Автор: Gierz G.  

Теги: mathematics   topology   vectors  

ISBN: 3-540-11610-9

Год: 1982

                    Lecture Notes in
Edited by A. Dold and B. Eckmann
Gerhard Gierz
Bundles of
Topological Vector Spaces
and Their Duality
Berlin Heidelberg New York 1982

Author Gerhard Gierz Department of Mathematics, University of California Riverside, CA 92521, USA AMS Subject Classifications (1980): 46E10, 46E15, 46E40, 46H 25, 46В 20, 55R25, 28C20 ISBN 3-540-11610-9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-387-11610-9 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to “Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", Munich. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1982 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2146/3140-543210
Contents Introduction ................................................ 1 Notational remarks .......................................... 7 1. Basic definitions..........................-.................. 8 2. Full bundles and bundles with completely regular base spaces ... 22 3. Bundles with locally paracompact base spaces .... 28 4. Stone - WeierstraB theorems for bundles ..................... 39 5. An alternative description of spaces of sections: Function modules ... 44 6. Some algebraic aspects of ^-spaces............................60 7. A third description of spaces of sections: С(X)- -convex modules ... 62 8. С (X)-submodules of Г (p).....................................80 9. Quotients of bundles of C(X)-modules ........................ 86 10. Morphisms between bundles ................................... 95 11. Bundles of operators ........................................112 12 Excursion: Continuous lattices, and bundles ................ 136 13. M-structure and bundles......................................144 14. An adequate M-theory for ^-spaces............................154 15, Duality......................................................159 16. The closure of the "unit ball" of a bundle and separation axioms .... 183 17. Locally trivial bundles: A definition ...................... 200 18. Local linear independence .................................. 202 19. The space Mod (Г (p) ,C (X)).................................209 2c • Internal duality of C(X)-modules.............................232
IV 21. The dual space Г(p)1 of a space of sections .... 252 Appendix: Integral representation of linear functionals on a space of sections (by Gerhard Gierz and Klaus Keimel)....................................260 References.................................................284 Index .....................................................291
Introduction. In the present notes we are dealing with topological vector spaces which vary continuously over a topological space. Among the first authors formulating this idea were Godement [Go 49], Kaplansky [Ka 51], Gelfand and Naimark. In these early papers, they axiomatized the idea of subdirect continuous representation of Banach spaces. To be precise, they considered spaces E of functions a defined on a topological space X with values in given Banach spaces Ex, x e X, satisfying axioms like (1) The function x -> || a (x) || : X + JR is (upper semi-) continuous and bounded for every a e E. (2) The space E is complete in the norm || a || = sup || a(x) || . xeX (3) Ex={a(x) : a e E} for every x e X. (4) E is a (X)-module relative to the multiplication (f,a) -* f*a: С, (X) *E -> E, where (f«a)(x) := f(x)«a(x) and where С, (X) denotes r> b the algebra of all continuous and bounded scalar valued functions on X. In the following years, L. Nachbin, S. Machado and J.B.Prolla gave a similar definition for locally convex spaces. They, however, started from an approximation theoretical point of view. The authors mentioned above were very well aware of the fact that their notion of continuous decomposition was closely related to continuous sections in fibre bundles. In fact, Fell [Fe 61], Dixmier and Douady [DD 63] as well as Dauns and Hofmann [DH 68] succeeded in giving a fibre bundle theoretical formulation of the axioms (1) - (4).
2 A third interesting aspect of spaces satisfying axioms (1) - (4) has its origin in sheaf theory and intuitionistic logic (see the Lecture Notes in Mathematics 753). Originally, the work on the present notes was begun in order to give a useful description of the space of all continuous linear functio- nals on a space of sections in a bundle (or, equivalently, on a topo- logical vector space satisfying axioms (1) - (4)). However, I have to admit that I did not succeed to my own satisfaction. Let me explain what my intention was at the beginning: The best known example of a space satisfying axioms (1) - (4) is the space С^(Х) of all continuous and bounded real-valued functions it- self. If we assume for a moment that the base space X is compact, then the dual space of C(X) consists of all finite regular Borel measures on X acting on С(X) by integration. How should this fact generalize to a vector space E satisfying axioms (1) - (4)? Suppose that we start with a family Ф = (ф ) , where each Ф is a continuous linear func- X X t x X tional on E . Then every a e E defines a real-valued mapping Ф(а) by Ф(а)(x) := ф (a(x)). Suppose moreover, that ц is a measure on X and that Ф(а) is bounded and ц-integrable for every a e E. Then we may define a linear functional ф on E by Ф (a) : = f Ф (a) «dji. X Now the following questions arise: 1) Under which conditions on the family (ф ) is the function X X€ X Ф(а) integrable with respect to ц for every a e E? 2) Is every continuous linear functional representable in the form
3 ф(а) = J Ф( а) «dp ? X 3) If so, how does one add j Ф(а) «dp and J Т(а)>dv, i.e. how is the X X algebraic structure of the dual space E1 of E reflected in this integral representation of linear functionals? A first answer to problem 1 of course would be that the mapping Ф(а) is Borel measurable for every а e E. In this case, the family (фх)ХеХ yields a (bounded) linear mapping from E into the vector space of all bounded Borel measurable functions on X, equipped with the supremum norm. It is easy to see that <I>(f-a) = f^(a) for every f e С (X) and every а e E, i.e. Ф is a C(X)-module homomorphism. It is very tempting to postulate that Ф(а) is even continuous for the following reason: The space C(X) is the space of sections in the most simple bundle which can be thought of. Therefore and because C(X) acts on every space of sections by multiplication, this space should play the role of the field of the real numbers in the category of all spaces of sections in bundles over x. In this case, we would obtain a representation of linear functionals ф : E +B by an "internal linear functional" Ф : E -* С(X), i.e. by a continuous С(X)-module homomorphism into the "internal field" C(X) and a measure p on X, i.e. an "external" linear functional on С(X). Unfortunately, examples show that the linear functionals represented in this way do not even form a linear subspace of the dual space E1 and that the linear span of these functionals does not have to be dense in E1. I am aware of the fact that mathematicians like Burden and Mulvey viewing bundles from a point of view of sheaves, toposes and logic do not agree with my choice of the "internal real numbers? Therefore, they will not be suprised that I was not able to carry out my program in full generality (nor am I now) and it is certainly worthwhile
4 to check to what extend a use of their internal real numbers would lead to better results. Problem 2 is solvable provided that X is a compact metric space (see section 21). An example of R.Evans (FU Berlin) conversely shows that this problem has a positive solution if and only if every finite regular Borel measure on X admits a strong lifting. A discussion of the third problem leads to tensor products over С(X). Indeed, under certain (strong)restrictions, the dual space E' of E may be identified with a certain tensor product over С(X) between the space M(X) of all finite regular Borel measures on X and the space Mod(E,C(X)) of all continuous C(X)-module homomorphisms from E into C(X). Interpreting this result, we may say that the "external" dual of a bundle is obtained by tensoring the "internal" dual of the bundle with the "external" dual of the trivial bundle which has C(X) as its set of sections. Having now revealed my original intentions, I should also say what I was able to achieve: Firstly, I found it convenient to gather some known information from the literature for later references, and that is what is done in the first 10 sections. The informed reader will hardly find anything new here, an exception are perhaps the results concerning bundles of ^-spaces, which present the common aspects of bundles of topological vector lattices, Banach algebras, C*-algebras etc. Most of the other results here originated from papers of J.Dauns, K.H.Hofmann, L.Nach- bin, S.Machado, J.B.Prolla, H.Moller, E.Behrends, E.M.Alfsen, E.G. Effros, A.Douady and L.Dal Soglio-Herault and I apologize to all the others which are not mentioned here explicitely. To make these notes
5 more self-contained, I included the proofs. In section 11 we start with the development of a duality for bundles. Here the "dual unit ball" of the "unit ball" of a bundle of Banach spaces is introduced and it is shown how the upper semicontinuity (resp. continuity) of the norm of the bundle is reflected in this dual unit ball. Moreover, we discuss the relation between "stalkwise" convex subsets of the bundle and "stalkwise" convex subsets of the dual unit ball. In sections 12, 13 and 14 we apply the results from section 11 to subbundles and quotients of bundles and discuss morphisms between bundles in general. In paragraph 15 we take a closer look at the topology of the bundle space. Especially, we study the strength of separation in the bundle space and its relation to the closure of the "unit ball". The theorem saying that every bundle with a Hausdorff bundle space whose stalks are of a fixed finite dimension n and whose base space is locally compact is in fact locally trivial stands in the center of sections 16 and 17. In paragraph 18 we consider spaces of bounded linear operators with values in a space of sections in a bundle and prove a representation theorem for these spaces. An application of this representation theorem to spaces of compact operators yields a result concerning the approximation property of spaces of sections. The study of the space of continuous C(X)-module homomorphisms into
6 C(X) is carried out in section 19. The main result presented here says that the space of sections in a "separable" bundle of Banach spaces with a compact base space and continuous norm admits "enough" continuous C(X)-module homomorphisms into С (X) . In section 20 we investigate to what extend the theorem of Mackey and Arens holds "internally" in the category of C(X)-modules The last section is devoted to a treatment of the three problems mentioned above. The main part of this paragraph is taken from a joint work of Klaus Keimel and myself done in 1976 which was never publisched. I am grateful to Klaus Keimel who always found the time for helpful conversations.
Notational remarks. Ж = ]R, (E is the field of real or complex numbers. X always denotes a topological space. С(X) stands for the algebra of all continuous Ж-valued functions on X. С, (X) denotes all continuous and bounded Ж-valued b functions on X. conv M is the convex hull of M. conv M abbreviates the closed convex hull of M. extr M stands for the extreme points of M. Compact and locally compact spaces are always understood to be Haus- dorff, all С, (X)-modules are unital and all topological vector spaces b - -..- = — appearing in these notes are supposed to be locally convex.

1. Basic definitions In many applications of functional analysis, the objects occuring there are not only topological vector spaces, but carry some extra structure turning them into algebras, vector lattices, C*~ algebras etc. As in these notes we would like to deal with all of them at the same time, we invent the following definition: 1 . 1 Definition. A type т is a mapping т : I И from an index set I into the positive integers (including 0). A (topological) il-spaee of type т is a pair (E,F), where E is a (topological) vector space and where F = (f.). is a family of (continuous) т ( i ) mappings f^ : E -> E. An fi-B-space is a topological fi-space such that the underlying topological vector space is a Banach space.□ We shall often forget the type т and the family F and speak simply of the fi-space E. 1.2 Examples (i) Let I = {1} and define т(1) = 2. Let (E,F) be an fi-space of type t. Then F = (f^) and f^ : ExE -* E is a contin- uous mapping. Instead of f^ (a,b) we shall write a^b. If E happens to be a Banach space and if • satisfies the equations Ha-bH < ||a|| ||b|| a- (b + c) = a*b + a-c (a + b)’C = a>c + b«c (k-a)"b = k>(a«b) for all к e Ж a* (b>c) = (a’b)-c then E is a Banach algebra.
9 (ii) Let Ж = (E and let I = {1,2}. Define r(1) = 2 and r(2) = 1 and let (E,F) be an fi-B-space of type t. In this case we have F = (f^,f2>. The mapping f^ : E*E -* E will again be written as multiplication and instead of f?(a) we shall write a*. If • and * satisfy the equations of example (i) and if in addition (k-a)* = k-a* (a + b)* = a* + b* (a"b)* = b*-a* a** = a Ha*-a|| = ||a||2 Ila* || = ||a|| then E is called a C* - algebra. (iii) If we let Ж = ]R, I = {1,2} and т(1) = т(2) = 2, then we may define Banach lattices in a similar manner. We now proceed with the central definition of the whole paper: 1.3 Definition. Let p : E -* X be a mapping between two sets Eand X. If x e X is an element of X, then the preimage p (x) =: Ex of x is called the stalk over x. The n-fold stalkwise product of p is defined to be the set V E = {(а1,...,an> e En : p(a ) = P(an)}. If there are mappings add : Ev E -* E seal : ЖхЕ -> E D : X -> E such that
10 poadd(а, В) = p(a) p°scal(r,a) = p(a) p»O(x) = x and such that for every x e X the restrictions of add to ExxEx and seal to JKxEx turn Ex into a vector space with respect to the operations a + В := add(a,В) and r-a := seal(r,a) which has O(x) as a zero, then the triple (E,p,X) is called a fibred vector space. If т : I + B is a type and if F = is a family of mappings r ( i ) f£ : V E -> E such that p»f.(a ... a , ..) = p(a,), then (E,p,X) is called a 11 т (. i) 1 fibred il-space. Now let А с X be a subset of X. A selection over A is a mapping a : A -* E such that p»o = id,. If a, and are two selections over A 1 2 A and if к e Ж is a scalar, then we may define the sum + a2 of and ^2 coordinatewise by (ct-j + a2) (a) := a1 (a) + a2 (a) for all a e A. Similary, the product k>a is defined by (k • a) (a) := к• (a (a) ) for all a e A. With these operations, the selections over A form a vector space. If (E,p,X) is even a fibred fi-space and if a.,...,a ... are selections r 1 т(i) over A, then f (a-j, • • •, <\ jjj ) defined by fi (a1, • • •, (i) ) := f ± (o-j (a) <a>> for all a e A
11 is also a selection over A. In this case, the set of all selections over A form an fi-space. This fi-space is exactly the product П E of aeA the ^-spaces E . 3 Let (E,p,X) be a fibred vector space. A mapping v : E +1R is called a зетгпогт, provided that for every x e is a seminorm on the vector space EX in X the mapping v : E ' x the usual sense. A familiy of seminorms (v.). T is J J eJ there is a j all pairs j Q, j said to be directed, if for e J such that for all a e E we e J have v . J o J J If (v.). is a family of seminorms on (E,p,X), then a selection J J € J a over A c x is called (v.). - bounded (or just bounded, of no J J e J confusion about the family of seminorms in question is possible), if sup v.(a(a)) is finite for every j e J. With E- (p) we denote the set aeA J A of all bounded selections over A. If X = A, then we shall use the symbol E(p) instead of Ev(p)„ □ X The following remark ist immediate: 1.4 Proposition. For every А с X the set Ед(р) is a subspace of II E . Moreover, for every j e j ,the mapping 0. : E, (p) -* 1R : a<A a J A a -* sup v.(a(a)) is a seminorm on E,(p). If in addition the restric- aeA J A tion of v. to the stalks E , a e A, is a norm on E . then is J a a j a norm on Ед (p), □ If the sets E and X carry topologies and if p : E -* X is continuous, then every continuous and bounded selection is called a section. With Гд(р) с Ед(р) we denote the subset of all sections. As above, we write r(p) instead of ?x(p). If the domain of a section a is open,
12 then a is called a local section. 1.5 Definition. Let т be a type. A bundle of ^-spaces of type т is a fibred fi-space (E,p,X) together with a directed family of seminorms on E such that I) E and X carry topologies and the mappings p : E -* X, ) add : EvE -* E, seal : XxE -> E, 0 : X -* E and f. : V E -* E n J are continuous, where V E carries the topology which is in- induced by the product topology on En. II) The c-tubes, i.e. the sets of the form T(U,a,e,j) := {a e E : p(a) e U and v-(a - a(p(a)) < e} where U с X is open, a e i^tp), e > 0 and j e J, form a base for the topology on E. Ill) For every choice of j e J, every a e E and every e > 0 there is an open neighborhood U of p(a) and a section a e Гд(р) such that Vj(a - a(p(a))) < e. IV) We have a = O(p(a)) if and only if (a) = 0 for all j e J. X is called the base space and E is called the bundle space 1.6 Consequences. (i) The mapping p is open. (Indeed, we have p(T(U,a,e,j)) = U and the sets of this form are a base for the topology by axiom II.) (ii) The seminorms v. : E -* 1R are upper semicontinuous. (This follows immediately from (]-=»,e[) = T (X,0, e, j ) .) (ill) For every j e J and every continuous selection a : A E the mapping x -> Vj(a(x)) : A -> 1R is upper semicontinuous. (iv) If А с X is quasicompact, then every continuous selection a : A + E is bounded.
13 (v) For every А с X the set Гд(р) is a linear subspace of Ед(р). Moreover, if A is quasicompact, then Г, (p) is an il-subspace of П E . A aeA a (Indeed, a1 + a2 = add(alZa2) is continuous whenever a and a2 are continuous and r»a = scal(r,a) is continuous whenever a is. Whence Гд(р) is a linear subspace of Ед(р), as the triangle inequality yields the boundedness of 0 + a2- Now suppose that A c x is quasicompact and let a-| ' • • • ' aT ( e Гд(р). Then f.(a,,...,a , . ,) is continuous by axiom I and therefore bounded 11 т (1) -1 by (iv), i.e. f±(a1,...,aT(ip belongs to Гд(р).) (vi) Let f e С^(Х) and let a e Гд(р). If we define a selection f«a by (f«a)(a) = f(a)*a(a) for all a e. &, then we have f«a e Гд(р). der this multiplication, Гд(р) becomes a (A) - module. (vii) For every a e Гу(p), where U с X is open, and for every x e U the family {T(V,U/V , e,j,):x e V с и, V open, e > 0 and j e J} is a neighborhood base at a(x). (To prove this assertion, let 0 ba any open set around a(x). By axiom II we may assume that 0 = T(W,o',e1,j). Let r := v.(a(x) - a1(x)) < < e1. By (iii) we can pick an open set V around x which is contained in W and satisfies v . (a(y) - a1 (y)) < (e' + r) for all у e V. If J * a is an element of E such that p(a) e V and v. (a - a (p (a)) ) < ,(e'-r) J z then from the triangle inequality we obtain v.(a - a1(p(a))) < e1, i.e. T(V,a^v ,j(e' - r),j) c 0.) (viii) The stalks E* ,x e X_, equipped with the induced topologies, are locally convex topological vector spaces. Moreover, on E^ the topology induced by E and the topology generated by the sets {6 : p(6) = x and Vj(a - 6) < e}, where a e E, j e J and e > 0, agree.
14 a local section a e Fy(p) triangle inequality yields Vj(ao - 6) < e}.) (ix) The seminorms (0.) . T = sup v.(a(a)) аЛ J If X is (Indeed, the topology induced by E is certainly coarser. Pick any aQ e E. Then, in the second topology, a typical open neighborhood of aQ looks like {6 : p(B) = x and (aQ - 6) < e} for suitable j e J and e > 0. By axiom III we can find an open neighborhood U of x and uch that Vj(aQ - a(x)) < e/2. Now the aQ e Ex n T(U,a,e/2,j) c {6 : p(B) = x and on Г-(p) defined by O.(a) A J define a locally convex Hausdorff topology on Гд(р)- quasicompact, then with respect to this topology, Г(р) is a topologi- T ( i ) • oat £l~spaoe3 i.e. the operations : Г (p) Г(р) are contin- uous . т ( i ) (We have to show that for every (a1 ,. . . , ) e Ftp) , every Jo e J and every e > 0 there is a 6 > 0 and a j e J such that for т ( £ ) every r(i) - tuple (p1,...,p^p e Г (p) satisfying the inequality \(fi(p1......рт(1)’ " fi(ai......<JT(i))) < c holds. Let ap.,,,0^^) e Ftp) , j ° e J and e > 0 be given. As the mapping f. : V E + E is continuous, the set f.(T(X,f.(a.,...,a ,.,),e/2, 1 t(i) 1 1 1 T(1) j )) is open in V E and contains the t(i) - tuple (a^x),..., °T(i)^X^ f°r ever¥ x e X. Fix x e X for a moment. As V E carries the topology induced by the product topology on En, we can find 6. . . . ., 6 , . . „ > 0 1,x т(i ) , x elements j 1 ,x ' • • •' JT ( £ ) ,x e J and open neighborhoods U of x such that
15 т ( i ) т ( i ) JL T(Uk,x'ak/U '6k,x'jk,x) n V E c К — I I f X * C f7 (T(X,f.(a i i ta /• '),e/2 , j ) ) (we have to use (vii) at this point!) Let U = U n ... n U X 1/X T 1 ) f x 6 =? min {6 , . . ., 6 , . . } and choose j„ e J such that v • v (a) , . . . X 1/X H 1 J / X X J . Г x v. (a) < v. (a) for all a e E. Then we have JT(i)'X Jx r (i) t(i) П T(U ,ak/u ,6 ,j ) n V E c f 1(T(X,f (a.,. . _ 1 X К-/ U X X 1 II By construction, the open sets U , x e X, cover X. As X is quasi- compact, there are x ,...,x e X such that X = U u...u U . Define ! n X1 xn 6 = min {6x '•••'5x } and choose J 1 n < v . (a) for all a e E. J 1 Now assume that the elements p^.. e J such that v. (a) ,..,v . (a) JJ v ',pT(i) e Г(р) satisfy the in- equalities 0. (p - a ),...,0. (p ,., - a ,.J < 6. Let у be any J 1 ' 1 J-j t•, 1 ) T11 J element of X. Then there is a к e {1,...,n} such that у e U xk This yields the following inequality: v. (p, (y) - a, (y)) £ V. (p, (y) - a (y) ) J x. J 1 £ 0.^ - 01) < 6 < 6 for all 1 < к < t(i), xk i.e. (p1 (y) , . . . , pt( . j (y) ) e f71 (T (X,f . (a1 , . . . ,ат( . ^) , e/2, j 1) or Vj (fj (p1 (y) t • • t pt( i j (y)) - f£ (a1 (y) ,... ,aT(i j (y))) < e/2. To our satisfaction, this implies the inequality O.Jf. (Pi,...,pT(. }) - f.(ai,...,aT(i))) < e/2 < e. ) (x) If a, p e Г,(p) and if 0.(a) < 1, 0.(p) < 13 then л J J Oj(f«a + (1 - f)*p) < 1 for all f e (A) with 0 < f < 1. (This is an easy calculation using the definitions.)
16 (xi) The mapping add : EvE + E is open. (Indeed, the map Л : (a, 6) + (a+ 8,8) : EvE -* EvE is a continuous bi- jection having the continuous inverse Л : (a, B) -> (a - В, B) : EvE -> EvE and thus is a homeomorphismen. It is straightforward to see that the first projection л : (a, В) : EvE + E is open. Whence the mapping add = is open, too.)D 1.7 Remarks. (i) If A с x is not quasicompact, then Гд(р) does not have to be an fi-space, as the example (1.8(ii)) below shows. Hence the question, whether or not Гд(р) is even a topological fi-space in general makes only sense if the subset A c x is quasicompact. If every section a e Гд(р) can *эе exten^e^ to a global section a e Г(p) and if A is in fact quasicompact, then a closer look at the proof of (1.6(ix)) shows that Гд(р) is indeed a topological fi-space. The same remains true if X is quasicompact and A с x is an arbitrary subset. We shall return to the problem of extending sections in paragraph 4. (ii) The property (1.6(x)) above was called С (X)-convexity by K.H.Hofmann in [Ho 75] and L.Nachbin in [Na 59]. 1.8 Examples. (i) Let E be a topological fi-space of a certain type т : I -* П with operations (f.) . _. Moreover, let (ц.) T be an up- i lel jeJ directed family of seminorms on E which generates the topology on E, i.e. the sets {a e E : Uj (a) < e}, where e > 0 and j e J, form a neighborhood base at 0 e E. Furthermore, let X be any topological space. We then can define a bundle of [2-spaces in the following manner: Let E := XxE be equipped with the product topology and let p : E * X be the first projection. Then, up to a natural homeomorphism, we have n V E = XxE . If we define the operations add, seal, 0 and (fp^ j
17 "pointwise", i.e. add : (x,a,B) * (x,a + B) ; EvE -> E seal : (r,(x,a)) (x,r-a) ; EvE -> E О : x -> (x,O) ; EvE -> E t( i ) fi : (x'a1......“T(i)> (x'fi(al.........aT(i))) ; V E -> E then (E,p,X) is a fibred fi-space. Moreover, if we define seminorms v. : E •» В on E by v. (x,a) := ц. (a) , J J J then (E,p,X) is a bundle of fi-spaces, called the trivial bundle with base space X, stalk E and seminorms (v.) T. To verify the J J € J axioms II and III, we have only to note that a e Гд(р) is a section if and only if there is a bounded continuous map £ : A -* E such that a(x) = (x,E(x)) for all x e A, where A с x is any subset. Especially, we conclude that Гд(р) is algebraically and topologically isomorphic to С^(А,Е), where С^(А,Е) denotes the topological vector space of all bounded E-valued continuous functions, equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on A. (ii) Let E be a Banach space and let f : E + E be any continuous map which is not bounded. (Clearly, f cannot be linearl) Let A с E be a bounded set such that f(A) is not bounded. Then E together with the operation f is a topological fi-space. We now form the trivial bundle with base space A and stalk E. As we just remarked, we have the isomorphy Г(p) = Cb(A,E). Moreover, if г : A -* E denotes the inclusion map, then г belongs to С^(А,Е), but f«t does not, as this mapping is not bounded. Whence Ftp) does not have to be an fi-space in general. (iii) However, Let us remark that if E is a Banach algebra, a Banach lattice or a C*-algebra, then С^(Х,Е) is of the same type for every topological space X.
18 (iv) Let p : E -*X be a bundle of fi-spaces and let А с X be a subset. Moreover, let Ед := p (A) and let рд be the restriction of p to Ед. Restricting the operations add, seal, 0 and (f.). to EvEa, IKxE T ( 1 ) and V Ед resp. we obtain a new bundle (Ед,рд,А), called the re- striction of (E,p,X) to A. It is clear that Г(рд) = Гд(р). (v) If M is a differentiable manifold and if p : T + N is the tangent bundle, then we also have a bundle in the sense of (1.5), if we take as a family of seminorms the usual Euclidean metric on the stalks. These bundles behave especially nice: They are locally trivial in the sense that every point x in the base space M has a neighborhood U such that the restriction (Tof (T,p,U) to U is isomorphic to a trivial bundle. We shall return to the precise definition and to a discussion of trivial bundles in a later paragraph. Obviously, if p : E -> X is a bundle with seminorms (v.). , then the J jeJ seminorms 0^ : E (p) -> 1R induce also a locally convex Hausdorff topology on E (p). Moreover, we have: 1.9 Proposition. If p : E -> X is a bundle, then p(p) is closed in E (p) . Proof. Let a be an element of E(p) which belongs to the closure of Г(p). We have to show that a is continuous. Let us start with an element xq e X and let 0 be an open neighbor- hood of a(xQ). By axiom 1.5.II we may assume that 0 = {a e E : : p(a) e U and (a - p(p(a))) < e}, where U с X is an open set around xQ, p e гц (p) is a local section, e > 0 and where is an appropriate seminorm. Let 6 = (e - \)j(o(xQ) - p (xQ) ) ) . As a belongs to the closure of Г (p), we can find a section д' such that (a - a1) < <$• Hence we have
19 vj(a'(xo> p(xQ)) < Vj(a'(xo) - p(xq)) + vUa(xQ) - p(xQ)) < 0. (o' - a) + e - 4’6 J < 6 + e - 4 • 6 - e - 3 • 6 < e - 2-6, i.e. a1(xq) e {a e E : p(a) e U and v,(a - p(p(a))) < e - 26}. As the latter set is open and as o' is continuous, we can find an open neigh- borhood V с и of xq such that v Да'(x) - p(x)) < e - 6 for all x e V. Whence for every x e V we have v.(a(x) - p(x)) < v.(a'(x) - p(x)) + v.(a(x) - a'(x)) J J J < v. (a1(x) - p(x)) + 9. (a1 - a) J J <e-6+6=e, i.e. a(V) c 0. This shows the continuity of a.Q Before we attack questions of completeness of Г(р), we need a little observation: Let x e X. Then we have an evaluation map ex : E(p) * Ex а -* а (x) and we shall denote the restriction of ex to Ftp) with the same symbol . As in both cases we have the inequality Vj(a(x)) < 0 Да) , these mappings are continuous and linear. We shall see later, that in a large number of cases they are also quotient maps, i.e. they will be open and surjective. 1.10 Proposition. Let p :E -* X be a bundle. If all stalks Ex, x e X. are complete (quasicomplete, semicomplete), then so are Ftp) and E(p).
20 Proof. As r(p) is closed in E(p), it is enough to prove these assertions for E(p). Because in all three cases the proofs are ana- logous, we only give a proof for the case where all stalks are quasi complete. Thus, let A c E(p) be a closed bounded subset and let j be a Cauchy net in A. We have to show that the net T converges. Firstly, let Ax := ex(A)• As ex is continuous, the set Ax is bounded in Ex and so is its closure. Now the quasicompletness of Ex yields that lim a.(x) exists in E . Define a selection iel 1 a : X -> E by x -> lim a, (x) . iel Then a is bounded: Let v. be one of the seminorms on E. Then we J find an i e I such that v. (a. - a. ) <1 for all i.,in > i . о j 11 i2 1' 2 о Using the triangle inequality and setting i2 = iQ, we obtain v.(a. (x)) < 0.(a. ) + 1 for all i. > i . Now let x e X be arbitrary J i1 J £о 1 о Then we have v.(a. (x) ) < 0.(a. ) + 1 and therefore v.(a(x)) = J 11 J 1o J = v.(lim a,(x)) = lim v.(a.(x)) < 0.(a. ) + 1. As this holds for all J iel iel J 1 J 1o x e X, we conclude that 0.(a) < O.(a. ) + 1 and whence a is bounded. J J i Finally, the net (Oj^iel converges to a: Indeed, let e > 0 and let v. be one of the seminorms. Then 0.(a. - a. ) < e/2 for sufficently J j i1 i2 large i.,i9 e I, i.e. v.(a. (x) - a. (x)) < e/2 for large i.,i9 and i j 11 ±2 i z all x e X. Sending i2 to "infinity", we may conclude that v.(a. (x) - a (x)) < e/2 for sufficently large i. and all x e X, i.e. J 11 I $.(a. - a) s e/2 < e for sufficently large i1. This completes the J i -| । proof. □ One of the most important classes of bundles are those for which every stalk is a Banach space. More precisely, we give the following definition:
21 1.11 Definition. Let т be a type. A Banaoh bundle of il-spaoes p : E -* X is a bundle of fi-spaces such that (i) the family (v.) . of seminorms on E consists of one J J eJ element || • || only (which then automatically induces a norm on each stalk). (ii) every stalk Ex , x e x, is a Banach space in the norm induced by || • ||. □ 1.12 Proposition. If p :E -* X is a Banaoh bundle, then Г(p) is a Banaoh space in the norm given by ||a|| := SUP || cr (x) II- 0 xeX
2. Full bundles and bundles with completely regular base space In the following two paragraphs, This is possible, if we restrict spaces X. Let us start with a definition: we try to simplify definition (1.5) ourselves to more special base 2.1 Definition. A bundle p : E -> X is called full (locally full), if for every a e there is a (local) section a such that a = a(p(a)). E □ 2.2 Proposition. if X is completely regular, if a : U -> E is a local section and if x e U, then there is a global section a : X -> E such that a(x) = a(x). Proof. Let U с x be open and let a : U -> E be a local section. As X is completely regular, we can find a neighborhood V c U of x such that the closure V of V is still contained in U. Moreover, we can find a continuous mapping f : X -* [0,1] c ]R such that f (x) = 1 and such that f vanishes on the complement of V. We now define a : X -* E _ r f (x) • a (x) if x e U by a(x) = < _ 1 0 if x e X \ V This definition makes sense, as on U n (X \ V) we have f(x) = 0, i.e. f(x)«a(x) = 0. Clearly, a is continuous, as it is continuous on the open sets U and X \ V. □
23 2.3 Proposition. If X is completely regular, then every locally full bundle over X is full. □ If we restrict ourselves to locally full bundles, we need no longer the whole strenght of axiom (1.5.III). This means: If we make the third axiom in (1.5) stronger, then we may virtually weaken axiom II. To be precise: 2.4 Theorem. Let (E,p,X) be a fibred il-space of type r together with a directed family (v.)of seminorms on E such that the J jeJ foI lowing axioms are satisfied: I) E and X carry topologies and the mappings p : E -* X, t(i) 0 : X -> E, add : EvE -* E, seal : IKxE -* E and f^ : \/ E E are continuous. II) Given x e X, then the sets of the form {a e E : p(a) e U, (a) < e} where U is an open neighborhood of x, e > 0 and j e J , are an open neighborhood base at 0(x) e E. Ill) Given a e E, then there is an open neighborhood U of p(a) and a local section a : U -> E such that a(p(a)) = a. IV) a = O(p(a)) if and only if v^. (a) = 0 for every j e J. Then (E,p,X) is a bundle of il-spaces, which is, of course, locally full. Proof. We only have to check axiom (1.5.II) Firstly, note that for every local section a : U -> E the mapping Ta : p 1 (U) -> p 1 (U) a -> a + a (p (a)) is continuous (being the composition of
24 a -* (a,p(a)) -> (a,a(p(a)) -* a + a(p(a)) where Ey := p (U) as in (1.8.iv) ). Moreover, the mapping T_a is a continuous inverse for . Thus, is a homeomorphismen. Now fix a e E and choose any local section a : U -* E such that a(p(a)) = a. Then the homeomorphism Tff transports the open neighbor- hood base {{В e E : Vj(B) < e, p(£3) e V} : e > 0, j e J, p(a) e V с и V open.} of 0(p(a)) onto the open neighborhood base { {£3 eE: - a(p(8)) < e and p(£3) e V}: p(a) e V с и, V open, e > 0 and j e J} of T (0(p(a))) = a.D Now, of course, the question arises, which bundles are locally full. It turns out that under certain restrictions on the completeness of the stalks, all bundles with a locally regular base space are locally full and hence full by (2.3) 2.5 Proposition. Let p : E -* X be a bundle with seminorms (v.) . T J JeJ and with a completely regular base space X. If x e X is fixed and if cx : Г(p) -* Ex is the evaluation map, then for every a e ех(Г(р)) с E and every j e J we have v . (a) = inf {$. (a) : a(x) = a, a e Г(p) } X .1 .1 Proof. Clearly, we always have the inequality v.(a) < inf {0.(a) : a(x) = a, a e Г (p) }. J J To verify the other inequality, pick an a e Ex, let e > 0 and assume that there is a o' e Ftp) such that a'(x) = a. By (1.6.(iii)), the mapping у -> v. (o*(y) ) : X + В is upper semicontinuous. As v.(a'(x)) = J J = Vj(a) < Vj(a) + e, we may find an open neighborhood U of x such that Vj(a1(y)) < (a) + e for all у e U. Now the fact that X is com- pletely regular yields a continuous function f : X -> [0,1] c ]R with
25 f(х) = 1 and f(X \ U) = {0}. Define a = f-a1. Then for every у e U we have v.(a J may conclude (y) ) = f(y)<\).(a'(y)) < v.(a) + e that v . (a(y) ) = v.(f J J whence 0 . (a) < v.(a) J J J arbitrary, the proof is complete. J "" (y) -a1 (y) ) and for у e X \ U we vjfO'O1 (y) ) =0 < + e. As a (x) = a and as e > 0 was □ 2.6 Corollary. If p : E -* X is a bundle with a completely regular base space X, then the evaluation maps e : Г (p) -* E , x e X, are X x open onto their images. □ 2.7 Corollary. If p : E -* X is a (locally) full bundle with a completely regular base space X, then for every x e X the evaluation map ex : Г (p) -* Ex is a quotient map. □ 2.8 Definition. Let (E,p,X) be a fibred vector space, let (v.) . _ J jeJ be a family of seminorms on E and assume that the base space X carries a topology. If every point x e X has an open neighborhood U with the property that {j e J : (a) / 0 for some a e p (U)} is countable,then the family of seminorms (v.). is called locally J J e J countable. □ If p : E -* X is a bundle with a locally countable family °f seminorms, then every point x e X has a neighborhood U such that Гу(р) is metrizable. Moreover, every stalk Ex is metrizable in the topology induced by E. This allows us to apply Banach's homomorphism theorem in the proof of the following result: 2.9 Theorem. Let p : E -> X be a bundle with a completely regular base space X and a locally countable family of seminorms (\>J If all st-alks Ex_, x e X, are complete, then p : E -* X is a full bundle and the evaluation maps ex : Г(p) -* Ex are quotient maps.
26 Proof. By (2.3) it is enough to Show that p : E ~ X is locally full. Thus, let x e X and let U be an open neighborhood of x with the property that {j e j : (a) / 0 for some a e p 1 (U) } is countable. Then Гу(р) is metrizable and, by (1.10), the vector space Гу(р) is complete. Let ex : Гд(р) Ex be the evaluation map. Then (1.5.Ill) and (2.2) applied to the bundle p : p (U) -> U, show that the image of ex is dense in Ex> Moreover, by (2.6) , the mapping ex is a topo- logical homomorphism . Whence, by Banach's homomorphism theorem, the image of ex is closed. Thus, we may conclude that the mapping ex is surjective and therefore the bundle p : E -* X is locally full. □ 2.10 Corollary (Dupre'). If X is a completely regular topological space then every bundle of Banach spaces p : E X with base space X is full. Moreover, all the evaluation maps ex : Г(p) -* Ex are quotient maps of Banach spaces, i.e. 11 a 11 = inf { )|a|) : ° e Г (p) and a(p(a)) = = a}. □ We conclude this section with two results which we need for later references: 2.11 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle with a completely regular base space X. Then {f-a : f e (X), f(x) =0, a e Г(p)} is dense in {a e Г(p) : a(x) = 0}. Proof. Let a e Г(p) be such that a(x) = 0, let v be one of the semi- norms belonging to the bundle and suppose that e > 0 is given. We shall complete the proof by constructing a continuous function f e С, (X) with f(x) = 0 and O.(f*a - a) < e. ь J First of all, let U be an open neighborhood of x such that v (a(y)) < < e/2 for all у e U. Such an open set exists as v (a(x)) = 0 and as
27 the mapping у -* \)Да(у) is upper semicontinuous. As X is completely regular, there is a continuous mapping f : X -> [0,1] c ]R such that f(x) = 0 and f(X \ U) = {1}. An easy calculation shows that in fact we have v^. (f*a - a) < e/2 < e. □ 2.12 Proposition. Let p : E -* X be a bundle with an arbitrary base space X. If all stalks are finite dimensional, then p : E -* X is locally full. Proof. Let x e X and let Sx := {a(x) : a e Гу(p) for some neighbor- hood U of x}. By axiom (1.5.Ill), the set Sx is a dense subspace of the stalk Ex. As Ex is finite dimensional, we conclude that Sx = Ех-П
3. Bundles with locally paracompact base spaces The definition of bundles given in (1.5) is rather complicated. The most annoying axiom is the postulate (1.5.II), because in many applications we would like to use bundles to describe topological vector spaces as spaces of sections in a bundle. Hence it is unsatisfactory to use sections already in the definition of bundles. But if the base space is locally paracompact, if the family of semi- norms is locally countable and if the stalks are complete, the existence of "enough" local sections follows from the other axioms. 3.1 Definition. A topological space X is called locally para- compact, if every x e X has at least one closed and paracompact neighborhood. □ It can be shown that every locally paracompact space is completely regular. On the other hand, every locally compact space, every paracompact space and every locally metrisable space is locally paracompact. Moreover, in a locally paracompact space every point has a neighborhood base of closed and paracompact sets. The central result of this section is stated as follows: 3.2 Theorem. Let (E,p,X) be a fibered vector space, let (v.). be a directed family of seminorms on E and assume that E and X carry topologies such that (0) p is open and continuous. (I) the mappings add : EvE -* E and seal : IKxE -* E are contin- uous .
29 (II) If Ox e Ex is the О-element of the stalk Ex, then the sets of the form {a e E : p(a) e U and Vj (a)< e} form an open neighborhood base at 0x, where U runs through all open neighborhoods of x, e > 0 and j e J. (Ill) a = O(p(a)) if and only if v (a) = 0 for all j e J. If all stalks are semicomplete in the topology induced Ъу E and if X is locally paracompact and |J| - 1 or if X is locally compact and if the family (Vj)j j is locally countable, then (E,p,X) is a full bundle. This theorem has orginally been proved by A.Douady and L.Dal Soglio- -Herault for bundles of Banach spaces (see the appendix of [Fe 77]). Our version here is, up to some corrections and modifications, due to H.Mfiller (see [Мб 78]). We shall prove(3.2) in several steps. Firstly, we shall assume that the family (v.)• , is countable and develop some results in this case. 3 J Hence we may assume that J =JN and that n < m implies v (a) < \>m(a) for all a e E. Moreover, we shall always assume that X is completely regular. 3.3 Let us agree that we call a subset U с E an e-n-thin set, if for all (a,8) e UxU n (EvE) we have v (a - 8) < e. Fix an arbitrary a e E. If n £ M and if e > 0 are given, then a has an e-n-thin neighborhood. (Indeed, let V = {a e. E : v (a) < e}. By axiom (3.2.II) , the set V с E is open. As the mapping (6,6') -* £3 - £31 : EvE + E is continuous by (3.2.1) and as (a,a) is mapped onto O(p(a)) e V under this map, there is a neighborhood U of a such that UxU n (EvE) is mapped into V. This set U then will be e-n-thin.) 3.4 Let a e E, let Л be a directed set and let (e.). be a net of
30 strictly positive numbers such that lim e =0. Further, assume that A e Л л for every n e M there is an e-n-thin neighborhood n of a such that A^ < A2 and n^ < n2 The sets {p(U ) : Л । n imply U c U . A2' 2 A1 ' 1 A e Л and n e И} form a neighborhood base of p(a). Then the family {U^ n A e Л and n £ B) is a neighborhood base of a. (Put x = p(a) and V = p(U ). Then it is easy to see that the А А sets 0 = {В e E : v (B) < e, and p(B) eV }, A e Л and n e TJ, A pl И А Л г n are a neighborhood base at 0(x). Now let W be any neighborhood of a. Since the mapping add is contin- uous and since add(a,0(x)) = a, we can find a neighborhood W1 of a such that add(W'xO n EvE) c W, if only A and n are large enough. Л г П As p is open by (3.2.0) and as W1 n U is a neighborhood of a, we A r n may choose A1 > A and n1 > n such that V , , c p(W' n U )• Л F Л F Г1 We claim that и. , , c W. A ,n Firstly, we have U , , c U , , n p 1(p(W' n U )). Let В e U , , Л f-11 Л f Г1 Af11 A f Then В belongs to U . Moreover, there is an element B1 e W1 n U Л F A F 11 such that p(B) = p(B')- Now U. is e-n-thin, i.e. v (В ~ B1) < e-i Л Fn A n A and hence В - В1 e 0 . This implies В = В1 + (В- B') = A f Г1 = add(B,(B - B')) e add(W'xOA „ n EvE) c W, i.e. U, , c W.) A F A F 11 3.5 let a : X -> E be a selection. We say that a is e-n-continuous, provided that (i) The mapping x -> \>n(a(x)) : X -> IR is bounded. (ii) For every x e X there is a neighborhood V of x and an e-n-thin neighborhood U of a(x) such that f(V) c U. 3.6 If о : X + E is a selection which is e-n-continuous for every e > 0 and every n e TJ, then a is bounded and continuous.
31 Clearly, a is bounded by (3.5(i)). Now fix x e X. For every pair (m,n) of natural numbers let U' be an 1-n-thin neighborhood of m,n m a(x) such that a(p(U' )) c u' (such an U' exists by (3.5(ii)). m,n m,n m,n Define U = n {U' . : l,k s n} n l,k J Then U is -1-n-thin, fulfilles still the inclusion a (p (U )) cU , but n n n n we have in addition the relation U , „ с и . n+1 n Next, let (V ) be a decreasing neighborhood base at x and let Л Л z A I = TJxA. For every i = (n,X) we define e- = — and U. = p (V ) n U . in i f n Л n Clearly, the net converges to 0, all the set IT n are e^-n-thin and the sets of the form p(1Л n) form a neighborhood base at x. Whence, by (3.4), the sets (U^ n>n form a neighborhood base at a(x). Moreover, by definition of the set U. we have i ,n a(p(U^ n)) c n for every iel and every n e TJ, thus the map a is continouos at x.) 3.7 Let f„,...,f : X +1K be continuous IK-valued functions on X 1 n such that n У f.(x) / 0 for all x e X i=1 1 Then the mapping n Ф : V E -> E (a1(...,an) -* У fi(p(ai))*ai is open and continuous. (The continuity of ф follows easily from the continuity of the map- pings add and seal. n To show the openess of ф, let (a^,--.,an) e V E and let x = p(a.j) = =...= p(an). We may assume without loss of generality that f^ (x) / 0. Let V be an open neighborhood of x such that f^ (у) / 0 for all у e V.
32 n -1 n n As V E n p (V) is open in v E , it is enough to show that the n 1 n restriction of ф to V E n p (V) is open. Define a mapping n 1 n _. T : V Enp” (V)n + V E np (V)n n ( , . . . , aR) -* ( Д f (p ( a^) ) • » «2 » • • • » o^) • Evidently, T is continuous and has the continuous inverse T : V Enp (V)n + V E n p (V)n -1 n (a^,...,an) -> (f^(p(a^)) "(a. - У f . (p ( a^) ))• , «2 » • • • » c^) i=2 and therefore is a homeomorphism. By definition of the л : (,. . . , an) -> topology, the restriction of the first projection n : V E + E is open. As we have ф = the mapping Ф is open as well.) 3.8 Let ff : X -»]R be continuous real-valued functions, let 1 n A.,...,A c E be e-m-thin subsets of E and let 1 n n M := sup { У |f±(x) | : x e p(A1) n .•• n p(Ar) }. i=1 n n If Ф : V E •» E is defined as in (3.7) , then Ф( V E n A^ x...xAr) is M* e-m-thin. n (Indeed, let а, В e Ф ( V E n A^x... xAn) and let x = p (a) = p (£3) • Then we may find elements a-»B- e A., 1 < i < n, such that n n1 1 1 a = У f• (x) -a. and g = у f. (x)»g.. Since the sets A. are e-n-thin, i=1 11 i=1 1 1 1 we know that \>п(а^ - fh) < e for all i e {1,...,n}. This yields the inequality n vn(a - 8) = vn( J fi(x).(ai - B±) ) n n < У I f, (x) I - V (a. - 8.) < У I f _. (x) I - e < M« e.) i=1 nil i=1 i
33 From (3.7) and (3.8) it is easy to conclude 3.9 If f.,...,f : X -> [0,1 1 c IR are continuous functions such n 1 that У f.(x) = 1 and if aa : X -* E are e-n-continuous i=1 1 n 1 n selections, then У f.«a. is a e-n-continuous selection, too. i i 3.10 Let e > 0 and let (a ) с S(p) be a sequence of e-n-contin- m mg uous selections and let a : X -> E be a selections such that lim 9 (a_ - a) =0. Then a is а 2•e-n'-continuous selection foi _ n m 1П->оо every n' < n. (Firstly, by hypothesis there is a positive integer m such that 9п(% - < e/2 i.e. v„(a (x) - a(x)) < e/2 for all x e X. n m Fix xq e X and let U be an open neighborhood of xq and let V be an e-n-thin neighborhood of a (x ) such that о (U) с V. Moreover, mo m define W := {a + 8 : p (a) = p (8) e U, a e V and vn (B) < e/2} As the set {a : vn(a) < e/2 and p(a) e U} is open, the set W is open by (3.7). Moreover, {a : v (a) < e/2 and p(a) e U} is e-n-thin, thus W is 2«e-n-thin by (3.8) . Further, for every x e V we have a(x) = am(x) + (a(x) - c?m(x) ) e w, i.e. a(V) c W. Finally, for all n' <, n and all a e E we have v . (a) < v (a) . This implies that n n the set W is 2«e-n-thin, too. Now let m e IN be a natural number such that 9 (о - a) < 1 . Then n m the triangle inequality yields for every x e X the relation vn, (a (x) ) < vn(a(x) ) S Jn(°m(x) ’ a(x)) + Vn(am(x)) S 1 + Vam(x))-
34 As х + v (a (x) ) is bounded, so is x -> v (a(x)). Thus, the selection n m n a is 2•e-n'-continuous.) From (3.6) and (3.10) we may deduce: 3.11 Let (on)neN be a sequence of selections such that cn is e -n-continuous. If the sequence (e ) converges to 0 and if П П П € U a : X + E is a selection such that lim <) (a - a) = 0 for every n-*°° m П m e JN, then a is a continuous and bounded section. 3.12 If e >0, ifn e IN and if a e E are given, then there is an e-n-continuous selection a : X -* E such that a(p(a)) = a. (Firstly, by (3.3) the element a has an open e-n-thin neighborhood V. Let V := V n {g : v ( B) < vn (a) + "И- Then V is still an open e-n-thin neighborhood of a. Furthermore, let U = p(V) and let x = p(a). By the axiom of choice we can find a selection o' : U -> E such that o' (U) с v anda'(x) = a. Note that x \>n(a(x)) is auto- matically bounded, as we have v (B) < 1 + \>n(a) f°r all g e V. Next, choose a continuous function f : X -> [0,1] c 1R such that f (x) = 1 and f 1([0,1 ]) c u. We now define a selection a by a (y) f(y)(y) 0 if у e U if у | U On U we have a = f-a' + (1 - f) *0, whence a is e-n-continuous on U by (3.9). On the open set V = X \ f \[0,1]) , the selection a agrees with the continuous section 0. As U and V cover X and as a(x) = = f(x)-a'(x) = 1*a = a, the proof is complete.) 3.13 Assume that X is compact or that v = v for all n,m e JN. Given r — n m an e-n-continuous selection a:: X -* E and a point xq e X, there is a e/2-(n+1)- continuous selection o' : X E such that
35 (i) fln(o' - a) s |-e (ii) a' (xQ) = a(xQ) . (Let x e X. By (3.12) there is an e/2-(n+1)-continuous selection such that ax(x) = a(x). Obviously, ax is also е/2-n-continuous. Choose an open e-n-thin neighborhood v of a(x), an е/2-n-thin neighborhood of ax(x) (= a(x)) and an open neighborhood U of x such that o(U) c v and ax(U) c W. As V n W is an open set around о(x) and as p is open, the set Ux := и n p(V n W) is an open neigh- borhood of x. Moreover, if у is an element of U , then there is an a e V n W such that у = p(a). Hence we obtain the inequality ~ °(У)) £ (У) - “) + v (a - a(y)) s e + e/2 4- as a, a(у) e V and a/ax(y) e W. Let U be any open neighborhood of x such that и с и . Replacing _ о each Ux ,xq / x e X, by Ux \ U, we obtain the following: There is an open cover (UjJieI of X and e/2-(n+1)-continuous selections (a.). _ such that i iel (i) xQ belongs to exactly one CL and for this index i we о have a. (x ) = a (x ) . i о о о (ii) For every i e I and every x e It we have the inequality Vn(°i(x) " a(x)) ~ l’e- As X is paracompact, we may find a partition of unity sub- ordinate to the cover (ир£е1- ВУ the property (i) above we may conclude that f (xQ) = 1 and f-j_(xo) - 0 for i / i . We now define о our selection o' by o' = .L f.’a. 1 el 1 i
36 Note that this sum is locally finite, i.e. each point has a neighbor- hood U such that {i : f(U) / {0}} is finite. Whence (3.9), applied to these neighborhoods shows that the restriction U -> E a'/U : U : p 1(U) of o' to U is e/2-(n+1)-continuous. Especially, o' will satisfy the property (3.5(ii)), which is a local property. Before we show the n+1-boundedness of o', we prove that o' has the properties (i) and (ii) of (3.13): As a'(xq) = 2 f±(x );а±(х ) = f (xQ).а£ (xq) = a(xQ), the property i el о о (ii)is satisfied. Next, we check property (i): Let x e X be fixed and let i £ I be any element. Then we have either x | th, in which case we conclude f i (x) • \>n ((x) - a (x) ) = 0; or we have x e th, and then it is true that f^ (x) • \>n (o^ (x) - a (x) ) < ^.f (x)»e. Whence for all iel and all x e X we have f.(x)•v (a.(x) - a(x)) < 4 f.(x)• e. As the f.(x) i n i z i i sum up to 1, this yields for every x e X the inequality vn(a'(x) - a(x)) = vn ( У ^(х)-а±(х) - ( У f ± (x) ) • a (x) ) iel ieI = v ( У fi(x).(ai(x) - a(x)) iel £ У f (x) • v (a. (x) - a (x) ) iel - Л f i ‘ 2 ’ e = 2 ’ £ iel and therefore (i) holds. Finally, we have to show the n+1-boundedness of o': Firstly, assume that X is compact. As the family (f^)^ is locally finite, an easy compactness argument shows that there is a finite subset J с i such that f / 0 if and only if i e J. Therefore the sum we used in the definition of o' is actually finite. Thus, o' is е/2-n+l-continuous by (3.9) Now assume that v = for all n,m e IN. Then the triangle in- equality and the fact that 9n+^ (o' - a) = 9n(a' ~ a) yield that the
37 map x -> v (o'(x)) is bounded, i.e. the property (i) of (3.5) holds. As we checked the property (ii) of (3.5) already, the proof is com- plete .) Applying (3.12) and (3.13), we obtain after an obvious recursion: 3.14 Assume that either X is compact or that v = vm for every pair of natural numbers n,m. If a e E is given, then there exists a sequence (q ) „of selections such that n ngB (i) an is (-1) n-n-continuous. (ii) Van+i " an) - i’(i)n for a11 n e3N (iii) an(p(a)) = a for all n e JN 3.15 If (a ) „ is a sequence of selection which satisfies the П ПбЮ} properties (i), (ii) and (iii) of (3.14), then there is a selection a such that lim $ (a - a) = 0 for all m e JN. This m n П->оо fies in addition the equation a(p(a)) = a. selection satis- (Let e > 0 and let n e JN. Choose a natural number N such that о nQ < N and such that V 3 Лп у 2 (7) < e. n=N Then for all natural numbers m > n N we have the inequality m-n-1 no m n no i=0 n+i+1 n+1' m-n-1 r <>n (an+i+1 " %+i’ 1=0 о m-n-1 - Д ^n+i^an+i+1 ~ °n+P 1=0 , 3, , 1, n+i n / 3. , 1.1 < ) (7) • (7) < У (y) • (y) < e- i=0 i=N
38 In particular, since for every x e X the sets {a e E : \>n (a) < e }, n e ®, and e > 0, form a neighborhood base of 0 in the stalk Ex with the induced topology, the sequence (ап(х))п^ is a Cauchy sequence. As all the stalks are assumed to be semicomplete, lim a (x) exists in n-*°° E . Now define a : X -* E by a (x) := lim a (x) . It remains to show n->°° that lim 0 (an ~ = 0 f°r aH no e ]N‘ n->“ о Thus, let e > 0 and let n e ®. As we have seen above, we can find о a natural number N such that (a - a ) < e/2 for all m,n > N. no m n Whence, for every x e X and all m,n > N we have v (a (x) - a (x)) < n m n о < e/2. Sending n to infinity, this yields v (a (x) - a(x)) < e/2 for о all m > N. Since this inequality holds for all x e X and sincee >0 was arbitrary, this yields lim (a - a) = 0. n-*00 о Clearly, by the definition of a, we have a(p(a)) = lim v (p(a)) = n->“ = lim a = a.) n-*°° Now (3.11), (3.14) and (3.15) allow us to conclude: 3.16 If X is compact or if v = v for all n,m e JN, then for — n m every a e E there is a continuous section a : X E such that a (p (a) ) = a. It is now easy to finish the proof of our theorem: Let a e E and let x = p(a). Choose a paracompact (resp. compact) neighborhood и of x (such that only countably many of the seminorms have value differ- ent form 0 on p 1(U) ). Now (3.16) applied to (p 1(U),p,U) yields a bounded and continuous section a : U -* E such that a(x) = a. Now (2.3) and (2.4) together with the fact that every locally para- compact space is completely regular show that (E,p,X) is a full bundle.

