                    Valentine Skultey
УЧПЕДГИЗ - ! 9 6 I

at at at at ra ra ra rat a cat, a rat, a bat, a rat, a bat a rat, a cat, a bat Буквы и звуки а [э] [ae] c [k] t [t] о [э] b [b] г [r] n [n] w lw] Слова 1. one [wah]—один 3. a bat [baet]—летучая мышь 2. a cat |kaet] — кошка 4. a rat [raet] —крыса Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите слова. 1. A rat, a bat, a cat. 2. A bat, a cat, a rat. II. Переведите слова на английский язык. 1. Кошка, летучая мышь. 2. Крыса, кошка.
Dd £ a cap (S-e, Ее Hh Nn Pp a hat ZnZZHZZBZZ^
a hen A pen and a hen. A cat and a rat. A hat and a cap. A rat and a bat. Буквы и звуки h [h] n [n] d [d] e [e] p [p] Слова 1. two [tu:]—два 4. a pen [э'реп]—ручка 2. a cap [a'kaepj—кепка 5. a hen [a'hen]—курица 3. a hat [a'haet] — шляпа 6. and [send] — и Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите слова. 1. A hen, a hat, а реп. 2. A bat, a cap, a cat 3. A rat and a cat. 4. A bat and a hat. 5. A hen, a bat, a cat and a rat. 6. One cap. One pen. 7. One bat and one cat. 8. One, two. II. Переведите письменно слова на английский язык. 1. Летучая мышь и кошка. 2. Курица, летучая мышь, кошка и крыса. 3. Кепка, ручка. 4. Один, два. 5. Летучая мышь и шляпа. 6. Крыса и кошка. 7. Летучая мышь, кепка, кошка. 8. Курица, шляпа, ручка.

A dog and a pig. A cup and a cap. A bat, a dog, a cat and a pig. A gun and a cup. A hat and a hen. A gun, a cup and a hat. One gun, one dog and one rat. Буквы и звуки о [э] i [1] th [е] g [д] и [л] ее [i:] Слова 1. three [eri:]—три 4. a cup [э'клр]—чашка 2. a dog [a’dog] — собака 5. a gun [э'длп] — ружьё 3. a pig [a'pig]—свинья Задания I. Перепишите и устно переве- II. Переведите письменно слова дите слова и сочетания слов. и сочетания слов на английский язык. 1. A pig, a dog, а сир, a gun. 2. A dog and a pig. 3. A cat and a rat. 4. One gun and one cup. 5. One bat and one hen. 6. A hat and a cap. 7. A cup and a pen. 8. One, two, three. 1. Кошка и крыса. 2. Одно ружьё и одна чашка. 3. Свинья, собака, ружьё, чашка. 4. Собака и свинья. 5. Одна летучая мышь и одна курица. 6. Шляпа и кепка. 7. Два, один, три. 8. Чашка и ручка.
tyr 4 jam
A cat, a fox, a pig, a box, a hen, a эеп, a cup, a gun, a cap, a bat, a rat, a Ded, a hat, a dog, a rat. One box, one fox, one hen, one pen, one cat, one rat, one hat, one bat, jam. Two, three, four. A hat, a cap and a box. A bat, a hen and a fox. One cat and one rat. One box and one bed. Буквы и звуки x [ks] j [da] * [f] m [m] Слова 1. four [fo:] — четыре 2. a box [a'boks] — ящик 3. a fox [a'foksj — лиса 4. a bed [o'bedj — кровать 5. jam [dsasm] — варенье Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите слова и сочетания слов. 1. Jam and a box. 2. A cat and a fox. 3. A bed and a hat. 4. A gun and a dog. 5. A cup and a cap. II. Переведите письменно слова и сочетания слов на английский язык. 1. Кошка и ящик. 2. Ружьё и собака. 3. Одна лиса и одна летучая мышь. 4. Лиса и курица. 5. Одна ручка и одна курица. ю
6. One fox and one bat. 7. One hat and one box. 8. A fox and a hen. 9. One, two, three, four. 10. One pen and one hen. 11. One cat and one hat. 6. Варенье и лиса. 7. Кровать и шляпа. 8. Чашка и ружьё. 9. Одна шляпа и один ящик. 10. Три, один, четыре, два. 11. Одна кошка и одна шляпа. LESSON F/VE (5)^ a vase a kitten a lemon a star н
/2г zzr xzr ZHL 7Г. iZ A cat and a kitten. A vase and a lemon. A dog and a fox. A bat and a rat. A star and a gun. A box and a bed. A hen and a fox. A vase and a box. A hat and a cap. A pen and a cup. A cat and a rat. One, two, three, four, A dog and a pig. five. Буквы и звуки k [k] S Is] I [1] V [v] Слова 1. five [faiv] — пять 2. a star [a'sta:] — звезда 3. a vase [a'vaiz] — ваза 4. a kitten [a'kitn] — котёнок 5. a lemon [a'leman] — лимон Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите слова и сочетания слов. 1. A vase and a cup. 2. A cap and a hat II. Переведите письменно на английский язык. 1. Лимон И ЯЩИК. 2. Лиса и курица.
3. A fox and a hen. 4. A kitten and a rat. 5. A lemon and a box. 6. A gun and a star. 7. One dog and one cat. 8. Jam and a pig. 9. One, two, three, four, five. 3. Ваза и чашка. 4. Варенье и поросёнок. 5. Кепка и шляпа. 6. Ружьё и звёздочка. 7. Одна собака и одна кошк$. 8. Котёнок и крыса. 9. Один, два, пять, три, четыре. LESSON SIX (G)
A wolf and a squirrel. A squirrel and a fox. A cat, a kitten and a dog. A boy and a gun. A gun and a wolf. A wolf and a fox. A lemon, a vase and a cup. A hat and a cap. A bat and a squirrel. A boy and a cap. One, two, three, four, five, six. Буквы и звуки qu [kw] z [z] Слова 1. six [siks] — шесть 4. a razor [a reiza] — бритва 2. a boy [a'boi] — маль- 5. a squirrel [a'skwiral] — чик белка 3. a wolf [a'wulf] — волк Задания I. Перепишите и устно переве- II. Переведите письменно слова дите слова и сочетания слов. и сочетания слов на английский язык. 1. A cat, a kitten, a dog, 1. Ружьё и бритва. a bat, a rat, a hen, 2. Варенье и мальчик.
a pig, a wolf and a squirrel. 2. A bat, a wolf, a fox and a squirrel. 3. A cup, a hat, a cap, a pen, a bed, a vase, a box and a lemon. 4. A gun and a razor. 5. Jam and a boy. 6. One, two, three, four, five, six. 3. Летучая мышь, волк, лиса и белка. 4. Кошка, котёнок, собака, крыса, курица и поросёнок. 5. Чашка, шляпа, кепка, ручка, кровать, ваза, ящик и лимон. 6. Четыре, шесть, два, один, три, пять. LESSON SEVEN^ I have I have no a copy-book a book, copy-book. I have a dog, but have no cat. I have a dog, zbut have no gun. 1 have a kitten, but have no squirrel. 1 have a cup, but have no spoon. I have a spoon, but have no jam.
I have a cap. I have no lemon. 1 have a pen. 1 have no box. A boy and a dog. A bat and a squirrel. A wolf and a fox. A book and a copy-book. A cup and a spoon. Слова 1. lesson [lesn] — урок 6. but [ЬлЦ—но 2. seven [sevn] — семь 7. a book [a'buk]—кни- 3. 1 [ai]—я га 4. I have [ai'haev] — я 8. a copy-book [a'kopi-имею (у меня есть) buk] —тетрадь 5. 1 have no [nou] — у 9. a spoon [o'spu.n]— меня нет ложка Задания I. Перепишите и устно II. Письменно переведите переведите предложения. предложения. 1. I have a dog. 1. У меня нет варенья. 2. I have a vase. 2. У меня нет бритвы. 3. I have no razor. 3. У меня нет волка. 4. I have no wolf. 4. У меня есть собака. 5. 1 have a cat and a 5. У меня есть кошка kitten. и котёнок. 6. 1 have no bat. I have 6. У меня есть ружьё no squirrel. и собака. 7. 1 have no copy-book. 7. У меня есть ваза.
