Теги: needlework   cross stitch   handicrafts  

ISBN: 0-7153-1221-9

Год: 2002

                    ^Vizards ^Angels Dragons Alermaids (Jherubs 'Unicorns dairies

Qross ^titcb jttyth anij^Lagic David &. Charles
A DAVID & CI IARI-ES BOOK First published in the UK in 2002 Designs Copright: Sue Cook C' dwt pages 31.63. 84-85. 94-103: Maria Diaz <•* chart page* 20-21, 22-23. 38-39. 54-55, 70-71. 79. 86-87: Linda & Roger Garland — original artwork C Frost. Aquamarine: Susan Penny 0 dun pages 15. 32-35. 36-37. 68-69, 80-83; Pinn (£ dun pages 47. 48-51. 52-53: Man- Srocken C; chart pages 64-67; Teresa Wcnrzler C‘ chart pages 16-19 Photography, rm and layout Copyright C David & Charles 2002 The designs in this book are copyright and nuwr nor be stitched for resale. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or bv any means, electronic or mechanical, by plwctKopying. recording or otherwise, without prior permission tn writing from the publisher. A catalogue record tor this book is available from the British Library 1SBN 0 7153 1221 9 Designed and produced by Penny & Penny Printed in Italy by Stige for David A Charles Brunel Mouse Neuron Abbot Devon
Contents Introduction 6 Myth & Magic 8 Winter Enchantment 24 Oriental Fantasy 40 J Angelic Messengers 56 The Mystic Deep 72 Celestial Heaven 88 Templates 104 Stitching Techniques 105 Suppliers 109 Acknowledgments 110 Chart Index 111 Index 112
6 Introduction Introduction ^=^0 This cross stitch book will take you on a journey to tlic nivstic.il work! oi Fantasy. Mere you will find J J J projects spun from the daydreams of their designers: some based on myth, and some on legend, but most mixed together like a magician’s spell with a pinch of reality, a spoonful of romance, and a cupful of imagination. Six exciting chapters are packed with magical designs of castles, wizards, dragons and angels. Within each chapter you will find a showcase design, a medium design for a picture or wallhanging, and a range of smaller projects for cards, box tops and rowel edgings. In the first chapter, Myr6 & ALtgrr, the showcase project is by fantasy designer Teresa Wentzler: a stunning study of a princess walking with her dragon. You will also rind a wallhanging of Merlin the wizard, and card designs of a castle and a dragon. In Winter Enchantment rhe showcase project of Santa on horseback is designed by Susan Penny; a frost fairy and winter angel, plus a range of smaller designs complete this wintry chapter. Oriental Fantasy lakes you on a trip to the mystic East, where you will find the beautiful goddess of mercy, and a colourful oriental dragon. The showcase project in Angelic Messengers is the angel of peace, which has been designed by .Mary Stockett. Other projects in this chapter include a unicorn and cherubs. In The Mystic Deep. Susan Penny has taken her inspiration for Aquamarine from an original painting by fantasy artists Linda and Roger Garland. Finally Greek architecture has given Sue Gook the idea for rhe wallhanging in Celestial Heaven: a study of the twelve zodiac signs, where the project can be stitched as a whole or the star signs made into cards or gifts. Truly a magnificent design, and a great way to finish a book that brings dreams to life, and conjures up magic with every stitch.

Л s children we hear stories of magical castles, of princes rescuing JL beautiful princesses from their evil step-fathers, and of knights in shining armour fighting for the hand of the kings daughter. 11? hear about the legends of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table, and of Merlin the wizard who used his special magic powers to kelp King Arthur rule the land. As we grow up we start to wonder about the truth behind those stories and legends; we read history books about people who really did live in castles, knights in shining armour who did fight in tournaments, and kings so powerful that humble subjects cowered at the mention of their name. So in this chapter titled Myth & Magic we celebrate those days gone by; and whether you believe in dragons, King Arthur or Merlin really doesn 't matter because each design has a sprinkling of magic that is sure to make you want to pick up your needle and start stitching
Myth & Magic: 11 The Princess and the Dragon A beautiful princess walks with her pel dragon. He playfully runs around his mistress, then stretches bis wings and wails for her to gently pat his scaly bead. Designed by Teresa Wentder Ф /1»1Гуиг white evenweave. 28 count 26. 7 5x30cm (lOl/2xU3/<in) V DMC stranded cotton 'doss in tee colours listed in the key V Tapestry needle. No 26 0 Sharp sewing needle & Mill Hill glass seed beads —gold 0201I; cobalt blue 00358; ice blue 02006; heather 0202 5, mauve 02024 Gold picture frame Stitching the dragon I Mark rhe centre of your fabric with racking stitches an J oversew around the edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame. 2Work the design from the centre out following the chart and key on pages 16. 17. 18 and 19. Use two strands of stranded cotton floss) for all the cross stitch, working each stitch over two threads of evenweave fabric. 3Some areas of the design are worked using blended needle. This technique gives the stitches a t weeded appearance, blending two colours together in one stitch. If a symbol in the key has two colour numbers listed against it vou will need to thread vour needle with one strand of J each colour. So on page 16. where colour 522 and colour 523 arc listed against one symbol, take one strand of each colour, lay them together and then thread vour needle m the normal wav. Blended needle is also used lor the green half cross stitch below the castle. Adding the backstitch derail I All the backstitch is worked using one strand of stranded cotton floss), apart from the dragons eve highlight which is worked in two strands of while. 2 The face derail and hair are worked using rhe small chart on page 19. The face is backsritched in one strand of brown 420. This colour is also used to backstitch the yellow areas of the dragon’s wing, neck and rail; rhe sash, brooch, crown and derail on the princess; and the outer and inner lines of the border. 31 se burgundy 3740 ro backstitch rhe mauve areas on rhe dragon’s wing, head and neck. 4 Backstitch the castle, all the whtre/grey areas on the princess, rhe mauve edges ol her sash and her dress with grey 414. 5 The green areas on the dragons head and wing, and the flowers in the princess's hand are backstitched using green 3362. Finally backstitch the blue areas on the dragons wing, neck and rail using blue 792. Adding rhe beads Following the chan on pages 16. 17. 18 and 19 for position, srirch rhe beads on ro rhe design using a sharp needle and one strand of stranded cotton (floss in a colour close to the colour of each bead. Five bead colours are used, which are srirched in small groups around the border edge and on the flowers in both the princess’s hand and the foreground. To finish the design, carefully wash and then press the stitching on a soft fluffy towel. Stretch the design following the instructions on page 108. or take the stitching to a framer for stretching and framing.
12 M'iti i & Magic Merlin the Wizard Merlin the wise old wizard used bis magical powers in support of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table. Here we see Merlin holding a flaming orb working on a spell. Designed by Maria Diaz Ф Xi-i-y blue evcfiweavf, 28 count 30x3 5. 5 cm (12x1 din) Ф DMC stranded cotton \jloss_ m the colours listed in the key & DMC rayon thread in the colours listed in the key Ф DAfC metallic divisible thread — fold, silver & DMC seed beads - aqua 03939 & Tapestry needle. Ac 26 Ф Navy blue fabric, 33x38.3cm (2 3x1 7.-.'i Ф Iron-on vilene Ф Bright blue cord with tassels Ф Curtain pole with finials Ф Sewing needle and thread О Stitching the dragon I Mark rhe centre of the nav\ blue evenweave with tacking stitches and oversew around the edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame. 2 Use two strands of stranded cotton floss) or two strands of ravon thread for the cross stitch, and two strands for the half cross stitch. Stitch Merlin from the centre out following the chart and key on pages 20 and 21, and working each stitch over two threads of evenweavc. h will help to complete rhe areas of cross stitch worked in stranded cotton (floss) before vou start stitching with the ravon thread. I’he lining or Merlin's cloak and sleeves; the top and bottom of his staff; his amulets, orb and the inner glow surrounding the flame are worked in rayon thread. 3The backstitch is worked in one strand of stranded cotton (floss), with one strand of gold being used on the cloak, staff ends, amulets at rhe neck and wrists, and rhe flame. The moon and star-shaped markings on the cloak are worked in one strand of gold thread. One strand of silver thread is used to highlight the sleeves and bottom edges of Merlins blue cloak. The silver thread is also used to stitch rhe stars on rhe background fabric surrounding Merlin. Stitch the aqua coloured seed beads on to Merlin's hand and on rhe amulet at his neck. Assembling the wall hanging I Use a photocopier to make an enlargement of the template on page 104, increasing rhe size by 200%. Cur our. the paper shape, then lay it on your stitching, making sure Merlin is exactly in the centre. Pm the template on to the fabric, then cut out the shape. Iron vilene on to the reverse side of your backing fabric, then use the paper template ro cur out the shape. Lay Merlin face up on a flat surface, on top of this place the backing fabric, vilene side uppermost. Stitch the layers together at the edges, with a 1cm (3/sm) seam allowance, but leaving the top edge open. Turn the wallhanging through to the right side, then press carefully. 2 Fold over the top edge of rhe wallhanging on ro the reverse side ro form a channel for the pole. The amount that you turn over at the top will depend on rhe size of the pole that you are using. Working on rhe reverse side of the hanging, turn under rhe raw fabric edges and then stitch along rhe width of the fabric to hold the channel firmly in place. Make sure the channel remains open at both sides for the pole. 3Pin, then slip stitch the cord around the edge of the wallhanging, starting at the centre bottom point. To finish the wallhanging thread the curtain pole through rhe channel at the top.

14 Myth & Magic The Castle and the Dragon Backstitch has been used to create a blackwork style pattern on the scales of this dragon and the walls of the castle. Both are quick to stitch, using shades oj green and brown. Designed by Susan Penny Ф Antique wb.7 linen, 28 cetin! 18x15 cm 7х6гл) x 2 V DMC stranded cotton floss) in the colours listed in the •'.r,' V Tapestr. needle, Xo 26 * 3» D.VfC seed beads — copper 09 898 * 3» Blank greetings cards x 2 * 3* Handmade paper Stitching rhe dragon and rhe castle I Mark the centre of your linen with tacking stitches and oversew around the edges to prevent them fraying. Mount ihe fabric in an embroider; hoop. 2 Following the chart and key on the opposite page, work rhe cross stitch on the dragon and the castle from the centre out, using two strands of stranded cotton (floss’. and working each stitch over two threads of fabric. Complete all the cross stitch before starting the backstitch. The main outline of the dragon is done in two strands of dark green 895, all rhe other backstitch is done in one strand. On the castle (he main outline is done in two strands of dark brown 610, all the other backstitch is done in one strand. Stitch a copper bead to the top ot each flag pole on the castle. To make it easier to read the chart some of the backstitch colours have been changed. Use the numbers given in the key to identify’ the correct colour to be used. Wash and press the stitching following the finishing instructions on page 108. Assembling rhe cards Fray the edges of the fabric, then attach the stitching to the front of a blank greetings card, decorated with a rectangle of handmade paper.
Myth & Magic 15 The Castle and the Dragon DMC stranded cotton (floss) 0 165 Backstitch 0 167 0 907 904 0 946 0 907 0 3045 946 0 3046 Backstitch 0 3047 0 165 Beads 0 167 Й *Copper 0 610 □ 677 895 ’V3-09-898 0 DMC copper seed 0 906 beads
16 Myth & Magic xlx xi: lot Q [®'g lg IDE 1ПППП1 1ПП1 innananai IE3E3I Irani ESGI Irani ioai ISE Isin ЕИ BQ IBBI IE3E3 IE3SI IHE3I IBM IBS IMS IE3QI >3 I lane ЕЗИИИЕЗЕЗЕЗ ; E3E3I 1ИЕЗ-31 BESET ИГ I I ieeei ЕЯИ313ИИ ISEEEE IHQQ ihshshi ПИИ 1ПВНИНВ1 SE0I 1н@ааан1 □□I ;HBI ИИВ ' I SSQCII 1П EE3SI EEHI 1ПВВ 1ПП№ва^ ifcHHar IBSB ИЕ 1ВВ1ЙИ IE jfciEl IE3HE3HHHI IBESB3I 1ВВ£ЕЗЭ1 iaDEE3;jar,<E3E3ssaaQ □□ЕЗИВ ИИЕЗЕЗЕЗЕЗИИЕЗЕ31 seas еенпввпезбеш1 SG BQ 0SSBS3 SI I E3 SBSSSSSEESESraESESa ! SEE3EEE3S □□□□EEE3 •2 El 3EBS 3QSEQE3 □□□□□□□BEBBEHBI iHSlQ НБЕЗВЕШ1 BBS □BQBGEEESBl ignnani SOSBEE I E3arSBBS'.-.-|BSEBEHSnni 3E3HE □□□□□□□EE IQQB BB 1ПППООЕПН1 I E BE 1ЕЭИИЕЕ313Е30ЕЕЗЕЗЕЗВ0Е5Е321ЕЗЁ31 И—00^1 SEEEEKB isanssi □£1ИНЙ. □HI EBSSHBB а'ывваы ЮВИЕЗеЗ ЕИЕЕЕНВ □□ I □□ааВаавЕввиЕЕНшв □□ iBBHEiHB.ssa as ,<ass 1ЯЕЯЕПЯЙ'ЕН0 JliffiHHH 1НИИППИЗ ПН ЛД^НДДЯ IBB IS 0НП лВЕк hbh □ ibbe □ 2sss гаиднин ЯНЕ1 BBSSSBS 2 3 .ИЕКПЯГ-irar-il II I л 27 ПДД 2 IHEEaEHQQaEI лЭВ^ 3 НЕВИННЕЕ! ESDI ЙНИИИЕШЙЯ,а№.К чнйий^ 0ВИ!гаиЕяи>'. I ЙИИН1 ЕМП\ ИВЙИЙЕЗ^ lEIElEIIHra а ЕЕИВПИВд r3«is I 1ППЕЕ1Е I ElrJ I ЗНВИГЕ II n. ЕИ. ----------- !> irai ssniSQ IekiS BKiasssn ВНЗЕЗСЕЕЗ!□□CSQSBBBSBSQBQQSHSQi □□QEEEEEQDQBQaa НИК ИИПВН IQBDI Ki SSI иЯкВ НвйПИВН B>3s.’asiB?HEn ’ВВ^ЯИНВВН L-t3E3EJDSI IQHHHHQI IBBB ISBBi 1 BSISI IBSQfe'il IBBJB IBSBSSi ISSSS I HQE3 BSSl as q ass ПЯааиЕв аБ13ЕЗгзп?<гаигагаитга1-. л ВЕЕВ jSJBI ИЕК! Ч |ПГБН^ ИИ 2ЙЙИИЙЙИИИ ЕИЗЖИИ лййййййййй|.11 ------ ^ЙЕШИИИИ чпйй Е ’ ЕЕИВИИПИПИВН 3 1ИЙИВВ0ЕЭПБПВВ за эиг ЛЙЙЙЙЙНЙЙЙЙЙИЧб З^ЙЙЙЙЙЙЙИИИИП ЧВЙЙИ 2ЙЙЙЙЙИИИЙЙЙЙЙН ‘ЗйИИ ^ЙЙППЙЙЙЙЙЙ»' 11 ЧОИПП^В чй авк. isss за IDS BBEQElSaHESSHSI SafflSDESS □ к ssHEs । ;аи!-|| QaEEQSQQHQH йй ?а^ЙЕ______ ____ — SE ИВНЕЙЕЗаййР'ИЙЙ^ ВНИ О ’Пи. ннаинййиййшк вв ча SEEIS E3 S 1ИИКЙЙЙЙИ>. ЯВ : □ ййи^аЕ^^ййнйййййи а ч йй! •ВЕЗЕВЙЙГ иййййИк ав |ЧИ15|аЕ0Ий!П ЧИЙЙИЙИ вя ESQEQSnsan "ЕЗЙЙЙИк ВВ Е: НЕЗНаИПП ЧНЙЙЙ1.1 Е БИВЕЕИЕЗЕЕ "ЙЙИ^ В ЭПЕВ0| ^QBD ЗЯИИИйк В В E3HI3 п^папнпяи И1НИЙЙЬ. _ _ ----------|ВИ0^ИЙЙИЙЙ IH № ЙЙЙЕЬ’И I :-|ЕИВВиййИШ_______ ______ : ли а.-.;ййИ □bqijihbl ВНПП<'йИ” лйк П □ amsEQ^ иий bhshbiel. ЯНН 1ИВИЕ ИН й ----------- ИННЕПОКИЙ^Е.Й |л№ННЕН ИГНИй: ЙЙНЕ1В ИЕЙ ИПГ| -------- ИЕЙЙ .1 IHSSlil Чййййи зап □ свинга 1ИДЯНД ЛЭН
The Princess and the Dragon 0 0 я 3687/3726 DMC stranded cotton (floss) 3041 1/2 X stitch 0 471/503 0 522/523 0 3743/3840 • *00358 □ Blanc □ 503 E 613 3042 0 472/504 H 472/504 778/3689 Backstitch *02006 0 Ecru □ 504 0 676 3362 X stitch blend 0 501/792 778/3743 0 414 и *02011 a 414 523 0 677 В 3363 315/3740 a 501/3346 792/3740 0 420 ЁЗ *02024 □ 415 0 524 [♦] 729 3740 315/3803 a 502/3347 3041/3726 0 792 № *02025 501 610 и 762 0 3743 316/3042 502/3838 3041/3838 0 3362 ‘Mill Hill seed beads a 502 В 611 792 0 3774 0 316/3688 □ 503/3839 0 3042/3839 0 3740 Myth & Magic 17
Use this small chart for adding the backstitch detail to the face of the princess. IQQI IE3ESEHEEB EE I □QI IE3OI □QI 1ЕЗЕЗИИИЕЗЕЭЕЗ □DI □ □ @□0 □ G 0QDI SHa НИ BQ HS 1ЙЛ1 IQQl I3BBBS IQQI IBB I QI □Bl I^.DI 1НЯЭЕ1 a □! 'ЧИЛИ! IDQI isfti DQ I □S iBQ зязяс IBB BB1k SEQE3 □ esq jBS lafflBk-i EQ □ SQ teiaati see IBHH nap □□□□□> ВВПГЯВЯВН IS 3Q EEBI iBinnsa. □ <:□ □□ ПП^ПИ-. Qs. □□□<-! □□ ai'E □ □□%?! ЯИЙЖВЕЭИЕ .'Ж У . ак - “IBlffll ЭИИ373 ®SEr' I ISBBES EBB ibbl ; jEH t?BH shsibhe айв ОШЕ----------— :;;Евва'. sssi____ __________________________ jqei srassisraa qbq эгагагаз ebb si qbq ввявз jBBQ эяянзз лввв si ЗЯЯН QBE £31 ЗЯВВЕ EBB ЗЯ1 щяаяа^вв эв: зя ^dboi ззяе jiaoaia □ звва 7 эзягаа .-гад □□Q s ЗЕИВЗЗ .'.Ж1ВВ □□г StaBHBB Ь/ЙИВВЯ /731 □ Q ЗЯЯЯЯВ лЕВЗЕ S 33 □□ЭЯЯЯЗЕ лВВВ _зээ □QBBB3 лВБВ у ' BQ SBBB37 SB3B ' ЗЯЯЯВ." jB8:2' iqbsebbbb лвиваазявягаз вимии--------- -------- ВДБЯВВ£ ЙЙВ ЗВВЯС лвВВ? ЗЯЯ' QBQ 33 ЖЖ! асяявзэлЕВЕ зязявз евв звяв лВЕ ззз IQDBBBQ QBS SB3BBB J0BQ ВВЯЗ !ВВ 33 ЯВ . б ЙОЯЯЗЗлЕВЕ ЗЯЯЯЗЗ QBQ ЗЯЯЯЗ лВВВ зяз □. IQDBB3 BBS ЕВЗВВЭ ,<ВВЕ - ВЯЗ НИ ВЯЗ □ Z1Q □СЯЭЗл1!Я ЗЯЯЯЯЗ ЕВВ ЗЯЯЗ лЯВВ В И 35 IQ3BB BBQ ЕЯЕ-ЯЯЭ лВВВ IBHBx ВИГ: ЗЯГ - □ЗЯЗлЕЙЕ ЗЯЯЯЯЗ QBQ ЗЯЯЗЗ ЕВВ ЗЯЯ1 IQ7. QBQ зяэдяэв SBQ ЯВЕ лВВВ оЯЕ -------- ------- (UBE Z .ЗЯВЭ'.ВВЗ .ЗЯЯЯ! ваззяяяг .я эяяяз лев. зеине jqbq / а Еканивз лвва эвввзлввв сяиз левв ни IQCBHHB лВВВ - ЗЯЯЗ EBB ЗЯЯЯЗ QBQ ЗИН1 1павязэл; в зяяз лзвг зяяяз и: зззз □□язв ввв г зяяз лева яга;, лввв -' вяз _ ___ □□be лвв зяяяв ^авв ввявз^'лвБ^апвв;'^вв^ж: □QB .:QB ?' ЗЯЯЗ ЕВВ ВИВВГ QBB Z ЯВЕ лИИ—НМ К □ 3jEBQ ВЯЯ7 jQBE ЗЯЯЯЗ jQBB ВВЯЗ ВВЖ Я □□ ВВВ ЗЯЯЯЗ jEBB ВЯВЯВ jEBE вяз ляж яя ИП^ВВ./Е'ЯЯЯЭ QBQ ЭВИВЕ. ВИВРЯСИЗВЯЗ .ЕНГ □ebbs-ееияз лввз зявве лвве зяяз лвж IQQBB L ЭВВВЗ^ЕВИаЕВВЭВВГ---- IQQB ЭВВ83 ВИН ----------- --- |ИЕ и зввяы jBBQ 31 1ЯЗ -iQBB BBBBBBEEBQ J/i ZSI I^BBE El SE 3 ibb заэ jQfa IBS JEBI IB QBQ ___________________ jess иазазаиа ............ ' . 333 JQBBQ/ ;: иаагжи I □DBBB jEBBB. ЗЯЕ .аЕЯВа®ЗЗВИВ!3!ЗИ . I□QBЭ JBBQ3GZ ЗЯЕ jQBQ ;?7:ЗЗЕИЗЕВ S'/' □□E ЛЙВИ 3BB. лЕВВ ВЯЗ ДИ HQQ JQBB SSBE jBBQ BBS П 3 КЛ.ВЕ ЗЯЯЯЗ EBE. / вяз jQE У 33----------- --------- -- ваявш.х- 1ВЯЯЯЗ лвиог: звя иав взяв jobs оа п □□BS ЭВВВЗ jBBE BBBBjQBB ВЗЯВ jEBE и □□ □de гаявяв jebq звязл-.в - завяз qbq / паи изп □□□ □□ ./ ЗЯЯЯЗ. аВВВ BBBBjBBBЗЗЯЯЭ ЛЕВЕ:; ИЕЗЗ QQ ИНН J ЖИР/ .ЗЯЯЯЗ л НЕЕ ЗЯЯЗ лЕВЕ ЗЗЯЯИ лВВВ и вне звон и ИР ЭЭЯЯЭЗ QBBS/ЗЯЯЗ :ИВВД/:533ЯЯЗ 2ЕВЕ '_И И ^ИИ И Н ННШ ш"№й1 IHEJ ИН - ЛВ&5ЧПИП1 __________I □E3EBQQQE3 333EQ:;; QEQQI MlaEEEaESQQQQE-!□□□□ □3333EQI ВИИЕЗИ □□□ЕаавЕЗЕа □ □□ □□ аивпа .;-□ □анапазии □□□□ йене IB 'ESaO. QSEESQ ВЕНЯ □□ □□ЕЕ: ---- :;ПЕЕ0ИОЕЕЗЯ . □□□ SEES ISE3Q EEQDDEQQ ESSS DQQES □□ЕЕЯ _________E3D7QSQ: □□ESDHEQQ f -□□SEHGQl ESS i - ЗРВИВаЯЗЕЯ □□□□1ЕЕЕЗП DE EE QDGHES □□EEi: E QSB □ B EEB Q □□EE ;~EE SEES □□ EES IEEEE □□EDBE . 31 SB ----------- ИН; . BE E BE -3SSE3 E И В _ ___ ИН НИ И Q СНП НН И17И7И7 ШНчШИ :Jf7 HHHSHii'iS 0Е1ЖИНИ SE3SI иа с.'.н ;и gs0E2I в :иаа вш-; тзэвинии ^3 Bp|v|f S ora I __ s □ □ ИИ1 IB я is iE 1Ш 1Ш IB I is Lacayo., ым ________37BL,SSan ВНИИ я'чаяавв ...IH КЯ’ЧПВПИ яя йялпа ЕЯ Я ВЕЗ В: ИЛИ ь. ЯИ IBs. ВЛ я в “ пеня ЯП ня Я I И!Н QK □□□ □ “ □□□ЕЙИЕВЕЗЕЕН! — Еяннппгаигаипгагааи ___QdnQppaQpaapQnpp IEEEE3QQ □ЕЕЕЗЯЗЯ. EEI ЕЕЕЗ □□ □□□□□ЕЕЕЕ ЕЕЕЗЕЕЕЗ I □EEEQQQaQPDQQQEEHDPDEEQPI lEESQO^ ММ Мк£«мал>и1^ ESQP CEE3QDI ________ BESS Е EEE33Q EEE3Q E3I beeqq □□□□□ ;:— ни ии -------------------------------------------- ззщ и асп.н.н ПИП □□□□ ЕНЯЕ Вжезнияе □□□□ D ни □□ е эаваа ------ж-.--------------------------------— —0 ----------------------------------------|ик;!' _________________________________1ппа11М1авСТй " !' ЗВВИ BHQ И . И ИНИН IDDDQQEEaaQ — — ~ ИННННИН ИК1бЕЭВИД1|ИИ11ИИ и ----------------------------- щ 1=_____IBL , гавизи;7 и —"ICZBi’Pb. 133ИГ ЛЕШ1 —— мт! .. □tsI03 ииццщц EQEE33EESQ SEE □BD EQ HH QE ------------ g0 1ДЩПН IjESPEI S ЗЗНИ —“ЗИИ 0 ВЙЗ ........... иисакИЗИЙ HSSI ZZZZZ Q "ZZ ZZ« Q QQL □QEEQ IP EEQQ □□ □ Q 3 ESCiQ ЕЙЕ1 □ □E3HEHS и с в’ ------- Qla< КСШЖ" ЛВВИ™ Q □ НЕ ^КГ -ЧВ0ВГ ЕХ □□ □га IfiQI I Q I :□ □□ _ S S а в S с н I
The Princess and the Dragon 0 950 И 3829 н 318/415 0 504/3840 В 3687/3726 Beads DMC stranded cotton (floss) 3041 1/2 X stitch 471/503 522/523 0 3743/3840 В *00358 ГП Blanc □ 503 E 613 3042 0 472/504 и 472/504 778/3689 Backstitch *02006 2 -< 0 Ecru □ 504 0 676 В 3362 X stitch blend 501/792 0 778/3743 0 414 и *02011 I 414 523 0 677 в 3363 В 315/3740 и 501/3346 В 792/3740 0 420 □ *02024 & Mag S 415 @ 524 E 729 в 3740 в 315/3803 Н 502/3347 в 3041/3726 0 792 В *02025 501 610 И 762 0 3743 316/3042 0 502/3838 3041/3838 0 3362 ^Mill Hill seed beads r> В 502 В 6ii В 792 □ 3774 316/3688 Е 503/3839 а 3042/3839 0 3740
20 Myth & Magic
Merlin the Wizard DMC stranded cotton (floss) [~d Blanc H 553 г 958 3814 Rayon X stitch 0 □ 30554 30712 0 30818 30824 !/2 X stitch 350 Backstitch и 336 ’VI-04-959 DMC turquoise seed beads @ 209 Й 646 s 964 a 30211 a 30738 0 30899 355 0 798 0 318 647 Э 3072 30336 a 30745 30943 718 0 Silver 0 415 □ 762 0 3752 30550 Ш 30762 30956 3340 0 Gold 550 0 932 □ 3756 и 30552 E 30776 30959 Beads 552 [s] 950 В 3774 30553 E 30798 0 35200 Щ "Turquoise Myth & Magic 21
22 Myth & Magic 1*4 Вйй IFHI inSJFSBtSFEl^nn'________ ЙМ1ВНЯИППВВЕ||ИЕ3<ЗЯ|Я11 ibh^hwobi HFiBSliSFiBB ВН^НПН^В <Fi“i|YHF=1l |Г -ЧВ1Г 4-MF ЧГ ,’DHBBr <4B 4F ЧП ^4В'4КВ№ВЯК ЗЯДОВЗКВ 4КЯВДО1 jSIBEBEKKiB*-------------------------- IHDk ikiBH^I IBBti-JHIlk Л iBBSSFI i^HDHl IFHUHFiHBlJI sB ^нав^йП! iBHFSiaijKiB IHDHBHBHE i^BBH^ll IMBE~ IHBBFHBBFI jSa^isnifi^i I3ll IHBI х IBF -®”1F ^П^ВВГ ^В 31ЙИППВИ|НВИВ|ПППВВ^НВН1НППВВ1 _______ЧГ Jk ’’F Jk iik ^Bl IF'QMFiS^EIHF:HFBMBHFiiа№КЮЯ0»!№П5|НПН? ;>aBFS^iBI ^i 1HI£HB£ ^ВВНПН>ЙНВН. IlHI л it^Di II XX ISKiBji l£BI IBg IQHFBFHFB^ / Ж31 ювн^нпн^в F-S£ ЧГ ! НЕйВ^Н 'И ВНВПШ BF ЧГЧ 41 F Jk Z!l НВ№В1 IHOHEi 1ЕППП1 IEI Ik it «! S iesi <a 1FS IFЛ 1Л I^bb 1ЙВЕЗ I EBB e ей IBB00BB las hbi IHBB KBI п - Til T'l IQ i'-H IGJ 15! 3 IE lE In ibi Is IBI X IB в □ ЕШ Bai 1ПП IQ IHE I IB E3I Иввв Si ЙИ 3SE |й и| з I Г", Iй k1 IB 31 EBB 'J <Гх] ю BBS Й IK ЯВ1 i в El I В Bl i i * и и и [X □ □ В I и ___IBB ___IBBE3B IBSBB и BQ □ И В ВВШ1 ВВШ1____________ _ ВВШ BB BBBBBBBBB I ВВЙ В 3H <_ IB' :.: BBQ. В КВШ: : I ВИЕ1ЙВЕ . . I BEBEBB3BBBB х|х| ввив ВИВВВВ1 ihbb E3E3E3 _jai inni IEJI IEJI 1П1 IHI !5! IHI йат___________________________ _ IES ЕЭЕЗ EE .EB0E3HE3E И SS ibb < вшшвс ив : a hb Bi Bl ЙВВШН ЯЕЗЙЕаа □□□□. bbbb bbbb ввив ввив В ВВШВ1 s' S ’ s'ft !5! <DI □I EJI I HI 1HI S3 BBSS 0BQE3 — ввеэнВов sbbb IBB НПВВВВВ BBBB IBBBBBBBBBBB SB IBBBBBBB 3BBBBS Q IE3E3 Й <83! ВВИВ В I В BBBBSI □BQBBBBBl flBHQQ ВВШШВВ1 BOB ИВВКЗЕЗШЕЕ1агайИ!ЗЕЗ£ЗГ’ Bbbb hqqq ввивж bbb в ibk ив гзвввввеи авввва шш EO is! B13BI IB Bl В Bl IB Bl I _! |н|н[н|н;н Н н н |н|н н |Н IE3B ЛИ IE3 IQI IHI IBI IE3Q qBI Гх [х кВВВШВВ §bqSI bob . j SHB3I BBI ВЕЗЕЭ I :':?;« ЕЗЕЗЙНИ / 3E3I Esat230BBB0BBB.'d E3E3 НйВйИЕЗаЕЗЕЗЕЗЙЕЗЙЕЗЕЖ ! В^Й ------------------- еииезеЛ ЛВВВВВВ00ВВВВВ1 ввввшшввнвв hi 1ВК^ВЛВ0ШШВ В. ШШ 1ИИШ IK E3I Bl I BBBSESBBBBBB ВП IB ЙЙВВШ0 1ШШН ЕЗЙ _______, “ В ВЕзВВШИШШВВ >3B ВВВИ1 E3E3E3I 1НИ __ _j Mlk B X i 1ИНВВИВ □bbbbIk BBBBEEBEHB BQ В BB ПВЕ.ВВВШВЙВВВГ1 BBBB ВЕЗВИВЗЕЖ: BB BBB a ESB0E0EE3B ЕЙ AiaiiJEJ : bbbe ' i вв i; ваш I BBBSSB zr .”“ . BBBB Я1Д K3I KBI SB ай ЛЙЕЗВЕЗВВ QE30Q0QB В B3BI IKB JkBBk B0 ' BBI BDQBBBBBK Bl iB^r, авввЕзв b'jbi iB'JHlbsih^IhMI В : i ввга | <ви 1ЛВ1 31 н] X ISS IBS I ISSI ISS □ IHCJCI НИШ1 I5B BEBBI IBB------ BBBSI iDlk 1ПП' !□□! >QDI ИП! IBDI IBQ! IBDI IDD> IHQI IDF 1? IEJI IFBI IBWSSSI__________________ ifcStfHCPBBO [ iBnrjQHBBBBI |bBssi?scji?aKiisBsaBBBBi 1ЕЙ1 ill ш I UKiifi Й1 D КГ ' □□ □QQF Is IBSMGSI IK!4fi S, ihi les^i IHk OQQk. IHHk к □ I 19Б9^ЁЭ№ЕЗйБ-J ЙЬ' <1 !. • D !s □□□ JBBI icsesn □□ sEsn □□□ linfiB^il qei i □qSmddSd SdbqbI ЙШШ1 I' BBI 1’IBSl !!! 1ШШ1 i a н| |ШШШШИ11 13ИВ1 S s[H| an SSI lintnmssrariBssi IB III !vsi S S S Н н Н| S S IS 1Ш1 Н к! 1131ЯЕ31 1ШШ1 И К ibb BB IB OD □□ Bl ib вава IB BQ Bl is вааа bi IBV DD □□ nil IHD гаи IB laracai Il Bl d a Il Bl и iraiaral iii
Myth & Magic 23 Myth & Magic Motifs DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc 911 EJ 225 926 310 0 928 321 a 931 413 h 932 414 0 963 434 h 989 435 E 3072 0 436 3328 E 648 3347 0 712 0 3354 □ 745 0 3820 □ 775 a 3822 H 798 Backstitch 0 799 0 321 815 0 844 0 827 0 ’Silver ’Metallic silver thread

