                    Starkov A.P.
Dixon R.R.
Ostrovsky B.S.

Adverbs soon — sooner — soonest late — later — latest early — earlier — earliest loudly — more loudly — most loudly But: I II III well better best badly worse worst much more most little less least far farther farthest
А. П. Старков, Р. Р. Диксон Б. С. Островский ENGLISH Учебник 3-й год обучения (для 7 класса средней школы) READER Книга для чтения Составители Е. Г. Копыл, М. А. Боровик Допущено к использованию Министерством общего и профессионального образования Российской Федерации Санкт-Петербург ♦ Специальная Литература» 1997
УДК 80 373 А 64 Условные обозначения Восклицательный знак, стоящий слева от таблицы, обозначает, I что нужно обратить внимание на слова, которые читаются не по правилам. Стрелка, стоящая рядом с таблицей, содержащей три формы глаголов, указывает на то, что эта таблица дается в помощь ученику для выполнения упражнений. А Таким значком помечены упражнения для домашнего задания. ♦ Таким значком помечены задания по домашнему чтению. Такое сокращение обозначает Reference Grammar RG («Грамматический справочник»); первая цифра после этого сокращения указывает на раздел справочника, вторая и третья — на пункты этого раздела. Гр| Такой значок напоминает о задании по домашнему чтению, которое учащиеся выполняют в течение недели. © «Специальная Литература», 1997 © Старков А. П., Диксон Р. Р., Островский Б. С., 1997 ISBN 5-7571-0037-0 (2-й завод) © Волошкин О. П., оформление обложки, 1997
Part I Unit 1 § i 1. Look at the picture and answer the teacher’s questions. 2. Look at the picture, listen and correct. 3. Look at the picture and ask questions. 4. Look at the picture and answer the questions: Are the family having dinner? Are they going to have dinner? What is the mother going to do? What is she carrying? Is her daughter going to help her? Who is going to lay the table? 3
5. Look at the picture and read the text. Ask your deskmate questions about what the children are doing. Look at this picture. In this picture you can see two children in the kitchen. The boy is standing near the table and holding a plate in his hand. He is washing the plates and drying them with a towel. The girl is hol- ding a brush in her hands. She is sweeping the floor. The boy and the girl are helping their mother to clean the kitchen. 6. Read and correct. 1. You are having a Russian lesson. 2. Your teacher is reading a text. 3. Your parents are going to work. 4. It is snowing. 5. You are asking questions. 6. Your friend is standing in front of the blackboard. 4
8. Read and compare (See RG I 1, 2): The definite article — the The children are in the park now. He goes to the institute in the evening. The indefinite article — a(an) I have a small dog. I am reading an interesting English book. No article There are apple-trees in Aunt Vera’s garden. I have bread and butter and tea for my breakfast. 9. Read and say which article we use: I. Have you a museum in your town? 2. That’s the hospital where his mother works. 3. Take a Number Three bus. 4. There are no books for physical training lessons. 5. It’s a good thing to have a big sister. 6. During the long break we can go to the dining-room. 7. Lena, it’s time to go to school. 8. Have you any brothers or sisters? 1. The definite article. 2. The indefinite article. 3. No article. 10. Read the text and say what it is about: The First of September Today is the first day of school. It is a happy day for all schoolchildren and their parents. It is a great holiday for those boys and girls who are only beginning to go to school. Let’s go out and see what people are doing in the streets this morning. There are a lot of schoolchildren in the streets. 5
They are going to school. Boys and girls are carrying school-bags, many of them have flowers in their hands. Big schoolchildren are going to school by themselves, but small schoolchildren are going with their parents. Look at that little girl with a happy face! She is carrying beautiful flowers for her first teacher and a big schoolbag. You can see that she is very glad to be a pupil of the first form. Now we are in the schoolyard. More schoolchil- dren are coming. They are not playing games this morning. They are speaking about their summer holidays, about their new teachers and what is new at school. A boy is telling his friends what he knows about a new school subject. Music is playing and soon the meeting begins. The children, their parents and other people who are present listen to the director. The director says that the children’s duty is to learn well. Now the small girl with flowers is ringing the bell.1 The schoolchildren are going to their classrooms and school begins. 1 bell — звонок ▲ 11 а) Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложе- нию, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное: 1. The children are sleeping. (What...) 2. My friend ф standing at the trolley-bus stop. (Where...) 3. He is having breakfast with his sister. (Who... with?) ! great people beautiful friend present 6
4. The parents and children are decorating the New Year tree with toys. (What... with?) 5. The old man is looking after the small children playing in the square. (Who...) 6. She is watching TV. (Is...) б) Выполните задание 1 домашнего чтения. §2 12. Read and answer the questions: 1. Are you going to answer the questions? 2. What are you going to do at the next lesson? 3. What are you going to do during the next break? 4. When are you going to be at home? 5. Are your friends going to play games after the lessons? 6. Where are you going to be at 8 o’clock in the evening? 13. Describe what you are going to do when a) you want to prepare for your English lesson; b) you want to go for a walk with your friends. 14. Ask your classmates questions about what they are going to do on Sunday. 15. Look at the picture, read and answer the questions. 1. What colour is the girl’s hair? 2. Is her hair long or short? 3. Are her eyes big? 4. What is her face like? 5. Are her ears small? 16. Read and describe the family, giving details. These are the members of the family: Father, 49, schoolteacher; hair, black; eyes, brown. 7
Mother, 45, doctor; hair, fair; eyes, blue. Daughter, 20, student, thin, not very tall. Son, 13, schoolboy, thin, tall. Grandmother, 68, pensioner; hair, grey; eyes, dark. 17. Read and answer the questions: 1. Is your family large or small? 2. How many sisters and brothers have you? 3. How old are your parents? 4. What are your parents? 5. Have any you aunts and uncles? 6. Where do they live? fh x'" 18. Look at the picture and de- scribe the man and the girl ▲ 19. а) Прочитайте текст и подготовьте его пересказ. A Letter from a Camp Dear Mum and Dad, I am all right. I like the camp very much. It is near a beautiful river in a green forest. It has a volleyball ground and a sports ground. We look after the gardens and water the flowers. In the centre Of our camp there is a square. This is the place for camp meetings. We get up at 7 o’clock and do morning exercises. After that we wash and make our beds. After break- fast some go to the forest, others help to pick ve- getables. After dinner we must sleep, but it’s difficult to sleep in the day-time. When the girls begin to speak, 8
the door of our room opens and we hear, “Who isn’t sleeping?” There is no answer, we are all “sleeping”. After two hours of rest we have a glass of coffee or milk and eat bread or a cake. Then we read or draw, play table games, volleyball or basketball. In bad weather we can read books, write letters, prepare dances and songs for evening parties and do other things. We dance, play games or watch films after supper. Then we go to bed. Please write if you are coming on Sunday. Bring Borya too. Does he go to the children’s summer playground? Well, my letter is too long today, but I have very much to tell you. Love, 1 Lena 1 love [Iav] — в конце письма означает «целую» б) Перепишите предложения и подчеркните красной чер- той определенный артикль, а синей — неопределенный артикль. 1. In the middle of the street there is a green square.- 2. On the other side of the square, opposite the post-office the Stogovs see the theatre, a beautiful building. 3. The sofa is in the corner near the balcony door. 4. The family take their places at the table. 5. The father and the mother are sitting on a bench under a big tree in the park. 6. There is a large picture on the wall opposite the door. beautiful breakfast bread weather ready other love door today 9
§ 3 20. Read and answer the questions. 1. Do you live in town or in the country? 2. Where does your mother work? 3. How does your father get to work? 4. What tram (bus) stops near your school? 5. When do lessons begin in your school? 6. Who prepares your breakfast in the morning? 7. Do you like coffee or tea? 8. What do you wear when the weather is cold? 21. Read the text and ask questions on it When the schoolchildren come to school, they first take off their coats and raincoats, their caps and hats, and then go to their classrooms. Some of them go to laboratories and workshops, where they have their physics lessons and labour training. When a pupil is on duty, he comes to school at eight o’clock, he goes to his classroom, opens the windows, waters the flowers, and cleans the black- board. Then all is ready for the first lesson. At half past eight the teacher comes into the room and the lesson begins. 22. Read and correct: 1. You look after your little sister (brother) all the time. 2. Third form pupils of our school learn English. 3. Your parents always work on Sundays. 4. You go home by car after school. 5. Our winter holidays begin a week before the New Year. 6. It rains every day in autumn. io
23. Read and use in situations. rest: We had two stops for rest on the way to the forest. We rested after dinner. spend (spent, spent): How much time do you spend on your homework? I spent my summer holi- days in the country. often ['ofn]: Do you often go to the theatre? We don’t go to the park often. hour ['auoj: Please come back in an hour’s time. Why are you up at this hour? In an hour we shall be at home. sea [si:]: Sochi is on the Black Sea. Did you swim in the sea last summer? seaside ['sksaid]: Some children will go to the seaside for their summer holidays. I walked along the seaside. They spent the summer at the seaside. life (pl lives): This book is about the life of young people. It describes how they help each other. Her grandfather spent his life in a little town, again [o'gein]: Please say that again. Put it back again! She was ill but now she is well again. 24. Read the text and answer the questions: Summer Holidays On the first day of school in September there is much talk about the school holidays. All school- children ask each other, “Where did you go for your holidays?” or “Where did you spend your holidays?” The answers are very different. You may hear, “We spent the summer in the country” or “I spent my holidays at the sea”. Other boys and girls describe how they went swimming in the river every day. All your friends are ready to talk about their wonderful holidays time and again.1 11
Life at a summer camp is another story which is always interesting to hear. When you come back from the camp, you can tell not only about what you did there but about your new friends, too. Almost every boy or girl has a new friend from another school, sometimes from another town. Some children stay at home during the school holidays. But they always say that the holidays are going too quickly, they have little time for all the things they want to do. At the end of August, after the holidays all boys and girls like going back to school. When they go there, their teachers ask them many questions and say, “You are very big now!” 1 time and again — опять и опять, то и дело 1 . How do people like to spend their holidays? 2. What kind of talk is there on the first day of school? 3. Where do schoolchildren spend their holidays? 4. What can you say about your life at the summer camp? 25. Read and speak about your family parties. 1. Say when your birthday comes, what your parents and friends usually give you on your birthday. Say a few words about one of your birthday presents. 2. Describe the birthday party you had on your twelfth (thirteenth) birthday. 3. Describe one of your family parties. How did you prepare it? 26. Ask your friend questions about what he (she) does in the morning. 12
27. Tell the class what you do when your friend comes to see you; when you come home from school; when your mother asks you to help her; when the weather is bad. 28. а) Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложе- нию, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное: 1. She helps her mother to clean the room. (What...) 2. She lives in a village not far from the Volga. (Where...) 3. The children like to listen to their father’s stories. (Whose...) 4. On Sundays the family go for walks in the forest. (When...) 5. The teacher calls schoolchildren to the blackboard to answer her questions. (Who...) 6. We spend our summer holidays in the country. (Who...) б) Выполните задание 2 домашнего чтения. 29. Look at the picture and describe a) what you see in the picture; b) what you do when you have your breakfast. other another brother mother wonderful come I country young learn ready theatre people friend 13
30. Read and answer the questions: 1. Does your brother (sister) go to school? 2. Is he (she) going to school now? 3. What are you doing? 4. Is your teacher sitting or standing? 5. Where does she (he) stand (sit) during the lesson? 6. Where is she (he) standing (sitting) now? 31. Read and compare (See RG 13): The Boris, wash the plates! I don’t want salt. Общий смысл. 14
32. Read and say why we use or do not use the article with the words underlined: 1. Look at the blackboard. 2. Is there a blackboard in the laboratory? 3. How many sisters and brothers have you? 4. They usually take milk with their tea. 5. Shall I go and get the meat from the kitchen? 6. Can you show me the way to the theatre? I Конкретный смысл. II. Общий смысл. 33. Read and speak about your home: Home is the place where we live. Our home may be in a house or in a flat. 1. Describe what you can see in front of your house, behind your house and round your house. 2. Your friend says to you, “Come to my house!” What will he (she) show you? What will you do in his (her) house? 3. There is a large garden at the back of your friend’s house. What can you see there? 4. Tell the class how you help about the house, what you do on week-days and on Sundays. What is it difficult for you to do at home? 34. Read and use in situations: grow (grew [gru:], grown [groun]): Apples do not grow in the tundra. Our farm grew vegetables. My brother has grown a little this year. wheat [wi:t]: Our farm has a large field of wheat, harvest ['havist]: Wheat harvest is very good this year. Have our farmers harvested wheat in time? potato [po'teitou]: We ate new potatoes in the country. They will have meat and potatoes for dinner. Do you like potato soup? 15
gather ['дзебэ]: Let us gather some flowers. School- children have gathered in the yard. Gather round and I’ll tell you a story. rich: Our country is rich in forests (has many forests). The school library is rich, it has many books, different ['difarant]: My uncles and aunts live in dif- ferent cities. The weather is different in autumn. Sergei is different from his brother. ▲ 35. а) Прочитайте текст и опишите село: In the Country Boris Stogov’s friend Victor lives in the country. His parents are farmers. One day Victor goes to town and asks Boris and his friends Oleg and Vera to come and see his village. The friends want to spend a day in the country. In the morning they come to Victor’s village by bus. The houses in the village are not large. The streets and gardens are green with trees. There is electricity 1 and radio in the village. The farmers have radio and TV sets. There is a secondary school 2 in the village. The school has a good English room. “Do you see that new building near the school?” asks Victor. “That is our club. The farmers like to go to the club in the evening. They like to see films there and to listen to interesting concerts”. Another boy from the village tells the friends that the farmers have a large library with many books, magazines3 and newspapers. The library is one front brother come country young friend field building aunt autumn 16
in the club. Young and old farmers come to the library to read a magazine or a newspaper or to take out a book. The farmers have libraries at home too. “And this is our house”, says Victor. “Come in, please”. 1 electricity [ilek'trisiti] — электричество; 2 secondary ['sekandori] school — средняя школа; 3 magazine [,maega'zi:n] — журнал б) Перепишите предложения в две группы, в первую — предложения, где выделенные существительные имеют конкретный смысл, а во вторую — предложения, где вы- деленные существительные имеют общий смысл: 1. She puts a glass, a plate, and a spoon at each place. 2. They will meet the workers of this factory. 3. The concert is very interesting. 4. We can help on a farm. 5. It is a new film about workers. 6. Boris, 1 want you to wash the plates, spoons and forks. 36. Look at the picture and describe the room. 37. Look at the picture and ask questions about the room. 17
38. Speak about the sutuation: Your classmate has been at his (her) friend’s. Ask him (her) about his (her) friend’s flat (house). 39. Read and use in situations: farm: My parents work on a farm. Our farm is rich, cattle-farm: Our cattle-farm has many cows and sheep. After leaving school my sister will work on a cattle-farm. lorry ['bri]: Many lorries work on our farms. The farmers-brought vegetables to town in a large lorry. combine-harvester: There is much work for combine- harvesters in summer. I shall learn to work on a combine-harvester. combine-operator: Combine-operators do much work in July and August. Many young people in the country are combine-operators. grass [grcus]: Where does grass grow in your town? You can read “Don’t walk on the grass” in .many parks. while [wail]: While I was out my friend came to see me. We must finish the work while there is light. 40. Read and discuss: 1. Which do you think is more interesting —- a holiday in the country or a holiday in a summer camp? Why? 2. Is there anything you can do in the country during the holidays that you cannot do in town? What is it? 3. Did you work in the school garden last summer? Did you help to do anything in the school building? Was your work very difficult? Did you work all day? 18
41. Read and say: Proverb: THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. Yes, you can make a mistake if you don’t think before you speak. Why do people say, “Give me time to think”? 42. Read and say why we use or do not use the article with the words underlined. 1. They lived in a village near a small river. 2. They saw large fields of green grass and flowers. 3. There are tractors, combine-harvesters and lorries in the fields. 4. Do you like wheat bread with butter? 5. Please, come to my place in an hour. 6. The sea was warm when we went to swim. 43. Read and speak about your flat: 1. On what floor is your flat? What can you see through your flat windows? 2. How many rooms are there in your flat? Where do you learn'your lessons? What rooms do you help to clean? 3. What do the members of your family do in the living-room? Do all of them come to the kitchen? 44. а) Прочитайте и выпишите слова по теме «Село»: Lorry, machine, rich, tractor, driver, seaside, field, grass, cattle-farm, life, potato, wheat, farm, plot, gather, combine-harvester, theatre, combine-operator, different, grow, harvest, university, trolley-bus. б) Выполните задание 3 домашнего чтения. 19
§ 6 45. Read and answer the questions: 1. Did you get any marks yesterday? О get — got have — had do — did go — went come — came 2. When did you have your dinner yesterday? 3. Did you do your homework on Sunday? 4. Where did you go after the les- sons on Monday? 5. Did you come home from school late? 46. Read the text and a"§k questions on it: Last winter the Stogovs visited St. Petersburg. They stayed at a hotel in the centre of the city. Every day they walked along the streets of the city and looked at its beautiful buildings and wonderful parks and-squares. The weather was fine. It snowed, but it was not very cold. They liked the city very much. 47. Read and correct: I. be — was, were 2. go — went Q О begin — began o. wear — wore 4. 5. You were ill yesterday. You went to the theatre on Wednesday. We began our school year on the first Sunday of September. We had four lessons on Thursday. You wore a winter coat in Octo- ber, didn’t you? 20
48. Read and act. Short Conversations 1 “We are going on our holidays on Saturday”. “Do you want to spend them in the country or at the seaside?” “We decided to spend them in the country. All the members of the family like walking in the forest. Last year we went for long walks”. 2 “How are the holidays going?” “Too quickly. I have no time to do many things. What about you?” “I’m having a wonderful holiday time. But so- metimes I think about going back to school”. 3 “We visited many interesting places during the summer holidays”. “Oh, I’ve already made three or four visits to beautiful places and old towns. Did you spend your holidays at a summer camp?” “Yes, but I’ve only been at a town summer camp. I want to go to a camp in the country next year”. 49. Look at the picture and describe the village. 21
50. Read and discuss the situations. Misha was absent from home for a long time. Yes- terday he came back. He was glad to be home again. Tell each other where Misha was; how long he was absent; who stayed at home when Misha was absent; why he was so glad to be home again. 51. Read and speak about life in the country. 1. You live in the country. Describe what is new in your village. 2. You live in a town. Say what you saw when you were on a ^arm. 3. Your friend lived in the country last July (August). Ask him what he did there. 4. People who live in towns like to go to the country for a day or- two. In what seasons do they go there? What do they like in the country? ▲ 52. а) Прочитайте текст и опишите, что видел Дима Немков: A Stop on the Way to Voronezh When Boris Stogov came back to school in Sep- tember, he wanted very much to speak about his holidays at the Black Sea. “Last month we went to Sochi”, said Boris to Dima Nemkoy, his classmate. “It was our first visit there, and I want to go there again. The Black Sea is wonderful!” . “Of course, but I don’t like to go to the same place every summer”, said Dima. “There are many interesting places to see. I think I’ll go to the Black Sea some day but listen — I have something to tell you”. “Is it about the summer holidays?” asked Boris. 22
“Yes. We went to Voronezh by car. When we stopped to wash our car on the way to Voronezh, a man told us about a little old town not far away. We went there and saw beautiful little houses built very long ago. One of them is a museum now. It shows the history of that part of the country”. “Did you spend much time there?” asked Boris. “Only two days, but what days! We swam in the river and went to the forest. It’s a fine place for a holiday”. б) Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложе- нию, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное: 1. The family spent their holidays in the village. (Where...) 2. The boy was seven years old. (How old...) 3. Their uncle showed them the farm and the village where they lived. (What...) 4. The teacher gave the schoolboy a good mark. (Did...) 5. On the first of September all the schoolchildren came to school early in the morning. (When...) 6. The son gave his mother flowers on her birthday. (Who...) ’ There is something in the school-bag. There isn’t anything on the plate. There is nothing on it. 23
Is there anything in the school-bag? Yes, there is something. Is there anything on the plate? No, there isn’t any- thing. What is there on the plate? There is nothing on it. There is nothing there. There is something in the school-bag, isn’t there? Yes, there is something. 54. Read. There is somebody There isn’t anybody at the bus in the room. stop. There is nobody there. Is there anybody at the bus stop? No, there isn’t anybody. Is there anybody in the room? Yes, there is somebody. There is nobody at the bus stop, is there? No, there isn’t anybody. There is somebody in the room, isn’t there? Yes, there is somebody. wonderful somebody something nothing mother one two course country beautiful early build 24
55. Read and compare. (See RG II): + something somebody There is something interesting in the newspaper. There is somebody coming to the house. — (not) anything (not) anybody nothing nobody There isn’t anything new in the letter. There isn’t anybody in the room. I have nothing to say. Nobody is absent. ? anything anybody Have you anything to eat? Is there anybody playing in the yard? 56. Read and answer the questions: 1. Your friend saw something dark in the garden. What was it? 2. You saw somebody at the window. Why were you glad? 3. “I have something in my bag that I want to show you”, said your classmate. What did he have in his bag? 4. Somebody has taken your pen. What can you do about it? 57. Read and use in situations: ' plot: Near our school there is a plot of vegetables. My grandfather grows potatoes on his plot. 25
decide [di'said]: I have decided to see my grandmother on Sunday. What have you decided about the holidays? think (thought [0o:t], thought): What do you think about the new film? You must learn to think before you speak. I think it will be cold today. so: I am so glad to see you. I have so much to do today. We have so little time for doing our homework, never ['neva]: I’ve never met this boy in our yard. My mother never gets up late in the morning. visit ['vizit]: She usually visits us in winter. When we were in Moscow, we visited the Museum of History. Our visit was very interesting. They paid a visii to their old friend. together [ta'geba]: Let us go for a walk together. They came home together. 58. Read the text and ask questions on it: A Visit to the Country Last summer the Stogov family went to the country. They went to visit Victor Nikolayevich’s brother, Pyotr, his wife, Natalia Alexandrovna, and their children, Pavel and Natasha. Pyotr Nikolayevich is a tractor-driver, his wife works on a cattle-farm. go — went — gone leave — left — left pK meet — met — met take — took — taken see — saw — seen hang — hung — hung be — was, were — been have — had — had speak — spoke — spoken say — said — said come — came — come begin — began — begun 26
The Stogovs left their flat early in the morning and went by bus to the country. Pyotr Nikolayevich and his family met them at the bus stop and took them to their house. On the way, Pavel and Natasha showed Boris and Lena the fields of wheat and vegetables and the cattle-farm. Lena and Boris saw fields of green grass and flowers. In the fields there were many cows and sheep. They went into the house and had dinner. After dinner they all went for a walk. Pyotr Nikolayevich showed the Stogovs the tractors and other machines. Natalia Alexandrovna took them to the cattle-farm. From the cattle-farm they went to the pig-farm. There were many large pigs, and many little ones. After their walk, they went back to the house and had tea and some cakes. They spoke about different things and about life in town and in the country. Then the Stogovs said good-bye and went home. 59. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя местоимения something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobo- dy. Прочитайте написанное: 1. Have уоил. to drink? 2. No, I have.:. . 3. He is reading... very interesting in the newspaper. 4. All are present. ... is absent. 5. Has... seen my little brother here? 6. He sent a letter to... in Omsk. 7. I do not know... about how to grow vegetables in the kitchen-garden. U б) Выполните задание 4 домашнего чтения. 27
§ 8 60. Look at the picture and answer the questions. I. Who has come to school early? 2. What have the pupils on duty opened? 3. What have they cleaned? 4. Has the girl dusted the teacher’s desk? 5. Has the boy hung the map up? 6. The lesson has begun, hasn’t it? 61. Read the text and ask questions on it. Look at the picture. It’s twenty minutes to eight. The boy has washed and dressed. He has had his breakfast. The boy has put his things in his bag and put on his cap. Now he is going to say good-bye to his mother and run to school. 62. Read and correct. 1. You have never seen a combine-harvester. 2. Your friend has spent three months at the seaside. 3. You have spent four hours on mathematics today. 4. You have never eaten potato soup. 28
63. Read and answer the questions: / 1. Have you anything in your school-bag? 2. Is there anybody in the corridor? 3. Do you write letters to anybody? 4. There is something about school life in the wall newspaper, isn’t there? ” 5. Is there anything on the wall opposite you? 6. Is anybody ill in your class? 64. Read the text of Exercise 58 and answer the questions: 1. Where did the Stogovs go last summer? 2. Who did they visit? 3. Where does Pyotr Nikolayevich work? 4. When did the Stogovs leave their flat? 5. How did they get to the village? 6. Who met them at the bus stop? 7. What did Pavel and Natasha show the children on the way to their house? 8. What did they all do after dinner? 65. Read and answer the questions: 1. Where did you spend your summer holidays? 2. How did you get there? 3. Who were you with? 4. What was the weather like at that time? be — was, were — been do — did — done , get — got — got go — went — gone grow — grew — grown have — had —had leave — left — left meet — met — met see — saw — seen show — showed — shown sit — sat — sat put — put — put run — ran —run 29
5. What did you do there? 6. Did you have a good time? 66. Do the task. Ask your classmates questions about your village. Ask your deskmate how she (he) helped the farmers to gather the harvest. ▲ 67. а) Подготовьте описание своей поездки в сельскую мест- ность (или в другое село), включая и впечатления от этой поездки. б) Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложе- нию, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное: 1. The teacher has introduced a new pupil to the class. (Who...) 2. Lyuda has read the English text. (Has...) 3. Mother has written a long letter to her daughter. (What...) 4. They have been to Saratov this year. (Where...) 5. We have already had four lessons today. (How many...) 6. The pupil on duty has put the chalk and the duster in the box. (Who...) § 9 68. Read and answer the questions. What do you do when you have finished your lessons? your mother has prepared dinner? you have laid the table? you have had your dinner? you have done : your homework? you have had your supper? 30
69. Read and speak. 1. The children gathered in the yard. Why did some- body tell them to gather? Did they gather to speak about something or to play a game? 2. Say what can grow in fields, forests, gardens (kitchen-gardens) and parks. 3. How is your town (village) growing? Are there new buildings, schools, hospitals, factories? 70. Read and learn by heart: Bed in Summer 1 In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light. 1 In summer, quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day. I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping2 on the tree, Or hear the grown-up 3 people’s feet Still going past me in the street. And does it not seem 4 hard to you, When all the sky5 is clear6 and blue, And I should like so much to play, To have to go to bed by day. Robert Louis Stevenson 1 candle-light ['kaendljait] — свет свечи; 2 hop —прыгать, перепрыгивать; 3 grown-up — взрослый; 4 seem — казать- ся; 5 sky — небо; 6 clear [klia] — ясный, чистый be — was, were —been see — saw — seen put — put — put have — had — had grow — grew — grown do — did —done come — came —come bring — brought — brought tell - told - told speak — spoke — spoken 31
71. Read and use in situations: else [els]: Nobody else knows what I am going to tell you. This isn’t my bag; it is somebody else’s. What else can you say? Who else did you see? Does anybody else want to read this book? When else can we meet? sun: Sit in the sun; it is warm there. The sun is in my eyes: I cannot see you. My grandfather gets up with the sun. shine (shone [Jon], shone): The rain has stopped and the sun is shining. Look, a light is shining in the window. The little boy’s face shone when his father gave him a new toy. wind [wind]: Ther^ is not much (a lot of) wind today. The wind has changed, the rain will stop soon. blow (blew [blu:], blown [bloun]): The wind is blowing but it isn’t cold. The wind has blown my hat off. There was a cold wind blowing in our faces when we were in the field. 72. .Look at the pictures and ask your deskmate questions about the weather.
▲ 73. а) Напишите ответы на вопросы: 1. Have you any penfriend? 2. Does anybody grow potatoes near your town? 3. Is there anything han- ging on the wall opposite you? 4. Has anybody in your family read books by Kaverin? 5. Can you say anything about your parents’ work? 6. Do you know any people who can speak English? EQ б) Выполните задание 5 домашнего чтения. § 10 74. Look, read and answer the questions: I. Who has come to Ann’s birthday party? 2. What has the boy brought? 3. What is the boy doing? 4. Is the girl going to give her friend flowers too? 5. What is Ann’s mother going to do? 6. Who is meeting the children? 7. What are they all going to ha.ve? 75. Read and .tell the class what you did when you left your house; when you saw the red light at the corner of the street; when you came to school. 2 Зак. 52 33
76. Read and answer the questions. 1. Have you had breakfast? 2. Did you have breakfast at 9 o’clock? 3. When did you have breakfast? 4. What have you just done? 5. What did you do when the lesson began? 6. Have you prepared your lesson? 7. Did you prepare your lessons in the morning or in the evening? 77. Read and answer the questions. 1. Have you ever been to the countryside? 2. When did you go to the country last time? 3. Did you live there for a long time? 4. Was it sunny or rainy at that time? 5. Was it harvest time? 6. What machines did you see in the fields? 7. What did you see on the farms? 8. Were you glad to spend a few days in the country? 78. Read and speak: 1. What have you grown in your kitchen-garden, in the yard, in the school garden or in the fields? 2. Have you helped to grow a forest, a garden, or a park? When and where Was it? Who worked with you on that day? 3. What have you heard about this year’s harvest? 79. Do the task: a) Describe your village. b) Tell your classmates about your visit to a village. begin — began —begun do — did — done go — went — gone have — had — had be — was, were — been see — saw — seen spend — spent —spent grow — grew —grown 34
▲ 80. а) Прочитайте текст и скажите, что нового вы узнали из него: Where the British Live In the past, most people in England lived in villages. Today, most English people have to live in a town or city because that is where the work is. There are many more houses than flats in En- gland. But the proportion 1 of flats is very much higher in London and in Scotland, and more and more big blocks of flats are being built 2 everywhere. At the same time many people still prefer to have their own 3 house and their garden. Very few people want big houses now. A typical house is built on two floors. The front door opens into a hall on the ground floor. Then there are two rooms Which are not too large. One is the dining- room, the other is the sitting-room or the living-room. The people who live in the house can stay in this room and do things together. The kitchen is at the back of the house, and the back door (which may be at the side) opens out of it into the garden. Upstairs5, on the first floor, there are bedrooms, a bathroom and a lavatory6. There is a small garden at the front of the house, and a larger one at the back. There is often a garage 7 at the side. 1 proportion [pra'pojn] — пропорция, соотношение; 2 are being built — строятся; 3 own [oun] —собственный; 4 typi- cal ['tipikl] — типичный; 5 upstairs [Ap'steaz] — наверху, на верхнем этаже; 6 lavatory ['laevatari] — уборная, туа- лет; 1 garage ['даегсиз] — гараж. 2* 35
б) Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы, дан- ные в скобках, в нужной форме. Прочитайте написанное. I. When we were in the country we ... for walks in the forest, (to go) 2. Have you ... to Pskov? It ... very nice to ... a month there in autumn, (to be, to spend) 3. The farmers ... all kinds of vegetables in the vegetable-gardens, (to grow) 4. When did the farmers ... the harvest? (to gather) 5. The apples ... green when we went to the country, (to be) 6. The sun ... brightly and a wind ... from the fields, (to shine, to blow) § 11 81. Read and answer the questions: 1. What lessons will you have tomorrow? 2. Who will be on duty next week? 3. He will like the present, won’t he? 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow? 5. How many days will there be in the next month? 6. When will the winter holidays begin? 82. Read the text and ask questions: Next Sunday we shall get up very early. My father and I shall wash and dress quickly and have a light breakfast. Then we shall take our bags. There will be bread and butter, meat and some other things to eat, and tea to drink. We shall go to the forest for a walk. Mother won’t go with us. She will stay at home with my little sister. We shall walk in the forest, swim in the river, pick flowers for Mother. We shall have dinner in the forest and come back home in the evening. 36
83. Read and correct: 1. You will go home from school by car. 2. We shall have a meeting today. 3. We shall come to school again late in the evening. 4. It will be very cold tomorrow. 5. The schoolchildren will finish their lessons at 3 o’clock. 84. Read and answer the questions: 1. This year’s potato harvest is good. Who will take part in gathering the potatoes? 2. Your family will go to the seaside next summer. How will you rest there? 3. All the schoolchildren work on your school plot. What are they going to grow there next year? 85. Read and use in situations: rainy ['reini]: We are having a lot of rainy weather this week. A rainy day isn’t good for a walk in the forest. sunny ['sAni]: I think it will be sunny tomorrow for our walk in the fields. One of the rooms in our flat is very sunny. windy ['windij: Windy weather is bad for a holiday at the seaside. We shall not go to the river on a windy day. 86. Read and compare (See RG III 1): Noun Adjective rain rainy wind windy sun sunny rainy 37
▲ 87. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя вспомогательные глаголы shall или will. Прочитайте написанное: 1. The boys ... bring flowers and put them on the table. 2. They ... take part in the concert. 3. It ... snow very soon. 4. We ... not have a music lesson at school today. 5. He ... go up to the eighth form next year. 6. ... you stay at home in the evening? Yes, I ... . Q б) Выполните задание б домашнего чтения. § 12 88. Read and answer the questions: 1. Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow? 2. When will you go to see your friend? 3. How old will you be next year? 4: Will you go home or to the sports ground after your lessons? 5. Where will you go in the evening? 6. Who will come to teach you at the next lesson? 89. Read the sentences and say, using will: 1. Stop talking! 2. Listen to the teacher! 3. Bring some water! 4. Look after the child! 5. Turn on the light! 6. Show me the way to the library! 38
90. Look at the pictures and describe the seasons and the weather. 91. Read the text and ask questions: The Weather We speak about the weather almost every day. Before we begin doing something, we want to know what kind of weather it is going to be. Why do we speak about the weather so often? The answer is not very difficult. We want sunny weather when we go for a walk in the country, and when a day is rainy we stay at home to read books, watch TV and do other things. When we are at the seaside, windy weather is not a pleasure. It is difficult to swim when the wind blows. And the wind can change good weather into bad. The sun will stop shining, rain may come.' And is there anything which we can do and must do in any weather? Yes, of course, there is. As English people say, “rain or shine” (in any weather) we must go to school. School is good in any weather, isn’t it? 92. Look at the picture (p. 40) and say what you can see in the picture; what season it is; what the weather is like; what the farmers are doing in the field; what they grow; if the harvest is good or bad. 39
▲ 93. а) Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы: An English Village A few days ago Sasha’s mother came home later than usual. “I’m sorry, I was too late to give you dinner”, she said to Sasha, “but I have something interesting for you in my bag”. “I’ve had my dinner already. There’s always something in the kitchen... What have you brought?” “A book”. “What kind of book?” “A book about England *. I got it in a book lottery2. When I opened the book to read something, the page was about an English village”. “About a village?” “Yes. An English village is an interesting place. The shop is the centre of village life. Women and children like to go there. Men meet at the pub3 to speak about this or that. There is talk about the 40
weather and the harvest, about football and village news”. “Is there a cinema or a club in the village?” “No. The people of the village go to the nearest town by bus when they want to see a new film or buy something that they cannot get in the village shop”. “What about a school?” asked Sasha. “Have they a school?” “The village school is a small old building. When the schoolchildren are eleven years old, they go to secondary schools4 in the nearest town. A school bus takes them every morning and brings them back in the afternoon”. “Are there any other interesting things about the village?” asked Sasha. “Oh, you must read the book yourself!” 1 England ['irjgland] — Англия; 2 lottery ['btori] — лотерея; 3 pub — паб, пивная; 4 secondary ['sekandori] school — средняя школа 1. What does Sasha do when his mother is late? 2. What kind of place is an English village? 3. What has Sasha heard about an English village school? 4. Do you live in a village? 5. What is interesting about your village? б) Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложе- нию, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное. 1. Edik will be on duty next week. (Who...) 2. She will get a good mark for her answer. (What mark...) 3. You will get off at the next tram stop. (Where...) 41
4. I shall read the article. (Shall...) 5. The children will prepare this homework for next Thursday. (Will... or...) 6. The weather will be fine tomorrow. (What...) § 13 94. Read and say what the underlined words mean: 1. We haven’t had much rain this year. 2. Rainy weather is not good for games on the playground. 3. You can hear the wind in the trees on a windy day. 4. Sit in the sun; it will be warmer there. 5. I think it will be sunny tomorrow for our visit to the country. 95. Read and speak about your town (village): 1. What can you see in the streets of your town (village)? 2. Are there any concert-halls, clubs and reading- halls in your town (village)? Which of them do you go to? What do you do there? 3. Speak about how your town (village) has changed this year. 96. Read and act: Short Conversations Speaking About the Weather 1 “Good morning. How are you?” “Good morning. I’m all right, thank you. What about you?” 42
“I’m fine, thanks. It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?” “Yes, the sun is shining brightly and there is no wind”. “I like sunny weather”. 2 “What’s the weather like?” “Well, it’s dark and cloudy. It looks like rain”. “Put your raincoat on and take your umbrella”. “It’s too hot for a raincoat. I shall take an umbrella”. 3 “Hello. What bad weather we are having!” “Yes, it’s raining cats and dogs *. I’m afraid I’ll get wet I. 2 through”. “Let’s take a bus, then”. “Hurry up. The bus is coming”. 4 “I say, John. What’s the weather going to be?” “It’s cold and windy. I think it’s going to snow”. “What does the thermometer 3 say?” “It’s 10 degrees 4 below zero”. 1 to rain cats and dogs — лить как из ведра; 2 wet — мокрый, влажный, сырой; 3 thermometer [Оэ'тэтПэ] — термометр; 4 degree [di'gri:] — градус. 97. Read and talk with your deskmate about the weather. Tell each other what you can do on a hot and a rainy day: I. Today the weather is sunny with warm winds and no rain. • 2. Tomorrow the weather will be cool with some winds and rain in places. 43
98. Look at the pictures and compare the things. 99. Look at the pictures and ask your deskmate questions ▲ 100. а) Напишите 8 вопросов, которые вы зададите ученику сельской школы о его деревне. И б) Выполните задание 7 домашнего чтения. § 14 101. Read and say why we use or do not use the article with the words underlined: 1. You are an hour late. 2. Boys! The potatoes are ready. 3. The new harvest is very good. 4. We went to a cattle-farm. 5. We had meat and potatoes for dinner. 6. The children gathered around a dog in the yard. 44
102. Read and discuss the situations: 1. Your mother says, “The potatoes are ready”, and you go to the dinner table to eat them. Tell each other who grows potatoes; in what month of the year you can have new potatoes; what you like to eat with potatoes. 2. Your deskmate says that he is preparing for a visit to an interesting place. Tell each other where and when you can pay a visit with your parents out of your town (village); what you can see when you are on a visit. 103. Do. the tasks: 1. Say what you know about life at summer camps. 2. Tell your classmates where you went in summer, what the weather was like and what you did there. 104. Read the text and finish the story: Lena Stogova and her friends decided to go to the country on a Sunday in September. “Our parents won’t let us go there by ourselves”, said Vitaly Menshikov. “What shall we do then?” asked Vera Petrova. “Shall we ask our parents to go too?” “I think somebody’s father or mother can go with us, we shan’t ask all parents to come”, said Lena. Then she said, “I’ll ask my dad. He likes to go to the country and he’ll tell us interesting things on the way. He knows how people live and work in the country”. On Sunday morning the children gathered at the bus stop. Victor Nikolayevich was their leader. 45
“Now, boys and girls”, he said, “we are leaving for the countryside1. You’ll see some interesting places and what people are doing there on this autumn day”. 1 countryside ['kAntrisaid] — сельская местность ▲ 105. а) Прочитайте текст и скажите, чем различаются вре- мена года в Англии и там, где вы живете: A Carpet1 of Many Colours England is not a large’country. No town in England is very far from the sea, and many English families spend their summer holidays at the seaside. There are no high mountains2 in England, no very long rivers, and no very large forests. There are many towns in England. No town is very far from another. The English countryside be- tween the towns is like a carpet of many colours. In spring and summer, the fields, meadows3 and forests are light green or dark green, and the gardens a.re green, red, blue, yellow and white with flowers. In autumn the leaves4 on the trees change their colour from green to yellow, brown and red. You can see many cows and sheep in the English meadows. There are sheep-farms and cattle-farms in all parts of England. The English summer is never very hot, and the winter is not very cold. Spring and autumn are cool. Cold winds blow in winter and there are cool winds in summer. There is little snow and much rain in England. Spring and summer are beautiful seasons, be- cause the sun often shines brightly. The fields, me- adows and forests are green and there are many beautiful flowers of all colours in the gardens. 46
Autumn is a nice season, too. It is the season of the harvest, the season of beautiful apples. There are many fine days in winter, when the sun shines. But all children like summer, because it is the season of holidays, the season when they go to the seaside or play in green meadows and forests. 1 carpet ['kcupit] — ковер; 2 mountain ['mauntinj — гора; ,3 meadow f'medou] — луг; 4 leaves [li:vz] — листья б) Перепишите предложения и подчеркните синей чертой существительные, имеющие общий смысл, и красной — имеющие конкретный смысл. I. They sat on the grass under a tree. 2. All the people of the farm are in the fields. 3. There are many tractors, combine-harvesters and lorries in the wheat fields. 4. There will be new houses, a new club, and a new cattle-farm in the village. 5. The holidays will soon be over, school will begin again. 6. There is a cow drinking water in the river. § 15 106. Read and compare (See RG IV 1): 47
“Is there any water in the glass?” We went for a walk in the park. Great changes have taken place in our town (village). Many thanks for your letter. “I am going to water the flowers”. Shall we walk or take a bus? The wind has changed, now it is blowing in our faces. I want to thank you for the nice birhtday present. 107. Read and say what the underlined words mean: 1. You must go to the seaside for a rest. 2. Let us rest here for a few minutes. 3. Schoolchildren so- metimes visit factories and farms. 4. When I was on a visit to Sochi, I liked to watch the sea. 5. Sometimes we have fish for dinner. 6. My father likes to fish when he is on a holiday. 7. This year’s harvest is very good. 8. Is it time to harvest the wheat? 108. Read and discuss the situations: 1. You have lived in this town (village) all your life. Tell each other what you like about your town (village); how long your parents have lived in this town (village); what you think about your town (village) when you go to other places during your holidays. 2. Your class can decide many questions at a class meeting. Yesterday your class decided to help a boy with his lessons (to prepare lessons). Tell each other why you decided to do it; when you decided to begin. 48
109. Read and say: Proverb: MAKE HAY1 WHILE THE SUN SHINES. In summer the weather may change any minute, and farmers must work very quickly. And people must work quickly not only in the fields, mustn’t they? 1 hay — сено 110. Read this story by Aesop who lived more than two thousand years ago, and say what you think about it. The Town Mouse1 and the Country Mouse A country mouse lived in a field. A mouse from the town came to see the country mouse. The country mouse gave the town mouse dinner, but the town mouse did not like this dinner. “My friend”, he said, “in town we have much nicer food than this. You must come and see where I live. I shall give you all kinds of good things to eat”. The town mouse and the country mouse went to town. When they came to a big house the town mouse said, “I live here. Come and see my house”. They went into a big room. There was a long table in it. “You can eat anything you like”, said the town mouse. On the table, the country mouse saw plates of nice food. There was a large cake in the middle of the table, and a lot of other tasty2 things. “We must eat quickly”, said the town mouse. “There is a cat here”. “No, thank you”, said the country mouse. “I’m ' going home. This house is not for me. My house is small, and my food is not very good, but I’m happy 49
in the field with all my family and no cat that can eat me”. 1 mouse — мышь; 2 tasty ['teisti] — вкусный ▲ 111 а) Напишите 8 предложений об осени и погоде в осенние дни. Ш б) Выполните задание 8 домашнего чтения. § 16 112. Read and compare (See RG “That’s a Number Two bus”. My family has a telephone. My birthday is on the 1st of March. Last summer was sunny and hot. April is the fourth month of the year. “There is nobody at the bus stop”. I know my friend’s telephone number. My little brother liked his birthday cake very much. They spent their summer holidays at the seaside. We went for a walk in the forest on a fine April day. 113. Read and say what the underlined words mean: 1. It rained all morning yesterday. 2. We have got the morning newspaper, haven’t we? 3. We have 50
discussed an interesting newspaper article. 4. I like spring time because after spring comes summer. 5. The university is opposite our school building. 6. His brother is a university student. 7. Harvest time in our place begins in July. 8. The farmers have got a good harvest of potatoes. 114. Read and discuss the situation. Your friend’s mother said to him one day, “You must learn to think before you speak”. Tell each other if your friend’s mother liked what he said; if you always say what you think; if you have learnt to think before you speak. 115. Read and say. Proverb: A CHANGE OF WORK IS AS GOOD AS A REST. To do one kind of work all the time is difficult. Is work not difficult when you change it? Give an example of a change of work. What kinds of rest do you like? 116. Speak about the situations. 1. You meet a friend and ask him (her) how he (she) spent the first of September. 2. You are telling your friend what you can do on Sunday in sunny (rainy) weather. A 117. Прочитайте текст и закончите рассказ. When the last lesson was almost over, Alexei Ivanovich, the geography teacher, said, “Now, boys and girls, all classes must gather in the gymnasium. 51
I think Ivan Dmitrievich, the director, wants to see all the schoolchildren there. Now let’s go”. All forms gathered quickly. Soon the director came and with him another man was. Ivan Dmitri- evich said, “Boys and girls, this is Vladimir Stepa- novich Danilov. I’ll tell you nothing more because Vladimir Stepanovich himself will speak now”. § 17 118. Check yourself. The Stogovs’ Summer Holidays The school year was over and therfe were no more lessons, but Boris Stogov went to the school very often in June to work on the school plot. He and his schoolmates looked after different vegetables and fruit trees on the plot. Lena did not want to stay at home in June. “Some of my friends have gone to a summer camp”, she said, “and I want to go too”. So she went and spent two weeks there. In the morning boys and girls helped on a farm and after dinner they played games and visited interesting placed. Then July came and the Stogovs went to the Black Sea. The sun was hot. It shone every day and everybody was in the sea. Nadyusha was very happy because it was her first visit to the seaside. When the family came back home, Vera Ivanovna said, “Your parents’ holiday has ended, but you, children, are going to have some more holidays. But they will be a little different from what you have had at the seaside. You’ll go to see your uncl.e in 52
the country. He works on the farm and you can help him”. “That’s fine!” said Boris. “I am glad to go to the country”. again adv grass n potato n sun n as cj grow V rainy a sunny a blow v harvest n, v rest n, v think v cattle-farm n hour n rich a together adv combine-harvester n life n sea n visit n, v combine-operator n lorry n seaside n wheat n decide v never adv shine v while cj different a often adv so adv wind n else adv plot n spend v windy a gather v Вы должны уметь: Описывать летние школьные каникулы, жизнь в летнем лагере, поездки на отдых и в деревню, город и село, где проживаете вы или ваши родственники, погоду в разные времена года, начало учебного года; расспрашивать о летних школьных каникулах, о жизни в летнем лагере, о поездках на отдых, о городе или селе, где проживаете вы или ваши родственники, о погоде, о начале учебного года; употреблять артикли в речи, ориентируясь на общий или конкретный смысл по контексту; употреблять в речи неопределенные местоимения в различных типах предложений; понимать все это в речи собеседников, а также понимать короткие тексты в исполнении учи- теля; 53
читать и понимать усвоенные устно слова; читать короткие тематические тексты и диалоги, построенные на освоенном устно материале, с последующим применением их в речи; читать про себя и понимать короткие рассказы и отрывки из произведений англий- ских и американских авторов, используя в J случае необходимости словарь.
Part II Unit 2 Read and compare (See RG V 1, 2): This girl is tall. The boy is taller. The man is the tallest of all. I II III tall tall + er tall + est old older oldest cold colder coldest long longer longest young younger youngest warm warmer warmest short shorter shortest dark darker darkest 2. Read and compare (See RG V 3): tall large big happy taller larger bigger happier tallest largest biggest happiest 55
cool nice hot ready cooler nicer hotter readier coolest nicest hottest readiest low fine thin early lower finer thinner earlier lowest finest thinnest earliest 3. Read. 1. He is younger than his brother. 2. Today is warmer than yesterday. 3. This year’s harvest is richer than last year’s. 4. August is sunnier than November. 5. The 22nd of June is the longest day of the year. 6. October is the rainiest month in our place. 7. Today is the happiest day in my life. 8. This is the brightest lamp in our flat. 4. Read. 1. My father is taller than my mother. 2. Grisha is the tallest of all the children in the class. 3. Our village is richer than it was before. 4. The richest school library in town is our library. 5. In June the sun is brighter than in May. 6. My sister likes the brightest colours when she draws. 7. The snow is cleaner in the yard than in the street. 8. Our street is the cleanest street in town. 5. a) Look at the pictures and compare the things and the people in the pictures. 6) Look at the pictures and ask questions.