8. I have no jam. » 9. I have a gun and a dog. 10. I have a copy-book, but I have no pen. 11. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. 8. У меня есть тетрадь, но у меня нет ручки. 9. У меня нет белки. 10. У меня нет тетради. 11. Четыре, два, шесть, пять, один, три, семь. LESSON EIGHT^ (8± that boy this boy This boy has a ball. He has a stick too. That boy has a gun. He has a pistol too.
a ball That boy has a cap. This boy has no cap. This boy has a fox. He has a bat. He has a squirrel. He has a rat. That boy has a dog. He has a cat. He has a kitten. a Sfjck He has a pig. This boy has no gun. He has no pistol. He has no razor. He has no wolf. That boy has no book. He has no copy-book. He has no pen. He has no stick. Words [wa:dz]—слова 1. eight [eit] — восемь 2. this [dis]—этот, эта, это 3. that [daet]— тот, та, то 4. he [hi:] — он 5. he has [hi: 'hasz]— у него есть (он имеет) 6. a ball [эЪэ:1] — мяч 7. a stick [a'stik] — палка 8. too [tu:] —тоже 9. a pistol [a'pistl] — пистолет
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. 1 have no stick. 2. This boy has a stick. 3. He has a gun and a dog. 4. He has a fox. 5. He has no gun, but he has a pistol. 6. I have a cup, but I have no spoon. 7. 1 have a vase. 8. He has a lemon and a cup. 9. 1 have no star, and he has no star. 10. That boy has a kitten; I have a kitten too. I have no razor. 11. Four, eight, six, two, three, seven, one, five. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. У того мальчика есть котёнок, у меня есть котёнок тоже. 2. У меня нет палки. 3. Он не имеет бритвы. 4. У него есть лиса. 5. У меня нет звёздочки и у него нет звёздочки. 6. У этого мальчика есть палка. 7. У него есть лимон и чашка. 8. У него есть ружьё и собака. 9. У меня есть чашка, но у меня нет ложки. 10. У меня есть ваза. 11. Восемь, шесть, два, четыре, один, семь, три, пять.
LESSON N/NE (9) a frog That I have two kittens. This girl has three dolls. This boy has two frogs. a This girl has five books, boy has four pens. This girl has a kitten. She has a dish. This fish is on the dish. That frog is on the log. The girl has one dish. She has two spoons. The boy has three snakes. He has five hens. The fish is in the lake. a dish The spoon is in the cup. The squirrel is on the log. The doll is on the bed. I have one box.
He has two stars. She has three dolls. The snake is in the box. The fish is on the dish. The frog is on the log. a snake The doll is on the bed. The snake is in the lake. The hen is on the log. The bat is in the hat. Words 1. nine [nam]—девять 2. a girl [э'дэ:1]—де- вочка 3. a doll [a'dol] — кукла 4. a frog [a'frag]— лягушка 5. she [Ji:]—она 6. a dish [a'dij] — блюдо 7. a fish [a’fij]—рыба 8. is fiz] — находится 9. on [on] — на 10. the [da]—определённый артикль 11. a log [a'bg]—бревно 12. a snake [a'sneik]— змея 13. in [in] — в 14. a lake [aleik]—озеро
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. This girl has five kittens and two cats. 2. She has three hens and one pig. 3. 1 have four books and nine copy-books. 4. This boy has eight stars. 5. He has six sticks, but he has no gun. 6. He has five frogs and two snakes. 7. One snake is in the lake. 8. One frog is on the log. 9. The spoon is in the cup. 10. Nine, six, eight, five, seven, one, three, two, four. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. У этой девочки есть 5 котят и 2 кошки. 2. У неё есть 3 курицы и одна свинья. 3. У меня есть 4 книги и 9 тетрадей. 4. У этого мальчика есть 8 звёздочек. 5. У него есть 6 палок, но у него нет ружья. 6. У него есть 5 лягушек и 2 змеи. 7. Одна змея в озере. 8. Одна лягушка на бревне. 9. Ложка в чашке. 10. Девять, восемь, семь, шесть, пять, четыре, три, два, один.
one girl five chickens one boy Count from one to ten! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Count the rabbits! One, two, three. Count the chickens! One, two, three, four, five. three rabbits This girl has three rabbits. She has five chickens. Has this girl a kitten? Yes, she has. Has this girl a cat? Yes, she has. Has she a dog? Yes, she has. Has she a hat? Yes, she has. Has she a snake? No, she has not.
Has she a frog? No, she has not Has she a bat? No, she has not. The boy has two squirrels. He has one fox too. He has nine rabbits. He has four bats. Has the boy a wolf? No, he has not. Has he a gun? No, he has not. Has he a razor? No, he has not. Has he a stick? Yes, he has. Has he a ball? Yes, he has. The girl has one hen and eight chickens. The boy has nine rabbits and four bats. Has the boy a cap? Yes, he has. Has the girl a hat? Yes, she has. Words 1. ten [ten]—десять 2. count [kaunt] —считай 3. from [from]—от 4. to [to]—до, к 5. rabbit [raebit] — кролик 6. chicken ['tSikin] — цыплёнок 7. yes [jes]—да 8. Has she? [haez Ji:] -У неё есть? 9. Has he? [haez hi:] — У него есть? 10* . She has not [Ji: 'haez not] — У неё нет. 11. no [nou] — нет
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. The boy has nine rabbits, two squirrels, two snakes and a frog. 2. The girl has ten chickens, six hens and two cats. 3. Has she a kitten? Yes, she has. 4. Has the boy a pig? No, he has not. 5. Count the squirrels! 6. Count the sticks! 7. Count the chickens! 8. I have no gun. 9. He has no pistol. 10. She has no stick. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Сосчитай цыплят! 2. У неё есть котёнок? Да. 3. У мальчика есть свинья? Нет. 4. Сосчитай палки! 5. У мальчика есть 9 кроликов, 2 белки, 2 змеи и лягушка. 6. У меня нет ружья. 7. Сосчитай белок! 8. У него нет револьвера. 9. У девочки есть 10 цыплят, 6 кур и 2 кошки. 10. У неё нет палки.f LESSON ELEVEN^ (П) How many ducks have you? 1 have two ducks and ten ducklings. How many hens have you? • I have eight hens. a duck with a duckling
a cow F How many cows have you? I have one cow. How many dogs have you? 1 have two dogs. How many books has this boy? He has eleven. How many copy-books has that girl? She has four. How many pens has she? She has ten pens. How many kittens have you? 1 have three kittens. , How many chickens has the hen? It has eleven. How many ducklings has the duck? It has eight. How many kittens has the cat? It has three. How many dolls has the girl? She has two. How many sticks has the boy? He has five. How many hats have 1? You have one.
Words 1. eleven [flevn] — одиннадцать 2. how [hau]—как 3. many ['mem] — много 4. How many?—Сколько? 5. duck [dAk]—утка 6. Have you?—У вас есть? 7. you [Ju:] — вы, ты 8. duckling ['dAklig] — утёнок 9. cow [kau]—корова 10. we [wi:] — мы 11. it [it] — он, она, оно (для всех предметов и животных) 12. with [wid]—с Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. I have a copy-book. 2. You have a book. 3. Не has a gun. 4. She has a doll. 5. We have a cow. 6. Has he a squirrel? 7. Have you many rabbits? 8. We have many chickens. 9. She has many hens. 10. Count from ten to one! 11. How many pens have you? 12. I have eight pens. 13. You have eleven copybooks. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Сколько у вас ручек? 2. У меня 8 ручек. 3. Сосчитай от 10 до 1! 4. У нас есть корова. 5. У неё есть кукла. 6. У меня есть тетрадь. 7. У вас есть книга. 8. Он имеет ружьё. 9. У него есть белка? 10. У вас много кроликов? 11. У нас много цыплят? 12. У тебя много утят? 13. У вас 11 тетрадей.
