗ g6) a) 12... c5 13. Wd3 ФП 14. &f4 Sh6 15. ad5 ed5 16. ЖЬб c4 17. Wh7 cb3 18. еб Феб 19. Wg6 Wf6 20. Sfel <£d6 21. ЖГ4+-; b) 12... сб 13. Ad3 ФП 14. af4 Hh6 15. Wc2 (15. f3 g3 16. ah3 gh2 17. ФИ2 Sh8 18. ag5 <£g8 19. Wc2+-) &g8 16. ag6 c5 17. ЖЬб c4 18. ЖеЗ cd3 19. Wd3+—; c) 12... g5 13. f4 сб 14. ЖdЗ gf4 15. Ig6 Фе7 16. ЖГ4 ЖЬб 17. Жg5 Жg5 18. НП фе8 19. 1Ь7+-[ 12. Wg4 аб 13. Ж03 с5 14. ag2 [14. Жg6 <£d8 15. £>g2 (15. <£jc5!? ac5 16. dc5 ad7 17. ad3 ac5 18. £ic5 Wc5 19. ЖеЗТ) £>c6 16. af4 ade5 17. de5 ae5 18. Wg3 Wf6 19. ЖеЗ+-[ g5 [14... ^c6 15. af4 ade5 16. de5 ae5 17. Wh5 an 18. ag6+-; 14... c4 15. af4 cd3 (15... ae5 16. de5 Wg5 17. Wg5 hg5 18. ag6 Sg8 19. Жс2 сЬЗ 20. ab3±) 16. ag6 WH 17. ah8 Wf5 18. Wf5 ef5 19. ag6+~115. f4! c4 16. Жg6 <£d8 17. fg5! асб [17... сЬЗ 18. gh6! фс7 (18... ЖЬб 19. ЖЬб Sh6 20. Sf7 Hg6 21. Wg6 We8 22. af4 Фс7 23. аеб ФЬб 24. a>g7+-) 19. 1П We8 20. Sh7 Wd8 21. Жg5+-; 17... ae5 18. de5 cb3 19. gh6 ЖЬб 20. ЖЬб 1Ь6 21. 1П Wc5 22. ФЫ+-1 18. 1П ade5 19. de5 ae5 20. Se7 ag4 21. Se8 &d7 22. ad4 hg5 [22... ae5 23. Se6 af3 24. af3 Феб 25. ЖеЗ Sg8 26. af4 Фd6 27. ЖП Sg7 28. g6+-; 22... e5 23. ae64—1 23. аеб 1 : 0 P. Carlsson 89. C 06 RUBLEVSKY 2686 - M. DEMIDOV 2451 Russia 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. ad2 af6 4. ЖdЗ c5 5. e5 afd7 6. сЗ асб 7. ae2 cd4 8. cd4 f6 9. ef6 af6 io. o-o жоб ii. ara o-o 12. ЖГ4 Ж14 13. af4 ae4 14. Wcl ag5 15. ag5 Wg5 16. ae2 Wf6 17. Wd2 аб [17... Жd7 - 44/3291 18. Sael Ж07 19. Sc3 Sac8 N [19... g6; 19... e5[ 20. Жс2 We7 [20... e5?! 21. de5 We5 22. ЖЬЗ±[ 21. Sei [21. Жа4 aa7!?[ Wh4 22.13 Sf6 23. f4I? [23. Жа4 Sh6 24. ЬЗ e5! 25. Жсб Ьсб 26. de5 ЖЬЗ 27. g3 (27. gh3? Sg6 28. ФП Wh3 29. Ф12 Wh2 30. ФеЗ We5 31. Фd3 Wf5 32. фd4 c5 33. Sc5 Wf6-+) We7 28. af4 Sf8 29. ah3 Sh3 30. f4 Sh6=] Sh6 24. Sh3 Wf6 25. Sh6 Wh6 26. Жа4!? Wf6?! [26... ab8?! 27. Жd7 ad7 28. Wb4±; 26... b5 27. Жс2±[ 27. Жсб Sc6 28. £ic3± Sc4 29. Se5 g6 30. h3 Wf8 31. ЬЗ Sc6 32. ФЬ2 Wc8 33. Se3 Wc7 34. Sg3 Wd6 35. adl Wc7 36. a4 Sc2 37. We3 Wa5 [37... Scl 38. af2 Wc2 39. £jd3 Sdl 40. ae5 Wbl 41. Sra±l 38. We5 Scl 39. ai2 [39. ac3!?± A 39... Sc3 40. Wei Sc5 41. b4+-] 197
Wei 40. Wb8 Ac8 41. Sf3 h5 [41... Wgl 42. &g3 Sc2 43. Wd6 Ф17 44. We5 h5 45. Wh8 Wei 46. Wh7 ФА5 47. Wg8 фе7 48. h4±[ 42. Wd6 Wgl [42... ФП 43. Wd8 Wgl 44. <^>g3 Sc2 45. Wh8±[ 43. <4>g3 Sc2 [43... h4 44. ФИ4 Wg2 45. Wd8 <^>g7 46. We7 фЬ8 47. ®g4 Wf3 48. Wf8 ФЬ7 49. 44. We7 e5 [44... Scl 45. Wf6 ФЬ7 46. Wf7 ФЬ6 47. Wg8 Sc7 48. Wh8 Sh7 49. Wc8+-1 45. fe5 Af5 46. еб Wei [46... Sc8 47. Wf7 ФЬ8 48. e7 Wei 49. Wf8 фЬ7 50. Sf5 gf5 51. Wc8+-1 47. Wf7 фЬ8 48. Sf5!+- gf5 49. Wh5 <4>g8 50. Wf7 фЬ8 51. Wf8 [51... ФИ7 52. Wf5 фЬб 53. Wc2[ 1 : 0 Rublevsky 9Q****** C 07 McShane 2671 - B. SOCKO 2628 Deutschland 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £)d2 c5 4. £>gf3 cd4 5. ^d4 £кб [5... Ш a) 6. e5 2rfd7 7. £>2f3 £>c6 8. Ab5 Wb6 9. АеЗ (9. 0-0 - 64/(268)) Ac5 10. сЗ 0-0 N (10... <21d4) 11. Деб Ьсб 12. b4 Ad4 13. Ad4 Wa6 14. a4 c5 15. bc5 Sb8oo Smirin 2657 - G. Gopal 2572, Is- rael — India (m/1-blindfold) 2012; b) 6. ed5 Wd5 7. £>b5 £>a6 8. £>c3 (8. c4 - 109/161) Wd8 9. g3 Ad7 10. Ag2 Асб N (10... Wc7) 11. Асб Ьсб 12. 0-0 Ae7 13. We2 £>b4 14. 2tf3 0-0 15. Sdl £>bd5 16. Ad2 Wb6 17. Sabi £>c3 18. АсЗ Wb5 19. ®d4 We2 20. £se2 Sfd8 21. 5jd4 Sac8 22. £rf3 Sd5 23. ФН 1/2 : 1/2 Antoniewski 2585 — T. Petrik 2522, Slovensko 20121 6. Ab5 Ad7 7. £jc6 Асб [7... Ьсб 8. Ad3 Ad6 (8... Wc7 - 58/311) 9. We2 ^e7 10. £)f3 £)g6 11.0-0 0-0 12. e5 Ac7 13. £jg5 We8 14. f4 f5 N (14... h6) 15. c4 ДЬб 16. фЫ ^e7 17. ЬЗ a5 18. Ad2 a4 19. b4 c5 20. Sabi Sb8 21. Sfel d4 22. a3 1/2 : 1/2 S. Fedorchuk 2635 - Vitiugov 2726, Deutschland 2012] 8. Асб Ьсб 9. c4 de4 [9... Ad6 10. cd5 cd5 11. ed5 ed5 12. 0-0 ^e7 13. ^f3 0-0 a) 14. Wd3 Wd7 15. АеЗ N (15. Sdl - 105/(81)) a5 16. Sadi f6 17. Sfel a4 18. Ad4 Sfd8 19. АсЗ Sac8 20. g3 Ac5 21. <£g2 ^c6 22. Wb5 £>b4 23. Wd7 Sd7 24. Ab4 Ab4 25. Se2 Ф17 26. ФА Sc4= G. Gopal 2572 - Jan Garcia 2405, Ho Chi Minh City (open) 2012; b) 14. Ag5 N f6 15. Ad2 Wd7 16. Sei Sac8 17. АсЗ Ac5 18. Ad4 (18. Wd3!?) Ab4 19. Se3 £>f5 20. Sd3 Sfd8 21. Wb3 £>d4 22. £>d4 a5 23. Sadi Sb8 24. a4 Se8 25. £)b5 Sbd8 26. h3± Safarli 2638 - VI. Fedoseev 2525, Moscow 2012] 10. £}e4 Wdl П.ф01 2J6 [11... Sd8 - 62/(312)1 12. £>f6 gf6 13. АеЗ Sg8 14. g3 c5 15. фс2 Ф07 16. аЗ Ae7 N [16... h5; 16... фс6[ 17. Shdl фс7 18. b4! cb4 [18... Sgd8 19. b5[ 19. ab4 Ab4 2O.Sa6+ Ae7 [20... Sgc8 21. Sdal &d7 22. Sa7 Sa7 23. Sa7 фе8 24. Sb7±[ 21. Sdal Sgc8 22. Sa7 Sa7 23. Sa7 [S 9/k[ Ф08 24. Ф03 Фе8 25. Sa5 f5 26. c5 h5 27. фс4± &d7 28. Sb5 Ad8 29. Sb7 Sc7 30. Sbl Af6 31. Sb6 Sa7 32. Af4 Фс8 33. Sb8 <£d7 34. Sb6 Фс8 35. Sb8 <£d7 36. ФЬ5 e5 37. АеЗ+- Фс7 38. S18 Sb7 39. фс4 феб 40. Sa8 Фс7 41. S18 Феб 42. Sa8 Фс7 43. сб Sb2 44. Sa7 1:0 Z. Arsovic 198
91.*** С 10 F. CARUANA 2767 - V. MILOV 2653 Schweiz 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. Ac3 de4 4. Ae4 £>d7 5. &13 £jgf6 6. Ag5 h6 7. £if6 £jf6 8. ДЬ4 c5 9. Дс4 cd4 10.0-0 Де7 11. ®e2 0-0 [11... <£jd7 N 12. Де7 We7 13. Hadi 0-0 14. Hd4 Ш 15. Hfdl b6 16. £>e5 Wc7 17. h3 ДЬ7 18. Hd7 (18. ДЬЗ+) Wc8 (18... £>d7?! 19. Sd7 Wc8 20. Деб fe6 21. ®g4 Wd7 22. £id7±) 19. £sf7 £sd7 20. 2Ж6 (20. Aid6 ®c6 21. We6 фЬ8 22. Aib7 We6 23. Деб £ic5oo) ФИ7 21. Wh5 Ш 1/2 : 1/2 F. Caruana 2736 — Ivanchuk 2766, Wijk аап Zee 20121 12. Hadi 8b6 13. £>d4 Aid5 [13... Ш>2 14. £>f5 ef5 15. We7 Деб 16. Деб (16. Hbl - 85/(263)) fe6 17. We6<£h8 18. Wf5 Hac8 N (18... Wa2) 19. Hel Wd4 20. ДgЗ £}e4 21. Де5 Hf5 22. Дd4 £sc3 23. Hfel Hf7 a) 24. аЗ b6 25. НеЗ £w2 26. Heel Hc2 27. g3 1/2 : 1/2 Magem Badals 2545 — Jo. Gonzalez Garcia 2529, Espana 2012; b) 24. ДеЗ НеЗ 25. НеЗ Hc4 26. ФА Hfc7= 27. сЗ Ь5 28. аЗ а5 29. Hbl Н7с5 30. Фе 2 ЕсЗ 31. НеЗ НеЗ 1/2 : 1/2 № Ниа 2637 - Ding Liren 2660, China (ch) 2012] 14. ДgЗ JLf6 15. сЗ Д07 16. N [16. Hfel] Дсб 17. £>e5 Had8 18. ДdЗ Де7 19. фЫ 2tf6 20. f4 Hfe8 21. Д12 Wc7 22. Д04+ Д18?! [22... Дd51 23. ®e3 £jd5 24. Wg3 f5 25. c4± Ab6 [25... ab4 26. ДЫ a5 27. аЗ £>a6 28. Wg6±] 26. Де2 Де4 27. ДЬ5+- Не7 28. ЬЗ £>с8 29. ДеЗ [29. Hd2[ £)d6 30. Hd4 Дсб 31. Hfdl Ае4 32. Hd8! A>g3 33. hg3 [А ДЬ4[ Wb6 34. Hb8 ®f2 35. Ac6 1:0 Br. Tadic 92. C 11 SHIROV 2713 - MOROZEVICH 2737 Saratov 2011 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. Ac3 £>f6 4. e5 Afd7 5. f4 c5 6. £>f3 Ac6 7. ДеЗ Де7 8. аЗ!? Ь6 9. ДОЗ 0-0 N [9... ДЬ7[ 10. 0-0 аб!? [10... f5 — 113/991 11.£>е2?! [11. We2 с4 (11... f5) 12. ДЬ7 ФЬ7 13. £>g5oo; 11. ®el f5 12. ®g3 c4 13. Де2 Ь5оо; 11. £>bl!? (P. Dvalishvili) cd4 (11... a5 12. сЗ Даб 13. Даб Наб 14. a4 Ha8 15. £w3+) 12. £>d4±l с4 12. ДЬ7 фЬ7 13. Ag5 Дg5 14. fg5 Hh8 [14... We7 15. 2rf4 Hh8 (15... Wg5 16. Hf3) 16. g6 fg6 17. Wg4; 14... We8 15. £)f4 Hh8 16. h4 &g8 17. h5 £>e7 18. g4; 14... £se7 15. g41 15. Hf7 <£g8 16. g6 £08?! [16... We8 a) 17. £)f4 Aid8 18. Wg4 ®>f7 19. gf7 Wf7 20. £sg6 Hh7 (20... ДЬ7 21. Hfl) 21. Hfl We8 22. c3; 22. h4; b) 17. Wd2 Ш 18. Hafl £ig6 19. H7f3 AM 16... Wh4! a) 17. Ag3 Ace5 (17... Wh2 18. Ф12; 17... Ae7 18. ®f3 Ag6 19. h3 £}f6 20. Hc7 Ae8) 18. de5 Ae5 19. Hf5; b) 17. h3 ®e4 bl) 18. Hf3 ДЬ7 (18... Wg6 19. Af4 We8 20. We2) 19. Hg3; b2) 18. Wd2 Wg6 19. Hf3 ДЬ7 20. Af4 We8 21. Hafl £>f8ool 17. Af4 Ha7 [17... Ag6 18. Ag6 ФГ7 19. Wg4 &g8 20. HfH 18. ®f3 [18. ®g4 ®h4 19. Wh4 Hh4 20. Hfl Hf7 21. gf7 ФГ7 22. g3 (22. Ad5 &g8 23. Ab6 ДЬ7 24. сЗ Aa5+) Hg4 23. Ad5 <£g8 24. Ab6 ДЬ7 25. Hf4 Hf4 26. gf4 c3 27. bc3±] We8 [18... £jg6 19. Ha7 £)h4 20. Hg7 &g7 21. ®g4 ФП 22. Hfl+-1 19. £>d5 £jg6Q 20. Ha7 £ja7 21. £)Ь6 Д07 [21... Wb5 22. Hfl+-; 21... £sh4 22. ®a8 Д07 (22... Wg6 23. Д12 ^jg2 24. Wg2+-; 22... <£h7 23. Д12+-) 23. We8 Де8 24. ^c4 (24. Д12 Дсб) Дсб 25. Д12 Дg2 (25... £>g2 26. d5 Д05 27. Да7 Hh5) 26. Д114 Д05 27. Д12 Дс4 28. d5 £>c8 (28... £>b5) 29. d6±l 22. Wb7?? [22. d5 a) 22... ed5 23. ^d7 W7 24. еб We6 25. Да7 Hh4 26. Hdl (26. c3 ^e5 27. Wg3 Hg4 28. Wh3 £}d3 29. Hfl We4) He4 27. h3 £tf4 28. Д12 d4+; b) 22... Дс8 23. £jc4 (23. Hfl ДЬ7 24. Wg3 £sc8) ed5 24. 199
Wd5 We6; c) 22... ae5 23. Wg3; d) 22... £)h4 23. Wg4; e) 22... ab5 23. a4 (23. ad7 Wd7 24. We4 ah4 25. d6) £>c7 24. d6 ad5 25. ad5 ed5 26. Wd5 We6; 22. Ag5!? Жсб (22... £)h4 23. № £)f5 24. d5) 23. Wg4±; 22. £)d7 Wd7 23. d5 ab5 24. We4 ah4 25. d6±; 22. Wg4 Жсб 23. £sc4 £>c8 24. Ag5±] Жсб 23. Wa7 ah4- [23... ae5 24. Wc7 Wg6 25. ®d8 ФП 26. Wg5 Wg5 27. Ag5 Hb8 28. de5 Hb6±[ 24. Wc7 ag2 25. Ag5 [25. Ad2 £)h4 26. Wc8 aB 27. <£>f2[ 25... £)h4? [25... af4! 26. £f4 (26. ФА Wh5-+) Wg6 27. Ag3 (27. ФА Wg2 28. Фе1 c3!-+) Hh2 28. ФИ2 Wc2 29. ФИЗ Ag2-+[ 26. ФГ2 af5? [26... Wg6 27. Wc6 Wg5 (27... Wf5 28. Фе2) 28. £jc4oo; 26... aB! 27. Af4 (27. d5 £>g5) Hh4 28. Wc8 Hf4 29. We8 Же8 30. ФеЗ g5 31. Hfl Жсб 32. сЗ £>e5 33. Hf4 gf4 34. <£>f4 ad3 35. Фg5 W 36. <£f6 adl—+[ 27. h4 фЬ7!? [27... ah4 28. Hgl Wg6=[ 28. Hfl [28. Hgl Hf8 29. Фе1 НП 30. Wd8 Wd8 31. ^d8 ad4 32. Hg3 ac2 33. Фd2 ad4 34. ac4±| ЖЬ5© [28... ad4 29. ФеЗ ac2 30. Фd2 Wg6 31. Hf6 Wd3 32. Фс1 Hf8 (32... ad4 33. Hh6 Фg8 34. Wd8 ФП 35. Wc7=) 33. ЖИ6 Hg8 34. ^g5=] 29. a4© [29. c3 Wg6 (29... Hf8 30. Фе1 Wg6) 30. a4 (30. Wb7 £sd4 31. Ж06 Hb8; 30. ad7 ^d7 31. Wd7 Hb8+) ad4 31. cd4 (31. ab5 Wf5 32. фё3 Wfl 33. cd4 Wd3 34. ФИ2 Wc2 35. Фg3 Wb3) Hf8+1 Жа4 30. Фе1 [30. сЗ ЖЬ5 (30... Жс2 31. ad7) 31. Фе1 Wg6; 30. d5 Hf8 31. Фе1 (31. Af6 НП) ЖЬ5; 30. аа4 Wa4 31. сЗ Wc2 32. фё1 £jg3 33. Hf2; 30. £jc4 Hf8 31. фё1 Wh5 32. ae3[ Hf8 [30... Жс2 31. ad7[ 31. aa4?? [31. Ф^2 Wb5 32. £ja4 c3 33. фсЗ WflT; 31. ac4oo; 31. НПоо ЖЬ5 (31... Wb5 32. £f6 Wa5 33. сЗ Жсб; 31... ad4 32. Wc4 Hf2 33. Wd4 Hc2 34. Wa4 Wg6 35. ad7) 32. Wc5[ Wa4-+ 32. ЖГ6? Wai 33. ФС Wb2 34. &gl Wd4 35. фЬ2 Wd2 [35... Wg4 36. Wb7 Hb8 37. Wb8 Wg3 38. ФЫ £>e3-+[ 36. ФЫ Wh6?? 37. Hgl a5 38. Жg5 Wh5 39. Wc4 WB [39... Hb8 40. Wg4[ 40. ФЬ2 Wf2 41. Hg2 Wel+ 42. Wg4 Фg8 [42... We5!?[ 43. ЖГ6 НП 44. h5 [44. Wc4 ФИ7-+; 44. Wa4 ФЬ7 45. We8 W-+1 We3 [44... €le3 45. We6 ag2 46. We8 Hf8 47. We6 ФИ7 48. Wf5=[ 45. c3! Wc3 46. h6 ah6! 47. We6 ФЬ7 48. Жg5?! [48. ЖИ4 Wd3 49. Же1 Hf4 50. Wh3 We4; 49... We4!-+[ Hf5! 49. ЖИ4 [49. Wg6 фё6 50. Жd2 ^g4![ We5 50. We5 He5-+ 51. Жd8 a4 52. Ha2 He4 53. ФgЗ ф86 54. Ф13 ФГ5 55. Hb2 an 56. Жс7 ^e5 57. Фg2 ac4 58. Hb8 He7 59. ЖgЗ Ha7 60. Hb4 ae3 [60... ad2 61. ЖС Ha6[ 61. ФВ £id5 62. Hb5 Феб 63. Ж12 Наб 64. Жd4 g6 65. Фе4 ac7 66. Hg5 ФП 67. Hgl a3 68. Ф03 аеб 69. Же5 g5 70. фс4 Фg6 71. ФЬЗ Ф15 72. ЖеЗ а2 73. Hal g4 74. Же1 ас5 [74... ad4! 75. ФЬ2 Неб 76. ФеЗ af3 77. ЖвЗ НеЗ 78. ФЬ2 Не2 79. ФаЗ ad4[ 75. Фс4 ае4 76. ФЬЗ ФГ4 77. ЖЬ4 ad2 [77... Ф13! 78. Hfl Фе2 79. Hal фdЗ 80. На2 ad2 81. ФЬ2 НЬ6 82. ФаЗ фсЗ-+[ 78. фЬ2 af3 79. Ж12 Неб? [79... ае5 80. ЖИ4 ad3 (80... ag6 81. Hfl ФеЗ 82. ЖgЗ alW 83. Hal Hal 84. Фа1 ФВ 85. ЖЬ2П=) 81. ФЬЗ ael 82. ФЬ2 Нс6-+[ 80. На2 Не2 81. ФаЗ На2? [81... ad2 82. ЖИ4 ас4 83. ФЬЗ На2 84. Фа2 ФВ 85. ФЬЗ аеЗ 86. ФеЗ af5 87. Жd8 g3 88. Фd2 аеЗ; 88. фdЗ-+ аЖ 3/е] 82. Фа2= ае5 83. ФЬЗ ФВ 84. Же1 ad3 85. ЖЬ4 af4 86. Фс2 ag2 87. Же7 g3 88. Фd2 af4 89. Жс5 g2 90. Жа7 ag6 91. Фе1 ае5 92. JLgl ad3 93. фd2 af2 94. фе1 ah3 95. Жа7 af4 96. Фd2 Фg3 97. Фе1 ad3 98. Фе2 1/2 : 1/2 Morozevich 93. С 18 INARKIEV 2695 - Е. L'AMI 2611 Plovdiv 2012 1. е4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. асЗ ЖЬ4 4. е5 с5 5. аЗ ЖеЗ 6. ЬсЗ ае7 7. afl Wc7 8. h4 h6 9. h5 200
Ь6 10. ДЬ5 ДО7 11. ДОЗ Да4 12. Д14!? [12. 0-0] A,d7 13. 0-0 [13. Wd2 - 59/333] 0-0-0!? N [13... аб] 14. lei ФЬ7 15. Ia2 Sc8 16. Ш2 [A Wg4, A Wf3, c4] c4 [16... f5?! 17. ef6 Wf4 18. fe7 cd4 19. cd4 Wd4 20. £ie4!T (A 21. Даб, 21. £>d6) фс7! 21. lai (21. Wg4!‘? Ice8 22. We6 de4 23. Ie4 £>c5 24. 104 £>e6 25. Ia4 Aic5±) lce8 (21... de4 22. Ie4±) 22. Ibl (A lb4) a5 23. Wd2 Деб (23... Ie7? 24. c3 We5 25. ^c5+-) 24. £)g3! Wf6 25. c4 (Хфс7) le7 26. cd5 Д05 27. Ag6± lf8!? 28. Aie4 Wf4 29. Wc3 ФЬ8 30. g3 Wc7 31. Wa5±; 16... фа8!?] 17. Де2 Wd8 [17... f5?I 18. ef6 Wf4 19. fe7 lhe8 20. ДА! (20. Ag4 le7 21. Деб Деб A 22... Ie8, 22... If8, Xh5, la2) Sc6 (20... Ie7? 21. Д05+-) 21. We2+ A £ic4, A £)fl-e3-g4] 18. ^g4 Wg8 19. £}fl Wh7 20. £je3+ ^Ь8?! [20... Деб 21. a4 a5 22. Wf3!?± A Wh3, ДЬ2, f2-f4; 20... g6! (A &f5) 21. hg6?! £>g6 22. ДЬ2 h5 23. ДЬЗ Hhg8 24. f4±; 23... Wh6!oo Xf4] 21. ДgЗ Abc6 [21... g6 22. hg6 £>g6 23. ДЬ5±] 22. f4!± [A Wf3, f5] g6 23. hg6 Wg6 [23... Aig6 24. f5 h5 25. ДЬЗ £}f8 26. ДЬ4±] 24. ДЬ4! [24. Wf3?! f5! (24... h5!? 25. ДЬЗ Ь4 26. ДЬ2 lcg8+) 25. ef6 (25. ДЬ5!? Wh7 26. ДЬ4) ДО 26. £jc4?! dc4 27. Ie6 Wg7 28. ДЬ4± £sg8 29. 1Ь2 (А 1Ь4) ФЬ8 30. f5; 27... Wf7!oo] lhg8 25. Wf3 Wh7 26. ДЬЗ?! [A f5; 26. Aic4? dc4 27. Де7 lg4-+; 26. f5! ef5 (26... Ig4 27. Wg4 £tf5 28. 2rf5 ef5 29. ДО+-; 26... h5 27. ДЬЗ lcf8 28. £>c4 dc4 29. Де7 le8 30. ДГ6+-; 26... Icf8 27. &c4 dc4 28. Де7+—) 27. 2tf5 2rf5 28. ДГ5 Wg7 29. Дс8 Фе 8 30. Wd5+-] A>g6! 27. Д16 £)f8 28. f5 le8 29. laal! [A le2, Ifl] фаб 30. Ie2 £jb8 31. Ifl фа5?! [31... Ь5!? 32. Ief2 Деб 33. We2 £jfd7 34. ДЬ4 lg7 35. g3!? ФЬ7 36. Aig2 £sa6 37. £)f4 £jc7 38. ФЬ2+-] 32. Wh5!+- ДО7 33. ДЬ4! [A £)g4-f6] lg7 34. fe6!? [34. £)g4 lc8 35. ДО Wh8 36. ДО ДО7 37. ДЬ6!+- ДО 38. ef6 lh7 39. fe6 fe6 40. Деб ДО 41. Wd5] fe6 35. ДО! Wg6 [35... ed5 36. Д07+- lg2 (36... Aibd7 37. We8+-) 37. Ig2 Wd7 38. If7] 36. 2rf4 Wh5 37. £>h5 lg6 38. If7 [A lef2] 1 : 0 Inarkiev PE. ENDERS 2454 - MA. PETR 2529 Deutschland 2012 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. <йсЗ ДЬ4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 ДеЗ 6. ЬсЗ ^e7 7. Wg4 cd4 8. ДОЗ Wa5 9. Ibl! g6 N [9... Wc3 - 110/147] 10. abc6 [10... dc3 11. Wf4 ^jd7 12. £>g5 £>f5 13. g4 h6 14. ^f7 ФП 15. gf5 gf5 16. ДГ5!! ef5 17. Wf5 Фе7 18. Iglt; 10... £jd7 11. Wd4 £>f5 (11... £ic6 12. Wf4 Wc3 13. фе2 A lei, ФА, А 1Ь5, ДЬ2±) 12. Wb4±] 11. Ib5! Wc7? [11... Wc3 12. фе2£>Ь8 13. lei £)d7 14. ФА Wc7 15. Wd4 £sc6 16. Wh4®1] 12. cd4± ДО7 13. 0-0 b6 [13... h6 14. Д02] 14. Дg5 ^)g8 15. Ibbl h6 16. Wh4 ^ce7 17. Ifcl £)f5 18. Wh3 Wb7 19. c4 Деб [19... dc4 20. Ic4 lc8 21. Ic8 Wc8 22. lol Wb7 23. g4 £)fe7 24. ДеЗ A ^3g5, A £jd2-e4-d6T] 20. c5 Ф18 21. Д16! £>g7 [21... £rf6 22. ef6 h5 23. g4 W 24. g5 £tf5 25. ДГ5 ef5 26. Wg3+-] 22. cb6 ab6 23. 201
Sc3 Ad7 24. Sbcl Hc8 25. Sc8 Ас8 26. Ad8! -?3е8 27. Wh4 Ad7 28. Ibl £к7 [28... b5 29. Ab5 Д a4+—[ 29. Af6+- £>f6 [29... Sh7 30. ^g5 £}f6 31. ef6 Sh8 32. £jf3 A Wf4[ 30. Wf6 Sg8 31. Wd8 £>e8 [31... Ae8 32. Scl <?3a6 33. Wc8] 32. Sb6 Wa7 33. Sd6! Aa4 34. Sa6 Wd7 35. Wa5! Adi 36. Ab5 Wb7 [36... Wc7 37. Ae8 Wcl 38. Well 37. Sa7 1:0 Pe. Enders 95 C 28 NABATY 2563 - V. GOLOD 2570 Israel 2012 1. e4 d6 2. £)c3 e5 3. Ac4 £>f6 4. d3 £jc6 5. f4 4Aa5 [5... ef4!? A 6. Af4 £>a5oo[ 6. f5!?EI ^c4 [6... сб!? 7. ^f3 b5 (7... d5?! 8. ed5 cd5 9. Ab5 Ad7 10. <йе5 Ab5 11. £}b5) 8. Ab3 Ae7 9. 0-0 O-Ooo] 7. dc4 g6 8. g4! gf5 9. gf5 сб N [9... b5 10. cb5 Ab7 (10... d5?! 11. Ag5 d4 12. £jd5±) 11. Ag5 Ae7?! 12. Af6 Af6 13. £>f3±; 11... Sg8 A 12. £>f3 Sg5!? 13. ®g5 h6 14. ^f3 ^e4 15. £}e4 Ae4 16. We2 Af5 17.0-0-0+; 9... Ad7 - 67/3891 10. 2rf3 Ae7 [10... d5?! 11. cd5 cd5 12. Ag5 d4 13. Wd3! (13. £>d5 Wa5 14. Ad2 Wd8=) Ae7 14. Af6 Af6 15. £>d5 Ad7 16. 0-0-0 Ac6 17. Shell] 11. Wd3+ Sg8?! [11... Wb6!?[ 12. АеЗ 1^ 12. Ag5 A 0-0-0 Xd6[ Wc7 13. 0-0-0 Ad7 [13... £>g4? 14. Shgl Ad7 15. c5! A 15... dc5 16. £}e5+—1 14. Ag5!? [Xd6; 14. ФЬ1 0-0-0 15. Ag5 Ae8 16. Shgl±l 0-0-0 15. Af6 Af6 16. Wd6 Wd6 [16... Ag7?! 17. We7 Ae8 18. Wh4 f6 19. ФЬ1±[ 17. Sd6 Ag7! 18. Shdl [18. £)g5?! Фс7 (18... Af8!? 19. £rf7 Ad6 20. ^d6 Фс7 21. Sde8 22. c5±) 19. c5 (19. £)f7? Sdf8 20. Sd7 ф<17 21. £>g5 Ah6 22. h4 Sf7 23. <4>d2 Ag5 24. hg5 Sg5 25. Sh6=) Ae8+1 f6 19. £>e2 [A 4Ag3-h5 Xf6[ фс7 20. £>g3 Ac8 21. c5 [21. Sd8?! Sd8 22. Sd8 &d8 23. ^h5 Ah6 A Фе7, Ad7-e8[ Sdf8 22. £>h5 Ah8 23. Sgl?! [23. h3! (A £>h2-g4 Xf6) Sg2 24. S6d2±] Hgl 24. £>gl b6 25. b4 [25. Sd3!? bc5 26. Sa3 ФЬ6 27. Sh3 Aa6 28. £>g3 Sf7 29. Sh6±l bc5? [25... a5!? 26. c3 Aa6 27. a3 Ac4+1 26. bc5 Aa6 27. &d2? [27. Se6! <4>d7 28. <4>d2 Ac4 29. Sd6 фс7 30. a4±[ Hd8 [27... Ac4? 28. a3 A 28... Sd8? 29. фсЗ+—[ 28. Sd8 &d8 29. ФеЗ Фе7 [29... Ac8!? A Ad7-e8[ 30. фЬ4 Afl!? [30... ФП A Ag7[ 31. £>g3 Aa6 32. £)h5 Afl 33. c4 Ag2= 34. £)g3?! [^ 34. ФеЗ a) 34... Ae4 (Nabaty) 35. £)g3 Ag2 36. &d2 (А фе2-12) e4 37. ФеЗ Ag7 38. &f2 Af3 39. W ef3 40. ФО Ah6=; b) 34... ФП!? 35. Фd3 Ag7 36. ^g7 Фg7 37. ФеЗ ФЬ6 38. ^e2 Afl=l Ag7 35. ФеЗ Ф17 36. aie2 Ah6 37. Фd3 Af8 38. «ЗсЗ Ac5 39. Фе2 Agl?! [39... Ah3!? 40. Ф13! (40. £>fl?! Ad4T; 40. &dl Ag4 41. Фd2 Agl 42. Af3 43. £jc3 Ad4 44. £)g3 фе7 45. £>ce2 Ab6T) Agl 41. £>ce2 Ah2 42. c5 Ag3 43. ФgЗ Afl 44. Ф12 Ae2 45. Фе2 фg7 46. ФВ Ф18 47. Фg4 Фg8 48. ФИ5=[ 40. h4 Ah2 [40... Фе7!? 41. «3dl Ah2 42. &e3 Ag3 43. £>g2 Фd6 44. ФВ Ah2 45. ^el Agl 46. ^d3=l 41. ФГ2 Ag3 42. Фg3 Afl 43. c5 Ac4 44. аЗ ф87 45. £idl Ad3 46. ФВ Ac4 47. 2rf2 Ф18 48. ФеЗ Фе7 49. 202
Ad2 a5 50. Ag4 Af7 51. ФеЗ h5 52. £je3 152... Ф48 53. £>c4 (53. £>dl фс7 54. £>b2 ФЬ7 55. Aia4 фс7 56. 2Л6 Ag8=) Ac4 54. Фс4 фс7 55. ФЬЗ ФЬ7=[ 1/2 : 1/2 К Golod 96.** !Н С 41 G. М. TODOROVIC 2499 - A. DELCHEV 2622 Skopje 2012 1. е4 d6 [1... е5 2. £)f3 d6 3. d4 £)d7 4. Ac4 сб 5. de5!? (5. £)g5 2Ж6) de5 6. £)g5 W 7. 0-0 Ac5 8. Wh5 &f6 9. Af7 Фе7 10. We2 a) 10... Hf8? al) 11. Аеб? N (M. Pap 2501 — Lasinskas 2170, San Sebastian 2012) Аеб 12. Aie6 Феб 13. Wc4 фd6 14. b4 (14. gdl Ad4! 15. c3 £}fg4 16. cd4 Wh4-+) Ab6 15. Idl Ad4 16. c3 £)fg4 17. cd4 Wh4 18. h3 ^)f2-+; a2) 11. АЬЗ! a21) 11... Aihg4 12. h3! (12. £tf3 <£jf2) a211) 12... £)f2 13. АеЗ Ae3 (13... £Ae4 14. Ac5 <йс5 15. We54~) 14. We3 h6 15. Hf2 hg5 16. Wg5+-; a212) 12... Af2 13. If2 14. Ф12 Wd4 15. ФgЗ+-; a22) 11... £>fg4 12. 2rf3 2rf2 13. АеЗ! Ae3 14. ®e3+-; b) 10... Ag4; c) 10... £>f7 11. W ФП (11... Af2 12. Sf2 ФП 13. Wh5 Феб 14. Wg5±) 12. Wc4 фg6 13. Wc5 £je4 14. We5 He8 15. Wf4 Wf6 16. f3 Wf4 17. Af4 Ш 18. £>c3 Af5 19. Hacli M. Pap] 2. d4 £)f6 3. Aic3 e5 4. £rf3 £}bd7 5. Ac4 Ae7 6. 0-0 0-0 7. We2 сб! 8. a4?! [8. Hdl Wc7 (8... Ь5?! 9. de5 de5 10. £ie5 bc4 11. £sc6 We8 12. e5±) 9. a4 a) 9... ed4!? 10. £>d4 (10. Hd4 Aig4) He8 («-e XWe2) 11. Af4! (11. Ae3 Af8 12. 13 d5! 13. ed5 £>b6) £>e5 12. Aa2 Ag4! 13. f3 Ad7 14. № аб! 15. a5 Hac8! (15... £)g6 16. Ae3 d5! 17. ed5 Ad65s; 15... c5 16. £ide2 £sc6 17. Wc5) 16. h3 (16. <21de2 Аеб) c5 17. £ide2 (17. £)f5 Af5 18. ef5 c4) £)c6 18. Ae3 £ja5 19. £>f4 £>c6 20. £)fd5 £id5 21. &d5 Wd8 22. Af4 Af8oo; b) 9... b6 10. Aa2 a5 11. Ae3 N (11. h3) ed4 12. ^d4 A,e5 13. f3 He8 14. фЫ Aa6 15. W12 g6= I. Ivanisevic 2645 — D. Baratosi 2407, Plovdiv 2012; c) 9... a5 10. h3 ed4 11. ^d4 He8 12. Af4 £>e5! (12... Af8? 13. Af7 Ф17 14. Wc4 Фg6 15. £>f5 h5 16. Aib5±) 13. Aa2 Af8^[ 8... ed4! 9. £>d4 He81 [A d5] 10. Аа2П [10. АеЗ Af8 11. f3 d5 12. ed5 £ib6T; 10. Af4 Af8 11. W13 £se5T] Af8 11. Wf3!? [11. f3 d5 12. Wf2 de4 13. £>e4 foeA 14. fe4 Ш 15. Ag5 He4 16. Af6 (16. c3 Ac5 17. Hael Hel 18. Hel Ad7 19. ®g3 Ш>8 20. Af4 ®f8) gf6 17. c3 Ac5 18. Hadi Ag4 19. Hd2 Ad4 20. Hd4 Hd4 21. cd4 Ah5 22. Wf6 Wf6 23. Hf6 Hd8 24. Hf4 Ag6=l ^ie5 12. Wdl [12. Wg3 Wb6 13. Hdl a5M a5 13. h3 [13. Hel Wb6!? (13... h6 14. h3 Wb6 15. Ae3 Wb4 16. Wd2 ^jfd7) 14. Ag5 Wb2 (14... £jeg4 15. f3) 15. Wd2 Wb4 16. Habl Wc5 17. Af6 gf6 18. £jce2ool h6 [13... Wb6 - 55/299] 14. Hel ^jg6?! [14... ^ed7!? 15. Af4 2ic5 16. Wf3 £ie6 17. Аеб Аеб 18. Hadi Wb6 19. ЬЗ Had8 20. e5 (20. Ah6? gh6 21. Wf6 Ag7-+) de5 21. Ae5 £>d7 22. Af4 £sc5 23. Wg3 Wb4 24. Ae5 (24. £ja2 Wa3) Ac8=; 14... Wb6 15. Ae3 Wb4 16. Wd2 ^fd7M 15. f4?I [15. Ae3!± (A 15... £se4? 16. ^e4 He4 17. Af7 ФП 18. Wf3±) Наб!? 16. АЬЗ НЬ6 17. Wd2 НЬ4 18. f3[ 203
15... d5! N [15... Ad7[ 16. e5 [16. ed5 gel 17. ®el £je7=[ Дс5! 17. ДеЗ Wb6 18. £sce2 Aie4 19. Wd3 [19. c4 dc4 20. Дс4 £jd6T[ £jh4!t 20. ФЬ2 [20. c4? Ad4 21. ^d4 c5+ A Wg6[ ДГ5 [20... £jf5 21. £>f5 Af5 22. Дс5 Wc5 23. ДИ7 24. c3oo[ 21. c4?! [21. £)f5 £>f5 22. Дс5 Wc5 23. c4! X<5je4, £>f51 ^g3! [21... Ad4 22. £>d4 Wb2 23. Wfl Деб 24. cd5 Дd5 25. Дd5 cd5 26. Sebl Wc3 27. Sb3 Wc4 28. Sb7±[ 22. £)f5 [22. Wdl ^e2 23. Se2 dc4 24. Дс4 Sed8 25. Sd2 Де4Т[ Aigf5 23. Дgl?! [23. Дс5 Wc5 24. £>g3 dc4 25. Дс4 Sed8 26. Wc3 Wf2 27. Se2 Wg3 28. Wg3 ®g3 29. &g3 2»f5 30. &g4 £>d4 31. Sd2 g6 32. Sadi c5+l £gl 24. Sgl Wf2 25. Safi We3 26. We3 £>e3 27. Scl dc4 28. Sc3 £)d5 29. Sc4 Sad8 30. ДЫ £)b6 31. Se4? [31. Sc2 £>a4+[ Sd2 32. ЬЗ? [32. Sei Sb2+[ 15—+ 33. Sd4 Se2 34. Ag3 g5 0:1 A. Delchev 97. IN A. HUNT 2454 - A. DELCHEV 2622 Skopje 2012 1. e4 d6 2. d4 £>f6 3. £>c3 e5 4. W Aibd7 5. Дс4 Де7 6. 0-0 0-0 7. Sei аб 8. a4 b6 9. d5I? [9. Дg5 - 110/1531 ФЬ8! [A £)g8, g6, f5[ 10. a5 b5 11. ДП [A £ia2-b4, ЬЗ, c44 ДЬ7 [11... £jg8?! 12. £>a2 g6 13. 2Л4 2Л8 (13... ДЬ7 14. c4 bc4 15. Дс4 £>c5 16. £>c6 Деб 17. dc6 f5 18. ef5 gf5 19. b4 £>e4 20. Wb3 We8 21. 4Ad2 £id2 22. Дd2 ДГ6 23. b5 ab5 24. ДЬ5 6a) 14. c4 bc4 15. Дс4 f5 16. ef5 gf5 17. Sa3± Хаб, XSa8, 12. ЬЗ! N [А ДаЗ Xd6, A £ja2-b4, c2-c4; 12. Ь4?! Sc8 13. ДЬ2 c6+ Xc4[ Sc8 [12... Wc8! 13. ДаЗ сб 14. dc6 Wc6 a) 15. ДЬ4 Wc7 16. Wd2 (16. Aid5 Дd5 17. ed5 Wb7) Sfc8T; b) 15. £>d5! £jd5 16. ed5 Wd5 17. Wd5 Дd5 18. Sadi ДО 19. gf3 £>c5 20. Дс5 dc5 21. Se5 Sa7 22. c4 b4 23. f4±[ 13. ДаЗ! c5 14. dc6 Sc6 15. £}d5! £>d5 16. ed5 Sc7 17. c4 bc4 18. Дс4 [18. bc4 f5 19. Sbl Дс8±5 A 20. <йе5 2»e5 21. Se5 de5 22. d6 Дd6 23. Дd6 Sd7 24. Sb6 e4 25. c5 Wf6 26. Wcl 2е83б| Se8 [18... f5!? 19. We2 Wa820. Sadi £)f6! 21. ^g5! (21. £>e5 £>d5 22. Дd5 Дd5 23. Wd2 Дg2 24. Дd6 ДЫ 25. f3 ДВ 26. Де7 Se7 27. 2>f3 Wf3 28. Se7 Wg4 29. ФЫ Wf3=) Дd5 22. Дd5 £jd5 23. Ш ^c3 24. Wd2 Sc6 25. 2»f8 &dl 26. £id7 £>c3 27. <Ae5 de5 28. Де7 e4 29. h4+[ 19. Wd2 Wa8 20. Sadl+ h6 21. h3 £jf6 22. Aih2 015 23. Aig4 [A £se3-f5 Xd6, e5, a6[ Дg5 24. ^je3 Sd7 25. Wd3 e4!? [25... £>f6 26. 2»f5±; 25... 2»f4 26. Wfl A g3] 26. Wd4 ДГ6 27. Wd2 Де5 28. ДЬ2 [28. £>g4 f5 29. ^je5 de5 30. d6 Wd8 31. Дс5 2rf4 32. ДА Se6^[ £)f6 29. Де5 Se5 30. b4± Sd8 31. Wd4 Wb8 32. Wb6?! [32. £)g4 ^g4 33. hg4 Sde8 34. Wb6 (34. b5 ab5 35. ДЬ5 Sd5 36. Wb6 Sd8 37. Де2 Да8 38. Wb8 Sb8 39. Sd5 Дd5 40. Sdl Sb2 41. <£>fl Деб) Wc8 35. Scl Wd7 36. Даб Даб 37. Wa6 Wg4 38. Wd6 Sg5 39. Wg3 Wf5 40. Wh2 e3 41. Se3 Se3 42. fe3 Wf3 43. Sei Wd5=; 32. Sell? h5 33. Sc2 «c| ^jd7!± 33. Wd4 f5 34. Wb2 £if6 [A f4, Xd5[ 35. b5© [35. g3!+[ ab5 36. 204
®b5 f4 37. £)g4 [37. Ibl fe3 38. Ш7 ®c8 39. Wc8 Hc8 40. Heel He7 41. fe3 Hec7 42. аб ФЬ7 43. Hb4 ^d5 44. Ad5 Hel 45. Ф>Ь2 Hal=[ &g4 38. hg4 Wc8 39. Ae2 [39. 8b6 f3 40. аб Aa8 41. Hd4 Hde8 42. Wd6 ®g4 43. g3 ФЬ7-; 39. Hd4 e3 40. Hf4 Aa6!! 41. ®b4 (41. Wa6 ef2 42. Ф12 Wc5 43. <£>fl Hel 44. Фе1 We3) ef2 42. <£>f2 Hel 43. фе1 Ac4 44. Hc4 ®a8t Хфе1; 39. аб Ааб! 40. ®аб Wg4 41. Hd4 Wg6 (A Hg5) 42. Afl f3 43. g3 e3 44. ®a5 Hf836[ Wa8 [39... f3! 40. gf3 ef3 41. Aft 41... Ad5!! 42. Wd5! (42. Ad5 Wg4 43. <£fl ®h3 44. Ag2 Wg2 45. &g2 Hb5 46. аб Hb6 47. a7 Ha8 48. He7 Наб 49. &g3 H8a7 50. Ha7 Ha7 51. Hd6T; 42. Hd5 Hel 43. <£g2 SclT) Hd5 43. Hd5 Wc3 44. НеЗ ®c4 45. &g2oo[ 40. Ac4 ®c8 41. Ae2 ®a8 42. Ac4 1/2 : 1/2 A. Delchev 98.** C 41 E. BERG 2559 - E. LIE 2449 Norge 2012 1. e4 d6 2. d4 £)f6 3. Ac3 e5 4. £rf3 £>bd7 5. Ac4 Ae7 6. 0-0 0-0 7. a4 аб 8. Hel [8. a5!? h6 9. Hel (9. We2 N 9... ed4 10. £>d4 Ш 11. Aa2 c5 12. £)f5 Af5 13. ef5 ®d7 14. £>d5 Hae8^ (Xf5) A. Moen 2360 - B. Avrukh 2591, Reykjavik 2012) ed4 10. 4Ad4 Йе5 11. Afl (11. Aa2!?) c5 12. £)f5 N (12. £)b3) Af5 13. ef5± Mil. Perunovic 2582 - Bodiroga 2397, Srbija (ch) 20121 b6 9. Aa2 Ab7 10. We2 [10. h3 Ь5!?[ сб [10... h6 11. Hdl (11. h3!?±) ed4 (11... We8 12. Ad2+) 12. £sd4 Aie5 13. Af4 £jg6 14. Ag3 Wd7 15. £rf5 Hae8 16. Ac4+[ 11. de5 de5 12. £>h4! £je4?! N [12... Aic5 13. £>f5!?; 12... b5 13. £)f5±] 13. £se4 Ah4 14. Wg4! [14. Hdl!?[ Ac8 [14... ФЬ8 15. Ag5 Ag5 16. £hg5 &f6 17. ®f5±[ 15. Ah6 [15. Aig5!? Ag5 16. Ag5 £hc5 17. Wg3 Wd6 18. He5±] Af6 16. Hadi We7 [16... ФЪ8 17. ^d6 gh6 18. ^c8t Wc8 19. Hd7Tl 17. Wg3 ^c5 [17... ФЬ8?? 18. Ш ®f6 19. Hd6!!+-[ 18. £>f6 Wf6 19. Ag5 Wg6 [19... ®f5 20. Ae7 He8 21. Ac5 bc5 22. He5!+-[ 20. Ae7 He8 21. Ac5 Wg3 22. hg3 bc5 23. He5 Ag4 24. He8 He8 25. Hd6 g6 [25... Hc8 26. Ac4 a5 27. Aa6 Hb8 28. Hc6+[ 26. Hc6 Hel 27. ФЬ2 He2 28. Hc5 Hf2 29. &gl Hd2 30. Ac4 [30. b4 Af5 31. Ad5 Ac2 32. b5 ab5 33. ab5 Ad3 34. b6 Aa6 35. b7 Ab7 36. Ab7+-[ Af5 [30... a5 31. Ad3+-1 31. Aa6 Ac2 32. Hc4! Aa4 [32... Ab3 33. Hb4 Hb2 34. Ac4 Hbl 35. £>f2 Aa2 36. Hbl Abl 37. a5 (37. ФеЗ! Af5 38. a5 Ac8 39. аб Aa6 40. Aa6+-) Ae4 38. аб <£>f8 39. Ae2+-[ 33. Ha4 Hb2 34. Ac4 Hb7 35. Ad5 Hd7 36. Ha5 <£g7 [36... h5!? 37. Hb5 ^>g7 38. <£>f2+-1 37. g4! h6 38. Ф12 [38. Hb5[ He7 39. Наб He5 40. 205
Hd6 He7? [40... Ф1В 41. Hd7 Фе8 42. Жсб Ф18 (42... Нс5 43. Жа4 Ф18 44. ±ЬЗ+-) 43. Hd8 &g7 44. ±d5 Не7 45. Hd6[ 41. Ф13 ФЬ7?? 42. Hb6 Hd7 43. Фе4 Не7 44. Ф14 <^g7 [44... Sei 45. Hf6! Sfl 46. фе5+-] 45. Hb7 Hb7 46. ЖЬ7 ФГ6 47. J.d5 [47... Фе7 48. g5!; 47. g5 hg5 48. &g4+-[ 1:0 E. Berg 99. C 41 G. GUSEINOV 2616 - V. GOLOD 2561 Tashkent 2012 1. e4 d6 2. d4 £f6 3. £c3 e5 4. «313 £bd7 5. Жс4 Же7 6. 0-0 0-0 7. gel аб 8. a4 b6 9. Жа21? ЖЬ7 [9... c6!?[ 10. Wd3!? сб 11. £h4 [A £f5 X»1 g6I? N [11... ed4[ 12. ЖМ!? [12. £13!?[ 12... £g4fe [12... He8?! 13. £f5 ed4 14. £e7 We7 15. Wd4 d5 16. Sadi c5 17. Wd2 d4 18. £d5±[ 13. Wg3!? [13. ±18 ±h4 14. g3 Ф18 15. W13 ±f6 16. Wg4 ed4®| £h6I? [13... ±h4 14. Wg4 He8 15. d5 c5 16. ±c4+; 13... ed4!? 14. Wg4 £e5 15. Wdl (15. Wh3? Ж.114+ А Жс8) dc3 16. ±18 Wf8 17. £13 cb2 18. Hbl ±f6 19. сЗ Ь53б[ 14. £g6 ±g5 [14... ±f6!? 15. £18 Ф18 16. Hadlool 15. £f8 [15. h4? ±d2 16. £18 Ф18 17. Hedl ±f4tl Ф18со 16. de5 £e5 [16... de5? 17. Hadi ±c8 18. Hd6 £g8 19. Hedl+-[ 17. Hfl ±h4 [17... a5!?oo[ 18. We3 [18. Wf4 ±g5 19. Wg3 Ah4=J £hg4 19. We2?! [19. Wd2! a) 19... ±12? 20. 112 al) 20... Wh4? 21. g3 £12 22. gh4! (22. Wd6? We7 23. We7 Фе7 24. ф!2 Hd8 25. Hdl £g4 26. <£gl Hdl 27. £dl b5±) £13 23. Ф12 £d2 24. Фе3+- X£d2; a2) 20... £12 21. W12±; b) 19... ±e7 20. We2 ±c8 21.14 £g6 22. ФЫ Wc7 23. h3 £f6 24. We3oo[ 19... ±12? [19... £h2? (G. Guseinov) 20. ФИ2 Wg5 21. &gl+-; 19... a5! 20. 14 Жаб 21. £b5 cb5 22. fe5 £e5 23. ab5 ±c8 24. ±d5 Ha7+[ 20. Hf2 £f2 21. Wf2± ±c8 22. Hfl Ha7 23. £e2 Wg5!? [23... Hb7 24. Wf4 A Wh6, £f44 24. Wb6 Hb7 25. Wd4 Фе7 26. £f4 [26. b4!?; 26. £g3!?[ ±d7 27. £d3?I [^ 27. b4 (G. Guseinov) Hb8 28. Wa7 Hg8 29. Wa6+-[ f6 28. £f4 [28. £e5? AWe5 29. We5?! de5 30. ЬЗ с53б[ a5 29. ЬЗ Hb4 30. c4± h5? [30... £g6!? 31. £d3 c5 32. Wc3 Hb8 33. Hf2±[ 31. ФМ h4 32. h3 Wg3© 33. £h5 Wg5 [^ 33... c5 34. Wdl] 34. £f6+- ±h3 35. gh3 [35. Wa7 Феб 36. gh3 A 36... Wg3 37. £g4 (Хфеб) £13 38. W12 Wh3 39. £h2+- A 39... £h2 40. Wf7 Фе5 41. Wf6 Фе4 42. ±bl ФеЗ 43. Wf2#] Wg3 36. Wf2 [^ 36. Wa7 Феб 37. £g4 - 35. Wa7[ Wh3 37. фgl Hb8 38. c5! [Хфе7] Wg3 39. Wg3 hg3 40. cd6 Ф06 41. фg2 Hh8 42. Фg3 Фс5 43. фГ4 £d3 44. ф(5 1:0 К Golod 1OO С 45 P. CARLSSON 2502 - IV. SOKOLOV 2648 Porto Carras 2011 1. e4 e5 2. £f3 £c6 3. d4 ed4 4. £d4 £f6 5. £c6 Ьсб 6. e5 £e4 7. Wf3 £g5 8. Wg3 £e6 9. ±d3 d5 [9... d6 - 57/3151 10.0-0 [A f4[ ±c5 11. £d2! [ 11. £c3! ? 0-0 12. £a4 ±e7 206
13. f4 f5!l 0-0 12.£>b3 N [12. £)f31 Ab613. Af5!? Ф118 [13... c5 14. Ah6 We7 15. c4! dc4 16. ^d2 Aa6 17. £>e4 Ф118 (17... сЗ 18. Ag7! ®g7 19. &f6 ФИ8 20. Wh4 h5 21. tg5+-) 18. Wh3 gh6 19. Wh6 f6 20. ef6 Wf7 21. Ae6+-; 13... f6 14. a4! a5 (14... fe5? 15. Жеб Ae6 16. a5) 15. Wh3 £)g5 16. Ag5 Af5 17. Wf5 fg5 18. We6 фЬ8 19. Wc6+[ 14. c3 ^c5 15. Ac2 15 16. ef6 [16. £ic5! Ac5 17. b4! Ae7 18. a3 c5 19. Hdl Ae6 20. АеЗ±1 Wf6 17. Ag5 Wf7 18. <йс5 [18. АеЗ! £>b3 19. ab3 Af5 20. Af5 Wf5 21. Ad4! Ad4 (21... Wd7 22. b4!) 22. cd4±[ Ac5 19. Wh4 h6 [19... Af5! 20. Af5 Wf5 21. Ae7 g5!! 22. Ag5 Hae8! 23. b4 He4! 24. Wg3 АЬ63б[ 20. Sael! <4>g8 [20... Aa6? 21. Ah6! gh6 22. Wh6 &g8 23. He6+-[ 21. Ae7! g5 22. Af8!l gh4 23. Ac5 Af5 [23... Ae6 24. Se5±l 24. He7! Wg6 [24... Ac2! 25. Hf7 ФП 26. Hel *f6±[ 25. Af5 Wf5 26. h3! E18 27. Hfel! Н17 28. He8 фЬ7 29. Ad4 [29. b4] Wc2 30. H8e2 [30. Hh8! &g6 31. Неб Ф15 32. Hhh6 Wcl 33. ФИ2 Wf4 34. g3! hg3 35. <£g2!+-[ Wd3 31. He8 c5!? 32. Ac5 Wc4 33. Ad4 c5 34. Hc8! Wa2 35. Ac5 Wb2 [35... Wc4 36. Неб d4 37. Hh6 ФЬ6 38. AfB Hf8 39. Hc4+-[ 36. Ad4 Wd2? [36... a5 37. Ф112! Wb7 38. Hce8 We7 39. g3! hg3 40. fg3 Wb7 41. Hh8 &g6 42. Неб &f5 43. Hhe8 Wb2 44. He2 Wb7 45. H8e6 We7 46. H2e5+-1 37. Hh8 &g6 38. Hg8 фЬ7 39. Ш18 <£g6 40. Неб! Ф15 41. Hhh6! Wcl 42. Ah2 Wf4 43. g3 hg3 44. <£>g2!! g!2 45. Hhf6 [45. He5?? We5 46. Hh5 <£>g6[ 1 : 0 P. Carlsson 101 KRAMNIK 2801 - ARONIAN 2820 Zurich (m/3) 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £)13 Асб 3. АсЗ £jf6 4. d4 ed4 5. Aid4 Ac5 6. АеЗ Ab6 7. Wd2 [7. Aic6 - 69/3031 0-0 8. 0-0-0 He8 9. 13 d5 10. ed5 Ad5 11. Ag5 11... AA3? N [11... £}de7 12. Аюб Wd2 13. Ad2 Ьсб (13... Aic6 14. £>d5 Ae6 15. W ab6 16. a3±tS) 14. Ac4+; 11... f6 12. Ac4 2>d4 13. £>d5 (13. Af6 gf6 14. £>d5 Ae6 - 13. £>d5) Ae6 14. Af6 gf6 15. £>b6 ab6 16. Wd4 Wd4 17. Аеб Неб 18. Hd4 Ha2 19. ФЫ Ha5 20. Hd7 Hc5+[ 12. ±d8 [12. bc3? ®d6 13. ФЫ Ad4 14. cd4 ±f5+] £>dl [12... ±d4 13. Hel (13. Ag5 &dl 14. ®dl+) £>a2 (13... Hd8? 14. bc3+-) 14. ФЫ Hd8 15. Фа2 ±e6 16. Неб fe6 17. сЗ ±f6 18. We3±[ 13. ±c7! [13. Ab5?? Hd8-+; 13. Wdl? Hd8 14. c3 ±e6 15. Wc2 ±d4 16. cd4 Hd4+; 13. £>c6? АеЗ 14. *dl Ad2 15. <£>d2 Ad7 16. Ac7 Ac6+; 13. Ag5? «3f2! (13... Ad4 14. Wdl h6 15. Af4 Af5 16. Ad3±; 13... £jd4 14. Wdl Af5 15. Ad3 ±d3 16. Wd3 £se2 17. ФЫ±) 14. Wf2 £jd4 15. ФЫ (15. Wh4 Af5oo) ^c2! (15... Af5 16. Ad3 Ad3 17. cd3 He2=) 16. Wd2 &eloo; 13. Ah4 £jd4 (13... Ad4 14. Wdl+-) a) 14. Wdl ^f5 (14... Af5 15. Ad3 Ad3 16. Wd3 ^e2 17. ФЬ1 £>f4 18. Wd2±) 15. Ag5 h6 16. ±f4 (16. Ad2 ^e3 17. АеЗ АеЗ - 16. Af4) ^еЗ 17. АеЗ АеЗ 18. ФЫ Af5 19. Ad3 Had8 20. Hel <£f8+; b) 14. &dl Af5 (14... £>f5 15. Af2 ^e3 16. АеЗ АеЗ 17. Wc3 207
Ad7 18. Ad3 Аеб 19. Sel±) 15. Ad3 Ad3 16. Wd3 аеб 17. фс1 af4 18. Wfl Se2 19. Ag3 АеЗ 20. ФЫ Se8 21. сЗ±] Ac7 [13... Ad4? 14. Wdl+—1 14. аеб аеЗ 15. Ab5! [15. ab4? Af4 16. ad3 Ah6 (16... ag2? 17. af4 Sei 18. Wei &el 19. Ae24—) 17. f4 Af5oo[ Ьсб?! [15... Af5 16. ad4 Af4 17. Ae8 ag2 18. Af7 ФП 19. Wf4 &f4 20. af5 Sd8 21. ag3±[ 16. Ac6+- ac4 [16... Af4 17. ФЫ (17. Ae8? ag2-+) Аеб 18. Ae8 Se8 19. Sel+-[ 17. Wd4?! [17. Wg5 Аеб 18. Aa8 Sa8 19. Sei h6 20. Wh4+-; 17. Wb4 Аеб 18. Ae8 Se8 19. Sel+-[ Аеб 18. Aa8 [18. Ae8? Ae5 19. Af7 Af7 20. Wd7 Ab2 21. <£dl Af6+; 18. Wh4 Ad8 (18... h6 19. Ae8 Se8 20. Sel4~) 19. Wg3 Ab6±[ Ab6! [18... Sa8 19. Sel+-[ 19. Wd3 [19. Wh4 АеЗ 20. ФЬ1 g5 (20... ааЗ? 21. ЬаЗ Sb8 22. Wb4+-) 21. Wei Sa8 22. Wb4 Sc8 23. Sdl Ab6 24. We7±[ Sa8 [19... Sd8 20. We2 АеЗ 21. фЫ Sa8 (21... ааЗ 22. Фа1 Ac4 23. Sdl! Sa8 24. Sd3+-) 22. Sdl+-] 20. Sei! Sd8 21. We4 g5 [21... Aa5 22. c3 Ab6 (22... Sb8 23. Wc6 ab2 24. Wd6+-) 23. ЬЗ ad6 24. Wc6+-; 21... Ad4 22. c3 Ac5 (22... Af6 23. f4 Sb8 24. Se2 ab6 25. Wc6+—) 23. Se2 ab6 24. Sd2+-; 21... Sd4 22. Wb7 Sd8 (22... h6 23. ЬЗ £>a5 24. We7+-) 23. ЬЗ аеЗ 24. We4 Af5 25. We7 Аеб 26. c4 af5 27. Wb7+-[ 22. c3 [22. h4!?[ Ac5 23. Se2 [23. f4!? h6 24. f5 Ad5 25. Wd3 аЬб 26. Ь3+-[ h6 [23... Sd5 24. Wc4 Sdl 25. <£>dl Ac4 26. Se5+-[ 24. g3 [24. ЬЗ!? ad6 25. Wa4 &f5 26. g4 ah4 27. Фс2 af3 28. Wc6 Sd5 29. Ь4+-[ a5 25. f4 a4 [25... Sd5 26. Wc4 Sdl 27. ф-dl Ac4 28. Se8 Af8 29. fg5 hg5 30. ЬЗ Аеб 31. Sa8+-1 26. f5 [26. h4!?[ Ad5 27. Wd3! Ab6 28. ЬЗ [28. f6!? Аеб 29. Wf3 Sd5 30. Se6 fe6 31. Wh5+-] ab3 29. аЬЗ aa5 30. Se8 [30. Wb5 ab3 (30... АЬЗ 31. Se8 Se8 32. We8 <£g7 33. We5 f6 34. Wb5 АеЗ 35. ФЬ2 АЬ6 36. Фа1+-) 31. фс2+-[ Se8 31. Wd5 Sd8 32. Wb5 Sd6 33. фс2 <£>g7 34. b4 ab7 35. c4 Sf6 36. g4 [36. c5 Ac5 37. bc5 Sf5 38. Wb7 Sc5 39. ФОЗ Sf5| ad8 37. c5 Ac7 38. Wd7 ac6 39. b5 &a7 40. Wc7 ab5 41. We5 £ja7 42. Ad3 1 : 0 Petronijeric 102. C 48 KOlAOTS 2585 - ROIZ 2652 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 e5 2. af3 аеб 3. Ab5 af6 4. ac3 Ac5 5.0-0 [5. ae5 ae5 6. d4 Ad6 7. f4 ac6 8. e5 Ab4 9. ef6 Wf6=[ 0-0 [5... d6?! 6. d4 ed4 7. ad4 Ad7 8. ab3 Ab6 9. Ag5+[ 6. ae5 ae5 7. d4 Ad6 8. f4! [8. de5 Ae5 9. Ad3 Se8 10. Sei d6=] аеб?! [8... aeg4! 9. e5 Ab4 10. h3 d6 11. Ae2 de5 12. fe5 Ac3 13. ЬсЗ ae5 14. de5 Wdl 15. Adi ae4=| 9. e5 Ab4 [9... Ae7 10. ef6 Af6 11. d5 ab4 12. аЗ - 53/(305); 12. d6!?Cl 10. ef6 [10. d5 аб 11. Ae2 Ac5 12. ФЫ ad5 13. Wd5 d6M Wf6 11. ad5! [11. аЗ АеЗ 12. ЬсЗ d5 13. f5 аб 14. Ae2 Se8 15. g4 aa5 16. Af4 Wc6^ Xc3[ Wd4 12. АеЗ?! [12. Wd4 ad4 13. ac7 ac2 14. aa8 a) 14... Ac5 15. ФЫ aal 16. Ad3 d5 17. ac7 Ad7 al) 18. ad5 Sd8 19. ac3 Ad4 20. Ad2 Af6 21. АеЗ (21. Sal Аеб?) Ac3 22. ЬсЗ Aa4 23. Af5 g6 24. Ag4 ac2 25. Aa7 Sd3=; a2) 18. f5! Sc8 19. ad5 Ac6 20. ac3 Sd8 21. АЫ+ xaal; b) 14... aal 15. АеЗ ac2 16. Aa7 d5 17. ac7 Sd8 18. Sdl d4 19. Aa4 Aa5 20. Ac2 Ac7 21. Sd4 Sd4 22. Ad4 Af4 23. a4+[ Wdl 13. Sadi Ad6 14. f5 N [14. Af2[ f6!T [A ae5; 14... аб 15. аЬ6! Sb8 16. Aa4 Ae5 (16... Se8 17. Af2 Se2 18. АЬЗоо) 17. ad7 Ad7 18. Sd7=[ 15. Af4 ae5 16. Ae5 fe5 [16... Ae5 17. ae7 фЬ8 18. ac8 Sac8 19. Ad7 Scd8 20. c3=l 17. f6 208
17... сб?? [17... Ac 5 18. ФЫ сб 19. Ь4 (19. Ас4 ФЬ8 20. fg7 <£g7 21. Hf8 Ф18 22. Hfl &g7 23. <йс7 Hb8 24. £se8 ФЬ8+ A d5; 19. &e7 ФИ8 20. Aic8 Hfc8! 21. fg7 <£g8! 22. Ad3 Hc7 23. Hf5 d6+) Ab6 (19... Ab4 20. £ib4 cb5 21. Aid5 d6 22. f7 ФИ8 23. £sc7 Ag4 24. £>a8 Adi 25. Hdl Ha8 26. Hd6 Hf8 27. Hd7=; 19... Ad4!? 20. Aie7 ФП 21. £)f5 gf6 22. £>d4 ed4 23. Ae2 a5 24. b5 c5+) 20. £ie7 ФЬ8 21. £>c8 Hac8 22. Hd7 gf6 23. Ac4 Hc7 24. Hfdl Hfc8T] 18. £>e7 Ae7 19. fe7 He8 20. Ac4 d5 21. Hd5! cd5 [21... Аеб 22. Hd8 Ac4 23. Hf8 Hf8 24. efW#[ 22. Ad5 Аеб 23. Аеб ФЬ8 24. Hf7+- h5 25. ФС фЬ7 26. ФеЗ <£g6 27. фе4 Hac8 [27... Sab8 28. фе5 Hbc8 29. с4 Нс7 30. &d6 Нсб 31. <£d7 Нес8 32. е8® Не8 33. фе8 Неб 34. Не7 НЬб 35. Ь3+-1 28. HI5 [28... НЬ8 29. Af7 ФЬ7 30. Hh5#[ 1 : 0 Roiz 103.* С 52 N. SEDLAK 2593 - KI. GEORGIEV 2671 Skopje 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £jf3 &c6 3. Ac4 Ac5 4. b4 Ab4 5. c3 Aa5 6. d4 ed4 7. Wb3 ®f6 [7... ®e7[ 8. 0-0 £>ge7 [8... b5 - 98/2301 9. cd4 [9. e5 &e5 (9... Wg6 10. cd4 b5 11. Ad3 веб 12. Ш Hb8±s) 10. Aie5 We5 11. Af7 <£d8 12. cd4 Wf6 13. Ac4 &f5oo] b5!? N 10. Ad3 [RR 10. Ad5 a) 10... Hb8?! (Lyell 2184 - Wang Doudou 2130, Kecskemet 2012) 11. Ag5 £>d4 (11... Wg6?! 12. Ae7 Aie7 13. £}e5±) 12. Af6 £>b3 13. ab3 gf6 14. Ha5 сб 15. Ha7cd5 16. £jc3±; b) 10... 0-0 11. Ag5 8d6 12. a4S; 10. Wb5! Hb8 (10... £>d4 11. Wa5 £rf3 12. gf3 d5 13.Ad5 сб 14. Ab3)ll. ®h5 0-0 (11... Ab6 12. Ag5 Wg6 13. Wg6 hg6) 12. Ag5 Wg6 13. ®g6 (13. Wh4 d5 14. Ad5 £>d5 15. ed5 £)b4 16. Aie5 Wf5 17. g4 We4) £jg6 14. Ae3=[ £)d4 11. £)d4 Wd4 12. Ab2 12... Wa4 [12... Wb6 13. Ag7 Hg8 14. Ab2 Ab7 15. £ic3 аб 16. a4®[ 13. Ag7 Hg8 14. Wa4 [14. ^c3 Wb3 15. ab3 Hg7 16. На53б; 14. Af6 Ab7 15. <Ac3 Wb3 16. аЬЗ АсЗ 17. АсЗ аб 18. 13SI ba4 15. АсЗ Hg5 [15... Ab6!?[ 16. Aa5 Ha5 17. £sc3 Hb8 18. Hfcl [18. Hfbl Hb6 19. Hb5!?[ Aa6 19. Aa6 [19. Ac2 a3 20. АЬЗ с5Т1 Наб 20. Habl Hbl 21. Hbl d6 22. f3 Нсб! 23. Hel [23. Aia4 Hc2 24. a3 <£d7 25. Hb2 Hc4 26. Hb4 Hb4 27. ab4 Феб 28. 4ic3 d5 29. ф£2 d4 30. ^ie2 ФЬ5 31. £Д4 фЬ4-+[ f5! 24. Ф12 [24. ef5 2>f5 25. Ф12 a3+[ fe4 25. fe4 ^g6 26. ФеЗ ^e5 27. Ф02 Hc4 28. £>d5?! [28. Hbll сб 29. £if6 Фе7 30. Hfl Hd4 31. фс2 Hc4 32. Фd2 Hb4! 33. ФеЗ Hb8 34. £>h7 Hh8 35. £)g5 Hh2 36. Hgl Hh4 37. Hbl ФГ6 38. £jf3 He4-+ 39. £)d4 c5 40. £>b5 d5 41. НП Феб 42. ^c7 Фd6 43. £se8 Фе7 44. £>f6 Hc4 45. Фd2 Феб 46. ^ih5 Hg4 47. ^f4 Фd6 0 : 1 Ki. Georgiev 104 C 54 U. ELISEEV 2435 - KOROTYLEV 2580 Moscow 2012 1. e4 e5 2. Ac4 2tf6 3. d3 £sc6 4. £>f3 Ac5 5. 0-0 d6 6. сЗ аб 7. АЬЗ Aa7 8. ^bd2 0-0 9. 209
ЬЗ Аеб 10. Ac2 h6 11. Hel He8 12.2tfl d5 13. We2 8d7 14. a4!? [14. £)g3 - 112/1721 a5 [14... d4 15. £)g3 a5 16. £>h4 £je7oo[ 15. Aig3 Had8 16. Ad2 Wc8 N [16... d4 17. Hadi Wd6 18. 2Ж4 /Ae7=; 16... Ac5[ 17. Hadi de4 18. de4 Ac5 [18... He7 19. АеЗ Hdl 20. Hdl АеЗ 21. We3 Hd7=[ 19. Wb5 Ab6 [19... b6!? 20. Wc6?? Ad7[ 20. £ifl [20. Acl Hdl 21. Adi (21. Hdl? Ah3! 22. gh3? ®h3-+) Ad7=[ Wa8 [20... Ah3 21. gh3 Wh3 22. We2 Aig4 23. Ae3±[ 21. АеЗ Ad7 22. Ab6 £>d4 23. Wd3 £>c2 24. Ac7! £jel 25. Hel Aa4 26. Ad8 Hd8 27. Wc4 b5 28. Ш2?! [28. Wc7! Hc8 29. We5 He8 30. Wd4 £>e4 31. £jh4±J Ac2? [28... £>e4! 29. 5x5 Wb7=l 29. Aie5± Wb7 30. ®a5 Ha8 [30... He8 31. £)g4 <2/g4 32. hg4 Ae4 33. ?X3±1 31. ®b4 Ae4 32. £>g4!+- £>g4 [32... Ag2? 33. £>f6 gf6 34. Wg4+-[ 33. ®e4 [33. He4!? Ш 34. He5+-[ We4 34. He4 £)f6 35. Hb4 Ha5 36. <5X3 g6 37. ФП Ф18 38. фе2 2x8 39. Ф03 2d6 40. &d4 фе7 41. фс5 Ha2 42. 2d5 <4>d7 43. Hd4 2b7 44. фЬ6 1 : 0 Dembo 105 C 55 B. SOtKO 2636 - MAT. BARTEL 2658 Polska (ch) 2012 1. e4 e5 2. 213 2c6 3. Ac4 2f6 4. d3 Ae7 5. 2bd2 0-0 6. 0-0 d6 7. АЬЗ?! [7. сЗ; 7. a4 - 76/3131 2a5 8. Aa4 c5 9. сЗ Hb8! [A b5-b4[ 10. d4 b5 11. Ac2 Wc7 12. d5 c4 13. h3 N [13. Hell 2b7 [A 2c5[ 14. Hel [14. a4?! Xb3[ Ad7! [14... 2c5?! 15. Ь4 cb3 16. ab3 a5 17. b4+[ 15. 2fl <2X5 16. g4? [^ 16. Ь4 cb3 17. ab3 a5 18. Ad2 Hfc8=[ 2fe4!? [16... h5!? 17. gh5 (17. g5 <2x8 18. 2g3 Ah3 19. 2h5 g6+ /dl-h5) Ah3 (17... 2h5 18. <2X5 de5 19. Wh5oo) 18. 2g3 Ag4 19. h6 g6 20. Ь4 cb3 21. ab3 a5T /dl-h5; о 16... b4 17.cb4(17. Ad2a5T)Hb4 18. 2g3 Hfb8+I 17. Ae4? [17. He4! 2X4 18. Ae4 f5 19. gf5! Af5 20. 2g3! Ac8! (20... Ah3? 21. 2X5 de5 22. Ш5 g6 23. Wh3 Ac5 24. АеЗ АеЗ 25. fe3±; 20... Ае4?! 21. 2X4 Wd7 22. 2fg5 Ag5 23. 2g5 Hf6 24. ®g4±) 21. a3! W7 22. ®fl (22. 2g5?! Ag5 23. Ag5 ®h3co) Wh3 23. Wh3 Ah3 24. 2g5 Ag5 25. Ag5± tS[ 2e4 18. He415 19. gf5 Af5 20.21g3 [20. Hg4!? Ag4 21. hg4 b4^[ ®d7!5s 21. Hel [21. 2X5 ®f5 22. 2d2 (22. НеЗ Ad8 A Ab6) W2 23. ФЫ Ag5^; 21. НеЗ!? Ah3 22. 2X2 Ag5 (22... Ad8?! 23. Hf3!; 22... Hf4?! 23. H13) 23. H13 Af4!4 Ah3 22. 2X2 Hf6!? [22... Ah4!? 23. АеЗ Hf6 24. Wh5 Ag3 25. fg3 Af5 (25... Hbf8? 26. g4 Ag4 27. 2ig4 Hg6 28. Hfl Wg4 29. Wg4 Hg4 30. ФИ2±) 26. Hfl Hbf8=c* Xd5[ 23. АеЗ [23. Ag5 Hf2!? 24. <4>f2 Ag5 25. &gl Hf8 26. ^e4 Ad836 X<£>gl, Hbf8?! b 23... Hg6 24. ФЫ Ah4! 25. Hgl Ag3 26. Hg3 Hg3 27. fg3 Af5S[ 24. a4? [^ 24. фЫ Hf2 (24... Hg6?! 25. Hgl Ah4 26. £ie4 Af5 27. f3±) 25. Af2 Hf2 26. He2 Hf4S[ Hg6 25. Wh5? [25. ab5? Ah4 26. Ha7 Ag3! 27. Hd7 Af2 28. ФЫ Ag2#; 25. фЫ Ah4 (25... Ag4 26. ^ig4 Hg4 27. Фg2 Wf5-) 26. Hgl Ag3 27. Hg3 Hg3 28. fg3 Ш5ЗД ba4!+ [25... Ag4? 26. ^ig4 Hg4 27. Wh3! h5 28. ab5 h4 29. Ha7 Wf5 30. ФИ2 hg3 31. fg3 210
Wc2 32. Wg2 Wh7 33. Wh3=| 26. Да2 (26. ФЫ? Ag4! 27. A,g4 Sg4 28. &g2 lh4-+[ 26... Ad8? [26... Af5!? 27. Seal Ac2+; 26... Ag4! 27. A>g4 lg4 (A lh4) 28. Wh3 h5 (A h4) 29. Wh5 lh4 30. Wg6 lf6-+[ 27. leal Ab6? [27... Ag4! 28. £>g4 lg4 29. Wh3 h5 30. Sa4 h4 31. Sa7 Wf5-+1 28. Ab6 ab6 29. Ia4 Wf7 30. We2?? [30. Wh3! Wf2 31. ФЫ lg3 32. Wfl Wc2 33. Wf8! ф(8 34. Sfl Фе7 35.1а7 Фе8 36. Sa8=l h5! [30... b5? 31. Ia8 Wd5 32. If8 ф(8 33. Wf3 Wf3 34. £>f3±; 30... Wd5? 31. Wc4[ 31. Па8 [31. Sc4 Wd5 32. We4 (32. Ie4 h4) Wd2! 33. Wg6 (33. &f3 lg3; 33. Wei lg3) Wf2 34. ФЫ Wg2#[ h4-+ 32. 1(8 Wf8 33. Wf3 hg3 34. fg3 W13 35. £>(3 lg3 36. ф>12 Sg2 37. ФеЗ Ag4 38.1а8 ФП 39.1а7 ФГ6 0 : 1 Mat. Bartel 106 A. NAIDITSCH 2702 - R. KULA 2341 Trzcianka (rapid) 2012 1. e4 e5 2. W £>c6 3. Ab5 £>d4 4. £>d4 ed4 5.0-0 Ac5 6. b4 Ab4 7. Ab2 Ac5 8. сЗ сб [8... d3 - 42/(395)1 9. cd4 Ae7 10. Aa4 N [10. d51 d5 [10... 2>f6 11. d5!? A 11... cd5 12. e5 Aie4 13. Ab3 Wb6 14. d3 £>c5 15. ШЗ £>b3 16. Aid5 Wc5 17. Wb3+-111. ed5 Wd5 12. ®c3 Wd4 [12... Wg5 13. d5±[ 13. Wf3 Wf6 [13... 2tf6 14. Ac6±; 13... ф(8 14. ДЬЗЗб] 14. Wg3 Ad6 [14... Wg6!? 15. £>d5! a) 15... Wg3 16. fg3 Ac5 17. фЫ ф(8 18. £>с71Ь8 19. Ae5! (19. £je8 f6 20. Ae5 Фе8 21. Ab8±) 2rf6 20. Ab3+-; b) 15... ф(8 16. £>e7 Wg3 17. fg3 £>e7 18. lael±] 15. Sael [15. Sfel!?[ ф(8 [15... Aie7? 16. £)d5 Ag3 17. £>f6 gf6 18. Af6+-; 15... Фd8 16. Wd34 16. We3 [16. АаЗ!! АаЗ (16... Ae7 17. Ie7!! l£\el 18. Wc7 Аеб 19. £je4 Wh4 20. Wb7 Se8 21. Ac6 Ac8 22. Wc7 Aa6 23. lei Sc8 24. Wa7 Sc6 25. ^g5+-) 17. £)d5 Wd6(17... Wb2 18. <йс7 Af5 19. £sa8g6 20. Se3+-) 18. A 18... ^3f6 19. £ja8 b5 (19... Wg3 20. fg3 Ad6 21. АЬЗ b5 22. Sf3 a5 23. Id3 Ae7 24. &c7±) 20. Ab3 Wg3 21. fg3 a5 22. If3 a4 23. Id3 Ae7 24. Ac2 Аеб 25. Ic3 Aa2 26. Леб Аеб 27. ^c7 Ad7 28. 1а6±1 Аеб [16... We6 17. ^e4-; 16... £ie7 17. W Wb2 18. ^id6 Wf6 19. Wc5^ b6?? 20. Wc6+—1 17. ^e4 Wb2 [17... Ah2! 18. ФИ2 Wb2 a) 19. Wc5 tt&l 20. Ibl Wa2 21. Ib7 Wa4 22. Ie7 Фg8 (22... Wb5?? 23.1е8! Фе8 24. ^d6+-) 23. lei h6 (23... Wb5? 24. Wa7 Wh5 25. фgl lf8 26. ^c5 Ac8 27. Se8 g6 28. If8 ф(8 29. Wai lg8 30. £se4+-) 24. We5 Sf8 (24... Ad5? 25. 2rf6!! gf6 26. Wf6 lf8 27. Ile3 Wg4 28. Ig3 Wg3 29. ФgЗ lh7 30. f3 Sg7 31. ф(2 Sg6 32. Wal±; 24... 211
Wc4 25. af6 gf6 26. Wf6 Hh7 27. Ile6 We6 28. Неб fe6 29. We6 Hf7 30. Wg6 Hg7 31. We6 фЬ7 32. Wc6 Hd8 33. We4 ФЬ8=) 25. НеЗ Wb5 (25... Hh7 26. Hg3 ФЬ8 27. d4 Wb5 28. ac5 аб 29. НЬЗ АЬЗ 30. He8+-) 26. £ic5 Wb8 27. Wb8 НЬ8 28. аеб fe6=; b) 19. £>c5! bl) 19... ah6 20. аеб fe6 21. ®c5 ФП (21... *g8 22. АЬЗ af7 23. He6+-) 22. НЫ Wd2 (22... Wf6 23. Hb7 &g8 24. ®c6+-) 23. Hb7 <^>g8 24. Ab3+—; b2) 19... af6 20. аеб fe6 (20... &g8?? 21. Wd4+~) 21. We6 Wb4 22. Ab3 Wf4 23. <£>gl Wc7 24. Wc4!! b6 25. Неб c5 26. Hfel He8 27. He8 ae8 28. We4 Wd8 29. НеЗ af6 30. Ш7+-; ЬЗ) 19... Wf6 20. Ab3! Wh4 21. &gl Af5 22. ab7 We7 (22... ae7 23. ad6 Ag6 24. Wc5 Hd8 25. НеЗ Wf6 26. ab7 Hd2 27. Wa7+-) 23. Wf4 Wb7 24. Wf5±-; b4) 19... He8 20. АЬЗ! b6 (20... af6 21. Wf4! Wa3 22. Wd6 <4>g8 23. Неб! Неб 24. Аеб fe6 25. We6 Ф18 26. d4!+-) 21. аеб fe6 22. Wf4 W6 23. Wd6 We7 (23... ae7 24. Неб Wh4 25. <£>gl+-) 24. Wc6 e5 25. d4!! b41) 25... e4 26. НеЗ! af6 (26... Wf6 27. Wc4! A 27... Wf4 28. <£>gl He7 29. Wc8 He8 30. Wb7 He7 31. Wa8 He8 32. Ш7+-) 27. f3 W8 (27... Hd8 28. fe4+-) 28. Wc4 Wd6 29. &gl+-; b42) 25... Wh4 26. <£>gl Wd4 27. Hdl ae7 28. We6 ®f4 29. Hfel± A 29... Wf6 30. We5 We5 31. He5 ag8 32. He8 Фе8 33. Aa4 ФП 34. Hd8! g6 35. Ab3 ±>g7 36. Hd7 ФЬб 37. Ha7 af6 38. Hb7 He8 39. Hb6+-] 18. ad6 Wb4 19. We5 #a4 20. af5 [20. af7?? Af7 21. Wd6 ae71 Wg4Q [20... Af5?? 21. Wd6 ae7 22. We7 &g8 23. We8 He8 24. He8#; 20... af6?? 21. Wd6 ±>g8 22. ae7 Ф18 23. ag6 &g8 24. Wf8!! Hf8 25. ae7#[ 21. Wc5 фе8 22. He4!l Wg6D 23. Hbl! [23. ad6?? ФГ8?? 24. Г4! ae7 (24... b6 25. Wc6+-) 25. f5 Wg5 26. Неб!! Ь6 (26... fe6 27. fe6 Wf6 28. Hf6 gf6 29. Wh5 ag6 30. af5+-) 27. We5 f6 28. We2+~; 23... &d7] Hb8 [23... Wf6 24. Hf4!! Aa2 (24... Af5 25. Hf5 b6 26. We3 We7 27. He5 &f8 28. He7 ae7 29. Wa3!+-) a) 25. ad6 Wd6 26. Wd6 АЫ 27. Hb4 Af5 (27... Aa2 28. Hb7 Ad5 29. f4! Hd8 30. We5 Ф18 31. g4! He8 32. Hb8 Hb8 33. Wb8 фе7 34. Wa7 &d6 35. Wa3! c5 36. Wa6 Асб 37. Wc8 h5 38. Wf84~) 28. Hb7 Аеб 29. Wc6 &d8 (29... &f8 30. Wc5 фе8 31. f4+-) 30. f4+-; b) 25. Hel!! Ф47 26. Hd4 Фс7 (26... Ad5 27. Hd5!! cd5 28. Wd5 Фс7 29. Нс 1 Wc6 30. Wd6 Фе8 31. Нсб Ьсб 32. Wc6 ФЬ8 33. ad6+-) 27. ad6 ah6 (27... Hd8 28. ae8 He8 29. Wa5+~; 27... аб 28. ab7!+-) 28. He7 We7 29. ab5 Фс8 30. We7 cb5 31. Wc5 ФЬ8 32. Hd7+-1 24. We5 Hd8 25. Hb7 af6 [25... Wf6 26. ag7 Ф18 27. Wf6 af6 28. аеб fe6 (28... Фg8 29. ad8 ae4 30. af7+-) 29. Hf4 Hd2 30. Hf6 Фg8 31. h4+-[ 26. Wc5 ad5 27. He7 1:0 Sa. Velickovic 107. C 65 EVGENY ALEKSEEV 2670 - JUMABAYEV 2573 Moscow 2012 1. e4 e5 2. at3 асб 3. Ab5 af6 4. d3 Ac5 5. c3 0-0 6.0-0 d6 7. abd2 Ab6 8. h3 ae7 9. Hel сб 10. Aa4 ag6 11. d4 h6 12. Ac2 He8 13. a4 Аеб N [13... Ac7 - 110/166114. afl Wc7 15. ag3 Had8 16. Ae3 d5 17. ae5 ae5 18. Af4 afd7 212
19. а5! [19. ed5!? Ж<15 20. £>f5 (20. de5 £>e5 21. We2 f6 22. £>f5 a5!?±? A 23. ЬЗ WH 24. Де5 fe5 25. Wg4 Wf6) <5]f3 (20... f6 21. de5 &e5 22. Де5 He5 23. Wg4± A 23... фЬ8 24. a5 Дс5 25. He5 fe5 26. Sdl Д18 27. £jh4) 21. Wf3 ДВ 22. Дс7 Дс7 23. gf3 h5 24. НеЗ g6 25. Hael <£>f8 26. He8 He8 27. He8 Фе8 28. £)e3±] Да5 20. ed5 Ad5 21. de5 ДЬб 22. Wh5! [22. Wg4 ^e5 23. Wf5 g6 24. Де5 gf5 25. Дс7 Дс7 26. £)f5 Hel 27. Hel Деб! 28. £)h6 <£g7 29. 2tf5 ДГ5 30. ДГ5 Hd255[ f6 [22... Ш 23. £jf5±^[ 23. ДИ6! [23. Wf5!? £>e5 (23... fe5 24. Wh7 ФГ8 25. ^h5+-) 24. £>h5 Wf7 (24... ФП 25. ^g7+-) 25. ДЬб £113! (25... gh6 26. £>f6 ФЬ8 27. He5 He5 28. We5 ДС 29. Ф12 Hf8 30. Ha7 Wg7 31. g4 Wf6 32. Wf6 Hf6 33. ДГ5+-) 26. gf3 Hel 27. Hel gh6 28. £}f6 ф>Ь8 29. Wf4 Wg7 30. £ig4 Hf8 31. ®d6 Ad8 32. Wh6 Wh6 33. £Ж6 Д13 34. £>f7 НП 35. He8 <4>g7 36. Hd8±[ £se5 [23... He5? 24. £)f54—1 24. ДеЗ! [24. ДГ4 WH (24... ДС?? 25. ФС £ld3 26. Ad3 Wf4 27. &gl Hel 28. Hel Wg3 29. He8 He8 30. We8#) 25. Wh7 Ф18 26. ДеЗ!±[ £113 [24... ДеЗ 25. НеЗ аб 26. Нае14—; 24... WH 25. Wh7 Ф18 26. ДЬб ab6 27. f4 £1с4 28. He8 ®e8 29. Wh8 Дg8 (29... ФП 30. Дg6!! &g6 31. Wh5#) 30. £}f5 Wf7 (30... Hd7 31. Дdl+-) 31. Hel Hd7 32. Adl+-1 25. gf3 НеЗ [25... ДеЗ 26. Wh7 Ф18 27. Wh8 Дg8 (27... ФП 28. Дg6!! &g6 29. Wh5#) 28. НеЗ НеЗ 29. ДЬ7 ФП 30. £>f5+-] 26. НеЗ ДеЗ 27. <£>g2 [27. Wh7?? Ф>18 28. Ш8 Дg8 (28... ФП?? 29. Дg6!! феб 30. Wh4 Wf4 31. Wg4! Wg4 32. fg4 Дс5 33. Ь4 ДЬб 34. Hel <£d7 35. £lf5+-) 29. £lf5 ДП! 30. ФЫ Hd5! 31. ДЬЗ Wd7 32. Дd5 cd5 33. Wh5 (33. Hfl Дс5=) ДП 34. «Ь7 Дg8=l ДЬб 28. £jf5 Дd2 29. Ha7 ДГ7 30. Wg4 g6 31. £ld4 Wd7 32. ДГ5 We8 33. Hb7 Hd5 34. Hf7 1 :0 Sa. Velickovic 108. C 65 ARONIAN 2820 - KRAMNIK 2801 Zurich (m/6) 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £lf3 £lc6 3. ДЬ5 £lf6 4. d3 Дс5 5. £jbd2 d6 6. c3 0-0 7.0-0 £}e7 8. h3 £lg6 9. Hel сб 10. Да4 He8 11. d4 ДЬб 12. Дс2 h6 13. a4 Деб 14. £>fl ed4!? N 15. £jd4 Дd7 16. f4 d5 [16... c51? 17. £lf3 (17. £)b5 c4) Деб 18. £lg3co] 17. e5 £ie4 18. Де4 de4 19. a5!? [19. He4 c5 20. £>f3 Деб 21. Hel c435; 19. £ig3 f5 (19... c5!?oo) 20. ef6 (20. ДеЗ Дd4 21. Wd4 Де6=) Wf6oo[ Да5 20. £ig3 ДЬб 21. ФЬ2 c5 22. £ldf5 Д15 23. £>f5 Wdl 24. Hdl Had8 25. ДеЗ Hd3 26. Hel f6 [26... £se7! 27. £ld6 Hb8 28. £le4 £ld5 29. Дс5 (29. Дс1 ^ie7!? 30. £jd6 a6=) £>f4 30. ДЬб ab6=] 27. ef6 gf6 28. £jh6 Ф18 29. Ha4! Hd5 30. c4 [30. ^ig4!? фё7 31. Дс1! Hh5! 32. £)f2 f5 33. ДеЗ±[ Hd3 31. b4? [31. £>f5] 31... НеЗ! [31... cb4 32. ДЬб ab6 33. НЬ4±; 31... ^ih4 32. £>g4± A 32... cb4 33. ДЬб ab6 34. £jf6 Hd2 (34... Неб 35. W фе7 36. На7 Hd2 37. НЬ7 Фе8 38. f5) 35. <£g3 Неб 36. ФЬ4 Hf6 37. g4] 32. НеЗ сЬ4 33. Hg3 [33. Hel ^f4 34. НЬ4 £>d3 (34... ДП?? 35. НЬ7+-; 34... еЗ 35. с5!?) 35. НЬ6 аЬ6 36. Не2Т1 еЗ? [33... 2rf4? 34. Hg8 фе7 35. ^f5 ±>d7 36. Не8 Фе8 37. НЬ4; 33... ^е7!! 34. НЬ4 (34. ^g4 2rf5 35. Ш ^g3 36. &g3 Не7 37. £)d5 Hg7 38. ФЬ2 еЗ-+) Дс7 35. Hg4 еЗ 36. НЬ7 (36. НЬ2 f5 37. Hh4 ^g6-+) 213
