Автор: Bucossi A.  

Теги: religion   bible  

ISBN: 978-2-503-54410-6

Год: 2014

                    CORPVS CHRISTIANORV1\1
Series Graeca
Pars prima

CORPVS CHRISTIANORVlv1 Series Graeca sub auspiciis V niuersitatis Catholicae Louaniensis KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN in Instituto Studio rum Palaeochristianorum et Byzantinorum INSTITUUT VOOR VROEGCHRISTELIJKE EN BYZANTIJNSE STUDIES edita Editionibus curandis praesunt Jose DECLERCK Bernard FLUSIN Carl LAGA Caroline MACE Jacques NORET Antonio RIGO Carlos STEEL Peter VAN DEUN 8 @ 2014 BREPOLS @j PUBLISHERS (Turnhout - Belgium) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 
PREFACE This book is dedicated to the loving memory of Theodora. This editio princeps covers the first part of the Sacred Ar- senal by Andronikos Kamateros dedicated to the discussion on the reunification of the Latin and the Greek churches be- tween emperor Manuel Komnenos and a group of cardinals sent from Rome, which took place in Constantinople around 1172. This text, known only partially thanks to the Refutatio- nes by John Bekkos printed in PG 141, 395 - 614, has never been studied and its edition has been awaited since J. Hergen- rother, in 1869, stated, 'Hoc magnae molis opus, cujus nonnisi perexigua pars una cum J. Becci refutatione lucem aspexit, edere integrum nobis mens fuit; sed ipsa haec moles in alia tempora hanc editionem differre suasit.' (1) Despite this lack of interest, this text must be considered one of the most important theo- logical writings of the Komnenian period, together with the other two 'encyclopaedic' armouries against the heresies com- piled by Euthymios Zygabenos (2) and Niketas Choniates. (3) The more I study this text, the more I realise that the theo- logical literature dedicated to the discussions between the Latin and the Greek church deserves more careful attention, and that we have not yet understood - and, therefore, ful- ly explained - how the debate evolved, and if and how the lines of argumentation changed between the ninth and the fifteenth century. This edition is a first attempt at rectifying (1) J. A. G. HERGENROTHER, Monumenta graeca ad Photium ejusque histo- riam pertinentia (Regensburg, 1869),7 n. 2. (2) /lavo;r}Ja (joY/tan;!1}, PG 130.20 - 1360. (3) IlaJ'o;r}Ja (Joy/tan;!l} (also known as Thesauros Orthodoxias) partially published in PG 139.1101 - 140.292. 
VI PREFACE this situation. Indeed, the first half of the Sacred Arsenal is clear proof of the fact that in the Komnenian period there were already Byzantine theologians who were willing to ac- cept a formula of compromise that could be received favour- ably by the Latin church: the procession of the Holy Spirit 'through' (and not 'from') the Son. In this preface, I would like to add some considerations about the patristic anthology and the collection of syllogisms. I decided to add an extra apparatus to the traditional set of apparatuses, the apparatus collationum patrum, in order to offer to the reader an additional tool to understand the Byz- antine/Medieval way of reasoning and arguing. Every theo- logical statement and interpretation needed the full support of the patristic tradition and the accuracy in transcribing the Fathers' excerpta was a fundamental skill for a serious polem- icist (which must be judged, of course, within the limit of the manuscript transmission of the texts). But Kamateros was more than a collector of passages, because he wrote a com- mented anthology, therefore leaving a trace of how patristic theology was read and interpreted in the twelfth century. A desideratum for future studies is certainly a thorough anal- ysis of Bekkos' Refutationes of Kamateros' comments, which would offer an even more thought-provoking idea of this prac- tice. But already the anthology in itself is a field for research, because we need to understand the relationship between the various collections on the Filioque. (4) It is clear that a sys- tematic exploration of the complex field of florilegia is a very hard, time consuming, and unrewarding work; however, it is extraordinary to see how many scholars are nowadays going back to this impenetrable topic, generously devoting their time and energy to this task. Without understanding the Byz- antine anthological mentality, we will never fully understand the Byzantine Empire tout court. (4) Excellent examples of this complex issue are the book A. ALEXAKIS, Codex Parisinus Graecus 1115 and its Archetype (Washington, D.C., 1996) and the manuscript Vaticanus Graecus 2220. 
PREFACE VI! A critical edition is the most overwhelming experience a scholar can face, it is a journey - sometimes a pilgrimage - amongst manuscripts, libraries, variants, grammar, handwrit- ings, historical sources, punctuation, seals, textual criticism and so on, but more than everything else is an exercise of self-discipline. It takes years to complete an edition and one learns how to do it properly only at the end of the long jour- ney. If I could, I would start everything again from the begin- ning, because only now I know what I should have done. This is not possible, for the simple reason that I believe that this text deserves to be known. Andronikos Kamateros has been my beloved companion for many years, and now I feel a kind of sadness in leaving him to go by himself to face reviews, criticism and unpopular- ity; needless to say, all the mistakes and the inaccuracies are mine and that neither Kamateros nor those who have gener- ously helped me in completing his edition are to be blamed. The list of those who have been precious in these years is very long, but I trust the patience of the reader, and his/her curiosity, in leafing through my acknowledgments. First of all I would like to acknowledge the financial sup- port of Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB), now Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Saint John's College Oxford, which entirely financed my D.Phil.; of Dumbarton Oaks for the Fellowship in Byzantine Studies; of the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation which allowed me to spend three years with the excellent scholars and great friends of the Ars edendi research programme in Stockholm; of King's College London - Sophia Research Fellowship, which is still supporting my studies. There are many academics I want to thank for their advice and encouragement. First and foremost Prof. Elizabeth Mary Jeffreys. She has been more than a D.Phil. supervisor: her kindness, thoughtfulness, friendship and empathy at difficult times have always been a safe shelter. A special thank goes to Rev. Dr Joseph Munitiz. He is the person who suggested ed- iting the Sacred Arsenal and he is the person who, together 
" TTTT VIII PREFACE with Pro£: Jeffreys, have always generously helped, advised, en- couraged and corrected my studies. I want to thank those scholars who are always curious and passionate about many different topics of Byzantine culture, their sincere love for learning, their questions, their advice and their kindness have been more than precious: Prof. Roderick Beaton, Prof. Averil Cameron, Prof. Anna Clara Cataldi Pa- lau, Prof. Raffaella Lia Cresci, Prof. Francesco D'Aiuto, Prof. Judith Herrin, Prof. Michael Jeffreys, Prof. Paul Magdalino, Prof. Luca Pieralli, Prof. Diether Reinsch, Prof. Antonio Rigo, Prof. Charlotte Roueche) Prof. Michel Stavrou, Dr Alice- Mary Talbot. Invaluable has been the help of the CCSG and the Leuven community of scholars: Peter Van Deun, Lara Sels, Bart Jans- sens, Caroline Mace. A special case are those excellent scholars who, thanks to the Byzantine Studies, have become also friends: Davide Baldi, Katerina Ierodiakonou, Tassos Papacostas, Manolis Patedakis, Marco Scarpa, Christos Simelides, Dionysios Stathakopoulos, Michele and Evelina Miteva Trizio, Giuseppe Ucciardello and the entire group of friends of the Ars edendi project (Gunilla Iversen, Robin Bockerman, Barbara Crostini, Brian Jensen, Erika Kihlman, Eva Odelman, Denis Searby). Last, but first in my life, my family, their love has always forgiven distance, absence and long silences. My heartfelt gratitude goes to Simone Bacchini, Maria Pia Boido, Fabrizio Burlando, Piergiorgio Coronella Cau, Riccardo De Gugliel- mo, Daniele Mignanego, Lorenza Pesce, Monica Scalini and Anna Selmin; it is not just kindness to say that without their friendship and generosity I would not have finished this book. 
ABBREVIATIONS ACO: Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum, ed. E. SCHWARTZ, Tomi I - IV (Berlin, 1927 - 1984). BollGrott: Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata. Byz: Byzantion. BZ: Byzantinische Zeitschrift. CCSG: Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca (Turnhout - Leuven, 1977 - ). CFHB: Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae. CPG: M. GEERARO, Clavis Patrum Graecorum, 5 vols. (Turnhout, 1974 - 1987) [vol. 3, ed. secunda, parata a J. NORET, 2003]; M. GEERARO and J. NORET, Supplementum (Turnhout, 1998). CPL: E. DEKKERS and E. GAAR, Clavis Patrum Latinorum (Third edition: Turnhout, 1995). CSHB: Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. DHGE: Dictionnaire d' histoire et de geographie ecclesiastique (Paris, 1912 - ). DOP: Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Dossier Lyon: J. DARROUZES and V. LAURENT, Dossier grec de l'Union de Lyon (1273 - 1277) (= Archives de l'orient chretien 16; Paris, 1976). DTC: Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique. EO: Echos d'Orient. FP: Florilegium Patristicum. GNO: Gregorii Nysseni opera (Berlin - Leiden, 1921 - ). JOB: Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik. LThK: Lexicon fur Theologie und Kirche. MGH: Monumenta Germaniae Historica. NE: lV EO ('EAArJVOflVfl(JJV. NPB: Novae Patrum Bibliothecae, vol. 1 - 8 ed. by A. MAl, vols. 9 - 10 ed. by G. COZZA-LuZI (Roma, 1844 - 1905). OCA: Orientalia Christiana Analecta. OCP: Orientalia Christiana Periodica. ODB: OxfOrd Dictionary of Byzantium, ed. A. KAZHOAN, 3 vols. (New York - London, 1991). OLA: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. PG: Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Graeca, ed. J.-P. MIGNE, 161 vols. (Paris, 1857 - 1866). 
x ABBREVIATIONS PL: Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Latina, ed. J.-P. MIGNE, 221 vols. (Paris, 1844 - 1864). PLP: E. TRAPP, R. WALTHER and H.-V. BEYER, Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit, 15 vol. (Wien, 1976 - 1995). REB: Revue des etudes byzantines. Regestes: V. GRUMEL, V. LAURENT, Les Regestes des actes du patriar- cat de Constantinople, I: Les actes des patriarches, fasc. II et III: Les regestes de 715 a 1206, 2 nd ed. revised and corrected by J. DARROUZES (Paris, 1989). RSBN: Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici. SA: Sacred Arsenal. SC: Sources Chretiennes (Paris, 1942 - ). TM: Travaux et Memoires. VV: Vizantijskij Vremennik. 
BIBLIOGRAPHY ALEXAKIS, A., Codex Parisinus Graecus 1115 and its Archetype (Washington, D. C., 1996). ALLACCI, L., De Eclesiae occidentalis atque orientalis perpetua consensione (Cologne, 1648). ALLACCI, L., Graeciae orthodoxae tomus primus (secundus) (Rome, 1652). Annales Laudunenses, ed. M. BONNET (= MGH Scrip to res; Hann- over, 1882). ANSELM OF HAVELBERG, Dialogi, PL 188, 1139 - 1248 ARNOLD OF LOBECK, Arnoldi Chronica Slavorum, ed. G. H. Pertz and J. M. Lappenberg, Scriptores rerum germanicarum in usum scholarum ex Monumentis Germaniae historicis recudi fecit Geor- gius Heinricus Pertz (Hannover, 1868). BANDINI, A. M., ROSTAGNO, E., FESTA, N. and F. KUDLIEN, Cata- logus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurenti- anae (Leipzig, 1961). BARMINE, A., "Une source meconnue des Dialogues de Nicetas de Maronee", REB 58 (2000), 231 - 243. BASIL OF OCHRID, Des Basilius aus Achrida, Erzbischofs von Thessa- lonich bisher unedierte Dialoge, ed. J. SCHMIDT (Munich, 1901) BECK, H. G., s.v. "Andronikos Kamateros", LThK (1957), vol. 1. BECK, H. G., Kirche und theologische Literatur im Byzantinischen Reich (Miinchen, 1959). BREHIER, L., s.v. "Andronic Kamateros", DHGE (1914), vol. 2. BRIQUET, C. M., Les filigranes. Dictionnaire historique des marques du papier des leur apparition vers 1282 jusqu'en 1600, avec 39 figures dans Ie texte et 16, 112 facsimiles de filigranes (Paris - Geneva, 1907). BRIQUET, C. M., Papiers et filigranes des archives de Genes, 1154 a 1700 (Geneva, 1888). BUCOSSI, A., "Dialogue and anthologies of the Sacred Arsenal by Andronikos Kamateros - sources, arrangements, purposes" in 
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XVI BIBLIOGRAPHY NERSES, Sancti Nersetis Clajensis Armeniorum Catholici opera, ed. G. CAPPELLETTI (Venice, 1833). NICHOLAS KALLIKLES, "Nicolai Calliclis carmina", ed. S. L. STERN- BACH in Rozprawy Akademii Umiejetnosci. Wydzial Filologiezny, Sere II. Tom. XXI (Cracow, 1904), 315 - 392. NICHOLAS KALLIKLES, Nicola Callicle, Carmi. Testo critico, ed. R. ROMANO (Napoli, 1980). NICHOLAS MESA RITES, Neue Quellen zur Geschichte des lateinischen Kaisertums und der Kirchenunion, ed. A. HEISENBERG (Munich, 1923). NIKEPHOROS BLEMMYDES, "Blemmidea", ed. G. MERCATI, Bessarione 31 (1915), 428 - 440. NIKEPHOROS BLEMMYDES, CEuvres thlologiques: Tome I, ed. M. STAVROU (= SC 517; Paris, 2007). N IKET AS CHON IA TES, J1 aVOJlALa boypaTlx, PG 139.1101 - 140.292. NIKETAS CHONIATES, X(!ovtX tYrJat, ed. ].-L. VAN DIETEN, Nicetae Choniatae Historia (= CEHB 11, 1 - 2; Berlin - New York, 1975), vol. 1. OMONT, H. A., Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grees de la Bi- bliotheque nationale, et des autres bibliotheques de Paris et des dlpartements (Paris, 1886), part 1, Ancien fonds grec, 24. OUDIN, C., Commentarius de seriptoribus Eeclesiae antiquis (Frank- furt am Main, 1722), vol. 2 PALMIERI, A., s.v. "Camateros Andronic", DTC (1923), vol. 2. PAPADOPOULOS KERAMEUS, A., 7 E(!OaOAVfltTtx {3l{3AtO()XrJ (St. Petersburg, 1891), vol. 4. PELIKAN, J., The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600 - 1700): The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine (Chicago, 1974), vol. 2. PERI, V., "L'opuscolo di Giovanni Bekkos «Sull' infondatezza sto- rica dello scisma tra Ie Chiese» e la sua prima redazione", RSBN 14 - 16 (XXIV - XXVI) (1977 - 79), 203 - 237. PETRIDES, S., "Epitaphe de Theodore Kamateros", BZ 19 (1910), 7 - 10. POLEMIS, D. I., The Doukai: A Contribution to Byzantine Prosopog- raphy (London, 1968). 
BIBL!OGRi\PHY X\TJI RHOBY, A., "Zur Identifizierung von bekannten Autoren im Codex J1arcianus graecus 524", .J.\ledioevo Greco 10 (2010), 167 - 204. RIEBE, A., Rom in Gemeinschaft mit Konstantinopel: Patriarch Johannes XI. Bekkos als l/"erteidiger der Kirchenunion Von Lyon (1274) rWiesbaden, 2005). SAKKELION, I., 17aT!1lax f3ljJi.lO()rJ (Athens, 1890). SAKKOS, S. N., ('0 [laT(! floV flEl(wv flOV EaTl: B' E(!lE xat avvotJol xaTU TO}' lfJ' alwva (Thessaloniki, 1968). SIDERIS, G., "Ces gens ont raison: La controverse christologique de 1165 - 1166, la question des echanges doctrinaux entre l'Occident latin et Byzance et leur portee politique", Cahiers de recherches medievales et humanistes 24 (2012), 173 - 195. SIECIENSKI, A. E., The Filioque: History of a Doctrinal Controversy (New York - Oxford, 2010). SINKEWICZ, R. E., Manuscript listings for the authors of the patris- tic and Byzantine periods (Toronto, 1989 - 1992), Greek index project series (GIPS 4). SPITERIS, J., "I dialoghi di Nicolas Mesarites coi Latini: opera stor- ica 0 finzione letteraria?" in Collectanea Byzantina (= OCA 204; Rome, 1977), 181 - 186. SPITERIS, J., La critica bizantina del primato romano nel secolo XII (= OCA 208; Rome, 1979). STADTMOLLER, G., "Zur Geschichte der Familie Kamateros", BZ 34 (1934), 352 - 358. STAVROU, M., "Le premier traite sur la procession du Saint - Esprit de Nicephore Blemmydes", OCP 67 (2001), 39 - 141. STEVENSON, H. M., Codices manuscripti Palatini Graeci bibliothecae Vaticanae descripti (Rome, 1885). SWETE, H. B., On the Early History of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, with Especial Reference to the Controversies of the Fourth Century (Cambridge, 1873). SWETE, H. B., On the History of the Doctrine of the Procession of the Holy Spirit from the Apostolic Age to the Death of Charlemagne (Cambridge, 1876). THEODORE PRODROMOS, Theodoros Prodromos, historische Gedich- te, ed. W. HORANDNER (= Wiener Byzantinistische Studien 11; Vienna, 1974). 
XVIII BIBLIOGRAPHY THEODOSIOS GOUDELIS, The life of Leontios, Patriarch of Jerusalem, ed. D. TSOUGARAKIS (Leiden, 1993). THEOPHYLAKTOS OF OCHRID, Theophylacti Achridensis Epistulae, ed. P. GAUTIER (= CFHB 16/2; Thessaloniki, 1986). TIFTIXOGLU, V. and K. HAJDU, Katalog der griechischen Handschrif- ten der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek Munchen. Band 1: Codices graeci Monacenses 1-55 (Wiesbaden, 2004). TURYN, A., Dated Greek manuscripts of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in the libraries of Italy (Urbana, 1972). VAN DEUN, P., "L'Athous, Philotheou 249: un miscellaneus impor- tant du XIVe siecle", Bo//Grott S4 (2000), 301 - 306. VAN DIETEN, J. L., "Das lateinische Kaiserreich von Konstantinopel und die Verhandlungen iiber kirchliche Wiedervereinigung" in The Latin Empire. Some Contributions, ed. K. N. CIGGAAR and V. D. AALST (Hernen, 1990). VARZOS, K., ('H YEvEa)oy{a TWV KOIlV'f}viiJv (Thessaloniki, 1984), vol. 1. VLADIMIR, Sistematiceskoe opisanie rukopisej Moskovskoj sinodalnoj (Patriarsei) biblioteki (Moscow, 1894), vol. 1. VOGEL, M. and V. E. GARDTHAUSEN, Die griechischen Schreiber des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (Leipzig, 1909). VRANOUSE, E. L., "n'TflXcX B'. Ilp6a7C; TOU UTOXp&'TOpOc; /IvouA j\' KOflvYJvOU U7tEp 1'c; EV ncXTfl flovc; 'lw&vvou TOU 8EOAOYOU" in X aelaTQl ov El it vaaTaalOJ' K. 'OQAal,bov (Athens, 1966), vol. 2, 78-97. VRANOUSE, E. L., BVal'Tl}la ''Eyy(}acpa TfJ JIJ01JfJ I/aTp_ov (Athens, 1980), vol. 1. ZACOS, G. and A. VEGLERY, Byzantine Lead Seals (Basel, 1972). ZEKIYAN, B., "Un dialogue cecumenique au XIIe siecle: Les pourpar- lers entre Ie Catholicos St. Nerses Snorhali et Ie legat imperial Theorianos en vue de l'union des Eglises armenienne et byzan- tine" in Actes du XV Congres international d 'Etudes Byzantines, Athenes, Septembre 1976 (Athens, 1980), vol. 4, 420-441. ZONGHI, A., Le marche principali delle Carte Fabrianesi dal1293 al 1599 (Bologna, 1979). 
INTRODUCTION 1. Life and work of Andronikos Kamateros Biography While the prosopography of the Kamateros family is rich in details and covers a span of time that goes from the eleventh to the thirteenth century, (1) we do not possess sufficiently precise elements to reconstruct in full the life of the author of the Sacred Arsenal, Andronikos Kamateros. (2) (1) Laurent and Stadtmiiller give quite an extensive, although not always accurate, prosopography of the Kamateroi; see V. LAURENT, "Un sceau inedit du protonotaire Basile Kamateros. Contribution a la prosopographie byzantine", Byz 6 (1931), 253 - 272; G. STADTMULLER, "Zur Geschichte der Familie Kama- teros", BZ 34 (1934), 352 - 358. (2) On Andronikos Kamateros see L. ALLACCI, De Ecclesiae occidentalis atque orientalis perpetua consensione (Cologne, 1648), 660 - 662; L. ALLACCI, Graeciae orthodoxae tomus primus (secundus) (Rome, 1652), vol. 2, 287 - 521 on Bekkos and vol. 1, 591 on John Plousiadenos; G. CAVE, Scriptorum ecclesia- sticorum historia literaria a Christo nato usque ad saeculum XIV (Geneva, 1720), 588; C. OUDIN, Commentarius de scriptoribus Ecclesiae antiquis (Frankfurt am Main, 1722), vol. 2, 1463 - 1466; J. A. G. HERGENROTHER, Photius, Patriarch von Constantinopel: sein Leben, seine Schriften und das griechische Schisma (Re- gensburg, 1867 - 1869), vol. 3, 810 - 814; A. K. DEMETRAKOPOULos, '()g()6booc; r'L'" "I" ,- r'D'1" I - I , 1 I ,,- r"I.I.ac" '7TOl 7lf(!l T(J)1' r"AI.Yj1'(J))1 TfOV ygu1pa1'TU)}' xaTa . aTI1'f01' "al JU'gl TW1' a'YYQa!1/U1.T(J)1' at'T(V)' (Leipzig, 1872; repro Athens, 1968), 25 - 29, hencefor- ward abbreviated Graecia Orthodoxa; K. KRUMBACHER, Geschichte der byzantini- schen Litteratur von Justinian bis zum Ende des ostriimischen Reiches (527 - 1453) (Munich, 1897), vol. 1, 90 - 91; A. PALMIERI, S.V. "Camateros Andronic" in DTC (1923), vol. 2, 1432 - 33; L. BRHIER, S.V. "Andronic Kamateros" in DHGE (1914), vol. 2, 1800; M. JUGIE, Theologia dogmatica christianorum orientalium ab Ecclesia catholica dissidentium (Paris, 1926 - 35),411 - 412; LAURENT, "Un sceau inedit", 261; STADTMULLER, "Familie Kamateros", 352 - 358; H. G. BECK, S.V. "Andronikos Kamateros", in LThK (1957), vol. 1, 523; H. G. BECK, Kirche und theologische Literatur im Byzantinischen Reich (Miinchen, 1959), 626 - 627; J. DARRouzEs, "Les documents byzantins du XIIc siecle sur la primaute romaine", REB 23 (1965), 42 - 88, at 72 - 78; D. I. POLEMIS, The Doukai: A Contribution to Byzantine Prosopography (London, 1968); J. DARRouzEs, George et Demetrios 
)LX INTRODUCTION The dedicatory verses by Skylitzes and some epigrams pre- served in the codex lvlarcianus Graecus 524 state clearly his pedigree; (3) he was a Kamateros on his father's side and a Doukas on his mother's side. Because of the maternal Doukas lineage, Andronikos was second cousin of emperor Manuel Komnenos (1143 - 1180) and inherited the title of sebastos. His mother, Irene Doukaina, has in fact been identified by Varzos (4) and Polemis (5) with Irene, the daughter of Michael Doukas (1061 - 1108/18), the brother of the empress Irene Doukaina, wife of emperor Alexios I Komnenos (1081 - 1118). (6) The father of Andronikos, Gregory Kamateros, al- though he did not come from an illustrious or noble family, had made himself a place at court under the reign of Alexios I up to the point of becoming logothetes ton sekreton and of being connected to the imperial family by marriage. (7) Greg- Tornikes: lettres et discours (Paris, 1970), 43 - 49; J. SPITERIS, "I dialoghi di Ni- colas Mesarites coi Latini: opera storica 0 finzione letteraria?" in Collectanea By- zantina (= OCA 204; Rome, 1977), 181 - 186; J. SPITERIS, La critica bizantina del primato romano nel secolo XII (= OCA 208; Rome, 1979), 184 - 194; A. FAILLER, s.v. "Andronikos Kamateros", in LThK (1993), vol. 1,638; A. C. CA- TALDI PALAU, "L' Arsenale Sacro di Andronico Camatero. II proemio ed il dialogo dell'imperatore con i cardinali latini: originale, imitazioni, arrangiamenti", REB 51 (1993), 5 - 62. (3) S. P. LAMPROS, (0 1tXpX.LtXVOC; X.WaL; 524, NE 8 (1911), 1 - 59, 123 - 192; on Andronikos: numbers 81, 88, 91, 93, 94, 97, 48ff. See also A. RHOBY, "Zur Identifizierung von bekannten Autoren im Codex Marcianus graecus 524", Medioevo Greco 10 (2010), 167 - 204 for the attribution of the epigrams to George Skylitzes. (4) K. VARZOS, 7/ YfJJfaAoyla rIV}J K0!1}lrj}Jw}J (Thessaloniki, 1984), vol. 1, 133; 146, n. 35; 315, n. 17, henceforward abbreviated Genealogia. (5) POLEMIS, The Doukai, 78 - 79; Polemis bases his interpretation on a passage from Prodromos' monody (at 531, lines 11 - 15 in A. MAJIURI, "Anec- dota Prodromea", in Rendiconti dell'Accademia dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Morali, V, 17 (Rome, 1908),518 - 554, Monody 528 - 535) and Kal1ikles' verses (at 334 in N. KALLIKLES, "Nicolai Calliclis carmina", ed. S. L. STERNBACH in Rozprawy Akademii Umiejetnosci. Wydzial Filologiczny, Ser. II. Tom. XXI (Cra- cow, 1904), 315 - 392). (6) Darrouzes considers Irene to be niece or cousin of the empress Irene Doukaina, DARRouzEs, Tornikes, 44. (7) NIKETAS CHONIATES, ,,(!O}llxr) Dl17tJljalc., ed. J.-L. VAN DIETEN, Nicetae Choniatae Historia (= CFHB 11, 1 - 2; Berlin - New York, 1975), Vol. 1, 9. 
I.lTRODUCTION XXI ory and Irene had four sons: John, Andronikos, Michael and Theodore. Two of them, Theodore and Nlichael most prob- ably died at a young age, (8) while John and Andronikos be- came important protagonists of court life during the second half of the t \velfth century. John, who had the titles of pan- sebastos and logothetes tou drolnou (1155), was known in Con- stantinople as a fluent orator and close friend of the emperor; to him some scholars (9) attributed two works dedicated to Manuel Komnenos: On the Zodiac (10) and Introduction to as- tronomy. (11) Andronikos Kamateros certainly was a prominent member of the court, well acquainted with all the most important pro- moters of the intellectual life of the second half of the twelfth century, and a key player in the 'Comnenian System'. (12) To judge from his subsequent career Andronikos lived between 1110 and 1180. We do not have any precise detail about his youth and education. The only piece of evidence on his back- ground comes from the life of Leontios, patriarch of Jerusalem, (8) An epitaph, written probably by T zetzes, for the death of Theodore Ka- materos tells us about a young man from a good family who entered a monastery following a violent attack of dysentery, see S. PETRIDES, "Epitaphe de Theodore Kamateros", BZ 19 (1910), 7 - 10, at 8 - 10; cf. P. MAAs, "Zwei Noten zu dem Epitaph des Tzetzes auf Theodoros Kamateros", BZ 19 (1910), 11; E. KURTZ, "Joh. Tzetzes, Epitaph auf Theodoros Kamateros", BZ 25 (1925), 144. Kallikles mentions by name Michael Doukas Kamateros, who died before his parents. From the same source, we learn also that Gregory and Irene eventually embraced the monastic life, KALLIKLES, "Nicolai Calliclis carmina", 332 - 334, poems 19 and 21; commentary, 367 - 368. Recent edition in NICHOLAS KALLIKLES, Nicola Callicle, Carmi. Testo critico, ed. R. ROMANO (Napoli, 1980), poems 18 (= 19 Sternbach) and 21, 92, 96; commentary 174 - 175; 177 - 78. (9) H. HUNGER, Die hochsprachliche profane Literatur der Byzantiner (Mu- nich, 1978), vol. 2, 242, henceforward abbreviated Die hochsprachliche profane Literatur; P. MAGDALINO, The Empire of Manuel I Komnenos, 1143 - 1180 (Cambridge, 1993), 259. (10) Edited in E. MILLER, Notices et extra its des manuscrits de la Biblio- theque nationale et autres bibliotheques (Paris, 1872), vol. 23.2, 46 - 112. (11) JOHN KAMATEROS, Elaaf'(I)Y11 aaTQo"o/da, ed. L. WEIGL, Ein Kom- pendium griechischer Astronomie und Astrologie, Meteorologie und Ethnographie in politischen Versen (Leipzig - Berlin, 1908). (12) MAGDALINO, Manuel, 180ff. 
XXII INTRODUCTION where it is clearly stated that 'He had studied the laws thor- oughly, through which affairs of state are accomplished '. (13) From a letter by John Tornikes dated about 1155 we know that Andronikos held the title of epi ton deeseon, (14) while the acts of the General Synod of Blachernae inform us that by 1157 he was appointed eparchos of Constantinople. (1S) In 1161, still holding the title of eparchos of the city, Androni- kos, together with Nikephoros Bryennios and Alexios Kom- nenos, was sent by the emperor to Antioch to ask the hand of Mary, the daughter of Prince Raymond. (16) From at least 1166, he was megas droungarios tes viglas, and with this title participated on 6 March 1166 in the synod dedicated to the exegesis of the passage of John, 'The Father is greater than I' (John 14.28), and in a later synod on the same dispute, held 30 January 1170. Two letters from Gregory Antiochos ad- dressed to the megas droungarios Andronikos Kamateros are dated 1175. (17) The last piece of information about his life is an act of the monastery of Saint John in Patmos of April 1176 on the re-establishment of the monastery's revenues. (18) (13) THEODOSIOS GOUDELIS, The life of Leontios, Patriarch of Jerusalem , ed. D. TSOUGARAKIS (Leiden, 1993), 105. (14) DARRouzEs, Tornikes, letter 16, 140 - 141. (15) I. SAKKELION, nUT/UU";) tJltJ;.I()()"tj (Athens, 1890), 316. (16) JOHN KINNAMOS, Joannis Cinnami Epitome rerum ab Joanne et Alexio Comnenis gestarum, ed. A. MEINEKE, (= CSHB; Bonn, 1836), 210.18 - 20; F. DOLGER, Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des ostromischen Reiches von 565 - 1453 (Munich, 1977), no. 1442. (17) Manuscript Scor. Gr. (265) Y II 10, ff. 378 - 385. Summarised by J. DARROUZES, "Notice sur Gregoire Antiochos (1160 a 1196) I. Son reuvre. II. Son carriere. III. La fondation du monastere Saint Basile", REB 20 (1962), 68 - 69. Summarised also in GREGORY ANTIOCHOS, Eloge du patriarche Basile Ka- materos, ed. M. LOUKAKI (Paris, 1996), 142 - 143; HUNGER, Die hochsprachliche profane Literatur, vol. 1, 151; MAGDALINO, Manuel, 348. Manuscript description in G. DE ANDRES, Catdlogo de los codices griegos de la real biblioteca de El Esco ria I (Madrid, 1967), vol. 2, 120 - 131. (18) E. L. VRANOUSE, Bt':aJ'TLJIU ''fj'''/ygaq a T t7 JI()J';J / hlT/HH' (Athens, 1980), vol. 1, 217 - 224, no. 22, line 30; E. L. VRANOUSE, "Ilx7!.lLxxx B ' I I , .... -, , ' I ' \ ' K - r \ -, I 1 ' . pOcr":'XL '":OU xu'":ox.p'":opo ,\, XVOU'IjA , 0!.lv1jVO'J 'Ji:EP T1j EV X7f.L - , I , - 8 ' ". \  I " t I I. . ' () 'I I A fJ.r)V'Ij (vXVV()U 70'J .. EOAO"'(O'J , In .. aglaTtjgIO)' fl, J'UaTaaUH' n. fjl.uJ'uoJ' (Athens, 1966), vol. 2, 78 - 97. 
INTRODUCTION XXIII The sequence of titles he held does not leave any doubt about the fact that Kamateros was a successful high-ranking imperial official, but judging from the exchanges of letters he had with some of the most outstanding protagonists of the literary and religious life of his time, it is possible to state that Andronikos was also a man of a certain intellectual standing. He received letters from George Tornikes (19) and Euthymios Malakes, (20) had some 'demeles litteraires' with Tzetzes, (21) was 'patron' of Gregory Antiochos, (22) and received a letter of consolation from Theodore Balsamon. (23) Moreover, both Theodore Prodromos (24) and George Skylitzes (25) composed epigrams for him. Paul Magdalino in fact had no doubt in numbering Kamateros amongst the seven magnates (George Palaiologos, John Doukas, Nikephoros Komnenos, Androni- kos Kamateros, Michael Hagiotheodorites, John Kontosteph- anos and Alexios Kontostephanos) who during the reign of Manuel held literary circles in their homes. (26) Andronikos had four children, two sons and two daughters (John, Basil, Euphrosyne and Theodora), (27) the most famous (19) DARRouzEs, To rn ikes, n. 16, 140 - 41. (20) EUTHYMIOS MALAKES, "Euf:}'J!-lLO'J '70;; IA&X:" !-l",,-rP07t(JAL'7f)'J NEwv IIx'":pwv crr:&':'1jC;) '":X crw6!-lEV", ed. K. G. BONES, ('3EO}.oYOtrj BlfJ;.IO()Xtj 2 (1937), letters 31 and 32, consulted on TLG online. (21) DARRouzEs, Tornikes, p. 44, n. 7.JOHN TZETZES, Chiliads, ed. P. LEONE, Joannis Tzetzae Historiae (Napoli, 1968), IX, 370.656; XI, 438.211; JOHN TZETZEs, Epistulae ed. P. LEONE, Joannis Tzetzae Epistulae (Leipzig, 1972), no. 69, 98. (22) See above n. 17. (23) Miller states that he found this letter in a Venetian manuscript, but he does not specify the shelf mark; E. MILLER, Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de la bibliotheque de I'Escurial (Paris, 1848), vol. 23, part 2, 42. (24) THEODORE PRODROMOS, Theodoros Prodromos, historische Gedichte, ed. W. HORANDNER (= Wiener Byzantinistische Studien 11; Vienna, 1974), epi- gram 57, 467. (25) See below SA, Epigramma. (26) MAGDALINO, Manuel, 344. (27) See DARRouzEs, Tornikes, 49; for Theodora see CHONIATES, Historia, 541 apparatus; MICHAEL CHONIATES, Jltxu.r)}. Jtxo/tl J'llTOl\ TOV XUJJ'laTO!\ Ta aO):6pfJ'a, ed. S. P. LAMPROS (Athens, 1879 - 80), vol. 1, 331, line 17, hencefor- ward 'Ta Sozomena'; MICHAEL CHONIATES, Michaelis Choniatae Epistulae, ed. F. KOLOVOU (= CFHB 41; Berlin, 2001), letter 60, comment 85. (= CHONIATES, 
VVT" .1.Y Ii"TRODUCTION amongst them is certainly the empress Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamatera (1195 - 1203). Dating of the Sacred Arsenal Internal pieces of evidence allow us to determine with cer- tainty the terminus post quem for the Sacred Arsenal. The dedicatory verses written by George Skylitzes in fact mention the son of emperor Manuel Komnenos, Alexios, 'young purple sprig of the rose', born on 10 September 1169 and his coro- nation, which took place on 24 March 1171. (28) However, considering also other internal references to contemporary historical events, it is even possible to infer that the Sacred Arsenal gives us an account of events that took place in Con- stantinople most probably during 1172. It is Skylitzes again who provides us with the best piece of evidence. According to him, in fact the emperor debated theological issues with clerics from Rome, German clerics and princes, Sicilian clerics, deacons and teachers, and Armenian envoys. Since the reign of Manuel is sprinkled with exchanges of embassies and debates, it is necessary to fix clear chronolog- ical limits for a reconstruction. The terminus ante quem the Sacred Arsenal must have been ordered and completed could be the year 1177. The peace of Venice (1177) in fact healed the so-called 'Western schism' that had divided the Latin church between opponents and supporters of pope Alexander III, and had represented a suitable occasion for attempts at reunification between the Latin and the Greek churches. A survey of the events that took place between 1171 and 1177 has shown that 1172 is the year in which German, Sicilian, and Armenian envoys were present in Constantinople. Ger- Ta Sozomena, vol. 2, 98 - 100); STADTMULLER, "Familie Kamateros", 355, n. 7; V. LAURENT, Les sceaux byzantins du Medaillier vatican (Vatican City, 1962), no. 79; G. ZACOS and A. VEGLERY, Byzantine Lead Seals (Basel, 1972), no. 2748, 1560 - 61; no. 2748bis, 1561; no. 2749, 1562 - 63. (28) See below SA, Epigramma, lines 97 - 98. 
INTROnt JCTTON xxv man and Sicilian emissaries were both in the capital of the Byzantine Empire to discuss a possible marital agreement be- tween either of the heirs to the thrones and the daughter of !vIanuel, Maria. (29) !v10st interestingly, the Chronica by Ar- nold of Liibeck informs us that during the German embas- sy a discussion about the procession of the Holy Spirit took place, and passages from three Greek Fathers were discussed: Athanasios, Cyril and John Chrysostom. (30) An oration by Eustathios of Thessalonica seems to imply the presence of Ar- menian ambassadors in Constantinople in 1172. (31) Finally, a letter from N erses Snorhali, generally dated 1172, announces the imminent arrival of an embassy of bishops and teachers in Constantinople, sent to discuss dogmatic and disciplinary matters with the emperor. (32) It is impossible to state with certainty how long it took Ka- materos to complete the Sacred Arsenal; however, given the fact that it was an impelling imperial order, we could conjec- (29) The sequence of the successive betrothals of Manuel's daughter Ma- ria - to Bela of Hungary in 1164 or 1165, to the son of Henry II of England in 1170, to William II of Sicily in 1166 and then eventually agreed in 1172 but never celebrated, and, in 1171, to Henry VI, the son of Frederick - is the best representation of this hectic and precarious period. See KINNAMOS, Epitome, 202 - 204, 211 - 215, 286 - 288; MAGDALINO, Manuel, 79, 92 - 93; CHO- NIATES, Historia, 126 - 128, 136 - 137, 158 - 159; Annales Laudunenses, ed. M. BONNET (= MGH Scriptores; Hannover, 1882), 446 - 447; Chronica regia Coloniensis, ed. G. WAlTZ (= MGH Scriptores; Hannover, 1880), 121. (30) ARNOLD OF LUBECK, Arnoldi Chronica Slavorum, ed. G. H. Pertz and J. M. Lappenberg, Scriptores rerum germanicarum in usum scholarum ex Monu- mentis Germaniae historicis recudi fecit Georgius Heinricus Pertz (Hannover, 1868), 19 - 21. (31) EUSTATHIOS OF THESSALONICA, Eustathii Thessalonicensis opera mino- ra: magnam partem inedita, ed. P. WIRTH (= CFHB 32; Berlin, 2000),100 - 140. (32) N ERSES, Sancti Nersetis Clajensis Armeniorum Catholici opera, ed. G. CAPPELLETTI (Venice, 1833), 246 - 7; B. ZEKIYAN, "Un dialogue recume- nique au XIIc siecle: Les pourparlers entre Ie Catholicos St. Nerses Snorhali et Ie legat imperial Theorianos en vue de l'union des Eglises armenienne et byzantine" in Actes du XV' Congres international d'Etudes Byzantines, Athenes, Septembre 1976, vol. 4 (Athens, 1980),420 - 441,425; Armenian original in NERsEs, end- hanrakan f'oulf'k' Srboyn Nersisi Snorhaluoy (Epitres generales de St. Nerses Snorhali) (Jerusalem, 1871), 161, lines 14 - 15. 
XXVI INTRODUCTION ture that between 1173 and 1174 the text was in the emper- or's hands. (33) Structure of the text The Sacred Arsenal is divided into two parts. The twO main manuscripts that contain the fuller version of the work - Venetus Marcianus Graecus 158 (V) and Monacensis Graecus 229 (M) - introduce Kamateros' text with the.yerses by George Skylitzes dedicated to the composition of the Sa- cred Arsenal; (34) therefore, in this edition these are considered an integral part of the Sacrum Armamentarium. The first half of the Sacred Arsenal is dedicated to the Lat- in church and discusses two main topics, viz. the Papal pri- macy and the procession of the Holy Spirit. The anti-Latin part is subdivided into nine sections: Epigramma, Pro logus , Praefatio, Dialogus, Exhortatio, Florilegium Patristicum, Allo- cutio, Syllogismi, Epilogus. The second half of the Sacred Arsenal generally follows the same structure as the part dedicated to the Roman church, although after the dialogue it is divided into more subsections of anthologies and collections of syllogisms dedicated to the so-called Armenian Monophysitism, but also Monotheletism, Theopaschitism, Docetism and Aphthartodocetism. Only V and M - to the best of my present knowledge - preserve the anti-Armenian half of the text. This volume contains only the critical edition of the anti- Latin section of the Sacred Arsenal. (33) For a more detailed reconstruction see A. BUCOSSI, "New historical evidence for the dating of the Sacred Arsenal by Andronikos Kamateros", REB 67 (2009), 111 - 130. (34) See A. BUCOSSI, "George Skylitzes' dedicatory verses for the Sacred Arsenal by Andronikos Kamateros and the codex Marcianus Graecus 524", JOB 59 (2009), 37 - SO. 
INTRODUCTION XX " TT T VII 2. Sou rces of the Dialogus (35) The search for sources and parallels of a twelfth-century text on the procession of the Holy Spirit can only be inadequate and conducted on an intuitive basis, since a large proportion of texts written on the Filioque is only partially edited and poorly studied. It is clear from the patristic and the syllogistic anthologies that Kamateros had a wide-ranging knowledge of the theological literature on the Holy Spirit. Moreover, even if we suppose that he could have used previous anthologies (36) to complete his patristic florilegium, it is evident from the dialogue and the collection of syllogisms that he was very fa- miliar also with recent doctrinal texts on the Filioque, that he knew where to find those writings that could inspire his com- position, and that he took inspiration from all of them. While for the patristic period the fundamental masterpieces on the Holy Spirit have been edited and studied - although for some of the authors included in the anthological part we still have to rely on the Patrologia Graeca - a thorough and detailed analysis of the texts on the Filioque question from Photios onwards and their cross-relations is still a work in progress; in this context it is sufficient to mention that we still do not have a critical edition of the Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit. (37) For these reasons, the analysis of authors and texts that could have been sources of the Sacred Arsenal has been con- ducted on the following, intuitive, basis. (38) Since the text (35) The analysis contained in this chapter has meanwhile been published in A. BUCOSSI, "Dialogue and anthologies of the Sacred Arsenal by Andronikos Kamateros - sources, arrangements, purposes" in Encyclopaedic Trends in Byz- antium - Proceedings of the International Conference held in Leuven, 6 - 8 May 2009, ed. C. MAcE and P. VAN DEUN (= OLA 212; Leuven, 2011), 269 - 284. (36) Cf. A. ALEXAKIS, Codex Parisinus Graecus 1115 and its Archetype (Washington, D. C., 1996),71 - 84. (37) Phot., Myst., PG 102,263 - 399. (38) On the Filioque amongst numerous studies are useful as a general in- troduction: DEMETRAKOPOULos, Graecia Orthodoxa, for a list of authors who wrote after Photios; H. B. SWETE, On the Early History of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, with Especial Reference to the Controversies oj'the Fourth Century 
XX. V I II INTRODUCTION contains in itself two collections of sources, one patristic and one Byzantine, and the passages quoted have been almost completely identified, (39) these writings form the principal constituent of the apparatus fontium et loco rum parallelorum of the present edition. The comparison has proved that the di- alogue contains the traditional standard syllogistic arguments against the Filioque composed by Byzantine theologians in the wake of Photios. The fact that these kinds of argumenta- tion are very similar in each text makes it almost impossible to prove a direct derivation unless a verbal correspondence is found. In the case of Kamateros, I have been able to identify only a few passages in which verbatim quotations are clearly detectable. In the majority of instances, the assonance is clear, but not the derivation; therefore, I indicate in the apparatus fontium et locorum parallelorum with a 'cf.' the pages where a similar, but not identical, passage can be found in the five authors quoted by Kamateros in the collection of syllogisms (Photios, Eustratios of Nicaea, Theophylaktos of Ochrid, Niketas of Byzantium and Nicholas of Methone) and among the authors of the patristic anthology. (40) During the phase of source-hunting, the case of a contem- porary author, who is not quoted by Kamateros in the collec- tion of syllogisms, proved to be very intriguing, that of Nike- tas of Maroneia, the author of six dialogues on the procession of the Holy Spirit. The comparison between the succession of questions and topics discussed in the Sacred Arsenal and Nik- (Cambridge, 1873); H. B. SWETE, On the History of the Doctrine o.f the Proces- sion of the Holy Spirit from the Apostolic Age to the Death of Charlemagne (Cam- bridge, 1876); J. PELIKAN, The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600 - 1700): The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine (Chicago, 1974), vol. 2; R. S. HAUGH, Photius and the Carolingians: The Trinitarian Controversy (Belmont, Mass., 1975); Y. CONGAR, I Believe in the Holy Spirit (New York - London, 1983); A. E. SIECIENSKI, The Filioque: History of a Doctrinal Contro- versy (New York - Oxford, 2010). (39) Only syllogisms 28 and 29 are still not identified. (40) Sporadically similar passages from other authors are added e.g. from JOHN PH URNES, Oratio antirrhetica de processione Spiritus Sancti, ed. A. DEMETRAKOPOULo, H%%}.ll(Jt(1aTl;o/ Bt{J}.to(h/%ll (Leipzig, 1866),36 - 47. 
INTRODUCTION XXIX etas' dialogues clearly demonstrates that there is a very close relation between the two texts. 1 parallel text? The Six Dialogues by Niketas of Maroneia The nature of the relation between the dialogue by Kama- teros and the dialogues by Niketas of Maroneia is almost im- penetrable. Are the two texts related? How? Did Kamateros copy from Niketas? Did Niketas copy from Kamateros? Or even, can we hypothesize that they did not copy from each other, but that they both used official reports of the debates to write their own versions? First of all, the scattered pieces of information on the life of Niketas of Maroneia, or Niketas 'of Maroneia', (41) do not legitimate a straightforward reconstruction of the identity of this theologian. This is not the right place to discuss every single piece of information, but for the purpose of the present edition, I can state my conclusions. On the basis of the analysis conducted, I strongly believe that we can identify the author of the Six Dialogues not, as Jugie argued in 1927, with Niketas, metropolitan of the see of Thessalonica in 1132 - 33, who died around 1145,(42) but with Niketas bishop of Maroneia who - as attested by the acts of the council on 'The Father is greater than I' - on 2 March 1166 intervened on the exegesis of the patristic passages from Basil, Gregory of Nazianzos, John Chrysostom and Isidore, (43) was present at the meeting of 6 March, (44) and on 20 March 1166, together with six other bishops, defended himself and signed the same document as John Pantechnes. (45) His name (41) See for a bibliography see A. P. KAZHDAN, ODB, S.v. "Niketas 'of Ma- roneia'". (42) M. JUGIE, "Notes de litterature byzantine", EO 26 (1927),408 - 16. (43) S. N. SAKKOS, () //(1Tg /UH' ItE{(O)I /tOV fan: 11 ' EgibE:; xal a{n'o(5ol XaTQ TOJ' tp' atiu)Ia (Thessaloniki, 1968), 143, 148; henceforward abbreviated Ekthesis. (44) SAKKOS, Ekthesis, 155, 159. (45) SAKKOS, Ekthesis, 164; GRUMEL, DARRouzEs, Regestes, no. 1064. 
xxx INTRODUCTION is also in the acts of 1 i\pril, (46) 6 i\pril, (47) 6 May 1166, (48) and probably also of 20 February 1170, but the text lacks the personal name. (49) Not only is Niketas' biography obscure but also his texts have not been thoroughly studied. In fact, the 5'ix Dialogues on the Procession of the Holy Spirit attributed to Niketas of Maroneia are not completely published. (50) The majority of the writings on the procession of tht; Holy Spirit develop in a similar way, and sometimes one can get the impression of reading the same text. However, the case of Kamateros and Niketas is very peculiar and the comparative analysis of the two texts clearly shows that the two writings develop in a parallel, strikingly similar way. The most inter- esting parallel aspect is the fact that Niketas and Andronikos discuss the same metaphors to describe the relation between the Son and the Spirit, and analyse - although in this case us- ing two different structures - the same patristic passages. In the Sacred Arsenal, the cardinals propose three passages: from Gregory of Nyssa, (51) Cyril of Alexandria (52) and Athana- sios, (53) and after each passage there is a long answer from the emperor, while Niketas inserts the three quotations together in the first statement of the Latins in his Dialogue 6. (54) The two texts are not identical. Niketas wrote a text that is internally coherent; questions and answers flow naturally in a sequence that logically connects the thoughts presented, even when the development of the argumentation forces the author to repeat passages or objections already presented. On the contrary, Kamateros seems to have summed up the objections of the Latin church, and to have organised them in clear peri- (46) SAKKOS, Ekthesis, 165. (47) SAKKOS, Ekthesis, 174. (48) SAKKOS, Ekthesis, 180; GRUMEL, DARRouzEs, Regestes, no. 1075. (49) SAKKOS, Ekthesis, 202. (50) See SA, Index Fontium. (51) Greg. Nyss., Ad Abl., 55.24 - 27. (52) Cyr., De ador., 148.7 - 12. (53) Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 503.27 - 33. (54) Nic. Mar., Dial. VI, Vat. Gr. 1115, 36 v . 
INTRODUCTION XXXI ods: the New Testament questions, the 'logical' questions, the metaphors, the patristic quotations. The different structure does not allow us to prove either a clear derivation of Kama- teros from Niketas or the contrary, especially if we consider the fact that some passages of Kamateros are clearly derived from Photios' Mystagogy and some others are clearly inspired by other, even contemporary, treatises on the procession of the Holy Spirit. One of the most plausible explanations for this similarity between the two texts could be that, since it was customary to have notaries present during theological dis- cussions in order to keep written records of the debates, (55) Niketas and Andronikos participated in the same discussions between the emperor and the cardinals, and by these discus- sions they were inspired. However, it must be noted that while Kamateros claims to have written a verbatim transcription of real dialogues, (56) Niketas states that he adopted the dialogi- cal structure as this seemed to be more suitable to explain the - different opinions in a clear form. (57) The difference between the two texts can be explained also by the opposite aims that guided the two authors; while Kamateros wrote a eulogistic text by imperial order and, therefore, he was obliged to show a victorious and orthodox basileus who could defeat his opponents through his dialec- tic ability and his knowledge of the Fathers, Niketas, on the contrary, wanted to write a text that could reconcile the Latin and the Greek positions. It could be possible that Niketas wrote first and that Kamateros knew about his text, and read it, but there are no compelling reasons to state that he tried to write a precise refutation of it. It seems more plausible to think that Niketas and Kamateros wrote independently two (55) Cf. ANSELM OF HAVELBERG, PL 188, 1163B, "Aprili, die decimo, si ta- men bene memor sum, positisque silentiariis, sicut ibi mos est, et datis arbitris, et sedentibus notariis, qui omnia quae hinc inde dicerentur, fideliter exciperent et scripto commendarent, universa multitudo, quae ad audiendum avida conve- nerat, conticuit". (56) See SA, Praefatio, lines 128 - 138. (57) Nic. Mar., Dial. I, 169. 
XXXII INTRODUCTION versions of the same kind of debate; although, conversely, a further consideration must be added: in some cases Kamate- ros replies successfully to those Latin arguments that Niketas could not contradict and challenge. This - again - does not prove in my opinion that Kamateros wrote his Sacred Arsenal after Niketas in order to refute the latter's position, but still this hypothesis must be taken into account. Until now, I have not found any plausible written source common to the two texts. Alexei Barmine, in his article on the sources of Niketas' dialogues, (58) proved the close relation between Niketas of Maroneia and Eustratios of Nicaea. How- ever, it is not possible to demonstrate the same dependence, based on the same passages, between Andronikos and Eustra- tios; in fact, where Niketas and Eustratios are very similar, not only in relation to the content but also to the verbal cor- relation, Kamateros differs from both of them. (59) Therefore, I suggest trusting Kamateros' version, when he says that his sources are the dialogues of the emperor with the Roman en- voys. The manuscript tradition also seems to point to a rela- tion between Kamateros and Niketas of Maroneia. There is a branch of the manuscript tradition of the Sacred Arsenal that preserves an abbreviated version of the text, which I named Versio Brevis. After Kamateros' dialogue, the Versio Brevis manuscripts insert a second dialogue, which I have identified as a jigsaw of passages from the Six dialogues of Niketas of Maroneia, and then they go back to Kamateros' text, inserting a short version of the collection of syllogisms (PZ) and of the anthology (Z), without comments. A last interesting detail must be highlighted: there is a top- ic that is treated in very different ways by the two authors, and this is the interpretation of John 14.28. Niketas dedicates (58) A. BARMINE, "Une source meconnue des Dialogues de Nicetas de Ma- ronee", REB 58 (2000),231 - 243. (59) The longest and most accurate example provided by Barmine is from the discussion on the metaphor "Sun, rays, light", see Barmine, "Une source me- connue", 238 - 241. 
INTRODUCTION XXXIII a long discussion to the sentence of the Gospel the 'father is greater than I', while Kamateros not only excludes any - even vague - reference to it, but when, because of the context, he is expected to introduce the passage, he avoids it complete- ly. A clear example of this is the opening discussion on the equality of Glory. (60) This kind of topic in fact is often con- nected with the Johannine passage. In Photios, (61) Nicholas of Methone (62) and Niketas of Maroneia (63) the relation be- tween the procession from the Son and the passage from John is always carefully examined. Nonetheless, Kamateros does not mention the passage and is careful to avoid any reference to the inferiority of the Son. The fact that Kamateros does not follow the pattern adopted by all the authors he knew and quoted deserves a particular attention: it is clear in fact that there must have been a strong reason for this choice. In my opinion Kamateros purposely prefers not to insert any men- tion of the relation between the Father and the Son connect- ed to the passage of John 14.28, because one of his aims is to protect Manuel's orthodoxy, endangered by the discussion of this passage that took place around the years 1166 - 1170. (64) (60) SA, Dial., paragraphs 24 - 25. (61) Phot., Myst., 320, no. 41. (62) Nic. Meth., Grat., 364, no. 9. (63) The entire second dialogue ofNiketas is dedicated to the discussion of the passage of John and the internal 'order' of the three persons of the Trinity in Nic. Mar., Dial. II, 93 - 107, 126 - 132,266 - 273. (64) According to Kinnamos the deacons of Saint Sophia, infuriated be- cause of Manuel's pro-Latin interpretation of the Johannine passage, made an alliance against the emperor, and swore that they would not go to the imperial palace to hold discussion with him either separately or in groups, and, still fol- lowing Kinnamos' account, they even stated that they were sure that 'if not now, later, after his death, the emperor will surely be subjected to anathema'. KIN- NAMOS, Epitome, 254. See also C. MANGO, "The Conciliar Edict of 1166", DOP 17 (1963), 317 - 330; J. GOUILLARD, uLe Synodikon de l'Orthodoxie: Edition et commentaire", TM 2 (1967), 1 - 316, at 216 - 226; MAGDALINO, Manuel, 287 - 288; SAKKOS, Ekthesis, 167 - 173; G. SIDERIS, "Ces gens ont raison: La controverse christologique de 1165 - 1166, la question des echanges doctrinaux entre I 'Occident latin et Byzance et leur portee politique", Cahiers de recherches medievales et humanistes 24 (2012), 173 - 195. 
XXXIV IN'fRODUCTION Photios as direct source of KamllterOJ Reading through the questions asked by the cardinals, it seems that Kamateros wanted to concentrate in the same part of the dialogue all the questions related to passages from the New Testament. The passages quoted sequentially are: - 'All that the Father has is mine' (John 16.15) [Dl. 26]; - 'The Spirit will take what is mine, and will announce it to you' (John 16.14) [Dial. 28]; - 'God has sent into your hearts the Spirit of his Son which cries out, "Abba, Father'" (Galatians 4.6) [Dial. 30]; - 'The Father and I are one' (John 10.30) [Dial. 34 - 36]; - 'I am in the Father, and the Father is in me' (John 10.38) [Dial. 38]. However, a comparative analysis shows that the first three passages are inserted by Kamateros in the wake of Photios. Kamateros starts with the passage, 'All that the Father has is mine' [26]. (65) The cardinals infer that the logical conse- quence of this Johannine passage is that the procession of the Holy Spirit is also 'of the Son'. The emperor replies with a typical Photian answer saying that not everything the Father has is in common; clearly the personal characteristics are not to be shared, and the procession of the Spirit is one of these. If everything was in common, the characteristics of the Son would be shared by the Father, and the latter would be begot- ten of the Son. Photios does not insert the passage from John; nevertheless, he expands the logical consequence claimed by the emperor by saying that if the qualities proper to the Fa- ther were transferred to the Son, the properties of the Son would be also transferred to the Father, making him gener- (65) John 16.15. Cf. Nic. Byz., Capita, 91, 104; Phot., Myst., 297, no. 18, but also 288, no. 6, 309-312, no. 29, 317, no. 38; Nic. Meth., Grat., 368, no. 17; Eustr. N., Grat., 64, 83, 91. 
INTRODUCTION xxxv ated by the Son. (66) Even more interesting is the fact that the sequence of Kamateros and Photios is the same: both authors discuss the consequences of the sharing of the personal fea- tures, then the passage 'The Spirit will take what is mine, and will announce it to you' (John 16.14), and finally they analyse the passage 'God has sent into your hearts the Spirit of his Son which cries out: "Abba, Father'" (Galatians 4.6). Kamate- ros evidently wanted to follow the Mystagogia and chose the same passages that Photios had indicated as fundamental for the refutation of the Filioque theology. (67) Moreover, Kamateros not only follows Photios' pattern in the general structure of the first part of the dialogue, but he also copies directly from the Mystagogia, as the emperor's an- swers 29 (68) and 31 (69) clearly show. However, the textual comparison demonstrates also that even when Kamateros quotes a text directly, he does not copy verbatim, but he uses his sources remodelling, cutting, adding - and rewriting, so that it is extremely difficult to trace back to the writings that inspired him, especially when he inserts passages that contain widely used arguments and that can be found in more than one author. The last point to be highlighted is the relation between Photios and the patristic anthology of Kamateros. Photios concludes his Mystagogia with a third part dedicated to the refutation of the Latin Fathers (Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, Gregory the Great, etc.). At the end of his anthology Kamate- ros inserts four quotations: two from Gregory the Great, one from Augustine and one from Jerome. Of these quotations (66) Phot., Myst., 297, no. 18. (67) Photios' discussion about the two biblical passages occupies columns 297 to 344 (out of 280 - 392, in PG 102) and it is clearly concluded at column 344, lines 16 - 24 with a passage that highlights the great importance of the right exegesis of these two quotations. (68) See SA, Dial. 29 and Phot., Myst., 301.9 - 25. Cf. also Nic. Meth., Grat., 374 - 75, nos. 41; Eustr. N., Grat., 93. (69) See SA, Dial. 31 and Phot., Myst., 328.31 - 33; 329.19 - 32; 332.7 - 17. Cf. also Nic. Meth., Grat., 375-376, no. 43; Eustr. N., Grat., 61; Nic. Byz., Capita, 97. 
XXX'lI INTRODUCTION n. 147 from Gregory, To n(xpXAYJTO'J n'JEU[.l(X EX TOU n(xTpOC; 7tpOEPXET(x x(X E'J T0 rt0 a(X[.lE'JE, most probably comes di- rectly from Photios. (7C) 3. Florilegium Patristicum et Syllogismi (71) The patristic anthology An exhortation (7tpOa(xA(xAci) "addressed to those who say that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son", introduces the patristic anthology dedicated to the procession of the Holy Spirit, (72) which occupies almost 60 folia of the Monacensis Graecus 229 (73) and contains 151 patristic quota- tions. Each quotation is followed by a brief comment by Ka- materos (E7t(jT(X(j((X). The compiler did not follow either a chronological order - although he was aware of the chronology of the Fathers (74) - or the sequence of the topics discussed in the dialogue, but the patristic anthology of the Sacred Arsenal is organized in a systematic structure that groups the quotations by author. The choice of Fathers is generally very traditional, and even the insertion of passages from Latin Fathers (Augustine, J e- rome, Gregory the Great) is not a novelty, if we consider that Photios in his Mystagogy - as mentioned before - had already quoted passages from Latin theologians. Nevertheless, the flo- rilegium of the Sacred Arsenal has two peculiarities: it ignores (70) Phot., Myst., 369, 26 - 27 (as Hergenrother noted at 370, note 26). (71) The analysis contained in this chapter has meanwhile been published in BUCOSSI, "Dialogue and anthologies of the Sacred Arsenal", 269 - 284. (72) The anthology is published, together with Bekkos' refutations of it, in JOHN BEKKOS, Refutationes adversus Divi Andronici Camateri Viglae Drun- garii super scripto traditis testimoniis de Spiritu Sancto animadversiones, PG 141, 395 - 614. (73) IlpooAA in M ff. 27 r - 28 r , Florilegium Patristicum in M ff. 28 r - 8P. (74) See SA, Florilegium Patristicum, 140. 
INTRODUCTION XXXVII the conciliar acts (75) and unexpectedly inserts two very recent authors, Theophylaktos of Ochrid and Euthymios Zigabenos, of whom - it must be emphasised - Kamateros quotes only the commentaries on the Gospel of John. (76) However, this second Characteristic is dubious; indeed, these two insertions could be considered interpolations, as the last comment before them sounds more like a conclusion of the anthology than a commentary: Since the Saviour in the Gospels taught that every word is confirmed in the presence of two or three witnesses, (77) and since we have presented to you so many witnesses concerning the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father only, hith- erto also three from your land who held the office of high priest so many years ago that it is impossible to remember, either believing in them you remove from the holy Symbol the addition that was inserted I do not know whence and by whom, and here now standing up you sing together with us in the way we received this from the Fathers, or you your.;; self show us some of the heralds of orthodoxy, and common lights of the oikoumene, and teachers who dogmatised and taught openly and clearly about this addition, and in this case we will recognise defeat and we will agree with you in a brotherly manner. (78) The 151 lemmata that introduce the quotations are overall quite precise, and we do not find false attributions, or at least we do not find any false attribution made on purpose; for example Kamateros indicates as works by John Chrysostom two texts that only recent studies have attributed to Severia- (75) With the exception of n. 88; this quotation from Cyril of Alexandria is in fact entitled Tou ,j70u cX7tO 1'013 EV 70'i:'C; 7tpX1'LxO'i:'C; 1'C; y' OLXOUf-LEVLXC; ,, -, , , 8 ' ")., cr'JVOoOU XELf-LEVOU 1tpocrwv1j'nxou ELC; 1'OV f-LEYV .. EooOcrLov I\OYOU. (76) SA, Florilegium Patristicum, 150: THEOPHYLAKTOS OF OCHRIO, Enar- ratio in Evangeliumjoannis, PG 124,205.30 - 44 and 151: EUTHYMIOS ZYGABE- NOS, Evangelium secundumjoannem, PG 129,1420.4 - 13. (77) Mt. 18.16. (78) SA, Florilegium Patristicum, 149. 
XXXVIII INTRODUCTION nl1 Gahalenis; therefore, it is clear that we cannot accue our compiler of inaccuracy. (79) The collection of syllogisms The third anti-Latin section is a compilation of forty-two unattributed syllogisms collected from five authors who wrote about the procession of the Holy Spirit between the ninth and the twelfth century: Photios, Niketas of Byzantium, Theophylaktos of Ochrid, Eustratios of Nicaea and Nicholas of Methone. The collection is introduced by a 7tpo(j({)w'J(1.(l addressed to the emperor - and not to the cardinals, as Kamateros does in the patristic anthology - where the compiler seems to feel the need to explain why he inserts a collection of syllogistic proofs after the patristic anthology. He says, Therefore, on the one hand, so many and so important written quotations, 0 great Emperor, teacher of piety, and thrilling herald of orthodoxy through divine zeal, have been set out by you along with some comments for the opponents. On the other hand, because I know that a great sphere can be moved down a slope by a single finger, and one often can manage entire waterfalls through a delicate twig, and a short hone can sharpen a two-edged sword for war, in like man- ner we have had in mind to place beside you also syllogistic proofs, not because you are baffled and are in need of these, but only for purposes of recollection and record; for we have learnt that some devote their study more to this type of ar- gument, especially all those who voluntarily disagree with the Truth, and in particular the Latins, seeing that, more than other races, they indeed speak loudly against this topic and against wisdom. The syllogistic proofs are as follows. (80) From these introductory words, it appears clear that Kama- teros is not exalting the exclusive usage of the syllogistic ap- (79) SA, Florilegium Patristicum, 7 - 10. (80) See below SA, Allocutio. 
INTRODUCTION XXXIX proach, but he presents a collection of syllogisms in order to support the patristic authority, and it is also evident that in doing so he retraces Photios' pathway, his modus argumenta- ndi and his way of reasoning. By the twelfth century, the pa- tristic authority in itself had become inadequate to defeat the Latins, and the logical argumentations had been shown to be essential in order to face the inquisitive and questioning West- ern theologians. In this context Kamateros' choice of authors is very significant; he inserts the greatest authority, Photios; a second ninth century author, Niketas Byzantios; two authors from the reign of Alexios: a family friend, Theophylaktos of Ochrid (close friend of his father Gregory (81)) and - a very interesting choice - Eustratios of Nicaea, (82) who, although condemned by the church in 1118 - allegedly for having used dialectics in theology and having said that Christ himself had used Aristotelian syllogisms -, had been already quoted as an authority at the council of 1157; (83) finally, a contemporary author, the theologian and panegyrist of the emperor, Nicho- las of Methone. Indeed these authors represent the fundamen- tal steps of the evolution of the discussion between East and West, and although they are not considered 'Fathers of the Church' (Photios must be considered apart) and, therefore, they do not represent 'the authority', nevertheless, they are the theologians who through their interpretations rendered the writings of the Fathers powerful dialectical weapons to be (81) Five, possibly eight, letters of Theophylaktos of Ochrid are addressed to Gregory. THEOPHYLAKTOS OF OCHRIO, Theophylacti Achridensis Epistulae, ed. P. GAUTIER (= CFHB 16/2 Thessaloniki, 1986), commentary at 73 - 79; let- ters nn. 27, 31, 38, 53,67, 115(?), 116(?), 127; letter 115 and 116 are acephalous; letter 27 calls the recipient Kf.LT1jp67toUAOC;. The nephew of Theophylaktos, George Tornikes, correspondent of John and Andronikos Kamateros, witnesses to the friendship between Theophylaktos and Gregory, 0',1 [Theophylaktos] 6 r.J, , - " , ,,\ \ " , , - , crEr--'crf.LLOC; T<r OV7L itT.IjP crou 7tAEOV 1) TOV Ep 7tpOcrE7tVEE, 7tTEp TOU 7tp UT A6you uZwv EXELVOV x!. ObELOU!-lEVOC; in DARRouzEs, Tornikes, 43 - 44; letter 10, 127. (82) GOUILLARO, "Le Synodikon", 68 - 71, 206 - 10; P. JOANNOU, "Eustrate de Nicee: Trois pieces inedites de son proces (1177)", REB 10 (1952), 24 - 34. (83) MAGOALINO, Manuel, 279. 
XL INTRODUCTION used against the Latins. The complex \\"eb of relations, inter- dependencies and quotatiuns that connects these authors, and the reception in the following centuries of their writings, are fundamental aspects of the Byzantine theological literature that deserve further investigation. 4. Manuscript Tradition Direct witnesses Manuscripts containing the Sacred Arsenal part I and II M = Monacensis Graecus 229, 13 th century Arab paper manuscript, ff. 356, mm. 248x175. This man- uscript is described in Hardt's catalogue, by Cataldi Palau's article on the Sacred Arsenal and in the new Bayerische Staatsbibliothek catalogue of Greek manuscripts by Kerstin Hajdu. (84) The codex is dated to the thirteenth century and contains one of the two longest preserved copies of the text. Different hands wrote the volume, but only one copyist tran- scribed the entire Sacred Arsenal; his handwriting has been described by Cataldi Palau as 'Fettaugenstil'. (85) The Sacred Arsenal occupies f. 1 to f. 309r: - ff. 1 - 3 r George Skylitzes' iambic poem on the Sacred Arsenal. (86) (84) I. HARDT and J. C. ARETIN, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum grae- corum Bibliothecae Regiae Bavaricae (Munich, 1806), vol. 2,490 - 497; CATALDI PALAU, "L'Arsenale Sacro", 50 - 52, K. HAJDU, Katalog der griechischen Hand- schriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek Munchen. Band 4: Codices graeci Mo- nacenses 181 - 265 (Wiesbaden, 2012), 263 - 266. (85) CATALDI PALAU, "L'Arsenale Sacro", 51. See also the article by Sofia Kotzabassi on the scribes of M and her hypothesis on the composition of the manuscript S. KOTZABASSI, "The Sacred Arsenal and the manuscripts Monac. gr. 229 and the Paris. gr. 1301", BZ 105.2 (2012),735 - 748. (86) DEMETRAKOPOULOS, Graecia Orthodoxa, (Leipzig, 1871), 26 - 29; BUCOSSI, "George Skylitzes' verses", 37 - 50. 
INTRODUCTION XLI - ff. 3 r - 91 v Andronikos Kamateros' Sacred Arsenal, part I: debates with the Latin church. The Epilogus preserved by V ff. 70 V - 71 r is omitted. - ff. 91 v - 309 r Andronikos Kamateros' Sacred Arsenal, part II: debates with the Armenian church. Explicit: X(l Q/ t, / / X(lV(l7tEP (lAO (JTA  YEV(JET(l. From f. 310 r M ontains Gregory of Cyprus' Expositio de fide contra Ioannem Veccum (87) and from ff. 326 r Apologia firmissima pro tomo. (88) At ff. 337 r - 3SS v it is possible to read Niketas of Byzantium, Against the profession of the Holy Spirit from the Son, (89) followed by extracts from Athanasios, Theodoretos and Photios. The collation against V has shown that M omitted the Epi- logus of Part I, a part of the text that, judging from the gen- eral structure of both part I and II, is expected and, therefore, has not been considered spurious in this edition. Moreover, M's version of Part II omits a long part transmitted by V ff. 291 - 309, although this section is also lacunose in the latter manuscript. I saw the original manuscript and I was able to read those parts of the text that are not clear in reproductions because of damage caused by damp. Especially from folium 21 V onwards the final part of the central lines of the text are badly dam- aged; however, the loss is limited and most of the text is ad- eq uately legible. Generally when a reading of M is not accepted in the pres- ent edition, it is only because it was made unintelligible by the aforementioned mutilation, or because of minor errors: for example, omission of articles, errors due to confusion of sounds such as itacisms (affecting: , E, , O, u; ex. Tc; for TOr:, w'J for u[.lw'J and vice versa), confusion of 0 and w, (87) PG 142, 233 - 246. (88) PG 142, 251 - 270. (89) Edited by J. A. G. HERGENROTHER, Monumenta graeca ad Photium ejusque historiam pertinentia, quae ex variis codicibus manuscriptis collegit ed- iditque J. Hergenroether (Regensburg, 1869), 84 - 138. 
XLII INTRODUCTION confusion of E and (l, single for double consonants or the reverse. Moreover, a later hand rewrote some words, or short sentences, that had faded in the ruined margins; therefore, 1 today contains mistakes that are not original. Since M is the oldest and one of the most complete manu- scripts of the Sacred Arsenal, this is the only codex quoted when reference is made to the text in secondary literature; hence, this edition follows the numeration of its folia. v = Venetus Marcianus Graecus 158 (coIl. 515), first quarter 14 th century Western paper manuscript, ff. 309, mm. 242x1S3. Mioni's catalogue of the Marciana library and A. C. Palau offer an exhaustive description of this Bessarion manuscript. (90) The numerous watermarks allow us to date the manuscript to the first quarter of the fourteenth century. (91) Different copyists of the same period transcribed the text; the principal one had a small, upright handwriting, slightly sloping towards the right. Cataldi Palau suggests that there are more than the two scribes indicated by the catalogue (first ff. 1 - 40 v , S7 - 92 r , 113 v - 176 v , 181 - 309 v thicker reed pen; second ff. 41 - S6 v , 92 V - 113 v , 177 - 180 V ). (92) Two ex libris witness to the history of V's ownership. On guard paper IV ex libris of John Con stante (93) AWV X.UpOU 'Iw(&'J'JOU) TOU X.W'J(jT(l'JT x.(l (lTpOU, the same ex libris is on the upper part of folium 1, 'Iw(cl'J'Jou) TOU X.W'J(jT(l'JT. On the lower margin of folium 1 there is Bessarion's ex li- bris, both in Greek and Latin: "t'07t. AY,/ aOY(1.7X. 7tLl..'JOTCA(l (90) E. MIONI, Bibliothecae Divi Marci venetiarum Codices Graeci manu- scripti (Rome, 1981), vol. 1, Thesaurus Antiquus, codices 1 - 299, 230 - 231. (91) "Cross placed over a first cross" (ff. 5 - 6, 51 - 54, 186 - 187) cf. Mosin - Traljic 3537 = a. 1311 and "crown" (ff. 206 - 207, 251 - 254, 284 - 285) cf. Mosin - Traljic 3199 = a. 1318 in V. A. MOSIN and S. M. TRAL]IC, Vode- ni znakovi XIII i XIV vijeka = Filigranes des Xllle et XIVe siecles (Zagreb, 1957), vol. 1; see CATALDI PALAU, "L'Arsenale Sacro", 52. (92) CATALDI PALAU, "L'Arsenale Sacro", 53. (93) PLP 8440 - 8442. 
INTRODUCTION XLIII (j(jrlp(u'JOC; x.LlpaVrlA(E(uC;) TOU [... / locus 38 dogmatica ar- matura b(essarionis) car(dinaLis) TuscuLani. (94) The text of the Sacred Arsenal occupies the entire codex (f£ 1 - 309 v ). The anti-Latin part occupies ff. 1 - 71 v, f£: 1 r - 2 r preserve George Skylitzes' iambic poem, the second half of the Sacred Arsenal dedicated to the Armenian church is found in ff. 91 r - 309 v . Expl. Mut.: aao TO TE 7trlpa 8e:ou T (j P. '\ /  '" "" Q' , / / ,(, [ rl(jI\E O'JEX.(UC: T:rl'J rlYrlVO'J EYX.O(j(.lO'J TE X.rl U7tEp ... I studied the original manuscript de visu. Many folia are ruined by damp, some damaged by worms; the damage is al- ways in the upper and external margins and does not interfere with the written text. Although V's hands are generally clear and neat, its version of the text is often unreliable. The orthography is generally lax, we can find the complete range of typical scribal mistakes: misspelling due to itacism (affecting: , E, , O, u), confusion of 0 and (U confusion of E and rl, single for double consonants or the reverse, alteration of the consonants T, a and 8, wrong division of words and faulty accentuation and breathings. In addition, V contains numerous idiosyncratic readings that are not shared by any other preserved manuscript and that will be listed below in the classification of the witnesses. Partial manuscripts of Part I S = Mosquensis Synodalis Graecus 366 (Vladimir 239), 1387 AD Paper manuscript, ff. 242, mm. 258x179. This manuscript was described in detail by Archimandrite Vladimir, and later included in Fonkic and Poljakov's catalogue of the State His- torical Museum in Moscow. (95) A note on the guard paper states that the codex was sent to Moscow in 1693 by the pa- triarch of Jerusalem Dositheus. According to its subscription (94) Olim Card. Bessarionis <177>, see CATALDI PALAU, "L'Arsenale Sacro", 52. (95) Different numeration 366/353. 
XLIV INTRODUCTION the codex can be dated to 1387. (96) Ho,vever, Fonkic and Pol- jakov (97) proposed to date it around 1330. The two catalogu- ers identified two hands; the first hand wrote ff. 1 (partially), 2 - 7\ 9 - 112 Y and seems to be very similar to the hand of the Neapolitanus III.C.19, codex dated 1335 and described by T uryn. (98) The second scribe is (J)p68EOc; who wrote ff. 113 - 242 and signed the subscription at f. 242 Y . (99) There are also notes, table of contents, and numeration by a. seven- teenth-century hand, which wrote on f. 1 x.(l T6os: Ap(j(jc; O\lu(jou BU(l\lT \IOU. S contains a highly interesting collection of anti-Latin texts assembled most probably during the thirteenth century. It contains texts on the Filioque and the azymes written between the ninth and the twelfth century by Nicholas of Methone, Eustratios of Nicaea, Theodore of Smyrna, Peter III of An- tioch, John Phournes, John of Claudiopolis, Theophylaktos of Ochrid, John IV (V) Oxeites, Niketas Stethatos, Leo of Ochrid, John II of Kiev, Nicholas IV Mouzalon, Euthymios Zigabenos, Photios, Niketas David Paphlagon, Methodios I Confessor. (100) From f. 189 to f. 232r S contains the full text of the first part of the Sacred Arsenal, but omits the dedicatory verses, the Epilogus - which we said is preserved only by V -, and a part of the Prologus. It is particularly interesting to note that, al- though the partial Prologus does not contain the passage that refers to the Armenian debates, S contains also a collection (96) VLADIMIR, Sistematiceskoe opisanie rukopisej Moskovskoj sinodalnoj (PatriarJei) biblioteki (Moscow, 1894), vol. 1, 311 - 314; B. L. FONKIC and F. B. POLJAKOV, Greceskie rukopisi sinodalnoj biblioteki (Moscow, 1993), 86 - 87. (97) FONKIC and POLJAKOV, Greceskie rukopisi, 87. (98) A. TURYN, Dated Greek manuscripts of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in the libraries of Italy (Urbana, 1972), plate 149. (99) M. VOGEL and V. E. GARDTHAUSEN, Die griechischen Schreiber des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (Leipzig, 1909), 114 - 115. (100) Full description in VLADIMIR, Sistematiceskoe opisanie, 311 - 314. 
INTRODUCTION XLV of syllogisms from Part II of the ,acred Arsenal dedicated to the Armenian church at ff. 232 r - 242 v (= M 187 v - 304 v ). (101) The copying is accurate and the hand is neat; however, throughout the text spaces are left in mid-sentence, clearly proving that the scribe was reading a lacunose exemplar. The collation of this manuscript is based on a poor quality photo- graphic reproduction; therefore, it has been almost impossible to read the rubrics. Ph = Athonensis Philotheou 249, first quarter 14 th century Italian paper manuscript, ff. 201. Ph is described in Lam- bros' catalogue and carefully analysed by Peter Van Deun. (102) Unfortunately, this very interesting manuscript is completely disarranged. Amongst the folia which contain the Sacred Ar- senal, two folia are numbered f. 165, between f. 180 and f. 181 one folium is not numbered, f. 194 recto and verso are badly bound: the recto is now the verso and vice versa. There are la- cunae between folia 195 and 179, 169 and 175, 174 and 194 v , 194 r and 193. In addition to this very confused assemblage, the gatherings are not numbered (103) and the codex is badly damaged, especially in the upper part of the folia. More than one scribe wrote the volume: first hand ff. 7 - 158; 160 - 164, second hand ff. 165 - 201 v , third and later hand ff. 1 - 6; 159, the latter is probably datable to the sixteenth century. (104) According to Peter Van Deun, the largest part of the man- uscript was transcribed in the first quarter of the fourteenth century, while the volume was acquired by the library during (101) Correspondence with M and V: S 232r - 236 r = M 187 V - 194 r ; S 236 r - 238 r = M 247 r - 250 r ; S 238 r = V 303 r ; S 238 r - 240 v = V 303 r - 308 r ; S 240' - 242 v = M 301 r - 304'. (102) S. P. LAMBROS, KaTO).oyO:' T({)J' FJ' Tal:' fJtfV.lo(h}xal:' TOV 54.ylov "()gOl\:' i}).t}J'IX(OJ' }{(J)()f}{wJ' (Cambridge, 1895), vol. 1, 168 - 169; P. VAN DEUN, "L'Athous, Philotheou 249: un miscellaneus important du XIVc siecle", Boll- Grott 54 (2000), 301 - 306. (103) VAN DEUN, "L'Athous", 301 - 306. (104) VAN DEUN, "L'Athous", 302. 
XLVI INTRODUCTION the sixteenth century. (105) Two readers signed the manuscript: Be:'JLl(1.t'J te:po[.l6'Jaxoc; (f. 63 v ) and BAax67tou),oc; (twice in a note on £: 159 v ). Ph is a miscellaneous codex containing, an10ngst anony- mous texts and alphabetical collections of definitions, George the Monk, Chronicon; Maximos the Confessor, various writ- ings; Diadochos bishop of Photike, Capita centum de perfec- tione spirituali; Evagrios Pontikos, De oratione; John Cassian, lnstituta; Symeon the New Theologian, etc. (106) The Sacred Arsenal runs from f. 165 bis recto to the end of the volume at f. 201 verso in the following order: 191, 190, 184, 189, 195, 179, 180bis, 180, 182, 181, 183, 197, 198, 171, 185 - 188, 201, 200, 196, 199, 165bis - 169, 175 - 178, 170, 172 - 174, 194 v , 194 r , 193, 192. (107) Although the handwriting of the Athos' manuscript is neat, in the upper part of the codex the text is not clearly readable because of damage caused by bad conservation. Ph contains the same blank spaces mentioned in the description of S, but the copying is less accurate. Frequent errors in the manuscript are due to itacism, confusion of 0 and co confusion of E and a, single for double consonants or the reverse, alteration of the consonants T, a and 8. I collated this Athos' manuscript from a very poor quality photographic reproduction. Partial and interpolated manuscripts of Part I A = Atheniensis, ME6XlOV ou 1tavaYLou Tacpou 204, 1598 AD Paper manuscript, ff. 452, mm. 203x148, described by Pa- padopoulos Kerameus (108) and dated 1598. Two different hands transcribed the folia containing a partial anthology of (105) VAN DEUN, "L'Athous", 301. (106) Complete list of contents in VAN DEUN, "L'Athous", 302 - 306. (107) These folia correspond to M ff. 5' - 10" 1.9abuno, 13 r 1 J"7 _ 31 14 , 3p.l 8 ablmo _ 3911,4019 _ 41 1 3, 4p.1 1 ablmo _ 43,.1 lablmo _ 43r.l.l ablmo. (108) A. PAPADOPOULOS KERAMEUS, 'Jf(!OaO}.t\/IlTl"t) {lIP}.lO(h}}{Yj (St. Pe- tersburg, 1891), vol. 4,180, no. 123. 
INTRODUCTION XLVII the Sacred Arsenal: the first hand from 310 r to 320 r and then from 334 v to 338 v , the second hand from 320 V to 334 v . The codex contains a late anti-Latin miscellany of texts on the procession of the Holy Spirit, from Photios to the Council of Florence; an10ngst other authors we can find Bessarion, Mark Eugenikos, John Zonaras, John Eugenikos, Theodore Agal- lianos, Barlaam of Calabria, Nicholas Kabasilas, Matthew Blastares, etc. From f. 301 r to f. 337 v A preserves a shorter and highly re- worked version of the Florilegium Patristicum of the Sacred Arsenal; it contains quotations and commentaries nn. 1 - 6 followed by an insertion, nn. 7 - 12 followed by an insertion, nn. 13 - 28 followed by insertions, nn. 29 - 32 followed by an insertion, nn. 33 - 44 followed by the insertion of a differ- ent commentary after passage 44 and insertion of a different Florilegium Patristicum. It omits quotations and commentar- ies nn. 45 - 128, but contains quotation n. 129 although fol- lowed by a different commentary. Finally, it omits quotations and commentaries nn. 130 - 151 and inserts a different col- lection of patristic passages. The full reconstruction of the A version is transcribed in Appendix I of this volume, while the variants of A's shorter version of the Prologus are listed in the critical apparatus. In general, the copying of the text preserved by A is care- less and is full of orthographic mistakes. A contains the same blank spaces mentioned in the description of S and Ph, but often it tries to fill the lacunas with very idiosyncratic inte- grations. I did not see the original manuscript, but worked with a very good reproduction. Q = Vossianus Graecus Q. 54, 15 th - 16 th century Paper manuscript, ff. 463, mm. 210x140. De Meyier (109) described this manuscript, ascribed the patristic anthology (109) K. A. DE MEYIER, Codices manuscripti VI - Codices Vossiani Graeci et Miscellanei (Leiden, 1955), 163 - 172. 
XL \TIII INTRODUCTION contained in it to Bekkos, and dated it to the fifteenth/six- teenth century. Q is a miscellaneous codex and contains vcry different writings, froITi anti-Latin treatises and anthologies to philosophical writings, poetry, etc. From f. 122 to f. 137 v , the codex contains parts of the Praefatio, of the Exhortatio, and then a corrupt version of the anthology of the Sacred Arsenal. Q is a highly altered witness of quotations and commentar- ies nn. 1 - 6; 115 - 117; 7 - 9; after n. 9 it inserts some unidentified passages followed by another transcription of the Florilegium Patristicum of the Sacred Arsenal from n. 10 to n. 22. The texts of Praefatio, Exhortatio and commentaries are barely recognisable as passages from Kamateros' Sacred Arse- nal, because the scribe heavily reworked the sentences chang- ing almost completely their structure and grammar; therefore, these passages were transcribed in Appendix II of the present volume and not collated, apart from the Praefatio, whose vari- ants were inserted in the critical apparatus. G = Genuensis Urbani 32, 1321 AD Western paper manuscript, ff. 309, mm. 230x152. In her careful description of the codex, A. C. Cataldi Palau (110) stated that a single scribe wrote the entire manuscript, even if at ff. 89 - 241 V and 242 - 309 V there are some dissimi- larities in the hand, and that judging from handwriting, rul- ing and ornamentation the manuscript was transcribed in Terra d'Otranto. ell) According to the colophons folia 1 - 88 are datable to the fifteenth century, while ff. 89 - 309 are dated to 1321 (f. 241 v). e 12) In addition to the subscriptions, A. C. Palau was able to identify the following watermarks: ff. 89 - 104; 112 - 119; 242 - 309 'cross' very similar to the wa- (110) CATALDI PALAU, Catalogo Franzoniana, 124 - 126. (111) CATALDI PALAU, Catalogo Franzoniana, 124. (112) CATALDI PALAU, Catalogo Franzoniana, 90; see 124, 125 for colo- phons. 
TNTRODUCTION XLIX termark described by Briquet: (113) 'croix' 5420 (Genes 1310), sin1ilar to Zonghi e 14) 75 (AD 1312) and ff. 105 - 111; 120 - 241 'Lettre L majuscule latine', identical to Briquet (115) 398 (AD 1328), similar to Zonghi 208 (AD 1373), 209 (XIV c.). (116) G is a miscellaneous manuscript containing writings on the azymes and the Filioque, canonical commentaries by Zonaras, conciliar acts, liturgical and various patristic writings. From f. 150 Y to f. 153, G contains a partial version of the Praefatio of the Sacred Arsenal attributed to Nikephoros Blemmydes: Tou Aoyw7aTou x.(l (jO({)WTaTOU BA(l-OOU 7tpOTp(l7tE'JTOC; (lU70U 7t(lpa 70U E'J (l(jAEU(j 'J &oO(l-ou (l(jAEWC; x.upou 8e:oowpou TOU .l\(l(jx.ap T(lUT(l x.(lTa AETCTO'J &'J(lypa(l(j8(l. Folia 153 r , 1. 16 - 154 Y ' 1. 34 are occupied by the treatise on the Holy Spirit by Blemmydes edited by Mercati, (117) followed by a last line from the Sacred Arsenal OUTW you'J, x.(l Ta TC; O(lAEe:WC; EXOU(j'J. From f. 155 to f. 164 Y '1. 10 G contains a partial version (118) of the Dialogus of the Sacred Arsenal at- tributed to Theodoros Laskaris, aAe:c; TOU (jO({)WTaTOU x.(l AoywTa7ou x.(l E'J (l(jAe:U(j'J &oO(l-ou x.u(pou) 8e:oowpou 70U Aa(jx.(lp (l-e:Ta 7W'J A(l7 'JW'J. G's copying is generally unreliable. The manuscript has fre- quent errors of misspelling due to itacism, confusion of short and long vowels, single for double consonants or the reverse, al- teration of the consonants T, A, 8, wrong division of words and faulty accentuation and breathings. In some passages the inser- tion of some perplexing readings makes the text unintelligible. (113) C. M. BRIQUET, Les filigranes. Dictionnaire historique des marques du papier des leur apparition vers 1282 jusqu 'en 1600, avec 39 figures dans Ie texte et 16, 112 facsimiles de filigranes (Paris - Geneva, 1907). (114) A. ZONGHI, Le marche principali delle Carte Fabrianesi dal1293 al 1599 (Bologna, 1979). (115) C. M. BRIQUET, Papiers et filigranes des archives de Genes, 1154 a 1700 (Geneva, 1888). (116) CATALDI PALAU, Catalogo Franzoniana, 124. (117) NIKEPHOROS BLEMMYDES, "Blemmidea", ed. G. MERCATI, Bessarione 31 (1915),428 - 440. (118) Up to M 229 f. 17' and V 158 f. 13. 
L INTRODUCTION Shorter versions of the dialogue of Part I The following manuscripts contain an abridged version of the anti-Latin part of the Sacred Arsenal. They abbreviate the courtesy formulas that open each speech of the emperor and the cardinals, and conclude the dialogue in a shortened form. After the Versio Brevis, the manuscripts contain a patchwork of passages from the dialogues written by Niketas 'of Ma- roneia, and a shortened version of the patristic anthology and/ or of the collection of syllogis111s. Since the text of the 1 7 ersio Brevis is an abridged version which does not modify Kama- teros' text, except for the last passage of the dialogue, it has been considered pointless to publish it in a separate volume; therefore, its variants, omissions, cuts, and different passages are listed in a special critical apparatus, identified by the mar- ginal title Versio Brevis. P = Parisinus Graecus 214A, 14 th century Oriental paper manuscript, ff. 295, mm. 286x196. Four- teenth-century manuscript poorly described by Omont. (119) The changes of speakers are indicated in the margin (rp(lx.6c; and K(laa'J&AO), after f. 273 r the indication of change of speaker is made only by a colon and a dash, with the following initial letters in red ink. At f. 270 v a carefully drawn border, painted in black and red ink, indicates the beginning of the Sacred Arsenal, the beginning letter '"t' 'in ekthesis' is also decorated. Before the Sacred Arsenal P contains: Homiliarium by John Xiphilinos (1 - 269), Brevis Expositio Fidei by Maximos the Confessor (269 v - 270 r ), Epistula of Pope John VIII to Pho- tios (270 r - v), and then the text by Kamateros from 270 v , but neither the cataloguer (120) nor the online database Pinakes (119) H. A. OMONT, Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs de fa Biblio- theque nationale, et des autres bibliotheques de Paris et des departements (Paris, 1886), part 1, Ancien fonds grec, 24. (120) OMONT, Inventaire sommaire, 24. 
INTRODUCTION LI \\"hich continues Sinke\vicz (121) say \vhat follo\vs. From f. 275 r to f. 288 v , P - as also the other manuscripts that contain the Versio Brevis - preserves extracts from Niketas of Maroneia's Dialogue,. incipit: T e; &px.cl C; TOU n 'JEuf.LaTOe; 8EoAoyae;, &7tO 7WV TOU (l-O'J0YEVO;j Itou A6yw'J A 7tTEO'J, oe; (l-'J xa TO'J I IaTEpa xa 70 n'JEU(l-a EY'JWpcrE'J. (122) From 288 v to 291 r. l. 14 ab imo it contains Kamateros' collection of syllogisms from n. 1 to the beginning of syllogism n. 37; it stops after the word utou, that should be followed by OOTEO'J etc. but in- stead it is followed by TOU AWT &u!Lo'J (; OE !Lwcrc;, xLlAEcraTE AEYE payouA r'Ja ([)ay &pTO'J x(X oux eXoa([)6pwe;  ypa([) TO'J &pTO'J AEYE xa TO &u(l-o'J. This collection of passages is not interrupted until f. 293 v , where a new collection of passag- es starts, incipit: (; (l-E'J TC; eXAYJ8Eac; A6yoc;, ou TocrouTO'J Te; 1tapa eX'J8pw1tw'J oEa ooacrxaAae; until f. 295 r ; after that a new text begins, incipit: E7t TW'J 7tpWT07tAacrTw'J Eu8ue; un- til f. 295 v , explicit xa UAOe; xa A8oe; xa E:p7tETOe; [... P was copied from a badly corrupted manuscript that the scribe could not read; therefore, at a number of points it con- tains blank spaces or omissions that indicate where its model was indecipherable. However, in general, the copying is care- ful and the number of cases of itacism is quite low. Z = Venetus Marcianus Graecus 150 (coIl. 490), olim card. Bessarionis <76>, 1431 AD Paper manuscript, ff. 344, mm. 295x220, described by Mioni. (123) At f. 344 the scribe, Theognostos, (124) wrote a (121) R. E. SINKEWICZ, Manuscript listings for the authors of the patristic and Byzantine periods (Toronto, 1989 - 1992), Greek index project series (GIPS 4); 1 - 4. (122) See e.g. from Z f. 352 r = Nic. Mar., Dial. VI, Vat. Gr. 1115, f. 36 v . Same text in Vienna Theol. Gr. 245 described in H. HUNGER, W. LACKNER and C. HANNICK, Katalog der griechischen Handschriften der Osterreichischen Natio- nalbibliothek, Ted3/3, Codices Theologici 201 - 337 (Vienna, 1992), 157 - 159. (123) MIONI, Bibliothecae Divi Marci, 211 - 213. (124) See VOGEL and GARDTHAUSEN, Die griechischen Schreiber, 129 - 130. 
LII INTRODUCTION colophon, which allows us to date the manuscript to the year 1431. (125) This manuscript was part of the collection of Car- dinal Bessarion; at £: IIIv his ex libris is still readable: locus 43. Nili Cabasilae de processione 5.5., liber b(essarionis} car(dinalis} Tusculani. Z is a miscellaneous codex that contains anti-Latin treatises that include texts by Neilos Kabasilas, Nicholas of Methone, George Moschabar, Gregory of Cyprus, etc. From f. 297 to 307\ Z contains Kamateros' Versio Brevis, falsely attributed by Mioni to Nicholas Mesarites. After Kamateros we find again the patchwork of passages from Niketas of 1aroneia we mentioned above in the description of P; these occupy from f. 307 V to f. 320 V and are entitled KE([)aAaWa E7tX.Ep(l-LlTa XLl X.p(jEe, 7tEp TOU &You n'JEu(l-aToc; 7tpOC; TOUe, j\aT'Jouc; AEY0'JTLlC; 07 EX TOU naTpoc; xa EX TOU ytou EX7tOpEUE't'a TO O'JEU(l-a TO &yo'J, inc.: TcXC; &px.aC; TC; TOU IIvEu(l-aToc; 8EoAoyae,. From 320 v to 325 there is a short patristic anthol- ogy followed by a short version of the collection of syllogisms of the Sacred Arsenal (ff. 326v - 331) in the following order: n. 1 in Z) 17 in Sacred Arsenal, 2) 18, 3) 31, 4) 28, 5) 29, 6) 12, 7) 11, 8) 2, 9) 3, 10) 4, 11) 30, 12) 32, 13) 33, 14) 34, 15) 35, 16) 36, 17) 37, 18) 38, 19) 16, 20) 39, 21) 40, 22) 41, 23) 42, 24) 12, 25) 13, 26) 15, 27) 9, 28) 10. After the syllogisms, Z contains a short version of Kamateros' patristic anthology, without commentaries, from n. 1 to n. 11, followed by the dialogue between Basil of Ochrid and a Latin envoy (ff. 333 V - 344 v ). (126) Z presents the full range of scribal mistakes (confusion be- tween 0 and (0, a and E, u and , etc.) and a tendency to drop verbal prefixes e.g. 1tpoa'Japw'J / &'Japw'J, Exaaa(jx6(l-E8a / aaa(jx6 (l-E8a. (125) See MIONI, Bibliothecae Divi Marci, 211 for the colophon. (126) BASIL OF OCHRID, Des Basilius aus Achrida, Erzbischofi von Thessalo- nich bisher unedierte Dialoge, ed. J. SCHMIDT (Munich, 1901). 
IN l'RODUCTION LIII B = Monacensis Graecus 28, 1550 circa Paper manuscript, ff. 388, mm. 353x245, described by Tiftixoglu. (127) This manuscript was written by 'Iw&'J'JC; I(),jp(l-()')''' (128) around 1550 (129) and is a copy of Z. The contents are the same as in Z. As briefly mentioned above, Tiftixoglu states, wrongly, that the Monacensis 28 preserves a version of Mesarites' dialogue, (130) probably following the mistake already made by Mioni's catalogue of the codices of the Biblioteca Marciana. (131) However, the collation has demonstrated that the dialogue of BCPZ is not Mesarites' dialogue but a witness to a shorter version of Kamateros' dia- logue; in fact, the Versio Brevis covers, although in a short- ened form, the entire dialogue (until M 27 r ), while Mesarites' text (132) stops well before the end (M 24 r ). C = Vaticanus Palatinus Graecus 409, 1550 circa Paper manuscript, ff. 397, described and dated by Ste- venson to 1550 circa. (133) It was transcribed by the same 'Iwcl'J'JC; 1oup(l-oupC;, Iohannes Murmureus Naupliensis, (134) who wrote B. This codex preserves a colophon: To 7tapo'J tAO'J 7tEpac; E'CA([)E'J E'JE't(j, acX X.EpOC; E(l-OU w&'J'Jou / '" , '" / . ,/ / , , '" (l-0UP(l-0UPEWC; 'tOU EX. VaU7tAac; E'tOUC; 'tPEX0'J'tOC; a7tO 'tC; (127) V. TIFTIXOGLU and K. HAJDU, Katalog der griechischen Handschrif ten der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek Munchen. Band 1: Codices graeci Monacen- ses 1-55 (Wiesbaden, 2004), 171 - 179. (128) E. GAMILLSCHEC, D. HARLFINGER and D. HUNGER, Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten, 800 - 1600 (Vienna, 1981), lA - B, no. 172; 2A, no. 230. (129) HARDT, Catalogus Bibliothecae Regiae Bavaricae, 156 - 61; TIFTIXO- GLU, Katalog Munchen, 171. (130) TIFTIXOGLU, Katalog Munchen, 174 - 175. (131) MIONI, Bibliothecae Divi Marci, 213. (132) NICHOLAS MESARITES, Neue Quellen zur Geschichte des lateinischen Kaisertums und der Kirchenunion, ed. A. HEISENBERG (Munich, 1923), part III, text 6 - 54, at 34.16 - 46.8. (133) H. M. STEVENSON, Codices manuscripti Palatini Graeci bibliothecae Vaticanae descripti (Rome, 1885),265 - 267. (134) GAMILLSCHEG, HARLFINGER and HUNGER, Repertorium der griechi- schen Kopisten, 1 A - B, no. 172; 2A, no. 230. 
LIV INTRODUCTION Xp(j''t'OU YE'J'J(j'€W ,Ll<p'J'. According to a letter by Matthew Drescher preserved in the codex, the manuscript comes from the library of Matthia Flacius Illyricus: Reverendo, pio et eru- dito viro, domino Matthiae Flacio Illyrico amico s. peroptato. Drescher wrote also a subscription EX T EP({)OPO(x T y TOU AWOU (1.(l't'8(ir:o [; apE(j'EpO (sic). (135) The contents are the same as in Z and B. (I 35) STEVENSON, Codices Palatini, 265 - 266. 
           Q.) ...c:   o   s...    o tn C o .- tn C Q.)  >< Q.) tn ::s o .- s...  > Q.) ...c:   o c o tn .- s...  0.. E o U INTRODUCTION LV a a .- 0 V) =' =' a --. =' .- u U .( b() .- V) b()-   :3 'brJ (; o . V) = - 'L: 'L: o .-  (;   -  """ 0  """ - """ + 'i" .- ('j ('j   N -- -- x x x 0  x   x x .- V) a =' V) u b()- .- - o . b() ('j ...c: -  o .- -   ('j """ - """ --::r X X X .- ('j x x  =-- - o  x x u . . ...c: .2 a a  .g  =' =' ('j .- u \.0   - b() .- -  (; """   (; . V) .- 0 'L: 'L: .- I 0  ...c:   ('j """ """ ...s  """ d V'\ x """  x x  ('j  x x -     x a a 0 V)  =' =' .- u .( =' b() .- b()   (; V) 00 ..9  V) 'L: 'L: .-  0'\ 0- 0 ..9  """ -< V'\ X """ c: c: X X X ('j  x x x -  0':'=   0 .g V) =' .(  b()- -  o . - 0 -  N ('j ('j """ r4i """ .- ('j  - x x  0  x x x x x u u c: a a ...c: .- .g  .g V)  =' =' --::r =' ('j .- u -   b() .-  b() """   (;  0 V) 0 .- .- .- 0  (; ...c: """ """  ..c: """ ('j =' ..9  """ ('j """ .- >< ('j  =--  x ><  a 0    >< >< >< u .g a a .- ...c: V)  =' =' a  =' ('j .- u r4i  b() .- V) - b()- """ 0  'brJ o . - V) 0 'L: 'L: ..9 0 (;  ...c:  """ ..9  >. ('j .- ('j >< ('j   >< x >< 0     >< V') >< V) 0 ..!.. a a  0 0 .g 0  b() c: V) .- 0 0 0 =' =' .g a V) >  =' ('j 0  .g V)  .- u =' - V) a ('j =' ('j  V) .( u V)   b() .- b()- . c: ('j """ ..£:J  b() """   =' 'brJ t---. o . .- .( 0 0 0 'L: . u 0 00 -0  c:  0 (; ...c: """ ..9 - """  0 ('j 0  >.  """ ('j 0 0 c: c: """ .- >< ('j - >< ...c: 0  .( ><  -  . c:  0 ('j    V') u u ('j c: a a ...c: a .- .g .-  V) .g V)  =' =' .g a V) --::r a =' ('j .- u  =' b() .-  V) - ('j b()  b()  0  =' 'brJ  """  b:o 0 0 0 - V) u ..9 0  - 'L: 'L: ..9 ..9 """ . -0 ('j =' ('j ...c: ..9  >. . ('j """ """ .- >< ('j - >     a 0    .( V')  ('j .g a a a .- V) .g V)  =' =' .g a a =' ('j .- u =' b() .-  V) u ('j b()  b()    =' 'brJ  """ V) b:o 0 0 0 'L: 'L: u ..9 ...c: -0 0 (; ...c: 0  . ('j ..9  - >. .- >< ('j -  r4i """ """ 0 .( >< -       V') 
LVI INTRODUCTION Indirect witnesses A plagiarized version: Mesarites' Dialogue The dialogues by Nicholas Mesarites were edited by Heisen- berg in 1923. (136) However, the editor did not realize that a large part of the text by Mesarites was not an original com- position but a plagiarism of the dialogue of the Sacrtd Ar- senal. Indeed, the report to emperor Theodore I Laskaris on the discussions held in Constantinople in 1213/14 about the primacy of Rome and the procession of the Holy Spirit with the papal legates guided by the cardinal Pelagio of Albano is taken almost verbatim from Kamateros. The first scholar who pointed out the derivation of Mesarites from Kamateros was Spiteris in 1977. (137) These studies were followed by Van Die- ten (138) who, however, did not realise that Mesarites actually copied long sections of Kamateros' text. The plagiarism was again clearly pointed out and analysed by A. C. Palau's con- tribution published in 1993. (139) Mesarites copied M ff. lor - 24. (140) A possible reltion between Mesarites and the Versio Brevis had been hypothesized, but proved to be fallacious. Indeed it can be stated that Versio Brevis was not copied from Mesarites, because it contains a longer version of the text that covers the entire dialogue (until M 27 r ), while Mesarites' text (141) stops well before the end (M 24 r ). However, the reverse hypothesis, id est that Mesarites copied from the Versio Brevis, is also er- roneous, because Mesarites text contains some passages of the (136) MESARITES, Neue Quellen, text 6 - 54. (137) SPITERIS, "I dialoghi di Nicolas Mesarites", 181 - 186. (138) J. L. VAN DIETEN, "Das lateinische Kaiserreich von Konstantinopel und die Verhandlungen iiber kirchliche Wiedervereinigung" in The Latin Em- pire. Some Contributions, ed. K. N. CIGGAAR and V. D. AALST (Hernen, 1990), 93 - 125, at 104, 106, 107, 108. (139) CATALDI PALAU, "L'Arsenale Sacro", 20 - 36. (140) CATALDI PALAU, "L'Arsenale Sacro", 25 - 28. (141) MESA RITES, Neue quellen, III, 34.16 - 46.8. 
IlTRODUCTION LVII Sacred Arsenal that are not witnessed by the Versio Brevis, for example: Dial. 7.25 nrJ.(Jw'J '":w'J x.rx1'a 1'r'J KO(A 'J LUp(rJ.'J 7t6AEW'J ,j7tzpx.Ll8y E'J'lJ'J: om. BCPZ Dial. 28 .13 x.rJ. 1'0 XrJ.prJ.x.1'- \:-0.1 '" '" 1 ( 1 P (J7X.()'V  r) W[J.rJ. 7 e; TCLl7p x.'lJ e; 7trx p rJ.'J 0 (J({) aE1'rJ. U7tO(J'1'rJ.(J'E- we;: om. BCPZ Dial. 29.1 - 8 e'J[J.clE\I E7tE(J( [J.O, 7t- 1 '" \ 1 \ "", 1 Q 1 (J7EU(JrJ.7ZO 7tWe; 7tpOe; [J.O'J'lJ'J 1''lJ'J 1'OU OX.EOU VEA1J[J.Ll"t'Oe; cl({)Opw'J"t'ze; (JU(J7(X(JV, we; EOX.E, 7'J &Y'JorJ.'J 1'e; eXx.poue; arJ.'Jo(rJ.e; 1'w'J ypLlCPX.W'J P'lJ1'w'J (JX'lJ[J.rJ.1'(E(J8E; T(e; ycXp 1'W'J &nav1'w'J Y'J6(Jz'J 07tEp x.rJ. 7trJ.aze; &p1' ({)O1'W'J1'Ee; Ee; a-  ,"). , (.).,'" , I Q ( ,"). \' OJ-.(JXrJ..F,O'J x.pw Eot()rxX\JrrrJ.'J, W f.LEYrJ.I\ 1'e;, x.rJ. OU "" 1 '" I'!' , \  1 \ BCPZ 7'JXOU(JrJ. 1'OU1'W'J 1'W'J AEC,EW'J E(J1' orJ.({)OprJ., x.rJ.: om. Dial. 29.11 07tEp x.rJ. 7trJ.aEe; YPrJ.(1.(1.rJ.1'xw'J eX'J1'w'Ju(1.(rJ.'J AEYZ'J Eiw8rJ.(J: om. BCPZ The readings of Mesarites are not considered a faithful in- direct source because Kamateros' text was slightly reworked; therefore, they are not included in the critical apparatus of this edition. Quotations from the Sacred Arsenal The Sacred Arsenal is a text that remained famous and quoted until the very end of the Byzantine empire, and even afterwards it was mentioned by those scholars who dealt with the division between the Latin and Greek churches, such as Leone Allacci. (142) Some of those who read Kamateros quoted his texts word by word and, therefore, represent for us the in- direct tradition. (143) (142) See e.g. ALLACCI, De Ecclesiae, 660 - 662; ALLACCI, Graeciae ortho- doxae, vol. 2, 287 - 521 on Bekkos and vol. 1, 591 on John Plousiadenos. (143) For further details about Kamateros' readers see A. BUCOSSI, "The Sacred Arsenal by Andronikos Kamateros, a forgotten treasure" in Byzantine theologians. The systematization of their own doctrine and their perception of for- eign doctrines, ed. A. RIGO and P. ERMILOV (= Quaderni di Nea Rhome 3; Rome, 2009), 33 - SO. 
LVIII INTRODUCTION Nikephoros Blemmydes Nikephoros Blemmydes in his First Oration on the procession of the Holy Spirit, dedicated to archbishop Jacob of Bulgaria and written probably in 1255, quoted verbatim a long passage from the Sacred Arsenal. Blemmydes argued that while all the most important Fathers of the Church and theologians denied the procession 'from' the Son, nobody had opposed the pro- cession 'through' the Son, and to prove his statement - quotes the passage from the dialogue of the Sacred Arsenal (144) in which the emperor explains to the Latin cardinals the passage of Cyril (145) on the procession from the Father 'through' the Son, explaining the difference between the prepositions 'from' (Ex) and 'through' (a&). (146) George Metochites George Metochites In his Historiae dogmaticae, (147) where he narrates the theological disputes of the council of Lyon, refers to Kamateros' Sacred Arsenal. He quotes verbatim the commentary to quotation number 90 (148) and commentary to quotation number 110 (149), and then refers to the fact that Kamateros states that there is a great difference between the expressions E rltrt'ou and a' rlUTOU, and that while he denies the procession E, he does not exclude the procession a&. (1S0) (144) SA, Dial. 68 - 71. (145) Cyr., De ador., 148.7 - 12. (146) M. STAVROU, "Le premier traite sur la procession du Saint - Esprit de Nicephore Blemmydes", OCP 67 (2001), 39 - 141, 80 - 84, paragraph 5. (147) GEORGE METOCHITES, Georgii Metochitae Diaconi Historiae Dog- maticae, ed. J. COZZA-LuZI and A. MAl, Novae patrum bibliothecae (Rome, 1844), Books 1 in vol. 8/2, Book 3, in vol. 10/1. (148) METOCHITES, NPB, Book 3, sect. 44, 342, from line 31. (149) METOCHITES, NPB, Book 3, sect. 45, 342 - 343, from line 1. (150) METOCHITES, NPB, Book 1, sect. 55, 74 - 75, from line 12; METO- CHITES, NPB, Book 3, sect. 46,343 - 344, from line 21. He mentions Kamateros also at Sect. 52, 347, from line 12; Sect. 57, 349, from line 4; Sect. 71, 355, from line 1. 
INTRODUCTION LIX The Refutationes y Bekkos Until the present edition, the only part of the Sacred Arse- nal that had been published was the Florilegium Patristicum, printed in Migne's Patrologia Graeca as part of Bekkos' work Refutationes adversus Divi Andronici Camateri Viglae Drunga- rii super scripto traditis testimoniis de Spiritu Sancto animad- versiones. (lSl) However, the text printed by Migne is not the complete work of the famous patriarch, but is the abridged second edition of the original Refutationes. Bekkos, indeed, mentions his first edition in a passage of Migne's version, (lS2) but all the scholars who have written about him have ignored it. (lS3) In 2008, thanks to a Dumbarton Oaks fellowship I was able to check the manuscript Laurentianus Pluteus VIII.26 and I realised that it contains the entire first edition of the Refutationes against the Sacred Arsenal. According to Sinkewicz and Peri the manuscripts that con- tain the Refutatio syllogismorum Camateri are four: (154) 1. Florence, BML, Ms. Pluteus VIII. 26, ff. 77 V - 174 (late 13th century) (lSS) 2. Escorial, B Escorial, Ms. Graecus Omega.IV.2 (554), ff. 241 - 334 v (1422 AD) (lS6) (151) PG 141, 395 - 614, originally from ALLACCI, Graeciae orthodoxae, vol. 2, 287 - 521. (152) BEKKOS, Refutationes, 400D. (153) See e.g. the book by A. RIEBE, Rom in Gemeinschaft mit Konstanti- nopel: Patriarch Johannes XI. Bekkos als Verteidiger der Kirchenunion Von Lyon (1274) (Wiesbaden, 2005). (154) SINKEWICZ, Manuscript Listings, S.v. "Bekkos" and V. PERI, "L'opuscolo di Giovanni Bekkos «Sull' infondatezza storica dello scisma tra Ie Chiese» e la sua prima redazione", RSBN 14 - 16 (XXIV - XXVI) (1977 - 79), 203 - 237, at 207. (155) A. M. BANDINI, E. ROSTAGNO, N. FESTA and F. KUDLIEN, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurentianae (Leipzig, 1961), 381 - 384. (156) G. DE ANDRES, Catalogo de los codices griegos de fa Real biblioteca de El Escorial (Madrid, 1967), vol. 3, 206 - 207. 
T x .L.. INTRODUCTIOl' 3. Vatican City, BAV, Vaticanus Graecus 1549, 69 - 115 v (15th century), AD 1442 e S7 ) 4. Leiden, UB, Vossianus Graecus Q. 54, ff. 107 - 107; ff. 126 v - 137 v (16th century) (158) However, the Vossianus does not contain Bekkos' text, but - as stated above under Q - a highly reworked Florile- gium Patristicum from the Sacred Arsenal. In addition at least one other manuscript must be added to the first three, the Barberinianus Graecus 415, ff. 221 - 309 (circa 1520 AD) (159) on which Allacci based his editio princeps. (160) Since Bekkos copied with great care the text of the Sacred Arsenal, inserting each refutation under the title &'J'"t'(pp(jC;, which allows us to divide clearly the original text by Kamate- ros from Bekkos' additions, I have considered Bekkos almost a witness of the direct tradition. However, as my goal was the edition of the Sacred Arsenal and not of the entire Refuta- tiones, I chose to collate only one manuscript of Bekkos' tra- dition. The choice of the Laurentianus Pluteus VIII.26 was almost obligatory for not only is it the earliest manuscript, which Laurent considered written at the beginning of the thirteenth century, (161) but it is also, to the best of my knowl- edge, the only one that contains the entire text of the first edition of Bekkos' important writing. (157) C. GIANNELLI, Codices Vaticani Graeci: codices 1485 - 1683 (Vatican City, 1950), 128 - 129. (158) DE MEYIER, Codices VOJsiani Graeci, 163 - 172. (159) NIKEPHOROS BLEMMYDES, Oeuvres theologiques: Tome !, ed. M. STAV- ROU (= SC 517; Paris, 2007), 296; STAVROU, "Le premier traite", 58. (160) I am grateful to Francesco D'Aiuto who kindly checked for me the catalogue of the Barberiniani manuscripts written by Sante Pieralisi at the end of the nineteenth century, which is available only to the readers of the Vatican Library (Biblioteca Vaticana, Sala Cons. Mss., 376). See also S. M. R. R. DE RIC- CI, "Liste sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliotheca Barberina", Revue des Bibliotheques 17 (1907), 81 - 125, at 112. (161) V. LAURENT, "Le cas de Photius dans l'apologetique du patriarche Jean XI Beccos (1275 - 1282) au lendemain du deuxieme concile de Lyon", EO 29 (1930),396 - 415, 398 - 400. 
INTRODUCTION LXI L = Laurentianus Pluteus VIII.26, late 13 th century Parchment codex, ff. 275, mm. 280x233, described by Ban- dini's catalogue and later studied by Fryde, Laurent, and Stav- roue (162) . \ccording to Laurent, since the manuscript contains the Greek version of some Latin liturgical texts, the codex must have been written by a Latin monk of the Pera mon- astery. Michel Stavrou corrected Laurent's dating, beginning of the thirteenth century, arguing that the manuscript was transcribed in a later imitative bookhand that must be dated around 1280. A Latin note on the last folium and the sub- scription of the text by Meliteniotes, in which a long series of dignities are listed, seem to imply that the codex was tran- scribed during Bekkos' patriarchate (1275 - 1282) and before the reign of Andronikos II (1282), when Constantine fell into disfavour. (163) The manuscript passed from anti-Unionist to Unionist hands that left traces of their theological beliefs i some corrections and additions. (164) It contains various writ- ings by Bekkos (De unione ecclesiarum, (165) De Processione Spiritus Sancti, (166) etc.), Nikephoros Blemmydes' two Ora- tions on the procession of the Holy Spirit, (167) etc. Strictly speaking, L should not be considered a manuscript of the direct tradition, because it contains the Refutationes written by Bekkos and not Kamateros' text. However, L can be considered one of the best manuscripts of the Sacred Arse- nal Part I. Indeed, not only is L a very carefully transcribed luxurious parchment codex, most probably commissioned by Bekkos in person, but given the character of the Refutatio and the fact that the text is based on an analysis word by word (162) BANDINI, ROSTAGNO, FEsTA and KUDLlEN, Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurentianae, 381 - 384; E. B. FRYDE, Greek Manuscripts in the Private Library of the Medici, 1469 - 1510 (Aberystwyth, 1996),325,475,496 - 499; STAVROU, CEuvres theologiques, 290 - 291. (163) See STAVROU, uLe premier traite", 60 (164) ST AVROU, CEuvres theologiques, 290 - 291. (165) PG 141, 15 - 157. (166) PG 141, 157 - 275. (167) STAVROU, uLe premier traite", 60. 
LXII IN"TRODUCTION of the Sacred Arsenal, it is also a very meticulous and faith- ful copy of Kamateros' writings, which is why I consider this manuscript very reliable. 5. Classification of the witnesses Relation between M and V M and V are the only two manuscripts that, to the best of my knowledge, preserve the most complete version of both parts of the Sacred Arsenal and are mutually independent. 1\11 (thirteenth century) omitted the Epilogus of Part I, transmit- ted by V folia 70 V - 71 r, and a long section of part II trans- mitted by V ff. 291 v , II. 1 - 19 - 309 v . l. 24. V (early fourteenth century) was copied neither from M, nor from a common an- cestor of M because its Praefatio is lacunose and it contains some idiosyncratic readings that do not appear in M. V's most interesting readings, not shared by any other known manuscript, are the following: Praef. 59 E'JWcrEWC;: 8EOcrEWC; V Dial. 3.16 eX'JrlX07tTO(l-E'JO'J: oa crxoAOU(l-E'JOC; V Dial. 4.4 8EW'JU(l-E: 8EOcrO([)E V Dial. 9.1 - 2 we; 7tpOC; T6crrl: cr7touoocrrl (sic) V Dial. 9.12 - 13 Ea'J  xrl8' (l-ac;: eX'Jrlcr7tacrrl 1t (sic) V Dial. 9.14 OU'J8Ecrrl: oU'Jcrrl(l-E'J V Dial 11.25 Ep7tTOC;: Ep7tO'JTOC; V Dial. 16.4 p(l-aTw'J: AOYW'J V Dial. 16.5 pO'JTW'J: ([)w'Jw'J V Dial. 55.30 E'JUAW'J: OAW'J V Dial. 57.9 EX([)rlcr'J: EX([)rlOC; V Flor. 11.4 (l-ETEprl'J: eX'J8pw7t'J'J V Flor. 29.28 ouAEcr8rl: oU'Jrlcr8rl V Flor. 29.44 E7tW'JU(l-rl'J: 7tpocryoprl'J V Flor. 93.53 crU'JEcrEWC;: oU'Ja(l-Ewc; V Flor. 101. 7 io: &y V Relation between M and L Some errores coniuctivi prove a close relation between Land M: Dial. 35.9 7uyxa'JE'J: om. LM Dial. 36.9 - 10 XrlTrlcrTE'J0X W pou (l-E'J: conzeCl: Xrl7rlcrTE'JOU (l-E'J LM, crTE'J0XWPOU(l-E'J PhS V Flor. 12.12 TO: TO, 70 LM Flor. 30.1 0 El.l6c;: om. LM Flor. 42.8 EX7tEl.lYC;: EX7tOpEucrC; 
INTRODUCTION LXIII LM Flor. 91.36 Ex.1tEcpoT"fp<'E'Ja: EX1tE<puxE'JLl LM Flor. 93.49 1tEpEcrTwTW'J: 1tapEcrTwTW'J LM However, we cannot state that L is a copy of M because L does not contain all the mistakes of M, the most important being an omission at Dial. 72.4 - 5 UaE Ex. 1tOAAW'J E'J, eXAAa (1.0'J0'J au-ro n'JEU(1.Ll, and in Flor. 25.35 a saut du meme au A ',\,\ / /' / , / , , / meme: Lll\l\a TC; EcrT oU'Ja(1.C; aYE'J'JTWC; x.a Ll'Japxwc;. Since L does not contain the Epilogus of part I, we might hypothesize that M and L both go back to the hyparchetype (Ll) (which should not include the Epilogus of part I), but this hypothesis is not completely satisfactory because L, being a manuscript of Bekkos' Refutationes, is not expected to be a complete copy of the Sacred Arsenal. For example it excludes: Epigramma, Prologus, Praefatio, and the opening part of the Dialogus on the primacy of the Roman church, while it pre- serves Exhortatio and Florilegium Patristicum, but excludes again the Allocutio, and contains the complete set of forty-two Syllogismi plus two extra ones. Therefore, the fact that L does not contain the Epilogus is not conclusive evidence. However, since L does not contain any significant reading, which could connect it with V or any other manuscript now available, while it includes some errores that link it with M, the most plausible hypothesis is that Land M come from the same hyp- archetype (a), but Bekkos cut off the passages that he did not consider worth refuting. Relation between Vand S The disjunctive readings of V and its lacunae seem to dem- onstrate that the Venetus is not related to any other known manuscript of the full version of the Sacred Arsenal - Part I. As for the relation between V and S, the fact that V has a partial Praefatio while S contains the entire passage certainly demonstrates that S is not a direct descendant of V. However, the number - around fifty - of minor mistakes that connect V with S is quite significant and could indicate a distant com- mon origin, a hyparchetype () which could have contained the readings listed below. To be more precise we must add 
LXIV INTRODUCTION that, since V does not contain a part of the Praefttio (inc. mute from M f. 5 v ) which is contained in S, we should hypothesize that V does not go back to  directly, but through a lacunose intermediary stage (a), which could have been the carrier of V's lacunas and readings that are not shared by S (but some of which are attested by the Versio Brevis, see below). Pro I. 7 7 EU(jEE(lC; x.t 7C; op8oaorlC;: 7C; op80aO;tLlc; x.t 7C; E,j(jEE(rlC; inv. SV Dial. 7.49 E'J(lPYE(rlC;: E'JEpYEtLl SV Dial. 7.51 E'C: 'J SV Dial. 31.23 70'J 7tLl7EpLl: 'ro 7t'JEU(1.rl PhSV Dial. 31.23 - 24 aO'r7tEp; O'r7tEp PhSV Dial. 36.9 - 10 X.rl'rrl(j7E'J0XWPOU(1.E'J: conieci: X.rl7rl(j'rEVOU(1.E'J LM, (j'rE'J0XWPOU(1.E'J PhSV Dial. 40.3 - 4 'ra 7tP0'rEprl: 'ro 7tP0'rEpO'J PhSV Dial. 44.2 X.Ll: om. PhSV Dial. 50.1 (ju: post 7trlUAO'J transp. PhSV Dial. 53.7 &Yt: om. PhSV Dial. 59.1 oG'J: om. PhSV Dial. 61.21 &AA02: 'r add. PhSV Flor. 7.6 'Jo(juC;: 'JO(jEC; PhSV Flor. 10.14 0: om. SV Flor. 11.11 cX(1.([)ciAA: cX(1.([)&A PhSV Flor. 16.4 ErlU70U: om. PhSV Flor. 26.6 (jUYX.EX.prl(1.E'J'J: (jUYX.EX.prl(1.(1.E'J'J PhSV Flor. 29.26 7tpo: TCp0C; SV Flor. 44.22 ae:: a SV Flor. 56.5 70U 2 : om. SV Flor. 65.5 - 6 Y 'JW(jX.O(1.E'J: Y'JW(jX.O(1.E'JC; SV Flor. 70.6 - 7 w'J oG(jrl'J: w(jrl'J SV Flor. 74.14 rlu'r: X.rl praem. LSV Flor. 75.2 7trl1JAOU X.rl 7tETpOU: inv. SV Flor. 92.9 EU(j8E'JErl'J: cX(j8E'JErl'J SV Flor. 98.7 YE'J'rO'J: YE'J'J'rO'J S Flor. 100.7 OUprl'Jo'J: OUPrl'JouC; SV Flor. 100.23 'r ae:: inv. SV Flor. 111.20 x.rl2: TOU add. SV Flor. 116.2 8EOTC;: 8EOTTOC; SV Flor. 123.5 Arl(1.ci'Jo'J: Arl(1.rl'JO(1.E'JO'J SV Flor. 132.10 1'0: 70 SV Flor. 140.10 uto'J: Ec;praem. SV Flor. 140.10 EX.7tE1tOpEUTrl: EX.TCOpEUETrl SV Flor. 140.37 EX.E('JO: om. S Flor. 146.8 (1.: X.Ll add. SV Flor. 150.8 cX7to: E7t' SV Flor. 151.7 rlU70 X.rl: inv. SV All. 40 (jrl7rl'Ja: (jrlTrl'Ja SV Syll. 4.16 ae: (1.E(j: inv. SV Syll. 32.9 (1.o'JwC;: (1.o'JOC; SV Syll. 36.4 E ae:: om. SV The group APhS The collation has proved that there is a close relation be- tween the manuscripts A, Ph, and S. The three manuscripts 
INTRODUCTION Lxv were copied from a lacunose model (y), but while S and Ph leave blank spaces to indicate, or add at a later stage, the miss- ing words, the scribe of A intervenes and fills the lacunas with readings that stand apart from the rest of the codices and do not help in the reconstruction of the text (ex.: Flor. 10.6 E'J oIe; (l- 7tapEcr'"t' 'J: spatium habet S E'J8a '"t'07tXWC; &7tEcr'"t' 'J A; Flor. 11.17 o(l-oWC; 7tpOcrXEC; xa: o(l-owC; spatium habet S spatium habet Ph o(l-owC; EUpcrEC; E'J A). In some passages S was bet- ter than Ph at reading the original and partially filled the la- cunas, in others Ph filled the lacunas but not S; therefore, it is clear that Ph is not a copy of S, and S cannot be a copy of Ph. Since S is the best-preserved copy of the branch, all its lectio- nes are inserted in the critical apparatus, both those common also to Ph, and those that are not shared by the Athonensis. On the contrary, since Ph contains all the readings that can be found in S, plus its own mistakes (omission, itacism, etc.), and since it is a partial and badly preserved manuscript, in the- apparatus critic us the reader will find only the common read- ings, which allow for the reconstruction of the hyparchetype (y), while the lectiones singulares of Ph are excluded. Examples of the relation Ph - S: Dial. 55.11 EX7tE(l-1tO(l-E'JO'J: EX spatium habet (l-7tO(l-E'JO'J Ph Dial. 63.2 - 3 EouAEucracr8E (l-E'"t'a(l-a8Etv: EouAEucracr8E spatium habet (l-E(l-a8Et'J Ph, spatium habet S Dial. 66.4 aaxp'JEcr8a: a(l spatium habet cr8a Ph Dial. 71.21 E7t X E  p (l-a'"t'w'J: p (l-a'":'wv Ph, spatium habet p (l-a'"t'w'J S Flor. 11.17 o(l-owC; 7tpOcrXEC; xa: spatium habet Ph, o(l-owC; spatium habet S The codex A contains all the mistakes and the variants common to PhS, to which it added its own mistakes and in- tegrations of the anthology; therefore, A can be considered to come from the hyparchetype (y), or even to be a reworked copy of S or Ph. Since A is a very late, corrupt and reworked copy of the version of the text, I judged the insertion of A's peculiar er- 
LXVI INTRODUCTION rors ineffective for the reconstruction the hyparchetype and excluded them from th critical apparatus. However, I con- sidered valuable for those scholars who are interested in the history of anthological compilations on the procession of the Holy Spirit, to include in Appendix I the patristic passages added by A to the original florilegium of the Sacred Arsenal. In the stemma, the derivation of A is indicated with a dotted line because it is clear that the text was reworked and con- taminated using a different patristic anthology or original pa- tristic sources. G The highly reworked text of G, although it can be consid- ered interesting for the history of the manuscript tradition, is not useful for the correct reconstruction of the text of the Sa- cred Arsenal. Its version is idiosyncratic and stands apart from the rest of the manuscript tradition. The dialogue's rubrics al- ways indicated by a single word (Basileus or Greek) in the en- tire manuscript tradition, are preceded in G by conjunctions, articles or short sentences (ex.: xa (; 8E0'TTOc; acrAEuc; , , , /  / G ,(  / ,/ D. G ' 7tp 0 c; aUTOUC; TaoE ({)y;cr 'J ,xa 0  xao  'JaA o  a Uv c; ,xa  (; crO({)WTaTOC; acrAEuc; aG8c; 7tPOUc; atrrouc; G; xa (; acrAEuc; G; XLl ot AaT'Jo G). In addition, the codex is full of mistakes of itacism, wrong division of words, confusion of long and short vowels. Even if we exclude all these easily de- tectable mistakes, still the text is not useful because it is full of lectiones singulares which are completely disconnected from the text and the other codices, and that are not worth listing in the critical apparatus. These are some significant examples: Dial. Titulus aAEC; TOU 8EOcrO({)OU (1.EyaAou acrAEwc; xa TW'J T c; 7tp EcrUTE p ac; Pw(1. y; c; crO({)W'TaTw'J XLlOO  'JaA w'J 7tEp 'Tc; TOU 7ta'Jayou O'JEu(1.aToc; EX (1.o'Jou 70U IIaTpoc; , / /  -- / , / EX7t0PEUcrEWc;: oaAEsC; 'TOU crO({)WTa70U xa AOYW'TaTOU xa E'J acrAEucr'J &oO(1.ou xupou 8EOOWPOU 'TOU AacrxLlp (1.ETa TW'J ALlT 'JW'J G Dial. 9.10 - 11 T0 xa8ap0 cr T T 
INTRODUCTION LXVII .....  '\ ,'/ .......... Q / / G D . l X'JptG(X-r, o-n,l\C(n-n,= E'J TE TYJ T(t)'J \JEOcpOP(oV 1!C'lTEpW'J la . 9.12 XC'l 1!rlTEP(,)'J 1!rlprla6crE: 70 TOOUTO'J G Dial. 11.8 - 1 0 o':n. 0 IaCl 1t68E'J XCl 1!C'lpa T( 'Joe;, 1!rlpE'JTE8Ef:'crrl 1!po(j8x , \ " , ' -- , ,/ 1trlp C'l "; 'J 0 Cl TOUTOU 1!C'l prloocr  'J: EX TOU 1!C'lTp oe; Xrl (.lO'JOU , ,,-, 'r/ /  , , D. ( --  , G 70 1!VE1j(.l 70 ClYO'J 1tC'lp20WXE'J EX1tOpZUEcrVrl U(.lEe; OE Dial. 11.34 cl'JrJ..TpEZw'J TC'l'JT'J &'JrlXC'l8rl[pE 'J 1!EpaTrl Ta aU'JC'l7a: 1!rlprlX 'Jo'J'J'TrlC; a 'JEXWC; G Dial. 11.35 arlcprl\JEf:' ..... /  ' ,\"  / G D . I "; 'Jrl(.lrlT  XC'lTC'l pu EUO  TO: 1!/\  cr(.lO e; C'l P OEUO  TO la . 15.26 &(.lETa1!TWTOC; (.lE'JE 01!Ep: &paAWe; aEX'JUTrl Wcr1!Ep G Dial. 15.48 EAA1!, '!EAEOU(.lE'J'J acX TOU n'JEU(.lrlTOe;: &AA' OUTE TO n'JEU(.lrl G There are only very few variants that could connect G to the manuscript V, and these are mistakes that could have been committed independently: Praef. 113 XEAEUcr(.lrlT: XEAEU(.lrl"; GV Dial. 3.4 &'Jrl1t6aEXTrl: &1t6aEXTrl GV Dial. 8.10 cr1!OUaaETE: cr1!OUaaETrl GV Dial. 11.29 uYrl'Jcr'J &1!0XpW(.lE'JOe;: UYErl'J cruVrl1!OXp6(.lE'JOe; G ,jY(rl'J cru'Jrl1!OXPW(.lE'JOC; V Dial. 31.3 1!pocpEp6(.lE'JO'J: 1!pocrcpEp6(.lE'JO'J GV Moreover, as clearly explained above, G is highly interpo- lated and, therefore, the collation cannot be very accurate. For these reasons in the stemma a dotted line indicates a relation between wand G. Q Q is a real jigsaw of words, not even sentences, from Ka- materos. While the collation of the Praefatio was possible and somehow useful and, therefore, can be found in the critical apparatus, the collatio of Exhortatio and Florilegium Patris- ticum proved not only to be impossible, but also completely meaningless. Indeed, Q uses single words to rewrite parts of the Sacred Arsenal, but it changes completely both order and grammatical structure. Therefore, the texts of the Exhortatio and of the commentaries of the patristic anthology (not of the quotations) are included in Appendix III. Q is present in the 
LXVIII INTRODUCTION stemma connected to the archetype W with a dotted line, be- cause the nature of this version does not allow any reliable collation with the rest of the manuscript tradition. The Versio Brevis It is perfectly clear that Z, C, Band P arc copies of an ab- breviated version of the dialogue of the first part of the Sacred Arsenal. They tend to abbreviate the courtesy formulas that open each speech of the emperor and the cardinals, and they conclude the dialogue as follows, Dial. 74 O A(lT'JOC;: Ta fLE'J 013'J E'J O(lAEE, tXLl'JWC; EXE'J O6(l-E8(l' XPE(l OE (l-'J X(l Yp(l([)XWV XpcrEW'J EC; 7tAE(0'J(l 7tAPO([)Op(l'J 7tEp (;)'J E'C7t0(l-E'J. Dial. 7S O rp(lx6c;: J\.6x'Jwc; TOUTO 7t0crW(l-E'J. X(l YE'JO  TO TOU TC; O(lcrTacrEwc; (l-EcrOTO  XOU X(l8(l pE8E'JTO C; 7t(lpa TOU &you 11 'JEU (l-(lTO C;, &'JTEcrLlX8'J(l 7'J Ep'J'J X(l T'J 7tpOC; &(l-([)W Ta (l-Ep (l-(;)'J cru(l-([)w'J((l'J 't'C; &A80uc; X(l o p8 C; 7t(crTEWC;. However, the relation between the two manuscripts Z (+ C and B) and P stops here; in fact, they are copies of two clearly distinct exemplars. The fact that they represent two different branches is clearly demonstrated by the status of P; the Pa- risinus was copied from a badly corrupted exemplar that the scribe could not read (inserted in the stemma as 8) and, there- fore, contains blank spaces where its model was indecipherable ((l-ETE(lcrE: (l-ETE( spatium hab. P; (lT(l'J 7(;)'J crX(l'JoaAw'J: spatium hab. P; Tuyxa'JE'J ([)ucrx'J: spatium hab. P; etc.). Z, on the contrary, does not contain lacunas. We have said before that manuscripts Band C are copies of Z 168 and therefore, after the collatio, were excluded on the ba- sis of the eliminatio codicum descriPtorum. In the Manuscript Tradition, we have said that the contents of the two branches of the Versio Brevis are different; while Z contains a shorter version of both the Florilegium Patristicum and of the collec- (168) TIFTIXOGLU, Katalog Munchen, 177 
INTRODUCTION LXIX tion of syllogisms, P ignores the patristic anthology and con- tains a different collection of syllogisms. Because of the very nature of the abridged version, the rela- tion bet\veen the Versio Brevis and the rest of the preserved manuscrIpts requires a careful investigation: long passages of the dialogue in fact are omitted and the significant readings that could prove a relationship with another manuscript very few: Dial. 7.47 x.Ex.6cr(l-TO: om. P, EX.EX.6cr(l-TO VZ Dial. 7.49 E'J(lPYE(lc;: E'JEPYE(lc; SVPZ Dial. 45.18 7tpOAf.L(lcr'J: crO({)cr(l-(lcr 'J VPZ However, if we analyse the variants common to Z and V attested in the part of the patristic anthology preserved by the Marcianus manuscript, we can reasonably infer that V and Z come from the same branch of the manuscript tradition. Still it does not seem plausible to state that the Versio Brevis comes directly from V, as P and Z do not share the majority of the trivial mistakes of V. These are the most significant examples: Flor 4.1 TW'J cXnocrT6A(U'J: om. VZ Flor 4.1 7tETpOU: praem. cX7tocrT6Aou VZ Flor. 10.14 (l-E: x.(l X(l8EE (l-E  aEa crou add. VZ Flor. 1 0.12 cX'J(lAa(U: cX'J(lAao(l- VZ Flor. 10.19 E'J: na'JT(l a' (lUTOU EYE'JETO praem. VZ Flor. 10.47 TOU XP crTOU: TWV YP(l({)w'J VZ Flor. 34.1 0 T(lUT: T(l UTc; VZ Flor. 34.1 0 a(lcrTEAET(l: a(lcrT(lAE T(l VZ Syll. 33.12 aE'JcrT(lT(l: a(l'JcrT(lT(l VZ Syll. 31.18 EXO: EX VZ Syll. 16.1 &P(l: om. VZ Syll. 11.6 7tpo'o'J: 7tpo'w'J VZ 
LXX INTRODUCTION 6. Stemma Codicum 1175 c. XIII 1321 1387 1431 1550 1598 L Q s  a E / /e p v z B c A 
INTRODUCTION LXXI 7. Principles of the edition From the stemma it is clear that the collation convinced me that there are twO branches of the traditio. The most reliable witnesses of the two branches are M (+L) and S; therefore, their agreement provides what is believed to be the original reading, when they disagree M's reading is usually followed. As for the patristic anthology and the collection of syllo- gisms, the version given in the text follows Kamateros' manu- script tradition, and not the original sources, unless errors due to itacism are believed to have caused grammatical errors, for example where an optative is expected instead of a conjunc- tive; in these cases I corrected the text. Any deviation from the sources is indicated in the Apparatus Collationum Patrum. As far as the text was understandable, or at least interpreta- ble, editorial interventions were avoided; this edition contains very few additions or deletions. Orthography Although from a theoretical point of view it is important to indicate also the Byzantine scribal usages and peculiarities, the very convoluted nature of this theological text convinced me that the priority was to offer the most readable text and apparatuses. For this reason, text and apparatuses are 'normal- ized' according to the rules used for the edition of classical texts. Punctuation Almost every manuscript has preserved a different punctua- tion, but generally speaking those manuscripts that preserve the most reliable text preserve also a comprehensible punctua- tion system, although very different from modern usage. This punctuation was taken into account, and the reader can pre- sume that where a punctuation mark is inserted in the text, a sign (even if not the same) was included in the majority of the manuscripts. However, it was not possible to follow this prin- 
LXXII INTRODUCTION ciple consistently; there are l:ase in which the original punc- tuation would only have created confusion for the reader: the most striking case is the use of the comma after the neuter article to indicate the nominal form of an infinitive or the be- ginning of a quoted passage. In addition, the common prob- lem of distinguishing the signs, for example the difference between high-dot and full stop, and the different usage of what we today understand as a question mark (;) apply also to this text. For these reasons the punctuation has been normal- ized, especially in the very convoluted introductory and con- cluding passages (Praefatio, Pro logus , Allocutio, Exhortatio) , according to the editor's understanding of the text. In the Dialogus, after the names of the speakers I have pre- served the special sign that in the manuscripts indicates the beginning of the direct speech (:). Word division The Byzantine tendency to write as a single word combi- nations of words (O(l'"t'(lU7(l, O(l'"t'ou'"t'o, OU06AWC;, x(l'"t'(l7ta'J'"t'(l, 7tpocraAA A(l), or to separate the preposition in a compound word, were avoided in the text and are not indicated in the critical apparatus, unless the different division gave a different meaning (for example oa AEEW'J / O(lAEEW'J, o(lcr'"t'acrEwc; / oa cr't'acrEwc;, typical mistakes of V). The same applies to the tendency to write (1. OE, (1. OE (1.C( and  you'J as separate words. Itacism I have excluded from the critical apparatus all the mistakes caused by itacism, unless they changed the grammar: changes of case and number of nouns or number, tense and mood of verbs. Apostrophe Apostrophes have been normalised according to classical usage; for example, the apostrophe after oux' was not adopted. 
INTRODUCTION LXXIII However, it is always reported in the apparatus when there is an elision, e.g. 8E &AArlx.68e:'J: 8' &AALlX68e:'J. Accentuation All the accents have been normalized; when the usage was uncertain (as for doubtful vowels rl, . u), it was recorded in the apparatus. Since agreement between manuscripts about the singular third person of the present indicative of e:I'Jrl is very rare and the frequent use of abbreviation made it impos- sible to establish the position of the accent, E(JTt was normal- ized following classical usage and the editor's understanding of the text, and its variants are not included in the apparatus. N u ephelcystic and final c; Since ephelcystic -'J (&7te:crX.(pTcre:'J / &7te:crX.pTcre:) and alternation (OUTW / OUTWC;) are not consistent in the manu: scripts, and as they do not appear to have any special mean- ing, the edition follows modern conventions of their use be- fore vowels. Capital letters Capital letters are used after full stop, question marks and to indicate the beginning of direct speech after high-dot (-). I n addition, capital letters are used for the persons of the Trinity, Sacred Scriptures, and personal names. Doubles, omissions, dots Generally, missing double letters or very trivial orthograph- ic mistakes are not recorded unless they are considered mean- ingful because either both versions of the word are attested or the omission causes a change of meaning (e.g. when there is confusion between present and future). For example in the case of &ppe:UcrTWC; codd.: &pe:UcrTWC; Z, the lectio singularis of Z is not attested in any dictionary or text searchable in the TLG, and does not cause any confusion; therefore, this lectio 
LXXIV INTRODUCTION is not recorded in the critical edition. When there are dam- ages in the manuscripts the missing letters are indicated with stars U7t&pv: IJ*** M Rubricatio The scribes of V and P did not complete the rubrics. When an entire word is missing - e.g. typically in P at the beginning of a syllogism the entire word e:l -, the omission is re<;orded, but when a single letter is missing - e.g. typically in V l for e:l -, but it is clear what letter was not written, this omis- sion was not recorded. Unfortunately, the rubrics in S faded; therefore, the apparatus contains also the instances where the photographic reproduction is completely unreadable. Text presentation The text of the Sacred Arsenal is divided in different ways according to the nature of the different sections: - the 'E7t yprJ.rJ./ Epigramma is divided in verses and numbered accordingly; - n pO'"t't'"t'A(U(jC;/ Prologus, n pooov/ Praefatio, npoarJ.- ArJ.A&/Exhortatio, npo(jw'JrJ./Allocutio and 'E7tAO- yoc;/ Epilogus are divided into paragraphs according to the editor's interpretation of the text; - the &AEC;/ Dialogus is divided according to the two different speakers and numbered from 1 to 75; - the Florilegium Patristicum is divided into patristic quo- tations, numbered from 1 to 151; the line numbers run continuously from the line of the lemma to the end of the commentary (E7t(j'"t'rJ.(jrJ.); - the Syllogismi are numbered according to the division in excerpta indicated by the manuscripts (they insert the sign: to mark the end of the passage). The text of the Sacred Arsenal is followed by three appen- dices: - Appendix I: addition of manuscript A; 
INTRODUCTION L)LX\' - Appendix II: addition of manuscript L; - Appendix III: the Prologus and commentaries preserved by manuscript Q. The Greek text of these Appendices is a quasi-diplomatic tran- scription [hat offers the contents of the manuscripts almost without editorial intervention. The main text of the Sacred Arsenal is in bold when It IS supposed to be written by Andronikos Kamateros, in bold italics when it contains a verbatim Biblical quotation, or at least a very clear reference to a Biblical passage. Quotations from the Fathers of the Church or other authors are in plain characters, unless they contain a Biblical quotation, in the latter case they are italicized. (169) Quotation marks are not used for direct speech unless the meaning of the passage is very convoluted, in which case double angle quotes/guillemets «< ») are inserted. Double angle quotes are used also when the scribe highlights a word with an upper stroke, e.g. in the discussion about the use of the prepositions EX and a&: in these cases, EX and a& are always highlighted by quotes, be- cause they are mentioned as nouns and not as prepositions. The same system is used when Kamateros comments on a single word or a sentence: in these cases the manuscripts gen- erally have a neuter article followed by a comma (e.g. TO,). This critical edition contains four apparatuses, but not all appear in each section: 1) Fontes: Apparatus fontium and locorum parallelorum. This apparatus includes the internal references to Flo- rilegium Patristicum (FP) and collection of Syllogismi (Syll.). Since Dialogues 5 and 6 by Niketas of Maroneia are not published, reference is made to folia, as indicated (169) When a Biblical quotation is repeated in the same passage, or in the commentary of the passage in the anthological part, the reference is made in the apparatus fontium only in the first occurrence. 
LXXVI INTRODUCTION by Giorgetti in his thesis quoted in the Index Fontium et Locorum Parallelorum. 2) App. Crit.: Traditio textus and Apparatus criticus. 3) Versio Brevis: Traditio textus and Apparatus criticus - Versio Brevis only in Dialogus and parts of Florilegium and Syllogismi. 4) App. ColI.: Apparatus collationum Patrum (only in Flo- rilegium and Syllogismi). This apparatus was added to the traditional set of apparatuses because, given the very nature of the text - a patristic florilegium to be used against the Latins -, it seemed to be necessary to verify Kamateros' fidelity to the original sources. It contains the different readings accepted by the editors of the pa- tristic texts as original and, where the original work is critically edited, this extra apparatus indicates also if the source's critical apparatus preserves Kamateros' reading amongst the variae lectiones (to indicate that the read- ing can be found also in the apparatus criticus of the original source I use the expression "e traditione" (170)). When the reading of the patristic sources is accepted, instead of a reading from Kamateros' manuscript tra- dition, this is indicated in the apparatus criticus with a sort of semi-positive apparatus i.e. xxx] scripsi cum Fa- ther's name, xxy Sigla. Generally speaking the hyphenation is according to Modern Greek rules (171), however for the splitting of a compound word the preposition is generally divided from the rest of the word. (170) Elizabeth and Michael Jeffreys employed the same expression in their edition of the letters oflakovos Monachos, see their Introduction: Jacobi Monachi Epistulae, ed. E. JEFFREYS and M. JEFFREYS (= CCSG 68; Turnhout, 2009). (171) Cf. e.g. IV cOE)J..r;}'t" r(!Q!1!1QTl"1, published by the OPyvLcr1J.6 Exa6cre:wc; .lLaO:XTLXWV BLA[WV (Athens, 1982),20 - 21. 
CONSPECTUS SIGLORUM ET ABBREVIATIONUM Traditio Directa M Monacensis Graecus 229 (saec. XIII), ff. 1-309 V Venetus Marcianus Graecus 158 (colI. 515) (saec. XIV), ff. 1-309v S Mosquensis Synodalis Graecus 366 (Vladimir 239) (1387 AD), f£ 189-242v Ph Athonensis Philotheou 249 (saec. XIV), f£ 165bis r- 201v A Atheniensis, 1E";OX. ou TOU 1trJ.'JrJ.You T&({)ou 204 (1598 AD), ff. 301r-337v G Genuensis Urbani 32 (1321 AD), ff. 150v-164v Q Lugdunensis Vossianus Graecus Q. 54 (saec. XVI), ff. 126v-137v P Parisinus Graecus 214A (saec. XIV), ff. 270v-274v; 288v-291 Z Venetus Marcianus Graecus Z. 1 50 (colI. 490) (1431 AD), ff. 297-307v; 326v-333v B Monacensis Graecus 28 (c. 1550 AD), ff. 335-346; 367-375 C Vaticanus Palatinus Graecus 409 (c. 1550 AD), ff. 338-350 (Dialogus tantum) Traditio Indirecta L Florentinus Laurentianus Graecus VIII. 26 (saec. XIV), ff. 77v-174 (=Johannes Beccus, Refutationes adversus Divi Andronici Camateri Viglae Drungarii super scripto traditis testimoniis de Spiritu Sancto animadversiones (PG 141, 395-614) N B A / ''''  / ICEPHORUS LEMMYDA, j\'oyo 1tEp 70U (Xyou fI 'JEUf.LLl70C;, ed. M. STAVROU, "Le premier traite sur la procession du Saint-Esprit de Nicephore Blemmydes", OCP 67 (2001) Bl. 