Л. night, when the snow lies crisp and white on the ground and clouds blanket the moon, the landscapes can look very magical. The air is still, and the eerie light of the winter moon turns the snow a ghostly shade of violet. As you watch the landscape you see a slight movement in the trees, a glistening cobweb rocks gently in the moonlight, and an icicle drops suddenly to the ground, shattering into a million tiny pieces. Did you see something move in the trees, or was it just the moonlight playing tricks on your eyes? In this chapter called Л inter Enchantment we see three magical winter designs: Santa riding on horseback to an enchanted castle; a frost angel covering the landscape with ice from her long pointed finger: and an angel dressed in wintry robes sitting on the crook of the moon. So the next lime you look out on a frosty scene and think you see a movement in the shadows, ask yourself was it your imagination or really a little bit of winter magic being spun before your eyes?
Wimer Enchantment 27 A Stranger Cometh Santas journey has been long and difficult. The cold is now penetrating his thick velvet cloak and he begins to shiver. He decides to seek sanctuary in the frozen castle, but will he be welcome? Designed by Susan Penny V Cream Aida fabric, 14 count 4 8x41 cm (19x16 in V DMC stranded cotton (floss) in the colours listed in the key V Tapes tn. needle, >\e 24 V DMC gold divisible thread $ Seed beads — turquoise and red С» Cold picture frame Stitching the design I Mark the centre of voui Aida fabric with tacking stitches and oversew around the edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame or embroidery hoop. 2 Work the design from the centre out following the chart and key on pages 32. 33. 34 and 35. Use two strands of stranded cotton floss) for the cross stitch, apart from the gold on the horse which is stitched in one strand of gold divisible thread. 3The border edge which is stitched around the design is made up of two rows of red cross stitch, with a gold backstitch square between. In the centre of each square is a red seed bead. &П1 Making the tassel I he tassel on the saddle can be stitched in cross stitch and backstitch, or if vou prefer it can be made and then attached on top of the stitching. If you are making the tassel then vou will need to use the small section of chart on page 34 to complete the horse where the tassel has been removed. To make the tassel, cut lengths of gold metallic thread 5cm 2m long. Make a bundle with rhe threads, then fold them in half. I ic the bundle together just down from the folded edge. Use your needle threaded with gold metallic thread to go through the loop ar the top of the tassel, and then attach the tassel to rhe saddle. Finishing the design Backstitch the main areas of the design in one strand oi grey 844 stranded cotton (floss . then make a small backstitch to highlight the horse's eye in one strand ol white. Use gold metallic thread to stitch squares around the border, and make two long stitches across the top of the sack, leaving the loops hanging loose. Secure the thread with a few small stitches. Sew a bell shaped charm at the back of the sack, over the thread ends. Stitch turquoise beads on to Santa's cloak. Carefully wash, press and then Stretch the design following the instructions on page 108. or take the stitching to a framer for stretching and framing.
28 Winter Enchantment The frost fairy weaves a spell and casts her magic out into the still, cold air. Nothing escapes her powers: trees and hedgerows turn white, and the grass becomes crisp underfoot. Designed by Susan Penny from a painting by Linda and Koger Carland V Riue linen, 32 count 28x35.5cm I lxl4in) v DMC stranded cotton (floss) in the colours listed in the hey V Kreinik blending filament — whitelOOHL 0 Tapestry needle, \o 26 V Seed beads — red and pink for tee holly berries: white for the border; glass for the frost fairy Ф Petite beads — glass for frost fairy & Stiver snowflake charm V Stiver picture frame Stitching the frost fairy I Mark (he centre of your liner, with tacking stitches and oversew around rhe edges to prevent them f raving. Mount rhe fabric in a frame or embroidery hoop. 2 Work the design from the centre out following the chart and key on pages 36 and 37. Unless stated below, use two strands of stranded cotton (floss lor the cross stitch, two strands for half cross stitch, and one strand for the backstitch, working each stitch over two threads of fabric. Backstitching the border The green border lines are backstitched in three strands of stranded cotton floss). The snowflakes on the border are worked with two strands of white stranded cotton (floss and one strand of white blending filament. Stitching hedgerows To make rhe frosty hedgerows, use one strand of stranded cotton (floss}, and one strand of white blend- ing filament to make french knots along the darker blue area of the fields in the foreground. Add as many or as few french knots as you feel you need to get the right effect. You may prefer to leave the hedgerows as cross stitch. Adding the backstitch and beads I Use one strand of white stranded cotton (floss and one strand of white blending filament for all rhe backstitch on the frost fairy, the trees, and the holly leaves covered in frost. Use one strand of green stranded cotton floss) and one strand of white blending filament to backstitch the rest of the holly leaves. 2 Following the chart for position, stitch white seed beads to the border snowflakes, and red and pink seed beads to the holly. The glass seed and petite beads on the frost fairy are nor shown on rhe chart, but should be stitched randomly over the backstitch. Adding a charm Finally backstitch rhe snowflake hanging from rhe fairy’s wrist, adding glass seed beads to the points. II you prefer vou can use a silver charm in place of the stitched snowflake. If you are using a charm, do not cross stitch rhe snowflake. Carefully wash and press the stitching, then stretch it following the instructions on page 108. or take it to a framer for stretching and framing.