4. Stone - WeierstraB theorems for bundles The classical theorem of Stone and WeierstraB has been generalized in many ways (see [Bu 58], [Br 59], [Bi 61], [G1 63], [We 65], [NMP 71 ], [Ho 75], [Gi 77], [Mo 78]). The results which will be represented in this section are due to Machado, Nachbin and Prolla ([NMP 71]) and K.H.Hofmann ([Ho 75]). 4.1 Definition. Let p : E + X be a bundle. A family c c С(X) is called locally finite, if every point x e X has a neighbor- hood U such that {i : f^(y) / 0 for some у e U} is finite. A subspace F c Г(р) is called fully additive, if for every locally finite family c (X) and every family (с^)1е1 c F the selection £ ^i‘ai belongs to F, provided that this selection is bounded. A subspace F c Г(р) is called stalkwise dense, if for each x e X the set ex(F) is dense in the stalk E , where ex : Ftp) -* Ex denotes the evaluation map. □ It is obvious that every fully additive subspace F of г(p) is also а С, (X)-submodule. b We now turn to our Stone-WeierstraB theorem, which in this form is due to Hofmann, Machado, Nachbin and Prolla: 4.2 Theorem. Let p : E -* X be a bundle and let F c Ftp) be a fully additive and stalkwise dense subspace of Ftp). Then under each of the following two conditions, F is dense in Ftp):
40 (i) The base space X is compact. (ii) The base space X is paracompact and p : E -> X is a bundle of normed spaces, i.e. |j| = 1. Proof. Let a e Г (p)• Then we have to show that for every e > 0 and every seminorm Vj belonging to the bundle there is a section p e F with 0j(a - p) < e. Firstly, fix an arbitrary point x £ X. As F is stalkwise dense, there is a section px e F such that \м(рх(х) - a(x)) < e/2. By (1.6. (iii)) we can find an open neighborhood Ux of x such that Vj(px(y) “ a(y)) < e/2 for all у e Ux. Now the open sets Ux, x e X,cover X. As X is at least paracompact, we may choose a partition of unity ver (U ) . Especially, the family X X Сл (f ) subordinate to the open co- X x cX (f ) с С, (X) is locally finite. X X ^X D We define Then p : X -> E is a continuous selection. Moreover, p is a bounded selection: Indeed, if X is compact, then the boundedness of p follows from (1.6.(iv)). On the other hand, if p : X + E is a bundle of normed spaces, then the family of seminorms (v.). T 1 J consists of one element only, which is just the seminorm we used above. in this case we only have to show that the mapping x -> Vj (p(x) ) : X +1R is bounded. As we shall see in a moment, we have Vj(p(y) - p(y)) < e for all у e X. Thus, in this case the boundedness of p follows from the triangle inequality and the boundedness of a. Thus, in both cases the selection p will belong to F. It remains to show that (a - p) < e. Let us start with a у e Y. Then we may compute:
Now we have either у e Ux and hence \м(р(у) - Px(y)) < e/2, or we have у $ Ux, in which case fx(y) = 0. Thus, in both cases we may conclude that fx(y)•vj(а(у) - px(y)) - ^х(У)’е/2. This implies the inequality v.(a(y) - p(y)) s f (y) = e/2, i.e. $.(a - p) < e/2 < e. □ For convenience we state the version of (4.2) which we shall use most often: 4.3 Corollary. Let p : E -* X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces over a compact base space X and let F c r(p) be a stalkwise dense С(X)-submodule of Г(p). Then F is dense in Г (p) □ We conclude this section with an application of our Stone-WeierstraB theorem. In (2.9) we have seen that for completely regular base spaces and "locally" completely metrizable Г(p) the evaluation maps ex : r(p) -> Ex are quotient maps. Now suppose that A c X is any subset. Then we also have an evaluation map e : p -> p . : Г (p) -* Г (p) . Again we ask for conditions under A / A A which this map is a quotient map. The Stone-WeierstraB helps to find an answer:
42 4.4 Theorem. Let p : E X be a bundle with a countable family of seminorms and assume that X is normal and that all stalks are complete. If А с X is compact, then every section : A-> E may be extended to a global section. Moreover, the evaluation map eA : 7-s a Quotient map. Proof. As Ftp) and Гд(р) are complete and metrizable, using Banach's homomorphism theorem it is enough to show that is a topological homomorphism, i.e. ед is open onto its image, and that the image of ед is dense in Гд(р). The fact that ед is topological follows as in (2.5) and (2.6) using the normality of X instead of the regularity in the proofs. It remains to show that the image of ед is dense in гд(р): As p : E -* X is a full bundle by (2.9), the image of ед is stalk- wise dense. Moreover, the image of ед is a C(A)-submodule of гд(р): Let a e Гд(р) be of the form ° = £a*'°'^ for a certain °' e Г(р) and let f e C(A) be a Ж-valued continuous function on A. As X is normal, we can find an extension f e С, (X) of f. Now we have f-c = b = f'/A-a'/A = (f'-a,)/A = £A(f'-a,)- Now an application of the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.2) completes the proof. □ The following corollary, which is analougos to (2.10), has been proved and reproved by several authors : K.H.Hofmann credited this result to M.Dupre, J.M.G.Fell has shown it in [Fe 77], and J.W. Kitchen and D.A.Robbins proved an even stronger version for compact base spaces in [KR 80]: Every section a : A -> E may be extended under the preservation of norm to a global section, provided that X is compact, A с x is closed and p : E -» X is a bundle of Banach spaces.
43 4.5 Corollary. If p : E -* X is a bundle of Banach spaces over a normal base space X and if А с X is compact, then every section a : X -* E may be extended to a global section. Moreover, the evaluation map ед : Г(p) -* Гд(р) is a quotient map of Banach spaces. □

5. An alternative description of spaces of sections: Function modules There is an alternative way of describing spaces of section which does not make use of the topology on the bundle space E. For bundles of Banach spaces, this description is due to F.Cunningham (see [Cu 67]), and for the general setting we refer to the paper of Nachbin, Machado and Prolla (see [NMP 71]). Suppose that we begin with a bundle p : E + X of fi-spaces of a cer- tain type т : I -* JN and suppose that the base space X is compact. Let E := r(p). Then we know from (1.6), (1.9) and (2.2) that E has the following properties: (FM1) For every x e X there is a topological vector space E^; the topology of E is induced by a family of seminorms (\m). . X J J €«J (FM2) E is a closed linear subspace of П°° E , where x£X oo X П E = {a e П E : sup v.(o(x)) < « for all j e J}, xeX x x£X X x£X 21 equipped with the topology induced by the seminorms (^) jeJ given by 0. (a) = sup v2? (a (x) ) . 3 xeX 3 (FM3) The set {a(x) : a e E] is dense in Ex for every x e X. (FM4) The mapping x v^(a(x)) : X+JRis upper semicontinuous for every a e E and every j e J. (FM5) E is a (X)-module relative to the multiplication given by (f»o) (x) := f(x)«a(x) for all x e X, f e %(X) and a e E.
45 (FM6) Each of the is a topological fi-space of type т and E is a topological fi-subspace of ц°° E , i.e. if i e I and if f. x eX is one of the additional operations, then for all , . . . , e E we have f , (, • • • , ат ) e E and the mapping f± : Ет(1) -> E is continuous, where f^(u^ а ,.. ) (x) = f (a (x),. . . , T (1) 11 а ,.. (x)) . т (i) 5.1 . Definition. Let X be a topological space and let т : I+ К be a type. If E is a topological vector space satisfying (FM1) - (FM5), then E is called a function module with seminorms (\m). . Moreover, 1 3 if the axiom (FM6) holds, then E is called an ft-function module of type t. The space X is called the base space; the vector spaces Ex, x e X, are called the stalks of the function module. □ We shall see that every JJ-function module is in fact (isomorphic to) the space of all sections of a bundle of fl-spaces of the same type, provided that the base space is compact. Let us start with the so called "standard construction of bundles", which is due to K.H.Hofmann (see [Ho 75]) in the case of Banach bundles and has been generalized by H.Moller ([Mo 78]) to our present situation: 5.2 Let (E ) be a family of vector spaces. If we set x x E := и (x}xEx and p : (x,a) -* x : E -* X, then (E,p,X) is a fibred xeX vector space. As we already remarked in (1.4), every element of the cartesian product П E may be viewed as a selection of (E,p,X). xeX Further, let (v^)^£j be a directed family of seminorms on Ex generat ing a Hausdorff topology . Then we may define a directed family
46 (v ) . of seminorms on g by v ((x,a)) = v (a) . ] ]EJ J J Suppose now that X carries a topology and that E is a linear sub- space of п E such that (FM3) and (FM4) are satisfied. Then we have xeX X 5.3 The sets of the form T(U,a,e,j) := {a e g : p(a) e U and Vj(a - a(p(a))) < e}, where U с X is open, a e E, e > 0 and j e J, form a base for a topology on E. (We have to show that for each a £ T(U^, ,j) n T (U2 , a2 > e2'2^ there are an open set U3 с X, an element £ E, an > О and an j3 e J such that a e T(U3,a3,e3,j3) с T(U1, ,j1) n T(U2 . a2 , e2,j2) . Thus, let us suppose that such an и is given. Let j3 e J be an index such that j .j ,j2 < j3- Moreover, we define e3 by the formula := 4- min {e. - v. (a - a. (p(a))) : к = 1,2} □ Z К "1, К Jk Further, use (FM3) to find an element a3 e E such that v (a - a (p(a) ) ) < e . j 3 э о Then for к = 1,2 we have (at(P(a)) - a,(p(a))) s v. (av(p(a)) - a) + (a - a7(p(a))) < v (a. (p(a)) - a) + v. (a - a,(p(a))) 3k K 33 4 < (a. (p(a)) - a) + (2-e - e ) < Vj (ak(p(a)) - a) + (eR - v . (a - a. (p (a) ) ) - e, ) 3k K J By (FM4) we now can pick an open neighborhood U3 c n U2 of p(a) such that v. (aq(y) - a. (y)) < e, - e, for all у e U,. We claim that J э К К э Э T(U3,a3,e3,j3) С т(U1,a1,e ,j ) n T(U2,a2,e2,j2): indeed, let В e T (Uq , a, , , j q) . Then p(£3) e U, c IL, k=1,2, and therefore J J J J JX
47 ( В ~ ak (P ( В)) ) < v. ( В " a-> (P (В))) (о7 (p ( B)) - ak(p(B))) 3k K 3k J 3k J K < Vj (B _ ст3 (p (B) )) + (ek ~ e3) < e3 + (ek " e3> = ek- From now on, the set E always carries this topology. 5.4 If a e E, then the mapping о : X + E is continuous. (Let xQ e X and let a(xQ) e T(a’,U,e,j). Then v( (a - a') (xQ)) < e. By (FM4) there is an open neighborhood V c U of xQ such that Vj(a(y) - o' (y)) < e for all у e V. Clearly, this implies a(V) c c T(U,a',e,j), i.e. a is continuous at xQ.) 5.5 The mappings add : EvE -> E and seal : IKxE -> E are continuous. (Let (a,B) e EvE and let T(U,a,e,j) be a neighborhood of a + В • Let 6 = I (e - Vj(a + В " a(p(a))). Then there are elements o^,o2 e. E such that v • (a. (p (a) ) - a) < 6 and v-(a, (p(B)) ~ B) <5- For these elements we have Vj(a(p(a)) - (a^(p(a)) + a2(p(B))) < < v.(a(p(a)) - (a + B) ) + (a - a^pla))) + v4(B - a9(P(B))) J J 1 J z < e - 2-6. Pick an open neighborhood V с U of p(a) such that Vj(a(y) - a1(y) - a2 (y)) < e - 2-6 for all у e V. Then the set T(V,a1,6,j)xT(V,a2,6,j) n EvE is a neighborhood of (a,B) and for all (a',B') e T(V,a1,6,j)xT(V,a2,6,j) n EvE we obtain v-(a' + B' - a(p(a'))) < \).(a' - a1(p(a'))) + v-(B‘ ~ a,(p(B'))) J J I J + v j ( (+ a 2 ~ a)(p(ct'))) <6 + 6 + £~2“6 = £
48 This shows the continuity of add. Now let (ro'“o)£ 1КХЕ and let T(U,a,e,j) be an open neighborhood of r -a . In this case we choose 6 = e - v.(a(p(a )) - r -a ). Pick an о о j о о о element a’ e E such that ro-Vj(a’(p(aQ)) - aQ) < 6/2. Then we obtain (го-С (P(%) ) - a(p(ao))) < v. (ro-a' (P(%) ) - r/%) + + v (rQ-aQ - a(P(ao))) < e - 6/2. Hence there is an open neighborhood V U of P(aQ) such that Vj(ro-a'(y) - a(y)) < e - 6/2 for all у e V. Choose a real number 0 < e' such that £'•(£’ + + |rol-e’ + (e - 5/2) < e. If |r - r | < s' and if a e T(V,о',e',j), then we calculate: v (r*a - a(p(a))) < ((r - rQ)-a) + Vj(rQ’a - a(p(a))) S |r - rol*v (a) + v..(ro’(a - a'(p(a)))) + + v (ro-a'(p(a)) - a(p(a))) < |r - roHvj(“ - o’(p(“))) + v (a' (p (a)) ) ) + + !roI•£’ + (e - 5/2) < £’•(£’ + V (a-(p(a)))) + |ro|-e’ + (e - 5/2) < e. This implies that the mapping seal is continuous, too.) 5.6 The mappings p : E + X and 0 : X + E are continuous. (This follows immediatly from the definitions of the topology on E and (5.4) . ) 5.7 If U c X is an open set, if о : U + E is continuous, if e 0
49 and if j e J, then the set {a e E : p'a) e U and v j ( a " a(P(a)))< e} is open in E. (Indeed, the mapping T : a -> a + a(p(a)) : P 1 (U) -> p 1 (U) is a continuous, as add, a and p are continuous. Because T has continuous a inverse T_^, it is a homeomorphism. Now note the set in question is the image under of the open set {a e E : p(a) e U and Vj (a) < e} and therefore is relatively open in p (U). As p (U) is open itself, the result follows.) 5.8 Proposition. Let (Ex)x x be a family of topological vector spaces whose resp. topologies are induced by seminorms v* : E -> 1R j e J. Let E be a subspace of Ц°° E and assume that the index set xeX X X carries a topology such that (FM3) and (FM4) are satisfied. Then there is a bundle p :E -* X with stalks (isomorphic to) Ex, x e X, such that E is (up to isomorphy) a subspace of r(p)- □ 5.9 Theorem. If X is a compact topological space, then there is a one-to-one correspondence between the class of all bundles with base space X and the class of all function modules with base space X. More explicitly: If p : E -* X is a bundle, then Г(p) is a function module with stalks p 1(x), x e X. Conversely, if E is a function module with base base x and stalks E^, x e X, then the construction given in (5.2) yields a bundle PE : EE -* X and these two operations are inverse to each other. Especially, if E is a function module with a compact base space x, then there is a bundle p : E_ -* X having the same stalks as E such that E - Г(p) and this isomorphism preserves the С (X)-module structure.
50 Proof. Let us start with a function module E with base space X. Then the construction given in (5.2) yields a bundle p_ : X such that E may be viewed as a closed subspace of Г(p ). From (FM3) hi and (FM5) we know that E is stalkwise dense and а С(X)-submodule of Г(pE). Now the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.2) shows that E is dense in Г(p ). As E was already closed in Г(р„), we obtain E - Г(р„). hi hi hi Conversely, let us suppose that we are given a bundle p : E X and let E := Г(p). Clearly, as we remarked at the beginning of this section, E is a function module. It is obvious that we may identify the sets E and EE and the projections p and pE> We only have to show that this identification is a homeomorphism for the topologies on E and Ee resp. Firstly, note that the topology on EE is certainly coarser than the topology on E, as we used only global sections in the definition of the topology on E,,. Whence, applying (5.7), it remains to prove that every local section of p : E + X is continuous when viewed as a selection of : E„ -> X. K E E Thus, let a : U + E be a local section and let x e U. We want to о show that the mapping a : U -> E„ is continuous at x . Pick h о neighborhoods V,W of xQ such that V W W U and let f : X -> [0,1] be a continuous function such that f(V) = {1} and f(X \ W) = {o}. Define a global section a : X •* E by a (x) = 0 for x e X \ W and a(x) = f(x)•a(x) if x e u. (This definition makes sense , as on (X \ W) n и = U \ W we have f(x)*o(x) = 0-a(x) = 0.) Then о is continuous as it is continuous on the open sets X \ W and U and as these open sets cover X. Because p : E ? X and pE : EE + X have the same global sections by the part of the theorem already verified, о : X -> E„ is continuous, hi To finish the proof, we only have to remark that a and a agree on the open neighborhood V of xq. □
51 We now turn our attention to ^-function modules: Let т : I -* JN be a type and let E be an ^-function module with stalks (E ) „ ,base space X and seminorms X X Сл (Vх). _. If (E,p,x) is the bundle J J eJ constructed in (5.2), then for every i £ I we may define a function т (i) E f. : V E f±((x,a1) ,... (x,aT(i))) := (x,f±(o^ ,...,aT(±))) Of course, we hope that we obtain a bundle of fi-spaces in this manner. I do not know an answer to this question in general, but I can offer some partial solutions: Firstly, we take a closer look at the proof of the continuity of the mapping add : EvE + E in (5.5). Then we will recognize that the key inequality looks as follows: v (add (a1, a2) - add(B1,B2))s vj (“i “ B-j) + (“2 ~ B2> • This means that the continuity of the addition in topological vector spaces is in some sense uniform for all vector spaces. This does not have to be true for the additional operations j a priori. Whence, if we would attempt to modify the proof of the continuity of add to show the continuity of the (f.). we would have to postulate something like an "uniform continuity" for the j* In this case, we would obtain some very technical condition like (*) For every iel, every j e J and every e > 0 there is an j' e J and a 6 > 0 such that for all x e X and all elements a1,B1,•••,aT(i),BT(i) e Ex the inequalities , (a1 - B1),•• •••'V (aT(i) - ^(i)’ < 6 lmply Vfi(a1........aT (i) ’ " fi(‘ (i)) ) < £‘ Let us agree that we call an fi-space E an uniform ii-function module
52 provided that (*) holds. A straightforward modification of the proof of the continuity of the mapping add now shows: 5.10 Proposition. If E is a uniform ^-function module with base space X, then there is a bundle of ^-spaces p : E -> X such that E is (topologically and algebraioally isomorphio to) a closed subspace of Г(р). □ There are certain cases for which the uniform continuity of the additional operations follows automatically. For instance, every function module of Banach lattices is uniform. This follows from the inequality ||avb - cvd|| < j|a - c || + ||b - d || . On the other hand, if we restrict the class of base spaces, then the uniformity is not needed: 5.11 Proposition. If X is a completely regular topological space and if E is an Pt-function module with base space X satisfying the stronger axiom (FFM3) For every x e X we have E^ = {a(x) : a e E}. then there is a bundle of il-spaces p : E -> X such that E is (topolo- gically and algebraically isomorphic to) a closed subspace of Г(p)• Proof. Let p : E + X be the bundle constructed in (5.2),(5.3). By (5.8) it remains to show that p : E -* X is a bundle of fi-spaces. Firstly, note that we may use the proof of (2.5) to obtain from (FFM3) the condition (**) For every x e X and every a e E we have -jX(a) = x J = inf {0.(a) : a(x) = a, a e E}.
53 Clearly, condition (**) and (FFM3) imply (***) If a e E, a e E and if (a - a (x) ) < e, then there is x J a a' e E with Vj (a - a') < e and a'(x) = a. т (i) We now want to show that the mappings f^: V E -> E, i e I, are continuous. т (i) Let i e I, let (a^,...,) e V E and let 0 be an open neighbor- hood of fi(a1,...,aT)• Further, let xQ := ptc^) = ... = By (FFM3) and (1.6(vii)) we may assume that there is an element a e E, an open neighborhood U of xq, an e >0 and an j e J such that 0 = T(U,a,e,j). Applying (FFM3) once again, we find elements ,... ...,a e E such that a, (x ) = av for all 1 < к < т (i). As fi(a1.....aT(i))(xo) = fi(W..........aT(i)(xo)) = fi(a1.....ttT(i))£°’ there is an open neighborhood U' c U of xq, an e' >0 and an j' e J such that T (U',f,...,) , e',j') c 0 (use (1.6(viii)). We now apply the fact that E itself is a topological fi-space, i.e. that the operations f^ : E7^ -> E are continuous. Whence it is possible to choose 6 > 0 and j” e J such that the inequalities %" (a1 " ai)......%•' (<5t(1) "^(ii’ " 6 imply Oj' (fi(a1....ат(i)> " fi(aV‘--'ac(i))) < £'• т (i) We show that f : V E -> E maps the open neighborhood т (i) T(U',Ol,6,j") x...,xT (U',aT(i),6,j"I n v E of (a^,•..,aT) into 0. Indeed, let , . . . , ) belong to the first of these sets and let x := ptgp = ... = p(6T (!)) . By (***) there are elements s-j ,' ''' ат (i) e E with gk = o^(x) and , (ak - ak) < 5 for all 1 < к < т (i) . Whence we may conclude that
54 V (f.(Ol,...,aT(i)) - ....< e' and especially Vj. (f. (ai (x),...,aT(i) (x)) - f. (Br...,BT(i))) < £'• This gives us finally the relation fi(Br•••-BT(i)) e T(U',f.(ai,...,aT(i)),e',j') c 0. □ 5.12 Remark. Let us point out that theorem (2.9) also holds for function modules, as in its proof we only used the properties listed in (FM1) - (FM5). This means that every function module with a completely regular base space, complete stalks and a locally countable family of seminorms satisfies (FFM3). The following theorem is analogous to (5.9): 5.13 Theorem. Let X be a compact topological space and let т : I -> К be a type. If p : E -> X is a bundle of Ct-spaces of type r then Г(p) is an ^-function module of type t. Conversely, if E is an ii-function module of type r with base space X which satisfies the stronger axiom (FFM3), then there is a bundle Pp = Ep •* x °f ii-spaces such that E is (topologically and algebra- ically isomorphic to) the Ct-space Ftp). Moreover, these two operations set up a one-to-one correspondence between the class of all ii-function modules satisfying (FFM3) and the class of all full bundles. □ We conclude the section with a few examples: 5.14 Bundles over the circle. Let = {z e IE : | z | = 1 } be the
55 unit circle. Furthermore, let F be any Banach space with norm ||•ft and let T : F -* F be a linear contraction. Moreover, define ET := {a e С ( [О, 2tt ] ,F) : a(2K) = T(a(O))}. Clearly, ET is a Banach space under pointwise addition und scalar multiplication when equipped with the norm || • || given by || a || := sup { || a(x) || : 0 < x < 2л}. Moreover, ET may be viewed as a function module over S : For every z e s'! let Ez := F, equipped with the norm || • ||. Then we may identify E with a closed subspace of 11°°. E by sending a e E to „ I z 1 z cS 8, where for 0 < ф < 2л we define 8(е1ф) := а(ф). If we do so, ET becomes a function module with base space , stalks Ez = F, and (semi-)norm || • || . The only axiom which requires a little bit of work in verifying is the axiom (FM4): Let a e et’ We have to show that the mapping z -> ||8(z) || : -> 1R is upper semicontinuous. The only problematic point of is z = 1. Thus let us assume that || 8(1) || < e. This means || a(0) || < e and 11 о (2 л) 11 = ||T (a (0)) 11 < ||T || || a(0) || < 1 • e = e. Therefore we can find a 6 > 0 such that ф e [0,6[ и ]2л - 6,2л] implies ||а(ф) || < е. Whence for z е {е1ф : |ф| < 6} we obtain ||8(z) || < е. By (5.9) we obtain a bundle PT : ET -* S1 such that Г(РТ) = ET. If we choose F = 1R with the usual norm and T = -1 ( i.e. T is multi- plication with -1), then PT : ET -* is the Moebius strip. If F = IR^ with the Euclidean metric and if T = (^ _^), then
56 Рт : Ет -+ S1 is homotopy equivalent to Klein's bottle. More generally, if F = ]Rn with the Eukledian metric and if T : 1Rn-> 1Rn is a linear operator with det(T) = -1, then we obtain a higher dimensional analogon of the Moebius strip and Klein's bottle, resp. It is well known, that for F = ]Rn and for invertible T : ]Rn -* ЖП the bundle pT : ET -* S1 is locally trivial (see section 16 for defini- tions) . Moreover, in this case we only have two isomorphism classes of locally trivial bundles over s\ depending on whether det(T) > 0, in which case we obtain the trivial bundle, or det(T) < 0. We shall see in section 17 that every bundle p : E -* whose stalks are of some fixed dimension n < °° and whose bundle space E is Hausdorff is in fact locally trivial and therefore isomorphic to one of the bundles pT : ET -* s\ where T : 1Rn -> 1Rn is invertible. 5.15 Sequence spaces. Let E be a topological vector space with a all О-sequences in E equipped with the topology induced by the seminorms ($.). _ given by 1 J ^’j((un)neN) = SUp {vj(Un> : П £ It is well known that с (E) is a closed subspace of П E , where ° ndN n En = E for every n e JN. Moreover, if we equip IN with any topology finer than the cofinite topology (i.e. with any -topology), then с (E) is a function module, as multiplication with a bounded Ж-valued function does not lead out of the class of О-sequences and as for every e > 0, every j e J and every О-sequence (ип)п^} in E t*ie set {n eJN : Vj(ur) > e} is finite and thus closed.
57 Thus, we may construct a bundle p : E -> JN such that cq(E) с Г(р) , where E = U*E and where p is the first projection. The topology on E may be described as follows: Let (n ,u ) e E =JNxE. If we define a О-sequence (u ) e с (E) by о о n ndN о un = u and un = 0 for un = 0 for n / nQ, then this sequence gives a section of p : E -> JN passing through (nQ,uQ). Hence by (1.6(vii)) the sets of the form {(n,u) e E : n = nQ and Vj(u - uq) < e or n / nQ, n e U and v (u) < e}, where U is an open neighborhood of nQ, e > 0 and j e J, form a neighborhood base at (nQ,uQ) Finally we calculate Г(р) in two special cases: a) И carries the discrete topology. Then E carries the product topo- logy ofJNxE and therefore Г(р) consists of all bounded sequences with values in E. b) И carries the cofinite topology. In this case we have Г(р) = cq(E): Indeed, let a e Г(p). Then there is an u^ e E such that a(1) = (1,u^). As for a given e > 0 and a given j e J the set 0 := {(n,u) e E : n = 1 and v(u - u^) < e or n / 1 and v (u) < e} is an open neighborhood of a(1), we can find an open neighborhood U of 1 such that a(U) c 0. As U is open in the cofinite topology, there is an n e TJ such that {n : n > n } c u. This implies о о (o(n)) < e for all n > nQ, i.e. a e cq(E). 5.16 Example. Let X = [0,1] be the unit interval with its usual topology and let E be the completion of C([0,1]) under the norm III • HI given by
58 = max {|f(0) |, sup r.|f(r)|} . 0<r<1 It is easy to see that E is a C([0,1 ])-submodule of Л°° E , 0<r<1 r where Er is identical with 1R equipped with the norm ria! r = 0 1 r • | a | r / 0 Furthermore, E is indeed a function module with stalks E and base r space X. Hence , by (5.9) there is a bundle p : E -> 0,1 such that E is isometrically isomorphic with Г(р). We may identify the set E with [0,1]x]R. if we do so, the mapping p becomes the first projection. Let us try to describe the topology of E. The open sets are given by tubes and by (1.6(vii)) we may use tubes around constant sections. Thus, let (r,a) e [0,1]x]R be an element of the bundle space. If r / 0, then a neighborhood base at (r,a) is given by sets of the form {(s,B) : |r - s| < e, s-|a - < eh 0 < e < r/2 and it turns out that the subset ]0,1]x]R с E carries the usual product topology. A neighborhood base at (0,a) e [0,1]x]R is given by {(0,6) : | a - £31 < e } и { (s, 6) : |s|<e, s • | a - 61 < e} Hence every open neighborhood of (0,a) contains the elements of the form (s,0), if we only choose s < =—?—г , and we conclude that the 2 I a I closure of the set [0,1]x{0} с E is equal to {0}xlR и [0,1]x{0} and that the closure of {a e E : < 1 } is equal to the set {OjxlR и {a e E : |||a||| < 1}. This provides us with an example in which the "unit ball" {a e E : < 1 } is not closed.
59 We leave it as an exercise for the reader to verify that Г(р) = {f : [0,13 •’•JR : lim r«f(r) = s«f(s)} r->s i.e. f belongs to Г(р) if and only if the mapping f : [0,1] -* JR is continuous at every r / 0 and satisfies the equation lim r«f(r) = 0. r-*0 Especially, the mapping X{0} defined by r 0 X{°] = ( 1 if s / 0 if s = 0 is an element Г(р). We conclude this section with the remark that also all weighted vector valued function spaces in the sense of Bierstedt, Kleinstiick, Machado, Nachbin, Prolla et al. fall under the notion of function modules. For a precise definition and a treatment of these examples we refer to the papers of the authors just mentioned.
б. Some algebraic aspects of ^-spaces In this section we collect some properties of fi-spaces which will be needed later on. Nothing new will be found here, all the results are folklore. Therefore we can confidently leave all the proofs to the reader. 6.1 Definition. Let E and F be two ^-spaces of type т : I -* U. (i) An Q-morphism from E into F is a linear map ф : E -> F such that for all i e I and all a.,... . ,a ... e E we have 1 т (1) fi(*(a1>......Ф<ат(1) ’ ’ = *(fi(a1....aT(i)))- (ii) A linear subspace N c e is called an Si-ideal, if for all i e I and all sequences of ordered pairs (a^,b^) . . . ,(a , .. ,b ,.. ) т(i) т (i) the relations f. (a.,...,a . ..) i 1 т (i) b.. e N for all 1 < j < T(i) imply fi(b1......bT(i)> £ N‘ D If E is a vector lattice, then the Q-ideals are exactly the ideals in the usual sense; if E is an algebra over IK, then the fi-ideals are also the usual algebra ideals. 6.2 Proposition. E •> F be an Sl-morphism between two Si-spaces E and F. Then ker ф := ф (0) is an Sl-ideal. The next result states a kind a reverse of (6.2): e E xE a . 1 Let ф : □ 6.3 Proposition. Let E be a (topological) Si-space of type т and let N be a (closed) Sl-ideal of E. Then E/N is also a (topological) J2 -space of type where the additional operations (f^) on E/N
61 are defined by f. (a. + N, . . . , a . . , + N) :— f.(a.r...ra , ., ) + N • 11 т (i) 11 т (i) Moreover, the canonical quotient map л : E -* E/N is a (continuous and open) ii-morphism. Conversely, if ф : E -* F is a (continuous and open) quotient map and an ii-morphism and if N = ker ф, then the Oi-spaoes E/N and F are (topologically) isomorphic. □ 6.4 Proposition. Let ф : E -* F be a (continuous) Cl-morphism between the Q-spaces E and F3 let N = ker ф and let л : E-* E/N be the canonical quotient map. Then there exists an injective (and contin- uous) ii-morphism ф : E/N -> F such that ф = ф°л. □ 6.5 Proposition. Let E be a topological Q-space. Then the closure of an Oi-ideal is again an Ct-ideal. □ 6.6 Proposition. Let E be a (topological) ll-space and let be a family of (closed) Л-ideals. Then n N, and E N. (resp. XeL A ХеЛ A E N,J are again (closed) Л-ideals. Especially, the (closed) XeK A Л-ideals form a complete sublattice of the complete lattice of all (closed) subspaces. □ 6.7 Notation. With Id^(E) we denote the complete lattice of all closed Q-ideals of a topological fi-space E.
7. A third description of spaces of sections : С(X)-convex modules We know from (1.6) that for every bundle p : E -> X the space of all sections is a C(X)-module. Now suppose that somebody gave us a C(X)-module E. Then we ask ourselves: Is it possible to "spread E continuously across X", i.e. is there a bundle p : E * X such that E and Г(р) are isomorphic? In this section we shall describe those С(X)-modules for which this is possible. If we are dealing with ^-spaces, we also have to worry about the additional operations. Hence we note the following: If p : E -* X is a bundle of ^-spaces over a quasicompact base space, then r(p) is a topological fi-space. Moreover, if A c x is a subset, then the set Nft := {a e Г(р) : =0} is a closed fi-ideal. Especially, if f e С(X) is a continuous Ж-valued function on X and if we let A = f 1 ( IK \ {0}) , then f1 := Nft = {а e Г(р) : f-a = 0} is an Q-ideal. This leads to the following definition: 7.1 Definition. A C^tX)-tl-module E is a topological fi-space which is at the same time a'C, (X)-module such that b (i) the multiplication (f,a) -* f-a : С^(Х) xE + E is continuous, (ii) for every element f eC,(X) the set f1 := {a e E : f-a = 0} b is an 0,-ideal. □ Note that by the continuity of the multiplication the fi-ideal f1 is automatically closed for every f e С^(Х). For the following results see also the work of J.Varela (EVa 75]) in the case of Banach spaces and the paper EM6 78] of H.Mttller.
63 As it is always convenient to work with compact Hausdorff spaces in- stead of arbitrary topological spaces, we shall heavily make use of the following fact: For every topological space X there is a compact (Hausdorff) space BX (the Stone-Cech-compactification of X) and a continuous mapping i : X -> BX such that (i) i(X) is dense in BX. (ii) the mapping f + foi : C (BX)-* С^(Х) is a bijection preser- ving the sup-norm and the algebraic structure. This means that in the proofs of many results concerning C(X)-modules we may assume w.l.o.g. that the space X is compact. This will be at least be possible as long as we do not talk about points of X. 7.2 Proposition. Let E be a C-^(X)-il-module and let I be an ideal ofC-foCX.). Then the closure of the complex product I.E is an Pi-ideal. Moreover, if X is compact and if I is a closed ideal, then I we {f '• f/A let Ед := = 0} for some closed subset А с X. In this case, if {f eCb(X) : f 1(0) is a neighborhood of A}, then we have the following equalities: I.E = Fa-E = -{-fl : f/A = 1 } = и {f1 : f/y = 1 for some open set U d A} = uTfl = f/A = Moreover, in all these cases we may restrict ourselves to continuous functions f : X -> [0,1] c IK. Proof. By the continuity of the multiplication with elements in C(X) we may assume that I is closed. Moreover, from (7.1(ii)) we
64 know that f1 is an fi-ideal and therefore by (6.6) the closure of E {f1 : f , = 1} is an fi-ideal. Hence by the above remarks / a concerning the Stone-Cech compactification it is enough to prove the assertions for compact X in (7.2). Hence we assume that X is compact and that А с X is a closed sub- set. As F, is dense in I A {f : f/ft = 0}, we obtain I-E = Fft>E. Let f e Fft. then there is an open neighborhood U of A such that continuous function g : X -* [0,1] such that g(V) = {1} and g(X \ U) = = {0}. Then g.f = 0 and whence for all a e E we have g-(f.a) = 0, i.e. f-E c g1. This yields the inclusion F^'E c ( и {f1 : f/y = 1 for some open set U э A}) Obviously, we have (u {f1 : f, = 1 for some open set U = A}) c ( e {f1 : f , = 1}) /U /А Further, let a e E {f1 : f, = 1}. Then there are elements / a f.,..., f e С(X) and a.,...,a e E such that f . = 1, f.-a. =0 1 n 1 n i/A i i and a. + ... + a = a. Let g = ff . Then g ,, = 1 and g*a. =0 1 n ’ 1 n /А ’ 1 for all 1 < i s n. Thus, we obtain g-a = 0, i.e. a e g1. Hence we obtain the inclusion ( E {f1 : f/A = 1})- с ( и {f1 : f = 1})-. Finally, let a e и {f1 : f. = 1}. Then f»a = 0 for some f e С(X) / A with f/A = 1. Let g = 1 - f. Then g vanishes on A and therefore belongs to the ideal I. Moreover, we have g-a = (1 -f)-a=a-f-a= = a, i.e. a e I-E. As this implies ( и {f : f = 1 }) c i.e
65 our proof is complete. □ 7.3 Corollary. Let E be а СЛХ)-^-module and let А с X be a subset. b If we let I = {f : f= 0}, then I>E с и {f1 : f/y = 1 for some open set U d A and О < f < 1 } Proof. This assertion follows for compact X immediatly from (7.2). If X is not compact, consider that Stone-Cech compactification BX of X and let i X + BX be the canonical map. Then for f e С. (X) we have b f (A) {0} if and only if there is a f e C(BX) with f = f'oi and f'(i(A)) = 0. Moreover, if f'= 1 for some f' e C(BX) open set U c BX, then for f = f' »i we have f^-1 = "I and some and i 1(U) is also open. Now some straightforward arguments complete the proof. □ 7.4 Proposition. Let E be a -^-module. Then we have: (i) 0 e E has a neighborhood base consisting of closed, convex and circled sets A с E such that f-A c A for all f e С^(Х) (ii) The topology on E is generated by a family (Vj) jeJ of semi- norms satisfying Vj(f-a) for all j e J. with 11 f 11 < 1. llf IHj (a) Proof. Let v be the gauge function of a closed, convex and circled neighborhood A of 0 fullfiling f-A c A for all f e C^tX) with ||f|| < 1. Then it is easy to check that v(f>a) < ||f||>v(a). Whence (i) implies (ii). It remains to check (i): Let U be any closed convex and circled neighborhood of 0. Then, by the continuity of multiplication by f e C^tX), we can find an e > 0 and a closed, convex and circled neighborhood V of 0 such that ||f|| < e and v e V imply f.v e U. Let V := e-V. Then V is still a
66 closed, convex,circled neighborhood of 0 and we have f »V c U for all f e С, (X) with Ilf II <1. Let b iiii W := U {f «V : 11 f II < 1 }. From 1 -V = V we obtain V c w c U. Let A be the closed, convex,circled hull of W. Then A is a closed, convex and circled neighborhood of 0 contained in U. Moreover, f »W c W for all f e C^tX) with ||f|| <1 and the continuity of multiplication imply f»A c A for all f e C^tX) with ||f|| < 1. This completes the proof. □ The next lemma, due to J.Varela [Va 75] in the case of Banach spaces and due to H.Moller in our setting, opens the door to a connection between C(X)-modules and bundles: 7.5 Lemma (Varela). Let E be а С, (X)-module and let v be a oon- b tinuous seminorm on E satisfying v(f-a) < ||f||-v(a) for all a e E and all f e C^tX) . If А с X is any subset and if I = {f e C^CX) : f/A = 0}, then for all a e E we have v(a + I»E) := inf {v(a + b) : b г I-E} = inf {v(f*a) : f e C^tX), 0 < f < 1 and A c f ^ ( {1 }) ° } . Proof. Let 1 := inf {v(a + b) : b e I.E} r := inf {v(f.a) : f e С, (X), 0 < f < 1 and A c f 1 ( {1 })°}. b If f : X ->JK is a continuous and bounded function with constant value 1 on A, then 1 - f vanishes on A and thus belongs to I. Thus, we know that (1 - f)-a belongs to I-E for every a e E. As we may write f.a = a + (f - 1)-a, we obtain 1 < r. Conversely, let e > 0. By (7.3) and the definition of 1 we can find
67 an f e C^tX) with 0 < f < 1 and A c f \{1 })° and an element b e f1 such that v(a + b) < 1 + e. This implies x < v(f’a) = v(f>a + f*b) = = v(f«(a + b)) < 11 f11 • v(a + b) < 1 + e. As e > 0 was arbitrary, this yields r < 1. □ Before we proceed, let us introduce some notations: Let E again be a (X)-^-module, let v be a continuous seminorm on E, let a e E and let x e X. We define Zx := {f £ Cb(X) : f(x) = 0} N := I -E x x E := E/N x ' x ex : E -* Ex is the canonical projection ax := ex(a) vX(ax) := inf {v(a + b) : b e NxJ N := n Nx xeX By (7.2) the subspace Nx is an fi-ideal. Hence, by (6.3), the quotient space Ex is a topological fi-space, too, and the quotient map ex is an fi-morphism. Moreover, we have 7.6 ex(f«a) = f(x)*ax for all a e E and all f e C^X)• (Indeed, f(x) = 0 implies f-a e Nx , whence ex(f-a) = 0. Now let f e C^tX) be arbitrary. Define a continuous and bounded function g e (X) by g = f - f(x)-1. Then g vanishes at the point x and we may compute: ex(f-a) = e ((f - f(x)>1)»a + f(x)«a) = ex(g-a + f(x)-a) = ex(g*a) + f(x)-ex(a) = f(x)-ax-) 7.7 If we fix an element a e E and if v(f-b) < ||f||>v(b) for all f e C^tX) and all b e E, then the mapping
68 v (а_) : X -> Ж х -> v (ах) is upper semicontinuous. (Let \>x(ax) < M. By (7.5) there is an open neighborhood U of x and a continuous mapping f X -> [0,1 ] сЖ such that f^ 1 and such that v(f-a) < M. Using (7.5) again we conclude that \Л(а ) M for all У e U.) It is now obvious from (7.4) and (7.7) that the fi-space E/N may algebraically be embedded into П°° E and that this embedding is xeX x continuous. Moreover, under this embedding, the closure of E/N in П°° E is an fi-function module with base space X and stalks Ex- xeX Further, the stronger axiom (FFM3) is automatically satisfied. Thus, we may state: 7.8 Proposition. Let E be a bundle p : E -* X and a continuous i : E/N -* Г(р). In addition, this every a e E there is an element u If E is a -ii-module and if X bundle p : E -* X is in fact a bundle (X)-module. Then there is a full and injeotive ii-morphism bundle has the property that for e E/N with i(u)(p(a)) = a. is oompletely regular, then this of Ti-spaoes. □ In order to present the whole space E as a space of sections, we need two things : Firstly, the mapping i : E/N -> Г(р) given in (7.8) should be open onto its image. Secondly, the subspace N с E should be trivial. Unfortunatly, the following example shows that it may happen that N = E, even if E is a Banach space and even if the base space X is compact: 7.9 Example. Let X [0,1] be the unit interval with its usual
69 topology and let E be the completion of C([O,1]) in the norm given by |||f HI = f |f (x) |dx . Then E is a C ( [0,1 ])-module and we have |||f >m||| < ||f|| - |||m||| for all f e C([0,1]) and all m e E. In this case, = E for all x e [0,1]. Indeed, let xQ e [0,1], let m e C([0,1]) с E and let e > 0. If we define 6 = ' we таУ find an element f e C([0,1 ]) such that 0 < f < 1, f(xq) - 0 and f(x) = 1 for all x with |x - x | > 6. Then the element f-m will belong to Nx and we have |||m - f-mm = |||(1 - f) .m||| 1 = J (1 - f(x)) •|m(x) | dx 0 S 2.M||m||| This yields m e N . As C([0,1]) is dense in E, we conclude that E = N . Suppose that our C(X)-module E may be represented as a C(X)-module of sections in a bundle p : E -* X. From (1.6.(x)) we then may deduce that E is locally C(X)-convex in the sense of the following defini- tion: 7.10 Definition. Let E be a (X)-module. (i) A subset A с E is called С(X)-convex, if for all m,n e A and all f e C^tX) with 0 < f <, 1 we have f-m + (1 - f) -n e A. (ii) The (X)-module E is said to be locally С(X)-convex, provided that 0 e E has a neighborhood base of С(X)-convex sets. □
70 Note that for every С(X)-convex subset A с E the convex and circled closed hull of A is also С(X)-convex. Hence E is locally C(X)-convex if and only if 0 has a neighborhood base of closed, convex and circled C(X)-convex subsets. If we pass to the gauge functions given by these sets, we obtain: 7.11 Proposition. A -module E is C(X)-convex if and only if the topology on E is induced by a family of seminorms (Vj) satis- j eJ fying the following condition If m,n e. E with Vj (m) , Vj (n) s 1 and if f e C^CX) with 0 s f < -| f then Vj (f ’Ш + (1 - f) >n) £ 1. □ Hence we are once again led to a closer look on seminorms in С(X)-modules. Let us start with two lemmata: 7.12 Lemma. Let E be С^(Х)-module and let v be a seminorm on E sa- tisfying v(f-m) < ||f ||-v(m) for all m e E and all f e C^tX). Then |f | < |g| implies v(f’in) < v(g>m) for all m e E, f,g e С (X). b Proof. Suppose that g(x) / 0 for all x e X. Then we may compute: v(f-m) = v(g-|>m) < ||||H (g-m) < v(g-m). The proof of the general case is a modification of this idea: Firstly, we may assume without loss of generality that X is compact. Let e > 0 and let A := {x : |g(x)| > e}. Then A is closed in X. For every x e A we define h(x) h : A -* IK is continuous and we h : X +Ж be an extension of h f (x) . := —clearly, the mapping have |h(x)| < 1 for all x e A. Let with |h| < 1. Then an easy calculation shows that ||h-g - f|| < 2-e. This implies v(f-m) < v((f - g-h) -m) + + v(h-g-m) < 2>e-v(m) + v(g-m). As e > 0 was arbitrary, we obtain v(f >m) < v(g-m). □
71 The next lemma is due to Bohnenblust and Kakutani (see [BK 41 ]) : 7.13 Lemma. Let v be a seminorm on C^tX) satisfying \>(f.g) < ||f|| -\>(g). If v(fvg) = max {v(f) ,v(g) } whenever fAg = 0, then we have v(fvg) = max {v (f) , v (g) } for all 0 < f,g e. C^fX) • Proof. Again, we may assume without loss of generality that X is compact. Let I = {f e С (X) : -j(f) = Oj.Then I is an ideal of C(X) and v induces a norm on C(X)/I. Moreover, C(X)/I is a vector lattice and we have |f + l| = |f| + I for all f e C(X). From (7.12) we conclude that v(f) = v(|f|). This implies the equation v(|f + I,) = = v(|f|) = v(f) = v(f + I). Hence the space С(X)/I is a normed vector lattice. Let (f + I) л (g + I) = 0 = (fAg) + I. Then fAg belongs to the ideal I. Substituting f and g by f - fAg and g - fAg resp., we may assume that fAg = 0. Using our hypothesis, we may compute: v((f + I)v(g +1)) = v(fvg) = max {v(f + I),v(g + I)} . Let E be the completion of C(X)/I in the norm v. Some standard arguments show that E still satisfies v(avb) = max {v(a),v(b)} whenever алЬ = 0. Now we deduce from [BK 41] the E is an abstract M-space, i.e. E satisfies the equation v(avb) = max {v(a),v(b)} for all a,b a 0. After these preparations it is easy to show (7.13): For all f,g e C^fX) with f,g > 0 we have v(fvg) = v(fvg + I) = = v((f + I)v(g + I)) = max {v(f + I) , v (g + I)} = max {v(f),v(g)}. □ The following result is due to several authors: The equivalence of (1), (2) and (5) may be found in [Ho 75]. R.A. Bowshell [Bo 75] showed that (3) and (5) are equivalent and raised the question whether (3) and (4) are the same. In the present form, the next proposition is once again due to H.Moller:
72 7.14 Proposition. Let E be a C^tX)-module and let v be a seminorm on E satisfying \>(f.m) < ||f|| .\>(m). Then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) If f e C^tX) with О < f < 1 and if m,n e E with v(m),v(n) <1 then we have also v(f*m + (1 - f) -n) < 1. (2) If О < f,g e. C^fX) an^ if m,n e E' t*ien we have v(f*m + g«n) < ||f + g||-max {v (m) , v (n) } . (3) If f,g e C^fX) with f.g = О and if m e E, then v( (f + g) .m) = max {v(f *m) ,v(g*m) }. (4) If О i f,g e. Cfc (X) and if m e E, then we have v((fvg)>m) = max {-j(f-m),v(g-m)}. (5) For every m t E the following equation is true: v(m) = sup {v(m + I.E) : I is a maximal closed ideal of Cb(X)}. If X is quasicompact, then these conditions are also equivalent to (5’) If m e E, then v(m) = sup {vX(mx) : x e X}. Proof. The implication (2) -* (1) is trivial. (1) -* (3): Assume that f.g = 0. Then we have |f + g| = |f| + |g| > i | f|. Thus (7.12) gives us the inequality v(f.m) < v((f + g) «m) , i.e. max {v(f»m),v(g«m) } < v((f + g) -m) . Conversely, suppose that v(f*m),v(g*m) < 1. We have to show that v((f + g)-m) < 1 + v(m)>e, where e > 0 is arbitrary. Thus, let e > 0 and let A = {x e X : f(x) = 0} and В = {x e X : | f (x) | > e}. Choose any continuous mapping h : X -> [0,1] with h(A) = {0} and h(B) = {1}. (Here we again made the assumption that X is compact, which is possible w.l.o.g.) Then we have || f - h f || < e and (1 - h) -g = g, because g(x) / 0 implies x e A and hence (1 - h)(x) = 1. We now conclude
73 v ( (f + g) -m) = \)(h-f-m + (1 - h)-g«m + (f - h .f) .m) < 'j(h-f-m + (1 - h) .g«m) + ||f - h-f || -\>(in) < 1 + v (m) • e. (3) -* (4): Let m e E. Define a seminorm v on С, (X) by у (f) : = m £> m v(f«m). Now apply (7.13) (4) -> (5),(5')s The maximal closed ideals of С, (X) correspond to the b maximal closed ideals of C(BX). Hence we may assume w.l.o.g. that X is quasicompact. In this case the maximal ideals of C^tX) are of the form I = {f e С(X) : f(x) = Oj.Thus, it is enough to prove (51) . Obviously, we have sup {yX(mx) : x e X} < v(m). Conversely, let e > 0 and assume that sup {yX(mx) : x e X} < v(m) - e. Applying (7.5), we find for every point x e X an open neighborhood V and a continuous function f : X -* [0,1] with f (V ) = {1} such X X X x that v(fx«m) < v(m) - e. As X is quasicompact, there is a finite number of point x.,...,x e X such that V и ... и V = X. As this n x1 xn implies f v ... v f = 1, we obtain from (4) the inequality X1 n v(m) = v((fx v ... v fx )-m) 1 n = max {v(f >m) : 1 < i < n} < v(m) - e a contradiction. (5),(5’) -* (2): Again, we may assume that X is compact and hence it is enough to show that (5')implies (2). Firstly, note that (f«m)x = f(x)-m by (7.6). This yields yX((f-m)x + (g-n)x) < < |f(x) + g(x)|-max {yX(mx),vX(nx)} whenever f(x), g(x) > 0. Now an easy calculation using (5') shows (2). □
74 If we combine (7.11) and (7.14), we obtain 7.15 Proposition. Let X be a quasicompact space and let E be a С(X)-module. If E is locally С (X) -convex, then N = n {Ix’E : x e = 0. Proof. The topology on E is induced by a family of seminorm (\>.) . _ which satisfy condition (1) of (7.14). Let m e N. Then mx = 0 for all x e X. Hence for all j e J and all x e X we have 'jX(m ) =0. From (7.14) we deduce that Vj(m) = 0 for all j e J, i.e. m = 0. □ We now come to a central result, which appears in different form already in the work of Nachbin (see [Na 59]). In the present form however, this theorem is due to K.H.Hofmann for Banach spaces and to H.Mbller in the general case: 7.16 Theorem. Let X be a quasicompact space and let E be a С(X)-module. Then E is locally С(X)-convex if and only if E is (topologically and algebraically isomorphic to) а С(X)-submodule of Г(р), where p : E -* X is a bundle. Moreover, if a e E , then there is an element a in (the image of) E such that a(p(a)) = a. If X is compact, then E is dense in Г(р). Hence, if E is complete, then E =: Г (p) . Proof. Every С(X)-submodule E of Г(р) is locally C(X)-convex by (1.6.(x)). The other direction follows from (7.8) and (7.15); the last statement is a consequence of the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.2). □ For С(X)-fi-modules, we deduce from (7.8) and (7.16) the following
75 7.17 Complement. Let E be an Qrspace which is at the same time a С(X)-module for a certain compact space X. Then E is a locally С (X) -convex С (X) - il-module if and only if E is (topologically and algebraically isomorphic to) a dense С (X) -submodule of the Q,-space Г(р), where p : E -* X is a bundle of 0,-spaces. □ Let us state some corollaries which will cover the most important cases: 7.18 Definition. A normed С(X)-module E is called locally С(X)-convex, if for all f e С, (X) with О < f < 1 and all m,n e E b with ||m|| , ||n|| < 1 we have ||f-m+ (1 - f)-n|| < 1. □ 7.19 Corollary. Let X be a compact space and let E be a Banach space which is а С(X)-module. Then E is locally С(X)-convex if and only if there is a bundle p : E -* X of Banach spaces such that E is isometrically isomorphic to Г(p). □ In section 14, notably (14.11), we shall see that (up to isomorphy) the bundle p : E -* X given in (7.19) is also unique. On the other hand, the space X may be to "large" for E in the sense that "many" stalks of the bundle p : E -* X are 0. This happens for instance, if we define a multiplication on E with elements of C(X) by f-m = = f(xQ)-m for a fixed xq e X. It is then easy to see that all the stalks of the bundle p : E -* X will be equal to 0, except for the stalk over xQ, which will be equal to E itself. Hence we may as well choose the smaller space {xQ} for a base space of the bundle p : E X without losing any information. This leads us to the following observations: 7.20 If E is any C^(X)-module, we define
76 ЕХ:= {f е С^(Х) : f .а = О for all a e E} It is clear that E1 is a closed ideal of С(X). If X is compact, then there is a closed subset А с X such that E1 = {f e C(X) : f=0} and С(X)/Е1 = C(A). Obviously, E is also a C(A)-module. Hence we may in all cases replace the compact space X by the smaller set A. 7.21 Definition. (i) A (X)-module E is called reduced if f-a = 0 for all a e E implies f = 0. (ii) A bundle p : t -> X is called reduced if {x e X : p (x) / 0} is dense in X. □ Applying (2.2) and (1.5.Ill) we obtain 7.22 Proposition. If X is completely regular and if p : E -* X is any bundle, then the C^tX)-module r(p) Is reduced if and only if the bundle p : E -* X is reduced. □ 7.23 Proposition. Let p : E -* X be a reduced bundle of Banach spaces over a completely regular base space X, then T_ : С (X) -> В ( Г (p) ) f -> Tf, Tf(a) = f-a is an isometry of Banach algebras. Proof. Applying (2.10) we obtain l|Tf II = sup { || f-ст II : II ст II s 1 } = sup sup { | f (x) | -Ц a(x) || : 11 ст 11 < 1 } xeX = sup sup { | f (x) | • 11 a 11 : || a || s 1, a e E } xeX , = sup {|f(x)| : x e X, p (x) / 0}
77 = Hfll as {x e X : p 1(x) / 0} is dense in X. □ 7.24 Corollary. If E is a Banach space Which is a reduced locally C(X)-convex С(X)-module for a certain compact space X, then the mapping f -> : C(X) -> B(E) is an isometry of Banach algebras. □ We conclude this section with some examples: 7.25 Let E be a Banach algebra. Recall that the centroid Z^(E) °f E is the set of all bounded continuous operators T : E -> E satis- fying a«T(b) = T(a-b) = T(a) «b for all a,b e E. If T belongs to the centroid, then T1 = {a e E : T(a) = 0} is always a closed ideal. Now let p : E + X be a reduced bundle of Banach algebras. It is easy to verify that for f e C^tX) the mapping a + f»a : Г(р) + Г(р) be- longs to the centroid of Г(р). We shall abreviate this fact by writing Cb(X) c Z (Г(p)). Conversely, if the Banach algebra E is a reduced С^(X)-module, then С, (X) c Z„(E) implies that E is а С, (X)-П-module. bn b As in a C*-algebra every closed ideal is a *-ideal, we can state: 7.26 Corollary. Let X be a compact space and let E be a Banach algebra (C*-algebra) which is at the same time a reduced С(X)-module. Then the following statements are equivalent: (i) E is locally C(X)-convex and C(X) c Z (E) . (ii) There is a bundle p : E + X of Banach algebras (C*-algebras) such that E is isometrically isomorphic to Г(р) □
78 As a matter of fact, for C*-algebras the inclusion C(X) c Z^(E) implies that E is locally C(X)-convex (see section 14). 7.27 Let E be a Banach lattice and let S,T : E + E be bounded linear operators. We say that S < T if S(a) < T(a) for all 0 < a e E. The center of E is defined to be the set Z^(E) := {T e В (E) : -r>Id < T < r-Id for some r £ ]R} . It is known that Z^(E) is as an ordered vector space and as an algebra overJR isometrically isomorphic to C(Y), where Y is a compact space (see [Wi 71],[FGK 78]). Moreover, for all T e Z^(E) and all a e E we have |T(a)| - |т|(|а|) (this follows immediately from theorem (2.2) in [FGK 78]). Especially, all positive elements 0 < T e Z^(E) are lattice homomorphisms. Hence the equivalences T (a) = 0 iff | T (a) | = 0 iff | T | ( | a |) = 0 if f | |T | (a) | = 0 iff |T|(a) = 0 show that ker T is an ideal of E for every T e Z^(E)• Now let p : E + X be a reduced bundle of Banach lattices. Some straightforward arguments show that in this case we have Cb(X) c Z (Г(р) ) , i.e. the operator a + f-a : Г(р) -> Г(р) belongs to Z (E) for every feC.(X). U D Conversely, if E is a Banach lattice which is a reduced (X)-module, then the above arguments show that С^(Х) c Z^(E) implies that f1 is an ideal of E for every f e C^tX)• Thus, we have the following analog to (7.26): 7.28 Corollary. Let X be a compact space and let E be a Banach lattice which also is a reduced С(X)-module. The following statements are equivalent: (i) E is locally C(X)-convex and C(X) c Z^(E).
79 (ii) There is a bundle p : E + X of Banach lattices such that E is isometrically isomorphic to the Banach lattice Ftp). □ Problem. Is there a general notion of "center" for ^-spaces in general? If so, can this center be described in the form C^tPrim E), where Prim E is a set of "primitive" Q-ideals of E carrying the hull-kernel topology? (If E is a Banach algebra or a Banach lattice, see [DH 68] and [FGK 78], for a "topological" version of this problem see section 14.)
8. С(X)-submodules of Г(р) Let us suppose that F is a closed submodule of r(p), where p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces over a compact base space X. Then, of course, F is a locally C(X)-convex C(X)-module, too, and therefore F may be represented as the Banach space of all sections in a bundle p' : E' -> X. We shall see that E' may be identified with a certain subset of E and we shall give some characterizations of the subsets of E obtained in this way. In the beginning of this section we return again to bundles of fi-spaces with certain families of seminorms: 8 .1 Definition. Let т : I + B be a type and let p : E -> X be a bundle of fi-spaces of type т with family of seminorms (Vj)jeJ. A subset F c E is called a ii-subbundle if (i) p 1(x) n F is a (non-empty) fi-subspace of Ex for every x е X (ii) Given a e F, j e J and e > 0, there is a neighborhood U of p(a) and a section a e Гу(р) such that a (x) e F for all x e U and such that Vj(a(p(a)) - a) < e. A subbundle F is called stalkwise closed, if p (x) n F is closed in Ex for every x e X. □ A large part of the following proposition follows immediatly from the definitions: 8 .2 Proposition. Let p : E -> X be a bundle of ^-spaces with family of seminorms (v.) If E c E is a ti-subbundle, then the
81 restriction P/F : F -+X is a bundle of Qrspaoes itself having ь /,_) £j as a family of seminorms, when we equip F with the Qrstruoture and the topology inherit from E- Especially, the restriotion of p to F is still open. Proof. The only interesting point to prove is the following: If 0 c F is open in F, then 0 is a union of tubes, i.e. we have to verify axiom (1.5. II). Let us start with an open set 0 c F- Then we may find an open set 0'с £ such that 0=0’ nF. Pick any a e 0. Then we may find an open neighborhood of p(a), an index j e j, a real number e > 0 and a local section a : + E such that Vj(a(p(a)) ~ a) < e and such that {В e E : Vj ( 6 - a(p( 6) ) ) < e and p(g) e U1 } c O'. Let 6 = -i ( e - v . ( a(p(a)) - a) ) . * J By ( 8.1 (ii)) there is an open neighborhood of p(a) and a con- tinuous section P : E such that Pft^) c F and v (p(p(a)) - a) < < 5. Obviously we have v (p(p(a)) - a(p(a))) < e - 6. Hence there is an open neighborhood U c n Uj of p(a) such that vj(P(x) - о(x)) < e - 6 for all x e U. Moreover, using the triangle inequality we obtain v (B - a(p(B))) < e whenever p(B) e U and v^(g - p (p ( B)) ) < 6. This yields a e {g e F : p(B) e U and v (В - p (p (B) ) ) < 5} c 0- □ The next result is a trivial remark following from the definitions: 8.3 Proposition. If p : E X is a bundle of il-spaoes and if F c E is an it-subbundle, then и cl (E n F) is a stalkwise olosed xeX x £2 -subbundle, where cl(Ex n F) denotes the closure of Ex n F in E • □ x
82 We now discuss the connection between subbundles of p : E + X and С(X)-submodules of r(p)- First of all, we should remark that a considerations of the Q-structure makes only sense if r(p) is a fi-space and this is only guaranteed if the base space is quasi- compact. This explains the somehow technical postulates in the following proposition: 8.4 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle of ^-spaces and assume furthermore that r(p) Is algebraically an 0,-subspaee of the cartesian product п E „ x xeX (i) If F с E is an Qrsubbundle, then and а С^(Х)-submodule of Г(р) • r(p,r) an Q-subspaee (ii) Converselyif F c Ftp) is an Ct-subspace, then и e (F) xeX X is an ft-subbundle of E. □ Of course, even if we restrict ourselves to С(X)-submodules, there is no reason to believe that this last proposition sets up a one-to-one correspondence between all fi-subbundles of E and all fi-subspaces and (X)-submodules of F(p). For instance, all Cj.(X)-sub- modules of F(p) of the form r(P/p), F с E a subbundle, are fully additive in the sense of (4.1). However, the following example shows that even for trivial bundles with discrete base space and stalk 1R we can find a (X)-submodule of r(p) which is not fully additive: 8.5 Example. Let X be any infinite, non-countable set, equipped with the discrete topology, let E - X xIR and let p : E + X be the first projection. Then r(p) consists of all bounded mappings from X into 1R. Moreover, if F c F(p) is a fully additive C^CX)-sub- module, then
83 a 1 (0) . F = {a e Г(р) : a/M = 0} where M = n aeF Indeed, the inclusion F c {a e Conversely F(p) : =0} holds trivially. let x e X \ M. Then there is 0 and suppose that = an element т e F such that т(x) / 0. j. . . a (x) , . . uous function ——\ *x i where v (x) - т (x) лх лх Multiplying т with the contin- 1 and x (y) = 0 for x / y, we (x) = a(x) and тх(у) = 0 for obtain an element т e F such that т x x x / у. Clearly, the family (t ) is locally finite and X X a = l т . This proves that a x£X\M x e F, as F is fully additive. Now let Fc := {a e Ftp) : a ( JR \ {0}) is countable}. Then Fc is a closed С(X)-submodule of F(p).As n a (0) = 0 and as F / F(p) aeF Fc is not fully additive. 8.6 Theorem. be a bundle of ii-spaces and assume that one of the following two conditions is satisfied: or Then The The base space X base space X of Banach spaces the following statements is compact. is paracompact, p : £ -> X and F(p) is an fi-subspace of a bundle xeX are true: Let p : E X (a) If F c £ is a stalkwise closed Q,-subbundle, then F(p, ) is a fully additive closed ti-submodule of Г(p). (b) If F с Г(p) is a fully additive closed ti-submodule of Г(p), then и cl(e (F) ) =: E is a stalkwise closed ii-subbundle of xeX X F E. Moreover, the all stalkwise mapping F -> Г (Рд) is a closed il-subbundles and bijection between the set of the set of all fully additive closed il-submodules of Г (p) . The inverse of this mapping is given by F E . £
84 Proof. From the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.2) (or (4.3) resp.) we conclude that F is dense in p(p )• As F is closed in r(p), we /eF obtain equality. Conversely, by the definitions we have ) c Ex n F, an^ tEie smaller set is dense in the larger one. As by assumption p was stalk- wise closed, we obtain equality in this case, too. □ 8.7 Remarks, (i) If X is compact, then we do not have to postulate that F is fully additive: In this case, every С(X)-submodule of Г(р) is fully additive. (ii) If all stalks of the bundle p : E + X are complete and if the bundle has a countable family of seminorms (v.). ,, then e (F) is J jeJ x automatically closed in Ex, provided that F is a closed and fully additive (X)-submodule of Г(p). Hence, under these conditions, we may set E = и e (F). £ ,, X xeX (Indeed, from As the bundle a e cl(ex(F)) ( 8.6) we know that F = Г(p, ), where E_ = и /EF F xeX cl(exF). p/ep : we may E_ X is full by (2.9) , for a given г find a a e F such that a(p(a)) = a, i.e. ex(F) = cl(ex(F)). ) As in section 3 we may virtually "weaken" the notion of subbundles in certain situations. We shall do this in the following proposition, which is an immediate consequence of (3.2): 8.8 Proposition. Let p : E X be a bundle of El-spaoes and suppose that one of the following two properties are satisfied: (a) p : E X is a bundle of Banach spaces and X is locally paracompact. (b) p : E + X has a locally countable family of seminorms (v.). , all stalks are semicomplete and the base space 3 3 X is locally compact.
85 Then ? c E is a stalkwise closed il-subbundle if and only if (i) (ii) F n Ex is a closed ft-subspace of for every x e X. The restriction P/F =F + X is still open. □ Thus, if we restrict ourselves to bundles of Banach spaces with a compact base space X, we are lead to a study of those "distributions" of closed subspaces (F ) of the stalks such that the restriction X X of the projection p : E + X to и F is still open. We shall xeX x return to a further discussion of this topic in section 15.
9. Quotients of bundles and С(X)-modules In the same way we can form quotients of a single topological vector space, we may form quotients of bundles of vector spaces. As one might expect, these quotients a closely related to quotient maps between the corresponding C(X)-modules of sections. Let p : E + X be a fixed bundle of ^-spaces with seminorms (v.) 1 J and let F с E be a stalkwise closed subbundle. This time we do not require that F n Ex is an fi-subspace of Ex, but we postulate that F n Ex is an fi-ideal of Ex- Let us agree to call such a subbundle a stalkwise Fl-ideal. A straightforeward proof shows: 9.1 Proposition. If the subbundle F с E is a stalkwise Fl-ideal and if Ftp) is an Fl-subspace of the cartesian product of the stalks, then r(P/p) is an Fl-ideal of Г(р)- □ Hence we may form the quotient Г(р)/Г(Р/р)- It is fairly easy to see that Г(р)/Г(Р/р) is a topological fi-space and a locally C(X)-con- vex C(X)-module if we define f-(a + r(P/F)) := f«a + r(P/f) for а11 о e Г(р), f e Cb(X). It is less obvious to see that Г(р)/Г(Р/р) is even a (X)-fi-module in the sense of (7.1), and we shall for the moment accept this fact without proof. Hence, applying (7.16) and (7.17), we are led to the conclusion that, at least for compact base spaces X, the quotient Г(р)/Г(р/р) may be represented as the fi-space of all sections in a suitable bundle of fi-spaces q : E' + X. As this idea works only for
87 compact base spaces and does not tell very much about the relation- ship between the bundles E, F and E', we shall turn our attention to another aspect which will yield the above facts automatically. 9.2 Again, let p : E + X be a bundle of ^-spaces and let FEE be a subbundle which is stalkwise a closed ideal. We define an equivalence relation e on E by setting (a, 6) e 0p iff p(a) = P(B) and a - 6 e F. Let E/F :- E/g^ and let Яр : E + E/F be the quotient map. We equip E/F with the quotient topology. There is more structure we can add to E/F: First of all, note that 0^. c ker p. Hence there is a mapping Pp : E/F -> X such that p = р^оЛр, i.e. the diagram KF E -2 E/F pl 4- pF X X idx commutes. By definition of the topology on E/F, the mapping p^ is continuous. As p./ (x) = E /(F n E ) for every x e X, the stalks of p_ : E/F + X carry an unique Q-space structure so, that Яр : E -> E/F induces stalkwise a homomorphism of fi-spaces (see (6.3)). Hence PF : E/F -> X is a fibred fi-space. Finally, we define a family (\Л)• , of seminorms on E/F by 3 led Vj(a’) := inf (B) • В e (cc’ ) } for all a' e E/F, i.e. v? is stalkwise the quotient seminorm of v- modulo F- Of course, we now wish to show that p^ : E/F -> X is a bundle of
88 Q-spaces with seminorms and that r(Pj-) contains г(р)/Г(Р/р) as an Q-subspace (which then will yield a proof for the fact that Г(р)/Г(Р/р) is an Cb (X) - Q-module) . We shall split the proof into a number a small steps: 9.3 If и c X is open and if a : U + E is a local section, then the mapping : a -> a + a(p(a)) : P 1 (U) + p 1 (U) is a homeomorphism. (This observation is already contained in the proof of (5.7)) . 9.4 The mapping л^- : E + E/F is open. (Let 0 с E be open. We have to show that Лр1(лр(0)) is open. We claim that л^.1 ( л^_ ((?) ) = {a: p ( a) = p ( 8) and a - 6 e F for some 3 e (7} = {a: there is an open neighborhood V c p ((?) of p (a) and a local section a : v + F such that a e т (0 n p~1 (v) ) }. Indeed, if a is contained in the latter set, then a = 8 + a(p(a)) where a e Гу(р^р). As 8 e 0 and as a - В = a(p(a)) e F, we obtain a e Яр1 (тТр(О) ) . Conversely, let a e ttjJ (л^. ((?) ) . We have to find an open neighborhood V c p(0) of p(a) and a local section a : V -> E such that a = a(p(a)) + 8 for a certain 8 e <?• Firstly, choose a 8' e 0 such that p(a) = p(8') and a - 8' e F. Then select an element j e J and an e > 0 such that {y : p(y) = p(a) and (y - 8') < e} c 0. By the definition of subbundles there is an open neighborhood V c p((?) of p(a) and a local section a : V + F such that Vj(a - 8' ~ a(p(a))) < e- Let 8 = a - a(p(a)). Then 8 e as desired. Now we conclude that Лр1 (Лр (0) ) = и {Тст((7 n p~1 (v) ) : V c p(fl) open, a e Гу(Р/р)}
89 and this set is open by ( 9.3) . ) 9.5 The mappings add : (E/F) v(E/F> + Е/F seal : IKx(E/F) + Е/ F О : X - e/F as well as the additional mappings т (i) f± •• V (E/F) + E/F iel are continuous. (As all the proofs are similar, we show only the continuity of the т (i) mappings f± : V (E/F) -> E/F. Firstly, note that the mapping •’ E -> E/F induces a mapping т(i) т (i) т (i) V TTF : V E - V (E/F) Ц,...,^!)) -> (KF(ai) ,...,TTF(aT(i))) • r(i) t(i) By the definition of the topologies on V E and V (E/F) resp., which is essentially the product topology, and by ( .4), the т (i) mapping V л is surjective, continuous and open, whence a quotient “ F т (i) map. As the mapping f : V E E is continuous, the assertion now follows from the commutativity of the diagram т (i) т (i) V E V^r , .. F t(i) - V (E/F) f + 1 f± E - E/F ) KF 9 .6 Given a' e E/F, j e J and e > 0, there is an open neighbor- hood U of pF(a') and a continuous section o' : U E/F such that vj(o' (PF(a') - a' )) < e.
90 (Let а е к (а1) . Then we may find an open neighborhood U of p(a) = = pp(a') and a continuous section a e F^tp) such that \л(а(р(а)) - а) Define o' := Then o' has the desired properties. ) е. As F is stalkwise closed, (1.5.IV) and (1.6(viii)) imply 9.7 If a e E/F, then а = 0 if and only if v(a) =0 for all j e J It remains to check axiom (1.5. II), i.e. we have to show that the tubes form a base for the topology on E/F: 9.8 If O' c Е/f is open and if a' e (?' , then we can find an open set U c X, a continuous section а' : U E/F, a j e J and a real number e > 0 such that the tube T(U,o',e,j) is open and satisfies a' e {8' e E/F : p (6') e U and (а' (p( B') - 6') < e} c O' -1 -1 (Let ae Яр (а') с л ((?') =• 0. Then there is an open set U c x, a section а e Г^(р) , a jej and an e > 0 such that a e {g e E : p(8) e U and v (o(p(B)) - 8) < e} c 0. Let o' := iTpoa. As usual, we abbreviate T(U,a,e,j) = {g e E : p(g) e U and v (a(p(g)) - g) < e} and T(u,a> , e, j) = { g ’ e E/F : p F ( g ’ ) e U and (о' (Р(_ ( g' ) ) - g' ) < e } The proof of (9.8) will be complete if we can show that к (T(U,a,e,j)) =T(U,a',e,j) as then we can conclude that a' e T(U,a',e,j) c O'- Moreover, the set T(U,a',e,j) will be open, as the mapping is open. The inclusion Яр(т(u,o,e,j)) c T(U,a',e,j) is easy to see, as by
91 definition we have v^ (o'(pp (lip ( В) ) ) — iTp(g)) = Vj (тг F ( a (p ( g) ) -&)) < <Vj(a(p(g)) - g) . Conversely, let g' e T(U,a' ,e,j). Then we know that Vj(a'(Pp(g')) - - g')< e. Hence there is an element у e Яр1(a'(Pp(g')) - g') such that Vj(y) < e. Define g = a(p(y)) - y- Then g belongs to T(U,a,e,j) and Kj-(g) = g', i.e. g' e Лр(T(u,a,e,j)) . ) 9.9 The mapping Пр : Г(р) r(pF) a + is a continuous homomorphism of (X)-modules and ^-spaces. Moreover ker nF = r(P/f)• (We only have to prove the continuity of Пр. But this follows imme- diately from (Пр(a)) < Oj(a). ) 9.10 If X is compact or if X is paracompact and if p : E + X is a bundle of normed spaces, then we have (Пр(а)) = inf (а + p) : p e Г(р^р)}. Especially, in both cases, the mapping Пр is open onto its image. (It is easy to check that we always have (Пр(а)) < inf {9j(а + p) : p e r(p/F)}. Conversely, let M = О^(Пр(а)) and let e > 0. Then for every x e X we have и^(Пр(а)(х)) = v j (iTp (a (x) )) < M + e. Hence there is a certain a e F n E such that v.(a(x) + a) < M + e. Let 6 := M + e - Vj(a(x) + a). By the definition of subbundles, there is a local section px : U + F such that v.(a - p (p(a))) < 6; using (2.2) we may assume that
92 р е Г(р/Г) is a global section. As v.(a(x) + p (x) ) < M + e, there x / r j x is an open neighborhood Ux of x such that \>^(р(у) + px(y)) < M + e for all у e Ux. We now follow the path we have walked several times before; By passing to a refinement if necessary, we may assume that the covering (U ) v is locally finite. Take a partition of unity (f ) v subordinate to (U ) . Now define p := I fx’px x eX As the family (f «p ) is locally finite, p maps X into F and is a continuous selection. Moreover, p is bounded: This follows trivial- ly in the case where the base space X is compact. If p : E + X is a bundle of normed spaces, then the family of seminorms consists of one element only, namely . Hence we only have to show that the mapping x + Vj(p(x)) : X + His bounded. But this follows easily from the triangle inequality and the following v.(a(y) + p(y)) < У f v (y) v( a (y) + p_,(y)) 3 xeX x 3 x < У f (у) • (м + e) x eX = M + e, as we have either у e Ux and then v..(p(y) + px(y)) < M + e or we have у | Ux in which case fx(y) - 0. Hence in both cases, p will be a continuous section p : X + F. Moreover, the above argument shows that + p) < M + e. This yields the inequality inf {*0^ (о + p) : p e Г(Р/р)} < 0^(Пр(а)) + e- As e > 0 was arbitrary, the proof is complete. ) From the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.2) we conclude: 9.11 Under the hypothesis of ( 9 .10), the image of Up is dense in
93 Г(Р F) • 9.12 If the bundle p : Е + X satisfies the assumptions of ( 9.10) and if in addition all stalks of the bundle are complete and if the family of seminorms is countable, then the mapping Пр : Г(р) -»• Г(Рр) is surjective. (We already know that П (r(p)) is dense in r(Pp) is topologically and algebraically isomorphic to and that Пр(Г(р)) Г(р)/Г(Р, J • More- over, by assumption and (1.10), r(p) is complete and metric. As the quotient of a complete metric space is again complete, r(p)/r(p and therefore Пр(Г(р)) are complete. This yields Пр(г(р)) = Г(Рр)-) We collect all these partial results in a theorem: 9.13 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Ft-spaces with seminorms tv.) . . Moreover, let F E be a stalkwise closed subbundle, which 3 JeJ is stalkwise an Pl-ideal. Then pp : E/F -> X is a bundle of Pl-spaces, where E/F carries the quotient topology and the quotient structure of Pl-spaces. If Яр : E -> E/F is the quotient map, then Пр : Г(р) - Г(рр) о Кр»а is a continuous homomorphism with kernel r(p If X is oompact then Up is open onto its image and the image of Up is dense. Finally, if all stalks of E are complete and if the family of semi- norms is countable, then Пр □ is surjective. 9.14 Theorem. Let p : E -> X be a bundle of Banach spaces over a
94 paracompact base space and let F с E be a stalkwise closed subbundle. If we equip the stalkwise quotient E/F with the quotient topology, the quotient structure and the quotient norm, then we obtain a bundle of Banach spaces p^. s E/F -> X. Moreover, the quotient space Г(р)/Г(р/р) is canonically isomorphic and isometric to Г(рр). □