CONSPECTUS SIGLORUM ET ABBREVIATIONUM 3 Metoch. GEORGIUS METOCHITA, Georgii Metochitae Diaconi Historiae Dogmaticae, ed. J. CozzA-LuZI et A. MAl (= J.Vovae patrum bibliothecae; Roma, 1871-1905), libri 1-2 in vol. 8/2, liber 3, in vol. 10/1 Editiones Dem. A. K. DE1ETRAKOPOULOS, 'Op86aooc; (EAAac;, "'C'o 7tEp  7W'J (EAA 'Jw'J TW'J ypaya'J7w'J x.LlTa AaT- 'JW'J x.a 7tEp 7W'J crUYYPLl(1.(1.clTW'J LlUTW'J (Leipzig, 1872), 26-29 A. BUCOSSI, "George Skylitzes' dedicatory verses for the Sacred Arsenal by Andronikos Kamateros and the Codex Marcianus Graecus 524",]OB 59 (2009), 45-48 J. SPITERIS, La critica bizantina del primato romano nel secolo XII (= OCA 208; Rome, 1979), 323-324 Conspectus abbreviationum <.oo > addidi ['ooJ delendum [['..JJ deletum a scriba * literal ae deficit, deficiunt a.c. ante correctionem add. addidit, addiderunt ale m. altera manus codd. codices ed. editio e tr. e traditione ins. inseruit inv. invertit iterav. iteravit lac. lacuna (in) mg. (in) margine p.c. post correctionem praem. praemisit, praemiserunt rase (sub) rasura s.l. supra lineam transp. transposuit, transposuerunt ut vide ut videtur 
10 15 20 'E7tiypaa Yic; iAOU Sl' lawv aixwv OU 7tpWOKOUp07taAaOU KUPOU rewpyiou OU KUAiY) M Ir 5 Kai 't'OU't'O SElya 't'Yi eXplO''t'of3ouAla 'JOO Ma'Jo\JA, 't'ou 'Jow'J f3aO'lAEW, PWY) 'JEa a'Jax't'o, ep'Jou 7topcpupa, o 7ta'J't'a Spa'J O'«i>o'J't'a 't'OU U7ty)XOOU 6EAW'J aElEpl'JO'J aUXEl xapSla'J. Kai yap UplOAEX't'O EX 7taO'YJ f3lf3Aou XPYiO'l ypaq>w'J E'J't'au6a O'uyxa't'Eypaq>Y), Sl' w'J a6El'J e;EO''t'l'J a't'pE7t't'ol AOYOl 't'ou n'JEua't'o f:'J 't'ou SEOU xai KUplOU 't'YJ'J EX7tOpEuO'l'J EX SEOU na't'po o'Jou, 7ta'J't'a S' eX'Jop6ou'J 't'a q>pE'Ja O''t'pEf3AOUE'JOU 7tpO Y'JWO'l'J op9w'J O'U'JOSlXW'J Soya't'w'J. Kai yap apeX'J e;EO''t'l xai YEypaE'Jo'J 't'OU't'O'J 't'O'J aO'uyxp l't'O'J E l 'Jou'J, E l 0'6E'JO. E'J't'au6a f:'J 7tW EX EAlXPW'J XElAEW'J I 't'Ol EX 7taAaleX 7tpoO'AaAEl PwY) 6u't'al, 't'Ol S' apXl6u't'al eXAAaxou xai 7tpOXpl't'Ol 't'w'J Aaa'Jw'J O'U'JOlAEl 7ta'JO'oq>w, au6l Sf: 6u't'al, AEul't'al, SlxaO'7tOAOl 't'w'J  lXEAW'J O'U'JEO''t'l 'J El alAla'J, a'Jaq>lAEx't'Ol O'UAAOYlO'Ol SElX'JUW'J 't'o n'JEua na't'po EX7topEuE0'6al o'Jou M Iv Fonte\) 5 XELtlEPLtLVOV - x.ob:v cf. II Cor. 11.28 \ .  . App. Crit. Dem. M V T . 1/3 ' , , Y ] fJ,'(J. \ f) - (, ( ,  ' It. Ei:L "(P(J.(J. - crX.'J},L7  r, r-"Lr-"AO cr'JV E YL( r, AEY0(J.EVr, uOY(J."t'LXYj i:Vr;itA[ V 2 i:p(J)':-ox.r;'JpOi:AX70'J] 7tpw,!,r;xOpOitAX70'J M Epigr. 2 vowv] ut vid. M, ',10(1) Dem. 3 EpVO'J] EpVO Dem. 7 ZP(JL] XpcrLC; V 12 opOwv] aBwv Dem. 14 E] YE Dem. d] d V 16 70'i:C;] -n;c; M i:pOcrAJ,E'i:] i:pOcr/''E!:' V 20 crLxEAWV] crLXEAL(0V V 
25 30 35 40 45 50 8 EPIGRAMMA w Y) 7tpa apxa E)()(UAl0'8wEV Suo, SEaV a86v't'E EV OVapXl O'EElV. 't'WV S' :A.pEVlXWV 7tpoO''t'a't'a 8pY)O'XEua't'wv, XalvY)v lav AEYOV't'a EV XplO''t' q>UO'lV, EX O'UAAOYlO'WV ypaq>lxwv 7tEl8El AEYElV Sl7tAa EV au't'ii> 't'a q>UO'El aO'uyxu't'w, EUSEl EAEYXEl 't'E't'papl6ou alpEO'El O't'l ovY) 6EAYJO'l EV XplO''t'ii> la, w i) SEOU 7tE7tov6EV EV O''t'aupii> q>UO'l, w O'ap; q>6opa u7tEp6EV, w q>av't'aO'la. Tcxu't'Y)v 't'o AOl7tOV 7ta ava7t't'uO'O'wv lAOV xal XCXpSlCX Aapuyya XCXl uxYi aTop.,a XCX't'cxYAuxawv l\CXUl't'lXW, XplVE't'W 't'U7tOV vOY)'t'Yi lAlOV XEq>CXAlSO 'IEExli)A EXEAl't'OUO'YJ aTop.,a, 11 Aa{3la q>EPOUO'CXV ay(Jpaxo q>AOYCX pU7tcxO'cx 7taO'Y) Exxcx6cxlPOUO'CXV 7tAavYJ' 11 youv 't'o Xp lO''t'OU  UO''t' lXW't'CX't'ov 7rTUOY, E7tEl SllO''t' aLTOY EX 't'wv axupwv, XCXl 't'ov EV EV't'O cX7ro(Jy]XWY ElO'aYEl I a7toO''t'oAlXYi EUO'EOU EXXAYJO'lCX. t'O  Xp lO''t'OV 0 ISE xcx't'eX y'ij 7rE7rTWXOTa I 6 ' ' (J ' , XOXXOY xcx a7tEp XCXl aYOYTa O'CXpXl«p, 7rOA UY Se xap7roy CXU6l EXSESWXO't'CX, 't'ou S' axupwSEl av't'lSo;OUV't'wv AOYOU EX7tUp7tOAEl XCXl EXPl El XOUY AE7rTUYEL. Tcxu't'YJv Clv E'L7tOl XCXl XL{3WTOY 't'l VECXV 7tAPY) xcx6cxpwv i) xcx6cxpwv 't'E O''t'lq>OU M2r Fontes 34/35 x.Xl - aX'J7XW cf Ps. 118.103 37 tEEX.'r,A - cr7oX cf Ez. 3.1-3 38 . - ry),6yx cf. Is. 6.6 40/42 'Jcr7XW7X70V - dcrYE cf. M t. 3.12; Lc. 3.17 44/ 46 X.X7 - EXaEOWx.67 cf Ioh. 12.24 48 d - ),ET:7')VC: cf IV Reg. 23.6; IV Reg. 23.15 49/56 7X')7r,V - ?EPE cf. Gen. 8 App, Crit. Dem. M V 23 0')0] OEOV Dem. 29 tAE'YZE] t/J\E''(ZE V 33 70 I,O /:()V] 70/,rn T:OV Dem. 34 AXp'JYYx] ),xpu'yxx V' 35 aX'J7X.(0] OX7X.(0 Dem. 38 .]  V 40 70] 70;:) Dem. 
I S5 60 6S 70 7S Fontes rnTl'n A ,(,( A L.r .1 \..J .1"-£1. J.Y U" 1  o / op60<ppo'JOU'J't'W'J SY)AaSY) Kai SUO'<ppO'JW'J, t; -fie; xopa e'J 't'OU a't'a'J 7tAY)pYJe; 6<pou, 8upav 7tapEAf)w'J, XplO''t'O'J, OUK a'Jaa't'peq>El, o S' aKEpalOe; We; 7rEpLaTEpa 't'p07tOe; OUK EX tOe; au't'Yje; E'JSla't'plf3El'J 6eAEl, xapcpo S' EAala aq>l 't'O aTop-a q>epEl, we; ola XplO''t'OU O'apKa KY)pU't''t'El'J EXW'J 6Elae; EAal <pUO'EWe; KExplO'e'JY)'J. OU XPY)O'EW'J Se ypaq>lKw'J YEEl o'Jo'J, aAA' E;EAEYXEl'J 't'oue; E'Ja'J't'lOUe; EXEl xa i O'UAAOYlO'O Ie; a7toS € lK't' lKW't'eX't'O le; we; Eq>EpEla'J ElO'q>EpEl'J cppaYEAAlou, o axoLvloL E7tAE;E XplO''t'OU 7taAaY), Sl' OU7tEP aVEaTpEt/JE Tpa7rEa oAae; - -  -, , 't'W'J KEpa't'lO''t'W'J lEpOU pl7t't'W'J EO'O'J. E'J yap aq>uK't'Ole; aUAAOYlO'W'J 7tAEK't'eX'Jale; O''t'EppWe; a7teXYXEl'J 't'oue; 6paO'uO''t'ooue; 0'6E'JEl la'J TplaSOe; KEpa't'lO'J't'ae; q>UO'l'J Ele; aO'u'Ja7t't'Oue; aAAoq>UAOUe; OUO'lae;, I "'\ , ,  , , Y) O'UYX EO'J't'ae; Ele; U7tOO''t'aO'l 'J la'J, OO'Ol 't'E XplO''t'OU KOAAUf3lO'J't'Ee; q>UO'Ele; 11 7tpOe; la'J q>UPOUO'l 't'ae; Suo KpaO'l 'J, 11 YOU'J Sl7tAae; AEYOUO'l 't'ae; U7tOO''t'eXO'Ele;. TOlO'JSE 't'o O'7touSaO'a 't'OU f3aO'lAEWe;, 't'OO'OU't'O'J EPYO'J EUO'Ef30q>pO'JW'J f3eX6po'J, a'J't'lq>po'JW'J Sf: Soya't'w'J aO''t'aO'la'J, Ele; 'JOU'J f:'J WSl 'JY)O'E'J 0 O'KY)7t't'pOKpeX't'Wp, 7rVEUp-a aocpla O'UAAaf3w'J O'W't'Y)plOU, M2v 53 8 1 JpxV - VX()7pEcpZ cf Ioh. 10.1-10 78 Is. 11.2 62/ 65 (0 - rJ.Ecrov cf. Ioh. 2.15 - \ App, Crit, Dem. M V 51 ?;pOocpP()V()1JV7(uV] opO;jCPPO'JO'JV";(UV M 54 i:Zpcr7zpi 7p6ito] conieci, - , M - I V. - I D i:ZO()7Z0X 700itO ,7tZpcr";Z p XL 700i:() ,i:ZPLcr7Z p X 7P07tOL em. \ \ - \ - . -. - . -. 57 X.1jp1J7";Z v] x.;jpi 77ZL v V 61 i:OaZLX.7X.(u7X70L] &i:OaZLX.7LX.XTcX70L Dem. 62 CPPXj'ZAA(01J] cpPXY'YZAA(01J MDem. 64 &VEcr7PZYZ] &VETPZYZ Dem. 76 V7LcppOV(uv] &V7?P()VO\JV7(UV Dem. 
100 Fontes 10 EPIGRAMMA 80 Ele; q>We; Sf: 'JU'J j)'JEYXE OuOU O'J 6xo'J we; SEUEpOe; S' W'J 'IO'paY)A 9EOe; 'JEOU. nlO' f:'J Ele; 7ta'J EX YE'Japxw'J OlXEY) ouw 6EAY)O'ae;, O'JSE 7tlO'EUEl 7to'Jo'J, oe; EO'l 'J  'JSpo'J lXOe; EX YJpoe; l\ouxae;, o 7ta'JO'Ef3aO'Oe; KaaY1Poe; 7tapo6E'J, Eyae; E Spouyyaploe; EX iie; a;lae; we; S' ola 7t'Aa"a uO'lxae; aAAae; 'JEae;  7ta'Jl xoa Y)'JSE i)'J f3Lf3AO'J 'JEEl, i)'J 07tA06Y)xY1'J IEpa'J xaAouE'JYJ'J 6Eoypa<pw'J q>EpouO'a'J uoe; Soyawv. 8EOe; Sf: p lae; YJ o'Japx oe; oUO'La wiie; f:'J auii> xal 6po'Jou ae; YJEpae; E'LY1 O'u'Jau;w'J oupa'Jou ale; YJEpale;, SOLYJ Sf: 7taO'a'J XOO'lXi)'J o'Japx La'J , , , ,  - , xal Y1'J O'u'Jaua'JaO'O'a'J EX PY1yw'J YE'JOUe; xal 7tpl YXl7tlXiie; EUXAEOUe; plouXLae;, YE'JOlO YJpw'J Ele; axpa'J O'uwta'J I O'U'J ii> 'JEa'J6El 7tOpq>upof3AaO' pos, O'Eq>Oe; q>EpO'Jl ou xpaoue; AE;L, W'J oupa'Jw'J Sf: i)'J f3aO'lAELa'J EAOe; xAY)pwa OUOle; aEapE7to'J 'JEOl. M3r 8S 90 9S 86 7tAXX - VE:; cf. Ex. 31.18 88 (JT':AOO-f,X:r,v 1spxv cf. Eph. 6.11 App. Crit. Dem. M V 84 T':vcrEcr70:;] xEcrEcr7;J V 85 ap(.J'J"(''(xpo] Spo'J'yxxpo V 92 cr'JV'Jwv] cr'JVWV Dem. 94 YEVO'J] YEVe: Dem. 96 cr'Jw.tv] E'J- W[V Dem. 98 cr7EqJO:;] cr7EcpVOc; V 100 XA +,pwf.l] i":),pw!-l Dem. VEf.l(J] vtE V 
SACRUM ARMAMENTARIUM Pars prima De controversiis Ecclesiae Graecae et Latinae 
IIaawv TWV EV TYJ 7tapOUayj lA 7tpayaTElwV KE<paAalWSYJC; olov 7tpOTlTAwalC; uyypaa 'JSpO'JlKOU O'Ef3aO''t'OU Kal EyaAou Spouyyaplou 't'Yi f3lYAa, 't'OU 7ta't'p06E'J f:'J Kaa't'Y)pou, Y)'t'p06E'J Sf: l\ouKa, O'UAAEYf:'J Kal O'u'J't'E6f:'J U7t06Y)KY) Kal E60S, SlSaO'KaAl 't'E Kal KEAEUO'El 't'OU 6EOO'Oq>OU 5 lO'a7toO''t'oAOU EyaAou f3aO'lAEw 7tOpq>UPOYE'J'JY)'t'OU Kal au't'oKpa't'opo Pwalw'J KUPOU Ma'JouA 't'ou Ko'JY)'Jou. Ou't'O yap 0 't'Yi EUO'Ef3Ela Kal 't'Yi op60So;la Sla7tU- pw't'a't'o Y)AW't' Kal U7tEpaxO 6E06E'J Kl'JYJ6El, Kal 7ta'J't'ola'J aipEO'l'J 7taO'YJ O'XESO'J 't'Yi OlKOUE'JYJ' El Su- 10 'Ja't'o'J, a7tEAaO'al Sla'JoYJO'aE'Jo, OUK E:7tauO'a't'o, 'Jal Y)'J ouSf: 7tauE't'al, Kal Sux 7ta'JO'oq>w'J Kal 't'EX'JlKW'J aya'J E7tlO''t'oAw'J, Kal Sux 't'Yi Ka't'eX xwpa'J Kal 't'07t0'J Kal YE'JO a7toO''t'oAYi E:AAOYlW'J a'JSpw'J Kal 7tEpl 't'a 't'olau't'a SEl- 'Jw'J, 7ta'J E6'J0 07tOl SY) 't'l'Jl Kpa't'ouE'JO'J aipEO'El 7tpO 15 't'Y)'J op60So;la'J a'JaKaAouE'JO. 'E7tEl Sf: Kal 't'Ol O'oq>w't'a't'ol 7tPOUXOUO'l 't'ou't'w'J aU't'o7tpoO'W7tW 7tOAAaKl a'J't'lKa't'aO''t'a El SlaAE;l'J - Ka6w EK 't'w'J E7tpo0'6E'J iO''t'opY) 16E'J't'W'J Kal O''t'Y)Aoypa- M 3v q>YJ6E'J't'W'J Ka't'aa'J6a'JEl'J EXOUO'l'J oi 't''J SEA't'O'J 't'au't'YJ'J 20 E't'aXElplE0'6al EAAO'J't'E - Kal 't'ij 't'Yi al9EploU App. Crit. A lHqllrad /"'':-1'''"",)6 M S V Tit. 1/2 T:crt0V - i:P(J7[ 7),W(j] om. ASV Prol. 1 crEcr7(.J;;] om. A 2 [()\] ["(}:'i AS X!-l7''iPO;;] ...... A 3 'Ji:Oe'x'r,] 'Ji:OO'XE A 4 Xll - 7E] om. A d)6o(] om. S 4/5 8EocrOCPO'J - !-lEYX/\(J'J] &oO!-lou A 5 i(ji:Ocr70)\(J'J] del. S 5/6 X - P(u[w'J] om. A 7/55 fj;;7(J , I ] d ,-  y , " " - " - (uV0!-lcrEV om. se X7 7(J)V ()OY!-l7OV7(uV, EZEV 70 EX 70'J T:(x"':pO EXit0PE'J- , - , ,t , " , , - ( -.1  ' 0!-lEV(.JV i:VE'J!-l it'XVYOV, 7Y;V \Jit'XpX7X''iV EXT:0pE'J(jV X'X EX 70'J 'J(J'J, Wcr7E uUO " " ", ", - 0 -, 0 I I  d 'J Ecr'X"(E V 'XPZ 'X X'X 7'X o'J(j ET: 7Y; EPZ X''i x'X E 7p'XOO a a. et postea ins. patristicum florilegium, vide Appendix I A 7 6] om. S 7-r,1 - op- OoSo['X] 7'r, OpO(Joo['X X "':-r, (7' om. 11 E,jcrEd inv. SV 10 &itEAxcr'X] ante d O'JV'X7(JV transp. S 14 OT:(A] correxi, 0T:O'X MS, 6T:oT,v V 7V] 7V V 'XtpE(jE] 'Xtpt(jEW V 
14 PROLOGUS 't'ou't'OU <ppE'JO X<x1. YAW't''t'Y) U7tEp<pUEl 7tOplO't'Y)'t'l, 7teX- 'J't'W E:7t'JEOE'JT) XCXI. 7tCXpa 't'Y1 7tCX'J't'obu'JeXlLou 't'ou 6Ei.ou TI 'JEU<X't'O XeXPl 't'O, xcx't'a xpeX't'O i)'t''t'Y)O'CX CXU't'OU, 't'a 't'E 7tpO a'Ja't'p07ty)'J EXeXO''t'YJ 't'W'J E7tpo0'6E'J SY)Aw6Y)- 2S O'OE'JW'J CXi.PEO'EW'J XPY)O'lOU eX7tO 7teXO'YJ O'XESO'J i.Epa f3lf3AOU XPY)O'El, 'JCXI. SY) xal. 't'OU 7tCXpa 't'Y) 7t'JEUCX't'E- q>OpY)'t'OU q>pE'JO XCXI. YAW't''t'YJ CXU't'OU 7tAEXOE'JOU E'J 't'CXl E:XeXO''t'O't'E SlCXAE;EO'l'J a7tOSElX't'lXOU O'UAAOYlO'OU EYYPeXq>W EX't'E6Y)'JCXl SlE'JOi)O'CX't'O 7tpO 7tAElO'JCX 't'w'J 30 CXi.PEO'lCXPXW'J EAEYXO'Je T SY)Aw6E'J't'l O'ECXO''t' 't'Y)'J 7tEpl 't'ou't'w'J a'J€6E't'o q>pO'J't'lSCX XCXI. Epl'JCX'J w 7tCXplO''t'CXE'J 't'Y)'JlXCXU't'CX 't'ou't' XCXI. eXxpoWE'J 't'w'J SlaAE;Ew'J e U7t06EE'JO cxu't'ii> 7tpO't'EpO'J 't'Y)'J 't'E 't'w'J SlCXAE;EW'J O'uyypcxq>Y)'J, 't'Y)'J 3S 't'w'J XPY)O'EW'J 7tCXpEXOA Y)'J, 't'Y)'J 't'Y) Eq>' EXeXO''t'T) 't'w'J XPy)- O'EW'J E7tlO''t'CXO'lCX Ex6EO'l'J, w'J 't'a 7tAElOU XCXI. YPlq>WSE- O''t'EpCX cxu't'o CXU't'OAE;EI. O'XESO'J 7tpO 't'ou't'o'J eX7tEO''t'O- eX't'lO'E, XCXI. 't'Y)'J 't'w'J O'UAAOYlO'W'J E't'CXX ElplO'l '.Ie 't'OU't'OU , , ,- , - , 7tpO O'JY)'J 't'Y)'J 't'W'J 7tpOO llW'J, 't'W'J 7tpoO'q>w'JY) a't'w'J 40 XCXI. 't'W'J E7tlAOYW'J ypcxq>Y)'J XPYJO'lEUO'CX'J't'Oe TIEplEXEl Sf: 't'O 't'OlOU't'O'J O'UYYPCXCX EAEYXO'J 't'W'J Y) O'JO'J EX 't'OU I TIcx't'pO aAA<X XCXI. EX 't'OU Yi.ou 't''J 't'OU M 4r 7tCX'JCXYlOU TI 'JEUCX't'O EX7t0PEUGl '.I SOYCX't'lO'J't'W'J, 't'W'J lCX'J q>UO'l'J 't'OU EYeXAOU SEOU XCXI. W't'Y)pO i)w'J 'IYJ- 4S O'OU XplO''t'OU E't'a 't'Y)'J E'Jcx'J6pW7tY)O'l'J 't'OU't'OU So;cxo- 'J't'W'J, 't'W'J E'J 6EAYJCX 't'W'J Suo 't'OU't'OU q>UO'EW'J XCXI. lCX'J E'JEPYElCX'J SlSCXO'XO'J't'W'J, 't'W'J 't'ij 6El 't'OU't'OU q>UO'El Y) E'J't'Ol YE 't'ij eX'J6PW7tl '.IT) 7tpOO'CX7t't'O'J't'W'J 't'<X 7tcx6Y)cx't'cx, App. Crit. M S IIsqllr ad 'J':'-::'J'i-:('J'i 43 V 24/25 S"fjAw8."crOfJ-EVWV] S1jA(u8y,fJ-EVWV Mal 2 ZpcrE] ZpcrEW V 26/27 T:'JE'JfJ-7EfJ-?Op'70'J] itVE'JfJ-'70X V'70U S 30 tpEcrpZWV] &V'78E'7(uV praem. V 32 ?POV'7[S] legi nequit M, cppOV'7[av V 32/33 T:pcr'7fJ-EV( - SAEEWV] supra 7:pcr'7fJ-EV( scr. Y,7"''7EOV et in ultima linea y i  i , , ,   ...' y M 33  "r,'7Y,'7EOV '7."vx.'J'7 '7O'J'7C9, X xpowfJ-EvC9 '7WV OI\EEWV scr. o(X- I,EE(uV] ax AE;EWV T/ 34 OXAE;E(uV] SX AE;E(uV V 36 E7:cr'7xcr[x] spat. hab. S 45/ 46 ao6v'7wv] SOIfJ-X'7[OV'7(uV M 
")1_" .....A.  15 't'W'J 't'Y)'J E'J<X'J6pw7tY)al'J 't'OU't'OU Y) Ka't'aSEXOE'JW'J, eXAAa 50 SOKY)O'l'J Kal <pa'J't'aai.<x'J <ppo'Jou'J't'wv Kal KY)pU't''t'O'J't'w'J 't'o 7ta'J 't'Yj O'W't'YJPlWSOU OlKo'Jola UO''t'Y)plO'J, Kal 't'w'J aq>6ap't'o'J 't'o KuplaKo'J O'wa Kal 7tpO 't'YjC; a'JaO''t'clO'EwC; 7tlO''t'EUOVTW'J. l\l' a 7tcl'J't'a Kal IEpa'J 07tAo6Y)KYJ'J au't'o o EyaA6'Jou Kal EyaA6'JlKO f3aO'lAEU 't'Y)'J 't'Olau't'Y)'J S5 f3lf3AO'J W'J6aO'E'J. Fontes 53 ts:pxv 6I:AOeY.:fjv cf. Eph. 6.11 App. Crit. M V 53 ,j70] X,j70'J V 
I IIpooilov M 4v .llEwv EpEUETaL, xal Tl ou cpo(3Y}(JaETaL; BaO'lAEU 7tpOO''t'cXO'O'El, Xal 't'L ou 7tAY)pOU'J xa't'<X 't'O EYXWPOU'J OAO- UX )"JWY) Xal 7tpOalpEO'El O'7touSciO'El 't'o 7tpoO''t'aO'O'o- E'JO'J; 5 El Sf: 't'au6' ou't'w, O't'E f3aO'lAEu a7tAW 0 XEAEUW'J, xal YJ Se 7tpO wq>EAEla'J aq>opw'J 't'oO'Y)'J 't'o XEAEUOE'JO'J, 't'L SpaO'€l€'J a'J 't'l, O't'E 7tEpl SEOU xal 6ElO'J 't'o XEAEuO'a xal f3aO'lAEw 't'YJALXOU 't'ij 7tpO SEO'J aya7ty) xal 't'ii> xa't" au't'o'J xal S l' au't'o'J  YJA 't'YJ'J xapS La'J 7tUpOUE'JOU xa't'<X 10 nE't'pO'J 't'o'J Eya'J xopuq>alo'J a7toO''t'oAO'J, xa'J't'Eu6E'J EAXOVTO 't'YJ'J 't'ou nVEup.aTo p.axaLpav, 't'eX 't'w'J au't'ou SY)AO'JO't'l XElAEW'J EX7tOpEuoE'Ja 't'ou BEOU pp.aTa, xal , ", - - - " , - 't'a axoa 7raTaaaOvTo 't'W'J 't' 't'Y) alO'Xu'JYJ apx LEPEL a't'<X'J SOUAOUE'JW'J, oU't'w 't'E XE'J<X xa't'<X XplO''t'OU q>pu- 1 5 a't''t'oE'JW'J, xa'J 't'ii> f3a6El 't'Yi I 7tAcX'JYJ xal 't'ou EUSOU M 5r O'XO't' 7tOpEUOE'JW'J, Xa7tl 't'o'J au6YJEpO'J a'JoL;a'J't'a 't'ii> AY)O''t'ij TOV 7rapaELaov w E7rt A7JaTv EPXOP.EVWV P.ETtX p.axaLpwv 't'w'J 't'Yi xa60AlxYi ExxAYJO'La a7to't'E'JOUO'W'J 't'ou't'ou aipEO'Ew'J, xat c;UAWV 't'w'J aXcXp7tw'J 7tcX'J't'Y) xal 20 xpaupw'J 't'Yi aO'Ef3ELa SOYcX't'w'J 't'w'J El ouSf:'J aAAo XPYJO'lEUO'J't'W'J 't'OU't'Ol, aAA' Y1 7tpO o'JY)'J 't'YJ'J SlxaLa'J xa't" au't'w'J 't'ou alwvlou 7rUpO E7rTa7rAaaLOV ExxauaLv. f3aO'lAEw 4> xa't'eX 't'o 't'Yi EXAOyijr; aXEuo, 't'o 't'ou KUpLOU O''t'oa, 't'o'J 6EoxYJPuxa naUAO'J, SlYJ'JEX  TWV ExxAY}aL- Fontes Praef. 1 Am. 3.8.; cf. Bas. Ach., Sermo fun., 105.1 9/14 XX7 - O(JIJ- i,r.J'Jiv(uv cf. Mt. 26.51-55 cum locis parall. 11/12 /:VE\J!-lX7(j - P[LX7X cf. Eph. 6.17 16/ 17 xIfhjEpOV - /:XpOEcr(jV cf. Lc. 23.39-43 17/19 (:): - :IJAW'J cf. Mt. 26.55 22 X(I)vrJ'J /:'Joo: cf. Mt. 18.8; Mt. 25.41; Iud. 7 - . . - z/:7x/:i,xcr(jv ZXXX'Jcrv cf. Dan. 3.19 23 Act. 9.15 24/25 II Cor. 11.28 App. Crit. M Q mdu ,.ie.)', I S Tit. 1 /:prJ(Ar.J'J] legi nequit S Praef. 5 (7E] 0; 7E M 6 70cr-r,V] 70cr r .JV Q 
1-48 17 2S WV 1t'aawv EpLVa xal iJ <ppO'JTlC; TYjC; TOUTW'J E'JwaEWC;- fLaAAO'J fLE'J oU'J 4> Sla TOU 6ElOU cp6ou Kal1to6ou 7tpOC; uOC; ap6i'JTl 7taaw'J apETW'J, OUTW TE 8Eii> 7tAY)alclaa- 'JTl, avxouaTa iv Toi waiv av8pw1t'lvaL TE xaplaL I  avaf3a[vOVTa YJxoua8Y]aav paTa- SlO xal 7tap' aUTou 30 7tOAAclXU; 1)l'J aUX'Jale; E'J aypaq>olC; Sy)y)yoplale;, oux TTO'J Sf: xa'J alAE'JTlOle;, BEOU xaTY]yyiA8Y] /l-uaTpLa- aalAEWe; 4> Sla TcXe; 7tOlXlAae; apETcXe; xal TYJ'J TOU 'JOU xal TYje; uxYje; xal TOU awaTOe; xa6apOTYjTa TO OlXElO'J aTYj6oe; a'JYjxE'J 1) TOU 8EOU aoq>la, xal XU/l-a aocpla Ele; 3S XOpO'J a7tapUaaa6al SiSWXEe xal E'JTOl xal a7tY)puaaTO, xal xaTa TO'J TYje; f3POVTij ulov, 6EOAOYlae; xal aUTOe; xal op60S0;lae; I 7tOAAaXle; EpO'JTY)aE SoyaTa; M 5v Ai xaTcX TcXe; xpuaae; 1)Epae; TYje; aUToxpclTopoe; apxYje; TOUTOU auyxpoTYj6Elaal, xal aAAal E'J Suo Sf: TEWe; EYl- 40 aTal aU'JoSol, xal TOUTO'J f:'J TYje; op6oSo;lae; U1t'Epaa1t'L- aTv xal 1t'p0/l-axov Exouaal, TYJ'J S' ExxAY)ala'J SEl'JWe; aaAEu6Elaa'J ESpaaaaal xal aTYjpl;aaal, TW'J AEYOE'JW'J apTUpEe; a7tapaypa7tTOl e ou yap Elai AaALai oui AOYOL TOUTOU, WV ouXi al cpwvai we; 6Elal YJxoua8Y]aav xal ESE- 4S x6Y)aa'Je "06E'J xal 7tpOe; 1t'aaav TV yijv iijA8Ev 0 cp8oy- yo aUTou, Ta Sf: p/l-aTa 7tpOe; Tij olxou/l-ivY] Ta 1t'ipa- Ta e T TOl xal AaTl'Jol f:'J E'J6E'J, pE'JlOl S' EXEl6E'J, 'IaaY)AlTal S' aAAaxo6E'J xal TIEpaal, xal ETEpw6E'J Fontes 28/29 XVX(J'Jcr-:'Y.. - P"'Y..-:'Y.. cf. I Cor. 2.9; Apoc. Eliae, a, 1.1-3 31 0:::0;:) - 'Jcr-:p'Y.. cf. I Cor. 2.1 34 Z'J'Y.. crO?('Y.. cf. III Reg. 5.9 36 p(Jv-:e; 'Jt6v cf. Mc. 3.17 40/41 ')'it:::p'Y..cr7tcr-:v - itp6'Y..Z()v cf. Eus., Comm. in Ps., 493.47; 1145.8 'JT::::p'Y..crTtcr7v cf. Ps. 30.3; Ps. 70.3 43/47 Ps. 18.4-5 App. Crit. M Ph mdr'l -:;;;,: 46 Q S V mdr ,17',--'7','/40 28 XV'X()'Jcr-:'Y..] &O:::&-:'Y.. E:V O?O'Y..),() praem. Q E:V] SE Q XVOpCI)/:[- V'Y..] de; praem. S -::::] SE S 31 cr),:::v-:(oc;] crA'Y..V-:((JC; M, crEA:::V-:(O S 35 XT:'Y..p'Jcr'Y..cr8'Y..] -pp- MQ X7:"r,P'Jcr'Y..-:O] -PP- A1Q 36/ 37 X'Y..2 - op8o- ao('Y..C;] X'Y.. op8oSo('Y.. X'Y.. 'Y..,j-:r)c; Q 37 TtOA),&X] om. Q, post O:::())\()Y('Y.. transp. S 39 S'Jo] x'Y.. Q SE:] om. Q 43 ou] o,jSE: S 46 -:] TX praem. Q 46/47 -:x TtEp'Y..-:X] /:AY,PC:)'Y..-:'Y.. Q 48 S'] aE: S 
18 PRAEFATIO E't'EpOl SUX 8aufJ.<X't'oc; a.YOUO'l Kal 7tEpl(SOUO'l Kal fJ.EyaAu- 50 'JOUO'l 't'o fJ.EyaAE7tY)oAO'J 't'Yj 't'ou 't'oO'ou fJ.ou <XO'lAEW q>pO'JY)O'EW, 't'YJ'J 't'ou al6EploU 't'ou't'ou 'Joo 7tpO 't'o'J E; au't'oa't'ou 't'OKO'J 't'w'J eXAAE7taAAY)Aw'J Kal 7tUK'JW'J E7tl- , " "  , XElpY)a't'w'J Kal 'JoY)a't'w'J O'u'J't'ola'J Kal E't'OlO't'Y)- 't'a, 't'YJ'J E't'a 7tpao't'Y)'t'o E'J 't'a l S laAE;EO' l 7t l6a'Jo't'Y)'t'a, SS 't''J 't'Yj YAWO'O'Y) E't'a Aaupo't'Y)'t'o EUO''t'pOq>o'J 7tEpl- Sl'JY)O'l'J, 't'YJ'J E7tl 7taO'l 't'Ol 't'OO'Ol Kal 't'Y)AlKOlS U7tEp- q>UEO'l 7tpO't'EpY) aO' l'J aKpa'J I 't'a7tE l 'JWO' l'J. 7tpO a'J't'w'J M 6r Kal U7tf:P 7ta'J't'a, 't'o'J U7tf:P 't'Yj op6oSo;la Kal 't'Yj 't'w'J EKKAY)O'lW'J oo'Jola 't'E Kal E'JWO'EW, Kal 't'Yj 't'w'J 't'Yj 60 la KEq>aAYj 't'ou w't'Yjpo, AEYW XPlO''t'OU, SlaO''t'a- 'J't'W'J EK7taAal EpW'J Kal EAW'J 7tpO au't'YJ'J O'u'Jap- oyYj Kal O'uq>ula Kal O'U'JOUAWO'EW, eX7tOO''t'OAlKO'J 't'ou't'ou  YjAO'J Kal E'J6EO'J. TOlOU't'O f:'J oU'J 0 KEAEuO'a aO'lAEu, 07tOlO'J Sf: Kal 6S 't'o KEAEuO'a E't'a 't'Yj EUY)XOU 't'Yj EKKAY)O'la O'aA7tl Y- yo, 't'ou EyaAou DauAou q>Y)l, 7tpO i)a E;EOY)O'E'J. ('0 napEAa(3ov anD TOU Kuplou, UP.LV napalwp.L. DOlo'J SYJ 't'ou't'o, EYlO''t'E aO'lAEu lO'a7toO''t'oAE; To 't'a ypaq>a epEu'Ja'J, Ka6w au't'o 0 w't'YJP E'J EuaYYEAlol ESlSa- 70 ;E'J. 'EPEUVcXTE Ta ypacpa, El7tW'J, OTL E.V aUTaL OXELTE EXELV wv alwvLov. aU't'al yap p.apTupouaL 7r:Epi E.p.ou. 8ElO'J f:'J oU'J Kal 6E07tpE7tf: 't'o E7tl't'aya, Kal 't'olau't'Y) f3aO'lAlKYj, a7toO''t'oAlKYj Sf: aAAo'J, uXYj o'J't'w E7ta- ;lO'J, 7tpO aq>w 't'E O'U'J't'EAOU'J 't'Ol E7tlEAW 7tAY)pOU'J 7S 't'ou't'o O'7touSaouO'l. 7tpO 't'o'J 't'w'J OlKElW'J SY)AO'JO't'l uxw'J Ka't'ap't'lO'o'J Kal 7tpO 't'YJ'J EUXEPYj 't'w'J E'Ja'J't'lo- Fontes 67 I Cor. 11.23 70/71 Ioh. 5.39 App. Crit. M Ph Q S V 50 fJ-E'YXAEit.f,()AOV] fJ-EI/XAEit[OAOV V 700] om. V 54 aX),EEcr] ax ASEcr V 55 YAwcrcrr,] -77- V 55/56 itEpa[V"'crv] T:EpS.f,yr,crv PhS 7tEp avr,crv V 59 EvwcrEW] Oe:6crsw V 61 fJ-EpWV - fJ-EAWV] inv. PhS 65 X.E/,E'JcrfJ-X] X.SAEUfJ-X V 71 X(0VOV] praem. 7V V 74/75 7:/,r,pO;;V 70070] inv. Q 75 7WV] 70V V 
49-107 19 <ppo'JW'J Xa't'a7tOAEY)O'l'J xaa. 't'o'J EAEYXO'J. TOlOU't'O'J SE xaa. 't'O 't'ou XEAEUO'a't'Oe; a'{'t'lO'J. 'E7tEl yap 0 6EOO'O<pOe; ou't'oe; f3aO'lAEUe; 7tO't'E f:'J 't'OLe; 80 't'w'J Aa't' l 'JW'J O'oq>w't'eX't'o le; apx lEpEUO' l 't'E I xa l AO l7tO Le; M 6v au't'o7tpoO'W7tWe; a'J't'lxa't'aO''t'ae; Ele; SleXAE;l'J 7tEpa. 't'Yje; 't'ou 7ta'JaYlou TI 'JEua't'Oe; EX7tOpEUO'EWe;, 7to't'f: Sf: 't'OLe; 't'w'J :A.pE'JlW'J SlSaO'xaAOle; 7tEpa. 't'Yje; aO'uyxu't'ou a't'pE7t't'oU 't'E xal aSlalp€'t'ou E'JWO'EWe; 't'w'J E'J XplO''t'ii> O'U'JEA6ou- 8S O'w'J Suo q>UO'EW'J, xal 7tEpl 't'ou xal E't'a 't'YJ'J E'JWO'l'J a'JaAAolw't'a 't'eX 't'ou't'w'J Exa't'Epae; a7toO'wE0'6al lSlwa- 't'a, aAAo't'E Sf: 1tEpl 't'w'J op6w'J SOYeX't'w'J 't'Yje; EUO'Ef30ue; i)w'J 7tlO''t'EWe; 't'OLe; 't'YJ'J 't'w'J 'IO'aY)Al't'w'J xal TIEpO'W'J Aa07tAeX'Jo'J 6pY)O'xEla'J axpwe; E;Y)O'XY)XOO'l, xaxEL'Jw'J oSYj- 90 YOLe; Ele; a7tWAEla'J XPYja't'louO'l'J, E7tEl 't'Ol'JU'J ou't'oe; f:'J 't'OU't'Ole; 7taO'l 'J, we; E'{pY)'t'al, 7tpoO'SlaAEyoE'JOe; 't'aLe; 't'Yje; olxElae; O'oq>lae; 7tAEx't'a'Jale; xal 't'aLe; 't'Yje; 6EOO'Oq>OU q>pE'JOe; au't'ou xal YAW't''t'Yje; aAux't'07tESale; ou't'w O'U'JE- 7tOSlE'J, we; xal 't'YJ'J 't''t'a'J lXpOU SEL'J ExaO''t'o'J 't'ou't'w'J 9S OOAOYEL'J xal 't'Yje; olxElae; 7tapa lXpO'J aq>EE'Jo'J SO;Y)e; 't'OLe; i)E't'EpOle; Op60Le; O'u'J't'l6E0'6al SoyaO'l'J. E'{'t'E Sf: 't'YJ'J - t, " " 7' " ", 't'Y)e; Y)'t''t'Y)e; lO'We; alO'XU'JY)'J OU't'Ol Y) q>EpO'J't'Ee;, El't'E xal XpO'JlWe; 'ilSY) 't'aLe; olxElale; 7tpoxa't'aAY)q>6E'J't'Ee; So;ale;, a7toO''t'Yj'Jal 't'E 't'ou't'w'J E't'OlWe; oU't'w SUO'X EpEe; AOYlOE- 100 'JOl, 7tpoq>aO'l'J E'J aap't'lale; 7tpouf3aAAo'J't'o, xal 't'YJ'J a7to 't'w'J ypaq>w'J ap't'upla'J 't'w'J 7tapa 't'ou f3aO'lAEWe; SlSa- O'XOE'JW'J 't'ou't'o le; E Y)'t'Y)O'a'J. To'J Sf: 't'o 7tEpl 't'YJ'J a;lWe; 't'ou't' 7tlO''t'Eu6ELO'a'J 7tapa SEOU XOO'lXYJ'J Slaxuf3Ep'Jy)O'l'J 7tOAUq>pO'J 't'l xaa. 7tO- 10S AuoX6o'J I 7tpOe; 't'o Sl' eau't'ou xal 't'o 't'OlOU't'O'J E7tl7tO'JO'J M 7r epyo'J a'JuO'al XEXWAUXE'J, i)L'J 't'YJ'J 7tEpl 't'ou't'ou q>pO'J't'l- Sa 't'OLe; 't'eXxa 7tEpl Aoyoue; aO'xoAoUE'JOle; a'JE6E't'o, 't'ae; Fontes 89 A'X01i.A!.t.VOV Op-r,O'xd'Xv cf. Ioh. Dam., De Haer., 60.1 App. Crit. M Ph Q S V 78 X.EAS/)0'!-lO:70] XE},E'J'X70 V 82 aE] s. I. AI 88 7V] om. Q 91 70'J70] om. Q 95 ox.d'X] Ox.['X V 99 E70[f.LW o {J"!"w ] inv. Q 103 &[w] &;'Xv Q 
110 115 120 125 130 """ .l.-U nn " T'" T'" ""T"'T  1" Lr1"\.llV a<popac; au't'oc; 7tpOKa't'af3aAA6E'JOC; 7tpO't'EpO'J Kal. O'a- <pwC; b lSa;ac; 7t08E'J 't'E Kal. 7tWC; KaK 7tOlW'J lEpW'J ypa- - " " - , <pW'J Kal 't'l 'JW'J O'uyypaf.La't'w'J 't'Y)'J 't'W'J XPJ)O'EW'J 7ta- PEKf30Ay)'J 7tOlY)O'OE6a. TOl'JU'J 1)Ele; 't'ii> f3aO'lAlKii> Kal. 8El 't'OlOU't' 7tEl0'6E- 'J't'Ee; KEAEUO'a't'l, 'Jal. Se Kal. 6appY)O'a'J't'Ee; we; 0 KEAEUO'ae; " ,,-, , -, " Kal 't'Y)'J 7tap au't'ou O'U'JapO'l'J aq>a'JWe; E7tlXOpY)YYJO'El 7ta- 'J't'We; 1)l'J 7tpOC; 't'O O'7tOuSaO'a, 't'ii> epy 't'E 7tp06UWe; E7tEf3aAOE'J, Kal. 't'ae; EK 't'W'J lEpW'J ypaq>w'J 't'W'J 't'EWe; Ele; )"JWO'l'J 1)l'J EA6ouO'w'J XPY)O'lOUe; q>a'JElO'ae; OU't'W 't'E O'UAAEYElO'ae; xPY)O'Ele;, lSOU 7tapa't'l6EE'J. El f:'J oi)'J apKE't'a, 7tAEO'J S' El7tEl'J apEO''t'a, 't'a 7ta- PEKf3Ay)6E'J't'a q>a'JY)O'O'J't'al, xaple; 't'ii> Kal. 7tEpl. 't'OU epyou 't'OU't'OU KEAEUO'a'J't'l Kal. 7tpOe; 't'Y)'J E't'aXElplO'l'J oSY)yY)O'a- 'J't'l Kal. SlSa;a'J't'l, 6EOO'Oq> OU SEO'7tO't'T) Kal. f3aO'lAEl, E7tEI. Kal. naUA xaple;, KCI'J 't'l Kal. Bap'Jaf3ae; 't'OU't' O'U- 'JYJYW'JlO'a't'O. ex'J Sf: 't'Yje; EA7tlSOe; 't'OU't'OU Kal. 't'Yje; Eq>EO'EWe; UO''t'EpY)O'aE'J, 't'Yje; lKpO'JOlae; 1)l'J 11 aa6lae; 11 Kal. 7tEpl. 7tAElO'Ja oX6o'J '{O'We; OK'JY)plae;, 1) 6ElO't'a't'YJ Kal. 7tpao't'a't'Y) UXy) 't'OU 6EOElSOUe; f3aO'lAEWe; 7ta'J't'We; O'uyl Y'JWO'E't'al. TEWe; E7tEI. 't'Y)'J Kal. 't'Yje; 7tapEKf30AYje; 't'W'J ypaq>lKW'J XPY)O'EW'J YEYO'JUla'J al't'la'J E;alO'la'J 't'OU 6EOO'Oq>OU f3a- O'lAEWe; SlaAE;l'J a'JaYKalWe; EXPYj'J E'J't'E6Yj'Jal 't'ij SEA't' 't'au't'T) 7tpO't'Epa'J, aO'q>aAYj Ka6a7tEp 6EEAlO'J, E7tOlKOSO- YJ6Yj'Jal Sf: 't'au't'T) 't'eX AOl7ta 't'OU O'uyypaa't'Oe;, 't'OU't'O SYj't'a Kal. 7tE7tOlY)KaE'J. Kal. 't'Y)'J aypaq>We; E; au't'oa't'ou O'uO''t'eXO'a'J, lSOU 7tpW't'Y)'J au't'o I. Ka't'a pYj a O'X ESO'J a'Ja- M7v Fontes 123/ 124 pvx - crl)v'lj,,(uv[crx-;o cf. Act. 11-15 App. Crit. M Ph Q lt5qur'ldrjJT('J(,)rjf:.77. 127 S V 1 08 7":pOX.X-;XXAA6f.lEVO] i'tpOx.x-;xxl,6f.lEVO V 1 09 x.x i't(0] om. PhS 7":(J[(uv] 7iv(uV Q 112 Xcr},D<'( - Od(] om. PhS -;()r./)7(] 70')70 ' ) PhS 112/ 113 itEcrOEV-;e:] i'te:cr-;EV-;C: V 113 X.EAE'crx7] X.C:/,E'f.lX-; V 115 70] x.x praem. PhS 118 ZP"cre:] ZP spatium hab. PhS 120 ?XV"crov-;x] ?XV"crE-;x PhS 121 7";' V ] om. V 123/124 7":XIJA(:J - cr'JvY,Y(UVcrX70] xp- vx Er -; cr')VY,"(I)V[crX-;(J, 7":XIJA zxp Q 123 xxF] om. V 128 E7":d] SE tldd. PhS 7";'V x.x] inv. PhS 130/ 132 7: - E7":(nx.()So y,O-t;vx] orn. Ph 
108-138 21 135 ypa7t't'o'J EK't'l6EaE'J, 010'.1 EUXO'J O''t'Y)AJ}'J 't''ije; 't'OU a- O'lAEwe; EyaAo'Jo(ae; Kal O'o<plac; Kal 't'Y)C; aa<paAOUe; €1tl- O''t'Y)YJC; 7tEpl 't'Y)'J 't'W'J Soya't'w'J aKplEla'J. OU't'w you'J Kal 't'<X 't'Y)e; SlaAE;Ewe; EXOUO'l'J. ) App. Crit. M Ph S V 
Lllc1Ae;lC; TOU 8EOG<pOU f.LeYc1AOU aGlAEWC; Kal TWV TYjC; 1tpeGUTEpac; epWYJC; GO<pWTc1TWV KaSSlVaALWV 7tepi TYjC; TOU 7taVaYLOU IIveuaToc; EK 6vou TOU IIaTpoc; EK7tOpeUGeWC; 1. )17roc5Lc5ovaL Ta Kalaapo KalaapL :Kat Ta TOU f)Eou TiiJ f)Eij) SlSeXO'XO'J't'o E'J EuaYYEAlol 't'ou w't'Yipo YJ YJw'J axououO'a 6EOGEf3Ela, 't'llw't'a't'ol xal O'o<{>w't'a't'ol xaSSl'JeXAlol, EUPlO'xouO'a Sf: 't'YJ'J uE't'Epa'J EUAclf3Ela'J 5 7tEpl 't'Yi El 't'YJ'J 7taAal<X'J PwYj'J xal 7teXO'a'J 't'YJ'J '1 't'aAla'J 't' YJE't'Ep xPeX't'El Sla<{>EpouO'Y) I eX'JExa6E'J au6E'J't'la M 8r xal f3aO'lAlxYi E;ouO'la, xal 't'w'J E'J 't'al 't'olau't'al xwpal eX'JYjxo'J't'w'J 't'ou't' AOl7tW'J 7tcl'J't'W'J Slxalw'J xal 7tpO'JOlW'J 7tPEO'f3EuouO'a'J, a't'E 't'ou aYlw't'cl't'OU 7teX7ta xal 10 't'ou 't'Yi xa9' ueX aYla 't'w'J Pwalw'J ExxAY)O'la IEpou 7ta'J't'olou O'UAAOYOU xal 't'w'J E'J 't'al ElpY)E'Jal xwpal EYlO''t'eX'JWV, xal 't'ou ;u7ta'J't'o 't'ou't'w'J EX 7teXO'Yj YJAl- xla, 't'uXY) 't'E xal E7tl't'YjSEua't'o ;UYXAUSO oXAOU E't" EUYVWOO'u'JY) a7tOSou'Jal 't'au't'a Xa6U7tlO'X 'JOUE'JW'J 't' 1 5 f3aO'lAEl ou, 't'YJ'J Sf: 't'au't'Yj a'J't'al't'ouE'JW'J a7to 't'w'J E7tl't'l6EE'JW'J 't'OU't'Ol EXSlXYjO'l'J xal SE<{>E'JSEUO'l'J, 't'YJ'J Fontes Dial. 1. 1/2 Mr. 22.21; Lc. 20.25 App. Crit. M Ph S V Tit. 1/4 OL&AEL - EX7tOpeucrEw] legi nequit S, om. V 3 XOaL V(XALWV] X(XPOOL V(XALWV Ph Dial. 1. 2 OLO&crxovTOC;] OLO&crXOTO al. m. V EV Eu(XyyeALoL] om. V ] om. V 3 &xououcr(X] &xoucrcr M 4 uf-Le- TEp(xV] f.LETEp(xV V 10 Uf-L] f-LC; M 11 EV] om. V 12 TOUTWV] TOUTOU PhS 13 UYXAUOOC;] UXAUOOC; V Versio P usqU( ad EX7tf,pe:'cre:('K Tit. 4 Z usqU( ad Ex:':f,?e:'O'e:(o) Tit. 4 Brevis Tit. 1/4 OL&Ae;LC; - EX7t0pEucrewc;] OL&AE;LC; crUVTEeer:cr YPO:LXOU X(X XA01j- V(XPLWV (X(XSOLV(XALWV P) TLVWV &7tO C; 7tpecruTEp(xC; PW!-l1jC;, T:EPL TC; '70U 7t(xv- , , " - " , PZ YLOU 7tVEUf-L(x70C; EX !-l0VOU TOU 7t(xTpO EX7tOpeucrewc; 
1.1- 2.14 23 E'J 't'OlaU't'Y)'J 7tpEaE(a'J UW'J aaE'JWC; SEXOE'JY) K<Xl , - " , ,  -  , 't'Y)'J 't'W'J a'JY)KO'J't'W'J 't'au't'Y) 7tap UEJ-W'J U7tlax 'JOUE'JY)'J a7tOSOal'J a7tOSEXOE'JY), 7tAY)pWaal 't'<X 7tpEaEUOE'Ja Sla- - , " -, , , 20 'JOEl't'al 7tpOe; 't'lY)'J E'J't'Ol 't'ou 't'au't'Y)e; a't'Ea't'Oe; Kal w<{>EAEla'J. To S' a7roo(JijvaL xat Ta TOU BEOU T4J BE4J, 't'Y)'J 't'Yje; EKKAYJalae; E'Jwal'J SY)AaSY) Kal oo'Jola'J, Yj 't'ou Kpa't'OUe; Yjw'J yaAY)'JO't'YJe; ElO'J 't'l6EE'JY) Kal 7tpOUP- Ylal't'Epo'J, 't'a 7tEpl 't'ou't'ou 7tpw't'we; uae; 7tp06El'Jal Kal 2S AaAYjaal Kal 't'paK't'alaal Kal ouAE't'al Kal 7tpO't'pE7tE't'al. , ,- - , - ", " 't'0 Kal TaUTa 7rOLYJaaL, xaXELva P-YJ acpLEvaL KuplaKY)'J El- SUla I 7tapal'JEal'J, ou't'w Sf: Kal 7tpOe; 't'Y)'J 't'w'J 7tap' uwv M 8v 7tpEaEuoE'JW'J aU<{>Epouaa'J EKa't'EpOle; EK7tAYjpwalv E7tlKAl'JYj 't'Y)'J 6Elav YE'JEa6al p07tY)'J 9appouaa 't'E Kal 7tl- , 30 a't'Euouaa. 2. KaSSl'JaAlol :'" 01 7tapa 't'Yje; aYje; aalAElae; a7tY)pl6- YJE'JOl 7ta'J't'Ee;, 6Eoa't'E7t't'E aalAEu, 7tap' w'J 7tpOe; 't'Y)'J 7tpOKElE'JYJ'J 7tpEaElav YjEle; a7tEa't'aAE6a, 't'Y)'J Eau- 't'w'J, we; E'{py)Kae;, u7to't'ayiJ'J Kal SouAEla'J OAOKAY)pO'J auv S au't'aie; uxaie; Kal awaal SlSO'J't'Ee; 't'ij aalAEl aou, Aaa'JEl'J aAAo'J ou SlSo'Jal, KEpSal'JEl'J ou YJloua6al AOYlo'J't'al, 't'Y)'J 7tapa 't'ou aou Kpa't'OUe; oU't'we; E'J 7taal 7ta'J't'ola'J au't'w'J KY)SEo'Jla'J Kal 7tpoYj6Ela'J 'JYJa't'EU- OE'JOl. 't'au't'a 't'Ol Kal 7tpOe; 't'o K't'Yjaaa6al 't'au't'YJ'J, 't'Y)'J 10 Eau't'w'J OAYJ'J 't'El'Ja'J't'Ee; 7tp06EalV Kal 7tEpl 't'w'J Ele; 't'ou't'o aU'J't'E l 'Jo'J't'w'J, S la7tpEa Euaaa6a l 7tpw't'we; S lE'JoYj9Y)aa'J E't'a 7tAElO'JOe; EK't'O't'E 9appoue; 't'o'J 7tEpl 't'Yje; 't'w'J EKKAYJ- alw'J E'JwaEWe; AOYO'J 7tolYjaaa6al ouAEuaaE'Jol. AA' E7tEl 't'o Kpa't'Oe; 't'o ao'J apxY)'J cX7taaYJe; au't'ou OUAYje; Kal Fontes 26 Mt. 23.23 App. Crit. M Ph S V 18 U7tcrxvOUf.LEV"fjV] U7tcrxvOU!-lEVWV PhS 19 &7tOOEXOf-LEV"fj] &7toOEX6f-LEVOV PhS 24 7tpOeE'i'v x.] om. V 27 x.t] om. PhS 2. 1 x.aaV&AO] legi nequit S 3 f-LE'i'C;] om. PhS 7 AOY(OVT] vOf-L(oucr PhS 11 7tPWTWC;] 7t&V7WC; V 
24 DIALOG US 15 1tpa;€w<; 'TOV SEOV 'Tl8EVal OUAofLEVOV, 7tEpl 't'ou 7tEpl- alpE8iiv<Xl 't'o 't'wv EXXAY)GlWV GXaVSaAOV, EuoSw6iival SE 't'Y)V 't'ou't'WV OfLoVOlaV 7tpW't'WC; Y)fLiiC; I 't'paX't'alGal Sla- M 9r XEAEuE't'al, xal au't'Ol 't' G 7tEl6apxoUV1:EC; XEAEUGfLa- 't'l q>afLEV we; El 't'ij xa6' Y)fLcXC; EXXAY)Gl 7tapa 't'lVWV E7tl- 20 q>Op't'lE't'al 't'o 't'Yje; 't'wv EXXAYjGlWV SlaG't'aGEWC; xal 't'ou GXlGfLa't'Oe; a'l't'lov, 'lSE, Y)fLEie; 7tpo6UfLWe; aU't'Yje; U7tEpa7tO- AOYYJGofLE6a, fLcXAAOV EX 't'OU fLEpOUe; 't'Yje; 't'wv KWVG't'av't'l- VOU7tOAl't'WV ExxAYjGlae; 't'Y)v apxY)v YEVEG6al 't'ou GXlGfLa- 't'oe; 't'Y)v GY)v EUGUVElSY)'t'OV xapS lav 7tAYjpOq>OpYjGOV't'Ee;. 3. BaGlAEUe; : Tij 't'WV GOq>lG't'lXWV 7tapaAoYlGfLWV xal GUAAOYlGfLWV 7tEl6avayxY} 6appoUV't'Ee;, we; EOlXEV, a't'E GOq>Ol xal 7tOAUfLa6E'le;, a7tOSElXVUElV 't'eX 7tav't'EAWe; eXva7tOSElx't'a fLE't'Ct 't'OGY)e; 7tappYjGlae; xa't'E7taYYEAAEG6E. 5 TIlG't'EUW SE t/JEuaaa(JaL fLEV 't'Y)v aLxlaY iauTn, 7tappY)- GlaG6Yjval SE 't'v eXAYj6Elav, aAA' OUSE 't'Y)v ufLE't'Epav SEOV EUAaElav 7tEpl 6ElWV oU't'w xal fLEyaAwv 7tpaYfLa't'wv 7tpOe; olxElav E7tlSEl;lV aAACt fLY) 7tpOe; 't'o 7tEplalpE6Yjval 't'eX GXaVSaAa fLE't'aXElplGaG6al 't'Y)v SlaAE;lv. xal 't'au't'a 10 7tpOe; G't'pa't'lw't'Yjv 't'aie; OGYjfLEpal xa't'a 't'E oppcXv xal vO't'ov xal 6aAaGGaV 7tOAEfLlXaie; fLEPlfLvale;, WV ouSe 't'Y)v ufLE't'Epav GUVEGl v EAa60v exv 't'eX a7to't'EAEGfLa't'a, xal 't'a'le; aAAale; 7tOlXlAale; 't'Yje; 't'OGY)e; aGlAElae; 7tavYjfLEplOle; xal 7taVVUxOle; q>pOV't'lGl, 't'Yje; xal 7tEpl AOYlXCte; eXfLlAAae; Sl- Fontes 3. 5 YE'JcrcrO - E'J'7-n cf. Ps. 26.12 App. Crit. M Ph S 1/ 17 ' (- ] , PhS ' ] ' y , i:p(J)7(') ''i!-l post 7pX.7cr transp. '7pX'7cr 7pX7t(u 70  " 'Y,.... .." ( ,( ,  , I,E'JXtV(u, x. X.7(J'XE'J(')' E O'J '70 7pX.'70V, () X'r,P() () i:e:i:(.Jt't;e:V() AE'JX() al. m. mg. S, '7pX'7'J[cr V 18/19 X.E),E'Jcr'7t] X.E/,E':J.7t V 20 7()] '7 V 21/22 'i:Epi:())J.J"rr,cr0!-le:O] i:pi i:()j,0"r'i(J'0e:O V 24 i:A:t;pr)- ?()p'cr()V7E] i:1:'iPO?()p'f,crv7E=:' PhS 3. 1 ij(J't),E\J] legi nequit S 2 X  "' - ] V 4 ' ,  ] "  I /' ,"' "' () ] cr\J/,AO"((J'!-lwv om. Vi:O()EX'7 i:O()EX.7 X.'7Ei:"("(e:A/,Ecr e: X.7Ei:"("(tl,EcrOE V 5 i:cr7E'J(u] 7t(J'7E'J(uV V 8 i:p()2] om. 1/ 10 ;)cr'lj!-ltpd X.f}''if.lEpV PhS 12 cr'Jve:crv - xv] spatium hab. PhS EAOOV] EAOEV V x.] d V 14 Aoyx.i] X praem. V X[),A] X[A M 
2.15-5.1 25 15 J}VEKOUC; aaxoAlac; Kaa. 't'iic; EV't'EU6EV 7tEpa. 't'au't'a 't'pliic; , " , avayxalwc; aVaK07t't'oEVOV. 4. KaSSlvaAlol : IV I "QO'7tEp 't'o :Kpu(3vaL 1t'OALV E1t'aVW M 9v :KELP-EVY)" opou aSuva't'ov, ou't'W Kaa. 't'o 't'a 't'oO'a Kaa. 't'Y)- AlKa 't'wv O'wv U7tEpq>UWV OUAWV 't'E Kaa. 7tpa;EWV eX7tO- 't'EAEO'a't'a, 6EWVUE aO'lAEu, SlaAav6avElv eXYjxavov, t" - -, " - , 5 O't'l Kal 7tav't'ax ou 't'Y)C; OlKOUEVY)C; aVEuq>Y)ouv't'al Kal EyaAuvov't'al YJ ovov 7tapa 't'wv SOUAEUOV't'WV Kaa. q>l- AOUV't'WV 't'o xpa't'oc; 't'o 0'0'.1, eXAAa Kaa. 7tap' au't'wv 't'wv EX 6pwv ap't'upouE'Va Kaa. 7tAa't'El 7tEplCfSoEva 0''t'6a't'l, Ka6wc; Kaa. 't'a AOl7ta 't'YjC; O'YjC; aO'lAElac; u7tEp6auaO''t'a 10 7tpo't'EpYja't'a. Tau't'a Kaa. yap eXKplwC; ElSO't'EC;, aAAov f:V ouv 7tAY)pOq>OpOUEVOl Ka6' EKaO''t'Y)v 01 7tpOC; 't'YJv 7tpEO'Elav 't'au't'Y)v i)ac; a7toO''t'ElAav't'EC; a7tav't'EC;, q>epo- V't'EC; eau't'ouc; OAOUC; Kaa. 't'ac; olKElac; xwpac;, 't'ij 't'OU O'ou Kpa't'ouc; E;OUO'l 7tapa't'l6eaO'l, 't'YJv olKElav EV't'EU6EV 15 wq>eAElav Kaa. 't'lYJV Kaa. O'w't'Y)plav 7tpaya't'EuoEVOl. HElC; Se, 6Elo't'a't'E f3aO'lAEu, El f:V 7tpOC; 't'l '.lac; 't'wv 't'YjC; O'YjC; uY)Ao't'a't'Y)C; aO'lAlKYjC; aUA YjC; q>pov lw't'a't'wv Kaa. O'oq>w't'a't'wv EYlO''t'avwv 't'YJv S laAEK't'lKV O'UYXpO't'El v EeAAoEv alAAav, E6appYjO'aEv exv '{O'wC; Kaa. 't'YJv E7tl- 20 SEl;lV, 7tpOC; Sf: 't'v 't'YjC; 6EoSlSaK't'ou Kaa. 9EOO'Oq>OU O'ou aO'lAElac; Ul VOlav eXv't'aywvlE0'6al eAAov't'EC;, ovY1 't'ij 't'YjC; aAY)6Elac; lO'XUl 7tE7tOl6aEv. E£ youv eXvE;lKaKwc; - , - "-,, 't'wv 7tap Y)wv 7tpO't'ElVOEVWV aKouO'al 't'0 Kpa't'oc; O'ou ouAE't'al, 't'a 't'YjC; E7taYYEAlac; e't'olwc; 7tAY)pWO'OEV. 5. BaO'lAEuc; : IV ME't'a 6appouc; O't'l Kaa. OUAE0'6E, AeYE- Fontes 4.1/2Mt.S.14 App. Crit. M Ph S V 15 &crZOA£x x.x] spatium hab. PhS 16 &vx.oit'!6!-le:vov] Sd crZOAOUf-LEVOC; V 4. 1 X.xas V&AO] legi nequit S 2 1'0] om. M 4 8e:WVUf-LE] 8E6croCPE V 21 &v,";xywv£Ecr8H] &itxywv£Ecr8 PhS 5. 1 crAEU] legi nequit S O'JAEcrfk] O'JAEcr8x MV( 
26 DIALOGUS 't'E, 6'J0'J Y) <plAO'JElXWe;, I Y) Se 7tpOe; epl'J aAAa 7tpOe; M lOr XPY)O''t'O'J a7tO't'EAEO'a, 't'Y)'J 't'Yje; aAY)6Elae; EUpEO'l'J SY)Aa- SY) xat E7tlYVWO'l'J, We; i)Ele; 't'W'J OU't'W AEYOE'JW'J E't'a 5 7taO'Y)e; 7tpao't'J}'t'oe; axouO'oE6a, 't'Yje; SlaAEXlXYje; E6oSou 7tapaYYEAa Ea6Y)xO't'Ee; 't'o aX OAO'J. 6. KaSSl'JaAlol:'" TYje; 't'w'J PwaLw'J aYLae; EXXAYJ- O'Lae; 't'<X 't'w'J EXXAY)O'lW'J 7taO'w'J xAY)pwO'aE'JY)e; 7tpW- 't'oAEla xal 't'ou't'w'J Y)'t'poe; oUO'YJe; 't'E xal xaAouE'JY)e; Sl<X 't'o'J 7tpw't'we; 't'au't'YJ'J 7tOla'Ja'J't'a TIE't'pO'J 't'o'J Eya'J xo- 5 pucpalo'J a7toO''t'oAO'J, 't'Yje; Sf: 't'wv KwvO''t'av't'lvOU7tOAl't'W'J SEu't'Epae; xal 6uya't'poe; EXEL'JY)e; XPYJa't'lOUO'Y)e;, 7tWe; i) 6uya't'Y)p xax 7tOLae; al't'Lae; au6alpE't'We; ou't'w 't'Yje; YJ't'poe; , , a 7t E O'X l p't'Y) 0' E; 7. BaO'lAEUe; :'" 'Ea'J EUYVWO'Jwe; axouEl'J E6EAY)'t'E, 't'o 7tpOe; 't'lYJ'J 't'axa 't'ou xopucpaLou 't'w'J a7toO''t'oAW'J TIE't'pOU 7tap' uw'J ElO'ayoE'JoV, Ele; 't'ou'Ja'J't'Lo'J aAAo'J 7tEpl't'pE7tOE'JO'J EUpY)'t'E. TIpw't'a f:'J O't'l 't'Yje; OlXOUE'JYJe; 5 o'J't'a S lSaO'xaAo'J we; a7to 't'Yje; 'louSaLae; ap;aE'Jo'J 't'ou xYJpuya't'oe;, E'J Sf: 't'ij PwY1 't'o'J 't'Yje; a7toO''t'OAYje; Spoo'J 't'EAEO'a'J't'a, S la 't'ou 't'OlOU't'OU 7tPOf3A Yja't'oe; uw'J o'JY) e; 't'Yje; PwY)e; SlSaaxaAo'J 't'ou't'o'J YE'JE0'6al xa't'aO'xEuaE- 't'E. O'u'J 't'ou't' xal 't'YJ'J 't'ou w't'Yjpoe; 7tpOe; EXEl'Jo'J E7tay- 10 YEA La'J xa60A lXW e; 7tEp l 7tav't'w'J 't'w'J 7t lO''t'EuO'a'J't'w'J xa l 7tlO''t'EUO'J't'W'J 't'ole; 6ELOle; EpY)'JEUOE'JYJ'J 7ta't'paO'l O''t'EVO- XWpEl'J UEle; Ele; ovYJ'J 't'YJ'J PwYJ'J xal 7tapEpYJ'JEUEl'J App. Crit. M Ph S V 7. 1 o:crLAEUC;] legi nequit S "t'o!:'c;] iterav. V 1 0 7tLcr':'EucrvTWV] 7tLcrTEucrcX't'WV M 11 Versio P I1Idr a x:xw:ii rJ 6. 1 Z I1Idr a x:xw:ii.rJ 6. I Brevis 6. 1 xaaLvcXALoL] om. P, 0 XO:A01jVcXpLOC; Z 3 TE: - XAOUf.LEV1jC;] C; P 4 !-lEYV] !-lEY Z 6 aE:UTepc;] ucr't'EpC; oucr1jC; P 7. 1 crLAEUC;] om. P, (; YPLx6C; Z ESEA 1j't'E:] ESEAE:TE: Z 3 7tETpOU] TOUTO PZ 4 7tpWT] 7tPWTOV Z 5 Wc;] om. PZ 
5.2-7.32 27 7tapaf3l(xE0'6E. 't'ou't'ou Se SlSOfLE'JOU, AEl7tE't'al 7ta'J't'w 't'O 't'YJ'J E'J PwfLY1 fLO'JJ} '.I, OU fLYJ'J Kal 7taO'a'J 't'W'J 7tlO''t'WV EK- 1 S KAY)O'la'J OlKElou0'6al 't'E 't'o'J w't'Yjpa, Kal 't'YJ'J OlKOSofLYJ'J TauTY] w E7rL 7rETPt:! I 't'Tj 't'ou TIE't'pOU SlSaO'KaAl Ka't'E- M lOv 7taYYElAa0'6al. Ola'J Se 't'lfLYJ'J 01 't'au't'a Kal <ppO'JOU'J't'E Kal AEYO'J't'E 't' Kopu<pal 't'w'J a7toO''t'oAW'J xaplo'J't'al, 't'YJ'J ufLE't'Epa'J EW O'UAAOYlEO'eal O'o<pla'J Kal O'U'JEO'l '.I. 20 TEW, El Ka6' ufL<X Sux 't'o'J 't'w'J a7toO''t'oAW'J Kopu<pal- o't'a't'o'J TIE't'pO'J Yj 't'w'J PwfLalw'J EKKAY)O'la 't'ou KOpU- <PYJ Kal fLY)'t'Y)P 7taO'w'J 't'w'J aAAw'J EKKAYjO'lW'J EI'Jal 't'E Kal K<XAEl0'6al 't'E't'UXY)KE'J, O't'l SYjAaS 7tOlfLYJ'J EKEl'JO au't'Yj EXPY) fLeX't' lO'E, 7tOAA fL<XAAO'J ex'J E'LYj SlKalo't'Epo'J 2S 't'YJ'J 7taO'w'J 't'w'J Ka't'eX 't'YJ'J KOlAYj'J upla'J 7tOAEW'J U7tEp- Ka6YjfLE'Jy)'J fLEYlO''t'Y)'J 'J't'loXEla'J 't'eX 't'olau't'a KAY)O'El KAY)pwO'a0'9al, 7tpO't'EpW 't' 't'OlOU't' Kopu<pal 't'w'J a7toO''t'oAW'J fLa9Y)'t'Eu6Elaa'J EU7tEl6w 't'E 7tapaSE;afLE'JYj'J 't'o Ky)puYfLa Kal fLE't" EU)"JWfLOO'UVY) O't'l 7tOAAYj a7tOSE-- 30 ;afLE'JYj'J 't'o XpLaTLaYOU KAYj9Yj'Jal 7rpWTOU 't'ou 't'au't'Yj OlKY)'t'opa, Ka'J't'Eu6E'J Kal 't'o Ka't" E;alpE't'o'J 6EOU7tOAl'J o'JofLa0'6Yj'Jal 7tAou't'Y)O'aO'a'J. El S' oU'J, aAACt 't'YJ'J E'J IEpo- Fontes 15/ 16 OXOaOf-Lv - 7tETp cf. Mt. 16.18 11.26 30 X.PLO'TLrlVOUC; - 7tPWTOUC; cf. Act. App. Crit. M Ph S V 19 Uf-Le:TEpV] f-LETEprlV V" , ] ' , V YVWf-LoO'UV1jC; e:uyvwO'UVYjC; 24 rlt.rr-1JC;] rlu-rn .( 25 TIjv 2 ] om. V 31 8e:OU7tOALV] 8e:67tOALV PhS 29 e:u- Versio P Z Brevis 13 7trlprlL&EO'8e:] 7trlprlL&e:O'8L P ( 14 f-L6v1jv] f-L6vov Z 16 7tETp] om. P 16/ 17 XrlTe:7tyye:tArlO'8rlL] XrlTE7trlyydArlO'8E Z 17 OLrlV] 7to[rlV Z 19 TYjv - EW] U!-lELC; PZ O'uAAOyte:O'8rlL] O'UAAOytEO'8e: P 0'0- cptrlV - O'uvEO'LV] om. PZ 20 EL]  Z 20/21 TOV - xopucprlL6TrlTOV] TOV XOPUCPrlLOV TWV &7toO'T6AWV PZ 22 &AAWV] om. PZ 23 aYJArla] a1Jaa Z 25/26 7trlcrwv - U7te:PXrl81jf.LEV"fjV] om. PZ 26 f-Le:ytcr'nJv] f-LEY&A1JV PZ 27 TOLOUT] om. PZ 27/28 TWV &7tocrT6AWV] om. PZ 29/30 &7tOae:;rlf-LEV1jV] U7tOae:rlf.LEV1jV PZ 31 8e:OU7tOAL v] 8e:OU7tOALC; P 32 rf,v] praem. XrlL P 
28 DIALOGUS GOAUOl aYlCX'J EKKAY)Gla'J eya'J Kal 7tpW't'O'J aPXlEpea 't'O'J T'ijt; aWTY}plat; i)W'J apxYJYOY 't'O'J KUplO'J '1 Y)O'ou'J 35 XplO''t'O'J EU't'uXy)GcxO'a'J, w 't'o'J 't'Yj aAY)6Ela 't'E AOYO'J E'J au't'yj 7tpoKY)pu;a'J't'a Kal 8lSa;a'J't'a Kal eau't'o'J U7tEp 1)w'J 7tpOO'E'JEYKo'J't'a O'<paYlo'J E6EA06u't'0'J. oU't'w 't'E KAY)pwO'aE'JYj'J 't'o Y)'t'Epa 7taO'w'J 't'w'J EKKAY)O'lW'J 0'.10- aE0'6al. 40 0 1 yap oUX OU't'W 't'au't'a Kal <ppO'JOU'J't'E Kal AEYO'J't'E, p-EloYa AOl7tO'J TOU xuplou 't'O'J c50UAOY Kal TOU nEp-t./Ja- YT0t; TOY anOaTOAOY, cX7tE'Ja'J't'l 't'Yj 't'OU XplO''t'OU SlSa- O'KaA la 7tapaS lSoaO' l. TOl'JU'J OU Sux 't'YJ'J 'JOlOE'JY)'J Ul'J al't'la'J, aAAa 45 Sux 't'YJ'J 't'Yj f3aO'lAEla Kal 't'Yj o'JapXla I 't'lY)'J,  Kal M llr 7tpO 't'OU 't'W'J a7tOO''t'OAW'J KYjpuya't'o 1) 7taAala PWY) , ", -, ,  , KEKOO'Yj't'O Kal 't'Y)'J a7taO'Y) 't'Y) OlKOUE'JY) Y)YEO'Jla'J EKEK't'Y)'t'O, 't'a 't'W'J aAAW'J <pEpE l'J 7tpW't'E la 't'YJ'J 't'0 lau't'Yj'J EKKAYjO'la'J U7t' au't'Yj 't'Yj 't'W'J 7tpaya't'w'J E'JapYEla EK- 50 SlSaO'KOE6a. E't'a yap 't'o KY)puya 7ta'J't'w aKOAou60'J rJ;'J E'Ly) E7tOE'JW 't'yj f3aO'lAEl Kal 't'YJ'J 't'au't'Yj lEpWO'U'JYj'J 't'Y)'J 't'E 't'lYJ'J Kal 't'YJ'J 't'w'J aAAw'J cX7taO'w'J EKKAY)O'lW'J 7tpoKa6ESpla'J KAYjpwO'a0'6al. E'JOU'J YE Kal ElO'Ja 7tpOO'E7tl<plAO't'lYj6Yj'Jal 't'au't'Y)'J au't'yj 7tapa 't'ou EyaAou 55 KW'JO''t'a'J't'l'Jou Y'JWplOE'J EK 't'Yj au't'ou Sla't'a;Ew EK't'E6E lO'Y), o't" E; EKE l 'JY)  7tpO 't'au't'Yj'J 't'YJ'J EyaA07tO- Fontes 34 Hebr. 2.10 41/42 Ioh. 13.16 A C t M Ph u5qllr ad r:.'>'>/Y,rJ'J.rJ'Xv 35 S V pp. ri. 33 xpZ EpE] XPZ EpEV V 34 70V 2 ] X V 40 o,jZ]  +, V 44 ']f.L'i'v] 'i'v V( 47 XEx6cr!-l1j70 ] EXEX6cr!-l1j70 V 7-r,] om. M 49 Evpyd] EVEpyd SV 50 XXOAOUOOV] XXO'JAo'J8ov V 51 e:'C1j] v SV Versio P Z Brevis 33 xy[v] om. PZ f.LEYV] f.LEY Z 34 '!ov 2 ] X PZ 35 '":E] om. Z 40 ot] O'J Z 45 rf,v] om. Z ]  Z 47 XEx6crf.L1j70 ] om. P, EXEx6- cr!-l1j'!o Z 49 EvPye:t] EVEpyd PZ 49/50 ExaScrx6f.LE8] sa- crx6!-lE8 Z 51 Er1j] v p, v Z 56 EX'":E8dcr1jc;] spatium hab. P rh"] o'": P, O'":E Z 56/57 f.Le:YA6rroAv] tJ.EYAO'JrrOAV P 
...,...,..., n / .::J::J-7.J 29 Al'J 't'a 't'iic; aO'lAElac; 7teX'J't'a 7tapaO'Y)a E't'ElaaE, 't' OlKEl 't'li)O'ac; 't'au't'Y)'J O'Joa't'l Kat. f3aO'LAlSa Ka't'a;lW- O'ac; KaAEl0'6al 't'W'J 7tOAEW'J. 8. Ka88l 'JaA LO l : '" 'E7tE l, O'o<pw't'a't'E aO' lAEU, Ka l 't'o 0'0'.1 6EOO''t'E7t't'0'J Kpa't'oc; 7tpOESpEUEl'J 't'w'J OAW'J EKKAY)O'l- w'J 't'YJ'J 't'Yje; 7taAaUXe; PWY)e; aYla'J EKKAY)O'la'J EUO'U'JEl- Si)'t'we; OUK E'JESolaO'E, Sl' 07tOla'J apa Kal ouAE't'al 't'YJ'J 5 a l't' la'J, ouSf: yap 7tEpl 't'au't'Y)e; uyoaxi)O'oE'J, l'Ja 't'l YJ 't'ij Ka9' uae; EKKAY)O'l 't'ij 't'Yje; olKElae; KE<paAYje; eau't'YJ'J eX'Jal't'lwc; eX7toppY);aO'Y), 't'ij Sf: Y)'t'pl 't'au't'Y)e; Y)SEla'J 7tapa- O'XOE'JY1 7tpo<paO'l'J SlaO''t'aO'EWe;, OSU'JWE'JY1 Sf: aA- AO'J Sla 't'YJ'J EK't'OYJ'J 't'YJ'J al't'la'J 't'w'J O'Ka'JSaAw'J E7tl ypa- 10 <pEl'J O'7tOUSaE't'E; 9. BaO'lAEUe; : '" Ou 't'oO'o'J EYW <plAO'JElKOe; we; 7tpOe; 't'oO'a E't'Yj aKpa'J 7tapaSoO'l'J <pa'JEpWe; a7toax E0'6al, Kupw9ElO'a'J Kal 't'au't'a 7tapa 't'E <plAEUO'EW'J 'Jow'J Kal: 6ElW'J Ka'Jo'Jw'J Kal aO'lAlKw'J Sla't'a;Ew'J. Kal YJ UE- 5 't'Epa 't'Ol'JU'J EUAaEla, lY)O'aE'JY) 't'o 7tap' au't'Yje; 't'ii> App. Crit. M S V 58 "':'Y.''.r:'fjv] "':'Y.')'-:1j V 58/59 x'Y."':'Y.;wcr'Y.] X'Y.T'Y.XT'Y.wcr V 8. 1 x.'Y.Sa V&AO] legi nequit S 1/2 'Y.crAEu - 8EOcr7E1tTOV] spatium hab. S 5 TWJT'fj uYOf-L'Y.ZcrOf-Le:v] '": spatium hab. S 6 I] TO V 8 acrT&cre:W] S crTcrEw V 9 S - EXTOfJ:v] a TV S 1 0 cr1tOua&ETe:] cr1toua&e:- 7 V 9. 1 crAE'J] legi nequit S 1/2 w - TOcr'Y.] cr1touaocr V 4 'Y.crAXWV] XOOAXWV S Versio P Z Brevis 57 /58 1J.ETE('Y.crE - OLXE(0] 1J.ETE spatium xd0 P 8. 1 xaaV&AO] x'Y.Aa1jv&po Z 1/5 E1td - uyo1J.Zcr01J.EV] om. PZ 5/6 lv - TjjI] spatium hab. P 5 1J.] ouv praem. Z 6 uf-L] f-Lwv Z 7 &1tOPP"fj&- cr1j] &1t0PP1jt>Jcr1j P 7/8 '":'Y.'J't''fj - 1tp'Y.crZ01J.EV"f,] spatium f-LEV'fj P 1t- p'Y.crZ01J.EV"f, - a'Y.cr'":cre:w] 1tp6cp'Y.cr v ScrT&cre:W 1tpcrX.Of-LEVrJ inv. Z 8 acr't'&cre:w] ao: 1t[crTEw P 9 O:L T['Y.V - crxVa&AWV] spatium hab. P 9. 1 o:crAE'J] (0 Z) ypxo PZ 1/6 o,j - 1tpOcr1J.pTUpOUf-LEVOV] om. P 
...,n :JU DIALOGUS i)E't'Ep Xpa't'El 7tpoO'ap't'UpOUEVOV EUaUVElSJ}'t'OV, <pl- AaAY)8w <X7t0IXplva0'8w. M Ilv Tou w't'iipo 't'ov 7r:aTEpa ij P-YJTEpa cpLAOUYTa U7r:Ep EXElVOV eau't'ou <XVa;lOV XplVOV't'O, 't'Yj Se xa6' ua EX- 10 xAYJO'a, oux oiSa 7tW, E7tlXElPYJO'aO'Y) 't' xa6ap alT4J 't'ij xuplaxij SYJAaSiJ SlSaaxaAl xal 't'ij 't'wv a7toO''t'oAWV xal 7ta't'epwv 7tapaSoO'El 7tapaO'7tElpal LaYLOY, EaV i) xa6' i)a ExxAYJO'la 7tpw't'a EV 't'o 't'OlOU't'OV lavlov avaO'7taO'al 7tOlXlAW E7tlXElpY)O'aO'a, iJ SUvYJ6ElO'a 'Se, 15 't'Yj O'7tElpaO'YJ xal 7taAlV ava7toO'7taO''t'w EVElV YJVElXE- 't'0 Sux 't'o 7tpO EXElVY)V <plAOO''t'OPYov, 7tW oux av au't' eau't'ij 't'iJv 7tpO 't'ov XOlVOV SEO'7tO't'YJV xal 7ta't'Epa xal SY)- lOUPYOV ava;lo't'Y)'t'a Slxalw E7tEY)q>lO'a't'o; T 't'Ol xal xaAw 't' epEl 't'Yj uwv ExxAYJO'la 't'o 't'wv O'xavSaAwv 20 a'L't'lov E7tlypaq>E't'al. 10. KaSSlvaAlol :'" AA' EV 7tOl ypaq>ij 7tapa 't'Yj xa6' i)a ExxAYJO'la 7tapaO'7tapYjval 't'o 't'OlOU't'OV lavlov Ae- Fontes 8/9 TOU - xptvovTO cf. Mt. 10.37 30 10/ 12 x8tXp - LVLOV cf. Mt. 13.24- App. Crit. M S V 12/ 13 EV - f.L] &vo:critcrO:L 7tL V , , ] ' , S tXvtX7tocr7ttXcrTW tXvtX7tocr7tcrTO 7tpo:cr7ttXpvtXL] 7tEpLcr7ttXP.:r.VL S 14 OUV"fj8ELcr] OUV1jcrtXf.LEVYj V 10. 1 XO:OOLV&ALOL] legi nequit S 15 2 Versio P Z Brevis 6/9 EucruvELOYjTOV - xpt VOVTO] EucruvELOTWC; (EucruvEL06TW P) X7tOXPL v&cr8w  Uf-LETEPO: (f-LETEptX P) EUA&ELtX. TOU crwrljpo 1'0',1 7ttXTEp  f-L"fjTEp ( !-l "fjTEPtX om. P) qnAouvTtX U7tS:P EXELVOV E:tXuToU &V&;LOV xptvov'!o PZ 9 uf-L] f-LC; Z 11 01jAO] om. Z 13 7tPWTtX] 7tPWTOV PZ 15 &:vo:7tOcr7t&crTW] EvtX7tocr7t&crTW P 15/ 16 vEtX.ETO] om. Z 18 &:v;L6T1jTtX] &;L6T1jTtX Z 19 crXtXvO&AWV] OLOtXcrXAwv P 20 tXL TLOV] tX'{ TLOL P 10. 1 XtXOOL V&ALOL] om. Z 7to:p] 7tEPL PZ 2 EXXA 1jcrttX] om. Z 7ttXptXcr7ttXpvtXL] 7tEpL- cr7tELpL P 2/3 AEYETtXL] AEYETE Z 
9.6-11.19 .." .Jl YE't'al. xal 7tOlO'J 't'ou't'o, SlSax 8 ii'J<Xl 7tapa 't'iie; aiie; ao<pw- 't'a't'Y)e; XCXl Aaupw't'a't'J}e; YAW't''t'J}e; O'a<pwe; e;al 't'ouE8a. 11. BaO'lAEUe; :,.., Ta E'J aAAa, 7tEpl w'J f3paxue; i)l'J 0 Aoyoe;, we; l.1YJ Sf: xa't'a 7tOAU 't'ii> AOY 't'iie; EUO'Ef3Elae; xal 't'iie; op60So;lae; Aual 'JOE'JW'J, EeX0'6wO'a'J e 't'o Sf: 't'ou El- 0'J0e;, 11 aAAo'J El7tEl'J 't'ou 7ta'J't'oe; O'xa'JSaAou xal O'Xl- "  - ,-, - , , , 5 O'a't'oe; al't'lO'J, Y) 't' 7tapa 't'W'J E'J 't'T) xa't'<X 't'au't'Y)'J 't'Y)'J EyaA07tOAl 'J OlXOUEVlXii SEU't'Ep O'u'JoS O'U'JEA6o'J't'w'J 6ElW'J 7ta't'Epw'J E7t'JEUO'El 7ta'J't'we; au't'ou 't'ou 7ta'JaYlou TI 'JEua't'Oe; EX't'E6E'J't'l auf3oA 't'Yje; 7tlO''t'EWe; - oux o1Sa 7t06E'J xal 7tapa 't'l'JOe; - 7tapE'J't'E6ElO'a 7tpo0'9YjxY) 7tapa 10 't'YJ'J« S la 't'ou't'ou» 7tapaSoO' l'J xax 't'ou Yiou 't'YJ'J 't'ou 7ta- 'JaYlou TI 'JEU a't'oe; EX7t0PEUO' l V Soya't' louO'a. XpEW'J 't'0 l 'JU'J 7tpOe; 't'0'J 7tEp l 't'Yj e; 't'0 lau't'Y) e; 7tpo0'6YjxY) e; AOYO'J, we; xal 't'au't'Y) e; 't'w'J aAAw'J a7ta'J't'w'J aAAov 7tpw't'oup- you xa9EO''t'Y)xulae; 't'Yje; 't'w'J ExlxAY)O'lW'J SlaO''t'aO'EWe;, M 12r 15 OAO'J 't'El'Jal 't'0'J i)E't'EpO'J 'Jou'J xal 7tEpl au't'Yje; 7tpO't'EpO'J YJ xaxoO'xOAWe;, aAAa 'JOU'JExWe; 7tolYjO'a0'6al 't'YJ'J SlaAE- ;l'J. 'E7tEl xal 7ta'J't'Ee; oi 't'YJ'J 7tpOe; 't'0'J TIa't'Epa Sl' Yiou a7tayouO'a'J oSo'J 't'Yje; 8EoyvwO'lae; a7tAa'JWe; oSEuO'al 7tpO- 6EE'JOl, 't'YJ'J 7tapa 't'ou aYlou TIvEua't'Oe; xaAWe; E7tlYVW- App. Crit. M S V 4 Arlf-Lupw't'ciTI'Jc;] Arlf-LUPOTci"Ojc; M, Arlf-LUPOV. cJJArlAOV. EUTPrX7tEAOV. XrlTrl7tA "fJXTL- XOV. 't's:p7tVOV al. m. S 11. 1 rlcrLAEUC;] legi nequit S 6] om. MV 6 f.LS:YA07tOALV] f-LEyciA1jV 7tOALV S 7 eS:LWV] om. M 9 7trlp2] 7tEpt S 13/14 7tPWTouPYOG] 7tpw't'oupyw M"o( 18 &7tArlVWC;] om. S 19 7trlp] 7tEpt S Versio P Z Brevis 3/ 4 7trlp - E;LTQ1,)f-LEerl] OUA0f.LEerl PZ 11. 1 rlcrLAS:'JC;] YPLXOC; P, om. Z 2 f-L aE] f-LEVOV Z 4 f-LAAOV] xrltpraem. PZ xt] om. P 4/5 crx.L- crf-LrlTOC;] crx.f-Lrl't'OC; PZ 5 't'i})] TWV Z 6 f-LS:YrlA07tOAL v] f-LS:YrlAOU7tOAL V P 7 eELWV] TWV praem. P 10 TOUTOU] 70UTWV Z 12 7ts:pt] 7trlp P 13 TWV - &7trXvTWV] om. PZ 13/14 7tpw,,:,oupyou Xrles:cr"OjXULrlC;] rlL TLrlC; oU<TfJC; p, oucr"f/C;  TLrlC; Z 17/46 E7td - &7trlpEYXAL TOV] om. PZ 
32 DIALOGU 20 G8E'JTOC; TOUTOlC; oSY)Yla'J AaEl'J 7tpOTEpO'J EUXO'JTal xaa. G7tOuSal;OUGle Kaa. yap xa7ta. TW'J appWGTY)aTW'J 0 TOUC; TYjC; laTpl- xYjc; xa'Jo'Jac; aplGTWC; Y)XPlf3wXWC;, a'JEpeu'Jw'J 7tpO TW'J aAAw'J 06E'J Yj apxYJ TYjC; E<PEp7tOUGY)C; TUXO'J yayypalVY)C;, 2S E'LTE SYJ xal TOU ep7tY)TOC;, xal aq>' ou eAEGl TOlC; aAAOlC; YEYO'JE SlaSOGlO'J TO xaxo'J, Ta AOl7ta XaTEG6l0'J TE xal E7tl'JEOE'JO'J, Tii> 7tpwTo7ta6El Opl 7tpWTY)'J €7tElGaYEl TYJ'J 6Epa7tEla'J, xaUTYjpl TE xal TOij 11 xal q>apaxw'J E7tlXPlGEl 7tpOC; TYJ'J UYla'JGl'J a7tOxpWE'JOC;e Kal Xa6a7tEp 30 a'JYJP €xw'J Ta 7tOAAa 7tEpl )'Y17to'Jla'J xal 7tEpl Tac; aapac; XU7tTaw'J xal TalC; q>UTY)xolalC; 7tpOGa'JEXw'J TE xal Sla- 7tO'JOUE'JOC;, 60AEpOU Tl'JOC; 7t09E'J q>a'JE'JToc; TOU SlaTpe- , , , , , , , -, X0'JTOC; 'JaaToc; Ta q>uTa 7tpOC; TY)'J apxY)'J TOU pEuaToc; a'JaTpEXw'J TauTY)'J a'Jaxa6alpEl'J 7tElpaTal Ta SU'JaTa, 3S l'J' E'JTEU6E'J Yj EXEl'JOU q>uTEla Slaq>a'JEl Tii> 'JaaTl xa- TapSEuolTO, XaTa TauTa SOXEl Ol Xa7tl TOU 7tpOXElE'JOU TOUSE Tuyxa'JEl'J Y)TY)aTOC;e 'E7tEl yap Yjl'J oux aAA06E'J 7t06E'J Yj EXPl xal EC; TOSE TYjC; YjEpac; a7t' aAAY)AW'J SlaGTaGlC;, aAA' EX TYjC; 7tEpl TO 40 n'JEua GUf3Ef3YJXE SlXo'JOlac;, EXEl'JY)'J XPYJ 7tpO TW'J aA- AW'J Y)TY)Ga'JTac;, TaUTY1 7tpOGaYEl'J TYJ'J EX TYjC; aAY)6Elac; EUxpl'JEla'J e tL'J' 07tEp Tii> TYjC; op6YjC; OOAOYlac; xa'JO'Jl 7tapa- Tl6EE'J0'J TOUT SYJ GUf3al'JO'J q>a'Jij, EXEl'J aAAO'J YjElC; xal aq>w aToLxawp.EY, I  AO;Y)'J Tl'Ja YJ Sf: M 12v 4S 7tapEyxExAlE'JYJ'J TYJ'J TYjC; 7tlGTEWC; 7tOlOUE'JOl TpOXla'J, aAA' l6uTE'JYj TE xal a7tapE)'KAlTO'Je Fontes 44 (j",;oX.(jWtJ-EV cf. Gal. 5.25 App. Crit. M S V 23 XVS:pEUVWV] EpS:UVWV V itpO ",;wv] itpo"t'wv V 25 s:'(-:s: Sf,] om. S Ep1t"YjTO] EpnovToc; V 28 "';01J.] "';0 1J.f, V x.X2] om. V 29 'Jy[xv(j v] 'Jybv V xnozpwtJ-EVOC;] (juvnozpw1J.S:voc; V 31 ",;!:c;] om. M 31/32 anovoutJ-s:vo] a7t legi nequit tJ-EVO M 40 aZovo[x] aZovot(jXC; V npo TWV] npo"':wv V 43 "':ou"t'] '":01)"';0 V 44 (j,":0 x.crwtJ-S:v] (j70Z(j0tJ-s:v S, (joX.(jWtJ-EV V 45 itpS:YX.S:X.A1J.tV1jV] itXp X.S:X.A1J.1J.tV1jv V 46 X7tXpEYX.A 70V] X7tpEX.A 70V V 
11.20-15.4 33 12. KaSSl'JeXAlol :'" Kat. 7tOlO'J 't'o E'J't'EU6E'J a'JaKU7t't'o'J 't'E Kat. a'Ja<pal'JOE'JO'J f3AeXaq>YjO'J, we; 't'oaYj'J ElaE'JE- YKEl'J Kat. 't'oaa E't'Yj 't'YJ'J 't'W'J EKKAYjalW'J SlXO'JOla'J Kat. S laa't'aa l'J; 13. BaalAEUe; :'" oq>ot. 't'UYXeX'JO'J't'Ee; Kat. 7toAua6Ele;, OUK oISa 7tWe; 11 (iKO'J't'Ee; aAYj6we; a)"JOEl't'E, 11 EKO'J't'Ee;, 7tEp l 'JE'JOY) E'JW e; 't'O'J a )"Joou'J't'a 7tAa't''t'OE'JO l, 't'0 lau't'Y) '.I cX7tAO lKW't'Epa'J E7tO l Yjaaa6E 't'YJ'J a7tOKp la l '.I. 14. KaSSl'JaAlol.:'" AA' al't'ouE6a 7tpOe; 't'Yje; f3aal- AElae; 't'Yje; aYje; YJ a'Jaf3aAAOU Slaaaq>Yjaal 7tOlO'J 't'O EK 't'Yje; 't'OlaU't'Yje; 7tpOa6YjKYje; a'JaKU7t't'El'J Ul'J SOKOU'J f3AeX- aq>Y) O'J. 15. BaalAEUe; : '" To EK 't'E TIa't'poe; Kat. Yiou Soya't'l- El'J EK7tOpEUEa6al 't'O TI'JEua 't'O aYlO'J ap' OU AOYlEa6E f3Aaaq>Yjlae; OAla90'J E7tOlEl'J, U7tO Suo 't'l6E'J apxcXe; O TI 'JEua 't'O aYlO'J, Kat. OU't'W Ka't'aAUO'J 't'Yje; TplaSoe; 't'o o- Fontes 13. 2 . I - EX.0V7E cf. Ioh. Phurnes, Grat., 45.17-18 cf. e.g. Phot., Myst., 292, n. 11 15. 1/5 TO - !-l6vtXPx.ov App. Crit. L md{'tZ -<:x "" ",:X I "','. 14. 1M S V 12. 1 X.oa V*A()] legi nequit S &vtXX.'1t70V] &VX.'J7t7WV Vo( 3 X.rl I - TV] X. 7(J(j 7' 7'f,V corr. X. 7()(j1J7Y,V 7V V 13. 1 (jAE'J] legi nequit S 2 'I(VOE'i'7E] &"(V(t)Y,7E VI 14. 1 X.OaVA()] legi nequit S 3/4 &VX.U7t'!'EV - A*(j?"'f.lOv] &VX.'Ji":7' oaoX.ovv 'f.l'i'v AQ:(j?1j!-lOv inv. V 3 u!-l'i'v aox.ouv] inv. S 15. 1 (jAE'J] legi nequit S 2 ip'] &p' M 4 OUTW] TOUTCP al. m. A-1 X.7AV(.JV] X.7A'EV V Versio P Z Brevis 12. 1 x.asv*},o] om. Z 1 /2 &VX.'Jit70V - x.t] om. PZ 2 &Vrlcprl- VOf.lEVOV] &v?Ep6f.lEVOV Z 13. 1/4 rl(jAE'J - &1t6x.p(j v] hanc partem imperatoris om. PZ 14. 1/4 X.rlaaV*AO - A&(jCP'fjf.lov] hanc cardinalium partem om. PZ 15. 1 (jAE'J] yprlx.6 p, om. Z 3 TeEV] 7eEVrl Z 3/4 70 i:VEVf.l] om. P 4 X.7AVOV] X.rl7A'J(uV Z 
34 DIALOGUS 5 vapxov, aUYXEov 't'E 't'ac; EKeXO''t'J}C; 't'wv 8E<XPXlKWV lSlO't'Y)- 't'ac; U7tOO''t'eXO'EWV; AAa 7tpO 't'iic; 't'ou't'wv Ka't'E;E't'eXO'EWe;, <{>EPE lKpav 't'iic; 7tEpl 't'iic; TpleXSOC; OfLoAoYlac; y)fLWV 7tpO- Sla't'U7twO'lV 7tOlYJaofLE9a, lV' ou't'w 't'a e<pE;Yje; Ka't'aO''t'aLEv , , , , Ele; 't'o EUO'UV07t't'OV. 10 TIlO''t'EuofLEV Ele; Eva 8EOV ev 't'plO'l 6EWpoufLEVOV 't'OLe; 7tpOO'W7tOle; E'L't'OUV U7tOO''t'eXO'EO'l. 't'ii> TIa't'pl SYJAOVO't'l Kal 't'ii> Yiii> Kal 't'ii> TIvEufLa't'l, WV KOlVWe; Kal 't'au't'we; Kal aSlalpE't'We; 't'eX <{>UO'lKeX 't'Yje; 6EO't'YJ't'0e; Ka't'YJyopEL't'al -7tpoO'- PYJfLa't'a, olov 't'o aK't'lO''t'oV, 't'O avwAE6pov, 't'o a7tEpl ypa- 15 7t't'OV, 't'o fLaKaplov Kal 't'Ct AOl7tCt 't'Yje; au't'Yje; O'UO''t'olXlae; 't'E Kal SuveXfLEwe;, Kal ou 7tAEOV 6EwpEL't'al EKaO''t'ov 't'ou't'wv, EV 't'ii> TIa't'p l Y]7tEp EV 't'ii> Yiii> Ka l 't'ii> TI VEU fLa't' l, aAA' wO'au't'we; 't'E Kal a7tapaAAeXK't'We; EV a7taO'l, Kal 't'o fLeXA- AOV Kal 't'o 't''t'ov EV 't'OLe; 't'OlOU't'Ole; xwpav OUK EO'Xy)KE. 20 7tAYJV aAACt 't'OLe; <{>UO'lKOLe; EvoufLEva I lSlwfLaO'lv ofLwe; M 13r 't'OLe; u7toO''t'a't'lKOLe; 't'E Kal 7tpOO'W7tlKOLe; SlaKplvov't'al. Fontes 5/6 cruYIJ,ov - U7tOcrT&crEwv cf. e.g. Phot., Myst., 289, n. 9 6/9 &AA - EU- cruV07tTOV cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. I, 173C 10/41 cf. similem praefationem in Nic. Mar., Dial. I, 176-80; Nic. Meth., De 5.5., 3-7; Nic. Byz., Capita, 87-89; etiam Eustr. N., Orat., 97; FP 25, 26,115 10/12 7tLcrTE:UOf-LE:V - 7tVEUf.LrlTL cf. Nic. Meth., De 5.5., 3.23-24 16/19 XrlL 2 - EcrXr,XE: cf. FP 38, 42; Nic. Byz., Capita, 95, 109, 121-2 (= Syll. 33) App. Crit. L M S V 5/6 TC; - U7tocrT&crE:WV] TC; LaL6T"'fJTrlc; ExcicrT1j TWV 8ErlPX LXWV U7tOcrT&crEwv inv. V 6 7tpO TC;] 7tpOC; V 16 S:XrlcrTOV] om. S 18 TE XrlL] XrlL M, TE: V 20 LaLwf-LrlcrLV] LaLwf-LrlTrl al. m. M Versio P Z Brevis 5 crU'Yl..EOV "t'E:] crUY'I.EE:TE Z TE] om. P 5/6 LaL671jTrl U7tOcrT&crEWV] inv. PZ 7/8 7tpOaLrlT'J7twcrLV] aLO:TU7twcrLv Z 8 7toL"fjcr6f-LE:8cx] 7tOL1jcrWf-lE8cx PZ LV'] tVrl Z 10 7tLcrTE:UOf-LE:V] signum partitionis praem. et rubricavit P 12 7tVEUf-lCXTL] &.YCJ? praem. Z 15 crucrTO L X. rlC;] crucrTO L x.drlC; Z 17 7tEp] E:'C7tEp Z 19 XWprlv] X.WpOL P 20 EVOUf.LE:Vcx] EVOUf-LEVOL Z 
15.5-15.39 3S TIa't'poc; EV yap '{SlOV xa't" E;ai.pE't'ov 't'o YJ EX 't'lVOe;, 't'OU Sf: Yiou 't'o EX 't'ou TIa't'poc; YEVVYjO'El 't'Tj xa't'a q>UO'l v, 't'ou Sf: TI vEua't'Oe; 't'o EX 't'ou TIa't'poe; f.Lovou OUGlWSWe; EX7tO- 25 pEuE0'9al. WV ExaO''t'Oe; 't'wv 7tPOGW7tlXWV 't'OU't'WVl Xa- , " , T " " pax't'Y)pwv aE't'a7t't'w't'oc; EVEl 7tEp E7tE7tY)YEV. OU't'E yap 0 Yioe; Ele; 't'0 YEVVY)'t'lXOV 7tO't'E E't'af3alY), OU't" au o TIa't'YJp Ele; 't'0 YEvva0'6al xa't'EvEX 6YjO'E't'al xal U7tO ap- XYJv 't'UYXeXvElv q>UO'lXYJV 't'ov Yiov xal xa6i.0''t'a0'6al YEV- 30 vY)'t'oe;, aAA' ouSf: 't'o TIvEua 't'o aYlov 't'ov OlXELOV 7tO't'E xapax't'Yjpa E't'af3aAEL Ele; 7ta't'plxov E'{'t'E YJv xal Ele; uil- xov E't'a7ti.7t't'ov lSlwa. TIwe; yap El XOlvou't'al xal 't'OLe; AOl7tOLe; O'UEplE't'al, XUplOAEX't'lXWe; XAY)6YjO'E't'al '{Sl- 0'.1; TIwe; S' au EVOe; EO'EL't'al YVWPlO''t'lXOV 't'o vuv f:V E7tl 3S 't'ou't'o 't'wv 7tpOO'W7tWV, aAAo't'E S' E7t' aAAo E't'af3aLvov 't'E xal E't'axwpouv; MEVEl youv ExaO''t'ov 't'wv 7tpOO'W7tl- - """ , xwv xapax't'Y)plO'a't'wv aXlvY)'t'oV 't'E xal aE't'a7t't'w't'ov. Y)vwv't'al youv aO'uYXU't'we; 't'OLe; q>UO'lXOLe;, xal aSlal-- pE't'We; 't'OLe; U7tOO''t'a't'lXOLe; SrnpY)v't'al lSlwaO'l Ta Tp(a 't'Yje; Fontes 22/41 7t7pOC; - Ecr"dv cf. FP 140; Nic. Byz., Capita, 114, 120-1 (= Syll. 32),132- 3 (= Syll. 34); Phot., Myst., 296-7, nn. 17-18; Eustr. N., Orat., SO 32/36 7tWC; - !-lS:TX.Wpouv cf. Nic. Meth., Orat., 361-2, n. 4, 369-70, n. 24; Eustr. N., Orat., 76 (= Syll. 7) 39/41 T - EcrTLv cf. Nic. Meth., De S.S., 29.7-8; Greg. Naz., Or. 39,172.19-21 App. Crit. L M Ph I1Idab y,'H.JV'7':l.d7/38 S V 23 XT cpucrL v] XTcpucrL V V 24 f.Lovou oucrLwawc;] spatium hab. S 27 ye:VV1jTLXOV] &YEVV1jTOV  ( !-le:TL 1j] spatium hab. S 28 ye:VvcreL] o:GeLC; add. S 30 o LXS:'i:'ov ] spatium hab. S 31 XL] om. V 35 a'] om. S f.Le:T'i:' vov TS:] al. m. in mg. M 36 7tpOcrW7tLXWV] 7tpOcrW7tL sed 7tLXWV al. m. add. in mg. M 37 /38 VWVTL] VOVTL V 39 aLp1jvTL] aLf,P"fJTL PhS Versio P Z Brevis 22 7tTpOC;] signum partitionis praem. et rubricavit P 22/23 TOU aE:] ouaE: P 23 TO] TOU P ] XL Z TOt?] signum partitionis praem. et rubricavit P 27 6 ULOC;] spatium hab. P 29 TUj/..!J..Ve:LV cpucrLxV] spatium hab. P XL] om. P 30 o LXS:'i:'ov ] ot spatium hab. P 31 e:tc; 7tTpLXOV] om. P 34 G] &v Z 35 TOU1'O] TOUTWV p, TOUT Z &AAoTe:] &.1.1.0 P a'] aE: Z 36 youv] yp Z 37 x.pXTYjpLcrf.L!J..TWV] X.pLcr!-l&TWV Z 
36 DLLOGLTS 40 lae; 8E6T"f)TOe; 7tpoO'w7ta,  Ol)(Eloepwe; E7tEr:'J, T E'J oIe;  (). / ." tl ( 0 / , I VEO'c., - a7tEp"fj EO"t"''lc., EO'l v. Ou ovapXl yap ..iEle; )(<xaO'EvouEV 6EoY)a, ouS' aq>60vl 7tpoO'W7tWV 7tOAUapXlav ElO'ayoEv. 1aEte; , '/ a -- ';' , ,( / '" '" yap () E(J'\J(U 7pEC; E 'J(l LlPZ. x.(Xc; U7tO(J''7(X(J'EC;. (lpx.. Y1XP 7(,)V 45 0V'7(u'J (1.((l, a ou Yiou EVEpyouO'a X.Ll 7EAEoua1X Sl<X ou 1 I / , ,/  n /  \ I ,, , VEU(1.(l70C;' X(l OU"':E 0 (l7p, 0 Ta ;raVTa EV u;raalV EVEQ- - , '\ '" ,/ " I , / ,/  Y (' yU)V, Ll7E/\  lva EXE 7'J Ol)(ElaV E'JEPYELl'J, OUTE 0 OC; EAA7t, TEAEOU(1.E'J'J Sla TOU n 'JEU(1.LlTOC;, aAAa la )(Cll YJ auiJ EvepYEla Yie; 6E6YJ0e; EV E)(aO'T1 6EwpElal wv 50 u7toO'aO'Ewv, YJ auiJ )(a' apl6ov )(al OU)( aAAYJ uyxa- vouO'a. Tp(l youv VOY)EOV. ov EUSO)(OUva I naEpa, TO'J M 13v a(1.oUpYOU'JT(l Yi6v, )(al TO 11 'JEU(1.Ll TO cr"t'EpEOU'J. Kaa , , I T I 't:' " Y)v aplO'YJv ouv auY)v alv E )(al )(aaO'aO'lv 7tLl- aLlY(uYXWC; )(al Ecr(lY(UYx.wC; E; apxYie; O Yie; 8EOY'J(Ucr[LlC; 55 pl7tAWe; 7tpOEA Au8E x.puY(1.(l' )(al 70 7tpOX.(lTLlpX.TX.0'J TW'J OA(UV (l'{ TO'J )(al auYie; Yie; 6E6YJ0e; pla E )(al 7tY)yiJ 0 I I ' / , c:.'  ,,/ ( tfI(' , (l"': P npox."f) pUTTE"':(l, o oE o(1.oupyx.o'J (l "t'0'J 0 1 OC; E(1.- , y , c:.' '\ ' ,  " II '" , qJ1XVETLl, o oE TE/\E(u7X.OV )(al aYlaO'l)(OV o VEU(1.Ll 70 &yOV SY)OO'lEuEal. 60 Touwv ouwe; 7tpOe; iJv 7tapouO'av xpElav SlEU)(PlVY)- 6EVWV )(aAWe;, )(al we; )(OlVWV AYJawv u7t0E6EVWV Fontes 42/43 cf. Greg. Naz., Or. 38, 118.17-18, Or. 45, 628.41-42 43/48 Bas., De 5.5.,378.20-25 (= FP 23) 46/47 I Cor. 12.6 51/52 '";p( - o',";S:- ps:00v cf. Bas., De 5.5., 380.37-38 53/59 Phot., Bibl., III, 168.1-6 56 p - itY/'r cf. FP 19 60/65 '";o'J'";(uV - itpoO'f.LP'";'JpS:'i' cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. I, 180C-181A App. Crir. L M Ph S V 42 xx'";O''";s:vo0tls:v ] x.'";V000U.EV V   om. V 53 ICX,";XO',";xO'v] O''";av L 57 S1j!-lrJ'JPYx.ov] a1j!-lO'Jytxov V 43 &?OrJV(] &cp8ov(v V 48 -] 55 i:poS:J:r,j,'J8s:] 7tprJO'S:f-:r,j,'JOs: PhS Versio P Z Brevis 42 !-lovPZ(] !-lovxPZxv Z 45 Ot;X '";00] a' PZ '";00 2 ] om. P 46 &ita v] i":iO' v PZ 54 xx dO'xy{U'yxw] om. PZ 55 itPOEA-r,A'J8s:] 7tS:p- e:J:r,j,'JOs: Z 56 ,j'";-t; '";.] inv. Z 61 A 1j1J.1J.x,";{uv] AS:1J.1J.X'";{Uv Z 
1 " Lio_ 1  1 ....."....v.....,.. 37 i)l'J Kal 7tap' a<pOl'J OOAOYOUE'JW'J, 7tWC; OU O'uy- X EW'J EO'TCXl 'TlC; KCXl fJ.ETaAAc1T'Tw'J )(CX)(WC; 'TO 'TO\) TICXTpOC; YVWplO'TlKO'J xapaKTplO'a, TO TOU n 'JEuaTOC; SY)AO'JOTl 6S 7tpof3Ay)TlKO'J, E'L7tEP Kal T Viii> aUTO Si; TOUTO 7tpoO'ap- - I TUPEl; 16. KaSSl'Jc1Alol :'" TauTa E'J, 6EOO'Oq>E f3aO'lAEu, E7tlO'TY)O'JlKWC; c1Aa Kal TEX'JYjE'JTWC; Kal TO OAO'J El- 7tEl'J 6EOAOYlKWC; Tij O'ij 7tEq>lAoO'oq>YjTal f3aO'lAEl, Kal OUTW SOKOUE'J TW'J O'W'J E7taKpoa0'6al PYjc1TW'J, WO'7tEp S oupa'Jo6EV a7toppY)Y'JUE'JW'J f3PO'JTW'J. npayaTW'J yap eXAy)6ElCf AOYW'J EUYE'JEla'J O'U'JEKEpaO'ac;, l'Ja Kal YVWY)C; lia Kal YAWTTY)C; apETY)'J 7tapaO'TO'Y1C; f3aO'lAlK'J. Su- 'JaTO'J yap O'E xaplTW'J E7tAY)0'6E'JTa 7t'JEuaTlKW'J T'J TE Y'JWY)'J Kal TY)'J YAWTTa'J EXEl'J OUX uyux. t'E'J Sf: TW'J 10 pY)6E'JTW'J aq>aYVOOUE'J. KeX'JTEU6E'J aAAO'J TOUTO Y)- TY)TEO'J i)youE6a. 17. BaO'lAEuc; : '" Kal Tl S7tOT' apa TOUTO Ka6EO'TY)KE'J o TY)'J uETEpa'J SlaO'aAEuEl Slc1'Jola'J; 18. KaSSl'JaAlol : '" "07tEp eX7tEq>a'J6Y) Tii> Kpc1TEl O'ou App. Crit. L M Ph S V 65 itpOA 1j'":n<.ov] yvwpcr'":x6v PhS TOUTO] om. L 16. 1 xaa V&AO] legi nequit S 3 7tEqnAocr6q:rfjT] 7te:qnAocr6cp1jv"t' V 4 Eitxpocr8] x'":xpocr8 PhS P1/!-l&TWV] AOytwv V 5 pov"t'wv] cpwvwv V 6 yvw!-l1j] yvwfJ-1jv V 7 YAWTT1jC;] om. Ph, spatium hab. S 10 P1/8EV'":WV] Ex'":e:8EV'":WV PhS '":(1)1'0] TOUTOV M, om. PhS 17. 1 crAe:U] legi nequit S 18. 1 xaaV&AO] legi nequit S Versio P Z Brevis 62/63 cruYl EWV] crUYI.EOV Z 64 7tVEU!-lTO] 7t't'po P 65/66 7tpO- cr!-lp":"JpEr:] 7tpocr!-lp'":'JpEr: ":' PZ 16. 1/ 11 xaa V&AO - youf.LE8] hanc cardinalium partem om. PZ 17. 1/2 crAE'J - a&vov] hanc imperatoris partem om. PZ 18. 1 xaaV&AO] 6 ATVO Z 1/8 07te:p - xeEcr"t'1j- ] , " - , " " - " , (- , XEV X itp T V '":wv 7tTe:pWV Ecpe:UP1/,":Q: "t'0 EX TOU 7t"t'pO fJ-OVOU o UOU OU- crwawc; EX7tOpEue:cr8 '":0 7tve:U!-l TO &YOV' 8EAO!-lEV xt fJ-e:r:c; fJ-8e:r:v, xt d fJ-EV -" , r' Q , ( " Q , - PZ T TWV EYXP TWV itTEpWV ou't'wC; xVEcrT1jXEV, EY0fJ-EV UT<.p 
38 DIALOGUS EV 't'-n 't'wv u7tOG't'a't'lxwv lSlwa't'wv a7tapleY)GEl. 't'O «'t'o n VEUa 't'O aYlOV SY)A<xSi) EX 't'ou n<x't'po ovou S l' Ylou OUGlWSW EX7t0pEUEG6<Xl». I VaXU7t't'El yap Eu6u M 14r 5 a7to ypaii, 0 cpaGl, 't'o acplf3oAOV. napa 't'lVl yap 't'WV 7ta't'Epwv 't'ou't'O Eq>EUpYJ't'al GOU 't'-n f3aGlAEl 6EAOEV XCXl au't'Ol Slayvwval xal a7tpayovw EEG6al 't'ii> El7tOV't'l, E'L7tEP youv 't'WV EYXpl't'WV OU't'O 7ta't'Epwv Xa6EG't'Y)XEV. El Sf: 7tpOG6Y)xY) 't'l 7tpOGq>a't'o 7tapa 't'Ol rpalXOl E7tl- 10 VoY)6ElGa 't'uYXavEl, aVa7tOSElx't'W GUVlG't'WGa 't'o 7tap' au't'wv So;aoEvoV, aAA' i)El oux av 7tO't'E 7tElG6ElYJ- EV 't'Ol 7tap' eau't'wv 't'a 't'uxov't'a 7tpoG't'l6ElGl 't'ij 6EO- 7tVEUG't' ypaq>ij, xav't'Eu6EV El 7tOAAa GUVW60UEVOl , " 't'a a't'o7ta. 19. BaGlAEU : '" Kal 7tOlOV SY)7tO't'E 't'o EV't'EU6EV EE't'al 't'ii> AEYOV't'l a't'o7tov; 20. KaSSlvaAlol :'" OuX EV, aAAa xal aAa 7tOAAa. 21. BaGlAEU : '" EpE 'LSWEV 7tOla 't'a a't'o7ta xal 't'lva 't'au't'a 't'uyxaVOUGl. To aTop-a yap p-WY 7tap' UlV EG't'l, Fontes 2/4 70 - E){itOpE'JEcr8H cf. SA, Dial., 15.24-25 4/5 E1j81J - ?cr cf. e.g. Lib., Ep. 251, sect. 12.5; Ep. 696, sect. 1.1, Ep. 1261, sect. 5.2 21. 2/3 II Cor. 6.11 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 3 01jAa] om. PhS 3/ 4 a' 'Jt01J] om. LPhS 8 Y01Jv] om. PhS Eyxph'wv] -)(){- L 12/13 8E01tVE1Jcr7C:J] 8d PhS 19. 1 crAEU] legi nequit S 20. 1 ){aov&},o] legi nequit S EV] EV V )(] om. PhS 21. 1 crAEU] legi nequit S 2 !-lwv] scripsi cum fonte, 1Jf.LWV LMPhSV Versio P Z Brevis 11 ,')"':wv] ,j70'J Z 12/13 8E07tVe:'Jcr7C:)] 8d PZ 19. 1 crAE'J] ( ( Z) I PZ 1 / 2 ," " ] II " r - "' I PZ o yp){O Eye:'7 - '70i':OV 707tOV E'E7 7 AEYOV7 20. 1 ){aa V&AO] 0 A'd VO Z 21. 1/4 crAE'J - 7tP0'7(8Ecr8e:] hanc imperatoris partem om. PZ 
18.2-25.9 39 )(al  xapla p-WY 7rE7rAaTUYTaL, )(al 07tEp Ul'J SO)(El, 6appou'J't'wC; 7tpO't'i.6E0'8E. 22. KaSSl'JelAlOl :'" 'Ap' ou SO)(El )(al Ul'J 't'Yje; aU't'Yje; EI'Jal SO;y)C; 't' TIa't'pl 0 YioC;; 23. BaO'lAEUe; :'" Kal elAa. Hl'J yap )(al 't'o TI'JEua )(al 0 Yioe; ooSo;a 't' TIa't'pl )(al 7tPEO'f3EuE't'al )(al )(Yj- I pUO'O'E't'al. 24 K c:. c:. I  TJ\' T" , I . aool'Jal\lOl:'" np oU'J El 't'l'JOC; a7toO''t'EpOlYj 't'le; 't'o'J Yio'J OU7tEP E't'EO'XY))(E'J 0 TIa't'Yjp, 7tO't'EpO'J ou SO)(El O'Ol )(al 't'Yje; SO;Yje; a7toO''t'EpEl'J; 25. BaO'lAEUe; : '" Opa't'E 7tWe; 't'o 't'Yje; uw'J EUAaf3Elae; O')(Ea 7tpOe; a7tel't'Yj'J, ou SEOV't'We;, )(al O'Oq>lO''t'Ela'J op; TIpO't'EpO'J you'J 't'ae; 7tpO't'El'JoE'Jae; AE;Ele; SlaO'aq>YjO'a't'E , 'I I I tl , " , )(al Y) ow'Juoue; 't'au't'ae; 7tpOq>EpE't'E, l'J EXWE'J )(al 5 i)Ele; eX7t't'alO''t'OUe; )(al eXO'q>aAEle; 7tOlEl0'6al 't'ae; a7tO)(pl- O'Ele;. t/! 'Ja 't'l yap O'Oq>lO''t'l)(O'J 7tpOE6E0'6E 't'o Epw't'Y)a, El- I I tl , , -" - 7tO'J't'Ee; O'u'JEO')(laO'E'JWe; OU't'W )(al aO'aq>we;. El 't'l 'Joe; 't'W'J 't' TIa't'pl 7tpoO'o'J't'w'J eX7tOO''t'EpOlYj 't'le; 't'o'J Yio'J, 7teX'J't'we; )(al 't'Yje; OO't'lOU SO;Yje; 't'o'J 't'OlOU't'O'J eX7tOO''t'EpEl; Fontes 22. 1/25. 36 cf. Ioh. Phurnes, Grat., 36-37 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 3 !J-wv] scripsi cum fonte, 'Jf.L0)V LSV, legi nequit M ite:7tA&"t'UV"t'L] 7tAO:"t'U- VE7L PhS 22. 1 X.aaLV&ALOL] legi nequit S 2 ElvL] om. V 23. 1 crLAEIJ] legi nequit S 2/ 3 x.'f/plJcrcrE"t'L] -'":7- PhS 24. 1 x.aaL V&ALOL] legi nequit S 25. 1 crLAE'J] legi nequit S 5 &crcpAEL] &:crcpAOUC; Ma.c. 6 itpoE8e:cr8E] 7tpOEOEcr8L M" ( 8 it&v"t'w] Xit&V7WC; V 9 "t'ov "t'OLOU"t'OV] 70 l J70U PhS Versio P Z B re\'is 22. 1 X.aaLV&ALOL] om. PZ xp'] xp yxp PZ xt] om. PZ IJ!J-LV] !J-LV P 23. 1 crL/,EIJC;] ((; Z) YPLx.6 PZ 2/ 3 X.'f/pucrcrE7L] -7"t'- PZ 24. 1 X.aL V&ALOL] (J A7 VOC; Z xp'] &p' P, *p Z 25. 1 crLAe:U] (6 Z) YPLx.6c; PZ 1/9 (Jpi7E - Xi":ocr'":EpEL] om. PZ 
40 DIALOGUS 10 El EV yap E7tt. 't'w'J q>UGlXW'J 'TYj Tpl(xSo 't'o «'t'l'JO» E;EA-f)cp6YJ, xaAW I €7tY)'JEX't'O 7tap' UW'J xat. 't'O E:'t'Epa M 14v EI'Jal 't'O'J Yio'J SO;Y) xat. Y)'t''t'0'J0 7tpO 't'Y)'J 't'OU TIa't'po, G't'EpOUE'JO'J SY)AaSY) 't'W'J cpUGlXW u7tapx o 'J't'w'J 't'ii> OlXEl YE'J'J-f)'t'Opl, El S' E7tl 't'l'JO 't'W'J u7tOG't'a't'lXW'J lSl- 1 S wa't'w'J 7tapEAaf3E't'E, ou xaAw E7tAE;a't'E 't'o GU7tEpa- Ga. Ou yap E7tElSi)7tEp aYE'J'JY)'t'O 0 TIa't'i)p, 0 Sf: Yio YE'J'JY)'t'O, xat. 't'o 11 'JEua EX7tOpEU't'O'J 't'ou TIa't'po<;, EX7tE- GOu'J't'al xal acpw 't'Yi 7tpO 't'o'J TIa't'Epa Oo't'lla xal 't'o TI 'JEua xal 0 Yi6, O't'l7tEp ou E't'EGxi)xaGl 't'OU aYE'J- , , 20 'JY)'t'ou 7ta'J't'a7taG l '.I. 'AAW 't'E El xal GuYXWpi)GEl 't'l, UcplEE'JO 't'a 7tOA- Aa, 't'o 't'Y)'J EX 't'OU TIa't'po xa l 't'ou Yiou EX7t0PEUG l'J 't'OU TI 'JEua't'o 't'ou aYlou SO;Y) acpol'J lGo't'YJ't'a 'J0lG6Yi- 'Jal, eG't'al 't'o TI 'JEua o'Jo'J xa6' ua 7tEplAEl7tOE'JO'J 2S a't'lo'J, xal 't'au't'a Sla 't'Yi au't'ou EX7tOpEUGEW, w cpa't'E, GU'JSo;ao'J oou 't'o'J TIa't'Epa xal 't'o'J Yio'J. AA' El 't'OU't'O a't'o7to'J 7tpoSi)Aw EG't'l'J, oux apa SO;Y) 7tpOG6EGl eGE't'al 't'ii> Viii> 't'o E; au't'ou 't'o TI 'JEua 't'o aYlo'J EX7tO- pEUEG6al. 30 l\uOl'J yap 't'OU't'Ol'J EAEG6E 6a't'Epo'J, 11 't'O TI'JEua o- Fontes 10/36 cf. Eustr. N., Orat., 56 (= Syll. 1),76-77 (= Syll. 5-9); Nic. Meth., Orat., 363, nn. 7-8; Phot., Myst., 289, n. 8 (= Syll. 23), 317, n. 37-38 (= Syll. 24) 27/29 cf. Ioh. Phurnes, Grat., 37.16-18 S6;1j 7tp6creEcr cf. etiam FP 29.19 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 11 r:rdjVEx70] E7t1jVEcrxE'";O V EcrETrl] EEcrET al. m. M 13 1'0] TO V 30 EAEcreE] EArl8E V 16 o,j] o,jaE PhS 28 Versio P Z Brevis 10 yxp] om. PZ 11 tidjVEX,";O] E7tVEYX'";O Z 14 S'] SE Z 16 o,j yxp] spatium hab. P 18 &?W 7Y,] spatium hab. P 19 o'n i":Ep] o'"; PZ 21 &AAWC; - Xrl] spatium hab. P 21/22 uinE1J.EvO - 7tOAAX] om. PZ 23/24 cr6't1jTrl - Ecr'";] spatium hab. T P 25 Ij'";ou EX7t0PEIJ- cre:w] spatium hab. P 26 cr'JvSoov] cr'JvSO;Xwv Z 27 7tp6cr8Ecr] itp60Ecr Z 30 eX1'EpOV] e'JYTEprlV P 
25.10-27.4 41 '.10'.1 a't'qJ-o'J EI'Jal Kal SlCt 't'OU't'O Y) Se SEO'J, W i) 't'l'JO e; au't'ou 7tpo.io'J't'o OUO'lWSW, Y) Kal au't'o 't'O TI 'JEUa 7tpOf3aAAEl'J E't'EpO'J e; au't'ou, 'L'J' oU't'w q>uAax6ElYj E'J 't'Ol 't'plO'l 7tpOO'W7tOl 't'Yi 6EO't'Yj't'0 't'o O6't'l0'J, Kal 3S ou't'w OU Tpl(x aAACt 't'E't'pa 7tpOO'W7tW'J Ul'J EO'El't'al 't'O 7t pEO' f3EUO E'JO'J. 26. KaSSl'JeXAlol :'" j1PX TWV AOYWV aou aA8ELa q>Y)- O'l'J 0 l\af3lS, El YJ 1)'.1 Sf: SEO E't'a O'ou, OUK ex'J ou't'w 't'a 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o eAaAEl E't'a 't'OU TI 'JEua't'o. 'KOUE Sf: Kal 't'ou't'ou, Kpa't'lO''t'E f3aO'lAEu, El 1t'aVTa oaa S EXEL 7tap' eau't'i;> 0 naTp, 't'au't'a EXEl Ka't'a 't'o 't'EAElO'J Kal a'JE'JSEf: Kal 0 EK 't'ou't'ou Aoyo 't'E Kal Yio. E'L7tEP EXEl 0 TIa't'YJp 't'o E; au't'ou 't'o TI 'JEua 7tpof3aAAE0'6al, e;El 't'ou't'o 7ta'J't'w Kal 0 Yio. ou't'W yap ex'J E7taAYj6EUO'Y) AEYW'J au't'o. 'Ep.a EiaL 7raVTa, oaa KEK't'Yj't'al 0 naTp. 27. BaO'lAEu :'" El 't'Yi 6Ela ypaq>Yi SEl'J ua OUK aKplf3El I E7tlO''t'i)o'Ja, E'JolO'a ex'J YJ 'JOU'JEXW EV'JOEl'J M ISr 't'O 't'au't'Y) f30UAYja. 't'O f:'J yap 't'O'J Yio'J 7ta'J't'a EXEl'J 't'a 't'OU TIa't'po Kal aAYj6f: 't'uyxa'JEl Kal a'Ja'J't'lppY)'t'O'J, aAA' Fontes 26.1 Ps. 118.160 4/5 Ioh. 16.15 9 Ioh. 16.15 26.1/27.19 cf. Nic. Meth., De 5.5., 8-13; Eustr. N., Grat., 91-94 27. 1/19 cf. FP 66, 115, 140; Phot., Myst., 288, n. 6, 297, n. 18, 317, n. 38; Nic. Meth., Grat., 362, n. 5, 370, n. 26; Ioh. Phurnes, Grat., 37-38 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 32 1tpO'C6V70] T:pO6V7W PhS 'Y.'J70] 'Y.,j-r V 33 E7S:pOV - U70U] E 'Y.U70U E7S:pOV inv. PhS 34 70] om. V 35 'J!-l'i'v] !J-'i'v PhS 36 7tpe:- crS:1j6!-lS:vov] 7tps:crs:6!J-S:vov V 26. 1 x'Y.aavAo] legi nequit S 2 a'Y.(a] es:'i'o praem. V 7X] om. PhS 3 EA&Ae:] EA&A 1j V 7 7tpO- &AAs:cre'Y.d itpO&As:cre V 27. 1 'Y.crAS:'J] legi nequit S 1/2 ae: v - &x.ps:'i'] spatium hab. PhS 'J!-li] !-li M" ( 4/5 &V'Y.VT(PP1j70V - EXS:'i'- v'Y.] EV'Y.'J7( spatium hab. PhS Versio P Z Brevis 26. 1 x'Y.aa V&AO] 0 A'Y.7 V() Z *AAs:cre'Y.] 1tpO*},As:cres: ZJ ( '"" ] PZ - 'Y.AA om. 1/4 &pZ.r, - 'Y.crAS:U] om. PZ 27. 1 'Y.crAS:'J] (6 Z) YP'Y.x6 PZ 7 7tpO- 1/4 d 
42 DIALOGU5 5 EXElva SY)AOVO'Ll 'La cpualKcX, 't'a Kal 't'ole; 't'plal 7tpOaW7tOl OO't'lWC; E:'JOEWpouE'Ja. a Se tSlWC; 't'uYXcX'Joual 't'iic; 7ta- -  , ,,, , , , 't'plKY)e; u7tOa't'aaEW, OUK a'J 7tO't'E 't'OU't'W'J E't'aaxY) Kal 0 Yioe;, OU't'E Y)'J 't'o TI'JEua 't'o aYlo'J, oU't'w yap Cl'J KOl'JW- OElE'J ai 't'w'J u7tOa't'aaEw'J tSlO't'Y)'t'Ee;. 10 'E7tEl oU'J tSlO't'Y)e; 't'uYXa'JEl'J 't'ou TIa't'poe;, 7tapa 7taal'J WoAo)'YJ't'al, 't'o E; au't'ou 't'o TI 'JEua 't'o aYlo'J EK7t0PEUE- aOal, 7tWe; 't'O 't'OlOU't'O'J Kal 0 Yioe; aUEplaE't'al Kal 't'o xapaK't'YJpla't'lKo'J tSlwa 't'Yje; 7ta't'plKYje; 7tapa'Joaq>laE't'al  , u7tOa't'aaEW e;; 15 'E7tl Se 't'OU't'Ole;, El 't'o )"Jwplaa 't'ou TIa't'poe; EiC; 't''J is lO't'Y)'t'a E't'a7tE7t't'wKE 't'OU Yiou, 7tWe; OUX l Kal 't'o is lW- a 't'ou Yiou E't'af3AYJOElY) Cl'J Eie; 't'Y)'J xapaK't'Y)pla't'lKY)'J iSlo't'Y)'t'a 't'ou TIa't'poe; Kal ea't'al 0 TIa't'Y)p YE'J'JY)'t'Oe; &KO-  ' 0 " Y  , I\OU we; Ka't'a 't'0'J lO'J ; 28. KaSSl'JaAlol : IV AA' E7tEl aE Ka't'a'JoouE'J 't'<X OELa aoq>w't'a't'o'J Kal 7tpOe; 80ya't'w'J aKplf3Ela'J iKa'Jw't'a't'o'J, a'J't'lf3oAOUE'J Kal 't'ou't'o 't'o a7topo'J i)L'J Slaaaq>Y)ao'J. Ei Ka't'a 't'oue; rpalKOUe; 't'o TI'JEua OUK EK7tOpEuE't'al 't'ou 5 Yiou, 7tWe; au't'oe; 0 E'JoualOe; Kal aEUSY)e; 1\oyoe; 't'ou SEOU Kal TIa't'poe; ou't'w 7tWe; E'J 't'OLe; eau't'ou OElOle; EuaYYEAlOle; q>Y)al. To nVEup.a EX TOU EP.OU At/JETaL xal avaYYEAEL Fontes 28. 1/29. 18 cf. N ic. Meth., De 5.5., 13-17 28.7/8 Ioh. 16.14 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 6 (J(J7[(') tvOE(upr)'J!J.C:'J] inv. PhS 7/8 (J 'Jto] spatium hab. PhS 8/9 xov(Ufh:EV] XE'J(u(h:!:'E'J V' 16 E7T:ST:7(uXE] T:ST:7(uXC: L 17 [-LC:7- i,.t;(kb;] C:7i\.t;f.k,[.t; M ZpX7.t;pV)7X.f,V] ZpX7.t;pcr7XC:V al. m. M 18 t07.t;7] t077 T/ 28. 1 xovxi\o] legi nequit S 3 cr9.t;- cr(Jv] 8cr?r,cr PhS 4 tX';:OpE'JC:7] t;:()pC:'JE7 V 6 ;:(u] 7:W:" V S'J70;:)] 'J7(.J;; V Versio P Z Brevis 5 . I ] ,- , , "   \ PZ ' ] , PZ 6 ' () (J''iIJJV(J7 7 7(.J'J it7P(J ;:V7 c:z C: 0 'J(.J X c:v C:'J E(u- P()'J[-LC:v] fk(up(J'JEV P 8 ;J."f,v] O1'n. PZ 12/ 14 X2 - 'J;:(Jcr7XcrE(')] PZ 15 ' \ ] ' \ Z 28 1   ' . ] . , Z 1 / 3 '..' orn. Ei: C:;:E . XuoVA(.J (J A7'J(.J AA - crX?'t;cr()'J] om. PZ 
27.S-29.1H up. LV; TIa'J't'wc; yap oux a'J EAaf3a'JEv EX 't'OU A6you, El YJ xal 't'YJ'J E)(7tOpEuO'l'J EO'XY)XE'J E; au't'ou. 29. BaO'lAEuc; :'" aauaEl'J E7tElO'l Ol, 7tlO''t'EuO'a't'E. 7tWe; npoe; o'JY)'J 't'YJ'J 't'OU OlXElOU 6EAYja't'0e; aq>opW'J't'Ee; I O'uO''t'aO'l'J, we; EOlXE, 't'Y)'J ayvola'J 't'Yje; eXxPlf30ue; Sla'Jolae; 't'w'J ypaq>lxw'J pY)'t'w'J 0'x.Y)a't'lE0'6E; Tle; yap 't'w'J cX7tcX'J't'w'J i)YVOY)O'E'J, 07tEp x.a 7tLlaEC; &pT cpo 7W'JTEC; EC; S lSaO'XcXAOU axp l f3w e; ES lSax 6YjO'a'J, we; (l-E- Y&.A  't'le; xal ou 't'uxouO'a 't'ou't'W'J 't'W'J AE;EW'J EO''t'L aa- / " r.J..... 11 / -, (/ , ?OP' X OU IJpXE 't' 7trtpal\l\(xTTE 't'au't'a 't'a P1JtJ.aTa" TO «EX TOl' E,uov» xal TO «E E(l-OU»; r- r ' , , ,,...,..... " , , / / o tiE'J yap «E E(l-OU» LlUTO'J TO'J E 7t0'JTa 7tapE(jaYE 't'E xaL 1tapaSY)Ao'l, 07tEp xal 7ta'lSEe; ypaa't'lXW'J eX'J't'W- , , , ' 9 ," -, - (/ 'JUla'J I\EYEl'J ElW aO'l, TO OE «EX TOl,' Eflov» ETEpOU 7tpO- aw7t0u SYjAWO'l'J U7tE(1.cpa['JE, 'J(U(l-t'Jou 8E(j(l-0C; O'XE't'lxo'le; xaL OlX.E(uC; T0 AEYO'J't'l EXO'J't'Oe;, ou 't'OlOU Sf: 7tpoO'- 15 7tOU o'Jo'J, aAAa xal AOYOU xal EPYOU xaL 7tpcXya't'oe;. 'E'J't'EU6E'J oU'J SYjAO'J EO''t'l'J O't'l TO «EX TOV EflOV AVJETal» " ,,, , " , , 7tpOe; 't'0 7ta't'plXO'J EXEl 7tpOO'W7to'J 't'Y)'J a'Jaq>opav, xal OUXL eau't'o'J 7tapaSElx'JuEl 0 't'YJ'J AE;l'J 't'au't'Yj'J El7tW'J. 5 10 Fonte 29. 5/18 simillima verba Phot., Myst., 301.9-25; cf. FP 56; Nic. Meth., Grat., 374-5, n. 41; Eustr. N., Grat., 93 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 29. I xcri\e:t)] legi nequit S 2 ?Opt0V7e:] X?OPOVV7e: M 8 T] W V 9 7()] om. V I 0 i:Xpe:crx"(e:] dcrxye: Ph i:P()crx"(e: S 13 crZe:TXOL] CPIJ- crX()L PhS 14 7(J[(jlJ] 7()O'J7()U PhS 16 7()] om. V Verio P Z Brevis 8 'J1J.LV] .r,LV Z 29. I xcrAe:'J] (6 Z) "(pxx.6 PZ 1/8 eX'J1J.&:e:v - xxn om. PZ 8 7(] 7W p, 70 Z XpXAAX77e:] itXpXAA&TTe:V Z 70] "';() 'yxp praem. et del. Z 10 "'(xp] om. P 7e:] om. PZ 11/12 Oite:p - e:iwOxcr] om. PZ 14 70[0'J] 700'J70'J PZ 18 o,jzt] o,jz' PZ 43 M 15v 
44 DIALOGU5 30. K<xSSlVeXAlOl :'" .EX7tE7tAi)YEea aou 't'oue; Aoyoue;, 6EOSlS<XX't'E <xalAEu, xal 't'<xu't'ov 't'l 7taaXElV Soxou- EV, OlOV7tEP 7taaXOUalv ol EpOV't'Y)'t'Ol E7tElSaV au't'Ole; a6poov E; axplOUe; 't'Yje; <Xl9plae; 't'paXEl<X pov't'YJ x<X't'<Xp- , 5 pY)yvu't'al. AAa 7tWe; oux a6E't'El't'al TIauAoe;, ou't'w 7tAa't'El 't' a't'oa't'l xExpaywe;. 'ECX7rEaTELAEv 0 eEO TO nVEUP.CX TOU Ylou CXUTOU El Ta xaplcx uP.WV xpaov. (3(3a 0 nCXTp; 31. BaO'lAEue; : '" 'Eo lxa't'E 7ta l E l V EV ou 7ta lX't'O le;. ou yap ClV 't'YJv uE't'Epav Sl<xAav6avElv 7tlO''t'EUO'WEV O'UVE-  - , ,  - , , '" O'l V we; 't'OU't'O 't'0 7tap uWV 7tpOq>EpOEVOV (l'JT(lV(jTW'J EO''t'l 0 aa(l(jX.aAcp TO'J (1.(lOT'J x.(l ([)AO'JEX.OU'J &7tOaE(l 5 't'ou't'ov EXElVOU aOp8WT'J. o f:V yap q>YjO'l. «To nVEup.a EX TOU naTpo EX7r0PEUETCXL», 0 Sf: «To nVEUP.CX», q>YjO'l, «TOU Ylou 0 eEO ECX7rEaTELAEv», ou YJv «To TIvEua EX7tOpEuE't'al 't'OU Ylou». Il\YjAOV 't'OlVUV we; aAAY) 't'le; 't'ou M 16r a7toO''t'oAlXOU PYj't'ou xa6EO''t'YjxEV Evvola. 't'o O'Uq>UEe; 't'E 10 xal O'UVYjEVOV 't'wv 't'plWV SElxvuouO'a u7toO''t'aO'Ewv, '{va yap YJ E't'Epae; 't'uYXavElv oUO'lae; VOOl't'O 't'o TIvEua 7tpOe; Fontes 30.7/9 Gal. 4.6 31. I EOtx'7E - 7tx:-=-o'i' cf. e.g. Nic. Meth., De 5.5., 14.4; saepius apud Ioh. Chrys., e.g. Contra eos qui subintro., 67.16-17 3-27 simiUima verba Phot., Myst., 328.31-33, 329.19-32, 332.7-17 et cf. FP 9,20, 89,91,93, 128; Nic. Meth., Grat., 375-6, n. 43; Eustr. N., Grat., 61; Nic. Byz., Capita, 97 5/6 Ioh. 15.26 7 Gal. 4.6 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 30. I XOO VAO] legi nequit S 6 &8E'7E'i' '7] &8E'7-t;'7 V 7 cr'76!-l'7] cr'76!-l V 8 'J!-lwv] !-lwv PhS V' ( xpov] x.p&wv V' ( 31. I o:crAE'J] legi nequit S 3 7tpocpEp6f-LEVOV] 7tpocr- V 6/8 (; - EXitOpE'JE7] om. V 10 cr'JV1j!-l!-lEVOV] Y,V(t)!-lEVOV PhS II 7tVE0!-l] 70 &yov add. S Versio P Z Brevis 30. I xoo VA(n] 0 A7L VO Z 1/5 EXitE7tA"Yf-LE8 - X.7PP""('J1J7t] om. PZ 6 7tA7E'i'] T:A7'J P 8 uf-Lwv] !-lwv PZ x.piov] xpwv Z 31. 1 crAEU] ((; Z) ypx6 PZ 1/3 EOtx'7E - w] om. PZ 3 'J!-lwv] +,!-lwv Z 4/5 XL - OOp8W7V] om. PZ 8 700 1 ] EX praem. Z 9 X- OtcrrtjXE'J] Ecr7v P, Ecr7v Z 10 OEXV'JOucr] om. Z 
30.1-32.4 4S 't'E 't'O'J TIa't'Epa xal 't'O'J Yi.O'J, aAACt l(XC; SYjAO'JO't'l xal 't'iic; au't'iic;. Ou't'w 7tWC; 't'ou PYj't'OU 't'YJ'J O'u<ppaO'l'J E:O'xY)a't'l- O'E. AEYW'J 't'Ol'JU'J «'E;a7rEaTELAE TO JIvEvfla TOV Y[ov 1 S at'TOV», 70 TC; ({)UcrEWC; au't'ou Ea[SaE'J cl7tLlpaAALlXTO\J, 7tapEO''t'Y)OE Sf: ()uoa(1.WC; 't'O'J 't'p07tO'J 7C; EX7tOpEUcrEWC;. "QO'7tEp yap AEYO'J't'EC; 70'J naTEpa ElVLl TOU You, ou- Sawc; 't'O'J TIa't'Epa EX 't'OU Yi.ou Soya't'loE'J, eXAAa 't'ou't'o q>aE'J E7tE o(1.ooucroC;, ou't'W xal 't'o TI 'JEua 20 AEYO'J't'EC; TOU you TO O(1.ooucrO'J 't'w'J U7tOO''t'eXO'EW'J 7ta- plO''t'eX'JOE'J. OOAOYOU'J't'EC; OU'J 't'O n 'JEU(1.a EI'Ja xa TOU n ' , ..... tfI(..... , , ,/ ,,, 7pO x. 01J 1 t01J, TO (J.EV OOq>UEC; 7tLl'JT{,)C; 7tpOc; aq>w 't'ii> TI 'JEua't'l ap't'upOUE'J. 7tpOC; f:'J TO'J naTEpa o6T- ,  ' --, / , c:. ' , tfI( , fI ,  (, , 7tEp ES aUTOU EX7tOpEUETa, 7tpOC; oE TO'J 1 O'J OT ES E'JOC; xa 2S eX(1.Ep[crTou a T[OU ExaTEp  7tp6oooC;, xa'J 't'ii> f:'J YE'J'JY)- 't'wC;, 't'ii> Sf: E't'Ep EX7tOpEu't'wC;. 1\1  oU'J T'J TOU xpuxoC; 't'YjC; O'w't'Y)plac; ({)w'J'J OAE8p[ou 7ta8ouc; 't'l6E0'6E 7tpoq>aO'l'J. 32. KaSSl'JaAlol :'" "O'J't'wC; wolw6YjC; avpt cppo- vl/l-' O'U f3aO'lAEu, o cjJxoo/l-Y]aEv E7rt 7rETpaV TV olxlav aUTou, xat xaTE(3Y] /l-EV  (3pox xat l]A8ov ol 7rOTa/l-Ot xat ol aVE/l-oL E7t'JEuO'a'J xal 7tpoO'YJPpa;a'J f:'J Tn olxl Fontes 32. 1/5 Mt. 7.24-25 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 12 ] PhS 13 ] - V 17 ' ' ] ' ( , TAl ( (- ] 7E om. i:(I) itW 70V r:7Ep "':OV ULOV Y 1 " ULOU it7pOC; V 18 -rov - utoiJ] add. s. I. V 23 itVE'J!-l7L] 7tTpt S, Ma.c, add. s. I. V 70V T:7Ep] 7;) i:VEiJ!-l PhSV 23/24 aLO"':L7tEp] OTL7tEp PhSV 25 EX.7EP(] EX.7EP() S 7] "':0 V 26 7] "':0 V T1jv] -r V 32. 1 X.a VXAO] legi nequit S 2 cru] om. L 7tE't'pV] itE-rp M Versio P Z Brevis 13 7tW] T:W Z 17/18 o,jo!-lw] o,j PZ 18 aOY!-l7(O!-lEV] ante -rov it7Ep transp. PZ 21 ElvL] om. P 22 !-lEv] om. PZ 7txv-rwC;] om. PZ 23/24 a67itEp] a67 T:W P, a07 Z 24 E tr=-ou] spatium hab. P 25/26 xxv - YEVV1j7W] spatium hab. P 25 7] "':0 Z 26 T] TO Z E7Ep] '!-lE7EP( P, om. Z 26/ 27 x.PUx.o - crwT1jp(] X7tOcr-rOAOU PZ 27 -r(8EcrOE] 7(8EcrOL P 32. 1 x.aaV&AO] (; A7(VO Z 1/6 OV7W - x),w] om. PZ 
II -rv DLt\LOGUS 5 E.XELVrJ i ou xtXT£7rEaE, TE(JE/l-EALWTO yap E.7rL TV 7r£Tpav. -ij't'lC; EO''t'lV 0 XplO''t'OC;. )(07tY)'t'EOV Se xal 't'ou't'O KCXAWC;' , " " , " , t\ " , 7tO't'EpOV E l 't'l EO''t' l V E't'lCp 't'au't'ov )(Q l EV )(a't'Q 7tQv't'a )(Q l a7tapeXAAa)('t'ov, ap! oUX l 't'a 't' EV l 7tpOO'OV't'Q, )(0 l va )(Q l 6 ' , Q't'Ep 't'UYXQVOUO'l; 33. BaO'lAEUe; :'" Ou't'w 't'EWe; E)( 't'OU 7tpOXElpOU SO)(El, El Yj7tWe; I ava7t't'uO'O'oEVOU 't'ou AOYOU )(al SlaAE7t't'uvO- !\116v EVOU, 't'pavo't'EpoV E't'EpOV 't'l E)(El6EV avaq>avYjO'€'t'aL, 34. KaSSlveXAlol :'" Aeywv 0\)'.1 0 XplO''t'Oe; EV Euay- YEAlOle;. 'Eyw xat 0 naTp EV Ea/l-EV, ap' OU SO)(El 't'O EV EXElV )(a't'a 7teXv't'a 7tpOe; 't'OV TIa't'Epa; El 0\)'.1 EXEl 0 TIa't'YJp 't'o aq>' Eau't'OU 7tpO'lEVal 't'O TI vEua )(al 't'YJv 't'OU't'OU 7tOl- 5 El0'6al E)(7tOpEUO'lV, 7tWe; OU)( EO'El't'al 't'ou't'O )(al 't'ou Yiou; 35. BaO'lAEUe; : '" El 7tpOe; aAYj9Elav )(al O')(avSeXAou 7ta- v't'oe; 7tEplalpEO'lv, OU YJv 7tpOe; EplV, 7tpoE6E0'6E 't'a 't'Yje; SlaAE;EWe;, 7tWe; aO'uq>avEle; ou't'w )(Ql 7tapaAoYlO''t'l)(ae; EpW't'YjO'Ele; 7tpoeXYE't'E; Ka't'a yap 't'oue; 6EOq>OpOUe; 7ta- 5 't'Epae; )(al )(a't" au't'YJv 't'YJv aAYj6Elav, OU)( exv e;El 't'O EV )(al 't'au't'ov )(a't'a 7teXv't'a 0 1\oyoe; 7tpOe; "rOV TIa't'Epa. ou yap SYJ Fontes 34.2 Ioh. 10.30 34.1/35.23 cf. Nic. Meth., De 5.5.,8-13 35.1/23 cf. Phot., Myst., 289, n. 9; Nic. Meth., Grat., 361, n. 4, 363, n. 6 (= 5yll. 37); Nic. Mar., Dial. I, 181 A, 184D App. Crit. L M Ph S V 33. 1 XcrAe:'J] legi nequit S it-:'JV(J!-LSVO'J] Sx),e:'JX.e:VOf.LEV(J'J V om. L 1/2 e:,jx"r'(e:A[(J] 35. 1 xcr)\e:'J] legi nequit S 2 XVXi:-:'JcrcrO!-LEV(J'J] &i:(J- V 2/ 3 SXAe:- 34. 1 x.xoSvx)\(J] legi nequit S (JU'J] e:,j"(ye:),[( PhS 2 I:x-:"r,p] (J'J add. V Versio P Z Brevis 33. 1 xcr)\e:'J] ((; Z) ypXx.o PZ -:EW] om. PZ 2 !-L"r,I:(u] [):r,7:0'J PZ 2 / 3 ' "' ] "" ,- XVXit-:'Jcrcr0!-Le:V(J'J - VX9XV"'icre:-:x e:-:e:P(Jv -: VXi":-:'Jcrcr(Je:V(.J'J -:(J'J ),O-[0'J &v9XV"r,cre:-:x PZ 34. 1 xxaovAO] (; Ax-:iv(J Z 1/2 zv e:,jx"(- "(e:A[(.J] orn. PZ 5 -:(JIJ 'JtOIJ] -: 'Jt( PZ 35. 1 XcrAe:'J] (6 Z) "(px.6 PZ 1/4 d - i:pox'ye:-:e:] om. PZ 4 "(Xp] om. PZ 5 z;e:] Z;'fj Z 