Аба) Прочитайте: 1. January is colder than March. 2. July is the hottest month of the year. 3. May is cooler than June. 4. The darkest forest is near our village. 5. I get up earlier than my sister. 6. The finest weather in this part of the country is in September. 7. The Black Sea is larger than the White Sea. 8. The highest building in our town is in the centre. б) Напишите прилагательные в сравнительной и пре- восходной степенях сравнения. Прочитайте написанное: clear, high, new, fine, nice, low, hot, great, warm, cool, early, light в) Выполните задание 9 домашнего чтения. 57
§ 2 7. Read and compare (See RG V 4): The weather is good today. The weather today is better than yesterday. May is the best month of the year. I II Ill good ' better best bad worse worst many, much] more most little less least 8. Read: \ 1. This book is better than that one. 2. Igor is the best pupil in the class. 3. Your work is worse than Alec’s. 4. March is the worst month of the year in this place. '5. Have you any more paper? 6. Which of you has made the most mistakes? 9. Read and compare (See RG V 5): This film is more interesting than the one I saw last Sunday. “Yes, it’s the most interesting film I have ever seen”. I II III interesting beautiful difficult more interesting more beautiful more difficult most interesting most beautiful most difficult 58
10. Read: 1. The theatre is the most modern building in the town. 2. It is more important to help him now than later on. 3. This is the most difficult exercise in this lesson. 4. The most wonderful book in my library is a birth- day present from my parents. 5. This place is more beautiful for a summer camp than the place near the forest. 6. This is the most interesting film of the week. 1. Victor is a little younger than Tanya. Svetik is the youngest of the children. Who is younger, Victor or Tanya? Victor is. Who is the youngest? Svetik is. Victor is the youngest, isn’t he? No, he isn’t. Is Tanya older or younger than Svetik? She is much older than Svetik. 2. This dog is big. That dog is bigger. That other one is the biggest. Which dog is bigger, this one or that one? That one is. £ Which dog is the biggest? That other one is. 59
▲ 12 а) Прочитайте: 1. Is September longer than July? No, it isn’t. 2. Which is longer, August or April? August is. 3. Is December longer or shorter than June? It is longer. 4. Which is the shortest month of the year? February is. 5. Which is the coldest month of the year: March, January or October? January is. 6. Who is the oldest in your family? Grandfather is. 7. Who is youger, your mother or your father? My mother is. 8. Is your house bigger or smaller than that of your friend? My house is bigger than my friend’s. б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя данные в скобках прилагательные в сравнительной или превосходной сте- пени. Прочитайте написанное: \ 1. Which do you think is the ... building in Moscow? (beautiful) 2. Autumn is the ... season of the year, (bad) 3. Is history ... than botany? (difficult) 4. Which is the ... city in Russia? (large) 5. This exercise is ... than the next one. (difficult) 6. Ivanov is the ... pupil in our class, (good) 7. Literature is the ... subject for me. (interesting) 8. Are there ... than 20 pupils in your class or ...? (many, few) § 3 13. Read and use in situations: anniversary [,aeni'v3:sori]: On the 9th of May we shall celebrate the anniversary of the victory over fascism. 60
army ['ami]: My brother will join the army after leaving school. last [last]: I think this good weather will last. Our autumn holidays last five days. also ['o:lsou]: Yesterday my brother was at the cinema, I was also there. My friend not only learns well but also helps her classmates. important [im'po:tant]: It is important to learn well. English and other subjects are very important to me. I haven’t anything important to do now. victory ['viktari]: He was glad to see his friends’ victory in a football game. On the 9th of May we celebrate Victory Day. over ['ouva]: A lamp hangs over the table in my room. The sun was high over our heads when we decided to have a rest in the forest. revolution [,reva'lu:jn]: The October Revolution took place in 1917. 14. Read the story and ask your deskmate questions. The Fox Knows What to Say The lion1, the dog and the fox decided to help each other to get food. One day they caught a pig, a sheep and a cow2. The lion said to the dog, “We are three here. We must have dinner. What will each of us have to eat?” The dog said, “You must have the cow because it is the biggest. The fox can have the sheep because it is the smallest. I’ll take the pig”. The lion did not like this and he killed the dog. Then he asked the fox the same questions. The fox • said, “The cow is for you, the pig is for your wife, and the sheep is for your children”. 61
The lion was glad. He asked the fox, “Who has taught you to give the correct answer?” The fox turned to the lion and said, “I learned my lesson from the dog”. 1 lion [ 1 aian] — лев; 2 cow [kau] — корова. 15. Read and discuss the situations. 1. After school you have dinner and help about the house. Then you are free to do your lessons. When the lessons are ready, you are free to go out or to stay at home. Tell each other where you can go; what you can do at home or at another place. 2. You have done your homework. You tell your mother, “I haven’t anything important to do now”. Tell each other what your mother may say; what you may tell your mother after you hear what she says. 16. Read and answer the questions: 1. Is Tomsk bigger than St. Petersburg? 2. Are the days shorter than the nights in winter in all parts of Russia? 3. What are the most beautiful cities in Russia? 4. The sun is hot in June. In what month is it hotter? 5. Is your friend younger than you? 6. Is the weather today better or worse than yester- day? get — got — got have — had — had catch — caught — caught take — took — taken say — said — said teach — taught — taught 62
± 17 а) Напишите ответы на вопросы: 1. Is your school bigger or smaller than the post- office? 2. Who is the tallest in your class? 3. Who is younger, you or your friend? 4. Which is more interesting, to go to the cinema or to watch a new film on TV? 5. Which is the hottest month of the year? 6. Where is it cooler in summer, in Novgorod or in Sochi? б) Выполните задание 10 домашнего чтения. § 4 18. Read and compare (See RG VI): 1. The man is as tall as the woman. The boy isn’t so tall as the man. He is smaller than the man. 2. This apple isn’t so large as that one. This apple is as large as that other one. Is this apple as large as that one or is it larger than that other one? It’s as large as that other one. 63
3. The boy is as old as the girl. Is the boy as old as the girl or isn’t he so old as the girl? He is as old as she is. 19. Read. 1. The woman is not so tall as her husband. 2. February is not so long as March. 3. It is as cold today as yesterday. 4. This cake is as thick as that one. 5. My brother is as tall as I am. 6. This place is not so beautiful as that one. 20. Read and answer the questions. \ 1. Is your house as high as your friend’s? 2. Is the weather today as bad (good) as yesterday? 3. Volgograd isn’t so big as St. Petersburg, is it? 4. Are you as old as your friend? 5. Have you as many lessons today as yesterday? 6. When is it cleaner in the street, in the morning or in the evening? 7. Who is taller, you or your friend? 8. Which is more interesting, to go to the cinema or to watch TV? 21. Read the story and say what you think of it. The Farmer and the Boy One morning a farmer met a boy and asked him: “Do you want a job1, my boy?” “Yes, I do”, said the boy. “Have you a good character2?” asked the farmer. 64
“Yes, I have a good character”, said the boy. “It is from Mr Muggs. My fast job was with him”. “Good”, said the farmer, “go and ask Mr Muggs to come here and speak to me”. Five minutes, ten minutes passed. Mr Muggs did not come. Later in the afternoon the farmer saw the boy in the street. “Mr Muggs didn’t come to me with your character”, said the farmer. “No”, answered the boy. “I didn’t ask him to come”. “Why not?” asked the farmer. “Well, I told him who wanted it”, said the boy. “And what did he say?” asked the farmer. “Well, he told me your character”, said the boy. 1 job — работа; 2 character ['kaerakta] — характер; харак- теристика (устар.) 22. Read and use in situations: road [roud]: What is the shortest road to the museum? Every morning I go to school along the road. land: This is the land of his uncle’s farm. We have a small plot of land to grow vegetables for the family. build [bild] (built [bilt], built): His father is a builder; he has built many houses. My father is an engineer who builds machines. without [wi'&aut]: We cannot live without water. Don’t go out without a coat, it’s cold. win (won [wAn], won): The Soviet Army won a great victory in 1945. The girls of our class can win tomorrow’s volleyball game. friendship ['frendfip]: There is great friendship between all members of my family. We live in friendship with the boys in our class. 3 Зак. 52 65
struggle ['strAgl]: The struggle was very difficult but we won the game. All Soviet people struggled for their country in 1941 — 1945. fight [fait] (fought [fo:t], fought): My little brother and sister fight very often. against [a'geinst]: We ran against the wind. I have nothing against him, what he says is all right. peace [pi.s]: All peoples of the world want to live in peace. Do you live at peace with your brother and sister? We stand for peace in the world. war [wo:]: My grandfather fought in the Second World War. All people are against war. A 23 а) Подготовьте краткое сообщение о том, что вы видели по телевидению в выходные дни. б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя слова as или so. Прочитайте написанное: у 1. I am not ... old ... ту sister. 2. Today it is ... rainy as it was yesterday. 3. This picture is ... wonderful as that one. 4. The pig-farm isn’t ... big as the cattle-farm. 5. The daughter’s hair is ... dark as her mother’s. 6. The bedroom isn’t ... light as the living-room. § 5 24. Read and use in situations: free: I am free from lessons at one o’clock. On my brother’s birthday a room was free for his friends to dance in. hero ['hiarou] (pl heroes): Three heroes of the Soviet Union took part in the Victory Day party. Many heroes gave their lives for our Fatherland. 66
past [pcust]: I like to listen to my grandmother’s stories about the past. Our city has a great past. world [wa:ld]: People in many countries of the world speak English. Russian is very popular in the world now, a lot of people learn it. same: You’ve made the same mistakes. Father sits in the same chair every evening to watch TV. She wears the same red dress to every party. 25. Learn by heart: Thinking of Snow The day is new, The snow is white, ’Tis a beautiful day Oh, what a sight1! It’s on the ground, It’s on the rocks2, It’s in the trees And in my socks! Later the sun Will melt3 the snow All things must end And so it must go. But again it will come To cover4 the ground And fill5 the trees For miles6 around. Bill Alexander. 1 sight [sait] — вид; 2 rock — скала; 3 melt — таять, рас- таивать; 4 cover ['клуэ] — покрывать; 5 fill — наполнять; 6 mile — миля 26. Read the text and say what holidays we celebrate in Russia. Holidays We have New Year’s Day on January 1. Before ’ New Year’s Day we send our friends New Year wishes, or we ring them up in the evening on De- cember 31. On the night of December 31, we are usually at home with our family or with some friends. At 12 o’clock we say to each other, “Happy New 3‘ 67
Year!” and we answer: “Thanks, the same to you”. We give presents to all the family for the New Year, and we have a New Year tree with lights and decorations. We celebrate Christmas 1 Day on the 7th of January. In Britain, the United States and other countries it falls on December 25. On February 23, we have Defender of Fatherland Day. On that day we congratulate soldiers and officers of the Russian Army. March 8 is Women’s Day. On that day we give presents to our mothers and sisters. The best present for women is flowers, and on Women’s Day we see many men who are buying flowers to give to their mothers and wives. May 1, May Day, is a spring holiday. We ce- lebrate it as the first day of real merry and green spring. \ Victory Day, the anniversary of the victory over fascist Germany, is one of the greatest holidays, and all the countries which fought together against the fascists celebrate it. 27. Read and learn: Holiday Wishes 1. I wish you a Happy New Year! Thanks, the same to you. 2. Best wishes for the New Year! The same to you. 3. Merry Christmas!2 4. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 1 Christmas ['krismas] — Рождество; 2 Merry Christ- mas! — Веселого Рождества! 68
28. Read and answer the questions: 1. Which is the largest country in the world? 2. Which is the smallest country: Russia, the USA or England? 3. Which is the longest river: the Volga, the Neva or the Don? 4. Which is the most modern building in your town? 5. Where is the nearest bookshop? 6. Which do you think is the most interesting film? ▲ 29. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя местоимения some, any, no, something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody. Прочитайте написанное. 1. There are ... sheep in the farm yard. 2. They did not pick ... flowers. 3. Did you meet ... on the way to the farm? 4. There was ... on the pig-farm, they were all at the meeting. 5. ... has come to see you. 6. There was ... wrong with the tractor. 7. It’s too late, there is ... in the office. CQl б) Выполните задание 11 домашнего чтения. § 6 30. Look and compare the men in the pic- ture. 69
31. Read and answer the questions: 1. Is your house as far from the school as your friend’s? 2. Who is the oldest in your family? 3. Which is the shortest month of the year? 4. Are the days in December as long as the nights, or are they shorter than the nights? 5. Is June as sunny as July? 6. Where is it colder, in the fields or in the town? 32. Read and say. Proverb: THE LONGEST DAY MUST HAVE AN END. Everything must have an end. You may work very long at something. Your work may be difficult but it is a great pleasure to finish what you have begun. Tell if you worked very long at something. Did you think it was difficult? Was the end happy? 33. Read and use in situations: / receive [ri'si:v]: I don’t receive letters very often. She received a nice present on her birthday. greeting ['grutirj]: In the morning I received birthday greetings. The letter to our aunt was with greetings from all of us. forget [fo'get]: I never forget to bring all my books to school. I forgot an exercise-book; I left it in your room. send (sent, sent): Every year my uncle sends us his good wishes on the 1st of January. In her letter my aunt sent us her greetings. postcard [z| о istkcud]: We receive a lot of postcards with New Year wishes. All members of our family send postcards on each holiday. stamp: We cannot send a letter without a stamp. We buy stamps at the post-office and in other places. 70
hope: I hope you will come and see me tomorrow. We’re hoping to visit Moscow this year. telegram ['teligraem]: I’ve got a telegram with birthday wishes. 34. Read the text and say what you know about Lena’s English penfriend: A Letter from an English Penfriend Some children in Lena’s class have English pen- friends who write letters to them in English. Lena received a letter from her penfriend, Mary Smith, today. Here it is: 37, High Street, London, W8 7DN England October 6th, 1994 Dear Lena, I received your letter of September 8th today and thank you very much for it. You ask me to tell you about myself and my family. Well, I am fourteen. I have a brother, John; he is sixteen. I also have a sister, Alice; she is twelve. During the holidays, we went to the country. We also went to the seaside for a week. The weather was fine, the water was warm, and I swam in the sea every day. I can’t swim very well, but John can. I like school very much. I also like music and often go to concerts. Please tell me in your next letter what you did during your holidays. Yours sincerely,1 Mary Smith 1 sincerely (sin'siali] — искренне 71
35. Read the text and say how to write an address in English. The Address in English When Lena showed her letter to the English teacher, the teacher said, “Look at this letter, and you will see how English people write letters. “They write their address 1 in the top 2 right-hand corner of the first page. First comes the number of the house, then the name of the street, and the name of the town. The English write the date under their address. “Mary has written Lena’s address in English. Lena Stogova, Flat 10, 16, Gagarin Street, Verkhovsk, 395078, Russia “And the number of the flat comes before the number of the house and the name of the street. “Now look at the greeting at the beginning of the letter. It is “Dear Lena”. It can be: “My Dear Lena”, “My Dear Mother”, “My Dear Aunt”. Other greetings are: “Dear Mrs. Smith”, “My Dear Mrs. Smith”, “Dear Mr. Smith”. “English people end a letter with “Yours since- rely, Mary” or “Your Friend, Mary”. “Other endings for letters are: Your loving son ' Your loving daughter John Alice “You can see now how to write the address, the greeting, and the ending in English”. 1 address [a'dres]; 2 top — вершина, верхний 72
A 36. а) Прочитайте текст и подготовьте его пересказ. An Address Without a Letter Before 1840 there were no stamps. In those days people usually paid a lot of money for a letter when they received it. That is why people who were poor did not write to one another often. But when they sent or received a letter, it was a very important thing for them and many people knew about it. There is a story from that time about a letter to a poor woman. One day the postman came to her house to bring her a letter. He told the woman to pay a lot of money, which she did not have. She looked at the letter, and gave it back to the postman. “I cannot pay for it”, she said. Just at that moment a man heard the conversation between the postman and the woman. He came up to the woman and said, “Let me pay for the letter. I have money and want to help you”. Then he gave the postman the money he wanted to get from the woman. “I thank you very much”, said the woman, “but you must not pay for the letter. It is from my brother. He sends me one letter every three months. He does not write about himself and his family. He writes only my address on the letter. Then I know that he is well and as 1 cannot pay for the letter^ 1 give it back to the postman”. б) Напишите своему другу короткое письмо о летних ка- никулах, оформив его по-английски. money one another ! „ woman poor receive people heard 73
37. § 7 Read. “Show me your coat”. “Here it is. This is mine”. “Show me Sveta’s coat”. “There it is. That’s hers”. 38. Read and compare (See RG VII): This is my umbrella. The That is your school-bag. The Those are Victor’s books. The Th£se are Nina’s toys. The That is our trolley-bus. The That is the children’s football.The umbrella is mine, school-bag is yours, books are his. toys are hers, trolley-bus is ours, football is theirs. 1 my mine you your yours he his his she her hers it its its we our ours they their theirs 39. Read and answer the questions using mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs: 1. My eyes are grey. What colour are your eyes? 2. My clothes are in the wardrobe. Where are your clothes? 3. My parents are young. Are your friend’s parents young too? 74
4. Our English teacher is a woman. What about your teacher? 5. Our room is No. 12. What number is the room of the other class? 6. Your hat is big. My hat is smaller. What is my hat like? 40. Read and discuss the situation: Your friend is at a summer camp. He sends postcards . almost every day. He also receives many letters and postcards. Tell each other who your friend sends postcards to every day; what he writes in his postcards; who writes letters and postcards to your friend. 41. Compare the addresses and say what differences you can see: Россия, Т^ерховск jQena Stogova JCat 10, 16 Qagatin St ^Vetkhovsk Russia ЛЛаЬу Smith, 37 Qllgh. Street, London, S.S.9 QB ул. Гагарина, д. 16, кв.10 Стоговой Елене ЗЗБ018 Л(а±</ Smith, 37 Qligh Street, JSondon, SE9. 42. Read and say what Lena does at the post-office: At the Post-Office Vera Ivanovna and her daughter Lena have just finished breakfast. Vera Ivanovna says, “Have you forgotten what day it is today, Lena?” “No, Mum”, answers Lena, “I haven’t forgotten, it’s Sunday, isn’t it?” 75
“Yes, it’s Sunday”, her mother says, “but what is the date?” “The date?” says Lena. “Oh, yes, it’s the tenth of April, it’s Aunt Rosa’s birthday, and I haven’t sent any birthday greetings. Shall I send her a birthday card?” “Aunt Rosa will only receive the postcard to- morrow or the day after tomorrow”, says her mother, “you must send a telegram”. “Yes”, says Lena, “I’ll do that. I’ll go now”. “Here’s a letter”, says Vera Ivanovna. “Buy a stamp, and post the letter for me, please”. “Yes, Mum”, says Lena. She puts her hat on and goes to the post-office. Lena crosses the street, and goes into the post- office. Then she sits down at a table and begins to write. First she writes Aunt Rosa’s address. Then she thinks, “What shall I say in my telegram? It mustn’t be very long, but it must be nice”. And she writes: “Many Happy Returns1 Love Greetings from All Lena”. Lena pays for the telegram, goes to buy a stamp and posts her mother’s letter. 1 Many happy returns (of the day) — Поздравляю c днем рождения ▲ 43 а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя соответствующие притяжательные местоимения из данных в скобках. Про- читайте написанное. 1. ... farm is as rich as .... (our, ours, their, theirs) 2. ... hair is as dark as .... (hers, her, my, mine) 3. ... aunt lives in ... town, (mine, my, ours, our) What about ...? (your, yours) 4. Shall we take ... sister with us? (yours, your) 5. Is that ... ticket 76
or ...? (mine, my, hers, her) 6. That house over there is .... (their, theirs) б) Выполните задание 12 домашнего чтения. § 8 44. Read and answer the questions. 1. Whose hair is darker, yours or your friend’s? 2. Whose classroom is high and light? 3. Is the book you are holding in your hand yours or the teacher’s? 4. What country is the largest country in the world? 5. Whose desk is nearer to the blackboard, yours or your friend’s? 6. My father is a lorry-driver. What is your friend’s father? 45. Compare your room and your friend’s room. 46. Read and answer the questions. 1. Have you a penfriend? 2. Who is your penfriend? 3. Do you often receive letters from your penfriend? 4. Do you like to receive and to write letters? 5. What do you usually write in your letters? 6. Where do you usually post your letters? 47. Read and act. Short Conversation Here Comes the Postman! “Good morning! Here is your magazine”. • “Thank you. Are there no letters today? I must have a letter”. 77
“Sorry, no letters today”. “And no newspaper?” “But I brought your newspaper this morning!” “Oh, yes, you did!” “Good-bye!” “Good-bye! Thank you!” 48. Read the letter and say what you can write to your penfriend about your holiday: Lena Writes to Her English Friend . Flat 10, 16, Gagarin Street Verkhovsk, Russia October 15th, 1994. Dear Mary, I was very glad to receive your letter of October 6th and thank you for it. Thank you also for telling me about your family and your holidays. I went to the seaside for my holidays too. I was in Sochi, by the Black Sea, for three weeks. The weather was fine, sometimes hot,, and the water was warm.. I went for a swirh every day. After my holidays at the seaside, I visited my uncle in the country. He lives in a small village. My uncle’s house is near a small river and there is a forest not far from it. There are many flowers in the forest, and I often went to pick flowers with other village girls. After my holidays I was glad to begin school again. 1 am now in the 7th form and I have new teachers and new subjects to learn. I like my teachers and my school-friends very much. 78
That is all for today. I hope you will write again and tell me about the weather in England. , Your friend, Lena ▲ 49. а) Прочитайте письмо и скажите, что нового вы узнали из него. Mary Smith Writes About the Weather in England 37, High Street, London, W8 7DN November 6th, 1994. Dear Lena, Thank you very much for your letter. It was very interesting and I am happy to know that you had a very good time at the seaside and in the country. You asked me in your letter to tell you about the seasons and the weather in England. Spring is a very nice season because it is the first warm season. The trees and the grass are green, and the flowers give bright colours to our gardens. „ The sun begins to get warm, the sky is blue and light. In England some flowers grow in the forests and fields at the end of February and in March, but April and May are the best spring months. Summer is a warm season. There are hot days in summer, but cool winds often blow from the sea, so the English summer is not always hot. The sky is often blue, we have many warm, sunny days. I like summer, and every year I go to the seaside. The autumn months are also very beautiful. In September and October the countryside is very nice. The farmers gather the harvest in the fields. 79
Then in November the cold weather begins: the sky is grey, cold winds blow, the country-side pre- pares for its winter sleep. Winter is cold, but we do not have much snow in England, and the winter months have some sunny days. That is what the seasons are like. People say we have no climate in England, only weather. But we can say that the climate is cool and rainy, never very hot and never very cold for a long time. Well, I hope you will soon write to me again. Yours sincerely, Mary Smith б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя соответствующие местоимения из данных в скобках. Прочитайте написанное. , 1. ... don’t think ... can finish ... work at 7 o’clock. (I, my, mine) 2. Did ... parents know about the meeting? (you, your, yours) 3. ... likes ... cup of coffee in the morning, doesn’t ...? (he, his) 4. The mistake is ... (I, my, mine) 5. ... say ... want to play football, (they, their, theirs) 6. This is ... family, (we, our, ours) § 9 50. Read and compare: (See RG III) revolution demonstration illumination organization situation революция демонстрация иллюминация организация ситуация decorate decoration 80
51. Read and say what the underlined words mean: 1. I have a fine collection of stamps. 2. It is a tradition at our school to hold a meeting on the 1st of September and at the end of the school year. 3. The members of an expedition to Lake Baikal described their work on TV and answered many questions. 4. A delegation of English veterans has come to Russia for the Victory Day celebrations. 52. Read and speak: 1. A few days ago you received a letter. Say what you read in it and what you wrote in answer. 2. When you came home from school your mother said, “There is a postcard from your uncle. He is coming on Saturday.” What else did your uncle write in the postcard? 3. You have prepared a book as a birthday present for your friend. Why do you hope that your friend will like the book? 53. Speak about the situation. You meet a friend who wants to write a letter to his English friend. Tell him how he must write the letter and the address. 54. Do the tasks: 1. Tell your deskmate how you celebrated Women’s Day last year. 2. Tell the class what holidays we celebrate in our country. 81
▲ 55. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя нужные предлоги. Прочитайте написанное. I. We fight ... peace ... the world. 2. We celebrate Women’s Day ... the 8th of March. 3. Thousands of heroes gave their lives ... their country in the Great Patriotic War. 4. The Soviet Union won victory ... fascist Germany ... 1945. 5. “Happy Birthday ... you”, said the girl. 6. “This is the best present ... Mother. I know she likes roses,” said the boy. б) Выполните задание 13 домашнего чтения. § 10 56. Read and say why we use or do not use the definite or indefinite article with the world underlined. 1. a) There is green grass in the field. b) The cows are eating the grass in the field. 2. a) They end a letter with “Yours sincerely”, or “Your friend”. b) She ended the letter with “Yours sincerely, Mary”. 3. a) She has taken a postcard. b) She has taken the postcard. 57. Look, read and compare: (See RG I 4,5): 82
Teacher: Do you understand the text? The arm-chair is in the right-hand corner of the room. IV Mother: Leave your coat in the hall. a) Mother: I shall never let you go to the cinema again. b) Mother: When you want to cross the street first look to the left and then to the right. .1. Указание на объект. II. Ссылка на известное. III. Дополнительная конкретизация. IV. Логическое включе- ние в число известных. V. Родовая характеристика. 83
58. Read and say why we use the definite article. 1. The sheep gives us wool. 2. Let the cat in, please. 3. Go to the kitchen and get a bottle of milk out of the refrigerator. 4. The sun is shining brightly. 5. Does your brother play the piano? 6. You must go to the doctor. 7. Never cross the street when the light is red. 8. «The flat is nice but the bathroom is too small,” she said. 59. Speak about the situations. 1. You have read a story about young patriots. Answer your classmates’ questions about the heroes. 2. You come home from a party at your school and you tell your parents (sister or brother) what took place at the party. 60. Read and say: Proverb: SHORT VISITS MAKE LONG FRIENDS. When you come to see your friend at his home (pay a visit) and stay there too long, your friend may not like it. What can you say about this proverb? How long do you stay with your friends when you visit them? ▲ 61. а) Прочитайте письмо и скажите, что нового вы из него узнали: Mary Smith Writes About Holidays in England 37, High Street, London, W8 7DN England December 14th, 1994 Dear Lena, Thank you very much for your letter of November 18th. It was very interesting to read about holidays in your country. 84
We have some interesting holidays in England too. The first is New Year’s Day, on the 1st of January, when we send good wishes to all our friends for a Happy New Year. But children like Christmas1 Day most of all. It is on December 25. We get presents from our parents and friends on that day. On a Sunday in the middle of March, we have Mother’s Day. This is a holiday for all mothers. They do not work on that day, and their children bring them flowers and presents. Soon it will be Christmas and then the New Year. So I send my letter now and wish you a Happy New Year. Yours sincerely, Mary Smith 1 Cristmas ['krismas] — рождество б) Перепишите предложения и подчеркните синей чертой существительные, имеющие общий смысл, и красной — имеющие конкретный смысл: 1. We want peace and friendship with all peoples. 2. 1 saw a film about the life of American schoolchildren. 3. In the room there was a New Year tree with lights and decorations. 4. A hero of the Soviet Union took part in the meeting. 5. The English winter is much warmer. § 11 62. Read. 1. I like the film I saw last Sunday. 2. Have you received the letter I sent you last week? -3 . I want to get the book all the boys and girls in our class have read already. 85
4. It was wrong of you not to come to the concert we organized last Saturday. 5. My new friend wrote down the address and te- lephone number I gave him. 6. Dmitry Petrov is the worker we have seen on TV. 63. Read and answer the questions. 1. Do you know all the English words you have heard from your teacher? 2. Are we having the wonderful weather we all like so much? 3. Did you see the boy the teacher sent to the doctor? 4. Will you go to the summer camp you liked so much last year? 64. Read the text and say who is the strongest and why. The Sun, the Wind and the Rain One day the Sun met the Wind. “I am stronger 1 than you,” said the Sun. The Rain listened to them. Then he said, “I am the strongest, of course.” Soon they saw a man with, a raincoat in his hand. “Look at that man!” said the Rain. “I can make him put on 2 his raincoat. You can’t do that.” When it began to rain the man put on his raincoat. “Now I’ll make him take off his raincoat,” said the Wind. He blew at the man, but the man did not take off his raincoat. The Wind blew and blew, but nothing changed. The Sun looked at the Wind and said, “The Rain is stronger than you, but 1 am the strongest. Now I’ll show you how to do it!” 86
The Sun began to shine down on the man, but he did not take off his raincoat. “The man is still wearing his raincoat,” said the Wind. “But I have not finished,” said the Sun. It was very hot now. “The sun is shining,” said the man, “and the wind and the rain have gone. I will take off my raincoat.” “You are strong,” the Sun said to the Wind. “The Rain is stronger than you, but I am the strongest.” 1 strong — сильный; 2 make him put on — заставить его надеть. 65. Read, guess 1 and compare: A Riddle2 < Two legs sat upon three legs With one leg in his lap;3 In comes four legs And runs away with one leg; Up jumps two legs, Catches up three legs, Throws it after four legs, And makes him bring back one leg. blow — blew — blown meet — met — met show — showed — shown say — said — said take - — took — taken see — saw — seen shine — shone — shone Uz make — made — made wear — wore — worn put — put — put be — was, were — been begin — began — begun go — went — gone do — did — done 87
Две ноги на трех ногах, А четвертая в зубах. Вдруг четыре прибежали И с одною убежали. Подскочили две ноги, Ухватили три ноги, Закричали на весь дом — Да тремя по четырем! Но четыре завизжали И с одною убежали. (Перевод К. Чуковского) 1 guess [ges]— догадываться; 2 riddle — загадка; 3 lap — подол, колени 66. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя определенный ар- тикль там, где нужно. Прочитайте написанное: > 1. ... 9th of ... May is a very important date in ... life of all ... people. 2. ... Petrovs lived in ... country for many years. 3. ... Great Patriotic war ended in 1945. 4. We are for ... peace and ... friendship in ... world. 5. ... weather is fine and ... sun is shining brightly. 6. Bring ... soup from ... kitchen. б) Выполните задание 14 домашнего чтения. § 12 67. Read and answer the questions: 1. Soon the New Year will come. What will you do on the last day of this year and on the first day of the New Year? 2. How will you help to prepare for the New Year party? 88
3. What will your family do in the evening before the New Year comes at twelve o’clock? 4. How will you spend your winter holidays? 5. Will you go to another place (interesting town) with your schoolmates and teachers? 6. Do you think you can have a good holiday at home? What will you do? 68. Read the text and finish the story: The old year is coming to an end, but the school year is going on. You have gone to school for almost four months now and there are many other months of learning after the winter holidays. These days all schoolchildren think about the marks they are going to receive at the end of the year. They want to give good answers to their teachers. But all boys and girls do not think about school subjects only. As the New Year comes nearer, you can hear talks about how to organize the New Year party, how to decorate the New Year tree and prepare a good concert. These talks in the classroom, in the corridor and in the schoolyard do not help much. * 69. Learn the song and sing: Jingle 1 Bells Dashing2 through the snow In a one-horse3 open sleigh 4 Over the fields we go, Laughing all the way. , Bells on bob-tail 5 ring? Making spirits 6 bright What fun 7 it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight! 89
Jingle bells, jingle bells! Jingle all the way! Oh! What fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh! Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells! Jingle all the way! Oh! What fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh! Hey! 1 jingle — звенеть; 2 dash — мчатся, нестись; 3 horse — лошадь; 4 sleigh [slei] — сани; 5 bob-tail — лошадь с об- резанным хвостом; 6 spirit ['spirit] — настроение; 7 fun — веселье, забава. ▲ 70. Read the funny stories and say which of them you like better: Now It’s Your Turn 1 to Whistle2 One day Jack and his father went to see Jack’s grandfather. On the train, Jack put his head out of the window every minute. His father said, “Jack, don’t put your head out of the window.” But Jack went on putting his head out of the Window. Then the father took Jack’s cap, put it behind his back and said, “You see, your cap has blown off3.” Jack began to cry. He wanted to have his cap back. His father said, “Well, whistle! Perhaps your cap will come back.” Jack went to the window and whistled. The father quickly put the cap on Jack’s head. “Oh! How interesting!” Jack said, very pleased. He quickly took his father’s hat and -threw it out of the window. “Now it’s your turn to whistle, Dad!” he said. 1 turn — очередь; 2 whistle ['wisl] — свистеть; 3 blow (blew, blown) off — сдувать 90
Why Is He Crying? “Tom, what is the matter with your little brother?” asked the mother. * “He is crying”, answered Tom, “because I’m eating my cake and won’t give him any.” “And what about his cake?”, asked the mother. “And he cried when I ate that too.” б) Перепишите предложения и подчеркните выделенные слова красной чертой, если они выступают в роли су- ществительных, зеленой — в роли глаголов и синей — в роли прилагательных. Прочитайте написанное: 1. I wish you a Happy New Year. 2. Mother sends you her best wishes. 3. Let’s go for a walk in the park. 4. Do you walk to your school or take a bus? 5. They have fish for breakfast. 6. He liked to fish early in the morning. § 13 71. Check yourself. The Day Before the New Year It was the day before the New Year. In the morning, only Boris was at home, but in the afternoon the Stogovs began to gather. Lena came home before the other members of the family. “Let’s have dinner,” she said, “then I must go back to school to help to prepare for the New Year.” After dinner, Boris went for a walk but in the yard he saw the postman with a large bag. “Have you anything for us?” asked Boris. The postman gave him some newspapers, a letter and 91
five or six beautiful holiday postcards. All those postcards were from their friends in Verkhovsk and other towns. When Boris opened the door of their flat, the telephone rang. It was his mother. “What are you doing, Boris?” asked Vera Ivanovna. “I’ve just received holiday postcards. Shall I tell you who sent them?” “Yes, of course.” “Well, the first card is from Ivan Petrovich Mishin...” “Oh, he is your dad’s old friend, and we haven’t sent him our New Year wishes yet! Now copy his address and go to the post-office to send him a telegram.” “But what shall I write?” “Well, write it down: “Happy New Year to you and family Your friends the Stogovs.” Now go to the post-office. Dad and I will buy something for our New Year party. We are coming home soon.” against prep postcard n same pron also adv postman n send v anniversary n post-office n stamp n army n receive v struggle n, v build v revolution n telegram n fight n, v road n victory n forget v important a win v free a land n wish n, v friendship n over prep without prep greeting n past n war n hero it peace n world n hope v post V 92
Вы должны уметь: описывать приходящиеся на данный период празд- ники, сообщать, как вы их провели, как гото- витесь к Новому Году дома и в школе; расспрашивать о праздниках, приходящихся на вторую четверть, о том, как провели эти празд- ники другие, как они готовятся к Новому Году; поздравить с праздником; написать по-английски короткое письмо другу по переписке о себе, о сроей семье, о школе, учебе, о погоде, о каникулах и летнем отдыхе, офор- мить это письмо по-английски; употреблять в речи определенный артикль, ори- ентируясь на типовые ситуации; сравнивать различные предметы, явления и лица; употреблять в речи абсолютные притяжательные местоимения; понимать все это в речи собеседников, а также понимать короткие тексты в исполнении учи- теля; читать и понимать усвоенные устно слова, а также понимать при чтении слова, образован- ные с помощью суффиксов -у, -ion; читать короткие тематические тексты и диалоги, построенные на усвоенном устно материале, с последующим применение^ их в речи; читать про себя и понимать короткие рас- сказы и отрывки из произведений английских и американских авторов, используя в случае необходимости словарь.