10. Morphisms between bundles. Having discussed subobjects and quotients, we should also make some remarks on morphisms between bundles in general. As everybody would expect by now, these morphisms will be closely related with homo- morphisms between the corresponding spaces of sections. 10.1 Definition. (i) Let E and F be fi-spaces which are at the same time (X)-modules. A linear map T : E + F is called a Cb (X) -il-morphism, if T is a homomorphism of fi-spaces also preserving the С, (X)-module structure, b (ii) Let p : E + X and q : F -> X be bundles of ^-spaces of the same type т and with seminorms (v.) . _ and (ц, ), resp. A mapping J J eJ к к ex\ A : E + F is called a morphism of Ц-bundles, if a) X is continuous. b) p = qoX, i.e. X preserves stalks. с) X, -1 , . : p (x) + q (x) is a homomorphism of fi-spaces. /Р Iх) d) For every k e К there are elements j e J and О < M e 1R such that v-(a) < M implies pk(X(a)) < 1. □ The property d) in some sense says that the family (X , -1 ) v has /p kXJ X^A to be "equicontinuous". We shall illustrate this statement in example ( 10. 20) . From the point of view of "equicontinuity" it is not suprising that property d) holds automatically if X is compact: 10.2 Proposition. If p : E -> X and q : F -+ X are bundles with oompaot base space X and seminorms (v.). _ and J J X : E + F is any map, then the properties (a) , (Uk'keK г<33Рч and (b) and (c) of (10.1) imply property (d).
96 Proof. Let к e К be any index. Then {g e F : Uj, ( < 1 } is open in F- As X is continuous, the set () := X 1 ( {£3 e F : ( B) < 1 }) is open in E and contains the 0 of Ex for every x e X. Hence, for each x e X we may find an open neighborhood Ux of x, an ex >0 and an element j e J such that {a e E : pfa) e U and v. (a) < ex} c 0. Now the x -^x compactness of X yields finitely many points x^,...,xn e X such that и и ... и U = X. Let M = min {e ,...,e } and let j £ J be 1 n 1 n any element such that j < j for all 1 < i < n. Then we obtain -V {a e E : v.(a) < M} с X (()). This of course implies ц. (X (a) ) < 1 1 x We now enter the discussion of the connection between С, (X)-fi-module b morphisms and morphisms between bundles of fi-spaces. The next propo- sition is straightforward: 10.3 Proposition. Let p : E * X and q : F + X be bundles of il-spaees and assume that Г(р) and T(q) are il-subspaees of the resp. cartesian product of their stalks. If X : E * F is a morphism between bundles of Q-spaoeSj then T, : Г(р) + F(q) defined by Л T,(a)(x) = X(a(x)) a e Г(р), x e X Л is a continuous С^(Х)-il-module homomorphism. □ The following example shows that a converse of (10.3) does not always hold: 10 .4 Example. Let cq be the Banach space of all convergent se- quences in IK with limit 0, equipped with the supremum norm. As we know from (5.15), we may identify cQ with the space Г(р), where
97 р : Е +N is a bundle of Banach spaces whose stalks are all isomor- phic to IK and where IN carries the cofinal topology. As every continuous f : IN -> IK is constant, every bounded linear operator T : cQ + cq is a Cb( В ) - module homomorphism. Especially, the shift S : cq -> cq, S((un)neN) = s(<un+1)neN) is a cON)-module homo- morphism, which is not induced by a bundle morphism. This example shows that the operator T has at least to leave the subspaces Nx invariant in order to be induced by a bundle morphism: 10.5 Proposition. Let p : E + X and q : F + X be bundles of il-spaces and assume that r(p) and r(q) are ft-subspaces of the direct produot of their stalks. Moreover, assume that p : E -+ X is a full bundle and that for every x e X the evaluation map ex : Г(р) -+ p (x) is a quotient map in the sense that (a) = inf {Oj(a) : a e Г(р), a(p(a)) = a}, where denotes any of the seminorms belonging to the bundle p : E + X. If T : Ftp) -> Г (q) is a continuous morphism between ^-spaces such that T({a e Г(р) : a(x) = 0}) c {p e r(q) : p (x) = 0}, then there is a morphism of bundles of 0,-spaces \ : E -* F such that T = T . Л Especially, T is a -module homomorphism. Proof. As r(p) is a full bundle, the evaluation map ex : r(p) ->-p\x) is surjective. If we denote the evaluation map r(q) + q (x) with e , too (and hope that this will confuse nobody), then the assumption that T maps {a e r(p) : a(x) = 0} into {p e r(q) : p(x) = 0} is equivalent to ker ex <= ker(ex°T). Applying (6.2), (6.3) and (6.4), we
98 find an fi-morphism Xx -1 -1 p (x) + q (x) such that Xx»ex ex oT. T r(p) r(g) -1 , x P (x) + q (x) We now define A : E + F by X(a) ^p(a) (a). Then, by construction, (b) and (c) of (10.1 (ii)) are satisfied. Clearly, we have T(a)(x) = = (e ° T) (a) = (X ° e ) (a) = X (a(x)) - X(a(x)), i.e. T = T. It re- X X X X Л mains to check that X has the properties (a) and (d) of (10.1(ii)). Let (v.) . _ and (u, ), .. be the seminorms of p : E + X and q : F + X, J J € J К KeK respectively. As T : Ftp) + F(q) is continuous, for every к e К there is an M > 0 and an j e J such that 0. (a) < M implies fi, (T(a) ) < 1. Now let 1 K a e E be such that v . (a) < M. As the evaluation таре : Г (p) * p (p(a)) 1 x is a quotient map in the sense that Vj(B) = inf {0^ (a) : a(p(B)) =6}» we can find a section a e Г(р) such that О^(а) < M and a(p(a)) = a. By the choice of j and M this implies fi^(T(a) ) < 1 and especially Uk(X(a)) = uk(T(a) (p(a))) < 1. This shows (d) of (10.1. (ii)). Finally, we show that X : E + F is continuous: Let a e E and let 0 be any open neighborhood of X(a). As the bundle p : E -> X is full, there is a section a e Г(р) such that a(p(a)) = a. Hence T(a) is а continuous section of q : F -»• X passing through X (a) . Therefore, by (1.6(vii)), there is an open neighborhood U of p(a) = q(X(a)), an e > 0 and an к e К such that {6 e F : q(B) e U and (T(a)(p(6)) - 6) < el c 0. As in the proof of (d) , we pick M > 0 and j e J such that 0^ (p) < M
99 implies (T(p)) < 1. We claim that the open set {В e E : p(g) e U and ( g - a(p(g))) < M-e} is contained in X ^ ((?) and thus A is continuous at a: Assume that p ( в) e U and Vj ( В - a(p(B))) < M»e. By our assumptions, we can find a section т e Г(р) such that т(p(В)) = В ” a(p(g)) and Vj (T) < M - e. This implies Ck(T (т + a) - T (a) ) = flk(T(t)) < 1 • e = e. Especially, evaluating this inequality at p(B)» we obtain Ук (A ( В) ” T(a)(p(B))) < e» i.e. X (a) c 0. □ Let us recall from (2.5) that the evaluation maps ex : r(p) + p1(p(x)) are automatically quotient maps in the sense of (10 .5), if the base space X is completely regular and if the bundle p : E + X is full. Moreover, we may apply (2.9) to obtain the fullness of p : E + X in certain cases. In these cases we would only have to check whether T({a e Г(р) : a(x) = О}) c {a e T(q) : a(x) = 0}. But if X is completely regular and if T is a C(X)-module homomorphism, this is always true: 10 .6 Proposition. Let p : E -* X and q : F + X be bundles with a completely regular base space X and let T : Г(р) -> F(q) be a continuous С^(Х)-module homomorphism- If a e Г(р) is a section, then a(x) = 0 implies T(a)(x) = 0. Proof. By (2.11) it is enough to consider sections of the form f>a, where f e С^(Х) and f(x) = 0. But in this case we have ob- viuously T(f-a)(x) = (f»T(a)) (x) = f (x) • (T (a) (x)) = 0. □ Hence, for bundles with a completely regular base space, we have the following corollary:
100 10 .7 Corollary. Let p ;E + x and q : F + X be bundles of c—spaces having a completely regular base space X. Suppose in addition that Г(р) and F(q) are Qr-spaees (which holds automatically, if X is com- pact). If T : Г(р) -+ F(q) is a continuous C^tX) - fl- module homomor- phism, then each of the following conditions implies that T is of the form T , where X : Aip T do .5) .• E + F the morphism of Qrbundles constructed in (1) The bundle p : E + X is full. (2) The bundle p : E + X has a locally countable family of semi- norms and all stalks (p (x)) are complete. X Moreover, in these eases the assignment X -> T is a big ection be- A tween all 0,-bundle morphisms from E into F and all continuous С^(Х)-0,-module homomorphisms from r(p) into r(q) with inverse T - xT. Proof. It remains to show that cases (1) and (2) the bundle p : a e Г(р) such that a(p(a)) = a. X = X: Let a e E. As in both TX E + X is full, there is a section Then an easy calculations gives A(TJ Л A(TJ Л (a) = = X. A jT j (a(p(a))) □ = T (a)(p(a)) Л (X’a)(p(a)) = X(a), i.e. Applying ( 10.7) to isomorphisms T : r(p) -»• r(q) only, we get an answer to the question to what extent the space of all sections determines the bundle up to isomorphy: 10 .8 Definition. Two bundles p : E + X and q : F + X of fi-spaces are called isomorphic, if there is a bijection x : E + F such that X and X 1 are morphisms of fi-bundles. □ Clearly, every isomorphism of bundles if a homeomorphism. Conversely
101 for bundles with compact base space we have: 10.9 Proposition. Let p : E -F x and q : F + X be bundles of il-spaces with compact base space X. Then a mapping \ ; E + F "i-8 an isomorphism if Srbundles if and only if (1) X is a homeomorphism. (2) X preserves stalks and X is stalkwise a homomorphism of Qrspaoes. Q 10.10 Proposition. Let p : E -»• X and q : F + X be bundles of ii-spaces and assume that Ftp) and F(q) are Q-spaces, If the bundles E and F are isomorphic, then so are the C^tX) -Prmodules p(p) F(q). The converse holds, provided that p : E->-X and q : F -+X are full bundles and provided that X is completely regular. In particular, this is the case if Г(p) and Г(p) are complete metric spaces and if X is completely regular. Proof. It is only the converse which requires a proof. Let us assume that Ftp) and r(q) are complete metric spaces. Then all quotients of Ftp) and F(q) are complete, too. From (2.6) we know that the evaluation maps ex : F(p) + p (x) and ex : r(q) + q 1(x) are quotient maps onto their images and hence the images are complete. As these images are also dense in the stalks, we conclude that the evaluation maps are surjections. Thus, the bundles p : E + x and q : F -> X are full. Now apply (10 .7) to complete the proof. □ As a corollary we obtain the uniqueness of the bundle representing locally C(X)-convex С(X)-modules constructed in section 7: 10.11 Corollary. Let E be a complete metrizable locally C^tX)-con-
102 convex С (X) -Q-module, where X is a compact space. Then, up to isomorphy, there is an unique bundle p : E + X of Q-spaces such that E is isomorphic to Г(p). □ Of course, all these results apply to bundles of Banach spaces. But dealing with Banach spaces, we always have to worry about the pre- servation of the norms, and this is what we shall do in the follow- ing remarks: 10.12 Definition. Let p : E + X and q : F + X be bundles of Banach spaces and let X : E + F be a bundle morphism. We define II A II = sup { || Ap-1 (x) || : x e X}. □ Note that by definition the maps X /Р 1 (x) p 1 (x) -> q 1 (x) are bounded linear maps and that by (10.1(ii), property (d)) the number || X || is finite. 10.13 Proposition. Let p : E + X and q : F -> X be bundles of Banaoh spaces and let X : E + F be a bundle morphism. Then l|T.|| ||X||. Л If all the evaluation maps : Г (p) -> p \x) are quotient maps of Banach spaces, then we have equality. This is especially the case if the base space X is completely regular. Proof. Let us compute: For all a e Г(р) we have ||ТЛ (a) || = sup { ||TA (a) (x) || : x e x} = sup { || X (a (x) ) 11 : x e X} < sup { || x/p-1 (x) II • 11 a (x) 11 : x e X}
103 s Цх|| • INI , whence ||TA|| < || A || - Conversely, assume that the evaluation map ex : Г(р) -* p \x) is a quotient map of Banach spaces. Then for every bounded linear map S : p 1 (x) + F into an arbitrary Banach space F we have ||S || = = ||S»e || . Applying this to the equation e oT = X , -1 , . оe , we x x/p^xjx obtain the inequality II A/p“1 (x) II II A/p“1 (x) °ex II = l|ex°T|| * llexll'llTll s l|T|| • This yields ||x|| < ||T|| . □ 10.14 Definition. Let p : E + X and q : F + X be bundles of Banach spaces and let X : E + F be a morphism of bundles. If ^/p-1 (X) s P 1 (x) -> q 1 (x) is an isometry for each x e X, then x is called on isometry of bundles. If in addition X is a bijection, then X is called an isometrical isomorphism of bundles. Q In this definition we do not require an isometrical isomorphism to be open. But using axiom (1.5.II) it is very easy to show that this is always the case. Hence we have 10'. 15 Proposition. Let p ; E + X and q : F + X be bundles of Banaoh spaces. Then every isometrioal isomorphism is an isomorphism in the sense of (10 .8). If X : E + F is an isometry (isometrioal isomorphism') of bundles, then T. : Г(р) -+ Г (q) is an isometry (isometrioaI isomorphism) of Banaoh spaces. □
104 For bundles with arbitrary base spaces, this is all I can say about norm preserving C(X)-module homomorphisms. To obtain better results, we have to consider bundles with completely regular base spaces: 10 .16 Proposition. Let p : E + X and q : F * X be bundles of Ba.na.oh spaces with a completely regular base space X and let X : E -> F be a morphism of bundles. Then: (i) The operator T, is an isometry if and only if X is an isometry of bundles. (ii) The operator is an isometrioal isomorphism of Banaoh spaces if and only if X is an isometrioal isomorphism of bundles. Proof. (i): Suppose that T, : Г (p) -»• Г (q) is an isometry. We Л have to show that || A (a) || - ||a. || for every a e E. Let a e E. From (10.13) we know that || A , -1 . , < || A || - /Р (P \&) ) = ||T^|| - 1» whence || A (a) || < ||a|| . To verify the converse in- equality, we recall from (2.10) that the bundle p : E + x is full. Therefore we can find a section a e Г(р) such that a(p(a)) = a. Now suppose that there is an e > 0 such that || A (a) || + e < ||a|| • Then we also have ||т^(а)(р(а))|| = 11 A (a) 11 < || a || - e. As norm : F + TR is upper semicontinuous, there is an open neighborhood U of p(a) such that ||ta (a) (x) || < ||a|| - e for all x e U. As usual, we take a continuous function f : X -> [0,1] such that f(p(a)) = 1 and f(X \ U) = {o}. Then we conclude that ||f «а|| = ||т^ (f *а) || = = ||f *Т^ (а) || < 11 а 11 - e, which is impossible as 11 a 11 = = || f • а (p (a) ) || < || f »a|| . Because e > 0 was arbitrary, we have shown that 11 а 11 < ||A(a) || . The other implication follows from (10.15) (ii): One implication is again clear by (10.15). Thus, suppose
105 that T. is an isometrical isomorphism. Then X is an isometry of bundles by (ii) and X is a bijection, as a straightforward proof using (10.7) shows. Thus, X is an isometrical isomorphism. Q We collect all these partial results: 10.18 Summary. Let p : E + X and q : F -+ X be bundles of Banach spaces with a completely regular base space. Then the mapping X X' T (a) = X °a Л is a bijection between the set of all bundle morphisms X : E + F and the set of all bounded С^(Х) -module homomorphisms T : Г(р) ->-r(q). The inverse of the mapping is given by T + Xm T where *T/ ~1 (x) = P~1 (x) q diagram T Г(р) (x) is the unique map such that the F(q) -1 , . -1 . . p (x) + q (x) commutes. Moreover, the mapping X + T^ preserves norms, sends isometries of bundles onto isometries of Banach spaces and isometrical isomor- phisms of bundles onto isometrical isomorphisms of Banach spaces. □ 10 .19 Remarks. a) If X ; E + F is injective, then so is
106 Т : Г(р) + F(q). Example ( 10.20) shows that the converse is false. Л b) From (10.7) and Banach's homomorphism theorem we may conclude that for bundles of Banach spaces with a completely regular base space, a bundle morphism x : E + F is bijective whenever the operator T : Ftp) + F(q) is bijective. Example (Ю.24) shows that the con- Л verse does not even hold for bundles with compact base spaces. c) Let us again consider bundles with completely regular base spaces and let X : E + F be a bundle morphism. If T : Ftp) + F(q) is a Л surjection, then we may see that X is onto, too. Conversely, if X is onto, then the image of T has not even to be dense in F(q) Л (see example (10.25). However, using the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.3), T.(F(p)) is dense in F(q) whenever the base space X is com- pact and X is surjective. Again, example (10.24) will show that this is all we can expect. 10.20 Example. Let X be an arbitrary topological space and let E and F be topological vector spaces. Then we consider the trivial bundles p : XxE + X and q : XxF + X, where p and q are the first projections. We know from (1.8) that Г(р) = С^(Х,Е) and F(q) = = С^(Х,Е), where С^(Х,Е) (resp. C^tXjF)) denotes the topological vector space of all E-valued (F-valued) bounded continuous functions, equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on X. We shall give a description of all bundle morphisms X : XxE + XxF. If X is completely regular, this will yield a description of all (X)-module homomorphisms from C^tXjE) + С^(Х,Р). Let us start with a bundle morphism X : XxE + XxF. Then the restric- tion of X to {x}xE is linear and continuous. Hence for every x e X
107 there is a continuous linear mapping xx : E + F such that (x,a) = (x,xx(a)) for every (x,a) e XxE Thus we have a mapping X_ : X + Lg(E,F), where Ls(E,F) denotes the space of all continuous linear mappings from E into F, equipped with the topology of pointwise convergence. The mapping X_ : X + Lg(E,F) is continuous: Indeed, for every a e E the mapping x + Xx(a) : X + F is continuous, as this mapping is the composition of x + (x,a) + X(x,a) = (x,X (a)) + Xx(a). As the topology on Lg(E,F) is the topology of pointwise convergence, the continuity of X follows. Moreover, the set {Xx : x e X} is equicontinuous: Take any continuous seminorm ш on F. We have to find an open neighborhood и с E of 0 such that w(X (a)) < 1 for all x e X and all a e U. Firstly, define a seminorm ц : XxF + JR on the bundle q : XxF + X by setting ц(х,Ь) = w(b). By (1.8(i)) we may think of ц as one of the seminorms belonging to the bundle q : XxF + X. As X : XxE + XxF is a morphism of bundles, there is a real number M > 0 and a semi- norm v : XxE + ]R of the bundle p : XxE + X such that v(x,a) < M implies w(Л (a)) = ц(x,Лх(a)) = ц(Л(x,a)) < 1. Again by (1 .8(i) ) , we can find a continuous seminorm к : E + JR such that v(x,a) = к(a) for all a e E. Now let U = {a e E : к(a) < M}. Then U is an open neighborhood of О e E. Furthermore, a e U implies w(Xx(a)) < 1 for all x e X. This shows the equicontinuity of the set {Лх : x e X}. Conversely, let X_ : X + Lg(E,F) be a continuous function such that the image {Xx : x e X} is equicontinuous. We define a mapping
108 X : XxE -> XxF by (x,a) -» (x,xx(a)) . Then X is continuous: It is enough to show that (x,a) + Xx(a) : XxE + F is continuous: Let (x ,a ) £ XxE and let W be a neigh- o о borhood of Xx (aQ). Pick any neighborhood V of 0 e F such that о Xx (aQ) + V c W and let U be any neighborhood of 0 e F such that о U + U с v. As the mapping x + Xx(aQ) is continuous, we may find an open neighborhood S of x such that X (a ) e X (a ) + U for all о x e S. Moreover, the equicontinuity of {Xx : x eX} yields an open neighborhood T с E of 0 such that ^X(T) c U for all x e X. Thus, for (x,a + t) e Sx(a + T) we have Av(a + t) = X (a ) + X (t) e О (J X О X X С X (a)+U+UcX (a ) + V c W. X O X о о о It is now obvious that X satisfies the properties (a), (b) and (c) of definition (10.1(ii)). We check property (d) : Let ц : XxF + F be one of the seminorms of the bundle q : XxF + X. By (1.8(i)) we may assume that ц(х,Ь) = w(b), where w is a certain continuous seminorm on F. Again, we make use of the equicontinuity of the set {Xx : x e X} to find a continuous seminorm к on E and a number M > 0 such that к(a) < M implies w(X (a)) < 1 for all x e X. Now the mapping v : XxE + ]R defined by v((x,a)) - к(a) is a contin- uous seminorm on XxE and v((x,a)) < M implies ц(Х(х,а)) < 1. Thus, X is a bundle morphism, and we have shown 10.21 Let X be a topological space and let E,F be topological vector spaces. Then the mapping ( X : XxE + XxF) - ( X_ : X 1S(E,F) )
109 is a bijection between the set of all bundle morphisms from XxE into XxF and the set of all continuous mappings from X into Ls(E,F) such that the image is equicontinuous. Of course, if we wish to consider an additional rf-structure on E and F, then we have to replace L (E,F) by the subspace of all fi-homo- morphisms. In certain cases every bounded subset of Lg(E,F) is already equi- continuous. This is for instance so, if E is a Baire space and especially if E is a Banach space (see [Sch 71, theorem III.4.2]). Thus, we can state: 10.22 Let X be a topological space and let E and F be topological vector spaces such that E is a Baire space. Then the mapping (A : XxE XxF) (X : X L (E,F) ) - s is a bijection between the set of all bundle morphisms and Cb(X,LS(E,F)). We may interpret (10.22) as a bundle representation of the set of all bundle morphisms between XxE and XxF. We shall return to this idea in a later section, when we discuss bundles of operators. Combining (10.7) and (10.21) we obtain: 10 .23 Let X be a completely regular space and let E and F be topological vector spaces (such that E is a Baire space). Then a continuous operator T : Cb(X,E) -»• Cb(X,F) is a (X)-module homo- morphism if and only if there is a continuous mapping X : X + Lg(E,F)
110 such that X(X) is equicontinuous (bounded) and T(a)(x) = X(x)(a(x)) for all x e X and all a e C, (X,E). b Concretely, we take X = [0,1] with its usual topology and E = F = JR. Then the C(X)-module homomorphisms from C([O,1]) into C([0,1]) are given by multiplication with continuous functions f e C([O,1]) (as everybody knows) . If we take the mapping id : x + x e C([O,1 ]) , then the C(X)-module homomorphism T : C([0,1 ]) - C([0,1 ]) f - id • f is injective, but the corresponding bundle homomorphis XT : X xJR + + X xJR is given by XT : X xJR + X xJR (x,r) + (x,r-x) and thus is not injective on the fiber over x = 0. 10.24 Example. Let p : [0,1] xJR + [0,1] be the bundle constructed in (5.16). Recall that [0,1] x]R does not carry the product topology and that F(p) is the completion of C([0,1]) in the norm HIf HI = max { | f(0) | , sup {x-|f(x)| : 0 < x < 1}}. Recall also that the canonical injection T : C ([0,1 ]) -+ Ftp) is a C([0,1])-module homomorphism which is not surjective. Nevertheless, the corresponding bundle morphism XT : [0,1] x]R + [0,1] x]R from the trivial bundle pr^ : [0,1 ] x]R + [0,1 ] into p : [0,1 ] xIR -> [0,1 ] is the identity map and therefore a bijection. 10.25 ‘Example. This time we take as base space X the whole real line and consider the trivial bundle pr^ : JRx JR + JR. In this case
111 Г(pr.) = С. ( JR) . As an operator T : C, ( ]R) + C, ( ]R) we take lb b b 2 multiplication with the continuous function exp(-x ). Then T maps Cfc( 3R) into the closed subspace C ( 3R) of all continuous functions on ]R vanishing at infinity. Thus, T is not surjective. In this case again, the corresponding bundle map XT : ]R x]R + 1R *]R is even a homeomorphism.