a) 36... e2?? 37. Hc7 Hc8 (37... el® 38. Hg8!! ag8 39. Hf7#; 37... Hd8 38. Hg7! el® 39. Hce7! ®e7 40. Hg8#) 38. Hc8 (38. Hg8 ag8 39. Hc8 фе7 40. £>g8 <£>d7 41. Ha8 el® 42. Ha7 Фс8 43. ae7 ФЬ8 44. £jc6 Фс8 45. He7 ®f2 46. He4 Фс7 47. ab4 Ф46 48. ad3 ®d2) £>c8 39. Hg8 Фе7 40. Hg3 el® 41. НеЗ ®e3 42. af5 Феб 43. ae3+-; Ь) 36... f5 37. Hc7 (37. Hg3 Af4—+) fg4 38. Ha7 e2 39. lai ac6 40. lei ab4 41. £sg4 ac2-+l 34. Ig6 e2 35. lai Af2 36. Hg8 [36. Hf6 &g7 37. Id6=l фе7 37. Hg7 <£d6 38. Hb7 el® 39. lei Ael 40.af5 Фс5 [40... фсб!? 41.Ha7 ЬЗ 42. ad4 ФЬ6 43. lai АеЗ 44. с5! ФЬ7 45. аЬЗ Aal 46. ^al 1е4!? 47. Фg3 1е2 48. Фg4! Hg2 49. ф£5 1Ь2!? (49... фсб 50. аЬЗ lh2 51. ФГ6 НЬЗ 52. ad4 фс5 53. аеб Фd6 54. f5=) 50. h4 фсб 51. h5 Фс5 52. Ьб Фd6 53. Ь7 Hh2 54. Фg6 Фе7 55. ab3=l 41.1Ь5 Фсб 42. ad4 фс7 43.Нс5 [43... ФЬ6 44.НЬ5=; 43... Фd7 44. Hd5=; 43... ФЬ7 44.НЬ5 Фс7 45.1с5=[ 1/2 : 1/2 Sa. Velickovic 109. С 65 F. CARUANA 2770 - A. GIRI 2693 Malmo 2012 1. е4 е5 2. af3 аеб 3. Ab5 af6 4. d3 Ас5 5. сЗ 0-0 6. 0-0 d6 7. ЬЗ ае7 8. d4 Ab6 9. lei сб [9... ag6 - 110/(166)1 10. Ad3 N [10. Afl; Ю. de5[ ag6 11. АеЗ le8 12. abd2 h6 13. ®c2 Ad7 [13... Аеб!?; 13... ah5!?l 14. Hadi Ac7 15. de5 ae5 [15... de5 16. Afl ®e7 17. a4±] 16. ae5 de5 17. Afl ®e7 18. b4 [18. a4!?[ led8 19. a4 [19. Ac5!?[ Аеб 20. a5 ad7 21. Hal b6 22. аб af8 23. ai3 ag6 24. g3 Ad6 25. Hedl Hac8 26. Sd2 Ac7 27. Hadi Hd2 28. Hd2 Hd8= 29. h4 at8 [29... Hd2 30. ad2 ®d7=[ 30. Hd8 ®d8 31. ad2 ®c8 [31... ®d7[ 32. ®a4 Ad6 [32... Ad8!?[ 33. ac4 Ac4 [33... b5 34. ad6 ba4 35. ac8 Ac8 36. Aa7 a3 37. Ac4 Aa6 (37... Аеб?? 38. АеЗ Ac8 39. a7 Ab7 40. Acl+-) 38. Aa2 Ac8 (38... ad7 39. f3±) 39. АеЗ Аеб 40. c4 ad7 41. f3±[ 34. Ac4 34... b5?? [34... ®c7 35. ®dl±[ 35. ®dl Ae7 [35... bc4 36. ®d6 ®a6 37. ®b8+-; 35... Ac7 36. АЬЗ ®a6 37. ®h5 аеб (37... g6 38. ®f3+—) 38. Аеб fe6 39. ®e8 ФЬ7 40. ®e6+—; 35... Ab8 36. Ab3±[ 36. АЬЗ аеб [36... ®a6 37. ®h5 ®al 38. Фg2 g6 39. ®e5+-; 36... ®c7 37. ®g4+-; 36... Af6 37. ®h5 аеб (37... g6 38. ®f3+-) 38. ®f54- Д 38... c5 39. bc5 ®a6 40. Ad5 ®al 41. фё2 ®c3 42. Аеб fe6 43. ®еб ФЬ7 44. c6[ 37. ®g4 Ф18 38. ®f5 Af6 39. g4 Фе8 40. g5 hg5 41. hg5 1 :0 Sa. Velickovic 110. C 67 A. VOLOKITIN 2686 - H. STEINGRIMSSON 2562 Deutshchland 2012 1. e4 e5 2. af3 ac6 3. Ab5 af6 4. 0-0 ae4 5. d4 ad6 6. Ac6 dc6 7. de5 af5 8. ®d8 Фd8 9. h3 Ae7 10. ac3 ah4 [10... Фе8 - 107/94] 11. ad4!? N [11. Hdl фе8 - 103/(215)1 c5 [11... af5 12. ade2±] 12. ade2 [12. adb5 Аеб 13. Hdl фс8 14. ad5 Ad8! 15. ЬЗ ag6 16. Ab2 He8=l фd7 b 12... сб 13. ae4 Фс7 14. Ь3±] 13. ad5 Ad8 [13... ag6 14. f4±l 14.c4 [14. Hdl! фсб 15. Ь4! Ьб 16. Ьс5 Ьс5 17. НЫ! He8 18. f4 f6 19. aec3! fe5 20. НЬ5! аб 21. Ha5 ef4 22. Af4 Hb8 23. АеЗ+l He8 [14... a5 15. ЬЗ фсб 16. a4 Ьб 17. АЬ2 Ь5 18. Hadl+1 15. f4 [15. Hdl! фсб 16. Ь4 Ьб 17. Ьс5 Ьс5 18. Ab2+] f6 [15... сб! 16. adc3 Фс7 17. АеЗ Ae7 18. ae4 b6=l 16. g3 [16. ag3! сб 17. ac3 fe5 18. ace4 фс7 19. fe5 ag6 20. ac5 ae5 21. ЬЗ+l af5 17. Hdl фсб 18. g4 ah4 [18.. ad6! 19. ed6 He2 20. dc7 Ac7=l 214
19.ФГ2! [19. ef6He2 20. f7 (20. fg7 Деб 21. f5 Дё8 22. Ifl Hg2 23. ФМ Hg3 24. фЬ2 Hg2=) Ag4O 21. hg4 ДГ6 22. ФП Hh2 23. f5 Ad4 24. Hd4 cd4 25. 21c7! Ihl 26. Ф12 Hh2 27. &g3 Hg2 28. ФЬ4 Фс7 29. f6 Sf2 30. g5 <^>d7 31. &g3 Hf5 32. £d2 gf6 33. g6! hg6 34. ДЬ4 Hg5 35. Ф13 Hf5=] fe5 20. 15^ e4? [20... h5! 21. <4>g3 b6 22. £iec3 ФЬ7 23. £>e4 hg4 24. hg4 £>f5! 25. gf5 &f5=l 21. ДГ4± £)f3 22. £jec3 ^e5 23. Де5! He5 24. фё3 аб??© [24... He8 25. Sei e3 26. ladl±[ 25. £ib6!+- ФЬб 26. Sd8 фа7 27. £>d5 сб 28. ФГ4! cd5 29. Фе5 d4 30. g5 e3 31. f6 gf6 32. gf6 1:0 A. Volokitin 111.* C 67 S. MOVSESIAN 2702 - LEKO 2720 Russia 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £jf3 Qjc6 3. ДЬ5 £if6 4.0-0 £ie4 5. d4 £>d6 6. Деб dc6 7. de5 2tf5 8. Wd8 Sd8 9. £)c3 Дd7 10. h3 b6 11. ЬЗ фс8 12. ДЬ2 Ь5 13. Sadi Де7 14. Дс1!? N [14. <£je2 а5 15. а4 с5 16. £rf4 с4!? N (16... Деб - 110/(178)) 17. еб Деб 18. £>еб fe6 19. Sfel сЬЗ 20. cb3= Christi. Pedersen 2416 — Schandorff 2494, Danmark (ch) 2012; 14. £>e4 - 110/781 a5 15. Дg5 ДЬ4 16. £>e2 a4 [16... c5!?l 17. сЗ Де7?! [17... Д18?! 18. Hd2 ab3 19. аЬЗ Деб 20. £>ed4 £>d4 21. £ld4±; 17... ДаЗ 18. Hd2 c5oo[ 18.21f4 ab3 19. аЬЗ f6 20. £jg6 Hg8? [20... He8 21. £se7 £>e7 22. ef6 gf6 23. Af6 £>d5 24. Де5 Дg4 25. hg4 hg4 26. Sfel gf3 27. c4+[ 21. g4 hg4 22. hg4 Дd8 23. Hd7! [23. gf5? ДГ5 24. £}fh4 ДЬЗ 25. ДГ4 ДП 26. ФП fe5 27. Де5 ДЬ4 28. £)h4 g5 29. &f3 c5=] Фd7 24. gf5 fg5 25. еб Фс8 [25... Фе8 26. e7 Де7 27. Hel ФП 28. £)fe5! ФГ6 29. £)d7 ФГ5 30. £>e7+-; 25... Фd6 26. e7 Де7 27. Hdl Фс5 28. <йе7 Hge8 29. Hd7+-[ 26. e7 фЬ7 27. Hel He8 28. ed8^!+- Hed8 [28... Had8 29. Неб] 29. He7 Hd5 30. wfe5 Hal 31. Фg2 Hel 32. c4 Hddl [32... Ha5 33. £>c6 He7 34. 2}a5[ 33. Hg7 g4 34. £>g4 Hgl 35. Ф13 Hd3 36. £}e3 1:0 S. Movsesian 112. C 67 BO. VUCKOVIC 2628 - KI. GEORGIEV 2671 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>f3 4jc6 3. ДЬ5 £)f6 4.0-0 £}e4 5. d4 £sd6 6. Деб dc6 7. de5 £)f5 8. Wd8 Фd8 9. £>c3 Фе8 10. ЬЗ Ь5 11. ДГ4 Деб 12. Hadi [12. Hfdl Hd8 (12... Де7 13. £>g5 Hh6) 13. Hd8 Фd8 14. ^g5 Де7 15. £se6 fe6 16. £>e4 b6 17. c3 c5+[ ДЬ4 [12... Де7 - 113/(123)113. Дd2 Hd8 N [13... ДсЗ] 14. Дg5 Hd7 15. Hd7 [15. ^e4!? b6 16. аЗ Де7 17. Hd7 Фd7 18. Hdl фс8 19. Де7 £se7 20. ^fg5=l Ф47 16. Hdl Фс8 17. аЗ ДсЗ 18. ЬсЗ с5 19. ^)Ь4 ^)Ь4 20. ДЬ4 [Н 9/jl Ьб 21. f4 ДГ5 22. Hd2 фЬ7 23. ФГ2 Феб 24. с4 Деб 25. ФеЗ Дс4 26. f5 Ь5 [26... Не8 27. Ф14 Ь5 28. сЗ а5 29. Нс2 ДёЗ 30. Hd2 с4 31. НЬ21 27. сЗ а5 [27... Hf8; 27... Дd5! 28. ф£4 а5 29. НЬ2 (29. Де7 Не8 30. f6 gf6 31. ef6 Ь4) Ь4 30. сЬ4 сЬ4 31. аЬ4 а4 32. Ь5 ФЬ7 33. Де7Т; 29... НЬ8+1 28. Hd8I? Hd8 29. Дd8 [£>Д б/gl Ф47 30. Дg5 215
30... ДА [30... а4! а) 31. еб fe6 32. f6 (32. fe6 Феб 33. g3 Ь4 34. cb4 сЬ4 35. Ф>42 ЬаЗ 36. феЗ ДЬЗ—Ь) gf6 33. Д16 <£d6 34. g4 hg4 35. hg4 Да2 36. g5 ДЫ-+; b) 31. <£d2 ДА 32. g4 hg4 33. hg4 ДЬЗ 34. f6 g6 35. ДеЗ Ag4 36. Дс5 фс6-+; с) 31. h4 Ь4 32. cb4 cb4[ 31. ф12 Дс4 32. ФеЗ Ь4 [32... а4! — 30... а4] 33. сЬ4 сЬ4 34. аЬ4 аЬ4 35. Ф04 ДП 36. Ь4 Ag2 [36... фсб 37. еб (37. g3 ФЬ5 38. еб fe6 39. fe6 с5 40. ФеЗ Дс4 41. е7 ДП) f6 38. ДР4 (38. Дd2 ЬЗ 39. ФеЗ Дg2 40. ФЬЗ ДЬЗ 41. Да5 Д15 42. е7 Дd7+) Дg2 39. е7 фd7 40. Дс7 ДЬЗ 41. Да5 ЬЗ 42. ФеЗ Д15 43. ФЬЗ Фе7 44. фс4Т1 37. Фс4 с5 38. фс5 ЬЗ 39. Дс1 g5 40. fg6 fg6 41. Фс4 Феб 42. ФЬЗ фе5 1/2 : 1/2 Ki. Georgiev 113. С 68 AL. KOVACEVIC 2557 - MELKUMYAN 2642 Sarajevo 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £f3 £c6 3. ДЬ5 аб 4. Дсб dc6 5. 0-0 Дg4 6. ЬЗ Ь5 7. d3 Wf6 8. £bd2 £e7 9. Hel £g6 10. d4 £14 11. hg4 hg4 12. g3 gf3 13. WO £e6 14. de5 We5 15. £ЬЗ A.d6 [15... g6 - 109/1981 16. c3 N [16. ®f5 a) 16... 0-0-0 17. We5 (17. сЗ) Де5 18. сЗ g5 19. ДеЗ g4 20. Hadi Hdl 21. Hdl Д16= A Дg5; b) 16... Wb5 17. Д42 g6 18. Wb5 ab5 19. ДеЗ Hh5 20. a3=; 16. Фg2] 0-0-0!? 17. ДеЗ [17. ®f7 a) 17... НЬЗ 18. Д14 £f4 19. gf4 ®f6 (19... ®f4 20. 8e6+-) 20. ®f6 gf6=; b) 17... g6 18. Wg6 (18. Wf3 Hh5 19. ®g2 Hdh8^) Hdg8 19. ®f5 Hg3 20. ФА Hgh3oo] g6 [17... £g5 18. Дg5 ®g5 19. Фg2+l 18. Фg2 Hde8 19. Hhl HM8 20. ДЬб [20. Hh7 f5 21. ef5 Hf5 22. Wg4 ФЬ8оо; 20. Hael! f5 21. ДЬб!? Hg8 (21... Hf7 22. ef5 Wf5 23. ®f5 Hf5 24. £d4 Ee5 25. He5 Де5 26. £e6 Неб 27. Дg5±) 22. ef5 Wf5 23. £d2+l Hg8 21. W [21. Hael!? f6 22. ДеЗ=1 ®e4 22. ®f3 ®13 23. Ф13 g5! 24. Hh5 [24. Hael Hg6 25. Фg4 фd7 (25... НЬ8?! 26. Ф15 Hhh6 27. Hh6 Hh6 28. Неб Hh2 29. He8! фd7 30. He2 ДgЗ 31. £c5 Фd8 32. £Ь7 Фс8 33. £a5±) 26. £d4±| Hg6 25. Фg4 Hh8 26. Hahl Де7 27.13 [27. £d2! £c5 28. b4 £d3 29. £e4oo] £d8 28. Hel?! Д16 29. Дg7?? [29. Hehl £П 30. Ф15 Hgh6 31. НЬб £h6 32. фё6 g4 33. f4 £g8 34. НЬ8 ДЬ8 35. фЬ7 £e7 36. ФЬ8 £f5 37. £d4 £g3 38. f5Tl Дg7 30. Hh8 ДЬ8 31. He8 Af6-+ 32. £c5 Hg7 33. аеб Hf7 34. Hg8 Ф07 35. £g5 Дg5 36. Hg5 [1 8/f61 аеб 37. Hh5 Hg7 38. ФН4 Фе7 39.14 Ф16 40. g4 £>18 41. H15 фе7 42. He5 ФП 43. ФgЗ £sd7 44. Не2 Ф16 45. Hh2 Не7 46. Ф13 Hel 47. НЬ7 Hdl 48. g5 Ф15 49. НП Феб 50. g6 £116 51.15 Ф15 52. g7 Hd3 53. Фе2 Hg3 54. Ф12 Hg6 55. Нс7 £е4 56. Фе2 £d6 57. с4 Феб 58. с5 £15 59. НЬ7 Hg7 60. НЬб Ф05 61. ФОЗ Hg3 62. Ф62 Hg2 63. ФеЗ £d4 64. НЬ8 £Ь5 0 :1 Al. Kovaceric 114.**** С 70 В. FIRAT 2405 - A. DELCHEV 2622 Plovdiv 2012 1. е4 е5 2. £13 £с6 3. ДЬ5 аб 4. Да4 £ge7 5. 0-0 [5. сЗ g6 6. d4 ed4 7. cd4 Ь5 8.1с2 d5 9. e5 Дg7 10. £bd2 0-0 11. ЬЗ f6 12. ef6 Д16! (12... Hf6 - 111/(154)) 13. £b3 £f5 216
14. 0-0 Wd6=[ g6 6. сЗ ^g7 7. d4 ed4 8. cd4 b5 9. Дс2! d5!?^ [9... 0-0 10. ^c3 d6 11. h3 ДЬ7 12. Sel+1 10. e5 [10. ed5 N a) RR 10... Aid5 11. Ag5 al) 11... £sce7 12. £}c3 £>c3 13. bc3 0-0 14. lei f6 15. Ad2 ДЬ7 16. a4 Aid5 17. Sbl Деб 18. Ad3+ L. Guliev 2464 — Or. Abdulov 2334, Azer- baijan (ch) 2011; a2) 11... Wd6 12. lei Деб 13. ^c3 £>c3 14. bc3 0-0 15. £)d2± Nijboer 2546 - P. G. Arnaudov 2439, Dieren 2011; b) 10... £jb4 11. ДЬЗ Aibd5 12. lei (12. Ag5 Wd6 13. Aibd2 0-0 14. £>e4 Wb6 15. h3 h6 16. ДЬ4 Деб 17. lei £)f5 18. £>c5 2ae8=) 0-0 13. Дg5 Wd6 14. £>c3 A>c3 15. bc3 Aid5 16. £}d2 Aif6= D. Maximov 2486 — Kryvoruchko 2640, Ukraine (ch-m/1) 20111 0-0 [10... Дg4!?N 11. ДеЗ f6! (11... &f5 12. ДГ5 ДГ5 13. Дg5 Wd7 14. £>bd2 0—0 15. £}b3± Svetushkin 2576 — Dounis 2248, Paleochora 2011) 12. ef6 ДГ6 13. h3 ДВ 14. WB Дd4 (14... 0-0 15. Wdl Wd7 16. £jc3 £>d8 17. Sei £je6 18. Wg4oo) 15. ®c3 (15. Дd4 £>d4 16. Wf6 £>c2 17. Wh8 &d7 18. Wh7 £jal 19. Scl сб 20. £>d2 Wh8 21. Wh8 Sh8 22. Sal c5+) Wd6 16. Дg5 Sf8 (16... 0-0-0 17. a4 b4 18. Де7 We7 19. <£jd5 Wg5 20. Де4Т) 17. Wg4 Wd7 18. Wh4 0-0-0 19. Sadi Де5 20. a4 b4 21. £>d5 £>d5 22. Wc4 ДЬ2 23. Дd8 Sd8 24. Wa6 ФЬ8 25. Wb5=[ ll.^bdZN [11. Дg5; 11. ДеЗ f6 (11... £>f5) 12. ef6 Af6 13. Aibd2 £)f5 14. W £je3 15.fe3 We7; Il.h3f6 12.ef6 Af6[ f6 12. Sei! [12. ef6 ДГ6 13. £jb3 Ag4T[ fe5 13. de5 We8 [13... ДГ5? 14. h3 Wd7 15. £>ЬЗ Дс2 16. Wc2 SB 17. еб Wd6 18. gB £jf5 19. ДГ4 £>fd4 20. £>d4 £>d4 21. Wcl £)B 22. ФЫ Wb4 23. Wc6 Wf4 24. Wa8 ДВ 25. &g2+-; 13... Дg4?! 14. h3 ДВ 15. £>B±; 13... £>b4! 14. ДЫ c5 15. Ш Дg4!? (15... c4 16. 5)bd4 Дg4 17. Дg5 ДВ 18. £>B ^bc6^) 16. £>c5 Sc8 17. £>d3 ЙЬсб 18. h3 ДВ 19. gB Wd7 20. ФЬ2 £>d4 21. f4 Scl! 22. Wcl £)B 23. &g2 (23. &g3 &el 24. Wei g5t) W] 14. h3 Wf7 15. We2! h6! [15... £)f5 16. £>b3 Se8 17. £>g5[ 16. ЬЗ! [16. а4?! Xb4; 16. еб Wf6 17. 2ЛЗ Se8[ £>b4 [16... £)d8?! 17. b4 £je6 18. £)b3±; 17... a5!?^[ 17. ibl c5 18. ДаЗ! £>есб [18... Wf4! 19. Дс1 (19. g3?! Wf7 20. &g2 We6) Wf7=l 19. ДЬ2 [A a3[ d4 20. £>e4 [20. еб! We7 21. Дg6 d3 22. ДП SB 23. ef7 WB 24. We8 We8 25. Se8 ФП 26. Дg7 Фе8 27. £>e4±[ Aie5 [20... ДЬЗ 21. A>c5 Дg4 22. Де4+; 20... We7 21. £>g3 We6 22. Де4+[ 21. £>e5 Де5 22. £jc5 Дg7?! [22... ДЬЗ! 23. Wd2! (23. gh3 Wf4 24. We5 Wf2 25. ФЫ WB=) Sae8 24. Де4 Дс8 25. аЗ £)d5 26. Дd4 £>f4M 23. Де4 [23. Wd2! ^d5 24. Де4 Sd8 25. Sadl±[ Sa7 24. a3 [24. Wd2 Sc7! 25. Wb4 Wf2 26. фЫ ДЬЗ 27. gh3 (27. £)d3 Дё2 28. Дg2 Wh4 29. <£gl Sc2=) SB=] A>d5 25. Sadi £)f4 26. Wd2 Sd8 27. Wa5 Sf8 [27... Wc7 28. Wc7 Sc7 29. b4±[ 28. Wd2 Sd8 29. Wa5 Wf6!? [29... Sf8=[ 30. £>d3! Aie6 [30... Sf8?! 31. ^f4 Wf4 32. Wb6 Wf2 33. ФЫ d3 34. Wg6 ДГ5 35. Дd5 ФИ8 36. Wh6 ДЬ7 37. Дё7 Sg7 38. Wh5; 30... <M3 31. Sd3 ДГ5+1 31. Дg6? [31. Scl SB 32. f4±[ Wg6 32. Se6 Деб 33. Wd8 ФИ7±5 34. Wb6 [34. <йс5 ДЬЗ 35. Wd5 Se7 36. Дd4 Дg2 37. Wg2 Wh5=[ Sf7 35. £>c5? [35. Дd4 ДЬЗ 36. Sd2 Wb6 37. ДЬб Sd7 38. ДеЗ ДВ 39. <ЙЬ4 Sd2 40. Дd2 a5 41. £>аб ДаЗ 42. Да5 Дс4=[ Wc2 36. Sfl ДИЗ© [36... Дd5!-+ 37. Wd6 Wf5 (А Де5, Wf4) 38. Wg3 d3] 37. gh3 Sf6 38. Wc7? [38. Wb7! Sg6 39. фЫ Wf5 40. ФИ2 We5 41. ФЫ Wc5 42. We4T[ Sg6 39. ФЬ2 We2 40. £>d7 40... Wfl?? [40... WB 41. ^jf8 Wf8 42. Дd4 WB 43. Sgl Sgl 44. фgl Wdl-+141. £>f8 Ф§8 42. £sg6 Wf2 43. ФЫ Wfl 44. ФИ2 We2 45. ФgЗ We3 46. ФИ2 We2 47. Фg3 Wd3 48. ФЬ2 Wg6 [W 8/il 49. Д04 ДГ8! 50. Wg3? [50. Wc3! ДаЗ (50... Дd6 51. Де5) 51. Ь4! Wd6 52. Де5 Wb4 53. Wc8 ФП 54. Wd7 We7 55. Wf5=[ Д06 51. Де5 Wg3 52. ДgЗ ДаЗ [^Д 7/f[ 53. Фg2 фП 54. фВ 217
Феб 55. Фе4 а5 56. Ael а4 57. Ьа4 Ьа4 [/ДА 7/е] 58. АсЗ h5-+ 59. Ag7 ФГ7 60. АсЗ <£g6 61. Ad2 Ab2 62. Ab4 <£g5 63. ФО [63. Ae7 Af61 ФГ5 64. Фg3 Af6 65. ФВ Ag5 66. АаЗ Фе5 67. Ab4 ф(14 68. Af8 фаз 69. Ad6 Ad2 70. АаЗ Фс4 71. Фе2 Ab4 72. Ael фсЗ 73. Ф01 ФЬЗО 0:1 A. Delchev 115. !N С 70 JU. POLGAR 2710 - T. BANUSZ 2563 Warszawa (rapid) 2011 1. e4 e5 2. £>B £jc6 3. Ab5 аб 4. Aa4 Qjge7 5. 0-0 g6 6. c3 Ag7 7. d4 ed4 8. cd4 b5 9. АЬЗ 0-0 10. /ДсЗ [10. h3 - 111/1551 /Да5 [RR 10... d6 11. h3 Ab7 12. Hel £>a5 13. Ac2 ^c4!^ A. Delchev! 11. Ac2 d6 12. h3 [12. Ag5 - 111/(155)1 c5 13. Ag5!? [13. Af4 cd4!? (13... /Дс4) 14. /Д04 Ab7 15. £>de2 /Дс4 16. ЬЗ /ДаЗ 17. Hel d5=; 13. Hel cd4!? 14. £>d4 (14. /Де2 /Десб 15. /Aed4 £>d4 16. ®d4 Ab7) Ab7 A Hc8, /Дс4; 13. dc5 dc5 14. ®d8 Hd8 15. Ae3 W!?l h6 14. Ah4 g5 15. Ag3 /Дс4 [15... cd4!? 16. £>d4 /Дс4 17. ЬЗ /ДаЗ 18. Hel Wb6! 19. /Д4е2 Hd8 20. Ad3 Ab7oo A d5116. ЬЗ! /ДаЗ [16... cd4 17. bc4! dc3 18. Ad6 He8 19. c5 Ab7 20. e5±[ 17. Ad3! N [17. Hell £sc6 18. £)d5! £)d4 19. £>d4 Ad4 20. Wh5! 20... Ag7?! [20... Aal?! 21. Hal a) 21... Фg7 22. e5! He8 23. ed6 al) 23... c4 24. Afl f5 (24... Ha7 25. Hdl Af5 26. WB Ae4 27. We3! Hb7 28. /Дс7 Hc7 29. ®d4! f6 30. dc7 Wd4 31. Hd44~) 25. f4! (25. /Де7?! He7 26. de7 We7 27. WB Ab7 28. Wf5 He8±) Неб (25... Ab7 26. /Дс7+—) 26. £>c7 Wd6 27. fg5! (27. £sa8? Wd4 28. Af2 Waloo) ®c5 28. ФИ2 Hg6 29. /Да8 Hg5 30. WB+-; a2) 23... Ha7 24. f4! АебП 25. /Де 7 Hc7 26. fg5 Wg5 27. Wg5 hg5 28. dc7±; b) 21... Ha7!? 22. Hdl! (22. Wh6?! f6) f6 23. /ДеЗ! (A Ae2-g4) bl) 23... We7 24. Ae2 (24. Ad6?? Ш6 25. Ac4 /Дс4 26. Hd6 £)d6--h) Hd8 25. Ag4 ®f7 26. Wh6 Wg7 27. Wh5 ®f7 28. Hd6 Hd6 29. Ad6 Wh5 30. Ah5±; b2) 23... b4 24. Wg6 (24. Ae2 We8 25. Ad6 Wh5 26. Ah5 Hd8 27. Ac5 Hdl 28. Adlco) Hg7 25. Wh6 Hh7 26. Wg6 Hg7 27. Wh55o; 20... Фg7!? 21. Hadi a) 21... Ha7 22. ФЫ Аеб 23. f4 al) 23... Hh8 24. WB h5 25. fg5 Ag4 26. ®f4 Adi (26... Ae5?! 27. № Ad4 28. /ДеЗ! Ae3 29. We3 Adi 30. Hdl±) 27. Hdl Ae5 28. We3 Ad4 29. WB35; a2) 23... f6 24. fg5! (24. ®B Haf7 25. Af2 Af2 26. ®f236) fg5 (24... hg5?? 25. e54~) 25. e5 a21) 25... Ad5? 26. ®g6 ФИ8 27. Wh6 фg8 28. еб! /Дс2! (28... Hg7? 29. e7 We7 30. Ad6 Ag2 31. фg2+—) 29. Ac2 Hg7 30. e7? We7 Д 31. Ad6 Ag2 32. ФИ2П (32. фё2?? ®e2 33. Фg3 Af2 34. Фg2 Ael-+) Afl! 33. Ae7 Hf2 34. Фg3 (34. ФЫ? Ag2 35. &gl Hf6 36. Hd4 Hh6 37. Hd8 ФП 38. Ac5 Ah3T) Hg2 35. ФВ Hf2=; 30. Hf8; a22) 25... We8 26. £)f6 (26. We8 He8 27. &f6 Hf8 28. /ДИ5) Wh5 27. £>h5 Фg8 28. Hf8 Ф18 29. ed6±; b) 21... Аеб!? 22. ФЫ Ad5!? (22... f6 23. f4 Af7 24. Wf3 Аеб 25. Afl Af2 26. ®f2 Ha7oo) 23. ed5 Af6! (23... c4 24. Ac4! bc4 25. Hd4 c3 26. f4!^) 24. f4 Hh8Q (24... b4? 25. fg5 Ag5 26. h4 Af6 27. Wg4 ФИ8 28. Ш5+-) 25. Wf3 Ь4оо Д ab5[ 21. Hadi c4 22. Ae2 c3? [22... cb3 23. ab3 ^c2 24. f4!4 23. £ic3! АсЗ 24. Ad6± ^c2? [24... He8 25. e5! (25. АаЗ Wf6 26. Hd6 Аеб 27. Hfdl Ae5+) £sc2 26. Hd3! a) 26... £id4 27. AB Af5 28. Hc3 Hc8 29. Ad5! (29. Hc8?! £>B 30. WB Wc8±) &e2 (29... Аеб 30. Hc8 ®c8 31. Wh6! Ad5 32. ®g5 ФИ8 33. ®h4 Фg8 34. Ш4+-) 30. ФЬ2 йсЗ 31. ®f7 ФЬ8 32. Wf5 £>d5 33. Hdl!+- A 33... £>c3 34. еб! A Ae5; b) 26... Ad4 27. HB! Ha7 28. Ad3 Ae5 29. Ae5 He5 30. Wh6 f5 31. Ac2±; c) 26... Ab2 27. НВ! Ha7Q (27... £)d4 28. Wf7 ФЬ8 29. Hf6 ^e2 30. ФЫ Неб 31. Af8!4~; 27... 218
Аеб 28. Wh6 £>d4 29. Ad3! £>f3 30. gf3 f5 31. ef6 Wd7 32. Wg5 фЬ8 33. Wh5 *g8 34. ФЫ+-) 28. Ad3 Ae5 29. Ae5 He5 30. Wh6 f5D 31. Ac2±[ 25. Af8 Wf8 26. Ecl+— £>e3 27. fe3 Ae5 28. Ag4 Ag4 29. Wg4 Hd8 30. Hc6 <^>g7 31. Wh5 f6 32. Idl Wb4 33. Heel We4 34. WO Hdl 35. Hdl ®c2 36. e4 Wa2 37. Hd7 <4>g6 38. h4 Wai 39. Hdl Ad4 40. &hl Wc3 41. h5 ФГ7 42. Wf5 Ac5 43. Wh7 Феб 44. Wd7 1 : 0 T. Bdnusz 116.* C 70 N. GULIYEV 2532 - V. ERDOS 2631 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 e5 2. Af3 Ac6 3. Ab5 аб 4. Aa4 Age7 5. 0-0 g6 6. c3 Ag7 7. d4 ed4 8. cd4 b5 9. Ab3 0-0 10. £>c3 <Aa5 11. Ag5 h6 12. Ae7!? [12. Ah4 a) 12... g5 13. Ag5! hg5 14. ^g5 Ah6 (14... W? 15. Wh5) 15. Wh5 Ag5 16. Wg5 фЬ7 17. f4 £)g6 al) 18. Wh5 &g7 19. f5 Hh8 20. Wg4 Wh4; 20. We2; a2) 18. Wg4 Wh4 19. Wh4 £>h4 20. f5; b) 12... &b3 13. Wb3 g5 14. Ag3 d6±^l We7 13. <£jd5 Wd8 14. Hel Ha7 [14... сб 15. 2rf4 ФИ7 (15... d5!? 16. ed5 Wd6) 16. Hel (16. e5 d6; 16. Ac2 d6) d6 17. h3; 14... Ab7!? a) 15. Aic7 Hc8 16. Aid5 Hel 17. Wcl Aib3 18. ab3 He8 19. Wf4 d635; b) 15. Hel d6!? (15... Hc8) 16. a4 (16. Aic7 Hc8 17. Aid5 Hel 18. Wcl £ib3 19. аЬЗ g5=) c5!?; c) 15. e5 Hc8 16. 2rf4 £>b3 (16... ФЬ7 17. Ad5) 17. Wb3 ФЬ7 (17... g5!? 18.2Ж5 d6) 18. Hfel (18. d5 d6) d6 19. еб Wfifc] 15. Hel!? N [15. Wc2 a) 15... сб N 16. Wc5 (16. 2rf4) Ha8 17. £je7 ФЬ7 18. £>c8 Hc8 19. e5 Aib3 20. ab3 He8 21. Hfel Af8 22. Wc2 d6 23. h4 c5±? G. Guseinov 2616 — V. lordgachescu 2644, Tashkent 2012; b) 15... d6!? bl) 16. ^c7!? &b3 (16... Ag4 17. £>d5 Af3 18. gf3 Ad4 19. фЫ±?) 17. ab3 Ag4 18. ФЫ (18. ^d5 f5) Af3 19. gf3 Ad4 (19... Wf6 20. We2 Wd4 21. Hc2) 20. £)d5 Wh4 21. f4; 18... &h7!?oo; b2) 16. h3 сб 17. ^b4 Hc7 (17... Se7 18. e5) 18. Hfdl Ab7 19. e5 &b3 (19... Se8!?) 20. Wb3 de5 21. Aie5 (21. de5 We7) b21) 21... c5 22. Hc5! (22. dc5 Wg5=) Hc5 23. dc5 Wg5 24. сб We5 25. cb7 We4 26. <Йа6 Wb7+; b22) 21... He8!? 22. £>ec6 (22. £ig6? a5 A a4) Wd6 23. d5 He2=; b23) 21... Wd6[ d6 16. h3 ФИ7!? [16... сб 17. £>f4[ 17. He2 [17. £)f4 c5?! 18. Ad5! (18. dc5 dc5) cd4 (18... Hc7 19. ЬЗ; 18... Wb6 19. b4! cb4 20. Wd2 £>c4 21. Wb4+) 19. Wd2 (19. ЬЗ) Hc7!? 20. ЬЗ Ad7 21. Aid4 Hel 22. Hel Wb6 23. £rf3T; 17... сбое; 17. Wd2 сб 18. 4Ж4 c5!? (18... Hc7; 18... He7) 19. dc5 (19. Aid5!? f5) dc5 20. We3 (20. Wd8 Hd8 21. Hc5 Af8 22. <йс6; 21... Ab2; 21... Had7) Hd7 21. Hc5 (21. Wc5 Ab2 22. Hc2 Ag7 23. Ad5 He8) He8S[ сб 18. £jb4 [18. ^f4 He7[ He7! [18... Hc7[ 19. Hc6 [19. ^сб? ^c6 20. Hc6 Ab7; 19. Ac2 Ab7 20. АЫ c5; 20... Hfe8; 19. e5!?[ Ab7 20. d5?! [20. Hel W 21. Wb3 He4 22. He4 Ae4 23. £ja6 Wa5 24. 21b4 Af3 25. gf3 Ad4oo; 22. Hec2oo[ Hfe8 [20... &b3 21. Wb3 a5 (21... Hfe8) 22. £jc2Q Ac6 23. dc6 Wb6 24. Wd5 Hc8 (24... f5!? 25. £>cd4 Hfe8) 25. ^cd4 Wc5 26. Hc2 Wd5 27. ed5 Ad4 28. £>d4 He5 29. <ЙЬ5 Hd5 30. a4 Hc5 31. Hc5 dc5 32. c7 Фg8 33. ФА; 25... фё8; 24... Ab2!?[ 21. Hel [21. Wd3 £)b3 22. ab3 a5 (22... f5) 23. £sc2 Ac6 24. dc6 Wb6 25. £scd4; 24... d5; 21... f5![ ^b3 [21... He4!? 22. He4 He4 23. £>c6 Wb6[ 22. Wb3 He4 23. £)C6!? [23. He4 He4 24. £>c6 We8[ Wd7 [23... Ac6? 24. He4; 23... Wf6 24. He4 He4 25. ^ja5 Aa8!? (25... We7 26. W Wb7 27. Hc2) 26. Hc2 (26. Hc8 Ha4Q 27. £jc6 Ac6 28. dc6 Hc4) Wf5[ 24. He4 He4 25. Wd3 W15 26. Hc2 [26. ЬЗ? Hc4! 27. HdlD Hel! 28. Wfl Hdl 29. Wdl We4+[ Ac8 27. ЬЗ Ad7 [27... Hd4!? 28. We2 (28. Wf5 Hdl 29. ФЬ2 Af5) Не4П 29. Wdl; 27... £f6; 27... He8 28. Wdl A.d7+1 28. Hd2 A.f6 [^ 28... He8[ 29. £>b8 Ac8 30. Wc2!? Hf4© [^ 30... 219
фё7 а) 31. Wc7?! Hf4! 32. Нс2 НО 33. Wc8 (33. gO?? Wg5 34. ФА Ah3) Hf2 34. Wf5 Hf5 35. <?3a6 Hd5+; 6? 31. Idl h5] 31. Wf5 Hf5 [g 9/i] 32. Hc2! [32. Aic6 &g7; 32... Hf4[ Ab7 33. Hc7 Ad5 34. £sa6 AO [34... <£g7 35. Hd7! AO 36. gO HO 37. £)c7[ 35. gO Ad4 [35... HO 36. Hf7 <£g8 37. Hd7=[ 36. <£g2 Hg5 37. ФП Hf5 38. Фg2= [38. Фе2 He5 39. ФА (39. Фd3!? Af2 40. Hf7 Фg8) Фg71 Hg5 39. ФП Hf5 40. Фg2 1/2 : 1/2 V. Erdos 117. C 70 T. FOGARASI 2404 - T. BANUSZ 2582 Magyarorszag 2012 1. e4 e5 2. &O Асб 3. Ab5 аб 4. Aa4 Age7 5. 0-0 g6 6. c3 Ag7 7. d4 ed4 8. cd4 b5 9. АЬЗ 0-0 10. АсЗ Aa5 11. АеЗ d6!? [11... Ab7; 11... Ab31? 12. Wb3 d5! a) 13. Ad5 Ad5 14. Wd5 Wd5 15. ed5 Ab7 16. Ae5 Ad5 17. Hfcl Hfc8 (17... f6 18. Асб Hf7 19. a4 ba4 20. Ha4 Af8=) 18. Hc5 Ae6 19. Had Aa2 20. Hc7 Ae6=; b) 13. ed5 Wd6!? (13... Ab7 14. Ag5 h6 15. Ae7 We7oo) bl) 14. g3 Ab7 15. Af4 Wd7 16. Ae5 Wf5 17. a4 c5!! 18. dc6 (18. dc5 Ae5 19. Ae5 We5 20. Had IS) Асб 19. Асб Асб 20. ab5 AO! 21. Adi ab5! 22. Ha8 Aa8 23. АеЗ We4 24. d5 Ad4=; b2) 14. Ag5 b21) 14... Af5 15. Ae4 (15. a4) Wb6 16. Had Ad4 17. Wd3 AO 18. WO Af5 19. Hc6 Ae4 20. We4 Hfe8 21. WO±; b22) 14... He8! 15. Hfel Ab7 16. Ae7 (16. He5 Af5 17. Had Wd7 18. Af4 Had8oo) He7 17. He7 We75o[ 12. h3 сб [12... b4 a) 13. Abl АЬЗ 14. Wb3 (14. ab3?! f5T) a5 15. Abd2 Aa6 16. Hfcl Wd7 17. Wc2 Hfc8 18. a3 c5 19. dc5 ba3 20. НаЗ Ac6!S; b) 13. Ae2 АЬЗ 14. Wb3 (14. ab3 Ab7 15. d5 сб 16. dc6 Ac6=) Ab7 bl) 15. Ag3 Wd7!? A 16. Wb4?! Hab8 17. Wd2 (17. Wc4 d5) f5!T; b2) 15. d5 c5!? 16. dc6 Асб 17. Hadi (17. Hfdl a5!) We7oo; 12... Ab7[ 13. Hel h6 [А ФИ7, f5; 13... АЬЗ!? 14. ab3 He8!? 15. Hel a5 16. Wd2 b4 17. Aa4 Aa6 18. Ah6 Ah8 19. Wf4 Ab5 20. Ag5 Ag7oo[ 14. Hel N [14. Wd2 АЬЗ (14... ФЬ7) 15. ab3 фЬ7 16. Hfel a) 16... He8 17. d5! Ab7 (17... c5?! 18. b4! cb4 19. Ae2± A Ad4) 18. Ad4 f6! (18... cd5 19. Ag7 Фg7 20. Wd4 Фg8 21. ed5±) 19. dc6 Асб 20. Ad5 Ad4 21. Ш Hc8 22. Hc8 Ac8 23. Hel He4 24. О He8 25. Асб Wd7 26. Ace7 f5 27. Hc7 Wc7 28. Ac7 He7 29. Wd6; 20. h4!?; b) 16... f5 17. d5 fe4 18. Ae4 bl) 18... HO 19. gO c5 20. b4! Af5! 21. bc5 W bll) 22. We2 dc5 23. Hc5 Wf8 bill) 24. Ah6? Ah6 25. Hc7 ФЬ8?! 26. Ad2! Ad2 27. We7! We7 28. Hee7 AO 29. фЫ=; 25... Фg8+; Ы12) 24. £>d2 Ah3“; bl 13) 24. Hc7 W3Q 25. WO aO 26. ФЫ Af5D (26... £>el?? 27. Ad4+-) 27. ^jd6 ^jel 28. £>f5 gf5 29. Ad4 Hg8 30. Ag7 Фg6 (30... Hg7?? 31. d6+-) 31. d6 Hd8 32. Ae5 &D 33. Hg7 ФИ5 34. Ag3 £jg5±; bl2) 22. Wdl! dc5 23. Hc5 Wf8 24. Ah6!! bl21) 24... фЬ6 25. Wcl фЬ7 26. £)g5 Фg8 27. He4! &O (27... £sf5 28. Sc7 ^3d6 29. Wc6 £se4 30. fe4!+-) 28. £d3 Af5 29. Hh4+-; Ы22) 24... Ah6 25. Hc7 Фg8 26. Wb3! bl221) 26... ФИ8 27. f4 (27. d6? Wfl) Af5 (27... Wf4 28. Wc3 Фg8 29. £>f64—) 28. d6+—; Ы222) 26... W 27. фЫ £jel 28. d6 ФИ8 29. Hf7 Ab7 (29... We8 30. Ш Ab7 31. О AO 32. фgl+-) 30. Hf8 Hf8 31. Wc3 Фg8 32. Wel±; b2) 18... cd5!? 19. Ш Wd6 20. Ac5 Wf4 21. Wf4 Hf4 22. He7 He4 23. Hc7 Фg8ool £sb3 15. Wb3 [15. ab3!? b4 (15... ФИ7 16. Wd2 - 14. Wd2) 16. Ш Ae6[ Ф117115... Ae6 16. Wdl; 15...a5!?16. a3 Hb8 17. d5 c5 18. a4 Ad7! 19. ab5 £b5 20. £>b5 Wd7oo[ 16. d5I? c5 17. e5 c4 [17... ^3f5!? a) 18. ed6 £>e3 19. НеЗ (19. fe3?! f5!) f5! 20. a4 b4oo; b) 18. Af4 Ab7 (18... £id4?! 19. Wdl £jO 20. WO+) 19. ed6 £jd6=] 18. Wa3 de5 [18... Ab7 19. ed6 ^d5 20. Ш Ad5 21. Hcdl AO 22. gO Wd7=[ 19. Ac5 He8 20. d6!? [20. <йе5 Aid5 21. £)f7 Hel 22. Hel Wd7O 23. £>d5 Wd5 (23... Wf7?? 24. 220
Se7 Wd5 25. Wc3+-) 24. Se7 ДЬ7 25. В Дс6= Д Se8; 20. £)b5 ab5! 21. Wa8 Wd5 22. Wd5 ^d5Sl £jc6 21. £>b5 [21. £>d5 e4! 22. <Wc7 ^d7 23. ®e8 We8^| аЬ5П 22. Wa8 Wd7! 23. Wa3 e4 [24. £>d2 a) 24... f5?! 25. ЬЗ (25.13? £}e5+) al) 25... сЗ?! 26. £)bl £b7 27. b4! (27. ^c3? Ea8 28. Wb2 b4+; 27. Sc3!?) 41e5 28. ДсЗ f4 29. ^d2±; a2) 25... <We5!? 26. bc4 41d3 27. Sbl ДЬ7 (27... ?lel 28. Sei bc4 29. 2>c4±) 28. Sb5! £>el 29. Wa7 Деб 30. Wd7 Ad7 31. Sb7 £)d3 (31... Sd8 32. ДЬ6 Деб 33. Sg7 Фё7 34. £d8±) 32. ab3! Дс8 33. d7 Д47 34. Sd7 ac5 35. a>c5 фё8 36. a4±; b) 24... a>e5! bl) 25. Se4 ДЬ7 bll) 26. Seel? £jd3 27. Se8 We8 28. Sbl Wc6—+; bl2) 26. Se3?! Sa8 27. Wb4 Wc6 28. £}B (28. B?? Sa4-+) ad7! 29. ЬЗ Wc5 30. Wc5 <Wc5 31. bc4 b4T; ЫЗ) 26. Seel Де4 27. Se4 ^d3 28. Se8 We8^; b2) 25. £je4? ^d3-+; ЬЗ) 25. Ad4!? f5 (25... ДЬ7 26. Де5 Se55§) 26. Де5 Де5 27. Scdl Se653; 23... ДЬ7?! 24. We3 e4 25. b3![ 1/2 : 1/2 T. Bonus-, 118.* C 78 HOU YIFAN 2639 - F. CARUANA 2767 Reykjavik 2012 1. e4 e5 2. ^13 Дс6 3. ДЬ5 аб 4. Да4 £jf6 5. 0-0 b5 6. ДЬЗ Дс5 7. c3 d6 8. d4 ДЬб 9. h3 0-0 10. ДеЗ h6 11. Wbd2 Se8 12. Sei ld7!? [12... ДЬ7 - 51/3281 13. Wbl [13. Дс2 Wb8 14. a3 N (14. &fl) a5 15. ^.d3 Wa7 16. ДЬ5 ed4 17. cd4 &d4 18. ^d7 <Wd7 19. <Wd4 Ad4 20. Scl ДеЗ 21. Se3 a4= D. Navara 2712 — F. Caruana 2736, Wijk аап Zee 20121 &а5 N [13... ed4[ 14. Дс2 c5 15. d5 c4 16. Ь4 cb3 17. аЬЗ ДеЗ 18. Se3 Wb7 19. b4 ah5! [19... Wc7 20. Ad3 £>h5 (20... а5?! 21. Ьа5 £ja5 22. ДЬ5 Seb8 23. c4 Wc5 24. Sea3 ДЬ5 25. Sa5 Де8 26. Sc5 Sbl 27. Sbl dc5 28. ae5+-) 21. ДП £)f4 22. c4 (22. ab3 a5 23. ba5 £ja5 24. <Wa5 Sa5 25. Sa5 Wa5=) bc4 23. ®c4 ДЬ5 24. £)fd2 Seb8 25. g3 £jg6 26. Sea3 £k!8 27. 2}e3 ДА 28. £)dfl±[ 20. Ad3 £>f4 21. ДП S18! 22. c4 bc4 23. Дс4 a5 24. ba5 [24. Sea3?! a4 A f5[ a>a5 25. Wb4 W>c4 [25... £sc6 26. Sa8 ab4 27. Sd8 Sd8 28. Sb3 £}c2 (28... Sb8? 29. a»el) 29. Sb2 ®a3 30. ДА+1 26. Sa8 Wa8 27. ac4 Wai 28. Sei Wa2 29. £ifd2 Sc8 [29... £}d3?? 30. Wbl Wbl 31.Sbl+-] 30. Se3 Wc2 31. фЬ2 31... a>d3? [31... ДЬЗ? a) 32. g3?? Sc4!-+; b) 32. <Wd6?? ^g2!!-+; c) 32. gh3? Sc4! 33. Wc4 Wd2 34. Wc8 (34. SB g5S) фЬ7 35. Wf5 &g8 36. SB g553; d) 32. Sh3 W 33. ФЬЗ (33. gh3?? Sc4=) Sc4 34. £}c4 We4 35. В (35. Wb8 ФЬ7 36. £}d6 ®d5 37. Wf8±) Wd5 36. <£Ш±; 31... Sc4? 32. ^c4 Wf2 33. Wd2+—; 31... Wdl 32. Wb3 (32. Wd6? Sc4! 33. a>c4 Wfl 34. Sg3 a>e2-+) Wai- 33. Wb7 (33. Wa3 Wdl=) Sc4 34. Wd7 Scl a) 35. We8 ФЬ7 36. Wf7 Shi 37. &g3 Sh3!! 38. gh3 (38. <£g4 Sh5-+) Wgl 39. ФВ (39. ФЬ4 Wg5#) Wg2#; b) 35. Sb3 Shi 36. <£g3 Sh3!! 37. gh3 Wgl 38. ФВ Wdl 39. <£g3 g6 (39... Wgl=; 39... g5=) 40. Sb8 фё7 41. Wd6 Wgl 42. ФВ=[ 32. Wb7 a>c5 33. Wb6+- ad3 34. &d6 Sf8 35. a6c4? [35. £12с4 £)f2 36. £se5+-[ ^f2 36. Wbl Wbl 37. ЙЫ ДЬ5 [37... f6!? 38. асЗ Дс8! (38... Sc8 39. W Sc7 40. ^d7 Sd7 41. <£gl+-) a) 39. <£gl Даб 40. W Sb8 41. a>ca4 ^e4 42. Se4 Sb5 43. Sc4!? (43. d6 Sd5 44. &с4 Дс4 45. Sc4 Sd6±) Sd5 44. Sc6 ДЬ5 45. Sc8 al) 45... ФП 46. асЗ Sd2 47. ab5 Sb2 48. Sc7 Феб (48... Фg6 49. ad6+-) 49. Sb7!+-; a2) 45... ФЬ7 46. асЗ Sd2 47. £}Ь5 Sb2 48. £}d6 Sd2 49. a>e8! Sd7! 50. Sc6 Фg6 51. £}d6±; b) 39. SB!! Даб 40. W Sc8 41. d6! W (41... a>e4 42. a>e4 ДЬ7 43. Sc3+-) 42. Sh3! Sd8 43. ad5 Sd6 44. ^Ae7! ФП 45. af5! Sd2 46. Sb3!+-[ 38. &ЬаЗ Даб? [38... Дс4 39. £)c4 f6[ 39. &е5 Se8 40. d6! 221
Ab7 41. 4}f7?? [41. 41ac4 41e4 42. d7 Hd8 43. 41a5 Ad5 44. Hd3 41f6 45. Hd5! 41d5 46. W+-; 41. 41d7 Ae4 (41... He4 42. 41c 5 НеЗ 43. d7+-; 41... 41e4 42. 41c5+-) 42. 41c5 f5 43. He2 41dl 44. d7 Hd8 45. Hd2 4ie3 46. 41e6 41fl 47. <£>gl 41d2 48. 41d8+—1 ФГ7= 42. НО Феб 43. 41b5 Hb8! 44. Hf2 Ae4 45. He2 Hb5 46. He4 фаб 47. Ф§3 фа5 1/2 : 1/2 Sa. Velickovic 119.* C 80 S. AZAROV 2667 - S. SULSKIS 2595 Jurmala (rapid) 2012 1. e4 e5 2. 410 41c6 3. A.b5 аб 4. A.a4 41f6 5. 0-0 41e4 6. 04 b5 7. Ab3 05 8. 0e5 A.e6 9. 41bd2 41c5 10. c3 g6 11. 4104 41e5 12. We2 Ag7 [12... 41ed3!? 13. 41e6 fe6 14. Ac2 41c 1 15_Hfcl N (15. Had) Wf6 16. b4! 41d7 17. а4об M. Agopov 2419 — S. Sulskis 2544, Khanty-Mansiysk (ol) 20101 13. f4 41ed3 N [13... 41c4?! - 26/2861 14. f5 gf5 15.4115 [15. Hf5 We7 16. Ad5 (16. 41e6 We6! 17. W3 сб A 18. Ac2 2el; 16. 41c6 Wd6 17. Ad5 0-0) Jtd4 17. cd4 Af5 18. We7 Фе7 19. Aa8 Ha8 20. dc5 41c5+l Hg8 16. Ac2 Wg5! 17. 41g7 [17. Ж03 2d3 18. Wd3 Ad4!—Ь; 17. b4 ЖсЗ 18. bc5 41cl 19. Had Wd2+; 17. h4! Wg6 18. b4t ФГ8!? 19. 41g7 (19. bc5 £f5 20. Hf5 He8 21. Wd3? Ad4!!—Ь) Wg7 20. bc5 ДЬЗ 21. Ad3 Ag2^[ Hg7 18.20 2cl 19. Had Wg4oo 20. g3 2e4 [20... 0-0-0 21. We3 2e4 22. Ae4 We4 23. Wa7[ 21. Wg2 [21. Же4 de4 22. 2d4 We2 23. 2e2 Ju2Tl Wh5 22. Hfel 0-0-0 23. Ae4 0e4 24. He4 Д051 25. Hf4 25... Wh6! 26. Hel Wf4 27. gf4 Hg2 28. Фg2 [H 9/i[ Aa2T 29. ФП! [29. Hal JU5 30. Наб ЖЬ7—1-1 H06 30. He8 фЬ7 31. Не7 Ж05 [^ 31... а5 32. 2d4 ФЬ6 А 33. Не5 с5| 32.2g5 Hh6 33. Фg3 Hg6 34. фИ4 Hh6 35. ФgЗ Hg6 36. Ф114 a5 37. f5 Hh6 38. Фg3 a4 39. h4 a3 40. ЬаЗ Наб 41. 2Г7 НаЗ 42. Ф14 НеЗ 43. 41d6 ФЬ6 [43... фсб?? 44. Нс7 Фс7 45. 41Ь5±[ 44. 41е4^ Hel 45. 41f6! НП 46. Фg5 [46. Фе5!? Hel 47. Ф04[ Ас4 47. 4107 Фа5 48. 41е5 Ad5 49. Нс7= Ае4 50. На7 ФЬ6 51.117 Ь4 52. 41с4 фс5 53. Нс7© [53. 41d2!=[ ф04 54. £>06 ЖОЗ 55. ПЬ7 [55. f6 h6! +1 Фс5!+ 56. НЬ8 Ф06 57.108 Фе5 58. НОЗ Hf5 59. фЬ6 Н17 60. Ь5 Hb7—h 61. НеЗ Ф04 62. Hg3 ЬЗ 63. Hg4 Фе5 64. Hg5 ФГ4 65. Hgl Ь2 66. Hfl ФеЗ 67. Hbl Ф04! 68. НЬ2 НЬ2 69. ФИ7 фе5 70. Фg6 НЬб 71. Фg7 ФК ..0:1 S. Sulskis 120. С 84 М. РАР 2512 - J. PINTER 2546 France 2012 1. е4 е5 2. 410 41сб 3. А.Ь5 аб 4. А.а4 4)f6 5. 04 е04 6. е5 41е4 7.0-0 Ае7 8. Hel [8. £}d4 — 110/1931 41с5 9. £сб Осб 10. 4104 0-0 11. 41сЗ Не8 12. АеЗ 41е6 13. 41f5 Wdl [13... 4}f8 14. 41е7 We7 15. 41е4 Af5 16. ±g5 Wd8 17. £jc5 Wdl 18. Hadi b6 19. 4)d3 c5[ 14. 41e7 He7 15. Hadi He8 16. f4 43f8 17. h3 N [17. Hd2[ h5 18. Ф12 Af5 19. H02 Had8 20. Hedl Hd2 21. Hd2 f6 22. ef6 gf6 23. 4)e2 ±g6?! 24. g4 [24. 4}g3 h4 25. 43e2 ^.e4 26. 41g 1 Ag2 27. ^.d4 Ad5 28. ±f6 41g6 29. ^g5 Hf8=; 24. h4 b6 25. 41g3 f5 26. Ad4 41d7 27. 41e2 (27. Ac3 He7 28. 41e2 Ф18 29. 41d4 41c5 30. 41c6 41e4 31. Фе1 41d2 32. 41e7 41f3 33. Ф12 фе7 34. Ф13 ±f7=) ФП 28. 41gl c5 29. ЖсЗ 4>f6 30. £f6 ФГ6 31. 41f3 32. a3 (32. ЬЗ c4) He4 33. g3 a5 34. 41e5 Же8 35. c3±[ hg4 25. hg4 f5 26. g5 ^h5 27. 4104 Ag4 28. 41b3? [28. 41f3 41g6 29. Hd7 He4 (29... Ж13 30. Ф13 He7 31. Hd8 Ф17 32. Hb8±) 30. 41d2 He7 (30... Hb4 31. b3+- A 31... 41f4 32. a3 41h3 33. ФgЗ) 31. He7 (31. Hd8 ФП 32. Hb8 b6 33. Ь4 Феб 34. Hg8 ФП 35. Ha8 Феб 36. Наб Hh7±?) 41e7 32. Ж04 £dl 33. 222
c4 £sg6 34. феЗ+1 Ь6 29. ^d4 с5 30. ТО ТО 31. Hd8?! [31. Hd7 Не4 32. Нс7 ТО 33. ТО ФГС 34. Af4 Hf4 35. &g3 Hf3 36. 4>g2 f4 37. TO Hg3 38. Ф>12 Adi 39. c4 Hg5 40. TO Hf5 41. феЗ+1 Hd8 32. TO l£A 9/cl Adi 33. TO [33. c3 TO 34. b4 cb4 35. cb4 Ac2=] Ac2 34. TO 34... TO! 35. b4 [35. TO TO 36. TO Aa4 37. ЬЗ Ae8 38. a4 ФГ7 39. фе2 Феб 40. Ф43 <£d6 41. Ad2 фс7 42. TO ФЬ7 43. Фс4 Af7 44. TO bc5 45. фс5 TO 46. Af4 Ab3=[ cb4 36. TO TO 37. Ad2 Abl 38. ^b4 TO 39. Ab4 Aa2 1/2 : 1/2 M. Pap 121.*** C 88 V. GASHIMOV 2761 - KAMSKY 2732 Wijk aan Zee 2012 1. e4 e5 2. TO TO 3. Ab5 аб 4. Aa4 TO 5. 0-0 Ae7 6. lei b5 7. Ab3 0-0 8. h3 Ab7 9. d3 d5 10. ed5 TO 11. TO TO!? [11... TO - 110/(194)1 12. He5 Wd6 13. Hel Паев 14. TO c5! 15. c3 N [15. TO N веб a) 16. c4 ab6 17. cb5 ab5 18. ®f3 c4 19. dc4 bc4 20. Ac2 f5 21. TO ®f3 22. gf3 Af3 23. Af4 Ab4 24. He8 He8 25. Af5 АсЗ 26. bc3 /М5^ Svidler 2749 - A. Muzychuk 2580, Gibraltar 2012; b) 16. a4 £}b6 17. ab5 аЬ5об Van Kampen 2566 — Hebden 2516, Am- sterdam 2012; 15. a4TON(15... Ad8; 15... c4) 16. ab5 ab5 17. c4 b4 18. TO Wc7 19. Ac2 TO 20. de4 Af6 21. Wh5 Неб 22. Hbl 22... ЬЗ! 23. Ad3 Hd8 24. ®f3 Wd7 25. Afl Hde8_26. Wb3 Ae4 27. Hdl Ad4 28. Hal Wc7cc Svetushkin 2597 — Fressinet 2715, France 20121 Ad8 16. ^e4 Wg6 17. Ad2 TO [17... c4 18. Ac2 (18. dc4 TO 19. £jg3 ®c6 20. f3 TOoo) TO - 17... TO1 18. Ac2 c4 19. ®f3 [19. TO Af6 20. Wg4 cd3 21. Wg6 fg6=[ Ф118 20. ®g3 cd3 21. ®g6 hg6 22. TO Hel 23. Hel dc2 [23... Af6 24. Abll 24. TO Hg8= 25. Hel He8 [25... Ac8 26. TO Ae6 27. Hc2 Aa2 28. c4 Ac4 29. ^c4 bc4 30. Hc4 Af6=[ 26. Hc2 Ac8 27. TO Af5 28. Hel He2 29. АеЗ Hb2 30. TO Ha2 31. TO Hb2 32. Ad4 Ae6 33. Hel Ac7 34. TO Af4 35. TO Ac4 36. TO He2 37. He2 Ae2 38. 13 f6 39. Ф12 Ac4 40. АеЗ Ad6 41. Ac5 1/2 : 1/2 Cabrilo 122. C 92 INARKIEV 2695 - M. BRODSKY 2558 Russia 2012 1. e4 e5 2. TO TO 3. Ab5 аб 4. Aa4 TO 5. 0-0 Ae7 6. Hel b5 7. Ab3 d6 8. c3 0-0 9. h3 TO 10. d4 Af6 11. аЗ TO 12. АеЗ [12. Aa2 - 71/3651 Hb8 N [12... TO1 13. TO12 a5 14. d5!? [14. a4 ed4 15. cd4 ba4 16. Aa4 TO 17. ®a4 Ad7oo; 14. ®e2!?[ TO?! [14... a4! 15. Aa2 (15. dc6?! ab3 16. Wb3 Ae6 17. ®b5 TO 18. ®a4 TO 19. НеЗ Hb2T) TOool 15. Ab6!? [15. c4!? a4 16. Aa2 TO 17. Ac4bc4 18. Wa4Hb2 19. ®c4±; 15. a4! TO 16. Aa4 ba4 17. ®a4± A 17... Hb2 18. TO±1 Hb6? [15... cb6!±[ 16. a4! сб [16... ba4 17. Ha4±; 16... b4 17. TO Наб 18. cb4 ab4 19. Wd2±[ 17. dc6 [17. ab5 Hb5 (17... cd5 18. Ha5 de4 19. TO d5 20. TO gf6 21. 223
Wd2±) 18. dc6 ®c7±] ba4 [17... ®c6? 18. ab5 Hb5 19. Да4 ДЬб 20. &c4+- Даб 21. ДЬ5; 17... Ь4 18. сЬ4ДЬ4 19. Дс1±Ш7 20. Ad5; 17... Wc7!? 18. Ad5 £jc6 19. ab5 Hb5 20. Wa4 ДЬб 21. £>c4 Даб 22. Wb5 £ja7 23. Wb3 ^c6 24. Ha4 Ad7 25. Heal±l 18. Д05! [18. Да4? Дебоо] ДЬ2 [18... £}сб 19. £>c4 Даб 20. £>d6!±; 18... Жаб 19. ®a4±l 19. Wa4± ДЬб 20. £jc4 Даб 21. Wb5 Wc7 22. Да5 Да5 23. ®a5 Wa5 24. £>a5+- Даб [24... Аеб 25. c4[ 25. 2>b7 [25. c4!?l ДЬ5 [25... ^d5 26. ed5 ДЬ7 (26... Де7 27. 2>d2) 27. cb7 Hb8 28. Hal! ,£d8 29. Да8 Дс7 30. £>d2 ФГ8 31. £jc4 Фе7 32. £>a5 Ф47 33. g41 26. c7 A,c8 [26... ®d5 27. ed5 Де7 28. ДЬЦ 27. c4 Д07 28. Hbl [Xb5, A c5; 28. с51 Де7 29. c5 He8 30. cd6 ^d6 31. £jg5 Де7 32. £>17 [32. ^d6 £>d6 33. £rf7 ДП 34. Sdl![ Дс7 [32... Hf7 33. £jd8[ 33. Дс1! £)b6 34. Дс7 £jd5 35. ed5 Hf7 36. Ad8 1 : 0 Inarkiev 123. !N C 92 E. BERG 2550 - A. ORNSTEIN 2413 Sverige 2012 1. e4 e5 2. £>13 ftc6 3. ДЬ5 аб 4. Да4 £)f6 5. 0-0 Де7 6. Hel b5 7. ДЬЗ 0-0 8. h3 ДЬ7 9. d3 d6 10. c3 Aa5 11. Дс2 c5 12. £jbd2 He8 13. h6 14. Ag3 Д18 15. d4 cd4 16. cd4 ed4 17. £)d4 £}c6 [17... d5 18. e5 £>e4 19. £jgf5! £>c4 (19... Де5 20. f3 Дс5 21. fe4 de4 22. ФЫ Wd5 23. Wg4 g6 24. £>h6 ФИ7 25. ДГ4+—; 19... g6 20. £)h6 ДЬб 21. ДЬб Wh4 22. ДеЗ Aic4 23. £>f3 A,e3 24. £>h4 2k11 25. Hadi He5 26. £>g6 fg6 27. В Дае8 28. fe4 Д8е7 29. &f2 de4 30. ФеЗ+) 20. fi «Ас 5 21. b4!? ^d7 (21... Ae6?‘? 22. 2Ж6 gh6 23. Wd3 Ag7 24. ®h7 <£f8 25. £)f5+-) 22. <Ah6 gh6 23. ШЗ f5 24. Wf5 Де7 25. «g6 фЬ8 26. ДЬб Wb6 27. Wb6 Adb6 28. Д18 Hf8 29. ебоо; 17... Hc8 - 45/4061 18. Асб Деб 19. ДГ4 Wb6 20. ДеЗ! N [20. Wf3] Wb7 21. Д04 ®d7 [21... Ae4 22. ®d3 d5 (22... f5 23. £>f5±) 23. f3 Had8 24. fe4 de4 25. We3±[ 22. b4! d5 [22... a5 23. f4 ab4 24. Wg4tl 23. e5 ДЬ4 24. ®g4 £jf8 25. еб! fe6 26. ^Ь5 Де7 27. ^g7 Дg7 28. ®g7 Де1?? [28... Wg7 29. Wb4+-[ 29. &f5 ФЬ8 [29... ФП 30. Aid6+-1 30. Wd4 [30... ^>g8 31.^h6#[ 1:0 E. Berg 124.* C92 BOLOGAN 2687 - MARIN BOSIOCIC 2562 Plovdiv 2012 1. e4 e5 2. ^13 £sc6 3. ДЬ5 аб 4. Да4 £if6 5. 0-0 Де7 6. Hel Ь5 7. ДЬЗ d6 8. сЗ 0-0 9. h3 ДЬ7 10. d4 Де8 11. <£bd2 Д18 12. а4 h6 13. Дс2 ed4 14. £id4 d5 [14... b4 15. Ш Деб 16. cb4 ®b8 (16... d5? - 71/(369)) 17. ДаЗ Wb4 18. ДсЗ Wb7 19. ДЬЗ Wa7 20. Hbe3 Wb7 21. b3±; 14... g6 15. ab5 £)d4 16. cd4 ab5 17. Да8 ®a8 18. f3 c5 19. d5±?l 15. ^ic6 Деб 16. e5 £se4 [16... 21d7 17. £>c5 18. £>d4 Дd7 19. ab5 ab5 20. Да8 Wa8 21. Ь4 ^e6 22. £)f5±l 17. ^b3 N [17. Ш de4 18. Wd4 (18. ®g4 He5 19. ДЬб Де8 20. ДеЗ Wc8 21. Wc8 Hac8=) Wd4 19. cd4 Had8 20. Де4 Де4 21. Де4 c5 22. ДеЗ f5 23. Hf4 g5 24. Hf5 cd4 25. Дd2 Дс8=; 17. 224
ab5 N ab5 18. Да8 Wa8 19. £je4 de4 20. Wd4 u.<18 21. We3 (Dgebuodze 2548 - К. Solomon 2449, Cappelle la Grande 2012) b4te; 17. £rf3] ba4! 18. £)d4 Ad7 [18... Ab5 19. Af4 Ac5 20. Wf3 Ad4 21. cd4 Ac6 22. We2+[ 19. Aa4 Aa4 20. Да4 Wh4?! [20... c5 21. <йс6 Wd7 22. Дае4 Wc6 23. Sg4 g6=[ 21. АеЗ <5X5 [21... We7 22. af3 сб 23. Wc2 Wb7 24. c4+l 22. Да5 We4 23. Ah6 Wg6 24. Ag7!? [24. Acl Sad8 25. £)f3 £>d3 26. Se3 &f4 27. 2Ж4 Wg5 28. g3±[ &g7 [24... Wg7 25. 4x6 Деб 26. Wd5 Дае8 27. ДеЗ (27. Дс5 Ac5 28. Wc5 Wh6 29. &b4 Де5) Sg6 28. g3 ab3 29. Да4 Ac5 30. £jd4 ДЬ8 31. ®d7 Wf8 32. Wc7 Дс8 33. Wb7 ДЬ8 34. Wd5oo[ 25. ДеЗ 4X4 [25... ФИ8 26. Hg3 We4 (26... Wh7 27. Ig54—) 27. Sg4 We5 28. 4}f3 Wf5 29. Wd4 f6 30. Дс5 Ac5 31. Wc5±l 26. Д05 сб 27. Да5 [27. ac6! Wc6 28. Де4 Деб 29. Wd4±] c5 28. 4Ш Ae7? [28... f5!D 29. ef6 4tf6 30. Де8 We8 31. galool 29. Да4!± f5 30. ef6 Af6 31. We2 4ig5 32. fig4 фЬ7 [32... ДеЗ 33. We3 Де8 34. Wcl+-[ 33. 41g5 Ag5 34.14+- ДеЗ 35. We3 Wbl 36. ®h2 Af6 37. Wc5 Ah6 38.15 &h7 39. Дg6 Ad8 40. Wc4 1 : 0 Bologan 125 C 95 Z. ALMASI 2726 - SASIKIRAN 2681 Ningbo 2011 1. e4 e5 2. £)13 4X6 3. Ab5 аб 4. Aa4 4rf6 5. 0-0 Ae7 6. Де1 Ь5 7. АЬЗ d6 8. сЗ 0-0 9. h3 4}Ь8 10. d4 4jbd7 11. Abd2 Ab7 12. Ac2 Де8 13. afl Af8 14. 4/g3 g6 15. ЬЗ сб 16. Ag5 Ag7 17. Wd2 We7 18. a4 Wf8 19. АеЗ!? [19. Ad3 - 98/2611 Дас8!? N [19... ed4 20. cd4 c5 21. d5 b4oo; 19... Дad8; 19... Дed81 20. Ad3! [Xb5[ d5? [20... Дс7!? 21. Да2!? Дес8 22. Дс1 We8+1 21. de5 4X5 [21... de4 22. Ae4! (22. ef6 4tf6 23. Ae2 ef3 24. Af3±) 4X5 23. 4x5 Де5 24. Ad4 a) 24... Wd8 25. Wb2 Де7 26. c4 Дd7 27. Ae5 bc4 (27... b4 28. Дас1 4X8 29. Ag7 41g7 30. Af3 f5 31. c5±) 28. bc4 Aa8 (28... a5? 29. Af5 gf5 30. 4rf5 c5 31. ДаЗ!-) 29. c5±; b) 24... fid8 25. Wf4 £)d5 26. Ad5 Дed5 27. 4X4 Ad4 28. cd4 f5 29. £ig5 ld4 30. Wcl! Ac8 31. Wc6 Д4d6 32. Wc7 fi6d7 33. Wa5 Дd5 34. ab5 ab5 35. Wc7 15d7 36. Wb6+ X&g8, e51 22. ae5 Де5 23. f4!? [23. Ad4! a) 23... Деб 24. ed5 al) 24... Де1 25. Де1 ad5 26. Ag7 <^>g7 (26... Wg7 27. ae4 ld8 28. Afl! Wf8 29. c4 f5 30. ag5 ac7 31. Wa5±) 27. c4 bc4 28. bc4 ab4 29. Wc3 *g8 30. ДеЗ! Дd8 (30... ad3 31. af5 h5 32. ae7 Ф67 33. <йс8 ^12 34. Ф12 Ac8 35. Wf6±) 31. af5 f6 32. ae7 ФП 33. Wb4 ld7 34. ac6 Ac6 35. c5±; a2) 24... ad5 25. Деб fe6 26. Ag7 Wg7 27. ae4 lf8 (27... b4 28. Дс1 ЬсЗ 29. ac3 Wd4 30. ae4 Д18 31. Дс4 We5 32. ac5±) 28. Де1±; b) 23... Дее8 24. Ь4! Деб (24... de4 25. Ac5 Ah6 26. Wa2 Wg7 27. Ae4!±) 25. e5 ad7 26. ab5 cb5 27. f4 Wd8 (27... Ah6 28. Wf2±) 28. afl± А аеЗ; c) 23... £)d7 24. Ae5 Ae5 25. ed5 cd5 26. £se2 ba4 27. ba4 ac5 28. ДаЫ Wd6 29. &d4 Ah2 30. ФЫ Af4 31. We2±[ Дее8 24. e5 £>d7 25. 225
ab5!? [25. Ь4 f6 26. еб Неб 27. f5 НеЗ 28. We3 ^е5 29. <йе2 Ah6 30. Wg3 Wg7 31. Hfl±l cb5 26. b4 f6!? 27. ef6? [27. еб! Неб 28. f5 a) 28... Hd6 29. fg6 hg6 30. Ag6 f5 31. Af5 АсЗ 32. № He8 (32... Aal 33. Hal+-) 33. Ad4! Ael 34. Hel Hel 35. Wei ФП 36. Ad7 Hd7 37. ^f5 Hc7 38. We5 Hc6 39. ФЬ2!?+-; b) 28... НеЗ 29. We3 £se5 (29... Hc3 30. <йе2 Hc7 31. £>f4+-) 30. Ac2! (Д АЬЗ) фЬ8 (30... Wf7 31. АЬЗ £)c4 32. Ac4 Hc4 33. ^e2!±) 31. АЬЗ Ah6 32. Wd4 Wg8 33. ФЫ±] £>f6 28. Ad4 £>e4 29. Ae4 de4 30. £se2 Hcd8 31. We3 Ah6!? [31... Wf7 a) 32. Ag7?! Hd3! (32... Фg7 33. £>d4±) 33. Wc5 Wg7 34. £jd4 e3T; b) 32. Hadi Ah6!? 33. Hfl - 31... Ah6[ 32. Hfl Wf7 33. Hadi Hd5?!© [33... Ad5! 34. Hal 8b7 35. £>g3 Ac4 36. Hf2 Hd6Tl 34. ^g3 Hd7 35. Hdel Wd5 36. £je2 Hf7 37. Hdl Wc6!? [37... Hd8 38. Wg3 Af8 39. Hd2 Wf5oo[ 38. Ac5! Hd7?! [38... Wc7 39. фЬ2 (39. h4 Hf5oo) Hd8 40. g3 Wc8oo[ 39. Ad4?! [39. £>d4 Wf6 40. Hf2 Ad5 41. g4 Ag7 42. ФЬ2 (42. Hal!?) a) 42... Hf7 43. £>b5 ab5 44. Hd5 Wc3 45. Wc3 АсЗ 46. Hc2 Af6 47. &g3+; b) 42... Hc8 43. f5 We5 (43... Hf7 44. Hg2!?+) 44. *gl±; c) 42... Ab7 43. &g3T Д h4, g5[ Hf8 40. Hf2 Wc7 41. Wg3 Hf5?! [41... a5 42. ba5 Wa5 43. f5 Wc7 44. fg6 Wg3 45. Hf8 Ф18 46. £jg3 hg6 47. НЫ Ac6=[ 42. Hffl Wc4 43. Wg4 Hdf7 [43... Hd6 44. Ae5 Hd5 45. Hfel e3 46. Ad4 Hf7 47. АеЗ Hdl 48. Hdl Af8 49. Hd8 Wc7 50. Wg5±| 44. Ac5?! [44. Ae5! Hf8 45. Wh4 Ag5 (45... Ag7 46. Ag7 <4>g7 47. £)d4 H5f6 48. f5 Ac8 49. We4 gf5 50. We5±) 46. fg5 We2 47. Hfel Wa2 48. Hd7 H5f7 49. Hf7 Hf7 50. Af6- X&g81 А18?! [44... Hd5 45. Hd5 Wd5 46. Ad4 Af8 47. Hdloo] 45. Hd8 Hc5 [45... &g7 46. Af8 Hf8 47. Hd4 Wc6 48. Hfdl &g8 (48... H5f6 49. Hd7 H8f7 50. Hf7 Hf7 51. Hd8±) 49. Hd6 We8 50. Wg3 H5f6 (50... e3 51. Hld3±) 51. h4±[ 46. bc5 &g7?© [46... Wc5 47. £}d4 a) 47... Wc3 48. f5 Ac8 49. We4 Af5 (49... Wc7 50. Wh4 Wc5 51. fg6 hg6 52. Hf6±) 50. We5 h6 51. Hf3 Wcl 52. ФЬ2 Wg5 53. Ha8 ФЬ7 54. &f5 gf5 55. Ha6±; b) 47... Wb6 48. Wh4 e3 (48... *g7 49. He8- Д f5) 49. Hel g5 50. Hf8 Hf8 51. Wg5 Wg6 52. НеЗ Wg5 53. fg5 Ad5 54. h4 Ac4 55. £>c6+[ 47. f5?! [47. ^d4 Wc5 48. f5+-1 Ae7 48. Hd7 Wc5 49. 4jd4 Ac8 50. f6 Af6 51. Hf7!? [51. Hf6 Hd7 52. Hc6 Hd4 53. Hc5 Ag4 54. cd4 Ae2 55. Hc7! (P. Harikrishna) Ф18 (55... *f6 56. Ф12 Ac4 57. Неб Фе7 58. Ha6+-; 55... фЬ6 56. d5+-) 56. ф£2 Ad3 57. ФеЗ Ь4 58. <£d2 Ь5 59. Ь4! Xg6, е4[ фП 52. Wh4 Af5 53. Wh7 Фе8 54. фЫ? [54. Wg8 Фе7 55. Hdl! Ь4 56. ФЫ Ad4 57. cd4 Wd6 58. Wg7 Фd8 59. Hel еЗ 60. Hel Ad7 61. НеЗ Фс7 62. Hf3 We6 63. Wf8 Wd6 64. Wa8 Wd4 65. Wa6 Af5 66. Wa5 Феб 67. Wa4 Фс5 68. Hfl±] Wc4 55. Hdl [55. Hgl Ad4 56. cd4 Wd4 57. Wb7 b4 58. Wa6 (58. Hbl a5 59. Wb5 Ф18 60. Wa5 e3 61. Hb4 Wdl 62. ФЬ2 Wd6=) e3 59. Hel ФП 60. Wc6 Ae4 61. Wc7 Фg8 62. Wg3 ЬЗ 63. НеЗ Ь2 64. Wb8 ФЬ7 65. He4 We4 66. Wb2 Wf4=l Ad4 56. cd4 [W 9/c[ e3 57. Wh8 Ф17 58. Wh7 Фе8 59. Wh6 e2 60. Hel?? [60. Wh8=[ Wd4 61. Hel Ad3 62. Wd2 Wf2!? 63. Ф112 Ac4 64. Hal Wf6 [64... g5!-+[ 65. We3 Ф08 66. Hel Wd6 67. фв1 a5 68. Wa7 a4 69. Wa8 Ф07 70. Wb7 Wc7 71. We4 Wb6 72. ФЬ2 аЗ 73. Wg4 We6 74. Wf3 Wd6 75. ФЫ a2 76. Wb7 Wc7 77. We4 Wc6 78. Wd4 Wd6 79. Wc3 Феб 80. Wc2 ФГ6 81. Wc3 We5 82. Wa3 Фg7 83. Wa7 фЬ6 84. Wa3 b4 85. Wcl Фg7 0 : 1 Sasikiran 226
126 D D 10 IE QUANG LIEM 2714 - FELGAER 2571 Gibraltar 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. АсЗ dc4 4. e4 b5 5. a4 b4 6. ЙЫ Жаб 7. Wc2 e5 [7... ®d4 - 113/1341 8. £jf3 ЬЗ 9. Wc3 ®b6l? N [9... 10. a5! Wb7 11. Ж02 [11. £>bd2 ЖЬ4 12. We3 £jd7oo] ed4 12. Wd4 c5 13. Wd5 £ic6 [13... Wd5 14. ed5 2rf6 15. £sc3 Ж46 16. Ha4 0-0 17. Жс4 Жс4 18. Hc4+; 13... Ш 14. ®Ь7 ЖЬ7 15. Жс4 Же4 16. 0-0±1 14. Жс4 2tf6 15. Wd3 [15. Жаб?! Wa6 16. Wb3 Ж06=1 <£jb4 16. ЖЬ4 Wb4 17. £)bd2 Жс4 18. Wc4 «с4 19. Aic4 ^e4 20. 0-0 Же7 21. Hfel f5 22. Ha3 0-0 [22... 0-0-0!?] 23.Hb3+ Hab8?! [23... ЖГ6 24. Hdl Hfd8 25. Hbd3+[ 24. Hb8 Hb8 25.Afe5 Hb4 26. Hdl ЖГ6?! [26... <£jf6[ 27.13 £>g5 28. Hd7 £)f7 29. £)f7 [29. Hf7 Hc4 30. Hg7 Жg7 31. £ic4±] Hc4 30. Ha7 Ж04? [30... ЖЬ2[ 31. фП Hel 32. Фе2 c4 33. Hb7 Hc2 34. Adi Hg2 35. £jd6 g6 36. £>c4+- Hh2 37. аб Hhl 38. Фе2! Hal 39. Hd7! JLgl 40. Hdl Hdl 41. &dl ФГ7 42. Фе2 14 43. ФП Жd4 44. Ь4 феб 45. Ь5 Фd5 46. Ь6 Феб 47. а7 фЬ7 48. £>а5 Фа8 49. Ь7 Фа7 50. Асб ФЬ7 51. Ad4 g5 52. аеб h6 53. Ad8 фс7 54. £)f7 1:0 Т. Paunovic 127. D 10 WOJTASZEK 2706 - MAT. BARTEL 2658 Polska (ch) 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. АсЗ dc4 4. e4 b5 5. a4 b4 6. Aia2 ^f6 7. e5 £>d5 8. Жс4 Ж15 [8... еб - 111/174] 9. £>e2!? [9. £)f3 еб 10. Жg5 Же7 11. Же7 We7=l еб 10. £jg3 Жg6 11. h4 h6 12. h5 ЖЬ7 13. 0-0?! N [13. Wg4! <&d7 (13... a5 14. 0-0 £>d7 15. b3+ Xg7) 14. 0-0 £i7b6 (14... Wb6) 15. ЖЬЗ (15. ЬЗ?! £)c4 16. Ьс4 £>b6) a5 16. Жd2+ Xg7[ Wh4! [Xd4] 14. a5! Же7 15. Жd5 ed5 [15... cd5!? 16. ®a4 £>d7 17. ЖеЗ Hb8! (A ЖdЗ-b5) 18. £jc 1 (18. Hfdl ЬЗ!) Ь3!оо[ 16. ЖеЗ 0-0 17. Wa4?! [17. Wf3! c5! a) 18. ®d5 cd4! 19. ЖЬб (19. Жd4 £)c6=) £}a6 20. Жd2 Wg4oo; b) 18. dc5 21c6 19. £)f5 ЖГ5 20. ®f5 Wc4!oo[ f5 [17... c5!? 18. Hfdl (18. dc5?! d4 19. Жd2 <2}a6! 20. ^b4 £}c5 21. ®dloo)c4! 19.£)Ь4ЖЬ4 20. Wb4£jc6 21. Wc5 ^je7 Xh5, t»[ 18. ef6 [18. ^je2!? f4 (18... ®Ь5?! 19. Hfel± ХЖЬ7) 19. £>f4 Hf4 20. Жf4 ®f4 21. £)b4 Wd4 22. £sc6 £>c6 23. Wc6 Hf8oo[ Hf6 19. £)Ь4 Ж06! 20. ^d5? [20. ^c6! £jc6 21. Wc6 Haf8 22. Wd5 ФИ8 23. Hfel ЖgЗ 24. fg3 Wg3 25. ^fe5 Wg4^, cP I 227
20... Hf5!T [20... cd5? 21. We8 £f8 22. Hfel!4—1 21. £>e7 [21. Hfel £g3! 22. fg3 ®e4! 23. ^f4 We3 24. фЬ2 Hg5 25. Hc3 We7+[ We7 22. 4}f5 £15 23. d5! cd5 24. Hfel [24. Wb5!? We5 25. g3 d4 26. Wc4 Аеб 27. ®d4 ®d4 28. Ad4 ^c6[ ®e5 [24... Wf7!?l 25. g3 £d7! 26. Wb3 ®h5 27. Hadi [27. Wb7!? Ac6 28. Wc8 ФИ7 29. Ad4! Ad7 30. Wb7 Wg4! 31. Ae5! Ae5 32. He5 Ac6 33. Wb3 Wc4 34. Wc4 dc4 35. Hc5 аб+l £c6 28. £d4?! [28. Hel! (X£c6) ®f3 (28... Wf7 29. аб) 29. НеЗ ®e4oo[ ®f7? [28... £ja6! 29. Hel Hb8+1 29. ®c3?© [29. Hel !oo X£c6[ £b7! 30. £c5 £c5 31. Wc5 Ш7 [31... £sa6! 32. We7 (32. Wd4 Aic7) Hf8 33. Wf7 Hf7+[ 32. We7 [32. 8c7 Hf8!; 32. ®b4 Hf8 33. Hd2 £c8![ Ac6? [32... Hc8! 33. Hel Hc6!+[ 33. Hel? [33. Wd6! Hf8 34. f4! £a8 (34... £>b8 35. Hel Wb7 36. He7 Wb2 37. Hc6 £sc6 38. Wc6=) 35. He7 Wh5 36. Hel d4 37. Wd7 ®hl 38. Ф12 ®g2 39. фе1 Wg3 40. *dl Hf4 41. Hc8 ФИ7 42. Hg7 ®g7 43. ®g7 <£>g7 44. Ha8=] £b5!-+ 34. аб? £a6 35. Hc7 Ab5 36. Wf7 ФП 37. He5 Hc8 38. На7 Hel 39. фЬ2 Аеб 40. Нс7 d4 41. Не4 d3 0:1 Mat. Bartel 128 A. GIRI 2714 - MOROZEVICH 2762 Reggio Emilia 2011/12 1. £tf3 d5 2. d4 ^f6 3. c4 сб 4. e3 Ag4 5. h3 Ah5 6. АеЗ еб 7. g4 £g6 8. Ae5 £)bd7 9. h4 dc4 10. £sg6 hg6 11. g5 Ad5 [11... £>h7 - 103/(255)1 12. Ac4 Ab4 13. Ad2 8e7 14. аЗ £)c3!? N [14... Aa5[ 15. ЬсЗ Aa5 16. f4 0-0-0 17. Wb3?I [17. Wa4 £>b6 18. Wa5 <2X4 19. Wa7 Wd6 (19... Wc7 20. Фе2 Ф47 21. a4) 20. Hbl b5 21. фе2 (21. a4 Wd5 22. Hh2oo) Wc7 22. Wc7 (22. Wc5 e5 23. fe5 Hd5 24. Wb4 Wd7-) фс7 23. a4 ba4 24. Hb4; 17. £e2! £>b6 (17... c5 18. Wa4 Ab6 19. £f3±; 17... f6 18. ®a4 Ab6 19. Wb4c5 20. Wbl±) 18. c4 (18. Hbl фЬ8оо) £d2 19. ®d2 фЬ8 (19... c5 20. Wa5 ФЬ8 21. dc5 £)d7 22. сб Wc5 23. Wc5 £>c5 24. cb7+) 20. a4 (20. c5 Aid5 21. Hbl фа8 22. ф£2 f6oo) f6 21. a5 £>c8s?l £)b6 18. Ad3 [18. Ae2 ФЬ8 19. £f3 f6 20. 0-0-0 е5Т1 ФЬ8 19. Фе2?! [19. a4 ®c7 (19... f6 20. gf6 gf6 21. Ag6 e5 22. h5 ed4 23. cd4 £d2 24. Ф62; 19... c5 20. Wb5 cd4 21. We5 Wc7 22. cd4) 20. Hbloo] ®d7 20. £e4 f6 21. gf6 [21. £g6 e5+[ gf6 22. Hagl! e5 23. fe5 fe5 24. Hg5! 24... ed4 [24... Hhe8 25. £g6 ed4? 26. £e8+-; 24... Hh5 25. Hg6 ed4 26. cd4 Ad2 27. <£d2oo[ 25. Ha5? [25. cd4 Ad2 26. <£>d2 We7 27. Hg4 Hh5+; 25. ed4! a) 25... c5 26. Hc5; b) 25... Hhe8 26. <£d3 bl) 26... He4 27. Фе4 £)d5 28. &d3 Hf8 29. Фс2 Hf2oo; b2) 26... ^jd5 27. £g6 He7 (27... Hf8 28. £e4 Hf2 29. АеЗ £>e3 30. ФеЗ Hdf8 31. Hg8oo) 28. h5 Hf8 29. h6 Ac3 30. h7 Ad4 31. Фс2оо; ЬЗ) 26... c5 27. Hc5 b31) 27... He4 28. Фе4 ®g4 29. Af4 фа8 30. Hel! Wh4 (30... Hf8 31. Ha5 ®f4 32. фd34—) 31. He2 g5 32. Ha5±; b32) 'll... Ac3 28. ®сЗ Ш 29. ®b4 Wd4 30. Wd4 £}c5 31. Фс4 He4 32. £f4 Фс8 33. We4 £>e4 34. Hcl=; c) 25... Hh5 cl) 26. Af4 фа8 27. Hh5 (27. Hg6 <2)d5 28. Ad5 Hd5+) gh5 28. Ae5 £)d5 29. £d5 cd5+; c2) 26. Hh5 gh5 27. Фd3 c5; c3) 26. Hg6 He8 (26... ^d5 27. A.d5 Hd5) 27. £f4 Фс8 28. Ae5 Hee5 29. de5 He5 30. Wg8 228