30 Winter Enchantment Winter Angel A beautiful winter angel rests on the moon. She folds her wings and waits, her long flowing robes falling around her ankles. In her hand she holds a star: a light to guide her on her journey. Designed by Sue Cook Ф Pale г.’ис linen, 28 count 28x35.5ctn I lx!4in' 0 DMC stranded cotton (floss) in the colours listed in the key Ф DMC rayon thread in the colours listed in the key & DMC metallic gold divisible thread Ф Tapestry needle. .Vo 26 Ф Cold picture frame srrand of stranded cotton floss) has been mixed with one strand of rayon. The moon is stitched in half cross stitch in one strand of stranded cotton floss) mixed with one srrand of rayon, then backstirched with one strand of rayon thread 33820 orange. Stitching the angel I Mark the centre of vour linen with lacking stitches and oversew around the edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame or embroidery hoop. 2 Work rhe angel from the centre out following the chart and key on the opposite page. Use two strands of stranded cotton floss) for the cross si itch and one strand for the backstitch, apart from the angel’s dress where one The star in rhe angel’s hand is backstirched in metallic gold thread, before adding yellow french knots. 4The angels face, hands and feet are backstirched in one strand of 3064 stranded cotton (floss), her hair in 838 brown, dress in 930 blue, her scarf in 154 burgundy; and her wings in 451 beige. Stretch the stitching following the instructions on page 108. or take it to a framer for stretching and framing.
Winter Enchantment 31 io?! ID IE3B1 001 001 QQQQQDaaDE^I □□□□□□оао-го! 1ппа000па>.. I000D0000DK л □□□ 000DDQDQQ0k I 0Н0000ЕВП0К. ?dBI ИЕ1 0001 SBBBb. 01 .<S00EBk I '-'ИИЭИВЕ 00^000 BE 0000 □£l 000 Й00 00 100 100 □□ SQ В an □zisaiMB SL.ESE053E0SEJk П аивиивиииив^ а ЕЕЕЛВЕВОЕВ^ ЕЗ ^ЕЕиааиивв ЕВЕНИЛЕВ^ а I ВВЕВВЕВ^ /I '.ч’ЧЗНИНИГ /01 ojz|z|z|z|z », □□□QQQQQQI zBOBB ,a^B0i IB IB-. IQE a a a ' a w,- и^в •zBE 1ВИ 00 <00 N0| 0 EH iBEQQSQma I 0 BET iHHHBK “DeiSfi /S0QDQQQS0 S00 00B sbbsqsqsbef 00а an lb. .“:EQQHGQH&>0 0П HE I0H000 0D 0B _______ 00 00QD ВГ1Ю000 000НЙВП ЕЯШЙ00 000000Q МЮП1ЕИ0 00B00BDK иа^вааган вапаннИв 00 0D DI Bra 00 нив di СПИН 00Q _ 00B 00П В 000П "Ч0В 0000 ---—10 10 10 10 Bl a bi D Bl a bi bit /si_____ 300000000 Ввивзапаян B0BI------ 3 3001 ?„ LOO' а вис____ инн1за< /ЗЕ йк _____ __100к 00<Л 0ВМИ0К — ------ 0000Я 1ШЕ31 IE9QI ISSI IQQI ISSI ISQI :esi ISSI IQQI 1ВЯИ1 IQ0S 00 000 I 0D00 I 00В00 I нэпа । П'ЧОНЯ - ПП1 Л0П0Н Л0И0Е л 0В00 А ____ _._|1Э!3|ЗГ “1Юк чаниЗЭйг □а '??0иа§ /ИН ЧВВИЁК /0ИПИ0 "II-- 0ВВВП00 ^0П00В000 /0000D00BDI 0000П1 ---- 00001 0 Г“' 0 L. 0 0 Winter Angel DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc X stitch blend 154 930/’30930 167 Я 93I/*30931 ® 422 @ 932/*30932 и 451 И 3752/’30762 0 452 1/2 X stitch blend E 453 □ 745/*30745 0 677 Ш 746/*30746 0 758 T| 783/*33820 0 945 0 3820/*33820 □ 951 0 382I/*30744 H 3041 Backstitch □ 3042 0 154 0 3045 0 451 И 3740 0 838 E 3743 0 930 0 3770 0 3045 E 3823 0 3064 S 3853 0 “’Gold @ 3854 French knots 0 3855 □ 3820 ’DMC Rayon thread ^’Metallic gold thread 10^
32 Winter Enchantment IKifll 11ШПШ intMi ‘шпеш IDDQ 1ЕЕЕЙ1 EEE0 □□Па lEBEErlE EEEEDEE IEEEEEE □□ IEEE IBB IQQE3 □□n IEEE □□□ EEBEBB □□ itn BEiQfji BQDI ЯВ1 IEEEEEEEi 10ВЕЕЯЕЕ1 _______ DQEDDEI вивввиав» bbbbi Л0ВВЕВВВ1<10ВВВВВ EBBBBB BBBBBBSEBBBBBBBL^BE 1ЯЛ EEEQ BBBB^SBBBBBBBB LIE eebeeqe BBBBB ВВВВЫЫЫВВ BBI L7BBBBBBBQQQQI BL3QBI-------- EE EE&E BBBBSBBDBEBL1BBBB BBL? BBBBBBBBBBBB EEQ Lta цапяд □□Q ж ___an a aaaoa a □ □ □□□ □ Ж SogS □a □ S* □□ ***QQQ ;ii’- gg° °°qo a g gggrag gg ggI gaao □ □□ □ □an ЯЕЗВ1 Ba aa •> aaa a aaa an aa aa аак a • a . I, a aa □ ai______________ • и a □□□ □ aarj □ □ □ > ••• • aaae. a aa aaa ——_ • йВ aa a a □□□bsQ ------ . . -------_ -“-1ПЯНЕ! □□ iMin isiDQ№oassE]reEaBQ^k''nanDBaBL9.iiEDarjDDDos£,aannaiiQUB ~ ^’МВЯВВВВЯППВВВВВЙЯВИПГВВИПППДОППМНВ’ЗВПВЕТ № t'SHBaBBBBBBBBBHSBQFJEBE'linaC>BB^Ell3'«lQliJBBBE_. в i Ш)«авввввввввввЕ?'Явввв^ЯЕ1№ВВВвЕвВ1вВ^а1.к ВВВЛВВВВВВВВВВЕВВВВВВЕВЕВВЕВВВВ^В£? ma D_ ЛЬ'В^^ВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВ :B в ID ^ШВ^ШВВВВВВВВВВВВВВBBBBBBl I |вг га ггп вгзввгав □ aaaaaa |J ВВгВИВВ : I? I йвав0000йЕ31?ниввНввпв □ aaaaaaaa ggggg°gggD И г.аагагаа Епзав>звЦ£|ЗпппппЕК1 □ a □ □ a ar ---la — дагваигЕзпвнвввни □ □□ □ a l. bsbbbsbbSqbbe' a aa GBQQBSHBBBDD^iz aaa aaaa евввйпв^ aa ев» mr |вП1ЙЙШШ Bt3 Вё» в В! II! _____j i_. НПЗ ППГ 1ЁаЁвпаП5пвпвп5п1
Winter Enchantment 33 “Metallic gold thread A Stranger Cometh DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc и 646 150 0 762 □ 211 □ 775 310 0 794 0 318 El 989 319 0 3064 321 S 3350 a 340 0 3731 a 341 0 3743 367 0 3747 0 402 0 3752 413 3768 414 3772 a 415 0 3816 И 451 0 “Gold 0 452 Backstitch 0 453 Blanc и 502 0 844 и 504 0 “Gold 0 523 Beads □ 554 H Turquoise a 562 H Red
34 Winter Enchantment K3SQQE3E3E3E3 П*В0ЪВ4П£ □□ □01 □□ □□□Ci _! № 0И I □ □□ □□ lEiidHEi □ HI ЯЕЗВ 13001 □□□ anaal □ □Hl IB Ml .1 □□ □ QI 1ВИВ1 I I ПППК1 BDDBEISQBei H3E3E3I IBDI isiini 1ЙП1 ihhi 1ПМВИП1 l: I ЕЗПН1 IbJH I IBI 1ШИВНИ1 ishBi IHHI !’ . .. 000 00C □□ UE. □□□□ □.3E' □□□□□'. !°и°пиопиик;___ ^Qon □□□□□□□□□□□□□□Bi 1ввп^к?ппв^в^ппап1 5Ш0 ------ □ acim и hdi □□ИИК1П Cl n?JI и вини : — ULI (Г1ИВП В 0 Bl L? 0 С113И ran ига гапнинп^в ’ .кин иаппа 1пнпппиннпопгзпзп!заннпип IHH ЗШВВВйВПВВВПВВВ! I ’00BBBHS0O0 В 000000 DC300 □□□□ B0 □□ □ □ IBBBBBI Й °gragn. □□ пиВМЛЕЙЗ I I ИНППИПВНЕН0ПВНИ1ЭЕИПИНМ13 I □□□□□ПВВВШВВВШВЕ9ВВ011-- । вв □□□ввшвввввавввг । ввввввоввааввввп1 I ВВВВШПШВВ1------- । □□ввппапг’ I □□! ппавпппп ввпвпна звввшвввввввшвнн □ВХ1ВВ^ПВВВВВВВ I 1НПВН 1НИВН ---------1ППНН11 1ВВВВВВВВВВВВЁ IIIBBBBBBBBBBBB ие и rriBBBBBBBsr □вввввввввввввА' глнниввнинавпгии В I 'г9ВПВВВВВВПВаВВ191 ЯВВВВгаЕи?да-МИН ВВВВВВННВ№ЗВЗВВБ1ВВВВШП!ПВИИ 0BB0QBE1B!ЗВШВНН □вввнвнниннпнааввошвввввввввввппвпввпввв В ВВВВВВ 30H0BBBBBBBBBBBQBBBI ннввшвшн I □□□□!« i □□□ ан □ □□□ и °ВВВВВ ^СВВВВВВ/i «ВМВШШВ1ШЦ|ЭйПВППИ । яввав списав □ ввпв _____________ □□□_ a JOBBOB B00B □0000И000 папввт ns £ ПВ000 вв ------- ---- _ЯВВОЕ1 ВВ BBBCdDB MB0 □! ИОВ SE3 ВВ QBBBB0B0BI □ВВ 3BBB0I□ ВВЕЗЯ пг 1ВНИ □ 0BB 01 □ 1 IBBBBBEJBL’UI !□ вяв □□□в □□ I ЛИП HGGBI ВЕЗ □□□□□! I ввп по поивап в 0 _ и ввипвв пса вввомвввя в 1№1Д0МП -ЯП ПОПП BBS'B F3 гаигав и яввваа оввв1;| 01а и в г,ввп ивв вв0 вой вез в ie Е30И В ДСВ авв □ШО BFjBBBBBSBSBBE И DraClF □£ В В BBBB 3000В0 I— ПИ iFJ FJFJ SiBBB 0В0 DU00I □эя ив’эписог’гмпг/а Ш0ЕЭ ВЛГ BElBB Sen В QI ВНВЭ ЕШОЕ| ВВ ВВВ □ I ж вв>1 вв а те в вввйввс / . Вгж: п _________ . — икаоп^ввпва 0 sn a : 0ВЗИБ El ElB йа в I E10CJ CHElBElBB <^С I ,aiJI’- □Et0G0El 0Д , •: И BB О 0 В <1: □ Bl I ПВПИШЛО P В □□ CI 0 MH —: ana пп гаигагаиип и и НПО Я П130 В| I _____гав _ —--------- 0С1 □ в ------ . ....................!□□□□£ IEiBHBBBBB ВВВ...BlU ВВВВВВВЫ1 ВЯВЯ^В 2 жвв ЯВП BBBBB lBBBBBB£ l£ BBtt k^ElB'JBB ЕВВПВВВВВ BBBBBBD1ЗЕ1ВВВЕ1ВВВВВ ЯВВВВВВВГ! 1МПВВ ВИ0ВВВВВВВВ вв ------~|000ввв00вг1оввпвп па впп IBI 1001 If you are making a gold tassel to attach to the saddle, then use this small section of chart to complete the horse. ElPSBEiflB ВИ 000 □□00 №ВИ □□ □ □ £ВПВ 0D0000 ---- 00£3 E3E3SE3 ж ЗЕЗ ЕзЕЗЕЗ ЕЗЕЗ Е!Е E3E3E3Q • “ — I • В 1ЕЭ<1П !ЕЗЪ1 ЕЗ В BEjBH ВВППНЕПВВ ЕЗ В \ И1 I 1 В ЕЗ ВВЕЗЕЗЕЗС □□ □□□□ □ S □□□□□□ □ ганн □ □□□□ □ в □ NHI I l l □ □□□□□□□□□ • .1 ifHi □□ □□□□□□□ । ]□□□ □□ □□□ □□□ । □ рйнннВн □□□ □□□ ui НИИИИИВ□□□□□□□! || □□ □□□ □□[ ИИИИИИИИ □□□□ □И ИННИН □□ миипипиии тл . □1ЖВВИВИИИИ □□ □ и _1_i_I —I
Winter Enchantment 35 DMC stranded cotton (floss) A Stranger Cometh □ Blanc 646 150 а 762 □ 211 □ 775 310 794 318 и 989 319 @ 3064 и 321 н 3350 a 340 н 3731 a 341 S 3743 367 а 3747 0 402 и 3752 413 и 3768 414 3772 0 415 в 3816 в 451 и -Gold и 452 Backstitch a 453 ТА Blanc и 502 0 844 и 504 0 ’Gold н 523 Beads □ 554 № Turqu< н 562 н Red ’Metallic gold thread
±NHW±NVH3NTg >П±Ы1Д\ 9£
Winter Enchantment 37 1/2 X stitch 0 159 S 341 DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ 775 0 794 0 799 a 800 0 3325 □ 3747 a 3752 0 3756 0 153 0 159 0 160 0 341 520 jJ 522 И 554 □ 775 0 794 0 799 И 800 0 3325 a 3747 и 3752 □ 3756 a 3865 Backstitch 0 Blanc (I)/’White 0 Blanc (2)/*White 0 161 0 986 0 986 (I)/*White Beads Я Pearl white Я Holly red □ Pink ’Kreinek blending filament
38 Winter Enchantment i - y°E°№h9Bi s - otois s s s JSIS s □Is Ns 1ВМНПЗШ111Ь’Е!ЕПИЩ111 00Л0ЕЗПЫ>НШК IB H^ilEinnniL'nnEHSSli^n Ё IE? EE: HIT,I 0 000 IBB НИИ it'ran num 10Л1 ЙШУШИПИ' IB UD 21SU s s s ШОК IfflOEE ’ . йШИШИ з лизизиаг ° °ШЛ -’-W s s коиаиаляшшор'ва hibbbb MMiiiiMimtraHSionii; вшеей ЕЛВМИЕЕ ВЛИПШИ । ibhee я nnonoaiii. I'JEIGIP' ЛИП 1ИЖЕ1ПШ1] ieiki шот I5E3' ИПЛ BDL'B ^mOklOL' □ПО ЛШЬ’ОГ В _Э0 Е’ЮШИ1 ESI is Ш1ЯИ1 IB/ SESa ЛИП' IBI 1Г1 В^ЕППЕ EEJHES ИШШ^Е 1СЗПЕЕ 1Й 0031 .000 0 [ ашшши I ВВП:1 В ______________ IBP аВЕВБЕЕУППИНЕВВ □□Я ЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕ0ЕППК1ЕЕИИ аз@1яил1 ЕЕЕЕЕПЕ1 а -а^пннни^п ВНЕШНЕ Ей Ml D И вваааа k'EEE ЩИ!? и и И □ИП IHHI I III 10000 Ell DO DO IO 10 ID'd. 1П01 в Bl Bl OL' ^O JQB3 ^иоиипв^ jQ ВОВ ^В ввоз авввввво авввввввав вввввг jflBBBBBB вв ввввв ввв вввв в вввввв^ УВВ во о ввввв ^вв ввввв в авввг овлв ввввввв зввкк 'JBBLBBB^ 5ВЗВВВУ □ВВВВВ^ нвиЕи аэвзе 5ЛЛВ ВЗППКЬ’Нь. isa по ОШ ОШ1 00L. BBG3IEI ЙИ ШИ □□ эспаши ни енпеэя ВИВНЕЕ аЗЕШЕЛЕ ПИП □ ВЕЕ ЕЕЕЕЕПЕЕЕ' МВБ '.a ^MHEEE'NMEE Г ||В< 0.1ЕМБЕ И МЕЕ ВВВ ^ЕШПЕ ЕИИЛПР, □ ЕШПНЕ □ИВМШИЗЕ DE ^Г ВВВМИЕЕ а 00 ГИВМШЕЕ у апшшп , = □лвпее .йпзшп aaZg II ВБ ЗПШПШОЕ '' II ВВ ^00йННШЕНИ111ШП|£<00||_ □□□ ашинг’аппЕЮППк ивви ВВВ О :^ПаЛ51ПЕ.ОГ0000|В S S.S ИИШИШШШМ1 IS I IBI iss^r Гг1В'лшни .iDEa0ii’raiiiK-2ii3 BDBIIllI]№BIlDEirS0k?0Dlk _ ГЛВПШ □nn»3ClEIC’agIs. пи ВВВ’’С1 IBOtl'J ПС:ЙЕ! - BBS iBSBl li'l -101 BB^aaaaaaBEaMBL___________________ ВВь. зВВВГХИС<ВВ!Г-ИШИШ<;1|8ВЭНкз<< -------------------------- 71ааваава ИВ|У8аваа^авиаявн| 1й В’-'0ЕКВВ1С. ИНЕЕ ЕЕ .«ШИШ ИЕЕЕЕЕ^ГСашт Ei^nsEiBia ЕЕ EEEEEgg 1ЕЕЕНШП1ШНЕ 1ЕЕЕ0ЕМШМЕ 13ЕПЕЛЕ ПП1 IBB yi 00 ШГ.ИШИВИ- '.;!УЕЮТШПОЬ. i^aonuonr чЗЕ8ЯШВП30! ИBEНИШЕ ШЛШШПЕЯ1 ш®?Е1шгаш131 ВШкЗШШЕП! ПШИЯНШь. 0£?E10£’0Htk Й ^шзшшвдо L0 ОПИЛОК ПО К-------- ПЙ0________ 0is в ююит ЕЕ ЛШНВ IE' ЕЕ ШИ ii’SE В НН ЯЕ^ШЕИЖ IEEEE^nanGllE!j| ЕЕ EESEEkBl 1ННЕЕЕНШШЕ1Па: I |ННЕЕЕ0ЕШПНаЬ'1 3001 iBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai iaaaaaeaauiaaaaaaaasBi вкаыаввв^аЕ аиввьпви 1завйзйааз------------- ГС7ЛИП1 п Ц1ШШ0 яшюияя^звв nor i'J ’’О ’’И О^ -'L' . Е1Я „ ________^-.„jaaasfaiaaaaB Каава fiaaaaaaa^ваяк’зваавввд ^йаямаяизЕввйнвааавзвв^я ’ ___^ианазивау^ве -.ягаятееая——<- IWMT j 300Г ___1азваваа ___<aSssasr □□UEMBBli IBk^' _______ nnfiiiaiL'i dhiSi шолвйгйввк ипкши азввв _HiH8 аЯЕ ib^b^bs S3BH— ИИ 0 k ЕЕ У0Е IB иГЛМШПЛШШЕИаПОк 00 00 BB в 0 HOI HOI noon HOOB □ПП^Е К HEEHe №UKEEFi □во BBS BBS ЛВЕК П^ООПВ^ПППЕ'В^ЦО)? ШИс "’SIs Is s 4 s bd> '/sL.1111/1 ipJ/Л "ijxbns|s s п n nJ/Т i । NJ/LjZl1 1 x/ \РриГмт|п p * "ч i ~ч/1 11 i*।'" 1T1 " и и । \ у / 1 ' x* *^1 ~lln l>r- •.• ” • • "^<1 ii V1 S 1 7ТГ и диЛ i i 11 • •1 • j_ • • I • • x ii| 111 £ _i_ । 1 111 ZU 111 1 • 1 ’ ILL 1 • 1 ЛД — S " 11 1 IL ’ i 111Z 1 1 1 11• 1 • • 1 11л • • • • • \ i/i 1 । • • » । iiii i n л nin • » • • КП? и ii Tj i i i 71 • ii i n i i i ilnn 77177 • - 3> ПТ 111 iiii nnn i i i * > i i ill nm i • • □□^покпзаззавк:
Winter Enchantment 39 “Metallic silver thread Winter Enchantment Motifs DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc 0 3743 223 И 3752 s 225 И 3753 310 □ 3756 0 340 0 3770 0] 341 0 3807 s 436 0 3813 502 0 “Silver s 648 Backstitch 761 336 792 и “Silver E 3042 French knots 0 3072 3721 3721

iiBfcig I®
The Chinese people have many beliefs that have their roots in folklore and legend. passed down through the generations from father to son and mother to daughter. Over the centuries these legends have evolved and developed: the dragon is one of those stories. Thousands of years ago the first images of the dragon were snake like, but as different clans in ancient China mixed together they realised that the dragon could morph from one form to another. Therefore the Chinese dragon, as we see him today, is a product of imagination; a mythical creature that has evolved into a symbol of harmony and the spirit of the Chinese nation. For most people happiness, prosperity and a long healthy life are the things that they strive for. So by stitching and displaying the Coddess of Mercy, the oriental dragon or the Hok, Lok, Seiw or Sung symbols in a prominent place in your home, you should be blessed with good fortune, health, wealth and harmony
Orien ial Fantasy 43 Goddess of Mercy Legend says that the Chinese Goddess of Mercy was about to enter heaven when the cries of the world reached her ears. Throughout the Orient devotees now seek her guidance. Designed by Satfhon Borisuthibundit V Blue grey Aida fabric, 14 сои/if 4 4x3 8cm 1 ~xl5in) V D.WC s.'wnW cotton floss) in the colours listed in the key V Tapestry needle, No 24 €> Hfe&n picture frame 4 1’he backstitch on her hands is done in 839 brown. To give rhe lingers and arms a rounded appearance each backstitch should be made over several stitches, working around the outline smoothly. Stitching rhe Goddess к— I Mark the centre of your Aida fabric with tacking stitches and oversew around rhe edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame or embroider’, hoop. 2 Work the Goddess from rhe centre out following the chart and key on pages 48, 49. 50. 51. Use two strands o! stranded cotton (floss) for the cross stitch. 3Thc backstitch is worked in one strand of stranded cotton (floss :. Use black 310 for her eyebrows and eve lashes: 3772 beige for her nose: 351 pink for her mouth: and 839 brown for the markings on her nose, her eye sockets, and under her chin. 5 Use black 310 for the seed pod. and the veins of the large dark green leaves; 351 pink for the pink flowers; and 839 brown for the markings on the small leaves and the orange flowers. 6 Го finish the design, carefully wash and then press the stitching on a soft fluffy towel. Si retch the design following the instructions on page 108. or take the stitching to a framer for stretching and framing.
44 Oriental Fantasy Oriental Dragon The dragon stands as the symbol of unity; a mystical creature that has been revered by the Chinese people for centuries, and is the fundamental spirit of Chinese culture. Designed by Rungrat Puthikul c3* White Aida fabric, IT count 2<5х35.?с;л (I lx I Tit: Q DMC stranded cotton (floss) in the colours listed in the key Ф Tapestry needle. № 24 Ф ll'fei.y cotton fabric, 30x2 5.5nn l2xl0in) x 2 Ф Идолги dowel — 35.5 an (I Tin) x 2 Ф Beads — 2.5cm Tin wooden x T;l.5cm ('Tin white x 4; lent 'Tin while x 4 *3* Red tassels x 4 Ф 5ew;no needle and thread Ф Orange acrylic paint, paint brush, pen knife, craft glue Stitching the dragon I Mark rhe centre of your Aida fabric with tacking stitches and oversew around the edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame or embroidery hoop. 2 Work the dragon from the centre our following the chart, and key on pages 28 and 29. Use two strands of stranded cotton (floss; for the cross stitch and one strand for the backstitch. Wash and press the stitching following the finishing instructions on page 106. Assembling the wall hanging I Turn over the edges of rhe design on to the wrong side, leaving 2.2cm ("/sin) of blank Aida around the. stitching. Press the Aida flaps flat against the back of the stitching. Cut a rectangle of white cotton fabric rhe same size as the stitching. Lay the stitching face down on a flat surface, on top of this place the cotton fabric tucking it under rhe side and top Aida flaps. Slip stitch the side flaps to the cotton fabric. Fold in the corners at cither end of rhe top flap to form a *\". and slip stitch rhe flap to the cotton fabric, but leaving an opening at the sides for the dowel. Repeat with the other flap. 2 Cut a piece of white cotton fabric the same size as the back of the design. Turn in the edges of the cotton fabric so that it just covers the slip stitched Aida edges, bur does nor cover the gaps left at the corners for the dowel. Slip stitch the cotton fabric on to the back of the stitching. 3If the dowel is larger than the holes in the beads, you will need to use a pen knife to whittle away some of the wood so that the beads can be pushed on the end. The dowel can be air with a pen knife, using rhe same action as sharpening a pencil, but without making a point at the end. Keep trying the beads until vou are happy they fit the dowel. Paint the dowel and the wooden beads with several coats of orange acrylic paint. 4 When the paint is completely dry, glue the beads on to one end of the dowel. Slip the tassel in position and thread rhe dowel into the gap left at the top of the hanging. Slide rhe second tassel into position and glue the beads on to the other end of the dowel. Repeat for the bottom of rhe hanging. The dragon can be hung on the wall with a length of plaited red cord looped around the top dowel.