2. c;- 6.2 47 )(al )(<XTa TO'J AOYO'J Tiic; U7toO'TclO'EwC;- OUTW yap Ci'J )(al 1tclAl'J TO TOU <XEAAlOU Soya 7tapPYJO'lclO'alTo, la'J AE- Y0'JTOC; TUYXcl'JEl'J U7tOO'TaO'l'J TO'J TIaTEpa )(al TO'J Yio'J 10 Sla<popolC; TalC; 7tpOO'YJyoplalC; 7tOl)(lAAOE'JY)'J_ El oU'J YJ TOlauTY) 1tEpl TIaTpoc; )(al Yiou SUO'O'EYJC; U7to'Jola )(al 7teXAal TOlC; 7t<XTpclO'l'J a1tEppa7tl0'6Y) )(al a7tEAY)6YJ 7ta- 'JTeX7t<XO'l, 7tWC; a7tEplO')(E7tTWC; OUTWO'l )(al aSlaq>opwc; TO E'J )(aTa 7teX'JTa E;ElAY)q>aTE E7tl TE TOU TIaTpoc; )(al TOU 15 Yiou, )(al ou O'UAAOYlE0'6E TYJ'J E'JTEU6E'J TW'J U7toO'TaTl- )(w'J lSlwclTw'J a'JeXxuO'l'J; "EXEl E'J yap TO E'J 0 Yioc; 7tpOC; TO'J Ol)(ElO'J TIaTEpa )(aTa TcX E;y)PYJE'Ja SYJAaSYJ TYjC; 6Elac; q>UO'EWC; lSlwaTa )(al )(aTa TaUTa TaUTlETal 7teX'JTY) Tii> Ol)(El YE'J'JY)TOpl- El SE Tl TW'J TOU SEOU )(al 20 TIaTpoc; Y'JWplO'Tl)(O'J TUYXeX'JEl TYjC; aUTou U7tOO'TeXO'EWC;, OU)( ex'J E'LYJ )(al Tii> Yiii> 7teX'JTWC; TOUTO 7tpoO'apooE'JO'J, El EAAOlE'J TcXC; TYjC; 6Elac; q>UO'EWC; U7tOO'TeXO'ElC; aO'uy- XUTOUC; SlaTY)pEl'J EC; TO 7ta'JTEAEC;- 36- KaSSl'JeXAlol :'" I 'E'J O'Ol O'aq>wc; ai E7tTaSl)(al TOU M 17r TI 'JEuaToc; E:7ta'J<X7taUO'JTal XeXPlTEC;, )(a'JTEu6E'J WaTrEp Fonte., 36. 1/37. 24 cf. Nic. lar., Dial. I, 181-185A 1 /2 E:'i:7x8x.x - Z&pv-:s: cf. Epiph., Tract. de num. myst., 516.14 2/7 Is. 55.10-11 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 9 7'J"(Z&vs:v] om. LM 11 'Jt(Ju] 70U M 'J'i:0V(.JX] 0VOX V 12 i":S:ppXi":[cr(}fj] i":S:ppXi":[crOx V 13 (JU7(ucr - Sx?6p(JJ] spatium hab. PhS 16/17 70 - 7(.JV] spatium hab. PhS 20 "(V(J)Pcr7X.r)V] spatium hab. S, om. Ph 22/ 23 cr'J"(Z'J7(JU] &cr'J"(ZU7W M 23 8X7Y;PS:'i'V] 7"r,ps:'i'v V 36. 1 x.a- 8vx)\(J] legi nequit S Ver<;io P Z Brevis 7 % 1] om. Z 8 7":XPP"fjcrXcrX7(J] i":XpP"r,crXS:7 P, 7tXPPYjcr&crE7 Z 11 'Jto;:;] praem. 7(.J;; P 12 7fj'i'] 7X'i'c; P 14/15 Ei":[ - 'Jto;;] om. PZ 15 7"r,V] 7(0V Z 16 7rJ - 'JUJ] 6 'Jto (7(J EV P) PZ 17 E;"r,P"'!-lEV] dp1j- !-lEVX P 19 'i:XV7"f/] i":V7X P 20 YV(upcr7X.OV] "(V(upcr7X.WV Z 21 70;;70] om. Z 22 !-It),AO!-lS:V] !-lE)\),O !-lEv PZ 23 E] d PZ 36. 1 %x88v).(J] rJ I,X7V(J=: Z 1/8 EV - i":J:r,'J] om. PZ 
48 DIALOGUS EaV xaTa{3n UETO ij X LWV EX TOU oupavou, Ka't'a 't'o'J 7tpo<pYj't'Y)'J EL7tEl'J, OUX ci7roaTpacpaETaL EXEi6EV EW av 5 /l-E6uan TV v, xat EXTEXn, xat ix(3AaaTan, xal ijj an:Ep/l-a Tijj a7rELpovTL. OUTW xat TO pij/l-a aou, f3aO'lAEU, OU /l- cXn:oaTpacpfj KE'JO'J EW av aUVTEAEan oaa 6EAYJ- aa. TIAYJ'J OUK EO''t'l 't'OU't'O Ka't'a af3EAAlO'J, 6EOO'OcpE f3a- 0' lAEU, OU yap E l E'J 7tpOO'W7tO'J Yj E l Ka't'aO''t'E'JOx wpou- 1 0 E'J 6Eo't'Y)'t'a. 37. BaO'lAEu :'" 'Ea'J Yj Tpla OUK aAA06E'J 7t06E'J EI'Jal Tpla WoAo)'YJ't'al 11 7ta'J't'w 't'Ol u7toO''t'a't'lKol lSlwa- O'l, 't'au't'a Sf: 7tpO 't'o SOKOU'J EKclO''t' O'uE't'af3clAAo- 'J't'al. 7tW OUX OU't'W Yj Tpla 't'O EI'Jal Tpla cX7tOAWAEKE; 5  l't''t'W'J yap O'J't'W'J 't'W'J E'J 't'ij U7tEp't'cl't'Y) Tp LaS l 6EW- , ,-, " -  - - , pOUE'JW'J - Kal 't'W'J E'J O'J't'WV KOl'JW'J OOU 't'al 't'plO'l'J U7tOO''t'clO'EO'l, SY)AO'JO't'l 't'W'J CPUO'lKW'J, 't'W'J Sf: E'J E'Jl O'J 7tpOO'W7t 6EWpOUE'JW'J a7tAW 't'E Kal O'JO't'p07tW, Kal OUK aAAW f:'J E'J 't'OU't', E'J EKEl'J Se E't'EpOlW - 7tW 1 0 UEl 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o 't'YJ'J EK7tOpEUO'l '.I cX'JlO'W Soya't'l- E't'E 't'o'J Yio'J O'u'J 't'ii> TIa't'pl O'UEplO'a0'6al, a€O'w AEYO'J't'E 7tpo.lE'Jal 't'ou't'o EK 't'ou Yiou, Sla Sf: 't'ou't'ou EEO'W Kal EK 't'ou TIa't'po; El f:'J yap ouS' OAW 't'o'J TIa't'Epa, o'Jo'J Sf: 't'o'J Yio'J 7tpof3oAEa 't'OU TI 'JEua't'o Fontes 37. 1/24 cf. Phot., Myst., 340, n. 62 (= Syll. 26); Nic. Meth., Grat., 369, n. 22; Eustr. N., Grat., 97-98 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 7 XEVOV] om. V 9/10 XX7X0'7EVOZ(uPOU!-lEV] conieci, XX7X0'7EVOUfJ-EV LM, cr7EVOZ(uP0I)!-lEV PhSV 37. 1 xcri,E')] legi nequit S 4  - ;X;:OAWAEXE] 70 Elvx 7 p = "r. 7P= ;X;:OAW/,EXS inv. PhS 11 crUtltlso[crxcrOx ] cr'JtltlE p [- - I . - \. \ \ \ screx V 12 7(1)70] 70')7(,? M 13 d] ot V o,ja' OA(')] fJU 36i,fJ V Versio P Z Brevis 8/9 8EocrOcpE xcrAEI)] om. PZ 9/10 XX7Xcr7EVfJZ(uPOU!-lEV] cr7EVOZWPol)- !-lEV PZ 37. 1 o:crAE')] (6 Z) "'(PXXO PZ 7 !-lOV(,?] om. Z 10 'J!-lE] 'r,!-lE Z 11 crU!-l!-lEP [crxcrex] crufJ-!-lEp[crxcr8E Z 12 70')70'J] 7(1) Z 14 ;:VE')!-l70] T:7pO Z 
 -Q  ....'\J.......I ......I""-J 49 15 AEYE't'E, 't'ax' ex'J ui'J ouS' a7tOKpl6Y)O'oE6a 't'<X 7tAElW 't''J 't'YjC; 6EoAoYlac; apx'J a'JalpouO'l Kal. 't''J 1tapaSoO'l'J. El S' a<pw Kal 't'o'J TIa't'Epa Kal 't'o'J Yio'J, El f:'J wO'au't'wc; 't'E Kal 't'au't'wc;, aAAa yap ouSe'J 't'w'J E'J 't'yj TplaSl O'JOlC; SUO'l 7tpOaW7tOlC; E'JU7tapxo'J Eq>EupY)'t'al, aAA' 1) 't'yj Tpux- 20 Sl OAY) KOl'JWC;, 11 E'JOC; 6'Jou 7tpoO'W7tOU Ka6EO''t'Y)KE'J '{Sl- 0'.1, El S' aAAwc; f:'J E; Yiou, EK Sf: 't'ou TIa't'poc; E't'EpOlWC;, O'JOlC; Ul'J I YJ Kal'Jo't'ola 't'YjC; 't'olau't'Y)C; SO;YJC; Eq>EUPY)- M 17v 't'al, 7tap' OUSE'JOC; yap 7teX'J't'wc; 't'w'J 6EOq>OpW'J 7ta't'Epw'J 't'au't'Y)'J EeX60E'J. 38. KaSSl'JaAlol : IV "EyvwC; O'u, Ka't'a 't'o'J OAOW- 'J't'a, O'oq>la'J 't'E Kal 7talSEla'J Kal AOYOUC; q>pO'JY)O'EWC;, Kal Sla 't'au't'a pSlWC; ou't'w SEXy) AOYW'J O''t'poq>ac;, Kal 't'ou't'O Se 't'o a7topo'J YJl'J O'aq>wc; Au6Y)O'E't'al 7tapa O'ou. El 5 'Eyw, q>Y)O'l'J, EY T4J naTpi :Kai 0 naTp EY Ell-oi, EO''t'l Sf: 't'o TI'JEua E'J 't' TIa't'pl Kal E; au't'ou EK7tOpEuE't'al, 7tWC; OUXl Kal EK 't'ou Yi.ou EK7tOpEuO'E't'al; 39. BaO'lAEuc; : IV 'EK 't'W'J Sl7tAOY)C; EO''t'W'J 't'OlOU't'W'J E7tlXElpY)eX't'W'J uw'J EV 't'W'J Suo 't'ou't'w'J U7t07t't'EUEl'J Ol SlSo't'al. 7teX'J't'wc; yap 11 't'ou YJE't'EpOU q>po'JY)a't'oc; Fontes 18/21 XAA - '{oov cf. Eustr. N., Grat., S8 (= Syll. 3); Nic. Meth., Grat., 370, n. 2S 38. 1/39. 24 cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. V, Vat. gr. 111 S, 32v 5 Ioh. 10.38 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 15 x7toxp81jcr6!-le:8x] &T:OXpcr6!-lE8x PhS, &7tOXp81jcrO!-lE8o: V 22 Uf.LL v] 'f.Lv M, u(.lv /;'to£. 23 T:&V7W] om. PhS 24 "':XIJT1jV] post y;xP transp. PhS 38. 1 xoav&Ao] legi nequit S 2 7E] om. V 3 A6ywv crTPOCP&C;] inv. V 4 '!-lv crxcpwc;] inv. V 39. 1 aAE'JC;] legi nequit S Versio P Z Brevis 15 7&Z'] 7&ZX Z u!-lv] !-lv Z oljo'] oljoe: Z x7toxp81ja6!-lE8x] X7toxp81jawf.LE8 Z 16 7tp&Soav] 7te:p(Soav P 17 S'] aE Z 18 7WV] TV P, 70V Z 19 EVIJ7t&pz ov] EV IJ7t&pX wv Z 21 1'013] om. P 23/247txp' - E!-l&8o!-lEV] om. PZ 38. 1 xaav&Ao] 6 AXT(VOC; Z 1/4 EYVWC; - aou] om. PZ 4 d] yp add. P 7 EX7tOpEUaE7] EX7tOpEUET Z 39. 1 crAEIJC;] (6 Z) ypxx6c; PZ 1/12 EX - E7tEt] om. PZ 
so DIALOGUS a7t07tElpCl'J EIGe't'l 7tOlOUE'JOl, 't'OUXU't'ClC; OUX aAY)6ElC; C; aAAa GO<plG't'lXac; XCII. 7tAY)pElC; 7tClpClAOYlGW'J 7tpO't'eXO'ELC; 7tpO<pepE't'E, xax 't'OU't'W'J a'JU7toO''t'CI't'CI XCII. O'Cl6pa O'U'JeXYE- 't'E O'U7tEpeXO'CI't'CI, Y} Ea'J aAYj6we; 't'a 't'w'J XClpS lW'J UW'J XpU7t't'a SlClf30UAlCl Sla 't'W'J 't'OlOU't'W'J E7tlXElpY)eX't'W'J Ele; 't'OUq>CI'JEe; 7tpOeXYEl'J f3Ef30UAy)0'6E, SeSOlXCI Y)7tWe; 10 ayvacpou pa)(ou Enl(3AYJ/l-a Ei 7t'aAaLOY l/l-aTLoy £nL- (3aAAOYTE, XCll 't'o Eq>E;ije; 't'ije; xuplClxije; 7tClpClf30AijC;, EP- YOle; ClU't'Ole; EX7tAY)pWO'Y)'t'E. 'E7tEl 't'l XCll 7tOlO'J 't'O SuI. 't'OU 't'OlOU't'OU 7tpof3AY)CI't'Oe; Ul'J 7tOplOE'JO'J; OUSE yap E7tEl7tEp 0 TICI't'YJP E'J Yi, XCll E'J TICI't'pl 0 15 Yioe;, i)SYj XCll 't'a 't'ije; 7tCl't'Plxije; U7tOO''t'eXO'EWe; Ele; 't'YJ'J Uil- xYJ'J U7tOO''t'ClO'l'J SlClf3y)O'E't'Cll. oU't'w yap a'J EO''t'Cll 0 TICI't'YJP OU o'Jo'J YE'J'JY)'t'WP, aAAa XCll ye'J'JY)CI XCll U7tO apxYJ'J ax6Y)O'E't'Cll 't'O'J Yio'J. XCll ClU 0 Yioe; a;lWCI XCI't'Cl7tAOU- 't'Y)O'El 't'O 7tCl't'plXO'J XCll apxYJ XCl6EO''t'Y);El q>UO'lXYJ XCll 't'ou 20 TICI't'poe; XCll 't'ou TI'JEUCI't'Oe;, XCll oU't'we; aAAY)Aw'J £0'0- 'J't'Cll XCll CI'L't'lCl XCll Cll't'lCl't'a, XCll a't'CI;lCl I E'J't'EU8E'J XCll M 18r axoO'lCl XCll O'UYXUO'le; E'J 't'ij TplaSl 7tClpElO'q>6C1pY)O'E't'Cll. AAa 7tOlOe; tAlSYje; 7tO't'E XCl'Jw'J 't'OlOU't'O'J f3AaO'q>Y)o'J a7ty) pEU;CI't'O; Fontes 10/11 Mt. 9.16 14/24 cf. FP 53; Phot., Myst., 297, n. 18; Eustr. N., Grat., 50; Nic. Byz., Capita, 106-7 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 12 EX7tA-tjpwcr1j'":E] EX7tA-tjpwcrE'":E La ( &.Pl.v PhS 21 Xx 1] om. V &a.,, V 16 EcrTX] XX add. PhS EV'":E08EV] E0 add. s.l. M 19 &pl.] 23 xS1j] Versio P Z Brevis 13 T:pOA-r,!-lx,";o 'J!-l'i'v] inv. Z 14 o,jaE] XX praem. P 16 ax+,crE'":X] spatium .r,crE,";X P 18 '":ov - XX] spatium hab. P xv] (;) P 18/19 xx'":o:7t},O'J'";'r,crE] XX'":7tAO'J'":(crE PZ 19 xxeEcr'":'r,;E] X.8Ecr'":iE Z XX2] om. Z 20/21 '":ou - x'] spatium hab. P 22 xx - '":p&a] spatium hab.P 
39.4-41.10 Sl 40. KaSSl'Jc1Alol :'" KUpLot; lwal aOl YAwaaav 7raL- S£lat; TOU yvwvaL y;vlxa SEt El7rELV AOyout; ao<pouc;, aAA' E'JW't'lOU Kal 't'OSE, Kal SlEUKpl'JEl 't'ou't'O Ka't'<X 't'<X 7tpOE- pa. Tou na't'po Elxwv E'lpYJ't'al 0 Yioe;, Kal 't'o n'JEua S, 't'ou 1\oyOU. w OU'J 0 Yi.oe; Eixwv o'JoaoE'JO 't'ou TIa- 't'poe;, Ele; au't'o'J w El apxY)'J a'Jaq>EpE't'al, EUSY)AO'J w Kal 't'o TI'JEua 't'ou 1\oyou 't'UYXc1'JO'J ElKW'J, Ele; au't'o'J We; Ele; apXE't'U7tO'J a'Jax 6 YjaE't'al. 41. BaalAEUe; :'" 'Epw't'Yjaw Kayw uiie; E'Ja AOYO'J. j\p' 0\)'.1 't'o TI 'JEua 't'o aYlo'J ElKW'J AEYOE'JO'J 't'ou Yi.ou, Ka't'a 7teX'J't'a 't'ou't' 7taplaw6YjaE't'al Kal E;El 7teX'J't'a 7tap' Eau't' 't'a 't'Yje; 't'ou Yiou )"JWplG't'lKa u7tOa't'eXaEwe;; Kal 5 7tWe; OUK ea't'al 't'ou't'o YE'J'JYJa 't'ou TIa't'poe;, aAA' ou 7tpO- f3AY)a, 11 7tWe;, El Ka6' uae; Ele; 't'o'J Yiov we; Ele; apxY)v a'JeXYE't'al, O't'l Kal E; au't'ou, we; q>a't'E, EK7tOpEuE't'al, OUX uioe; f:'J ea't'al 't'ou't'OU, eYYO'Joe; Sf: 't'ou TIa't'poe;; Ou't'W yap 7teX'J't'we; YJ 7tap' uw'J Kal'JoupYOUE'JYJ 6auaalWe; 10 ElKW'J q>UAeX;El 't'o a7tapeXAAaK't'o'J. Fontes 40. 1/2 Is. 50.4 4 't'po EXWV cf. Col. 1.15; II Cor. 4.4 40. 1/8 cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. V-VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 36r, 37v-39r 4/5 7tVEIJf.L - A6yo'J cf. Ath., Ep. I Ad Ser., 516.26 41. 1/10 cf. FP 37, 67, 68,129,134; Phot., Myst., 340, n. 61; Nic. Byz., Capita, 93,102-4 (= Syll. 30); Eustr. N., Grat., 54.21-55.1; Nic. Meth., Grat., 369, n. 22; Nic. Mar., Dial. I, 200.39-43 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 40. 1 xSaLv&ALoL] legi nequit S crOL] om. V 2 crocpo'J] crocp[c; V 3/4 T;X 7tp6TEp] 70 7tp07EpOV PhSV 4 E'{P1jTL] d)P'fjTL V 5 dxwv] add. s.l. V 41. 1 crLAE'JC;] legi nequit S 5 TOIJ't'O] TO'JT(p V &AA' 0')] &AA2I.. L 7 cp7E] 'J[J.ET. praem. V EX7tOpE'JE7L] ante w transp. V 9 7t&v,,:,w] om. V  7tp'] 'J7tp' V u[J.wv] [J.wv M Versio P Z Brevis 40. 1 XSSLV&ALOL] (; A'dvo Z 1/4 X'JpLO - 7tp67E:p] om. PZ 6 W2] ovv praem. Z 41. 1 crLAE:'JC;] ((; Z) YPLx6 PZ x&yw 'Jf.Li] inv. Z 2 ouv] ou P 5 Q:AA' o,j] &AA PZ 8 syyovo] EXYOVO P, EXYWVO Z 9 'J[J.wv] f.Lwv Z 
52 DIALOGUS 42. K<xSSl'JeXAlOl :I"V naLt; au, x<X't'<X XeXpl'J, we; o'J't'we; &ya7t'Y}Tot; 't' eE Ele; 0'.1 EuoxY}aEv  t/JUX au't'ou. xa't'a 't'o'J 7tpoq>Y)'t'Y)'J e f .7tEl'J, l6ETO you'J E7t'L af: TO nVEup.a <XU't'ou. Tl Sf: xal 7tpOe; 't'ou't'O 7tapa 't'iie; aiie; 6EOXl'JY)'t'OU S YAW't''t'Y)e; i)l'J a7t<X'J't'Y)aE't'al; El 't'o n 'JEua nVEup.a Tt; eXAY}6Elat; X<X't'O'JOeXE't'al, 0 Sf: Yioe; 't'UYXeX'JEl aA6ELa, 7tWe; oux EX 't'ije; eXAY}6Elat; 't'o n 'JEua, 't'ou Yiou SYJAaSY), 7tpOEAEuaE't'al; 43. BaalAEUe; : I"V 'E; apxije; Eu6ue; aoq>lEa6al 7tpO- 6IEE'JOl xal 7tapaAoYlEa6al, 't'ije; 't'olau't'Y)e; a7tOa't'ij'Jal M 18v 7tp06eaEWe;, we; EOlXE'J, ouS' OAWe; a'JEXEa6E. Tl'Jl yap Y))"JoY)'t'al xal 't'w'J aa9w'J, Y) 't'Ol YE 't'w'J xa6' uae; ao- S q>w'J xal 7toAua6w'J, we; oux E'l 't'l 't'l'JOe; AEYE't'al xa't'a 't'p07to'J 't'l'Ja, i)SYJ xax 't'ou't'ou 7ta'J't'we; EXEl 't'YJ'J U7tap;l'J; 'ISou yap EOe; 0 6po'J0e; ou't'oe; 4> xa6YJal AEYE't'al, xal 't'OU't'l 't'o ia't'lo'J 0 7tEplf3eXAAoal. 7tAYJ'J ou 7tapa 't'ou't'o xal E; E:OU 't'YJ'J U7tap;l'J EaxY)xE'Jal 't'au't'a 'JolaEl 't'le;, 10 El YJ 't'al'e; 7t't'Ep'Jale; xa't'a7ta't'El' 't'o'J EyxEq>aAo'J. 'AAWe; Fontes 42. 1/43. 16 cf. Nic. Meth., De 5.5., 26-28 42. 1/4 Is. 42.1; M t. 12.18 5/6 Ioh. 14.17, 15.26, 16.13 cum aliis locis 60- &.i,eEVY. cf. Ioh. 14.6 43. 1/16 cf. FP 9, 22, 24, 63, 93, 98, 101; Nic. Meth., Grat., 376-9, nn. 44 (= 5yl1. 42),45,46,51; Eustr. N., Grat., 60-61, 83.20-21; Phot., Myst., 332, n. 53, 333-6, n. 57; Ioh. Phurnes, Grat., 41 10 d - EYX.tcpAOV cf. Ioh. Phurnes, Grat.,41.18-19 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 42. 1 x.aaL VXALOL] legi nequit S w ov't'(u] om. PhS 4 itp] itEp V 5 70] 't'i;J V Tfj] add. s.l. V 7 TOG] rasuram praem. L 43. 1 crL- AEU] legi nequit S 4/ 5 !.l - 7tOA'Jf.LeWv] rasuram praem. L, in mg. M 4 't'o[] ,r[ V 'Jf.LC;] !.l M 5 7tOAU!.leWV] cpLAO!.leWV PhS 7 6] om. V 9 X.L] om. L VO!.l[crEL 'n] ante 7;;'t' transp. PhS Versio P Z Brevis 42. 1 X.aaL VALOL] 6 A't' VO Z 1/5 7t'i' - &.7tV7crE7L] om. PZ 5 't'] om. Z 43. 1 crLAEU] ((; Z) YPLx.6 PZ 1/5 E - w] om. PZ 5 't'(] om. P 7 Ef.L0 - x.] om. PZ 8 7tEpLXAAOf.LL] itEpLEA 1jf.LO:L PZ 7tAV] Ef.L6v Ecr'n praem. PZ 9 't'U7 VOf.L[crEL] inv. Z 9 '!'u't'] 70U70 PZ VO!.l[crEL] vO!.l[cr"fj za ( 10 d - EYX.EcpAOV] om. PZ 
k') 1 II"  &""'..& .&._I c"') JJ 't'E 7tapa 't'-n eE( ypa<p-n xal 1tVEU/l-CZ aUVEaEW E'lp'11't'al Kat. 1tYEUiJ-a. (30l)AYj, aAA' OU)( e; EXeXO''t'J} 't'OU't'W'J EXEl'J 't'O TI'JEua AEx61)O'E't'al 't'Y)'J EX7tOpEUO'l'J. AEYE't'al 't'Ol'JU'J nVEUP.a. Ylou, xal nVEUiJ-a. XpLaTOU, Sux 't'O aq>oi'J OO- ]S q>UE 't'E X'Xl O'uq>Uf: xal 't'O 7tpO 't'O'J TIa't'Epa w El la'J apxY)'J OO't'lW eX'JaYE0'6al. 44. KaSSl'JeXAlol :'" To TI'JEua 't'o aYlo'J EX o'Jou 't'ou TIa't'po EX7t0pEuE't'al, 11 xal EX 't'ou TIa't'po xal EX 't'ou Yiou, 11 ou't" EX 't'ou TIa't'po OU't'E SY) xal EX 't'ou Yiou. aAA' El f:'J EX o'Jou 't'ou TIa't'po Soya't'lE't'E, lSOU, 7tpO- S 0'61)x'11'J uEi 't' iEp a61)a't'l 7tpoO''t'E6Elxa't'E, i)Ei Sf: 't'au't'YJ'J EU 7tOlOU'J't'E ou 7tpOO'SE;oE6a. E l Sf: ou't" EX TIa't'po ou't" E; Yiou 't'o TI 'JEua q>a't'E, 't'Yi 6Ela q>UO'EW xa6' ua ou't'w au't'o eX7tOpp1))"Ju't'al, xal 7tl7t't'El xeX't'w xal O'u'J't'aO'O'E't'al 't'Ol X't'lO''t'Ol. El Se 't'oU't'O SUO'O'Ef3Ela 10 ou 7tOppW, 't'o AOl7tO'J ex'J E'l'11 't'ij aAYJ6El O'uf3al'Jo'J xal aq>opw'J 7tpO EUO'Ef3Ela'J. 45. BaO'lAEu : '" Oux oISa 7tW 't'O EXPl 't'ou 'JU'J O'xa'J- SaAO'J w xa7t'Jo'J Exq>uYEl'J O'7tEUSO'J't'E, El 7tUP aAAo'J Sla 't'W'J 't'OlOU't'W'J E7tlXElpYJa't'w'J E7tl7t't'E't'E, xa6w Fontes 11/12 Is. 11.2 14 Gal. 4.6 Rom. 8.9; Phil. 1.19; I Petro 1.11 44. 1/11 cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. III, 303 45. 1/18 cf. Phot., Myst., 281, n. 3 (= Syll. 20); Nic. Meth., Grat., 363, nn. 6 (= Syll. 37) -7; Nic. Mar., Dial. I, 197 A App. Crit. L M Ph S V 44. 1 xOv&A(n] legi nequit S 2 XI] om. PhSV 3 OUT'] 0')7E PhS X] om. V 4/5 T;;pocreX"tjv] 1tp(Jcrex'r, M 5 1tpocr7EeE:tx'":E] pOcrTE- eX7E MV,l( 6 0')7'] aU7E PhS 7 7POJ 70U praem. LM 9 cru- V7XcrcrE'":] -77- PhS 45. 1 cr},E'J] legi nequit S Yersio P Z Brevis 44. 1 xOOV&AO] 6 j,7(VO Z 2 EX I - X2] om. PZ  ' , ] PZ 6 ", ] " PZ 7 ", ] " P 0-" XL om. OU7 aU7E O'J"':' 0'J7E: 45. 1 crLAE:'J] (0 Z) YPLx6 PZ 1/4 QUX - !-lE'i'] om. PZ 3 ", ] " PZ aU7 OU"':'E ed] om. P 
51 DI.ALOGUS a<p' wv A<XAi)aoEv, SElOEV. U7t' OUSEVOe; yap xal. i)Ele; 5 aVTEpwTav I uac; )(wAu6Ee<x. lvI19r o Yioe; EX 6vou 'tOU TIaTpoe; 7tpOEAY)AU6EV, Y) xal. EX TOU TIaTpoe; xal. TOU TIvEuaTOe;, Y} OUT' EX TOU TIaTpoe; OUTE YJv EX TOU TIvEuaTOe;. aAAa TO EX 6vou TOU TIa- TpOe; SoyaTlElv 7tpo0'6Y)xY) 7taVTWe; EO'TI. xa6' uae;, 10 ouSe yap 7tapa Tii> iEPii> O'uf36A TO EX 6vou TOU TIa- TpOe; YEvvY)6Yjval TOV Yiov 7tapaSeSoTal. To Se i)T' EX TOU TIaTpoe; i)TE YJv EX TOU TIvEuaTOe; OUSEI.e; TWV 7ta- Tepwv El7tElV a7tE6appY)O'Ev. 'pa AOl7tOV TO E; aq>OlV xal TOU TIaTpoc; xal. TOU TIvEuaTOe; TuyxavElv AEl7tETal 15 TOV Yi6v. AAa 7tWe; TOU TIvEuaTOe; EX TOU Yiou, xaTa TYJV uETepav S6;av, TYJV U7tap;lV exoVTOe;, e;El TauTYjv xal 0 Yioe; EX TOU TIvEuaTOe;; OpiiTE 7tOl xaxou 7tpoaYE- 0'6E TOLe; 6auaO'TOle; uwv TOlOUTOle; 7tpof3Ai)aO'lv. 46. KaSSlvaAlol :'" HEle; TO nVEup.a TO aYlOV TUY- xaVElV aXOUOVTEe; TOU Ylou, xal EX TOU Yiou 7tpWTWe; 7tpof3aAAE0'6al 7tE7tlO'TEuxaEv. 'E7tEI. S' EX TOU TIaTpoe; o Yi6e;, Sl' aUTOU TO TIvEua xal EX TOU TIaTpoe; Soya- 5 TlOEV. xal oux av Tle; i)lV aV6U7tEveyxY} i)7tOTE TOU Fontes 46. 1 /2 7tVE;;1J. - UL013 I cf. Gal. 4.6; SA, Dial., 30- 31 (7tVEU1J.X '":ou 'JLOU) et 42-43 (7tVE131J. T &A "fj8dx) App. Crit. L M Ph S V 4 'J7t'] E7t' V 6/7 7tpOEAAU8EV - 1'013 1 ] spatium hab. PhS 7 0;)'":'] OU'":E PhS 10 7tp] 7tEp!. V 10/11 1'0 - 7t't'po] spatium hab. PhS 14 't'U"('/.*VEV] spatium hab. PhS Ad7tE'":O:] AO(7tETH lv/ 18 T:pOA1J.((nv] crocp(cr1J.crv V 46. 1 xSav&Ao] legi nequit S 4 EX] om. V 5 Q:v- 8u7tE:vc:yx1j] &V8U7tEvc:yal. m. add. XEV M Versio P Z Brevis 5 &V'":EpW'":C<V - xWAu61J.E8] &V":EpW":W1J.EV (Q:V'":EpW't"OU1J.E:V P) x!. 1J.E'i'C; PZ 6/7 x!. - xx!.] om. PZ 7 ou,,:'] OU'":E PZ 11 aE] om. Z 1J. Y,'":'] 1J. Y,":E: Z 12 1J."v] om. P 13 &p] ipx Z 17 i"to'i'] T:OO'J Z 18 7tpO- AY,f.LO:crV] crocp(cr1J.crv PZ 46. 1 xSSVAO] 6 A'dvo Z ":0 &yov] om. PZ 3 7tpOAAEcr8] 7tpOAAE:cr8 Z a'] aE Z 5 "1J.'i'v] u1J.'i'v P &V8U7tEVC:YX1j] &v8' U7tE:vc:yxYj PZ 
I.  I. I...., 1 I. ""t .J . ""t - ""t / . J ""t  .J.J TIa't'po uiw'J6 EO''t'l 't'o n'JEua 't'o aYlO'J. "QO'7tEp yap oi rpalKoi EK 6'Jou 't'ou na't'po au't'o Soya't'lO'J't'E, OUX uio'J 't'ou't'O Soya't'louO'l 't'ou TIa't'po ouS' aSEAq>o'J 't'ou Yi.ou, OU't'w i)El EK 't'ou Yiou 't'ou't'O AEYO'J't'E 7tpw't'w 10 EXEl'J T'J U7tap;l'J, ou YE'J'JYja 't'ou't'o, aAAa 7tpof3AY)a AEYOE'J 't'ou Yiou, Kat. ou't'w 7tOppW 't'Yi i)E't'Epa 6EO- AOYla 't'au't'a Si) 't'a 7tpoO'pYja't'a. 0 7teX7t7tO SY)AaSi) Kai  " o EYY0'JO. 47. BaO'lAEu : '" HEl Sf: OUK a'J 7tO't'E SOlY)E'J 't' Yi 't'o 7tpof3AYj't'lKO'J El'Jal Kai apXlKo'J 't'ou TI'JEua't'o a'{'t'lo'J, Sl' aq>w 't'au't'a 't'a PYj6YjO'oE'Ja. TIpw't'a f:'J yap SuapXla 't'l i)l'J, aAA' ou o'JapXla, EO'El't'al 't'o 7tPEO'f3EU- 5 OE'JO'J, E'{ YE 't'ou f:'J Yiou 0 TIa't'i)p Ka6EO''t'Y)KE'J a'{'t'lo, o Sf: Yio 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o 7tp0f30AEU. Kai E't'l Slaq>opeX 't'l 't'w'J al't'lw'J E'J 't'ij TpUXSl 7tapElO'ax6YjO'E't'al. 7tpw't'ou f:'J al't'lOu Kat. apXlKw't'a't'OU 't'UYXeX'JO'J't'O 't'ou TIa't'po? SEU't'EpOU SE 't'l'JO I 't'ou Yiou Kat. U7tOf3Ef3Y)KO't'O al't'lOU M 19v 10 AOYO'J E7tEXo'J't'o, ex Si) 7teX'J't'a 't'Yi TpleXSO aAAo't'pla. 'llA- AW 't'E E7tt. f:'J TIa't'po al't'lou 'JOOUE'JOU aq>ol'J 't'ou 't'E Yiou Kat. 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o, ouSf:'J 't' 't'Yi EUO'Ef3Ela AOY Aual'JE't'al 't'o 't'o'J au't'o'J aAAw f:'J 't'UYXeX'JEl'J a'L't'lo'J 't'ou Yi.ou, SY)AO'JO't'l YE'J'JY)'t'lKW, aAAw Sf: 't'ou TI'JEua- Fontes 11/13 OU7WC; - llyyovoc; cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. V, Vat. gr. 1115, 33r 47. 1/38 cf. Nic. Meth., Grat., 369, n. 22; Nic. Byz., Capita, 102-4 (= Syll. 30); FP 141 3/6 Phot., Epitome, 397.14-16; Idem, Myst., 292, n. 11 3/10 Eustr. N., Grat., 97-98 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 7/8 ' (' ] , , ( , M OIJX uov ou ""Cov uov legi nequit S 9 XX] om. L 13 EYYOVO] ¥.xyovoC; S 47. 1 crAe:UC;] Versio P Z Brevis 6 y;xp] om. Z praem. Z " P e:xyovoc; yp] om. Z 7 'Y.U70] om. Z 8 701370] Se: praem. Z 9 f.Le:r:c;] xt EX - AEYOV7e:C;] 701)70 AEYOV7e:C; EX ""C013 ut01) Z 13 ¥.yyovoc;] 47. 1 'Y.crAe:'JC;] (6 Z) yp'Y.xoc; PZ 3 7tpW7] 7tPWTOV Z 7 EV]  praem. P 7] om. P 10 AOYOV] AOYOU Z 
S6 DIALOGUS 1 5 TO TOU aYlou, 7tpOAY)TlKW SY)AaS. 'E7tl Se TOU Yiou K<Xl 7tavu a7tE<paiv6v EGTl TO E; aUTOU 7tpO.leVal TO TIvEua OU KaTa Tp07tOV YEVVGEW, aAAa KaTa 7tpOO- AY)V Kal EK7tOpEUGlV. EI ev yap KaTa YEVVY)GlV EK TOU Yiou TO TIvEua 7tpOepXETal, ISou Kal ETEpO uio E7tl 20 TYi Tpl(iSo aVa7tE7tAaGTal. El S' OU YEVVYjTW aAA' EK- 7tOpEUTW TO TIvEua 7tpOaAAETal E; Yiou, 7tapaAAa;El Kal OUTW 0 Yio 7tpO TOV OlKElOV TIaTEpa, Kal aVlGOTY) EVTEU6EV EV aq>OlV 7tapElGaYETal. E'{ YE 0 f:V EK TOU TIaTpo 7tPO.lWV, KaTeX YEVVYjGlV 7tpOElGl q>UGlKV, Kal 0 2) f:V YEVVTWp EGTlV, 0 Se YEvvY)a, TO Sf: TIvEua EK TOU Yiou 7tpOXEOEVOV 11 7tpOaAAOEVOV, 11 w av Tl aAAW E6EAY) KaAElV, 7tpOAYja TUYXavEl, Kal 0 TOUTOU a'{TlO 7tpOOAEU. El Sf: OTl TauTeX Tij OUGlCf TeX TOU TIvEuaTO a'{Tla, SleX 30 TOUTO la Kal YJ TOU TIvEuaTo EK TOUTWV EK7tOpEUGl, EpW Kayw UlV Ta oola. El aAAYj Kal aAAYj Ka6EGTY)- KEV YJ EK7tOpEUGl, ou yap riv aTYjv YJ AOl7ty) 7tapEAq>6Yj  - " , " t1 t, , t, UlV, El Y) Tl ETEpa ETUYXavEv, ETEpOV OUTW Kal ETE- pov ElGaYETal KaT' OUGlaV TO a'{TlOV. El yap YJ TaUTOTYj - " -, , " " , 35 TYj OUGla TYj EK7tOpEUGEW ElGaYEl TauToTYjTa, Kal  , -, , " 'T , " Y) ETEpOTY) TY) EK7tOpEUGEW, EEGO OUGa Kal aE- GO OUGlWSY), SY)AaSY) SlSOUGa T TIvEuaTl U7tap;lV, ETEpoTYjTa TWV alTlwv OUGlWSY) 7taplGTY)GlV. App. Crit. L M Ph S V 17 '":pOT:ov] 70r:OV V 20 '":pxo] &.'(t praem. V &V7tZ7tArlcr7] &v- rrE7tA7 V 26 xv 7] om. V 27 xAsiv] XXEV T/ 38 (J'Jcrw] om.L Versio P Z Brevis 15 S"r,Aa"] (Hj/,()V07 Z 20 S'] as: Z 22 OXEOV] raov PZ "i(0V] T:po6v Z 32 +, AOiT'] post 'J!-lv transp. P 34 d] "" Z om.P 24 7tpO- 36 ] 
JI 1':: JlO 1") --./ ..J.....J--./..J.. ,.., J/ 48. KaSSl'JaAlol : '" 'Iou SeSwKE aE KUplOC; Elt; La- 8xYJY aUTo\), Eit; cpwt; a7tlGTW'J I E.8vwv, TOU Elvcxl aE M 20r Eit; aWTYJplcxv lwt; E.axaTOU T'ijt; y'ijt;. AA' El SOKEl, Y) Sf: TOUTO 7tapaSpaWE'J eX'JE;eTaO'TO'J. WO'7tEp 0 Yioe; 7tapa 5 TOU nCl't'pOe; cX7rEaTaA8aL AEYOE'JOe;, E; EKEl'JOU 7teXVTwe; EXEl TY)'J U7tap;l'J, OUTW SYj7tOU6E'J Kal TO IT'JEUa TO aYl- 0'.1 eX7tOO'TEAAOE'JO'J E; Yiou, E; aUTOU 7ta'JTWe; EXEl'J AE- x6YjO'ETal Kal TY)'J 7tpOoSO'J. 49. BaO'lAEUe; :'" 'Eav Eap.EvOL pijaLv 'Ep.ijt; 'EVTO- Aijt;, XpUt/JYJTE 7rCXP' eaUTOle;, E.7raXOUaETCXL eXAYj6Ela'J out; TO UETEpO'J. OUXl Sla TO eX7tEO'TaA6al yap 7tapa TOU ITa- TpOe; 0 Yioe;, Sla TOUTO q>UO'lKY)'J EO'XE Kal TY)'J ye'JVYjO'l'J 5 E; aUTou. Yj yap ex'J Kal Ta Eit; Laxovlcxv cX7rOaTEAAop.EVCX 7rVEUP.CXTCX q>UO'lKa U7tYjPXO'J YE'J'JYjaTa TOU ITaTpoe;, eXAA' ou KTlO'aTa. Ou TO eX7t00'TEAAE0'6al YOU'J a'LTlO'J EO'Tl TYje; EK TOU ITaTpoe; YE'J'JYjO'EWe; Tii> Yiii>. Qe; OU'J E7tl TYje; a7tO- O'TOAYje; TOU Yiou, OUK a'J Tle; TaUTY)'J alTla'J EPEl TOU EK 10 TOU ITaTpoe; TO'J Yio'J YE'J'JYj9Yj'Jal, OUTWe; OUSE, El EK TOU Yiou TO IT'JEua AEYETal eX7t00'TEAAE0'8al, 7tapa TOUTO Kal E; aUTOU EXEl'J AEx6YjO'ETal TY)'J EK7tOpEUO'l'J. Fontes 48. 1/49. 12 cf. Nic. Meth., De 5.5., 13-17 48. 1/8 cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. II, 95.28-30 1/3 Is. 49.6 5 &7tEcrTAeL cf. Ioh. 5.36, 8.42, 20.21 cum aliis locis 49.1/3 Provo 2.1-2 1/12 cf. Nic. Meth., Grat., 372-3, n. 35 (= 5yl1. 41); Eustr. N., Grat., 62; FP 21 5/6 Hebr. 1.14 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 48. 1 xSaLv&ALoL] legi nequit S 6 7tve:uf.L] iterav. V 49. 1 crLAe:UC;] legi nequit S 5 ]  V 6 7tVEUf.LT] 7t&VT PhS &AA'] XL PhS 8 E7tL] &7tO V 11 &7tocr--:EAAe:creL] &7tocr - al. m. e; - Ae:creL M Versio P Z Brevis 48. 1 xSaL V&ALOL] 6 A--:C voe; Z crLAE'JC;] (6 Z) YPLx6c; PZ PZ 5 ]  Z &',1] x&v P 1/4 tSou - &Ve:ETcrTOV] om. PZ 49. 1 1/3 EV - Uf.LETe:pOV] om. PZ 3 yp] om. 8 TOU] C; P 11 TOUTO] TOUT Z 
58 DIALOGUS 50. KaSSlvcXAlOl : XXEuot; EXAot; au xcx't'a TIcxuAov, 6eoao<pe cxalAEu, {3aaTa'WY TO oyop-a 't'OU SEOU EYW7rL- oy E(JyWY xat (3aaLAEWY xoaou ncxv't'OC;, 6cxucxa't'a 'yap we; OpWEV <pepElC; ElC; 't'ac; i)wv axocXC;, 't'l Se XCXl npoe; 5 't'Gu't'o AcxAY)6YjaE't'cxl aOl 't'o anopov; El 0 TIcx't'YJP Suo EXEl 't'cXe; aXEaEle;, 't'YJv f:V we; YEV- vYj't'wp, we; Sf: npof30AEUe; 't'YJv E't'EpCXV, 't'l SYjno't'E XCXl 0 Yioe; ou Sl't''t'ae; e;El 't'cXe; aXEaEle;, 't'YJv f:V npoe; 't'ov TIcx- 't'EpCX, xcx6' Y)v Yioe; XCXl Ea't'l XCXl AEYE't'CXl, 't'YJv Se AOlnYjv, 10 xcx6' Y)v npof30AEUe; 't'uYXcivEl 't'ou TI VEUCX't'Oe;; Ou't'w Sf: XCII. 't'o TI VEUCI 't'o liYlOV Suo AcXf3Y1 't'cXe; ax EaEle;. npoe; 't'E 't'ov TICX't'EpCX XCXl 't'ov Yiov, I XCXl ou't'we; lao't'Y)e; EV 't'ij TplcX- M 20v Sl 't'wv aXEaEwv 't'Y)pY)9YjaE't'cxl. 51. BcxalAEUe; :  AA' opa't'E YJ 't'YJv xcx't" apl6ov " -, -", lao't'Y)'t'cx 't'wv ax EaEWV au V 't'Y) pOUV't'Ee;, 't'Y)V XCX't'CX no lO't'Y)- 't'CX 't'ou't'wv SlSOCX't'E ncxpcxAAcxyY)V. 0 f:V yap TIcx't'YJP Sl't'- 't'ae; EXWV 't'cXe; axeaEle;, 't'cXe; cxu't'cXe; EXEl npoe; aq>w 't'<X E; , -  ,,, ", "'\ , , , 5 cxu't'ou, we; q>ualxov CXl't'lOV npoe; CXl't'lCX't'CX, xcxv npoe; 't'o EV YEVVY)'t'lXWe;, npoe; Sf: 6ci't'Epov npo f3AY)'t' lXWe;. 0 Sf: Yioe; 't'YJv CXl't'lCX't'OU axealv EXWV npoe; 't'ov TIcx't'epcx, npoe; 't'o TIvEucx 't'YJv we; CX'L't'lOV avcxSeXE't'cxl. 't'o Sf: TIvEucx, CXl't'lCX- Fontes 50.1/13 cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. 11,97.34-98.20 1/3 Act. 9.15 51. 1/13 cf. Nic. Meth., Grat., 368-9, n. 21; Nic. Byz., Capita, 102-4 (= Syll. 30) App. Crit. L M Ph S V 50. 1 x V/\(H] legi nequit S cr'J] post T':IJA0V transp. PhSV 4 x.] om. PhS 8 E;E] EZE PhS 9 scr'";] EcrL V 51. 1 crAe:'J] legi nequit S, spatium hab. Ph 3 aa6,";E] a add. s. I. PhS Versio P Z Brevis 50. 1 X.aa \lXAvn] (; A'";l VO Z 1/5 crxElJ0 - XI:Opov] om. PZ 6/8 (0 - !-lEv] om. P 8 EE] SZE Z 9 'Jto] 6 praem. PZ 1 0 i:pOO- 1,e:'J] X. praem. P 11 I\X'(,] AXe: Z 13 '";1jP"f/e+,crE,";] p1jecrE,"; PZ 51. 1 crAEU] (/-; Z) ypo:x6 PZ 5/6  "n7x - 1tpOA "f/7XW] spatium hab. P 5/6 x&v - 7tpOA"f/'t'XWC;] om. PZ 7 h1,";OIJ] 't'i ":'OIJ Z EZ(')V] EZOV Z 
50.1-53.6 S9 't'O'J 6'J0'J, xal. 7tpOe; a<pw 't'a 't'ou't'ou xa8EO''t'J}xE'J a'L't'la. , - - -  -" , - , 10 xal 7tOU 't'Y}e; ypa<pY}e; Ul'J E<pEupY)'t'al 't'00'Y) 't'W'J O'XEO'EW'J xal'Jo't'ola 't'E xal. U7taAAayiJ we; E'J't'EU6E'J f3<x6oue; 't'l'Jae; ElO'aYEl'J E'J 't'yj TplaSl 't'w'J O'XEO'EW'J, xal. U7tof3aO'Ele; xal.  ", ,,- U7tOEplO'OUe; al't'lW'J 't'E xal al't'la't'w'J; 52. KaSSl'JaAlol : IV 'Ibou, 't'ou't'o lYVWIl-EV OTL (iv(Jpw- 7rO 't'ou BEOU xal. 't'ou't'ou yvYjO'lOe; 7tale; O'aq>we; 't'uyxa- 'JEle; au, f3aO'lAEu, xat Sla 't'OU't'O pll-aTa q>EpEle; E.V T aToll-aTL aou wij. Tl Sf: xal. 7tpOe; 't'au't'a 't'ii> xpa't'El O'ou 5 ACXAY) 6YjO'E't'a l; t'QO'7tEP E7t1. 't'Yje; 't'w'J o'J't'w'J SY)loupYlae; 't'ou Yio\) 't'a 7ta'J't'a SY) loupyYjO'a'J't'oe; - bL' aUTou yap Ta 7raVTa EYEVETO - OAY) 't'yj TplaSl 't'w'J x't'lO'a't'W'J YJ 7tOlY)- O'le; a'Ja't'l6E't'al, 't'l S 't'O XWAUO'J EO''t'1. xa7t1. 't'Yje; 't'ou 7ta- 'JaYlOU TI VEua't'Oe; EX7tOpEUO'EWe;, 't'ou TIa't'poe; AEYOE'JOU 10 't'ou't'o 7tpof3aAAEl'J aq>' eau't'ou, xax 't'ou Yiou 't'ou't'o 'JOEl'J , , 6 EX7t0PEUEO' al; 53. BaO'lAEUe; : IV El OU't'W xal. q>pO'JEl't'E xa6we; Aa- A El't'E, TOL XELAEaL Il-E SOXEl't'E TLll-av,  bE xapbLa uw'J 7rOppW cX7rEXEL cX7r' EIl-OU. Tl yap XOl'JO'J 't'yj SY)lOUPYl xal. 't'yj EX7tOpEUO'El 't'ou TI 'JEua't'Oe;; H f:'J yap 7tOl Y)O'le; 5 't'w'J x't'lO'a't'w'J, 't'Yje; 6Elae; epyo'J o\)O'a SU'JaEWe;, l(ie; Sf: 't'au't'Y)e; xal. 't'Yje; au't'Yje; E'J OAY) 't'yj TplaSl 6EWpOUE'JY)e;, Fontes 52.1/53.23 cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. III, 301-2; cf. FP 17,21, 54,59,60,73,81, 82, 85,98, 110 52. 1/4 III Reg. 17.24 3/4 P!-l;X7 - wy, Ioh. 6.68; Act. 5.20 6/7 Ioh.1.3 53. 2/3 Is. 29.13 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 10 76cr-r,] 70cr'J7'r, PhS 11 7V] om. PhS 52. 1 xSaVAO] legi nequit S 53. 1 cr/,E'J] add. in mg. M, legi nequit S 6 7p&S] add. et delev. lin. V Versio P Z Brevis 52. 1 x.88 v*},o] r) A7i VO Z 1/5 t80'J - },A-r,O';'crE7O:] om. PZ 6 701) - 8"'!-lO'Jp"'(crv70] om. PZ 8 x&T:] x ET: Z 10 x&x] x;x Z VOEV] AEYEV PZ 53. 1 crAE'J] (6 Z) ypx6 PZ 1/3 d - E!-lOU] om. PZ 3 yxp] om. PZ 
60 DIALOGUS I ElX6TW TO SY)louPYYJ8E'J 7tapa TOU Ylou, OAT) Tii aYl M 21r TpuiSl 7tpOGa'JaTl8ETal. SU) TOU Ylou E'JEPYOU'JTOC;, 0 na- TY)P Sl' Yiou 7tOlEl'J O'u'J aYl n'JEuaTl AEYETal. xal U7tO 10 TIaTpoc; Sf: xal Sla TIaTpoc; YEyo'JE'Jal TY)'J XTlO'l'J, xal U7tO TOU TI'JEuaToc; xal SL<X TOU TI'JEuaToc; wO'auTwc; AE- YEl'J oux aT07to'J. E7tl Sf: TYjC; OUO'lWSOUC; TOU TI'JEuaTOC; EX7tOpEUO'EWC;, 7tWC; EO'Tal TOUTO axoAou60'J; Kal 7tWC; TO E; aq>ol'J, EX TOU IIaTpoc; AEYW SY) xal EX TOU Yiou, wC; 15 EX l(iC; apxYjc; ElXOTWC; PYj6YjO'ETal; TIwC; Sf: xal Tii> TYjC; SY)louPYlac; TauT f30UAE0'6E xaTaO'xEuaO'al TauToTY)Ta , , EX7tOpEUO'EWC;; 'AAOC; yap 0 TYjC; SYjloupYlac; AOYOC;, E;w9E'J TYjC; a- xaplac; xal axY)paTOU q>UO'EWC; EO'TYjXWC;. YJ Sf: EX7tOpEUO'lC;, 20 11 El7tEl'J ai xa6' uac; EX7tOpEUGElC;, aUTYjc; ElO'l'J olxElal xal q>uO'lxal oUO'lac; TYjC; eX'JWAE9pou, xal oux eXAAoTplal, Y1you'J 7tEpl aUTY)'J 'JoouE'Jal TE xal YVWploE'Jal, xal oux e;w TauTYjC; ElO'l. 54. KaSSl'JaAlol :'" 'Et/JW/l-LaE O'E 8EOC; TY xEcpaALa TW'J SoyaTw'J aUTOU xal xaTaxopwc; EcpaYE TauTYj'J xal E.Y T4J aT0/l-aTL O'ou U7tf:P /l-EAL YAuxaOY E.YEYETO. E7tl 7taO'l yap TOlC; aUTOU xaTEO'TY)O'E O'E 0 KUplOC; OTl 7rYEu/l-a 5 E'J GOl 7rEpLaaOY, XaTa TO'J 7tpOq>YjTY)'J, xal aUYEaL 7tOA- Fontes 54. 1/55. 33 cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. I 69.27-70.31, 71.23-72.16 3 4/6 Dan. (Theod. versio) 5.12 1/3 Ez. 3.1- App. Crit. L M Ph S V 7 dxo't'wc;] dXe:LW al. m. corr. s. I. M &yt] om. PhSV 12 oucrLWSouC; - 7tVEUf-LO:TOC;] spatium hab. PhS 15 7i;)] TO V 16 T,j't'i;)] spatium hab. PhS ouAEcree:] OUAe:creL V' ( x7crxEU&crL] om. PhS 20 t - uf-LC;] om. PhS 22 VOOUEvt - yvwpL6f-LEVL] yvwpL6EVL x VOOUf-LE- V[ PhS 54. 1 XSSLV&ALOL] add. s. I. V 2 x.1'XOpWC;] xTx.6p(uv al. m. M 3 YAUX&OV] YAUX al. m. M, YAUXQ:WV Ph V Versio P Z Brevis 15 't'i;)] 't'o PZ 20 t.rrc;] UTOIJ Z 1/6 EYWf-LLcrc: - cppovcrEWC;] om. PZ 54. 1 XaaLV&ALOL] 0 ATVOC; Z 
53.7 -55.16 61 AY) Kal aeOe; CPPOyfJaEW. HEle; Sf: 0 <paE'J, olou6'J EO'l'J. WO'7tEp EK ou i)AlOU f:'J ai aKl'JEe; 7tp07tE7tO- 'Jal, EK Se w'J aKl 'JW'J O q>We;, O'J Y)AlO'J Sf: Kat. w'J aKl'JW'J Kal ou q>woe; AEYOE'J uyxa'JEl'J apxy)'J, OUTW 10 SY) Kal E1tl TYje; TplaSOe; 'JOOUE'J Kal AEYOE'J. 0 f:'J na- TY)P YE'J'J TO'J Yio'J, EK Se TOU Yiou TO n'JEua 7tPOEPX E - Tal, aq>Ol'J Sf: 7ty)yiJ Kat. pla Ka6EO'TYJKE'J 0 naTY)p. 55. BaO'lAEUe; :'" El Y) O'U'JETOUe; aya'J i1SEl'J uiie; Kal O'oq>oue;, '{O'we; aa9l I TY)'J TW'J OlOUTW'J aO'uAAoYl- M 21 v O'TW'J 7tpOAY)aTW'J aAAE7taAAY)AO'J E7tlq>op<x'J E1xo'J a'J E7tlypaq>E0'6al. 'E7tEl Sf: 'JOU'JExEle; EO'TE Kal TY)'J TE 6upa- 5 6E'J Kal TY)'J Ka6' 1)iie; O'oq>lav aKplWe; E7talSEu6Y)TE, TO'J 7tOAU'J E'J 6EOAOYl 6ElO'J 7taTEpa rpYJYOplO'J SE;aE'Jol O'UOUAO'J, EO'Tl'J ou Kal 1)TTii0'6al KaAWe; a'JEXE0'6E. nou yap, E'{7taTE Ol, 7tpOe; TY)'J 7tpOKElE'JY)'J  Y)TYJO'l 'J EOlKE TO 'JU'J 7tap' uW'J 7tpOTE6f:'J TOUTO 7tapaSElya; El_ 10 f:'J yap aAAo ai aKTl'JEe; ETUYXa'JO'J Kal aAAO TO EKEl9E'J, we; q>aE, EK7tE7tOE'JO'J q>we;, KaAWe; a'J E1xE'J Ul'J TO U7tOSElya. 'JU'J SE, OuSf:'J aAAO ai aKl'Jee; ElO'l'J, aAA' 1) EK TOU 1)AlOU 7tY)yaouO'a O'aq>we; a7tOppOla TOU q>woe;, , ", , - , - ,-, - Kal TaUTO'J EO'l'J El7tEl'J aKTl'Ja Kal q>we;. O'UVEO'Tl you'J 15 TauTY1 OUO'lWSWe;, aAA' ou 7tpOElO'l'J a7to TauY)e;, Kal E'J TUYXa'JEl KaT' apl6o'J 1) aKTle; Kal TO q>we;. Kal OUX uq>e- Fontes 55.1/33 cf. Eustr. N., Orat., 51-56; Nic. Byz., Capita, 92, 99; FP 112, 140 YP'fjy6pLov cf. e.g. Greg. Naz., Or. 31, 338-40 et FP 36, 38,41, 44 6 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 55. 1 crLAS:U] legi nequit S 5 f-L] Uf-L M 7 crUf-LOUAOV] crUfJ-AOU- AOV Mac &vC:Xs: cr8 s:] xv EZs:cr8s: V 9 7tp' 'Jf-Lwv] post 1'OUTO transp. PhS 11 w cpTS:] om. V 12 ]  praem. PhS Versio P Z Brevis 6 SE] om. P 1 0 7pLSO] &.YL praem. Z fJ-EV] YP add. P 55. 1 crLAS:UC;] (6 Z) YPLx.6 PZ 1/7 S:L - &vC:Xe:cr8e:] om. PZ 8 7tou] TOU P y&p - f-LOL] om. PZ 9 70U70] om. PZ 12 ]  praem. PZ 
62 DIALOG US G't'Y)XE xa8' <xu't'o w EISo EXOV u7tOG't'aGlv. 0 Se Y) xa8'  "  , -, - , , - Eau't'o EG't'lV U<pEG't'Y)XO, 7tW EX 't'WV aX't'lVWV 7tPOXEl- 0'6al AEX 6i)GE't'al; 20 'E7tl ev yap 't'Yj U7tEpapXlou TpLCiSo, aAAY) u7toO''t'a- O'l 0 TIa't'YJp xal aAAY) 0 Yi.o xal E't'Epa 't'o TIvEua 't'o aYlov. 'E7tl Se 't'ou AY)q>6EV't'0 UlV 7tpO U7tOSElya, oux av 7tO't'E 't'o EX 't'OU 1)AlOU Sla 't'wv aX't'lVWV 7tpOXEOEVOV q>w tSlOU7tOO''t'a't'ov Elval xal xa6' eau't'o VOEl0'6al aVEU 2S 't'WV aX't'lVWV AEx6i)O'E't'al. To q>w yap 't'O 1)AlaXOV OUX aAAO 't'l 't'uYXavEl 7tapa 't'OV Y1AlOV, aAA' EISo 't'OU't'ou EG't'l, xal 't'ou't'ov EtS07tOlEl )(al OU)( a'l't'lOV EXEl au't'ov ouSe YlVE't'al EV 't'OU't' xal a7toYlVE't'al. Ou yap OlOV 't'E q>w 11 aX't'lva xa6' eau't'a U7toO''t'Yjval, lva 'lSlal I U7toO''t'a- M 22r 30 O'El YEvi)O'wv't'al. 'E7tl yap 't'WV EVUAWV 7tpaya't'wv, 1) oUO'la exaO''t' 't'o EISo, aAA' OUX 1) UAYJ EO''t'lV. OU AEYE- 't'al Sf: 't'O EISo 't'lVO E; au't'ou 't'UYXclVElV xal EXElV 't'YJV U7tap;lV. lva YJ au't'o E; Eau't'OU Elval AEYOl't'O. 56. KaSSlvaAlol :'" l\EvSpov EUXap7tOv oV't'w 7tEq>uxa O'u, O'oq>w't'a't'E f3aO'lAEu, napa 't'al uSpoppoal nEcpUTEU- /l-EYOY 't'OU TIvEua't'o xal Sla 't'au't'a f3pl6El 7tAOUO'lW Fontes 56. 1/57. 19 cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. IV, 61.17-65.10 1/5 Ps. 1.3 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 27 dOOitOE] do' OitOE M, ;)O()it')E V 30 "(EV';'(J'(J)v7X] YEV.;'(J'OV7X Ph, YEV(J'E7X S, YEVV';'(J'WVTX J;t ( 7WV EV'JAWV] 7(0V 0J,WV V 31 EX&cr7C:)] l M (, V ' ... .. ' ] . ., M ' ( , " ] ' -"... V egi nequit ,EY..cr70U Xrj, 7 VO' O'JZ - Ecr7 V OU 7Y, 'JI\. Y, 56. 1 xXaOV&AO] legi nequit S 2 TX 'Jopopp6x] 7 'Jap')p6x V Versio P Z Brevis 17 EZ')V] EZWV Z 18 'J?Ecr7'r,x.6] 'J?e:cr7'r,XW Z 22 i":p') 'Ji":6aE'Yf.LX] itpO'Ji:6aE Yx Z 23 70] om. P 24 EX'J7 r )] EX'J70'J P 26 7] om. Z 28 ol6v 7E] O'{OV7X Z 30 YEV';'(J'WV7X] YEvcrETX P, YEV(J'()V7X Z 33 X'';7,) - E'Yt'OG] E EXU70U X'J70 Z 56. 1 xXaaV&AO] om. P, 6 Ax'dvo Z 1/5 oivapov - 1tpOcrXOV7] om. PZ 
,..,.. ...  1/' :».1,' -:J/ .J""t 63 EUO'Ef3Elac; aEl8aAEO'l Xap7rOL Xal LW au't'ouc; E.V XCXL- - - , 5 P4J 't' 7tpoO'Y)XO'J't'l. AA' axouE xal 't'ou't'ou 't'ou U7tOSEl ya't'oe;. WO'7tEp E7tl 't'YjC; oUO'lae; EXEl xal 't'Yje; SU'JaEWe; xal 't'Yje; E'JEPYElae;, xal EO''t'l EV E'J 't'yj OUO'l YJ SU'Jale;, EX Se 't'Yje; SU'JaEWe; YJ E'JEpYEla 7tpOElO'l, 't'OlOU't'O'J SY) 't'l q>aE'J xal E7tl 't'Yje; Tpl- 10 aSoe; aU't'Yje;. rEYE'J'JY)'t'al E'J yap EX 't'OU TIa't'poe; 0 Yioe;, EX 't'ou Yiou Se 't'o TI'JEua 7tpOEPXE't'al. 57. BaO'lAEUe; :'" KALVCXTE TO OU U/l-WV El Ta P/l-CXTCX TOU aTO/l-CXTO /l-0U. xal 7tAY)pEle; O'J't'Ee; q>pO'JY)O'EWe;, 7t0- PEUE0'6E xa't'Eu6u'J0'J't'Ee;. xal 't'OU't'O yap 't'o U7tOSEl ya 7tOAU 't'OU E7tl 't'Yje; TplaSOe; AOYOU a7tOSEO'J EO''t'l'J. 'E7tl E'J 5 yap 't'Yje; oUO'lae; YJ SU'Jale; oux aAAo 't'l EO''t'l 7tapa 't'YJ'J E'JEp- YEla'J, aAA' YJ au't'YJ 't'uyxa'JEl xa't" apl6o'J. 'E'JEPYEla E'J yap 't'EAEla xa6EO''t'YjxE SU'Jale; 't'ii> XPO'J O'U7tpOlouO'a, xal U7t' au't'ou 7tpOe; 't'YJ'J eau't'Yje; 7tpoxoaO'a 't'EAElO't'Y)'t'a 't'E xal Exq>a'JO'l'J, YJ SE SU'Jale; E'JEPYEla xa6EO''t'Y)xE'J a't'EAY)e;. 10 E't'l 't'ii> f3a6El 't'Yje; oUO'lae; E'JOlXoupouO'a, xal E'J au't'ii> 6a- AaEuoE'JY) 't'E xal O'uyxpU7t't'OE'JY), xal 't'YJ'J EX 't'OU Xpo- '.IOU 7tpOe; 't'ouq>a'JEC; a'JaE'JouO'a 7tpooSo'J. Qe; yap oux a'J 't'le; 't'o'J U7tEpaxo'J a'J6pw7t0'J, 7tpwYj'J f3pEq>Oe; ap't'l YE'J'JYj't'O'J XPY)a't'lO'a'J't'a, E't'EpO'J 'Ju'J 't'uyxa- Fontes 57. 1/19 cf. e.g. Arist., Metaph., 1049-1050 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 4 ,j,";o'J] ,j'";o'i' V I 11 Se:] post EX transp. V 57. 1 crAEUC;] legi nequit S 'Jwv] !-lwv VI 6 EVEP"'(E] EVEpye: V 9 EXcpvcrv] EX?crv M, EXcpOC; V X,";EJ,] EV'";e:A.C; V 1 0 E,";] Eit V EVoxo'Jpo;;cr] EVOXpoucr V 13 'JitEpX!-lOV] 'JitEpV!-lOV V Versio P Z Brevis 6 ' , (  I ] ,,", "'. (  I " PZ 7 - 2 ] Z AA - 'JitOuE 'Y!-l'";OC; AI\O'J 'J;:OuE Y!-l'";OC; XO'Jcrov 7Y,C; om. 10 YEYEVV"(;,";] YEYEVY,'"; PZ 57. 1 crAEUC;] om. P, (; ypx6c; Z 1/3 X/\(V7e: - X,";E'JeUVOV,";EC;] om. PZ 3 yxp] om. PZ 4 E7t] EX P 5 1'(] om. Z 7 yxp] om. Z 9 EXcpvcr v] EXcpcr v P 10 1'0 &eE] 1' &e.fj Z 12 1'o,j!-lcpvEC;] '";0 E!-lCPVE:C; PZ 
64 DIALOGUS 15 'JEl'J EPEl' I aAACl 't'o'J cxu't'o'J 't'U)'XeX'JEl'J Kal 7tpO't'EpO'J xal M 22v E't'E7tEl't'CX, xCi'J EX 't'OU SU'JeXEl 7tpOEXOE'J ElC; 't'o 't'EAEl- 0'.1. Ou't'we; EXEl'J SOXEl Ol Xa7tl 't'Yje; SU'JaEWe; xal. 't'Yje; E'JEPYElCXe;. WO''t'E ou XCXAWe; Ul'J 't'o 't'OlOU't'O'J 7tpOe; ElXO'Jl- O'o'J 't'w'J E'J 't'ij TpUXSl 6EWpOUE'JW'J 7tCXpElAYj7t't'CXl. 58. KcxSSl'JaAlol :'" q>oSpcx Ef3cx6u'J9YjO'cx'J Ol SlCXAOYl- O'Ol O'ou, 6EOSlSCXX't'E f3CXO'lAEU, aAACt 7tpOe; 't'ou't'o.oux Cl'J e;El 't'le; a'J't'El7tEl'J, we; OlOE6cx. 59. BCXO'lAEUe; : '" "ISwE'J oU'J uw'J XCXI. 't'OU't'O 't'o SUO'CX- 'J't'lf3AE7t't'O'J 7tpOf3AY)CX. 60. KcxSSl'JaAlol :'" 'XOUE you'J. EO''t'l O'Y)ElO'J XCXI. , " " '" - ypcxYj XCXl O'WCX't'oe; E7tlq>CX'JElCX, XCXl 't'0 E'J O'YjElO'J PUE'J a7tO't'EAEl 't'YJ'J ypcxYj'J, EX SE 't'Yje; ypcxYje; Acxf3a- 'JEl YE'JEO'l'J YJ E7tlq>a'JElcx. xcx't'eX 't'cxu't'Ct SOXOUE'J EXEl'J XCXI. 5 E7t1. 't'Yje; TplaSOe; cxu't'Yje;. 61. BCXO'lAEUe; :'" 'Iou, Ta XElAYJ /l-0U ou /l- xWAuaw, Fontes 60. liS cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. II, 269.2-8, IV, 66.7-23 61. 1 Ps. 39.10 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 17 2] E7tL V 58. 1 xaaLvALoL] !egi nequit S 3 &V'":EL1tEiv] &V7L1tELV V'c. 59. 1 crLAEUC;] crLAEu M, legi nequit S oGv] om. PhSV 60. 1 xaaL VQ:ALOL] legi nequit S 2 YPf-L!-l] YPJ.p PhS 3 YPf-Lf-Lv] YPJ.pv PhS YPf.L!-lC;] YPCP PhS 61. 1 crLAEU] legi nequit S Versio P Z Brevis 15 TU"('/.&VELV 2 ] om. PZ 16 EX '":ou] om. Z 17 aoxEL f-LOL] aOxLf-Lw Z X&7tL] XL E7tL Z T-r,C;2] E7tL praem. Z 18 TO] om. Z 19 T] om. Z 8EWPOUf-LEVWV] om. P 7tpEtA Yj7t7L] 7tpEt},EL7t'":L pc 58. 1 13 xaaLv&ALoL - Or6f-LE8] hanc cardinalium partem om. PZ 59. 1 12 crLAE'J - 7tp6A"fjf-L] hanc imperatoris partem om. PZ 60. 1 XaaLvALoL] om. P, 0 A'":LVOC; Z youv] XL 70UTOU TOU U7tOaEtYf-LTO PZ 21 4 xF - E7tLcp&- VEL] om. P 4 XT TUT] XT' UT Z 61. 1 crLAE'JC;] om. P, 0 YPL- x6c; Z 1 I 5 aou - vouv] om. PZ 
57.15-61.25 6S KUpLO SE 7rpoa(JELYj Ul'J WTLOY &XOUELY xai Yj 7raLEla KUPLOU &YOLEL Ta wTa uw'J. '{O''t'E yap we; 7tOppW 7tOU 't'Yje; aA'116ELae; xal 't'o 't'OlOU't'O'J uw'J a7t07tAa'Ja't'al 7tapa- 5 SEl ya. 'E7tlO''t'Y)O'a't'E you'J 't'Ole; AEYOE'JOle; 't'o'J 'Jou'J. 't'o O'Y)ElO'J PUE'J Ele; ypaYJ'J OUXE't'l E'JEl O'YjElO'J, aAAa 't'o OAO'J Ele; ypaYJ'J a7to't'EAEU't' 't'E xal E't'af3aAAE't'al xal 't'OU O'YjElO'J OAWe; EI'Jal E;EO''t''11XE'J. QO'au't'we; xal YJ ypaYJ Ele; E7tlq>a'JEla'J 7tAa't'u'J6ElO'a OUXE't'l ypaYJ 1 0 EE'J'11XE'J we; 't'o 7tpO't'EpO'J, aAAa 7tE7tAa't'uO'E'JYj YE- Y0'JE'J E7tlq>a'JEla. OU't'E you'J Ele; ypaYJ'J YJ E7tlq>a'JEla a'Jaq>EpE't'al - 7tWe; yap 't'YJ'J YJ ouO'a'J '11SE OAWe; EE- - ", ";'  ,"", 'J'11xula'J; - ou't' au '11 ypaYj we; U7t apx'11'J a'Jaq>EpE't'al , - 't'0 0''11 E lO'J. 1 S To E'J yap EX 't'l'JOe; 't'l Yl'JOE'JO'J, E'JO'J't'Oe; we; 't'o 7tpO't'EpO'J 't'ou E; OU, E't'EpO'J 't'l E; EXEL 'JOU YL 'JE't'al xal EO''t'l, xal Suo 't'au't'a 't'UYXa'JEl xa't" apl6o'J. 't'O 't'E YE- YO'Joe; xal 't'o I aq>' OU EXEl'JO YEYE'JYj't'al. o't'a'J SE 't'l xa't" M 23r OUO'La'J E't'af3A'116E'J aAAYj 't'le; YE'JYj't'al q>UO'le;, OUX E; EXEL- 20 'Jou YEYO'JE'J E't'EpO'J, aAA' au't'o EXEl'JO 't'ou 7tpO't'EpOU E'{- Soue; EXO''t'a'J aAAo 't'l 7tpaya xal aAAo EISoe; YEYE'JYj't'al, xal E'J 't'uYXa'JEl, xal oux aAAo xa't" apl6o'J xal E't'a 't'au't'a xal 7tpO't'EpO'J. El you'J xal E7tl 't'Yje; TplaSoe; UEle; 't'olau't'a 7tapaAaf3a'JE't'E, EXPl 't'L'JOe; Ele; a't'Yj'J 't'a 't'Yje; 2S SlaAE;EWe; 7tapa't'EL'JoE'J; Fontes 2/3 Is. 50.4-5 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 3 /:o'J] /:01) V 4 70] om. M 70OI)70V] 70 70OU V 6 YPf.L!-lV] ZP!-l!-lV V' II YPf1.!-l"V] YP(VV PhS 13 YP!-l!-l] YPCP" PhS 18 "(EYE'rr,7] YEYEV"1j70 V 19 "(EV"'i7] YEYEV1j7 L 20 EXE'i:'vO] Ex.dvou V 21 &1.1.0 2 ] 7 add. PhSV Verio P Z Brevis 6 !-lEVE cr"'i!-lE'i:'oV] inv. P 8 E;Ecr-:-r,X.EV] E;(cr77 PZ 13 ')1t'] Ui':O Z 15 7] 7cr Z 19 'n YEV1j7] inv. Z P 25 /:p7E(VO!-lEV] 7tEp7dwo!-lEV Z II youv] yp P 23 youv] YP 
66 DiALOGUS 62. K<xSSlVeXAlOl :'" vaax6Evo xal E't'l lxp6v, 7tpao't'a't'E aalAEu, xal 't'ou't'ou 't'OU 7tpOAYja't'o axouE, E'l 7tW aOl xCiv 't'ou't'o <pavEl't'<Xl 't'-n 7tpOXElEVY1 Y)'t'YjaEl xa't'aAAY)Aov. 'Ap' OUXl 't'o nVEua cSaxTuAo AEYE't'al 't'ou 5 Yiou, 0 Sf: Yio X£ip 't'ou na't'po 7tapa 't' ypacp ovoa- E't'al; Q ouv 0 Sax't'uAo EX7tEq>UXE 't'Yj XElpO, Yj Sf: XElp 't'ou AOl7tOU awa't'o Y1p't'Y)'t'al, ou't'w SYJ xal E7tl 't'Yj TplaSo q>af:v 't'ov Yiov f:V EX 't'ou na't'po YEvvY)6Yjval, EX Se 't'ou Yiou 't'o nVEua 7tpof3aAAEa6al. 63. BaalAEu :'" Nuv eyvwv w El aepa SalpElv E7tE- XElpYjaaEv. El yap OAOUXW Ef3ouAEuaaa6E E't'aa- 6ElV 't'YJv aAYj6Elav xal 't'YJv op60't'0lav 't'ou 7tpOXElevou YJ't'Yja't'o, oux av 't'a f:V 't'Yj ypaq>Yj 7tpO 't'YJv uE't'epav 5 yvwYJv 7tapEpYJvEUElV, 't'a Se xal 7tapaalW7taV 't'EAElW 7tpOe6Ea6E. xal yap E'l7ta't'E 7tpO 't'Yj aAY)6Ela au't'Yj. 'Ap' OUXl 't'o nVEua XElp ovoaE't'al 't'ou na't'po; Kal 7tW ClV VOYJ6ElY) aaq>w 't'o «Ai X£LpE aou E7rolY}aav /1-£ xai £7rAaaaV /1-£», El YJ E7tl 't'ou Yiou xal 't'ou nVEua- 10 't'o EXAY)q>6Yjaov't'al; nw ouv 't'au't'a S 't'a pY)'t'a, 't'o 't'E 't'ou na't'po XElpa xa't'ovoaov xal 't'o nVEua xal 't'ov Fontes 62. 1/63. 48 cf. Nic. Mar., Dial. IV, 66.24-67.20 62. 4 S&X::-UAO cf. Lc. 11.20 5 Zdp - 7t'7pO cf. lob 10.8 63. 1/48 cf. loh. Phurnes, Grat., 46 1 e:t - a(pEV cf. e.g. Cyr., Comm. in Is., 1284.53 8/9 lob 10.8 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 62. 1 xaaV&AO] legi nequit S 7 pTr,7] p'7UT M 63. 1 cr- Ae:'J] legi nequit S 2/ 3 EOUAE'JcrcreE !.lE'":!.lee:'i'v] spatium hab. PhS, inv. V !.lE'!!.leE'i'V] !.lE!.leE'i'v V 6 x yp] spatium hab. PhS 8 t ZE'i'pE] EZdpE V 11 Xl] om. PhS Versio P Z Brevis 62. 1 x.Sav&Ao] om. P, 0 A'!VOc, Z 1 /2 &Vo:crX.6!.lEVO - crAE;;] &AA PZ 2 X.OUE] xxoucrov PZ 5 7tp] 7te:p PZ 7 p'71j':'] "t'1j'7 Z 63. 1 crAE'J] om. p, 0 ypx.6 Z 4 'J!.le:'7EpV] !.lE7EpV P 5 x] om. P 8 crou] om. P 9 xo: I - !.lE] om. P 11 x'!ov6!.lov] X70VO!.l&wv Z 
/..., 1 /-:'1 '1C UL. .1-vJ.J J 67 Yio'J, Kal 't'O SaK't'UAO'J 't'OU Yiou 't'O TI 'JEUa AEYO'J 't'O aYl- 0'.1, I O'u<pw'Ja Ka't'aO''t'alE'J aAAYjAOle; Kal Y) aXOE'Ja, M 23v 11 7tcl'J't'We;, O't'l Sl<X E'J 't'W'J XElpW'J YJ 't'OU Yiou Kai 't'ou 15 TI 'JEua't'Oe; 7tpOC; 't'o'J TIa't'Epa Kal 7tpof3oAEa we; al't'lo'J a'Jaywy Kal 't'o E'JOe; E;Y)p't'Yj0'6al al't'lou 7tapaSY)Aou't'al; To Se 't'ou Yiou SaK't'uAo'J 't'o TI'JEua Ka't'0'J0aE0'6al 't'Y)'J O'uq>ula'J 't'E Kal 't'Y)'J E'J aAAYjAOle; aSlappYjK't'o'J aA- AYjAouXla'J Kai E'JWO'l'J aSuxO'7taO''t'o'J 7taplO''t'. Kai oU't'we; 20 olal 't'a 't'olaSE pY)'t'<X Ele; 't'o aaxo'J 7tEpllO''t'a't'al, E7tEl7tEp Kal E; E'JOe; 't'uyxa'JouO'l TI 'JEua't'Oe;. El SE 't'le; aAAWe; 't'a 't'olau't'a S lEpY)'JEU£l '.I 7tElpii>'t'O, 7tOAAY)'J 't'w'J E'J au't'Ole; E'J'JOlW'J axY)'J aO'7to'JSo'J EUpYjO'El Kai aKa't'aAAaK't'o'J. 1\AAwe; 't'E Kal 7tOl 't'Yje; 6Elae; ypaq>Yje; 't'ou Yiou Sa- 25 K't'UAO'J UEle; 't'o 7ta'JaYlo'J TI 'JEua KaAouE'JO'J Eupa't'E; TEwe; EYW 't'ou w't'Yjpoe; E'J EuaYYEAlOle; aKouw BEOU a- XTUAOY 't'ou't'o Ka't'o'Joao'J't'oe;. E'J ole; OU't'W q>Y)O'l '.I. El i E:Y axTuA BEOU E:x(3aAAw Ta aLp.OYLa, apa Ecp(JaaEY icp' up.a  (3aaLAEla TOU BEOU. «BEOU» yap El7tW'J 't'o'J 30 TIa't'Epa SESYjAWKE, «axTUAOY» Sf: 't'o TI 'JEua. 7ta'J't'we; 11 Sux 't'o O'Uq>Uf:e; Kai OOOUO'lO'J, 11 Sla 't'o EpOe; 't'w'J 't'ou TI 'JEua't'Oe; 7tOlKlAW'J xaplO'a't'w'J Kai SWpEW'J El'Jal 't'Y)'J 't'w'J aKa6ap't'w'J 7t'JEua't'w'J E;EAaO'l'J. AAa Kal MwO'Yje;, we; EOl YE SOKEl, 't'ou't'o 7tapEO'Yja- 35 '.IE, ypaae; OU't'we; E'J 't'ij 'E;oS. Kat iYEYOYTO aXyl7rE Fontes 27/29 Lc. 11.20 35/37 Ex. 8.14-15 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 12 AZYOV] add. s. l. V 18 EV] om. V 18/ 19 XA":r,AOUX.LV] om. PhS 19 EVWcrv &acicr1trlcrTov] inv. PhS 23 &cr7tovaov] &cr7toaOV V 31 cru- cpUE] ":'E add. PhS 35 crxvt7tE] crxL7tEC; V Versio P Z Brevis 12 AZY(JV] AZYWV Z 16 E;1jpcr8rl] E1jp7Ecr8E Z 'itprla1jAOUTrl] 1tEpa1jAoucr8rl P 17 x":'ovof.Lcie:cre] x":'OVO!-lEcree: Z 21/22 T 70UT] om. Z 22 EV u":'oC;] om. Z 24 7tO] m; Z 28 &Prl] &prl PZ 29 uf.L] !-l PZ 35 crxVL7tEC;] ot praem. PZ 
68 DIALOGUS EY E oi ay(JpWn:OL )(ai EV Toi TETpan:OaLV. Eln:oy OUY ol En:aoLoi T CPapa. L1a)(TUAO BEOU E.aTL TOUTO. U'JlE't'E 7tWC; 't'Y)'J 't'W'J 6aua't'w'J E'JEPYEla'J, EpOe; ouO'a'J 't'W'J AOl7tW'J xaplO'a't'W'J 't'OU TI 'JEUa't'OC;, 0 6E07t't'Y)C; a- 40 )(TUAOV BEOU 't'ou TIa't'poe; SY)AaSY) xa't'w'JoaO'E'J; OU7tW yap YJ 't'ou Yiou 7tpOO'Y)yopla 't'ii> YPeXa'J't'l 7tpoq>Y)'t'Y) 11 't'OLe; El7tOUO'l'J E7taOlSOLe; E7tl 't'Yje; 6EO't'YJ't'0e; I E)"JWplE't'O. M 24r U'JaYE't'al 't'Ol 'JU'J EX 't'ou't'w'J we; 't'ae; xa't'a EpOe; !JtOl- xlAae; E'JEPYElae; 't'ou TI'JEua't'Oe; BEOU a)(TUAOU YJ 6Ela 4S xa't'a'JoeXEl ypaq>Y), Sux 't'w'J 't'OlOU't'W'J Sax't'uAw'J au't'Y)'J 't'Y)'J 't'cX 't'olau't'a EPYJ 7tpof3aAAoE'JYJ'J XELpa 't'Y)'J 't'ou 7ta- 'J't'OUpYlXOU SY)AaSY) 7ta'JaYlou TI 'JEua't'Oe; SU'Jal 'J 7ta- , pEq>al'JouO'a. 64. KaSSl'JeXAlOl :'" Nu'J E7tlO''t'EuO'aE'J aAY)6we; we; )(apla (3aaLAEw E.V XELpi BEOU. Hw'J Sf: n:apa P-L)(POV E.aaAEu8Y]aav ol n:OE, n:ap' oAlyov E.Exu8Y] Ta La(3p-a- Ta. T 't'Ol, xal 't'Yje; Sla AOYW'J alAAY)e; xal a'J't'lppY)O'EWe; S a7toO''t'eX'J't'Ee;, a't'E Y) Sf: SU'JeXE'JOl 7tpOe; ou't'W 7tUpl7t'JOU'J 'JoU'J xal YAwO'O'a'J a'J't'ayw'J lE0'9al, 7tpOe; 't'cXe; 't'w'J 7ta- , , "" , 't'EpW'J )"Jwae; we; Ele; 0XUPo'J xpYJO'q>UYE't'O'J xa't'aq>EUYO- E'J. aq>' w'J 't'O 't'ou YJE't'EpOU Soya't'oe; EUAOYO'J we; OlO- E6a O'uyxpO't'Y)O'OE'J. Fontes 64. 2 Provo 21.1 2/4 Ps. 72.2 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 46 7tpOXAAOfJ-EV1jV] 7tpOXAOfJ-tV1jV V ax AOYWV] aA6ywv V 5 as] om. V 64. 1 xXaaVAO] legi nt:quit S 6 YAWcrcrxV] -'";7- S 4 Versio P Z Brevis 44 SEOt)] om. Z 45 '";wv] 7'f,v P 4 7 itxvY(01J] 7V ,";0;:' praem. Z 64. 1 xaa V&AO] om. P, 0 Ax.d VO Z 1/4 VIJV - xx I] om. PZ 4 1'] &AA?J. praem. PZ 5/6 &7E - &v,";YWV(EcrO] om. PZ 7/8 w - X7- cpEIJYOfJ-EV] &itOVEUOfJ-EV PZ 9 crlJ"{xPO-:-f;crOf-LEV] crUYXP07crWfJ-e:V PZ 
63.36-67.9 69 65 B , IF.. '''c. " - , , . aalI\EUC;:"'" '*'EPE loWE'V xal aua<; 7tOlal E xal , " , l 'VW'V 7taEpw'V Elal'V. 66. KaSSlvaAlOl :'" o ucr(jc; 7tpOC; O'V A"Aao'J E7tl- aEAAW'V (J'J7W 7tZpt Yje; TplaSOe; ([)cr 'J' «r10T TO cl7t(lpa"A- '\ .....,  '\ '" \ \ \" \ l\iXX70V T1JC; ([)UcrEWC; Of.LOI\OYOUVTEC;, T'J XLl'!'(l 70 (l TO'J X(l (l T(lTO'J 8(l([)opa'J OUX &p'Jou(l-E8(l, E'J c{) (l-6'J 8(lXp 'JEcr8(l 5 TO E7EpO'J TOU E7Et-'0U XT(lA(l(l-a'JO (l-E'J». y TCo8 (l p W'J 8e: \' \', \..... , t:' ",1 \', 70 (l T(lTO'J E7t(lYE X(l TOU ES (l TOU O'JTOC;, «TO (l-E'J EcrT 7tpOcrEXWC; EX TOU 7tPWTOU, TO 8e: 8a TOU 7tpOcrEXWC; EX TOU 7tp WTOU», you'J Ef.L(l-EcrWC; EX TOU n (lTp6 c;. 67. BaalAEUe; :'" AAa EXPl E'V ou 'VU'V Ol SlaAE- XlXWe; i)lAAaa6E, auyyvwY)e; ex'V '{awe; -I);loua6E 7tapa w'V axouo'Vw'V, 7tapaAoYlaole; xai SlAY)aw'V E7tl- XElpYjaal xai aoq>laaal XpWE'VOl. TO S' a7tO TOUSE 5 7tEplTTa aoq>loE'VOl xail 7tpoa6Yjxae; TOLe; TW'V 7taTEpWV M 24v E7tl'VOOU'VTEe; auyypaaal 7tWe; auyyvwa6ElY)TE; Dou yap TYje; 7tap' uw'V 7tpoxola9ElaY)e; xpYjaEWe; TO «EX TOU ytou» 7tapE<pal'VETal, aAAo'V «EX TOU 7tPWTOU» EI'Val xai aq>w TO'V TE Yio'V xai TO D 'VEua «8a TOU 7tpO- Fontes 66.1/67.11 cf. simillima verba in Nic. Mar., Dial. VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 36v, 41r 2/5 Greg. Nyss., Ad Abl., 55.24-27 6/8 Ibid. 56.5-6 (= FP 113) App. Crit. L M Ph S V 65. 1 crAS:'JC;] xpS praem. et delev. V, legi nequit S 66. 1 xSSV&AO] legi nequit S 4 So:xp(vs:cr8] S".cr8 Ph 67. 1 crAe:UC;] legi nequit S 3 Sj:fj!-l!-l*TWV] SA 1j!-lf.LQ:,":oc; PhS 4 S'] Se: L 7 TC;] TOLC; V 7tPOXO- !-lcr8dcr1j] 7tpox0!-lcr- legi nequit -cr1j M, 7tpocr- V Versio P Z Brevis 65. 1 /2 crAS:U - dcr(v] hanc imperatoris partem om. PZ 66. 1 xSS- V&AO] om. PZ 6 V'Jcrcr1jC;] UT(X yp praem. PZ 4 Sxp(vs:cr8] O- xp(vs:cr8s: Z 67. 1 crAe:UC;] om. P, 6 ypx6c; Z 1/6 &AA - cruyyvw- cr8d1j'":S:] om. PZ 6 7tou] TOU P 7 yp] OE PZ 
70 DLLOGUS 10 (jEX We,» E lPYJKO't'OC; 't'OU 8E LOU 't'ou't'ou 7t<X't'poC; r PYJYOP LOU, EXEl'Vo Se 't'o <-<-EX "rOt) ytou» Y) S' 07tWC; OU'V E'V'VoY)O'a'V't'oc;; 68. KaSSl'VeXAlol :'" 'llKouE Kal 't'OU O'oq>w't'eX't'ou Ku- p(AAOU ola7tEp E'J T0 7tpWT 'TW'J 7tEp Te, E'J n 'JEU(l-rl'T ArlTpE(rlC; AOYW'J q>Y)O'l. «TpE7t'TO'J 8e: o,jT 7tO'J O fI 'JEu(l-cl , '1\,/ \ / Q ..... " , \ (..... , E(jT 'J,  E 7tEp TO TpE7tE(jVrl 'JO(jE, E7t rl1j'T'J 0 (l-W(l-OC; rJ..VrJ..- 5 8prl(l-E'i: Trl TV 8E(rl'J ([)u(j 'J, E'C 7tEp E(jT TOU 8EOU Xrl 0 rl'TpOC; Xrl (l-'J Xrl TOU ytou, 'TO oU(jw8wc; E eX (l-([) 0'i:'J, you"Y- EX Orl- TpOC; 8' ytou 7tpOEPXO(l-E'JO'J 0 'JEU(l-rl». (Opc; 07tWC; (jrl([)E(jTE- pO'J OUTOC; [; &yoC; El7tE TO n'JEU(l-rl «ou(jw8wc; E eX(l-([)o'i:'J». you'J EX TOU OrlTpOC; Xrl TOU ytou oU(jw8 ¥:.XE 'J T'J 7tpOO- 10 80'J; l\YjAO'V oU'V we; Kal ou't'oe; [; &YOC; TO «E eX(l-([)o'i:'J», Orl- TpOC; ([)(l- Xrl ytou, XrlTa T'J (l-ETEprl'J 8&'J0rl'J 7trlPE(A ([)E'J E'JrlpyWC;, you'J EX OrlTpOC; 8' ytou. T'J «E» E7t TOU ytou, eX'JT TC; «8a» 7tP08E(jEWC; Ex8EXO(l-E'J0C;. 69. BaO'lAEUe; : '" Xapl't'ae; UL'V OOAOYOUE'V 't'OLe; olKELole; E'V aAlO'KoE'VOle; 7t't'Epoie;, 't''V S' E't'Epa'V op- 6iJ'V 7tEpl 't'OU n 'VEua't'Oe; S6;a'V E7tl aAAo'V 7t't'EpOUO'l Fontes 68. 1/69. 14 simillima verba in Nic. Mar., Dial. VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 36v, 43v 3/7 Tpe:7tTOV - 7tVEUf-L Cyr., De ador., 148.7-12 (= FP 87.6-10) Ap C t BI. I1Id a 7pE1"::,,:,rJ'J 68. 3 usqu ad :'t'JE;:)!J.:X 7 L M Ph S V p. ri. 10 YP1)yoptou] YP1jyoptov V 11 E\'VocrVTOC;] EVOcr1)TCXL PhS 68. 1 xaaLV&ALOL] legi nequit S 3 OUTL] OUTOL BI. 5 TIjv ee:tv] ante &vapx- fJ-ELTCXL transp. BI.PhS 6 XL 1 - uto;;] om. PhS 8 00TOC;] XL praem. PhS 10 wC;] om. PhS TO] om. V 69. 1 crLAEUC;] legi nequit S Versio P Z Brevis 10 TOU70U] om. PZ 68. 1 xaaLvALoL] om. P, (; ATVOC; Z 3 AOYWV] AOY PZ 4 E7t'] E7tL Z 5 v edexv] ante &vapf.LEL7L transp. PZ 7/9 aL' - 7tXTpOC;] om. P 8/9 E - EXELV] om. Z 69. 1 crLAe:U] om. P, (; YPCXLXOC; Z X.&pL TC;] X.&pL V PZ App. ColI. 68. 5 TIjv edcxv] ante &vcxapf.Le:LTL transp. Cyr. f-LEVOV Cyr. 7 7tPOEPX.Of-LEVOV] 7tpoZe:o- 
67.10-71.4 71 Sl' W'J 7tpO<pepE't'E xpY)aEW'J. o yap 't'Yj 't'W'J AE;a'J- 5 SPEW'J, aAAo'J Se 't'Yjc; olxoue'JYjC;, <pwO''t'Y)P 6ElO ou't'OC; 7ta't'Y)p KUplAAOC; 't'ac; 7tOAAa 't'w'J UE't'EpW'J AOYW'J 7tpO- <paO'El 7tpoa'Jalpw'J, O'U'J't'OO'J Eu6u 't'ij 't'W'J aO'aq>w'J O'UAAa(3w'J 7tpoq>op 7tpOY)'JE)'KE 't'Y)'J O'aq>Y)'JEla'J. El7tw'J yap «ou(j(Uawc; E cX(1.([)(JL'J» 't'o n'JEUa 7tPOEpXE0'6al, 't'o 10 «youv EX IILl7poc; a' ytou» O'u'J't'ow E1tYrJ.YE. To Sf: Sla 't'Yj 't'olau't'Y) E7taywyYj I O'u'JayoE'Jo'J, ouSf:'J E't'E- M 25r pO'J, 11 't'o EX o'Jou 't'ou na't'po 't'o n 'JEua 7tpOEPX E0'6al, ou Y)'J xal EX 't'ou Yiou. El yap xal 't'ou't" 'J, OUX rJ;'J 't'i;> aYl 't'Yi 't'olau't'Y) 7tpo0'6Y)xYj ESEYjO'E. 70. KaSSl'JaAlol :'" TOl'JU'J ouS' i)El 0'q>aAAoE6a, 6Elo't'a't'E f3aO'lAEu, axoAou6w 't'i;> 6El 't'ou't' 7ta't'pl EX 't'ou na't'po f:'J xal EX 't'ou Yiou 't'O n 'JEua AEYO'J't'E EX7t0pEuE0'6al, 7tAY)'J E7tl 't'ou Yiou 't'Y)'J «E» a'J't'l 't'Yi 5 «a2l» xal 'JOOU'J't'E xal EpYj'JEUO'J't'E. 71. BaO'lAEu : '" AA' 0 «x.rJ.» O'U'JSEO'O E7tl 't'ou Yiou 7tap' uw'J 7tpoO''t'l6EE'J0, OUX E 't'olau't'a AEYEl'J ua. 7tpoq>a'Jw EAEYXw'J w EX 't'ou na't'po xal EX 't'ou Yiou 't'o n 'JEua AEYO'J't'E EX7t0pEuE0'6al, xa6' 07tOlO'J O'Yjal- Fontes 70. 1/5 Nic. Mar., Dial. VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 41r App. Crit. BI. I1Idab;J'(i?69.4 L M Ph S V 4/6 0 - X'JpLAAOC;] 0 1-lO:XXpLOC; 00TOC; 1t(J.Tp XUpLAAOe, BI. 8 1tpOve:yxe:] 1tpO- crv:yxe: VBI. I 0 t1tY(J.ye:] E1djve:yxe: PhS 12 Tfl - 1tPOC:PX.e:cr8(J.L] TO 7tve:1)f-L(J. cXcpoe:pye:. u scr. s. I. al. m. sed legi potui TO 1tve:1)f-L(J. 1tpoe:px. e: u lJ.L M 13 701)7' - &',1] .v o,j add. al. m. in mg. M 14 EaC:1jcre:] EaC:"fjcre:V BI. 70. 1 XXaaLv&ALoL] ot EX pW1-l1jC; 1tpOC; 1'O:1)"';(J. BI., legi nequit S 2 8e:LOT(J.1'e: (J.crLAe:U] om. BI. 5 X(J.L 1 ] om. V 71. 1 (J.crLAe:UC;] om. BI. cr'Jvae:crf-L0C;] Cp(J.crLv ot 7tpOC; EAe:y/.OV ZWP01)v--:e:C; (J.U1'WV add. BI. 2 'Jf-Lwv] f-Lwv rubro atramento J;t ( 4 x(J.S' 01t07.ov] xxa' 0 y;xP PhS Versio P Z Brevis 4 1tpocpc:pe:--:e:] 1tpO«Epe:7XL Z 4/5 C; - 8e:!:'0c;] f-L(J.XcXPLOC; PZ 71tP0(J.VlJ.L- pwv] XV(J.LPWV Z 13 1'01)1"] 70UTO Z 70. I xo:aaL VcXALO L] om. p, 0 A(J.1'L Voe, Z 2 8e:LO"';X7e: xcrtAe:U] om. PZ 71. I xcrtAe:U] om. p, 0 YP(J.tx6 Z 
72 DIALOG US 5 V6EVOV E7tl 't'ou TIa't'poe; 't'Y)v «E» EKAcxavE0'6E, Ka't'<X 't'o au't'o Kal E7tl 't'ou Yiou KCXl VOEl't'E 't'au't'J}\I Kal AEYE't'Ee TOlVUV Y) Kal E7t' eXfJ.<pOlV, 't'ii> TICX't'pl SY)AaSY) Kal 't'ii> Viii>, 't'Y)v «z» 7tp66EO' l V Ka't'<X 't'Y)v au't'Yj e; O'Y) aO' [av 't'l6Ea't'E - Kal 7tWe; OUK Evav't'lou0'6E 't'ii> 6El 7ta't'pl, 't'Y)v E:V «E» 10 E7tl 't'ou TIa't'poe;, 't'Y)v Se «acX» E7tl 't'ou Yiou EKq>wvO'a- V't'l; - 11 Kal E7t' cXq>oiv eXV't'l 't'Yje; «acX» 't'Y)v «E» Aa- (3avE't'E, Sux 't'ou TIa't'poe; Kal Sux 't'ou Yiou 't'o TIvEua AE- YOV't'Ee; EK7tOpEuE0'6al e Kal SO't'E AOl7tOV i)lV E't'EpOV, e; ou 't'o TI vEua Sux 't'wv Suo 't'ou't'wv EK7topEuE0'6al AEYE't'Ee 15 Ka't" aAAY)V yap E7tl 't'ou TIa't'poe;, Kal Ka't" aAAY)v E7tl 't'ou Yiou O'Y)aO'lav 't'Y)v au't'Y)v Kal lav 7tp06EO'l v EKAa- (3avE0'6al, 7tapa 't'ou O'U7tAEK't'lKOU 't'ou't'OU O'UVSEO'OU (3lalWe; KWAUE0'6E, Ka6we; 7tpOElpKaEVe To yap eXO'UV- SE't'We; AEYElV 11 ypaq>ElV «EK 't'OU TIa't'pOe; EK 't'OU Yiou» 20 Kal UEle; we; (3ap(3apov Kal eXSlavoY)'t'Ov cX7tOq>EUYE't'Ee TIwe; Sf: Kal Sl' aAAWV Kal aAAWV E7tlXElpY)a't'wv eau't'oie; Evav't'louEVOl q>alVE0'6E 7tpO't'EpOV f:V cXEO'We; EK 't'ou Yiou, EK Sf: 't'ou TIa't'poe; OUK cXEO'We; 't'O TI VEua 7tpOEpXE0'6al AEYOV't'Ee;, vuv S' cX7tEVaV't'l 7ta7tav 't'ou 7tpO- Fontes 13/14 a67E - AEYE'!'E cf. Ioh. Phurnes, Orat., 44.26- 27 Dial. V, Vat. gr. 1115, 3Sr 21/26 cf. Nic. Mar., App. Crit. Bl. IIsqu ad h'JyE,j"(E7E 20 L M Ph S V 8 U] lI.!jTIjv LBI. 10 as] om. M 12/13 AEYOV'!'E] AEYOV et in proxima linea AEYOV7E V 14 EX7tOpEuEcr8] EX7t0PEU quod sequitur legi nequit Ecr(lJ. add. al. m. M AEYE7E] AEYET Bl. 15 X] om. V 18 x8w] xlI.80: Bl. 19 AEYE v - YPCPE v] inv. PhS 20 Uf.LE'i'] f.LE'i' V ( 21 XlI. &AAWV] om. Ph, spatium hab. S E7tZEP1j!J.&7(uV] f)'r,f.L'!'wv Ph, spatium hab. P1jf.L&7WV S 24/25 -rou - cr7toUacrf.LlI.7o] spatium hab. PhS Versio P Z Brevis 5 EX/'.f.L&VEcr8E] EXAf.L&VEcr8 Z 8 u'!'] lj7v P 78E7E] 7E8E- '!'lI. Z 17 Tm)7ou] om. Z 20 &ppov] &plI.pO Z &alI.V61j70V] &alI.V6"'70 Z 21 &AAWV 2 ] a' praem. Z 24 7tpOEPZEcr8] npoEPZEcr8E Z a'] as PZ 
71. 5-73.6 73 2S 't'EpOU a7tOuSaaa't'Oe;, aEO'We; EX 't'ou na"rpoe; Sux "rou Yiou 't'Y)'J 't'ou I TI'JEua't'Oe; EX7tOpEuO'l'J Soya't'lO'J't'Ee;; M 25v 72. KaSSl'JaAlol :'" AAa xal 0 7taEyae; l\8rl'J&(j0C; 't'olau't'a nEpl 't'ou TI'JEua't'Oe; ap't'upEL. «t'Q(j7tEP YE'J'J(1.rl (1.0'JOYE'JEC; E(jT 'J (; Yt6c;, 0')7W Xrl TO n 'JEU(1.rl 7trlpa TOU Ytou   / \ / \' \ t\ \' /' \ OOO(1.E'JO'J Xrl 7tE(1.7tOf.LE'JO'J, Xrl rlUTO E'J Xrl OU 7tOAArl, OUOE S EX 7tO/\AW'J E'J, eXAAa (1.6'J0'J rlUTO n 'JEU(1.rl. (E'Joc; yap O'JTOC; TOU Ytou, TOU W'JTOC; A6you, (1.rl'J EI'Jrl 8E'i: TEAErl'J Xrlt 7tA p T'J &Yrl(jTX'J Xrl ({)WT(jTX'J w'J, oG(jrl'J E'JEPYErl'J , ..... \  / r/ , n \ / , / Q Cf.UTOU xtX O(I}PErl'J, TC; EX rlTpOC; AEYETLl EX7tOpEUE(j\Jrl, E7tE8 7trlpa TOU A 6you TOU EX TOU n rlTpOC; (; (1.0AOYOU(1.E'JWC; , '\ / \ , / '\ '\ \ /  1 0 EXl\rl(1.7tE Xrl rl7tO(jTEI\I\ETrl Xrl ooOTrl». 73. BaO'lAEUe; : '" E'l7ta't'E 7tpOe; 't'Yje; TpuxSoe; au't'Yje;. E'l 't'le; uiie; a'J't'l 'J006E't'ou'J't'ae; 't'OLe; 6ElOle; 7ta't'pcXO'l'J EXcXAEO'E'J, oux a'J we; EX 6po'J au't'o'J a7tEO''t'paq>Yj't'E xal 7tcX'J't'a XcXAW'J, o AEYE't'al, 7tpOe; au'Ja'J EXl 'JY)O'a't'E; TIwe; oU'J UELe; ou S AOYlEa6E 't'Y)'J 't'w'J 6ElW'J 7ta't'Epw'J Slxala'J xa6' uw'J aya'JcXx't'Y)O'l'J, 't'Y)'J uyux 't'w'J PYjcX't'w'J 't'ou't'w'J Sla'Jola'J Fontes 72. 1/10 cf. eandem Athanasii sen tentiam in Nic. Mar., Dial. VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 37r 2/10 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 503.27-33 (= FP 70) 73. 3 7t&VT X&AWV cf. e.g. Luc., Alex., 248.13 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 26 EX7t0PEucrLV] ante 7013 7tVEUf-LT(; transp. PhS 72. 1 xaaLv&ALoL] legi nequit S 2 TOL13T] TU7 PhS 4/5 ouaE: - 7tVE:u!-l] om. M 5 OV7(;] OVTWC; V 9 O!-l(;AOYOUf-LEVW] Of-LOAOYOU!-lEVOU L 73. 1 crLAE:UC;] legi nequit S 2 &V7L V(;f-LOeET013VT] &VTL VO!-lEeE70UVT1j V' c. 3 X&AWV] XCXL AOYOV V Versio P Z Brevis 72. 1 xaaLvALoL] 0 A'Y.7VO Z 7tf-L!--,-E'YC;] f-LEY'Y.C; PZ 6 7013] xt praem. P 8 AEYE7L] ASYE7E: Z 9 T:p] 7tEp PZ 73. 1 'Y.crLAEUC;] om. P, 0 "'(PLXOC; Z 3 XA(uV] XSAWV P 5 IJf-LWV] !--,-w'J Z App. ColI. 72. 3 EcrTLv - uto] inv. Ath. 4 EV] e tr., Ecr'n add. Ath. 5/6 70U utou] e tr., deest in Ath. 7 (uV o0crv] (0crV Ath. 9 O!--,-OAOYOUf-LEVWC;] e tr., OfJ..OAO Y OUfJ..EVOU Ath. \ \ 
74 DIALOGUS 7tpO 't'o SOKOUV UlV fLE't'CXG't'peq>ElV 7tElpWEVOl, OU't'W 't'E 't' W't'Yjpl Xal SlSaO'XaA 't'OU't'OU aV't'aVlG1;WV't'E xal SElXVUElV E7tlXElpOUV't'E aAAa 7tapa 't'Y)V EXELVOU 7tapaSo- 10 O'lV xal ypaq>ov't'a xal SlSaO'xov't'a; eov 6aufLaElv fLiiAAOV ufLa xal ALav EX7tAY}'t''t'E0'6al 't'Y)v 't'oO'Y)v xal 7tEpl au't'a 't'a AE;El 't'wv aYLwv 7ta't'Epwv axpLf3Elav. Opa't'E yap 7tW 0 O'oq>w't'a't'o oU't'o xal 6EOAYJ7t't'0 6aveXO'lO EX7tOpEUO'EW fLVYJ0'6El 't'OU 7tava- 1 S YLOU TI vEufLa't'o, a7toO''t'oAYj 't'E xal SOO'EW xal EAA'eXfL- EW, SlElAE 't'au't'a xal 't' fLEV TIa't'pl 't'Y)v EX7tOpEUO'lV, 't' Yl SE 't'a AOl7ta 7tpoO'q>opw a7tEVElfLEV; t'O Se q>YJO'lV. «'Ex 70U napoc; EX7tOpEuE(j8a, E7tEa 7tapcX ou A6you OU EX OU n a7poc; OfLOAOyoufLE'JWC; EXA&fL7tE I xat &7tO(j'"t'EAAEa M 26r 20 xat aao'"t'a»' 't'OlOU't'OV EO''t'l V O't'l 7tapa 't'ou 1\oyou SLSo't'al EX 't'OU TIa't'po au't'o EXOV't'O, w E; au't'ou YEVVWfLEVOU. S la 't'OU't'O AEYE't'al EX 't'OU TIa't'po EX7t0pEuE0'6al. Ou yap El7tE SlO't'l 7tapa 't'OU 1\oyou EX7t0pEuE't'al, Sla 't'OU't'O AEYE- 't'al EX 't'ou TIa't'po. El fLY) yap ou't'W EXAY)q>6Yj 't'o PYJ't'ov, 2S SO;ElE AEYElV O't'l OAW oux EX7tOpEuE't'al EX TIa't'po aAA' 11 SlO't'l EX 't'OU Ylou. 0 SE Ylo EXEl8EV Sla 't'OU't'O AEYE't'al EX 't'OU TIa't'po, fLY) OV EXEl6EV xa't'a aAYj6Elav. 'E7tEl SE 7tapa 't'OU 1\oyou Sla 't'Y)v O'ufLq>uLav xal 't'Y)v aSlapPYJx't'ov EVWO'lV AeXfL7tElV 0fLOAoYEl't'al, SlO't'l xal a7t00''t'EAAE0'6al App. Crit. L M Ph S V 11 EX.7tA+,T't'Ecre] EX.itA't"Ecr8 V 12 &y(wv] om. PhS 18/21 EEa - EX.OV70] om. Ph 19 (;f.LOAOYOU!J.EVW] O!J.OAOYOIJ!J.EVOU L 23 ao'n] aEo'n V 28 &app'ljx.70V] &pP'IjTOV PhS 29 A&!J.7tEV] EXA!J.7te:V corr. s.l. L Versio P Z Brevis 11 EXA+,77Ecre] EX.7tA77EcreE Z 13 (; crOW7X70] om. PZ XX] 0 PZ 14/15 7tvy(olJ] &y(ou PZ 17 AO7t] om. Z 20 a(a07XI] aEao7x Z a(ao72] aEa07 Z 22 AEYE7] AEYE7E Z 23/24 AE.'(E7X] AEYE7E Z 24/27 d - 7tx7p6] om. P 26/27 a - EXE'i'8EV] om. Z 
73.7 -53 7S 30 Kal Si.So0'6al AEYE't'al 7tap' au't'ou, '(va Y) voi.O'Y) 't'le; we; apx Y) 't'ou n VEU fLa't'oe; 0 Yi6e; EO'T le 't'ou't'ou X. ap l v AEYE't'a l EK 't'ou TIa't'poe; EX7t0pEuE0'6al, lva 0 ev TIa't'Y)p we; TIa- 't'Y)P apxYj, 0 Se Yioe; we; O'uYYEvee; ovov a7toO''t'EAAT) au't'Oe Ou't'w KCL6lO'''tav, oIal, SEl pYjO'lV 't'Y)v 7ta't'plKYjv, lva 35 Y) aV't'l7tl7t't'T) SEO'7tO't'lKij a7toq>aO'Ele Kal yap OUK E'{PYJ- KEV 0 W't'Yjpe «'E7tElSy) 't'o nVEup.a T'ij aAYJ(JEla EO''t'l, 't'OU't'EO''t'l TIvEua ou», Kal yap aA(JELa 0 XplO''t'Oe;, «Sla 't'ou't'o 7tapa 't'OU TIa't'poe; EK7t0pEUE't'al», aAAa «TO nVEup.a T'ij aAYJ(JEla 0 7rapa TOU naTpo EX7r0pEUETaL e 40 Y) yap VOlO'Y)e;», q>Y)O'lV, «we; E7tElSY) TIvEua ou au't'o E'lpy)Ka, Sla 't'ou't'o Kal 7tap' EOU EK7tOpEUE't'al e aAA' EOV EV EO''t'lV, we; O'UYYEVee; Kal O'UVE;aAAOEvove apx.Y)v Se 't'OV TIa't'Epa Ex. El Kal 7tap' au't'ou EK7tOpEUE't'al» e l\lO't'l yap 7tapa 't'OU TIa't'poe; EK7tOpEUE't'al, 't'ou Yiou 45 YEvvY)6EV't'0e; EK 't'ou TIa't'poe;, Kal Ylou n vEup.a Kal nVEup.a T'ij aAYJ(JEla AEYE't'al, Kal E; au't'ou Aaf3avElv, a7t00''t'EAAE0'6al 't'E Kal SlSo0'6ale Kal OUK E7tElSY) nVEup.a T'ij aAYJ(JEla EO''t'l Kal 7tap' au't'ou Aaf3avEl Kal SlSo't'al Kal a7toO''t'EAAE't'al, S la 't'ou't'o EK 't'ou TIa't'poe; EK7t0PEUE- , , "'\ \ \ -" - , 50 't'al, Evav't'lWe; Y) Ka't'a 't'Y)v Kpa't'ouO'av avw 't'wv x.povwv OoAoYlav 't'Yje; 7tlO''t'EWe;, CiAAWe; 't'E ouSe 't'au't'ov 't'o I EK- M 26v Aa7tEl v 't' EK7t0pEuE0'6al, 't'o ev yap 't'Y)V OUO'lWSYJ Eq>al- VEL 't'ou TI VEua't'Oe; 7tpOOSOV, 't'o Se 't'Y)V Sla 't'Yje; 't'OU Yiou Fontes 36 Ioh. 15.26 46 Ioh. 15.26 37 cf. Ioh. 14.6 47/48 Ibid. 38/39 Ioh. 15.26 45 Gal. 4.6 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 40 f.LY, - vOf.L[cr'f/] . yp +, vo(crYj M 47 X7tOcr":'EAAEcrfkd TE] Q:7tocrTEAAE- creE Vac 52 ":'] 70 VP( 53 7tVe:UT(JC;] 7tty.:rpo:, PhS Versio P Z Brevis 30 AEYE":'] AEYE":'E Z 31 AEYE":'] AEYE':'E Z 33 X7tOcr":'EAA -n] &7tocrTEA- AE Z 34 aE] aEV P 37 7tVEU&] ':'0 praem. Z 38/39 &AA - EX7tO- pEUE':'] om. PZ 40 yxp] ovv Z 44 a6'n - EX7tOpE'Je:T] om. Z 53 -:-t;:,] om. Z 
76 DIALOGUS S lSaaXaA lCX<; EX<pCX'Va l'V XCI I. <pCX'VEpWa l'V xCl't'a 't'o OU7tW 55 Y)'V n'VEua &YlO'V, O't'l 'IYJaout; OU£7rW Eoaa8YJ. H yap «EX» 7tp66EO'U; 't' «Aa7tEl'V» 7tpoO''t'E6ElO'a 't'o 7tEplO'O'W SY)AOl xal Ala'V Ex<pal'VE0'6al. 'XOUE yap xal 't'ou KUplOU E't'a 't'Y)'V 't'w'V la'Vlw'V 7tapaf3oAy)'V oU't'w q>aO')(o'V't'o. TOTE ol lxaLoL iXAap.t/JouaLY Wt; 0 YJALOt;. QC; O\)'V 't'o 60 «xa't'Eq>aYE» xal «xa't'E't'p07tWaa't'o» xal 't'a 't'olau't'a 't'o E7tl't'E't'aE'Vo'V SYJAOl 't'ou uq>' ExaO''t'YJ 't'ou't'w'V SY)OUE- 'Vou AE;EW 7tpaya't'o E7tl 't'w'V 't'OlOU't'W'V cX7ta'V't'w'V, t1 ," , I -, , I oU't'w xal Y) «EX» E7tl 7tpaya't'wv 't'l'VW'V 't'O E7tl 't'E't'aE'VO'V SY)AOl 't'ou 7tpaya't'o xal 't'O EYE6o. w «EX7tE7tOAE- 6S W't'al Ol» a'V't'l 't'ou «Ala'V Ol xal lO'XUpW 7tOAEEl» xal «E;Ea'VYJ» xal «E;Exau6Y»> xal oO'a 't'Olau't'a, ou't'w you'V xal 't'o «E;EAaE» xal «ExAa7tEl» 't'o E7tl't'E't'CIE- 'VO'V O'YJal'VEl 't'ou a7tauyaO'a't'o. Ou't'W Tout; aya8out; xal TY xaplaY Eu8ELt; 't'a 6Ela 't'w'V 7ta't'Epw'V q>w'Va 70 7tpO aAAYjAa, aAAa SY) xal 7tpO 't'a XUplaXa 7tapaS6- O'El O'7touSao'V't'a O'uf3lf3aEl 'V EUplO'XOE'V, Eq>' 4> xa't'a 't'o'V aASo'V xal 0 KUplO 't'OU't'Ol ya8uYE. Fontes 55 Ioh. 7.39; cf. FP 12 59 Mt. 13.43 68/69 Ps. 124.4 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 55 ouSZ7tw] OU7tW PhS 56 :-i;)] 70 V 7tpOcr7EOELcr] i'tpO- PhS 58 cp&crX.OV70] cp*crX.OV7 L 61/64 ucp' - 700] om. L 61/62 S'IjAOU!-lzvou] om. PhS, S1jAWf-LZVOU V 62 AE;EW] AEYW M 65 7tOAE!-lEL] itOAE!-lW V 67/68 E7t 7e:7f-LEVOV] E7t 't'E7&Yf-LEVOV V 71 ECP' (] x.t add. PhS Versio P Z Brevis 54 EX.cpvcrv] EX.?crv PZ 58 !-lE7X] x.'t'x PZ 61/62 'r,AO'J!-lZVO'J] S1jAOUf-LEV1j PZ 63 itP')'!-l&7(uV] YP!-l!-l&TWV P 64 (0] 70 add. PZ 65 700] om. P 65/66 7t(JAE!-lEL - 70UT] i't&A Z 66 x.t 1 - 7o07] Z ' 1 '  ' Q ] " y , 0 " y , . P 69 ' 0  ] om. x. - EEX.U\J1j x. EEX.'J 1j x. E:E!-lV'" Inv. EU E E,j8 Z 72 X'Jpo] Zpcr70 P 
73.54-/4.23 ,.., ,.., / / 74. KaSSl'JelAlOl : IV L(XAEX't'lXOUe; E'J a'JSpae; 7tOAAOUe; i)Ele; E; LO''t'oplae; E)"JwxaE'J, eXAAa 't'ou't'oue; axpii> 't'o 0'0'.1 U7tEpq>UEe; U7tEpEf3aAE, f3aO'lAEu, ou o'Jo'J 't'aie; a't'E- X'JelO''t'OlC; 't'w'J AOYW'J xal q>\JO'lxaie; E7tl't'YjSElO't'YjO'l'J, 5 eXAAa xal 't'aie; E'J't'EX'JOle; xal q>lAOO'Oq>Ole; E6oS0le; xal 't'0 le; E; Exa't'Epw'J 't'ou't'w'J a'J a7ta'J't'Y) 't'0 le; E7t l X E lpY) aO' l xal 7tpof3AY)aO'l'J. Qe; yap 't'o 7tUP E'J O'XO't'l aAAo'J q>al- SpO't'EpO'J Slaq>cxl'JE't'al xal O''t'pa't'Y)yoe; E'J 7tOAE xal xu- f3Ep'JY)'t'Yje; E'J elAY1' ou't'we; xal 't'YJ'J O'YJ'J uXYJ'J axpwe; 7tE- 10 7talSEuE'JYj'J 't'a 6Ela xal O'oq>lae; U7tEp7tAEW'J EX 't'ou't'w'J 't'w'J 7tpo't'a6E'J't'w'J apl7tpE7tEO''t'EpO'J xa't'EAelf3oE'J. "Ot/Jo- YTaL YOUY, xa't'a 't'0'J 7tpOq>Y)'t'Y) '.I, i8YYJ xat alaxuy8ao- YTaL EX naaYJ Tij laxuo aUTWY I xat E7rL8aouaL XELpa M 27r Ent TO aTOll-a aUTWY OTL ano ayaTOAWY Alou xat Il-EXPL 1 5 uall-wy aUTWY TO OY0ll-a aou EoaaTaL xal Ent npo- aW7rOY Tij yij i8YYJ aE 7rOAAa npoaxuYaOUaL xat TOY XOUY TWY 7rOWY aou AEloUaLY. El Sf: YJ q>Op't'lXOl 't'l'JEC; '{O'we; So;al 't'ii> xpa't'El O'OU EAAOE'J, 7tpaO't'a't'E f3aO'lAEU, a'J't'lf30AOUE'J xal ypaq>lxale; i)ae; oSY)yY)6Yj'Jal XPY)O'EO'l 20 7tpOe; 7tAElo'Ja 7tapaSoxYJ'J 't'Yje; ou't'w 't'EX'JlXWe; aya'J 7tapa 't'Yje; 9EOO'Oq>OU O'ou f3aO'lAElae; eX7tOAE7t't'u'J6ElO'Yje; xal Sla- AEuxa'J6ElO'Y)e; UYlOUe; uw'J SO;Yje; 7tEpl 't'Yje; 't'ou 7ta'JaYlou TI 'JEua't'Oe; EX o'Jou 't'OU TIa't'poe; EX7tOpEUO'EWe;. Fontes 74.11/14Mich.7.16 141 I 5 Mal. 1.11 15/17 Is. 49.23-24 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 74. I x.SSV*AO] legi nequit S OEV7WV] itP0":'EOEV":'(uV PhS ":'0] om. LM X] om. V quod sequitur legi nequit Al 5 EV7EZVO] EVTEZV PhS II 7tpOT- &pi":pE7tEcr7EpOV] &p7tpE7tEcr":'o:":'OV PhS 14 IS U7(0V] om. PhS SES6cr't"] aEa6cr 20 i":po] d PhS 22 ":'00] om. M Versio P Z Brevi\) 74. I 123 x8SV*A(J - EX.i":OpE'JcrE(u] Ita paucis verbis absolverunt hanc cardinalium partem ":' !-lEV ovv EV SAEE, txvw EZEV O6!-lEe. Zpd ae: f.Lr:v x. YP(rnxwv Zpr,crE(uV d i:Adov 7tA YjpO?Op[v 7tEp (spatium ins. P) wv e:L7tO- !-lEV PZ I x.SaV*AO] om. p, 0 A":'VO Z 
78 T " T r-"T TC' LJ l1"\.L V \..:J U .) 75. BaalAEUe; :,.., HEle; ev xat 't'Y)v 't'olau't'Y)v uwv 7tpo<paalv xa't'<X 't'o Eyx'WPOUV 7tEplEAElV a7toUSaaOEv xat 7ta7t6AAOUe; 't'wv EYclAWV 't'Yje; OlXOUEVY)e; q>wa't'YJpwv xal SlSaaxclAwv, 7tpO Se 7tclV't'WV au't'ov 't'ov w't'i)pa, 't'YJv 5 i;E't'Epav 7tEpl 't'ou 7tpOXElEVOU YJ't'i)a't'oe; yvwY)v a7to- SEXOEVOUe; xal auvla't'wv't'ae; UlV 7tapaYclywEV. El xal 't'o f3apu't'a't'ov 't'wv 't'oawv xoalxwv 7tOlXlAWV 7tEpla7ta- awv q>Op't'lOV E7tax6Yj xal 't'1Jv 7tpOe; 't'o 7tap' uwv Y)- 't'OUEVOV aaxoAlav SO;ElV i)lV '{awe; 7tapaaxEuc'iGElEV. 10 O Sf: SlSaO'xwv av6pw7tov YVWO'lV, xal 't'YJv olxElav EipYY]Y, we; olov 't'lva XAYjpOV avaq>alpE't'ov, a<p€le; xal OU 't' 't'E xopuq>al 't'wv a7toO''t'oAWV nE't'p xal 't'ij AOl7tij 6El 't'ou't'wv Oy)YUPEl, Y)S' uae; opcpaYou Ea- O'ElE, xa't'<X Sf: 't'YJv olxElav E7taYYEAlav, au't'oe; 't'E 7tpOe; 1 5 uae; EA60l xal 't'o 7tavclYlov nYEup.a napa TOU naTpo up.LY nEp.t/JoL xal Sl' au't'ou 7tpOe; naaa.y uae; oYJyY}aELE TY aA8ELaY, ou't'w 't'E xa6EAwv 't'o T'ij Ex8pa p.EaoToL- XOY, aV't'ElO'ayayol TY EipYYJY xal Sl' aU't'Yje; a;lOUe; xal 't'Yje; au't'ou f3aO'lAElae; EpyaO'al't'o. Fontes 75. 10/ 13 otx.dv - of-L"tjY'JpEL cf Ioh. 14.27 6.20 12/14 7 - EaELE cf. Ioh. 14.18 15.26 16/ 17 ')''t'ou - (xA eELV cf. Ioh. 16.13 70 cf. Eph. 2.14-18 11 we; - &Vcp[pE":"OV cf. Mt. 15/16 "':0 - 7tEf-LYOL cf Ioh. 17/19 o{J"':w - EPYQ:aL- App. Crit. L M Ph S V 75. 1 aLAEUe;] legi nequit S 6 auvLa't'wv",:c;] aUVLa"':wv V 7/8 7tEpL- a7taf-Lwv] T:Ep a7taf-Lv Va ( 9 rawc;] raw V 10/ 12 x. - SOUC;] om. Ph 13 'Jf-LC;] f-LC; PhS 15 uf-Lc;] f-LC; PhS 16 u1-L'i:'v] f-L'i:'v PhS uf.LC;] !-lC; PhS Versio P usqur ad '1.fnt E':" I Z usqur ad hrj' E':" I Brevis 75. 1 aLAEUe;] om. P, 0 YPLx.6c; Z 1/19 f-LE:'i:'c; - EPyaL ":"0] Ita paucis verbis absolverunt hanc imperatoris partem &6x.vwc; "':OUTO 1tOLy,awf-LE:v' x. YEVOL "':0 70U -:-r,c; SLa7riaEwc; !-lEao(spatium hab. P)TO[ZOU X.8LpE:eEVTOC; 7tP 70U &y[ou , , Q - ", " ' ( . h b P) " , 1tVEU!-l70C;, v7ELax.V'fjVL TIjV E:Lp'fjV'fjV X.L TIjV 7tpOC; spatlum a. !-lCPW 7 !-lEP'" (spatium hab. P) 1-Lwv aU1-Lcpwv[v 7C; XA 'fj80uC; x.t opeC; 7t[a7Ewc; PZ 
IIpoSlaAaAl<X 7tpOC; TOUC; EK TaU IIaTpoc; Kat. TOU Yiou TO 7tavaYlOV nveua AEYOVTac; EK7tOpeuea6al 'HKouO'a't'E 't'Yi ola f3po'J't'Yi oupa'Jo6E'J Ka't'appaYElO'YJ Kal 't'a UE't'Epa YJ O'JO'J aKoa aAACt Kal Sla'JOla I lv127v 7tEplK't'U7tYJO'clO'YJ EyaAoq>w'JOU f3aO'lAlKYi SlaAE;EW, W YJ O'JO'J EK 't'OU na't'po w 7tapEAaf3E't'E, aAA' au6al- 5 pE't'W KaK 't'ou Yi.ou 't'YJ'J 't'ou 7ta'JaYlou n 'JEua't'o EK- 7tOpEUO'l'J Soya't'lo'J't'E. E)"JW't'E 6Ela'J SU'Jal'J E;EA- 6ouO'a'J 't'ou 't'w'J OAW'J a'J6pW7tl 'JW'J 'Jow'J aU't'oKpa't'opo f3aO'lAlKoU 'Joo Sla 't'Yi xpuO'Y)Aa't'ou Kal 6E07t'JEUO''t'OU O'clA7tl yyo 't'Yi Aaupw't'a't'YJ' q>Y)l, YAW't''t'YJ 't'ou au't'o- 1 0 Kpcl't'OpO. tl'Ja 't'l you'J OUX w U7tO 7tUpO'OU 't'l 'JO 't'YJAau- you 't'Yi 't'OU't'OU xapl't'O oSYJYOUE'JOl, 't'ii> AlE'Jl 't'Yi OP- 60't'Ola E't'OlW EYKa6oplE0'6E, 't'ij Sf: 't'Yi 't'OU OlKElOU 6EAYja't'O EplO''t'lKYi Kal q>lAO'JElKOU O'UO''t'aO'EW OpE;El, Ka6a 't'l'Jl 7tOAUKua'J't'«p O'aA«p, Kal E't'l 7tO'J't'OUE'JOl, 'Ju'J 1 5 f:'J 't'OUSE, 'Ju'J S' EKEl'JOU, O'a6pw'J Sf: 7ta'J't'w'J Kal 't'ou Kl'JSU'JOU O'«.i>El'J ua YJ SU'JaE'Jw'J E7tlAaf3a'JE0'6E; t'Ow ECt'J &XOUOYTWY WTCX KEK't'YJ0'6E, l'J' ou't'w Kal aKaplO'ou 't'Ol 7tpO ua AEYOUO'l Yl'JYJ0'6E 7tpO;E'JOl, CXiTOUYTE 't'E Aaf3El'J aAYJ6w E6EAYJ't'E Kal Y]TOUYTE Fontes 17 o!J.wC; - xc:xT1ja8e: cf. M t. 11.15, 13.9, 13.16 cum aliis locis 18 f.LXpL- a!J.ou - 7tpOEVOL cf. Bas., De 5.5., 286.11 19/20  To13v"n:c; - &;L013TE cf. M t. 7.7-8 App. Crit. L M Ph S V T . 1 / 3  "'. "'.', , Q ] ... , - ( , , " It. itpOOLXI\I\L - EX:i:OpE'JEaVL ite:pL -:O'J XYLOU i:Ve:Uf.LTOC; EX !J.OVOU -:ou 7t-:pOC; EXit0pEUaEwc; Ph, legi nequit S, 7tpoacpwvYj!J. 7tpOC; TOUC; xaaL vAtouc; V Exh. 2 -:XC;] C; V &xoxC;] &xpXC; V 4 W - -:013] om. Ph, spatium hab. S 5 x&x.] xt V 6 8dxv] TIjv praem. PhS 7 &v8pw7ttvwv vowv] om. Ph, spatium hab. S 11 -:o':r:ou] -;ou-;wv LMPhS 13 aua-:&ae:wc;] EV- a7xaEL xxt V 14 itOV70'J!J.EVOL] 7tOV70'J!J.C:VO'J V 16 XLVa'JVou] xLvauvwv S 18 yt vYja8e:] yt ve:a8E V 
80 EXHORTATIO 20 EUpElV, eXVOLyYjVCXL 't'E XPOUOUO'lV UfJ.lV a;lOU't'E, 7tOAAa UlV [Sou 6upcx, 7tpO S' au't'wv 't'Y)V aW't'Y)plOV Sl' Yi E'l 't'l EiaEAEuaETcxL aW6YjaETCXL, SlaVOL;a 0 't'wv aYLWV EXXAY)- O'lWV 't'ou SEOU pi)'t'WP xat q>WO''t'Y)P, 0 fLEya 't'Yi op6o- SO;La U7tEpaxO 6EOO'Oq>O i)wv f3aO'lAEU ElO'EA9ElV 2S Sla 't'ou't'WV 7tpO't'pE7tE't'al Xal 't'O Y)'t'OUEVOV a7tOVW EUpOV't'a Xal Aaf30V't'a 7tauO'a0'6al 7tO't'E 't'ou Sl' aAAY) eXVCX(3CXLVELV 't'Yi 't' 6El SY)AaSY) O'Uf30A 7tap,v't'E6El- O'YJ 7tpo0'6Y)xY)e O't'l Y) S' axoAou6Y)O'oUO'lV UlV 't'a 't'Yi ELC% O''t'aO'EW a;lOUEVa 7r:po(3aTcx, XCXAOV EXOV't'a 7r:OL- 30 /l-EVCX 't'ov au't'oxpa't'opa e xal 't'ou't'wv E7tpo0'6EV 7tOpEU- OEVOV xal 7tpO VOY)V oSY)youv't'a O'W't'Y)plOV, ISla 't'WV M 28r 't'OlOU't'WV 't'OlVUV 6upwv El 't'Y)V 't'WV 7tpof3a't'wv aUAY)V ElO'EA6ElV Xal aU't'Ol 7tp06uY)9YJ't'E Xal la 7tOlVY) YEVO- EVOl Uq>' EVl 't'YJAlX 7tOlEVl, 't'Yi au't'ou q>WVYi aXOUE- 3S 't'E e Xal 't'ij 7tOlaV't'lxij 't'WV AOYWV 't'OU't'OU 't'pE7tOEVOl O'Upl YYl, 't'PEq>E0'6E E6' i)SOVYi 't'a O'W't'Y)pla Soya't'a Xal 7r:LVETE 't'Y)V Op60't'OlaV 't'Yi 7tlO''t'Ewe val Y)v xal 't'Ol 7tapa 't'oO'wv 6EOq>OpWV xYJpuxwv, 7tpO S' au't'wv 7tapa 't'OU w't'Yipo au't'ou, 7tapaSo6ElO'lV EEVOV't'E /l- 6EAE't'E 40 /l-ETCXlpELV a ol 7r:CXTEpE i)wv i6EVTO CXlWVLCX OpLCX e opa't'E yap 't'l 7tap' au't'ou 't'ou w't'Yipo Eu6u 7tEpl 't'Yi 't'ou 7ta- vaYlou n vEua't'o EX7tOpEUO'EW xal 't'Yi a7toO''t'oAYi EX- SlSaO'xE0'6Ee Fontes 20/22 7tOAAXC; - crw8crE7x cf. Ioh. 10.9 26/27 7tx1Jcro:cr8x( - &VrlX(VEV cf. Ioh. 10.1 28/29 7X - i":pOX7X cf. Mt. 25.32-34 29/30 XXAOV - TCO!J.EVrl cf. Ioh. 10.14 36/37 7pEEcrOE - idcr7Ew cf. Mt. 26.26-28 39/ 40 !J. - opx cf. Provo 22.28 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 20 7E] om. PhS 24 OE6cro?o !J.(0V] om. V dcrEA8E'i'V] d dcrEA8E'i' V 26 XAA "fIC;] XAA"fI V 27 't"] X V 28 &XOA01JO"f,cr01Jcr v] EUXoAouecr(j1J- crv V 31 6S-r,Y01JV7X] i":OS1jYOIJV7X PhS 33 T:o(!J.v1j] i":o(fJ-v"fIv M 35 7pEit6fJ-EVO] 7Ep7t6!J.EVO LPh 37 7"r,V] XX praem. M 38 i":XPX I] ite:p M 41 7":t>:p'] i":XPX PhS X1J701J] om. PhS E1J01J] Zpcr701J PhS 7] om. V 
<FLORILEGIUM P ATRISTICUM> 1.'Ex 't'ou xa't'eX 'Iwa'J'JY)'J EuaYYEALou ' E " ....., " 1 ' , " , , , rJ.V LlYrJ.7trJ.7E f-LE, 'TrJ.C; EV70/\rJ.C; TrJ.C; Ef-LrJ.C; 'T p (jETE. XrJ.YU> , , ' fI ' , " 1 1 n ' 1  , (..... rI EpU>'T(jU> 70V I"{TEp, XrJ. rJ./\/\OV rJ.prJ.X/\ TOV OU>(jE Uf-L V,  'ILl f.LE:V (l-E8' U(l-WV EC; 'TOV rJ.WVrJ., 'TO 11 VEUf.LrJ. TC; eXA 8E(rJ.C;. 5 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 'E7tLO''t'YjO'O'J, eXxpoa't'a, 't'ij 't'OU EuaYYEAlxOU PYj't'ou Sla- 'JOL. 7tW 0 w't'iJp ipwTijaaL AEYEl TOY naTEpa, t£'J' EXEl- 'JO waEL 't'O'J napaXAYJTOY. TOL'JU'J EX 't'ou't'ou a'J6a'JE 't'o'J TIa't'Epa SL<X 't'OU ooq>uou O'J0YE'JOU SlSo'J't'a 't'o'J 10 ooq>uYi TIapaxAYj't'o'J. 2. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou xa't'eX 'Iwa'J'JYj'J EuaYYEALoU TrJ.UTrJ. AEAIJ.AXLl u(l-f:v 7trJ.P' u(l-f:v (l-EVU>V. fyrrJ.v oe: EA8 TO Fontes 1. 2/4 Ioh. 14.15-17 14.26 2. 2 Ioh. 14.25 Ioh. 16.13 2/4 Ioh. App. Crit. L M Ph S V 1. 1 EX - :d)YYEALOIJ] legi nequit S 2 T'fjpcrETE] T"fjpcrTE S x&yw] XXL EYw LM 5 E7tcrTcrL] legi nequit S 6 EUYYEAXOU] EUI(EAALOU V 2. 1 EX - EUO:YYEALOIJ] EX ":"01) X't' E,jY''(EALO'J "t'OU ,j't'OU M, 'rOU UTOU EX 't'OU XT w&vv"fjv Ph, legi nequit S Versio Z Brevis 1. 1 EX] 7tpO 7tcrwv TWV YPCPEcrwv X.pcrEwv, TX"t'EOV TC; xupoT1j't'C; xt 7tpWTC; ":"c; EX 't'01) EUYYEAALOU xt 't'WV &YL(JjV X7tOcr'rOAWV, TVEC; dcrLv UT praem. Z 5/1 0 E7tcrTxcrL - 7tp&XA 'fjTOV] om. Z 2. 1 EX - EUI(EALOU] EX TOU U":"OU EUYYEALOIJ Z App. ColI. 1. 4 f-LEV1j]  Ioh. 2. 2 ()'rv - EA81j] 6 SE 7tp&XA 'fj":"0C; Ioh. 
82 FLORILEGIUf P.l\TR1STICUf n VEUf.LLl TO &yov, 0 1!Ef.LE 6 n LlTp f.LOU EV T0 OV6f.LLlT[ f.LOU, , ..... ,\,,\,/"" (..... / SX.SVv() oLotXE Uf.LtXC; T'CtXVTa. 5 'E7t lO''t'aO' La U'JE't'W axouO'o'J w 0 TIa't'YJp E.Y T Oyop.aTL 't'ou Yiou, Y)'t'Ol SL<X 't'ou Yiou, eX7tOO''t'EAAEl'J AEYE't'al 't'o'J TIapaxAYj- 't'0'J. 3. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou EuaYYEALou r/O Tav OE EA8 [; n apaxA TOe;, OV EYW 7tE(1.(U u(1. v napa 1"()\J OtX'1"pOC;, ":0 n vEuf.La Te; eXA 8E[ac; 0 7tapa TOU naTpOe; EX- / ,..... / "..... 7tOpEUETa, EXE VOe; (1.apTupYJ(jE 7tEp E(1.0U. 5 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 'E7tLO''t'Y)O'O'J 7tW au't'o E'J 7rEp-t/JaL TOY I napaXAYJTOY M 28v o O'JOYE'JYJ U7tlO'X'JEl't'al, n:apa TaU naTpo SEe O'U'JSEl Sf: 't'OU't'O 7ta'J't'w 't'Ol 7tpOAaf30UO'l. 't'YJ'J Sf: EX7tOpEUO'l'J 't'OU't'OU, SYjAO'JO't'l 't'O'J 't'p07tO'J 't'Yi q>UO'lXYi U7tap;EW, EX 10 't'ou TIa't'po O'aq>w ExSlSaO'xEl O'E. TL'Ja YOU'J E't'EpO'J Y)- 't'El 't'Yi eXAYj6ELa xal 't'Yi O'oq>La eXAY)6EO''t'EpO'J SlSaO'xa-  ' , 1\0'.1 xa l O'Oq>W't'EpO'J; Fontes 3. 2/4 Ioh. 15.26 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 5 E7tcrTrlcrLrl] legi nequit S 3. 1 EX - S:UrlYYS:AL01J] EX 7013 UT013 XO:T LWcXV- V"f)V S:1jO:"'(YS:A[OU Ph, legi nequit S 5 E7tcr':"cr[rl] legi nequit S 8 aE 2 ] a' S 10/11 ETS:pOV  1jTe:'i'C;] inv. V Versio Z Brevis 4 EXe:'i'vO] om. Z 5/8 E7tcrTcrL - 7tpciXA 1j':"ov] om. Z crLrl - crOCPWTS:POV] om. Z 3. 5/ 12 E7tcr7- App. ColI. 3 1J.ou 1 ] deest in Ioh. 4 EX s:'i'v ° ] s:xe:'i'voc; Ioh. aa&s: 1J1J.ic;] inv. Ioh. 
'" '" ,.. /. .:J- ).Lf n '" 0-' 4. Tou aYLou nE't'pOU EX 7tpaEw'J 't'w'J <X7tOG't'OAW'J T OUTO'J TO'J 'I "'f)crouv eX'JEcrT"'f)crE'J [; 0E6c;, 06 7ta'JTEC; (1.Er:C; Ecrf.LE'J f.LapTUpEC;' T7) 8E 00'J TOU 0EOU U(U8E[C;, T'J TE , ). I ..... t I n I ). A \ \ -- n I E1tCl..YYE/\  'J 70U LlYOU 'JEU(1.Cl..TOC; l\at'-l(U'J 7tapa TOU aTpOC;, ''''' -- t\ -- t ..... A). I \' I 5 SEXEE 7(JUTO, 0 'JU'J Uf.LE I\E7tETE xa aXO'JETE. 'E7t lG't'aa La TIpoaXE 't' EyaA a7tOa't'oA TIE't'p, 't'ii> OlXEL SlSaaxaA aU'JSa Soya't'Lov't'l. EXEL'JOU yap El7tO- 'J't'O nE/l-t/JaL TO nVEU/l-a napa TOU naTpo, OU't'O AaEiv 10 au't'o'J SlSaaxEl napa TOU naTpo TV EnaYYEAlav TOU nVEu/l-aTO, xal EXXEaL 't'ou't'o Eq>' i)a, ou iJ'J 7tpO- f3aAEa6al. 5. Tou aYLou a7tOa't'oAou TIauAou EX 't'Yi 7tpO raAa't'a E7tla't'oAYi 'Ea7tEcrTEAE'J [; 8EOC; TO n 'JEU(1.a TOU ytou aUTOU EC; Tac; xap8[ac; (1.(;)'J, xpao'J. Aa [; naTp. Fontes 4. 2/5 Act. 2.32-33 9 Ioh. 15.26 (= FP3) 5. 3/4 Gal. 4.6 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 4. 1 1'013 - cX7tocrT6AWV] legi nequit S 1'013 - 7tETpOU] 1'013 O:UTOU Ph 7tETpOU] &7tocrT6AOU praem. V 7tp;EWV] TWV praem. Ph TWV cX7tocrT6AWV] om. V 7 Tl] spatium hab. Ph, legi nequit S 9 TO] T V 5. 1/2 1'013 - E7tLcrTOA C;] legi nequit S 1 &:ytou] om. Ph Versio Z Brevis 4. 1 7tETpOU] praem. cX7tocrT6Aou Z "rwv cX7tocr"r6AWV] om. Z crTClcr(Cl - 7tpOClAEcreClL] om. Z 5. 1 cX7tocrT6AOU] om. Z E7tLcrTOA C;] om. Z 4 xpov] xp&wv Z 6/12 E7tL- 2 C;] TOU Z A C 11 4 4  1 ' ] ,  (, A 5 '' ] '  ' pp. o. . TOU - 7tVEUf.LClTOC; "rou 7tVEU!-lClTOC; TOU ClYLOU ct. E..,EZEE E'-.;EXEEV Act. vuv] e tr., deest in Act. AE7tETE] xClt praem. Act. 