Фс7 31. Hg7Не4 32. Ф12Не7 33.Не7 We7 34. Wg3 Wd6 35. h5 Wg3 36. *g3 Ac3T; d) 25... £)d5 26. Ad5 cd5 27. <£>dl+] Hhe8 26. Ag2 [26. cd4 He4 27. <£>dl Hd4! 28. ed4 Wd4 29. Wb4 Wai 30. фс2 Whl 31. Af4 Фс8—+1 de3—+ 27. Acl Wd3 [27... Wg4! 28. Afi Wg3 29. АеЗ Wf4 30. c4 &c4 31. Wb7 ФЬ7 32. Ha7 ФЬ8 33. Hbl ab6] 28. Фе1 e2 [28... £>c4] 29. Af4 фа8 30. Ф12 Hf8 31. Wb4 ac4 32. Ha7 фа7 33. Wa4 ФЬ6 34. Wb4 фаб 35. Wa4 £sa5 36. AG b5 0 : 1 Mbrozevich 129 MAT. BARTEL 2658 - F. CARUANA 2736 Moscow 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>f3 £rf6 4. e3 Ag4 5. £)сЗ еб 6. h3 Ah5 7. Wb3 Wc7 8. ah4 £)bd7 9. Ad2 N [9. g4] ab6 [9... Ae7 10. g4 ae4!? 11. ae4 de4 12. £>g2 Ag6 13. £if4 e5 14. ag6 hg6 15. 0-0-0 0-0-0oo[ 10. cd5ed5?! [Xf5; 10...abd5 11. g4 Ag6 12. Ag2±; 10... afd5!? A 11. g4 Ae7] 11. Hel Ag6 12. ag6 hg6 13. Ad3 Ae7 14. 0-0 фй?! [14... 0-0 15. a4 a5 16. e4 de4 17. &e4±[ 15. a4 a5 [15... g5!?[ 16. e4 de4 17. ae4± Hh5 18. Hfel £>e4? [18... £jfd5 19. Ae2±; 18... Hd8 19. ag3±] 19. Ae4 Ad6 20. WG! £sa4?! [20... <£g8 21. Асб Ьсб 22. Hc6 Hf5 23. We4 Ah2 24. фЫ Wb7 25. ФЬ2 Hf2 26. Hb6 We4 27. He4 Hd2 28. Hb7+-] 21. Ag6 Hh8?! [21... Hd5] 22. Ag5! 1:0 T. Paunovic 130. D 12 VITIUGOV 2726 - RAGGER 2655 Deutschland 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. aG af6 4. e3 Ag4 5. h3 AG 6. WG еб 7. аеЗ abd7 8. Ad3 Ab4 9. аЗ АсЗ?! [9... Aa51 10. ЬсЗ Wa5 N [10... ab6; 10... 0-0!? 11.0-0 Wa5 (11... ab6 - 43/455) 12. Ad2 e5 13. cd5 cd5 14. We2+[ 11. Ad2 ab6? 12. c5 [12. cd5?! cd5 13. We2 ae4 14. Ae4 de4 15. c4 Wa6 16. c5 We2 17. Фе2 ad5oo] ac4 13. Ac4 dc4 14.0-0 0-0 15. Hfbl! [15. e4 b6!] Hab8 [15... Hfb8 16. e4 b5 17. Ag5 ad7 18. Ae7tl 16. e4 ad7 [16... b6 17. Af4 Hb7 18. Ae5 ad7 19. Ad6 Hc8 20. Hb4±l 17. Wg3 ФИ8П [17... f6? 18. Wd6+-118.Hb4 e5 [18... b5!? 19. Af4Hb7 20. a4±l 19. Hc4 ed4 20. Af4! Hbe8 21. Ad6 Hg8 22. cd4 Se4 23. TO [23. Hb4!? b6 24. ДО &f6 25. Ae5 £)d5 26. ®e4 ®b4 27. ДО f6 28. Af6!±1 Hel 24. Hel Wei 25. Ф62 ^f6 26. Hc3 [26. Hb4 ^e4 27. Wf7 ^jf2 (27... £>d2 28. h4 £>fl 29. ФЬЗ 2x12 30. Hb7 Whl 31. Ah2 2}fl 32. Wf4+-) 28. ДО ae4 29. Af4 ad2 30. Ad2 Wd2 31. We4 b6 32. cb6 ab6 33. Hb6 Wa5 34. Hc6 Wa3 35. d54— 1 ad5 27. Hb3 f6 [27... b5 28. Wf7 ac3 29. h4!+-] 28. Hb7 £}c3 29. He7 Wd2 30. We3 [30. Wc6!? ДО 31. Ag3 Wd4 32. We6 h6 33. c6+-1 Wc2 31. We6 h6 32. Ag3 abl [32... Wa4 33. Hc7 Wdl 34. Hc8 Hc8 35. Wc8 ФБ7 36. Wc6 ae2 37. We4 ФБ8 38. h4 f5 39. Wf5 Wgl 40. ФИЗ Whl 41. Фg4+-1 33. Wc6+— ad2 34. Hel Wd3 35. Wd6 ae4 36. Wf4 ag3 37. fg3 Hd8 38. сб Hd4 39. Wd4!? [39. c7; 39. Wb8[ Wd4 40. He8 1 :0 Vitiugov 229
131.* D 12 S. MOVSESIAN 2702 - MOTYLEV 2683 Russia 2012 1. c4 2tf6 2. £>f3 сб 3. d4 d5 4. e3 AB 5. АсЗ еб 6. £>h4 Ag6 7. £>g6 hg6 8. Ad3 Abd7 9. 0-0 Ad6 10. h3 We7 [10... dc4 - 113/138; 10... 0-01 11. c5 N [11. gel] Ac7 12. f4 £>h5 [12... Aig8 13. Ь4 аб 14. е4?! de4 15. Ae4 Adf6 16. Ag5 Wd7 17. Ac4 <Ae7T Sargissian 2683 — S. Brunello 2581, Gi- braltar 2012; 14. Ad2!?[ 13. £ie2!? f5 14. Ad2 5jhf6 15. Ь4 аб 16. a4 g5?! [16... Ae4 17. Ae4 de4 18. b5 0-0 19. Wb3+| 17. fg5 Ah7 [17... £>e4 18. Ae4 de4 19. £>f4 Ф17 20. Wb3±l 18. h4 [18. g6?! £jg5 19. Ш Wf6oo[ £>g5 19. hg5 Wg5 [^ 19... Ah2 20. Ф12 Wg5 21. Shi 2rf6 22. ФА±[ 20. £rf4 2tf6 21.113 £)g4 22. Ih3 &d7 [22... Sh3 23. ЖЗ Wh4 24. Ael Ah2 25. ФЫ Ag3 26. Wd2+-[ 23. WO g6 24. Ifl Sh6 25. £je6!+- Феб 26. e4 Wd2 [26... f4 27. ed5 cd5 28. Sg3! Sh4 29. Ae2| 27. ef5 Фе7 28. fg6 Se8 29. Wg4 фd8 30.117 lei 31. Afl Se7 32.118 1:0 .S'. Movsesian 132.* SANIKIDZE 2549 - T. L. PETROSIAN 2643 Cappelle la Grande 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. Af3 2tf6 4. cd5 cd5 5. АсЗ <Ac6 6. Af4 аб 7. <Ae5 Wb6 8. £>сб Ьсб 9.13!? N [9. a3 - 58/3991 £)h5! [9... еб?! 10. £>a4 Wa5 11. ФС W 12. Ad2 Wc7 13. Wc2 Ad6 14. lol Ab7 (14... 0-0? 15. Wc6± We7? 16. Wa8+- Ba. Jobava 2712 — Pridorozhni 2551, Aix-les-Bains 2011) 15. e3± Xc51 10. Ae3 [10. Ael!? Ш 11. £ja4 Wc7 12. Wc2 Ad7 13. g3 e5 14. de5 We5 15. <Ab6 Sa7 16. Ad2±[ Wb2 11. £>a4 Wa3 [11... Wb4 12. ФГ2 еб 13. g4 Ш 14. Af4 Ad6 15. Sbl Wa3 16. Sb3 Wa4 17. Ad655 /a3-f8; 11... Wb7 12. Sbl Wc7 13. £>b6 Sb8 14. £>c8 Sbl 15. Wbl Wc8 16. Ad2 еб 17. еЗ Ad6 18. Ad3 Wc7 19. фСЗб] 12. Ф12 Sb8 13. Scl!? [13. Sbl Sbl 14. Wbl Wa4 15. Wb8 фd7 16. Wa7 фd8 (16... Феб 17. Wc7+-) 17. Wb6 фd7 18. Wa7=l Ad7! [13... Sb4 14. Sc6 Ad7 15. Wc2 f5 16. £)b6 Sb2 17. Wcl f4 18. Ad2 Sa2 19. Wa3 Sa3 20. Sc7 Аеб 21. g4±l 14. Sbl Sb5Q [14... Sbl? 15. Wbl A 15... Wa4?? 16. Wb8 Ac8 17. Wc8#[ 15. Wc2 еб 16. Ael Wd6 [16... We7 17. g3 Sbl 18. Wbl Wb4 (18... Wd6 19. £)c5 Ae7 20. Wb7 Ad8 21. e3 № 22. Aa3±) 19. Wb4 Ab4 20. £>c5 Ac5 (20... a5 21. Ad3 Фе7! 22. &Ь4 ab4 23. Ad2 Sb8= A ЬЗ) 21. dc5 f5 (21... 0-0 22. g4 Ш 23. Af4+ Хаб, «b, Zh2-b8) 22. Ab2 ФГ7 23. Ae5 Sa8oo A Sa7-b7[ 17. £>c5?! [17. Ab2! Ae7 18. e3 Ah4 19. ф81+[ Ae7 18. e3 Ah4! 19. g3? [19. фgl Sbl 20. Wbl 0-0 21. Aa6 Ac8=[ Sbl 20. Wbl D 13 20... ^g3! 21. hg3 Wg3 22. фе2 Wei 23. Ф03 Wdl 24. ФеЗ Ael 25. ФЬ2 W13! 26. Ааб [26. Sh7 Sh7 27. Wh7 Wfl 28. Wg7=| Whl 27. Ad2 Wh2 [27... Wgl 28. Ael We3 29. фс2П Wd4 30. Wb8 Фе7 31. Wa7 Sd8 32. Aa5=[ 28. Wei h5 29. ФаЗ h4 30. Ab4 0-0?! [30... h3! 31. £>b7 f6! 32. &d6 Фе7—+1 31. ^jd7 Sa8 32. WflD [32. Ш 230
ИЗ-+1 h3 32... Wg3 33. £>e5 We3 34. Фа4 f5 35. £ic6 h3+] 33. £>b6 Наб 34. Wa6 Wg3 34... Wgl 35. ^d6 We3 36. ФЬ2 Wd4 37. Фс2 h2 38. Ж112 >12 39. фЬЗ Wh2 40. Wa8 фЬ7 41. Wc6 Wg3 42. Wc3oo[ 35. £ic8 We3 36. фа4 фЬ7 37. /Ае7 We4?? [37... Wd4! 38. Wfl Wa7 39. фЬЗ We3 40. ФЬ2 h2 41. Wf7 We2 42. ФаЗ Wd3 43. ФЬ2 We2=] 38. Wc8!+- Wd4 39. Wg8 фбб 40. Wh8?!© [40. Wf7![ *g5 41. Wh3 c5 42. Wg2 Ф64 43. Wh2 <£g4 44. We2 фЬЗ 45. £>c6 Wf4 46. Wd2! Wc4 47. Wc3 1 : 0 Sanikidze 133. D 14 ALE. RAKHMANOV 2602 - D. JAKOVENKO 2729 Plovdiv 2012 1. c4 сб 2. d4 d5 3. 2rf3 2tf6 4. cd5 cd5 5. <£jc3 £>c6 6. Af4 ЖГ5 7. еЗ еб 8. ЖЬ5 Aid7 9. Wb3 Же7 10. 0-0 g5 11. Ag3 h5 12. h3 g4 13. hg4 hg4 14. £)d2 Ф18 N [14... Жаб?! 15. Жаб Wh4 16. f3 g3 17. ЖgЗ Wg3 18. £>e2; 14... f6?!; 14... аб 15. Жсб (15. Же2? - 84/306) Ьсб 16. Hfcl Д 16... c5 17. e4[ 15. Sfel ^>g7 16. Qje2 Hc8 17. Жсб Ьсб 18. Wb7 Hh7 19. ЖГ4 [19. Hc6?? Hc6 20. Wc6 Wh8; 19. Wa7 Wh8 (19... Жg5 20. ЖГ4 £d3!^; 20. Жаб) 20. f3; 19... Ha8; 19... £d3; 19... c5[ c5? [19... ЖаЗ! 20. ®g3 c5 21. e4 c4 22. ed5 e5!? 23. Же5 (23. de5? £sc5 24. Wb4 £>e6-+; 23. ЖеЗ!?) £je5 24. de5 Жс5 25. НеЗ Hb8 26. Wc6 Жа4; 21... <ЙЬ6![ 20. e4! de4 21. £>e4 e5!? [21... Же4 22. We4 Wb6 23. £jg3 Hch8 24. dc5 Жс5 25. Hc2[ 22. £)4g3! Жеб? [22... ЖаЗ 23. de5 (23. Же5 ^je5 24. de5 Hc7 25. Wb3 c4±A £>b6! (A Hc7) 24. еб! (24. Wa7 Ha8=) fe6 25. Wa7 *g8 26. Wa5[ 23. Же5 [23. de5? Hb8 24. Wa7 Hb2oo[ £>e5 24. de5 Жg5 [24... Hb8 25. Wa7 Hb2 26. Idl We8 27. &14+-1 25. Sdl Wb6 26. We4 [26. Wb6 ab6oo] Wb4 [26... Wb2 27. &f4 Af4 28. Wf4 Hh6[ 27. Wb4 cb4 28. £)d4 Жd7 [^ 28... ЖГ4 29. A>e6 fe6 30. Hd4 Же5 31. Hg4 <£f6 32. Hb4 Sc2±[ 29. £>13? [29. Aidf5 Ж15 30. 21f5 Wg6 31. ®g3 Hc2! 32. Hd6 f6; 29. аЗ! ЬаЗ 30. НаЗ Hc7 31. На5!+— А еб[ g!3 30. Hd7 30... ЖГ4! [30... Не8 31. gf3 Не5 32. На7+-[ 31. еб [31. 2rf5 *g6! 32. £se7 &g5 33. Aic8 ЖЬ2! 34. ФА Же5 35. gf3 Hhl 36. Фg2 Hal=[ Фg6 32. e7 ЖgЗ 33. fg3 [33. Hd8?? ЖИ2 34. ФА Жс7-+[ Hc2! 34. gf3 He2! [A Hhh2=[ 35. Hd2 He7 36. Hel [^ 36. Had 11 f6 37. Фg2 Hd7 38. He2?! [38. Hdc2; 38. Hcdl] Hhe7 39. He7?! He7 40. Ф12 Hh7= 41. ф82 Hd7 42. Hc2 ЬЗ! 43. ab3 Hd3 44. НеЗ Hd2 45. ФЬЗ Hb2 46. Фg4 Hd2 [46... a5 47. f4 f5=] 47. 14 Hd4 48. фЬ4 a5 49. HO a4 50. ba4 Ha4 51. g4 Hal 52.15 фЬ6 53. Hh3 Фg7 54. Hb3 Ha7 55. фЬ5 Hc7 56. Hb6 Ha7 57. Hc6 Hb7 58. Наб Hc7 59. Неб Ha7 60. g5 fg5 61. Фg5 Hal 62. He7 Ф18 63. Ф16 Hfl! 64. Ha7 Фg8 65. Ha8 Ф67 66. Ha2 Фg8 67. Ha8 фЬ7 68. H18 Hal 69. Н17 Фg8 70. He7 Hfl 71. He5 Ф18 72. Ha5 Фg8 73. Ha8 1/2 : 1/2 D. Jakovenko 134. D15 I. CHEPARINOV 2664 - SHIMANOV 2591 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £)13 ®f6 4. £>сЗ аб 5. a4 еб 6. g3 c5 7. cd5 cd4 8. Qjd4 Qjd5 9. £)ЬЗ?! N [9. £>c2; 9. Жа2 - 93/3071 ЖЬ4 [9... ^ic3 10. Wd8 фа8 11. bc3±l 10. Жd2 [10. Wc2 £)c3 11. bc3 Wc71 £)c3 11. bc3 [11. ЖсЗ ЖсЗ 12. ЬсЗ Wdl 13. Hdl Жа7=1 Же7?! [11... Wd5! 12.13 (12. cb4 Whl 13. ЖсЗ 0-0 14. Wd4 f6+; 12. Hgl Же7) Же7^112. Жg2 Wc7 13. 0-0 Жа7 [13... 0-0 14. Wc2[ 14. Wc2 0-0 [14... Жсб 15. e4 e5 231
16. £>d4! a) 16... ed4 17. cd4 Ad6(17... 8d8 18. d5 Ad7 19. Wb2±) 18. d5 (18. Hfel!?) 0-0 (18... Ad7 19. ®b3 b6 20. Hael Ac5 21. a5 Wa7 22. АеЗ АеЗ 23. fe3 ba5 24. e5 0-0 25. еб Ab5 26. Hf7 £)d7 27. d64—) 19. dc6 £ic6 20. Ae3±; b) 16... 0-0 17. £jf5+] 15. c4 Ac6 16. e4 e5 [16... £)d7!? 17. c5 Hfc8 18. Hfel h6=l 17. c5 Ad7 18. Hfel [18. Aa5 Wc8[ Аеб?! [18... £>c6=[ 19. £sa5! [19. Aa5 Wc8[ аеб?! [19... Hc8 20. Wb2±| 20. аеб Wc6 [20... Ьсб 21. Habll 21. АеЗ Hac8 22. Habl Hfd8 [22... Ь5?! 23. ab5 ab5 24. Afl Hb8 25. Hb4±[ 23. a5 Wc7 24. Wc3 [24. сб Wc6 25. Wc6 Hc6 26. Неб Ьсб 27. Afl Ha8 - 24. Wc3; 24. Afl Ad7 25. Ac4 Ac6 26. ®b3±l He8?! [24... Ad7 25. сб (25. Afl!? Ac6 26. f3±) Ac6! (25... ®c6 26. We5 ®e6 27. веб Hel 28. Hel Аеб 29. h4±) 26. Ab6 Wd6 27. Ad8 Hd8 28. Af3±l 25. Afl! [25. сб ®c6 26. Wc6 (26. We5 Wa4) Hc6 27. Неб Ьсб 28. Afl Ha8=l Ad7 26. Ac4 Ac6 27. Ad5 Ad8 28. Wc4 [28. Hb6 Wd7 29. Аеб Hc6 30. Hb3±[ Ab5?! 29. Hb5! ab5 30. Wb5 He7 31. Ag5! [31. сб Wa5 32. Wa5 Aa5 33. cb7 (33. Ac5 Hec7 34. cb7 Hb8) Hel 34. Acl Ac7 35. АаЗ Hd7 36. ФП Ab8 37. фе2±[ Hd7 [31... ®d7 32. Hbl+-] 32. Ad2?! [32. Ad8! Hcd8 33. Hbl g6 34. Ab7+-1 h6 33. &g2 [33. Hbl![ Ag5 [33... Ha8 34. сб Ьсб 35. Hc6 Wb8 36. Wc4±| 34. сб! Ьсб 35. Hc6 Wd8?! [35... Ad2 36. Hc7 Hcc7±[ 36. Ab4 [36. Hc8 Wc8 37. Ab4+-1 Ae7 [36... Hc6 37. Ac6 Ha7 38. a6+—[ 37. АП [37. Hc8 8c8 38. аб! Ab4 39. Ab7! We8 40. a7 Hd8 41. ®Ь4+-1 ФГ8 [37... ФИ8 38. Hc8 Wc8 39. Аеб W>7 40. Ad7 Wb5 41. Ab5 Ab4 42. аб Ac5 43. f4+-1 38. Ad5 [38. Hc8! We8 39. Аеб Hb7 (39... ®b7 40. We5 Ab4 41. Ad7 Wd7 42. Ш8+-) 40. We5+-[ Hc6 39. Ac6 Ab4 [39... Ha7 40. Ac3+-[ 40. ®b4© [40... We7 41. ®b5+-; 40... He7 41. a6+-[ 1:0 I. Cheparinov 135.* D15 I. CHEPARINOV 2664 - V. MALAKHOV 2705 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. a» £jf6 4. £jc3 аб 5. a4 еб 6. g3 dc4 7. e4!? [7. Ag2 - 110/213] Ab4 N [7... b5!? 8. e5 ad5 9. Ag235; RR7... c5 8. d5 ed5 9. e5 abd7!? N (9... d4) 10. Ag5 Ae7 (10... d4!?) 11. ef6 af6 12. Af6 Af6 13. ad5 Ab2co Grandelius 2545 — Sergey Volkov 2623, Plovdiv 20121 8. e5 ad5 [8... ae4 9. ®c2[ 9. Ad2 b5 10. Ag2 Ab7 11. ag5! [11.0-0 ac3 12. ЬсЗ Ae7oo] h6 [11... c5 12. 0-0 Ac3 (12... £)c3 13. ЬсЗ Ag2 14. &g2 Wd5 15. Wf3±; 12... cd4 13. ad5 Ad2 14. ae4 Ad5 15. ad6 Фе7 16. Ad5 ed5 17. Wd2±) 13. ЬсЗ cd4 14. ae4 0-0 15. Wg4 £>c6 16. Ah6 g6 17. cd4tl 12. Wh5 [12. ^ge4^[ g6 13. ®h3 £)d7 [13... Ae7 14. аеб fe6 15. We6±; 13... ac3!? 14. Ш! (14. ЬсЗ Ac3 15. Ac3 ®g5oo) Wa5 (14... fe6 15. ЬсЗ) 15. ЬсЗ (15. ac5 £ja4 16. &b7 Ad2 17. Фе2 Wc7 18. £id6 <^>f8 19. <£>d2 ab2±?) АеЗ 16. 0-0 Ad2 17. ab5 Wb6 18. Ьсб Ш (18... Ac6 19. Hfbl Ab4 20. af4 Ag2 21. Wg2 Ha7 22. ®e4^) 19. ^c5 Ac8 20. Wh4 0-0 21. Wf6 c3oo[ 14.0-0 [14. ^e6 fe6 15. ®e6 We7 16. Wg6 17. Wg4oo[ Ae7 15. ace4 [15. age4 Wb6 16. Hfdl^l Ф18 232
16. ab5! ab5 [16... сЬ5?! 17. Да5! а7Ь6 (17... Wc8 18. аеб fe6 19. ®е6 ®с6 20. Шеб Деб 21. асЗ асЗ 22. Деб ае2 23. &g2 На7 24. Hadl±) 18. аеб fe6 19. ас5 (19. ®еб Дс8 20. Wg6 We8 21. We8 Фе8 22. f4S) Дс8 (19... Дс5 20. dc5 ®е7 21. сЬ6±) 20. аеб <^>g8 21. Wg4 We8 22. ДЬб ab6 23. Да8 аа8 24. d5±[ 17. ad6? [17. аеб! fe6 18. Шеб &g7 19. На8 Да8 20. f4! (20. Hal? af8 21. ®g4 Ь5+) af8 (20... ac7 21. Wh3 c5 22. f5^) 21. ®h34 Дёб 18. ed6 &g7 [18... a7f6 19. Ha8 Да8 20. Hal ДЬ7 21. ae4 ae4 22. ДЬб &g8 23. Де4 Wd6 24. Wh4 c3 25. ЬсЗ асЗ 26. Ha7 ae4 27. Hb7 g5 28. We4 Hh6 29. ®f3 Hh7 30. Wf6 Hg7=[ 19. ae4?! [19. af3! Hal (19... a7f6 20. Ha8 Да8 21. ae5 h5 22. Hal ДЬ7 23. Дd5 cd5 24. Wh4 ®d6 25. Ha7±) 20. Hal Wb8 21. ae5 Wd6 22. ДЬб <£>g8 23. Ha7 ae5 24. Hb7 ad7 25. Ha75s[ Hal 20. Hal ®b6 21. Hdl [21. ac5 ac5 22. Да5 Wa7 23. dc5 Wc5 24. d7 Wd6 25. d8W Hd8 26. Дd8 Wd8+; 21. 8h4 Wd4 22. ДсЗ асЗ 23. ЬсЗ g5!+[ b4 [21... Дс8 22. Wh4| 22. ®h4 [22. g4 Дс8[ Дс8 23. ДП сЗ? [23... f6!?; 23... е5! 24. de5 ае5 25. Де2 g5! (25... ДГ5 26. ДеЗ аеЗ 27. ®f6 фЬ7 28. We5 Де4 29. Hel Дd5 30. We3 ®еЗ 31. fe3 Hd8 32. Дс4 Hd6 33. Hdl Неб 34. Дd5 cd5 35. ф£2Т) 26. Дg5 hg5 27. Wg5 ag6 28. Дс4 f6 (28... ®d8 29. Дd5 Wg5 30. ag5 cd5 31. Hd5 Hd8T) 29. af6 Hf8! (29... af6 30. Hel He8 31. He8 ae8 32. ДdЗ Wd4 33. Wg6 фга 34. Wh6 Wg7 35. Wh4=) 30. ah5 (30. ae4 ДГ5+) фЬ7 31. Hd2 Hf5 32. af6 af6 33. d7 Hg5 (33... Дd7 34. Hd7 ad7 35. Ш5 Wd4 36. h4 ade5 37. ДП Wd7T) 34. dc8® Wc5 35. We6+I 24. ЬсЗ ЬсЗ 25. асЗ Wb3 26. Hel Wb2 27. ad5! [27. ae4 ®d4 28. Hc4 ®e5Tl Wd2 28. Wf4! ®f4 29. af4 af6 [29... e5! 30. ad3 (30. de5 ae5=; 30. ae2 Даб 31. Нсб Де2 32. Де2 ed4=) ed4 31. Нсб Hd8=[ 30. Нсб Hd8 31. Hc7 g5 [31... ae8 32. Hc8 Hc8 33. d7 Hd8 34. de8® He8 35. &g2±; 31... ae4 32. ДdЗ ad6 33. Дё6 Hd7 34. Hd7 Дd7 35. ДdЗ±l 32. ad3 ae4 33. ae5 [33. d7 Дd7 34. ac5 ac5 35. dc5 ф£6=1 ad6 34. Де2 нга 35. ДdЗ [35. ДЬ5 ab5; 35. g4 Hd8[ Hd8 36. Де2 Hf8 37. ДdЗ Hd8 38. Дg6 [38. f3 ДЬ7 39. ФГС фй 40. Фез Дd5=l нга 39. дп ап 40. ап НП 41. Hc8 Hd7 42. Hc4 Hd5 43. &g2 e5 44. de5 He5 45. h4 <£g6 46. Нсб фЬ5 47. hg5 hg5 48. 13 g4 49. f4 He2 50. ФП Hel 51. Фе1 1/2 : 1/2 I. Cheparinov 136.***** D 15 C. LUPULESCU 2616 - BOLOGAN 2687 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. ai3 af6 4. еЗ Д15 5. асЗ аб 6. Wb3 [6. Де2 Ь6 a) 1. cd5 cd5 8. ae5 N (8. 0-0) еб 9. ДЬ5 ah5 10. Wh5 ®f6 11. aa4 асб 12. асб bc6+ D. Bocharov 2611 - M. Yilmaz 2521, Moscow 2012; b) 7. Ш>3 На7 8. cd5 cd5 9. Дd2 еб 10. ае5 Де7 11. 0-0 0-0 12. Hfcl N (12. Hacl) abd7 13. ad7 ad7 14. aa4 (I. Khairullin 2638 - M. Yilmaz 2521, Moscow 2012) b5 15. ac5 ac5 16. dc5 Wc7 17. ДdЗ ДdЗ 18. Wd3 Hc8=[ b5 [6... Ha7 7. ah4 Деб 8. c5!? (8. cd5 N cd5 9. Дd2 асб 10. ДdЗ aa5 11. ®аЗ асб 12. Wb3 aa5 13. ®dl Дg4 14. f3 Дd7 15. f4 b5 16. a4 b4 17. aa2 (Nepom- niachtchi 2718 — Dreev 2698, Russia 2012) ae4 18. af3 ad2 19. ad2 e6=; 8. ДdЗ dc4 9. Дс4 Дс4 10. Wc4 Ь5 11. Wd3 еб 12. at3 c5=) g6 N (8... g5; 8... ae4) 9. Wc2 Дё7 10. ДdЗ 0-0 11. 0-0 ag4 12. h3 ah6 13. Дd2 Дс8 14. af3 ДГ5 15. e4± Sergey Volkov 2623 - M. Yilmaz 2530, Plovdiv 2012] 7. c5 [7. cd5 - 90/3221 a5 8. ae5 a4 9. ®dl g6 N [9... ®a5; 9... ae4; 9... afd7[ 10. g4 [10. асб асб 11. ДЬ5 Дd7!+] Деб 11. Дg2 Дg7 [11... Ь5!? 12. g5 afd7 13. ad3 Дg7 14. 0-0 O-Oool 12. f4 Wc8 13. h3 h5 14. g5 afd7fc [14... ae4 15. ae4 de4 16. ®c2 233
(16. Же4 Же5 17. fe5 Ж.ЬЗ=) Же5 17. fe5 Af5 18. h4 We6 19. Же4 Же4 20. ®e4 (Alb. David 2598 — Bologan 2680, Gibraltar 2012) Wd5 21. Wd5 cd5 22. Ad2 £>c6=] 15. &B £>a6 16. a3 [16. 0-0 аЗ A 17. ЬаЗ? £jdc5+[ 0-0 17. Aie2 Se8 18.0-0 [18. $3g3 £idc5! 19. dc5 ^c5 20. We2 £jb3 21. Sbl Af5 22. e4 de4 23. £se4 Wc7 24. 0-0 £>cl 25. Sbcl Wf4 26. £>c5 Sad8T; 18. Ad2 £f5 19. £>g3 Ad3=l 18... £>dc5! 19. dc5 Д113 20. 1.113 Wh3 21. Wc2 [21. £sed4 ^c5 22. £sc6 Wg3 23. ФЫ W 24. Sbl Sac8 25. £>ce5 (25. ®d5 ®h3 26. <£gl Sc7+) Sed8 26. ®e2 Же5 27. £>e5 d4Tl e5 22. fe5 Же5 23. Id2 lg3 [23... Жс7! 24. ФВ h4 25. ®ed4 Se4 26. фе2 Sae8 27. <£d3 b4! —> Xe3[ 24. Же1 [24. £>g3 Wg3 25. ФЫ Se4 26. W Wg5 27. ЖсЗ <21c5 28. Ad4 £)b3 29. ®c6 Sae8 30. Sadi ^d4 31. Sd4 Se3 32. Wd5 Wd5 33. Sd5 b4 34. ab4 Se2=] Жс7 25. ®g4 26. ®g2 ®d7 [26... Se3 27. ®g4 hg4 28. £>h2 Se4 29. ^.g3 ^d8 30. ЖЬ4 Жс7 31. <S.g3=[ 27. £)d3?! [27. 2Ж4 Af4 28. ef4 £sc5ool Se3 28. Sdl Sae8 29. Ag3 Ag3 [29... S8e4 30. £jf2 Ag3 31. ®g3 - 29... £g3[ 30. Wg3 Wf5 [30... S8e4 31. 2rf2 ®e7 32. £}e4 de4 33. ®e5 eB 34. We7 (34. Sd8 Wd8 35. We3 ®d5 36. WB Wg5 37. ФЫ We7 38. Wc6 £>c5 39. Wb5 A,e4+) Se7 35. SB ^c5+l 31. Wf4! Wf4 32. £)f4 ^c5 33. Scl £se6 34. ^g2? [34. £se6 S8e6 35. £)d4 S6e5 36. фй S3e4 37. ^B Se2 38. фё1 S5e4+1 Sb3 35. Sc6 Sb2 36. Sd6 Sa2 37. <йеЗ [37. Sd5 Sg2 38. &g2 £>f4-+[ Sa3 38. £>d5 фё7-+ 39. £>f6 Se7 40. ФС Sc3 41. Sb6 Sc5 42. &e4 Sf5 43. £>d6 Sf4 44. Sei b4 45. &g3 a3 46. Sa6 ЬЗ 47. £>d2 [47. Sa3 SB 48. ФВ £)d4 49. ФС Sei 50. Фе1 £jc2[ Sd4 48. £)B Sd3 49. Ic4 a2 50. ФВ SB 51. ФВ <5id4 0: 1 Bologan 137.* !N D 15 D. JAKOVENKO 2729 - M. KOBALIA 2666 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>B £if6 4. 1сЗ аб 5. еЗ ЖГ5 6. ±d3 Ж03 [RR 6... ±g6 7. Ad3! N (7... еб) 8. Wd3 еб 9. аЗ £>bd7 10. f4 dc4 11. Wc4 c5 12. £}d7 £}d7= Goganov 2523 — Vai. Popov 2550, Saint Petersburg (ch) 20121 7. Wd3 еб 8. 0-0 Же7 9. e4 0-0 10. Ж14 [10. e5 dc4 11. Wc4 £jd5; 10. Sdl - 82/3381 2>bd7 [10... b5!? 11. cd5 (11. c5 de4 12. £ie4 ®d5) cd5 12. e5 ^fd7 13. SaclTl 11. Sadi N [11. cd5 ed5 (11... cd5 12. e5 ^e8) 12. e5 ^e8 A £sc7-e6; 11. ed5 ed5 12. c5 £>h5 13. Ad2 Wc7 A 14. b4 b6] Sc8 12. ed5 [12. Sfel Ab4! 13. e5 dc4 14. Wc4 ^jd5; 12. We2 A e5[ ed5 13. c5 &h5 14. Ad2 Wc7 15. Sfel Sfe8 [15... Af6 16. g3 XWl 16. g3 [16. b4 ^f4 17. Af4 Wf4 18. a4 ®c7 19. b5 ab5 20. ab5 b6; 16. Ш ^e5 17. Se5 g6[ ^f8 17. b4 g6 18. a4 ±g7 [^ 18... £>g7 19. b5 (19. Af4 Sei 20. lei ®d8 21. ^g5 Wc7) ab5 20. ab5 Sei 21. Sei Sa8] 19. Sbl [19. b5 ab5 20. ab5 Ь6[ Ь5?! [19... Ш 20. Se8 Se8 21. b5 ab5 22. ab5 ae6; 22... Sa8[ 20. Se8 Se8 21. ab5 ab5 22. £>d5! cd5 23. ®b5 Se4?! 24. Sal! [24. Wd3? ^d4! 25. £>d4 ^e5 A Sd4; 24. Sell h6? [24... Ad4?? 25. 21d4 Sd4 26. Sa8 Фв7 (26... Ш 27. We8) 27. ЖсЗ; 24... Se8[ 25. сб £)b6 [25... ab8 26. Sa8 Se8 27. Wa4!+~ 234
А Ь5, Да51 26. Наб £>с8 27. Wb7 Не7 28. Еа8?© [28. Wc7 Нс7 29. Ь5 £>d6 30. На8 (30. Ьб Нсб 31. Ь7 Наб 32. b8W+~) Нс8 31. Ес8 ^с8 32. АЬ4+-1 Wb7 29. сЬ7 НЬ7 30. Ес8 фЬ7© 31. ФП £sf6 32. <йе5 ^е4 33. JLel Af6 34. Нсб 1,е7? 35. £jd3 £jd6 36. £)f5 37. Aid5 Aid4 38. Hc7 Hc7 39. £jc7 Ad6 40. ЖсЗ £jf3 41. <йе8+- Ae5 42. Ae5 <£je5 43.14 £sd7 44. Фе2 <£g8 45. £ic7! f5 46. <£d3 ФП 47. Ф04 g5 48. b5 gf4 49. gf4 <£>g6 50. <£d5 ДЬб 51. фс5 Да4 52. фсб ФЬ5 53. Деб ДЬ2 54. Ьб Дс4 55. Ь7 Да5 56. ФЬ6 ДЬ7 57. ФЬ7 Фg4 58. фсб 1:0 D. Jakovenko 138.* IN D 15 F. CARUANA 2736 - A. GIRI 2714 Wijk aan Zee 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. Д13 ДГ6 4. еЗ аб 5. ^сЗ Ь5 6. с5 g6 7. Де5 ,Ag7 8.14 a5 9. Де2 Wc7 10.0-0 h5!N[A Af5; 10... 0-0- 110/2151 ll.h3[ll. £>d3 Де4 12. £13 Af5 13. Де4 Ae4 14. Де4 de4 15. Де5 Wd8 16. Jld2 a4 17. f5 g5 18. ДеЗ Wd5= Wen Yang 2550 - Ni Hua 2673, Danzhou 2012] £f5 12. £d2 [12. g4?! hg4 13. hg4 Деб 14. g5 W7T X»1 ^bd7 13. A13 [13. Ael Де4=] h4?! [13... 0-0; RR 13... Де4 14. Де4 de4 15. Же2 16 16. £>d7 Jld7 17. a4 b4 18. Ac4 еб 19. Wb3 фе7= A 15 F. Caruana] 14. Wei Де4 15. Де4 de4 16. Ae2 f6? [RR 16... Де5 17. de5!? (17. fe5 f6 18. ef6 Af6=) f6 18. ef6 A16 19. JLc3T F. Caruana; 16... a4] 17. Aa5! Ha5?! [17... Wa5 18. Wa5 Ha5 19. Дсб Ha8 20. Ab5 e5! 21. b4 ef4 22. ef4 Аеб (A Ad5, f5) 23. d5! (F. Caruana) Ad5 24. Hadi Aa2 (24... Ae6 25. f5!4~) 25. Hfel f5 26. Де5±[ 18. Дсб Ha8[18...Ha6 19. ДЬ4 Ha5 (19... Ha8 20. £b5±) 20. ^d5 Wa7 21. a4! ±] 19. ЖЬ5 Жеб 20. a4 f5 21. Wd2 [21. Де5 Ae5 22. fe5 Ф17 23. b4 Ad5 24. Ae2+-] Af6 [21... Ad5 22. Де5 Ae5 23. fe5+- A b4, Ae2] 22. d5 Af7 23. Had Ф18 [23... 0-0 24. d6 ed6 25. cd6+- Д Де7] 24. b4 Wc8 25. d6+- ed6 26. cd6 We8 27. Де7 Аеб 28. Hc7 Hh7 29. Д05 [29. Ad7! Ad7 30. Hd7 Wd7 31. Wd5] A.d8 30. Hb7 Hc8 31. a5 Фg7 32. аб ФЬ6 33. a7 Wf8 34. Де7 ДЬб 35. Wf2 Hf7 [35... Wf6 36. Ad7!] 36. Wh4 фg7 37. Wg5 Ad5 38. Wg6 ФЬ8 39. Wh5 Фg7 40. Д15 Фg8 41. Де7 1:0 T. Paunovic 139.** D 15 HASANGATIN 2498 - RUBLEVSKY 2686 Russia 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. ДеЗ ДГ6 4. еЗ аб 5. ДВ b5 6. cd5 [RR 6. c5 £>bd7 7. a3 a5 8. Wc2 g6 (8... Wc7 - 105/124) 9. e4 de4 10. Де4 Ag7 11. a4 b4 12. Ac4 0-0 13. 0-0 Де4 N (13... Aa6) 14. We4 ДА5 15. Wc6 Ad7 16. Wb6 Wb6 17. cb6 Hfb8 18. Де5 £e8= P. Eljanov 2704 - S. Movsesian 2702, Russia 2012; 6. ЬЗ Ag4 7. Ad2 еб 8. h3 Af3 9. Wf3 Ab4 10. Ad3 Wa5 (10... <abd7 - 61/385) 11. Hel Ac3 12. НеЗ!? (12. ЖсЗ) Wa2 13. Wdl 0-0 (13... £>bd7) 14. 0-0 Wa3 15. cd5 N (15. Wai) ed5 16. b4!? Wb4 17. Hc5 Wa3 18. Wc2 ^jfd7 19. Hbl £>c5 20. ^h7 фЬ8 21. ДЬ4 Wa4 22. Wc5 £}d7 (22... He8!? 23. Дс2 Wa2oo) 23. Wc6 Hfc8 24. Wd7 ФИ7 25. Wf7 Wc2 (25... Wa2?! 26. Hfl Нсб 27. Af8 Hg6 28. Wf5o3 V. Malakhov 2705 - S. Movsesian 2702, Russia 2012) 26. Wh5 Фg8 27. Wd5 ФИ8= S. Movsesian] cd5 7. ^je5 еб 8. Ad3 Ab7 9. 0-0 Abd7 10. f4 Же7 [10... ^d6 - 57/368] 11. Wf3 0-0 12. ^d2? [12. a3=] b4! 13. £)d7 N [13. £>a4 £>e4 a) 14. Ael ^ie5 15. fe5 Ac6 16. ЬЗ ЖЬ5 17. £>Ь2 (17. We2) Wd7T; b) 14. Же4 de4 15. Wf2 ^ie5 16. fe5 Ac6 17. £}c5 Ac5 18. Hfel (18. dc5 a5 19. a3 Ab5 20. Hfdl ba3 21. НаЗ Wd5 22. Hel a4T) Ad4 19. ed4 Wb6 20. ДЬ4 Wb4 21. Нсб Had8 22. Наб f6! 23. ef6 Hf6 24. We3 Wb5 25. НаЗ Hdf8 26. h3 235
Wb2+; 13. £je2[ Wd7 14. £)bl?! [14. £)dl Жсб 15. 2rf2 ЖЬ5Т1 Жсб!? 15. We2 ЖЬ5 16. аЗ ЖаЗ 17. Wd3 Wb5 18. Wb5 аЬ5+ 19. Scl £>е4 20. Же1 20... g5! [20... Sfc8? 21. Sc8 Sc8 22. £>d2 ЬаЗ 23. ЬаЗ Sa8 24. £>е4 de4 25. Sbl Sa3 26. Sb5=] 21. g3 [21. £>d2 £sd2 22. ±d2 ЬаЗ 23. ЬаЗ gf4 24. ef4 ЖаЗ 25. Scbl ЖЬ2! 26. Sa8 Ad4 27. ФА Sa8+[ gf4 22. gf4 Sfc8 23. Sc8 Sc8 24.5jd2 ЬаЗ 25. ЬаЗ Sa8 26. 2>е4?! [26. £ibl Sa4 27. Sa2 фЬ8 28. Sb2 ЖаЗ 29. Sb5 Жс1 30. НЬЗ Sal 31. <£>g2 ЖеЗ 32. Se3 Sbl+1 de4 27. Sbl Sa3-+ 28. Sb5 Sal [29. Ф12 ЖЬ4[ 0 : 1 Rublevsky 140.* D 17 E. BERG 2587 - J. HECTOR 2560 Malmo 2012 1. £)f3 d5 2. d4 £>f6 3. c4 сб 4. £>c3 dc4 5. a4 Ж15 6. ^e5 £jbd7 7. £jc4 Wc7 8. g3 e5 9. de5 £>e5 10. ЖГ4 2tfd7 11. Жg2 Же7 [11... g5 - 111/182; 11... f6 - 111/1831 12. Scl! [12. Wcl f6 13. ^e5 ^e5 14. £)d5 Wa5 N (14... Wd8) 15. Жd2 Wd8 16. ^e7 We7 17. 0-0 0-0= P. H. Nielsen 2681 - J. Hector 2568, Helsingor 2011[ f6 [12... g5 13. £>d5! cd5 14. ^e5 £sc5 (14... Wa5 15. Жd2 ЖЬ4 16. ^d7 Жd7 17. ЖеЗ ЖеЗ 18. Sc3±) 15. ЖеЗ (15. af7!?) We5 16. Жd4 We6 17. Жс5±; 12... Жеб 13. ^e5 £>e5 14. £)d5! (14. Wd4 f6 15. £ie4 Wa5 16. Жd2 Wd8=) Wa5 15. Жd2 Wd8 16. ^e7 We7 17. 0-0 0-0 18. Wc2±tff; 12... Sd8 13.0-0 (13. £>d5 cd5 14. €le5 Wa5 15. Жd2 Wb6=) Wb8 14. £>e4 0-0 15. Wc2± Д 16. 16. Sfdll 13.0-0 [13. ^d5 cd5 14. £>e5 Wa5 (14... ЖЬ4 15. ФЛ! Wa5 16. ^d7 Жd7 17. Жd5±) 15. Жа2 ЖЬ4 16. £>d7 Жd7 17. ЖеЗ! ЖеЗ 18. 1сЗ Wa4 19. Wa4 Жа4 20. Жd5+l Wb8 N [13... 41c 5 14. 4ie3 A b4Tl 14. a5! аб [14... Жеб 15. 4/e4 0-0 16. a6±t] 15. 4ia4 [15. Же5! fe5 (15... 4ie5 16. Ш Sa7 17. f4 41g4 18. £>cd5! cd5 19. Wa4+~) 16. e4 Жеб 17. ЖЬЗ! ЖЬЗ 18. Wh5 g6 19. Wh3± A We6[ Wc7 16. Wab6 Sd8 [16... £)b6 17. ab6 Wb8 18. £ja5! (A £>b7) 0-0 19. Sc6! Ьсб 20. 41c6 We8 21. 4ie7 We7 22. Жа8 Sa8 23. Wd5+-1 17. £>d5! cd5 18. Wa5 19. £if5 [tS, ХФе8[ g6 20. W [20. Жd2 Wb6? 21. 4ig7 ФП 22. ЖЬ64~; 20... Wb5[ фе7 21. Wd4- £jc6 22. We3 ФГ7 [22... 41de5 23. Же5 fe5 24. Wh6-| 23. Sfdl £)de5 24. b4! [24. Sc5? 41c4! 25. Sa5 4ie3 26. ЖеЗ 4ia5 27. Жd5 &g7 28. ЖЬ6=[ Wb5 [24... Wa2 25. Же5! fe5 26. Sd2+-; 24... Wb4 25. Жd5 Hd5 26. Hd5+-[ 25.Sc5 Wb4 26. Жd5 Sd5 27. Scd5+- Se8 28. Же5 ^je5 29. Wh6 &g8 30. Se5! [30. Sd8] fe5 [30... Se5 31. Sd8 <£>f7 32. Wh7 фебЗЗ. Wd7#[ 31. Sd7 Se7 [31... Wbl 32. &g2 We4 33. f3 We2 34. фЬЗ Wfl 35. ФИ4 Wc4 36. g4[ 32. Sd8 ФП 33. Wh7 <£>f6 34. Wh8 <^>g5 [34... &f5 35. Wf8 Феб 36. Wg8[ 35. Ь4 фВ [35... <£g4 36. <&g2![ 36. Wf8 Феб 37. Wg8 Ф15 38. Wf8 [38. e4! We4 (38... Фе4 39. Wg6 Ф13 40. Wd3 фё4 41. Sg8; 38... Фg4 39. Wg6 Ф13 40. Wh5 Фе4 41. Wg4#) 39. Sf8 Фg4 40. f3[ Феб 39. Wg8 Ф15 40. Sf8 [40. e4! - 38. e4[ фе4 41. Wg6 Фd5 42. Sd8 Фс5 43. Sdl! a5 44. Wd6 ФЬ5 45. Wd3 Wc4 46. Sbl фс5 47. Wa3 1:0 E. Berg 236
141.*** IN D 20 G. CAMACHO MARTINEZ 2309 - LU. VALDES 2392 Cuba (т/7-rapid) 2011 1. d4 d5 2. c4 dc4 3. e4 e5 4. £>f3 ed4 5. Дс4 <£jc6 6.0-0 Деб 7. Деб fe6 8. Wb3 Wd7 9. Wb7 Hb8 10. Wa6 £if6 11. Abd2 A.d6 12. Wd3 0-0 13. a3 Aig4 14. h3 Aige5 15. £>e5 £ie5 16. Wd4 Wb5 17. Wc3 Hf6! N [17... We2 18. We3 We3 19. fe3 Aid3 20. Hf8 <£f8 21. £>c4 Hb3! N (21... Де7?! - 75/349) a) 22. 4ia5 £>cl! 23. Hel Hb2 (23... НеЗ!?) 24. <Sc4 Hb3!? (24... Hb7=) 25. ^d6© cd6+ G. Camacho Martinez 2309 — Lu. Valdes 2392, Cuba (m/l-rapid) 2012; b) 22. ±d2! W (22... Aie5 23. Ш6 cd6 24. Hcl+) 23. Ш6 cd6 24. Hbl Hb6 25. Да5 Наб 26. ДсЗ± G. Camacho Martinez 2309 — Lu. Valdes 2392, Cuba (m/3-rapid) 201Ц 18. b4 [18. f4 £jg6! (18... Hbf8!?) a) 19. g3? £f4!!-> (19... We2 20. WB) 20. gf4 £)f4 21. Hf4 (21. ФМ 2>d5!) Hf4 22. £>B Hf6-+ G. Camacho Martinez 2309 — Lu. Valdes 2392, Cuba (m/5-rapid) 2012; b) 19. £}c4 £f4 20. ДР4 £rf4 21. ФЬ2 Hbf8 22. HB=; 18. ЬЗ We2 19. We3 We3 20. fe3 Дс5 21. Hf6 ДеЗ 22. фП (22. Hf2 £jd3 23. ФА ДС 24. фе2 Ad4 25. Hbl £jf4+) gf6 23. b4=] Hbf8 19. ДЬ2 Hg6!? 20. a4Q [20. We3 ^d3! 21. a4 (21. e5 Де7!- Xf4, g2) Wg5!?; 21... Wd7+1 We2 21. НаЗ! [21. We3? Wd2-+[ a5 22. ba5 ДаЗ 23. ДаЗ Hf3 [23... Wd2 24. We5 Ha8 25. Wc7 Wa5 26. Wa5 Ha5 27. Hel h5 28. Hc4 Hag5 29. g3 Hg3=[ 24. We5 НаЗ [24... Wd2? 25. a6!+- A 25... НаЗ 26. a7 Ha4 27. Wb5[ 25. Wb2 Hh3 26. Wb8 ФП 27. Wc7 1/2 : 1/2 G. Camacho Martinez, Lu. Valdes 142. D 23 LAZNICKA 2704 - D. HOWELL 2603 Gibraltar 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. &f3 2rf6 4. Wc2 dc4 5. Wc4 ДГ5 6. g3 еб 7. Дg2 £>bd7 8. еЗ Де7 9. 0-0 0-0 10. Hdl £se4 [10... Wa5 - 112/(222); 10... Hc8 - 112/222] 11. We2 Wb6 12. £)c3 Hfd8 13. £>el N [13. ^d2] Aic3 [13...£)df6!?l 14. bc3 Дg6 15. e4c5 16. ДеЗ Wa5 17. ^d3!? [17. Habl b6; 17... ^b6!?[ Wc3 18. dc5 Hac8 19. Habl [19. Had Wa3oo[ £>c5! 20. Hbcl [20. Дс5 Дс5 21. Hbcl Wa5 22. Aic5 Hdl 23. Wdl Hc5 24. Hc5 Wc5 25. Wd8 Wf8 26. Wc7 h5 27. Wb7 Wa3=; 20. ^c5 Hdl 21. Wdl Дс5 22. Дс5 (22. Hel?? We3-+) Wc5 23. Hb7 Wcl 24. Wcl Hel 25. ДА f5=[ 20... £sa4! 21. ^f4 [21. Hc3? £sc3 22. Wei ^idl 23. Wdl Hc3+[ Wb4 22. Hd8 Hd8 23. £jg6 hg6 24. e5? [24. Wc2 ^b6 25. Wb3^] Дс5 25. Дg5 Hd7 26. Wc2 b5 27. h4 a6+ 28. ДВ Hd4 29. Wb3 Wa5 30. <£>g2?! [30. ДеЗ[ Wb6?! [30... Hb4 31. Wd3 Hb2+[ 31. Hhl? [31. ДеЗТ1 Hb4-+ 32. Wd3 Hb2 33. ФЬЗ Hf2 34. Де4 Wc7 35. h5 We5 36. Wd8 Д18 37. Hdl f6 [37... We4! 38. Wf8 ФЬ7[ 38. Дg6 fg5 39. Hd7 HO 0:1 T. Paunovic 237
143. !N D 24 DING LIKEN 2660 - LU SHANGLEI 2514 China (ch) 2012 1. £)f3 2. c4 еб 3. d4 d5 4. Qjc3 dc4 5. e4 Ab4 6. Ac4 £se4 7. 0-0 £k3 8. ЬсЗ Ae7 9. ^e5 0-0 10. Wg4 c5 [10... £jc6 - 113/1461 11. Ah6 Af6 12. Ad3! N [12. Hadll He813. f4! g6 [13... cd4 14. Ah7!! фЬ7 15. Ag7! Ag7 (15... Hg8 16. ®h5 <^>g7 17. Wf7 ФЬ6 18. Hf3+-) 16. Wh5 Ah6 17. Wf7 Ag7 18. Hf34~; 13... ^c6 14. H13 g6 (14... cd4 15. Ah7 Ф18 16. Ш5+-; 15. Hg3+—) 15. Ag6!! fg6 16. &g6 e5 (16... Ad4 17. ФЫ+-) 17. f5 ФП 18. £>e5 ^e5 19. Wh5 £)g6 20. HaA+-1 14. Ag6!! fg6 15. <21g6 hg6 16. Wg6 ФЬ8 17. Ag5!! Ag5 [17... Hf8 18. Hf3 Ag5 19. Hh3 Ah4 20. Wh5 <^>g7 21. >4 Ш4 22. Wh4+-[ 18. fg5! He7 19. Wh6 [19. Hf3 Hh7 20. Hafl £>d7 21. Hf7 Wg8 22. Hh7 Wh7 23. We6+-[ &g8 20. g6 [20. Hf6 Hh7 21. ®g6 Hg7 22. ®h5 Hh7 23. Hg6 ФЬ8 24. Hh6+-1 4}d7 21. Hf3 2rf8 22. Hafl £)g6 23. Hg3 Hg7 24. Hg6 1:0 T. Paunovic 144 ALEXANDER MOISEENKO 2706 - RUBLEVSKY 2686 Russia 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 dc4 3. еЗ еб 4. Ac4 c5 5. £>f3 £}f6 6. 0-0 аб 7. АЬЗ cd4 8. ed4 Qjc6 9. £jc3 Ae7 10. Ag5 0-0 11. ®d2 £ja5 12. Ac2 b5 13. Wf4 Ab7 [13... g6 - 96/2971 14. Hadi g6 15. Ah6 ^h5 16. Wg4 He8 17. Hfel Hc8 18. Ad3?! N [18. Неб? Af3 19. gf3 £)f6 20. Wg5 fe6 21. Ag6 ФЬ8 22. Ae8 (22. Ah7 Hg8 23. Ag8 Wg8+) £se8 23. «g4 Af6 24. d5 We7 25. <йе4 ^c4+; 18. Ш1 Af8!? [18... ^c4 19. Ac4 Hc4 20. £se5 f5 (20... Hc7? 21. £rf7!) 21. We2 Hd4? 22. Ш! Ac6 23. Hd4 Wd4 24. We6 ФЬ8 25. Wc6±; 21... Hc7=l 19. Af8 Hf8 20. a3 £к4 21. Ac4 Hc4+ 22. <йе5 f5! 23. ®e2 23... 2tf4?! [23... Hc3! 24. ЬсЗ &f4 a) 25. Wd2 ^g2 26. Hfl (26. He2 W 27. f4 Wd5 28. Hfl Hc8+^) f4 27. f3 (27. We2? 13 28. Wd2 £)f4 29. ФЫ Wg5! 30. Hgl Wg2! 31. Hg2 fg2 32. &gl ^h3#) ^e3+; b) 25. ®a2 Ag2 bl) 26. f3 Wg5 27. Ф12 £)h3 28. Фе2 Afl 29. Hfl (29. ФА ®gl 30. фе2 ®12 31. &d3 £>f4#) Wg2-+; b2) 26. НеЗ Ad5 b21) 27. ®b2 Wh4 28. f3 (28. Hg3 W+) W 29. &g2 Wg5 30. ФЬЗ Wh6 31. <£g2 ®e3+; b22) 27. Wd2 Ab3! 28. Hg3 (28. Hbl? ®g5 29. Hg3 ^jh3-+) £>h5 29. Hbl £)g3 30. hg3 Ad5 31. a4 f4 32. ab5 ab5 33. Hb5 Wg5+1] 24. Wd2 ^jg2 [24... Wg5 25. g3 ^h3 26. ФЛ f4 27. g4oo[ 25. £jc4 bc4 [25... £jel 26. Hel bc4 27. Неб f4 28. We2 Wd4 29. He7 Ac8 30. He4 f3 31. ®f3=[ 26. Неб A13 [26... 2Ж4? 27. Wf4 g5 28. Wd6 ^f3 29. *g2 ^d4 30. <£fl ®d6 31. Hd6 £>f3 32. h3±[ 27. Wh6! [27. ^ie2? f4! 28. He5 ®h4 29. ШЗ ^еЗ-4-l Adi [27... 2Ж4? 28. Hdel W4 (28... Aa8 29. He7 ^f3 30. ФП+-) 29. h3 Aa8 30. Hle3 &f3 31. H13 A13 32. He7 Wh8 33. ®h4 f4 34. Hd7 He8 35. ФП Ac6 36. Ha7±^[ 28. Hg6 [28. Фg2!? f4 29. A (29. ^dl? Wd5-+) Ac2 30. £jd5 Hf7 (30... Wd5 31. He7+-) 31. ^f4 Wd7 32. d5 Af5 33. He2 He7 34. Hd2 ®d8! 35. £>e6 (35. h4 Hel 36. Wg5 Wb6 37. Н12 He5 38. Wg3 238
146. D 30 Не1=) Жеб 36. de6 Wc8 37. Wf4 He6=l hg6 29. Wg6 фЬ8 30. Wh6 &g8 31. Wg6 Ф68 1/2 : 1/2 Rublevsky 145. IN D 29 C.-C. FLORESCU 2282 - M.-E. PARLIGRAS 2650 Romania (ch) 2012 1. d4 2. c4 еб 3. £jf3 d5 4. адсЗ dc4 5. e3 аб 6. Жс4 Ь5 7. ЖЬЗ ЖЬ7 8.0-0 с5 9. We2 £}bd7 10. Sdl Wb8 [10... Wc7 11. Жё2 (11. е4 cd4 12. £}d4 £1с5 - 58/427; 12... Жс5Т; 11. d5 с4 12. de6 fe6 13. Жс2 Жd6oo) Нс8 12. Hacl Wb8=[ 11. d5 с4 12. de6 fe6 13. Жс2 Ж06 14. £>g5 [14. e4 - 7/4451 0-0 [14... ЖИ2?! 15. ФЫ £}c5 16. f4 ЖgЗ 17. b4 cb3 18. ab3T] 15. f4 £sc5 16. Ь4! cb3 17. ab3 h6 18. b4? [18. 2>f3 b4 (18... Wc7 19. ЖЬ2 Sae8 20. ФЫ+ Xe6, g6) 19. £sa4 Ш4 20. Ea4 Жс5 21. £>e5±] hg5 19. bc5 Жс5 20. fg5 We5! 21. gf6 21... Hf6! N [Д Haf8, b4, Hh6; 21... Wc3 22. ФЫ! (22. Hd7!? Hf6 23. ЖЬ2 We3 24. We3 ЖеЗ 25. ФЫ Жсб 26. Hc7 Жd5+; 22. fg7 Wg7; 22... Hf7!+) Wf6 23. ЖЬ2 Wh6! (23... Wh4 24. Hd7 Hf7 25. Hf7 ФП 26. Sfl Фе7 27. Hf4 Wh6 28. Wf2±?) 24. Hd7 Ef7 25. Hf7 ФГ7Т1 22. Hd4 [22. £>e4 Же4 23. Же4 We4-+; 22. Ж<12 Hh6 23. g3 Hf8-+ A Wg3; 22. Wd3 Hh6—+; 22. Wei Haf8-+1 Saf8-+ 23. Hh4 Hfl 24. Wfl Hfl 25. ФА Wf6! 26. Hf4 Wc3 27. Ha2 ЖеЗ 28. ЖеЗ We3 29. g3 Жd5 0 : 1 M.-E. Parligras R. KEMPINSKI 2610 - A. MASTROVASILIS 2510 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. £)f3 2rf6 3. c4 еб 4. еЗ Ь6 5. ЬЗ [5. £>сЗ ЖЬ7 6. cd5 ed5 7. ЖЬ5 сб 8. ЖdЗoo] ЖЬ7 6. £sbd2 [6. ЖdЗ - 95/(368)1 ЖЬ41? 7. аЗ N [^ 7. ЖЬ2[ ЖеЗ 8. НМ [8. На2 а) 8... с5 9. Нс2 ^е4 10. cd5 Wd5 al) 11. Жс4 Wf5 12. 0-0 ^d2 13. ЖЬ5 фе7 (13... Жсб 14. Жсб £)сб 15. Жd2 cd4 16. ЖеЗ dc3 17. НсЗ± «с) 14. 41d2 cd4 15. а4!^; а2) И. НсЗ!?^сЗ 12. Wc2 cd4(12...£}e4? 13.Жс4 Wf5 14. ЖdЗ+-) 13. 4}d4 а21) 13... е5 14. 2>f5 g6 15. 2Ж6 Wc6 (15... Wc5 16. ЖЬ2 £>e4 17. Wc5 £>c5 18. Же5 Hf8 19. Жg7±) 16. Жс4 (16. a4!? А ЖаЗ) ^d5 (16... Wg2 17. Hfl £>d5 18. ^e4- A £jd6) 17. e4 2>f4 18. £)f7 (18. 04)4 Hf8 19. ЖЬ5 £)g2 20. фdl Hf7 21. Жсб ^c6±; a22) 13... Wc5 14. b4Wc7 15. £jc4 £>e4 (15... £>d5 16.e4±) 16. f3 ^d6 (16... 2>f6 17. ab5 Wc6 18. ^bd6 Фе7 19. b5-) 17. £>d6 Wd6 18. £>b5±; b) 8... £>e4 9. ЖdЗ dc4 bl) 10. Жс4 0-0 (10... c5 11. 0-0 ^d2 12. Жd2 cd4 13. ed4 Жd2 14. Hd2 0-0 15. d5±) 11.0-0 Жd2 12.Ad2 ^d2 13. Hd2 We7=; b2) 10. bc4 c5 11. 0-0 £>d2 12. Жd2 cd4 (12... Жd2 13. Hd2) 13. ed4 Жd4 14. £)d4 Wd4 15. ЖеЗ Wh4 16. c5 0-0=1 c5 9. cd5?! [9. dc5 bc5 10. cd5 ed5 11. Вс2(11.ЖЬ5 £>bd7 12. Wc2d4 13.0-0 0-0oo; 11. ЖdЗ 0-0 12. 0-0 41bd7 13. Wc2 d4oo) d4 12. ЖЬ5 £ibd7 13. 0-0 0-0 14. ed4 cd4 15. ЖЬ2 Hc8 16. Жс4 Жd2 17. £)d2 £>e5[ Wd5 [9... cd4?! 10. ЖЬ5 ^bd7 11. de6 fe6 12. ^d4±[ 10. Жс4 [10. dc5 0—O'Tl Wf5 11. 0-0 cd4 12. £>d4 Ж04 13. ed4 0-0 14. ЖЬ2 £)bd7+ 15. We2?! [15. Hel Hac8 16. a4 Hfd8 17. Hel Ш 18. ^fl ^g6 19. f3 £)h5Tl ah5! 16. Wd3 [16. f3 £rf4 17. Wf2 b5 (17... Wg5 18. Wg3) 18. Же2 Hfc8 19. Hfcl ^jd3 20. ЖdЗ Wd3+[ Wd3 17. Ж03 Жg2! 18. ЖЬ7 [18. Фg2 ^f4 19. ФВ (19. ФgЗ £>d3 20. Жа1 £>f6-+) £>d3 20. Жа1 g5!+l ФЬ7 19. Фg2 Hac8 20. <йс4 £}df6 21. Ф13 £>d5 22. a4 £>hf4 23. Жс1 [23. £>e3 Hh8!? 24. НЫ фё8 25. <21d5 £id5+] &g6 24. Ж02 ah4 25. Фе4 £)f5+ 26. Hbcl Hfd8 [26... Hcd8! A Hh8[ 27. ЖеЗ f6 28. £>a3 239
ga6 ФЬ5! [70... Ab6? 71. d5fe[ 71. ge6 Фс4 72. gc6 фа4 73. ga6 gb2 74. Фа1 ЬЗ 75. gd8 ga2 [75... gbl 76. Фе2 b2 77. gb8 АсЗ 78. ДеЗ ФсЗ—hl 76. gb8 фс4 [76... gal 77. Фе2 АсЗ—h] 77. Фс1 gc2 78. Фа1 АсЗ 79. ДеЗ ФсЗ--h 80. gf8 gh2 81. gc8 ФЬ2 82. gc6 f5 83. gc5 f4 84. gc4 ФаЗ 85. gc8 gf2 86. ga8 фЬ2 87. ga4 gf3 88. Фе2 gc3 89. gf4 Фс2 0 :1 A. Mastrovasilis 147. D 30 28... Ad6?I [28... АсЗ! 29. Ф43 (29. ФО Ad4 30. Да4 gd4 31. Ab5 gd3 32. <£g2 gc5-+) Ad4—+ 30. Да4 gd4-+l 29. Ф13 Фёб 30. Hgl [30. gc8 gc8 31. gel gd8 (31... gh8 32. gc6±?) 32. gc6 ФП 33. a5 Фе7 34. ab6 Фd7 35. gel ab6+l Ф17 31. gc8 gc8 32. gel gh8 33. Ab5 Ab5 34. ab5 gh2 35. gal ф§6 36. ggl Ф17 37. gal g5 38. ga7 Фg6 39. Фе4 [39. gal] gh4?© [39... f5! 40. Фе5 (40. Фd3 f4-+) f4 41. Дс1 gf2 42. Феб Af6—h[ 40. ФаЗ ФГ5 41. gal gh8 42. Да2 gh3 43. ДеЗ g4 44. ggl gh7?! [44... АеЗ! 45. fe3 g3-+ A Фg41 45. gal gg7 46. ggl ga7 47. ghl ga3 48. gh5 Фg6 49. gh4 gb3 50. Фс2 gb5?! [50... gc3 51. ФЬ2 (51. фа2 ф£5 52. gh5 Фе4 53. gd5 gd3-+) f5! (51... ФГ5 52. gh5 фе4 53. gd5 ge3 54. gd6 gf3 55. gb6 Фd4-+) 52. gh6 Фg7 53. ge6 53... ge3!! 54. fe3 g3 55. gc6 g2 56. gel АеЗ--h[ 51. gg4 ФГ5 52. gh4 ga5 53. фаз b5 54. Да2 ga3 55. Фе2 b4 56. f3 gb3+ 57. gh5 Фg6 58. gh6 Фg7 59. ghl Ae7 60. gel Фg6 61. ggl Ф15 62. ghl фg6 63. ggl ФГ7 64. gel Ad5 65. ggl gb2 66. Фаз gb3 67. Фе2 [67. фс4 gf3 68. ДЬ4 f5+] Фе7 68. gg7 фаб 69. ga7 феб 70. SASIKIRAN 2700 - MAT. BARTEL 2658 Moscow 2012 1. a4 a5 2. c4 еб 3. Af3 сб 4. ®c2 ac4 5. ®c4 Af6 6. Дg5 b5 7. ®c2 ДЬ7 8. еЗ [8. e4 Abd7 9. Даз (9. Abd2 h6 10. ДГ6 Wf6 11. Даз e5=) h6 10. ДГ6 Wf6 11. 0-0 e5=] Abd7 9. Abd2 аб 10. a4 h6?l [10... gc8!? 11. Де2 Де7 12. 0-0 0-0 A c5; 10... Wb6 - 79/(370)1 И. ДГ6! gf6 N [11... Af6 12. Де2 ДЬ4 13. 0-0 0-0 14. Ab3+; 11... Wf6 12. ab5 ab5 (12... cb5 13. Wc7) 13. ga8 Да8 14. ДаЗ+1 12. Де2 gc8 13. 0-0 Де7 [13... c5? 14. d5! Да5 15. ab5 ab5 16. ДЬ5+-[14. gfdl Wb6 [А с51 15. е4?! [15. Wb3 0-0 16. е4 gfd8=; 15. ®bl! (A b4) c5 16. ab5 ab5 17. dc5 Ac5 (17... Дс5 18.b4 Де7 19.ga5) 18. Аа4ф18 (18... 0-0 19. ДЬ5) 19. Ь4 Ааб 20. ga5±] с5 16. d5 с4! 17. ab5 [17. de6!? fe6 18. Ah4] ab5 18. de6 fe6 19. Ah4 Дс5 20. ДЬ5 Ф08 21. Ag6! [21. Adf3?! Фс7 22. Ag6 ghd8=| Д12 22. ФЫ gg8?! [22... gh7! 23. e5 f5 24. Дй Фс7 25. ДЬ7 ФЬ7 26. Af3 Дс5оо[ 23. 240
£)13 Ac5 [Д Фс7; 23... фс7? 24. £}е7] 24. £if4?! Фе7?! [24... Фс7? 25. АП; 24... Sg7! Д Фс71 25. £jg6 Ad8 26. Wd2! 1с7 27. Wh6 ®с8 28. &14 [28. Wh7 Hd8 29. Ag4 Hc6!oo[ Ae4? [28... АеЗ! 29. АП Sd8 30. Wh4 Af4 31. Wf4 Sc6!oo; 30... Ic6!oo[ 29. АП+- Sg2!? [29... Hd8 30. £>e6; 29... Sf8 30. Ae6[ 30. &g2 Af3 31. Ф13 ©e5 32. Фе2П [32. <£>g3? НП 33. Wh8 Af8 34. Да8 ФЬ7 35. Hf8 We3—+[ £rf7 [32... 1П 33. Wh8 Af8 34. 1а8 ФЬ7 35. If8+-1 33. Wg6?© [33. Wf6? Wc6 34. Wg6 (34. We6 We6 35. ©еб Де 7 36. Жаб ФЬ7) ФЬ7 35. Wg2 Wg2 36. ©g2 ©d6=; 33. Wg7! Se7 34. ©g6! Wb7 35. ©e7 Ae7 36. Wg8 ©d8 37. Sd4+-[ Se7 34. Да8? [34. b4! Ad6 35. Да8 Фс7 36. Wf6± Д 36... Wb7? 37. Sd6!+-[ фс7 35. Sf8 [35. Wg2 Wb7 36. Wb7 фЬ7оо[ ©e5 36. Wf6 ©d7 37. Sd7 ФО7 38. ©g6 Wb7 39. ©e5?? [39. ©e7 We4 40. <£>dl Wbl 41. <£>d2 Wd3 42. Фе1 Wbl 43. фе2 Wd3=l Фс7-+ 40.©f3 [40. Wf3 Wd5—+1 We4 41. ©fl Wd3 42. &g2 We2 43. &g3 Ad6 0 : 1 Mat. Bartel 148 KUUASEVIC 2580 - SARGISSIAN 2674 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. ©сЗ Ae7 4. cd5 ed5 5. Af4 сб 6. e3 Af5 7. ©ge2 ©d7 8. ©g3 Ag6 9. Scl h5!? 10. h4!? N [10. Ad3 h4 11. Ag6 hg3 12. Ad3 gf2 13. ФС Ag5= - 29/432] Ah4 11. Wb3 Ag3 [11... ©Ьб?! 12. a4 Ag3 13. Ag3 a5 14. ©b5!^ cb5 15. Ac7 Wc8 16. Ab5 ©d7 17. 0-0 ©e7 18. Ad6 Wd8 19. Дс7 Af5 20. Ifc 1 ±112. Ag3 Wb613. Wa3o5 ©e7 [13... Wd8 14. Ae2 (14. Wb3 Wb6 15. Wa3) ©gf6 15. &fl ©b6 16. ЬЗ a5 17. &gl53] 14. ©a4?! [14. b4!?[ Wa5! 15. b4 Wd8 16. Ae2 [16. ©c5 ©c5 17. bc5 b5 18. Wa6 Wc8 19. Wa5 f6 20. Ae2 ФП+1 16... Ь5!Т 17. ©сЗ [^ 17. ©c5[ аб!? [17... a5 18. <£>fl ab4 19. Wb4 Wa5 20. Wa5 Sa5 21. Ad6 аЬ6Т1 18. Ad6 [18. Wb3 ^b6 19. a4 ^c4 20. Sal ^f5 21. Af4 h4T] £>b6 19. Ac5 f6?! [19... £>c4 20. ®b3 h4 21. e4 de4 22. Ac4 bc4 23. ®c4 £)d5 24. £)d5 cd5 25. Wc3 Af5 26. Wg3! Wf6Tl 20. Wb3 £sc4 21. Wdl? [21. e4fe ФП 22. ed5 ^id5 (22... cd5 23. Wdl Wd7 24. 0-0 Sae8 25. Af3oo) 23. Ac4 bc4 24. Wc4 Se8 25. <£>fl Wd7T] ФП 22. Ac4 [22. Ah5? Sh5 23. Hh5 £>b2 24. Wf3 £>d3 25. &d2 £sc5! (25... £>cl 26. Se5!±>) 26. dc5 (26. bc5 b4 27. ^je2 Wa5 28. £>dl Wa2 29. £)f4 Ah5 30. Wh5 &g8-+) a5 27. £>e2 ab4-+[ bc4 23.13 [23. e4 Se8 24. 0-0 de4 25. We2 &g8 26. Wc4 АП 27. We2 ^d5+] ^15 [^ 23... Ad3 24. <£>f2 £)f5 25. Wd2 a5+[ 24. Ф12 h4 25. ^je2? [25. e4!?[ Se8-+ 26. Sc3 a5 27. a3 ab4 28. Ab4 Wc7 29. Wd2 Ah7! 30. Sh3 g5 31. g4 hg3 32. £>g3 Sh8 33. Scl g4 34. fg4 £)g3 35. Sg3 Ae4 0 : 1 Sargissian 149. IN D 32 F. BERKES 2682 - A. DELCHEV 2622 Skopje 2012 1. d4 d5 2. £)f3 c5 3. c4 еб 4. cd5 ed5 5. £}c3 ^jc6 6. Af4!? c4!? [6... Ш 7. e3 c4 8. Ae2 241
ДЬ4 9. 0-0 ДсЗ 10. ЬсЗ £е4 11. gel 0-0 12. £42 £42 13. Wd2 Д£5=[ 7. е4 7... £f6! N [7... de4 - 104/258] 8. Ag5 [8. ed5 £d5 9. Jlg5 Де7 10. £45 Wd5 11. Де7 £e7 12. gel b5 13. ЬЗ Jlg4 14. bc4 We6 15. Де2 Д13 16. gf3 0-0 17. 0-0 bc4 18. Дс4 W6T Xd4, f31 de4 9. £e5! Wd4! [9... Деб 10. £c6 Ьсб 11. Wa4gc8 12. Дс4 Wd4 13. Деб Wa4 14. ДП ФП 15. £a4 ДЬ4 16. Фе2 £45 17. ghcl+[ 10. Wd4 £d4 11. 0-0-0 [11. Дс4 £c2! a) 12. фе2 £44 13. ФА (13. ФеЗ £c2) Деб 14. gdl Дd6; b) 12. Фd2! £al 13. ДП Фе7 14. £45 Фd6 15. £c4 Фd7 16. £e5 Фd6 17. £c4=] £e6 [11... Дс5!? 12. Дс4 0-0 13. Af6 gf6 14. £f7 gf7 15. £e4 £e6 16. £c5 £c5 17. gd8 Фg7 18. ДП ФП 19. ghdl £e6 20. gh8 Фg7 21. ge8 ФП=] 12. ДЬ4 ДЬ4 13. Дс4 ДсЗ 14. ЬсЗ аб 15. Shel 0-0 16. gd6 Ь5 17. ДЬЗ £с5! 18. ДГ6 gf6 19. gf6 [19. Дd5 ga7 20. gf6 ge7[ Де6!= 1/2 : 1/2 A. Delchev 150.** D 34 E. BACROT 2706 - A. DELCHEV 2622 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. £c3 c5 4. cd5 ed5 5. £f3 £c6 6. g3 £)f6 7. Дg2 Де7 8. 0-0 0-0 9. dc5 Дс5 10. аЗ!? £e4! [10... а5?! (ХЬ5) 11. Дg5 d4 12. £45! Ь6 13. gel ДЬб 14. Д£4 ge8 15. £46 ge7 16. £c8 gc8 17. ®d3 £e4 18. £e5 £e5 19. We4 £g6 20. Wf5±; 10... Деб 11. Ь4 Де7 12. ДЬ2 gc8 13. gel Wd7 14. e3 gfd8 15. £e2+; 10... ge8 11. b4 ДЬб 12. ДЬ2 Дg4 13. £a4 Дс7 14. £c5 Ь6 (14... gb8 15. gel) 15. £43± «c| ll.£d5N [11. Wc2!?N£c3 (11... ДГ5 12. £e4 ДЬб 13. Дg5 Де4 14. Дd8 Дс2 15. ДЬб аЬб 16. gacl±) 12. Wc3 a) RR 12... We7 13. Ь4 ДЬб 14. еЗ gd8 15. gdl Дg4 16. ДЬ2 f6 17. Wb3 WH± T. Hirneise 2446 — A. Litwak 2276, Deutschland 2012; b) 12... ДЬб 13. Ь4 bl) 13... d4 14. Wd2 We7 15. ДЬ2 gd8 16. gfdl Деб (A. Rasmussen 2541 — Byklum 2252, Stockholm 2011/12) 17. Wf4± Xd4; b2) 13... ДГ5 14. ДЬ2 f6 15. gfdl Де4 16. £44 We8^; 11. Wd5 £c3 12. Wc5 £e2 13. ФЫ £cl 14. gacl Wf6 15. b4 Дg4=l Деб 12. £c3 [12. £e3 f5 13. Wd8 gad8 14. b4 £d4tl £>c3 13. ЬсЗ Wdl 14. gdl gad8 15. ДЬ2![15. Дf4gdl 16. gdl ДаЗ=; 15.gd8 gd8 16. Д14 f6 17. h4 h6 18. a4 g5 19. hg5 hg5 20. ДеЗ ДеЗ 21. fe3 Дd5 22. gdl b6=| £a5 16. £44 ДЬЗ 17. gel [17. £43 £b3 18. gd8 (18. gabl? £42 19. gal £c4) gd8 19. gbl b5 20. Деб аб 21. a4 £42=; 17. gd3!? Дс4 18. gd2 (18. ge3 Даб 19. ge4 f5 20. gf4 Дd4 21. cd4 £43 22. gel g5 23. gf3 £44=; 18. gf3 Дd4 19. cd4 £43 20. gel £44=) Дd4 19. gd4 £43551 Да4! [A £c4[ 18. e3 [18. Дс1 Ь6 19. gbl £c4 20. ДА gfe835; 18. gabl £c4 19. Дс1 Ь5[ £c4 19. Дс1 19... Ь5!^ 20. f4 ДЬб! [А Да5 ХсЗ] 21. gbl! Да5 22. gb4 ДЬ4 23. ab4 f5 [23... gfe8! 24. ФА (24. е4 а5 25. Ьа5 Ь4 26. аб ЬсЗ 27. £е2 gd6 28. £сЗ ga6+) gc8 25. е4 £46 26. Дd2 а5 27. Ьа5 £с4 28. ge2 £а5 29. е5 £с4 30. Де1=[ 24. е4 [24. £еб Дс2 25. £f8 Ф18 26. е4 Де4 27. Де4 fe4 28. Ф12 gd3 29. ДеЗ gc3 30. Дс5 ФП 31. ge4 gc2 32. ge2=[ fe4 25. £еб Дс2 26. £48 gd8 27. ФГ2 аб 28. ge2 [28. Де4 Де4 29. 242
Se4 Sd3 30. ДеЗ Sc3 31. Дс5 Sc2 32. Se2 Se2 33. Фе2 фН=[ ДЫ 29. lei Дс2 30. Se2 [30. ДеЗ ^еЗ 31. Se3 Sc8 32. фе1 Даз 33. Ф62 Sd8 34. фс1 Se8=[ ДЫ 1/2 : 1/2 A. Delchev 151. D 35 Lajthajm 2498 — Sr. Cvetkovic 2395 Srbija 2012 1. d4 £sf6 2. c4 еб 3. £>f3 d5 4. -АсЗ Abd7 5. cd5 ed5 6. Д§5 сб 7. аЗ [7. еЗ - 109/(234)1 Де7 8. Wc2 0-0 9. ДГ6 N [9. еЗ] Ш 10. еЗ Д0611. ДdЗ Se8 12. Д15 Ш7 [12... Д£5=[ 13. gel ^е4 [13... ДГ5 14. ®f5 £>е4=[ 14. Дс8 Sac8 15. 21d5! cd5 [15... ®е6? 16. £ic3 ^сЗ 17. Wc3 с5 18. 0—0±[ 16. ®с8 16... <Й12! 17. We8 [17. 0-0? £id3+] We8 18. ф>12 g6 19. Shel Ag7 20. Se2 a5= Sr. Cvetkovic 152.*** D 35 V. GOLOD 2561 - MUMINOVA 2327 Tashkent 2012 1. d4 еб 2. c4 d5 3. АсЗ Де7 4. cd5 ed5 5. Af4 £>f6 6. e3 0-0 7. ДОЗ c5 8. ^13 c4!? |RR 8... Дg4 9. h3 N (9. 0-0) Д13 10. Wf3 cd411.ed4^c6 12. ДеЗ 8b6 13.0-0Sad8 14. аЗ «Ь2 15. Sfel 8b6 16. Sabi Wc7 17. Ab5 Wa5 18. £f4t Z. Mamedjarova 2318 — Chiburdanidze 2500, Tbilisi (rapid) 2012; 8... £jc6 a) 9. dc5 Дс5 10. 0-0 d4 11. Aie4 Aie4 12. Де4 de3 13. Wc2 ef2 14. фЫ ДЬб 15. ДЬ7 фЬ8 16. Де4 Дg4 17. £)g5? N (17. Деб) Aid4? 18. ®f2 £rf5 19. ®el± Dar. Yang 2448 — Gerzhoy 2489, Saint Louis 2012; 17... f6+; b) 9. 0-0 Дg4 10. dc5 Дс5 11. h3 Д13 12. ®f3 d4 13. £>e4 Де7 14. Sadi ®a5 15. ДЫ N (15. £)g3 - 45/514) Sfd8 16. a3 Sd7?! 17. b4 ®a3 18. b5 £w5 19. Де5 ^e8 20. Sd4 Sd4 21. Д04± A. Zhigalko 2576 - Zhuck 2341, Belarus (ch) 2012; 16... Sac8oo[ 9. Дс2 аб!? N [A b5t«; 9... Дg4!? 10. h3 ДИ5 11. g4 Дg6 12. Дg6 hg6 13. Aie5 £jc6oo[ 10. £>e5 b5 11. a3 [11. Wf31? A 11... Ь4?! 12. £>a4+ А Ь3[ ДЬ7 [11... Деб!? /c8-h3[ 12. ®f3 £>bd7 13. Sdl Se8 [A £>f8-g6[ 14. g4! ? [A g5 Xf7; 14. Wh3 W8oo A 15... Aie6,15... ^g6; 14. 0-0!? Ш 15. Дg5 £jg6co[ 14... ДаЗ?! [14... £>f8?! 15. g5 £>e4 16. £rf7 Wa5 17. 0-0±; 14... Wa5 15. Wh3 Ш 16. g5 Aie4 17. Де4 de4 18. ®f5 Д05 19. 0-0 Wd8 20. h4+; 14... g6!?[ 15. £>d7! [15. ba3? (M. Turov) ®a5 16. Ф02 £se4 17. Де4 de4 18. Wg3 Aie5 19. Де5 Wa3 20. Scl b4+->] ДЬ2П [15... A>d7? 16. ba3 Wa5 17. Ф02 Wa3 18. Sal ®f8 19. фе2+-[ 16. £>f6 Ш6 17. £je2? [17. £)d5! a) 17... Д05? 18. Wd5 Sad8 (18... ®f4? 19. Ш8+-) 19. ®f5±; b) 17... ®c6 18. £}f6! gf6 19. d5 (Muminova) ®b6 (19... ®c5 20. Wh3 Да5 21. ДЬ7 Ф18 22. e4!±) 20. Wh3 f5 21. ДГ5 h6 22. 0—0±[ g5 18. Wh3 [18. Sbl? ДаЗ 19. e4 de4 20. Wa3 gf4+] gf4 19. g5 Wh8! 20. ^f4 Дd4! 21. Sd4! [21. 0-0? ДЬ2 (21... Де5 22. £)d5 ®g7+) 22. ^jd5 ®g7+[ Wd4 22. Wh7 Ф18 23. g6 Wg7! [23... Se3?? 24. fe3 We3 25. ^e2+-[ 24. gf7I? [24. Wh4!? (M. Turov) Деб 25. Sgl35] ФП [24... Wh7?? 25. fe8® Se8 26. ДЬ7 d4 27. Sgl de3 28. h4! (28. 243
Hg8? ФП 29. He8 ef2 30. Ф12 фе8 31. ФеЗ Фе7 32. Фё4 ф16 33. h4 Дсб±) Дсб 29. h5+-1 25. Wf5? [25. Wh4?? Hh8 26. Ag6 Wg6 27. ag6 Hh4 28. ah4 b4-+; 25. Ag6! Ф18 26. Wh3 He5 (26... Wai 27. Фе2 Wb2 28. ФА=) 27. <йе6 Неб 28. We6 Hd8 29. Hgl Дс8 30. Wb6! Фе7 31. Wc5 Hd6 32. Wc8 Hg6 33. Wc7 Ф16=[ Фе7 26. We6 Фа8 27. Wb6 [27. Wd6 Wd7 28. Wb6 фс8 29. Hgl d4-+[ Фс8-+ [27... Wc7? 28. аеб Неб 29. We6 d4 (A Wa5) 30. Wg8 фd7 31. Wg4 фсб 32. Wd4 Wa5 33. ФП Hd8 34. Де4 Фс7 35. We5 фЬб 36. Wf6 Фа7 37. We7 Wb6 38. Фе2 Hc8 39. Hdl Hc7 40. Hd7 Hd7 41. Wd7 a5 42. h4 a4 43. h5 a3 44. ДЬ7 Wb7 45. Wd4 Wb6 46. Wg7=| 28. Д15 ФЬ8 29. аеб Wd7?@ [29... Wai? 30. фе2 Wb2 (30... Whl 31. Wd6 фа7 32. Wc5=) 31. ФА Неб 32. Деб Wai 33. фе2=; 29... Неб 30. Деб d4! (30... а5? 31. Wd8 фа7 32. Wa5 Даб 33. Дd5 Нс8 34. f4=) 31. е4 (31. ed4 Wc7-+) d3-+[ 30. ас5= ДdЗ Дd7 N (15... ad3 - 88/(367)) 16. 0-0 ad3 17. Wd3 Дg4 18. Wd4 Д13 19. gf3 Нас 8 20. Hel (B. Socko 2636 — Shimanov 2549, Moscow 2012) Нсб!? 21. Нсб Ьсб 22. b4 Hd6oo Dembol af6 4. аеЗ Де7 5. Д14 сб 6. e3 abd7 7. h3 0-0 8. c5 b6 9. b4 a5 10. a3 ДЬ7 11. ДdЗ Wc8 12. 0-0 Даб 13. Дg5 N [13. Wc2 - 109/2451 h6 14. ДЬ4 [14. Д16 Д16=[ He8 15. Даб [15. Wc2 ДdЗ 16. Wd3 Дd8=l Wa6= 16. Hbl Wc4 17. ad2 [17. Wc2?! ae4+; 17. Wd2 ae4 18. ae4 de4 19. Де7 ef3 20. Дd6 Wd5T; 17. Wcl ab4 18. ab4 bc5 19. bc5 e5 20. de5 ae4 21. ae4 We4=[ Wc3! 18. Hb3 [18. Д16 ДС6 19. НЬЗ ab4 20. ab4 Дd4 21. Hc3 ДсЗ+l Wd2! 19. Wd2 ae4 20. Wc2 Д64 21. Ь5?! [21. cb6? ab6+ 22. Wc6? ас4 23. Hd3 ab4 24. ab4 Нес8 25. Wd7 acd2-+; 21. g3 Де7 22. Фg2 а4 23. Hbbl Ь5Т] Нес8+ 22. 13 [22. сЬб аьб (22... сЬ5?? 23. Ь7!-+) 23. Ьсб ас4+1 ag3 23. Hfbl cb5 24. сб [24. ПЬ5 Ьс5 25. dc5 ае5+[ 24... Нс7! 25. Нс1? [25. НеЗ Ь4 26. аЬ4 аЬ4 27. НЬ4 На1-+; 25. НЬ5 Нас8 26. Нс1 аЬ8 27. НЬб асб+1 аЬ8!-+ 26. Wd3 асб 27. НЬсЗ Нас8 28. фЬ2 [28. Wb5 ad4-+[ Ь4 29. Н3с2 af5 30. g4 ad6 31. е4 Дg5 0 : 1 Fancsy 30... Wc6?? [30... Wc7D 31. ad7 Фс8 32. ae5 (32. Wd4? Дсб 33. ac5 ФЬ8 34. Hgl Ha7-+; 32. af6? Фd8-+; 32. ac5 ФЬ8 33. ad7=) ФЬ8 (32... Фd8?? 33. ап) 33. ad7=l 31. ad7 Фс8 32. ae5 1 : 0 И Golod 153.* D 37 I. FARAGO 2497 - FANCSY 2392 Magyarorszdg 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. ai3 [3. аеЗ Де7 4. Д14 af6 5. e3 0-0 6. at3 abd7 7. a3 c5 8. cd5 ad5 9. ad5 ed5 10. dc5 ac5 11. Де5 ДГ6 12. ДГ6 Wf6 13. Wd4 We7 14. Hdl Hd8 15. 154. IN Т. NYBACK 2636 - GRANDELIUS 2545 Plovdiv 2012 1. ai3 d5 2. d4 af6 3. c4 еб 4. аеЗ ДЬ4 5. cd5 ed5 6. Дg5 h6 7. ДИ4 c5 8. e3 c4 9. ad2 244