11. Bundles of operators In this section we shall study spaces of continuous operators into the space of sections of a bundle. The basic ideas may be explained with the following example: Let E be a normed space and let X be a compact space. By K(E,C(X)) we denote the Banach space of all compact operators from E into С(X). It is well-known that K(E,C(X)) is isometrically isomorphic with the Banach space C(X,E') of all norm-continuous mappings from X into E', equipped with the supremum norm. The canonical iso- morphism Ф : K(E,C(X)) C(E,E') is given by Ф(и) (x) - e »u where ex : С (X) +Ж is the usual evaluation map. Hence, we have obtained a bundle representation of the space of all compact operators. The stalks of this bundle are all identical with E' = L^(E, Ж), i.e. they may be viewed as the set of all bounded operators from E into the stalks of the trivial bundle pr^ : XxIK + X equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on bounded sets. Unfortunately, this example also shows that we can not expect such a nice representation in general: Let us try to present the Banach space L^tEjCtX)) of all bounded operators with the operator norm as a space of sections in a bundle of Banach spaces. If X is infinite then 1^(Е,С(Х)) is strictly larger than К(E,C(X)); hence L^tEjCtX))
113 cannot be represented in the form C(X,E'), where E' carries the norm topology. However, it is known that L (E,C(X)) equipped with the topology of pointwise convergence is topological isomorphic to C(X,Eg), where E^ carries the a(E',E)-topology. This shows that we have to choose an appropriate topology in order to obtain a ‘'nice" re- presentation of L(E,C(X)) by sections in a bundle. On the other hand, L^(E,C(X)), equipped with the operator norm, may indeed be written as the space of all sections in a bundle of Banach spaces with base space X. However, the stalks of this bundle are not as nice as they are in the other bundle. We shall give a rather technical description of them. To start our discussion, we recall some facts concerning topologies on the space L(E,F) of all continuous linear operators from E into F (see [Sch 71 , III.3J): Let E and F be topological vector spaces and let S be a family of bounded subsets of E such that the linear hull of и S is dense in E (a family with the second property is called total) . If we equip L(E,F) with the topology of uniform convergence on all subset S e S of E, then L(E,F) becomes a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space. A base of open neighborhoods of 0 for this topology is given by sets of the form U(S,U) := {T e L(E,F) : T(S) c U} where S runs through all elements of S and U ranges over an open neighborhood base of 0 e F. If the topology of F is generated by a family of seminorms (v.). _, J J then the topology of uniform convergence on subsets in S is generated
114 by the family of seminorms (v .) c . _. given by Ь fJ V (T) = sup V.(T(u)) b,:] ueS 3 If the family (vj)jej is directed and we want to have the same pro- perty for the family (v .) . , we have to require that the Ь / J / J €J family S is directed in the sense that for every pair S^,S2 e S there is an element c $ such that и S^. This is the case for the following examples: a) The topology of pointwise convergence: S is the family of all finite subsets of E and we denote by Ls(E,F) the space L(E,F) equipped with this topology. b) The topology of compact convergence: S is the family of all com- pact subsets of E; the corresponding space is denoted by L (E,F). c) The topology of compact, convex circled convergence, provided that E is quasicomplete: S is the family of all compact, convex circled subsets of E; the space of operators with this topology is denoted by L (E,F). cc d) The topology of precompact convergence: S consists of all pre- compact subsets; the space is denoted by L pc (E,F) e) The topology of bounded convergence: S consists of all bounded subsets; the space of operators is denoted by 1^(Е,Е). f) In general, we denote the space L(E,F) equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on all subsets S e S by L (E,F) . Note that L^tEjF) is a normed space provided that E and F are normed spaces. In this case we may take S = {B^ (E) }. Moreover, the correspond- ing seminorm is the operator norm.
115 Now let us suppose that F is a topological C^(X)-module. Then we may define a multiplication with elements of С^(Х) on L(E,F) in the following way: (foT)(u) := fо(T(u)). It is obvious that L(E,F) will be а С, (X)-module under this multi- fa plication. Moreover, we have: 11.1 Proposition. Let E be a topological vector space and let F be a topological C^tX)-module. (i) If S c E is any subset and if и c F is a С^СХ.)-convex subset then {T e L(E,F) : T(S) c U} is С, (X) -convex. b (ii) If S is any family of bounded subsets of E and if F is a locally С^(Х)-convex С^(Х)-module, then L^(E,F) is a locally C^tX)-convex (X)-module, too. □ If E and F are Banach spaces and if F is a locally (X)-convex C^(X)-module as a normed space (recall that for normed spaces the С, (X)-convexity means that the closed unit ball is С, (X)-convex), b b then we may apply (11.1(i)) with S = (E) and U = B^ (F) to obtain: 11.2 Corollary. Let E and F be Banach spaces and let us assume that E is a locally C^tX)-convex С^(Х)-module. Then L^tEjF), equipped with the operator norm, is a locally С^(Х)-convex С^(Х)-mo- dule, too. □ Hence, applying (7.16) we learn the following: 11.3 Corollary. If p : E + X is a bundle with a quasicompact base зразе and if F is a topogical vector space, then there is a bundle
116 q s F + X such that L$(F,F(p)) is isomorphic to а С(X)-submodule of F(q)j provided that S is total in F. □ Our first problem will be to identify the stalks of the bundle q : F + X. If we look at the examples at the beginning, we would hope that they are at least subspaces of L^(F,p (x)). If we recall the construction of the stalks (see section 7), it seems to be reasonable to restrict ourselves to completely regular base spaces X, as other- wise in might happen that every Ж-valued continuous function is constant.In this case the construction in section 7 leads to bundles whose stalks are isomorphic to the whole space, which certainly is no progress at all. The second problem then will be to decide whether or not L (F,T(p)) is not only dense in F(q) but even equal to F(q). For compact base spaces, a first answer is 11.4 Proposition. Let p : E + x be a bundle with a compact base space X such that all stalks are complete. If F is a bornological space and a the family S of subsets of F contains the closure of every Q—sequence then there is a bundle q : F -> X such that L$(F,r(p)) is isomorphic to F(q). Proof. We know from (1.10) that Г(р) is complete. Hence, we may deduce from [Sch 71, p.117, exercise 8] that L^(F,F(p)) is complete. The proposition is now an easy consequence of (7.16). □ Before we get to work and identify the stalks of the bundle q : F + X, we close our general discussion with a corollary: 115 Corollary. Let p : E -> X be a bundle of Banach spaces and let
117 F be a Banach space. Then the spaces L (F,r(p)) and Lb(F, p(p) ) таУ both be represented as the space of all sections in a bundle qc : Fc + X and qb : Fb -► X resp. □ From now on we shall pass to a slightly more general situation: We shall always consider a bundle p : E + X such that the base space X is at least completely regular. Moreover, L will always denote a Cb(X)-submodule of L(F,r(p)). Finally, S will be a family of bounded subsets such that F = <uS>and such that T(S) is precompact for every T e L and every S e S. The space 1 will always carry the topo- logy of uniform convergence on subsets S £ S, i.e. the relative topology inherited from L^(F,F(p)). 11.6 Proposition. Under the above assumptions, the closure in L of the set IX«L = {f-T : f e Cb(X), f(x) = 0, T e 1} is equal to {T e L : T(F) c Nx}, where Nx = {a e Г(р) : a(x) = 0}. Proof. Let T e L and let f e Cb(X) such that f(x) =0. Then for every a e F we have (f»T)(a)(x) = f(x)•(T(a)(x)) = 0, i.e. f.T(a) e N . This implies T(F) c N . Moreover, the set {T : T(F) c NxJ is closed: Indeed, let (T^) be any convergent net contained in {T e L : T(F) £ NXJ- Then this net is also convergent in the topology of pointwise convergence. But the set {T e L : T(F) c NxJ is obviously closed in the topology of pointwise convergence. Hence {T e L : T(F) c NxJ is closed in L. It remains to show that I -L is dense in {T e L : T(F) c N }. To prove X x this, let T e L beany continuous operator such that T(F) c Nx, let S e S be any element, let e > 0 and let be one of the seminorms belonging to the bundle p : E + X. It suffices to find an function
118 g e С, (X) such that g(x) = 0 and sup g.((1 - g) .T (s) ) < e. s£S 3 As T(S) is precompact, we can find a^,...,an e S such that for every a e S there is an i £ {1,...,n} such that -a)) < e/2. As Т(а^)(x) = 0 for all 1 < i < n and as Vj г E +1R is upper semicontin- uous, we can find an open neighborhood U of x such that -;^(Т(а^)(у)) < e/2 for all у e U and all 1 < i < n. Use the fact that X is com- pletely regular to find a continuous mapping g : X + [0,1] satisfying g(x) = 0 and g(X \ U) = {1 }. By standard arguments we obtain $j((1 - g) (Ttap ) < e/2 for all 1 < i <. n. If a e S is arbitrary, then there is a certain i e {1,...,n} such that g^((l-g) .T(a - a^)) < < Oj(T(a - a^)) < e/2. Now the triangle inequality yields Oj ((1 - g) -T(a)) < e for all a e S. Hence we have sup 0. ( (1 - g) -T(s) ) < e, s eS 3 as desired. □ In the following, we shall again make use of our convention to denote the stalks of the bundle p : E + X by Ex, x e X. Further, we let Nx = {a e Г(р) : a (x) =0} and ex : Ftp) + Ex be the evaluation map. If L is a subspace of L$(F,r(p)), we define Nx = {T e L : T(F) c Nx} and Lx = i/Nx equipped with the quotient topology. In the following, we shall give a description of a family of semi- norms generating the topology on L : Let Vj be on of the seminorms of the bundle p : E -> X and let S e S. We define:
119 хм (Т + n4 := inf {sup v. (T(a) + T' (а) ) : Т' е яЧ S'D Х aeS 3 Х Then the seminorms (\>х .) . will generate the topology on I. ь । J Ь , J X Nobody can work with such a formula, therefore we give an alternative expression for these seminorms: IL 7 Proposition. Under the assumptions made in the remarks preoeeding Q.1 .6), we have (i) The mapping T + + exoT : Lx -+ L(F,Ex) is well defined, linear and injective. (ii) For every seminorm Vj : E -»• JR of the bundle p : E + X, every S e S, every x e X and every T e L we have M . (T + n4 = sup V. (e °T(a) ) x aeS J x (Hi) In particular, the mapping T + N^ -+ e^oT •• L L(F,Ex) 7-s an embedding. Proof. The property (i) is a consequence of (11.6) and (iii) follows immediately from (ii). Thus, it remains to check (ii): First of all, for every T' e we have X sup 0 . (T(a) + T'(a)) = sup aeS -1 aeS sup V.(T(a) (у) + T' (a) (y) ) угХ -1 > sup aeS хм(T(a)(x) + T'(a)(x)) = sup aeS Vj(T(a) (x)) (since T'(a) (x) = 0 ) = sup aeS v.(ev’T(a)) , J x x L and therefore Vg j(T + N^) > < x \ (vs,j)S, j ‘ sup v. (e °T(a)) by the definition of the aeS 3 x Conversely, suppose that there is a C > 0 such that
120 ^s,j(T + > C > sup v (ev"T(a)). aeS 3 X In this case, we let e := y(C - sup \>.(e oT(a))) . 2 aeS 3 X As the set T(S) c r(p) is precompact, we may find elements a^,...,an e S such that for every a e S there is an index i e {1,...,n} with 0. (T(a) - T(a.)) < e and we conclude that v.< ( e °T (a.) ) < C - e for ji j x i all 1 s i £ n. Now the upper semicontinuity of the mappings у + \>^(Т(а^) (у)) : X + 1R yields an open neighborhood U of x such that -;^(Т(а^)(у)) < С - e for all у e U and all i e {1,...,n}. Choose a continuous function g : X ->- [0,1] such that g(x) = 0 and g (X \ U) = {1}. Then we have O.((1 - g)-T(a.)) = sup v.((1 - g(y))-T(a.)(y)) 3 yeX 3 < C - e for all 1 < i < n. If a e S is arbitrary, then ^^.(Tta^) - T(a)) < e for a certain i e {l,...,n}. Hence the triangle inequality yields 0 ((1 - g)-T(a)) < C and therefore sup 0,(T(a) - g-T(a)) < C. aeS 3 From (11.6) we conclude that -g-T e N^- This leads to the contra- diction C < «2,j(T + N^) < sup v (T(a) - g-T(a)) aeS 3 C. □
121 11.8 Proposition. Under the same assumptions, we have (i) The mapping x •+ sup v. (e oT(a)): X + ]R is upper semicon- aeS 21 X tinuous for every T e L, S e S and every seminorm Vj : E + 1R of the bundle p : E + X. (ii) sup O.(T(a)) = sup sup v.(e °T(a)). aeS 3 xeX aeS 3 X x L Proof. Using (7.7), we conclude that the mapping x + $s (T + Nx> is upper semicontinuous. Thus, (i) follows from (11.7). The proof of (ii) is an easy calculation: sup O.(T(a)) = sup sup v.(T(a)(x)) aeS 3 aeS хеХ 3 = sup sup v.(e oT(a)). □ xeX aeS 3 We are now in the position to prove a bundle representation of С(X)-submodules L c E$(F,r(p)). Our first result is still rather technical: 11.9 Proposition. regular base space gical vector space. Let p : E -> x be a bundle with a completely and seminorms (v.). , and let F be a topolo- Further, let L c L^(F,F(p)) be a -submo- dule, where S is a directed family of bounded subsets of F such that F = <uS>and such that T(S) is precompact in Г(р) for every S e S and every T e L. Then there is a full bundle q^ to а С^(Х)-submodule of F(q^). : X such that L is isomorphic The stalk over x e X of this bundle may be chosen to be a subspace of L^(F,Ex), where Ex is the stalk over x of the bundle p : E * X. In this ease, the canonical injection Ф : L r(qL)
122 is given by Ф(Т) (x) = ex°Tj where ex : r(p) -+ Ex is the canonical eva Illation. Proof. For every x e X let Mx = {ex°T : T e £} c L (F,Ex). If (v.). , is the 1 J topology on Mx family of seminorms of the bundle p : E + X, then the is induced by the seminorms (ш x S, j (S,j)eSxJ given ЬУ We ц(а) = sup V.(a(u)) , a e M . b,:l u£S 3 X Moreover, by (11.8(ii)), the space L may be identified with a sub- space of П°° M . The embedding L + JI°° M is given by xeX X xeX X T -> ф(Т) Ф(Т)(x) = ex°T It is now easy to verify that L, viewed as a subspace of n°° M , xeX x satisfies the axioms (FM3) and (FM4) of section 5. Therefore an application of (5.8) completes the proof. □ In general, there is no reason to believe that L is isomorphic to the space of all section of r(q^). For example, let X be compact and let N c£ (F,C(X)) be the space of all nuclear operators from a normed space F into С(X), equipped with the operator norm. As every nuclear operator is compact, the above result applies to N and we obtain a bundle q^ : F^ + X such that N may be identified with a С(X)-submodule of Г(q^). The Stone-WeierstraB theorem implies that N is dense in r(q^) and it turns out that F(q^) is isomorphic to the space of all compact operators, i.e. N is strictly contained in r(qN) . Thus, it is of some interest to study the space of all sections of r(q^). It turns out that every section of the bundle q^ : F^ + X may be viewed as a linear operator from F into r(p), but these operators will not be continuous in general.
123 11.10 Proposition. Let p : E -> X, L c E$(F,r(p)) and S be as in (11.9) . (i) If I e r(qL) is a continuous section, then T : F + r(p) defined by T (u) (x) = E(x) (u) for all x e X , all u e F is a linear map between F and r(p)- eontinuous: (a) S contains a neighborhood of 0 e F. (b) F is bornological, X is compact and S contains the clo- sure of every О-sequence in F. In these eases, the mapping E + T : F(q^) + E$(F,r(p)) is an embedding. IL 11 Remarks (i) If we compare the case (b) of this proposition with (11 .4), we see that we may drop the completeness of the stalks in the hypothesis of (11.4). (ii) We shall see in the following proof that T will be always sequentially continuous, provided that X is compact and that S con- tains the closure of every О-sequence in F. Proof of (11.10). (i) : Obviously, the mapping T will be linear. Whence it is enough to show that T^, maps F into Г(р) • Thus, let us start with uq e F. As the family of sets S generates F, we may assume that u e S for a certain e S . J о о о Firstly, we show that T^,(uq) is bounded: Let be any of the semi- norms of the bundle p : E + X. If the seminorms (ш- ) o . on the Ь z J Ь t J
124 bundle q^ : F^ * X are defined as in the proof of (11.9) then we may estimate: 0. (T (u )) = sup v.(T (u )(x)) 3 L ° xex 3 L ° = sup v.(E(x)(u )) xeX 3 < sup sup v. ( E (x) (u) ) ueSQ xcX 3 = sup ш* (E(x)) XeX o'3 as E belongs to Ftq^) and therefore is a bounded selection. To show the continuity of the mapping T^,(uq) : x + E , we state the following (*) Let x e X and let T e L be such that e oT = E (x ) . Then for о x о о every seminorm belonging to the bundle p : E + X, every e > 0 and every S e S there is an open neighborhood W of xq such that v (E(x)(u) - T(u)(x)) < e for all u e S and all x e W. Indeed, the property (*) follows immediatlely from the upper semi- continuity of the mapping x + wX .(E(x) - e »T) = sup v.(E(x) (u) - S'3 x u£S 3 - T(u)(x)). Now (*) implies the continuity of T^(uq) at x°: Firstly, by the definition of the stalks of (see the proof of (11.9)), we can pick an operator T e L such have open T (u )(x ) = T(u )(x ) Eoo о о neighborhood У of T^(uq)(xq) looks like that г »T = г x . In this case we t.x о о and as T(uq) belongs to p(P)» a typical У = {a e E : p(a) e W, Vj(a - T(uQ)(p(a))) < e}.
125 where W is an open set around x . Now use (*) to find an open о neighborhood W of xQ such that v.(E(x)(uq) - T(uq)(x)) < e for all x e W. Then by definition the mapping T^ maps the neighborhood W n W' of x into V. о (ii): Case a. Let U e S be a neighborhood of 0 e F. As E belongs to Ttq^), it is a bounded selection. Hence for every j e J the number sup 0 • (T (u) ) = sup sup v. (E(x)(u)) u<U J L ueu xeX J = sup w* . ( E(x)) xex ,J is finite. Clearly, this implies the continuity of T^,. Case b. By ESch 71, II.8.3] we have to show that (T<un))n converges to 0 for every О-sequence (un)nelj in F- Fix e > 0 and let v. : E + 1R be a seminorm of the bundle p : E + X. 3 If (u ) is a fixed О-sequence in F, we show : n n eJN (**) For every x e X there is a neighborhood U of x and a natural number N eN such that for all n N and all у e U we have sup v . (T (u ) (y) ) £ e. yeu J L n Once (**) is established, an easy compactness argument will finish the proof. To convince the reader of (**), we shall again use (*): Firstly, choose again any T e L such that e,{°T = E(x) and let S = {0} и {un : n eU}. Note that S belongs to S by our assumption. Thus (*) yields an open neighborhood U of x such that sup v . (T (u ) (y) - T(u )(y'l) < e/2 yeU 11 L n n for all n e'u. As the operator T : F + Г(р) is continuous, we con- clude that lim T(u ) =0. Therefore there is an N e JN such that n->-°°
126 sup V. (T (u ) (у) ) < e/2 yeX J for all n e Using the triangle inequality, these two inequalities together yield (**). To show that the mapping e + T is an embedding, we have to recall that the topology on L (F,r(p)) is induced by the seminorms ., Ь ьf j j e J, S e S given by .(T) = sup sup v.(T(u)(x)) ,J ueS xeX J and the topology on r(qp is given be the seminorms j e J and “S, j ' S e S defined by fflg j(E) = sup sup v.(E(X)(U)). ,J xeX ueS J An easy computation shows that for e e г(д^) we have as,j(E) = ^,з(те’ and thus the proof is complete. □ 11.12 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a bundle with a completely regular base space and let F be a topological vector space. Then there is a bundle q : F + X such that L (F,r(p)) equipped with the pc topology of precompact convergence is isomorphic to a C^(X)-submodule of F(q). The stalk over xeX of this bundle may be choosen to be a E ). where E is the stalk over x of the bundle x' ’ X J p : E + X. Tn this case, the canonical injection ф : L (F,r(p)) -> Pc + F(q) is given as in (11.9) Moreover, in each of the following cases (a) and (b), the map ф is surjective with inverse subspace of L (F, Y : F(q) E - Lnc(F'r(P)) pu
127 where T^(u)(x) = £(x)(u) for all u e F and all x e X: a) F is finite dimensional. b) F is bornological and X is compact. Proof. Only the verification of the surjectivity of Ф is of some interest. But this follows from (11.10), if we note that 0 e F has a precompact neighborhood, provided that F is finite dimensional , whence case (a) of (ll.10(ii)) applies under these circumstances. Moreover, the closure of every О-sequence is precompact and thus case (b) of (ll.10(ii)) applies in case (b) of (11.12). □ Our next corollary concerns spaces of compact operators. Recall that an operator К : F + E between topological vector spaces is called compact, if there is a neighborhood U of 0 e F such that K(U) is relatively compact in E. By K(F,E) we denote the subspace of L^(F,E) of all compact operators, equipped with the topology of bounded convergence. If и <= F is a neighborhood of 0, we let KytFjE) = {Ke K(E,F) : K(U) is relatively compact} and we equip this space with the topology of uniform convergence on U (which may be finer than the topology inherited from K(F,E) If p : E + X is a bundle, then K(F,r(p)) and Ky(F,r(P)) are Cb(X)-sub- modules of L(F,r(p)). Therefore, we can state: 1L13 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a bundle with a completely regular base space, let F be a topological vector space and let U c F be a neighborhood of 0. Then there is a bundle q : F ->- X such that Ku(F,r(p))is isomorphic to a C^(X)-submodule of r(q). The stalk over x e X of this bundle may be choosen to be a subspace of
128 K„(F,E ), where E = p (x) . In this ease, the canonical injection U x x r ' ' Ф : Ky(F,r(p)) -> F(q) is given as in (11.9). Moreover, we have a (topologioal) embedding V : r(q) LD(F,r(p)) E + T where 1у(Р,Г(р)) denotes the space L(F,r(p)) equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on U. If X is compact and if all stalks of the bundle p : E + X are quasicomplete, then ф is a bijection with inverse Ч- Proof. We again apply (11.9) to establish the existence of such a bundle. Note that the stalk F^ of the bundle q : F + X may be identified with {exoK : K e Ky(F,г(p)) } and hence is contained in Ky(F,Ex) . The fact that 4 : F(q) + LyCFjEtp)) is a topological embedding follows from (ll.10(ii)), case (a). Finally, if X is compact, then the image of Kg(F, r(p)) under Ф is dense in r(q) by the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.2). As the restric- tion of 4 to the image of Ф is the inverse of ф, this implies that Kg(F,r(p)) is dense in the image of 4. Now we know from (1.10) that Г(р) is quasicomplete whenever all the stalks are quasicomplete. From the proof of (III.9.3) in [Sch 71] we conclude that Ky(F,r(p)) is closed in EyCF^Cp)). This shows that К (F,r(p)) is equal to the image of 4 and ч is the inverse of Ф. □ Of course, we can apply (11.13) space. If in addition p : E -> X we obtain: to K(F,r(p)), where F is a normed is a bundle of Banach spaces, then IL 14 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banach spaces
129 X completely regular, and let F be a normed spaoe. Then there is a bundle q : F + X of Banaoh spaces such that the Banaoh spaoe K(F,r(p)) of all compact operators equipped with the operator norm is isometrically isomorphic to а С^(Х)-submodule of r(q)- The stalk over x e X of this bundle may be ohoosen to be a closed subspace of K(F,Ex)j equipped with the operator norm. In this case, the canonical injection ф : K(F,r(p)) -»• r(q) is given as in (11.9). If X is compact, then ф is bijective. Proof. This result is a variation of (11.13); there are two things which have to be checked: (i) The mapping ф is an isometry: This follows immediately from the definition of the operator norm, the definition of the stalks of the bundle q : F + X as it was given in the proof of (11.9) and (11.8(ii)). (ii) The stalks, as they have been defined in the proof of (11.9), are Banach spaces and thus closed subspaces of K(F,Ex), x e X From (11.7) we may conclude that the stalks are isometrically isomorphic to quotients of K(F,F(p)) and thus are complete, since K(F,r(p)) is a Banach space. □ In these last three corollaries the stalks of the bundle q : E + X were always subspaces of larger spaces: They were subspaces of L (F,E ) in (11.12), subspaces of К (F,E ) in (11.13) and subspaces p C X и X of K(F,r(p)) in (11.14). In which cases do we obtain the whole space as stalk? It turns out that at least in the first and in the last case the answers are the same: It suffices that all stalks of the bundle p : E + X have the approximation property in the sense of Grothendieck (see [Gr 55]). Alternatively, we could postulate that the bundle p : E + X is locally trivial.
130 The problem we are dealing with in this context is the following: Given a point x e X in the base space of the bundle p : E -+ X and an operator t : F + Ex, can we find a "lifting" T : F -+ r(p) such that ex°T = t? 11.15 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle over a completely regular base space, let F be a topological vector space and let S be a directed and total family of bounded subsets of F. Then for every x e X, the closure of {e oT : T e Lc(F,r(p)) and dim T(F) < co} in X э LC(F,E ) contains all operators of finite rank. О X Proof. Let t g L^(F,Ex) be of finite rank, i.e. n t = У фс®а. i=1 1 1 for certain elements а- e E and certain elements e F'. Given I X *1 S e S and an open, convex and circled neighborhood U c Ex of 0, we have to find an element T e L$(F,r(p)) such that dim T(F) < co and such that (t - ex°T)(S) c U. Firstly, note that ф^(3) is bounded in Ж for every 1 < i < n. Thus, we can find a constant M > 0 such that |ф^(з)| < M for all s e S and all i e {1,...,n}. Moreover, by (1.5.Ill) and (2.2), the set {а(х) : а e Г(р) } c Ex is dense in Ex> Hence we can find sections a ,...,n e Ftp) such that a. - a.(x) e *U for all i e {1,...,n}. in ii M«n Now define n т := Уф.9o : F -> Г (p) . i=1 1 1 Then, by definition, T is of finite rank and for all s e S we have n (t - e от)(s) = ( l ф.в(а. - а (x)))(s) x ±=1 i i i n = У Ф . (s) • (а. - a. (X) ) —-1 1 -1-
131 6 Л, *i(s) мЬги 1=1 S и , i.e. (t - exoT)(S) c u. □ It is now evident that we are lead to spaces with the approximation property: 11-16 Definition. A locally convex topological vector space E has the approximation property, provided that for every locally convex topological vector space F the linear operators of finite rank from E into F are dense in L (F,E). pc' □ A. Grothendieck ([Gr 55]) showed that for Banach spaces E this definition is equivalent to the following statement: For every normed space F the linear operators of finite rank from E into F are dense in K(F,E). We now can state: 11.17 Complement. (i) Let p : E + X be a bundle over a completely regular base space X such that all the stalks have the approximation property. Then the stalks of the bundle q : F + X in (11.12) may be chosen to be dense subspaces of Lpc(F'Ex>' x £ X- (ii) If in addition p E -> X is a bundle of Banach spaces, then the stalks of the bundle q F -+ X in (18.14) may be chosen to be K(F,Ex), x e X. □ IL 18 Remark. Under the conditions of (11.12) and (11.17) we can choose the whole spaces L (F,E ), x e X, pc x as the stalks of the bundle
132 q :F + X. In this case however, it may happen that the bundle q :F + X is no longer a full bundle, although I do not know of any example to illustrate this. With this new choice of the stalks even the second half of (11.12) remains valid. To show this, we would have to generalize (11.10), notabely the properties (*) and (**) in the proof of (11.10). As we are not going to use these facts in the following, we leave the details to the reader. In the next theorem we apply the results obtained so far to the approximation property of spaces of sections: 11.19 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a bundle over a oompact base space X. Then the space of all sections r(P) has the approximation property, provided that every stalk E , x e X, has the approximation property. X Proof. Let F be a topological vector space and let F'®r(p) be the set of all linear operators from F into Г(р) of finite rank. We have to show that F'®F(p) is dense in L „(F,T(p)) pc Firstly, note that F'»r(p) is а С(X)-submodule of L (F,F(p)), since pc the multiplication with elements f e С(X) is linear. From (11.12) and (11.17 (i) ) we know that there is a bundle q : F -> X with stalks isomorphic to the dense subspaces {^"T • T e. LpC(F,F(p))} of L (F,E ), x e X, such that L (F,F(p)) may be identified with a pc X pC С(X)-submodule of Г(q). Under these identifications the set {T(x) : T e F'®F(p)} is dense in Ux°T : T e lpC(F,F(p)} by (11.15). Hence the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.2) yields that F'®F(p) is dense in L (F,F(p)). □ pc For a more detailed discussion of the approximation property of
133 spaces of sections, we refer to [Gi 78], [Pr 79], and [Bi 80]. Another important case of С(X)-submodules of L(F,i(p)) was already discussed in section 10 and we shall add some facts here: Let us consider a second bundle p' : E' + X. Then the set of all (X)-module homomorphisms from Г(р') into Г(р) form а С^(Х)-sub- module of L( Г(р' ) , Г(р) ) . We shall assume that p' : E' + X is a full bundle and that the base space X is completely regular. Under these conditions we saw in (10.7) that every continuous (X)-module homo- morphism T : Г(р') + Г(р) may be "decomposed" into a bundle morphism XT : E' -> E and this "decomposition" may be indeed been thought of as a section in the bundle constructed in (11.9) . To explain this, let us start with a lemma: 11.20 Lemma. Let E and F be locally convex topological vector space, let M be a closed subspace of F and let л : F + F/M be the quotient map. If S is an updirected and total family of bounded subsets of F, then the mapping 4 = LK(S)(F/M'E) T Ls(F,E) To-n is a topological embedding with range {T e L^(F,E) : T(M) = 0}. Proof. Let T г L^(F,E) and assume that T(M) = 0. Then we have T(S) с и if and only if T(S + M) <= u, where S e S and where U e E is an open neigborhood of 0. □ Let us apply ( IL 9) to the situation where F = Г(р') for a full bundle p' : E' X, where S is a directed family of precompact
134 subsets of r(p') such that F is generated by и s and where L = Mod ( Г (p' ) , Г (p) ) . Then we find a bundle q : F + X such that L is (isomorphic to) a (X)-submodule of F(q), the stalks of this bundle being{ex°T : T e Mod(Г(p') , Г(p)) } c 1$(Г(р'),Е ). As p' : E' X is a full bundle, the evaluation map ex : Г(р') + p' (x) is a (topological) quotient map by (2.7). Hence by (10.6) and (11.20) the subspace{ex°T : T e Mod(Г (p' ) ,Г(p)) } c L (Г(р'),Ех) may be identified with a subspace of L„, . (E',E ) , where E' = p' (x) and r s(x) xx x where S(x) = {ex(S) : S e S}. Under this identification, the operator e »T : Г(р') + E corresponds to the unique operator T : E' -> E XX xxx such that the diagram T Г(р') - F(p) is commutative. It is clear from the proof of Q.0 .5) and (10.7) that Tx = 1' where : E' + E is the unique bundle morphism such that T = T, . Let us agree that we write Am(x) instead of Л 1 AT/p'-1(x)• Applying (11.9) we obtain a bundle q : F X such that Mod(Г(p'),Г(p)) <= L$ ( Г (p' ) , Г (p) ) is isomorphic to a (X) -submodule of Г (q) . The stalks of this bundle may be chosen to be subspaces of L , .(E',E ) and the canonical injection is given by A + AT. Furthermore, the family of seminorms of the bundle q : F + X is defined by “S,j = F * ® Л + sup v.(A{s[q(A)]}), ses 3 where S e S and where v.. : E +]R is one of the seminorms of the
135 bundle p : E -> X. If X is compact and if Г(р') is bornological, then Mod(г(p'),Г(P)) and F(q) are isomorphic, provided that S contains the closure of every O-sequence. We state a special case of these observations as a theorem: 11.21 Theorem. Let p : E -»• X and p' : E' + X be bundles of Banaoh spates over a compact base spaoe X. Then there is a bundle q : F + X such that the C(,X)-module Mod ( Г (p') , Г (p) ) equipped with the topology of oompaot eonvergenoe is topologically and algebraioally isomorphic to F(q). The stalks of this bundle may be chosen to be subspaoes of fc(E^,Ex)• this case, the canonical isomorphism is given by Mod(F(p' ) ,F(p) ) F(q) T T Proof. Let S denote the family of all compact subsets of Г(р'). If we can show that S(x) is the family of all compact subsets of E^, the theorem will follow from the discussions preceeding (11.21). Thus, we are dealing with the following problem: Given a Banach space E, a closed linear subspace F, a compact subset A c e/F, is there a compact subset в с E such that A = В + F?. But this is a well-known result from the theory of Banach spaces. □
12. Excursion: Continuous lattices and bundles In the past years a certain type of lattices appeared in mathematics, which seem to be a natural background of a large variety of order theoretical properties of mathematical structures. These lattices were called continuous lattices by D.Scott in [Sc 72]. In the follow- ing years, K.H.Hofmann and A.Stralka discovered that this type of lattices was already known to other mathematicians in differ- ent areas. J.D.Lawson, for instance, called them compact topological semilattices with small semilattices, moreover A.Day and 0.Wyler found them as "algebras" of the filter monad in category theory. Also in functional analysis the concept of continuous lattices seems to be useful. In this section we shall collect a few results and definitions which will be needed later on. With a few exceptions, the proofs may be found in [Comp 80]. 12.1 Let L be a complete lattice. A subset D <= L is said to be directed, if every pair a,b e D has an upper bound in D. If a,b e L are two elements, we say that a is way below b, if every directed set d with sup D > b contains an element d e D such that a < d. We shall abbreviate the phrase "a is way below b" by writing a << b. 12.2 A complete lattice L is called continuous lattice, if for all a e L we have a = sup {b : b << a}. 123 We add a couple of examples which will be of significance:
137 (i) Let X be a locally compact topological space. By 0(X) we denote the complete lattice of all open subsets of X, ordered by inclusion. Then 0(X) is a continuous lattice. Moreover, we have U <<V if and only if U is compact and contained in V (i.e. if U is relatively compact in V in the topological sense). (ii) Let К be a compact convex subset of a locally convex topological vector space and let Conv(K) be the complete lattice of all closed convex subsets of К, ordered by dual inclusion (i.e. A < В iff В c a). Then Conv(K) is a continuous lattice. Here, we have A v в = A n В А л в = conv(А и В) (where conv(M) denotes the closed convex hull of M) A << В iff В c a° (where ° is the topological kernel operator) 12.4 Every continuous lattices carries two important topologies, which we will use later on: (i) The Scott topology. Let L be a (continuous) lattice. A subset U c l is said to be Scott-open if (1) u e U and u < v imply v e U (2) If D c L is directed and if sup D e U, then U n D / 0. It is easy to verify that the Scott open sets form a topology on L which will be called the Scott-topology. In a continuous lattice the sets of the form V(a) : = {x e L : a << x} form a base for the Scott-topology. A mapping f : L * V between two complete lattices is Scott-continuous (i.e. is continuous with respect to the Scott-topologies on L and V) if and only if for
138 every directed subset D c L we have f(sup D) = sup f(D). (ii) The topology generated by the Scott-topology together with all sets of the form L \ +a, a e L, is called the Lawson-topology. On a continuous lattice, the Lawson-topology is always compact and Haus- dorff. Further, the mapping л : LxL + L is continuous and the Lawson topology is uniquely determined by these properties. An л-homomorphism f : L + V between continuous lattices L and V is Lawson-continuous (i.e. continuous with respect to the Lawson topolo- gies) if and only if f preserves suprema of directed sets and arbitrary infima. 12.5 If X is locally compact and if А с X is a compact subset of X, then {U e 0(X) : A c u} is a typical Scott-open set. Of course, instead of using 0(X) we may consider the complete lattice C1(X) of all closed subsets of X, ordered by dual inclusion. In this case, {B e C1(X) : A n В / 0} is Scott-open for every compact subset А с X. Let К be a compact convex subset of a locally convex topological vector space. If и с к is relatively open in К, then {A e Conv(K) : A c u} is Scott open in Conv(K). 12.6 Let X again be locally compact. Then the Lawson topology on 0(X) (or, equivalently, on C1(X) ) is the well-known Hausdorff topology. We will see in a moment that the same is true for the continuous lattice Conv(K); 12.7 Proposition. If К is a compact convex set in a locally convex topological vector space, then the inclusion Conv(K) + C1(X) is con- tinuous for the resp. Lawson topologies. Especially, Conv(K) is closed in Cl(K).
139 Proof. Firstly, we show that Conv(K) is closed in C1(K). Let A e C1(K) \ Conv(K) be a closed subset of К which is not convex. We have to find an open neighborhood of A which does not intersect Conv(K). Pick a X e [0,1 ] and elements a,b e A such that X*a + (1 - X) *b =: c | A. Let W be an open set around c such that W n A = 0. As the mapping (x,y) -+ x«x + (1 - X) «У : KxK + К is con- tinuous, there are open sets U,V around a and b resp. such that X*U + (1 - X)«V c W. Now the set {C e C1(K) : C 4 К \ U, C 4 К \ V, C n W = 0} is open in the Lawson topology of C1(K) and contains A. Moreover, this open set is disjoint from Conv(K) : IfC4K\U, C4K\V and C n W = 0, we may pick elements x e C n U and у e С n V. Then the convex combination X«x + (1 - X) *y belongs to X-U + (1 - X)-V c c w and therefore cannot belong to C as C n X = 0. Hence C is not convex. Next, we claim that the Lawson topology on Conv(K) is coarser than the topology induced by the Lawson topology on C1(K). This will finish the proof, as both topologies are compact. Let U c Conv(K) be Scott open and let A e U. By (12.3) and (12.4) we may find a В e Conv(K) such that A c B° and such that С c B° implies C e U for all C e Conv(K). The set S := {С e C1(K) : С c B°} is open in C1(K) and we have A e S n Conv(K) c U. Hence U is open in the topology induced by the Lawson topology on C1(K). Finally, let A e Conv(K) and let U = {B e Conv(K) : В $ A} = = {B e Conv(K) : A 4 B}. Then V = Conv(K) n {B e C1(K) : A 4 В} and therefore V is open in the topology induced by C1(K), too. As these two types of sets generate the Lawson topology on Conv(K), our proof is complete. □
140 12.8 Let us return to continuous lattices in general. If L is a continuous lattice and if a. is an ultrafilter on L, we know that и has to converge in the Lawson topology on L. The limit of this ultrafilter may by calculated as follows: lim и = sup inf M Men Translated to converging nets (xpj in L, the formula reads as lim x. = sup inf x. iel 1 iel j >i 3 12.9 An element p e L of a lattice L is called prime, if а л b < p implies a < p or b < p for all a,b e L. Prime elements in a continuous lattice have a much stronger property, as the following lemma shows: 1210 Lemma Let L be a continuous Lattice, Let V be a compLete Lattice and Let f : L + V be a mapping such that f(sup D) = sup f(D) for every directed set D <= L. If A c L is compact in the Lawson-topo- Logy and if p e V is a prime eLement of V, then inf f(A) < p impLies f(a) < p for some a e A. □ For a proof of (1210) we refer to [GK 77] or [Comp 80]. Let us now return to bundles. One connection between bundles and continuous lattices comes out of the following considerations: 12.11 Suppose that p : E + X is a bundle with a compact base space. Then 0(X) is a continuous lattice. Moreover, we have a canonical mapping between 0(X) and the complete lattice С(Г(р)) of all closed subspaces ,of Г(р) given by
141 i : 0(Х) С (Г(р) ) U * NX\U {° е Г(р) : °/Х и °} This mapping satisfies the hypothesis of (12.10) (see also [GK 77]): 12.12 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle with a compact base space. Then the mapping i : 0(X) + С(Г(р)) preserves directed supre- me, i.e. if (U,), . is a directed family of open subsets of X, then А A € A i( и UJ = ( и i(U,)) ЛеЛ A ЛеЛ Proof. The mapping i is monotone, whence we have the inclusion i( и U.) = ( и i(Uj) . ЛеЛ A ХсЛ A Conversely, let a e i( и U.). We have to show: For every e > 0 and ЛеЛ A every seminorm v. belonging to the bundle there is an a' e и i(U ) 3 ЛеЛ A Oj(a - a') < e. e > 0 and Vj be given. We define U := {x e X : Vj(a(x)) < e. = 0, we obtain X \ compactness of X and the fact such that Thus, let As al X\U U U Л П ЛеЛ A ЛеЛ that (U,), . is directed yields a A A eA XQ e Л such that X \ c U. Choose any continuous function о f : X + [0,1] c JR such that f(X \ U ) = {0}and f(X \ U) = {1} and Ao set o' = f*a. Obviously, the section o' belongs to i(U ) c Ao с и i(U.). An easy calculation shows that O.(a - o') < e. □ ЛеЛ A 3 If we take (12.10) and (12.12) together we have done most of the proof of the following 12.13 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle over a compact base space and let V с С(Г(р)) be any complete lattice of closed sub- spaces of Г(p) containing all subspaces of the form
142 = {a e Г(р) : = 0} , A closed. If P / Г(р) is a prime element of V, the there is a unique x e X such that Nx c p. Proof. Suppose that we would have с P and с P, where x / y. Let f : X +Ж be any continuous function which takes the value 0 at x and the value 1 at y. If а e r(p), then we may write а = f «а + (1 - f) •а e N + N x у C P, and hence P = Г(р), a contradiction. This shows that there is at most one such x. To ensure the existence of such x e X, we let К := {X \ {x} : x e X} с О(X). It is well known that К is compact in the Lawson-topology of 0(X) (see [Comp 80]). Moreover, n i(K) = n N = {0}. Hence, if P is xeX prime in V, we can find an x e X such that с P by (1210) and (12.12). □ 12.14 Let L be any complete lattice. By Spec(L) we abbreviate the set of all prime elements of L which are different from the largest element 1. The sets of the form s(a) := {p e Spec(L) : a $ p} , a e L, form a topology on Spec(L), the so called hull-kernel-topology. The closed sets of this topology are exactly the sets of the form h(a) := {p e Spec(L) : a < p} , a e L. 12.15 If p : E -> X is a bundle with a compact base space and if
143 V с С(Г(р)) is a complete lattice of closed subspaces containing {Nft : A e C1(X)}, then (12.13) means that we have a mapping fix : Spec (V) + X which sends every prime element P e Spec(V) to the unique x e X such that Nx с P. (In this case we say: P is fixed at x.) 12.16 Proposition. If p : E + X is our favorite bundle with a compact base space and if V с С(Г(р)) is a complete lattioe of olosed subspaces oontaining {N^ : A e C1(X)}, then the mapping fix : Spec(V) -»• X is continuous, where Spec(V) carries the hull-kernel-topology. Proof. Let A с x be closed, with the notations of (12.14) we show that fix 1(A) = h(N&). Indeed, if fix(P) e A, then N, c N,. c p, i.e. P e h(N„). A fix(P) A Conversely, assume that P e but xQ := fix(P) | A. Then we obtain N <= P and N c p. using Uryson's lemma, we show as in the A xo proof of(12.13) that Г(р) = Nx + c p, contradicting P / Г(р). [
13. M-structure and bundles Let E be а С(X)-^-module. Again, we ask: Under which conditions is it true that E is isomorphic to a space of sections in a bundle? We saw in (7.21) and (7.23) that for the algebraic point of view the Banach algebra С(X), viewed as a space of bounded operators on E, should be contained in the "center" of the fi-space E. It is a bit surprising that on the topological side there is also a notion of center of E. We shall see that for Banach spaces E there is a commutative, closed subalgebra Zt(E) c B(E) containing the identity such that E is locally C(X)-convex if and only if С(X) c Z (E). Hence, if we are interested in representations by sections in a bundle, the intersection of the two "centers" Zt(E) and Z^(E) is the right object to look at. We shall see furthermore, that the intersection Zt(E) n Z^(E) is a commutative Banach algebra with unit and thus of the form C(X) for a certain compact Hausdorff space X. This space X is the maximal space such that the d'-space E may be represented as the space of all sections in a bundle p : E + X of fi-spaces. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get hold of the stalks of this bundle. They are by no means "indecomposable" in the sense that Z. (E ) n ZO(E ) is one-dimensional, or, in other words, that every bundle representation of the stalk with a compact base space leads to a one-point base space. In the same sense as the topological center Zt(E) is the counter- part of the algebraical center, we shall find a topological analog of fi-ideals: The M-ideals. It is remarkable that, as in the algebraical situation, the topological center Zt(E) may be represented as the Banach algebra of all continuous IK-valued
145 functions on the space of all "primitive" M-ideals, equipped with the hull-kernel topology. In this section, we shall restrict ourselves to Banach spaces and bundles of Banach spaces. Let us start with a list of results from the theory of M-structure in Banach spaces. The proofs may all be found in the lecture notes of E.Behrends ( [Be 79]) or in the earlier paper of E.M.Alfsen and E.G.Effros ([AE 72]). 13.1 Let E be a real or complex Banach space. A projection on E is a continuous and linear map p : E + E such that pop = p. a pro- jection p is called an L-projeetion, if we have in addition l|m П = ||p(m) || + ||m - p(m) || for all m e E. If p,q are two L-projections on the same Banach space E, then poq = qop, i.e. L-projections commute. Moreover, the operators рлд := poq pvq := p + q - poq p1 := Id - p are L-projections, too. Hence the L-projections form a Boolean algebra. In this Boolean algebra, we have p < q iff poq = p. More- over, if (PjJi j is an increasing family of L-projections, then this family is pointwise convergent to an L-projection. Thus, the Boolean algebra of all L-projections is complete and we denote this Boolean algebra by IPT (E). 13.2 The Banach algebra Cu(E) generated by IPT (E) in B(E) is called L the Cunning ham algebra of E. As L-projections commute, Cu(E) is a
146 commutative algebra with unit, which is of the form C(X), where X is a compact space. Moreover, the space X may be identified with the Stone dual IPT (E)* of the Boolean algebra IPT (E) and thus is an ex- tremaly disconnected space. This implies that the Cunningham algebra is an order complete Banach lattice, i.e. if M c Cu(E) is order bounded, then sup M exists in Cu(E). If M is in addition directed, then M converges to sup M in the strong operator topology, i.e. for every a e E the net {T(a) : T e M} converges to (sup M) (a) in the norm topology of E. 13.3 a subspace F с E is called an L-ideal, if it is the range of an L-projection. This is equivalent to the fact that F has a comple- ment F1 in E such that ||m + n|| = ||m|| + ||n || for all m e F and all n e F1. It follows that F1 is uniquely determined and that F1 is also an L-ideal. Moreover, if F and G are two L-ideals, then F + G is closed and F + G as well as F n G are L-ideals. 13.4 The L-ideals in Banach spaces behave especially nice with respect to the extreme points of the unit ball of E. Let B^(E) = = {m e E : ||m|| < 1 } be the unit ball of E and let F be an L-ideal. Then we have extr (F n B1(E)) = F n extr B1 (E). Moreover, if F and G are two L-ideals, then (F + G) n В (E) = conv ((F n В (E)) и (G n В (E)). 13.5 Again, let F с E be a closed subspace. If its polar F° с E' is an L-ideal in the topological dual E' of E equipped with its canonical norm, then F is called an M-ideaZ. of E. We record a few properties of M-ideals:
147 (i) Finite intersections and arbitrary closed linear spans of M-ideals are again M-ideals. Whence the M-ideals form a sublattice of the lattice of all closed subspaces of E. This lattice is complete, although arbitrary intersections in the lattice of M-ideals and the lattice of all closed subspaces do not agree. By M(E) we denote the lattice of all M-ideals of E. (ii) The sum of two M-ideals is closed. (iii) A subspace F с E is an M-ideal if and only if it has the following 3-ball property: If В(пи,Г1) = {m e E : ||m - m || < r^} , i=1,2,3 are three open balls such that B(m^,r^) n Btir^,^) n B(m3,r3) / 0 and В(т±,г±) n F / 0, then n B(m2,r2) n В (m ,r3) nF# / 0. This 3-ball property may be used to show the following proposition (see also [GK 77] and [Be 79] in the case of function modules): 13.6 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a oompaot base spaoe X and let и X be an open subset. Then the subspace i(U) := {a e Г(р) : alvir. = 0} is an м-ideal of Ftp). I X\U Proof. We let В : = {a e F(p) : Ila - p [[ < e } for к = 1,2,3 к к к Suppose that a e В. n Bo n В, and a e В n i(U) for к = 1,2,3. 1 к к Choose e such that 0 < e < e - || pk - ak || and e < ek - ||pk - a|| for к = 1,2,3 and let V := {x e X : ||ak(x) II < e/2 for к = 1,2,3}.
148 Then V is open. Choose a continuous function f : X + [0,1] such that f(x) = 0 for x | U and f(x) = 1 for x e X \ V. Define a new section o' e Ftp) by a' : = f-p. We show that a' e B^ n B2 n B3 n i(U) : Firstly we have o' e i(U) as f(x) = 0 for all x e X \ U. In order to show that o' e B^, consider ] | a' (x) - pk(x) ||. If x | V, then a' (x) = a(x) and hence ||a' (x) - pk(x) || < ||a - pk|| < £ — £ . " к If x eV, then we compute ||a'(x) - p (x) || = ||f(x)-a(x) - f(x).p.(x) + К л + (f (X) - 1)’(pk(x) - ak(x) + ak(x) || < | f (x) | • 11 a(x) - pk(x) || + + I 1 - f (x) I • ( II Pk(x) - ak(x) II + 11 a k(x) || ) < f(x).(e - e) + (1 - f(x)).(e.- e + e/2) К л - e к “ e/2‘ Thus we have shown that II Pk” o' II £ e ~ e/2 < ek ,as desired. □ Hence, if p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces, we may "rediscover" the open subsets of X in M(F(p)) via the mapping i. The next result makes it even clearer what bundles should have to do with M-structure: 13.7 Let F ,...,F be M-ideals of E such that F. + ... + F = E and 1 n In F. n ••• n F = {0}. Then E is isometrically isomorphic to the n n cartesian product П E/F., equipped with the supremum norm. i=1 1 We may interprete (13.7.) as a representation of E by sections in a bundle p : E + {1,...,n} , where the stalk over i is just the quotient space E/F^.
149 13.8 - To generalize (13.7), we need again some notation . Let E be again be a Banach space and let F be an M-ideal of E. If there is an extreme point p e extr B^ (E') such that is F maximal among all M-ideals contained in ker(p) (or equivalently, if F° is the smallest a (E' ,E)-closed L-ideal containing p), then F is called primitive. Every primitive M-ideal F is a prime element in the lattice of all M-ideals, i.e. if G,H are two M-ideals, then G n H <= F implies G c F or H c F. Moreover, every M-ideal G is the intersection of all primitive M-ideals containing G. Especially, the lattice of all M-ideals is distributive (every lattice with the property that each element is a meet of prime ele- ments is distributive.) With Spec(E) we denote the set of all primitive M-ideals. If P is a primitive M-ideal, then we let Ep := E/P and ap := a + P be the equivalence class of a e E modulo P. Note that Ep is a Banach space when equipped with the quotient norm and that we have a linear map * : E + iT {Ep : P e Spec(E)} a + a where S(P) := ap. 13.9 Proposition. The mapping * : E + H°° Ep is an isometry. Proof. Obviously, * is a contraction. In order to show that II a|| > II all , let a e E. Then we can find an extreme point p e extr B^(E') such that ||a|| = p(a). Let P be the maximal M-ideal contained in ker(p). By duality, we may identify (E/P)' with P°. Then we obtain ||a|| = p(a) = p(ap) < ||p||-||ap|| = 11 ap 11 < ||a|| . □ 13.10 We now return to Banach bundles. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banach spaces and let и с X be an open subset. By (13.6), the
150 set i(U) = N 0 = { a e Г(р) : a/X\u = °} is an M-ideal. As the primitive M-ideals are prime, we may equip Spec Г(р) with the hull- -kernel topology. Now (12.16) applies to the lattice of all M-ideals : 13.11 Proposition. Let p : E X be a bundle of Banaoh spates over a oompaot base spaoe X. Then for every primitive Vi-ideal P there is an unique element fix(P) e X suoh that N,. . . ГIX(r) с P. Moreoverj the mapping fix : Spec Г (p) -+ x is continuous, where Spec Г(p) carries the hull-kernel topology. □ 13.12 Let us consider again a locally C(X)-convex C(X)-module E, where E is a Banach space and where x is compact. As in section 7, we let Ix = {f e C(X) : f(x) = ol and Nx = Ix«E. From (7.6) we conclude (*) f«a - f(x) «a e Nx for all x e X, f e С(X), a e E. Now we know from (7.19) that E is isometrically isomorphic to Г(р), where p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces. Under this isomorphism, Nx corresponds to {a e Г(р) : a(x) = 0}. Moreover, every continuous function f e C(X) yields a continuous function <I>(f) e C^tSpec E) by 0(f)(P) := f(fix(P)). As fix(P) is the unique element of X with Nx с P, the relation (*) implies (** ) f*a - <I>(f) (P) «а e P for all P e Spec E or ( ***) Ф (f) *a - 0(f) (P) *a e P for all P e Spec E. In (***) of course, we defined 4>(f)«a := f>a. The following important Dauns-Hofmann-Kaplansky multiplier theorem shows that we may define f*a for every f e C^(Spec E) and every a e E in such a manner that (***) remains valid. For a proof of this result we refer to [AE 72], [EO 74] or to [Be 79]:
151 13.13 Theorem. Every Banach space E is a C^(Spec E)-moduZe such that for every f e C^tSpec E) and every P e Spec E we have f -a - f (P) -a e P. □ 13.14 Corollary. Let E be a Banach space. Then (i) E is a reduced C^(Spec ^-locally convex (Spec E.)-module. (it) If X is any topological space, then E is a reduced C(X)-Zo- cally convex C^CE.)-module if and only if there is an isometric homomorphism of Banach algebras Ф : С^(Х) + C^(Spec E) such that 4>(f) *a = f-a for all a e E. Proof. Using (13.9) and the proof of (1.6.(x)) we see that E is C^tSpec E)-locally convex. Moreover, the C^tSpec E)-module E is reduced: Let 0 / f e. C^tSpec E) . Then f (P) / 0 for some P e Spec E. Pick any a e E \ P. Then f(P) >a | P. As f«a - f(P)-a e P by (13.13), we conclude that f«a / 0. For a proof of (ii), assume that E is a reduced С(X)-locally convex (X)-module. We may assume w.l.o.g. that X is compact. From (7.19) and (7.22) we conclude that there is a reduced bundle p : E + X such that E = Г(р) . We claim that for reduced bundles the mapping fix : Spec Ftp) + X has dense image: Indeed, let x e X be an element such that E^ = = p 1(x) / {0}. Then Nx = {a e F(p) : a(x) = 0} is an M-ideal which is different from F(p). By (13.8) we find a primitive M-ideal P e Spec F(p) such that Nx с P. Clearly, fix(P) = x. Now the mapping Ф : f + fofix : C^tX) + C^tSpec F(p)) sends С^(Х) isometrically onto a closed subalgebra of C^tSpec F(p)) = C^tSpec E). From (**) and (13.13) we obtain f*a - Ф (f) .a = f -a - Ф (f) (P) «а + Ф (f) (P) «а - Ф (f) «a e P - P = P
152 for every P e Spec E. As the intersection of all primitive M-ideals is 0, we obtain f«a = 0(f) «a. - The converse follows from (i). □ From (7.24) we know that we may identify C^tSpec E) with a closed subalgebra of B(E) via the mapping f + T^, T^(a) = f«a. This gives rise to the following definition: 13.1 5 Definition. Let E be a Banach space. The image of the mapping f + Tf : C^tSpec E) + B(E) is called the (topological) center of E, denoted by Zt(E). □ There are various other characterizations of Zt(E) which we shall list. But firstly, we need a definition: 13.1 6 Definition. Let T : E + E be a bounded operator. (i) T is called M-bounded, if there is a real number r c IR such that T(a) is contained in every ball of radius r which contains a. (ii) T is called a multiplier, if there is a mapping aT : extr B1 (E' ) Ж such that for every p e extr.B^(E') we have T'(p) = aT(p)«p, i.e. every extreme point of the dual unit ball is an eigenvector for the dual operator T' : E' + E' . (iii) If T and S are two multipliers on E, then S is called an adjoint of T, if aT = ag where denotes complex conjugation. □ From Eae 72] for the real case and [Be 79] for the arbitrary case we draw the following conclusion: 13.1 7 Theorem. Let T : E + E be a bounded operator. Then (i) T is М-bounded if and only if T is a multiplier.
153 If the dual operator T' : E' + E' belongs to the Cunningham algebra Cu(E') of E', then T is a multiplier. □ 13.1 8 Theorem. Let T : E + E be a bounded operator. Then T belongs to the oenter Zt(E) if and only if 1 is a multiplier which admits an adjoint. If E is a real Banaoh spaoe, then the following conditions are equi- valent: (i> T e Zt(E). (ii) T is M-bounded. (iii) T is a multiplier. (iv) T' e Cu(E'). □ 13.19 Conclusion. Let E be a Banaoh spaoe, let X be a oompaot topolo- gical spaoe and let us assume that E is а С(X)-module. (i) E is locally C(X)-convex if and only if the operators a -> f*a : E + E belong to г^(Е), f e С (X) . (ii) E is a reduced locally C(X)-convex C(X)-module if and only if X is a quotient of the Stone-Cech compactification В(Spec E) of the spaoe of all primitive M-ideals, equipped with the hull - kernel topology. □ As a consequence, the space В(Spec E) is the largest compact space which can serve as a base space of a bundle in which we can have a reduced representation of E by sections.
14. An adequate M-theory for ^-spaces. In this section we shall deal with a straightforward generalization of the ideas in section 13. 14.1 Definition. Let E be a topological fi-Banach space. A closed subspace M с E is called an M-fi-ideaZ, if it is an M-ideal and an fi-ideal at the same time. By M^(E) we denote the set of all M-Q-ideals. □ From (6.6) and (13.5.(i)) we obtain 14.2 Proposition. Finite intersections and arbitrary closed linear spans of M-il-ideals leads again to M-Sl-ideals. Hence M^(E) is a complete lattice, which is a sublattice of M(E) and therefore distributive. □ 14.3 Proposition. For every K-ideal ( 0,-ideal) F с E there is a largest K-il-ideab kn(F) (k (F) ) contained in F. Whence we have two kernel operators kfi : M(E) - Mfi(E) and к : Idn(E) - Mn(E) □ Note that by (14.2) every closed subspace F с E contains a largest M-Q-ideal. This leads to 14.4 Definition. An M-Q-ideal P с E is called primitive, if there
155 is an extreme point p e extr (E') of the dual unit ball such that P is the largest M-fi-ideal of E contained in ker(p). By Spec^(E) we denote the collection of all primitive M-Q-ideals. □ 14.5 Proposition, The mapping maps Spec E onto Spec^ E. (ii) Spec^ E consists of prime elements of M^(E) only. (Hi) If we equip Spec E and Spec^ E with their hull-kernel topolo- gies, then the restriction of k^ to Spec E is continuous. Proof. The first assertion is an obvious consequence of the defini- tions . (ii) Let P e Spec^ E and pick any Q e Spec E with P = k^(Q) c Q. If M,N e M^(E) are M-fi-ideals with M n N cP, then we conclude M n N c Q, hence w.l.o.g. M c Q as Q is prime. But this yields kfi(M) = M c kfi(Q) = P. (iii) Let A c Spec^ E be closed. Then there is an M-Q-ideal M of E such that A = {P e Spec^ E : M cP}. An easy calculation shows that k^ (A) = {P e Spec E : M с P }and therefore kJ(A) is closed in Spec E. This means that k^ is continuous. □ The following result is a consequence of the Dauns-Hofmann-Kaplansky multiplier theorem (13.13): 14 .6 Theorem. Let E be a topological (l-Banach space. Then E is a C^tSpec^ E) -Cl-modu le which is locally C^tSpec^ E)-convex and reduced Moreover, for every P e Spec^ E, every a e E and every f e C^fSpec^ E) we have f «a - f(P) «а e P Proof. By (14 .5.(iii)), the Banach algebra C^tSpec^ E) may be
156 identified with a closed subalgebra of C^(Spec E) via the mapping f + f°ko : C, (Speco E) + C, (Spec E) . Define an action of C,(Spec E) о ь XJ о ь XJ LJ о ь on E by f-a := *a. By (13.14),the Banach space E becomes a reduced locally C^(Spec^ E)- -convex C^(Spec^ E)-module in this way. Moreover, by (13.13) we have f *a - f (kfi (Q) ) -a e Q for every Q e Spec E. Now let P e Spec^ E. From (13.8) we know that P = n {Q e Spec E : P c Q}. If f e C^tSpec^ E) is given, then f is constant on the closure of {P}. As the closure of {P} is the set {P' e Spec^ E : P cP'}, we obtain f(P) = f(P') whenever P cP'. Thus, if Q e Spec E is given and if P c Q, then P c k^(Q) and therefore f(P) = f(k^(Q)). This yields f -a - f(P) -a e Q for all Q e Spec E with P c Q and thus f-a - f(P)-a e P = n {Q e Spec E : P c Q}. It remains to show that E is a C^tSpec^ E)-fi-module. So, let f e C^tSpec^ E). Then for every a e E we have a e f iff f «а = 0 iff f(P)-a e P for all P e Spec^ E iff a e P for all P e f \ {0}) iff a £ n f”1( Ж \ {0}), i.e. f1 = n {P e Spec^ E : f(P) /0}. As an intersection of fi-ideals yields again an ideal by (6.6), we conclude that f1 is an Q-ideal for every f e C^tSpec^ E). □
157 Substituting M(E) by M^(E) and Spec E by Spec^ E, the same proofs as in (13.11) and (13.14) yield: 14.7 Proposition. Let p ; E + X be a bundle of 0,-Banach spaces over a compact base space X. Then for every P e Spec^ Г(р) there is an unique element fix(P) mapping fix : Spec^ Г(р) e X such that P c N,. . . f ix (p) -> X is continuous. □ Moreover, the 14.8 Proposition. If X is any compact topological space and if E is an ti-Banach space, then E is a reduced and locally (X)-convex (X) - il-space if and only if there is an isometric homomorphism of Banach algebras Ф : C^(X) + C^tSpec^ E) such that for all f e C(X) and all a e E we have Ф(f) «a = f-a. □ Again, (7.24) tells us that we may identify C^tSpec^ E) with a closed subalgebra of B(E): 14.9 Definition. The image of the mapping f + : C^tSpec^ E) ->-B(E) is called the topological Q-center of E, denoted by ^(E). □ The following result is parallel to (13.19): 14.10 Theorem. Let E be a topological ii-Banach space, let x be a compact space and let us assume that E is a C(X)-module. (i) E is a locally С (X) -convex С (X)-il-module if and only if the operators a -+ f*a : E -> E belong to Z^ ^(E) for evei>y f e С (X) . (ii) E is a reduced and locally C(X)-convex С (X)-il-module if and only if X is a quotient of the Stone-Cech compactifioation B(Spec^ E) via a mapping Ф : B(Spec^ E) -> X such that f-a - f^(P))-a e P for all P e Spec^ E- □
158 Thus, as in (13.19), the space В(SpecE) is the largest compact base space over which a representation of the fi-space E by all sections in a bundle p : E + X is possible. We conclude this sections with a few remarks concerning Banach lattices, Banach algebras and C*-algebras. From (7.26) and (7.28) we obtain: 14.11 Proposition. If E is a Banach algebra or a Banach lattice, then Ztrfi(E) = Zt(E) n Zfi(E). □ If E is even a C*-algebra, then we conclude from [Be 79] and [AE 72] that the M-ideals of E are exactly the closed two-sided ideals of the algebra E. Moreover, an ideal is primitive in the sense of M-ideals if and only if it is primitive as an ideal of the C*-algebra E. Hence, in this case we have Z(E) := Z.(E) = Z0(E) = Z. (E) and Spec E = Spec^ E If we apply (14.10) to this situation, we obtain: 14.12 Corollary. (Dauns - Hofmann) Let E be a unital Z*-algebra s/ and let X be the Stone-Cech compactification of Spec E, equipped with the hull-kernel topology. Then there is a bundle p : E -> X of C*-algebras such that E is isometrically isomorphic to the C*-algebra Г(p) of all continuous sections of p. □