LESSON TWELVE (12) a black horse They have a horse; it is black. They have a pig; it is big. They have a goat; it is white. They have a cow; the cow is red. They have no car. We have a cow; it is red. We have four goats. We have a car; it is black. We have no ducks. a white goat a ribbon __ 5 You have a razor; it is in the box. You have a lemon; it is on the dish. You have no hens. He has one dog; it is black. He has a cat; it has three kittens. He has a cap; it is big.
a kitten; it is white, a hat; it is white too. a ribbon; it is red. is a box; it is big. is a rabbit; it is white, is a girl; she is big. is a boy; he. is big too. Words She has She has She has This This This This 1. twelve [twelv] — двенадцать 2. they [dei]— они 3. horse [ho:s] — лошадь 4. black [blaek] — чёрный 5. big [big] —большой 6. goat [gout] — коза 7. white [wait]—белый 8. red [red]—красный, рыжий 9. car [ka;]—автомобиль Задания I. Перепишите и устно переве- II. Переведите письменно пред-дите предложения. ложения. 1. This boy has a bat; 1. Сколько утят у этой it is in the box. утки? 2. This girl has a doll; 2. Сколько цыплят у it is big. этой курицы? 3. The boy has a red 3. У нас 12 кур и star. 11 уток. 4. He has two kittens, 4. У них 2 котёнка, but he has no cat. 3 белки, 8 кроликов и 12 цыплят. 5. She has a ribbon; the 5. У этого мальчика ribbon is red. есть летучая мышь; она в ящике.
6. She has a cat; it is red. 7. How many ducklings has this duck? 8. How many chickens has that hen? 9. We have twelve hens and eleven ducks. 10. They have two kittens, three squirrels, eight rabbits and twelve chickens. 1 6. У этой девочки есть кукла; она большая. 7. У неё есть лента; лента красная. 8. У неё есть кошка; она рыжая. 9. У мальчика есть красная звёздочка. 10. У него есть 2 котён- ка, но у него нет кошки. LESSON THIRTEEN (13) Where is your book? It is on the table. Where is the table? a table a house It is in the house. Where is the house?
a garden It is in the garden. Where is the girl? She is in the room. Where is the boy? He is in the garden. Where are you? 1 am in the garden too. Where is your pen? My pen is on the table. Where is your pencil? It is on the table too. Where is your goat? a tree My goat is in the garden. Where is your horse? My horse is under that tree. Have you a house? Yes, we have. Have you a garden? Yes, we have. Is your garden big? Yes, it is.
Is your goat under the tree? Yes, it is. Is your car under the tree too? No, it is not. Is the boy in the house? Yes, he is. Is the girl in the room? Yes, she is. My room is very good. My gun is very good. My garden is very big. Is your goat white? Yes, my goat is white. Is your cow red? No, my cow is not red. Words 1. thirteen [ea:'ti:n] — тринадцать 2. where [wea] — где 3. your [jo:] —твой, ваш 4. table [teibl] — стол 5. house [haus]—дом 6. garden [ga:dn]—сад 7. room [ru:m] — комната 8. 1 am [ai'aem] —я есть he, she, it, is —он, она, оно есть 9. my [mai]—мой (моя, моё) 10. under [Anda] — под 11. tree [tri:]—дерево 12. very [ven]—очень 13. good [gud] — хоро- ший 14. very good — очень хороший
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. Where is my pen? It is on the table. 2. Where is my book? It is on the table too. 3. Where is your goat? It is in the garden. 4. Where is your horse? It is in the garden too. 5. Where is the boy? He is in the house. 6. Where is the girl? She is in the room. 7. My goat is under that tree. 8. Your horse is in the garden. 9. My goat is white. 10. Your horse is black. 11. I am in the garden. 12. Eleven, twelve, thirteen. 13. I am a big girl. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Моя коза белая. 2. Ваша лошадь чёрная. 3. Моя коза под тем деревом. 4. Ваша лошадь в са-ДУ- 5. Где моя ручка? Она на столе. 6. Где девочка? Она в комнате. 7. Где ваша коза? Она тоже в саду. 8. Где мальчик? Он в доме. 9. Где моя книга? Она тоже на столе. 10. Я в саду. И. Я большая девочка. 12. Где ваша лошадь? Она тоже в саду. 13. Одиннадцать, двенадцать, тринадцать.
LESSON FOURTEEN (14) What colour is this flag? It is a red flag What colour It is green. What colour It is grey. What colour It is blue. What colour is black. red. is your shirt? is your cap? is my dress? 1 have a kitten; my kitten is white. He has a dog; his dog is black. She has a cat; her cat is red. is my hat? It a green shirt a blue dress You have a car; your car is big. His gun is very good. His dog is good too. His pistol is black and his horse is black too.
Have you a black pencil? Yes, I have. Has he a dog? Yes, he has. Has he a stick? No, he has not. Has she a kitten? Yes, she has. 0 Have you a green hat? Yes, I have. It is in the box. Have you a blue dress? Yes, 1 have. It is on the bed. Have you a dog? Yes, 1 have. It is in the garden. Have you a horse? Yes, 1 have. It is in the garden too. He has a big dog. His dog is under that tree. She has a kitten. Her kitten is in the box. a pencil Words 1. fourteen ['fo:'ti:n] — четырнадцать 2. What? [wot] — Какой, что? 3. colour ['кл1а] — цвет 4. What colour? — Какого цвета? 5. flag [flaeg]— флаг 6. shirt [$a:t]—рубашка 7. green [gri:n] — зелёный 8. ёгеУ forei]—серый 9. dress [dres] — платье 10. blue [blu:]—синий 11. pencil [pensl] — карандаш 12. her [ha:] — её 13. his [hiz] — его
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. What colour is your pencil? My pencil is green. 2. What colour is your dress? My dress is blue. 3. What colour is her hat? Her hat is white. 4. What colour is his dog? His dog is black. 5. Is this flag black? No, it is not. The flag is red. #6. Is that tree grey? No, it is not. The tree is green. 7. Is your goat white? Yes, it is. 8. Is her room big? No, it is not. 9. Is his shirt white? No, it is not. 10. His shirt is not white, it is green. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Его рубашка белая? Нет. 2. Этот флаг чёрный? Нет, флаг красный. 3. Какого цвета его собака? Его собака чёрная. 4. Твоя коза белая? Да. 5. Его рубашка не белая; она зелёная. 6. У неё большая комната? Нет. 7. Какого цвета твой карандаш? Мой карандаш зелёный. 8. Какого цвета её шляпа? Её шляпа белая. 9. Какого цвета ваше платье? Моё платье синее. 10. То дерево серое? Нет, дерево зелёное.
LESSON FIFTEEN (15) Is this a violet or a rose? It is a rose. Is this a rose too? No, it is not. What is this? It is a violet. Is this a chicken? No, it is not. What is this? It is a bird. a violet a rose Where is the bird? It is in the cage. Is this a stick? No, it is not.
an umbrella What is this? It is an umbrella. What colour is the umbrella? It is black. Is this chicken big or little? It is little. Ann has many violets in her garden. Ann has many red roses. She has many flowers in her garden. How many umbrellas have you? I have two umbrellas. Give me one umbrella! a bird This bird is in the cage. This girl is in the room. This book is on the table. This kitten is in the box. This spoon is in the cup. That rose is red. That flower is yellow. That violet is good. This rose is bad.
These birds are in the tree. These girls are in the garden. These books are on the table. These kittens are under the bed. These spoons are on the dish. Those roses are red. Those flowers are not yellow. Those violets are very big. Those roses are little. Words 1. fifteen [’fif'ti:n] — пят- 9. little [litl]—малень- надцать 2. violet [vaialit] — фи- кий 10. Ann [aen] — Аня алка 11. flower ['flaua] — цве- 3. or [□:] — или 4. rose [rouz] — роза ток 12. Give me! ['giv mi] — 5. what [wot] — что . 6. bird [ba:d]—птица Дай мне! 13. these [di:z] — эти 7. cage [keidg] — клетка 14. those [douz] — те 8. an umbrella [лт'Ьге- 15. yellow ['jelou] — жёл- 10] — ЗОНТ тый 16. bad [baed] — плохой Задания I. Перепишите и устно переве- II. Переведите письменно пред-дите предложения. ложения. 1. Her rose is on the 1. Мои ручки на столе, table.