g5 [9... АсЗ - 86/4181 10. Ag3 Af5 11. Ae2!? [11. h4 Hg8[ 0-0?! 12. h4! N [12. 0-01 He8 13. hg5 hg5 14. Ae5 abd7 15. f4! [15. ad5?! Ad2 16. Wd2 £ie5 17. af6 Wf6 18. de5 We5 19. Ac4 Had8 20. We2 Wa5 21. &fl Ag65o| АсЗ 16. ЬсЗ b5 17. g4?! [17. Afi a) 17... a5? 18. We2 b4 19. g4 ЬсЗ (19... Ad3 20. Wh2 ah7 21. ae4+—) 20. gf5 cd2 21. Wd2±; b) 17... b4! bl) 18. cb4 Wb6! 19. a3 (19. g4 Ad3 20. fg5 He5! 21. de5 We3-+) gf4! 20. Af4 Wd4+; b2) 18. g4 Ad3 19. cb4 Wb6^; 17. &fl! gf4 (17... b4 18. cb4! c3 19. ab3+; 17... ae5 18. fe5 ae4 19. ae4 Ae4 20. Afi! Ad3 21. &gl±) 18. ef4 ae5 (18... b4 19. Wei! ЬсЗ 20. Wg3 Ag6 21. f5±; 18... Wa5 19. g4! Ah7 20. Hh3T) 19. fe5 £je4 (19... £}h7 20. Well; 19... ad7 20. Wel±) 20. ae4 Ae4 21. Afi Ad3 (21... Wg5 22. Ae4 de4 23. We2! e3 24. Hel±) 22. <£>gl Wg5 23. Wel±] Ah7 18. Hh6?! [18. Afi b4! 19. cb4 Wb6M Неб19. fg5 [19. f5 He8 20. Af6 af6 21. <£>f2 We7 22. Hh3 b4 23. cb4 Wb4 24. Sbl Wa51; 19. Afi b4!? 20. cb4 Wb6±?[ ae5 20. gf6 ag6 21. g5 [21. afl Wf6+1 НеЗ 22. an Sc3-+ 23. Wd2 b4 24. ae3 Wd7 25. Ф12 He8 26. Ag4 Wc7 27. af5 Sd3 28. Wcl He4 29. Sh7 <£>h7 30. Whl &g8 31. Af3 H13 0 : 1 Grandelius 155.* D 38 D. JAKOVENKO 2729 - FRESSINET 2693 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. асЗ Ab4 4. ai3 af6 5. cd5 ed5 6. Ag5 abd7 7. e3 c5 8. dc5 Wa5 9. Scl АсЗ 10. ЬсЗ 0-0 11. ad4 Wc5 12. Ad3 He8 N [12... ae4 13. Af4 We7 14. Wh5 adf6 15. Wh4 h6 16. f3 ac5oo] 13. 0-0 ae4 [RR 13... аб?! 14. Ah4 Wf8 15. c4± Vidit 2528 - Nguyen Van Huy 2502, Ho Chi Minh City 20121 14. Af4 ae5?! [14... ab6 15. ab5 Se7 16. c4!t; 14... ad6!?[ 15. Ae5 Se5 16. c4 af6 [16... We7 (A ac5) 17. f4!+-; 16... Ad7 17. ab3 We7 18. f4 Hf5 19. ad4 dc4 20. af5 Af5 21. Ac4 Sd8 22. Wa4±; 16... ad6 17. ab3 Wa3 (17... Wc6 18. cd5 Wd5 19. f4!+—) 18. cd5 Wa2±[ 17. Wb3 [17. cd5 Wd5 18. Ac4 Wd7! (18... Wd8? 19. afi Se8 20. Wd8 Hd8 21. ag5±) 19. Wb3 We7±[ Se7 [17... Wb6 18. c5 Wb3 19. ab3 Ad7+[ 18. Hfdl Ag4? [18... dc4 19. Ac4 Wh5 20. fit A e4[ 19.13 Аеб 20. cd5 Wd5 21. Ac4 We5 22. f4? [22. аеб fe6 23.14 Wf5 24. Hd6 Sae8 25. Ab5! ae4 26. Hd4 ac5 27. Wa3 Hc8 28. Wa7±[ We4 [22... Ac4 23. fe5 АЬЗ 24. ef6 Adi 25. fe7 Aa4 26. Hc7 b6 27. &f2! g6 28. Ф13 &g7 29. Фе4 <£>f6 30. &d5+-[ 23. аеб fe6 24. Ae2 ad5 [24... Wg6 25. Hc5±[ 25. Ф12 Wb4 26. Ac4 Wb3 27. Ab3 ac7 28. Hc5 Ф18 29. He5 [A f5[ g6 30. h4 &g7 31. h5 Hf8 32. g4 Hfl7 [32... gh5 33. Hh5 e5 34. Hdhl <4>h8 35. g5!+- A (35. Ac2 Hffi 36. f5±) ef4 36. g6[ 33. Hg5! [33. ФВ Sd7 34. Hd7 Hd7 35. Аеб He7 36. АЬЗ He5 37. fe5±[ Hd7? [33... Hf8 34. <4>g3 &f6 35. e4 Hg8 36. h6+- A He5, g5, f5[ 34. hg6 hg6 35. Ac2! Ф18 [35... Hdl 36. Hg6 Ф117 37. Неб ФЬ8 38. Sh6 <^>g7 39. Hg6 <£>h7 40. Hg5+-1 36. Hg6 Hdl 37. Adi Hh7 1^ 37... b5[ 38. АЬЗ Фе7 39. f5 ef5 40. gf5 ae8 41. e4 ad6 42. f6 1:0 D. Jakovenko 245
156. D 42 DA. MILANOVIC 2520 - I. MILADINOVIC 2555 Srbija (ch) 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. 4}c3 4tf6 4. cd5 £>d5 5. £>f3 [5. e4] c5 6. еЗ 5jc6 7. Ad3 cd4 8. ed4 £ic3?! [8... Ae7 - 91/383] 9. ЬсЗ Ae7 10. Ibl!? ]10. 0-0] 0-0 [10... b6!? 11. 0-0 (11. Ae4 Ab7) Ab7 12. Wc2 h6 13. We2oo[ 11. Wc2!? [11. h4!? a) 11... b6?? 12. Ah7 ФЬ7 13. ®g5 <£g6 (13... <£g8 14. Wh5 Ag5 15. hg5 f5 16. g6+-) 14. h5 фЪб 15. £>f74—; b) 11... h6 12. We2 (12. Ac2 b6 13. Wd3 f5 14. Af4oo) Wa5!? 13. Ad2 Wa2oo; 11. 0-0 a) 11... b6 12. Wc2 h6 (12... g6 13. Ah6He8 14. h4T) 13. We2t; b) 11... Wc7 12. Hel b6 (12... Hd8 13. h4T) 13. £sg5 Ag5 14. Ag5±[ h6 [11... g6?! 12. h44 12. 0-0 [12. We2 Wa5oo[ Wc7 [12... b6 13. We2 Wc7 14. Ad2 Ad6 (14... Ab7? 15. We4+-) 15. c4±] 13. Hel [13. Hb5!? e5 14. £>e5 (14. de5 аб 15. Hbl &e5 16. <йе5 We5 17. АеЗоо) аб 15. Hd5 (15. £>c6 ab5 16. £>e7 We7 17. Ab5^) Ae6 16. ^c6 Ad5 17. ^e7 We7 18. c4 Hfc8 19. Wb3 Ae6 20. d5 Ag4 21. Ae3^[ Ad7 N [13... аб; 13... b6 14. We2; 13... Hd8 14. We2 Ad6 15. We4 f5 16. We2± Xe6[ 14. Hb5!? Hfc8 [14... Hac8 15. Wbl £)d8 16. Hh5 Ae8 (16... Wc3 17. Ab2 Wb4 18. d5t) 17. c4+[ 15.9M £>d8[15...£ja5 16. Hh54 16.Hh5 Wb6 [16... Wc3!? 17. Ab2 (17. Ad2?! Wc7 18. d5 Wb6 19. Ah7 ФЬ8 20. We4oo) Wb4 18. d5oo[ 17. Wc2!? Ab4? 18. Ad2? [18. Ah6! a) 18... Hc3 19. Ag7!! <^g7 (19... Hc2 20. Af64—) 20. Wd2! Ф18 21. Hh8 фе7 22. Wg5 <£d6 23. Wf4 Феб (23... Фе7 24. £je5 Ae8 25. Wh4 Ф46 26. He84~) 24. d5 ed5 25. £>e5 Фс7 26. £>c4 Ad6 27. ab6 Af4 28. ^d5 &d6 29. £>c34—; b) 18... АсЗ 19. Ag7! f5 (19... <£g7 20. Wcl 4—) 20. Wcl4—; c) 18... gh6 19. Wcl Af8 20. Hh6! Ag7 21. Wg5+-1 Wc7 19. Wbl? [19. Ah7! a) 19... <£f8 20. £>e5 Ad6 21. d5 Ae5 (21... ed5? 22. £sd7 Wd7 23. Hh6!4—) 22. Hhe5 ed5 23. Wb2! 4—; b) 19... ФИ8 20. Wcl! Af8 (20... АсЗ? 21. Ah6+-) 21. Abl &g8 (21... f5 22. d54—) 22. Wc2 g6 23. £}e5 Ae8 24. £sg4+-[ Ad6 20. <йе5 Ae8 21. Ah7© Ф18 [21... фЬ8?! 22. Ah6 gh6 23. Hh6 &g7 (23... Wc3 24. Ag6 <£g7 25. Af74~; 23... Ae5 24. de5 Wc3 25. Hh3+-) 24. Wcl! Wc3 25. Wg5 &f8 26. Ad3! Wei 27. Afl Ae5 28. de5+-1 22. We4 [22. d5! ed5 (22... Ae5 23. Hhe5 Wc4 24. Ac 14—) 23. Hf5 Ae5 24. Hfe5 Ad7 25. Wb4 Wc5 26. c44—] Ae5 23. He5 ^c6 [23... Wc4 24. Wbl±[ 24. Hh5 [24. c4! a5 25. Hb5 £}d8 26. Af4 We7 27. Hb6+-1 Wd7?© [24... £se7[ 25. W13? [25. Hh6! gh6 (25... f6 26. Hh34—) 26. Wh4! f6 27. Wf6 Af7 28. Ah6 Фе8 29. Ag6!4—[ f5 26. Hh4 [26. Hh6! gh6 27. Ah6 фе7 28. Af54—1 Af7 27. g4 Wd5? [27... £>e7 28. gf5 £>f5 29. Af5 ef5 30. Hh6 &g8 31. Hh4 Hc6 32. Wh3+] 28. Wd5 ed5 29. gf5 [29. Acl b5 30. Af5 He8 31. He8 He8 32. ФА4—1 He8 30. Hbl! He2 31. Af4 b6 32. f6 g5? [32... Неб 33. fg7 <^g7 34. Ad34~1 33. Ad6 Фе8 34. Hh6 &d7 35. Ag3 £>d8 36. Ad3! Ha2 37. Ab5 Фс8 38. Hh8 аб 39. Асб Ha7 40. НЬб 1 :0 Da. Milanovic 157. D 43 ANTON GUIJARRO 2475 - KI. GEORGIEV 2658 Roquetas de Mar 2012 1. £>f3 2. c4 еб 3. £sc3 d5 4. d4 сб 5. Ad2 dc4 6. e4 b5 7. e5 ^id5 8. £ie4 Ae7 N [8... ^d7[ 9. ЬЗ! сЬЗ 10. ab3 £}a6 11. Ad3 [11. Aa5 Wd7 12. Ad3 c5 13. Hcl^l £sab4 12. Abl a5 13. Ag5 0-0 14. h4 [14. 0-0 Ag5 15. £}eg5 h6 16. £}e4ccl 246
14...На7 [14... a4! 15. ba4 ba4 16. Ha4 Aa6+1 15. Ae7 We7 16. g4?I [16. 0-0116 [16... a4 17. ba4 ba4 18. Wd2 a3+l 17. ef6 gf6 [17... Ш 18. £>e5 £je4 19. Ae4 c5 20. g5 (20. Scl Hc7+) Wd6 21. 0-0 (21. Ah7 ФИ7 22. g6 *g8 23. Wh5 ^c2 24. ФП Hf5 25. Wh7 Ф18 26. Wh8 фе7 27. Wg7 фе8 28. Wa7 Wd4 29. We7 фе7 30. ^сб Ф16 31. ^d4 cd4—+) g6+[ 18. g5 e5 19. gf6 -Sf6 20. Qje5 A15 21.Hgl [21. <йс5 Abl 22. Hbl £)fd5Tl ФЬ8 22. 4hg5 ®d7 23. Af5 <йе5 24. de5 We5 25. ФП £)d5 26. Ha2 Hd7 27. Wai Wai 28. Hal Hf5 29. Ha5 <i>g7 30. Наб £}b4 31. Hal фЬ6 32. Hel Hf6 33. Hg3 £)d5 34. £>e4 Hf4 35. £>g5 He7 36. He7 <£je7 37. НеЗ ®g6 38. £if3 c5 39. Hc3 b4 40. Hd3 c4 41. bc4 Hc4 42. Hd6 фЬ5 43. Hd5 Wg4 44. £se5 £>e5 45. He5 фЬ4 46. &g2 &g4 47. He7 h5 48. Hb7 h4 49. Hg7 ФГ4 50. Hh7 фе5 51. Hh5 ФО6 52. Hb5 фсб 53. Hb8 фс5 54. Ф13 ФО4 55. фе2 ФеЗ 56. Ф01 ФЬ2 57. Н18 ЬЗ 58.14 h3 59. Hh8 Hel 0: 1 Ki. Georgiev 158 OBOLENSKIKH 2510 - SJUGIROV 2622 Moscow 2012 1. £)13 d5 2. d4 £)f6 3. c4 еб 4. адсЗ сб 5. Ag5 h6 6. Af6 Wf6 7. e3 g6 8. Ad3 Ag7 9. 0-0 0-0 10. We2 [10. e4 - 108/1111 £>d7 11. Had We7 12. a3 Hd8 13. Hfdl dc4 [13... a5 14. cd5 ed5 15. £>a4] 14. Ac4 a5!? [14... e5!? 15. d5 e4 16. £>d4 (16. d6 We8) &e5 17. h3oo; 14... Ьб?! 15. Aa6115. Wc2 N [15. e4 b5 16. АЬЗ b4 17. ab4 ab4 18. £)a4 Жаб 19. We3 Ab5; 15. Aa2] b6 16. Ae2 Ab7 17. Wb3 Hab8 18. <йа4?! [18. h3=] 18... c5! 19. dc5? [19. Wc2 cd4 20. 2)d4 Hbc8 21. WblTl ^c5 20. Hd8 Wd8 21. £jc5 bc5 22. Wc2 Ad5?! [22... Af3!? 23. Af3 Ab2 24. Hdl Wc7 25. a4 c4+; 22... Ab2!? 23. Wb2 Af3 24. Wc2 Ae2 25. We2+| 23. Wc5?! [23. e4! Ab3 (23... Hb2 24. Wdl ) 24. Wc5 Ab2 25. Hbl Ag7+1 Hb2 24. Ac4?! [24. Adi Ha2 25. a4 ФИ7+1 Af3-+ 25. gf3 Wh4 26. Hfl Hc2 27. f4 Wg4 28. ФЫ Wf3 29. фgl We4 0 : 1 Sjugirov 159. D 44 KI. GEORGIEV 2671 - 1. BANUSZ 2583 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d5 2. £>f3 £sf6 3. c4 сб 4. £>c3 dc4 5. a4 еб 6. e4 Ab4 7. Ag5 Ac3 8. ЬсЗ Wa5 9. e5 4}e4 10. Ad2 c5!? 11. Ac4 2)d2 12. Wd2 cd4 13. cd4 £)c6 14. d5 ed5 15. Ad5 N [15. Wa5 - 111/(207)1 Wd2 16. Ф02 Ad7 [16... Аеб 17. Асб Ьсб 18. £>d4 Ad5 19. Hhcl фd7 20. НаЗ Hab8oo[ 17. феЗ фе7 18. Hhbl Hab8 [18... b6? 19. a5 2)a5 20. Aa8 Ha8±l 19. a5 Hhc8 20. НаЗ h6 [20... f6!? 21. ef6 ФГ6 22. £>d2 Af51 21. h3 f6!? 22. ef6 ФГ6 23. £>d2 Af5 24. Hb5 [24. 2)e4 Ae4 25. Ae4 He8 26. Hb5 - 24. Hb5[ He8 25. 2)e4 Ae4 26. Ae4 He5 27. He5 [27. Hab3 £sa5! 28. He5 £)c4 29. фd4 £se5 30. Hb7 Hb7 31. Ab7 g5=[ ^je5 28. Hc3 247
28... af7!= 29. f4 Ad6 30. Ad5 g5 31. ФО He8 32. аб ab5 33. Hc4 ba6 34. Нсб <£g7 35. Наб 118 36. g3 gf4 37. gf4 Hf6 38. lai аб 39. Дс4 lc6 40. Ad3 ad4 41. <£g4 ld6 42. Ha3 116 42... ab5!? 43. НЬЗ Hd5[ 43. Ia5 ld6 44. Даб lg6 45. фЬ4 аеб [45... If6!? 46. <£g3 Hg6 47. ФС Hf6 48. ФеЗ ac2 49. Фе4 (49. фd2 ad4 50. Hd5 £>e6=) Неб 50. Ф15 (50. Ф13 ad4 51. Фg2 Hg6 52. Ф12 lf6=) ad4 51. Фg4 Hg6 52. ФЬ4 116=1 46. f5 [46. Д43 lg2[ Hg5 47. Де2 ad4 48. Ag4 Ф16 49. Ia6 Фg7 50. f6 Фg6 51. П [51. Фg3 h5 52. Ф14 hg4 53. 17 Ф17 54. Фg5 gh3=; 51... Ic5=[ ФГ7 52. Ih6 af5! 53. Фg5 ah6 54. фЬб Фg8 1/2 : 1/2 T. Bdnusz 160 B. GELFAND 2739 - V. ANAND 2799 Moscow (m/7) 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>c3 af6 4. еЗ еб 5. afi аб 6. c5 abd7 7. ®c2!? b6 8. cb6 ab6 N [8... c5; 8... Wb6| 9. Ad2 c5 10. Icl cd4 [10... c4!? 11. e4 (11. ЬЗ сЬЗ 12. ab3 ДЬ7 13. ДёЗ ДаЗ 14. lai We7 15. 0-0 0-0oo) ДЬ7 12. ed5 afd5 13. ad5 ed5 14. Де2 Ж46 15. 0-0 0-0 16. Да5 Дс7 17. ЬЗ lc8 18. lfel+1 11. ed4 Ad6 12. ^g5 0-0 13. ЖОЗ h6 14. ДЬ4 ДЬ7 15.0-0 ®b8 [^ 15... Af4 16. Hcdl £sbd7=[ 16. ^g3 [16. ДА6 gf6 17. ae2!?± A Wd2| lc8 17. We2 ^g3 18. hg3 ®d6 19. Ic2 abd7 20. Ifcl lab8 [20... Ic7! 21. £sa4 (21. ab5? Ic2 22. £)d6 Icl 23. ФЬ2 ag4 24. ФЬЗ adf6 25. ael Деб 26. f3 Hd8 27. af7 ФП 28. fg4 ДЬ5 29. ДЬ5 ab5T) Hac8 22. Нс7 Нс7 23. Hc7 ®c7 24. ®c2 Wc2 25. Дс2 (A b4) a5 !=] 21. £>a4 ae4 [^ 21... Hc2 22. Hc2 (22. Wc2 Hc8 23. ac5 e5±?) Дс6= А ДЬ5[ 22. Hc8 Дс8 23. Wc2T [A ac5, b4; 23. ®el!? ДЬ7 24. Wa5t A b4[ g5?! [23... ДЬ7 24. £}c5t| 24. ®c7 Wc7 25. Hc7 f6 [25... ad6 26. £>c5 af6 27. b3±[ 26. Де4!+- de4 27. <21d2 f5 28. ac4 af6 29. ac5 ad5 30. Ha7 ab4 31. ae5 ac2 32. £jc6 Hb2 33. Hc7 Hbl 34. фЬ2 еЗ 35. Hc8 ФЬ7 36. Hc7 ФЬ8 37. ^je5 е2 38. £je6 [38... НЫ 39. ФЫ еШ 40. ФЬ2 A ^g6, Hg7#[ 1:0 Br. Tadic 161.* D45 V. GOLOD 2561 - В. GRACHEV 2705 Tashkent 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. £>f3 £jf6 4. £>сЗ сб 5. e3 аб 6. Wc2 c5 7. cd5 ed5 8. dc5 [8. Де2 Деб 9. 0-0 асб 10. Hdl cd4 11. ad4 ad4 (11... Hc8 - 86/430) 12. Hd4 Дс5 13. Hdl «e7 14. Дй 0-0!? N (14... Hd8) 15. £)d5 £d5 16. Дd5 ad5 17. Hd5 Hac8 a) 18. «3 Hfd8 19. g3 ДЬб (19... Hd5 20. Wd5 Hd8 21. Wf3 h6) 20. Hd8 Hd8 21. Wc2 ШЬ45ё; b) 18. We2 We4 19. Hdl Де7 20. f3 Wc2 21. Hd2 Wc5® Br. Tadic; c) 18. Дd2!? ДеЗ 19. ДсЗ ДЬб 20. Wf5 We6 21. ®f3 f6 22. h4 Wc6 23. h5 Hfd8= B. Gelfand 2727 - V. Anand 2791, Moscow (m/6) 20121 Дс5 9. Де2 0-0 10. 0-0 асб 11. ЬЗ [11. Hdl!? - 93/3751 h6!? N [Xg5, А Деб; 11... ®e7!?[ 12. ДЬ2 We7 13. Hacl [13. Hfdl Hd8 14. Hacl Да7=[ Да7= 14. Hfdl Hd8?I [14... ДеЗ?! 15. fe3 We3 16. ФЫ (16. ФЛ!?) a) 248
16... A,g4? 17. ДА 2rf2 (17... £jb4 18. Wd2 Se8 19. a3+—) 18. Hf2 WC 19. ^d5+-; b) 16... d4 17. Hd3 Af5 18. £)dl +; 14... Аеб A Hac8[ 15. £sa4 Aie4 16. Aid4 Ad7?! [16... £>b4 17. Wbl He8 18. AB Ad7=; 16... £>e5 17. Wc7 (17. £>c3!?) Wc7 18. Ic7 b5! A 19. Aic3 Ab6 20. £>c6 (20.Де7?! 21c3 21. Ac3 Aig6 22. <21c6 £>e7 23. £>e7 ФЬ8 24. £>d5 Aa7 25. Aa5 ld7 26. e4 f5+) Ac7 21. £)d8 Ag4 22. f3 £jc3 23. Ac3 AB 24. gB Hd8 25. фПЙ[ 17. £jc6 Ac6 18. Ad4 Ad4 19. Hd4 Aa4 20. ba4! [20.Да4?! We6 (A lac8 Xc3) 21. Wb2 Hac8 22. Hd4 Scl 23. Wcl Hc8 24. Wb2 Wc6 25. h4 Wcl 26. Wcl Scl 27. ФИ2=[ 20... Hd6!? [20... Wf6?l 21. AB±; 20... Wh4?! (B. Grachev) a) 21. g3 Wf6 22. f3 £)g5 XB, A <5X6; b) 21. AB! A 21... Дас8 22. Ae4 (22. Wc8?? Wf2 23. ФЫ Дс8 24. Дс8 ФЬ7-+) Sc2 23. Ac2 We7 24. Ab3±[ 21. Wb2± Wf6 22. Ad3?! [22. B!? (B. Grachev) £)g5 23. Wb7 Wd8 (23... Had8 24. Hcdl Хаб, d5) 24. Ed2 We8 25. Wb3±; 22. AB!? b6 23. Wb3 Ead8 24. Hcdl+l Hb6 23. We2 Дсб! [«-cl 24. Дсб Wc6 25. Ae4 de4 26. Wc4 Hc8 27. Wc6 Дсб 28. g4!? [28. g3?! f5 29. Hd5 b6 A 30. Hf5 Дс4 31. a5 b5 32. Sd5 Да4 33. Hd2 Sa5 34. &g2 g5Tl Hc2 [28... Hg6 29. Де4 (29. h3 f5 30. ФЬ2 fg4 31. hg4 Hg4 32. ДЬ4=) f5 30. ДЬ4 a) 30... Hg4 31. Hg4 fg4 32. *g2! h5!D (32... g5?? 33. a5 ФП 34. ФА Феб 35. Фе2 фе5 36. ФdЗ Фd5 37. е4 Фс5 38. ФеЗ h5 39. Фd3 h4 40. ФеЗ Ьб 41. аЬб ФЬ6 42. Фd4 фсб 43. Фе5+-) 33. 13 gB 34. фВ ФП 35. Ф14 Ф16 36. h4 Ьб 37. аЗ а5 38. е4 Феб 39. Фg5 Фе5 40. фЬ5 Фе4 41. Фg6 ФВ 42. Фg7 Фg4 43. ФП ФЬ4 44. Феб Фg5 45. Фd6 Ф16 46. фсб Фе7 47. фЬб Фd8=; Ь) 30... а51? 31. Ш4 Sg4 32. Sg4 fg4 33. Фg2 g5 34. В gB 35. ФВ ФП 36. Фе4 Феб 37. фd4 h5 38. фе4 Ь6= 39. Фd4 фГб 40. Фе4 феб=[ 29. Не4 [29. аЗ ДсЗ=] Да2 30. ДЬ4 а5 31. ДЬ7 Да4 32. h3 1/2 : 1/2 И Golod 162.** IN D 46 SARGISSIAN 2683 - NEZAD 2402 Gibraltar 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. Ac3 £>f6 4. еЗ еб 5.АВ Abd7 6. Wc2 Ad6 7. Ad3 dc4 8. Ac4 0-0 9.0-0 аб 10. Sdl b5 11. Ad3 Wc7 12. Ad2 c5 13. Ae4 [13. dc5 - 110/2391 cd4!? [13... c4 14. Ad6 Wd6 15. Ae2 Ab7 16. ЬЗ a) 16... Ae4 17. Wb2 Hfc8 N (17... Sab8) 18. ^el ^d5 19. lacl cb3 20. ab3 Ag6 21. £>d3± I. Farag6 2497 — Hertneck 2531, Osterreich 2012; b) 16... Ad5 17. Wb2 £}e4 18. Aa5 f5! N (18... Sfc8) 19. ^jel Hf6 20. bc4 bc4 21. Wb4 Wb4 22. Ab4 a5t D. Jakovenko 2729 — Ragger 2654, Plovdiv 2012] 14.4hd6 Wd6 15.Ae4!N[15. Ac3 A.b7 16. Ad4(16. £)d4 b4 17. £>B We7 18. Af6 2»f6=) AB 17. gB Дас8 18. We2 ^je5 19. Ae5 We5 20. f4 Wc5=[ ^je4 [15... d3 16. Wd3 Wd3 17. Ad3 Ab7 18. Ae2±[ 16. We4 Ab7! [16... £>c5? 17. Wa8 Ab7 18. Wa7 Sa8 19. Wa8 Aa8 20. Ab4 AB 21. gB Wd8 22. Ac5 Wg5 23. ФА Wc5 24. gacl Wf8 25. Sd4±[ 17. Wb7 [17. Wd4 Wd4 18. ^id4 Sfc8 (18... Hac8? 19. Ab4 ^jc5 20. В Sfe8 21. Had ^a4 22. Hc8 Hc8 23. ЬЗ ^ib6 24. e4±) 19. Aa5 ^je5 20. ЬЗ ^c6 21. £jc6 Ac6 22. В Ae8=[ ^c5 18. Ab4 £)b7 19. Ad6 ad6 20. Sd4± Hfd8 [20... £)c4 21. ЬЗ £jb6 22. e4 Hfd8 23. Sadi 249
Hd4 24. Hd4 <£>f8 25. Hd6 £>c8 26. Hd7 фе8 27. Hc7 ad6 28. e5±; 20... ae8 21. Scl £)f6 22. Hd6 Hfc8 23. Hdc6 Hc6 24. Hc6±] 21. ФП f6 22. Hadi af7 [22... ab7 23. Hd7 e5 24. Фе2 Hd7 25. Hd7 ac5 26. Hc7 ^e6 27. Hc6 ad8 28. Hb6±[ 23. Hd8 Hd8 24. Scl e5 [24... ag5!? 25. £)g5 (25. ad4!?) fg5 26. Фе2 Hd6 27. Hc7 h6 28. e4 ФЬ7 29. f3 &g6+[ 25. Фе2 Ф18 [25... ad6 26. Hc6 a5 27. ad2 ФП 28. abl! a4 29. ac3±[ 26. Hc7 Hd6 27. ael! [27. ah4!? g6 28. at3[ ad8 [27... e4?! 28. ac2 ae5 29. ad4 ad3 30. b3[ 28. ad3 ae6 [28... Hc6 29. Hd7 ae6 30. ab4 Hc7 31. Hd6 ac5 32. ЬЗ a5 33. ad5 Hc8 34. Hb6 b4 35. Hb5±[ 29. Ha7 e4?! [29... Hc6 30. ab4 Hc4 31. аЗ ac5[ 30. ab4 ac5 31. Hc7 ae6 32. Ha7 ac5 33. g4! h5? [33... f5!?[ 34. gh5 aa4? [34... &g8 35. Hc7 ad3 36. ad3 ed3 37. <£>d2 Hd5 38. h6 gh6 39. h4 Hf5 40. f4 Hh5 41. <4>d3 Hh4 42. Hc6±[ 35. Наб± Наб [35... Hd7 36. h6 &g8 37. hg7 <£>g7 38. Неб ab2 39. He4±[ 36. ааб ab2 37. ас5 15 38. аеб Ф17 [38... Фе7 39. ag7 <£>f6 40. h6 <£>g6 41. af54~] 39. ad4 b4 40. af5+- Af6 41. ad6 Фе5 42. ae8 aa4 43. ag7 ac3 44. <4>d2 aa2 45. ae8 1 :0 Sargissian 163. D 52 L.-C. MIRON 2513 - I. IVANISEVIC 2636 Podgorica 2011 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. af3 af6 4. Wb3l? еб 5. Ag5 abd7 6. e3 [6. аеЗ - 101/3631 Wa5 7. ac3 ae4 [7... Ab4 8. Hel ae4 9. Af4 - 8. Af4[ 8. Ah4 [^ 8. Af4 a) 8... adf6 9. Ad3 (9. Hel ag4±?; 9. h3 Ab4 10. Нс 1 0-0 11. аЗ АсЗ 12. ЬсЗ c5!=) dc4 (9... Ab4 10. Hel dc4 11. Ac4+ A 11... b5 12. Ad3 c5 13. 0-0! c4 14. Ac4 bc4 15. Wc4 0-0 16. Ac7±) 10. Ac4 ad5 11. 0-0! aec3 12. ЬсЗ ac3 13. Ae5 f6 14. Haclt; b) 8... Ab4 9. Hel ab6 (9... 0-0 10. Ad3+) 10. Ac7! dc4 11. Ac4 Wa4 12. ad2! ad2 13. Ф42 Wa5 (13... Wb3 14. АЬЗ ad5 15. Ag3+) 14. фе2 Ae7 15. Hhel Wh5 16. <£>fl ac4 17. Wc4±; c) 8... g5! 9. ag5!? (9. Ag3 - 8. Ah4) ag5 10. cd5 cl) 10... Ae7 11. d6! Af6(ll... Ad8 12. Wc2=) 12. 0-0-0 h6 13. h4 ah7 14. g4S; c2) 10... h6 11. h4 e5! (11... ae4 12. de6 ad6 13. ef7 af7 14. Ac4 Wh5 15. Аеб A g4-) c21) 12. de5 ae4 (12... ac5 13. Wc2 age4 14. аЗ! ac3 15. b4 Wb6 16. Wc3 ae4 17. Wb3 cd5 18. f3 ac5 19. Wd5 We6 20. Wdl !co) 13. dc6 Ьсб 14. еб (14. Ac4? adc5!? 15. АП? фе7-+) adc5 (14... ab6!? 15. ef7 фе7оо) 15. ef7 фе7 16. Wc4 Ag7 17. b4 Aa6 18. ae4 Ac4 19. Ad6 &d8! 20. ba5 ae4 21. Ac4 ad6 22. Hel Hc8=; c22) 12. Ae5!? ae5 13. hg5 ag6 (13... ag4 14. Ae2 Wb6 15. dc6 Ьсб 16. Wc2+) 14. 0-0-0!? (14. gh6 Ah6 15. Ac4 Wb6 16. dc6 Wb3 17. ab3 Ьсб 18. aa4 ae7! 19. ab6 Hb8 20. ac8 ac8 21. g4 Ag7=) Ag7 (14... hg5!? 15. Hh8 ah8 16. dc6 Ьсб 17. d5 Ag7oo) 15. gh6 Ah6 c221) 16. ФЫ cd5 17. ad5 &f8! (17... Аеб 18. af6 Фе7 19. d5!-) 18. Ac4 Af5! (18... b5 19. Ad3! Аеб 20. Ag6 fg6 21. e4 Ag7 22. Hh8 Ah8 23. Wg3 He8 24. Wg6+ A 24... Ad4? 25. b44~) 19. Фа1 b5 20. Ad3 Аеб (20... Ad3 21. Hd3oo) 21. Ag6 fg6 22. e4 Ag7 23. Hh8 Ah8 24. Wg3 He8! 25. Wg6 Ad4! 26. f3 Ad5 27. Wd6 &g7 28. Wd5 Af6=; c222) 16. dc6 Ьсб 17. ae4! ФГС (17... АеЗ 18. We3 Hhl 19. ag3 Аеб 20. ahi Wa2 21. Wa3+) 18. Ac4 Wc7 19. Wa3 We7 (19... *g7 20. ad6 Аеб 21. Аеб fe6 22. ae4!+) 20. ad6 Аеб 21. Аеб fe6 22. Hh33S| g5!? [8... Ab4 9. Hel ab6 10. аЗ (10. Ad3dc4 11. Ac4 ac4 12. Wc4 Wb5!=) АсЗ 11. ЬсЗ 0-0(11... g5 12. ag5 ag5 13. c5 Hg8 14. cb6 ab6 15. Ad3 Wa3 16. Wdl5c; 11... f6!?) 12. Wb4 (12. c5 aa4 13. Wb4 Wb4 14. cb4 f6 15. b5 Ad7=) Wb4 13. cb4 a5 14. ba5 (14. c5 aa4 15. ad2 aec3!? 16. ba5 Ha5 17. Ae7 He8 18. Ad6 f6 19. f4 aa2 20. Hbl e5M Ha5 15. Ae7 He8 16. Ab4 Ha8 17. Ad3 af6 18. c5 abd7 A e5=] 9. Ag3 [9. ag5?! ag5 10. cd5 Ae7! (10... Н6?! 11. f4 ed5 12. fg5 Wd8 13. 0-0-0+) 11. Ag5 Ag5 12. de6 fe6 13. Ac4 (13. We6 Ae7) af8 14. 0-0 Ae7 15. ae4 Wb6 (15... h5!?) 16. Wdl Ad7! (16... h5 17. Ae2 Wa5 18. a3 Ad7 19. b4 Wd5 20. Af3oo A 20... 0-0-0?! 21. ac5 Wf5 22. ab7!) 17. Wh5 ag6 18. Wh3 e5 19. Af7 ФП 20. Wd7 Had8 (20... Hhd8 21. Wh3 <^>g7 22. de5 ae5 23. f4 ad3 24. f5!^) 21. ag5 ФГ6! (21... <4>g7 22. аеб ФИ6 23. ad8 Hd8 24. Wh3 <4>g7 25. de5co) 22. Wg4 ed4 23. h4 Wb5 24. We6 (24. ed4 h5 25. We6 <^>g7 26. af7 Ah4 27. ah8 Hh8 28. g3 Af6T) *g7 25. Wf7 ФИ6 26. аеб We5 250
(26... Shg8!? 27. ^d4 Sd4 28. ed4 Sf8T) 27. ed4 Sd4! 28. ®d4 Wd4 29. Sadi Wg4 (29... Wh4 30. We6!co) 30. Sfel Sf8 31. We6 We6 32. Se6 Ah4 33. g3 Ae7+I h5 10. h3 [10. cd5 cd5 11. 0-0-0 £jc3 12. Wc3 Ab4 (12... Wa2?! 13. Ab5! A 13... аб?! 14. Фс2! ab5 15. Sal Wc4 16. Sa8 A>b6 17. Sb8±; 12... Wc3 13. ЬсЗ f6 14. a4!? h4 15. Ac7 £>b6 16. Ab5 Ad7 17. Ab6 Ab5 18. ab5 ab6 19. ФЬ2 Sa5 20. Aid2 Sb5 21. W>35o) 13. Wc7 Wa2 14. £)g5 Wai 15. фс2 Wa4=| Ag7!? N [10... £>g3[ И. Ah2 [11. Ad3 Aig3 12. fg3 g4 13. A,d2 Wc7 14. £se2 2rf6 15. 0-0-0 Ad7 A 0-0-0 oo; 11. cd5 ed5 (11... cd5 12. Ah2+) 12. Ad3 (12. Ah2 £>dc5! 13. Wc2 g4 14. £>d2 £jd2 15. &d2 g3s?) £)g3 13. fg3 Wc7 (13... g4 14. £)h4! Wc7 15. £)f5 Ah6 16. 0-0-0+) 14. 0-0 g4 15. 2Ж4 £)f6! (15... gh3 16. £>f5±; 15... Ah6 16. Sael gh3 17. Sf3! £>b6 18. e4T) 16. Af5 Аеб 17. e4 (17. Aie2 0-0-0 A 18. £jf4 Af5 19. 2rf5 Ah6+; 17. Аеб fe6 18. Wc2 0-0-0 19. Aig6 Wg3! 20. £>h8 We3 21. Wf2 Wf2 22. Ф12 Sh8 23. ФеЗ £>d7 A e5) Wg3 18. ed5 A>d5 19. фЫ!? (19. Аеб Ad4 20. ФЫ Ae5 21. Af7 Фd8!=) gh3 (19... Ad4!? 20. Wb7 Ae5 21. Wa8 Ab8! 22. Wc6 Фd8□ 23. фg 1 Wh2 24. Ф12 Wg3 25. Фе2 We3 26. фdl Wd4 27. Фс1 We3 28. ФЫ Af5 29. Sf5 Wd3 30. Фс1 We3=) 20. Аеб fe6 21. Aid5 hg2 22. &g2 Wb3 23. <йс7 Фе7! 24. аЬЗ Hac8 25. £}еб Феб 26. Sael фd6 27. £1еЗ=] g4 [^ 11... Aidc5 12. Wc2 g4 13. Aid2 £)d2 14. <£>d2 a) 14... g3!? 15. fg3!? (15. Ag3) £je4 16. Фс1 (16. Фё1 e5 17. g4 hg4 18. £je4 de4 19. We4 f5 20. Wd3 Ae6T; 16. Фе2 f53s) e5 17. £>e4 de4 18. Wc3 Wd8 (18... Wb6!? 19. d5 cd5 20. cd5 Ad7 21. ЬЗ Sc8 22. Ac4 Wc5 23. a4 аб 24. g4 Wd6 25. a5 hg4=) 19. de5 We7 20. g4 hg4 21. фс2 gh3 22. Sdl hg2 23. Ag2 Af5=; b) 14... Aie4 15. фdl (15. Фе1 c5T; 15. Фе2 £>c3 16. Wc3 Wc3 17. ЬсЗ b6=) g3 16. A,e4 (16. Ag3 Aig3 17. fg3 Ad735 A 0-0-0) gh2 17. cd5 (17. £>d6 Фе7 18. b4 Wb4 19. Aic8 Shc8 20. Sbl Wa5 21. Sb7 ФГ8 22. Wb3 e5M cd5 18. Wc5 (18. Ab5 ФГ8 19. Wc5 фё8 20. Ad3 Wd8 21. £}c3 Ad7t) Wc5 19. Aic5 e5 20. de5 Ae5 21. Aid3 Ad6 22. £>f4 Af5 23. Sh2 0-0-0ЭД 12. £ld2 [12. £>e5? g3+] £)d2 13. фd2 b5 14. cd5 ed5 15. hg4± £)b6 [^ 15... hg4 16. Ad3 ab6 17. Ac7!? (17. a3 £>c4 18. Фе2 Wd8 19. Af4+) Shi 18. Shi b4 (18... Aic4 19. Wc4!±) 19. £>e2 c5 20. dc5 (20. Sh5!? Ab7 21. dc5 Wc5 22. Ab6 Wb6 23. Sg5 Ф18 24. a3±) Wc5 21. Scl £jc4 22. Ac4 dc4 23. Sc4 (23. Wc4 АсЗ! 24. Фd3 Wc4 25. Фс4 Ab2=) Wd5 a) 24. £>d4 a5! 25. Ab8 Ab7! (25... Аеб 26. Sc8 фе7П 27. Wd5 Ad5 28. ^f5+) 26. Sc8 фd7! 27. Wd5 Ad5 28. Sc7 Фе8=; b) 24. Фе1 Wg2 (24... a5 25. ^f4±) 25. Sb4 Whl (25... Аеб?! 26. Sb8 Фd7 27. Wd3!±) 26. Фd2 Wc6 27. Ag3 Ad7 (27... Аеб 28. Sb8 Sb8 29. Wb8 Wc8 30. b3±) 28. £>d4 Ad4 29. ed4 Sc8 30. Hb8 Wcl 31. Фе2 Sb8 32. Wb8 Wc8 33. We5 Аеб 34. фd2±l 16. gh5 b4 17. 2>dl [17. ^e2! c5 (17... Sh5 18. ^f4 Sh6 19. Scl±; 17... £}c4 18. Фе1 Sh5 19. Ac7! Shi 20. Aa5 Sfl 21. ФА £}d2 22. Фе1 <ЙЬЗ 23. аЬЗ Af8 24. Ab6 аб 25. Ac5±) 18. Af4 c4 19. Wc2 Af8 20. фdl Ad7 (20... Ag4 21. f3 Sh5 22. Sh5 Ah5 23. Wf5±) 21. Wcl! £>a4 (21... c3 22. b3±; 21... Sc8 22. Фе1! Ae7 23. f3±) 22. b3± A 22... Sc8 (22... £>c3 23. Фе1 Sc8 24. f3±) 23. ba4! Aa4 24. Фе1 ЬЗ 25. £>сЗ АаЗ 26. Wa3 Wc3 27. Фе2 Wc2 28. ФО b2 29. Sei Ad7 30. Wd6! We4 31. Фg3 c3 32. f3+-1 Sh5 [17... c5? 18. Ad64—1 18. Scl Aa6!? [18... Af8 19. f3 Aa6 20. Aa6 Wa6 21. 2rf2 £sc4 22. Фе1 (22. Фс2 c5 23. g4 Sh6±?) c5 23. dc5 (23. Wd3 We6±?) Ac5 24. g4 (24. £>e4 Ae7 25. Ф12 de4 26. Wc4 Wc4 27. Sc4 Sd8^) Sh4 25. Af4 Shi 26. £)hl Ф18 (A Se8) 27. ^g3! (27. Wd3 We6±?) ^je3 28. АеЗ Ae3 29. Wd5 Se8 30. Sc6! Ad4 31. фd2 (31. ^e4 Wd3=) Wa4 (31... Wb7 32. фс2±) 32. ^e4!? (32. Wd4 Wc6 33. ^f5 f6 34. Wb4 Фg8 35. ^e7 Se7 36. We7 Wf3 37. We6 251
&g7 38. аЗ+) ЖЬ2 33. Sc7 ЖсЗ 34. феЗ 1е6 35. Wc5! (35. Sf7 ФП 36. We6 Феб 37. <йс5 Ф05 38. ^а4 Ж04 39. ФОЗ Же5 40. g5 ЖЬ2! 41. £>Ь2 Фе5=) Фg8 36. Sc8 Se8 37. Se8 We8 38. Wa7 Wd8+1 19. Sc5 ЖЬ5?! [19... Wa4! 20. Wa4 £>а4 21. Sd5! (21. Жаб ^с5 22. dc5 Фd7 23. Же2 Sh4! 24. Ж03 фебП 25. f4 Sah8 26. f5 Ф07 27. f6 Sh2 28. Sh2 Sh2 29. Af5 Фс7 30. fg7 Sg2 31. Ф03 Sg7=) Sd5 (21... cd5 22. Жаб Ф07 23. ЖЬ5 Феб 24. Жа4 Sah8 25. Же5 Shi 26. Жg7 Sg8 27. Же5 Sg2 28. ЖЬЗ+) 22. Жаб Фе7 23. ЖЬ7 Sh8 24. Жсб Sdh5 25. Жа4 Sh2 26. Sh2 Sh2 27. Жсб±] 20. ЖЬ5 сЬ5 21. Фе2± Sd8 22. Wd3 Ж« [^ 22... Wa2 23. Wb5 Sd7 24. g4 Sh8! (24... НЬЗ?! 25. Sc7± А 25... ЖГ6 26. Же54~) 25. Wb4 ЖГ8 26. <йсЗ Жс5 27. dc5 Wc4 28. Wc4 ^с4 29. сб Sd6 30. ЬЗ d4! (30... £)Ь6 31. Ж06 Shi 32. Жс5±; 30... Sc6 31. Ьс4 dc4 32. g5±) 31. Ж06 Shi 32. £>Ь5 (32. ^е4 €1а5!) ^d6 33. <21d6 Фd8 34. W фс7 35. ed4 фсб 36. g5 Ф05 37. f4 Sh7! 38. £)h6 Sb 7 39. g6 феб±1 23. g4! Sh3 [23... Sh6 24. g5 Sh5 25. g6 Sd7 26. Sc6+-[ 24. Sc7 [24. Wf5 Жс5 25. dc5 ^c4 26. Жс7! Wc7 27. Sh34—[ £jc4 [^ 24... Wa2 25. g5±l 25. Wf5! Же7 26. Se7 Фе7 27. Жс7 Wc7 28. Sh3 [28. Wg5! Ф07 29. Wd5 Фс8 30. Wf5 Sd7 31. Sh3+-1 Wc6 29. Sh7 [29. Sh5!±[ £>d6 30. We5 Ф07 31. Sh5 [31. фе1! Se8 32. Wh5±] Sc8 [^ 31... Wc4 32. Фе1 Wa2[ 32. Wd5?! [32. фе1! A Wd5±| Wcl33. Shi [33. Wf3!? Sc2 34. ФА Sd2 35. Фg2! Wbl! (35... Sdl? 36. Sc5+-; 35... Wdl? 36. Wf4! A Sd5+-; 35... Wc2? 36. Sd5! f5 37. gf5 Sdl 38. Wf4+-) 36. Sc5 (36. Sd5 f5 37. gf5 Sdl=; 36. Shi a5oo A 37. <йсЗ Wg6 38. £sd5 ^e4 39. 21f6 Wf6 40. We4 Wf2 41. ФЬЗ Sb2=) We4 37. We4 ^e4 38. Scl a5 39. Ф13 ^d6+] Sc2 34. Ф13 Sb2? [34... Sd2! 35. ФГ4! Wc4 36. Wa8 (36. Wc5 Wc5 37. dc5 £jc4 38. ЬЗ Sa2! 39. bc4 bc4 40. e4 c3=) Wa2 37. f3 Wa6+1 35. e4 Sd2 36. e5+- Wc6 37. Wc6 Фсб 38. ed6 Sa2 39. ^e3 [39. ФеЗ Ф06 40. Sh6 Ф07 41. фdЗ+-l ЬЗ 40. Sbl+- Ь2 41. фе2 a5 42. £>dl Sa4 43. d5 Фс16 44. Sb2 Se4 45. <йеЗ фс5 46. Sc2 ФЬ4 47. Ф03 Se8 48. Sc7 ФЬЗ 49. £>c2 b4 50. Sa7 Фа4 51. £>d4 Sb8 52. фс2 Sc8 53. £>c6 ФЬ5 54. ФЬЗ Sg8 55. Sa5 ФЬб 56.13 15 57. gf5 Sg3 58. фЬ4 SB 59. Sb5 фаб 60. 1 : 0 V. Stoica 164. D 52 B. LALIC 2469 - ZHEREBUKH 2642 Cappelle la Grande 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>13 ^f6 4. адсЗ еб 5. Жg5 £>bd7 6. e3 Wa5 7. cd5 ?jd5 8. Scl ЖЬ4 9. аЗ ЖсЗ 10. ЬсЗ Ьб 11. ЖЬ4 Wa3 12. Wd2 е5 [12... Ь5 - 110/(240)1 13. ЖОЗ ed4 14. ed4 N [14. cd4[ 0-0 15. 0-0 Ь5 16. SfeloS a5 17. ibl- ЖЬ7 18. c4 bc4 19. Sc4 Sfe8 [19... Sae8?! 20. ^e5 W>6 21. Sccl Wb4 22. Wd3 f5 23. Жа2Т[ 20. £}e5 ^jf8 21. ЬЗ a4 [21... f61? 22. £>c6 Sei 23. Wei Жсб 24. Sc6 Wa4 25. Scl Wd4 26. Же4 f5 27. ЖС5 Wh4 28. Жеб £>e6 29. We6 ФЬ8 30. Wd5 Sf8 31. Wa5 Wf2 32. фЫ=[ 22. Seel Wd6 23. ЖgЗ [23. Wb21? Wc7 24. Wa3Sl We6 [23... We7[ 24. Wb2 We7 25. Жа2?! [25. ^ic6 Жсб 26. Sc6 a3 27. Wb5!?] ^ie6 26. ФЬ2!? Sed8?! [26... a3 27. Wd2 Sed8+1 27. Sbl Sa7 28. Sc6! a3 29. Wcl [29. Wd2 Wg5?!l f6??© [29... h5!? 30. h4co] 30. ^g6 We8 31. Se6! We6 32. Wc5 Wa6Q 33. Sb6 [33. We7 Sda8 34. We4! Sd8 35. Жс7 Saa8 (35... Sd6 36. We7+-) 36. Ж08 Sd8 37. We7+-; 33. Wc7 Sda8 34. £se7 (34. Sb7?? Wb7 35. Wb7 Sb7 36. Ж05 Sf7 37. £>e7 Ф18 38. ^g6 Фе8 39. Жа8 a2 40. Жсб Sd7 41. &f8 ФВ 42. Ж07 aiw 43. d5 Wd4 44. Жеб f5-+) ФЬ8 35. £>d5 Ж05 36. Sb8 Sb8 37. Wb8 Ф117 38. Ж05+-; 33. Жс7! Sd7 34. 252
Sb6 We2 35. Щ8 фЬ7 36. ДЫ+-[ ®а5 34.Sb5© Wa6 [34... Wa4 35. Дс7 Se8 36. Sb7 Sb7 37. Wd5 ФЬ7 38. Ш5И+-1 35. Дс7!+— Saa8 36. Д08 Sd8 37. ^е7 фЬ8 38.Sa5 We2 39. Дб5 Д05 40. £>d5 ®f2 41. Sa3 ®f5 42. £}e7 We4 [42... ®f4 43. Sg3 W4 44. Wd4 Sd4 45. Sg7! &g7 46. £)f5+-[ 43. d5 1:0 B. Lalic 165. D 55 V. GOLOD 2561 - D. KHAMRAKULOV 2452 Tashkent 2012 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. 2rf3 £if6 4. £jc3 Де7 5. £g5 0-0 6. еЗ b6 7. cd5 ed5 8. A.d3 c6I? [8... ftbd? - 76/4101 9. £>e5!? [9. Wc2!? Даб 10. Даб £ja6 11.0-0 Xc6[ £jfd7! 10. £f4!? N [10. Де7 We7 11. £d3 Даб 12. 0-0 ^d3 (12... f5) 13. Wd3 £jf6=[ £>e5 ll.de5!?O [11. Де5 Даб 12.0-0 Дd6=l Даб 12.0-0 Wd7 13. ДgЗ Sd8 14. We2!? [14. Даб?! £>a6 A 2>c51 ДОЗ 15. Wd3 We616.^e2 [A £}d4; 16. f4a> 16... d4 17. ed4 Sd4 (X<£>gl) 18. We2O; b) 16... f5!? (D. Khamrakulov) 17. Sfdl a5 18. аЗ <йа6 19. ^e2 c5 20. Д12оо[ ®g6 [16... £)d7?! 17. £}d4 Ш6П 18. Sacl±; 16... c5 17. Sadi £ic6 18. £)f4 We5 19. £)d5 a) 19... Wb2?? 20. ®e7 Ф18 (20... ^e7? 21. Wd8 Sd8 22. Sd8#; 20... фЬ8 21. Ш4+-) 21. £>d5 A 21... £jb4 22. Wh7 £>d5 23. Sd5+-; b) 19... We6 20. Дс7 (20. e4 ДГ6М Se8 21. a3 Sac8 22. &f4 ®f6 23. Wd7 Д18=] 17. Wg6 hg6 18. Sfdl [18. Sael?! c5 A £>c6[ £>a6 [18... ^d7 19. Sael Sac8 20. £)d4 Дс5 21. еб fe6 22. £se6 Se8 23. £>g5+[ 19. £)d4 Sac8 20. Sael Дс5 [20... c5 21. &b5 a) 21... Sd7?! al) 'll. ^d6 Scd8 23. Sc3 (23. Hd5?! £>b4 24. Sd2 £ja2 25. Scdl g5oo) f6 24. £)b5+; a2) 22. e4! (XSc8) Scd8 (22... d4 23. Sd4 Sd4 24. £)d4 £)b4 25. £}b5±) 23. ed5 Sd5 24. Sd5 Sd5 25. £sa7±; b) 21... c4 22. a3 (22. £sa7 Sc5 23. a4 £>c7 24. Ь4 cb3 25. <йс6 Se8 26. Scl 27. Scl b2 28. Sbl Sa8 29. Sb2 Sa4 30. фА Дс5=) Sc5 23. £>c3 ®c7 24. f3+[ 21. Sc3!? [21. еб f6 22. <йе2 Д06 (22... Ф1В!?) 23. Д06 Sd6 24. £)d4 c5 25. £)b5 Se6 26. Sd5 £>c7 27. 21c7 Sc7=[ Д04 22. ed4 22... £jc7! [22... W? 23. еб fe6 24. ДЬ8 Sb8 25. Sc6 Sdc8 26. Sdcl+; 22... Sd7!? 23. еб!? fe6 24. Sei c5 25. Se6 Sdd8=[ 23. ДИ4!? [23. Sc6 ^e6 24. Sdcl Sc6 25. Sc6 ^d4 26. Sc7 Sa8= A £>e6[ Se8 24. Sc6 £>е63б [24... £>b5? 25. Sc8 Sc8 26. Дg5 Sc2 27. a4 £>c7 28. Scl Scl 29. Дс1±[ 25. Sd6 g5 26. ДgЗ Sed8 [26... Sc2 27. Sd5 Sb2 28. a4 Sa2 29. Sd7 Sa4 30. d5 21f4 31. ДС4 gf4 32. d6 Se5 (A Sd5 X&gl) 33. h4 See4 34. Scl Sac4 35. Sc4 Sc4 36. Sa7 Sd4 37. d7 ф!8=] 27. h4 gh4 28. ДИ4 Sd6 [28... g5! 29. Sd8 (29. ДgЗ?! Sc2 30. Sbl фё7Т; 29. Se6?! fe6 30. Дg5 Sf8+) Sd8 30. ДgЗ Sc8 31. Sd2 a) 31... Sc4 32. f3 (A Д12) Sd4 33. Де1=; b) 31... Scl 32. ФЬ2 Sc4 33. ФЬЗ ФЬ7 34. фё4 фё6 35. f4 gf4 36. Д£4=[ 29. ed6 g5 30. ДgЗ Ф18?! [30... f6 31. Sei Ф17 32.13 Sd8 33. Ф12 Sd7 34. Sdl ^g7= A M 31. Sd3!± [31. Де5?! Sc2 Xb2, А Фе8ч171 Фе8 [31... Sc2? 32. Sa3 £>f4 (32... a5 33. Ь4 ХФ1В 5d6) 33. ДГ4 gf4 34. Sa7 Фе8 35. ЬЗ Scl 36. ФЬ2 f5 37. f3 Sdl 38. g4! fg3 39. Фg3 Sd4 40. Sb7+-1 32. Де5 Scl [32... Sc4?! 33. ФЬ2 Фd7 34. Sa3 a5 35. Sf3 £)d8 36. Фg3± A Фg4 Xg5[ 33. ФЬ2 Sc2? [33... Sc4 34. Sh3 ^d8±[ 34. Sa3± Sb2? [34... a5D 35. Sb3 a) 35... Sc6 36. ФЬЗ (A Фg4-f5) f5 37. Sb5 Фd7 38. фё3±; b) 35... Sf2 36. Sb6 £>d8 37. Фg3±l 35. Sa7 Sf2 36. фgl!+- [36... Sf5 37. g4 Sf3 38. Фg2 Sc3 (38... Sf4 39. Se7 Фd8 40. Д14 Ш 41. Ф13+-) 39. ДГ6 £if4 (39... ^jf8 40. Se7 Фd8 41. Sc7) 40. Фgl Scl 41. Ф12 Sc2 42. ФеЗ Se2 43. Ф131 1:0 V. Golod 253
166. D 73 V. ERDOS 2624 - NABATY 2553 Sarajevo 2012 1. d4 2. c4 g6 3. £if3 ^g7 4. g3 d5 5. cd5 <53 d 5 6. ^g2 c5!? 7.0-0 [o 7. e4 ^b6 (7... £)f6 8. d5) 8. d5; 7. dc5!?] cd4 8. ^d4 £>b6!? [8... 0-0 9. £>b5 (9. &c3 £jc3 10. ЬсЗ ®c7 11. ®b3 £>c6 12. £jc6 Ьсб 13. Af4 Wa5 14. Деб Деб=) Деб 10. Дё5!? (10. £>d4 Дс8=; 10. <2}1сЗ - 105/151) Дё5 11. £>1сЗ[ 9. £>Ь5 [9. ДеЗ 0-0 (9... 2x15? 10. Wa4 Дё7 11. Ш>3) 10. 2>аЗ (10. 23с3 23с4; 10. ®d3 2>d5) 2>d5 11. Дg5 h6 (11... 2>b4!?) 12. Дс1 2>b4 (12... 2>b6 13. 23ac2) 13. 2iab5!? (13. ДеЗ 2>d5±?) аб 14. Wa4 2}d5 (14... Дd4 15. 2>d4 Wd4 16. ДеЗ ®b2 17. HablS) 15. Дd5 Wd5 16. 2>c7 We4! 17. Wc2 Wc2 18. 23c2 Ha7 19. ДеЗ b6 20. 2X15=; 9. 23b3!? ®dl 10. Idl a) 10... 2}a4 11. 2>c3! 2X:3 12. ЬсЗ ДсЗ 13. gbl al) 13... 0-0 all) 14. ДЬб Дg7 15. Дg7 <£g7 16. 2ic5 (16. 2>a5 2>a6) a5 17. 2>b7 Ha7 18. 2X18+; al2) 14. 2>c5! 2ic6 15. ДЬ6Т; a2) 13... ДГ5 14. ДЬ2 (14. 2X12!?) ДЬ2 15. Hb2 2X:6 16. 2>c5±; a3) 13... 2x6 14. 2>c5; a4) 13... 2x17 14. ДаЗ!?; 14. 2x14 0-0 15. ДаЗсЙ; 14. ДЬбЗб; b) 10... 2c6 11. 2c5 2c4 12. 2x3 (12. 2X121?) 0-0 13. Дd5!? 2b6 14. Де4 2c4 15. <£g2±[ Дd7! 10. 21a3 N [10. 21c3 2c6 11. ДГ4 Hc8 (11... 0-0 12. Дс7 8c8 13. Hel) 12. Wb3!? (12. ®d2 2c41? 13. Wd5 2>b2!?; 12. 2e4) Деб 13. Wc2 ДГ5 14. Well 2c6 11. ДГ4 0-0!? [11... Hc8 12. Wd2 a) 12... 0-0 13. Hfdl аб (13... e5? 14. Дg5) 14. 2сЗ Деб 15. ®e3 2>d7 16. 2X15+; b) 12... аб 13. 2c3 bl) 13... 0-0 14. ДеЗ?! ®c7! (14... 2e5 15. Hfdl) 15. ДЬб Wb6 16. 2c4 (16. Wd7 Wb2) Wd8; 14. Hfdl - 12... 0-0; b2) 13... Деб 14. Hfdl Wd2 15. Hd2 0-0 16. ДеЗ ДсЗ 17. ЬсЗ 2a4^; 15... 2a5M 12. Wd2 [12. Дс7?! Wc8 13. ДЬб ab6 14. 2с4 Wd8; 14... Наб] Деб [12... ДГ5!?1 13. We3 [13. Hfdl Wd2 14. Hd2 Hfd8![ 2>d5 [13... 2c4!? 14. 2c4 Дс4 a) 15. Hfdl ®b6! (15... ®a5 16. 2c3) 16. Wb6 ab6 17. 2сЗ ДсЗ 18. ЬсЗ Де2 19. Hd7!t; 17... b5; 17... Hfd8; b) 15. Деб!? Ьсб 16. 2x7 bl) 16... Hc8 17. Hfdl Дd5 18. ®a7 e5 19. 2x15 cd5 20. Дd2; b2) 16... e5 b21) 17. 2a8? ef4 18. ®f4 Де2! 19. Hfel He8! 20. 2x7 Де5?? 21. He2; 20... He7!+; b22) 17. Де5 Де5 18. We5 Hc8 19. Hacl (19. ЬЗ!?) Hc7 20. Hc4 b221) 20... He8 21. Wa5! He2 22. Нсб Hf2 (22... Hd7 23. Wc3) 23. Hc7 Hc2 24. ®a7; b222) 20... He7! 21. Wc3 He2 22. Нсб ®d2!36; ЬЗ) 16... g5!? 17. Hfdl (17. 2a8 gf4 18. Wf4 Де2 19. Hfel e5!) ®c8 18. Де5 f6 19. 2>a8 fe5 20. Hacl Д17 21. ®g5 Wb7!oo; 13... ДЬ2 14. Hadi Wc8 15. 2x7 (15. Hbl!?) g5! 16. 2a8 (16. 2e6 We6 17. We6 fe6 18. Дс1 Дс1 19. Hel Hac8) gf4 17. 2b6 fe3 18. 2c8 ef2 19. Hf2 ДаЗ 20. Деб Дс8 21. ДВ Дс5 22. Hel Ь6 23. &g2 Д£2 24. Ф12^1 14. Дd5□ £d5 [14... Wd5!? 15. 2с 7 ®f5 16. 2ia8 На8об] 15. Hfdl [15. Hadi е6(15...Нс8 16. 2x16!?) 16. 2x7 (16. ДЬб ДЬб 17. Wh6 Wb6) Нс8 17. 2d5 ed5 18. Wd3 d4!?; 18... Не8; 16. ^с4!?М еб 16. ДЬб [16. ^с7 Нс8 17. Ш ed5 18. W d4; 16. ^сЗ Нс8 17. ДЬбсо; 16. ^с4!?1 ДЬб [16... ДЬ2!? 17. НаЫ Дg7 18. Дg7 ^g7 19. Wc3 (19. £)сЗ НЬ8) Ш6П (19... <4>g8? 20. е4) 20. ®f6 <£>f6 а) 21. ^с7? Да2! 22. НЬ7 (22. НЬ2 Нас8) НаЬ8; Ь) 21. ^сЗ ^е7 22. £х15 £х!5 23. НЬ7 ^сЗ (23... Hfb8 24. Hdbl ^ib6 25. НЬ8 НЬ8=) 24. Hd3!? Ы) 24... ^е2 25. ФП &с1 26. ПсЗ Нас8 27. £)с4 £х!3 (27... £>а2 28. Hf3 &g7 29. £jd6T) 28. Hd3 Hc4 29. Ha7; Ь2) 24... Нас8 25. W W 26. НЬ5 Нс7=1 17. Wh6 Wb6 18. Hd2 Had8 [18... £>е5?! 19. Wf41 19. «ЗсЗ £xi4? [19... f5 20. Hadi; 19... £>e5 20. ®f4 (20. Hadi Деб) Деб!? (20... f6 21. Hadi g5 22. Wd4) 21. Hadi Hd2 22. Hd2 Wc5=[ 20. We3!± e5 [20... £3c6 21. Wb6 ab6 22. e4? «3e5; 22. Hadl±; 20... Деб 21. Hadi e5 22. ^c4±[ 21. ®e5 £x:6 [21... ДВ? 22. Ш 254
(22. Hadi? Же2!; 22. Hd4) Же2 23. £}Ь6 £}f3 24. <£g2 £se5 25. He2+-; 21... Жсб 22. £ic4 f6D 23. £)b6 fe5 24. £>c4 ^Ь5П 25. Hd8 Hd8 26. £se5 Hd2 27. £>c6 Ьсб 28. Ш4 He2 29. Hcl±l 22. Wf4 [22. Wf6!?l Жеб 23. Hadi Hd2 24. Hd2 £ib4? [24... Hd8[ 25. h4?!© [25. £>e4 Hc8!; 25. £>c4! Wc5 26. ^d6[ Жа2 [^ 25... £ja2 26. 2ie44 26. h5 gh5?! 27. Hd6 [27. Hd4 £jc6 (27... a5 28. Hd6!) 28. Wg5 ФЬ8 29. Wf6 &g8 30. Hh4!+-; 27. Ш>5!?[ Wa5 [27... Wc5? 28. ^e4] 28. Hd4 [28. &ab5!?1 £>c6 29. Ha4+- Wb6 30. Wg5 Ф118 31. Wf6 <4>g8 32. £ja2 Wb3 33. Wg5 Ф118 34. Wf6 <^g8 35. ^c3 Wb2 36. Wg5 фЬ8 37. Wf6 <4>g8 38. £>c4 [38. Hh4! Wa3 (38... He8 39. Hh5) 39. Wg5! ФИ8 40. Wh5 Wcl 41. <&>g2 <£g7 (41... h6 42. e3) 42. £>d5[ Wc2 [38... Wcl 39. <£g2 He8 40. £>d6[ 39. £}d6 Wg6 40. Wg6 hg6 41. •ДЬ7 Hb8 42. £)d6 Hd8 43. Qjcb5 a5 44. Hc4 £ib4 45. Hc7 Ha8 46. Hf7 a4 47. H13 £jc2 48. £>c4 [48. НеЗ? a3 49. Hc2 a2 50. Ha2 Ha2[ He8 49. ФП Hd8 50. Hd3 Hc8 51. &ba3 £>b4 52. Hd6 <£g7 53. Hd7 фЬб 54. Ha7 £sd5 55. Ha4 ^c3 56. Наб He8 57. e3 h4 58. gh4 фЬ5 59. <£g2 He4 60. f4 He8 61. •7je5 Hb8 62. £>ac4 1:0 И Erdos 167.*** D 76 F. CARUANA 2770 - H. TIKKANEN 2566 Malmo 2012 1. d4 £)f6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 Ж-g? 4. Ag2 d5 5. cd5 £jd5 6. Qjb6 7. 4jc3 4jc6 8. e3 0-0 9.0-0 He810. Hel a5 11. Wc2 a4 [11... JLf5 12. e4 ^g4 13. d5 £jb4 14. Wbl еб 15. аЗ £1а6 16. Ag5 N (16. de6 - 110/245) Wd7 17. ЬЗ?! Ж13 18. ЖВ ed5 19. £jd5 ®d5 20. ed5 Wh3 21. Wd3 Wd7+ Mickevicius 2343 — V. Malisauskas 2462, Lietuva 2012; 17. de6; 11... e5 12. ^e5 ^e5 13. de5 Же5 14. e4c6 15. ЖЬ6 N (15. f4 — 110/246) We7 16. f4 Wc5 17. ФМ ЖсЗ 18. ЬсЗ £sc4 19. Hadi Wh5 20. Жg5 ЖИЗ 21. Wf2 a) 21... h6 al) 22. ЖГ6?! Жg2 23. <£g2 He4 24. He4 Wdl 25. Hd4 Wh5! 26. Wei Wf5+ 27. ЖИ4 (27. We7 ^e3! 28. We3 Wf6) b5 28. We7 <£g7 29. We2 c5-+ 30. He4 g5 31. fg5 hg5 32. a4 Hd8 33. Hf4 gf4 34. Жd8 f3 35. Wf3 Wf3 36. ФВ ba4 0 : 1 B. Avrukh 2591 — D. Novara 2700, Reykjavik 2012; a2) 22. ЖЬЗ Wh3 23. ЖГ6 We6oo; b) 21... Жg2!? 22. <£g2 (22. Wg2? <йеЗ) h6 (22... He4 23. He4 Wdl 24. Hd4 Wa4 25. We2 b5 26. f5S) 23. Hd4 (23. ЖГ6 - 21... h6) hg5 24. Hc4 gf4 25. Wf4 Wb5+1 12. Hdl Ж15 13. We2 Ha5 [13... Wd7 N 14. d5 £>a5 15. e4 Жg4 16. ЖеЗ аЗ 17. Жd4 ab2 18. Wb2 <йас4 19. Wcl ЖВ 20. Ж13 Жd4 21. Hd4 e5! 22. Hdl £>a4oo V. Potkin 2669 — Ant. Pavlidis 2431, Plovdiv 2012; 13... Wc8 - 110/(244)1 14. Жd2 N [14. £>Ь5[ Жеб 15. <йе4 Жс4 16. Wei Hb5 17. ЖсЗ ^jd5 [17... Жd5 18. ^je5 a3 19. ЬЗ ^e5 20. de5±[ 18. ^ic5+ [18. ^3fd2 ЖdЗ 19. Had (19. £jbl!?)e5oo[ a3 [18... e5 19. £>a4 (19. ^d2?! ed4) e4 20. £>e5 Же5 21. de5 ЖdЗ 22. f4!+; 18... £}c3 19. ЬсЗ+ Д £jd2[ 19. ^d2! ab2 20. ЖЬ2 ^а5П 21. ЖаЗ сб?! [21... Ьб 22. ab7! £>Ь7 23. £}с4 сб 24. е4±; 21... НЬб 22. Had ЖЬ5 23. е4 £>f6±[ 22. Hdcl Wa8 23. Нс4+- £sc4 24. £sc4 ^Ь6 25. ^Ь6 НЬб 26. ЖЬ4 е5 27. de5 Же5 28. ЖсЗ НЬ5 29. ^id7 ЖсЗ 30. Wc3 Неб 31. ®f6 Ф18 32. ^>d5 Wa5 33. Wh8# 1:0 G. Arsovic 168.*** D 76 V. ERDOS 2608 - FTACNIK 2570 Deutschland 2012 1. d4 2. c4 g6 3. £jf3 Жg7 4. g3 d5 5. cd5 £>d5 6. Жg2 £)b6 7. £sc3 ^c6 8. e3 0-0 9. 0-0 He8 10. Hel a5 11. We2 Жеб 12. ^d2 ab4 13. Hdl сб [13... Wc8!? 14. a3 ^ja6 15. Hbl c6(15...Ag4- 111/221) a) 16. ЬЗ N c5oo V. Erdos 2634 - Dvirnyy 2492, Gibraltar 2012; b) 16. b4 ab4 17. ab4 ^c7=; 255
RR 18. ab3 N (18. ЖЬ2) £jbd5 19. ad5 cd5 20. ЖЬ2 Ag4 21. 13 Ad7= Nyzhnyk 2568 - E. L'Ami 2596, Wijk aan Zee II 2012] 14. a3 £)4d5 15. ace4 ЖГ5 16. ac5 e5! 17. de5 We7 18. ad3 Ж03 19. Wd3 We5 [19... Же5!?1 20. Ibl!? N [20. Wc2; 20. ac4; RR 20. af3 We4 21. We4 He4 22. Ibl N (22. ael — 111/(221)) He7 23. ad2 a4 24. ae4 Ha5 25. ac3 h5 26. 2X15 2X15 27. ^d2 Hb5 28. e4 21c7 29. b4 ab3 30. a4 Hc51? 31. ЖЬ4 (31. Hb3±) 21a6 32. ЖаЗ b2co L. Pantsulaia 2595 — Sr. Narayanan 2378, Dubai 20121 Had8 [20... a4 21. 2>c4 2ic4 22. Wc4 Hed8 23. Ad2±; 20... Hed8!?l 21.2>G [21. Wc2!? 2ie3!? (21... We7 22. 2>e4) 22. fe3 We3 23. ФЫ Wf2 (23... We2!?) 24. Hfl Hel 25. Hel Wei 26. afl Hdl 27. ±d2! Hd2 28. Wd2 Wbl 29. Wd8 ЖГ8 30. Wb6 ЖаЗ 31. Wb7 *g7 32. Wb6 ЖЬ2 33. Wa5 Ad4±] We4 [21... We7!?[ 22. We4 [22. ael Wd3 23. ad3 ac4 24. e4?! ac7; 24. ЖП=1 He4 23. ЖП! [23. Жл12?! £jc4; 23. ЬЗ Hee8 24. ^d2 a) 24... ЖсЗ 25. e4! Жd2 (25... He4?? 26. ЖсЗ) 26. ed5 ЖсЗ 27. dc6+; b) 24... ac3 25. ЖсЗ ЖсЗ=; 23. Ь4 ab4 24. ab4 £sa4 25. Жd2 Нее8!; 23. ad4 Нее8 (23... Не7?! 24. аЬЗ а4 25. ас5±) 24. аЬЗ ас4 25. ЖЛ adb6±?; 23. ael Нее8 24. е4 аеЗ!? (24... ас7) 25. Hd8 Hd8 26. ЬсЗ Hdl] Нее8 24. Жd2 аа4?! [24... На8 25. Же1; 24... а4!? 25. Hdcll 25. Hdcl?! [25. Жа5 а) 25... На8 26. Же1! ЖЬ2 (26... аЬ2 27. Hd2 аа4 28. НЬ7 ас5 29. НЫ НаЗ 30. Нс2Т) 27. Hd5! cd5 28. ЖЬ5 Неб 29. Жа4 НЬ6 30. Жd7 (30. Жс2 НаЗ 31. фЛ±) НаЗ 31. Hdl На1+; Ь) 25... Ь6 26. ЬЗ! аЬ2 (26... аасЗ 27. ЖсЗ аеЗ 28. Hd8 Hd8 29. Hcl±) 27. Hd5 Hd5 28. ЖЬ6 Hb8 (28... adl 29. а4 аеЗ 30. Нс1±) 29. Жd4 НЬЗ Ы) 30. Жg7 &g7 31. Жс4 Ы1) 31... ас4 32. НЬЗ Hdl (32... ad2 33. ad2 Hd2 34. НеЗ Ha2) 33. &g2 Hel 34. a4±; Ы2) 31... Hdl 32. Hdl ac4 33. Icl aa5 34. ae5±; b2) 30. Жс4 ac4 (30... Hd4 31. ad4 Hb6 32. ЖЛ c5 33. ab5 c4 34. a4) 31. НЬЗ Жd4 b21) 32. ed4 Ha5 b211) 33. НеЗ НаЗ 34. НаЗ (34. Hc4 Hf3 35. Нсб ф(8) ааЗ 35. ae5 f6 36. асб ф(7 37. ФП Феб; Ь212) 33. <£g2 f6; Ь22) 32. ad4 c5 33. аЬ5+1 ЖЬ2! [25... ab2? 26. Нс2; 25... На8 26. Нс4 ааЬб 27. Нс2; 26. Нс2[ 26. Нс2 [26. Нс4 adb6 27. Hf4! (27. Нс2 Hd2! 28. ad2 ЖаЗ) Hd5!? (27... Hd2 28. ad2 ЖаЗ 29. ac4 ЖЬ4 30. аьб аьб 31. Hfb4 аЬ4 32. Hb4 ad5 33. НЬ7 Не7=) 28. Жс4 Hf5 29. Hf5 ас4 30. Hf4 Ь5 (30... ааЗ 31. Hdl) 31. Жа5 с5 !?М ЖаЗ 27. Hal [27. НЬ7 аЬ4?! 28. ЖЬ4 ЖЬ4 29. Жс4 Не7 30. Не7 Же7 31. ае5+; 27... ЖЬ4=1 аЬ4П 28. НаЗ ас2 29. На4 Ь6?! [29... Ь5?! 30. На2! (30. На5 На8Й аЬ4 31. На5±; 29... Hd5! 30. Нс4 ааЗ 31. На4 аЫ 32. Же1 Нс5 33. Hal аеЗ а) 34. ad4 а4 35. ЖсЗ (35. &g2!?) НеЗ 36. На4 с5^; Ь) 34. ad2!? а4 35. ас4; 31... ас2=; 29... На8! а) 30. На5 На5 31. Жа5 На8±?; Ь) 30. ЖdЗ Ь5! 31. На5 (31. Hf4!?) На5 32. Жа5 На8±?; с) 30. Нс4 ааЗ 31. На4 ас2 (31... аЬ5 32. ЖЬ5 сЬ5 33. На5 На5 34. Жа5) 32. Нс4 ааЗ=[ 30. Нс4 аЬ4 [30... aal?! 31. Нсб аьз 32. Же1±[ 31. ЖЬ4 аЬ4 32. НЬ4 [32. Нсб?! Нс8! 33. НЬ6 НЬ8] Ь5 33. НЬ2 [^ 33. Hbl] Hdl 34. <£g2 На8?!© [34... Hell 35. ad4 [35. Нс2? Haal 36. Же2 Hdcll Haal [35... Hel 36. ЖdЗ] 36. Же2 Hdbl 37. Hc2!? [37. Hbl Hbl 38. асб b4 39. Жd31 Hel [37... b4 38. Нсб ЬЗ 39. Hb6 b2 40. Ф13 Ha2 41. Жс4 НаЗП (41... Ha4 42. ЖdЗ Hdl 43. Жс2+-) 42. ac2 (42. Ж45? Hdl) Ha4 43. Же2; 40. af3! A 40... Ha2 41. Жс4 На4 42. ЖdЗ Hdl 43. Жс2+-] 38. Нсб Нсб 39. ас6± [Н 8/Ь4] НЫ 40. Ж03 НЬЗ [40... НЬ2 41. ad4 Ь4 42. Жс21 41. Жс2 НеЗ 42. ad4 h5 [42... Ь4 43. <£f3 &g71 43. ИЗ И 43. ф(3 Ь4 44. фе2 <£g7 45. h4 *f6 46. &d2 a) 46... Фе5 47. ae2 Hc7 48. af4 Hd7 49. ad3 £>f6 50. Фс1 Hb7 (50... ЬЗ 51. ас5) 51. ФЬ2+-; Ь) 46... НаЗ 47. Фс1 Hal 48. ЖЫ На8 49. ф>Ь2 Нс8 50. Жс2 НеЗ 51. ае2 Нсб 52. af4+-; с) 46... Нс7 47. Фс1 g5 48. hg5 &g5 49. ФЬ2 НеЗ 50. Adl4~; 256
43. h4!?l 44. g4?! [44. ФО[ Ь4! 45. ФО [45. g5 f6[ f6 46. ФГ4 ФЬб 47. Фе4 Ь4 48. f4 [48. Ф45 Sa3 49. Фс4 (49. Феб Фg7) Sal 50. £jf3 Scl 51. ФЬЗ Sfll фЬ7 49. АЬЗ Scl [49... фё7[ 50. g5 f5 [50... fg5 51. fg5 Shi 52. Аеб; 51... Sgl 52. Sg3 53. Аеб ЬЗ 54. АЬЗ Sh3 55. Аеб Shi 56. ФР4 Фg7 57. Фg4 h3 58. ФgЗ^—; 51... Фg7 52. £113; 51... Sc3±[ 51. фе5 Sc3?? [51... Фg7□ 52. £>e6 ФП![ 52. ФГ6! Se3 53. АП Sh3 54. аеб [54. Ag6 фЬ8 55. АП (55. Af5 Sg3 56. g6 h3 57. 210!+-) Sg3 56. g6 h3 57. 2)0! ЬЗ 58. 2>g5 (58. Ab3?? Sg6! 59. Фg6 h2 60. 21h2=) Sg5 59. fg5+-1 ЬЗ 55. 2f8 ФЬ8 56.2>g6 ФЬ7 57.2)18 [57. 2se7!?[ ФЬ8 58. Фg6 [58. g6 Sg3 a) 59. 21e6 Sg6 60. Фg6 h3 61. 2rf8 h2 62. Ad5 b2 63. фЬб hlW 64. Ahl фё8 (64... blW 65. 2>g6 Фg8 66. Ad5#) 65. 2)g6 ФП 66. Ad5+-; b) 59.2)h7 Sg6 60. Фg6 b2 61. ФЬб blW 62. 2rf8+-] Sc3 59. ФЬб Sc6 60. 2sg6 [60. g6 Sf6 61. 2h7 Sb6 62. 2ig5 Sf6 (62... b2 63. 2>e6) 63. Ab3+-; 60. 2>e6 Sc8Q 61. g6 Sg8Q 62. g7 Sg7 63. 2)g7 b2 64. 2>e6 (64. Aa2 h3 65. 2rf5 h2 66. 21g3) blW 65. 2sf8+—1 Sg6 61. Фg6 b2 62. Aa2 ЬЗ 63. ФП [63... h2 64. g6 hl® 65. g7 ФЮ 66. g8W ФЬб 67. Wh8#[ 1:0 V. Erdos 169.* D 76 Jirka 2415 - A. Hunt 2458 Great Britain 2012 17. e4 N ed4 18.2sdb3 [18. WO We7!a) 19. 21d3? Аеб! 20. ed5 (RR 20. h3?! a4 21. 2>fl 2)c7 22. Ad2 c5 23. Sael 2>a6 24. Sei Sac8 25. 2)f4 Ab3 26. e5 Sb8—I- Diermair 2429 - Karavade 2354, Moscow 2012) Ad5 21. Wf4 (21. Wg4 h5) We2; b) 19. ef5?! Wc5 20. 2>e4 We7 21. Ag5 We5; c) 19. 2>cb3 a4 20. ef5 ab3 21. 2>b3oo; 18. Wfl !?[ Ac8 [18... We7!? 19. Wc2 (19. Wfl Ag4) Ag4! a) 20. О 2>e3 21. Ae3 de3 22. fg4 e2 23. Sd3 a4 24. £>d4 (24. £>d2? Sa5) Sa5!; b) 20. Sd3 f5; 20... ^d7[ 19. Wc2 £sc7 20. Ae3 We7 [20... £)b5!? 21. a4 We7 22. Aid4 Aid6 (A ^dc4) 23. ЬЗ f5 (23... £>dc4? 24. bc4 Wc5 25. Sabi!) 24. e5!? Ae5 25. Sacl=; 20... £sd7 21. £id4 £sc5 22. Wc5 We7 23. We7 Se7 24. Sd2±[ 21. Aid4 £)d7 22. £sa4+ V. Erdos 170.* D 76 R. LEITAO 2623 - I. SALGADO LOPEZ 2621 Quito 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. £)O Ag7 4. g3 d5 5. cd5 Aid5 6. Ag2 Aib6 7. Aic3 <йс6 8. еЗ 0-0 9. 0-0 Se810. d5 £se5?! [10... £ia5 - 106/1391 11. £>d4! [11. £>e5 Ae5oo[ Ag4 12. О Ad7 13. f4 Ag4 14. Wc2 £>ec4 15. ЬЗ? N [15. h3! Ad4 (15... e5 16. de6 Аеб 17. Aie6 Se6 18. Sdl We7 19. e4±) 16. ed4 Af5 (16... Ad7 17. ЬЗ £>d6 18. a4 a5 19. g4T) 17. Wdl+1 1. d4 2sf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 Ag7 4. Ag2 d5 5. cd5 2)d5 6.2)0 2>b6 7.2>c3 2>c6 8. e3 0-0 9. 0-0 Se8 10. Sei a5 11. We2 Аеб 12. 2)d2 2)b4 13. Sdl сб 14. a3 2>4d5 15.2>ce4 Af5 16. Ac5 e5 15... e5! 16. de6 [RR 16. fe5 £>e5 17. h3 Ad7 18. АЬ2?! Wg5+ 19. ^e4 We3 20. Wf2 £>d5 21.£ic5 сб 22. Sadi Wf2 23. ФС Ac8-+ Li Chao 2703 - Goh Wei Ming 2426, Zaozhuang 2012; 18. Sdll <^e3 17. 257
^е7 сб 20. £>сб аб 21. <йе5 Ь5 22. ДГ7 Ф18 23. Wb4 <£g7 24. We7 Дg5 25. Д05 1 : 0 Lajthajm 172.* IN D 91 ДеЗ ^d4 18. ef7 Ф17 19. Ж<14 Wd4 20. ФМ ДГ5 [20... сб? 21. f5!Tl 21. £>Ь5! Дс2 [21... Wb4? 22. Wc7 Не7 23. £>d6 ф>18 24. аЗ! ®ЬЗ 25. ®с5+-1 22. £>d4 Де4= 23. £)13 ФГ6 24. Hael Had8 25. аде5 Ag2 26. <£g2 Hd2 27. Hf2 Hf2 28. Ф12 Hd8 29. £)g4 Ф17 30. £>e5 ФТ6 31. £>g4 1/2 : 1/2 R. Leitao 171.* D 91 V. PETKOV 2509 - A. DELCHEV 2622 Bulgaria (ch) 2012 LAJTHAJM 2493 - A. JANKOVIC 2564 Sarajevo 2012 1. d4 ^f6 2. c4 g6 3. £)C3 d5 4. Ag5 4je4 5. ДЬ4 ^c3 6. ЬсЗ dc4 7. Wa4 [7. еЗ Деб 8. £)f3 Ag7 9. Де2 0-0 10. 0-0 c5 11. Hbl Ьб 12. <&g5 (12. Wc2 - 112/258) ДД5 13. e4 h6 14. ed5 hg5 15. Ag5 cd4 16. cd4 Wd6 N (16... £ja6) 17. Дс4 ^d7 18. Hel £)f6 19. Wf3± Nisipeanu 2643 — A. Areshchenko 2688, Plovdiv 2012] Wd7 8. Wc4 b6 9. £>f3 ДЬ7?! N [9... Даб 10. Wb3 Дg7 11. ДgЗ (11. еЗ - 92/(455)) £>сб 12. Wa4 £>a5=[ 10. £>e5 Wd5 11. e3 [11. e4!? Wc4 (11... We4 12. <£dl! £>d7 13. Wc7 £se5 14. ДЬ5 Дсб 15. Hel Wg4 16. f3 Wd7 17. We5+) 12. Дс4 еб 13. Д₽6^8 14. d5 Де7 15.de6fe6 16. Де7 Фе 7 17. 0-0-0 Hg7 18. Doo] f6 12. Wa4 ^c6? [12... сб 13. aD <21d7 14. Дс4+[ 13. Дс4 Wg2?! [13... We4 14. Де2!±[ 14. ДП <£d8 15.0-0-0 [15. d5!! Whl 16. фе2+- Даб 17. Фё2 Wai 18. аеб Ф47 19. £se5 Фс8 20. Деб ФЬ8 21. £)сб ФЬ7 22. £>а5[ ДЬб 16. Hhgl We4 17. Деб Wh4 18. £>с6 фе8 19. 258 1. d4 £jf6 2. c4 g6 3. адсЗ d5 4. Дg5 £>e4 5. Д114 адсЗ 6. ЬсЗ dc4 7. еЗ Деб 8. ^13 Дg7 9. Де2 Wd7 10.0-0 Qjb6 11. a4 a5 12. £}d2 [RR 12. Wc2 0-0 13. Hfbl Wd7! N (13... Да7 - 111/233) 14. ДgЗ Д65 15. £)d2 (15. e4 Дсб! 16. НЬб cb6 17. d5 Да4 18. Па4 b5S) е5 16. de5 Дсб 17. 21с4 £>а4 18. Hdl We8oo Nisipeanu 2643 — Riazantsev 2710, Plovdiv 20121 0-0 [12... f5 - 108/(127)1 13. Wc2 13... Wd7! N [13... We8 14. Hfbl Дd7 15. £ic4 Да4 16. Wa2t; 13... c5 14. Wb2 cd4 15. cd4 Hc8 (15... c3) 16. Hfcloo] 14. Д13! [14. Hfbl Дd5! 15. e4 Дсб a) 16. £sc4 al) 16... £sa4 17. НаЗ! (17. d5?! 21c3 18. dc6 Wc6 19. <йа5 Wd7+) еб 18. Ag3!36; a2) 16... Ш! 17. Дс4 Wg4=; b) 16. Hb6 cb6 17. Ш Да4 18. Ha4 b5 19. £>b6 We6! (19... Wc6 20. ^d5+-) 20. £ia8 ba4 21. £jc7 Wb3^1 сб 15. Wb2 ^c8 [A ad6, Hfb8, b5| 16. ^e4 [16. Hfbl Ha7! (16... b6 17. Де2 £}d6; 16... M6 17. ^e4 ^je4 18. Де4 Ha7=) 17. ДgЗ ^id6 18. £ie4 Wc7 (18... <йе4 19. Де4 Hfa8=) 19. £>c5 Дс8 20. e4 (20. Де2 b5 21. e4 f5 22. e5 f4 23. ab5 cb5) f6 (20... f5 21. ef5 Д15 22. Hel) 21. Wb6 Wb6 22. Hb65!l b6! 17. ДgЗ Наб! 18. Hfdl [18. £)g5 Дg4 19.