Part III Unit 3 § i 1. Read and answer the questions about your family: 1. Why do some members of your family get up earlier (later) than you do? 2. What can your family decide to do on a rainy Sunday or when the weather is good? 3. Your sister has gone to her room to put on a more beautiful dress. What is she going to do after that? 4. Which is more difficult for you — to clean the room or to work in the garden? 2. Read the text and ask questions on it: New Year’s Evening Today is the first day of the new year. The Stogovs began celebrating the New Year the day before. First, they decided to decorate the New Year tree. Victor Nikolayevich did the. illumination and Boris began to hang the toys. Lena did not take part in this, but she did some other important things. She helped her mother to prepare the New Year supper. Nadyusha wanted to help them with the New Year cake, but Vera Ivanovna did not like the idea. “Making cakes is a difficult thing for little girls,” she said. “You may put too much sugar or too little 94
butter in. Better go to decorate the New Year tree, which you can do very well.” Nadyusha went to help with the New Year tree. In the evening the family sat at the table for the holiday supper. Everything was wonderful and when the New Year came at twelve o’clock, they said to each other, “A Happy New Year!” After that the New Year concert was on TV, but Vera Ivanovna did not let Nadyusha stay in the room for more than half an hour. “You must go to bed, it’s very late now,” she said. “Oh, Mum! Please, I’m so sorry. The concert is so wonderful and I don’t want to sleep.” “Don’t be sorry. They will show this concert again. And it won’t be so late. WeTe going to bed soon, too. When you get up in the morning, there will be New Year presents for you all.” 3. Read and correct. 1. January is as long as February. 2. Early spring was warmer than early autumn. 3. Your father is as old as your mother. 4. All your classmates are as tall as you are. 5. The light in the corridor is brighter than in the classroom. * 6. In the first days of October it is as hot as in summer. 4. Read and answer the questions. 1. Do you like to read books which describe other countries? What kind of books do you like to read? 2. The boy who often comes to play in the yard has Olympic stamps. Who has Olympic stamps? 95
3. The girl whose mother came to the school to speak to the teacher is ill now. Who came to the school to talk to the teacher? 4. When you come to the library, you can take out any book you like. What can you take out at the library? ▲ 5. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя прилагательные, данные в скобках, в соответствующей степени сравнения. Прочитайте написанное: I. Have you anything ... than this dress? (short) 2. This hat is the ... we have in the shop, (good) 3. I have not so ... penfriends as she has. (many) 4. I want a suit ... than this one. (modern) 5. The weather in October was as ... as in September, (sunny) 6. They were as ... as we were, (happy) ЁЭ б) Выполните задание 15 домашнего чтения. § 2 6. Read and speak: 1. All children like their grandmothers (grandfathers). How do you help your grandmother (grandfather)? Does she (he) ask you to help or do you do everything yourself when you see that you can help? 2. We always say that a birthday is a happy day. Why are you happy on that day? What do your parents and other members of the family do to begin — began — begun do — did — done hang — hung — hung take — took — taken go — went — gone sit — sat — sat come — came — come let — let — let show — showed — shown get — got — got 96
make a birthday party nice and interesting? How do you take part in preparing a good family party? 7. Look, read antj compare (see RG I 6): Little girl: What’s that? Boy: It’s a ,mushroom. Little girl: What time is it? Boy: It’s a quarter to two. I. Называние объекта. П. Указание количества. 8. Read and say why we use the indefinite article with the words underlined: 1. She stayed for a week in the country. 2. What a wonderful day it was! 3. This is my friend Andrei, a student at the university. 4. There is a shoe shop on the corner of the street. 5. A year ago he was ’ in the sixth form. 6. Please take a pencil and a piece of paper and write the address. 4 Зак. 52 97
9. Look at the pictures and make up a story. 1. to cook — готовить; 2. to iron [aion]— гладить; 3. toy — игрушка; 4. to prepare [pri'peo] — го- товить; 5. decoration [,deko'reijn] — украшение; 6. to buy [bai] (bought, bought) — покупать; 7. present ['prezont] — подарок; 8. to sing (sang, sung) — петь; 9. to dance — танцевать; 10. to get (got, got) tired — устать 98
A 10. а) Прочитайте вопросы и составьте по ним рассказ: When did the winter holidays begin? How long were the holidays? Did you go to your school during the holiday? What did you do there? Did you have a New Year party there? When did it take place? Did you take part in the concert there? What else did you do during the holidays? Did you have a nice time? б) Перепишите предложения и подчеркните выделенные слова красной чертой, если неопределенный артикль употребляется для называния объекта, и синей, если он указывает количество. I. Buy half a litre of milk and a packet of sugar. 2. There is an ice-cream in the refrigerator. 3. He cannot say a word in English. 4. Grishin, a boy in our class, lived by the Black Sea a year ago. 5. We had a nice day picking flowers in the forest and swimming in the river. 6. Give the child an apple a day. § 3 11. Read Yura’s time-table and describe the boy’s day: 7 a. m. Getting up. 7.15 a. m. Morning exercises. 7.30 a. m. Breakfast. •8 a. m. School. 2 p. m. Dinner. 2.30 p. m. Homework. 6 p. m. Games. 8 p. m. Supper. 8.30 p. m. Free time. 10 p. m. Going to bed. 4* 99
12. Read and answer the questions about what you did yes- terday: 1. When did you get up? 2. What did you do then? 3. Where did you go to wash? 4. What time did you have your breakfast? 5. Did you do your homework in the evening or in the morning? 6. Was your homework difficult? 7. What lessons did you have yesterday? 8. What marks did you get? 9. When did you come home from school? 10. How did you help your mother? 13. Read and use in situations: food [fu:d]: We buy food every day. There is a food shop near our house. sugar ['Jugo]: We take sugar with our tea. Many children like sugar very much. cheese [t.fi:z]: I like cheese made from the milk of cows. My mother likes cheese made from the milk of sheep. There is very good cheese in our food shop. sausage ['sosids]: We often eat sausage for breakfast. Sometimes I bring bread and sausage to school to eat during a break. market ['mcvkit]: There is no market on week-days in our village; the market day is on Sunday only. The market place is not very large in our town. money ['тлт]: Schoolchildren usually have not much money. Yesterday I spent all my money in a bookshop. How much money have you? cheap [tji:p]: Apples are very cheap these days. This is the cheapest market in the town. 100
14. Read the text and say: (a) what schoolchildren in your part of the country do during their winter holidays; (b) what you did during the first ten days of January: Winter Holidays A few months ago you read and spoke very much about summer holidays. Now it is time to read something about how schoolchildren spend their winter holidays. In one part of the country the weather can be too cold for much skating and skiing. That is why you may want to go home after an hour on the skating-rink or a game of hockey. The winter in another place is not so cold and there is little snow. In some parts of the country schoolchildren can neither skate nor ski. But they spend their time playing games, going to the cinema and theatre, reading books and watching TV. Many children go to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities with their teachers. They visit museums and other interesting places. This year Lena Stogova went to Volgograd with some schoolmates. On the way to the Hero City she saw tractors in the fields. “What are they doing there on a winter day?” she asked a man standing near her by the window. “Oh, they are banking up snow 1 in the fields to get a good harvest. I’m a farmer myself and 1 get — got — got do — did — done go — went — gone have — had — had be — was, were — been get — got — got come — came — come 101
can tell you that when there is a lot of snow in winter, the harvest is good in autumn.” Anna Pavlovna, the English teacher who heard the conversation, said, “And I know what English people say about much snow in winter. Here it is: ’Snowy year, rich year’.” 1 bank up snow — проводить снегозадержание 15. a) Look at the pictures and compare the things and the people in the pictures. b) Ask your deskmate questions. 102
▲ 16. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя неопределенный артикль там, где нужно. Прочитайте написанное. 1. In the shop window you can see ... coats, ... suits, ... shoes and other things. 2. There are fifty-two weeks in ... year. 3. Will you give me ... kilo and a half of ... sweets. 4. What ... nice lake that is! 5. He can spend ... month or two at the seaside. 6. Take ... shopping-bag for the things you must buy. CQ б) Выполните задание 16 домашнего чтения. § 4 17. Read what other people have said and answer the questions about the same things: 1. “My exercise-book has bad marks; has yours?” “No, mine has only good marks.” What about yours? 2. “We saw a very good sports ground but ours is no worse.” What about yours? 3. “Our New Year tree was very high. What about theirs?” “It was not very high but it was beautiful.” What about yours? read — read — read do — did — done speak — spoke — spoken get — got — got spend — spent — spent tell - told - told go — went — gone hear — heard — heard see — saw — seen know — knew — known 103
4. “Nadyusha wants to have Boris’s stamps.” “What about hers, which her father gave her?” “She thinks they are not so beautiful.” What about yours? 18. Read and use in situations: price [prais]: What price did you pay for the bag? What is the price of this suit? sell (sold [sould], sold): Farmers sell vegetables and fruit in the market. Apples are selling at a low price in autumn. department [di'padmant]: The shoe department of this shop is on the second floor. Tomorrow my mother will take me to the children’s clothing (clothes) department to buy me a coat. store [sto:]: This large store sells clothes. There is a small store in the village where you can get different things. sweet [swi:t]: On her birthday she received a box of sweets. My grandmother does not like sweets. ice-cream [zaiskri:m]: An ice-cream is very good in hot weather. Do you like ice-cream? shopping: When his mother is at the factory he goes shopping. She did her shopping in the morning and was back before breakfast. 19. Read the text and answer the questions: Shops and Shopping There are different kinds of shops. Some of them sell bread. Others have tea, sugar, coffee, butter, cheese, sausages, meat, fruit. When we want to buy something, we take our shopping-bag and go to a shop. There we can see shop-assistants who sell things. 104
Many people do their shopping at the market. There farmers and other people sell vegetables and fruit which they grow themselves. They sell meat, milk and other things too. Large shops with many departments are depart- ment stores and supermarkets. In these stores we can buy almost all we want. In the windows we see all the things which they sell there — food, suits, dresses, coats, boots, shoes, radio and TV sets, and many other things. 1. Are shops important in our life? Why? 2. What do farmers do with the vegetables and fruit which they cannot use themselves? 3. What is good about department stores (supermarkets)? 4. Why do so many people visit them? 20. Look at the pictures and say what kind of shops you see and what you can buy at them. 105
▲ 21. а) Прочитайте вопросы и составьте по ним рассказ: Yesterday was a usual day, wasn’t? When did you go to school? Who did you meet on your way to school? What did you speak about? What lessons did you have? What was interesting at the lessons? What did you do during the long break? Did you stay at school after lessons? What did you do then? When did you go home? б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя пропущенные слова. Прочитайте написанное. 1. Please ... another dress. This one is too big for you. 2. The farmers sell fruit and vegetables at the ... . 3. They ... sausages at this shop. 4. The ... will give you the hat you have bought. 5. How much does this ice-cream ... ? 6. What is the ... of these sweets? § 5 22. Read the sentences and answer the questions: 1. When the children were at the summer camp, they went to the forest every day. When did they go to the forest? What did they do there? 2. We must get home when it is dark. What must you do at home when it is dark? 3. Lena likes to sing to herself when she works in the garden. What does Lena do when she works in the garden? 4. When they came to the seaside it was very hot. Was it hot when they came to the seaside? What did they do there? 106
23. Read and answer the questions: 1. What kinds of shops do you know? 2. Who tells you the price and sells food and other things? 3. Does your mother do her shopping at the market? 4. What do farmers sell at the market? 5. What is a department store (supermarket)? 6. What can you buy in a department store? 7. What departments are there in a department store? 8. What can you see in shop windows? 24. Read and use in situations: change [tjeinds]: Take your change, please! The girl bought an ice-cream with the change received at the greengrocer’s. slowly ['slouli]: These boys are working too slowly on the school plot today. This is a slow bus; it goes slowly and stops very often. enough [i'nAf]: Have you had enough to eat? It’s warm enough to swim. I have enough to do. cost [kost] (cost, cost): How much did your pen cost? What does this watch cost you? My uncle has bought a sideboard at a small cost. It costs me three dollars. try [trai]: Try to do this exercise. I shall try to come home early. try on: My sister tried on many hats to choose the best one. Try it on! rather ['гсибэ]: It’s rather cold today. My brother is rather better now. •size [saiz]: What size dress do you wear? Take size 42 in boots. 107
25. Read the text and answer the questions: A Talk About Shopping > The Stogovs do some shopping every day. All members of the family buy something, and only Nadyusha does not go shopping. “When you grow a little more, I’ll let you go to the shops,” says Vera Ivanovna. “Some day you’ll go for bread.” “What about an ice-cream on my way home when I’m a little bigger?” asks Nadyusha. “Well, ice-cream is less important than bread.” “What about the change when I buy bread? May I have it?” asks Boris. “Oh, you always want it to buy new stamps,” says his mother. “Of course, I do. But there is always less change than I want to spend on stamps. And I can’t buy less sugar or cheese.” “You are talking about buying things and I think we must buy something for tea now,” says Victor Nikolayevich. “You’re right, Daddy.” says Lena. “I’ll run and buy some sweets, cakes and sausage. Where is the shopping-bag? 1. Who goes shopping in your family? 2. Do you do your shopping every day? 3. When did you begin to go shopping? 4. What shop is the best for you to buy things? Why do you think so? one some something mother other another rouble bought enough buy sugar 108
26. (a) Look at the pictures and ask questions about the shops. (b) Look at the pictures and describe the shops. 27. Read and note: Money U.S.A. 1 dollar1 ($1 )=100 cents2 (c) U.K. 1 pound3 (£l)=100 pence4 (p) Before 1971: 1 pound=20 shilling’s5 (s) 1 shilling=12 pence (d) Weight6 1 kilogramme=l,000 grammes (g) 1 pound (lb)=12 ounces7 « 453 grammes 1 ounce (oz)=28 grammes 1 dollar — доллар; 2 cent — цент; 3 pound [paund] — фунт; 4 penny (pl pence) — пенни, пенс; 5 shilling — шиллинг; 6 weight [weit] — вес; 7 ounce [auns] — унция 109
▲ 28. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя предлоги там, где нужно. Прочитайте написанное. 1. They sell cheese ... that department. 2. We have bought a lot of flowers ... our old teacher ... her birthday. 3. When the children go ... school, Mother goes ... shopping and prepares dinner. 4. She is ... the market now. 5. How much shall I pay ... this box of sweets? 6. Buy a litre ... milk and half ... a kilo ... butter ... the milk and butter department. EQ б) Выполните задание 17 домашнего чтения. § 6 29. Read and say. Explain why you use the indefinite article: 1. You go to the shop. Ask the shop-assistant to give you one kilo of sugar, one an’d a half kilos of sausages and half a kilo of cheese. 2. Tell your friend what you saw in the morning on your way to school. 3. You have bought a lot of things at the shop. Tell your mother what you have bought and what the price was. 4. You want to buy things, but you have no time. Ask your friend to buy them for you. 30. Read and speak about shopping: 1. The members of your family buy many things. What do you buy every day? What do you buy every week? Who buys bread, butter, coffee, tea, apples, cakes, meat, fruit, salt? 2. Your mother has gone to buy some food. What will she bring home? no
3. Who goes to the market in your family? What can you buy at the market? 31. Read the funny stories and say which of them you like more. 1. A Bigger Hand Is Better One day a woman went shopping to the market with her small son. Soon they came to a man who was selling cherries.1 The man liked the small boy, and said, “Take a handful2 of cherries, my little man.” The boy went up to the box of cherries. He put out his hand, then took it back. He did not take any cherries. “Don’t you like cherries?” the man asked. “Yes, I do,” said the boy. The man took a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy. “Thank you,” said the boy. “Bobby,” said his mother on the way home, “why didn’t you take the cherries yourself?” “Because the man’s hand was bigger than mine,” was the answer. 2. Which Is More Foolish?3 Farmer Jones wanted to buy some things at a store. The storekeeper4 had a lot of bicycles5 in the store and he wanted to sell one to the farmer. “Look here, farmer Jones,” he said. “I can sell you a very good bicycle and you can ride around your farm on it every day.” “Oh, no,” said the farmer. “I don’t want a bicycle, I think a cow is more useful and the price is just the same.” “But just think,” said the storekeeper, “you can’t ride round the town on a cow. That’s foolish!” in
“Oh, I don’t know which is more foolish,” an- swered the farmer with a smile, “to ride on a cow or to milk a bicycle.” 1 cherry ['tjeri] — вишня, черешня;2 handful fhaendful] — при- горшня; 3 foolish ['furlij] — глупо; 4 storekeeper ['sto:ki:po] — лавочник; 5 bicycle ['baisikl] — велосипед; 6 milk — доить. 32. Read and act. At the Food Shop “Good-morning.” “Good-morning.” “I want a loaf1 of bread, please.” “Here you are.” “Thank you.” “Do you want anything else?” “Yes. I’d like a bottle of milk, a dozen 2 eggs,3 a packet of sugar, three pounds of apples and two cans4 of Cola-Cola5. How much is all that?” “Five pounds fifty, please.” “Here’s six pounds.” “That’s 50 pence change. Thank you very much and come again.” 1 loaf [louf] — буханка, булка; 2 dozen [dxzn] — дюжина; 3 eSS ~~ яйцо; 4 сап — банка; 5 Cola-Cola [kouko'kaulo] — кока-кола 33. Describe the nearest shop you buy food at. ▲ 34. а) Прочитайте текст и подготовьте его пересказ: Boris Goes Shopping This morning, Vera Ivanovna Stogova looked in her refrigerator and sideboard and saw that she did not have enough bread, butter and milk. She asked Boris to go shopping. 112
“Boris,” she said, “I want you to go and buy some things. Please don’t forget what I’m going to tell you. Here are the things I want you to bring. First buy three kilos of potatoes. Then buy a kilo of sausages, two hundred and fifty grammes of butter, two hundred grammes of cheese and a litre of milk. You can buy bread, too. Here is the money.” Boris repeated what his mother wanted him to buy, took his mother’s shopping-bag and went shopping. He bought sausages, cheese, butter and milk and went to buy potatoes. As he. went into the shop he saw his classmate, Zhenya Popov. First he wanted to ask him, “What are you doing here?” but just at that moment he saw a large shopping-bag in Zhenya’s hand. “I’m going to buy potatoes,” said Zhenya, “and what do you want to buy?” “Potatoes,” answered Boris. Soon the boys came out of shop and got on a bus. “Do you often go shopping?” asked Boris. “Very often,” answered Zhenya Popov. “Mum says I know a lot about shopping and I can buy almost anything. And another thing is, I must help.” б) Напишите по одной-две фразы по-английски, что бы вы сказали в подобных ситуациях: 1. Вы в гостях у друга по переписке в Англии. Он показывает вам свой дом и сад. Выразите свое восхищение увиденным. 2. К вам в дом в гости пришел ваш английский друг. Познакомьте его (ее) со своей семьей. 3. Вы со своим английским другом собираетесь в однодневный поход. Напишите, сколько и какой еды вы возьмете с собой. из
§ 7 35. Read and compare (see RG 1ПЗ): They are going to There are many beautiful build a new hotel here, buildings in the street. Let us begin our lesson. Read the text from the beginning. Turn to the right! Take the first turning on your left. build + -ing = building 36. Read and say what the underlined words mean: 1. We greet people when we meet them. “Good mor- ning” is a greeting. 2. Schoolchildren learn many subjects. The learning of physics is difficult for some schoolchildren. 3. The members of our club meet every week. We shall have a meeting after classes tomorrow. 4. Every year all my friends come to my birthday party. The coming of the birthday is a nice thing for children. 5. Some boys and girls in our form can draw well. The drawings they bring to school to show other classmates are beautiful. 6. The class teacher usually opens our meetings. The ope- ning of our school meeting was very interesting. 37. Read the funny story and say how much money the boys got. Jackie and Billy Buy from Each Other Jackie and Billy, two American boys, were great friends. Jackie’s mother made cookies 1 and sold them in the street. One day she told Jackie to take twelve cookies and sell them. She said: “Don’t eat any of them, and don’t give them to other boys. Sell all the cookies and bring the money home.” 114
Billy’s mother made and sold cookies, too, and she told her son to do the same. She also gave him twelve cookies to sell in the street. The boys went into the street to sell the cookies. In two hours Billy could sell only one cookie. He got hungry. 2 An idea 3 came to him that he could buy one of Jackie’s cookies with the money he had. Jackie was very glad to have some money now because he was also hungry. He used it to buy one of Billy’s cookies. The boys went on selling and buying cookies from each other. Soon they had no more cookies. 1 cookie ['kuki] — (домашнее) печенье; 2 hungry ['hArjgri] — голодный; 3 idea [ai'dio] — мысль, идея 38. Read and act. At the Department Store 1. At the Shoe Department “Excuse me, sir, how can I get to the shoe department?” “It’s over there, on the right.” “Thank you.” “I want a pair of shoes, please.” “What size 1 shoes do you want? “Size 28.” “Here you are. They are good and rather 2 cheap. 3” “I shall try them on. They are rather small, I want a larger pair of shoes.” “Try these, then. They are larger.” “I think I’ll take them. What’s the price?” “Thirty-seven.” “Thank you.” 2. At the Hat Department ’ “Can I help you, madam?” “I’d like a hat, please. May I try on that hat?" 115
“Yes. Take it, please.” “Oh, this hat is too large for me. Have you got them in a smaller size and in a different colour?” “Here’s another one.” “Is it smaller?” “Yes, it is. I hope it will be better. And we have more hats to try on.” 1 size — размер; 1 2 rather [Tcv:6a] — довольно; 3 4 cheap [t Ji:p] — дешевый 39. Read and answer the questions. 1. Who goes shopping in your family? 2. Does your mother ask you to buy food sometimes? 3. What is the price of the sweets you like? 4. Is the shop where you buy bread far from your house? 5. Which bread do you like, white or brown? 6. How much do you pay for a kilogramme of cheese? 40. Make up a short story using the words: 1) birthday 2) present 3)- to buy 4) interesting 5) department 6) store 7) to try on 8) to cost 9) to pay 10) change 11) birthday party 12) to be pleased. ▲ 41. а) Перепишите предложения, подчеркните слова, обра- зованные с помощью -ing, и напишите в скобках, от каких глаголов они образованы: 1. Look at the new modern building of the town library. 2. Do you know how to write the greeting and the ending in English letters? 3. The meeting will take place in the hall at 5 o’clock. 4. Take the first turning on your right and you will see the museum. 5. The coming of the New Year is a happy holiday. 6. Show me the drawings you have brought. б) Выполните задание 18 домашнего чтения. 116
42. Read and compare, (see RG VIII): You will take the sugar when If you jump that high, I I say “Three”. shall give you the sugar. Future Indefinite if (when)H-Present Indefinite If (when) + Present Indefinite Future Indefinite But: Tell me Tell me if you will go to the library, when you will come home. 43. Read: I. When ‘the bus comes, we shall be ready to go. 2. If he comes, tell him I’ll be back in half an hour. 3. When there is no more food in the refrigerator, he will go shopping. 4. If you don’t understand, I’ll repeat it again. 5. I shall go to bed when I finish my work. 6. She will tell him about the meeting if she sees him tomorrow. 117
44. Read and pick out the sentences in which we must not use shall or will after when or if: 1. When do you come home from school? 2. When you come home, it will be too late. 3. Tell me when you will come back. 1. I want to know when you will ring me up. 2. When you receive this letter, I shall be far away. 3. When do you have your literature lesson? 1. I want you to tell me if you have enough money. 2. I shall do so if I have time. 3. My friend asks me if I shall go to the seaside next year. 45. Read and act: At the Book-Shop.' “Good afternoon. What can I’do for you, sir?” “Good afternoon. I’m looking for a good English dictionary”. “Oh, we have some dictionaries of course. What kind of dictionary do you need?” - “A Russian-English dictionary, please.” “Here you are. It really1 is very good.” “How much does it cost?” “Just let me see... It’s $25.” “Oh, it’s too expensive2. Well, I want a guide- book3 with maps.” “Yes, sir. Here’s one with a map of the under- ground.4” “This is just what I want. I’ll take this one, please.” “Thank you, sir.” 1 really ['riali] — действительно; 2 expensive [iks'pensiv] — дорогой; 3 guide-book ['gaidbuk] — путеводитель. 118
46. Do the tasks. 1. Tell the class what you do when your mother asks you to go shopping. 2. Tell the class what you ask the shop-assistant when you want to buy some sweets. 3. Ask you friend to buy something for you. ▲ 47 а). Прочитайте предложения и подготовьте к каждому из них вопросы: 1. When we decide to go to the forest, I shall tell you. 2. If the exercise is difficult, I shall ask my sister how to do it. 3. When the dinner is ready, Mum will tell is. 4. If you dress quickly, we shall have enough time to get to the theatre. 5. When I know English well, I shall read a lot of books in English. 6. If I have time, I’ll come to see you on Sunday evening. 7. When my father comes from the factory, we shall go to the cinema. 8. If I finish my work soon, I shall go for a walk. б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя вспомогательные глаголы shall или will там, где нужно. Прочитайте на- писанное: 1. If the weather is rainy, we ... stay at home. 2. When the parents ... come home, the rooms ... be clean. 3. I ... go shopping when I ... finish my homework. 4. If we ... have no bread at home, 1 ... go and buy some. 5. If you ... have time, we ... go out for a walk. 6. 1 ... go to the library to take out a new book when I ... finish reading this one. 119
§ 9 48. Read (See R.G IX): 1. it’s “It’s ten o’clock. You have to go to bed, dear.” “Why, Mummy?” “Because late.” 2. “Yesterday I did not go to the cinema. I had to stay at home after school.” “Were you ill? Did you have to go to the doctor?” “No, I didn’t go to the doctor. I had a lot of homework to do.” 3. “Are you free tomorrow?” “No.” “What will you have to do?” “My parents will be out all the day, so I shall have to look after my little sister.” 49. Read: 1. We did not have to get up very early on Sunday. 2. You will have to go to the bus stop to meet your aunt and uncle. 3. You don’t have to walk, take a bus. 4. Do you have to buy new textbooks every year? 5. You will have to send him a telegram or a postcard. 6. I was not well and had to see my doctor. 120
50. Read and pick out the sentences in which to have means must: I. I have a penfriend in England. 2. I have to visit a doctor, I’m not well. 3. I have forgotten to turn off the gas in the kitchen. 4. I have tea with bread and butter for supper. 1. Have you a library at home? 2. Do you have dinner at 2 o’clock? 3. Have you bought enough bread? 4. Do you have to help your parents? 51. Read the text and retell it: Buying Cakes A bus stopped hear a small English town in the country. A man looked out of the window and saw a woman selling cakes. The man wanted to buy a cake, bu£ the woman was far away 1 from the bus. The man did not want to get out himself, so he asked a little boy who was near the bus, “How much does a cake cost?” “Threepence,2 sir,3" answered the boy. The man gave him sixpence and said to him, “Bring me a cake, and with the other threepence buy one for yourself.” A few minutes later the boy came back eating a cake. He gave the the man threepence change and said, “There was only one cake left, sir.” 1 far away [a'wei] — далеко; 2 threepence ['Qrepans] — три пенса; 3 sir [sa:] — сэр, господин (обращение) 52. Read and answer the questions: 1. Could you skate when you were six years old? 2. Could your mother play the piano when she was a schoolgirl? 3. Could you help your classmates with English last year? 121
4. What could you see in the fields last autumn? 5. How could you help your parents last Sunday? 6. Where could you go during your winter holidays? 53. Look at the pictures and make up a story. jeans [dsi:nz] — джинсы; shop-window — витрина; to show (showed, shown) — показывать; to try on — примерять; to buy (bought, bought) — покупать; to put on — надевать; mirror ['miro] — зеркало; to be happy — быть счаст- ливым; shower Цаиэ] — ливень; to shrink (shruhk, shrunk) — садиться (о ткани) ▲ 54. а) Опровергните утверждения и прочитайте написанное: 1. I have to go to the doctor. 2. He has to have his breakfast at 7 o’clock. 3. He had to stay at school 122
after the lessons. 4. You will have to put your raincoat on. 5. They had to send a telegram. 6. They had to take a trolley-bus to get to the theatre in time. б) Выполните задание 19 домашнего чтения. § 10 55. Read and answer the questions: 1. What do you have to put on when the weather is bad? 2. Where did you have to go when you wanted to buy an ice-cream? 3. When will you have to have supper if you are going to the theatre in the evening? 4. Who has to go and bring some chalk if there isn’t any? 5. You have to spend more than three hours on your homework, don’t you? 6. What do you have to do in the morning? 56. Read and answer the questions. I. What new subjects have you this year? 2. Did you have to go to the library yesterday? 3. How many lessons will you have tomorrow? 4. What have you prepared for your English lesson? 5. Where did you have to go yesterday evening? 6. When did you have your last school holiday party? 57. Read and say why we use the definite or the indefinite article with the words underlined: 1. a) I want to buy a bottle of milk. b) Put the bottle in the shopping-bag. 2. a) Go to the shop on the corner of the street. 123
b) There is a shoe shop on the corner of the steet. 3. a) Give me an ice-cream, please. b) Put the ice-cream into the refrigerator. 4. a) Show me the white dress over there. b) Show me a white dress. 58. Speak about the situations. 1. Your mother has asked you to buy food for dinner. Describe what you are going to buy. 2. You go to a shop to buy a birthday present for your friend. Make up a conversation with the shop-girl. 3. You and your boy-friend speak about what present you are going to buy for your girl-friends on Women’s Day. 4. You have been to the market. Tell your friend what farmers sold there. ▲ 59.a) Прочитайте текст и завершите рассказ: Masha Krylova is going to the shops to choose something interesting for a birthday present for her friend Tanya Sedova. Before leaving the house Masha had a conver- sation with her parents. “I don’t know what girls like best of all for birthday presents/’ said Masha’s father. “But I think she will like something beautiful to hang on a wall or put on her table.” “Yes,” said her mother, “and a box of sweets is very good for a birthday party.” 124
б) Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предло- жению, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Про- читайте написанное: 1. The children have to spend an hour or two in the forest. (Who ...) 2. They had to stay at school after their lessons. (Why...) 3. He has to look after his younger sister. (Who... after?) 4. The teacher had to write a letter to Victor’s parents. (Who... to?) 5. They will have to stay in town for a month or so. (Where...) 6. She had to clean her room and wash the floor before she began her work. (What...) change n food n size n cheap a have to v slowly adv cheese n ice-cream n store n cost V market n sugar n could v money n supermarket n department n rather adv sweet n do one’s shopping sell v try V enough adv sausage n try on V Unit 4 1. Read and answer the questions. 1. What new subjects do you learn in the 7th form? 2. Have you got new teachers? Who are they? 3. What subjects do you like very much? 4. When do your lessons begin this year? 5. Do you have physical training and labour training? 6. What days do you have English lesson? 125
2. Read the list of the subjects-in the 7th form and compare them with what you had last school year: 1. Russian 2. Literature 3. Algebra ['aeldjibro] 4. Geometry [dsi'omitri] 5. Physics ['fiziks] 6. History 7. Geography 8. Botany ['botoni] 9. Zoology [zou'olod3i] 10. English 11. Labour Training 12. Arts 13. Music 14. Physical Training 3. Read and speak about your lesson: 1. Speak about how you begin a lesson. How do you finish it? 2. Sometimes teachers tell schoolchildren to look at the blackboard. What do they want them to see there? 3. “Open your books!” is a usual classroom command. What other commands can you hear during an English lesson? 4. What does you English teacher say when you come late to a lesson? 4. Read and answer the questions: What They Say About School Every day you can hear something interesting at school. When you come home after classes, you tell your parents what you have heard and seen at school. Now read what some schoolchildren in England tell each other. Different Sums When Larry 1 came home from school- he said, “I’m not going to school tomorrow.” “Why?”asked his mother. “On Monday, the teacher said four and four are eight. On Tuesday, she said six and two are eight, Today, she said seven and one are eight. The sums 126
are different, but the answers are always the same. How сап 1 learn mathematics?” A Difficult Question One day Pete came home from school and said, “The class could not answer the teacher’s question, only I could answers it.” “Very nice, Pete. And what was the question?” “The teacher asked who broke2 the classroom window.” 1 Larry ['laerij; 2 broke (broke, broken) — разбивать 1. Does Larry want to go to school tomorrow? 2. Larry doesn’t know how much three and five are, does he? 3. What was the question which Pete answered? 5. Look at the pictures and describe the schools. 6. а). Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложе- нию, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное. 1. We had five lessons yesterday. (How many...) 2. He has to go to the doctor. (Where...) 3. I have new textbooks for the eighth form. (What form... for?) 127
4. She had to read the text three times. (How many...) 5. They have had a geography lesson today. (What lesson...) 6. We had to have dinner at home. (Where...) CQ б) Выполните задание 20 домашнего чтения. § 2 7. Read and compare (See RG I 7): The indefinite article A (an) No article (-) There is a stand in the reading-room. Dr ih/< a p i ixt nri Lk a ^ay II. The woman is drinking cbffee. III. The boys went to school by bus. 1. Называние исчисляемых объектов. II. Называние неисчисляемого объекта. III. Распредмечивание. 128
8. Read and say why we use no article before the words underlined: 1. There are picture-books with pictures and stories for small boys and girls. 2. The farm grows wheat, potatoes, vegetables and fruit. 3. We want peace and friendship with all peoples. 4. The father goes to work by trolleybus. 5. We can see new blocks of flats, schools, cinemas and shops in towns and vil- lages. 6. Does he live in town or in the country? 9. Read and discuss the situations: One day an engineer comes to your school to have a' talk after lesson. He says to the children, “The subject of my talk today is ‘New Machines.” Tell each other what interests you; what you think about the subject of the talk; what subjects you must learn to be an engineer or a doctor; what subjects you will choose for another talk at school. 10. Read and say which of the school subjects you like and why: A Discussion During a Break Last week some children of Form 7 A discussed school subjects. “My favourite subjects are algebra and geomet- ry,” said Liza Prokhorova. “I don’t think I can learn other subjects very well.” “What do you say?” asked Misha Popov. “Don’t you khow that all subjects are important?” “Then why don’t you have good marks for all subjects?” asked Maya Chaikina. 5 Зак. 52 129
“Because I can’t now, some of the subjects are difficult for me.” “And I think,” said Lena Stogova, “that we must learn all subjects well. They will help us when we have a profession.” “How can literature help you to be a good driver?” asked Valery Nikonov. “Well, I know,” said Alik Vetrov. “Modern drivers must know a lot, not only about cars. They may learn new professions at institutes. And haven’t you seen car drivers reading books during a break in their work?” “Oh! Yuri Timofeyevich is coming!” said Sasha Grigoryev. “Music is also an important subject. Let’s go to the classroom!” / ▲ II. а) Прочитайте текст и скажите, нравятся ли вам шутки и почему. Joking * on the Way to School Victor and Sasha live in the same house. Every morning they meet in the yard and go to school together. One day Victor says, “I’ve just finished reading a book about some friends who agreed2 to tell each other interesting stories.” “Were those stories from books?” “Not always. Sometimes they made up their stories themselves.” “Listen!” said Sasha. “I don’t know about stories, it may be difficult, but I can tell you a lot of jokes. Let’s begin either today or tomorrov. Do you agree?” “I can’t quite3 agree,” said Victor, “if you want to tell your jokes in Russian. I’ve read many jokes in English and I’m going to tell them in English, too.” 130
“But I’m going to tell my jokes in English too,” said Sasha. Next morning Victor was ready to tell his first joke. Here it is. Mother: Johnny, I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning; I see there is only one piecfe now. Where is the other? Can you tell me? Johnny: It was too dark, Mummy. I could not see the other piece. “Oh,” said Sasha. “Johnny was ready to eat two pieces of cake. Now listen to my joke.” Mother asks her small daughter who is reading a book: “What are you reading, dear?” “I don’t know,” answers the girl. “You don’t know? You are reading aloud, so you must know.” “I am reading aloud, Mummy, but I am not listening,” the girl said. The boys had no time to tell more jokes because they were at the school door. They were a little late for the lesson and the English teacher asked them why they were late. “You see, Yelena Petrovna, we told each other jokes... In English...” said Victor. “In English? I don’t think that’s bad. You may sit down.” 1 joke — шутка, шутить; 2 agree [э'дгi:] — соглашаться; 3 quite [kwait] — полностью, вполне б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя неопределенный артикль там, где нужно. Подчеркните исчисляемые су- ществительные красной чертой, неисчисляемые — синей: 131
1. We have enough ... cheese and ... sweets. 2. How much ... money have you? 3. You can see ... books on ... literature at our library. 4. There were ... tall bookcases with books all around the room. 5. We saw ... fruit and vegetables ... meat and ... fish and ... butter and other things at the market. 6. There were ... newspapers, ... letter and ... telephone on the desk. § 3 12. Read the text and say what you do to celebrate Defender of Fatherland Day: Defender of Fatherland Day At the beginning of February Sveta Chernova came to the class teacher and said, “Klavdia Semy- onovna, on the 23rd of February we shall celebrate Defender of Fatherland Day”. “ Of course, you must,” said Klavdia Semyonov- na. “That is a very important holiday and I hope that all the boys and girls will take part in the celebration.” “Yes, but we girls want to prepare something interesting for our boys. They are not army men of course, but they will be in the army after finishing school.” “Weil, I think that is a very good idea. You can prepare a wonderful concert. There are, for example, many poems and songs about the army.” “Shall we give our boys small presents on that day?” asked Sveta. “Why not? And I think that the best present is a book about the army.” 132
“Tanya Suslova says there are beautiful post- cards with pictures about the army. Shall we send one of those cards to each boy by post?” asked Sveta. “Oh, no. I don’t think that’s right. You can put a postcard in a book. That will be a nice present,” said Klavdia Semyonovna, “and all the girls must write something on the card.” “Thank you,” said Sveta and went to speak with the other girls. When all the girls gathered after the lesson, they discussed where to get books for presents and how to prepare a concert. “And what shall we write on our cards?” asked one of the girls. “We can write our wishes,” said Galya Grigorenko. “We can wish our boys to prepare themselves for the army life and to be ready to defend our country.” Lyuda Burova thought a little and asked, “Can I wish Tolik Petrov to think more about physical training?” “Of course, you can,” answered the girls. “And on Women’s Day he may wish you to think more about mathematics.” 13. Read and answer the questions about Defender of Fatherland Day. 1. What does your school (form) organize on the 23d of February? come — came — come send — sent — sent say — said — said write — wrote — written be — was, were — been put — put — put give — gave — given speak — spoke — spoken think — thought — thought get — got — got 133
2. What do you do to help to celebrate this holiday at school? 3. Who do you give presents on that day? 4. How does your family celebrate this holiday? 5. What kind of wishes do you write on holiday cards? 14. Read and speak. 1. Speak about what schoolchildren do on Defender of Fatherland Day. 2. Describe the. party you have had at school. 3. Did you have a class meeting yesterday? What did the schoolchildren speak about at the class meeting? 4. What do you do when you are present at a class meeting? Do you sit and listen or do you make a report? 15. Read and use in situations: full [ful]: Do you want a full cup of tea or half a cup? As this page is now full, I can’t write any more. This work is full of mistakes. novel ['noval]: Dostoyevsky’s novels are popular in different countries of the world. War and Peace is a wonderful novel by Leo Tolstoy. poem ['pouim]: A lot of children know poems by Mar- shak. How many poems do you know? interest ['introst]: We want to interest all children in our work. Can I interest you in this book? That doesn’t interest me. He is interested in history. librarian [lai'brEarian]: The librarian sits at her desk giving out and taking back books. The librarian put the books back on the shelves and we went out. magazine [jnaega'zkn]: All members of our family read Neva, a very interesting magazine for young people. wait [weit]: Who are you waiting for? I waited for my sister to bring me my raincoat. 134
16. (a) Look at the pictures and answer the teacher’s questions. (b) Look at the pictures and describe the library. ▲ 17. а) Напишите полные ответы на вопросы и прочитайте написанное: 1. Who will go shopping if your mother is ill? 2. When will you put on your warm coat? 3. What will your parents do when they have their holidays? 4. Where will you spend next Sunday if the weather is rainy? 5. What book will you take out from the library when you go there next time? б) Выполните задание 21 домашнего чтения. 18. Read and compare (See RG HI 4): She will teach Geography She is a Geography teacher, at our school. The boy can run very fast. He is a good runner. He writes short stories. The writer lives in our town. work + -er = worker 135
19. Read and say what the underlined words mean: 1. You can see a lot of readers in the reading-room of the library. 2. My younger brother is not a good swimmer. 3. The Bolshoi Theatre has many wonderful dancers and singers. 4. The best jumper of our school is Igor Ivanov. 5. Many helpers will make the work easier. 6. The listeners gathered in the room near the radio set. 7. All lovers of sport watch hockey and football games on TV. 20. Read and use in situations: favourite ['feivarit]: Listen, that’s my favourite song! Who is your favourite writer? My sister’s favou- rite flowers are red roses. author ['э:0э]: Who is the author of this book? My favourite author is Kaverin. I am the author of this wall newspaper article. find [faind] (found [faund], found): I can’t find my - boots! Have you found the answer to this ques- tion? We went to her house, but we found her out (not at home). translate [traens'leit]: I can’t translate this sentence. My father can translate from English into Rus- sian. idea [ai'dia]: Have you any idea of what I am going to do? I have an idea of a new game. What a good idea! look for ['luk'fo:]: 1 am looking for a book about cos- monauts. popular f'popjula]: This singer is very popular with young people. 136
21. Read the text and describe the library. At the Library Lena Stogova likes to read interesting books. She very often goes to the library to read books there or to take out a book to read at home. When you go into the children’s library, you first see a large room with shelves on all the walls, and all the shelves are full of books. There are picture-books with pictures and stories for small boys and girls. For older children, there are novels, plays, books on history, geography and the arts. Books on history and geography are very popular. Lena likes books on literature very much. Russian writers interest her most of all. She often takes out works by Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekhov, Gorky and others. She likes Pushkin’s poems, but she reads Mayakovsky’s poems, too. There is a table in the room at which the librarian sits. She gives out and takes back books. Many boys and girls are standing in front of the table. They are bringing back the books they have read and taking out the books they have chosen. Lena sees Kolya, her classmate. He is bringing back a book about animals. On the right of the big room is the reading-room, where there are tables and chairs. Near the wall there is a stand with newspapers and magazines. Many boys and girls are reading books, magazines or newspapers. 22. Describe your school library or your town (village) library. 23. Read the text of Exercise 21 and answer the questions: 1. When does Lena go to the library? 2. What does she do at the library? 137
3. What can you see in the library? 4. What books interest Lena? 5. What poems does she like? 6. Where does the librarian sit? 7. What do boys and girls do in the reading-room? 8. What is there on the stand in the reading-room? 24. Read and answer the questions: 1. What do you see when you go into a children’s library? 2. What kind of books do older children take out to read? 3. What interests you most of all when you choose a book? 4. What is your school reading-room like? 5. Why is it a popular place in the school? 6. What are your favourite books? ▲ 25. а) Прочитайте текст и опишите ваши внеурочные занятия в школе. Doing Things Together Schoolchildren not only learn together. They do many other things after lessons. They prepare wall newspapers, go to the cinema or the theatre and they work together on the school plot or in the fields. Doing interesting things together helps friend- ship and you learn to help each other when there is something difficult. Today Misha Popov and three other classmates have gathered to prepare their form’s new wall newspaper. “What are we going to write in it?” asked Vasya Belov. 138
“Well,” answered Misha. “This is not a holiday newspaper. We shall write about our school life.” “I told some boys and girls to write for our newspaper,” said Valery Nikonov, “and here is what I have collected.” “Read what they have written,” said Liza Prok- horova. “We shall discuss what is good for our newspaper articles.” One of the classmates wrote how schoolchildren helped each other with difficult homework. A girl wrote about her work in the second form and how she organized games for smaller schoolchildren. Two boys wanted the class wail newspaper to give more information about different kinds of sport. “I think we can make a good newspaper but four articles won’t be enough,” said Misha Popov. “And what about jokes?” asked Vitya Mikhailov who liked jokes very much. “We can take some good jokes from a magazine," answered Liza. But Vitya was against that. “You see,” he said, “those jokes may be good, but we must have jokes about our class, not about other people.” “That’s right,” said Misha. “And I hope that Vitya will help us.” “Yes, of course. Only telling jokes is so difficult...” said Vitya. б) Напишите существительные, образованные от глаго- лов с помощью суффикса -ег, и переведите их на русский язык: •to build, to work, to fight, to speak, to dance, to swim, to read, to sing, to jump, to play 139
§ 5 26. Read and compare. (See RG X 1,3): Русла* Pushkin wrote this poem. This poem was written by Pushkin. The letter was written yesterday. These exersises were done at the last lesson. The theatre was built in 1970. The vegetables were bought at the market. The holiday meeting was opened at 5 o’clock in the hall. These novels were translated from Russian into English. PAST INDEFINITE PASSIVE was were written (the 3rd form) 27. Read: 1. The seaside was visited by many people from the town. 2. Four children were questioned at the Russian lesson yesterday. 3. The question was decided very quickly by the teacher. 4. The table was laid for dinner at 3 o’clock. 5. The magazine was put in the bookcase. 28. Read and pick out sentences with the Passive: A. 1. They organized a holiday party on the 22nd of February. 140
2. The meeting was organized in the school hall. 3. They have organized a literature club in their school. I. The children decorated the New Year tree with toys. 2. She has decorated the room with flowers. 3. The buildings were decorated with slogans and flags. В. 1. The price of the coat was too high. 2. There was a shop-girl selling ice-cream at the door. 3. The cotton shirt was bought at the department store. 1. They were free yesterday evening. 2. The telegram was sent by my uncle. 3. There was something interesting in this ma- gazine. 29. Read and act: A Conversation at the Library “Hello, Kolya, are you waiting to take out a book?” “Yes, I am, but I must give back this book first.” “Oh, let me see! What is it?” “It is a book written by Mayne Reid. He is one of my favourite authors.” “My favourite writer is Paustovsky. His short stories are so beautiful.” “And which poet do you like?” “Well, Pushkin is my favourite poet.” “I like modern poets. Do you read the poems in Neva?” “Yes, I do, but I like not all of them.” “I like to read Gorky’s plays, do you?” “Yes, but it’s better to see them at the theatre.” 141
30. Read and answer the questions. 1. What’s your librarian’s name? 2. Has your school library a lot of books? 3. Are there books on arts and literature on the shelves of the library? 4. Who is the author of the book you have taken out from the library? 5. When do you have to bring the book babk to the library? 6. What books are very popular with your classmates? 31. Look at the pictures and say how the schoolchildren prepare their wall newspaper. I. 2. ▲ 32. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующей форме страдательного за- лога. Прочитайте написанное: 1. The new library ... two years ago. (to build) 2. All the mistakes ... by the teacher, (to correct) 3. At the meeting at an English university, the writer from St. Petersburg ... guestions about life in Russia, (to ask). 4. The table ... by me half an hour ago. (to buy) 5. The portrait of M. Gorky ... on the wall in the reading-room yesterday, (to hang) 6. The um- brella ... by somebody on a tram, (to leave) б) Выполните задание 22 домашнего чтения. 142
§ 6 33. Read and compare. (See RG X 4): Were these exercises done by you? Yes, they were. Was the letter written on Friday or on Sunday? It was written on Sunday. When was the postcard sent? It was sent last week. Who was this poem written by? It was written by Lermontov. What were you given? I was given a book of stories by Gaidar. 34. Read and compare. (See RG X 5): The telegram was The telegram was not sent the sent yesterday. day before yesterday. The textbook was The textbook was not left at left at home. school. These books were These vegetables were not bought at the bought at the market. bookshop. 143
The postcards were received The letters were not before the holiday. received in time. The letter was written yesterday • The letter was not written the day before • 35. Read: 1. The windows were not opened before the lesson. 2. The boy was not met by anybody at the bus shop. 3. Some of the vegetables and fruit were not sold during the day. 4. The plates were not washed and put into the cupboard. 5. This exercise was not done at the last lesson. 6. The new pupil was not introduced to the class. 36. Read and answer the questions about your last English lesson: 1. Who was the English lesson given by? 2. Who was asked by the teacher? 3. Was the date written by the teacher or by the pupil on duty? 4. Were any written exercises done during the lesson? 5. Who was the blackboard cleaned by? 6. Were the windows shut or opened before the lesson? 37. Read and act: Short Conversations 1 “Can you give me an interesting book, please?” “If you like short stories, you can take a book of short stories by Jack London.” 144
2 “What kind of books do you usually read?” “I like to read books for pleasure.” “What about learning new things from books?” “Yes. Such books interest me very much, too.” 3 “I think a book is a good birthday present.” “Oh, yes. But sometimes it’s difficult to choose a book for a friend.” “Then let’s go to a bookshop to choose something interesting for my sister’s birthday.” 38. Describe how you chose and took out a book from the library. ▲ 39. а) Прочитайте текст и опишите английский клуб или кружок в вашей школе. Lena Writes to Mary Smith Flat 10 16 Gagarin Street Verkhovsk, Russia January 17th, 1995 Dear Mary, Many thanks for your interesting letters about England. I showed them to my Englich teacher and to my classmates, and they liked them very much. Today I am going to tell you about the English Club in our school. It was organized by the English teachers. Meetings of our club take place every week. So- metimes we have talks about England and America and the life of the people there. Very often there are exhibitions 1 on English and American life or literature. Last year, a very good exhibition on Shakespeare took place at our club. There was a large portrait 145
of Shakespeare on a stand, and around it were pictures of Shakespeare’s house, the Shakespeare Theatre, the story of his life and work. We like Shakespeare very much in Russia. Very good films based on his plays were made in our country. So you see, we like English very much and we always learn a lot about your country. I shall end my letter now. I wish you and your family all the best, and I hope I shall receive another letter from you soon. Your friend, Lena 1 exhibition [,eksi'bifn] — выставка б) Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное. I. The dishes were washed by the children. (Who... by?) 2. The newspapers and magazines were brought at 8 o’clock. (What...) 3. The telegram was received in the afternoon. (When...) 4. On her birthday Mother was given presents and flowers. (What...) 5. The postcard was written by my penfriend. (Who... by?) 6. All the newspapers were sold out in three hours. (Were...) § 7 40. Read the text and say what you like in this holiday and why: Women’s Day Women’s Day is a wonderful holiday for all people. Schoolchildren celebrate it too. On that day they give their teachers flowers and there usually is a concert 146
in which many boys and girls take part. They sing songs, read poems, act in a play and dance. Mothers are present too, and they like their children’s acting very much. Now this is how the last Women’s Day was prepared by Form 7 A. Long before the holiday came, the boys gathered to decide how to prepare for it. Slava Kryukov was the first speaker. “I think,” he said, “that we must give presents to all women teachers and to our mothers and grandmothers. Let’s buy something.” “Yes, it’s a good idea about the presents,” said Alik Vetrov, “but it’s better to make our presents our- selves. I’ve already decided to make something interes- ting. Anna Pavlovna will be glad to have my present.” “Can you make it yourself?” asked a boy. “Well, I’ll ask my father or a big boy from our block of flats to help.” The next question was about presents for the girls of their form. “On Women’s Day it will be a pleasure for our girls to receive small presents from us,” said Alik Vetrov. “Do you want us to make something in the work- shop?” asked Sasha Solntsev. “I have another idea. Let’s prepare a small concert for the teachers and the girls.” “Oh, that is interesting, but who will take part?” asked Slava. “How can we give a concert?” be — was, were — been give — gave — given take — took — taken sing — sang — sung read — read — read come — came — come think — thought — thought buy — bought — bought make — made — made have — had — had 147
“It’s not very difficult, and we still have to learn some poems and songs. Kolya Stepanov can play the piano and we shall ask Yuri Timofeyevich, our music teacher, to help.” 41. Read and answer the questions. 1. Who receives presents in your family on Women’s Day? Who writes the wishes on holiday cards? 2. Is there a holiday dinner in your family? Who helps your mother to make it? 3. How does your form celebrate Women’s Day? 4. What do the women workers who come to your school before Women’s Day tell the schoolchildren? 42. Look at the pictures and make up a story. 43. Read and act. At the Bookshop “What can I do for you?” “I want to send my sister a book for a present on Women’s Day”. “What kind of book? There is a good book of poems”. “My sister likes poems, and she may have that book already”. “Here are some new novels”. “No, 1 think it is better to send her a book about our town. Have you a book with pictures of our town?” 148
“Yes, here is one with very good pictures”. “That will be a very nice present, won’t it?” “Oh, yes”. “I’ll take it then”. 44. Read the funny story and say what you think of the boy. Shakespeare’s Telephone It was an English lesson. The teacher, Miss Ri- chards, talked to the children about English writers. “Who can tell me the name of a great English writer we all know?” asked Miss Richards. Jane held up her hand: “I can— Shakespeare”. “Good, Jane. And who can tell me when Shake- speare lived? Can you, Dick?” “No, Miss Richards”. “Did you read this lesson at home, Dick?” “Yes, Miss Richards”. “Well, why don’t you know? Open your book and read what it says”. Dick opened his book. “It says Shakespeare, one, five, six, four”. “Well”, said the teacher, “correct reading is fifteen sixty-four, and why didn’t you remember 1 it?” “Oh”, answered Dick. “I remember that, but I thought it was his telephone number”. 1 remember [ri'memba] — помнить, вспоминать ▲ 45. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя глаголы, данные в скобках, в действительном или страдательном залоге. Прочитайте написанное. 1. Katya ... not ... the book of poems on the stand near the window, (to find) 2. The small children ... in the forest only in the evening, (to find) 3. Last year potatoes ... not ... in the field near the forest. 149
(to grow) 4. The children ... presents from the New Year tree before they went to bed. (to give) 5. My friend ... out an interesting book from the school library, (to take) 6. Some money ... on flowers to decorate the hall before the holiday, (to spend) Щ б) Выполните задание 23 домашнего чтения. § 8 46. Read and say what you know about great libraries. Great Libraries Libraries are very important in the life of all people. We cannot buy all the books we want to read. That is why we take out books from libraries. In Moscow, we have the State 1 Library, where we can find millions of books which were written in many countries. Another very big Moscow library is the Foreign2 Literature Library, where we can find books which were written by the greatest writers and poets of all countries and times. The British Museum in London has a very big library. Many famous scientists3, writers and poli- ticians 4 worked there. There are libraries in every town and village in our country. We must understand what riches we can find in them; we must learn what the great men and women of literature, science and art teach us in their books. 1 state [steit] — государственный; 2 foreign f'hrin] — инос- транный; 3 scientist ['saiontist] — ученый; 4 politician [,poli'ti Jn] — политик 150
47. Read and act: Short Conversations 1 “Is that an interesting book?” “Yes, it is The Blue Cup by Gaidar”. “May I have it after you?" “I’m sorry, Sasha wants it after me. You may have it after him”. 2 “What are you reading?” “A book of poems. They were written by Robert Bums”. “Are you reading them in English?” “No, in Russian. They were translated by Marshak”. 3 “I am looking for a book for my eight-year-old sister and I can’t find one”. “I have an idea. In the library there are books of Russian stories for children”. “That’s a good idea! I’ll get one for her”. '48. Read and say which is your favourite book and why: A Letter About Alice in Wonderland 1 37, High Street, London, W8 7DN England February 15th, 1995 My dear Lena, I must thank you for your letter about your English Club. It was very interesting and I was very glad to know that you like English literature. 151
I am going to look for a book to send to you. It is Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. It is not a new book, it was written in 1865, so it is more than a hundred years old. But it is a great favourite with many children. I hope I shall find this book and then I shall send it to you as a present from me. I am working much at school. The weather is cold here; it is winter, but I have an idea that it is colder in Russia and that you have thick snow on the ground. Please write soon. Yours, Mary Smith 1 Alice in Wonderland — «Алиса в стране чудес» (по- пулярная детская книга Льюиса Кэрролла) 49. Read and answer the questions. 1. Who is your favourite writer? 2. What book by this author do you like most of all? 3. Do you like to read poems? 4. What book have you just read? 5. What do you like to read more, novels or plays? 6. What books by English and American authors have you read? 50. Read and use in situations. climate ['klaimat]: A dry climate is good for some people. The climate of our place is neither hot nor cold; our climate is wonderful. population [,popju'leifn]: Our town has a population of 13 thousand people. What was the population of your town (village) ten years ago? The po- pulation in this village works on farms. 152
mountain ['mauntin]: Have you seen mountains? A mountain river runs near our town. Many people like to spend their summer holidays high in the mountains. lake: We spent a week near a blue lake in summer. Have you swum (fished) in a lake? area ['eorio]: There aren’t many sheep in this area. 51. Do the tasks: 1. Tell the class what interesting book you read last month and what it was about. 2. Ask your friend what book he (she) has just read and what he (she) thinks of it. 3. Tell the class what book you took out from the library, when you took it out and when you brought it back. 4. Say what all the members of your family like to read and where they get the books from. ▲ 52. а) Прочитайте текст и скажите, что нового вы из него узнали: ’ Mother’s Day in Great Britain In Great Britain, there is a holiday now which people call Mother’s Day. In the old days many girls from workers’ families in towns and from farmers’ families in the country worked in rich people’s houses. They had to do all the housework. Their working day was usually very long and they often worked on Sundays, too. One day a year, it was usually on Sunday in March, they could visit their mothers. They went home on that day and brought presents for their mothers and for other members of their families. 153
They could stay at home only one day, and then they went back to their work. People called that day Mothering Sunday. Later, workers at the factories and girls who worked in the houses of rich families received one free day a week, and Mothering Sunday became a holiday Mother’s Day. It is usually on a Sunday in the middle of March. On that day, sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring them flowers and little presents. The eldest1 son must bring his mother a good cake. If sons or daughters cannot be with their mothers on that day, they usually send them presents. Mother’s Day must be a day of rest for the mother of the family, so her daughters make the dinner on that day and lay the table and the sons help to wash the dishes after dinner. In the United States of America and Canada 2, Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May. 1 the eldest — самый старший; 2 Canada ['kaenada] — Ка- нада б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя нужное слово из данных в скобках. 1. Chekhov is the author of many ... (novels, short stories) 2. Have you read any ... by Nikolai Ostrov- sky? (novel, short story) 3. Here is the book you are ... (looking at, looking after, looking for) 4. Who ... your little sister when your mother is out? (looks at, looks after, looks for) 5. What ... will they show at the theatre on Wednesday? (game, play) 6. They won the second ... (game, play). 154
§ 9 53. Read and compare (See RG X 2, 4, 5): A big fruit harvest was gathered last year. New blocks of flats were built in the centre of the city last year. Was the new film shown last Sunday? What was sold at that shop in the afternoon? Wheat was not grown in that field last year. A big fruit harvest is gathe- red every year on our farm. New schools, factories, and houses are built every year. Are new films shown every week in this place? What is sold at the market at this season of the year? Cotton is not grown in this part of the country. PRESENT INDEFINITE PASSIVE am is are given (the 3rd form) 54. Read and answer the questions. 1. Who is your school time-table changed by? 2. When are the windows of your ciassroom opened? 3. What are sports grounds used for? 4. What fruits are grown where you live? 5. What holidays are celebrated in May? 6. How is your school decorated before Victory Day? 55. Read and use in situations. island ['ailand]: We spent a hot summer day on a small green island. My father saw how people live on an island in the White Sea. 155
north [пэ:0]: My parents have worked in the North. A cold north wind is blowing now. The north wall of the building is usually colder. south [sau0]: Did you spend your summer holidays in the South? A warm south wind has changed the weather. east [i:st]: Many young people go to the East to work there. Our family lives in the east side of the house. west: Today the wind is blowing from the west. I can see a square through the west window in our flat. political [pa'litikl]: Moscow is the political centre of Russia. 56. Look at the pictures and make up a story. 156
57. Read. Book Look Since 1 books are friends, They need 2 much care. When you’re reading them, Be good to them and fair! з Remember5, children, then: Books are meant6 to read. Not cut 7 or colour them — No, really never indeed! 8 Use book-marks4, children, To hold your place, And don’t turn a book Upon its clear face. Barbara Walker 1 since [sins] — поскольку; 2 need — нуждаться; 3 fair [fea] — справедливый (эд. аккуратный); 4 book-mark — заклад- ка; 5 remember [ri'memba] — помнить; 6 are meant [ment] — предназначены; 7 cut — резать; 8 no, really ['riali], never indeed [in'di:d] — нет, действительно никогда ▲ 58. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующей форме страдательного за- лога. Прочитайте написанное. 1. Russia ... by the White Sea. (to wash) 2. Russian ... not ... during our English lessons, (to speak) 3. How ... Victory Day usually ...? (to celebrate) 4. I ... always ... presents on my birthday, (to give) 5. When ... letters and newspapers ... to you, in the morning or in the evening? (to bring) 6. How ... towns and villages ... before Victory Day? (to decorate). 03 б) Выполните задание 24 домашнего чтения. 157
§ 10 59. Read and speak about your school life. 1. Describe your school hall. Is it the usual place for school meetings? 2. You can help a classmate with his work in English or in another subject. Has anybody asked you for help? Do you like to help your classmates? 3. Say what you can do during the long break at school. 60. Read the text and answer the questions. A Meeting of a Geography Club One day boys and girls of the Geography Club stayed at school after classes for a meeting. “Today”, said Andrei Borisovich, their geography teacher, “we are going to hear an interesting report about our country. The report was prepared by Maya Chaikina”. Maya stood up and asked, “What kind of maps have you seen?" “A physical map!” “A climate map!” “A political map!” “A population map!” “Well”, she said, “all these maps can show you hear — heard — heard stand — stood — stood see — saw — seen show — showed — shown say — said — said make — made — made go — went — gone speak — spoke — spoken tell - told - told give — gave — given 158
different things about a country. Let’s take, for example, our country”. “Here is a physical map. It helps us to learn physical geography. It shows rivers, mountains, seas and lakes”. “I can show all these things on the map!” said a boy. Maya looked at Andrei Borisovich. He said, “I think Sasha Grigoryev can help you and make the report a little more interesting”. “The longest river in Russia is the Ob”, said Sasha. “With the Irtysh!” said a member of the Club. “Yes, of course. And the world’s greatest salt lake is the Caspian Sea”. “And what about the largest island in our country?” came a question. “It is Novaya Zemlya”. Here Sasha stopped and went to his place. “A climate map”, said Maya, “shows how varied 1 thte climate of our great country is. When it is still cold in the North, it is already hot in the South”. Then Maya spoke about the political map and the population map. Ail republics are shown on political map and the population map tells us what kind of people there are in our country and where they live. At the end of the Club meeting Andrei Borisovich spoke about the atlas 2, which gives interesting facts about great cities, rivers, lakes, islands and mountains. 1 varied ['vearid] — различный, разнообразный; 2 atlas I'aetlas] — атлас 159
1. Why do we use different maps in studying a country? 2. What does a physical map show? 3. What kind of map can help you to learn about a country’s climate? 4. How are a political map and a population map different from each other? 5. What can you see on the physical map of Russia? 61. Read and say: Proverb: EAST OR WEST, HOME IS BEST. Another English proverb helps to understand what you have just read: There is no place like home. Well, your home may be the best place for you. Why do you want to go back home when you have been away from it too long? 62. Read and answer the questions: 1. When is the harvest gathered in your place? 2. Who are the schoolchildren’s mistakes corrected by? 3. What marks were you given for history at the last lesson? 4. Was your English textbook used by any other pupil? 5. How much homework are you given every day? 6. What presents were you given on your birthday? 63. Speak about the situations. 1. You come home from school and tell your sister (brother) about a meeting you have had with an author at the library. 2. You are in the library. You see a book in your friend’s hand, which he has read. You want to take it out to read. You talk to him (her) about the book. 160
▲ 64. а) Прочитайте текст и скажите, что нового вы из него узнали. Everything and a Little More One day Yelena Petrovna, who teaches English in Form 7A, asked the children if they knew something interesting about England. Two of them held up their hands. Marina Boiko wanted to speak about English weather, but Zhenya Fetisov said, “How many times 1 shall we discuss weather? I know everything about it!” “But if you don’t know everything?” asked Yelena Petrovna. “Well, children, let’s’ listen to Marina and then Govorov will speak. Tolya, what is it you want to tell us about?” “About a lake which is not a lake”. “Oh, it must be very interesting!” “Some people say it always rains in Britain”, said Marina. “Of course it rains sometimes, but it can be very hot too. There is more rain in the north-west of Britain. It doesn’t rain so much in the east of England, but it isn’t very warm either. “A lot of Londoners go to the south coast 2 on their holidays, because it is the warmest part of Britain. But when people in Britain go on their holidays, they are prepared for all kinds of weather”. “Well, Zhenya. What do you say now?”asked Yelena Petrovna. “Marina knows a lot”, said Zhenya. “Let’s listen to Tolya’s story about a lake which is not a lake”. “Many people in Britain go to the Lake District on their holidays in summer. They camp there, go for walks, they go out in boats3, and fish. The Lake District is very popular for holidays. “But this is not a lake named District. It is a 6 Зак. 52 161
beautiful part of England with many lakes and mountains. Have you any question, Zhenya?” “No”, said Zhenya. “You know a little more”. 1 time — раз; 2 coast [koust] — побережье; 3 boat [bout] — лодка § «1 65. Check yourself: A Meeting at an Exhibition 1 One Sunday Andrei Shchukin and Dima Nemkov went to a stamp exhibition which was held at a factory club. They wanted to see interesting collec- tions 2 and swap3 some stamps. In the exhibition hall they saw a lot of people going from one stand to another. “Oh, how nice to see my friends again!” somebody said behind their backs. When the boys turned round, they saw Maxim Petrovich, a man who had the biggest stamp collection in their town. Another old man with a thick book under his arm stood near Maxim Petrovich. The boys were introduced to him and he said, “I’m Kirill Samsonovich. I don’t collect stamps, but I like to listen to Maxim Petrovich’s stories about stamps. That’s why I’ve come here”. “Your book must be very interesting”, said Dima looking at his book. “Oh, yes. Books interest me very much and I’m looking for something new for my library”. “We have seen Maxim Petrovich’s stamp collec- tion...” said Andrei. 162
“Friends! I have a wonderful idea!” said the great stamp collector. “Kirill Samsonovich, will you take us to your place after we have seen this exhi- bition to show us your library?” “Oh, with pleasure! I’ll do it gladly. Today I can show you a magazine which is one hundred years old”. “I think you know many things about books”, said one of the boys. “You may be right”, answered Kirill Samsono- vich. “There is nothing more wonderful than a book. It is a friend and a teacher. Books teach people to live. Books which help with your lessons are very nice to find...” “Kirill!” his friend said, “Have you forgotten why we came here? You’ll tell us all this when you show us your library”. “Oh, I’m sorry..” 1 exhibition [,eksi'bifn] — выставка; 2 swap [swop] — ме- нять area n author n climate n east n favourite a find v full a idea n interest n, v island n lake n librarian n look for v magazine n mountain n north n novel n poem n political a popular a population n reader n republic n south n translate v wait for v west n writer n 6* 163
Вы должны уметь: Описывать семью, рабочий день и работу по дому, зимние каникулы, школьную жизнь, учебу в 7-м классе, внеклассную деятельность, библи- отеку и впечатления от прочитанных книг, ма- газины и покупки, праздники, приходящиеся на период третьей четверти; расспрашивать о семье, рабочем дне и работе по дому, о зимних каникулах, учебе и школьной жизни в 7-м классе, о прочитанных книгах, о праздниках, приходящихся на период третьей четверти; произвести на английском языке по- купку различных предметов и продуктов; употреблять в речи неопределенный артикль и опускать артикль, ориентируясь на типовые си- туации; использовать в речи формы страдательного за- лога в настоящем и прошедшем временах; употреблять в речи оборот to have to; употреблять- в речи будущее время в сложнопод- чиненных предложениях с придаточными вре- мени и условия; понимать все это в речи собеседников, а также понимать короткие тексты в исполнении учителя; читать и понимать усвоенные устно слова, а также понимать при чтении слова, образован- ные с помощью суффиксов -ing, -ег; читать короткие тематические тексты и диалоги, построенные на освоенном устно материале, с последующим применением их в речи; читать про себя и понимать короткие рас- сказы и отрывки из произведений английских и американских авторов, используя в случае необходимости словарь.