2. My roses are in the 2. Его кролики под vase. домом. 3. Her violets are in the 3. Её цветы у неё в ком- cup. нате. 4. Her flowers are in her 4. Ваши карандаши на room. вашем столе. 5. His little dog is in the 5. Моя птичка в клет- box. ке. 6. His big dog is in the garden. 6. Её фиалки в чашке. 7. His rabbits are under the house. 7. Мои розы в вазе. 8. His books are on his table. 8. Её роза на столе. 9. Your cap is very 9. Его книги у него на good. столе. 10. Your shirt is good 10. Его маленькая соба- too. ка в ящике. 11. Your copy-books are 11. Его большая соба- good. • ка в саду. 12. Your pencils are on your table. 12. Мои кролики в саду. 13. My bird is in the 13. Ваша шагтка очень cage. хорошая. 14. My umbrella is in the 14. Ваша рубашка тоже house. хорошая. 15. My pens are on the table. 15. Мой зонт в доме. 16. My rabbits are in the 16. Твои тетради очень garden. хорошие.
LESSON SIXTEEN^ (16)^ What have you? What has she? a bell 1 have a book. It is old. She has a silver bell. It is new. He has a long stick. It is strong. You have a new house. It is big. We have an old garden. It is green. They have a good cow. It is red. What has this boy? He has a gun. His gun is new. What has this girl? She has a bird. Her bird is little. What have you? 1 have a flower. My flower is yellow. What have I? You have a dog. Your dog is big. What have we? We have a room. Our room is big. What have they? They have a car. Their car is old. Is your book new? Yes, my book is new. Is your house old? Yes, my house is old.
Is his cow red? Yes, his cow is red. Is his dog big? Yes, his dog is big. Is his stick long? Yes, his stick is long. Is her doll big? Yes, her doll is big. Is her hat red? Yes, her hat is red. Is my goat white? Yes, your goat is white. Are my chickens yellow? Yes, your chickens are yellow. Are your hens grey? Yes, my hens are grey. Are their books new? Yes, their books are new. Words 1. sixteen ['siks'tiin] — шестнадцать 2. old [ould] — старый 3. silver ['silva] — серебряный 4. bell [bel] — колокольчик 5. new [nju:] — новый 6- long [bg] —длинный 7. strong [strop] — сильный 8. our [aua] — наш 9. their [деэ] — их 10. at home [at'houm] — дома
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. Is your umbrella new? Yes, it is. 2. Is your boy at home? Yes, he is. 3. Is this flower yellow? Yes, it is. 4. Is their cow red? Yes, it is. 5. What is red? The rose is red, the flag is red. 6. What is green? The tree is green, my shirt is green. 7. Is this bell new? Yes, this bell is new. 8. Are their horses strong? Yes, they are very strong. 9. Her dress is very long. 10. They have sixteen black hens and thirteen white hens. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Её платье очень длинное. 2. Этот колокольчик новый? Да, этот колокольчик новый. 3. Твой зонт новый? Да. 4. Их корова рыжая? Да. 5. Что красное? Роза красная, флаг красный. 6. Их лошади сильные? Да, они очень сильные. 7. Они имеют 16 чёрных кур и 13 белых кур. 8. Этот цветок жёлтый? Да. 9. Ваш мальчик дома? Да. 10. Что зелёное? Дерево зелёное, моя рубашка зелёная.
LESSON SEVENTEEN (17) The rose, flowers. Is this a zebra or a tiger? It is a zebra. Is this a wolf or a jackal? It is a jackal. The wolf is big and strong. The jackal is small and weak. The zebra, the tiger, the lion, the wolf and the fox are animals. the violet and the daisy are We have many flowers at home. Have you many violets in your garden? What flower is this? It is a daisy. What animal is this? It is a jackal. Where is your cat? It is with its kittens. Where are the kittens? They are with the * a jackal a zebra
The hen is with its chickens. The duck is with its ducklings. The cat is with its kittens. The horse is a strong animal. Is the boy strong? Yes, he is. Is the girl strong? No, she is not. Is the goat strong? No, it is not. a daisy Words 1. seventeen [sevn-'tim] — семнадцать 2. zebra [zi:bra]—зебра 3. tiger [taiga]—тигр 4. jackal ['dgaekad]—шакал 5. small [sma:l]—маленький 6. weak [wi:k]—сла- бый 7. lion ['laian]—лев 8. animal faenimal] — животное 9. daisy ['deizi]—ро- машка 10. its [its]—его, её, свой (о животных и предметах) Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. 1 am at home. 2. What animal is this? It is a lion. 3. Is the lion strong? Yes, it is very strong. 4. Is the tiger weak? No, it is not. It is very strong too. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Я дома. 2. Какое это животное? Это лев. 3. Лев сильный? Да, он очень сильный. 4. Тигр слабый? Нет, он тоже очень сильный.
5. What flower is this? It is a violet. 6. Are you weak or strong? I am strong. 7. Is this boy strong? Yes, he is. 8. Is the jackal a strong animal? No, it is not. 9. Is the zebra big or small? The zebra is not very big. 10. Where is Ann? She is in the garden. 11. Where is our cat? It is with its kittens. 5. Какой это цветок? Это фиалка. 6. Вы слабый или сильный? Я сильный. 7. Этот мальчик сильный? Да. 8. Шакал сильное животное? Нет. 9. Зебра большая или маленькая? Зебра не очень большая. 10. Где Аня? Она в са- ДУ- 11. Где наша кошка? Она со своими котятами. LESSON EIGHTEEN^ (18) Tom has a horse. Tom’s horse is strong. an eagle a quail
Ann has a quail. Ann’s quail is tame. What bird is this? It is an eagle. The eagle’s beak is very sharp. Is this an eagle too? No, it is not. It is a cock; its crest is a cock red. The hen’s crest is red too. What is red? The cock’s crest is red. Ann’s hat is red. What is long? Tom’s stick is long. The rat’s tail is long. What is sharp? The eagle’s beak is sharp. The cat’s claws are sharp. Father’s razor is sharp. The quail’s tail is not long. The quail’s beak is not sharp.
Ann’s mother has a ring. Tom’s father has a gun. Mother’s ring is old. His father’s gun is new. Is your mother’s ring old? Yes, it is. Is your father’s gun new? Yes, it is. Is your cap grey? No, it is not. It is black. Are Tom’s rabbits white? Yes, they are. Are Ann’s chickens yellow? Yes, they are. Words 1. eighteen [ei'ti:n]—восемнадцать 2. Tom [tom]—Том (имя собственное, мужское) 3. quail [kweil]—перепёлка 4. tame [teim]—ручной 5. eagle [iigl]—орёл 6. beak [bi:k]—клюв 7. sharp [$а;р]—острый 8. cock [kok]—петух 9. crest [krest]—гре- бень 10. tail [teil]—хвост 11. claw [kb:] —коготь 12. father [Ъ:дэ]—отец 13. mother[тлдэ]—мать 14. ring [пр]—кольцо
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. Is the cock’s crest red? Yes, it is. 2. Is the rat’s tail long? Yes, it is. 3. Is Ann’s doll new? No, it is not. 4. Is the girl’s cat white? Yes, it is. 5. Is the boy’s ball old? No, it is not. 6. Is Tom’s horse black? Yes, it is. 7. Is Tom’s dog big? No, it is not 8. Is his father’s razor sharp? Yes, it is. 9. Are the cat’s claws sharp? Yes, they are. 10. Are your mother’s books old? Yes, they are. 11. Are your father’s guns new? No, they are not. 12. We have eighteen quails. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. У петуха гребень красный? Да. 2. У крысы хвост длинный? Да. 3. У Ани кукла новая? Нет. 4. У девочки кошка белая? Да. 5. У мальчика мяч старый? Нет. 6. Лошадь Тома чёрная? Да. 7. Собака у Тома большая? Нет. 8. У его папы бритва острая? Да. 9. У кошки когти острые? Да. 10. У твоей мамы книги старые? Да. 11. У твоего папы ружья новые? Нет. 12. У нас 18 перепёлок.