46 Oriental Fantasy Good Fortune Emblems These four emblems are believed to bring good fortune to those who own them. Hok symbolizes wealth; Lok is for success: Siew brings a long healthy life; and Sung brings double happiness. Designed by Pinn Ф Red Aida fabric, 14 count 1 5x1 5cm (6x6in x 4 Q DMC stranded cotton floss) in the colours listed in the key V Tapestry needle. No 24 V Rid fabric for backing purse 0 Greetings card blank; dressing table mirror * 3? Clear plastic coaster — 1.5cin 3in, square V Sewing needle and thread Q Gold cord and button lor purse Stitching the emblems I Mark the centre of your Aida fabric with tacking stitches and oversew around the edges to prevent them fraying. Mount die fabric in an embroidery hoop. 2 Work the emblems from the centre out following the chart and key on the opposite page. Use two strands of stranded cotton floss) for the cross stitch and one strand for rhe backstitch. Wash and press the stitching following the finishing instructions on page (08. Assembling rhe purse Cut one piece of stitched Aida. 2cm //an) bigger on ali sides than the design. Cut the backing fabric to rhe same size. Place the emblem and the backing fabric right sides together. Stitch around three sides with a 1cm -/sin) scam allowance. Turn over the top of the purse over on to the wrong side and slip stitch it in place. Turn the purse through to the right side. Sew gold cord down the sides and along rhe bottom of the purse. Sew- a button and loop to the top edge of the purse. Assembling rhe mirror and coaster Use the template provided with, the mirror or coaster to cut the fabric to size, then follow the manufacturer's instruc- tions for mounting the stitching. Making rhe card Fray the edges of the stitched emblem before attaching it to the front of a card.
Oriental Fantasy 47 Good Fortune Emblems DMC stranded cotton (floss) 0 727 922 1 971 H 972 И 973 Backstitch 0 920 И 972
ui и [i iejd в|Ё! ej|a| в|е: и и|: UIU 1из IB 0П1 IDDI 1001 0Ь ЭЕЕИН IS: □Q0S0I 3l?B 001300 1ИР1 igiBEie ihe! J1EI BHI 1ШП0 □П1 Bl IBBI 1000 OB иЕИвтав.1 кии яга irarararararararararaararai гаигаившигашгавгаигаи ваш ЕЗ ЕЗ В ига пиит агата авв гага е ШШВИЯ1________ ____ шгаиагагая bbi гагат I □ши 0 тъ шпшш г гягаш шигашш и ив IEBEEE10E1BFJQ . гага гагат BDQD П изаваив! I00Q0 ” К ЕИ£ ИЯВЕ! I EEBI--------- 00. Н IDHBQE9E3BE3E3QBOOQ ВЕЗ В В В ВВ ВВ В’ В I В J В В В . В В I irasrararararararararararararaarararararaB 1 II !№ i'ii ?; iai гагаигага _______ шшюгаЕшгагага 1Г-1ШИИ1 игаи SSISI IQBB00000I 1ЯНВ00 001 ASVJLNVJ nVlN’dlUQ
Oriental Fantasy 49 RS п n, 1ВВВВВВВВЙ ЕЗЕЗВ И 3BBI 3E3E3I НИН liaraiiii QI IQQffll ИИИИИИШИШ HI 1пгатшгаиивщи i ИШН0ПИ 13BB ШИШО0ВВВВ IHH SBEBB НИ HQ IB HHE ПДИВВВВВВВВВВВ E3 П ЗЙВВВВВВВВЙВЙВ В ЕЗЕЗИЕВ I □ВВВВВ □ЙЕЗВВ Bl BBBBBBB □ВВВВВВВВВВВВВЙ'г Й j'S ПВВВВВВВВВЙЙЙВВВВ i □ E3BBBBBSBB0BSBB В SBQBBBBBBBBE3B BBB □ 5SE3BBBBBBBBE3E3BE3B I В I E i ED3 пнаизон лр л]п Жх * Ii1 |х|х|х[х|х Ш т п}л| -•я НЧ+Н+1+|>Ч1Х!иП4 и и а и и и иГГ и |~ I и 1 ~ I и|и I и |и р! •!• ©1а • Ъ n]ni л 7Пп[6 НПВВВВ''ВВЙШЙШЕЕОЕ ' ВаИВВВВВВВВВВВВВВИШЕИЫ BE2GE3QE3E3E3E3SQE3SE3: ЕЗ ЕЗ “"“_=“Z““ZZZZQQ .. _. НВВВВВВВВШВВВВВВВ В И№ пвввввввввввввв в — HmmmtnmfTimmmiwwmmrKm mr- f— _ а lESHS < ввв ввввввлгаиЕшнга □□□□ВВВВВ вв в ВВВВВВ ВВВВШИЕЕК! ш ВВВВВВВЙВ ВВ В аНаЯЕ ЕЙВВВВЙВВВаИЙИйЗЕЙЙЕЗ □□□□ВВВВВВВЙВ ЛИШНШ □□□□□□□ввввв в в □□□□□□□□□в ввв в □□□□□□□□ввввв в ввввввввввввввв в _ □ввввввввввввв п □BBQBBBBBBBB' йй -ШЕЙ □ввввввввввввввв в _ :!□□□□□□□□□□□□□ в mm”lBBBBBSBBBBBBB в ,__1ВВВВВВВВВ1?:ВВВ<ЗВЙН® Hl в IH ВВ НИНЕ QBES3BDHHBL. 1ПШШШ1!1ВП JEHHHH НН ИВ0В2В;; ! _____________zzzzzzz I— в нан ии и айййи г/ В ййййййй 'Г __.НИН 5S5SBBE1 lil ННИННННВИВНН г— ------------Г-11 И НВ ЕВ1 НН ЕВВН НИНЕ __ ______.ВЙВИВ!ВШ С □ ЗВВВВВВВВВВ в ______ н Е , шаваииш0ина831!1в?11: 1иши ВШШПИОИВИИИ HSHSEI ейзвййьг- • ива НЕН ГМШВ |ми| isasHss ИНННВИНВ iBHFjmg .-...=..ПЧ|ИВИЙ Jffli - В В 0ВНШШШВ0 QQQQB Н0ШШШВОВ SP.3 (-5И30В гав Goddess of Mercy DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc ® 963 0 211 0 972 ® 351 S 973 0 502 986 0 554 H 3045 580 0 3053 ® 581 E 3064 0 605 3371 0 676 H 3687 0 721 0 3688 0 746 В 3706 0 758 0 3708 0 800 3772 0 818 0 3779 839 Backstitch 0 894 0 310 938 0 351 0 945 0 839 0 951 0 3772
50 Oriental Fantasy
Oriental Fantasy 51 । /'.''i I ojo cl □[□{□] оГоК-цИ IHtaS?3 СУЛИН И1 1ЕЗЕЯ] IBM IBBL’I fa hi DES 1ИЕ1П1 1ПЫП31 1ИИШ1 зава IB 1ИИ1 1ИШН1 •IQ вииишаи! IQ0 rl'SEI ®061BlS!-'K I BGBGBnnni |C №1: CJEJEJEJtal ЯШШ^ЙИИЕЕйЕЕЕЕ ЕЯНИШ. 'EEEEDEEB ®ва® . ЙВВЫШЕЙИ raw 00000 и 1ИЕЗЕЗ ШВ1 1ииившш ии а ПИВИ 00 ! ВИШИ 1ии га йивигаш □□ ИВИВ1 । гага иииви и на □□ □ иа лн > а и ши на в в вп й ВИ ВВВВВ У В! □ 1шшш1 _______________________ИйЯШ! t вв < шышш liWayHi-ii ИИЕНЩШИИИ1 ИЯИШШИИИЕН_________________ :;аигашив1иы;в!/:пщиоив1ЧВЕ1п ШИЕИИИЭИЕ I3ISS ИИШИВИШИ! аашшиивиаия в иииви □□□I IDDD! -аи * *иа [Тз|о1о [л п авипивививвиниа шшиивнВиивии —,ттг1 1 iH.'.H 00 __ ©нЁаауЦви , —книга гага |Я1 В ИИ ваша .ввит IBBQI □□ ЕИПВШШ г □□□□□ J 0ИЕШНШШ .н ^ивиэи иине гоЕзишиагаэсои — ***—"*——im иии шви 1ИШИИЕИШИВИШИШ 1ИИ □□ишвшвиои _________ID 1НПВНВЛгППИВЗ:; Goddess of Mercy DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc 963 211 0 972 ® 351 s 973 о 502 986 E 554 [H| 3045 580 3053 581 E 3064 H 605 3371 0 676 И 3687 Ы 721 0 3688 Ш 746 a 3706 a 758 a 3708 a 800 a 3772 □ 818 E 3779 839 Backstitch 894 0 310 938 0 351 □ 945 и 839 □ 951 0 3772
Oriental Dragon 813/826 0 906 3799 DMC stranded cotton (floss) 814 0 907 □ 3823 И Blanc 321 s 741 826 930 Backstitch 0 307/907 414 0 742 0 827 8 931 Ъ Blanc 310 И 415 s 743 0 827/Blanc 0 932 0 321 317 И 606 0 744 890 [7Г 947 0 414 0 318 В 740 0 813 905 986 0 905
54 Oriental Fantasy
Oriental Fantasy 55 Я00Я Явой еёепг £<□□№.: а»И МП№ВВ ^ПВЕЗ(ЗИ EqEVB0SJ0 000 Ч 1ВЯЯ □ 000 0000 0S IfeBB 000000001 Oriental Fantasy Motifs fl Ш4- ЯННИВЯ IBI k x| Bl IBI гавввв ВВВВЯЯГВВ1 ЗВВВВВ 'ЧВВВВЯ ВЯ1 ОДЯ000 ВЯ000кГ| ВВВ ВВВ "ЧППП^ВвЗ ппяваа ___________ ^и^аввв -MnaBssi Ге'101 IEi иай^ ВВ>Й ЧППЯВЁ^ ВД1К№0ВВ130 k 3SBHB .ana k ш аваД 11Я <|sj Л0 jbbbc ЛВВИ 1ВВИ BB Ibb IKSI k -'I 00000Я1 k MBS КЛ ...e; 1:1 1Ё331ВВВ s ГНЕЗ^ВО ИГ 3000 I Г1ЯЯ000 r-E3^0B0 fs s s s s s NsaiS Bl s'fs SI Л Bl S|S В л01 В Л0|В| 3 IS;JM IB ЧВВ s ’’I IBS k3BI 52 ИЯ № ЯГ 000ЯЯ0Я riMiSBg '1ИИВЯ0иЯ г-га^оио ••raahSHBi г ввв ^ииввв г зав mlgea ПОВВВВВ ЁЗЕЗЙЙВ к'Тиавв - ЛМ k авааъ DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc □ 775 349 И 807 Lrl 351 0 842 0 352 988 414 0 3348 0 472 3765 498 3799 561 3825 И 562 Backstitch 0 563 0 349 s 598 0 807 s 743 0 924 Ш 745 □ ’Gold ’Metallic gold thread EIEIE1E3EH3E1 ЕЗБ№1Е1Е1Е1Е!Е1Е1 вввввввввввввввв ВВВВ вввввввввввв 0BBB00BBBВ0ЯВВва 0 EB0BB0BB 0ВВЯВВ 0 BBB0BB0BB0BB0BBB 0BBB00BBВВЯ0ВBB0 ^ввввввввввввввв ^ввввввввввввввв 0ВВВ0ЯВВВВ0ЯВВВВ s|s> ТГ nInImI П7| вввзввяввзввяввв вввявв^ввявв^ввв вннвитоввввтеввsв BQBBBBBBBBBBBBBB вввввввввввввввв Г1 Ш ^SgEMB^ 77ы [m 00000000001 IB| fofol ВВВ В Л0 ВВ Л0Г к ^ввг к 2lB вв №В ^к ^В BBBBI BBBB Ы ВВВВЯЯИ1 □яяяяяв1 г a jo BB адлв 00 1ВЯ1 1ИЕ51 IDQI ^ШЙИИЕЗЕЗИИВВВВИИ| В ВВ0000ВВ 0000 ВВ I ESBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI 1100000000000000 HВВ^ВВВЯВШВНВЯВ I S00BSBSSBSBSBS0I ИВВЯВВВОВЯВВВВВI E3 BB ВЯВйВВ ВЯВВ BB I FiBBBBBSSBSBBBBai I^BBSQB^BBBGS^BBI «1Е100ВВ ^□вввв s isbbb IEIEISB IBBB0 IBBBB s s [of s isasBk ISBOE— IBI IBI !а000ВЪ0^ВВВ IRS й0ввпвк?вавовЕ?вв □вв^вввяв^вваяв ВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВ ill ^0000300000000 0B000G00B0B0BB ввввввввввввввв ЕЗЕЗЕЗЕЗДВЕЗЕЗЕЗВЕЗИЕЗЕЗВ I I I I