Part IV Unit 5 § 1 1. Read the text and say how jokes are played on the 1st of April at school and at home: All Fools’* Day English schoolchildren like the 1st of April, when people play jokes2 on their friends. It is called April Fool’s Day or All Fools’ Day. If you do not know much about this day, we can tell you something and describe some of the jokes. Many years ago the 25th of March was New Year’s Day, and the 1st of April was the day of the New Year celebrations. As3 the weather changed often during the day in that season and “fooled” people, they began to play jokes and fool their friends, too. There are many April Fools’ Day jokes. One of them is to tell a friend that there is chalk on his nose when his face is clean. We also play jokes on the 1st of April. Usually people are not angry4 when you play jokes on them on April Fools’ Day. But you must know that some jokes may not be very good. Don’t repeat them and always choose a good joke to play on your friends. An April Fool is a “fool” on the 1st of April only! • 1 fool — глупец, дурак; дурачить; 2 play a joke — подшу- чивать; 3 as — так как; 4 angry ['aerjgri] — сердитый. 165
2. Read and say what the underlined words mean: 1. My little brother always sleeps in the afternoon. 2. An afternoon sleep is very good for him. 3. The anniversary of the victory over fascists is on the 9th of May. 4. The anniversary concert was at the town theatre. 5. They lived not far from the town. 6. Their country house is small but very nice. 7. Let’s go to the country next Sunday. 3. Look, read and say why we use the definite article: 1. Please do not walk on the grass. 2. Seliger is a beautiful lake. There is a fine camp near the lake. We stayed at the camp for two weeks. 3. Go to the kitchen and see if you have turned off the gas. 4. I don’t like to walk irr the rain. 5. I am going to take the suit with the long skirt. 6. This isn’t the hat I asked you for. 166
7. When I was in the country, I visited a cattle-farm and saw cows there. 8. Never play in the street. 4. Read and say: Proverb: A FRIEND IN NEED1 IS A FRIEND INDEED2. You cannot live without friends. Tell the class how you help each other. 1 need — нужда; 2 indeed [in'di:d] — в самом деле, дейст- вительно 5. а) Перепишите предложения и подчеркните выделенные слова красной чертой, если они выступают в роли су- ществительных, зеленой — в роли глаголов и синей — в роли прилагательных. Прочитайте написанное. 1. The farmers sell vegetables and fruit at the mar- ket. 2. Buy a litre of milk and half a kilo of butter at the milk and butter departament. 3. You can see the prices in the shop window. 4. He has not changed much. 5. Here is your change. 6. The stand with books for children stands in the reading-room. 7. There is a vegetable garden behind the house. I 6) Выполнить задание 23 домашнего чтения. § 2 6. Read and compare (See RG XI 1): The dress is too long for the girl. These apples are green in early autumn. He is never late for school. She did not stay long. Father gets up early in the morning. He comes home late at night. 167
Moscow University is a very high building. There was much snow last winter. They lived high up in the mountains. He worked much at his English. early far fast high late little long low much straight 7. Read: How did the boy jump? He jumped very high. How much did you work at home? I didn’t work very much. When did the concert begin? It began very late. How long will you stay at the village? I shall not stay there very long. When will she come home from work? She will come home early today. Where have you put the sugar? I have put it high up on the shelf. 8. Read and say what the underlined words mean: 1. Machines make man’s work easier. 2. I like to work in my garden. 3. I have no wish to go there without my friends. 4. I wish you a Happy New Year. 5. May I have a glass of water? 6. My sister waters the flowers every day. 7. Shall we walk or take a bus? 8. The bus stop is ten minutes’ walk from our house. 9. Read and say: Proverb: TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE. When it is difficult to decide on something, you ask your parents or friends to help you. Who helps you to decide difficult questions? 168
10. Look at the pictures and ask your deskmate questions about spring and spring weather. ▲ 11. а) Прочитайте текст и подготовьте ответы на вопросы: An Interview 1 in 7 А When a group of English schoolchildren visited St. Petersburg all the pupils wanted to speak with them in English. Form 7 A had a meeting with a boy named Marty. When he came info the classroom and said “Good afternoon!”, everybody could under- stand him. Yelena Petrovna, the English teacher, introduced Marty. She asked him if he liked his visit to Russia. “Yes”, said Marty, “and when I’m back home, I’ll tell my parents and friends what I’ve seen here. Your city is beautiful”. Then Yelena Petrovna said, “Now, boys and girls, Marty can answer your questions”. A girl held up her hand and asked, “Do you speak English?” Everybody laughed 2, but Marty didn’t. He said, “Yes, of course. And I can speak a little Russian: spasiba, kharasho, pazhaloosta,...” • Other questions were about the school year in England. The children heard that September, October 169
and November are the autumn term3. The holidays are in December. They last three weeks. The spring term begins in January and ends in March. In March the English schoolchildren have their holidays. These holidays last two weeks. “And the end comes very quickly”, said Marty. The summer term is long, and the school year ends in the third week of July. “I don’t think it’s a great pleasure to go to school in hot weather”, said Grisha Senin. “We in England think much the same4”, answe- red Marty, “nobody is very happy about it”. “Well”, said the teacher. “I know a few pupils who don’t like to learn either in summer or in winter. What about you, Marty?” “Oh, 1 like to play games in all seasons!” 1 interview ['intovju:] — интервью; 2 laugh [Icuf] — смеять- ся; 3 term — четверть (учебная); 4 much the same — почти так же 1. What did Yelena Petrovna say when she introduced Marty? 2. What questions did Marty answer? 3. Do you think Marty can be a good penfriend? 4. Do you want to speak with an English boy or girl? 5. What questions do you want to ask him (her)? б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя данные в скобках прилагательные или наречия. Прочитайте написанное. 1. The sun shone .... (bright, brightly) 2. The weather was ... . (bad, badly) 3. Write the word ... . (correct, correctly) 4. We spent the day ... . (wonderful, won- derfully) 5. She ... cleans the room and washes the floor on Saturday, (usual, usually) 6. Russia is a ... country, (great, greatly) 170
RG XI 2): Lena is a nice girl. What is Lena like? She is nice. Lena is playing the piano nicely. How does Lena play the piano? She plays nicely. nice nice quick beautiful happy nicely quickly beautifully happily 13. Read: usually,- coldly, readily, slowly, highly, correctly, badly, warmly, happily, brightly, richly, freely, strong- ly, loudly, quickly, wonderfully 14. Read: 1. How does the boy speak? He speaks quickly. "2. How do you rest on Sunday? We usually spend the day in a forest. 171
3. How were the schoolchildren met on the farm? They were warmly met by the farmers. 4. What was the weather like? The sun shone brightly. 5. How did the family live? They lived happily. 6. How does she speak English? She speaks English correctly. 15. Read and use in situations: skating-rink ['skeitirjrigk]: We go to the skating-rink every day in winter. I’ll meet you on the ska- ting-rink. enjoy [in'djoi]: I enjoy listening to music when I am free. Did you enjoy yourself at the party? champion ['tjaempjan]: He is a world champion in swim- ming. championship ['tfaempjanj'ip]: This boy wants to win a world swimming championship. I don’t think this new runner can take the championship from the present champion. stadium ['steidjam]: We have a big stadium in our town. The young people of our village have built a good stadium. I was at the stadium on Sunday, race: She came first in a skating race. Our boys hope to win a difficult race tomorrow. He is a very good swimmer and often races. 16. Read the text and say what you do at your physical training lessons: A Physical Training Lesson Yesterday Form 7 A had a physical training lesson on the sports ground. First the children paraded in their sports clothes and sports shoes. Then Vasily Leonidovich, the phy- sical training teacher, said, “Today you’re going to 172
have some sports games and after that you’ll learn to jump”. “Please, shall we have the high jump or the long jump?” asked a girl. “Well, all jumps are important. But before you learn to jump a long way or to jump high, you must take part in sports games. Here is a ball, let’s play a game of volleyball first”. The children were divided into two groups. A minute later, they began to play against each other. A boy whose favourite subject was physical training jumped very high to get the ball. When the game of volleyball was over, the children played basketball. During the next part of the lesson boys and girls learned to jump. Vasily Leonidovich showed them how to run before jumping and how to do a long jump and a high jump. “These things are very different”, he said, “and if you know how they are done, you must train 1 now. Are there any questions?” “Yes, I have one”, said Vika Fyodorova. “How can I do the longest or the highest jump?” “Oh, when sportsmen find the correct answer to that question, they are champions”. “And now, boys and girls”, said Vasily Leoni- dovich, “let’s begin. You’ll jump one after another. I’ll tell you what’s right and what’s wrong and then .1’11 give you marks”. have — had — had take — took — taken begin — began — begun . show — showed — shown do — did — done know — knew — known find — found — found give — gave — given tell — told — told get — got — got 173
At the end of the lesson everybody got a mark. Vika Fyodorova received “Four”. “I hope you’ll be a champion. You know now what you must do”, said her physical training teacher. 18. а) Образуйте от прилагательных наречия и запишите их: bright, wonderful, happy, cheap, dark, long, fast, excellent, cool, great, early, loud, bad, usual, free, splendid б) Выполните задание 26 домашнего чтения. § 4 19. Read the sentences and say what the underlined words mean: 1. You can see a lot of skaters on the skating-rink. 2. Our sportsmen were warmly met by sports lovers. 3. My friend was the best jumper in our school. 4. My brother is a good tennis-player. 5. Are there good swimmers in yours class? 6. This year the winners are from the Spartak Club. 174
20. Read and use in situations: team: He wants to be in the school football team. Volleyball is a team game. event [i'ventj: The next event will be the running race. Our boys and girls took part in all the events of the championship. competition [,k3mpi'tijn]: Our school team was in com- petition with ten others. We watched a compe- tition between the teams fighting for the first place. result [ri'zAlt]: Have you heard the football results on the radio? The result of the game was 2:1 for our team. prize [praizj: My sister won a prize for her singing. Many workers at the factory received prizes for good work. splendid ['splendid]: When we came to the river we saw a splendid place for a camp. This is a splendid example of friendship. match: Who won the last football match? Did you watch hockey matches on TV? 21. Look at the puctures and describe the physical training lesson. 175
22. Read and act: Winter Sports “Which winter sports do you like?” “1 like skating. We have a skating-rink in our yard every winter, and I skate there every day after school. And which sports do you like in winter?” “Well, I like skiing very much. Every Sunday my father and I take our skis and go skiing in the country all day.” “Isn’t it very cold to go skiing all day?” “No. I enjoy it greatly. You are very warm when you go skiing in cold weather.” “Don’t you like ice hockey?” “I like to watch ice hockey matches, but I don’t play. I only have skis.” “Do you watch hockey matches on TV? “Oh, yes, of course. Our hockey team is splendid, isn’t it? It has won the world hockey cup and the Olympic championship many times.” “I think that is because a lot of boys play hockey.” 23. Read and answer the questions: I. Do you get up early or late in the morning? 2. What do you do always at the same time? 3. What can you do slowly and what can you do quickly? 4. How much do you work at your English? 5. Where does your mother go very often? 6. What do you usually do when the weather is rainy? ▲ 24. а) Просмотрите спортивную телевизионную передачу по вашему выбору и подготовьте сообщение на английском языке об увиденном. 176
б) Образуйте от глаголов существительные с помощью: а) -ег; б) -ing и запишите их с переводом. a) to write, to win, to buy, to fight, to play, to defend; b) to read, to jump, to walk, to swim, to skate, to ski § 5 25. Read the text and describe your sports day: Lena Writes About Her Sports Day Flat 10 16 Gagarin Street, Verkhovsk, Russia May 26th, 1995 Dear Mary, Many thanks for your letter. Today I want to tell you about a school sports day which we had last week. It took place at the town stadium. First we had a parade of all the teams of the town’s schools. They carried the sports flags. There were races, long jump and high jump, and also volleyball and basketball. A boy from our school won first place in the 100 metres race and our team also came first in the 400 metres race. Our best events were volleyball, in which our girls’ team won first place in the town, and basket- ball, in which our boy’s team won all the matches. But I am sorry to tell you that our boys and girls were not very good in some other events. When all the competitions were over, the schools •which had the best results received prizes. Our school won second place, and many of our boys and girls 177
got prizes. It was a very interesting sports day. We all enjoyed the competitions. I am waiting for a letter from you. Will you tell me more about sports in England and in your school? Your friend, Lena 26. Read and use in situations: score [ska:]: The score was 2 to 1 with a minute left in the game. We scored only in the last half of the game. goal [goul]: Our best player scored a goal in the last minute of the game. We scored three goals at football today. He defended the goal very well. strong [strorj]: She is not very strong because she has been ill. A strong wind is blowing today from the west. I don’t like strong tea. athletics [aeO'letiks]: Running, jumping and other kinds of athletics are very popular in our school. What kind of athletics do you go in for? record ['reko:dj: Who holds this record? The world records for many kinds of sports are held by our sportsmen. 27. Read and act: Speaking About the Championship “Did you watch the championship on TV yesterday?” “Yes, I did, and I think our teams ran wonderfully.” “What were the results?” “Well, our teams won gold 1 medals2 for the 100 metres and 1000 metres races; silver3 medals for the 800 metres race and the 400 metres, and a bronze 4 medal for the 200 metres race.” “What about the jumping?” 178
“In the high jump we won first and third places, and in the long jump second and third places.” “Were there any other events?” “Oh, yes, there were many other events, but I did not watch them all. I like running and jumping, and our sportsmen won many medals in those events.” 1 gold [gould] — золото, золотой; 2 * medal ['medl] — медаль; 3 silver — серебро, серебряный; 4 bronze — бронза, брон- зовый 28. Read and say: Proverb: ACTIONS 1 SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. People are known more by their actions than by their words. So it is better to do well than to speak well. Can you know what a man is by what he says or by what he does? Which is more important, speaking or doing? 1 action ['aekjh] — действие, поступок 29. Read and say why we use the definite article: I. “You don’t like the 2. “You’ll stay there till the end of the match.” mark, do you?” 179
3. The first Winter Olympic Games took place in 1924. 4. During the second half the teams played wonderfully. 5. Take the shopping-bag and put the things I have bought in the cupboard. 6. Lev Yashin was the best goal-keeper in our country. ▲ 30. а) Перепишите текст, вставляя нужный артикль. Про- читайте написанное: Tom asked his mother for ... penny. 1 “What have you done,” asked she, “with ... penny you had yes- terday?” “I gave it to .... poor2 old woman.” “You are ... very good boy. Here you are! But why do you take such ... interest in this old woman?” “Because she sells ... sweets,” answered ... boy. 1 penny — пенни, пенс (мелкая английская монета); 2 poor [puaj — бедный CQ б) Выполните задание 27 домашнего чтения. §6 31. Read and use in situations: excellent ['eksalantj: My uncle is an excellent worker. Some children in our form are excellent in all subjects. favour ['feiva]: The score was 3 to 2 in our favour. The game ended in your favour but we also played well. lose [lu:z] (lost, lost): We hope not to lose the game. You didn’t lose much, the game wasn’t inte- resting. You mustn’t lose a minute while you do your homework. 180
fan: Are you a football fan? He was warmly met by his fans. fond: I’m fond of skating. She is fond of her little . brother. 32. Look at the picture and answer the questions: 1. What game are they playing? 2. Is it the beginning of the game? 3. Where are the players? 4. What is the score of the game? 5. What are the players of the different teams doing? 6. What is the goal-keeper doing? 33. Read the funny story and say what you think about football fans: The Second Half Only This story is about a man who was late for the first half of a football match, and who came to the stadium during the second half. He knew nothing about the first half which was very interesting. He thought only about the score and did not ask questions about all the interesting moments in the game. 181
When the man asked, “What's the score?” some- body answered, “Nil-nil.” 1 “Fine! I haven’t missed2 anything,” said the man and sat down on a bench. “Well, you have missed some very interesting mo- ments,” said a man who sat near him. “It was a great football game and a goal can be scored any moment now. Look at the field and you will see for yourself.” “A game of football isn’t winning or losing only,” said a third man. When sportsmen play well, you enjoy every minute of the game. 1 nil-nil — ноль-ноль; 2 miss — пропускать 34. a) Look at the pictures and ask your deskmate questions. 6) Look at the pictures and describe them. 182
A 35. а) Прочитайте текст и подготовьте ответы на вопросы: A Football Match Last Saturday afternoon Henry Brown and his father went to a football match. The Browns and many other people of their town think that theirs is the best team in their part of England. There were fifteen thousand people at the football field. They came from many places because it was the most important match of the year. At three o’clock everybody saw the two teams in the field. The home team were in blue and white shirts, and the visitors’ team were in red and white shirts. The referee 1 began the match. For the first twenty minutes the home team were stronger and the ball was always on the visitors’ side of the field. Then a player from the visitors’ team scored the first goal. Soon after this the referee stopped the game because it was half-time. In the second half of the match, the home team were again the better players. They attacked all the time, and after ten minutes they scored their first goal. They scored again after a quarter of an hour; then, before the game ended, they scored a third goal and so won the match. All the people at the football field were very glad. On their way home Mr. Brown said, “Well, that was a good game. The best we’ve seen this winter.” “Yes, better than last week,” answered Henry. “They have a good team, but our players won because they can run faster. Who are they playing next week with?” “Cardiff City, I think,” said Henry’s father. “Do you think they’ll win?” “I don’t know, but Cardiff has a good team this year.” 1 referee [,refa'ri:] — судья (в спорте) 183
1. Who scored only one goal? 2. Which of the two teams played faster? 3. A football game lasts for ninety minutes and has two halves. How long does each half last? 4. Why are some football players very popular? б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя соответствующую форму притяжательных местоимений из данных в скоб- ках. Прочитайте написанное: 1. ... is the best volleyball team in the school, (our, ours) 2. ... jump was as long as ... (her, hers; my, mine) 3. ... parents send warm greetings to .... (my, mine; your, yours) 4. The score is 3 to 1 in favour of ... team, (their, theirs) 5. This book is .... not .... (my, mine; your, yours) 6. His mother is younger than .... (her, hers) 7. Let me try on your hat, ... is too small, (my, mine) § 7 36. Read and compare. (See RG XII 1, 2): My brother comes home late. Mother comes home later than my brother. Father comes home from work latest. I II III high high+er high-|-est soon sooner soonest fast faster fastest near nearer nearest late later latest early earlier earliest 184
37. Read and compare. (See RG XII 3): I II III well better best badly worse worst much more most little less least far farther farthest 38. Read. 1. Don’t talk too loudly. 2. Don’t skate too fast. 3. Don’t look at the sun too long. 1. I shall come sooner than you. 2. The girl skates better than the boy. 3. Vadim lives nearer than the other boys. 1. She likes skiing best of all. 2. He likes swimming least of all. 3. We live farthest. 1. My mother goes to work as early as my father. 2. He does not run so fast as the other boys. 39. Read and act. At the Stadium “Hello, Dick.” “Hello, Henry.” “Which team do you back?” “I’m a great fan of the home team.” “Well, what do you think of the game?” “It’s rather 1 interesting. But last Sunday the game ended with the score 3 to 1 in favour of the visiting1 2 team.” 185
“I’m not much of a sportsman, but I’m fond of watching sporting events.” “Oh, I see. What sport do you go in for?” 1 rather ['гибэ] — довольно, пожалуй; 2 visiting team ['vizitir) 'ti:m] — команда гостей 40. Read the funny story and ask your deskmate questions about it: Two Sportsmen One Saturday it rained all evening. A young man went into a post-office. He wanted to speak by telephone to his friend. The man had an umbrella but he did not want to take his umbrella into the booth l. He put it on a chair near the booth. Then he took his card 2 and wrote on in, “Here was a very good boxer. He will be back very soon. This is his umbrella.” The young man put the card on the chair and went into the booth. When he came back there was no umberlla on the chair, but there was another card on it. The young man took the card and read, “Here was a very good runner. Нё has taken the umbrella and he will not come back.” 1 booth f'bu:6] — кабина; 2 card — карточка (визитная) ▲ 41. а) Напишите наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степенях: late, much, badly, beautifully, quickly, early, near, far, well, often, slowly, soon CQ б) Выполните задание 28 домашнего чтения. do — went — gone l-к have — had — had take — took — taken put — put — put write — wrote — written be — was, were — been come — came — come read — read — read 186
§ 8 42. Read and compare. (See RG XII 4): The sun shines more brightly in May than in March. The sun shines most brightly in July. 1 II III loudly more loudly most loudly brightly more brightly most brightly often more often most often quickly more quickly most quickly slowly more slowly most slowly 43. Read: Does Mother come home later or earlier than Father? — She comes home earlier than Father. Who learns better, Victor or Nina? — Nina does. Who runs most slowly, you, Vera or Sveta? — I do. Who goes to the cinema more often, you or your friend? — My friend does. Who reads least of all in your form? I don’t know.— All schoolchildren read much. 44. Read and answer the questions: I. Who lives nearer to your school, you or your friend? 2. Do you get up earlier or later than 7 o’clock? 3. What sports do you like most of all? 4. Can you swim farther than the middle of your river? 5. Which do you like more, football or hockey? 6. Who plays table tennis better, you or your friend? 7: Do you enjoy playing volleyball as much as bas- ketball? 187
45. Read and ask: 1. Ask your friend if the sun shines brightly and what the weather is like. 2. TeH the class how often you went to the stadium or the skating-rink in winter. 3. Ask a girl if she can play table tennis better than her friend. 4. Ask a boy if he jumps as high as his friend and who jumps farther than he does. 5. Ask the class what you usually do when you have physical training on the sports ground. 46. Read and act. Short Conversations 1 “Two football teams are left to play for the cup. Who do you think will win this year?” “I don’t know. Either “Dynamo” or “Spartak” can win. They are very strong teams. All players can attack, and they defend their goal excellently.” 2 “What was the score in yesterday’s hockey match?” “Seven to two.” “In whose favour?” “In “Spartak’s” favour. It was a splendid victory for this team.” 3 “Are you interested in sports?” “Well, I don’t like very much to watch other people play. I like to play myself.” “Oh? What’s your favourite sport?” “Basketball.” 188
47. Look at the pictures and discuss the games. ▲ 48. а) Прочитайте басню и подготовьте ее пересказ: The Hare and the Tortoise (A Fable by Aesop) One day a hare1 met a tortoise2 in the field. The hare laughed at the tortoise because she moved very slowly. “You are fast, that’s true,” the tortoise said, “but if we run a race, I’ll beat you.” “That’s what you say, madam,” answered the hare, “but let’s do it and you’ll see who will win.” “Who will be the judge3?” asked the tortoise. “The fox,” answered the hare, “he is clever 4 and very important in the wood.” They decided to run the race. The tortoise did not lose any time and began to walk as she always walked — very slowly. The hare 189
thought that he had enough time and decided to lie down and sleep. All the time that the hare slept the tortoise walked and walked. She walked very slowly but did not stop for a minute. The hare slept for some time, then he woke and saw that the tortoise was very far on the way to the goal 5. He ran to the goal as fast as he could. But when he came there, he saw that the tortoise was at the goal before him. So the tortoise won the race. 1 hare [heaj — заяц; 2 tortoise ['to:tasj — черепаха; 3 jitdge [дзлдз] — судья; 4 clever ['kleva] — умный; 5 goal [goul] — цель, ворота (в спорте) б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя наречия, данные в скобках, в соответствующей форме. Прочитайте напи- санное: 1. You may stay as ... as you like, (long) 2. I can’t wait any .... (long) 3. He lives ... than the third floor, (high) 4. I cannot go any ... (far) 5. Our sportsmen did the exercises ... of all. (well) 6. Our people live ... than before the war. (well) 7. "Dynamo” played ... than “Spartak", (badly) 8. I like books on literature ... of all. (much) § 9 49. Say: what holidays we celebrate in May; why we call May Day the spring holiday; how we celebrate May Day; why the 9th of May is the most important holiday. 190
50. Read the text and say what you know about May Day in England: How the May Day Holiday Began in England Many hundred years ago there were many vil- lages and few towns in England. The villagers 1 liked to go into the forest and fields when spring came. On the first Sunday of May they usually took a tree back with them and put it in the centre of the village. The children danced round it and the men and women took part in games around it. The first May Day was celebrated in England in 1890, when the workers decided to fight for an eight- hour working day and an end to the very long hours that they worked. In London, the workers marched from all places to a meeting in Hyde Park. This demonstration showed their unity2 and solidarity. After that, May Day in -England was usually celebrated on the Sunday nearest to the first day of the month. 1 villagers — сельские жители; 2 unity ['ju:niti]— единст- во, сплоченность. 51. Read and learn by heart: Spring Is Coming Spring is coming, spring is coming, Birdies, build your nest •; Weave2 together straw3 and feather4 Doing each your best. Spring is coming, spring is coming, Flowers are coming too. Pansies5, lilies6, daffodillies7 Now are coming through. 191
Spring is coming, spring is coming, All around is fair; Shimmer8 and quiver9 on the river, Joy is everywhere. Edith Segal 1 nest — гнездо; 2 weave [wi.v] — плести, сплетать; 3 straw [strxj — солома; 4 feather ['fe5a] — перо; 5 pansy ['paenzi] — анютины глазки; 6 lily ['lilij — лилия; 7 daffo- dilly ['daefodili] — нарцисс; 8 shimmer ['fima] — мерцание; 9 quiver f'kwivaj — трепет 52. Read and speak: 1. Say what you will see if you watch TV on the 9th of May. 2. Say what you are going to do on Victory Day. 3. Ask your deskmate what he (she) will do on the 9th of May. 53. Read and make up a story using the words: 1) stadium 4) win (lose) 7) record 9) fan 2) competition 5) result 8) enjoy 10) prize 3) event 6) medal ▲ 54 а) Напишите ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. Who gets up earliest of all in your family? 2. For how long do you do morning exercises? 3. Do you do your English exercises correctly or not? 4. Who lives farther from your school, you or your friend? 5. How did the sun shine yesterday? 6. How much did you work on the farm? ЁЗ б) Выполните задание 29 домашнего чтения. 192
§ 10 55. Read the text and say what you know about Olympic Games: Olympic Games The first Olympic Games took place in Greece more than two thousand and seven hundred years ago. Every year there was no war for five days and sports competitions took place. The Games were organized for more than six hundred years. Then, for one thousand and five hundred years nothing more was heard of them. The modern Olympic Games began again in 1896. They take place every four years. They can- not take place in a country which is at war, and during the two world wars there were no Olympic Games. During the Olympic Games there are competiti- ons in many kinds of sport. They are, for example, running, jumping, athletics, swimming, boxing, bas- ketball, football and others. Winter Olympic Games first took place in 1924, and now they also take place every four years. At the Winter Olympic Games, many countries take part in competitions in skiing, skating, ice hockey and other winter sports. The Games have taken place in many countries. The 22nd Olympic Games of 1980 were held in Moscow. For the first time in history, the Olympic Games were 7 Зак. 52 193 JL
held in our country. It was a festival 1 of sport and of friendship. The sportsmen who take first place in the Olympic Games receive gold 2 medals, those who come second receive silver3 medals, and those who finish third receive bronze4 medals. The Olympic Games are very popular in the world. They help world peace and friendship. 1 festival ['festival] — праздник; празднество; 2 gold — зо- лотой; 3 silver — серебряный; 4 bronze — бронзовый 56. Read and answer the questions: 1. When did the first Olympic Games take, place? 2. When did the modern Olympic Games begin again? 3. What competitions are there during the Olympic Games? 4. When did the first Winter Olympic Games take place? 5. What competitions are there during the Winter Olympic Games? 6. Why are the Olympic Games so popular in the world? 7. When and where will the next Olympic Games take place? 57. Read and speak about sports: 1. Have you seen films about sports competitions? What sportsmen were shown in the films? 2. Were the Olympic Games of 1980 held in Moscow only or in some other cities of our country too? Can you name those cities? 3. Can you say that future Olympic champions are schoolchildren now who go in for sports? Give some examples of young sportsmen showing good results in competitions. 194
58. Read and use in situations: health [helG]: People who go in for sport have excellent health. What do you do to be in excellent health? healthy ['helOi]: All my friends are healthy because they go in for sports. It isn’t healthy to go to bed late. Do you think we live in a healthy place? air [еэ]: In summer 1 spend much time in the open air. The pupils on duty must air the classroom during all breaks. fresh: Let’s go out and have some fresh air. My mother can buy fresh fruit and vegetables either at the shop or at the market. hike: I like to take part in summer hikes. Almost every Sunday we go on a day hike in the country. We met many hikers on the roads last Sunday. keep (kept, kept): You may keep this book, I do not want it now. Please keep my cat for me while I’m at the summer camp. need: Children need milk. Here’s more money than you need for shopping; keep the change. This soup needs salt. active ['aektiv]: He took an active part in the holiday party. 59. Look at the pictures and discuss the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. 1. 195
▲ 60 а) Прочитайте текст и скажите, что интересного вы в нем нашли: A Letter About Sports in England 37, High Street, London, W8 7DN England June 4th, 1995 Dear Lena, 1 greatly enjoyed your letter in which you told me about sports in your town. I shall try to tell you now about the games we play in England. First of all, I must tell you that football is played in England in winter, and not in summer. Football is the most popular game in England, because En- gland is the home of football. Schools and towns have football teams, and of course the English team is well known in the world. We do not play ice hockey much in England, because the winter is not very cold. But we play hockey on grass. There are men’s teams and women’s, and many schools have teams too. Other games which we play in England are tennis, basketball and volleyball. 196
We have gymnastics every week in our school gymnasium. We run and jump and play basketball, volleyball and other games. In summer we have gymnastics on the playground. Well, I shall end my letter for today. I wish you all the best and hope to receive another letter from you soon. Your English friend, Mary Smith б) Напишите по одной-две фразы по-английски, что бы вы сказали в подобных ситуациях. Обратите внимание на употребление артиклей. 1. На вашем товарище новая шапка. Попросите у него разрешения примерить ее. 2. Вас спросили, в которую из двух дверей, направо или налево, идти, чтобы попасть в учительскую. Ответьте, что нужно открыть дверь направо. 3. Вам захотелось выпить молока. Спросите, есть ли молоко в холодильнике. 4. Вы накрываете стол для ужина. Ставите на стол сахарницу и обнаруживаете, что там нет сахара, хотя помните, что там сахар был. Спросите у младшего брата, где сахар. 5. Вам дали задание написать домашнее сочинение об одном из русских писателей. У вас нет книг об этом писателе, и вы идете в библиотеку. Спросите у библиотекаря, есть ли в библиотеке книги об этом писателе. 197
§ 11 61. Read the text and say how Victory Day is celebrated where you live: Victory Day Victory Day is a great holiday in our country and in many other countries. On this day millions of people celebrate the victory over the German fascists 1 in 1945. On the 9th of May Lena Stogova and her classmates went to the park. “We are going to hear what war vete- rans2 will tell us about the war and how they fought for victory”, she told her mother. There were a few speakers there and one of the veterans said: “Young people must not forget the heroes, they must be ready to defend their country against all enemies”. Then flowers and souvenirs 3 were given to those who took part in the Great Patriotic War. “And now, boys and girls”, said the class teacher, “let’s go and lay flowers to those who did not live to see our victory. We must always remember them”. In the evening there was a holiday salute and a minute of silence4 to remember all those who did not come back from the war. In the TV holiday concert songs of the Great Patriotic War were sung. War veterans also came 198
to take part in the programme and speak about how they fought for their country. 1 fascists ['faejists]; 2 veteran ['vetoron] — ветеран; 3 souvenirs |'su:vonioz]; 4 silence f'sailons] — молчание 62. Look at the pictures, say what Hero Cities you know and describe how Victory Day is celebrated in Russia. 199
63. Read and use in situations: remember [ri'membo]: I shall always remember the first day at school. 1 can’t remember how to get where he lives. 1 remember that she wore a green hat. rule [ru:l]: 1 know the rules of many games. My brother made it a rule never to go to bed late. It’s against the rules to pick flowers in the park. straight [streit]: The streets of our town are very straight. This road will take you straight to the cattle-farm. such: I can’t understand such sentences. It was such an interesting meeting. There were such a lot of people at the stadium. care [кеэ]: Take care of the child while I’m out. Last year I took care of the flowers in the garden. explain [iks'plein]: I don’t understand this, but she will explain. The father explained to his little daughter how to use the telephone. 64. Read and say: Proverb: HEALTH IS BETTER THAN WEALTH *. If you are healthy, you can learn and work, and be active in life. What do you do to be healthy? 1 wealth [we!6] — богатство 65. Read the text and say what rules about health you must always remember: What the Doctor Says A few days ago the pupils of Form 7 A were asked to stay for another 45 minutes after classes to hear a talk about health. 200
“Are we old people to listen to talks about health?” asked one of the boys. “If you want to be strong and healthy”, said the class teacher, “you must know some rules and the school doctor will explain those rules to you”. Then the doctor came and began her talk. At first she told the class to wash their hands before meals;1 to keep their bodies2 clean, to get up early and do morning exercises. But after that the doctor began to speak about more interesting things. “A very important rule”, she said, “is to get enough sleep. You must get not less than nine hours sleep every night. Another rule is to breathe3 in as much fresh air as you can”. “Well”, said Zhenya Fetisov, “are there rules about health to remember at school only?” “I don’t think so”, answered the doctor. “There are some rules which you must remember both at home and at school. For example, you must sit and stand straight. When you are reading or writing let the light come from behind your left shoulder” 4. Then a girl held up her hand and said, “Please tell us more about hikes and how swimming makes people strong and healthy”. “Oh, this is interesting. I have answered such questions already and I told schoolchildren to go on all-day hikes in the forest or in the fields on Sundays. And don’t take with you too many things when you go on a hike. Take only the things that you need. Don’t go into the water after you have just eaten much. Eat a little before you go for a swim. Don’t jump into the water during a walk in hot weather. I don’t think it’s difficult to remember all those rules”, said the doctor. “Good health isn’t only for 201
you and your parents who take great care of their children. The country needs healthy young people”. 'meal [mill] — еда; 2 body ['bodi]— тело; 3 breathe [bri:&] — дышать; 4 shoulder ['Joulda] — плечо ▲ 66. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. Прочитайте написанное. 1. What marks ... you .. for your answer yesterday? (to give) 2. Who ... he ... by? (to meet) 3. How many games ... by the teams? (to play) 4. On his birthday he ... a lot of presents, (to give) 5. The holiday meeting ... before Victory Day. (to hold) 6. The game ... with the score three to two (to lose) б) Выполните задание 30 домашнего чтения. § 12 67. Look at the pictures and make up a story. 202
68. Do the tasks: I. Ask your friend questions about the Olympic Games. 2. Tell the class what you know about popular cham- pions. 3. Tell the class about the Winter Olympic Games. 69. Read and say what is correct (not correct) about sports in your town (village). Give full answers. 1. Only young people go in for sports. 2. You do not know what kinds of sport are popular. 3. Every year our sportsmen show good results in competitions. 4. Sport has a good future in our town (village). 70. Read and act. Short Conversations 1 “Please, teacher, may 1 go to the school doctor? I can’t sit at the lesson any more...” “Yes, if you aren’t well. The doctor is in the school now”. “And if the doctor sends me home?” “If she sends you home, you will come back and tell me before you go”. 2 “Mum, the school doctor gave us a talk about health”. “Very well, my dear. Do you know now what is good for your health?” “Of course. Fresh air and exercises and very . many other things which I don’t remember”. ~ “Very bad! You must remember them”. 203
3 “The doctor says we must do many things to be in good health”. “1 don’t think there are too many things”. “But they are difficult! Listen: get up early, go to bed early, do morning exercises...” “Well, but it’s more difficult when you’re ill”. 71. Read and speak about your health: 1. Tell your deskmate if you have heard a talk about health and what you decided to do after that talk. 2. Tell your deskmate how you take care of your health and how often you go to the school doctor. 3. Say what you must do if you are not well at school; what can be good for the health of schoolchildren. ▲ 72.а) Прочитайте текст и закончите рассказ: One day Victor went to the stadium to watch an athletics competition in which boys and girls of two or three schools took part. He sat down on a bench and prepared to enjoy what he could see. “I hope our school will win the cup”, he thought to himself. Five minutes later he saw a schoolmate, who did not look very happy. “Oh, Vitya! I’m so glad to see you! And I must ask you about something very important”. “What is it?” asked Victor. “I have come to watch a competition. Will you take part in it? Can you show a good result?” “Yes, yes. I’ll try. But a boy who must run in the sixty metres hasn’t come. You must help our team and our school”. “What do you want me to do?” asked Victor. “Well, you can either try to find that boy or run 204
the sixty metres yourself. But I don’t think you’ll have enough time to bring the boy here. The com- petition is going to begin very soon...” б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя вспомогательные глаголы shall и will там, где нужно. Прочитайте напи- санное. 1. What ... you do when you ... go to the seaside? 2. The game ... end when the clock ... shows three. 3. What sports ... you go in for if you ... go to live in Murmansk? 4. What ... we do if we ... come to the skating-rink late? 5. If we... win this game, we ... take first place. 6. When we ... get home Mother ... go shopping. § 13 73. Read and answer the questions: 1. What sports do you go in for? 2. Do you run fast? 3. How high do you jump? 4. When did you have a sports competition in your school? 5. Who won first place in the races? 6. Who was the winner in jumping? 7. What competitions do you have in the gymnasium? 74. Look at the picture (p. 206) and answer the questions: 1. What events do you see in the picture? 2. Where is it taking place? .3 . Who is taking part in the race? 4. Which girl is running best of all? 205
75. Read and answer the questions: 1. When was the last sports competition organized in your school? 2. Where was it held? 3. What competitions were held? 4. How were the sportsmen met by the schoolchildren? 5. By whom were first places in the events taken? 6. Were the winners given prizes? 76. Read the sentences and say what the underlined words mean: 1. All schoolchildren must know health rules. 2. Young people like to hike in summer to visit many interesting places. 3. The cost of this jacket is not very high. 4. The prize winner in this competition was a young girl. 5. The market opens very early. 6. On Sundays farmers come to town to market vegetables and other things from their plots. 206
77. Do the tasks: 1. Ask your friend what sports he (she) goes in for. 2. Tell the class about the competitions in athletics or gymnastics you saw. 3. Tell a classmate who does not go in for any sports, what sports give to the sportsmen and how interesting it is to take part in competitions. 4. Describe a sports competition you had in your school. ▲ 78. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя вспомогательные глаголы shall и will там, где нужно. Прочитайте напи- санное. 1. Tell me if our team ... take> part in the games next year. 2. Tell me when the next Olympic Games ... take place. 3. When ... the sport season begin? 4. I want to know who ... go in for swimming. 5. The sportsmen ... parade on the stadium before the com- petitions ... begin. & Tell me where I ... find a book about Tsiolkovsky. Ш б) Вы полните задание 31 домашнего чтения. § 14 79. Read and answer the questions: ' 1. Which sport is popular at your school? 2. How many children in your class go in for sports? 3. Has anybody in your school won a prize in sports competitions? 4. Do you enjoy playing table tennis? 5. Which is more interesting, to watch a football . match or to play football? 6. Which is your favourite sport? 207
80. Read and answer the questions: 1. What sports will you go in for when winter comes? 2. What sports competition will you take part in when you go to a camp? 3. What will you do if you want to become a champion? 4. Where will you go if you want to watch a hockey match? 81. Read and tell the class what you will do if you take part in a sports competition; when you go to the skating-rink; if you have an idea to go in for gymnastics; when you go to the stadium. 82. Speak about the situations: 1. You meet a sportsman who took part in a big sports competition. Ask him questions about the competition. 2. You haven’t seen a football (hockey) match. Ask your friend how the game was played and what the result was. 3. The class teacher has told you and your friend to organize a school competition. Speak to your friend about how you will organize it. 83. Read the funny story and say what mistake the man has made: Medicine for a Headache One day a man went into a chemist’s shop. He saw the chemist1 and asked hims, “Have you any- thing for a headache2?” The chemist said, “I have a very good medicine 3”. Then he took a small bottle from a shelf. He held it under the man’s nose and opened itf 208
It was not a great pleasure for the man, because tears came to his eyes and ran down his face. He could not speak and he did not like the medicine. “What did you do?” he said when he could speak again. “Well, I didn’t do anything bad”, said the chemist. “You wanted something for your headache, didn’t you? That medicine has helped you, hasn’t it?” “No, it hasn’t”, said the man. “It’s my wife who has the headache, not me!” “Oh, I’m sorry!” said the chemist. “Next time please tell me more about the medicine you want. And I’ll ask you more questions before giving you something”. 1 chemist ['kemist] — аптекарь; chemist’s shop — аптека; 2 headache ['hedeik] — головная боль;3 medicine ['medsin] — лекарство; tear [tia] —слеза ▲ 84. Прочитайте басню и^выскажите свое мнение о ее героях: The Dragonfly and The Bee The Bee 1 and the Dragonfly 2 went to school in the forest. Although3 they sat at the same desk, they were not friends. Even during the break they played separately4. One day the Bee caught a cold and didn’t come to school. “It’s nothing much”, they said in class. “It doesn’t go — went — gone see — saw — seen have — had — had take — took — taken hold — held — held come — came — come speak — spoke — spoken do — did — done tell — told — told give — gave —given 209
matter if she misses5 a day or two. The Bee always gets good marks and she will catch up”. So the children said they were sorry their friend was ill, and that was all. Only the Dragonfly sat there looking very miserable6, and then she began to cry. “Oh, oh”, she said. “If only little Bee could get well again quickly, how shall I get on without her?” “Just look!” the Mosquito7 said. “Who would have thought8 that Dragonfly could be such good friends with anybody?” And nobody knew what good reason 9 the Dra- gonfly had for crying. She always copied her home- work from the Bee. 1 bee — пчела; 2 dragonfly ['draegonflai] — стрекоза; 3 although [э:1'бои] — хотя; 4 separately ['sepritli] — от- дельно, раздельно; 5 miss — пропускать; 6 miserable ['mizorobl] — несчастный; 7 mosquito [mos'kirtou] — комар; 8 would have thought — подумал бы; 9 reason fri:zn] — причина § 15 85. Check yourself. How to Choose a Good Worker Mr Briggs and his wife lived in a house with a beautiful fruit garden around it. They loved their garden very much. One day Mr Briggs said to his wife, “It is spring now. There is much work in the garden, but I have no time to work. I must get a man to help me”. “That’s right”, answered his wife. “You must get a good worker for our garden. The man who worked in our garden last spring liked to sit under the apple-trees. Do you remember that man?” 210
“Oh, yes, I remember that man very well, but now I know better how to choose my workers”. Next day when Mr Briggs and his wife were in their garden, two men came up to them. They were garden workers. Mr Briggs talked to them and said to one of them, “I think you will be a good worker. You may come tomorrow and begin your work”. The two men went away. “Why do you choose that man?” asked his wife. “1 like the other man better. He has such a nice face”. “My dear”, answered Mr Briggs, “I like his face too, but if we want to get a good worker for our garden, we must look not at his face but at his trousers. The knees 1 of the trousers of the man with a nice face are clean. The knees of the trousers of the other man are all dirty2, so I know that he has worked much in the garden”. __________ ) 1 knee [ni:] — колено; 2 dirty ['do:ti] — грязный, запачканный active a (in) favour (of) n race n air n fond (of) a record n athletics n fresh a remember v care n goal n result n champion n go (in for) v rule n championship n health n score n, v competition n hike n, v skating-rink n enjoy v keep v splendid a event n lose v stadium n excellent a match n straight a explain v need v strong a fan n prize n such a fast adv team n 211
Вы должны уметь: описывать уроки физкультуры, занятия летними и зимними видами спорта, спортивные игры, соревнования в школе, чемпионаты,. Олим- пийские игры, праздники, приходящиеся на период четвертой четверти; говорить о здо- ровье; расспрашивать о занятиях летними и зимними видами спорта, о спортивных играх, о сорев- нованиях и чемпионатах, о праздниках, при- ходящихся на период четвертой четверти, и о здоровье; сравнивать различные действия; понимать все это в речи собеседников, а также понимать короткие тексты в исполнении учи- теля; читать и понимать усвоенные устно слова, а также понимать наречия, образованные с по- мощью суффикса -1у; читать короткие тематические тексты и диалоги, построенные на освоенном устно материале, с последующим применением их в речи; читать про себя и понимать короткие расска- зы и отрывки из произведений английских и американских авторов, используя в случае необходимости словарь. 212