LESSON NINETEEN (19) What is your name? My name is Sam. Who is this man? This man is Jimmy’s father. What is his name? His name is Tom Dale. Tom Dale is a hunter. Who is Jimmy? Jimmy is Tom Dale’s son. What has Tom Dale? He has a gun and a dog. Jimmy’s father is a very good hunter. Jimmy has a puppy. His puppy’s name is Room bo. Roombo is Jimmy’s a hunter and his dog
Mr. Dale has a big dog; its name is Reni. Reni is very clever and strong. What is the hunter’s name? The hunter’s name is Tom Dale. What is the boy’s name? The boy’s name is Jimmy Dale. Who are you? I am Mr. Christine. I am a doctor. Jimmy and his puppy I have a little girl. Her name is Lily. Lily has a brother. Her brother’s name is Sam. My name is John Christine. Tom Dale is Jimmy’s father. Reni is Tom Dale’s dog. Jimmy is Tom Dale’s son. Roombo is Jimmy’s puppy. Mr. Christine is Lily’s father. He is a doctor. Who is Sam? Sam is Lily’s brother. Lily is Jimmy’s friend. Is Sam a hunter? No, he is not. Sam is a little boy. Jimmy and Sam are friends too. They are very good friends.
Words 1. nineteen [nain'tiin]— 12. Roombo [rumbou] — девятнадцать Румбо 2. name [neim]—имя 13. Reni [rem]—Рени 3. What is your name?—Как твоё 14. clever ['kleva]—умный имя? Как тебя зовут? 15. Mr. [mista] —мистер 4. Sam [saem]—Сэм 5. who [hu:]—кто 6. man [maen]—чело- 16. Mr. Christine [kns-tm]—мистер Кристин век, мужчина 7. Jimmy ['dgimi]— 17. doctor ['dokta] —доктор Джими 18. Lily ['hh]—Лиля 8. Dale [deil]—Дэйл 9. hunter [ЪлпЬ] — 19. brother [Ъглда] — брат охотник 20. John [dgon]—Джон 10. son [sah]—сын 11. puppy [рлр1]—ще- нок 21. friend ['frend] —друг Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. This man is a hunter. What is his name? 2. This man’s name is Tom Dale. 3. Mr. Dale has a son. His son’s name is Jimmy. И. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Этот человек охотник? Как его зовут? 2. Имя этого человека Том Дэйл. 3. У мистера Дэй ла есть сын. Его сына зовут Джими.
4. Jimmy is a little boy. He has a puppy. 5. The puppy’s name is Roombo. 6. Has Tom Dale a dog? Yes, he has. 7. Is Mr. Dale a good hunter? Yes, he is. 8. Is Tom Dale’s gun new? No, it is not. 9. Tom Dale’s gun is old. 10. Mr. Dale’s dog is very clever and strong. Its name is Reni. 4. Джими маленький мальчик. У него есть щенок. 5. Щенка зовут Румбо. 6. У Тома Дэйла есть собака? Да. 7. Хороший ли охотник мистер Дэйл? Да. 8. Ружьё Тома Дэйла новое? Нет. 9. Ружьё Тома Дэйла старое. 10. Собака мистера Дэйла очень умная и сильная. Её зовут Рени. LESSON TWENTY (20) a chair a pair of shoes Where are my shoes? They are under your bed.
a sofa Where is my cat? It is in the garden. Where are They bed. my kittens? are under your Where is Mother’s hat? Where is Lily’s doll? Where is Jimmy’s ball? Where are Sam’s rabbits? Where are this girl’s books? Where is Father’s cap? a plate Where are that boy’s shoes? Where are our ducklings? Where are my copy-books? Where are Sam’s friends? is on the sofa. My cat Your hat is on .the chair. His ball is under the bed. __ Her dress is in the room. Your hens are garden. Our ducks are on Their cups are table. The boys are at ma. The girls are at home. in the the lake, on the the cine-
The plates are in the cupboard. The birds are in the nest. The squirrels are in the tree. Is my cup in the cupboard? Is your bed in the garden? Is the squirrel in the cage? Is your brother at the cinema? Are our ducks on the lake? Are the cups in the cupboard? Are my shoes under the bed? Are their books on the table? Words 1. twenty ['twenti] — двадцать 2. shoe [Su:]—башмак 3. sofa [soufa]—диван 4. chair [t$ea]—стул 5. at the cinema [at da sinama]—в кино 6. plate [pleit]—тарелка 7. cupboard ['kAbad] — буфет 8. nest [nest]—гнездо 9. pair [pea]—пара 10. in the tree—на дереве Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. The little bird is in its nest. 2. The little kittens are in their box. 3. The red fox is under that tree. 11. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Маленькая птичка в своём гнезде. 2. Маленькие котята в своём ящике. 3. Рыжая лисица под тем деревом.
4. The red squirrel is in the tree. 5. Violets, daisies and roses are in the garden. 6. The boys and the girls are at the cinema. 7. The father and the mother are at home. 8. The cat and its kittens are under the bed. 9. The duck and its ducklings are on the lake. 10. The fish and the frogs are in the lake. 11. 1 have a new pair of shoes. 4. Рыжая белка на дереве. 5. Фиалки, ромашки и розы в саду. 6. Мальчики и девочки в кино. 7. Папа и мама дома. 8. Кошка с котятами под кроватью. 9. Утка со своими утятами на озере. 10. Рыбы и лягушки в озере. 11. У меня есть пара новых туфель. LESSON TWENTY-ONE^ (21± How old are you? 1 am twelve (years old). How old is Jimmy? Jimmy is six years old. How old is Lily? Lily is four years old. How old is Sam? Sam is ten (years old). How old is Jimmy’s Jimmy’s friend is twelve, friend?
a monkey Sam has a monkey. It is very funny. Sam’s monkey is not in the cage. What colour is Sam’s monkey? It is brown. What is its name? Its name is Cheetah. Cheetah has a friend. Cheetah’s friend is a donkey. The donkey’s name is Kicky. Kicky is grey and old. It is very weak. Cheetah is in the tree. Kicky is under the tree. What colour is the monkey? It is brown. What colour is the donkey? It is grey. Is the donkey strong or weak? It is weak. Is the monkey very funny? Yes, it is very funny. How old is your brother? My brother is twenty-one. How old is this donkey? It is seventeen years old. How old are you? I am ten. Kicky, the donkey, is under the tree. But where is Cheetah, the monkey? It is on the donkey. The monkey is on the donkey’s back. a donkey
•Words 1. How old are you?— 5. brown [Ъгаип]—ko-Сколько вам лет? ричневый 2. year [jia]—год 6. Cheetah [rtSi:to]—Чи- та 3. monkey ['mAgki]— 7. donkey [cbgki]—oc- обезьяна лик 4. funny [7дш]—забав- 8. Kicky fkiki]—Кики ный (Брыкун) Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. Sam’s monkey is in the • tree. Its name is Cheetah. 2. Kicky is an old donkey. It is very weak. 3. The donkey is under the tree. 4. Is this donkey strong or weak? This donkey is very weak, it is very old. 5. Is Lily a boy or a girl? She is a girl. 6. How old is she? She is four years old. 7. Who is Lily’s friend? Jimmy Dale is her friend. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Обезьянка Сэма на дереве. Её зовут Чита. 2. Кики—старый ослик. Он очень слабый. 3. Ослик под деревом. 4. Этот ослик сильный или слабый? Этот ослик очень слабый, он очень старый. 5. Лули—мальчик или девочка? Она девочка. 6. Сколько ей лет? Ей 4 Годе!. 7. Кто друг Лили? Джими Дэйл её друг.