Лп^еУс messengers сап take on many guises, and in this chapter you will find three very different examples: a beautiful angel, a cute cherub and the mythical unicorn, all. bringing their message of peace and love to the world. Angels are heavenly beings and members of the celestial hierarchy. In mythical art they are mostly portrayed as beautiful women with long hair and wings. I he Angel of Peace in this chapter is no exception: a stunning portrait of a woman with shimmering wings and a long flowing gown <f turquoise silk. The imaginary unicorn is usually regarded as having the body of a horse. White in colour, the single twisted horn which projects from the middle of its forehead is thought to have magical properties. The unicorn in this chapter can be seen striding through the clouds and early morning mist to greet the newly risen sun. On bis back rides a princess, who carries a special message of hope back to her home in the clouds
angelic Messengers 59 Angel of Peace This beautiful angel blows her horn to announce her message of love and peace to the world. Her flowing gown falls in graceful folds, and her wings shimmer as they catch the sun. Designed by Mary Stockett V .-Ьна/ие v. d'if л/huww, 2 7 count 44x 3 5.5cm I7x I 4in) Ф DMC stranded cotton (floss) in the colours listed in the key V Tapestry needle. No 26 V Kreinek blendingjtlament — pearl, gold Ф Gold frame with decorated mount Stitching the angel I When choosing fabric for this project, it should be noted that a finer fabric, where the stitches are worked over two strands, should be used. This is because the face is stitched over one thread of fabric. Instructions for working rhe face are given below. Mark the centre of your evenweave with tacking stitches and oversew around the edges co prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame. 2 Work the angel from the centre out following the chart and key on pages 64. 65. 66 and 67. Use two strands of stranded cotton floss) for the cross stitch, apart from the wings which arc worked with two strands oi stranded cotton floss) and one strand of pearl blending filament; the yellow dress edge and sleeve linings, are worked using two strands of stranded cotton (floss and one strand of gold blending filament; and the jewels on the border edge, are stitched in both the light and dark mauve stranded cotton floss mixed with a strand of pearl blending filament. So that the blending filament lays flat when stitched, it should be smoothed together with the stranded cotton floss) before you thread your needle. 3When working the angels face each stitch on the chart should be worked over a single fabric thread. This will give the face a finer, detailed appearance. A separate chart for the face can be found on page 67. Adding the backstitch I The backstitch is worked in one strand of stranded cotton (floss'. Use grey 414 lor the wings; beige 407 for rhe flesh; charcoal 844 for the eyelashes; brown 433 for the eyebrows; pink 335 for the lips; pink 223 for the ribbon; and beige 782 for the hair and horn. The yellow ribbon ar the bottom of the dress and the sleeve linings are backstitched in 3829. 2 The mauve jewels on the border are backstitched in one strand of mauve 327 stranded cotton floss), mixed with one strand of pearl blending filament. Mounting and framing Carefully wash and then press the stitching following rhe instructions on page 108, or take the stitching to a framer for stretching and framing. Before framing each corner of the fabric can be decorated with a strip of wide lace and a pink ribbon rose.
60 Angelic Messengers The Princess and the Unicorn The mist and clouds swirl around the unicorn as he carries the princess home to her people. The jewels on the unicorn s breast plate sparkle, touched by the rays of the newly risen sun. Designed by Susan Penny V Antique white linen, 32 count -flx30cm ' 16x1 din) V DMC stranded cotton jic<: in the colours listed in the hey Ф Tapestry needle, .Vo 26 V DMCgold divisible thread V» Seed brads — ruby red; Petite beads — pearl. gold V Gold horseshoe shaped charm Ф Gold picture frame Stitching rhe design I Mark the centre of your linen with racking stitches and oversew around rhe edges ro prevent them fraying. Mount rhe fabric in a frame or embroidery hoop. 2 Work the design from rhe centre out following the chart and key on pages 68 and 69. Use two strands of stranded cotton floss for the cross stitch. 3Thc clouds can he faded away into the distance by stitching those at the back in half cross stitch using two strands of stranded cotton f floss . Adding the backstitch Il he unicorn is backstitched in ecru, and his mouth in brown 3787. The derail around his eve and his horn is also backstitched in brown 3787. 2 The princess's pantaloons are backstitched in mauve 333; her oveidres> in cerise 915: fur trim in 838: her flesh in 356, and her hair in 632. 3Thc crown and derail on the princess’s hair, and the decoration on the unicorns rein is backstitched in one strand of gold metallic thread. Adding detail ro the mane I The unicorns mane and tail can be stitch in backsrnch following the chart, or you can use a tufted stitch to give it a three dimensional look. To do this, thread your needle with all six strands of stranded cotton (floss'. Starting on the right side of the fabric at the rip of rhe rail make a stitch into rhe fabric, bring the needle up a short distance from where you started. Adjust the thread so that one end is the length of the tail hair, then cut the other end to the same length. Continue working up rhe tail extending the thread towards the middle of rhe rail, then shortening it a little as you get to the top. Repeat for the mane, then use sharp scissors to shape the tail and mane. 2Stitch petite gold beads on to the crown, petite pear! beads at the front of the dress, and ruby red seed beads to the unicorns breast plate. Attach a horseshoe shaped charm ro rhe breast plate, which is marked on the chart with a black dot. 3 Carefully wash, press and then stretch the stitching following the instructions on page 108, or take it to a framer tor stretching and framing.
62 Angelic Messengers Golden Cherub & Lyre Throughout the ages, cherubs or winged angels have been used as a symbol of peace. Here we see a golden cherub, and the lyre, both bringing music, love and light to the world. Designed by Sue Cook V Стоят evenweave, 28 ron/Jf I8xl8cni 7x7»t) x 2 Ф DMC stranded cotton (floss) :>i the colours listed in the hi", Ф Tapestry needle, .Vo 26 Ф Ready-made cushion cover approximately 28x28an (I lx I tin, Ф Cold ribbon 2cm \y7-tin — approximately 66cm. (26in) Ф Gold braid 6mm (flin, — approximately 122cm (48in) Ф Sewing needle and thread Stitching the cherub and lyre Mark the centre point on bod) pieces of evenweave fabric with a tacking stitch and oversew around the edges ro prevent fraying. Stitch the cherub and lyre on to the fabric, using two strands of stranded cotton floss) for rhe cross stitch and one for the backstitch, working each stitch over two threads of fabric. Add the beads in the positions marked on the chart with a yellow dot. Assembling che cushion front I Place rhe stitched cherub and lyre on opposite corners of the cushion front. Turn under the two outer edges on both pieces of fabric, so that they fir the cushion front. Pin then tack them in position. Lav a length of gold ribbon horizontally, and then one diagonally on ro the cushion front, so that the edges of rhe stitched fabric are under the ribbon, and rhe four squares of fabric on the cushion front arc equal in size and shape. Machine stitch down the edges on both lengths of ribbon to hold them firmly in place. Slip stitch the turned under edges of the stitched fabric to the side seam ol the cushion. 2 Pin then tack a length of gold braid around the edge of the cushion. Slip stitch the braid in position to cover the side seam and the turned under fabric edges.
Angelic Messengers 63 1 J—|- | V 1 ZT 1 GT |T 1 ‘ лпи7_ 1 I ' 1 авв^аи ^в» 1 1 1 1 1 /I. KlB№l \|\b hLLL jHBi- ^Ик к 1 - Г-4£- • NTt X • 1 — !-/!ЖИ 1|-Г • 1-^ Q TJ 1 1 .Zl 11’ I. ya jd*- н|<х- < iXjii • з ^^□□□ЕЗЕЗЕЗваапааа . a /41 ашна^па a 1 ШЕИгаЕЗЕЗИЕЗВЕЗЕЗЕЗИПИ иипиши^ с jaa нш. заваиснзодва □a g . загаапп jiai’aamGSCi ЕИЕ0ЕЖ-1ЕЗП Z / • • ф t XI- I’M* □□DDK шзяЕшааь. л DQS^SGQC]QQ^QE3^Q^QBQ ♦ ф|ф / • !x|-i- ;V|+!\|x ааак инизоаъяиаа lasHEiaciBB ЯЕЗВП1ЖИ ф 1 ф мппезячз^ ли езезешпе □DESEiQniS0 ^DE a^aass<QaiQBE Кио шага ив S3Q □я QQ iulD □□ □□ НИ ан ДХ Ф{- N >InIXJX t|Mx.. 1 _i < • ТШ 3<’аС|Ы-^ИОПЕ ia^OEEElBk' • • ф | ф | зван r ’43qs>; гааиапнанйс ’□ЯШ^ИЭПГЗД|. aoDSis нэп ✓ H>iN N □□□BE K№B И GO Jn X, ' x X/ L зпв^ Qk №1 гЗ'Ияш^анапс адгав EDO BBBBBI X X зезвд ^QDQQE ism amra^sQ: 3BQ^ STgB HBBBBI ? > N N >> *> зЕьв? вт -; вага^пс ппй?пэ^й»зй1В1ш aaas авЕяшз'гвм > N N SDBSdSiBi IBB£ > > N |ф IX Ж з^йи^а a . гЩШь?ПШИИ8 BB*E . авввгта% a d^qii за R№iiS вбзш ^a IBBBB^BBaBE вт» .03 в^асзна > Г Ь вадага □ашва < в^ш^иаа^ м шва 4-Н— ввв и^ашпас 'хзв^и ш^н !>>ПИП HU' <1 + N | S N' N1N i N1NI > IN |Z1 иивзшвап^ .^K-NSIn N N > NEZ i . 1 ашв№Ш ^ааак-Еп ваш^иаавна L Btf□□□□£! aaaMsraiw ibibbl d 4 XI Г Г . ! . Г 1 NxH •> 1 I ! X0S-N < X. 1 uXF \ 1 _ ZL s- \n Г X _1_ ZL [V - L J4 хр X ;.: | .. X X г 4I4 _ц_ Xd • .Г L 1 V \X F <- < F F *- F V •>. t 1 4т Xz . ХХ- ' 1 V . ТХ г - - lL L / > s кхптж X । h^bb > > ik ЛЭ^к шш . ^Ик ^SBBBI X ibb^ .«-я ига at, 4S IN L > s S 4i/zls|Z ' ^slX^tdxZ -j-^K Xs_ 4 ZlZ >|jri EJGIEI^BI > Г /. N[N Z Zs>3® Zi I |k8gk TBg N XX ь/ /V V 7 X/ N\/ 1 1 iXlNlXL^B® V X \/ f \ /\ 7 /Г \ \ / 5 v VI ">w XX X IXl > XI V \| / IBBBB /V J—L NlVlZ V _ w MV X 17 44 О гр М пл га |vi fu| |7|V X 7 ХХ-рЕ 'фи ЗИЕЗЙ BBBBI ! + S Biv Х|<Гх| + 1< <1 + 1? £1 <|Х|7|Е>17| 1 + j 1 1vl + 1 Zi+ 1 о О Ivl • x / ' •' / J Nz*X 1 1 Z - < у Ту < + 11 1 ( } । С ? 1 | | Й 1 1 X -' < +1 1 iX-) 1 : |~§Э :T! 1 Six \\ + < x 1 T 1 1 1 X . 1 - . --ХГХ „-Ж Ш || X > + < % XX о т C) 1 i 1 1 x з± . < zuz + < % Г II 1 ! 1 _ 1, ! . , . y- х + <* X, 1«Х' VI lol 1 X □ B i'W ! • X • т Ш L . I z v воввва HE 'll □ 1у^ч IBB^BBBBQ! □□ввва SftBttSE КЕЗПЕаПИВВПЕ Г7ПЕЗйИН£<В1 ЕВВЕЕ si в - SEidA ЧЗкП^ПИ -Ч ik-azB?' в ^1з8в ЧПИПГ Q В завиг ^kOBi ввт: к в 1ЕЗ ЕЗВВВВЕ ИЯПР- завете - X? 14212 кИЕЗПЕЗПк аипвивв ез ^евне JsS |х|%|+ %I +1 +1< <1 + 1- !%'+!%.% U U XIX /Хлев । 1чашшии1Ш! ВВ^П1 Т\ \v|v XJviv 7|V|V|V V|Vl' ,|V|V|V[Z- V. X V 1/ . 1 хА IX и г I V V +Jv X 1 i/! X 1 1 гЧ 1 XL ' - ]/ хт X iXI+IXZi * i !“Mr 1 1/ x Zlr . । г > < X J_1 iiii i III 1 1 Cherub and Lyre DMC strandc :d cotton (floss) □ Blanc Backstitch 597 0 728 0 644 0 838 0 676 Beads |o| 680 И ’Gold 725 0 727 ’V2-08-3820 DMC Antique Gold seed beads 728 s 729 0 740 0 742 747 □ 754 780 n 782 □ 948 0 3078 0 3770 0 3771 0 3811 0 3866
ОЙ J_ VM M I htHih I ' i ^1 Ч-И IS! П:НПК ППСППППШ яяпнпппапапяппааппанпп1 IDDQI (везет BBI 2QQBk уЕИВВг D ПППКППКК1 вгввига п пп ппппк ППППк ПППкЕЛк ПКППППППк КП ППКПП1 IC3cHhnn ПППП J *ч!52 ^3 ВВЕЕВкЯН В BNE ППППЗВВШППСЯП ЕВВВЕВ В на В ЙЕЕЕЕЕГ>| вв в IBBBDI ikbbsi ng ПК S ПППППППк -ЧП ппппк "ЧПк П’ПЕНИВ пппкпн --- ---1ВВВППк Пк Ч IBOI ПКПППЧППк 1ШВИ ПКПППк п кппк ппкП пка Пк ЧП ПР' ППППКНКПК1 ППВВППКЯПКПк_________ пвпп пппппп ппкпп ПППР'ЩС ------------- аг а иезппинкез IDBBQBB □□ 1ЕЗВВВВВЯППП I QQ □ НИИИИИИ HHHHHHHH 1ВШНП| 1ВЕП I «г ?. ззапаик ni 1Пк_ ________ 1ПП -ч ftnnni П ПППППППкП I к ПППК К ППК1 1ПП -ЧОВаЗИЕППЕ'ВВОиВСПП in n п ^□□□вввоввтвшвр’ 1КшишЕ1Ш1ааишнвнинЕ1ннг ------ 1ноианнис1иаиаЕВИЕ(и₽' jm IQBBBHBHHHBBB ВНЕ ВПП? йзппп'чн ПППП1 ПППП1 ПППП1 пп п Тл BB BB HI 1И1 ППППППЧк ШПППППК ПКПк ПП П^И инв £ вв вв в вв в в ШКПППВПк ____ ______ ПППППППППк ЧПк П ЧП| п п пппппкппкппп) 1КПкП ППКк1 ПП--------- IK____ 1ППККП1______ КПППКППППк! П КПк Я1 ?НШ^ВЭКВЕBBBBE3ES I ПП^ПаВ^ВЕЗВ!----- 9BBBBBDBBBI 131ППП yr ППП HkES ПП s ВВВВВВНВ ВВВВ вввиввив ННННН Е НИИ В и В МОЕ НННННИЕ! иинии НИН в ЯН ЕЕ31Г уИННН. нннння нннн И" ППП -ЧПП п ппппп ПП П -------------- НКП1ПП ________ _j чип ппа пив п НН ЧПППП п ппВз ______ - ---------------- ----- -------1ПП ПППППППППк ~ И □□□□□ ^□□□КППП1 HHHH гЗ’ЧППП! ЯНННГ E NUOI ВВВ ЛВ N УППП1 ВВВ ЕВЕЕЕВГ В o| . С J. . iBasBss^rs “IS p.'Q-'dr" ЕВК. ЕЕВЕП <i| c nil. HHH NS ЧП HHHk E3 ylUn BBBB ^ППП BB ^ПППП уППКПк В ППППП УПП ППк а88ВНЗпЗ§п1 1И51ЙИ aansseLs нпн QQQQSQ ----- 5S □□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□ппяпапаппяапаппЕзяЕзппппппап1пп □ □□□□□□□□□□□□вппппаппаавпваппппаопп а □ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□впвпппппвпвппвааааапп ч □□□□□апппаапв в в ввввв в в вяааа □ чааапапс в ввввв в ввв вввввпвввв !□□□ ппнЕпаапавв ibbbbbbbbаввввввввнвввввв _____________ дппаа ЯЕЗЯВЯЯЗВВВВВВВВВВВЗЗВВВВВВВВВВЗВЗЕ 1ВНП^ВВЭВВ3533В;:ЗИ52Я аЯЕГ^ВЗ.ЗВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВ а. пи эч.-чвввпаз ;q:l я я^яяв^вввввввввввввввввввввввввв HE3QQSQQQI yfKEQQQQI □QHHQDDQI acaaQQQQDi_____ капп^ваоппппаа^ Qi □BBKiSQO^QnQI------- BEHBKBKSSJIQQL.______________________________________________________ ibb^bbkb^bi^bbbbbee •aaaaasanasgs-s ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ICaiBEBEBB IB^BBBESBSBQBBBBBBBB^Q^ HGlsl.;.. вввввваввввввввввввввввввв ----------------------------------- ППЕВЕЗВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВ н® ввввввввввввввввваппан^п ZZZZIBQBQBQBBBBBB^BQ^OESB ----------------------------------- . ^вкпввввввввввввияппеапппвв |В13ВВВВВВВВВЯаЕЗ yi^^BBBBBBeBBBBBBBSEI^ ^ВйВВВВВВВВВВЯПЯПИВВВЙВВВ |ПВВВ1ьЯВВВВВВЯЕ В^ШШЫ-------------JBEI3BBBSB3BBBBBBBEBIг IBBBBB^gKBBBBr ^^ВПОШ 'ЧППЯИВЯВВВВВЗВВВВВВВВВ! ЙЗ ВНВИЕШк Ii?i3 уЛВйВМГИП an пплкпп shkbbsbsekbb^ ^bbi о п пппппп пк bqi п~ nSSn^%^SBSh,1hi ппппп пп йкэваивеп! --- п ппквеяг ''BBBi I ппппп пппппппппппп Пуиш^акН^и^кп 1ККПП ПК П П ПП ПППП П КШИКВИГ ЧПП п -------------------- ППППк цД ЧП1 п^п чп: пкппкпп пкп пп^ппккп a Л к КПк ПППКПК ЯПкЧПкКПк КГПП ПППП П1------------------------- ЗПККПк ППП gjnn ПК П КПк ППкП кВЕПО □ППк ППППППКПППкПППП ПП ППкККПШИШ «ППкППП ПППППКП ПППП ПП ПКЗДМГ in пппппкп пппп па пкк№ ППП 'ЧПКПППППППк ППКПк ППКККК1 64 Angelic Messengers вввввзвздипопаип ----------isaKSBs ИННВ51 ЗИ EQ .QQQQQHQQSQQQQQQI '’□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□QI SSBSBSBBKnnnQQQQDQaQDDDBI “1ШЕИЕГ IQQESQQQEiQQQE IQQDDQQDQ^Q IQEEJQQQQQnQQl laQDQ и й ВВВ 13 в ^Е ЕЕ ппп Пк I_________ ___ - ПППППППППк спппп пп НННППППППП ППкПк ппп ННН ВВ ПППППППк ППППКПП HHHkNBN 3-ЧППП -ЧПППК ННН В N BKNHH НН НН NBBBBBB Н ННН вявявн NHHHH Вк I IS В ЕЗ S ВВВВ НН В 'iBB в HHHS _____ HHK.B EK.NHH H HHNEBEBBB SH ИИИН ЯИЕИ ИИ ЕЕЕВВВкНН Н HHkNB ENBB ННГЕЗ ВИНЕ В В В ИНН НИИ в ВИНЕ BN В В НН ни в НИИ N N BtkNH НИ НГУ1В
Angelic Messengers 65 Angel of Peace DMC stranded cotton (floss) 223 X stitch blend 224 Я 680/3046 Ш 225 0 3047/3829 и 420 X stitch blend 597 В Blanc/Pearl s 598 0 3I8/*Pearl 0 676 327/’Pearl и 680 H 4I5/*Pearl 0 725 0 676/*Gold a 726 И 3042/’Pearl h 729 Backstitch й 745 0 223 s 747 0 335 783 0 407 a 899 0 414 s 945 0 433 E 951 0 782 a 3046 0 844 0 3047 0 3810 a 3713 0 3829 a 3743 Backstitch blend 0 3829 0 327/*Pearl “Kreinek blending filament
(Я ЕЕИ1 Т/ I Ell Ий 3 га- П U П| 0 0| В В J3 и IBB rasi El 51 ВК ввввв IEEE IE IEE ISE IEE .JEE . ЕЕЕ Е ЕЕЕЕ I0E1QEEEE Е ЕЕЕЕ ЕЕГ10ППИПЕЕ ЕЕЕЕ ЕЕЕЕЕ Е '2КВк10 ЕЕ----- ЕЕЕЕЕЕЕ ЕЕВВВВь. ЕЕ^1 МРОВВИЕ --------- тНН1 IE ___ _ ____IBBB ?iap 5ЕЕЕ ^ВВ Е1Е ^ВВВВВк0ППК ВВВВВВ Б 10ВВВВВВ0П0ПВВВВ EF>4 ------------------- ВД S J в и В I _ _ __, ввввшв ЕЕ ВГ Е ЛЕ1 EEEEI ЕЕЕ ЕЕ ШГ Е ^ВВВШИСШПППк К-ЧЕ В Л ^В£ИИИПУИ00ЙП11ЕГ В ЕЕ В Е □ EDHHEE0I □пип*' Ш ЕЕЕ 1ВВ00П0ПП В ЕЕЕЕ IBB 9 П^ВВВВВ ЕЕЕ IQS0 00 5В ЕЕ 0 EEK Е 3 а: । ИВ1 ЮН; вгавв но. а и eRTeei вннпВгаищи □ K'U в ИИ »'□ IBH вп Н( 151 IBI SI EBSE2BBBI в in- I UllQI □I IQDI inOis пп □□ □ в НИВГ'ПГ--- ПВ1М s 1ЙНЙП 1ПК ИИПВВ ,‘йк_йшйй В ЕЕ Q В ЕЕ а ГВК5ЕЕ ___ Г ВВ ЕЕЕ ПППВВВВВШ ЕЕЕ ппи 51В ЕЕ ПП0ЕК Е I ЕЕЕ DE I “ Е p SEEE HEEE_ ЛЕЕВ 0S5EE ВВК КРЕЕ ВВШВВШ 5ЕЕ В I 5Е В Q I 00Е В SSI В Л 0 ИЕК В f ВК 000 E5BBBBBI SEI SEI I® ЕЕ .ЕЕ Е ЕЕ ВВВК ЕЕЕ 5ВВВВВ ЕЕ EK В К5Е ЕЕ В Q В ЕЕ ЕЕ 1Я □ i В ЕЕЕ E В V ЕЛ ЕБЕЕ 5ВВВ ЕЕЕ EEK 5Ш ЕЕ ЕЕЕЕК Е _ Е IEE ЕЕ IE 5Е_______ Е ВК 5ЕЕ ЕЕЕ 5ВВВВВК ЕЕЕк В В ЕЕЕ В □ В I ЕЕ В Q Р-В ЕЕЕ ЕЕ В В ЕЕЕ S>HDN3SSapV 3FI3DNV 99
Angelic Messengers 67 Use the small chart above for adding the detail to the face of the angel. Each stitch on the chart should be worked over a single thread of evenweave fabric to give the face a finer, detailed appearance. Angel of Peace DMC stranded cotton (floss) l~B~| 223 X stitch blend [sj 224 S 680/3046 Ш 225 0 3047/3829 E 420 X stitch blend S 597 S Blanc/Pearl s 598 0 3I8/*Pearl 0 676 327/*Pearl ffl 680 4I5/*Pearl 0 725 0 676/*Gold 0 726 0 3042/*Pearl 0 729 Backstitch 0 745 0 223 s 747 0 335 s 783 0 407 E 899 0 414 0 945 0 433 В 951 0 782 E 3046 0 844 0 3047 0 3810 0 3713 0 3829 0 3743 Backstitch blend 3829 0 327/*Pearl 'Kreinek blending filament
68 Angelic Messengers 31 Bl ^ЫИЙЫН йезйиив 11001 •40000000000' 00'’’ я □о Ой __ ____ааа ^100000000 4000000000 I I JZ^SBBBBBBBB ВОВВШЕ □ S J Иаиа везввввез' вовваоанан-чар- f\\xOass □вававаЕВВВВ besj laaiia^ вввиввв ““ □□ВО В-4 BBBDB ВВВ 0ИПИ HEEQS 17.Е ПБЙй В □BOB ИЕЕЗ ВВЕЗВЙВ' ввввн 400000000 500000001 400000000k . 4000000O00QOO000O00 I 40000000000000000^ Ч0000ооаи0г 400ОООИР- 4П000Г зии 4ПИИС? Ki И1К ъаа □□□Q а во sb QQ £JI ИИ Q ИИИ1 в BBSS □□в в ]ВВ ЧП — ,^s a а л. О Р-0 Е В ~— “ ВВР- р-00 ПГ0 0 ввв : Б1 , ЭЕЗПЕЗЕШЕ! и вваво^ а is^q^bbp a EBO ВВ в lasBGScaaH as SBBBBBOQOEBBB S B0BE3SBBS3SB BE SB s a ВППЕЕВЕ -- йппинаэ! iHaasEas ВИВ яаа Вй вв _ BBS йе вв 1 ввв_св ЙВВ BBSS si'O'-siiBaH! EBEBBBBBOU BOSSES 3rarata2’« ill ;I0OJ’00Q 00DD 000 00 00 Ш —I ИИОИЕ ааовоии □□□□DBS BBBBOB 00 ииооооодиоиии и по0оооаао1 а 4ODOQDDOBOB FJKi И 0_s___________ ПНННПООИ В О00ООГ10000О00О01 'чипе? аа в вй аа BBQI ви 400000*. O0000QDQ0I аа а а а а ниьз аааа в й ЧООООк O00Dk 5OFil □ ЗП1 3000-. Q0DQk 50ОГН Е'В . ВВ S . поооЬеевов Енааннн -4 4Q 00400000^4000. 5^ooq 00ооаоак^о0оо 5 -меча 00000000k -4000 QI а -чй’Чь.00000000Оь. -чоаоаоав IB ЧВ 50 000000000k500000001 I 5 5 -ЧИ -4000000000k -40000001 ^ хяв ВВ 4И ----------— ------- KB.S -ЧВ 40 Ч 5ВВ -ЧВ ОВ 5 40 к о -чов ичив в .г - а 51 Н 50 I КО ВВ I ________ ааа чов 5 BlВ 50 о в ВВВ О 5ОВ чов —----------ИК| ^0,;, ЧВ 40/;.- ЧР ___ ВВ‘ ОКО 50 к< вш: в . l нвЕВваввв BSCajs И ^пво L BSD □ь. пввий г
The Princess and the Unicorn DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc 434 И 640 333 S 503 642 340 0 504 E 644 В 341 и 598 718 433 632 0 746 0 754 В 758 798 0 822 915 917 S 927 В 928 □ 3608 0 3816 Backstitch 0 915 ’Metallic gold thread 0 948 □ 3609 0 3817 Blanc 0 3787 0 3023 3746 0 3821 И Ecru 0 ’Gold 0 3024 [Й] 3747 0 3825 0 ззз Beads 0 3064 3772 3832 0 356 П Pearl E 3072 3778 □ 3865 И 632 H Ruby red 3607 3787 0 838 № Gold Angelic Messengers 69
70 Angelic Messengers
Angelic Messengers 71 nJn У В EE. 0 S S 3 Л 0 Й JJQlJIL 3K1DC r ''I Ebbbbbb&IB BB88BO083B 888O8BS: ИИИВЙВЙ8ЕНВ1 □□□№BBB^EgBSEM □bbbbbbs a ljbbeebbse: ^bbShsssij: □□□□ ussi 30liS SB 4| 1ГДЭВ0 iso: ввей I’iJSSS^EiEIEJErSE] JBEBBBEEEESSEn 1ГВЕЯВВЕЕЕЛЕ! КЯ1 KJSE 0B0EE№CJ' -iBBE OBBBEIE! El VJBEE BBBSBb’ SlBEEEE OTEi I / И .-$100 ЗВЕЕЙ ;sBE_aBaibi.-iHi!ae^aEf IBBBEEEE£9Bi^B' IEESE >1 ЕИЕ0 & JEEI . BBBEESraEl IEESEйИВВЕЕЕЕЙЛИI VBEBl : V.BBEEBEQI=lb?i >№£№ gglH а'ДВЕЕЕЕ1:аЕ1Е1Е01ЯОО1й II I'D 3E S’ §fi D tfO □DO DDD П I e0t?Bat3Bi Жаоввава! BBBBBBBBi? квиаи^авв IBBBEtaBEQ ISI IB I.^SE^EEE^Q ISnSEEE^DD ofXJclo о x|x|x, О olti rjSJ CEE IE, LUi JEEI______________ аВИЕЕЬ'йВЕИ- 'ЭПБЕ1 SBBSEEBBS EEE'JI S ^BBiaSSrj: EBEL- Angelic Messengers Motifs DMC stranded cotton (floss) IB 30Blj« JSSSUGWilB BOB Л aassBBEES IBBBBBBE IBEESSBE :l 1ЕШИ1ВИЕЕИ IBL ЛВ ---lEEE^B BBSS ЕЕП Bl 'iHBOSC: H „-iL'BEjEE^H EBB^BBEBlIB УВВВЯВЕЕЬ’В / 3H№i: VBBEH be лан.-з 0 jHKBSB E "’□E-i -- “ВЕИ iiasB. □ Blanc 0 950 a 368 □ 3072 435 0 3753 a 437 a 3770 646 3815 a 648 E 3816 и 677 [h| 3864 □ 746 0 ’Gold a 783 Backstitch h 818 0 413 0 827 0 0 828 ’Metallic gold thread ’Gold ^□□□□BBBUU ООПОП^ПО *SI ИМ №m -----Jt.3 п?йпв^1яга ^saaekfiH 5S UDfc ^□□l3B S! □ □ □ □ □a as an HH HQI

Т оп& а&° when expl°rers travelled the seas under sail, they brought home stories of mystical sea beings, half-human, half-fish that used their magical powers to lure sailors to their death. Some, like the mermaid, were beautiful and beguiling and sang bewitching songs that hypnotised mortals and caused them to drown. Others like Poseidon from Greek mythology, rode his chariot through the waves with unquestionable dominance, and brought fear to anyone who crossed his path. Although the majority of sea tales were tinged with tragedy, those involving dolphins nearly always had a happy ending. Dolphins were once thought to be the saviours of the sea, they were said to rescue drowning sailors from the waves. Today their sense of freedom and fun makes them one of the most loved creatures in the world, and those lucky enough to swim with them find their grace and compassion a spiritual experience. So if you love the sea you are sure to enjoy stitching the projects from The Mystic Deep
The Mystic Deep 75 Aquamarine Aquamarine suns herself on the rocks below the walls of the forbidden city. Her long golden hair falls around her shoulders, and her tail glistens and shimmers in the sun. Designed by Susan Penny from a painting by Linda and Roger Garland V Cnam even weave. 2b conn: 46x38an I8xl5in Q DMC stranded cotton floss) it: the colours listed in the key V DSIC rnyon in the colours listed in ike key Ф Tapestry needle, No 26 Ф Seed beads — turquoise and mauve Ф Cold picture frame Stitching Aquamarine I Mark the centre of your evenweave fabric with racking stitches and oversew around rhe edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame or embroidery hoop. 2 Work Aquamarine from rhe centre out following rhe chart and key on pages 80, 81. 82 and 83. and working each; stitch over two threads of fabric. 3 Aquamarines body, face and hair, the sea and the rocks on which she is sitting arc worked in cross stitch using two strands of stranded cotton floss . 4 The forbidden city, cliffs and sky detail are worked in half cross stitch using one strand of stranded cotton floss . Working with rayon thread I Rayon thread does knot vert easily, and so care should be taken to keep the cut lengths and the remainder of the skein organized and together. 2 Use one strand of ray on thread for Aquamarine's tail, rhe waterfall and porpoise. .A few stitches in the water, below the tail and below the waterfall are also worked in rayon thread. Adding the backstitch I J he backstitch on the rocks on which Aquamarine is sitting is in one strand rayon thread. 2The backstitch ro outline Aquamarines body and face is worked in one strand of stranded cotton floss), but to give the body7 a rounded appearance each backstitch should be made over several stitches. Work around rhe outline smoothly, avoiding sharp points and edges. 3The backstitch on rhe forbidden city and cliffs should be done as long stitches using one strand of stranded cotton floss). 4The backstitch on Aquamarine's rail is also done in longer stitches, but using one strand of rayon thread. Work diamonds for the scales on her tail, and a senes of long stitches for rhe markings on her fin. The shells in her hand and hair, the porpoise and water splashes are also worked as long stitches. 5 fhe water pouring from rhe shell is stitched in rayon thread, as a scries of overlapping long stitches. This will create the feeling of flowing water. 6Stitch the mauve beads on Aquamarines hair, and the turquoise beads at her throat. Finishing rhe design Carefully wash and then press the stitching on a soft fluffv towel. Stretch rhe design following rhe instructions on page 108, or take the stitching to a framer for stretching and framing.
76 The Mystic: Deep Friends from the Deep Dolphins have long been linked with sea myths, many of which tell of drowning sailors being rescued by them. In this fantasy globe we can see the magic of these much loved creatures. Designed by Sue Cook Ф Pale blue linen, 28 eount 44x4 dent 1 7x1 7 tn V DMC stranded eorton Tlcss tn the colours listed in the key Ф DMC raxon in the colours listed tn the key & DMCgeld nierallie thread Ф Kreinek Hendingjilament — 091 yellow, 092 pink Ф Tapestry needle, A'o 26 Ф Seed beads — bright blue, pewter Ф Pear! beads Ф .XW/f and strong thread *3» ToOufll [MfSkV! Stitching the dolphin globe I Mark rhe centre of your linen with tacking stitches and oversew around rhe edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame or embroidery hoop. 2 Work rhe design from the centre out following the chan and key on page 84 and 85. and working each stitch over two threads of fabric. I'he general instruction for this design is that the cross stitch and half cross stitch are done in two strands, and rhe backstitch in one strand. As stranded cotton floss), rayon thread and Kreinek blending filament arc all used in this design, detailed instructions for where to use rhe threads are given below. 3A11 the green and orange cross stitch is worked using two strands of rayon thread, and then backstitchcd using one strand. Some areas on rhe oyster shell ar the front of the design arc also worked in cross stitch using two strands of rayon thread. t 4Some parts of rhe curlv yellow shells are worked using one strand ol stranded cotton mixed with one strand of Kreinek blending filament. Lay rhe two threads together, then thread your needle in the normal way. Blending filament is also used to cross stitch some of the pink areas inside the oyster shell ar rhe front of the design. 5The half cross stitch around the globe and below rhe shell at the bottom of rhe design is done in one strand of stranded cotton. The remainder of rhe cross stitch is done in two strands of stranded cotton floss). 6One strand of gold divisible thread has been used to backstitch the small blue shells, and to add derail to the curlv yellow shell either side of the oyster. 7Stitch a line ol pewter beads above each dolphin for bubbles. Use blue beads for the seahorse eyes, and rhe curb end of rhe yellow shells either side of the oyster. Stitch two pearl beads in the oyster shell. Carefully wash and then press the stitching on a soft fluffy rowel, following rhe instructions on page 108. Assembling the footstool Remove rhe pad from the footstool. Lay rhe design centralIv over the pad, and then push pins through the fabric into the pad to hold it in position. Thread your sewing needle with a length of strong buttonhole thread, fie a knot in one end of rhe thread then begin lacing the stitching across the pad. Work back and forwards in a circle until you reach the point where you starred, finish off with a few stitches to hold the lacing securely in place. Remove the pins from the stitching, position the covered pad on the footstool, and tighten the screw on the underside of the base.