IRREGULAR VERBS be [bi:] was [w3z], were [wa:] been [bi:n] become [bi'kAm] became [bi'keim] become [ЬГклт] begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gaen] begun [Ы'длп] blow [blou] blew [blu:] blown [bloun] break [breik] broke [brouk] broken ['broukn] bring [brig] brought [ЬгэЛ] brought [bro:t] build [bild] built [bilt] built [bilt] buy [bai] bought [bo:t] bought [bo:t] choose [tfu:z] chose [tjouz] chosen ['tjouzn] come [клт] came [keim] come [клт] cost [kost] cost [kost] cost [kost] do [du:] did [did] done [dAn] draw [dro:] drew [dru:] drawn [dro:n] drink [drigk] drank [draegk] drunk [drAgk] eat [i:t] ate [et]. eaten ['i:tn] fall [fo:l] fell [fel] fallen ['fo:ln] fight [fait] fought [fo:t] fought [fo:t] find [faind] found [faund] found [faund] forget [fa'get] forgot [fa'got] forgotten [fa'gatn] get [get] got [got] got [got] give [giv] gave [geiv] given ['givn] go [gou] went [went] gone [дэп] grow [grou] grew [gru:] grown [groun] hang [haeg] hung [Илд] hung [Илд] have [haev] had [haed] had [haed] hear [hio] heard [ha:d] heard [ha:d] hold [hould] held [held] held [held] keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] know [nou] knew [nju:] known [noun] 213
lay [lei] leave [li:v] let [let] lose [lu:z] laid [leid] left [left] let [let] lost [lost] laid [leid] left [left] let [let] lost [bst] make [meik] made [meid] made [meid] mean [mi:n] meant [ment] meant [ment] meet [mi:t] met [met] met [met] pay [pei] paid [peid] paid [peid] put [put] put [put] put [put] read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] retell ['rir'tel] retold ['ri:'tould] retold ['rii'tould] ring [rig] rang [raeg] rung [глд] run [глп] ran [raen] run [глп] say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] see [si:] saw [so:] seen [si:n] sell [sei] sold [sould] sold [sould] send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] shine [Jain] shone [Jon] shone [Jon] show [Jou] showed [Joud] shown [Joun] shut [jAt] shut [jAt] shut [Jxt] sing [sig] sang [saeg] sung [sAg] sit [sit] sat [saet] sat [saet] sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] speak [spi:k] spoke ['spouk] spoken ['spoukn] spell [spel] spelt [spelt] spelt [spelt] spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] stand [staend] stood [stud] stood [stud] sweep [swi:p] swept [swept] swept [swept] swim [swim] swam [swaem] swum [swAm] 214
take [teik] teach [ti:tf] tell [tel] think [Girjk] took [tuk] taught [tort] told [tould] thought [0o:t] taken f'teikn] taught [to:t] told [tould] thought [Oort] understand understood understood [,Ando'staend] [,And3'stud] [,Anda'stud] wear [wes] wore [wor] worn [worn] win [win] won [wAn] won [WAn] write [rait] wrote [rout] written ['ritn]
REFERENCE GRAMMAR (RG) (Грамматический справочник) 1. В английском языке имеется два артикля: определен- ный артикль the и неопределенный артикль а (ап), которые ставятся перед существительными и относя- щимися к ним словами: The weather is fine today! It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? I shall be back in an hour. Отсутствие артикля перед существительными имеет определенную значимость: For breakfast I have tea, bread and butter. He bought flowers for his mother. 2. Определенный артикль перед существительными указы- вает на конкретные объекты (в единственном или во множественном числе), обозначаемые существительными: Take the book and put it on the shelf. The girls have washed their hands and are in - the dining-room. Существительное с неопределенным артиклем назы- вает единичный объект как таковой: We have got a new flat. При отсутствии артикля существительные тоже н а - зывают объекты, при этом: (а) неисчисляемые существительные называют веще- ства, явления природы, абстрактные понятия и т. п. и не могут употребляться во множественном числе; * См. также «Грамматический справочник» в учебнике по английскому языку для 6-го класса. 216
(б) исчисляемые существительные называют несколько объектов и употребляются во множественном числе. (a) Will you have tea or milk with your cake? (6) They sell books and newspapers here. 3. В речи в зависимости от ситуации существительные могут нести конкретный смысл и общий смысл. Конкретный смысл передается существительными с определенным артиклем: Take the plates and put them in the cupboard. Why aren’t you eating the soup, Nelly? Общий смысл передается: (а) исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе с неопределенным артиклем; (б) исчисляемыми существительными во множествен- ном числе без артикля: (в) неисчисляемыми существительными без артикля: (a) May I take an apple, Mum? (б) Аге there pictures in this book? (в) Do you like milk, Ann? 4. Употребление артиклей в речи помимо их смысла, кон- кретного и общего, определяется ситуацией. Так, на- пример, вы 'ищете стакан и находите его на полке. Это определяет реплику: “Неге is the glass, it’s on the shelf”. В другой ситуации вы перебираете вещи на полке и говорите: “There is a glass on the shelf”. И, наконец, рассматривая украшение, вы устанавливаете из какого материала оно сделано: “It’s made of glass”. Сравните и определите ситуации: (a) “I like ice-cream”. (б) “Buy an ice-cream”. (в) “The ice-cream is very tasty”. Таким образом, выделение определенных типичных ситуаций позволяет правильно употреблять артикли в речи. 217
5. Определенный артикль употребляется с сущес- твительными как в единственном, так и во множест- венном числе. Его употребление обусловливается, в основном, пятью типами речевых ситуаций: (I) УКАЗАНИЕ НА ОБЪЕКТ, который находится в поле зрения собеседников: “Look at the blackboard”. “Who is the man?” “I like the flowers”. (II) ССЫЛКА НА ИЗВЕСТНОЕ собеседникам. Из- вестным здесь может быть вместе виденное, слы- шанное, вместе пережитое или ранее упомянутое. Здесь важно наличие у собеседников совместного прошлого опыта: “What did the doctor say?” “The film was wery interesting, wasn’t it?” (Ill) ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНАЯ КОНКРЕТИЗАЦИЯ. В этом случае сообщаются дополнительные сведе- ния, которые позволяют отличить данный объект от других ему подобных “Give me the green pencil”. “Do you know the boy who is playing over there?” (IV) ЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ВКЛЮЧЕНИЕ В ЧИСЛО ИЗ- ВЕСТНЫХ. Определенный артикль употребляется в том случае, если данный объект составляет не- отъемлемую часть другого, уже известного собе- седникам объекта, или его присутствие в ситуации является естественным и необходимым: “Go to the kitchen and turn off the gas”. “The sun is shining brightly”. (V) РОДОВАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ОБЪЕКТА. В данном случае, употребляя определенный артикль с существительными в единственном или множест- 218
венном числе, говорящий обобщает признаки объ- екта (или объектов) в единое целое, единый класс в отличие от других классов: “Let’s go to the cinema”. The rich do not understand the poor. Для справок Определенный артикль употребляется перед именами существи- тельными собственными в следующих случаях: (а) перед фамилией во множественном числе для обозна- чения всех членов семьи: The Browns, the Levins (б) перед названиями стран, океанов, морей, заливов и дру- гими географическими названиями, состоящими из су- ществительных нарицательных с определением: the United States, the Atlantic Ocean (в) перед названиями рек и горных хребтов (но не отдельных гор): the Neva, the Mississippi, the Alps. 6. Неопределенный артикль употребляется с ис- числяемыми существительными в единственном числе в следующих основных типах речевых ситуаций: (I) НАЗЫВАНИЕ ИСЧИСЛЯЕМОГО ОБЪЕКТА. Го- ворящий называет какой-либо новый объект как таковой и причисляет его к классу таких же объектов: “There is a river near my village”. “He is a good doctor”. “What a nice day it is!” (II) УКАЗАНИЕ КОЛИЧЕСТВА. В этом случае не- определенный артикль употребляется в значении «один» (как единица измерения времени, расстояния, длины, единица счета, денежная единица): . “I’ll be back in a minute”. “The price is two dollars a pound”. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 219
7. Отсутствие артикля («нулевой артикль») опреде- ляется следующими основными типами речевых ситуаций: (I) Говорящий называет какие-либо новые объекты как таковые и причисляет их к классу таких же объектов: There are nice flowers behind our house. They grow potatoes. (II) НАЗЫВАНИЕ НЕИСЧИСЛЯЕМОГО ОБЪЕК- ТА. Говорящий называет неисчислимый объект и причисляет его к какому-то виду материала, вещества или к абстрактному понятию: “We have hot water”. “This dress is made of cotton”. “Time is money”. (HI) РАСПРЕДМЕЧИВАНИЕ. Говорящий имеет в виду не названный объект, а деятельность, свя- занную с этим объектом. Обычно такие сущест- вительные входят в состав предложных или гла- гольных словосочетаний: “She is not in town”. . “They have dinner at three o’clock”. Для справок 1. Как правило, имена существительные собственные употреб- ляются без артикля: John, Kate Sweet, Moscow, Washington, Russia, America. Ho: the Ukraine, the Crimea, the Caucasus. Перед фамилией может стоять форма обращения или слово, обозначающее звание, должность: Mr Porter, Mrs Armstrong, Miss Rose, Dr Jones, Professor Carter, Major Ford. 2. Существительные нарицательные, используемые как обра- щения, употребляются без артикля: “Thank you, sir”. “This way, madam”. “Excuse me, officer”. 220
3. Перед словами Father, Mother, Uncle, Aunt в высказываниях членов семьи артикль не ставится. Тогда эти слова пишутся с прописной буквы: “Mother will be happy”. “Ask Aunt to come”. 4. Артикль не употребляется с существительными, после кото- рых стоят относящиеся к ним количественные числительные: “Не is in room 25”. “Take bus number 3”. 5. В газетных заголовках, телеграммах, объявлениях ар- тикль часто опускается: “MAN IS KILLED” LETTER RECEIVED THANKS ANN II Неопределенные местоимения SOME, ANY, NO и их производные SOMETHING, SOMEBODY, ANYTHING, ANYBODY, NOTHING, NOBODY употребляются по-раз- ному в разных типах предложений. а Утвердительные предложения some something somebody ь Отрицательные предложения (not) any no (not) anything nothing (not) anybody nobody с Общие вопросы any anything anybody d Специальные вопросы some something somebody е Просьбы some something somebody 221
Примеры: (a) I’ve got something in my eye. There is somebody in the room. (b) I didn’t see anything there. Nobody can help me. (c) Is anything wrong? Has anybody seen Mike? (d) Where can I get something to eat? (e) Tell me something about the author. Ask somebody to help her, please. Для справок 1. Some употребляется перед числительными со значением «около, приблизительно»: “I need some fifty roubles”. 2. Any, anything, anybody употребляются в утвердительных предложениях со значением «всякий, любой»: “You can take any of the buses”. “You can have anything you want for your birthday”. “Anybody can come to the concert”. 3. После if часто употребляются any, anything, anybody: “Buy some apples if you see any”. “If you see anybody, let me know”. “If you need anything, just ask”. 4. В английском языке в отрицательном предложении может быть только одно отрицание; поэтому, если в предложении стоят отрицательные местоимения no, nothing, nobody, то глагол употребляется в утвердительной форме: “I have no time”. “Nothing can be done”. “Nobody knows anything about it”. Ill В английском языке с помощью суффиксов образуются одни слова от других: 1. существительное + у = прилагательное rain — rainy; sun — sunny 222
2. глагол -|- ion = существительное to decorate — decoration; to demonstrate — de- monstration 3. глагол 4- ing = существительное to build — building; to meet — meeting 4. глагол 4- er = существительное to work — worker; to teach — teacher 5. прилагательное 4-ly = наречие bad — badly; easy — easily IV В английском языке во многих случаях слова, явля- ющиеся различными частями речи, совпадают по форме в произношении и в написании. Их значение и принад- лежность к той или иной части речи определяются из контекста по грамматическим признакам. Noun Verb Your answer is not correct. He comes home from his work at 7 o’clock. Answer my questions, please. She works at a hospital. Noun Adjective Autumn is a fine season of the year. The factory is far from our house. September is an autumn month. He is a factory worker. V 1. Имена прилагательные в английском языке, как и в русском, образуют сравнительную и превосходную сте- пени сравнения. Основная форма прилагательных не вы- ражает сравнения и называется положительной степенью. 223
It is cold today. Yesterday it was colder than today. January is the coldest month of the year. 2. Односложные прилагательные и двусложные, оканчи- вающиеся на -у, -er, -ow, -Ые (а также несколько других двусложных прилагательных), образуют срав- нительную степень прибавлением -ег [э] к форме поло- жительной степени, а превосходную степень — прибав- лением -est [ist] old — older — oldest tall — taller — tallest 3. При образовании сравнительной и превосходной степе- ней в форме прилагательных на письме соблюдаются следующие правила: (а) немая -е в конце слов опускается: large — larger —largest; pale — paler — palest (б) в односложных прилагательных конечная соглас- ная буква после одиночной гласной буквы удва- ивается, чтобы сохранить слог закрытым: big — bigger — biggest; hot — hotter — hottest (в) конечная -у после согласных изменяется на -i-; busy — busier — busiest; happy — happier — happiest 4. Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравне- ния не по общим правилам. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень good better best bad worse worst manyl much J more most little less least far farther farthest _ 224
Примеры: I have more time than you. The Moscow underground is the best in the world. 5. Многосложные прилагательные и большинство дву- сложных образуют сравнительную степень при помощи слова тоге [тэ:], а превосходную степень — при по- мощи слова most [moust], которые ставятся перед при- лагательными в положительной степени: Не is more active than his friend. This is the most interesting book. VI При сравнении двух объектов одинакового качества прилагательное ставится между as ... as: Dick is as young as your brother. В отрицательных предложениях в таких случаях обыч- но употребляется not so ... as: This exercise is not so difficult as that one. VII Притяжательные местоимения в английском языке имеют две формы. Притяжательные местоимения my, your, her, our, their употребляются только перед существитель- ными, в то время как после mine, yours, hers, ours, theirs существительные никогда не ставятся, поскольку эти при- тяжательные местоимения употребляются вместо сущест- вительных. This is not my pencil, mine is blue. VIII В придаточных предложениях времени и усло- вия после союзов if и when глагольная форма Future Indefinite не употребляется. Вместо Future Indefinite упот- ребляется Present Indefinite. “If he comes 1 shall ask him about it”. “I shall go to bed when I finish my work”. 8 Зак. 52 225
Примечание. В придаточных предложениях дополнительных Future Indefinite может стоять после союзов if и when. “Ask him if he will go to the cinema”. “I don’t know when I shall see him. IX Глагол to have в качестве модального в сочетании с инфинитивом с частицей to употребляется для выражения необходимости совершить действие в с и л у опре- деленных обстоятельств в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. I have to get up early on Monday. They had to send for the doctor. He will have to do it. Вопросительные и отрицательные формы Present и Past Indefinite глагола to have co значением долженствования образуются с помощью воспомогательного глагола do. “Do you have to go there?” “I didn’t have to wait for you”. X 1. Когда в центре внимания говорящего находится лицо или предмет, который подвергается действию, или когда лицо, совершающее действие, не известно, а также когда считают ненужным его упомя- нуть, употребляется страдательный оборот. В этом случае глагол стоит в страдательном залоге. Формы страдательного залога образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be и третьей основной формы смыслового глагола (Past Participle). to be + III форма глагола 226
Действительный залог Страдательный залог Usually my sister does this work. They built this house last year. This work is usually done by my sister. This house was built last year. Временные формы страдательного залога употребля- ются согласно тем же правилам, что и соответствующие им временные формы действительного залога. 2. Present Indefinite Passive означает обычные, постоян- ные действия в настоящем времени. Эта форма обра- зуется с помощью am, is, аге в соответствующих лицах и неизменяемой третьей основной формы смыслового глагола. The little girl is always met at the bus stop by her brother. This room is cleaned every day. 3. Past Indefinite Passive означает действия, происходя- щие в какой-то период в прошлом и не связанные с моментом речи. Эта форма образуется с помощью was и were в соответствующих лицах и неизменяемой третьей основной формы смыслового глагола. The letter was given to me. We were shown a new film. 4. В вопросительной форме страдательного залога вспо- могательный глагол to be в соответствующем лице ставится перед подлежащим: Аге the windows in this room opened three times a day? Where were you born? Who was the book written by? В вопросах к подлежащему порядок слов не изменяется: What was broken by this boy? 8* 227
5. В отрицательной форме страдательного залога частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола. This road is not used very often. The date of the meeting was not changed. Для справок Глаголы в страдательном залоге могут употребляться с модальными глаголами can, may, must: This book can be bought at any book-shop. This work must be done now. XI 1. Наречием называется часть речи, указывающая на признак действия или на различные обстоятельства, при которых протекает действие. Некоторые наречия не отличаются по форме от прилагательных. Их можно отличить только по той роли, которую они выполняют в предложении. В предложении наречия определяют глаголы, прилагательные или другие и а р е - ч и я; прилагательные же определяют существительные. Прилагательные Наречия They took a fast train to Sochi. We have very little time. The price is very low. He speaks very fast. She reads very little. The plane flew very low. 2. Производные наречия образуются прибавлением к име- нам прилагательным суффикса -1у slow — slowly; bad — badly. При образовании наречий от прилагательных, окан- чивающихся на -у, конечная -у прилагательных перед суффиксом -1у меняется на -i-: ready — readily 228
XII I. Степени сравнения наречий образуются так же, как и степени сравнения прилагательных. Односложные наречия, а также наречие early обра- зуют сравнительную степень путем прибавления суф- фикса -ег, а превосходную степень — суффикса -est к форме положительной степени. You must go to bed earlier. He comes home latest on Monday. 2. При образовании сравнительной и превосходной степе- ней сравнения наблюдаются такие же изменения формы, как и у прилагательных: late — later — latest; early —earlier — earliest. 3. Следующие наречия, как и соответствующие прилага- тельные, образуют степени сравнения не по общим правилам. Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень well better best badly worse worst much more most little less least far farther farthest 4. Наречия с суффиксом -1у образуют сравнительную сте- пень при помощи тоге, а превосходную степень — при помощи most, которые ставятся перед наречиями в положительной степени: You must listen to the teacher more attentively. He did his work most carefully of all the children. Степени сравнения наречий slowly, quickly, often могут 229
образовываться как с помощью тоге и most, так и с помощью суффиксов -er, -est: quickly — quicker — quickest quickly — more quickly — most quickly 5. При сравнении двух действий одинакового характера, как и с прилагательными, используется as ... as: “I can swim as well as he does”. Для справок 1. Наречия too и also в значении «тоже» употребляются в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях. “Не also goes to work by bus”. “Do^you live there too?” 2. В отрицательных предложениях в том же значении употреб- ляется наречие either. 3. Наречия too и either в значении «тоже», «также» стоят в конце предложения. “We shall go for a walk too”. “I didn’t see him either”. 4. Наречие too в значении «слишком» ставится перед тем сло- вом, которое оно определяет: The shirt is too small for him.
KEY TO EXERCISES Unit 1 Exercise 59 a) 1. anything; 2. nothing; 3. something; 4. Nobody; 5. any- body; 6. somebody; 7. anything. Exercise 80 6) 1. went; 2. been ... spend; 3. grow; 4. gather; 5. were; 6. is shining ... is blowing. Unit 2 Exercise 12 6) 1. most beautiful; 2. worst; 3. more difficult; 4. largest; 5. more difficult; 6. best; 7. most interesting; 8. more ... less. Exircise 55 a) 1. for ... in; 2. on; 3. for; 4. over ... in; 5. to; 6. for. Exercise 66 a) 1. The 9th of May ... the life ... people; 2. The Petrovs ... the country. 3. The Great ... 4. ... peace ... friendship ... the world. 5. the weather ... the sun. 6. the soup ... the kitchen. Unit 3 Exercise 16 a) 1. coats, suits, shoes; 2. a year; 3. a kilo ... sweets; 4. a nice lake; 5. a month; 6. a shopping-bag. 231
Exercise 28 a) 1. at; 2. for ... on; 3. to ... —; 4. at; 5. for; 6. of of ... at. I Unit 4 Exercise 32 a) 1. was built; 2. were corrected; 3. was asked; 4. was bought; 5. was hung; 6. was left. Exercise 45 a) 1. did ... find; 2. were found; 3. were ... grown; 4. were given; 5. took; 6. was spent. Exercise 58 a) 1. is washed; 2. is ... spoken; 3. is ... celebrated; 4. am ... given; 5. are ... brought; 6. are ... brought; 6. are ... decorated. Unit 5 Exercise 30 a) a penny ... the penny ... a poor old woman ... a very good boy ... an interest ... sweets ... the boy. Exercise 66 a) 1. were ... given; 2. was ... met; 3. were played; 4. was given; 5. was held; 6. was lost.
READER READING IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER Task 1 ♦ Прочитайте текст об английском писателе Даниэле Дефо и отрывки из его романа «Робинзон Крузо». При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Daniel Defoe ['daenjal di'fou] — Даниэль Дефо, Robinson Cru- soe ['robinsn 'kru:souj — Робинзон Крузо, London [Члпбэп] — Лондон, England ['igglondj — Англия, York [jo:k]— Йорк. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) One of the first novels in the history of English literature was “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe was born in London in 1660. When Daniel was a schoolboy, he began to write stories. After he finished school the young man began to write articles for newspapers. Defoe went to other countries and met many people. That helped him to write his stories. In 1719 Defoe wrote the novel “Robinson Crusoe”. He told the true story of a sailor who lived on an island for four years where there were no other people. Robinson Cru- soe in Defoe’s novel lived on an island for twenty-eight years. He worked all the time and learned to make many useful things. People in England and in many other countries liked the novel. 233
novel ['naval] — роман was born — родился true [tru:] — подлинный, ис- тинный sailor ['seila]— моряк island ['ailand] — остров useful ['jursful] — полезный Robinson Crusoe Part 1 Robinson Crusoe lived in the town of York in England. When he was a small boy, he wanted to go to sea. He had a friend whose father was captain of a ship. The captain took the two boys on his ship when it went to London. After that Robinson went to sea many times. Now he was a sailor. He liked his. work very much. One day when his ship was at sea, there was a great storm. The ship broke and all the people were drowned. Robinson was in the water for a long time. He was not drowned. He could swim well. The sea carried him to the shore. Robinson sat on the shore for a long time. Then he wanted to know where he was, so he began to walk on the shore. Soon he saw that he was on an island. It was not large. He walked in all parts of the island: he wanted to see if there were any people there or any sailors from the ship. But there were no people there and no sailors from the ship. It was evening already and Robinson wanted to sleep. He did not want to sleep in an open place, so he got into a tree and slept there. captain ['kaeptin] — капитан ship — корабль broke — разбился (to break [breik] — разбиваться) was (were) drowned — утонул(и) could [kud]— мог, умел shore [Jo:] — берег all — все, весь 234

Part II When Robinson Crusoe woke up, it was morning. The storm was over. The sea was low and Robinson saw their ship. It was not very far from the shore. One part of it was not in the water. Robinson swam to the ship and got on it. He saw many good things there which he could take to the island. Robinson found some tools and began to make a raft. When the raft was ready, Robinson put it on the water. Then he found two large boxes and put a lot of things into them. They were things which he wanted to have on the island. He put the boxes on the raft, jumped on it and went to the shore. Robinson went to the ship every day and brought many other things to the island. He brought clothes, dishes, an English flag, lamps, kitchen things and, of course, things which he could eat. During one of his visits to the ship he found a dog and two cats. They were very happy to see a man. He took them to the island too. Now Robinson had three good friends with him. He was on the island for thirteen days already when another storm came. When it was over, Robinson could not see the ship. It was now under the water. found [faimd] — нашел raft [raft] — плот (to find — находить) visit f'vizit] — посещение tool — инструмент ♦ * ♦ ♦ I. Найдите в тексте “Daniel Defoe" и прочитайте ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. What book was one of the first novels in the history of the English literature? 2. When and where was Daniel Defoe born? 3. When did he begin to write stories? 4. When did Defoe write the novel “Robinson Crusoe”? 5. Did people in England and other countries like the novel? 236
II. Найдите в первой части текста и прочитайте ответы на следующие вопросы: I. Where did Robinson Crusoe live when he was young? 2. What was his profession? 3. Did he like to be a sailor? 4. Why did the ship break one day? 5. Why was Robinson not drowned? 6. How did he get to the shore? III. Подберите к картинкам (с. 235) предложения в соответ- ствии с содержанием второй части текста: Robinson began to make a raft. Robinson swam to the ship and got on it. Robinson put the raft on the water. The sea was low and Robinson saw their ship. He found some tools on the ship. Robinson jumped on the raft and went to the shore. The raft was ready. Robinson put the boxes on the raft. IV. Если вы читали этот роман по-русски, расскажите, вер- нулся ли Робинзон Крузо на родину и кто помог ему. Что вы знаете о судьбе Пятницы? Task 2 ♦ Прочитайте две басни Эзопа. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Aesop ['i:sop] — Эзоп, Greece [gri:s]— Греция. Aesop’s Fables Aesop lived in Greece many hundreds of years ago. He went from one town to another and told people interesting stories. There were no books at that time and people liked to listen to his stories. Then the fathers and mothers told 237
the stories to their children. Now you can read Aesop’s fables in books. Here are two of them. fable f'feibl]— басня A Farmer, His Son and Their Ass One day a farmer and his son were on their way to a town. They had an ass which they wanted to sell there. On the way to the town they met some girls. “Look at those people,” said one of the girls and pointed to the man and his son. “They are walking behind the ass when they can ride on in.” The girls laughed at them and went on their way home. The farmer heard this and told his son to get on the ass. And he walked at the boy’s side. Soon they met some old men who were on their way home from the town. They saw the farmer and his son, and one of the men said: “Look at that! The old man is walking and the young man is riding. Get down from the ass, young man, and let your father ride on it.” So the farmer told his son to get down and got on the ass himself. 238
Soon they met some women and children. “Look at that man!” said a woman. “How can he sit on the ass and let that poor boy run behind him?” The farmer then told his son to get on the ass and sit behind him. They were near the town when a man stopped them. He said to the farmer, “Is this your ass?” “Yes, it is,” said the farmer. “How can you, two big men, sit on that poor ass and make him carry you when you can carry the ass?” said the man. “We can carry him,” said the farmer. So they began to carry the ass with its legs up. There was a bridge over a river on the way to the town. When the people on the bridge saw the two men with the ass they began to run after them and to laugh. This frightened the ass. The old man and his son could not hold it and the ass fell from the bridge into the river and was drowned. ass — осел to sell — продавать to ride — ехать верхом to laugh [Icvf j — смеяться poor [puaj — бедный bridge [brids] — мост to frighten ['fraitn] — пугать fell — упал (to fall (fa:!] — падать) The Fox and the Cock One day in summer a fox saw a cock near a village. It was time for dinner and the fox decided to eat the cock. He went up to the cock and said to him: “Your father could sing very well. Can you sing well too?” The cock shut his eyes and began to sing. The fox caught the cock in its mouth and ran away. A farmer saw the fox and cried out to the other farmers: “Look! A fox has caught our cock! Look! Look! That is our cock.’-’ The cock heard the farmer and said to the fox: “Do you hear what that farmer is saying? He says that 1 am 239
their cock. Tell them that I am your cock now.” When the fox opened its mouth to say it, the cock jumped up into a tree. He cried out to the fox: “I am not your cock. I am their cock.” The poor fox beat his head on the tree and said: “Mouth, you talk too much and we have no dinner today.” fox — лиса mouth [шайб] — рот cock — петух cried out — крикнул cought [ko:t] — поймала beat — била (to beat — бить) (to catch — ловить) * * * ♦ 1. Найдите в первой басне советы, которые давали девушки, старики, женщины с детьми, мужчины. Назовите самый умный, по вашему мнению, совет, II. Прочитайте следующие предложения про себя, а затем вслух в порядке следования событий второй басни: The cock ran away from the fox. A fox saw a cock near a village. A farmer saw the fox and cried out to the other farmers. The fox asked the cock to sing. The cock asked the fox to say, “This is my cock.” The fox opened his mouth and the cock jumped up into a tree. The fox caught the cock in his mouth. ' Task 3 ♦ Прочитайте текст о зоопарке в Лондоне. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Africa ['aefriko] — Африка, America [o'merika] — Америка, American [a'merikan] — американец, американский. 240
The London Zoo Part I London has a very fine old Zoo, which many children with their parents and friends visit every day. The Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the centre of London. Many old trees grow in the park, and in spring, summer and autumn there are a lot of beautiful flowers there too. The Zoo is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning to 7 o’clock in the evening. People who want to go there can go by bus or by the, underground and bus. A lot of buses go to the different sides of the park. Many kinds of animals live there: elephants, giraffes, sea-lions and polar bears, brown bears and foxes, and big and little monkeys. There are many kinds of birds there too. Some of them have very beautiful bright colours. Zoo [zu:] — зоологический сад underground ['xndagraund] — метро animal ['aenimal] — животное elephant ['elifant] — слон giraffe [dsi'rcvf] — жираф sea-lion [zsi:'laian] — мор- ской лев polar f'poula] bear [Ьеэ] — белый (полярный) медведь monkey ['тлг)к1] — обезьяна bird [ba:dj — птица Part II A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. Then you can see how the sea-lions catch their fish. The man who looks after the animals sometimes throws a fish into the water, then the sea-lions jump into the water and get the fish there. It is also interesting to watch how the big birds eat their meat, and how the monkeys eat fruit. In the large monkey house you can see different kinds of monkeys. They jump, run and play with each other. In the park there are camels. Children love to sit on a camel’s 241
back. Then it walks in the square and they sit high up on its back. They also like to watch the elephant when he washes himself in the morning. He puts water on his back and men with long brushes make him very clean. In the Children’s Zoo children can watch and talk to and touch young animals. Of course the people who look after the young animals watch the children too. If people want to see the fishes they must go to another house and pay a second time. The fishes are in a great glass box. There are many kinds of beautiful fishes there. It is very interesting there. food [fu:d] — пища to throw [6rou] — бросать camel ['kaemol] — верблюд back — спина Part III Many years ago the London Zoo had a young elephant from Africa. The elephant was very small. His name was Jumbo. A man looked after him. His name was Scott. The 242
elephant grew very quickly. Soon he learned to carry people on his back. Children liked to sit on the little benches which he carried on his back. The people of London knew Jumbo and liked him. One day a rich American saw Jumbo. He wanted to buy him and take him to America to show Jumbo in the circus there and to make a lot of money. He paid the London Zoo two thousand dollars for Jumbo. When the people of London heard about it, they wrote letters and articles to newspapers and organized meetings of protest. They did not want Jumbo to go to America. But nothing helped. Scott began to prepare to go to America with Jumbo to look after him there. When the elephant came out of the Zoo, he lay down in the street and did not want to get up. Many times Scott told him to get up. When at last he got up, they began to walk to the Port of London. Many people stood in th^ streets and watched. There were meetings of protest in the streets, squares and at the Port. The people wanted Jumbo to stay in the London Zoo. But Jumbo and Scott went to America on a ship. In America Jumbo was a circus elephant. He learned to carry things from one place to another and he danced. The Americans also liked Jumbo. circus ['sarkas] — цирк protest J'proutest] — протест nothing ['nAOirj] — ничто lay [I ei] down — лег (to lie — лежать) at last — наконец * * * ♦ I. Найдите в первой части текста и прочитайте ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. Where is the Zoo which you have read about? 2. Do trees and flowers grow in that Zoo? 243
3. When is the Zoo open? 4. How can people get to the Zoo? 5. What animals live in the Zoo? II. Найдите во второй части текста и прочитайте предложе- ния, в которых дано описание следующего: 1. Кормление зверей. 2. Поведение обезьян в зоопарке. 3. Умывание слона. III. Найдите в третьей части текста и прочитайте предло- жения, подтверждающие следующее: 1. Jumbo was a good elephant. 2. The people of London liked Jumbo. 3. Scott liked Jumbo. Task 4 *♦ Прочитайте индийскую сказку об обезьянах. The Monkeys and the Reeds Part I Many, many years ago in the middle of the forest there was a lake of clean cold water. All the animals of the forest came to drink from this lake. But in the middle of the lake there lived a monster. The monster caught any animal who went to the water to drink and ate it. One day some monkeys came to this lake. They ran and jumped in the trees for a very long time, then they wanted to drink very much. They wanted to run to the water and drink. But they did not do it. “We must wait for our King,” said one old monkey and they sat down and waited. The King of the monkeys was a very large monkey. He always told them what they must do and what they must not do. “My brothers,” he said, “the fruit on some of the trees 244
in the forest may be bad for us. Do not eat fruit which grows on trees if you have not eaten it before. Do not drink water which you have not drunk before. Bad monsters live in the lake. Ask me if you want to eat or drink anything.” And the monkeys always asked him when they wanted to eat or drink something. That is why they did not go to the lake and drink. They sat near the lake and waited. reed — тростник to wait [weit] for — ждать lake — озеро king — король, здесь: вожак monster ['monsta] — чудовище Part II When the King came, he walked round the lake and looked at the water and at the shore of the lake. He found the tracks of animals who went to the lake. But he did not find any tracks of animals who left the lake. The King came to his friends and said: “You were right when you sat and waited for me. A monster lives in these waters. He eats the animals who come to drink the water of the lake. Let us wait here.” The monkeys wanted to drink very much but they waited. They knew their King was clever. “He will get some water from the lake,” they thought. All this time the monster watched the monkeys from the lake. He was angry. “Why don’t those animals come to the water?” he said to himself. He came out of the water and cried out to the monkeys: “Why don’t you come down to the water and driqk? My friends, this is a very beautiful lake and the water in it is very cold.” To this the King of the monkeys said: “You are right, the lake is very beautiful. But you are the monster who eats every animal which comes to drink, aren’t you?” The monster laughed. He saw that this monkey was very clever. 245
“You are right, King of the monkeys. I am the monster of the lake..I eat the animals who come to drink from my lake and I shall eat your monkeys.” “No,” said the King of the monkeys, “you won’t eat any of my friends.” “So you say,” the monster answered, “but if you don’t drink you will die as you sit there. There isn’t another lake in this forest.” The King of the monkeys thought a little, then said: “That’s right. We want to drink, so we must have water and we shall have water but we shan’t let you eat us.” “How can you drink and not come to the water?” asked the monster. “Wait and you will see. We shall bring the lake to our mouths, as we sit on the shore,” the Kings answered. track — след was angry ['aeggri] — был сердит, clever f'kleva] — умный сердился to die [dai] — умереть Part III The King of the monkeys went to a reed which grew on the shore of the lake. He took the reed and put it in his mouth. Then he blew into the reed and made it hollow. Then he blew into another reed and,another. But then he stopped and thought of the monkeys. They wanted to drink very much. “They will die before I can blow a reed for every monkey,” he said to himself. So he went round the lake and cried: “Let the reeds on the shore of the lake be hollow!” And the reeds which grew on the shore of the lake were hollow. Then the King told each monkey to take a reed in his hands and go to the lake after him. He sat down on the shore by the lake. He put one end of the reed in his mouth 246
and the other end in the water. Then he began to suck. The water came up through the reed and he drank. The monkeys did so too. Each monkey drank for a long time, and the lake monster did not catch any of them. The monster was very angry. He went down into the lake and waited for some other animals who did not have a cleaver leader. The King of the monkeys was very clever, wasn’t he? The hollow reeds which grew on the shore of the lake were the parents of other hollow reeds. Soon hollow reeds grew round the lakes in other forests. hollow ['holou]— пустой, полый through [0ru:] — через to suck — сосать * * * ♦ I. Найдите в первой части сказки и прочитайте предложения, в которых дано описание следующего: I. Лесное озеро. 2. ‘Поведение обезьян у озера. 3. Вожак обезьян. 247
II. Прочитайте следующие предложения из второй части сказки про себя, а затем вслух в нужном порядке: “No,” said King of the monkeys, “you won’t eat any of my friends.” The monkeys wanted to drink very much but they waited. When the King came, he walked round the lake and looked at the water and at the shore of the lake. “How can you drink and not come to the water?” asked the monster. All this time the monster watched the monkeys from the lake. III. Выберите из всей сказки предложения, подтверждающие, что вожак обезьян был самый умный. Task 5 ♦ Прочитайте рассказ о старой учительнице. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Dove [<1лу] — Дав, Thomas ['tomas] — Томас, Baker ['beika] — Бейкер, Randolph fraendalf] — Рандольф. The Terrible Miss Dove (After F. G. Patton) Part I Miss Dove was a teacher of geography at a school in a small town in America. She was very strict, and the pupils were afraid of her. If a pupil put a pencil or a piece of paper in his mouth, Miss Dove told him to go out and wash his mouth with soap and water. If a page in his exercise-book was not clean, he had to write it again. If a pupil wanted to drink some water during the lesson, he had to ask Miss Dove to let him leave the classroom, but usually he was afraid to ask. When a pupil asked her to let him go out, Miss Dove only looked at him. The class looked at him too. Then the pupil sat down again at his desk. 248
At 1 o’clock the school bell rang for the bread, but in the geography-room forty-three children sat at their desks and did not look up. “Attention, please,” said Miss Dove and all the pupils looked at her. “Put your books in your desks.” And the children quickly put their books in their desks. "Now you may leave the class-room.” And the pupils walked out of the room one after the other without a word. After the break another class came into the geography- room. Miss Dove stood at the door and watched. They came in quickly, said “Good afternoon” to her and went to their places. Miss Dove looked at her pupils, but she thought of other children who learned geography in this room many years ago. The boys of that time were all at the war now. She remembered two of those boys very well. They went out of the classroom one day to drink some water. One of them, Tommy Baker, said, “I am not afraid of Miss Dove, I could beat her with my little finger.” When he looked up, he saw Miss Dove near him. She looked at him a long time, then she said, “Thomas Baker, you talk too much, don’t you?” “Yes, Miss Dove,” Thomas answered. He did not drink any water, but went back into the classroom. terrible ['teribl] — ужасный attention [a'tenjn] — внимание strict — строгий war [wo:] — война were afraid [a'freid] — to remember [ri'memba] — боялись помнить had to — должен был finger ['figga] — палец bell — звонок Part II Miss Dove went into her geography-room and began her lesson. In this class she had a boy whose name was Randy Baker. He was the brother of that boy, Tommy 249
Baker, who she remembered so well. Thomas Baker was now a sailor on a ship. The enemy bombed the ship and many people died. For many days Thomas was on the raft with no food and very little water. At last another ship picked him up. The story was in the newspapers. “Open your exercise-books, class,” said Miss Dove. At that moment Randy Baker put up his hand. All the pupils looked at him. “Yes, Randolph?” said Miss Dove. Randolph Baker stood up. Miss Dove’s pupils always stood up when they spoke to her. “I got a letter from Tommy yesterday,” he said. “Yes, Randolph,” said Miss Dove, “you got a letter from your brother yesterday, that was nice.” “Yes, Miss Dove,” said Randy. He stopped, then began to speak again. “Tommy got a medal for bravery. And he writes about it in his letter.” “Have you brought the letter?” asked Miss Dove. “If so, you may read that part to the class.” “You want to know if I was afraid when the enemy bombed us. The answer is yes, I was. But I was more afraid- that day in school when 1 said that I-could beat Miss Dove with my little finger, and she heard me. I did not run that time, I told myself, and I shall not run now. And then, when I was on my raft like Robinson Crusoe, what do you think / thought about? / thought about Miss Dove and our school, and / ask you to give the terrible Miss Dove a kiss for me.” This was the end of Tommy Baker’s letter. Miss Dove came up to Randy and stood near him. “Well, Randolph,” said Miss Dove, “I am ready.” Randy stood with the letter in his hand, then he walked up to Miss Dove and gave her a kiss. “Thank you, Randolph,” said Miss Dove. “Tell your 250
brother when you write to him that I remember him very well, too.” She looked at the class and the class looked at. their teacher. Then one of the girls spoke. She said, “That is like a medal. Randy’s brother has given Miss Dove a medal.” enemy ['enimi] — враг to bomb [bom] — бомбить moment ['moumant] — момент bravery ['breivari] — храбрость kiss — поцелуй * * * ♦ I. Найдите в первой части текста и прочитайте ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. What was Miss Dove? 2. Why were the pupils afraid of Miss Dove? 3. Why did Miss Dove remember two boys from one of her classes so well? 4. What did Tommy Baker say he could do to Miss Dove? II. Найдите во второй части текста и прочитайте предложе- ния, в которых дано описание следующего: 1. During the war Thomas Baker was a sailor on a ship. 2. Randolph Baker read the letter from his brother to the class. 3. Thomas Baker remembered his geography teacher when he was at the war. 4. Miss Dove got “a medal” from her pupil. III. Найдите во всем тексте предложения, подтверждающие следующее: 1. ’Miss Dove was strict. 2. The pupils liked their teacher. 251
Task 6 ♦ Прочитайте текст об американском писателе Альберте Маль- це и его рассказ о двух мальчиках — любителях цирка. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих соб- ственных имен: Albert Maltz ['aelbot'mo:lts] — Альберт Мальц, Mexico ['meksikou] — Мексика, Eddie ['edi] — Эдди, Alan ['aelon] — Алан. Albert Maltz (1908-1985) Albert Maltz was a progressive American writer. He was born in 1908. In 1934 Maltz wrote his first play “Peace on Earth”, it was against wars. Albert Maltz wrote stories too. Some of them are about the life of American workers, some tell us about workers’ children. “Circus Comes to Town” is one of these stories. In 1950 the American police arrested Maltz and put him in prison. They arrested many other progressive American writers at that time. In 1951 Maltz went to Mexico, where he lived till his death. play [plei] — пьеса “Peace on Earth” [э:0] — «Мир на Земле» against [a'geinst] — против police [рэ'1 i:s] — полиция to arrest [oTest] — аресто- вывать put him in prison ['prizn] — посадили его в тюрьму death [deO] — смерть Circus Comes to Town (After Albert Maltz) Part I It was Saturday, 7 o’clock in the morning. In an open field near a small American town there were two boys. They knew that a circus must come to their town that day. But the circus was not yet there. There were no tents, no flags, no animals in the large open field. It was too early. One of 252
the two children, a boy of seven years, said, “What if the circus does not come today, Eddie?” His brother, a boy of twelve, answered, “Everybody says — it will come today. Now don’t be silly, Alan. Let us play and the time will go quickly.” They sat down on the grass and began to play. The two brothers, Eddie and Alan, were small, thin children. They had no father and their mother was poor. The boys were often hungry. When the boys heard about the circus, they ran to their mother and told her about it. She said to them, “I am sorry, boys, but I have no money now. I can’t buy tickets for you.” The boys did not know what to do. They wanted very much to go to the circus. Then a boy told Eddie how he could get a ticket. “Go and help the circus workers in the work,” said the boy. “There is always a lot of work before the show and they give tickets to the boys who help them.” Eddie and Alan decided to go and help the circus workers. So here they were in the field at 7 o’clock that Saturday morning. They waited very long: 8 o’clock, 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock came. Other boys began to come to the field too. They also wanted to work and get tickets for the show. Soon there were about eighty boys in the field. silly ['siIi] — глупый ticket ['tikit] — билет hungry ['hArjgri] — голодный show [fou] — представление money ['mAni] — деньги Part II Then at last the circus came. There was a lot of work to do. Every boy found work, even Alan, who was very young and very small. The boys began to work very quickly. Eddie and Alan with some other boys helped to put up a big tent and carried chairs. They wanted very much to get tickets and see the show. But soon they were tired. It was 253
hard work and they could not rest. The circus worker whom they helped did not stop the work. Alan thought about the show and it helped him a little. He thought: “There will be elephants in the show, and I shall see them! And there will be clowns. They are so funny! Everybody will laugh at them.” But soon he was so tired that he could not think. “Now, boys, that is all. Yoy may go and get your tickets,” said the circus worker. It was already after 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Eddie and Alan drank some cold water and went for their tickets. They were cold, hungry and very tired. They got their tickets and went into a big tent. It was very beautiful and warm there. The boys sat down. Now they could have a rest. There was nothing to go, the tents were all up, and the chairs were all in their places. . At last the show began. It was a very good show. There were lions and elephants. The clowns were very funny and everybody laughed. But the boys did not see any of these things. They slept — they were so tired. And they slept to the end of the show. 254
When the show was over and the people began to clap their hands, Eddie and Alan opened their eyes. It was time to go home. On their way home the boys cried but nobody heard them. were tired ['taiod] — устали hard — тяжелый clown [klaun] — клоун funny [Члпi] — смешной to clap their hands — хло- пать в ладоши to cry [krai] — плакать * * * ♦ I. Найдите в тексте “Albert Maltz” и прочитайте ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. Is Albert Maltz an English or an American writer? 2. When was Albert Maltz born? 3. What are his stories about? 4. Where did he live at the end of his life? tl. Выберите из первой части рассказа 2-3 предложения к каждому пункту плана: 1. Two brothers, Eddie and Alan, wanted to go to the circus. 2. The boys’ mother had no money to buy tickets. 3. The boys decided to help the circus workers and get the tickets. III. Найдите во второй части рассказа и прочитайте пред- ложения, в которых объясняется следующее: 1. The boys began to work very quickly. 2. Soon the boys were tired. 3. The boys went to the circus but did not see the show. 4. On their way home the boys cried. 255
Task 7 ♦ Прочитайте текст об американском писателе Марке Твене и отрывок из его книги «Приключения Тома Сойера». При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих соб- ственных имен: Mark Twain ['meek 'twein] — Марк Твен, Samuel Clemens ['saemjual 'klemanz] — Самюэль Клеменс, Missouri [mi'zuari] — Миссури, USA ['ju:'es'ei[ — США, California [,kaeli'foinjo] — Калифорния, Tom Sawyer ['tom zs3:ja] — Том Сойер, Ben Rogers {'ben 'гэбзэг] — Бен Роджерс, Billy Fisher ['bili 'fija] — Билли Фишер, Johnny Miller ['6300! 'mila] — Джонни Мил- лер. Mark Twain (1835—1910) Mark Twain was a famous American writer. His real name was Samuel Clemens. “Mark Twain” was his pen name. Samuel Clemens was born in a small town on .the Missouri river in the USA. The boy had many friends at school and when he become a writer, he wrote about them in his stories. When Samuel was twelve, his father died and the boy began to work. He learned the profession of a printer. But Samuel wanted to be a sailor and when he was twenty, he found work on a ship. After some time he left the ship and went to live in California. Here he began to write short stories under the pen name of Mark Twain. He sent them to newspapers. The readers liked his stories. The many professions which he knew helped him to show 256