8. Is Sam’s monkey funny? Yes, it is very funny. 9. Who is strong? Jimmy’s father is strong; he is a hunter. He is a very strong man. 8. Обезьянка Сэма смешная? Да, она очень смешная. 9. Кто сильный? Отец Джими сильный, он—охотник. Он очень сильный человек. LESSON TWENTY-TWO^ (22± ' Give me your knife, Jimmy! Lily, put the fork down! Take your spoon, Sam! Open the cupboard, Polly! Give me the plate, Ann! a truck Who is in the truck? Jimmy’s father is in the truck. Tom Dale is a driver. He drives a motor-car and a truck. Who is this girl? She is Jimmy’s sister. What is her name? Her name is Polly. How old is Polly? She is thirteen years old. Open the cupboard, Polly! Take two cups! Give me six plates and three spoons! Are the forks on the table? Where are they? How many knives have you? We have twelve knives. They are in the cupboard.
a penknife Open your books, children! Read this book, Tom! Sit down, Jimmy! Take your copybook! Where is your pencil? Is your pencil black? How many pencils have you, Sam? Give me your book, please! Give me your penknife, Polly. Thank you. Is he a good driver? Are you a doctor? Is he a good hunter? Are the boys at the cinema? Is he a strong man? Are they at home? Words 1. knife [naif] — нож 2. Put down [put 'daun]! — Положи! 3. fork [fa:k] — вилка 4. Take [teik]! — Возьми! 5. Open [oupan]!— Открой! 6. truck [trAk] — грузовик 7. driver fdraiva] — mo-фёр 8. to drive — водить машину 9. sister [sista] — сестра 10. Polly [pah] — Поля 11. children ['tfildran] — дети 12. Read [ri:d]! — Читай!
13. Sit down [sit daun]! — Сядь! 14. please [pli:z] — пожалуйста 15. penknife [ pennaif] — перочинный нож 16. Thank you ['eaerjk ju]. — Спасибо. Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. Jimmy’s father is a driver. Не is in his truck. 2. He drives a truck and a motor-car. 3. Open the cupboard r and give me eight spoons! Thank you! 4. Take my plate, please! 5. Put down your knife, Jimmy! 6. Count the forks, Lily! 7. Take my pencil! It is very good. 8. Read your book, Polly! 9. Where are our spoons? They are in the cupboard. 10. How many plates have we? We have twenty-two plates. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Отец Джими — шофёр. Он в грузовике. 2. Он управляет грузовиком и легковой машиной. 3. Открой буфет и дай мне 8 ложек. Спасибо. 4. Возьми мою тарелку, пожалуйста! 5. Положи нож, Джими! 6. Сосчитай вилки, Лиля! 7. Возьми мой карандаш, он очень хороший. 8. Читай свою книгу, Поля! 9. Где наши ложки? Они в буфете. 10. Сколько у нас тарелок? У нас 22 тарелки.
LESSON TWENTY-THREE (23) a swallow Jimmy can run very fast. He can swim fast too. Lily cannot run. She cannot swim at all. 1 can read very fast now. I can write too. You can swim very well. We can read and write. They can count, but they cannot write. The boy can run; he can swim too. The dog can run very fast; it can swim too. Can Lily read? Can Jimmy write? Can the duck swim? Can the turkey swim? Can the chickens fly? Can the swallow fly? Lily cannot read. He cannot write. It can swim very well. It cannot swim at all. They cannot fly. The swallow can fly very fast. a turkey Jimmy’s sister Polly can read, write and count. She is a big girl. She is thirteen years old. Lily cannot read. She is a little girl. She is four. Can Sam read and write? Yes, he can. He is big. 1 am a doctor. I can read. We are boys, we can run.
He is a boy. He can swim. You are a doctor. She is a girl. She can write. You are girls. It is a bird. It can fly. They are birds. Words 1. I can [ai 'kaenj. — Я могу, умею. 2. to run [глп] — бегать 3. fast [foist] — быстро 4. to swim [to swim] — плавать 5. 1 cannot ['kaenot] — 4 Я не умею, я не могу. 6. at all [at'od] — совсем 7. now [паи] — теперь 8. to write [rait] — писать 9. well [wel] — хорошо 10. turkey ['to:ki] — индюшка 11. to fly [flai] — летать 12. swallow [swolou] — ласточка Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. Birds can fly. 2. Animals can run and swim. 3. Frogs can swim, but they cannot fly. 4. Boys and girls can run. 5. - Can swallows swim? No, they cannot 6. Can dogs swim? Yes, they can. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Птицы умеют летать. 2. Животные умеют бегать и плавать. 3. Лягушки умеют плавать, но они не умеют летать. 4. Мальчики и девочки умеют бегать. 5. Ласточки могут плавать? Нет, не могут. 6. Собаки умеют плавать? Да, умеют.
7. Can you swim? No, I cannot. 8. Monkeys can swim very well. 9. Lily cannot read and write; she is too little. 7. Вы умеете- плавать? Нет, не умею. 8. Обезьяны умеют очень хорошо плавать. 9. Лиля не умеет читать и писать, она слишком маленькая. LESSON TW^TY-FOUR (24) May I go to the cinema? Yes, you may. May we read your book? May Lily take my new hat? May I open this box? Lily must not go to the cinema; it is too far. She must not take her mother’s ring. I can go to the cinema. I am big. He must not go there; he is ill. May I come in? Yes, you may. May we sit on her bed? No, you may not Whose hat is on the sofa? My mother’s. Whose dog is under my bed? Jimmy’s. Whose kite is on the tree? Sam’s. Whose chickens are in our garden? Mr. Christine’s. Polly can go to the cinema, but Lily must not; she is too little. Jimmy’s father can smoke, but Jimmy must not. Is your house far from the cinema? Yes, it is. Is your school far from your house? No, it is not.
Words 1. may [mei] — можно 2. to go [gou] — ходить 3. to [tu] — к, в (предлог направления) 4. must [mAst] — должен 5. far ffa:] — далеко 6. ill [il]—больной 7. to come in [клт'ш] — входить 8. to sit [sit] — сидеть 9. whose [hu:z] — чей, чьи 10. kite [kait] — бумажный змей 11. to smoke [smouk] — курить 12. with me [wid mi:] — co мной 13. from [from] — от Задания 1. Перепишите предложения и устно переведите их. 1. Is your school far from your house? 2. Is the bed far from the sofa? 3. Is the cinema far from your house? 4. Our school is not far from the cinema. 5. My bed is not far from the table. 6. May I come in? Come in, please! 7. May 1 take your new pen? No, you may not You may take my old pen. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Твоя школа далеко от дома? 2. Кровать далеко от дивана? 3. Кино далеко от вашего дома? 4. Наша школа недалеко от кино. 5. Моя кровать недалеко от стола. 6. Можно войти? Войдите, пожалуйста. 7. Можно мне взять вашу новую ручку? Нет, нельзя. Ты можешь взять мою старую ручку.
8. May Polly go to the cinema with me? Yes, she may. 9. Whose shoes are under the table? Polly’s. 10. Whose book is in my brother’s room? Sam’s. 8. Можно Поле пойти co мной в кино? Да, можно. 9. Чьи туфли под столом? Полины. 10. Чья книга в комнате моего брата? Сэма. LESSON TWE^TY-HV£ (25) a glass a saucer a bottle Jimmy must go to school. Jimmy must learn. Jimmy is seven years old now. He must go to school. He must learn to write and to read. Jimmy is very lazy. He cannot get up early. He cannot sit with a book. He is too lazy. Jimmy’s sister Polly is not lazy. She is a very good girl. She can read, write and count. Jimmy cannot count at all. He cannot write, but he can draw very well. He can draw a glass in 10 minutes. He can draw a bottle in twenty minutes. He can draw a saucer in twenty five minutes.
a pine-tree Sam can read, write and count, but he cannot draw at all. Jimmy can draw a horse, a goat, a camel, a cat, a dog and even an Indian. He can draw birds and animals. He can draw a pine or a fir-tree in three minutes. I can draw a table or a box, but I cannot draw an animal. a fir-tree Can you draw? Must you go to school? You must not go to the cinema. You must learn well. Words 1. to learn [lam] — учиться 2. lazy ['leizi]—ленивый 3. to get up [get'Ap] — вставать 4. early ['a:li] — рано 5. to draw [dm:] — рисовать 6. glass [gh:s] — стакан a camel
7. minute fmimt]—ми- 12. Indian [Indian]— минута деец 8. bottle [botl] — бутыл- 13. pine-tree [pamtri:] — ка сосна 9. saucer fsoisa] — 14. fir-tree ['fa:tri:] — ель блюдце 10. camel ['kaemal] — 15. milk [milk] — молоко верблюд 11. even [i:vn]—даже Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. Jimmy is seven. Не goes to school. 2. He cannot get up early. He cannot sit with a book. 3. He must learn to read and write. 4. He cannot read, but he can draw very well. 5. He can even draw an Indian with a horse. 6. Can you draw a camel? 7. May you draw now or must you learn your lesson? II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. Джими 7 лет. Он ходит в школу. 2. Он не может вставать рано. Он не может сидеть с книгой. 3. Он должен научиться читать и писать. 4. Он не умеет читать, но он умеет очень хорошо рисовать. 5. Он может нарисовать даже индейца с лошадью. 6. Можешь ты нарисовать верблюда? 7. Можно тебе сейчас рисовать или ты должен учить свой урок?