84 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 5 ' E ' n la't'aa la 'KOUE Kat 't'ou 't'iic; iXAO aXEuou TOU Yiou E'J E1- 'Jal TO nVEup.a KY)puaao'J't'oc; Sux 't'O oooualO'J, napa 't'ou TIa't'poe; Sf: 't'ou't'O ia7rOaTEAAEa(JaL. 6. Tou au't'ou EK 't'Yje; npoe; Tl't'o'J " E ( '" ''\ '" '\ ' , , , crWcrEV (.lrlC; oLl I\01J":'pOU 7trll\ YYEVEcrrl Xrl rl'JrlXLl vw- crEwe; n 'JEU(.lrlTOC; &You, 0;3 EEX EE'J E([/ (.lC; 7tAoucrtWC; acX '1 crou XpcrTOU TOU LW't'pOC; (.lwv. 5 'En la't'aa la Ope; nwe; aaq>we; Kat Ka6apwe; E'J't'au6a napa 't'ou TIa- 't'poe; La 't'ou Yiou EXXELa(JaL TO nVEup.a SlSaaKEl 0 E- yae; anoa't'OAOe;; El 't'Ol'JU'J aaaq>we; cXAAaxou 't'o'J Yio'J npOXEEl'J Kat SlSO'Jal 't'o TI 'JEua cXKOUEle;, npoe; 't'ae; 't'ou 10 TIE't'pOU Kat 't'ou TIauAou SlSaaKaAlae; KcXKEl'Ja auf3lf3aE. 7. Tou Xpuaoa't'oou EK 't'Yje; Ele; 't'o'J 11C;' aAo'J EpYJ'JElae; AAA' E7tE n1]Y (; nrlTp, vt5we 'wv ExaAEcrE TO n 'JEU(.lrl Fontes 6 Act. 9.15 6.2/4 Tit. 3.5-6 7.3 1tYtlr(, - wv cf. FP 7. 11/13 3/25 Sever. Gab., Hom. in Ps. 96, 607.8 ab imo-608.16, 608.23-25 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 5 E:1tLcr7crL] legi nequit S 6. 1 70;; - 'd TOV] legi nequit S, E:1tLcr7oA  add. V 2 1tALYYEvEcrLrlC;] 1tALV "rYEvEcrLrlC; V 2/3 &VX.LvWcrEWC;] &VX.LvLcrEw PhS, &VrlX.EvwcrEw V( 5 S1tLcr7rlcrLO:] legi nequit S 9 1tpOZEELV] 1tpOXET.v PhS 10 TOU] 7(xpraem. PhS, om. V 7. 1/270;; - Epf.l1jvdc;] legi nequit S 3 E1td] E:T:ELa V 1t"fjY]  praem. PhS Versio Z Brevis 5/8 E:1tLcrTcrLrl - Erl1tocr,";EAAEcreL] om. Z 6. 1 ,";0;; - '"; 70V] om. Z 3 00] 0 Z 5/1 0 E:1tLcrTrlcrL - crUf.LLO:E] om. Z 7. 1/32 70;; - YLOV] om.Z App. ColI. 7. 3 E:1tEL - 7t'";p] E:1tELa 0 crwrr,p Sever. Gab. 
Fontes 5.5-7.27 8S \ \ I I TO &YO'J, a&. T£ CP"'f)cr'J vDWe 'WV; r/I 'J [.lcX.(7) UTO EX  5 nr;yij TOU 0EOU 0'1. /'Iy DUJe 'WV TO n 'JEU[.l, nr;yij VDaTO 'WVTO [; 8E6, rc'JrJ. OTrJ.'J [.l&8YJ T'J nr;yv, 'J0cr7) 7t06E'J TO vl5W(? TO t liJv. Jl oTaflol EX Tij xOtAla aixroi] eEvaovalv vDa- TO 'WVTO;. TOVTO DE EAEYE TO VOWe nEet TOV IIvEvflaTo, oiJ lflEAAOV Aafl{3aVEtV oE ntaTt'VOVTE. E VDWe 'WV TO n'JEU(1.rJ., 10 TcrW(1.E'J rJ.UTOU T'J nr;yv. T[  nr;y; AEYETW tIEpE(1.(rJ.. T I  ') I K I ' E C ' , "" \" t rJ.oE AEYEt Vel{). EaTr; 0 oveavo Ent TOVTqJ xat EqJetr.;EV  Y, OTt Dvo xat novr;e a Enolr;aEv 0 Aao flov. iflE iyxaTEAt- 1lE 1lr;yijv vDaTo 'WVTO. to p nr;yiJv vOaTo TO'J 0EO'J, 'wv , /'1  ' n ..... 'rl II , /'1  r - t n I oZ VUWe 70 'JEU(1.rl 70 YO'J; r;yr; VuaTO WVTO 0 rJ.7p, 15 1loTaflo EX 1lr;yij 7tpOEPX.O(1.E'JO [; yto, vowe TOU nOTaflov TO n'JEU(1.rJ. TO &YO'J. 'E flE iyxaTEAt1l0V nr;yiJv VOaTO 'WVTO. AEYETW TrJ.UTrJ. 7tEp TOU ytou [; 7tpO([)T tHcrrJ..trJ.. KrJ. E Kupo W nOTaflo lvooo yfj OUpwan. top nr;yv; II 0- TafloV; ('/YOwe 'Wv; KrJ. Wcr7tEp OU oU'J T'J nr;yiJv XrJ.AEcrrJ. , rl ,t I Y t..... " I '\' \ '\ I 20 1loTaflov, EW T'J PsrJ.'J op, OUTE 7trJ.I\ 'I TO'J nOTaflov XrJ.I\E-- crrJ. 1lr;yv, OUTE 7t&A'J TO Vowe TO eX7tO TOU nOTaflov crxo- (1.E'JO'J XrJ.AE'i:C; 1l0TaflOV, eXAA' vowe eXpOE(rJ.. XrJ.t Ta (1.E'J O'JO(1.rJ.- TrJ. TE(1. 'JETrJ.,  OE ([)ucr eX(1.EP crTO. OUTW TO'J (1.E'J n rJ.TEprJ. t , I ,  I , , , tflt , I rl " UO'J XrJ.AEcrrJ. OU OU'JrJ.TO'J, OUoE TO'J 1 O'J 7trJ.TEprJ.,  'JrJ. (1.  E 25 T'J rJ.EAA(OU oOrJ.'J EX7tEcrW(1.E'J. 'E7t lO'aO' la r'Opa Kat. 't'O'J Eya'J 't'Yj OlKOUE'JYJ q>WG't'Yjpa Kat. Sl- 7/9 Ioh. 7.38-39 16 Ibid. 18 Is. 32.2 11/13 Ier. 2.5; 2.12-13 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 6 vocr1jc;] vOcrEC; PhSV 16 EyxTEA7tov] EYXTEA7te: PhS 19 XlJ.AE- cr] XAEcre: Voco 22 &pae:(c;] &.p PhS 26 E7tcrTcr(] legi nequit S App. ColI. 6 LV] LV' Sever. Gab. 15 EX 7t'Yjc;] EX c; C; Sever. Gab. 17 TUT] deest in Sever. Gab. utou] 't" UT xt add. Sever. Gab. 18 r-n] EV praem. Sever. Gab. 20 7tOTf.LOV] 7tpOEAe6vT EW ou auv1j add. Sever. Gab. 21 7t&AV] deest in Sever. Gab. 21/22 crx.6f.Le:vov] xt TIjv yfjv &pae:uov OU add. Sever. Gab. 23 &f.LEpcrTOC;] plurima alia add. Sever. Gab. OUTWC;] OUTW Sever. Gab. 25 EX7tEcrWfJ-EV] E!-l7tEcrwfJ-Ev Sever. Gab. M29r 
86 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM SaaxaAO'J, 7tW Jl'Y)Y1' TOU fI 'JEUf.LLlTOe; TO'J n aTEpLl S lSa- ;a, JlOTaflOv Se T1)e; JlYJY/ 7tPOEPX6f.LE'J0'J TO'J Yt6'J, i5l5we Se 30 TOU JlOTaflOV TO n 'JEUf.La, F)'rrrw cX7taYOpEUEl TO'J I ;tOTaflOV M 29v ;tYJ},V o'JoaE0'6al. El YOU'J iJ JlrJ}, 0 Yl6, 1tW EX7tO- pEUE"tal "tOU"tOU "to n 'JEUa "to aYlO'J; 8. Tou au"tou EX "tYi 7tEpi "tou aYLou n'JEUa"tO olALa AEYETa TO  'JU'J n 'JEU(1.a &yo'J. A UT yap E(jT 'J  xup a xa 7tpWT 7tpo(jyopa EX({)a'JTxwTEpa'J Exou(ja T'J acl'Jo- 5 a'J, xa 7tap (jTW(ja TOU &you n 'JEu(1.aTOe; T'J ({)u(j 'J. n 'JEu(1.a &yo'J, Il vEvfla TOV f)EOV. Te; aUTO xaAE Il vEvfla f)EOV; 'J\XOUE TOU WTpOe;. El DE E}'w E1' Il 1'EvflaTl f)EOV Exf36.AAw \  I ° I / (,/ D. ' / M / , / Ta ualflo1'la. 'Ja TO  'JU'J, we; E({)V'J E 7tW'J.«  TC; axou(jac; n 'JEu(1.a 'JO (1.(j 0 xE6TTa (j (1.a 'JE(j8a», xa (1.  ({)U(jEWe; 10 xO'Jw'Ja'J, (; nauAoc; AEYE. y fll1' DE ovx Ea68 TO JlvEvfla TOV xoaflov, &AAa TO IlvEvfla TO EX TOV f)EOV. naA'J AEYE't'a Il vEvfla Il aTeO, we; (; WTp TOe; &yoC; &7t0(j76AOe; AEYE. M flEelfl1'arJTE JlW  TL AaAarJTE. ov }'ae VflEl EaTE Ot Fontes 8.3/57 Sever. Gab., De 5.5., 813.32-815.26 7/8 Mt. 12.28 8/9  - cr1jf.LLvEcrSL cf. Sever. Gab., De 5.5., 813.25-27 10/11 I Cor. 2.12 13/15 Mr. 10.19-20 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 28 1tW 1t'1't(tjv] om. Ph, spatium hab. S 31 d yo'0v] spatium hab. PhS 8. 1/2 TOU l - OLALC;] legi nequit S 4 EXVTLXWTEpV] xt praem. V 6 TOU] om. PhS TLC; - SEOU] om. V 7 &XOUE - crwpo] om. PhS EX- &AAW] EX&AW V 8 EcpS1jV] Ecp"fjV V 9 1-L] om. V 12 TO'i'] EV praem. V 13 ] xt PhS AAcr1jTE] AAcrETE LM Versio Z Brevis 8. I TOU trt'ou] TOU x.pucrocrT6ou Z 2 6LAt] 08EV X  1tpOYPCPE'i'cr X.pcrL add. Z 4 EXcpVTLXWTEpV]  praem. Z App. ColI. 8. 4 EXcpVTLXWTEpV]  praem. Sever. Gab. 5 1tpLcr7Wcr] 1tpLcrTcr Sever. Gab. 8 aL1-L6vL] 1tVEU SEOU add. Sever. Gab. 9 1tVEU] SEOU add. Sever. Gab. 
7.28-8.33 87 AaAOVVTE, aAAQ TO II VEVf-la TOO Il aT(!O Vf-lWV TO AaAOOV EV 15 Vf-llV. "Q(j7tEP oe: El7tE. II vEvf-la fJEov, XLlt E7tYrJ.YE'J  yprJ.cp TO EX f)EOV, OUTWe; 7taA'J ErpTrJ. IlvEvf-la IlaT(!6. KLlt r'JrJ. , / ..... ,'/ ). / D. ( ' fJ.. fJ.. (.l  '10 f.LcrYJC; TOUTO XLlT 0 XEW(j 'I I\EYE(jVrJ., 0 WT P t--'E t--'rJ.- o. "VTur ()E E A()n 0 II aeaX}rJTO, TO 17 vEvf-la Tij aArJ()Ela, 8 7la(!a TOV Il aT(!O EXJlO(!EVETat. iXE EX fJEov, (;)OE na(!Q TOV 20 Il aT(!6. "07tEP E7tYLlYE'J ErJ.UT0, TO EYW na(!a TOV Il aTeO EijA()OV, TOUTO y.rJ. T0 &y n 'JEU(.lrJ.T, 0 Jla(!a TOV Il aT(!O EXJlO(!EVETal. "E(jT'J aG'J fJEOV IlvEvf-la XrJ. EX fJEOV IlaT(!o Il vEvf-la, XrJ. Jla(!a TOV II aT(!O EX7l0(!EVETat. OUX El7tE. «rE'J- ..... t'A" / , ..... ..... Y ( , , n 'JrJ.7». .L' \. i'P au YEI'P7t'":', ou oE qJpO'JE 'I. O EX. - 2S TpOe; YE'J'J8Ee;, n'JEU(.lrJ. EX nrJ.TpOe; EX7tOpEU6(.lE'J0'J. ZY)TEe; 7trJ.P' E(.lOU T'J orJ.([)opa'J 7ta'JTWe;, 7tWe; EYE'J'J8 06TOC;, 7tWe; EE7tOpEU8 EXE '10; T yap; "OT EYE'J'Jf)Y) (.lrJ.8w'J, E(.lrJ.8Ee; XrJ.t 70'1 Tp67t0'J XrJ. XrJ.TEArJ.Ee;. &pLl E7tE oG'J XpUTT6(.lE'J0'J uio'J , / I /). P / ,/ LlXOUEe;, XrJ.TEI\rJ.t--'Ee; YE'J'JY)(jEWe; TO'J Tp07tO'J. 30 'O'J6(.lrJ.Ta E(jT 7t(jTE T(.lW(.lE'JrJ., EU(jEE AOY(j(.l0 Tpau-- (.lE'JrJ.. Te; oe:  oU'JrJ.(.le; TOU EXJlO(!EVETal; "1 'JrJ. TO Te; YE'J'J(jE- we; 0'10 (.lrJ. 7trJ.pEA8  YprJ.([), r'JrJ. (.l  UO'J rJ.UTO XrJ.AE(j, AEYE n 'JEU(.lrJ. &YO'J, 0 Jla(!a TOV II aT(!O EXJlO(!EVETat. E(jaYE rJ.UTO M30r Fon tes 18/19 Ioh. 15.26 20/21 Ioh. 16.27 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 14 u!J.{;"JV] !J.wv PhS 16 es:ou] TOU praem. PhS 7tO:TpOC;] XrlL praem. LM 25 7tvs:u!J.rl] XrlL praem. 27 EXe:'i:' vo] scripsi cum Sever. Gab., EXe:'i:' voe; LMPhSV Gab., TO LMPhSV 19 c1ae:] iJJae: M 22 V Tcie;] Tci V T[] scripsi cum Sever. Versio Z Brevis 19 c1as:] iJJas: Z 22/23 EcrTv - EX7tOpe:US:Trl] om. Z Z 28 utov] TOV praem. Z 30 e:ucre:e:'i:'] e:ucrs: Z 24 utoe;] 0 praem. 32 UTO] UTOV Z App. ColI. 14 u!J.wv] !J.wv Sever. Gab. 16 OUTWe;] OUTW Sever. Gab. 20 TO] deest in Sever. Gab. 21 XL] ae: Sever. Gab. 22 EX] deest in Sever. Gab. 23 EX7tOpe:Ue:Trl] TL EcrT v, EX7tOpS:Ue:Trl add. Sever. Gab. 28/29 XrlL - Tp07tOV] " ';',  , , ( , " , , " e tr., rlp ouv, e:7te:o XpUTT0!J.e:VOV uov rlXoue:e;, Xrl ys:vvcre:we; TOV Tp07tOV XrlTEArle:e; Sever. Gab. 30 e:ucrs:s:'i:'] XL praem. Sever. Gab. 
88 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM EX7tOPEU6f.LE'JO'J, we; uawp cl7tO 7ITJy-Yje; puo'J. XLlTcX TO EP"'f)f.LE'- 35 ,--  / \  \ , , , t 'E  / 'JO'J 7tEp TOU 7tLlpLlOEcrOU. JloTaflOe; vB- EXnO(!EVETat Er.; vEfl. EX7tOpEUETa XLlt 7tyaE. (0 naTp nrJY i5f5aTOe; 'WVTOe; AE- " , ( I / ,/ "'E t /  YETa, XaTa TO'J 7tpO({)T'J EpE(.lta'J TO'J AEY0'J'7a' r.;EaTYJ 0 , \' \ / \" t ' \ 1 I ( '" ('/ ..s. ' \ OVeaVOe; EJlt TOVTqJ Xat E(!tr.;EV Ent JlAEOV  yrp OTt uVO Xat \ , /  1 / , \' /1 '('/ nOVrJea EJlOtrJ aEV 0 AaOe; f.10V. EflE EyxaTEAtJlE' nrJyrJv vua- 40 TOe; 'WVTOe;. (Op6(.lE'JOC; nrJYv i5l5aToc; 'WVTOe; TO'J naTEpa, (; 8Ef:Oe; A6yoe; EcryaYE'J EX T-tjC; nrJyije; Te; wC;. TO i5l5W(! TO 'WV EXnO(!EVOflEVOV. 0 na(!Q TOV Jl aTeOc; EXnO(!EVETat. T EXnO(!EVETat; To n 'JEU(.la TO &YO'J. nWe;; (Qe; cX7tO nrJyije; i5l5W(!. n 68E'J TOUTO, OT TO n 'JEU(.la TO &YO'J i5l5W(! xaAEf: Ta; 45 AEYE (; WTp. O ntaTEVwv Ele; EflE, xa()we; EinEv  y(!af{J, nOTaflot QEvaOVatv EX Tije; xOtAlae; aVTov i5l5aToc; 'WVTOC;. xat E:p(.l'JEUW'J (; EULlYYEAcrTe; TOUTO TO i5l5W(! E7taYE. TOVTO l5i E AEYE nE(!t TOV aylov Jl VEvflaTOe;, of) E flEAAOV Aaflf3aVEtV Ot I E ' / (, '\ " 1 / / Y ntaT EVOVT Ee;.  TO  'JU'J 0 EUaYYE/\ crTe; wa'J'Je; cra({)'J SW'J 50 TO n'JEU(.la TO &YO'J EI7tE' To i5l5we TO 'WV, (; Oe: naTp AfYE. 'Efli EyxaTEAtnOV nrJYv VOaTOe; 'WVTOC;. nrJY TOU n'JEU(.la- TOe; (; n aTp, oa TOUTO XLlt EX TOU naTpOe; EX7tOpEUETa. Af- YE TO 'JU'J, E7ta'JaAa(.la'Jw yap. Jl vEvfla fJEOV, xat Jl vEvfla TO EX TOV fJEOV, xat II vEvfla II aTeOe;, xat Jl vEvfla TO na(!Q 55 TOV Jl aT(!Oe;. Jl vEvfla K velov (.lapTupEf: (Hcra'tae; EX 7tpocrW7tOU Fontes 35 Gen. 2.10 7.39 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 48 &ytou] om. V , , S rlUTO praem. Versio Z Brevis 35 7tEpL] 7trlp Z YE L] E7t&jrtJ Z AOV] EAAOV Z 37/40 Ier. 2.12-13 45/46 Ioh. 7.38 47/49 Ioh. 51 EYXO:TEAL7tOV] .YXrlTEAL7tOL V 52 EX7t0PEUETrlL] 41  we;] om. Z 45 c/] O":'L praem. Z 48 TOU - 7tVEUf.Lrl":'O] ":'OU 7tVEUf.LrlTO ":'ou xytou Z 54/55 Xrlt 2 - 7trlTp6] om. Z 47 E7tcX- EU.EA- . App. ColI. 34 it"Yj] yYje; Sever. Gab. 38 E7tL 7tAEOV] E7tt 7tAE!:OV Sever. Gab. 39 Eyx.rl- TEAL7tE] Eyx.rlTEAL7tOV Sever. Gab. 46 PEucroucrLV] post rlUTOU transp. Sever. Gab. 49 7tLcrTEUOVTE] Ere; rluT6v add. Sever. Gab. 52/53 AEYEL] AEYETrlL Sever. Gab. 
8.34-9.9 89 TOU XpcrTOU. Il VEVpa K v(!lov En' Efli. ov EtVEXEV E X(!laE flE, xat nauAoc;' O DE K V(!lO TO Il VEVfla EaTt. 'E7tlO''t'aO'la I Tl 't'Yi 't'olau't'Y) SlSaO'KaAla Ka6apW't'Epo'J Kat. O'aq>e- 60 O''t'EpO'J; nOAAaxw yap Kat. EK Slaq>opw'J ap't'uplw'J 't'YJ'J 't'ou n 'JEua't'o Ka't'ayyeAAEl EK7tOpEuO'l'J, E'J Kat. 't'au't'o'J El- 'Jal SlSaO'KW'J, 't'O «EX TOV fJEOV» Kat. 't'O «na(!a ToV Il aT(!6», tl'Ja YJ E'J6a 't'l 't'O «EX TOV eEOV» ovo'J a'JaYl VWO'K!1, Kat. «EX TOU ytOU» 'JOl!1 Sla 't'YJ'J Oo't'lla'J 't'Yi q>UO'EW. M30v 9. Tou au't'ou EK 't'Yi au't'Yi olAla IlvEvlla tJEOV, IIvEvfla TO EX TOV fJEov, IIvEvfla IIaT(!6, xat II vEvfla 0 EX TOV II aT(!O Exno(!EvETal, II vEvfla K v (!lov, IIvEvfla Ytov. A I (, I '\ ("11  I ,  I , t I ')  L) \ 5 EYE ° a7tocr",:ol\oc;' vTt uE EaTE VlOl, Ec.;anEaTEtAEv 0 C/EO TO II vEvfla TOV Y tOV aVTOV El Ta xa(!Dla flWV x(!ii'ov. :4f3f3ii 0 II aTe. 'Ioou aUTO TO IIvEvfla TOV Ytov, aAAaxou 7t&A'J II vEvfla X elaTov AEYE nauAoc;. Y flEt DE ovx EaTE EV aaexl, aAA' EV II vEvflaTt" EtnE(! II vEvfla X (!laTOV OlxEt Fontes 56 Is. 61.1 57 II Cor. 3.17 9. 2/41 Sever. Gab., De 5.5., 815.40-816.12 2 Gen. 1.2 cum aliis locis I Cor. 2.12 M t. 10.20 3 cf. loh. 15.26 Is. 61.1 cum aliis locis 4 Gal. 4.6 5/7 Gal. 4.6 7 Gal. 4.6 8 Rom. 8.9 8/10 Rom. 8.9 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 57 7tUAOC;] 0 praem. V 58 E7tLcrTcr(] legi nequit S 59 TOL{)''t''tjC;] TOL 'JTIjC; M 61 X'";YYEAAe:L] XTYYEAe:L M 62 T(i] om. V 63 f-Lovov &VYLvwcrX.1j] om. PhS 9. 1 TOU - Of-LLA(;] legi nequit S 3 EX] 7tp PhS 8 itXALV] ante itUAO; transp. V AEye:L 7tUAO;] inv. V Versio Z Brevis 58/64 E7tLcrTcr( - ?'Jcrs:wc;] om. Z xpov] xp&wv Z 7 TO] om. Z 9. 6 t.r":ou] om. Z f-LWV] uf-Lwv Z App. ColI. 9. 3 x.] deest in Sever. Gab. EX] 7tp Sever. Gab. 6 f-Lwv] uf-Lwv Sever. Gab. 
90 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 10 EV Vf-ltv. n rJ.PLl..XLl..AW, 7tp6azX E T-n 7tAOX-n TrJ.UT?) T-n &yL, 7tWe; Wa7tEp ax 0  'J6'J T 'JLI.. &yLLI..'J xrJ.t warJ.'J EX TP  7tA6xou 8u'Jaf.LE- , / t n ......i ,/ / "  / (U EaYrJ.YE'J 0 rJ.UI\Oe;, 1"'J ({)ua 'J aU'JLl..7tT(u'J T'J rJ.OrJ.pE'":'O'J, , ,  / , / / ,/ ,  / XrJ. E'J 0 rJ.({)0 po e; O'JO (.LrJ.a (.LrJ.'J T'J uU'JrJ.(.L 'J E'JuEX'JUf.LE'JOe;" }"flEt DE, ({)aL'J, ovx EaTE EV aa(!xl, aAA' EV [JvEvflaTl. 'I80u 1 s n 'JEU(.LrJ.. E'L"lE(! Il VEV fla f)EOV Olxcl EV VfllV. EI8Ee; I I 'JEU(.LrJ.; El (jE Tt IlvEvfla X(!taTOv ovx [XEt. KrJ. (.L'J EXP'J E7tEr:'J. « E  8f TC; n 'JEU (.LrJ. 0 EOU OUX EX E», &AA' EI7tE" Il VEV fla X et- aTov, EI7tE" fJEOV Il vEvfla, XrJ. E7tYrJ.YE TO Il VEVI1,a TOU X et- aTOV. El DE Tt IlvEvfla X(!laTOV ovx [XEt, OiJTO OVX [aTtV , -'A ii' ...... ";" r/  /  r/ , n ...... , X 20 aVTOV. f\./\/\IY.. TOUTO E7tE\J, 'JCI.. OE'j7) OT E 'JEUr.lrJ., XrJ. p- aT6e;. xrJ. 'Cao'J EaT Xp aTo'J 7trJ.pEr: 'JrJ., xrJ. n 'JEU(.LrJ. 7trJ.pEr: 'JrJ. . xrJ. tao'J EaT 'J E 7tEr: 'J Il VEV fla fJEov xrJ. Il VEV fla X (!taTov. "EaT TO 'JU'J n 'JEU(.LrJ. &yo'J, Il vEvfla TO Tij aA'Yj()Ela, we; &'J Te; Et7tO Il vEvIla TOV Y[OV. E7tE AEYE [; (uTp. 'Eyw Elflt  2S aA()Eta. AfYETrJ. TO Il VEV fla Tij aA'Yj()Ela, 0 EaT TO Il VEV fla TOV Y [OV, we; ({)a'J [; OrJ.UAOe;" 'E ;anEaTEtAEV I 0 fJEO TO M 31r Il vEvfla TOV Y [OV aVTOV. "EaT 'J O'J XrJ. Il vEvfla Y [OV, xrJ. Il vEvfla TOV EYEl(!aVTO '/ 'Yjaovv X (!taTOV. KrJ. aXOUE rJ.UTOU TOU nrJ.UAOU" El DE TO IlvEvfla TOV EYEl(!aVTO TOV XetaTOV , -,  - 30 OtXEt EV Vfltv. Fontes 14/15 Rom. 8.9 16 Rom. 8.9 17/18 Rom. 8.9 19/20 Rom. 8.9 23 Ioh. 14.17 cum aliis locis 24 Gal. 4.6 24/25 Ioh. 14.6 25 Ioh. 14.17 25/26 Gal. 4.6 29/30 Rom. 8.11 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 15 7tve:uf.L] Be:ou add. PhS 20 d] om. Ph V 22 e:L7te:'i:'V] om. PhS 24 S:'C7tOL] e:'{1t"{j PhS 26 ULO;:)] scripsi cum Sever. Gab., Be:ou LMPhSV 27 tn.ou] e:te; Te; x.pato:e; f.LWV add. V Versio Z Brevis 12 e:Lcryye:v - 7tO:UAOC;] 6 7tUAOe; dcrYlJ.ye: Z 15/17 e:'C7te:p - 7tVe:Uf.L2] om. Z 20 s:t] om. Z 21/22 Ecr,.d - 'Ccrov] om. Z App. ColI. 11 crx.o'i:' vav] e tr., crS:Lp&V Sever. Gab. 15 e:lae:c;] 'Cae: Sever. Gab. 7tvs:u!-l] Be:ou add. Sever. Gab. 24 E7te:t] S:7tLa Sever. Gab. 27 ULOU 2 ] TOU praem. Sever. Gab. 29 TOV] e tr., LYJcrouv Sever. Gab. 
9.10-9.52 91 T rlUTrl TeX O'J6f.LLlTLl T1)C; &Y(rlC; XLlt &x.pa'JTOU aU'Jrlf.LEWC; TOU &yOU Ecr XLl 7tpOcrXU'JTOU n 'JEUf.LrlTOC;. EcrT as: Xrl ,/ ii' / ,..... / / , i ' --, / LlI\I\Ll O'JOf.LLl"':Ll O'J "':TJ cpUcrE 7tpOcr"f)XO'JTrl, LlI\Arl TU E'JEPYE. B Q' t i / ,/-",..... / , , rlv'JC; 0 r,OI'OC" Xrl ZPUE LlXO"f)C, 1tpOcrEX.0UcrC" Xrl rlcrcprl- ) -- / \ / '/ ) ' n ..... T - Jl - J5 ..O'JC; T:(j7 )c;. .: ZYE"': OE 1':Ll ,'J 70 'JEUf.LLl WrJ vEvfla' EnE Xrlt 6 LW7p AfYE' 'Ey(:) slfll  aA()sla xat  'w. Af- YETrl 03'J Jl 1JEV pa  U), XLlOWC, XLl (; n rlUAOC, AEYE' ('0 ya.{j v6flo TOV [JvsvflaTo Tij 'wij. TrlUTrl Ta O'JO(1.rlTrl rlUTC, TC, rlU8E'JTrlC" rlUT TC, CPUcrEWC,. "Ecr7 ae: &AArl O'JO(1.rlTrl, 40 & OU 7tpOcrYP&cpETLl T0 &y n 'JEU(1.rlT, eXAAa T aU'J&(1.E Xrl 7Y1 E'JEOYE(Ll LlUTOU, olo'J rlt W p E(Xt LlUTOU. I , 'I I 'E7t lO''t'aO' La Y)ELwO'al a7tO 't'E 't'Yj 7tpOAaf3ouO'YJ XpYjO'EW Kal a7tO 't'au't'YJ 't'YJ'J 't'ou aYLou 7ta't'po XpuO'oO''t'oou E't'a 45 7tOAAYj aKplf3ELa AE7t't'oAoYLa'Je 'EKEl f:'J yap 7tEpl 't'Yj 't'OU n 'JEUa't'O EK7tOpEUO'EW EPYJ'JEUW'J, 't'al 7tpoge- O'EO'l 't'ij 't'E «EX» Kal 't'ij «nrlpa» SlOAOU xpa't'al, «EX TOV f)SOV» Kal «naea TOV Jl aTeO» 't'au't'YJ'J SlSaO'Kw'J e E'J't'au6a Sf: 't'YJ'J 't'ou Yiou Kal 't'OU n 'JEua't'o 7taplO''t'w'J e: , ,,-, " , 50 OOOUO'lo't'YJ't'a, Kal 't'Y)'J 't'Y) q>UO'EW 't'au't'o't'YJ't'a o'JYJ'J, ou YJ'J Kal 't'YJ'J EK7tOpEUO'l 'J, OUSEl( 't'w'J 't'OlOU't'W'J xpYj't'al 7tp06eO'Ew'J, aAA' a7tAW ou't'w, a'JEu au't'w'J e Fontes 36 Ioh. 14.6 37/38 Rom. 8.2 App C t L M Ph 14sq14t ad '>/'U.':J.':J. I S V . ri. 34 7tpocrs:zoucrYjC;] T:pocrzoucr"fjC; V 35 TO 7tve:uf.L] om. S 37 yp] aE V 40 o,j] om. M 42 EitcrTcr(] legi nequit S 44 7t--:pOC;] 7tVS:Uf.LTOC; V ZpucrOcrTO!-lOU] x.pucroPP'!-l0VOC; L 47 ZPT] ZPT S 51 ouae:f.L] ou aE u. M  Versio Z Brevis 32 X.L2] om. Z 42/ 55 Eitcr--:cr( - !-l&pTUp] om. Z App. ColI. 34 npocrs:zoucr"fjC;] itpocrs:ZOUC; Sever. Gab. Gab. 36 E7td X.L] t7te:a Sever. Gab. 35 7t(cr--:s:WC;] X.L 7tcrc; Sever. 37 ouv] aE Sever. Gab. 
92 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM «TOV fJEOV» xal. «TOV XetaTOV» AEYEl TO TI'VEUa, TO'V 6EOXY)pUXa TIauAO'V napayw'V Tiic; TOlaUTY)C; SlSaaXaALac; SS cXnapaypanTO'V apTUpa. 10. 'Ex TYjC; aUTou olAlac; 'E'J OE &x.ouae; AEY0'JTOe;. i\ 7tOaTEAW 'DlltV TO Jl vEvIla TO ('/ "D. / , '\ /P 1:\' , " / aytov, (.l T'J VEOTTrl Ex.l\rl(Je;. \':JEOe; YrlP oux. rl7t0crTEAAE- Trl. 'O'JO(.lrlTa EcrT I TrlUTrl T'J E'JEPYErl'J cr(.lrl'JO'JTrl, 010'J M 31v ..... (, / ,'/ , / ,/ , S 7trle; 0 rl7t0crTEAAW'J Ee; EX.E 'Joue; rl7t0crTEAAE TOUe; T07t0Ue;, E'J ole; (.l  7tapEcrT 'J. (17to80u E(.lE EI 'Jrl TO'J ArlAOU'JTrl E'J T0 X.rl- 8cr(.lrlT TOUT' OU oU'Jrl(.lrl E7tEr:'J T'J OEUpO. «1\7tOcrTEAw crE (;)OE»' TOUTO oux. EcrT 7tE(.lrl, &AA cruyx.rl8crrl  7trlprlcrT- E ' , ( 1:\ ' ..... T \ , \ / \ 'Jrl.  OE 0 \':JEOe; 7trl'JTrlXOU' ov oveavov - YrlP ({)cr - xat 10 TV yfJv EYW nArjeW. 7t0U 7tE(.l7tE [; 7trl'JTrlXOU w'J; 'Eav ava{3w El TOV oveavov, av EXEt El- Ea.V xaTa{3w El TOV DrjV, naeEt. , \ , ') ' {3 \ I I , " () \ Eav avaAa w Ta ;rTEevya floV xaT 0e eov, xat XaTaaXrj- vwaw El TO. EaxaTa Tij ()aAaaarj. xat ya.e EXEt  XEie aov ODrjyaEt flE. n OU O'J [; 0EOe; &7t0crTEAAE; 1\AA' &prl (.l  rlUTOe; Fontes 10. 2/78 Sever. Gab., De 5.5.,825.56-826.5 ab imo 2/3 &7tOcrTe:AW - &:YLOV cf.Ioh.15.26 9/10 Ier. 23.25 10/14Ps.138.8-10 App. Crit. L M S V 10. I EX - o!.uAb] legi nequit S 2/3 '":0 1 - &YLOV] spatium hab. S 4 EcrTL] e:crt S 5 EXe:(VOU] ExdvoL V 5/6 EV - 7t&pEcr'nv] spatium hab. S 8 I 9  7tpcrTVL] spatium hab. S 9 CP1jcrL] om. LMV 10 wv] wv V II cr 1 J] om. V 12 &VA&W] &VA&OL!.U V 14 f-LE:] xt XeE;EL f-Le:  ae:;LQ: crou add. V 0] om. SV &p] &p V Versio Z Brevis 10. 10 7tEtl7tEL ] 7tEtl7tETL Z . \ XeE;EL 1J.E  aELQ: crou add. Z '":L Z 12 &VA&W] &VA&OL1J.L Z 14 1J.E] x ouv] om. Z &7tOcrTEAAEL] &7tOcrTEAAE- App. ColI. 10. 3 v] XT praem. Sever. Gab. 4 cr1jf-L(VOVT] OV6f-LT XpU7t't'6f-LEV X A*f-L7tOVT' xpu7tT6f.LEV '"; &;(0:, A&1J.7tOVT -rr, ee:wp( add. Sever. Gab. 5 6] deest in Sever. Gab. 10 7tot)] ouv add. Sever. Gab. 
9.53-10.32 93 IS f.LE'J 7ta'JTXou, 0 OE cX.7tocrTEAA6f.LE'J0e; ou 7t(x'JTX-n; :4nEO'TEt- AEV 0 f)EO TOV Y tOV El TOV xOO' flov. &'p' we; f.L  7tp6'JT E'J T0 x6crf.L; Kat f.L 'J 0 x6crf.L0e; EX TOU ytou, O TOUTO AeE'J e:le; TO'J x6cr(l-0'J' we; 7tpO TOUTOU f.L  W'J E'J T0 x6crf.L; n we; 03'J 'Iwa'Jv'e; 0 EuaYYEAcrTC; AEYE. 'Ev Tip x60'flCP v, xat 0 xo- 20 a flo Dt' aiy[ov EYEVEiO; n we; 03'J eX7tEcrTaA  Ee; 'ro'J x6crf.L0'J; 11 / i " / i (, i / , ,/ ( , , a/\ 'J, E a7tEcrTa/\ Y) 0 a7tocrTa/\Ee;, xa Ef.LE 'JE'J 0 a7tocrTEA(Xe; &'Jw, xat [; eX7:ocrT(xAEte; xaTw, 7tWe; EAEYE. Kat 0 nEflVJa flE " -, flEi Eflov EO'itV; 'A / i 'i / ;\ / "..... (( / J-\.cr({)a/\ cra TO'J /\OYo'J. U U'JaTa yap E 7tE 'J 0 a pETXOe;. 25 J.v! Ei"J EfloV EO'it if) {30rj()Elq., we; AEYW xcXyw. O f)EO flET' EflOV EaT tv. Oux Et7tE'J a7tAWe; - eXAAa T(; - O Jl aT(! 0 EV EflOt flEVWV. E (l-ET' aUTou 'J, xat E'J aUT0 E(l-E'JE, 7tWe; EXEf:- 'Joe; cX7tEcrTEAE'J,  7tWe; 06TOC; eX7tEcrTaA; Er TE yap A80'J, ot OUO A80'J, xat OUOEte; eX7tEcrTaA . Er TE E(l-E 'JE'J [; n aT p &'Jw, 30 7tWe; AEYE [; yt6e;. O Jl ai(! flEi' EflOV EO'itV; E &'Jw E(l-E'JE'J [; cX7tocrTE(Aae;, 7tWe; EX E (l-ET' aUTou [; I cX7tocrTaAEte; TO'J cX7tO- M 32r crTE(Aa'JTa; 'Eyw yae, Et7tE'J, EV i0 II aiel, xat 0 Jl aT(! flET' Fontes 15/16 Ioh. 3.17 19/20 Ioh. 1.10 22/23 Ioh. 8.29 26/27 Ioh. 14.10 30 Ioh. 16.32 32 Ioh. 10.38 cum aliis locis 32/33 Ioh. 16.32 App C r t L M Ph I1Idt ab (i(11j (Ji./(1rJ/ 24 S V . i. 16 &p'] &p V 18 ELe; - x.6crov] EV T<{) x.6crfJ- S 19 EV] 7tVT aL' WJTOU E"'{C:VETO praem. V 22 (.lE] om. V 27 EL] &Et V 29 EfJ-EL VEV] EfJ-EL rasura EV V 31 eX7tOcrTAEtC;] &7tocrTELAo:e; V Versio Z Brevis 15 7tVTzrD 7tVT/.:X.OU Z 16 utov] UTOU add. Z &.p'] &.p Z EV] 7tVT aL' 'JTOU EYC:VETO praem. Z 21 EL cX7tEcrTcXA"fJ] om. Z E'C TE - eX7tEcrTcXA"fJ] om. Z 19 28/29 App. ColI. 15 7tV7X] 7tO:VTZOU Sever. Gab. 16 utov] UTOU add. Sever. Gab. &.p'] &p Sever. Gab. 17 AeEV] o0v praem. Sever. Gab. 19 EV] 7tcXVT aL' UTOU EYC:VETO praem. Sever. Gab. 23 EcrTL v] EcrTL Sever. Gab. 24 eXcrALcrL] 7tpX.AW, 7tp6crEXE f-LET &crAELC; praem. Sever. Gab. 29 eX7tEcrTA"fJ] 7tcXALV eXAA' ot auo Ef-LELVV add. Sever. Gab. ELTE] d Sever. Gab. EfJ-ELVEV] Ef-LEVEV Sever. Gab. 31 EZEL - UTOU] f-LET' WJTOU EXEL Sever. Gab. 
94 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM , -, n "" ';' ( , ,/  o I7 ' , , , EllOV EaTl. (,)C; O'JV 0 7tOcrT".EtC; AErEt. QT'YJ(} E1J EllOl; 11 we; oE 7tclA 'J a7tEcrTEr.AE'J; r/oTrl'J OU'J AEYYf Jl Efl11'W VfltV -co 35 Jl - \ r'I ,, i / ..... n / , r/ vEvila -co aYlOV, T'J OU>pE'J I\EYE TOU 'JE'Jf.LTOe;. Xrl 'J /0. r/ ( ,/ , ' n ..... " / (.lrlVTE OT  OU>pELl 7tEf.L7tETLl, TO oE 'JEUf.L Oux. 7tOcr'TEA- i (, i / ....., / i  ' 1 / , ( I I\ETrl, 0 U>Tp I\EYE TOC; rl1tocrTOI\OC;. lV E 'JrlTE E'J EpOU- aLlA (.l, gw av EV{)(J'YJa()E bvvafllv E f5VJo1'. AVJEa()E Dvvafllv EnEA()6v-c0 -cov aylo1' Jl vEvfla-co ECP' Vflii. K&'J  oU'Jrl(.lC; 40 'J XOPYOU(.lE'J, aAAa TO n 'JEU(.lrl TO XOPYOU'J. II a-v.Ta ya(! EVE(!YEt -co EV xat -co aVTO Jl vEvfla, l5lat(!OVV IDlq. Exaa-ccp, xa()w f3ovAE-cal. u (.lE'J OU'J OU OU'J u OErl 7tE(.l7t6(.lE'JO'J TO n 'JEU(.lrl TO &YO'J a7tO YU(.l'Je; Te; 8E6TTOe;. 'Ea'J OE cro OEU> TO'J 7tO 1JT'J OUPrl'JOU Xrl ye; a7tocrTEA- 45 A6(.lE'JO'J ano TOU n 'JEU(.lrlTOe; TOU ayLou, T 7tO crEe;; "'H &p- 'Jcrrl TO'J XpcrT6'J, X.rl anaAEo'J Tae; yprl([)ae;,  OOUAOe; w'J TOU XpcrTou, U7tOTaTTOu Trle; YPrl([)rle;. Krl 7tOU, ([)cr 'J, E'CpTrl TOU'!'O; 'J\X.OUE TOU 0EOU AEY0'JTOC; oa TOU 7tpO([)TOU (Hcrrl'tou TOU x.pUx.oe; Te; EucrEErle;. xo1'i flo1', ([)cr'J, '/ a- 50 xwf3 xat '/ a(!aA, OV EYW xaAur EYW 0EOe; n(!w-co, xat EYW flE-ca -cav-ca, xat nAV EflOV f)EO ovx EaTl. npocrEXETE, AO- Fontes 33 loh. 14.10 40/42 I Cor. 12.11 34/35 loh. 15.26 49/50 Is. 48.12 38 Lc. 24.49 50/51 Is. 44.6 38/39 Act. 1.8 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 34 AEy-n] AEYEL Ph V cree: auvf..u v] om. Ph - EVTUe] TUe V 35 AEye:L] post 7tVEU!-lTOC; transp. PhS 47 TOU XPLcr70U] TWV YPwv V 38 AYE- 51/52 TUT Versio Z Brevis 34 AEYfj] AEYEL Z 35 TOU] &ytou add. Z 36 f.Le1j'":E] f.L&eETE Z 38 &v] 013 Z 39 E7te:Ae6vTOC;] EAe6vTOC; Z 41 '":0 1 ] om. Z 43 Y1Jf.LVC;] YUfJ-VELC; Z 47 TOU X.PLcrTOU] TWV YP"Pwv Z App. ColI. 33 6 1 - AEYEL] &ite:crT&A1j 6 AEYWV Sever. Gab. E!-lOt] EcrTL add. Sever. Gab. 35 &.YLOV] TOUTEcrTL add. Sever. Gab. AEYEL] deest in Sever. Gab. 37 EV] e:re; Sever. Gab. 38 A YEcree:] X.L praem. Sever. Gab. 39 x.&v] &.AA 1j Sever. Gab. 40 v]  Sever. Gab. &AA] &AAO Sever. Gab. 41 ':'0 1 ] deest in Sever. Gab. 43 &7t0] ,j7tO Sever. Gab. 45 &7t0] ,j7tO Sever. Gab. 7tOL +,- crELC;] 7tOLELe; Sever. Gab. 47 TOU XPLcrTOU] ':'wv YP"Pwv Sever. Gab. 51 7tpOcrEXe:'":e:] 7tp6cre:Xe: Sever. Gab. 
10.33-71 9S , , , .... {} ,,.,, T ' ( " .... ( 0 n 1tO'J yap E'JTLlU\J(X TO  YJTOUE'JO'J. C; 0 E 1tW'J TaUTLl; Ll- Tp,  [; Yt6c;; rlO pa 1tWC; E'J fJ-o'Japx.£ac; TU1t T'J Tpaaa x- , i"17 \ L) \ - \ , \ , PUTTEt cruyx.Ex.a/'\J)(.lE'J(,t)C;. rJ yO) {EOr; Jl(!O)TOr;, xal EYW fl£Ta ') SS TaVTu., %at JlAV EflOV fJ£o; ovx EaTl. T£c; [; TauTa AEYW'J; (0 a(.loupy6c;. 'E7taYE yap' 'Eyw Tf) xEtel flOV E()EflEAlwaa TV yijv. AE1tE 1tWC; [; a(.loupyoC; AaAEI. Kat TO Jl vEvfla f-lOV EaTE(!EWaE TOV Oveavov. 'Eyw naal TOtr; QaT(!Olr; EVETElAaflrjv. EYW fjYEl(!a I flETa DtXalOaVVrjr; f3aalAEa, xat naaal at oDol M 32v 60 floV EV()Etal. E 1tw'J e:auTo'J a(.loupyo'J x.a 7t0 T'J ov(!avov x.a yijr;, AEYE AO1tO'J TauTa. Ovx an' a(!Xijr; EV X(!v({Jf) EAaArj- aa u(.l'i:'J TauTa, ovi EV Toncp axoTElvqr E7tW'J OT E()EflEAlw- \ - ", \' I r' , I ,- aa TrjV YrJv, xa E7tO cra TOV ov(!avov. OTE EYEVOVTO, EXEl fjflrjv' xat vvv K VelOr; anEaTElAE !lE xat TO II vEvfla aVTOV. E 6S TO'J 7tOcra'JTa TO'J oupa'Jo'J x.a T'J y'J K V(!lOr; anEaTElAE xat TO Jl vEvfla aVTOV, EYE'J'JcrE x.aTa T'J eE6TTa, &7tEcrTE- AE x.aTa T'J crapx.a. (0 1t0 TC; oupa'Jou AEYE. K V(!lOr; anE- aTElAE flE xat TO Jl vEvfla aVTOV. T'J &1tOcrTOA 'J ot atpETx.O TOU n 'JEU(.laTOC; EC; Up'J Aa(.la'JOucr'J. :4nEaTElAE naTp, , '" ') (tfI( , ' n .... ,  Q , 70 ou (.lETacrTac;. anEaTElAEV 0 1 OC; TO 'JEU(.la, OU oapEVEC;. a TOUTO  ypa([), 0 fJ EO r;, ([)cr£'J, E;EXEE TV DW(!EaV TOV Fontes 54/55 Is. 44.6 56 Is. 45.12 Is. 45.12-13 61/62 Is. 48.16 71/72 Act. 2.33, 38 56/57 Is. 51.16 58 Is. 48.13 58/60 62/63 Is. 51.16 63/64 Is. 48.16 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 52/53 1t(Xrf)p] (Jwrf)P PhS 67 XUpLO] om. PhS 62 ouaE] Ua' PhS 66 X(XL] E: s. I. add. M Versio Z Brevis 52 yp] om. Z 56 't'-n - f-L0'J] om. Z 60 X(XL 1tOL 1jTV] om. Z App. ColI. 52 7[] &p(X praem. Sever. Gab. 65 yfjv] 't'ov E:L1t6v't'(x 't'o!:' &(J't'pOL add. Sever. Gab. &1tE(JTELAE] f-LE add. Sever. Gab. 68 ot (XtPE:TLXOL] 6 (XtpE:'t'LXO Sever. Gab. 69 A(Xf-LtivO'J(JL v] A(Xf-L&VEL Sever. Gab. cX1tE(J't'E:LAE:] cX1tE(JTE:LAE:V 0 Sever. Gab. 1t(xTp] 0 praem. Sever. Gab. 70 f-LE:T(X(JT&] OU f.LE:T(X(JT1j(J(X add. Sever. Gab. ou 2 ] o,j aL(xLPWV praem. Sever. Gab. 71 rf)V] TO 1tVE:Uf.L(X xU't'OU youv praem. Sever. Gab. 
96 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM aylov J1 vEVflaTO. 0E6T"'f)e; oux EXX£tTat, &AA'  DW(}Ea. a TOUTO, VrJ. aEx.8-n OT TO Exx.uv6f.LEVOV O n VEUf.LLl &yov, eXAAa n VEUf.LrJ.TOe; 0EOU x.&pe;, AC:YE Llu8 T0 Xp(jT0. 'E Exv()rJ 75  xaet EV XElA£(J[ (Jov. X aet EXXElTat, oux. [; 8WPOU(1.EVOC; , , ' E ' (( / / , , , , c." - Tr]V xae tv . rJ.V YJ O(1.0Tf.L(l X.pUTTTrJ., xrJ. TO aq EaVTOV (jE(jrJ.([)V(jTrJ., xrJ. TO an' EflOV AVJ£Tal, we; cX7tO 8ErJ.(1.EVe; ( / EP (1. YJVEUETrJ.. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 80 'E7tLO''t'YjO'o'J aKplf3w 7tW 0 9EOq>OpO ou't'o 't'Y)'J 't'ou aYLou TI 'JEU a't'o eKX UO' l'J Ka l a7toO''t'oA Y)'J Ka l 'JOEL Ka l SlSaO'KEl, l'J' O't'E aKouEl 7tapa 't'ou KUpLOU 't'o TI 'JEua 7tpOX EOE'JO'J Kal a7toO''t'EAAOE'JO'J, 7tpO 't'Y)'J 7tapouO'a'J EpYj'JELa'J Kal 't'a 't'olau't'a O'uf3lf3aY1 q>w'Ja. 11. Tou au't'ou EK 't'ou El 't'Y)v TIEV't'Y)KOO''t'Y)'J AOYOU n po 8c:xrJ. (1.EpWV Ee; TOV 8p6vov [; Xp(jTOe; cXVEYJ TOV rJ.(jAx6v, xrJ. TO n VEU(1.rJ. TO &YOV XrJ.TEYJ (j(1.EpOV 1tpOC; Fontes 74/75 Ps. 44.3 76 &cp' EUTO;; cf. Ioh. 16.13 77 &7t' - "''ETL cf. Ioh. 16.15 11. 2/15 Ioh. Chrys., De Pent. I, 456.36- 50 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 74 sEO;;] om. V 75 o,jx.] &",,,,' praem. V 77 &7tO aEf-LEV] &itO- aE;!-lEv MV 79 t7tLcrTcrb:] legi nequit S 80 1'0;;] om. PhS 82 &XOUELC;] &xoucr1j V 84 cr'Jf-LL*1j] crUf-LL&EL M 11. 1 1'013] - "'0- you] legi nequit S EX 1'013] om. V 7tEVTIjXOcrTV] vcrTv M 2 8povov] TOV add. V X.PLcrTO] ante Etc; transp. PhS Versio Z Brevis 75 ] om. Z 79/84 E7tLcrTcrt - cpwv&C;] om. Z App. ColI. 74 OEO;;] sdou Sever. Gab. 75 ] deest in Sever. Gab. 76 EXV ] d 00v Sever. Gab. X1jpU1'T1jTL] X1jpUTTETL Sever. Gab. 77 &it' E!-lo;;] &7tO Ef-Lou Sever. Gab. 78 E:Pf-L1jVE'JETL] P!-lVEUTL Sever. Gab. 11. 2 (; X.PL- cr1'OC;] deest in Chrys. 
10.72-12.2 97 TV q;>U(j V TV ETEpLlV. &.VVEYXEV 0 KupoC; TV cX.7tPXV 5 TV (1.ETEpav, xa XLlTVEYXE TO II vEuf.La TO &YOV. r/ETEpO Kupo OaVEf.LWV T owpa TaUTao x.a yap TO n VEU(1.a Kup6 , 'I ,(, (....., I n I E(jT, xa t 0 E"Ef.Lav"t'O T1)V U7tEp 1) f.LWV 0 X.OV0f.LLlV LlT1) p, rt6, x.a &yov Il VEUf.La. OU7tW OExa (1.Epac; EIXEV &.VEA8wv I 0 Xp(jT6, x.a xap(- M 33r 10 (j(1.aTa (1. v E1tEf.LE 7tVEu(1.aTx.a owpa T x.aTaAAay EX.E( v.fJ. °I va yp (1.1)OE eX(1.([)aAA  x.a 0a7top, T( 7tOTE &pa eXVEA8wv 0 Xp(jTO E7tO( 1)(jEV. &pa xaTAAaE TOV n a- TEpa; pa rAEWV aUTov Epya(jaTo; BOUA6(1.EVO (1. v 01)- AW(ja, OT x.aTAAaEv aUTov T ([)U(jE T (1.ETEp, x.a Ta IS owpa T xaTaAAay E7tE(1.EV. ' E ' 7t LO'aO' La OOlW 7tpOO'XE Kal 't'ij 't'OLau't'T) 7tEpLK07tij, O'U'JSou- O'T) 't'ij eX'JW't'EpW, Kal O'aq>w SLSaO'KOUO'T) Kal au't'ij XaPl- O'a't'a Kal SwpEa 't'OU n 'JEua't'O 7tE7tOV't'a 't'O'J Ylo'J-, 20 ou iJ'J au't'o 't'o n'JEua. 12. Tou au't'ou EK 't'ou au't'ou AOYOU 'E7tE yap OU7tW E(jTaupw8, oux. V, ([)(j(, n vEu(1.a &yov Fontes Flor. 12. 2/16 Ioh. Chrys., De Pent. I, 457.26-42 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 4 f-LETEpV] &v8pw7ttv1jv V 11 &1-LCfn&A":n] &f-LCPL&A1j PhSV - x.t] o1-LotwC; spatium hab. PhS 70U UTOU]] om. Ph X.UPLOC;] scripsi cum Chrys., XPLcrToC; LMPhSV 16 E7tLcrTcrt] legi nequit S 17 6otwc; Flor. 12. 1 TOU] - AOYOU] legi nequit S Versio Z u5quad E7":E[J.'EV 11. 15 Brevis 4 X. 1 JpLOC;] X.PLcrToC; Z 9 &VEA8wv] &ve:A8e:LV Z 11 OL7tOp] OL7tOpEL Z 12 &ve:A8wv - ip] om. Z 15 E7te:f-Lye:V] E7tEf-LYE Z App. ColI. 12 &p] &v add. Chrys. 14 x.t] deest in Chrys. 12. 2 E7te:t] E7te:La Chrys. OU7tw] OUOE7tW Chrys. oux. - CP1jcrt] CP1jcrtv oux. v Chrys. 
98 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM -- , lJ. /  lJ./ " , ' () "' t' 't'0e; Ll'JVpU>7tOC; oOvE'J. "t'0 yap «EaTavew 'Y»> Ecr"t''J «Euoa- () E " ,/ , ..... , / 'ii"' a 'Y»>.  yap XLl ({)UcrE "t'0 7tpaYf.La E7tO'JEOcr"t'O'J, tJ.1\/\ E7tE01) 5 U7tEp "t'w'J ({)AOUf.LE'JU>'J EYE'JE't'O, aoa'J au"t'o xaAE'i: (; Xpcr"t'oC;. K ' / r/ , / ,..... ....., '/lJ. ' a 't' 'Joe; E'JEXE'J, E 7tE (.LO, 7tpO '!'OU cr"t'LlU pOU O'JX EOOV TO n 'JEU(.La; r/O"t' E'J &f.Lap"t'ac; 'J  OXOUf.LE'J1), E'J 7tpO(jXpOU(.LLl- cr 'J, E'J EX 8p xa cX"t'(.L' OUaE7tU> TOU &(.L 'JOU 7tpOcrE'JEX8E'J"t'0C; TOU "t''J &(.Lap"t'a'J atpo'JToC; "t'OU xocr(.Lou. 'E7tE 03'J OUaE7tU> 'J 10 (; Xpcr"t'Oc; cr"t'aupu>8EC;, OUaE7tU> 'J xa"t'aAAay YE'JO(.LE'J' "t'C; aE xa"t'aAAayc; (.L 7tU> YE'JO(.LE'JC;, EXOTU>C; UaE "t'O n 'JEU(.La E7tE(.L7tE"t'O, Wcr"t'E xa"t'aAAayc; "t'EX(.L  P O'J "t'O n 'JEU(.La cX7tO- cr7(f..)\'Ja. a 7GU7G xat 6 Xpcr"t'6c; ({)'1Jcr' IVfl({JE(!El VfltV, tva EYW anEA()w' Eav ya(} Ey(h fl anEA()w, EXEtVO ov fl EA()n' IS &'J (.L  cX7tEA8u> EXEr:, xa xa"t'aAA&U> "t'o'J n a"t'Epa, ({)cr 'J, OU 7tE(.L7tE u(.L'i: 'J "t'o'J n ap&xA "t'0'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' la :A.XOUEl(; 7tW E'J't'au6a q>a'JEpw SlSaaxEl 0 't'Yi OlXOUE'JY) ou't'o SlSaO'xaAo 't'o'J TIa't'Epa Sux 't'ou Yio\) 20 xa't'aAAaYE'J't'a 7tEal 't'o TI'JEua; Fontes 3 Ioh. 19.20 3/4 Ioh. 7.39 13/14 Ioh. 16.7 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 4 t7t:::La] E7te:L PhS 5 EYC:Ve:'!O] EY( ve:'!o LMPhS 7/8 7tpocrxpOUf-LcrL v] 7tpocrxpoucrfJ-crL V S 9 7013 1 - xocrfJ-ou] 1'013 '!v 1'013 xocrfJ-ou 'Cpov'!oc; &fJ-P- '!(v V 1 0 X'!AAyfj]  praem. PhS 11 :::LXO'!Wc;] dxo7twc; M, dxo'!oc; V 12 1'0 7tve:uf-L] post &7tOcrTAvL transp. PhS TO] 70, 1'0 LM 12/ 13 &7tOcr'!A VL] 1'0 praem. PhS 14/15 EXe:!:VOc; - &7tEA8w] 0 7tp&XA 1)- , , i ' \ ( -,\ \', i Q V 15 ,\ ] , \ PhS ' ] 't"OC; oux e:1\e:ucre:'!L 7tp0C; Uf-Lc; v f-LYj 7t:::I\VW v :::v CP"fjcrLV EX:::!:VOC; PhS 16 uf-L!: v] om. PhS 17 E7tLcr'!cr(] legi nequit S 19 OU70 c;] om. L App. ColI. 3 70!:C;] EV praem. Chrys. 7 /8 7tpocrxpOU!-lcrLV] 7tpocrxpOUcrf-LcrLv Chrys. 8 EV] XL Chrys. 11 fJ- 7tw] f-L YjOE7tW Chrys. 15 &v] EV Chrys. EX:::!:] deest in Chrys. 
12.3-14.12 99 13. Tou EyaAou BaGlAElOU EX 't'Yi npo EUO''t'a6lo'J 't'o'J p E'J lO'J En lO''t'OA ii  Ti) DE Jl vEvfla Tij a.Ar;()Ela EX TOV 17 aTeO I EXnO(}EVE- M 33v a()al 8x.0t J7E, EX '7oG 8EOG EIv Of.LOAoYOGf.LE'J &X7cr7W. 5 'En lO''t'aO' la t'Opa xal 't'o'J oupa'Joq>a'J't'opa 't'ou't'o'J na't'Epa 't'YJ'J 't'OU n 'JEua't'o ExnopEuO'l'J EX 't'OU na't'po Soya't'lo'J't'a. 14. T ou au't'ou EX 't'W'J npo EU'Jolo'J eX'J't'lPPYJ't'lXW'J AOYW'J "r OU'J aUTO Xp AEYE'J; Jl vEvfla aYlOV, x.a II vEvfla eEOV, II vEvfla aAr;()Ela, eX7tocrTEAA6(l-E'JO'J 7tapa 0EOU, o' itou 5 XOPYOU(l-E'JO'J, OU OOUAO'J, eXAA' eX.too'J, eXya86'J, YEflOVtx6v, II vEvfla 'wo;rolovv, II vEvfla V[o()E(][a, E7tcrT(l-E'JO'J 7ta'JTa 7a TOU 8EOU. OU7W o x.a E'J T Tpao 0 TC; f.Lo'Jaooc; oa- crwecrETa AOYOC;, E'Ja (l-E'J n aTEpa 0 (l-OAOYOU(l-E'J x.a E'Ja ito'J x.a E'J n 'JEu(l-a &yo'J. 10 'En lO''t'aO' la 'A,XOUE O't'l eXnoO''t'EAAE't'al 't'o n 'JEua napa SEOU, Y)'t'Ol 't'ou na't'po, xa6w ano 't'Yi eX'JW't'EpW XpYjO'EW O'Uf3l- Fontes 13.3/4 Bas., Ep. 125,34.32-34 3/4 Ioh. 15.26 14.3/9 Bas., Adv. Eun. III, 168.35-170.42 3 Ioh. 20.22 cum aliis locis Rom. 8.9 cum aliis locis 4 Ioh. 14.17 cum aliis locis 5 Ps. 50.14 6 Ioh. 6.63 Rom. 8.15 6/7 E7tLcrTX!-lEVOV - eEOU cf. I Cor. 2.10-11 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 13.1/2 TOU - E7tLcr70":r,] legi nequit S 5 E7tLcrTXcr(X] legi nequit S 6/7 ":013 7tVEU!-lXTO] post EX7tOpe:UcrL v transp. PhS 14. 1/2 '":ou - A6'ywv] legi nequit S 7 7X] om. V 10 E7tLcr-ro:cr(X] legi nequit S 11 TOL] youv PhS App. ColI. 14. 3 AEYELV] e tr., X.AC:'i:'v Bas. 4 aL'] aL Bas. Of-LOAOY013!-lEV] Of-LOAoym)v-rwv Bas. 5 &.taLov] &YLOV Bas. 8 
100 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM aO'<Xl EXEU;. Sl' Ylou Se XOPY1YEl't'<Xl, OU Y)'J EX 't'ou Ylou , , EX7t0pEUE't'al. 15. Kai E'J E't'Ep AOY 't'w'J au't'w'J cX'J't'lPPYJ't'lXW'J nwe; &'J o'J XWpo't'o Ta cXxwp(j"':a' Aoyoe; 0EOG xa n 'JEUu.a EX BEOU C' ytou; I 'E7t lO''t'aO' la 5 Ta au't'a xcX'J't'au6a SlSaO'xEl 0 aYlo, EX SEOU AEYW'J 't'o n 'JEua, 't'Ol 't'ou na't'po. Ou't'w yap 't'o «o' ytou» 'JoEl'J SlSwO'l. 16. Tou au't'ou cX7tO 't'ou 7tEpi n'JEua't'o AOYOU QUOE'J EXo'J E'J EauT0 E7tXTTO'J' cX)...)...' cX'iowe; 7ta'JTa EXo'J we; n 'JEu(l-a 0EOU xa E aUTou 7tE([)'JOe;, a'C TO'J aUTo'J EXo'J we; 7ty'J EauTou xcXxEr:8E'J 7tyao'J. 7ty OE aUTO TW'J 7tpO- 5 Ep(l-E'JW'J cXya8w'J. J\)...)...' aUTO (l-E'J EX 8EOU yao'J E'JU7tO- " , "t:' ,..... 'Y I " " (jTaTO'J E(jT. Ta OE ES aUTOU 7tyasO'JTa E'JEpYEa E(j 'J aUTou. TOUTO TO IlvEvfla TO aYlOV E;EXEEV ECP' flf1 nAovalw o 0EOe; DHI 'JrjaOV X(!laTOV. EEXEE'J, OUX EXT(jE'J. Exap(jaTo, , " "  "  ' OUX E7tO (jE'J' EOWXE'J, OUX EO(l-OUPY(jE'J. M34r 10 'E7t lO''t'aO' la To «EX 0EOU» cXEi 7tpO 't'a ElPY1E'Ja O'ulaE. EX't'ou Fontes 15. 2/3 Ps. Bas., Adv. Eun. V, 737.26-27 7/8 Tit. 3.5-6 16.2/9 Bas., De S., 195.5-20 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 15. 1 X - &v"npP1j'nxwv] legi nequit S 2 &v oGv] inv. V x.wptOL''t'o] zwptov"t'o PhS 4 E7tcrTcr[] om. PhS 16. 1 TOU 1 - A6you] legi nequit S 2 7tv"t' EZOV] inv. PhS 3 tXu-rov] E:tXu-rou MS, EU"t'<{) Ph, UTOU VLac 4 EU"t'OU] om. PhSV m;"tiov] m;y&wv PhVc 10 E7tcr":'crt] legi nequit S App. ColI. 16. 3 UTOV] Bas., EUT<{) e tr. 4 aE] x add. Bas. Bas. 6/7 dcrv tXu-rou] inv. Bas.  5 'ii' , ' ] 'ii' , I\I\ WJTO I\I\ '!'O 
14.13-18.3 101 TIa't'poc; SY)AO'JO't'l 'JOW'J XCXl EpY)'JEUW'J au't'o, xcxOWC; )(al a7tO 't'Yjc; 7tapouO'Y)c; 7tEplX07tYjC; O'a<pwe; 7taplO''t'a't'ale TIOA- AaXle; yap El7tW'J 0 aYlOe; «rl 'Je:u(1.a 8e:ou» xal «EX 0e:ou», \ 15 Sla 't'ou E7tayaYEl'J e «EEx.Ee:'J [; 0e:oc; aa 'I(jou Xp(jTOU», O'aq>we; eSLSa;E'J we; 7tEpa. 't'OU TIa't'poe; XaXEl'Ja AEYEle 17 e Tou au't'ou EX 't'Yje; EpYJ'JELae; 't'OU Af3' aAou Ele; 't'O pY)'t'o'J 't'o q>aO'xo'J e Tijj A6y Kuplou ol oupcxvol iaTEpEw(JYjaav (11e; oU'J [; a(1.oupyoe; Aoyoe; EaiE(!EWaE iOV oveavov, OUTW 5 xa TO rl 'Je:U(1.Ll TOU 0e:ou, 0 na(!a TOV II ai(!O ExnOeEVEiat, 70 UTE(jT 'J EX TOU (jTO (1.aTO e; a UTOU, r 'Ja (1.  TW'J E wSE'J T xa 7WV XT(j(1.&TW'J aUTO xp  'Je;, &AA' we; EX 0e:ou EXO'J T'J U7tO- (jTa(j 'J aoa e;. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 10 Ope; xa'J't'au6a 7tWe; EX 't'ou TIa't'poe; El7tW'J EX7t0PEUE- 0'6al 't'o TI'JEua, EX 't'OU SEOU EXEl'J au't'o 't'YJ'J u7toO''t'aO'l'J SlSaO'xEl 0 7tOAUe; oU't'oe; 't'eX 6Ela 7ta't'YJp; Tou't' 't'OL'JU'J axoAou6w'J, E'J6a EX SEOU 't'o TI'JEua aXOUEle;, EX "rou TIa't'poe; 'JOEle 18e Tou au't'ou EX 't'Yje; ' olALae; 't'w'J -I}6lXW'J OUTe: oU'J &AA6TpO'J Te; 0e:ou a6 e; TO n 'Je:u(1.a, EX TOU &ppTOU (jTo(1.aTOe; &ppTWe; 7tE([)'JOC;' OUTe: aUTOe; [; 0e:oe;, Fontes 17. 2/3 Ps. 32.6 5 Ioh. 15.26 4/8 Bas., Hom. in Ps. 32, 333.18-23 18. 2/8 Ps. Bas., Hom. de 5.5., 1433.29-38 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 13 1tXp(0''':'X7X] post T:Xp(O''!'x''t'x signum partitionis add. et rubricavit 1t M 17. 1/3 70;:)1 - E0'7EpEwfh;O'xv] legi nequit S 4 6] om. V 9 E1tO'TO'(] legi nequit S 12 TO(VUV] oGv PhS 18. 1 TOU - 8xwv] legi nequit S 2 0IJTE] OUTE V 8EOU] 70U praem. PhS App. ColI. 17. 5 '!'ou 8e:ou] T(j EX praem. Bas. 6 EX] 0 praem. Bas. Ex7tEcpYjv6 Bas. 8E6] e tr., XVEU 7tve:uf.L't'OC; add. Bas. 18. 3 1tEcp"fjv6c;] 
102 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM clAAcX 8EOU 11 'JEUf.LLl, xa 7tLlpa 8E0, &7tocrTEAA6f.LE'JO'J OE 7tLlpa 5 8EOU, XLl 8' ytou XOPYOUf.LE'JO'J. we; AEYETLl (l-EV EX TOU 7tLlTpXOU 7tpocrW7tou. To [JvEVlla TO E,UOV, (5 EaTlV EJlt ao{- )\EYE7a 8E I U7tO 70U Kupou, o"; II a(!aX;Y)T(JV 7lEl-l/tpW VfllV, M 34v OV7 'JLl XLl XLlAE'i: TO II VEV!1U Tij; aA1](jE[a. 'En lO''t'aO' La 10 Kal 't'a au't'a 't'ij npoAaf3ouO'Y) nEplKonij Kal YJ na.pouO'a SlSaO'KEl O'E. Q yap EKEL'JY) «EX TOU naTp6c;, TO EX TOU crTo(l-aToc; aUTou, EX7topEuEcr8a TO n 'JEU(l-a» ESLSa;E'J, OU't'W 't, , ....." , " , \ , Kal au't'Y) «EX TOU appTOU crTO(l-aTOC; appTWC; aUTO 7tE({)Y;'JE-  'Y M ' 6  ' ,, , , \ va» aOya't'l"El. a'J a'JE aE Kal ala 't'au't'Y) 't'o «7tapa 15 8EOU», a'J't'l 't'ou «7tapa TOU naTpoc;» EKAaf3a'JoE'Jo'J. 19. Tou au't'ou EK 't'w'J Ka't'a af3EAAla'Jou, Kal pElOU, Kal EU'JoLou AOYW'J "EcrT (l-E'J yap (; naTp, TEAEO'J EXW'J TO EI'Ja xa eX'JE'J- 8EEC;, pa xa 7tY TOU ytou xa TOU &you 11 'JEu(l-aToc;' EcrT 5 8E (; -rtoc; E'J 7tA pE T eEOTT w'J AoyoC;, xa YE'J'J(l-a TOU naTpoc; eX'JE'J8EEC;' 7tA pEC; 8E xa TO n 'JEU(l-a, OU (l-EpOe; ETEPOU, , \' \(, ,,(.....0.' LlAALl 7EAEO'J xa OAOXA Y;PO'J E({) EaUTOU VEWpOU(l-E'JO'J. 'En lO''t'aa La Op o'Jo'J 't'o'J TIa't'Epa pa'J xa 7ty'J aq>o't'EpW'J, 10 't'ou 't'E Yi.ou SY)AO'JO't'l Kal 't'ou aYLou TI 'JEua't'o, napa 't'ou 6ELOU 't'ou't'ou na't'po KY)pU't''t'OE'JO'J; El oU'J Kal 0 Fontes 6 Is. 59.21 7/8 Ioh. 15.26 Sab. etc., 609.19-25 11/12 Cf. FP 17 19. 3/7 Bas., Contra App. Crit. L M Ph S V 7 o'n] om. PhS 9 Eitcr"t'cr(] legi nequit S 1 0 x. 1 - 7] om. S x. 1] om. Ph V 19. 112 "t'ou - A6ywv] legi nequit S 1 crO:E/\AVOU] crEA- ALO') PhS 4 "t'oiJ2] om. PhS 5 7013] x. praem. PhS 8 EitcrTcrL] legi nequit S, scr. in mg. V 11 x.] om. V App. ColI. 5 a'] a;x Bas. 8 " ] <\  \ B OVT V ov u"f/ as. 
18.4-21.8 103 Yio pla Y)'J Xal1ty)yiJ TOU n'JEUaTO, 7tW a'J 0 Eya - , TOUTO 7tapEO'LW7tY)O'E; 20. Tou aUTou EX TW'J aUTw'J 'Eyw OE f.LE'7 0 (lTpO (l-E'J oIorl, ojx t oe: OrlTEprl TO 0 'JEUf.Lrl. , , tfI(..... , ') fJ.. " , tfI(" "A' XLl (l-ETrl 1 OU 7trlpE/\rlt--'0'J, OUX  oE I OV W'JOf.LrlO'(l-E'JO'J. J-\.AArl , , , ' n ' " .....," ..... 0 T'J (.LE'J 7tpOe; TO'J rl7Eprl OXEOTTrl 'JOW, E7tE01) EX TOU rl- " , , ' Y ( ,  " " , E " 5 TpOe; EX7t0pEUE'7cx.. T'J 7tpOe; O'J OE, E7tE01) rlXOuw. l Tl IlvF'vfla XeUJ'TOV ovx EXEt, OVTO ovx EaTlv aVTov. 'E7t LO'TaO' La TL TYi SLSaO'xaALa TauTYJ O'aq>EO'TEpO'J EX TOU TIa- TpO f:'J TYJ'J TOU TI'JEuaTo q>a'JEpw SoyaTLouO'Y) I M 3Sr 10 EX7tOpEUO'L'J, TYJ'J Sf: 7tpO TO'J Yio'J OlXELWO'L'J Sux TO OO- , OUO'LO'J; 21. Tou aUTo\) EX TW'J aUTW'J E EX 0EOU TO n 'JEU(l-rl, 7tW U7t0 T'J XTO' 'J &YEe;; Ou yap O EXE 'Jo EpE, OT Xrl Ta 7ta'JTrl EX TaU 0EOU. rfQO'7tEp yap [; Xp O'TOe; 0EOU AEYETrl, oux  oe: XTO'(l-rl we; Xrl (l-Ee; - flE;; 5 \ v - X \ So \ L) - , ') '), " ') ') ,'), yag .."\. elaTov, (!laTO uE t7EOV -, rl/\/\ rl/\/\we; (l-E'J /\EY0(l-E- Srl (l-E XpO'TOU, w OOUAO OEO'7tOTOU. &AAWe; oe: XpO'TOe; e EOU AEYETrl, we; Ito e; TOU n rlTpO . OUTW Xrlt TO n 'JEU (l-rl, , , " , 1:\..... ", ( " 0 " OUX E7tEO 7trl'JTrl EX \':JEOU, Xrl rlUTO W Trl 7trl'JTrl. U YrlP Fontes 20.2/6 Bas., Contra Sab. etc., 612.28-34 5/6 Rom. 8.9 Contra Sab. etc., 616.21-38 4/5 I Cor. 3.23 21. 2/16 Bas., App. Crit. L M Ph S V 20. 1 TOU - 'y./J'":wv] legi nequit S 4 7tTEpX] om. V 7 E7tcrTo:crt] legi nequit S 8/9 EX - f-LEV] spatium hab. PhS 10 aE] om. PhS 21. 1 TOU - ;:)"';wv] legi nequit S TOU ,jTOU] om. Ph 3 BEOU] post Be:ou spatium hab. PhS 4 !-lE'i'I] 'Jf-Le:'i' V 8 7t&VT I] om. PhS App. ColI. 20. 4 TOV] deest in Bas. TOU] deest in Bas. 21. 2 Be:ou] TOU praem. Bas. 4 aE:] deest in Bas. 5/6 Ae:y6f-Le:B - XpcrTOU] !-lEr:C; X.pcrTou Ae:y6f-Le:B Bas. 8 7t&VTX I] T praem. Bas. Be:ou] TOU praem. Bas. 
104 FLORILEGIUlvI PATRISTICU1vl ,  , , ,") " ,/  " n ..... , E7tEO XLl 't'Ll AEtTOV(!l'tXa nVEvflaTa, "f)o"f) XLl TO 'JEUf.Lrl 'TO 1U (iyov Of.LOOV Ll,j't'O 8 'Tv 7tpO(jYOpiLl'J. t\E'J yrip E(jT TO &A8wc; 11'JEuf.Lrl. (Qe; yo:p 7tOAAO f1.E'J utO(, EIe; OE (; &A8'Joc; 1( / 0 .,\ / '\ / , t:\ "', \ / (tfI( \ 1 OC;. OUTW Xrl'J 7trl'JTrl I\EYT EX EOU, AALl XUpWC; 0 1 OC; , ..... e ..... ,\ n '" , ..... t:\ ..... ' E ' ,( y.(' Zi<. 70U 104 EOU, XLl ":'0 'JEUt-Lrl EX ":'OU EOU. 'ITE Xrl 0 1 OC; , ..... n \ '..... Q " n ..... , ...... n \' 7trlpLl 70U rl":'pOC; E AVE, Xrl 70 'JEUf.Lrl EX TOU Ll7pOC; EX- IS 7t0 pE'JE'!'rl. J\AA' 0 (l-E'J ytoe; EX TOU n rlTpOe; YE'J'JTWC;, TO 8E n 'JEU(l-rl eXppTwe; EX TOU 0EOU. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La t'O 7tOAAcXXU; ElpYjxaE'J, xa'J't'au6a O'YJELwO'al, 7tW wO'au't'w oi aYlol 7ta't'EpE EXAaf3cX'Jo'J't'al 't'o «EX TOU 20 0EOU», xal 't'O «EX TOU nrlTpOe;». 'A,XOUE Sf: xal O't'l EX 't'OU na't'po 't'o n'JEua, ou iJ'J xal EX 't'OU Yiou. 22. T ou au't'ou a7tO 't'OU 9' 't'w'J 7tpO q>lA6XlO'J A' xEq>aAaLw'J "H8 8E Xrl 7tEp TOU n'JEU(l-rlTOC; Tae; xO'Jac; f.Lw'J E'J'Jorle; 07t0 irl T 'JEe; Et(j 'J EETa(jw(l-E'J, Tae; TE EX TW'J Yprl([)w'J 7tEp  5 rlUTOU (ju'JrlX 8E(jrle; (l-i 'J, Xrl &e; EX Te; eXypa([)ou 7trlprl80(jE- we; TW'J 7trlTEpW'J 8E8Ea(l-E8rl. n pWTO'J (l-E'J 0'J, T(e; eXxou(jrle;  TW'J 7tpo(jYoPw'J TOU n 'JEU(l-rlTOe; I OU 8rl'J(jTrlTrl T ux., M 35v Xrl 7tpOe; T'J eX'JwTaTw ([)u(j 'J T'J E'J'JO Ll'J U7tEprl(pE; Jl VEV fla yap fJEOV EtpTrl, Xrl II vEvfla Tij aArJ()E[a, 0 na(!a TOV II \' , 1 0 aT(!O EXnO(!EVETat. Fontes 9 Hebr. 1.14 22. 3/10 Bas., De 5.5.,322.1-9 9/10 Ioh. 15.26 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 15 f-LEV] on-to L 17 E7tcrTcrt] legi nequit S TOG l - X.e:cpAtwV] legi nequit S 1 Tat?] om. Ph V 4/5 7tEPL UTOU] post f-L!:v transp. V 20 TO] om. V 22.1/2 2 A'] om. Ph, TpriX.OVTO: App. ColI. 11 &A "fjBwc;] &A "fjB vwc; Bas. 12 BEau] TaU praem. Bas. 13 E7td] E7tEa Bas. 
21.9-23.14 105 ' E ' 7t La't'aa La TIpoax Ee; aKpLf3We; 't'yj 't'OU EyaAou 't'ou't'OU 7ta't'poe; uYjAO't'a't'T1 <ppO'JY)aEL, 7tWe; 't'YJ'J 7tEpl 't'OU 7ta'JaYlOU TIvEua't'Oe; OlKEla'J So;a'J 't'OLe; '{awe; E'Ja'J't'Lw6Yj'JaL 't'au't'Y) 1 5 7tELpa6YjaoE'JOLe; a7tEpLKAOVYj't'OV aU'J't'Y)pYjaal f3ouAoE- 'Joe;, a7tO 't'E 't'w'J 6ElW'J ypaq>w'J, a7tO 't'E 't'Yje; aypaq>ou 't'w'J 7ta't'Epw'J 7tapaSOaEWe; aU'JayaYEL'J 't'au't'Yj'J 7tpoa'JE- q>w'JYjaE. Kal oU't'we; ES(Sa;E 't'o 7ta'JaYLo'J nVEup.a El'JaL f:'J Tij aAY](JEla, 't'ou Yiou SYjAO'JO't'L, we; ooouaLo'J 20 7tapa 't'ou SEOU Sf: Kal TIa't'poe; EK7tOpEUEa6aL. 23. 7tO 't'ou lC;' 't'w'J au't'w'J KEq>aAa(w'J Krl (1. aEC; OlE(j8w (1.E  TpEr:C; EI'Jrl AEYE 'J apx. x.ac; U7tO- (j7a(jEC;,  aTEA  ([)a(jx.E 'J TOU ytou T'J E'JEPYErl'J. J\px. yap TW'J O'JTW'J (1.rl, aa ytou E'JEPYOU(jrl, X.rl TEAEOU(jrl E'J 5 n 'JEU(1.rlT. Krl OUTE nrlTp, 0 Ta navTa EV naalV EVE(!YWV, aTEA  EX.E T'J E'JEPYErl'J' OUTE ytoc; EAA7t T'J a(1.oupYrl'J, (1.  TEAEOU(1.E'J'J 7trlpa TOU n 'JEU (1.rlTO c;. OUTW yap &'J OUTE nrlTp ytou 7tpo(jaE8E, (1.6'J T0 8EAE'J a(1.oupyw'J. aAA' o (1.wC; 8EAE a' ytou, OUT' &'J (; ytoc; (jU'JEPYLlC; 7tpo(jaE8E, 10 x.rl8' (;(1.06TTrl TOU nrlTpOC; E'JEPYW'J. aAAa X.rl (; ytoc; 8EAE aa TOU n 'JEU(1.rlTOC; TEAEOU'J' T 0 yae AOYcp K V(!tOV Ot ov(!aVOt EaTEeE(vfJrjaav, xal T0 JlVEvflaTl TOV aT6flaTo aVTOV naaa  Dvvafll aVTU)V. OUTE O'J (; A6yoc; aEpoc; TU7tW(jC; (j(1.rl'JT- x. aa ([)W'JTX.W'J I opya'Jw'J EX.([)EpO(1.E'J. OUTE TO n 'JEU(1.rl M 36r Fontes 23. 2/18 Bas., De 5.5.,378.20-380.36 5 I Cor. 12.6 11/ 13 Ps. 32.6 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 11 E:7tcr":cr(] legi nequit S 19 w of.Looucrov] om. PhS 23. 1 &7tO - x.e:- ?A(WV] legi nequit S 2  - AEYEV] AEye:V  '"C'pE'i: Elv PhS 6 EZe:] EZWV PhS 9 7tpocrSE1j8d"lj] scripsi cum Bas., 7tpocrSe:1j8 LMPhSV App. ColI. 23. 4 EVEpyoucr] S"Ij!-lO'JPYoucr Bas. a] deest in Bas. lOa] deest in Bas. deest in Bas. 14 ":0] deest in Bas. 8 'Jtou 7tpocrSE"lj8d"lj] inv. Bas. 11 yp A6y] inv. Bas. 9 13 0] 
106 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 15 crTOf.LaTOC; clTf.LOC; EX TW'J eX'Ja7t'JEucrTXW'J [.lEpW'J Ew80u[.lE- 'Joe;. eXAAa A6yo [.lE'J 0 JleO TOV f)Eov OJV EV aexfl, xat f)EO cOv. II vEvfla 8E (JT6!1aTO 8EOU, TO 17 vEvfla Tij aAr;()E[a 0 ;rae' tr:-ou TOV Jl aTeO E:XJloQEvETal. 'En lO''t'aO' La 20 'EnLO''t'YjO'o'J aXplf3W 't'ij 6auaO''t'ij 't'ou aYLou npo- 0'6YjxY), SY)AO'JO't'l 't'ij «7tap' aUTou 70U n aTpOe;» O'aq>w nci'J't'w SYjAOUO'Y) 't'o «  nap' E't'EPOU». 24. Tou au't'ou ano 't'ou lY)' 't'w'J au't'w'J xEq>aAaLw'J Te; (1.E'J oG'J xTcrTe; ({)ucrEwe; TocrouTO'J eX7tOXEXWpXE'J, Qcro'J EXOe; TO (1.0'Ja8xo'J TW'J crucrT(1.aTxw'J xa 7tA 8ucr(1.0'J , / n ' , 'tfI( -- , ..... r/ D. / EX0'JTW'J. aTp OE xa 1  xaTa TocrOU70'J 'JWTa, xavocro'J 5 EX E (1.o'Jae; 7tpOe; (1.0'Ja8a T'J 0 XEoTTa. Ka oux E'JTEU8E'J (1.0'J0'J T e; xa't'a ({)ucr 'J XO  'Jw'J(ae; at eX7tO- 8E(Ee;, eXAA' QT xa EX TOU 0EOU EI'Ja AEYETa. OUX we; Ta 7ta'JTa EX TOU 0EOU, eXAA' we; EX TOU 0EOU 7tpOEA80'J. OU YE'J- 'JTWe; we; ytoe;, eXAA' we; nVEvfla aT6flaTo aVTov. na'JTWe; 8E, 10 OUTE TO crT6(1.a (1.EAOe;, OUTE 7t'J0 AUO(1.E'J TO n 'JEU(1.a. eXAAa xa TO crTO(1.a 8E07tpE7tWe;, xa TO n 'JEU(1.a oucr(a wcra, &ya- cr(1.0U Xup (a' Te; (1.E'J 0 XEOTTOe; 8AOU(1.E'Je; E'JTEu8E'J, TOU 8E Tp07tOU Te; U7tapEWe; eXppTou ({)UAacrcro(1.E'JOU. j\AAa xa Jl vEvfla X (!l(JTOV AEYETa, we; XEW(1.E'JO'J xaTa ({)ucr 'J LlUTi}>. Fontes 16/17 Ioh. 1.1 5.5., 408.31-409.11 17. Ps. 32.6 9 Ps. 32.6 17/18 Ioh. 15.26 24. 2/14 Bas., De App. Crit. L M Ph S V 18 7tp' UTOU] 7tp TaU PhV, 7tp TaU a.c. sed 7tp' ,jTOU TaU add. al. m. L 19 E7tcrTcr(] legi nequit S 24. 1 TOU 1 - X.e:cpA(WV] legi nequit S 'Y.,jTWV] om. Ph 10 OUT::: 1 ] scripsi cum Bas., ouaE LMPhSV App. ColI. 16 TOV] deest in Bas. 18 'Y.UTOU] deest in Bas. 14 cpucr v] TIjv praem. Bas. 24. 9 ut6] 6 praem. Bas. 
23.15-25.17 107 15 'E7t lO''t'aO' La a<pwc; a7tO 'Tau't'J}C; 't''1ie; 7tEplK07t'1ie; a'Jea'JE, 7tWe; 't'YJ'J 't'ou TIvEua't'Oe; 7tpOe; 't'o'J TIa't'Epa Kal 't'o'J Yio'J OlKElWO'l'J SlSaO'KEl 0 aYlOe;, 't'ii> f:'J TIa't'pl OlKElou0'6al 't'OU't'O Soy- a't'Lw'J we; I E; au't'ou 't'YJ'J 7tpooSo'J Kal 't'o EI'Jal EXO'J, M 36 v 20 't'ii> Sf: Viii> «we; XaTa ([)ucr 'I XEW(l-E'JO'J aUTe{»>. 25. Tou aUTou EK 't'Yje; 7tpOe; 't'o'J aSEAq>O'J au't'ou 't'o'J NUO'O'Yje; E:7tlO''t'OAYje; 7tEpl Slaq>opae; " ,  , OUO'lae; Kal U7tOO''t'aO'EWe; To'J TO 'JU'J E'J TOr:e; xa8' (l-ae; oa([)opae; A6yo'J E7t TE Te; 5 oucrae; xa Te; U7tocrTacrEwe; TOUTO'J (l-ETaT8Ee; xa E7t TW'J 8EW'J 0'10 (l-aTw'J oUX &(l-apTcrEe;. n we; TO EI 'Ja TOU n a- , r1' (, D.' ( " " , , TpOC;, 0 T 7tOTE U7tOTvETa crou  E'J'Joa - 7tpOe; OUOE'J yap EcrT 'I cX7tOTETaY(l-E'JO'J 'J6 (l-a T'J UX'J E7tEpEOE 'I, a a TO 7tE7tEr:cr8a aUTO U7tEp 7ta'J EI'Ja 'J6(l-a - TOUTO xa E7t TOU 10n'JEu(l-aTOe; TOU &you. (0 yap TOU cXXTcrTou xa TOU cXxa- TaA 7tTOU A6yoc; EIc; xat (; aUTOe; E7t TE TOU n aTpOe; xat TOU ytou xa TOU &you n 'lEU (l-aT6e; EcrT 'I. Ou yap TO (l-E'J (l-aAAO'J cXxaTaA 7tT6'J TE xa &XTcrTO'J, TO OE TTO'J. 'E7tEt OE XP oa TW'J toa6'JTw'J cr(l-EW'J cXcrUYXUTO'J E7t Te; Tpaooe; T'J oa- 15 xp cr 'I EX E 'I, TO (l-E'J XO 'I we; E7t8EWpOU(l-E'J0'J, 0 Io'J TO &XT- crTO'J AEYW,  TO U7tEp 7tacra'J xaTaA  'I  Et T TOOUTO ou crU(l-7tEpA 6(l-E8a Ete; T'J TOU toaO'JTOe; xpcr 'I, E7t T- Fontes 25. 4/51 Bas., Ep. 38, 83.30-85.35 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 15 E7tcrTcrt] spatium hab. Ph, legi nequit S 25. 1/3 1'013 - U7tOcrT&cre:WC;] legi nequit S 1 C; 7tPOC;] om. Ph 8 &7tOTETO:YfJ-EVOV] &7tOTe:TfJ-EVOV M 16 TOOUTO] scripsi cum Bas., TOOUTOV LMPhSVet e tr. Bas. 17 crufJ-7te:p- A 1jyof-LE8] crUfJ-7tpA 1jY0f-LE8o: PhS 17/18 E7t 1jcrof-Le:v] E7t 1jrljcrwfJ-e:v LM, E7t 1j TO 13 f-Le:v V App. ColI. 25. 4 1'0',1] 0',1 Bas. f-LC;] ¥.yvwc; add. Bas. 6 OVOf-LTWV] aOYf-L&TWV Bas. &fJ-pTIjcrEC;] e tr., &f-Lp7f,cre: Bas. 9 E7tL] 1'013 utou vocre:C;, 1'0131'0 wcrUTWC; X.L E7tL add. Bas. 17 crUfJ-7tEpA 1jyof-Le:8] crUfJ-7tpA 1jY0f-Le:8 Bas. 
108 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM cr0tLEV Oe: tLOVOV O' (;)V  7tEpt EXclcrTOU EVVOrJ. TYJArl..UYWC, XrJ.t clf.L(XTWe; TO f:'c; 8EWPOUf.LEVO e; clq;>O p cr8crETrI... 20 KrJ.AWe; oGv EX E 'I f.L0  aoxE'i: OUTWe; &v X VEGcrrl.. TOV AOYOV. Oav 07tEp &v Ee; (1.ae; EX 8E(rl..e; aUva(1.EWe; &Yrl..8ov 8&cru -- I , _ , , / , / ';' / Te; naVTa EV naatv EVE(!yovarJ XrJ.pTOC; EVEPYE(xV EVrJ. CPrJ.- (1.EV, xrl..8wc; cpcr v ;; &7t6crToAoe;, OT TaVTa navTa EVE(!YEl TO aVTO Xat EV nVEvfla Dtat(!OVV lOtq. EXaaTqJ xa()w f3ovAETat. 25 Z YJTOUVTEe; aE xrJ.t E EX (1.6vou TOU &y(ou n VEU(1.rJ.TOC;. _ TWV &YrJ.8wv I XOPYJY(rJ. OUTW 7trJ.prJ.Y[ VETrJ. TOe; &(oe;, 7taA v U7tO M 37r Te; yprJ.cpe; ;;aYJyou(1.E8rJ. Ee; TO T1je; xap TOe; TWV &YrJ.8wv TWV 8cX TOU 11 VEU(1.rJ.TOe; EVEPYOU(1.EVWV (1.v &PXYJyov xrJ. rJ.' TOV TOV (1.0VOYEV 0EOV EIvrJ. 7tcrTEUE v. II aVTa yap Dt' aVTov YE- 30 YEvija()at xrJ.t EV aVT([J avvEaTaVat 7trJ.pa Te; &Y[rJ.e; yprJ.cpe; aEaaaY(1.E8rJ.. r/OTrJ.v TO[ vuv xrJ.t 7tpOe; EXE[ vYJv UW8W(1.EV TV EVVOrJ.V, 7taA v U1tO Te; 8E07tVEUcrTou X EprJ.YWY[rJ.e; &VrJ.y6(1.E- VO, aa(Xcrx6(1.E8rJ. OT a' EXE[ vYJe; (1.EV 7tavTrJ. Te; aUva(1.EWe; EX TOU (1.  OVTOe; Ee; TO EI VrJ. 7trJ.paYETrJ., ou (1. V UaE E EXE[ vYJe; 35 &vapx we;, &AAa T[e; EcrT auvrJ.(1. e; &YEVVTWe; xrJ.t &vapx we; ( ..... r/ , , , / ..... (/ .....,/ , / U cp E cr T W cr rJ. YJ T  e; E cr T  V rJ.  T  rJ. T YJ e; (J.. 7t rJ. V T W V T W V 0 V T W V rJ.  T  rJ. e; . 'Ex yap TOU nrJ.TpOe; ;; Yoe; a' 06 Ta 7tavTrJ., c{) 7taVTOTE TO n VEU(1.rJ. TO &yov &x wp [crTwe; crUVE7t VOE TrJ.. Ou yap EcrT v EV 1tEp  VO[ 'rOU you YEVEcr8rJ. (1.  XrJ.TrJ.uYrJ.cr8EVTrJ. T0 n VEU(1.rJ.- 40 T. 'E7tEt TO [VUV TO &yov n VEU(1.rJ., &cp' 06 7tacrrJ.  TWV &YrJ.8wv X O PYJy[rJ. E7tt TV XT(cr v 7tYJyaE, TOU you (1.Ev  PTYJTrJ. c{) Fontes 22 I Cor. 12.6 23/24 I Cor. 12.11 29/30Ioh. 1.3 30 Co!. 1.17 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 21 8&crrj] scripsi cum Bas., cpO&crOL LMPhSV t\ \ \ , \  V 27 \ ] \ T JtJ { EV XrlL "t'O rlUTO 7tVEUf-Lrl TO TOV Y 1 38/39 EV 7tEpLVOL] Ef-L7tEPLVOLrl V 23/24 "t'o - 7tVEUf-L] TO 35 &AA& - &V&pZW2] om. M App. ColI. 19 "t'or: 8EWpOU!-lEVOL] T-tj cruv8EWpOUf-LEV1j Bas. 23 "t'u'":] oe: add. Bas. 23/24 TO - 7tVEUf-L] 70 EV XrlL TO ;:r:o 7tVEU!-lO: Bas. 25 xn deest in Bas. 26 X.0P1jYLrl] TIjv &px.v Aoucrrl add. Bas. 27 Z&pL70C;] ZOp1jYLC; Bas. 28 EVEPYOUf-LEVWV r:v] e tr., inv. Bas. 31 OEOLO&Yf-LE8rl] EOLO&:X.81jf.LEV Bas. 39 XrlTrluYrlcr8EVTrl] 7tPOXrlTrluYrlcr8EVTO: Bas. 40 E7td] E7tELa Bas. 40/ 41  - xTLcrLV] E7tL v X"t'LcrLv  TWV &Yrl8wv X.Opr,YLrl Bas. 
25.18-26.9 109 eXoa(jT&TWC; (juyxTALlf.Lcl'JETLl, TC; OE TOU naTpOC; ai T(C; E;f.LE'JO'J EXEL TO EI'Ja, 88E'J xt EX7t0pEUETa, TOUTO YVWp- ''''' ,,( / ,  ' ..... ,/ , (jTXO'J '":'YJ C; XLlTa T'J U7t0(jTa(j 'J O OTTOC; (j f.LEO'J EX E, TO I 45 (1.ETa 7f)J You X.Ll (ju'J LlUT( Y'Jwp(E(j8a xat TO EX TOU na- ,( / ( 0 , -y(' ( " n " / poc; 'J9E(jTLl'JLl. OE 1 (JC; 0 TO EX aTpOC; EX7tOpEUO(1.E'JO'J n 'JEU(1.a a' EaUTOU X(X (1.E' EaUTOU Y'Jwp(W'J, (1.0'J0C; f.L0'J0- YE'JWC; EX TOU eXYE'J'JTOU ([)WTOC; EXA&(1.ac;, oUOE(1.(a'J xaTa TO I O&O'J TW'J Y'JWp(j(1.&TW'J T'J XO'Jw'J(a'J EXE 7tpOC; TO'J na- M 37 v 50 TEpa,  TO n 'JEU(1.a TO &yov, eXAAa TO'i:C; Ep(1.E'JOC; (j(1.E(OC; / /y (1.0'J0C; Y'JWP sETa. 'E7t lO''t'aO' la Ta au't'<X O'XESO'J Ka'J 't'ij 7tapouO'T) 7tEplK07tij SlSaO'KEl 0 aYlo, EX TOU naTpoc; f:'J U([)E(jT&'Ja AEYW'J 't'O n 'JEua 't'o 55 aYlo'J, (1.ETa 't'ou Yiou Sf: Kal O'u'J au't'ii> Y'Jwp(E(j8a. 26. Tou au't'ou EK 't'ii au't'ii j\AA' [; TO'J OaTEpa 'Jo(jac; aUTo'J TE E([)' EauTou E'JO(jE xa 70'J Yo'J T oa'Jo( (ju(1.7tapEOEaTo. (0 OE TOUTO'J Aaw'J TOU you TO n 'JEU(1.a OUX eX7tE(1.Ep(jEV, eXAA' eXxoAou8wc; (1.E'J xaTa 5 7'J T& 'J, (ju'J (1.(1.E'JWC; OE xaTa T'J ([)u(j 'J, TW'J TP w'J xaTa " /' ( ..... , / , / TaUTO'J (juyxExpaf.LE'J'J E'J EaUT) T'J 7t(jT 'J a'JETU7tW(jaTO. Kat [; 'TO n 'JEu(1.a (1.0'J0'J E 7tw'J (jU(1.7tEpEAaE T [;(1.0AOY( Talrt' xat TO'J ou E(jT TO n 'JEu(1.a. Kat E7tEO TOV X (!taTOV E(j7 TO IlvEvfla, xat EX TOU 0EOU, xa8wc; ([)YJ(j'J [; nauAoc;. Fontes 26. 2/26 Bas., Ep. 38, 86.62-87.87 8/9 Rom. 8.9; Phil. 1.19 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 43 E'fj1J.1J.Evov - ETvL] inv. sed litteris rectam sequentiam indicavit V 47 EU'":Ot)l] XUTOU PhS EUTOU2] scripsi cum Bas., u'":ou LMPhSV f.LovoC;] f.Lovw V 49 tSLOV] LSLXWV V'.( 52 E7tLcrTcrt] legi nequit S 54 1J(f)Ecr'":VL Ai:ywv] inv. PhS 26. 1 70U - uTf,] legi nequit S 6 cruyxe:- xPX1J.EV1jv] cr'JYXEXP1J.1J.EV1jV PhSV 9 EX] om. V App. CoIL 45 ,";0;; uto;;] e tr., '":0',1 utav Bas. 7tpo:; praem. Bas. 46 7t'";poc;] TOU praem. Bas. 50 TO 1 ] 
110 FLORILEGIU1 PATRISTICUM tl , t:' (I f..... (\,, ( ". I \ \ rI 10 WO"7tEp ES rlAUaEWe; 0 "t'ou E:'J0e; rlXPOU rl'fLlf.LE'JOe; Xrl 70 E"t'Ep0'J &XpOV crU'JE7tEcr7trlaLl"t'0, OUTWe; 6 "t'O Jl vEvfla i}l:xvaa, XLl8wc; ( I " -- \ \ n I \ \ tfI( \ ({)a 'J 0 7tpO({)'l)"t''l)e;, O rlU1 OU XLl TO'J rl7EpLl Xrl 70'J 1 O'J a'J- '\ I K \ , , f , , '\ D. -- '\ I A rI  ' \ 'JEcpE/\XUaLl"t'O. rl E "t'0'J 1 O'J rl/\ 1)V 'JWe; "t'C; /\rlO, E,",E rlUTO'J ( I D. ..... \ \ ( ..... n I -- \ \ rI e:Xrl"t'SPWVE'J,  (.lE'J TO'J ELlU70'J Ll7Eprl, 7t OE 70 rlYov 15 n 'JEU(.lrl aU'JE7trly6(.lE'J0'J. OU"t'E yap "t'ou Orl"t'poe; (; eXE w'J E'J T0 n rl"t'p  eX7t0"t'(.l1)8'Jrl aU'Jrl"t'rl, OU7E "t'ou n 'JEuf.Lrl"t'6e; 7t0"t'E arl- Eux8aE"t'rl "t'ou a(ou (; navTa EV rlu"t'0 EVEeywV. (QaLlu"t'We; \ ( \ n I  t:' I \ \ tfI( \ \ \ n ..... Xrl 0 "t'0'J rl"t'Eprl OEsrl(.lE'JOe; Xrl "t'0'J 1 O'J Xrl "t'0 'JEU(.lrl au- (.l7trlpEaErl"t'0 "t' aU'Ja(.lE. Ou yap Ea"t' "t'0(.l 'J E7t 'Joarl I  M 38r  I , ,  I I ('1\ tfI( \ ' n \ 20 OrlpEa'J Xrl"t' OUOE'Jrl "t'p07to'J, we; 1) 1 o'J x.wpc; rl"t'PQC; 'JO"f1,- 8'Jrl,  "t'o n 'JEU(.lrl "t'OU you arlEUX 8'Jrl, eX"A"Aa "t'e; &pp1)"t'oe; \ , I , I A' \ f I XLl rlXrl"t'rl'J01)"t'oe; E'J "t'OU"t'oe; Xrl"t'rl"Arl(.l(Jrl'JE"t'rl Xrl YJ xo 'JW'Jrl Xrl  aaxpac;, OU"t'E "t'e; "t'W'J u7t0a"t'aaEw'J arl({)opac; "t'o "t'e; ({)UaEWe; aU'JExe:e; arla7tw(1)e;, OU"t'E "t'1je; Xrl"t'cX "t''J oua(rl'J xo- 2 5 'J6"t'"t'0 e; "t'o a&o'J "t'W'J Y'JWP a(.la"t'w'J eX'JrlX Eou(1)e;. 'E7tlO''t'aO'la "Opa xa'V't'au6a 't'O «EX "t'OU 0EOU», a'V't'l 't'OU «EX "t'OU nrl"t'poe;» 't' aYl EXAaf3a'VoEvo'V. xal 6auaO'o'V 't'YJ'V 't'OU 7ta'VO'oq>ou 't'ou't'ou SlSaO'XcXAOU axplf3Ela'V, 7tW E7tl 30 f:'V 't'ou SEOU xal 't'YJ'V «EX» 7tpoO'E9E't'O 7tp06EO'l'V, E7tl Sf: 't'OU XplO''t'OU 't'au't'YJ'V 7tapEAElE, q>a'VEpw 7ta'V't'w Soy- a't'lw'V EV't'Eu9E'V EX 't'OU na't'po EI'Val o'Vo'V 't'YJ'V 't'OU n 'VEua't'o U7tap;l'V. Fontes 11 Ps. 118.131 17 7t&VTO: - EVEPYWV cf. I Cor. 12.6 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 11 &x.pov] om. V 6] om. M V 20 7tTP(X;] 7tVEUf.L'!'OC; PhS vov] f.L6vou PhS 12/ 13 cruVEcpELAx.ucrTO] cruVEcpEAx.ucr"t'O 26 E7tLcrTcr(] legi nequit S 32 f.L6- App. ColI. 12 x.P - utav] inv. Bas. 14 &YLOV] taLov Bas. 15 wv] post 7t't"p transp. Bas. 16 auv"t'O:L] auvcrE't"L Bas. 18 x.tl] aEpraem. Bas. 19 TOf.LV E7tLVOcrL] inv. Bas. 
26.10-2H.4 III 27. Tou aUTou EX TOU 7tap' aUTou u7tayopEu8EVTOC; , , -, aVTlypa<pou TYJC; 7tlO'TEWC; f\7t6SEe; oe: TOU op8ou cppO'JaTOe; TO f.L X(')p(E'J aYo 11 Ll1'pOC; XLl ytou - OEr: YcXP tJ. a7tT(E(j8 f.LE'J we; 7tLl- pEArlOf.LE'J, 7t(j1'EUe: v oe: w Ll7tT6f.LE8Ll, OO&E 'J oe: we; , n ' \ y-'( \ \ r1 n ..... , , 7tE7t(jEuxa(.lE'J Ll"':Epa xa 1 O'J xa ayo'J 'JEU(.la -, acp- (j7Ll(j8a oe: Te; XO 'Jw'J(ae; TW'J X1'((j(.lLl AEy6'JTW'J w cpa'JEpWe; fJ.). , ,, ). , , , \ ( t--'l\a(jcp(.lou'JW'J, EXZ 'JOU OW(.lOI\OY(.lE'JOU - a'Jayxaa yap  E7t(j(.lE(W(j oa TOUe; (juxocpa'JTou'JTae; - OT OUTE &YE'J'J- 10 TO'J AEY0(.lE'J TO n 'JEU(.la TO &YO'J, E'Ja yap OrOa(.lE'J &YE'J'JTO'J xa (.l(a'J TW'J O'JTW'J &PX 'J, TO'J n aTEpa TOU K up (OU (.lw'J '1 (jou Xp(jTOU, I OUTE YE'J'JT6'J, E'Ja yap (.lO'J0YE'J E'J  7tapa- 06(jE Te; 7t((jTEWe; Eoo&x8Y)(.lE'J. TO DE II 'VEvfla Tij aArJ- ()E[a EX TOV Jl aT(!O Exno(!EvEa()al ooaXeE'JTEe; EX TOU 0EOU ';' ( """ 1 5 E 'Ja O(.lOAOYOU(.lE'J aXT(jTWe;. I 5 M38v ' E ' 7t laTaO' la Ope; xavTau6a TO aUTO «EX TOU 0EOU» T «EX TOV Jl aT(!6», we; 7tOAAaXle; ElpYjxaEv; 28. Tou aUTo\) EX TYje; 7tpOe; xavovlxcXe; E7tlaToAYje; To OE n 'JEU(.la TO &YO'J n aTp  (.lE'J xa yt0 (jU'JLlp 8(.lEr: Ta,  ' \ (\ \ , ", \, ( \ oOT xa U7tEp TY)'J XT(j'J E(jT, TETaXTa OE TpTO'J we; xa EV EuaYYEA(Oe; OEOo&Y(.lE8a 7tapa TOU Kup(ou E7t6'JTOe;. Jl 0- Fon tes 27.3/15 Bas., Ep. 125,33.21-34.34 13/14 Ioh. 15.26 Ep. 52, 136.1-137.18 4/6 Mt. 28.19 28. 2/18 Bas., App. Crit. L M Ph S V 27. 1/2 TOt? - 7ttcrTe:W] legi nequit S 5/6 we; 7te:7tLcrTe:UXrlfJ-e:v] spatium hab. PhS 8 EXe:t ',Iou] spatium hab. PhS 10 TO &YLOV] spatium hab. PhS 16 E7tLcrTrlcr[rl] legi nequit S 28. 1 TOU - E7tLcrToAe;] legi nequit S 4oe:- o LO&Y!-le:8rl ] OLOrlcrxo!-le:8 V App. ColI. 27. 9 cruXOcprlVTOUVTrl] cruXOcp&VTrl Bas. 13 EOLa&X.81j!-lEV] OEOLO&Y!-le:8 Bas. 28. 3 OLOTL] e tr., aLO Bas. Tpt TOV] deest in Bas. Xrlt2] e tr., deest in Bas. 4 e:Urlyye:A[OLC;] EUrlyye:A[ Bas. 
112 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM () , f3 ' r ' \" - Jl \ \ - } T  - S (lEV cVTc; a'JlTtcTc ct TO ovofla TOV aT(lOr;, xat TUV lU'V xat TOV G.}'lov n VEVf-laTO. (0 OE 7tpOT8EL; You,  7tpE(jUTE- pO'J II.EYW'J nrl7p6c;, oG--:oc; eX'J8(j7(x7rl (1.E'J Ton ":'OU 8EOU OLiT(x- y, eXAA6Tp0C; OE T-fjC; UYrl'Jo,j(j1JC; 7t(jTE{t)C;, r1. r)'J 7:pEArlE OOOAOYrlC; Tp67t0'J ({)UAaT7W'J, eXAA' ErlUT0 x(X VO<pWVLi'J EC; , / , Q / , '" E ' , , / 0 "" , 1 0 rlpE(jXErl'J rl'JVpW7tWV E7t 'Jowv.  YLiP rl'JWTEpO'J  EOU, OUX EX TOU 0EOU. rEyprl7tTrl yap. To DE JIvEvfla EX 1'01) fJEOV. E OE EX TOU 0EOU, 7tWC; 7tpE(jUTEp6'J E(j,!, 70U E oG EOT; Tc; OE Xrl  7trlpa'J0rl, E'JOC; O'JTOC; TOU eXYE'J'JTOU, &AAO T AEYE 'J TOU eXYE'J'JTOU eX'JWTEpO'J; }\AA' ouoE TOU (l-O'J0YE'JOUC; 1 S 7tp6TEpO'J' OUOE'J yap (1.E(jO'J You Xrl n rlTp6c;. E OE (1.  E(jT 'J , 0 ""  , X '"  / , ,, ,/ , / On EX 101 EOU, orl P (jTOU OE E(jT 'J, ouo E(jT TO 7trlprl7trl'J. l.(jTE  7tEp T'J Ta'J Xrl'JOTO(1.rl rlUTC; TC; U7tapEWC; eX8ET(j'J EX E Xrl OA  c; T c; 7t(jTEWC; E(j7 'J &p'J(jc;. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 20 XOUEU; 7tW 7ta'J't'axou 0 aYlo 't'O «EX 1'OV fJEOV» E7tl 't'ou na't'po I EXAaf3a'JE't'al; Tou't'o yap xa'J't'au6a M 39r O'aq>w 7tapLO''t'YjO'l'J El7tW'J. «J\AA' OUOE TOU (1.0'JOYE'JOUC; 7tp6TEP0'J». xa't'a 't'au't'o'J Sf: S la 't'WV 't'OlOU't'W'J xal 't'YJ'J EX 't'ou na't'po U7tap;l'J 't'ou n 'JEua't'o, ou YJ'J EX 't'ou o- 2S 'J0YE'JOU, S lSaO'xEl. 29. Tou aYLou rpYjYOpLOU 't'ou 6EOAOYOU, EX 't'ou SEU't'EpOU ElpYj'JlXOU AOYOU E (1.E'J yap E(1.EAAO(1.E'J You Xrl n 'JEU(1.rlTOC; T'J eX(x'J O(1.0AOYOU'JTEC;  &'JrlpXrl TrlUTrl E(jaYE 'J,  EC; ETEprl'J eXpX'J Fontes 11 I Cor. 2.12 29. 3/40 Greg. Naz., Or. 23, 294.1-298.11 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 9 xx vocpwv[xv] XEVOcpWV[xv L 19 E7tcr,:,xcrb] spatium hab. Ph, legi nequit S 20 0 &yo] om. PhS 23 xx':' ':'x t.fro V ] XX71J':'OV V 29. 1/2 TOU] - 1-.6- YOIJ] spatium hab. Ph, legi nequit S 2 aEUTEpOIJ] rlJ M 4/5 2 - &V&YEV] om. V App. ColI. 9 ao;ol-.oy[x 7p07tOV] inv. Bas. 16 ,, " ] , " B Uo Ecr':' OUOE Ecr7 as. 
28.5-29.32 113 s &'JaYE 'J, aEOe; &'J 'J O'JT(Ue; f.L  &Tf.LLlae 0E6e;,  X 'JaU'JEU- , t..... " / Q E ' 'r/ .",  / ' y t , a 7tLlp "f)f.L(U'J 70 Ll'JTvEO'J.  oE oao'J Ll'J Eapy;e; TO'J O'J \  TO n 'JEUf.LLl, OUX U7tEp TO'J I I aTEpa 8aEC;, 0,j8E Te; a T[ac; I' ,... / 'ii' , -- , / 'i' / , a7t0E'J(UaE  , ':/../\/\ EXEaE a'Jo aEe; TO xa/\ O'J YE'JV (.la xa T'J 8LlU(.laaa'J 7tp608o'J, 7tpOaEpaO(.lLl aE, (;) A(x'J ([)AaYE'J- 1 0 'JTE a,j xat ([)Aa'Japx E, 7t6TEpOC; &T(.laE 0EO'J (.laAAo'J (; / Q" / r/ ", / .,\ t, / TO OUT(u'J TVEe; apx 'J, 0  (U'J aUTOe; EaaYEe;,  0 (.l1) TO OUT(u'J, clAA' (; (.l0 (u'J T'J ([)Ua 'J xa (; (.l086(U'J xat 0 r(U'J (;  (.lETEpOe; OUAETa AOYOe;; 'A ii' , " ,/ ,/ t, t / , J-\ I\/\a (jOt rJ.E'J e:C; TqJ'J rJ.EYCl XClt (J.EYta'rO\J 0 aOe; 'JOC;, x.t 1 S ToaouT (.laAAo'J Oa7tEp &'J Ta 7ta'JTa 7taTpW xa xapa- XTp  Y'Jaoe; TOU YE'J'Jaa'JTOe;, xa oux &'J 8Ea0 (.lup(u'J &'J8pa7t08(U'J EI'Ja (.laAAo'J 8Ea7t0TY)e;  E'JOe; YE'J'JT(up 7ta- 80e;. Te{) 0Ee{) 8E &AAO T (.lEO'J  ytou TUYX a'JE 'J 7taTEpa, 0 7tpoa8x 80 e; EaT 'J, OUX U([)apEae;, we; 8E xa 7tpOOAEa 20 n 'JEU (.laTo e;. "'H &Y'JOEe; OT au (.lE'J xTa(.laT(u'J T8Ete; &pX'J, T'J &pX'J AEY(u 8E ytou xa n 'JEu(.laTOe;, OUTE T'J &pX'J T- (.lC; xat &T(.laEe; Ta E aUTe;; T'J (.lE'J, OT (.lxpw'J EaaYEe; &pX'J xat &'Ja(U'J 8EOTTOe;. Ta 8E, o'"t' (.lxp xa (.l  XT- a(.laTa I (.l0'J0'J, &AAa xa 7ta'JT(U'J xTa(.laT(u'J 7tOEe; &T(.lOTE- M 39v 2S pa. E'C YE TOUT(U'J E'JEXE'J U7tEaT xa( 7tOTE, Wa7tEp 0 Pya'Ja TE- l.. 'J  T 7tpO TW'J TEl.. 'J TW'J 7tpOTEpO'J oux O'JTa, ou8' &'J &'AA(Ue; YE'JO(.lE'Ja, E (.l  T xTaa 8' aUTW'J OUA e 0EOe;, we; oux &pXOU'JTOe; TOU OUAEa8a. n a'J yap 0 T 'Joe; E'JEXE'J, &T(.lOTE- pO'J EXE 'JOU 8' 0 YEYE'JTa. 30 'Eyw 8E eEOTTOC; &px'J Eaay(U'J &.xpo'Jo'J xa &xwpaTo'J ,'/ /"....., " ....., ..... , / xa ao p aTO'J T'J TE apX1)'J T(.l(U xa Ta EX T e; apx e; E7tae;. , / r/ / , / ,/ r/ r/ , ..... , T1)'J (.lE'J, OT TO OUT(u'J ap X . Ta OE, OT OUT(Ue; xa TO a UTa EX App. Crit. L M Ph Ujqu ad 7tP"I1EPT,I1"!J. xl 9 S V 6 &',1] om. V 8 &',10 [cre:LC;] &VO[crLC; LM, &',1 O'CcrLC; V 1 0 X] om. V 7t6TEpO] 7tp6-re:poc; M, 7t6TEp S 11 OLWV] OLWC; M 14 f-LEYLcrTOV] !-lE- YLcrTOC; ut vid. M 22 f-LLXpWV] f-LLXPOV V 23 OTL] o,jx. praem. S !-l] om. S 26 7tpo] 7tpOC; SV -rEXVLTWV] Te:X.V"fjTWV M 28 ouAEcreL] auvcreL V 29 8] 00 V 32 &px.] &px.v M App. CoIl. 10 cru] deest in Greg. Naz. add. Greg. Naz. 21 ae:] e tr., a Greg. Naz. 32 TOLUT] X 
114 fLORlLEGIUM PATRlSTICUM '" I I '" I '" I I ..... '" l' 0 U l' 0  0 U l' 0 U f.L 1) l' E l' (p 7t 0 't E, f.L 1) l' E TYJ q;> U a E , f.L 1) l' E l' cp a E 7t l' cp aEpy6f.LE'JLl, E'J O'JTLl aup(l-E'J(')C; XLl BLlpojf.LE'Ja au'Jf.L- I , \ I  ..... , '" , r , \ f.LE'JWC;, E xa 7tapLlOOOV 70UTO E7tE'J' OUZ T70'J E7t'JE1' ..... \,, i i I '1\ a' ( \ 0 " Te; 7tpOe; a/\A YJ/\Ll ax EaEWC;,  XLl\) EaUTO Ex(Xa,,;ov 'JOO'Jf.LE'JOV 'i fJ.. I T I i" i' '" TE xa /\Llf.Lt--'aVOf.LE'JGV. p LloLl ";E/\E(xV EX 7E/\Et (,JV 1'P (')V, f.L(j- , \ a I  \ \ i I  I \ ( fJ.. a , 'JLlOOe; (l-E'J x 'J1)VEac; oa TO 7t/\ouao'J, uuauoe; oE U7tEpLlVEt- (\ \ \ 0i \ \, ,,.... r \ I aYJC; - U7tEp yap T'J U/\ 'J xa 70 EOOC;, E W'J TLl aW(l-Ll7a -, 4  I \ ( a I  \ \ 'i o 1 p aooc; OE 0 P aVEa C; 0 a TO TE/\EO'J. 35 'E7t lO'aO' La Op xal 't'o'J 't'a f3a6YJ 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o EpEu'JY)O'a'J't'a, xal E't'a 't'o'J E7t lO''t'Y)6l0'J xal i)ya7ty) E'JO'J a6YJ't'YJ'J 't'YJ'J 6EoA6yo E7tw'JuLa'J xAYJpwO'aE'Jo'J aYlo'J, 7tW Sux 't'Yi 45 OAY) 7tEplX07tYi 't'au't'Y) SlSaO'xEl 't'YJ'J EX 't'OU TIa't'po 't'OU aYLou TI'JEua't'o U7tap;l'J, E'J oI 7tO't'E E'J AEYEl 7tEpl 't'OU Yiou xal 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o w «o'JX U7tEp TO'J I1 aTEpa 8- ,\ ..... , I ,  I ",..... I ' I \ aEe;, OUOE 1'1) e; a 't'ae; a7t0sE'JwaEe;, aAA EXEaE a'Jo aEC; 70 i \ I \ \ a I I  , _ 6 \ xa/\ 0'J YE'J'JYJ (l-a xa TYJ'J vaU(l-Llaa'J 7tp OOOO'J», E'J't'EU E'J 't'O'J 50 TIa't'Epa xal aq>o't'EpW'Je 't'ou E Yiou xal 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o , -", - \ , - xYJpu't''t'w'J q>a'JEpw al't'lO'J, xal 't'ou E'J YE'J'JY)'t'opa, 't'ou Se 7tpof3oAEa e 7tO't'E Se E'J oI apxYJv 't'o'J TIa't'Epa So;aEl OO't'LW'J xal o(l-oa6w'J. 7taAl'J E'J oI 7tpoa8x1)'J a6YJC; El'Jal AEYEl ii> TIa't'pl 't'o 7tLl7Epa 't'ou't'o'J El'Jal ytou, xal 55 7tpOOAEa n 'JEj(l-a't'Oe;, xal ai)6l E'J oI xal aq>o't'EpW'J &p- X'J 't'o'J TIa't'Epa xaAEl; M40r App. Crit. L M S V 34 a r,P1j!-lEVW] a Y1P1j!-lEV S 38/39 'J1tEpedcr1j] 'J1tEpcree:(cry; V 41 E1tcr7cr(] legi nequit S 44 E1tWV'J!-l(v] itpocr1jYop(v V 45 7V - 7013 1 ] spatium hab. S 48 o,jaE r] spatium hab. S 49 e'J!-lcr(v 1tp60aov] e'J!-lcr 1tpO scr. secunda manus in parte folii corrupta M 53/54 a61j Elv] inv. S 54 70U70V Elv] inv. V 
29.33-31.11 115 30. Tou au't'ou ano 't'ou nclAl'J 'IY)O'ouC; 0 E6C; n ' ( n ' , ,/ , ", "¥( , ("¥( , (X T P 0 a 't' p } a  a'J rI.. p X 0 . 0 U Y rI.. P EX. T  'J 0 . 1  0  0 1  0  xa oux. &'Japx o. Ex. TOU n aTpoc; ycip. E t ae: T'J eX7tO Xp6'Jou \ fJ.. / , / , ,/ , , / , ( , ) ArI..(.lt--'a'JE rJ.Pl:'J, Xrl.. a'Japxo' 7tO T yap xpo'JW'J, Ouz U7tO 5 Xp6'Jo'J. n 'JE1J &yo'J eXA 8w 70 n 'JEU(.la, 7tpO'O'J f.LE'J EX. TOU n rl..Tp6, 01Jx utx.w af, UaE yp YE'J'J7W, &AA' EX.7tOpEUTW. 'En lO''t'aO' La t'O E'J 't'ij a'JW't'EpW nEplKonij nOlKLAwC; Sl' aAAW'J Kal aAAW'J AE;EW'J S lSciO'KE l 0 aYloc;, q>a'JEpwc; E'J't'au6a - , 10 't'ou't'O naplO''t'Y)O'l. 31. Tou au't'ou ano 't'ou X6ec; 't'ij Aanp - , , <'t'W'J q>w't'w'J Y) Ep> 0fAW TO'J II aTE(!a /lEi'(J) E7tE'J, E ou x.a TO r(jO EI'Ja 70 c; 'C(joc; E(jTt x.a TO EI'Ja. T OUTO yap 7tap 7ta'JTW'J a08- K ' / " / " / " / 5 (jETa. a oEoO x.a T'J apx'J, (.l  EAaTTo'Jw'J apx'J 7t0  (jw x.a x.a8up (jw aa T 7tpOT(.l (jEWC;. OU yp a6a T0 E 00 ( ..... ' ' -- /  7W'J E a1jTOU 7a7tE 'JW(jC;. 'En lO''t'aO' La Kal au't'Y) YJ nEplKonY) 't'ij npw't'Y) O'XESO'J cXnapaAAaK't'oc; 10 't'o au't'o EKEL 'JY) SlSaO'KouO'a, 't'o 't'o'J TIa't'Epa SY)AO'JO't'l Kal cXq>O't'EpW'J EI 'Jal 't'ou Yiou Kal 't'ou TI 'JEua't'oc; a'l't'lo'J. Fontes 30.2/6 Greg. Naz., Or. 39,174.10-16 31. 3/7 Greg. Naz., Or. 40,298.1-5 4 7tO1jT' - Xp6vwv cf. Hebr. 1.2 3 7tTEp !-ld(JJ cf. Ioh. 14.28 App. Crit. L M Ph mdt'a -r-:7T;t-;' 30. 2 S V 30. 1 TOt? - Ef.L6] legi nequit S (; E!-l6] om. LM 6 o,jaE] o,j L 7 E7tcrTcr(] legi nequit S 8 0] om. V 31. 1/2 'roG] - !-lEp] legi nequit S 2 TWV - f.LEp] supplevi, om. LMPhV 3/ 4 x.t - Elv] x.t TO Elv 70'i' '{cro Ecr'rt x.t TO Elv PhS 6 T] 70 V 8 E7tcr':'crt] legi nequit S 9 x.t] x. rubro a tram en to x.t V 
11;"  O FLORILEGILTM P.A.TRISTTCUM 32. Tou au't'ou EX 't'OU ElC; 't'Y)v TIEV't'Y)XOO''t'Y)v AOYOU M40v 1'0 n 'JEUf.LLl TO &YO'J 'J tJ.E'J &E Xrlt EcrT Xrlt Ecr7Ll, O'J7E , t:" " , " , ' Il ' ' y ( ..... rlPSLlf.LE'JO'J, OU"t'E 7tLlUcrO f.LEVO'J ° r:J..AA LlE rl"t'p  X  (}> cr'J'JTE- , , D.' , , ", " 7rl"{f.LE'J0'J 't'E Xrl cr1)'JLlP Vf.L0Uf.LE'JO'J' OUoE YrJ.p E7tpE7tE'J EAAE- 5 7tE 'J 7tO"t'E  --rto'J n rlTp,  n 'JEU(1.rl yt0. T 0 l.LEy(cr7(}> yap rlV 'J &80;0c;  8E6"t'c;, Wcr7tEp EX (1.E7rl(1.EAErlC; EA80ucrrl El cr1j- (1. 7tA  P wcr 'J "t'EAE6"t'"t'0c;. ";'H'J oG'J &E (1.E7rlA 7tT6'J, ou (1.ETrlA- , ....., , '\....., , 7t"t'xo'J° "t'EAEOU'J, OU TEAEOU(1.Z'Jo'J. 7t/\ pOU'J, ou 7tA pOU(1.E'JO'J' (,'!' ' ('!', D......, 0 ' , ,( ..... rlYrlSO'J, OUX rlYrlSO(1.E'JO'J' VEOU'J, OU EOU(1.E'JO'J° rlU"t'O ErlU"t'(}> , , " 'r , , , " " 10 "t'rlU"t'o'J rlE Xrl 0 C; crU'J"t'E7rlX"t'Ll ° rlO prl"t'o'J, rlXpo'Jo'J, rlX wp"t'o'J, , - -, " " "  ' , , , rl'JrlAAO w"t'O'J, Ll7tO OV, rlTCGcrO'J, 'JZOZO'J, (X'J(XqJE, (X'JTf)X VTO'J, " , t:' ' ,, " , rlEX 'J"t'0'J, rlU"t'ESOUcrO'J, rlu"t'oou'Jrl(1.o'J, navTouvva/lov' E XLl , , , "rI ,..... ..... rI 7tpOC; "t''J 7tpw"t''J rl "t'rl'J, Wcr7tEp "t'rl "t'ou (1.0'J0YE'JOUC; rJ.7trl'J"t'rl, ou"t'w 8 Xrl "t'a "t'ou n 'JEU(1.rl"t'OC; &'Jrl7tE(1.7tE"t'rl. 15 'E7tlO''t'aO'la TIpOO'XEC; xav't'au6a 't' aYl a'L't'lov 't'ou 't'E Yiou xal 't'ou TI VEU a't'oc; 't'ov TIa't'Epa S lSaO'xov't' l. 33. Tou au't'ou EX 't'OU 7tEpl 't'YjC; EV 't'al'c; SlaAE;EGlV Eu't'a;lac; ;\ , rI 0 ' n ' , " , , , uEO'J E'Jrl  EO'J rl"t'Eprl Y 'JWcrXE 'J, rl'JrlpX0'J Xrl rlYE'J'J"t'O'J, Xrl E'Jrl Yto'J YEYE'J'J(1.E'JO'J EX "t'OU n rl"t'p6c;, Xrl n 'JEU(1.rl E'J EX 5 0EOU "t''J U7trlp'J EXO'J, 7trlprlXWpou'J nrl"t'p (1.E'J &YE'J'J1JcrrlC;, Yt0 8E YE'J'JcrEWC;° "t'a 8' &AArl Xrl crU(1.([)UEC; Xrlt cru'J8po'J0'J ,( , t:' ,(, Xrl 0(1.000S0'J Xrl 0(1.0"t'(1.0'J. Fontes 32.2/14 Greg. Naz., Or. 41, 334.1-14 Naz., Or. 32, 94.12-16 12 Sap. 7.23 33. 3/7 Greg. App. Crit. L M Ph S V 32. 1 TOU 1 - AOYOU] legi nequit S 2/4 Tal - x.n a Iter a manus M 4 7E] om. Ph V 9 t)"ra] w?)"r V 11 &VdaEOV] XVLaEOV S 12 &EX.L V"fjTOV] om. V 15 E7tcrTcrL] legi nequit S 33.1/2 1'oiJl - EUT;(C;] legi nequit S 4 uta V ] SEa V M App. ColI. 33. 4 EV uta V ] inv. Greg. Naz. 6 a'] as: Greg. Naz. 
32.1-34.19 117 'E7t lO'TaO' la XOUW'J XcX'JTauf)a 7tEpl TOU n'JEU<XTOC; OTl EX SEOU 10 TYJ'J U7tap;l'J EXEl, TO «EX 0EOU» 7tpOC; Tac; 7tpOAaf3ouO'ac; XPY)O'ElC; TW'J AOl7tW'J aYlw'J O'uf3lf3aE, xa6wc; E'J 7tOA- AalC; EXElvw'J O'aq>EO'TEpOV I E7tEO'YJElwO'aE9a. M 41r 34. Tou aUTou EX TOU 7tEpl Yiou 7tPWTOU AOYOU (H (1.r: 'J OE (1.o'Japx a TO T(1.W(1.E'JO'J. (1.o'Japx a OE, oux 'J E'J 7tEp ypa({)E 7tp6crW7to'J - EcrT yap xat TO E'J crTacrao'J ,( , '\'\' QI Q ',\,\' t' I ( 7tpO EaUTO 7to/\/\a xavcrTacrva -, a/\/\ YJ'J ({)ucrEwe; O(1.0T- I I " I " I I 5 [1.a (jU'JcrTYJcr, xa Y'Jw(1. YJe; cru(1.7t'Joa, xa TauTOTYJe; x 'JYJcrE- we;, xat 7tpOe; TO E'J TW'J E aUTOU crU'J'JEucre;, 07tEp &(1.xa'Jo'J E7tt Te; YE'J'JYJTe; ({)ucrEwe;, WcrTE x&'J &p8(1. Oa({)Ep, T YE oucr (1. TE(1.'JEcr8a. a TOUTO (1.0'Je; an' a(!xfJ, Ee; ouaoa x 'JYJ8Er:cra, (1.EXP  TpaOOe; EcrTYJ. Kat TOUT6 EcrT 'J (1.r: 'J 0 n a- 1 0 T p, 0 Yt6e;, xat TO &YO'J n 'JEu(1.a. 0 (1.E'J YE'J'JTWp xat 7tpO- OAEUe;, AEYW OE &7ta8we;, xat &xp6'Jwe;, xat &crw(1.aTWe;. TW'J OE, TO (1.E'J YE'J'JYJ(1.a, TO OE 7tp6A YJ(1.a,  oux oIo' 07tWe; &'J T TauTa xaAEcrEE'J, &({)EAW'J 7ta'JTYJ TW'J OPW(1.E'JW'J. Ou yap O U7tEPXucr 'J &ya86TYJTo E 7tEr: 'J 8appcro(1.E'J, 0 TW'J 7tap' r/EA- 15 A YJcr ({)AocrO({)YJcra'JTw'J E 7tEr: 'J Te; ET6A(1. YJcrE'J, 0 lo'J xpaTp Te; ( I ..... ( " , 7' , I " U7tEPPUYJ, cra({)We; oUTWcr AEYW'J, E'J oe; 7tEp 7tPWTOU a TOU xat OEUTEPOU ({)AocrO({)Er:' (1. 7tOTE &xoucro'J T'J YE'J'JYJcr 'J Ecra- yayw(1.E'J, xa olo'J 7tEp TTw(1.a T ({)ucrxo'J xat oucrxa8ExTo'J, xcrTa Tar:e; 7tEpt 8E6TYJTOe; u7to'Joae; 7tpE7tO'J. a TOUTO E7tt Fontes 34. 2/42 Greg. Naz., Or. 29, 178.6-182.21 8 &1t' &PZC; cf. I Ioh. 1.1 App. Crit. L M Ph usqUl'ad E(1":d4. 3 S V 8 E1tcr7crbd legi nequit S 11/12 EV 1tOAAr:C;] om. V 12 E1tEcr1jf.Le:W- crcX!-lEe] crEcr-r,f.LEwcr!-le:e altera manus M 34. 1 7013 1 - AOYOU] legi nequit S 1tEpL] 1'013 add. S 1tpWTOU] om. V 5 cruvtcrTIjcr] x.etcrTIjcr S 7 YEVV1jC;] YEVC; a.c. YEV1j7YjC; p.c. L 12 ]  M 13 1tcXvTIj] 1tcXVT V 15 7C;1] T V ETOAf.L1jcre:V] ETcXAf.L1jcrEv V 16 'J1tEPPU1j] u".pe:pu1j M 19 1tpE1tOV] TpE1tTOV V App. ColI. 34. 10 6 1 ] x.t praem. Greg. Naz. 
Fontes 118 fLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM '" f I r/ f I , , I , I , 20 't'W'J "f)[.LE't'EpW'J 0 P W'J a 't'Ll [.LE'J 0  't'0 rJ.YE'J'J"f)'t'O'J EO'rJ.YO [.LE'J, XrJ. \ I \,:) - Jl \' , rl I 70 YEV'JO'J, XLl 1'0 EX TOV aTeO E;rO(!EVOflEVOV, We; 1tOU " fl:\' 'A' ({)O' V rJ.UTOe; 0 \':JEOC; X.Ll 1 \.oyoe;. I I I ';" '" ftfl' " ..... E ' ,  '" \ O't'E OU'J 't'LlU't'rJ.; 1 7tEp TO 7t01'E 't'LlU":'Ll. t oE uE 't' X ..... , ..... r/ f n I n ' f n I 0 , ';" r/ 'JEtXVx.We; E7tE'J, O't'E 0 rJ.7p. O't'E 0 rJ.'":'t1P; 'JX "fJ'J 07E , ';" T ..... ';" , f tfl f I \, n ..... \ rl n I OUX. 'J. OU't'O OU'J XLl 0 1 OC;, x.rJ. 70 'JEU[.LrJ. o rJ.YO'J. rJ.A'J , I '" ..... I I II I  , f tfl f ' EpW't'rJ. (.lE, x.rJ. 7trJ.A  'J rJ.7tOx.p  'JOU(.lrJ. O'o. OTE OE 0 1 oe; YE- I r / O f n ' , I n I  ' ' n ..... YE'J'J":'rJ.; 't'E 0 CI..'t'''fJ P OU YEYE'J'J't'rJ.. O't'E OE 't'0 'JEU (.lLl EX.7tE7t6pEU't'rJ.; r/O't'E (; ytoe; OUx. EX.7tE7tOpEU't', &AAa .YEYE'J- , I 'f' I "' I D. 'f' 'J't'rJ. rJ.xp0'JWe; x.rJ. U7tEp AOY0'J° E x.rJ. (.l  OU'JrJ.(.lEVrJ., 't'0 U7tEp I ..... D. I " "", 30 XpO'JOV r:pO'O' VEJ...O'J7EC" Xpu'JX1JV EX<PUYE V E(.l<P(XO' v. To yap a't'E, x.rJ. 7tpO 't'OUOE, x.rJ. (.lE't'a 't'rJ.U 't'rJ. , x.rJ. an' aexij, Oux. &:XPo'JrJ., x.&'J O't' (.laAO''t'rJ. rJ.W(.lE8rJ.' 7tA 'J E 't'o 7trJ.pE- X.'t'E 'JO (.lE'JO'J 't'0 e; &'OO e; oaO''t' (.lrJ. 't'o'J rJ.w'JrJ. ArJ.(.la'JO (.lE'J, 't'O (.l X.'JO'E 't''J (.lOE AOU ({)OP (.lEpO(.lE'JO'J x.rJ. (.lE't'pOU- r/ f I (.lE'JO'J, 07tEp 0 xpO'Joe;. n we; O'J OU O'u'Ja'JrJ.px rJ., E O'u'JrJ..torJ.; r/O't' EX.E8E'J, E x.rJ. (.l  (.lE't" EX.E 'JO'J. To (.lE'J yap &'JrJ.px O'J x.rJ. &.too'J ° 't'o &.too'J OE, ou 7ta'J't'we; &'JrJ.PX O'J, Ewe; &'J Ee; &pX'J &'JrJ.({)EP"fJ't'rJ. 't'O'J n rJ.'t'EprJ.. Oux. &'JrJ.PX rJ. you'J 't'0 rJ. 't't ° OA O'J OE 't'O rJ.t 't'0'J we; OU 7ta- 40 'J't'we; 7tpEO' U't'EpO'J 't'w'J w'J EO'1' 'J rJ.t 't'0'J. ouoE yap 't'OU cpw't'oe; AOe;. KrJ. &'JrJ.pxa 7tWe; 't'0 xpo'J, x.&'J O'u (.l0p(.lOAU't''t'u 't'oue; a7tAouO''t'EpOUe;. OU yap U7tO xpo'Jo'J 't'a E w'J (; xpo'Joe;. 2S 35 21 Ioh. 15.26 31 &7t' &px cf. I Ioh. 1.1 App. Crit. L M S V 22 XL] om. V 25 1'O;;TO] 1'01'E V TO 1] post 70 rasura V 70 &YLOV] om. S 26/27 7t01'E - ye:YEVVYJTL 1] altera manus M 27 O'":E] OC; al. m. M 27/281'0 - OTE] ... 6 ee:o" al. m. M 28 eX7te:7t0pEU7XL 1 ] legi nequit M, EX7tO- pEUe:TL V EX7tE7tOpe:UTL2] legi nequit M, EX7tOpEUe:':'L V 30 Ef.L?crLV] EX?crL V V 35 07tEp] wcr7te:p V 36 EL 1] XL V 39 YOUv] oGv S, oe: V App. ColI. 24 7t01'E] oe: add. Greg. Naz. 26 oe:] deest in Greg. Naz. EXe:!:VO Greg. Naz. &"tOLOV oc:] e tr., inv. Greg. Naz. Naz. WC;] deest in Greg. Naz. 37 EXE!: vov] e tr., 39 youv] oGv Greg. M41v 
34.20-35.10 119 'E7t lO''t'aO' La TIpOO'EXE O'U'JE't'We; Kal 't'aTe; E'J 't'ij 7tapouO'Y) 7tEplK07tij 45 't'ou ayi.ou AE;EO'l, Kal 't'ij 't'ou't'w'J E.'J'JOL. Ti. SY)AO'JO't'l , , - , , 't' ..... ' ' ..... , O'u'JaYE't'cx l EK 't'ou «X(l 7tpOC; 70 E'J ":WV E., UTOU (jU'J'JEU(jC;» ; Kal nci'J't'we; 't'O Kal aq>w 't'O'J 't'E Yio'J Kal 't'o TI 'JEua E; E'JOe; EI'Jal 't'OU TIa't'poe;, ou iJ'J 't'o E'J EK 't'W'J Suo. To au't'o Se 7tci'J't'we; Kal EK 't'OU «(; (l-E'J YE'J'JTWp X(l 7tpOOAEUC;, .....  ' , " I '  , , p'\ t, , , 50 TWV OE, TO (l-E'J YEV'J(l-(l, TO OE 7tpO(JI\(l-(l». WO'7tEp Kal EK 't'OU «TO &YE'J'JYJTOV E(jaY0(l-E'J», Y1YOU'J 't'o'J TIa't'Epa, «TO , c:.  ' ' Y  , ", ..... n " YEV'JYJ70'J», OY)I\O'JO't'l 't'0'J lO'J, Kal 't'0 «EX TOU (lTpOC; EX- 7tO PEUTOV», 't'o TI 'JEU a SYjAaSYj. Ka l EK 't'OU «OUX &'J(lPX (l you'J 70 (lT' OAO'J OE TO (ltTO'J we; OU 7ta'JTWC; 7tpE(jUTE- 55 pO'J TW'J 'J E(jT 'J (It TO'J». aq>we; yap E'J't'Eu6E'J 7tapLO''t'Yj- O'l 't'o'J E'Ja Kal aq>o't'EpW'J EI 'Jal a'L't'lo'J, ou iJ'J 't'oue; Suo -  , 't'ou E'JOe;. M42r 35. Tou au't'ou EK 't'OU 7tEpl Yiou SEU't'EpOU AOYOU "Iao'J OE TOU (l-E'J &'Japxou, n(lTp. TOU A' &'Japxwc; YE'J'J- 8E'JTOC;, ytoe;' 70U OE &YE'J'JTWC; 7tpOEA8o'JTOe;  7tpO'O'JTOC;, TO n 'JEU(l-(l 70 &YO'J. 5 'E7t lO''t'aO' La M iJ 't'o a'JEu 7tp00'6YjKYje; 't'l 'Joe; E'J't'au6a ypaq>Yj'Jal 7tEpl 't'OU TI'JEua't'Oe; we; «7tpO'O'JTOC; » Kal «7tpOEA8o'JTOC;» 6pOEL't'W O'E, aAAa 7tpOe; 't'a 7tpoypaq>E'J't'a Kal 't'ou't'o O'U- f3Lf3aE. MiiAAO'J E'J oU'J EK 't'w'J E'J 't'ij Eq>E;Yje; 7tEplK07tij 10 7tp00'6YjKW'J, 't'iJ'J 't'ou't'ou SEXOU O'aq>Yj'JE la'J. Fontes 35. 2/4 Greg. Naz., Or. 30, 266.20-23 App. Crit. L M Ph I1Idra p')1'JiEJ 49 S V 43 E7tcr'":cr[] legi nequit S 44 crUVE'":WC;] crUVEXWC; V 47 xt I]  add. S, om. V 51 youv] legi nequit M 52/53 EX7topE:u'":6v] EX7tOPEU6f.LE:vOV V 53/54 &.vPX yovv] &vPZov ovv PhS 56 "':0 V ] '":0 PhS 35. 1 TOU I - 1-.6- you] legi nequit S SE:'JTEpOU] om. V 3 SE] S' V 5 E7tcrTcr[] legi nequit S 7 xt] om. V 8 7tpOYP?EV"':] YP?EV7 S XL] iterav. V 9 ",:wv] "':c; PhS 1 0 7tpocr81jxwv] 7tpocr8x1jC; PhS 
120 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 36. 'Ex TOU aUTou K ' 'i r/ i ' a I a "..... '.....'A ii' (l 7tLl/\  '.J "f)/\O'.J E'.JE-JU tL V"f)'.J, XLl LlX't' '.JLl, X.Ll ({)WC;. ft/\/\Ll , .....a I ..... , , I a I , ..... ..... X.(l'JTLlUv oEO C;, 7tPWT(x tLE'.J tL  O'U'.JVEO'C; 7e; E1t '.JOT(l TYJC; , a I I rl (i I ,....., (I  I (lO'U'.JvE't'OU ({)UO'EWe;, WO'7tEp YJ/\OU X.Ll 7W'.J E'.J Y;A. OEU't'EpO'.J  ' , , n I , I "  ' ,( I OE tL  't'0'.J (l't'EpLl ouO'WO'WtLE'.J, 'T(lAA(l OE tL  U7tOO'TO'WtLE'.J, , 'I 1:\ -- I , I , ( I (xAA(l OU'.J(ltLEe; \':JEOU 7tO O'WtLE'.J E'.JU7tLlPXOUO'(lC;, OUX U({)EO'TW- " " I " ..... " i i r/ i ' ii' ( i I O'(le; - OU't'E Y(lP (lx.'t'C;, 0 UTE ({)We;, (l/\/\O C; YJ/\ oe;, (l/\/\ /\ (lx.(l , I " , I 'r/' ";' 't' '.JEe; (l7t0ppO(l, x.(l 7tO0't''t'Ee; OUO'WOEC; -, x.(l (ltL(l 't'0 E- '.J(l x.(l 't'O tL  EI'.J(l 't'0 0 E 0 8WtLE'.J E'.J 't'ou't'oe;, oO'O'.J Ex. 't'ou 10 U7t08E( YtL(l't'oe;, 0 X(l 't'w'.J EPYJtLE'.JW'.J I &'t'07tW't'EpO'.J. 5 M42v 'En LO'TaO' La "Opa na'Ju 6auaO'To'J nw, El xal iJ apEO'xEL T aYL TO napo'J unoSELya Sux SEO EUAOYO'J, ow xax TOUTOU napLO'TYjO'L O'aq>w w EX TOU naTpo xal aq>w. 0 TE 1 5 Yio SYjAaSiJ xal TO n 'JEua, w E; Y)ALOU q>w xal aXTL. 37. Tou aUTou ano TOU nEpl TOU aYLou n'JEuaTo AOYOU ' E , I , I  I ,  I () , 7tE oE O'ou 't'YJ'.J 7tpW't'YJ'.J 0 (l pEO' '.J OU OEX 0 tLEV(l, 't''.J tL YJ- " I , -- I ( A' , I OE'.J (lYE'.J'.JYJ't'OU x.(l YE'.J'.J't'OU tLEO'O'.J U7t0A(ltLt--'(l'.JouO'(l'.J, (lu't'x.(l 5 oxO'o'.J't'(l( O'o tLE't'a 't'e; O'EtL'.Je; 8(lpEO'Ewe; ot &8EA({)0 x.(l ot utw'.Jo(, WO'7tEp 't' '.Joe; 8EO'tLOU 7t0AU7tA6x.ou 't'e; 7tpw't'YJe; &p- X e; O'U'.J8(lA U8E(O'YJ c;, O'u'.J8 (lA U8E'.J't'Ee;, x.(l 't' e; 8EOAOY((le; U7t0- Fontes 36.2/10 Greg. Naz., Or. 31, 338.1-340.9 290.1-20 37.3/21 Greg. Naz., Or. 31, App. Crit. L M Ph S V 36. 1 EX - tr:ou] EX 1'OU 7ts:p 7tvs:u1J.":'o A6you Ph legi nequit S 2 XX.] om. PhS 3 E7tV01J"t'x] E7tvOEiT PhM 5 1'&AAX] ,,:,iAA MV 8 1'0] ":' V 9 1'0 f.L] inv. M, ":' f.L V 11 E7tcrTxcr[] legi nequit S 14 7tXp[crTfjcr] 7tpotcr't'1jcr al. m. M 14/ 15 w - cpw] om. V 37. 1/2 TOU. - A6you] legi nequit S, EX TOU UTOU A6you V 1 Q:7t0 TOG] om. Ph 6 as:cr- tlOU 7tOAU7tA6xou] inv. V 7 cruvaxAuedcr1j] Auedcr1j PhS App. ColI. 36. 2 X.] deest in Greg. Naz. 3 7tpw,,:,x] npwTov Greg. Naz. aAuedcr1jc;] aAuedcr1jC; Greg. Naz. 37. 7 cruv- 
36.1-38.3 121 XWp(JrJ.'JTE. nou YcXP 8(JEC; TO EX7tOPEUT6'J, Er7tE f.L0, E(JO'J &'JrJ.q;>rJ.'JE'J T (J-?j OLlpE(JEW, XrJ.t 7trJ.pcX XpE((J(JO'JO  xrJ.Ta 10 (JE 8EOA6you, TOU WTpO f.Lw'J, E(JLly6f.LE'J0'J; E f.L T'J W'J'J EXE[ vYl'J 7W'J (Jw'J EEAE EUrJ.YYEA(W'J, oa T'J TP (T'J (J01) aLlfjX'J. To Jl vEvila TO aYlOV, 0 na(!Q TOV Jl aTeO EX- nO(jEVfTat. 0 xrJ.8' O(JO'J (1.E'J EXEr:-8E'J EX7tOpEUETrJ., OU XT((J(1.rJ.. D.' r/  " /' ( / D., r/ " / XLlv O(JOV uE OU YE'J'JTO'J, OUX UO. XLlv O(JO'J OE rJ.YE'J'JTOU 1 S xrJ.t YE'J'JTOU f.LEGO'J, 0E6. KrJ.t OUTW (Jou Ta TW'J (JUAAOY- (J(1.w'J &pxu arJ.uyo'J 0EO &'JrJ.7tE'JE, TW'J (Jw'J arJ.pE(JEW'J (JXUp6TEpO. T( oG'J  EX7t6pEU(J; E 7tE (Ju T'J &YE'J'J(J(rJ.'J TOU n rJ.Tp6e;, x&yiu T'J YE'J'J(J 'I TOU 'fou U(JOAOY(JW, xrJ.t T'J Ex7t6pEU(J'J TOU n 'JEU(1.rJ.TO, xrJ.t 7tLlprJ.7tA XT((JO(1.E'J &(1.- 20 6TEpO Ee; I 0EOU (1.U(JTprJ. 7trJ.prJ.XU7tTO'JTE. xrJ.t TrJ.UTrJ. T(- M 43r O ( , " "  /  / 'lEe;;  (1. OE TrJ. E'J 7t0(J 'I EOE'JrJ. OU'JrJ.(1.E'JO. 'E7tlO''t'aO'la Tau't'Y)'J 't'YJ'J 7tEplX07ty)'J, O'aq>EO''t'eX't'Yj'J ouO'a'J, oIal YJ SEl0'6al 't'l'JO E7tEPyaO'la. 'Ex yap 't'OU 't'ov aYlo'J El7tEl'J 2S TOUe; &aEAOUe; xrJ.t TOU uw'Joue; OlXy)O'E0'6al, 't'OU't'O 7teX- 'J't'w 7taplO''t'a't'al. 't'o 't'E aYE'J'JYj't'O'J 't'OU n 'JEua't'o, xal 't'o EX o'Jou 't'OU na't'po, ou YJ'J xal 't'OU Yiou, EX7tOpEU- , 't'0'J. 38. T ou au't'ou EX 't'OU au't'ou (II (1. 'I Ele; 0EOe;, OT (1.(rJ. 8EOTC;' xrJ.t 7tpOe; E'J Ta E rJ.UTOU ";'J &'JrJ.0 pa'J EX E, x&'J TP (rJ. 7t(JTEUTrJ.. Ou yap TO (1.E'J (1.aA- Fontes 12/13 Ioh. 15.26 38.2/13 Greg. Naz., Or. 31, 302.2-304.13 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 13 0 - ocrov] ocrov add. in mg. V 15 -;wv] Ex. praem. PhS 16 &V7tE- ?1jvs:] EVi":E?1jvs: V 19/20 &:1J.?O-;SpOL] X.L Xf.Lw V, &.f.Lcpw PhS 22 E7tLcr7cr(] spatium hab. Ph, legi nequit S 25 oLZcre:creL] E7tLcrTcr( PhS 38. 1 700 1 - ,j70U2] legi nequit S TOU I - Ex.] om. Ph App. ColI. 16 aLcp'J'YOv] e tr., aLcp'J'YWv Greg. Naz. Naz. 19/20 &1J.cpOTS:pOL] &.f.Lcpw Greg. 