£g4 Wg4 20. 2>f3 £>d6 21. £)d2 We6 22. Hfbl Wd5 23. f3 f5 24. Wa2 (24. Д46 ed6 25. Wa2 b5 26. e4 fe4 27. fe4 Д44 28. cd4 Wd4 29. фЫ Sf2) b5+l Ad5! [18... £>d6 19. Ad6 ed6 20. d51 19. Habl 15 [19... <М6?! 20. ^d6 Д13 21. gf3 ed6 22. d5! cd5 23. Hd5 Wa4 24. Hb5 (XWa4) Hc8 25. &g2 Hc5 (25... Нсб 26. e4) 26. Hb6 Hb6 27. Wb6^1 20. ^d2 ДВ 21. £)13 [21. gf3!? Wd5 22. Wa2 b5 23. e4 WH 24. ab5 cb5 25. Hb5 f4 26. ДЬ4 Aid6 (26... a4!? 27. £jc4 h6oo) 27. Ea5 Ha5 28. Wa5 h6 29. ФЫ g5 30. Ag5 hg5 31. Wg5 фЬ7 32. Hgl=l Wd5 22. Wa3 [22. Wa2 £>d6 23. <2}d2 b5 24. Ad6 ed6 25. Eb2 b4T[ £>d6 23. Hd2 Hb8 24. Hdb2 Hb7! [24... Ь5?! 25. Wc5| 25. Де5?! [25. Д46 ed6 26. Wa2 b5 27. A>d2 b4 28. Wc4 Wc4 29. £ic4 c5 30. ФН Hc7 31. cb4 cb4 32. £jd2T[ ДГ8?! [25... b5 26. Д46 ed6 27. Wa2 Ha8 28. Aid2 b4 29. Wc4 Wc4 30. £jc4 d5 31. АаЗ c5 32. ФАТ; 25... Де5 26. Ae5 b5 27. f3 W 28. &f7 ФПТ] 26. ^d6! ed6 27. Wa2 b5 28. Ad2 b4 29. Wc4 Wc4 30. Ac4 d5 [30... c5!? 31. dc5 dc5 32. Hdl Haa7 33. ФА=[ 31. £}d2! c5 32. cb4 Hb4 33. Hb4 ab4 [33... cb4 34. &ЬЗ Нсб 35. ФА ФП 36. Аа5 Наб 37. £>ЬЗ На4 38. £>сЦ 34. dc5 Дс5 [34... На4 35. А>ЬЗ ФП 36. сб Фе8 37. Ad4=[ 35. АЬЗ Да7 36. а5 Нсб 37. ^d4 [37. g3 ФП 38. Ael ФГ61 Ad4 38. ed4 Наб 39. НЬ4 На5 40. h4 фП 1/2 : 1/2 A. Delchev 173.** D 92 V. GOLOD 2561 - АВ. GUPTA 2643 Israel — India (m/2) 2012 1. d4 Af6 2. c4 g6 3. АсЗ d5 4. ДГ4 ^g7 5. Af3 0-0 6. Hel dc4 7. e4 Д§4 8. Дс4 Д13 9. gf3 Ah5 10. ДеЗ e5 11. de5 Де5 12. Wd8 Hd8 13. Ae2 Асб 14. 0-0 Ad4I? [14... Aa5!?l 15. Ad4 ДД4 16. b4I? N [16. Ad5 — 73/(540); 16. Hfdl!?[ сб!? [16... аб 17. Hfdl ДеЗ 18. fe3 Ф18 19. ФП Фе7 20. f4 сб 21. a4 Ag7 22. a5O (Iv. Sokolov 2653 - B. Avrukh 2591, Reykjavik 2012) Hdl; 16... Де5!? 17. Ь5 Af4 18. Hfdl b6 19. ФА ФГ8 20. a4 фе7 21. Дd2 f6 22. ДЬ4 £d6 23. Дd2 Де5 24. ДЬ4 Дd6 25. Дd2 1/2 : 1/2 A. Jankovic 2568 — Al. Naumann 2541, Osterreich 2012] 17. b5 cb5 18. ДЬ5 l^cl ДеЗ 19. fe3 Hac8 20. Дс4 Ф18 21. Дd5 Ь6 22. ДЬ7! Hel 23. Hel Ag7 24. Дd5 Ae8 25. ДЬЗ Hd7?! [25... Фе7!? 26. e5 f6 27. ef6 Af6 28. ФА Hd2 29. Hc7 Hd7 30. Нсб Hd6=[ 26. Hc8 Hc7 27. Ha8 Фе7 28. e5+O Ag7 [28... f6!?[ 29. f4 Аеб 30. Фg2 Ac5 31. Дd5 h5 32. Ф13 Аеб 33. h4 Hd7?? [33... Ad8 34. ДЬЗ Аеб 35. Да4 f6 36. ef6 фйб 37. ДЬЗ Ac5 38. Дd5 Аеб 39. Hg8 He7 40. Hc8 Hd7 41. ДЬЗ+1 34. Дсб+- [ХФе7, а7[ Hd8 35. На7 Ф18 36. ДЬ5 Ас5 37. Нс7 Hd2 38. Дс4 Hd7 39. Нс8 Фg7 40. Нсб НЬ7 41. Дd5 Hd7 42. Дс4 £>а4 43. еб+- fe6 44. Деб НЬ7 45. Дd5 [А Де4 Xg6[ Ь5 [45... ^с5?? 46. Нс5[ 46. Де4 [^ 46. Hg6 Фg6 47. ДЬ7] НЬ6 47. НЬб ^Ь6 48. ДdЗ Ь4 49. Фе4 £ja4 50. фd4 фГб 51. Дс2 £}сЗ 52. а4 1 : 0 V. Golod 174.*** D 97 SERGEY KARJAKIN 2766 - SVIDLER 2744 Russia 2012 1. d4 2tf6 2. c4 g6 3. ^ic3 d5 4. Дg7 5. Wb3 dc4 6. Wc4 0-0 7. e4 аб 8. Де2 Ь5 9. Wb3 c5 10. dc5 Деб 11. Wc2 £>bd7 12. ДеЗ Hc8 13. Hdl b4 14. £>d5 Дd5 15. ed5 £>c5 16.0-0 £}ce4 [16... Wd6 17. Hel Wb8 a) 18. Hfdl N ЬЗ 19. Wbl Wd6 20. ab3 ^ig4! (20... аьз 21. Hc8 Hc8 22. Wa2+) 21. Дс5 Hc5 22. Дс4 Hfc8 23. h3 ^e5 (23... £rf6) 24. £jg5 H5c7 25. ^je4 Wb6 26. Wa2 a5 27. d6 ed6 28. Hd6 Wb4= Antonsen 2457 — Schandorff 259
2494, Danmark (ch) 2012; b) 18. Жс5 ^d7 19. Жаб Hc5 20. Wd2 Wd6 N (20... Hd8) 21. Hc5 ^c5 22. Жс4 £>a4 23. ЖЬЗ £>c5 24. Жс4 <йа4 25. ЖЬЗ 1/2 : 1/2 A. Onischuk 2669 — F. Caruana 2712, Poikovsky 2011] 17. Wbl 17... ^d6 N [17... Wd6 - 112/(263)1 18. Hfel Wa5 19. £,d4 Wd5 20. £sb5 [20. Ж13 We5 21. <йс6 Нсб 22. Жсб £>g4 23. g3 Wh5 24. h4 £je3 25. НеЗ Wc5 26. Же4± Moroze- vich 2765 — F. Caruana 2767, Russia 20121 We4 21. £td6 Wbl 22. Hbl ed6 23. Жаб Hc7 24. a4 ЬаЗ 25. ЬаЗ Ha8= 26. НЬЗ £)d7 27. Же2 НеЗ 28. НеЗ ЖеЗ 29. Hdl НаЗ 30. Hd6 Hal 31. Hdl Hdl 32. Жdl 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Stamenkovic 175.* D 97 LENDERMAN 2587 - ROBSON 2614 USA (ch) 2012 1. d4 2tf6 2. c4 g6 3. Qjc3 d5 4. £>13 Ж§7 5. Wb3 dc4 6. Wc4 0-0 7. e4 аб 8. e5 b5 9. Wb3 £jfd7 10. Же2 c5 11. еб cd4 [11... fe6 - 113/184] 12. ef7 фЬ8 13. £je4 ^e5 N [13... ЖЬ7 14. 2rfg5 Же4 15. £>e4 £>e5 16. ^g5 N (16. Wh3) d3 17. £>e6 Wd6 18. Ш de2 a) 19. £se6?! ®bc6 20. f4 ^d3 21. Фе2 (Flumbort 2503 — M. Bagi 2335, Budapest 2012) £>c5! 22. HdlD We6 23. We6 £>e6+; b) 19. f4 ^c4 20. £>h7 Wdl! (20... ФИ7?21. Wh3) 21. Wdl edlW 22. <£>dl ФЬ7 23. a4 £)c6 24. ab5 Hd8ool 14. £se5 Же5 15. h4 ЖЬ7 16. h5! Же4П 17. Ж»± ЖГ5 18. g4 [18. hg61? Жg6 19. We6 Wd6 20. Wd6 Ad6 21. Жа8 Hf7 22. ЖЬ6±1 £>d7 19. gf5 gf5 20. ЖЬб Жg7 21. Жg7 <4>g7 22. Hgl! Ф16 23. Жа8 Wa8 24. Wg3 [24. 0-0-0 e5 25. Wa3 Wd5 26. ФЫ±1 We4 25. ФП ^e5 26. Hel Wd3 27. Wd3 £>d3 28. Hdl £tb2 29. Hd4 Hf7 [29... £>c4 30. Hd7 Hf7 31. h6±l 30. h6 <2tc4 31. Hd8 [31. Hd71 £>e5 32. Ha8 £g4 33. Наб еб 34. Фё2 Wh6 35. Hel Hg7 36. ФЬЗ He7 37. He2 £jg4 [37... £>f7 38. f4 Ш 39. &g3±l 38. Hb6 ^e5 39. Hb5 £>13 40. НеЗ £>g5 41. &g2 Ha7 42. a3 h5 43. Hb4 Hc7 44. a4 Hc2 45. НаЗ £>e4 46. a5+- Gtf2 47. <£gl £>g4 48. аб Hel 49. <£g2 Hc2 50. ФП Hel 51. Фе2 Hc2 52. Фе1 Hel 53. <£>d2 Hc8 54. a7 Ha8 55. Hb8 Ha7 56. Ha7 &g5 57. Hh8 e5 58. Hg7 фЬ4 59. Hgh7 &f6 60. Hh6 £ie4 61. ФеЗ ^ig3 62. ФО 14 63. Hg6 £>f5 64. Hg4 1:0 G. Arsovic 260
176. Е 01 EL DEBS 2477 - R. LEITAO 2626 Brasil (ch) 2011 1. да d5 2. d4 да 3. c4 сб 4. Wb3 еб 5. g3 dc4 6. Wc4 b5 7. Wd3?! [7. Wb3 Ab7 8. Ag2 £>bd7 9. 0-0 аб 10. £se5!t] Ab7 8. Ag2 ^bd7 9.0-0 аб 10. £jfd2!? [10. a4 c5! 11. ab5 Ae4 12. Wb3 Ad5=; 10. £)g5!?[ Wb6?I [10... Wc8! Il.a4b4 12. да c5 13. Ab7 Wb7=l 11. a4! Hd8 12. ab5 [12. да! ^e5 13. Wc2 ld4 14. &b3t; 12. да c5 13. Ab7 Wb7 14. ab5 ab5 15. dc5 да (15... Ac5 16. Да5±) 16. <йа5! Wb6 (16... ШЗ 17. £>b7 ДЬ8 18. ed3 ДЬ7 19. Да8 <£>d7 20. £ic3T) 17. WO+1 cb5! [12... ab5 13. дат] 13. Ab7 Wb7 14. да Wb6 15. аьз 15... Ab4 N [15... Ae7 16. Ad2 Дс8= - 97/3461 16. A.d2 Ad2 17. £jld2 0-0 18. Sa5?! [18. Hfel Дс8 19. e3+; 19. e4±] e5 19. Hfal Да8 [19... да!? A 20. de5 £#d7 21. We4 Hfe8 22. да <йе5 (22... f6=) 23. £ie5 Wd6 24. f4 f6^1 20. e3 Hfe8 [20... Hfc8 21. Aie4 Aie4 22. We4 ed4 23. Aid4 £>c5=] 21. да?! [21. Wg2!±] да 22. We4 ed4 23. Wd4 Wb7 24. да [24. Wdl! да 25. Aid4 Hed8 26. Wfl!=] да 25. Wc5 Дас8 26. да g6 27. да Деб 28. Wd4 WO! [28... Дс4 29. Wd8 &g7 30. b3=; 28... Десб 29. HdlTl 29. Wf4 [^ 29. Wd21 We2 30. ЬЗ [30. Даб? Даб 31. Даб Дс1 32. фё2 Wfl 33. ФО Whl 34. <£>g4 (34. Фе2 Wdl#) Дс4-+[ Hd8 [30... Дс2!+ А 31. Даб? Даб 32. Даб Дс1 33. <£>g2 Wfl 34. ФО Whl 35. <£>g4 Дс5!!-+] 31. <£g2 [31. Даб? Hdl-+1 Hdd6 32. Д5а2 Wd3 33. Ь4 [33. Wb4?[ <£g7 34. WO?! h5 [34... Hf6 35. Wg4 h5 36. Wh4 Hfe6 37. Wf4 Де4 38. Hdl Hf4 39. Hd3 Hf2 40. <£f2 Hd3 41. Даб ДЬЗ 42. ДЬб ДЬ4+[ 35. h4 [^ 35. ДЬ2[ Hf6 36. Wb7 Дсб!+ 37. ДЬ2 We4 38. ®h2 We5 39. Даа2 Дс4! 40. даг Дкб 41. Wa7 We4 [41... Wd5 42. О ДЬ4—+[ 42. фЬ2? [42. О We6-+[ WO! 0:1 R. Leitao 177.** E 04 A. Stamenkovic 2288 — Sr. Cvetkovic 2394 Srbija 2012 1. d4 да 2. c4 еб 3. да d5 4. g3 dc4 5. Ag2 аб 6. ^e5 c5 7. e3 [7. АеЗ £>d5 8. dc5 ^d7 9. Ad5 ^je5 10. Ag2 Wdl 11. &dl £)g4 12. сб ^e3 13. fe3 Да7 14. cb7?! N (14. £)d2 - 109/326) Ab7 15. Ab7 ДЬ7 16. фс2 Ab4+ D. Ghosh 2372 - Bitoon 2515, New Delhi 2012; 7. да Да7 8. dc5 Wdl 9. <£>dl Ac5 10. ^ac4 0-0 N (10... b5 - 98/(367)) 11. да Ad4 12. Af4 Ad7 13. Дс1 b5 14. да5 да 15. Ad5 ed5 16. да ^jd7 17. Дсб± Ph. Schlosser 2591 — Neuschmied 2308, Osterreich 2012] cd4 8. ed4 Ab4 [8... Ae7 - 92/4641 9. да 0-0 [9... &d5[ 10. 0-0 да N [10... 41bd71 261
11. асб [11. Жсб Ьсб 12. ^.g5! (12. асб Wb6 13. ab4 Ш4Т) ЖЬ7 13. ае4 с5 14. ас5 Жс5 15. dc5 Wc7! 16. &f6 gf6 17. сб Жсб 18. Wg4 ФЬ8 19. ас4=] Ьсб 12. Жсб [12. We2 ad5 13. Wc4 а5=| Hb8 13. d5 [13. Wa4 ad5T; 13. ЖГ4 Жd6=; 13. Жg2 ЖЬ7 14. ЖЬ7 НЬ7+; 13. We2 Wc7 14. ЖЫ ЖЬ7 15. Af4 Жd6 16. ЖЬ7 НЬ7+1 ad5 [13... ЖсЗ 14. ЬсЗ ad5 15. Жd5 (15. ЖаЗ Wc7 16. Ж18 Wc6 17. ЖаЗ ЖЬ7 18. (3 ^сЗ 19. Wd6 1с8 20. Шсб Жсб 21. ЖЬ4 ad5+) Wd5 16. Wd5 ed5Tl 14. ad5 ed5 15. Жd5 ЖЬЗ 16. Жg2 Жё2 17. &g2 Wdl [17... Же7Т; 17... Жс5+[ 18. Hdl Же7 19. Hd7 [19. ЬЗ сЗ (19... Af6 20. Ж£4=) 20. Ж£4 Hbd8 21. Hd8 Hd8 22. Hel Hc8+1 ЖГ6 20. Hc7 Hfc8 21. Hc8 Hc8+ Sr. Cvetkovic 178.* E 05 I. CHEPARINOV 2664 - RO. HESS 2635 Reykjavik 2012 1. d4 af6 2. c4 еб 3. g3 d5 4. а» Же7 5. Жg2 0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7. Wc2 аб 8. a4 Ж07 9. Wc4 Жсб 10. Жg5 Жd5 11. Wd3 асб?! [11... Же4 12. We3 abd7 13. £>сЗ Жсб 14. Wd3 ЖЬ4 15. Hfel a5 N (15... h6 - 106/(280)) 16. e4 h6 17. ЖЬб Wf6 18. Hedl Hfd8 19. Wc2 Wg6 20. ah4!? Wh7 21. d5 ed5 22. ad5 Жd5 23. Hd5 сб 24. Hd4 (24. Hd3 ac5= Ju Wenjun 2557 — Tan Zhongyi 2438, China (ch) 2012) af8 25. Hadl± Br. Tadic] 12. ЖГ6 gf6 13. e4 ab4 14. We2 ЖЬЗ [14... Жсб 15. асЗ±[ 15. abd2 N [15. Hcl!?[ Жс2 16. Hfcl [16. ael!? f5 (16... Wd4 17. ac2 ac2 18. &f3 Wc5 19. Had ad4 20. ad4 Wd4 21. Hc7 Wb4 22. e5±; 16... c5 17. d5±) 17. ac2 £sc2 18. Hadi ad4 19. Wh5tl Wd7 [16... f5 17. ael Же4 18. ae4 fe4 19. We4 (19. Же4 c6+) сб 20. af3±[ 17. ЬЗ f5 [17... ЖdЗ 18. We3 a) 18... c5 19. НеЗ! Жс2 (19... cd4 20. Hd3+-; 19... ac2 20. Wd3 aal 21. d5±; 19... Had8 20. Hd3 ac2 21. Wh6 aal 22. e5 f5 23. ag5 Жg5 24. Wg5 Ф118 25. Wf6 <£>g8 26. g4+—) 20. dc5 Had8 21. ЖА±; b) 18... a5 19. НеЗ Жаб 20. Wh6T[ 18. ef5 [18. ае1!?Же4 19. ae4fe4 20. We4 c6 21.£if3 Had8 22. Hc4±[ Ж15 19. ac4 [19. ae5!? Wd4 20. ЖЬ7 (20. adc4 Had8 21. Hdl Wc3 22. Hdcl Wd4=) Had8 (20... Hab8 21. adf3 Wd6 22. Же4±) 21. adf3 Wd6 22. Же4±] Wd8 [19... Had8 20. Hdl±[ 20. ace5?! [20. afe5! сб (20... Wd4 21. Hdl Wc3 22. Had Wb3 23. ae3t) 21. аеЗ Ag6 22. Hdl+] ad5 [^ 20... c6[ 21. h4 [21. a5 c6[ f6 [21... h6?! 22. ah2 фё7 23. ahg4T] 262
22. £jc4?! [22. £>d3 Wd7 23. 2x12 (23. 2ic5 Дс5 24. dc5 gfd8±) gf7 24. 2>e4 b6 25. a5 Sg7±l ДЬ4 [22... c6!?[ 23.2x3 [23. h5 2c3 24. We3 2x15=1 2e3 24. ВеЗ Да5? [24... c6oo[ 25. h5!± ДЬб [25... сб 26. 2h4 Дё4 27. We4! (27. ДО ДО 28. Веб gf7 29.2f3 Bd7±) ДИ5 28. Веб ДП (28... ФИ8 29. Bf5) 29. Bf5 ФИ8 30. Де4 Дg8 31. <4>g2±[ 26. a5 Да7 27. Па4! Д84? [27... сб 28. 2h4 Bd6 29. Bf3! (29. 2f5 ef5 30. Bd3+) Дd4 30. g4 ДdЗ 31. Hdl Had8 32. ДА Де4 33. Sdd4 ДО 34. gd6 gd6 35. 2f3±; 27... e5 a) 28. Bh6!? сб (28... ed4 29. Bf4 Дd7 30. Sb4±; 28... Bd6 29. £)h4 Дd7 30. gc7! Bc7 31. Дd5 Hf7 32. Д17 Ф17 33. Bh7 Феб 34. gc4 Bd8 35. de5 fe5 36. gg4 Фd6 37. 2}f5 ДГ5 38. Bf5 Дd4 39. Hg7 фс5 40. Hb7±) 29. ДА (29. gel) Bd7 30. de5 Bg7 31. Bg7 Фg7 32. gb4±; b) 28. ВсЗ! сб (28... ed4 29. 2}d4±) 29. gel±[ 28. Be4! [28. 2>h4 сб 29. Д13 (29. Be4 ДИ5 30. Веб Ф68 31. Wf5 Де2 32. d5±) ДО 30. Веб Hf7 31. £rf3 Bd7 32. gel Веб 33. ge6±[ ДЬ5 [28... ДО 29. Веб (29. ДО) ФИ8 30. ДО сб (30... Дd4 31. gd4 Bd4 32. gc7 Bg8 33. фё2 gg7 34. gb7 gb7 35. ДЬ7 HO 36. Ш6+-) 31. d5+-[ 29. Bb7!+- сб [29... Bb8 30. gc7 Bb7 31. gb7+-[ 30. Bc6 [30. Нсб gf7 31. Ba6+-[ Be7 31. Sac4 [31. Ba6 Дd4 32. Wc4+-[ gfd8 32. Sei Д17 33. d5 e5 34. £)Ь4 Де8 [34... Bd6 35. 2>f5 Bc6 36. gc6+—1 35. 2>f5 BO 36. Веб фЬ8 37. Hc7 Дg6 38.2x7 [38. d6+-[ Bg7 39. d6 ДГ7 40. Bh3 e4 41. Де4 1:0 I. Cheparinov 179. E 07 SANIKIDZE 2549 - O. HEINZE! 2335 Luxembourg 2012 1. d4 d5 2. 2f3 2f6 3. c4 еб 4. 2сЗ сб 5. «ЬЗ Де7 6. g3 [6. Дg5 W 7. e3 0-0 8. ДОЗ dc4 9. Bc4oo[ 0-0 7. Дё2 2bd7 8. 0-0 b6 9. gdl [^ 9. ДР4 ДЬ7 10. cd5 cd5 11.2b5 2e4(11...2e8 12. gacl+) 12. Дс7 Be8 13. gfcl аб 14. 2сЗ Ь5 15. a4 gc8 16. ДГ4 Деб! 17. ab5 (17. 2e4 ba4!T) 2c3 18. ВсЗ (18. ЬсЗ ДЬ5 19. e4!? de4 20. 2d2 e5!=) ДЬ5 19. Hc8 Bc8=[ ДЬ7 [9... Даб 10. cd5 cd5 11. ДР4 Bc8 12. gaol Bb7 13. 2d2!±[ 10. Д14 He8 [10... 2h5! 11. Дd2f5 (11... W6—100/(388)) 12. gacl+1 H.cd5 ed5[ll...cd5 12. 2Ь5±; 11... 2d5 12.gacl 2f4 (12... c5 13. 2e5 2c3 14. ВсЗ Дg2 15. Фg2 2e5 16. dc5+—) 13. gf4|[ 12. e4! 2e4 [12... de4 13. 2e5 2d5 (13... HO 14. gacl±) 14. 2c6 Деб 15. 2d5 Дd5 16. Bd5 2f6 17. Bb7±; 12... 20 13. e5±l 13. 2e4 de4 14. 2e5 2e5 15. de5 Bc8 16. Де4± ДО [16... c5 17. ДЬ7 Bb7 18. еб fe6 19. «еб ФИ8 20. gd7 Wc8 21. gel ДГ6 22. We8 We8 23. ge8 ge8 24. ga7 ДЬ2 25. gb7 Дd4 26. gb6±[ 17. ВО Веб 18. Bd3 g6 N [18... h6[ 19. Bd7 gab8 20. Веб [20. Дс2 ge7 21. Веб fe6 22. ДЬЗ+[ fe6 [20... Неб 21. gd7 Дg7 22. Дс2!±1 21. gd7 ge7 22. gadl c5 23. 13 [23. ДЬ7 gb7 24. gd8 ФН 25. Дg5 gec7 26. gld3 Де7 27. HO Фg7=; 23. ^g2!! Дg2 24. Фg2 gb7 25. Hd8 ФН 26. Дg5 gec7 27. gld3±[ c4 24. Ф12?! [24. ДЬ7 gb7 25. gd8±[ Де4! 25. fe4 gd7 26. Hd7 b5- 27. Дg5 a5 28. ФеЗ Дс5 29. Фd2 Д18? [29... ПО! 30. ДГ6 gf7 31. gd8 gf8 32. gd7 gf7=[ 30. ФеЗ b4 [30... ДЬ4 31. Фd4 gc8 32. ДГ6 c3 33. ЬсЗ gc4 34. ФеЗ gc3 35. ФР4 ДО=[ 31. Фс4 ЬЗ? 32. аЬЗ [32. аЗ ДаЗ[ gb4 33. ФеЗ?! [33. Фd3! НЬЗ 34. Фс2!±] ge4 34. Д16 Пе2 35. Ь4 ДЬ4 36. Фс4 gc2 37. ФЬ5 gb2 38. Hd8 Ф17 39. gd7 Фе8 40. НЬ7 НЬЗ 41. g4 gg3 42. Ь5 gh5 [42... Hg4?? 43. h6 ДО 44. gh8 gb4 45. Фа5+-1 43. gh5 gh3 44. h6 ДО 45. Дg7 263
45... Ag7?? [45... Ab4!=l 46. hg7 Hg3 47. u,h8 ФП 48. g8W! Sg8 49. fig8 &g8 50. Фа5+- ФП 51. ФЬб Фе7 [51... Фg6 52. Фсб ФГ5 (52... фg5 53. ф<17 ФГ5 54. фаб+-) 53. Ф46[ 52. Фс7 Фе8 53. Фс16 фае 54. Феб Фе8 55. Ф16 1:0 Sanikidze 180 Е 08 SASIKIRAN 2676 - LAZNICKA 2681 New Delhi 2011 1. d4 d5 2. c4 еб 3. £>f3 2tf6 4. g3 Ab4 5. Ad2 Ae7 6. Ag2 сб 7. Wc2 0-0 8. 0-0 ^bd7 9. Idl b6 10. ЬЗ Жаб 11. Af4 Пс8 12. адсЗ le8 13. e4 dc4 14. wd2 b5 15. bc4 bc4 16. £jb6 [16... c5 - 99/(349)1 17. a4!? N [17. Sabll 17... Ab4!? [17... Wd4?? 18. a5 £)bd7 (18... ^bd5 19. ed5 cd5 20. £>de4 We4 21. £>e4 ^e4 22. Ae3+—) 19. £>c4 Wc5 20. e5 Ac4 (20... £>d5 21. ^e4 Wb5 22. Habl £>b4 23. Wb2 c5 24. £>cd6+-) 21. ef6 Ш (21... Afl 22. fe74~) 22. £ia4+-; 17... c5!? 18. a5 a) 18... cd4 19. ab6 Wb6 20. Hdbl Wc6 21. e5 dc3 (21... ^d5 22. £)d5 ed5 23. £>f3 d3 24. Wa2±) 22. ef6 Ab7 23. Hb7 Wb7 24. Ш gf6 (24... Af6 25. ®d6 Wb2 26. Wa4 Hed8 27. £>c8 lc8 28. АеЗ g6 29. Ad3±) 25. Wc3+; b) 18... ^bd7 19. d5 ed5 20. ed5 Ж 21. d6 Af6 22. АеЗ АеЗ 23. Wc3 £je5oo] 18. a5 £jbd7 19. Ac4 [19. £sc4!?[ Ab5!? [19... Ac4 20. £>c4 c5 (20... Ac3 21. Wc3 ^e4 22. Wei £jg5 23. Ag5 Wg5 24. ^d6±) a) 21. Habl!?af) 21... Ac3 22. Wc3 £>e423. We3 £>ef6 24. dc5 £jd5 25. Wa3 Hc5 (25... 2rf4 26. gf4+-) 26. ^d6 Ha5 27. Wb2 Sc5 28. £je8 We8 29. Wd4±; a2) 21... Aa5 22. ab5 cd4 23. £}a7 lc5 24. Ad6 Hc4 25. Wc4 ^e4 26. Sd4 £>d2 27. Hd2 Ad2 28. Wc6 Aa5 29. Hb7 2rf6 30. Hb8 Wb8 31. Ab8 Hb8±; b) 21. &a2 Aa5 22. dc5 lc5 23. АеЗ lc8 24. We2 Ac7 (24... Hf8 25. Ag5 Ab6 26. Had We8 27. e5 Hc5 28. АеЗ Hc4 29. Ic4 ^je5 30. Ab6 £>c4 31. Ac5 W 32. Af8 Wf8 33. Wa6 g6 34. Wa7 Wc5±) 25. «ЗсЗ a5 (25... We7 26. £}b5 £}e4 27. Sa7 Hed8 28. Ad4±) 26. ^ib5 £ie4 27. Wd3 £>df6 28. Wd8 Ad8 29. £}bd6 lc4 30. Ш £>d5 31. Ad4±[ 20. Wb3 Ac3 21. Wc3 £}d5 22. WO £>f4 23. Wf4 23... We7?! [23... ^f6! 24. e5 £jd5 25. Wf3 Hf8 a) 26. Wa3!? f5 (26... f6 27. Wc5 fe5 28. de5 Wc7 29. lel+) 27. Wc5 a6=; b) 26. Wd3 Wg5 (26... ^c7 27. Hdcl+) 27. £}e4 Wg4 28. ^id6 lb8 29. <ЙЬ5 (29. Had Ac4 30. Wc4 f5±?) cb5 30. Ad5 ed5 31. Wb3 Wd7=; c) 26. Had Wa5 27. £ie4 Ac4 28. Hc4 Wb6 29. Hdcl Hc7 30. ^id6 Hb8 31. 264
®аЗ^[ 24. е5! 16?! [24... ged8 25. gdcl a) 25... f6 26. Habl fe5 27. de5 £}f8 28. Ab5 cb5 29. gc8 gc8 30. gb5 Wd7 31. Wb4 h5 (31... gel 32. <&>g2 Wc6 33. f3 gc2 34. Hb8+-) 32. £>fl±; b) 25... f5 26. We3 Ш 27. £jb3±l 25. Sael [25. Aa2! (Xe6) Ad3 (25... fe5 26. de5 gf8 27. We3 Aa4 28. gel Ac2 29. Wa7±; 25... gf8 26. <йе4 gce8 27. Wh4±) 26. We3 Ag6 27. £sc4±[ ged8 [25... Wa3 26. АЬЗ!? ФИ8 27. We3 f5 28. Wc3 <£jf8 29. <4>g2+[ 26. We3!? [26. Aa2!? fe5 27. de5 Ш 28. £>e4 Wa3 29. Abl gdl 30. Sdl Wb3 31. Wg4 Wc4 32. <4>g2+[ 2rf8?! [26... fe5! 27. de5 £)f8 28. Wb3!? We8 29. ®c3 (29. £se4 Ac4 30. Wc4 gdl 31. gdl ®h5 32. Wd4 c5 33. Wd6 gc6 34. Wc6 Wdl 35. <4>g2 Wd4 36. £k5 We5 37. a6+) Wh5 (29... c5 30. gel gd4 31. Ab5 Wb5 32. £)c4±) 30. gel gb8 31. We3 аб 32. <4>g2±[ 27. ef6! Wf6 28. £je4 We7 29. АЬЗ! фЬ8 30. &g5 ge8 31. gc5 h6 [31... gb8 32. gel±l 32. £jf3 ^d7 33. £se5 £>e5 34. ge5± gcd8?! [34... Wa3 35. Аеб We3 36. fe3 gc7±[ 35. We4 Wf7 36. gel© [36. Аеб Wf6 37. f4+-1 gf8 37. We3?! [37. f4 Wd7 38. gdl gf6 39. Аеб Wd6 40. Ab3+-[ gd6 38. Аеб Wc7 [38... Wg6 39. Ab3±[ 39. gh5 [39. Ab3! gdf6 (39... Wa5 40. ge8 gd8 41. ge6+-) 40. We4 gf2 41. Ac2+-[ gf6 40. Ab3 gd8 41. Ac2 [41. We4! gdf8 42. Ac2 g5 43. h4+—1 Ac4 [41... Wf7 42. ge5 аб 43. ge7+—1 42. d5!! Wf7 [42... Ad5 43. gd5 cd5 44. We8 gf8 45. Wg6 &g8 46. Wh7 Ф17 47. Ag6 £>f6 48. Ah5+-1 43. We4 g5 44. Wd4 [44. h4! (Gopakumar) ^g8 (44... Ad5 45. We5+-) 45. Wc4 Wh5 46. dc6 Wf7 47. Wb4+—[ <£>g7 45. Wc4 Wh5 46. Wd3 Wf3 47. Wh7 Ф18 48. Wh8 Ф17 49. Wh7 ®f8 50. We7 &g8 51. gfl gd5 52. Ah7? [52. Ae4! gd7 53. Ah7 ФИ8 54. Wd7 gf7 55. Ae4+—[ Ф118 53. Ae4 gd7 54. We5 gd5 55. We7 [55. Wb8 gf8 56. Ad5 cd5 57. Wa7+—1 gd7 56. Wd7 We4 57. Wa7 h5 58. gdl gf8 59. Wc5 [59. аб h4 60. Wc5+-[ gf5 60. Wc3 &g8 61. gal [61. аб We2 62. gd8 ФП 63. Wd4+-[ h4 62. We3 Wd5 63. We8 &g7 64. gel! h3? [64... gf7 65. We5 We5 66. ge5 &g6 67. gc5 gf3 68. g4 h3 69. аб ga3 70. gc6 <4>g7 71. £>fl ga2 72. фе1+-[ 65. ge7 &f6 66. Wf8 &g6 67. gg7 ®h5 68. Wh8 [68. We8 *g4 69. We2 gf3 70. ge7+-1 *g4 69. Wh4 Ф13 70. Wh5 Фе4 71. We2 *d4 72. gd7 [72... Wd7 73. Wdl4—1 1 : 0 Sasikiran 181 E 10 MAT. BARTEL 2658 - G.-A.-GY. SZABO 2554 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 £jf6 2. c4 еб 3. £>f3 c5 4. d5 b5?! 5. de6 fe6 6. cb5 d5 7. e3 Ad6 8. 21bd2 ^bd7 [8... 0-0 - 10/6341 9. ЬЗ [9. Ae2 0-0 10. ЬЗ Ab7 11. Ab2 - 9. ЬЗ] 0-0 10. Ab2 Ab7 11. Ae2 [11. Wc2!?[ We8 [11... We7 12. 0-0 gae8 13. Wc2 e5 14. e4!±[ 12. 0-0 gd8 N [12... e5 13. e4![ 13. ^c4?! [13. Wc2 e5?! 14. e4![ 13... Ac7 [13... Ah2?! 14. W dc4 15. Wc2! (15. bc4 Wg6 16. f3 Wg5) cb3 16. ab3±; 13... dc4! 14. Wd6c3 15. АаЗ £>e4 16. Wc7 Ad5oo[ 14. £>ce5± Wh5?! [14... £>e41 15. 265
£>сб [15. Hcl!?[ d4? [15... Жсб 16. Ьсб W 17. Wc2 <йе4 18. £}е5 Wh4 19. ЖЬ5!?а6 20. Ж<13±[ 16. ed4 cd4 17. h3 [17. Wd4! Жсб 18. Ьсб £>e5 19. ^e5! We2 20. Hfel+-[ Жсб 18. Ьсб £je5 19. Wei? [19. M4 Wh4 20. ^e6! (20. Hel Wf4 21. g3 Wh6 22. h4 £>e4 23. Hc2!+-) gdl 21. Hadi We4 22. Hfel!+-1 d3? [19... £)g6! 20. Жс4 £>f4 21. Жеб фЬ8Ч 20. Же5? [20. Жdl ^(3 21. Жй Wf5 22. Wd2 e5 23. Hael!?+[ Же5 21. ЖdЗ Жа1 22. Жс4 Ш5?@ [22... ЖЬ2 23. Жеб ФЬ8 24. с7 Hde8 25. Wb4! Wg6! 26. c8W (26. Wc4 We4) Hc8 27. Жс8 Hc8 28. Wb7 We8 29. Wa7 Ha8 30. Wc5 Ha2?[ 23. We6 Ф118 24. Hal± £)f4 25. Wg4 Wc5 26. Wg5?l [26. Hel!?[ Wc6 27. £}e5 27... Wc7? [27... Wd6! a) 28. ttrfl Hf7 29. ЖП h6! 30. Wf5 Hf8 31. g3 £>e2 32. &g2 Wc6 33. Wd5 Wf6 34. We6! £>f4 (34... Wai 35. We2) 35. gf4 Wai 36. We7 Hc8 37. Wa7 Wf6=; b) 28. Hel Wd2 29. <£>fl (29. £)f3 Wa2 30. He7 Hdl 31. ФИ2 £)g6 32. Hf7 Hf7 33. ЖП Wc2T) Wf2! (29... £jh3? 30. £rf7 Hf7 31. Wd2) 30. £>f2 £>h3 31. <4>g3 &g5 32. &g4 Hd4 33. &g5 h6 34. ФИ5 Hf5 35. <£>g6 Hf6 36. ФИ5 Hf5=[ 28. Hel h6 29. Wg3 Hd6 30. He4 Hdf6 31. We3 g5? [31... 2>g6D 32. £>d3±[ 32. Wd4+- Wg7 33. W £>g2 34. £)f6?! [34. £>f8 £>h4 35. £je6+-; 34. Wf6! Hf6 35. He8 ФИ7 36. ЖdЗ Hg6 37. £jf8+~l £jh4 35. Wc3 Wf6 36. Wf6 Hf6 37. He8 &g7 38. He7 Ф18 39. Ha7 H13 40. a4 Hh3? 41. Hf7 Фе8 42. a5 £)f3 43. &g2 g4 44. аб 1:0 Mat. Bartel 182.** E 11 A. JANKOVIC 2553 - ROIZ 2652 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 еб 2. c4 ЖЬ4 3. wd2 £J6 4. Wgf3 0-0 5. аЗ Же7 6. e4 d5 7. e5 2tfd7 8. Ж03 c5 9. h4!? [Л ЖИ7; 9. cd5 - 50/5301 g6 [9... h6 10. ЖЫ cd4 11. Wc2Tl 10. h5 cd4 11. hg6 N [RR 11. Wc2?! £>c5 12. hg6 N (12. Же2) М3 13. Wd3 fg6 14. £)d4 Ш 15. ^c6 Ьсб 16. Wh3 Hf7 17. £jf3 dc4 18. 0-0 Wd3 19. ЖеЗ c5+ Y. Shulman 2571 - Kaidanov 2594, USA (ch) 2012; 18... Hb8?J fg6 12. Wc2 [Xg6[ We8O 13. 0-0 £>c5?! [13... ^c6 14. Hel a5 (14... ^c5 15. b4 £)d3 16. Wd3±) 15. cd5 ed5 16. ЖЬ5оо Kozul 2593 - Z. Arsovic 2455, Sarajevo 2012114. £)d4 ^d3 [14... £jc6 15. £>c6 Ьсб 16. Же2 a5 17. ^f3 a4 18. £jd4+[ 15. Wd3 £jc6 [15... Wd7 16. ^2f3 £>c6 17. Hdl dc4 18. Wc4 Hf3 19. gf3 ^e5 20. We2±[ 16. cd5 [16. ^2f3 £)d4 17. £)d4 dc4 18. Wc4 Жd7 19. ЖИ6± Хеб, f6[ ed5 [16... £je5!? 17. We2 266
Af6 18. ДО Ag7 19. d6 b6 20. Ag5±l 17. £}2f3 Ag4? 117... ДО 18. Wd4 (18. ДО Ac5 19. Sei Аеб 20.Ag5 Hf7 21. Af6 Hc8 22. Had Hfc7±) Аеб 19. Ah6 Hf5 20. Had Wd7±[ 18. Ah6 Hf7 118... Af3 19. ДО Hf5 20. Wd5 Wf7 21. We4±l 19. еб! Hf6 20. Hael± AB 21. «113 Hd8? 121... g5 22. Ag5 HB 23. Wf3 Ag5 24. Wd5 We7±l 22. ^d4! аб 23. He2 Hd6 24. Hfel Wd8 25. b4+- ДО 125... Wc7 26. We3 Hd8 27. Hc2+-] 26. Wd4 Нсб 27. He5 Hd6 28. ШеЗ?! [28. g4! (A g5) Wb6 29. Wb6 Hb6 30. Ag5+-[ Wc7 29. Hd5 Hd5 30. Wd5 Wcl [30... Hf5 31. Wd2 Hh5 32. Hh3 Hh3 33. gh3 We5 34. Wd7 Wei 35. <i>g2 We4 36. ФА Wbl 37. фе2 Wc2 38. Ad2 Wc4 39. Фе1 We4 40. АеЗ Wbl 41. фе2 Wb2 42. ФА Wai 43. фё24—[ 31. ФЬ2 Hf2 [31... Wc7 32. ФЬЗ Wcl 33. Фg3 (33. We5 Whl 34. Wh2 Wh2 35. ФИ2 Hf5 36. ФgЗ Hh5 37. Af4 a5!±) Whl 34. Ag5 Hf5 35. He5 Ag5 36. e7 Фg7 37. e8£d (37. Hf5? Wh4 38. Ф13 gf5 39. We5 фЬб 40. We6 Фg7=) ф[8 (37... фЬб 38. Hf5 Wh4 39. ФВ gf5 40. We6+-) 38. Hf5 gf5 39. Wf5 Фе8 40. Wg5+-] 32. We5 [32... Wb2 33. Wb8 Af8 34. e7+-] 1 : 0 Roiz 183.* E 11 KI. GEORGIEV 2671 - KHENKIN 2630 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 ДО 2. c4 еб 3. ДО Ab4 4. Ad2 a5 5. ДО Ьб 6. Ag5 Ab7 7. ДО [RR 7. e3 h6 (7... d6 — 58/536) 8. A.h4 g5 9. Ag3 ДО 10 Wc2 d6 11. Ad3 Ac3 12. ЬсЗ ДО 13. fg3»? ДО N (13... g4) 14. 0-0 We7 15. Ae4 Ae4 16. We4 0-0= A. Khalifman 2632 - P Elianov 2690, Moscow 20121 h6 8. Ah4 ДО 9. a3 N [9. e3[ Ac3 10. ЬсЗ ДО 11. f3 [11. Af6 gf6 12. e4 f5 13. Ad3=| ДО 12. Af2 We7 13. e4 e5 14. g3 0-0 15. Ad3 d5? [15... d6 16. 0-0 Hfe8 17. We2±[ 16. cd5 ДО 17.0-0! [17. ed5 ed4 18. ФА dc3 19. ДО Ad5 20. ДО Ab7 (20... Had8 21. ДО Hd5 22. Wc2 Wd7 23. Ae4 Hd2 24. Wc3 Wh3 25. Фgl Hfd8 26. Hel c5±) 21. Ae4 Ae4 22. ДО Had8 23. Wc2 ДО 24. Фё2± f5 25. ДО f4 26. Hhel Wf6 27. Wb3 фЬ8 28. ДО Wg5 29. h4 Wh5 30. ДО Hf4 31. He5 We5 32. Hel±l ДО 18. ДО Aa6 19. We2 ДО 20. a4! ДО 21. ДО ДО 22. Даб ДО 23. Wf3 Наб 24. e5 ДО?! [24... ДО 25. We4 la" %. WVA»? ^5. ^d5 We6 26. Wb5 a) 26... Haa8 27. d5 Wg4 28. Ad4 (28. h3 сб 29. Wc6 Wc8 30. Wc8 Hac8 31. Ad4 Hcd8 32. d6 f6 33. ef6 gf6 34. Af6 Hd6 35. Ad4±) ДО 29. Hf4 ДО 30. фg2 ДО 31. cd4±; b) 26... ДО2 27. We2 (27. Wa6 ДО 28. ФМ Wd5 29. Wb5 We4 30. Wbl Wc6 31. d5 Wd5 32. Wa2 We4 33. Ac 5 ДО 34. Wg2 Wg2 35. Фg2 bc5±) bl) 27... ®fl 28. Wa6 ДО2 29. Wd3 ДО 30. d5 ДО (30... Wg4 31. Ad4 c5 32. Wc4 cd4 33. d6+—) 31 de6 ДО 32. e7 Ke8 33. Hdl He7 34. Hd3±- b2) 27... ДОП 28. d5 Wd5 29. Hfdl± — 25’ We2; 25. We2! We6 26. d5 Wd5 27. Hfdl (27. Hadi We6 28. Hd4 ДО 29. He4 f6 30. He5 fe5 31. Wa6 Wc6 32. Wb5 Wc3 33 Wd5 Ф118 34. We4) We6 28. Hd4 ДО 29. He4 f6 30. He5 fe5 31. Wa6 Wb3 32. Ael±J We6 26. d5 ДО 27. We2 Wd5 28. Ad4 ДО 29. Hf4_Haa8 [29... b5! 30. ab5 Неб 31 Wfl g6!+J 30. Ag7 фё7 31. Hc4 Hfe8 [31... c5 267
32. Hg4 ФЬ7 33. Idl Wf5 34. Hf4±l 32. Wg4 Wg5 33. Wd4 ф88 34. Hc7 Hac8 [34... Had8 35. Wf2 He7=l 35. Hc8 Hc8 36. Wb6 Hc3 37. Hfl Hg3 38. hg3 Wg3 39. ±hl Wh3 40. &gl Wg3 1/2 : 1/2 Ki. Georgiev 184.* E 11 SANIKIDZE 2545 - WIRIG 2490 Luxembourg 2012 1. d4 af6 2. c4 еб 3. а» ЖЬ4 4. Ad2 We7 5. g3 £)c6 6. £jc3 ЖсЗ 7. ЖсЗ £je4 8. Hel d6 9. d5 ac3 10. ЖсЗ ad8 [10... ab8 11. de6 fe6 12. Жg2 0-0 13. 0-0 ad7 14. ael e5 15. ac2 a5 16. аеЗ £sc5 17. ЬЗ аеб N (17... Жеб) 18. Wd2 Hb8 19. M Wd8 20. НеЗ b6 21. ac3± I. Faragd 2500 - N. Studer 2199, Deizisau 2012] 11. Жg2 0—0 [11... e5 12. c5! 0-0(12... dc5 13. £>e5+-) 13. cd6 cd6 14. Wcl! Жd7 15. 0-0 f5 16. Hc7 We8 17. We3! ЖЬ5 18. Hfcl Жаб 19. ah4! h6 20. ЖЬЗ Wh5 21. Wf3!±l 12. 0-0 e5 13. ad2 b6 [13... f5 14. c5 a) 14... dc5 15. 2>b3! e4 16. ac5 af7 (16... b6 17. ab3 ЖЬ7 18. f3! ef3 19. Hcf3 g6 20. g4!±) 17. Wc2 Wd6 18. Hdl b6 19. аеб Жеб 20. Нсб We7 21. de6 ae5 22. Hc7 We6 23. g4! ag4 24. Hdd7±; b) 14... £)f7 15. Wb3 bl) 15... f4 16. cd6 cd6 17. Hfcl fg3 18. hg3 Wg5 19. ae4 Wh6 20. Hc7 Af5 21. Wb7 Hab8 22. Wa7 Hb2 (22... Hb4! 23. H7c4 Hb2 24. Hel! Же4 25. Же4 £)g5 26. Жg2 ah3 27. ЖЬЗ Wh3 28. We7 Wf5 29. f3 Ha2 30. Wd6 Hd2 31. He4±) 23. Wa3!± He2 24. Hf7! Hf7 25. <2}d6 Ha2 26. af7 НаЗ 27. ah6 gh6 28. Hel±; b2) 15... b6 16. cd6 cd6 17. Wa3! ЖЬ7 (17... e4 18. Hfcl ae5 19. He7 Wf6 20. ac4! £>c4 21. Hlc4 We5 22. H4c6 Hd8 23. Hb6 Wd5 24. Ha7±) 18. Hfcl Hfc8 19. e4 Hc3 20. Hc3 fe4 21. £>e4+ - 93/424] 14. e4!? N [14. f4 ef4 (14... a5 15. f5!±) 15. gf4 f5 16. £>b3 ab7 17. £)d4 £ic5 18. b4 ae4 19. Же4 We4 20. Hg3 Жё7^; 14. Ь4[ c5 [14... f5 15. f4 ef4 16. gf4 (16. Hf4±) fe4 17. Же4±; 14... a5 15. f4 ef4 16. gf4 f5 17. e5±; 14... Жd7 15. f4 ef4 16. gf4TJ 15. f4 f6 [15... ef4 16. gf4±[ 16. Hf2! Hb8 17. f5! b5 18. cb5 Hb5 19. b3± Hb4 20. ЖП an [20... Hd4 21. Жс4±[ 21. Жс4 Ж07 22. h4 a5 23. a4 Hfb8 24. Wfl &f8 25. g4 h6 26. Hg2 Фе8 27. Hcg3 &d8 28. а» фс7 29. g5 [29. Wd3!?[ hg5 30. hg5 Hh8 31. gf6 [31. g6!?+[ gf6 32. Hg7 ФЬ6 33. H2g6 Же8 34. ad2 Wd8 [34... Wf8 35. Жаб Hd4 36. &c4 фаб 37. ae5 ФЬ6 38. Hf7!+-1 35. Жаб Wa8 36. ЖЬ5? [36. ac4! фаб (36... Hc4 37. Жс4+-) 37. ad6 ФЬ6 38. Hf6+-1 ЖЬ5 37. ab5 ag5 38. ac4 [38. Hd7!±] Hc4 39. Wc4 Wf8? [39... Hh4 40. Hg8 Wa7 41. H6g7+-; 39... Wd8fc[ 40. Hd7 1 : 0 Sanikidze 268
185.* Е 12 V. GOLOD 2561 - ADHIBAN 2561 Israel — India (т/2-rapid) 2012 1. d4 Ш 2. c4 еб 3. &f3 b6 4. аЗ Жаб 5. ®b3 d5 6. cd5 8d5 7. ®d5!? [7. ®c2 c5 8. £ic3 Wd8 (8... Wd7 - 57/490) 9. ^g5 cd4 N (9... W7) 10. ®a4 8d7 11. ®d4 Же7 12. Sdl Wd4 13. £}d4t (A £>db5) Svetushkin 2598 — R. Pogorelov 2415, Roquetas de Mar 2012] £ld5 [7... ed5 8. £f4 сб 9. £>c31 8. e4 £sf6 N [8... ЖА 9. ФА (9. Hfl!? 4tf6 10. £ic3 - 8... £jf6) Ш 10. £>c3 £jc6 11. ЖеЗ 0-0-0 12. Фе2±[ 9. ^c3I? [9. Жаб!? ^аб 10. £ic3 c5 11. ЖеЗ±1 ЖП 10. Hfl с5?! [10... сб!? A £>bd7, Же71 11. d5! ed5 12. ed5± Ad6 [12... £sa6 13. Жg5 A 0-0-0, Hfel, A £f61 13. ab5! ae4? [13... &d7 14. ad6 <£>d6 15. Ж14 &d5 16. 0-0-0 Феб 17. ^e5 ФЬ5 18. 2)f7 Hf8 19. Феб 20. b4!± Хфсб! 14. £)d6? [14. £>g5 £>g5n 15. £>d6 Фd7 (15... Фе7? 16. &b5 £}e4 17. £)c7 £)d7 18. &a8 Ha8 19. ЖеЗ+-) 16. Ж14! h5 (16... f6?! 17. h4 ^e4 18. £}e4 He8 19. f3 f5 20. Фd2 fe4 21. fe4 He4 22. ЖgЗ Фе8 23. фdЗ Hd4 24. ФеЗ He4 25. Hael Hel 26. Hel Фd8 27. Фd3+-O) 17. 0-0-0 f6 18. Hfel £ia6 19. He3±[ Ш 15. ЖГ4 Ф07?! [15... &b7 16. Фd2 f6 17. Hfel ФП 18. ФеЗ Hd8 19. Hadi ad7=[ 16. £je5 фе7?! [16... фd8 17. 0-0-0 He8 18. Hfel f6 19. асб £>c6 20. He8 Фе8 21. dc6 £)f5 22. Hd7 <5x7 23. g4 Sc8 24. Ha7 Нсб 25. Hb7±[ 17. 0-0-0 f6? [17... Hd8 18. Hfel Ф18 19. g4+[ 18. асб ^c6 [18... Фd7? 19. Hfel &f5 20. g4+-1 19. dc6 £jf5 [19... ac4 20. Hfel ФП 21. Hd7 Фg6 22. c7+-1 20. Hd7 ФГ8 21. Hel+- [A g4[ h5D 22. f3 [22. b4!? Hc8 23. bc5 bc5 24. ЖеЗ (XHh8) Фg8 25. c7+-[ h4 23. c7 Фg8 24. Hedl! [A Hd8[ ^d4 25. ЖеЗ асб 26. Hld6 £se5 27. Hd8 Ф17 28. Ha8 1:0 V. Golod 186 ROIZ 2651 - KORCHNOI 2567 Porto Carras 2011 1. d4 af6 2. c4 еб 3.af3 ЖЬ4 4. abd2 b6 5. аЗ Md2 6. Wd2 ЖЬ7 7. еЗ a5 8. ЬЗ d6 9. ЖЬ2 abd7 10. Же2 0-0 11.0-0 We7 [11... ^e4 12. Wc2 f5 13. d5 e5 (13... ed5 14. cd5 Жd5 15. Hadi ЖЬ7 16. ^d4T) 14. ad2 ad2 15. Wd2+ A f4[ 12. Hadi [12. Hfdl!? A ael, 13; 12. Wc2 - 94/4031 Hfd8 13. Wc3 [A d5[ d5 [13... ae4 14. ®c2 f5 15. d5 e5 16. ad2±[ 14. cd5?! [14. ad2 c5 15. dc5 ac5 (15... Wc5 16. Wd4 Hac8 17. Wh4±) 16. cd5 Жd5 17. £)c4± Xb6[ ad5 N [14... Жd51 15. Wc2 c5 16. Жс4 £>5f6= 17. ®e2 [17. ae5 ae5 18. de5 ad5 19. e4 ac7= А Жаб; 17. dc5 ®c5 18. ®e2 Hac8 19. ad4 We7=| a4?! [17... Жd5 18. dc5 Жс4 19. Wc4 Wc5=[ 18. dc5 bc5 19. ba4 Ha4 20. ЖЬ5± Ha5?l [XHa5; 20... Haa8 21. a4 ae4 22. ad2 £jd6 23. ac4±[ 21. a4 Жd5?! 22. ad2 [A e4 XЖd51 Haa8 23. e4 ЖЬ7 24. ЖеЗ [24. ас4?! £se4 25. Жd7 Hd7 26. Hd7 Wd7 27. W Wd2! 28. ®d2 £)d2 29. <йа8 afl 30. ac7 ad2 31. a5 £>c4 32. ЖеЗ Ф18 33. аб Жсб 34. a7 ab6=; 24. f3±[ ab8 25. a5 [^ 25. f3 £>с6 26. ab3±[ Жаб 26. Жаб ааб 27. ^с4 ab4 [A ac6-d4[ 28. f3 ае8 29. Hd8?! [29. Wf2!? ^с7 30. Hd8 269
Hd8 31. Wg3 f5 32. ef5 £jcd5 33. f6 (33. Ad2 ef5 34. Ag5 £>f6 35. Hel±) af6 34. Ae5±l Hd8 30. Idl £jc7 31. Hd8 Wd8 32. Wd2 Wd2 33. Ad2 [33. ad2 асб 34. £>c4 Ф18 35. Ф12 f6+l aba6 34. ФГ2 f6 35. Фе2 ФГ7+ 36. ФОЗ фе7 37. e5 [37. ab6 ФО6 38. фс4 фсб+1 ФО7 38. ef6 [38. ad6 fe5 39. W ab5 40. фс4 (40. £se5 Ф46 41. Фе4 ab4±) ааЗ 41. ФЬЗ аЬ5+[ gf6 39. g4?I [39. ab6 Феб 40. ac8! ЛФ47 41. £sa7± Xc6[ Феб 40. f4 40... ab4! [40... ad5 41. g5 aab4 42. фе4 ФЬ5 43. ad6 Феб 44. £>e8 f5 45. ФП+1 41. Фе2 [41. фсЗ ab5 42. ФЬ2 ad3 43. фс2 2>f2 44. g5 fg5 45. fg5 £)d4 46. ФсЗ ФЬ5=[ ФЬ5 42. аОб [42. ab6 abd5 43. ad7 c4 44. g5 fg5 45. fg5 c3 46. Ael Фа5 47. af6 ФЬ4 48. ah7 ФЬЗ 49. g6 ae8 50. h4 £>g7=l Фа5 43. Ae415 44. Ac5 fg4 45. ad3 Acd5= 46. Ф12 фЬ5 47. ab4 ab4 48. Ab4 фЬ4 49. Фg3 Фс5 50. Фg4 фО6 51. Фg5 е5 52. 1е5 1/2 : 1/2 Roiz 187 Ml. MARIN 2539 - L. SHYTAJ 2496 Italia 2012 1. d4 d5 2. ai3 af6 3. еЗ еб 4. ±d3 c5 5. ЬЗ асб 6. 0-0 Ae7 7. ДЬ2 0-0 8. c4 cd4 9. ed4 b6 10. abd2 ЖЬ7 11. Hel Hc8 12. We2 Hc7!? [12... He8 - 36/6181 13. Hfdl Wa8 14. Abl [14. ae5 Hfc8 (14... dc4 15. bc4 ab4 16. Abl Ag2 17. аЗ ааб 18. d5 Ah3 19. Wf3 Af5 20. Af5 ef5 21. Wf5±) 15. cd5 ae5 (15... ad5 16. Ah7 ФИ7 17. Wh5 Фg8 18. Wf7 ФИ8=) 16. Hc7 He7 17. de5 ad5oo[ Hd8 N [14... dc4[ 15. We3 [15. afl!?l Hcd7 16. an a5 17. ae5 [17. £>g3 a4; 17. a4!?J ae5 18. de5 Ac5 [18... dc4 19. ef6+-; 18... ae4 19. Ae4 Ac5 20. Ah7 фЬ7 21. Wg3 dc4 22. Hd7 Hd7 23. Hc4 Wd8 24. Hh4 Фg8 25. Wh3 Af2 26. Ф12 Hd2!=| 19. Ad4 ae4! [19... dc4 20. Ac5 gdl 21. ef6 Hel 22. Wg5+- Hfl 23. ФП Ag2 24. фе1 Hdl 25. ф01+—; 19... ag4 20. ®h3 Ж 21. Ac5 bc5 22. cd5 Hd5 23. Hd5 Hd5 24. ae3± He5 25. f4 НеЗ 26. We3 Ag2 27. Wc5+-[ 20. Ac5 [20.13 dc4![ <Ac5 21. Hd4!? [21. Wh3 h6 22. Hd4 dc4 23. Hg4 Wb8 24. Hel Hd4; 21. cd5=[ dc4 22. Hg4 [22. Ah7 ФИ7 23. Hh4 Фg8 24. Wh3 f6T; 22. Hh4 Hd3 23. Ad3 Hd3c3[ Hdl? [22... h5 23. Hg5 (23. Hg7!?=) ae4? (23... cb3 24. Wg3 g6 25. Ag6 fg6 26. Hg6 ФИ8 27. Wg5 Hg8 28. Hh6 Hh7 29. Hh7 ФИ7 30. Wh5 фё7 31. Hc5! (Xe6) bc5 32. Wg5=) 24. Hh5 A Wh3; 22... g6! 23. Wh6 ad3 24. Hh4 f5ff] 23. Ah7!+— Ф18 [23... фЬ7 24. Wg5 g6 (24... Hg8 25. Hh4#) 25. Hh4 Фg8 26. Wf6] 24. Hdl Hdl 25. Ac2 Hal 26. Hh4 cb3 27. Wd4I? НП 28. ФП Ag2 29. фgl fM5 30. Hh8 Фе7 31. ®h4 f6 32. ef6 Ф07 33. £b3 аьз 34. fg7 Wdl 35. Фg2 Wd5 36.13 Wd2 37. ФЬЗ 1 :0 Mi. Marin 188.* E15 RAZNIKOV 2436 - KI. GEORGIEV 2671 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 af6 2. c4 еб 3. £13 Ь6 4. g3 Ааб 5. Wa4 Ab7 6. Ag2 c5 7. dc5 Ac5 8. ac3 0-0 9. 0-0 Ae7 10. Hdl ааб 11. Af4 ac5 12. 270
Wc2 Wc8 13. Hd4 d5 14. Hadi!? N [14. cd5 ad5 15. £)d5 Ad5 16. ag5 Ag5 17. Ag5 Ag2 18. &g2 e5 (18... Wb7 - 89/(442)) 19. Hc4 Wb7 20. f3 аеб 21. АеЗ Hac8 N (21... Had8) 22. Hel Hc4 23. Wc4 Hd8= D.-N. Dumitrache 2460 — Prodileanu 2204, Romania (ch) 2012; 14. ae5 - 98/3921 ace4 [14... dc4 15. Hc4 Ad5 16. ad5 ed5 17. Hc3 afe4 18. ae5 ac3 19. ЬсЗ We8 20. Ad5 Hc8oo[ 15. ae5 Ac5 16. £je4 ae4 17. Ae4 de4 18.H4d2?! [18. Hd7! f6 19. Wc3 He8 a) 20. af7!? e5 21. Ae5 fe5 (21... e3 22. f4 fe5 23. ae5 He7 24. b4 Hd7 25. Hd7 Ac6 26. Hdl Af8 27. c5 Ae8 28. Wc4 фЬ8 29. сбое) 22. ae5 Неб 23. b4 Ae7 24. c5 Ф18 25. сб Ac6 26. He7 He7 27. ac6=; b) 20. Ь4 Ае7П 21. ag6 (21. af7 e5 22. ae5 fe5 23. Ae5 Hd8 24. Hd8 Ad8 25. Ag7 We6+) Ad8 22. Hd8 (22. ae7 He7 23. Hd8 Wd8 24. Hd8 Hd8=) Hd8 23. ae7 ФП 24. ac8 Idl 25. S>g2 Hc8 26. Ae3=[ f6! 19. £)d7 e3! 20. af8 [20. ac5 ed2 21. ab7 Wb7 22. Ad2 Wc6+] ed2 21. Wh7 21... ФП!! [21... Ф18 22. Ah6 gh6 23. Hd2 Ae4 24. We4 фё7+1 22. Wg6 Ф18 23. Ah6 gh6 24. Wf6 Фе8 25. Hd2 Ae4!-+ 26. Wh6 Wc6 27. Wh8 ФГ7 28. Wh5 Ag6 29. We5 Н18 0 : 1 Ki. Georgiev 189.* E 17 B. BOGOSAVUEVlt 2523 - B. ABRAMOVIC 2460 Srbija (ch) 2012 1. af3 af6 2. c4 еб 3. g3 b6 4. Ag2 Ab7 5. 0-0 Ae7 6. ac3 0-0 7. lei d5 8. cd5 ed5 9. d4 abd7 10. Af4 ae4 11. ad2 [11. gel c5 12. dc5 (12. ae4 - 88/433) ac3 13. ЬсЗ £)c5 14. ad4 N (14. ae5) Wd7 15. Wc2 Hfd8 16. Sedl Af6 17. Wbl We7 18. h4 g6 19. Af3 Hac8= Bodiroga 2397 — B. Abramovic 2460, Srbija (ch) 20121 ac3 12. ЬсЗ c5 N [12... af6 13. e4 de4 14. Ae5 (14. ae4 ad5 15. Acl f5 16. ad2 c6=) He8 15. Af6 Af6 16. ae4 Ae7=[ 13. e4 &f6 [13... cd4 14. cd4 de4 (14... Ab4 15. e5 Ac3 16. Hbl Ad4 17. ac4 Ac5 18. aa5!?±) 15. ae4 Ad5 16. Hel af6 17. Wa4+[ 14. e5 £je8 15. Hbl |o 15. dc5 Ac5 16. аЬЗ АаЗ 17. c4 (17. ad4!? A af5 Xd6) ac7 a) 18. Wd2 Wd7 19. Hadi Had8±; b) 18. Wg4 Wc8 (18... Ac8?! 19. Wh5 Аеб 20. Hadl± A 20... Wd7 21. cd5 ad5 22. Hd5 Ad5 23. Hdl4~) 19. Wc8 Hac8 20. Hadi Hfd8+; c) 18. He3!T A Hd3[ Hc8 16. h4 ac7 17. Wg4 cd4 18. cd4 аеб 19. АеЗ Hc2 20. f4 20... f5?! [20... ad4! 21. f5 Wc8! 22. еб af5 23. Wf5 fe6 24. Wd3 Ha2fl 21. ef6 Hf6 22. f5 ac7 23. Ag5117 24. He7?! [24. af3 Af6 25. ae5 Hf8 26. Af4+[ He7 25. Hfl Ac8 26. Wdl [26. ai3 Hg2 27. &g2 He2 28. &gl Wf8 29. ad2 He8 30. Wf3 Wf7T] Ha2 27. Wb3 Hd2 28. Ad2 Aa6 29. Hal? [29. Ag5 Afl 30. Ae7 We7 31. Ad5 &h8 32. &fl Wd7 33. Ae4 Wd4T[ Ac4 30. Wb4 ae8!+ 31. Af4 [31. Ag5 af6 32. Hel Hel 33. Wei a5 34. We6 фЬ8 35. h5 h6+[ a5 32. Wa3 af6 33. Ad6 He8 34. А13? [34. Ae5 ag4 35. Wd6 Wd6 36. Ad6 аеЗ 37. Hel ФП 38. f6 gf6?! 39. Af3; 38... He6+] Wd7-+ 35. g4 h5 36. g5 ae4 37. Ah5 Wf5 38. Ah2 [38. Ae8 Wf2 39. фЫ Ae2-+[ Hf8 39. We3 a4 40. Hel b5 41. Hel a3 42. 271
Wa3 g6 43. Ag6 Wg6 44. Wh3 b4 45. Де5 ЬЗ 46. Ф112 Hf2 47. &gl Wf5 48. Wf5 Hf5 49. g6 b2 50. Sbl 1П 0:1 B. Abramovic 190 E 32 N. GETZ 2408 - M.-E. PARLIGRAS 2650 Gibraltar 2012 1. d4 2tf6 2. c4 еб 3. АсЗ ДЬ4 4. Wc2 0-0 5. аЗ ДсЗ 6. Wc3 Ь6 7. Ag5 ДЬ7 8. еЗ d6 9. Ае2 Abd7 10. Wc2 h6 11. ДЬ4 c5 12. Sdl cd4 13. Hd4 Wc7 14. АсЗ аб [14... d5 - 102/(397)1 15. Wdl N [15. f3[ Hfd8 16. Де2 [16. Hd6 Ae5 17. Hd8 Hd835; о 16. f3 d5 (16... Hac8 17. Де2 d5 18. cd5 ed5 19. 0-0 He8 20. Wd2±) 17. cd5 ed5 18. Де2 He8 19. Д12 (19. Wd2 We5) Hac8 20. 0-0+1 ^g2! 17. Igl Деб 18. Hd6 Ae8 [18... ФЬ8!?1 19. Д08 Wd6 20. Wd6 Ad6 21. Дс7 Af5= 22. h3!? Hc8 23. ДЬ2 Ah4 24. Hg4 g5 [24... Af3 25. ДВ ДЙ 26. Hd4 Ac5 27. Hd6 Дс6=[ 25. Hd4 Ф18 26. Ь4 фе8 27. Ае4?! [27. Ь5 ab5 28. АЬ5 ДЬ5 29. сЬ5 На8 30. а4 Ас 5 31. ДЛ Af5 32. Hd2oo] Де4 28.Не4 28... е5! 29. Hg4? [29. Де5 f5 30. Hh4 gh4 31. Д04 фе7+; 29. с5! f5 (29... bc5 30. Даб Да8 31. Де2 f5 32. Нс4 cb4 33. аЬ4оо) 30. Hh4 gh4 31. Даб Нс7 (31... На8?! 32. ДЬ7 НЬ8 33. сб <4>d8 34. а4 фс7 35. фе2) 32. сЬ6Нс6=] 15 30. Igl f4? [30... е4! 31. Ф42 А13 32. Д13 ef3 33. ФОЗ Af6+ (A Ae4) 34. <4>d4 Ф17 35. Фе5 <£>g6] 31. <£>d2 Af6 32. Фс2 Af5 33. ФЬЗ Hd8 34. Hdl Hdl 35. Дdl Ae4 36. Дс2? [36. Дgl Afd6 37. ef4 gf4 38. Де2 f3 39. Д43 <£d7 40. Фс2т X£gl] Afd6 37. c5 bc5 38. bc5 Ac5 39. ФЬ4 Ace4 40. ef4? [40. Agl Ф07+1 gf4 41. 13 Ag5! 42. Дgl Afi 43. Дс5 ф>07-+ 44. ДОЗ e4 45. Даб еЗ 46. а4 Ае5 47. ДЬб Феб 48. а5 Ф05 49. Дс7 13 0:1 M.-E. Parligras 191. Е 37 R. LEITAO 2626 - MEKHITARIAN 2487 Brasil (ch) 2011 1. d4 Af6 2. c4 еб 3. АсЗ ДЬ4 4. Wc2 d5 5. аЗ ДсЗ 6. Wc3 Ae4 7. Wc2 c5 8. dc5 Асб 9. Afi Wa5 10. Д02 Wc5 11. e3 Ad2 12. Ad2 dc4 [12... d4 13. b4 We7 14. AB de3 15. fe3±; 12... 0-0-25/6461 13. Дс4 0-0 [13... Ае5?! 14. Ae4!+] 14. b4 N [14. 0-0?! Ae5=l We7 15.0-0 Д07 16. Wb2 Hac8 17. Hacl Hfd8 18. Де2 Де8 19. АЬЗ Ab8 20. ИЗ Деб [20... h6=[ 21. Ad4 Д05 22. Нс8 Нс8 23. Hel Нс1 [23... Wd8?! 24. Нс8 Ш 25. АЬ5 аб 26. е4! Деб (26... Де4? 27. Ad6 Wc6 28. We5! Дg2 29. Af5+-; 26... ab5 27. ed5 ed5 28. ДЬ5±) 27. £)d6 Wd8 28. Wd4±| 24. Wcl Wd8 25. Wc5 b6 [25... a6+[ 26. Wc2± g6?! 27. Д13 Д13 [27... e5?! 28. £d5 Wd5 29. Wc8 Фg7 30. ^f5! gf5 31. Wb8±| 28. ^13 Wd6? [28... a5 29. ba5 ba5 30. £ie5; 30. Wc5±; 28... &d7 29. ^d4±l 29. Wc8 Фg7 30. ^ig5! h6? [30... Wdl 31. фЬ2 £id7 32. Wc3! (32. We8? £je5 33. f4 Wd7!=) Фg8 33. Wc7 Wd5 34. Wa7 Wg5 35. Wd7 We5 36. g3 Wf5 37. Wd8 Фg7 38. Wd4 e5 39. Wd2 b5±[ 31. Wh8!+- ФЬ8 32. Фg7 33. £id6 аб 34. ФП Ф16 35. Фе2 е5 36. фdЗ Феб 37. 272
<£je4 Qjd7 38. a4 Ф05 39. £jc3 феб 40. фс4 Ь5 41. ab5 ab5 42. ФОЗ £jf6 43. f4 ef4 44. ef4 £se8 45. ФО4 <21d6 46. фе5 g5 47. fg5 &Г7 48. ФГ6 Wg5 49. h4 1:0 R. Leitao 22. e4 ДЬ5 23. h4 Да4-+1 Hcd2 22. gdl [22. Ha2 H2d3 23.Hb2 Дс4! 24. Дс4 Hdl 25. Ф12 Hhl—H He2 23. ФП Hb2 24. фе1 Hc8! 25. Hd2 [25. Да4 b5 26. Hd6 ba4 27. Наб Hell НЬЗ 0:1 P. Carlsson 192. E 53 193.** Е 54 R. JANSE 2200 - P. CARLSSON 2502 Sverige 2011 1. 04 еб 2. c4 £jf6 3. Qjc3 ДЬ4 4. e3 0-0 5. ДОЗ d5 6. аЗ ДеЗ 7. ЬсЗ dc4 8. Дс4 c5 9. &13 Wc7 10. Wd3?! [10. Да2[ Ьб [10... £>c6 - 27/6121 11. £>e5 N [11. 0-0 ДЬ7 12. <$jd2 £)c6 13. Да2 Hfd8; 13... Had8![ ДЬ7 12. f3 £>bd7 13. £)07 £>07 14. Да2? [14. 0-0 Hac8 15. Да2 Hfd8 16. We2 cd4 17. cd4 Д05оо[ cd4 15. cd4 Даб! 16. Wd2 [16. Wa6 Wc3 17. Ф12 Wai—H Hfd8! 17. Wb2 [17. Ф12 ^c5 18. g3 e5 19. Фg2 ed4 20. ed4 £)d3 21. d5 We5 22. Hbl He8-+; 17. ДЫ e5! 18. ДЬ2 £>c5 19. Wb4 ed4 20. Д04 £se6 21. ДЬ2 Wd7 22. Де4 Hac8 23. ДеЗ Hc4 24. Wb2 He4! 25. fe4 £jc5--h; 17. ДЬ2 £jc5! 18. ф£2 £>d3 19. фё1 Hac8-+[ Hac8 18. Д02 [18. Ф12 e5! 19. Wb3 2tf6 20. Hdl (20. de5 We5 21. Wf7 ФЬ8-+) £05 21. de5 £jc3 22. Hd8 Wd8 23. Wf7 фЬ8-+[ 18... £se5!! 19. de5 [19. ДЫ Wc4! 20. ДЬ4 &d3 21. ДОЗ Wd3 22. Wd2 Wb3! 23. Hel Hel 24. Wcl Hc8-+[ Wc2! 20. Wc2 [20. Hbl Wd3 21. Ф12 (21. ДЬ4 Hc2-+) Hc2-+; 20. Wb4 Wd3 21. Ф12 We2 22. Фg3 Hd2-+[ Hc2 21. ДЬЗ [21. ДЬ4 He2 22. фЯ На2-+; 21. Дс1 Не2 22. фЯ Hdl#; 21. Hdl На2 IV. SOKOLOV 2653 - RIAZANTSEV 2710 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 £jf6 2. c4 еб 3. £jc3 ДЬ4 4. еЗ 0-0 5. ДОЗ с5 6. £>f3 d5 7.0-0 cd4 8. ed4 dc4 9. Дс4 аб 10. аЗ [10. Дg5 h6 (10... Ь5 - 88/458) 11. ДЬ4 Де7 12. ДЬЗ £)с6 13. Нс1 Д07 N (13... £)Ь4) 14. We2 Нс8 15. Hfdl &Ь5 16. ДgЗ (16. Де7 £je7 17. £je5 Ш=) £>g3 17. hg3 Дg5 18. НЫ ДГ6 19. d5 ed5 20. ®d5 Af5 21. Дс2 He8 22. 2}e3 Wa5 23. ДГ5 Wf5 24. ®>f5 He2 25. ФЯ Hc2 26. £>el Hb2 27. Hb2 ДЬ2 28. Hbl ДГ6 29. Hb7= Reinderman 2581 — Motylev 2677, Wijk aan Zee II 2012; 10. a4 £}c6 11. Дg5 h6 12. ДЬ4 Де7 13. Hel Дd7 14. We2 (14. ДgЗ - 35/663) £>h5 15. Де7 £>e7 16. £se5 ^f6 17. Hedl N (17. Hadi) Де8 18. Wf3 Wc7 19. ^e4 ^e4 20. We4 Hd8 21. a5 £>d5oo N. Maiorov 2552 — V. lordachescu 2644, Plovdiv 20121 ДеЗ 11. ЬсЗ Wc7 12. We2 £>bd7 13. a4 [13. Дg5 - 83/(544)] b6 14. Д02 N [14. ДаЗ[ ДЬ7 15. ДОЗ Hfe8 16. Hfel Ьб 17. ^e5 £>e5 18. We5 We5 19. He5 Hec8 20. c4+ Hc7?! [20... a5 21. Hel Даб! 21. a5 Hd7 22. ДсЗ± ba5 23. Hea5 Hc8 24. Hel ^e4 25. ДЬ2 ^d6 26. f3 Hdc7 27. Ha4 Ha8 273
28. фС Аеб 29. gaal [29. НаЗ±] £>е8 30. ga5 gb7 31. АаЗ gb3 32. Ас2! gbb8 33. gc5 Ad7 34.ga5 Аеб 35. g4 gd8 36. ФеЗ ^d6 37. Ad6 gd6 38. Ae4 [38. gbl+-[ Ae4 39. c5+- gd4 40. <£d4 Ac6 [40... AB 41. сб Ф18 42. c7+-[ 41. Фе5 ф!8 42. фО6 Af3 43. сб gd8 44. Фс7 Фе7 45.gc3 Ag4 46. h3 Ае2 47. ФЬб АЬ5 48. с7 gc8 49. gb5 аЬ5 50. фЬ7 ge8 51. с8® gc8 52.gc8 ФО6 53. ФЬб 15 54. ФЬ5 Фd5 55. gc4! g5 56. ФЬ4 Ь5 57. ФеЗ g4 58. hg4 hg4 59. Фd3 е5 60. gc8 g3 61. ФеЗ 14 62. Ф13 Феб 63. 118 Фе7 64. gf5 Феб 65. фе4 фd6 66. Hg5 1:0 Z. Arsovic 194 Е 54 В. GELFAND 2739 - V. ANAND 2799 Moscow (т/9) 2012 1. d4 £)f6 2. c4 еб 3. адсЗ Ab4 4. e3 0-0 5. Ad3 d5 6. ^13 c5 7.0-0 dc4 8. Ac4 cd4 9. ed4 b6 10. Ag5 Ab7 11. ®e2 £)bd7 12. gaol gc8 13. Ad3 [13. ^e5 - 88/4591 АеЗ 14. ЬсЗ Wc7 15. c4 Af3?! [15... gfe8[ 16. W13 gfe8 N [16... e5[ 17. gfdl h6 [17... e5?! 18. Af5 gcd8 19. Wg3±l 18. Ah4 Wd6 19. c5!? [19. Ag3 Wb4 (19... Wc6?! 20. веб gc6 21. c5 bc5 22. Ab54—) 20. Ibl ®a5 21. a3 ®h5 22. Wh5 ^h5 23. Ad6±l bc5O 20. dc5 20... gc5! [20... ®e7?! 21. Ab5±[ 21. Ah7 Ф67 22. gd6 gel 23. Idl gec8 24. h3 £je5 25. We2 £)g6 [25... £>d5 26. ФЬ2 Hdl 27. 8dl £>g6 28. Ag3+[ 26. Af6 gf6 27. gel gel IW 5/f[ 28. ФЬ2 gc7 29. Wb2 Фg7 30. a4 4je7 31. a5 £)d5 32. аб ФИ7 33. Wd4 f5 34. f4 [34. g4!? fg4 (34... f4?! 35. h4±) 35. hg4 gd7 36. f4[ gd7 35. ФgЗ [35. g4 Фg6 36. gf5 ФГ5! 37. Фg3 Фg6 38. We4 Фg7 39. f5 ef5 40. Wf5 £>f6=l Фg6 36. ®h8 &f6 37. Wb8 h5 38. ФЬ4 фИ6= 39. ®Ь2 [39. g4 hg4 40. hg4 £>g4 41. ®g8 £se3 (41... &f2 42. Wc8 gd3! 43. Wh8=) 42. Wc8 gd3! 43. ®f8 (43. Wb7 gc3=) Фg6=l Фg6 40. Wc3 £se4 41. Wc8 £jf6 42. Wb8 ge7 43. g4 hg4 44. hg4 fg4 45. ®e5 £ig8! 46. ®g5 фЬ7 47. Wg4 f6 48. Wg2 ФИ8 49. We4 Фg7 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovic 195.** E 56 ROIZ 2652 - MO. NIKOLOV 2550 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 £jf6 2. c4 еб 3. адсЗ Ab4 4. еЗ 0-0 5. Ad3 d5 6. £>f3 c5 7.0-0 4jc6 8. cd5 ed5 9. dc5 [9. ^e5 - 53/5601 Ac5 10. h3 аб [10... We7!? 11. ЬЗ gd8 12. Ab2^; RR 12... £>e4 a) 13. £se2 N £}b4 14. Abl Af5 15. £>fd4 Ag6 16. £)f4 gac8 17. Wg4 Ш 18. Wg5 Abl 19. gabl h6 20. Wh4 ^e4 21. «e7 jle7 22. a3 1/2 : 1/2 Roiz 2651 — Fressinet 2700, Porto Carras 2011; b) 13. gel Af5 14. ^e2 gac8 15. Abl N (15. ^fd4) Ag6 16. ^f4 АаЗ 17. АаЗ Wa3 18. £jd4 Wb2 19. ^c6 Ьсб 20. Ae4 Ae4co Nisipeanu 2647 — S. Grigoriants 2570, Moscow 2012] 11. ЬЗ We7 12. Ab2 Аеб N [12... gd8[ 13. foci £je4 [13... АаЗ 14. АаЗ ШаЗ 15. £>f4 Нас8 16. ®cl ®cl 17. gacl+114. £>ed415? [Xe5, Фg8; 14... gac8 15. gel ®>d4 16. £)d4 Aa3| 15. gel?! [15. £ic6 Ьсб 16. gel f4 17. Ad4 fe3 18. fe3 (18. Ae4?! Ad4 19. Ah7 ФИ7 20. Wd4 gf3! 21. gf3 Ah3 22. We3 ®f6=) Ad4 19. ed4± Хаб, сб, e51 Ad7 [15... &d4 16. ^d4 Ad7+] 16. £jc6 Ac6 [16... Ьсб 17. ^e5±[ 17. ^je5 gac8 18. We2 [18. gel!? (A ge2-c2) a5 (18... gc7 19. ge2 gfc8 20. Hec2±) 19. Ae4 fe4 20. ge2 gfd8 21. gd2 Ad6±[ ФЬ8 [18... Ad7 19. ^id7 Wd7±| 19. Ad4 [19. gfdl! Ad6 20. £>c6 gc6 21. gc6 Ьсб 22. Ae4 fe4 23. ®a6±[ Ad6?! [19... Ad4 20. ed4 ®b4 21. Wb2 (21. Aa6 ®b6! 22. gc6 gc6 23. £)c6 Ьсб 24. gel ga8 25. Ad3 Wd4+) Ab5 22. Ab5 ab5 (22... Wb5 23. gc8 gc8 24. gcl±) 23. «3d3+] 20. £ic6 274
Деб 21. Sfdl?! [21. Деб Ьсб 22. Жаб (22. Же4!? fe4 23. Wa6 с5 24. ЖЬ2±) ЖЬ8 23. £d3 с5 24. ЖЬ2 Wd6 25. g3± А 25... Aig3 26. fg3 Wg3 27. Wg2+-1 Scc8 22. Sc8 Sc8 23. Wh5118! [23... We6 24.13 Aig3 25. Wg5 Sg8 26. f4 Aie4 27. Же4 We4 28. Scl±[ 24. ЖЬ2 [24. Же4 de4 25. ЖЬ2 <£>g8 26. Sd5 We6 27. Wdl Же7±[ Жс5?!© [24... <£>g8+[ 25. Же4 We4 [25... de4 26. Sd5+-1 26. Wg5 Sg8O 27. Scl b6 28. h4! [A h5-h61 We6 [28... d4 29. Ad4 ±d4 30. ed4 Wd4 31. Wf5 Wh4 32. Sc8±; 28... Wg4 29. Wg4 fg4 30. Ad4 Ad4 31. ed4 Sb8 32. Sc6 *g8 33. ФЬ2±[ 29. h5 h6? [29... Же7 30. Wf4 Af6 31. Af6 Wf6 32. g3 h6±[ 30. Wg6! Wg6 31. hg6 a5 [31... Sb8 32. ^d4 ^d4 33. ed4 &g8 34. Sc7+-[ 32. ^d4 ^d4 [32... Sc8 33. a3 Sc7 34. b4 ab4 35. ab4 ^d6 36. Sc7 Жс7 37. b5 <i>g8 38.13 h5 39. Ф12 Ф18 40. e4 de4 41. fe4 fe4 42. феЗ+—1 33. ed4 Sb8 34. Sc6 <4>g8 35. Sd6 Ф18 36. Sd5 Фе8 [36... 14 37. Sf5 &g8 38. Sf4 Sd8 39. Se4 Ф18 40. 14 h5 41. Ф12 Hd6 42. f5 Sd5 43. феЗ+-; 36... фе7 37. Sf5+-[ 37. Se5 Ф47 38. Sf5 1:0 Roiz 196.* E 60 V. ANAND 2791 - B. GELFAND 2727 Moscow (m/8) 2012 1. d4 £)f6 2. c4 g6 3.13 c5 4. d5 d6 5. e4 Ag7 6. ^e2 0-0 7. £>ec3 £)h5 N [7... еб 8. ЖеЗ (8. Же2 £>h5 9. 0-0 Ad4 10. ФЫ Wh4 11. Wei!О) ed5 9. cd5 аб 10. a4 £>bd7 11. Же2 A £>d2-c4, A £>a3-c4; 7... e5 - 53/(563)1 8. Ag5 [8. Же2 e5!? 9. 0-0 £114^; RR 8. g4 £)f6 9. h4 еб 10. h5 аб 11. a4 ed5 12. cd5 W7 13. Же2 ^e5 14. ЖеЗ Sb8 15. £>a3 We7 16. Ф12 Se8 (16... £ifg4!? 17. fg4 15М 17. h6 17... £>eg4! (17... ЖЬ8 18. g5 b5 19. ab5 ab5 20. £>ab5 Sb5 21. £}b5 £ieg4 22. fg4 £>e4 23. ^>g2 £}g3 24. Sei 1:01. Ivanisevic 2655 -Ti. Aliyev 2258, Wheeling 2012) 18. fg4 ^je4 19. ^e4 We4±? A 20. £>c4 ЖЬ2 21. Sbl Жg4 22. Жg4 Wc4 23. Sb2 Se3! 24. ФеЗ Wc3 25. ФГ4 Wb2 26. Wai Wf2 27. ЖП f6 Sa. Velickovicl ЖГ6? [8... f5! 9. Wd2 (9. ^jd2 £>d7 10. ef5 Sf5 11. £>de4 W6=; 9. ef5 Sf5 10. Wcl Wb6t) f4 10. Же2 ^jd7=[ 9. ЖГ6! [9. ЖеЗ[ ef6 [9... £}f6[ 10. Wd2 [10. g4! £>f4 (10... £>g7 11. We2!± A 11... f5 12.gf5) 11. Wd2 g5 12. h4tlf511. ef5 Ж15 12. g4 Se8 [12... ЖЫ 13. Sbl £)g7 14. h4 (14. фdl f5) h5 15. фdl+; 12... Wh4 13. фdl ЖЫ 14. Sbl ^g7 15. Wei! Wei 16. Фе1±[ 13. Ф01! ЖЬ1 14. Sbl 14... Wf6?? [14... 41g7 15. h4T; 14... ^f6 15. Фс2 £sa6 16. аЗ A h4-h5tl 15. gh5 WG 16. 275
Фс2 Whl 17. Wf2 [17... ааб 18. Ad3 ab4 19. Ф62 ad3 20. &d3+-; 17... асб 18. dc6H—1 1 : 0 Sundararajan 197 E 60 D. NAVARA 2700 - Z. ARSOVIC 2435 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 af6 2. c4 g6 3. ai3 ^g7 4. g3 c5 5. ^g2 0-0 6. 0-0 асб 7. d5 £ja5 8. Wc2 [8. afd2 - 70/5141 d6 9. e4 еб! [9... e5 10. ЬЗ аб 11. ЖЬ2 Ь5 12. abd2 Ad7 13. ael±] 10. h3 N [10. abd2 ed5 (10... Se8) 11. cd5 b5=] Se8 [10... ed5 11. cd5 Se8 12. £sc3±] 11. £sbd2 ed5 12. cd5 ^d7 13. Ibl 13... Wc8! [13... c4 14. b4!?J 14. g4 c4 15. Sei [15. Ь4?! сЬЗ! 16. Wc8 Sac8 17. ab3 ab3 18. Sb3 b6 19. ad2 Hc2+[ b5 16. b4 [16. ^fl h5!+ 17. gh5 (17. g5? £>e4+) ah5] c3!+17. an tn. аьз ac4 is. abd4 ad5 19. ae2 adb6 20. ac3 a5+l ac4 18. Sb3 a5 19. ba5 Sa5 20. ag3 [20. Sc3? ae4] Wa6 21. Se2 Sa8 22. a3 [22. Sc3 Sa2 23. Wd3 Se2 24. ae2 ag4 25. hg4 ЖсЗ 26. ac3 b4 27. ae2 ^g4+l ааЗ 23. Wc3 ae4 123... ag4 24. Wa5 Wa5 25. Sa3 Wa3 26. ЖаЗ Sa3 27. hg4 jlg4+ D. Navaral 24. ae4 [24. Wa5 Wa5 25. Sa3 ag3 26. Sea2 Wa3 27. НаЗ Sa3 28. ЖаЗ ae4-+[ ЖсЗ 25. Sc3 b4-+ 26. af6 &g7 27. Sce3 ac4 28. Se7 Hal 29. ag5 Hel 30. Ф112 ae5! [30... <£>f6?? 31. Hf7 <£>g5 32. f4 ФИ6 33. g5 <£>h5 34. Hh7#l 31. H2e5 &f6 32. ai7 de5 33. Hd7 Ha7 0:1 Z. Arsovic 198.* E61 A. DELCHEV 2622 - VL. FEDOSEEV 2548 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 d6 2. af3 g6 3. c4 Жg7 4. ac3 Жg4 5. e3 af6 6. h3! ЖВ [6... Af5 7. g4! Жd7 8. e4 0-0 9. ЖеЗ ааб 10. Же2 c5 11. d5 ac7 12. a4 b6 13. Wd2 аб 14. e5t] 7. W13 сб [RR 7... асб 8. g4 0-0 9. g5 N (9. h4; 9. Жd2; 9. Wdl) ah5 10. h4 e5 11. d5 ab4 12. Wdl f5 13. e4 af4 14. аЗ ааб 15. b4 ab8oo Ding Liren 2660 — Liu Qingnan 2461, China (ch) 2012] 8. g3 0-0 9. Жg2 e5 N [9... abd7 10. 0-0 e5 11. d5! cd5 12. cd5± (12. ad5 e4!) ae8 (12... h5?! - 68/(42)) 13. e4 f5 14. h4!tl 10. d5! Wb6 [10... cd5 11. ad5! ad5 12. Wd5 асб 13. Жd2+; 10... Se8 11. e4![ 11. 0-0 Wa6!? 12. Sdl Wc4 [12... cd5?! 13. ad51 13. dc6 Wc6 [13... асб?! 14. Sd6 e4!? 15.ae4 ae4 16. We4± A 16... Wa6 17. Sdl Sfd8 18. Жd2 ЖЬ2 19. Habl ЖГ6 20. ЖА Wa2 21. Жс4 Wa3 22. Hb7+-] 14. Wc6 асб 15. Sd6 [15. Жсб Ьсб 16. Hd6 ad5 17. Нсб ac3 18. ЬсЗ Sfc8 19. Hc8 Hc8 20. Hbl e4 21. Жd2 f5[ Sfd8 16. Hd8 Sd8 17. Жсб! Ьсб 18. e4± Ж18 [18... ae4 19. ae4 Sdl 20. <£>g2 ЖЬ6 21. ac5!! (21. ЖИ6 Hal 22. ac3 f5oo) Scl 22. Hel Жс1 23. ad3 ЖЬ6 24. ae5 c5 25. ЬЗ Жg7 26. асб аб 27. Ф13 ЖсЗ 28. g4 &g7 29. Фе4 Же1 30. f4 h5 31. ae5+-[ 19. ЖеЗ ЖЬ4 20. Hel Sd3! [20... ЖсЗ?! 21. НеЗ ae4 22. Нсб a5 23. &g2 h5 (23... ^g7 24. Sc4 af6 25. Ha4 Hd5 26. ЖЬ6 Sb5 27. Жс7) 24. &f3 ad2 25. Фе2 ae4 26. g4±; 20... <4>g7 21. aa4 a5 22. Sc4±; 20... Жа5 21. <4>g2 ЖЬ6 22. &f3 276
Ed6 23. £sa4 £>d7 24. ЬЗ f5 25. ef5 gf5 26. W АеЗ 27. ФеЗ ФГ7 28. Дс4±1 21. £>a4 a5? [Xa5; 21... Ad2! 22. Idl £je4 23. ac3 (23. Aa7 Hd5 24. фg2 Да5 25. £>c5 ac5 26. Ac5 Hc5 27. Hd2 Ф18=) ДеЗ 24. fe3 АеЗ (24... АеЗ 25. ЬсЗ £>сЗ 26. Hd6 аа2 27. Дсб Фg7 28. ФС±) 25. Фg2 ad2 26. gel (26. Hel af3) £jc4 (26... Ad4 27. Scl c5 28. ЬЗ Ф18 29. Дс2) 27. aa4 Ad4 28. ЬЗ аеЗ 29. фй ad5 30. Hel &е7 31. ac5±| 22. Дс4± [Д фё2-(31 h5 23. Фg2 Hdl 24. Ф13 h4 25. Hc6+- Wh5 26. Scl Hd7 [26... Hd8 27. gh4] 27. ab6 ДЬ7 28. ad5 hg3 29. fg3 Af8 30. Дс8 f5 31. Ac5 fe4 32. фе4 £ig3 33. Фе5 ДГ7 34. Af8118 35. £je7 Фg7 36.118 Ф18 37. ag6 Ф17 38. af4 1:0 A. Delchev 199. E 61 KANEL 2360 - NUEESCH 2380 Schweiz 2012 1. af3 g6 2. d4 Ag7 3. e3 £)f6 4. Ae2 0 0 5. c4 d6 6. b4 [6. ac3 - 41/651] abd7 7. b5 e5 8. Ab2 e4 9. afd2 le8 10. аеЗ сб 11. a4 [Il.g4!?c5! 12. d5(12. g5 cd4 13.ed4£}h5 14. Ah5 gh5 15. Wh5 e3^) £je5 13. g5 £ifg4 14. £sce4 f5 15. gf6 af6 16. ag3 Ah3 17. Wc2 afg4oo[ af8 12. 0-0 [12. g4 c5!? 13. dc5 аеб 14. cd6 ac5 15. g5 £}g4 16. h3 &e3 17. fe3 Wg5 18. afl ad3 19. Ad3 Wh4 20. Фе2 ed3 21. Wd3 Af5 22. Wd2 Had8^1 h5 13. a5 аб 14. Ьсб Ьсб 15. Wc2?! [15. Wa4[ Af5 16. Hfbl N [16. Aa3[ аеб 17. Wa4 [17. £>a4 c5! 18. d5 ad4!! 19. ed4 e3 20. Ad3 ef2 21. ФЫ Ad3 22. Wd3 ag4 23. ^fl Hel!Tl c5 18. d5 18... ad4!I 19. ed4 [19. Afl £>g4 20. h3 Ae5!! 21. ed4 (21. adl Wh4 22. ed4 Ah2 23. ФЫ Af4-+) Ah2 22. фЫ Af4-+1 cd4 20. adl e3 [20... ad7!?[ 21. fe3 ae4! 22. an ac5 23. Wa2 ДЬ8? [23... Abl 24. Hbl de3 25. Ag7 Фg7 26. afe3 Wf6=l 24. ag3? [24. Ad4! Abl 25. Hbl ДЫ 26. Wbl Wa5 (26... Ad4 27. ed4 Wa5 28. dc5 Wc5 29. afe3 ДеЗ 30. аеЗ We3 31. ФП Wf4 32. Фе1 Wh2 33. Wb6±) 27. Ad3±[ Abl 25. ДЫ h4 26. an Wg5 27. Acl h3 28. A13 [28. g3 Wf5 29. ДЬ8 ДЬ8 30. ad2 Ah6 31. ed4 ad3-+[ ad3! 29. ДЬ8 ДЬ8 30. Ad2 ae5 31. Ae4 Wh4 32. ai2 hg2 33. Ag2 d3 34. Wa3 ДМ 35. e4?© [35. Wa2 Hal 36. Wai af3 37. Af3 Aal 38. Ae4 Wg5 39. ag3 Wf6 40. Ad3 Wb2 41. afl Wa3 42. e4 Ac3 43. АеЗ Wa5-+[ 35... afi! 36. A13 Ae5 0 : 1 Prusikin 200. !N E 62 V. ERDOS 2634 - MAMEDYAROV 2747 Gibraltar 2012 1. d4 af6 2. c4 g6 3. af3 Ag7 4. g3 0-0 5. Ag2 d6 6. аеЗ сб 7. 0-0 Wa5 8. e4 Ag4 9. h3 Af3 10. Af3 afd7 11. АеЗ [11. ДЫ c5 12. d5 Ac3 (12... аб - 87/(466)) 13. ЬсЗ Wa2 14. Ah6 He8 15. Ae2=| c5?! [11... Wb4 a) 12. a3!? Wc4 13. Ae2 We6 14. d5 Wf6 15. Wb3oo; b) 12. Ae2 Wb2 13. aa4 Wa3 14. Acl Wb4 15. Ad2 Wa3=; c) 12. Wd3 Wb2!? (12... aa6) 13. ДаЫ Wa3 14. ДЬ7 ab6 cl) 15. He7!? Af6 16. Hb7 (16. Дс7 ааб) Wa6 17. e5 Wb7 18. ef6 a8d7; 277