78 The Mystic Deep Poseidon and his Undersea World Poseidon, the god of the sea, was said to have spent most of his time in his watery domain. When he did appear above the waves, he defrated those who erossed his path. Designed by Maria Diaz & Pink linen, 28 амс.чг 18x20.5cm (7x8in) Ф DMC stranded cotton floss in the colours listed in the key Ф DMC silver metallic thread * 3* Tapestrc needle, No 26 * 3* Hand towel with inset Aida panel — bine and cream V Picture frame decorated with shells Stitching Poseidon I Mark the centre of your linen with racking stitches and oversew around the edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a frame or embroidery hoop. 2 Work Poseidon from the centre, following the chart on the opposite page. Use two strands of stranded cotton 'floss for the cross stitch and one strand for rhe backstitch, working each stitch over two threads of fabric. 3 Poseidon’s crown, amulets and rhe end of his trident are worked in one strand of silver metallic thread. 4Wash and press the stitching following the finishing instructions on page 108. Mount the stitching in a picture frame decorated with sea shells. Stitching rhe hand towels —- I Both the hand rowels are stitched using two strands of stranded cotton floss' lor the cross stitch, and one strand for rhe backstitch. 2Find rhe centre point of rhe Aida panel on the rowel, and mark it with tacking stitches. Start stitching at this point, repeating the design as many times as is needed to fill the space.
The Mystic Deep 79 IE3I 1л I IK! IH£! Blanc 503 712 775 928 930 931 ::: A E УН £3E3 В EH < 0 ЭТШШИЙШШЗИЯВЛШШИЕЗГЛ^1 ЪИИЕЙИ яиоиъ1зш1Я1ййЕ1И|М1п гагами rammal i*ai и, IE3 >30013 Н17Щ I iib’ E0 JEL М0ЕЕ00000ЕЕ00ьЗ r rararara qi^ibbbi i rai id6Sb>------ ----1 ШШКМ □ згашгагагашц Зияй и 0L? 0 УН am mi_______ №ш гашгага □гас _____ гага »йга ИЕНЗЕЛЯт! шш шгагат IS IE3. И£! ВШШ1 ИШЛ1 ПН 01?И1ИЕЗ^ЕЗШШШИЕШ'|[!1Е1 ад 0 ивв*цшкш1ди 'Икай, fjhd □_________ ОН rAH В ИВЕ: я ввп я BBBi El Ms __________ ____1нп£гагаган: в ян jo ^и вяи aa н иипееее IS is ra as ииш 1ЕШВ1 ЕШШ ramni ЁЗШИ11 ШКИ1 ШЕШ1 ЕГ.И1 1НШИ1 1ПШШИЯ1 1ЕЗШЛИЕ 1ЛШШВШ lEBElSO □□ z<ише ^□□□тгаганишши Ukl гдв НИИИН№£1Ш1 'л мигаи я 5ИНЕНЕ№£’1 0OI га 1ИЕЗ 1ШШЯ iraraik' lis визга ?1ШЕ!13т №СИЯЕК ЭДЗЁИЗЕ31Ш!№ ВЙ?НЗСИЯ1|5Г" □anarai iratrii ПИВН3131 10ВЯ1 КгагаЯЕвл ияйнагаЕнгигав е гагатгагагаЕига^! lEi-'jsi^n^nM^rami ItJlSBISEI |Ь'ШЙ^ИИИШЙ>^И| КИПИИгаШШИИ! Il Bl ИГу-igraraOMHEg yl СНИЗИЛИ SIH ПЕ11 №0013131 -----1ЙЙ1И00К11 iraвшшшишт^атт I №Bmram3Hmra00 ui -----la^mrarammBBi iararararamu0k?i _______________________। гагатгавввввв t?O00Q00^iQrai^0 aramraDQmi: id 11ияиягагага 0ЙИ^0Ш|---------------------------- IN: Ж ___________________1ганйшшшЕ31цтшиии ЯИга0Е№ИИ0Е!0В1к5П! 'ПК11Н№ШЕ ИШШ1ЛЕЗЛИИИ йкшейй'Яе 0ши гагагайш вт гаш^ и ши oira&?iXiHB ni0iamciBk?0siL шввтвиЕгашншшшигалюга □!'|У:йайВШи00Г:1ИНЕ1ШШЕ-! ШШИШИШИВ^НВ :1 ШИтВ0>ЕИИШИШЕЗЭНШИШИШИгайВИ гаи________________________________________________ у1а.га12«Е1ЕЭ]НЕ0]ШВ1ШЩЕ31НИтВ|!Зе1ВИИ?ЗгаЯИ1 в а я шшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшшЕЗ шшшшБзи'ви: П>Иг2ШШИШИШГИе1ИЕЗЕ|?1И1!]ИГ|ИШИИШЕ'|ЛП1 ___________iBKiDiramraisimciiiitsiQBiiiiQiQi^Qrarara шйиеи ebi 1!1>^1!1>^|«9ПВ'21В[!11!]ЕЗе<191*!а1гаШШШШ1!11!11!11!1гагаЛВ1ШШШВ1тИ1 ИИИЩЧ1ИаЩШИШЗСай?ИИИ111ИЕИШИГ2Н83ЕНИЩШИйВ1 ~”” вшшшш ^шшшшЕ^ЕЗЕзгагагагашгагагашгаЕзгаЕЗбМ ____________ !!irararA4rafflfflBBiBis3EiniBBiGisF<HiBit2raiBrarai sira^raratii ’"Чк'ЕшвгищаЕзгашш^шЕГ------------------------------- ^ratHEKOli! ЯЕВИЕЙЕ1ШИ?йЕ№ЕЗЕ! МЯгаШ^ШШ^в !ЛШШШШВ1Е!ШШ визга Irara^rarasFjF’ arara0rarai kjQEjBsrara. 1пид 13ВИЯШЙ! Poseidon and his Undersea World DMC stranded cotton (floss) N x| и H 932 950 3770 3772 ’Silver Backstitch “Metallic silver thread ШШШШ13ЯВВВ шшишезевип ШШИИШЕЖИ^ВВ ГЛАВ. ЕШИигампигатгаиИ га илшшгатввгагага га 00 шт аагашгашпп1 ИЖ 00000rararaiii0rami^Draramrami2<Hj 1ШШШ0Б !таВ1И£ЕЕ tUC'IDEira^BB 'I-' _________________________________ишии11ьзгатиЕ1га00гашт 8Ч1тгас)гагагас1С|Пиигастс№00000;ЕЕ1<..’'1икшишт' 1. а^О' '?В0гага агашгагагасга>йшгагага00гагатгагагав0ВЯ1!МВКЕГ1 ^агагавшш '”пгагашгавВЕи звннй га гагат i йиитт чтгашгаштвтт 1гат0В00000тг1ипппии£’1га[Я'2<ж< еиении 1гатттгагагав000Ш1вк1гатЕ навгашш >В00гаган 1ншнншштгагаш01^гатттттттшшт ^raramm^nl «№13131 lt?raiii0!3rararai ibq 00ramrai_______________________ Егагагаь?00иишнпаП' scjcibqqi 000mrararanEKin^rarai3EiiitBHDEii “iBkJ000Et!JtE!t3tiimraEi>iinnHHDi’'" 1£100| 1Е1ИйЕ1йии1гя(Я1 и а?йй0000й N.S ж IEUI .S1S,S!N га Ш131313' N nTn 113гагашщвс1пга 00000000И1 1000001 IIII шея Eiranrarai тага mi та rami 1ИГ ISjSiaat®! 1Г м;' al rararara mraai 1 rararam ШИЕЕИЯ 1ШЙ0Е ."В0»й №5 а>-з «ЙВЕИЯ ira ira I ПИ __HEk IHE^HEEESSL. И №^00| ИИ0ЙЕЕ00^1 №00ЕЕ00000Е@00^И 0Е^00Е00П000000 ЕЗО^ГиЕ |{1ЕЕ000000000000000ЕЕ^И ВТ ?Ь^0000000000000^Е^НИ " НЕИНОВ ВИИИЕ-МННЭ^ЗИ ^aES50EBE0^EEf'3HH^aM Г-ЕВ0 00 00ИЕ00Ы«ЛЬ’ ЯЕЕИЛ0ВВ1!ЙИИ1:МК?ИЯ r n-UMlk О 1 ИИ гага _________ira IIS ClD!;! igsiei am NINpi N мг яшыз еимввеиз ramiiim^ МИ mrai га^ ________ jramramrammai гагагаш raraaai is?! шгатгат N га 1й D'j ИЕ1Й05Л |^С0ЩВШШЙ' *ИЕ :rj ?Е0Е:?00Е000000000Е00^Е0ЕИ BtflE000000000000000 I jB3 IBH^E^0000000000000^1 E ЙЕ0ИЕьЛВ000Е000№ЙЕПЕЁ lEEim 10И0^ЕИ^М I0EE00 00EH00aij !№SI О.'
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The Mystic Deep 81 t gQQQQBg iQI IBI <01 □ ISBBI □I SI IBI BE’ SI E 101 IB s Bl IBI в Lil □I IBBBI IBBBI 10ВИВВ0 I ESI □I IBI □I I 0EB.3QBI IQB 1вввве;<лвп| IBBQEE В ZdEB '3BEIQOI I ВВЕВВ IBBBBBBI □ВВИППВС’ВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВ В ВЛВВВ1 01 IBUEQQOI (BE3QQBEI IBI 101 IB0I BSQ В BQBS3 QBBBBB 1ВЯ0И В0 ВВЛ IESSS В Е.' П В ВВ В I qbq в □i Bl в El 01 IS in s и IBI___ IBB BQBQ. El IB IB !!il IВ El BBBB В13ВВПО __ BnSL3a0BBBriElBBE3BB13BBBQB ------0B0BHr3F.BBl3E1BBQBQn BBB B'3FJ 11EIE1 BBI П nnn n n Bl .П ИЕЗ ЙИ1 Bl ПВ E3E3LS В BB BB BB BE2 BB BB BB BBI BBI IS in in □□□дав авз el'bb bdi I0Q0I IQB01I В г<ПП——— ВаПВНИЕП _ПП ппн •nnonnggi Г □□□! Aquamarine DMC stranded cotton (floss) 0 341 ’/2 X stitch 367 Ш 334 501 0 745 s 502 0 775 га 503 0 3325 600 0 3823 758 Rayon X stitch □ 762 0 30503 0 799 0 30553 0 800 0 30554 0 813 0 30762 в 945 В 30799 0 951 0 30813 0 3325 S 30828 0 3340 30943 S 3348 0 30964 0 3752 S 33814 и 3773 □ 35200 0 3813 Backstitch 3815 0 334 1®] 3816 0 356 н 3817 0 30798 0 3820 □ 30762 0 3821 Beads и 3822 ЯВ Mauve 0 3852 ЙВ Turquoise IEBEBEBEI 1B0B0B0QI □ В___ ________________________01_____________ВВЕВИЕВ .B00BBBBBBBBBBBEB B0BB0DBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB0E0EE ВППВВ0ЕВВВВВВВВВВЕВ1.аВКЕВВ0а0ВВВЕЗВВВВВВВВВВВ0В0ВВ ВВЕЛ □C30BQnnBB0BBBBQBB00BB0nBBQB0BBQEBE0B0BEBEEE ----------------------------^QSQI------------------ I0BBI ПЕ1 □FI BB QBBI3 BB ra 'ЕЕИЕВ0ВЕВЕВ1 IBI BEEBE ВВЕ.'ПВПВППВВ BEB BUD □□□ □ EBOHBQBbSI EBBI EQBBBEfJEE ПВВВ00Я0ИВВ0^30Е 0BSBQQ0BS 0ВВВЕЕЕЯП1 EBBBBQHBL . BBB Bflt'BB i --ичиг- — ——— 1ВВВ0 3П1 _______________10ВВП0В1 IBBBBEEiBEIJBEI SEES: BE IBB EBE ПЕ ЗП13ВЕ1ИПППИВ: SAV __ ______ __________________________________й и . □0000 пппЕвввввввввввввв^^двввлвввг’^вввввеее В ВЛ1 □ QB ЕВ ЗЙЕ0 BBBBBBBBB00B0k3SEB'KBBL1BBQ^00BBBE00 BBBB 0ЕВВЗЕВВЕ EBSBBBBBB^EBBBBBBBBBBEBQQEEEEBBBEEE BBBF3 ввви Еввнпввввввс&йе:0саЕ!30|--------- ---------------- □ ВВВВВВЕЕЕЕ EBBRHiaCiBRBSBBBEjiBI а ЕЗ В ВВ В ЕЛ ВВЕЕЛ В B .BBQBBEEB EBBI □□□□□□Bb.'aEBBFJLlQFBBQI------ [НИИНИВ! ВВВВВВ Л ЕЕ’.___я_ ИПГЛВ □ВЕВВВВЕ.’В0ЕВВВЗ!’| DDH'JBB BBEBBBBSQ евввпу) 1--, L’BIBEEBBBBBBE'EIBB i Bl .-□ЗВВВПЕЕВВВВ BE------— inSI3BBBBEE0BBBQBF, 1ЕВНЕг ВВВаВВВ BBFJ IKqbbI О □в ВЕВВВПВВВ BBS □L'B BBBB0BBBB0BBB IBBI IBBI Bl Bl Bl IBI FJE ВЕЕВВВГЛВВЕ’аВВаВЕВВВВВВ’гЛЕ' BB BBB is EEE ввЕввг’апвааввввввввп - — ’ПУНВЕЕВВЕЕ^В^В В BBB-'^EQDDBB I 10000г-аав|вв I BQ ESQ ib вп в a SIB BE EB EE В IBBB В bBBQ В 0B в B0 в BB BBSS В В ЙЕШВ И IP,EE: U№fl IB BBBB BL' IB BBSS BE вв в в в BBBB в в BQ ВВВВВВ □ 0 В П □ □ ..BBB ВЛВЛЗВП BB n I Efl ЕЕЕВВБВВВЯЗИ I EBEEBESBBBBBBBI □ВВЕГВВВ -BBI BEBFJI-- B£QBP30®M в Езвигхзя&^апа ВВЕСЗВ^ВГ IBBSQE.RB-. аНЭВ IB RBBHHQeaosQ 1ВП0- вв'лв 1ПЕВВВЛВ1 ВВНВВВВЕВВВВ BBBI'B BE BB00B ВВЕВВ ВВ I______ BBHBBEBBSBBE BBBB BB00FJH BBL BB00B BBBBBBBBEaBFJQDBI ВЕЕВВЕBBSВВЕ ЯВВПП------- □ЕЕВВЕВВВВВВ ГЕВИ iedodei □В 3 в в '•1 101 IBI --------- 1ЕЛ В BB Q IB------BE’BE В BBBB IB BBBB BE E?. "• -------BBBFJ □ п вез ез п ИЗВИНИ Б BBBB BBBL.___ ввода в □□□□□□ в вв в в. □□□□□ Я □□□□□ ! ЗЕ'ВВ BBBI □ВВЕВ В ВВВЕВПП BE В ВВ I IDSS0 ВВВ0ВПВ ВВЛ В ВВ I 4 IggEIBB 0 IBI Bl Bl Bl IE IE IBI IBI IE ввжзв в ebb в □B12BEB EBEB 1ВВЕЛВЕ BBBB IBI Bl I I IHI IE 'i IEBBEBB Bl 1ЕИВ0В0 В sa IEIE5I IE1 IM IE ЖЕВ ie: 0". и 101 IBI 101 IE00B0BQ0BQ IL3H DEBEEBD IB.BB0EBE 1ПНВЕЕВЕ 130 I BEEBE SB BBI LI ЕВЕЕВЕГ AB EBBBI ИЩИ EEBI miUQQ J3BEI i Ki Sei S3 п ЙИ QK 0EI ИВ 0 И ''ИЯИГДИ'Я ИН Д 1й jHBOBgl'J 3 BBBB ib an в □L’BLl BB □ 0B0BB 0 BOB В EL' BB □BBS в ЕПВП0 вв вв в ВВВ0ПВ ВВЭВВВ B0s в а BE Bi -В Е013П0В BB В Т1| ПГ1ВВЕ ПВ13 EBB В E ПЕ1ВВЕ»В|]П0ВВ11В BB И BBianu В ЕВ BB IB E П1«ВЕВВВЕП1_______ в eEbe tiBEBi-зва bi □ sees ев вве вэв! ВП I0L10EI IEE1 Bl IE В I IEBEBI IEE I 100 I IBEtl I □ 3QB В 1ВЯ1 ВПНВ1__________ EE3BBBBBBE Bl 1110ВЕЗПВВВВВВВ1 1ППП1 BBEBBI 1031 IBB □EBSBE0B BELSHuEBBEB BBI BE ППВВВ ВЕВВВЕЕВВВВВП1 ВВЕВ ВЕВВВЕБВВВВ В| I0QBBBE Bl IEBB Q ISBB в IEBB В IBBB в BE ВЕ0ВВВПВПВ Bl □OEOEEBB В BBI
82 The Mystic Deep ?»[ ППППЕТ 1ПЕЗБ IBQE □EEld I EE 11 ППО ИП □ 0000 вв □□ BBBB 0 □□ 00 0000 0 1ПП a 00 □□so I0000QI □□□□ 1Ш00Ш1 □□ 1000 B0O 1ППП1 ID0000I №□ 10И1 1001 1ППП1 1001 □0 3000 BBQ 0000 IG30I ППВ 1000001 ИЫ E00000 00НШ01 ЕИППОП 1001 Ina Banal 00000130 i00i IBU ИНИПП 1001 L J G Li l I □ Q £3 Li CJI IEEBBBI 1Ш00И 1ШП1 IE 1001 10ВИ00И110ЕИ0И000О1 ВПППШНППППП1 .□□□ша i HE! . I 1ШШ0ШШ [йЙШШШШШШЕШШШ! 00 100 BB0 0 ЙИЕ1ЕЗ 000 000 00 I I 0001 I 0001 00001 00001 100001 eiana ;пва i 1П0ПЕ1П1 inonnai ISO 00 1ПЕЗ 0 10 ПОП1 100 ПП1 □□ □ ПППП Bl BB В В В Bl lrat3iaB£IC.iiGGL1l3EBBnfflQBDdEEltBHI TT 0 00ч I in □ U00 1ПП ВВПП1 Id П0П0ППП1 innaaaanna □ППВПП1 ппиппвпвй B0 00008 ifi □0 аппвдв НЕПЫППВЙВ невппвйЕв □ ооовоВВ Лвп в 0u 10 0 1000 I. 000 100 ВИПО 10000000001813 а в fi'JicaBaai 0 'давк:м ixioi ппппа |ШПШШШПШСТЕ ЙШШШИШ □13РИШР1. I 300 в ЗППП I ЗППП □ПППП1 0 ИВР0 1Й0ЕИП0 0 @пп 10НЕЙПЕ1ППШ 100 ВПВППЖ — авж iEfi ППП 0ПСЁ0ВВВВВ1 0ПоШЕЩЙеа! FJEJSlFJ Е.Л51 Г4 но ______________ I1O00000 00 000ОП НП00П000000 000 I 11П00ПО000 0 10 . ВВ 10 00000ПП 0 100 000 0ПО 10000 00 П 0 1000 0 ВПП 00 100 100 00 00 00 1ППП0 1 ПП00 ШШЕЕВ □И13И1 □□□впЕввввааапааапп1 . вп । ШПВВ ВВП ввв вв в i< ‘ I 'ВИИШЕ1П!31 вввапаип! из lOhii □в ia ав вв =: вввв раап Гпоп ______.JOB IQE1E: ЕПИЕ В В □□□ПВВНВННППППШШВВП! ШШШШВВВВВВВ 1ИИВВВВВВИИППШШШШ1 0 0 0 0 0 I 00 000 0 0 I 1 00 00000 0 'Д1 Е00 000 00ГЛ1 000 О I 1000 00ППП 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 00 0000 0 00 00000 300 ПВ0П01 3000ПП00 01 3000000НП01 30BBBOSB00I 0 0 00 0П 0 0 0 а I _ 000 0 0 0 000000000 0 00000000 0 00О0 00000 0П 0 0 00000 а 0 0 00В00 0 000000000 00 в 0000000 00 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0 000 0000000 0 Q 0000000 0 0000 0 00 @ ПО Л И I ЙЕ1 ИИПП Ы I I Р П ППППЙППЛ» I □ВВП nnOOBBEIL'tl ЕЕвп 0ПППВ000Д г® ппвпппвпппьчт Ж 0000 П0П0П А’ BEJ □□ ВВ 0ПП 000 ЕЕ 1В00П0 1В00ПВС МС-ЗШП аЕЯПВЕНЕ . lj, Ш1135Т. ‘ЛВВПП 1ШШ1ЯШРШЕШ!ЯС1ШЕ1Е1Е1ЕЗ\11::’:' it •: П00ЛПИВШИВЕЕ1ЯШаЕЕЕВОИ |СЗИ1ЕЕЕЕЕЕЕ1ЕИЕШЕ1ПЕВИЕ£ Г.1 ? 1ЕЗаПИЕЕИИИЕПЕПЕ
The Mystic Deep 83 Aquamarine DMC stranded cotton (floss) 0 341 ’/2 X stitch 367 И 334 501 0 745 502 И 775 Iz] 503 В 3325 600 0 3823 a 758 Rayon X stitch 0 762 H 30503 E 799 30553 0 800 0 30554 0 813 0 30762 E 945 В 30799 0 951 0 30813 a 3325 0 30828 0 3340 30943 0 3348 0 30964 0 3752 0 33814 0 3773 0 35200 0 3813 Backstitch s 3815 0 334 0 3816 |Z 356 0 3817 |Z 30798 0 3820 □ 30762 0 3821 Beads и 3822 И Mauve 0 3852 И Turquoise
84 The Mystic Deep
Friends from the Deep 0 3072 30501 X stitch blend”0 1/2 X stitch 0 500 0 «’Gold DMC stranded cotton (floss) 3772 30502 0 727 (I)/091 0 Blanc 0 597 Beads □ Blanc S 407 HI 677 0 3865 0 30950 0 818 (I)/092 0 318 0 823 Й Pewter □ 159 0 415 E 746 @ 3866 □ 303813 0 3820(I)/09I 0 415 0 831 E 160 И 597 0 747 Rayon X stitch X stitch blend* 0 3822(I)/09I H 451 0 838 @161 0 598 792 30350 0 351 (I)/30352(I) IE 3852(I)/09I Backstitch 0 3772 336 И 676 0 794 30500 0 318 0 30350 ”X stitch with one strand of stranded cotton and one strand of rayon ’’X stitch with one strand of stranded cotton and one strand of Kreinek blending filament ’“’“’Gold metallic thread The Mystic Deep 85
86 The Mystic Deep
The Mystic Deep 87 3BG! :йлааия^пиип ипп>? er; кчзнп; E a 83 иеж isseiqh ЭЭЭ ibbbbbbbb' □aarj □Ell C1SI ЕП1 □ HI ^□□^НВВ£ЦПа^Е11Я --------|ИШ 00 101 ini Ж ft® 101 101------------------------------- IklQSL1 SBE3L1 QQQQii^QQQC] ь5ЕЗК2Я WB0E£?'J000D ВИ ИUL’ В£5ЕВ ЛВЕ? EEEEBC300Si 1ВП\1ИЙ0ИИ ВВЕВВ ВВ H6BBBUt;,:-L..__ BEaS ?E30000E30E1 QBEEEEE 10ВЙ3000В 0HQ ИВЕЕЕЗИЙЕЕ £51 ИУ^ЙЕППЕИЗ^З I ИВВЯГл'сй№ШИЕЕ.;£1И1 £лаааш1 иш зезшшйи! i®i ЕМ BQSEEiifll IBI si 01 01 101 K00BD У00ВП 00--- Mystic Deep Motifs DMC stranded cotton (floss) 3 Blanc @ 3341 0 3608 0 3752 0 3756 3768 0 3770 3777 И 3778 0 3779 0 3814 3830 0 “Silver 0 «Gold Backstitch 0 924 0 “Silver French knot Я 209 E 518 ® 562 [3 563 S 605 [3 676 □ 712 E 726 И 729 □ 762 И 793 И 926 930 E 932 3 950 В 996 3 3078 3340 ibhb0 и ней в ЕНИЕЗЕзвшЕшнзЕзойвв вгл еа вв 1яшиЕ1йвийЕИйиа8з bei ,—IB ВШШШИИЙИ^ИВИ^Е^ В01___________ |ИПЕЕЗШИИ1ЛВ!]ааВ^ЕЕЕ ВВВ0Е^ЕВВПа ib'jhhqicibbbqbbbes вввсаввй IBEI зи □QI (□□□опясзшт^а^ааа аввввн IQ0tS>JIElRS3K3HK mnnnnnnnnn 1В0Е1|£11Я1’!ЙЕ|КШЕ5 0В1 SoS S IBBB УЕВВВВВВ В □ UDE ВЕИ0ВВ0И BEBBBH в в qbbeee0bb de ела □□ИИИИИН0ЕПВ DEEE 0 к 121 НИ ш-к- ----- ньт it gfe НЕИ S [ииеяча EISH0 . B0BBQH yi 1ИЯИ QBE]S> 416 6|6| 10ЕП 1аИИ01 I0Q , 00 |; a as й Ы П вп В " HQ Е0 Е 00 ИЙ lassasBiaaRi жзиэнва . с/ИНЭНВЗ ЭМ1 вэ ввш SE3 кивив IB^BBI_____ 1£»вип^Езиа 7 "> 0SQ I т[ 1“ ! -Й ПЕЙ lQ>sari№0K IBI 1Й>3 0ВИЭ5 \в'лшдглш^вввя \вё№вв азв ______ВВЪВВ BBBti I^BE^I В В 31 Elll “Metallic silver thread ““Metallic gold thread BBB Вк ВВВВВ Эй ВВВ вввв в £50 ^ВЭЭВВ --------- ва^ IHHHB _ iH^aas^ авив нпвваавкваивз аниеВйЯИк ШВаЛ /Л; гг^вви 1.ш BFMEI ЯИИ1 IK Й&1® аКИЛШЕИЗь. ||£‘00Е]Ш[1]12Е]1ЯЕ1К1Е1Е1|и BBBi^BSf' :StBI!lBlB!Si3QQ^I21BBk I BBBBB т..;ваишйЁ]а|И11]Е]|1к '“'“ипгашЕзшшазЕивши аИСИШЕ] ЕЗЕЗЕЗШНБ1К] СМЗШЙЕКЗИ1^ ’SgTOIPlIgl