15. Duality The material represented in the rest of this paper was developped in order to give an useful representation of the dual space Г(р) ' of the space of all sections in a bundle. Although I did not succeed to my satisfaction, I believe thatmanyof the results discovered in this untertaking are interesting in themselves. An "optimal" representation of linear functionals on Г(р) would be the following: Given a continuous linear form ф : Г(р) -»• Ж, where p : E + X is a bundle with stalks (E ) , then find a family (ф ) v of continuous linear functionals фх : Ex + Ж and a measure ц e M(X) such that Ф(о) = f ф (a(x)) dji(x) x x for all a e Г(p). Of course, this requires that the mapping x + фх(а(х)) : X + Ж is ц-integrable for every a e Г(р). As this is always the case if the map- ping T(a) : X + Ж defined by T(a) (x) := фх(а(х)) is continuous and as an easy calculation shows that T(f»a) = f>T(a) for all f e С(X) and all аеГ(р), we are led to a study of the space of all (contin- uous) C(X)-module homomorphisms T : Г(р) -»• C(X), denoted by Mod(F(p)). It turns out that there is a close relation between the "size" of Mod(r(p)) and the topology on E. We shall find out that (with restrictions) the space Mod(r(p)) is "big" if and only if E is Hausdorff and that Mod(r(p)) is "very big" if and only if the mapping x + ||a(x) || : X + ]R is continuous for every a e Г(р) .
160 15 .1 We start with a list of notations which we shall use frequently. Let p : E + X be a full bundle. For every subset А с X we let N = {a e Ftp) : а/л = 0}. Instead of N. ,we shall write N . A / A X j X Recall from (2.7) that for completely regular base spaces X the quotient F(p)/Nx may be identified with the stalk Ex and whence the dual space of Ex may be identified with the polar N° c r(p)' of Nx- We shall always make this identification. Hence equations like ф(а) = ф(а(х)) will make sense, provided that ф e Ex = N°. Similarly, if X is normal and if А с X is compact, then Гд(р) may be identified with Г(р)/Ыд, if p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces. In this case we have N° = Гд(р)'. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banach spaces with a completely regular base space X. For every x £ X let Bx с Г(р)' be the dual unit ball of the stalk Ex- If A c x is a subset, we define В = и В . A , x хеА Note that Вд is not the dual unit ball of Гд(р) in general! Finally, we let Вд = BA \ {0}. 15 .2 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a full bundle with a com- pletely regular base space. (I) If A <= x is closed and Е/ x e X \ A, then Nx + Ыд = Г (p) . If p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces, then
161 (ii) If x,y e X are distinct, then Bx n By = N° n N° = {0 } (Hi) If к <= X is closed, then Вд = Bx n N°. Proof, (i) Let f : X -> [0,1 ] be a continuous function such that f(x) = 0 and f (A) = {1 }. If a e Г(р) is a section of the bundle p, then f-a e Nx and (1 - f) *a e and thus a = f*a + (1 - f) «a belongs to N + N_. x A (ii) follows immediatly from (i) by taking polars. (iii) If x is an element of А с X, then Nx contains Nft. Thus, using the definitions, we obtain R c r n № с r n N°, i.e. в, <= Bv n N°. Conversely, assume that 0 / ф e Bx n N°. Then we can find an x e X such that ф e Bx n N°. We have to show that x belongs to A. Assume, if possible, that x does not belong to A. Then (i) yields the contra- diction фе Bv П N° C N° n N° = (N + N ) ° = Г (p) ° = {0 } . □ X A X A X A From now on we shall always equip Bv with the weak-*-topology in- X duced by Г(p)'. 15.3 Proposition. If X is completely regular and if A с x is com- pact, then Вд is compact. Proof. Let (Ф^)iel ^e a conver9ent net contained in Вд and let Ф = lim Ф.. We have to show that ф e B,. Firstly, for every iel iel 1 A there is an x^ e A such that Ф^ e Bx . By the compactness of A there is a convergent subnet (x.). T of (x.). T; let x := lim x.. j'jeJ 1'iel' . 3 J e J We show that ф e Bx- Obviously, we have ||ф|| <1. Moreover, note that ф = lim ф.. jeJ 3 Now let a e Nx- We have to show that ф(а) = 0. Thus, let e > 0. Then there is a neighborhood V of x such that || a(y) || < e for all у e v. Whence we have eventually Цо(х^) [[ < e. This yields
162 | ф( a) ( = lim | ф. ( a) [ je J J = lim | ф. ( a( x.) ) | je J J J < liS ||ф. [[ • || o(x .) || je J J J < Tim || a(x .) || je J -1 < e As e > 0 was arbitrary, we obtain ф( a) =0. □ By (15.2) we have a mapping у : + X defined by у( ф) = x iff ф e В , provided that X is completely regular. Since for every subset -1 x А с X we have у (A) = EL, (15.3) allows us to conclude: 15.4 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle with a compact base space X. Then B^. is compact. Moreover, the mapping у : gT + X is continuous. □ Recall from section 12 that C1(X) denotes the complete lattice of all closed subsets of X. If p : E + X is a bundle with a compact base space, then we have a mapping Y* : C1(X) Cl(By) A A + Вд Note that y*(A) = Y 1(A) и {0}. This yields 15.5 Proposition. If p : E + X is a bundle a compact base space x, then the mapping y* ; ves arbitrary intersections and finite unions of Banach spaces with C1(X) C1(BV) preser- Especially, y* is continuous for the Seott-topologies on ci(X) and Cl (Вх)л resp. □
163 15.6 Proposition. Let p : f + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a compact base space X. If U c Bv Is open and if к c Bv is closed, X X then the set {x e X : A n Bx c U} is open in X. Proof. Let и = {C e C1(BX) : A nC cU}. IfC e U and if С с C is a closed subset of C, then C belongs also to U. Moreover, let P c C1(BV) be down-directed (i.e. C. ,Cn e P implies the existence of X 12 Cj e P such that c n C2> and assume that n P e U. By the definition of U this means nP n A c U. Hence the compactness of Bv allows us to find а С e P such that C n A c U, i.e. C e U- Thus, X U is open in the Scott-topology of C1(BV). As Y* is Scott-continuous, (Y*) 1(U) = {C e C1(X) : A n Bc c U} is open in the Scott-topology of C1(X) . Now recall from [Comp 80] that the mapping x + {x} : X + C1(X) is even continuous for the Lawson-topology on C1(X). This implies that the set {x e X : A n Bx c U} is open in X. □ In the following, let B^j be the unit ball of r(p) ' and let Conv be the lattice of all closed convex subsets of B°. Recall that B° is a continuous lattice when ordered by dual inclusion. In the next proposition however, the lattice theoretical operations refer to the normal set theoretical inclusion. 15.7 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a compact base space X. Then (i) conv Вд = N° n B° for all closed subsets А с X. (ii) The mapping A + N° n B° : C1(X) + Conv B° preserves arbitrary intersections and finite suprema. Especially, this mapping is Scott-continuous. Proof, (i) Let B1 be the unit ball of r(p). Recall that the mapping
164 ед : Г(Р) Гд(р) ° * а/А д is a quotient map with kernel If is the unit ball of Гд(р), then e (B^) = + B^ . Moreover, we have ||ед(а) II s 1 if and only if ||o(x) || 4. 1 for all x e A. This implies that + B^ = = {a e Г(р) : || a(x) || 4 1 for all x e a). As Вд contains 0, we obtain conv B_ = B°° A A = ( и В )°° xeX = ( n B°)° xeX = {о e Г(р) : || a(x) || s 1 for all a e A} = (Ыд + Bl)° = (na + B1>° = na n Bi>‘ (ii) If A,A' c X are closed, then NAUA' " B1 = BAuA' = conv (В, и В, , ) A A = conv (conv BA U conv Вд1) = conv((N° n и (N°, n B°)) = (N° П B°) V n B°) , Hence finite suprema are preserved. Moreover, N, is an M-ideal of Г(p) and therefore N? is an L-ideal of T(p) ' . Thus, from (13.4) we conclude that extr (N° n N ° n B°) = N° n N° n extr B° /4/4 1 /4/4 I = extr (N° n B°) n extr (N°, n B°) . Using the Krein-Milman theorem we obtain from (i) firstly the in- clusion
165 extr.(N° n N°, n В?) с В, n B,, А А I A A BAnA' and then (as B. ,, is closed) A nA N° n N° n B° c conv(B, . ,) A A 1 A nA Conversely, A nA' c A,A' implies N ,N , c N , and therefore А А А ПА N° ,, c n? n N?. ;• This shows that finite intersections are preserved. A nA A A Finally, let (A^)j be a down-directed family of closed subsets of X. From (12.12) we conclude that N , = ( и N ) . Taking polars, we n i i obtain n (N° n B°) = N° n B°. □ Aj_ I fiA^ | 15.8 Corollary. If p : E -+ X is a bundle with a compact base space X and if A and В are closed subsets of X, then N^ + Ng = N^^g. Proof. Obviously, we have N + N„ c N „. AB AnB Conversely, note that Nft and Ng are M-ideals. Therefore the sum Nft + Ng is a closed subspace of Г(р) by (13.5 (ii)). it remains to show that N, + N„ is dense in N, „. But this follows immediatly А В AnB from (15.7(ii)). □ These results may be interpreted that the semicontinuity of the norm in a bundle p : E + X is somehow reflected in the semicontinuity of the mapping A + N° n B° : C1(X) + Conv В ° or, if we wish, in the semicontinuity of the mapping x -> В : X -> C1(BV) . Therefore, we might expect that the points of continuity of the mapping norm : E IR are "rediscovered" in points of continuity of these maps:
166 15.9 Proposition. Опое again, let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a oompaot base space X and let xq e X be a point. The following oonditions are equivalent: (i) The mapping x + В : X + C1(BV) is continuous at x for the X X о Lawson-topology on C1(BV)- A (ii) If W с в is open and if В n W / 0, then the set X (ii) * * * * * * * xo {x e X : Bx n W / 0} is a neighborhood of xq. (iii) The mapping x + || a(x) || j X + JR is continuous at xq for every a e Г(р). (iii') The mapping norm : E + Ж : a -> j | a 11 is continuous at every a with p(a) = x . (iv) If M с X is a subset of X and if xQ belongs to the closure of M, then В <= B... x M о Proof, (i) + (ii) : If W c Bv is open, then {A e C1(BV) : A n W / 0} X X = {A e C1(BV) : A 4 B„ \ W} is open in the Lawson-topology. Thus (i) X X implies (ii). (ii) + (iii) : Let a e Г(р) , let e > 0 and let U = {x e X : ||a(x) || > || a(xo)||- e}. We have to show that U is a neighborhood of x . о Let W = Bx n {ф e Г (p) ' : | ф (a) | > || a(xQ) II ” e}- Then W is open in Bx- Moreover, we may find an ф in the dual unit ball Bx of Ex о о such that ф(а(х )) = ф(а) > ||a(x ) || - e. Hence the set W n В о is not empty and by (ii) the set V = {x e X : Bx n W / 0} is a neigh- borhood of xq. We complete the proof of (iii) by showing that V c U: Indeed, if x e V, then Bx n W / 0. Hence there is an ф e Bx such that | ф (a) [ > ||a(x )|| - e. As ||ф|| < 1 , we may conclude that || o(xQ) || - e < | ф(а) [ = | ф (o(x) ) | < ||ф|| • ||a(x) || < ||a(x) [[ , i.e.
167 x e U. (in) -+ (iv) : Assume that x e M but В <t B„. Let v = R, \ B„. Then о x т M л M о V is open in В and v n В / 0. Moreover, we have X X о (1) г«ф e V for all ф e V and all 1 < |r | < -|^ ц . Indeed, as ||г«ф|| < 1 , we have г«ф e Bv. Now assume that г»ф e В . X M Then |1| < 1 implies ф e r“1= (r“1«BM)- c B^. Now pick any ф e V n Bx and let A = ф (1) . Then A is a closed о hyperplane of Г(р). Further, we have (2) n {ф e Bv : |ф(а)|>1-е}сУ UeA X e?0 To show this inclusion, let ф belong the the left hand side. Then |ф(а)[ > 1 for all a e A and whence ker ф n A = 0. This means that ker ф and A = ф \l) are parallel hyperplanes and thus ker ф = ker ф. Therefore, we can find an element r eJK such that ф = г«ф. Pick any a e A. Then ф(a) = г*ф(а) - r, whence |r| >1. Moreover,we have |[ф[[ = |r [ • [|ф[[ < 1, i.e. |r[ < 11 ф । p . This implies г*ф = ф e V, as we started with an ф eV. Note that all the sets {ф e Bv : |ф(a) | > 1 - e} are closed. An easy compactness argument shows: (3) There are sections а^,...,а e Г(р) and e > 0 with n ф(а.) = 1 and n {феВ„:[ф(а.)[>1-е}<=У. 1 i=1 X 1 Let C be the convex hull of а.,...,а . Then 1 n ф(а) = 1 for all а e C. Moreover, as C is compact, we can find elements p^,...,p e C such that for every а e C there is an j £ {1,...,m} with Ha - PjH < e/3.
168 Now 1 - e/3 < 1 = *(pj) = *(Pj(xo)) * И Ф Ii * ti P-j (xo) Ii s i|pj(xo)i! and the assumption (iii) imply that there is an open neighborhood U of xQ such that 1 - e/3 < || (x) || for all x e U. If a e C, then ||a - pj || < e/3 for a certain j. Therefore for all x e U we have fl Pj (X) || < 11 О(X) - Pj (X) || + II a(x) || < e/3 + 11 о(x) || i. e. 1 - e/3 < e/3 + || o(x) || As xQ belongs to the closure of M, we can pick an element x^ e M n U. Thus we have shown: 2 (4) There is an x^ e M such that 1 - ye < ||a(x^) || for all aeC. From now on, we work entirely in the stalk E . Let В с E be the 2 Xl Xl ball of radius 1 - ye and with center 0 and let Cx := {a(xp : a e C}Then it is clear that В n C = 0 and hence О | С + B. X1 X1 By the Hahn - Banach theorem we can find a continuous linear functional ф : E + IK such that ||ф|| =1 and ker ф n (С + B) = X1 X1 = 0. Suppose that ||ф(а) || < 1 - e for a certain a e C. As ||ф|| = 1 , we can find an element a e В such that |ф(a)| > 1 - e. If we multiply a with an appropriate г e Ж with |r| < 1 we obtain the existence of a' e В such that ф(а') = ф(а). Hence ф maps а(х ) - а' e С + В 1 Х1 onto О, a contradiction. Thus, we may conclude:
169 (5) There is an element ф e Bx such that |ф(а) | > 1 - e for all a e C. As we have | ф(a ) | > 1 - e for all i e {1 ,.. . ,n}, this ф belongs to V. On the other hand, we have ф e Bx <= BM (Contradicting the fact that V n BM = (Bx x B^) n BM = 0. (iv) + (i): Let a be an ultrafilter on X converging to xq. We have to show that lim В = В и. x x о Firstly, note that {x } = n M ° Men and lim Bv = n ( и В )— (see (8.8) ) Meu. xeM i.e. lim В = n B~ . U x M Meu. As (iv) implies В c lim В , it remains to check the other in- xo u x elusion. Let A be any closed neighborhood of xQ. Then A e и and therefore n BM <= n {вд : A is a closed neighborhood of xQ } Meu. - n {Вд : A is a closed neighborhood of xq } = Bx by (11.5) . о (iii') + (iii) is trivial. (iii) + (iii1): Let a e E belong to the stalk E over xq and о choose any section a e Ftp) with a(xq) = a. Further, let e > 0. We have to find an open neighborhood U of a such that | I! - H«И I < e for а11 В e U.
170 An easy application of the triangle inequality shows that U := {B : В _ a(p(B)) || < e/2 and p ( B) eV} has the required property, where V is any open set around xQ such that | Ha(x) H " HaH i < £/2 for а11 X e V. □ 1'5.10 Definition. We say that a bundle of Banach spaces p : E + X has eontinuous norm, if the mapping norm : a -> 11 a 11 : E +1R is continuous. □ In the following proposition we show that the continuity of the norm may be expressed by the continuity of various other maps: 15.11 Theorem. Let p : E -+ X be a bundle of Banach spaces over a compact base space X. Then the following statements are equivalent; (i) E has continuous norm. (ii) The mapping x + ||a(x) || : X +1R is continuous for every a e Г(p) . (iii) If W с В is open, then the set {x e X : W n E' / 0} is open in X . (iv) For every subset M c x we have B„ = B—. MM (v) The mapping x + В : X + C1(BV) is continuous for the Lawson X X topology. (vi) The mapping x + : X -> C1(B°) is continuous for the Lawson topology. (vii) The mapping x -> B^ : X + Conv B° is continuous for the Lawson topology. (viii) The mapping A -> N° n B° : C1(X) -+ Conv B° is continuous for the Lawson topology. (ix) The mapping A + Вд : C1(X) + C1(BX) is continuous for the
171 Lawson topology. Proof. The equivalences of (i) , (ii) , (iii) ,(iv) and (v) follow immediately from (15.9) (v) + (vi) : As the embedding A + A : C1(BV) + C1(B°) preserves X I arbitrary infima and suprema, it is Lawson continuous. Hence (v) implies (vi). (vi) + (vii) follows from (12,7). (vii) + (vi) : The embeddings x + {x} : X + C1(X) and A + A Conv В ° + Cl(B^) are continuous, hence (vii) implies (vi) . (vi) + (v) : The image of the mapping x + В is contained in C1(BV). X X As the embedding A -> A : C1(BV) + C1(B°) is also a topological em- X 1 bedding, (v) follows. (iv) -» (viii) : We show that the mapping A + n B^ preserves arbitrary suprema: Indeed, (15.7(i)) yields n B° = conv(B— ) = ljAj_ I UAj- conv(BuA ) (by (iv)) = conv( и Вд ) = conv( и conv Вд ) = = conv( и (N° n B°)), i.e. N° д n B° = sup(N° n B°). I | rlj. j As this mapping always preserves arbitrary infima, it is Lawson- -continuous by(12.4(ii) ) . For (viii) -» (ix) and (ix) -» (v) use the arguments given in (vii) + (vi) (v) . □ We now develop a duality between "stalkwise convex" subsets of E and "stalkwise convex" subsets of В . In the remainder of this section, X — --------------------------------------
172 Е ->• X will always be a bundle of Banach spaces with a compact base space X. 15.12 Lemma. Let Kc В be closed and let e > 0. Define X Ke := {a e E : иеф(а) i e for all ф e Kn В , . }. р(а) Then the restriction p ; K£ X of the projection p : E -> x is still open. £ Proof. Let а e К and let U be an open neighborhood of a. We have £ to show that p(U n К ) is a neighborhood of p(a). First of all, we may assume that U has the form U = {g e E : II т (p(B) ) - B|| < r and p(B) e W} , where т e Г(p) is a section with т(р(а)) = a and where W is an open neighborhood of p(a). £ If т =0, then the 0 of Ex is contained in U n К for every x e W £ and whence p(U n К ) = W From now on, we assume that т / 0. By passing to a smaller r if necessary, we obtain ||t|| - r > 0. Choose a real number 5 such that e < 6 < e • ц T ||'— and let 0 = {ф e Bx : йеф(а) < 6}. Then 0 is open and so is the set {x e X : KnBxc(?J (see (15.6) ). Since for all ф e ®р(а) n K the lnecIuality Re <На) s e < 6 holds, p(a) belongs to the open set Wn {x e X : KnBxc(?J-We claim that Wn{xeX:KnBxc()}c p(u n K£) : Let x eWn{xeX:KnB c (} }. Then the element 4*T(x ) belongs о x о о in fact to K£: Indeed, let ф be any element of К n Bx • Then ф be- o e longs to 0 , whence Re ф(а) = Re ф(т (xQ) ) < 6 , i.e. Re ф (-^• т (xQ) ) < e. Moreover, we have ||-§-t(xo) - t(xq) || = (1 - |) • ||t(xq) || < < (1 - T|| т [|—‘ llTll = r' i-e. |-т(хо) e U. We finally conclude
173 j-T(xo) e U n Ke and therefore xQ e p(U n Ke) • □ 15.13 Proposition. Let К c E be a subset such that К n Ex is closed, convex and non-empty for every x e X. If the restriction p : К ->• X of the projection p : £ + X is still open, then for every a e К there is a section a e Г(р) with a(p(a)) = a and a(x) e К for every x e X. Proof. Step 1 If e > 0 and if aQ e К are given, then there is a section a e Г(р) such that a(p(aQ)) = aQ and such that for every x e X there is an a с К n satisfying ||a(x) - a 11 < e. (Proof of step 1: Let aQ e К and let x £ X be arbitrary. Then we may find a section ax e r(p) such that ax(p(aQ)) = aQ and ax(x) e К n Ex. Let Ux := {В e E: ||ax(p(B) ) - B|| < eb Then, by assumption, Vx := p(Ux n K) is an open neighborhood of x. As X is compact and as the V , x e X, cover X, we can find finitely many elements x.,...,x e X such that X = V и ... и V . Let in X1 xn (fpi=1 be a partition of unity subordinate to the open cover V ,...,V .We define a section a e Г(р) by X1 n Then a(p(a )) = У f.(p(a ))-a (p(a )) <4 X 1 = 1 1 = у 1=1
174 Moreover, if x e X is given, let M := {i : f (x) / 0}. Then we have x e V for every i e M, as f. vanishes outside V . Hence for Xi 1 xi every i e M we can find a e К n such that 11 (x) - f? || < e Define В := I f±(x)-Bi ieM As К n E is convex and as V f.(x) = 1, the element в belongs to X . Zmr 1 К n Ex- Finally, we have ||a(x) - Bii = 1П f±(x) (x) - g|| ieM i S I fi(x) • Ila (X) - В, II ieM 1 xi 1 < I f . (x) • e ieM = e Step 2 Let e > 0 and let aQ e K. Assume that there is a section т e Г(p) with t(p(ao)) = and assume that for every x e X there is an a e К n E^ such that || т (x) - a|| < e. Then we can find a section t' e Ftp) such that (i) || т' - т || < e. ( ii) т' (p (aQ) ) = a . (iii) For every x e X there is an a e К n Ex satisfying || a - т ' (p (a) ) || < e/2 . (Proof of step 2: Let xq = p(aQ) and let x e X be arbitrary. Then there is an ax e Ex n К with ||t(x) - a || < e. We may assume that a„ = a if x = x . Let т be any continuous section such that x о о x J Tx(x) = ax and such that for every у e X there is an a' e E^ n К satisfying ||тх(у) - a'|| < e/2. As ||тх(х) - t(x)|| = ||ax - r(x) || < e, we can find an open neighborhood Ux of x such that ||тх(У) - т(у) || < e for all у e Ux. We may assume that xQ | Ux if
175 х / х . Let (f ) be a partition of unity subordinate to the open О XX cover (U ) ,, of x. Then f (x ) = 1 and f (x ) =0 for x / x . x xeX x о x о о о Define Then т' (xq) = aQ and || т' - т|| s e by some standard arguments we already used in the proof of the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.2). Moreover, as in the proof of step 1, we see that for every x e X there is an a e К n Ex such that ||t’ (x) - a|| < e/2.) Step 3 For every aQ e К there is a a e Г(р) with a(p(aQ)) = aQ and a(x) e К for all x e X. (By induction, using step 1 and step 2, we can find a sequence Tn e Г(р) such that (i) Tn(p(aQ)) = aQ for all n e]N. (ii) H тп - Tn+1 || s фП for all n e ]N. (iii) For every n e IN and every x e X there is an a e E n К such that ||тп(х) - an,x|| < (|)n. We compute that Han,x-“n+1,xH ~ Han>x - Tn(x)|| + ||Tn(x) - Tn+1(x) || + iiTn+1(x) - “n+1,xH < з-фп. Hence (Tn)n£]N and (“n x’neiN are CauchV sequences. Let a := lim tr. ' П-*-" Then for each n e ]N we have Tn(p(ao)) = ao and therefore o(p(aQ)) = = a . Finally, if x e X, then a(x) = lim т (x) = lim a e К n E , П-*"00 n n->.oo ' as К n E is closed.) □ x 15.14 Proposition. Let К c В be closed. Then for every x e X we X have
176 (К n Вх)° = {а е Г(р) : а(х) = т(х) for some т е К°} = К° + N х = conv (К° и N ) Especially, К° + Nx is closed for every x e X Proof. Firstly, we have {а e Г(p) ; a(x) т(x) for some т e K°} = K° + N x c conv (K° U Nx) С (K° и Nx)°° = (K°° n N°)° = (K°° n Ep ° = (K°° n Bx)° с (К П Bx)°. Thus, it remains to show that (К n Bx)° с {ас Г(р) : а(x) = т(x) for some т e K°}. Let о e (K n В )°. Then а(х) e {а e E : Re ф(а) < 1 for all ф e К n В ^1. Hence, using (15.12) and (15.13), we can find a section т e Г(р) such that а(х) = t(x) and т(у) e {а e E : Re Ф(а) < 1 for all ф e К n В , } P k uj for all у e X. Now let ф e K. Then ф belongs to К n B^ for a certain у e X and whence Re ф(т) = Re ф(т(у)) < 1. But this implies т e K°. □
177 15.15 Corollary. If К с В is closed and if 0 e K, then X (i) (conv K) n Bx = conv (K n Bx) for every x e X (ii) и conv (К n В ) is closed. xeX X Proof, (i) From (15.14) we conclude that conv (K n Bx) = (K n Bx)°° = (conv (K° и N ) ) ° = (K° и Nx)°°° = (K° и Nx)° = K°° n = conv К n Bx. (ii) follows from (i), as и conv (К n В ) = и (conv К) n В хеХ X хеХ X - В n conv К. □ X We now go back to the discussion of subbundle as it was begun in section 8. We shall apply the results obtained in the present section in order to give a description of subbundles which uses duality. Firstly, recall from (8.8) that a subbundle F £ E is completely determined by a "distribution" of closed subsoaces (F ) of the X X€X stalks such that the restriction of the projection p:E->-X to и F is still open. xeX X
178 The next lemma is certainly well-known to everyone working in functional analysis: 15.16 Lemma. Let E be a Banach space and bet К с E' be a subset such that (a) К is a(E',E)-compact, convex and circled. (b) ||ф|| s 1 for all ф e K. (c) If 0 / ф e K, then ф/ ||ф|| e К. If a e E and e > 0 are given such that |ф(а)| < e for abb ф e K, then there is an ebement b e E such that ||a - b|| < e and ф (b) = О for abb ф e К. Moreover, 3K*K is the a(E',E)-cbosed subspace generated by K. Proof. Let F с E' be the subspace generated by K. Then F = IK-K, as К is convex and circled. Moreover, F n {ф e E' : ||ф|| < 1} = К by the assumptions (b) and (c). From the Krein-Smulian theorem and (a) we conclude that F is a(E',E)-closed. Thus, E/F° is a Banach space and (E/F°)' is isometrically isomorphic with F°° = F. The dual unit ball of E/F° may be identified with K. Now let л : E + E/F° be the canonical projection. If |ф(а)| < e for all ф e K, then || к (a) || < e. As || к (a) || = inf {||a - b|| : b e F°},
179 there is a b e F° = {u e E : ф(и) = 0 for all ф e K} such that |[a - b || < e. □ We now return to our bundle p : E + X of Banach spaces with a compact base space X. 15.17 Proposition. Let К c Bv be a closed set such that (a) Kx := К n Bx is convex and circled for every x e X (b) If 0 / ф e K, then ф/ ||ф[| e К. Then EIZ = {a e E : ф(а) = 0 for all ф e К n В , . } is a subbundle of К T r p (a) E. Proof. Obviously, EK n Ex = {a e Ex : ф(а) = 0 for allф eK n Bx} is a closed linear subspace of Ex- It remains to show that the restriction p/r : » X is open. /EK K Thus, let a e E„ and let U с E be an open set around a. We have to К show that p(U n E„) is a neighborhood of p(a). Firstly, we may assume x\ without loss of generality that U has the form U = {В e E : ||a(p(B)) “ B|| < e and p(g) e W}, where a e Ftp) is a section passing through a, where e > 0 and where W is an open neighborhood of p(a). As in ( 15.12) we define p / 3 Kb/ = {В e E : Re ф(В) * e/3 for all ф < К n B ( }}. As К is circled, we may write г /з , , К ' = {В e E : ф(В) < e/3 for all ф e К n B^,.,}. p p; e/3 As а e К t using (15.12) and (15.13), we can find a section £ /3 p € Г(р) such that p(p(a)) = a and p(x) e К ' for all x e X. As p(p(cc) ) - о(р(а)) = а - а = 0 and as the mapping norm : E + JR is
180 upper semicontinuous, the set W' := {x e W : || p(x) - p(x) || < e/3} is an open neighborhood of p(a)• We claim that W' c p(U n EK): Indeed, if x e W', then |ф(p(x)) | < e/3 < e/2 for all ф e К n Bx and ||a(x) - p(x) || < e/3 whence for ф e К p Bx we have |ф(а(х))| < |ф(а(х) - p(x)) | + |ф(р(х))| < || ф || • || a(x) - p(x) [| + e/2 < e Applying (15.16) to the Banach space Ex and the compact set К n Bx, we obtain an element a e Ex such that [| a - p(x) || < e and ф(а) = 0 for all ф e К n Bx- As p(a) = x and as a e U n EK» the proof is complete. □ 15.18 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a oompaot base spaoe X. Then the mapping F + F° n В =: K„ X r (resp. F - и (F n E )° n Bv =: Kc) xeX XXF is a bisection between the set of all closed submodules of Г(p) (resp. subbundles of E) onto the set of all closed subsets К с В X such that (a) К n Bx is convex and circled for every x e X. (b) If О / ф e K, then ф/ ||ф[| e К. The inverse of this mapping is given by К F := {p £ Г(р) Jt\ ф(а(х)) = 0 for all x e X, ф e К n Bx (resp. К + EK := {а e E : ф (а) = 0 for all ф e К n Bp } ) •
181 Moreover, the bijections given here and the bijections given in ( 8.6) commute when composed in the right order. Proof. First of all, note that we may (and do) identify (F n Ex)° with (Г(р/С) + N )° = Г(р/С)° n №• Hence we obtain /г X /г X xeX (F n Ex) xeX r(P/F)° Kr(p/F). xuuo xу f we 11a vc г J / r ) • nex ex vjx сз ? x t x о n K /ek the mappings F + Kr and К -> E are inverse to each other: г К Let F с E be a subbundle. Then EK = {a e E : ф(а) = 0 for all ф e Kp n ®p(a)J = {a e E : ф(а) = 0 for all ф e (F n Ep(a))°J = {a e E : a e (F n Ep(a)) } = F Conversely, if К c Bv satisfies (a) and (b), then X Kr = и (E n E )° П В Jt\ X A x£X = и {а г E : ф(а) = 0 for all ф e К n В }° n B„ xeX x x л = B n и Ж-(К n Bv) A v X x£X where we used (15.16) to establish the equality Ж.(К n в ) = = {а eEx : ф(а) =0 for all ф e К n Bx}°. □
182 there Г(Р) • that to 15.19 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a compact base space X. If (F ) is a family of closed linear X x ^x subspaces of (E ) then for every x e X and every a £ F X X ^X О Xq is a section a e Г(р) such that a(x ) = a and a(x) e Fx for all x e X if and only if и F° n B„ is closed. □ X X XcX We conclude this section with a remark concerning M-ideals of Firstly, let M be a primitive M-ideal. Then we recall from that there is an element x e X such that Nx с M. This implies M is a submodule of Г(р): Indeed, let f e C(X) and let a e M. Then f-a - f(x)-a e Nx с M and f(x)-a e. M, hence f-a belongs M, too. As every M-ideal is the intersection of primitive M-ideals, we obtain: 15.20 Proposition. Every Vi-ideal M с Г(р) is а С(X)-submodule of Г(р). □ Using the 3-ball property of M-ideals, we can show the following (see [Be 79, p.86 ]) : 15.21 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banach spaces over a compact base space X. A closed linear subspace M c Ftp) is an Vi-ideal of Ftp) if and only if there is a subbundle E^ с E such that (i) M = F(p, ) ' M (ii) E., is "stalkwise" an Vi-ideal of E. i.e. the linear M 4 > sub space E., n E is an Vi-ideal of E . □ r M x J x
.16. The closure of the "unit ball" of a bundle and separation axioms As we already noticed in example (5.16), not all bundle spaces have to be Hausdorff. The same example shows that the closure of the О-section may contain a whole line in some stalk and the same is true for the closure of the "unit ball" {a e E : ||a!i s 1 }. We shall see in this section that example (5.16) is no exception and that the structure of the closure of the "unit ball" of a bundle deter- mines the strength of topological separation in the bundle space. This section will contain a lot of rather technical results and I can only hope that the readers will not loose their patience before they reach the applications of the material presented here in sections 17 and 19. 16.1 Lemma. Let p E + X be a bundle with seminorms Define (1) vj (a) := sup { r e 1R Vj 1 ( ]r,°°[) is a neighborhood of a}. Then vj satisfies \ij(X-a) = |l|«Vj(a) for all \ e Ж. Moreover, if a : и + E is a section where и с X is open, then for every x e U we have (2) v.(a(x)) sup {r e 1R : {y : r < v-(a(y))} is a neighborhood of x Furthermore (3) v4(a) = sup {inf v . (U ) J J : U is a neighborhood of a} v . : E * TR by j j£J
184 Proof. Firstly, let us check the last equality: As inf Vj (( Jr,«>[) ) > r, the right hand side of this equation dominates Vj(a). Conversely, let a e E and let U be a neighborhood of a. Then for every r < inf Vj(U) the set a neighborhood of a- This shows is Vj (Jr,oo[) contains U equality. Now suppose that \ij(a) e >0. By the last equation there is a neighborhood U of a such that inf v•(U) > e/2 Thus, U and {В e E •• Vj (B) respectively. e/2} are disjoint neighborhoods of a and 0 e E , P1 a Conversely, suppose that U and I/ are disjoint neighborhoods of a and 0 e E p(a) We may assume w.o.l.g. that (/={BeE:p(B) eW an^ 16 .2 Lemma. Let p : E + X be a bundle with seminorms (v.) T • ] ]eJ (i) The mappings (v-) . , are lower semicontinuous. J J (ii) Let x e X. Then the restriction of w . to E is uniformly 3 xo continuous for every j e J. Proof. It remains to check (ii). Let e > 0 and choose 6 = e/3. Now assume that Vj(a - B) <5- We show that |vj(a) - Vj(B)| < e; Let U = {у e E : Vj(y) < 6} and let V a contained in {у e E : Vj(y) > Vj (a) be any open neighborhood of 6}. As в ” a e U and as the mapping add : EvE + E is open by (1.6.(xi)), the set W = add(U,U) = {Y1 + У2 : P(y-j) = р(у2> i y-j e U, У2 e U} is an open neighborhood of g. Moreover, if у e W, then у = у^ + У2 f°r certain y^ e U, y9 e (/. Thus the triangle inequality yields v-(y) г v-(y9) - vJy.) > ^j(a) - 6 - 6 - Vj(a) - 2-6. Thus, the set {у e E : Vj(y) > Vj(a) - 2*6} is an open neighborhood of B- This yields the inequality
185 v . ( В) 2 V. (а) - 2 *6, i.e. v. (а) - v. ( В) J J 3 J Vj ( B) - vj ( a) < e and therefore | vj (a) < e. By symmetry we get v( В) I < e- □ The following example shows that the mappings (v•). , are in general 1 J not continuous: 16.3 Example. Let X = [-1,1] c ]R, equipped with its usual topology. We consider the following weight function w : X -+1R: y 1 , r 0 W(r) = 4 ’ r, r > 0 and equip C([-1,1]) with the weighted norm ||| • ||| given by v(f) = III f III = sup {w(r) • |f (r) I : -1 £ r < 1 } Let E be the completion of C([-1,1]) in the norm Ill-Ill . As in (5.16) we see that there is a bundle p : E -> [-1,1 ] such that E is isometri- cally isomorphic to Г(p). It turns out that r III =i|li ' Р(а) / 0 v(a) = 4 I 0 , p(a) = 0 Now assume that v is continuous. Then for all а e Г(p) the composition v°o is continuous. But this is impossible, as by construction the constant mapping with value 1 belongs to r(p). A later example will show that; the do not have to be seminorms, which in our situation means that they need not be sublinear. 16.4 Proposition. Let p : E -+ X be a bundle and assume that X is Hausdorff. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) E is Hausdorff
186 (ii) {ox e Ex : x e X} c t is closed. (iii) For every 0 / a e E there is a seminorm Vj : E -»• JR of the bundle p : E -> X such that Vj (a) >0. If X is in addition normal and second countable, if all stalks are complete and if the bundle has a. countable family of seminorms (espe- cially if p : E + X is a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a normal and second countable base space), then conditions (i) - (iii) are also equivalent to (iv) For all a e Г(р) the set {x e X : a(x) = 0} is closed. Proof, (i) + (ii) : Let a belong to the closure of {0x e Ex : x e X}. we conclude that p(a) = lim p(0 ) = iel Xi continuous, we may write 0 , . = lim P(a) ieI space, limits of nets are unique, if limx. and as the О-section is iel 1 0 . Because E is a Hausdorff xi they exist. Hence we conclude that a = 0 , , . P (a) (ii) + (iii) : Let 0 / a e E. As the set {0x e Ex • x e X} is closed, we can find an open neighborhood U of a such that g / 0 for all 6 e U. We may assume without loss of generality that U = {g e E : p(g) e U, Vj(a(p(g)) - g) < e} for a certain open neighborhood U of p(a), a certain seminorm Vj : E +1R of our bundle and a certain local section a : U + E. Now let 5 = i-(e - v.(a(p(a)) - a)). * J Then the smaller set V = {g e E : p(g) e U, v^(a(p(g)) - g) < e - 6}
187 is still an open neighborhood of a. Moreover, for all В e I/ we have Vj (B) > 6, as v ( g) <6 for an element Bel/ would imply Vj (a (p ( B)) = v.(a(p(B)) - 0p(6)) £ Vj ( a(p ( В) ) ~ B) + Vj ( B) < e ~ 5 + 6 e . Thus °P( B) e U contradicting the choice of U. We now conclude that V j ( a) - 6- (iii) + (i) : Let a, в e E be two distinct elements of E. We have to show that they have disjoint neighborhoods. This is obvious if P(a) / p(B), as in this case we may take disjoint open neighborhoods -1 -1 U and V of p (a) and p( B) resp. Then p (U) and p (V) are disjoint open neighborhoods of a and В respectively. Now suppose that p( a) = p(B). In this case a / В implies a - В / 0. Using (iii) we can find a seminorm Vj : E -> ]R such that \Л(а - В) > О. Let г := l«v.(a - В). Then there is an open neighborhood U Of а - В such that Vj(y) > r for all у e U. As the mapping E vE E (Y1'Y2> * y1 - Y2 is continuous, there are open neighborhoods I/ and W of a and В resp. such that Y-j ” ^2 e for Y1 e Y2e " T^ese sets У an^ W are disjoint: Indeed, if у e V nW, then 0 = у - у e U, contradicting Vj(y') > r for all y' e U. Finally, suppose that p : E -> X satisfies the additional properties listed in (16.4). Then obviously (i) implies (iv). Conversely, we shall show that (iv) implies (ii):
188 Let a e E belong to the closure of {0x e Ex : x e X}. Assume, if possible, that 0 / a. By (2.9) there is a section a e r(p) such that a(p(a)) = a and by (1.6.(vii)) the sets of the form T(u,a,e,j) ;= {В e E : P<B) e U, Vj (a(p(B) ) - B) < e} form a neighborhood base of a, where U runs through all open neighbor hoods of p(a), \>j runs through all seminorms of the bundle and where e ranges over all positive numbers. Obviously, we may restrict our- selves to a countable neighborhood base of p(a) and to real numbers of the form 1, n e IN. As the family of seminorms was countable, too, we conclude that a has a countable neighborhood base (^n)n£]N and we may assume that c for all n e IN. Moreover, the singleton {0 , . } is closed and a / 0 , .. Therefore we may assume that P ( a) p (a) 0 , . i V for all n e IN. p(a) n As a belongs to the closure of {о eE : x e X}, for every n e IN we x x can pick an element x e X such that 0 el/. Obviously, x p(a) n x n n n for all n e JN, lim 0 = a and thus lim xn = p(ct) . Hence the set П->оо П Пн-co A : = {p(a) } и {xn : n e IN} is compact and the selection p : A -+ E defined by ,0 if x = x for some n e IN , . I x n p(x) = 1 n a if x = p(a) is continuous. By (4.4) we can find an extension p e Г(р) of p. For this section, the set {x : p(x) = 0} is not closed, as p(xn) ~ p(xn) = 0x , but p(lim x ) = ”p(p(a)) = a / 0. □ n n 16.5 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a bundle of finite dimensional spaces over a Hausdorff spaoe X. Then E is Hausdorff if and only if for every x e X there is a seminorm v- : E -> TR and a real number -'x
189 Мх > ° 8иа^ that for all О / а е Ех the set {В е Е : V. (В) > М «V. (а) } Зх х Зх is a neighborhood of а- Moreover, in this ease the seminorm \> : E + ]R may be chosen to be a norm when restricted to the stalk -’x Proof. Assume that E is Hausdorff. As E is finite dimensional, the x topology of Ex is induced by a norm || • || . Because the sets of the form {u Ex : Vj(a)< e} form a (directed) neighborhood base at 0 eEx, where v : E -»• 3R runs through all seminorms of the bundle and where e ranges over all positive numbers we can find an index j e J and an e > 0 such that {а e E : v- (a) < e} c {a e Ex : ||a|| < 1}. •J Hence the set {a e E : v- (a) < e} x Do of E and therefore v• is a norm on x 3o . is a norm on E whenever v £ v • 3 x jo 3 Vj implies that Vj < Vj, whenever Vj contains no non-trivial subspace Ex- This also implies that Moreover, the definition of the Now we note that В = {a e Ex : ||a|| = 1} is compact. As E is Haus- dorff, we can use (16.4) to find for a given element а e В a semi- norm v- : E +1R of the bundle such that v- (a) > 0. By the above Da Da remark we may assume that v- < v- . Now the sets of the form 3o -'a Ua = {B e Ex : Vj (B) > 0} J a are open by the lower semicontinuity of the Vj- Since these sets cover the compact set B, we can pick elements а^,...,ап e В such that Вс и и ... и U . Choose any index j such that “1 v. < v. for all i e {1,...,n} . 3„ 3X (JC j Then we conclude that Vj 0 for all a e B. Moreover, norm on E as v x 3o x v. .As the restriction of v. to jx ->x Ex V . is a Jx is contin-
190 uous by (16.2), the set v. (В) cjr is compact and does not contain 0. -’x Hence we can find an Lx >0 such that v (B) c JL ,«>[. Now assume -’x that 0 / a e Ex- Then the element a/ ||a|| belongs to В and therefore we have v. (a) > Lx • ||a|| . Jx As every two norms on a finite dimensional space are equivalent, we can find a constant M >0 such that ||a|| -L > M »v- (a) for x x -’x all a e Ex . This implies v. (a) > M -v- (a) for all a e E which are ^x x -’x ~ different from 0. In particular, by the def inition of v . we conclude -,x that the set {£3 e E : v (£3) > M -v- (a)-} is a neighborhood of a for Dx x Dx every 0 / a e Ex- □ We now turn our attention to a different description of the v-: 16.6 Definition Let p E + X be a bundle with seminorms j'jeJ For every j e J and every M e IR we define Cj,M := e E : ~ ' where denotes the topological closure in E. If p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces, we let CM := {a e E : || a £ M}“. □ 16.7 Proposition. For every bundle p : E + X we have-. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) a e C. „ j ,M and only if Vj(a) Vj(a) = inf {M : a e Cj M} £ M, provided that M/0. If a : U + E is a local section, then Vj(a(x)) s M if and only if x e n {y : v-(a(y)) £ M + e} . e>0 -1 If p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces, then (i) holds also for M = 0. Proof, (i) As is lower semicontinuous, the set is
191 closed. As Vj (a) M implies Vj (a) < M, we obtain {a e E : \м(а) < M} c v . 1 ( (-00,M]) and thus C . ,, c ). j J j ,M j ' Conversely, suppose that Vj(a) s M / 0. Then for every e > 0 we have Vj (а) < M + e. From the last equation in 0.6 .1) we conclude that every neighborhood U of a contains an element g such that Vj(3) < < M + e and from the definition of C. ,, we deduce that а e C. for j,M j,M+e every e > 0. Since multiplication with scalars different from 0 is a M homeomorphism, this yields + e C j ,M for every e > 0. Letting e go to 0, we obtain а e C. (ii): If v (a) / 0, then (ii) follows immediately from (i). On the other hand, if v . (ot) = o, then using the same arguments as above, we may conclude that a belongs to C . for every e > 0. (iii): Assume that x belongs to {y : Vj(o(y)) < M + e} for every e > 0. Then for every e > 0 we know that а(х) £ a({y : Vj(a(y)) < M + e} ) c a({y : Vj(a(y)) <. M + e}) c Cj,M+e and thus Vj(a(x)) s M + e by (i). As e > 0 was arbitrary, we obtain vj ( a (x) ) < M. Conversely, assume that хЛ(а(х)) s M. Using (i) again, we conclude that a(x) e n {а e E : v.(a) < M + e} . Suppose that the element e>0 21 _ x belongs to the open set V := U \ {y : Vj(a(y)) M + e} for some e > 0. Then for all у e V we have Vj(a(y)) > M + e and therefore \ij(a(x)) > M + e by (16.1), which is impossible. This concludes the proof of (iii). (iv): Finally, let us suppose that p : E + X is a bundle of Banach
192 spaces. We have to show that a belongs to the closure of {0x e Ex : x e X} if and only if v(a) =0, where v : E +1R is given by v( a) = || a || . Assume that 5(a) = 0. If {g e E : ||g|| > 0} were a neighborhood of a, we could find a local section a U + E and an e > 0 such that a e {8 e E : p(B) e U, || a(p(B) ) ~ B|| < e} c {g e E : В / 0}. Let 6 = - ||a(p(a) ) - a|| )• Then as in the proof of (16.4, (ii) + (iii) ) we would see that v(a) > 6 > 0, a contradiction. This other implication holds trivially. □ The following example shows that the mapping Vj : E -> 1R .need not be seminbrms. To verify this, we shall construct a bundle of Banach spaces p : E + X such that the closure of the unit ball {a e E : 11 a 11 s 1 } is not stalkwise convex and then apply (16.7. (i)). 16 .8 Example. Let X = [0,1 ] be the unit interval with the usual 2 topology, let E = [0,1] x]R , equipped with the product topology and let p : E + X be the first projection. We define a norm on E by || (r, (a,b) ) || max {|a|/2, | b | } max { | a | , |b | } max {|a|,|b|/2 } r < 1/2 r = 1/2 r > 1/2 Using (3.2) , it is easy to check that p : E + X equipped with this norm is a bundle of Banach spaces. Moreover, we have C1 n Р“1ф = {a e E : ||a|| < 1 }“ n p“1 (|) = {(-l,a,b) : (|a| < 1 and |b| 2) or ( | a | <. 2 and | b | <. 1) } and this set is not convex.
193 In the remainder of this section we restrict our attention to bundles of Banach spaces. We shall continue the discussion of duality already begun in section 15. Let us recall some notations ( p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces with a compact base space ): Bx denotes the dual unit ball of the stalk Ex , identified with a subset of r(p)' via the natural embedding - Г(Р) ' • Вд = и Bx , where A is a subset of X xeA The following result is a generalization of (15.9) : 16.9 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banach spaces over a compact base space X. For every x e X let Wx c Bx be a closed and convex subset. If А с X is a subset, then we define W := и W . A x£A X Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) If А с X is any subset, then x e A implies Wx с (ii) If А с X is any subset, then x e A implies Wx c conv (iii) If u. is an ultrafilter on X with lim u. = x, then Wx c lim W^. (iv) If U с В is (relatively) open, then {x e X : W n U / 0} is open in X. (v) If A c B„ is closed, then {x e X : W c A} is closed in X. X X Here, the limit lim W is taken in the Lawson topology of Cl B„. u. у X Proof, (i) + (ii) is trivial. (ii) + (iii): As all the sets Wx , x e X, are closed and convex and
194 as the embedding Conv Bv + Cl B„ is continuous by (12.7), we have X X lim Wy = n {conv Вд : A e u.} by (12.8). As A £ a implies x e A, the property (iii) follows from (ii). (iii) + (v): Let A c Bv be closed and let a be an ultrafilter X containing {x e X : Wx c A}. We have to show that lim u. e {x : WxcA} i.e. W.. e A. But this is true, since we only have to note that lim a {B e Cl Bv : В c A}is closed in the Lawson topology of Cl Bv and X X as {x £ X : Wx c A} e u. Therefore, using (iii) we may conclude that W. . c lim W c A. lim и и у (iv) -» (v) and (v) + (iv) are trivial. (v) + (i) : Let x e A. Then by (v) the set {y : с Щд} is closed. As this set contains A, it contains the closure of A, too. This yields Wx с □ The next result allows us to use duality in order to identify all stalkwise convex and closed subsets of E containing the unit ball {a e E : || a || < 1 }: 16.10. Proposition. Let p : E -> X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a oompaot base spaoe X. Then a subset С с E containing {a e E : 11 a11 £ 1} such that C n Ex is convex for every x e X is closed if and only if the family Wx = (C n Ex)° c ^x satisfies the equivalent conditions of (16.9). Proof. Let С с E be given and let us assume that C is closed, stalkwise convex and contains {a e E : 11 a11 < 1}. Moreover, let A be a subset of X and let xQ belong to the closure of A. We have to
195 show that W c conv W = (U~ . Let us compute: xo A A W° = ( и W )° x eA о {с e Г(р) : a(x) e C } xeA = {a e Г(р) : a(A) с C} = {a e Г(р) : a(A) - C} (since C is closed) c {a e Г(р) : a(xQ) c C}. Now the result follows immediately by taking polars. Conversely, assume that the family Wx = (С n Ex)°, x e X, satisfies condition (v) of (16.9). We have to show that C is closed, or, equivalently, that E \ C is open. Thus, let us start with an element a e E \ C, let xq = p(a) and choose a e Г(р) such that p(xq) = a. For each e > 0 we define A = {ф e Bv : Re ф(а) < 1 + e}. ь л Then all the sets A£ are closed and A0 = \ Ae • e>0 If Wx = (c n E )° were contained in A£ for every e > 0, then ° о o it would be contained in AQ, too. But for each x e X we have (C n Ex) = Wx c Aq = {o}° if and only if а e (C n Ex)°° = {p e Г(p) : P(x) e C}. This means that Wx c AQ if and only if а(x) e C. As а = a (x ) was not in C, we conclude that W <t A„. о ' x T 0 о Let e > о be a positive real number such that Wx Ф A^ and let U := {x e X : IV n (B \A ) / 0}. X Л £
196 Then xq e U and U is open by (16-9.(v)). We define 0 := {В e E : p(B) e U and ||o(p(B) ) - B|| < e}- Then 0 is an open neighborhood of a- Moreover, () n C = 0: Indeed, for В e C n 0 we would conclude that р(в) e U, ||a(p(B)) ” B|| < e and Re ф(B) £ 1 for all ф e W , . P 1 B) this would imply the inequality Re ф (a(p( B))) = Re ( ф ( В) = Re ф ( В) s Re ф ( В) < Re ф(В) < 1 + е and thus Wpjgj c A£ contradicting = {x : W n \ AJ / 0}- X A £ = (С n Ep(6)) . For all Ф e Wp(6) + (ф (a(p ( B)) ) “ Ф ( B))) + Re (ф (a(p ( B)) ) “ Ф ( B)) + | ф (a (p ( B))) “ Ф (В) | + IIфИ - Иo(p(в)) - b|| the fact that p(B) e U = □ In a later section, when we shall talk about the "internal" dual of all Ftp) consisting of all C(X)-module homomorphisms from r(p) into С(X), we shall need the largest family of subsets Wx c Bx such that the properties of (16-9) are satisfied. By (16.10) we know that this family is determined by the smallest stalkwise convex, closed subset C of E containing {a : ||a|| s 1}. Hence it seems to be desirable to have an explicit description of this set. I conjecture that this set can be obtained by taking stalkwise the closed convex hull of the topological closure of {a e E : 11 a11 £ 1}» but I do not have any proof hereof. All I am able to do is to identify the stalkwise polars of this set: 16.11 Notation. Let p : E + x be a bundle of Banach spaces, X compact. For every x e X we define a subset <x c Bx by
197 Кх := п <Вм : M c X and х е МЬ 16.12 Proposition. Let р : £ X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a oompaot base spaoe X. Then Kx is circled and (H <x c Bx (г г J Kx = n (B°° : x e M} = n {conv BM : x e M} = n {Ijm B^ : a. is an ultrafilter on X converging to x} where lim В is calculated in the Lawson topology on Cl Bv- U. X X x ls an and therefore Proof. As B,, is always circled, so is B„. Since M M of sets of this form, к is circled, too. x (i) : From x e (x} , we have К с В . X X (ii) : For every subset M с X we have B„ c MM Kx c n {BM° : X e c n <conv BM : x e “}. Moreover, let a. be an ultrafilter on X converging to x and let Вц be the ultrafilter generated by the image of u. under the mapping x B„ : X ->- Cl В (r(p)') (recall that В (p(p)') denotes the unit X J J ball of r(P)')• Then lim В = lim В and В is an ultrafilter having и и x и a base whose elements consist of closed convex sets only. Hence, by (12.7), the limits of Вц in Cl (г(p)') and Conv (г(p)') agree. We may now calculate Um В = n — О Meu yeM y As lim и = x implies x e M for all M e u, we conclude that BM° c Bu xeM for every ultrafilter a with lim и = x. We obtain the inequality
198 n {BM :xeM}cn {lim Bx : u is an ultrafilter on X converging to x}. It remains to show that the last set is contained in < . To do so, we have to prove that for every M с X with x e M there is an ultrafilter u on X converging to x such that lim c BM- But this is easy, as x e M implies the existence of an ultrafilter u. on X with M e a and lim и = x. For any such ultrafilter, we have lim B„ u У n ( и В ) Neu. yeM У n Neu M □ 16.13 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a compact base space X. Then for every x e X we have Proof. Let ф e (C^ n Ex)°. We have to show that ф belongs to B°° for every subset И c x with x e M. Firstly, note that a belongs to B° if and only if || a(y) || < 1 for all у e M. Hence, x e M and a e B° imply a(x) e a(M) c a(M) c C1, i.e. a(x) e C1 n Ex ' Thus' we have shown that (C^ n Ex)° c B°° whenever x e M, i.e. (Ci n Ex)° c Kx. Conversely, assume that Ф e Kx and let a e n Ex- We have to show that Re ф(а) <1. AsC^ n Ex is circled, Re ф(а) < 1 holds if and only if |ф(а)| < 1. Let а e Г(р) be a section such that а(х) = a and let e > 0. Using ( 16.7. (iii) ) , we conclude that x belongs to M, where M = {у e X : ||a(y) || < 1 + e}, and therefore ф belongs to BM- As for all ф e BM we have ф(а) = ф(а(у)) for a certain у e M, we may estimate
199 I Ф (о) [ = i Ф(о(у)) | £ НфН Н о (у) Н < 1 • (1 + е) . As ф belongs to the closure of BM, this implies |ф(а)| < 1 + e. Since e > 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that |ф(а)| < 1. □