с2) 15. Sbl £>8d7; сЗ) 15. Ae2; d) 12. Wb3 (паб (12... a5!? 13. Ae2) 13. Sfdl Wb3 14. ab3 £>b4 15. Sd2; 11... аб!? 12. аЗ c5 a) 13. b4 Wd8 14. Scl?! cd4 (14... £}c6!? 15. bc5 dc5 16. d5 ^d4) 15. Ad4 Ad4 16. Wd4 ®c6 17. Wd2 Sc8 18. Ae2oo; 15... Ah6!; 14. bc5; b) 13. e5!? cd4 14. Ad4 de5 15. Ae3 Wc7 16. £)d55s[12. dc5 [12. e5! <йс6 (12... cd4 - 55/565) 13. Асб (13. ed6!?) Ьсб 14. ed6 ed6 (14... cd4 15. de7) 15. dc51 dc5?! [12... (nc5 13. b4! (13. e5) Wb4 14. (nd5 Wc4 15. Icl (15. (ne7!? ФИ8 16. e5) Wa2 (15... Wa6!?) 16. /пе7 ФИ8 17. Wd6-; 12... АсЗ! 13. ЬсЗ (nc5 (13... dc5 14. e5T) 14. e5 £>c6 15. ed6 Sfd8±[ 13. e5 Wc7 [13... £>e5 14. Ab7 W>c6 (14... Sd8 15. We2) 15. Aa8 Sa8 16. Wa4; 16. Wd5±; 13... Wa6 14. £>d5[ 14. ^d5 Wd8 15. еб! N [15. 41e7 We7 16. Ab7 a) 16... /паб!? 17. Aa8 (17. Ааб £)е53б) Sa8 18. f4; b) 16... W 17. Aa8 <йа8 18. f4 (18. Wd5 (nd7 19. f4 Aiab6±?) Aib6 (18... We6!? 19. Ac5 Wh3) 19. ЬЗ f6 20. Wd6 Wd6 21. ed6 £)8d7; 15. Ш!? Af6 (15... ef6 16. Ab7 £>b6 17. Ac5 Wdl 18. Sadi £)8d7 19. Af8 Sf8 20. ef6±) 16. Ab7 £>e5 17. Aa8 ®c4 18. Ah6 (18. Wd8 Sd8 19. Sadi Ad4±) W 19. Wc2 c4!±; 15. £rf4 Wb6 16. еб (16. £jd5 - 5/614) fe6 - 15. еб] fe6 16. £>f4 Wb6 17. Ag4 [17. £>e6? Sfi! 18. Wfi We6 19. Wb7 Wc6; 17. Ag2!? A £je6!; 17. b4!?[ Sf6 18. b4! Wc6 [18... Wb4? 19. Аеб; 18... Sf4 19. bc5! a) 19... Wc6 20. Af4 Aal 21. Afi! (21. Wai aa6!) Wa6 22. Ab8!? Sb8 23. Wd7 Af6 24. Sbl; 22. Sei!?-; b) 19... Wb2 20.Sbl;c) 19... £>c5 20. Sbl!?-; 18... h5 19. Ac5!? (19. bc5) Aic5 20. bc5 Wc5 (20... Wa6 21. Аеб Ф117 22. Ad5) 21. Аеб ФИ7 22. Sbl!+-[ 19. b5 Wc8 [19... Wb6a) 20. £>e6 al) 20... Se6 21. Wd5 ФГ7 (21... Aifi 22. Ac5; 21... Aal 22. Аеб <£g7 23. Sal £>f6 24. We5) 22. Sael! Ш (22... &f8 23. Ac5; 22... h5 23. Аеб We6 24. Wb7 Ш 25. Ac5+-) 23. Аеб We6 24. We6 (24. Wb7? We4) Феб 25. Ac5+-; a2) 20... h5D 21. Aig7 hg4 22. £>e8!-; b) 20. a4! a5 21. £je6 h5 22. £)g7 hg4 23. £>e8; 21. Sa2!4—] 20. £>d3!? [20. £je6 h5! 21. £>g7 hg4; 20. Аеб Se6Q 21. £je6 Aal 22. Wai Ш 23. We5 (23. £>c5 Wh3; 23... b6; 23. £>f4 g5? 24. <Ad5; 23... Aibd7+) Aibd7 24. Wf4±l абП [20... h5 21. Afi Sfi 22. Wfi Aal 23. Sal±[ 21. a4 [21. Scl!?] ab5 22. cb5 b6 [22... h5 23. Afi (23. Ae2) c4 24. Scl A 24... Sf3 25. Wfi Sa4 26. We4!+-[ 23. Ag5 2rf8Q 24. £se5! [24. Af6 ef6 25. Wc2 (25. Afi Ha7 26. Scl f5; 25. Wb3!?) f5 26. Afi Sa7] Ha7 [24... Sf5 25. Af5 Ae5 (25... ef5 26. Wd5) 26. Ae4+-; 24... Aibd7 25. Af64~; 24... Wc7 25. Af6 (25. We2!?) ef6 26. Аеб! Ш 27. Wd5+-; 24... h5 25. Af6 Af6 26. Af3; 24... Sf2!? 25. Sf2 Ae5 26. Wfi (26. Wei!?; 26. Sa3) Aal 27. Wf7 фЬ8 28. Wf8 Wffi 29. Sf8 *g7 30. Sd8[ 25. £>c4?! [25. Sell S17?! [25... £lbd7 26. Af6 ef6 a) 21. a5!? f5 (27... ba5 28. b6) 28. Afi Aal 29. Wai ba5 (29... Wc7 30. аб) 30. b6 Sa6 31. b7T; b) 27. Wd6!? f5 28. Afi Aal 29. Sal Wc7Q 30. Wc7 Sc7 31. a5 ba5 (31... Sa7 32. a6H~) 32. b6 Sc8 (32... W 33. W c4±) 33. b7±l 26. £>b6! Wb7 [26... Wc7 27. £>c4 A 27... Aal 28. b6+—1 27. Wd8!+- [27. a5[ Aal 28. Аеб! [28. Sal A 28... We4? 29. Wb8 Sb7 (29... Wd4 30. Sfl) 30. Wa8! (30. Wd8 h5!) h5 31. Ae6![ Ad4 [28... Ag7 29. We8; 28... ^>g7 278
29. Ad5! Wc7 30. Wc7 Hc7 31. Af7] 29. Ah6??© [29. We8+—| £>bd7! [29... Ag7 30. We8 «3 31. Af4+-[ 30. £)d7? [30. We8 WB! 31. ФИ2! (31. Af4? &e5D 32. £}c4 Wa8!) Af2D (31... Ae5 32. Af4!) 32. Af7 Wf7 33. Wf7 Ф17 34. Hf2 фе8 35. £>d7 £>d7 36. Ha2±] Ha8 31. Wb6? [31. Af7 ФП 32. £jc5! Ac5 33. Wd3 ^e6+l 31... Wfi! 32. Af7 ФП 33. Wc6?l [33. Wc7 £jd7 34. Wd7 Wg3 35. ФЫ Wf3 36. фё1 Sa4 37. АеЗ! 1 Wg3 34. &hl Wh3 35. <£gl Sa4 [35... ^d7? 36. Wa8 Wh6 37. Wd5; 35... Wh6!? 36. Wa8 Wg5! (36... £jd7? 37. Wd5! Фе8 38. Wa8=) 37. Wg2 Wg2 38. &g2 £jd7 39. a5 Феб!] 36.2rf8D Wh6! [36... Ae5? 37. Wd5 Фе8 38. Wc6!=; 36... Af6!? 37. Wd5 еб 38. Wd7 Ae7 39. We6 We6 40. <йе6 фе6+] 37. WO [37. ^еб Wh4 38. £>d8 Фg8 39. Wd5 Фg7-+l Af6! [37... Фе8? 38. £>e6! Ae5 39. Wc6 ФП 40. 2>d8=l 38. Wb3 [38. ^ie6 Wh4] c4!-+ [38... ФГС 39. Wa4 Wg5 40. ФЫ Wd5 41. фgl=] 39. Wa4 Wg5 40. ФМ Wh4 41. фgl Wg4 42. фЬ2П [42. ФЫ Ae5! 43. Wa3 (43. f4 Wh3 44. фё1 Ad4 45. Hf2 Wg3) Wh4 44. фg2 Wh2 45. ФО Wh3[ Ae5 43. f4 Af4 44. 2f4 Wf4 45. Фg2 Wd2 46. ФЬЗ Wc3 47. Фg2 Ф18 [W 4/h] 48. Wa8 Фg7 49. We4! e5 [49... Wb2 50. Фg3 Wb5 51. We7 Фg8 52. We6 Ф18 53. Wf6 Фе8 54. Wh8[ 50. b6? [50. Wb7 ФЬ6 51. Wd5![ Wb2 51. ФЫ Wb5? [51... Wb6 52. We5 Wf6 53. Wc7 Wf7 54. We5 Фg8 55. Wb8 Wf81 52. Wb7 ФИ6 53. We7? [53. Wc7D[ Wbl 54. ФИ2 Wc2 55. Фg3 Wd3 56. Фg2 We4 57. Фg3 Wf4! 58. ФИЗ сЗ! [58... e4? 59. b7! (59. Wh4 Wh4 60. ФИ4 еЗ 61. ФgЗ сЗ 62. Ь7 е2 63. фС с2 64. b8W elW 65. Фе1 clW) еЗ 60. b8W Wb8 61. Wh4 фg7 62. We7 Фg8 63. We6 Ф18 64. Wf6=l 59. b7 c2 60. b8W clW 61. WbfSQ Wf8 62. W18 ФЬ5 63. WO Фg5 64. Wg2 ФИ6 65. WO Wf4 66. Wa8 e4 67. We8 фЬ5 68. Wg8 ФЬ6 69. We8 e3 70. Фg2 Wf2 71. ФМ W13 72. &gl e2 73. фЬ2 Wf2 74. фИЗ elS [74... elWl 0:1 V. Erdos 201.* IN E 63 M. FOMINYKH 2253 - BODNARUK 2419 Moscow 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. W Ag7 4. g3 0-0 5. Ag2 d6 6. 0-0 £>c6 7. £ic3 аб 8. h3 lb8 9. e4 b5 10. d5 [10. cb5 - 99/(393)1 b4 [10... ^ja5 11. cb5 ab5 12. b4 £jc4 13. £>d4+; 12... c5!?[ 11. ^e2 ^a5 12.2tfd4 [RR 12. Wc2 N c5 13. ^f4 ^d7 14. lei ЬЗ 15. Wd3 ba2 16. Sa2 £}b3 17. АеЗ Wb6oo Khismatullin 2664 - M. Krylov 2490, Moscow 20121 e5 [12... c5!? 13. dc6 e5oo[ 13. ^ib3! N [13. de6[ £ic4 [o 13... c5 14. £>a5 Wa5 15. a3+] 14. Wc2 £)b6 15. аЗ! ЬаЗ 16.1аЗТ Ad7 17. АеЗ Wc8? [17... £>e8 18. £ia5 f5 19. ef5 gf5 20. ^ic6 Асб 21. dc6±; 17... ^c8!? 18. Ia6 (18. £>a5 £>e7 19. lol £je8oo) ah5 19. £}a5 f5 20. ef5 gf5 21. £sc6 Асб 22. dc6±] 18. £ia5 ^e8 [18... Ah3 19. ^ic6 Ag2 20. Фg2!±l 19. ^ic6 Асб 20. dc6 f5 21. ef5 gf5 22. Hdl!?± ФИ8 23. НЬЗ Hf7?I [23... e4D±] 24. £jc3 £jc4 25. Aa7! Ha8 26. Ad5 [26. Hb7 e4 27. £se4 fe4 28. Wc4 He7+-1 Hf8 27. Hb7 Да7П 28. Ha7 £jb6 29. Ag2!+- e4 30. Afl We6 31. Наб Ae5 279
32. НЬб! cb6 33. ^d5 f4 34. We4© [34. gf4 Hg8 35. Ag2 Wg6 36. f3 ef3 37. Wg6 Hg6 38. fe5 Hg2 39. <£>fl+-[ fg3 35. fg3! [35. f4 ^f6 36. Ш Wf6 37. c7 Af4 38. Ad3!+—1 £>f6 [35... Hg8 36. Ag2 Hg3 37. Hfl+-1 36. £>f6 Wf6 37. Ad3 Wg7 38. g4 Ab2?! [38... Hf4 39. We2+-[ 39. Hfl A.f6 40. <£>g2 d5 41. Wd5?! [41. We6!| Hd8 42. We4 Ah4 43. Hf5 Wc7 44. Hf3 b5 45. A.b5 [45. We6![ Wg7 46. Ae2 Wc7 47. Wc4 Ael 48. Wcl! Ad2 49. Wb2 Wg7 50. c7 1:0 M. Fominykh 202.* E 69 ROB. MARKUS 2625 - B. DAMLJANOVIC 2582 Srbija (ch) 2012 1. d4 £>f6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 Ag7 4. Ag2 0-0 5. £)c3 d6 6. £)f3 сб 7. 0-0 Wa5 8. e4 e5 9. h3 £)bd7 10. Hel ed4 11. £>d4 He8 12. АеЗ [12. Hbl a) 12... Wc5 13. ЬЗ £se4 (13... £}g4 - 60/542) 14. £se4 Wd4 15. АеЗ (15. ®f6?? £>f6 16. Wd4 Hel 17. ФЬ2 ^g4-+) Wdl (15... We5? 16. <21d6 He7 17. Af4 Wei 18. Wei Hel 19. Hel+-) 16. Hbdl Ш 17. £)d6 He7±; b) 12... £>e5 13. Afl bl) 13... Wc5?! 14. £jb3 Wb4 15. a3 Wb6 16. АеЗ c5 17. ^d2+; b2) 13... Аеб?! 14. b4 Wc7 15. f4 £>ed7 b21) 16. f5?! gf5 17. ef5 Ac4 18. He8 (18. Ac4 d5 19. Af4 Wb6 20. He8) £>e8 19. Ac4 d5 20. Af4 Wb6oo; b22) 16. АеЗ a5 17. a3 ab4 18. ab4± ХАеб; ЬЗ) 13... c5 14. £jb3 Wd8 15. &b5 Af8; 15. АеЗоо; b4) 13... d5 b41) 14. b4 Wd8 15. cd5 (15. ed5?! cd5 16. c5 £se4!t) cd5 16. Ag5 de4 17. £je4 Af5 18. £)f5 Wdl 19. Ш Af6 20. Hedl £)f3 21. <4>g2 ^g5 22. £Я6 He7=; b42) 14. cd5 cd5 15. f4 £>c6 16. e5 £je4 17. £}e4 de4 18. АеЗос (18. £ic6 Ьсб 19. АеЗ Wa2 20. Wc2oo) Wa2 (18... ^d4 - 87/471) 19. £>Ь55з[ £>e513. Afl Аеб [13... c5 14. £>b3 (14. £)f3 - 99/397) Wb4 15. Ad2 (15. a3 Wb6 16. £>d2 Wd8oo) Wb6 16. £>b5 (16. f4 — 77/543) a5 17. a4 Ae6oo[ 14. £>еб Неб 15. &g2 Hae8 16. Hbl [16. Wd2 - 78/5071 ^ed7 [16... аб?! 17. b4 Wc7 18. Hel Wb8 19. c5 Hd8 20. cd6 Hed6 21. Wc2 a) 21... Ь5?! 22. f4!? (22. Hedl Hdl 23. Hdl Hdl 24. £jdl±) £jd3 23. Ad3 Hd3 24. e5 £>d5 (24... £se8 25. ^e4±) 25. Ш H3d5 26. Wc6 Af8 27. a3+; b) 21... £>d3 22. Ad3 Hd3 23. <йа4! (23. Hcdl Hdl 24. Hdl Hdl 25. Wdl We8=) Af8 24. Af4 Wc8 25. £k5 Ac5 26. bc5+] 17. Wd2 [RR 17. f3 Wc7 18. Af2 N (18. b4) h5 19. ^e2 аб 20. b4 H6e7 21. Wc2 £}e5oo B. Abramovic 2460 — B. Damljanovic 2582, Srbija (ch) 2012] Wc7 18. f3 h5 19. Af2 аб 20. b4 N [20. Hedl] £)h7 [20... Ь5?! 21. a4 ba4 22. £sa4±[ 21. h4 [21. ^e2 h4 22. g4 g5 23. £>d4 Ad4 24. Ad4 £se5oo; 22... Wd8; 21. Hbcl h4 22. g4 g5 23. £>d5 Wd8 24. <йеЗ Ae5 25. &f5 ^dfSco] a5?! [21... g5?! (B. Damljanovic) 22. hg5 Ac3 23. Wc3 ^g5 (A Hg6, ^je5) 24. Ae2!± A Hhl; 21... ^je5 A We7-f6; 21... Ш A £se51 22. b5 [22. a3 ab4 23. ab4 £>e5oo[ £}c5 23. ^e2T a4 24. ^f4 H6e7 25. Hedl Ae5 26. ^d3 ^jd3 27. Ad3 a3? [A Ab2; 27... c5 28. Ac2 Ш a) 29. Aa4 b6 30. f4 Ad4! 31. Ad4 cd4 32. Ac2 (32. Wd4 He4 33. Wd6 He2-+) ^e6; b) 29. f4 Ad4 30. Ad4 cd4 31. Wd4 (31. b6 Wc5 32. Wd4 £}e6) £se6 32. Wd5 ^c5] 28. Ьсб [^ 28. НЬЗ c5 29. Abl! (29. НаЗ ^jf8) ^f8 30. f4 Ad4 31. Ad4 cd4 32. Wd4 ^je6 33. Wd6 Wc4 34. Wd3±[ Ьсб 280
29.Sb3?! [29. с5! dc5 30. Дс4а/ 30... Ad4?! 31. Ad4 cd4 (31... Sd7 32. Wh6) 32. Wd4 £>f8 33. ®c3±; b) 30... <^>g7 31. f4 Ad4 32. £d4 cd4 33. Wd4 f6D 34. Ad3+| c5 30. Sa3 &f8 31. 14© [31. Wa5!?| ^d4 32. Ad4 cd4 33. Sa5 [33. ®a5 ®c8 А <йе6-с5; 33. f5 &d7! 34. Wh6 gf5 35. Wg5 Ф18 36. Ш5 Se5! 37. ef5 Se3[ ®d7 34. Sd5 £if6 35. Sd4 Aie4 36. Se4 Se4 37. Де4 Se4= 38. Scl [38. Wd6 Wc4 39. Sd2 lei 40. Wd3 Wd3 41. Sd3 Se2=[ Sc4 39. Sc4 Wc4 40. ®d6 Wa2 1/2 : 1/2 Rob. Markus 203. IN E 86 XIU DESHUN 2492 - WEN YANG 2549 China 2012 1. d4 A16 2. c4 g6 3. АсЗ A.g7 4. e4 d6 5.13 0-0 6. ДеЗ e5 7. Aige2 сб 8. Wd2 Aibd7 9. 0-0-0 аб 10. ФЫ Ь5 11. c5 ®a5 12. Wc2 [12. £)d5= - 87/4751 d5! N [12... ed4; 12... dc5[ 13. ed5 b4! 14. dc6?! [14. £>e4 £>d5 15. Д12оо ЬЗ? 16. Wb3 lb8 17. Де1!![ ЬсЗ 15. cd7? [15. £jc3 ed4 16. cd7 de3 17. dc8W Sfc8 18. Aia4oo; 15. d5 a) 15... cb2 16. cd7 ДД7 17. £>c3 Sfc8 18. A,e4 (18. сб Деб 19. dc6 Sc6 20. Д<12 Sac8T) £se4 19. fe4 ДЬб! 20. Wd2 Wd2 21. Дс12 Д<12 22. Hd2 Hc5 23. Sb2 f5 24. Де2 fe4 25. Scl Sac8 26. Sc5 Sc5 27. Sb7=; b) 15... ®c5 16. Wc3 Дй 17. Фа1 Ш4 18. ЬЗ £jd5 (18... £>ЬЗ 19. ШЗ Дс2 20. Ш4 Да4 21. Sd2 е4 22. Дd4 еЗ 23. Sd3oo) 19. Wc5 (19. Ьа4 £jc3 20. £>сЗ е4 21. Дd4 Sfd8 22. Дg7 Sdl 23. &dl Фё7 24. £je3oo) £je3 20. Ьа4 е4 21. £)d4 £)dl (21... Sfd8 22. fe4 Де4 23. Даб Sd4 24. Sd4 Дd4 25. Wd4 £>c2 26. ФЬ2 £)d4 27. c7) 22. фЫоо] 15... £)d5!! 16. dc8W Sfc8 17. 8e4? [17. de5! <53e3 18. Wc3 Wc3 19. £jc3 £jdl 20. £jdl Де5 21. £jf2 Sc5 22. ^d3 Sd5 23. <йе5 Se5 24. Дс4+[ Sab8 18. Дс1 Sb2! [18... ed4 19. Wd5 Sc5 20. <йсЗ dc3 21. Дс4 Sd5 22. Sd5 Wc7 23. ДЬЗ a5—Ц 19. ДЬ2 Sb8 20. Фа1 Sb2 21. £k3 [21. Wd5 c2 22. Scl Wb4-+ 23. Wa8 Д181 Wc3 [21... £jc3 22. ®a8 Д18 23. ФЬ2 £)dl 24. фс2 £}e3 25. <£d3 ed4 26. ®e4 Дс5+-1 22. Wd3 ed4 [22... Wb4—I- 23. ®c4 (23. Scl e4) £sc3! 24. ДdЗ ®a31 23. ®c3 dc3 24. Sd5 24... Sb8! [24... Sd2? 25. ФЫ Sb2! (25... Sd5? 26. c6+) 26. Фа1 Sb8! - 24... Sb8[ 25. Sd8 Sd8 26. ФЫ Sd2 27. g3 Дd4 0:1 G. Kasparov 204. E 87 CHIGHLADZE 2390 - D. LOMSADZE 2345 Georgia (ch) 2012 1. c4 g6 2. d4 Дg7 3. e4 d6 4. £jc3 £>f6 5.13 0-0 6. ДеЗ e5 7. d5 £}h5 8. Wd2 15 9.0-0-0 аб 10. ФЫ ^3f6 [10... M7 - 1/4501 11. ДdЗ c5 12. dc6 £>c6 13. Дс2 N [13. £)ge2[ Деб 14. Wd6 [14. ef5!? gf5 15. ®d6 ®d6 16. Sd6 Дс4 17. Д15? ^3e8 18. Деб ФЬ8 19. Sc6 ДdЗ 20. Фа1 Ьс6+; 17. 2ЖЗ+1 ®d6 15. Sd6 Дс4 16. ЬЗ? [16. ef5 £se8 (16... gf5± - 16. ef5) 17. Sd7 gf5 18. age2±[ ДП! 17. Sd2 Sfd8 [17... Sac8! 18. ШЗ ^3b4! 19. ФЬ2 £>c2 20. Фс2 (20. Sc2 Sc3!! 21. Sc3 Дg2 22. 2>f2 ДЫ 23. ЙЫ fe4-+) Дё2! (20... ДЬ5Т) 21. Sg2 fe4+[ 18. Sf2 ДdЗ 19. Дg5 [19. ДЬб Sd7 20. ef5 gf5+] 281
Паев 20. Д16 [20. Ad3 Hd3 21. 2ige2 h6 22. Д16 Д16Т1 Д16 21. 2>d5? [21. ^d3 Sd3 22. ^d5 ^g7+l 21... Sd5!! 22. ed5 2ib4! 23. ДОЗ lcl!!-+ 24. фс1 2>d3 25. ФО2 2112 26. фе2 2>hl 27. фП ДО8 [27... e4 28. fe4 fe4 29. g3 e3[ 28. 2>h3 [28. g3 Ф17 29. &g2 2g3 30. hg3 Фе7[ ДЬб 29. g4 fg4 30. fg4 e4 31. d6 [31. &g2 e3 32. фЫ e2[ еЗ 32. 2tf4 2М2 33. 2id5 ДО8 34. 2ie3 2ie4 35. 2>c4 ФП 0 : 1 Cabrilo 205. E 90 A. DELCHEV 2622 - G. ARSOVIC 2422 Skopje 2012 1. 2113 216 2. c4 g6 3. 2c3 ^g7 4. e4 d6 5. d4 0-0 6. h3 e5 7. d5 2a6 8. ^g5 ®e8 9. Де2 фЬ8 [9... 2h5 - 96/4181 10. 2d2 [10. g4 2g8 11. 2d2 f6 12. ДеЗ f5 13. gf5 gf5 14. ef5 ДЬб 15. 2de4 ДеЗ 16. fe3 Д15 17. ДЙ1 2g8 11.0-0 N [11. g4 f6 (11... 15) 12. ДеЗ ДЬб (12... 15) 13. ДЬб (13. 2fl) 2h6 14. h4 Фg7 15. h5 Дd7=l f6 [11... f5!? 12. ef5 gf5 13. ДЬ5 Wd7 14. 2b3 2f6 15. Д13 Wf7oo A Wg6[ 12. ДеЗ 15 13. ef5 gf5 14.14 ДЬб!? [14... e4 15. 2b3 Дd7 16. Wd2 Wg6 17. ФЫ 216 18. 2d4+[ 15.112?! [15. 2b3 2f6 16. Wd2 Д07 17. lael±[ 216 16. 2fl 2c5 17. Д13 Д07 [17... ef4!? (I. Ivanisevic) 18. Д04 Дg7 19. Ie2 Wf7oo[ 18. b4 2ce4 [18... ef4 19. Дс5 dc5 20. Ie2 (20. bc5?! 2e4 21. Ie2 We7 22. 2e4 fe4 23. Де4 ®c5T) 2e4 21. 2e4 fe4 22. Ie4 Wg6oo[ 19. Де4 ef4! [19... 2e4?! 20. 2e4 fe4 21.15!±; 19... fe4 20. 15+1 20. Д14 Д14 21.114 [21. Д15 Де5 22. Icl (22. Дd7 ^d7 23. If8 Wf8 24. Icl a55s) a5! 23. аЗ Д15 24. If5 ab4 25. ab4 Wg65o| We5! [21... fe4?! 22. Wd4±; 21... 2e4 22. Scl (22. 2e4 Ш) ®e5 23. ®13±[ 22. 2e2 2e4 23. ®d4 23... b5!+ 24. 2e3 lae8 [24... bc4 25. Icl a5Tl 25. lafl [25. Icl bc4 26. We5 de5 27. Ih4 f4T 28. 2c4 1161 bc4 [25... Wd4 26. 2d4 bc4 27. Icl (27. 2c4?! - 25... bc4) 2f6 28. 2e6 Деб 29. de6 d5+l 26. 2c4?! [26. 2f5 115 27.115 Д15 28.115 Wd4 29. 2d4 2c3+l Wd4 27.2d4 2c3+ 28. a3 2d5 29. Ih4 фg7 30.113 116 31. Ih5 Фg6 32. Ih4 14 33. Id3 2ie3 [33... h5[ 34. 2>d2 h5 35. Ic3 2>d5 36. Icl le3-+ 37. 2>c4 ld3 38. 2113 113 39. g!3 Фg5 40. Idl Деб 0:1 G. Arsovic 206. E 92 T.-M. GEORGESCU 2397 - V. SPASOV 2591 Slanchev Bryag 2011 1. d4 2>f6 2. c4 g6 3. 2>c3 Дg7 4. e4 d6 5. 2113 0-0 6. h3 e5 7. d5 a5 8. Дg5 2ia6 9. Де2 ®e8 10. 2>d2 2>d7 11. g4 2>dc5 12. Igl ФЬ8 13. h4 [^ 13. a3 a) 13... a4 14. Wc2 15 al) 15. gf5 gf5 16. 0-0-0 (16. f3 Wh5M fe4 17. 21ce4 (17. ДеЗ 21d3 18. Даз ed3 19. Wd3 Д15 20. 21de4 Ьбоо A 2sc5) Д15 18. ДеЗ 2>b3 (18... сб!?) 19. 21b3 ab3 20. ®bl b6 21. ДdЗ Де4 22. Де4 2ic5 23. ДЬ7 e4!? 24. Дg6 We7S; a2) 15. 13! f4 (15... fe4 16. 2>ce4 Дd7 17. h4 b5 18. h5! gh5 19. Shit A 19... 23b3 20. 2ib3 ab3 21. 282
Wb3 hg4 22. cb5 gf3 23. Ad3! f2 24. <£>d2±) 16. 0-0-0 ^d7 17. ДЬ4 (A Д12, h4) ДГ6 18. Af6 (18. Af2 We7 A ДЬ4) Hf6 19. h4±; b) 13... ^d7 14. Wc2!? f5 bl) 15. f3 fe4 (15... fg4 16. hg4±) 16. £ice4 (16. fe4 ДГ6 17. ДГ6 Hf6 18. 0-0-0 We7+ A Haf8) Aie4 (16... b5!?) 17. £je4 b6 18. 0-0-0 (18. h4 £>c5 19. h5 Да4Т) £>c5±5 A 19. £>c3? e4! 20. fe4 Да4+; b2) 15. gf5 gf5 16. 0-0-0 £>b4!? (16... fe4 17. ДеЗ+) b21) 17. ab4 ab4 18. Aicbl (18. £>b5 Hal 19. ^bl Wa8-) Ha2 19. W Да4 20. £)ld2 ДЬЗ! (20... Hal 21. ^al Дс2 22. Фс2 fe4 23. ДеЗ ad3 24. <йе4 &f4 25. ДА±) 21. ab3 ae4 22. ДеЗ £ic3 23. Hdel аа43б; b22) 17. Wbl! aba6 18. Hg2 fe4 (18... f4 19. Hdgl±) 19. ace4 ДГ5 (19... ДЬЗ 20. Hhl ДГ5 21. ДеЗ a4 22. Дdl!±) 20. ДеЗ Де4 21. ae4 ab3 22. Фс2 £>d4 (22... a4 23. Hdgl±) 23. <£>d2 ab3 24. Фе1+; с) 13... f5!? cl) 14. gf5 gf5 ell) 15. b4 £je4 16. ade4 fe4 17. ДЬ5 (17. ae4? ДГ5+) Wd7 18. Hg3 ab4 19. ab4 Wf5 20. ДеЗ ДЬб 21. Дg4 Wf7 22. ДЬ5 Wf5=; cl2) 15. Wc2 fe4! 16. ace4 (16. ade4 ДГ5 17. f3 a4 A ab3) ДЬЗ 17. 0-0-0 Д£5 18. f3 c6±?; c2) 14. b4 ae4 (14... f4 15. bc5 h6 16. cd6 cd6 17. ab5±) 15. ade4 fe4 16. £>е4 ab8!? (16... Дd7 17. Wd2 b5!? 18. c5± A 18... ab4 19. ab4 dc5 20. bc5 сб 21. d6 Деб 22. Hg3! Дd5 23. Hga3±) 17. c5 ab4 18. ab4 (18. cd6 c6fc) Hal 19. Wai Wf7 20. Wdl (20. Wa2 ac6T; 20. cd6 Wd5 21. dc7 ^a6 22. f3 ^c7=) aa6!? (20... dc5 21. bc5 £ia6 22. Hg3! A 22... ac5 23. Hf3 ae4 24. Hf7 Hf7 25. ДеЗ±) 21. cd6 cd6 22. ДеЗ ^c7! (22... £>Ь4 23. Wb3 aa6 24. ad6+) 23. £)d6 (23. Дс4 Wd7 А Ь5, ДЬ7) Wd5 24. Wd5 ad5 25. Дс4 Де6=1 f5±? [13... Ьб 14. ДеЗ Дd7 (14... f5 15. gf5 gf5 16. ab3!? £je4 17. £>e4 fe4 18. Wd2 Wf7 19. ^a5 b6 20. ab3±) a) 15. a3 f5 16. gf5 gf5 17. Wc2 f4 18. Дс5 ac5 19. 0-0-0 ДГбоо; b) 15. h5 f5! (15... gh5 16. g5^) 16. hg6 (16. g5 hg5 17. Hg5 ДЬб 18. Hg6 ДеЗ 19. fe3 We7^) Wg6 17. f4 (17. g5 fe4 18. НЫ ДГ5М ef4 18. gf5 (18. ef5? We8+) Wh7! (18... We8 19. Дс5 £ic5 20. Wc2 a4 21. a3± A 0-0-0) 19. Дс5 (19. Д£4 Hae8 20. Wbl ae4+) £)c5 20. Wc2 (20. ab3 Hae8 21. £jc5 ДеЗ 22. ЬсЗ dc5t) a4 (A a3) 21. аЗ Дd4! 22. НЫ (22. Hg6 Hg8) ДеЗ±?; с) 15. аЬЗ! аа4 (15... We7 16. g5±; 15... Да4 16. аа4 Wa4 17. £jc5 Wb4 18. Wd2 ac5 19. f3±) 16. aa4 Да4 17. Wd2+; 13... Дd7 14. h5! gh5 15. gh5 f5 16. Wc2 ab4 17. Wbl h6 18. ДеЗ aba6 (18... <йа4 19. ef5 аеЗ 20. ЬсЗ ДГ5 21. £>е4 ^аб 22. ДdЗ Де4 23. Де4 Wh5 24. НЫ Wf7 25. f3t) 19. Hg6 ФЬ7 20. аЗ± A Wc2[ 14. gf5 [14. f3? f4 (А Ьб) 15. Ь5 gh5+; 14. аЗ?! fg4 15. b4 Wf7 16. Hg2 (16. ДеЗ £jd7 17. Дg4 ДЬ6+) ad7 17. Дg4 af6 18. Де2 ДЬЗ 19. Hh2 Wd7 20. Wb3 Дg4+l gf5 15. a3 [15. Wc2 f4! (A h6) 16. Ь5 h6 17. ДЬ4 f3! 18. ДА Wh5 19. ДgЗ ДГ6 20. a3 Дg5+; 15. Ь5 ДГ6! 16. ДГ6 Hf6 17. Wcl (17. a3 fe4 18. ade4 Hf4+) fe4 18. ade4 ®e4 19. ae4 Hf4 20. We3 (20. ag3 Дё4!+) ДГ5+ A 21. &c3 ab4 22.0-0-0 aa2! 23. &a2 Wa4+; 15. ДеЗ 15... ДГ6! a) 16. h5 Hg8T; b) 16. a3 f4! 17. Дс5 ac5 18. Ь4 aa6 19. c5 Hg8 20. НЫ Де7+; c) 16. Wc2 cl) 16... ДЬ4 17. 0-0-0 fe4 18. ade4 (18. £)се4 ДГ5+ A 19. f3 £>Ь4 20. Wbl Wa4 21. a3 Wb3!) ДГ5 19. f3 £jb4 20. Wbl b6 21. Hdfl! (21. Дс5 bc5 22. аЗ?! ДГ2!+; 21. ЬЗ a4 22. ba4 aba6 23. НЫ ДgЗ!) ДЬЗ (21... Дg6 22. Дс5 Ьс5 23. аЗ) 22. Hdl Af5=; с2) 16... fe4! 17. £)се4 (17. ade4 ДГ5 18. аЗ а4Т) ДГ5 18. аЗ ДЬ4 19. НЫ We7 20. ДО (20. 0-0-0 ДГ2+; 20. НЬ2 283
Ag5!+) ^g6+; d) 16. ЖЬ5 Aid3 17. ФА We7 18. ЖЬб Ad7! 19. ef5 ЖЬ51 20. £>ce4 (20. ЖА Hf8 21. Ag4 £)f2!+) ЖЬЗ 21. Фе2 2>f4 22. ФеЗ (22. ЖЬ4 ef4 23. Жg4 й!+) Hg8 23. Aig5 Haf8! 24. ЖА Hf8 25. £)de4 (25. Ж13 e4 26. £ide4 ЖЬ5+) Жg5 26. hg5 Жg2!+l a4 N [15... Жd7 a) 16. Wc2 f4! 17. Ь5 h6 18. ЖЬ4 Й! 19. ЖА (19. Жй Нй! 20. £>й Wh5+) Wh5 20. ЖgЗ ЖЬб 21. 0-0-0 Жg5 22. ФЫ ЖЬ4!Т; b) 16. ЖЬ5 £)d3 17. ФЫ bl) 17... Wb8!? 18. £)b3 (18. Же7 Wa7! 19. Hg2 £>ac5+) W 19. We2 Aia4 (19... b5 20. Же7 £>c4 21. Hg7! Фg7 22. Wf3! ФЬб 23. Жg5=) 20. Icl £)6c5 21. £>c5 A,c5 22. Же7 ЖЬб 23. ЖЬ8 Wf8t; b2) 17... Wc8 b21) 18. £>b3 fe4 19. £je4 ЖЬЗ 20. Фе2 W 21. Wc2 Wf5+; b22) 18. Же7 <?3ac5 19. Hg3 (19. ЖЬ8 Wb8 20. Hg3 ЖЬ6+) He8! (19... f4 20. Hd3 Aid3 21. ЖЬ8 Wf8 22. WA W 23. Hbl <Aa4 24. 4}a4 Жа4 25. Hb7=) 20. Же8 We8 21. Жg5 f4 22. Hd3 £>d3 23. WA (23. Wbl £sc5 24. b4 £sa6-+) £>b2 24. Hbl £ja4 25. £>a4 Жа4 26. Ь5 Ь6+; Ь23) 18. Wc2 ^ас5 19. Hg3 Ье4 20. Aide4 ЖЬ5 21. £)c5 ^c5T; c) 16. Wbl!? f4 (16... Wf7 17. Wc2!; 16... fe4 17. Aice4 ЖЬ5 18. ЖеЗоо) 17. b4 (17. Ь5 h6 18. ЖЬ4 f3 19. ЖЫ Wh5 20. ЖgЗ a4T) ab4 18. ab4 Aib4 19. Ha8 Wa8 20. Wb4 h6 21. &b3 (21. Же7 Hf7 22. Жd6 cd6 23. £jb3 A+) hg5 22. hg5 f3 23. ЖЫ (23. НЫ Фg8 24. ЖЫ £>b3 25. Wb3 Wai 26. Фd2 Wa7 27. £)dl Hf4 28. ЖdЗ Hg4T) &b3 24. Wb3 Wai 25. Фd2 Wa7 26. £}dl Wd4 27. ЖdЗ Ha8t A 28. <йеЗ b6 29. c5 (29. Hg3 Hal—1-) bc5 30. Hg3 ФЬ7 31. HA Фg6+; d) 16. Ь5 ЖЬб! 17. ЖЬб (17. Wc2 Жg5 18. Hg5 Wf7 19. 0-0-0 fe4+) Hf6 18. Wc2 fe4! (18... Wf8 - 65/530) 19. £jce4 dl) 19... Hf4!? 20. ®g3 (20. 0-0-0 Жа4+; 20. f3 Wh5 21. 0-0-0 He4!+) b5!T; d2) 19... Aie4 20. We4 (20. £je4 Hf4 21. f3 Wh5 22. 0-0-0 ЖЬ5Т) £>c5 21. We3 WAT; e) 16. ЖеЗ el) 16... f4 17. Жс5 Aic5 18. b4 (18. Жg4 fi! 19. £)A Hf4T; 18. Wc2 A! 19. 2rf3 Wh5 20. Hg5 Wf7 21. Hg3 ЖЬ6Г) Aia6 19. Wb3 ЖЬб 20. £>A Hg8 21. Фd2oo; e2) 16... ЖЬб 17. Wc2 f4 (17... fe4 18. 0-0-0 ЖЬ4 19. £ide4 ЖЬ5 20. Hhl^) 18. Жс5 £)c5 19. 0-0-0 Hg8 (19... ЖЬ4 20. Hg2= A Hh2, Hdhl) 20. Hg8 (20. НЫ Hg2) Wg8 21. £sb3! b6 22. Ш bc5 23. ЖА ЖЬ4 24. НЫоб] 16. ЖЬ5 [16. Wc2 Ь4! 17. Ь5 Ь6 18. ЖЬ4 А! 19. ЖЫ (19. ЖА Нй 20. &А Wh5 21. We2 Жg4 22. Hg4 Wg4 23. ЖgЗ ab3T) Wh5 20. Ag3 Жd7 21. 0-0-0 ЖЬбТ A Жg5; 16. Ь5 a) 16... f4 17. Ж A Hg8 18. WA Wf7 19. ЖЬ4 £d7 20. 0-0-0 ЖЬб 21. Же2 &ЬЗ 22. &ЬЗ аЬЗ 23. ФЫоо; Ь) 16... Ь6 17. ЖеЗ (17. ЖЬ4? fe4+) f4 18. Жс5 £)с5 19. Wc2 (19. Жg4 ЙТ) А (19... Жd7 20. 0-0-0 Hg8 21. Hg6±) 20. Жй Wf7 21. Hg3 (21.0-0-0? ^ЬЗ 22. £>ЬЗ аЬЗ-+) ЖГ6 22. 0-0-0 ^ЬЗ 23. <ЙЬЗ аЬЗ 24. Wb3 ЖЬ4оо 25. Же2 ЖgЗ 26. fg3 Wf2 27. ФЫ Wg3 28. с5=; с) 16... ЖГ6! 17. Af6 (17. Wc2 Жg5 18. Hg5 We7+) Hf6 18. Wc2 fe4 19. £jce4 Hf4 20. £)g3 (20. Й Wh5+) Wf7+ A 21. 0-0-0 Hf2 22. HdA ЖЬЗ+; л 16. ЖеЗ Af6 17. Wc2 (17. ЖЬ5 £ДЗ 18. ФА We7 19. ЖЬб ^ac5! 20. Жй Wf8 21. WA ^f4f) f4 18. Жс5 £jc5 19. 0-0-0 Hg8 20. ab5 (20. &Й Жg4 21. &g5 Жd7 22. ФЫ We7+) Hgl 21. Hgl We7 22. Ь5 ЖЬ4 23. Hg2 Жd7 24. Hh2 (24. £jc7 ЖЬЗ 25. £>a8 Жg2) Hg8 25. £>й ЖЬб 26. ФЫ] £>d3 17. ФП Wd7 [17... W? 18. We2 Wd7 19. Hbl h6 20. Hb2 hg5 21. hg5±[ 18. Wa4 [18. Hg3 £jac5 19. Же2 £>f4t; 18. We2 £>ac5! (18... £>b2? 19. Hbl±; 18...fe4 19. Жg4We8 20. ^de4oo; 18... Ш 19. ЖЬ4 ef4 20. £tf3 We7 21. ef5 Wf6 22. £}e4 Wb2 23. Wb2 ЖЬ2 24. Ha2 ЖЬ5 25. Hb2 Же4 26. £>g5oo) 19. Hg2 (19. Hg3? ^f4-+; 19. ef5 Wf5 20. Hg2 Wh3 21. фё1 Ш+) «3b2 (19... ^f4!? 20. ЖЬ4 ef4 A 21. ef5 Wf5 22. Жg4 Й! 23. ЖА ЖеЗ 24. ЬсЗ Wf6 25. Hg3 ЖЬ5 26. We3 &b3+ A Hae8) 20. ef5 Wf5 21. £)de4 W3 22. Жg4 Wf7 23. ЖЬ5 ^3f4! 24. ЖГ 21e2 25. Фе2 £>e4 26. £>e4 HA 27. Hagl ЖЬ5 28. fi Жg6+l fe4+ 19. £jde4 [19. Hg3 Hf2 20. фё1 Wa4 21. £>a4 Hf4! 22. ЖЬ4 ef4 23. Hg7 Фg7 24. ^3e4 ЖЬ5 25. £)g5 фЬб+1 284
19... Wf5?! [19... Wa4 20. £sa4 Af5 (20... Sf4 21. Sdl=) 21. £>ac3 W 22. Sbl £>d3 23. Ae7! Ah3 24. Фе2 Ш 25. <i>dl 2Ж5 26. Af8 Sf8 (26... Af8? 27. ^g5±) 27. Sb7 A 27... Sa8 28. £>Ь5! Ac8 29. £jc7 Ab7 30. ^a8 Aa8 31. £jd6=; 19... Wh3! 20. Фе2 (20. Sg2 Whl 21. Sgl Wh2 22. АеЗ Ah6—+) a) 20... £>b2?? 21. Wc2 £>c4 22. Sg3! (22. Ae7? Sf2!+) Wh2 (22... Wf5 23. S13+-; 22... Wd7 23. Sagl £>a3 24. Wcl W 25. Ah6+-) 23. Sagl Aic5 (23... Af5 24. Wcl!+—) 24. Ae7 Af5 25. Slg24~; b) 20... Af5! bl) 21. ghl Ag4! (21... £>b2 22. Sh3 £sa4 23. Sg3=) 22. <4>d2 (22. Ag4 Wg4 23. ф<13 ^c5-+) Wg2! 23. Ag4 £jac5! 24. Wa8 (24. £>c5 Sa4 25. A>d3 Wg4 26. £ja4 Wc4—+) Sa8 25. Sagl £>e4 26. &d3 Wf2! 27. фе4 (27. Aie4 Wd4) Wc2 28. ФеЗ Wb2—+; b2) 21. Sg3 Wh2! (21... £>f4 22. ФеЗ! Wh2 23. Af3 Ae4 24. £>e4 £>c5 25. Wa8 Sa8 26. Shl=) 22. Sd3 (22. Af3 Ae4 23. £se4 £sac5 24. Wa8 £}e4!-+) Ae4 23. £>e4 £>c5+[ 20. Wc2?! [20. Sg2! W (20... £sac5 21. Wa8 Aie4 22. Ag4! £>g3 23. фё1 Wg4 24. Sg3 Wf5 25. Wa7 2»f2 26. We3 e4 27. Sg2 2ЖЗ 28. ФЫ &f2 29. Фgl=) 21. Wc2 £jc4 22. We2 a) 22... £>b6 23. Ae7! Wh3 24. фё1 Sf4 25. Ag5 Sf8 (25... Sh4 26. Ah4 Wh4 27. £>g5t) 26. Sbl+; b) 22... b5 23. Aib5 W 24. Sdl Ad7 25. £>bc3oo[ Wh3! [20... £)f2 21. Wf2 Wh3 22. фе2 Sf2 23. £>f2 Wf5 24. £jfe4 £>c5 25. Safi А>е4П 26. Sf5 ®c3 27. ЬсЗ Af5 28. Sfl Ad7 29. Sf7? Ae8—+; 29. Фd2=l 21. Фе2 [21. Sg2 £>f2! 22. Wf2 Sf2 23. £}f2 Wf5 24. фё1 (24. £}ce4 Aic5 25. £jc5 dc5-+ A e4) h6 25. Ag4 Wc2 26. £>fe4 Wb3 27. Ac8 Sc8 28. АеЗ Sf8+[ £sac5 22. Sg3? [22. Safi Af5! 23. Shi Wg2 24. Shgl Wh2 25. Shi 2rf4 26. Af4 Wf4 27. f3 Ah6-+; 22. Wd2!? a) 22... £)f4 23. Af4 Sf4 24. We3 Wf5 25. £>g5! (25. Af3? £>b3-+) Wc2 (25... h6!? 26. £}f7 Ф117 27. Ag6 Wg6 28. Sg6 фё6) 26. ФА A 26... A>d3 27. Sg2 Wb2 28. Sdl Wc3 29. Sd3+; b) 22... Af5! 23. £ic5 ^c5 24. We3 Ad3 25. Фе1 (25. фd2 Wf5-+) Wf5 26. Ag4 Wf7 27. Ae2 (27. Аеб Wg6+) e4+[ Sf2 23. £>f2 Wg3 24. £>ce4 ^je4?! [24... Wg2-+; 24... Wh2-+[ 25. £se4 £tf4 26. Af4 Wf4 27. АО И 27. Sfl Wh4 28. Af3 Af5+1 Ah6-+ 28. £>g5 Af5 29. Wcl Wh2 30. Фа1 Sf8 0 : 1 E Stoica 207 E 94 B. LALIC 2469 - T. ABRAHAMYAN 2322 Cappelle la Grande 2012 1. £>f3 £jf6 2. c4 g6 3. ^ic3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. d4 0-0 6. Ae2 e5 7.0-0 £ia6 8. АеЗ ^g4 9. Ag5 We8 10. Sei f6 [10... ed4 - 110/(316)1 11. Ael [11. Ah4[ ^h6?! [11... c6[ 12. c5!T ed4 13. Ааб? [13. £>d5! сб 14. Ааб cd5 15. ed5 Wd8 16. Ac4 dc5 17. b4!± cb4 (17... b5 18. Ab5 Wd5 19. bc5 Wc5 20. Wb3 ФЬ8 21. АаЗ; 17... Ьб 18. bc5? bc5 19. АаЗ Wa5!; 18. АаЗ!) 18. ^d4[ dc3 14. Ac4 Аеб 15. Wb3 Ac4 16. Wc4 17. Wc3 N [17. cd6[ Wc6?! [17... f5! 18. Wb3 fe4 19. Wb7 Sb8 20. We4 We4 21. Se4 Ab2=[ 18. £jd4 Wc5 19. Wc5 dc5 20. £ie6 Sfc8 21. Af4 £>d6 22. ^c5 Af8 23. Sael Ф17 24. Ad6? [24. Sedl! b6 25. £>a6 ^je4 26. £>c7 Sab8 27. Sd7 Фg8 285
28. £)d5± lei 29. Acl Ac5 30. АеЗ; 29... Hc8[ cd6 25. ab7 Hab8 26. Hc8Hc8 [19/i] 27. Hdl [27. ЬЗ?? Hc7 28. £>a5 d5! 29. ed5 Ab4 30. d6 Hd7—-hl Hc7 28. aa5 Hc2 29. ЬЗ Ha2 30. £jc4 Феб 31. g3 a5= 32. ab6 f5 33. ef5 Ф15 34. Hd3 Феб 35. НеЗ Ф17 36. Hf3 Фg7 37. h4 Ae7 38. £>d5 He2© 39. Hd3 Ad8 40. ФП Hb2 41.113 g5 42. h5 g4 43. Hd3 Ag5 44. ab6 Hd2 45. Hd2 Ad2 46. Фе2 1/2 : 1/2 В. Lalic 208. E 97 A. KOROBOV 2679 - NYZHNYK 2585 Plovdiv 2012 1. d4 af6 2. c4 g6 3. £>c3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. ai3 0-0 6. Ae2 e5 7. 0-0 ac6 8. d5 ae7 9. Ь4 сб 10. АаЗ cd5 11. cd5 Ag4 12. h3 A13 N [12... Hc8— 104/(151)113.A13 ad7 14. Acl 15 15. Ad2 af6 16. Hel Wd7 17. We2 Hac8 [17... fe4 18. Ae4 £>15 (18... £>e4 19. £se4±) 19. Wd3 ad4 20. АеЗ Hac8oo] 18. Wd3 Hc7 19. Hc2 Hfc8 20. Hfel Hc4 21. аЗ аб [21... Hd4 22. We2 (22. Wb5?? Hd2 23. Wd7 ad7 24. Hd2 Ah6-+) a) 22... fe4? 23. ae4 Hc2 (23... ae4 24. Hc8 ac8 25. Ag4+-) 24. af6! Af6 25. Hc2±; b) 22... Hdc4 23. Wd3=l 22. АеЗ b5 23. Wdl fe4 24. ae4 [24. Ae2!? H4c7 (24... Hc3 25. Hc3 Hc3 26. Hc3 afd5 27. Ag4! Wb7 28. Аеб ФЬ8 29. Hc2+) 25. Ag5 еЗ! 26. АеЗ £>f5oo[ ае4 25. Hc4 Hc4 26. Нс4 ai2! 27. А12 bc4 28. g4 [28. Wc2!?l Wb5 29. Wc2 £>c8 30. h4 [30. Ae2 ab6 31. Ab6 Wb6 32. Фё2=[ ФЬ8 31. Ae2 ab6 32. h5 ad5 33. Ac4 [33. hg6 af4 34. Ac4 Wc6 35. АеЗ d5 36. Ad3 Wc2 37. Ac2=l Wc6 34. We4! [34. hg6 2tf4 - 33. hg61 аЬ4П 35. Wc6 £>c6 [aA 9/el 36. Aa65o gh5 37. gh5 Ah6 38. a4 ad4 39. Ac4 [39. Ad4 ed4=[ Ad2 [39... £ic6 40. Ab6 Ad2=l 40. h6 ai5 [40... ac6=[ 41. Аеб ah6 42. ФП [42. Ab6 Фg7 43. a5 Aa5 44. Aa5 ФГ6=1 Aa5 43. Ael Ac7 44. a5 Aa5 [44... Фg7 45. аб Ab8 46. Ab4 Ф16 47. Ad6 Aa7 48. Ad7=l 45. Aa5 [^A 8/hl Фg7 46. фе2 Ф16 47. Ad5 an 48. Ф13 ag5 49. Фg4 аеб 50. Aa2 h5 51. ФИ5 Ф15 52. фЬ4 ai4 53. Фg3 d5 54. Ф13 d4 55. Abl d3 56. ФеЗ e4 57. Aa2 ag2 58. Фd4 Ф14 59. Ad5 d2 60. Ad2 e3 61. Aa5 e2 62. Ag2 Фg3 1/2 : 1/2 Sa. Velickovic 286
REGISTAR • индекс • INDEX • REGISTER • REGISTRE • REGISTRO • REGISTRO • REGISTER • ЙЖ • ury-f-dl ABDULOV, OR. [(1)] - Guliev, L. (114) ABRAHAMYAN, T. [1] - Lalic, B. 207 ABRAMOVIC, B. [2/(2)] — Bodiroga (189); Bogosavlje- vic, B. 189; Damljanovic, B. (202); Milanovic, Da. 9 ADAMS, MI. [1] - Short, N. 86 ADHIBAN [1/(1)] - Ashwin, Jay. (64); Golod, V. 185 AFEK [1] - Prusikin 52 AGOPOV, M. [(1)] - Sulskis, S. (119) ALEKSEEV, EVGENY [1] - Jumabayev 107 ALIYEV, TI. [(1)] - Ivanisevic, I. (196) ALMASI, Z. [1] - Sasikiran 125 AL QUDAIMI [(1)] - Amin, B. (69) ALVIR [1] - Popovic, Du. 75 AMIN, B. [2/(1)] — Al Qudaimi (69); Fier, A. 33; Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo 69 ANAND, V. [7/(2)] - Gelfand, B. 47,48,49, (50), 160, (161), 194,196; Tiviakov 58 ANTONIEWSKI [(!)] — Petrik, T. (90) ANTONSEN [(1)] - Schandorff (174) ARESHCHENKO, A. [1/(2)] - Najer (53); Nisipeanu (171); Pantsulaia, L. 53 ARNAUDOV, P. G. [1/(1)] - Cheparinov, I. 7; Nijboer (114) ARONIAN [2] - Kramnik 101,108 ARSOVIC, G. [1] - Delchev, A. 205 ARSOVIC, Z. [1/(1)] - Kozul (182); Navara, D. 197 ASHWIN, JAY. [(1)] - Adhiban (64) ATABAYEV, M. [1] - Golod, V. 28 AVRUKH, B. [(3)] - Moen, A. (98); Navara, D. (167); Sokolov, Iv. (173) AZAROV, S. [1] - Sulskis, S. 119 В BACHMANN, AX. [1] - Shankland 57 BACROT, E. [1] - Delchev, A. 150 BAGI, M. [(2)] - Csonka, B. (7); Flumbort (175) BANUSZ, T. [4] — Fogarasi, T. 117; Georgiev, Ki. 159; Polgar, Ju. 115; Romanishin 10 BARATOSI, D. [(1)] - Ivanisevic, I. (96) BARTEL, MAT. [6] - Caruana, F. 129; Popov, Iv. 6; Sasikiran 147; Socko, B. 105; Szabo, G.-A.-Gy. 181; Wojtaszek 127 BEDNARCZYK, D. [(1)] - Hommerson (64) BEERDSEN [(!)]- Klein, Da. (80) BERCZES, D. [1] - Prusikin 1 BERG, E. [4] — Hector, J. 140; Lie, E. 98; Omstein, A. 123; Vachier-Lagrave 80 BERKES, F. [1] - Delchev, A. 149 BITOON [(1)] - Ghosh, D. (177) BOBRAS, P. [(1)] — Maksimenko, An. (80) BOCHAROV, D. [(1)] - Yilmaz, M. (136) BODIROGA [(2)] — Abramovic, B. (189); Perunovic, Mil. (98) BODNARUK [1] - Fominykh, M. 201 BOGOSAVLJEVIC, В. [1] - Abramovic, B. 189 BOLOGAN [4/(3)] — Bosiocic, Marin 124; David, Alb. (136); Fier, A. 41; Gopal, G. (41); Krush (44); Lupulescu, C. 136; Mchedlishvili 37 BOSIOCIC, MARIN [1] - Bologan 124 BRODSKY, M. [1] - Inarkiev 122 BRUNELLO, S. [(1)] - Sargissian (131) BRUZON BATISTA [(1)] - Ponomariov, R. (71) BURNOIU, NICOLAE-COSTEL [1] - Murariu, A. 64 BU XIANGZHI [2] — Frolyanov 72; Hou Yifan 8 BYKLUM [(1)] — Rasmussen, A. (150) C CAMACHO MARTINEZ, G. [1/(3)] - Valdes, Lu. 141, (141), (141), (141) CAN, E. [(1)] - Sutovsky (7) CARLSSON, P. [4] - Drasko, M. 87; Janse, R. 192; Perez Mitjans 88; Sokolov, Iv. 100 CARUANA, F. [7/(4)] - Bartel, Mat. 129; Giri, A. 109, 138; Hou Yifan 118; Ivanchuk (91); Korobov, A. 23; Milov, V. 91; Morozevich (174); Navara, D. (118); Onischuk, A. (174); Tikkanen, H. 167 CHAROCHKINA [(!)] — Paikidze (41) CHEPARINOV, I. [6] - Arnaudov, P. G. 7; Hess, Ro. 178; Malakhov, V. 135; Radulski 29; Shimanov 134; Vitiugov 27 CHIBURDANIDZE [(1)] - Mamedjarova, Z. (152) CHIGHLADZE [1] - Lomsadze, D. 204 CLERY [(1)] — Romanov, E. (4) CORNETTE, M. [(1)] - Lagarde, Max. (67) CSONKA, B. [(1)] — Bagi, M. (7) CVETKOVIC, SR. [3/(1)] - Hrzic (46); Lajthajm 151; Perunovic, Mio. 12; Stamenkovic, A. 177 CZARNOTA, P. [(1)] - Saric, Iv. (63) 287
D DAMLJANOVIC, В. [2/(1)] - Abramovik, В. (202); Markus, Rob. 202; Miladinovic, I. 34 DAVID, ALB. [(1)] - Bologan (136) DE LA RIVA AGUADO, О. [(1)] - Leitao, R. (60) DELCHEV, A. [10/(1)] - Arsovic, G. 205; Bacrot, E. 150; Berkes, F. 149; Fedoseev, VI. 198; Firat, В. 114; Herajr., 1.4; Hunt, A. 97; Petkov, V. 172; Todorovic, G. M. 96; Vallejo Pons (1); Zontakh 5 DEMIDOV, M. [1] - Rublevsky 89 DGEBUADZE [(1)] - Solomon, K. (124) DIERMAIR [(1)] - Karavade (169) DIMIC, P. [(1)] - Videnova (64) DIMITROV, AT. [(1)] - Nestorovic, N. (13) DING LIREN [1/(2)] - Liu Qingnan (198); Lu Shanglei 143; Ni Hua (91) DOLUHANOVA [1] - Munguntuul 56 DOMINGUEZ PEREZ [1] - Ivanchuk 32 DOUNIS [(1)] - Svetushkin (114) DRAGOMIRESCU, R.-A. [1] - Georgescu, T.-M. 43 DRA§KO, M. [1] - Carlsson, P. 87 DREEV [(1)] — Nepomniachtchi (136) DUBOV, DANIIL [1/(1)] - Popov, Iv. (63); Solak, D. 63 DUKJC, Nl. [1/(2)] - Kuzubov (76); Palac 76; Shimanov (54) DUMITRACHE, D.-N. [(1)] - Prodileanu (188) DUPORT [(1)] - Feher, Ad. (63) DURARBAYLI [1] - Kobalia, M. 61 DVIRNYY [(1)] - Erdos, V. (168) E EL DEBS [1] - Leitao, R. 176 ELISEEV, U. [1] - Korotylev 104 ELJANOV, P. [(2)] — Khalifman, A. (183); Movsesian, S. (139) ENDERS, PE. [1] - Petr, Ma. 94 ERDOS, V. [6/(1)] - Dvirnyy (168); Ftacnik 168; Guliyev, N. 116; Kovacevic, Al. 26; Mamedyarov 200; Nabaty 166; Nedilko, V. 11 F FANCSY [1] — Farago, I. 153 FARAGO, I. [1/(2)] - Fancsy 153; Hertneck (162); Studer, N. (184) FEDORCHUK, S. [(2)] — Naiditsch, A. (8); Vitiugov (90) FEDOROV, ALEXEI [2] - Mateu{a, G. 39; Parligras, M.-E. 40 FEDOSEEV, VL. [1/(1)] - Delchev, A. 198; Safarli (90) FEHER, AD. [(1)] - Duport (63) FELGAER [ 1 ] — Le Quang Liem 126 FIER, A. [2/(1)] — Amin, B. 33; Bologan 41; Pelletier, Y. (12) FIRAT, В. [1] - Delchev, A. 114 FLORESCU, C.-C. [ 1 ] — Parligras, M.-E. 145 FLUMBORT [(1)] - Bagi, M. (175) FOGARASI, T. [1] - Banusz, T. 117 FOMINYKH, M. [1] - Bodnaruk 201 FRESSINET [1/(2)] - Jakovenko, D. 155; Roiz (195); Svetushkin (121) FROLYANOV [1/(1)] - Bu Xiangzhi 72; Kokarev, Dm. (72) FTACNIK [1/(1)] - Erdos, V. 168; Mista, A. (12) G GABRIELIAN, A. [1] - Ni Hua 68 GALLAGHER [1] - Sjugirov 79 GAO RUI [(1)] - Zhao Jun (7) GARCIA, JAN [(1)] - Gopal, G. (90) GASHIMOV, V. [1] - Kamsky 121 GELASHVILI, T. [1] - Ivanov, Alexa. 30 GELFAND, B. [6/(2)] - Anand, V. 47, 48, 49, (50), 160, (161), 194, 196 GEORGESCU, T.-M. [2] - Dragomirescu, R.-A. 43; Spasov, V. 206 GEORGIEV, KI. [7] — Banusz, T. 159; Guijarro, Anton 157; Khenkin 183; Mastrovasilis, A. 24; Raznikov 188; Sedlak, N. 103; Vuckovic, Bo. 112 GERZHOY [(1)] - Yang, Dar. (152) GETZ, N. [1] - Parligras, M.-E. 190 GHOSH, D. [(1)] - Bitoon (177) GIRI, A. [3/(1)] — Caruana, F. 109, 138; Morozevich 128; Radjabov, T. (27) GOGANOV [(1)] - Popov, Vai. (137) GOH WEI MING [(1)] - Li Chao (170) GOLOD, V. [8/(1)] - Adhiban 185; Atabayev, M. 28; Grachev, B. 161; Gupta, Ab. 173; Guseinov, G. 99; Ismailov, Mu. (28); Khamrakulov, D. 165; Muminova 152; Nabaty 95 GONZALEZ GARCIA, JO. [(1)] - Magem Badals (91) GOPAL, G. [(3)] - Bologan (41); Garcia, Jan (90); Smirin (90) GRACHEV, В. [1] - Golod, V. 161 GRANDELIUS [1/(1)] - Nyback, T. 154; Volkov, Sergey (135) GRIGORIANTS, S. [(1)] - Nisipeanu (195) GUIJARRO, ANTON [1] - Georgiev, Ki. 157 GULIEV, L. [(1)] - Abdulov, Or. (114) GULIYEV, N. [1/(1)] - Erdos, V. 116; Thiede (11) GUNDAVAA [(1)] - Guseinov, G. (27) GUPTA, AB. [1/(1)] - Golod, V. 173; So, W. (7) GUSEINOV, G. [1/(3)] - Golod, V. 99; Gundavaa (27); lordachescu, V. (116); Moiseenko, Alexander (52) GUTMAN, L. [1] - Pap, M. 46 H НАВА, P. [2] - Milov, L. 31; Vlasak, Lu. 50 HARIKRISHNA, P. [1] - Wang Yue 51 HASANGATIN [1] - Rublevsky 139 HEBDEN [(1)] — Van Kampen (121) HECTOR, J. [1/(1)] - Berg, E. 140; Nielsen, P. H. (140) HEINZEL, О. [1] - Sanikidze 179 HERAjr., I. [1] — Delchev, A. 4 HERTNECK [(1)] - Farago, I. (162) 288
HESS, RO. [1] - Cheparinov, I. 178 HIRNEISE, T. [(1)] - Litwak, A. (150) HOMMERSON [(1)] - Bednarczyk, D. (64) HOU YIFAN [2] — Bu Xiangzhi 8; Caruana, F. 118 HOVHANNISYAN, R. [(1)] - Vitiugov (53) HOWELL, D. [2] - Laznicka 142; Marin, Mi. 85 HRACEK [1] - Papp, Ga. 59 HRZIC [(1)] - Cvetkovic, Sr. (46) HUNT, A. [2] - Delchev, A. 97; Jirka 169 I INARKIEV [4] - Brodsky, M. 122; Kovchan 77; L’Ami, E. 93; Ter-Sahakyan 73 INDIC, A. [1] — Sedlak, N. 25 lORDACHESCU, V. [(2)] — Guseinov, G. (116); Maiorov, N. (193) ISMAILOV, MU. [(1)] - Golod, V. (28) ISTRATESCU, A. [(1)] - Stefanova, A. (17) IVANCHUK [1/(2)] - Caruana, F. (91); Dominguez Perez 32; Vachier-Lagrave (41) IVANISEVIC, I. [1/(2)] - Aliyev, Ti. (196); Baratosi, D. (96); Miron, L.-C. 163 IVANOV, ALEXA. [1] - Gelashvili, T. 30 J JAKOVENKO, D. [3/(1)] - Fressinet 155; Kobalia, M. 137; Ragger (162); Rakhmanov, Ale. 133 JANKOVIC, A. [2/(1)] - Lajthajm 171; Naumann, Al. (173); Roiz 182 JANSE, R. [1] - Carlsson, P. 192 JIRKA [1]-Hunt, A. 169 JOBAVA, BA. [1/(2)] — Kuzubov (60); Pridorozhni (132); Volokitin, A. 44 JOSEPH, M. [(1)] - Zapata, A. (66) JUMABAYEV [1] — Alekseev, Evgeny 107 JU WENJUN [(1)] - Tan Zhongyi (178) К KACHEISHVILI [1] - Shankland 21 KAIDANOV [(1)] - Shulman, Y. (182) KAMSKY [3] — Gashimov, V. 121; Nakamura, Hi. 71; Seirawan 45 KANEL [1] - Nueesch 199 KARAVADE [(1)] - Diermair (169) KARJAKIN, SERGEY [1] - Svidler 174 KARNAUKHOVA [1] - Kovanova, B. 82 KEMPINSKI, R. [1] - Mastrovasilis, A. 146 KHAIRULLIN, I. [(1)] - Yilmaz, M. (136) KHALIFMAN, A. [(1)] - Eljanov, P. (183) KHAMRAKULOV, D. [1] - Golod, V. 165 KHENKIN [1] - Georgiev, Ki. 183 KHISMATULLIN [(2)] - Krylov, M. (201); Semenova, Ir. (64) KLEIN, DA. [(1)] - Beerdsen (80) KOBALIA, M. [2/(1)] — Durarbayli 61; Jakovenko, D. 137; Robson (61) KOKAREV, DM. [1/(1)] — Frolyanov (72); Sjugirov 36 KORCHNOI [1] - Roiz 186 KORNEEV, О. [(1)] - Zhigalko, A. (11) KOROBOV, A. [2] - Caruana, F. 23; Nyzhnyk 208 KOROTYLEV [1] - Eliseev, U. 104 KOSINTSEVA, N. [1/(1)] - Kovalevskaya, E. (63); Vojinovic, J. 60 KOSTEN, A. [(1)] - So, W. (8) KOVACEVIC, AL. [2] - Erdos, V. 26; Melkumyan 113 KOVALEVSKAYA, E. [(1)] - Kosintseva, N. (63) KOVANOVA, В. [1] - Karnaukhova 82 KOVCHAN [1] - Inarkiev 77 KOZUL [(!)] - Arsovic, Z. (182) KRAMNIK [2] - Aronian 101, 108 KRUSH [(1)] - Bologan (44) KRYLOV, M. [(1)] - Khismatullin (201) KRYVORUCHKO [(1)] - Maximov, D. (114) KULA, R. [1] — Naiditsch, A. 106 KULAOTS [1] - Roiz 102 KULJASEVIC [1] - Sargissian 148 KUZUBOV [(2)] - Dukic, Ni. (76); Jobava, Ba. (60) L LAGARDE, MAX. [(1)] - Comette, M. (67) LAJTHAJM [2] — Cvetkovic, Sr. 151; Jankovic, A. 171 LALIC, B. [5] — Abrahamyan, T. 207; Radulski 81; Vorobiov, E. 22; Zakhartsov, Vi. 14; Zherebukh 164 L’AMI, E. [1/(1)] — Inarkiev 93; Nyzhnyk (168) LASINSKAS [(1)] - Pap, M. (96) LAURUSAS [1] — Vuckovic, Bo. 13 LAZNlCKA [2] - Howell, D. 142; Sasikiran 180 LE QUANG LIEM [1] - Felgaer 126 LEITAO, R. [3/(1)] - De la Riva Aguado, O. (60); El Debs 176; Mekhitarian 191; Salgado Lopez, I. 170 LEKO [1] — Movsesian, S. 111 LENDERMAN [1] - Robson 175 LENlC [1] - Volokitin, A. 42 LI CHAO [(1)] - Goh Wei Ming (170) LIE, E. [1] —Berg, E. 98 LITWAK, A. [(1)] - Himeise, T. (150) LIU QINGNAN [(1)] - Ding Liren (198) LOMSADZE, D. [1] - Chighladze 204 LUPULESCU, C. [1] - Bologan 136 LU SHANGLEI [1] - Ding Liren 143 LYELL [(1)] - Wang Doudou (103) M MAGEM BADALS [(1)] - Gonzalez Garcia, Jo. (91) MAIOROV, N. [())] — lordachescu, V. (193) MAKSIMENKO, AN. [(1)] - Bobras, P. (80) MALAKHOV, V. [2/(1)] — Cheparinov, I. 135; Movse- sian, S. (139); Salgado Lopez, I. 3 MALI§AUSKAS, V. [(1)] - Mickevicius (167) MAMEDJAROVA, Z. [(1)] - Chiburdanidze (152) MAMEDYAROV [1] - Erdos, V. 200 MAMMADOVA, GULN. [(1)] - Ushenina (47) 289
MARIN, MI. [4] — Howell, D. 85; Munoz Pantoja 20; Shytaj, L. 187; Vuckovic, Bo. 19 MARKOWSKI, T.[1] - Mastrovasilis, A. 15 MARKUS, ROB. [1] - Damljanovic, B. 202 MASTROVASILIS, A. [3] - Georgiev, Ki. 24; Kem- pinski, R. 146; Markowski, T. 15 MASTROVASILIS, D. [(1)] - Nesterovic, L. (61) MATEUTA, G. [1] - Fedorov, Alexei 39 MAXIMOV, D. [(1)] - Kryvoruchko (114) MCHEDLISHVILI [ 1] — Bologan 37 McSHANE [1] - Socko, B. 90 MEKHITARIAN [1] - Leitao, R. 191 MELKUMYAN [1] - Kovacevic, Al. 113 MICKEVlClUS [(1)] - Malisauskas, V. (167) MILADINOVlC, I. [2] — Damljanovic, B. 34; Milano- vic, Da. 156 MILANOVIC, DA. [3] — Abramovic, B. 9; Miladino- vic, I. 156; Sedlak, N. 18 MILLIET[1] — Prusikin 83 MILOV, L. [1] —Haba, P. 31 MILOV, V. [1] - Caruana, F. 91 MIRON, L.-C. [1] — Ivanisevic, I. 163 MlSTA, A. [(1)] - Ftacnik (12) MOEN, A. [(1)] - Avrukh, B. (98) MOISEENKO, ALEXANDER [1/(1)] - Guseinov, G. (52); Rublevsky 144 MONS [1] — Prohaszka, Pe. 38 MOROZEVICH [2/(1)] - Caruana, F. (174); Giri, A. 128; Shirov 92 MOTYLEV [1/(1)] — Movsesian, S. 131; Reinderman (193) MOVSESIAN, S. [3/(3)] - Eljanov, P. (139); Leko 111; Malakhov, V. (139); Motylev 131; Navara, D. (8); Pantsulaia, L. 54 MUMINOVA [1] - Golod, V. 152 MUNGUNTUUL [1] - Doluhanova 56 MUNOZ PANTOJA [1] - Marin, Mi. 20 MURARIU, A. [1] — Bumoiu, Nicolae-Costel 64 MUZYCHUK, A. [(1)] - Svidler (121) N NABATY [2] - Erdos, V. 166; Golod, V. 95 NAIDITSCH, A. [1/(1)] - Fedorchuk, S. (8); Kula, R. 106 NAJER [(1)] — Areshchenko, A. (53) NAKAMURA, HL [2/(1)] — Kamsky 71; Robson 65; Vallejo Pons (9) NARAYANAN, SR. [(1)] - Pantsulaia, L. (168) NAUMANN, AL. [(1)] - Jankovic, A. (173) NAVARA, D. [1/(3)] — Arsovic, Z. 197; Avrukh, B. (167); Caruana, F. (118); Movsesian, S. (8) NEDILKO, V. [1] - Erdos, V. 11 NEMETH, ML [(1)] - Papp, Ga. (80) NEPOMNIACHTCHI [1/(2)] - Dreev (136); Quesada Perez, Yu. (77); Sasikiran 67 NESTOROVlC, L. [(1)] - Mastrovasilis, D. (61) NESTOROVlC, N. [(1)] - Dimitrov, At. (13) NEUBAUER, M. [(1)] - Rasulov, Vu. (17) NEUSCHMIED [(1)] - Schlosser, Ph. (177) NEVOSTRUJEV [1] - Rublevsky 55 NEZAD [1] — Sargissian 162 NGUYEN VAN HUY [(1)] - Vidit (155) NIELSEN, P. H. [(1)] - Hector, J. (140) NI HUA [1/(2)] — Ding Liren (91); Gabrielian, A. 68; Wen Yang (138) NIJBOER [(1)] - Arnaudov, P. G. (114) NIKOLOV, MO. [1] - Roiz 195 NISIPEANU [(3)] - Areshchenko, A. (171); Grigo- riants, S. (195); Riazantsev (172) NUEESCH [1] — Kanel 199 NYBACK, T. [1] - Grandelius 154 NYZHNYK [1/(1)] - Korobov, A. 208; L’Ami, E. (168) О OBOLENSKIKH [1] - Sjugirov 158 ONISCHUK, A. [(1)] - Caruana, F. (174) ORNSTEIN, A. [1] - Berg, E. 123 P PAIKIDZE [(1)] - Charochkina (41) PALAC [1] — Dukic, Ni. 76 PANARIN, M. [(1)] — Riazantsev (36) PANCEVSKI [1] — Roiz 35 PANTSULAIA, L. [2/(1)] — Areshchenko, A. 53; Movse- sian, S. 54; Narayanan, Sr. (168) PAP, M. [3/(2)] — Gutman, L. 46; Lasinskas (96); Pinter, J. 120; Schartz (46); Teske, H. 16 PAPP, GA. [1/(2)] — Hracek 59; Nemeth, Mi. (80); Smith, B. (8) PARLIGRAS, M.-E. [3] — Fedorov, Alexei 40; Florescu, C.-C. 145; Getz, N. 190 PAVLIDIS, ANT. [(1)] - Potkin, V. (167) PEDERSEN, CHRISTI. [(1)] - Schandorff (111) PELLETIER, Y. [(1)] - Fier, A. (12) PEREZ MITJANS [1] - Carlsson, P. 88 PERUNOVIC, MIL. [(1)] - Bodiroga (98) PERUNOVIC, MIO. [1] - Cvetkovic, Sr. 12 PETKOV, V. [1] - Delchev, A. 172 PETR, MA. [1] — Enders, Pe. 94 PETRIK, T. [(1)] — Antoniewski (90) PETROSIAN, T. L. [1] - Sanikidze 132 PINTER, J. [1] —Pap, M. 120 POGORELOV, R. [(1)] - Svetushkin (185) POLGAR, JU. [1] - Banusz, T. 115 PONOMARIOV, R. [(1)] - Bruzon Batista (71) POPOV, IV. [1/(1)] — Bartel, Mat. 6; Dubov, Daniil (63) POPOV, VAL. [(1)] - Goganov (137) POPOVIC, DU. [1] - Alvir 75 POTKIN, V. [(1)] - Pavlidis, Ant. (167) PRIDOROZHNI [(1)] - Jobava, Ba. (132) PRODILEANU [(1)] - Dumitrache, D.-N. (188) PROHASZKA, PE. [1] - Mons 38 PRUSIKIN [3] - Afek 52; Berczes, D. 1; Milliet 83 Q QUESADA PEREZ, YU. [(1)] - Nepomniachtchi (77) 290
R RADJABOV, T. [(1)] - Giri, A. (27) RADULSKI [2] - Cheparinov, I. 29; Lalic, B. 81 RAGGER [1/(1)] - Jakovenko, D. (162); Vitiugov 130 RAKHMANOV, ALE. [1] - Jakovenko, D. 133 RASMUSSEN, A. [(1)] - Byklum (150) RASULOV, VU. [1/(1)] - Neubauer, M. (17); Volkov, Sergey 17 RAZNIKOV [1] - Georgiev, Ki. 188 REINDERM AN [(1)] - Motylev (193) RESHETNIKOV, AL. [1] - Robson 62 RIAZANTSEV [1/(2)] - Nisipeanu (172); Panarin, M. (36); Sokolov, Iv. 193 ROBSON [3/(1)] - Kobalia, M. (61); Lenderman 175; Nakamura, Hi. 65; Reshetnikov, Al. 62 ROIZ [5/(1)] — Fressinet (195); Jankovic, A. 182; Korchnoi 186; Kiilaots 102; Nikolov, Mo. 195; Pan- cevski 35 ROM ANISHIN [1] - Banusz, T. 10 ROMANOV, E. [(1)] - Clery (4) RUBLEVSKY [4] - Demidov, M. 89; Hasangatin 139; Moiseenko, Alexander 144; Nevostrujev 55 S SADLER [1] - Tikkanen, H. 84 SAFARLI [(1)] - Fedoseev, VI. (90) SALGADO L6PEZ, I. [2] - Leitao, R. 170; Malakhov, V. 3 SANIKIDZE [4] — Heinzel, O. 179; Petrosian, T. L. 132; Vaibhav, Su. 70; Wirig 184 SARGISSIAN [2/(1)] — Brunello, S. (131); Kuljasevic 148; Nezad 162 SARIC, IV. [(I)] - Czamota, P. (63) SASIKIRAN [4] — Almasi, Z. 125; Bartel, Mat. 147; Laznicka 180; Nepomniachtchi 67 SAX, GY. [1] —Vegh, E. 78 SCHANDORFF [(2)] - Antonsen (174); Pedersen, Christi. (Ill) SCHARTZ [(1)] - Pap, M. (46) SCHLOSSER, PH. [(1)] - Neuschmied (177) SEDLAK, N. [3] — Georgiev, Ki. 103; Indic, A. 25; Milanovic, Da. 18 SEIRAWAN [1] - Kamsky 45 SEMENOVA, IR. [(1)] - Khismatullin (64) SHANKLAND [2] — Bachmann, Ax. 57; Kacheishvili 21 SHIMANOV [1/(2)] — Cheparinov, I. 134; Dukic, Ni. (54); Socko, B. (153) SHIROV [1] — Morozevich 92 SHORT, N. [1] - Adams, Mi. 86 SHULMAN, Y. [(1)] - Kaidanov (182) SHYTAJ, L. [1] - Marin, Mi. 187 SJUGIROV [3] - Gallagher 79; Kokarev, Dm. 36; Obolenskikh 158 SKEMBRIS [(1)] - Turov, M. (24) SKRIPCHENKO, A. [(1)] - Ziaziulkina (46) SMIRIN [(1)] - Gopal, G. (90) SMITH, B. [(!)] — Papp, Ga. (8) SO, W. [(2)] - Gupta, Ab. (7); Kosten, A. (8) SOCKO, B. [2/(1)] - Bartel, Mat. 105; Mcshane 90; Shimanov (153) SOKOLOV, IV. [2/(1)] - Avrukh, B. (173); Carlsson, P. 100; Riazantsev 193 SOLAK, D. [1] - Dubov, Daniil 63 SOLOMON, К. [(1)] - Dgebuadze (124) SPASOV, V. [1] — Georgescu, T.-M. 206 STAMENKOVIC, A. [1] - Cvetkovic, Sr. 177 STEFANOVA, A. [(1)] - Istra(escu, A. (17) STEINGRIMSSON, H. [1] - Volokitin, A. 110 STUDER, N. [(1)] - Farago, I. (184) SULSKIS, S. [1/(1)] - Agopov, M. (119); Azarov, S. 119 SUTOVSKY [(1)] - Can, E. (7) SVETUSHKIN [(3)] - Dounis (114); Fressinet (121); Pogorelov, R. (185) SVIDLER [1/(1)] — Karjakin, Sergey 174; Muzychuk, A. (121) SZABO, G.-A.-GY. [1] - Bartel, Mat. 181 T TAN ZHONGYI [(1)] - Ju Wenjun (178) TER-SAHAKYAN [1] - Inarkiev 73 TESKE, H. [1] — Pap, M. 16 THIEDE [(1)] - Guliyev, N. (11) TIKKANEN, H. [2] - Caruana, F. 167; Sadler 84 TIVIAKOV [2] - Anand, V. 58; Zapata, A. 66 TODOROVIC, G. M. [1] - Delchev, A. 96 TUROV, M. [(1)] - Skembris (24) U USHENINA [(1)] — Mammadova, Guin. (47) V VACHIER-LAGRAVE [1/(1)] - Berg, E. 80; Ivanchuk (41) VAIBHAV, SU. [1] - Sanikidze 70 VALDES, LU. [1/(3)] — Camacho Martinez, G. 141, (141), (141), (141) VALLEJO PONS [(2)] — Delchev, A. (1); Nakamura, Hi. (9) VAN KAMPEN [(1)] - Hebden (121) VEGH, E. [1] — Sax, Gy. 78 VERA GONZALEZ-QUEVEDO [1] - Amin, B. 69 VIDENOVA [(2)] - Dirnic, P. (64); Vojinovic, J. (64) VIDIT [(1)] — Nguyen Van Huy (155) VITIUGOV [3/(2)] — Cheparinov, I. 27; Fedorchuk, S. (90); Hovhannisyan, R. (53); Ragger 130; Volokitin, A. 2 VLASAK, LU. [1] - Haba, P. 50 VOJINOVIC, J. [1/(1)] — Kosintseva, N. 60; Videnova (64) VOLKOV, SERGEY [1/(2)] - Grandelius (135); Rasu- lov, Vu. 17; Yilmaz, M. (136) 291
VOLOKITIN, A. [5] — Jobava, Ba. 44; Lenic 42; Steingrimsson, H. 110; Vitiugov 2; Zhigalko, S. 74 VOROBIOV, E. [1] - Lalic, B. 22 VUCKOVIC, BO. [3] - Georgiev, Ki. 112; Laurusas 13; Marin, Mi. 19 Y YANG, DAR. [(1)] - Gerzhoy (152) YILMAZ, M. [(3)] — Bocharov, D. (136); Khairullin, I. (136); Volkov, Sergey (136) W WANG DOUDOU [(1)] - Lyell (103) WANG YUE [1] - Harikrishna, P. 51 WEN YANG [1/(1)] - Ni Hua (138); Xiu Deshun 203 WIRIG[1] — Sanikidze 184 WOJTASZEK [1] - Bartel, Mat. 127 X XIU DESHUN [1] - Wen Yang 203 Z ZAKHARTSOV, VI. [1] - Lalic, B. 14 ZAPATA, A. [1/(1)] — Joseph, M. (66); Tiviakov 66 ZHAO JUN [(1)] - Gao Rui (7) ZHEREBUKH [1] - Lalic, B. 164 ZHIGALKO, A. [(2)] - Korneev, O. (11); Zhuck (152) ZHIGALKO, S. [1] - Volokitin, A. 74 ZHUCK [(1)] - Zhigalko, A. (152) ZIAZIULKINA [(1)] - Skripchenko, A. (46) ZONTAKH [1] - Delchev, A. 5 292
KOMENTATORI • КОММЕНТАТОРЫ • COMMENTATORS • KOMMENTATOREN • COMMENTATEURS • COMENTARISTAS • COMMENTATORI • KOMMENTATORER • g о II ABRAMOVlC, В. [1] 189 AMIN, B. [2] 33, 69 ARSOVIC, G. [10] 17,23,59, 72,76,80, 167, 175,194, 205 ARSOVIC, Z. [6] 24, 54, 60, 90, 193, 197 BANUSZ, T. [4] 10, 115, 117, 159 BARTEL, MAT. [5] 6, 105, 127, 181, 147 BERG, E. [3] 98, 123, 140 BOLOGAN [4] 37, 41, 124, 136 CABRILO[2] 121,204 CAMACHO MARTINEZ, G.; VALDES, LU. [1] 141 CARLSSON, P. [4] 87, 88, 100, 192 CHEPARINOV, I. [5] 7, 29, 134, 135, 178 CVETKOVIC, SR. [3] 12, 151, 177 DAMLJANOVIC, В. [1] 34 DELCHEV, A. [9] 4,5,96,97, 114,149,150,172,198 DEMBO [5] 56, 62, 68, 82, 104 ENDERS, PE. [1] 94 ERDOS, V. [7] 11,26, 116, 166, 168, 169,200 FANCSY[1] 153 FOMINYKH, M. [1] 201 GEORGIEV, KI. [5] 103, 112, 157, 183, 188 GOLOD, V. [8] 28, 95, 99, 152, 161, 165, 173, 185 GRANDELIUS[1] 154 НАВА, P. [2] 31, 50 INARKIEV [4] 73, 77, 93, 122 INDIC, A. [1] 25 IVANOV, ALEXA. [1] 30 JAKOVENKO, D. [3] 133, 137, 155 KASPAROV, G. [1] 203 KOVACEVIC, AL. [1] 113 LAJTHAJM [1] 171 LALIC, B. [5] 14, 22, 81, 164, 207 LEITAO, R. [3] 170, 176, 191 MARIN, MI. [4] 19, 20, 85,187 MARKUS, ROB. [1] 202 MARTINOVIC, SL. [1] 61 MASTROVASILIS, A. [2] 15, 146 MILANOVIC, DA. [3] 9, 18, 156 MOROZEVICH [2] 92, 128 MOVSESIAN, S. [2] 111, 131 PAP, M. [3] 16,46, 120 PARLIGRAS, M.-E. [2] 145, 190 PAUNOVlC, T. [5] 126, 129, 138, 142, 143 PETRONIJEVlC [2] 71, 101 POPOVIC, DU. [1] 75 PRUSIKIN [4] 1,52, 83, 199 PRUSIKIN; MONS [1] 38 ROIZ [5] 35, 102, 182, 186, 195 RUBLEVSKY [4] 55, 89, 139, 144 SANIKIDZE [4] 70, 132, 179, 184 SARGISSIAN [2] 148, 162 SASIKIRAN [3] 67, 125, 180 SHANKLAND [2] 21, 57 SHORT, N. [1]86 SJUGIROV [3] 36, 79, 158 STAMENKOVlC, Z. [1] 174 STOICA, V. [6] 39, 40, 43, 64, 163, 206 SULSKIS, S. [1] 119 SUNDARARAJAN [2] 47, 196 TADIC, BR. [8] 3, 8,48, 49, 51, 53, 91, 160 TIKKANEN, H. [1] 84 TIVIAKOV [2] 58, 66 VEGH, E. [1]78 VELlCKOVlC, SA. [10] 208, 32, 45, 63, 65, 106, 107, 108, 109, 118 VITIUGOV [2] 27, 130 VOLOKITIN, A. [5] 2, 42,44, 74, 110 VUCKOVlC, BO. [1] 13 293
COMBINATIONS by Sasa Velickovic act 1. J.-CH. OLIVIER 2394 - PRUSIKIN 2530 Schweiz 2011 2. HAMITEVICI 2436 — NYZHNYK 2585 Kyiv 2012 1. ? +- 1... ? 3. H. TIKKANEN 2566 - J. HECTOR 2560 Malmo 2012 4. KNOTE- 5. KLEK2220- 6. B. ABRAMOVIC 7. JO. CUBAS 2518- L. PERDOMO 2372 Fortaleza 2012 I ’ I 8. PRUSIKIN 2527 - PATUZZO 2261 Schweiz 2011 II h 11И Ш.Ш 1 9. A. KATS 2137 - BAGINSKAITE 2358 USA (ch) 2012 294
COMBINATIONS 1. J.-CH. OLIVIER - PRUSIKIN 1. Ш4?3б [1. W! a) 1... gh5 2. Af6 £>f6 3. Wg5 ФГ8 4. Wh6 фе7 5. Wf6 Ф47 6. Wd6#; b) 1... d3 2. i.d3 4ice5 3. £se5 He5 4. Ш Ш 5. He5 ^d7 6. He7 Wd6 7. ЖЬб ±f5! 8. He5! ±d3 (8... Wf6 9. Wf4d—) 9. Wf4 Wb8D 10. Wd4 Af5 11. Ag7!! Wa7D 12. He8 He8 13. Ш7 <4>g7 14. Wa6 d4 15. Wb5 Hel 16. ФЬ2 d3 17. Wc5 He2 18. Wd4 <£>g8 19. &g3+-; c) 1... Wc5 2. Af6 Wf8 3. ±g7+-; d) 1... Неб! dl) 2. Ш?! Ш 3. Af6 Wc5 4. £>g5 d3 5. £}e6 fe6 6. ^d3 Wcl 7. Hel ±d7±; d2) 2. ±f5!? gh5 3. Жеб fe6 4. ЖЬб d21) 4... £>f8 5. Wg5 ФП (5... <21g6 6. £>Ь4 ФП 7. Wh5d—) 6. Wh5 <£g8 7. Wg5 Ф17 8. Hel Ha7 9. £id4!d—; d22) 4... Ш 5. Wg5 <£f8 (5... ФЬ8 6. ef6 Ha7 7. Held—) 6. ef6 Ha7 7. Wh6 <^g8 8. £se5 £>d8 9. Wh5 ФТ8 10. Wh6 Фе8 11. Wg7!! Wc5 12. b4 Wb4 13. Held--; d3) 2. Же7!! gh5 3. Wg5 Hg6 4. ^g6 fg6 (4... hg6 5. e6d—) 5. e6d—1 Prusikin 2. HAMITEVICI - NYZHNYK 1. ^e7!! Фе7 2.2ie4! Wd5 [2... &d8 3. Wd6 ^d7 (3... фс8 4. We7d—) 4. Ag5 f6 (4... Фс8 5. We7 Же5 6. d6 f6 7. dc7 фс7 8. £if6+-) 5. 2>f6 ЖЬб 6. ЖАб Фс8 7. We7 Ш 8. d6 £jcd5 9. Ad5 £>d5 10. We8 ФЬ7 11. Wa8 фа8 12. d7d—] 3. £}d6! Wdl [3... Wd6 4. Жс5 Wc5 5. Wc5 <£d8 6. Wd4 фс8 7. ФА+—1 4. фЬ2 Ж18 [4... Wa4 5. £jf5 &f6 (5... <£d8 6. We7 фс8 7. ^d6 ФЬ8 8. Wd8#) 6. We7 ФТ5 7. g4 £jg4 8. hg4 Wg4 9. ЖЬЗ Же5 10. f4 Af4 11. ЖГ4 Wh3 12. ФЬ34~; 4... Ф47 5. £>e4! Фс8 (5... a5 6. Wb8!d—) 6. ac5d—1 5. <йе4 <£d8 6. Ж§5 1 : 0 Sa. Velickovic 3. H. TIKKANEN - J. HECTOR 1... ЖЬЗ! 2. b4 [2. gh3!? £jg5 a) 3. Жg2 £>h3 4. фЬ2 ^12 5. Wg3 ^d3 6. Hfl (6. Жd6 Hg6 7. ЖЬЗ Wd8—b) Hg6 7. Wh4 Wc7—b; b) 3. Же2!? &ЬЗ 4. ФА Hf2 (4... £)f2?? 5. Wf6!! gf6 6. ф£24—) 5. Фе1 Hg2! 6. ЖА (6. Фd2 Wa6—b; 6. Wh5 g6 7. Wh6 Wf5 8. фd2 Wf2 9. Hel £)gl—b) £if2 7. Wh5 ( 7. Жg2 £}d3 8. Ф42 ^je5 9. de5 Wf5—b) £>d3 8. ЖdЗ ed3 9. Wf3 (9. ФА Hg5—b) Hh2! (9... He2 10. ФА ®e6 11. Hel Hh2+) 10. Hdl (10. Жd6 He2 11. ФА We6—b; 10. ФА We6 11. Hel He8 12. Hadi НЬЗ—b) ®e6 11. ®g3 (11. Hacl ®g6—b; 11. Hd3 ®g6—b) He2 12. ФА НеЗ—bl ^g5 3. ba5 Hg6 [3... &f3 4. gf3 Hg6 5. ФЬ2 ЖА 6. НА (6. Wh5 Hg2 7. ФЫ Hg5 8. Wh4 ®f5 9. f4 Hh5—b) Hg5 7. ®g5 hg5—bl 4. ФЬ2 ®g4 [4... £>f3 5. gf3 ЖА 6. Hfl Hg5 7. Wg5 hg5 8. fe4 de4 9. ЖЬб f6 10. ФgЗ ФП 11. f3 ®f5—b] 5. Hb8 [5. Wg3 8h5-bl Hb8 6. Wb8 фЬ7 7. Wg3 Wh5 8. gh3 £>f3 9. Фg2 Hg3 10. fg3 ^g5 11. ФЬ2 W13 12. Жg2 ®f2 13. Жd6 £>f3 14. Ф111£)е115.a6Wg2# 0:1 Sa. Velickovic 4. KNOTE - JANA SCHNEIDER 1... Hdg8! 2. Жg8 Hg8 3. g3 [3. ^ig3 h4 4. ФЫ (4. фЬ2 f5! 5. ef5 ^f5—b) hg3 5. fg3 (5. ®g3 Wg3 6. fg3 ^e2 7. Hf6 £>g3 8. фЬ2 Жd4—b) ®e5 6. g4 d5—bl ^e2 4. фЬ2 [4. We2 ®g3—bl ^d4—b Prusikin 5. KLEK — A, CAROW 1. Жg5? 11. ^d5!! a) 1... Wd2 2. Ш8!! (2. ^c7d—) Hf8 3. <йе7 ФЬ8 4. Hf8 Жg8 5. Hg8#; b) 1... Жd5 2. ed5 h6D 3. ЖеЗ Ш>2 (3... Wd3 4. ЖЬб-Ь-) 4. ЖЬб ®a2 5. c5+-1 h6 2. ЖИ4 Wc5 3. a4± Prusikin 6. B. ABRAMOVIC - MIRO. MARKOVIC 1. Hf7!! Фg8 11... ФП 2. ®b3 Фg7 3. Hh7!!d— 1 2. Hh8!! ФГ7 [2... фЬ8 3. Whl Фg8 4. Wh7#l 3. Wb3 Фg7 4. Hh7!! 1:0 B. Abramovic 7. JO. CUBAS - L. PERDOMO 1... НЬЗ! 2. сЬЗ НЬЗ! 3. фс2 [3. ФЬЗ Wb4 (3... Жс4 4. dc4 Wb4 5. Фс2 Wc3=) 4. фс2 Wc3 5. фdl Wd3 6. Фс1 (6. ^jd2?? ЖЬЗ!) Wc4=l Hc3! 4. ФЫ 14. ф<12? Hd3! 5. Фе2 (5. Фd3?? Wc4 6. Ф<12 Wc3 7. Фе2 Wc2 8. ФА Wg2#) HA! 6. Hacl Wb4 7. Hedl (7. We8 ФЬ7—b; 7. Wd4 Hf4—b) Hf7!+] НЬЗ! [4... Wb4?? 5. Wd—1 5. Фс2 [5. Фа2 НаЗ 6. ФЫ НЬЗ=1 НеЗ! 6. ФЫ НЬЗ! 7. фс2 1/2 : 1/2 L. Da Costa Junior 8. PRUSIKIN - PATUZZO 1... Hfe8! 2. ^ie8 He8 3. Ha7 Неб 4. Hd7 НеЗ! 5. ФО [5. фdl НЬЗ!! 6. Hd6 ФА 7. f5 ЖЬ5 8. НА Hd3 9. Фс1 Жg5 10. Ж14 НО!! 295