life and people. In 1876 he published his best novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, which boys and girls in many countries know and like very much. famous ['feimas] — знаменитый pen name — псевдоним profession [pra'fejh] — про- фессия printer ['prints] — печатник to publish ['рлЫiJ] — публи- ковать, издавать adventure [sd'ventjs] — при- ключение The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Part I (Tom Sawyer and his younger brother Sid went to live in the house of their Aunt Polly when their mother died. Aunt Polly was a kind woman and loved the boys very much.) “Tom!” cried Aunt Polly. No answer. “Tom!” No answer again. “Where can that boy be? Tom!” Aunt Polly thought for a few minutes and then said, “If I catch you, Tom, I’ll...” She did not finish what she wanted to say. She looked under the bed. But... no Tom... only the cat ran out. Aunt Polly went to the open door, looked out into the garden and cried again, “Tom!” Then she turned quickly, saw Tom and caught him by the arm. “What? In the cupboard again?” “No, Aunt Polly.” “No? Look at your mouth. Look at your hands. What is that on them?” “I don’t know, Aunt.” “But-I know. It’s jam. I’ve told you so many times: don’t touch that jam in the cupboard. Give me that stick.” 9 Зак. 52 257
The stick was in Aunt Polly’s hand and ready to fall on Tom’s back when she heard: “Look behind you, Aunt!” Aunt Polly turned quickly and looked down. Tom ran into the garden and jumped over the fence. His aunt stood and looked at the fence for some time and then she laughed. “What a boy!” she thought. “Why can’t I learn? He has often done that. But I can’t beat him. He is my sister’s boy.” The next morning Aunt Polly told Tom that he must not go to the river after school. He must come home. But Tom did not go to school that day. He had a good time on the river. At supper Aunt Polly told the boy. “It’s Saturday tomorrow — a holiday. But no holiday for you, my boy. You will work.” kind [kaind] — добрый stick — палка jam — джем, варенье fence — забор Part II Saturday. A beautiful warm morning. “No school. But I must work. I must whitewash the fence,” thought Tom when he came out into the street wifh a bucket of whitewash and a brush. It was a very long and very high fence. “How terrible life is,” Tom said and began to work. He worked for some time, then sat down on a box and thought: “The boys will come soon. They will laugh at me when they see that I am working.” He put his hands in his pockets and took out the things he had there—toys, little stones, pieces of glass. “I have very little to pay the boys if I ask them to help me,” Tom said to himself. He thought a little, then took the brush and began to work again. Soon Ben Rogers came up. He had an apple in his hand. He stopped and looked at Tom. Tom did not stop working. Then Ben said, 258
“Tom! What are you doing?” Tom did not answer but looked at the fence with attention. “Hello, Tom!” said Ben. “Why are you working today?” Tom turned to Ben. “Oh, it’s you, Ben! I didn’t see you.” “I’m going to the river, don’t you want to go too? But you must work, I see.” “Work? You think this is work?” “Why, isn’t this work?” “You may think so. But Tom Sawyer likes it.” “You say you like it, Tom?” “Why not? Does a boy whitewash a fence every day?” That showed the thing in a new light. Ben stopped eating his apple and looked at Tom. Then he said: “Tom, let me whitewash a little.” “Oh, no, Ben. Aunt Polly asked me to do it very well. The fence is on the street, you know. There isn’t a boy in a thousand that can do it better than I can.” “Oh, please, Tom, let me do it. I’ll give you my apple. I can whitewash as well as you can. You’ll see.” Then Tom gave Ben the brush. Ben began to work and Tom sat down under a tree, ate the apple and thought how to make other boys work for him. Soon some boys came up. When they saw how well Ben worked, they wanted to whitewash too. Billy Fisher gave Tom a knife. Johnny Miller gave Tom a dead cat. Tom had a good time while the other boys whitewashed the fence. When the middle of the afternoon came, Tom was very rich and the work was over. He went into the house and thought life was not so terrible. to whitewach ['waitwoj] — белить bucket ['ЬлкИ] — ведро whitewash — побелка stopped eating — перестал есть pocket ['pokit] — карман knife [naif] — ножик dead [ded] — мертвый, дохлый 9* 259
♦ I. Ответьте по тексту “Mark Twain” на следующие вопросы: 1. When and where did Mark Twain live? 2. What professions did he know? 3. When did he begin to write stories? 4. What is his best novel? 5. Have you read the novel in Russian? II. Найдите в первой части текста и прочитайте предложения, в которых дано описание следующего: 1. Aunt Polly wanted to find Tom. 2. Tom ran away from Aunt Polly. 3. Aunt Polly did not want Tom to go to the river. 4. Tom had a good time on the river. III. Найдите во всем тексте и прочитайте предложения, под- тверждающие следующее: 1. Aunt Polly was a kind woman. 2. Tom was a clever boy. Task 8 ♦ Прочитайте английские шутки. Funny Stories and Jokes A Small Picture A rich man once asked a great painter to paint a small picture for him. Next day the painter came and brought him the small picture. “It is a beautiful picture,” said the rich man. “How much do you want for it?” “One thousand dollars,” answered the painter. “One thousand dollars for such a small picture?” cried the rich man. “You painted it in one day and you want one thousand dollars for one day’s work?” 260
“Yes, I painted it in one day, but I worked thirty years in order to learn how to paint it in one day,” answered the painter. to paint — писать красками in order to — чтобы Jonathan Swift and His Servant One day Jonathan Swift, a great English writer, went to the country with his servant. In the morning when he wanted to put on his boots, he saw that they were not clean. “How is this, Tom?” said Swift when he saw them. “Why haven’t you cleaned my boots?” “You see,” said Tom, “it is very dirty in the street today and when you walk there your boots will again be dirty, so I haven’t cleaned them.” Swift thought a little and then said “All right, Tom. Go and get ready, we’ll go out in a minute or two.” “But,” cried Tom, “I haven’t had my breakfast.” “I know,” said Swift,” but if you have breakfast, you will again be hungry after some time, so today you will have no breakfast.” servant ['sa:vant] — слуга READING IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Task 9 ♦ Прочитайте текст об американском журналисте Джоне Риде, который принимал участие в Октябрьской революции. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих соб- ственных имен: John Reed ['djan 'ri:d] — Джон Рид, Europe ]'jиэгэр] — Европа, France [frcuns]—Франция, Russia [TaJo]—Россия, United [jur'naitid] States of America — Соединенные Штаты Америки, Finnish ['finij] — финская, Finland ['finland] — Финляндия. 261
John Reed (1887—1920) John Reed was an American writer. He was in Pet- rograd during the October Revolution. He met Lenin many times and spoke with him. When he was back in the USA, he wrote a book about the revolution and he called it “Ten Days That Shook the World”. It was a very interesting book. John Reed was a true friend of our country. John Reed came of a rich American family. The family was not large. John had only one brother and no sisters. When John was a schoolboy he was often ill, then he stayed at home and read books. At school be began to write poems and stories. The two brothers made a theatre on their playground and John wrote plays for that theatre. John did not play much with other boys, he could not run quickly and he did not like to fight. He did not like sports, but he could swim very well. When John Reed finished school, he went to a university. At the university John knew many students, but he did not make many friends. When John Reed graduated from the univer- sity in 1910, he became a journalist and a writer and visited many diffe- rent countries in Europe. After that John Reed went back to the USA and began to work as a cor- respondent for different newspapers. He often went to factories and wrote about the life of American workers. “Ten Days That Shook the World" - «Десять дней, кото- рые потрясли мир» journalist ['dsamalist] — журналист correspondent £,koris'p3ndant] — кор- респондент graduated from ['graedjueitid] — окон- чил (университет) 262
Part II During the first years of World War I John Reed travelled in France, England and Russia as a war-corres- pondent. He was against the war. He wrote that it was the war of rich people. In 1917 the USA sent an army to Europe and took part in the war. It was a very difficult time for people in the United States of America. Those who were against the war lost their work. John Reed could not work for newspapers because he wrote and spoke against the war. In the summer of 1917 he came to Russia as an American correspondent. He wanted to tell the people in the USA the true story of the revolution in Russia. He went to different towns and villages and met many people. He spoke with them about the revolution. On November 6 John Reed was back in Red Petrograd and he walked into Winter Palace together with the first revolutionary soldiers. During the time when he was in our country John Reed made notes for his book about the October Revolution. John Reed loved Russia. , lost — потеряли note — запись, записка (to lose [lu:z] — терять) Part III When John Reed went back to the USA in April of 1918, he had his notes for the book about the October Revolution in Russia with him. But the American police took these notes. They did not give them back to the writer for some months. Reed got them back only in the autumn of 1918. He wrote his book “Ten Days That Shook the World” very quickly. In January 1919, he finished it. Then he went to New York where he had a friend who was a publisher. 263
The man was ready to publish the book, but before he began the work he made some copies of the text and took these copies to different people in New York. And he was right to do so. When he began to publish the book, the police came and took away the first copy. But the publisher had other copies so he could finish the work. In March of 1919 the book “Ten Days That Shook the World” was ready. John Reed sent a copy of it to Lenin in the Kremlin and some copies to his friends in Moscow. In the autumn of 1919 Reed again came to Moscow where he did much important work. Then he went to different towns and villages. On his way back to the USA in the spring of 1920 the Finnish police arrested him and put him in prison in Finland. From there John Reed came back again to Russia. John Reed died suddenly of typhus in October, 1920, some days before his thirty-third birthday. He was buried in the Red Square by the Kremlin wall in Moscow. publisher ['рлЬПУэ] — издатель copy ['kopi] (copies) — копия, эк- земпляр typhus ['taifas] — тиф was buried ['berid] — был похоронен * * * ♦ I. Ответьте по первой части текста на следующие вопросы: 1. When was John Reed born? 2. When did he begin to write stories and poems? 3. Where did he learn after he finished school? 4. What was John Reed’s profession after he graduated from the university? 11. Найдите во второй части текста и прочитайте предложе- ния, подтверждающие следующее: I. John Reed wanted to write a book about the revo- lution in Russia. 2. John Reed was against war. 264
III. Расскажите кратко о последнем периоде жизни Джона Рида, используя следующие ключевые слова: walked into the Winter Palace, went back to the USA; published the book; sent a copy; came to Russia again; died of typhus Task 10 ♦ Прочитайте текст об английском писателе Джонатане Свифте и отрывок из его романа «Путешествия Гулливера». При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих со- бственных имен: Jonathan Swift ['ёзэпэбэп 'swift] — Джонатан Свифт, Dublin [ДлЬИп] — Дублин, Ireland ['aialond]—Ирландия, Irish ['aiarif] — ирландский, Lilliput ['lilipat] — Лилипутия, Gulli- ver ['gAliva]— Гулливер. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Jonathan Swift, a famous English writer, was born in a poor family in Dublin, Ireland. His father died some months before the boy was born. His mother found work in England and left Jonathan in his uncle’s family. He learned very well at school and his uncle sent him to Dublin University. When Swift left the university, he went to England in 1689 and found work there as a secreatary to a writer. At that time Jonathan Swift began to write articles for newspapers. He attacked the colonial policy of En- gland in Ireland; he wanted the Irish people to be happy. Soon Swift began to write satirical novels. In 1726 he wrote the novel “Gulliver’s Travels”. It is a satirical novel about England 265
in his time. People not only in England and Ireland but in other countries liked the book very much. secretary ['sekratri] — секретарь colonial [ka'lounjal] — коло- ниальный policy ['polisi] — политика satirical [sa'tirikal] — сатирический travel ['traeval] — путешествие Gulliver’s Travels Part I Gulliver was born in a large family of a farmer. At school the boy learned well, so his father sent him to the university. When the young man left the university, he worked with a doctor and learned the doctor’s profession. Gulliver wanted to travel and found work on a ship as a ship doctor. One day, after many days of fine weather, there was a terrible storm. The ship broke to pieces and the people were drowned. But Gulliver could swim very well, and he was not drowned. After a long time he saw land and swam- to it. He got out of the water and slept on the shore for many hours. He was very tired. When Gulliver woke up, he found that he was in a country where very, very small people lived. The name of the country was Lilliput. The little people were afraid of the big man and wanted to kill him. But when they saw that Gulliver was kind and did not want to kill them they let him live with them. Gulliver lived there for two years. After many adventures he got back to England.. land — земля to kill — убивать Part II The second of Gulliver’s travels began very well. The weather was fine. But after some weeks, a strong wind began to blow and they fought it for twenty days. When 266

the wind stopped, the captain of the ship did not know where they were. At last they saw land; it was an island. The captain of the ship sent some men in a small boat to get drinking water. Gulliver got into the boat too. He wanted to see the island. When the sailors came to land, they went into the forest. Gulliver went into another part of the forest. When he came back to the shore, he did not find the boat there. The sailors were already in the boat and on their way back to the ship. Gulliver wanted to cry out to them, but suddenly he saw a very, very big man — a giant. The giant was in the water. <He wanted to catch the boat, but the boat went quickly back to the ship, so the giant turned and walked back to the shore. Gulliver saw that there were other giants on the shore and he understood that he was in the country of the giants. A farmer found Gulliver in a field and carried him to his house. The farmer’s family were kind to Gulliver. At dinner they put him on the table and gave him some meat and bread. After dinner the farmer’s wife put him on a large bed and he slept there for some hours. strong — сильный fought [fo:t] — боролись (to fight [fait] — бороться) boat [bout] — лодка suddenly ['sAdnli] — вдруг, неожиданно giant ['djaiant] — гигант, великан Part III Soon the farmer began to show Gulliver to the people in the town for money. Then he made a box, put Gulliver into it and went from town to town. He showed Gulliver in eighteen towns and then came to a very large town. It was the capital of the country. He went to the king’s palace and sold Gulliver to the queen. Now Gulliver lived in the palace in a nice box which 268
hung at the window when the weather was fine. A worker made a little bed, two chairs, a table and a little wardrobe for him. There were windows in the box and a door. People in the palace were kind to Gulliver and he learned to understand them. He often talked to the king and queen. Gulliver told them all about his country, England. One day when Gulliver was at his table, a great big monkey saw him through the open door of the box. It jumped through the window into the room where the box stood. Gulliver got up from his chair and stood behind the wardrobe. The monkey went up to the box and looked into it. It saw Gulliver behind the wardrobe and caught him. It thought Gulliver was a young monkey. At that time a girl came to the door of the room. The monkey heard her, took Gulliver in its hand, and jumped out of the window onto the roof .of the palace. Then it jumped on to the roof of another house. But then the people in the palace yard saw the monkey with Gulliver in its hand. They brought ladders and began to go up to the roof. The monkey saw them, put Gulliver down on the roof and ran away. Gulliver was happy when one of the men came, picked him up and carried him down. palace j'paelis] — дворец queen [kwi:n] — королева sold [sould] — продал roof — крыша (to sell — продавать) ladder ['laedo] — лестница ♦ * * ♦ I. Ответьте по тексту “Jonathan Swift” на следующие во- просы: 1. When and where was Jonathan Swift born? 2. What did he do after the university? 3. What did he write at that time? 4. In what year did Swift write his novel “Gulliver’s Travels”? 269
II. Выберите из первой части текста 1-2 предложения к каждому пункту плана: 1. Gulliver went on his first travel. 2. The storm broke the ship to pieces. 3. Gulliver swam to the shore. 4. He saw that he was in a country where very small people lived. III. Найдите во второй части текста и прочитайте предло- жения, в которых дано описание следующего: 1. A strong wind began to blow. 2. The captain sent some sailors to land to find drin- king water. 3. The sailors left Gulliver on the island where the giants lived. • IV. Подберите к картинкам (с. 267) предложения из третьей части текста. Task 11 ♦ Прочитайте рассказ о приключениях английского мальчика. Tim АП Alone (After Edward Ardizzone) Part I One day, after a long holiday, Tim came back to the little house by the sea where he lived with his father and mother. He wanted to see them very much. But when he came up to the door, he could not open it. There was nobody in the house. Then he saw a piece of paper on the door with the words: Gone away. House to let. 270
Tim did not understand anything. Why did his parents go away? Where did they go to? He sat down and cried a little. Then he got up and went to look for his parents. It was already 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Tim had no money, so he stopped at a farm-house and asked the farmer to give him a bed for the night. “You can sleep here,” said the farmer, “and I give you supper and breakfast too, but for this you must work in my potato field.” When night came and Tim could lie down and rest, he was so tired that he fell asleep very quickly. At breakfast the next morning, Tim told his story. The farmer’s wife was sorry for him, so when he came to her to say good-bye, she gave him some bread and butter and two big apples, and put some money in his pocket, and gave him a kiss. Tim’s plan was to find work on one of the small ships. These ships stopped at all the little ports where he could ask about his parents. “They love the sea,” he said to himself, “I know that they will live near the sea.” So he went to the nearest little seaport town. There he saw a little old ship the “Amelia Jane”. He saw the captain and told him his story and the captain took Tim on as a sailor. all alone [a'loun] — совсем один Gone away. House to let. — Уехали. Дом сдается. to cry — плакать fell asleep [o'slkp] — заснул Part II When the ship was at sea, Tim had much work to do and he had no time to be sad. At every little port where they stopped (and there were very many of them), Tim left the ship and went into the town. There he asked different 271
people about his father and mother. But nobody could tell him anything, and Tim was always sad when he went back to his ship. But the “Amelia Jane” was a happy ship and all the sailors on it were kind to Tim. So he was not sad very long. One day the “Amelia Jane” came to a small port. Tim went on shore again and asked people about his parents. He met a woman in the street and asked her, too. “What! Have you lost your parents?” said the woman. “Then you must come with me to the home for lost children,” and she caught Tim by the arm. “No, no,” cried Tim, “I don’t want to go to a home for lost children. I am a sailor and I must go to my ship now. It will go out to sea soon. Please, let me go!” But the woman held him by the arm, and Tim had to go with her. They came to a big, dark house with a big, dark door. “Here we are,” said the woman. She took out a big key and began to open the door. At that moment Tim gave her a push. The key fell down to the ground. When the woman wanted to pick it up, Tim ran as quickly as he could back to the port. But when he got there, he saw that the “Amelia Jane” was out in the open sea. Tim was afraid of the woman and he decided to hide. He saw another ship, went on deck and hid under one of the boats. Soon this ship also went out to sea. sad — грустный lost children — поте- рявшиеся дети key [ki:] — ключ gave her a push [puf] — толкнул ее to hide (hid) — прятаться (спрятался) deck [dek] — палуба Part III The new ship was not as good as the old “Amelia Jane”. The captain was angry when he found Tim on his ship. He was a bad man. The sailors were not kind to Tim 272
either. The weather was cold and Tim had to work on deck all the time. He had only one friend on this ship, it was the ship’s cat. At night the cat slept with Tim and the boy talked to him. One night the ship caught fire. There was a strong wind. The sailors worked hard, but they could not put out the fire. The captain gave the order to leave the ship. All the sailors ran to the boats but Tim remembered the cat. “Oh, the poor cat,” he cried, “I must find him,” and he ran back. He found the cat and caught him and wanted to run to one of the boats when he saw the fire near him. Tim jumped into the sea with the cat in his arms and swam. When he was in the water, he put the cat on his back. Tim could swim well so he did not drown. Soon he saw a boat and they got into it. All that day the boy and the cat were out in the open sea, but in the evening the waves carried the boat to the 27.3
shore. They got out of the boat and walked. Soon they were in the streets of a small town. They stopped at a cafe and looked through the windows. They were cold and hungry, but Tim had no money. Then Tim saw a woman at one of the tables. He looked and looked. Then he saw that it was his mother! In a moment Tim was in the cafe and in his mother’s arms. How happy they were! Tim’s mother told him that when he was on holiday, they read in a newspaper about a tourist ship that went down at sea with all the people who were on the ship. By some terrible mistake Tim’s name was there too. The parents were so sad that they decided to leave their house. Tim told his mother about his adventures and showed her the ship’s cat. The next day Tim and his parents and the cat all went back to the little house by the sea. caught (ko:t] fire ['faia] — загорелся hard — усердно, старательно to put out the fire — погасить огонь wave — волна tourist ['tuaristJ — ту- рист, туристический * * * ♦ I. Найдите в первой части текста и прочитайте ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. What did Tim see on the door of the house when he came back after a long holiday? 2. Why did Tim cry? 3. Why did Tim stop at a farm-house? 4. What was Tim’s plan? II. Прочитайте следующие предложения из второй части тек- ста про себя, а затем вслух в нужном порядке: Tim was afraid of the woman and he decided to hide. One day the “Amelia Jane” came to a small port. He met a woman in the street and asked her, too. 274
But the “Amelia Jane” was a happy ship and all the sailors on it were kind to Tim. But the woman held him by the arm, and Tim had to go with her. Soon this ship also went out to sea. III. Выберите из третьей части текста 2-3 предложения к каждому пункту плана: 1. Tim’s life on the ship was not happy. 2. The ship caught fire. 3. The boy and the cat were out in the open sea. 4. Tim met his mother. Task 12 ♦ Прочитайте текст о марках. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Rowland Hill ['roulond 'hil]—Роланд Хилл, Robert Burns ['robot Zba:nz] — Роберт Бернс, Scotland ['skotlond] — Шот- ландия, Bernard Shaw ['bo:nod zJo:] — Бернард Шоу, Benjamin Franklin ['bendsomin 'fraenklin] — Бенджамин Франклин. Stamps Part I A lot of boys and girls in our country and in England, too, like to collect stamps. Two English boys, Peter and Bert, also collect stamps. Peter already has more than a thousand stamps. He began to collect them five years ago, but Bert is only beginning and has no more than three or four hundred stamps. Bert did not know how to collect stamps. Peter showed him how to put stamps in water and take them off paper. He also’showed him how to put all the stamps from one country on the same page of his stamp book. 275
Many countries have very beautiful stamps and children can learn much from them about all countries of the world. Stamps are like little pictures. Very often they show flowers or trees which grow in this or that country, or animals that live there. They may show different kinds of transport in the country: ships, boats, planes, buses and cars. Stamps may also have portraits of famous people on them: scientists, engineers, pilots, cosmonauts, writers and painters. There are stamps with the portraits of kings and presidents of different countries. There are stamps that show all kinds of sports and portraits of famous sportsmen. Stamps may also show pictures from the history of the country which makes them. to collect [ka'lekt] — кол- лекционировать, соби- рать transport [ztraenspo:t] — транспорт scientist f'saiantist] — ученый cosmonaut ['kozmano:t| — космо- навт painter ['peinta] — художник Part II The first-stamp in the world was an English stamp. It was made in 1840. Before that time people paid money to the postman for every letter they got and the postman did not give letters to those who did not pay him. An English teacher, whose name was Rowland Hill, thought much about this. One day he said that the people who wrote the letters must pay for them, and not the people who got the letters. He spoke about it to people in the government. Soon the post-offices began to sell little pieces of paper with 1 p stamped on them. These stamps, as people called them, they put on letters. The people who got letters with stamps on them did not have to pay anything to the postman. In Russia people began to use stamps in 1858. The first Soviet 276
stamp was made in 1918. This stamp had an arm on it with a sword cutting a chain. The Soviet stamp of 1924 had a picture of the first Soviet tractor, which workers made at the Kirov plant in Leningrad. At the beginning of the war in June, 1941, Soviet stamps showed Russian Mother calling her sons to defend her. Then came Victory Day, the 9th of May, 1945, and a new stamp, the Victory Day stamp. Stamps showed the first Soviet sputnik in 1957 and the first Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, in 1961. In our country we also make stamps with portraits of famous men of all countries. There are Russian stamps with portraits of Robert Burns, the great poet of Scotland; 277
of Bernard Shaw, a British writer; of Benjamin Franklin, an American scientist; and stamps with portraits of many other great men of the world. with 1 p stamped on them — с напе- чатанной на них стоимостью в 1 пенс a sword [so:d] cutting a chain [tjein] — меч, разрубающий цепь * * * plant [plcvnt]— завод calling — здесь: призывающая poet ['pouit] — поэт ♦ I. Ответьте по первой части текста на следующие вопросы: 1. When did Peter begin to collect stamps? 2. How many stamps did Peter and Bert have? 3. How did Peter put the stamps in his stamp book? 4. What can boys and girls learn from stamps? II. Найдите в тексте предложения, в которых дано описание следующего: 1. Different kinds of stamps. 2. The first stamp in the- world. 3. The first Soviet stamp. 4. The Russian stamps in our days. HI. Расскажите по-английски о наиболее интересных марках, которые вы видели. Следующие ключевые слова помогут вам: was made in had a picture (portrait) of Task 13 ♦ Прочитайте текст о том, как встречают Новый год в Вели- кобритании. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Great Britain ['britn] — Великобритания, Scottish ['skotij] — шотландский, Trafalgar [tro'faelgo] Square — Трафальгарская площадь, Norway ['no:wei] — Норвегия. 278
New Year’s Eve in Great Britain Part I The 1st of January, New Year’s Day, is a big holiday in Scotland. People do not work on that day, and children do not go to school. Scottish people celebrate New Year’s Eve in every family. Friends usually come on that day. They have a good dinner. After dinner there are apples, other fruit, and different sweets to eat. Then all the family and the friends begin to play games and dance. Before 12 o’clock at night many people in the towns go out into the streets to dance and to sing Scottish songs. When the town clocks begin to strike twelve, the people cross their arms, join hands and sing the famous Scottish song “Auld Lang Syne”. It is about the old days and friendship between people. Robert Burns, Scotland’s great poet wrote the words of the song. The music of the song is also Scottish. Then people wish a Happy New Year to all and go home to meet the first-footers. A first-footer is a man who comes first to a house on the 1st of January, on New Year’s Day. Long ago people thought that a man who comes first to a house on New Year’s Day will bring good luck to the family, if he is a friend. Today the first-footer must be a man with dark hair and he must bring with him a little piece of coal, a little money and a little piece of bread. These things show that the family will be warm and they will have food and money all the year. When the first-footer comes into a house, he wishes a Happy New Year to .all the members of the family, 279
talks to them, eats and drinks something and then goes to another house. New Year’s Eve [i:v] — канун “Auld Lang Syne" Нового года to strike — бить, ударять cross their arms — скрещи- вают руки join hands — берутся за руки ['o:ld 'laerj 'sain] — “Доброе старое время” to wish — желать luck — удача, счастье coal [koul] — уголь Part II In England on the 1st of January people do not go to work, and children do not go to school, but New Year’s Day is not a big holiday. Very many people go to bed before 12 o’clock on New Year’s Eve. But some families celebrate this evening at home. They organize a party or a dance for the young people of the family and for their friends. At 12 o’clock in the night the young people go out into the streets and squares. In London they go to Trafalgar Square. In this square they see a great tree brightly decorated with little lamps. This great tree comes from Norway. The people of Norway send a tree every year to the people of England. When the largest clock of London — Big Ben — begins to strike twelve, the people in the square join hands and sing “Auld Lang Syne”. The New Year has begun. A Happy New Year to all! brightly decorated — ярко разукрашенное * * * ♦ Выберите из всего текста 2—3 предложения к каждому пункту плана: 1. New Year’s Day in Scotland. 2. The holiday dinner. 280
3. The holiday evening. 4. The first-footer in the house. 5. New Year’s Day in England. 6. Celebrations in Trafalgar Square. Task 14 ♦ Прочитайте английские шутки и загадки. Funny Stories and Jokes An English schoolboy who did not want to go to school, rang his teacher one day and spoke to him in a loud voice. The boy thought that he could speak like his father. “I am sorry, sir, but Smith is ill in bed and cannot come to school for three or four days.” “Oh”, said the teacher, “I am sorry to hear that; who is speaking?” “My father, sir”. loud [laud] — громкий sir [sa:] — сэр, господин, сударь (вежливое обращение к учителю) DICK: Which is the longest English word, Harry? HARRY: I don’t know. Do you? DICK: Yes, I do. HARRY: Well, what is it? DICK: Smiles. HARRY: That isn’t very long. Only six letters. DICK: Ah, but there’s a mile between the first and the last letters. smiles — улыбки mile — миля (1609 м) 281
HARRY: Which word is shorter, if you put another syllable at the end? DICK: Oh, there’s no answer to that question. You can’t make a word shorter by putting a syllable at the end. HARRY: Oh, yes, you can. It’s the word “short”. If you put the syllable -er at the end, it’s “shorter”. syllable ['silabl] — слог READING IN JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH Task 15 ♦ Прочитайте текст об английском писателе Льюисе Кэрролле и отрывок из его книги “Алиса в стране чудес”. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Lewis Carroll ['luis 'kaeral] — Льюис Кэрролл, Charles Dodg- son ['tjculz 'dodssn] — Чарльз Доджсон, Alice ['aelis] — Алиса, Oxford ['aksfad] — Оксфорд, Henry George Liddell ['henri zd3o:d3 li'del] — Генри Джордж Лидделл, Germany ['d39:moni] — Германия. Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) Lewis Carroll was the pen name of Charles Dodgson, the man who wrote a famous book for children, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. Charles Dodgson was born in England in 1832. When Charles finished school, he became a student at Oxford University, where he studied mathematics. In a few years he began to teach this subject at the university. Charles Dodgson had no family, but he loved children very much. He often visited his friend Henry George Liddell, who 282
had a large family. There were three little girls in the Liddell family. Dodgson liked Alice, who was four years old. He often told her interesting stories which he made up himself. Charles told Alice the adventures of a little girl in Wonderland. Alice liked the stories very much. When Alice Liddell was ten years old, she asked Charles to write down these stories for her and he did so. The name of the little girl in the stories was Alice too. A friend of the Liddells, who was a writer, read this handwritten book and liked it very much. He said that other children in England must read it too. Charles Dodgson decided to publish the book and took the pen name of Lewis Carroll. After Lewis Carroll received the money for his book, he together with his friend Henry Liddell began to travel in Europe. They went to France, Germany and Russia. Wonderland ['wAndalaend]— made up — сочинил Страна Чудес handwritten ['haendritn] — to teach — учить, преподавать рукописный Alice in Wonderland Part I One hot summer day Alice and her sister Loreen sat on the grass in a field near the river. Alice did not know what to do. So she decided to pick some flowers, but it was very hot and she wanted to sleep. She lay down on the grass. Suddenly a White Rabbit ran near her. Alice heard a little voice which said: “Oh, I shall be late”. It was the Rabbit. “I didn’t know that a rabbit could talk”, thought Alice. Then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket, 283
looked at it and hurried on. Alice got up and ran after the Rabbit. She did not know that a rabbit could have a watch in its pocket. Alice crossed the field after the White Rabbit. Then, before her eyes, it jumped down into a large rabbit hole. Alice went after the Rabbit. She fell down the hole very slowly, so she had time to look around. It was very dark there but she saw many cupboards and book- cases, maps and pictures on the walls of the hole. As Alice fell down and down she thought, “It’s interesting to know how far I’ve fallen now. I must be near the centre of the Earth. Shall I fall through the Earth? And when 1 come out of the hole, shall I see people who walk on their heads?” Suddenly Alice fell on to a heap of dry leaves. She quickly jumped to her feet and looked around her. rabbit [Taebit] — кролик voice [vois] — голос hurried ['hArid] on — поспешил дальше hole — дыра, нора Earth [э:0] — земной шар, Земля heap of dry leaves — куча сухих листьев Part 1 1 Alice saw that she was in a long, low corridor. At the end of it she saw the White Rabbit. Alice hurried after the Rabbit and heard these words: “Oh, my ears, how late I am”. Then the Rabbit turned round a corner and Alice 284
could not see it. When she came up to that corner and turned round it, she saw a large low hall. There were doors around the hall, but they were all shut. Alice did not like to be in this hall; she wanted to go home. Then suddenly she saw a small table made of glass. There was nothing on the table but a little key. Alice took the key and tried to open the doors with it but it was too small. Then Alice found a small door and opened it with the key. There was another low corridor in front of her and at the end of it she saw a garden with trees and flowers in it. But the door was very small and Alice could not get through it. She shut the door and went back to the small table. This time she found a little bottle on it. She put the key on the table and took the little bottle. Around the bottle there was a piece of paper with the words “Drink me”. It was very well to say “Drink me”, but Alice did not want to do that so quickly. “No, I’ll look first”, she said, 285
“and see if I can drink it”. She looked at the bottle, then drank a little of the water in it and found that it was nice. So the little girl drank it all. Then Alice saw that she was now as small as a rabbit. tried [traid]— попыталась (to try [trai] — пытаться) •к ★ ★ ♦ I. Ответьте по тексту “Lewis Сагго11”на следующие вопросы: 1. What was the name of the writer who wrote “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?” 2. What was his pen name? 3. Who did Charles Dodgson first tell his stories to? 4. What were the stories about? 5. Why did Dodgson decide to publish his book? 6. Where did Dodgson travel? 286
II. Закончите предложения словами, соответствующими со- держанию первой части: 1. Alice wanted to ... . (swim in the river, go home, pick flowers) 2. Suddenly Alice saw a ... near her. (cat, dog, rabbit) 3. The Rabbit had a ... in its pocket, (watch, pen, book) 4. Alice ran after the Rabbit ... . (across the field, through the forest, to the river) 5. Alice fell ... . (off the roof, from a tree, down into the rabbit hole) 6. Suddenly Alice fell ... . (on a heap of dry leaves, into the river, off her chair) III. Прочитайте следующие предложения про себя, а затем вслух в нужном порядке: Alice found a small door. Alice saw a large hall with many doors. The White Rabbit turned round the corner and Alice could not see it. Alice drank from the bottle and became as small as a rabbit. Alice saw a beautiful garden at the end of the corridor. IV. Найдите во всем тексте описание событий, которые могли случиться только в Стране чудес. Task 16 ♦ Прочитайте рассказ о сельской школе в Австралии. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих соб- ственных имен: Australia [os'treiljo] — Австралия, Burnie ['Ьэ:пi) — Берни, Aidan ['eidan] — Эйден. 287
At a Village School in Australia (After Eleanor Spence) Part I The Wilmots were an English family. They lived in London. The father, Mr Wilmot, worked in an office and the mother, Mrs Wilmot, looked after the house and the children. There were three children in the family: a son, Aidan, who was thirteen years old, and two daughters, Harriet, she was twelve, and Rose, who was ten. The children went to school in London. Aidan was at a boys’ school, his sisters went to a school for girls. They also took music and singing lessons. Aidan was a tall boy with a clever face. He liked to read and to learn. He was a very good pupil at his London school. Harriet had dark hair and brown eyes. She was not pretty but she was very clever and a good pupil. She liked her school lessons, but she did not like her music or her singing lessons. Her sister Rose was a very pretty girl with long fair hair and large blue eyes. She liked singing and music. One day their father got a letter from Australia. The letter said that Mr Wilmot’s uncle was dead, and that his house and farm in Australia were now Mr Wilmot’s house and farm. Mr Wilmot decided to go to Australia and take his family with him. So one day in January they all got on a big ship to go to Australia. Australia is very far from England and they were on the ship for three weeks. The weather was bad, the wind blew. Rose was ill for many days. They came to Australia at last and went to their farm. The house was big. It was on a hill. It was summer then because in Australia January, February, March and April are summer months. Mr Wilmot began to work on the farm and his children helped him. 288
When autumn came, Mr and Mrs Wilmot began to think about a school for their children. pretty ['priti] — хорошенький hill — холм, возвышенность Part II One day Harriet went down to the village which was not very far from their house. The people in the village told her that there was a school there, but it was a one-room school and very small. There was only one teacher for all the pupils. They showed her the teacher’s house. Harriet went up to the house and looked into the garden. In the garden she saw a small, plump man with fair hair. He looked up and saw Harriet. The girl went up to the man and said, “How do you do? I am Harriet Wilmot from the house on the hill”. “Yes”, said the man. “And I am Mr Burnie, the school- teacher. What can I do for you?” “Oh”, said Harriet, “I want to ask you if we, my brother, my sister and I, can come and learn at your school”. “Yes”, said Mr Burnie, “of course you can, but you must come with your mother and father and see the school. Perhaps you will not like it”. “Oh, no”, said Harriet, “we shall like it very much”. Then Harriet said good-bye to the teacher and went home. She told her father and mother and Aidan and Rose about the school and the teacher. The next day they all went to see the village school. It was a small wooden building. There was only one classroom with many desks in it. plump [р!лтр] — полный wooden ['wudn] — дере- perhaps [pa'haeps] — может быть вянный 10 Зак. 52 289
Part III Harriet got up early in the morning and began to dress. It was their first day at a village school in Australia. She and Rose wore green dresses and white pinafores. Aidan wore a blue suit. After breakfast they all went down the hill to their new school. At the desks in the classroom sat twenty children from fourteen to four years old. Some of the older girls and boys had their little brothers and sisters with them. Mr Burnie, the teacher, taught his pupils all the subjects. Lessons began at 9 o’clock. The big boys and girls read books and wrote dictations in their exercise-books. They studied history, geography and other subjects with the teacher. To the little children the teacher gave pencils and paper, and they drew pictures or learned to read and write. One of the older girls helped Mr Burnie with the little ones. During the breaks they all played on the playground. Harriet liked her new school and she had many friends there. Soon she asked Mr Burnie to let her teach the little children. Her brother and sister did not like the village school, they often talked at home about their schools in London and wanted to go back to them. wore [wo:] — надели (to wear [wra] — быть одетым, носить) pinafore ['pinafo:] — передник * * * dictation [dik'teifn] — дик- тант to study ['sUdi] — изучать ♦ I. Найдите в первой части рассказа и прочитайте 2—3 пред- ложения: а) для характеристики следующих героев: Aidan, Harriet, Rose, б) для описания путешествия в Австралию. 290
II. Ответьте по второй части текста на следующие вопросы: 1. Who told Harriet about the village school? 2. How large was the school? 3. How many teachers were there in the school? III. Расскажите о первом дне занятий в новой школе по следующему плану: 1. The classroom. 2. The pupils. 3. The lessons. Task 17 ♦ Прочитайте текст о дрейфующих в море или океане бутылках с письмами. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Italy ['itoli]— Италия, Brazil [bra'zil]— Бразилия, Nicaragua [,nika'raegjuo] — Никарагуа, Atlantic Ocean [at'laentik zoufn] — Атлантический океан, Indian Ocean ['indjan 'oufn]— Индий- ский океан, Gibraltar [dsi'bro:!ta] — Гибралтар, Tasmania [taez'meinia] — Тасмания. Notes from the Sea P a r t. I In 1956 a young sailor at sea was very far from his family and friends for the first time in his life. He wrote a note and put it into a bottle. Then he sealed the bottle and threw it into the sea. In his note he asked any nice girl who found it to write to him. After some time a farmer in Italy, who lived by the sea, saw the sailor’s bottle and picked it up. He gave the note to his daughter and she wrote the sailor a letter. Some more letters travelled to Italy and back. Soon the sailor visited Italy. In 1958 he married the girl. This is one of many stories about bottles, which drift from place to place in the seas and oceans. A sealed bottle 10* 291
is a good traveller at sea. It can travel through storms which break ships to pieces. A sealed bottle lies on the water and does not go down. A bottle drifts as quickly as the wind blows and the current moves. A drifting bottle may not move a mile in a month or may move 100 miles in a day. But nobody can tell where a bottle will go. Two bottles began to travel at the same time in the ocean near Brazil. The first bottle drifted for one hundred and thirty days. People found it on a shore in Africa. The second bottle drifted for one hundred and ninety-six days and people found it in Nicaragua, in America. Two other bottles began to drift in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They drifted three hundred and fifty days and people found them in France only a few metres from each other. to seal — запечатывать some more — еще несколько to marry — жениться to drift — дрейфовать, плыть по течению ocean I'oufn] — океан sealed — запечатанный current ['клгэпГ] — течение to move [mu:v] — двигаться Part II One bottle travelled a very long distance. In 1929 it began to drift in the Indian Ocean. There was a note in it which people could read through the glass. The note asked the man who found the bottle to report when and where he picked it up. It said not to open the bottle and to put it back into the sea. This bottle went to America. A man found it, reported and threw it back into the sea. Other men found the bottle, reported and threw it back. The bottle drifted into the Atlantic Ocean, then went back to the Indian Ocean again. In 1935 the bottle was in Australia. It travelled two thousand four hundred and forty seven days and made about ten kilometres each day. 292
Scientists use drifting bottles when they want to study the currents in the ocean. This is important for navigation on the seas and oceans. . In 1944 some boys, who were on the shore in America, found a bottle with a note in it. The note said: “Our ship is going down. This is the end. This note may get to America some day”. The note came from an American ship which went down near Gibraltar in 1943 and many people were drowned. In 1953 people found a bottle in Tasmania with a note from two Australian soldiers. They were on a ship that was on the way to France in World War I. The soldiers died in that war. ♦ * * ♦ I. Найдите в первой части текста и прочитайте предложения, в которых говорится об особенностях плавающих буты- лок-почтальонов. II. Найдите во второй части текста и прочитайте предложе- ния, в которых говорится о практическом использовании плавающих бутылок. III. Расскажите одну из историй с плавающими бутылками. Следующие ключевые слова помогут вам: 1. far from his home wrote a note sealed the bottle found the bottle gave the note visited Italy married 3. in Tasmania • a note from on the way to France 2. some boys on the shore found a bottle the note said our ship is going down may get to near Gibraltar in World War I died received the letter 293
Task 18 ♦ Прочитайте текст об английском писателе Редьярде Киплинге и одну из его сказок о животных. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Rudyard Kipling ['rxdjad 'kiplirj]— Редьярд Киплинг, Bombay [bom'bei]— Бомбей, India ['indja]— Индия. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Rudyard Kipling, a famous English writer, was born in Bombay, India, where his father, a professor, worked at that time. Rudyard spent his early years in India. When he was six years old, his parents sent the boy to England, where he went to school. Kipling came back to India when he was seventeen years old. At twenty-one he published his first book of poems. A year later he wrote a book of short stories about India. later ['leito] — позже Between 1887 and 1899, Kipling visited many countries and lived for some years in America, where he married an American girl. During that time he wrote some of his best works. These were his children’s sto- ries about animals and some books on history. He also wrote poems. At the end of his life Kipling Jived in a small village in England. 294
How the Whale Got His Throat Part I There was once a Whale in the sea, and he ate fishes. He ate big fishes and little fishes, good fishes and bad fishes. All the fishes which he could find in all the sea he ate with his mouth — so! Soon there was only one small fish" in all the sea, and it was a small Clever Fish. It swam a little behind the Whale’s right ear, so that the Whale could not catch it. Then the Whale stood up on his tail and said, “I want to eat”. And the small Clever Fish said: “Whale, Whale, have you eaten Man?” “No”, said the Whale. “What is it like?” “Nice”, said the small Clever Fish. “Then bring me some”, said the Whale, and he beat the sea with his tail. “No”, said the Clever Fish, “I can’t do that, but if you swim to the middle of the sea, you will find a Man there. He is sitting on a raft, in the middle of the sea, and has nothing on but a pair of blue trousers, a pair of suspenders and a knife in his pocket. He is a shipwrecked Sailor who, I must tell you, is very, very clever”. whale [weil] — кит throat (Qroutj — горло tail [teil] — хвост pair [pea] — пара suspenders [sos'pendoz] — под- тяжки shipwrecked ['Jiprekt] — потерпев- ший кораблекрушение Part II So the Whale swam and swam to the middle of the sea as quickly as he could swim; and there on a raft in the middle of the sea, with nothing on but a pair of blue trousers, a pair of suspenders and a knife in his pocket, he found the shipwrecked Sailor. Then the Whale opened his mouth back and back, till 295