8. Can you get up early? 9. Must you get up early? 10. You must learn very well. 11. You must not go to the cinema. 8. Ты можешь рано вставать? 9. Ты должен рано вставать? 10. Вы должны очень хорошо учиться. 11. Вы не должны ходить в кино. LESSON TWENTY-SIX^ (26) There is a lizard under this stone. There is an owl in the tree. There is a book on the table. There is a cup on your saucer. There is a mouse in the cupboard. There is a rat under the sofa. There is a frog on the log. There is an apple on his plate. an owl There are some cups in the cupboard. There are some apples on the table. There are some chickens in the a nut garden. an apple a lizard
There are some chairs in the room. There are many rabbits in the woods. There are many birds in the trees. There are many children in your house. There are many ducks on the lake. There are many girls at our school. There is some milk in the bottle. Is .the milk good? There is some water in my cup. Is it boiled? There is a nest in that tree. Whose nest is it? There are some nuts under that tree. Whose nuts are they? Who is in your room? My brother is there. What is on your hat? A ribbon. What colour is the ribbon? It is blue. Words 1. there is [dear iz] — 7. there are [dear a:] — имеется, есть имеются (мн. число) 2. lizard [’lizad] — яще- 8. some [sAm] — не- рица сколько, немного 3. stone [stoun] — ка- 9. wood [wud] — лес мень 4. owl [aul]—сова 10. water [wo:ta] — вода 5. mouse [maus] —мышь 11. boiled water [boild] — кипячёная вода 6. apple [aepl] — яблоко 12. nut [пд1] — орех
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. There is a mouse in this box. 2. There is a squirrel in this fir. 3. There is a lizard under that log. 4. There is an apple on my plate. 5. There are some roses in the vase. 6. There are some nuts on the table. 7. There is some water in the glass. 8. There is some milk in the bottle. 9. There are many violets in the wood. 10. There are many rabbits there too. 11. Is this water boiled? Yes, it is. 12. Are these nuts good? Yes, they are. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. В этом ящике (есть) мышь. 2. На этой ёлке (есть) белка. 3. Под тем бревном (есть) ящерица. 4. На моей тарелке (есть) яблоко. 5. В вазе (есть) розы. 6. На столе (есть) орехи. 7. В стакане (есть) вода. 8. В бутылке (есть) молоко. 9. В лесу много фиалок. 10. Там много зайцев тоже. 11. Эта вода кипячё- ная? Да. 12. Эти орехи хоро- шие? Да.
LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN (27) Are there many books in your library? bread Are there many boys in your class? Yes, there are many. Are there many violets in your garden? Yes, there are many. Are there any girls in your class? Yes, there are. Are there any snakes in this forest? No, there are not. Are there any frogs in this lake? No, there are not. Is there any water in this kettle? Is there any milk in the bottle? Is there any bread for dinner? Is there much cheese in the cupboard? Is there much milk in that jug? Is there much butter on the plate? There are not many flowers in our garden. butter cheese
There is not much bread for tea. There are not many birds in this forest. There is not much water in this lake. Is there a knife on the table? Yes, there is. a kettle Is there a spoon in your plate? No, there is not. Is there a saucer under your cup? Yes, there is. Are there forks in the kitchen? Yes, there are. There is no butter for tea. There are no cups in the cupboard. There is no bird in that nest. There is no milk in my glass. There are no children in our house. Words 1. bread [bred] — хлеб 2. cheese [t$i:z]—сыр 3. butter ['bAta] — сливочное масло 4. tea [ti:] — чай 5. dinner fdina] — обед 6. for [fa:]—для for dinner —на обед for tea — к чаю 7. kettle [ketl] — котелок, чайник 8. library [Taibrari] — библиотека 9. forest ['farist] — лес 10. class [kla:s] — класс 11. much [тдЬ]—много (для неисчисляемых существительных) 12. jug [djAg] — кувшин 13. any ['em] — сколько-нибудь 14. kitchen ['kitfen] — кухня
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 1. Are there many children in the garden? Yes, there are many. 2. Are there any nuts in that tree? No, there are not. 3. Are there any ducks on the lake? Yes, there are. 4. Is there a plate on the table? Yes, there is. 5. Are there any forks there? No, there are not. 6. Is there any milk in the bottle? Yes, there is. 7. There are many rabbits in this forest. 8. There is not much cheese on your plate. 9. There is very much water here. 10. Give me some cheese, please! 11. This water is boiled. II. Переведите письменно предложения. 1. В саду много детей? Да, много. 2. На том дереве есть орехи? Нет. 3. На озере есть утки? Да. 4. На стрле есть тарелка? Да. 5. Там есть вилки? Нет. 6. В бутылке есть молоко? Да. 7. В этом лесу много зайцев. 8. На вашей тарелке немного сыра. 9. Здесь очень много воды. 10. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, сыру! 11. Эта вода кипячёная.
There are many butter-flies in the field. There are some flies in our room. a fly Jimmy, open the window! There are too many flies here. Can you catch that big fly? Of course, I can catch it, but it is not a fly, it is a bee. Where is the bee now? It is on the rose. The rose is in the vase. The vase is on the table. The table is in the room. Jimmy is at the table. Now the bee is in the garden. The vase is on the floor. Jimmy is under the table. What is this? It is a ladybird. Where is the ladybird? It is on a leaf. What colour is the ladybird? The ladybird is red. What colour a butterfly a bee is the leaf? It is green. Are there many berries forest? Yes, there are. a ladybird a berry
a mushroom are many mushrooms there too. Are there many leaves on that bush? Yes, there are very many. There are some berries under the bush. Is there much honey on the saucer? Yes, there is. There are some bees in the saucer too. The bees are in the honey. Where is the saucer with the honey? It is on the table. Words 1. butterfly ['bAtsflai] — бабочка 2. field [fi:ld] — поле 3. fly [flai] — муха 9. at the table —за столом 10. floor [flo:] — пол 11. ladybird ['leidiba:d]— 4. window [windou] — окно 5. here [hia] — здесь божья коровка 12. leaf [li:f] — лист 13. berry [ben] — ягода 6. to catch [kaeti] — поймать 7. of course [av'kois] — berries ['benz] — ягоды \ 14. mushroom конечно 8. bee [bi:] — пчела ['mA$ru:m] — гриб 15. bush [buy — куст Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. There are many mushrooms in the forest. IL Переведите письменно предложения. Деревья в лесу зелёные. Они очень боль-
They are under the trees and bushes. There are many berries there too. There are many birds, butterflies, bees and ladybirds in the forest. There are many animals there: foxes, bats, wolves and squirrels. There is a big old owl in the pine-tree. The trees in the forest are green. They are very big and strong. Their leaves are green. There are many flowers in the fields. The flowers are red, yellow, white and blue. шие и крепкие. Их листья зелёные. На сосне есть большая, старая сова. В лесу много грибов. Они (бывают) под деревьями и кустами. Там также много ягод. Там много животных: лис, летучих мышей, волков и белок. В лесу много птиц, бабочек, пчёл и божьих коровок. В . полях много цветов. Цветы (бывают) красные, жёлтые, белые и голубые. LESSON TWENTY-NINE^ (29) What is in the sky? The sun is there. What else is in the sky? The clouds are there. What is in the sky at Hight? sun The moon and the stars are there. What colour is the sky? It is blue. What colour are the clouds? They are grey. How many months are there in a year?