122 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM AO'J, TO OE TTO'J 8E6' UaE TO f.LE'J 7tp6TEpO'J, TO 8E ucrTE- ,, fJ. i" ,, , 'Y ,, pO'J. OUoE OUI\ crE TEfL 'JETC'l, QUaE OU'JC'lfLE (.lEP  ETa, OUoE T TW'J ocrC'l TOc; (}.EpcrTOc; j7tclPZE, x&'JTau8a ).(xE'J EcrT'J. &AA' &(.lEpcr70e; E'J fLE(.lEpcrfLE'JOe;, E 8E cr'Jv.r6fLWC; E7tE'J,  8E6"':e;. xa oIo'J E'J AOe; Tpcr'J EX.O(.lE'JOC; &AA /I.W'J, fL ou ([)WTOe; cruyxpacre;. r'OTa'J (.lE'J O'J 7tpOC; T'J 8E6TTa AEW- \ \ , , , \ \ , t\ (..... \ 10 (.lE'J xa T'J 7tpWT'J a Ta'J xa T'J (.lo'Japx a'J, E'J (.l 'J TO ([)a'JTC'l6(.lE'JO'J. OTlI..'J 8E 7tpOe; Ta E'J ole;  8E6Te;, x_t Ta EX Te; 7tpWTe; a Tae; &xp6'Jwe; EXE8E'J O'JTa xa o(.l086we;, , \ , Tpa Ta 7tpocrXU'JOU(.lE'Ja. 5 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 15 NOU'JEXW aKouE 't'ou «(.l'J Ele; 0E6e;, OT (.la 8E6Te;. xa 7tpOe; E'J Ta E aUTe; T'J &'Ja([)opa'J EXE, x&'J Tpa 7t- crTEuTa», Kal 't'ou «oTa'J 7tpOe; Ta E'J ole;  8EOTe;, xa Ta EX Te; I 7tpWTe; aTae; &xp0'Jwe; EXE8E'J o'JTa xa o(.l08owe;, M 43v Tpa Ta 7tpocrxU'Jou(.lE'Ja». Kal EK 't'OU't'W'J yap aplSYjAW 20 7tapLO''t'a't'al 't'o 't'o'J TIa't'Epa El 'Jal Kal aq>o't'EpW'J a'L't'lo'J. 39. Tou au't'ou EK 't'OU 7tEpl 6EoAoYLa , , , , Ka l Ka't'aO''t'aO'EW  E7t lO'K07tW'J EO'J (.l TE OUTWe; EI 'Ja T 'Jae; ([)A07t&TO pae;, we; xa TO EI- 'JC'l n aTEpa 7tEpapE 'J - T 'Joe; yap &'J xa Er naTp, TOU 5 ytou T'J ([)ucr'J &7tEE'JW(.lE'JOU xa &7tAAOTpW(.lE'JOU (.lETa Te; xTcrEwe;; - (.l8' OUTWe; CfnAoxpcrToue;, we; (.lTE TOUT Fontes 39. 3/18 Greg. Naz. Or. 20,70.16-27 App. Crit. L M Ph S V 7 ' "'. "'.' " ]  "'. "'. ),,' r lIe 12/ 19 " , 1 lJ./\/\ 'Y..f.LEpcr1'OC; J>./\/\'-'o 1-lEpcr1'OC; y OVTlJ. - 7tpocrX'JVOU!J.EVlJ. legi nequit Ph 14 E7tcr1'lJ.crLlJ.] legi nequit S 16 EV] v MS lJ.UC;] lJ.U1'OU L 18 o!J.oa6;wc;] of.L6ao;lJ. 1' altera m. M 19 yp &paAWC;] yo:p ;Xv add al. m. M 39.1/2 TOU 1 - E7tcrx.67twv] legi nequit S 3 ElvlJ.L TV'Y..C;] inv. V X.lJ.L] om. V 5 ;X7tE;EVW1-lEVOU] &7tO;EVW!J.EVOU V &1t"f,AAOTpWf.LE- vou] ;X1t"f,AAOTpOU!J.EVOU V App. ColI. 39. 6 !J.e'] e tr., f.L1'E Greg. Naz. e tr., 1'001'0 Greg. Naz. " ] " G N OU1'WC; e tr., OUTW reg. az. 1'OU1' ] 
38.4-40.8 123 i / '';'" t / / ,." ,,/ t / , , cpUI\LlTTE V TO E Vat I ov - Tt voe; yp V XLlt Et  1 to, f.L  7tpOC; '("t'OV &vaq;>Ep6EVOe; TOV nLlTEpa; - (1.TE T0 naTpt TO Te; &px.C; X.LlTLl(jf.LX.p)VEV &(wf.La, Te; we; naTpt x.at YEVV'TOp. 10 (1.X?W'J ."ip &'J Et X.Ll &vawv &px. f.L 8E6TTOe; WV atToe; 7C; EV l'l0 x.at n VEJ(1.a7 8EWpOUf.LEVC;. 'E1tEa x.P x.at TOV Eva 0EOV TpEr:-V x.at Tae; TpE'i:e; u7t0(j'Ta(jEe; o f.LOA OYEi'V, Et T' 03v ",:p(a 7tp6(jw7t(X x.(X Exa(jT1)v (1.ETa Te; ta6TTOe;. Tpo'i: 70 a' (Xv, we; 0 E(1.OC; A6yoe;, Ele; (1.EV 0E6e;, Ete; EV at TOV 15 xat You x.at n vEu(1.aTOe; &va({)Epo(1.EVWV, ou (juvT8E(1.EVWV UaE (juvaAE({)o(1.EVWV x.at x.aTa TO EV x.at Tau TO Te; 8E6T- TOe;, tv' OUTWe; Qvo(1.a(jw, x.v(1.a TE x.at OUA (1.a x.at TV Te; , / , / oU(jae; TaUTOT1)Ta. 'En lO''t'aO' la 20 U'JE't'W npoO'EX E Kal 't'al 't'Yi napouO'YJ nEplKonYi O'uAAaf3al, Y1you'J 't'al «(1.xpWV yap &v E'C xa &vaw &pX (1.  8E67TOC; WV at TOe; Te; EV Y0 x.at n VEU(1.aT 8E- WpOU(1.EVC;», I Kal 't'al «Ele; (1.EV 0E6e;, Ete; EV at TOV ytou M 44r ' n / , / x.at VEU(1.a'TOC; aVa({)EpO(1.EVWV». 40. T OU au't'ou EK 't'OU au't'ou AX.OUEC; YEVV1)(jV; To 7tWe; (1. 7tEpEpyaou. J\x.OUEe; OT n VEU(1.a TO 7tpo'ov Ex. TOU naTp6e;; To 07tWC; (1. 7tOAU7tpay- (1.6VE. E aE 7t0A u7tpaY(1.ovEi'e; you YEVV(j v x.at n vEu(1.aTOe; 5 7tp60aov, x.&yw (jou 7t0AU7tpay(1.ovw TO x.pa(1.a uxe; x.at / (jW(1.aTOe;. 'En lO''t'aO' la aq>EO''t'a't'O'J 't'o E'J't'au6a AEYOE'JO'J, Kal 't'Ol npoAa- Fontes 40. 2/6 Greg. Naz. Or. 20, 78.1-80.5 App. Crit. L M Ph usqut'ad OE0-:y'7 r ,=. 22 S V 7 X.L] om. V 14 EV] om. V 15 X.L'] om. S 16 't'UTO] TUTOV L 19 E7tLcrTcr(] spatium hab. Ph, legi nequit S 40. 1 TOU' - UTO;::?] legi nequit S 7 E7tLcrTcr(] legi nequit S 
124 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM OUGl 7tCXp6OlO'J. 'Ex TOU nCXTpOe; yap xa'JTauf)a 0 TE 10 Yioe; XCXl. TO TI'JEUCX XY)pUGGETCXl. 41. Tou CXUTOU EX TOU Ele; t'Hpw'Jcx TO'J q>lAOGOq>O'J AOYOU ( 0 ' Y  ' , ,( , " p  , r' , pou OE X(l 'T'.J (.lETEp(x'.J EU(jE(JEV, oo(l(jX(U'.J E'.J(l (.lE'.J  1::::\' , , , n ' rI' ' K ' E '.J(l \':JEO'.J (lYZ'.J'.J'TO'.J, 70'.J (l7EPLl, E'.JrJ. OE YE'.J'.JO'.J up ov, , y-(' 1::::\' , rI 0' ( , , , TO'.J 1 O'.J, \':JEO'.J (.lE'.J, OT(l'.J X(lv E(l UTO'.J AEYT(l, 7tpO(j(lYO PEUO- K ' , rI ' n "'Y " ' (.lE'.JO'.J UpO'.J OE, OT(l'.J (.lET(l (lTpOe; O'.JO(.l(l T(l' TO- fLE'.J o(l T'.J ([)U(j '.J, TO OE a a T'.J (.lO'.J(lPX (l'.J' E'.J oe: n '.JEU(.l(l &YO'.J, 7tpO- EA80'.J EX TOU n(lTpOC;  X(l 7tpo'o'.J, 0EO'.J, TOe; '.JOTWC; '.JOOU(j Ta 7t(lp(lXE(.lE'.J(l, TOC; (.lE'.J &(jEE(j X(l 7tOAE(.lOU(.lE'.JO'.J, Tof:'e; oe: U7tEp TOUTOUe; '.JOOU(.lE'.JO'.J, TOC; 7t'.JEU(.l(lTX(uTEpOC; oe: X(l 10 AEy6 f.LE'.JO'.J' (.l TE U7tO &pX'.J 7t0 E'.J TO'.J n (lTEP(l, r '.J(l (.l  TOU 7tPWTOU T 7tpWTO'.J E(j(lyaY(U(.lE'.J, E 06 X(l TO EI'.J(l 7tpWT 7tE P  Tp(l7t(jET(l. (.l TE &'.J(l PX O'.J TO'.J ito'.J  TO n '.JEU(.l(l TO &YO'.J, r'.J(l (.l 70 TOU n(lTpOC; rOO'.J 7tEpEA(U(.lE'.J. OUX &'.J(lPX(l yap X(l &'.J(lPX a 7t(Ue;' 0 X(l 7trJ.paooo'.J. I oux &'.J(lPX (l (.lE'.J yap IS T0 (l T. EX 0EOU yap, E X(lt (.l  (.lET' (lUTO'.J, we; E A OU ([)WC;' &'.J(lPX (l OE T0 xp6'.J. OU yap U7tO Xp0'.Jo'.J, r '.J(l (.l  TO pEO'.J  'TW'.J E'.JE(jTWT(U'.J 7tpE(jUTEp0'.J. 5 M44v ' E ' 7tlGTCXGlCX Ope; xcX'JTcxu6cx EX TOU TIcxTpoe; 7tpOEA6o'J, 11 XCXl. 7tpOEp- 20 XOE'JO'J TO TI'JEUCX; Fontes 41. 2/17 Greg. Naz., Or. 25, 192.18-194.33 App. Crit. L M S V 41. 1 70;:)1 - "Aoyo'J] legi nequit S 3 8EOV] ante S:v transp. S 6 'Os 2 ] om. S 7 OEOV] Oc:OC; L 9 70':rt'0'Je;] 70U70e; LV 15  - 'Y..U70V] legi nequit M,  7' 'Y..'J76v V 16 yxp] as al. m. M 17 EVEcr7w7WV] Ecr7(07W'J S 18 E7:cr7'Y..cr('Y..] legi nequit S 20 7tVEV'Y..] &x.m)E:C; 'OS: x'Y..!. we; O'JX xV'Y..pXlJ. 7<{) "  ,  i ' " ( , "  d ' J V 'Y.. 7(:), 7 7t'Y..7p Or,I\OV07, 07E 'JOe; X'Y.. 70 7tVE1Jf-L'Y..; a a. App. ColI. 41. 3 ElvlJ.] d'Otv'Y.. Greg. Naz. 8 7t'Y..p'Y..XdEV'Y..] e tr., 7tpoxdf-LE:v'Y.. Greg. Naz. 9 as]] a' Greg. Naz. 17 EVEcr7W7WV] e:cr7(07WV Greg. Naz. 
40.9-43.7 125 42. Tou au't'ou EX 't'ou au't'ou :L\A 1J8wc; &YO'J TO n'JEUf.Lrl TO &YO'J' ou yap Xrl &AAO 70OUTOV, OUOE: O{)TWe; we; EX 7tpocrexe; [; &Yrlcr(l-oe;, &'AA' , , , , ......i i ' r , , , , fY..')TOfY..Y',' '7C;, OUOE (J..rlI\I\O'J XC'l TTO'J, OUoE C'lPSC'lf.LE'JO'J XpO'J- 5 XWC;  7trlUcrO(l-E'J0'J. KO'JO\J yp nrlTp f.LEV Xrl ytc{) Xrl &y 11 ' \, , , ( D.' tfI(......  , ,(, 'JEU(l-rlT TO f.L1J YEY0'JE'Jrl Xrl 1J VEOT1Je;. 1  DE Xrl rlY n 'JE1)(l-rlT TO EX TOU nrlTpOe;. "Ioo'J OE: nrlTpOe; (l-E:'J  &.YE'J- , tfI(...... '(' n '  , ( " ' E ' , 'J1Jcrrl. 1 OU DE  YE'J'Jcre;. 'JEU(l-rlTOe; DE YJ EX7tE(l-!fe;.  DE TO'J Tp07t0'J E7t TEe;, T XrlTC'lAEEe; TOe; (l-O'JOe; Y 'JWcrXE 'I 10 &.AAArl Xrlt Y'JwcrxE(j8rl U7t' &.AAAW'J f.LrlpTUpOU(l-E'JOe;; 'En lO''t'aO' La XOUEl(; xal naAl'J xO'Jo'J ytc{) Xrl n 'JEU(l-rlT TO EX TOU 11rlTpoe; EI'Jal xal aq>w; 43. Tou au't'ou ano 't'OU O'u'J't'ax't'YJpLoU "O'Jo(l-rl OE Tc{) (l-S:'J &.'Japx nrlTp, T OE: &.Px. ytoe;, Tc{) as: (l-ET TC; &pxe; n 'JEU(l-rl &yo'J. <1>ucrc; OE TOe; Tpcr (l-rl. rlE'Jwcre; AS: 6 nrlTp, E 06 Xrlt 7tpOe; 0'1 &.'JaYETrl Ta E e;. 5 'En lO''t'aO' La H au't'YJ S L<X na'J't'w'J S lSaaxaA La. 'XOUE yap xcX'J't'au6a 't'o «E 06 Xrl npoe; 0'1 &.'JaYE"t'rl Ta E c;». Fontes 42. 2/10 Greg. Naz., Or. 25, 196.23-198.32 82.15-18 43. 2/4 Greg. Naz., Or. 42, App. Crit. L M S V 42. 1 1'00' - x'J-r002] legi nequit S 5 !-lEV] ante YP transp. V xx!.'] om. S 7 700] om. V 8 EXTCS:!-l'L] EXTC6pS:lJcrL LM 9 XX7XAdYS:L] XXTA ye:LC; V 11 ETCLcrTxcr[X] legi nequit S 43. 1 70U' - cruv--:o:xT"fJp(OIJ] legi nequit S 2 7l] TO V 5 ETCLcr--:Xcr(X] legi nequit S 6 SLaXcrX.A(] aLa spatium hab. S X.&V7UeX] EV7X;;e S 7 70] 0 V App. ColI. 42. 2 ou] e tr., O,jaE Greg. Naz. Naz. 4 0,jSE 2 ] QUa' Greg. Naz. 3 UaE] o,ja' Greg. Naz. w] Ua' Greg. 43. 3 !-l(] es:6c; add. Greg. Naz. 
Fontes 126 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 44. Tou au"rou a7to "rou 7tpOC; Euayplo'J ({\ , ", t:' ' -- " 0' "..... ,!;c; yap oux Ea"t' f.L£;;TasU 'Jou XLl E'J\JUf.L aEWe;, X.Ll 'iJuxe; , , 0.....' " rI ,,..... ( , OLlpza 'J zT;, 'JovY 'JLl 7 'Ja xa 70f.L'J' ou't'we; OUoE 1"OU LlYOU 11 ' ,..... ..... I ' ..... I I ' , , 'JEU(.lLlTOC;, xa 1"OU W7pOe;, xa 1"OU 1"P()C;, E:'J (.lE(J') , ", , 0 .....,  ,..... ..... ( 1"0 (.l 'J  0 a pEa 'J E7t 'Jov'Ja 7tOTE' OO't' TWV 'J0fJ7W'J, we; " , 0' , , (, E({)(.lEV, xa vEW'J LlOpETOC;  cpuac;. "H xa 0'J Tp07t0'J OUX olov TE 7taA'J o(.lo[we; E'J (.lEa , '\ ,.....,..... , ( , 0 , " 0' XUXI\OU xa Te; aXT 'Joe; oapEa 'J EupEava, oa TO ..7taVEe; ", (..... "",(", ..... xa aaW(.laTO'J a7tAOU'J TE xa a(.lEpEe;, aAA  (.lE'J aXTe; au'J- 1 0 7tTa T0 XUXA, TOUf.L 7taA 'J OE 0 XUXAOe;, 0 lo'J 7e; O({)8aAf.LOe;, 7t0Ta(.l oo'J E7t X E T0 7ta'JT Tae; eXXT vac;, xaTaxA ua(.loue; Wa7tEp T'Jae; ({)WTOe; (.l'J Epyao(.lE'JOe;, xa 7tEAay(w'J '0' ,, rI" (, ..... n avpowe; T'J oaxoa(.l a 'J. OUTWe; o xa OO'JE T 'JEe; TOU a- TpOe; eXXT 'JEe; eX7tEaTaA aa'J Ee; (.lae;, 0 TE ({)Eyywoe; '1 aoue;, xa TO n 'JEU(.la TO &YO'J. rlQa1tEp yap at TOU ({)WTOe; eXXT 'JEe; eX(.lEp aTO'J EX ouaa [T'J] xaTa ({)ua 'J T'J 7tpOe; &AA Aa ax E- a 'J, OUTE TOU ({)WTOe; X wp [o'JTa, OUTE eXAA AW'J eX7t0TE(.l 'JO- " (..... " ..... " , 'JTa, xa (.lExpe; (.lW'J T'J xap 'J TOU cpWTOe; a7t0aTEAAoua' TO'J aUTo'J Tp07t0'J xa 0 WTp 0 (.lETEpOe;, xa TO n 'JEu(.la 20 TO &YO'J,  O[OU(.loe; TOU naTpOe; eXXT[e;, xa (.lExpe; (.lW'J oa- XO'JE 1"a T e; eXA 8E[ae; TO ({)We;, xa T0 n aTp  aU'J'JWTa. ('O'J oe: Tp07tO'J xeX7t[ T 'Joe; UOTW'J 7tye; 'JEXTapWOEe; eX({)80'Jwe; 7tpO'E(.lE'Je; UOwp, aU(.la[ 'JE pEU(.la T 7ta(.l7tA 8Ee;, xa pE8po'J eXxaTaax ETO'J, Ee; 7t0Ta(.lOUe; OUO T0 pEU(.laT TE- (.l'JEa8a, (.l[a'J E E'JOe; O({)8aA(.lOU Te; 7tye; T'J pO'J E eXp- 5 15 25 44. 2/42 Greg. Nyss., Ep. 26 ad Evag., 1105.26-1108.19 App. Crit. L M S V 44. 1 70U 1 - S:U&YPLOV] legi nequit S 6 ] om. S ALV S 16 T1jv 1 ] LMSV; expunxi cum Greg. Nyss. Se:] S SV 10 TO'Jtl1tXAV ] TO Etl7trl- \ \ V2] om. LS 22 App. ColI. 44. 3 Xrl] Trl( Greg. Nyss. 6 E1jf.LS:V] ES:V Greg. Nyss. 14 dc;] E' Greg. Nyss. 16 Vl] deest in Greg. Nyss. XAA1jAO:] &AA/, Greg. Nyss. 22 x&:7t(] XcX7tO Greg. Nyss. VS:X7XpWas:C;] VS:XTXpLWas:C; Greg. Nyss. M4Sr 
44.1-49 127 xc; E(jX"'f)x6C;" Oppl),"t'W'J oe: '!w'J 7t0'!a[.lw'J (jX"'f)[.la,!(j8E'J'!W'J ..... o 'A'A a ,"""....  '!Oe; UaLl(j V, EIJI\Ll[-l"'f) O[.lWC; OUaE'J Ee; 'TYJ'J oU(ja'J EX "t'"'f)e; aLl- pE(jEWC; - '! [.lE'J yp I 'TW'J 7t0'Ta(1.w'J 8E(jE TO pEr:8po'J 8 PYJ- M 4Sv , ,..... ....., , "", 7Ll, 7' 'J OE 70U I.U(1.0U T:O OT7a (1.a'J xa 7'J au"t''J XEX"t''l)- 30 7Ll' x&" ycXp &7tO"t'Ep[.la7(E(j8a 7tOppW 7t0U 'TW'J 7t0"t'a[.lw'J Exa(j70e; "t'W'J 7tpOEp(1.E'JWV 80x, xa "t'e; 7t'l)YC; a([)E(j"t'a'Ja (1.axpa'J, "t''J youv &.PX'J "t' (1.YJ"t'p 7tpOe; TO 8'l)'JExEe; "t'e; 7tYJ- ye; (jU'JYJ'JW(1.E'J V EX c. -' 7tapa7tA YJ(j(we; xa (; "t'W'J aya8w'J a7ta'J"t'w'J 0e:6e;, (; "t'c; aA 8Eae; 7tpu"t'a'Je;, xa "t'ou W"t'poe; 3S n a"t' p, "t'0 7tpW"t'OV at "t'0'J "t'e; we;, xa "t'0 Te; a8a'Ja(j(ae; ([)U"t'O'J,  "t'c; &Ew'tae; 7tYJY' 8(ppUT6'J "t' 'Ja "t'ou "t'E ytou xa "t'ou ay(ou n 'Je:u(1.a"t'oe; "t''J 'JOYJ"t''J Ee; (1.ae; a7t0(j"t'E(Aae; , "", , D. ' , " A A' , X ap  'J, OU"t' LlU"t'OC; "t' 7tE7t0'JvE'J Ee; "t''J oU(ja'J t--'Aat--'Ee; - ou yp (1.E(W(j 'J U7tE(j"t'YJ "t' 'J 8 "t''J Eie; (1.ae; EXE( 'JW'J &([) 'J -, 40 xa (1.Expe; [.lw'J 7tpOExwp(ja'J, xa "t'ou na"t'poe; ou8E'J "t'''t'0'J ax wp (j"t'o  xa8E(j"t'xa(j 'J. J\(1.Epe; yap, we; E([)a(1.E'J E apx e;, ..... , (, "t'W'J xp E  "t'''t'0'J W'J YJ ([)U (j e;. 'E7t laaa La TIa'Ju 9auaa Kal auYJ YJ 7tEplK07ti) 7tOlKLAW Sux 4S Slaq>opw'J 7tapaSElyaw'J, ou E Kaa O'J Y)AlO'J SY)AO- , ", - ,- " , , , 'JOl Kal a aKl 'Ja Kal ou Kaa Y)'J 7tYJ)'Y)'J Kal OU 7toaou, a aua al 7tpOAaf3ouaal SoyaLouaa Kal SlSaaKouaa w e; E'JO SYJAaSi) ou TIapo, 0 E o- 'JOYE'J Yi.o Kal O TI'JEua O aYlO'Je App. Crit. L M S V 32/ 33 T 7t1jYc;]  IDjY S 38 Ad] Ad al. m. M 40 7tpOEX.Wp1jcrv] pocr- S 41 E?!J.EV] ECP1j!J.EV LM 43 E7tLcrTcrt] legi nequit S App. ColI. 26 DLPPU,";WV] D[pplJ,";O Greg. Nyss. 27 uDcrLV] E'CDe:crL Greg. Nyss. EA&- 1j] AEV aE Greg. Nyss. 33 7tp7tA 1jcrtwc;] oGv add. Greg. Nyss. 40 7tpOEX.Wp1jcrv] TCpOcr- Greg. Nyss. 42 TWV - cpucrL] . TWV XpEL'!T6vwv cpucrLC; Greg. Nyss. ] deest in Greg. Nyss. 
128 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 45. Tou auou EX W'J E7tW'J, w'J 7tEpi Yjc; ay[ac; TplaSoc; I M46r t'E'J n 'JEUf.LCI. E; *Yrl8oo 0e:ou 0e:6c;. 'E7t lO'aO' La 5 T ' '' D...... t:\..... , , , o «E rlYrl..VOO CE01J» 7tpOC; a 7tpOO'EO'Y)ElwE'Ja O'u- f3Lf3aE. 46. 'Ex w'J 7tEpi n'JEuaoc; E7tw'J ' E '   " "  '  ,';' D. X O'JOOC; 1 pCI. E(j7, XCl.t EX 1 ptCl.OOC; (JwO'JCl.C; CI.')utc;, aTe: 7tOpOC; 7tye;, 7tOTrl(l-0e; (l-EYrlC;, E'J TE pEe:8po'J E'J TP (j(jO (j Tlr1tO (j 'J EArl1J'JO (l-E'JO'J XrlTa Yrl( C;. 5 'E7t lO''t'aO' La XOUElC; EX (l-o'J&ooc; T'J Tp&orl; El Sf: xai EX 't'OU Yiou 't'o n 'JEua, EX SuaSoc; apa YJ Tplac;, oux EX o'JaSoc;. 47. Tou EyaAou 6a'JaO'Lou EX 't'OU xa't'<X pE la'Jw'J 7tpw't'ou AOYOU n we; yap eXA 8EU(jE 7tEp t TOU n rlTpOC; [; TO'J ito'J eXp'Jou- (l-E'JOe; TO'J eX7tOXrlAU7t70'JTrl 7tEpt rlUTOU; "'H 7tWC; 7tEpt TOU Fontes 45. 3 Greg. Naz., Carm. dogm., 4.35 46. 2/4 Greg. Naz., Carm. dogm., 14.60-62 47. 3/6 Ath., Contra Ar. I, 117.14-16 App. Crit. L M S V 45. 1/2 TOU - '":pxSo] legi nequit S 1 '":ou] 7WV V 4 E7t(j7X(j[X] legi nequit S 5 /:pO(jE(j1j!-lEWf.LEVX] (jE(j"'1I!-lE(J)!-lEVX MV 46. 1 EX - E7twv] legi nequit S 2 Ex2] om. V x;jfh] signum partitionis add. M 3 7tOTXf.LO !-lEY] 7t07 spatium hab. S 5 E7t(j7x(j[x] legi nequit S 7 EXI] om. V 47. 1/2 70U - /,OYOIJ] legi nequit S 1 70U !-lEj"XAOIJ] om. V 3/ 4 &pVQ1,)!-lEVO] 't'OU 8EOU praem. V 4 X7tOXXAIJit70V7X] X7tOXX//)/:70V V XIJTOU] spatium hab. S App. ColI. 46. 3 &TE] OU'":E Greg. Naz. deest in Ath. 7t1jy] it1jYy, Greg. Naz. 47. 4 700] e tr., 
4S.1-4H.l1 129 5 n 'JEU(1.LlTOe; op8a q;>pO'JcrE 0 aucrq;>"'f)f.Lw'J Ee; TO'J TOUTO XOPYJ- you'J'"t'a A6yo'J; 'E7t lO''t'aO' La TIpOO'EXE 7tW Kal YJ 't'W'J 6ELW'J Soyci't'w'J 7tYJrYJ, 0 't'Yj op6oSo;La O''t'UAO, 0 Aa7tpO 't'YjC; AE;a'JSpELa, aA- 10 AO'J Sf: 't'Yj OlKOUE'JYJ q>wO''t'Yjp, 't'o'J Yio'J xopy6'J, ou YJ'J 7tpof3oAEa AEYEl 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o. t'E't'Ep0'J Sf: 7ta'J't'w EO''t'l'J YJ xopYJYLa, Kal E't'EpO'J YJ 7tPOf3oAYj. 48. Tou au't'ou EK 't'OU au't'ou E '  ' , ( " ( K / ,/ ,....., ,  OE x.a, we; aUTOe; 0 upoe; EpX.E'J, aUTOU EcrT TO n 'JEU(1.a x.a EX iOV aUTou Aaflf3aVEt aUT6e; TE aUTO eX7tO- crTEAAE, OUX &pa 0 A6yoe; EcrT 'J,  A6yoe; EcrT x.a croa, 0 5 T0 7tap' aUTou aaO(1.E'J Jl vEVflait Xet6flEVO, eXAA'  7tpO- crA 8Ei'cra 7tap' a'JTOU cr&p EcrT 'J, E'J aUT0 x.a 7tap' aUTou / X P  0 (1.E'J. 'E7tlO''t'aO'La t'Opa Ka'J't'au6a aa6(1.E'JO'J 7tapa 't'ou KUpLOU AEYEl 't'o 10 TI'JEua, I ou YJ'J EK7tOpEUOE'JO'J. 7tOAA Sf: YJ Slaq>opa M46v 't'Yj SOO'EW 7tpO 't'YJ'J EK7tOpEUO'l '.I. Fontes 48. 2/7 Ath., Contra Ar. I, 157.26-29 3 Ex. - A!-lQ:VEL cf. Ioh. 16.14 1tVE'J!J.':'L ZpL6!J.e:vo cf. Lc. 4.18 (Is. 61.1); Act. 10.38 5 App. Crit. L M S V 5 ope] opep M 7 E1tLcrTcr[] legi nequit S 9 &Ae:Vape:tC;] &AEV- ap[o'J al. m. M 48. 1 70U l - U':'OU2] legi nequit S 5/6 1tpocrA"fjcpeEIcr] 1tpOcrAEL?8EIcr V 6 U7<{)] E'JT<{) V 8 E1tLcr7cr[] legi nequit S 11 a6crEWC;] ae:U7e:pC; add. in parte folii corrupta al. m. M App. ColI. 5 6] deest in Ath. 48. 6 EV]  praem. Ath. 
130 fLOlULEGIUM PAI'lUS'!'lCUM 49. Tou <XU't'ou KLlt &'J8pw7toe; OE ;E'J6f.LEVOe; EAEYEV' :-\7tOcrTEAw VfllV TOV II aQaX}"YjTOV, TO n vEvfla TfJ /1}Yjf}Eia' Xrlt E7tE'EV &EU- OC; W'J 6 70U 0EOU j\6yoc;. OUx.ouv '/ rlaov ..\ elaTo X()E xat I , \ \' \ , -,/ , \ ( 5 aYj/lEeOV, 0 aVTO xat El TOV atWva, rl"':pE7t":'OC; E'JW'J X.rl 0 , /'   \ \ '\ (J. /   \ \ ( 0 ..... A / LlUTOC; E(jT OOOue; X.rl I\rl(.lr'rl'Jw'J. OOOUC; f.LE'J we;  EOU oyoe;, Arl(.la'Jw'J OE we; &'J8pw7toc;. 'En lO''t'aO' la Ka'J't'au6a naAl'J 7tE(.l7tE'J AEYE't'al 0 YlO 't'o n'JEua 10 xal oo6'Jrl, ou iJ'J npof3aAAEl'J xal ExnopEuEl'J. 50. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou T /  \ 0. \ '1\ /,/ , ( \ n .....   \  OE VrlU(.lrl(jTO'J  T rl7t(jTO'J, E 0 TO 'JEU(.lrl ooOue; KupoC; AEYETrl 'JU'J rlUTOe; T0 II vEVflaTt xetEa()at, 07tOU YE / / , / , / \ \'0. / XpErlC; 7trlA 'J rl7trl TOU(je; OU 7tLlpT(jrlTO orl TO rl'JvpW7t- 5 'JO'J rlUTOU E 7tE 'J ErlUTO'J EAaTTo'Jrl TOU n 'JEU(.lrlTOC;; T w'J yap '1 OUOrlw'J AEYO'JTW'J" 'Ev BEEA' Ef30vA Exf3aAAElv aVTov Ta DalfloVta &7tEx.p8 Xrl El7tE'J rlUTOC; (.lETa TO EAEYrl Arl- (j([)(.lOU'JTrlC; rlUTOUC;' E I EYW EV Jl vEVflaTt f)EOV Exf3aAAW Ta DatflOVta. 'Ioou yap [; TOU n 'JEUf.LrlTOe; OOT p E'J n 'JEU(.lrlT 'Ju'J 10 AEYE ErlUTO'J Exf3aAAElV Ta DatflOVla. TOUTO OE Oux. E(jT'J &A- AWe; EPYJ(.lE'JO'J  oa T'J (japx.rl. Fontes 49. 2/7 Ath., Contra Ar. I, 158.15-19 2/3 &7tOcrTEAw - &A-fjee:[C; cf. Ioh. 15.26 4/5 Hebr. 13.8 50. 2/11 Ath., Contra Ar. I, 160.1-7 2 7 - X.pEcre cf. Lc. 4.18 (Is. 61.1); Act. 10.38 6/72.',1 - S!-l6v cf. Mt. 12.24 8/9 Mt. 12.28 App. Crit. L M S V 49. 1 1'01J O:UTOV] EX add. V 2 ae:] "':0 add. in parte folii corrupta al. m. M 8 E7tcrTcr(] legi nequit S 50. 6 e:EAEOUA] EEe:OUA V 6/7 T a- f-L6v] ante EX&AAEV transp. S 7 /8 AcrCP"fJf-LOlJv",:C; UTOUC;] inv. V 11 cr&px] add. et del. EX '!'OV UTOV V App. ColI. 49. 5 X 1] ante 6 transp. Ath. EtC;] EcrT v praem. Ath. &TpE7t'!'OC; f-LEVWV] inv. Ath. 50. 5 u'!'OIJ] e tr., E:u"t'ov Ath. EA&T7ov] X praem. Ath. 9/10 ',IV V AEYE] inv. Ath. 1 0 EU'!'OV EX&AAE v] inv. Ath. 
49.1-52.3 131 'En lO'TaO' la Kai nclAl'J E'JTau8a ao'!p TOU n 'JEUf.LrlTOe; 0 Yi6, OU iJ'J npof3oAEU T aYl SoyaTlETal. 51. 'Ex TOU aUTou TOLl;jTLl (l-E:V ouv '70c.; 'Iouorl(oe; we; rl'J8pw7t0e; EAEYE'J (; K up oe; ° TO e; oe: (1.8'!LlC; T'J 8E6TTrl Xrl '!'J f.LEYrlAE6T- Trl OEX'JUe; ELlUTOU OUXET EAaTTO'Jrl ErlUTO'J I TOU n 'JEU (l-rlTO e;, M 47r 5 eXAAa (l-E(O'Jrl Xrl rao'J O'JTrl a(l-rl( 'JW'J EO(OOU (l-E:'J TO n 'JEU(l-rl Xrl EAEYE'J° 'Eyw rlUTO eX7t0aTEAW, xaXElVo EflE DOa.(]Et, Xrl oaa axovact AaA(jEt. r/Qa7tEp O'J E'JTrlu8rl TOU n 'JEU(l-rlTOe; OOTp W'J (; ytoe; OU 7trlprl TE Trl E 7tE 'J EV II vEVflait Exf36.A- 1 \  I (,/ D. ", / ("." I'ELJ' ia ualfloVta, we; rl'JvpW7t0e;, TO'J rlUTO'J Tp07t0'J 0 rlUTOe; W'J 10 TOU n 'JEU(l-rlTOC; oo'! p ou 7trlpTarlTO AEYE 'J ° Jl VEV fla K v- I ""  ('I " I etOV E7r EflE, OV ElVEXEV Exe laE flEe 'En lO'TaO' la TIa'JTaxou E'J6a TOU EyaAou TOUTOU naTpo axouEl oO'!prl '!ou n 'JEU(l-rlTOC; TO'J Yio'J EI'Jal SlSaO'xo'JTo, npo 1 5 Ta aAAa TOUTOU SlSaO'xaAla xal TauTa O'uf3lf3aE. OUTW yap OOTprl TOU n 'JEU(l-rlTOe; TO'J Yio'J AEYEl, w Sl' aUTou napa TOU TIaTpo SlSOE'JOU TOU TI'JEuaTo. 52. 'Ex TOU aUTou  a 1'( 'JO C; AS: XLl 7trlpa 1'( 'JO e; EOE TO n 'JEU (l-rl o(ooa8rl  oa '!ou ytou, OU Xrl TO n 'JEU(l-a EaT 'J; Fontes 51. 2/ II Ath., Contra Ar. I, 160.14-21 6/7 EYW - A(f.AcrEL cf. Ioh. 16.7, 16.14, 16.13 8/9 Mt. 12.28 10/11 Lc. 4.18 (Is. 61.1) 52.2/3 Ath., Contra Ar. I, 160.24-25 App. Crit. L M S V 12 Ei'tLcrTcr[] legi nequit S 51. 2 ouv] om. V L 52. I Ij,";OIJ] AO"(OlJ add. V 6 &7tOcr't"EAW] &7tOcrTEAAw App. ColI. 51. 4 EO:UTOV - 7tVEIJf.L'";O] inv. Ath. 5 f.Le:[OV(f. - OVT(f.] e tr., '{crov Ath. 6 &7tOcr,";EAW] &7tOcr'";EAA(u Ath. 8 uto] e tr., XUpLOc; Ath. 
132 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 'E7t LO'aO' La 5 'E7tLO''t'YJO'O'J aXPlf3wc; 't'L SYJAOl 't'o «acX 70U ytou TO nVEU(1.rl aao(j8rl», xal 7tapa L'JOe; O'U'JaYE't'aL SLSo0'6aL 't'O S La 't'ou Yiou S LS6E'JO'J. 53. Tou au't'ou EX 't'OU 't'pL't'OU 't'w'J xa't'eX pELa'Jw'J Ouxou'J (; LWTp AEYW'J 7tEp (1.W'J TO Ka()w av, II aTEe, , , \ , \' I 0 \' \'  - \ . , , EV EflOt xayw EV aOl, tva xat aVTOt EV rJfllV EV wat'IJ, ou T'J 7rlUT6TTrl (1.ae; f.LEAAO'JTrlC; rlUT0 EXE 'J (j(1.rl 'JE - EaE X8 " "" " 1 .....  / ,....., , 5 IP EX. '!'ou x.(l'!'(l W'.JfY..'J 7tpOE Y[JwCl'!'OC; XClt O'JTO -, ClAA &W(j(C; E(jT 7tpOe; TO'J n rlTEPrl, Xrl we; (; '1 wa'J'Je; EYPrlE'J, rC'Jrl TO n 'JEU(1.rl Xrlp(jTrl a' rlUTOU TOC; 7t(jTEUOU(j, a' 06 Xrl aOXOU(1.E'J E'J T0 0Ec}> Y 'JE(j8rl Xrl XrlTa TOUTO (jU'Ja7tTE- (j8rl E'J rlUT0. 'E7tEa yap (; A6yoe; E(jT'J E'J T0 nrlTp, TO 10 ae: n'JEU(1.rl EX TOU A6you aaOTrl, 8EAE ArlE'J I (1.ae; TO M 47v n 'JEU(1.rl. 'E7tLO''t'aO'la To au't'o xax 't'Yje; E'J 't'ij 7tapouO'Y) 7tEpLX07tij 6aua- O'lae; 7tAOXYje; xal 't'OU 010'.1 O'UAAOYLO'OU a'Jaq>al'JE't'aL. IS El xal iJ «SLeX» 't'ou 1\6you, aAA' «EX TOU A6you» EI7tE'J E'J't'au8a TO n 'JEU(1.rl aao(j8rl. 54. Tou au't'ou a7to 't'ou 7tpOe; MEAE't'LO'J xal EUO'Ef3LO'J 't'O'J aoO'a't'Ea EAEYXOU ";'H'J ae: &aU'JrlTO'J E'J T Te; Tpaaoc; a6  TO n 'JEUf.Lrl aoa- Fontes 53. 2/11 Ath., Contra Ar. III, 335.1-7 Ath., Ref. hypo Me!. et Eus., 88.40-42 2/3 Ioh. 17.21 54. 3/5 Ps. App. Crit. L M S V 53. 1 70G 1 - &pEVWV] legi nequit S 66] om. L 10 S(a07] SEao7O: V 12 E7tcr7cr(] legi nequit S 54. 1 !-lEAE7OV] !-lEA ( ,";OV M 2 crf.LOcrTE] crtlocr'!'o'J V \ App. ColI. 53. 4 !-lEAAOV,"; uT0] e tr., inv. Ath. in Ath. 5 eXAA'] eXAA Ath. 6 x.t] deest 
52.4-55.14 133 E(j8a, f.L  7tpOOaXwC; 0\1 EX 0EOU a' you, eXAAa 7tO "'f)TXWC; , 0 ..... / t / 5 EX.  EOU YEYO'JO, We; AE"(OU(j \I. 'E7t lG't'aG La TIp6GXE eXXplf3W 't' 't'ou aYLou ypaq>ij, 7tW E'J6a 7tpooSo'J AEYEl 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o, Eu6u EX 't'ou TIa't'po au't'YJ'J Soya't'LEl. Tou't'O yap 7ta'J't'w SYJAOl 't'o «EX 0EOU 1 0 , ,,t ..... u IOU». 55. Tou au't'ou EX 't'ii 7tpO Epa7tlw'Ja E7tLGX07tO'J E7tlG't'oAii OUXOU\I xaxwe; cppO\lOU\lTEe; 7tEpt TOU n \lEu(1.aTOe; TOU ay(ou, UaE 7tEp 70U ytou xaAWe; cppO\lou(j\I. E yap Ecpp6\1ou\I op8we; 5 7tEp TOU A6you, Ecpp6\1ou\I uywc, xat 7tEp TOU n \lEu(1.aTOe;, 0 ;raea TOV Jl aTeO Ex;rOeEVETal, xat TOU ytou rao\l 0\1, 7tap' aUTou a(aOTa TOC; (1.a87ae; xat 7ta(j TO;; nlaT EvovalV E! , I aVTOV. 'E7t lG't'aG La 10 'E7tLG't'Y)Go'J axplf3w 't' 7tEplX07t 't'au't'T), xal 6aua- GO'J 't'YJ'J 't'ou aYLou eXxpLf3Ela'J, 7tW EX7tOpEUGEW 'JYJ- G6El 't'ou aYLou TI 'JEua't'o xal SOGEW, 't'YJ'J E'J EX- 7tOpEUGl'J 't'ou't'ou 't' TIa't'pl a7tE'JElE, 't'YJ'J Sf: SOGl'J 't' Yiw. L Fontes 55. 3/8 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 453.24-454.28 7.39 5/6 Ioh. 15.26 7/8 Ioh. App. Crit. L M S V 55. 1/2 1"00 - E7tcr1"OAC;] legi nequit S 2 cre:p7t(wv] cre:p7t(ov M, cre:pp- 7t(wvx L 4 X.XAWC;] op8wc; V d - Ecpp6vouv] spatium hab. S 6/7 7tXP' ,jTOU] spatium hab. S 9 E7tcrTcr(] legi nequit S 10 TUT?j] spatium hab. S 12 1"ou] X.L praem. S 
1:;4 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 56. 'Ex iic; <xuiic; E'{ 7tLlTE you'J Et 7tO') 71) C; 8ELlC; ypa({) C; EUP ax.E7Ll TO n 'JEUfl-Ll TO &YOV E?fl-EVOV &7tAWC; 7t'JEUf.L(l, xwplc; 7tpo(j8x.c; 70U AEYE(j8Ll  TOV efOV,  TOV Jl aTe6,  OT E/UOV, (XUTOU 5 70U Xp(j70U x.a ytou, I  ;rae' Eflov, 0 E(jT 7t(lp TOU 0EOU, M 48r  f.LETa TOU &p8pou, 'Ja (1. &7tAWC; AEYTa 7t'JEu(1.a, eXAAa TO II vEvfla,  a,:yro TOUTO II vEvfla aYlOV,  II aeaX;wrJTOV,  aA1)- () ' r/, ..... tfI(..... ..... '\ / 'E I , , 1 ' () r/ Ela, 0 E(jT 70U 1 OU TOU I\EY0'JTO . .. yO) EljUl 1} al1.1} 8(a,  'Ja &x.OU(jaVTEC; cX7tAWC; 7t'JEU(1.a, U7tO'JO(jTE EI'Ja TO II 'JEu(1.a TO r/ 1 0 ayo'J. 'En lO'aO' La 'Ef3a9u'Jo'J ij olau!J ou aYLou O'uyypaq>ij, nwc; iJ'J «7tapa» npo6EO'l'J ElC; iJ'J ou n'JEuaoc; unap;l'J o'J  napi aq>opLEl. 57. 'Ex iic; auiic; Ou yap &YYEAO'J (jU'JETa(j(jE T 8E6TT, ouoE E'J x.T(j(1.aT (jU'J7tTE'J (1.ac; EauT0 x.a T0 n aTp, eXAA' E'J T0 n 'JEu(1.aT T0 &y, 07tEp aUToc; E7taYYEA&(1.E'JOC; oux ErpX.E'J &YYEAO'J 5 eX7tO(jTEAAE 'J, eXAAa TO II vEvfla Tij aArJ()E[a, a naea TOV Jl a- TeO lxnOeEVEial, x.a EX. TOU ytou Aa(1.ci'JE, x.a oooTa. Fontes 56.2/10 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 456.1-457.8 4 Mt. 3.16 cum aliis locis Mt. 10.20 cum aliis locis Lc. 23.46 cum aliis locis 5 7tp' Ef-LOU cf. Ioh. 16.14 7 Lc. 1.35 cum aliis locis Ioh. 14.16 cum aliis locis 7/8 Ioh. 14.17 cum aliis locis 8 Ioh. 14.6 57. 2/6 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 481.37-41 5/6 Ioh. 15.26 App. Crit. L M S V 56. 5 70;)2] om. SV 6 AEY1j7X] AEYE7 ut vid. M 7 ,\ 2 ] '\ l M "fj 1j a . m. App. ColI. 56. 2 EuptcrXE:T] e tr., E:UptcrxE7E Ath. 4 UTOIJ]  praem. Ath. 5 70U 1 ]  praem. Ath. utou] e tr., TOU praem. Ath. 7 7tVEUf-L] e tr., TO praem. Ath. &.YOV] TO praem. Ath. 57. 3 xt] TE: praem. Ath. 4 E7tYYEA&f-LE:VOC;] e tr., E7tYYEAA6!-lEVOC; Ath. 6 utou] e tr., UTOU Ath. 
56.1-59.6 135 ' E ' 7t LaTaa La Kai TOUTO TOLe; 7tpOELpY)EVOLe; eXxoAou60v. 7tap ev yap TOU naTpoc; EX7tOpEUE(j8a TO n 'JZULl, EX TOU ytou Se 1 0 )\acl'JE  'j XLlt S[aO(j8Ll S LSciaxE L 0 aYLOe;. 58. 'Ex TijC; aUTijc; tH yap &Y(Ll x.a axap(a Tpac; eXaa(pEToc; xat 'JWE'J 7tpOC; EauT'J E(jT' XLlt AEyoE'JOU TOU naTp6c;, 7tp6(jE(jT xat (; TOUTOU ..;\6yoC; xat TO E'J Tc'{) ytc'{) n 'JEua. 'Ea'J aE xat (; 5 ¥t" , Y ,..... ¥t..... , t n / " n ..... I oc; o'Joas TLl, E'J T(:) I (:) E()T 'J 0 aTp, xa TO 'JE1Jf.LLl oux E(jT 'J EXTOC; TOU A6you. M (a yap E(jT 'J  EX TOU n aTpoc; x.apc; a' ytou E'J n 'JEuaT &y( 7tA pOUE'J. 'E7t LaTaa la "Opa 7tWc; TO E'J Tc'{) ytc'{) AEYEL n vEua, OU iJv TO EX 10 TOU Yiou. 59. 'Ex TijC; aUTijc; r/Q(j7tEP yap (; yt6c;, (; EV TlfJ II aTet w'J, I EV c{) xat 0 Jl aTe M 48v EaTlv, oux E(jT xT((ja, eXAA' raoc; TC; TOU naTpoc; oU(j(ac; - "':OUTO yap xat UEr:C; 7tpO(j7tO Er:(j8E AEYE 'J -. OUTW xat TO 5 n 'JEua TO E'J Tc'{) ytc'{), E'J c{) xat (; yt6c; E(jT 'J, ou eEC; TO r:C; / / xT(ja(j (jU'JTa(j(jE 'J. Fontes 58. 2/7 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 488.24-28 2/3 f} - Ecr'nv cf. Ioh. 14.10 59. 2/6 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 505.8-12 App. Crit. L M S V 7 E7tLcr"':cr(r1.] legi nequit S 1 0 Ar1.!-l&VS:L v] Ar1.f.L&VS:L V 58. 1 EX. - U] legi nequit S, TOU UTOU praem. V 4 TO] T V 6 TOU 1 ] om. S 7 &y(] om. V 8 E7tLcrTr1.cr(o:] legi nequit S 9 Opr1.] pr1. V 59. 1 Ex. - UC;] legi nequit S, TaU u"':OIJ praem. V 3 '{aLOC;] '{aLOV M App. ColI. 58. 3 7tp6crs:crTL] e tr., crlJVs:crTL Ath. OUTW Ath. 4 E;XV] e tr., &',1 Ath. 59. 4 OUTW] 
136 FLORILEGIUlvl PATRISTICU1vl 'E7tlO''t'aO'la U'JE't'WC; E7t lO''t'Y)O'O'J 't'Tj 7tEp lX07tTj 't'au't'Y). "I 'Ja yap YJ AOYw'J Aaf3ac; 0 aYloc; SWO'El O'Ol El7tW'J 70 II 'JEU(l-Ll xa E'J 10 Ti}) yti}) EI'Ja, we; Sux 't'ou't'o xal «E atYt'ou» EI'Jal AEYEl'J O'E, E7tY}yaYE xa l 7tEp l 't'ou Yiou 't'o «EV i;) E(j7 V», Y1you'J E:'J 't'ii> TI 'JEua't'l, OUSE'J E't'EpO'J E'J't'EU6E'J SElX'JUe; Y} 't'o 't'Yje; oUO'lae; xal q>UO'EWe; &SlalpE't'o'J. To au't'o yap xal 7tEpl TIa't'poe; xal Yiou E'{PY)XE'J. 60. T ou au't'ou EX 't'Yj e; au't'Yj e; "1'0 11 'JEu(l-a TO &YO'J &E TO aUTO E(jT 'J. OU yap TW'J (l-ETE- XO'JTW'J E(jT'J, &'AA' aUTOU Ta 7ta'JTa (l-ETEX.E. E oe: TOU70 (l-E'J " , , / , 'D. / ,, / / / LlE TO aUTO E(j'T xa (l-EVEXTO'J, Ta oE XT(j(l-aTa (l-ETEX0'JTa 5 E(jT 'J aUTou. oux &'J Er TO n 'JEU(l-a TO &YO'J, OUTE &.YYEAOC" OUTE Aoyoc;, &'AA' 'Coo'J TOU Aoyou, 7tap' ou OOO(l-E'JO'J (l-ETEXE- , / 7a 7tapa TW'J XT(j(l-LlTW'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' la TIpOO'XEe; 't'Tj 6auaO''t'Tj 't'ou aYlou &Xplf3El, 7tWe; E'J6a 10 't'YJ'J« 7tapa» 7tp06EO' l'J E7t l 't'ou Yiou 't'E6E lXE, «a oo (l-E'JO'J» EI7tE 't'o TI 'JEua. 61. 'Ex 't'Yje; au't'Yje; 1\ yap TO n 'JEU(l-a Exa(jT aapEr:, TaUTa 7tapa TOU na- TPOC, oa TOU A6you X.0pYEr:Ta. Jl6.vTa yap Ta TOV Jl aT(!6, Fontes 60.2/7 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 518.7-11 61. 2/7 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 525.27-32 3/4 7t&VT - Ecr7L cf. Ioh. 16.15, 17.10 App. Crit. L M S V 7 E7tLcr--:crb] legi nequit S 9 AOYWV A] inv. V 11 E1djYYE] E7t(YYE V 14 E'CpYjXe:v] e:'LP1jXE V 60. 1 TOU - 1)'rc;] legi nequit S 8 E7tLcrT- cr(] legi nequit S 11 TO] --: V 61. 1 EX - UT"] legi nequit S 2 &] o V TO] --: V App. ColI. 60. 2 7tve:uf.L] aE praem. Ath. " " "\. ' A h ou--:e: O/\WC; X":'Lcrf.L t. ":'0 &YLOV] deest in Ath. 6 aU":'E AOYO] 
59.7-63.3 137 TOU )"tou EaTt. OO XLl TeX 7tLlpeX TOU ytou E'J n 'JEUf.LLlT oo6- 5 f.LE'JLl TOU n LlTp6c; EaT XLlp(af.LaTa. KLl TOU n 'JEUf.LLlTOC; OE O'JTOC; E'J I f.L'J, xa 6 .L\6yoc; 6 TOUTO aaouc; Ea'":''J E'J f.L'J, E'J M 49r ..... A ' " ( ]1 ' T<{J oycp nE EaT 'J () (x7p. 'En lO''t'aO' La np60'XE nw 't'a 't'ou n'JEua't'o SwpEa napa 't'ou 10 na't'po a' ytou AiYEl XopYEa8a. 62. 'EK 't'ii au't'ii H yap aaO(1.E'J xapc; xa aWpEa E'J Tpaa a(aOTa 7tapa TOU naTpoc; a' you E'J n 'JEu(1.aT ay(cp. rlQa1tEp yap EX TOU naTp6c; EaT aa you  aaO(1.E'J xapc;, OUTWc; oux &'J YE'JO- 5 TO XO  'JW'J a T c; o6aEwc; E'J  (1. 'J, E (1.  E'J T0 n 'JEu(1.aT T0 ( , LlYCP. 'En lO''t'aO' La Op na'J't'axou Kal au't'a 't'a xap Tac; Kal aWpEac; 't'ou n 'JEua't'o EX TOU naTpoc; a' you YL'JE0'9al SlSa- 10 O'Ko'J't'a O'E 't'o'J aYlo'J; El you'J a xapTEC; Kal a aWpEa OUK EK 't'ou Yiou, aAAa aa 't'ou you, nw 0 't'ii unap;E- w 't'ou na'JaYLou n 'JEua't'o 't'p6no OUK EK 't'ou na't'po 6'Jou Sl' Yiou, aAAa Kal E; aq>o't'EpW'J; 63. 'EK 't'ii au't'ii at &A8'Jot TO'JU'J 7tpOaxu'JTa 7tpoaxu'Joua (1.E'J T0 na- , , " II ' " D.' ( ..... tra( , , Tp, aAA E'J 'JEu(1.aT xa aA VE, O(1.0AOYOU'JTEc; 1 O'J xa Fontes 6/7 Ev 3 - 1tp cf. Ioh. 14.11 62. 2/6 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 525.38-526.41 63. 2/9 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 533.20-534.26 App. Crit. L M S V 4 '":] om. V 6 ov":'o] OV7W V 8 E7tcrTcr(] legi nequit S 10 s' utou] om. V 62. 1 tx. - t.rt":;] legi nequit S 9 Y(VEcre] YEvEcre V 1 0 Zp '":E:;] Zp '": V 63. 1 Ex. - ,j,,:,C;] legi nequit S App. ColI. 6 tv 3 ] x. praem. Ath. 7 St] deest in Ath. 62. 4 S] S' Ath. 
1")0 JO FLORILEGIUM PATRlSTICU1v1 E'J ty0 TO n 'JEU[.lLl. J\X.WpcrTO'J ycXp TOU ytou TO n 'JEU[.lrl, 5 w ciX.WpcrTo 6 -CO TOU n LlTp6c;. AUT  ciA 8Erl  AE- YOUcrLl" II Efl1p()) L'fltV TOV II aQaXA'YjTOV, TO II vFvfla Tij QA1]- () I \ , - n " I t' , ,  I Sla, 0 ;laQa TOV aTeO sx;roQsvETal, 0 0 xoaflo ov uVVQ- "I {3 - / (, / , " ..... n " Tal )a SlV, 70UTEcr7 'J O p'JOU(.lE'JO LlU70 EX 70U ":'po EV TW YW. I I 10 'E7t lO'aO' La t'Opa O'aq>EO'aa yap xal xa6apw E'Jau6a EX TOU II rlTpOc; E'J AEYEl o n 'JEua, I E'J T0 Y0 SEe M 49v 64. Tou auou E; EEpa 7tpO o'J auo'J E7tlO'oA (I Xrl'Ja (.lE'J Xrl TrlUTrl 7tEcrrl Xrl 7ta'JTrl O'JT 'JrlOU'J ({)A6'JE- XO'J, (.l XET AEYE 'J XTcr[.lrl TO II vsv fla TOV eSOV, TO EV T0 eS0, Xat Ta {3aO'Yj E(!SVVWV TOV eSOV, Xrl EX nrlTpOc; O' Yiou / ,  / 5 'JE(.lO (.lE'JO'J Xrl 0 oo (.lE'JO'J. 'E7t lO'aO' La 'A,xOUE 7tW 0 liYlO E'J 7ta'Jl O'XESO'J OlXEL O'uyypa- al EX nrlTpOc; O' You iJ'J ou na'JaYLou n'JEuao S6- O'l'J SlSaO'XEl O'E. 65. 'Ex ii auii (0 yap 7tcrTEU(u'J Ec; TO'J nrlTEprl OIOE'J E'J T0 IlrlTp TO'J Fon tes 6/7 Ioh. 15.26 7/8 Ioh. 14.17 64.2/5 Ath., Ep. II ad Ser., 553.1-3 3/4 TO - BEaU cf. I Cor. 2.10 65. 2/6 Ath., Ep. II ad Ser., 561.26-30 App. Crit. L M S V 4 '":0 1 ] ':'<{) V 5 TaU 7tTp6] ante (; uto transp. V ,jTIj] {)Tfj V 7/8 au - AE'i'V] om. S 11 EVTuB] om. S 64. 1 T00 - E7tcr70A ] legi nequit S 65. 1 EX - wj-rr,c;] legi nequit S 2 EV] x.t praem. V App. ColI. 5 2] e tr., f.Lp7upE'i' praem. Ath. 64. 2 !-lEV] oGvadd. Ath. Ath. 5 vE!-l6!-lE:vOV x.t] deest in Ath. 4 a'] e tr., a 
63.4-67.7 139 Y6'J, XLl TO n 'JEU[.lLl OUX EXTOe; TOU YOU. Xrl aa TOUTO 7t- (jTEUE Xrl Ee; TOV "rO'J Xrl Ee; TO n 'JEU[.lrl TO &.YO'J. E7tEa s Xrl (l-(Ll T Tpaaoe;  0E6Te;, We; E E'JOe; TOU nrlTpOe; Y'JW- / (jXO[.lE:'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' la Tou't'o O'aq>w SlSaO'XEl Xal 't'O'J Yi.O'J Xal 't'O n 'JEua EX TOU n LlTp6e;. 66. 'E; E't'Epa 7tpO au't'o'J E7tlO''t'OAii A(l-Ei\E TOV II aTeO niflnOVTO TO Jl vEvfla, [; -rtoc; Eflf{JV- awv O(OW(j'J rlUTO TOe; [.lrl8Trle;. E7tE naVTa oaa l XEl 0 Jl a- Te, TOV ytou EaTlV. s 'E7t lO''t'aO' la Tau't'a XOl'JeX na't'po xal Yi.ou. YJ 7tO7tiJ xal YJ S60'l 't'ou n 'JEua't'O, ou iJ'J xal YJ Ex7t6pEUO'l. 67. 'Ex 't'ii au't'ii E oE &OU'JrlTO'J TOUT6 YE TOC; &([)po(j - (l-E'JE yap EXrl(jTO'J, we; YEY0'JE -, 7t0AA0 (l-aAAo'J Ta &'Jw TC; XT((jEWe; &.too'J Jj::XE \  / \' ,/ ,/ '\ '\ '1\ r/, ( n \ n T'J Orl(l-o'J'J, Xrl oux E(jT 'J rlI\I\WC;,  we; E(jT 'J 0 rlTp rl- S Tp, Xrl ou 7ta7t7t0c;, Xrl [; ytoe; yt6e; E(jT TOU 0EOU, Xrl I M SOr OU 7trlTp TOU n 'JEU(l-rlTOe;, Xrl TO n 'JEU(l-rl TO &.YO'J n 'JEU(l-rl &.YO'J, Xrl OUX EXY0'JO'J TOU nrlTp6e;, ouoE &OEA([)Oe; TOU ytou. Fontes 66. 2/4 Ath., Ep. III ad Ser., 570.33-35 2 "rou - 7tVEUf-L cf. Ioh. 14.26 2/3 Ioh. 20.22 3/4 it&V7 - EcrTv cf. Ioh. 16.15 67.2/7 Ath., Ep. III ad Ser., 571.18-23 App. Crit. L M S V 3 EXTOC;] EX V 4 X 1] om. V 5/6 y vwcrxOfJ-EV-r,] y vwcrxOf-LEV"fjC; SV 7 E7tcrTcr(] legi nequit S 66. 1 E - E7tcrToA C;] legi nequit S App. ColI. 5 wc;] deest in Ath. 66. 3 E7td] E7tES Ath. 
140 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 'E7t lG't'aO' La El you'J oux e:xY0'Joe; '70U nLlTpOe; 't'o n 'JEua, 7tW EX 10 't'ou Yiou; El YJ 7ta't'YJp 't'ou n'JEUa't'O 0 Yi6, 7tW e; au't'ou 't'o n 'JEua; 68. 'Ex 't'ii aU't'ii O ( ..... D. \', B 1<,- , \ , \  YOU'J (.laVTa aXOU(ja'JTEe;o anitOviE aVTOV EU; TO ovofla TOV II aTeO xat TOV Y lOV xat TOf) ay{ov 17 vEvj1aTo, OJ 7tEpEpya(ja'JTo oa T( OEUTEpO'J 0 Yt6e;, xat Tp( TO'J 70 f1 'JEU(.la, .,\  \ , rI T ' , i ' (" , , \ , 5 YJ () t Tt ()A (I)C; P te; ° I\A (I)C; fi,XO')(j1Y.'J, E7t crTE'J(j1Y.\J, X1Y. O'JX W(j7tEp U(.lEe; pwT(ja'J° «Ytoe; oG'J E(jT TO n 'JEU(.la;» OuoE E7t0'JTOC; TOU Kup(ou (.lETa TO'J Yto'J TO n'JEU(.la, pWT(jLl'J° «na7t7t0e; oG'J 0 naTp;» Ou yap xou(ja'J «Ee; O'JO(.lLl 7ta7t- , , ,,, II I \' \' " 7t0U», aAA Et OVO!la ai(!O, xa TaUT'J T'J 7t(jT 'J EXpU- 1 0 a'J 7ta'JTax ou. 'E7tlO''t'aO'La Tii aU't'ii xal 't'oU't'O E'J'Joi.a O'aq>w Soya't'Lo'J YJ EX 't'ou Yiou EI'Jal 't'o n'JEUa. 69. 'Ex 't'ii au't'ii rl08E'J E7tt Te; 8EOTTOe; (.l0'J e; 0 n aT p Xup (we; xat (.l0'J0 C; nLlTp w'J, E(jT xat 'J XLlt cXE( E(jT. Ka 0 Yioc; xup(wC; xat , Y ( " K \ , \ , , \ \ \ ( n \ , \ (.lO'JOC; oe; E(jT. a E7t TOUTW'J E(jT xa TO «0 aTp aE 5 naTp», xa TO «0 Ytoc; cXE Ytoe; EI'Ja( TE xat AEYE(j8a», Fontes 68. 2/10 Ath., Ep. III ad Ser., 572.7-14 Ep. III ad Ser., 574.26-32 2/3 Mt. 28.19 69. 2/9 Ath., App. Crit. L M S V 9 youv] o0v V 68. 1 EX - ,j't".] legi nequit S, ET:cr70A y, add. V 4 as:{rt'S:pov] as:u't"S:po S X] x't" 7( S 6 Uf-LS:LC;] .f-LS:L S 6/7 utoc; - pw'":1jcrv] om. V 8 o0v] v V 11 ET:cr7cr(] legi nequit S 12 EVVOL] post tJ'r transp. L 69. 1 EX - u-n;c;] om. sed signum partitionis add. M, legi nequit S 3 Ecr7] X praem. M App. ColI. 69. 4 Ecr'":L X] EcrTYjXS: Ath. 
67.8-70.9 141 , , n .....  , 'tl , ' n ..... t! I' , X(l TO« 'JEUC'l OE TO C'lYO'J (lE 'JEUf.LC'l (lYO'J E(jT». x.(l TOUTO TOU 0EOU EI'JC'l, X(l 7t(lp TOU n (lTpOC; a' You aaO- O I O t! ,( ( I  " I (j (l T:E7t(j't'EUX.C'lf.LE'J. U"';(U Yc'lp  (lY(l 1 p(lC; (l'J(lAAO(uTOC; f.LE'JE, E') !J. OE6TT y 'J(UcrXOf.LE'J. 10 'E7t lO''t'aO' La aq>Y)'JLEl E'J't'au6a 0 aYlo O't'l Kat. YJ SOO'l 't'ou I M SOv TI'JEua't'O 7tC'lpa Il(lTpoC; a' You YL'JE't'al, WO''t'E Kat. E'J6a S lSciO'KEl 7tE7tEl 'J 11 aa6'J(l 't'o'J Yio'J 't'o TI 'JEua, Ka't'eX 't'au't'YJ'J 't'YJ'J O'aq>Y)'JEla'J KcXKEl'Ja 'JoEl'J Oq>ELAOE'J. TIpo- 1 S O'XE Sf: Kat. 7tW 0 Eya OU't'O 7ta't'Y)p, 't'O 't'l'JW'J 010'J 7tpoa'JaO''t'EAAw'J 7tpOq>Y)'t'lKW 7tEpt. 't'Yi 't'ou 7ta'JaYLou TI 'JEua't'o E:K7tOpEUO'EW E't'EpOYVWO'J, OUK EI7tE. «AEYO- "'\ c:. c:.' ,   ' , E'J», Y) «0 loaO'KOE'J», al\l\a «7tE7t(jTEUX.(l(.LE'J». 70. 'EK 't'Yi 7tpO Epa7tLw'Ja E't'Epa E7tlO''t'OAYi K(l yap W(j7tEp YE'J'J(.L(l (.LO'JOYE'JEC; (; Y6c; E(jT 'J. OUT(U x.(l TO n 'JEU(.L(l 7t(lpa TOU You aa6f.LE'J0'J X(l 7tE(.L7tO(.LE'JO'J, \ " t!' " ,\,\' ," '\'\..... t! ,'\'\, , x.c'l (lUTO E'J E(jT x.(l OU 7t01\1\(l, OUoE EX. 7t01\1\(U'J E'J, (l1\1\(l (.LO- S 'JO'J (lUTO n 'JEU(.L(l. (E'Joc; yap O'JTOC; TOU You, TOU W'JTOC; A6- you, (.L(l'J EI 'J(l aEi' TEAE(l'J x.(l 7tA  p T'J &Y(l(jTX.'J (u'J, oU(j(l'J E'JEPYE(l'J (lUTOU X(l aWpEa'J, TC; Ex. TOU n (lTpOC; AE- YET(l EX.7tOpE,jE(j8(l, E7tE 7t(lpa TOU A6you TOU Ex. n (lTpOC; ( ", , ",\ ' , Of-LOAOYOU(.LE'JOU EX.A(l(Jw7tE x.(l (l7tO(jTEI\AET(l x.(l ooOT(l. Fonte 70. 2/9 Ath., Ep. I ad Ser., 503.26-33 ( = Dial. 72) App. Crit. L M S V 1 0 Ei:cr'";cr(] legi nequit S 70. 1 EX - E7tcr,";OA ] legi nequit S cre:p- it(wv] cre:pi":(ov MV, crE:pp7t[(uV L 3 SS6!-lE:vOV - 7tE:!-l7t6!-lE:vov] inv. sed litteris sequentiam rectam indicavit V 6/7 wv oucrv] wcrv SV App. ColI. 9 !-lEVE:] e tr., S!-lEVE: Ath. 70. 2 "'(EVV"'!-l] deest in Ath. f.LOVOYE:VE] !-lovoYE:V Ath. 5 70;:) IJto;:)] e tr., deest in Ath. 6 &ycr,";xv] XrlL cpWT- cr,";xv add. Ath. 6/7 w'ljv o;;crv] e tr., wcrv Ath. 7 TOU] e tr., deest in Ath. 8 E7!d] E7tE:a Ath. 
142 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 10 'E7t lO''t'aO' i.a t'Opa 't'YJ'J 't'ou ayi.ou eXxpi.f3Ela'J, 7tWC; E'J6a 't'YJ'J «7t(lPcX» 7tp06EO'l'J xal E7tl 't'OU TIa't'poc; Xal E7tl 't'OU Yiou 't'E6ElXE, SlEO''t'ElAE 't'cXC; q>w'Jac;. Xal E7tl f:'J 't'OU TIa't'poc; E'lpY)XE 't'YJ'J EX7tOPEUO'l'J, E7tl Sf: 't'OU Yiou 't'YJ'J EAAal'J, Xal eX7tO- 15  ' , c:.' 0''t'01\ Y)'J, xa l 000' l '.I. 71. 'Ex 't'w'J 7tEpl 't'ou OOLWC; EI'Jal 't'o'J TIa't'Epa xal 't'o'J Yio'J xal 't'o aYlo'J TI 'JEua ap't'uplw'J 't'ijc; ypaq>ijc; xEq>aAaLw'J YJ' T " 1:\' ( H ' " "'A' '\ £ 7  Ecr"t' \':JEOC;; 7t(l'J"t'W'J (lPX X(l"t'(l "t'O'J rt 7tocr"t'OI\O'J' t 5 f)EO 0 Jl aTe, E ov Ta navTa. I K(l yap 0 A6yoc; E C'lu"t'ou M SIr YE'J'JTWC;, X(l "t'O n 'JEU(1.(l E (lU"t'OU EX7tO pEU"t'WC;. EI T(l 7t(Xcr(l  XTcrC; aa "t'OU A6you E'J n 'JEU(1.(l"t' crU'JEcr"t' a(1.OUpyxwC;. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La t'Opa 't'L'JOC; EX7tOpEU't'O'J 't'o TI'JEua AEYEl 0 aYloc;. 72. Tou au't'ou a7tO 't'ou AOYOU 't'ou E'J E'lSEl SlaAE;Ewc; MaxESo'Jla'Jou xal 'Op60So;ou 'Ea'J o'J aE Xe "t'C; (lu"t'C; EI'J(l ([)UcrEWC; X(l 8E6"t'"t'oc; "t'0 yt0 X(l n (l"t'p  "t'O n 'JEU(1.(l, "t'O E (lU"t'OU "t'OU n (l"t'pOC; aa "t'ou 5 ytou Exxu8E'J, X(l 7tpocrxu'J"t'o'J X(l A(l"t'pEU"t'O'J &7toaEX8crE- "t' (l  . Fontes 71.4/7 Ps. Ath., De comm. ess., 72.49-73.2 Ath., Maced. Dial., 56.11-58.14 4/5 I Cor. 8.6 72. 3/6 Ps. App. Crit. L M S V 10 E7tcr't"cr(] legi nequitS 71. 1/3 EX - f-L1j'] legi nequitS 1 Of-Lo(w] of.lo(ou S 3 XEcpA(WV] XEcp&AOV V f-L"fj'] TEcrcrpXOVTOX'7W L, ante XEcpA(WV transp. S 9 0 &yo] TO &ywv V 72. 1/2 TO;:)I - op8oa6- ou] legi nequit S 3 EV] x&v M 4 X - 70 1 ] spatium hab. S App. ColI. 71. 4 &7t6cr70AOV] AEYOVT add. Ath. 6 YEVV"fj7W] YEV'fj7W Ath. 72. 4 7t7p] T praem. Ps. Ath. 70 1 ] X praem. Ps. Ath. 
70.10-73.14 143 ' E ' 7t LO''TaO' la MiJ eX7tEplEpl'JWC; 'TY)'J 7tapouO'a'J SlEA6!)C; 7tEplK07ty)'J. QC; oIal Kat yap 6auaO''TiJ'J EUpY)O'ElC; E'J auij YAa-  0 <pupo'TYJ'Ta. To yap «E rltrrou» 7tpoO''TE9f:'J 'TO «iJ 7tap' E'TEpOU» SY)AO l, EK 'TOU'TOU Sf: 7teX'J'TWC; Kat 'TO «7tapa O'JOU 'TOU TIa'Tpoc;» eX'Jaq>al 'JE'Tal. AAa Kat YJ «o2l» 7tp06EO'lC; E7tl 'TOU Yi.ou 'TE6ElO'a, iJ E; au'TOU XE9Yj'Jal 'TO TI'JEua ES lSa;E'J. 73. 'EK 'TOU au'Tou Krl T( EaT 'J &aEEaTEpo'J TOU Et 7tE 'J XT(a(1.Ll TO n 'JEU(1.rl TO &YO'J, AEY0'JTOC, TOU itou OT ovx EaTE VflEt Ot AaAovvTE, aAAQ TO II vEvfla TOV Jl aTeO TO AaAOVV EV VfltV; AUTOU AE- 5 Y0'JTOe; TO n 'JEU(1.rl TOU n rlTpOe; EI 'Jrl, au 1tWe; AEYEe; xT(a(1.rl rlUTO; n we; oe: oux &XOUEe; TOU nrlTpOe; AEY0'JTOC,. 'Ev Tat Eaxa.Tal flieal EXX EW ano TOV Jl vEvflaT6 flOV Ent na.aav I ,,/ 'J  \  -  , ') I , \ ,  I aaexa, Xrl ET. uOV 0 nat flOV 0 EXAEXTO, Et ov EVuOXrjaEV  VJvx flOV' ()aw TO II V EVfla. floV I En' aVTov. M Slv 10 'E7t lO''TaO' la TIpOO'XEC; eXKPlf3WC; 'Tij 7tEplK07tij 'Tau'T!), iJ o'Jo'J 'TO'J w'TYjpa 7tapayouO'!) O'Ol cip'Tupa 'TOU TIa'Tpoc; EI'Jal 'TO TI 'JEua Kal 7tap' aUTOU EK7t0pEuE0'6al, eXAAa Kal auo'J , TI / TO'J aTEpa. Fontes 73.2/9 Ps. Ath., Maced. Dial., 64.26-33 3/4 Mt. 10.20 x. cf. Act. 2.17 (Ioel3.1-2) 8/9 taou - w>:6v cf. Is. 42.1 6/8 EV - cr&p- App. Crit. L M S V 8 &7tEP!-lEp(f-LVWC;] spatium hab. f-LEp(f-LVWC; S 9 UT] uT0 S 10 yp] om. M 73. 1 Ex. - u,";ou] om. V 2 Tau] om. V 4 T01] om. V 10/ 14 E7tcr"t'cr( - 7t,";EpO:] totam iterav. al. m. V Ap p . ColI. 73. 5 AEye:C;] post xu"t'o transp. Ps. Ath. 
144 FLORILEGIU!\.1 P.l\TR1STICU1 74. <Tou au't'ou> KLl 7tpOC; TOUTO c; 0 n ETpOC; AEYE' }pEi' EJllaTQa()E TO YEVOflEVOV f2fjfla xa(j' OAY) Tfj 'J ovala' ae;aflEVOV flETa TO {3 ' , , , t ' 1 ' ' 1 - \ , \ ;\T r I a7lTlafla, 0 EX1levc;EV wav1'rJ, Y)aovv TOV ano J../ aaeET, 5 w l xetaEV aVTov 0 fJEO( II vEvflaTl aYLcp xat ()vvaflEl. ApLl 70 ErlUTOU X.Tcr(l-rlT Xp ETrl 0 Yt6c;; Krl 7tWC; oux. &'J6TO'J E 7tE 'J TOUTO; Krl rlUTOC; oe: 0 Ytoc; AEYE' II VEV fla K velov En' EflE, of ElVEXEV E xetaE flEe Krl 0 nETpOC; OE E'J TrlC; paEcr TW'J eX7tocrT6AW'J AEYE OUTWC;' Tn DElq. OVV TOf] fJEOV {npw- 10 ()El, TV TE s;raYYEAlav TOV aylov II vEVflaTO Aa{3wv naea - Jl \' t ' - \ r' - {3 "I , \." TOV UT(!Or.;, Ec;EXcc 'COVTU, U Vflct AEJlETE xat aXOVETf. 'E7t lO''t'aO' la U'JE't'W Kai 't'au't'YJ 't'Yi 7tEplK07tYi aKouO'o'J. Kai yap au't'YJ ou o'Jo'J 't'o'J 't'w'J a7toO''t'oAW'J Kopuq>alo't'a't'o'J IS TIE't'pO'J EK 't'ou TIa't'po EI'Jal 't'o TI 'JEua 7tapaYEl SlSa- O'KO'J't'a, eXAAeX Kai 't'ov 't'ou't'ou SlSaO'KaAo'J 't'o'J w't'Yipa Xp lO''t'O'J. 75. Kai E't'a 't'l'Ja T ..... , , Q' n ' , II ' ' T Q , W'J (l-E'J rl'JvPW7tw'J, rlUAOU X.rl ETpOU X.rl (l-OVEOU, 7tpOU7t&pxoucr 'J &'J8pw7to X.rl TW'J 7tpO rlUTW'J &AAO. "rou OE i\oa(l- ou 7tpOU7tapXE &AAOC;, eXAA' rlUTOC; 0 0E6c;. nrlTpOC; oe: Fontes 74.2/11 Ps. Ath., Maced. Dial., 64.33-66.42 2/5 Act. 10.37-38 7/8 Is. 61.1 9/11 Act. 2.33 75. 2/6 Ps. Ath., Maced. Dial., 68.13-17 App. Crit. L M S V 74. 1 70;; X'JTOU] titulo carent sed signum partitionis add. LMSV 6 x:-:[cr!-lXTL] X7[cr!-lX L' (', Zp[cr!-lX7L V 11 IJ!-lE'i'] vuv praem. S 14 XIJ7"1j] XX praem. LSV 75. 2 7tXUAO'J - 7tE7pO'J] inv. SV App. ColI. 74. 3 &p;&!-lEVOV] y;xP &7tO YXALAX[X add. Ps. Ath. 8 E'CVEXE:V 1 EVEXEV Ps. Ath. [J.E] alia add. Ps. Ath. 10 7E:] SS: Ps. Ath. 11 E;EZE:E] E;SZE:EV Ps. Ath. 
74.1-77.7 145 5 x.(l ytou XLl &y(ou n 'JEU[.lLlTOC; ouaE'J 7tpOU7t&pX.E. &'AA' EX 'TOU 11 (lTpOC; [; rtoc; I YEYE'J'JTLl, XLl TO I I 'JEU[.l(l EX7t0pEUET(l. M 52r 'E7t LO'TaO' La El xal EX TOU Yi.ou TO IT'JEua EX7t0pEuETaL, 7tW oux ESLSa;E xai TOUTO 0 aYLo, ciAA' EX TOU ITaTpo xai 1 0 aq>w. TY)'J TE TOU Yi.ou YE'J'JYjO' L '.I, xai TYJ'J TOU IT 'JEuaTo EX7tOpEUO'L '.I ESoyciTLO'E; 76. Kai E6' ETEpa (/1'J(l (1. 'Jo(1.crc; <OT> p(lTO TOU EX7tOpEUEcr8(l X(l 7tE- 7t(lUT(l, aa TOUTO ErpT(l. t:'O na(!a TOV Jl aT(!O EXnO(!EVETat, r'Jr:/.. (1.TE apx.'J, (1.TE TEAOC; E7tTcrC; TC; EX7tOpEUcrEWC;. 5 'E7t LO'TaO' La 'E7tLO'YjELOU 7ta'JTaxou SLSaO'xoE'JY)V EX TOU ITaTpo TYJ'J TOU IT 'JEuaTo EX7tOpEuO'L '.I. 77. Kai ETa TL'Ja T'J a(l([)opa'J (1.  7tEpEPY&OU' ou yap X(lT(lA 7tT. aAAa & 7tpOcrET&Y cro, T(lUT(l a(l'Joou, X(l 7tEp(l TEP W TOUTW'J (1.  EET(lE. n pOcrET&Y cro  ae: T; n crTEUE 'J OT ytoc; YE'J'JaT(l 5 X(l TO n 'JEU(1.(l EX7tOpEUET(l. 'E7t LO'TaO' La l\YjAO'JOTL EX TOU ITaTpo, E; ou xai 0 ytoc; YE'J'JaT(l. Fontes 76. 2/4 Ps. Ath., Maced. Dial., 82.15-17 Maced. Dial., 82.27-30 3 Ioh. 15.26 77. 2/5 Ps. Ath., App. Crit. L M S V 6 YEYEVV1j't"] YEYEV1j'":lJ. Ma c. V 7 E1':cr't"cr[lJ.] legi nequit S, om. V 76. 1 XL - E't"Ep] om. V 2 o'on] scripsi cum Ps. Ath., om. LMSV 4 E7t"fjTI;- cr'(jC;] EX1jT1jcr1jC; V 5 E7tcr'":cr(lJ.] legi nequit S 77. 4 utoc;] 6 praem. V 6 E7tcr't"lJ.cr(lJ.] legi nequit S App. ColI. 77. 2/3 &AAX &] &'AA' & Ps. Ath. 4 cro - 'd] aE cro TO Ps. Ath. 
146 FLORIL.l:GIUM PAllUS-rlCUM 78. 'Ex Tii aUTii K ' , "/ ' n ......""" / Ll YLlP E LlYEVO'J o 'JEUti(X, LlAA OUX  x.(Xt rJ.'JLl "':'O'J' ,/ ,,/ '{ / r n ...... / , EZ E YrJ.p Ll7O'J TO'J EOV, au 'JEUtirJ. E(j"':' 'J. 'E7t lO'TaO' La 5 "HTOl TO'J TIaTEpa, xa6w E'J Slaq>opol 7tEplX07tal 7tEpl TOUTOU 7tpOE7tEO'Y)ElwO'aE6a. 79. Tou aUTOU EX TOU E'J E'lSEl SlaAE;Ew 7tOAl'JapLou xal 'Op6oSo;ou 0EOC; EcrT Aoyoe;, pOeCP1}J1 Dov}ov Aaf3wv, XpcrToC; o'JotirJ.- ,., / ,,/, / ,/ ,t a tiE'JO e;, X.Ll W'J, X.Ll 7tcrTEUO tiE'JO e;' x.rJ. :x.P o tiE'JOC; tiE'J we; 5 &'J8pw7toC; T n 'JEUtirJ. T &y(' we; aE 0EOe;, 7trJ.p::Xw'J rJ.UTO TOC; &(oC;. I M 52v 'E7tlO'TaO'La «nrJ.pEXW'J» AEYEl, OU «7tpof3aAAw'J». 80. Tou aUTou a7tO TOU w E'J E'lSEl SlaAE;Ew MO'JTa'JlO'Tou xal 'Op8oSo;ou r/2cr7tEp QUaE'J EcrT tiEcrO'J 'Jou x.rJ. AOYou x.rJ. 7t'Joe;, O{)TWC; ouaE'J tiEcrO'J n rJ.TpOC; x.rJ. ytou x.rJ. &y(ou n 'JEUtirJ.TOC;. N ocr(X Fontes 78. 2/3 Ps. Ath., Maced. Dial., 104.33-34 79. 3/6 Ps. Ath., De T rin. Dial. V, 1277.53-1280.2 3 Phil. 2.7 80.3/6 Ps. Didym., Dial. Mont. et Orch., 275.227-235 App. Crit. L M S V 78. 1 EX - Ij.t'C;] legi nequit S 2 &YEV'f/'t'OV] scripsi cum Ps. Ath., &YEvv'f/'t'ove tr. Ps. Ath. et LMSV 4 E7tcr't'cr(] legi nequit S 79. 1/2 TOU] - op8oS6- ;ou] legi nequit S 5 't'0] - &y(] T0 &yi 7tVEUf-LT V 7 E:7tcr7cr(] legi nequit S 80. 1 TOU 2 ] 7C; V 1/2 TOU] - op8oS6;olJ] legi nequit S 1 rc; WC;] 't'ou L App. ColI. 80. 3 EcrT f-LEcrOV] inv. Ps. Didym. 
78.1-81.20 147 5 OE aE'i:' TO n 'JEU[.la TEAEO'J E'J TEAE( u7toaTciaE, 7tLlpcX n LlTpOC; , , EX7tO P EUO [.lE'JO'J. 'En lO''t'aO' La 'llxOUE napa 't'L 'JO 't'o n 'JEua ExnopEuE't'al. 81. Tou aYLou KUpLAAOU EX 't'w'J 6YjO'aupw'J 'E7tEa aE (1.aOwc; xat TauTa 7tpOTE('Joua'J ot a' E'Ja- 'JTac;, eX'Jayx a AO 7to'J E7t' EXE'i: 'Ja XWpE'i: 'J, a' liJ'J TO E liJ'J aua([)(1.oua 'J eX(1.a8wc; eX7toxpOUa8aETa Aaoc;. OuX OUTWC;, 5 W EA TaTO, Ta 7taVTa ([)a(1.E'J EX TOU 0EOU, Xa8a7tEp xat TO n 'JEU(1.a. To (1.E'J yap EaT ([)uaxwc; E'JU7tapxo'J aUTe{), xat ou- awaWC; EX7tE([)UXOC;, r'J' OUTWC; Er 7tW(1.E'J, xat eX(1.Ep(aTwc; E aUTou 7tpo'o'J. Ta aE TC; E'JEpYE(ac; Epya xat 7t0 (1.aTa a' ytou E'J n 'JEu(1.aT YEyo'JoTa xat OUTWC; EX 0EOU 'Joou(1.E'Ja. 1 0 E aE TOUTOC; (1.w'J ou 7tE(8Ea8E TO'i:C; AOYOC;, E'J ray; aE Ta- E TO'i:C; 7tE7tO(1.E'JOC; xa TO n'JEU(1.a 8aETE, aa TO EX 0EOU xat aUTO AEYEa8a, Xa8a7tEp EXE'i: 'Ja, T( TO XWA UO'J (1.ac; eX'J8u- , ,..... E " 1:\ ..... " ',tI , 7tE'JEYXO'JTac; E 7tE 'J.«  EX EOU Ta 7ta'JTa EaT 'J, Wa7tEp xa TO n 'JEU(1.a, xat TO Ea[pETO'J OUaE'J E'J aUTe{) 7tapa Ta 7t0 (1.a- 15 Ta, aaT( (1.  xat ExaaTo'J TW'J YEYO'JOTW'J E7tEa7tEp I EX TOU M 53r 0EOU EI'Ja AEYETa, OIaE Ta TOU 0EOU, xat E(!EVVq. TQ {36.()rj TOV fJEOV; aT( aE (1.  aa 7ta'JTw'J eX7tOXaAU7tTE 0EOC;, eXAAa " ..... n ' Oa (1.0'JOU TOU 'JEU(1.aTOC;;» rlO TE TO('JU'J Ta (1.E'J &AAa 7tO(1.aTa aa TOU n'JEu(1.aToc; T'J 20 eX7tOXaAu'J EXE, aUTO aE TO n 'JEU(1.a E(!EVVq. xat Ta {36.()rj TOV Fontes 81. 2/25 Cyr., Thes., 565.33-568.4 16/17 I Cor. 2.10 App. Crit. L M S V 8 70 - EX7tOpE'Je:'t"] inv. V 81. 1 ":'00 - e1jcrupwv] legi nequit S, add. in mg. V 9 EV - YEyov6't"] spatium hab. S 11 X] om. V ecrE't'e:] spatium hab. S 15  XL] inv. V 18 6vou] post 7tve:uf.L't'o transp. V App. ColI. 5 aE!:] alia add. Ps. Didym. 7tEcpux6] Ef.L7tE7t1jy6c; Cyr. 7tVEU] 70 &yov add. Ps. Didym. 81. 7 EX- 12 EXe:!:V] EXE!:VO Cyr. 17 ae:] deest in Cyr. 
148 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM eEOV, we; E rl'?rt'ou XLl E'J Llu"t'0 q;>ucrxwe; U1t&pxo'J, Wcr1tEp Xrlt , ......, D., \' 0. ' ,, 0. ( 0 \ EV 7 rl'JVpW1t 70 Ll'JVpW1tVO'J' 1tpOOAOV O1tOUVE'J We;  EOC; f.LEV 70 n 'JEUf.LLl 70 E OU XUp(WC; EXOV XLlt CP'jcrxwe; We; 0EOC;, \  \ "'1 '1' , (, ...... 7':l OE rJ.r.I\Ll 1t0 (.l(x7 X(xT(xXPt'J7XW7EpOV, (t.>C; EX 1tO 70'j 2S Xrlt Cf.Loupyou 1tE([)'JOTrl, E 06 AEYO(.lEVLl. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La t'Opa 't'YJ'J 6auaO''t'YJ'J 't'W'J 6EOq>OpW'J 't'ou't'w'J .AW'J 7ta- 't'EpW'J 010'.1 w EK O'u'J6Yja't'0 O'uq>w'JLa'J, Kal 7tpOO'XE 7tW 7ta'J't'E 't'o «EX 0EOU» E7tl 't'OU na't'po EKAaf3ci'Jo- 30 'J't'al, Ka6eX Kal oU't'o 0 7tOAU 't'eX 6Ela KUplAAO E'J 't'ij 7tEplK07tij 't'au't'Y), EX 0EOU 1tpo'o'J Soya't'LW'J TO n 'JEU(.lrl, Kal E rlUTOU Xrl E'J rlUTe{) ([)ucrxwe; U1tapx O'J. 82. Tou au't'ou EK 't'w'J au't'w'J 'Ex 0EOU TO n 'JEU(.lrl TO &YO'J EI'Jrl( ([)rl(.lE'J, Xrl OUTW 1t- crTEUO (.lE'J. J\AA' 0 t 7tpOe; (.lO'JO'J TO aucr([) (.lE 'J ETO (.lOTrlTO  XLl T&AArl 1ta'JTrl EX 0EOU YE'JEcr8rl ([)rlcr(, TOU n rlUAOU ypa- S ([)O'JTOe;o E[ f)EO 0 Jl aie, E ob ia naVia. EI Trl 'Jo(.l(oucr aU'Jrlcr8rl &'JrlTpE1tE'J TO EX Te; oucrrle; EI'Jrl TOU nrlTpOC; TO n 'JEU(.lrl, aa TO ([)EpEcr8rl I Xrl XrlTa TW'J 1t0 (.laTW'J TO «E M 53v ob», 01tEp E1t TOU n 'JEU(.lrlTOe; XE((.lE'JO'J EX Te; oucr(rle; rlUTO ([)ucrxwe; u7tapxo'J &7tOaEX'JUE. &AA' EcrT 1tpOe; TOUTO AEYE 'J 10 OT Xrl E([)' ytou xup(we; (.lE'J XETrl TO «V[O» O'JO(.lrl, XEr:-Trl \ \'" 0. ' ...... K \ ,, \ D., oE Xrl E1t rl'JVpW1tW'J XrlTrlXPcr1'XWC;. rl OU O1tOU TO vE- crE T 'J Xrl XrlTa xap 'J 1tpOcrXE((.lE'JO'J &'JrlTpEE TO'J EX0'JTrl ([)ucrxwe;' OUTW Xrl TO «E ob», TW'J 1t0   (.laTw'J XrlTYO- Fontes 82. 2/18 Cyr., Thes., 568.43-569.8 5 I Cor. 8.6 App. Crit. L M S V 31 aOYf.L7(WV] aOY!-lT(E S MV 71'0 1 ] om. V 82. 2 8e:ou] !-lEV add. V 4 ",;!;),).] TAA App. ColI. 22 a7t01J8e:v] a7t08EV Cyr. 23 w eE6] EV 8E Cyr. 24 aE] a' Cyr. 25 E] TO praem. Cyr. 82. 4 't'&AA] 't';x &AA Cyr 6 700] Te: praem. Cyr. 9 &7tOaEx.vue:] &7tOaEx.vuoV Cyr. 12 7 v] 't'cr Cyr. 
81.21-83.13 149 / , / ", / / / , POUf.LE'JO'J, OU xa't'o crE 7tpOe; 't'"f)'J 0 XEa'J "t'a7tE 'Jwcr 'J 't'E xa t / ,..... n / t,l, '\ / 'D. / , , 15 0f.L0oucro"t'"t'a "t'O "t'OU 'JEUf.La"t'Oe; U'f"f)I\O'J "t'E xa vEXO'J. aAArI.. f.LE'JE [LE'J atrr0 XUp (we; "t'O «E oiJ» , aa "t'O EX 't'e; oucr(ae; zIv "':0;:) n rl..Tp6, X WpcrE aE Xrl..t E7t' EXEr: 'Ja, a TO EX 0EOU , ,';' ",/  ..... , tfI t .....  ...  / 7tpOC; '7'J C:'Ja 7a oux O'J7r1.. opaf.LE'J, o 1 O'J oAao. 'E7t la't'aa La 20 EXOU 't'YJ'J 't' 7tpOAaf3ouaY) 7tEplX07tYi aaq>Y)'JEla'J a7tO 't'au't'"fJ. t'O yap aaaq>w EXEL'J"fJ ESLSa;E'J, EX 0EOU 7tpo'o'J "t'o 11 'JEuf.La AEyouaa, xal E au"t'ou xat E'J au"t'0 u7tapx0'J, 't'ou't'o aaq>"fJ'JLouaa au't'Y) EX "t'e; oucr(ae; s;I'Ja "t'ou II a"t'poe; S lSaaxEl. 83. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou OUXOU'J E "t'O n 'JEU(J..a "t'O &YO'J uoue; &7tOaEX'JUE 0EOU "t'oue; E'J ole; xa"t'oxE, xat 8E(ae; EpyaE"t'a ({)ucrEwe; xo 'Jw'Joue;, we; E'J"t'EU8E'J (J..ae; 'JW(J..E'JOUe; "t'0 U7tEp 7ta'J"t'ae; O'J"t' 0E0, 5 (J..E"t'a 7tap pYJcr(ae; &'Jaoa'J. :4f3 f3ii 0 Jl aie, oux E'J aOUAO e; Ua' E'J "t'or:e; 7tO (J..acr "t'E"t'aE"t'a' I ({)OpEcrE aE (J..aAAo'J ({)ucr- M 54r xwe; "t'O "t'e; 8E(ae; oucr(ae; &tw(J..a, E au"t'e; "t'E u7tapx0'J xat 1trl..P' au"t'e; "t'or:e; &y(oe; a' you XOPYOU(J..E'JO'J. 'E7t la't'aa La 10 Op 7tW aaaq>w E'J't'au6a El7tW'J EX "t'e; 8s;(ae; oucr(ae; U7tapXE'J 't'O n'JEua, '{'Ja YJ 7tpoq>aaEl AOYW'J SwaEl 't'Ol xal EX 't'OU Yi.ou au't'o Elval AEYEl'J E6EAoual Sla 't'o oooualo'J, E7tY)yaYE 't'o «xat 7tap' rl..u"t'e; "t'or:e; &y(oe; a' Fontes 83. 2/8 Cyr., Thes., 569.28-35 5 Gal. 4.6 App. Crit. L M S V 14 X.rl'70[crE] X7totcrE V 15 7tVE'J!-l'70] T:V:; corr. 7tp ut vid. M, 7trl't'po V 83. 1 EX - ,j70iJ] EX '7WV ,j7WV S 11 7tpO?&crE:;] A V awcre:] om. S 13 '70] om. S App. ColI. 83. 4 7] OV7 praem. Cyr. T:&V7] 7t&VT Cyr. 6 o,ja'] UaE Cyr. 
ISO FLORILl:GIUM PAl'Rl'l'lCUM Y[OU XOP"'f)YOU[.lEVO'J»; TOUTO <p<X'JEpW TY)'J E'J U7tap;l'J 15 TOU n'JEuaTo EX TOU naTp6, TY)'J Se xopY)Yla'J Sux TOU Yiou ESoyaTlO'E'J. 84. Tou aUTou EX TW'J aUTw'J rEyprl7tTLl 7taA'J. AVTo YU(! TO II vEvila aV/l/la(!TV(!El T0 ;rVEV/laTl IlWV, OTl sa /lEV TExva fJEOV. (Q yp EX '":'e; o,jcrrlc; unapxo'J TOU XOPYOU'JTOC; rlUTO TOe; &yoe;, XpcrTOU aArl- 5 a, Xrl we; TOU 0EOU A6you aa n 'JEU(l-rlTO (l-'J E'JOXO(l-E- 'Jou Xrl E'J (l- 'J Y 'JO(l-E'JOU, 7tpOe; TO Te; u08Ecrrle; eX'Jrlrl 'JO- (l-E'J eX(U[.lrl, rlUTO'J EX0'JTEe; E'J ErlUTOe; TO'J Y6'J, 7tpOe; O'J Xrl eX'Jrl(l-op([)ou(l-E8rl T TOU n 'JEU(l-rlTOe; rlUTOU (l-ETOX' Xrl EC; TO lcro'J T e; 7trlp pcrrle; eX'Jrl rl 'JO'JTEe; crx (l-rl, TOA(l-W(l-E'J AEYE 'J' 10 :4f3 f3ii 0 Jl aT(!. OUXOU'J TO n 'JEU(l-rl 0E6c;, E' 7tEp EpyaETrl D.' , / , / VEOUC; TOUe; OEX0(l-E'JOUC; rlUTO. 'E7t lO'TaO' la NOU'JEXW axouE, 7tW EX Te; oucrrle; TOU Yiou El7tW'J TO n'JEua Sux TY)'J OOOUO'lOTYJTa, w a'Jw6E'J E'{7tOE'J, 15 l'Ja Y) TY)'J EX7t0PEuO'lv TOUTOU xal EX TOU Yiou 'JolO'T1 Tl, I XOPY1Y0'J aUTou xal OUXl 7tpof3oAEa TOUTO'J w'Joa- M 54v O'E, TY)'J Sf: OoTlla'J SlSaO'xw'J, xal TO'J Yio'J (l-'J E'Jo- xEcrerl aa n 'JEU(l-rlTOe; E'{PYJXE'J. 85. 'Ex TW'J aUTw'J r/O TE ToL 'JU'J O TO n 'JEU(l-rl Arl6'JTEe; TO &YO'J, we; 0EO'J EXO- Fontes 84. 2/11 Cyr., Thes., 569.39-50 85. 2/6 Cyr., Thes., 572.30-35 2/3 Rom. 8.16 10 Gal. 4.6 App. Crit. L M S V 84. 1 TOU - lJ.;:)"'wv] legi nequit S L 12 E7tcrTlJ.crtlJ.] legi nequit S 2 yp] om. V 4 IJ7t&.pzov] IJ7t&.PZOVTO 85. 2 O":'E] E'C":'E V App. ColI. 84. 4 TOU] Tfj praem. Cyr. 7 ElJ.U70'i'] lJ.UTO'i'C; Cyr. AlJ.f.L&vov":'e: Cyr. w] deest in Cyr 85. 2 A6v":'e:c;] 
83.14-86.15 151 'JTEe; E'J E:aUTOe;, 7tpoq;rf)TEuou(j XLlt 8au(l-a0'JTLl aa TOUTO, 7tWe; E(j"t'a 7t0 ("f) ta, XLlt oUX  f.LAAO'J T e; eX'JwTaTw 1ta(jw'J ou- 5 (j(Lle; f.LETaA e; (jXETX, <pu(jxwe; aaa( 'Jou(ja 7tapa naTpOe;  ' y (.... , "  / " fJ.. .... o ou 7tpOe; TOUe; E7tTOE01JC; Ee; TO ALlt--'E'J; 'En lO''t'aO' La MY) Y)'t'El 't'ou't'ou O'aq>EO''t'EpO'J. neX'Ju yap 6auaO''t'w EUpLO'KEl Ka'J't'au6a 't'o'J Eya'J 't'ou't'o'J 't'Yi EUO'Ef3ELa Sl- 10 SaO'KaAo'J Slalpou'J't'a 't'a npo6EO'El. Kai 't'i;) TIa't'pi f:'J 't'Y)'J «7tapa», 't'Y)'J «aa» Sf: 't'i;) Vii;) ano'JEo'J't'a. 86. Tou au't'ou ano 't'Yi El 't'o'J npoq>Y)'t'Yj'J 'IwY)A EpYj'JELa rl:I (l-E'J yap E(jT 0EOe;, xa EX 0EOU xaTa <pu(j 'J (; Yoe;. YEYE'J'JTa yap eXA 8we; EX TOU 0EOU xat n aTp6e;. rao'J , .... " ,.... ,'t:',...., n .... / , Q/ 5 aUTOU xa E'J aUT TE xa ES aUTOU TO 'JEU(l-a E(jT, xava- 7tEp eX(l-EAE xa E7t' aUTOU 'JOE Ta TOU 0EOU xat naTpOe;.  aE YEY0'JE'J &'J8pw1t0e; xa 1tE<p'JE xa8' (l-ae;, E1taxTo'J EX E 'J TO n 'JEU(1.a AEYETa. KaTa7tE<po (TXE yap XLlt E7t' aUTO'J E'J E'caE 7tEp (jTEpac;, aTE xa8' (l-ae; YEY0'JWC;, we; E<p'J, we; Ele; 10 E (l-w'J oxo'Jo(l-xwe; Ea7tT(ETO. TOTE xa TO rao'J aUTOU fI 'JEU(l-a aOTO'J aUT0 YE'JE(j8a AEYETa, I aa TO eX'J8pW1t 'JO'J, M 55r , .... / , (/ xa TOUTO E(jT 'J  XE'JW(je;. 'En lO''t'aO' La 'E'J't'au6a Y) 6pOEL't'W O'E 't'o «E aUTou», YjS' El 't'Y)'J 15 EKnopEuO'l'J EKAaf3eX'Jou au't'o, aAA' El 't'Y)'J anoO''t'oAY)'J, Fontes 86. 3/12 Cyr., Comm. XII prof., 337.21-338.7 App. Crit. L M S V 7 E7tcr't"r1.crtr1.] legi nequit S !J:1jvd] legi nequit S , - ] , ' V u't' r1.u't'o 1 0 apouv't"r1. '!'C;] om. S 86. 1/2 't'ou - e:p- 3 ] 6 V 4 YEYEVV1j7r1.] YEYEV1j't'r1. V 11 App. ColI. 3 ao: 't"ou't'o] ante 8r1.uf.L&ov't' transp. Cyr. 11 ye:vEcr8r1.] rlvw8e:v praem. Cyr. 86. 8 yp Xr1.t] youv Cyr. 
152 FLORILEGILTM Pi\.TRISTICUM Kal 't'Y)V S6alv, Kal 't'Y)V XOPY1Ylav. pKoual aOl yap ElC; TOV 't'OlOU't'OV aaq>'11Vlaov 't'OU't'OU ai AOl7t<Xl Slaq>opOl 't'OU au't'ou aYlOU SlSaaKaAlal, Kal O't'l 't'YJV «E» E7tl 't'ou Yiou aEl oi aYlol 7teXV't'EC; cXV't'l 't'Yje; «a» EKAaf3eXvov't'al. 87. Tou au't'ou EK 't'OU 7tpw't'ou 't'wv 7tEpl 't'Yje; EV 7tVEua't'l Kal aAYJ6El Aa't'pELae; 't'6ou - Ap' oG'J uX T0 &'J8pW7t TO 8EO'J EYE'JE70 11 'JEU(1.Ll; - Krl 7tWC; oux rlT07tO'J X.O(1.a 70 7aE 'JOE'J; 'I\H yap 5 ,/ \ , /  / (, / 1\. T \  / , Ll7pE7tTOC; X.Ll rlUT 7tOU OLl(1.Ef.LE'JX.E'J  YUx.; 1  U'J OE E(jT / 'T" \  \,/ \ n ..... /' '1\,/ \ TpS7tT1J. I PS7tT()V oS OU7t 1!OU T() VEUr.L Ll E()TtV, 1J Et1!Ep T() TpE7tE(j8rl 'JO(jE, E7t' LlUT'J (; (l-W(1.0C; T'J 8ELl'J &'Jrlaprl(1.E Trl cpU(j 'J, Er 7tEp E(jT TOU 0EOU X.rl n rlTp6c;, 'Jrl (1. 'J X.Ll TOU ytou, TO OU(jwawc; E &(1.cpO'J, you'J Ex. OrlTpOC; a' ytou 7tpO- 10 XE6(l-E'JO'J f1 'JEU(1.rl. 'E7t la't'aa La EISEe; auv't'oov 't'YJv 't'OU «E rlUTOU» aaq>YjvE lav, we; avw6EV E'l7toEV; 'ISou yap KcXv't'au6a «E; &(1.cpo'J» 't'o TIvEua 7tpOXEla6al AaAYjaae; 0 6ElOe; ou't'oe; 7ta't'Yjp, 't'ae; 15 7tp06eaEle; 7teXAlv SlElAE. Kal 't'v EV «7trlpa» 't'ii> TIa't'pL, 't'YJv Sf: «aa» 't'ii> Yiii> a7tEVElEV, tl va SEL;-n aOl aaq>we; O't'l 't'YJv «E» 7tp66Ealv E7tl 't'ou Yiou av't'l 't'Yje; «aa» EKAaf3eXvE't'a l. Fontes 87.3/10 Cyr., De ador., 148.3-12 6/10 = SA, Dial., 68 App. Crit. L M S V 87.1/2 --:0;:)1 - --:61J.ou] add. in mg. V ,\ ] "; L 6 " ] " S "r, "Ij ou"t' 7tOU ou':' 7tEp S 11 E:7tcr7cr(] legi nequit S o 8eioc; add. et del. M 1 /2 C; - 761J.ou] legi nequit S 4 7 &Vap1J.E'i:'--:] ante v 8E(V tranJp. 13 E'Ci:OtlEV ] Eti:(,)tlEV V 14 ou--:o ] \ \ - App. ColI. 87. 4 r,]  Cyr. 8 V] x. Cyr. 
86.16-88.24 153 88. Tou au't'ou ano 't'ou EV 't'oie; npcxK't'lXOle; 't'jje; y' oi.KouEvlKjje; auvoSou KElEVOU npoa<pwvY)'t'lKOU Ei.e; 't'ov Eyav 8EoS6alov AOYOU I M SSv - Kelt youv 0 8Ecr7tEcr0e; IIE't'poe; 'Iouoa(oe; E 7tpO- 5 crArl..AW'J' Jl ETaVOr}aaTE ovv, xat fJa;rTla()Tw gxaaTo Vf-lWV Enl 1'0 QV6/laTl '/ Yjaov .(\ (jlaTOV El Q.(pEalV afla(!TtWV Vflwv, xal A1fEa()E TV (jW(!EaV TOV aylov JlvEvflaTo. J\7tOAUW'J yap &(1.apT(ae; TO'J rI..,'y-rc{) 7tpOcrXE((1.E'JO'J, Te{) o( AO 7t0'J xaTax.p(E n 'JEu(1.aT, 07tEp E'J( cr (1.E'J aUTOC; we; EX 0EOU n rl..TpOe; A6- , , t:' ' I (....., 1 Y 1 , , t/ 10 yoc;, xa ES oae; Y;(1. 'J a'Ja7tyasw'J ucrEwe;, xo  'JO'J OE Wcr7tEp , ..... D.,..... , " 1 , , rl 70 x.P(1. 7VZC; 7 (1.Z7r1.. aapXOe; OXO'JO(1. oa TIjV E'JWcr 'J xa we; &'J8pW7t0e; E'JE7t'JE crW(1.aTXWe;. 'EvEcpvarjaE yap To'i:e; &y(oc; eX7tocrT6Aoe; E7tW'J. 1a{3ETE Jl vEvfla aytOV, xa ovx EX flET(!OV Dl(jwal TO Jl vEvfla, XaTa T'J 'Iwa'J'Jou w'J'J, eXAA' , , , 1 't:' ( ..... 0. ' , I). , ( n 1 K ' 15 aUToc; E'J cr 'J ES EaUTOU, XaVa7tEp a(1.EI\E xa 0 aTp. a you'J (; 8Ecr7tEcr0e; nauAOe;, OA 'J eX7tocrTcrae; T'J E'J YE TOUT oaopa'J, 7tOTE (1.E'J aUTe{) Te{) 0Ee{) xa naTp 7tpOcr'JE(1.W'J (;paTa, 7tOTE OE aUTe{) Te{) yte{). rpaE yap OE' YflEl DE ovx EaT E EV aa(!xl, aAA' EV Jl VEV flaT t, E'{nE(! Jl VEV fla fJEOV OlXEl 20 £V VfllV. El DE Tl Jl vEvfla X (!taTOV ovx [XEl, OiJTO ovx [aTtV aVTOV. El DE X (!taTO EV V/llV, TO flEV aWfla VEX(!DV Dt' afla(!- Tlav, TO DE nVEvfla '(J)V (jta Dlxaloavvrjv. 'J\papE'J oG'J OT xa 'Co6'J EcrT TO I n 'JEU(1.a TOU ytou, xa OUT 7tOU (1.6'J0'J  A6- M S6r yoC; EcrT 1tE'JWC; EX naTp6e;, eXAA' E xa 'JOO'i:TO xa8' (1.ae; Fon res 88.4/26 Cyr., Or. ad Theod., 67.1-17 13/14 Ioh. 3.34 18/22 Rom. 8.9-10 5/7 Act. 2.38 13 Ioh. 20.22 App. Crit. L M S V 88.1/3 TO;:)' - AOYO'J] legi nequit S 1 '";0;:)2] ,";WV V 't'o'i' 7tpX't'Lxo'i'c;] ut vid. M, 1'0 7tpx.,";Lx.0 V y'] 1'p[-:-tjc; V 2 otxOU!-lE:VLX-r,c;] om. V 6 E7tL - u!-lwv] add. in mg. M 11 "n8d] TLcr8dc; S 14 7tVE:U!-l] TO &YLOV add. V 15 EU't'OIJ] scripsi cum Cyr., ,j'";ou LMSV 24 7tECP1jVWc;] 7tEcp1jVOC; S , , ] " V EX 7tTpOC; ante Ecr't'L transp. App. CoIl. 88. 6 u!-lWV] deest in Cyr. 10 &v7t1jY&wv] &vo:7t1jY&E:L Cyr. 17 uT0] e tr., u,";o Cyr. 18 ,j'";0 70] e tr., 0 1'0 Cyr. 21 OL'] od Cyr. 
154 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM ') 5 ,/ 8 /..... ..... D. / ,  / ("  /  CI..'J P&fITOs YS:Y0'Jws, 7w'J 7C; VZ0770:; owtL"':U>'J w:; 'J o / i / cpU(j'E I\E 7t0f.LE'JO. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La :A.KOUEU; KcX'J't'au6a 7tW 7tEcpVEV E'J 't'o n 'JEua EX TOU flaTpoc; AEYEl 0 aYlo, E'JE(j'8a Sf: Kal 7tapa 't'ou 30 Yiou, Ka6w Kal 7tapa 't'ou na't'po S la 't'YJ'J Oo't'lLa'J 't'Yi q>UO'EW Kal 't'o 't'Yi oUO'La aSlaLpE't'o'J; To Se «7tyaE'J aUTo'J TOUTO EX TC; taac; CPU(j'EWC;» YJ 6pOEL't'W O'E 'E7tEl yap EK f:'J 't'Yi 7ty)yij, Y1you'J EK 't'ou SEOU Kal na't'po, EK7topEuE0'6al 't'OU't'O Ea6Y)Ka, la Sf: Kal cX7tapaAAa- 35 K't'O YJ 't'ou SEOU Kal na't'po Kal 't'OU Yiou OUO'La, 7tpO 't'YJ'J 't'Olau't'Yj'J E'J'JOla'J Kal 't'OU't'O O'ULaE, Y1YOU'J 't'o EK 't'Yi 7ty)yij Sla 't'OU Yiou YJl'J 't'OU't'O 7tYjyaE0'6al. 89. 'EK 't'Yi 7tpO 7tpEO'U't'EpOU Kal o'Jaxou 't'l'Ja op6oSo;ou E7tlO''t'oAYi a7tEpa'Ja'JTEC; ae: TO'J 7tEp  Xp (j'TOU AOY0'J 0 t TP (j'(l-axapEC; 7taTEpEC; TOU &you n 'JEu(l-aToc; aa(l- 'J(l-O'JEUOU(j'' 7t(j'TEUE 'J 5 yap Ecpa(j'a'J EtC; aUTO Xa8a7tEp eX(l-EAE EtC; TO'J n aTEpa xa TO'J it6'J. (0 (l-oou(j'O'J yap E(j'T 'J aUTO f:c; xa 7tpox. EiTa (l-E'J, you'J EX7topEuETa, Xa8a7tEp eX7tO 7tC; TOU 0EOU xa naTp6c;, X.op- YEf: Ta aE T XT(j'E aa TOU itou. E'JEcpU(j'(j'E YOU'J TO f:C; tao C; eX7to(j'T6AOc; AEYW'J. A6.{3ETE II vEvfla aytov. I Ouxou'J EX 0EOU M 56v 1 0 xa 0EOC; TO n 'JEU(l-a E(j'T xa oux eXAA6TpO'J C; eX'JWTaTU> 7ta- (j'W'J oU(j'ac;, eXAA' E aUTC; TE xa E'J aUT xa rao'J aUTC;. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La YjELwO'al O't'l Kal oU't'o 0 liYlO cXKOAou6w 't'Ol 7tpO- Fontes 89. 3/11 Cyr., Ep. SS ad Mon. Orient., 60.21-27 9 Ioh. 20.22 App. Crit. L M S V 89. 1/2 Ex. - E7tLcr":'OA C;] legi nequit S om.M 6 7tPOXs:'i'TrlL] 7tpocr- V 13 6] App. ColI. 25 TWV] 6 praem. Cyr. 89. 6 youv]  yovv Cyr. 8 LS(OLC;] O:Y(OLC; Cyr. 
88.25-90.11 155 AaOUO'l 1tY',y'J e'J 't'OU TI'JEUa't'Oe; 't'O'J TIa't'Epa xaAEi, 1 S E; au't'ou SOYfLa't'l.w'J 't'ou't'o 7tpoXEr:cr8a, SY)AaSi) EX7tO- pEuE0'6al, XOPYJyo'J Se 't'o'J Ylo'J. "Opa Sf: xal 7tWe; «o'n<. , '\ '\ ' ..........", , " , 6 (XI\I\O'Tp()'J ou"t'o 7e; C'l'JU>"t'C'l'":'U> oucrC'le;» El7tW'J, 7ta'Ju au- aO'I.We;, we; EOlYE 't'EWe; SOXEl, 7tEpl 't'OU ITa't'poe; xai. 't'OU Ylou SlEO''t'ElAE. 't'o «E au"t'e;» xal «E'J au"t'» 7tp00'9EE- 20 'Joe;, xal 't'o f:'J «E au"t'e;» 't'i;> ITa't'p I., 't'o Sf: «E'J au"t'» 't'i;> Yli;> 7tpoO'aq>opI.O'ae;, EI't'a 7teXAl'J E'JwO'ae; xal aq>w Sux't'ou E7tayaYEl'J «'Coo'J (Xu"t'e;». ITpOO'XEe; Sf: 7tWe; xal YJ 7tpOAaouO'a YJw'J E7tlO'YJEI.WO'le; 7tEpl 't'ou «EX "t'e; oae; cpucrEu>e; 7tyaE 'J C'lu"t'o» 't'O'J Ylo'J a7tO 't'Yje; 7tapouO'Y) e; 7tEp l- 2S X07tYje; axpli)e; a'Jaq>al.'JE't'al, AEYOUO'YJe; «7tpoXEr:cr8a xa- 8a7tEp eX7tO 7tye; "t'OU 0EOU xa na"t'p6e;, XopYEr:cr8a OE "t' X"t'crE oa "t'OU YOU». 90. 'Ex 't'ou SEU't'EpOU 't'w'J 7tpOe; EpEl.a'J AOYWV T'J (1.E'J yap eX'JU>"t'a"t'U> pa'J, e; E7tEXE 'Ja "t'O cru(1.7ta'J OUOEV, E'J'JOcrEC; "t'O'J na"t'Epa, "t'o'J of YE "t'e; eXvU>"t'a"t'U> p e; EX7tEcpU- x6"t'a xa YEYE'J'J(1.E'JO'J 7tapaOE  "t'o'J Yi6'J, OUX E'J rcr "t'aE ..... /" / / / ,/, S "t'O C; 7tE7tO (1.E'JO C; "t''J E'J XpO'J Aax o'J"t'a YE'J'Jcr 'J, OU"t'E (1. 'J E'J EAa"t'''t'ocr 'J I  E'J ole; (; n a"t' p "t'O "t'e; oae; cpucrEu>e; Excpa- M 57r 'Jo'J"t'a xaAAOC;, eXAA' &(1.a "t'E xa cru'Ja'too'J xa 7tli'J (;"t'ou'J cr6- f.LE"t'P0'J EXO'J"t'a, O X a (1.6'JOU "t'ou "t'EXEr: 'J. 7tpOcrXE yap &'J "t'ou"t'o (1.6'J "t'0 0E0 xa n a"t'pL fA yO'J OE n 'JEU(1.a 7tpocrEpEr:e; "t'O EX 10 0EOU Oa"t'poe; O' You 7tpoXE6(1.E'JO'J cpucrxwe;, xa Xa8a7tEp E'J "t'U7t "t'e; EX "t'W'J cr"t'o(1.a"t'U>'J oa7t'Joe;, "t''J oa'J (1.r:'J U7tocrY)- Fontes 90.2/14 Cyr., De Trin. dial. 11,238.37-240.10 App. Crit. L M S V 16 x.0P1jYov] spatium hab. S 16/17 oprJ. - oucrtrJ.C;] om. V 17/18 7t&vu 8rJ.uf-LrJ.crtwC;] inv. V 18 TEWC;] om. V 21 7tpocrcpoptcrrJ.C;] 7tpocrqmptcrrxc; S 90. 1 EX - A6ywv] legi nequit S, add. in mg. V 8 7tPOcr1jXe:L] 7tpocrxOL L 11/12 U7tocr1j f-LrJ.LVOV] &7tO- V App. ColI. 90. 5 YEVV"fjcrL v] YEVs:crL v Cyr. 7 7t5.v] XrJ.7 praem. Cyr. 7/8 rcr6f.Le:- TpOV] LcrOf-LE7PWC; Cyr. 11 TWV] deest in Cyr. aLrJ.7tVo-r,C;] aLe:X7tVojJC; Cyr. 11/12 U7tOcr"fjf-LrJ.LVOV] x't'rJ.cr'f/f-LrJ.LVOV Cyr. 
156 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM p.cit' vov ,r)7ttXp 'J, oU't'(u 't'E a(lq;>j) XLl &'aUYX.UTO'J TI-;'J 7W'J TpW'J  / ,, '"  /  , / ..... / , U7tOaT(laEU>'J EV OX.LlV; U7tLlp.,Ea 'J O07't'Ll T'JpU>'J, f.L(lV TE x.(l t / ,t / A i/ / / O(.LOO1J(jO'J 7'J (l7trJ..'J7U>'J I'Llal\oLl 7tpOax.U'JaE cp1Ja 'J. 15 'En lO''t'aO' La YJELwO'al xa'J't'au6a 't'Y)'J CPUO'lXY)'J 't'ou n 'JEua't'o npoxuO'l'J Ex. 't'OU n(lTpO Soya't'loE'JYJ'J aa TOU ytou, ou Y)'J xal EX 't'ou Ylou. 91. 'Ex 't'ou 't'pL't'OU AOYOU 't'Yi au't'ou npaya't'ELa - r/H x.aT(l OE (.LE' Ot8E(.LE'J (X'J TeOTE 'J680'J (.LEV EI'J(l 1:\' " ....., Y t / t / r D. / ,/ , t / \':JEO'J X(l (lpTcp(l'J TO'J O'J, (lY(lEaV(l 't'E, YOU'J E UOT- 7(l a(lX.EX.A a8(l 7t(lpa 0EOU, x.(l a6(l'J EAE 'J T'J Ea7to( TO'J 5 au'J (.L 'J, cpuaEU> aE (.LaAAo'J a(lX.Ex.Ta8(l 'J6(.L Tou8' 07tEp , / Y t D. / ,." ,/ / ,..... , / n / EaT 'J. 07t0 VE  0 (l'J OU T 7t0U o(l TOU oou 'JEU(.L(lTO. r/OT yap rao'J TOU ytou TO n 'JEU(.L& EaT, X(lO&7tEP &(.LEAE x.(l ..... n / , / D. ,/ , i /' /,....., TOU (l7pO, (l'J(l(.L(lVO T (l'J, X.Ll 1\(l'J (l(.LOT, (lUTOU (.LE'J AEY0'JTO. El ovv VflEl novrl(!ot OVTE, o'{aTE oflaTa aya()a 1 0 lOVat TOl T EXVOt VflWv, noalp flilAAOV 0 II aTe !1wv 0 EV TOl OVeavol wafl aya()a TOl alTovalv aVTov; I K(l 7t&A'J. M 57v Ov yae V!1El EaTE Ot AaAovvTE, aAAa TO II vfvfla ToV II aTeO V/lWV TO AaAovv EV VfllV. 12a ae: x.(l n(lUAOU TO 7taTEuoua'J E7taTEAAo'JTO. YflEl E ovx EaTE EV aaeXt, a}A' EV II vEvflaTl, IS E'{nEe IIvEVfla fJEOV OlXEl EV VfllV. El OE Tl IIvEVfla XelaTov ovx S XEt, oVTO ovx saTlv aVTov. El DE X elaTo EV VfllV, TO llEV aWfla VEXeOV Dl' aflaeTtaV, TO DE IIvEv/la 'wv Dla Dtxat- Fontes 91. 2/20 Cyr., De T rin. dial. III, 100.45-102.40 Mt. 10.20 14/18 Rom. 8.9-10 9/IIMt.7.11 12/13 App. Crit. L M Metoch. I1Idamll,Ff('}(1(1I16usqU'ld JrJ) 18 S V 13 367117X] om. S , - ] , - V X'J't'ou xu't'1j &vx1J.x8Y1 LMV waE V 91. 1 Ex. - T:pxY1J.xTdx] legi nequit S Tph'o'J] Y V 3 ",,'yo'Jv] scripsi cum Cyr.,  yo'0v LMSV 8 &vx1J.xeo] 9 a01J.X7X] a6Y1J.X7X V 13 u1J.wv] !-Lwv Swan App. ColI. 13 ax.'i' 'J7t&pe:cr v] inv. Cyr. 7V Cyr. wv] w Cyr. 91. 10 1J.wv] 'J1J.wv Cyr. 17 a'] a 
90.12-91.42 157 oavvrjV. To TO£'JU'J fLElC; 1'ouC; E7tt yf)c; 'Tt) C; UtO'rfJTOC; a6YJ xa1'axpucrou'J, q;>fLt a TO n 'JEufLa 1'0 &YO'J, E7tE£ 7tEp Ecr1't 1'ou 20 ytou, E'JEP)7JcrE (l-E:'J EC; E'tEPOUC; 'J ut07to(cr'J, &7tpaxcrE ae: 7ta'JTEAwc; 1!Ept 1'0'J OG7tEp Ecr1' 'J, oux EcrXEXp(l-E'JO'J, OUTE fL 'J E(J)8E'J 7tE([)O 'rfJxoC;, &AA' oucrwawc; U7tIJ.PXo'J au1'ou, xat a' a'J70U 7tpOX EO (l-E'JO'J '70'i:C; EAE'i: 'J eX(OC; E'J EUaOX( n a1'pOC;. 'I'll oux op8wc; cro 1'LlU1'a ([)1J.'Ja 1'E xat E'J'JE'JOcr8a aOXW; / ,';' 25 - n a'J1'a7ta(j' tiE'J OU'J. - (0 ae: a 1'w'J 8EW'J (l-r: 'J (l-ucrTfJp(w'J tEPOUpyOC; 'I wlJ.'J'JC;, o1'a'J EC; (l-EcrO'J x ow'J 7tEp( ":'E 0EOU xat (l-w'J. '£1' To{rrcp YlV(UlYXO,UFV OT' FV /iiv EaTlv, OTl EX TOV II vEvflaTo aVToV EDWXEV fl;;v, 7tWe; ou 7ta'J1'EAWe; eX1'aAa(7tWp0'J aE'i:'J O1' 0EOe; 30 eXA 8we; xat 1'e; 1'ou 0EOU xat na1'poe; oucr(ae; EX7tE([)UXE'J (; ytoe;, Er 7tEp Ecr1't'J we; 0EOe; xat oUX Z1'EpO'J 1' xa1'oxou'J E'J (l-'i: 'J 1'0 n 'JEu(l-a au1'ou; Kat 7tp6e; YE 1'ou1' ([)(l-(, E 1'0 n 'JEu(l-a 1'ou 0EOU xat na1'p6e;, E'J  1''J 1'w'J Ee; 1'0 EI'Ja 7tapE'J'JEY(l-E'JW'J W07tOE'i: 1'E xat &yIJ.E ([)ucr 'J, ra6'J I Ecr1' 1'ou ytou, 1'(e; &'J Ele; M 58r 3S 1'ou1'o 7tpOXO Xuaa61'1'oe; Aoycr(l-W'J, we; 'JOE'i: 'J  ([)plJ.cra Te; 7tpOe; n a1'Epa 8EO'J 6(l-ooucr61'1'oe; EX7tE([)O 1'xE'Ja xat 1'EAE'i: 'J E'J x1'(cr(l-acr, xat oUX t 1'a e; 8E(ae; ([)ucrEwe; raa xat Ea(pE- 1'a 1'w'J 1'au1'e; 0pw'J EO(crE 1'E xat X apE'i: 1'a 1' X1'(crE, we; (;pacr8a AO7t0'J 1'0 7tapaAAIJ.1'1'o'J OUaE'J, crO(l-E1'pWe; ae: EI'Ja Aa- 40 (l-7tpa'J x1'(cr 'J 1'E xat ([)ucr 'J,  1'0 xa1'a 7ta'J1'w'J E'JEcr1' xpIJ.Toe;; ' E ' 7t LO''t'aO' La '/1 ao'J E'J't'au8a 1'ou ytou xaAEl 1'0 n 'JEu(l-a 0 liYLO, Fontes 27/29 I Ioh. 4.13 App. Crit. L M S V 18 'JL6'":Yj'!'0] ULoeEatc; V 19 XTzpuaouv] xpuaouv V 22 7tEOL''t''tj- x6c;] EX7tEcpO T1jx6c; LMV 24 ]  LV EvvEvoae] Eve:vvoa S, EVVe:- VOf.LEV V 29/30 8EOC; &:":fjew] inv. V 30 EX7tECPUXe:V] EX7te:Ot T1jxe:v V 36 EX7tEcpoVnjXEv] EX7te:cpUXEV LM 40 Eve:aT] EV Ea'": M 41 E7ta't"at] legi nequit S 42 TOU ULOU] '":0 7tVEUf.L S XO:AE!:'] ante TOU transp. V T O 7tVEU!-l] om. S App. ColI. 18 C;] Ti',c; praem. Cyr. 19 TO &yov] deest in Cyr. 22 7te:0 TI)x6C;] e:L- a7te:cpo TIjx6C; Cyr. 30 EX7tECPUXe:V] e tr., EX7tEcpO '!'"1jXEV Cyr. 36 ee:ov] xt praem. Cyr. 
158 FLORILEGIU1vl PATRISTICU1vl xaOeX xal 't'ou TI<x't'poC; SleX 't'o E'Jl<XlO'J 't'iic; CPUO'EWC;, OU YJ'J SleX 't'YJ'J EX7tOpeUO'l'J. 'E7tlO''t'J}O'O'J Se axplwc; 7tWC; E'J6a 45 't'ou Yiou 'JY)O'JEUEl 0 aYloc;, (lUTOU AEyel 't'o n'JEua, xal E'J au't'ii>, xal a' (lUTO;:), E'J6a Sf: TOU nLlTp6c;, xal 't'YJ'J < E;» 7tpoO''t' l6Y) 0' l 7tp06EO' l'J W C; xa'J't'au8a. 92. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou - (I EpOU ae:  'J E7t([)W'JOU'JTOC; ypa(l70c;. Jl aaa ooal  ayafJ xat ;rav OwerJfla iEAEtOV avw()Ev EaTt xaiaf3u'ivov EX iOV II aieO iWV CPWTWV, nae' 4> ovx Eait naeaAAay  Te O - 5 nfJc; anoaxlaafla, 7t08E'J &'J 8c; (l1JTOC; T'J TW'J 8EW'J 'J / / 0.  / X (lp (j(lTW'J 7tp(lTTE(jV(l 0 (l'J0  'J; - 'Ex 0EOU n (lTpOC; aAO'JOT. K(l  'J TOC; &yoC; &7tO(jTOAOC; E7t' EOU(j(lC; EaaOU , , / , 0./ , 0./ ( X / T'J X(lT(l 7t'JEU(lTW'J (lX(lV(lPTW'J EU(jvE'JE(l'J 0 p(jTOC;, 10 W(jTE ExaAAE'J (lUTa X(l fJE(!anEVEtV naaav voaov xat na- aav flaAaxlav EV i0 Aa0. K(l TO ET TOUTW'J U7tEpTEpOU'J, X(l (lUTOU aU'J(l(j8(l X(lT(l8AE 'J 8(l'JaTOU aEXEAEUETO, 8E07tpE7tE- (jT(lT(l AEYW'J. )tafJEvovvia fJE(!anEVEi E xat VEX(!OV EYEl(!Ei E, AEn(!OV xafJa(!l'EiE, OatfloVta I Exf3aAAETE. WOAOYXE TE M 58v 1 5 X(l aA(l (j(l([)WC; 6 8E(j7tE(j0C; '1 wa'J'JC; AEYW'J. r'Oit EX iOV nArJ(!WflaiO aViOV naViE flE'i EAaf3oflEV. O(jC; aE &Y(l8 X(l aWp(l TEAEO'J Er &'J ETEpO'J T, X(lTa YE TO (lUTe{) (j0 aOXOU'J, 7tA 'J OT TO  TO ET(lA(lX E 'J &yOU n 'JEU(l70C;; - OUa(lWC;. 20 - 'J\8pE a oG'J X(l aa TOUTW'J  'J, W ([)AOTC;, E aOU 7tA pW(lTOC; 7tpO'E'JT(l TO'J YO'J TO raO'J (lUTOU XLl &'J(l7t0- A TWC; E7tE([)UXOC; &YO'J n 'JEU(l, a' 06 7ta(j(l aO(jC; &Y(l- Fontes 92. 2/33 Cyr., De T rin. dial. III, 106.6-108.39 2/5 lac. 1.17 Mt.4.23 13/14 Mt. 10.8 15/16 loh. 1.16 10/11 App. Crit. L M S V 47 7tpocr'de1jcrL] post X&VTUe transp. S, 7tpO- V 92. 1 EX - O:l)'t'OU] legi nequit S 9 EucreEVE:LV] &creEvELV SV 12 auvcreL XTeAE:!:'V] auv!-lLv S 18 TOL] om. S 22/23 &ye] 7tV oWP"tJf.L TEAE:LOV add. V App. ColI. 92. 15 eE:cr7tEcrLO] !-l!:'v add. Cyr. " ] ( - C LWVV1j "f,!-lL v praem. yr. 
91.43-93.8 159 8. 'E7te:l yap eX'Je:(w XLlT(lAU(j(lC; T'J q;>80pa'J x(ll TOr:C; TOU 8(l'JaTou ae:(jf.Lor:c; Eppw(j8Ll q;>pa(j(lC;, eX'JLlXOf.LW'J (1.ac; e:c; 25 &Y(l(j(1.o'J X(ll TO eXpX(lr:o'J TC; q;>U(je:wc; xaAAOC; X(l8ci7te:p E'J eX7t(lPX TOU YE'JOUC; E'J78e:lc; TOr:C; eX7t0(jT6AOC;, E'Je:q;>U(j(je:'J , " , ..... ,\' A ' f3 Jl - ('/ 'A' EC; 7(j ,"tpO(jW7tO'J (lU7WV I\EYW'J' a EiE vEvila aytOv. rtAA e:t7te:p E(j7l'J rl'JW8E'J "':E X(ll 7t(lpa 70U O(lTpOC; 7ta'J OWp- (1.(l TEAEO'J, E'JEpye:r: OE T'J TOUTW'J O(l'JO(1. 'J OU O(lxo'JxwC; 30 [; Y6c;, E'J Eou(jLf OE (1.aAAo'J T 8e:07tpe:7te:r:. K(lTa T 'J(l o ap(l AO  7t0'J eX([)e:(jTe: Tp67t0'J TOU (1.  e:I 'JLl X(lTa ([)u(j 'J Tou8' 07te:p E(jTl'J [; ye:'J'J(j(lC; (luT6'J, eXA 8 'JOC; oAo'J6T 0e:6c;, x(ll "0 '0' , , ,..... au 'JovOtC; T(jt XC!wVCX7tEp E'J 7t 'J(lX X(lT(lXe:XP (J'f.Le:'J()C; Tf.L(lC;; 'E7t lO'aO' La 35 NOU'VEXW axouO'o'V «a'Jw8e:'J» E:V EI'Val «7t(lpa TOU n(l- TpO C; 7ta'J oWp(1.(l TEAe:O'J, E'Je:pye:r: 'J OE T'J TOUTW'J a (l'J0 (1. 'J TO'J Y6'J, OU O(lxo'Jxwc;», aAA' E:;ouO'laO''t'lxw, w SEO'V. 93. 'Ex 't'ou 7tE7t't'OU AOYOU 't'Yi au't'Yi 7tpayaTELa I M 59r - T 'JOC; roo'J e:I'J(l ([)(l(1.E'J TO n 'Je:U(1.(l TO &YO'J; n 6Te:pO'J O (1.6'Jou TOU 0e:ou x(ll n (lTp6c;, you'J x(ll TOU You,  x(ll eX'J(l(1.EpOC; EX(lTEPOU x(ll eX(1.([)O r: 'J, wc; E'J EX n (lTpOC; O' You oa , " ....., , 5 TYJ 'J T (l U TOT  T (l T  C; 0 U (j  (l C; ; - OUTWC; EYWYE ([)(1.. - '0 p8wc;, (;) ET(lr: pe:, x(ll (jE T C; eXYX  'JO (lC; &Y(l(1.(l, x(ll T(lr:C; 8e:07t'Je:U(jTOC; YP(l([)(lr:c; e:G (1.aA(l (ju(1.(l 'JOU(j(l'J T'J E7tl T0 o e: Fontes 93.2/12 Cyr., De Trin. dial. VI, 24.13-30.2 App. Crit. L M S V 24 Eppwcr8L] Eppe:cr8L S 32 UTOV] scripsi cum Cyr., UTOC; LMSV 34 E7tLcrTcrt] legi nequit S 93. 1 EX - 7tPO:Yf.LTe:tC;] legi nequit S 3 youv] scripsi cum Cyr.,  youv LMSV 4 EV] &v S App. ColI. 23 E7te:t] E7te:La Cyr. crTOAOLC; transp. Cyr. xe:X.PWcrfJ-EVOC; Cyr. P Cyr. &Ve:tw] e tr., cXVE"fj 0 Cyr. 26 EVTL8e:tc;] post cX7tO- 33 V080LC;] V08LC; Cyr. XTXe:X.PLcrf.LEVOC;] XT- 93. 2 Elvt fJ-EV] wfJ-e:v e:lvL Cyr. 7tOTe:pOV] 7tOTe:- 
Fontes 160 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 06Ll'J E(1)(j8Ll( ([)"'f)[.l. N OEr: TLl [.lE'J yrXP 0 8EOe; xat n LlT p E'J 1 0 U7tapE T xLl8' ELlUTO'J, U([)E(jTXE OE au XLlt 0 )toe; OXWC;' ,'\"'" "/ t / t / , / ,..... al\A E XLl o a'J U7t0(j"t'Ll(j 'J Exa't'EpOe; Ll7tE't'E[.lE0, TO'J you'J E(ja7ta'J oop(j(1.o'J ou 7tpo(jE7a. OUOE yap &'1 SOpO70 I I 't Y t / r/ ,/ '\ ' / '\ " " ..... aTpoc; 0 OC;, U>(j7tEp aYYEl\oc; a)'YEl\oU, xa (1.v X(l E'J 70e; xa8' (1.ac; 0 OEr: 'Ja TOU OE 'Ja OAOe; OAOU aE(j7E TuX6'J, OUTE (1.'J Oa(1.7ta EAa(jE TC; OLl([)Op(iC; (; A6yoc;, eX'Ja (1.EpOC; OAO- Tp67tu>e; ExaTEpo'J taTae; 0  yap &'J EtE'J xat DUO 8EO . 1:Lae; OE ,/ ,/ , / D. / Y -- , t xa (1.0'JC; OU(je; TE xa 'JOOU(1.E'Jc; VEOTTOc;, sU>'JTa xa U([)E- (jTx6Ta xaTa8p(ja [.lE'J &'J E'J n aTp t TO'J Yt6'J, xat (1. 'J xat TO E(1. 7taA  'J, TOUTE(jT 'J E'J 10 TO'J n aTEpa o X apaxT p yap , ..... t / ,..... 20 E(jT 't'e; U7t0(jTa(jEU>C; aUTOU. - u(1.([)(1.. - M ae; O'J ([)U(jEU>C; E'J xat TO n 'JEU(1.a, xa 7tpOX E Ta (1.E'J oIa7tEp eXno 7tYC; TOU naTp6c;' E(jT YE (1. 'J OUX eXAA6Tp0'J TOU YtOU' YEYE'J'JTa yap 'T'J TOU naTpOe; O6T'Ta 7ta(ja'J ,/ , t ..... " / "....., / D. / t EX U>'J E'J EaU7, xa E7tE 7tEp E(jT T C; a'JU>TaTU> VEOTTO c; 0 xap7t6e;, I 7tWe; &'J 'JOO TO yu(1. 'Joe; TW'J Te; 8E6't'TOC; &ya8w'J; '/1 oo'J OE 8E6TTOe; (; &ya(j(1.6c;, 06 't'0 n 'JEu(1.a OEXTx6'J. rJ\ y- , ,/ ,-- r/ / t / O'J yap xaTa ([)U(j 'J xa Te; OA e; XT(jEU>C; aya(jTXO'J. - Ka Te; &'J YE'JO TO TOUTU>'J  7t((jTe;, 7tWe; A' &'J (1.a80(1. 30 (ja([)We; we; E(jT 'J 'oo'J TOU Ytou TO n 'JEU(1.a 70 &YO'J Xa8a7tEp eX(1.EAE TOU n aTp6 e;; - Ou 8upa8E'J (1. 'J 6 (1.apTuc;, aUTo'J OE E(jXO(1.(jU> ow'J7a TO'J Xp(jT6'J° "Eit nOAAa E XW AEYElV VfllV, aAA' ov Dvvaa()E f3aaTa'Elv aeT£" oTav DE EA()n EXElVO, TO IlvEvlla Tij aArJ- 15 25 M59v 33/40 Ioh. 16.12-15 App. Crit. L M S V 9/10 EV U7t&p;EL] EVU7tp;E:L M 10 0:0] drr0 S 11 &7tE7E!-lE:70] &itE:VE- !-lE:70 V 12 QuaE] ou V 13 T:'t"pOC;] 70'0 praem. V wcr7tE:p] x.o:e7tE:p V 14 aELvl] aELvL L 8E:LV2] aELvoc; S aLE:cr't";E:L] aLEcrT;QL MV 15 &v !-lEPOC;] &V!-lEpOC; L 16 ]  L 21 cru!-lCP1j!.u] signum partitionis praem. S 24 YEYEVV1jTL] YE:YEV"fj7L S 25 EZWV] EZOV S App. ColI. 14 aELv2] aELVQC; Cyr. 15 aLf.Lit;] x.t praem. Cyr. &v !-lEPOC;] &Vf.LEpO Cyr. 24 TI;v] 00TOC; praem. Cyr. 33 70',1] deest in Cyr. 
93.9-57 161 3S f)Ffa, or;yacl {'Itii EV Tfj aAr;()E[q. naaT/. Oi, ya(! )a)waEt , ,  -, ., '), rl " , I ') ') I \ \' I acp EaV1'OV, aAA oaa av axovaT/ AaArjaEt, xat 'fa E(!xoflEVa avayycAEl Vlltv. 'ExclvO EIlE DoaaEl, O1'l EX 1'OV EfloV )wVJE- Tat xat (ll'ayycAEt vfltv. Jl6.v1'a oaa E XEt 0 Jl a1'(! Efla EaTC 6la T013TO EL'I(OV vlltv O1'l FX 1'OV EflOV )aflf3aVEt xat avaYYEAEt 40 vlltv. "'H oux &1t0XPw'J (; A6yo E 1tA poq;>QPa'J TO (jO([)Or:, w roo'J (1.E'J ([)(j ';0'1 napaxA TO'J; Jl vEvfla yap aArj()E[a , / ", (/ , ", (, /0 n U>'JOf.La(jE'J aUTO 'J, OUX ETEpa OE 1tap aUTO 'I YJ aA VEa. PO- (jT8E oe: OTt EX 1'OV EflOV AVJE1'at, T'J oU(jwo xat ([)U(j- x'J 06TTa OEOE X E'J E'Japyw, xa8' 'J E'J E(jT 1tpO aUTo'J 45 TO n'JEu(1.a aUTou. Ou yap TO (1.ETaA 7tTW (jO([)o'J E(jE(j8a 1tap' aUTOU TO n 'lEU (1. a ([)YJ(j 'I, OUTE (1. 'J E'J TaE T AE TOUp- yx TOU 1tap' ytou A6you TOr: &yo oaxo(1.(jE 'I. J\AA' W(j1tEp &'1 E' T TW'J EUQ(j(1.oTaTU>'J &'J8EU>'J 7tEp T E Eau- 70U oa(jxO'Ja(1.E'J  60 (1.   xa Tar: TW'J 1tEp E(jTWTU>'J I a- M 60r 50 (j8(jE(j 'I E(1. 7t 1tTOU(j AEYO  OT EX 1'OV EfloV AVJE1'at, xat , " / / ,/ ,,/ "' T'J ([)U(jX'J OU(jOTTa xaTa(j(1. 'JEE'J a'J, xa OUT 7tOU TO w E'J (1.E8EE O p(1.E'JU>, (;)OE 1t 'JO(jE xa E([)' ytou xat n 'JEU(1.aTO. II VEV fla ya(! aOf{J[a xat avvEaEW 0'1, (jo([)(a 7ta- 'JTU> E(jT xa oU'Ja(1., OA 'J E OAOU T'J TOU 7tpO'E'JTO E'JEp- 55 YEa'J &1to(jwo'J E'J EauT0, xa w E'J o( ([)U(jE xaTaoEx'JuO'J EG (1.aAa T'J 01tEp E(jTL 'E7tEO oe: TO EX 1'OV EfloV AVJE1'a[ / 0 ' / r/ I ('/ "  Jl ([)(j, 7tpO(jTEVEXE'J a'Jayxau> OT naV1'a oaa EX Et ° a- Fontes 43 EX - A ye:TL Ioh. 16.15 56 EX - A YET Ioh. 16.15 50 EX - A f,ye:TL Ioh. 16.15 57/59 Ioh. 16.15 53 Is. 11.2 App. Crit. L M S V 39 A!-l&Ve:] Aye:TH S 42/94. 4  - f-LEV] = n. 93 et 94 post UTO ucre:- we; = n. 96 transp. V 44 EV Ecr'n] EVEcrTL V 47 aLxof-L(crELV] scripsi cum Cyr., aLxOf-L(cre: LMSV 49 7tEpEcrTwTWV] 7tpEcrTW'":WV LM 50 AEYOL] scripsi cum Cyr., AEYn LMS, AEYEL V 51 XTcr1jf-Lf,Ve:Le:V] scripsi cum Cyr., x'Y..'":ty.cr1jf-LVyj LMSV 52 1:1j] 7tO V 53 cruVc:crEWe;] auv&f-Le:wc; V 54 pO.CEVTOe;] 7tpO6VTOe; M 55 wc;] om. L 56 i7te:a ae:] spatium hab. S App. ColI. 35 ' ' ] ,.... " "'. ' Q C e:v - 7t'Xcr"{j e tr., e:LC; 7tcrv TYjv 'X/\ 1jue:L'XV yr. T Cyr. 46/ 47 AEL't'OUPYLX] U7tOUPYLX Cyr. 50 x!.] deest in Cyr. 51 oucrL6T1jT] otxe:L6TI)T Cyr. aUV&!-lEWC; Cyr. 54 Ecr'":!.] post auvf-LLC; transp. Cyr. 44 , ' ] ' , LoLOTYjT OLXe:LOTI)- 49 oafJ.-r,c;] ocrfJ. c; Cyr. 53 cruVc:crEWC;] e tr., 56 07te:p] O()7tEP Cyr. 