it touched his tail, and swallowed the shipwrecked Sailor, and the raft on which he sat, and his blue trousers, and the suspenders, and the knife in his pocket. When the shipwrecked Sailor found that he was in the Whale, he began to jump up and down in the dark. He jumped for a long, long time. The Whale was very unhappy. So he said to the Clever Fish, “This'Man jumps very much and I have got the hiccups. What shall I do?” “Tell hii'n to come out”, said the Clever Fish. to swallow ['swolou] — глотать hiccups ['hikAps] — unhappy [An'haepi] — несчастный икота Part III So the Whale said to the shipwrecked Sailor, “Don’t jump so much and come out. I have got the hiccups”. “No, no”, said the Sailor. “Not so quick. Take me back to England, and I shall think about it”. And he began to jump again. So the Whale swam and swam and swam for many days and at last he saw England. He swam up to the shore and opened his mouth wide and wide and wide, and the Sailor walked out of his mouth. But before that, he took his knife and cut up the raft into pieces. With the pieces of the raft and his suspenders the Saiior made a grating, which he put into the Whale’s throat. After that he came out on the shore and went home to his old mother and told her all about his adventures. Soon he married and lived a happy life for a long time. But the poor Whale who had the grating in his throat could not eat anything big now. He could only swallow very, very small fishes; and that is why whales never eat men or boys or little girls. wide — широко grating ['greitig] — решетка 296
* ♦ ♦ ♦ I. Ответьте по тексту “Rudyard Kipling” на следующие во- просы: 1. When and where was Rudyard Kipling born? 2. When did he publish his first book? 3. What were his best books about? 4. Where did Kipling live at the end of his life? II. Выберите из первой части текста 2—3 предложения к каждому пункту плана: 1. The Whale ate all the fishes in the sea. 2. The Whale could not eat a small Clever Fish. 3. The Whale wanted to eat. 4. There was a shipwrecked Sailor on a raft. III. Найдите во второй и третьей частях текста и прочитайте предложения, в которых дано описание следующих событий: 1. The Whale swallowed the Sailor. 2. The Sailor began to jump in the Whale. 3. The Whale swam back to England. 4. The Sailor put a grating into the Whale’s throat. IV. Используя текст, докажите правильность следующих ут- верждений: 1. The small fish was clever. 2. The Sailor was clever too. Task 19 Mary Dodge ['mean 'dads] — Мэри Додж, Hans [hans] — Ганс, Gretel ['gretal]—Гретель, Holland ['haland]—Голландия, Dutch [dAtf] — голландцы, Amsterdam ['aemstadaem] — Ам- стердам. 297
Mary Dodge (1831 — 1905) Магу Dodge was an American writer. She wrote books for children. The book “The Silver Skates” is about a boy Hans and his sister Gretel who lived in a small town in Holland. Mary Dodge first told this story to her two little sons. The boys liked the story very much and often asked their mother to repeat it. So she decided to write down the story and to take it to a publisher. The publisher read the story, liked it and published it. When her book came out in 1865, the readers also liked it very much. Mary Dodge visited Holland only after her book came out, but she knew a lot about the country and its people, the Dutch, from books on geography. She loved Holland. “The Silver Skates" — “Серебряные коньки” The Silver Skates (Holland is not a very large country but it has a lot of canals. Many years ago the canals were like roads for the Dutch country people. When they wanted to go to the market, to the centre of the town or even to some other town, they used the canals. In summer they went along the canals in boats, in winter they skated on them. Dutch boys and girls learned to skate when they were little children.) Part I On a cold December morning two poorly dressed chil- dren were on the canal in a small Dutch town. It was very early and there were no other people on the ice. The two children, who were brother and sister, wanted to skate a little before school. They were so poor that they had only wooden skates, which they tied to their feet with strings. 298
“Come quick, Gretel”, cried her brother, who was already on the ice, “we have not much time to skate”. “Oh Hans, I can’t tie this string, it’s too short”, cried the little girl. Hans, who was a good brother, ran back to his sister and helped her to tie the string. Soon the two children were on the ice. They skated well, but the wooden skates were not good and first Gretel and then Hans fell down. They did not skate any more and went home. canal [ko'nael] — канал string — веревка poorly ['puali] dressed — did not skate any more — бедно одетые больше не катались to tie [tai] — привязывать Part II School was over and there were many children on the ice of the canal. They wore nice clothes and had good steel skates on their-feet. Hans and Gretel were there too with their wooden skates. Some boys and girls began to laugh at them. 299
“Look at that boy and girl. What funny wooden skates they have!” cried a boy, whose name was Carl. “They are good children, Carl, but they are poor. Their father is very ill and he cannot work. You must not laugh at them”, said a big girl, Hilda. Then Hilda went up to the brother and sister. “Do you know that there will be a skating race at the end of the month?” asked Hilda. “You skate well, so you can take part in it. The prize is a pair of silver skates with little bells on them”. “But we have only wooden skates. We can’t take part in the race”, said Hans sadly. “Which of you skates better?” asked Hilda. “Gretel”, answered Hans quickly. “No, Hans”, said Gretel at the same time. Hilda smiled. “Here is some money for one pair of skates. Buy them and decide yourselves which of you will take part in the race”. She put the money into Hans’ hand. “Thank you very much, Miss Hilda”, said Hans, “but we can’t take the money, we haven’t earned it”. Hilda thought a little, then she said, “Gretel has a nice wooden chain-on her neck. Did you make it, Hans?” “Yes”, said Hans. “Can you make one for me?” asked Hilda. “Yes, I can. I’ll do it with pleasure, Miss Hilda”, answered Hans. “You will have your chain tomorrow”. “Very well”, said Hilda, “and the money that I have given you will be for your work”. steel — стальной skating race — конькобеж- ные соревнования prize — приз to smile — улыбаться to earn [э:п] — зарабатывать chain [tfein] — цепь, цепочка 300
Part III Next morning Peter, a boy from Hilda’s class, asked Hans to make a wooden chain for his sister. Now Hans had money for a second pair of skates. After school he skated to Amsterdam on his old wooden skates and bought two pairs of good steel skates. Now he and Gretel could skate every day on the canal on their new steel skates. At last the day of the race came. It was a bright winter day. There was much sun but the ice was strong. Many people, men, women and children put on their best warm clothes and came to the canal. They were ready to watch the races. There were forty skaters, twenty boys and twenty girls. The boys and the girls had to skate in turn until one girl and one boy won two races. They stood in a long line at the start. When the signal was given, the girls began the race. Hilda and Gretel with three other girls were soon in front. 301
but Gretel won the first race. When the boys ran, Carl won the first race. Then the girls ran again. Hilda won the second race. Peter won the boys’ second race. When the girls started the third race, they all ran very fast but little Gretel was again the fastest. So Gretel won two races. Now the boys were in a line at the start for their third race, but-Peter could not put on his skates, the strap on one of the skates was broken. Hans ran up to Peter and said: “Take my strap, I will not skate this time”. “No, Hans”, cried Peter. “Thank you very much, my friend, but I can’t do that”. “If you call me friend”, said Hans, “you must take my strap. Be quick and you can win the race”. So Peter took the strap, put on his skates and stood in the line with the other boys. They all ran very fast. Peter was the first. So Peter, like Gretel, won two races. He and Gretel became the king and the queen of the young skaters of their town. The music played and all the people clapped their hands when Gretel and Peter received the silver skates. in turn [ta:n] — по очереди fast [fust] — быстро, быстрый start — старт . to clap — хлопать, аплодировать ♦ * * ♦ I. Ответьте по тексту “Магу Dodge” на следующие вопросы: 1. When and where did Mary Dodge live? 2. Who did she write stories for? 3. Who did she tell her first story to? 4. What country did she describe in “The Silver Skates”? 5. , When did she visit Holland? 302
II. Найдите в первой части текста 2—3 предложения, в которых дано описание следующего: 1. Canals in Holland. 2. Hans and Gretel. 3. A good brother. III. Прочитайте следующие предложения про себя, а затем вслух в порядке следования событий второй части текста: Hilda gave Hans and Gretel money for a pair of skates. Some boys and girls laughed at Hans and Gretel. Hilda asked Hans to make a nice wooden chain for her. A big girl, Hilda, was kind to Hans and Gretel and spoke to them about a skating race. The children did not want to take the money. IV. Используя третью часть текста, докажите правильность следующего утверждения: Hans and Peter were good friends. Task 20 ♦ Прочитайте текст об английской школе. A Day at an English School Part I It is Monday morning. Soon it will be 9 o’clock and boys and girls are coming to school after Saturday and Sunday which are free days. Some of them are walking to school, and some come on their bicycles. Others, who live very far from the school, come by bus. They are wearing their school uniform and are carrying their school-books in their bags. School begins at 9 o’clock and there are lessons till 11 o’clock, when it is time for 303
the milk break. The boys and girls go into the playground and get their milk there. During the break they can play on the playground. The boys play football and the girls play with a ball or walk about the playground. But some boys and girls only stand, talk and watch the games. Then the bell rings. School begins again and they all hurry into their classrooms. After the milk break there are lessons till 1 o’clock, when it is time for lunch. The boys and girls go into the school dining-room to have lunch. In England many school-children have their lunch at school, but some children, who live very near their school, go home for lunch and come back for afternoon school. The children who have lunch in the school dining-room get meat with potatoes and vegetables and some pudding. free — свободный bicycle ['baisikl] — вело-сипед uniform [zju:nifo:m] — форма till — до again [a'gein] — опять, снова to hurry |'Ьлп] — спешить, торопиться lunch — второй завтрак pudding ['pud irj] — запекан- ка, пудинг Part II Lunch break is more than an hour. After lunch again there is time to go out and play. In summer all the boys and girls like to go into the playground and play in the sun, but in winter, when it is cold, they like to be in the gymnasium and play there. The big boys and girls who are on duty tell the others to go into the fresh air. It is not good for children to have no fresh air all day. But When it is raining the boys and girls can go into the classrooms and read or play there. Many schoolchildren do their homework at that time and then they are free in the evening to go out with their friends or to watch television. 304
At 2 o’clock school begins again. In this school the children do not only have lessons in history, geography and arithmetic; the girls learn to type, to sew, and to cook, and the boys do metal-work and wood-work. In some schools in England girls also do metal-work and boys learn to cook. When they finish school they can be cooks in hotels. At 3 o’clock it is time for games. In English schools girls usually play hockey in winter and basketball or tennis in summer; boys play football in winter and cricket in summer. School is over at 4 o’clock. The children take the books for their homework and hurry to the cloak-room to get their hats and coats and go home. Very soon after 4 o’clock the school is empty, only some children and teachers stay there. One or two boys and girls must stay in the classroom and write something as a punishment. Others are staying for a club meeting. Clubs usually have their meetings when school is over. Then they will all go home and the school will be empty till tomorrow. fresh air [еэ] — свежий воздух to type [taip]—печатать на машинке to sew [sou] (sewed, sewn) — шить to cook — готовить cook — повар cricket ['krikit] — крикет empty ['empti] — пустой punishment ['pAniJmont] — наказание * * * ♦ I. Найдите в тексте и прочитайте вслух предложения: о распорядке учебного дня в английской школе; о приходе детей в школу; о переменах; о занятиях на уроках труда для мальчиков и девочек; о занятиях после уроков. II. Скажите, что нового вы узнали об английской школе. 11 Зак. 52 305
Task 21 ♦ Прочитайте текст о девушке-сироте, которая воспитывалась в детском доме в одном из городов Соединенных Штатов Америки. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Judy ['dsu:di] — Джуди, “David Copperfield" ['deivid 'kopafiJd] — “Давид Копперфильд”, Dickens ['dikinz] — Дик- кенс, Michelangelo [,maikraend3ilou] — Микеланджело, Latin ['laetin] — латинский (язык). Judy Enters College (After Jean Webster) Part I Judy Abbot had no father or mother; she lived in a Children’s Home for many years. The rich people of the town — the trustees — gave money for the Children’s Home. When the children were fifteen years old, the trustees found some work for them and the young people left the Children’s Home. Judy Abbot liked her lessons and learned well. Her compositions were interesting and the teacher read one of them to the trustees one day. When Judy was fifteen, the trustees gave her work in the Children’s Home. They let her stay there and go on with her lessons. Judy looked after the small children from four to seven years old. She helped them to wash and dress in the morning, played with them after her lessons. She helped in the kitchen and washed the windows and the floors. When the girl was seventeen, one of the trustees wanted to send a girl to a college and pay for her education. The teachers decided that it must be Judy. The trustee told the teachers that the girl must write a letter to him every month as a report. 306
Judy saw the trustee only once at the door of the Children’s Home. She remembered that the man was very tall. When Judy came to the college and began to write her letters to the trustee, she called him Daddy-Long-Legs. The girl liked the college and was glad to study there. In her letters she told the trustee about her classes and her friends. Here are some of her letters. to enter ['enta] — по- ступать college ['kolids] — кол- ледж trustee [,trAszti: ] — по- печитель composition [^ompa'zifn] — сочине- ние education [,ed j u'kei jn ] — образо- вание Daddy-Long-Legs — здесь: длинноногий дядюшка Part II October 10 Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, 1 like the college very much. I am happy that I can study. I like the girls and the teachers and the classes. The teacher of English literature liked my compositions. But I know very little of English literature. We had very few books in the library at the Children’s Home. I never read “David Copperfield” by Dickens, or “Robinson Crusoe” by Defoe. Now I am reading “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carrol and stories by Rudyard Kipling. The girls in the college know very much. I didn’t know that people were monkeys many millions of years ago. I never heard of Sherlock Holmes. I didn’t know anything about Miche- langelo. And one day when I heard the name, I asked the girls if he was a student at our college. The girls laughed at me and told the story to other girls. Now I know these things and a lot of others. But I have to read many books. In the evening I sit in the corner of my room and read 11* 307
and read and read. I have joined the basketball team. They take only the strongest girls. They took me and I am happy. Yours, Judy Abbot team — команда Part III The end of December. Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, Christmas holidays are over and the college is studying hard. We are preparing for the examinations in February. I am glad to tell you that Judy Abbot is an author. The college monthly published her poem. It is on the first page. I shall send you a copy of it. I am learning to skate and I can skate all by myself now. I have learned how to walk on a bar which is very high. Yours, Judy Abbot February. Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, The examinations are over and I have some bad marks. I got bad marks in mathematics and Latin. Now I am preparing for another examination next month. I am going to get good marks this time. I have learned a lot of things that I didn’t know. I have read seventeen novels and a lot of poems. I shall write a letter to you when re-examinations are over. Yours, Judy Abbot Christmas ['krismas] — рождество author ['э:0э] — автор monthly ['тлпбП] — ежемесячный журнал bar — бревно (гимнастический сна- ряд) examination [ig,zaemi'neijn] — экза- мен re-examination ['ri:ig,z2emi'neijn] — переэкзаменовка 308
* * * ♦ I. Ответьте по первой части текста на следующие вопросы: 1. Why did Judy live in the Children’s Home? 2. How did she learn? 3. Why did she stay in the Children’s Home after she was fifteen years old? 4. What work did Judy do in the Children’s Home? 5. Why did the teachers decide to send Judy to the college? II. Найдите во второй части текста и прочитайте предложе- ния, подтверждающие следующее: 1. At the Children’s Home Judy read few good books. 2. Judy didn’t know very much before she entered the college. 3. Judy liked to read very much. III. Найдите в третьей части текста и прочитайте предло- жения, в которых дано описание следующего: 1. Успехи Джуди в учебе. 2. Ее неудачи. Task 22 ♦ Прочитайте текст о странах, где говорят на английском языке. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение сле- дующих собственных имен: Wales [weilz] — Уэльс, United Kingdom [ju:'naitid 'kirjdam] — Соединенное Королевство, Northern Ireland ['пэ:бэп 'aialand] — Северная Ирландия, French [frentj] — француз- ский язык, New Zealand ['nju: 'zi:land]—Новая Зеландия. 309
English-Speaking Countries Part I English is the language of the people of England. England is in the south of the island of Great Britain. In the north of this island lies Scotland. To the west of England is Wales. The island of Ireland lies to the west of Great Britain. More than a thousand years ago the people who lived in these four countries were different, and they spoke different languages. Great Britain is not a large country. It is much smaller than France or Norway and smaller than Finland. England is the largest part of Great Britain and it has always been the strongest. Today the official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. English is the official language in all parts of the country. In the United States of America English is called the national language, the language of the American nation. Four hundred years ago some English people sailed to North America to live there, and they brought the English language to this new country. After them came people from all the countries of Europe. And they all learned English, but they made it a little different from British En- glish. In the USA now pe- ople speak ‘American En- glish. Very many words are the same in American and in British English, but the American people do not 310
speak the English language in the same way as people do in England. language ['laeggwidj] — язык official [a'fijal] — официальный national ['naejonlj — националь- ный nation ['neifn] — нация in the same way as — так же, как Part II Canada is to the north of the United States of America. It is a very large country, larger than the United States. In Canada many people speak English because they also came from England many years ago. But in some parts of Canada they speak French. The people who live in these parts came to Canada from France. Canada has two official languages — English and French. If you look at Australia on the map of the world, you will see that it is to the south of the Equator. It is the smallest continent and the largest island on the map. It is sometimes called the fifth continent. Australia is also an English-speaking country. In all the countries which lie to the south of the Equator, the seasons are not the same as they are in the countries north of the Equator. In Australia the hottest summer month is January, and the coldest winter month is June. But June is not very cold. Snow falls only on the mountains there, and there are not many mountains in Australia. It is colder in the south of Australia and hotter in the north. New Zealand is not far from Australia, but it is a great distance from Britain. When it is the middle of the night in Britain, it is the middle of the next day in New Zealand. The seasons in New Zealand are also different from what they are in Britain. From December to February it is' summer, from March to May it is autumn, from June to August it is winter, and from September to November 311
it is spring. The weather in summer is not very hot in the greater part of the country and the days in winter are not very cold. Snow falls on the mountains and sometimes in the far south of the country. The national language in New Zealand is also English. Many people from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland came to live in Australia and New Zealand many years ago. Equator [i'kweito] — экватор continent ['kontinont] — кон- тинент mountain f'mauntin] — гора distance ['distans]—рас- стояние * * * ♦ 1. Ответьте по всему тексту на следующие вопросы: 1. What are the four parts of Great Britain? 2. Which part of Great Britain is the largest? 3. What is the official language in Great Britain? 4. What is the national language in the United States of America? 5. Who brought the English language to America? 312
6. Where is Canada? 7. What languages do people speak in Canada? 8. What are the winter and summer months in Australia? 9. Where is New Zealand? Task 23 ♦ Прочитайте текст о городе Глазго, третьем по величине городе Великобритании. При чтении обратите внимание на произ- несение следующих собственных имен: Glasgow ['glcvzgou] — Глазго, Clyde [klaid] — Клайд, James Watt ['djeimz 'wot] — Джеймс Ватт, George [йзэДз] — Джордж (Георг, Георгий), Walter Scott ['wo:lto 'skot] — Валь- тер Скотт. Glasgow Glasgow is the third largest city in Great Britain. It lies on the river Clyde in Scotland. Glasgow is a very old city. The University of Glasgow was founded in 1450. The famous English writer Daniel Defoe said that Glasgow was the 31 з
cleanest and most beautiful city in Great Britain. James Watt studied at Glasgow University. He became a famous engineer and constructed a steam engine. Scotland is rich in coal and iron, so Glasgow grew into a large city. There are big engineering plants and textile factories in Glasgow. Ships which are built in the shipyards of Glasgow sail in many seas and oceans. Glasgow port is the fourth important port in Britain. Glasgow University is the centre of culture in the city. People from all over the world visit the old university. They see the examination halls, the Library and the Museum with old books and pictures. The centre of the city is George Square. In the middle of it there is a monument to Walter Scott — a great English writer. There are a lot of parks and squares in Glasgow. was founded ['faundid] — был основан steam engine ['endjin] — паро- вая машина iron ['aian] — железо engineering [zend3i'niarirj] plants [plo:nts] — машиностроитель- ные заводы’ textile ['teksta il] — текс- тильный shipyard — судостроитель- ный завод to sail [seil] — плавать (о кораблях) * * * ♦ I. Найдите в тексте и прочитайте ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. Where is Glasgow? 2. What English writer liked Glasgow very much? 3. When was the University of Glasgow founded? 4. What great engineer studied at Glasgow University? 5. Why do people from different countries visit Glas- gow University? 6. What is the name of the square in the centre of the city? 314
Task 24 ♦ Прочитайте английские шутки и загадки. Funny Stories and Jokes At a Post-Office A German student, who did not know English very well, came to a post-office in London. In one hand he had a letter in an envelope and in the other hand he held a stamp. He went up to the girl who worked there and gave her the stamp and the envelope. “No, no”, she said. “You must stick the stamp on yourself”. “Why must I stick the stamp on myself?” asked the student. “I want to send a letter; but not myself!” envelope ['enviloup] — кон- stick the stamp on — накле- верт ить марку A Riddle A -man looks at a photograph and says, “Brothers and sisters have I none, but this man’s father is my father’s son”. What relation is the man in the photograph to the man who is looking at it? (The man in the photo is the son of the man who is looking at it.) have I none [плп] — я не имею relation [ri'leijh] — родственник A Boy’s Face TEACHER: Jimmie, why don’t you wash your face? I can see what you had for breakfast this morning. LITTLE BOY: What was it? TEACHER: Eggs. LITTLE BOY: No, that was yesterday. 315
READING IN APRIL AND MAY Task 25 ♦ Прочитайте текст об английском писателе Майн Риде и один из его рассказов. При чтении обратите внимание на произ- несение следующих собственных имен: Mayne Reid ['mein zri:d] — Майн Рид, Negroes ['nkgrouzj — негры, Indians ['indjonz] — индейцы, Mississippi [,misi'sipi] — Миссисипи, New Orleans ['nju: Zo:lianz] — Новый Орлеан. Mayne Reid (1818—1883) Mayne Reid was an English writer. He was born in a poor Irish family. When he was 20 years old, he went to the United States. He worked there in different places and met many people. For some time he wrote articles for an American newspaper. When Mayne Reid came back to England, he began to write adventure books for boys. He wrote novels and short stories. “The Headless Rider” is the best Mayne Reid’s novel. In his books Mayne Reid showed the life and adventures of hunters and cowboys, Negroes and Indians. One of Mayne Reid’s friends in America was an old hunter, Zeb Stump. He could tell very interesting stories. Here is one of Zeb’s stories. “The Headless Rider” — “Всадник без головы” hunter ['hAnta] — охотник cowboy ['kauboi] — ковбой, пастух 316
Caught in a Tree (After Mayne Reid) Part I a “One day I was in the forest. All day I hunted and got nothing. In the evening I came to the Mississippi. I said to myself: “It is late, I must go home”, but then I thought: “My wife is hungry and she has no money. 1 must stay here till morning. Perhaps in the morning I can kill something”. . I saw a big tree and stopped under it. I was very tired. I lay down and in two minutes I was asleep. At 4 o’clock in the morning a terrible noise woke me. I looked up and high up in the tree I saw a big nest with two young eagles in it. I remembered the English gentleman in New Orleans who wanted a pair of young eagles for the London Zoo. He could pay good money. I said to myself: “I shall get up into that tree and get these young eagles”. caught [kart] in a tree — застигнутый noise [noiz] — шум (пойманный) на дереве nest — гнездо to hunt — охотиться eagle [zi:gl] — орел hungry ['hArjgri] — голодный Part II “In two minutes I was up the tree, but it was very difficult to get to the nest. When at last 1 got there and could look into the nest, I saw the two young eagles and also some food for them — meat and fish. The old birds were not there. When I tried to take the young eagles out of the nest, I suddenly felt a terrible pain in the back of my head. 1 looked round and saw the mother eagle. And she was ready to make a second attack. You must know how strong these eagles are! 317
“It will be better to get down”, I thought and I got down onto a lower branch. Here I sat and rested; I think perhaps I fell asleep. And then suddenly from below me 1 heard a terrible noise: I looked and saw water all around me. There were many big trees between me and the river and now they all fell down one after another into the water. But my tree stood in the water and shook. I understood what it was: a flood on the Mississippi. There was water all around my tree. “I hope this tree doesn’t fall”, I said to myself. What could I do? I cannot swim, so I could only sit where I was. I sat on my branch all the night and waited for help. In the morning I saw a boat on the river. I cried, “Help! Help!” But the people in the boat did not hear me. They were too far away. Later a second boat passed, then a third, a fourth. Every time I cried out, but they did not hear me. And so passed my first day on the tree. In the evening I was very hungry”. pain [pein] — боль branch [brcuntj"] — ветка fell asleep [a'slizp] — заснул below [bi'lou] — ниже, под all around [a'raund] me — perhaps [po'haeps] — возмож- но, может быть shook [Juk] — качалось (to shake — качаться, дрожать) flood [Плб] — наводнение вокруг меня Part III “I remembered that there was some meat and fish in the eagle’s nest. And so I went up to the nest again. Of course the birds attacked me but this time I was prepared. I had to fight with them, but I got some fish and ate it. Now I was not hungry. But soon I wanted to drink. That was terrible. There was water so near and I could not get it. I thought and thought. Suddenly I saw what I could 318
do. I took off my shirt and tied a string to it. Then I let my shirt fall into the water below. When I got it out, it was full of water and I could drink. I lived six long days in that tree. Every day 1 got up to the nest and found some food there. So I was not hungry and there was always water under the tree. When there is a great flood on the Mississippi, the water lies for months after the flood! But I could not stay in the tree all my life and I began to make a plan in order to get away. I was not afraid of the eagles now. We were good friends. They saw I did nothing bad to the young birds. The eagles often sat near me on the same branch. I knew that eagles have very strong wings. Perhaps they could carry me over the water to dry land. And I could help them a little, if I moved my arms and legs in the water. So I decided to catch the two old eagles. It was difficult but I did it after some time. Then I took my string and tied their four legs together. After this I tied myself to the same string. Then I jumped into the water. My plan was good: the eagles carried me through the branches down, down, down and soon I was in the water. Now the birds began to beat the water with their wings. I moved my arms and legs in the water and helped them as much as I could. They went to the other side of the river. Very soon I was on dry land”. “And what did you do with the eagles?” I asked Zeb. “Did you let them go?” “Of course not”, said Zeb. “I sold them to the English- man and got good money for them”. the water lies [laiz] — вода стоит wing — крыло in order to — для того чтобы dry — сухой I was not afraid [a'freid] of — я не боялся 319
* * * ♦ I. Ответьте по тексту “Mayne Reid” на следующие вопросы: 1. When did Mayne Reid live? 2. When did he leave England? 3. What did he write when he was in the United States? 4. What books did he write? 5. Have you read any of his books in Russian? II. Найдите в первой части рассказа и прочитайте 2—3 предложения, в которых описывается следующее: 1. Zeb hunted in the forest. 2. He decided to stay in the forest all night. 3. Zeb slept under a tree. 4. Zeb saw two eagles in a nest high up in the tree. III. Выберите правильные ответы по содержанию второй части текста на следующие вопросы: 1. Why did Zeb get on the tree? (He wanted to sleep in the tree. He tried to get the young eagles. He wanted to get some apples.) 2. Why didn’t he get the young eagles? (He did not want to take the young birds from their mother. The young birds fell from the nest. The mother eagle attacked Zeb.) 3. What did Zeb suddenly see? (The trees fell one after another. The eagles flew from the tree. Some men walked in the forest.) * 4. Why didn’t Zeb get down from the tree? (Some animals were under the tree. The tree was very high. There was water all around the tree.) 5. Why didn’t the people in the boat help Zeb? (They did not hear him. They did not want to help. They did not know how to help.) 320
IV. Используя третью часть текста, докажите правильность следующего утверждения: Zeb was a clever hunter. Task 26 ♦ Прочитайте тексты об Олимпийских играх. При чтении об- ратите внимание на произнесение, следующих собственных имен: Olympic Games [o'limpik 'geimz] — Олимпийские игры, Asia ['ei Jo] — Азия. The Twenty-Second Olympic Games The Twenty-Second Olympic Games were held in the summer of 1980 in Moscow (from July 19 to August 3). It was for the first time that the Olympic Games were held in a socialist country. Moscow was well prepared for the Games. The Olympic village was built with very many good flats for sportsmen, with sports grounds and a stadium, caf6s, restaurants and a concert hall. Sportsmen from eighty-one countries from all the five continents took part in the Moscow Olympic Games. For the first time in the history of the Games there were very many sportsmen from the developing countries of Africa and Asia. There were competitions in many kinds of sport: running, jumping, swimming, basketball, football and others. During the time of the Games five million sportsmen, tourists and guests 'r visited various sports events in the Olym- pic cities of Moscow, Minsk, Leningrad, I I Kiev and Tallinn. Over 5,500 correspon- I I dents sent articles to their newspapers . J I and magazines about everything that they saw there. People in many countries w could watch the Games on their TV sets. 321
The organization of the Twenty-Second Olympic Games in the USSR was good. The Olympic Games were a great success. The people of our country did everything to make the Twenty-Second Olympic Games a great holiday for the sportsmen who took part in the Games and for the people who came to watch them. The 1980 Olympic Games showed excellent sports re- sults: 36 world records, 74 Olympic records and many hundreds of national records. Soviet sportsmen won Olympic records in many kinds of sport and they got first place in the Twenty-Second Olympic Games. They won 80 gold, 69 silver and 46 bronze medals. were held — проводились restaurant ['restror)] — ресторан the developing [di'velapirj] countries — развивающи- еся страны guest [gest] — гость event [i'vent] — соревнование (в спорте) were a great success [sak'ses] — имели большой успех Kilometres of Adventures A group of British tourists, who wanted very much to come to Moscow and see the Olympic Games, thought that a bus was the best transport for such a long way. So one fine day they left London for Moscow in an old bus. Of-course the tourists could not know what adventures they would have on their way there. When they were not far from Amsterdam, the little old bus broke into pieces. So they had to find another bus. They found one which was also so old that no one could tell them in what year it was made. It could run no more than fifty kilometres an hour. But the British tourists bought this bus because, as they said, every kilometre which they made brought them nearer to Moscow. 322
When they were near Smolensk, they had another ad- venture: the wind-screen wipers of the bus did not work. There was much rain at that time, and the driver could not see the road very well. But this did not stop the British tourists. They tied strings to the wind-screen wipers and all the way to Moscow two men or two girls in turn moved them by hand. When at last they got to Moscow they all laughed very much when they told other people the story of their adventures. And they also said: “You know, even if the engine of our bus had broken down we would have pushed the bus with our hands. We all wanted very much to get to Moscow”. kilometre ['kilazmi:ta] — километр transport ['traenspo:t] — транспорт would [wud] have — будут иметь wind-screen wiper ['waipo] — стеклоочиститель, “дворник” in turn [ta:n] — по очереди even ['i:von] if the engine ['endjin] ...had broken down — даже если бы сломался мотор we would have pushed — мы бы толкали * * * ♦ I. Найдите в первом тексте и прочитайте ответы на следу- ющие вопросы: 1. When and where were the Twenty-Second Olympic Games held? 2. How did Moscow prepare for the Olympic Games? 3. How many countries sent their sportsmen to Moscow? 4. Could people in different countries watch the Games ’on TV sets? 5. What were sports results of the Olympic Games? 323
II. Расскажите кратко о приключениях английских туристов, используя следующие ключевые слова: left London for Moscow in an old bus broke into pieces bought another old bus , the wind-screen wipers did not work moved them by hand laughed ... told the story of Task 27 ♦ Прочитайте текст о спорте в Великобритании и Соединенных Штатах Америки. При чтении обратите внимание на произ- несение следующих собственных имен: Springfield ['sprirjfidd] — Спрингфилд, Massachusetts [,maesa'tj'u:sets] — Массачусетс (штат США). Sports and Games in Britain and the USA Football is the most popular game in Britain. You can see that if you go to one of the important matches. Young people and old people shout and cheer for one side or the other. Nearly every school has its football team and every boy in Britain knows much about the game. He can tell you the names of the players in the most important teams, he has pictures of them and knows the results of many matches. Football is a good team game. Boys learn to work together with others to help the team. Football is a good exercise for the body, it makes the players quick and strong. In Britain the football season begins in the middle of August, usually on the second Saturday, and ends on the last Saturday in April. At the beginning of the season all the school football teams and the professional teams train very hard. They want to win their matches. 324
Tennis is very popular in Britain too. Most English parks have tennis courts where people-can play the game. Every summer a great international tennis festival takes place at Wimbledon near London. Players from all over the world come there to take part in the competition. Basketball was an American game. It was invented in 1891 by a teacher at a sports school in Springfield, Mas- sachusetts. He wanted to have an indoor game that people could play between the football season in winter and the baseball season in summer. Baskets were hung on the walls of the gymnasium. These baskets gave the game its name. The players had to throw the ball into the basket. In those days the baskets had bottoms. When a player threw the ball into the basket, somebody had to bring a ladder and take the ball out again. Now basketball is played all over the world. Basketball teams from many countries play in the Olympic Games. to cheer [tjia] — приветство- вать, одобрять криками nearly ['niali] — почти body ['bodi] — тело to train [trein] — трениро- ваться court [ko:t] — корт, площад- ка для игры international [Jnto'naeJnal] — международный indoor ['indo:] — в помещении baseball — бейсбол basket ['bcuskit] — корзина bottom ['botomj — дно ladder ['laeda] — лестница * * * ♦ I. Расскажите по-русски или,по-английски, что нового вы узнали из текста о футболе, теннисе и баскетболе. II. Назовите спортивные термины в русском языке, заимст- вованные из английского. III. Н азовите известные вам лучшие футбольные и баскет- больные команды в нашей стране и известных вам тен- нисистов. 325
Task 28 ♦ Прочитайте текст о покорении Южного полюса. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Antarctica [aent'cvktiкэ] — Антарктика, Oates [outs] — Оутс, Edgar Evans [,edgo'evonz] — Эдгар Эванс, Norwegian [no:'wi:d3an] — норвежский, норвежец, Amundsen ['cvmandsan] Captain Scott’s Expedition to the South Pole Part I At the end of November 1910, Captain Robert Scott, an English explorer, and the members of his expedition sailed in a ship from New Zealand to Antarctica. They wanted to reach the South Pole. The ship was small but it carried fifty-nine men, some horses and dogs, three motor sledges, various instruments and much food for the men and animals. They travelled south for a month and on the 30th of December they saw the white mountains of Antarctica. Scott found a place for their camp and they spent the autumn and the winter at that camp. Scott planned three parts of their journey to the South Pole. The first part of the journey to the Pole began in August 1911, when the long Antarctic winter was over. Some men went with Captain Scott to the Pole, the others stayed in the camp. Scott took the motor sledges, the horses and the dogs with him. They had to cross a large plain of ice which was about 800 kilometres long. The motor sledges ran for 80 kilometres and then the motors broke. Now only the horses and the dogs pulled the sledges. The men crossed the ice-field and reached very high mountains which were covered with ice. They killed the horses, cut 326
up the meat and put it in the snow for the journey back. The dogs and some of the men went back. And then the second part of the journey began. Twelve men had to climb the mountains and they pulled three sledges. A strong wind blew all the time, but each day the men walked for nine hours. pole — полюс explorer [iks'pb:ra] — исследо- ватель horse — лошадь motor sledge ['mouta 'sledj] — сани с мотором journey ['d3o:ni] — путешествие plain [plein] — равнина to pull [pul] — тянуть to climb [klaim] — подни- маться, карабкаться covered ['kAvad] — покры- тые to kill — убивать Part II There were only 200 kilometres to the South Pole after they crossed the mountains. Captain Scott decided to take only four men with him. These were Captain Oates, Edgar Evans — a sailor, and two more men. On the 4th of January, 1912, the seven men went back to the camp. The five men moved to the Pole and planned to get there in two weeks. That was the last part of the journey. On the 18th of January, 1912, Captain Scott’s expedition reached the South Pole. They were hungry and ill. At the Pole in the snow stood a tent with a Norwegian flag on it. They were not the first to reach the South Pole. Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer, was the first. In the tent Scott found this letter from Amundsen: “Welcome to the South Pole. 1 wish you a good journey back. Roald Amundsen”. The date on the letter was December, 14th, 1911. to move [mu:v] — двигаться welcome ['welkam] — добро hungry ['ЬлддгЦ— голодный пожаловать 327
Part III Scott put a small British flag on a stick in the snow, they took photographs of the place and then began the long, long journey back. The way back was much more difficult than the way to the Pole. They were now very weak and they had no horses and no dogs. It was the Antarctic summer but the weather was very cold, a strong wind blew very often, and there were snow-storms. When the men came to the mountains, they put up a tent. But they could not sleep, their sleeping-bags were cold and the tent was full of snow. Soon Evans died. “We did not leave him till two hours after he died”, wrote Scott in his diary. It was much harder to pull the sledge now without Evans. Oats was very ill. One day when they were all in the tent, he said to his friends, “I am going out and I shall not come back”. And he went out into the storm and died in the snow. At last Scott and his two friends were 17 kilometres from the camp, but for some days there was a snow-storm and they had to wait. The men put up a tent. They had food only for two days. Four days later they died. Before his death Scott wrote in his diary: “We are very ill and there is no more food, but we are together”. Eight months later people found the tent and the three dead men in their sleeping-bags. The diary and the letters were near them. Robert Scott, the leader of the British expedition to the South Pole, became a British national hero. Mountains, glaciers and islands are named after Captain Robert Scott. to take photographs ['foutagrcvfs] — фотогра- фировать, снимать weak — слабый snow-storm — пурга, вьюга diary ['daiarij — дневник only ['ounli] — только death [de6] — смерть leader ['li:do|— руководитель glacier ['glaesja] — ледник 328
♦ * * ♦ I. Спросите товарищей о следующем: where Captain Scott’s expedition went; what Captain Scott took on the ship with him; how Captain Scott planned the journey to the Pole; what Scott’s expedition found at the South Pole. II. Найдите во второй части текста описание следующих событий: 1. Five men moved on to the Pole, seven men went back to the camp. 2. Captain Scott and his friends reached the South Pole. III. Составьте план рассказа об экспедиции капитана Скотта к Южному полюсу. Task 29 ♦ Прочитайте текст об известном американском изобретателе. При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: Samuel Morse ['saemjual 'mo:s] — Самюэль Морзе, Italy ['itali] — Италия; New York ['nju: zjo:k]—Нью-Йорк, Whitson ['witsan] — Уитсон, Shilling ['Jilirj] — Шиллинг, Washington ['wojirjtan] — Вашингтон, Baltimore ['ba:ltima:] — Балтимор. Samuel Morse (1791-1872) Part I Samuel Morse, the American inventor of the telegraph, was born in the United States in 1791. When he was a boy, he liked to paint very much. For four years he studied painting in London. In 1815 he came back to the United States and became a portrait painter. He painted well and 329
received much money for his portraits. Soon he married and went to live in a small town in the South. Here he painted a large historical picture. The picture was good, but nobody wanted to buy it. And soon Morse had no money. He painted some portraits and with the money that he received for them he decided to go to France and Italy to study painting there. This was in 1829. In France and Italy Morse spent much time in museums, where he copied the pictures of famous painters. He wanted to show them in the United States, because in those days Americans saw few good pictures in their country. In 1832 Morse decided to go back to the United States. He went there by ship. One day some people on the ship began to talk about electricity. Morse listened with great attention to the conversation, then he said, “I have an idea that electric sparks and their combinations can be signals when they pass along a wire”. He was a painter, and not a scientist, but this idea interested him very much. inventor [in'venta] — изобрета- тель telegraph ['teligrcuf] — телеграф to paint [peint] — рисовать крас- ками to study ['stAdi] — изучать to copy ['kopi] — делать копии electricity [Jlek'trisiti]— электричество , spark — искра combination [,kombi'neifn] — сочетание wire [waio] — провод Part II When he came to the United States, he did not think about his painting, he thought all the time about how to send messages by electricity. For three years Morse worked at this idea, but he knew little about electricity and it was very difficult for him. During this period of time his wife died and left him three little children. Morse had no money, 330
so he began to teach painting, but he did not stop his work at an instrument that could send messages. He had an idea to use a relay. It could give more power to the signal and send a message- at a longer distance. In September 1837, Morse showed his invention at the New York University. He sent a signal along a wire 600 metres long. Soon after that the inventor worked out his famous alphabet, or code, which later received the name of the Morse code. Morse thought that he was the first inventor of the electro-magnetic telegraph and in 1838 he went to England to sell his invention. But when he came there, he found out that many post-offices in England already had a te- legraph. The name of the English inventor was Whitson. Then Morse went to Russia. He wanted to show his invention there, but he found out that Russia had an electro-magnetic telegraph in 1832 already. The Russian inventor was Pavel Mikhailovich Shilling. He put his wires under the ground or in water. The Russian Government told Shilling to build a telegraph line between Peterhof and Kronstadt, but the inventor suddenly died. message ['mesids] — сообщение relay [ri'lei] — реле power ['paua] — сила distance ['distans] — расстояние invention [in'venfn] — изобре- тение code — код magnetic [maeg'netik]— маг- нитный ground [graund] — земля government ['gAvanmant^— правительство 1 Part III After his visit to Russia, Morse returned to the United States and for some years he was so poor that he often had no money , to buy his dinner. In 1843 the American 331
Government gave him some money to build a telegraph line between Washington and Baltimore. Morse decided to put the telegraph wire under the ground. This worked very well at a short distance, but when the inventor wanted to do this on his long lines, the electricity went into the ground and the telegraph did not work. Then his friend had an idea to put up wires between poles and this worked very well. On the 24th of May 1844, the first message went over wires from Washington to Baltimore in one forty-five thousandth of a second. Soon after that many telegraph lines were put up all over the United States. Morse received much money and became rich. He died a very old man. pole — столб * * * ♦ I. Подберите в тексте и прочитайте вслух 2-3 предложения к каждому пункту плана: Part I I. Samtiel Morse — a portrait painter. 2. The idea of electricity sparks as signals. Part II 3. Morse’s work at an instrument that could send messages. 4. The first signal along a wire 600 metres long. 5. The Morse code. 6. The English and Russian inventors of the telegraph. Part III 7. The first telegraph line in the United States. 8. Telegraph wires between poles. 332
II. Спросите товарищей о следующем: where Samuel Morse was born; what profession he chose; why he copied pictures of famous painters in France and Italy; what the conversation he heard on the ship was about; why he began to teach painting; what Morse found out in England and in Russia; in what year the first message went over wires in the United States. III. Скажите, что нового вы узнали из этого текста. Task 30 ♦ Прочитайте пересказ пьесы Вильяма Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта». При чтении обратите внимание на произнесение следующих собственных имен: William Shakespeare ['wiljom 'feikspio] — Вильям Шекспир, Stratford-upon-Avon ['straetfod o'pon'eivn] — Стратфорд-на- Эйвоне, Romeo ['roumiou] — Ромео, Juliet ['dsuil jet] — Джуль- етта, Verona [vo'rouno] — Верона, Capulet ['kaepjulet] — Ка- пулетти, Montague f'montagju:] — Монтекки, Rosaline ['rozolain] — Розалина, Mercutio [ma:'kju:Jiou] —Меркуцио, Tybalt f'tibolt] — Тибальд, Friar Lawrence ['fraio 'lo:rons] — брат Лоренцо (монах) William Shakespeare (1564—1616) All the world knows William Shakespeare as one of the greatest poets and dramatists. He was born in the small‘English town of Stratford-upon-Avon and grew up 333
in a large family of eight brothers and four sisters but many of them died very young. His father, John Sha- kespeare, made and sold gloves. Wil- liam went to school in Stratford. He married very young, when he was about nineteen, and soon went to Lon- don, where he worked at a theatre. There he began to write plays for the theatre. His plays were good and people liked them. Now Shakespeare could help his family in Stratford. He wrote thirty-seven plays and some books of poems. At the end of his life he came back to Stratford and died there. dramatist ['draematist] — драматург * * * Ответьте на вопросы: 1. When and where did Shakespeare live? 2. In what family did he grow up? 3. When did he begin to write plays? 4. What plays by Shakespeare do you know? Romeo and Juliet Part I In the town of Verona, in Italy, there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between these two families and when a Capulet met a Montague, they always fought. There was a daughter Juliet, in the Capulet family, who was fourteen years old at the time of the story, and a son, Romeo, in the Montague family, who was sixteen. 334