COMBINATIONS a) 11. Hf3 gf3 12. Jlg5 fg2-+; b) 11. Hf6 ФГ6 12. Ag5 Фё5 13. gf3 g3 14. Ф42 (14. b5 cb5 15. сб ФГ4 16. Hgl Ф13 17. Ifl ±>g4 18. Ф42 g2 19. Hel ФВ 20. c7 b4 21. ЬЗ d3) ФГ4 15. Hgl; c) 11. gf3 ЖГ4 12. Ф61 Ad3! 13. Hf2 g3 14. Hg2 Жс4! (14... ЖП 15. Hgl Ж46 16. Hfl ЖГ4 17. Hel d3 18. b5 d2 19. Hgl cb5 20. сб Феб 21. Hhl ЖеЗ 22. c7 * *d7 23. Hh7 Фс8 24. Hg7 Ad4 25. Hg3 ЖЬ2 26. Hg5 фс7 27. Hd5 Феб 28. Hd2+-) 15. Hd7 Ф06 16. Hd8 d3 17. b5 ЖЬ5 18. ЬЗ Фе5 19. Hg8 Фd4 20. Hg4 (20. H8g3 ФсЗ 21. Hg7 d2 22. Ha7 ЖЛ 23. Hf2 ЖЬЗ 24. Hf7 Жg5) ФеЗ 21. H4g3 ЖgЗ 22. Hg3 d2 23. Hg2 ФВ 24. Hd2 феЗ 25. Фс2 d4=] ЖЬ4 6. g3 Же4??© [6... Hf3 a) 7. Фg2?? Же4 8. gh4 Hc3 9. Ф12 Hc2 10. Фе1 (10^g3Hg2#)Hcl ll^d2Hhl-+;6)7. Фе1 bl) 7... НЬЗ? 8. gh4 Af5 9. Hd8 ФП 10. Ь5 (10. ЖgЗ Hg3 11. Ь5 Hg2 12. Ьсб g3 13. Hd5 Жg4 14. Hg5 ЖЙ 15. Hg3 Hg3 16. c7 Hg8=) НЬ5 11. ЖgЗ Hb2 12. Hh2 НЫ 13. ф!2 Hb2 14. ФП НЫ 15. Же1 g3 16. Ha2 d3 17. Фg2 Hel 18. фgЗ+-; b2) 7... Af5!! 8. Hc7 НЬЗ!! 9. gh4Hb2 10. Hgl (10. Hfl Hh2 11. Нсб d3=) Hbl 11. Фd2 Hb2=] 7. Hal Же7 8. He7 H13 9. фgl ф<8 10. Hc7 Жg6 11. Ha8 Же8 12. Hcc8 НеЗ 13. ФС Hf3 14. Фg2 НеЗ 15. JLgl He2 16. ФП d3 17.He8 1 : 0 Prusikin 9. A. KATS - BAGINSKAITE 1... Wh2? [1... Wg2!! 2. Фg2 (2. Hg2 Wei 3. Hgl Wgl 4. фё1 fg6 5. Wg6 ФЬ8 6. Wh6=) fg6 ( 2... Wg6?! 3. ФЫ фg7 4. Hg6 fg6 5. Hgl g5 6. Hg5 Жg5 7. Wg5 ФП 8. Wf6 Фв8 9. We6фg7)3.фhl!Жg5!!4. НЫ (4. Wg5 Wf5 5. Wg6 Wg6 6. Hg6 ФП 7. Hegl фе7) gh5 5. Hg5=] 2. ФЬ2 Wc2 3. ФЫ 1 : 0 Monokroussos REGISTAR • ИНД1КС • INDEX • REGISTER • REGISTRE • REGISTRO • REGISTRO • REGISTER • ABRAMOVlC, B. — Markovic, Miro. 6 BAGINSKAITE - Kats, A. 9 CAROW, A. - Klek 5 CUBAS, JO. - Perdomo, L. 7 HAMITEVICI - Nyzhnyk 2 HECTOR, J. - Tikkanen, H. 3 KATS, A. — Baginskaite 9 KLEK - Carow, A. 5 KNOTE — Schneider, Jana 4 MARKOVIC, MIRO. - Abramovic, B. 6 NYZHNYK - Hamitevici 2 OLIVIER, J.-CH. - Prusikin 1 PATUZZO — Prusikin 8 PERDOMO, L. - Cubas, Jo. 7 PRUSIKIN - Olivier, J.-Ch. 1, Patuzzo 8 SCHNEIDER, JANA - Knote 4 TIKKANEN, H. - Hector, J. 3 KOMENTATORI • КОММЕНТАТОРЫ • COMMENTATORS • KOMMENTATOREN • COMMENTATEURS • COMENTARISTAS • COMMENTATORI • KOMMENTATORER • • oj> ° «11 ABRAMOVlC, B. 6 DA COSTA JUNIOR, L. 7 MONOKROUSSOS 9 PRUSIKIN 1,4, 5, 8 VELlCKOVlC, SA. 2, 3 296
EXCELLENT MOVES by Sasa Velickovic 4. DING LIREN 2660 - WANG YUE 2702 5. VALLEJO PONS 2693 - NABATY 2559 6. SEVERIN A 2183 — KLEK 2154 China (ch) 2012 Plovdiv 2012 Caldas Novas 2011 7. SVIDLER 2744- MOROZEVICH 2765 Russia 2012 8. L. TRENT 2433 — H. HUNT 2454 Great Britain 2012 9. HI. NAKAMURA 1... ? 2775 — SEIRAWAN 2643 USA (ch) 2012 1. ? +- 297
EXCELLENT MOVES 1. PRUSIKIN - JKNNI 1. Ааб? [1. f3! ^c5 (1... £)d2 2. Ааб gd5 3. Ab5! W 4. Асб ge5 5. gc4 ФА5 6. gb4+—) 2. Ac7!! gc8 (2... gd2 3. Afl Aa4 4. gc5 gb2 5. Aa6+—) 3. Afl!! (3. Ae2? AO!!) gc7 4. gc5 £>f6 5. Ааб феб 6. Ab5 фаб 7. gc6 gc6 8. Асб Феб 9. b3+-] Sd5= Prusikin 2. P. JARACZ - J.-K. DUDA 1. gf8!! [1. ge7? WO 2. gg7 Фg7 3. Wb7 ФО 4. Wb8 ФП (4... Фе7 5. Wc7= gd7?? 6. Wd7 фа7 7. £>e5+~) 5. Wc7=[ We6 [1... Af8 2. Wd5 WO 3. We41! We4 4. &f6+-1 2. gf43— B. Abramovic 3. KLEK - M. ARONOV 1. Wa5?? [1. ge7! h6D 2. gg7 ФИ5 3. Wa5 Ad5 4. Wb4!! Wb4 5. ge5 фЬ4 6. g3 ФЬЗ 7. gh5 Wh4 8. gh4#[ AO 0:1 Prusikin 4. DENG LIREN - WANG YUS 1. 2>f7! Ae7 [1... ФП 2. £>d6 Фg8 (2... фg6 3. h4! h5 4. gc8 gc8 5. £sc8±) 3. gc8 gc8 4. &c8±l 2. ^cd6 Ad7 3. gc7 b5 [3... Ad6 4. ^d6 Асб 5. Асб Ьсб 6. ga7 gb2 7. £se8+-] 4. f5 ef5 5. ga7 h6 [5... gb6 6. Ad5 Ad6 (6... Аеб 7. Аеб Ad6 8. Ad5 Ab8 9. ge7+—) 7. ^d6 Аеб 8. £)f5!+-; 5... Ad6 6. h6 7. Ab7 gd8 8. h4±] 6. Ad5 фЬ7 7. gc7 Фg6 8. £jb7 [8. Ab7!?] h5 9. b4 h4 10. f4 ga8 11. £}a5 ga6 12. ФГ2 hg3 13. hg3 gb6 14. gb7 Жаб 15. gc7 gb6 16. ФеЗ Аеб? [16... ga6±l 17. £>c6!! gc6 [17... фП 18. ge7 (18. £>e7 фе8 19. <2jc6 Ad7 20. фа4+—) Фg6 19. фа4+—; 17... Ad6 18. £)d6 Ad5 19. £je7 ФИ5 20. ^ef54~l 18. £jh8 ФЬ7 19. Асб Ad6 20. gb7 ФИ8 21. gb5-l— SI. Martinovic 5. VALLEJO PONS - NABATY 1. ЬЗ! Ааб [1... фА5 2. bc4! ФГ4 3. gd5! a) 3... gad8 4. ^e2 фе4 5. £>g3 ФА4 6. gf5 Фg4 7. h3 ФИ4 8. gh5#; b) 3... ghe8 4. g3 ФО (4... Фg4 5. f3! ФО 6. gfl ФеЗ 7. gel ФО 8. gf5 Фg4 9. gefl+—) 5. h3 £>d4 6. gdl £>e2 7. £se2 ge2 (7... фе2 8. Фg2+-) 8. gld3 Фе4 9. О#; с) 3... ^d4 4. g3 фё4 (4... ФО 5. gdl gad8 6. h3 ^e2 7. ФП gd5 8. £>d5 £>g3 9. fg3 Фg3 10. gd3+~) 5. £se4 f5 6. ^c5+-1 2. gd6 ФК 3. <21d5 £id4 4. gf6 Фе4 5. О! [5. ®c7 ^e2 6. ФЫ £>f4 7. gel £>e2 8. £ja6 ba6 9. ge2 фd4 (9... фаз 10. ge3 Фс2 11. ga6+—; 9... Ф45 10. gf7 ghe8 11. gd2 феб 12. gh7 gad8 13. gd8 gd8 14. g3 gd2 15. Фg2 ga2 16. ga7+-) 10. gc2!+-1 фаЗ [5... Фd5 6. gd6#[ 6. gdl Фс2 [6... Фе2 7. £>сЗ#[ 7. gd2 ФЫ 8. Qjc3 Фа1 9. a4 1:0 SI. Martinovic 6. SBVERENA - KLEK 1... b5! 2. ab5 ab5 3. ga8 ga8 4. Ab5 Wc3 5. gdl? [5. gd2 Wb4 (5... Ad5 6. Ad3 ga4+) 6. Ac4 gc8 7. gb2 ®c4 8. ®c4 gc4 9. gb7 gf4-+; 5. «3 Wcl 6. ФИ2 Ad5 7. Aa4 g6-+; 5. gd7 Ad5-+; 5. Wc4 gal 6. ФИ2 ghl! 7. ФЫ Wh3 8. фё1 Wg2#; 5. Wd2 Wc5! 6. Wb4 Wcl 7. ФЬ2 Ag2!! 8. Фg2 ga2—+1 Ad5 6. gd2 Wb4!-+ Prusikin 7. SVRDUK - MOROZEVICH 1. Wh8! [1. 0-0-0? Ae5 (1... ^ie5? 2. Ab5+-; 1... ge5? 2. Ae4 Wb6 3. Асб Wc6 4. Ae5 Ae5 5. Wh8 фе7 6. Wd8 феб 7. ghel Ab7 8. ge5! Фе5 9. We7 ф£5 10. Wf7+-) 2. Wh8 Фе7 3. Ag5 a) 3... Af6? 4. ghel Аеб 5. ge6!! fe6 (5... феб 6. Ac4 фе7 7. Wg7+-) 6. Wg7 фаб 7. Af6 ge7 8. Ae5!+-; b) 3... фаб 4. Ae4 ^jd4 (4... Ad4? 5. Wg7 Wb6 6. Af4 Феб 7. gd4!!+-) 5. Wh5 g6! 6. Wh6 Wb6-+[ Фе7 2. £)сб Фа7 3. Ae5! [3. ФА? Феб 4. Wh7 g6! 5. gdl Af5!! (5... Ааб 6. Wh3 Wd5S) 6. Ab5 ФЬ5 7. gd8 gad8-+l Феб 4.0-0-0!! Ae5 5. Ae4 фс7 6. gd8 gh8 7. gh8 Af4 8. Фс2 Ab7 9. Ab7 gh8 10. Ad5 gd8 11. gdl Ah2 12. Af7 gf8 13. Ad5 gf2 14. gd2 gd2 15. фа2 Ae5 16. ЬЗ Af6 1/2 : 1/2 R. Simic 8. I. TKSNT-H. HUNT 1... Wc8! 2. Af6 AO 3. Ag7? [3. Ae7? gc4! 4. Wd6 gg4! 5. gd3 (5. g3 gd4!-+) gg2 6. ФЫ (6. ФА Wg4 7. gO WO-+) Aa8 (6... Ae5 7. We5 gg5-+) 7. £)d5 gf2—h; 3. 298
EXCELLENT MOVES Hd3 Af6 4. Hf3 Wc7+; 3. gf3 ef6 (3... Af6+) 4. ®d5 ФН8+1 Hg5!! 4. Af8 [4. <£>fl Hg2 5. Hd3 Wh3-+] Hg2 5. ФП Hgl!! 0:1 R. Simic 9. HI. NAKAMURA -SIIRAWAN 1. c4I! &g7 [1... dc4 2. £sc4 Wd5 3. &b24—; 1... Hg8 2. Wf2 Wb7 3. £se7 £se7 4. c5+-] 2. cd5 [2. W2!? Hac8 3. a54~ 1 ed5 [2... Wd5 3. £ie7 £ie7 4. £)f3 Had8 (4... We4 5. £>g5 ®c4 6. Had 8b3 7. Hc3+-) 5. НаЗ We4 6. £)g5 Wc4 7. Hc3 Wb4 8. Hc7 ®el 9. Hel Hhe8 10. Ha7+-1 3. £>bl [3. Ad4!? We6 4. We3 Ac2 (4... Ae4 5. a5 ba5 6. Ha5 Hhc8 7. Ha6+—) 5. Hdcl Ae4 6. a5 ba5 7. Ha5 Hhc8 8. Ha6+—1 Ac4 [3... Abl 4. Habl Ac5 (4... Hhc8 5. Wc3 We6 6. Wb3 Ac5 7. Ac5 bc5 8. ®f3+-) 5. Wf2 аб 6. Ac 5 bc5 7. Wc5 £>f4 8. № ab5 9. ab5 £)g6 10. W3+-14. Wc3 We6 5. £>d2 [5. £>d4 Wc8 6. £jd2+-] Hhc8 [5... ФИ7 6. ^c4 dc4 7. <21d4 (7. Hacl+-) Wd7 (7... Wc8 8. Wc2+-) 8. Wc2 Hhc8 (8... Ac5 9. £jf5+-) 9. We8 10. £>e7 We7 11. f5+-16. £>d4 ®d7 7. еб! 1:0 В. Abramovic REGISTAR • ИНДЕКС • INDEX • REGISTER • REGISTRE • REGISTRO • REGISTRO • REGISTER • OJ • ARONOV, M. - Klek 3 DING LIREN - Wang Yue 4 DUDA, J.-K. - Jaracz, P. 2 HUNT, H. - Trent, L. 8 JARACZ, P. - Duda, J.-K. 2 JENNI - Prusikin 1 KLEK — Aronov, M. 3, Severina 6 MOROZEVICH - Svidler 7 NABATY - Vallejo Pons 5 NAKAMURA, HL — Seirawan 9 PRUSIKIN - Jenni 1 SEIRAWAN - Nakamura, Hi. 9 SEVERINA - Klek 6 SVIDLER — Morozevich 7 TRENT, L. - Hunt, H. 8 VALLEJO PONS - Nabaty 5 WANG YUE - Ding Liren 4 KOMENTATORI • КОММЕНТАТОРЫ • COMMENTATORS • KOMMENTATOREN • COMMENTATEURS • COMENTARISTAS • COMMENTATOR! • KOMMENTATORER • • O2> ° * 11 ABRAMOVIC, B. 2, 9 MARTINOVIC, SL. 4, 5 PRUSIKIN 1, 3, 6 SIMIC, R. 7, 8 299
ENDINGS by Goran Arsovic 1. KAMBOR 2071 - J. GERMANN 2030 2. BO. CHENG 2344 - A. CZEBE 2477 3. GALLAGHER 2501 - FIERZ 2326 Schweiz 2012 1... ? 4. ZAMBRANA 2492 - В AU LES 2380 Quito 2012 9/g 1... ? 5. A. FIER 2603 - M. NEUBAUER 2420 Praha 2012 Л 6/d 1. ? +- 6. SANDIPAN 2595 - J.-P. LE ROUX 2550 Cappelle la Grande 2012 Л 9/h 1... ? 7. M. PAP 2501 - AN. DONCHENKO 2376 8. COLINDRES 2255 - GUERRA IULCAN 2421 9. M. PAP 2501 - BANNINK 2259 Lille 2012 № 8/g 1. ? +- 300
ENDINGS 1. KAMBOR - J. GERMANN 1... Ф16? [1... ba5! 2. Aia5 Фе7 3. <£>g4 Ф47 4. Ь4 фс7 5. £jc4 (5. £>c6 ФЬб 6. h5 gh5 7. фЬ5 ФЬ5 8. ФЬб a5=) Aib6 6. Aid2 £)d7=] 2. 4}a7! ba5 3. Hc8 a4 4. Ьб a3 5. b7 a2 6. b8® al® 7. ®d6 &g5 8. ®e7 1 : 0 Prusikin 2. BO. CHENG-A. CZEBE 1... £>c4?? [1... £>g6 2. феЗ Фе5=1 2. фс4 [Л О/d] Фе5 [3. Фd3 Ф14 4. Фd4 еб (4... е5?! 5. ФdЗ+-; 4... ф£5 5. ФеЗ е5 6. ф!2 Фg5 7. Фg3 ФГ5 8. еЗ+—) 5. ФеЗ! (5. Фd3? е5-+) ФgЗ (5... е5 6. Фd3; 5... Фе5 6. Фd3 Ф14 7. фd4+—) 6. Фd3 Ф12 7. f4!+-1 1/2 : 1/2 I. Rogers 3. GALLAGHER - FIERZ 1... e5! I 2. fe5 £ig7 3. Ж05 Аеб 4. ф!3 ФЬб 5. c5 Фс7 6. Фg4 Фс8 7. Дсб Фd8 8. ЖЬ7 £ic7?? [8... Фс7=1 9.Ф13?? [9. еб! £)еб 10. Жаб А>с7 11. ЖЬ7 Фе7 (11... £>еб 12. Ad5 Фе7 13. Аеб Феб 14. Ф14+-) 12. ФГ4 £>еб (12... f6 13. gf6 Ф16 14. фе4 g5 15. Жс8 Фе7 16. Фе5 Фd8 17. ЖЬ34—) 13. Фе5 Aig5 14. Аеб А>еб 15. ЖЬ5+-1 £je6! 10. Даб Фс7 11. ФеЗ фсб 12. Жс8 Фс7 13. Жаб фсб 14. фdЗ ^с7 15. Жс8 &еб 16. Фе4 фс7 17. Жаб фсб 18. фВ £sc7 19. Жс8 [19. еб £)еб 20. Жс8 £>g5 21. фГ4 £>еб 22. Фе5 g5=l <йеб 20. Фg4 фс7 21. Жаб Фсб 22. Жс8 Фс7 23. Жеб fe6 24. фГ4 фсб 25. Фе4 Фс7 26. фd4 фсб 27. фе4 фс7 28. Фd4фc6 1/2 : 1/2 Prusikin 4. ZAMBRAHA - BAULES 1... ®d2? [1... ®f4! a) 2. фd5 ®g5! 3. фс4 (3. Фd6 ®14!=; 3. Феб ®g6!=) ®cl=; b) 2. Феб ®e4! 3. Ф17 ®f4! 4. фе8 (4. феб ®e4!=) ®a4!=[ 2. Феб! gl® 3. ®c4 фе1 4. ®e4 ®e2 5. ®сЗ! Ф12 6. ®cd4 1 : 0 L. Da Costa Junior 5. A. FIER - M. NEUBAUER 1. g4! Hbl [1... a5 2. g5! ФГ5 3. Hf7! фе4 (3... Феб 4. НЬ7+-) 4. Hh74— 1 2. g5! Ф15 3. 117! Феб 4. Ih7+- [1 7/f; 4. Ha7? ПЫ!=] a5 [4... НЫ 5. Фg4 a5 (5... Hgl 6. ФИ5+-) 6. Ib7+- A h71 5. фЬ5 a4 6. Ha7 b5 7. Фg6 Ф05 8. фЬ7 Фс4 9. g6 1:0 L. Da Costa Junior 6. SANDIPAN - J.-P. LE ROUX 1... Hc2? [1... Ig2! 2. Ф13 (2. ФЬЗ Hb2 3. Ж81 НЬЗ 4. Фg2 £№=) Hg3 3. Фе2 Hg4 4. Ж12 (4. ЖеЗ ФЬ7! 5. ФВ Hg3=) Hf4 5. Неб ФЬ7 6. Hg6 ^d4! 7. ФП (7. ФеЗ HB) Hf7 8. Hd6 £)C6 9. Фе2 £je5 10. Жс5 He7=l 2. Фg5 Hg2 3. Ф16 ^Ь6 4. Hg5 1:0 G. Arsovic 7. M. PAP - AH. DOHCHEHKO 1. b4! Жd6 2. £)C3 [2. c4 Hh5 3. c5 Же5 4. W Жс7^[ H15 3. Aie4± Же7 4. Ie8 [4. ФЬЗ lf4; 4... Ie5] le5 5. ^c5 фа7 6. ^d7?! [6. ^d3! Ie4 7. Ih8 ФЬб 8. ФЬЗ±] 1еЗ? [6... 1е6П а) 7. ^ic5? Жс5 8.1еб fe6 9. Ьс5 ФЬ7 10. ФЬЗ фсб 11. Фс4 е5 12. сЗ е4 13. фd4^—; 11... Фd7=; Ь) 7. с4?! 15 Ы) 8. с5? ФЬ7! (8... f4? 9. сб+- 13 10. с7 1сб 11. с8® 1с8 12. 1с8) 9. £>Ь6 (9. Ш lf6 10. 1е7 фсб 11. ФЬЗ f4 12.1е2 В 13. If2 а5= 14. Фс4) 1е2 10. ФЬЗ 1еЗ 11. фс4 Жс5=; Ь2) 8. Ig8 1е2 9. ФЬЗ 1еЗ 10. фа4 ФЬ7 11. с5 f4 12. £>Ь6±; с) 7. Ih8!± 1еЗ (7... 15 8. Ih7 f4 9. Ш+-) 8. с4 (8.1Ь7 а5) а5 9. с5 аЬ4 10. аЬ4 фаб 11. Sb8+—; 10... ФЬ7] 7. £)16! 1е6 8. ^jd5 Ж06 9. Неб 1еб [£>Ж 4/gl 10. ^f6+- ФЬб 11. ФЬЗ фсб 12. с4 Ж14 13. ^е4 ЖеЗ 14. феЗ Жс1 15. а4 ЖЬб 16. Ь5! аЬ5 17. аЬ5 Фс7 18. с5 ЖеЗ 19. ФОЗ JLgl 20. фс4 ЖеЗ 21. £>сЗ Ж12 22. фО7 23. £>f4 ЖgЗ 24. Ad3 фс7 25. Ьб Фс8 26. сб Жd6 27. Нс5 1:0 М. Рар 8. COLINDRES - GUERRA TULCAH 1. ®а8? [1. ®е8! Ш 2. ®е5 ®Ы 3. Фg4 Ь5 4. ®И5 ®е4 5. ФЬЗ ®Ы=] «118 2. ЖаЗ ®Ы! 3. Фg4 15! 4. Ф15 [4. Фg5 Ьб 5. Ф15 ®Ь5] ®h5 0:1 L. Da Costa Junior 9. M. PAP - BAHHIHK 1. ®d4!+- [1. ®f4? ®d5 2. ®g4 a4 3. h4 ЖЬ5 4. Aie3 ®e5 5. ®g3 Фd6±?l ®d4 2. cd4 1^3Ж 4/il Же4 [2... Жd5 3. Aid6+-1 3. ^a5! d6 4. Aic4 [4. h4+—; 4. g44—] de5 5. de5 фсб 6. g4 Фd5 7. ЬЗ! Фd4 8. Фg3! Жс2 [8... ФеЗ] 9. Ф14 ЖЬЗ 10. Qjd6 16 11. ef6 e5 12. Фg3 [12. Фg5] e413. Ф14! 1:0 M. Pap 301
ENDINGS REGISTAR • ИНД1КС • INDEX • REGISTER • REGISTRE • REGISTRO • REGISTRO • REGISTER • BANNINK - Pap, M. 9 BAULES — Zambrana 4 CHENG, BO. - Czebe, A. 2 COLINDRES — Guerra Tulcan 8 CZEBE, A. - Cheng, Bo. 2 DONCHENKO, AN. - Pap, M. 7 FIER, A. — Neubauer, M. 5 FIERZ - Gallagher 3 GALLAGHER - Fierz 3 GERMANN, J. - Kambor 1 GUERRA TULCAN - Colindres 8 KAMBOR — Germann, J. 1 LE ROUX, J.-P. - Sandipan 6 NEUBAUER, M. - Fier, A. 5 PAP, M. — Bannink 9; Donchenko, An. 7 ZAMBRANA - Baules 4 SANDIPAN - Le Roux, J.-P. 6 KOMENTATORI • КОММЕНТАТОРЫ • COMMENTATORS • KOMMENTATOREN • COMMENTATEURS • COMENTARISTAS • COMMENTATORI • KOMMENTATORER • ARSOVIC, G. 6 DA COSTA JUNIOR, L. 4, 5, 8 PAP, M. 7, 9 PRUSIKIN 1, 3 ROGERS, I. 2 ZAVRSNICE U PARTUAMA • ОКОНЧАНИЯ ИЗ ПАРТИЙ • ENDINGS IN THE GAMES • ENDSPIELE IN DEN PART1EN • FINALES DANS LES PARTIES • FINALES EN LAS PAKHDAS • FINAL! NELLE PARTITE • SLUTSPELEN FRAN PART1ERNA • • Ja I ' A t ci I g ЧII A—L^^-oJI № 3/e 92 П 5/i 43 Д9/П 41 6/g 112 П 6/c 70 ^7/e 114 П6/е 20, 43 W4/b 67, 81 <a^.7/f 114 П 6/f 58 W 5/f 194 4jA8/h 208 П 6/j 69 W 6/a Ш A/d 41 <21£9/c 44, 120 П 8/b4 168 ’ey O/U W8/c 41 7 <a±9/e 208 П 8/f6 113 W 8/i 114 П 9/h 59 W9/c 125 E3/b 43 П 9/i 116, 119, 207 W9/e 43, 69 H4/f 69 П 9/k 90 W9/f 2, 67 302
PROBLEMS by Milan Velimirovic ack THE MIGHTY PAWN 1 f I understand correctly, by saying that "pawns are the soul of chess" Philidor meant that a good or bad arrangement of pawns usually has decisive strategic importance. This saying is not quite true when it comes to chess problems, where the presence of abundant pawns does not actually contribute to the aesthetic impression of the composition. However, there are many chess problem themes, the "soul" of which is a single pawn; the most popular of these I de- cided to present to you. The maximal mobility of the black pawn from its starting square, called the "Pick- aninny theme", is shown in a miniature0 No.l. The corresponding activity of the white pawn is called the "Albino theme". A nicely keyed No.2 shows four indi- rect mates from the white pawn-bat- tery, while the inevitably badly keyed (check!) No.3 shows four different direct pawn mates by the white pawn. While in these three problems the main theme oc- curs in "real play" (i.e. in variations after the key), in the next two it occurs in the so-called "virtual play". In No.4 White has mate prepared for all four of the black king s moves and only needs to prevent the captures of the d2-pawn by moving that pawn away - but where? Only one out of four possible moves is the solution. In contrast to such "defen- sive" play, in No.5 the white pawn goes on the offensive, but each of its four attempts is repelled by different moves of the black pawn on e7 - an unusual duel between two of the weakest fighting units! The solution is something completely different. The corresponding duel in the "real play" re- quires one additional move, as shown in No.6. An example of even greater mobility by the white pawn can be seen in No.7, which shows the "Pawnee theme": a white pawn delivers six different battery mates. A much more complicated constructional task is the presentation of four different promotions of a single pawn in four different variations. The name of this theme is "Allumwandlung" (German word meaning "all promotions"). What distinguishes a promotion to a queen from underpromotions to rook or bishop is usually a potential stalemate. No.8 is one of the oldest and No.9 is the most economical presentation of four different White promotions in a three-mover. One move more is needed to conceive different White continuations after four promotions of the black pawn. No.10 is a relatively economical illustration. A duel of two pawns, where each possible promotion of one and the same black pawn is met by the corre- sponding promotion of one and the same white pawn, called the "Babson Task", had been the unreachable goal of problemists for many decades, until the grandiose No.ll stunned the 303
PROBLEMS chess problem world. No wonder that many proclaim it "a problem of the (20th) century". So far we ve seen examples of play of the pawn from its starting square and from its penulti- mate rank. But how about a promotion of the pawn which is still in its starting position? This idea is called the "Excelsior", after the motto of the 150 years old problem No.12, where mate is delivered by the least suspicious piece - the white pawn on b2, which in 5 successive moves ascents all the way up to its promotion on a8! A variation on this theme is a "slowed-down Excelsior", in which the pawn starts with a single-step advance, consequently needing 6 moves to promote. In "baby position"2) No.13, a slow start of the pawn saves the necessary zugzwang-evading tempo for White. In No. 14 the white pawn takes a 6-move long zig-zag route that ends with an attractive knight underpromotion. The last example, No.15, is a real puzzle. It seems that white has four equally good ways to promote to a queen on his 5th move, and easily mate in the remaining two. However, whichever option he chooses, black can parry it by a stalemate trap that forces an underpromotion to a rook. Only one option works, and I strongly recommend you to try and figure it out before reading the solution -1 am sure that you won t regret it! ” Miniature: a problem with up to 7 pieces on the board. 21 Baby: a problem with only 5 pieces on the board. 1. H. W. BETTMANN & M. MARBLE The Pittsburgh Gazette-Times 1915 2. R. L'HERMET New York State Journal 1894 1st Prize 4. H. BARTOLOVIC Shakhmaty v SSSR 1970 1st Prize 7=2 5. A. C. REEVES Probleemblad 1965 *2 6. G. H. DRESE Tijdschrift v. d. K.N.S.B. 1935 2nd Prize ±3 304
PROBLEMS 7. R. KOFMAN 8. N. HOEG 9. Z. MASLAR Nordiske Schackbund 13. W. A. SHINKMAN 14. L. I. KUBBEL 15. B. LINDGREN 305
PROBLEMS___________ 1. 1. We8! О, 1... сб 2. Wh5^, 1... c5 2. We4A 1... cb6 2. Wb5A 1... cd6 2. Hh5^ 2. 1. Ah6! O, 1... Wh6 2. еЗА 1... Abl 2. e4¥=, 1... Ad3 2. ed3A 1... Af3 2. ef3A (1... We3 2. АеЗА 1... 2. Af4#=) 3. 1. Hb5!, 1... Wc6 2. ef3A 1... W 2. ed3A 1... ФГ5 2. e4A 1... <£d4 2. e3^ 4. 1. d3? фаб! (2. Ad3??), 1. de3? фс4! (2. £je3??), 1. dc3? фа4! (2. £jc3??); 1. d4! О, 1... Феб 2. Ь5^ (2. £sd4??), 1... Фс4 2. ^еЗА 1... фа62. Ad3A 1...фа4 2. ^сЗ^ 5. 1. сЬЗ? ed6!, 1. cd3? е5!, 1. сЗ? ef6!, 1. с4? еб!; 1. НЬ4! А 2. £}е4А 1... £}сб 2. Wc6=#, 1... &с4 2.1с4У=, 1... ed6 2. Ad6^= 6. 1. Ad3! О, 1... ef6 2. f4 £jef5 3. Ac4¥=, 2... 2)gf5 3. Ae4¥=, 1... ed62. f3 etc., I...e62. fe3 ef5 3. Ас4У=, 1... e5 2. fg3 £>c4 3. Ас4У= 7. 1. ЬЗ! A 2. Hb2 A 3. HblA 1... Hg3 2. ^f4 Hc3 3. dc3A 2... НеЗ 3. de3¥=, 1... Hg4 2. d3 Hc4 3. dc4#=, 2... He4 3. de4#=, 1... Hg5 2. d4 Hc5 3. dc5A 2... He5 3. de5A (1... Hgl 2. &gl) 8. 1. f7! A 2. f8W A 3. We?^, 1—Фйб 2. f8W Феб 3. Wc5^, 1... ef4 2. f8H Фd6 3. Hf6#=, 1... ed4 2. f8A ФГ6 3. Ha6A 1... ФГ6 2. f8£i ed4 3. Hf7#= 9. 1. Wh5! (A 2. d8W/Wd5), 1... феб 2. d8H Фе7 3. We8#=, 1... Феб 2. d8A Фd6 3. ®d5A 1... Фс7 2. ®c5 ФЬ8 3. d8W (2... Фd8 3. c7#=), 1... Фе7 2. Wc5 феб 3. d8&¥= (2... Фd8 3. c7=#) 10. 1. Wh5! A 2. Ь6/Ас2/АЬЗ etc., 1... elW 2. b6! We2 3. Ab5 Wb5 4. Wb5A 1... elH 2. Wf3 (2. b6? He2! 3. Ab5 stalemate!) 2... He2 3. h5 gel (3... НеЗ 4. ^de3^) 4. Wf2A 1... el<a 2. Ac2 ^g2 3. Ad3 Фе1 4. We2A 1... el A 2. £>f2 Af2 3. Adi (and 4. We2^) 11. 1. a7! A 2. ab8W A 3. W/gf4A 1... abl# 2. ab8W! Wb2 3. Wb3 Wai 4. If4^, 1... abl^S 2. ab8£i! (2. ab8W? £>d2!) 2... £)d2 3. Wcl ^e4 4. &c6A 1... ablS 2. ab8g! (2. ab8W? Hb2! 3. Wb3? stalemate!) 2... ПЬ2 3. ЛЬЗ Фс4 4. Wa4A 1... ablA 2. ab8A! (2. ab8W? Ae4! 3. Wf4? stalemate!) 2... Ae4 3. Af4 Abl 4. АеЗ^, etc. 12. l.b4!(A2. If5/ld5) 1... Sc5 2. bc5 (A 3. ПЫУ=) 2... a2 3. сб (A 4. Hf5/Hd5) Ac7 4. cb7 and 5. baSW^ 13. 1. d4? Феб 2. ?; 1. d3! феб 2. d4 фе7 3. d5 ф(8 4. d6 Фg8 5. d7 Ф18 6. d8WA (3... Фd8 4. d6 Фс8 5. d7 Фd8 6. Af6¥=) 14. 1. Hgl! (A 2. Wg2¥=), 1... Sg3 2. hg3 Фg4 3. gh4 ФИ5 4. hg5 Фg6 5. gh6 ФЬ7 6. hg7 Фg8 7. ghS^^ 15. 1. f4? аб! 2. f5 a5 3. f6 ФаЗ 4. П Фа4! 5. f8H (5. f8W? stalemate!) ФаЗ 6. Hfl Фа2!; 1. g4? аб! 2. g5 a5 3. g6 a4 4. g7 ФаЗ! 5. g8H Фа2 6. Hg3 a3!; 1. h4? аб! 2. h5 a5 3. h6 a4 4. h7 a3! 5. h8H Фа1 6. Hh3 Фа2!. 1. e4! ФаЗ 2. e5 фа4 3. еб фа5 4. e7 аб 5. e8H! Фа4 6. Hel ФаЗ 7.На1^ 306
PROBLEMS REGISTAR/TEME • ИНДЕКС/ТЕМЬ • INDEX/THEMES • REGISTER/THEMEN • REGISTRE/THEMES • REGISTRO/TEMAS • REGISTRO/TEMI • REGISTER/TEMAR • Albino: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Allumwandlung: 9, 10, 11 Babson Task: 11 Duel: 5, 6, 7, 11 Excelsior: 12, 15 Excelsior, slowed-down: 13, 14 Miniature: 1, 9 Options: 4, 5, 15 Pawnee: 8 Pickaninny: 1, 5, 6, 7 Promotion: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Zig-Zag: 14 REGISTAR • ИНДЕКС • INDEX • REGISTER • REGISTRE • REGISTRO • REGISTRO • REGISTER • BARTOLOVIC, H. : 4 BETTMANN, H. W. : 1 DRESE, G. H. : 6 HOEG, N. : 8 KNOPPEL, J. : 10 KOFMAN, R. : 7 KUBBEL, L. I. : 14 LHERMET, R. : 2 LINDGREN, B. : 15 LOYD, S. : 12 MARBLE, M. : 1 MASLAR, Z. : 9 REEVES, A. C. : 5 SHINKMAN, W. A. : 13 WHITE, A. C. : 3 YAROSH, L. V. : 11 307
STUDIES by Yochanan Afek xb 1. S. DIDUKH 1st Pr. Liburkin — 100 MT 2012 1. ? 2. L. GONZALES 2nd Pr. Liburkin - 100 MT 2012 3. O. PERVAKOV 3rd Pr. Liburkin - 100 MT 2012 4. J. TIMMAN 1st Pr. Kozlowski - 100 MT 2012 7. G. AMANN 1st Pr. Chess Base — 25 AT 2011 5. I. AKOBIA & 6. Y. AFEK 9. A. GASPARYAN 5th Pr. ChessBase - 25 1. ? 308
STUDIES 1. S. DIDUKH 1. П &g7 2. h6 [try 2. Ad4? Ae5 3. h6 ФЬб (3... ФЬ8? 4. f8W Wf8 5. ФО Ad4 6. c44~) 4. f8W Wf8 5. ФО Ad4 6. c4 (6. cd4 stale- mate) Ab6 7. ФП Aa5 8. c5 Ac7 9. сб Aa5 10. Фе7 *g7=[ ф!16 3. W W18 4. Ф18 Agl 5. Ag3! [5. Ael? Af2 6. Ad2 Ae3=; 5. a5? Af2 6. аб Ac5 7. ФП Aa7 8. c4 Ac5 9. ФГ6 Aa7 10. ФП Ac5 11. Феб Фё7 12. Ф45 Аа7 13. феб=1 Ah2 6. Ael Ag3 7. Ad2 Ael 8. АеЗ Af2 9. Ael Ae3 10. Ab2 Ael 11. Aal!! [11. a5? Ab2 12. аб АаЗ 13. Фе8 Ac5=J Ab2 12. a5 Aal 13. аб АсЗ 14. a7+- 2. I. GONZALES 1. c7! [1. П? Hd8 2. Фg2 ФеЗ 3. фgЗ Фе4 4. Фg4 фе5 5. Фg5 Феб 6. Фg6 1с8 7. с7 Ш=; 1. Фg2? Hd8 2. Фg3 ФеЗ 3. Фg4 Фе4 4. h7 Hh8 5. с7 фе5 6. Фg5 Феб 7. Фg6 Нс8 8. П Hf8 9. h8W Hh8 10. Фg7 Нс8=1 Hg4 2. фб2 Hg8 3. h7 Hc8 4. фё2О ФdЗ 5. ФЬЗ ФеЗ 6. фgЗO [6. Фg4? фе4О1 Ф04 7. фЪ4! [7. Фg4? фе4О1 Фе4 8. фg4O Фd5 9. ФЬ5! [9. Фg5? фе5О1 Фе5 10. Фg5O Ф06 11. фбб! [11. Фg6 фе6О1 Феб 12. фg6O аб 13. аЗО [13. а4? а5О1 а5 14. а4О Ш8 15. Фg7 НП 16. Фg8 Нс717. П+- 3. О. PERVAKOV 1. Ag5! [Thematic try 1. Af4? Aa2 2. h6 Ag8 and 3. Фа4 (3. g5 АсЗ 4. g6 Ag7 5. hg7 ФЫ 6. ФЬ4 Фс2 7. Фс5 Ф43 8. Фd6 Фе4 9. Фе7 ФГ5=) ФЬ2 4. ФЬ5 ФеЗ 5. Феб Ф44 6. Фd7 Фе4; 1. g5? Ad2 2. g8W Ag8 3. Ag7 ФЫ 4. g6 Aa2=[ Aa2 2. h6 [2. Af6? ФЫ and 3. Фа4 (3. g5 Ag8 4. h6 Ad2 5. Фа4 Фс2 6. ФЬ5 Ф43 7. Феб Фе4 8. Фd7 ф£5=) Фс2 4. фЬ5 Ф43 5. Феб Фе4 6. Ф47 ФР4 7. h6 Ag8 8. Фе8 Фg4 9. ф« Ad2[ АсЗ 3. Ad2! Ad4 4. ФЬ4 ФЬ2 5. АеЗ! Ае5 6. Фс5 ФеЗ 7. Af4! Af6 8. Фd6 Ф44 9. Ag5! Ае5 10. Фе7+- 4. J. TIMMAN 1. d6 Ad8 2. Фа7! [2. d7? ФеЗ 3.Нс4 На8 4. ФЬ7 На4=1 Нс8 3. Hf4 ФеЗ 4. Hf8! Ь5 5. ФЬ7 Ас7!! 6. НО!! [6. dc7? Hf8-+; 6. Нс8? Ad6—+1 ФО 7. dc7 Н18 8. c8W Hc8 9. Фс8 Фе4 10. Фс7/Ь7 Ф45 11. фЬб фс4 12. фа5+— 5. I. AKOBIA Л R. BECKER 1. f5! [1. 2>еЗ? Фd4 2. фе2 АП 3. аЗ (3. а4 АЬЗ (Ае8) -+) ФеЗ—Н Af5 [1... АП 2. ФеЗ (Фе2) Фс5 (2... фс4 3. Ф42 =) 3. аЗ Фс4 4. Ф42 =[ 2. 2te3 Фе4 3. £}с4! [The- matic try 3. 2>f5? ФГ5—Ы Ь5 [3... Аеб 4. ab6 Аа2 5. Фе2 (фе1) =[ 4. 2)d6! [4. 21а5? Фd4 (Ф43) -+] Фе5 5. 2>f5 ФК 6. ФО!О фе5 [6... Фg5 7. феЗ.'О Фg6 8. фе2!О Фg5 9. ФеЗ ф^4 10. фе4О ФgЗ 11. феЗО Фg2 12. фе2О Фgl 13. Фе 10=1 7. ФеЗО Ф05 8. ФОЗО Фс5 9. ФеЗО а4 10. Фс2! ФЬ4 11. ФЬ2О а5 12. фЬ1!О [12. Фа1 (Фс2) !? фаЗО 13. ФЫ Ь4О 14. фа1 ЬЗО 15. ФЫ Ь20—Н ФаЗ 13. фаЮ Ь4 14. ФЬЮ ЬЗ 15. ФаЮ Ьа2= 6. Y. ЛЕЕК 1. £>сЗ е2 [1... Ьа2 2. £ja2 е2 3. £>с1+-1 2. Ag3! 12. Аа7? ФП 3. £>е2 Ьа2 4. £>g3 Фg2 5. Ad4 Фg3=l Фg3 3. <йе2 Ф12 [3... ФО 4. £ld4 Фе4 5. ОЬЗ+-1 4. £>с1! [4. £>сЗ? ФеЗ 5. аЬЗ Ф44 6. ^е2 ФеЗ 7. £>g3 Фd3=] Ь2! [4... Ьа2 5. &а2 ФеЗ 6. Феб Ф44 7. фd6+-l 5. Oid3 ФеЗ 6. &Ь2 Фd4 7. Феб ФеЗ 8. ^d3! Ф03 9. Ф05 Фс2 10. Феб ФеЗ 11. Фс5 ФЬ2 12. ФЬб ФаЗ 13. фа5Ч— 7. G. AMANN 1. ФО! [1. ®П? Wei 2. ФО Hd3 3. Фg4 Hg3 4. ФГ5 We4; 1. На8? Wc3! 2. На2 ^е5! —Ы Hd3 [1... ^id8 2. <йе8=1 2. ф84 £>h6 3. ФЬ5 Hg3 [3... Wd2 4. g4! (4. Wg5 Hg3! 5. Wg3 We2-+) Wf4 5. Wg7! (5. We6? WH 6. WH ^П 7. Hd7 g6) Фg7 6. £>e61 4. <йе6 [4. Hd6? ^g8—-h; 4. ^e8? £>g8—hl Wd8! 5. ^g5!! [5. £jd8? £jg8! 6. WH ^f6 7. Wf6 gf6—h; 5. Wd8? g61 Hg5 6. fg5 Wf8! [6... We7 7. g6 Фg8; 6... Wc8 7. g6 ФЬ8 8. Wd8 Wd8=l 7. g6 Фg8 8. We6 [8. Wd8? ^jf5!-+l Ф68 9. Wf6!! We8 [9... gf6 10. g7 Wg7=l 10. Wd8 [10. We7? Wa4 11. Wf8 ^g8-+l Wg8 11. Wg5! [11. Wd6? £>f5 12. We5 Wc8! 13. Wd5 2x14! 14. Wd4 Wf5; 11. Wf6? 2>g4!--hl We6 [11... 2>П 309
STUDIES 12. gf7=] 12. Wh6! gh6 13. g7 фЬ7 14. g8® [14. g8A=l *g8= 8. J. POLASIK l.Hh7 аб! [1... ФЬ5? 2. ф£4 ФЬ4 3. аб фа4 4. ФГ5 ФЬ5 5. фАб Hfl (5... фаб 6. Hh5) 6. Фе7 Hgl 7. ФП Hfl 8. Фg8 фаб 9. фЬ8 Hgl 10. g8W Hg8 11. Фg8 ФЬб 12. Hh5+-1 2. ФеЗ! [2. Ь5? ФЬ5 3. ФГ4 ФЬ4! 4. ФГ5 Фа5 5. фАб ФЬ4 6. Hh4 ФЬЗ 7. Hh5 Hg7 8. Фg7 ФЬ4; 2. ФГ4? ФЬ4=[ Hg4! [2... ФЬ4 3. ф£2! Hg6 4. ФП Фаб 5. ф£4 ФЬ4 (5... ФЬб 6. НЬб) 6. ф£5 Hgl (6... Hg7 7. Hg7 аб 8. Фе4 а4 9. Ф43) 7. Hh4 ФЬЗ 8. Hg4+—1 3. ф<13! [3. Ьб? ФЬб 4. ФВ Hgl 5. ФР4 фЬ4!=[ ФЬ5! [3... Hgl!? 4. фс4! (4. Ф44? ФЬ4 5. ФеЗ фаб) Hg5 5. Фё4! ФЬ4 6. ФеЗ! (6. Фе4? Hgl!=) Hgl (6... Hg3 7. ф£2! Hg6 8. ФВ4-—; 6... Hg6 7. ФВ!4~) 7. ф£2!! (7. ф£4? фа4!=) Hg6 8. ФВ! Фа5 9. Hh5+-1 4. фе2! [4. НЬб? Фа4! 5. Ь5 Hg3! (5... Hg7 6. Ьб Hg4 7. Ь7 НЬ4 8. Hh4; 5... аЬб 6. Hh4; 5... фаб 6. Ьаб фаб 7. Hh7 ФЬб 8. ФеЗ Фсб 9. ФВ Hgl 10. ф£4 фаб 11. фf5+—) 6. Фе4 аЬб 7. Hh7 фа5=; 4. ФеЗ? Фа41 Фа4! [4... Hg6 5. фС; 4... Hg3 5. фй Hg6 6. ФВ Hgl 7. НЬб Фа4 8. Ь5 Hg7 9. Ь61 5. феЗ!О Hgl 6. фВ!О ФЬ5 7. Hh5 Фа4 8. Ь5! Hg7 9. Ьб ФЬ4 10. фе4! Hg8 [10... Фс4 11. Феб Фс5 12. фf6+^ П.Ф<15+- 9. A. GASPARYAN 1. Hg4! £>eg5 [1... Wd7 2. фЬ8 ФП 3. Hg8=[ 2. £jg5 ®d7 3. ФЬ8 [3. Фg6? £je5 4. ФЬб Wg4[ Wg4 4. d7! ®d7 5. £>Ь7 фе8! [5... ФП? 6. Ag6 Фg6 7. Ш=1 6. jlg6 Ш7! [6... Ф48 7. П Wd4 8. Фg8 Wc4 9. Фg7 ®c7 10. Фg8=l 7. ^f8!! [7. АП? ФП 8. ^f8 Ф18 9. ФЬ7 ФП 10. ФЬ8 £)g5 11. h7 ФВ 12. П £)П1 Ф18 8. ДП ФП 9. Ь7 ФВ 10. п= REGISTAR/TEME • ИНДЕКС/ТСМЬ • INDCX/THEMCS • REGISHR/rHEMCN • RCGISTRE/THCMES • RCGISTRO/TEMAS • REGISTRO/TEMI • REGISTER/TEMAR • •ev-t—*JI Anti-stalemate play: 1 Forks: 6 Logical try: 3 Mate: 9 Opposition: 2, 5, 6 Reciprocal zugzwang: 2, 5, 8 Sacrificial play: 4, 6, 7, 9 Stalemate: 5, 7, 9 Swithchback: 3 Systematic maneuver: 1, 2, 3 Tempo-play: 4, 5, 8 310
TOURNAMENTS schwAbisch gmUnd, I 2012 (254 players, 9 rounds) 1—5.1. Starostits, Alexander Zubarev (14104385), Miezis, V. Burmakin, Meijers I'A, 6—10. Vy. Ikonnikov, H. Potsch, O. Korneev, F. Zeller, J. Sohl 7, 11—21. Gohil, P. Neuman, Dgebuadze, J.-C. Schroder, M. Blubaum, Namyslo, St. Reschke, L. Gutman, J. Jufek, K. Kunz, An. Bauer (4625030) 6/2, etc. FREMONT, I 2012 (61 players, 9 rounds) 1. Shankland 7, 2—4. Alej. Ramirez, J. Friedel, Marc Arnold 6%, 5—11. Geo. Meier, Macieja, Y. Shulman, Ax. Bachmann, Margvelashvili, Molner, D. Rensch 6, 12—17. G. Shahade, R. De Guzman, J. Sarkar, T. Abrahamyan, Y. Liou, Troff 5!4, etc. CHENNAI, I 2012 (285 players, 11 rounds) 1. Yu Ruiyuan 9, 2—6. Al. Aleksandrov, Akshayraj, J. P. Gomez, Kravtsiv, M. Dzhumaev 8/2, 7—18. Oleksienko, S. P. Sethuraman, Hoang Thanh Trang, Vishnu Prasanna, Zeng Chongsheng, P. Karthikeyan (5018226), Deepan Chakkravarthy, Navin Kanna, S. Nitin, R. R. Ankit, O. Barbosa, R. R. Laxman 8, 19—35. Zia. Rahman, Su. Vaibhav, Ma Qun, Sh. Himanshu, D. Debashis, Swayams, J. Vakhidov, Paragua, V. A. V. Rajesh, Thejkumar, Shar. Gagare, Bitoon, P. D. S. Girinath, Si. Ravichandran, Suvrajit, Shivananda, Sangma 7%, etc. LE PORT-MARLY (rapid), I 2012 (148 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Vachier-Lagrave, Alb. David 7/2, 3—9. E. Bacrot, A. Istra|escu, Gharamian, P. Tregubov, A. Fier, Al. Zubarev (14104385), A. Jankovic 7, 10—17. Edouard, Apicella, Ch. Bauer, H. Hamdouchi, Marin Bosiocic, K. Landa, Barsov, Y. Pelletier 6/2, 18—28. A. Naiditsch, S. Fedorchuk, K. Lahno, N. Guliyev, Fr. Fargere, Vuilleumier, Cekro, R. Fontaine, A. Skripchenko, M. Le Huec, J.-O. Leconte 6, etc. 1/4 Final: Alb. David — E. Bacrot 1 /2 : 2/2, Gharamian — Vachier-Lagrave /2: 1 /2, P. Tregubov — A. Fier /2: 1 /2, A. Istra|escu — Fressinet /2: 1 !4 1/2 Final: E. Bacrot — A. Fier 0 : 2, Fressinet — Vachier-Lagrave /2: 1 /2 Final: A. Fier — Vachier-Lagrave /2: 1 /2 TALLINN (rapid), I 2012 cat. XIII (2571) 21st Keres Memorial 1—2. Shirov, VI. Fedoseev (24130737) 5, 3. Ehlvest 4, 4—5. Khalifman, T. Nyback З/2, 6. Alek. Volodin 3, 7. Kulaots 2/2, 8. Seeman 1 /2 SEVILLE, I 2012 (232 players, 9 rounds) 1. A. Mirzoev 8, 2—14. A. Saric, K. van der Weide, H. Teske, Mellado Trivino, S. Haslinger, H. Herraiz Hidalgo, Razmyslov, Daniel Campora, Ar. Das, D. Paunovic, Malakhatko, Fernandez 311
Romero, Alexey Bykov (4165365) 7, 15—22. D. Sengupta, Matamoros Franco, Svetushkin, R. Pogorelov, A. Rizouk, V. Burmakin, S. Roy Chowdhury, B. Rzayev 6/2, etc. TABRIZ, I 2012 (121 players, 11 rounds) 1. Ghaem Maghami 9, 2. L. Pantsulaia 8/2, 3—11. Nigalidze, P. Darini, Azaladze, Ibrahimov, Golizadeh, Sevdimaliyev, Grabliauskas, Toufighi, M. Asgari 8, 12—13. Andrei Kovalev, F. Pajoum Tajani 7/2, 14—28. N. Hosseinzadeh, Kotanjian, Morchiashvili, M. Sulashvili, Asgarov, Khalesi, Amir Vardestian, Vu. Rasulov, M. Heydari, H. Aryanejad, Mojaverian, Shah Moradi, Sor. Asnaashari, Atanejhad, A. Amini 7, etc. ARMENIA (ch), I 2012 cat. XIII (2565) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 T. L. PETROSIAN g 2636 1 /2 /2 /2 1 1 0 1 /2 1 7 1 2 R. HOVHANNISYAN g 2589 0 1 1 /2 0 1 1 /2 /2 1 6/2 2 3 TER-SAHAKYAN g 2569 /2 0 /2 1 1 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 6 3 4 Z. ANDRIASIAN g 2624 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 /2 1 5/2 4-5 5 PASHIKIAN g 2608 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 0 1 /2 1 1 5/2 4-5 6 MELKUMYAN g 2620 0 1 0 /2 /2 1 1 /2 /2 0 5 6 7 К. H. GRIGORYAN m 2482 0 0 /2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 4!/2 7 8 ART. MINASIAN g 2525 1 0 /2 /2 0 0 0 /2 /2 1 4 8-9 9 AV. GRIGORYAN g 2621 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 4 8-9 10 H. SIMONIAN g 2470 /2 /2 /2 /2 0 /2 0 /2 /2 0 З/2 10-11 11 BABUJIAN g 2474 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 /2 1 З/2 10-11 BELARUS (ch), I 2012 cat. IX (2460) 1. S. Zhigalko 8, 2—3. A. Zhigalko, VI. Kovalev 7/2, 4—5. K. Stupak, Alexei Fedorov 7, 6. Gorovets 5%, 7—8. Teterev, Bulanov 4%, 9. Kocheev 4,10—12. R. Grib, P. Lomako, Zhuck 3% NEW DELHI, I 2012 10th Parsvnath International Open (304 players, 11 rounds) 1. O. Barbosa 9/2, 2—3. J. P. Gomez, B. Lalith 9, 4—5. Paragua, Ma Qun 8/2, 6—16. Deviatkin, Zeng Chongsheng, Su. Vaibhav, N. Shyam, A. Kunte, Rathnakaran, Vidit, Thejkumar, Kravtsiv, R. R. Laxman, S. Nitin 8, 17—38. Gleizerov, Deepan Chakkravarthy, Jay. Ashwin, Kuderinov, Sh. Hemant (5025842), Vishnu Prasanna, Neelotpal, Debashis, D. Ghosh, P. Karthikeyan (5018226), Saptarshi, Oleksienko, Al. Aleksandrov, Mu. Karthikeyan, Shivananda, S. Dh. Swapnil, Anwesh, Hoang Thanh Trang, Kumar R. A. Pradeep, Krishnan В. T. Murali, Ch. Kulkami, S. I. Ravichandran 7%, etc. WIJK AAN ZEE, I 2012 cat. XXI (2755) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 ARONIAN g 2805 0 /2 1 /2 1 1 1 /2 1 /2 1 0 1 9 1 2 M. CARLSEN g 2835 1 /2 /2 /2 У2 /2 0 /2 1 1 1 У2 Yi 8 2—4 3 T. RADJABOV g 2773 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 /2 1 1 У2 8 2-4 4 F. CARUANA g 2736 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 ’/2 1 1 */2 У1 1 8 2-4 5 IVANCHUK g 2766 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 0 /2 1 1 1 7% 5-6 6 HI. NAKAMURA g 2759 0 */2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 1 У2 ‘/2 1 У2 7/2 5-6 7 KAMSKY g 2732 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 ‘/2 /2 1 % 1 0 7 7 8 SERGEY KARJAKIN g 2769 0 1 0 0 /2 /2 0 1 0 1 У2 1 1 6/2 8 9 VAN WELY g 2692 /2 */2 /2 /2 /2 0 /2 0 /2 /2 У2 У2 У2 5‘/2 9 10 B. GELFAND g 2739 0 0 /2 0 1 0 /2 1 /2 У2 У2 У2 0 5 10-12 11 V. TOPALOV g 2770 /2 0 /2 0 /2 /2 0 0 % /2 У2 У1 1 5 10-12 12 V. GASHIMOV g 2761 0 0 0 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 У2 1 5 10-12 13 D. NAVARA g 2712 1 /2 0 /2 0 0 0 0 У1 /2 /2 У1 Yi 4% 13-14 14 A. GIRI g 2714 0 /2 /2 0 0 /2 1 0 % 1 0 0 У1 4/2 13-14 312
WIJK AAN ZEE II, I 2012 cat. XV (2603) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 P. HARIKRISHNA g 2665 /2 1 ‘/2 /2 /2 1 /2 1 0 1 1 /2 1 9 1 2 MOTYLEV g 2677 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 /2 ‘/2 1 1 1 /2 % 8/2 2-3 3 BRUZ6N BATISTA g 2691 0 /2 /2 % /2 0 1 1 1 /2 1 1 1 8/2 2-4 4 E. L’AMI g 2596 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 У1 0 У1 0 1 1 1 1 8 4-5 5 TIVIAKOV g 2677 /2 0 /2 0 1 /2 1 1 0 1 /2 1 1 8 4-5 6 REINDERMAN g 2581 /2 /2 /2 /2 0 1 0 1 1 /2 1 /2 /2 7/2 6-7 7 NYZHNYK g 2568 0 /2 1 /2 /2 0 /2 0 /2 1 1 1 1 7% 6-7 8 V. POTKIN g 2684 /2 /2 0 1 0 1 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 1 6/2 8 9 J. TIMMAN g 2571 0 /2 0 /2 0 0 1 '/2 1 /2 /2 1 /2 6 9 10 S. ERNST g 2606 1 0 0 1 1 0 /2 1 0 0 0 0 /2 5 10 11 K. LAHNO g 2557 0 0 /2 0 0 /2 0 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 /2 4/2 11-12 12 D. VOCATURO g 2545 0 0 0 0 /2 0 0 /2 /2 1 /2 1 /2 4/2 11-12 13 Cmilyte g 2503 /2 /2 0 0 0 /2 0 /2 0 1 /2 0 /2 4 13 14 HARIKA g 2516 0 /2 0 0 0 /2 0 0 /2 У2 /2 /2 /2 З/2 14 WIJK AAN ZEE III, I 2012 cat IX (2454) 1. M. Turov 10!/2,2. H. Tikkanen 10,3—4. D. Brandenburg, Adhiban 8/2, 5—7. Grover, Sadler, E. Pahtz 7, 8. Tania 6, 9. E. Danielian 5%, 10. E. Goudriaan 5, 11. La. Ootes 4%, 12—13. Hopman, L. Schut 4,14. A. Haast ЗУ2 QUEENSTOWN, I 2012 (148 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. D. Johansen, Li Chao (8604436), Zhao Jun 7/2, 4—8. Kh. Akshat, Rozentalis, Tao, Sune B. Hansen, S. Ganguly 7, 9—15. Bojkov, J. Ikeda, A. Bird, Steadman, Sukandar, Do. Dragicevic, Illingworth 6/2, etc. HRVATSKA (ch), I 2012 cat. XIII (2575) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 PALAC g 2572 % /2 1 % 1 ‘/2 1 /2 /2 1 /2 T/2 1 2 ANTE BRKIC g 2578 % 1 0 1 0 1 /2 1 /2 /2 '/2 6/2 2-4 3 IV. SariC g 2651 /2 0 1 /2 /2 /2 0 /2 1 1 1 6/2 2-4 4 kuljaSeviC g 2569 0 1 0 0 /2 1 1 1 1 1 0 6/2 2-4 5 MARIN BOSIOClC g 2580 /2 0 /2 1 1 1 /2 '/2 /2 /2 0 6 5-7 6 KOZUL g 2601 0 1 /2 /2 0 0 1 /2 /2 1 1 6 5-7 7 ZELClC g 2558 У1 0 /2 0 0 1 1 /2 1 /2 1 6 5-7 8 A. JANKOVlC g 2568 0 /2 1 0 /2 0 0 1 /2 /2 1 5 8 9 SULAVA g 2514 /2 0 ‘/2 0 /2 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 1 4/2 9 10 ZO. JOVANOVIC g 2556 /2 /2 0 0 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 4 10-11 11 H. STEVlC g 2624 0 /2 0 0 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 4 10-11 12 A. Saric g 2528 /2 /2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 /2 0 3% 12 BEOGRAD, I 2012 (118 players, 9 rounds) 1. D. Pikula* 7!/2, 2—5. Da. Milanovic*, Mio. Perunovic, Cabrilo, B. Abramovic 7, 6—10. Govedarica, I. Sredojevic, Ivan Martie (929301), Andrijevid, Sa. Velidkovic 6/2, etc. * Qualified for Serbian Championship 2012. GIBRALTAR, l-ll 2012 (256 players, 10 rounds) 1—2. N. Short, Hou Yifan 8, 3—6. Mi. Adams, Mamedyarov, Bologan, Sutovsky 7!4, 7—23. Le Quang Liem, Z. Almasi, D. Howell, Sasikiran, S. Movsesian, Svidler, P. Negi, Ju. Polgar, Laznidka, D. Fridman, J. Gustafsson, Ar. Jussupow, A. R. S. Salem, E. Berg, Sargissian, M. Kanep, Ale. Cabrera 7, 24—45. G. N. Gopal, Shirov, S. Brunello, Kiilaots, V. Erdos, Zhu Chen, P. Cramling, A. Muzychuk, El Debs, Nabaty, A. Stefanova, Dvirnyy, Del Rio de Angelis, Ab. 313
Gupta, M. Muzychuk, Iturrizaga, A. Zatonskih, N. Kosintseva, A. Hunt, Vy. Ikonnikov, F. Graf, Milos Pavlovic (900389) 6/2, etc. Playoff: N. Short — Hou Yifan 1 /2 : /2 NOVA GORICA, l-ll 2012 (104 players, 9 rounds) 1—5. D. Doric, Jovanic, Ju. Zorko, Artem Smirnov, Tonon 7, 6—8. Al. Kovacevic, Va. Neverov, J. Skobeme 6/2, 9—19. Sa. Martinovic, Ceschia, Du. Popovic, M. Tratar, Ml. Milenkovic, Z. Mestrovic, Pregarac, Kokoi, Z. Tomazini, S. Kralj, Stajner 6, etc. MOSCOW, l-ll 2012 cot. XIII (2562) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 ZHEREBUKH g 2594 /2 1 /2 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 2 MATLAKOV g 2625 /2 /2 1 1 /2 0 1 1 7г 6 2 3 ROBSON g 2596 0 /2 1 1 /2 1 0 1 7г 5/2 3 4 AV. GRIGORYAN g 2621 /2 0 0 1 /2 /2 1 7г 1 5 4 5 STUKOPIN m 2460 1 0 0 0 /2 /2 7г 7г 1 4 5-6 6 M. YILMAZ m 2521 0 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 7г 1 0 4 5-6 7 AL. RESHETNIKOV m 2514 0 1 0 /2 /2 /2 0 7г 7г 3!/г 7-9 8 A. IPATOV g 2586 0 0 1 0 /2 /2 1 0 7г 3/2 7-9 9 V. BELOUS m 2522 0 0 0 /2 /2 0 7г 1 1 3/2 7-9 10 D. SWIERCZ g 2583 0 /2 /2 0 0 1 7г 7г 0 3 10 MOSCOW (open), l-ll 2012 (190 players, 9 rounds) 1. Lysyj 7/2, 2—4. Inarkiev, Dm. Kokarev, U. Eliseev 7, 5—14. P. Maletin, Lastin, Al. Aleksand- rov, B. Socko, Svetushkin, Daniil Dubov, Chadaev, E. Romanov, I. Kurnosov, Deviatkin 6/2, 15—32. Goganov, Ni Hua, Kovchan, I. Khairullin, Khismatullin, Andreikin, Bu Xiangzhi, A. Gabrielian, M. R. Venkatesh, Sergey Volkov (4122763), An. Demchenko, Tarlev, D. Bocharov, Vidit, S. Arun Prasad, Javakhadze, Ale. Rakhmanov, D. Lintchevski 6, 33—57. Alexei Kornev, B. Savchenko, Mat. Bartel, Shimanov, Arty. Timofeev, Gunina, Korotylev, Chernobay, Mikh. Krylov, E. Vorobiov, R. Khusnutdinov, Sjugirov, Frolyanov, Iljiushenok, Iv. Popov (4170350), VI. Kovalev, Sh. Ghane, Pridorozhni, Zontakh, Tukhaev, An. Borisenko, Y. Balashov, M. Petrosyan, E. Krivoborodov, M. Ozolin 5/2, etc. PLOVDIV (open), l-ll 2012 34th Georgi Tringov Memorial (267 players, 9 rounds) 1—4. I. Cheparinov, D. Benidze, Ki. Georgiev, Br. Tadic 7/2, 5—9. De. Antic, Stanojoski, V. Lilov (2906597), Mari. Petrov, Vlashki 7, 10—25. V. Spasov, Mo. Nikolov, G. Grigorov, Filev, Drenchev, G. Arsovic, Bukal, A. Indic, V. Petkov, Sas. Nikolov, P. Mladenov, V. Kukov, G. N. Todorovic, Nenkov, N. Milchev, Sofranov 6/2, etc. MOSCOW (Aeroflot Open), II 2012 (86 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. Mat. Bartel, A. Korobov, P. Eljanov 6/2, 4—8. Khalifman, Rodshtein, F. Caruana, Melkumyan, Andreikin 6, 9—25. Sasikiran, Bu Xiangzhi, Tukhaev, Shomoev, V. lordachescu, Ragger, Zherebukh, Iv. Sokolov, Tomashevsky, VI. Fedoseev (24130737), Ba. Jobava, Iv. Popov (4170350), Evgeny Alekseev, К. H. Grigoryan, Safarli, VI. Akopian, Zhou Jianchao 5/2, 26—36. A. Zhigalko, Khismatullin, I. Salgado Lopez, M. Kobalia, Ni Hua, Ale. Rakhmanov, B. Esen, B. Socko, Cs. Balogh, Zvjaginsev, Ab. Gupta 5, etc. MOSCOW (Aeroflot Open В), II 2012 1130 players, 9 rounds) 1. E. Can 7/2, 2—8. Wen Yang, Shimanov, Stukopin, Oparin, V. Dobrov, Al. Reshetnikov, S. Bogdanovich 6/2, 9—24. H. Hayrapetyan, Gabuzyan, Kotanjian, S. Grishchenko, O. Badmatsyrenov, Nguyen Van Huy, Su. Vaibhav, G. Tunik, Munguntuul, V. Mikhalevski, B. Lalith, Obolenskikh, N. Shyam, Al. Gavrilov (4104358), M. Romanko, Mozharov 6, etc. 314
MASHHAD, II 2012 (139 players, 11 rounds) 1. Pashikian 9, 2—5. Tiviakov, P. Darini, A. Fominyh, Javanbakht 8/2, 6—11. Mahjoob, Idani, Babujian, Ibrahimov, Shalamberidze, S. Alavi 8, 12—15. Kowsarinia, K. Aliev, Or. Abdulov, Grabliauskas 7!4, etc. ROMANIA (ch), II 2012 (123 players, 11 rounds) 1—3. V. Nevednicii, Le. Vajda, Manolache 8/2, 4—5. Cioara, Berescu 8, 6—16. C. Lupulescu, G.-A-Gy. Szabo, L.-C. Miron, R.-A. Dragomirescu, R.-M. Doro§, Luc. Filip, C.-C. Florescu, T.-M. Georgescu, A. Pop, D.-N. Dumitrache, T. Anton 7/2, 17—23. D. Barato§i, M.-E. Parligras, T.-K. Balia, Miroiu, Posedaru, D.-S. Horvat, Au. Ciobanu 7, etc. POZAREVAC, II 2012 (71 players, 9 rounds) 1. Miro. Markovic 7%*, 2—4. B. Abramovic*, SI. Martinovic, And. Stojanovic 6У2, 5—11. Cabrilo, M. Vujic, Du. Rajkovic, G. Kosanovic, M. Pap, G. M. Todorovic, Boj. Todorovic 6, etc. * Qualified for Serbian Championship 2012 CANNES, II 2012 (61 players, 9 rounds) 1. E. Romanov 7, 2—6. E. Bacrot, Ax. Rombaldoni, A. Fier, Gharamian, Libiszewski 6/2, 7—10. Va. Neverov, Blechzin, Y. Pelletier, Felgaer 6, 11 — 18. Mekhitarian, S. Feller, Joseph Sanchez, Di Nicolantonio, Sulava, Borgo, Godena, S. Brih 5/2, etc. JURMALA (rapid), II 2012 Vladimir Petrov Memorial (58 players, 9 rounds) Time Control: 15 minutes plus 6 seconds per move. 1—2. D. Fridman* I. Khairullin* 7, 3—8. Krasenkow*, I. Kovalenko*, VI. Fedoseev (24130737), St. Novikov, §. Sulskis, Gleizerov 6/2, 9. Khalifman 6, 10—19. B. Grachev, S. Azarov, I. Kurnosov, Khenkin, Meskovs, T. Nyback, S. Fedorchuk, Carlstedt, E. Sveshnikov, Miezis 5/2, etc. * Qualified for Final Final: 1. Morozevich 5, 2—3. Shirov, I. Kovalenko 4/2, 4. I. Khairullin З/2, 5—6. D. Fridman, Ivanchuk 3,7. Mamedyarov 2/2, 8. Krasenkow 2 NANCY, II 2012 cat. XVI (2629) Double round robin with first half at standard time controls (*) and the second half as a rapid (**). 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 EDOUARD g 2616 /2 1 ll/2 I/2 2 6/2 (3*/3'/2**) 1 2 IV. SOKOLOV g 2641 I/2 1 1 ll/2 1 6 (3/3) 2 3 SANDIPAN g 2628 1 1 1 1 I/2 5/2 (2/2/3) 3 4 ALB. DAVID g 2598 /2 1 1 I/2 1 5 (2/2/2'/2) 4 5 CH. BAUER g 2679 /2 /2 1 /2 2 4/2 (3/1/2) 5 6 SOLODOVNICHENKO g 2613 0 1 /2 1 0 2/2 (1/1 /2) 6 TBILISI (rapid), II 2012 ACP Women Cup Time control: 20 minutes per game with an increment of five seconds per move. 1—2. P. Cramling, Dzagnidze 8, 3. K. Lahno 7!6, 4. A. Muzychuk 7, 5. Chiburdanidze 6, 6—7. T. Kosintseva, A. Kosteniuk 5!4, 8. A. Stefanova 5, 9—10. A. Zatonskih, N. Kosintseva 4/2, 11. Cmilyte 3!4, 12. Z. Mamedjarova 1 315
NEUSTADT AN DER WEINSTRASSE, II 2012 (154 players, 9 rounds) 1—5. Sumets, O. Gschnitzer, An. Heimann, Malakhatko, O. Korneev 7, 6—11. Dgebuadze, V. Borovikov, La. Stark, A. Zozulia, Solomunovic, R. Svane 6%, 12—25. Harutjunyan, Meijers, Y. Boidman, Ma. Meinhardt, Dubkov, Telljohann, M. Dann, Reinho, Muller, U. Schulze, Корке, В. Grimberg, A. Eisenbeiser, Khanukov, Wiley 6, etc. POLSKA (ch), II 2012 (24 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Mat. Bartel, Macieja 7, 3. Miton 6!4, 4. Wojtaszek 6, 5. W. Moranda 5%, 6—10. B. Socko, Bulski, R. Kempinski, Kuzmicz, D. Swiercz 5,11—13. T. Markowski, Hnydiuk, K. Dragun 4*Z>, etc. Playoff (rapid): Mat. Bartel — Macieja 1 : 0 AMSTERDAM, Il-Ill 2012 cot VIII (2429) 1. A. Illner 7, 2. S. Ernst 6, 3. Arkell 5%, 4—5. Van Kampen, Hebden 5, 6—7. Ten Hertog, Th. Vandenbussche 4, 8. Da. Klein 3!4, 9. M. Bosboom 3,10. R. Vedder 2 ROCHEFORT, II—III 2012 (60 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Arutinian, B. Amin 7, 3—6. Sumets, Barsov, Jojua, Ev. Barbosa 6/2, 7—10. Mekhitarian, Pulvett, Sequera Paolini, A. Demuth 6, 11 — 16. A. Fier, Bedouin, Ch. Debray, Rob. Molina, E. Boric, J. Saada 5/2, etc. RASHT, Il-Ill 2012 (103 players, 11 rounds) 1. Idani 9, 2. Quparadze 8/2, 3—5. О. Korneev, Moosavian, M. Iskandarov 8, 6—10. Azaladze, Tiviakov, Toufighi, D. Benidze, Yegiazarian 7!4,11—20. Sharbaf, Golizadeh, V. Gaprindashvili, P. Darini, Z. Mammadov, Mahjoob, Sarh. Guliev, A. Mammadov, Paichadze, Pourramezanali 7, etc. HO CHI MINH CITY (open). III 2012 (93 players, 9 rounds) 1. Ni Hua 8, 2. Le Quang Liem 7/2, 3—7. Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son, Wan Yunguo, Nguyen Van Huy, Xiu Deshun, Tu Hoang Thong 6/2, 8—14. Gao Rui, Le Quang Long, Pham Le Thao Nguyen, Nguyen Due Hoa, O. Barbosa, Nguyen Hoang Nam, Bui Vinh 6, 15—30. Cao Sang, Paragua, Li Shilong, Bersamina, Duong The Anh, R. Nolte, Chan Yi Ren Daniel, Dao Thien Hai, Dimakiling, E. Torre, G. N. Gopal, Ma Zhonghan, Senador, K. Shanava, Nguyen Thi Thanh An, Bao Khoa 5/2, etc. DEUTSCHLAND (ch). III 2012 (42 players, 9 rounds) 1. D. Fridman 7/2, 2. Khenkin 7, 3—6. Siebrecht, R. Stem, Kotainy, De. Wagner 6, 7—13. Huschenbeth, M. Blubaum, Buhmann, R. Svane, Alexa. Donchenko, Mi. Becker (4611667), E. Degtiarev 5!4, etc. BAD WDRISHOFEN, III 2012 (181 players, 9 rounds) 1. M. Pap 7%, 2—9. Epishin, H. Teske, Korchnoi, L. Gutman, Ed. Andreev (14103400), F. Levin, Karpatchev, M. Steinbacher 7, 10—15. Alexa. Zubarev (14104385), R. Lotscher, R. Mainka, Jak. Meister, M. M. Ivanov, F. Graf 6/2, 16—24. Pirrot, A. Zude, Meijers, T. Vasilevich, T. Melamed, An. Donchenko, Calzetta Ruiz, Buchal, M. Babar 6, etc. BUCURIfTI, III 2012 cot. IX (2452) 1—2. Vedmediuc, G.-A.-Gy. Szabo 6, 3—7. T. Anton, Va. Shishkin (14101696), Jianu, V. Podinic, A. Murariu 5/2, 8. D. Baratosi 5, 9. Doncea 4,10. Benkovic З/2, 11. T.-M. Georgescu 3 316
GAZIANTEP, III 2012 European Individual Women's Championship 2012 14 players qualified for the Womens World Championship 2014 1103 players, 11 rounds) 1—3. Gunina, T. Kosintseva, A. Muzychuk 8/2, 4. Cmilyte 8, 5—11. Sebag, A. Stefanova, K. Lahno, E. Danielian, Khotenashvili, Pogonina, A. Kosteniuk 7%, 12—21. Hoang Thanh Trang, N. Khurtsidze, Dzagnidze, Melia, B. Kovanova, L. Javakhishvili, M. Romanko, Ushenina, N. Zhukova, N. Kosintseva 7, 22—33. C.-A. Foi§or, Schleining, O. Girya, Guramishvili, J. Vojinovic, I. Gaponenko, Batsiashvili, E. Pahtz, Mi. Sandu, Szczepkowska-Horowska, Arabidze, Bodnaruk 6/2, etc. CAPPELLE LA GRANDE, III 2012 (498 players, 9 rounds) 1—5. P. Harikrishna, P. Negi, Sanikidze, Gharamian, Kravtsiv 7, 6—21. T. L. Petrosian, Lysyj, E. Romanov, T. Banusz, Alej. Ramirez, M. Comette, Nyzhnyk, Naumkin, M. Brodsky, Arutinian, N. Maiorov (13501720), I. Kurnosov, J. Tomczak, Max. Lagarde, A. Fier, M. Kanep 6%, 22—67. B. Amin, Sandipan, Alexa. Kharitonov, Andrei Sokolov (627089), Apicella, Durarbayli, R. Pogorelov, Wirig, Z. Andriasian, Mekhitarian, E. Janev, Krisz. Szabo (722901), Tazbir, S. Fedorchuk, Jojua, Harutjunyan, Radulski, Ad. Horvath (708003), V. Burmakin, G. Timoshenko, E. Sveshnikov, Dgebuadze, J.-M. Degraeve, A. Vovk, J.-P. Le Roux, D. Solak, A. Mirzoev, Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo, D. Berczes, J.-N. Riff, B. Firat, K. Chernyshov, E. Vorobiov, V. Sveshnikov, Alek. Shneider, Bemadskiy, Du. Popovic, M. Kolosowski, B. Rzayev, V. Petkov, Manolache, M. Bijaoui, Jovanic, Ralf Muller (4606612), Ch. Bauer, A. Czebe 6, etc. BUDAPEST, III 2012 cat. IX (2474) 1. L. Gonda 7, 2. Jay. Ashwin 6, 3. Zo. Varga 5!4, 4. Oparin 5, 5. An. Kovalev 3%, 6. M. A. Antipov 3 TRZCIANKA (rapid). III 2012 (188 players, 9 rounds) Time Control: 15 minutes 1—4. A. Naiditsch, Alexander Moiseenko, Cyborowski, G. Gajewski 7!4, 5—11. Shirov, Krasenkow, Mi. Olszewski, KI. Urban, T. Markowski, Koziak, M. Kozakov 7, 12—20. Macieja, Malaniuk, Rawicz, Sieciechowicz, Olhovik, A. Gurbanov, Beben, Wl. Schmidt, P. Delekta 6/2, etc. ZAGREB, III 2012 (44 players, 9 rounds) 1. Kozul 7, 2. Sulava 6/2, 3—7. Palac, Ante Brkic, Cvitan, A. Jankovic, Dvirnyy 6, 8—11. Sebenik, V. Spasov, Kuljasevic, A. Valsecchi 5!4, 12—19. Sa. Martinovic, I. Zaja, D. Doric, B. Smith, Marin Bosiodic, Ostovic, M. Tratar, P. G. Amaudov 5, etc. TASHKENT, III 2012 6th Georgy Agzamov Memorial (114 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. M. Turov, Mchedlishvili, An. Filippov (14200988) 7, 4—12. G. Guseinov, B. Grachev, V. Golod, R. Khusnutdinov, Rauf Mamedov, Kvon, M. Dzhumaev, Mu. Ismailov, Megaranto 6/2, 13—21. V. lordachescu, S. Azarov, B. Saidov, M. Atabayev, Solodovnichenko, Egin, Y. Atabayev, Muminova, R. Niyazmetov 6, etc. REYKJAVIK, III 2012 (198 players, 9 rounds) 1. F. Caruana 7!4, 2—8. Iv. Sokolov (14400030), D. Navara, G. Jones, B. Avrukh, Hou Yifan, Maze, Hen. Danielsen 7, 9—18.1. Cheparinov, Ro. Hess, E. L’Ami, Kryvoruchko, H. Stefansson, V. Papin, Baklan, Kveinys, H. Steingrimsson, S. Halkias 6/2, 19—34. Akshayraj, Kuzubov, Hj. Gretarsson, A. Moen, A. Ipatov (14116731), A. L’Ami, S. K. Williams, Jens Kristiansen, Krush, Libiszewski, H. Ziska, Sigfusson, Marc Arnold, Kiewra, Y. Shulman, I. Thompson 6, etc. 317