162 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM Tr;e E/-la. EaTt 0 DtG. TOVTO Elnov V/-llV OTl EX TOV E/-l0v Aa/-lf3a.- tlC\ \ r/ /' \ / , / , \ ( / VEl. (j"7tEp YLlP rJ.:Yov E(j''t' XaTLl cpU(j' V, E7tE 7tEp E(j'T V ayou 60 nLl7pOC; nVEuf.La, OUTW xa (j'06v, E7tE TO (j'OLle; nVEuf.Lcl , /  \ ( tfI ( / \ ,/ / ( \ / Z(j'7. (j'oa OE 0 1 OC;' xa OU7 TeO'J Llf.LEV We; X(XTLl (j'X E(j' V \ \ / Q  r/ " \ n '" \ / ,  '" T va xa (.lEVE V ayov E(j'7 70 VEU(.la xa (j'OOV, 01J(j'WOWC; OE (.laAAOV xa OtOVE Te; U(j'X 7t06TC; 7C; &yac; TE xa (j'0C; 8E6TTOe;, Te; we; EV nLlTp xa yt0 VOOU(.lEVC;, xa 6S aUT0 T0 n VEU(.laT. tlOT OE TO TOU n aTpOe; n VEU(.la  VEU(.la E(j'T TOU ytou, aUT6e; YE O' EaUTOU (.lU(j'TaYWY(j'E AEYWV o (''OTav DE EA()n 0 II ae6.xArJTO, OV EYW nEflVJw VfllV naea TOV II aTeO, TO II vEvfla T a.ArJ()E[a, a na(!a TOV II aT(!O Exno- eEVETat, EXElVO flaeTVe(]El nEe t EflOV. Uve; OUV 07tWC; we; 70 roov E7taYYEAAETa XaTa7tE(.lE V (.l V TO EX TOU naTp6c;, xa n vEu(.la (.lEV eXA 8E(ac; &7t0XaAE, 7tpOX E(j'8a YE (.l v E aUTou owp (j'aTO TOU n aTp6e;, xa (.l v OT (.lapTU p(j'E 7tEp t aUTou 7tpO (.lE(.l VUXE; I M 60v - Kat Te; &v voo  TO T e; (.lapTU p ae; [; Tp67t0c;; 7S - 'E7tEt yap EVPYXE Ta TOU 0EOU oa XEpOC; &ywv (.lE- (.lapTupxEV Evapywe; OT 0E6e; E(j'T V [; Yt6e;, 06 XLlt n vEu(.la E(j'T, Xa8a7tEp eX(.lEAE TOU n aTp6c;. 'E7t lO''t'aa La aauaO''t'Y) 7ta'Ju YJ 7tEplX07ty) au't'Y), E'J Slaq>opOl(; x w - 80 PLOl(; au't'Yi EX na't'po Sl' Yi.ou 't'o n'JEua SlSaO'xouO'a, E'J oI Sf: aAAo'J au't'o'J 't'o'J w't'Yipa 7tapaYEl, nVEup.a f:'J aAYJ(JEla eXnoxaAOU'J't'a 't'o n 'JEua, Y)'t'Ol au't'ou. au't'o yap EO''t'l'J YJ eXAYj6Ela, 7tpoXE(j'8a Sf: 't'ou't'o E Fontes 67/69 Ioh. 15.26 App. Crit. L M S V 58 EX - Ef-L013] spatium hab. S 59 E7td7ts:p] E7ts:S7ts:p S 64 wc;] om. V 65 O:t.f't'0] EV praem. L 76 XL] om. V 78 E7tcr7crt] legi nequit S App. ColI. 60 7to:-rpoc; 7tvS:13!-l] inv. Cyr. 62 &y6v - crocp6v] &yov xo:t crocpOV TO 7tVS:13f-LX Ecr-r Cyr. 63 cp1Jcrx 7t06T1jc;] inv. Cyr. 66 ys:] crs: Cyr. 75 E7te:L] E7tS:S Cyr. 7013] deest in Cyr. 
93.58-94.19 163 (ltYt'OU TOU nLlTpOC; 7tpOaSlOplOEVOV. MY) EV 7tapEPY«¥ SE: 8S 't'o «E (lUTOU» 7tapaSpa!1C;. Taxa yap 't'o «OUXl )(al E; aAAou 't'lVOC;» 't'ou't'o 7tapLO''t'YJO'l, )(a't'a 't'o 't'EWC; EOl 7ta- , p lO''t'aEvov. 94. Tou au't'ou E)( 't'Yjc; au't'Yjc; 7tpaya't'ELac; (H Te; (l-ac; 8EOTY)TOe; ([)ucre; E'J &y( TE X(l o(l-ooucr( Tp ao Y 'JWcrXET(l 7tpOe; TE (l-w'J (lUTW'J X(l TW'J &y(w'J eXY- , K ' " , D. ' ( , , , , ( YEAW'J. (l EcrT (l-E'J X(lv U7tocrT(lcr 'J OXY)'J 7t(l'JTEAEOe; 0 S n(lTp, o(l-o(we; OE X(l 0 ytoe; X(l TO n 'JEU(l-(l. eXAA'  E'JOe; TW'J W'JO(l-(lcr(l-E'JW'J OY)(l-OUpyx 8EA Y)cre;, E([)' OT7tEp &'J AE- yo  TO YE'JEcr8(l TUX O'J, E'JEPYY) (l-(l (l-E'J (lUTOU, 7tA 'J a a 7ta- crY) c; EPX. ETLl T e; 8EOTY)TO e; X(l T e; U7tEp XT(cr 'J EcrT  'J oucr((le; " " r1 '\ ' "..... ( , (l7tOTEAEcr(l-(l, XO  'JO'J (l-E'J Wcr7tEp T, 7t/\ Y)'J X(l o XWe; EX(lcrT , , " , ....., , , 1 0 7tpocrW7t 7tpE7tO'J, TO TO  'JU'J EX (l-(le; ([)ucrEwe; E'JEPYOU(l-E'JO'J oa TpW'J U7tocrTacrEW'J 7tpE7tO &'J X(l OXwe; ExacrT, 7t(l- 'JTEAE(We; EX.OUcr X(l8' E(lUT'J. 'E'JEPYE'i: TOY(lpou'J 0 n(lTp, eXAAa O' ytou E'J n 'JEU(l-(lT. I E'Je:pYE'i: X(l 0 ytoe;, eXAA' we; ou- M 61r 'J(l(l-e; TOU n (lTpOe;, E LlUTOU TE X(l E'J (lUTe{) 'JOOU(l-E'JOe; X(l8' 1 S U7t(lp 'J ox'J. 'E'JEpYE'i: X(l TO n 'JEU(l-(l' n 'JEU(l-(l yap EcrT TOU n (lTpOe; X(l TOU ytou 7t(l'JTOUpyXO'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 'Ev't'au6a oUX E't'EpOV 't'l aAA' 11 't'Y)v 7tpOC; 't'ov TIa't'Epa )(al 't'ov Ylov OOOUO'lo't'YJ't'a SlSaO')(El, oIal, 0 aYloc;. Fontes 94.2/16 Cyr., De Trin. dial. VI, 104.34-3 App. Crit. L M S V 94. 1 700 - 7tPY!-lx7:dx] legi nequit S, in mg. V E7tLcr7cr(] legi nequit S, E V 14 xtrri;J] UTWV S 17 App. ColI. 94. 11 Sd] w praem. Cyr. 16 7tv"rouPYLx.6v] TO praem. Cyr. 
164 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 95. 'Ex ii auii - OloE'J oU'J &prl TO n 'JEUf.Lrl TOU 0e:ou Ta E'J rlUT0, Xrl OU- OE'J rlU70 XEXPUf.L(l-E'JO'J, . &(jUf.L<prl'JE; - Oloe:. 7tWC; yap Ou; 5 - Er7tEp oG'J E(j7 TO n 'JEUf.LLl 70U nrlTpOe; 'oOV 70U ytou, TIWe; &'J &Y'JO(jrl 1' 1'WV uno 0EOU xe:XPU(1.(l-E'JW'J, 'OO'J EXW'J " ' n ..... " ,, " ..... n ' , rlUT0c; TO 'JEU(l-rl, TO 7trl'JTLl EOOc; Trl E'J 1' rlTp, Xrl TO AEY0'JTOc; &XOUW (jrl({)Wc; To'i:e; &yoc; &7t0(jTOAOC;. 'ETl nOA- Aa E XW VfllV AEYElV, aAA' OV Dvvaa()E f3aaTa'ElV aeTl. (''OTav 10 bE E A()T/ EXElVO, 0 Jl aeaXAYJTO, TO Jl vEvfla Tij aAYJ()E[a, ODYJyaEl Vfla El naaav TV aA()Elav. ov yae AaAaEl acp' EaVTOV, aAA' aaa av axovaT/ AaAaEl, xat Ta EeXOflEva avay- YE}El VfllV. 'EXElVO EflE DoaaEl, aTl EX TOV EfloV AVJETal xat avaYYEAEl VfllV. Apa (j0 (jrl({)Ee; TO 7trlpO(j8E'J (j0 AOYO'J, Xrl IS 7tpO(jOEOOpXrle; OT Jl vEvfla (l-E'J aArJ()E[a XrlTW'JO(l-rl(jE TO'J OrlpaXA TO'J, E({) YE (l-'J we; 7tpOE(j'J EX OrlTpO, rOrl 7ta'JTrl oe:x'Ju ErlUTOU Ta TOU OrlTpOc;; ' E ' 7t lO'aO' la 'E'Jau8a Sf: 7teXAl'J iJ'J 7tpooSo'J E'J ou n'JEuao Sl- 20 SciO'xEl EX ou napo, '{SlO'J Sf: auo AEYEl xal ou Yi.ou Sux o ux xal Yi auYi EI'Jal q>UO'EW. Fontes 95. 2/ 17 Cyr., De T rin. dial. VI, 134.38-6 8/14 Ioh. 16.12-14 App. Crit. L M S V 95. 1 EX - uC;] legi nequit S, '":o;j (1j'":olJ V 2 olSEv] ElSEv V TO 7tVEUf-LO:] om. S 3 ,jT<{J] EV praem. S 8 '":OLC; - &i":ocr'":6AOC;] ante &xouw transp. V 9 'Jf-LLV AEYEV] inv. S 15 itpOcrSESOpXC;] itpOcrSESOxC; S 16 E([J1j YE] E([J1JYE V 18 E7tcrTcrt] legi nequit S App. ColI. 95. 6 &:'yvocrt] &yvOcrE Cyr. U7tO BEOU] EV BE<{J Cyr 10 6 7tp*XA1j- '":oc;] deest in Cyr. 12 &'.1 &xQI,Jcryj] &xoucrE Cyr. 14 cro2] Ecr'n Cyr. 
Fontes 95.1-97.2 165 96. Tou aUTou EX TOU EV T-n (XUT-n I 7tpOC; EpELav M 61v 7tpayaTEI. 7tEpl TOU aYLou nVEuaToc; AOYOU I 5 1\.T ' , t:\' " ' n ' " y ( , .:.  , qJcr, EOV EYVWXLl(.lE'J O'J TEpa x TO'J O'J, , , , , " 11 ..... ouz  oE o'1 Y. TO 'JEUf.La. - \AA' (j,j TOC; aEcp80p6(j TO'J raO'J 'JOU'J (l-ucrTaywyof:'c; , D. ''1; ", , j , " X.pcrO(l-EVa, 7tpOcrE0f.LE'J uE OUZ nVEVpaal 7l/l,avrJ, XaTa Tac; ypacpric;' E'JE 'Ja aE f.LAAO'J xa E'JU7tapx E 'J oucrwawe; 7tcrTEU- crO(l-E'J T0 0 E 0 TO n 'JEU(l-a TO &YO'J, xa8a xa &'J8pW7t TO &'J8pW7t 'JO'J. x Wcr7tEp Er Te;  n ETpO'J (l- 'J  '1 wa'J'J'J O'JO- (l-acro TUXO'J, crU'JEcr(l-a'JE 7tOU aUTOe; xa TO rao'J aUTWV xa E'J aUTOe; 7t'JEU(l-a, xa TOU 7ta'JTOe; WOU 7tOETa T'J SAW- cr'J' XaTa TO'J aUTO'J, oI(l-a, Tp07t0'J E7t TOU naTpOe; xa TOU ytou. uyxa"t'acr (l-a 'JETa yap ExaTEp TO n 'JEU(l-a, xa OUX we; (l-EpOC; O'J aUTOU, xa8a xa E7t' &'J8pw7tw'J 'JOOU(l-E'J. (y CPE- crTXE yap axwe;, xa 7tpo.tcr (l-E'J E aae; aUTO cpucrEwe; (; naTp, XOPYE aE TOe; &OC; xa aUTOe; (; ytoe;. 10 15 ' E ' 7tlO'TaO'la Mciv9aVE xavTau9a 7tpo'E'JTa EV TO n 'JEU(l-a TO'J na- TEpa, X 0 Pyou'JTa aE TO'J yto'J. 97. 'Ex TOU aUTou QuaE'J oG'J &pa TO 7tapw80u'J xa EEPYO'J ET TOU Te; 8Eae; 96. 3/16 Cyr., De Trin. dial. VII, 148.6-20 97. 2/14 Cyr., De Trin. dial. VII, 168.27-39 6 7tVE'JfJ-Clcr 7tArXV1jC; cf. I Ioh. 4.6 App. Crit. L M S V 96. 1/2 TOU I - A6yoIJ] legi nequit S 1 7tpOC; EpfJ-dClV] om. V 3 VClt] XX( V 6 7tPOcrC:;OfJ-EV] 7tpocrC:WfJ-EV V 7tArXV1jC;] 7tArXvOC; LM 7/8 7tcrTEucrO!-lEV] 7tcr't'EIJcrWfJ-EV MV 9 I] scripsi cum Cyr., e:t LMSV II '":ou] om. M 14 ov] QV V 15 7tpo"t"fjcr] 7tp6e:cr V cpucrEWC;] add n. 93 et 94 V 17 E7tcrTClcr(] legi nequit S 97. 1 EX - ClIJTOU] legi nequit S App. ColI. 96. 8 '":0 &.yov] t.rrou Cyr. 9 E'L] &v praem. Cyr. !-lrXcr Cyr. 1 0 cruvEcr'fJ-ClVC:] cruve:cr!-l1Jvc: Cyr. 12/13 TOU I - 'Jtou] '":E itTpOC; XCl utou Cyr. 9/ 10 ovo!-lQ:cro] ovo- 7tou] 7trXvTwC; add. Cyr. 
166 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM U(jEWC; EI'JLl 7t(jTEUE 'J 'Cao'J TO E aUTC; TE xat E'J LlUT q;>U- ...... r/ [I ...... '1\" f1 ' , \ tfI  \ " (ji<.WC; LlyO'J VEU[.LLl, XLl'J E f.L 7E Ll'T p, [.L 7E [.L 'J 1 OC; E  " , ii' r' , , ...... n ' , LlV, I\.I\. 7C; 7tOTE: E(j"; V  'TOU 'JE1jt!Ll70C; ?U(jC;, 7tOA U7tpLlY- ......, ...... \ ......, , , ' a' , (.lOVE 'J LlVrJ..yxaov, 7V ';WV O\JO(.la7WV O077Ll t!ZVZV7C; EC; \ , , \ ...... a ' .,  ' '",,,,,  , 70 7t(xPo'J, 01jX TC; VEOT70C; OU(jrJ..V OEX7XV, A/, EXa(j70U 7WV WVO(.lLl(j(.lE'JW'J 7C; &'J VOO 70 7tpOC; [.LW'J [; 7C; 1j7tapEWC; 7p6noc; EG (.laAa XLl'T(X(j(.la 'Jo'j(jav. rlOT yap 'TETOXE OAO  I 10 ' n ' \ rI , , \ tfI , K \ , 70 a7p, xa O'T YEYE'J'J7Ll OE(jrJ..({)(jE TO « 1 OC;». . a (.l 'J OT TO n 'JEU(.la E(jT 'J EX 0EOU xa I1 aTp6c;, roo'J oe: xa aUTOU 70U ytou, ox'J TOU XLl8' (.lac; xat &'J8pw7t 'Jou 7t'JEu(.laToc;, E "  , ...... \ , 'i u......  ' XrJ.. EV U7tO(jTa(jE 'Joo  TO xa U7ta PX O'J a I\. VWC;, u a(.lE(.l 'JUXE:'J  ......  XA (jC;. 5 M62r 15 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 20 ME't" E7tlO''t'aO'La Ef3a6u'Jo'J 't'ij 7tapouO'Y) 7tEplX07tij, YAaq>upo'J 't'l yap xal E; au't'Yj SU'J"fJ6ij a'JaAE;a0'6al, xal 6auaO'El 't'YJ'J 't'ou aYLOU axpLf3Ela'J. Tc; yap 8E(ac; ({)UcrEWC; El7tW'J EI'Ja TO n 'JEU(.la 'TO &YO'J, xal OU't'w E7tayayw'J 't'O «E; aUTC; xat EV aUT», xal Sux f:'J «TOU E aUTC;» 't'o EX 't'OU na't'po, Sla Sf: «TOU E'J aUT» 't'o E'J 't'ii> Viii>, w EOl 't'EW 'JoLE't'al, YJ 9EAW'J El aAAa xal aAAa E'J'JoLa ElO'ayaYEl'J 't'o'J eX'JaYl'JwO'xo'J't'a Sla 't'YJ'J aO'aq>Ela'J, EX 't'w'J Eq>E;Yj 't'o 't'OlOU't'O'J aO'aq>f: SlY)U- XPL'J"fJO'E'J, El7tW'J q>a'JEpw O't'l «70 n'JEU(.la E(jT'J EX 0EOU xa n aTp6c;, roo'J OE xa aUTou TOU itou». 25 App. Crit. L M S V 10 YEYEVV1j7] YEYEV1j7X V 13/ 14 af.Le:1-lVUXEV - xAcr] 81-lE spatium hab. S 15 ET:cr7cr(X] legi nequit S 17 8'Jv1je] 8'JV1jeE'i' J;t' 18 xx!. eU1-lcrE] spatium hab. S eU1-l&crE] e1J1-lcr1j V 24/25 ay,'JXp(v1j- cre:v] a1j'JXp". M, 81jxpwcre:v V 25 c:cr'nv] om. S App. ColI. 3 r8ov] post ?ucrEw transp. Cyr. 11 X!.l] deest in Cyr. 
97.3-99.5 167 98. Tou auou EX ou aUTou nEp aE YE '!'OU n 'JE,j(l-TOe; TOr:e; &y(oe; f.La8Tar:e; ([)(j'J. rVTav bE E Af)n 0 Jl ae6.xArrro, OV EYW 7lEflVJw VfllV na(!a ToV n aT(26. TO Jl vEvfla ifJ a.;I.1]()E{a, a Jlaea TOV n aT(!O EXJlO- 5 (!EVETUl, EXElVO fl a (! iV e1 rr Et ;rEel E/lOV. Ap' oux. 0c:0e; E'JLlp- ..... ,( 1::::\" / " ....., (..... , ( "(we; "':0 we; \':JEO e; E'Y'JW(j(l-E'JO'J xa E'JO xoU'J E'J  (l- 'J, oux. we; XT((j(l-Ll xat YE'J-:O'J xa aOUAE( T x8' (l-ae; E'JEX6(l-E'J0'J, &AJ,' we; EAEU8EPOV xaTa ([)u(j 'J xa aUT e; urr.lJ.px. O'J Te; &A- OE(ae; TO n 'JEU(l-a, (l-aAAO'J ae: xa aUT xa8' E'JW(j 'J T'J 7tpOe; , tfI ( , (, '\ / D. " /' ') ' f) '( X ' 10 TO'J 1 O'J YJ a/\ VELl. xaTa Tae; ypLl([)ae;, aAf) Eta OE 0 P (jTOe;; - (H npoe; 'TO'J ytov &pa ([)u(jx TaUT6Te; we; Er TO n 'JEU(l-a 0EOe; &7t6x.p I 7tpOe; &7t6aE 'J xa 7tA po([)op(a'J (l-r: 'J. !\162v 'E7t LaTaa La H 7tapouaa SlSaaxEL 7tEplX07ty) EX TOU naTpo f:'J IS EX7t0pEUEa6al TO n'JEua, EI'Jal Sf: xal T aAY]8ELa, nVEup.a, TOl TOU Yi.ou Sl<X TO oooualO'J. 99. Tou aUTOU EX TW'J SwSExa xEq>aAaLw'J xEq>aAaLo'J E'J'JaTO'J Er Te; 70'J E'Ja Kupo'J '1 (jou'J Xp(jTO'J aEaoIJ.(j8a AEYE 7tapa TOU n 'JEu(l-aTOe;, we; &AAOTp( aU'JIJ.(l-E T a' aUTou 5 X.pW(l-E'JO'J xa 7tap' aUTou Aa6'JTa TO E'JEPYEr: 'J aU'Ja(j8a Fontes 98. 2/12 Cyr., De T rin. dial. VII, 190.32-45 3/5 Ioh. 15.26 14.6 99. 3/8 Cyr., Expl. XII Cap., 23.15-18 10 Ioh. App. Crit. L M S V 98. 1 '";0;:)1 - t)'ro;:)2] legi nequit S 3/ 4 7to:p - 7tTp6c;] om. V 4 TO - &":r,Oe:[c;] add. s. I. V 5 ip'] &p' V 6 EV] om. L f.L!:'v] Ef-LOt S 7 YS:V1j70V] ys:vv-r,-:ov SV 13 E7tLcrTcr[] legi nequit S 14 ] rubricatio deest in V 99. 1/2 -:0;:) - EVV,";OV] legi nequit S 1 awas:x] L' V 2 XS:cpALOV EVV-:OV] om. V App. ColI. 98. 5 oux.t] o0v praem. Cyr. 6 EVOLXO;:)V - f.L!:'v] EV f.L!:'v ouxouv Cyr. 9 xn deest in Cyr. 1 0 XT] TO yo:p 7tVS:U f.L& Ecr'!"L v  Q:A ee:L praem. Cyr. 11 &p] o0v praem. Cyr. 99. 3 TOV] cp-r,crLV praem. Cyr. AEye:L] deest in Cyr. 
168 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM xaTcX JlVEVflaTWV aXa(}a(jTWV XLl TO 7tA "f)pOU'J Ee; cl'J8pW7tOUe; 7a 8EO(jf.LE(ae;, XLl O'JX  a f.L(xAAO'J 'caOV auou TO n 'JEUf.Lcl ([)(j, a' ou xa E'JPYE ":'cXC; 8EO(j(l-E(ac;, eX'J&8Ef.LLl E(jTW. 'En lO''t'aO' La 10 Op rao'J E'J na'J't'axou TOU itou SlSaO'KEl 't'o n'JEua 0 aYlo, E; au't'ou Sf: EKnopEu6E'JO'J ouSaw; 1 00. EpYJ'JELa 't'ou au't'ou E'J'Ja't'ou KEq>aAaLou <I>8a(jae; E([)'J OT TO'i:C; N E(jTOp(OU aTTap ((j(l-a(j 'J you'J aU(j([)(l-(ae; xa TO'i:C; &ya'J eXT(l-EAWe; Ep(l-E'JOe;  'Tw'J XE- ([)aAa(w'J (l-ax ETa aU'Ja(l-e;. 'EXE( 'Jou yap AEY0'JTOe; 7tEp  TOU 5 &y(ou n'JEu(l-aToc;° «TOUTO a TO TAxaUT'J aUTe{) x.ap(ja- / ,  / " fJ.." / , (l-E'JO'J oU'Ja(l- 'J, TO oa(l-o(j 'J auo'J ([)O t--'EpO'J Epya(ja(l-E'JO'J, 70 T'J eX'JaA  'J aUTe{) T'J Ee; oupa'Jo'J X ap (ja(l-E'JO'J», xa we; TCEp ( T 'Joe; TW'J xa8' (l-(Xe; eX'J8p W7tOU xo  'JOU Ta TO aUTa TCE- ([)AUapXOTOC;, YEY0'JE'J eX'Jayxa(we; 0 eX'Ja8E(l-aT(j(l-Oe;, OU xaTa 10 YE TW'J AEYO'JTW'J aEaoa(j8a 7tapa TOU &y(ou n 'JEu(l-aTOe; TO'J ito'J, TOUTE(jT 'J E'Ja'J8pw7t(ja'JTa, xaT' EXE( 'JW'J aE (l-aAAo'J o xa eX'JEa'J aUTo'J we; eXAAOTp( aU'Ja(l-E T aa TOU n 'JEU(l-a- TOe; XEXP(jea( I ([)a(j. ME(l-'J(l-E8a ae: E7tO'JTOe; 7tEp TOU M 63r &y[OU n 'JEU(l-aTOC;° 'EXEtVO EflE DO;aaEt, r(j(l-E'J TE 7tpOe; TOUT Fontes 6 7tVEUf-LcX:":'WV cXXrl8cXp7WV cf. Lc. 5.36 134.17-135.22 14 Ioh. 16.14 100. 2/51 Cyr., Apol. XII anath., App. Crit. L M S V 7 8EOcr1jf.Ldrl] 8EOcr1jf-LLrl LMS 8 8EOcr1j!-ld] 8EOcr1j!-lL LMS cr7rlcrLrl] legi nequit S 100. 1 EPf-L1jvd - XEcprlArlLOU] legi nequit S VcXTOU] 8 V 3 aucrcp1jf-LLrlL] a'JcrcpUf-LLrlLC; M 6/7 cpOEpOV - signum indicans verba includenda fortasse scripta in parte folii corrupta M , ' ] ' ' SV O'JPrlVOV oupvou 9 E7tL- , EV- , - ] rl1J":' 7 App. ColI. 8 EVPYEL] EVpytjXE Cyr. 100. 2 ":''':'rlp(crf-LcrLV] e tr., rl":'7rlpLcr1J.0!:'C; Cyr. Youv]  youv Cyr. 5 rlu,,:,] e tr., T X.PLcrT Cyr. 6 at)vO:f-LLv] a6rlv Cyr. 8 TOLO:UT] e tr., 70L&aE Cyr. 11 ut6v] L1jcrouv Cyr. XrlT'] TOV TOU 8EOU AOYOV praem. Cyr. 12 cXvc:a1jv] e tr., &vLa1jv Cyr. 13 as:] e tr., yxp a Cyr. 7tEp] crrlcpWC; praem. Cyr. 
Fontes 99.6-100.40 169 '" "'t, n ' , " , " T TOU (X.you 'JE'Jf.L(l't'O E'JEPYE '":'C; 1tO'J1JPe; 7E xa axa- D., , 'fJ. 'ii" tI " , VapTOUC; OU'JLlf.LEe; crU'JTp  O'JTLl' a/\/\ OUX OUTWe; ({)a(.lE'J aUTO'J D., '''' t, tI t 'ii '  , XLlVa7tEp xa TW'J ayw'J Exacr't'O'J We; a/\/\07p OU'Ja(.lE XE- XpcreLl f TOU &you Il 'JEU(1.aTOe;. ";'H'J yap xa EcrT 'J aUTOU TO fI 'JEUf.L, xa8cl7tEp eX(.lEAE xa TOU n aTpOe;. Ka TOUTO (.l 'J 20 E (.laAa cracp'JE YEypa({)We; (; 8Ecr7tEcr0e; nauAOe;. Of oE EV aaeXt OVTE fJE(jJ aeEaal OV DvvavTal. YflEt oE OVX EaTE EV aaexi, aAA' EV Jl vcvflaTl, ElnE(! Jl vEvfla fJEOV OlXEt EV VfltV. E'{ Tl DE Jl vEvfla X elaTov ovx [XEl, OVTO ovx [aTlv aVTov. 'EX7tOpEUETa (.lE'J yap EX TOU 0EOU xa naTpoc; TO n 'JEU(.la TO &YO'J XaTa T'J TOU WTpOe; ({)W'J'J, eXAA' OUX eXAAOTpO'J EcrT TOU ytOU' 7ta'Ja yap EX E (.lETa TOU n aTpOe;. Ka TOUTO , , , ,  t:' " '''' t, n ' n I rl aUTOC; EooasE'J E7tW'J 7tEp TOU ayou 'JEU(.laTOC;. aVTa oaa [XEl 0 Jl aT(!, Efla EaTl" DUl TOVTO EtnOV VfltV aTl EX TOV EfloV AVJETal xat avaYYEAEl VfltV. Ouxou'J EooacrE (.lE'J TO n 'JEu(.la 30 TO &YO'J E'JEPYOU'J Ta 7tapaOoa, 7tA 'J we; n 'JEU(.la aUTOU xa oux eXAAOTp a oU'Ja(.le; xa XpE( TTW'J aUTOU, xa80 'JOE Ta 0EOC;. Ou OEOUcr({)1J(.l xa(.lE'J TO 'JU'J EC; &youe; eXYYEAOUe; OUTE (.l 'J Ee; 7tpO({)Tac;, xa8a TETOA(.l XE'J E 7tE 'J (; (.lo'Jo'J EOWe; TO xaTyopE 'J. E7tE OE EcrT crX07tOC; aUT0 TE xa TOe; xaT' " , "", "0'"  aUTO'J TO 0 a pE 'J EC; OUO XP crToue; TO'J E'Ja XLl TO'J (.lE'J 00-  i"" " , , '  t:" i'" , aO(.lE'JO'J TE xa E'JEPYOU(.lE'JO'J, TO'J OE oOsaO'JTa TE xa E'JEpYOU'JTa AEYE 'J, xaTacrxW7tToucr 'J eXcrU'JETWe; 7ta'JTa AOYO'J EUcrE  xa T C; TO aUTY) C; I aUTOUe; eX({)crTW'JTa xaxoooae;. Ka YOU'J 7tEp TOU (.laxapou rapA TO'J AOY0'J 7tOOUf.LE'JOe; 4 t , t, T " " , X o 0 ({)Aa TOe; oUTOcr' « O'J yap xaTa crapxa», ({)1Jcr, « p- IS 2S 3S M63v 20/23 Rom. 8.8-9 27/29 Ioh. 16.15 App. Crit. L M S V 18 v] d V 19 !J-!:v] post !J-&A transp. V 20 ys:ypo:cpwC;] om. V 22 oLxei] EV praem. et del. V 23 'ne; aE] inv. SV oG'":oe;] om. S 32 ou as:- 3ucrcp1j!J-x!-lS:v] UaE aucrcp1j!J-x!J-S:V M as:aucrcp1j!J-x!-le:v] as:aucrcpcr!J-S:v S 34 x7Yjyops:!:v] xx1jYops:!:v SlJ o ( App. ColI. 16 O'JTWe;] ou'":w Cyr. 17 xt] &!-lEAe: praem. Cyr. 18 1'013] a;x praem. Cyr. &ytou] deest in Cyr. 29 '":0 7tve:uf.L] -rov bjcrouv praem. Cyr. 34 , ' ] ' ' C s:7tS: s:7ts:u1j yr. 
170 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM , , n / (/ "" 8 .....'.....' (JTf)') e:X 'Je:'J[.lTf) IXYf)'J ye:ye:'J'JY',cr a 7tp(,)TOe; e:XE 'Joe; X 7tpO Te; aLl7t)..a(jE(Ue; EXpUE'J». r/ETEpOe; oG'J &pa E(JT Xp- ,( ,/ , r/ ,..... X ,, /i (, (JTOe; 0 X(X'!(X (J(XPX(X, xa ETEpOe; OX(U p(JTOC; O 7tLlI\ 'J 0 EX 0EOU n a'!pOe; 1\6yoe;. n OU TO  'JU'J  E'J(U(Je; xat 1'[ 70 E'JTEU8E'J 45 OEAOe;, E auo Xp(JTOt axwe; xa &'Ja (l-EpOe; EX(J't'o 'JOEr: 7a XLlt AEYETa; Ouxou'J x&'J E '!O 7e; EU(JEEae; 7tpO(J(u7tEr:O'J ELlUTOr:e; 7tEp 7tAaTTo'J7Ee; E'Ja AEY(U(J Xp(J'!6'J, auo po'JoG- , , /0 ' / , ( ..... r E ' 'J'!Ee; xaTa aA YJvEa'J, aXOUET(U(Ja'J 7tpOe; YJ(l-(U'J0 w ;rOTt' xw- AaVElTE En' aflCPOTEeal Tal lyvvau:; vflwv; 'Op807tOaEr:'J yap 50 &(l-E 'JO'J 7t((JT 'J EX o'J'!ae; T'J &EYJAO'J xa EPYJ pE(J(l-E'JYJ'J XLl OUX &(JU'JETOe; (Jx&ou(Ja'J AOY(J(l-Or:e;. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La aq>iJ 7ta'Ju xcX'J't'au6a YJ 't'ou aYLou SlSaO'xaALa. AEYEl yap xal 7taAl'J EX 't'ou na't'po EX7tOpEUE0'6al 't'O n'JEUa, 55 SlSaO'xaAo'J 't'ou 't'OlOU't'OU Soya't'o au't'o'J 't'o'J w't'Yipa 7tapayw'J, 'iSlO'J Sf: EI'Jal 't'ou Yiou xal O'JX &AA6'!p0'J, w  / OOOUO'lO'J. 101. Tou au't'ou EX 't'Yi 7tpO NEO''t'OplO'J 't'pL't'YJ E7tlO''t'OAYi r/OTa'J ae: AEY 7tEpt TOU n 'JEu(l-aTOe;o 'EXElVO EflE bO6.(]El, 'JOOU'JTEe; op8we; oUX we; a6 YJe; E7taEa Te; 7tap' ETEpOU a(l-E'J Fontes 48/49 III Reg. 18.21 Ioh. 16.14 101. 3/25 Cyr., Ep. 17 ad Nest., 39.14-40.2 3 App. Crit. L M S V 41 ye:YEvv-r,aeH] YEYEvaeH L 42 &prJ. Ea7] inv. S 43 S] om. S 45 &v;x f-LEPOC;] &V!-lEpOC; MV 46 d] ot S 47 7tEp7tA&7"t'OV"t'e:C;] 7te:p- T:AcX";70V V AEywa] AEyoua V 48 &XO'JE7(uav] spatium hab. S 50 x'rJ.L 2 ] om. V 51 aXcXouarJ.v] aXcXoua V 52 E7ta7cr(] om. sed signum partitionis add. S 54 ";00] om. L 101. 1/2 ":'00 - ET:a,,;oA-r,c;] legi nequit S 2 ve:a,,;6pov] vEa7wp V 3 AEYr/] AEYE TT App. ColI. 44 ":'0 (vuv ] 70ypo0v Cyr. 45 SxwC; xrJ.] inv. Cyr. Cyr. 46 d] deest in Cyr. " ] ( , Exa,,;oc; EX";EpOC; 
Fontes 100.41-101.27 171 \ rI X \ \ ¥t \ \ \..... t, n ' "rO'J E'JrJ. ... ncr'":'o'J xa 1 OV 7'J r:apa 70U ayou VEU(.lLl"t'Oe; 06Ll'J EX E 'J, o"t' f.L aE X.pE "t'''t'O'J U7tEp au"t'o'J "t'O n 'JEU(.la au"t'ou. ' E \  \ , "   ..... t ..... I D. ' ,.... ....., , 7tE oE EC; E'JOE'J 7e; E(XU70U VEO"t'r;Oe; EXP"YJ"t'O '":' O n 'JEU(Jwa7 T:'JOe; f.LEYLlAOupY(Ll'J, aEooclcr8a 7tap' LlU"t'OU q;>"YJcr 'I, Wcr7tEp &v E xa( 7C; AEYO 7t0'J xa8' (.lae; 7tEp "t'e; E'JOucr"YJe; " ,..... \ '1\ ....., , ....., , t ..... rI crxuoe; U"t' 7UX0'J "YJ YOU'J E7tcr"t'(.lC; 7"YJC; E({) O"t'OU'J O't'  t I , I E ' \ \ " , t , \ n ..... uOr.;QaOValV EflE.  'Yap xa Ecr"t' 'J E'J U7tocr"t'acrE "t'O 'JEU(.la oX xa 'JOE "t'a xa8' EauT6, xa80 n 'JEu(.la Ecr"t' xa oux Yt6e;, &AA' oG'J OUX &AA6"t'p6'J Ecr"t' 'J au"t'ou. Jl vEvfla yae aArJ- ()Ela w'J6(.lacr"t'a, xa Ecr"t' Xpcr"t'oe;  aA()Ela, xa 7tpOXE"t'a 7tap' au"t'ou Xa8a7tEp &(.lEAE xa EX "t'OU 0 EOU xa n a"t'p6 e;. 'E'JEpycra'J "t'O yapou'J "t'o n 'JEU(.la xa oa X EpW'J "t'W'J &Y(W'J &7tOcr"t'6AW'J "t'a 7tapaooa (.lE"t'a "t'o &'JEA8E 'J "t'O'J Kupo'J (.lW'J ' 1 ..... X \ , \ , \'  ' t:' ' , ' E ' D. "YJcrOU'J pcr"t'O'J Ee; "t'O'J oupa'Jo'J EoosacrE'J au"t'o'J. 7tcr"t'EUV"YJ \ rI 1:\ \ \' " ',\ ' \' .....  \ ..... yap 07 \':JEOC; xa"t'a ({)ucr 'J Ecr't', 7tal\ 'J au"t'oe; E'JEPYW'J oa "t'ou 20 &y(ou n 'JEu(.la"t'oc; E({)acrxE'J o"t' EX TOV EfloV AVJETal xat avay- YEAEt VfltV. Ka ou"t' 7tOU ({)a(.lE'J we; EX (.lE"t'Oxe; "t'o n 'JEU(.la , , \, n ' \ \' , Ecr"t' crO({)o'J "t'E xa oU'Ja"t'o'J. a'J"t'EAEO'J yap xa a7tpocroEEe; Ecr"t' 7ta'J"t'oc; &ya8ou. 'E7tE oe: "t'e; "t'OU na"t'poc; oU'Ja(.lEwc; xat cro({)(ac;, "t'OU"t'Ecr"t' "t'OU ytou, n 'JEu(.la Ecr"t' 'J, au"t'oXP"YJ(.la cro({)(a , \ \, Ecr"t' xa oU'Ja(.le;. 5 10 15 25 'E7t lO''t'aO' la U'JE't'W 't'Yi 7tEplX07tYi 't'au't'YJ axouE, xal iJ 6po- 13/14 Ioh. 16.13 14 Ioh. 14.6 20/21 Ioh. 16.14 App. Crit. L M S V 5 ULOV] 8EOV V 7tp] 7tE:p V 7 E:UTOU] scripsi cum Cyr., UTOU LMSV St] &yt V 9 &v] om. V AEYOL] AEYrj LMV 10 crX.UOC; ,jT0] inv. S 13 EcrTLv UTOU] inv. V 16 XE:LpWV] XE:LpOC; S 22 &7tpOcrSEEC;] Q:VEVSEEC; S 23 Ecr7L 7tV70C;] inv. V 24/25 crocpt Ecr'd] inv. V 26 E7tLcrTcrt] legi nequit S App. ColI. 6 EZELV] EAELV Cyr. ')7tEp] uTOG x. praem. Cyr. 7 E7tE:n E7tELa Cyr. 8 f.lEYAoupytv] e tr., f.lEYO:Aoupytc; Cyr. 11 Ef-LE] f-LE Cyr. 13 EcrTL v] ante oux. transp. Cyr. 16 ZELpWV] ZELpOC; Cyr. 20 &ytou] e tr., atou Cyr. EcpcrX.e:V] aL& TOU'":O x. praem. Cyr. 23 E7td] E7tELa Cyr. M64r 
172 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM , , ,,\' 't, " ..... D. El't'W GE 't'O I\EYEl'V 't'O'V aYlOV E'V 't'au't'Y) P0x.crv 70 n 'JEUf.LLl 7tap 70U ytou XLl8cl7tEp xat 7tapa TOU nLl- 30 1"p6c;' aAAa 't'a oAa EUeU a'VaAoYLou 't'ou au't'ou xal E:'Vo aYLou 7tEplX07ta, 't'a a'Vw't'Epw xa't'aIG't'pw6ELGa, M 64v xal EUpLGXW'V E'V EXEL'Val 7taGal EX 't'ou na't'po ap't'u- pOUE'VY)'V 't'YJ'V 't'ou n 'VEua't'o EX7t0PEUGl'V, 't'YJ'V Sf: SOGl'V, 11 't'YJ'V xopYJYLa'V, 11 't'YJ'V a7tOG't'oAY)'V, xal 't'a 't'OU't'Ol oola 3S 7tapa 't'ou Yiou, 'VOEl xa'V't'au6a 't'YJ'V 7tpOXUGl'V aSLaG't'L- X't'W oU't'w 't'E6ElGa'V, aAAo 't'l 7tapa 't'YJ'V EX7t0PEUGl'V, So- G l'V 't'UX 0'V, 11 a7tOG't'oA Y)'V, 11 E't'EpO'V oo lO'V. 102. Tou au't'ou EX 't'Yi El 't'O aYlO'V GUf30AO'V EpYJ'VELa f1 POXEr: Ta (l-E'J yap, youv EX7t0pEuE't'a xa8cl7tEp cXno 7t- yC; TOU 0EOU xa naTp6c;, XOPYEr:TLl OE T X7(jE O TOU ytou. S 'E7t lG't'aG La U'V't'OW a7tOSESo't'aL GOl YJ 't'Yi a'Vw9E'V 7tapaGYJElw- GEW ap't'upLa Sla 't'Yi 7tapouGYJ 7tEplX07tYi. t'Opa yap E'V't'au6a 't'YJ'V 't'ou aYLou axpLf3Ela'V. 7tpOXUGl'V yap El7tW'V xal EX7t0PEUGl'V 't'au't'YJ'V EpY)'VEUGa, EX 't'ou na't'po o- 10 'VOU 't'au't'YJ'V ESLSa;E. 't'YJ'V Sf: XOPYJYLa'V 't'ii> Yiii> a7tE'VElE'V. t'QG't'E 't'o «7tpOX Er:(j8(X» ,  lAW  ou't'w 't'E6f:'V 7tapa 't'ou aYLou E'V 't'ij a'Vw 7tEplX07tij, aAAo 't'l E'VoY)6Y) 't'ou't'o, xal , " , OUXl EX7tOpEUGl. Fontes 102. 2/4 Cyr., Ep. SS ad Mon. Orient., 60.23-24 ( = FP 89) App. Crit. L M S V 35/36 xaxcr'";b<::-w] xacr'";xx'";w V 36 '";dh:'i:'crxv] i":pofhicrxv V 102. 1 '";01) - EpJ:r,vdx] legi nequit S 2/ 4 i":pozsi'";x - 'Jt(1)] om. V 5 Eitcr'";(1.cr(x] legi nequit S, om. V 12 '";01)'";0] '";0 1 ,),":(:.) S 13 EXi":6pEIJcr] EX.- i":60ElJcrv M . App, ColI. 102. 2 ''(xp] deest in Cyr. 
101.28-104.3 173 103. Tou au't'ou EX 't'YjC; 7tpOC; 'IweX'J'JY)'J 'J't'loXELac; 7tEpi ElpY)'JYjC; E7tlO''t'oAYjC; K ' ,/ ,/ i / D. / , / D. aT OUoE'Ja OE Tp07tO'J cral\EuEcrva 7tLlpa T 'Joe; a'JEX0f.LEva 7V Op(j( ,c;crLl'J 7t(crT 'J  70 Te; 7t(crTEwe; crUf.LOAO'J 7tLlpa 'TW'J t / / ,/ " / t......,\ t / .,\ 5 LlYWV 7tLlTEPW'J' OU7E f.L Yj\J E7t TpE7tO(.lE'J ELlUTOe; 1J ETEpOC; 1J AE 'J &(.lEa TW'J EYXE(.lE'JW'J EXEcrE,  (.l(Ll'J you'J 7tapa- 'Ja cruAALl'J, (.lEf.L'J(.lE'JO "rou AEYO'JTOe;. Jl  flETal(!Elv o(!ta atWVla, a. l()EVTO Ot 7laTE(!E (Jov. Ob ya(! (Jav LlUTOt Ot Aa- ;OVVTE, aAAa TO II vEvfla TOV 0EOU xat Jl aT(!6, a EXnO(!EVE- \ I ' y , ..... ,/  \ , , i i / \..... tfI t..... \ 10 Tal t-LE'J E (X'J':'O'J, EcrT oE OUX /\/\OTpO'J X TOU 1 OU X.(x7 \ ..... , / i / TO'J 71Je; oucrae; I\OYo'J. 1 65 r 'E7t lO''t'aO' La o PC; O'aq>EO''t'a't'Yj'J S lSaO'xaA La'J 7tEp i 't'OU EX7t0PEUE- 0'9al E'J 't'OU TIa't'poc; 't'o TI 'JEua, '{SlO'J 8e: EI'Ja xaTa TO'J 1 5 Te; oucr(ae; AOY0'J xat TOU You; "E'J6a 't'OL 'JU'J EUpY)O'ElC; cXAAaxou SUO'AY)7t't'WC; 't'l ypaq>E'J, 7tpOC; 't'eX O'aq>Yj 't'au't'a XcXXEl'JO O'uf3Lf3aE. 104. Tou au't'ou EX 't'w'J xa't'eX 'IouAla'Jou eX'J't'lPPYj't'lXW'J tOe; &ppTWe; (.lE'J TO n 'JEu(.la EX TOU naTpOe; EX7tOpEUETa, 8a TOU you 8E XOP1JYE Ta T XT(crE. Fontes 103. 3/11 Cyr., Ad Ioh. Antioch. de pace, 19.20-26 7/8 Provo 22.28 8/9 Mt. 10.20 9/10 Ioh. 15.26 104.2/3 Cyr., ContraJul. I 725.38- 40 (et cf. Dossier Lyon, 515.30- 31) App. Crit. L M S V 103. 1/2 '700 - Eitcr'70A Y,] legi nequit S, 7013 ')''t'ou EX c; de; TO &YLOV crUf-LOAOV ( ,. V ' ] b ' V 4 ' ] , EP1J.YjVELe; In mg. 3 x.'7 v ru ro atramento 7 7tprl TO praem. S 7 f-LE1J.V1j1J.EVOt] 1J.E1J.V1j1J.EVOL LMS f-LETrlLpELV] 1J.ETrlLPE S 12 E7tL- cr'":crL] legi nequit S 16 '7O:U'7rl] 7UT S, om. V 17 X&XELVO] XcXXe:LVrl V 104. 1 70U - XV'7LPP1j'7LXWV] legi nequit S App. ColI. 103. 3 '7L voe;] '":L vwv Cyr. 4 ] 70L Cyr. 5 &YLWV] e tr., f-Lwv add. Cyr. it'7EpWV] alia add. Cyr. 7 1J.E'7rlLPEL v] !-lE't"LpE Cyr. 10 XrlL] de est in Cyr. 4 / ( ' ] ' ,..." (" , - " ,... 10 . 2 3 we; - X7LcrEL T:pOELcrL f-LEV OUV PPYj1'w, we; EqJ1jV, EX TOU 7tTpOC;, 1'0 W- - " - -  ' - , , ( - C (JitOLO'JV "(LOV r:VE'J1J.' ZOP"r,YEL 7rlL OE '7"(j X'7Lcre:L oL ULOU yr. 
174 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 5 Kal au't'Y) 't'al 7tpOAaf3ouO'al oola EX 't'ou na't'po e'J S lSciO'xouO'a 't'YJ'J EX7tOpEuO'l '.I, O 70G itau Se 't'YJ'J XOPYJ- YLa'J 't'ou n 'JEua't'o. 105. Tou NuO'O'YJ a7to 't'ii aEOyvwO'La n 'JEu(l-a OE 'TO Te; 7taTpXC; EX7tOpEUO(l-E'JO'J uTCocr7acrEwc;' TOUa' E'JEXLl yap xat IlvEvfla (JT6flaTo, &AJ...' ouXt xa Aoyo'J / , / r/" , , / ..... n cr'TO(l-Ll70C; Epxa(l-E'J,  'Ja T'J EX7tOpEUTXY;'J OOT¥rra T a- ,/ ..... / 5 70 UJ)V(,) 7tO()(j()1)(ja'J 7t (j7(,)(j"fj " T.   I  'E7tlO''t'aO'La 'E7tLO''t'Y)O'ov axplf3w 7tW xal 0 UL'JOU oU't'o rpYJ- YOPlO, 't'eX au't'<X 't'Ol AOl7tOl 7ta't'paO'l SlSaO'xw'J, o'J xal ou't'o T0 fIaTpt O'aq>w xal aplSYjAw 't'YJ'J 't'ou IOn 'JEua't'o a7to'JEEl EX7tOpEUO'l '.I. 106. 'Ex 't'ii aU't'ii r/I 'Ja oa (l-E'J TOU Aoyo'J E 7tE 'J T'J we; EX 'JOU 0EOU xat n aTpoc; &7ta8EcrTaT'J xat &p pTO'J TOU itou 7tapaOEw(l-E8a YE'J'Jcr'J' oa OE TOU EpxE'Ja Il vEvfla (JT6flaTo T'J &ya- 5 crTXv xat oucrwo oU'Ja(l- 'J, xat wapx x'J TOU n 'JEu(l-aToc; U7tocrTacr 'J U7tOAaw(l-E'J' 70 "t' C; EX7tO pEU"t'X e; o OT70C; OVO (l-aT OA O'JOT X apaxT p o (l-E'J'J. Fontes 105.2/5 Ps. Greg. Nyss., De Cogn. Dei, cf. e.g. Mich. Cer., Panoplia, 222.18-21 3 Ps. 32.6 106. 2/7 Ps. Greg. Nyss., De Cogn. Dei, cf. Ioh. Beccus, De proc. S. S., 177.9-16 4 Ps. 32.6 App. Crit. L M S V 105. 1 7013 - Os:oyvwcrb:] legi nequit S 3 7013a'] 70130' V 4 't"] 7 V 5 itLcr't"Wcr1j7L] E praem. et del. M 6 EitLcr7rJ.cr(rJ.] legi nequit S 8/9 !-l6v - 7] spatium hab. EV eS:OAOY( X 70'J7 spatium hab. V 106. 2 A6yov] AO- youM App. ColI. 105. 3 70Ua'] 70u8s: Ps. Greg. Nyss. dp+,x!-lS:v] s:rp1jxs:v Ps. Greg. Nyss. 'yp] deest in Ps. Greg. Nyss. 4 
104.4-107.16 175 'E7tlGTCXGla I Ka'JTau8a, xa;'J aGa<pwe; Tax.a, TEWe; T TIaTpl xal 10 \ 7teXAl'J cX7tOXAYJPOl TY)'J EX7t0PEUGl'J TOU n'JEuaTOe;, we; I xal TY)'J 70 rtoG YE'J'JYtJ v. !\1 65v 107. Tou aUTou EX TOU 7tEpl TOU aYLou TI'JEuaTOe; xal xaT<X MaxESo'Jla'Jou AOYOU 411 (l-W'J yap (ju'JETax 8Ll 70 n aTp t xat T0 yt0 TO fI 'JEU(l-a TO &YO'J O(l-OAOYOU'JTW'J we; (l-aE(l-(a'J EI'Ja 1tapLlAAay'J E'J ,..... "0/ / / " f.l Y;OE'J  ":W'J 7tEp  ":'J vE'J ?'J(j 'J 'JOOUf.lE'JWV ":E X O'JO(1.- O(l-E'JW'J EXTOC; TOU xa8' U1to(jTa(j 'J aao'JTwc; 8EwpEf:(j8a 70 n 'JEU(l-a TO &YO'J, OT EX TOU 0EOU E(jT xat TOV X elaTov , 0 ,/ ,/, " / ..... n ' E(jT, xavwc; YEypa1tTa. OUTE xaTa TO aYE'J'JTO'J T aTp  OUTE XaTa TO (l-O'JOYE'JEC; T0 Yt0 (ju'Ja'Jax EO (l-E'JO'J, eXAAa T(j 'J 10 EapEToC; taw(l-a(j'J E' EauTou 8EWpOU(l-E'JO'J E'J Tof:e; &AAOe; r/ 0 / ,/ , / " / a7t(X(j, XaVa1tEp E({)'J, TO (j'J'J(l-(l-E'JO'J xa a1tapaAAaxTo'J EX E 'J 0 (l-OAOYOU'JTW'J. 0 t U7tE'Ja'JTo  ({)a(jt 'J eX1tEE'JW(j8a aUTO T C; 1tpOe; TO'J n aTEpa xat YO'J ({)U(jX e; XO  'JW'J (Xe;. 5 'E7tlGTaGLa 15 NOEL xa'JTau9a TO «EX TOU 0EOU», xa9we; E'J 7tOAAaie; TW'J 7tpOAaf3oUGw'J 7tEPlX07tW'J E7tEGYJElWGaE6a, xal 7tpO- Fontes 107.3/13 Greg. Nyss., Adv. Maced., 89.21-90.7 7 Rom. 8.9 App. Crit. L M S V 9/ 10 7tTp - T1jv] spatium hab. S 107. 1/2 TOt? - A6you] legi nequit S, TOU UTOU EX 1'013 7tEp 1'013 &y[ou 1tVEU(J-':'OC, scr. et in mg. X XT f-Lo:xEaovLvoU A6- yo" 7tpWTOC, confuse add. V 3 f-Lwv - cruvTETeXX8O:L] spatium hab. '":E't"eXZ8L S 5 7V - VOOUf-LEVWV] spatium hab. S 8 xo:8wc;] spatium hab. S, XOeX7tEp V 9 (J-OVOYEVEC,] scripsi cum Greg. Nyss., f-LOVOYEVVEC, V, Of-LO"{EVEC; LMS 10 Ecp'] zCPYj V 10/ 11 EV - cruVYj(J-(J-EVOV] in mg. V 13 X ULOV] scripsi cum Greg. Nyss., olov LMSV 14 E7tLcr't"cr[] legi nequit S 15 TOU] om. V App. ColI. 107. 5 '!"wv] E,jcrEWC; add. Greg. Nyss. 9 cr'JvvZE6(J-EVOV] cruvZE6f-LEVOV Greg. Nyss. 11 &1tcrL] 7tcrL Greg. Nyss. 12 u'":o] f-LE:V praem. Greg. Nyss. 13 -n;C;] ante ?ucrLX-r,C; transp. Greg. Nyss. 'JLOV] TOV praem. Greg. Nyss. 
176 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM GEXE 't'yj 't'OU ayi.ou axplEi., 7tWC; E7t.. f:'J 't'OU SEOU 't'Y)'J «EX» 7tp66EGl'J 't'E6ElXE'J, E7t.. Sf: 't'OU Yiou 't'cxu't'Y)'J 7tapE- , GlW7tY)GE. 108. T ou au't'ou EX 't'OU au't'ou 'Eq/ w'J yap  XrlcX TO &Yrl80'J E'JEpYErl OU8E(1.rl'J EJ\a7- , '\ '\ ", ....., " '\ ' " TW(j 'I TJ 1trlprl/\/\rlYTJ'J EX E, 1tWC; E(j"t' 'I EU/\ oYo'J 'T'J Xrl"t'rl "t'0'J , 0 ' ,." , I " ....." Llp (1.0'1 Trlc,'J EArl "t'''t'W(jEWC; 'JoC;, 7C; Xrlrl ({)u(j'J 7t(X,EJrlA- 5 ArlYC;, orE(j8rl (j(1.Er:O'J EI'Jrl; rlQ(j1tEP &'1 E'C TC; E'J "t'p(j Arl- (1.7ta(j 8  p(1.E'J'J AE7tW'J 'J ({)A6Yrl - rl "t'rl'J 8e: 70U "t'p  "t'ou ({)w"t'oC; U7t08W(1.E8Ll EI'Jrl "t''J 7tpw"t''J ({)A6Yrl EX CrlC6(jEWC; , ....., ", , t:' ' I I J" , i" o Ll "t'ou (1.E(jOU "t'0 rlXpO'J ESLl't'rl(jrl'J - E7tE "t'rl Xrl"t'rl(jXEUrlS 0  7tAEO'JaE'J E'J "t' 7tpW"t' ({)AOY "t''J 8Ep(1.rl(jrl'J, "t' 8e: EcpE;C; 1 0 U7t0EXE'Jrl Xrl 7tpOC; "t'0 EArl"t'TO'J :;::X E 'I "t''J 7trlprlAArlY'J, "t''J 8e: "t'p "t''J (1. 8E 7tUP E"t' AEYE(j8rl, X&'J 7trlprl7tA (jWC; Xrl  " " ,..... "'i" Xrl ({)rl 'J Xrl 7trl'J"t'rl "t'rl "t'OU 7tUP0C; EPYrlS 7rl. M66r 'E7t lG't'aG i.a XOUElC; al't'la'J 6'JY)'J 't'YJ'J 7tpw't'Y)'J Aa7taSa; Tou't'o 15 yap 0 aYloc; U7tEGYj a'JE'J EX 't'OU E l7tE l 'J «8 a "t'OU (1.E(jOU». UAAOYlOU you'J 'JOU'JEXWC; 't'O E'J't'Eu6E'J a'Jaq>al'J6E'JO'J. 109. Tou au't'ou EX 't'OU au't'ou To n'JEU(1.rl "t'0 &YO'J na1'Ta E1' ;raGlV E1'E(!YSt Xrl8wC; OUAE- " ( " D. ' , , D.' \ {3 ' () "t'rl. rl "t'0'J, YE(1.0'JXO'J, EUVEC;, OXrlOV, rlA V '10'1, Ta a YJ Fontes 108.2/12 Greg. Nyss., Adv. Maced., 92.34-93.10 109.2/5 Greg. Nyss., Adv. Maced., 97.8-13 2 I Cor. 12.6 3/4 I Cor. 2.10 App. Crit. L M S V 18 'JLOU] 8s:ou V 108. 1 ":'ou l - d)":'OU2] legi nequit S 5 0'Cs:cr8XL] Ecrs:cr8xL S 7 T:pw71jv] ,,:,p( 71jV V 8 XX7XcrXE'J&OL] scripsi cum Greg. Nyss., xx,,:,x- crXS:IJ&S:L LMSV 13 EitLcr,,:,Xcr(X] legi nequit S 109. 1 1"OU I - X'J-rou 2 ] legi nequit S App. ColI. 108. 12 EPY& 1j":'XL] X.X7S:p'Y& 1j":'XL Greg. Nyss. add. Greg. Nyss. 3 X'C":'LOV] &YLOV Greg. Nyss. 109. 2 &YLOV] plurima alia 
107.17-110.13 177 E(!SVVWV TOi) esoi), EX n LlTpOC; EX7topEu6f.LE'J0'J, EX TOU you 5 ALlf.LLlV6f.LE'J0'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La npOO'XE EK 't'L'JO YJ 't'OU nVEua't'o EK7tOpEuO'l, Kal EK 't'L'JO YJ AYjl, Kal 7tW O'uq>w'Ja 't'Ol 7tpoypaq>ElO'l 6ELOl 7ta't'paO'l, Kal 0 Eya oU't'o SlSaO'KEl. l\o't'Yjpa yap 10 EKE L 'JW'J E l7tO'J't'W'J 't'ou n '.lEU a't'o 't'O'J W't'Yj pa, O'U- q>w'JW Kal OU't'O E au't'ou 't'o n 'JEua SlSaO'KEl Aa(1.a- 'JE(jea. Tij yap SOO'El Kal 't'YJ'J AYjl'J 7ta'J't'w E7tOE'JY)'J Eci6oE'J. 110. Tou au't'ou a7tO 't'ou a' 't'w'J 7tpO EU'JOlO'J eX'J't'lPPYJ't'lKW'J T 0 yap n aTp  xaTa TO &X7(jTO'J (ju'Ja7tT6 (1.E'JO'J, 7taA  'J aUTou T0 (1. 7taTp EI'Ja Xa8a7tEp EXE'JoC; aaxwpETa. I M 66v 5 T ae: 7tpOe; TO'J yto'J xaTa TO &XT(jTO'J (jU'Ja([)E xa E'J T0 T'J a Ta'J T e; U7tapEWe; EX TOU 0EOU TW'J OAW'J EX E 'J, &([)- (jTaTa 7taA  'J T0 oa O'JT, E'J T0 (1. TE (1.0'JOYE'JWe; EX TOU n aTpoc; U7to(jT'Ja, xa E'J T0 a' aUTou TOU ytou 7tE([)'JE'Ja. n clA 'J ae: Te; XT(jEWC; aa TOU (1.0'J0YE'JOUe; U7to(jTa(je;, we; &'J 10 (1.  xo  'J6TTa T 'Ja TO n 'JEU t-La 'JO (1.(j8 7tpOC; TauT'J EX E 'J EX TOU aa TOU ytou 7tE([)'JE'Ja, E'J T0 &TpE7tT xa &'JaAAo- WT xa &7tpO(jaEE T e; ETEP W8E'J &ya86TTOe; a axp  'JETa TO n 'JEU(1.a &7tO Te; XT(jEWe;. Fontes 110.3/13 Greg. Nyss., Contra Eun., 108.14-109.5 App. Crit. L M S V 5 AX!-lxv6f-LS:vov] AXf-Lvov L 12 nQ:vTw E7tOf-LEV"fJV] inv. V 1 x'] 7tPWTOU LV 4 '":] '":0 V M 13 xno] om. V 9 f-LEYX] es:'i'o V 10 Exdvwv] EXS:'i'vov V 110. 1/2 TO;;' - &v'npP"fJTxWV] legi nequit S 11 a '70;;] iterav. et del. rubro atramento App. ColI. 110. 4 XU'70;;] &n' praem. Greg. Nyss. 5 '7]  Greg. Nyss. cruvrlcpdx Greg. Nyss. 5/6 Xrl - EX.S:V] expunxit Greg. Nyss. " ] , , " D. - \ - G N - s:zs:V itpO 7rlUT"fjV s:zs:V V0f.Lcr\JY; TO 1tVS:Uf-LX reg. yss. crUVrlcpS:L({. ] 10 TO 
178 FLORILEGIU1 PATRISTICUrvl 'E7t lO'aO' la 15 'E7tlO'Y)O'o'J a)(plf3w )(aa l O n 'JEua cr'JvaT:TETa - Y  - , " , " , t1  l, )(al )(aQ l ouou Llcpcr7aTa. )(Ql Ol crUVLl- , , , ", , , , " 7tTOf.LEVOV TOUT XTa 7E 70 X7cr70V, )(al "to TO'J aUTO'J , 't'" '" t ,  " " TOUT )(al E'Ja EXEV T 1JT:LlPSEWC; Ll'7OV, :<cpVJ'7Ll7Ll )(aTa TE TO iJ YE'J'JYj6Yj'Jal W OUTO )(al TO iJ e; aUTou, 20 O' aUTou Sf: 7tEcpvEva. MEyaAYj Sf: 7ta'JTw YJ TOU «e; aUTou» 7tpO TO «O' aUTOU» Slaq>Opa. Ill. 'E)( TOU aUTou E 06v EV T &XTcrT) cpUcrE VOETLl Ta 8au(l-acrTa 7tpaY(l-a- , , , , t n ' t tflt, " n '" 'r1 7a TE xa ovo(l-aTa' 0 aTp, 0 1 OC;, xa TO VEU(l-a TO ayov, 7tWc; EcrTa OUVaTOV, 07tEp E7tt TWV XaTW 7tEpEpya0(l-EV xat 5 7t0AU7tpaY(l-ovoucra xaTaAa(l-avE  Evvoa, ETEpOV ETEpOU cruyxp TXWC; U7tEpT8Ecra oa 7 VOe; Xpovxou oacrTf.LaTOe;, TOUTO xat E7tt Te; &XTcrTOU XLlt 7tpoawvou VO(l-E v ou- crae; Elva; 'Ev  naTp (l-EV &vapxoe; xat &YEVVTOe; xat &Et n ' '" '' "', " "  ' a7 p VOE Ta, E aUTOU OE XaTLl TO 7tpOcrEX E aoacrTaTwc; 10 (; (l-OVOYEVC; ytoe; T0 naTpt cruVE7tVOETa, o' aUTou OE xat , , "', , ", I " (l-ET aUTOU, 7tpV T XEVOV TE xa aVU7t0crTaTov oa (l-EcrOU 7tapE(l-7tEcrE v vO(l-a, Eu8uc; TO n VEU(l-a TO &yOV oa TOU ytou crUV(l-(l-EVWC; XaTaAa(l-aVETa, OUX UcrTEpOV XaTa TV U7tapV (l-ETa TOV ytov, WcrTE 7t0TE TOV (l-OVOYEV o(xa TOU 15 n vEu(l-aToc; vo8va, &AA' EX (l-EV TOU 0EOU TWV OAWV xat aUTO TV al Tav EXOV TOU Elva, 08EV xat TO (l-OVOYEVEe; EcrT cpwC;, oa OE TOU aArj()lVOV cpWTO EXAa(l-av. M67r Fontes Ill. 2/17 Greg. Nyss., Contra Eun., 137.27-378.14 17 Ioh. 1.9 App. Crit. L M Metoch. mdr ab i-rfl1T1/I101' IS usqur ad i\,.?,)7. 21 S V 14 E7tLcr't"crt] legi nequit S 17 -rOV U't"Ov] TU't"OV Metoch. 18 liZEL V - U7tXP;EWC;] C; U7t&pEWC; EXELV Metoch. 19 x-r&] X.X7E Metoch. T0 1 - x] om. Metoch. Ill. 1 EX - IjTOU] legi nequit S, om. V 9/10 E; - crIJVE7tLVOE'i:'To:L] om. S, e tr. Greg. Nyss. 12/ 13 aL - IJLOU] rasura L App. ColI. Ill. 3 6 2 ] X. praem. Greg. Nyss. 12 EljfFJc;] XX add. Greg. Nyss. T01] x praem. Greg. Nyss. 12/ 13 ad - ULOU] deest in Greg. Nyss. 
110.14-112.14 179 'En lO''t'aO' La TY)'J au't'Y)'J xa'J't'au6a SEXOU SlSaO'xaALa'J, arTO'J 20 f:'J xal aq>o't'EpW'J 't'ou 't'E Yiou xal TI 'JEua't'oc; 't'o'J TIa't'Epa xY)pu't''t'ouO'a'J, xal Ex. TOU 0EOU E'J, OU Y)'J EX 't'ou Yiou, aa Sf: ();j ytou EXAf.LLlv 't'o TI 'JEua So;aouO'a'J. 112. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou Ou yp &'Jayx 7tacr u T EXO'J aOUAEUO'JTLlC; aou'Ja TOr:C; cruXO([)cl'JTac; Aa'J E'J T TOU U7tOaE( Yf.LaTOC; &TO'J(, oUX t clxTi' 'Ja E A(OU 'JOcrOE'J, &AA' E &YE'J'JTOU A(OU &AAO'J 5 AO'J oou T 7tpWT E7t 'Jo( YE'J'JTWC; aUT0 cru'JExAa7tO- , ,/ (/ ,/ /  / 'JTa xa xaTa 7tLl'JTa wcrauwc; EX O'JTLl XLlAAE, OU'JaE, Aa- 7tao'J, EYE8E, ([)aapOTT xat 7tacr 'J a7tAWC; TOi'C; 7tEp TO'J AO'J 8EWpOUE'JOC;. Kat 7taA 'J ETEpO'J TOOUTO'J ([)WC; xaTa TO'J ajTo'J Tp07tO'J, ou xpo'Jx0 T 'J aacrTaT TOU YE'J'JTOU " / ',\ ' , , ..... , , / ,, ([)WTOC; a7tOTE 'JOE'JO'J, al\Aa O aUTOU E'J EXAa7to'J, T'J OE 10 ..... ( / , / ,/ ,..... / / TC; U7tocrTacrEwc; a Ta'J EX0'J EX TOU 7tPW--rOTU7tOU ([)WTOC;. 'En lO''t'aO' la U'JLY)C; nwc; xal YJ napouO'a nEplxonY) 't'eX au't'eX 't'T1 npoAaf3ouO'Y} SlSaO'xEl O'E, aa 't'ou Yiou f:'J EXA&7tE'J Fontes 112.2/11 Greg. Nyss., Contra Eun., 180.20-181.3 App. Crit. L M S V 18 E:7tLcr,";rJ.crLrJ.] legi nequit S 19 'Oi.zou a'OcrXrJ.ALV] inv. S 20 XrJ. 1 - uto;;] spatium hab. S X2] '";013 add. SV 23 'Oo;&oucrv] om. S, 'OLa&- crxoucrv V' 112. 1 EX - rJ.Irro;;] legi nequit S 3 IJ7tO'Oe:L Yf.l'";O &,";0- VL] uno spatium hab. S 5/6 cruVS:XAXf.l7tOV'!'] cruvs:x spatium hab. S 7 cpLap6'";1j,";L] cpLcpp6'";1j,";L M 12 EnLcr1'crL] legi nequit S 13 crl)VL 1j] cruVLS:L V App. ColI. 112. 2 7t&crYj] 7t&crrJ. Greg. Nyss. 3 ArJ.V] e tr., X7 70;; A6YOI) praem. Greg. Nyss. 5 7tpw-ryj] 1'013 7tpW1'OU Greg. Nyss. 7 &7tAWC;] &7t; Greg. Nyss. 
180 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 15 TO II 'JEU<X, EX Se TOU 7tPWTOU cpwT6c;, TOU IIaTpoc; SY)AO- , ", " "  ' 'JOTl, 7V (x7LlV c:XEV aUTO I\Eyouaa; 113. 'Ex TOU 7tpOC; f3Aaf3lov I M67v To ' " .....,....., , , , ..... (.lEV YLlP 1tpOcrEXW EX 701J 7tPW";01J, 70 uE u(X 70'J r:po- ....., ..... , (JEX (I)C, EX 70U np(I)70 1 J. 'E7t laTaa la 5 'E7tlEAwC; TY)'J 7tapouaa'J 7tEplX07ty)'J a'Ja)"Jouc;, a'JaAo- Ylaal 7tWC; S L<X TW'J E'J TauTY1 AE;EW'J ouSe'J ETEpO'J 11 TO Y) EX TOU Yi.ou EI'Jal TO TI'JEua SlSaaXEl 0 aYlOC;, «npo- crEXWC,» El7tW'J EX TOU TIaTpoc; TO'J Yi.o'J, O' aUTOU Se xal TO TI'JEua EX TOU TIaTpoc;. OUSE'J yap aAAO aYJal'JEl'J 10 SOXEl Ol TO «TO oe: oa TOU 7tpOcrEX wc, EX TOU 7tpWTOU», aAA' 11 TO Y) EX TOU 7tpOaEXWC; EI'Jal. 114. 'Ex TOU ElC; TOV 7tpWTOapTupa aYlo'J TEq>a'Jo'J Eyxwlou TE([)aVOC; DE JlAel'l II vsvflaTo ayiov flDE b6av (-jEOV xa TOV (.lOVOYEV TOU 0EOU. Ou yap EcrT, xa8wc; ([)cr v [; 7tpO- 5 ([)T c" ([)WC; o([)8va (.l  EV T0 ([)WT xa80 p W(.lEVOV. 'E v yae T0 rpWT[ aov, ([)cr v, oVJofls()a cpw. Oux EVOEX ETa E (.l  EV T0 ([)WT YEvEcr8a TV TOU ([)WTOC, 8EWP av' 7tWC; EcrT V a7t- OEV EC; TOV AOV E;W TWV aXT(vwv YEVO(.lEVOV; 'E7tE oGv EV Fontes 113. 2/3 Greg. Nyss., Ad Abl., 56.5-6 (= SA, Dial., 66) 114. 3/14 Greg. Nyss., Ene. in Steph., 36.3-15 3/4 cr'n:cpvo - fh:ou cf. Acr. 7.55 5/6 Ps.35.10 App. Crit. L M S V 16 liZELV 'rro] inv. V 113. 1 EX - &AXLOV] legi nequit S "t'o0] "t' V 4 E1tLcr"t'O:cr(] legi nequit S, om. V 9/10 cr1j!-l(VELV aOx.E!:] inv. S 114. 1/2 Ex. - &YLOV] legi nequit S App. ColI. 114. 3 1tA +,P1j] WV add. Greg. Nyss. a6v] 7V praem. Greg. Nyss. BEOU] TOU praem. Greg. Nyss. 5 cpw] TO praem. Greg. Nyss. 6 d] deest in Greg. Nyss. 7 T] deest in Greg. Nyss. 7tW] yp add. Greg. Nyss. 
112.15-115.13 181 TW r()WT TOU n LlToor, TOUTEfjTt'J E'J T(;) n 'JE,jr J T TW  y [W W IT .., I r I I I 10 EXEi8E'J EX7t0pEUOf.LE'J, TO f.LO'J0YE'JEc; Xrl80paTrlt, 8ta TOUTO 7tpOXLl7Ll'JYrlaeEc; T a6 U TOU n 'JE,jLlTOC; E'J 7tEp t 'JOLf C; ..... n ' , Y ( ..... ,  " ' E '..... , , 70U (X':'pOe; )<'rlt tOU OO 'l)e; EYE'JE't'O. 7tEt, 7tWe; TYJ'J EUrlY- , " '\ a. ' , rI L) \ ,  \ r' I YE).,tX'J W'JV Ll/\ VE'Jzt V ({)'l)aOf.LE'J, 07t C/E01J OVuEl EW(!aXE , JlW;rOi E; 15 'E7tlaTaala YJELwO'al xa'J't'au6a 't'OU na't'po 't'O n 'JEua EX7tOpEU- , o E'JO'J. 115. Tou aYLou l\lO'JUO'LOU 't'ou :A.pE07taYL't'ou a7tO 't'Yi 7tEpl 6ELW'J o'Joa't'w'J 7tpO Tl66Eo'J I E7tlO''t'OAYi SEu't'Epa xEq>aAaLw'J !vi 68r "EaTt 8E Xrl 8taxp tate; E'J Trle; U7tEpoua(Ote; 8EOAOYrlte;, oUX 5 'J E({)'J (1.6'J0'J, OTt XrlT' rlUT'J T'J E'Jwat'J eX(1.t ywe; r8pUTrlt Xrl eXauYXUTWe; e:xaaT TW'J 8ErlPXtXW'J U7t0aTaaEw'J, eXAA' OTt Xrl Ta Te; U7tEpOUaou 8EOY0'Jrle; oux eX'JTtaTpE({)Et 7tpOe; &AAArl. Mo'J 8E 7tY TC; U7tEpOUaou 8EOTTOe; (; nrlTp, oux O'JTOC; uOU TaU n rlTpOe;, ou8E 7trlTpOe; TOU you, ({)UArlTTO- 10 'JTW'J 8e: Ta OiXErl TW'J u(1.'Jw'J EUrlywe; e:xaaT u TW'J 8ErlPXt- ..... ( , xw'J U7tOaTrlaEW'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 'A,XOUO'O'J xal 't'ou 7tOAAOU 't'eX 6Ela l\lO'JUO'LOU, (1.0'J0'J Fontes 13/14Ioh.1.18 115. 4/11 Ps. Dion. Ar., De div. nom., 128.8-13 App. Crit. L M S V 11 6;7j] 6;e: V 115.1/3 70G 1 - XE?"'[wv] legi nequit S, in mg. V 1 7-r,] 7WV V 3 E'J7Ep] ' V 6 ExXcr71j] e:XXcr71jV V ee:px.xwv] &pZxwv MVet La, 6/7 &",,,,' 07] &",,,,6'n M 10 Uf-LVWV] 1Jf-LWV MV App. ColI. 9 EV] e tr., deest in Greg. Nyss. ?WVv] &1t6cpcrv Greg. Nyss. Ar. 10 Xo:eOp7] cpwc; add. Greg. Nyss. 13 115. 6 eEpX. xwv] EVPX. XWV Ps. Dion. 
182 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM '!O'J n Ll'!EpLl pY)'t'W 1tYJY'J '!1)c; U1tEpoucrLou 8E6TTOc;, 't'ou 15 Yiou Kal 't'ou n 'JEua't'o SY)AaSi), Soya't'(o'J't'o. 116. 'EK 't'ii aU't'ii n ' '\ rI " , D.'  n '  Y ' " Lll\ 'J, OT (.lE'J EcrT TCYrJ.rJ. VEOTc; 0 TY;P, 0 oc; x.rJ. TO n 'JEU(.lrJ. 't'c; 8EOy6'JOU 8E6TTOc;, E OUTW XP ([)&'JrJ., ArJ.cr"t'O eE6([)U70 x.rJ. olo'J &'J8 x.rJ. U1tEpOUcrrJ. ([)WTLl, 1tpOc; 't'W'J tEpW'J 5 AOYW'J 1trJ.pEA ([)rJ.(.lE'J. rlO1tWc; oE TrJ.uTa EcrT 'J, OUTE E 1tEr: 'J OUTE E'J'JOcrrJ. oU'JrJ.T6'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' la Op 't'ij 7tpOAaf3ouO'T) SlSaO'KaAl Kal 't'au't'YJ'J O'u'J- c:. '" n ' , D.' 'c.' oouO'a'J, Kal 't'O'J E'J rJ.TEprJ. 1tYrJ.rJ.'J VEOTTrJ., TO'J oE 10 yto'J x.rJ. TO n 'JEU(.lrJ. ArJ.crTouc; EKE l 'JYJ, 11 &'J8, 11 ([)WTrJ.. , -, " , " , w EK la 7ta'J't'w EKEl'JYJ Kal aq>w KYJpu't''t'ouO'a'J; 117. Tou au't'ou a7tO 't'ou 't'ii 7tEpl UO''t'lKii 6EoAoYla 7tpO 't'o'J au't'o'J Tl66Eo'J E7tla't'oAii, 't'pl't'OU KEq>aAalou 'E'J (.lE'J oG'J TrJ.r:c; 0EOAOYX.rJ.r:c; Y1tOTU1tWcrEcr Ta X.UpWTrJ.- TrJ. Tc; XrJ.TrJ.([)rJ.TX.c; 8EOAOYrJ.c; u(.l'JcrrJ.(.lE'J, 1tWc;  8ErJ. x.rJ. 5 eXYrJ.8 ([)ucrc; E'JX. AEYETrJ., 1tWc; TP rJ.OX.. Tc; I  X.rJ.T' rJ.UT'J M 68v AEY0(.lE'J 1trJ.Tp6Tc; TE X.rJ. Ut6Tc;. T OUAETrJ. OAOU'J  TOU n 'JEU(.lrJ.TOc; 8EOAOYrJ.. 1tWc; EX. TOU eXuAou X.rJ. eX(.lEPOUc; eXYrJ.8ou Ta EYX&pOrJ. Tc; eXYrJ.86TTOc; EE([)U ([)WTrJ., X.rJ. Tc; E'J rJ. uT 0 TE X.rJ. E'J ErJ.UTOr:c; X.rJ. E'J eXAA AOc; cru'JrJ.'oLou T eX'JrJ.ArJ.cr'!- , , , , 1 0 crE (.lO'JC; rJ.1tO (.lE(.lE'JX.E'J Ll'J EX.([) 0  TTrJ.. Fontes 116. 216 Ps. Dion. Ar., De div. nom., 132.1-4 myst. theol., 146.1-7 117. 3/10 Ps. Dion. Ar., De App. Crit. L M S V 15 SOY!-l.-:tOVTOC;] SOYf.LT(OV'!' S 2 8s:oT1jc;] 8e:oTIj':'oC; SV 117.1/2 1 '":o;?] om. V 2 Tph'ou] Y V 9 EUTOLC;] UTOLC; M 116. 1 o:u-:-r,c;] EitLcr'!'O":c; add. V 't'ou 1 - X.S:cpA(O'J] legi nequit S 6 X.L] om. V 8 '":.C;2] '":OLC;; S App. ColI. 116. 2 6 2 ] SE add. Ps. Dion. Ar. 117. 9 TS:] deest in Ps. Dion. Ar. 
11 5.14- 11 9.5 183 'En lG't'aO' La YJELwO'al Ka'J't'au8a O't'l EX TOU clUAOU Xrl cX(l-EpOUe; , D...... ,." ",  '  I ..... " 't\ rlYrlVOU, Kal a<pw 7Ll ZYXrlPOrl ZSE([)U ({)(u1'rl, OU Y)V 't'O E'J EK 't'W'J Suo. 118. Tou aYLou Ma;Lou ano 't'w'J En't'aKoO'Lw'J YVWO''t'lKW'J Kal 6EOAOYlKW'J KEq>aAaLw'J, KEq>aAalo'J TpL't'O'J 't'Yi 't'pL't'YJ EKa't'o'J't'aSo E A6yoe; 7tpOX.rl8YEr: Trl TC; TW'J O'JT(u'J YE'JEcrE(Ue;, OUTE S 'J, OUTE EcrTrl TOU A6you A6yo eX'JWTEpO. A6yo OE oux. &'Joue;  (UC; &(l-opoe;' eXAA' E'J'JOUe; X.rl w'J, we; YE'J'JW'JTrl 'Jou'J EX(U'J oucr(Uawe; U({)EcrTWTrl, TO'J n rlTEPrl. X.rl (u'J U({)E- crTwcrLl'J oucr(Uawe; E'Ju7tapxoucrrl'J, TO n 'JEU(l-rl TO &YO'J. 'En lO''t'aO' La 1 0 t'Opa Kal 't'o'J 't'Yi EUO'Ef3ELa OOAO)'YJ't'iJ'J 't'ou't'o'J aYlo'J E'Ju7tapxo'J 't' Yi. 't'o n 'JEua, ou iJ'J 't'ou't'ou EK7tOpEU- 6E'JO'J, Soya't'Lo'J't'a. 119. TYi au't'Yi EKa't'ov't'aSo KEq>aAalo'J S' Ele; 0E6e;, E'JOe; ytou YE'J'JT(up, n rlT p, X.rl n 'JEU(l-rlTOe; t' t I I " I , , , I E'JOe; rlYou 7tY. (l-o'JrlC; rlcruyX UTOe;, Xrl 1 P rle; rlorl pETOe;. 'JOue; &'JrlPX0C;, (l-6'Jou (l-6'Joe; oucr(Uawe; eX'Japxou A6you YE'J- s 'JT(uP' X.rl (l-6'Jc; eX'iaou (Ue; X.rl n 'JEU(l-rlTOe; &you 7ty. Fon res 118.4/8 Max. Conf., Cap.  1177.20-1180.3 Cap.  1180.4-8 119. 2/5 Max. Conf., App. Crit. L M S V II E7tLcrTcr(] legi nequit S 118. 1/3 1'01) - EX.'!'ovT&aoc;] legi nequit S 3 7p( 70',1] 7p( M '!'p( r] y V 119. I -rijc; - 0'] legi nequit S a'] 7E'!'pTOV LV 4 1J.ovou - o,jcrLwaw] spatium hab. S 5 x.2] om. V App. ColI. 118. 5 O':').:'E s:crTL] OUTE s:crTLv praem. Max. Conf. 8 EVU7t&px.oucrv] cruvu- 7t&Px.o'Jcrv Max. Conf. 119. 5 x.t2] 'Youv Max. Conf. 
Fontes 184 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 'XOUE xal 7tapa 't'o't'ou 't'ou 9ElOU 7ta't'po a'L't'lo'J xal aq>o l '.I, 't'ou 't'E Yi.au xa l 't'ou TI '.lEU a't'o, 't'O'J TIa't'Epa. 't'ou f:'J w YE'J'J"rOprl.., 't'ou Sf: w 1t'lY'J xY)pU't''t'6E'JO'J. I 1 69r 120. 7tO 't'Yi EX 7tpoO'W7tOU 'Op6oS6;ou xal MaxESo'Jla'Jou O'u'J't'E6ElO'YJ SlaAE;Ew MaXEOO'Ja'J6e;. "EX.EC; (l-O oE'i:a, 1tOU YEypa1tTa 0EOC; 70 n 'JEU(l-a; T (l-E 7tEpaYEC; 7tOAAa; ' 0 D. /   E " ..... ,/ ( r/ , / '\ ' pvoooc;oc;.  f.lE'J 1tpWTO'J EY'JW(frl..'J O rl..Yo a1tO(jTO/\O T() n 'JEU(l-rl.., xa T6TE TO'J Yt6'J, xaAwc; xa au E1t TE'i:C; T'J TOU n 'JEu(l-aTOe; Y'Jwa 'I 1tpO Te; TOU Ytou Y'JwaEwc;' El oe: 1tp6TE- pO'J EY'Jwa8 aUTo'i:e; (; Yt6c;, xa T6TE TO n'JEU(l-a, 1tp6TEpO'J xa aUTOC; E1t Y'Jw8 'J TOU Yiou 8E6TTa, xa OUTW (l-aea 1 0 xa T'J TOU n 'JEu(l-aTOe; Y'Jwa 'I. l\1axEoo'Ja'J6e;. OIoa, xa 1taTEUW, OT 0E6e; EaT 'I (; Yt6e;, EX TOU 0EOU xa naTpOe; YE'J'J8EC;, OAOe; E OAOU. 'Op86oooe;. Ouxou'J EX Te; ouaae;; l\1axEoo'Ja'J6e;. Ou. 'Op06oo0e;. OUTWC; o'J aUTo'J AEYEC; OAO'J E OAOU, we; Exa- aTO'J TW'J &YYEAW'J xa TW'J &AAW'J xTa(l-aTw'J; M  /'A '\ ,\' ( tfI(' / , aXEoO'Ja'Joe;. £\./\/\ 0 1 oe; (l-O'J0YE'Je; EaT 'I. 5 15 120.3/5 Ps. Ath., De Trin. Dial. III, 1208.25-1209.41 App. Crit. L M S V 7 '":01) - x.2] spatium hab. S 120. 1/2 &7tO - AE;S:W] legi nequit S 2 cr'Jv7s:8dcr1jc;] om. V 3 !-lx.s:aovv6] !-lx.s:Sov(o'J L, legi nequit S 3/4 -:0 7tvC:13!-l] spatium hab. S 5 op86ao0c;] legi nequit S 11 !-lx.e:Sovvr)C;] legi nequit S 12 x.] 'ro13 S ys:vv'lj8dc;] post OAOU transp. V 13 op- 86ao;0c;] legi nequit S 14/15 ou op86So0] om. V 15 op86So0c;] legi nequit S oGv] om. S 17 f.Lx.s:aovo:v6c;] legi nequit S App. ColI. 120. 3 8s:oc;] O-: praem. Ps. Ath. 6 'rou] 7ts:p praem. Ps. Ath. 7t7pOC; Ps. Ath. 9 0'J7W] OUTWC; Ps. Ath. 12 x.!.] 70;; Ps. Ath. ou] oux. Ps. Ath. 17 EcrTV] Ecr":' 8e:6c; Ps. Ath. 7 uto;;] 14 
119.6-120.40 185 'Op86ao0c;.  TOUTO (J.lJTOV AEYEC; ovoye:V, E7tEt &A).OC; ..... , " ."", , .... " , 't'0 OUTO  OUX EO' 7 V, "f) E7tE f.LOVO C; EX T"f)C; ouO'(X.C; YEYEVV1jTa; M  ' ' E ", i i ..... , " 20 aXEuovavo. 7tE al\l\oc; TO OUTOC; 01)X EO'T 'J. 'Op86oo;oc;. E7tE OUV TO nVEU(1.a TO &YOV f.LOVOYEV u6v. "A ii' ..... , " rtl\I\O yap TO OU70V OUX EO'7t. 1aXEoovav6c;. M YEVOTO. ' 0 Q'   0 ' " , " ..... " pVOOOOC;. 'JX apa oa TO (1.0VOV TOOUTOV aUTOV Etva 2S (1.0VOYEV AEYET('(, &'AA' E7tEO (1.6voc; EX TC; ouO'ac; YEYEV- VTa. MLlxEoovav6c;. Oux EO'T v EX TC; ouO'ac; TOU 0EOU TO n VEU(1.a; '0 p86oo0c;. Kat 7tavu. M  ' K ' , ", ( , 30 aXEoovavoc;. a aUTO apa UOC;. 'Op86oo0c;. AAA' (; (1.EV yoc; EX TC; ouO'ac; YEYEvvTa, oa TOUTO (1.0VOYEVC; Yt6c;. TO OE n vEu(1.a EX TC; ouO'ac; EX- 7t0pEUETa. Jl vEvfla yap na(!' EflOV I EXnO(!EVEiQt YEypa7t't'a. M 69v , , OU, YEYEvvTa. 3S l\1axEoovav6c;. Ka TC;  oa([)opa TC; YEVVO'EWC; xat TC; , , EX7t°PEUO'EWC;; 'Op86oo0c;. (0 TV oa([)opav EOWC;, xat TOV Tp07tOV TC; YEVVO'EWC; xat TC; EX7t0PEuO'Ewc; oloEv. r'OT OE OUOEtC; olOE TOV Tp67t0v TC; YEvvO'EWC;, (; 7tpO([)TC; o. Tv YEvEav 40 aVTov T{ DlYJY(]ETal; Fontes 33 7tVE1Jf-Lrl - EX7tOpE'JET 2 cf. Is. 57.16 39/40 Is. 53.8 App. Crit. L M S V 18 op86aooc;] legi nequit S 19 YEYEVV1jT] YEYEV1jT V 20 fJ-rlXEOO- vrlv6c;] legi nequit S 21 op86ao;oc;] legi nequit S 23 f.lxEoovv6c;] legi nequit S 24 ope6aooc;] legi nequit S 25/ 26 YEYEVVYJTty.] YEYEV"fjT V 27 f-LrlXEaovrlv6c;] legi nequit S 29 op86aooc;] legi nequit S XrlL] VL V 30 f.lrlXEaovv6c;] legi nequit S 31 op86oo;oc;] legi nequit S 35 f-LrlXEOO- vv6c;] legi nequit S 37 op86oo;oc;] legi nequit S App. ColI. 18 E7tEL] E7tEO Ps. Ath. 19 ]  Ps. Ath. E7tEL] E7tEO Ps. Ath. 20 E7tEL] E7tEa Ps. Ath. 21 Tal] XrlLpraem. Ps. Ath. 27 EX] o0v praem. Ps. Ath. 32 o;x] XrlL praem. Ps. Ath. 34 YEYEVVYjTrl] alia add. Ps. Ath. 39 YEVEXV] YEvEcrv Ps. Ath. 
186 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM MaXEOO'Ja'J6c;. KLlt 1tWC; o6'J AEYEC; OT 0 f.LE'J yoc; EX TC; , , , , ' n "', , ouaLlC; YEYE'J'J"f)TLl, TO oE 'JEU[.lLl EX1tOpZUETLl; 'Op868ooc;. TcX YEypaf.Lf.LE'J AEYW. Kat au AEYE, xat au X 'J8u'JEuaEC;. 45 l\laxE8o'Ja'J6. n ou YEypa7tT(x «EX TC; oja((Xc;»; 'Op868o;oc;. r:Vil navTa EX TOV fJEOV YEypa1tTa, XLl au ( ..... O(.LOAOYEC;. MaxE8o'Ja'J6c;. N at O(.LOAOYW. M  OU'J EX TC; oua(a Ta , 7t a 'J T a ; ' 0 ()'   0 " , 1 'A '\ ,\' rI 1 " , pvaoos OC;. UX, (.L  YE'JO  TO. £\./\/\ OT, 7ta'JTW'J O'JTW'J EX 'toG 8EOU, o13Toc; (.LOVOYE'JC; Y6c;, TCOAAWV O'J7WV utwv,  (.L 'J EX TC; oua[ac;, 8A6'J EaT. M  1 M ' " n ..... , (I , aXEOO'Ja'Joc;. 1) xa TO 'JEU (.La (.LO'J0YE'J1)C; U OC; EaT 'J; 'Op868o;oc;. Kat 'Ju'J AZYW, (.L YE'JOTO E1tEr:'J. AAA' Wa1tEp 55 7tOAAW'J O'JTW'J uw'J, TOUTO'J EY'JW(.LE'J EX TC; oua[ac;, 8a TO AEYE 'J TO'J n aTEpa o OiJT6 EaTlv 0 Y [6 floV 0 ayanrJi6o OUTW xa TO n 'JEU(.La EY'JW(.LE'J EX TOU OaTp6c;, 8a TO nOA- AW'J O'JTW'J 1t'JEU(.LaTW'J, AEYE 'J TO'J OaTEpa o 'EXXEW anD TOV Jl vEvflaT6 flOV Ent naaav aaexa. 't\AAWC; yap ou 8u'JaTa 60 xwp ae'Ja TW'J &AAW'J I ay[w'J 7t'JEu(.laTw'J xa aU'Ja([)8'Ja T0 n aTp L E (.L  T0 A6y TC; oua(ac;. MaxE8o'Ja'J6c;. (0 yap naTp EaT'J 0 AEYW'J° 'ExXEW anD TOV Jl vEvflaT6 flOV; 'Op868o;oc;. Kat 1ta'Ju. 50 M70r Fontes 46 I Cor. 11.2, II Cor. 5.18 62/63 Act. 2.17 (Ioel 3.1) 56Mt.3.17 58/59 Act. 2.17 (Ioel 3.1) App. Crit. L M S V 41 !-lxe:aovLv6c;] legi nequit S AEYELC;] ASYEL V 43 op86aooc;] legi nequit S 45 f-Lxe:aovLv6c;] legi nequit S 46 op86aooc;] legi nequit S 48 f-LXEaOvLv6c;] legi nequit S vo:t] xt M 50 op86aooc;] legi nequit S 50/51 EX - OVTWV] iterav. M 51 ]  V 53 !-lXEaOVLv6c;] legi nequit S 54 op86aooc;] legi nequit S 62 f.LXEaOVLv6c;] legi nequit S 64 op86ao;oc;] legi nequit S App. ColI. 44 xLvauve:ucrELC;] xLvauve: 1 JELC; Ps. Ath. 45 7toG] ouvadd. Ps. Ath. 48 T] de est in Ps. Ath. 52 EcrTL] Ecr'nv Ps. Ath. 56 EcrTLv - !-lou] f-Lot EcrTLv (; ut6c; Ps. Ath. f-Lou] deest in Ps. Ath. 57 xt] deest in Ps. Ath. EX - 7tTp6c;] EX T-t;C; oucrtc; Ps. Ath. 
120.41-121.4 1M? 65 MaxEaO'JLl'J6c;. Kt 7t68E'J TOUTO; 'Op86oo0c;. n LlUAOC; 0 cl7t6(jTOAOC; AEYE. rOTE yap EJlE- q;avYJ rJ x6.et TOV eEOV xat L'WTijeO flwv, ovx E If!Ywv, iliv ETCOl(jaflEv flE;; E7tt TC; y aAAa xaTa TO JIOAV l AE- O ,j7(J;J) &'JaYE'J'J(jac; fld Dta AOVTeOV naAtYYEvEa[a, xat 70 avaXatVWaEW JlvEvflaTo, ov EEXEEV EffJ' flii Dta 'Jr}aov X etaTov. TC; EEXEE aa '1 (jou Xp(jTOU; Ao'J6T (; Et7tW'J. 'Ev Ta;; Eax6.Ta' flieat EXXEW ano TOV II vEvflaTo flOV. MaxEaO'Ja'J6c;. OuX (; yoc; oG'J aaW(j TO n 'JEU(1.a; 'Op86ao0c;. "Hxou(jac; OT (; naTp aa TOU you aaw(j ' n ..... 'A / '1 ..... n ' , / 'E -, I 75 70 VZU(1.... \.f.LZF\Z 70U a7poc; EPYJX070C;. v Tat EaxaTat flEeat EXX EW ana TOf) Jl vEVflaT6 flOV, (; yoc; &'Ja(jTac; EX 'JEXPW'J AEYE. A6.{3ETE Jl vEvfla aytOv. 'En lO'aO' La Kai E'J au't'T1 't'ij npaya't'EL 't'eX au't'eX SlSaO'xEl 0 aYlo, 80 EX 't'OU na't'po q>a'JEpw 't'YJ'J 't'ou n 'JEuao Soya't'Lw" ExnopEuO'l 'J, 't'YJ'J Sf: ou't'ou SOO'l 'J aa TOU You. 121. Tou aYLou Wq>pO'JLOU na't'puxPXou IEpoO'oAuw'J EX 't'OU nap' au't'ou O''t'aAE'J't'o Ei. PwYJ'J O'U'JOSlXOU n (jTe:UW TO 'JU'J, (1.axap o, Xa8a7tEp &pX8E'J 7tE7t(jTEuxa, e:tc; E'Ja 0EO'J 7ta'JToxpaTopa, &'Japxo'J 7ta'JTEAwc; xat &'tao'J, Fan res 66/71 Tit. 3.4-6 77 Ioh. 20.22 72 Act. 2.17 (Ioel 3.1) 75/76 Act. 2.17 (Ioel 3.1) 121. 3/14 Sophr., Ep. ad Sergium, 418.6-13 App. Crit. L M S V 65 f.LxEaovv6] legi nequit S xt] om. SV 66 opS6ao;oc;] legi nequit S 67 TOU - !J.wv] '":OU crw'":poc; f.Lwv xt SEOt) V xt] om. V 68/69 EAEO UTOU] inv. V 70 7tVe:Uf.LTO] &ytolJ add. S 73 f.Lxe:ao\nv6c;] legi nequit S 74 opS6aooc;] legi nequit S 78 E7tcrTcrt] legi nequit S 121. 1/2 TOU - cruvoaxou] legi nequit S App. ColI. 65 xt] deest in Ps. Ath. 67 XL] TOU Ps. Ath. 68/69 EAEOC; UTOU] inv. Ps. Ath. 70 VEIJf.LTO] &YLOIJ add. Ps. Ath. f.L] 7tAoucrLwC; add. Ps. Ath. 71 dr=wv] dpr,xwc; Ps. Ath. 121. 4 7tVTOXp&TOp] 7tTep praem. Sophr. 
188 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 5 7trl'JTW'J 0 prJ.TW'J XLlt &0 PrlTW'J 7t0  YJT'J. KLlt EC; E'JrJ. K up O'J '1 YJ(jou'J Xp(jT6'J, I TO'J Yo'J TOU 0EOG 70'J f.L0'J0YE'J, TO'J eX'- M 70v awC; xrJ.t eX7trJ.8wc; E rJ.UTOU YE'JVfJE'JTrJ. TOU 0EOU XLlt n LlTp6c;, \ ,,/ , \ '1\ \ n / / , , ,  \ XrJ. oux LlAA 'J rJ.pX'J  70'J Ll7EpLl Y 'J{t)(jXO'J7(x, (xAA O'JoE &AA08E'J 7t08E'J  EX TOU n rJ.TpOC; TV j7t6(jT(j 'J EXOV';(X, ([)WC; , / t / 0 \ ',\ D. \ , 0 -- ',\ D. '" 1 0 EX ([)WTOC;, 0 (.lOOU(jO'J,  EO'J rJ./\ V 'JO'J EX  EOU rJ./\fJV 'JOU (jU- 'JrJ..taO'J. KrJ.t EC; E'J n 'JEU(.lrJ. &YO'J TO (i'cwc; EX "':OU 0EOU xrJ. 11 \' , \..... \ 0 \ \', r / rJ.TpOC; EX7tOpEUO(.lE'JO'J, TO ([)WC; XLl  EO'J XrJ. rJ.UTO Y'JWpO- (.lE'JO'J XrJ. O'J eXA 8wc; n LlTp t XrJ.t Y0 (jU'JrJ..taO'J, 6(.loou(j6'J TE \ t , XrJ. o (.l0 ([)UAO'J. 15 'En lO''t'aO' La 'KOUE Kal 't'OU 6ELOU 't'ou't'ou Kal O'oq>w't'eX't'ou na't'po 't'YJ'J E'J OOOUO'lo't'Yj't'a Kal O'u'Ja.iS lO't'Y)'t'a 't'OU TI 'JEua't'o Kal aq>o't'EpOl, 't' 't'E TIa't'pl SYjAO'JO't'l Kal 't' Yi. ano- 'JEO'J't'O. o'J Sf: 't' TIa't'pl 't'YJ'J EKnopEuO'l '.I. 122. Tou aYLou 'Enlq>a'JLou Kunpou ano 't'ou S/ KEq>aAaLou 't'w'J KEq>aAaLw'J 't'ou  YKUPW't'OU ' E ,t t' , n /  \ ..... / , '\ D. \ 0 / 7tEO 0 1 OC; EX rJ.TpOC;, orJ. TOU70 (.l0'J0C; (X/\ 1JV 'JOC;  EOC;. K \' \ \ " / D. / ,'\'\, / ',\ D. / rJ. OU XrJ.TrJ. TOUC; E!fE'J(j(.lE'JOUC; VEOUC;, rJ./\/\rJ. (.l0'J0C; rJ./\ V 'J0C;, 5 E7tEt (.l6'J0c; EX (.lo'Jou 0 (.lO'JOYE'JC; xrJ. (.l6'J0'J TO &YO'J n 'JEU(.lrJ.. Fontes 122. 3/5 Epiph., Anc., 8.5-9 App. Crit. L M S V 5 Xo:2] om. V 8 o,jaE] o,jS' V 9/10 li.zoV7'Y. - 01J.0Q1,;crLOV] spatium hab. S 12 70 - X'Y.2] spatium hab. S 15 E7tLcr't'O:cr['Y.] legi nequit S 16 &XOUE] spatium hab. S 70U'!'OU] post crOCPW7&70'J transp. LV 19 T:'Y.Tp] 7tVE'J1J.'Y.- 7L V 122.1/2700 1 - &yx.')p(J)"rou] leginequitS 1 a] 7E7&p-rO'J V 2 XE«'Y.A'Y.[WV] XE«'Y.AE(0V V 3 0] om. M 4 E'E'Jcr1J.EVO'J] E'E'J1J.EVO'J V 5 ST:d] ET:ELS+, S App. ColI. 5 X 1] 7E praem. Sophr. 122. 3 /)] deest in Epiph. 4 8EO'J] alia add. Epiph. &),.,,8LVOC;] eE6 add. Epiph. 5 E7td] E1tES'r, Epiph. 
121.5-124.3 189 'E7t lO''t'aa La El xal aO'aq>E 't'ax<x SOXEl 't'o 7tapo'J xE<pclAalo'J, aAA' EO''t'l xal 't'OU't'o 't'Ol 7tpOAaf3ouO'l O'uq>w'Jo'J. EX 't'OU TIa- 't'po o'Jou Soya't'Lo'J xal aq>w, 't'o'J 't'E Yio'J xal 't'o lOTI 'JEua. To SE o'Jo'J xal aq>o't'EpOl 7tpoO''t'l6EL, 't'i;) E'J Sl<X 't'ou 6EO'El xal Xapl't'l uiou, 't'i;) Sf: Sl<X 't'<X AEL- ToupYLxa 7rYEup.aTcx. 't'o Sf: «EX (l-o'Jou», w E7tl 't'ou Yiou, ou't'W xal 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o Aaf3a'JE. 123. 7tO 't'ou ' xEq>aAaLou 't'w'J au't'w'J MO'JOYE'J yap (; yo, TO OE &YO'J n 'JEU(l-a, &YO'J 0EOU n ..... "." ' n ' ' y ( ..... , , '\ '\ / 1:\....." 'JEU(l-a, aE O'J au'J aTp xa <{J, OUX aI\I\OTpO'J EOU, a1tO 8EOU OE O'J, cl1tO naTpo EX1tOpEUO(l-E'JO'J, xa oa TOU You 5 "ALl(l-a'Jo'J. M71r 'E7t lO''t'aO' La XOUE l 7tW 't'o «EX SEOU» O'aq>Yj'J LW'J xal ou't'o 0 aYlo, xa6w E'J 7tOAAal 7tEplX07tal eX'JW't'EpW 7tpOE7tE- 0'Y)ElwO'aE6a, 't'o «EX 't'OU TIa't'po» Eu6u E7taYEl; 124. 7tO 't'ou oySoou xEq>aAaLou 't'w'J au't'w'J j\"A"A' (; (l-E'J Yo (1.0'JOYE'J &xaTa"A 1)1tTO xa TO n 'JEU(l-a clxaTa"A 1tTO'J, EX 8EOU of, OUX &"A"AoTpO'J naTpoc; xat You. Fontes 11/12 Hebr. 1.14 cf. Ioh. 15.26, 16.14 123. 2/5 Epiph., Anc., 13.5-8 4/5 &7t(J - A1J.&vov 124.219 Epiph., Anc., 13.8-15 App. Crit. L M S V 6 E7tcr7cr] legi nequit S 9 1J.6vo1J] 1J.ovov LM 123. 1 &1:0 - I'J'"':WV] legi nequit S '] ES61J.o1J L 3 x. IJti;)] om. V 5 A1J.&vov] A1J.- v61J.:::vov SV 6 Ecr7cr] legi nequit S 124. 1 &1:0 - Ij7WV] legi nequit S oya6o'J] 'fI' L App. ColI. 123.2 0] EI praem. Epiph. &yoV2] 1tv:::1)1J. praem. Epiph. 2/3 8EOU I:v:::IJf.L] inv. Epiph. 4 8:::01) SE] inv. Epiph. S;x] deest in Epiph. 
190 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM Ou (jU'JaAOcp OE E(jT n aTpt XLlt yti;), clAAa TpcXC; cXEt oU(ja "" , "" , / , (/ , / \ \ Q/ , 5 TYJC; aUTYJC; OU(jLlC;. 01JX ETEpa OU(jLl 7tLlptX 7YJ'J \}EO"t'TLl, oUX (/ D. / \ \ , / ',\,\' ( , \ D. / \ , E7EpLl VEO't'C; 7tapLl 't''J OU(jLl'J, a/\/\ . LlU"t' VEOTC;, xa EX ..... D. / ( Y ( \ \ \ n ..... K \ \ \ n ..... r/ TC; VEOTTOC; 0 OC; XLl TO 'JEU(.lLl. a 70 f.LE\J 'JEU(.la LlY- n ..... (\ Y ( \ Y ( / \  \ n ..... \ 11 \' (j'J 'JEUf.La, 0 oE OC; OC;, O oe: VEU(.lLl T:Llp(x (x7pOC; EX- 7t0pEu6(.lE'J0'J xa EX 70U ytou Aa(.la'Jo'J. 10 'E7t lO''t'aO' La XOUEl O'aq>w xal 't'O «EX TC; 8E6TTOC;», a'J't'l 't'OU «EX TIa't'po» EXAYjq>6E'J 't'ii> aYL, «EX TC; 8E6TYJTOC;» El- 7tO'J't'l 't'O'J Yio'J xal 't'O TI 'JEua, xal 7tW 't'ij «EX» 7tpO- 6EO'El E7tl 't'ou Yiou XPYjO'aE'JO, «TO Aaf.La'JO'J» E'lpY)XE'J. 15 OU iJ'J «Ex7t0pEu6(.lE'J0'J» w E7tl 't'ou TIa't'po EI7tE'J; 125. 7tO 't'ou lC;' xEq>aAaLou 't'w'J au't'w'J OVDEl oiDE TOV 17 aTE(!a El fl 0 Yl6, xal ovDEl oiE TOV YlOV El fl 0 II aTe. 8appw AEYE'J UaE TO n 'JEU(.la TC; olaE'J E (.l 6 naTp xat (; Yt6c;, 7tap' 06 EX7t0pE1jETLl xa 7tap' 06 5 Aa(.la'JE. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 'A,XOUE 7tW YJ E'J Ex7t6pEUO'l 't'ou TI 'JEua't'o 't'ii> TIa- 't'pl 7tapa 7ta'J't'w'J aq>opLE't'al, YJ Se Aiil 't'ii> Yiii>. Fontes 8/9 '":0 - AO:!-l&vov cf. Ioh. 15.26, 16.14 2/3 Mt. 11.27 125.2/5 Epiph., Anc., 19.6-9 App. Crit. L M S V 10 E7tLcr'!"crb:] legi nequit S 12/13 S:L7tOV'!"L] d7t6v'":o V 13 '":ov - Xl] iterav. et del. M 14 A!-l&vov] A!-l&VS:L v L, A!-lvov ut vid. M, AO:f-L&vwv V.( s:'CP1jxs:v] om. S 125. 1 &7tO - ,j,:"wv] legi nequit S 3 'n] '":y, V 6 ET:Lcr':"cr(] legi nequit S App. ColI. 4 o,j] o,jSs: Epiph. Sc:] deest in Epiph. 7t'":p - 'Jt] it'":po X utou Epiph. 5 oux. 2 ] ouSe: Epiph. 7 es:oT1j'!'o] u praem. Epiph. 7tve:u!-l] XYLOV praem. Epiph. 125. 3 8ppw] o':)'":w '":OAf-LW Epiph. 
124.4-127.6 191 126.  7tO 't'ou pO' 't'w'J au't'w'J I M71v E TO( 'Juv 7tLlpO: nLlTpOC; EX7tOpEUETa xat 'Ex TOV Eflov, q;>- \ t K / ') I t\ / ,  \" \ Jl ' , (j'J 0 upOC;, ArJ1pETal, ov Tp07tO'J OVuEU; EYV(J) TOV aTE(!a El ) fl 0 }T t6, ovi5i TOV Y tov El," 0 n aT(!, OUTWC; TOAfJ-W AEYE 'J 5 O'Jae: TO 11 vEu(1.a E fJ- [; Yt0C; xat [; n LlTp, E oG AafJ-a'JE \ , r' / "  \ \ ¥t \ \ \ n ' xa 7tap ou EX7tOpEUETa, XLl OUOE TO'J 1 O'J xa TO'J aTEpLl, E (1.  TO n 'JEU(1.a TO &YO'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La U'JE 7tW E'J6a 't'ij «7tapa» 7tp06EO'El xal E7t' a<po- 10 't'EpOl 't' 't'E TIa't'pl xal 't' Yi. xpw'J't'al oi. aYlol, 't'a aAAa SlalpouO'l q>w'Ja. xal 't' f:'J TIa't'pl 't'Y)'J EX7tOpEU- O'l'J 't'ou TI'JEua't'o, 't' Sf: Yi. 't'Y)'J Aiil'J, 11 't'Y)'J SOO'l'J, 11 XOPY1YLa'J, 11 cX7tOO''t'OAY)'J cXq>OpLOUO'l'J. 127. 7tO 't'ou p7t' xEq>aAaLou 't'w'J au't'w'J 7tEpl 7tLO''t'EW OUTW ae: 7t(jTEUO(1.E'J E'J aUT0 OT E(jT n 'JEu(1.a &yo'J, 11 'JEu(1.a 0EOU, n 'JEu(1.a TEAEO'J, n apaxA TO'J, &XT(jTO'J, EX TOU naTpoc; EX7tOpEuo(1.E'Jo'J, EX TOU Ytou Aa(1.a'Jo'J. 5 'E7t lO''t'aO' La TIpOO'XE 7tW xcX'J't'au6a E7t' aq>o't'EpOl 't'ij «EX» 7tpO- Fontes 126.2/7 Epiph., Anc., 91.18-23 127. 2/4 Epiph., Anc., 148.28-30 2/3 Ioh. 16.14 3/4 Mt. 11.27 3/4 EX - Af.L&vov cf. Ioh. 15.26, 16.14 App. Crit. L M S V 126. 1 &7tO - ,jTW'J] legi nequit S pe'] E:x.'":ocrT00 EVV&70'J XEcpAtO'J V 6 X!.2] Oln. V 8 Ei:cr'":crt] legi nequit S 11 !-lEv] om. V 127. 1 &i":O - 1dcr'":'EW] legi nequit S '":00] '":WV L XEcpA[O'J] XEcpAtwv LV 2 O'JTW] O'J'":w LS 4 A!-l&vr;v] 1'!-lv6!-lEVOV V 5 E7tcr't"crt] legi nequit S App. ColI. 126. 2 7t'":'po] '":00 praem. Epiph. &VE] e tr., post 'Jto transp. Epiph. pE'JET] e tr., post 7tTIjp transp. Epiph. 7tp&XA "fj '":'0 V ] T:VEU!-l praem. Epiph. 5 0,j3E] o'": praem. Epiph. E; - Af.L- 6 X!.l] deest in Epiph. 7tp' - EX7tO- 127. 2 OUTW] OU7W Epiph. 3 4 EX] x!. praem.Epiph. 
192 fLORILEGIUM PATRIS'TICUM 8eGEl XPY)GaEVOe;, neXAlv SlElAE 't'ete; <pwvae;, we; npOAa- OV't'EC; Elpip(aEV. 128. Tou au't'ou EK 't'ou 't'EAEu't'aLou KEq>aAaLou 't'wv TIavapELwv A' , ,( / " ( / 11 Q / 1:\' ( f-\.'J'TY; oE Y; 7f.L(l 7tEp(j't'Ep(l x.(l y(X pVE'JOc; EOV o(.lo- AOYE n rlTEprl X.rl Yo'J X.rl n 'JEU(.lrl &yo'J, nrlTEprl 7EAEO'J, tfI( , / ') n '" r/ / ') (/ ,/  5 1 O'J 'TEI\EO'J, 'JEU(.lrl rlYO'J 7EI\E0'J' O(.lOOU(jO'J T'J., 1 prlOrl, eXAAa TO'J (.lE'J YO'J eXA 8w Ex. n rlTpO YEYE'J'J(.lE'JO'J X.rl TO &YO'J n 'JEU(.lrl OUx. eXAA6Tp0'J n rlTpOC; X.rl You, 03(jrl'J OE eXE T'J Tp&Orl X.rl (.l OE7t0TE 7tpo(j8x.'J E7tOEXO(.lE'J'J, (.l  EXOU- / , ( '" ( P. P. / , / ( / ,/ (jrl'J OE T E'J ErlUT U7t0Et--'X.0, EC; (.lrl'J 7E E'JOTTrl X.Ll (.lrl'J 10 I eXpX'J TOU 8EOU X.rl nrlTpOC; eX'JrlY0(.lE'J'J, Ex. TrlUTC; 'TC; M 72r  /  n ' , tfI( '" ,( / fl / ,/ 1 prlOOC; rlTpOC; X.rl 1 OU X.rl rlYOU 'JEU(.lrl'TOC; Trl 7trl'J'Trl , / Q , ,/ / EX.T(jV, OUX. O'JTrl 7t0TE. 'En lO''t'aO' La KOUElC; Kav't'au6a (.lrl'J eXPX'J EV 't'ij TpuxSl, 't'ov TIa- IS 't'Epa SY)AOVO't'l, Kal npoc; au't'v 't'ov Yi.ov Kal 't'o TI vEua , / Ll'Jrl yo (.lE'Jrl; Fontes 128. 3/12 Epiph., Pan., 514.15-23 App. Crit. L M S V 8 dpxq.LEV] EtP'XEf.LEV LM 128. 1/2 TOU l - ;:xvxpdwv] legi nequit S 1 TEA Etr':'rl LOU ] rl'J-rou V 2 ,,:wv] ":'ou XXL ":E),EU":XLO'J praem. V ;:- VpELWV] 7txpdwv V 8 fJ:fjDE1tOTE] f.L at 1tO":'E M 9 E'J7-n] scripsi cum Epiph., W)T-n LMSVet e tr. Epiph. 13 EitcrTcrLX] legi nequit S App. ColI. 128. 3 -r[.lL] f.LL Epiph. 4 7:VEU[.l &yov] inv. Epiph. 6 &AA] 0') cruvAOcpV ":"f,v Tp&Drl praem. Epiph. [.lEv] deest in Epiph. &A 1j8w] post 1tO:TpO transp. &A "fj8 VW Epiph. 8 1tpocr8x1jv] e tr., 1tpocrOx1j Epiph. E1t8EX.Of.LEV1jV] e tr., E1t8EOf.LEV1jV Epiph. 9 1'E] 8E Epiph. 10 EX] XrlL praem. Epiph. 12 EX-rLcr8"fj] XEX.":Lcr8 Epiph. 
127.7-130.3 193 129. Tou aYLou rpJ}YOpLOU 't'ou aaua't'ouPYou EK 't'YjC; 7tOKaAUEwc; E ?' 0 / n ' A / r '" / ( / , c;  EOC;, LlY;P 0YO'j (u'JTOC;, O'O({)(lC; U({)EO''T(UO'e;, X(l , , '" ,/ /). ). / / (}1JVLlf.LE('I, X(l X Llp(lXT po C; o ou, 't'E/\EO C; 'TE/\EOU YE'J'J't'(Up, 5 rILl7p rtou (1.0'J0YE'JOUC;. EIc; KupoC;, f.L6'J0e; EX (1.6'Jou, 0Eae; , 0 '" "" 0/ /' / EX  EOU, X(lp(lX't'p X(l EX(u'J VEO't''t'Oe;, AOY0C; E'JEpYOe;, 0'0- ({) (l T C; 't'W'J OA(UV O'uO''t'aO'E(Ue; 7tEp EX't'X, X(l aU'J(l(1.e; 't' e; r/). / / tfI(' , ). 0 ' , ). 0 '" 0 '" , / 0/\ c; XTO'E(uC; 1t0 't'X. 1 OC; (l/\ V 'JOe; (l/\ V 'JOU  EOU, (l0P(l- 't'0e; eXopa't'ou, X(l &({)8Llp't'0e; eX({)8ap't'ou, eX8a'J(l't'0e; eX8(l'Ja't'ou, 1 0 XLl eX.taoe; eX'aou. ('E'J n 'JEU(1.(l &yo'J, EX 0EOU 't''J U7t(lp 'J EXo'J, X(l a' you 7tE({)'Jae; 't'or:e; eX'J8pw7t0c;, EXW'J 't'OU ytou / / i" / i'" , / (/ ( '" 't'EAEOU TEAE(l, s(U, s(u'J't'(u'J (l 't'(l, (lYO't'e;, (lY(lO'(1.0U Xo- / PYo'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 1 5 TIpOO'XEC; Kal 't' 't'YjC; 9ELac; 7tOKaAUEwc; a;lw9E'J't'_l 't'ou't' aYL, ex 7tap' EKEL'JY)C; ESlSax6Yj, 't'au't'a Kal Soya- 't'LO'J't'l Kal KYj pU't''t'o'J't' l, 't'o TI 'JEua EX 't'ou TIa't'poc; f:'J EXo'J 't''J U7t(lp'J, aa 't'ou ytou Sf: 7tE({)'J6c;. 130. Tou au't'ou EK 't'YjC; Ka't'eX EpOC; 7tLO''t'EWC; (0 (1.0AOYOU(1.E'J oG'J E'J(l 0Ea'J eXA 8 'J6'J, (1.(l'J eXPX'J, X(l E'J(l Yt6'J, eXA 8 'Ja'J 0Ea'J E eXA 8 'Jou 0EOU, ({)uO'xwe; 't''J 7t(l't'p- Fontes 129. 3 I 13 Greg. Thaum., Exp. fid., 984.1-985.10 Exp. fid., 1116.21-25 130. 216 Greg. Thaum., App. Crit. L M S V 129. 112 --:0;;1 tium hab. S nequit S nequit S - &T:OX.A'J'EW] legi nequit S 6/7 EVE:py6 - OAWV] spa- II --:o'i' eXvBpwT:o] spatium hab. S 14 E7tcrTcrt] legi 15 --:0 - ed] spatium hab. S 130. 1 ':'ou - 7dcr-rE:wc;] legi App. ColI. 129. 4 atou] eX'COLO!) Greg. Thaum. 8 BEOU] 7t--:p6 Greg. Thaum. 9 &OcXv--:o] x. praem. Greg. Thaum. 10 EV] x. praem. Greg. Thaum. 11 '] O Greg. Thaum. TO'i'] a1JAO praem. Greg. Thaum. 12 &y6't'1J] 7':1'trtj &y[ praem. Greg. Thaum. 12/13 x.op1Jy6v] x.op1'Jy6C; Greg. Thaum. 
194 FLORILEGIUiv[ PATRISTICU!vf XV eE6T"f)TLl I EXOVTLl, T,)UTE(jTV Of.LOOU(jOV Tc{) rIrlTp. Xrl EV M 72v 5 n VEUf.L(X &yo'J, Cf)t)(jE Xrl aA eELf ,;wV &7tV7<.t)V &YLl(j7x6v 'Q /,....., / .....o.....t / XLl \JE07tOOV, EX 7C; OU(j(XC; TOU EOU U7tLlPXOV. 'E7tlO''t'aO'La U'JE't'W axouO'o'J 't'ou au't'ou aYLou (1.LlV &.pXv 't'o'J TIa't'Epa xYJpu't''t'o'J't'o. To Sf: «EX TC; O'J(jrlC; TOU 8EOU 10 U7tIJ.pXOV» 'JOEL xa6w xal oi AOl7tOl 6ElOl 7ta't'EpE I7to'J. :A.AAeX xal oU't'o E'J 't'ij au't'ij xal l 7tEplX07tij EO'aq>Y)'JlO'E SleX 't'OU xal 't'o'J Yio'J El7tEl'J «E &AeVOU» SEOU, 't'OU't'EO''t'l 't'OU TIa't'po. 131. T ou au't'ou EX 't'OU au't'ou rEVVeEVTOC; TOU ytou EX OrlTpOC; &AeV YEVV(jE, ou 7tO (jE T EX OUA (jEWC;' TOU TE n VEU(1.rlTOC; EX TC; oU(jrlC; TOU OrlTpOC; a' ytou &'awc; EX7tE(1.([)eEVTOC;, &Yrl(jTXOU TC; 5 OA C; XT((jEWC;. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La t'O 't'ax a aO'aq>w E'J 't'ij 7tpOAaf3ouO'Y) 7tEplX07tij E'{Py)XE'J, 86E'J xal 't'Yi e;w6E'J O'aq>Y)'JELa aU't'ol ESEY)6YJE'J, 't'ou't'O O'aq>Y)'JLEl E'J't'au6a 0 aYlo, «EX TC; TOU OrlTpOC; oU(jrlC; 10 a' ytou» 't'o TI'JEua SlSaO'xw'J «&.awC;» EX7tE7tE0'6al. Fontes 131. 2/5 Greg. Thaum., Exp. fid., 1117.36-39 App. Crit. L M S V 7 E7tcr"':cr(] legi nequit S 12 x.] om. V nequit S 6 E7tcr"':cr(] legi nequit S 131. 1 700 1 - ,j"':0132] legi App. ColI. 5 &7t&v",:wv] 7t&V7WV Greg. Thaum. 3 7E] deest in Greg. Thaum. 131. 2 7013] DE praem. Greg. Thaum. 
130.4-133.12 195 132. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou 0 ' t n ' , '\ .", , '\ " ,  EOe; 0 C'lT1)P, TEI\EO'J W'J 7tpocrW7t0'J, TEI\EO'J EXE TO'J A6yo'J E a'JTOU YE'YE'J'Jf.LE'JO'J &J\'lJ8wC;, oUX we; AOYO'J AaAou- ,  ' a' t a , a' t " '\ ' " a ) (.lE'JO'J, UaE xa\J UovEcra'J VEO'J, we; aYYEI\O xa a'JvpW7t0 t ' 0 '" '\ '" , '\ '\' t, , 0 ' , '\  , , 5 uo 101 EO'J XC'lI\OU'JTa, al\l\a I O'J ({)UcrE  EO'J. TEI\EO'J aE xa TO n 'JEU(.lC'l TO &yo'J, EX 0EOU 8' itou XOP1JYOU(.lE'JO'J EC; TOUe; ut08ETOU(.lE'JOUe;, wv xat W07t0ou'J, &yo'J ayacrTxo'J TW'J (.lETaAa(.l a'JO'J7WV aUTO U. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 10 Op xa'J't'au6a 't'O «EX 0EOU» 't' «8' itou» O'aq>Yj'Jl- 6E'JO'J, xal SY)AOU'J O't'l 't'O «EX 't'OU na't'po» O'YjaL'JEl; 133. Tou l\aaO'xYjvou xEq>aAalo'J ' 7tEpl n'JEua't'o aYLou I M73r Er: 8E TO'J Aoyo'J xat n 'JEu(.la EXE 'J. xat yap xat 0 (.lETE- poe; Aoyoe; oux &(.lopoC; EcrT 7t'JEu(.laTOe;. J\AA' E({)' (.lw'J (.lE'J 5 'TO TC'JEu(.la eXAAoTp O'J T e;  (.lETEpae; EcrTt'J oucr(ae;. TOU yap " " t'\' , " '\ ' ,  , aEpOe; Ecr'T 'J Ol\X1) xa ({)opa EcrEI\XO(.lE'JOU xa npocraEX0(.lE'JOU , , "', , rI,..... .........., 7tpOe; T'J 70U crW(.laTOC; crucrTacrv, 07tEp E'J T xap T1Je; EX- ({)W'JcrEwe; ({)W'J TOU AOYOU y( 'JETa, T'J TOU AOYOU 8u'Ja(.l 'J E'J EauT ({)a'JEpoucra. 'E7tt 8E Te; 8Etae; ({)ucrEwe; Te; anA e; 10 xat eXcrU'J8ETOU TO (.lE'J EI'Ja rI 'JEU(.la 0EOU EucrEwe; O(.lOAOY1J- 'TEO'J 8a TO (.l  EI'Ja TO'J TOU 0EOU Aoyo'J EAA 7tEcrTEpO'J TOU (.lETEpOU AOYOU, OUX EcrT 8E EucrEEe; eXAAoTp6'J T Ew8E'J Fontes 132. 2/8 Greg. Thaum., Exp. fid., 1120.8-15 fid., 16.2-17.31 133. 3/37 Ioh. Dam., Exp. App. Crit. L M S V 132. 1 Ex. - w?rt'o13] legi nequit S TOU u":'o13]  xu-:-r, V 5 as:] om. L 9 E7tcr'":xcr(] legi nequit S 1 0 T] TO S V - &y(OU] legi nequit S 2 wv] 0\1 V 133. 1 /2 TO 13 App. ColI. 132. 2 7tp6crw7tov] ":'0 praem. Greg. Thaum. 4 Se:6v] ut6v Greg. Thaum. 7 W07tOo13v] woitoL6v Greg. Thaum. 133. 5/ 6 yp &EpO] inv. Ioh. Dam. 6 7tpocrae:XOf-LEVOU] 7tPOXe:Of-LEVOU Ioh. Dam. 
196 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM E7tE(jEPX6[.lE'J0'J T0 8E0 TO n 'JEU[.l(l AOY(E(j8(l We; X(l Eq/ W'J TW'J (jlJ'J8ETW'J. :;\AA' W(j7tEp 0EOU i\6yo'J aXOUO'JTE OUX , / ," 0/ / ,, , (l'JU7t0(j'r(l'r0'J, OUOE EX (lV(jEWe; 7tpO(jY 'J0tLE'JO'J, OUOE o(l ..... / ,, , , / / ,  / cp(J)'JC; npO(jcpEp0!1-E'JO'J, OUOE Ee; (lEp XEOE'JO'J x. 6LlAUO[.lE- 'JO'J 8E'J, a)... A' oU(jwawe; UCPE(j'rWT(l 7tpO(lpE7tx6'J TE X E'JEPYOV X(l 7t(l'JTOaUV(l0'J, OU7W X(l n 'JEU(l E(l81Jx67Ee; 0EOU TO (jU7t(lpO(lpTOU'J T0 A6y X(lt CP(l'JEPOU'J (lU1'OU T'J , / ", / ,..... r/ ,,' 20 E'JEPYE(l'J OU 7t'JO'J (l'JU7t0(jTLlTO'J E'J'JOOUE'J - OUTC:> Y(lP (l'J X(l8(jT(lT(l 7tpOe; T(l7tE 'J6TT(l TO EYLlAEO'J Te; 8Lle; CPU- , 0' (/ ..... (/ / , " (jEWe;, E X(lv 00OT7(l 1'OU YJETEPOU 7t'JEU(lTOe; X(l TO E'J (ltJ1"cp n VEU(l U7tOVOO1"() -, &AAa aU'J(lfL'J OU(jwa, (lUT'J ucp' E(lUTe; E'J ta(lou(j U7t0(jTa(jE 8EWpOUE'J'J, EX TOU n(l"t'poe; I 7tpOEPXOE'J'J X(l E'J T0 A6y eX'J(l7t(lUOE'J'J X(l (lUTOU 0(j(l'J EXcp(l'JTX'J, OUTE xwp(j8'J(l TOU 0EOU, E'J c{) E(jT, X(l TOU A6you, c{) (ju7t(lpO(lpTE, aU'J(lE'J'J, OUTE 7tpOe; TO eX'JU- 7t(lPXTO'J eX'J(lXEOE'J'J, eXAAa X(l8' OO6TT(l TOU A6you x(l8' U7t6(jT(l(j 'J 0(j(l'J, w(j(l'J, 7tpOLlpETX'J, (lUTOX 'JTO'J, E'JEp- 30 y6'J, 7ta'JTOTE TO eXY(l8o'J 8EAOU(j(l'J X(l 7tpOe; 7t(X(j(l'J 8EA (j 'J (ju'Japoo'J EXOU(j(l'J T OUA (jE T'J aU'J(l 'J,  TE eXpX'J EXOU(j(l'J TE TEAOe;' ou yap E'JEA7tE 7t0TE T0 n(lTp A6yoe;, OUTE T0 A6y rI 'JEU(l. OUTWe; aa E'J Te; X(lTa cpu(j 'J E'J6TToe;  7t0Au8EOe; TW'J 35 (EAA 'Jw'J E(lcp(l'JET(l 7tAa'J, aa aE Te; TOU A6you 7t(lP(l- aoxe; X(l TOU n 'JEU(lTOe; TW'J '1 OUa(lw'J X(le(lpE T(l TO a6y- (/ (/ /, / (l, EX(lTEp(le; TE (lpE(jEWe; 7t(lp(lE'JE TO Xp(jO'J. 15 25 App. Crit. L M S V 13 X.L] om. V 15 7tpocrYLV01J.EVOV] 7tpOcrYLvOcrX.01J.EVOV V 18 7tv't'oS'J- v1J.ov] troSuvf-LOv S 19 u't'ou] u'": MV 21 X.8(crT't'L] X8L- p'":L V f-Le:YO:AE'i:'OV] post cpucre:wC; transp. V 25 ,j,":ou] ,jT-t;C; V 35 EAA vwv] dSWAWV S App. ColI. 14 &x.ouov-:-e:C;] e tr., &x.oucrv";EC; Ioh. Dam. 16 7tpocrcpe:POf-Le:vov] e tr., 7tpO- cpEp01J.EVOV Ioh. Dam. 16/ 17 SLAUOf-Le:vov] e tr., AU01J.EVOV Ioh. Dam. 21 x.8(cr't'TL] X.8LpE'i:'TL Ioh. Dam., X.8LpTL e tr. 30 8EA1jcrLV] e tr., itP08e:crLv Ioh. Dam. 32 o,j] e tr., OU't'E Ioh. Dam. EVEAL7tE] EVEAELYE Ioh. Dam., EVEAEL7tE e tr. M73v 
133.13-134.11 197 ' E ' 7tlGTaGla YJElWGal 7tWe; Xal OUTOe; 0 Ala'J eXXplf3EGTaTOe; Soya- 40 TlGTYJe; aYlOe;, GU<pw'Jwe; TOLe; AOl7tOle; 6ElOle; 7taTpaGl, TO «0Et)1) >' E7tl TOU TIaTpOe; EXAaf3a'JETal, El7tW'J «n 'JEUf.Lrl BEOU», Xal Eu6ue; E7ta yayw'J TO «crU(1.7trlpO(1.rlpTOU'J T0 ..\6Y41». TOUTO Sf: Gaq>EGTaTa SElX'JUGl, Xal E; W'J E'J Tii> TEAEl TYje; 7tEplX07tYje; TaUTYJe; SlE;ElGl'J «oucrWO» AEYW'J 4S TO TI'JEUa «ou'Jrl(1.'J EX TOU nrl7pOC;» EX7tOpEUOE'J'11'J «Xrl E'J yt0 eX'Jrl7trlUO(1.E'J'J», aq>' W'J xal 0 7tEpl TOU «E UTC; Xrl E'J rlU7» 7tpOGypaq>Ele; i)ETEpoe; AOYlG6e;, we; oIal, E7tlGTYJplETal. I M 74r 134. Tou aUTou EX TOU '11' TW'J 6EOAOYlXW'J xEq>aAalw'J 7tEpl TYje; aYlae; TplaSoe; ytoc; OE Xrl X. rlprlXT P TC; 7trlTp X c; U7tocrTacrEWC; a a TO 7E"AE0'J Xrl EVU7tocrTrlTO'J Xrl XrlTa 7ta'JTrl 0 (1.0 O'J EI 'JLl T0 n ''\ ' ....., / , / r/ / , / rl7p  7t1':'f''J TC; (xYE'J'JcrrlC;, (1.0'J0YE'JC; OE, OT (1.0'J0C; EX (1.0- 'JOU TOU nrlTpOC; (1.0'JWC; EYE'J'J8. Ou yap O(1.0OUTrl ETEPrl YE'J'JcrC; T 70U ytou TOU 0EOU YE'J'JcrE, ouoE yap EcrT 'J &"A- "Aoc; ytoc; TOU 0EOU. E yap Xrl TO n 'JEU(1.rl TO &yo'J EX TOU I1 rlTpOC; EX7tOpEUETrl, &'"A"A' OU YE'J'JTWC;, eX"A"A' EX7tOpEUTWC;. 1 0 '\J\"Aoc; Tp67t0c; U7tpEWC; 06TOC; &"A 7tTOC; TE Xrl &Y'JwcrToC;, Wcr7tEp Xrl  TOU ytou YE'J'JcrC;. S Fontes 134. 3/ 11 Ioh. Dam., Exp. fid., 23.110-117 App. Crit. L M S V 38 E7tcr'":cr[] legi nequit S 43 x.] om. V wv] AEYE add. V 44 7 - SEEcrV] spatium hab. S SEe:crV] om. V 45 7tv6)f.L] TUT1jC; add. V 46/ 47 E - ,j] spatium hab. S 47 7tpocrypdc;] 7tpO- S 134. 1/2 '":0;)1 - 7p&S(JC;] legi nequit S 3 ULOC; Se:] om. S 6 f.L6vwc;] f.L6voc; LMS 7 "'(&p] om. V 8 x.] om. V App. ColI. 134. 4/5 e:lv - 7t'":p] '":0 7t'":pL Elv Ioh. Dam. 6 ou] ouSS: Ioh. Dam. 
198 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 'E7t lG't'aG La 'E7tLO''t'Y)O'O'J axplWe;, 7tWe; 't'Y)'J EX 't'ou TIa't'poe; EX- 7tOpEUO'l'J 't'ou n 'JEua't'Oe;, Tp67toV U7tpEWC; o'JoaEl 0 15 aYlOe;. O you'J XCXl EX 't'ou Yiou 't'au't'Y)'J AEYW'J O'q>c1AAEl, Suo 't'au't'Y)e; ElO'ayw'J a'Ja'J't'lppY)'t'We; a'L't'la. 135. 'Ex 't'ije; au't'ij e; l\,f / ' n " / ",,....  / " lVlO'JOC; yap 0 aT p aYE'J'JTO C;' ou yap Ec, ETEp(lC; EcrT 'J aUTe{) U7tocrTcrEWC; TO EI'Ja, xa (1.0'J0C; (; ytoc; YE'J'JTOC;. EX ..... ..... 0 ' , / , / " / / T C; T()U Gcrpo C; OUfJ'C; 'JCl..pX (,)C, XCl.. 1Y..xpOVWc, YEYE'J'Jrr!fY..t, 5 xa (1.0'J0'J TO &YO'J n 'JEU(1.a EX7t0PEuTo'J EX TC; oucrac; TOU n /' / ", / aTpoc;, ou YE'J'JW(1.E'JO'J aAA EX7tOpEUO(1.E'JO'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La Tou't'o, O'aq>EO''t'a't'o'J 0'.1, ou SEl't'aL 't'l'JOe; E7tEpyaO'Lae;, we; ouSt: 't'o Eq>E;ije;. 136. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou xEq>aAaLou o (1.0 wC; 7tcrTEUO (1.E'J EC; E'J 11 'JEu(1.a &YO'J, TO Xup O'J, TO Y /" ..... n " / " ..... , SW07tOO'J, TO EX TOU aTpoc; EX7tOpEUO(1.E'JO'J xa E'J 1  a'Ja- 7taUO(1.E'JO'J, TO Te{) naTp xa yte{) I crU(1.7tpocrXU'JOU(1.E'JO'J TE M 74v 5 xa cru'JaOaO(1.E'JO'J. Fontes 135. 2/6 Ioh. Dam., Exp. fid., 24.135-139 25.172-174 136. 2/5 Ioh. Dam., Exp. fid., App. Crit. L M S V 12 E1tcr7O:cr(] legi nequit S 16 &VV7PP-7(u] &vv'npp't'o'J S 135. 1 EX - (X,jTY,] legi nequit S 7 E1tcr7cr(] legi nequit S 136. 1 EX - XEcpA(OU] legi nequit S 4 ut] 't' praem. V App. ColI. 135. 4 o,jcr(] yp praem. Ioh. Dam. 5 TO - 1tVEUf.L] e tr., 70 T:VEUf.L TO &yov Ioh. Dam. 136. 2 '":0 2 ] e tr., X Ioh. Dam. 4 TE] deest in Ioh. Dam. 
134.12-138.8 199 ' E ' 7t LO''t'aO' La l\ex ou xax 't'YjC; 7tapouO'Y)c; 7tEpLX07tYjC; ap't'uplav 7tEpl 't'OU xaAWC; i)ac; E:7tLO''t'YjvaL xal El7tElV 7tEpl «'t'OU E; au't'Yjc;» I<al «EV au't'ij», oO'a 7tpOE7tEO'Y)ELwO'aE6a. 137. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou KaTa 7ta'JTa ;'.!-lOto\J T0 naTp xa T0 Y0, EX TOU naTpoc; ExnopEuo(l-E'JO'J xa Ot' you (l-ETaOtOo(l-E'JO'J, xa (l-ETaAa(l-a- 'JO(l-E'JO'J 'J7tO 7tacrc; TC; XT(crEwC; xa Ot' EauTou XT(O'J Ta / 5 GUf.Lav7a. 'E7tLO''t'aO'la XOUELC; «EX TOU nLlTpOC; EX7t0pEUO(l-E'J0'J 't'O nVEua, Ot' 1ou OE (l-ETaAaf.La'Jo(l-E'Jo'J xa (l-ETaOtOo(l-E'JO'J», ou iJv EX " , 't'ou't'ou EX7tOpEUOEVOV; 138. 'Ex 't'ou au't'ou (0 (l-E'J yap n a7 p eX'Ja( TOC; xa eXYE'J'JTOC; ou yap EX Tt'JOC;, ouoE E EaUTOU TO EI'Jat EXEt, ouoE Tt TW'J ocra EXEt -, aUToc; OE (l-aAA6'J EcrTt 'J eXPx. xa a T(a TOU EI'Jat xa TOU 7tWC; 5 EI'Jat ([)ucrtXWC; TOC; 7tacrt'J. (0 OE ytoc; YE'J'JTOC; EX TOU na- / ,, n ..... 'r/ "",..... n / TpOC;' 70 oE 'JEU(l-a TO ayto'J xat aUTO (l-E'J EX TOU aTpoc;, eXAA' ou YE'J'JTWC;, eXAA' EX7t0pEUTWC;. Kat T( (l-E'J EcrTt Ota([)Opa / , , / Q/ , '( / YE'J'JcrEWC; xat EX7t0PEUcrEWC;, (l-E(l-avxa(l-E'J' TtC; OE 0 Tp07t0C; Fontes 137. 2/5 Ioh. Dam., Exp. fid., 26.181-184 26.187 -27.203 138. 2/20 Ioh. Dam., Exp. fid., App. Crit. L M S V 6 E7tcr'":o:crtx] legi nequit S 137. 1 EX - u'":ou] legi nequit S 6 E7tcrT- cr[] legi nequit S 8 f.Le:Taa6!-lEvov] a- S 138. 1 EX - U1'ou] legi nequit S 3 o,jaE] o,j y;xp V E1JTOU] u'!'OIJ Lao( App. ColI. 137. 4 x'!'tov] X o,jcrouv add. Ioh. Dam. 138. 3 EUTOU] e tr., UTOU Ioh. Dam. 5/6 ye:vv"fj'":oc, - 7t'":p6] e tr., EX 1'OU 7tClTPOC, ye:VV"fjTWC, Ioh. Dam. 7 1't] o'": Ioh. Dam. 
200 FLORILEGIUM P.A.TRISTICUM T1)C; OLlcpOpC;, OUOLlf.LWC;. r1\f.LLl YrXp XLlt  ytou EX TOU nLlTpOC; 10 / ,( '" (/ n ' , / YS'J'Ja:" x.  70'J .'{ou VZUf.L70 zx.T:OpZUG. n cl'JTa youv, oaLl EX E 6 Yt6c;, X.Llt TO n 'JEU(1.Ll EX 70U n Ll- \ ,/ \' , ,';' K '" ( II /' , , 7pOc; EXE x. 'J70 "':0 E v.  Z (1.  0 a7 p Ecr'!' v, OUOE ( Y .(" , , \ 11 '" K '  \ \ n / / o oc; Ea":' 'J, OUuE 70 'JE'Jf.L. a uLl "':O'.J Ll":'Ep, TOU"':E(j7  \ \ ';' \ n / ,/ I ( y(' \ \ I I '" K ' oa 70 E 'JLl TOV 7Epa, Ea7 VOl OC; X TO VEU(1.(X. (X  \ \ n / ,/ (tfI( \ " n '" , t\ ,/ OLl 70V (x7Ep(x EXE 0 1 OC; X(X 70 VE'J(1. Tr.V"':Ll a EXE, / '" I I / ,/ " \ '" , ":'OUTEaT OLl 70 70V a7Epa EX E 'J aU7a, 1t).:'f''J T1JC; LlYE'J'JYj- / '''' / ,"', / , / aac; xa T1JC; YE'J'JaEWC; xa 71JC; EX1t0pEUaEWC;° E'J "t'aU'Tac; yap (1.6'Jae; Tae; ,j1tOaTa'TXae; o6T1Ja Oa({)EpOUa 'J &AA AW'J at &ya TpEe; U1tOa'TaaEe; OUX oua, 1'0 OE xapaxT1JPcr7x0 20 TC; oae; U1tOa7aaEwc; &oapETWe; oapou(1.E'Ja. M7Sr 15 'E7t lO''t'aO' la npOO'XE axplf3w, «&(1.a EX TOU naTpoc; xat  TOU ytou YE'J'Jae;, xat  TOU n'JEu(1.aTOe; Ex7t6pEuac;». El you'J «&(1.a», 7tO't'E xat. YJ EX 't'OU Yi.ou 't'OU n'JEua't'o EX7tOpEuO'l; 'E7tl- 25 O'Y)ElwO'al Sf: O't'l xat. au't'o 't'o EI'Jal EX 't'OU na't'po EXEl O't'E Yi.o xat. 't'o n 'JEua. 139. 'Ex 't'OU au't'ou O ouoE TpEe; SEOUe; AEYO(1.E'J TO'J naTEpa xat TO'J yto'J xat ' 11 '" 'r/ r/  \ '" '\ '\ e / \ (,  /  TO 'JEU(1.a 'TO ayo'J, E'Ja OE (1.al\l\o'J  EO'J, T'J aya'J 1 paoa, EC; E'J at TO'J ytou xat n 'JEU(1.a70e; &'Ja({)EpO(1.E'JW'J. Fontes 139.2/4 Ioh. Dam., Exp. fid., 29.258-261 App. Crit. L M S V 9 utou] '":oG praem. S 16 '":0] om. MSV EZEV] EX.E MSV post tJ7too"!'(X"nxrii:'c; transp. S 20 a(xpOuf.LEV] apOUf.LEV V crTcrt(X] legi nequit S 24 x ] inv. M '":Ot?] om. V - ,jTOU] legi nequit S 2 '":ov 2 ] om. V 3 !-liAAOV 8EOV] inv. V 18 !-l6v(Xc;] 21 E7t- 139. 1 EX App. ColI. 9 yp] as: Ioh. Dam. 11 yoGv] 00v Ioh. Dam. 13 7tVEGf.L] alia add. Ioh. Dam. 70U7EcrT] TouTEcr7v Ioh. Dam. 20 ta[C;] e tr., OtXE[C; Ioh. Dam. 139. 3 70 1 - &yOV] 70 &yov 7tVEU!-l(X Ioh. Dam. 