One day old Capulet made a great supper and invited many people to it but no one of the house of the Montague. At that time Romeo liked a girl whose name was Rosaline. He knew that she was invited to the Capulets, so he went there with his friend Mercutio. The young men wore masks on their faces. When dancing began, Romeo saw a young and very beautiful girl whom he did not know. That was Juliet and Romeo fell in love with her and forgot all about Rosaline. He came up to the girl and began to speak to her, but Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, recognized Romeo and wanted to fight with him: there was a Montague in the house of the Capulet. The fight did not take place because old Capulet did not give Tybalt his permission, but Romeo had to leave the house. He did not go home, he went into the Capulet’s garden. Juliet could not sleep that night, she fell in love with Romeo too. She went up to the window of her room and from there she saw Romeo in the garden. They talked about their love and about the quarrel between their families. Romeo asked Juliet to marry him the next day. They decided that nobody must know about their love or about their plan to marry. quarel ['kworal] — ссора to invite [in'vait] — приглашать mask [mask] — маска to fall in love — влюбиться to recognize [Tekagnaiz] — узнать permission [pa'mifn] — разрешение Part II In the early morning Romeo went to see Friar Lawrence, an old man, who could marry him to Juliet. Friar Lawrence was a friend of the Capulets and of the Montagues. He thought that a marriage between Romeo and Juliet could end the old quarrel, so he decided to marry them. Th’e next day Romeo and Juliet came to Friar Lawrence and he married them. Juliet went home to wait for her 335
young husband, Romeo, who promised to come at night into the Capulets garden and meet Juliet there. Romeo went into the town and met his friend Mercutio. In one of the streets they saw Tybalt with a group of Capulets. Romeo did not want to fight with Tybalt, the cousin of his Juliet, but Tybalt attacked Mercutio and killed him. That made Romeo very angry and he fought with Tybalt. Soon Tybalt was killed too. This fight in the street in the middle of the day was seen by many people. Old Capulet and old Montague ran there with their wives. The prince of Verona also came there. He asked the people about the fight and decided that Romeo must be punished. Romeo had to leave Verona and go to some other town. This was a terrible thing for Romeo and Juliet. They were very unhappy and did not know what to do. Romeo went for help to Friar Lawrence who told him to leave Verona. Friar Lawrence promised to send Romeo a letter when the quarrel between the familes ended. marriage ['maeridj] — брак to promise ['promis] — обе- щать group [gru:p] — группа angry ['aerjgri] — злой, серди- тый prince — принц, герцог punish ['рлпЦ] — наказывать Part III Some days passed and Juliet’s father called his daughter to him and told her that she must marry a young man whose name was Paris. Juliet did not know what to do. She was afraid to tell her father about her marriage to Romeo. She told him that she was too young to тйггу, but old Capulet got very angry and did not want to listen to her. Then Juliet went to Friar Lawrence for help. He listened to the girl and then told her to go home and be ready to marry Paris. But the night before her 336
marriage she must drink some medicine from a little bottle which the friar gave her. “This medicine will put you to sleep for forty-two hours”, said the friar. Juliet went home and did as the friar told her. When her mother came into the room, Juliet lay on her bed. She was unconscious. The mother thought that Juliet was dead. The parents cried very much, then they put Juliet into the family tomb. Romeo did not get Friar Lawrence’s letter but he heard that Juliet was dead and he was very unhappy. He bought some poison and came back to Verona. He went to the tomb of the Capulets where Juliet lay and found Paris there. Romeo fought with him and killed the young man. Then he looked at Juliet for a long time, kissed her on the lips and drank the poison. He fell down at Juliet’s feet. At this moment Juliet woke up and saw Romeo. But the young man was dead. Juliet took a dagger that was on the floor and killed herself. to pass [pa-sj — проходить got very angry — рассердился medicine ['medsin] — лекарство to put to sleep — усыпить unconscious [,An'kanJas] — без сознания tomb [tu:m] — склеп poison ['paizn] — яд moment ['moumant] — момент dagger ['daega] — кин- жал * * * ♦ 1. Подберите в первой части текста и прочитайте вслух 2—3 предложения к каждому пункту плана: 1. The old quarrel between the families of the Capulets and the Montagues. 2. The great supper at the Capulets’ house. 3. Romeo comes into the Capulets’ house in a mask. 4. Rorrieo falls in love with Juliet. 5. Romeo meets Juliet in the garden. 12 Зак. 52 337
II. Спросите товарищей по второй части текста о следующем: why Friar Lawrence married the young people; who Romeo fought in the street; what Romeo had to do as a punishment; who Romeo and Juliet asked for help. III. Расскажите о событиях третьей части текста. Вам по- могут следующие ключевые слова: must marry thought she could not tell about the marriage gave some medicine to sleep for forty-two hours was dead put into the family tomb drank his poisop killed herself Task 31 ♦ Прочитайте английские шутки. Funny Stories and Jokes A Dog on a Bus One very rainy day a woman with a dog got on a bus. It was a big dog and its feet were very dirty. The woman sat down and the dog stood near her. When the bus conductor came up to her, she said: “Oh, conductor, if I pay for my dog, can it have a seat like the other passengers?” The conductor looked at the dog and its dirty feet and then hesaid: “Of course, madam. It can have a seat like all the other passengers, but like all the other passengers, it must not put his feet on it”. dirty ['da:ti] — грязный passenger ['paesindsa] — conductor [kan'dAkta] —кондуктор пассажир 338
Who Found America? TEACHER: Here is a map of the world. Who can show us America on it? (Nick goes to the map and finds America on it.) TEACHER: Very good. Now, tell me, boys, who found America? BOYS: Nick did. world [wa:ld]—мир, земной шар Whose Mistakes? TEACHER (with Teddy’s homework in her hand): I don’t understand how one boy could make so many mistakes. TEDDY: It wasn’t one boy, teacher, Father helped me. Which Is Nearer? TEACHER: Now, boys, who can tell me, which is nearer to us, the Moon or Australia? BOY (stands up): I think that the Moon is nearer. TEACHER: Why do you think so? BOY: Because we can see the Moon from here, but we can’t see Australia. Moon [mu:n] — Луна 12*
VOCABULARY a — adjective ['aedjiktiv] — прилагательное adv — adverb ['aedvarb] — наречие cj — conjunction [kan'dsAgkjh] — союз n — noun [naun] — существительное num — numeral ['nju:maral] — числительное pl — plural ['pluaral] — множественное число pr n — proper noun ['ргэрэ'паип] —имя собственное prep — preposition [,prepa'zijh] — предлог pron — pronoun ['prounaun] — местоимение v — verb [va:b] — глагол A а [э] неопределенный артикль (перед согласными) about [a'baut] prep о above [a'bAv] prep над absent ['aebsant] a: be absent от- сутствовать act [aekt] v исполнять (роли) active ['aektiv] а активный additional [a'dijanal] а дополни- тельный address [a'dres] n адрес adventure [ad'ventja] n приклю- чение afraid [a'freid] a: be afraid 6o-x яться Africa ['aefrika] pr n Африка after ['cufta] prep, cj после afternoon j'cufta'num] n время после полудня again [a'gein] adv снова, опять against [a'geinst] prep против ago [a'gou] adv тому назад air [еэ] n воздух; v проветривать all [э:1] pron все, вся, все almost ['oilmoust] adv почти along [a'bg] prep вдоль already [oil'redi] adv уже also [brlsou] adv также, тоже always [b:lwaz] adv всегда am [aem] /-e л. ед. ч. наст, вре- мени глагола be America [a'merika] pr n Америка American [a'merikan] n амери- канец; а американский an [эп] неопределенный артикль (перед гласными) and [aend, and] cj и angry ['aerjgri] а злой; сердитый be angry сердиться animal ['aenimal] n животное; зверь anniversary [,aeni'va:sari] n го- довщина another [э'пл&а] a, pron другой answer ['cunsa] n ответ; v отве- чать any ['eni] а любой anybody ['enibodi] pron кто-ни- будь (в вопр. и отриц. пред- ложу 340
anything ['eniOirj] pron что-ни- будь (в вопр. и отриц. пред- ложу apple [zaepl] п яблоко April ['eipral] п апрель аге [си] мн. ч. наст, времени гла- гола be area ['earia] п площадь, прост- ранство, территория arm [cum] п рука (от кисти до плеча) arm-chair ['cumtjca] п кресло army ['cumi] п армия arrest [a'rest] v арестовывать article ['cutikl] n статья artillery [a/tilari] n артиллерия arts [cuts] n изобразительное ис- кусство as [aez] cj в то время как; по- скольку; как as ... as такой же... как ask [cusk] v спрашивать asleep [a'sli:p] а спящий be asleep спать fall asleep заснуть ass [aes] n осел . at [aet] prep у, в ate [et] cm. eat athletics [aeO'letiks] n атлетика attack [a'taek] n* атака; v напа- дать; атаковать attention [a'tenjn] n внимание August ['orgast] n август aunt [cunt] n тетя Australia [o'streilja] pr n Авст- ралия author ['э.Оэ] n автор autumn ['oitam] n осень aviation [zeivi'eifn] n авиация away [a'wei] adv прочь; в сто- рону; далеко В back [baek] adv назад; n задняя или оборотная сторона; спина; v поддерживать bad [baed] a (worse, worst) пло- хой bag [baeg] n сумка; портфель baker's (shop) ['beikaz] n булоч- ная balcony ['baelkani] n балкон ball [Ьэ:1] n мяч bar [ba:] n брус basketball ['bcuskitbo:!] n баскет- бол bathroom ['Ьсибгит] n ванная (комната) battle ['baetl] n битва, сражение be [bi:] v (was, were, been) быть, существовать bear [bca] n медведь beat [bi:t] v (beat, beaten) бить beaten [zbi:tn] cm. beat beautiful [zbju:taful] а красивый became [bi'keim] cm. become because [bi'koz] cj потому что become [bi'kAm] v (became, be- come) стать, становиться bed [bed] n постель, кровать before [bi'fo:] prep перед began [bi'gaen] cm. begin begin [bi'gin] v (began, begun) начинать begun [Ы'длп] см. begin behind [bi'haind] adv, prep по- зади, сзади bell [bel] n звонок below [bi'lou] adv, prep внизу; под bench [bentj] n скамья berry ['beri] n ягода 341
best [best] (превосх. ст. от good, well) а наилучший; adv лучше better ['beta] (сравн. ст. от good, well) а лучший; adv лучше between [bi'twizn] prep между big [big] а большой biology [bai'olodsi] n биология bird [ba:d] n птица birthday ['bla:0dei] n день ро- ждения black [blaek] а черный blackboard ['blaekbo:d] n клас- сная доска blew [blu:] cm. blow block [blokj n квартал (города) blouse [blauz] n блузка blow [blou] v (blew, blown) дуть blown [bloun] cm. blow blue [blu:] а синий boat [bout] n лодка; шлюпка book [buk] n книга bookcase ['bukkeis] n книжный шкаф boot [bu:t] n ботинок border ['bo:da] n граница born [bo:n] v: be born родиться botany ['botani] n ботаника bottle ['botl] n бутылка bought [bo:t] cm. buy box [boks] n коробка boxing ['boksirj] n бокс boy [boi] n мальчик branch [brcuntj] n ветка, сук Brazil [bra'zil] pr n Бразилия bread [bred] n хлеб break 1 [breik] n перемена, пе- рерыв break 2 [breik] v (broke, broken) ломать, разбивать breakfast ['brekfast] n завтрак have breakfast завтракать bridge [brids] n мост brigade [bri'geid] n бригада 42 bright [brait] а яркий bring [brig] v (brought [bra:t], brought) приносить Britain ['britn] pr n Британия broke [brouk] cm. break broken [broukn] cm. break brother ['Ьгдбэ] n брат brought [bro:t] cm. bring brown [braun] а коричневый brush [ЬглУ] n щетка; v чистить щеткой bucket ['ЬлкП] n ведро build [bild] v (built, built) строить building ['bildirj] n здание built [bilt] см/build bullet ['bulit] n пуля bury ['beri] v хоронить bus [Ьлб] n автобус but [bAt] cj HO butter ['Ьл1э] n масло buy [bai] v (bought [bo:t], bought) покупать by [bai] prep при, около by bus автобусом C cafd ['kaefei] n кафе cake [keik] n торт; пирожное came [keim] cm. come camel ['kaeml] n верблюд camp [kaemp] n лагерь; v распо- лагаться лагерем camp-fire ['kaempfaio] n лагер- ный костер can [kaen] v (could [kud]) мочь Canada ['kaenodo] pr n Канада canal [ka'nael] n канал cap [kaep] n кепка capital ['kaepitl] n столица capitalist ['kaepitolist] n капита- лист; а капиталистический
captain ['kaeptin] n капитан car [kcu] n машина; автомобиль care [kea] n забота take care of заботиться carry ['kaeri] v нести carry out выполнять cat [kaet] n кошка catch [kaetf] v (caught, caught) ловить; хватать catch a cold простудиться catch fire загораться catch up наверстать, догнать cattle-farm ['kaetlfcum] n жи- вотноводческая ферма caught [ko:t] cm. catch celebrate ['selibreit] v праздно- вать celebration [zseli'breijn] n праз- днование centre ['senta] n центр chain [tjein] n цепочка; цепь chair [tjca] n стул chalk [tjo:k] n мел champion ['tjaempjan] n чемпион championship ['tjaempjanjip] n чемпионат change [tjeinds] n сдача; пере- мена; v менять(ся), изме- няться) cheap [tji:p] а дешевый cheese [tfi:z] n сыр child [tjaildj n (pl children) ре- бенок children ['tjildran] n (pl от child) дети choose [tju:z] v (chose, chosen) выбирать chose [tjouz] cm. choose chpsen ['tfouzn] cm. choose cinema ['sinima] n кинотеатр circus ['sa.kas] n цирк city f'siti] n большой город clap [klaep] v хлопать; аплоди- ровать class [klcus] n класс classmate ['klcusmeit] n одно- классник classroom ['klcusrum] n классная комната clean [kli:n] а чистый; v убирать, вытирать (доску) climate ['klaimat] n климат clock [kbk] n часы (настенные, настольные) at 6 I’clock в 6 часов clothes [klou6z] n одежда clown [klaun] n клоун club [к!лЬ] n клуб coal [koul] n уголь coat [kout] n пальто cock [кэк] n петух coffee ['kofi] n кофе cold [kould] а холодный collect [ka'lekt] v собирать collection [ka'lekjn] n коллекция college ['kolids] n колледж colour ['кл1а] n цвет combine-harvester ['kombain'hcuvista] n комбайн combine-operator ['kombain'opareita] n комбай- нер come [клт] v (came, come) при- ходить competition [,kompi'tijn] n сорев- нование composition [Zkampa'zijn] n со- чинение concert ['konsat] n концерт conductor [kan'dAkta] n кондуктор constitution [,kansti'tju:Jn] n кон- ституция construct [kan'strAkt] v строить; конструировать 343
continent ['kantinant] n конти- нент cool [ku:l] а прохладный copy ['kapi] n копия; v копировать corner ['ka:na:] n угол correct [ka'rekt] v исправлять correctly [ka'rektli] adv правильно correspondent [,karis'pandant] n корреспондент corridor ['karida:] n коридор cosmonaut ['kazmana:t] n космо- навт * cost [kost] v (cost, cost) стоить cotton I'kotn] n хлопок, хлопча- тобумажная ткань could [kud, kad] cm. can count [kaunt] v считать country ['kAntri] n страна; де- ревня; сельская местность course [ko:s] n: of course конечно cow [kau] n корова crawl [кгэ:1] v ползти cross [kros] v пересекать, пере- ходить crossing ['krasirj] n перекресток cry [krai] v (cried)'кричать; пла- кать culture ['kAltJo] n культура cup [клр] n чашка; спортивный кубок cupboard ['kAbad] n буфет current ['kArant] n течение D dad [daed] n папа dairy ['deari] n молочная dance [dcuns] n танец; v танце- вать danger ['deindsa] n опасность dark [deck] а темный date [deit] n дата 344 daughter ['da:ta] n дочь day [dei] n день dead [ded] а мертвый dear [dia] а дорогой December [di'semba] n декабрь decide [di'said] v решать deck [dek] п палуба decorate ['dekareit] v~ украшать decoration [,deka'reijh] n укра- шение defend [di'fend] v защищать demonstration [,deman'streijh] n демонстрация department [di'pcutmant] n отдел desk [desk] n парта; письменный стол deskmate ['deskmeit] n сосед no парте did [did] cm. do dictionary ['dikjanri] n словарь die [dai] v умирать different ['difrant] а различный, разный difficult ['difikalt] а трудный dinig-room ['dainirjrum] n столо- вая dinner ['dina] n обед have dinner обедать dirty [zda:ti] а грязный dish [dij] n тарелка; блюдо dishes посуда distance ['distans] n расстояние do [du:] v (did, done [dAn]) делать do homework учить уроки do morning exercises делать утреннюю гимнастику do one’s shopping делать по- купки do sums решать задачи (при- меры) doctor ['dakta] n врач does [dAz] 3-е л. ед. ч. наст, времени глагола do
dog [do] n собака done [don] cm. do door [do:] n дверь down [daun] adv вниз, внизу drank [draegk] cm. drink draw [dro:] v (drew [dru:], drawn [dro:n]) рисовать drawing ['dro:irj] n рисование; рисунок drawn [dro:n] cm. draw dress [dres] n платье; v одеваться drew [dru:] cm. draw drift [drift] v дрейфовать, плыть по течению drink [drigk] v (drank, drunk) пить driver ['draiva] n водитель drown [draun] v тонуть drunk [drAgk] cm. drink dry 1 [drai] а сухой dryЕ 2 [drai] v сушить; вытирать dry oneself вытираться during ['djuarig] prep в течение, во время dust [dAst] v вытирать, выбивать пыль Dutch [dAtJ] п голландец; а гол- ландский duty ['dju:ti] п долг be on duty дежурить Е each [i:tj] а, ргоп каждый each other друг друга eagle [zi:gl] n орел ear [ia] n yxo early ['a:lij а ранний; adv рано earn [a:n] v зарабатывать east [i:st] n восток eat [i:t] v (ate [et], eaten ['i:tnj) есть, кушать eaten [zi:tn] cm. eat eight [eit] num восемь either ['ai6a] adv также (при от- рицании) either... or или... или elefant ['elifant] n слон eleven [i'levn] num одиннадцать else [els] adv еще end [end] n конец; v кончать ending ['endig] n окончание enemy ['enimi] n враг engine ['endjin] n мотор engineer [,endsi'nia] n инженер egineering [,endsi'niarig] а ма- шиностроительный England ['iggland] pr n Англия English ['igglij] а английский; n английский язык; англича- нин, англичанка Englishman ['igglijman] n англи- чанин enjoy [in'dsoi] v получать удо- вольствие enough [i'nAf] adv достаточно enter ['enta], v поступать; входить envelope ['enviloup] n конверт Europe ['juarap] pr n Европа eve [i:v] n канун evening ['i:vnig] n вечер event [i'vent] n соревнование (no определенному виду спорта); событие every ['evri] а каждый everybody ['evribodi] ргоп каж- дый, всякий; все everything ['evriOig] ргоп все excellent ['eksalant] а отличный exercise ['eksasaiz] n упражнение exercise-book ['eksasaizbuk] тет- радь exhibition [zeksizbijn] n выставка explain [iks'plein] v объяснять eye [ai] n глаз 345
F fable ['feibl] n басня face [feis] n лицо factory ['faektari] n фабрика; завод fair [fca] а белокурый fall [fo:l] v (fell, fallen) падать, упасть fall asleep засыпать fallen ['fa.lan] cm. fall family ['faemili] n семья famous ['feimas] а знаменитый far [feu] а далекий; adv далеко farm [feum] n ферма farmer ['fa;ma] n фермер fascist ['faejist] а фашистский fast [feisty а быстрый; adv быс- тро father ['fcu&a] n отец fatherland ['fcuSalaend] n родина, отечество favour ['feiva] n благосклонность in favour of в пользу favourite ['feivarit] а любимый; n любимая вещь February ['februari] n февраль feet [firt] cm. foot fell [fel] cm. fall fence [fens] n забор festival ['festival] n праздник; фестиваль few [fju:] а мало, немного (с ис- числ. сущ.) a few несколько (с исчисл. сущ.) field [fi:ld] п поле fifteen ['fif'tim] пит пятнадцать fifth [fif©] num пятый fifty ['fifti] num пятьдесят fight [fait] n борьба; v (fought [fa:t], fought) бороться, сра- жаться film [film] n фильм 346 find [faind] v (found [faund], found) находить fine [fain] а прекрасный finger ['firjga] n палец finish ['finiJJ v кончать Finland ['finland] pr n Финляндия Finnish ['finij] n финский язык; а финский fire ['faia] n костер; огонь first [fa:st] num первый fish [fij] n рыба; v ловить, удить рыбу five [faiv] num пять flag [flaeg] n флаг flat [flaet] n квартира flood [flAd] n наводнение floor [f la:] n пол; этаж flower ['flaua] n цветок flower-garden ['flaua,gcudn] n цветник fond [fand] a be fond of любить food [fu:d] n пища foot [fut] n (pl feet) ступня go on foot идти пешком football ['futba:l] n футбольный мяч; футбол for [fa:] prep для for breakfast на завтрак forest ['farist] n лес forget [fa'getj v (forgot, forgot- ten) забывать fork [fa:k] n вилка form [fa:m] n класс forty ['fa:ti] num сорок fought [fa:t] cm. fight found 1 [faund] v основывать found 2 [faund] cm. find four [fa:] num четыре fox [faks] n лиса France [trains] pr n Франция free [fri:] а свободный French [frentj] n французский язык; француз; а французский
fresh [frej] а свежий Friday ['fraidi] n пятница friend [trend] n друг friendship ['frendjip] n дружба frighten ['fraitn] v пугать from [from] prep из, от front [frAnt] а передний, n перед, передняя сторона in front of впереди, пёред fruit [fru:t] n фрукты full [ful] а полный fun [fArQ n веселье, забава funny ['fAni] а смешной G game [geim] n игра garden ['gcudn] n сад gas [gaes] n газ gates [geits] n ворота gather ['дзебэ] v собирать gave [geiv] cm. give general ['dsenaral] n генерал; a генеральный geography [dji'ografi] n география German ['dsamian] n немец; a немецкий Germany ['d3a:moni] pr n Гер- мания get [get] v (got, got) получать; добираться get off выходить (из автобуса и т. д.) get on входить (в автобус и т. д.); жить, преуспевать get up вставать giant ['dsaiont] п великан giraffe [d3i'ra.f] п жираф girl [дэ:1] п девочка, девушка give [giv] v (gave, given ['givn]) давать given ['givn] cm. give glad [gaed] а довольный glass [glcus] n стекло; стакан go [gou] v (went, gone [дэп]) идти go by bus ехать на автобусе go home идти домой go in for увлекаться чем-либо go on продолжать (делать что-то) go out выходить go to bed ложиться спать go to school ходить fi школу go to work ходить на работу goal [goul] n гол (спорт) gone [дэп] см. go good [gud] a (better, best) хороший got [got] cm. get government ['gAvnmant] n пра- вительство graduate ['graedjueit] v заканчи- вать (университет) grammar ['дгаето] n грамматика gramme [дгает] n грамм grandfather ['graendfcu6a] n де- душка grandmother ['graendmA6a] n ба- бушка grass [grcus] n трава grating ['greitirj] n решетка great [greit] а великий Great Britain ['greit'britn] pr n Великобритания Greece [gri:s] pr n Греция green [grim] а зеленый greengrocer’s (shop) ['grim ,grousaz] n овощной (магазин) greeting ['grktig] n приветствие grew [gru:] cm. grow grey [grei] а серый ground [graundj n земля; почва ground floor 1-й этаж sports ground спортивная площадка playground площадка для игр 347
grow [grou] v (grew [gru:], grown [groun]) выращивать; расти grown [grounj cm. grow guard [gcud] n часовой; караул; pl гвардия; v охранять gun [длп] n ружье; пушка, ору- дие; пулемет gymnasium [dsim'neizjam] п спортивный зал gymnastics [djim'naestiks] n гим- настика H had [haed] см. have hair [hra] n волосы half [hozf] n половина hall [ho:l] n зал; передняя hall-stand вешалка hand [haend] n рука (кисть) handbag ['haendbaeg] n сумочка handwritten ['haendritn] а руко- писный hang [haeg] v (hung, hung) вешать happy ['haepi] а счастливый hard [hcud] а трудный, тяжелый; adv упорно, усиленно harvest ['hcuvist] n урожай; v со- бирать урожай hat [haet] n шляпа have [haev] v (had, had) иметь have breakfast (dinner, sup- per) завтракать (обедать, ужинать) he has a coat on на нем пальто he has to do it должен делать это he [hi:] pron он head [hed] n голова at the head of во главе health [hel0] n здоровье 348 hear [hia] v (heard [ha:d], heard) слышать heard [ha:d] cm. hear heart [hcut] n сердце by heart наизусть held [held] cm. hold help [help] v помогать her [ha:] pron ее, ей; свой; при- надлежащий ей here [hid] adv здесь, сюда here you are вот, пожалуйста (при вручении чего-либо) hero ['hiarou] п герой herself [ha'self] pron себя; сама hiccups ['hikApsj п икота high [hai] а высокий; adv высоко hike [haik] п прогулка hill [hil] п холм; возвышенность him [him] pron ему, его himself [him'self] pron себя; сам his [hiz] pron его, свой; принад- лежащий ему history ['histari] п история hockey ['hoki] п хоккей hold [hould] v (held, held) дер- жать hold up поднимать hole [houl] n нора; дыра holiday ['holadi] n праздник; от- пуск holidays каникулы Holland ['holand] pr n Голландия hollow ['holou] а полый home [houm] n дом; жилище; adv домой at home дома go (come) home идти (прихо- дить) домой hope [houp] v надеяться hospital ['hospital] n больница hot [hot] а горячий, жаркий hotel [hou'tel] n гостиница, отель hour ['auaj n час
house [haus] n дом how [hau] adv как how many сколько (с исчисл. сущ.) how much сколько (с неис- числ. сущ.) How do you do? Рад(а) поз- накомиться. Здравствуйте. hundred ['hAndrad] num сто hung [Haq] cm. hang hungry ['hArjgri] а голодный hunt [hAnt] v охотиться hunter ['hAnta] n охотник hurry ['hAri] v торопиться, спе- шить husband ['hAzband] n муж I I [ai] pron я ice [ais] n лед ice-cream ['aiskriim] n мороженое ice-hockey ['ais,hoki] n хоккей на льду idea [ai'dia] n мысль, идея if [if] cj если, ли ill ВИ а больной illumination [i,lu:mi'neijn] n ил- люминация important [im'poitant] а важный in [in] prep в be in быть дома in front of пёред India ['indja] pr n Индия Indian ['indjan] n индеец; а ин- дийский industrial [in'dAstrial] а про- мышленный institute ['institju:t] n институт interest ['intrast] v интересо- ваться interesting ['intrastir)] а интерес- ный into ['into, 'intu] prep в introduce [,intra'dju:s] v пред- ставлять, знакомить; вводить Ireland ['aialand] pr n Ирландия Irish ['aiarij] а ирландский iron ['aian] n железо is [iz] 3-y л. ед. ч. наст. врем, глагола be island ['ailand] n остров it [it] pron он, она, оно it is four o’clock четыре часа Italy ['itali] pr n Италия J jacket ['djaekit] n жакет, пиджак jam [dsaem] n джем, варенье January ['djaenjuari] n январь join [dsain] v присоединяться; вступать joke [djouk] n шутка journalist ['dsainalist] n журна- лист July [dsur'lai] n июль jump [djAmp] n прыжок; v пры- гать June [d3u:n] n июнь just [d3Ast] adv только что Just a minute! Минутку! К keep [ki:p] v (kept, kept) дер- жать, хранить kept [kept] cm. keep key [ki:] n ключ kilo ['kizlou] n кило kilogramme ['kilagraem] n кило- грамм 349
kilometre [zkilomi:to] n километр kind [kaind] n сорт, вид What kind of book is this? Какая это книга? king [kirj] n король kingdom ['kirjdom] n королевство kiss [kis] n поцелуй kitchen ['kitjin] n кухня kitchen-garden ['kitjinga-dn] n огород knew [nju:] cm. know knife [naif] n нож know [nou] v (knew [nju:], known [noun]) знать known [noun] cm. know L laboratory [h'borotrij n лабора- тория labour ['leibo] n: labour training трудовое обучение ladder ['laedo] n лестница laid [leid] cm. lay lain [lein] cm. lie lake [leik] n озеро lamp [laemp] n лампа land [laend] n земля language ['laerjgwids] n язык large [Icuds] а большой last1 [last] v продолжаться, длиться last2 [last] а последний, про- шлый at last наконец late [leit] а поздний; adv поздно be late опаздывать Latin ['laetin] n латинский яз^к laugh [laf] v смеяться lay 1 [lei] v (laid [leid], laid) класть, положить lay the table накрывать на стол 350 lay2 [lei] см. lie leader [zli:do] n вождь, руково- дитель learn [lo:n] v учиться least [li:st] (превосх. ст. от little) а наименьший; adv меньше всего leave [Ii:v] v (left» left) покидать, оставлять, уезжать leave school оканчивать школу left1 [left] а левый on the left налево left2 [left] cm. leave leg [leg] n нога less [les] (сравн. ст. от little) a меньший; adv меньше, менее lesson ['lesn] n урок let [let] v (let» let) позволять letter ['lets] n буква; письмо liberation [Jibo'reiJn] n освобож- дение liberator ['liboreito] n освободи- тель librarian [lai'breorion] n библи- отекарь library ['laibrorij n библиотека lie [lai] v (lay, lain) лежать life [laif] n (pl lives) жизнь lift [lift] n лифт light [lait] n свет; а светлый like [1 aik] v нравиться; а подо- бный, похожий What is the weather like today? Какая сегодня погода? lip [lip] n губа listen ['lisn] v слушать literature ['Iitritja] n литература litre [zli:to] n литр little [zlitl] (less, least) а малень- кий; adv меньше live [liv] v жить living-room ['livirjrum] n жилая комната
London [zlAndon] pr n Лондон long [log] а длинный; adv долго look [luk] v смотреть look after смотреть за, уха- живать look for искать lorry [zlori] n грузовик lose [lu:s] v (lost, lost) терять; проигрывать lost [lost] cm. lose lot [lot] n: a lot of много; lots of pl много loudly ['laudli] adv громко love [Iav] n любовь; v любить low [lou] а низкий; adv низко M machine [mo'Ji:n] n машина made [meid] cm. make; а сде- ланный) magazine [,maegozzi:n] n журнал make [meik] v (made, made) де- лать make a bed застилать (убирать) постель make up сочинять, выдумывать man [maen] n (pl men) мужчина; человек many [zmeni] a (more, most) мно- гие, много map [maep] n карта March [mcutf] n март march [mcutf] v маршировать mark [mcuk] n оценка market ['mcvkit] n рынок marry [zmaeri] v жениться, вы- ходить замуж match [maetf] n матч mathematics [,mae0i'maetiks] n математика may [mei] v мочь May [mei] n май me [mi:] pron мне, меня meat [mi:t] n мясо medal ['medl] n медаль meet [mi:t] v (met, met) встречать, встречаться; знакомиться meeting [zmi:tiij] n встреча; со- брание member [zmembo] n член men [men] n (pl от man) муж- чины; люди met [met] cm. meet metre [mi.to] n метр Mexico [meksikou] pr n Мексика middle [zmidl] n середина milk [milk] n молоко milkmaid [zmilkmeid] n доярка million [zmiljon] n миллион mine 1 [main] pron мой mine2 [main] v минировать minute [zminit] n минута miss [mis] v пропускать mistake [mis'teik] n ошибка modern [zmodn] а современный moment ['moumont] n момент Monday [zmAndi] n понедельник money [zmAni] n деньги monkey [zmArjki] n обезьяна monster [zmonsto] n чудовище month [тлп0] n месяц monthly [zmAn01i] n ежемесяч- ный журнал; adv ежемесячно monument ['monjumontj n па- мятник moon [mu:n] n луна more [тэ:] (сравн. ст. от much, many) а больший; adv больше morning [zmo:nir)] n утро most [moust] (превосх. ст. от much, many) а наибольший; adv больше всего mother ['тлбэ] n мать mountain ['mauntin] n гора 351
mouth [mau0] n рот move [mu:v] v двигаться movement [zmu:vmont] n движение much [mAtJ] a, adv (more, most) много; очень mum [гплт] n мама museum [mju'ziom] n музей music ['mjuzzik] n музыка must [mAst] v должен my [mai] pron мой, моя, мое, мои myself [таi'self] pron себя; я сам not [not] adv не not at all нисколько; пожа- луйста; не стоит (благодар- ности) note [nout] п записка nothing [znA0ig] pron ничто novel ['novi] n роман November [nou'vembo] n ноябрь now [nau] adv теперь number ['плтЬэ] n номер nylon ['nailon] n нейлон N name [neim] n имя; фамилия national ['naejonl] а националь- ный, народный near [nio] prep вблизи, рядом need [ni:d] v нуждаться Negro [zrii:grou] n негр, негри- тянка; а негритянский neither [znai6a] a, cj никакой; ни тот, ни другой neither... nor ни... ни nest [nest] п гнездо never f'nevo] adv никогда new [nju:] а новый newspaper ['njuzspeipo] n газета New Zealand ['nju:'zi:lond] pr n Новая Зеландия next [nekst] а следующий; prep рядом nice [nais] а хороший night [nait] n ночь nine [nain] num девять no [nou] adv нет nobody ['noubodi] pron никто noise [noiz] n шум nor [no:] cj: neither... nor ни... ни north [пэ:0] n север Norway [zno:wei] pr n Норвегия nose [nouz] n hoc 352 О ocean [zoufn] n океан October [ok'toubo] n октябрь of [ov] prep указывает на при- надлежность; передается род. падежом off [of] adv: take off снимать office [zofis] n учреждение, кон- тора often [zofn] adv часто, много раз old [ould] а старый Olympic [o'limpik] а олимпийс- кий on [on] prep на once [wahs] adv однажды one [wah] num один; n употреб- ляется как заменитель ранее упомянутого существительно- го only ['ounli] adv только open ['оирэп] v открывать; а от- крытый opposite ['opozit] adv напротив or [o:] cj или order [zo:do] n приказ organization [,o:gonaizzeijh]n ор- ганизация organize [Zo:gonaiz] v организо- вывать
organizer [Z3:gonaiza] n органи- затор other [za6o] ргоп другой our [zauo] ргоп наш ourselves [aua'selvz] ргоп себя; мы сами out [aut] prep наружу be out не быть дома; выйти over [zouvo] prep над be over кончаться P packet [zpaekit] n пакет; пачка page [peid3] n страница pain [pein] n боль painter [zpeinta] n художник pair [pea] n пара palace [zpaelis] n дворец paper [zpeipa] n бумага parachute [zpaeroju:t] n парашют paradejpo'reid] n парад; пост- роение; v строиться parent [zpEoront] n родитель park [pcuk] n парк part [pent] n часть take part принимать участие party 1 [zpcvti] n партия party2 [zpcuti] n прием гостей; вечер pass [peus] v передавать past 1 [past] n прошлое, а про- шлый, прошедший past 2 [peust] prep после; мимо; свыше five minutes past two пять минут третьего patriotic [rpaetrizotik] а патрио- тический pay [pei] v (paid [peid], paid) платить peace [pi:s] n мир pen [pen] n ручка pencil [zpensl] n карандаш pen name ['penneim] n псевдоним pensioner ['penjono] n пенсионер people [zpi:pl] n люди; народ peoples народы perhaps [pa'haeps] adv может быть, возможно Petrograd ['petragraed] pr n Пет- роград physical ['fizikl] а физический physical training физкультура piano ['pjaenou] n пианино pick [pik] v собирать pick up поднимать, подбирать picture [zpiktfa] n картина picture-book ['piktjabuk] n книж- ка с картинками piece [pi:s] n кусок pi? [P’9] n свинья pig-farm ['pigfeum] n свиноферма pilot [paiht] n пилот, летчик pinafore ['pinofo:] n передник placard ['plaekcudj n плакат place [pleis] n место plain [plein] n равнина plane [plein] n самолет plant 1 [plcunt] n завод plant2 [plcunt] v сажать plate [pleit] n тарелка play [plei] n пьеса; v играть player [zpleio] n игрок playground ['pleigraund] n пло- щадка для игр please [pli:z] пожалуйста; v до- ставлять удовольствие pleasure ['р1езэ] n удовольствие plot [plot] n участок земли (при- школьный) plump [р1дтр] а пухлый, полный pocket [zpokit] n карман poem [zpouim] n поэма, стихот- ворение 353
poet ['pouit] n поэт point [point] v указывать police [pa'lizs] n полиция policy ['palisi] n политика political [pa'litikal] а политиче- ский poor [pua] а бедный popular ['papjula] а известный, популярный population [,papju'leijn] n насе- ление portrait [zpa:trit] n портрет post [poust] v отправлять no почте postcard ['poustkcud] n почтовая открытка postman ['poustman] n почтальон post-office ['poustpfis] n почта potato [pa'teitou] n картофель power ['paua] n власть prefer [pri'fa:] v предпочитать prepare [pri'pca] v приготавли- ваться) present 1 ['preznt] n подарок present 2 ['preznt] а присутству- ющий pretty ['priti] а хорошенький price [prais] n цена printer ['prints] n печатник prison ['prizn] n тюрьма prize [praiz] n приз, награда profession [pra'fefn] n профессия progress ['prougres] n прогресс publish ['рлЫif] v издавать, пуб- ликовать publisher ['publija] n издатель pupil ['pjuzpl] n ученик push [puf] v толкать put [put] v (put, put) класть put on надевать put down класть, опускать Q quarter ['kwaita] n четверть queen [kwi:n] n королева question ['kwestjan] n вопрос; v спрашивать, задавать вопросы quickly ['kwikli] adv быстро quite [kwait] adv совсем R rabbit ['raebit] n кролик race [reis] n состязание в беге; гонки radio ['reidiou] n радио radio set радиоприемник raft [rcuft] n плот rain [rein] n дождь; v идти (о дожде) It is raining. Идет дождь, raincoat ['reinkout] n плащ rainy ['reini] а дождливый raise [reiz] v поднимать ran [raen] cm. run rang [raeg] cm. ring reach [ri:tj] v достигать read [ri:d] v (read [red], read [red]) читать reader ['ri:da] n читатель reading-room ['ridigrum] n чи- тальный зал ready ['redi] а готовый be ready быть готовым receive [ri'sizv] v получать record ['гекэ-.d] n рекорд red [red] а красный reed [ri:d] n тростник refrigerator [ri'fгidsareita] n хо- лодильник regiment ['redsimant] n полк relation [ri'leijn] n родственник 354
s remember [ri'membo] v помнить, вспоминать repeat [ri'pizt] v повторять report [ri'pDzt] n доклад; v до- кладывать republic [ri'pAblik] n республика rest [rest] n отдых; v отдыхать have a rest отдыхать result [ri'zAlt] n результат revolution [zrevozlu:Jn] n револю- ция rich [ritf] а богатый; n pl богат- ство ridden ['ridn] cm. ride ride [raid] v (rode, ridden) ехать right [rail] а правый; правильный on the right направо That’s right! Правильно! All right! Хорошо! That’s all right. Все в порядке, ring [rig] v (rang, rung) звонить rise [raiz] v (rose, risen) подни- маться risen [Zrizn] cm. rise river [zrivo] n река road [roud] n дорога rode [roud] cm. ride roof [ru:f] n крыша room [ru:m] n комната rose 1 [rouz] n роза rose 2 [rouz] cm. rise rouble [ru:bl] n рубль round [raund] а круглый rule [ru:l] n правило run [глп] v (ran, run) бежать, бегать rung (глд] см. ring Russia [ztaJo] pr n Россия Russian ['гл|(э)п] а русский; n русский язык; русский, рус- ская sad [saed] а грустный sail [seil] v идти под парусами, плавать sailor ['seilo] n моряк salt [sozlt] n соль salute [sozlu:t] n салют; v салю- товать same [seim] pron тот же самый at the same time в тоже время the same to you и вам того желаю sang [saeg] см. sing sat [saet] cm. sit satirical [so'tirikol] а сатирический Saturday [zsaetodi] n суббота sausage ['sosids] n колбаса save [seiv] v спасать saw [so:] cm. see say [sei] v (said [sed], said) го- ворить, сказать scarf [skcuf ] n шарф school [sku:l] n школа school-bag [zsku:lbaeg] n школь- ная сумка schoolboy [zsku:lboi] n школьник schoolchildren [zsku:ltjildron] n pl школьники schoolgirl [zsku:lgo:l] n школьница schoolmate [zsku:lmeit] n това- рищ по школе schoolyard [zsku:ljcud] n школь- ный двор 4 science [zsaions] n наука scientist ['saiontist] n ученый score [sko:] n счет (в игре); v вести счет (в игре), выигры- вать Scotland ['skotlond] pr п Шот- ландия Scottish ['skotif] а шотландский sea [si:] п море 355
seal [si:l] v запечатывать seaside [zsi:said] n морской берег season [Zsi:zn] n время года second ['sekond] num второй see [si:] v (saw [so:], seen) видеть seen [si:n] cm. see sell [sei] v (sold [sould], sold) продавать send [send] v (sent, sent) посы- лать sent [sent] cm. send sentence ['sentons] n фраза, предложение September [sep'tembo] n сен- тябрь seven ['sevnj num семь shake [Jeik] v (shook, shaken) трястись; качаться; дрожать shaken ['Jeikn] см. shake she [Ji:] ргоп она sheep [Ji:p] n (pl sheep) овца shelf [Jelf] n (pl shelves) полка shine [Jain] v (shone [Jon], shone) светить ship [Jip] n корабль shipwrecked ['Jiprekt] а потер- певший кораблекрушение shipyard ['Jipjcud] n кораблест- роительный завод, верфь shirt [Jo:t] n рубашка shoe [Ju:] n туфля shone [Jon] cm. shine shook [Juk] cm. shake shoot [Ju:t] v (shot, shot) стре- лять shoot down сбивать shop [Jop] n магазин shop-girl ['Jopgo:!] n продав- щица shop assistant ['Jopo'sistont] n продавец shopping ['Jopig] n посещение магазина 356 do one’s shopping делать по- купки go shopping ходить по мага- зинам shopping-bag ['Jopigbaeg] n сум- ка для покупок shop-window ['Jopwindou] n вит- рина shore [Jo:] n берег short [Jo:t] а короткий shot [Jot] cm. shoot shout [Jaut] v кричать show [Jou] v (showed, shown) показывать showed [Joud] cm. show shown [Joun] cm. show shut [jAt] v (shut, shut) закры- вать side [said] n сторона sideboard ['saidbo:d] n сервант signal ['signal] n сигнал silk [ silk] n шелк silly ['sili] а глупый sing [sig] v (sang, sung) петь sister ['sista] n сестра sit [sit] v (sat, sat) сидеть six [siks] num шесть size [saiz] n размер skate [skeit] n конек; v кататься на коньках skating-rink ['sketig,rigk] n каток ski [ski:] n лыжа; v ходить на лыжах skirt [sko:t] n юбка sleep [sii:p] v (slept, slept) спать slept [slept] cm. sleep slogan ['slougan] n лозунг slowly ['slouli] adv медленно small [smo:l] а маленький smile [smail] v улыбаться; n улыбка snow [snou] n снег; v идти (о снеге)
snowball ['snouboil] n снежок, снежный ком snowman ['snoumaen] п снежная баба so [sou] adv так, таким образом and so on и так далее soap [soup] n мыло socialist ['soufolist] а социалис- тический sock [sok] n носок sofa ['soufo] n софа; диван sold [sould] cm. sell soldier ['souldso] n солдат some [sAm] pron некоторые, не- сколько sometimes ['sAmtaimz] adv иногда son [sAn] n сын song [sog] n песня soon [sum] adv скоро, вскоре sorry ['sori] a: be sorry сожалеть sound [saund] n звук; v звучать soup [suip] n суп south [sau0] n юг Soviet ['souviet] а советский Soviet Union Советский Союз speak [spiik] v (spoke, spoken) говорить spend [spend] v (spent, spent) тратить; проводить (время) spent [spent] см. spend splendid ['splendid] а прекрас- ный spoke [spouk] cm. speak spoken ['spoukn] cm. speak spoon [spu:n] n ложка sport [spoil] ri спорт sportsman ['spoilsman] n спорт- смен spring" [sprig] n весна square [skwca] а квадратный; n сквер; площадь stadium ['steidjam] n стадион stamp [staernp] n марка (почтовая) stand [staend] n стенд; трибуна; v (stood, stood) стоять stand up вставать stay [stei] v оставаться steam [sti:m] n nap steel [sti:l] n сталь; а стальной stick [stik] n палка still 1 [stil] а тихий, бесшумный; adv тихо still 2 [stil] adv все еще stocking ['stokig] n чулок stone [stoun] n. камень stood [stud] cm. stand stop [stop] n остановка; v оста- навливаться store [stoi] n магазин story [zsto:ri] n рассказ straight [streit] а прямой; adv прямо strap [straep] n ремешок street [strilt] n улица strict [strikt] а строгий strike [straik] v (struck, struck) ударять string [strig] n бечевка strong [strog] а сильный struck [strAk] cm. strike struggle [zstrAgl] n борьба; v бо- роться student ['stjuidont] n студент study ['stAdi] n изучение; v изу- чать subject ['sAbdsikt] n учебный предмет success [sok'ses] n успех such [saIJ] а такой, подобный suck [sAk] v сосать suck up всасывать suddenly [zSAdnli] adv вдруг, внезапно sugar ['Jugo] n сахар suit [suit] n костюм summer ['sAmo] n лето 357
sun [sah] п солнце Sunday ['sAndi] n воскресенье sung [saq] cm. sing sunny [zSAni] а солнечный supper ['sApo] n ужин have supper ужинать suspenders [sas'pendoz] n pl под- тяжки swallow [zswolou] v глотать, про- глатывать swam [swam] cm. swim sweep [swi:p] v (swept, swept) мести sweet 1 [swi:t] n конфета sweet2 [swi:t] а сладкий swept [swept] cm. sweep swim [swim] v (swam, swum) плавать swum [swAm] cm. swim symbol [zsimbl] n символ T table [zteibl] n. стол; таблица tail [teil] n хвост take [teik] v (took, taken) брать take care of заботиться take off снимать take part принимать участие take place иметь место; слу- чаться, происходить taken ['teikn] см. take talk [to:k] n разговор; v разго- варивать tall [toil] а высокий; рослый tea [ti:] n чай teach [tiitf] v преподавать, обу- чать teacher [zti:tfa] n учитель team [ti:m] n команда telegram ['teligraem] n телеграмма telephone ['telifoun] n телефон 358 television [ztelivisn] n телевидение tell [tel] v (told [tould], told) рас- сказывать, сказать ten [ten] num десять tennis ['tenis] n теннис tent [tent] n палатка terrible ['teribl] а ужасный text [tekst] n текст , textile [ztekstail] а текстильный thank [Oaegk] v благодарить thank you спасибо that [6aet] pron тот, та; cj чтр the [бэ] перед согласными, [6i] перед гласными — опреде- ленный артикль the Stogovs Стоговы (семья Стоговых) theatre [z0ioto] п театр their [без] pron их them [бет] pron им, их themselves [Oom'selvz] pron их then [беп] adv затем, потом there [без] adv там these [6i:z] pron эти they [6ei] pron они thick [Oik] а толстый thin [Oin] а тонкий thing [0ig] n вещь think [0ir)k] v (thought [0o:t], thought) думать third [0o:d] num третий thirteen ['Oa/tin] num тринадцать thirty [z0o:ti] num тридцать this [6is] pron этот, эта, это those [6ouz] pron те thought [0o:t] cm. think three [Ori:] num три threw [0ru:] cm. throw throat [0rout] n горло through [0ru:] prep через, наск- возь throw [0rou] v (threw [0ru:], thrown [Oroiin]) бросать
thrown [Oroun] см. throw Thursday [Z0o:zdi] n четверг ticket ['tikit] n билет tie [tai] n галстук tights [taits] n pl колготки till [til] prep до time [taim] n время time-table [ztaim teibl] n распи- сание tired [ztaiod] а усталый be tired уставать title [ztaitl] n заголовок to [tu:, tu, to] prep к, в today [to'dei] adv сегодня together [to'ge6o] adv вместе told [tould] cm. tell tomorrow [ta'morou] adv завтра too [tu:] adv тоже, также; слишком took [tuk] см. take tool [tu:l] n инструмент touch [tAtf] v дотрагиваться towel [ztauol] n полотенце town [taun] n город toy [toi] n игрушка track [traek] n след tractor [ztraekto] n трактор tractor-driver [ztraekto,draivo] n тракторист tram [traem] n трамвай translate [traens'leit] v переводить travel ['traevol] n путешествие; v путешествовать tree [tri:] n дерево tribune [ztribju:n] n трибуна trolley-bus ['trolibAs] n троллейбус trousers ['trauzoz] n pl брюки true [tru:] а настоящий, истинный trustee [ztrAszti:] n опекун try [trai] v стараться, пытаться try on [ztraizon] примерять Tuesday [Ztju:zdi] n вторник turn [to:n] v повернуть(ся) turn off закрывать, выклю- чать turn on открывать, включать turning [zto:nig] n поворот (до- роги, улицы), перекресток TV set [zti:zvi:zset] n телевизор twelve [ztwelv] num двенадцать twenty [ztwenti] num двадцать twenty-one [ztwentizWAn] num двадцать один two [tu:] num два typhus [ztaifas] n тиф U umbrella [лт'ЬгеЬ] n зонтик uncle [zAr)kl] n дядя under [zAndo] prep под underlined [,Andazlaind] а под- черкнутый understand [,Andozstaend] v (un- derstood, understood) пони- мать United Kingdom [juz'naitid 'kirjdam] Соединенное Коро- левство United States [ju:'naitidzsteits] Соединенные Штаты university [,ju:ni'vo:siti] n уни- верситет until [An'tiI] prep до тех пор пока up [лр] adv вверх us [as] ргоп нам, нас use [ju:z] v употреблять usually [zju:3uoli] adv обычно V vacation [vo'keijn] n каникулы, отпуск various [zVEorios] а разный, раз- нообразный 359
vegetable ['vedsotobl] n овощ Very [zveri] adv очень victory ['viktori] n победа village ['vilids] n деревня visit [Zvizit] n посещение; v на- вещать voice [vois] n голос volleyball [zvolibo:l] n волейбол W wait (for) [weit] v ждать wake [weik] v просыпаться walk [wo:k] n прогулка; v гулять, идти пешком go for a walk идти на про- гулку walk on идти дальше wall [wo:l] n стена want [wont] v хотеть war [wo:] n война wardrobe [zwo:droub] n гарде- роб, платяной шкаф warm [wo:m] а теплый watch [wotf] n часы (наручные); v смотреть, наблюдать, сле- дить watch TV смотреть телевизор water [zwo:to] п вода; v поливать wave [weiv] п волна way [wei] п: on the way по до- роге, по пути (куда-либо) we [wi:] pron мы wear [weo] v (wore [wo:], worn) носить (одежду) weather [zwe6o] n погода Wednesday [Zwenzdi] n среда week [wi:k] n неделя well [wel] adv хорошо be well быть здоровым went [went] cm. go west [west] n запад 360 whale [weil] n кит what [wot] pron что; какой wheat [wi:t] n пшеница when [wen] adv, cj когда where [weo] adv, cj где; куда which [witf] pron какой; который while [wail] cj пока, в то время как, когда white [wait] а белый whitewash ['waitwof] п побелка; v белить who [hu:] pron кто whose [hu:z] pron чей why [wai] adv, cj почему That’s why... Вот почему... wide [waid] а широкий wife [waif] n жена wig [wig] n парик win [win] v (won [wah], won) победить, выиграть wind [wind] n ветер window ['windou] n окно windy [zwindi] а ветреный wing [wig] n крыло winter [zwinto] n зима wish [wij] n пожелание; v же- лать with [wi&] prep c without [wiz6aut] prep без woman ['wumonj n (pl women) женщина women [zwimin] cm. woman won [WAFl] CM. win wonderful [zWAndoful] а замеча- тельный wonderland [zwAndolaend] n страна чудес wooden [zwudn] а деревянный wool [wul] n шерсть word [wo:d] n слово wore [wo:] cm. wear work[wo:k]rt работа; v работать worker [zwo:ko] n рабочий
workshop ['workfop] n мастерская world [world] n мир worn [wo:n] cm. wear worse [wa:s] а (сравн. ст. от bad) худший worst [worst] а (превосх. ст. от bad) наихудший write [rait] v (wrote, written) пи- сать writer ['raito] n писатель written [zritn] cm. write wrong [год] а неверный, непра- вильный wrote [rout] cm. write year [jio] n год yellow ['jelou] а желтый yes [jes] adv да yesterday ['jestodi] adv вчера yet [jet] adv еще you [jur] pron вы (ты), вам (тебе) young []лг)] а молодой your [jo:] pron ваш (твой) yourself [jor'self] pron себе; сам yourselves [jor'selvz] pron себе; сами yard [jcud] n двор zero ['ziorou] n нуль zoo [zu:] n зоопарк zoology [zou'olodsi] n зоология
CONTENTS III Unit 1 § 1......................... 3 § 3 10 § 4 13 § 5 17 § 6. 20 § 7 23 § 8 28 § 9 30 § 10 33 § 11 36 § 1,2.......................38 § 13 42 § 14 44 § 15 47 § 16 50 § 17 52 II Unit 2 § 1 55 § 2 58 § 3 60 § 4 63 § 5 66 § 6 69 § 7 74 § 8 77 § 9 80 § 10 82 § 11 85 § 12 88 § 13 91 Unit 3 94 96 99 103 106 110 114 117 120 123 125 128 132 135 140 143 146 150 155 158 162 165 167 171 174 177 180 184 362
§ 8 187 § 9 190 § 10 193 § 11 198 § 12 202 § 13 205 § 14 207 § 15 210 Irregular Verbs........ 213 Reference Grammar. . . . 216 Key to Written Exercises............... 231 READER Reading in September and October Task 1. Daniel Defoe............................... 233 Robinson Crusoe............................. 234 Task 2. Aesop’s Fables............................. 237 Task 3. The London Zoo............................. 240 Task 4. The Monkeys and the Reeds.................. 244 Task 5. The Terrible Miss Dove..................... 248 Task 6. Albert Maltz............................... 252 Circus Comes to Town........................ 252 Task 7. Mark Twain................................. 256 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer................ 257 Task 8. Funny Stories and Jokes.................... 260 Reading in November and December Task 9. John Reed................................... 261 Task 10. Jonathan Swift............................. 265 Gulliver’s Travels......................... 266 Task 11. Tim All Alone.............................. 270 Task 12. Stamps..................................... 275 Task 13. New Year’s Eve in Great Britain............ 278 Task 14. Funny Stories and Jokes................ 281 363
Reading in January, February and March Task 15. Lewis Carroll.............................. 282 Alice in Wonderland........................ 283 Task 16. At a Village School in Australia........... 287 Task 17. Notes from the Sea........................ 291 Task 18. Rudyard Kipling............................ 294 How the Whale Got His Throat............... 295 Task 19. Mary Dodge................................ 297 The Silver Skates........................... 298 Task 20. A Day at an English School................. 303 Task 21. Judy Enters College........................ 306 Task 22. English-Speaking Countries................. 309 Task 23. Glasgow.................................... 313 Task 24. Funny Stories and Jokes.................... 315 Reading in April and May Task 25. Mayne Reid................................. 316 Caught in a Tree........................... 317 Task 26. The Twenty-Second Olympic Games........... 321 Kilometres of Adventures................... 322 Task 27. Sports and Games in Britain and in the USA.............................. 324 Task 28. Captain Scott’s Expedition to the South Pole........................... 326 Task 29. Samuel Morse.............................. 329 Task 30. William Shakespeare........................ 333 Romeo and Juliet........................... 334 Task 31. Funny Stories and Jokes................... 338 Vocabulary........................................... 340 364
Анатолий Петрович Старков Ричард Ричардович Диксон Борис Семенович Островский АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник 3-й год обучения (для 7 класса средней школы) Ответственные за выпуск Дмитриев В. В.9 Чистова ев С. В. Научный редактор Янушевская И. Д. Художник Фоличеева А. В. Оформление обложки Волошкин О. П. Технические редакторы Беккерман Ю. И., Костылева Н. В. Корректор Толстякова Е. В. Компьютерный дизайн и верстка Лукина Н. В. Лицензия № 071099 от 09.11.94. Подписано в печать 14.04.97. Формат 60x90 / 16. Гарнитура Литературная. Печ. л. 23. Тираж 100 000 экз. (2-й завод). Зак. 52. Издательство «Специальная Литература», 198052, Санкт-Петербург, Измайловский пр., 29. ОАО «Санкт-Петербургская типография N® б*. 193144, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Моисеенко, д. 10,
Future Indefinite if (when) + Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Passive Present Indefinite Passive are given (the 3rd form of the verb)
Cotton grown Vegetables are in this part of the country.