17 . Locally trivial bundles: A definition In this section we shall introduce locally trivial bundles, a classical concept which has been used in.differential geometrie and alge- braical topology since a long time. We should note however, that our definition of locally trivial bundles will differ slightly from the usual one, the reason being that homoeomorphisms between bundle spaces commuting with the projections are in general not what we call isomorphisms of bundles (see ( 10.1 (i)d) and example (10.25). Nevertheless, if the base space is locally compact, our notion of locally trivial bundles will agree with the usual one. 17 .1 Definition. (i) Let p : E -+ X and q : F + X be two bundles of fi-spaces having the same base space X. We say that p and q are locally isomorphic, if every point x e X has a neighborhood Ux с X -1 -1 such that the bundles p : p (Ux) + Ux and q : q (Ux) + Ux are isomorphic. (ii) A bundle p : E + X is said to be locally trivial if it is locally isomorphic to a trivial bundle pr^ : XxE + X, where E is a topological fi-space (see example (1.8.(i)). The fi-space E is called the stalk of the bundle p : E •* X. □ From (10.10) and (1.10) we conclude: 17.2 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle with a family of seminorms (v.). T. (i) If p is locally trivial, then every point x e X has a neigh- borhood Ux such that Гу (p) and Cj;)(Ux,E) are isomorphic (as С^(их) -modules and as ii-spaces, if required), where E is the stalk of the bundle p.
201 (ii) If X is completely regular and if the bundle p : E + X is full, then the converse also holds. □ It is obvious that we have to insist on full bundles in order to get the converse of (17.2.(i)): By (2.3) fullness is a "local" property for bundles with a completely regular base space, and local properties are preserved under local isomorphy. As every trivial bundle is locally full, so is every locally trivial bundle. Hence every locally trivial bundle over a completely regular base space has to be full.
18. Local linear independence Let us start with a locally trivial bundle p : E + X and let us suppose that we are given linear independent elements ,...,an e Ex с E. Then it is easy to see that we may find an open neighborhood U of x and sections ,... , an e [^(p) such that (y),...,an(y) are linearly independent for every у e U and, moreover, а^(х) = for every 1 < i < n. Unfortunately, as example (5.16) and the section defined there show, this property does not characterize locally trivial bundles. However, by adding some separations axioms to both E and X, this property gives us the right idea for such a characterization. We use again the notations of section 16: Ifp : E + X is a bundle Vj(a) := sup {r e ]R : {g : v j ( B) > r} is a neighborhood of a}. Recall that Vj(a) > 0 if and only if a and 0 , p (a. have disjoint neighborhoods. The results of this sections are known for bundles of Banach spaces with continuous norm (see [Go 49]). 18.1 Proposition. Let p E + X be a bundle with seminorms (v? jeJ let x e X and let V о be an open neighborhood of xq. Assume that a1'.'.'an e Гу(р) aVe 3iven su°h that (xQ),...,an(xQ) are linearly independent. If for eaoh 0 / a e <a^(xq),...,an(xq)> in the linear span of the a^(xQ) there is an index j e J suoh that Vj(a) > 0, then there is a neighborhood U с V of x suoh that for every x e U the set {a^(x),...,an(x)} is linearly independent.
203 Proof. Assume, if possible, that (18.1) is false. Then there is a net (xi)ieI converging to xq and numbers (r1 j.) ieI' • • • ' (rn id such that for every i e I we have m. := max {Ir. . I,..., I r . I } >0 i 1 1 ,i1 1 n,i1 J and n У r .-a (x.) = 0. k=1 ' By dividing all the r^ by iru, we may assume that |r, .I S 1 for 1 к, i1 all i e I and all к e {1, ,n). By multiplying with a unimodular num- ber if necessary we may assume that one of the r, к is equal to 1 for all i e I. Furthermore, there is an index к e {1,...,п} such о that I = {i e I : r, .=1}is cofinal in I; without loss of gene- о к , i 3 о rality we may assume that к = 1. Hence, by substituting I by IQ, we may assume that r^ = 1 for all i e I. Finally, by selecting a suitable subnet we may assume that exists for all 1 < к < n. Now r,'0,(x ) is a limit point of the net (r, .-a. (x.)). as К К О л,1 -К. 1 161 the scalar multiplication is continuous. As the addition is contin- n uous, too, we conclude that £ rv*ov(x ) is a limit point of n k=1 k k ° ( I rk /°k!xJ!^T = Clearly, (3 is also a limit point к=1 rl 1 le± xi 1£± xo of the latter net. Now suppose that n “ := I rk’ak(xr>) 0 к=1 к К ° Then we could find an j e J such that v (a) > o, which means that a and 0 have disjoint neighborhoods. As they are both a limit point xo of the same net, this is impossible. Hence a = 0, contradicting the fact that the adx ) , 1 < к < n, are linearly independent and that К о Г1 = 1 . □
204 From the last proposition and (15.4) we conclude: 18.2 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a bundle and assume that E is Hausdorff. Moreover, let , . . . , an e Г(р)- Then the set {x e x : (x),...,an(x) are linearly independent} is open. □ 18.3 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a bundle and assume that E is Hausdorff. Then the mapping dim : X + ]R x + dim E x is lower semioontinuous. Proof. By definition (1.5) the set {a(x) : a e Гу(р) f°r some open neighborhood U of x} is dense in Ex> Thus, if dim Ex > n, then there are open neighborhoods U^,...,U of x and sections e Гу (p) , 1 s i < n, such that the set {a^(x),...,5n(x)} is lineraly indepen- dent. Let V := U. n ... n U and let a. := c.,,,. Then (18.4) and I n i i/V (18.1) yield an open neighborhood U с V of x such that for all у e U the set {a^(y),...,a (y)} is linearly independent. Especially, we have dim E^ > n for all у e U. □ We continue with a result which may be thought of as an improvement of (18.1) : 18.4 Proposition. Let p ; E + X be a bundle with seminorms (Vj)jgJ, let xq e X be a point and let V be a neighborhood of xq. Further- more, let ,...,an e Г^(р) be suoh that (xq) ,. . . ,an(xQ) are linearly independent and assume that for every d‘. / a e <a^ (x ) , . .. ...,a (x )> с E there is an j e J suoh that v-(a) > 0. Then we о -1 oan find an open neighborhood W с V of x suoh that eaoh neighborhood
205 U с W of х has the following properties: (i) The C^(U)-submodule of Гу(р) generated by /ц' ’ ‘ ‘ ' an/U e Гу(р) is topologically and algebraioally isomorphic to cb(u, Kn). (ii) The C^tU) -submodule of Гу(р) generated by ‘ ‘ e Гу(р) is complete and hence closed in Гу(р). Proof. Let А сЖп be defined by A := {(rlf...,rn) e ЖП : max {|r1 ],..., | rn| } = 1} Then A is compact and therefore the set n A != ri’ai(Xo) ' (rv-^n) « A> is compact in E .As the set {a(x ),...,a (x )} is linearly inde- 5C J О n о о pendent and as (O,...,O) < A, we conclude that 0 < A- Thus, for every a e A there is an index j e J such that a 0 < e 8= v. (a) . a J ~ Now by (16-2) the sets 0 := {g e E : a xQ cover A- As A is compact, we can find Vj (6) > ea/2 } are open and •••'“n e A such that A c 0 и ... и 0 .As the family of a1 “n directed, we can find an index j e J j e {j r...rj }• Now define a1 “n seminorms of a bundle is always such that v . for all -’o 6 : = 4-*min { e , . .. , e }. 2 “1 Then it is easy to check that v. (a) > 6 Jo for all a e A. Now let (гЪ1......rbn),(r2,i.....r2,n).....(rmJ......rm,n) e Abe such that for each (r^,...,r ) e A there is a certain 1 e {1,...,m} with
206 r. -r11|+...+|r - r. | where 1 1 1,1' 1 n 1 ,n1 3-M M := max {sup (a (y) ) ,.. У eV Jo Then we obtain the inequality: n sup v ( I (r. -a. (y) - r »a (y) ) у eV 3o i=1 11 J-ri i ,sup V. (a (y))}. У eV Jo n < I |r - r |-sup v (a (y)) i=1 ' у V Jo n < У |r. - r. . [ *M " i=1 1 S fi/3. Then the triangle inequality yields for all у € V the relation n n ( У Г -a (y) ) s-v (У Г -a (y)) - 6/3. Jo i=1 1 Jo i=1 1 Now use (16.1) and (18.1) to find a neighborhood W с V of xq such that (1) if у e W, then the set {a (y) ,..., (y) } is linearly inde- pendent . n (2) ( У r^ .’a.(y)) > 5 for all у e W and all 1 e {l,...,n} 3q i=1 '1 1 and let и c w be any neighborhood of xq. Then we conclude that (1’) if у e U, then the set {(y),...,an(y)} is linearly inde- pendent . n ? (2’) v. ( } r.-a(y) ) > ч-'б for all (r ,...,r ) e A and all Jo i=1 1 1 J 1 n у e U. n Let C, (U) be equipped with the norm ||ff || := У ||f.|| and ° l n i=1 i let Ггт(р) (as usual) be equipped with the family of seminorms (0.). _ и 3 3 eJ given by 0.(a) = sup v.(a(y)). We define an operator 3 yeU ° T : Cb(U)n -» Гу(р) (f1....fn> - X fi-i As Cb(U)n = Сь(и,ЖП) , the proof will be complete if we can show that
207 T is a continuous and injective (U)-module homomorphism which is open onto its image. Obviously, T is a (U)-module homomorphism. To show the injectivity, let T(f^,...,fn) = 0. Then for all у e U we n have У f.(у)-а.(у) = 0 and thus f. (у) = 0 for all у e U and all i=1 1 1 1 i e {1,...,n} by (1 ') . This implies (f^,...,fn) = (0,.. . ,0) . Furthermore, T is continuous, as for all (f^,...,fn) and all j e J we have VT(fi.......fn>> = v.l fi-°ilu) 1=1 < I IlfiH .(a.) i=1 J s II (f-!....fn) || • max^Cap.....Oj<an)} It remains to show that T is open onto its image: Let (f.j,...,f ) e C^tUpand let e > 0. Then there is а у e U such that 3.C- max { ||f.| || ,..., ||fn|| } < max {If^y) |,...,|fn(y) |} + If we abbreviate m = max {|f(y) |,.., | f (y) |}, then we have 11 n 1 (- £П(У)) e A and therefore v. ( £ - f i (y) • а± (y)) > Jo i=1 by (2') . We now have GJ | NJ 0 (T(fir...,f )) > v. (T(f ,...,f )(y) ) Jo Jo n = v . ( I f, (y)-a.(y)) Jo i=1 2 > m.j.S and this inequality yields 2 2 n |-5- || (f1 ,...,fn) || = |-6-J HfJ
208 < j.S.n.max { ||f 1 || ||fn|| } < j.5.n.(max { |fl (y) [....|fn(y)| } + ) 2 = -j.fi.m-n + e < n-0- (T(f1 )) + e Jo 2 , r As e > 0 was arbitrary, we conclude that IHf•] ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 'fn) II - < 0. (T(f.,...,f )). Hence, T is open onto its image. □ J 18.5 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a bundle with a locally compact base space X. Assume that all stalks of p have dimension n, where n e IN is fixed. Then the bundle p : E + X is locally trivial if and only if the bundle space E is Hausdorff. Proof. By definition, every locally trivial bundle over a Hausdorff base space has a Hausdorff bundle space. Conversely, assume that E is Hausdorff and assume that all stalks have dimension n. Given a point xq e X, we hood U of x such that the bundle have to find a neighbor- p 1 (U) -+ U and the P/P 1(U) trivial bundle pr^ : U xJKn + и are isomorphic. Let a.],...,an be a base of Ex . As the bundle p : E + X is full о by (2.12), there is a neighborhood W of xq and sections a^,...,an e e rw(p) such that a^(xQ) = for all 1 s i < n. Applying (17.2) we can find a neighborhood V c W such that {a^(y),...,an(y)} is linearly independent and thus a base of E^ for every у e V. Moreover by ( 18.4) we can find a compact neighborhood и с V of xQ such that the C(U)-submodule of Гу(р) generated by a1|u,...,an|u and C(U/Kn) are isomorphic. As the set {a^(y),...,an(y)} is a base of Ey, the C(U)-submodule generated by |u,...,an|u of Гу(р) is stalk- wise dense. Hence the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.3) applied to the bundle P/p_1(u) : P 1 (U) + U shows that the C (U)-submodule generated by a1 |U, . . . ,an | U is equal, to Гу(р), i.e. Гу(р) and С(ОДКП) are iso- morphic. Now apply (14.10) to complete the proof. □