Fontes 138.9- 140. 1 9 201 5 'E7tlGTaGla t'Ev a'LTlov )(al 7tcXAlV TOV naTEpa SJ}AaSi) TOU Yiou xal TOU nVEuaTO aVeavE. 140. 'Ex TOU aUTou E  n '  n ' \" ""  aTp 0 LlTp xa a'Japxo, 70UTE(jT'J a'JaTO' ou YcXP EX T 'Joe;. EI yto (; ytoc; xa oux &.'Japxo, TOUTE(jT 'J , " , ..... n ' , E '' \ " , , oux a'Ja TO ° EX TOU aTpo yap.  aE T'J a7tO XpO'JOU Aa- u &pX'J, XLl &.'JLlPXOo 7t0 TC; yap xp6'Jw'J OUX U7tO xp6- 'JO'J. ('E'J n 'JEUf.La &YO'J TO n 'JEU(l-a, 7tpO'o'J (l-E'J EX TOU naTp6, OUX utxw OE, &AA' EX7t0pEUTW, OUTE TOU naTpo EX(jTa'JTo Te; I &YE'J'J1J(ja, OT YEYE'J'JXE'J, OUTE TOU ytou T YE'J'J- (jEWe;, OT EX TOU &YE'J'JTOU - 7tW yap; - OUTE TOU n 'JEu(l-a- 10 TOe; f.LETa7t 7tTO'JTO El n aTEpa  yt6'J, OT EX7tE7t6 pEuTa xat OT 0E6'  yap lo6T &x 'JTO. "'H 7tW &'J lo6T (l-E'JO, , , , E " tfI ,  n ' , n X 'JOU(l-E'J xa (l-ET(x7t 7tTOU(ja;  yap 1 oe; 0 aT p, OU a- Tp Xupw. Ka El naTp (; yt6, ou xupw yt6o EI yap xupw yto xa E'J n 'JEu(l-a &yo'J. X '  \ , rI' n ' " " p aE Y 'JW(jXE 'J, OT TO'J aTEpa ou AEYO (l-E'J EX T 'JO. AEY0(l-E'J OE aUTO'J TOU ytou naTEpa. To'J OE yto'J OU AEY0(l-E'J " ,  ' n ' ,  ' ", ..... n ' , a TO'J, OUaE aTEpa o AEYO (l-E'J aE aUTO'J EX TOU aTpo xa yto'J TOU n aTp6. Ka TO n 'JEU(l-a TO &yo'J EX TOU n aTpo AEYO(l-E'J xa n 'JEu(l-a naTpo o'JO(l-aO(l-E'J, EX TOU ytou OE TO 5 15 140. 2/29 Ioh. Dam., Exp. fid., 30.274-31.297 App. Crit. L M S V 5 Ecr"t"cr(] legi nequit S 140. 1 EX - tr:oiJ] legi nequit S 8 C;l] iterav. M 10 ut6v] de; praem. SV Ex7tE7t6pEuT] EX1tOpEUET SV 11 !-lEVO] scripsi cum Ioh. Dam., fJ-E(Vyj LMSV 12/ 13 1tTP xup(wC;] inv. V 13 X - IJt6C;2] om. V 13/14 Elc; - utoC;] om. L 14 utoc;] 6 praem. M App. ColI. 140. 4/ 5 A&r,C;] A&OC; Ioh. Dam. 8 07] S6T Ioh. Dam. 10 fJ-ET1t(- (, ] "" , " , (, I h D " ] , it70VT0C; - uov 'fj EC; "t"Ep !-lE":'1t1tTOV70C; 'fj EC; uov o. am. YJ EC; add. Ioh. Dam. 13 XUpLWC;l] Elc; y;xp xup(WC; 1t"t"p add. Ioh. Dam. 15 SS:] deest in Ioh. Dam. 17 EX] X praem. Ioh. Dam. 18 X TO] TO SE Ioh. Dam. EX] X praem. Ioh. Dam. 1 7Sv 
202 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 20 n 'JEuf.La ou AEYOf.LE'J, n 'JEUf.LLl 8e: you 6'J0f.L&0f.LE'J - E'{ Tl yae Jl vEvfla X eUJ'iOV ovx E XEt, cp(j'J [; 8E0e; &7t6(jTO)\0 - xa 8' ytou 7tEcpLl'JEpw(j8a xa f.LE'"C'Ll8(8o(j8a f.Lv Of.LOJ\o- YOU(l-E'J' 'EvEcpvaYjaE yap xat El7tE '"C'oC; (l-a87Ll (X'r:-ou. ./1a- R Jl - , '/" ' '" ( '\ / \,/ , \ \ pl-'iE vEvfla aytov. ,!;(j7tEp EX TOU I\OU (-lEV  7E X7 XLl ,/ , ' \ /' ( \ '" , '" \ '" 2S EAAa(l-iJe; - aU70e; yap E(jTV  7tY TC; '"C'E (XX'"C''JO xa 7C; EAA&(l-E(uC; -, 8a 8e: TC; &X7 'Joe;  EAAa(l- (l- 'J (l-E7a8(8o- 7Ll xa aUT E(jT'J  tp(uT(O'j(jLl (l-C; x(X (l-ETEX.O(l-EV ucp' (l-w'J. To'J 8e: yto'J OUTE TOU n 'JEu(l-aToc; AEYO(l-E'J, OUTE (l-'J EX TOU n 'JEu(l-aTOe;. 30 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 'E7t lO''t'a't' lXW't'EpO'J 't'au't'Y)  axouO'a 't'Yj  7tEp lX07tYj, xal 't'Y)'J Sl<X 't'au't'Y) I SlSaO'xaALa'J O'uf3Lf3aO'o'J 7tpO M 76r a7tEp eX'JW't'EpW 7tapa 't'W'J AOl7tWV 6EOq>OpW'J 7ta't'Epw'J e 't'OU 6EOAOYOU SYJAaSY) rpYJYOpLOU 't'OU NuO'O'YJ' xal 't'OU 3S i.Epoq>a'J't'opo lO'JUO'LOU 7tapEAaf3Ee 'EXEL'JW'J yap EX o'Jou 't'OU na't'po 't'Y)'J 't'OU n 'JEua't'o Soya't'lO'a'J't'w'J EX7t0PEuO' l '.I, oU't'o 0 6EOq>OpO 7ta't'Y) p EXE L '.10 l O'u'JSa SlSaO'xw'J, SlE;ElO'le «Ka TO n'JEU(l-a TO &yo'J EX TOU nLl- TpOC; AEY0(l-E'J, xa f1 'JEu(-la naTpoc; 6'J0(l-&O(l-E'J, EX TOU ytou 40 8e: TO n 'JEU(l-a OU AEYO(l-E'J». npo 't'OU't'Ol O'YJELwO'al xal O't'l pY)'t'W eX7tYJYOPEUO'E 't'O'J Yi.O'J a'L't'lO'J AEYE0'6al, E'J oI , T \ ' y ( , , '\ / " ,  ' n / ypaq>El e « O'J OE O'J OU I\EY0(l-E'J a TO'J, OUOE aTEpa» e w Sl<X 't'ou't'W'J O'u'JaYE0'6al 't'o EX o'Jou 't'OU na't'po Sl- Fontes 20/21 Rom. 8.9 23/24 Ioh. 20.22 App. Crit. L M S V 20 ou - utOIJ] spatium hab. S 21 "(;xp] om. L 221 23 r;v OOAOYOIJS:v] spatium hab. S 25 'rroc; - 7t1jY] spatium hab. S 27 X.L2] spatium hab. S S:7S:Z0EV1j] S:7aS:ZOEV1j V 30 t1tcr7cr(] iegi nequit S 33 7tp;x] 7E S 37 8s:ocp6poc;] 8s:ocpo V tx.s:(voC;] om. SV 39 1tvs:u] 70 praem. V App. ColI. 22 S:7a(aocro] e tr., e:7Ss:a6cre Ioh. Dam. 25 EAAYC;] e tr., EX.A- YC; Ioh. Dam. 26 EAA&YS:WC;] e tr., EXA*YS:WC; Ioh. Dam. EAAYC;] e tr., EXAYC; Ioh. Dam. 
Fontes 140.20-141.22 203 SaaxEa8al xai 7tapa TOUTOU TOU 8ELOU 7taTpo<; TOU 7ta'Ja- 45 YLOU n 'JEuaToc; TY)'J EX7tOpEUO'l '.I. 141. 'Ex TOU lY' xE<paAalou TOU 7tEpi 6ElW'J o'JoaTw'J rl o ", , ..... ( , , 1::::\' ":rJ.V YrJ.p E'J'JOY/JCJ.J f.LrJ.\1 CJ.J'J U7tO(j"t'rJ.(jECJ.J'J, TEAEO'J EO'J " ';' ,\' " " 0 , , , ' D. rJ.U"t''J OOC'l, "t'E/\ErJ.'J OU(jrJ.'J. "t'rJ.'J OE (jU'JC'liJCJ.J XrJ. (ju'JrJ.pv- , "" 1::::\' ';'',\ "D." ( (.l1J(jCJ.J TrJ. "t'p rJ., E'JrJ. ) EO'J 0 orJ. ":E/\EO'J. OU (jU'JvE"t'O'J E(j"t' 'J  D. ' , '\ ,\' , ',\' t\ , '\ ' \ ", D. vEO"t', rJ./\/\ E'J "t'p  (j "t'E/\EO  e; E'J "t'E/\EO'J rJ.(.lEpEe; XC'l rJ.(jU'JvE- " 0  \ \ \" '\ '\ '\ ' ..... ( , , "t' 0 'J. "t' rJ. 'J 0 E "t' 'J 7t P 0  rJ./\ /\  /\ rJ. (j X E (j  'J "t' CJ.J 'J U 7t 0 (j "t'rJ. (j E CJ.J 'J E'J- 'Jo(jCJ.J, olorJ. o"t' E(j"t''J [; nrJ."t'p U7tEpOU(jO AOe;, 1ty &YrJ.- u I " (J.. ",\ ' I , I vo"t'"t'oe;, rJ.U(j(jOe; OU(jrJ.e;, /\oyOU, (jO({)rJ., o U'JrJ.(.lECJ.Je;, ({)CJ.J"t'o, 8E6"t'Y)"t'oe;, 7tY YE'J'J"t'X xrJ.t 1tpOA "t'x "t'ou E'J rJ.u"t' xpu- 10 ({)(ou &YrJ.8ou. A u"t'oe; (.lE'J oG'J E(j"t' 'Jouc;, &u(j(jo, A6you YE'J- 'J"t'CJ.Jp, xrJ. oa A6you 1tpOOAEU EX({)rJ.'J"t'Opxou n 'JEU (.lrJ."t'o e;, xrJ.t 'JrJ. (.l  1tOAAa AEYCJ.J. oux E(j"t' "t'0 n rJ."t'p t A6yo, (jO({)(rJ., I oU'JrJ.(.le;, 8EA (j, E (.l  [; Yt6e;, oe; E(j"t' 'J  (.l6'J oU'JrJ.(.le; "t'ou n rJ. "t'p oe;  7tpoxrJ."t'rJ.p x"t' x "t' e; "t'w'J 7ta'J"t'CJ.J'J 7tO   (jECJ.Je;. OG"t'o e; we; "t'EAE(rJ. u7t6(j"t'rJ.(j YE'J'JW(.lE'JOe;, we; oloE'J rJ.uT6e;, Yt6 E(j"t'( "t'E xrJ.t AEYE"t'rJ.. To oE n 'JEU(.lrJ. "t'o &YO'J EX({)rJ.'JTOpXO'J "t'OU XPU({) (OU "t'e; 8E6"t'"t'o OU'JrJ.(.l "t'OU n rJ."t'p6, EX n rJ."t'poe; (.lEV O' Ytou EX7tO PEUO (.lE'J, we; 0 lOE'J, OU YE'J'J"t'We;. oo xrJ.t n 'JEU(.lrJ. &yo'J "t'o "t'EAE(jOUpy0'J "t'e; "t'W'J a7ta'J"t'CJ.J'J 7tO (jECJ.Je;. rlO(jrJ. 20 you'J ap (.l6E rJ. "t'(, n rJ."t'p (, 7tY, YE'J'J"t'O p, T0 n rJ."t'p  f.L6'J 7tpO(jrJ.p (.lo(j"t'ErJ.. o(jrJ. oE C'l "t'rJ."t'0, YE'J'JT0 Yt0, A6y, oU'Ja- (.lE 7tpOXrJ.TrJ.pX"t'X, 8EA (jE, (jO({)(q., "t'0 Yt0' Q(jrJ. oE rJ. "t'rJ.- 5 15 141. 2/30 Ioh. Dam., Exp. fid., 36.37-57 App. Crit. L M S V 44 7tp] 7tEPL V 141. 1 EX - OVOf-L&"t'wv] legi nequit S  y'] '":pcrx- aEx&"t'01J L OVO!-l&7WV] V01jf-L&7WV V 4 ou cruv8E76v] &cruv8E'":OV V zcr"t'v] f-LEV S 10 vou] cpw praem. V 15 YEVVWf-LEVO] YEv6!-lEVO MSV 16 7E] om. V EXcpv"t'oPx.ov] EXcpv"t'opx. L 21 ut] om. S App. ColI. 141. 10 &ucrcro] A6yoIJ praem. Ioh. Dam. 15 YEVVW!-lEVO] YEVVWf-LEV1j Ioh. Dam. 16 EXcpV'!'Opxov] EXcpV"t'0Px Ioh. Dam. 20 youv] oGv Ioh. Dam. 21 7tpocrPf-LOcr7E] pocrP!-lOcr7Eov Ioh. Dam. M76v 
204 FLORILEC;IUM PKfRISl'lCUM T0, EX7tOP EUT 0, EXq;>Ll'JTOpx0, TEAE(jOUpyX-n aU'Jaf.LE, T0 (I I I , ( 0 I I \ I) I y.(..... \ 1 I I LlY4-> 'JEUf.LrlT. Ll'!''lP 7ty, rl'Trl 1 OU Xrl 'JEUf.Lrl'TOC;' ( ,(' tfI(' A I " , )", 25 0 1 Oe; 1 OC;, 1 \.oyoe;, (jOcprl Xrl OU'Jrle;, EXW'J, 7tUY(jf.L, \ ..... n \ " ..... II ' , ( ,  ' ..... XpLlXTp TOU LlTpO Xrl EX '!'OU rl't'pOC;, OUZ ')OC; oE: ":'OU n ' T ' fl ..... 'rl n ..... ..... n \ ( ) VEUf.LrlTOe;. 0 VEU(.l TO rlYOV 'JEU(.lLl TOU Ll7P()C; We; EX n " , ,  ' , ( \" [ I ' LlTpOe; EX7t0pEUO(.lE'JO'J - OUOE(.lrl YLlP 0p(.l rl'JEU VEUf.LLl70 - Xrl )')OU 8E n 'JEU(.lLl O'JX we; E rlUTOU, a"A"A) )e; 8' rlUTOU EX 30 70U Il(xTpoe; EX7tOpEU6(.lE'JO'J' (.l6'Joe; yap rl'(!'oe; (; nrl7p. 'E7t lO'aO' La 'E'J'JoY)O'o'J aKplf3w 7tW oO'a Sl' OAY) Yi 7tEplK07tYi 't'au't'YJ aO'aq>w 't'axa q>aL'JE't'al ypaa 0 aYlo, E'J 't'ii> 't'EAEl 't'auYJ Kal EO'aq>Y)'JlO'E, Kal i)pY)'JEUO'E Sux 't'au't'Y) 35 Se Kal 't'Y)'J I 7tpOAaf3ouO'a'J 7tEplK07ty)'J. t'O yap E'J EKEL '.IT) M 77r EI7tE'J. «)Ex TOU You 8E TO n'JEU(.lrl OU "AEY0(.lE'J», E'J't'au't'TJ O'aq>EO''t'EpO'J E'{PYJKE'J El7tW'J. «Krl You n 'JEU(.lrl OUX we; E rlUTOU, a"A"A) we; 8) rlUTOU EX TOU nrlTpOe; EX7tOpEU6(.lE'JO'J». H Sf: 't'OU «(.l6'Joe; yap rlrTOe; (; nrlTp» E7taywyfJ, 't'Y)'J OAYJ'J, 40 w E'{7tOE'J, 7tEplK07ty)'J EO'aq>Y)'JlO'E'J. 142. Tou aKapL't'ou 8EOSWpL't'OU a7tO 't'ou E' 't'w'J 7tEpl alpE't'lKYi KaKou6La 't'6w'J, KEq>aAalo'J E' To n'JEU(.lrl TO'JU'J TO &yo'J EX TOU 0EOU Xrl nrlTpOe; EXE'J T'J U7trlp 'J (.lE(.lrl8xrl(.lE'J. (0 8e: Te; U7tapEWe; Tp67toe; OUTE 5 T XT(jE 7tpO(jEOXE'J' &XT(jTO'J yap TO 7trl'JlJ.yo'J n 'JEU(.lrl, Fontes 142.3/24 Theod., Haer. comp., 453.46-456.18 App. Crit. L M S V 23 7S:As:crLoUPYLX.] ":'S:As:crL01JpYLX.( S 31 EitLcr7cr] legi nequit S 35 EV] om. V 36 DE] om. S 39 yp] om. V 142.1/2 700 1 - s:'] legi nequit S 1 e:'] itEf.L7t'":O'J LV 2 tpS:7LX.] tpS:'":LX.'i' con: tps:'nx:r, ut vide M s:'] itEf!-T:.'":OV U( V App. ColI. 24  ":'] x.t praem. Ioh. Dam. 7tVe:'Jf!-70 praem. Ioh. Dam. 25 ( ] , " (, fJ.  , o 7t7"fjP uS: f!-OVO'J ULO'J X.L 7tpOOAS:U 
141.23-142.26 205 OUTe: T0 f.L0'Joye:'Je:r: Y0" ouoe:tc; YcXp TW'J 8e:0q;>6pw'J YE'J'JYJ(J 'J 7tpo(Jy6pe:u(Je: T'J TOU 8e:(ou n 'Je:Uf.LaTOC; U7tap 'J. 'Ex f.LE'JTO TOG 0e:ou e:I'Ja aUT6, xat 8e:r:0'J e:I'Ja, O e:pot aOcl(JXOU(J A6- yo. (0 (1.E'J YcXP e:(J7t6TC; Xp(JTOC; TaUTLl 7te:p t aUTOU ([)Y)(J. \10 IVfl(f'E(!c" (-'fl£V [va EYW a7lEA()W" EaV ya(J EYW fl anEA()w, 0 II a(Ja.xArrro ovx EAEvaETlll 7l(J0 vflii. Kat 7t&A'J. r'OTaV DE E A()n 0 II a(!axAf}TO, TO 11 vEvfla Tij aArJ()E[a, a na(!u TOV 11 aT(Jo Exno(JEvF1'al, oDrJyaEt vflii 7l(!0 niiaav TV aA()Et- avo T0 oe: E7tEr:'J' 'Ex TOV Jl aT(Jo Exno(JEvETat, EOe:e: 7ty'J 15 O'JTLl TOU O'Je:u(1.aToc; TO'J OaTEpa. Kat oux e:I7tE'J" «'Ex7t0pe:u- '........', I , ,..... / , (JE'":'», r,/\ «Ex;ro(JEvETat» , oe:x.'JUC; x. 7C; CPU(JEWC; T'J TauT6TTa, xat TC; oU(Jac; TO &T(1.TO'J, xa TO O&([)OpO'J xat ( / ..... ( / T '" / , / 'JW(1.E'JO'J TW'J U7t0(JTa(Je:w'J. 0 yap EX7tO pe:UO (1.e:'J0'J, ax wp- (JTO'J E EXE 'JOU E 06 EX7t0 pe:ue:Ta. (0 oe: 8e:r:0c; I cX7t6(JTOAOC; M 77v 20 TauTa 7tEpt TOU 0 'Je:u(1.aToc; E([)(Je:. To DE Jl vEvfla navTa E(JEVVq., xat 1'21 f3a()YJ TOV f)EOV. (Qc; &'J oe: (1.  TC; cXY'Jo U7tO- A&O T'J Epe:u'Ja'J, E7tyaye:'J" Ouoe:tc; av()(!wnwv oiDE 1'21 TOV - aV()(Jwnov, El fl TO nVEvfla TOV av()(!wnov. OVTW xat 1'21 TOV f)EOV OVbEl oIoe:'J, El flY} TO IIvEvfla TOV f)EOV. 25 'En lO''t'aO' la 'XOUE , - xal 't'ou nOA U a6EO''t'a't'ou , xal , 0'0 q>w't'a't'ou Fontes 10/11 Ioh. 16.7 I Cor. 2.11 11/14Ioh.1S.26,16.13 20/21 I Cor. 2.10 22/24 App. Crit. L M 5 V 6 8EOcp6p(0V] 7t7Ep(uV add. V 7 8ELOU] om. V 8 EIvrlL 1 - EIVrlL 2] XrlL Q- - " 5 "' ] " , i' \JELOV dVrlL rlU70 11 oux EAEucrE7rlL OU xEAEucr"fj"t'rlL p.c. OU XEI\EUcrE"t'ClL V rI  ' ] 5 6 ' , ] , , V 20 " , O"t'rlV oE inv. 1 EX7tOpEUE"t'L E7tOpEUE7rlL Ecp"fjcrE - 7trl- V7rl] spatium hab. 5 21/22 U7tOAOL] U7tOAQ:1j LMV 22/23 "t' - f.Lr,] spatium hab. 5 25 ET:Lcr7rlcrLrl] legi nequit 5 26 7toAu!.lrl8Ecr7rX"t'OU] 7tOAU spatium hab. 5, 7toAu8u!.lcr"t'o'J V App. ColI. 8 8E'i:'OV] 70 praem. Theod. 11 EAEUcrE"t'd e tr., EPX.E"t'rlL Theod. 17 "t'o OL&cpOPOV] &OL&cpOPOV Theod. 18 V(uEVOV] 70 praem. Theod. 19 E EXEL ',Iou] deest in Theod. 20 Ecp1jcrE] ECP1j Theod. 21 WC;] XrlL praem. Theod. OE] deest in Theod. &YVOL] &Y'JOLV Theod. 23 &v8pw- 7tOU] 70 EV ,j7 add. Theod. 
206 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM OUOU 7t<XpoC; a aua OlC; AOl1toiC; 8ELOlC; 7tapaO'l 7tEpl YjC; OU aYLOU n 'JEUaTOC; EK7tOpEUO'EWC; SoyaTLO'JTOC;, Kal EX 0EOU nLlTpOC; EXE'J T'J U7tLlp'J TOUTO SlSaO'Ko- 30 'JTOe;. 143. Tou aUTou a7tO TYje; 7tpayaTELae;, -fie; YJ E7tlypaq>Y) 'Epa'JlO'TY)e; 11 nOAUOpq>Oe; 'Op86oooc;. To'J A6yo'J EX TOU n(lTpOC; EI'J(l  8E((l "AEYE / Yp(l([). 5 'EpLl'JcrTC;. l\"A 8 "AEYEC;. ' 0 Q /   K ' / " n .....' r/  / pvoooc;oc;. (l !-LE'JTO X(lt TO 'JE'Jp.Cl TO ClYO'J wcr'J'!'WC; EX TOU 0EOU EI'J(l OO&crXE. ' E / {\ '\ / P (l 'I  cr T'l) c;.  " (.l 01\ 0 y T (l . ' 0 Q /  t:' 'A '\ '\' , ' 0 ' A / , / Y tfI , pVOOOSOC;. J-\.1\1\(l TO'J (.lE'J  EO'J oYo'J O'JO(.l(lSE 1 O'J fLo- 1 0 'J0YE'J. ' E / 0 t/ , / Y p(l'JcrTC;. UTWC; O'JO(.l(lSE. 'Op86oooc;. To oe: n'JEU(.l(l TO &YO'J uto'J OUO(l(.lOU 7tpocr- / yo PEUcrE'J. 'Ep(l'JcrTC;. Ou OT(l. 1 5 'Op86oooc;. K(l( TO EX 0EOU X(l n(lTpOC; X(l TOUTO EXE 'r/ t:' T'l)'J U7t(lps 'I. 'Ep(l'JcrTC;. l\"A 8EC;. Fontes 143.3/41 Theod., Eran., 217.2-36 App. Crit. L M S V 28 EX7t0PEucrEWC; aOYf.L'dOVTOC;] inv. V aOYf.LTtovTOC;] aOY!-lTtOV":' M 29 7t":'pOC;] spatium hab. S 143. 1/2 TOU - 7tOJJJf.LOPcpOC;] legi nequit S 3 op86ao;oc;] legi nequit S 3/4 AEYEL YPCP] inv. L 5 Ep- vLcr":'C;] legi nequit S 6 op86ao0c;] legi nequit S xt2] om. V 7 TOU] om. S 8 EpvLcr-rf,C;] legi nequit S 9 op86ao0c;] legi nequit S 11 Ep- vLcrTC;] legi nequit S 12 op86ao;0c;] legi nequit S aE] om. S uL6v] scripsi cum Theodor., om. LMSVet e tr. Theodor. 14 EpvLcrT1jC;] legi nequit S 15 op86ao0c;] legi nequit S EXEL] ¥'ZOV S 17 EpvLcr-djC;] legi nequit S App. ColI. 143. 3 A6yov] 8EOV praem. Theodor. 7t":'pOC;] 8EOU xt praem. Theodor. 9 OVOf.L&EL ULOV] inv. Theodor. 15 OEOU] T00 praem. Theodor. 
142.27-143.37 207 '0 p86oo0c;. 'E7tE TO ('JU'J crU'JOf.LOAOYOUf.LE'J EX TOU n rlTpOC; EI 'Jrl Xrl TO I I 'JEUf.L Xrl TO'J it6'J, TOAf.L crrlC; &'J 7tOTE Ito'J , / , / n ..... 20 o'J0tlrlcrrl TO 1trl'JrlYO'J 'JEUf.Lrl; 'E prl'Jcr'"t'C;. OUOrl(1.WC;. '0 p86o r ) ()C;. (l,!(; 'E prl'J crT C;. 'E7tE( 7tEp ouz c:UP (crxw TO O'JO (1.rl T60E 7trlpa T 8E( Yprl([). 2S 'Op86oo0c;. J\AAa YEYE'J'J(1.E'JO'J; ' E / 0 '  ' ..... prl'JcrTY;C;. UOE TOUTO. 'Op86oo0c;. Tou O X&p'J; I M 78r ' E / 0 ' ,   / () ,  ,..... ,..... ..... .Jprl'JVJ'TC;. UK EotOrJ..XVY;'J O'JOE O'JO T:p(l '"t'Y; yp([)C;. '0 p86oo0c;. To oe: (1.  YEYE'J'J(1.E'JO'J (1. oe: XEXTcr(1.E'JO'J / ." , / / / 30 7t0 rlC; rl'J EXOTWC; TUX 0  7tpocryo P rlC;; ' E / '/A ", , / , / Y prl'J crT C;. J-\.XTcrTO'J rlUTO Xrl  rlYE'J'JTO'J O'JO (1.rls 0 (1.E'J. '0 p86oo0c;. To oe: 7trl'J&Yo'J n VEU(1.rl OUTE (1. 'J EXT(cr8rl, OUTE (1. 'J YEYE'J'Jcr8rl[ ([)rl(1.E'J. 'E prl'J crTC;. OUOrl(1.wC;. 3S '0 p86oo0c;. KrlAEcrrl you'J &YE'J'JTO'J 8rlppcrrlC; &'J TO n 'JEU(1.rl TO &YO'J; 'E prl'J crTC;. Ou OTrl. App. Crit. L M S V 18 ope6aoo] legi nequit S 19 xt I] om. V TOAf.LcrLC;] scripsi cum Theodor., TOAcryjC; LMS, 70Acre:LC; V 21 EpvLcrTC;] legi nequit S 22 ope6aooc;] legi nequit S 23 EpvLcrTC;] legi nequit S 25 ope6aooc;] legi nequit S ye:ye:VV"'EVOV] TO praem. S 26 EpvLcrrf,C;] legi nequit S 27 ope6aooc;] legi nequit S 28 EpvLcrTC;] legi nequit S 29 ope6aooc;] legi nequit S Xe:XTLcrEVOV] EXTLcrEvov L 30 TUXOL] TUX.e:L V 31 EpvLcrTf,] legi nequit S 32 ope6aooc;] legi nequit S 7tV&YLOV] om. V 33 ye:ye:vvcre(] YEYEvcre( V 34 EpvLcrC;] legi nequit S 35 ope6aoo] legi nequit S eo:ppcrL] scripsi cum Theodor., eppcrn LMS, eo:ppcrELC; V 37 EpvLcrTC;] legi nequit S, om. V App. ColI. 18 E7te:t] E7tELa Theodor. 7tTpOC;] ee:ou xt praem. Theodor. 19 xt I - ut6v] inv. Theodor. 23 E7td 7tEp] E7tELa7tEp Theodor. TO - T6ae:] inv. Theodor. 28 ypcpC;] edo:c;praem. Theodor. 29 ."aE] f.LT' U Theodor. XEX'ncr!-lEVOV] EX7Lcr!-lEVOV Theodor. 32  v] deest in Theodor. 35 youv] ouv Theodor. 35/36 "':0 - &.YLOV] TO 7tV&YLOV 7tve:u!-l Theodor. 
208 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 'Ope6oo0c;. KLl Tt a7t0TE f.L XLlAEr:C; eXYE'J'J"'f)TO'J TO UaE , "  ."  \ , f.LE'J LlX7aTO'J, tL OLlf.L U OE YEYE'J'J f.LE'Jo'J; 40 'EpLl'JaTC;. rlOT TOUTO o,j tLEf.Lrl8XLl 7tLlpa ";C; 8EtLlC; ypa- ..... , ,  '......' , ", , ({)C;, XLl aoopLl OE(.lLl vw I\EYE 'J 7a 7tap EXE 'JC; aEa Yf.lE'JCl. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La To au't'o xa'J 't'ij 7tapouO'T) 7tpaya't'EL 't'ou au't'ou ci'J6a- '.IE, EX TOU n a":'poc; EX E 'J SYJAaSiJ TO n 'JEG(.la T'J U7tap 'J. 144. Tou au't'ou a7tO 't'ou 7tpw't'ou AOYOU 't'ou f3lf3ALOU, ou YJ E7tl ypaq> EAAY)'Jlxw'J 7ta9YJa't'w'J 6Epa7tEu't'lxY) J\AAa (.l  80 pu Ea8E, EX TOU fI LlTpO C; xa au'J T0 n aTp  , A ' " T ....." , n '\ ' TO'J oYo'J axouaa'JTEC;. W'J yap aT07tWTaTW'J l\aTW'JOC; 5 (.lE'J eX'JEX Ea8a xa a'C TO'J TC; UA C; TO'J 0EO'J AEY0'JTOC; xa aU'Ja.tao'J TOU 0EOU T'J UA 'J eX7t0XaAou'JToC; xa Tac; aEac; EX TOU 0EOU xa au'J TW 0EW (,rJaaxo'JToc; EI'Ja, TO'J aE TOU 0EOU I I T A6yo'J xa TO 7ta'Jay0'J n 'JEu(.la (.l  7tE8Ea8a EX TOU 0EOU ({)u'Ja xa au'J T0 0E0 EI'Ja. E yap T'J ETEpO({)Ua xa ETE- 10 POYE'J xa eXAA6({)UAO'J UA 'J xa EX TOU 0EOU xa E'J T0 0E0 EI'Ja [; ({)A6ao({)0c; E({), 7t0AA0 a7tOU EUAOYWTEpO'J xa eXA ¥J- D.' I  "  , , O '"  VEaTEpo'J U7t0A 7tTEO'J TO'J (.lETEpO'J AOY0'J. UOE yap ETEpO- ({)ua TO'J it6'J, UaE TO 7ta'Jayo'J n 'JEu(.la ({)a(.lE'J EI'Ja, eXAAa f.La'J EI'Ja T'J ouaa'J TC; Tpaaoc; XpUTTO(.lE'J. M78v Fon tes 144.3/25 Theod., Graec. affect., 166.11-167.8 App. Crit. L M S V 38 op86aoo] legi nequit S 40 tpvcr'":c;] legi nequit S 42 E7tcr't"cr(] legi nequit S 144.1/2 TOljl - 8Ep7tEu'nx] legi nequit S 1 7tpw'":ou] ' S 11/12 EUAOYWTEPOV - &A"f,8c:cr'":EPOV] inv. V 14 TV - Tpao] inv. V App. ColI. 39 !-l1ja!-l-r.] !-l1jaf.LWC; Theodor. 144. 3 80p1JE'i:'cr8e:] 8opucr1j'":E Theo- dor. EX] X praem. Theodor. cruv] uv Theodor. 6 cr'Jvtaov] uv- Theodor. 7 cr'Jv] uv Theodor. 8 EX] X praem. Theodor. 9 cr'Jv] 'JV Theodor. 10 EV] 'JV Theodor. 11 a7tou] a7tOUeEV Theodor. X] TE praem. Theodor. 12 ouaE:] ou Theodor. 13 ouaE:] YE add. Theodor. ?!-lEV Elv] inv. Theodor. 14 '":v - '":paoc;] inv. Theodor. 
143.38-145.2 209 E OE TC; T1jc; U7t&pE(uC; TOU ytou XLl TOU &y(OU n 'JEUf.LTOC; , i" ..... \, 0."'" \, \, E7t TE TO'J Tp07tO'J f.L(lVE 'J, E 7tLlT(u O 7tpOTEpOC; TO'J TpOitO'J 1"C; &YE'J'JTOU U7t&pE(uC;, 7tWC; EaT 'J < oux> EX (U'J TO Llt TO'J. T OUTO yp a 7t(lVTEAWC; rl7tOpO'J XLl f.L6'J1) YE T-n UaE T x.(l8(lp zx &Xp(l([)'JEi' X (upT6'J. To f.LE'J yap E Ll T(OU YE'JE- 0. '1\ \ '1\ \  ,  ' '1\ (  ' ( , 20 av(l 'T  YE'J'JYJ'70'J YJ XTa'7f)'J OES(l 'T (l'J P o (uC; 0 A oya(.loe;. TO DE El 'J(l T 'J(l &'TEp (l T(OU ouoE 7tpoa(ET(l A oya(.l6c;, El (.l  &P(l ([)(l'JE(YJ TC; raTE(uC; TO EXEYYUO'J. E OE 7taTEUO(.lE'J El'J(l( \ , , \ " \' , , " T X(l (lYE'J'J'TO'J X(l (l'J(lPX O'J X(l (l'J(l TO'J, 7taTEUTEO'J (lP(l, we; EX TOUTOU 'JOU YE O'JTOC; EYE'J'J8 A6yoe;, X(l 7tpOA8E TO n ..... \ rI 'JEU(.l '70 "'(OV. 15 2S 'E7tlO''t'aO'la TIpoO'x E 7tW Kal OU't'O 0 aKaplO 't'O «EX TOU 0EOU» eX'J't'l «'t'OU TIa't'po» EKAaf3a'JE't'al E'J oI AEYEl Kal «TO'J TOU 0EOU A6yo'J X(l TO 7t(l'JrY.YO'J n 'JEUf.L(l EX TOU 0EOU 30 ([)u'J(l, X(l au'J 1"0 8E0 El'J(l». O'aq>w Sf: 't'O «([)u'J(l» 't'E9El- - KW, 7tapaKa't'lw'J EO'aq>Y)'JlO'EV, El7tW'J. «'Ex TOUTOU YE 'Jou O'JTOC; EYE'J'J8 A6yoC;, X(l 7tpOA8E TO n 'JEU(.l(l TO &YO'J». 145. 'EK 't'OU au't'ou E TO'JU'J ([)(l(.lE'J EI'JLl T &YE'J'JTO'J X(l &'J(lTO'J, X(lTa Fontes 145.2/19 Theod., Graec. affect., 168.4-20 App. Crit. L M S V 16 7tp07EpOC;] 1tp6TEpOV S 17 oux] scripsi cum Theodor., om. LMSV EZWV] EZOV S 20 YEVV1j 70 V ] YEV"fjTOV V aE;T'] aE;Hv-r' V 21 &-re:p] X7tEp S 22 cpvd"fj] scripsi cum Theodor., cpv LMSV 26 E7tcrTcr(] legi nequit S 27 1'oG] om. V 30 X - cpGv2] om. V 145. 1 EX - ')'oG] legi nequit S, tTCcr7cr( V 2 En 1tp6crX.E 7tWC; XL OUTOC; 0 f.Lx&pOC; 70 EX TOIJ SEOIJ &VT 70U 7t7pOC; praem. et del. V 1'd EX TOU WJ-rOU add. V App. ColI. 17 &YEVV70'J] TOU praem. Theodor. TO] TOV Theodor. 18 cpucre:] 7t(crTe: Theodor. 21 7V] T Theodor. ouaE] ouad Theodor. 22 &p] 1tYJ praem. Theodor. 24 AOYOC;] (; praem. Theodor. 
210 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICU'f ' n I  " , , n il , T ' f.LE'J apf.LE'JO"f)'J TO'J xocrrJ..O'J, XLlTa oE I\LlTW'Ja X(x f.LLlO'J TO'J J\OXPO'J XLlt nAO{)TLlPX0'J XLlt f.Le; Ll,jToue; TO'J TW'J cl7trl-  'ii ..... I 0. I '"  'JTW'J Of.LOupYo'J, 7t01\1\ TOUTOU 7tVLl'JWTEp0'J 70 qJLl'JLl ES , I ..... , I " A ' ..... " I EXE 'Jou YE TOU aYE'J'J"f)TOU XLl TO'J oYo'J cpu'Ja xa TO 7tLl'JLl- YO'J I n 'JEU(l-(X' TO'J f.LE'J, We; /\..6yo'J EX 70G 'JoG "(E'J'JW(l-E'JO'J, TO aE, We; n 'JEU(l-Ll EX7tOPEUOf.LE'JO'J° crU(l-7tpOEcr yap 70 j\oy TO n 'JEU(l-a, OU  UYYE'J'JW(l-E'JO'J, eXAAa  U'JO'J xat 7tapo (l-ap- 10 TOU'J xa EX7t0pEUO(l-E'J0'J. J\AA' OUTE TO n 'JEU(l-a 7t'J0'J T 'JLl crTO(l-aTOe; EI'Ja( cpLl(l-E'J - eXU'J8ETO'J yap TO 8E0'J xat &f5X- I ," A I ..... ", I I (l-aTcrTo'J -, OUTE 70'J 0Y0'J TOUTOV TO'J Ee; aEpa XEO(l-E'JO'J, eXAA' E'JOUcrO'J Aoyo'J xat E'Ju7t6crTaTo'J n 'JEu(l-a, xa E'J T0 n '0. I '0.' (, I  I aTp VEWpOU(l-E'JO'J xa xav EaUTO 7tcrTEUO(l-E'J0'J, SU'J(l-f.LE- 'Ja TE xa a   p (l-E'Ja, T0 (l-E'J TauT0 T e; cpucrEwe; 'Jw (l-E'Ja, T ae: TW'J aOTTW'J aacpop xa xa8' EaUTa 'Joou(l-E'Ja. Kat oux E'JEcrT (l-a8E'J eXxpwe; TO'J (l- TOe; 8E(Oe; E'JTETuxxoTa A(Oe; xat TO Te; cpucrEwe; cpwe; 7tapa Te; 8E(ae; E7taEa(l-E- I 'JO'J xap TOe;. 5 IS 20 'E7t lO''t'aO' La Ka'J't'au6a YJ SlSaO'xaALa YJ au't'YJ 7tEpl 't'OU «E E'JO 't'OU na't'po SYjAO'JO't'l TO'J Yio'J xat TO n 'JEU(l-a cpu'Ja», xal YJ au't'YJ 't'ou «cpu'Ja» O'aq>Y)'JEla. "EO''t'l S' E'J 't'ij 7tapouO'Y) 7tEplX07tij xaL 't'l YAaq>upw't'EpOV, w EOlYE 't'EW '.10- App. Crit. L M S V 9 ;UY'{EVVWf-Le:vov] ;uyye:vwf-Le:vov LMa.(. 9/ 10 &AA - EX1t0PEUO!-lEVOV] add. in mg. M 9/ 10 1tpOf-LpTOUV] cruf-L1tP0f-LpTOUV V 12 't"OUTOV] add. s.l. M 15 cpucrEW] 1tLcrTEwC; V 16 VOOUf-LEV] 8EWpOUf-Le:v S 17 EVEcrT] Ecr'"; L 20 E1tcr't"crL] legi nequit S 21 x&vTu8] om. S 23 crcpVE Ecr'n] spatium hab. S 24 YACPUpW't"EpOV] YACPUpOTEpOV L App. ColI. 3 1tpf-LEvta"1jv] TOV praem. Theodor. 1tAcX7WV] 70',1 praem. Tht:odor. 6 XL 1] deest in Theodor. TOV - cpuv] cpuv TOV AOYO'J Theodor. 8 cru- f-L1tpoe:cr] ;ufJ.- Theodor. 14 8e:WPOUf-LEVOV] 8EWpOUf-Le:v Theodor. EU- TO] EUT Theodor. 1tcr't"EUO!-lEVOV] 1tcrTe:UOf-LEV Theodor. 14/15 ;u- V"ljf-Lf-LEV] XL praem. Theodor. 15 Te:] deest in Theodor. 16 acpop] a-nP"ljf-LEV add. Theodor. XL2] TU7 aE Theodor. 18 AtO] AO- YLOC; Theodor. cpucrEW] "('Jwcre:wc; Theodor. 18/ 19 E1taE;&!-le:vOv] EX- Theodor. M79r 
145.3-146.15 211 2S lE't'al. Lloya't'lO'<xe; yap ou't'oe; 0 't'a 8Eia O'o<poe; O't'l TO 7ta'JaYlO'J II 'JEUf.LLl 't' Yl xal A6y aUf.L7tp6Ea, q>a- 'JEpWe; E7tlO''t'OlEl 't'oue; xal EX 't'OU Ylou AEyo'J't'ae; au't'o EX7t0pEuE0'6al. 7tWe; yap xal 7tO't'E ou 4> O'U7tpOElO'l'J EX- 7tOpEuE't'al; Ka't'aa'J6<X'JE Sf: 't'o'J axaplo'J 't'ou't'o'J SlSa- 30 O'xaAo'J 't'a au't'a 't' 6El aaO'xY)'J Soya't'lo'J't'a, 11 aAAo'J EXEl'JO'J 't'ou't', we; 7tpOYE'JEO''t'Ep E't'a xpo'Jo'J. Tou't'ou yap I 't'o «aufL7tp6Ea» ypaa'J't'oe;, EXEl'JOe; E'J 't'Tj M 79v OlXEl ypaq>Tj 't'E6ElXE 't'o «&(1.rl  TOU ytou YE'J'Jae; XLl  ..... 0 / , / A" - , " " 70U 'JEU(1.rlTOC; EX7tOpEuac;». L..110 xal Y) E le; 't'O au't'o xal E'J 3S EXEl 'JY) 't'Tj 7tEplX07tTj xal E:'J 't'cxu't'TJ E:7tEO'YjElwO'aE6a. 146. 7tO 't'Yje; EUxYje; 't'ou aYlou rpY)YOplOU 't'ou f).laAoyou 't'Yje; xa't'eX 't'Y)'J TIE'J't'Y)XOO''t'Y)'J a'JaYl 'JWO'XOE'JY) e; Ta 'JO(1.rlTrl (1.w'J, OE6(1.E8rl, KUpE, "':0 n 'JEU(1.rl TO &YO'J, TO 7trlpa aOt) e:X7topEu6(1.E'J0'J, ({)WTarl Xrl ooyarl Ee; 7ta- D. ' ( , (/ -ya( / " / D. S arl'J, XrlVWe; 0 aoe; U7tEax ETO 1 oe;, T'J rlA VErl'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' la El Y) 't'Ole; aAAOle;, xCi'J 't'ou't' 't' 6El 7ta't'pl 7tEl0'9Y)'t'l, Y) EX 't'ou Ylou 't'o TI'JEua AEYO'J't'l EX7t0pEuE0'6al, UE- 't'Ep 7ta'J't'we; O'J't'l f3AaO''t' xal EYXWPl, xal 't'Yje; E'J 't'Tj 10 7taAal PwY) aYlae; ExxAYjO'lae; apXl7tOlE'Jl. Tou't'o Sf: q>a'JEpWe; 7taplO''t'a't'al EX 't'ou 't'o'J aYlo'J 't'o «xrl8we; 0 aoe; ytoe; U7tEaXETo» E7tayaYEl'J. "I 'Ja yap Y) AOYW'J Aaf3ae;, 't'o «KUpE» lAWe; ou't'w XElE'JO'J, SWO'El O'Ol, SleX 't'Yje; 't'olau't'Yje; E7taYWyYje; aplSYjAWe; XCXl O'aq>we; 't'o 7tpOe; 't'o'J 1 S TIa't'Epa 't'Y)'J EUXY)'J 7tOlEl0'6al SlSaO'xEl O'E. Fontes 33/34 & - Ex.1t6pE1JcrC; cf. FP 138.9-10 146.3/5 Greg. Magn., Lib. Sacr., F. IV, M. I 113.8-6 ab imo: Mentes nostras, quaesumus, Domine, Paracletus, qui a te procedit, illuminet; et inducat in omnem, sicut tuus promisit Filius, veritatem. App. Crit. L M S V 27 x.n om. V add. s.l. M 146. 1/2 &1tO - &vyvwcrX.Of.LEV1jC;] legi nequit S 6 E:1tcr7cr(] legi nequit S 8 !.lY,] x. add. SV 5 1Jt6c;] 
212 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 147. Tou au't'ou EX 't'ou 't'EAOU 't'ii lAOU au't'ou T ' fI ' i n '" , '" fI " , , o apLlX/\ 70'J 'JC:Uf.LLl EX 70U (X,,;pO 7tpOEPZE";(x X(X E'J 7W Yw atCl.U..EVEt. I I l 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 5 'XOUE 7tW xa'J't'au6a 0 Eya 't'Yi PwaLw'J ou't'o q>wO''t'YJP EX 70U naTpoc; EX7tOpEuE0'6al SlSaO'xEl, E'J Se ,,:,0 yt0 aa(1.E'JE'J TO n 'JEU(1.a 't'O aYlO'J. El you'J, w au q>iJ, xal EX 't'ou Yiou EX7t0pEuE't'al, 7tW 't'oU't'O 7tapEO'lW7tY)O'E'J o 6E lO ou't'o S lSaO'xaAo; I M 80r 148. Tou aYLou AUYOUO''t'L'JOU a7tO 't'ou lALOU 't'ou AEYOE'JOU 'EYXElPLSlO'J, xEq>aAalo'J a' J\pXETO'J E(jT 1'0 Xp(jTa'J0 TW'J XT(jTW'J 7tpaYf.LaTw'J , " " , , " , , " t '" " T'J a Ta'J E TE oupa'Jw'J E ":'E E7t YEW'J, E TE opaTW'J E TE 5 eXopaTw'J, (1.aE(1.(a'J EI'Ja, eXAA'  7'J eXya8oTTa 7t(jTEUE'J TOU eXXT(jTOU, oe; E(jT 0EOe; eXA 8 'Joe; Elc;, xal OUaE(1.a'J EI'JLl , rI "" ", " " , '" " ';' ({)u(j 'J, TC;  LlUTOe; oux E(jT 'J,  a7t aUTOU, aUTO'J TE E 'Ja  '  n '  i' , Y t , , f1 ' D. ' 1 P aoa, aTEpa O/\O'JOT xa O'J EX aTpOe; YE'J'JVE'JTa, xa n 'JEU(1.a &YO'J E aUTOU TOU n aTpoc; EX7tOpEUO(1.E'JO'J. 10 'E7tlO''t'aO'La TL AEYEl 0 't'a 7tOAAa EX7tOpEuO'El 't'ii> 7ta'JaYL Fontes 147.213 Greg. Magn., Proleg., 203.27-28; cf. Phot., Myst., 369.26-27; Eustr. N., Grat., 68 148. 3/9 Aug., Ench., 235.1 ab imo-236.8: Satis est christiano rerum creatarum causam, sive coelestium sive terrestrium, sive visibilium sive invisibilium, non nisi bonitatem credere Creato ris, qui est Deus unus et verus; nullamque esse naturam quae non aut ipse sit, aut ab ipso: eumque esse Trinitatem, Patrem scilicet, et Filium a Patre geniturn, et Spiritum sanctum ab eodem Patre procedentem [Duo ex Vatican is mss.: et Filio procedentem], sed unum eumdemque Spiritum Patris et Filii. App. Crit. L M S V 147. 7 aX!-lEVEV] af.LEVe:V V 9 ()U70] om. S 148.1/2 70G' - x'] legi nequit S 1 &YL01J] x'?J"t'ou M 2 EYZEp(aO'J] EYZEpa(01J L x'] itPW70V L 
147.1-149.21 213 TI'JEua't'l 6EAW'J xapLE0'8al; TYjC; xa8' uiiC; aYEAY)C; 7ta'J't'wc; 7tOli)'J Xal OU't'OC;- '1\XOUO'O'J YOU'J xa'J 't'OU't'OU, 7tapaXaAW, Y) 6'J0'J ou't'wC; a7tAWC; EX "rOU fI Ll"rpOC; EX- 15 no pE'JEcrfJ(X O n VEUf.L S lSaO'xo'J't'oC;, aAAa 7tpoO''t'l6E'J't'0C; , , 'y ,...... , _ 6 "1:' " , xal 't'0 (,S?; (XU701J» - xa'J't'EU E'J 't'0 E E't'EpOU a7tayopEuo- 'J't'0C;, xa6wc; xal E'J E't'EpOlC; E7tEO'Y)ElwO'aE6a_ 149_ Tou aYLou IEpw'Juou EX 't'YjC; 7tpOC; l\aaO'o'J E;YjyYjO'EWC; 't'ou aYLou O'Uf30Aou fI ' " fI ...... '0 e " '\ D. ' , cr"t'E1JO (.lEV EC; "t'0 VE1J(.lrl "':0 LlYOV,  EOV rl/\ V VOV, EX II rl"':po C; EX7t0 pE1JO (.lEVOV, '{crov Xrl"t'cX 7tclV"t'rl "t'C{) 11 Ll"t'p t Xrlt "t'0 5 y.t...... 1 w. I 'E7t lO''t'aO' La Tou w't'YjpOC; E'J EuaYYEALolC; SlSa;a'J't'oc; E'JW7tlO'J uo  TpLWY /l-apTUpWY pi}/l-a nay t L O''t'a0'6al- i)w'J Sf: 't'0- , , , ,-- O'OU't'OUC; 7tapElO'ayov't'w'J O'Ol ap't'upac; 7tEpl 't'Y)C; 't'ou 7ta- 10 'JaYLou TI 'JEua't'oc; EX o'Jou 't'ou TIa't'poc; EX7tOpEUO'EWC;, 't'EWC; Sf: xal 't'pElC; UE't'EpW'J xwpw'J 7tpO 't'oO'w'J a'JYj- O'JEU't'W'J E't'W'J apx lEpa't'EuO'a'J't'ac;, 11 't'OU't'OlC; 7tEl0'9ELC;, 't'ou lEpOU O'Uf30AOU 't'YJ'J oux oISa 7t06E'J 11 7tapa 't'l'JOC; 7tapE'J't'E6ElO'a'J 7tpo0'6YjxYj'J U7tE;EAE- xal SEUpO O''t'ac; E6' 15 i)w'J O'uaAAE I xa6wc; a7tO 't'W'J 6ElW'J 7ta't'Epw'J au't'o M 80v 7tapEAaf30E'J- 11 SEl;O'J au't'OC; i)l'J 't'l'Jac; 't'W'J 't'YjC; EUO'E- f3Elac; xY)pUXW'J, xal XOl 'JW'J 't'YjC; OlXOUE'JY)C; q>WO''t'Yjpw'J, xal SlSaO'xaAW'J 7tEpl 't'YjC; 7tpo0'6YjxYjC; 't'au't'YjC; q>a'JEpwc; xal O'aq>wc; Soya't'lO'a'J't'ac; xal SlSa;a'J't'ac;, xal 't'Yj'Jl- 20 xau't'a 't'YJ'J 't''t'a'J ooAoyYjO'OE'J, xal q>lAaSEAq>wc; O'Ol , O'uq>pO'JY)O'OE'J- Fontes 149. 3/5 non inveni 8 Mt. 18.16 App. Crit. L M S V 149. 1/2 70;:) - cr'Jf.l6/\0'J] legi nequit S 7 EV(0i":ov] EV(07t V 8 Pf.L] iterav. et del. V 10 Ex. - it7pO] om. V 13 70;:) - cr'Jf.l6AO'J] 7tpocrex.1jv 'J7tE;EAE praem. S 14 i":pEV7EOEcrV] 7tp7EeEcrv V 
214 FLORILEGIUM PATRISTICUM 150. Ete; 't'o xa't'a 'IweXvvY)v EuaYYEAloU pY)'t'ov 't'o «('Ov EYW 7tEW uIv 7tapa 't'ou TIa't'poe;» 't'ou BOUA yaplae; xupou 8EOq>UAeXX't'OU T '  ' \ , \' , , I  '" "" , , o aE «ov EYOJ ;tE!1'tP(JJ» 7V cr077(x a/J)  7t;V 7tpO 70'J 5 II (XTEP(X. J\AA(xXOU YcXP 70V I I (x7EpLl EI T:E 7tE7tE V 7(J 11 Ve:Gf.LLl' , ..... D.  ,( , " ..... , I ,  ' " '\ '\ , , E'JT(lUv(l aE E(lU70'J 7tE(1.!fE 'J TOUTO E 7tW'J, OuaE'J (lI\I\O  7V , I  '\ ..... 0 1  ' , 't:" ..... ( , ..... 11 crOTT(l al\o. 'J(l aE f.L  aos  (l'JT(l'J cr7(l'J ELlUTO'J T (l- I ( , , " , ,.... I I ' n ..... I D. Tp, we; (l7tO (lAA  e; E(, OUcrLlC; 7tE(1.7tW'J TO 'JEU(l, 7tpOcrEVX.E' ;raea. TOf) Jl aTe6. «Jl Efl1pW (.lE'J yap (lUT6, eXAAa ;raea. T01) 10 Jl aT e6»' TOUTEcrT 'J EUOOx.OU'JTOe; TOU n (lTpOC; x.(l crU'JLl7tO- crTEAAO'JTOC;. «Ou yap E 0 X.E[W'J X.OA 7tW'J (lUTOC; 7tpO{E(1.(l TO n 'JEU(1.(l, eXAAa 7t(lpa TOU fI (lTpOC; O' E(1.0U x. 0 PYE T(l». °OT(l'J , I r/' I '" ", I (lx.oucrc; OT EXnOeEVETal, (1.1) 'JOE (l7tOcrTOA 1)'J T1)'J EX.7tOpEU- 0' ,,\,\ ,') \ I ',\,\' cr 'J, O(l'J (l7tOcrTEI\I\O'JT(l T(l AElTOVeYlXa JlVEV/laTa, (l1\1\(l ({)U- 15 crx. U7t(lpe; TOU n 'JEU(1.(lT6e; EcrT 'J  Ex.7t6pEucre;. 'E7t la't'aa La XOUEle; xal 't'OU 7tapa 't'Yje; 6ELae; E7tvEua6Ev't'0e; XaPl- 't'oe; ou ovov Slaq>opOUe; i.EpeXe; (3 Lf3AOUe;, eXAAa xal au't'eX 't'eX aYla E;Yjyi)aaa6al EuaYYEAla, 't'O 't'E YJ EX 't'OU Yi.ou, 20 aAA' EX 't'OU TIa't'poe; 't'o TIapaxAY)'t'ov EX7t0pEUEa6al TIvEua 7tapaSlSOV't'Oe; aOl, xal 't'YJV EV Ex.7t6pEUcr'J oux eX7tocrToA 'J, eXAAeX ({)ucrx.'J U7t(lp 'J I auq>Wvwe; 't'0 Ie; M 81 r AOl7toi'e; 6ELOle; 7ta't'paal SlSciaxov't'oe;, eXAAeX xal 't'YJV eX7tO- Fontes 150. 4/15 Theoph. Ach., En. In Ev. Ioh., 205.30-44 14 Hebr. 1.14 4 Ioh. 15.26 App. Crit. L M S V 150. 1/3 de; - 8EOcpUA&X'"C'OU] legi nequit S 1 XX7;X] 70U praem. LV 7 &V'"C'rlVLcrTV] eXvTrlVLcr7wv L 7/8 ErlU'"C'OV - T:X7p(] inv. V 8 &itO C1.A- A1jC;] eXT:' XAA1jC; M eXi'to] En'SV 12 07V] OUV add. S 13/14 7V - OLrlV] spatium hab. S 17 eXxouELC; - 70;;] spatium hab. S 70;;] om. V 19 76 TE] spatium hab. S App. ColI. 150. 4/5 70V T:7Ep] ,j-:ov Theoph. add. Theoph. 8 cXno] eXT:' Theoph. 12 07V] as: 
1 50.1-1 5 1.14 215 G't'OAY)'J au't'Y)'J, OUX <X7tAWe; 't'O'J Yio'J Kat. A6yo'J 7tOlOUE- 25 'JO'J Soya't'LO'J't'Oe;, aAAeX O'U'JEUSOKOU'J't'Oe; 't'ou TIa't'poe; Ka t. crU'JLl7tocrTEAAO'JTOe;. 151. Tau Zuya(3Y)'Jou Ele; 't'o pY)'t'o'J 't'OU Ka't'eX '!wa'JvYj'J EuaYYEALou't'o «EKEl'JOe; ap't'upY)O'El 7tEpt. EOU» Tou yap OaTpoc; 8Ll([)OpWe; flaQTV(!(]aVTO nE(!t EflOV, xat TO n 'JEUf.La ":0 XYOV 8a([)opwe; !1a(!TV(!(]Et 7ta'JTWe;. M a(!TV- 5 (!(JEl 8E EAA&(l-7tOV Tae; xLlp8ae; j(l-w'J Ee; 7tA po([)opa'J TE- AEwTEpa'J, xa TEpaToupyoU'J E7t T0 o'Jo (l-aT (l-ou. rlO pa 8e: OT , "" ( (/ ( ( / ..... n / \ Jlcfl7lEt tiE'J aUTO xa 0 1 oe;, we; O(l-OT(l-Oe; T aTp, na(!a TOV Jl aT(!O 8E, we; na(!a TOV Jl aT(!O EXnO(!EVOflEVOV. Jl a(!a TOV II aT(!O DE EXJlO(!EVETat, we; EX Te; oucrae; aUTou O'J. 10 'E7t lO''t'aO' La TIpOO'XEe;, El (30UAEl, Kat. 't'ii> OO'lw't'a't' 't'OU't' Kat. 6EO- q>op ovaxii>, O'uq>w'Ja 't'OLe; 6ELOle; 7teXO'l 7ta't'paO'l 7tEpl 't'ou aYLou TI 'JEua't'Oe; Kat. 't'Yje; au't'ou EK7tOpEUO'EWe; E;Yj- , 'c:. c:.' you E'J 't'E Ka l 0 loaO'KO'J't' l. Fontes 151. 2 Ioh. 1 5.26 Ioh. 15.26 3/9 Euth. Zig., Comm. Ev. Ioh., 1420.4-13 7/10 App. Crit. L M S V 24 A6yov] -:ov praem. V 25/26 &AAO: - cruVX1tocrTEAAOV-:OC;] scr. in mg. M 151. 5 EAAX!-l1tOV] EAAX!-lT:WV V 7 x,j-:o xxt] inv. SV O!-l6TLf-LOC; - 1tTpt] inv. V 12 itcrL] om. L, add. s. I. M 14 xd] om. V App. ColI. 151. 5/6 TEAEW-:EpV] -:EAE:LO-:EPXV Euth. Zig. 70] deest in Euth. Zig. 
<IIpoa<pwvYJa> t'QO'al f:'J oU'J, 6EOO''t'E7t't'E f3aO'lAEu, EX 't'W'J U7tO- 6YjxT} xal SlSaO'xaAl 't'OU 6EOO'Oq>OU O'ou xpa't'ou El )"JWO'l'J i)L'J EA60uO'w'J i.EpW'J ypaq>w'J XpYjO'lOl XpYj- " , , , , O'El 7tpO 't'0'J 7tpOXElE'JO'J O'X07tO'J xa't'Eq>a'JY)O'a'J e E7tl- 5 AEYSYJ'J 'ilSY) xa't'eX 6Ela'J O'ou XEAEUO'l'J 't'au't'a O'u'Jaya- YO'J't'E, WO'7tEp 't' l 'JeX XA YJ a't' lSa 11 O''t'U7tE LO'J, 11 E't'Epa'J 'J't'l'Ja oU'J UAY)'J EUE;a7t't'o'J, I 't'ii> E7tUpl 'Jol O'ou 7ta- M lv pa't'l6EaE'Je Au't'o oU'J 't'ou't' 't'au't'a u7ta'Jao'J, 't'ij Sf: q>W't'lO''t'lXij 't'Yi E'J't'EU6E'J a'Jaq>6ElO'Y) 7tupxal(i E'JEPYEl 10 xa't'auyaO'o'J 't'ou, w'J ai. xapSlal 't'aXEw a'JaxaYjO'o'J't'al 7tpO 't'Y)'J op60't'0la'J 't'Yi 7tlO''t'EW, xal Xa6a7tEp 't'l'Ja aE't'lSEL b O'o Ul7tE't'Y) 'Jou xal al6Eplo - 't'EX'J07tOlOU- 'J't'al yap 't'ou AOl7tOU 't'ou't' SleX 't'Yi U7to't'ayYj 't'OU xYJ- puya't'o - bSYJYYJO'a't'w 't'ou't'OU xal SlSa;a't'W 7tpO 't'o 15 't'ou EyaAou q>wO'q>opou, 't'ou 7ta'JaYlou SY)AaSY) TI 'JEua- 't'o, xa6apw 7tpoO'a'J't'lf3AE7tEl '.I O'EAaYY)ae TOL S' aya6u'Jal 't'ou O'u'JlE'Jal Y) f3ouAYJ6ELO'l'J, aAA' EplO''t'lXW E't'l p-ETalpELv q>lAO'JElXOUO'l 't'eX 7tapa 't'oO'w'J 6EOO'Oq>W'J n:aTEpwv, 7tpO S' au't'w'J 7tap' au't'ou 't'ou w- 20 't'Yipo, 't'E6E'J't'a alwvLa apLa, xal 7tpO 't'Y)'J 't'Yi aAY)6Ela E6EAoxaxw E7tl axpo'J O'XAY)pU'JOE'JOl E7tlY'JWO'l'J - 'Jal Sf: xal 7tpO 't'o 0'0'.1 EUO'Ef3EO''t'a't'o'J E6EAOXWq>OUO'l SlaYYEAa -, E't'a TIauAou SlaAaAYjO'a w lO'a7toO''t'o- Fontes Alloc. 1 0 t - &vX+,crov7 cf. Lc. 24.32 12/ 14 7EXVfJOoiJv7 - x'r,P'J"{- !-l7fJ cf. Rom. 8.15 17/20 &AA' - op cf. Provo 22.28 App. Crit. AI S V Tit. 1 T:pocr(r){0V"'!-l] conieci, om. MSV Alloc. 7 o;Jv] V'JV ut vid. M , IY ] ' IY ° d M ' I ] ' I , V E')EXT:70V EIJET:70 ut VI . E!-li:'Jp(:) - cro') E!-li:'JpV(tj VfJ crfJ') 8 70'J7(] om. S 12 &E7OE'i'] E7O- VI 15/16 7fJiJ2 - X.OP(0] inv. et corr. indicans cum litteris S. I. V 17 7 f JiJ] 7( S 22 E\JcrEEcr77(.JV] post OXY"(EA!-l transp. V 
1-50 217 AOe;e Ka8apot; Elp-L ano TOU aLp-aTot; naVTWV U/LWV, ou 25 yap unEaTELAa/Ly}V TOU p- aVaYYELAaL U/LLV TV ocSOV TOU BEOU, aAAO'J E'J OU'J E't'eX 't'OU W't'Yjpoe;, we; au't'ou a6Y)'t'Yje; QA:1)6YjC; xal fLlY)'t'Yje; QXplf3YJe; xal SlaxaYJe; epa- O''t'Yje;e EI P- l]A8ov xai EAaAY}aa U/LLV, a/l-apTlav oux ELXE- TE, vuv i nEpi T'ijt; a/LapTLat;, aaE(3Elat; i /l-aAAOV u/l-wv 30 OUX EXETE npocpaaLv, 't'au't'a I 7tpOSlaap't'upcXE'JOe;, xal M 82r Y)S' ou't'w 7tapaSExoE'JOUe; EUplO'XW'J 't'ou't'oue; 't'YJ'J 7tapa 7tpw't'ou f:'J 't'ou w't'Yjpoe;, eXxoAou6we; Sf: xal 't'oO'ou't'w'J xal 't'Y)AlXOU't'W'J SlSaaxcXAw'J 't'Yje; OlXOUE'JY)e;, xYjPUX6El- O'a'J Kal 7tapaSo6ElO'a'J SlSaO'xaAla'J 7tEpl 't'Y)e; 't'ou 7ta'Ja- 35 YLOU TI 'JEua't'Oe; EX o'Jou 't'ou TIa't'poe; EX7tOpEUO'EWe;, 't'ij xauO''t'lxij SU'JaEl 't'Yje; SYjAw6ElO'Y)e; 7tupxaUXe; eX7tO- 't'Eq>pwO'ae;, Ele; Ta 7rVEu/l-aTa T'ijt; novY}plat; EXAlXY)O'O'J, we; 't'YJ'J 7tpOe; 't'o TI'JEua 't'Yje; eXAY)6Elae; op6o't'oo'J 7tlO''t'l'J xaxoO'xOAWe; 7tapaxapa't''t'El'J O'7touSao'J't'ae; - E7tEl xal 40 TIauAoe; 't' a't'a'J 7tpOe; OAE6po'J 't'Yje; O'apxoe; 7tapaSo- 6Yj'Jal 't'o'J E'J KOpl'J6 7tOp'JEuO'a'J't'a XEXPlXE'J, anOAAU- a8al TE Tout; ano BEOU /l-axpuvovTat; EaUTout; l\aulS 0 6E07ta't'wp ESlSa;E'J ioAo8pEuEa8al TE navTa TOV ano , , TOUTOU nOpVEUOVTae 45 ToO'au't'al f:'J oU'J O'Ol xal 't'YjAlxau't'al ypaq>lxal XpYj- O'Ele;, EYlO''t'E f3aO'lAEu, 't'Yje; EUO'Ef3Elae; SlScXO'xaAE, xal 't'Y)e; op6oSo;lae; E't'a 9ElOU YjAOU xYjpu; Sla7tpuO'lE, E't'a xal 't'l 'JW'J 7tpOe; 't'oue; eX'J't'lA€yo'J't'ae; E7tEpyaO'lw'J 7tapE- 't'E6YjO'a'Je 'E7tEl Sf: xal O'q>alpa'J olSa EYlO''t'Y)'J Sax't'uA 50 O'J Xl 'JOUE'JY)'J xa't'eX 7tpa'Joue;, Xal AUY 't'le; AE7t't' Fontes 24/26 Act. 20.26-27 28/30 d - 7tp6cpcrv cf. Ioh. 15.22 37 7 - 1tO- v.r,p[ cf. Eph. 6.12 40 7t0),o cf. I Cor. 6.13-20 41/44 Xi":6AAucre( - i":()PVE'J()V7 cf. Ps. 72.27 App. Crit. M S V 25 'J7tEcr7Ei'fJ.1j'J] X7:- V 700] om. S 28 'J!J.'i'v] ,j70'i' V 28/29 E'CZE7E] E'CZOV [/ raJura [/ 31 7tpDEZO!J.EVO'J] legi nequit M Zi":EP"(crwv] Ei":cr7crwv S 27 !-le.r,7Y, XA "fjOY,] inv. V 29 xcrEd - !-lAAOV] 7V] DE: add. S 48 
218 ALLOCUTIO 7tOAAaKLC; OAOUe; uSa't'w'J Ka't'apaK't'ae; WXE't'EUO'E'J, eXKO'JY) 't'E paXEla 7tOAElKY)'J eX<plO''t'OO'J Y)KO'JY)O'E axalpa'J, 't'OU't' 't' 't'p07t Kal O'UAAOYlO''t'lKcXe; eX7tOSEl;Ele; O'Ol 7ta- pa6El'Jal SlE'JOi)6Y)E'J, I OUX we; eX7tOpOU'J't'l Kal SEOE'J !\182v SS 't'OU't'W'J, eXAA' y) 7tpOe; O'JY)'J eX'Ja'JY)O'l'J Kal 7tapa6J};l'J e O't'l Kal 7tpOe; 't'O 't'OlOU't'O'J EISoe; 't'OU AOYOU 7tAEO'J eXO'XO- AOUE'JOUe; Ea6oE'J, Kal 7ta'J't'ae; f:'J aAAOUe; 't'OUe; EKOU- O'lWe; eX7tOaXOE'JOUe; 7tpOe; 't'Y)'J eXAi)6Ela'J, E7tl aAAO'J Sf: 't'OUe; 1\a't'l'JOUe;, a't'E Kal ElO'JWe; 't'W'J aAAW'J E6'Jw'J, E7tl 60 AOY 't'axa Kal O'Oq>l Eya KO7tao'J't'ae;e OU't'w Sf: Kal 't'cX 't'w'J O'UAAOYlO''t'lKW'J eX7tOSEl;EW'J " EXOUO'l'Je App. Crit. M S V 51 IJaX70JV X.X7XpX.'7X] inv. V %X'7Xpx.'7X] X.X'7Xppxx.'7X S crEV] WZEIJ'7EIJcrEv MV 53 '701J'7] 70 l J7Wl MS, 70 l J'7(0 DE V peE!:VX] 1tXpxe-r,vx V 57/58 fJ.EV - EX.Ol)cr(w] spatium hab. S EX.0'Jcr((0] EX.OlJcr(()IJ V 60 x.xl - fJ.EYX] spatium hab. S , , WZE7E'J- 53/54 i":X- 57/58 
I:uAAOYlaoi 1 r r \ r J .....' / ' n \ \ tfI (..... '1\ . 0 '/'jf.L EX7t0PE1J0f.LE'JO'J EX pOc; Xrl 1 OU,  (/ , / , , ..... '1\ ( / \'  ( / Wcrrl1JTW EX7t0pEUETLl ES rlf.L?O \J, 11 E7EpWe; f-LE'J ES ETEPOU, ,/  " D. / E ' \ ';" ,/ '\ '\ \ ,/ '\ '\ ,,... ( tf...AAWC; OE EX Vrl7Ep0'J.  (.lE'J OU'J rll\I\We; Xrl rll\I\We; Ec, EXrl- / / D. \ \..... /  / , \ \ r/ 7EPOU, AEYEcrVW Xrl 70 1"W'J Tp07tW'J Orl({)OpO'J. E oE TO ETE- / ,/ ,/ .....,..... / ,/ ( / 5 pO'J, 7trl'JTWe; rl(.l({)W rl Trl TOU rlUTOU, Xrl TO O'JTOe; o(.looucrou rlUTOe; TOU rl TrlTOU. E OE TOUTO,  EcrTrl Xrl TO n 'JEU(.lrl ,/ '\ '\ \ ( / ,/ '1\,/ K \ ,,/ \' \ rll\l\OU T 'JOe; O(.looucrou rl TO'J,  OU. rl E E(jT X(X 'JTO rlrTO'J,  E'JOC; TW'J rlT(W'J rlUTOU. YOU'J nrlTpOe;,  You,  cX(.l({)O  'J, Er TE O TETapTOU T 'JOe;, &7tEp OT &T07trl 7ta'JTrl, T( ..... \ '\ / E '"  / , / ,  ' / \' 10 oE Xrl I\EYE'J;  0 OUOE'JOe;, ArlTTWTrl ES rl'JrlYxC; Xrl OUX ,/ , / ,/ D. ' ( /   ,/ D.' ( / ,/ \ ( EcrT 'J EXE 'Joe; OUv o(.looos0'J, ouv O(.lOT(.lO'J, OUTE (.l'l)'J o(.lo- / ,/ D. ' (  / oucrO'J, OUv o (.l0oU'Jrl (.l0'J. 2. To n 'JEU(.lrl EX 8rlTEpOU 7tpo'o'J,  cX'JEAA 7tWe; 7tpOEcr 'J E rlUTOU - Krl T(C; (; Aoyoe; Te; EX TOU ETfpou 7tpoEcrEwe;; 'I\H .....  \ / ,/ Q '1\ \ \ I ' ....., D. / 7tWe; oU'JrlTO'J 1"rlUT'J EcrEcrvrl; -  TO (.lE'J rlUTOU EX VrlTEPOU, 70 A' rl8c; EX TOU ETEPOU, Xrl (.lE(.lEpcr7rl (; 0E6e;. ou T( YE- M83r 5 , '1\' / 'JO  T rl'J rlT07tWTEpO'J; Fontes 1. 1/12 Eustr. N., Grat., 56.11-23 2. 1/5 Eustr. N., Grat., 57.26-31 App. Crit. L M S V Tit. 1 cruAAoycrf.LOn om. LM, legi nequit S Syll. 1. 1 't'o] cruAAOYcrf.LO 'Y.' praem. L, om. M 3 oGv] post oGv spatium hab. S, om. V 10 :d - ouaEv6] Eta' o,ja' Ev6 V 2. 1 70] crUAAOYcrf.LOC; W praem. L, om. M Versio P /1Id a 7', Syll. 1. I Z /1Id a 7', 2. I Brevis Tit. 1 cruAAOycr!-lO[] om. PZ Syll. 1. 6 x.t] spatium hab. P 8 l] om. P 2. 3 T'Y. 1 JT1jV] -;uTfj Z EcrEcre] 7tpoEcrEcre Z 4 ou] ot) Z App. ColI. 1. 1 70] E7 praem. Eustr. N. utou] X.TO: 70 l JC; AEy6vTty. add. Eustr. N. 4/5 70 2 - 7t&VTWC;] plurima alia Eustr. N. 12 oue' 6f.Loauvf.Lov] deest in Eustr. N. 2. 1 TO] E'n praem. Eustr. N. 
220 SYLLOGISM I 3. n 'J (yt'ou'J E7tt T1)C; &Y(Lle; Tp ciooc; ALll.lLl'J6l.lE'J0'J,  we; , ..... ..... t / P / " t ,/  ..... xo  VOV 7WV 7P W'J U7!0cr 7rlcrc:WV )\l.ljJrl'JZ7,  we; a O'J tLC; , ,... ,..... , ,  /' t,.....  / , fJ. / E; rlUTW'J. OUaE'J aE EcrT 'J, 0 TW'J QUO XO  'JO'J Arl(.LjJrl'JETrl, r/ ",/ "t,,/ ,/  " ..... ..... Wcr7E Xrl 70 rl70'J  E'JOe; Ecr7rl oO'J  XO'JWC; TW'J Tp- 5 (;)'J, n poc; fLE'J oG'J Ta XTcrT TE Xrl 80UALl y.0'J0'J 7W'J TpW'J, , ,/ '\ '\ '\  ,/ '" n / E ' , t Y t , fJ. '\ ' 7:pOe; rl/\/\ /\rl aE (.Lo'Jou 70U rlTpOe;.  aE 0 O 7tP0r--'0/\EUe; ..... t / , D. / n / ,/ ,,/ ,..... 70U rlYou O({)vcrE'TLl 'JEU(.LLlTOC;, Ecr't'rl TO Ll't'O'J XO 'JO'J 'rW'J  / t / , , / ,,/  oUO U7t0cr't'rlcrEW'J' E aE XO 'JO'J, OUX ao'J. 4 ' E , / , , / t" . 7tE aE T 'JEe; TO 7tpO({)TXO'J 7tpO({)EpO'JTEe; pTO'J 70 AEY0'J' TO) AOY({J Kv(![ov Ol OV(!aVOl EaTE(!Ew()rjaaV, xal TO) II vEvflaTl TOV aT6flaTo aVTov Jra.aa  Dvvaflt aVTwv, ({)rlcr 'J' «'E7tE crW(.LrlTXWe; E7t 8EOU crT6(.Lrl E'J'JOE'J OUX E'J8EXETrl, T( 5 &'J Er  TO crT6 (.Lrl ETEpO'J  Yt6e;; tOe; TrlJTO'J Et 'Jrl AEYE 'J TOU cr70(.LrlTOe; TOU 0EOU TO n 'JEU(.Lrl Xrl TOU Ytou TOU 0EOU' E 8' E'  'TOU Ytou, EX7tO PEUO  T' &'J E rl UTOU». <Drl(.LE'J WC; E7tE EX 7W'J xrl8' (.Lae; TrlUTrl ErA 7tTrl XrlTa eX'JrlAOY(rl'J T 'Ja 7tpOC; TO'J 0EO'J (.LETrl({)EP0 (.LE'Jrl, r8W(.LE'J 7tWe; XpEW'J E({)' (.Lw'J AEYEcr8rl. IOn 07EpO'J EX TOU &80ue; TOU E'J (.L 'J 8a crTO(.LrlTOC; 7tp6Ecr TO 7t'JEU(.Lrl,  7tPWTWC; EX TOU crTO (.LrlTO C;, 8a 8E (.LEcrOU rlUTOU Xrl EX TaU &eOue;; Krl Te; &'J ({)ArlA eC; eX'Jp TOU 7tpOTEpOU Fontes 3. 1/8 Eustr. N., Grat., 58.1-9 4. 1/7 Eustr. N., Grat., 58.20-26 Ps.32.6 7/16 Eustr. N., Grat., 59.4-14 2/3 App. Crit. L M S V 3. 1 7tv] cr'J},AOYcrf.LOC; y' praem. L 3 O,jaEv - A(.l&VE't'] om. S 7 OcpOcrE"t' 7tVE'J(.l't'OC;] inv. V OcpecrE't'] om. L 4. 1 E7td] cruAAOY- cr(.lOC; S' praem. L 2 A:YOV] cp&crxov V 10 7tO"t'EpOV] 7tpO't'EpOV LM Versio P Z Brevis 3. 1 E7t!.] EX P AEyav] AEYwv Z.l (. 12 &vp] WV P 6 0] x!. praem. PZ 7 Ocpe'crE't'] om. PZ 4. 2 4 cr70f.L] ante crWf.L7XWC; transp. Z 7 E7tE!.] E7t!. Z App. ColI. 3. 5 7E] deest in Eustr. N. aOGA] 't' praem. Eustr. N. 6 0] x!. praem. Eustr. N. 7 OcpecrE"t'] A 1jcpecrE7 Eustr. N. 8 d - raov] 07tEp &'t'o- 7tOV Eustr. N. 4. 1/2 E7tE!. - AEYov] u't'(x "t'wv 1Jf.L vwv a!.S 't'ou't'o 7tpO- cpEpoucr Eustr. N. 3 cpcrLV] aO'J oGv praem. Eustr. N. 7 U70G] plurima alia add. Eustr. N. ?(.lEV wc;] deest in Eustr. N. EX] a' praem. Eustr. N. 
3.1-8.1 221 7tpOecrE TO OEUTEpO'J; ncX'JTWe; yp EX TOU I cX.eoue; we; E M 83v , ..... , -- " 1 tl ", 1 rf..FXYJ o T:'JEUf.La oa cr1"0f.LLl1"O 7tpOEcr 'J. wcr7tEp xa E'J ox 1 5 Te; w'J, EX Tc; OX(Lle; oa Te; e1JpLle; 7tpOEPX ETa. &'AA' oux t EX 1"e; e'Jpac; 1tpocrExwe;, 8a 8E (l-Ecre; au't'e; xa EX Te; ox(ae;. 5. 1 I v 70 E1t T(;)'J eEapl. XW'J U1tocrTacrEW'J Aa(l-a'J6(l-E'J0'J , ( "' 1 tl ",, "  U7tocrTaTXO'J EcrT 'J  qJucrXO'J, WcrTE xa TO a TO'J, E (l-E'J ( 1 (I ,, , (I ,, ( " U1tocrTa't'XO'J, E'JOc;. E OE OUX E'JOe;, OUOE U7tocrTaTXO'J, xa  ,..... --  EcrT qJucrXO'J 't'W'J TpW'J apa. 6. El oG'J TW'J TpW'J TO at TO'J, EcrTa xa TO f1 'JEU(l-a at TO'J " 1 (I." ( ......" 1 1 ( " ( 1  EXE 'JW'J E'JOe;, YJ EaUTOU, YJ TETapTOU T 'Joe;, we; xa E'J ETEpOe; 1tp67EpO'J E'CpYJTa. E 8E TW'J 8uo, T qJUcrE TOUTOU 80(croucr, xa TO n 'JEU(l-a EXE( 'JW'J TauT &.1tOAEqJecrETa. 7. (0 naTp ytou xa n'JEu(l-aTOe; atToe;  T0 A6y Te; qJUcrEWc;  T0 A6y Te; U1tocrTacrEWe;. J\AA' El T0 A6y Te; qJUcrEWc;, Ta TP (a EcrTa &.AA AW'J at Ta, E 8E T0 A6y Te; U7tocrTacrEwe;, 1tWe; TO E'JOe; 'C80'J xat EqJ' ETEpa (l-ETacrETa; - 8. '1 86TYJc; (l-E'J TOU n aTpOe; TO &'Japx O'J xa &.YE'J'JYJTO'J, Fontes 5. 1/4 Eustr. N., Grat., 76.11-15 7. 1/4 Eustr. N., Grat., 76.21-25 6. 1/4 Eustr. N., Grat., 76.17-21 8. 1/10 Eustr. N., Grat., 76.25-77.4 App. Crit. L M S V 15/ 16 7tpOEPZe:'!" - eup] om. L 16 aE f.LEcr1j] inv. SV cr'JAAOYcrf.LO e:' praem. L 6. 1 d] cruAAOYcrf.LOC; ' praem. L V 3 7tpOTEpOV] Tp67to S 7. 1 0] cr1JAAOycrf-LOC; ' praem. L V 4 x.n om. V 8. 1 La6T"f/] cru/\AOycrf-LO "fj' praem. L 5. 1 7t&v] 2 X.L] om. 2 e:L] EV Versio P Z usqu ad rJX[X: 4. 16 Brevis 6. 1 d] spatium hab. P 7. 1 0] spatium hab. P 8. 1 f-LEV] ouv add. P App. ColI. 5. 1 7tv] E7td yp praem. Eustr. N. 2 f-LEV] ouv add. Eustr. N. 3 x.t] deest in Eustr. N. 4 -rWV TpWV] deest in Eustr. N. &p] ante cpucrx.ov transp. Eustr. N. 6. 1 ouv] f-LEV praem. Eustr. N. 4 '!"uT'{j] deest in Eustr. N. 7. 1 0] E'n praem. Eustr. N. 2 e:L] fJ-EV add. Eustr. N. 4 ETE- p] E'!"e:pOV Eustr. N. 8. 1 La6'!"1jC;] fn praem. Eustr. N. TOU] deest in Eustr. N. 
222 SYLLOGISMI O6T"'f) C; OE TOU ytou 1'0 EX 'tOU n a TpOe; YE'J 'J"'f) 1'6'1, 8 6T"'f)e; 8E 'rOU n 'JEu[.laTOe;, Te; XO[ 'I we; w[.loA6YTa, 70 EX TOU n aTpOe; , I E '  \' ..... Y ( ..... " \ n .....' I EX7t0pEU't0'J.  oU'J xa EX TOU OU E't 1'0 'JEU(.l EX7t0PEUE- O I \ (I O' I ,..... 0 ' 5 (J Ll ({)crO(.lE'J, XLl E'tEpa LlUVC; oo'rY;C; Ll'J) 7tpocr7EvcrE'ta, 8TTe; Ll' JT 0 YE'JO(.lE'Je; 'te; EX7t0pEJcrE(uC;, Te; (.lEv T:C1:'"t'px.e; we; EX TOU naTp6e;, Te; 8E utxe; we; EX TOU ytou, xa 7tAe:(0- r/ ,  I \ n ..... " ( ( \  '\ I I cr 'I OU't(Ue; OOTcr 1'0 'JEU(.la 7tEp 0 1 oe; oC1:crTa/\ crETa TOU naTp6e;o 7tWC; oG'J OUX E'JTEu8E'J 7'J cr07(.l(a'J &({)C1:pEe- 1 0 crETa; M84r 9 n \ I ( n ' \ \ Y ( \ \ ,,, . poc; 1'OUT()C; 0 aTp 7tpOe; 1'0'1 O'J xa XO'J(u'Ja'J EX.E xa 8a({)0 pa'J'  oU'J XO  'J(u'Joucr 'I,  ({)ucre; EcrT( 'I,  8E 8a- ({)EPOUcr 'I,  86Te;' xo 'J(u'Joucr 8E xa xaTa 1'0 TOU n'JEu(.la- " , '\ I , '\\ r/ ( '\ I , " TOe; a TO'J, xa /\ 'l)!f0 1'0 a'J OUT(Ue; 0 /\oyoe; T'J xa1'a Tp07t0'J 5 crx. (.laTcr 'I' (; n aT p xat (; ytoe; 1'0 a T( xo  'J(u'Joucr TOU n 'JEu(.laTOe;.  xo 'J(u'Joucr 'I,  ({)ucre; EcrT( ° 1'0 at TO'J &pa TOU n 'JEu(.laTOe;  ({)ucre; EcrT( 'I,  oU'J xa 1'0 n'JEU(.la a'C TO'J Eau- TOU, EX7tO PEUO (.lE'JO'J xa E EaUTOU,  (.l  0'1 at TO'J EaUTOU, , ( \' I , I OUX 0 (.lO({)UEe; EXE '10 e; EcrT. 10. 'Ex TOU n aTpOe; xa 70U ytou 7tpo'o'J 1'0 n'JEu(.la, 7tOTEpO'J &(.la 7tpOEcr 'I E &(.l({)0 'I,  EX (.lE'J TOU, 7tpOTEpO'J, ,  \ ..... r/ 'A '\ '\ "..... \ I \' 0 EX OE TOU, ucrTEpO'J; £\./\/\ E TOUTO, xa 7tpOTEpO'J [.lE'J EX va- I r/  \' 0 I I " , \ ( ..... TEPOU, ucrTEpO'J OE EX vaTEp01J 7tpOEcr 'I, EcrTa aUTO EaUTOU 5 1'0 n'JEU(.la 7tpOTEpO'J TE xa UcrTEpO'J, 7tp07EpO'J (.lE'J u7tapa'J Fontes 9. 1/9 Eustr. N., Grat., 77.4-12 10. 1/14 Eustr. N., Grat., 95.22-96.6 App. Crit. L M S 1/ 2 aE 2 ] om. LMS 9. 1 7tpo] cruAAOYcrf.LOC; S' praem. L 10. 1 EX] crUA/,O- ycr!-lO ' praem. L EX - '":01:?] spatium hab. S 3 (xAA' - 't'0 13 '":0 ] spatium hab. S 5 U7t&pv] 1JU. M, spatium hab. S 1J7t&p;V7O:V V Versio Brevis P Z I1Idr" ;::P'J:' 9. I 9. 3 aOT1jC;] EXE ae: x!. acpop;xv add. Z - cpucrC;] om. Z 10. 1 EX] spatium hab. P 4 o':)'":w] 0070C; Z 6/7 Ecr't'L 5 '":E - itpO'":EpOV] om. Z App. ColI. 2 '":013 1 ] deest in Eustr. N. A'OTO] AY70 Eustr. N. 9 " ' ] ' , E N rfjv crOTf.LV T1j cr07f.L ustr. . 6 ] ae: add. Eustr. N. 9.4 
8.2-11.10 223 EX TOU n aTp6e;, [.lET&. oe: EX TOU ytou. E oe: &[.l E &[.lcpoi'J, , , f /  /,/ ,/ ",/ .... E (.lE'J u>e; 7tpU>TC'l TU>'J, oUO Ea7a a , X oux EaTrl TOU n ,,/  ".... ,/  ' '\ ,\' , / /,.... aTpOe; ao'J TO C'lUTOU oO'J, a/\/\ a[.lcpOTEpu>'J XO 'JO'J, aUTOU , ..... tfI (..... 'r/ / ..... ,  / / TE XC'l TOU 1 OU, XC'l OUTu> auyxua 'J "!'U>'J OW(.laTU>'J 7t0 YJ-  ,...q.... , / .....  fJ.. '\'\/ / E ' '1 0 a'J't'EC;, E/. / E 'J E e; t-LEaO'J  C'lt--'E/\/\  7tapax u>pYJao (.lE'J.  a' &(.lC'l (.lE'J, (.laA/..O'J ae: xat . TO'J TO at 70'J, [.laAAO'J E'JEPYE'i: 'J D. / D. / '\ / " r/ "..... , vaTEpo'J vaTEpou /\EYE 'J a'Jayx, u>aTE XC'l 'to XpE TTO'J xa TO X E'i:pO'J xaT' OuaC'l'J EaaYEa8a. &'JaAOYO'J yap we; E'JEpYEa , , / r/ " / , , / 7tpOe; E'JEpYEa'J, OUTU> xa ouaa 7tpOe; ouaa'J. 11. To 11 'JEu(.la 7tpo'o'J EX TOU n aTpOe;  TEAEO'J 7tp6Ea 'J,  &TEAEe;, we; aE'i:aea 7tpoa8xe;, r'Ja xa EX TOU )'atou EX7t0pEU- 8E'J I TO TEAEO'J EE. Ei (.lE'J OU'J &TEAEC;, 7tWC; 0EOe; (; &TEA e; M 84v , D. /  / K " 'I:\ .....,/ ,/ ( n xa 7tpoavXYJe; aEO[.lE'JOe;; a UaE \':JEOU EaTa a TOe; 0 a- S T P aUT68E'J xa E EaUTOU, aTE TO n 'JEU(.la 7tpOaAAETa, &AA' aTE T'J EX TOU ytou TO 7tpO'O'J TEAEu>a 'J aEETa, TOTE , , ,/ 1:\ / ,( n ' r/ t:' ' fJ.. / '\ '\ D. 1:\ / aUTO EaTa \':JEOe;, xa 0 aTp ESE TO 7tp0t--'a/\/\Eava \':JEO'J. xa EaTa TOUTO aUTe{) aa (.lEaou TOU ytou, xa x 'JaU'JEuaE - E'JTEU8E'J (.l aE (; n aT p EI 'Ja TEAEOe;. E7tE 7tEp &AAOU aEETa 1 0 TEAEOU'JTOe;, a7tEp EXE'i: 'Joe; &q/ EauTou 7tpO aAAEa8a TEAEO'J Fontes 11. 1/13 Eustr. N., Grat., 96.7-19 App, Crit. L M S V 8 Xt)"t'o':?] EU701J L eE:v] EX7tO pE'Je V V 8 t)"t'] UTO S 11. 1 TO] crUAAOycrf-LO ' praem. L 2/3 EX7tOpe:U- 6 7tpO'LWV] 7tpO'LWV V 7 7tpO&AAe:cre] 7tpOAEcre 1 0 7tpO&AAEcre] 7tpOAEcre LMS Versio P Z Brevis 8 '":0] om. P XUTO;:?] E'J"t'01J PZ EV Z 11 a'] as: Z aE] om. P '';TWV Z 9 aEET] aEL '": Z 10 7tPZWp+,crOf-LEV] 7tpZwpcrw- 11. 6 7tpO'LOV] 1tpO'LWV Z 7 W';TO] App. ColI. 6 E; &!J.cpOLV] EX TOU 7tX7pO x!. '":ou ut01J Eustr. N. 7 x!.] x!. auo &VXL T praem. Eustr. N. 11 f-LEV] cpcroucr add. Eustr. N. 'C'nov] ecroucr add. Eustr. N. 12 &v&yx1j] &vo:yxxcre+,crov'": Eustr. N. 13 70] deest in Eustr. N. dcr&YEcre] dcr&;oucrv Eustr. N. 11. 5 x!.] deest in Eustr. N. 7 Ecr'!'] 7E praem. Eustr. N. 9 E1tE(7tEp] E7tEa+,7tEp Eustr. N. aEe:T] aEaE1j'": Eustr. N. 
224 SYLLOGISMI OU OEOU'J"'f)Ta, &7tEp rlT07tLl 7tcl'JT"'f) XLlt &aE. E OE TEAEO'J TCp6Ea, (1.a7aO'J EaZ7 7'J Z Z7ZPW'J TCp6ooo'J u70 UTCO- T(8Ea8a. 12 E ' " , , ..... n ' ,, '\ ' .  70 f.LE'J 1tpOEa 'J EX 70U Ll7pO, 70 oZ I\E 7:C:7a, f.LZ- p a8aETa O n 'JEUf.La Ee; 70 EX TOU fI (xTpOe; 7tpO aAJ,6f.LE'JOV , " ..... tfI( ..... D. ' , , " e ' xa TO EX TOU 1 OU 7tpOa7VE(1.E'JOV. 70 DE (1.Epa70'J OU  EOe;. 13 E ' , ..... n ' , ( tfI(' ,, n ..... , I I .  EX TOU aTpOC; (1.0'JOU 0 1 Oe;, 70 DE 'JEU(1.a EX a- , , tfI ( ..... ( , , rI t:' " , "" . , TpOC; xa 1 OU, 0 (1.E'J f.La'J ESE T"fJ'J apx'J xa TO a 70V; TO ' n .....  ' , " , , ", , , , " DE 'JEU(1.a DUO Tae; apxac; xa DUO Ta a Ta. TO DE DUO EXOV aUTe;) VOOYJYOU'JTLl TO'J T067to'J T'fiC U7taOEE{t)C, TTO'J E(jTLl I I.... , ,. " -.J 'w.., 5 TOU E E'JOe;, EAaTTw8aETa &pa TOU ytou. xat OUTW 7t0AU- , 'A' ' M , " ." Tp07tWe; J-\.pEOUC; xa aXEOO'JOUe; EaaO(1.E'J. 14. E  (1.  TO 7tapa TOU Yiou X 0 P"fJYEi'a8a TO n 'JEU(1.a ETEpO'J EaT TOU EX TOU naTpOe; EX7t0pEUEa8a, 8uo'J eX'J&- yx"fJ I 8&TEpO'J,  xat TO'J Yto'J at TO'J Et 'Ja TOU n 'JEj(1.aTOe;, M 8Sr  TO'J n aTEpa X 0 P"fJyo'J (1.6'Jwc; we; xa TO'J Yto'J. E  (1.E'J oU'J 5 xat (; Ytoe; TOU n 'JEu(1.aTOe; at TOe;, 8uo eXPX a TOU E'JOe;. TO 8E 7tAEO'JW'J 8EO(1.E'J0'J Ee; T'J U7tap 'J  (1.EO'J EaTa TOU E E'JOC; TO Et'Ja EXO'JTOe;,  EAaTTO'J,  tao'J, eXAA' tao'J (1.E'J oux &'J Et"fJ, 'J yap &'J E E'JOe; xa aU70. AE( 7tETa TO( 'JU'J Et'Ja  (1.E- Fontes 12.1/3 Eustr. N., Grat., 96.19-22 13.1/6 Eustr. N., Grat., 96.24-30 14. 1/17 Theoph. Ach., Grat., 259.1-15 App. Crit. L M S V 12. 1 d] cruAAOYLcrf-LO LW praem. L 2 7tpOAA6!-lEVOV] 7tpoA6f-LEVOV V 3 f-LEpLcrTov - eE:6] om. V 13. 1 E:L] cruAAOYLcr!-l() LY' praem. L EL] ante E:t signo partitionis caret V 14. 1 E:t] crUAAOYLcr!-lO La' praem. L 2 '":(1)1] TO V 8 &',1] om. S Versio Brevis P Z UJqur ad E\O"i;r'fLE\I 13. 6 11 aEa'JV1jTH] aUVTL Z 12. 1 E:t] om. P, x.t Et Z 14. 1 E:t] spatium hab. P , ] , PZ 12 " ] ' " Z 7tV71j 'TtV7 ELcrETL EL E'":L 13. 1 d] om. P 1 /2 7tTpO] '":01) praem. P 4 TOV 'Tt'":Ep] '":0 7tVEI)!-l P App. ColI. 11 Et] x.t 7tEpt eEOt) &VL AEYEcreL praem. Eustr. N. 12 E:TEpWV] S'":EpOlJ Eustr. N. 12. 1 d] ETL praem. Eustr. N. 13. 1 d] ETL praem. Eustr. N. 2 Tal] EV praem. Eustr. N. 14. 7 I - 'Ccrov] inv. Theoph. Ach. 
11.11-17.1 225 O'J,  EArJ.TTO'J, XrJ.t TO n 'JEU[.lLl &prJ.  [.lEO'J EcrTLl TOU You 10 - 1(rJ.t OpLl T'J T1)e; &O"EE[Lle; XLl 'JOTO[.l(Ll'J' OtJOEte; y&p 7tOU TOUTO TW'J xLlTa TOU You 8prJ.O"u'J8E'JTW'J E 7tEr: 'J ET6A[.l "f)O"E'J '1\ ,/ ') ,/ \' y..... "\ 1  / E '  \ \ ..... -, 'fJ E/\LlTTO'J EO"TLl XLl Ll'JLl  lV (xXEOO'JOe;.  oE 7trJ.prJ. 70U I I1 rJ.7pOC; xop' ,'E T(x 6'J(,)e; we; xrJ.t 7tLlp TOU ytou,  &'JrJ.PX0'J ,/ \' / K \ ..... '" n \ \ , '): / n .....  \ ( E0"7 XrJ. (XU70 - rJ. nO'J T rJ.Tp TO LlW(.LrJ.; W OE YJ ,  / / '1\ ,/ ') ') / ,/ ,., / \ o 07Y;  XEXO  'JW7Ll; - Y; rJ./\/\ O'J 70U70U rJ. TO'J  Y;TY;O"O (.lE'J, XrJ. \ \ (..... , D. / /  \ \ D. / 7E7prJ.e; (.lE'J Y;(.l 'J EO"rJ.XVY;O"ETrJ. 7tpOO"W7tW'J, OUrJ.e; oE VEOTTW'J, ETEprJ. (.lE'J  TW'J 7pW'J, ETEprJ. 8E  TOU E7tEO"aXTOU TETapTOU. 15 15. E TrJ.UTO'J TO EX7tOpEUE0"8rJ. T XOpY;YEr:0"8rJ.,  YJTW T(e; ETEprJ. AEe; 8AOr: TO 7tWe; EO"T TO n 'JEU(.lrJ. EX TOU nrJ.Tp6e;. 16. E TOU ytou (.lEW'J [; nrJ.Tp T rJ.l T, EO"TrJ. &prJ. xrJ.t TOU n 'JEU(.lrJ.TOC; T rJ.UT. E 8E xrJ.t [; ytoe; rJ.t TOC; TOU n 'JEU(.lrJ.TOe;, EO"TrJ. xrJ.t 06TOe; (.lEW'J rJ.U70U. KrJ.t 7t0U TOUTO EEUPYJTrJ. (.lEO'JrJ. TO'J yto'J TOU n 'JEU(.lrJ.TOC; AEYE0"8rJ.; 17. Et7tEp  TOU Kupou 7tpOe; TOUe; (.lrJ.8YJTac; E(.l([)UO"YJO"e; 8YJ- Fontes 15.1/2 Theoph. Ach., Grat., 259.17-18; cf. Nic. Meth., Grat., 372.19-21 16.1/4 Theoph. Ach., Grat., 259.18-21 17.1/5 Theoph. Ach., Grat., 259.21-25 App. Crit. L M S V 10 7tou] om. L 17 TE7&pTOU] 7tpocrW7tOU praem. S 15. 1 d] cruAAOYL- crf.lOC; LE' praem. L TO] T0 L T0] TO LM 1/2 TLC; E:TEp] post '7LC; rasura et ETEp om. V 2 7tTp6c;] post 7tTp6C; signo partitionis caret V 16. 1 EL] cr'JAAOYLcrf-L0C; LC:' praem. L &p] om. V 2 x.t2] om. V 3 7tO!)] om. V 17.1 EL 7tEp] cr'JAA 0YLcr!-lOC; L' praem. L Versio P Z I1Idr ab d IS. I Brevis 15.1 d] om.P T0] TO Z 16. 1 d] spatium hab. P &p] om. Z App. ColI. 10 7tou] 7t(J) Theoph. Ach. 12 7tp] e tr., x.t praem. Theoph. Ach. 15 XL'7LOV 1jcrOf.lEV] inv. Theoph. Ach. 16 eEoT1jTWV] eE67'fjTOC; Theoph. Ach. 15. 1 d] E'n praem. Theoph. Ach. 16. 1 d] ETL praem. Theoph. Ach. &p] deest in Theoph. Ach. 3 70\)TO] crOL praem. Theoph. Ach. 17.1 e:L7te:p] ETLpraem. Theoph. Ach. 7tPOC;] de; Theoph. Ach. 
226 SYLLOGISMI AO TV I E LlUTOU EX7t6pEUcrV TOU nVEUf.LrlTOC;, TC; EcrTV M 8Sv OAOU O"'f)ArlO, OU1.. EVOC; XLlp(crtLLlTOC;, TYJVXrlUTLl TOV n LlPrlXA YJ- TOV rlUTOC; 8E8wXE Xrl 7t0U TO «'E av /117 EYW UJlE}f.()W, EXElVOC; , ,"', \  - 5 ovx EAEV(]Eial ;-ceoe; vflac;»; 18 E ' , \ ( n I '\ '/Q I  \ ......, I .  rlU70e; 0 rlprlX/\.70e; EO()Vy) TOTE orl 7C; E(.lcpUcrcrE- We;, cXAAa (.l TO xapcr(.lLl TC; cX([)EcrEwe; TWV &(.lpTWV - Ol8E \ ( A ' \ \ I ...... I (\ YrlP 0 oyoc; Xrl 7rl Xrlpcr(.lrlTrl XrlAEV 7tVEU(.lrlTrl -,  XrlTrl \ n \ I '1\ ...... , ...... \ I '1\ " '\ 7V EVTXOcrTV 7trlpoucrrl  TOU rlUTOU Xrl 7tEp  TT,  rl/\- 5 AOU 7tVEU(.lrlTOC;, XLl 7tOOV TOUTO TcrW(.lEV. 19. E &7tAOUV TO nVEU(.lrl EX TOU nrlTpOC; 8E Xrl TOU You EX7t0pE,jETrl, 7taVTWC; EV 06TO VO(.lcr8EEv &'1 7tp6crw7t0v. xcX- VTEU8EV Ecrrlx.8crETrl cruVrlAO([) rlEAAEOe;,  (.laAAov El- 7tE v (.lcrrlEAAEOC;. 20. E E EVOC; rl T[OU, TOU nrlTp6c;, 0 TE yoc; Xrl TO nVEU(.lrl 7tpoaYETrl, E Xrl TO (.lEV EX7t0PEUTWC;, (; 8E YEVVY)TWC;' Y[VE- Trl 8E 7taA V (; yoc; TOU nVEU(.lrlTOC; 7tpOrlYWYEUe;, 7tWC; &'1 (; Te; cXxoAou8(rle; cXvacrx.oTo A6yoc; (.l oux. Xrl TO nVEU(.lrl Fontes 4/5 Ioh. 16.7 Grat., 373.5-11 Myst., 281.27-284.5 18. 1/5 Theoph. Ach., Grat., 259.25-261.1; cf. Nic. Meth. 19. 1/4 Phot., Epitome, 392.1- 5 20. 1/9 Phot., App Crit. L M S V 3 1'0',1] ar,AlJ.apraem. S, &',1, OAOV praem. V 18. 1 d] cr'JAAOYLcrf-LO LYj' praem. L 5 r,7crWf-LEV] 1jcrOf-LEV LMV 19.1 Et] cruAAOYLcrf-LO Le' praem. L 2/3 XcXVTe:Uee:V] XlJ.VTe:ucree:V V 20. 1 e:L] cr'JAAOYLcrf.LO x' praem. L 1/2 XlJ.L - 7tpO&ye:TlJ.L] spatium hab. S 3/4 f} - AOYO] spatium hab. A6yo &',1&- crX.OL ":'0 S Versio P Z Ujqu ad ::,,7i;I1<')fJ.E\I 18. S Brevis 4 f-LY, EYW] inv. Z 18. 1 d] spatium hab. P 19. 1 En spatium hab. P 2 &',1] ante EV transp. P 3 crlJ.EAAELO] crlJ.EAALO P 4 f-LLcrlJ.EAAe:LO] f-LLcrEAALO P 20. 1 d] spatium hab. P App. ColI. 2 EX7tOpE'JcrL v] x8' u!-l praem. Theoph. Ach. 18. 1 d] E7L praem. Theoph. Ach. 19. 1 &7tAOUV] !-lEV add. Photo 2 &',1] ante OU1'OL transp. Photo 3 crlJ.EAAe:LO] crEAALO Photo 20. 1 E;] y;xP praem. Photo 3 7tpoyw- YEU] e tr., 7tpOlJ.Ywyo Photo 7tW] we;  AlJ.crCP"'f-LtlJ. o praem. Photo 
17.2-22.9 227 5 TOU You 7tLlpEXTXO'J EI'JLl aUf.Lf.Lu80AOYEi' 'J; tOf.LOT(f.LW YCX.P ,..... ) ) 0' '0' ..... t, , --" (X f.Lq;> 0  'J 1tpOE ..  ..UV07W'J, E vaTEpo'J T ETEp TYJ'J TOU a TOU xpE(a'J eX'JLl7tA "'f)po, OUOE eaTEp TO ETEpO'J, f.L  OUX t T'J ra"'f)'J &(1.E6f.LE'J0'J x.ap 'J a'C TO'J YE'JEa8a T eX7tLlpaAAaXTOU TciE- t '\ ' , -- W  au'! 1t/\ pwae; a7tLl TE; 21. E (1.E'J (; Yoe; 7C; 7taTpXe; U7tEp A6yo'J &7tA6TYJTOe; , , '>= ' ,  ' n ..... ,  '\....." , , oux EaTaTa, TO OE 'JEU(1.a Ee; O 7t/\OU'J a TO'J a'Ja({)EpETa xat EX a 7tA e; I 7tpO OA e; U({)(aTaTa, 7tWe; oux E7taXOAOu8- M 86r aE TO aU'J8ETo'J; fI we; a' oUX t TOU You TO EAaTTo'J EX E 'J TO 5 ia6T(1.0'J Aaa({)'fJ(1.8aETa n 'JEU(1.Ll; 22 E ' I ('/ " , ",  ' t..... .  naVia o(]a EaT xo 'Ja xaTa TYJ'J aoa({)opo'J, a7tA 'fJ'J ,t" ..... " " Y' TE xa E'Jaa'J XO'JoT'fJTa, ({)uaXOe; o'Jo(1.aa'J Ea Y'Jwpso- , I ('/ , " n ' ' n ' (1.E'Ja, E naVia o(]a TOUTW'J EaT, aTpOe; xa 'JEu(1.aTOe;, TauTa 7tp6aEaT xat Yt. waauTWe; aE xat oaa E'J8EWpE Ta 5 T n 'JEu(1.aT xat Yt, oux EaT (1. aU'Jo(1.oAOYE'J E'JU7tapXE'J , ..... n "A '\ '\ ' , , '\ '\ ' ,, rI tflt -- ' n ' ,  , xa 7 aTp. j-\./\/\a (1. 'J, a/\/\ Uo oaa 1  xa aTp, OUOE TOUTW'J OUaE'J EaT "rOU n 'JEU(1.aTOe; eX7tOaTEpEi'J. E'J'J6E (1.0 aaAE(a'J, eXya86T'fJTa, xat Ta AO  7ta. E oG'J OUTW TaUTa 8EW- pE Ta, xat OUaE(e; EaT TW'J E'J Xp aT(x'JO e;, oe; Ee; (1.ax6 (1.E'JO'J Fontes 21. 1/5 Phot., Myst., 284.6-11 16.15 3 Ioh. 16.15 22. 1/13 Phot., Myst., 288.2-22 1 Ioh. App. Crit. L M S V 6 7tpOEJ:fjAU86't'wv] EA"fjAU861'WV S 8/9 1'&e:WC;] cpucrEwC; S 21. 1 e:n crUA- Aoycrf-LOC; XlJ.' praem. L 22. 1 e:n cruAAOYcrf.LOC; xW praem. L 4 ut4)] 1'i;) praem. V 6 &AA'] om. S uti;) - 7tlJ.'t"pt] inv. S 9 ouae:tc;] ouae:t M Versio P Brevis 21. 1 d] spatium hab. P 6 &AA fJ-v] (xAA' ou f-LEV P 22. 1 e:n om. P &AA'] om. P ocrlJ.] om. P 2 dcr] Ecr1'L P App. ColI. 5 7tlJ.pe:X1'XOV] e tr., 7tpX7XOV Photo 6 & f-L cpo LV] 70;; lJ.L -!"tou add. Photo 9 crUf-L7tApwcrC;] cruv7P"fjcrC; Photo 21. 1 d] &AAWC; 1'E aE praem. Photo fJ-Ev 0] inv. Photo 5 Acrcp"fjfJ-"fj8cre:1' 7tVEUf-LlJ.] inv. Photo 22. 1 7t&V1'lJ.] yp praem. Photo &7tA v] XL &f-LEp praem. Photo 2/ 3 cpucrxor:C; - i'Jw- p6f.LEV] deest in Photo 3 7tlJ.1'pOC; - 7tVEUfJ-lJ.1'OC;] inv. Photo 6 &AA] ou Photo Ua'] UaE Photo 8 xxt - AO7t&] plurima alia Photo 
228 SYLLOGISMI 10 cl7tEVEX 8E( 1) OaOUAOV, EaTt OE  TOU n VEU(l-aTOC; Ex7t6pEUac; x(Xt nTp0C; xat Itau xov6v, EC1) &v xt TO n VEUf.La EC; TV UTOU EX7t6pEUav f.LEp6f.LEVOV, xt TO (l-E:V aUTOU npoayov, , , / TO OE 7tpOY0(l-EVOV. 23 E ' '" ,( tfI(" '" n /' /  \ .  YEVVa'Ta tlEV 0 1 OC; EX TOU aTpoc;, EX7tOpEUETa OE TO n VEU(l-a TOU ytou, fJ.)..)\ YJ TC; &v E7t VO8E  ax Ea, xaO' V TO n VEU(l-a TC; E'TEpOU 7tpoay(Uyc; EaUTc{) TO 7tpov6(l-ov oa- / '''' ( "', / , / "/ a(UaE, xa 'TC; O(l-O({)UOUC; oua(UaE(uC; ou ({)aUAaE 'TO (U(l-a; 24. E navia oaa npoaEaT 'Tc{) ytc{), TOU naTpoc; Aa(l-- A / ,/ , "'0. ." ,/ '1 A' ",/ ';' '" fY.'J(U'J EXE, EX.EvE'J 'J E YJ r\(U'J X 70  70C; Z V 7C; TOU n VEU(l-aTOC; EXnOpEUaE(UC;° nOSEV oGv  ETEpOXA VC; aU'TYJ ({)AOT(l-ta, o' C; OpaTa (l-EV (; ytoc; TC; 'TOU n VEU(l-aTOC; EX- 5 7t0pEuaE(UC; at TOC;, TO OE n VEU(l-a, xa TO TO aOT(l-OV EXOV xat EX TC; aUTC; I (;f.LOT(l-(UC; 7tpOEA A u8oc; a Tac; TWV 'Ca(Uv M 86v '" , / YEP (uv EaTEpYJTa; 2 5 n / '1 ,/ ( n / ,/  ' ,( tfI ( / / ';' . al\v aTOC; 0 aT1)p, aTOC; OE xa 0 1 OC;. TC; OUV o (l-AAOV at TOC;; Ei (l-EV yap 0 n aT p, 7tWC; oux EAaTT(Uac; TOUTO TOU ytou; E a' 0 ytoc;, (l-E(uV &pa Xa'Ta TOUTO TOU naTpoc;; Fontes 23. 1/4 Phot., Myst., 289.2-7 24. 1 Ioh. 16.15 317.19-27 25. 1/4 cf. Phot., Myst., 317.28-320.6 1/7 Phot., Myst., App. Crit. L M S V 10 &7tEVe:X.8e:t"fj] &7te:Ve:X8EL V vov] signo partitionis caret V d] cruAAOYLcr!-lOC; xo' praem. L Xrl] om. V 3 0'] ae: V 12 7tpo&yov] 7tpo&ywv V 13 7tpOy6!-lE- 23. 1 d] cruAAOYLcr!-lOC; xy' praem. L 24. 1 25. 1 7t&ALV] cruAAOYLcr!-lOC; XE' praem. L Versio P Brevis 23. 1 d] om. P 24. 1 d] om. P 25. 3 0'] oe: P App. ColI. 1 0 ] alia praem. Photo 11 Xrl 1] deest in Photo d] alia praem. Photo 12 tJ'rotJl] 70U 7tVEU!-lrl70C; Photo 23. 2 &AA"fj] post crX.ScrLc, transp. Photo 3/4 OLcrwcre:L] cruvOLrlcrwcrEL Photo 24. 2 '{noc;] e tr., rlL '":LOV Photo 6 o!-lOTt!-lwc,] O!-lOTYWC; '":e: X praem. Photo h.tc,] e tr., o,jcrto:c; Photo 7 EcrTEp"fj'":L] e tr., &7tOcrTEp1j7L Photo 
22.10-27.12 229 26 n ", " n ' ( n ' . pOcrEX EC; [.LE'J Ecr't' 'J Ll TO'J TOU 'JEU[.Lcx'TOC; 0 Ll't'1JP, Wcr1tEp Xrl 't'OU You. eX[.LEcrWC; ycXp o[.Lo(wC;  TE YE'J'J1Jcr XLlt  EX1t6pEUcrC;' OU'!E ycXp c2l [.LEcrOU T'JOC; 0 Yoc; YE'J'JaTrl. eX[.LEcrWC; ' O[.LOtWC; Xrlt TO n 'JEU[.Lrl EX1tOpEUETrl. E O;)'J TO n ..... " ..... Y  ..... , , "...."  n 5 VEU(.l i(X EX ";OU OlJ EX1tOpEUETLl, TO rlU'!'W'J Ll TO'J 0 rl- 7p X 1t6ppW Xrl 1tpOcrEXZ rlrTO'J EI'Jrl TaU n'JEU[.LrlTOC; &'J  D. ' pVE 1J. 27. E E'J  TOU flrlTpoC; EX1tOpEUETrl TO n 'JEU(.lrl,  O6T1JC; E1t Y 'JWcrXETrl rlU't'OU, WcrrlUTWC; OE Xrl E'J  YE'J'JaTrl 0 Yi6c;,  ..... ....., ,  ' , ' n ..... , ..... Y ( ..... 1J 70U J OU. EX1t0PEUETCl.t oE x.(X TO 'JEU[.Lrl zx. '!OU ou, 1tAE(Ocr 'J &prl OW(.lrlcr OrlcrTEAAETrl TO n 'JEU(.lrl TOU n rlTp6c;, 5 1tEp 0 Y6c;. H (.lE'J yap 7tp60ooc;  EX TOU n rlTp6c;, E Xrlt TO (.lE'J 7tp6Ecr YE'J'JYlTWC;, TO OE EX1t0PEUTWC;, eXAA' O'J E7t(cr1JC; rlUTW'J e:xaTEpo'J eX([)O p (E TC; 7trlTp X C; U7tocrTacrEWC;. eX7tOO- LlcrTEAAETrl OE TO n 'JEU(.lrl Xrl OEUTEp Orl([)OP' 'J rlUT0 TO a 7tAOU'J TC; EX1t0PEucrEWC; 7tpOE'JE. E OE 1tAE(Ocr Orl([)OprlC; - 1 0 OrlcrTEAAETrl TO I1 'JEU(.lrl TOU n rlTp6c;, 7tEp 0 Yi6c;, EYYUTEPW &'J Er TC; 1trl'!'pxc; oucr(rlC; 0 Y6c;, Xrl O7tAW'J O'JTW'J lo- w(.laTw'J TW'J cX([)OP 6'JTW'J TO n 'JEU(.lrl, 8rlTEp TOUTW'J U7tO- Fontes 26. 117 Phot., Myst., 340.27-341.2 27. 1/14 Phot., Myst., 313.4-21 App. Crit. L M S V 26. 1 7tpOcrEZe:] cruAAOYLcr!-lO x' praem. L EcrTLV] post 7tVEUf-LrlTO transp. S 3 aL;X f-LEcrOU] aL!-lEcro'J V 6 7tVEUf-LrlTO] ULOU LMV 27. 1 EL] crUAAO- YLcr!-lO x' praem. L EX7t0PEUETrlL - 7tVEU[J.rl] inv. S 3 ae:] TO 7tVEUfl. add. S xt] post 7tVEU!-l transp. V Versio P Brevis 26. 4 a'] aE P 6 1tVE'J!-lTO] ULOU P 27. 1 d] spatium hab. P 3 xt] post 7tVEU!-l transp. P 4 TO 1tVEU!-lrl] om. P 7 EX&TEpOV] EX&TEpO P App. ColI. 26. 1 7tp OcrE Z e:] d praem. Photo 3 OUTE] o,jaE Photo 4 15 d - EX7t0PEUE- 7L] plurima alia Photo 5 rl;:f';WV] ,jTO &v Photo 6 7tVE'Jf-Lrl70] wrt'ou Photo 6/7 &v pr,eEL"fj] &v OprleEL r, e tr., &vppr,edr, Photo 27. 3 ae:] w o Exdv(uv A-r,pO add. Photo 4 &Prl] &p' Photo 10 TO - 7trlTpO] TOU 7trl- 7pO "':0 7tVEU!-l Photo 
230 SYLLOGISMI E"'f)XE'JLl TOU ytou TY)C; Of.LOCPUOUC; 7tpOC; TO'J n LlTEprl crUYYE- / " /  0 / n ..... I VZLlC; G (j()'TtL(JV ouacpYl f.L YJ "'f)crETLl 'JEUf.LLl. M87r 28 E ' / ,.........., ,..... " ( .  7trl'J'Trl XQ  'JLl 't'U>'J 'TP U>'J, Xrl () trl 70')70 XO t 'JY; XCl..t Y; , / ..... ( , Y / ' E \ <;--  \ \ Jl I C:X7tG pE'JcrC;, 7tU>C;  LlU'TO U>1) cpcr V. yw ':J w uta TOV aT E(!a, Xrl ov Dvvaflal 7l0tEtV a:7' EflaVTOV OVDEV,  rl,j70aU'Jrl(1.e; XLl (, , / 'E .. \ ".. {3 '" \ I "I ..,  rlU70TEAC; crO({)rl. VTO).,YjV EAa ov Tt Etnw xat Tt AaArj(JOJ; E ' , ..... , / , / ..... / ,/  ' , 5  OE T(1.U>'J 7'J 7tpU>'t''J Ll 't'rl'J 't'rlu't'rl ({)cr 'J, EX E oE Xrl't'rl ..... ,/ ,( (/ --r / ", / , 'TOU70 't'0 Orl({)EpG'J, Xrl  rlYrl 1 P rlC;, Xrl't'rl 't'0 rl'Jrl TO'J Xrl " / , , ..... ( / t:' / ,/" TO rl TrlTO'J, Xrl 't'OUe; 't'U>'J U7trlPSEU>'J 7p07tOUC;, orl 't' 7'J EX- 7tO pEUcr 'J TOU n 'JEU(1.rl't'OC; E7tcr({)rlAWe; ao [ 't'e; Xrl 't'0 yt0; 29. E 7ta'J crU'J8E't'0'J Xrl x't'cr't'6'J, a7tAOUe; ae: (1.o'Joe; [; 0EOe;, o't' Xrl &x't'cr't'oe;, aa 't'[ 't'O n 'JEU(1.rl crU'J8E't'O'J we; E'J 't'w'J X't'- cr(1.a't'U>'J, crU'J8Ecre; yap 't'O arlcr't'EAAEcr8rl a 't''t'rl'i:e; ao't'cr 'J, EX 't'OU n rl't'poe; Xrl EX 't'OU ytou Arl(1.a'Jo'J 't''J U7trlp 'J; 30. El EX7tOpEUE't'rl 't'OU ytou 't'O n 'JEU(1.rl wcrnEp EX 't'OU Ilrl't'poe;, 7tO't'EpO'J [; ytoc; 7tpOC; rlt't'o'J EXE 't''J eX'Jrl({)opa'J,  ou; na'J't'u>e; 7tpOaAO'J o't' 7tpOe; 't'o'J 0EO'J Xrl nrl't'Eprl 't''J Fontes 28. 1/8 non inveni 10.18 Ioh. 12.49 102.3-104.14 2 Ioh. 6.57 3 0''; - o,jac:v cf Ioh. 5.19 4 Ioh. 29. 1/4 non inveni 30. 1/54 Nic. Byz., Capita, App. Crit. L M S V 14 aucrcp"fjf-L'fJ{jcre:TO:L] Acrcp1jf-L'fJ{jcre:TL S, aucrcp1jf-Lcre:TL V 28. 1 d] cruA- AOYLcrf-LOC; X"fj' praem. L XOLV] T praem. V xo:t 1 - xt2] spatium hab. S 2 UTOW] UTO w M 3 &:7t' Ef.LUTOU] &:cp' E:UTOU LV  uToauvO:f.LLC;] spatium hab. S 5 EXe:L ae:] spatium hab. S 7/8 EX7tOps:ucrLV] EX07tOpe:ucrLv M 29. 1 d] cruAAoYLcr!-lOC; X{j' praem. L 30. 1 s:n cruAAOYLcr!--'-OC; A' praem. L Versio Brevis p Z I1Id ab E 28. 1 28. 1 d] spatium hab. P 3 &7t' E!--,-U1'OU] &cp' EU1'OU P 29. 1 s:L] spatium hab. P 4 A!--,-&vov] A!--,-&vwv Z 30. 1 d] spatium hab. P 2 7tOTS:- pov] d add. Z App. ColI. 30. 1 d] ETL praem. Nic. Byz. 6] ,j1'OLC; aoxS:L praem. Nic. Byz. N ie. Byz. 2 7tOTS:pOV] plurima alia praem. Nic. Byz. 3 7tpoa'fJAov] 1'i;) 7tpoaA cruV{jcrovTL 
27.13-30.24 231 cl'Jaq;>opa'J xt crXEcr'J EXE, E 06 eXXPo'Jwe; xt &7ta8wc; 7tpO 5 7ta'JTw'J TW'J (X rw'Jw'J YE'J'J"'fJTWe; EEALlf.J.ffE. T( OE; (0 n aT p a , , ", , " " , , xauo YE'J'J"'fJTWP xa LlUTOe; 7tpOe; T 'Ja EXE T'J a'Jaq;>opa'J xa , , ."" n ' " Y (' ,, ';' ( 0 n TY;'J cr X zcrt 'J,  OU; Ll'JTWe; 7tp 0 C; TO'J O'J. T 0 au; a- , ., ." , ..... n ' a , , " 1"p, Ll7()e; W'J XLl TOU 'JEu(.laToc; xavo YE'J'JYJTWP, xa 7tpOe; 70 n 'JEU(.lLl T'J crx Ecr 'J xa 'T'J cl'Ja([)O pa'J EX E,  xaT' &AA 'J , , , " ,  ffi ", , " 1 0 T 'Ja T'J (.l  xaTa YE'J'Jcr 'J 7tpoooo'J; 'Va'JEpo'J OT xaT fY..AA 'J T 'Ja, 'Ja (.l  we; YE'JVTOpOe; TOU naTpOe; 7tpOe; TO n 'JEU(.la T'J crx Ecr 'J EX O'JTOe; I cru (.l a a T'J TauToTTa T e; crx EcrEwe; TOU M 87v YE'J'JTOpOe; xa TO n 'JEU(.la YE'J'J(.lcl TE EI'JLl xat uto'J, xat oa 70U70  cruyx.Er:cr8a Tae; U7tocrTacrEe;,  eXOEA([)O'J TOU 'ftou TO 15 n 'JEu(.la eX'Ja7tA&TTEcr8a. ouxou'J oa TauTa xaT' &AA 'J T 'Ja ,  '  , , " n '  '\ " (, , 7tpoooo'J. Te; OE EcrT 'J aUT; pOOl\o'J OT YJ EX7tO pEucre;, E e; crx EcrEwe; xat TO n 'JEU(.la EX7t0PEUTO'J XEXA Ta xat [; TOUTOU ar TOe;, xa80 TOUTOU, ar TOe; 7tpO OAEUe; E'CpTa. E oG'J TOUTO eXA 8Ee;, Wcr7tEp o xa eX7tOOEOExTa, E TO 20 n 'JEu(.la EX7t0pEUETa TOU ytou Wcr7tEp EX TOU naTpOe;, 7tOTE': pO'J EXE T'Ja crXEcr'J [; ytoe; 7tpOe; TO n'JEU(.la 7tpOaAA6(.lE- 'Joe; aUTO xa8we; 6 naTp,  oU' E (.lE'J OUX EXE, 7tpOOAO'J we; OUX E aUTou' xa yap TO &crx ETO'J oAO'J6T eXxo  'JW'JTO'J xaT' EXEr: 'JO xat eXAAOTp O'J. E oE EX E,  xa80 ytoe; EcrT[ TE App. Crit. L M S V 4 EZ.e:L] om. S o,j add. M 7 crX.ScrLV] SX.e:L add. S 9 7VI - &vo:opv] inv. S 19 1"001"0] 1"0 V 23 a"fjAOvo''n] XL add. V ] Versio P Z Brevis 8 XL2] om. Z TOt)"t'OU] om. Z 10/11 TIjv - TLV] om. Z 13 utov] TOV P 21 () uto] om. Z 24 TE] om. Z 18 xeo App. ColI. 4 crZEcrL v] 7V praem. Nic. Byz. 5 E;EA!JJE] E; UTOO praem. Nic. Byz. 7 itpo] EpOlJcrL praem. Nic. Byz. 'd] plurima alia praem. Nic. Byz. 11 w - 7t7pO] xeo YEVVTWp XL Nic. Byz. 12 SXOVTO] EXWV Nic. Byz. 13 ut6v] ut6 Nic. Byz. 18 TOUTOU 2 ] Touae: Nic. Byz. 19 a] ouv Nic. Byz. d] EpWT"fj1"EOV UeLC; UTOUC; praem. Nic. Byz. 22 0] xt praem. Nic. Byz. f-LEV] ouv add. Nic. Byz. 23 w] deest in Nic. Byz. a"fj- Aov6TL] xo:t add. Nic. Byz. 24 EZe:L] EPOUcrLv SXELV Nic. Byz. ] x&v f.L OUAWVTO:L praem. Nic. Byz. 
232 SYLLOGISMI 2S X AEYET,  XeO xt 0 naTp 7tpOc; TO n 'JEUf.Lo ou x80 7tTp, 'J f.L utoc; cl'J?'J-n TO fI 'JEUf.L, clAAa x8o 7tpO0- i / ,..... , " ..... i / 0. ,"¥( , ,/ /\EUC; ° 7tapa TUT(x ytZp OUX EYX WpE /\EYEaVa ":O'J 1 O'J EX E 'J , ' n ..... / ,/ ,  , ....., /  ,/ 7tpOC; TO 'JEUf.La ax Ea 'J, E 7tEp E(, aUTOU T'J npo()oo'J EX E' 'ii' " D.' (/ ( , ' n ..... , i 0. / a/\/\ E f.LE'J xavo UOC;, UW'JO 70 VEU(.l a'JaTt/\avaETa / , ,/ ..... P'i / ,,/ 0. ' (/ i / 30 ,;axa, X EaTa TOUTO /\aa({)(.lo'J. oux apa xavo UO. /\EnE-  ' , ,/ ii' / ,/ " / ,/ i i Ta OE xaT a/\/\ 'J T 'Ja ax Ea 'J, YOU'J TYj'J EX7t0 pEua 'J' a/\/\ YJ'J , ,/ ,,/ (..... yap 7tapa ,;aUTYJ'J oux EaT 'J EUpE 'J. E ' , ..... ,/ ,/ ("¥ ( , ( 'y" ( , , / (  ,  OE TOUTO, EaTa apa 0 1 O we; (.lE'J 1 OC; a TaTOe;, we; OE xa aUTO 7tpOOAEUe; 'tOU n 'JEU(.laTOe; at TOe;' OO xa E'JTEu8E'J 3S aX67tE Ta &T07ta o TO yap eX'JaTWe; I EaXE TO EI'Ja 7tpO0- M 88r AEUe; TOU n 'JEU(.laTOe; (; Yt6e;,  oux eX'Ja TWe;, eXAA' EX TOU Oa- / , , , " /,/ /,..... ( ....., TpO' aAA E (.lE'J a'Ja TW, EaO'JTa 7taA  'J E'J T U7tEP({)UE xa ( /  /   /' " ,/ , , / ( o(.looua Ipao oUO apxxa xa a'Japxo xaT aTa'J U7t0- / , , .....  /' , ,,/ , ..... 0. ' (J. aTaaEe;, xa oa TOUTO oUO apxa xa a Ta, E'JTEUvE'J TO aEjJa- 40 6(.lE'J0'J (.l'J Te; (.lo'Japxa xpaTOe; eX7tOAAUTa, eXAA xa TO o 'JEU(.la EaTa (.lO'JO'J E a7ta'JTW'J 7t0AUapx o 'J eXPX'J EXO'J, 07tEp , , , .....  P. / ,  ' , , / ,/ ( "¥ ( , EaT xa TOUTO ouaaEt--'Ee;. E OE oux a'Ja TW EaXE'J 0 1 oe; TO EI'Ja 7tpOOAEUC; TOU n 'JEU(.laTOe;, 7ta'JTWe; EX TOU OaTpOe; TOUTO EaXE'J, E7tE xa TO EI'Ja l-t6e; xa ;ulvia oaa E XEl, oa 4S TO'J naTEpa EXE ° E OE EX TOU OaTpOe; TOUTO EXE, Te;  eX7t0- xApwae; xa xa'JoTo(.la Te; utx U7tapEWe;, 'Ja (.l xa80 Fontes 44 Ioh. 16.15 App. Crit. L M S V 25 o,j] om. V 7tVEU!-lrl'!'O V 27 EX.EV] EZE V 43 TOU 1 ] om. MV 35 TO] ELTE: S 36/37 7tx":'p6] 46 1Jtx] EVX S Versio P Z Brevis 38 XXL] om. Z App. ColI. 29/30 &v7tAo:cr8crE7X ,,:,xx.x] inv. Nic. Byz. 30 A&cr"f/!-lov] plurima alia Nic. Byz. 34 Xo:2] deest in Nic. Byz. 36 7013 1 - ut6] /-; uto TOU 7tVE'Jf.L- '!'O Nic. Byz. 37 7t&A v] deest in Nic. Byz. 38 6f.L0o'Jcrt] ')itEPO\Jcrt Nic. Byz. 39 EV":'E:08E\J] XL praem. Nic. Byz. 40 &AA] plurima alia praem. Nic. Byz. 42 S'JcrcrEE] 7t/\Etcr":'1j &crEd &V&!-lcrTov Nic. Byz. 
30.25-31.13 233 \ 50 " yoc; utov &7tOYEVV XLl 7tLlp &VLlq;>Ll[VYra, Er7tEp 0 nLlp TOV yov au8e; 7tpOOAELl TOU n vEuaTOe; &7toOEb<,vu(j v; E yap EX nLlTpOe; TO &XLlVOT6TOV EXE  TOU You YEV- '" '). \ \ \ t ..... n / , / r/  \ V(jC;, aAF', 'X  'J XLl  TOU VEuaTOC; EX7tOpEU(je;. U>(j7tEp OE P ').' ,  I t Y t / , / ..... r/ \ 7tpO r'0I\EUC; aVLlOEXVUTLl 0 oe;, avayx 7ta(ja,  va   XLl- / \ \ D. / I t a ..... \ ..... t / \ V070 7tEp  TV vELlV ({)U(j V EUpEV, x.a YEVV(ja UOV, x.a " t \ , ..... D. ' '). / ,/ \ P , E(jTa UU>VOe; EVTEUvEV aVa7tl\aTTOEVOe;, E 7tEp x.a 7tP0t--'0AEUe; TOU n VEuaTOe; x8o EX naTpOe; &vaOE(x.vuTa. 31. E  7ta(ja EX.WV &UopoTEpav EX E TV E({)EpEaV, 06T- voe; &v x.a AEYOTO Elv(X EX.WV' xu>pe; OAOVOT Te; ({)u(jxe; AEYOEVe;. E(jT oe: (; &v8pU>7t0e; EX.WV 0EOU we; xaT' Elxova fJEOV ooupy8E(e;. I 06TOe; oe: O 7tAOUe; xpaT(U>v O 7tA v M 88v 5 7tpOe; TV u>apx x.v Tpaoa TV E &vaAoy(ae; (;OOT"'f)Ta ({)EPE. xa8' EV e:v OT (; 7tpWTOe; &v8pU>7t0e; &YEVVTOe;, 7tAa- (ja yap, (; oe: 8 YEVVTOe;, YEvva yap,  oe: Eua ,  / / ,\ ..... D. ' r/  \ r/ OUOETEPOV TOUTU>V, x.a yap Ta. x.av ETEpOV OE OT- (; voue; wv &7ta8we; x.a &ppEU(jTu>e; YEVVTU>p E(jT TOU EV 10 v AOYOU, (; oe: Aoyoe; TOU VOGe; YEvva, x.a TO 7tVEUa ETEpOV 70U TE Vooe; x.a TOU A6you OV EV  V (juv T0 AOYCP / 7tpOE(j v. E ' \ , , , D. I D. / \' , I L) - ,  oE E7t avvpU>7tOU VEU>pOUEVOV TO xaT Elxova C/EOV TV Fontes 31. 1/39 Nic. Byz., Capita, 109.14-111.11 1.27 3/4 Gen. 1.27 13 Gen. App. Crit. L M S V 48 70V IJtOV] om. S ufhc; 7tpOOAE] inv. V 31. 1 d] cruAAOYLcrf-LOC, AX' praem. L 7 YEvv'fj--:6c; - (,E 2 ] spatium hab. S 9 !-lwv] f-Lwc, M 9/10 xxt - !-lr:v] spatium hab. S 12/13 i:p6e:Lcrv - aE] spatium hab. S Versio P Z Brevis 52 7tEpL] 7tp P spatium hab. P 53 utwvoc,] utac, Z 11 7E] YE P ov] ov Z 54 xx8o] xx8' 0 Z 13 TV] om. P 31. 1 En App. ColI. 48 70V] xeo 7tpO OAe:'JC, praem. N ic. Byz. 51 eXvxaEtxvU7lJ.L - ut6c,] inv. Nic. Byz. eXVlJ.AOytXC,] &vA6you N ic. Byz. 49 7tX7POC,] 700 praem. Nic. Byz. 31. 1 d] E7L praem. N ic. Byz. 5 
234 SYLLOGISMI 15 TW'J {),7tO(jTaTXW'J OOTT(u'J OLlq;>Oprl'J, xLl8' 'J 7tpOe; T'J t, , \ ,,...., i ' , '-" t, , LlYLlV 1 P aaLl TYJ'J E(, Ll'JaI\OYLle; Ll7t0aWE 0 tl0 {t}a 'J, LlXO- , " \ \ i \ t , \ 'J(u'J70'J EXE 7tpOe; TLle; 1\07tae; U7tOa7aaEe; '!'ae; aUf.L1tapa- A ([)8E(aae; Ee; 7'J TOU xaT' Elxova aA(Ua 'J TijC; Ef.LEpE(ac;, " t, ,  \ \ "" " " E"':OU'J O(.lO(U(jE(Ue;. UaE YLlP a'J EXO TC; 7tALla 7t0TE "':0 a((Uf.La TOU 7tPWTOU cX'J8pW7t0U, r'Ja xa 7tpoaay T0 8 we; XO'J6'J, OUTE (.l'J Tije; Euae; 7tpOC; ExaTEpOUe;, TO'J 7E YE'J'JTopa xa TO YE'J'J(.la, OUTE a' aG 7taA'J TOU YE'J'J(.lLlTOe; TO YE'J'J- TO'J T0 1\aa(.l,  T Eua. waauT(Ue; as: xa aX07tw'J TO aUTO .,\ "  \ \ ..... \ , , t\..... , \ , a'J aO e;. TO yap TOU 'JOO C; a (U(.la, 0 TOUTO'J aUTO'J YE'J'JYJTO pa ..... ..... i ' ,.,\ rI , \ ..... i ' " \ T:apa7 70U F\O"'(OU, OUI<. (f..'J ZUpOC; ZT: 70U F\OYOU, OU7Z f.L'J ...., t , , \ ..... , " ..... , TOU AOYOU (Ue; YE'J'J(.laTOe; E7t TOU 'J00e;, OUTE TOU 7t'JEU(.laTOe; 20 25 t , (Ue; 7t'JEU (.laTO e;. E as: E7tt TW'J EXO'JXwe; I E cX'JaAoy(ae; cX(.luapa'J T 'Ja T'J M 89r " " \ t, " , , t..... E(.l([)EpEa'J TO  TY)'J 0 (.l0  (Ua 'J EX O'JT(u'J, axo  'J (U'JYJ TO C; YJ T(U'J aOTT(u'J aa([)Opa EUpYJTLl, 7t0AA0 &'J f.LaAAO'J E7t TijC; U7tS:P 30 'Jou'J xa E'J'Joa'J ouaYJe; xat cX'JaAAowTOU xa cX(.lETax 'JTOU 7ta'JT u Tpaaoe;, EUpO &'J Te; T'J TW'J U7t0aTaTxw'J aOTT(u'J u7tap 'J cXxo  'JW'JYJTO'J. xa yap E TO TTO'J aOXOU'J U7tap- x E 'J, U7tapx E, xat 0 (.laAAO'J aoxE'f: U7tapx E 'J, U7tapx E. aOXE as: 7t0AA0 TTO'J, (.laAAO'J aE cX7tE(PCP AOYCP, E'J T pEuaT 35 xa xTaT ([)UaE xa TpE7tT TO (.l  x 'JEa8a xa (.lETa7t(- 7tTE 'J Tae; a6TYJTae; TW'J U7t0aTaaE(U'J, xa8' 'J T'J E(.l([)EPE- App. Crit. L M S V 15 v - &VO:AoytC;] spatium hab. AOytC; S 18 EZOL] EZyj V 23 LaoLC;] La1jC; V 24 E{JpOLC;] EUpyjC; LM 31 U7tocrTo:'nxwv] 1J7tOcr-:-&crE(J)V L Versio P Z Brevis 18 EZOL] EZyj Z 27 d aE] EELS Z 7LV] om. P cpop Z 7tOAA] 7tOAAWV Z f.LAAOV] !-lAOV Z om.P 29 aLcpop] f.LE'!- 33 x!. - 1J7t&pZe:L] App. ColI. 15 &VAOytC;] &vA6you Nic. Byz. 16 EZEL] deest in Nic. Byz. 18 EL70UV] "'(OUV Nic. Byz. O!-lOLWcre:WC;] EZEL add. Nic. Byz. 22 crx07twv] ET:!. 7 EV70C; praem. Nic. Byz. 24 7tpLcr'!] cruvLcr7 Nic. Byz. 27 &VAoytC;] &vA6you Nic. Byz. 28 -:-OL] youv Nic. Byz. 33 1J7t&pZEL] ( ,  N . B 'J7tpe:L lC. yz. 
Fontes 31.14- 32.15 235 rJ.'J you'J T'J Of.Lo(w(j 'I E &'JrJ.A6you T({) xaT' EtXOVa q;>EpE, 1tOAA({) &'1 f.LaAAO'J E'J T-n &TpE1tT XLlt &'JrJ.AAOWT xrJ.t &Et warJ.uTWe; EXOUa?) q;>uaE TOUTO U1tapE. 32 E " " / 'i / .... 0. , . .J  7rJ. XO  'JrJ. LlVrJ.YXY; XLl7Ll 1tI\EO'JW'J XrJ.T"f) yo pEavrJ. XrJ. , ,/   i / 0. ' (, ,/ i r/ .... ,  7Ll orJ. U'1\0'J07 XLlv E'J(), XrJ. tLLlr..aTrJ. 07rJ.'J (.lo'JrJ.xwe; ErJ.Y- YEAAEa8Ll 1tE({)UXE xrJ.t owe; T0 EX0'JT 70 OUTwat'J too'J. olo'J (; nLlT'p (.lO'JrJ.xwc; ErJ.YYEAAETrJ.. (.l6'J0e; yap nrJ.Tp xrJ. Ele; nrJ.Tp xrJ.t xupwe; AEYETrJ. ocX TO EXE'J &(.lETrJ.X('JTO'J TOUTt , ,/  ( /  ' ,( tfI ( , " n .... 't/ TO OO'J. warJ.UTWe; OE XrJ. 0 1 oe; XrJ. TO 'JEU(.lrJ. TO rJ.YO'J (.l0- 'JrJ.xwe; ErJ.YYEAAO'JTrJ. we; EXO'JTrJ. Ta OUTwat'J torJ. &(.lETa7tTW- TrJ.' 88E'J XrJ.t (.lO'J0YE'J Yt6'J ({)rJ.(.lE'J TO'J Kupo'J (.lw'J '1 aou'J XpaT6'J. xrJ.t Ele; Ytoe; EaT, xrJ.t xupwe;, xrJ.t (.lo'Jwe;. I TO OE 10 YE (.l 'J n'JEU(.lrJ. XLlt rJ.UTO 1taA 'I E'J n 'JEU(.lrJ. &yo'J, xrJ.t xup we;, xrJ.t (.l6'J0'J. E OE YE EaT 'I  7tpOOA  TOU n 'JEU(.lrJ.TOe;, Te; EaTt'J too'J TOU nrJ.TpOe;, xo 'J TOU Ytou, EaTrJ. aprJ. TO too'J / " D.' ( , / ,/ , XO  '10'1, XrJ. TO XrJ.v E'JOe; XrJ.TYO pOU(.lE'JO'J XrJ.TrJ. 7tAEO'JW'J, XrJ. ,.... ", / , ,/  ",/  , ( orJ. TOUTO XO'JO'J XrJ. OU XO'JO'J, XrJ. oO'J XrJ. OUX OO'J, XrJ. YJ , / / 0. / rJ.'JT({)rJ.ae; 1trJ.A  'I aU'JrJ.A vEuaE. 5 f 89v 15 32.1/15 Nic. Byz., Capita, 120.16-121.8 App. Crit. L M S V 37 --:0] TO V 39 cpucrEL] om. S U7t&pe:L] scripsi cum Nic. Byz., U7t&p1J LMS, U7t&p;EL a.c. 1j add. s. I. V 32. 1 d] cruAAOYLcrf-LOC; AW praem. L 2 f-Lovzwe;] f-L0VZLXWC; V 3 1'0] om. LSV e:zov'n] ta( praem. M 7 t;YYEAAOVTL] E;O:YYEAAETL L 9 xt2] om. S ovwC;] f.LOVOC; SV 12 XOLV] xov V Versio P Z Brevis 39 TOUTO] om. Z U7tQ:p;e:L]  praem. Z 32. 1 e:n spatium hab. P 3 1'0] om. Z 7 TX] --:ou Z raL] a1j Z 14 xp - raLov 2 ] om. Z 15 crUVA 1jOEucre:L] crUV'Y.A 1j8e:ucr1j za.( App. ColI. 37 1'0] TOU Nic. Byz. 32. 1 d] e:TL praem. Nic. Byz. &v&yx1j - 7tAe:LOVWV] X'Y.T 7tAELOVWV &v&yx-r, Nic. Byz. 3 XL ta(wC;] ante E;Y'YEAAe:cr8L transp. Nic. Byz. 4 f-LOVOC;] f-LOVWC; Nic. Byz. 7 we; EZOVT] aL TO EXe:LV Nic. Byz. 9 Ecr--:L] deest in Nic. Byz. 10 itALV] ante XL UTO transp. Nic. Byz. 10/ 11 XL2 - f-Lovov] inv. Nic. Byz. 11 7tVe:U!-lTOC;] 7tTpOC; Nic. B 2 " 1 ' ] ,, - - ( , N . B yz. 1 LoLOV - TI''Y.7pOe; LOLWf-L 71jC; 7t'Y.TpLX1je; U7tOcr7crEWC; IC. yz. 
236 SYLLOGISMI 33. E 1tV 0 E1t [.l E:XclcrTe; TWV 8Eapx xwv U1tocrTclcrE- WV AEYETLl, OU AEYETLl E1t' Ll,jTe; [.l&AAOV xt '!TOV, TO DE ,/ , (" .......... "" ( / LlTOV XLl "f) rJ.pX'i xaTyopETa Te; 1taTpX"f)C; 'J1tocrTacrEwc;, oux E(jT V 0 n aT p [.laAAov at '!oe; TOU EI va TOU 'rou YEV- S / ,..... ';' P. '\' ..... fI / ..... "  ' V7Wp  ou EVrJ. 1tpOOI\EU 70U VEU(.la'!oc;' 7 OE OO'!- TOe; YOUV Te; 1taTp6TTOe;, XLl86 EcrT YEVVTWp TOU you, OU (.lETaoowcr T0 Y0, rva (.l xa aUTOC; &va([)av 1taTp xat (.l  Elc; 0EOe; xa naTp EV T Tpao Xupwe; AEy6(.lEVOC;' oux &pa ouoE XLl80 1tpOOAEUC; xa arTOe; XP(.laTE TOU 10 nVEu(.laToc; (; naTp (.lETaOo T0 Y0, rva (.l (.laAAOV xa r ,/ , ..... ( t:\' ..... ¥ ( ..... ,/ ..... n / TTOV Ll'!OC; ava([)av 0 'Et)C; T(1) 1 (1) 7tEp T01J 'JE'Jr1.'!'OC;. E ' /  / ", / / (, /  oE TC; OEvcrTaTa, ([)a(.lEV 1tpOe; aUTOV. Te;  a1tOXA pwcre;, rVLl (; 0EOC; xa naTp a'CTOe; xa &pX (;(.lowC; XP(.laTwv ytou xa n vEu(.laTOe;, T0 (.lEV (.lETao(owcr TC; 1tpOOA C;, T0 S , / , /  E ' , ,  /' "..... 1 OE 1taTpOTTOe; ou (.lETaoowcr v;  OE OUOEV EcrT V E1t (.lac; TWV 8Eapx xwv U7tocrTacrEwv xaTa TO (.laAAOV xat TTOV AE- y6 (.lEVOV, I ouoE xa VOTO (.lLl TC; EV T 1tLlVTOXpaTO p x xat M 90r (;(.looucr Tpao, ([)aVEpOV &pa OT (; 0EOe; xat n aTp (.l6voc; Fontes 33. 1/20 Nic. Byz., Capita, 121.11-122.9 App. Crit. L M S V 33. 1 e:t] cruAAOYLcrf.LO A y' praem. L i:v] 7t&VT V eEPZ n<.wv] Zo:p[ -rwv xwv V 12 aLEv[cr,";TL] aLV[cr'!'TL V 14 f.LE'";a[awcrL] a[awcrL V Versio P Z Brevis 33. 1 d] spatium hab. P 2 xt]  Z 10/ 11 xt ,";TOV] om. Z 11 7tEp] e:'C7tEP Z 12/14 d - 7tVEUf.LTO] iterav. P 12 aLe:vtcr'":,";L] aLvt- cr7-rL PZ 14 Tl] TO Z T2] '":0 Z App. ColI. 33. 1 d] ETL praem. Nic. Byz. 4 Ecr,";LV] Ecr'":L Nic. Byz. 7 !-l] deest in Nic. Byz. &vcpv 7to:rljp] inv. Nic. Byz. 8 }{IJpt(u] xt praem. Nic. Byz. 9 UaE] deest in Nic. Byz. 10 !-lETaot1j] aobj Nic. Byz. 11 'C'!'LO] 'C,";LOV Nic. Byz. '!'ou 1 ] xt 7tp praem. Nic. Byz. 12 d - OL- e:vtcr'":TL] plurima alia Nic. Byz. 14 ; 7tpOOA y,] TV 7tpOOA y,v Nic. Byz. '";2] TV Nic. Byz. 15 7t7p6'!"TO] 7tTp6T"fjT Nic. Byz. !-lE'":ataWcrLV] atawcrL v Nic. Byz. 18 o!-looucrt(] U7tEpoucr[cp Nic. Byz. 
Fontes 33.1-34.16 237 EcrTt'J al TOe; TOU n 'JEUf.LaTOe; we; 7tpOOAEUe; xat xa80 YE'J- 20 'Jwp f.Lo'Joe; TOU You. 34 E " , , " '\ '\ '\ ( , , , .  1ta'J"':rI.. TrI.. 7tpO C; a/\/\ YJ/\a 0 (.looucrrI.. TYJ'J xo  'JW'J a'J , , rl , " "....., (, x. 7YJ'J S I wcr 'J XaTrI.. T'J cp'Jcr 'J Xrl.. Ta TYJC; ({)ucrEwe; E7t0 (.lE'Ja " , ' , '\ ' ,  , , , ..... EX E, TYj'J uE YE f.L YJ'J 0 rl..cr"':(.J/\ YJ'J xa 0 axp cr 'J XaTa TYJ'J TW'J U7t0crTaTXW'J a0"t'7W'J aat:popa'J 7tapE(.l({)a 'JE, a' W'J a TE ( , ,';' " , , ,..... ....., U7tocrTacrEC; TO E 'JrI.. EX.0Ucr, xa TO'J OXEO'J xapaXTpa E(.l- , , " '\ '\ '  " '\ '\ , ,  , ({)a'Joucr, xa a/\/\Oe; E rJ../\/\OU OaXEXpTa xa OaxExwpcrTa, 'Ja (.l Te; 7tEpt -rac; j7t0crTacrEe; cruyxucre; YE'JYJTa, aAO'J OT , ( L\' ' n ' , ,(, , , , Y ( , Xrl.. 0 \JEOC; X(X ClTY;P 7tpOC; T(l 0fJ.00'Jcr, CP(.l O 70'J O'J xat 70 n 'JEU(.la, XO 'JW'JcrE XaTa TO'J Te; ({)UcrEWC; AOY0'J xat 10 TW'J Ta UT E7t0 (.lE'JW'J, a acrTEAEr: Ta ae: xat a axp 8crETa xaTa Te; U7t0crTaTxae; ta6TYJTae;. a6Te; OE Te; TOU naTpOe; U7t0cr"t'acrEwe; TO EI'Ja YE'J'JTopa ytou xat 7tpOOAEa n 'JEU(.la- TOe;. ({)a'JEpo'J OT xaTa TOUTO a axExp  Ta ytou xat n 'JEU(.la- , ,, " " ..... n ' ( TOe;. E OE oaxExpTa, OU XO'J EcrTa TOU 'JEU(.laTOe;  7tpO- - P. '\ ' 11 ' ' y (....., , , " I 'rl ..... o/\ YJ aTpoc; xa oU' E OE OUX EcrT XO  'J, ({)a'JEpo'J OT TOU n I' I aTpoc; EcrT (.lo'Jou. 5 15 34. 1/16 Nic. Byz., Capita, 132.16-133.9 App. Crit. L M S V 34. 1 d] cru),AoYLcrf.Lo 1.8' praem. L Of.LooucrLO: - xOLvwvbv] spatium hab. S 3 x't' 7V] om. S 5 OtXE!:'OV] ot spatium hab. S 10 TU'ryj] TUTIjC; V aLcrTEAE!:'7L] SLo:cr't'/\e:!:' 7L V II T:7pO] 'IT7pLX.'lj S 14 SLXEXpL TL] SL 70;;70 praem. S Vcrsio P Z Brevis 34. I d] om. P 7{)7yj] 7WJ"r'Ij Z 6 /\Aoc;] &AAWC; Z 7 a'ljAov 07L] a"fjAOV07L Z aLcrTE/\E!:'7L] aLcr7AE!:'7L Z 10 Ap p . ColI. 19 X xeo] inv. Nic. Byz. xeo] e tr., x8wc; Nic. Byz. 34. I e:n E'n praem. Nic. Byz. O!-looucrL] 7E xLpraem. Nic. Byz. 2 Tf;v 1 ] deest in Nic. Byz. 7'r, ?ucrEWc;] 7 ?'JcrEL Nic. Byz. 11/12 taLO't'"fj - U7tocrT&cre:WC;] plurima alia Nic. Byz. 14 70U 'ITVEU!-l70] post utou transp. Nic. Byz. 16 c:cr7L] deest in Nic. Byz. 