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z "f "'or thousands of years people have used astrology for help and guidance. JL. The study and movements of the celestial bodies was first developed by the Creeks, who used eclipses, comets and the planets to determine war, plague and the weather. Today many people believe that the planets affect our temperament and character, and use astrolog)' as a guide to everyday life. The inspiration for the wallhanging in this chapter is taken from Greek architecture. Cypress trees and classical urns rise up from the bottom, whilst the centre panel is designed as an old manuscript on which sit the twelve signs of the godiac. At the top a Creek god, surrounded by the night sky, holds the world under his arm, whilst he leans on a panel containing an image of the sun and moon. Celestial I leaven offers endless possibilities for stitching, and whether you take these ancient beliefs seriously or not, any part of this wonderful design is a work of art in its own right
Ch.istial Hi-, wen 91 Celestial Heaven Shades of violet, blue and gold have been used to create this stunning astrological design. The twelve zodiac signs in the middle can each be stitched into a card or keepsake. Designed by Sue Cook & Mate evenweave fabric, 28 count 70x53.5cm 28x2 tin V JEW cwnweawfabric, 28 count 12x12cm (4^x4'/tin for each gpdiac motif ® DMC stranded cotton floss in the colours listed in the key V Tapestry needle. A'b 26 C* Iron-on vilenc 70x53.5cm '28x2 tin & Burgundy velvet — 12x66.6cm -T'/s x 26l/tin x 2; 78x14.5 (30:'/4x5f-mj x 2; 78x66.6cm (ЗСг/4х26У-Ип) x I 0 &wnu> needle and thread & Clear plastic coaster 8x8cm 'у1/'х31/чп Ф Greetings card blanks v Scraps of sheer fabric and cord to decorate the cards & Stiff cardboard 16x8cm '6!/ix3!/dn V Pole for displaying wallkanging Ф Upholstery cord, tassel Ф Scissors, double-sided tape, compass, pencil Stitching the wallhanging I Mark the centre of your evenweave with racking stitches and oversew around rhe edges ro prevent them fraying. Mount rhe fabric in a frame. 2 Work the design from rhe centre our following the chart and key on pages 94 - J 03. As the design is split over ten pages, a diagram is shown several times on the chart pages to help you with the position of each section. 3Use two strands of stranded cotton floss) for the cross stitch and half cross stitch. The half cross srirch is used for the sea and sky area in rhe landscape at the bottom of rhe design; rhe blue sky up the sides: and the blue sky at the top between the pillars. Several smaller areas of stitching are also done in half cross stitch, these can be identified using the key. 4 All the french knots and backstitch are done in one strand of stranded cotton floss). Use 838 for rhe buildings, zodiac signs, outer manuscript and border line; 782 yellow for rhe patterns between rhe signs, and pictorial rectangles between pillars: 580 green for the trees: 740 orange for the moon: and 333 blue for the moons below the pillars at the top of the design. Assembling the wall hanging I Wash and press the stitching. Place a blanket or large towel on a flat surface, on top of this place the stitching face down. Lay the vilenc on top, and using a hot iron, without steam, iron the vilenc on to the back of the stitching. Trim the stitching leaving 5cm 2in) on all edges, following the measurements on the left, cut two identical velvet snips, one for each side of the wallhanging: one strip for the top and bottom of the wallhanging; and a rectangle for the back. 2 Pin the velvet strips around the edges of the stitching, right sides together, leaving I cm (Умп) of blank evenweave between rhe design and the velvet border edge. Sew rhe cop and bottom strips on to the stitching with a I cm '/sin seam allowance. Next, sew on the side strips, extending the stitching over the top and bottom velvet strips. 3 Place the assembled front and the backing velvet right-sides together. With a I cm (Vain) seam allowance sew rhe back and front together, leaving the top
92 Celestial Heaven edge open, I urn rhe wall hanging through to die right side. Genth- press the scams with a warm iron, making sure vou cover them with a soft cloth to prevent the pile flattening. 4Cut several lengths of burgundy ribbon, bold each piece of ribbon in half, and then place the cut ends in the opening at the top of rhe wallhanging, using a rape measure to space diem equally across the top. Pin and then tack the ribbon hangers in position. 5Sew the ribbon firmly to the seam allowance, then slip stitch the top of the wallhanging closed. A pole can now be inserted through the hangers. Alternatively, sew a snip of velvet fabric, horizontail}, on to rhe back of the wallhanging to take the pole. Stitching the zodiac signs I Mark the centre of your cvcnwcavc with tacking stitches and oversew around the edges to prevent them fraying. Mount the fabric in a hoop. 2 Work the zodiac sign from the centre out following the chart and key on pages 94 — 103. Use two strands of stranded cotton tlos> for rhe cross stitch, and one strand for the backstitch. 3Wash and press your stitching following the instructions on page 108. Assembling (he zodiac signs I Using the template on page 104, cur two 8cm 3T/sin) circle from cardboard. Cut vour stitched fabric into a circle leaving enough fabric to wrap around the cardboard circle. 2Stick double-sided tape on to both sides of the cardboard circle. Lay the stitched design on to the tape, and making sure the design is in the centre, press the fabric well down to hold it in place. Turn the cardboard over, and ease the excess fabric at the back on to the double-sided tape. Secure rhe excess fabric ar rhe back with a few lacing stitches to hold it firmly in place. 3 If you are making a hanging or mobile vou will need to make a second fabric covered circle ro cover the back of the stitching. You can cither use blank cvcnweavc fabric: a coloured fabric like velvet: or you may prefer to stitch another zodiac sign. Assembling the zodiac mobile I Place two fabric covered circles together. If you are using two stitched designs vou will need to twist one to make sure they are both the same wav up. Pin the circles together, then slip stitch using small neat stitches. 2 Cut a length of cord to fit around the circle. Push one cord end between the stitches that hold the cardboard circles together. Pin the cord around the edge, to cover the seam where the two cardboard circles meet. Tuck the other end of the cord in next to the first, and slip stitch the cord in place. 3The completed roundel can now be attached to a length of upholsterv cord. Stitch a tassel to the bottom of the roundel, and then decorate the cord with star shaped beads. Assembling the card I Attach the stitched zodiac sign to a cardboard circle following the instructions I & 2 for assembling the zodiac signs. Do not make a second covered circle to cover the back. 2Decorate the front of a blank greetings card with sheer fabric and cord, then attach the roundel with double-sided tape. Assembling the coaster I Lay vilcnc on top of the stitched design, and using a hot iron, without steam, iron the vilene on to the back — this will stop rhe fabric fraying. 2Using the template provided with the coaster, cut the stitched design ro the correct size. Place the design inside the coaster and snap on rhe back.