1 9. The space Mod(Г(p),C(X)). In this section we shall discuss the existence of C(X)-module homo- morphisms between the space r(p) of sections in a bundle p : E + X and C^tX). For bundles of Banach spaces it will turn out that this question is closely related with the structure of the closure of the "unit ball" {a e E : 11 a11 < 1}. Let us start with a full bundle p : E + X over a completely regular base space X. If S is any family of precompact subsets of Г(р) whose union generates, then we know from the remarks proceeding (11.21) that there is a bundle q : F + X such that Mod(г(p),С^(X)), equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on elements S e S, is topologically and algebraically isomorphic to a (X)-submodule of F(q). The stalks of the bundle q : F + X are subspaces of Ex ~ ^Ex' ' w^ere Ex denotes the stalk of p : E -> X over x e X. Note that the choice of the stalks of q : F -> X does not depend on S, although of course the topology on F does. Let us try to describe the bundle q : F + X in greater detail. By the remarks in (15.1), we may identify (the dual space of Ex) with a subspace of r(p)’ and by (11.20), this embedding is topological, if we equip E^ with the topology of uniform convergence on elements of S(x) = {ex(S) : S e S} and Г(р)’ with the topology of uniform convergence on S. Now let T : Г(р) + Cj^CX) be a continuous (X)-module homomorphism. Then T corresponds to a section XT e r(q), and T and XT are related by the equation
210 Т ( a) (х) = (х) (a(x)) for all х е X, а е Г(р) Moreover, may also be viewed as the unique bundle morphism Лт : E + X x Ж from E into the trivial bundle pr^ : X><K + X which represents T by (10.7). Furthermore, as ^p(x) is an element of for every x e X and as may be identified with a subspace of Г(р)', we also may view XT as a mapping into Г(р)'. The following result is a generalization of (10.23): 19.1 Proposition. Let p ; E * X be a full bundle over a completely regular base space x. Then т : Г(р) -> С^(Х) is a continuous C^(X)-mo- dule homomorphism if and only if there is a uniquely determined ° ( Г (p) ', Г (P) ) -continuous mapping Л : X Г (p) ' satisfying (1) ^T(x) e for every x e X. (2) Ат(X) is an equicontinuous subset of Г(p)’. such that T(a)(x) = XT(x)(a(x)) for all x e X and all a c r(p)- Moreover, if S is a total and directed family of precompact subsets of Г(р) and if we equip Mod(Г(p),Cb(X)) and Г(p)' with the topology of uniform convergence on S, then the mapping хт : X + Г (p)' is contin- uous and X_ : Mods(r(p) ,Cb(X) ) Cb(X,rs(p)') T - xT is a continuous and injective C^iX)-module homomorphism which is open onto -its image.
211 Proof. Let T : Г(р) + С, (X) be a continuous С, (X)-module homomor- b b phism and let XT : X + Ftp)' be as explained in the above remarks. By construction, we have XT(x) e E' and T(a)(x) = X (x)(a(x)) for all a e F(p) and all x e X. This last equation also shows the a(Г(p)Г(p))-continuity of XT, as for every a e r(p) the mapping x + X (x) (a) = XT(x)(a(x)) = T(a)(x) belongs to C(X). Moreover, the set XT(X) is equicontinuous, as we have (*) {a e Ftp) : |XT(x)(a)| <1 for all x e X} = {a e Ftp) : | XT(x) (a(x) ) | < 1 for all x e X} = {a e F(p) : |T(a)(x)| <1 for all x e X} = {a e Ftp) : ||T (a) || s 1 } and the last set is open by the continuity of T. Conversely, let X : X + F(p)' be a a(Г(p)', Г(p))-continuous mapping satisfying conditions (1) and (2). Define TA : Ftp) - Cb(X), where T (a) (x) = X(x) (a(x)) for all x e X. Then T (a) : X + Ж is A A continuous for every a e F(p), because we have T (a)(x) = X(x)(a(x)) A = X(x)(a) and because the mapping X : X + F(p)' is a(Г(p)',Г(p))-con- tinuous . Further, the mapping T (a) : X + Ж is bounded, since X(X) is equi- A continuous and hence weakly bounded. Using (*) again, we see that the equicontinuity of X(X) implies the continuity of T : Ftp) + С, (X). Obviously, T. is а С, (X)-module Ad Ad homomorphism. Now let S be a directed and total family of precompact subsets of F(p) and let X : X -> Г(p)' be any a(Г(p)',F(p))-continuous mapping
212 satisfying (1) and (2). It is an easy consequence of (III.4.5) in ESch 71] that under these conditions the a(r(p)',r(p))-topology and the S-topology agree on X(X) . Thus, the mapping x : X r(p) ' is continuous for the S-topology. It follows that X_ : Mods(r(p) ,Cb(X) ) + Cb(X,r(p^ T lip is an injective (X)-module homomorphism (note that XT is bounded for every T e Mod(r(p) ,Cb(X)) by ESch 71,111.4.1 ]) . It remains to show that x_ is continuous and open onto its image: A typical neighborhood of 0 in Mod^(Г(P),Cb(X)) looks like {T : sup ЦТ (a) || < 1 } <7eS for a certain S e $, and a typical neighborhood of 0 in Cb(X,r(p)^ ) is given by {F e С. (X,г (p) ' : sup sup |F(x) (a) | < 1}. D d xeX aeS An easy calculation shows that sup ||T(a) || £ 1 if and only if aeS sup sup |A™(x)(a)| £ 1 and the proof is complete. □ xeX aeS 19.2 Remarks. (i) Under the conditions of (19.1), we let MP := {(x,XT(x)) : T e Mod(г(p),Cb(X)),x e X} с ХхГ(p)£ , equipped with the topology induced by the product topology and we let яР : MP + X be the restriction of the first projection. It follows from ( 8.4(ii)) that Mp is a subbundle of the trivial bundle XxF(p)J, . Moreover, an
213 application of (1.6(viii)) yields that the bundle + X and the bundle q : F -> X constructed in section 11 to represent Mod^(r(p) , C^tX)) are isomorphic. Let us point out that, in particular, Mod^(г(p),Cb(X)) may always be represented as a space of sections in a bundle over X with a Hausdorff bundle space. (ii) If r(p) is barreled, especially if p : E -+ X is a bundle of Banach spaces, and if the union of S generates r(p), we may substitute the condition (2) in (19.1) by (2') XT(X) is bounded in r(p)' (see [Sch 71, iv.1.6]). In this case, Mod^(Г(p),0^(X)) is isomorphic to the space of all sections in the bundle -► X. We still know very little about the size of the stalks of the bundle P P л : -> X. In fact, there are examples such that all stalks consist of 0 only. Let us desribe some elements of the и E' p XeX X which certainly do not belong to We shall again use the notation introduced in section 16. Especially, if v. : E -> 1R is a seminorm of the bundle p : E + X, then v : E + Ж denotes the largest lower semicontinuous function less than or equal to vj . We define the "bad" part of the bundle p : E + X as follows: Let F be the intersection of all closed subsets A с E such that A n Ex is a non-empty linear subspace of Ex for every x e X. Clearly, F contains the closure of {0 e Ex : x e X}. Using the same proof as in ( 16.4, (ii) -+ (iii)) , one can show that F is the smallest closed subset of E such that
214 (i) Ex n F is a linear subspace of Ex for every x e X. (ii) Vj(a) = 0 for all j e J implies a e p. If we define Fx := Ex n F for every x e x' then we have: 19.3 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a full bundle over a completely regular base space x. (i) The stalk over x e X of the bundle л^ : + X ts contained in {x}xF° c {x}xE^. (ii) If the stalks of the bundle л^ : -+ X are all equal to {x}xEx, x e Xj i.e. if for every x e X and every ф e Ex there is a continuous -module homomorphism T : Г(р) -> C|JX) 3U°b that T(a)(x) = ф(а(х)) for all а e Г(р), then E is a Hausdorff space. Proof, (i) : Let x e X and let (х,ф) e (л^) (x). By construction of the bundle л^: M? + X we can find a continuous С, (X)-module homo- 3 b morphism T : r(p) + C^tX) such that XT(x) = ф. By the remarks pro- ceeding (19.1), the mapping XT may be viewed as a bundle morphism XT : E + Xx IK by defining Ат(а) = (p (a) , A (p (a) ) (a) ) . Let A = AT^({(y,O) : у e X}). As XT is continuous, the set A is closed. From A n = XT(y) \o) we conclude that A n is a linear
215 subspace of E^ for every у e X and hence F c A- This implies F о E = F s A n E = X (x)“1 (0) = ф“1 (0) , i.e. ф e F°. (ii) : If the stalks of the bundle + X are all equal to the E^, x e X, then F° and Ex coincide for all x £ X by (i). Using polars, we conclude that Fx = {0} and hence F = {0 e Ex : x e X} is closed in E. Now (16.4) yields that E is Hausdorff. ц Of course, we would like to show that the stalks of the bundle : Mc -»• X are identical with the family (F°) . I do not know Э XX £A an answer to this question at all. However, for a certain type of bundles of Banach spaces, the situation is less hopeless: 19.4 Definition. A bundle p : E + X is called separable, if there is a countable subset A с r(p) such that {a(x) : a £ A} is dense in Ex for every x e X. □ 19.5 Examples. (i) The trivial bundle pr^ : Xx X + X is always separable; more generally, if E is a separable topological vector space, then pr^ : XxE + X is a separable bundle. (ii) If E is separable and if X is locally compact and a-compact, then every locally trivial bundle p : E + X is separable. (iii) If p : E + X is a bundle of finite dimensional vector spaces, if X is a compact metric space and if E is Hausdorff, then the bundle p : E + X is separable. (Indeed, let An := {x e X : dim Ex < n}. Then An is closed by (18.3) and we have A c A for all n £ B. As X is metric, we may find a • n n+1 countable family (в ) of closed subsets of X such that J n,m m rIN
216 и В „ n,m n eJN A \ A . . n n-1 From (18.5) we conclude that the bundle p Ip-1 (B J : P n ,m is locally trivial. Thus, for every n e JN and every m e ' 1 (B ) - n,m JN we can В n,m find finitely many closed subsets C the bundles p : p (C r r n,m,j n,m n,m, j countable subsets A^ . c F„ (p) ,m,j n,m,j a' e m j} is dense in Stone-WeierstraB theorem {o'(x) : From the tion map a + ol^njmjj : Г(р) + !(-, subspace Cb(Cn,m,j can find a n,m, j are trivial. By (i) such that the set for every x e C (4.2) we conclude such that we may find n,m,j‘ that onto the restric- a dense (p) maps r(p) n,m, j of Гс (p) . As Гс (p) is (topologically) n n,m,j n,m,j , Ж ), we conclude that this space is metrizable. Hence we isomorphic to {a iC n, m, j the set {a(x) : countable subset A . с Г(р) n,m,j .} contains A' 3 n,m,j .} is dense in E n,m, j such that the closure of Finally, we set An,m,j a e A, In particular, we have that for every x e C -1 n,m,j и и n eJN m eJN An,m,j n,m For more examples and results concerning separable bundles, we refer E x a e A x и to the papers of M. Dupre (see for example [Du 73]). The paper just mentioned contains also the idea of the proof of (ii) as it was given above. Note however that M.Dupre uses a more special type of bundles. From now on we shall equip the spaces Ftp)' and Mod(Г(p),С^(X)) always with the topology of pointwise convergence and we shall denote these spaces by rg(p)' and Modg(Г(p),С^(X)), resp.. Moreover, we shall again use the notations of section 15, which we shall recall for convenience: B° : unit ball of F(p)1 ,
217 Вх : unit ball of с Г(р)' t В A и Bx - xeA 19.6 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces over a oompaot base spaoe X. Then the bundle p : f + X is separable if and only if 0 has a countable neighborhood base in Bv • X Proof. If p : E + X is separable, then choose a countable subset A c Г(р) such that {a(x) : a e A} is dense in Ex for every x e X. For every a e A we let Aa := {ф e вх : IФ(а)I ' 1>• Then Ад is a closed neighborhood of 0 in B^. Moreover, if ф e Ex is given, then ф e n a if and only if |ф(a)| £ 1 for all a e A a£A ° if and only if |ф(a(x))| <1 for all a e A if and only if |ф(a)| < 1 for all a e Ex if and only if ф = 0. We conclude that n A = {0}. СИА Since (A ) , is countable and since B„ is compact, we conclude that a aeA X 0 has a countable neighborhood base in В . Л Conversely, assume that 0 has a countable base (un)nej]* T^en f°r each n e IN we may pick elements an -j , • • • , an m e Г(р) such that ' ' n {ф e Bx : |ф(ап,j)| * 1 for 1 < j < mR} c ur. Let A c Г(p) be the linear subspace over the rational numbers gene- rated by {an j : n e IN and 1 s j s mn}. Clearly, the set A is
218 countable. We wish to show that {a(x) : a e a} =: A is dense in x Ex for every x e X. As the closure of Ax coincides with A°°, we have to show that Ф = 0 whenever ф belongs to E^, has norm less than or equal to 1 and satisfies ф(Ах) = {0}. If Ф (Ax) = {0 }, then | ф ( an j ) (x)' | = | ф ( on j ) | =0 for all n e И and all 1 < j < mn- We conclude that ф e Un for every n e JN and therefore ф e n U = {O}. □ n.£JN We are now ready for the construction of C(X)-module homomorphisms T e Mod(г(p),C(X)). This construction will use to a large extent the ideas of Douady and dal Soglic-Hferault as they were presented in section 3. 19.7 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a separable bundle of Banaoh spaces over a compact base space X and let К с В be a subset such that (i) О e К (ii) Bx n К is closed, convex and symmetric for all x e X (iii) If и с Г (p)' is open, then the set {x e X : Bx n К n U 0} is open in X. Then for every x e X and every ф e К n В there is a continuous о function ri : X -> Г (p) ' such that ri(x ) = ф and П(х) e В n К c E' S О О XX for every x e X. Proof. From (19.6) we know that 0 has a countable neighborhood base (U )„ », in B„. We may assume that the U , n e IN,have the following nneJNX n ' property: There exists a sequence (vn)nelj of open subsets of Г (p)' such that:
219 (1) U = Bv n V for each n eJN. И X И (2) V is a convex, symmetric neighborhood of 0. (3) Vn+1 + Vn+1 c Vn A selection : X + is a mapping such that n(x) e g* for every x ex. Let V be an open neighborhood of 0 in Г (p) ' . We say that a selection rj : X + is V-continuous, if every x e X has an open neighborhood W such that n(y) - ri(x) e V for all у e W. In the following we abbreviate: К* = К n g^. We shall divide the proof of (19.7) into a series of lemmas: 19.8 Lemma. Under the assumptions of (19.7) we have (i) If a selection П :x + By й V -continuous for every n e JN, x n then n is a continuous mapping. (ii) If (n ) is a sequence of V „-continuous selections m me JN n+2 such that (CF) For every к e JN there is an N eK such that for all pairs m^,m2 e JN with m^,m2 > N and all x e X we have (X) " ^n2(x) e V holds, then lim defined by (lim rim) (x) = lim rj^tx) m->-“ m->-“ т->-°° exists and is V -continuous. n (iii) Let (n ) „ be a sequence of selections such that n n eJN (1) Пп is Vn~continuous (2) nn+1(x) ” Vx) e Vn-1 for a11 n e ]N' then lim r, exists and is continuous. n-> n Proof, (i): If n(x) = 0 and if V is any neighborhood of 0, then there is an n e JN so that Bx n vn c V. As n is Vn~continuous, we can
220 find a neighborhood W of x such that п(у) ~ r,(x) = nW _ 0 = r,(y) e Vn for all у e W. Hence the selection q is continuous at x. Now assume that r|(x) / 0. Let W be an open neighborhood of x. Then BX\W is closed and does not contain n(x). Therefore the set Bv \ B„... = \ {0} is an open neighborhood of r,(x). We conclude л X \W W that Bjj is a closed neighborhood of r,(x) and that n {B^ : x e W°} = Bx- Note that this intersection is directed by inclusion. Moreover, for an element ф e rs(p)' we have ф e n (n<x) + V ) n Bx iff ф e Bx and ф - n<x) e for all n n iff ф = n(x) Hence the family of sets {Вд n (n(x) + Vn) : x e W°, n e JN} is a filtered system of closed neighborhoods in Bv of n(x) having Л intersection {r|(x)}, i.e. it is a neighborhood base of n(x) in Bx- Now let V be any open neighborhood of n(x). Then there is an open neighborhood of x. and a natural number n e JN such that Bw n (r) (x) + Vn) с V. As n is Vn~continuous, we can find a neighborhood W c of x such that ri(y) - r|(x) e Vn for all у e W. We conclude that n(W) c (n(x) + vn) n bw с (n(X) + Vn) n Bw С V, i.e. r, is continuous at x.
221 (ii) : The family (Vn n ^x^neJN is a neighborhood base at 0 in Bx- Hence, by assumption, the sequence (rim(x))mejj is a Cauchy sequence in Bx> As Bx is complete (being compact) lim ^(x) exists. m-»-oo Define П (x) := lim (x) . in->-00 Then n is a selection, which is V -continuous: 1 n Indeed, let x e X. Then there is a natural number N e JN such that Пщ (x) - rjjn (x) e vn+3 for a11 mi ,m2 * N and a11 x e x- For every x e X, this implies nN(x) “ n(x) = nN(x) “ lim r|m(x) _ m->oo e Vn+3 c Vn+2• Now let x e x. As n„ is V .-continuous, there is an open neigh- o 'N n+2 r borhood W of x such that пы(у) - г,ы(х ) e V .7 for all у e W. For О W W О Пт a given у e W this implies: n(y) - n(xo) = n(y) - nN(y) + nN(y) - nN(xo) + nN(xo) - n(x) Vn+2 Vn+2 Vn+2 (iii) V n Firstly, note that for m n we have nm(x) - Vx) = Vx) - nm-1(x) + nm-1(x) - ••• + nn+1<x) - Vx) £ (Vm-2 + Vm-3> + Vm-4 + Vm-5 + + Vn + Vn-1 c (V . + V .) + V _+...+ V + V . m-4 m-4 m-5 n n-1 С (V C+V c) + ...+V + V . m-5 m-5 n n-1 V o. n-2
222 Непсе (ii) shows that lim n = n exists and that n is V -continuous n n n->-°° for every n e JN. Thus, the selection n is continuous by (i). Q 19.9 Lemma. If f. : X + [0,1], 1 n such that £ f. = 1 and if n- ’• x i=1 n 1 uous, then the selection У f. -n. i=1 1 1 s i < n, are continuous functions + 1 s i s n, are V^^-contin- is V-continuous. ГЛ Proof. Firstly, note that n r.B = {0}. r>0 X Hence there is a real number r > 0 such that r-В., c V , Fix X n+m+1 xq e x. Then there is an open neighborhood W of x such that (1) rijjy) ~ hjjx ) e vm+i for 1 - i - n and у e W (2) |f^(y) - fi(xQ)| < r for all 1 s i < n and all у e W. Let у e W be arbitrary. Then we have ( ? (у) - ( ? f-rii) (x ) = i=1 i=1 i i ° n = I (f±(y)*П±(у) - f±(xo)-n±(x )) n = Z (f±(y) Т|±(у) - fi(xQ)-ni(y) + f±Cxo) .п±(У) - £±(хо) •гЧ(хо) > n n = I (f±(y) - fi(X ))«T].(y) + £ f.(x ).(п±(у) - n.(x )). i 1 X X X x и x xv-» As the f^(xQ) sum up to 1, as n^(y) - ri£(xo) belongs always to Vm+^ and as V . is convex, we obtain У f.(x ) - (rj. (y) - n . (x )) eV., i о '1 " i о m+1 As |f±(y) - fi(xo)I < r, we have (f±(y) - f±(xQ))•n±(y) e vm+n+1' i.e. (fi(y> - fi(xO)) -^(У) £ Vm+1
223 Together, this yields (.^ fi-niMy) - (.^ fi-ni)(xo) e vm+1 + vm+1 C Vm , n m i.e. У f.-n. isV -continuous. П . i m LJ 1=1 19.10 Let ф e К . Then for every n e JN there is a V -continuous о selection n such that (a) n(x) e for all x £ X. (b) n(xo) = Ф- Proof. Let U = {x e X : Kx n (ф + Vn+3) / 0}. Then U is an open neighborhood of xQ. Moreover, we define Фх = ° if x ф U and фх := ф. If x / x £ U is given, then let фх be о an arbitrary element of Kx n (ф + Vn+3)• Now fix a continuous function f : X + [O', 1] such that f vanishes on X \ U and takes the value 1 at x . Define о П : X и К XrX by n (x) = f (x) -nx. Then we have n(x ) = ф. Furthermore, the selection n is V -continuous О T n Indeed, let yQ £ U. As in the proof of (19.9) we choose a real number r > о such that r«Bv с V Let V с U be any neighborhood of у such that |f(y) - f(yQ)| < r for all у e V. Then for a given у E V we have n(y) - n(yo) = f(y)-ny - f(yo)*ny = (f(y) - f(yo))-ny + f(yo)-(ny - ny°) e Vn+3 + Vn+3 c Vn+2 c vn
224 If yQ | U, then f(yQ) = 0 < r. Hence we may find an open neighbor- hood U' of yQ such that |f(y)| < r for all у e U'. Thus, for every у e U' we have n(y) - n(yo) = f(y)-n - f(yo)-nv = f(У)-ny e vn+3 c vn- □ 19.11 Lemma. Let n e JN be a natural number, let x e X and let n : X + К be a V -continuous selection. Then there is a V ,,-con- n n+1 tinuous selection n' : X + К such that (i) n(xo) = n' (xQ) (ii) n(x) - n'(x) e Vn-1 for all x e X. Proof. Let x e X be fixed for a moment. By (19.10) there is a V --continuous selection n such that n (x) = r,(x). As n is V -con- П+ to 5C 2C П tinuous and as n is V --continuous, there is an open set U around 'x n+2 ' r x x such that for every у e Ux we have ri(y) - ri(x) e Vn and Ч„(У) ~ ri(x) e V We may assume that x does not belong to U provided that x x . Moreover, for every у e Ux we have П(У) “ ПХ(У) = П(у) - n(x) + n(x) - ПХ(У) = n(y) - n(x) + Пх(х) - ПХ(У) e Vn + Vn+2" Now the Ux cover the compact space X; hence there are finitely many elements x^,...,xn e X such that U и ••• и ux = X‘ si-nce xQOCCursin 1 n exactly one of the Ux, this element belongs to {x^,...,x };w.l.o.g. we may assume that x = x.. Let (f.)?_. be a partition of unity о 1 11-1 subordinate to the covering (U )”=•]• Then f^ (xQ) = 1 and f^(xQ) = 0 for 2 < i < n. We define n
225 Then n'(x ) о n(x ). Moreover, the selection n о 1 is V ,„-continuous n+1 by (19.9). Finally, for a given x e X let Jx := {i e {1,...,n} : x e Ux }. Since x | U implies f.(x) = 0, we have xi I fjx) = 1. ieJx Moreover, as x e и implies ri(x) - n (x) eV + V n and since x^ 1 n n+£ V + V ,n is convex, we conclude n n+z n n(x) - n' (x) = n(x) - У Г±(х).пх (x) i=1 i = У f. (x) • (n(x) - n (x)) i=1 1 xi = У f±(x) (n(x) - nx (x) ) ie J i x vn-i a We now finish the proof of (19.7): Firstly, by induction using (19.10) and (19.11) , we find a sequence of selections (n ) such that 'n' n e JN (1) rin is Vn~continuous . (2) nn+1 (x) ~ Vx) e Vn-1 for a11 x e x- (3) r,n(xo) = Фо for a11 n e 'IN‘ (4) hn(x) e Kx for all n e JN and all x e X. Now let n := Um П • Then n exists and is continuous by (19.8) . More' n->-°° over, r|(xQ) = фо and n(x) e Kx for all x e X, as Kx is always closed. □
226 The following proposition states the converse of (19.7): 19.12 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces with a compact base space X. Define Kx := {ф e Bx : ф = ij (x) for some Then К is convex and circled. If x J {x e X : Rx n 0b Moreover, if then every Kx is closed. continuous selection r, : X + В } Л и C rs(p)' is open, then so is p : E -> X is a separable bundle, Proof. Obviously, the set Kx is convex and circled. To show the closedness of К for separable bundles p : E -> X, let и c Bv x n X and vn с Гд(р) ' , n e JN, be as in the proof of (19.7) . Moreover, let ф belong to the closure of К . As Bx is metric, there is a sequence of elements ф e К such that lim Ф = Ф. Picking an n x n^“ n appropriate subsequence, we may assume that Фп+^ ~ Фп e Vn+1 ^or all n eJN. We define recursively a sequence of continuous selections П : X В such that n X (1) Пп(х) = Фп (2) nn+1(y) “ Vy) e Vn+1 for а11 П e У e X. Choose any satisfying (1). If hn is already defined, choose any continuous selection : x + В such that £ . (x) = ф . Then we conclude that г . (x) - n (x) л Пт I Пт] Пт I П e vn+1• As 5n+i an^ hn are continuous, there is an open neighborhood W of x such that ?n+1(y) - hn(y) e Vn+1 for а11 У e w- Pick a continuous function f : X + [0,1] such that f(x) = 1 and f(X \ W) = = {0}. We now define nn+1 f’^n+1 + (1 f) ,rln‘
227 Then we compute that rin+^ (x) = (x) = фп+^ • Moreover, the continuous mapping rin+-j : X + Bx is a selection, as Bx is always convex. The fact that V ,, is convex and contains 0 implies that n+1 (rln+1 “ V (y) = f(y) ,(?n+1 (y) “ %(y)) e Vn+1 for a11 y e x' as f vanishes on X \ W. From (19.8(iii)) we conclude that the function q : X + Bx defined by r|(y) = П (y) is a continuous selection. Obviously, we have П->-со r|(x) = lim F|n<x) = lim ф = ф, i.e. К* is closed. П->°° П-юо Finally, let U c rs(p)' be open and assume that Rx n U 0. Then ° ~ there is a continuous selection n : X + Bv such that n(x ) e К n U. X О X _ -1 ° As n is continuous, n (U) is an open neighborhood of xq and by definition of the Kx, x e X, we have r|(x) e Kx n U whenever x e n 1(U). This establishes the fact that {x e X : Kx n U / 0} is open. □ 19.13 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a separable bundle of Banach spaces over a compact base space X. Moreover, let C be the smallest closed subset of E containing the "unit ball" {a e E : ||a|| s 1 } and having the property that C n Ex is convex for every x e X . Finally, let К = (С n E )° с В . Then for every x e X and every ф e Kx there is a continuous CCX.)-mo- dule homomorphism T e Mod (Г (p) ,C (X) ) with ||T|| < 1 and AT(x) = ф. Converse ly, if T e Mod (Г (p) ,C (X) ) and if ||T|| s 1л then XT(x) e Kx for every x e X. Proof. By (16.9) and (16.10), the set К := и К satisfies the x£X x properties (i)-(iii) of (19.7). Hence, given a point x e X and an element Ф e Kx, there is a continuous selection X : X + К such that
228 Х(х) = ф. By (19.1) and (19.2(ii) ) the mapping T : Г(р) + С (X) is a Л continuous C(X)-module homomorphism and we have XT (x) = X(x) = ф Viewing X as a bundle morphism from from E into XxlK, we obtain from (10.13) the equation ||T || = sup < 11 A (y) 11 : у e X}. Л As X(y) belongs to By for every у e X, we have always || X(y) || < 1 and therefore ||T|| < 1. Conversely, again by (16.9) and (16.10) the family (K ) is the X XfX largest family such that {x e X : Kx n U 0} is open whenever U с Г (p)' is open. Thus, by (19.12) the set < ф e Bx : ф = n(x) for some continuous selection n : X + B„} is contained in К . Now let T e Mod (Г (p) ,C (X) ) and suppose that ||T|| < 1. From (IQ.13) we conclude that under these conditions we have for every x e X the inequality || AT(x) || <1. Hence the mapping XT : X + Г(р)' maps X into В and therefore is a continuous selection by (19.1), i.e. X XT(x) e Kx for every x e X. □ As we always have the relation K° = (C n Ex)°° = C n Ex, we obtain as a corollary: 19.14 Corollary. Let p : E -+ X be a separable bundle of Banaoh spaces over a compact base spaoe X. Then the set {a e E: |X(a) | <1 for all bundle morphisms X : E + Xx Ж with || X ||<1 . = {a e E: |T(a)(p(a))| < 1 for all a e Ftp) with a(p(a)) = a and all T e Mod(F(p) ,C(X) ) with ||t|| < 1} is the smallest closed subset of E which is stalkwise convex and con- tains {a e E : 11a11 < 1}. □
229 For every x e X let Gx be the largest closed vector subspace of C n Ex (this space exists as C n Ex is convex and closed). From duality between Ex and Ex we conclude that the vector space generated by Kx is dense in G°. Hence we have: 19.15 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a separable bundle of Banaoh spaces over a compact base space X. Then the stalks of the bundle -* X defined in (19.2) are dense subspaces of G°. □ In our next corollary, we characterize bundles with continuous norms via some properties of Mod(Г(p),C(X)): 19.16 Corollary. Let p : E -+ X be a separable bundle of Banaoh spaces and assume that the base space X is compact. Then the follow- ing oonditions are equivalent: (i) p : E + X has continuous norm. (ii) If x e X and if ф e Ex, then there is a continuous C(X)-mo- dule homomorphism T e Mod(Г(p),C(X)) such that Лт(х) = ф and ||T|| = ||ф|| . (iii) If a e Г(р), then norm(o) = sup { |T(a) | : ||T|| < 1, T e Mod(Г(p) ,C(X)) }, where the mapping norm(a) : X +1R is defined by norm(a)(x) = = || a(x) || , where |T(a) | is defined by |t (a) | (x) = | T (a) (x) | in IK . (iv) |fa|| = sup { ||T(a) II : T e Mod (Г (p) ,C (X) ) and ||T|| < 1} and the set К := {ф e Bv : ф = X_(x) for some x e X and some T e Mod(r(p) ,C(X) ) with ||Т|| < 1} is closed. Moreover, under these conditions, the stalks of the bundle
230 ц-P : И? -> X defined in (19.2) are equal to E', x e X, and the 3 x space Mod(г(p) ,C (X) ) separates the points of r(p)- Proof. If p : E + X has continuous norm, then {a e E : ||a|| < 1} is closed and stalkwise convex; thus (i) implies (ii) by (19.13) . Obviously, (ii) implies (iii). (iii) + (i): By (iii), the mapping x + ||a(x) || is a pointwise supremum of continuous functions for every a e r(p) and therefore lower semicontinuous. As it is always upper semicontinuous, we have shown (i). As (iii) implies || a|| = sip { ||T(a) || : ||T|| < 1 and T e Mod(r(p) C(X))} and as (ii) shows that К = Bv, it remains to establish the implication (iv) + (ii), i.e. we have to show that under the pre- sence of (iv) the equation К = Bv holds. X Applying (iv), we obtain: conv К = K°° = {a e Г(р) : |ф(а)| < 1 for all ф e K}° = {а e Г(р) : |T(a)(x)| < 1 for all x e X and all T e Mod(r(p) ,C(X) ) with )|T|| < 1}° = {аеГ(р): | ] T(a) 11 < 1 for all T e Mod(Г(p) ,C(X)) with ||T|| < 1}° = {а e Г (p) : || a || < 1 }° As К n Bx is closed and convex, we conclude from (15.15(1)) that К n В = conv(К n В ) = conv(K)n В = В ° n В = В and thus X X X I X X К = B„. □ A The bundle constructed in example (16.3) shows that К is not closed in general, even if we postulate in addition that || a|| = = sup { ||T(a) || : T e Mod(r(p) ,C(X) ) , ||t|| < 1}.
231 Let us conclude this section with a couple of open problems: 1 .) Suppose that E is Hausdorff and assume that all stalks of the bundle p : E -> X are finite dimensional. Given a point x e X arid ф e E^, is there a continuous С(X)-module homomorphism T e Mod ( Г (p) ,C (X) ) such that XT (x) = ф? 2 .) Let us assume that the set К as it was defined in (19.16(iv)) is closed and suppose that for every ф e there is a T e Mod(r(p), C(X)) such that Лт(х) = ф. Define a norm ||| • ||| on Г (p) by HI a HI = sup { ||T (a) || : T e Mod(r(p),C(X)), ||T || < 1 }. It is possible to show that Г(р) is a locally C(X)-convex C(X)- module in this new norm. Moreover, the bundle p' : E' * X re- presenting Г(р) in this new norm has up to isomorphy (not isometry) the same stalks as the bundle p : E + X and, in addition, contin- uous norm. Question: Is the norm ||| • ||| equivalent to the orginial norm on Г(р)? Is that true in the case where all stalks are finite dimen- sional?

20. Internal duality of С(X)-modules Let E be a Banach space and let be the dual of E equipped with the topology of compact convergence. From the Mackey-Arens theorem we know that E is (topologically) isomorphic to (E^)^. In this section we shall study to what extend these results remain true for the space Г(р) of all sections in a bundle and its "internal dual" Modc(Г(p),C(X)). It will turn out that locally trivial bundles are "internal Mackey spaces" in this sense and that for certain bundles with continuous norm, the space Г(р) is at least algebraically isomorphic to its bi-dual Mod(Modc(Г(p),C(X)),C(X)). 20.1 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle and let S be any directed family of bounded subsets of Г(p) whose union generates Г(p). If a e Г(p) is a section, then the mapping 5 : Mods(T(p),Cb(X)) - Cb(X) T + T(a) is a continuous Cb(X)-module homomorphism. □ 20.2 Proposition. Let p : E X be a full bundle over a completely regular base space X and let S be a directed family of compact, convex and circled subsets of Г(p) whose union generates Г(p). If Ф : Mod^ (Г (p) ,cb (X) ) Cb(X)is a continuous Cb(X) -module homomorphism, then there exists a (not necessarily continuous)' selection s : X * E such that Ф(Т)(х) = AT(x)(s(x)) for all x e X and all T e Mod(Г(p),С(X)). Proof. Fix any point x e X and let S(x) := tex(S) : S e S}, where
233 ех : г(р) * Ех is the evaluation map. As ex is continuous, the family S(x) consists of compact, convex and circled sets and as p : E -> X is a full bundle, this family covers E^. Therefore the S(x)-topology on Ex is finer than the weak-*-topology and coarser than the Mackey- -topology t(E^,Ex). Thus, by the Mackey-Arens theorem, every con- tinuous linear form on E^, equipped with the S(x)-topology, is of the form ф + ф(а) , where a e Ex> As in section 11, we let Nx°d = {Те Mod^(Г(p),С^(X)) :Т(а)(х) = О for all а e Г(р)}. Applying (11.6) we conclude that the set {f*T : T e Mod(Г(p),C, (X)), f e С, (X), f(x) = 0} is dense in NMod. b b x Moreover, if Ф is a (X)-module homomorphism on Mod^(Г(p),С^(X)), we have 0(f«T)(x) = (f • Ф (T) ) (x) = f (x) • Ф (T) =0 whenever f (x) =0. Mod Thus, the continuity of Ф implies Ф(Т)(x) = 0 for all T e Nx Let я : ModQ ( Г (o) ,C, (X) ) + ModQ(Г(p),C, (X))/NMod be the canonical О D о D X quotient map. Then Ф induces a continuous map Ф : Mod(F(p),C, (X))/N™°d - Ж A U X such that Ф °k(T) = Ф(Т)(х) for all T e Mod^(Г(p),Cb(X)). By the remarks following (11.20), Mod^(Г(p),Cb(X))/Nx°d may be identified with a subspace of L„ (e , Ж), i.e. with a subspace of E' equipped О ( X) X X with the S(x)-topology. Under this identification, we have k(T) = Am(x) and Ф becomes a continuous linear functional on a T x subspace of Ex. Using the Hahn-Banach theorem, we may extend Фх to a continuous linear functional on E', where E' carries the S(x)-to- X X pology and by the above remarks, there is an element s(x) e Ex such that Фх(ф) = Ф(э(х)) for all ф e E^. Hence we have Ф(Т)(х) = Фх»л(т) = Фх(Ат(х)) = AT(x)(s(x)) for all T e Mod^(Г(p),0^(X)) and x + s(x) : X + E is the selection we were looking for. □
234 20.3 Remark. It is obvious from the proof of (20.2) that the section s in unique if and only if {xT(x) : T e Mod(p(p),0^(X)) } is dense in E' for every x e X. Thus, the theorem of Mackey-Arens holds "internally"in the category of С, (X)-modules, if we can show that the selection s : X + E con- fa structed in (20.2) turns out to be continuous and bounded. For separable bundles of Banach spaces with continuous norm this is true. To obtain a more general result, we need some remarks concerning equivalent norms: 20.4 Definition. Let p : E + X be a fibered vector space. Two norms || • || : E -»• JR and ||| • ||| : E -»• JR are said to be equivalent, if there are constants m,M > 0 such that m. 11 a 11 < |||a||| < M. ||a|| for all a e E. Q 20.5 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces over a compact base space and with norm || • || . Moreover, let ||| • ||| be a second norm on E. Then the following statements are equivalent: (i) The norms || • || and ||| • ))| are equivalent and the mapping HI «HI : E + JR is upper semicontinuous. (ii) p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces with norm ||| • ||| . (iii) The set G = и {a e E : |||a||| < 1 }° с и E' c Ftp)' xeX x xeX is compact with respect to the weak-*-topology and the closed convex hull G°° of G is a barrel in r(p)'- Proof. (i) + (ii): Firstly, we show that the set {a e E : HI a HI < e} is open in E:
235 Let m,M > 0 such that m- 11 a 11 < |||a||| < M. 11 a 11 and let aQ e E such that H|ao||| < e. Choose any a e r(p) with a(p(aQ)) = aQ and let U := {x e X : |||a(x) ||| < - -+ IП-^е-Ш-}. Then U is an open neighborhood of P(aQ) and thus 0 := {a e E : p(a) e U and 11 a “ a(p (a) ) 11 < ------- is an open neighborhood of a . Moreover, if a belongs to 0, then we have 11Ы11 s III a(p(a) ) - a III + ||| a(p(a) ) ||| < J. .~_.lll Др-Щ. + e ..+ 2 2 = e. It is now easy to check that p : E + X satisfies the hypothesis of (3.2) and thus is a bundle. (ii) + (iii) : The compactness of G follows from (15.3) and by (15.7(i)) the closed convex hull of G is equal to the dual ball {a e F (p) : |||a||| = sup {|||a(x) ||| : x e X} s 1 }° c r(p)' and therefore a barrel. (iii) + (i) : As G is compact, we can find a constant M > 0 such that G c {ф e Ftp) ' : ||ф|| s M} and as G°° is a barrel, there is a constant m > о such that {ф e Г(р) ' : ||ф|| < m} c G°°. From (15.15) applied to the bundle p : E + X equipped with the norm we conclude that G°° n = {ф e : |||ф||| < 1}. Hence for every x e X we have the inclusions {ф e : ||ф|| < m} с {ф e E^ : |||ф||| < 1} с{феЕ^: ||ф|| < M}.
236 If we take polars, we obtain {a e E : ||a|| s c {a e E : |||a||| < 1 } c {a e E : ||a|| s or M. 11 a 11 s |||a||| - m * l|a|| f°r aH a e E. It remains to show that the mapping |||*||| : E + ]R is upper semicontinuous, or, equiva- lently, that the mapping x -+ ||| u(x) ||| : X->- ]R is upper semicontinuous for every a e Г(р). Thus, let a e Г(р). It is enough to prove that the set {x e X : s HIa(x) HI > M} is closed in X, where M > 0 is defined as above. Firstly, note that ||| a(x) ||| г M if and only if |ф(а(х) ) | > 1 for an appropriate element ф e with |||ф||| s j-j- If we let Аа = {а e Г(р)' : |ф(а)| > 1}, then we have {x e X : HI a(x) HI > M} = {x e X : 1-G n n / 0}. By the definition of M, the set 1»G is contained in В and therefore M X j^«G n is a compact subset of B^ not containing 0. Since the mapping у : В \ {0} X A ф + x iff ф e is continuous by (15.4), the image of j^-G n A under Y is compact in м а X and therefore closed. Since this image is exactly the set {x e X: III a(x) HI M}, our proof is complete. □ 20.6 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a compact base space X and with norm then the mapping a bundle of Banach spaces over || • || . If T c Ftp) ' is a barrel,
237 III-III : E sup { | ф(а) | : ф e T n } is an upper semicontinuous norm on E which is equivalent to || • || . Moreover, if for each weak-*-open subset U c r(p)' the set {x e X : U n Ex n T 0} is open in X, then ||| • ||| : E + 3R is contin- uous . Proof. As T n Ex is a barrel in E^, the mapping ||| • ||| induces a norm on Ex, i.e. the mapping |||«||| : E +1R is indeed a norm. Moreover for every x e X we have <а e Ex : |||a||| < 1 }° = T n E^, i.e. the set G defined in (20.5(iii)) is equal to и T n E'. x£X x Let r > 0 be a constant such that r-T с {ф e Г(р)' : ||ф|| < 1}- Then r«T is a weak-*-compact subset of Г(р)' and hence r-T n Bv is com- pact, too. As G = ~(r*T n Bv) , the set G is also compact. Further let x X s > 0 be a real number such that {ф e Г(р)' : ||ф|| < 1} c s-T. Then we may conclude that В c s-G and therefore X {ф e Г(р) ' : ||ф|| < 1 } c s -T. This shows that G°° is a barrel. The last statement follows from (15.11). □ The following corollary may be viewed as a complement to (19.16): 20.6 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banach spaces and assume that the base space X is compact. If the set
238 К = {ф е Вх : Лт(х) = ф for some х е X and some Т е Mod(r(p),С(X)) with ||Т || < 1 } is dosed, and if conv К is a barrel, then there is a continuous norm HI-HI : E -> 1R which is equivalent to || • || . Proof. From (15.15) we conclude that К = и (conv К) n E'. Thus xeX (20.6) follows from (20.5), as (19.12) yields that for every open set U с Г(p)' the set {x E x : К n n U / 0} is open. □ We now come to the following theorem of the Mackey-Arens type: 20.7 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banach spaces over a compact base space X and assume that there is a closed subset К of Г(р)' such that 0 e К с {феВ:ф= X (x) for some x e X and some X 1 T e Mod ( Г (p) ,c (X) ) with ||T|| < 1} Assume moreover that E^ n К is convex and circled for every x e X and that conv К is a barrel in Г(p) ' • Then the mapping ~ : Г(р) Mod(Mods(r(p) ,C(X)) ,C(X)) 5 ; 5(T) := T(a) is an isomorphism of C(X)-modules, where S denotes any family of compact subsets of Ftp) such that the union of S generates Г(p) • Proof. From Q.5 .15) we know that К n E^ = (conv K) n E^, i.e. К n E^ is a barrel in E^. The injectivity of ~ now follows easily from (20.3).
239 Let ф : Mod^(Г(р),C(X)) + С(X) be a continuous C(X)-module homo- morphism. Since in the Banach space Г(р) the closed convex hull of a compact subset is compact, Ф is also continuous for the finer topolo- gy of compact convex convergence on Mod(Г(p),C(X)). From (20.2) we may now conclude that there is a selection s : X > E such that Ф (T) (x) = Л (x) (s (x) ) for all x e X and all T £ Mod (Г (p) ,C (X) ) . It remains to show that s is continuous. Firstly, by (20.6) we may assume without loss of generality that 11 a 11 = sup {|ф(a) | : ф e conv К n Ep (a) = sup {|ф(а) | : ф e К n Ep(a) } and that under these conditions we have K = B . Further, by the choice of X K, for every ф e we can find a continuous C(X)-module homomorphism T e Mod(Г(p),C(X)) with XT (x) = ф, although we are no longer allowed to assume that ||t|| < 1. Define a mapping IK s ; u Ex xtX s -» s ; §(ф) = ф(э(х)) if ф e E^. Step 1 The restriction of s to В is continuous. X (Let MP := {(х,ф) : ф = XT(x) for some T e Mod(Г(p),C(X))} c Xxr^(p)' and let туР : + X be the restriction of the first projection. As we just remarked, {x}xe^ с mP. By (19.2), jjP : + X is a bundle and the mapping Л : Mod (Г (p) ,C (X) ) Г(яР) T A(T) ,- A(T) (x) = (x,XT(x)) is a topological isomorphism of С (X)-modules. As Ф°Л : Г(ттР) C(X)
240 is a continuous C(X)-module homomorphism, we can find an unique bundle morphism ц : MP + Xx Ж such that ( Ф°Л 1 ) ( X) (x) = (pr2 oyoj) (x) for all x e X, X e r( irP) • As ц preserves stalks and as the stalks of are just the {xJxE^, x e X, we can find a linear map цх : + Ж such that ц(х,ф) = = (х,цх(ф)) for every ф e E^. Now suppose that T e Mod(г(р),C(X)). Then we may compute: XT (x) (s (x) ) = ф(Т) (x) = Ф°Л"1(Л(Т))(x) = pr2 °ц(Л(Т) (x)) = pr2»u(x,XT(x)) = Pr2(x'Ux<AT(x))) = ux(AT(x)). As the elements of the form X (x), T e Mod ( г (p) ,C (X) ) cover E', we X x have рг2°ц(х,ф) = цх(ф) = ф(s (x) ) = Sopr (х,ф) for all ф e E'. Restricting ц to the set {(х,ф) : ф e Bx} c XxBx we obtain the following commutative diagram u {(х,ф) : ф e В , x e X} + Xx Ж pr2 + + Pr2 BY + Ж X § It follows easily from (15.4) that the set {(х,ф) : ф e Bx, x e X}
241 is compact, if we equip Bv with the weak-*-topology. Since the subset X Bv с Г(р)' is equicontinuous, the weak-*-topology and the S-topology on Bx agree. Thus the set {(х,ф) : ф e Bx, x e X} is compact in the relative topology of M? and therefore the projection pr? : {(х,ф) : : ф e В , x e X} Bv is a quotient map as it is a continuous sur- X X jection between compact spaces. As ц and p^ : Xx Ж Ж are contin- uous, the continuity of § follows.) Step 2. If s(xq) = 0, then the set {x : ||s(x) || < e} is a neigh- borhood of x . о (Let U := {ф e Bx : | S(ф) | < e /2}. Then U is open by step 1. Moreover, s(xq) = 0 implies ё(ф) - = ф(з(х )) = 0 for all ф e В , i.e. Bx c U. Hence the set {x e X : о о : Bx c U} is an open neighborhood of xQ by (15-6). As for every x e X with Bx c U we have || s (x) || = sup { | ф (s (x) ) | : ф £ Bx} = = sup { | §(ф) | : ф e Bx} < e/2 < e, the larger set {x e X : || s(x) || < < e} is a neighborhood of xq, too.) Step 3. The mapping s : X + E is continuous. (Let xQ e X and let 0 be an open neighborhood of s(xq). Pick any section a e Г(р) such that a(xQ) = s(xq). Then there are an open neighborhood U of xq and a real number e > 0 such that {a e E : p(a) e U and ||a a (p (a) ) 11 < e} c 0 • To show the continuity of s, it is enough to check-that the set {x e X : 11 a(x) - s (x) |[ < e} is a neighborhood of xQ.
242 Let Ч1 = 5 - Ф : Mod(Г(р),С(X)) + С (X) . Then there is an unique selection r : X + E so that ч'(Т) (x) = xT(x) (r (x) ) for all x e X and all T e Mod(Г(p),C(X)). An easy computation shows that r = 0 - s and therefore step 2 applied to r instead of s completes the proof. □ 20.8 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a separable bundle of Banaoh spaces with continuous norm and a compact base space. Then the mapping Г(р) - Mod(Mods(Г(p),C(X)),C(X)) a a is a bijection. □ Our next corollary deals with locally trivial bundles. Firstly, how- ever, we need a lemma: 20.9 Lemma. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces over a compact base space X and suppose that the bundle p : E -> X, viewed as a bundle of topological spaces, is locally trivial. Then there is a compact subset A c Modg(Г(p),C(X)) suoh that (i) К = {XT(x) : x e X and T e A} is compact (ii) О e К and К n is circled and convex for every x e X. (iii) conv К is a barrel in r(p)'. Proof. Let A.,..., A be closed subsets of X such that the interiors 1 n of the A. cover X and such that Гд (p) is isomorphic to C(A,E) as a Ai topological vector space for a certain Banach space E . Since the restric- tion map eA. : r(p) " rA.(p) a -> a / 'A. i
243 is a quotient map by (4.5) we may embed C(A^,E)' into r(p)' via the mapping e± : С(А±,Е)' (ф)(a) + Г(Р)' = Ф°31°ед (°) where S. : гд (p) + C(A.,E) is a suitable continuous and open C(X)- 1 Ai i -module isomorphism. For every i e {1,...,n} and every ф e E' we de- fine a mapping : A. Ф 1 * С(А±,Е) where Пф(х)(т) = Ф(т(х)) for all т e C(A.,E). It is straightforward to check that n, is Ф е1°^ф maps x into E' where as usual, Ex continuous and that p 1 (x) . For every i e {1,...,n} let f^ : X + [0,1] be a continuous function such that f^ vanishes on X \ A? and such that max f.(x) = 1 for all x e X. 1 ^i<n 1 If we define rs(P)' by r f . (x) • (e. °nJ (x) if x e A. A, .(x) = / 1 1 * <0 if x i A± then X , . is continuous and X , .(x) e E' for every x e X. ф, i ф, i x -1 For every 1 s i < n we define a mapping
244 m± : Е' л Mods(r(p),C(X)) ф -> T • V An easy calculation shows that rtb is linear. Moreover, we have ||T (a) || <1 iff | X . (x) (a(x) ) | <1 for all x e X лф,1 Ф' iff )f±(x) (e. "nф(х)) (a(x)) | <1 for all x e A± iff | (e. °n ) ( (f i -a) (x) ) | <1 for all x e A. ' 1 ф X ' J- iff Iф((S±оЕд (f±•ст)) (X)) I <1 for all x e A± As the set {[(SpeA ) (f^a) ](x) : x e A^} is compact in E, we con- clude that itb is continuous if E' carries the topology of compact convergence. As the set {ф e E' : ||ф|| < l}is compact in this topology, the image В, := {T. : || ф !| < 1 } 1 Л X Ф,1 of the unit ball of E' under iru is compact, too. Now let В = B^ и ... и Bn and let A be the closed, convex, circled hull of B. As Г(р) and C(X) are Banach spaces, the space L (Г(р),С(Х)) of all linear operators from Г(р) into С(X) is quasicomplete and so’ is its closed subspace Mod (Г(p),C(X)). Thus, A is a compact convex and circled subset of Mod (Г(p),C(X)). Obviously, 0 = T, e A. 0, i Let К = {Лт(х) : T e A, x e X}. Then, by definition, for every i e {l,...,n} and every ф e E' we have A, . e К, О e К and К n E is convex and circled for every x e X. Ф, i x -1 Moreover, the set К is compact: Since A is compact, it is enough to
245 show that the mapping (x,T) + XT(x) : ХхД + К is continuous. Let (x^,T^). be a converging net in ХхД and let x = lim x^ and let £ id T = lim T.. We show: iel 1 \,(x) = lim X (x ) . iel i Indeed, let a e Г(р). As lim T^ = T, there is a j & I such that iel ||Т±(ст) - T(a) || < e/2 for all i % j Moreover, as T(a) e C(X), there is a j > j such that |T(a)(x) - T(a)(x^)| < e/2 for all i > j2- For all i > j2 > j we have I AT (x±) ( a) - XT (x) ( a) | = lTi<o)(x±) - T(a)(x)| < |Ti(a)(xi) -Т(а)(х£)| + |Т(а)(х±) - - Т(а) (x) | < ||Т± (а) - Т(а) || + е/2 < е/2 + е/2 = е. It remains to show that conv К = K°° is a barrel, i.e. that K° is bounded in Г(р). For 1 s i < n let B± = {x e X s f±(x) = 1}. Then c A? and the cover X as we have chosen the f^ so that max {f^tx) : 1 < i < n} = 1 for all x e X. Let 6. : Г. (p) + Г_ (p) and 6! : C(A.,E) + C(B.,E) be the restric- 1 A £ D£ 11 1 tion maps. Then 6^ and 6^ are quotient maps by (4.5). Moreover, there is a (topological) isomorphism R. : r„ (p) + C(B.,E) such that the 1 В £ 1 diagram Г (p) ГА.(Р> rB,(p) С(А±,Е) + 6^ С(В±,Е)
246 commutes for every i e {1,...,n}. Given x e and a e K°, we compute || ( (R. °eR ) (a) ) (x) || = || ( (6'oS. oE ) (a) ) (x) || 11 1 X5 11 11 11 H. 1 = I, ( (S£°ea ) (a) ) (x) || by the definition of 6^ = sup {|ф(Ц31»Ед ) (a)) (x)) |: ф £ E', ||ф|| < 1} = sup { | n , (x) ( (S oE ) (ф) ) | : ф e E' , || ф || < 1 } <p i by the definition of n, Ф = sup { I (е± (Пф (x) ) ) (ст) I : ф e E', ||ф|| < 1} by the definition of e^ = sup <|Аф^±(х) (a) : ф e E', ||ф|| < 1} since f^(x) =1 on s 1 since X, . e К and as a e K° ф,1 Thus, we conclude that llR^ogg (a) || < 1 for every a e K°. Since R^ is a topological isomorphism, there is a constant > 0 such that || eB (a) || < Mi for every a e K°. Let M = max {M.,.. . ,M }. 1 nJ As the B^ cover X, we conclude that ||a|| < M for every a e K° and our proof is complete. □ 20.10 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces over a compact base spaoe and assume that p : E -> X, viewed as a bundle of topologioal vector spaces, is locally trivial. Then the mapping ~ : Г(р) Mod (Mod$ (Г (p) ,C (X) ) ,C (X) ) is a bijection, where S denotes any family of oompaot subsets of Г(p) suoh that the union of S generates Г(р). □ For bundles with finite dimensional stalks we have the following result:
247 20.11 Corollary. Let p : E + X be a Banaoh bundle with a oompaot base spaoe X and assume that all stalks are finite dimensional. (i) If the mapping ~ : r(p) + Mod (Mod^ ( Г (p) ,C (X) ) ,C (X) ) is bijec- tive, then E is a Hausdorff space. Further, for a given x e X and a given ф e there is a continuous С (X)-module homomor- phism T e Mod(Г(p),C(X)) such that Лт(х) = ф. (ii) Conversely, assume that E is Hausdorff. If the base spaoe X is metrizable or if there is an n e JN suoh that dim = n for all x e Xj then the mapping ~ is a bijection. Proof. (i) From (20.3) and the fact that E^ is finite dimensional for every x E X it follows that E^ = {XT(x) : T e Mod(Г(p),C(X))}. Now (19.3(ii)) yields that E is Hausdorff. (ii) If X is metrizable, then p : E + X is separable by (19.5(iii)) and therefore is a bijection by (20.8). Now suppose that dim E^ = n for all x e X, where n e JN is fixed. Then p : E + X is locally trivial by (18.5). In this case, (ii) follows from (20.10). □ 20.12 Definition. Let p : E + X be a bundle. Then p is called a Maokey bundle, provided that the mapping ~ : Ftp) + Modcc(Modcc(Г(p), C(X)),C(X)) is a homeomorphism, where the subscript "cc" refers to the topology of uniform convergence on compact, convex circled subsets. □ 20.13 Remarks. It is easy to see that ~ is continuous whenever every compact convex and circled subset of Mod(г(p),C(X)) is equi- continuous. This is especially the case if p : E + X is a bundle of Banach spaces. Before we give a very meager set of examples of Mackey bundles, we
248 shall establish: 20.14 Proposition. Let p ; E + X be a bundle of Banach spaces over a compact base space X. Moreover, let \ c Modg(г(p) г С(X)) be a com- pact subset. (i) The set Кд = {XT(x) : x e X, T e A} is compact. (ii) p : E + X is a Mackey bundle if and only if there is a compact subset A c Modg(г(p),C(X)) such that the closed convex circled hull of Кд is a barrel. Proof. (i) was already shown in the proof of (20.9). (ii): Suppose that p : E + X is a Mackey bundle. Then the mapping : Г(р) + Modcc(Modcc(г(p),C(X)),C(X)) is open. Hence we can find a compact, convex and circled subset A c Modcc(г(p),C (X) ) such that j|T (a) || < 1 for all T e A implies 1| a 11 < 1. Clearly, the set A is also compact in Modg(г(p),C(X)) and it remains to show that K? is bounded. A Thus, let a e K°. We show that |la|| < 1- Indeed, as a e K°, we A A know that |T (a) (x) | = | AT (x) (a (x) ) | < 1 for all x e X and all T e A, i.e. ||T(a) || < 1 for all T e A and therefore || a || < 1 by the choice of A. Conversely, suppose that A c Mod^ (Г (p) ,C (X) ) is given such that the closed convex circled hull of Кд is a barrel in r(p)'• We may suppose that A is circled. Hence the set Кд is circled, too, and the closed convex circled hull of K. is equal to K°°. Since K?° is a A A A barrel, there is a constant M > 0 such that ||ф|| < M implies ф e K°° for all ф e Г (p) ' . Now let us assume that ||T(a) || s 1 for all T e A. Then we may conclude that |XT(x)(a(x))| < 1 for all x e X and all T e A, i.e. a e K°. This implies |ф(а)| < 1 whenever
249 ||ф|| < М, i.e. || а || < 1. Thus, we have shown that ||T(a) || < M for all T e A implies ||a|| <1. As every compact subset A c Modg(Г(p),C(X)) is compact in the strong- er topology Modcc(Г(р),c(X)) and as the closed convex circled hull of A is also compact, we just verified the openess of ~. Since the map ~ is continuous by (20.13) and since it follows from (20.7) that is bijective, the proof of (20.14) is complete. □ 20.15 Examples. (i) If X is compact and if p : E + X is a locally trivial bundle of Banach spaces, then p is a Mackey bundle (see (20.9))and (20.10)). (ii) If p : E * X is a bundle of Banach spaces, if X is compact, if E is Hausdorff and if all stalks have dimension n for a fixed n e JN, then p : E * X is a Mackey bundle (see (18.5), (20.9), (20.10)). 20.16 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a Mackey bundle of Banach spaces, where X is compact. Then for every x e X and every ф e there is a eontinuous C(X)-module homomorphism T e Mod(Г(p),C(X)) such that lT(x) = фл i.e. the stalks of the bundle X representing Mod^(Г(p),c(X)) are isomorphic to E^, x e X, where S denotes again a family of compact subsets of Г(p) whose union gene- rates Г (p) . Proof. By (20.14) there is a compact subset A c Modg(Г(p),C(X)) such that the closed convex circled hull of К = {Am(x) : x e X and A T T e Aj is a barrel in Г(p)'. As Г(p) and C(X) are Banach spaces, the closed convex circled hull of A is compact, too. Hence we may assume w.l.o.g. that A is convex and circled. Moreover, by [Sch 71, III.4.2] the set A is equicontinuous. Therefore, by multiplying A with a suitable constant M > 0, we may assume that ||t|| s 1 for all T e A. Under these conditions we have
250 (1) К. с В„ and К. is closed Ал А (2) Кд п Вх is closed, convex and circled for every x e X. (3) K°° = conv K, is a barrel in r(p)'• A A where the closedness of Кд nBx follows from (2O.14(i)). Applying (15.15), we are allowed to conclude that кд n Bx = = (conv Кд) n Bx is a barrel in for every x e X. Now let x e X and let ф e be given. Then there is a real number r > 0 such that г.ф e Кд n Bx- By the definition of Кд we can find a continuous C(X)-module homomorphism T' e A such that г.ф = XT,(x). Let T := l.T'. Then we finally have ф = XT(x). □ 20.17 Theorem. If p : E -+ X is a Maokey bundle of Banaoh spaces over a oompaot base spaoe with norm || • || j then there is an equival ent norm ||| • ||| on E suoh that for every x e X and every ф e E' о there is a T e Mod (г (p) ,C (X) ) with At(xq) = ф and |||ф||| = ||[T||| . Furthermore, the mapping ||| • ||| : E +1R Й continuous. Proof. As in the proof of (20.16), let A c Modg(г(p),C(X)) be a compact, convex and circled subset such that (1) К. c B„ and K. is closed. AX A (2) Кд n Bx is closed, convex and cirlced for every x e X. (3) K°° = conv K. is a barrel in r(p)'• A A Again, proposition (15.15) implies (4) Кд n Bx = (conv Кд) n Bx for each x e X. We now define a norm on E by НЫН = sup { | ф (a) I : ф e Кд П Bp(a) }.
251 As it was shown in (20.6), the mapping |||.||| : E +JR is an equiva- convex, circled and closed, we longs to {a e Ex : |||a||| s 1}° = К, n В for a certain x e X. A x have HIфHI < 1 if and only if ф be if and only if ф e (Кд n Bx)°° = Next, we show that |||T||| < 1 for every T e A- Indeed, if a e r(p) is given such that |||a||| s 1, then we compute || |T (a) HI = sup {|T(0)(x) | : x e X} = sup { I Хт (X) ( a (X)) I : x e X } < 1 as Хт(х) e Кд n Bx and as a(x) e (Кд n Bx) °. Further, let us start with x e X and let ф e E' \ {0}. Then the o Y x “1 о element |||ф||| «ф belongs to К. n В and therefore is of the form A xo Xc(x ) for a certain S e A. Since |||S||| < 1 by the above argument О О and since |||S||| = sup { HI As (x)|||: x e X} * il|Xs(xo)||| = 1НФ||| = 1 , by (10.13) (recall that Xs may be considered as a bundle morphism between E and the trivial bundle XxJKi),we conclude that |||S||| = 1. Now define T e Mod (Г (p) ,C (X) ) by T := |||ф||| *S. Then XT (xq) = ф and IIItIII = 111Ф|Ц. Finally, the continuity of |||*||| : E + ]R follows exactly as in the proof of (19.16, (ii) + (iii) + □ (i) ) .
21. The dual space Г(р)' of a space of sections In the proceeding sections we always used the dual space r(p) ' of a space of sections in a bundle to construct subbundles, C(X)-module homomorphisms etc. In this last section, we would like to reverse these questions: Suppose that we already know the "intern dual" Mod(г(p),С(X)), what can be said about r(p)' itself? Of course we can expect reasonable answers only if Mod(г(p),C (X) ) is large enough to separate the points of r(p) and it will turn out that we need more than this. Our first observation is the following: Given a C(X)-module E, then the dual space E' is also a C(X)-module, if we define a multi- plication on E' by (f-ф) (a) = ф(Е«а) for all f e Cb(X),a e Е,ф e E' but there is no reason to expect that E' is locally C(X)-convex even when E has this property. An example for this phenomenon is E = C(X) itself. On the other hand, given a C(X)-module homomorphism T : E + C^tX) , we may map the dual space M(X) of C^tX) into E' via the function T0- : M(X) E ' ц тдц , Т0ц(а) = ц(Т(а)) and in certain cases the images of this mapping will generate E'. In these cases, we shall obtain something close to a "integral representation" of linear functionals on E. If p : E + X is a bundle
253 a typical linear functional looks like T0U : Г(р) Ж a f lT(x)(a(x)) du X where T e Mod(Г(p),C(X)) and where ц £ M(X). 21.1 Definition. (i) Let E,F,G be topological vector spaces and let b : ExF + G be a bilinear mapping. If b is separately contin- uous on ExF and if for every bounded subset В c F the family of linear maps b(-,u) : E + G, u e B, is equicontinuous, then b is called hypoeontinuous. (ii) If E and F are C^tX) -modules and if b : EXF -> G is bilinear and satisfies b(u,f«v) = b(f«u,v) for all u e E, v e F, f e C^tX) then we say that b is compatible with the C^tX)-module structure. (iii) If in addition G is an C(X)-module, too, and if b(u,f«v) = b(f«u,v) = f«b(u,v) for all u e E, v e F and f e Cb(X), then we call b a bilinear mapping between Cb(X)-modules. Q In the following we denote the dual space of C^tX), where X is a topological space, by M(X). Again, if E is a topological vector space and if S is any directed family of bounded subsets of E, we denote the topology of uniform convergence on elements of S defined on a space of mappings with domain E by adding the subscript S. 21.2 Proposition. Let E be a topological Cb(X)-module, let S be a directed and total family of bounded subsets of E and let S' be
254 be a directed family of bounded subset of Cb(X) whose union generates C^tX) . Assume that {T(S) : S £ S , T e Mod(E,C(X)) } is contained in S' . (i) The mapping S : Mods(E,Cb(X))xMs,(X) - (Т,ц) ТЙц; (Тйц) (a) = ц(Т(а)) is a hypocontinuous bilinear mapping between C^tX)-modules (ii) If S covers Ej and if a e E is given, then the mapping : Mods(E,Cb(X) ) M (X) Ж (т,ц) ц(т(а)) is hypocontinuous, bilinear and compatible with the Cb(X)~ -module structure. (iii) If Mod(E,Cb(X))separates the points of Ej then the linear span of the image of S is a(E',E)-dense in E'. Proof, (i) For all f e Cb(X), all T e Mod(E,C, (X)) we have b ((f.T)Su)(a) = y((f«T)(a)) = y(f«(T(a))) = (f-y)(T(a)) = (T S (f • у)) (a) = y(T(f-a)) = (Тйц)(f•a) = (f•(Тйц))(a) a e E, all ц e M(X) and all by the definition of the mult plication on Mod(E,Cb(X)) by the definition of the mult plication on M(x) as T e Mod(E,Cb(X)) by the definition of the mult plication on E' establishing the fact that S is a bilinear mapping between C(X)-mo-
255 dules. If we fix T e Mod(E,(X)), then TS- : Ms, (X) is continuous. Indeed, if S e S , then the set S' := T(S) belongs to S'. Moreover, if p e M(X) belongs to the open neighborhood {v e M(X) : |v(f) | < 1 for all f e S' } of 0 in M (X) , then we have the inequality | (T pi) (a) | = |pi(T(a)) | < < 1 for all a e S. Since the set {ф e E' : |ф(a)| <1 for is a basic neighborhood of 0 in EJ, T0- is continuous. all о £ S} , we have shown that the mapping Now let А с M$,(X) be bounded. As S' covers C^tX), the corollary to [ Sch 71, III.3.4] yields an M > 0 such that ||ц|| < M for all ц e A. Hence, if S e S is given and if T e Mod(E,С. (X)) satisfies D IIT (a) || <1 for all a e E, then for every a e S and every ц e A we have |Tpi(o)| = |pi(T(cr))| < || ц || • || T (a) || < M.l = 1 showin9 the equicontinuity of the set {-gp : ц e A}. The proofs of (ii) and (iii) are now straightforward. □ The following results state a converse of (21.2(ii)): 21.3 Proposition. Let E be a topological C^tX)-module and let S and S’ resp. be directed and covering families of compact subsets of E and C^fX-Jj resp. Furthermore, suppose that the mapping
256 Е -> Mod(Mod (Е,С, (X)) S b a a ; a(T) = T(a) is bijective. If b : Mod (E,C, (X) ) xM , (X) Ж S b s is bilinear, hypoeontinuous and compatible with the C^tX)-module structure, then there is a unique e E such that Ь(Т,ц) = y(T(ab)) for all (Т,ц) e Mod(E,Cb(X))xM(X) i.e. we have b = b. % Proof. Fix a T e Mod (E ,Cb (X) ) . Then the mapping ц -»• Ь(Т,ц) : М^, (X) + Ж is continuous and linear. Hence there is a unique Ф(Т) e Cb(X) such that b(T,p) = ц(Ф(Т)). As b is bilinear, the mapping Ф : Mod(E,Cb(X)) + Cb(X) will be linear. Moreover, this mapping is a Cb(X)-module homomorphism, as the following calculation shows: For all ц t M(X) we have U(Ф(f-T)) b(f-Т,ц) b(T,f.Ц) (f-ц)(Ф(T)) u(f-Ф(Т) ) , i.e. ®(f»T) = f-Ф(Т). Further, if we equip Mod(E,Cb(X)) with the S-topology, then Ф is continuous. Indeed, we have ||Ф(Т) II < : 1 iff |Ц(Ф(Т))| < 1 for all ц with Hull * 1 iff | b (T, pi) I s 1 for all ц with Hull * 1 iff T e {T' : Ib(T, u) I s 1 whenever Hull -<1}
257 But this last set is open by the hypocontinuity of b. As the mapping is surjective, there is a ab e E such that Ф(Т) = Т(д^) for all T e Mod(E,Cb(X)) and for this ab we have Ь(Т,ц) = ц(Ф(Т)) = ц(Т(аь))- The uniqueness of ab follows easily from the injectivity of . □ 21.4 Proposition. Let p : E + X be a Mackey bundle and let G be a topological C^tX)-module. If b : Modcc(r(p) ,Cb(X) ) xMc(X) + G is a hypocontinuous bilinear mapping between -modules, then there is a unique continuous C^tX)-module homomorphism Sb Gc - Г(Р> such that ХоЬ(Т,ц) = n(ToSb(X)) for all T e Mod(Г(p),Cb(X)), all ц e M(X) and all X e G' . Proof. Let X e G'. Then, applying Sb (X) e Ftp) such that (Х»Ь)(Т,ц) = Sb : G' + r(p) is linear. Moreover, f e Cj^CX) and X e G’, we compute (21.3), we can find a unique ji(T<>Sb(X)). Obviously, the mapping given ц e M(X) , T e Mod ( Г (р),<^ (X) ) (T(Sb(f-X)) = (f-X)ob(T,y) = X(f-b(T,y)) = X(b(f-T,y)) = u(f-T(sb(X)) = u(T(f-Sb(X)). As this holds for all ц and all T and as Mod(Г(p),Cb(X)) separates the points of Ftp), we conclude that S. (f-X) D f•Sb(X) for all f e С, (X), X e G'. b
258 i.e. is a (X)-module homomorphism. It remains to show that Sb is continuous. Let U c r(p) be an open neighborhood of 0. As p : E + X is a Mackey bundle, we may assume that U is of the form U = {a e r(p) : !|T < o) || < 1 for all T e A}, where A c Modcc(p(p),Cb(X)) is a compact convex and circled subset. Define В := {ц e M(X) : ||ц|| < 1}. Then the restriction of b to A*B is continuous. Thus, the image of A*B under b is compact in G and an easy calculation shows that S^tx) e U if and only if x e {y e G' : |у°Ь(Т,ц)| < 1 for all (Т,ц) e A*BJ. Since the latter set is open in G'c, this shows the continuity of S^. Q We are now in the position to identify the dual space r(p)' of r(p) as a certain "tensor product" in the category of (X)-modules: 21.5 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a Maokey bundle and let G be a quasicomplete topological c^tX)-module. If b : Modcc(r(p) ,Cb(X) ) xMc(X) G is a hypocontinuous bilinear map between c^tX)-modules, then there is a unique continuous C^tX)-module homomorphism b : Г (p) ' + G cc such that Ь(ТВц) = Ь(Т,ц) for all T e Mod(Г(p),Cb(X)) and all ц e M(X). Moreover, if p : E + X is in addition a bundle of Banaoh spaces (more generally: if Ftp) is barreled or bornological), then Г(р)дС is uniquely determined by this property in the following sense:
259 Given a quasioomplete topological C^tX)-module т and a hypooontin- uous bilinear mapping between C^tX)-modules T : Modcc(r(p) ,Cb(X) ) xMc(X) -» T such that every hypooontinuous and bilinear mapping between Cb(X)- modules b : Modcc ( г (p) ,Cb (X) ) xMc (X) -+ G into a quasioomplete topological C^tX)-module, is of the form b = Бот for a unique continuous C^tX)- module homomorphism Б : T + G, then T is (topologically) isomorphic to r(p)ic- Proof. Let Sb : G’ + Г (p) be the mapping constructed in (21.4) and let b : Г(p)' + (G^)' be its adjoint. As G is quasicomplete, the topology of compact convergence on G' is the Mackey topology. Hence we obtain (G^)' s G and b will be continuous for the Mackey topolo- gies on Г(р)' and G resp. As the original topology on G is coarser than the Mackey topology t(G,G'), we conclude that b : r(P)gC + G is continuous. Clearly, Б will be a (X)-module homomorphism. Moreover, for all A e G' we have Mb(Teu)) = (T»u)(Sb(A)) = u(T(Sb(X))) = Л°Ь(T,ц) , i.e. Б (T ц) = b(T,ц). From (21.2(iii)) we conclude that Б is uniquely determined. The second half of (21.5) follows from general category theory, if on recalls that r(p)^.c will be quasioomplete whenever Г(p) is barreled or bornological. □
In the special case where the bundle p : E + X is trivial, the dual of Ftp) (and hence the tensor product over C^tX) between Mc(X) and Modcc(г(p),Сь(X)) ) may be represented more explicitly (see [Gr 55], [Si 59], [We 59], [C& 66], [Su 69] and especially [Pr 77]). We shall use a different approach in this paper which makes use of the M-structure of Г(р). Before we start the final pages of these notes, I would like to remark that all the following ideas are based on a joint work to- gether with Klaus Keimel done in 1976, which however never was published. To indicate this fact, we shall assign a new head line to these final pages: Appendix Integral Representation of Linear Functionals on Spaces of Functions by Gerhard Gierz and Klaus Keimel From now on, let p : E + X be a fixed bundle of real Banach spaces over a compact base space X. We shall concern ourselves with the following problems: Problem A. Given a continuous linear functional ф e Г(p)', find a regular Borel measure ц on X and a function n : X -> Ftp) ' such that the mapping x + n(x)(a) is ц-integrable for every a e F(p) and such that Ф (a) = / n (x) (a) djj X