SKOKIE, III 2012 1 2 3 4 w. so g 2653 /2 /2 /2 /2 2 GEO. MEIER g 2647 /2 /2 /2 /2 2 SKOKIE, III 2012 cot. IX (2475) 1. Moradiabadi 7,2. Molner 6, 3—4. Gerzhoy, M. Amanov 5, 5. An. Young 4%, 6. A. Diamant 2/2 SKOKIE II, III 2012 cot. VIII (2438) 1—4. J. Sarkar, Felecan, J. Friedel, Dar. Yang 5/2, 5—6. An. Bykhovsky, L. Milman 5, 7. De. Boros 4, 8. Neimer З/2, 9. Aleskerov 3, 10. D. Rensch 2/2 EL HAOUARIA, III 2012 (120 players, 9 rounds) 1.1. Miladinovic 7/2, 2—6. H. Hamdouchi, Fabio Bruno, Romero Holmes, Gleizerov, Haddouche 7, 7—13. S. Vijayalakshmi, Ulibin, D. Pikula, J. Sriram, P. Mladenov, Mari. Petrov, Zaibi 6/2, 14—23. Mir. Lazic, A. Mirzoev, Se. Ali, Kaabi, K. Stupak, M. Pogosian, Boudriga, Hergli, Seraoui, Delseny 6, etc. CA N PICAFORT, III 2012 cot. VIII (2438) 1. V. Petkov 6/2, 2—3. Del Rio de Angelis, Marc Arnold 6,4. Vishnu Prasanna 5, 5. R. Skytte 4/2, 6—7. Piasetski, Bakre 4, 8. M. Lammers З/2, 9. S. Brih 3, 10. Anton Guijarro 2/2 PLOVDIV, III 2012 13th European Individual Championship 23 players qualified for the World Cup 2013 (348 players, 11 rounds) 1. D. Jakovenko 8/2, 2—14. Fressinet, V. Malakhov, Andreikin, Inarkiev, Matlakov, Bologan, Vallejo Pons, Kryvoruchko, S. Azarov, Najer, VI. Akopian, A. Volokitin, J. Smeets 8, 15—36. G. Jones, Vitiugov, E. Bacrot, Dreev, Khismatullin, M. Kobalia, Durarbeyli, Riazantsev, Ba. Jobava, F. Berkes, Ragger, Cs. Balogh, D. Fridman, Nisipeanu, Iv. Sokolov, Ki. Georgiev, Sargissian, I. Ivanisevic, Sjugirov, Khenkin, Z. Efimenko, S. Grigoriants 7/2, 37—66. Kuzubov, F. Caruana, A. Naiditsch, Melkumyan, S. Zhigalko, Vachier-Lagrave, Nyzhnyk, K. Alekseenko, Arty. Timofeev, A. Korobov, Areshchenko, Mchedlishvili, Khalifman, A. Istra|escu, Mat. Bartel, T. L. Petrosian, M.-E. Parligras, Sergey Volkov (4122763), V. Papin, Bo. Vuckovic, Ale. Rakhmanov, Al. Aleksandrov, Edouard, D. Howell, D. Navara, Z. Andriasian, A. Mastrovasilis, D. Mastrovasilis, Huschenbeth, D. Lintchevski 7, etc. ROGA&KA SLATINA, lll-IV 2012 European Senior Team Championship 2012 (46 teams, 9 rounds) 1. Russia 1 15*/25** [Vasiukov 6/2/8, Shvedchikov 4/6, Mishuchkov 5/8, Pushkov 5/2/8, O. L. Chernikov 4/6], 2. Russia — Saint Petersburg 15/22/г [Faibisovich 4/8, N. Monin 2/2/6, VI. Karasev 5/8, Turikov 6/2/9, Golcman 4/2/5], 3. Cma Gora 14/23 [B. Ivanovic 6/9, Ljubo Zivkovic 4/9, M. Raicevic 7/9, S. Dragasevic 6/9], 4. Schweiz 12/22 [Korchnoi 7/г/9, D. Vucenovic 4/2/9, Bhend 4/6, Hohler З/2/7, Illi 2/2/5], 5. Italia 1 12/21 [Tatai 5/9, S. Mariotti 4/8, C. Micheli 6/9, Rosino З/2/6, G. Valenti 2/2/4], 6. Danmark 1 12/20/2 [Sloth 5/9, B. Sorensen 6/9, Rosenlund 4/>/9, Kolbak 5/9], 7. Deutschland — Hessen 11/21/2 (I66/2***), 8. Espana — Catalunya 11/21/2 (163), 9. Russia 2 11/20/2 (174/2), 10. Suomi 1 11/20/2 (167/2), 11. Sverige 1 11/19/2(170), 12. Osterreich —Steiermark 1 11/19/2(166), 13. Osterreich — Wien 1 11/19(185), 14.Englandl 11/19(171/2), 15.Norgel 11/18/2, etc. * Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for draws, 0 for losses) * * Game-points * ** Buchholz Tie-Breaks 318
CHINA (ch), lll-IV 2012 cat. XIV (2595) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 DING LIREN g 2660 % % 1 % % 1 % 1 1 % 1 8 1 2 YU YANGYI g 2615 % % % 1 % 1 % 0 1 % 1 7 2 3 NI HUA g 2637 % % % % % % % 1 % % 1 6% 3 4 WANG YUE g 2702 0 % % % 1 % % % 0 1 1 6 4 5 ZHAO JUN g 2583 % 0 % % % % 0 1 1 1 0 5% 5-6 6 BU XIANGZHI g 2668 % % % 0 % 1 % % 0 % 1 5% 5-6 7 LI SHILONG g 2549 0 0 % % % 0 % % 1 % 1 5 7-10 8 HOU YIFAN g 2639 % % % % 1 % % % % 0 0 5 7-10 9 ZHOU JIANCHAO g 2625 0 1 0 % 0 % % % % % 1 5 7-10 10 LU SHANGLEI g 2514 0 0 % 1 0 1 0 % % % 1 5 7-10 11 LIU QINGNAN m 2461 % % % 0 0 % % 1 % % 0 4% 11 12 WANG CHEN m 2490 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 12 MAR DEL PLATA, lll-IV 2012 (235 players, 9 rounds) 1. Mareco 8, 2. Di. Flores 7%, 3—9. Tristan, Rodriguez Vila, Garcia Palermo, Mahia, H. van Riemsdijk, De Dovitiis, Fac. Pierrot 7, 10—19. Roselli Mailhe, Ricardi, Paveto, Mat. Leskovar, Mar. Leskovar, A. Randazzo, J. Gaitan, L. Fusco, Lujan, A. Orsini 6%, etc. SAN SEBASTIAN, lll-IV 2012 (159 players, 9 rounds) 1. Rausis 7%,2—7. M. Tratar, K. Spraggett, Velten, A. Andres Gonzalez, J. M. Lopez Martinez, J. I. Alonso Arburu 7, 8—14. Marzolo, Satyapragyan, Devereaux, Moreno Ruiz, Libiszewski, Romanishin, M. Pap 6/2, 15—27. Vazquez Igarza, Elsness, Bakre, I. Argandona Riveiro, J. Thomassen, A. Moen, Urkedal, Ak. Thakur, Mh. Anurag, I. Martin Alvarez, T. R. Hansen, Stigar, Rivero Ojeda 6, etc. DANMARK (ch), lll-IV 2012 cot IX (2459) 1. Su. B. Hansen 6%, 2. Schandorff 6, 3. Ch. K. Pedersen 5, 4—5. Antonsen, A. Rasmussen 4%, 6—8. Pilgaard, J. Aagaard, Jens Kristiansen 4, 9. J. Carstensen 3%, 10. H. Ziska 3 NEW DELHI, IV 2012 India-Israel 29% : 18% India 29% [Sasikiran 9%/12 (3/3*, 2/3**, 4%/6***), Ab. Gupta 6%/l2 (2%/3, 1/3, 3/6), G. N. Gopal 6/12 (1/3,2/3,3/6), Adhiban 7%/l2 (2/3,2/3, 3%/6)] Israel 18% [Smirin 8/11 (1/2, 2%/3, 4%/6), V. Golod 6/12 (1/3, 2%/3, 2%/6), Tai Baron 0/12, G Popilski 4%/l2 (1 %/3,0/3, 3/6), Stepak 0/1 (0/1 *)] * Blindfold * * Rapid * ** Blitz LAS PALMAS, IV 2012 (109 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Del Rio de Angelis, H. Herraiz Hidalgo 7, 3—13. Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo, Barlov, J. L. Fernandez Garcia (2200023), B. Kurajica, Gutierrez Olivares, Jo. Hernando Rodrigo, D. Recuero Guerra, J. Cabrera Trujillo, S. Vega Gutierrez, A. Strikovic, Reinaldo Castineira 6%, 14—21. Espinosa Aranda, De la Cruz Sanchez, Ju. Gonzalez Diaz, A. Gergacz, Gy. Pataki, O. Garcia Blanco, B. Molina Rodriguez, Alvarado Diaz 6, etc. CALVI, IV 2012 cot. VIII (2443) 1—2. G. Flear, Marc Arnold 6, 3. Cossin 5%, 4—5. Malakhatko, A. Demuth 5, 6—7. Siebrecht, Massoni 4%, 8. Fabio Bruno 4, 9. Terrieux 2%, 10. P. Piscopo 2 319
LA RODA, IV 2012 (208 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. Bacallao Alonso, S. Fedorchuk, Granda Zuniga 7%, 4—7. I. Salgado Lopez, Cr. Cruz, Plaskett, Perez Mitjans 7, 8—19. Alexa. Zubarev (14104385), Joseph Sanchez, O. Korneev, Anton Guijarro, Koziak, J. C. Ibarra Jerez, D. Forcen Esteban, B. Lalic, Iruzubieta Villaluenga, Movsziszian, Navarro Ortiz de Ortuno, M. §uba 6%, etc. PHILADELPHIA, IV 2012 (80 players, 9 rounds) 1. Panchanathan 7, 2—8. Akobian, Erenburg, J. Hammer, Shankland, Stripunsky, Ax. Bachmann, M. Kekelidze 6!4, 9. D. Naroditsky 6, 10—23. T. Gelashvili, Kacheishvili, Kaidanov, Al. Shabalov, G. Shahade, Prasca Sosa, Dm. Gurevich, Krush, J. Sarkar, T. Coleman, R. Burnett, R. Goletiani, S. Homa, Santarius 5!6, etc. DEIZISAU, IV 2012 (388 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. A. Istrajescu, K. Shanava 7!6, 3—15. E. Bacrot, Ma. Petr, Edouard, Da. Milanovic, V. Erdos, R. Rapport, K. Bischoff (4600045), Baklan, Solodovnichenko, A. Naiditsch, Va. Shishkin (14101696), Sanikidze, B. Lindberg 7, 16—34. Strunski, В. Вок, B. Jaschke, Ch. Philippe, Baramidze, An. Heimann, T. Burg, I. Farago, J.-U. Maiwald, Eva Moser, O. Moor, R. Lotscher, M. Thinius, O. Gschnitzer, Trella, Wirig, N. Lubbe, Th. Reich, Ilja Schneider 6%, etc. CAHBERRA, IV 2012 (79 players, 9 rounds) 1—4. Ad. Horvath (708003), G.-A.-Gy. Szabo, Le. Vajda, Rathnakaran 7, 5. P. Karthikeyan (5018226) 6%, 6—14. Rodriguez Cespedes, S. Solomon, Yang Kaiqi, G. Lane, A. Czebe, Zeng Chongsheng, Kh. Akshat, J. Morris, Mo. Ly 6, 15—22. D. Sengupta, G. Xie, Y. R. Chan, D. Johansen, Zuh. Li, Illingworth, Sandler, Ch. Wallis 5!6, etc. DUBLIH, IV 2012 (67 players, 9 rounds) 1. Hebden 7!4, 2. S. K. Williams 7, 3—5. Romero Holmes, Valeanu, Astaneh Lopez 6!4, 6—12. S. Ernst, Gormally, T. Bae, A. I. Csonka, D. Eggleston, Kvisvik, C. Daly 6, 13—16. Mi. Nemeth (720232), S. E. Collins, Sowray, G. Wall 5!Л, etc. SKOPJE, IV 2012 (147 players, 9 rounds) 1. Ki. Georgiev 7!4, 2—4. F. Berkes, Chatalbashev, D. Solak 7, 5—14. Rob. MarkuS, A. Delchev, V. Nevednicii, Palac, I. Hera jr., Ni. Dukic, I. Ivanisevic, V. Yemelin, De. Antic, V. Bogdanovski 6/2, 15—28. Berescu, G. Vojinovic, D. Mastrovasilis, K. Rusev, VI. Georgiev, A. Mastrovasilis, M. Krivokapic, P. Potapov, G. M. Todorovic, M. R. Savic, B. Damljanovic, C. Emiroglu, Piskur, S. Saric 6, etc. BAHDAR SERI BEGAWAH, IV 2012 Florencio Campomanes Memorial (40 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. M. Dzhumaev, J. Vakhidov, A. Pitra 6%, 4—8. T. Vakhidov, J. Sriram, K. Yap, Nguyen Anh Dung, Yeoh Li Tian 6, 9—13. Di. Sharma, Dao Thien Hai, O. Barbosa, Turqueza, Fong Yit Ho 5%, etc. SAIHT LOUIS, IV 2012 cat X (2478) 1—3. Dar. Yang, Moradiabadi, Marc Arnold 6, 4—5. Molner, Margvelashvili 5/2, 6. E. Sevillano 5, 7. B. Finegold З/2, 8. Gerzhoy 3, 9. M. Brooks 2/2, 10. An. Young 2 WUXI, IV 2012 cot. VIII (2432) 1. Zhao Xue 6/2, 2. Khotenashvili 6, 3—4. Tan Zhongyi, Ju Wenjun 5, 5—6. Zhang Xiaowen, Huang Qian 4!4, 7—8. M. Muzychuk, Ding Yixin 4, 9. Gu Xiaobing 3, 10. Shen Yang 2/2 320
PARRAMATTA, IV 2012 (76 players, 9 rounds) 1. Le. Vajda 7/2, 2—3. A. Czebe, Zeng Chongsheng 7, 4—8. G.-A.-Gy. Szabo, D. Sengupta, Ad. Horvath (708003), G. Lane, Bo. Cheng 6/2, 9—13. S. Solomon, Rathnakaran, Mo. Ly, Yang Kaiqi, Illingworth 6, etc. BANGKOK, IV 2012 (135 players, 9 rounds) 1. N. Short 8, 2—4. Amonatov, Nguyen Due Hoa, J. Sriram 7, 5—13. Liu Qingnan, M. R. Venkatesh, R. Saptarshi, Wan Yunguo, J. Gustafsson, Liu Chang (8606340), Nguyen Van Huy, Schebler, Neelotpal 6/2, 14—22. Hou Yifan, Severino, Sh. Ghane, Xiu Deshun, Contin, Mohammad Nubairshah, Myo Naing, M. Lammers, Pham Le Thao Nguyen 6, etc. QUITO, IV 2012 IV Iberoamericano Championship Preliminary Group A: cat. IX (2471) 1. Bruzon Batista 5, 2. Macias Murillo 3/2, 3. Rodriguez Vila 3,4. Prasca Sosa 2/2, 5. Felgaer 1,6. Almedina Ortiz 0 Preliminary Group B: cat. IX (2461) 1. Milos 4, 2—3. Granda Zuniga, S. Barrientos З/2, 4. J. V. Ferreira 2/2, 5. Guerra Tulcan 1,6. Colindres /2 Preliminary Group C: cat. IX (2466) 1—2. Leon Hoyos, R. Leitao 3/2,3. O. De la Riva Aguado 3,4. Zambrana 2/2, 5. M. Infante 2, 6. W. Bravo /2 Preliminary Group D: cat. IX (2464) 1.1. Salgado Lopez 4, 2. Bernal Gonzalez 3/2, 3. Matamoros Franco 3, 4. Morovic Fernandez 2, 5. Baules 1 /2, 6. Mat. Latorre 1 Final Group A: cat. XV (2623) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I. SALGADO LOPEZ g 2621 1 /2 /2 1 */2 3!/2 1 2 GRANDA ZUNIGA g 2640 0 1 /2 1 ‘/2 3 2 3 MILOS g 2593 /2 0 1 0 1 2/2 3-4 4 BRUZON BATISTA g 2694 /2 /2 0 /2 1 2/2 3-4 5 LEON HOYOS g 2569 0 0 1 '/2 !/2 2 5 6 R. LEITAO g 2623 ‘/2 /2 0 0 /2 V/2 6 Final Group B: cat. X (2490) 1—3. Matamoros Franco, Bernal Gonzalez, O. De la Riva Aguado З/2, 4. Rodriguez Vila 2/2, 5. S. Barrientos 1 /2, 6. Macias Murillo /2 Final Group C: cat. VII (2417) 1. Morovic Fernandez 4, 2—3. Prasca Sosa, Zambrana 3, 4—5. M. Infante, J. V. Ferreira 2/2, 6. Baules 0 Final Group D: cat. IV (2332) 1. Felgaer 5, 2—3. Latorre, Almedina Ortiz 3, 4—5. Guerra Tulcan, Colindres V/2, 6. W. Bravo 1 DUBAI, IV 2012 (172 players, 9 rounds) 1—5. Ni Hua, Ba. Jobava, Mchedlishvili, Miezis, Sandipan 7, 6—15. VI. Akopian, T. L. Petrosian, E. Miroshnichenko, Z. Andriasian, Ab. Gupta, R. Hovhannisyan, Sergey Volkov (4122763), Zhou Weiqi, S. M. Shyam (5019141), Iv. Sokolov (14400030) 6/2, 16—30. Kuzubov, Baklan, N. Shyam, P. Negi, V. lordachescu, К. H. Grigoryan, S. Ganguly, Van Wely, Nisipeanu, M. Atabayev, Ghaem Maghami, M. Sergeyeva, A. A. Evdokimov, Harutjunyan, V. Baghdasaryan 6, 31—52. G. N. Gopal, Vishnu Prasanna, L. Pantsulaia, Akshayraj, M. Ezat, Y. Atabayev, B. Lalith, B. Amin, Kravtsiv, Kovchan, Ramnath Bhuvanesh, Khukhashvili, S. D. Swapnil, D. G. Petrosian, Grover, Sri. Narayanan, Al Qudaimi, B. Temirov, Raetsky, Mahjoob, G. Timoshenko, Dilanyan 5/2, etc. 321
SOCHI, IV 2012 cot. X (2492) Russian Junior Championship 1. Shimanov 6/2, 2. V. Belous 5/2, 3—5. V. Nozdrachev, Stukopin, Predke 5, 6—7. Bukavshin, Oparin 4/2, 8. Matinian З/2, 9. S. Chekhov 3, 10. VI. Fedoseev (24130737) 2*/2 LUANDA, IV 2012 (30 players, 9 rounds) 1. Bologan 8, 2. Tiviakov 7%, 3. E. L’Ami 6/2, 4. Adly 6, 5—6 Dlugy, S. Kasparov 5 */2, 7—12. Abergel, C. Domingos, R. Chemeris, A. Fier, Aderito, Ant. Fernandes 5, etc. BULGARIA (ch), IV 2012 cot. XI (251 5) 1. I. Cheparinov 10, 2. K. Rusev 8/2, 3. V. Spasov 7*/2, 4. Mo. Nikolov 7, 5. V. Petkov 6, 6. Radulski 5'/2, 7. A. Delchev 5, 8. P. G. Arnaudov 4lA, 9—10. N. Milchev, I. Enchev 4, 11 — 12. Marholev, E. Janev 2 KYIV, IV 2012 cat. IX (2468) 10th Nabokov Memorial 1—2. Baryshpolets, Vysochin 6/2, 3. Nyzhnyk 5, 4—7. Kislinsky, Hamitevici, S. Pavlov (14114330), Soltanici 4*/2, 8. Golichenko4, 9. V. Grinev З/2, 10. V. Tovmasian 1 /2 ZURICH, IV 2012 Time control: — 40 moves in 120 minutes — 20 moves in 60 minutes — Rest of game in 15 minutes with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting after move 61 * If a game ends within 3 hours in a draw, an additional Rapid Game will be played (which does not count for the overall result). 1 2 3 4 * 5 6 KRAMNIK g 2801 0 /2 1 •/2 0 ‘/2 ‘/2 3 ARONIAN g 2820 1 /2 0 /2 1 /2 % 3 CA'N PICAFORT, IV 2012 cat. VIII (2442) 1. V. Burmakin 7, 2—3. Mih. Stojanovic (916366), N. Ninov 6/2, 4. Kalegin 5*/2, 5. Mascaro March 5, 6.1. Khamrakulov 4‘/2, 7. A. Illner 4, 8. Barrenechea Bahamonde 3, 9. Teran Alvarez 2, 10. M. Matthiesen 1 LILLE, IV 2012 (187 players, 9 rounds) 1. Su. Vaibhav 7lA, 2—3. E. Vorobiov, J.-M. Degraeve 7, 4—14. Sumets, Manolache, Arizmendi Martinez, F. Handke, Maze, A. Demuth, Vassallo Barroche, Ju. Song, A. Zhigalko, M. Pap, A. Colovic 6/2, etc. NANCY (rapid), IV 2012 (194 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Vachier-Lagrave, Gharamian 7*/2, 3—14. Tkachiev, Fressinet, A. Istrafescu, E Bacrot, S. Feller, Sanikidze, A. Jankovic, Pr. Nikolic, U. Andersson, Milliet, E. Agrest, Alexa. Donchenko 7, 15—21. A. Naiditsch, Shchekachev, Wirig, Ider, Tom Weber (4000609), Budisin, G. Daubenfeld 6/2, etc. 1/4 Final: Fressinet — Ch. Bauer 2 : 0, A. Istrajescu — Gharamian 1/2 : /2, Tkachiev — Vachier-Lagrave /2: 1 /2, S. Feller - E. Bacrot */2: 1 /2 1/2 Final: Fressinet — A. Istrafescu 2*/2: 1 /2, E. Bacrot — Vachier-Lagrave 0 : 2 Final: Fressinet — Vachier-Lagrave 1 : 3 322
MELAKA, IV 2012 (36 players, 9 rounds) 1. A. Czebe 77г, 2—6. R. R. Laxman, Deepan Chakkravarthy, P. Karthikeyan (5018226), Romero Holmes, Yeoh Li Tian 6, 7—10. Bitoon, A. Fominyh, S. Arun Prasad, C. Praveen Kumar 5 */2, etc. SRBIJA (ch), IV-V 2012 cat. XII (2534) 1. 1. Ivanisevic 10, 2—3. Mil. Perunovic, Du. Popovic 8/2, 4. B. Damljanovic 8, 5. Rob. Markus 7/2, 6. N. Sedlak 7, 7—8. A. Indic, B. Abramovic 6/2, 9. I. Miladinovic 6, 10—11. B. Bogo- savljevic, Da. Milanovic 57г, 12. D. Pikula47>, 13—14. Miro. Markovic (901504), Bodiroga3‘/2 OSASCO, IV-V 2012 cot. IX (2455) 1. Sa. Alonso 7/2,2. Mareco 7,3. Ev. Barbosa 6/2,4. R. Terao З’Л, 5. Chr. Toth 27г, 6. J. Cubas 2*/2 FAGERNES, IV-V 2012 (58 players, 9 rounds) 1—6. VI. Georgiev, Hasangatin, Solodovnichenko, Galinsky, Del Rio de Angelis, Narciso Dublan 6/2, 7—10. Le. Johannessen, Miezis, S. Ernst, Rozentalis 6, 11 — 17. Ax. Smith, Dolzhikova, Gullaksen, Gandrud, Sadiku, S. Kasparov, Mashinskaya 5*/2, etc. NAKHCHIVAN, IV-V 2012 (47 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. V. lordachescu, S. Zhigalko, Safarli 6*/2, 4—5. G. Guseinov, Tiviakov 6, 6—15. B. Grachev, Rauf Mamedov, A. Mirzoev, B. Esen, K. Shanava, Khalifman, M. Iskandarov, An. Filippov (14200988), Durarbayli, Sarh. Guliev 5 /2, 16—24. Vu. Rasulov, Azaladze, Z. Mammadov, Al. Aleksandrov, A. Mammadov, L. Guliev, Javakhadze, Heydarli, B. Firat 5, etc. LA HABANA, V 2012 47th Capablanca Memorial cat. XVIII (2694) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 IVANCHUK g 2764 7> 7> 1 1 72 72 72 72 1 72 672 1 2 NEPOMNIACHTCHI g 2716 /2 /2 72 0 72 72 72 1 72 1 572 2-3 3 DOMINGUEZ PEREZ g 2725 0 0 72 1 1 72 72 72 1 72 572 2-3 4 V. POTKIN g 2642 •/2 /2 72 72 0 72 1 72 0 72 472 4 5 YU. QUESADA PEREZ g 2625 7> 7> 72 0 72 72 0 72 0 1 4 5-6 6 lazniCka g 2693 0 /2 72 0 0 72 1 72 1 0 4 5-6 LA HABANA II, V 2012 cat. XIII (2566) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Y. GONZALEZ VIDAL g 2545 72 1 72 72 72 1 72 1 72 6 1 2 E. CORDOVA g 2566 72 72 0 72 1 72 1 72 1 572 2 3 BACALLAO ALONSO m 2580 0 72 72 72 1 72 72 1 72 5 3 4 ALE. RAKHMANOV g 2603 72 1 72 72 72 72 0 72 72 472 4-7 5 MOROVIC FERNANDEZ g 2577 72 72 72 72 0 72 72 1 72 472 4-7 6 V. PAPIN g 2570 72 0 0 72 1 72 1 72 72 472 4-7 7 HERNANDEZ CARMENATES g 2570 0 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 1 472 4-7 8 ALMEIDA QUINTANA g 2525 72 0 72 1 72 0 72 72 72 4 8 9 ORTIZ SUAREZ g 2572 0 72 0 72 0 72 72 72 1 372 9 10 ALVAREZ PEDRAZA g 2551 72 0 72 72 72 72 0 72 0 3 10 HO CHI MINH CITY, V 2012 11th Asian Continental Individual Championship 2012 5 players qualified for the World Cup 2013 (72 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. P. Negi, Yu Yangyi 7, 3. A. R. S. Salem 6/2, 4—10. Liu Qingnan, O. Barbosa, Ding Liren, Ni Hua, W. So, Wen Yang, Lu Shanglei 6, 11—21. Ma Qun, J. P. Gomez, Yu Ruiyuan, Wang Chen, Xiu Deshun, Le Quang Liem, Gao Rui, Gundavaa, Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son, Vidit, M. R. Venkatesh 5/2, 22—31. Wan Yunguo, Nguyen Anh Dung, Nguyen Van Huy, Nguyen Due Hoa, Megaranto, Dao Thien Hai, Kuderinov, Zhou Jianchao, Adhiban, Ju Wenjun 5, etc. 323
HO CHI MINH CITY, V 2012 10th Asian Continental Individual Women's Championship 2012 (41 players, 9 rounds) 1. Sukandar* 7, 2—5. M. A. Gomes, Tan Zhongyi, Ding Yixin, Wang Jue 6/2, 6. Zhao Xue 6, 7—10. Le Thanh Tu, Karavade, Padmini, Guo Qi 5/2, 11—21. Nguyen Thi Thanh An, Nakhbayeva, Mohota, Yanjindulam, Munguntuul, Zhai Mo, Pham Le Thao Nguyen, Tania, Ni Shiqun, Batchimeg, W. Medina 5, etc. * Qualified for the Womens World Championship 2014 SARAJEVO, V 2012 (40 players, 9 rounds) 1—3. V. Erdos, M. A. Antipov, Postny 6/2, 4—5. A. Ipatov (14116731), Beliavsky 6, 6—13. Melkumyan, Cvitan, Nabaty, M. Yilmaz, Palac, Kozul, B. Kurajica, E. Dizdarevic 5/2, 14—18. Ni. Dukic, Ante Brkic, M. R. Savic, Predojevic, A. Jankovic 5, etc. SAINT PETERSBURG (ch), V 2012 cot IX (2468) 1—3. Shimanov, Yevseev, Vai. Popov 7%, 4. Ev. A. Levin 7, 5. Rozum 6/2, 6—7. S. Klimov, I. Malakhov 6, 8. Goganov 5, 9—10. VI. Fedoseev (24130737), Z. Sichinava 4, 11 — 12. Pa. Martynov (4101260), V. Usmanov 2'/2 USA (ch), V 2012 cat. XVI (2633) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 HL NAKAMURA g 2775 1 /2 72 72 72 1 1 1 72 1 1 8/2 1 2 KAMSKY g 2741 0 1 */2 1 1 72 72 0 1 1 1 7!/2 2 3 A. ONISCHUK g 2660 % 0 7l 72 72 72 1 1 72 1 72 6% 3 4 Y. SHULMAN g 2571 /2 /2 ‘/2 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 1 6 4-6 5 LENDERMAN g 2587 /2 0 ‘/2 /2 72 1 72 72 1 72 72 6 4-6 6 AKOBIAN g 2625 % 0 ‘/2 72 72 0 1 1 1 0 1 6 4-6 7 ROBSON g 2614 0 /2 % 7l 0 1 1 72 1 72 0 5% 7 8 RO. HESS g 2635 0 /2 0 72 72 0 0 1 72 1 1 5 8 9 KAIDANOV g 2594 0 1 0 72 /2 0 72 0 0 1 72 4 9-10 10 ALEJ. RAMIREZ g 2593 /2 0 72 72 0 0 0 72 1 1 0 4 9-10 11 STRIPUNSKY g 2562 0 0 0 72 72 1 72 0 0 0 1 3!/2 11-12 12 SEIRAWAN g 2643 0 0 72 0 72 0 1 0 72 1 0 3!/2 11-12 MALMd, V 2012 cat. XVI (2645) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 F. CARUANA g 2770 72 1 1 72 1 1 72 5!/2 1 2 LEKO g 2723 72 72 72 1 1 72 1 5 2 3 A. GIRI g 2693 0 72 72 72 1 72 1 4 3-4 4 GRANDELIUS g 2556 0 72 72 72 72 1 1 4 3-4 5 LI CHAO g 2703 72 0 72 72 0 1 72 3 5 6 H. TIKKANEN g 2566 0 0 0 72 1 0 1 2!/2 6 7 J. HECTOR g 2560 0 72 72 0 0 1 0 2 7-8 8 E. BERG g 2587 72 0 0 0 72 0 1 2 7-8 TRIESEN, V 2012 (105 players, 9 rounds) 1. S. Bogner 7, 2—10.1. Herajr., Ovsejevitsch, Geo. Frowis, De. Wagner, Dgebuadze, K. van der Weide, A. Colovic, Cebalo, Th. Pahtz 6/2, 11 — 15. I. Farago, P. Dittmar, VI. Sergeev, M. Schachinger, M. Kuijf 6, etc. CESKO (ch), V 2012 (47 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. D. Navara, Kislinsky 7, 3. V. Babula 6/2, 4—7. Cvek, J. Bemasek, Rasik, Cemousek 6, 8—13. T. Polak, VI. Jansa, Zilka, P. Vavra(301841), Stocek, M. Konopka 5'/2, etc. 324
MOSCOW, V 2012 World Chess Championship 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13* 14* 15* 16* V. ANAND g 2791 % % % % % % 0 1 % % % % 6 % 1 % % 8/2 B. GELFAND g 2727 % % % % % % 1 0 % % % % 6 % 0 % % 7% * rapid GEORGIA (ch), V 2012 cot. X (2489) 1. Ba. Jobava 10, 2—4. D. Zarkua, Gagunashvili, Paichadze 7%, 5. K. Shanava 6/2, 6.1. Beradze 6, 7. D. Lomsadze 5%, 8. Arutinian 4%, 9—10. Quparadze, Javakhadze 4, 11—12. L. Pantsulaia, Chighladze 1 % Playoff: Gagunashvili* — D. Zarkua 2% : 1 % (* Qualified for the European Championship 2013) ODENSE, V 2012 (56 players, 9 rounds) 1—2. Hen. Danielsen, VI. Georgiev 7, 3—4. A. S. Hagen, J. Aagaard 6/2, 5—10. Ax. Smith, J. Fries-Nielsen, R. Skytte, Haub, Si. Lund, Antonsen 6, 11 — 18. An. Maksimenko, Mads Hansen, Bromann, K. Rusev, Carlstedt, Tari, Bo G. Christensen, P. Rewitz 5%, etc. ZAOZHUANG, V 2012 Asian Team Championship (14 teams, 9 rounds) 1. China 1 (CHN) 17*/28%** [Wang Hao 5/6, Wang Yue 6/8, Li Chao 4%/6, Ding Liren 7/2/9, Yu Yangyi 5/2/7], 2. India (IND) 15/26% [Sasikiran 4/8, P. Harikrishna 6/9, P. Negi 6/2/8, Ab. Gupta 6/7, G. N. Gopal 4/4], 3. China 2 (CHN) 13/23/2 [Zhou Weiqi 2/2/6, Zhou Jianchao 5/8, Zhao Jun 6/8, Wen Yang 6/2/8, Lou Yiping З/2/6], 4. Vietnam (VIE) 12/25%, 5. Iran (IRI) 11/22/2, 6. Singapore (SIN) 10/22, 7. Indonesia (INA) 10/20, 8. Kazakhstan (KAZ) 9/17%, 9. Iraq (IRQ) 9/17, 10. Mongolia (MGL) 8/17%, 11. Korea (KOR) 5/13%, 12. Yemen (YEM) 5/11, 13. Hong Kong (HKG) 2/5%, 14. Chinese Taipei (TPE) 0/1 % * Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for draws, 0 for losses) * * Gamepoints ZAOZHUANG, V 2012 Asian Women's Team Championship (10 teams, 9 rounds) 1. China 1 (CHN) 18*/30%** [Zhao Xue 6/7, Ju Wenjun 6%/8, Shen Yang 5%/7, Huang Qian 6%/7, Ding Yixin 6/7], 2. China 2 (CHN) 14/26 [Tan Zhongyi 6%/9, Zhang Xiaowen 4%/6, Wang Yu A. 2%/4, Wang Jue 7/9, Guo Qi 5%/8], 3. India (IND) 14/21 [Harika 4%/8, Karavade 2/6, Tania 4%/8, M. A. Gomes 5/7, Padmini 5/7], 4. China 3 (CHN) 11/20, 5. Vietnam (VIE) 8/18, 6. Iran (IRI) 8/16%, 7. Indonesia (INA) 7/16, 8. Kazakhstan (KAZ) 5/12, 9. Mongolia (MGL) 3/12, 10. Singapore (SIN) 2/8 * Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for draws, 0 for losses) * * Gamepoints CHICAGO, V 2012 (96 players, 9 rounds) 1. Sargissian 7, 2—8. Ro. Hess, T. Gelashvili, Alej. Ramirez, Mil. Perunovic, Nikola Mitkov, M. Amanov, Dan. Ludwig 6%, 9—14. Mi. Adams, I. Ivanisevic, Y. Shulman, E. Perelshteyn, V. Mikhalevski, Dar. Yang 6, 15—25. Akobian, Kacheishvili, C. Holt, J. Friedel, M. Kekelidze, Ni. Managadze, Dm. Gurevich, Eric Hansen, Bartholomew, T. Coleman, D. Rensch 5%, etc. LUBLIN, V 2012 Polska - Ukraine 10% : 14% Polska 10% [Mat. Bartel %/5, B. Socko 1 %/5, Miton 2/5, Macieja 2%/5, D. Swiercz 3/5] Ukraine 14% [Z. Efimenko 3/5, A. Korobov 3/5, Kryvoruchko 2%/5, S. Fedorchuk 4/5, Zherebukh 2/5] 325
BAIA SPRIE, V 2012 cot. XI (2511) 1—2. V. Nevednicii, Ga. Papp (718602) 7, 3. Manolache 6/2, 4—5. Jianu, I.-C. Chirila 6, 6. C.-C. Nanu 5/г, 7—9. Krisz. Szabo (722901), Berescu, D.-N. Dumitrache 5, 10—11. Va. Shishkin (14101696), B. Smith 4%, 12. T. Fodorjr. 4 ALBENA, V-VI 2012 (123 players, 9 rounds) 1—5. VI. Akopian, I. Cheparinov, T. L. Petrosian, Nabaty, К. H. Grigoryan 7, 6—10. H. Tikkanen, Gabuzyan, Mo. Nikolov, Ar. Das, Thejkumar 6/2, 11—20. Melkumyan, Xiu Deshun, Qashashvili, G. Grigorov, Lu Shanglei, Li Shilong, P. G. Amaudov, Se. Bargan, Wan Yunguo, I. Enchev 6, 21—34 D. Solak, P. Carlsson, V. Spasov, Rathnakaran, Zhang Xiaowen, Jay. Ashwin, A. Nikolova, B. Rzayev, Ji Dan, Zalkind, Draz. Dragicevic, E. Atalik, Hamitevici, G. Tunik 5/2, etc. BUENOS AIRES, V-VI 2012 cat. XIII (2558) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 SHIROV g 2698 1 /2 /2 1 1 1 /2 5/2 1 2 FELGAER g 2572 0 /2 1 /2 /2 1 1 4/2 2 3 DAM. LEMOS g 2538 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 4 3-4 4 MARECO g 2583 /2 0 /2 0 1 1 1 4 3-4 5 RODRIGUEZ VILA g 2532 0 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 /2 З/2 5 6 VALERGA g 2487 0 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 2% 6-7 7 DI. FLORES g 2604 0 0 /2 0 /2 /2 1 2/2 6-7 8 SLIPAK g 2453 /2 0 0 0 /2 /2 0 I/2 8 DANZHOU, V-VI 2012 cat. XVI (2631) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 BU XIANGZHI g 2656 /2 /2 /2 1 1 /2 1 /2 /2 6 1-2 2 NI HUA g 2673 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 1 1 6 1-2 3 WEN YANG g 2550 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 5 3-5 4 YU YANGYI g 2626 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 5 3-5 5 DING LIREN g 2679 0 /2 /2 /2 1 /2 /2 /2 1 5 3-5 6 ZHAO JUN g 2577 0 /2 /2 /2 0 1 /2 1 /2 4/2 6 7 ZHOU JIANCHAO g 2609 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 З/2 7-9 8 WANG YUE g 2690 0 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 /2 0 1 З/2 7-9 9 ZHOU WEIQI g 2624 /2 0 0 /2 /2 0 /2 1 /2 З/2 7-9 10 HOU YIFAN g 2623 /2 0 /2 /2 0 /2 /2 0 /2 3 10 ilBENIK, V-VI 2012 Mitropa Cup 2012 (10 teams, 9 rounds) 1. Magyarorszag 16*/24** [V. Erdos 5/2/8, R. Rapport 6/2/9, T. Banusz 4/8, Ga. Papp 5/7, T. Fodorjr. 3/4], 2. Slovenija 15/24/г [Lenic 5/г/9, Sebenik 4/г/9, J. Borisek 7/9, J. Skobeme 7!6/9], 3. Hrvatska ll/20/г [Marin Bosiocic 5/г/9, Kuljasevic 5/9, A. Saric 1 /2/5, D. Doric 4/2/7, Sa. Martinovic 4/6],4. Italia 9/18/2, 5. France 9/17, 6. Cesko 7/17, 7. Slovensko 7/15, 8. Deutschland 6/17, 9. Osterreich6/15, 10. Schweiz 4/11/2 SlBENIK, V-VI 2012 Mitropa Cup - Women 2012 (8 teams, 7 rounds) 1. Deutschland 9*/9/2** [Bochis 5/2/7, Jade Schmidt 4/7], 2. Slovenija 9/8/2 [J. Krivec 3/2/7, V. Rozic 5/7], 3. Italia 8/7/2 [E. Sedina 2/2/4, Zimina 2%/5, M. Brunello 2!4/5], 4. Magyarorszag 7/7, 5. Hrvatska 6/6/2,6. Cesko 6/6/2, 7. Osterreich 6/5/2, 8. Slovensko 5/5 * Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for draws, 0 for losses) * * Game-points 326
Chess Informant highlights the creativity of the most prominent chess players. The annotations given are shortened versions of the authors' originals. Chess Informant GATA KAMSKY 327
GATA KAMSKY The best games 54/400 D 36 KAMSKY 2655 - SHIKOV 2655 Dortmund 1992 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £>f3 £)f6 4. АеЗ еб 5. cd5 ed5 6. Ag5 Ae7 7. Wc2 g6 8. e4 0-0 9. e5 Aie4 [9... 2Ж5 10. Ae7 We7 11. g3 Ag4 12. Ag2 f6oo; 10. h4!±] 10. Ah6 [10. Ae7 We7 11. Ad3 f5!oo] Se8 11. Ad3 N [11. h3 - 47/(496)1 £>c3? [Il...£ja6? 12.a3±; 11... f5? 12. ef6 Af6 13. 0-0±; 11... £>d6! 12. 0-0 (12. ed6 Ag5) 2tf5 13. Af4 £ig7+l 12. ЬсЗ c5 13.114+- cd4 [13... c4 14. Ae2 Af5 15. ®cl± A h5, £>g5[ 14. h5 g5I? [14... ®c7!? 15. hg6?! Wc3 16. ®c3 dc.3 17. gf7 (17. gh7 ФЬ8оо) ФП 18. АеЗ Sh8oo; 15. Ad2!4 15. Ah7 фЬ8 16. Ag6! [16. £)d4 £jc6oo] Ae6D [16... fg6 17.hg6<£g8 18. g7 Wc7 19. Ag5+-[ 17. Aid4 ®с8П 18. Ш21! fg6 [18... £>c6 19. Ag5 Ag5 20. ®g5 £>d4 21. Wh6 &g8 22. Ah7 фЬ8 23. Sh3!+— A 23... Ah3 24. Ag6 <£g8 25. 8h7 Ф18 26. WH#[ 19. hg6 &g8 20. Scl!+- A,c6 21. Ag5 Wc7O [21... Ag5 22. Wg5 ®c7 23. £>c6 Ьсб 24. Sh7[ 22. Ae7! [22. ФП? Ag5 23. ®g5 We5[ Se7 [22... We5 23. ФП Se7 24. Sei Wf6 25. Se6 Se6 26. £>e6 We6 27. Sh8![ 23. Ф11! Sae8 24. Sei Sg7Q 25. Wh6 Ф18 26. Sh4! Aid4 27. Wh8 Sg8 [27... Ag8 28. Sf41 28. Wf6 Af7 29. Wf7 Wf7 30. gf7 [30... ФП 31. cd4[ 1 : 0 Shirov 54/621 E 97 KAMSKY 2655 - G. KASPAROV 2780 Dortmund 1992 1. d4 £)f6 2. c4 g6 3. Ac3 Ag7 4. e4 d6 5. 0-0 6. Ae2 e5 7.0-0 £sc6 8. d5 9. £sd2 a5 10. a3 <2}d7 11. Sbl f5 12. Ь4 <£h8 13.13 ^g8 14. ®c2 ^gf6 15. ^ib5 ab4 16. ab4 £>h5 17. g3 £>df6 18. c5 Ad7 19. Sb3 Ah6 20. Sc3 20... Af4! N [20... fe4 — 53/641 [ 21. cd6 121. gf4?l &f4 a) 22. Ac4 £>6h5 23. W fe4 24. Af4 (24. fe4 W 25. ФЫ ®h4 26. ^c7 Sfl 27. Afl Sf8 28. We2 Sf2 29. Wd3 Sh2 30. ФЪ2 Wf2-+) Sf4 25. fe4 ®g5 26. ФЫ Sfl 27. Afl Sf8 28. Ac4 ®h4-+; b) 22. £>b3 £>6d5 23. ed5 ®g5 24. <£f2 ®g2 25. Фе1 ®e2 26. ®e2 27. £>c7D (27. Фе2? Ab5 28. Фе1 Afl 29. <£>fl+) £>c3 28. 328
GATA KAMSKY ®a8 Ha8 29. cd6 £>d5 30. Ab2 W 31. Ae5 &g8 32. <йс5 Ab5 A £)d3+] Aig3 [21... Ab5? 22. de7 Wd7 23. Ab5 Wb5 24. c8W Ae3 25. ФЫ! Hac8 26. Hc8 Hc8 27. Wc8 ±>g7 28. Wc7 ФЬб 29. £jc4 Ael 30. Hcl±; 21... cd6? 22. Aic7 Hc8 23. £>e6 Wb6 24. &g2 Wb4 25. £>c4 Жеб 26. ЖаЗ! Wb5 27. de6 ЖЬб 28. Ad6 Hfe8 29. gbl Wa6 30. Же5±; 21... Ag3!? 22. dc7 We7 (22... ЖЬ2 23. ФЬ2 £>g4 24. fg4 Wh4 25. Hh3+-) 23. d6! Wg7 24. hg3 £>g3 25. £)b3 fe4 26. fe4 2tfe4 27. Hf8 Hf8 28. c8W±] 22. hg3D ^h5!? [22... Ag3 23. £>c7 A f4±[ 23. gf4 £tf4?! [23... Wh4D 24. Hf2 £)f4 25. ЖА Ab5 26. dc7!! Wg3 27. Hg2 £>g2 28. Ag2 Wei 29. £)fl+-[ 24. Ac4!± &h3D [24... Wg5 25. Ф12 Wh4 26. ФеЗ A ac7+-[ 25. ФЫП [25. Фg2 Wg5 26. ФЬЗ f4 27. ФЬ2 Wg3 28. ФЫ Wh3=[ Wh4 26. аЬЗ [A Wh2[ fe4D 27. Wh2D Hf5D 28. f4! Hh5 [A 29... 2>f2 30. Hf2 Wf2+] 29. Wg3!+- Wg3© [29... Ш 30. Wh4 Hh4 31. Фgl Hg4 32. Ф12 Ha2 33. ^d2 Hg2 34. феЦ 30. Hg3 ef4 31. Ab2 Фg8 32. dc7 АЬ5П 33. Ab5 fg3 34. ф82 £>g5 35. d6 Hh2 36. ФgЗ Hb2 37. Ac4 Фg7 38. d7 1:0 Kamsky 61/460 D 44 KAMSKY 2695 - KRAMNIK 2710 New York (m/1) 1994 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. ©c3 £>f6 4. £rf3 еб 5. Ag5 dc4 6. e4 b5 7. e5 h6 8. Ah4 g5 9. Ag5 hg5 10. Ag5 £>bd7 11. ef6 Ab7 12. g3 c5 13. d5 Wb6 14. Ag2 0-0-0 15. 0-0 b4 16. £sa4 Wb5 17. a3 Aie5 18. ab4! cb4 19. Wd4 £)с6П 20. dc6 Hd4 21. cb7 фс7 22. ЖеЗ e5 [22... Hd5 23. Жа7 Жd6 (23... ФЬ7 24. Aib6) 24. W Жс5 25. £>d5 ed5 26. b8W Hb8 27. Ab8 ФЬ8 28. Ad5 Af2 29. Hf2 Wd5±l 23. £>c3! [23. ЬЗ сЗоо[ ЬсЗ 24. ЬсЗ Ac5 N [24... Hd6 - 58/462] 25. cd4 [25. Hfbl? Hdl! 26. Hdl ЖеЗ 27. fe3 Wb6oo[ Ad4 26. Hfbl Wc5 27. Наб НЬ8?! [27... ЖеЗ 28. Нсб Wc6 29. Ас6±[ 28. Ael! [28. Нсб? Wc6 29. Жсб фсб=; 28. Ad4? ed4 29. Hel Hd8D 30. b8W (30. He7 ФЬ8 31. Нсб Wc6!! 32. Асб d3+) НЬ8 31. Не7 Фd8 32. Наа7 Hbl! 33. Afl Wd5! 34. Hf7 Hfl 35. ФА Whl 36. Фе2 We4=] сЗ 29. АаЗ Wc4 [29... Af2 30. ФЫ Wc4 (30... с2 31. Hcl+—; 31. Hfl+-; 30... Wd4 31. Нсб Фd7 А 32. Нс8+- с2 33. АЬЗ) 31. Ad6 Фd7 (31... Фd8 32. Ab8 ®аб 33. Ас7) 32. Ab8 Wa6 (32... с2 33. Hd6) 33. Ае5+-; 29... с2 30. Нс1 а) 30... Af2 al) 31. фЫ Hd8 32. Нсб ФЬ8 (32... Wc6 33. Асб Hdl 34. фё2+-) 33. Нс8 Нс8 34. bc8W Wc8 35. Ad6+-; а2) 31. ФА Wc4 32. ф£2 а21) 32... Wa6 33. Нс2 фd7 (33... фd8 34. Ае7 Фе8 35. Асб) 34. АЬЗ+-; а22) 32... Wd4 33. Фе2 Wc4 34. фd2 Hd8 (34... Wd4 35. Фс2; 34... Wa6 35. Нс2) 35. Hd6+-; b) 30... Wc4 31. Ad6 Фd7 32. Нсб! (32. Ab8 We2s?) Wc6Q 33. Асб Фd6 34. Hc2+-[ 30. Ad6 Фd7 31. Асб! Феб [31... фd6 32. Ab5 Фd5 33. Ac4 Фс4 34. Нсб фdЗ 35. Hc8 c2 36. Hcl+-1 32. Ab5+- Af2 33. ФГ2 Wd4 34. ФА We4© 35. Hel Whl 36. Ф12 Wh2 37. Ф13 Hb7 [37... Wh5 38. Фg21 329
GATA KAMSKY 38. Же5 Hb6 [38... <£>f5 39. g4] 39. Жс4 Ф07 40.Ha7 фс8 41. Hc7 1:0 Kramnik 105/48 В 42 V. TOPALOV 2796 - KAMSKY 2725 Nice (rapid) 2009 1. e4 c5 2. £>13 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 аб 5. ±d3 £>f6 6. 0-0 d6 7. c4 b6 8. <21c3 ЖЬ7 9. a4 Же7 [9... £jc6 10. £jc6 Жсб 11. ®f3! g6 12. Ag5 ^g7 13. Sfdl h6 14. ЖИ4 0-0 15. Жс2 We7 16. Hd2 Hfd8 17. Hadl±] 10. a5 ba5 11. Wa4 11... £)bd7! N [11... 2tfd7 12. ЖеЗ (12. &b3 £jc6!) 0-0 13. Wa5 Wa5 14. Ha5 Hc8 15. Же2 £se5 (15... &f6?! 16. НаЗ <£>f8 17. Hdl Фе7 18. f3 £>c6 19. £jc6 Жсб 20. Ь4 ЖЬ7 21. £>a4 Нсб 22. Ha2 Hc7 23. c5+) 16. Ha4 (16. ЬЗ d5!) £>bd7 17. f3 Hab8 (17... Aib6 18. £>f5!) 18. ЬЗ £к5 19. НаЗ Aicd7 (A d5) 20. Ha2 £jc6 21. £jc6!? (21. £>c2 - 99/(100)) Жсб 22. Hbl+1 12. £)b3! 0-0 13. £>a5 Wc7 14.13 [14. £sb7 Wb7 15. 8c2 Hfc8±?; 14. Hdl £>c5 (14... Hab8 15. £)b7 Hb7 16. Wa6!±) 15. Wc2 Hab8 16. b4 £)d3 17. Wd3 Жа8 18. Af4 e5 19. Жg5 Hb4 20. Ж06 Ж06 21. Wd6 Wd6 22. Hd6 Ж48 23. Наб Жа5 24. H6a5 Hc4 25. На8 НсЗ=[ НаЬ8! 15. Ь4?! [15. £)Ь7 Ш>7 16. ®а6?! ®аб 17. Наб £>с5 18. На7 Ж48! 19. Жс2 ЖЬ6Т Т; 15. ЖеЗ±1 Жа8 [15... £se5 16. Же2 d5 17. £>Ь7 НЬ7 18. ed5 ЖЬ4 19. £je4+[ 16. ФЫ [16. ЖаЗ &е5 17. Же2 d5! 18. ed5 ed5 19. £>d5 £>d5 20. cd5 Ж45ТТ[ d5! 17. c5 [17. ed5 ЖЬ4! 18. £>e4 £>e4 19. Же4 £>c5 20. Wa2 f5 21. Жс2 ЖсЗ—+[ We5 18. Жd2 [18. Wa3! Wd4 19. Hdl Hb4 20. e5!!oo[ ®d4 19. ®c2 £je5! 20. Жаб [20. Же2 de4 21. Aib3 Wb4! 22. Aid5 Wb3[ de4 21. £se2 ®d8 22. f4? [22. fe4] 22... £)f3! [22... &d3!? 23. сб Wb6 24. b5 2rf2 25. Hf2 Wf2 26. Же1 ®fl 27. £}gl 2)d5] 23. ЖсЗ [23. gf3? ef3 24. 4}g3 f2 25. сб Wd5—•hi Aig4 24. сб [24. gf3 Aie3! 25. W2 ef3 26. A>g3 f2 27. сб Wa5!!; 24. Hadi!? Wc7 25. Wa4! Hbd8 26. Hd8 Hd8 27. h3 (27. gf3 ef3 28. сб Hd6!) ^je3 28. Hel £id5![ 2rfh2 25. Hfdl Жd6 26. Же1 [26. <£>gl ®h4 27. We4 Ш2 28. фЫ ЖЬ4! 29. ЖЬ4 Hb4! 30. Wb4 £rf3!-+l ®f6 27. Hd6? [27. ®e4? Wh6 28. Фgl ЖЬ4! 29. ЖЬ4 Hb4 30. Wb4 £rf3—Ь; 27. Wc3! e5 28. Hd6! Wd6 29. fe5 ^e5 (29... Wh6 30. Wh3) 30. ЖgЗ £ihg4 31. b5[ ^13! 28. ^gl [28. gf3 Wh6 29. фё1 Wh2 30. ФП ^e3#l ^el 29. We2 [29. Hel Wh4[ W4 30. g3 Wh6 0 : 1 Shipov 330
GATA KAMSKY The most important theoretical novelties 50/346 C 61 KAMSKY 2650 - IVANCHUK 2680 Tilburg 1990 1. e4 e5 2. £)f3 Ac6 3. Ab5 Ad4 4. Ad4 ed4 5. 0-0 Ac5 6. d3 сб 7. Aa4 Ae7 8. 14! f5 [8... £jg6? 9. Wh5![ 9. Ab3! N [9. Wh5 g6 10. Wh6 £)g8 11. Wg7 Wf6 12. Wf6 2)f6 13. e5 A,g4 14. Ab3 d6 15. ed6 &d7 16. £jd2 Se8= P. Blatny - Malaniuk, Warszawa 1989 — 47/3991 d5D 10.ed5^d5[10... cd5 ll.£jd2 0-0 12. £)13 a5 13. a4 фЬ8 14. Ad2 Аеб 15. lei Ag8 16. Aie5 A>c6 17. Wh5 Wd6 18. Ie2 Ab6 19. Дае1± VI. Jansa — A. Delchev, Kobenhavn 19911 11. lei Ф18 [11... Ф17 12. £>d2 le8 (12... g6 13. £jf3 &g7 14. Ad5 Wd5 15. Ie5 Wd6 16. Ь4!± T. Horvath — Kilpela, Berlin 1997) 13. Wh5 <£f8 14. Ie8 We8 15. We8 Фе8 16. Ad5 cd5 17. £>13 Ad7 18. ЬЗ lc8 19. Ab2 Ab6 20. Icl A Ad4±l 12. Wh5! g6D 13. Wh6 <£g8 14. £>d2 Af8 15. Wh3± Kamsky 56/548 D 87 SHIKOV 2710 - KAMSKY 2655 Moscow 1992 1. d4 2. c4 g6 3. Ac3 d5 4. cd5 £)d5 5. e4 £>c3 6. ЬсЗ Ag7 7. Ac4 c5 8. Aie2 <йс6 9. АеЗ 0-0 10. Icl cd4 11. cd4 Wa5 12. Afl Ad7 13. h4 Sfc8 14. h5 £>d8 15.13 15... Aa4!? N [RR 15... Ab5 16. Ab5 Wb5 17. Ф12 Wb2 (17... Icl?! 18. Wcl Ac6 19. Wbl Wa6 20. hg6 hg6 21. e5 Hd8 22. a4!! Ф18 23. Wb5! Wb5 24. ab5± Lobron - I. Gurevich, New York 1992 — 54/(476)) 18. Wb3 Wb3 19. ab3 ^ic6± Shirovl 16. Wd3 [RR 16. АЬЗ АЬЗ 17. Wb3 Wa6 18. Ф12 £}c6co Mi. Marin — Stohl, Budapest (zt) 1993 - 57/4651 b5 17. Ad5 [17. АЬЗ?! АЬЗ 18. 331
GATA KAMSKY аЬЗ Scl 19. Ael Sc8 A Wa2-c2oo[ Scl 18. Ael Sc8 19. hg6 hg6 20. Ah6 Ah6!? [20... Sc2?! 21. We3 Ah8 22. Af8?! Wd2C±; 22. Wg5+—; 20... еб?! 21. We3!! ed5 (21... Ah8?! 22. Ag5) 22. Ag7 &g7 23. ed5! Wc7 24. Wh6 <£f6 25. Wh4 g5D 26. Wh6 Фе7 27. Wg5 Ф47 28. Wf5 Фе7 29. Sh6±[ 21. Sh6 еб [21... &g7? 22. We3! (22. Sh3 Sc2 A Wd2+) Sc2 23. Wg5 Wd2 24. Sg6 fg6 25. We7 ФЬб 26. Wf84—1 22. f4 Sc2! 23. Wh3 [23. f5 Wd2 (23... ed5? 24. Wh3 Wd2 25. Sh8 &g7 26. f6 &f6 27. Wh4 g5 28. Wh6 Фе7 29. Wf8+-) 24. Wd2 Sd2 25. fe6 fe6 26. АЬЗ Ab3 27. ab3 &g7=[ Ф18П 24. e5 [RR 24. Wh4! фе8 25. f5!+ Mirumian — Stambulian, Yerevan 1994 - 61/5091 Фе7+ [24... ed5?! 25. f5 A Sh8, f6#[ Kamsky 59/461 D 44 KAMSKY 2645 - SERPER 2575 Groningen 1993 1. d4 d5 2. c4 сб 3. £c3 £f6 4. £f3 еб 5. Ag5 dc4 6. e4 b5 7. e5 h6 8. Ah4 g5 9. £>g5 hg5 10. Ag5 £bd7 11. g3 Sg8 12. h4 Sg5 13. hg5 £d5 14. g6 fg6 15. Wg4 We7 16. Sh8! N £сЗП [16... Wg7?! 17. We6±; 16... Wf7?! 17. £>e4±[ 17. ЬсЗ Wf7 [17... £b6 18. Wg6 Wf7 19. Wc2 A Ae2-h5t; RR 17... Wa3! 18. Wg6 <£>d8 19. Sdl Wc3 20. Фе2 Wb2 21. Sd2 Wb4 22. We6 c3 23. a3! (Khalifman — Shirov, Pardubice 1994 — 61/547) Wbloo Khalifmanl 18. Ag2 Ab719. Ae4 [19. Wg5!? (A Ae4-g6) Wf5 20. Wh4 g5!? (20... Wc2?! 21. Ae4 Wc3 22. фе2Т) 21. Wh5 <£>d8oo[ 0-0-0 20. Ag6 We7 21. a4!± [Xa3] Kamsky 60/277 C 11 KAMSKY 2695 - BAREEV 2685 Madrid 1994 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £c3 4. e5 <2}fd7 5. f4 c5 6. £13 £c6 7. Ae3 Wb6 8. £a4 Wa5 9. c3 c4 10. b4 Wc7 11. Ae2 Ae7 12. g4! N b5 [12... f6!?[ 13. £c5 a5 14. a3 0-0 15.0-0 ab4 16. ab4 Sal 17. Wai £c5 18. dc5 f6 19. ef6 Af6 [19... gf6 20. Wdl±; 19... Sf6 20. Wcl±[ 20. g5! Ad8 [20... d4!? 21. cd4 Ad8 A Ab7, ^e7^] 21. Wcl Wb8 22. Wd2 Ac7 23. £jd4 £>d4 24. Wd4 [24. cd4=[ Ab7 25. Wd2!± Bareev 62/195 В 49 KAMSKY 2695 - AN. KARPOV 2780 Buenos Aires 1994 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. £d4 £>c6 5. £>c3 Wc7 6. Ae2 аб 7.0-0 £if6 8. Ae3 Ab4 9. £ia4 Ae7 10. c4 £ie4 332
GATA KAMSKY 11. c5! N [11. £ic6 Ьсб 12. Wd4 £>f6 13. W Hb8 14. c5 d6 15. cd6 M6 16. £ic4 М2 17. Ml c5 18. Wc5 Wc5 19. M5oo O. De la Riva Aguado — lllescas Cdrdoba, Espana (ch) 1991; 11. Af3 A c5, Hell £>f6 [Xd5; ll...£)c5? 12. ^c6®c6 13.£>c5 M5 14. Hel d6 15. b41 12. М3 0-0 13. Hel Hb8 14. g3 g6 15. M6 Hd8 16. Wa4 e5 17. М3 d5 18. cd6 Hd6 19. M5 М7?! [19... e4! 20. Ag2_(20. Ae4 M4 21. We4 М3 22. Hfel He6+ Shirov — Kasimdzhanov, Wijk аап Zee 1999 - 74/213) M5 21. <Mc4 Hd3 22. M4 Wd8 23. M>8 Wb8 24. М3 (24. Hfdl!?) We5 25. Мс4 We6S Je. Piket] 20. <21d7 Wd7 21. M6!? [21. Мб Ьсб 22. Мб We6 23. ЬЗ h5!M Ьсб 22. Ac5! [22. Мб Af8 23. Wc2 (23. b4 Wh3 24. M5 Неб; 23. Hc2 Hdl) He8[ Неб [22... Wh3 23. Wh4] 23. Hfdl We8 24. M7 We7 25. M6 We8 26. Wa6± Je. Piket 100/112 В 49 KAMSKY 2705 - NISIPEANU 2693 Sofia 2007 1. e4 c5 2. £>f3 еб 3. d4 cd4 4. £>d4 M6 5. М3 Wc7 6. Ael M6 7.0-0 аб 8. М3 Ab4 9. M4 Ae7 10. c4 M4 11. c5 0-0 12. Hel Hb8 13. g3 M6 14. A13 g6 15. M6 e5 16. М3 d6 17. cd6 Ad6 18. Асб! N [18. M8; 18. M4[ Ьсб 19. Wf3 Af5 [19... We7? 20. M8 Hbc8 21. Ag5 М7 22. Hfdl Hfd8 23. M5+-J 20. Wc6 [20. Нсб?! e4! 21. Hc7 ef3 22. Ha7 Hfe8Tl Wc6 [20... ^g4 21. M5! Wc6 22. Нсб М3 23. М3 Hfd8 24. M5 gf5 25. Ha6±[ 21. Нсб Ae7 22. Ac5 Ac5 23. M5 &g7 [23... ^e4 24. Md7 Ad7 25. M7 Hbc8 26. M5±l 24. Hel [24. b4 Hbd8! 25. M4 Hd4 26. Hel Hfd8 27. M5 £ig4! (27... ^e4 28. М3 H4d5 29. f4±; 27... Hb4 28. Hc7 Hf8 29. Ha7±) 28. ®g4 Ag4 29. М3 Hb4 30. Наб M3^1 Hbd8! [24... a5 25. He5 Hfe8 26. He8 He8 27. f3 He2 28. g4 Ml 29. a4±] 25. M4 [25. f3 М3! 26. М2 Hd2 27. He2 Hdl 28. g4 Hfd8±s] Hc8! 26. Hc8 Hc8= Nisipeanu 101/48 A 64 B. AVRUKH 2641 - KAMSKY 2714 Khanty-Mansiysk (m/1) 2007 1. d4 M6 2. c4 еб 3. g3 c5 4. d5 ed5 5. cd5 d6 6. М3 g6 7. Agl Ag7 8. £if3 0-0 9.0-0 аб 10. a4 He8 11. М2 Md7 12. h3 Hb8 13. M4 M5 14. М3 M5 15. e4 M7 16. a5 Wa5 17. g4 M618. g5?! M5 19. f4 M4 20. £ic4 Wai 21. 2>d6 21... М3! N [21... M4 22. ФИ2 М3 23. ЬсЗ Wc3 24. H(3 Wd4= Heinbuch — J. Klinger, Biinde 1985 - 39/116122. ЬсЗ Wc3 23. £>e8?! [23. Hf3 Wd4 (23... Wb4 24. ЖаЗ) 24. Wd4 cd4 25. £>e8 He8 26. Hd3 — 23. £>e8] He8 24. Hf3 [24. Wd2?! Wd4! 25. Wd4 cd4 26. d6 £>g3! (26... Hc8!? A Hc2) 27. Hel Hc8 28. &f2 ^jh5+; 24. e5 £>g3 25. Wei (25. Hel £tf5+) Wd3! 26. Hf3 £he2 27. М2 Wc4+[ Wd4 [24... Wc4! 25. Hf2! (25. e5 b5 26. Afl Wb4 27. Wd2 Wd2 28. М2 Hb8!+; 25. Hf2 b5 26. М2 £>g3 27. e5 £jf5+) £>g3 (25... M4 26. Wfl He4 27. M4 We4 28. 333
GATA KAMSKY Se2 Wd5 29. Sd2±? X&g8) 26. e5 b5 27. d6+l 25. ®d4 cd4 26. Sd335 Xc8 27. Ad2 a5! [27... Дс4 28. AB! a) 28... b5 29. d6 £ig7 30. Adl! (A АЬЗ) Aie6 31. Ab3 Sc 8 32. Ae6=; b) 28... Ab5 29. Adl (29. d6!?) Scl (29... a5? 30. Sb3!t) 30. Acl Ad3 31. AB a5 32. ф(2об] 28. AB! [A Ag4] a4 29. Ag4 f5 [30. ef5 Af5 (30... Sa8? 31. fg6) 31. Af5 gf5 32. d6 Ф17 33. Sd4 a3 34. d7 Sd8 35. Aa5 (35. Ф12 Феб 36. Sa4 Sd7 37. ФеЗ £ig3 38. Ael A>e4 39. ДаЗ Sdl 40. фе2=) a2 36. Sdl al« 37. Sal Sd7 38. Sa4=[ B. Avrukh 105/82 C 07 V. TOPALOV 2796 - KAMSKY 2725 Sofia (m/7) 2009 1. e4 еб 2. d4 d5 3. £>d2 c5 4. ed5 Wd5 5. £>gB cd4 6. Ac4 Wd6 7. 0-0 2tf6 8. Sei Ae7 9. Aib3 £>сб 10. Abd4 Aid4 11. £>d4 0-0 12. c3 Ad7 13. WB 13... ®b6! N [13... Wc7 14. Ad3 Sfe8 a) 15. Ag5 £id5 16. Ae7 Se7! 17. Sadi Aa4!= And. Sokolov — Nogueiras Santiago, Bruxelles 1988 - 45/(315); b) 15. Af4!? Ш6 16. Ae5± S. Biro — Restas, Harkany 19941 14. Ab3 [14. ЬЗ!? A 14... Ac5 15. АеЗ e5 16. £jc2 (16. 2rf5?! e4 17. Wf4 Af5 18. ®f5 АеЗ 19. ДеЗ Sad8oo) Ac6 17. Ac5 Wc5 18. We3! We3 19. ДеЗ! (19. £je3 Sad8) Sfe8 20. Sael e4 21. £>d4+] a5! 15. АеЗ Ac5 16. Sadi [16. Sabi!?[ a4 17. Ac2 [17. Ac4!? e5 18. 2rf5 Af5 19. ®f5 АеЗ 20. Se3 e4 21. Wb5 Wb5 22. Ab5 a3 23. ЬаЗ ДаЗ 24. Ac4 Де8 25. h3 ФВ 26. АЬЗ Sa5oo[ Ш2 18. Ag5 'Ad 5+ [18... Ad4 19. Sd4 Wc2 20. Af6 Ac6 21. Sg4! Wg6! 22. Sg6 fg6 23. ®d3 gf6 24. Se6 Sfe8 25. Де8 Ee8=] Mikhalchishin 109/185 C 64 KAMSKY 2702 - L. CHRISTIANSEN 2578 USA (ch) 2010 1. e4 e5 2. AB Ac6 3. Ab5 Ac5 4.0-0 Ad4 5. Aa4 [5. Ad4 - 102/2371 AB 6. WB Ae7 7. Wc3! N [7. b4; 7. Ab3; 7. Ac3; 7. c3; 7. d3[ Ad4 8. ®g3 Ag6 9. c3 Ab6 10. d4!? 0—0 [10... ed4 aj 11. f4!? Wf6 (11... ®h4 12. ®h4 Ah4 13. f5!) 12. ФЫ 0-0 13. f5 - 10... 0-0; b) 11. Ag5 f6 12. Ad2 0-0 13. cd4 Ad4 14. £)c3; c) 11. Sdl dc3 12. £}c3 0-0 13. Ag5 We8 14. фМЗз] 11. f4!? ef4 [11... ed4 12.f5 Wf6(12...dc3 13.ФМ Ad4 14. £}c3 Ae5 15. ®d3 &e7 16. Af4 Af4 17. Sf4±) 13. ФЫ h6 14. cd4 Ad4 15. £>c3T] 12. Af4 £if4 13. Wf4 d6 14. £jd2 Аеб 15. ФЫ сб 16. 2rf3 h6 [16... f6[ 17. Ac2 Wd7 18. e5± Mil. Perunovic 334
GATA KAMSKY Excellent moves and combinations 51/273 KAMSKY 2640 - J. LAUTIER 2550 New York 1991 1. ? 52/75 KAMSKY 2595 - PA. WOLFF 2545 Philadelphia 1991 1. ? +- 54/621 KAMSKY 2655 - G. KASPAROV 2780 54/400 KAMSKY 2655 - SHIROV 2655 Dortmund 1992 Dortmund 1992 59/456 KAMSKY 2645 - KRAMNIK 2710 Luzern 1993 1. ? +- 61/38 KRAMNIK 2710 - KAMSKY 2695 67/593 KAMSKY 2745 - VA. SALOV 2675 New York (m/2) 1994 105/48 V. TOPALOV 2796 - KAMSKY 2725 Nice /rapid) 2009 335
GATA KAMSKY 50/598 U. ANDERSSON - KAMSKY 1... Af2!! 2. Ф12 Wb2 3. Де2 e3 4. фВ ®cl О : 1 Kamsky 51/273 KAMSKY - J. LAUTIER 1. acd6!! Ad6 2. Af6 &g8 3. ДВ Sg7D 4. Ag7 Ae4 5. Sg3! Д15 6. Ae5 [6... Ag6 7. Hg6 hg6 8. Wg6 фВ 9. Ad6+—1 1 : 0 Kamsky S2/TS KAMSKY- PA. WOLFF 1. ad4!! ed4 [1... фе8 2. c7 (2. £)d6 ФВ 3. <2x6 &g8 4. Sb8 Sb8 5. c7 Sb2 6. 2tf5 £ic8! 7. Даб £iab6oo) Дс8 3. ad6 &d7 4. £х8 Дс8 5. Adi!+-] 2. Ab8+- ДЬ8 3. c7 Дс8 4. 2jd6 Дс7 5. ДЬ8 2x8 6. &c8 f5? [6... ФП 7. ad6 Феб 8. af51 7. ab6 1 : 0 Kamsky 54/400 KAMSKY - SHIKOV 1. Ag6! АебП [1... fg6 2. hg6 <£g8 3. g7 8c7 4. Ag5+-] 2. £>d4 ®с8П 3. Wd2!! fg6 [3... 2>c6 4. Ag5 Ag5 5. Wg5 £jd4 6. Wh6 <£g8 7. Ah7 ФЬ8 8. ДЬЗ!+- A 8... Ah3 9. Ag6 <£g8 10. Ш7 ФВ 11. Wf7#] 4. hg6 &g8 5. Scl!+— 2X6 6. Ag5 Wc7O [6... Ag5 7. Wg5 ®c7 8. 2X6 Ьсб 9. Sh7] 7. Ae7! [7. ФА? Ag5 8. Wg5 We5] Se7 [7... We5 8. ФА Se7 9. Sei Wf6 10. Деб Деб 11.2X6 ©еб 12. ДЬ8!] 8. фП! Дае8 9. gel Hg7O 10. Ш6 Ф18 11. ДИ4! 2Ш 12. ©h8 Hg8 [12... Ag8 13. Hf4] 13. Ш6 Af7 14. Wf7 ©Г715. gf7 [15... ФП 16. cd4[ 1 : 0 Shirov 54/621 KAMSKY- G. KASPAROV 1. Ac4!± £)h3 [1... Wg5 2. ф£2 ©Ь4 3. ФеЗ A 2X7+—1 2. ФЫП [2. фg2 ©g5 3. ФЬЗ f4 4. ФЬ2 ©g3 5. ФЫ ©h3=[ ®h4 3. £>b3 [A Wh2[ fe4C 4. ©Ь2П Sf5D 5.141 ДИ5 [A 6... af2 7. Sf2 ®f2+[ 6. ©g3!+- ©g3© [6... 2}f4 7. Wh4 ДЬ4 8. фgl Sg4 9. фй Да2 10. 2X2 Hg2 11. фе1[ 7. Sg3 ef4 8. Ab2 Фё8 9. dc7 Ab5D 10. Ab5 fg3 11. Фg2 <21g5 12. d6 Sh2 13. Фg3 ДЬ2 14. Ac4 Фg715.d7 1:0 Kamsky 59/456 KAMSKY - KRAMNIK 1. Дсб!± [Хаб, g6[ fe6 2. 2x5© ©17 3. 2X6 Де8 4. ©ЬЗ! [Xb5, Za2-g8[ фЬ8 5. g3 ©f5 6. Де2 [A 2^71 Дае7 7. Да6+- Af6 8. ДеЗ! фЬ7 9. Д13 ©е5 10. 2tf4 ©Ь2 11. Wd3 Де4 12. Фg2 ®d4 13. ®b518e7 1 : 0 Kamsky 61/38 KRAMNIK - KAMSKY 1... Дс2-+ 2. ®e3 12. ®f4 Де2; 2... ed5] ed5 3. e5 [3. ed5 Де8; 3. Sf6 gf6 4. Af5 (4. ®h6 Wd4) Ad7 5. e5 Af5 6. ef6 ФИ81 d4 4. Wg5 Де2 [4... h6 5. ®h4 Де2[ 5. ef6 lei 6. Afl ДП 7. Фg2 Sgl 8. ФЬЗ Ad7 9. фЬ4 g6 10. ®h6 d3 11. gf4 Wf4 12. Wf4 [12. gf4 Дg4 13. ФЬЗ lg5 14. фЬ4 ДЬ5[ ДЫ 13. g4 h6! 14. фЬЗ [14. Wd6 g5 15. Фg3 Sgl] g5 15. ®d4 ggl 16. О d2 17. ®d2 [17. ®gl Aa4] Ab5 0 : 1 Kramnik 67/593 KAMSKY - VA. SALOV 1. 21Г7!+- ФП 2. ^g5 Фg8 3. <2ie6 Аеб 4. Деб ФП 5. ®e2 Де8 [5... Ad6 6. Де1 Де8 (6... £>f8 7. Sf6 gf6 8. Wh5 £ig6 9. Ad5 Фg7 10. Ah6#) 7. Aa8 Wa8 8. Де8 We8 9. ®c4[ 6. Aa8 ®a8 7. Sei ®d8 8. Aa5 £)18 9. ДеЗ £>g6 10. Wc4 Wd5 [10... £id5 11. Ac7] 11. Wc7 Ф18 12. Ab4 Ab4 13. ab4 Д08 [13... ®d4 14. Wc5 ®c5 15. Де8 £se8 16. bc5[ 14. b5 ®d4 15. b6 ®d7 16. Wc5 Фg8 17. Wc4 ФГ8 18. Деб £>d5 19. We4 ФГ7 20. b7 £>f8 [20... Ш>7 21. ®f3 Фg8 22. Де8[ 21. Де8 £if6 22. Де7 1:0 Va. Salov 105/48 V. TOPALOV - KAMSKY 1... £)B! 2.2>gl [2. gB Wh6 3. фё1 Wh2 4. ФА £je3#[ ^el 3. ®e2 [3. Sei ®h4[ ®f4 4. g3 Wh6 0 : 1 Shipov 336
GATA KAMSKY Endings 52/345 J. BENJAMIN 2540 - KAMSKY 2595 53/55 SEIRAWAN 2615 - KAMSKY 2595 56/331 KAMSKY 2655 - AR. JUSSUPOW 2640 59/213 KAMSKY 2645 - D. GUREVICH 2575 USA (ch) 1993 97/246 KAMSKY 2671 - D. NAVARA 2658 Torino (ol) 2006 57/31 KAMSKY 2655 - CAMPORA 2550 Buenos Aires 1993 ISl H 8/f6 1. ? +- 101/48 B. AVRUKH 2641 - KAMSKY 2714 102/262 KAMSKY 2726 - Ml. ADAMS 2729 112/251 KAMSKY 2741 - NEPOMNIACHTCHI 2711 Khanty-Mansiysk (m/1) 2007 Baku 2008 Khanty-Mansiysk 2011 H 9/i H 6/f H 6/e 1... ? -+ 1.? +- 1.? +- 337
GATA KAMSKY 52/345 J. BEN JAMIN - KAMSKY 1... Hf6 2. Д15 Дс5 3. Hfl g5! [3... g6 4. Дс2 А ДЬЗ] 4. ДаЗ Hd6 5. Hdl &g7 6. Де2 Да4! 7. ДО?! [7. Ь4!+] Ь4 8. Hel [^ 8. Ь4[ ДеЗ 9. Hdl НЬб 10. Hd7 фГб 11. Да5 фе5 12. ДЬЗ Hf6 13. Ь4 [13. ЬЗ!? А g4] g4 14. Hg7 Ь5 15. Не7 [15. Hg5 Фе4 16. НЬ5 феЗ+; 16... Да4!?[ фа4 16. Hd7 фе4 17. Hf7 Hd6 18. НО a5 19. ДП НЬ6-+ 20. ДЬЗ [20. Де8 ФеЗ 21. Hf5 Hd6 Ха2, g3] ФеЗ 21. ФП Наб! 22. Да4 Hd6 23. Де8 Hdl 24. фg2 Де1! 25. Нс2 Hd5 26. НЬ2 [26. Дсб Hf5! А Д42[ Не5 27. Да7 фаз! 28. ФП Да2 29. НЬЗ ДеЗ! 30. НЫ фс2 31. НЬЗ Hel 32. фО Фа2 33. ДЬ5 Hal 34. Дс4 а4 0:1 Kamsky 53/55 SEIRAWAN - KAMSKY 1... Ф18! 2. с4 [2. ФЬб Даб 3. ДЬ7 фе7 4. Дсб Нс8^[ Фе8! 3. Де1 фа7! 4. Да5 f5!= 5. Дс7 Фс7 6. Фа4 е4 7. fe4 fe4 8. ФЬЗ фаб 9. ФеЗ ДГ6 10. Фс2 Фе5 11. ДЬ5 Дав 12. фа2 Дg5 13. Фе2 Дс1 14. ЬЗ Дg5 15. g3 Де7 16. Да7 Фа4 17. Д15 Ьб 18. Дg6 Даб 19. ДЬ7 1/2 : 1/2 Seirawan 56/331 KAMSKY - АЛ. JUSSUPOW 1. ®d7±O Не4П [1... £>f4? 2. d5+-1 2. Wc6 Hd4 3. фgl! Hdl! 4. фЬ2 Hd2O 5. Wd7 [A c61 2>e3D 6. ®c8 фе7 7. Ш7 фав [7... ФГ8 8. Wf3 £)d5 9. сб Фе7 10. Wf5+~ Д Wd7| 8. ®a8! фс7П 9. Wa7?!© фав 10. Wa8 Фс7 11. Wa5+- [Xf6] Фс8 12. ®аб ФЬ8 13. Wb6 фав 14. Wf6 g4 15. Wf8 ФЬ7 16. We7 фоб 17. «еЗ НО 18. ФglHO19.We4фc5 20.hg4 1:0 Kamsky 57/31 KAMSKY - САМРОЛЛ 1. ДО± [ХЬ7, сб! ФГ8 2. с5! а5 3. с4 [A d5 ХЬ7, Г7[ На7 4. фО Фе7 5. ФеЗ Да7 6. аЗ Дев?! 7. НЬ6!+- [A d5[ фав 8. d5 Фс7 9. аб[9...фс8 10. d4 A d5 Хсб, еб] 1:0 Kamsky 59/213 KAMSKY - D. GUREVICH 1. сЗ!= фаб 2. £}g3 фа5 3. &П Фе4 4. €1еЗфО5. £к2 1/2: 1/2 D. Gurevich 97/246 KAMSKY - D. NAVARA 1. £sa6!+- [1. £sd3!?[ Ha2 [1... НЫ 2. НаЗ Ь4 3. НеЗ ЬЗ 4. £)Ь4[ 2. В g5 3. НЬ5 НЬ2 4. На5 а2 5. На4 Нс2 6. НаЗ НЬ2 7. ^с5 Нс2 8. ^>е4 Фg6 9. На5 f6 10. Наб ФВ 11. Hf6 [П.Ш?аШ]Фе512.Наб 1:0 D. Navara 101/48 В. AVKUKH - KAMSKY 1... Hd5!+ 2. ДО [2. Нс2 ^d8! 3. е7 ®сб-+1 Ь4 3. На2?! [3. ФВ ЬЗ 4. фе4 НЬ5 5. НЬ2 Фе7 6. фаз Феб 7. Фс4 НЬ8!+; 3. Нс2 Hd6!+[ ЬЗ 4. Hal [4. Наб НЬ5! 5. Нсб Ь2 6. 338
GATA KAMSKY ЖЬ4 Sb8—+1 b2 5. ЙЫ Sd2—+ 6. ФВ Aia5 [Л ®c4; 6... Sc2!-+] 7. Ah4 [7. 15! gf5 8. Ah4 Sd3! (8... £>c4? 9. Sgl £>e5 10. ФеЗ 14 11. Ф42 £)13 12. фс2 £>gl 13. ФЬ2 Aih3 14. фсЗ=) 9. Ф12 Sh3 10. Af6 £jc4 11. Sgl Ф18! 12. e7 Ф17 13.Sg8(13. Sg7 Ф16 14. e8W <^g7 15. We7 &g6-+) £)d6 14. Sf8 Феб 15. ДЬ2 фе7-+1 4ic4 8. f5 Sd5! 9. fg6 hg6 10. Ф§4 [10. Фе2 Sd2 11. фе1 Sh2—+] Sdl! 0:1 В. Avrukh 102/262 KAMSKY - Ml. ADAMS 1. c4! [1. ФА ФЬб (1... Sh3 2. Фе2 Sh4 3. c4) 2. Фе2 Sh3 3. Scl Sh4 (3... h5 4. Sgl) 4. Sgl Sf4 5. Sg6 ФЬ5 6. Sg8 (6. Sh6 S13 7. Sf6 Sc3 8. Sf5 ФЬ4 9. Se5 Sb3 10. Se4 Фс5=) h5±l ФЬ4 2. c5 ФЬЗ [2... Sd7 3. сб Sc7 4. h5! gh5 5. ФЬЗ ФЬЗ 6. Scl ФЬ4 7. ФЬ4 ФЬ5 8. ФЬ5 Sc6 9. Sc6 Феб 10. ФЬб Фd5 11. Фg5 Феб 12. фg6+-] 3. Scl+- ФЬ2 [3... И5 4. сб Sd8 5. с7 Sc8 6.13! ФЬ4 7. 1е4 ФЬ5 (7... 1е4 8. Ф12 ФЬ5 9. ФеЗ ФЬб 10. Фе4 Sc7 11. Sc7 Фс7 12. фе5) 8. Ф13 ФЬб 9. е5 Sc7 10. Sc7 Фс7 11. ФеЗ Фd7 12. фdЗ! (12. фd4? феб 13. фс5 g5 14. fg5 Фе5=) Феб 13. Фd4 фе7 14. фd51 4. Sc4 Sd7 [4... ФЬЗ 5. сб! фс4 6. с71 5. сб Sc7 6. Ь5 ФЬЗ 7. Scl gh5 [7... ФЬ2 8. Sc5[ 8. ФЬЗ 1 : 0 Mi. Adams 112/251 KAMSKY - NEPOMNIACHTCHI 1. h4!? Sd2 2. Scl Sa2 3. Sc7 Ф16 [3... Фg8 4. Sc5 a5 5. Se5 ФП 6. h5 a4 7. hg6 hg6 8. Sa5 Фе7 9. Sa6 g5 (9... Фd7 10. Sg6 Фс7 11. e5+-) 10. ФЬ2 Фd7 11. Sa5+-14. Sh7 a5 5. Sa7 a4 6. фЬ2 аЗ 7. фЬЗ Феб 8. Sa6 Ф17 9. Фg3 ф§7 [9... Sal 10. Фg44—] 10. Se6+- Se2 11. Se5 a2 12. Sa5 Ф16 13. 14 Se4 14. Sa2 Фg7 15. Фg4 Sb4 16. Sa5 1 : 0 Da. Milanovic Edited by Tomislav Paunovic 339
Korice • Переплёт • Cover • Farm • Couverture • Cubiertas • Copertina • Parmar • it® • Dorde Simic Dizajn • Дизайн • Design • Design • Design • Diseno • Grafica • Design • iSit • Г*J Aleksandar Gajic, Milo§ Majstorovic Tehni^ki urednik • Технический редактор • Technical editor • Technischer Redakteur • Rёdacteur technique • Redactor tёcnico • Redattore tecnico • Teknisk redaktor • • чг^1 Svetlana Ignjatovic Stampa: JP "Sluzbeni glasnik", Beograd Printed in Serbia 2012 CIP — Каталогизаци|а у публикации Народна библиотека Срби)е, Београд 794.1 SAHOVSKI informator = Шахматньц информатор = Chess informant = Schach-Informator = Informateur d’echecs = Informador ajedrecistico = Informatore scacchistico = Schack-informator / odgovorni urednik Branko Tadic. - 1966, br. 1 - . - Beograd (Francuska 31) : Sahovski informator, 1966- (Beograd : Sluzbeni glasnik). - 24 cm Cetiri puta godisnje. ISSN 0351-1375 = Sahovski informator COBISS.SR-ID 15973890