Celestial Heaven 95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ODD ад 1ЕИЯЙК1ИК1! ДДПЯВПИВВПП вв^тшткишв iimmtsfflr.... IftUIIDI гаввши iuicj QQ^aonnaanaaaai □^^oaijnDDnana^Qi Q^S DUDBsc>rii..ir nan Q^DoaSaaaaaaDaaini 8SB1 шп^ипп^ anai mana вав ------------------ ------и. . ^BiSDsaBB в вавт лппезез 4ваввпаввпа ^вв^ав 4S8SBBBQEL1 ^aaae^Bi' вввг -----------= -ж-я_______адчин1даь! лсп ав выдавайпа в^р вапза □авзававваа ав □□□□□□□□□□ аЧАВ □ ЧП DD А^.В ЙИЗЗИИЙВ _ ____звасчя^апкзпясн I рэиз адппЕ I пз звавшая ------------------- -------- BI вппппЕзапаИкП ^p □ a пппваь. E’LiQBk stanna >□ HflBSQBatk езвиы bpp □□ ab □ппппрйк. авв>>.а упвив >ni □Г >PBK SEBBBs. SSBIJIB 41 лрчпвь. ррввк й?в^в i □ ^BBQ^QQk BB CB^QQ! BBB □BBQ^BP' 4BQs. ввввв •□□ввиап-' >aai ЛВВПППВ '-□□№№ 401 ППП DB __________IBU - _JBBaaaaaaau Явийиганисм рпа РР| Celestial Heaven DMC stranded cotton (floss) |ЫИи>"х11' -uijuu __________ ______IflOBB^Bsy ВВ iosBBBr?' □пппп.та^рвп -----IBD IBP IDE)_______ jp^raaa innni IBBBI BE*” £100 II IlfBWfclliill lao aaao' san □□Bl 1ИЯЕЯ ЗП1 as eiHi IjBI □3b. >ПВВ |OBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBDaD0LiBBk« ii □□>. ПОППППППППППП □Bb.OL'S.b. _ina ______raa^ । яавввэд ииииаапппчанннпнппппв^ава^а 1ННЯаЯЯЯЯаПЯЯ18^ЯЯЯаЯЯПЯПЯИИПааПДПЯЯЯНПН^ЯВ| SBSBBSSSB5BBSBB □□QI □□I □□I □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a В I □□□•’ BBB’ >551 : 50 .-□□□•. ЯВПЛЭЯЯч 51 BBBBBBB’J □□□>□* г О ч ^i?D5l 1555555 □□□□□□□□□ □□□ аав1------ —= .ва □□ --———II-'. /JMLt WUl aE’sasss зван 5иавЕЗ!зеи ^ПВМПЕВЕ QBBB555S50 _______________ ------1 bbs asBBBsa ssh .J . PJESSSEl^i“S5Kra^5SS00E .—_JE3 raPESBBb. 5 ^555001^ мяаавв яЕннннннняипгагая ------za I аии0Е0Н00Еигаи ва ИЙИ0ИИН ЯОИЯПЕ lU’UkjS 5553 I_____________ SBH HBI I_________, □аиавниии । ? 'и ;*.i BBBBBB BBBBBBQ □П : I ВВПП Bill! 0ЕЯЕ1-1Е1 in •iesseehei В ЛИ1 I / A Ok llQUtb. I HEfci В □ чппп>. I 0000000 I Ы ::.ii j/I-jG a qb QS3 qq a в I BBI BOB Bl ' SS J- - B0l?Ji“l S0 .1 □□В " i- ____IE ЕИ00000 ппии, nsL. _______________________I яви вв вввв000 паи z пинв, ив» ппппаовповвваввпаппппа jbb □ ni вв вс ——— §00000 ппв □^□bbsi^i а____________г1 । папп в в -------------------п а :—==-—--——. лгпЗНиищгла П 1ПЗЯ 3DEB В ---------IDS" В I В_ в _____________________00В 3000 3 -_____ __ ________пвваЕИзь.в_1Е З'Зга вв 1ип ^а ^аааавапва впв в вг* ——.— ------- пг п@ее000_В АС □ Пп UJ ыи I. 3. У1Й» 1™!" Г” Ве000 аВ пппппавоппввиаввяаппппп аг ±_™г _ 0000 а ।।i1*1* IBBBBI II. .к 1Г11 IMM inn 000(ааВВВОИ СХЭ >ИДДИ1 □ 'ЧЕЗ Pb. At. 00B0 0000000 авнаиаи □ Blanc 1/2 X stitch ® 165 [3 155 0 166 0 224 0 168 0 225 0 169 333 333 0 340 s 340 0 341 s 341 0 519 580 0 742 581 ffl 3041 642 0 3042 0 644 0 3078 645 3746 □ 677 0 3747 0 726 3760 0 728 0 3761 0 740 Backstitch 0 742 0 333 s 744 0 580 780 0 645 3 782 0 740 s 822 0 782 s 3022 0 838 3023 French knots 3041 0 Blanc □ 3078 [□; 3746 0 3747 ивиивйввваввииавииЕиввваЕив ви В В Г' “___ В ЕЗВГ1 пвпп апяг ^ап 0000001 в в о-з впР^ ___ с~; чввввв зола. BBBBKI ППП !
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Celestial Heaven 97 t s'Tpj □|o □ □ □] .° Dl° D п(р|а;и|о| • и|иЦМ ЗИЬЗ| □□I SOSO isr I ээаввэеааваа ваввваававвав1 I ааааЭЕ I eaaaac a t вав si BB : ннаавн ВавввВ вваваВ D Г-.1 ra i3 лПППк В □. кЭДПнННО!3>Г □пипа двшшвз 7 ОВНОВ' лвак ^ввв^ лсвк cz ' □ « ISQQBniniCQI в ввеа Г ававв । ааввв ввавна оно □ Н । ыввавп I ВВЕВВП □падааопп .: п и г ппсг си □па s. ж ос си :□ B3DL_______________ НПННВВВВ НННаап MOB ВВВНВе □□П вв Ви виг □ в HQ 8№SS^SSSI ипана гж-да ими HBamai ' и в ава спгчпил □ ови rcnanni 1ИвнввВй > Вк □□ ааВвиивппнпнк л □ ^спзааВвзпз! I п s л у z I l □□□□□ввапппп §□£ И Jlyily ! §аагааг=1 вааааа □ паиаавг □ в вв и и В ВО к И . Е ПкВ и и □о в □в й □он в лвв вв .".□пн н • __ Лк ЕВ □ ВнПк лкпв^' Вааас □□ Пк ПЕВЕК t _ _ пап пеней □□□□□взпппвмавиавпппап □ Внааап н ннаа пввававнвв □□? нива н сввгиг №□□□ leei. съиан !*>? НН № _______ эанаваоав kci сннннааа □□□mw * » !*= -;□□□> Basal н в E ааваиа в аааап Г ааааап I аиииао шавВмвВ ааааааВ □ Н QB р вввавнаааааавааааавваа| ив нваавввпааввавв1аавваа1 «во ввввваававвввавиава1 нвао 1вавввввава1 н □ сннннард । ;!звааввв и синвнводдо__ □□□□ : эаЯННммп.:(□□□□□□□! пс «□□□иаиаввнннн! * IBB aaaal_____ ^□□в вваннн, ' Ы н и авп о ihhboq вв -|«ш паи и ни ! ооон а В- в в н п еаааааав i------ —~ н н lOQHk юдин IПП лВ1 Celestial Heaven DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc 1/2 X stitch 0 165 s 155 H 166 0 224 0 168 0 225 E 169 333 333 0 340 E 340 0 341 S 341 0 519 580 И 742 581 3041 642 0 3042 0 644 0 3078 645 H 3746 и 677 0 3747 0 726 3760 s 728 0 3761 [3 740 Backstitch 0 742 0 333 0 744 0 580 780 0 645 s 782 0 740 s 822 0 782 E 3022 0 838 0 3023 French knots s 3041 П Blanc □ 3078 0 3746 0 3747
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Celestial Heaven 99 01P[5t i Ell Mr W II ,S ISEll НИ1 Н0ИЯИ0ИИ1 IGOBQQS&’ntfBQ баздиампВиг аповлиявпи I ВНЕ □ 1001 ISSHI ни® 013131 0130 000 D ЕЗНЙМЕИ J BHHEEHE наванаа ВаВИВВВ аннавни 00И1 000) aHEHEI аванн HHHBE ESHS ! hbhej BBC-1 DI □bi IS J 0 i ••4! TtkClEll I Ч зиь. QI - ПП>1 a n впв I □□(>. BOB I □ ttl I ID □ □□□□?' QI !№—ОД ЕНВИВВИаВЕ ^HBQBOO №w п звааввавв ( 3 —И 3 ЭЕВВЕЕВВВЕВГ □□□□□□ВПВВ1 □ □ DBQ al В нввввп □□Baas a □ Danaan gi J a ^BODUb. DDBI □ ЕПП Пь, DI BEHEI---- ----- QI DBBBBBBBDI 1^000 iSSBQSSSSE 0Q 1ИЕ1ИИИИЙИИИЕЗИ 1000000000000 □□ — 10Е ____ □aaaa 1ИЙ1 1ВЯ1 JBB ЙЙЙ ИЕИИИИ1 ______ЯЯИИ — □I IBHB I laasa bebh . анввв laaaaa . "lEssaa JaaaaE 1ваиЕвававнанааа1 Q I laaarasaaaaBaaaai gSBESEI аВЕННВВЕВ IQQ gDDBBsag! □□□□□or --IHSSDSI IQDSDSI Celestial Heaven DMC stranded cotton (floss) p~| Blanc 1/2 X stitch [v] 165 [0] 166 H 168 [E 169 В ззз [S] 340 S 341 I 580 I 581 g] 642 0 644 I 645 □ 677 0 726 0 728 0 740 0 742 S 744 g 780 S 782 S 822 В 3022 [N] 3023 g 3041 □ 3078 3746 □ 3747 0 155 □ 224 [T] 225 333 13 340 @ 341 H 519 |~h~] 742 3041 E 3042 0 3078 3746 0 3747 3760 0 3761 Backstitch 0 333 0 580 0 645 0 740 0 782 0 838 French knots П Blanc
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Celestial Heaven 101 Ж 88 □□I 0000 IBBB □l □□I ihbbp BBC I !□□□□ BBBi i::ss:s 1ВИВПЕЗИП1 1ВВП 1ЕЗИ 1ПН □□ IBB \K lOQGIGIi IDDI □□□□□□□I ICTW I ВВВВВ «□□□□□□ r isbbb 00 OS □□□□□□ ibcb ПИ ICC PB'Jk'l □□□□I sac lac □□□Bl BBBBBBBI □□□□□□□aaaaaac alUnDDb. 1ввввввпа !□□□ !—□□□□ ICC sc BBS Q :• I чйзйяае □qs'Eip' aa ’’’□□□□гacacanaan вв aa bbi ввв □Bl □□ IBO3C Ian □□Z \ЕЗП Ик □nQsaaon вазвк ипваввиввавв Bi /8®.'Я|Иг1№. 4 □зав ни виза □BCBBiEisacBcikj □аппвввипспсзв aa ввзбвмквиг ВВВ BIT------ BBsaEEig’ cobI aa ~ a a в aa mb __________ _ i 1аамвииИаыв □□□□азавввваввввааааааа пава па □вп □□ пввп : ВВП □□□г спа вввппаввпп □□□□□□□вплаввавваававав :П?Вь. ’И 11::->ааи хпса^Вк 0 пав^ 1НИИВЕ аа^ 1Пи>^йзпп»йвв_________ 000 □ □□птвавзвв^ь.пп^п'чйсв В ВВП ---------------------*----- ВПППП8 ИИРИР ВППППЕ Л1Н1В iQMeaBBi ВВВ ^ВВ^№1 aasi----------- 300 В BOS SiBB&iLWI 001 00 £51 □ran BBBL.... св ввввввв aa вввв L BS SBBB0 aa >00 cdbi ЕЫав0000 01 i в до i BE 0001 8 100 0B:J В 1ВИВИ IBacc iBa ai lac ЭДН1 iBBHHaass illaaB □□ sigs □□п^во^аав^ BOMBaac папвв^ B^ С-ЧПЕ ВПИ CBB^uanz nb'slibp' i □□□□fcr ПИ^ □’ЧИВГС ... ------ -notaaijni 10 П DI ICC аса !□□□ IL ИВСВ CBI ----------icanaaSLai . □□□□ававввввап csi__ □□□□□□□вппввввававввввв a zftB чанг i 0 а " □□□□ i 0 □□□□□□□□□□ ввв свасапсс ЛПИВВ»' Celestial Heaven DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc S 341 0 726 0 822 1/2 X stitch 0 519 3760 0 782 165 580 E 728 E 3022 a 155 E 742 0 3761 0 838 @ 166 0 581 0 740 0 3023 0 224 H 3041 Backstitch French knots 0 168 0 642 0 742 3041 0 225 E 3042 0 333 Blanc в 169 □ 644 0 744 □ 3078 333 0 3078 0 580 333 645 780 0 3746 в 340 И 3746 0 645 [Ц 340 0 677 782 □ 3747 s 341 □ 3747 0 740
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Celestial Heaven 103 □ниии ИНИНЕ ПИЯНЕ These three sections firm the lower part of the chart. The plan below shows how the chart is split; the numbers refer to the page on which the chart section can be found. ни 00 § ; о BSbe ' ВВ 'В^НИНИИД е : Елппгагагагаи яви и вв чз^иниие ВК^ПИПИИИИЕ 0OQQDE _ ППЕННЕ Н HE 0ЯЕ |дМЯВИИИШШМЬ, . вввввввввввв ввввв 1П1дис1риаш1дшшс1Р1Еия1ятш1 -•затвз !зшиие ь. bl 000 В В^НПЕ щшшшшшш&изшшшшшшииВВВВ ВИЭ 'Bl BBBB Bl Я BBBBBB ввввввввввввв ВСЗВВИ BBBBBB ВВВВВВВ:': ВЕИ Н НН к ! ПИИИИИИИННИ SS00 ИННИНЕПН НИИ ННЕЯЭ1 I :):' Г : :Ч 1ИЙ0ИИ1ЧНЙйгаИ!15Н31 I :| ВИВННВВВаЙВИаиППН Ьшиашип I Ж :< 4f ) 7'13!И Э31??И k'll'< I: I' : OBEl Г 00 0001--------- “ ’ -LibJS 00 000! □ннн за 0331 няяпияиииннннини инпининяиниииннн ИИИИИ внпяннннн ИОИИИ _ ЕДПНОИИНННННИИНИ . 1 ИЯИНИЯЯЯНННИПИ :ч BHHHHHHHHHHHHlI1C10tI]000000BlI]IIlBQ]IQQlUiBSBB ИИПИИИПИПИИИИИ30000000000330330 ВВВВ _ __ __ шшл шийшсиаш111ш1:1вв ’Y ввввввнв ^ввввввввввввввв висзтсттсидттвиД ввввввввв ввввввввв S3 г ВДДД ДЯДДДД1ШЕда1ЭСЯ □□□□ дяиядяддядпштяни НННННННИЯИИИЕЗИЙЯ □□□□ДДДСТДСТДЕ ДИД _ _ _ □□□□□□□□!__JDQE3E3E3B!E3E3E3E3E3IH S3SS K3s. 1ДДД ДДДДДД ДДДДДЯДДДДЯД Я '^ЕьяпНЯЯДЯДЯДЯДЯНЯНЯЯННДДНЯДНЯЯН ПДn. В^ЯИЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯДЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЕ Д 1Д Д^ЯЯЯЯЯДЯДЯЯ IQ I013SI3SBI3I ____________I0000000L __________ ИННЕ30 Й100ВИ0!: II) BBBHl ИВЕ в 033 язшшйивияте в я в ЗШЙШНИ :0@1 |A|te|N|N| LlNk.'l К'ИН л л л л|л !^'НИЯИИНННННИННИИИИИНИО E В^НИНПННПНИНЯНПННЯНЯЕ Q В^ННЯНННПНПНННИ ПП Bl HE рййн кзядяяяыпяяяе ДДДД1 ЕЯ! |ДДДДД ДИНИН □□ яяяяппяпп ипаа Ш1ЗД1 ИЕЕЗИ ИИ ИЯ □□ ии QB□□□□□□□□□□□ И ЯЯЯДНЯЙНДДЕ НЯДНДДДДЯДЕ Во идядидд ярде 0С!Е ПНН НЯНИ ИНЕ SSHSQKI!3HE ЕЯ Я Я ДЯЯЕЯД 5? Ы ЕЯ СТ СТ F*( Д ядядяядд 1НЯНД 1ДДДД ЗШШШЗ ИНН ЗИПЙЙИЕЕ сзийне! 301 НЕ НОВ ШШШШЫШЫШшЫ Ш13OILIII1L Ы is «iSHSiiymi BBBBBBBBSBBBSBBBBBBB вввввввввввввв 1НИИЕ 1НИНН £3 в и и Я и и и _ в в НН =г вг ВВВВ! ннняи ОИЕ ___1ИППП ИИПИЭЕИНИ Celestial Heaven DMC stranded cotton (floss) □ Blanc □ 644 IS 3022 E] 340 Backstitch 0 165 645 0 3023 S 341 ZJ ззз @ 166 0 677 H 3041 0 519 0 580 0 168 0 726 □ 3078 742 0 645 0 169 s 728 3746 0 3041 0 740 333 s 740 □ 3747 E 3042 0 782 340 0 742 ]/2 X stitch 0 3078 И 838 s 341 0 744 s 155 3746 French knots 580 E 780 □ 224 0 3747 0 Blanc 581 E 782 0 225 И 3760 0 642 S 822 H 333 0 3761
104 Templates Use the templates on this page to make the Merlin wallhanging and zodiac mobile.
Sill CHING Techniqi JI-.S 105 Stitching Techniques Most of the designs in this book are simple to stitch — a combination of cross stitch and backstitch, with detail added using half cross stitch, french knots and beads. Below you will, find working instructions for the stitches, and useful information on reading the charts General stitching instructions On projects where a fine even weave fabric is used, each stitch should be worked over rwo threads of the fabric; where Aida fabric is used each stitch should be worked over one block of fabric. The number of strands of stranded cotton floss) for each stitch will be listed tn the instructions for that project. I he stitches used in this book arc: cross stitch, three-quarter stitch, half cross stitch, backstitch and French knots; beads and specialist threads are used on some projects. On the princess and the dragon (page I I . some stitches are worked with two different colours of stranded cotion (floss in the needle, this is called blended needle or (weeding (more details sec page 106 i. On rhe angel of peace (page 59’. one strand of blending filament is added to the needle with the stranded cotton floss) to make the I bread shine. Where rayon thread is used in a project, stranded cotton (floss can be used in its place, as the colours numbers are rhe same as the stranded con on colours. Backstitch for outlining J .<ar.’ dvwwg swne of ire stitetes i/.vd on the designs tfas nsck i ro.-: three-quarter stitch. backstitch, trench knots and beads. Reading the charts I’he charts arc in colour, with a svrnbol printed in each square. Each square on the chart represents one cross stitch. In some cases, on finer fabric, each square on the chart is worked over two threads of fabric. All the charts have a key listing the DMC stranded cotton floss) colours used in number order. The key also shows if there is backstitch, french knots and beads, and whether blending filament or blended needle has been used for that stitch, see 106). The french knots and beads arc shown as coloured dots on the key and chart more details on beads can be found tn working with beads on the next page;. If you would prefer not to use beads then french knots can be used in their place. Most designs have a combination of whole cross stitch, three-quarter stitch and backstitch, a few designs use half cross stitch. The three-quarter stitches arc shown on the chart as triangles of colour printed in the corners of a square; each half cross stitch appears on the chart in the same way as a full cross stitch, but in the key is listed separately below the cross stitch. As well as a chart and key, each design has a list of materials and working instructions. Fabric The designs in this book are worked on Aida or evenweave fabric like linen. All the fabrics used for cross stitch should have the same number of horizontal and vertical threads to the inch. Aida has threads grouped together in blocks, so that one stitch is made over one block of threads using the holes as a guide. When working on rhe finer cvcnwcave, like 36 count, rhe instructions may tell you to make each stitch
106 S i i i chi ng Techniques over one. two or even tour threads ot fabric. On the angel of peace page 59 the face is worked over one thread, while the rest of the design is worked over two: this gives the features a realistic appearance. A project sewn over two threads on 28 count fabric, tor example, would come out the same size as if yon stitched ii on 14 Count Aida. I he fabric listed in the ke\ shows the count, 4 the colour, and rhe size of fabric needed for the design. When buying the fabric allow extra at the edges it you are intending to work rhe design in a hoop or small frame. It you want lo stitch on a different count ol fabric than shown on the project, you will have to calculate the finished size of the stitching before you bur the fabric. Го do this, count the number of squares both high and wide of your chosen design — this is the stitch count. 1 hen divide the two measurements by the number of threads per inch of your fabric. When you are stitching over two threads remember to divide the stitch count by half the number of threads per inch. Needle and thread Use a needle lor cross stitch that is blunt and slips easily through the fabric without piercing it. A size 24 tapestry needle works best on 14 count .Aida, while a 26 tapestry needle is best tor finer fabric. \ 26 tapestry needle should easily pass through the eye of most beads, but you may find that using a tine sewing needle is easier on some design*. The design* arc stitched using DMC stranded cotton, DMC rayon thread. DMC divisible metallic and kreinek blending filament: the number ot strands needed for each stitch i* in the project instructions. Using blending filament Blending filament can be mixed with stranded cotton floss' to give the stitches a shiny appearance. Cut a length of filament the same size as the stranded cotton floss . bo that the threads stay flat when stitched, they should be smoothed together before threading vour needle. A single strand of blending filament should be enough to give the stranded cotton floss) a shiny appearance. Using rayon thread Rayon thread is ven slipper* and can be difficult to work with unless handled properly. Once you have cut a length from the skein make sure it is laid flat on your working surface, or it may become tangled. Carefully separate the threads from the length, and then recombine the number you need to stitch with before threading your needle. It may make the ravon thread easier to work with if you use a strand of stranded cotton floss m the needle as well as the rayon. Blended needle On some designs blended needle has been used to give the stitches a tweeded appearance. If a symbol in the key has two colour numbers listed against it you will need to thread vour needle with one strand of each colour. So on page 16, where colour 522 and colour 523 are listed against one symbol, take one strand of each colour, lay them together and then thread your needle. Each stitch will then have a tweeded appearance. Working with beads I he bead* are shown on the chart* and keys a* coloured dots. 1 or more details on understanding the charts and keys see reading the charts, at the beginning of this chapter. Most of the beads used in this book match DMC stranded cotton floss colours. There arc four different type of DMC beads: Ml general seed beads. \’2 nostalgia. V3 metallic and V4 frosted. As well as the bead tvpe. a colour code and colour description will also be listed. I he beads should be attached to the stitching using two strands of stranded cotton floss). Thread the bead on to the needle as you make the first part of the cross, then as you make the second part, lay one thread of stranded cotton ^floss cither side ol the bead, before pushing the needle back into the fabric and continuing. Working the stitches Cross stitch Each coloured square on the chart represents one cross stitch on the fabric. A cross stitch is worked in two stages: a diagonal stitch is worked over one block of Aida, ot two threads of finer cvenweave
Stitching Techniqui-s 107 fabric like linen, from the bottom left of rhe stitch to rhe top right. The second part of the stitch is worked from bottom fight ro top left to form л cross. When working a block of stitches in the same colour, stitch a line of half crosses before completing each stitch on the return journey. Make sure that the top half of each cross lies in the same direction. wavs: as an outline to give definition io an area of stitches: on rap of the cross stitch to give detail: on its own. to create areas of lettering or detail lines. Backstitch can be worked as single stitches over one or two threads of fabric, or as longer stitches to cover a larger area. Half cross stitch The stitches arc shown on the chart as full symbols m the same way as cross stitch, but on the key they arc listed in a separate section. A halt cross stitch is just the first part of a full cross stitch: a diagonal stitch worked over one block of Aida, or two threads of linen from rhe bottom left ro rhe top right. Half cross stitch works well in areas of the stitching where you wanr a less solid effect. Three-quarter stitch Each stitch is shown on the chart as a coloured triangle. A three-quarter stitch is a half stitch rhe first part of a cross stitch with a quarter stitch worked from one of the remaining corners to rhe middle of the srirch. It is easier to work fractional stitches when each stitch is being worked over rwo threads of fabric like linen or fine evenweave . When stitching on Aida you will have to pierce the middle of the fabric block with a sharp needle ro make a hole for the quarter stitch. Backstitch This is shown on rhe chart as a solid coloured line, and may be used on the chart in several different Preparing to srirch (hit your fabric several inches larger than the size given m the project materials list. Zig-zag around the edges of the fabric or bind it with masking tape to prevent the edges fraying, bold the fabric in four to hud the centre point. and mark it with a pin or small stitch. Find the centre of the chart bv following the arrows from rhe edges to the centre - this is where you begin stitching. Thread your needle and make a knot at one end of the thread. Push the needle to the back of the fabric about 3cm I :/-m from your starting point, leaving the knot on the right side. Stitch towards the knot, securing the thread on the back of the fabric. When the thread is secure, cut off the knot. When you have finished stitching, finish the thread bi weaving it through the back of the stitches.
108 S n rci iing Techniques Hoop or frame Larger projects will need to be supported in л hoop or on л frame whilst you are stitching. Before cutting your fabric check carefully how much you will need, allowing extra for lacing it to a frame. If you are using a hoop you will still need to add extra fabric around the design ro hold it in the hoop. Always remove the project from rhe hoop when vou are not working ro prevent a ring mark forming on the fabric. Once the stitching has been completed the excess fabric can be cur awav. Washing and pressing Handling even the smallest piece of cross stitch can make the threads look flat and dull, so always wash your work before it is framed or mounted. To do this, swish the stitching in hike warm water and. if the colours bleed, rinse in fresh water until the water is clear. Do not be tempted to stop rinsing unless you arc absolutely sure the bleeding has stopped. Roll the stitching in a clean towel and squeeze gently to remove most of rhe water. On a second fluffy towel, place your design face down, cover with a dean cloth and iron until the stitching is dry. Mounting and framing It is best to take large cross stitch designs to a professional framer who will advise vou on displaying your work. If you would prefer to lace your own work then most framers will be happy ro make the frame and cut rhe mount and backboard for you. If you are mounting rhe work yourself use acid-free board in a pale colour. The mount board should be cut to fit inside your picture frame, allowing tor the thickness of material that will be wrapped over the board. There are two methods of attaching the stitching to the board — taping and lacing. Taping Place the cut board on the reverse side of your stitching. Starting from the centre of one of the longest sides, fold the excess fabric over on ro the board, then pin through rhe fabric and ini о the edge of the board. Repeat along all four sides of the board. Use strips of double-sided tape ro hold the fabric on to the back of the board. Remove the pins once the work is secured. Lacing Pin the work along the edges of the board in the same way as for the iaping. Working from the centre of one side, and using very long lengths of strong thread begin lacing backwards and forwards across rhe gap between the fabric overlap, while keeping the fabric on the right side stretched. Remove the pins. Repeat for the other two sides, taking care to mitre the corners or turn the corners in neatlv.
Suppliers 109 Suppliers When writing to any of the companies below, please include a stamped addressed envelope for your reply. DMC Creative World Ltd Pullman Road. Wigston, Leicester LES 2OY Aida. linen, stranded cotton, metallic divisible '.bread, rayon thread and beads. Coats Crafts Ltd PC) Box 22, The Linglield Estate. McMullen Road. Darlington. Co Durham DL1 1YQ Kreinek blending filament. ('raft Creations Ltd 2C Ingersoll House, Dalamare Road. Cheshunt, Herts EN8 9ND Card mounts. Impress Cards & Craft Materials Slough Farm. Wcsthall. Halesworih. Suffolk IP 19 8RN Card mounts The DMC Corporation Port Kearney Bld. 10 South Kearney NJ 070732-0650. USA Ziveigart Aida. linen and stranded cotton. Cay Bowles Sales Inc PO Box 1060. Janesville.WI, USA Anne Brinkley Designs Inc -61 Palmer Avenue, Holmdel. NJ 97’33. USA Ireland Ncedlccraft Pty Ltd 2-i Keppel Drive. Hallam. Victoria 3803- Australia DMC Ncedlccraft Pty PO Box 31’, Earlswood 2206. New South Wales 2204. Australia Zireigart Aida. linen and stranded cotton.
но Our Fantasy Designers The following designers can lie contacted al the addresses below Sue Cook at The August Moon Design Company Limited. .32 Wavell Drive. Mai pas. Newport, Gwent NP20 6QX. Website: wwxv3ugu.4moon.co.uk. Linda & Roger Garland at Lakeside Gallery. Fleardon Farm. Lczant. Launceston. Cornwall PL 15 9XW Website www lakeside-galiery.cc mi Susan Penny at Penny & Penny, 1.35 Bay View Road. Northam. Dexon EX.59 1131 email: penny.andpenny@virgin.net Helen Philipps at Merry Heart Designs, PO Box HO. Hoylake. Wirral CH48 2WD. Website: www.merryheart.co.uk. Pinn ar Old Orchard Cottage. Knutsford Road. Antrobus. Xorthwich. Cheshire CW'9 6|W. Website: www.x-stitch.co.uk Man Stockett. The Miranda Corporation. Website: www.webmiranda.aim Teresa W'entzler, 1AV Designworks Website www.twdesignworks.com Acknowledgments The publishers would like to thank rhe following fkxiple: Sue Cook. Maria Diaz. Susan Penny Saithon Borisuthibundit and Rungrat Puthikul at Pinn. Man Stockett. Teresa Wcntzler fur their design contributions-. Michaela Learner. Christine Thompson. Ann Swetman, Penn O'Gara for their expert stitching; Doreen Holland for her chan checking: Linda & Roger Garland for their art: and Susan and Marlin Penny for producing the book.
Chart Index HI Chart Index A Stranger Cometh. 32 Anchor. 86 Angel, 31, 64 Angel of Peace. 64 Angelic Messengers motifs, 70 Aquamarine. 80 Armour. 23 Black cat. 23 Castle. 15. 22 Celestial Heaven. 94 Cherubs. 70 Cherub and Lyre, 63 Crabs. 79 Dolphins, 84, 86 Doves, 71 Dragon. 15. 16. 52. 55 Hairy. 36. 38 Heather. 70 Flag, 23 Friends from rhe 1 )eep. 84 Frost Hairy, 36 Goddess of Mercy. 48 J Good Fortune emblems. 47 Lvre. 63 J Merlin the Wizard. 20 Mermaid, 80, 86 Mystic Deep motifs. 86 Myth and Magic motifs. 22 Orb, 22 Oriental Dragon. 52 Oriental emblems. 47 Oriental Fanrasv motifs. 54 J Oriental girl, 54 Polar bear. 39 Poseidon and his Undersea World. 79 Presents, 38 Princess, 16 Santa. 32. 39 Seahorse, “9, 86 Shields. 22 Shells, 79. 87 Snow Queen, 39 Starfish, 86 Sun and moon. 23 Sword. 23 The Castle and the Dragon. 15 The Princess and rhe Dragon. 16 The Princess and rhe Unicorn. 68 Turtle, 87 Unicorn, 68, 70 Winter Angel. 31 Winter Enchantment motifs, 38 Wizard. 20 Wolf. 38 Zodiac signs, 94-103
112 Index Index Entries in iia'ics indicates illustrations, bold indicates charts. A Stranger Cometh, 27. 27, 32 Angel of Peace. 56. 59. 64 Angelic Messengers motif's, 70 .Aquamarine. 72, 75. 80 Blending filament. 106 Cards. 14. 46. 92 Celestial I leaven. 88. 91. 94-103 Cherub and Lyre. 62. 62. 63 Coaster, 46, 92 Cushion. 62 Designers, 109 Footstool, 76 framed picture. 1 I, 27. 29. 31.43. 59. 60, 75, 78 Friends from the Deep, 76, 77, 84 Frost Fairy. 28. 29. 36 Goddess ol Mercv, 70, 43. 48 J Good Fortune emblems. 46, 46. 47 Hand towel. 78 Merlin the Wizard, 12. 13, 20 Mirror, 46 Mobile, 92 Mounting and framing, 108 Mystic Deep motifs. 86 Mvth and Magic motifs. 22 Oriental Dragon, 44. 45. 52 Oriental emblems, 76, 46, 47 Oriental Fantasy motifs. 54 Poseidon and his Undersea World, 28, 78. 79 Purse, 46 Reading the charts. 105 Stitches, backstitch. 107: cross stitch, 106; half cross stitch, 107; three-quarter stitch, 107 Suppliers, 109 I'he Castle and rhe Dragon. / 7. 14. 15 The Princess and the Dragon, II. 16 The Princess and the Unicorn. 60. 6 /, 68 Techniques. 105 Templates, 104 Wallhangings. 13. 44. 91 Washing and pressing, 108 Winter Enchantment motifs, 38
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