In the special case where the bundle p : E > X is trivial, the dual of Ftp) (and hence the tensor product over C^tX) between MC(X) and Modcc(г(p)(Сь(X)) ) may be represented more explicitly (see [Gr 55], [Si 59], [We 59], [C& 66], [Su 69] and especially [Pr 77]). We shall use a different approach in this paper which makes use of the M-structure of Ftp). Before we start the final pages of these notes, I would like to remark that all the following ideas are based on a joint work to- gether with Klaus Keimel done in 1976, which however never was published. To indicate this fact, we shall assign a new head line to these final pages: Appendix Integral Representation of Linear Functionals on Spaces of Functions by Gerhard Gierz and Klaus Keimel From now on, let p : E + X be a fixed bundle of real Banach spaces over a compact base space X. We shall concern ourselves with the following problems: Problem A. Given a continuous linear functional ф e Г(p)', find a regular Borel measure ц on X and a function n : X ->- Ftp) ' such that the mapping x + n(x)(a) is ц-integrable for every a e F(p) and such that Ф (a) = / n (x) (a) djj X
261 Problem В. Choose r| such that r|(x) e and || r|(x)|| < 1 for all x e X. In this case we would have ^(x) (a) = ^(x) (a(x)) for all x e X, i.e. ф(а) = J n(x> ( ст (x) ) X and T : Г(р) + Г(Х,ц) ri а + T (а); Т (а)(х) = п(х)(а(х)) is a continuous (X)-module homomorphism, where 1°°(Х,ц) denotes the space of all bounded ц-integrable functions, equipped with the supremum norm. Problem C. Choose n as in problem B, but try to obtain in addition that T (a) is Borel measurable for every а e Г(р). It turns out that different technics can be used to solve these problems. We could apply a Strassen desintegration theorem in the form stated by M.Neumann in [Ne 77], we could work with vector valued martingales as it was done by M.Metivier in [Me 67] or we could use a vector-valued Radon-Nikodym theorem. As we think that the last method is the most instructive one, we shall develop a Radon-Nikodym theorem which is taylored to our problem. Here, of course, most of the work was already done by various other authors. We shall follow the ideas of J.Kupka as they were carried out in [Ku 77]. Let us start with an element f e C(X). Recall from (13.18) and (13.19) that the operator f : Г(р)' Г(р)' ф + f-ф ; (f-ф) (ст) = ф (f «а)
262 belongs to the Cunningham algebra Cu(r(p)') of r(p)' and that : C(X) f + Cu(r(p)') + f is a norm preserving mapping between Banach algebras (Banach lattices resp.) . If A с x is closed in X, then Ыд = {a e Г(р) : а/д = 0} is an M-ideal of r(p) by (13.6) and thus there is an L-projection PA : r(p)' - na * rA(P>'- 21.6 Proposition. рд = inf {f : f e C(X), 0 < f < 1 and f^ft = 1} = inf {f : f e C(X) , 0 < f < 1 and = 1 for some open neighborhood U = A}. Proof. Let 1Д = {f : f e C(X), 0 s f s 1 and f/A = 1} and 1Д = {f i f e C(X), 0 s f s 1 and f/ft = 1 where U is open, A c U}. As 1д and I are closed under multiplication, we may use (13.2) to see that inf 1Д and inf 1д exist in Cu(r(p)') and are idempotent. Moreover, I = I, implies inf I, s inf I,. A A r A A Let f e 1Д, ф e Г(р)' and a e Г(р). Then (1 - f)«a e Ыд and there- fore ( (id - f) »рд) (ф) (a) = Рд(ф) ( (1 - f) «a) =0, as Рд(ф) e N°. Because a and ф were arbitrary, we may conclude that £°РД = Рд- This yields рд £ f in Cu(r(p)') as we have 0 s f s 1, i.e. p, < inf I.. rA A It remains to show that inf 1д < рд. This statement is equivalent to
263 (inf I )(ф) e Ыд for every ф e r(p) ' , because this would imply p.’inf I = inf I,, i.e. p > inf I as inf I is idempotent. A A A A A A Let ф e r(p)'i let a e and let e >0. Define V := {x e X : |)a(x) || < e} Choose an open set U с x such that А с и с и с v and let f : X -+ [0,1 ] be a continuous function vanishing on the complement of V and taking the value 1 on U. Then we may conclude that ||g.a|) < e whenever 0 s g < f, g e C(X). Therefore for all g e 1Д with g < f we obtain the inequality Ig(ф)(ст)I = Iф(д-а)| s ||ф|| -e By (13.2), the net {й(ф) : h e I } converges to (inf 1Д) (ф) in the norm topology of r(p)'. Since norm convergence implies weak-*conver- gence, we have (inf 1Д) (ф) (а) < ||ф|| .e and as e > 0 was arbitrary, we conlcude that (inf I )(ф)(a) =0, i.e. (inf 1д)(ф) e N° . □ 21.7 Proposition. (i) If А,В с x are closed subsets, then PAuB ” PA V PB- (it) If (A.). is a family of closed subsets of X and if A = nA., 1 leI id then p = inf p, . A . _ A. id 1 In both cases, the lattice operations are taken in the Banach lattice Cu(r(p)') Proof, (i) It is a well known fact from [AE 72] that the sum of two a(Г(p)',Г(p))-closed L-ideals of Г(р)' is again а(Г(p)',Г(p))-closed
264 (the proof of this fact uses (13.4) and the Krein-Smulian theorem). Hence we have NA + NB (NA n NB)° NAuB and therefore p, v p.o = p, „. А В rA uB (ii)-. We conclude from (15.7(ii)) that i.e. рд = inf рд . □ i el i We now extend the mapping A + рд : Cl (X) + Си ( Г(р) ') to all Borel subsets of X: 21.7 Definition. (i) If и с X is an open subset of X, then we define py := id - pxxu- (ii) For every subset м с x we let p*(M) = sup {рд : A = A с M} p*(M) = inf {py : M c u, U open}. (iii) Let Bp(X) := {M e X : p*(M) = p*(M)}. If M c B^, then we define PM := P*(M) = P*(M)' D * X 21.8 Proposition. (i) The mappings p*,p : 2 + Cu(r(p)') are monotone and p* £ p*. (ii) P*(X \ M) + p*(M) = id. (iii) A subset M <= X belongs to в (X) if and only if for every P ф e Г(р)' and every e > о there are a closed set А с м and an open set и э M such that ||p (ф) - Рд(ф) || < e. Proof. (i) Obviously, the mappings p and p are monotone. Moreover
265 if М с x is given and if A с M is closed and if U э M is open, then A n (X \ U) = 0 and hence рд л = 0 by (21.6). This implies the inequality рд < id - Px^g = Рц- As A and U were arbitrary, this yields P (M) s p*(M). (ii) follows from the computation p*(X \ M) = sup {рд : A = А с X \ MJ = sup {PxXu : M C U, U open} = sup {id - p^ : M c U, U open} = id - inf {py : M c U, U open} = id - p*(U). (iii) follows from the fact that for every ф e p(P)' the net {рд(ф) : : A = A e M} (resp. {Р0(ф) M e U, U open}) converges to p*(M)(ф) (resp. р*(М)(ф.)) in the norm topology (see (13.2)). 21.9 Proposition. Let м , n e JN, be a oountable family of subsets of X. Then we have (i) p*( n M ) = inf p*(M ) ndN ndN (ii) p*( и M ) = sup p*(M ) nelN ndN n Proof, (i) Every vector lattice satisfies the equation sup D л sup E = sup {dAe:deD,eeE} whenever these suprema exist (see [Sch 77]). For given subsets M,N с x, this implies the equation p* (M) л p* (N) sup {PA = A = А с M} л sup {pB : В = В c N} sup {PA a PB : : A = А с м, В = В c N} sup ^PAnB : A = A c M, В = В c N} sup {PA = A = А с м n N}
266 = p*(M n N) . Therefore, we may assume that M „ с м for all n eJN. -1 n+1 n Now let ф e Г(р) We have to show that p ( n MR) (ф) = (inf p (Мп»(ф) . Let e >0. By (13.2)the net {рд(ф) : A = A c n Mn} converges to pj n Mn)(Ф) in the norm topology of Г(р)'. Fix a closed subset А с м such that ||pB ( ф) - P*( n M ) (Ф) || < e whenever A c В = В <= nMn- Moreover, using (13.2) again, for every n eJN there is a closed sub- set A c X such that A c A c M and such that n n n HpR (ф> " P/MrJ (ф) " < (7)П,е- 15 ” П Z П П Let В := n A.. We claim that for all n e JN we have П i=1 1 n 1 IIP (Ф) - p (M ) (Ф) II < у (1) x-e. n i=1 This inequality is obvious for n = 1. Suppose that the inequality holds for n £B. As В . = A , n В and as M „ с м , we conclude ь n+1 n+1 n n+1 n' that p л PR = p »p = p and p (M ) »p (M ) = An+1 n An+1 Bn Bn+1 * n+1 * n = PjMn+ib Since the Cunningham algebra Cu( (p) ' ) is commutative, this yields llpB (Ф) " P*<Mn+1 > (Ф) II = IIPA °PB (Ф) " P*(Mn+1 ) (Ф) H n+1 n+1 n = llpB °РД (Ф) - Рв °Р*(Мп+1)(Ф) + n n+1 n + P*(Mn+1> °рв (ф) - P*(Mn+1> (ф) 11 n < IIpb II • ||рА (Ф) - p (Mn+1) (Ф) II + n n+1 + ||p (M ) °(p (Ф) - p (M )(Ф))|| * Пт | 15 * Il
267 S фп+1.е + ||р*(мп+1) || - ||рв (ф) - n - Р*(МП> (Ф> II „ n /1'П + 1 . V ,Л1 < (2> -£ + Z (2> ,£ and our inequality holds for n+1, too. In particular, we have (*) 11Рв (ф) - P*(Mn) (ф) || < £ for all n e IN. n Now let В = n в . Then Л с В с n M and thus ngIN n ||Рв(ф) - P*( n Mn) (ф) || < e. As p (ф) = Um p (ф) and as inf. p (M ) (ф) = lim p (M ) (ф) by (9.2) , П->°° П ndN * n+eo * we conclude from (*) that ||p (ф) - inf p (M ) (ф) || < e neJN * and the triangle inequality yields || inf p (M ) (ф) - p ( n M ) (ф) 11 < 2. e nelN * * As e > 0 was arbitrary, we obtain inf p (M ) = p ( n M ). * n * n n^U (ii) follows from (i) and (21.8(ii)). □ 21.10 Proposition. If А с X is closed, then рд = p (A) = p*(A). In particular, we have А с в (X). P Proof. It follows from the definition of p that we have p = p (A). Next, let и с X be open, let В с X be closed and assume that и с B. Then we have p < p • indeed, В и (X \ U) = X implies p_ v pv.rT = id. HU ' H л \U
268 As PB v PX\U = pB + px\u рв л PX\U' this implies PB + PX\U * id' i.e. рв г id- pXxU = ₽u. As X is compact, we have n {u A c U, U open} = A. Therefore we may use (21.7(ii)) to calculate p*(A) = inf {py : A c U, U open} < inf {p— : A c U, U open} = PA ' We always have рд = p*(A) < p*(A), hence рд = p*(A). 0 21.11 Proposition. If p : E + X is a bundle of Banaoh spaces over a oompaot base spaoe, then в (X) is a д-complete Boolean algebra P containing all Borel subsets of X. Moreover, the mapping P_ •' B <x) P M + Cu(r(p)’) * PM is a <j-homomorphism between В (X) and the (complete) Boolean algebra P of all L-projections of г(p)'. Proof. From (21 .9) we know that M e В (X) if and only if X \ M e P e В (X) and from (21.10) we conclude that В (X) is а-complete and P P that p_ is a a-homomorphism. Finally, all Borel subsets are contained in В (X) by (21.10). □ P Now let ф e r(p)' be a continuous linear functional on r(p). For every M e В (X) we define ^ф(м) := Рм'Ф’ ЦфМ := Црм(ф) II •
269 21.12 Proposition. If M n- n e M, is a pairwise disjoint family of elements of В (X), then P V , ( и 1 п£И У n=1 Ф n for every the sum converges in the norm topology of Г(p)' and we have ф ,, * nc В 1 INJM) || n=1 ф n У n=1 u (M ) . цф n' In particular, the mapping v is a <j~additive г (p) '-valued u is a g-additive real-valued measure on в (X). Ф P Finally, we have \> (м) = 0 if and only if u (M) Ф Ф 0. Proof. PM Л PN e (Id - Firstly, let M,N e В (X) be two disjoint P = 0, and whence pM < id - pN- This implies PN)(Г(p)') and Ры(ф) e PN(r(p)')• As pN 1|Рм(ф) II + l|PN <Ф> II • a pairwise disjoint family of elements of sets. measure and Then Рм(ф) is an L-projectlon, we conclude 11PM(ф) + PN (ф) || Thus, if M , n e JN, is n В (X) , we use (13.2) +-o calculate u Mn) (sup p ) (ф) ndN i<n X (P и M (ф)) i<n (.I рм..(ф)) lim lim n->-°° and У 1=1 Рм <Ф> M. J u Ф n M n ф e Г (p) ' • Here M ) n M n e Ф p U Mn ( ф ’ и Mn) Ф Ф и Mn) II У p (Ф) II =1 M1
270 = lim II 1 Рм <Ф> II П+ео i=1 “1 = liltl I l|PM (Ф> II п-юо i=1 i 1 l|PM <Ф) II i=1 i 00 = □ We are now in the position to solve problem A: Joseph Kupka has shown in [Ku 72, 4.9] that there is a function Пф : X ->- r(p) ' such that V. (M) Ф meaning that Рм(ф)(a) Since р„(ф) = ф, Л Ф (a) as desired. We should remark at this point that (4.9.2) of [Ku 72] provides us with more information, namely u, (M) = IIV, (M) II Ф 11 Ф 11 = / || n, (x) || -dy (x) for all M e В (X) ф Ф f and hence || г)ф (x) || = 1 ц-almost everywhere. M M пф’ацф e P П (x) (a) .du (x) Ф Ф we obtain f Пф (x) (a) ^Цф (x) X for for all all M a e e в (X) , a € Г(Р) . Г (p) In order to solve problems В and C, we need more information on the natur of n . To obtain this extra information, we find it convenient to repeat the steps of the proof of j. Kupka's result. 21.13 Definition. (i) Let (X,S,ij) be a finite measure space. By
271 №°(ц) we denote the space of all bounded ц-measurable and real-valued functions on X. (11) A mapping p : M (ц) -»• M (ц) Is called a lifting, provided that (a) p is linear, positive and preserves multiplication and the constant function 1, (B) p(f) = f ц-а.е. (у) f = g ц-а.е. implies p(f) = p(g). (Hi) If, in addition, X is a compact space and if ц is a Borel measure on X, then a lifting p is called almost strong, provided that there is a subset N с X with p(N) = 0 and p(f)(x) f (X) for all x e X \ N and all f e C(X). 21.14 Remark. Let X be a compact space, let ц be a regular Borel measure on X and let p be an almost strong lifting. Then there is a lifting p' : №°(p) + №°(ц) such that (*) p'(f)(x)=f(x) for all x e supp(ц) and all f e С(X). and every lifting satisfying (*) is almost strong. (Indeed, if ц is a regular Borel measure, then p(X \ supp(^)) =0; hence Conversely, let N с X be a p-zero set such that every continuous function f agrees with p(f) on X \ N and let M = N n supp(p). Intro- duce a seminorm || • || on M°°(p) by defining || f || = inf {M e 1R : ц{х e X : | f (x) | > M} = 0} (i.e. ||f|| is the essential supremum of f) and let №° = {f e м“(ц) : ||f|| = 0}. Furthermore, let ~ : f + f : M°°(p) + М°о(р)/№° be the quotient map.
272 Then the mapping f + ||f|| is well-defined and a norm on М°°(р)/№° and М°°(ц)/№° is a Banach algebra in this norm. Moreover, if f e C(X), then f = О if and only if f , . . = О and we have 1 /supp(u) j| f II = sup {|f(x) | : x e supp(p) }. Especially, the image of C(X) under ~ is isometrically isomorphic to C(supp(p)) and therefore is closed. For every t e M = N n supp(p) we define et : {f : f e C(X) } Ж f f(t). Then e is well-defined and continuous. Thus, using [IT 69, VIII.1, Prop. 1], we may find a continuous extension 00 , 00 Xt : M (p)/N Ж of e such that Xt(f*g) = Xt(f)’Xt(9) for all f,g e М°°(ц). We now may define a new lifting p' : M°°(p) + М°°(ц) by rp (f) (x) if x e X \ M , p' (f) (x) = ч %<£) if x £ M . ) 21.15 Definition. Let X be a compact space and let ц be a regular Borel measure on X. If p is a lifting satisfying (*) of (21.14) , then p is called a strong lifting. □ 00 00 Now let p : M (p) + M (p) be a lifting, where (X,S,p) is a measure space. Let S = {A e. X : xA e M°° (u) J be the ц-completion of S, where Хд denotes the characteristic function of A. If xA belongs to M°°(p),
273 and therefore р(Хд) is idempotent, too. Thus, p defines an element В e S such that р(хд) = Xb' th^3 case we write p*(A) = B. 21.16 Proposition. (i) Let (X,S,p) be a measure space and let 00 00 - , p : M (p) + M (p) be a lifting. Then the mapping p* : S + S = Xp*(A) is a homomorphism of Boolean algebras satisfying В*) p*(A) = A ц-а.е. у*) If A = В p-a.e., then p*(A) = p*(B) . (ii) If X is a compact space, if ц is a regular Borel measure on x and if p : M (p) + M (p) is a strong lifting, then we have in addi- tion I) p*(A) n supp(p) c a whenever A is closed II) If x e supp(p) and if U is a neighborhood of x, then x e p*(U). Proof. For a proof of (i) we refer to [IT 69, 111.1]. Although (ii) is certainly well-known, too, we indicate a proof: Let A c X be closed and let U be an open neighborhood of A. Choose a continuous function f : X + [0,1] such that f(A) = {1} and f(X \ U) = = {0}. Then we have v, s f and therefore x i*\ = p(x») - p(f)- This ЛА p* (A) K A K implies v ... , . = v *,..-v , . s p(f)»y , .. As p(f) and F лр*(A)nsupp(ц) лр (A) Asupp(p) p Asupp(p) f agree on supp(p), we obtain xp*(A)nsUpp(u) s f and as the °Pen set U can be made arbitrarily small, this proves (I). Property (II) now follows immediatly from (I) and De Morgan's rule. □ It may be shown that conversely properties (I) and (II) characterize
274 strong liftings. The following proposition ensures the existence of liftings: 21.17 Proposition. (i) Let X be a compact space and let p be a finite regular Borel measure on X. Then there is a lifting 00 00 p : M (p) M (p) . (ii) Moreover, if X is metrizable, then there is a strong lifting 00 00 p : M (p) M (p) . For a proof see [IT 69, IV.2, theorem 3] and [IT 69, VIII.4, theorem 8]. □ It is well known that liftings may be used in the proof of the Radon- -Nikodym theorem (see [Di 51a] or [IT 69]). Let us repeat some of the arguments here: Let (X,S,p) be a finite measure space, assume that p is positive and let p be a lifting. Moreover, let X be a second measure on (X,S) which is p-continuous and which has the property A (TH (B) { : ' : E € S, p(E) / 0} is bounded in ]R. P \E) From the Radon-Nikodym theorem we know that there is a p-integrable function p such that A (E) = f rpdp E for all E e S. By the mean value theorem and (B) we may find a constant M > 0 such that |n(x)| < M p-a.e. Hence we may assume without loss of gene- rality that |n(x)| < M for all x e X. In this case p(p) is defined and we may assume that q = p(q).
275 We now consider the set n of all partitions я = {F^,...,F } of X satisfying Fi = P*(F1) 0 ( i = 1 ,...,n ) . The set Ц is directed under refinement. For every я e n we let „ _ г A (F) % " p(F)-XF- 21.18 Proposition. The net (n ) „ oonverqes 4 тгеП и to n uniformly on X. Proof. Let e > 0 and define An = {x e X : n-e s n(x) < (n + 1)-e}, n еИ. Then An belongs to S and it is easy to see that p(n) = n implies p*(An) = An. Let TT = {An : An / 0}. Then it is a partition of X be- longing to П. Now let us take any refinement тг’ = {F^,...,Fm} £ П of 7t and let x £ X be arbitrary. Then we can find an index i e {1,...,ra} and an integer n e И such that x £ F^ c An- We compute |n^,(x) - n(x)| = - n(x)| = 'I/ (n(t) ” n(x)>'dlj(t) । 1 F £ 777'f ) f |n(t) - n(x)|-dp(t) i' f. e. Since x e X was arbitrary, we obtain sup |n , (x) - n(x) | < e for all refinements it' of it. xeX л □
276 Let us return to our bundle p : E -> X and our continuous linear functional ф : Ftp) -+1R. The p-algebra В(X) contains the p-algebra of all Borel parts B(X) and we have a regular Borel measure p. : B(X) JR Ф M * Црм(ф) II and a Ftp)'-valued measure ^Ф B(X) Ftp) ' M + ^(Ф) on B(X). Moreover, if p e F(p) is a section, then we may define a Borel measure on B(X) by A p A p B(X) JR M p (ф) (p) = v (M) (p). M ф It is obvious that X p p-continuous for every p e F(p) and that v, , p ± and the X ф ф p Further, the set may be extended to the p -completion B(X)~ of B(X). Ф Xp(E) ^ф(Е) ’ e B(X)~,p (E) / 0} is bounded by ||o|| By (21.17) we may choose a lifting p : M (u) M (F). As above let П be the directed set of all partitions 7Г = {F1 , . . . ,FnJ of X such that p (F.) = F. / 0 E 1 . . ,n. We define П : X Ftp)' Уф(А) = aL XaX<a) and for every p e r(p) we define
277 aL ^(а)‘Ха Obviously, we have n (x) = n (x)(a) for all x e X, p e Г(р). More- 7Г r a я over, (21.18) shows that the net (n ) „ converges uniformly to a ir,a kJI function e M°°(p) with ri^ - p(n^) such that A (E) = f n "dp . a £ 'a рф Hence the net (n ) „ is a a(Г(p)',Г(p))-Cauchy net. As we have ir теП || D (x) || < 1 for all x e X and all uniformly towards a function n : X Ф for all x e X and all a e Ftp). e II, the net (n ) „ converges я я? П Ftp)' with n (x)(a) = n (x) ф a Taking all these pieces of information together, we obtain Рм(ф)(о) Л (M) = [ n (х) -dp (х) = [ n (x)(a)dp (x). ° M ° ф M Ф Ф If we let M = X, the we obtain again the solution of problem A. 21.19 Proposition. For a given a e Ftp)' and a given lifting 00 P : M (рф) 00 - м (рф) we let к := n {(M n supp(p )) : x e M = p* (M) } X ф for all x e X. Then for all x e X we have n,(x) Ф о N e A ' x Proof. Let x X and let Me x be a subset such that x e M = p (M). Then я {M, X M} is a partition of X belonging to Ц . Let tt ’ {F1,...,Fn} be a refinement of tt. Then there is n} e an i e {1 such that x e. F. с M. Let E e B(X) be a Borel part of X such that and p (E) = p (F.)• Then it follows that v,(E) = v,(F.) ф ф i ф ф i and hence x e Ec f . v(x) %<E>
278 Moreover, as u± is a regular Borel measure, we know that Ф p.(X П supp(p )) = 0 and thus v (X n supp(p )) Ф Ф ф ф 0. This yields V . (E n supptp )) / X _ ф________ Ф Птт' kX Цф(Е n supptp^) ) Now note that E n supp(pJ Ф (M n supp(p )) , Ф which gives us ^ф(Е n supp(%)) = РЕп3ирр(Цф)(ф) Р(МПЗирр(цф))—°PEnSUpp(Рф)(ф) e P(Mnsupp(p ))-(Г(р) > = № Ф - (Mnsupp ( p ) ) Ф and therefore <X) e N(Mnsupp(p )) Ф As tt‘ was an arbitrary refinement of я and as N° , x— is * (Mnsupp(p ) g(Г(p)',Г(p))-closed, we obtain n , (x) = lim n (x) e N?,, , . ЧФ леП % (Mnsupp(Цф)) Finally, the mapping A + N° , A e C1(X), preserves arbitrary inter- sections by (15.7(11)) yielding that Пф(х) e N° . □ Y V We now come to a solution of problem B: 21.20 Theorem. Let p : E + X be a bundle of Banaoh spaces over a oompaot base spaoe X and assume that every finite, regular Borel measure on X admits a strong lifting. (This is in particular the case if X is metrizable) . If ф : Г(р) -+ ]R is a continuous linear functio- nal on Ftp), then we can find regular Borel measure p, on X Ф || Пф,хН s 1 for all x a finite a family Пф x e Ex> x e X such that e X.
279 The mapping x * П , v (o(x) ) Ф /X X+Bis v -integrable for every iii) For every Borel set M с X we have Рм(ф)(о) %,x(a(x)) a e Г (p) . M in partioular Ф(а) пф,х(а(х)) Proof. Let а e Г(p)' and as before by Рф(М) lifting. If let u, be the measure defined Ф Further, let p : M (ц.) ->-M (ii) be a strong Ф Ф constructed we conclude ||рм(ф) II • the mapping n : x + Г(р) ' is Ф (21.19) that Пф(x) e from for every x {x} for every зирр(рф). Indeed, let A be a closed neighborhood of x e supp(p^) as above, then e X. We show: . Then A x x x e implies that x e supp(p ) n P (A) c A. Ф If we let M p (A) then we know that p*(M) = M and x e (зирр(Цф) n M) c A. As A was arbitrary, this yields Ax = {x} and whence n±(x) e № = E' ф X X for every x e supp(^). Now define a family Пф x e E^, x e X, by Г'ф ,x (X) x e зирр(Цф) x e X \зирр(Цф). Then || Пф x|| < ||Пф(х) || < 1 for all x e X. Moreover, since Цф is a regular Borel measure, the set X \ зирр(Цф) has measure 0 and there-
280 fore n, = П±(х) pi.-a.e. Hence for every a e Ftp) we have Ф (p (p Рм(ф)(а) = J n (x) (a) -dp (x) = J n (a(x) ) .dp, (x) . □ The following theorem is a partial solution of problem C: 21.21 Theorem. Let p ; E + X be a separable bundle of Banach spaces over a compact base space x and assume that every finite regular Borel measure on x admits a strong lifting. If ф : Г(р) -+ 1R is a continuous linear functional on F(p), then we can find a family E, e E' x e X. and a finite req ф,Х X1 1 J V that i) И ?ф,х II & 1 ^or al1 x e x- ii) the mapping x •* Еф x(a(x)) bounded for every о e Г(p). iii) for every Borel part M с X lar Borel measure ц on x such Ф : X + ]R is Borel measurable and have РМ(Ф)(о) / E (a(x))-dn (x), м T in particular Ф(а) = / v (a (x)) «dpi (x) . v Ф ,x Ф Proof. Let <an)ne]N be acountable family of sections of Г (p) such that {an(x) : n e JN} is dense in Ex for every x e X. Further, let (n, ) „ be a family of elements of E', x e X, such that the con- ф,x xeX x ditions i), ii) and iii) of (21.20) are satisfied. Then the mapping x + n, (a (x) ) is pi.-integrable for every n e JN. Hence Ш f Il Ш we can find a Borel set A n с X with pi (Ar) = 0 such that the mapping x "* XX\A ^х),Г|ф x(an(x)) is Borel measurable. Let A we still have р1ф (A) = 0. Now define и A . Then u_, n n cN
281 5. х ф f X Ча v Ф f X О if х е X \ А if х е А With this definition the properties (i) and (iii) are satisfied. Define an operator T : Г(р) T(a)(x) = 5. x(a(x))• (p / X It remains to show that T(a) is Borel measurable for every a e Г(р)- By the choice of the 5, ъф ,x this is clear for the a , n e TJ. x e X Moreover, the operator T is a C(X)-module homomorphism and we have IlTtoJlL s INI r Where Ц-l^ denotes (recall that the elements of M°°(ii ) are Ф fore T(a) is Borel measurable for every 00 the supremum norm on M (ц,) Ф bounded by definition). There- element a belonging to the closed С(X)-submodule generated by the set {an n e TJ} and thus for every a e Г(р) by the Stone-WeierstraB theorem (4.3). □ We conclude this book with a description of the dual space of C(X,E), where E is a Banach space and where X is compact (see [Gr 55], [Si 59], [Ca 66], [We 69], [Su 69] and [Pr 77]). 21.22 Definition. Let E be a Banach space and let X be a compact topological space. A linear operator u : С(X) + E' is called dominated, if there is a positive finite Borel measure ц on X such that 11 u (f) 11 < J | f | - dpi for all f e C(X) . □ X Now let ф : C(X,E) + ]R be a continuous linear functional. We define an operator Пф : С (X) + E' by (1) u .(f) (a) = *(f-c ) for all a e E ф a where с : X -> E denotes the constant mapping with value a. As on cl the previous pages, let ц be the finite Borel measure on X defined
282 Ьу Рф<м) = |1₽м(ф) II • We claim that II Уф (f) II s J |f I .dy for all f e C(X) . X Indeed, let e > 0, let f e С(X) and define An := {x e X : n*e s f(x) < (n + 1) -e} , n e И. Then for each compact subset К c An we have Ip (Ф) (f’C ) | S ||р„(Ф) II *sup { II f (x) -all : x e K} r\ d Jt\ = Цф(К) • 11 а11 •sup { I f(x) I : x e K} s Рф (An) • ||a || • sup { | f (x) | : x e Ar} . As the р„(Ф), К e A , converge to p, (Ф) in the norm topology of Jx П A П C(X,E)', we conclude that |p (Ф) (f-с ) I S p. (A ) • Ha|| • sup { |f (x) I : x e A }. d y Г1 Г1 Note that the sets An, пей are pairwise disjoint. Hence (21.12) yields 1иф(£)(а)| = ^(f«ca)| = I I P, (Ф) (f-c ) I ne 2Z n a s Z 1рд (Ф) (f‘c=) I n e И n < II a II • ( 1 Pa (a ) ’sup { | f (x) | : x e A }) пей * s Hall -(I ( f |f(x) l-dp. + e-p (A ))) n eE An * T = Hall •( f |f(x) I dЦф + е-Рф(Х)) As a e e and e > 0 were arbitrary, we conclude that l|u (f) II < / |f (X) I .du r r and therefore u, is dominated. Ф
283 Conversely, assume that u : С(X) + E' is dominated, i.e. ||u(f) || < J |f(x) | .dp X for a certain finite Borel measure p on X. In this case, we define a linear functional ф^ on the С(X)-submodule M e C(X,E) spanned by the constant functions via the formula (2) Фи( Z fi‘ca > = Z u<fi> <ai>' i=1 i i=1 where the f^ belong to C(X) and where the a^ belong to E^. It is not too difficult to check that ф is well defined and linear. Yu n Moreover, if all the f^ are positive, if Д f^ = 1 and if ||a^|| < 1 for all i e {1,...,n}, then IV Z fi ca ) I s 1 lu (f ±) (V I i=1 i i=1 * Z IMVH i=1 s У / f.(x)-dp i=1 X 1 = J 1 f±(x) X i=1 = Hull- Repeating some arguments from the proof of the Stone-WeierstraB theorem, we find that ф is bounded on M, as the elements of the above form are dense in the unit ball of M. Thus, as M is dense in C(X,E), the mapping фц may be uniquely extended to C(X,E). Ob- viously, the mappings u + фц and ф + are mutually inverse to each other. Thus, we have shown: 21.23 Theorem (Wells 1965). Let X be a compact space and let E be a Banach space. Then the mappings defined in (1) and (2) are mutually inverse isomorphisms between the dual space C(X,E)' of C(X,E) and the space of all dominated operators u : С (X) -* E'. □
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INDEX adjoint of a multiplier: 152 approximation property: 131 automatically: 8 Banach algebra: 8 -controid of a: 77 -topological center of a: 158 Banach bundle: see bundle of Banach spaces Banach lattice, center of a: 78 -topological center of a: 158 base space: 12,17,18 -of a function module: 45 -Borel subsets of the: 268 bilinear map: 253 -between С(X)-modules: 253 ff -compatible with the С(X)-module structure: 253 ff bounded convergence: 144 bounded selection: see selection, bounded bundle, full: 22,54,97 , lOOf, 210,232 -, locally full: 22,27 -locally trivial: 56,200,202,208,242,246 - of Banach spaces: 21 - of compact operators: 127 ff - of C(S)-module homomorphisms: see bundle representation - of finite dimensional vector spaces: 188,208,215,231,247 - of fi-spaces: 12 - of operators: 112 ff - reduced: 76 ★ - representation of a C -algebra: 158 - -compact operators: 127 ff - -C(X)-module homomorphisms: 106 ff, 133 ff, 209 ff, 249 - -operators: 122 ff -, separable: 215, 217 ff, 242,280,234 - space; 12 (see also: bundles with Hausdorff bundle space) - stalk of a: 9 -, trivial: 12,215 - with complete stalks: 19,42,100,186
292 -with continuous norm: 166 ff, 202,229,242,250 -with Hausdorff bundle space: 185,188,204,208,214,215,247 ★ C -algebra, bundle representation: 158 Center of a Banach lattice: see also Banach lattice, center of a -,topological: 152 ff centroid of a Banach algebra: 77 closure of the unit ball of a bundle: 190 ff compact convergence: 114 compact, convex circled convergence: 114 compact convex sets as a lattice: 137 ff compact operators: 112, see also bundle representation of compact operators continuous lattice: 136 ff continuous norm of a bundle: see bundles with continuous norm, countable family of seminorms: 42,186 Cunningham algebra: 145 ff, 262 ff C(X)-convex: 16,65,69ff С(X)-module: 13, 62ff, 115,150 ff, 253 ff -, reduced: 76 C(X)-module homomorphisms: 95 ff,196,210,232 -, bundle representations: see also bundle representation of С(X)-module: existence of: 218,225 ff С(X)-morphism: 95 С(X)-fi-module: 62 ff С(X)-П-morphisms: 95 С(X)-submodules: 80 ff,180,182 Dauns-Hofmann-Kaplansky multiplier theorem: 150 ff,155 dimension is lower semicontinuous: 204 directed family of seminorms: 11 directed set in a lattice: 136 dominated linear operator: 281 ff dual, internal: 252,232,196 duality between subsets of the unit ball of a bundle and Bx:159 ff,193 ff dual space of Г(р): 252 ff
293 e-n-continuous: 30 ff e-n-thin: 29 ff e-tubes: see tubes equivalent norms of a bundle: 234,250 evaluation map: 19,24 ff, 42 f, 97 extreme points of an L-ideal: 146 fibred fi-space: 10 fibred vector space: 10 full bundle: see bundle, full fully additive: 39,82 ff function module: 45 ff -uniform fi-function module 51 hull-kernel-topology: 142 hypocontinuous: 253 ff ideal: M-ided: 146 ff, 164,182 M-ideal, primitive: 149 ff M-ideal, stalkwise: 182 M-fi-ideal: 154 -, primitive: 154 L-ideal: 146 ff fi-ideal: 60 f, 63 -, stalkwise: 86 integral representation of linear functionals: 159,252,260 ff,278 280. internal dual: see dual, internal internal Mackey space: 232 isometry of bundles: 103 isometrical isomorphy of bundles: 103 isomorphy of bundles: 100 -, locally: 200 Klein's bottle: 56 lattice of closed sets: 137 f of closed linear subspaces: 140 ff of compact convex sets: 137 ff of open sets: 137 f Lawson-continuous: 138 ff Lawson-topology: 138 ff L-ideal: see ideal lifting: 271 ff -, strong: 272 ff limit of a net in a continuous lattice: 140 -of an ultrafilter in a continuous lattice: 145 local linear independence: 201 ff locally countable family of seminorms: 25,29,100 locally C(X)-convex: 69,75,115 locally finite: 39 locally full bundle: see bundle, locally full locally isomorphic: see isomorphy of bundles locally paracompact space: 28 locally trivial bundle: see bundle, locally trivial
294 local section: see section, local L-projection: 145 ff, 262 ff Mackey-Arens-theorem: 232,238 Mackey-bundle: 247 ff, 257 ff M-bounded: 152 ff Moebius strip: 55 M-ideal: see ideal M-fi-ideal: see ideal morphism between bundles: 95 ff, 102 - between trivial bundles: 106 ff multiplier: 152 ff norm of a bundle morphism: 102 fi-B-space: 8 П -center: 79 - , topological: 157 fi-function module: see function module fi-ideal: see ideal fi-morphism: 60 fi-space: 8,60 - , fibred: 10,17 - , topological: 8,14,60 fi-subbundle: 80 fi-subspace: 13 operators of finite rank: pointwise convergence: 114 precompact convergence: 114 prime element: 140 prime lemma: 140 primitive M-ideal: see ideal projection: 145 quotients of bundles: 86 ff quotients of С(X)-modules: 86 ff Radon-Nikodym theorem: 261 f,274 f restriction of a bundle: 18 Scott-continuous: 136, 162 f Scott-open: 137 Scott-topology: 137 section: 11 -, local: 12,42 f selection: 10,42 f -, bounded: 11 Seminorm of a boundle: 11 separable bundle: see bundle, separable spectrum of a lattice: 142 stalk of a bundle: 9 - of a function module: 45 -of a locally trivial bundle: 200 stalkwise closed: 80 ff stalkwise dense: 39 stalkwise fi-ideal: see ideal stalkwise product: 9
295 standard construction of bundles: 45 ff Stone-Weierstrass theorem for bundles: 39,41 Stone-Cech-compactification: 63 subbundle: 80 ff, 179 ff -, stalkwise closed: 86 ff submodule: see С(X)-submodule tensor product of С(X)-modules: 258 ff 3-ball-property: 147 ff topological center: see center, topological topological fi-center: see fi-center, topological topological fi-space: see fi-space, topological total family: 113 trivial bundle: see bundle, trivial tube: 12 ff type: 8 uniform fi-function module: see function-module Varela's lemma: 66 vector space, fibred: 10 way below: 136
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