238 SYLLOGISMI 35 E ' \ n '" , '" n \ \' ..... ( ..... , . ..J TO VEUa EX TOU TpOC; X EX TO'J I O'J EX7tO- , "'1\' t\' .....  ' ,( , , \ '" ( , pEUETel, E"f) elV TO EV EX TU>V aUO Xel 0  auo Px el TOU EVOe;. t\ \ \ n ..... \ r' rI \ ( n \ r \ ( EV Yelp TO VEua "':0 ayov, (,ja7tEp x 0 7Y; P EC;, x.(l 0 ytoc; Ele;. nelTp 8E xa ytoe; Oux Ele;, eXAAa auo, E xat T , rI ,,') ') \ \" ') ') , \ \" ') ') \" ... ({)UaE EV. al\l\oe; Yelp xa aI\I\OC;, E xa Y; ell\/\O Xel elAAO. K \ I ' \ ....." , (, , ,..... 0 ..... a E7tE TU>V OVTU>V 7taVTU>V O AOYO 7tpOEav EV ":'  E, xeXxE8EV EC; Ta oVTa 8avEvE(1. VTa. Er av xa 7tcxaa  EV ":'oe; 03a 8EU>pOU(1.EV (1.ovae; EX 8ua80e;, xa  8uac; eXPX TC; (1.ova80e;, 07tEp &T07tOV xa T xov EvavT(ov EVVO(, xa8' v 10 TO EV 7taVTEe; xa TV (1.ova8a 8ua80c; TE xa 7taVTOC; 7tpOTaT- Touav eXp{j(1.0U, We; &pa TC; (1.ova80e; eXpxe; ouae; 8ua80c; TE xa 7taVTOe; eXp8(1.ou. 5 M90v 36. E EV TO n VEU(1.a xa TEAEOV, E7tE xa 0EOe;, Ele; 8e: (; 0EOe; xa TEAEOC;, OT xa eXya8oe;. TO yap (1.  TEAEOV,  (1.  ..... "D. ' ,  (\ '1\ " \ '), ..... , TOOUTOV, oux ayavov' E EVOC; av E xa TEI\EOU, TOU elpX- ..... " rI , \ ( n ' , \ \'t:' (\ , , xou aTOU, 07tEp EaTV 0 aTp. E aE (1. ES EVOe; TOUTOU (1.0- 5 vou, eXAAa xat TOU ytou, OUT' aUTO &pa EV xa a7tAOUV - Owe; \ \ " t:' ( , " \' \ " rI, ') \ , yap TO (1.  ES EVOe;; - OUTE TO apx XOV a TOV EV, aAl\a auo, n \ \ Y (' \'  ' , , ", \ aTp xa oe;, xa ouaETEpov TOUTU>V TEAEOV, aAA aTEAEC; e:xaTEpov, 7tap' oaov 8E Ta eXAA AU>V Ee; TV 7tapayu>yv TOU Fontes 35. 1/12 Nic. Meth., Grat., 360.8-19 31 36. 1/11 Nic. Meth., Grat., 360.20- App. Crit. L M S V 35. 1 EL] cruAAoycrf.LOC; AE' praem. L 5 X(xL 2 ] om. S 7 &v] om. M 36. 1 EL] cruAAoycrf.LOC; A' praem. L 2 X(xL 2 ] om. V ]  SV 4 EL aE] om. SV EVOC;] aE add. S 8 1t(Xp' ocrov] 1t(Xpocrov MV Versio P Z Brevis 35. 1 EL] spatium hab. P 5 X(XL 1] om. Z 6 QVTWV] &AA(uV PZ 11/12 we; - &p81-lou] om. P 36. 1 d] spatium hab. P 2 ]  Z 5 o;.h-' (X\r:o] ou T&UTO Z X(XL &1tAouv] om. PZ 7 o,jaETEpov] oua' E7EpOV Z 8 1tp' ocrov] 1tp6crov Z App. ColI. 35. 1 Ex2] deest in Nic. Meth. 2 ot] deest in Nic. Meth. 6 E1td] E1tL Nic. Meth. 7 a(xvEvEf.L1jV7(x] a(xvEf.LOVT(x Nic. Meth. 36. 1 0] deest in Nic. Meth. 2 X(XL 1] 07 praem. Nic. Meth. f.L2] de est in Nic. Meth. 5 X(XL ;X1tAouv] de est in N ic. Meth. 
35.1-39.4 239 n 'JEU(1.Ll1'Oe;, OUO' LlUTO TO n 'JEUf.LLl TEAEO'J - n We; yap TO E 10 eXTEAW'J; OUOE'J yap TEAEO'J E eXTEAoue; -. xat &f.La  ouapx (Ll \ /.......... 'Y' /y D. / 7'J (1.o'JapXLl'J 7C; tLLle; EOpE VEOT""Oe;. 37 E ' ,/ r/ , n \ \ tfI( / , \   / t\ .  6tOT E'J Ecr aTp xa 1 oe;, Ecr o 7ta'JTWe; E'J T ([)UcrE, oa TOUTO we; EX 70U naTp6c;, OUTW xat TOU [tou OOTEO'J EX7topEuEcr8a TO n 'JEU(1.a, OOTEO'J &'J Er xat TO'J YO'J E eX'J&.'(xe; we; EZ TOU n aTp6e;, OUTW xat EX TOU n 'JEu(1.aTOe; 5 YE'J'Jacr8a. O6T xa (; naTp xat TO n 'JEU(1.a E'J Ecr T ([)U- crE. El OE (1., X'JOU'JEUE I TO n'JEU(1.a (1. E'J EI'Ja T ([)UcrE. M 91r 38 E ' ..... tfI(..... I <,..  Jl ' ..... , / \ ( tfI( \ / .  'TOU 1 OU flEt WV 0 air;e T a T, xa 0 1 Oe; (1.E- W'J TOU n 'JEU(1.aTOe; Te{) aUTe{) A6y AEYO T' &'J. xat 7tOU 7tOT' E'C pTa TO EI 'Ja 7tWe; TO'J YO'J TOU n 'JEU(1.aTOe; (1.E(O'Ja; 39. El O6T 7tE(1.7tEcr8a 7tapa TOU you TO n 'JEU(1.a AEYE- \..... \ \' / D.  / / D. Ta, oa TOUTO xa TO EX7t0pEuEcrva OEOXaWTa AEye:crva. E7tEt xat (; Yoe; 7tE7tE(1.([)8a AEYETa 7tapa TOU n aTp6e;, AEYE- cr8w xat EX TOU naTpOe; EX7t0pEuEcrea, 'Ja (1. (1.6'J0'J TO TOU Fontes 37.1/6 Nic. Meth., Grat., 363.7-14 38.1/3 Nic. Meth., Grat., 364.10-14 1 cf. Ioh. 14.28 39. 1/7 Nic. Meth., Grat., 372.22-29 App. Crit. L M S V 10 ouae:v] ouaE MSV 37. 1 e:L] cruAAOYLcrfJ-OC; A' praem. L 3 ULOV] add. s.l. M 38. 1 e:L] cruAAOYLcrfJ-OC; AY/ praem. L 2 T UT] TO UTO S A6y] om. S 3 7tWC;] scripsi cum Versione Brevi, 7tWC; LMSV 39. 1 e:L] cruAAOYLcrf-LOC; AS' praem. L 2 ex7topE:UE:crSL] ex7tOpe:ue:TrlL S 3 7te:7tEfJ-- cpSrlL] 7tE:7tEcpSrlL M Versio P Ujqu ad ')r,;:' 37. 2 Z Brevis 37. 1 d] spatium hab. P aLOTL] aE o"n Z 2 TOt?] om. P 3 ex7tope:ue:- crSrlL - aOTEOV 2 ] om. Z 6 E:L - cp'JcrE:L] om. Z 38. 2 7tOU 7tOT'] 7tW7tOTe: Z 39. 2 Xrlt] om. Z 4 ex7tope:UE:crSrlL] ante ex TOU transp. Z App. ColI. 9 TOI] &p praem. Nic. Meth. 10 &TE:AOUC;] &TE:AWV Nic. Meth. 11 C;] &7tO praem. Nic. Meth. 37. 2 '":Ot?] ex praem. Nic. Meth. ULOU] rlUTOU add. Nic. Meth. 3 7tVE:uf-Lrl] plurima alia add. Nic. Meth. 5 Xrlt l ] deest in Nic. Meth. 38. 1 d] E'n praem. Nic. Meth. 2 7tOT'] TOUTO Nic. Meth. 3 7tWC;] deest in Nic. Meth. 7013 - !-ldoVrl] TOV ULOV f-Ldw TOU 7tVE:UfJ-TOC; Nic. Meth. 39. 1 d] E'n praem. Nic. Meth. 2 "':0] deest in Nic. Meth. 3 e7tE:t] e7tE:L+, Nic. Meth. 4 ex] 7trlp Nic. Meth. 
Fontes 240 SYLLOGISMI 5 n LlTpOC; o[w[.la, clAAa XLlt TO TOU n 'JEU[.lLlTOC; \ , t\ (r' '1 a.', '" XLl EtC; E'J  01\.  VE07C; 7tpOO"W7t0'J O"U0"7aA, fI \ \ ¥( \ \ 0 ..... \  (J.' '1 " tXTp XLl 1 toe; X(x 'JE'J[.lLl xaTa aEI\AO'J. , o"cpETE P O""f)Ta, \ ( " -; XLl 0 tXUTOC;  40 E ' ( ...... 0 I " ,'r!"" .   70U 'JEU(.la70e; EX7t0 pEUO"C; E70U'J 'J7tLlpC; - E'J yap T0 EX7t0pEUEO"etX TO EI'JLl T0 fI 'JEU(.lLlTt, we; XLl 70 Y0 E'J T( YE'J'Jacrea - TLlJT6'J EO"T 'J 07tEp  &TCOO"TOA, Er &'J \ , (..... \ (" , \ \ ( , xa [.lETauoO"c;, 07toa xa YJ E(.l({)UO"O"c;. E1tE OE YJ (.lE7auoO"c; 5 \ , \ (\ , , , ,\\" 7tpOC; XTO"Ta T 'Ja xa U7t0 xpo'Jo'J Y 'JETa' O"uYXpo'Jo a'J E  ....., \ ( ..... 0 ' r! t:' \' \ \ 70C; xTO"(.laO" xa Y; TOU 'JEu(.laToc; u7tapsC;, xa aUTO TO fI 'JEU(.la T'JxaUTa EX7t0pEUO(.lE'J0'J, aTE xa TOC; XTO"TOe; (.lE- ,  7" , TaOOOTa, OU T aT07tWTEpO'J; 5 41 E ' , \' \ \', , \ '\\ .  TaUTOV a7tOO"TOA  xa EX7t0pEUO"C;, EX7t0pEUTa a'J ErYJ XaTa TO 0 'JEU(.la TO &YO'J xa 7ta'JTa Ta Ee; aaXO'Ja'J , , ') \ I \ ( \ ..... a7t00"TEAAO(.lE'Ja AElTOVeYlxa 'Jlvl-'vfla-ca, xa O 7tapa 'TOU 8EOU &7t00"TaAE'JTEC; 7tpO({)Ta, xa o &TCOO"TOAO EX7t0PEUTO(, r'J'  TO 0 'JEU(.la EC; XTO"'J XLlTaYTa,  XTO"C; &'J&YTLl EC; eEOTTa. 42. 'EpW77EO'J 7tWC; AEY01jo" 'J o AEY0'JTEC; TO fI 'JEu(.la EX 40. 1/8 N ic. Meth., Orat., 371.30- 372. 5 41. 1/6 Nic. Meth., Orat., 372.30-373.4 3 Hebr. 1.14 42.1/6 Nic. Meth., Grat., 376.19-25 App. Crit. L M S V Versio Z Brevis 6 crucr1'A] cr'Jcr7AE!:' V 0] om. V ] c:I () V 40. 1 d] cruAAoycr!-lO f.L' praem. L 2 1' itVE'J!-l7] 70 7tVEUf.L S 41. 1 d] cruAAOycr!-lO f.L' praem. L zx.7t6pe:ucr] +, praem. V 5 LV'] LV V 2] . V 42. 1 ZPW1'"lj7EOV] cruAAOycr!-lO W praem. L 6 .] EI Z 40. 2 1'1] 1'0 Z 42. 1 AE.'(oucr v] om. Z App. ColI. 7 crEAAOV] 1'0 praem. Nic. Meth. 40. 1 e:n E7 praem. Nic. Meth. 1/3 e:t 70UV - YEvvcr8] deest in Nic. Meth. 3 07tEp] x. Nic. Meth. E'C", &',1] deest in Nic. Meth. 4 67to!:'] EcrT add. Nic. Meth. X.L2] zcr'": praem. Nic. Meth. SE] x. Nic. Meth. 5 'Y(VE7] OV7 praem. Nic. Meth. 41. 1 d] E'n praem. Nic. Meth. 4 ot] deest in Nic. Meth. 5 'Cv'] LV Nic. Meth. X.7(cr] . praem. Nic. Meth. 42. 1 itW] yp praem. Nic. Meth. AEYO'Jcr v] 70070 praem. N ic. Meth. 
39.5-42.6 241 TOU Yiou EX7tOpEuEcre. a6T XLl I TOU fLou AEYETa. n OTE- M 91 v pO'J OT xa Xa80AOU 1ta'J 0 TOUOE T 'Joe; EI'Ja AEYETa, EX / r '\/ , , / O '.....,' (1:\ ' 70UTOU O'J I\EYE:TLl XLl EX1tOpEUETa; UXOU'J E1tEO 0 EOe; 5 TOU J\pLlf.L Elva 0EOe; AEYETa, XLl TOU '1 craax xa TOU 'Ia- /(.:i,' / , " / D. XW(J' EX "";f)UTW'J o xa EX7tOpEUEcrvW. App. Crit. L M S V 3 Elv AEYE7] inv. et con: indicans cum litteris s.l. Va.( 4 06] om. S EX7tOpE1JETO:] EX7tOpE1JEcre S 6 EX7tOpEuEcreW] EX7tOpEuEcreCl V Versio Z Brevis 4 06 AEYE":'] om. Z 5 AtYETCl] ante ElvCl transp. Z App. ColI. 4 oG] o,j Nic. Meth. AEYET] Elv add. Nic. Meth. 7tOpEuEcreCl Nic. Meth. 6] XClL praem. Nic. Meth. Meth. AtYE":'] ante 70G &p!-l transp. N ic. Meth. , , ] ' EX7tOpEUE":'Cl EX- 5 eEO] deest in Nic. 
'En lAOYOC; 'E'J 't'OU't'Ol OU'J xal 't'<X 't'W'J O'UAAOYlO''t'lXW'J a7tOSEl;EW'J. o 't'Ol'JU'J 6E07t't'lxw't'a't'o O'ou 'Jou, a7tapalAAE f3a- O'lAEU, 0 't'O'J 6ElO'J 'Joo'J U7tOSE;aE'Jo El f3eX6o w E'J 7rAaXt 't'ij O'ij xapSlCf c5axTuA xapax6E'J't'a BEOU, 't' 7ta- 5 'JaYl SY)AaSY) TI'JEua't'l, 4> YjAW'J EYjAwxa, u1tep ou 't'E xal Sl' 0 't'o 7tapo'J E'J'JoYJO'a xal E't'EAEO'a O'7touSaO'a. au't'o 't'Yi AlYU7t't'OU 't'Yi 7tEpl 't'Y)'J op6o't'oo'J 7tlO''t'l'J 7tAa'JYj, xal 't'au't'Y) apxo'J't'o 'JoY)'t'ou 4»apaw, 't'o'J 't'ou SEOU AEW'J Au't'pwO'aE'Jo xal 't'al E'J i.Epoypaq>lxal 10 XpYjO'EO'l'J eX'J't'l 7tUpl'JOU aTuAou XPY)O'eXE'JO SlwxouO'al f:'J 't'o 't'ou O'xo't'ou xal 't'Yi a7teX't'Y) EUSO, auyaou- O'al Sf: Aa7tpo't'Epa'J i)Epl'JOU q>w't'o 't'Y)'J aAYj6Ela'J. a'J't'l Se YEcpEAYJ 't'al O'UAAOYlO''t'lxal eX7tOSEl;EO'l, oq>o'J f:'J E7tOlEl'J SoxouO'al EX 't'Yi SEl'JO't'Yj't'O, EX Sf: 't'Yi O'u'J 1 5 eXAY)6El 7tEl6ou 7rYEu/l-a c5poaou c5LaauploY xa't'a7t'JEou- O'al, xal 't'a 't'ii> q>Aoyii> 't'Yi eX7ta't'Y) EX't'axElO'a uxa eX'JauxouO'al. 7tpO 't''J oSo'J 't'w'J 't'ou SEOU UO''t'Y)plW'J oSYjYYJO'eX't'w, xal 7tpO 't'Y)'J 7ty)YY)'J 't'Yi E7taYYEAla 't''J xa- 60AlXY)'J ExxAY)O'la'J ElO'ayaYE't'w, TY /l-EAL xat yaAa 't'a 20 6Ela AOYla f3puouO'a'J 't'Ol f:'J TEAEloL I xal aTEpEoi V71r 't'Y)'J eXO'Ef3Ela'J, yAuxuTEpa xYJplou xal /l-EALTO 'JOlOE- 'Ja 7tapa Sf: TIauAou 't'ou 6EOXYjpuxo, w yaAa 7tO't'lOE- 'Ja 't'O l a't'EAEO''t'EpO l xa l 'JY)7t lWSEO' l '.I. Ou't'w you'J 't'0'J SYjAw6E'J't'a Aao'J, 6EW'JUE f3aO'lAEu, Fontes 3/4 w - 8EO;; cf. Ex. 31.18 10 1t l Jp(vou (17 1 )AOIJ cf. Ex. 13.21-22 12/13 AX!-l7:prj7Epxv - VE?EA1j cf. Ex. 14.19 15 Dan. 3.50 19 7V - 'Y-Y..AX cf. Ex. 13.5 21/22 YAUX. I J7EpX - vO!-l6!-lEVX cf. Ps. 118.103 22/23 w - Vr,7t(0aE(1 v cf. Hebr. 5.14 App. Crit. rr 4 1tAX.n i:AXX: VI 14 aEv67r,70] emendavi, CV67r,70 V &j:fjOd] emendavi, (jlJVXA"fj8dx V 14/15 (1'JV 
1-41 243 25 Eiaayaywy xaTacpuTEUaOY Eit; opot; xAYJpoyoiLlat; aou, 't'Y)'J a7tO 't'w'J we; E'J 7tap<xSElG 't'ij EKKAY)Gl 7tapa SEOU Ka't'a<pu't'Eu8E'J't'W'J 6ElW'J ;UAWY 't'w'J 6EOKY)pUKW'J <X7tO- G't'OAW'J Kal 6ElW'J 7ta't'Epw'J E7t'JEUG6ElGa'J, Kal Ka6' EKaG't'Y)'J E7t'JEOE'JY)'J op6o't'ola'J 't'Yje; 7tlG't'EWe;, Eit; ETOL- 30 /l-0Y xaToLxYJTpLOY 0 xaTELpyaaw, XUPLE, S La 't'Yje; 7tOA- AcXKLe; 7tapa GOU YEYO'JUlae; 7tpOe; 't'oue; 't'OU't'OU 7tpOEXO'J't'ae; SLaAE;EWe;. WGa'J, E:Y xwpt:! 't'W'J Ka't'a SEO'J WYTWY SLa 't'Yje; EUGEf3Elae; E:YW7rLOY KUplOU EuapEaTaaaL, Kal TY yY TWY 7rpaEWY XAYJPOOTaWY, aUToLt; E:Y ax oLYl 4J XAYJ- 35 pooalat;, 't'ij 't'Yje; 7ta'JaYlae; TpLcXSOe; oou Kal o'JcXSoe; 7ta'J't'oSu'JcX SU'JaEL Kal XaPL't'L, Kal yap Kal 't'Y)'J 't'w'J EKElGE 7rOAAWY /l-OYWY Ka't" a;la'J SLa'JOYj'J, we; Tat; XAELt; Tt; TWY Oupaywy (3aaLAElat; TIE't'pOe; 0 Eyae; a7tOG't'OAOe;, we; 7tLG't'EUW, 7tLG't'EU6YjGY) 7tapa SEOU, E't'a f3a6u Kal 40 7tlO'J yYjpae;, EKEl'J GUf3aGLAEuw'J Ele; alw'Ja 't'o'J YJSE- , 7tO't'E 7tEpaLouE'JO'J. Fontes 25 Ex. 15.17 26/27 7WV - 'J),wv cf. Gen. 2.8-9 29/30 Ex. 15.17 32/33 EV - E,jpEcr7crXcr cf. Ps. 55.14; Ps. 114.9 33/34 7.V - x.kfjpoao- 7"f,crwv cf. Ps. 36.11; Mt. 5.s 34/35 Ps. 77.55 37 Ioh. 14.2 37/38 Mt. 16.18-19 App. Crit. V 31 itpOEZOV7X] emendavi, 7tpOEZOV7X V 8EOV V 32 XX7X 8E(JV] emendavi, X.X7- -- - -.., 
ApPENDIX I Codex A - Florilegium Patristicum 6.1 I Tou XpuO'oO''t'oou EX 'tou f3o\J AOYOU El 't'o'J EuaYYEAlO'O'J E'J 4> xaL xa't" pELOU ou AOYOU TJ apxYj, 't'!j 7tpO't'Ep xuplax!j. 7tpO 't'o 't'EAO Sf: 't'ou AOYOU 7tpO 't'o'J '1\PElO'J a7to't'EL'JW'J ou't'w q>Y)O'L'J. 5 :L\AAa au (1.E'J (;) 'ApEE A pE xa 7tapa([)po'J we; 8EAEe; 7t(- a7EUE E (1.  yap 8EAEe; TaAa( 7tO pE E7t Y'Jw'Ja TO aU(1.([)Epo'J '\ / D.'  .....,/ ' I ' tfI  , ,  / , ([)I\UapE xav ELlUTOU, OU7E YLlP TO'J 1 O'J LlOXYJaEe;, xa xaa 7e; aaUTOU XE([)aA e; &'JaEe; Te; I-'EE'J'JYJe; TO 7tUp. EYW OE 7taoaywyoU(1.E'JOe; U7tO TW'J &y(w'J ypa([)w'J, u(1.w'J TO'J n a- 10 TEpa TO'J &E n aTEpLl TUYX a'Jo'JTa. u(1.w'J TO'J it6'J, TO'J EX Te; 7ta7p0ae; oua(ae; &x.p6'Jwc; EXAa(1.a'JTa. U(1.W'J TO n 'JEU(1.a TO &YO'J, TO EX TOU naTpOe; EX7tOpEU6(1.E'JO'J xa E'J it &'Ja7tau- / o (1.E'JO'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 1 5 t'Opa O't'l xaL ou't'o 0 Eya 7ta't'YJp EX 't'ou TIa't'po 6- '.IOU EX7tOpEuE0'6al 't'o TI'JEua q>YJO'l. 0 Sf: a'J6lO''t'aE'Jo 1\a't'l'Jo AEYW'J aAA' oUXL EX o'Jou 7tpoO'E6Y)XE'J. 12.1 I Tou au't'ou  /  'r/ ,  / D.'  ,, / r/ , X01!E OE OT OUx U([)aTaTa XLlv EaUT'J  E'JEpYEa  'J E'J (1.r:v E'J ox EPX.O(1.E'JYJ, TO 7ta'Jayo'J OE n 'JEU(1.a xa (; 'ftoe; xa (; rlaTp  &y(a Tpae; (; 8EOe; (1.w'J OXEr: E'J (1.r:'J U7tEp 5 A6yo'J XLl E'J'Joa'J we; oloE'J LlUTOe; xat E'JEPYEr: E'J (1.r:'J. 't'o Sf: AEYEl'J O't'l 't'YJ'J 't'ou TIapaxAYj't'ou Aaf3a'JoE'J U7tap;l'J, aO'Ef3E ouSf: yap AYJ7t't'YJ TJ 6EO't'YJ ouSf: xwpY)'t'YJ aAAeX xa 76noe; 0EOU AEYE7a, w q>Y)O'l'J 0 l\aaO'xY)'Jo, E'J8a EX- Fon te 6.1. 5/13 Ps. Ioh. Chrys., In ann. deip., 768.70-79 cf. e.g. Theod. Dexios, Opera Omnia, 151.16-20 38.12 12.1. 2/5 crx.6ite: - 1J.r:v 7/9 Ioh. Dam., Exp. Fid., A31lr A31]v A 318r 
248 APPENDIX I OYlAO C; X<XI. TOUTOU E'JEP'YELl -'(( 'JETLl, X<Xl iJ E 'lC; 0 lXOC; SEOU 10 AEYOEea o't'a'J GXEUY; a;l<X IT'JEUCX't'Oe; eau't'ouc; a7toxa- 6apwE'Je El Se 't'Y)'J <pUGl'J au't'Y)'J 't'ou IT'JEua't'Oe; AEYTJ 't'le; AY)7t't'Y)'J YE'JEG6al, f3AaGq>Y)La'J ou't'oe; 7tpOe; 't'o uoe; 't'ou 7ta'JaYLoU EAaAY)GE IT 'JEua't'OC;e 'E7t lG't'aG La 1 S t'Opa 7tapaxa't'lw'J 07tOU ou AEYE't'al 0 Yioe; 7ty)YY) 't'ou IT 'JEua't'Oe;:  El SE 't'le; xal 6EAY) AEYEl'J 7ty)yYJ'J 't'ou ITapaxAY)'t'ou 't'o'J Yio'J 7tpof3Ef3AY)IE'JOe; 't'o ElpG6al E'J 't'a'le; ypaq>lxa'l<e;> A318v , - " ,,- ap't'uplale; 't'Y)e; xa't'cx q>UGl'J XOl'Jw'Jlae;, 7tpOe; 't'ou E- 20 yaAou 6a'JaGLOU 't'o 't'ou 6ELOU l\aulS AOYlO'J, 't'o OTL 7rapa aoi 7rYJP7 wij 7tapa 7tOlW'J XCXl AEYW'J 7tEpl aol; EI't" E;Y)YOUE'JOe;, 't'o 7rapa aOL xal AEYWV Y)you'J 't'ii> ITa- 't'pl 7rYJY wij 0 Yioe; Y)'t'Ol 't'ou aYLou IT 'JEua't'Oe;, EAEY- ;WE'J au't'o'J Guxoq>a'J't'ou'J't'a 't'o'J aYlO'J, EXEl yap l'Ja 2S lXpO'J eX'JaAaf3w 't'o'J AOYO'J YJ 't'ou aYLou ypaq>Y) ou't'we;e o bE f)EO TfJ v;ro/1ovfJ xat TfJ naeaxAaEw; bWrj /1tV TO aVTO (reOVEtV XaTa X elaTOV 'J rjaOVV, {va o/100vpaDov bo6.Yj- TF TOV fJEov xat Jl aTSea TOV xvelov ll(jJv 'J Yjaov X elaTov. TC; E(jT'J 0 fJEO TfJ vn0/10vfJ xat Tij naeaxAaE(J); [; o- 30 oouC; r:'J TO rJ.tyro reOVEtV XaTa X elaTOV 'J rjaOVV, {va 0/10- ()V/1aDov 1J06.'W/1EV TOV fJEOV xat II aTEea T01) xvelov fl(j)v 'J rjaov ..Y elaTOv, XrJ. TO 1trJ.'JlJ.yo'J fl 'JEUrJ.' XrJ. 1tIJ.A 'J Eav E ;r6.vTE ;reOfPYjTEvawalV EtaEA()n DE Tl anlaTo  tblwTYj , 1 I  \ I \ rl \' \ I E/tEYXETal vno naVT(J)V xal OVTW ;rEawv fJll :l(!oaw;rov neo- 3S axvvan TqJ f)E([J a;raYYEAAwV aTl 0 ()fO EV VptV EaTt. 0EO'J oU'J El1tE TO n 'JEUrJ. TO &YO'J TO ArJ.AOU'J ErJ.UTOr:C;, xal E't'a   ' " '\ '\ ..... rI , '\ P. ' t H '\ ' " t ' E ,\ 7tOl\l\a XrJ. Lll\ 1\ rJ.X OU, 07E rJ.'JEI\rJ.rJ.'JETO 1\ rJ.C;, 7E 0 1\ (j- (jLlr:OC; 1trJ.pa rJ.UTOU E1t' rJ.UTO'J TO n 'JEUf.LrJ. YE'JE(j8(X o TCAOU'J. I A 319r E1tYYEAAE'"t'O OU'J [; tHArJ.C;, Ea'J rou rJ.UTO'J &'JrJ.ArJ.rJ.'J6E'JO'J. 40 low'J oU'J, XLlt ArJ.W'J 7'J  AWTV, A 8E'J E7tt TO'J '1 0 polJ.'J'J, "." ,.......... ....., "t , XrJ. 1tLl7rJ.rJ.'J70C; LlUTOU T?)  AW'"t'u TO'J 1t07rJ.tL0V, ou"/.. U1tXOU- Fontes 20/21 Ps. 35.10 26/36 Ps. Ath., De comm. ess., 36.17-30 26/28 Rom. 15.5-6 32/35 I Cor. 14.24-25 37/57 Ps. Ath., De comm. ess., 37.3-28 
APPENDIX I 249 aE TO UOWp. AEYE oG'J" 7t0t) 0 0EOC; &cpcpW; cl([)cpW OE e:p(1.E'JEUE- " "  ..... '" ';' (,... \' ) ,) , "':'Ll Ll(1.CPW" "':'OUTEaT TO u7tAOU'J. 7tOU OU'J 0 EOC; a([)([)W (x'JT ' n -- 'i -- "i i' ( I  , TO 'JEUf.LLl 'TO O7tI\OU'J. x(X 7tal\'J I\EYE 0 WT1Jp. 0 TlUJiEVWV 45 El EflE xa()(JJ El.:"iEV  y(}ag;, JloiaflOt EX 1'ij xOlAla av1'oV  , t:'1  r - ( I  ,() i ' I QEvaOV(J'l.' Vua1'O sO)ViO. Ep(1.E'JEUW'J OE 0 EuaYYEI\aT1JC; T EaTV i5()a1'o WV1'O, E([) iOV1'O DE EAEYE nEet 1'OV JIvEvfla- 1'O of, l! flEAAOV ).aflfJavElv Ot JlUJ1'EVOViE. Et AS: TO UOwp TO WV TO &YO'J f1 'JEU[1.(X Ea'T'J &pa 0EOC; TO n 'JEU(1.a TO &YO'J. 50 AEYE YcXP 0 7tpO([)'!C;. EflE EyxaiE)tJlOV Jl'YIYv vba1'o 'w- ViO' xat UJeVaV Eav1'ol Aaxxov (JVViE1'etflflEVOV, Ot' ov fl ..s. I ('/ I , (;\ I ('/ \ \ \ (}vvYjaovTal 1)(}())(! avvPXFIV. x(X () Ll(XUO. Oil Jla(]a (JOl 7l'YIY'YI '(J)fj, EV T0 TWil (JOV (Xtpoflc()a cpw. opC; OT 0 naTp 7ty EXAE8, xa )'1toc; 0(1.0 WC; xa TO n 'JEU(1.a TO &YO'J, OUX OT 55 Ea TpEC; 8EoL Elc; yap 'Jo(1.0C; xa Elc; 0EOC;, Elc; 'J0(1.08ETC;, xat Elc; Kupoc;, Elc; yap 0EOC; E'J Tpa 7tpoaw7toc; XpUTTE- Ta. 7tYJyiJ OU'J xal 0 naYjp, 7tYJyfJ xal 0 Yio, 7ty)yfJ xal O nVEua O aYlo'J. Yi Se U7tEpOUO'lOU 6EOY)O la 7ty)yfJ 0 naYjp, I WO'7tEp xat. pla, xal alla, xal 0 7tl- 60 O'EUW'J El O o'Joa ouwv, 7rOTap.oL pEUaOUaLY EX T xOLALa aUTou uaTo WYTO. 7tOaOl w'J aya6w'J Sux ou n'JEuao E'JEPYOUE'JW'J E'J i)l'J. 7tYJyfJ'J oU'J wYi o aYlo 6a'JaO'lo O liYlO'J n'JEua q>Y)O'lV, 86E'J xal O E7tlAOl7tO'J ou 'l'aAou E7taYEl AEYW'J, E:Y TiiJ CPWTL aou 65 ot/Jop.E(Ja cpw. 70uTEaT 'J E'J T0 n 'JEu(1.aT T0 7tapa O'ou EX7tOpEUO(1.E'J ooE6a o'J Yio'J. q>YJO'l Se xal 0 NuaO'YJ rpY)YOplO, o,j yap EaT'J E'J 7tEp'JO TOU itou YE'JEa8a (1. 7tpoxaTauyaa8E'JTa T0 n 'JEu(1.aT. 28.1 I Tou auou EX w'J i}6lXW'J auou AOYW'J OUTE 0'J &AAOTpO'J TC; TOU 0EOU OO c; TO n 'JEU(1.a. E'Ja (1.E'J O'J n aTEpa, EVLl as: ito'J, E'Ja OE n 'JEuf.La XaTa T'J 8Ea'J I 7tapaooa 'J 0(1.0AOYTEO'J. Fontes 44/46 Ioh. 7.38 47/48 Ioh. 7.39 60/61 Ioh. 7.38 64/65 Ps. 35.10 Greg. Nyss., Enc. in 5teph., 36.10-11 Ps. Bas., Hom. de 5.5., 1433.29-30 50/52 Ier. 2.13 52/53 Ps. 35.10 65/66 70'J7Ecr7 v - EX.1tOPEUOf-LEV<.p 67/68 Bas., Ep. 38, 84.22 28.1. 2 2/4 Ps. Bas., Hom. de 5.S., 1433.39-40 A 319v A 326r A326v 
250 APPENDIX I 5 'E7t lO''t'aO' La Tou't'o 7tpOELPYJ't'al O'uq>w'Jo'J SE EO''t'l 't'OLe; 7tpOElpY)- E'JOle; xal O't'l [[E'J]] E'J TI'JEua aYlo'J EO''t'l 't'o EX 't'ou TIa't'poe;. 28.2 Tou au't'ou EX 't'ou 7tpOe; 'JOLOUe; AOYOU rl o ( , n ' ..... / rI, / ( , 7 0 (.lE'J a7 p YE'J'Jt{. "t'OU7Ecr"t' V o"t' EYE'JVcrEV' 0 OE r ( , ..... / r/ / 'rI" ( oc; YE'J'Ja7a 70'J7Ecr'T 'J O"t' YEYEVV7a' xa 07 tXU70C; 0 f1 ' , / ' n ..... / r/'  / , ' a"t'p EX7tE(.l7tE 'TO 'JE'J(.la, 70U7Ecr'T'J 07 EE7tE(.lYE. XLl , n ..... , / /' / r/ 5 70 'JEU (.la EX7t0 pEUE"t'Ll "t'0 U7Ecr7 'J EX 7tE7tO pEU7a. a U"t' OU'J Ecr7'J  OLl([)Op&, W : VO(.lE, nLl7pOC; itou xa &yOU o 'JE,j (.lLl'TO C;. 28.3 Tou au't'ou EX 't'ou au't'ou o a"t'Epa (.lE'J (.l  EI 'Ja "t'0'J ito'J. "t' C; A' au"t' C; EI 'Ja CPUcrEWC; 70 Oa"t'p' xa 'TO II 'JEu(.la oe: 'TOU 8EOU ito'J (.l EI'Ja (.l7E o a"t'Epa "t' C; A' aU7 C; EI 'Ja ([)UcrEWC; "t'0 n Ll"t'p  E7tEO 7tap' , ......, / 5 aU70U EX7t0pEUE"t'Ll. 28.4 Tou au't'ou EX 't'OU xa't'<X  'JOlW'J pElOU xal af3EAAlou OA pEC; oe: xa TO n 'JEU(.la OU (.lEpOC; E"t'EpO'J eXAAa "t'EAEO'J xa OAOXA pO'J E([)' EaU'TOU 8EWpOU(.lE'J0'J. xa cru'J7t"t'a (.lE'J 0 5 rtoc; "t'e{) Oa"t'pt eXoacr"t'&"t'wc;' cru'J7t"t'a oe: "t'0 rt0 70 fI VEU(.la , ,  / Y ,,/ ,  ' ,/ "  ' . .  / "t'0 yap OOp O'J OUX Ecr7 'J OUOE "t'0 oa7E(.l 'JO'J 7V E (XoOU / /"" 11 / , / ..... cru'Ja([)Ea'J, 'TOU70U 'T'J (.lE'J npoc; "t'0'J a7Epa 0XE07'T(x 'Jow, E7tEO EX 70U I n a'Tpoc; EX[ [7tE]] 1"COpEUETa. 7'J 7tpOC; I-to'J OE A 327r E7tEO &xo,jw, Fl' Tl Jl VFV/la X (]UJTOV OVX E 'XEi OVTO; ovx 10 E(JTiV aVTov. E (.l yap OXEO'J aU'Te{) 7tWC; OXEO 1'0 xp- ..... r/  " / I 1 ..... (Q / ,,/ ,/ cr7; O'Tav OE axo'Jw 'JEu(.la uoVEcrac;, EC; EV'Joa'J EpX0(.la Fontes 28.2. 2/5 Ps. Ath., De T rin. Dial., V, 1120.50- 54 5/7 Ps. Ath., De Trin. Dial., V, 1121.8 28.3. 2/5 Ps. Ath., De Trin. Dial., V, 1156.42-46 28.4. 3/7 Bas., Contra Sab. etc., 609.23-29 7/13 Bas., Contra Sab. etc., 612.30-39 
APPENDIX I 251 TC; 7tpOC; YO'J XLl n LlTEpLl XLlTcX ucr 'J E'J6TYJTO e;, 7t(u yp t D. ..... ''C/ ....."....., 'ii/ UOvETZ 70 E'JO'J, 7tWC; oE OXEO TO rlI\I\OTpO'J; 28.5 Tou au't'ou \ / t I1 ..... i , So. I ,  \ , J: I ')  L) \ \ .. Z"/u)V 0 ry..1JI\Oc, OTt (JE EaTE VlOl Fa;rEaTEl/l.E 0 OEOr; TO 1] J'FV fla TOV }T [of) El r; Tar; X(1(}b[ ar; !IW}J xeo., OV' :4f3 f3o. 0 II a- Tl}(! o,j yp E7EpOV ';trlpa TO'J ito'J TO n 'JEU(1.rl rlUTOU XrlTa YE " , / , , ,,..... ..... 5 70V ZV 7rlU70T'f 7 AOY0'J (1. 01) "': ucrxu. 'En lO''t'aO' La "HSY) xal EX Slaq>opw'J xEq>aAaLw'J a'J6a'JE 't'o'J aYlo'J eXXplf3Yi napaSoO'l'J SlSo'Jal, 't'Ol op6w alxaAw't'LoUO'l 't'YJ'J eXXplf3Yi xa't'aAYJl'J 't'Yi aYLa xal axapLa TplaSo. 10 't'o EX 't'W'J napo'J't'w'J yap O'uva;wE'J 't'o n 'JEua 't'o aYl- 0'.1 EX 't'ou na't'po xal o'Jou 't'YJ'J unap;l'J EXEl'J, xa6a xal o Yio ou YJ'J Sf: xal eXAAO't'plO'J EI'Jal 't'ou Yiou xa't'a Y_E 't'o'J 't'Yi o00UO'l6't'YJ't'0 AOYO'J. 28.6 Tou XpuO'oO''t'oou I " , i / ,., n / t ,/ ..... tflt..... ,  ,   oE I\EYZ 7 Z 'Jrl 70'J rl7Eprl we; rl TO'J TOU 1 OU OUOE ..... , ..... " ..... t / , / , , 70'J70 LlV7EPOU(1.ZV, OU (1.V 70'JTO ETZpLle; oucrrlC; Z'Jrl TO'J '\t , ..... 1 tov 7tOZ. 5 'En lO''t'aO' La xonEl EX 't'ou napo'J't'o 't'o 0 naTp /l-0U /l-EioY /l-ou EaTL, xal't'a 't'O a'L't'lO'J o'Jo'J. oO'a yap 't'ou na't'po 't'au't'a A 327v xal 't'ou Yiou xal 't'ou aYLOU n 'JEua't'O. 30 post ExnopEu't'w linea 6 add. A , ..... ....., , , / / Z oz "': XLl VOTO (1. crLl 7tEp  ";rl OVO (1.rl7rl crrl'JzrlC; o " ..... 11 " / ....., /  / E'JZXZV. O'J7Z 70'J Ll7pOC; EXcrTrlV70C; 7C; yzv'JcrrlC;, oOT , ".....  t.......... /  / , ....., "'(ZYZVXEV' O'J7Z 70'J 1 O'J 7C; YEvvaEWC; O07 EX 70U rlYZ'J- A 328v Fontc 28.5. 2/5 Cyr., Comm. in Ioh., 486.28- 487.2 28.6. 2/4 cf. Ioh. Chrys., In Ioh., 408.22-24 30.2/13 Greg. Naz., Grat. 39,174.16-176.28 
252 APPENDIX I 5 'JTOU. 1tW y&p; OUTE TOU n 'JEU[.lLiTO,  E n (lTEp(l [.lET(l1t(- , , Y t \ rI' I \ rI 1...\' \ \ 7t7()'JTO,  E ov GT EX.1tE1tOpEUT(l, x.(l OT EO, x.(l'J [.l  ..... ..... , D. I (\'  I , I ,......",  I OOx. 70 c; VEO C;.  YLiP O O"': c; (lx. 'J'":'O c;.  1tU>C; (l'J O OT I " I (, \, I , [.lE'J, x. 'JOU(.lEV x.(l (.lET(l1t 1tTO'j(j(l; O oE TV (lYE'J'J(JLi'J, x.(l T'J YE'JV(J 'I cpU(JEc; OEWV O[.lU>VU(.L(')'J TOE(.le:'JO, "':rXX(l &v x.(l , 'A  ' " 'D. rI ( , , , \ I I 10 TO'J j\.O(l(.l x.(l TO'J  v 07 0 (.lEV OUx. (l1t0 (J(lpX.O' 1tA(l(J(.l(l I ( \ , \ .....   \ ,..... I E " , '\ I \ I Y(lp. 0 oE (l1t0 TOU u(l(.l x.(l TC; U(l (lI\A AU>'J X.(lT(l CPU- (J'J &AAOTpW(J01J(J'I'J. EI OUV eEO E'J Tp(J x.(l T Tp((l E'J A 329r rI " U>(J7tEP Ecp(l(.lE'J. I 32.1 Tou auou A 329v EI yap [; n(lTp (.lTE yo TO n'JEU(.l(l' EI yap [; (.l0'J0- YE'J, r'J(l x.(l TOUTO'J 8EX.O'J EXU>(J TO (.lO'J(lOx.o'J, [; (.lE'J T t.I ,,..... I UOTTO TO OE T 1tpOOOOU. Comm. 41 linea 20 Post n'JEU(.l(l I iJ you'J q>lAo'JlXEl'J E9EAO'J YJSE YE a A 333r axoa 7tapEXEl'J a'JEOU, Ol xal EX ou Yiou EI'Jal O 7ta'JaYlo'J n'JEua OAWO'l AEYEl'J, 7tapa a w'J 6ElW'J 5 7taEpw'J Slaaya. 44 I Post ('0'1 oE Tp01tO'J x.&1t T 'Jo uOrXTU>'J 1tY (= FP 44, A 333v linea 22) ['JExapwSE - E; apxYi W'J XpEl6'Jw'J YJ q>u- O'l om.] add. Suo 7tOaOl PEOUO'l, xal T (.lE'J 8E(JE O- 5 'np'JT(l Ta pE8p(l T'J oE TOU XU(.lou 1t06TT(l (.l(l'J x.(l T'J (lU7'J X.EX.7'JT(l xal OUE Yi 7tYJYYi a7tOE'Jo'Jal xal Sl' auYi aAAYjAol Y1'Jw'Jal. XCl'J lSla6'Ja ExaO'o PEL, o'J auo'J p67to'J I xal TO 1tpWTO'J (lrTO'J 0 n(lTp,  1tY A 334r 7 U> OppUTO'J T 'J(l TOU 7E you x.(l TOU &yOU n'JEU(.l(l- 10 "roe;, E (.la &7tO(JTEA(l X&p'J' OUT' (lUTO T 1tE1t0'J8E'J E , , I fJ.. P' " I (, ,'" T'J OU(J(l'J t--'A(lt--'Ec;, OU Y(lP (.lEU>(J 'I U1tE(JTY; T 'J(l 0 (l 7Y;'J Ec; Fontes 32.1. 2/4 Greg. Naz., Grat. 25, 196.8-11 Greg. Nyss., Ep. 26 ad Evag., 1108.3-18 44. 3/ 13 T-(, - X.ee:crTxcr cf. 
Fontes APPENDIX I 253 f.LaC; EXE( 'JW'J &q;> 'J, xt OUTO (1.EXFnc; f.Lw'J 7tpOcrEX Wp"'f)cr'J, , "" n ' ,, oJ; , / e / XLl "t'OU cx'TpOC; OUoE'J 'JTTO'J axwpcrTO X EcrT1)Xacr. 44.1 Tou aYLou rpY1YOplOU NuaaYJ 7tEpl Yj aYla TplaSo 'Ex TOU xa8' (1.aC; Ecr7 Y'Jw'Ja xa Ta U7tEp (1.aC;. xa yap  7taAaa xa 'JEa oa8x1) E'Ja 0EO'J X1)pUTTE 'J olOE (1.ETa '1 / ' n / t/ D. ,(  ,( / -, r...OYO'J xa 'J:U(1.aTOC; OuE'J xa 1) 1 pac; O(1.ooucrOC;. yep yae AOY({J K Ve lov Ot OV(!aVOt EaTE(!EW()rjaaV Xat T0 Jl vEVflaTl TOV aT6flaTO aVTOV naaa  DVvafll aVTOV, 08E'J xat  Tpac; (1.0- 'Jac; EV Tpao Y'JwpETa. EX TOU U7t00E Y(1.aTOC; . . . c{) TOU (1.E't'EpOU EcrT Y'Jw'Ja Ta a8UTEpa AEYE yap E'J T rE'JEcrE ( 0 / I " () , , I  I \ () ' 10 0  EOC;. nOlrjawflEV av ewnov xaT Elxova rjflETEeav xal xa  I / '" " / [[ " oflolwalv TOOE xay Elxova OU TO ({)a 'JO(1.E'JO'J, TO YLlP ({)a- 'J6(1.E'J0'J crU'J8ET6'J EcrT]] Aa(1.a'Jw(1.E'J TOU eX'J8pw7t0u. eXAAa " / " / / D. /' ( , TO (1.1) ({)a 'JO (1.E'JO'J, TO yap ({)a 'JO (1.E'JO'J crU'JuETO'J EcrT 'J 0 OE 0EOC; a7tAOUC; EcrT xa eXcrU'J8ETOC;. TO oG'J 'JOOU(1.E'JO'J TOU &'J- 8pW7t0U, 'JOue;, A6yoC;, n 'JEU(1.a, TauTa Ta Tpa tcra Ecr'J E'J T0 , D. / ,,(..... / ,/ ,( / a'JupW7t. xa yap 0 'Joue; TXTE TO'J AOY0'J, xa 0 Aoyoe; x- 'JE TO 'JOU'J. [[ xa OUTE]]. xa OUTE 0 'JOue; xwpte; TOU A6you, OUTE 0 A6yoC; &'JEU TOU 'J06e;. o(1.o(we; OE xat 0 A6yoe; EX TOU I 7t'JEU (1.aTO e;, TOU E'J (1.'J O'JTOe; EEPXETa EX TOU 'J06e;. TauTa 20 oU'J Ta Tpa EcrT'J E'J (1.'J tcra Xwpcr8'Ja eX7t' eXAAAW'J (1. oU'Ja(1.E'Ja. 0 'Joue; oU'J (1.E'JE 'Joue; TXTW'J TO'J A6yo'J, xa 6 A6- / / "..... / ..... r/ ", yoC; (1.E'JE Aoyoe;, xa TO 7t'JEU(1.a (1.E'JE 7t'JEU(1.a, OUTW xa E7t TC; 8Eae; oucrac; XP AOYEcr8a, OT 0 naTp (1.E'JE n aTp , [ [ ( ] ] tfI(' , / , ( tfI(' / tfI( , , , xa 0 1 OC; OU y 'JETa. xa 0 1 OC; (1.E'JE 1 oe; xa 7taT1)p ou y 'JETa. xa TO n 'JEU(1.a (1.E'JE n 'JEU(1.a xa uoe; oux EcrT 'J OUTE 7taTp, eXAAa n 'JEU(1.a &YO'J. TXTE yap 0 naTp TO'J YO'J xa EcrT naTp, xa 0 Yoe; YE'J'J1)8Ee; EcrT A6yoe; xa (1.E'JE Yt6e;, o(1.owe; xat TO &YO'J n 'JEu(1.a 0 EX TOU n aTpOe; EX- 5 15 25 44.1. 3/30 cf. Nic. Hydr., Disp. contra Jud., 12.13-13.16 6/7 Ps. 32.6 Ap p . Crit. 44.1. 10/ 11 f.Le:'t'EpV - :dx.6vo:] in mg. A 23 f.LEVe: 7t't'p] in mg. A A 334v 
Fontes 254 APPENDIX I 7t0 pEUE't'Ll EO"'t' n 'JEUf.lLl &YO'J, a' ou 7tcl'J't'Ll &YclE't'Ll EO"'t' 'J 30 ' T \ t , n \ tflt", n '" au'J 1 pLlC; 0f.L00UO"OC;, "':p 1 ac;, LlYO'J 'JEUf.LLl. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La O'q>aAW E7tlf3aAAEl xal ou't'o 0 6EOq>6po 7ta't'YJp 't'O'J 7tEpl 't'Yi TplaSo AOYO'J. EX yap 't'OU xa6' i)ii 7tapa- SEL ya't'o SLSWO'l 7taO'l 'JOEl'J, O't'l WO'7tEp 0 AOYO xal 't'o 35 7t'JEua EX 't'OU 'JooC;, OU't'W xal OOOUO'lO 't' aE 1\oyo xal 't'o aYlo'J n 'JEua EX 't'OU na't'po au't'ou xal o'Jou 't'YJ'J U7tap;l'J EXOUO'l. 44.2 Tou au't'ou EX 't'OU El 't'o naTEp P-Wy <AOYOU> El 't'o EA(JETW  (3aaLAEla aou 1\1 ' \ \' ,). D. ' , ..... t, T' 1 rl Xrl7rl TO LlXOI\OUvo'J rl7tOOEOEX7rl TC; LlYrlC; 1 prlOOC; t" ",t, ..... t , .....  ({)UO", OU O"UYZEO(.lE'Je; E({) EXrlO"TC; TW'J U7t00"7rlO"EW'J, TC; \ \'' , D. ' ,....., ' , \ XLl't'rl 70 ErlpETO'J E7tVEWpOUf-LE'JC; rlU7rlC; OOTTOe;' OUOE ..... " , )., , , " \ TW'J YVWpO"(.lLlTW'J EV rll\A AOC; rlArlO"O"O(.lE'JW'V o WO"TE TO O"- (.lEO'J TC; 7trl7pXC; U7tOO"TaaEWC;, E7tl "':O'J ita'J  TO 11 'JEUf.Lrl t-LE7E'JEX.8O"EO"Orl,  70U ytou 7taA 'J EV TW'J 7tpOXE(.lE'JWV , D. ..... '1\ \ I ..... n \'  ' ..... n \ \ E({)rlp(.lOO"vVrl,  T'J TO'J rlTpOC; OOT7rl 7 rl"':p Xrl ..... tflt....., , D. ",..... , ....., 1 0 "': 1  E7t({)rl 'JEcrvrl. rlAA E'J T XO  'Ja"':7 7  ({)UO"EWC;, , , t.....,  y , D. ..... , "  tXXO 'JW'J70C;  TW'J OrlOVTWV VEWpE Trl OrlXpO"C;. uO'J ..... 1 1 \ \ \'  ,,';' ..... ", , ..... , \ "':OU rlTpOe; 70 (.l E rlvt'au E'JLl 0 70U70 OUX E0"7'J OE'J E7t TOU '(tou Xrl TOU 11 'JE'J(.lrl70e;' 0 TE yrXP ytac; EX TOU nrl7pOC; E A8E, xrl8we; ({)O" 'J  Yprl({), EX 70U 0EOU Xrl 7trlpa "':OU n \' , "" \" " ';' , (x7pOC; EX7tapEUE7rl. rlAA WO"7tEp TO rl'JE'J rl"':e; E'JLl, f-LO'JOU TOU n rlTpac; 0'J, 70 yt0 Xrl T0 n VEU(.lrl"': E({)LlP (.lOO"O'JLl o,j  ' ,,\,,). \'  " ';' " ,, ' \ OU'JLl7rl, OUTW 70 E(.l7trll\ V 70 E", rl7Lle; E 'J(x, 01tEp oOV E0"7 TOU Itou Xrl "':ou II 'JEU(.lrlTOC;, 70 11 rl7p  E7teEwp8'Jrl cp,j- O" 'J OUX EX.E. xo 'Jou OE O'J70C; ",:0 yt0 XLlt T0 11 VEU(.lrlT TOU \' , ';' t '1\" \ \ t , (.l Ll'JLl7WC; E 'Jrl, we; Ll'J (.l  "':c; O"uYXO"c; 7tEp 70 U7tOXE(.lE- 5 15 20 44.2.3/33 Greg. Nyss., De orat. dom., 262.20-264.19 App. Crit. 44.2. 2 EA8i7W] emendavi, EAOE7f)IJ A A 334v A33Sr 
APPENDIX I 255 '10'1 8EWp"1)8EL"1), 7ta 'I EaT 'I &f.LXTO'J T'J E'J TOC; Owf.Laa 'I , --  " t:' ..... (." " , '\ D. I au,,:,w'J OLlq;>Opa'J ESEUpE'J, W Ll'J X(X 70 XO'JO'J q;>Ul\ax.VE. (; YcXP f.L0'JOYE'JC; ytoc; EX 70U rr LlTpOC; 7tapcX TC; &yLLlC; ypa- ....., 'Y " I (A I r/ ,..... , qr  O'JO): .,E'!(x X f.LEZP  70'JTOU 0 1 \.OYOC; aTa 'I LlUTOU TO ,  I , r/ 11 ...... " ...... n '"' I , uwtJ.. -:(.J OE (XYov VEUt-l(X XLl EX 701J a7pOC; AEYETa, XLl 70 )tou Elva 7tpOaf.Lp7'JpE":'a. El yue Ti JlvEVl1a X eUJTOV " F "  - ,( I'.....' OVX E XEi OVTO OVX E aTlV aVTOV, ({)a 'I  ypa({). OUXOU'J ":'0 f.Lzv 11 'lEU (1. a 70 fX 70U 0EOU 0'1, xa Xpa70u n 'lEU (1. a EaT '10 ( , r ( " ..... 0 --,, ", ,..... n I " o OE OC; EX 70U 101 EOU W'J, OUX EaT xa TOU 'JE1J(1.aTOC;° OUTE " " '\ I , , , I ( 'r/' 30 EaT 'I OUTE I\EYE7a, OUOE a'JTaTpE({)E  ax ETX aUT aXOAOU- D. I (  I D. " " " I' ..... \Ja, we; ouvaav(X x(X'!a "rO aov o (XvaAuaEWC; LlV7aTpa({)v(X 70V A6yo'J' xat Wa7tEp Xpa70U TO 11 'lEU (1. a AEYO(1.E'J OUTWC; ' n I X " 'I" X VEU(1.Ll70C; pa70V O'JO(1.(xO(1.E'J. 2S I 'E7tlO'TaO'la 3S To'J E'Ja AOYO'J Aaf3Y1  O'aq>EO'TEpO'J 11 TO'J 7tapo'JTa O'u'JSeX TOl aAAol 6EY)y6pOl, Kal TO'J NuO'O'aEo'J TOUTO'J- SYJAaSi) TO'J q>6oyyov, 7tapaSlSO'JTa. TO yap a'JalTlO'J O- 'JO'J TO'J TIaTEpa SoyaTlEl'J, TO'J Sf: Yio'J Kal TO TI'JEua E; alTla El'Jal, 7ta'JTW a7tOO'ToaTlEl TOU eX'JTlAEYO- 40 'JTa Kal TOAw'JTa Kal'Joq>o'JEl'J, OTl Kal EK TOU Yiou TO TI'JEua EK7topEuETal aKouo'JTa olal, Kal i) 'JOOU'JTa TO 7tW SEl 'JOEl'J TO TI'JEua TOU XplO'TOU Kal TI'JEua TOU Yiou SY)AaSi) Sla TO OOOUO'lO'J O'JO'J, Kal i) KaTeX TO'J Tii alTla AOYO'J, w yap 0 Yio EK TOU TIaTpo, 4S OUTW Kal TO aYlO'J TI'JEua. 0 f:'J YE'J'JY)TW, TO Se EK- - 7tOpEUTW. 44.3 Tou aUTOU EK TOU KaTY)XY)TlKOU AOYOU I] VEU(1.(X (1.E(1.aex6TEC; 8EOU 70 aU(1.7t(xpO(1.(xpTOU'J 7 A6y , .....,....." I I , I " xa ({)(x'JEPOUV (XU70U 7V EVEp"(EaV, ouva(1. v ouawo LlU7'J , , ( ......"  i" I ( I D. I " E({) ELlU7C; EV ot(Xoua urroa7LlaE VEWpOU(1.E'JV, OUTE X W - S pa8va 70U 8EOU EV c1) Ea7''J,  '!OU ..\6Y01J 70U 0EOU c1) 7ta- ......  I " ", I , P0t-l(xp7'JpE V 01JVa(1.EVV, 01J7E 7tp0C; 70 (Xv1J7!apX70V (x'JaXEO- Fontes 44.3. 2/10 Greg. Nyss., Or. cat. mag., 154.22-23 A 33Sv 
256 APPENDIX I [.lEV"f)'J, clAAcX xLl8' 6[.l06T"f)TLl TOU 8EOU A6you XLl(j' ,j7t6(jTLl(j V ., , " , " " O'J(jrJ.'J, 1tpOLlpETX'J, rJ.UTOX 'J'TO'J, E'JEPY0'J, 7trJ.'JTW'TE 'TO rJ.YrJ.- 80v rJ.tPOU[.lE'JY;V XLl 7tpOC; 7t(jrJ.'J 7tp68E(j 'J (j'Jv8po(l-o'J EXO'J(jrJ.V 1 0 T OUA (jE T'J 8u'JrJ.[.l v. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 'E'J't'au6a 't'o n 'JEua 't'OU SEOU Y)'t'Ol 't'OU na't'po Soy- a't'LEl xal 't'OU Yiou EI'Jal, xCi'J oux E; au't'ou. O'\J7ta- poap't'El yap aU't'ii> OUXl Se xal E; au't'ou, xal WO'7tEp 0 15 Yi.o 7raVTa EXEL oaa xal 0 naTp, I E7tElSi) E; au't'ou xal A 336r E'JU7tOO''t'a't'o EO''t'l xCi'J 0 f:'J aYE'J'JYJ't'O, 0 Sf: YE'J'JYJ't'O, OU't'w xal 't'o n 'JEua 't'o aYlO'J. 44.4 Tou au't'ou EX 't'OU 7tpO f3Aaf3lo'J AOYOU K D.' t' , rI , , , " , rJ.u 0 (l-E'J EXrJ.(jTO'J 7tpO(jW7t0'J rJ.7t pT(j(l-E'J'J EX E T'J , " , , rI' , , TOrJ.'JTY;'J E'JEPYErJ.'J, rJ.7tpT(j(l-E'J0'J EE 7trJ.'JTWC; XrJ. TO OAW- TXO'J rJ.UTC; O'JO(l-rJ. XrJ. XUpWC; E(jTrJ. XrJ. XA 8E  0E6c;' xrJ.8o 5 8e: (l-rJ. xrJ. cX7tLlpaAArJ.xTo e; E'J To'i:e; TP (j 'J  E p (l-E'J E'JEPYErJ., (l-(rJ. XLl  eE6T C; XrJ. Ele;. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La 7toO''t'oa't'LEl 0 6EYJYOPO 't'ou i) a'JExoE'JOU SEO'J AEYEl'J 't'O n'JEua 't'O aYlo'J. 44.5 Tou au't'ou 7tEpl i)'JWE'JYJ xal S laXEXp lE'JYJ 6EOAOYL Y)  11 ..... , " " 0. " ,, , we; TO rJ.UTO XrJ. rJ.pu(l-TO'J E(jT XrJ. OrJ.({)EUYE T'J ''o. '  ' (..... " ( , ErJ.pU[.l(j'J XrJ. Oup(l-E'JWe; OprJ.TrJ. XrJ. E'J O(l-rJ.O XrJ.TLlArJ.(l-- A' ,, ..... ( , "  ' ..... 5 rJ.'JETrJ., XLl 0 rJ.XEXp  TrJ. TYl U7t0(jTrJ.(jE, XrJ. OU 0 w P (jTrJ.  T-n " ., '\ ,\' ..... ( , , n ..... , rI oU(j; rJ.1\1\0 YrJ.p TO  TU U7t0(jTLl(jE TO 'JEU(l-rJ., XrJ. E7EpOV (; i\6yoe;, xrJ. &AAO 7taA'J EXE'i:'JO ou XLlt (; i\6yoc; E(jT XrJ.t TO n 'JEU(l-rJ.. Fontes 44.3. 15 Ioh. 16.15 44.4. 2/6 Cf. e.g. Phil. Cocc., Antirrhetici, 348.796-799 44.5.3/8 Greg. Nyss., Or. cat. mag., 156.5-10 
APPENDIX I 257 ' E ' 7tlO'<XO'la 10 O xaAw <ppo'Jw'J 7tEpl aEOY)O EX ou 7tap6'Jo AY)- ao, xal i)'J af3EAAlo'J EXpE7tou. O'uvaAolq>y)'J, xal i)'J :A.pElOU aYpEO'l'J, EX Sf: ou OU EO'l'J 0 1\oyo xal O n'JEUa 'JOEL 06E'J Xal O n'JEUa EX7tOpEUEal. Post FP J 29 inseruit A 336v 15 'E7t lO'aO' La u a6E YE al XCXl ouo 0 aauaoupyo, xal O'a- q>w SlaYYEAAEl 86E'J 0 Yi.o xal O aYlo'J n'JEua. EX ou napo SY)AaSi) xal aq>w. Deinde om. FP J 30- J 5 J et add. 129.1 Tou aYLou 'IouO'L'Jou q>lAOO'Oq>OU xal apupo EX ou AOYOU ou 7tEpl ii op8ii OoAoYLa ii 7tLO'EW Ol ii aYLa TplaSo EI oG'J TLlC; eXA 8E(lC; (; TW'J a7ta'JTw'J 0EOC;, E'J n(lTp 5 X(l yt0 X(l n 'JEU(l-(lT ay( Y'JWp6(l-E'J0C;. E7tE yap EX TC; o XE((lC; oU(j(le; (; n (lT p TO'J yto'J eX7tEYE'J'J(jE'J, EX oe: TC; (lUTe; TO n 'JEU(l-(l 7tpOY(lYE'J, EXOTWC; &'J Ta TC; (lUTC; X(l (l-&e; OU(j(lC; (l- ETE X 0 'J7(l Te; (lUTC; 8EOTTOe; X(l (l-&C; W- 'JTLl. 7tWC; oG'J EpE TC; (l- O(l({)EPO TO YE'J'JW'J TOU YE'J'JW(l-E- 10 'Jou X(l TO EX7t0PEU70'J TOU eX({)' au EX7t0pEUET(l. E(jT oe: (; n (l- 7 P eXYE'J'JTOC;, eX({)' au X(l 6 ytoc; YEYE'J'JY)T(l X(l TO n 'JEU(l-(l 7tpOA8E'J. OU T(lUTO'J oG'J T0 n(lTp (; ytoc; XLl TO n 'JEU(l-(l TO o 1 0 , , , / , ", , LlYO'J; 07 70 (l-E'J (lYE'J'JTO'J X(l YE'J'JTO'J X(l EX7t0PEUTO'J OUX OU(j(le; O'JO(l-(lTLl, eXAAa Tp07t0C; U7tapEWC;, TOC; o'Jo(l-(l(j 1 5 X(lp(lXTpET(l TOUTOe;.  OAW(je; oe: Te; oU(j(lC; T 0EOC; 0'J0 (1.(l(jLf (j (l-(l 'JET(l, we; EI 'J(l T'J a (l({)0 pa'J T0 n (lTp  7tpOC; TO'J yto'J X(l 70 rI 'JEU(l-(l X(lTcX TO'J Te; U7tapEWC; AOY0'J TO oe: " ,....., / A / (" / ,';' ( 7(lU70'J X(lT(l 7 e; OU(j(le; ).' \ oYo'J, 0 (l-E'J LlYE'J'JTWC; TO E 'J(l, 0 A 337r Fontes 129.1. 4/20 Ps. Just., Exp. Fid., 373.A.4-C.l 
258 APPENDIX I AS: YE'J\rf)TWC;, TO oS: EX7t0PZUTWC; Ta 7C; OLl([)OpaC; E7teEWpE- 20 cre 7tE([)UXE'J. 'E7t lO''t'aO' La MY) Sf: 't'o'J 7tapo'J't'a '!OUO''t'l'JO'J 7tapEA6Y) 0 a'JaYl'Jw- O'KW'J a7tEEAYj't'W E; au't'ou yap 'JOYjO'El O'aq>w 86E'J o Yi.o Kal 't'o TI'JEua 't'YJ'J U7tap;l'J EXOUO'l Kal 7tOlo'J 25 't'w'J o'Joa't'w'J EKaO''t' apow'J EO''t'L. 't'ii> f:'J TIa't'pl 't'o aYE'J'JYj't'O'J. 't'ii> Yi.ii> 't'o YE'J'JYj6Yj'Jal, 't'ii> Sf: TI 'JEua't'l 't'o , , EK7tOpEU't'O'J. 129.2 Tou au't'ou EK 't'w'J au't'w'J Ka AE7tE TC; &xpac; cru'Ja([)E(ac; 7tWe; Tecr Ta Y'Jwp crfLLl- ,;a. ou yp a1tAWe; EI7tE'J ° Ea7lEaT ElAEV 0 (-jEO TO Jl vEvila ° VU'J fLS:'J aUTO cru'Jcl7tTW'J ytc'{), 'JU'J as: 7tpocr'JEfLW'J n LlTp  E'J 5 ole; ([)cr'J° VI1Et OE OV TO 7lVEVfla TOV x6al1ov EA6.f3ETc a;Aa TO Jl VeV/la TO EX TOV f)EOV xat n aTe6' xa 7taA'J TOU ytou aUTOU TO Jl vEvfla TfJ aA1]()E[a xaAOU'JTOC;, E7tEO aUTOe; Ecr'"t''J  eXA eEa, xa auee; TOU naTpoc; EI'Ja ooacrxO'JTO' o yap 7tapa TOU n aTpOe; EX7tOpEUETa xat oa 7ta'JTW'J a7tAWC; 10 ELlOUcrC; fLW'J Te; eEae; ypa([)c; I T'J oa'Joa'J, &x.wp- A 337v ' n ' , y (..... ,(, n ' , D. crTO'J 7tEp aTpOe; xa OU xa ayou 'JEufLaTOe; xExTcrva , " T'J E'J'JO a'J. 129.3 Tou au't'ou E't" oALya r12cr7tEp 6 ytoc; EX TOU II aTpoc;, OUTW xa TO n 'JEufLa o 7tA 'J YE o Tc'{) Tp67t TC; U7tapEWC; OOcrE. (; fLS:'J yap cpwc; EX ([)WTOC; YE'J'JTWC; EEAafLYE, TO AS: ([)We; fLE'J EX ([)WTOe; xa 5 aUTO, OU fL'J YE'J'JTWe; &AA' EX7t0pEUTWe; 7tpOAeE'J OUTWe;, cru'J(X.to O'J n aTp, OUTWe; T'J OUcr(Ll'J Tau7o'J, OUTWC; &7ta8we; EXEr:eE'J EX7tO pEUeE'J. Fontes 129.2. 2/12 Ps. Just., Exp. Fid., 377.A.8-B.8 380.C.8-D.4 129.3. 2/7 Ps. Just., Exp. Fid., 
APPENDIX I 259 'E7t la't'<xa La 'E'J't'au6a 'JOEL tXKPlf3We; tXKpoa't'<X OUX a7tAWe; ElpYja6al 10 't'aie; 6ELale; ypa<p<xic;, ouSe 't'o EK7tOpEUEl'J KOl'JO'J EI'Jal o'Joa TIa't'pl Kal Viii> we; 't'aAAa SY)AO'JO't'l YJ tX7tOa't'oAYj, YJ 7tpOXUale; KaL 't'<X AOl7teX E7tElSi) U7tap;l'J SYJAoi YJ AE;lC; KaL OUXL xaplaa't'w'J SoalC;. 129.4 Tou aYLou rpYJYOpLOU EK 't'YjC; 7tpOC; EUAaf3lo'J To cl7tapaAAax7o'J 7C; ([)UcrEWC; O(l-OAOYOU'JTEC;, T'J xaTa TO " ",  ", , D. ' r ,  a TO'J XLl a Ta'TO'J oa([)opa'J OUX ap'JOUf.LEva, E'J  (l-O'J oa- xp 'JEcr8a TO'J E7EpO'J TOU ETEpOU xaTaAa(l-a'Jo(l-E'J, T0 TO ", "  " ....." '''' ,  " 5 (l-E'J a TO'J 7tcrTEUE 'J, TO OE EX TOU a TOU' XLl TOU ES a Tac; " ",\ '\ ' '\  " ..... '" O'JTOC; a/\/\ 'J 7ta/\  'J 0 a([)o pa'J E'J'JOOU(l-E'J' TO (l-E'J yap 7tpOcrE- XWC; EX 70U 7tPWTOU, TO oe: oa TOU 7tpOcrEXWC; EX TOU 7tpWTOU. Fonte 129.4. 2/7 Greg. Nyss., Ad Abl., 55.24-56.6 
ApPENDIX II Codex L - Syllogismi 43. I UAAOYlO'O  y': El aAAo EO''t't. 7tpO 't'O'J TIa- L 164r 't'Epa 0 Yi.o Kat. OUK aAAO, Kal aAAO 't'O n 'JEua Kat. OUK aAAO. 't'O Sf: aAAO Kal aAAO YJ YE'J'JYjO'l O'U'JEq>al 'JEl Kat. YJ aYE'J'JYjO'la Kal YJ EK7tOpEUO'l. oi. 't'p07tOl SY)AaSY) 't'w'J 5 U7tap;Ew'J Kal 't'eX aq>oplO''t'lK<X lSlwa't'a 't'w'J u7toO''t'aO'E- W'J e 't'au't'a Sf: q>UO'El 'JOlo'J't'al 7tap' Ul'J, 7tW YVWpl- O'Y)'t'E 't'Y)'J E'J l 't'ij 6EO't'Yj't'l aYla'J TplaSa. El Sf: oUO'lal Ka6' ua YJ YE'J'JYjO'l 't'E Kat. YJ EK7tOpEUO'l, Slaq>opo apa Ka't'<X 't'Y)'J OUO'la'J YJ Tpla EO''t'l'J, E'L7tEP ou 't'au't'o'J aYE'J'JYj- " ", 10 O'la, YE'J'JY)O'l, Kal EK7tOpEUO'l. 44. I UAAOYlO'O S': El ai. lSlO't'Yj't'E oUX Eau't'w'J, L 164v aAAa 't'l'JW'J ElO'l'J lSlO't'Yj't'E Y1you'J YJ YE'J'JYjO'l, YJ aYE'J- 'JY)O'la Kat. YJ EK7t6pEUO'l, Kal 't'Y)'J U7tap;l'J EXOUO'l'J E'J E't'Ep. Kal OUX U7tOKEl'J't'al w YJ OUO'la aAA' E7tlKEl'J't'al, 5 7tW ul'J YJ EK7tOpEUO'l w oUO'la 'JolE't'al. Kal El ou- O'la, oUO'la Sf: Kal YJ aYE'J'JY)O'la Kat. YJ YE'J'JY)O'l. f3laE0'6E Sf: Sl<X 't'o 1t'aVTa oaa EXEL 0 naTp Ell-a EaTL Kat. 't'Y)'J EK- 7tOpEUO'l'J OUO'la'J 'JOEl'J, 7tW OU 't'plO'OUO'lO YJ 6EO't'Y). OU , " , , , , , ,, yap 't'au't'o'J 't'a 't'Pla. Y) aYE'J'JYjO'la Y) YE'J'JY)O'l Kal Y) EK- , 10 7tOpEUO' l; Fontes 43. 1/10 non inveni 44. 1/9 non inveni 6/7 Ioh. 16.15 
ApPENDIX III Codex Q - Exhortatio I El Y) Sl' OlXElOU 6EAYJa't'0 EplO''t'lXY)'J xal q>lAO- Q 12Sv 'JElXO'J E7tlO'uO''t'aO'l'J OUX a'JEXY1 7tap' E't'EpW'J a6El'J 't'Y)'J S op60't'0la'J 't'Yi 7tlO''t'EW w Y) o'Jo'J EX 't'OU na't'po w 7tapEAaf3E, aAAa SY) xax 't'OU Yi.ou AEYW'J xal xY)pu't''t'w'J au6alpE't'w 't'OU 7ta'JaYlou n 'JEua't'o 't'Y)'J Ex7t6pEUO'l '.I, aAA' w't'a EXEl axouo'J't'o, l'J' ou't'W xal axaplO'ou Yl'JY1 't'Ol 7tpO 0'£ I AEYOUO'l 7tp6;E'J0, aAA' al't'w'J Aaf3El'J Q 126r 10 E6EAYJ xal Y)'t'w'J EUpEl'J xal xpuw'J a;lol a'JolyYj'Jal O'Ol, 7tOAAa lSOU O'Ol 6upa 7tpO S' au't'w'J 't'Y)'J O'W't'Y)plO'J e Sl'  E'l 't'l ElO'EAEuO'E't'al, O'w6Y) O'E't'a l, Sla'Jol;a 0 't'w'J aYlw'J EXXAY)O'lW'J 't'ou SEOU pY)'t'wp xal q>wO''t'Y)P, 0 Eya 't'Yi op60So;la U7tEpaxO 6EOO'Oq>0 i)w'J f3aO'lAEu 1 S Sla 't'ou't'w'J ElO'EA6El'J O'E 7tpO't'pE7tE't'al, xal 't'o YJ't'OUE- '.10'.1 a7to'Jw EupO'J't'a xal Aaf3o'J't'a, 7tauO'a0'6al 7tO't'E 't'ou Sl' aAAY) a'Jaf3al'JEl'J 't'Yi 't' 6El SY)AaSY) O'Uf30A 7tapE'J't'E6ElO'Y) 7tpo0'6Y)xY)e O't'l, Y) S' axoAou60'0UO'l 't'a 't'Yi SE;ui O''t'eXO'EW a;louE'Ja 7tp6f3a't'a e xaAo'J EXO- 20 'J't'a 7tOlE'Ja 't'o'J au't'oxpeX't'opa, 't'Y)'J olxEla'J uXY)'J U7tEp 't'ou't'w'J xa6ExeXO''t'YJ'J 't'l6EE'J0'J, xal 't'ou't'w'J E7tpo0'6E'J 7tOpEUOE'JO'J, xal 7tpO 'J0Y)'J oSYJyou'J't'a O'W't'YJPlO'J e Sux 't'w'J 't'OlOU't'W'J 't'Ol 'JU'J 6upw'J El 't'Y)'J 't'w'J 7tpof3eX't'w'J aUAY)'J ElO'EA6El'J xal au't'o 7tp06uY)6YJ't'l, xal la 7tOl'JYJ 2S YE'JOE'JO uq>' E'Jl 't'Y)AlX 7tOlE'Jl, I 't'Yi au't'Yi q>w'JYi Q 126v axoUEe xal 't'ij 7tOla'J't'lxij 't'w'J AOYW'J 't'ou't'ou 't'Ep7tOE- 'Jo O'Upl YYl, 't'PEq>OU E6' i)So'JYi 't'a O'w't'Y)pla Soya't'ae xal 7tl'JE 't'Y)'J op60't'0la'J 't'Yi 7tlO''t'EWe 'Jal Y)'J xal 't'Ol 7tapa 't'oO'w'J 6EOq>OpW'J xY)puxw'J 7tpO S' au't'w'J 7tEpl 't'ou 30 w't'Yipo au't'ou 7tapaS06ElO'l'J EE'JW'J, Y) 6EAE E- 't'alpEl'J a oi. 7ta't'EpE O'ou E6E'J't'0 alw'Jla oplae opa yap au't'o'J Eu6u 't'O'J w't'Yipa 't'l 7tEpl 't'Yi EX7tOpEUO'EW xal 't'Yi a7tOO''t'OAYi 't'ou aYlOU n 'JEua't'O EXSlSeXO'XEl O'E : 
262 APPENDIX II[ Codex Q - Florilegium Patristicum Comm. 1 Q 126v 'E7tlO''t'Y)O'O'J 't'yj S la'Jol 't'ou pY)'t'ou. 7tW 0 w't'YJP epw- 't'O'al AEYEl 't'o'J TIa't'Epa, l'J' EXEl'JO SWO'El 't'o'J TIapaxAYJ- 't'O'J. 't'O l 'JU'J EX 't'ou't'ou a'J6a'JE 't'o'J TIa't'Epa S la 't'ou oo- 5 q>uou xal O'JOYE'JOU SlSo'J't'a 't'o'J ooq>u TIapaxAY)'t'o'J. El you'J xal au't'o 't'YJ'J SOO'l'J 7tapa 't'ou TIa't'po SlSaO'xEl O'E Yl'JE0'6al 7tW 't'o'J 't'p07to'J 't' q>UO'lX U7tap;EW I 't'YJ'J Q 127r EX7tOpEUO'l'J q>Y)l, EX 't'ou Yiou 7tapaSE;oE6a Yl'JE0'6al : Comm. 2 U'JE't'W axouO'o'J. w 0 TIa't'YJp E'J 't'ii> o'Joa't'l 't'ou Yiou Y)'t'Ol Sux 't'ou Yiou eX7tOO''t'EAAEl'J AEYE't'al 't'o'J TIapaxAYj't'o'J: Comm. 3 Tl'Ja E't'EpO'J 't' eXAYj6Ela xal 't' O'oq>la SlSaO'xa- AO'J Y)'t'El eXAY)6EO''t'EpO'J xal O'Oq>W't'EpO'J. E7tlO''t'Y)O'O'J yap 7tW au't'o f:'J 7tEal AeYEl. 7tapa 't'ou TIa't'po SEe O'U'J- 5 SEl Se 't'ou't'O 7ta'J't'w, 't'Ol 7tpOAaf30uO'l. 't'YJ'J EX7tOpEUO'l 'J Sf: O'aq>w EX 't'ou TIa't'po : Comm. 4 I TIpOO'XEC; xal 't'OU't' O'u'JSa 't'ii> SlSaO'xaA Soya't'l- Q127v O'J't'l. EXEl'JOU yap 7tapa 't'ou TIa't'po 7tEal El7tO'J't'O, OU't'O Aaf3El'J 7tapa 't'ou TIa't'po 't'YJ'J E7taYYEAla'J xal EX- 5 XEal. ou YJ'J 7tpof3aAE0'6al q>Y)O'l'J : Comm. 5 'XOUE xal 't'ou't'ou 't'ou Yiou f:'J Sla 't'o OOOUO'lO'J XYj- puO'O'o'J't'o, 7tapa 't'ou TIa't'po Sf: E;a7toO''t'EAAE0'6al : Comm. 6 Op 7tW xal E'J't'au6a xa6apw q>Y)O'l'J EXXEl0'6al 7tapa 't'ou TIa't'po S la 't'ou Yiou; E l 't'O l 'JU'J aO'aq>w  aA- Aaxou 't'O'J Yio'J 7tpOXEEl'J xal SlSo'Jal eXxouEl, 7tpO 't'a 5 't'w'J xopuq>alw'J 7tapaSoO'El xaxEl'Ja O'uf3lf3aE : 
APPENDIX III 263 Comm. 117 I <"O>pa 7tWe; xal ou't'oe; 0'JY)'J 7ty)yYJ'J xal pla'J 't'o'J Q 128v TIa't'ep<x q>Y)Gl. xal we; a<pw 't'<X E)'KapSla EX 't'OU TIa't'poe; E;e<pu <pw't'a, ou Y)'J 't'o E'J EX 't'w'J Suo : Comm. 7 I Ope; 7tWe; xal ou't'oe;, pY)'t'we; a7tayopEuEl 't'o'J 7t0- Q 129r 't'ao'J xaAEl0'6al 7tY)yYJ'J; El you'J YJ 7tY)yYJ 0 Yioe;, 7tWe; EX 't'ou't'ou 't'o TI 'JEua 't'o aYlo'J EX7topEuE't'al :  Comm. 8 I Ope; 7tWe; xal E'J't'au6a, E'J xal 't'au't'o'J EI'Jal SlSaaxEl Q 130v 't'o EX 't'ou SEOU, xal 't'o 7tapa 't'ou TIa't'poe; l'Ja YJ E'J6a 't'le; 't'o EX 't'ou SEOU 0'J0'J a'JaYl 'JwO'xY) xal EX 't'ou Yiou 'JOl- 5 Y) ISla 't'YJ'J OO't'lla'J 't'Yje; q>UO'EWe; : Q 131r Comm. 9 I t'Opa 't'YJ'J axplf3Yj 6EOAOYla'J 't'OU SlSaO'xaAOU. 7tWe; Q 131v E'J EXEl 'JY) 86E'J OUO'lou't'al 't'O TI 'JEua f30UAOE'J0e; 7tapa- O''t'YjO'a l 't'ij EX 't'ij n:apa EX pYjO'a't'o, xa l I 't'au't'ae; 0'J 't'i;> Q 132r 5 TIa't'pl a7te'JElE'J. E:'J 't'au't'Y) Sf: 't'ij XpYjO'El, 0'JY)'J 't'YJ'J oo- OUO'lo't'Y)'t'a, xal 't'YJ'J 't'Yje; q>UO'EWe; 't'au't'o't'YJ't'a SElX'JUW'J. aAA' ou 't'o'J 't'p07to'J 't'Yje; q>UO'lXYje; xal OUO'lWSOU<e;> [spatium hab.] ouSe l 't'w'J 't'OlOU't'W'J 7tp06eO'Ew'J EXPYj- O'a't'o. a7tAWe; oU't'w Aeyw'J 't'ou SEOU xal 't'ou XplO''t'OU 't'o 10 TI'JEua. xal ap't'upa 't'o'J TIauAo'J Ele; eO'o'J 7tapYjyaYE'J: reypa7t't'al aq>' eau't'ou ou AaAYjO'El. El7tf: 't'i;> MaxE- SO'Jla'Ji;>, yeypa7t't'al 't'au't'a 7tEpl 't'ou Yiou. aAAo'J Se, aU't'oe; AeYEl 7tEpl eau't'ou. EYW a7t' Eau't'ou ou AaAw. 7tpOO'EXE 7tapaxaAw. 7tapayw 't'YJ'J ap't'upla'J, a7to 't'ou 1 5 ooAoyoue'Jou 7tapa O'Ol. 7tpOe; f:'J yap 't'o'J pEla'Jo'J, ayw'Joe; xpEla, E'L't'OU'J, EYW aq>' eau't'ou ou AaAW xal 7tEpl 't'ou TI 'JEua't'Oe;. 7tpOe; Sf: 't'O'J E7taYYEAAOE'JO'J EUO'Ef3El'J 7tEpl XplO''t'O'J, YU'Jaw, AeYEle; lO'06EO'J. 8olo'J 't'i;> TIa- 't'pl xa't'<X 7ta'J't'a. we; 7tpOe; OOAOYOU'J't'a 't'YJ'J So;a'J ElO'Yj- 20 yayo'J 't'o Yj't'Y)a. AeYEl7tEpl 't'ou TI'JEua't'Oe; aq>' eau't'ou ou AaAYjO'El. AeYEl 0 w't'YJP 7tEpl eau't'ou. EYW aq>' eau't'ou ou 
264 APPENDIX III AClAW. aAA' oaa i)KOUaa 7tClpa TaU naTpo TCXUTCX AaAW. xcxi 0 yi.o aq>' eCXUTOU OU ACXAEl, xcxi TEW OOTlO : TIpoaEXE 7tW I TYJ'J 7tpO TO'J TIaTEpa xcxi TO'J Yi.O'J lao- Q 132v 2S TlLa'J TOU TI'JEUCXTO Sux TCXUTY) xaTcxaXEuaEl. El yap TO aq>' eCXUTOU YJ AaAEl'J TO TI'JEUCX, aAAO Tl ESY)AOU w "  , " , "'\ - ,  law U7t07tTEUEl CXUTO'J, OUX a'J TOUTO 7tCXpEalW7tY)aE'J 0 Ta 6ElCX aoq>o t Comm. 10 I [E] 'Ea'J oU'J axouY1 xcxi au TO TI'JEUCX 7tpOXEOE'JO'J Q134v xcxi a7tOaTEAAOE'JO'J, 7tpO TOU KUPLOU, 7tpO TYJ'J 7tapOU- acx'J EpY)'JELCX'J auf3Lf3CXE. OTl xcxi OUTO 0 EYCX, TYJ'J S TOU aYLOU TI'JEUCXTO Exxual'J xcxi a7tOaTOAY)'J, xcxi 'JOEL xcxi SlSaaxEl E7ti TW'J xcxplaaTw'J:'" Comm. 11 I "Opcx 7tW xcxi CXUTY) acxq>w xcxpLacxTcx SlSaaxEl TOU TI'JEUCXTO 7tECXl TO'J Yi.o'J. TI'JEUCX. 'c:. ' XCXl oWpECX'J , ", OUX CXUTO TO Q 13Sr Comm. 12 I XOUEl 7tW E'JTcxu6cx q>CX'JEpW SlSaaXEl TO'J TICXTEpCX Q 13Sv Sla TOU Yi.ou XCXTCXAACXY€'JTCX 7tECXl TO TI'JEUCX; Comm. 15 Op 7tW 7tcxpa SEOU E'J a7tOaTEAAETCXl Y1YOU'J TOU TICXTpO, Sl' Yi.ou Sf: XOpY)YElTCXl, aAA' OUX EX7t0PEUETCXl. xcxi 7taAl'J EX SEOU E'LTOU'J TOU TICXTpO, OUTW yap TO Sl' S Yi.ou 'JOEL 'J S LSwa l'J : Comm. 16 I 07tY)'JLXCX TO EX SEOU axouEl, a'JTi TOU EX TIaTpo Q 136r 'JOEL. El7tW'J yap Sla 'IY)aou XplaTOU E;eXEE'J, ESLSCX;E'J w OTCX'J AEYY1 SEOU xcxi EX SEOU, a'JTi TICXTpO AEYEl : Comm. 17 xoAou6w xcxi E'JTcxu6cx TO EX SEOU, a'JTi TOU EX TIcx- , , TpO 'JoY)aEl : '" 
APPENDIX III 265 Comm. 18 I Ta aU't'a 't'"(i 7tpOAaouO'Y1 au't'Yj <pY)O'l'J EXEl'JYj E'J yap Q 136v EX 't'OU TI 'JEua't'oc; EX7topEuE0'6al 't'OU TIa't'poc; 't'o TI 'JEua ESlSa;Ev. au't'Y) SE, EX 't'OU O''t'oa't'oe; 7tE<pY)'JE'Jal appY)'t'wc; 5 't'ou appY)'t'ou. opa SE XCXI. 't'o 7tapa 't'ou SEOU, eX'J't'1. 't'ou 7tapa TIa't'poe; xal. E'J't'au6a : '" Comm. 19 TIpOO'xEe; we; El xal. 't'o'J Yio'J pla'J o'J't'a xal. 7tYjrYJ'J i)SEl, OUX Cl'J 7tapEO'lW7tY)O'E'J : '" Comm. 20 "Opa 7tWe; I xal. au't'Yj EX 't'OU TIa't'poe; E'J O'aq>we; aya'J Q 137r EXEl'J q>Y)0'1. 't'o TI'JEua 't'YJ'J U7tap;l'J OlXElou0'6al Sf: 't' Yi Sla 't'o OOOUO'lO'J. Comm.21 'XOUE 7tWe; xal. au't'Y) EX 't'OU TIa't'poe; E'J q>YjO'l 'J, EX Sf: 't'OU Yiou, OUX EO''t'l. Comm. 22 I TIpOO'XEe; eXxplwe; 't'ij 't'ou TIa't'poe; uYjAo't'a't'Y1 q>po- Q 137v 'JY)O'El, 7tWe; 't'YJ'J 7tEpl. 't'ou 7ta'JaYlou TI 'JEua't'Oe; olxEla'J So;a'J 't'oLe; '{O'we; E'Ja'J't'lw6Yj'Jal 7tElpa6Y)0'0E'JOle; a7tEpl- 5 XAO'JYj't'O'J 't'Y)pEL'J OUAOE'JOe;, eX7tO 't'E 't'w'J 6ElW'J ypa- q>w'J, a7to 't'E 't'Yje; eXypaq>ou 7tapaSoO'EWe; 't'w'J 7ta't'Epw'J, O'u'JayaYEL'J 't'au't'Y)'J 7tpoa'JEq>w'JY)O'E. xal. ou't'we; ESlSa;E 't'o 7ta'JaYlo'J TI'JEua EI'Jal f:'J 't'Yje; eXAY)6Elae;. 't'ou Yiou q>Y)l SYJ Sux 't'o O'Uq>UO'E 't'E xal. O'UYYE'JEe;, 't'ou SEOU Sf: 10 xal. TIa't'poe; EX7t0pEuE0'6al. 
INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRIPTVRAE Pars Paragraphus Lin. Genesis 1.2 Flor. 9 2 1.27 Syll. 31 3/4 Syll. 31 13 2.8-9 cf. Epil. 26/27 2.10 Flor. 8 35 8 cf. Epigr. 49/56 Exodus 8.14-15 Dial. 63 35/37 13.5 cf. Epil. 19 13.21-22 cf. Epil. 10 14.19 cf. Epil. 12/13 15.17 Epil. 25 Epil. 29/30 31.18 cf. Epigr. 86 cf. Epil. 3/4 III Regnorum 5.9 cf. Praef. 34 17.24 Dial. 52 1/4 18.21 Flor. 100 48/49 IV Regnorum 23.6 cf. Epigr. 48 23.15 cf. E p i gr. 48 Psalmi 1.3 Dial. 56 1/5 18.4-5 Praef. 43/47 26.12 cf. Dial. 3 5 30.3 cf. Praef. 40/41 32.6 Flor. 17 2/3 Flor. 23 11/13 Flor. 23 17 Flor. 24 9 Flor. 105 3 Flor. 106 4 Syll. 4 2/3 Appendix I 44.1 6/7 35.10 Flor. 114 5/6 Appendix I 12.1 20/21 Appendix I 12.1 52/53 Appendix I 12.1 64/65 
270 INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRIPTVRAE Pars Paragraphus Lin. 36.11 cf. Epil. 33/34 39.10 Dial. 61 1 44.3 Flor. 10 74/75 50.14 Flor. 14 5 55.14 cf. Epil. 32/33 70.3 cf. Praef. 40/41 72.2 Dial. 64 2/4 72.27 cf. Alloc. 41/44 77.55 Epil. 34/35 114.9 cf. Epil. 32/33 118.103 cf. Epigr. 34/35 cf. Epil. 21/22 118.131 Flor. 26 11 118.160 Dial. 26 1 124.4 Dial. 73 68/69 138.8-10 Flor. 10 10/14 lob 10.8 cf. Dial. 62 5 Dial. 63 8/9 Prouerbia 2.1-2 Dial. 49 1/3 21.1 Dial. 64 2 22.28 cf. Exh. 39/40 Flor. 103 7/8 cf. Alloc. 17/20 Sapientia 7.23 Flor. 32 12 Isaias 6.6 cf. Epigr. 38 Epigr. 78 11.2 Dial. 43 11/12 Flor. 93 53 29.13 Dial. 53 2/3 32.2 Flor. 7 18 42.1 Dial. 42 1/4 cf. Flor. 73 8/9 44.6 Flor. 10 SO/51 Flor. 10 54/55 45.12 Flor. 10 56 45.12-13 Flor. 10 58/60 48.12 Flor. 10 49/50 48.13 Flor. 10 58 48.16 Flor. 10 61/62 
INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRIPTVRAE 271 Pars Paragraphus Lin. Flor. 10 63/64 49.6 Dial. 48 1/3 49.23-24 Dial. 74 15/17 50.4 Dial. 40 1/2 50.4-5 I)ial. 61 2/3 51.16 Flor. 10 56/57 Flor. 10 62/63 53.8 Flor. 120 39/40 55.10-11 Dial. 36 2/7 57.16 cf. Flor. 120 33 59.21 Flor. 18 6 61.1 Flor. 8 56 Flor. 9 3 cf. Flor. 48 5 cf. Flor. 50 2 Flor. 51 10/11 Flor. 74 7/8 leremias 2.5 Flor. 7 11/13 2.13 Appendix I 12.1 50/52 2.12-13 Flor. 7 11/13 Flor. 7 16 Flor. 8 37/40 23.25 Flor. 10 9/10 Ezechiel 3.1- 3 cf. Epigr. 37 Dial. 54 1/3 Daniel 3.19 cf. Praef. 22 3.50 Epil. 15 (Theod. versio) 5.12 Dial. 54 4/6 loel 3.1-2 cf. Flor. 73 6/8 3.1 Flor. 120 58/59 Flor. 120 62/63 Flor. 120 72 Flor. 120 75/76 Amos 3.8 Praef. 1 Michaeas 7.16 Dial. 74 11/14 
272 INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRlPTVRAE Pars Paragraphus Lin. Malachias 1.11 Dial. 74 14/15 Mattheus 3.12 cf. Epigr. 40/42 3.16 Flor. 56 4 3.17 Flor. 120 56 4.23 Flor. 92 10/11 5.5 Epil. 3/34 5.14 Dial. 4 1/2 6.20 cf. Dial. 75 11 7.7-8 cf. Exh. 19/20 7.11 Flor. 91 9/11 7.24-25 Dial. 32 1/5 9.16 Dial. 39 10/11 10.8 Flor. 92 13/14 10.19-20 Flor. 8 13/15 10.20 Flor. 9 2 Flor. 56 4 Flor. 73 3/4 Flor. 91 12/13 Flor. 103 8/9 10.37 cf. Dial. 9 8/9 11.15 cf. Exh. 17 11.27 Flor. 125 2/3 Flor. 126 3/4 12.18 Dial. 42 1/4 12.24 cf. Flor. 50 6/7 12.28 Flor. 8 7/8 Flor. 50 8/9 Flor. 51 8/9 13.9 cf. Exh. 17 13.16 cf. Exh. 17 13.24-30 cf. Dial. 9 10/12 13.43 Dial. 73 59 16.18 cf. Dial. 7 15/16 16.18-19 Epil. 37/38 18.8 cf. Praef. 22 18.16 Flor. 149 8 22.21 Dial. 1 1/2 23.23 Dial. 1 26 25.32-34 cf. Exh. 28/29 25.41 cf. Praef. 22 26.26-28 cf. Exh. 36/37 26.51-55 cf. Praef. 9/14 26.55 cf. Praef. 17/19 28.19 Flor. 28 4/6 
INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRIPTVRAE 273 Pars Paragraphus Lin. Flor. 68 2/3 Marcus 3.17 cf. Praef. 36 Lucas 1.35 Flor. 56 7 3.17 cf. Epigr. 40/42 4.18 cf Flor. 48 5 cf. Flor. 50 2 Flor. 51 10/11 5.36 cf. Flor. 99 6 11.20 cf Dial. 62 4 Dial. 63 27/29 20.25 Dial. 1 1/2 23.39-43 cf. Praef. 16/17 23.46 Flor. 56 4 24.32 cf. Alloc. 10 24.49 Flor. 10 38 Iohannes 1.1 Flor. 23 16/17 cf. Flor. 34 8 cf. Flor. 34 31 1.3 Dial. 52 6/7 Flor. 25 29/30 1.9 Flor. 111 17 1.10 Flor. 10 19/20 1.16 Flor. 92 15/16 1.18 Flor. 114 13/14 2.15 cf. Epigr. 62/65 3.17 Flor. 10 15/16 3.34 Flor. 88 13/14 5.19 cf. Syll. 28 3 5.36 cf. Dial. 48 5 5.39 Praef. 70/71 6.57 Syll. 28 2 6.63 Flor. 14 6 6.68 Dial. 52 3/4 Flor. 8 45/46 7.38 Appendix I 12.1 44/46 Appendix I 12.1 60/61 7.38-39 Flor. 7 7/9 7.39 Dial. 73 55 Flor. 8 47/49 Flor. 12 3/4 Flor. 55 7/8 Appendix I 12.1 47/48 
274 INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRIPTVRAE Pars Paragraphus Lin. 8.29 Flor. 10 22/23 8.42 cf. Dial. 48 5 10.1 cf. Exh. 26/27 10.1-10 cf. Epigr. 53 10.9 cf. Exh. 20/22 10.14 cf. Exh. 29/30 10.18 Syll. 28 4 10.30 Dial. 34 2 10.38 Dial. 38 5 '. Flor. 10 32 12.24 cf. Epigr. 44/46 12.49 Syll. 28 4 13.16 Dial. 7 41/42 14.2 Epil. 37 14.6 cf. Dial. 42 6 cf. Dial. 73 37 Flor. 9 24/25 Flor. 9 36 Flor. 56 8 Flor. 98 10 Flor. 101 14 14.10 Flor. 10 26/27 Flor. 10 33 cf. Flor. 59 2/3 14.11 cf. Flor. 61 6/7 14.15-17 Flor. 1 2/4 14.16 Flor. 56 7 14.17 Dial. 42 5/6 Flor. 9 23 Flor. 9 25 Flor. 14 4 Flor. 56 7/8 Flor. 63 7/8 14.18 cf. Dial. 75 12/14 14.25 Flor. 2 2 14.26 Flor. 2 2/4 cf. Flor. 66 2 14.27 cf. Dial. 75 10/13 14.28 cf. Flor. 31 3 cf. Syll. 38 1 15.22 cf. Alloc. 28/30 15.26 Dial. 31 5/6 Dial. 42 5/6 Dial. 73 36 Dial. 73 38/39 Dial. 73 46 Dial. 73 47/48 
INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRIPTVRAE 275 Pars Paragraphus Lin. cf. Dial. 75 15/16 Flor. 3 2/4 Flor. 4 9 Flor. 8 18/19 cf. Flof. 9 3 cf. Flor. 10 2/3 Flor. 10 34/35 Flor. 13 3/4 Flor. 17 5 Flor. 18 7/8 Flor. 22 9/10 Flor. 23 17/18 Flor. 27 13/14 Flor. 34 21 Flor. 37 12/13 cf. Flor. 49 2/3 Flor. 55 5/6 Flor. 57 5/6 Flor. 63 6/7 Flor. 76 3 Flor. 93 67/69 Flor. 98 3/5 Flor. 103 9/10 cf. Flor. 123 4/5 cf. Flor. 124 8/9 cf. Flor. 127 3/4 Flor. 142 11/14 Flor. 150 4 Flor. 151 2 Flor. 151 7/10 16.7 Flor. 12 13/14 cf. Flor. 51 6/7 Flor. 142 10/11 Syll. 17 4/5 16.12-14 Flor. 95 8/14 16.12-15 Flor. 93 33/40 16.13 Dial. 42 5/6 cf. Dial. 75 16/17 Flor. 2 2 cf. Flor. 10 76 cf. Flor. 51 6/7 Flor. 101 13/14 Flor. 142 11/14 16.14 Dial. 28 7/8 cf. Flor. 48 3 cf. Flor. 51 6/7 cf. Flor. 56 5 
276 INDEX LOCORVM SAC RAE SCRIPTVRAE Pars Paragraphus Lin. F10r. 100 14 Flor. 101 3 Flor. 101 20/21 cf. Flor. 123 4/5 cf. Flor. 124 8/9 Flor. 126 2/3 cf. Flor. 127 3/4 16.15 Dial. 26 4/5 Dial. 26 9 cf. Flor. 10 77 cf. Flor. 61 3/4 cf. Flor. 66 3/4 Flor. 93 43 Flor. 93 50 Flor. 93 56 Flor. 93 57/59 Flor. 100 27/29 Syll. 22 1 Syll. 22 3 Syll. 24 1 Syll. 30 44 Appendix I 44.3 15 Appendix II 44 617 16.27 Flor. 8 20/21 16.32 Flor. 10 30 Flor. 10 32/33 17.10 cf. Flor. 61 3/4 17.21 Flor. 53 2/3 19.20 Flor. 12 3 20.21 cf. Dial. 48 5 20.22 Flor. 14 3 Flor. 66 2/3 Flor. 88 13 Flor. 89 9 Flor. 120 77 Flor. 140 23/24 Acta Apostolorum 1.8 Flor. 10 38/39 2.17 cf. Flor. 73 6/8 Flor. 120 58/59 Flor. 120 62/63 Flor. 120 72 Flor. 120 75/76 2.32-33 Flor. 4 2/5 2.33 Flor. 10 71/72 Flor. 74 9/11 
INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRIPTVRAE 277 Pars Paragraphus Lin. 2.38 Flor. 10 71/72 Flor. 88 5/7 5.20 Dial. 52 3/4 7.55 cf. Flor. 114 3/4 9.15 Praef. 23 Dial. 50 1/3 Flor. 5 6 10.37-38 Flor. 74 2/5 10.38 cf. Flor. 48 5 cf. Flor. 50 2 11.26 cf. Dial. 7 30 11-15 cf. Praef. 123/124 20.26-27 Alloc. 24/26 Ad Romanos 8.2 Flor. 9 37/38 8.8-9 Flor. 100 20/23 8.9 Dial. 43 14 Flor. 9 8 Flor. 9 8/10 Flor. 9 14/15 Flor. 9 16 Flor. 9 17/18 Flor. 9 19/20 Flor. 14 3 Flor. 20 5/6 Flor. 26 8/9 Flor. 107 7 Flor. 140 20/21 8.9-10 Flor. 88 18/22 Flor. 91 14/18 8.11 Flor. 9 29/30 8.15 Flor. 14 6 cf. Alloc. 12/14 8.16 Flor. 84 2/3 15.5-6 Appendix I 12.1 26/28 I ad Corinthios 2.1 cf. Praef. 31 2.9 cf. Praef. 28/29 2.10 cf. Flor. 64 3/4 Flor. 81 16/17 Flor. 109 3/4 Flor. 142 20/21 2.10-11 cf. Flor. 14 6/7 2.11 Flor. 142 22/24 2.12 Flor. 8 10/11 
278 INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRIPTVRAE Pars Paragraphus Lin. Flor. 9 2 Flor. 28 11 3.23 Flor. 21 4/5 6.13-20 cf. Alloc. 40 8.6 Flor. 71 4/5 Flor. 82 5 11.2 Flor. 120 46 11.23 Praef. 67 12.6 Dial. 15 46/47 Flor. 23 5 Flor. 25 22 cf. Flor. 26 17 Flor. 109 2 12.11 Flor. 10 40/42 Flor. 25 23/24 14.24-25 4 Appendix I 12.1 32/35 I I ad Corintios 3.17 Flor. 8 57 4.4 cf. Dial. 40 4 5.18 Flor. 120 46 6.11 Dial. 21 2/3 11.28 cf. Epigr. 5 Praef. 24/25 Ad Galatas 4.6 Dial. 30 7/9 Dial. 31 7 Dial. 43 14 Dial. 46 1/2 Dial. 73 45 Flor. 5 3/4 Flor. 9 4 Flor. 9 5/7 Flor. 9 7 Flor. 9 24 Flor. 9 25/26 Flor. 83 5 Flor. 84 10 5.25 cf. Dial. 11 44 Ad Ephesios 2.14-18 cf. Dial. 75 17/19 6.11 cf. Epigr. 88 cf. Prol. 53 6.12 cf. Alloc. 37 6.17 cf. Praef. 11/12 
INDEX LOCORVM SACRAE SCRIPTVRAE 279 Pars Paragraphus Lin. Ad Philippenses 1.19 Dial. 43 14 Flor. 26 8/9 2.7 Flor. 79 3 Ad Colossenses 1.15 cf. Dial. 40 4 1.17 Flor. 25 30 Ad Titum 3.4-6 Flor. 120 66/71 3.5-6 Flor. 6 2/4 Flor. 16 7/8 Ad Hebraeos 1.2 cf. Flor. 30 4 1.14 Dial. 49 5/6 Flor. 21 9 Flor. 122 11/12 Flor. 150 14 Syll. 41 3 2.10 Dial. 7 34 5.14 cf. Epil. 22/23 13.8 Flor. 49 4/5 Iacobi 1.17 Flor. 92 2/5 I Petri 1.11 Dial. 43 14 I Iohannis 1.1 cf. Flor. 34 8 cf. Flor. 34 31 4.6 cf. Flor. 96 6 4.13 Flor. 91 27/29 Iudae 7 cf. Praef. 22 
INDEX FONTIVM Pars Paragraphus Lineae Apoc. Eliae Apocalypsis Eliae, ed. A.-M. Denis, Fragmenta pseudepigraphorum quae supersunt Graeca (= Pseudepigrapha l/eteris Testamenti Graece 3; Leiden, 1970) a, 1.1-3 cf. Praef. 28/29 Arist., Metaph. Aristoteles, Metaphysica, ed. W.D. Ross, Aristotle"s metaphysics, 2 vols. (Ox- ford, 1953 corr. edn.), vol. 2 1049-1050 cf. Dial. 57 1/19 Ath., Contra Ar. Athanasius, Orationes tres contra Arianos (CPG 2093) Athanasius, Orationes tres contra Arianos - Oratio I, ed. K. Metzler et K. Sav- vidis, Athanasius: Werke, Band I. Die dogmatischen Schriften, Erster Tei/, 2. LieJerung (Berlin - New York, 1998) vol. I, 1, 2 I, 117.14-16 Flor. 47 3/6 I, 157.26-29 Flor. 48 2/7 I, 158.15-19 Flor. 49 2/7 I, 160.1-7 Flor. 50 2/11 I, 160.14-21 Flor. 51 2/11 I, 160.24-25 Flor. 52 2/3 Athanasius, Orationes tres contra Arianos - Oratio III, ed. K. Metzler et K. Sav- vidis, Athanasius: Werke, Band I. Die dogmatischen Schriften, Erster Teil, 3. Lieferung (Berlin - New York, 2000), vol. I, 1, 3 III, 335.1-7 Flor. 53 2/11 Ath., Ep. ad Ser. Athanasius, Epistulae I-IV ad Serapionem (CPG 2094), ed. K. Savvidis et D. Wyrwa, Athanasius: Werke, Band I. Die dogmatischen Schriften, Erster Teil, 4. Lieferung (Berlin - New York, 2010), vol. I, 1, 4 I, 453.24-454.28 Flor. I, 456.1-457.8 Flor. I, 481.37-41 Flor. I, 488.24-28 Flor. I, 503.26-33 Flor. I, 503.27-33 Dial. I, 505.8-12 Flor. I, 516.26 cf. Dial. I, 518.7-11 Flor. I, 525.27-32 Flor. I, 525.38-526.41 Flor. I, 533.20-534.26 Flor. 55 56 57 58 70 72 59 40 60 61 62 63 3/8 2/10 2/6 2/7 2/9 2/10 2/6 4/5 2/7 2/7 2/6 2/9 
INDEX FONTIVM 281 Pars Paragraphus Lin. II, 553.1-3 Flor. 64 2/5 II, 561.26-30 Flor. 65 2/6 III, 570.33-35 Flor. 66 2/4 III. ';71.18-23 Flor. 67 2/7 Ill, 572.7-14 Flor. 68 2/10 III, 574.26-32 Flor. 69 2/9 Ps. Ath., De comm. ess. Pseudo Athanaslus, Testimonia e scriptura (de communi essentia Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti) (CPG 2240), PG 28, 29-80 36.17-30 Appendix I 12.1 37.3-28 Appendix I 12.1 72.49-73.2 Flor. 71 26/36 37/57 4/7 Ps. Ath., De T rin. Dial. Pseudo Athanasius, De Sancta Trinitate Dialogi (CPG 2284) Pseudo Athanasius, De sancta Trinitate, Dialogus III, PG 28, 1201-1249 III, 1208.25-1209.41 Flor. 120 3/5 Pseudo Athanasius, De sancta Trinitate, Dialogus  PG 28, 1265-1285 V, 1120.50-54 Appendix I 28.2 2/5 V, 1121.8 Appendix I 28.2 5/7 V, 1156.42-46 Appendix I 28.3 2/5 V, 1277.53-1280.2 Flor. 79 3/6 Ps. Ath., Maced. Dial. Pseudo Athanasius, Dialogi duo contra Macedonianos (CPG 2285), ed. E. Cavalcanti, Dialoghi contro i Macedoniani (= Corona Patrum 10; Torino, 1983) 56.11-58.14 Flor. 72 3/6 64.26-33 Flor. 73 2/9 64.33-66.42 Flor. 74 2/11 68.13-17 Flor. 75 2/6 82.15-17 Flor. 76 2/4 82.27-30 Flor. 77 2/5 104.33-34 Flor. 78 2/3 Ps. Ath., Ref. hypo Me!. et Eus. Pseudo Athanasius, Refutatio hypocriseos Meletii et Eusebii (CPG 2242), PG 28, 83-89 88.40-42 Flor. 54 3/5 Aug., Ench. Augustinus, Enchiridion ad Laurentium (CPL 295), PL 40, 231-290 235.1 ab imo-236.8 Flor. 148 3/9 
282 INDEX FONTIVM Pars Paragraphus Lin. Bas. Ach., Sermo fun. Basilius Achridensis, Sermo funebris in imperatricem Germanicarurn, ed. V. Vasiljewsij, VT 1 (1894). 55-132 105.1 cf. Praef. 1 Bas., Adv. Eun. III Basilius Caesariensis, Adversus Eunomium III (CPG 2837), ed. B. Sesboiie, G.-M. De Durand, L. Doutreleau, Basile de Cesaree, Contre Eunome (= SC 305; Paris, 1982) 168.35-170.42 Flor. 14 3/9 Ba., Contra Sab. etc. Basilius Caesariensis, 2869), PG 31, 599-617 609.19-25 609.23-29 612.28-34 612.30-39 616.21-38 Contra Sabellianos et Arium et Anomoeos (CPG Flor. 19 3/7 Appendix I 28.4 3/7 Flor. 20 2/6 Appendix I 28.4 7/13 Flor. 21 2/16 Bas., De S. Basilius Caesariensis, De Spiritu (CPG 2838), ed. P. Henry, Etudes ploti- niennes I. Les etats du texte de Plotin (Paris, 1938) = De Spiritu, PG 29, 772.40-49 195.5-20 Flor. 16 2/9 Bas., De S.S. Basilius Caesariensis, De Spiritu Sancto (CPG 2839), ed. B. Pruche, Basile de Cesaree. Traite du Saint-Esprit (= SC 17bis; Paris, 1968) 286.11 Exh. 322.1-9 Flor. 378.20-380.36 Flor. 378.20-25 Dial. 380.37-38 Dial. 408.31-409.11 Flor. 22 23 15 15 24 18 3/10 2/18 43/48 51/52 2/14 Bas., Ep. Basilius Caesariensis, Epistulae (CPG 2900), ed. Y. Courtonne, Saint Ba- sile, Lettres, vols. 1-3 (= Collection des Universites de France; Paris, 1957-66) 38, 83.30-85.35 Flor. 25 4/51 38,84.22 Appendix I 12.1 67/68 38, 86.62-87.87 Flor. 26 2/26 52, 136.1-137.18 Flor. 28 2/18 125, 33.21-34.34 Flor. 27 3/15 125, 34.32-34 Flor. 13 3/4 Bas., Hom. in Ps. 32 Basilius Caesariensis, Homilia in Psalmum XXXII (CPG 2836), PG 29, 323-349 
INDEX FONTIVM 283 ParJ Paragraphus Lin. 333.18-23 Flor. 17 4/8 Ps. Bas., Adv. Eun. V Pseudo Basilius Caesariensis, Adversus Eunomium lib. V (CPG 2837), PG 29, 709-774 737.26-27 Flor. 15 2/3 Ps. Bas., Hom. de S S. Pseudo Basilius Caesariensis, Homilia de Spiritu Sancto (CPG 2926), PG 31, 1429-1437 1433.29-38 1433.29-30 1433.39-40 Flor. 18 Appendix I 28.1 Appendix I 28.1 2/8 2 2/4 Cyr., Ad loh. Antioch. de pace Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Ad lohannem Antiochenum (de pace) (CPG 5339), ed. E. Schwartz, Concilium universale Ephesenum anno 431 (= ACO 1.1.4; Ber- lin, 1928) 19.20-26 Flor. 103 3/11 Cyr., Apol. XII anath. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Apologia XII anathematismorum contra Theodore- tum (CPG 5222), ed. E. Schwartz, Concilium universale Ephesenum anno 431 (= ACO 1.1.6; Berlin, 1928) 134.17-135.22 Flor. 100 2/51 Cyr., Comm. in loh. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Commentarii in Joannem (CPG 5208), ed. P.E. Pusey, Sancti patris nostri Cyrilli archiepiscopi Alexandrini in D. Joannis evange- lium, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1872), vol. 2 486.28- 487.2 Appendix I 28.5 2/5 Cyr., Comm. in Is. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Commentarius in Isaiam prophetam (CPG 5203), PG 70, 9-1449 1284.53 cf. Dial. 63 1 Cyr., Comm. XII prof. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Commentarius in XII prophetas minores (CPG 5204), ed. P.E. Pusey, Sancti patris nostri Cyrilli Archiepiscopi Alexandrini in XII prophetas, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1868), vol. 1 337.21-338.7 Flor. 86 3/12 Cyr., Contra Jul. IV Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Contra Julianum IV (CPG 5233), PG 76, 675-732 725.38-40 (et cf. Dossier Lyon, 515.30-31) Flor. 104 2/3 
284 INDEX FONTIVM Pars Paragraphus Lin. Cyr., De ador. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, De adoratione et cult.u in spiritu et veritate (CPG 5200), PG 68, 133-1126 148.3-12 148.7-12 Flor. Dial. 87 68 3/10 3/7 Cyr., De Trin. dial. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, De Sancta Trinitate dialogi (CPG 5216) Cyrillus Alexandrinus, De Sancta Trinitate dialogus II, ed. G.-M. D. Durand, Dialogues sur la Trinite, I et II (= SC 231; Paris, 1976) 11.238.37-240.10 Flor. 90 2/14 Cyrillus Alexandrinus, De Sancta Trinitate dialogus III, ed. G.-M. D. Durand, Dialogues sur la Trinite, III, IV, V (= SC 237; Paris, 1977) 111.100.45-102.40 Flor. 91 2/20 111.106.6-108.39 Flor. 92 2/33 Cyrillus Alexandrinus, De Sancta Trinitate dialogus VI-VII, ed. G.-M. D. Du- rand, Dialogues sur la Trinite, VI, VII (= SC 246; Paris, 1978) VI, 24.13-30.2 Flor. 93 VI, 104.34-3 Flor. 94 VI, 134.38-6 Flor. 95 VII, 148.6-20 Flor. 96 VII, 168.27-39 Flor. 97 VII, 190.32-45 Flor. 98 2/12 2/16 2/17 3/16 2/14 2/12 Cyr., Ep. 17 ad Nest. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Epistula 17 ad Nestorium (CPG 5317), ed. E. Schwartz, Concilium universale Ephesenum anno 431 (= ACO 1.1.1; Berlin, 1927) 39.14-40.2 Flor. 101 3/25 Cyr., Ep. 55 ad Mon. Orient. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Epistula 55, Ad Anastasium, Alexandrum, Marti- nianum, Iohannem, Paregorium presb. et Maximum diac. ceterosque monachos Orientales (CPG 5355), ed. E. Schwartz, Concilium universale Ephesenum anno 431 (= ACO 1.1.4; Berlin, 1928) 60.21-27 Flor. 89 3/11 60.23-24 Flor. 102 2/4 Cyr., Expl. XII cap. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Explanatio XII capitulorum (CPG 5223), ed. E. Schwartz, Concilium universale Ephesenum anno 431 (= ACO 1.1.5; Berlin, 1927) 1.1.5,23.15-18 (= 1.1.1, 41.17; 1.1.6 Flor. 99 3/8 132.23, 1.1. 7, 50.33) Cyr., Or. ad Theod. Cyrillus Alexandrinus, Oratio ad Theodosium (CPG 5218), ed. E. Schwartz, Concilium universale Ephesenum anno 431 (= ACO 1.1.1, Berlin, 1927) 67.1-17 Flor. 88 4/26 
INDEX FONTIVM 285 Pars Paragraphus Lin. Cyr., Thes. Cyrillus i\lexandrinus, Thesaurus de Sancta consubstantiali Trinitate (CPG 5215), PC 75, 9-656 565.33-568.4 56.43-569.8 569.28-35 569.39-50 572.30-35 Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. 81 82 83 84 85 2/25 2/18 2/8 2/11 2/6 Ps. Didym., Dial. Mont. et Orth. Pseudo Didymus Caecus, Dialexis Montanistae et orthodoxi (CPG 2572), ed. P. De Labriolle, 'La MovTvLcrTou X.L 'Op8oao;ou LAe:LC; et Didyme l'Aveugle', Bulletin d:Ancienne Litterature et d:Archeologie Chretienne 3 (1913), 269-287, textus 269-280 275.227-235 Flor. 80 3/6 Ps. Dion. Ar., De Div. Nom. Pseudo Dionysius Areopagita, De divinis nominibus (CPG 6602), ed. B. R. Suchla, Corpus Dionysiacum I - De divinis nominibus (= Patristische Texte und Studien 33; Berlin, 1990) 128.8-13 132.1-4 Flor. Flor. 115 116 4/11- 2/6 Ps. Dion. Ar., De myst. theol. Pseudo Dionysius Areopagita, De mystica theologia (CPG 6603), ed. G. Heil et A. M. Ritter, Corpus Dionysiacum II (= Patristische Texte und Studien 36; Berlin, 1991) 146.1-7 Flor. 117 3/10 Epiph., Anc. Epiphanius, Ancoratus (CPG 3744), ed. K. Holl, Epiphanius, I. Ancoratus und Panarion (= GCS 25; Leipzig, 1915) 8.5-9 13.5-8 13.8-15 19.6-9 91.18-23 148.28-30 Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. 122 123 124 125 126 127 3/5 2/5 2/9 2/5 2/7 2/4 Epiph., Pan. Epiphanius, Panarion (CPG 3745), ed. K. Holl et J. Dummer, Epiphanius, III. Panarion haer. 65-80, De Fide, (= GCS 37; Berlin, 1985) 514.15-23 Flor. 128 3/12 Ps. Epiph., Tract. de num. myst. Epiphanius, Tractatus de numerorum mysteriis (CPG 3776), PG 43, 507- 517 516.14 cf. Dial. 36 1/2 
286 INDEX FONTIVM Pars Paragraphus Lin. Eus., Comm. in Ps. Eusebius Caesariensis, Commentaria in Psalmos (CPG 3467), PG 23,66-1396 493.47 cf. Praef. 40/41 1145.8 cf. Praef. 40/41 Eustr. N., Grat. Eustratius Nicaensis, Orationes de processione Spiritus Sancti, ed. A. Deme- trakopoulos, 'E""AYJalaaTl" Btf3}.lo(jxrl (Leipzig, 1866), 47-99 50 cf. Dial. 15 22/41 cf. Dial. 39 14/24 51-56 cf. Dial. 55 1/33 54.21-55.1 cf. Dial. 41 1/10 56 cf. Dial. 25 10/36 56.11-23 Syll. 1 1/12 57.26-31 Syll. 2 1/5 58 cf. Dial. 37 18/21 58.1-9 Syll. 3 1/8 58.20-26 Syll. 4 1/7 59.4-14 Syll. 4 7/16 60-61 cf. Dial. 43 1/16 61 cf. Dial. 31 3/27 62 cf. Dial. 49 1/12 68 cf. Flor. 147 2/3 76 cf. Dial. 15 32/36 76-77 cf. Dial. 25 10/36 76.11-15 Syll. 5 1/4 76.17-21 Syll. 6 1/4 76.21-25 Syll. 7 1/4 76.25-77.4 Syll. 8 1/10 77.4-12 Syll. 9 1/9 83.20-21 cf. Dial. 43 1/16 91-94 cf. Dial. 26/27 1/19 93 cf. Dial. 29 5/18 95.22-96.6 Syll. 10 1/14 96.7-19 Syll. 11 1/13 96.19-22 Syll. 12 1/3 96.24-30 Syll. 13 1/6 97 cf. Dial. 15 10/41 97-98 cf. Dial. 37 1/24 cf. Dial. 47 3/10 Euth. Zig., Comm. Ev. Ioh. Euthymius Zygabenos, Commentarius in Johannem, PG 129, 1105-1502 1420.4-13 Flor. 151 3/9 Greg. Magn., Lib. Sacr., F. IV, M. IV Gregorius Magnus, Liber Sacramentorum, Feria IV. Mensis IV (CPL 1902), PL 78, 25-240 (I13-114) 
INDEX FONTIVM 287 Pars Paragraphus Lin. 113.8-6 ab imo Flor. 146 3/5 Greg. Magn., Proleg. Gregorius Magnus, Prolegomena. V"ita S. Benedicti (Ex libro // Dialogorum S. Gregorll Alagni excerpta) (CPL 1713), PL 66, 125-204 203.27-28 Flor. 147 2/3 Greg. N az., Carm. dogm. Gregorius Nazi.lnzenus, Carmina dogmatica (CPG 3034), ed. C. More- schini, D. A. Sykes, L. Holford-Strevens, St Gregory of Nazianzus - Poemata Arcana (Oxford, 1997) 4.35 14.60-62 Gregorius Nazianzenus, Oratio 20 - De dogmate et constitutione episcoporum, ed. J. Mossay, G. Lafontaine, Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours 20-23 (= SC 270; Pa- ris, 1980) 20, 70.16-27 20, 78.1-80.5 Flor. Flor. 45 46 Greg. N az., Or. Gregorius Nazianzenus, Orationes (CPG 3010) Flor. Flor. 39 40 3 2/4 3/18 2/6 Gregorius Nazianzenus, Oratio 23 - De Pace III, ed. J. Mossay, G. Lafontaine, Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours 20-23 (= SC 270; Paris, 1980) 23, 294.1-298.11 Flor. 29 3/40 Gregorius Nazianzenus, Oratio 25 - /n laudem Heronis philosophi, ed. J. Mossay, G. Lafontaine, Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours 24-26 (= SC 284; Paris, 1981) 25, 192.18-194.33 Flor. 41 2/17 25, 196.8-11 Appendix I 32.1 2/4 25, 196.23-198.32 Flor. 42 2/10 Gregorius Nazianzenus, Oratio 29 - De Filio, ed. P. Gallay, M. Jourjon, Discours 27-31 (Discours theologiques) (= SC 250; Paris, 1978) 29, 178.6-182.21 Flor. 34 2/42 Gregorius Nazianzenus, Oratio 30 - De Filio, ed. P. Gallay, M. Jourjon, Discours 27-31 (Discours theologiques) (= SC 250; Paris, 1978) 30, 266.20-23 Flor. 35 2/4 Gregorius Nazianzenus, Oratio 31 - De Spiritu sancto, ed. P. Gallay, M. Jourjon, Discours 27-31 (Discours theologiques) (= SC 250; Paris, 1978) 31, 290.1-20 Flor. 37 31, 302.2-304.13 Flor. 38 31, 338-340 cf. Dial. 55 31, 338.1-340.9 Flor. 36 3/21 2/13 6 2/10 
288 INDEX FONTIVM Pars Paragraphus Lin. Gregorius N azianzenus, Oratio 32 - De moderatione in disputando, ed. P. Gallay, C. Moreschini, Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours 32-37 (= SC' 318; Paris, 1985) 32, 94.12-16 Flor. 33 3/7 Gregorius Nazianzenus, Oratio 38 - In theophania, ed. C. Moreschini, P. GaBay, Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours 38-41 (= SC 358; Paris, 1990) 38, 118.17-18 Dial. 15 42/43 Gregorius N azianzenus, Oratio 39 - In sancta lumina, ed. C. Moreschini, P. Gallay, Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours 38-41 (= SC 358; Paris, 1990) 39, 172.19-21 cf. Dial. 15 39, 174.10-16 Flor. 30 39, 174.16-176.28 Appendix I 30 39/41 2/6 2/13 Gregorius N azianzenus, Oratio 40 - In sanctum baptisma, ed. C. Moreschini, P. Gallay, Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours 38-41 (= SC 358; Paris, 1990) 40, 298.1-5 Flor. 31 3/7 Gregorius Nazianzenus, Oratio 41 - In pentecoste, ed. C. Moreschini, P. Gallay, Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours 38-41 (= SC 358; Paris, 1990) 41, 334.1-14 Flor. 32 2/14 Gregorius N azianzenus, Oratio 42 - Supremum vale, ed. J. Bernardi, Gregoire de Nazianze, Discours 42-43 (= SC 384; Paris, 1992) 42, 82.15-18 Flor. 43 2/4 Gregorius Nazianzenus, Oratio 45 - In Sanctum Pascha, PG 36, 624-664 45, 628.41-42 Dial. 15 42/43 Greg. Nyss., Ad Abl. Gregorius Nyssenus, Ad Ablabium quod non sint tres dei (CPG 3139), ed. F. Mueller (= GNO 111.1; Leiden, 1958) 55.24-27 55.24 - 56.6 56.5-6 Greg. Nyss., Adv. Maced. Gregorius Nyssenus, Adversus Macedonianos de Spiritu Sancto (CPG 3142), ed. F. Mueller (= GNO IlL!; Leiden, 1958) 89.21-90.7 92.34-93.10 97.8-13 Dial. Appendix I Dial. Flor. 66 129.4 66 113 Flor. Flor. Flor. 107 108 109 2/5 2/7 6/8 2/3 3/13 2/12 2/5 Greg. Nyss., Contra Eun. Gregorius Nyssenus, Contra eunomium libri (CPG 3135), ed. W. Jaeger (= GNO 1.1; Berlin, 1921) 
INDEX FONTIVM 289 Pars Paragraphus Lin. 108.14-109.5 Flor. 110 3/13 137.27-378.14 Flor. 111 2/17 180.20-181.3 Flor. 112 2/11 Greg. Nyss., De orat. dom. Gregorius Nyssenus, De oratzone dominica orationes V (CPG 3160), ed. F. Oehler, Gregor's Bischof's von Nyssa Abhandlung von der Erschaffung des Men- schen und funf Reden auj'das Gebet (Leipzig, 1859) 262.20-264.19 Appendix I 44.2 3/33 Greg. Nyss., Enc. in 5teph. Gregorius Nyssenus, Encomium in Sanctum Stephanum protomartyrem (CPG 3186), ed. O. Lendle, Gregorius Nyssenus. Encomium in sanctum Stepha- num protomartyrem (Leiden, 1968) 36.3-15 36.10-11 Flor. Appendix I 114 12.1 3/14 65/66 Greg. Nyss., Ep. 26 ad Evag. Gregorius Nyssenus, Epistula 26 ad Evagrium (CPG 3222), PG 46, 1101- 1108 1105.26-1108.19 1108.3-18 Flor. 44 Appendix I 44 2/42 3/13 Greg. Nyss., Or. cat. mag. Gregorius Nyssenus, Oratio Catechetica Magna (CPG 3150), ed. E. Miih- lenberg, Discours Catechetique (= SC 453 = GNO 111.4; Paris, 2000) 154.22-33 Appendix I 44.3 156.5-10 Appendix I 44.5 2/10 3/8 Ps. Greg. Nyss., De Cogn. Dei Pseudo Gregorius Nyssenus, Liber de cognitione Dei - 8EOYVWcrLrl - frag- menta (CPG 3223), cf. e.g. Mich. Cer., Panoplia Michael I Cerularius, Panoplia, ed. A. Michel, Humbert und Kerullarios: Quellen und Studien zum Schisma des XI Jahrhunderts (= Quellen und Forsc- hungen aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte 23; Paderborn: 1930), 208-280 222.18-21 Flor. 105 2/5 Ioh. Beccus, De proc. 5.5. Iohannes Beccus, De processione Spiritus Sancti, PG 141, 157-276 177.9-16 Flor. 106 2/7 Greg. Thaum., Exp. fid. Gregorius Thaumaturgus, Expositio fidei (CPG 1103-1123 984.1-985.10 1116.21-25 1117.36-39 1764), PG 10, 983- 988; Flor. Flor. Flor. 129 3/13 130 2/6 131 2/5 
290 INDEX FONTIVM Pars Paragraphus Lin. 1120.8-15 Flor. 132 2/8 loh. Chrys., Contra eos qui subintro. lohannes Chrysostomus, Contra eos qui subintroductas habent vtrgtnes (CPG 4311), ed. J. Dumortier, Saint Jean Chrysostome. Les cohabitations sus- pectes (Paris, 1955) 67.16-17 cf. Dial. 31 1 loh. Chrys., De Pent. I lohannes Chrysostomus, De Sancta Pentecoste, homilia 1 (CPG 4343), PG SO, 451-464 456.36-50 457.26-42 Flor. Flor. 11 12 2/15 2/16 loh. Chrys., In loh. lohannes Chrysostomus, In Iohannem (homiliae 1-88) (CPG 4425), PG 59, 23-482 408.22-24 Appendix I 28.6 2/4 Ps. loh. Chrys., In ann. deip. lohannes Chrysostomus, In annuntiationem deiparae (CPG 4628), PG 62, 763-770 768.70-79 Appendix I 6.1 5/13 P I h Ch n ' -, , , , " , s. o. rys, EPL ":'Yj xvoucrLou X.rlL rlVU7tocr-:-x,,:,ou EVEPYELrlC; Cf. e.g. Theod. Dexios, Opera Omnia, ed. J. Polemis, Theodori Dexii Opera Omnia (= CCSG 55; Turnhout, 2003) 151.16-20 Appendix I 12.1 2/5 loh. Dam., De Haer. lohannes Damascenus, De Haeresibus (CPG 8044), ed. B. Kotter, Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos, IV, Liber de haeresibus. Opera polemica (= Patristische Texte und Studien 22; Berlin - New York, 1981) 60.1 cf. Praef. 89 loh. Dam., Exp. Fid. lohannes Damascenus, Expositio fidei (CPG 8043), ed. B. Kotter, Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos, II (= Patristische Texte und Studien 12; Berlin - New York, 1973) 16.2-17.31 23.110-117 24.135-139 25.172-174 26.181-184 26.187-27.203 29.258-261 30.274-31.297 Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. Flor. 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 3/37 3/11 2/6 2/5 2/5 2/20 2/4 2/29 
INDEX FONTIVM 291 Pars Paragraphus Lin. 36.37-57 38.12 Flor. 141 Appendix I 12.1 2/30 7/9 Ioh. Phurne' Orat., Iohannes Phurnes, Oratio antirrhetica de processione Spiritus Sancti, ed. A. Demetrakopoulos, 'E",,;.YjalaarOt1) Btf3}.lO(j"YJ (Leipzig, 1866), 36-47 36-37 cf. Dial. 22/25 37.16-18 cf. Dial 25 37-38 cf. Dial. 27 41 cf. Dial. 43 41.18-19 cf. Dial. 43 44.26-27 cf. Dial. 71 45.17-18 cf. Dial. 13 46 cf. Dial. 63 Ps. Just., Exp. Fid. Pseudo Justinus Martyr, Expositio rectae fidei (CPG 6218), ed. J.C.T. Otto, Corpus apologetarum Christianorum saeculi secundi, 5 vols. (3rd edn. Jena, 1876- 1881: 1880), vol. 4 373.A.4-C.l (Morel) 377.A.8-B.8 (Morel) 380.C.8-D.4 (Morel) Appendix I Appendix I Appendix I 129.1 129.2 129.3 1/36 27/29 1/19 1/16 10 13/14 2 1/48 4/20 2/12 2/7 Lib., Ep. Libanius, Epistulae, ed. R. Foerster, Libanii opera, 12 vols. (Leipzig, 1921- 22), Epist. 1-839: vol. 10, Epist. 840-1544: vol. 11 Ep. 251, sect. 12.5 cf. Dial. 18 4/5 Ep. 696, sect. 1.1 cf. Dial. 18 4/5 Ep. 1261, sect. 5.2 cf. Dial. 18 4/5 Luc., Alex. Lucianus, Alexander, ed. A.M. Harmon, Lucian, 8 vols. (Cambridge, Mass., 1925), vol. 4 248.13 cf. Dial. 73 3 Max. Conf., Cap. XV Maximus Confessor, Capita XV (CPG 7695), PG 90, 1177-1392 1177.20-1180.3 Flor. 118 4/8 1180.4-8 Flor. 119 2/5 Nic. Byz., Capita Nicetas Byzantius, Capita syllogistica, ed. J. A. G. Hergenrother, Monumen- ta Graeca ad Photium ejusque historiam pertinentia, quae ex variis codicibus ma- nuscriptiJ collegit ediditque J. Hergenroether (Ratisbon, 1869), 84-138 87-89 cf. Dial. 15 92 cf. Dial. 55 93 cf. Dial. 41 10/41 1/33 1/10 
292 INDEX FONTIVM Pars Paragraphus Lin. cf. Dial. 15 16/19 cf. Dial. 31 3/27 cf. Dial. 55 1/33 cf. Dial. 41 1/10 cf. Dial. 47 1/38 cf. Dial. 51 1/13 Syll. 30 1/54 cf. Dial. 39 14/24 cf. Dial. 15 16/19 Syll. 31 1/39 cf. Dial. 15 22/41 cf. Dial. 15 22/41 cf. Dial. 15 16/19 Syll. 32 1/15 Syll. 33 1/20 cf. Dial. 15 22/41 Syll. 34 1/16 95 97 99 102-104 102.3-104.14 106-107 109 109.14-111.11 114 120-121 121-122 120.16-121.8 121.11-122.9 132-133 132.16-133.9 Nic. Hydr., Disp. contra Jud. Nicolaus Hydruntinus, Disputatio contra Judaeos, ed. M. Chronz, V I (' I - K I') (( V ') I (' } T..so. '" 1 I ') j: . c}tTa(!lOV, YjYOVflE)'OV /lO}JYjr; aaOl'I'"WV . l}tOI'"aot' (}(!OVVTLJJOt' laAc,->lr; }taTa 'Jov()a{u)}J (Athens, 2009) 12.13-13.16 cf. Appendix I 44.1 3/30 Nic. Mar., Dial. Nicetas Maroniensis, Dialogi de processione Spiritus Sancti I-VI: Dialogus I: PG 139, 169-221; Dialogi II-IV: ed. N. Festa, Bessarione 16 (1912) Dialogus 2: Textus 93-107, 126-132, 266-73, Lat. 274-286; 17 (1913) Lat. 104-113, 295- 299; Dialogus 3: Textus 300-315; 18 (1914) Lat. 55-60; Dialogus 4: Textus 61- 75, 249-59; Lat. 243-248; 19 (1915) Lat. 239-246; Dialogi V-VI: ed. Corrado Giorgetti, PhD Thesis, Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis, Rome, 1965 (Codi- ces: Laurentianus Graecus 37 Pluteus XXXI, Vaticanus Graecus 1115, Allacciani 177 et 79) I, 173C I, 176-180 I, 180C-181A I, 181-185A I, 181A I, 184D I, 197A I, 200.39-43 II, 95.28-30 II, 97.34-98.20 II, 269.2-8 III, 301-302 III, 303 cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. 15 15 15 36/37 35 35 45 41 48 50 60 52/53 44 6/9 10/41 60/65 1/24 1/23 1/23 1/18 1/10 1/8 1/13 1/5 1/23 1/11 
INDEX FONTIVM 293 Pars Paragraphus Lin. IV, 61.17-65.10 cf. Dial. 56/57 1/19 IV, 66.7-23 cf. Dial. 60 1/5 IV, 66.24-67.20 cf. Dial. 62/63 1/48 I \r, 69.27-70.31 cf. Dial. 54/55 1/33 IV, 71.23-72.16 cf. Dial 54/55 1/33 V-VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 36r, 37v-39r cf. Dial. 40 1/8 V, Vat. gr. 1115, 32v cf. Dial. 38/39 1/24 V, Vat. gr. 1115, 33r cf. Dial. 46 11/13 V, Vat. gr. 1115, 35r cf. Dial. 71 21/26 VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 36v cf. Dial. 66/67 1/11 VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 36v cf. Dial. 68/69 1/14 VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 37r cf. Dial. 72 1/10 VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 41r cf. Dial. 66/67 1/11 VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 41r cf. Dial. 70 1/5 VI, Vat. gr. 1115, 43v cf. Dial. 68/69 1/14 Nic. Meth., De 5.5. Nicolaus Methonaeus, De Spiritu Sancto, ed. K. 5imonides, 'Oe()o6wv E;';'.vWJI ()fo).oyotal Yeaq;al Tfaaaef (London, 1859), 1-39 3-7 cf. Dial. 15 3.23-24 cf. Dial. 15 8-13 cf. Dial. 26/27 cf. Dial. 34/35 cf. Dial. 28/29 cf. Dial. 48/49 cf. Dial. 31 cf. Dial. 42/43 cf. Dial. 15 13-17 14.4 26-28 29.7-8 10/41 10/12 1/19 1/23 1/18 1/12 1 1/16 39/41 Nic. Meth., Grat. Nicolaus Methonaeus, Orationes, ed. A. Demetrakopoulos, 'E'}{'}{).YJataaTt'}{ Btf3).to()'}{rJ (Leipzig, 1866), 359-379 360.8-19 360.20-31 361-362, n. 4 361, n. 4 362, n. 5 363, n. 6 363, n. 6-7 363, nn. 7-8 363.7-14 364.10-14 368-369, n. 21 369, n. 22 369-370, n. 24 cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. Syll. Syll. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. 5yll. Syll. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. Dial. cf. cf. cf. cf. cf. 35 36 15 35 27 35 45 25 37 38 51 37 41 47 15 1/12 1/11 32/36 1/23 1/19 1/23 1/18 10/36 1/6 1/3 1/13 1/24 1/10 1/38 32/36 
294 INDEX FONTIVM Pars Paragraphus Lin. 370, n. 25 cf. Dial. 37 18/21 370, n. 26 cf. Dial. 27 1/19 371.30-372.5 Syll. 40 1/8 372.19-21 cf. Syll. 15 1/2 372.22-29 Syll. 39 1/7 372.30-373.4 Syll. 41 1/6 372-373, n. 35 cf. Dial. 49 1/12 373.5-11 cf. Syll. 18 1/5 374-375, n. 41 cf. Dial. 29 5/18 375-376, n. 43 cf. Dial. 31 . - 3/27 376-379, n.44,45,46, 51 cf. Dial. 43 1/16 376.19-25 Syll. 42 1/6 Phil. Cocc., Antirrhetici Philotheus Cocci nus, Antirrhetici duodecim contra Gregoram, ed. D.V. Kai- makes, (/>tAO(}EOl' KO""LJ'oV oYllaTt"a fQya J4EQO; A I (= Thessalonian Byzan- tine Writers 3; Thessalonica, 1983), 19-515 348.796-799 Appendix I 44.4 2/6 Phot., Bibl. Photius, Bibliotheca, ed. R. Henry, Bibliotheque, 9 vols. (Paris 1959-1991), vol. 3 111.168.1-6 Dial. 15 53/59 Phot., Epitome Photius, Epitome de Sancti Spiritus Mystagogia, PG 102, 392-400 392.1-5 Syll. 19 1/4 397.14-16 Dial. 47 3/6 Phot., Myst. Photius, De Sancti Spiritus Mystagogia, PG 102, 264-392 281, n. 3 cf. Dial. 45 1/18 281.27-284.5 Syll. 20 1/9 284.6-11 Syll. 21 1/5 288.2-22 Syll. 22 1/13 288, n.6 cf. Dial. 27 1/19 289, n. 8 cf. Dial. 25 10/36 289, n. 9 cf. Dial. 15 5/6 cf. Dial. 35 1/23 289.2-7 Syll. 23 1/4 292, n. 11 cf. Dial. 15 1/5 cf. Dial. 47 3/6 296-297, nn. 17-18 cf. Dial. 15 22/41 297, n. 18 cf. Dial. 27 1/19 cf. Dial. 39 14/24 301.9-25 cf. Dial. 29 5/18 313.4-21 Syll. 27 1/14 
INDEX FONTIVM 295 Pars Paragraphus Lin. 317.19-27 Syll. 24 1/7 317.28-320.6 cf. Syll. 25 1/4 317, n. 37-38 cf. Dial. 25 10/36 317. n. 38 cf. Dial. 27 1/19 32h.31-33 cf. Dial. 31 3/27 329.19-32 cf. Dial. 31 3/27 332.7-17 cf. Dial. 31 3/27 332, n. 53 cf. Dial. 43 1/16 333-336, n. ')7 cf. Dial. 43 1/16 340, n. 61 cf. Dial. 41 1/10 340, n.62 cf. Dial. 37 1/24 340.27-341.2 Syll. 26 1/7 369.26-27 cf. Flor. 147 2/3 Sever. Gab., Hom. in Ps. 96 Severianus Gabalensis, In Psalmum 96 (CPG 4190), PG 55, 603- 612 607.8 ab imo-608.16 Flor. 7 3/25 608.23-25 Flor. 7 3/25 Sever. Gab., De S.S. Severianus Gabalensis, De Spiritu Sancto (CPG 4188), PG 52, 813- 826 813.25-27 cf. Flor. 8 8/9 813.32-815.26 Flor. 8 3/57 815.40-816.12 Flor. 9 2/41 825.56-826.5 ab imo Flor. 10 2/78 Sophr., Ep. ad Sergium Sophronius, Epistula ad Sergium (CPG 7635), in Concilium universale Constantinopolitanum tertium (680-681). Concilii actiones I-XVIII, ed. R. Rie- dinger, Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum - Series secunda, volumen secundum: Concilium universale Constantinopolitanum tertium (Berlin, 1990), Pars 1 418.6-13 Flor. 121 3/14 Theod., Eran. Theodoretus Cyrrhensis, Eranistes (CPG 6217), ed. G. H. Ettlinger, Era- nistes (Oxford, 1975) 217.2-36 Flor. 143 3/41 Theod., Graec. affect. Theodoretus Cyrrhensis, Graecarum affictionum curatio (CPG 6210), ed. P. Canivet, Therapeutique des maladies helleniques, 2 vols. (= SC 57; Paris, 1958), vol. 1 166.11-167.8 168.4-20 Flor. Flor. 144 145 3/25 2/19 
296 INDEX AUCTORVM Pars Paragraphus Lin. Theod., Haer. compo Theodoretus Cyrrhensis, Haereticarum /abularum compendium (CPG 6223), PG 83, 335-555 453.46-456.18 Flor. 142 3/24 Theoph. Ach., En. in Ev. Ioh. Theophylactus Achridensis, Enarratio in Evangelium Joannis, PG 124, 9-318 205.30-44 Flor. 150 4/15 Theoph. Ach., Orat. Theophylactus Achridensis, Oratio de erroribus Latinorurn, ed. P. Gautier, Discours, Traites, Poesies (= CFHB 16/1; Thessaloniki, 1980) 259.1-15 Syll. 14 1/17 259.17-18 Syll. 15 1/2 259.18-21 Syll. 16 1/4 259.21-25 Syll. 17 1/5 259.25-261.1 Syll. 18 1/5 
CONTENTS PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . v ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . IX BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . XI INTRODUCTION .............. 1. Life and work of Andronikos Kamateros 2. Sources of the Dialogus . . . . . . . . . . 3. Florilegium Patristicum et Syllogismi 4. Manuscript tradition ........... Direct witnesses ............ Comparison of the various extensions of Part I of the Sacred Arsenal . ... Indirect witnesses . . . . . .. ... 5. Classification of the witnesses . . . 6. Stemma Codicum . . . . . . . . . 7. Principles of the edition . . . .. ... TEXT US Conspectus siglorum et abbreviationum . . Epigramma . . . . . .. ... ... Sacrum Armamentarium . ... ... Prologus . . . . . . . . . . Praefatio . . . . . . . . . .. ... Dial 0 gu s . . . . . .. ... Exhortatio . . . . . . . . . . . Florilegium Patristicum . . .. ... Allocutio . . . . . . . . . .. ... XIX XIX XXVII XXXVI XL XL LV LVI LXII LXX LXXI 1 2 5 11 13 16 22 79 81 216 
298 CONTENTS Syllogismi . . . Epilogus Appendices . . . 219 242 245 IND ICES .... . . . . . . . . Index Locorum Sacrae Scripturae Index Fontium . . . . . . . , 267 269 280 
CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES GRAECA ONOMASTIC ON Acindynus, uide Gregorius Acindynus Alexander monachus Cyprius 26 Amphilochius Iconiensis 3 Anastasius Apocrisiarius 39 Anastasius Bibliothecarius 39 Anastasius Sinaita 8 12 59 Andronicus Camaterus 75 Anonymus auctor Theognosiae 14 Anonymus dialogus (um /udaeis 30 Athanasii Athonitae Vitae 9 Basilius Minimus 46 Catena Hauniensis in Ecclesiasten 24 Catena trium Patrum in Ecclesiasten 11 Catenae graecae in Genesim et Exodum 2 15 Christophorus Mitylenaeus 74 Diodorus Tarsensis 6 Etymologicum Symeonis 79 Eustathius Antiochenus 51 Eustathius monachus 19 Eustratius presbyter 25 60 Gregorius Acindynus 31 Ps. Gregorius Agrigentinus 56 Gregorius Nazianzenus 20 27 28 34 36 37 38 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 52 53 575861 646573777885 Ps. Gregorius Nyssenus 56 Gregorius presbyter 44 Hagiographica Cypria 26 Hagiographica inedita decem 21 Homerocentones 62 Iacobus monachus 68 Iohannes Caesariensis 1 Iohannes Cantacuzenus 16 Iohannes Chrysostomus 70 Ps. Iohannes Chrysostomus 4 Iohannes Scottus Eriugena 7 18 22 Leo VI imperator 63 Leontius presbyter Constantinopolita- nus 17 Marcus monachus 72 Maximus Confessor 7 10 18 22 23 39 40 48 69 Metrophanes Smyrnaeus 14 56 N icephorus Blemmydes 13 Nicephorus patriarcha Constantino po- litanus 33 41 Ps. Nonnus 27 50 Pamphilus TheoIogus 19 Petrus Callinicensis 29 32 35 54 Procopius Gazaeus 4 67 Scripta saeculi VII uitam Maximi Confes- soris illustrantia 39 Theodorus Dexius 55 Theodorus Spudaeus 39 Theognostus 5 Theologica varia inedita saeculi XIV 76 Titus Bostrensis 82 June 2014 Printed in Belgium - Imprime en Belgique 0/2014/0095/121 ISBN 978-2-503-54410-6 HB - relie ISBN 978-2-503-40000-6 series - serie