the moon How many weeks are there in a month? How many days are there in a month? How many days are there in a week? There are twelve months in a year. There are four weeks in a month. There are thirty days or thirty-one days in a month. There are seven days in a week. The night is very dark. There are dark clouds in the dark clouds sky. There are no stars in it. The sun’s rays are very warm. Moonbeams are not warm at all. When the day is hot, Roombo is in the shade. When the day is not hot, Roombo is in the sun. Roombo is a very clever puppy. Words 1. the sky [skai] — небо 2. the sun [sau] — солнце 3. there [деэ] — там, туда 4. else [els] — ещё 5. cloud [klaud] — облако 6. night [nait] — ночь 7. the moon [mu:n] — луна 8. month [тлпо] — месяц 9. week [wi:k] — неделя 10. day [dei] — день
11. thirty ['oa:ti]—тридцать 12. dark [da:k] —тёмный 13. ray [rei] — луч 14. warm [wo:m]—теплый 15. moonbeams ['mu:n-bi:mz] — полосы лунного света beam [bi:m] — луч 16. hot [hot]—жаркий, горячий 17. when [wen] — когда 18. in the shade — в те- ни 19. shade [Seid]—тень 20. in the sun — на солнце Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. The sky is very dark at night. There are many grey clouds in the sky now. The sky is not blue. When is the moon in the sky? The moon is in the sky at night. The stars are in the sky at night too. There are four weeks in a month. There are twelve months in a year. How many days are there in a week? There are seven. How many days are there in a month? There are thirty or thirty-one days in a month. II. Переведите письменно предложения. Сколько дней в неделе? В неделе 7 дней. Сколько дней в месяце? В месяце 30 или 31 день. В году 12 месяцев. В месяце 4 недели. Ночью небо (бывает) очень тёмное. Сейчас на небе много серых облаков. Небо не голубое. Ночью на небе бывает луна. Звёзды на небе бывают тоже ночью.
A Rhyme (на фонетический значок [ae]) Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat, Can you catch that big, fat rat? If you catch that bad, fat rat you will have some milk for that. Lily has a cat. Her cat’s name is Pussy. There are many rats in Lily’s house. Pussy-Cat cannot catch rats. Pussy-Cat is too fat and too lazy. The rats are big and grey. Lily cannot sleep at night. But where is Jimmy’s puppy Roombo? Roombo can catch rats. Roombo is strong and he is not lazy. Pussy a rat
Jimmy and Roombo are in the forest. They are not at home. Poor Lily! She cannot sleep at all. And where is Reni? Maybe Reni can help Lily? Maybe Reni will catch these grey rats? But Reni is not at home. He is in the forest with Mr. Dale. Poor little Lily! Words 1. rhyme [raim]—риф- дешь иметь, ты пома лучишь 2. Pussy [pusi] — Пусси 7. to sleep [sli:p] — (имя кошки) спать 3. fat [faet]—жирный 8. poor [риэ] — бедный 4. for that — за это 9. maybe — может быть 5. if [if] — если 10. to help [help] — no- в. you will have [ju: могать wil hasv] — ты 6y- Задания I. Перепишите и устно переве- II. Переведите письменно пред-дите предложения. ложения. \ Can you catch that chicken? Yes, of course, 1 can catch it. Is the chicken fat? Yes, it is very fat. Are there many rats in your house? No, there are not. Can you sleep if there is a rat under your bed? No, I cannot. Можешь ты поймать того цыплёнка? Да, конечно, я могу его поймать. Цыплёнок жирный? Да, он очень жирный. Можешь ты спать, если у тебя под кроватью крыса? Нет. В вашем доме много крыс? Нет.
LESSON THIRTY-ONE^ (3Q Mr. Dale is as tall as a high wall. Mrs. Dale is not so tall as her husband. Is Polly tall or short? She is short because she is a little girl. Who is Mrs. Dale? She is Mr. Dale’s wife. Who is older Jimmy or Polly? Polly is older than Jimmy. She is thirteen years old while Jimmy is six years old. Who is taller, Jimmy or his sister? His sister is taller than he. Is Lily as tall as Jimmy? No, Lily is not so tall as he. She is shorter. Mr. Dale and Mrs. Dale have two children —a boy and a girl. The boy’s name is Jimmy. He is six years old. The girl’s name. is Polly. She is seven years older than her brother. Jimmy has a puppy. Its name is Roombo. Mr. Dale has a dog too. His dog’s name is Reni. Reni is a very clever dog. What has Polly? She has five rabbits. What colour are they? Her rabbits are as white as snow. Has Mr. Christine a wife? No, he has not. Who is Mr. Christine? He is Lily’s father. Has Lily a mother? No, she has not. Who is Sam? Sam is Lily’s brother. How old is Sam? He is ten years old. Sam is six years older than Lily. What has Sam? Sam has a monkey and a donkey. The monkey’s name is Cheetah and the donkey’s name is Kicky. Sam’s monkey is very funny. Words 1. as ... as [aez...aez]— 2. tall [toil] — высокого такой же ... как роста
3. high [hai] — высокий 9. because [bi'koz] — 4. wall [wo:l] — стена 5. Mrs. fmisiz] — миссис 6. not so ... as [not 'sou ... aez] — не такой ... как 7. husband [’hAzband]— муж 8. short [p:t] — низкого роста потому что 10. wife [waif] — жена 11. than [dasn] — чем (при сравнении) 12. while [wail] — в то время как 13. seven years older — на семь лет старше 14. snow [snou] — снег Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. 11. Переведите ложения. письменно пред- This wall is very high. That boy is very tall. Mrs. Dale is short; she Эта стена очень высокая. Тот мальчик очень вы- is as short as Polly. сокий. My cat is as white as Миссис Дэйл низень-snow. кая, она такого же Who is older: you or низкого роста, как your sister? 1 am ol- Поля. der than she. я на 10 лет старше мо- 1 am ten years older than ей сестры. my sister. Is Jimmy Кто старше вы или older than Lily? Yes, ваша сестра?’Я стар-he is two years older. ше eg. Моя кошка такая бе- лая, как снег. Джими старше Лили? Да, он на два года старше её.
Sam is Lily’s He has a cat Another Rhyme (на значок [au]) Little Mouse, Little Mouse, Will you come out of your house? Thank you, Pussy! — says the mouse 1 won’t leave my little house. brother. too. His cat’s name is also Pussy. But his Pussy is not fat; It is very thin. Sam’s Pussy is always hungry. It is not lazy, but it is very old. The little mouse is in its house. The mouse is not hungry. It has some grain at home. But the cat is very hungry. The cat says: “Little Mouse, give me some grain. 1 am hungry. Open the window!” The little mouse says: “There is no grain at home.” The cat says: “Where is your grain?” The mouse says: “It is in the field.” The hung- little mouse in its house ry cat says: “What? What? Open the window. I cannot hear you.” The little mouse says: “No, Pussy, I won’t open the window.
1. another [э'плдэ] — другой 2. Will you come out? — He выйдешь ли ты? 3. to come [клт] — приходить 4. to come out [aut] — выходить 5. says [sez] — говорит 6. to say [sei] — гово- Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. Is Sam’s cat fat or thin? Sam’s cat is not fat; it is thin. Is Sam’s cat old or young? It is very old. Is Sam’s cat lazy? No, it is not. What is its name? Its name is Pussy. Lily has a cat. What is its name? It is Pussy too. Can Sam’s Pussy catch rats? Yes, it can. Can Lily’s Pussy catch rats? No, it cannot. рить 7. I won’t [afwount] — я не хочу 8. to leave [li:v] — покидать 9. also prison] — тоже 10. thin [ein]—худой 11. always pilwaz] — всегда 12. hungry [Ълддп] — голодный II. Переведите письменно предложения. Кошка Сэма жирная или худая? Кошка Сэма не жирная; она худая. Кошка Сэма старая или молодая? Она очень старая. Кошка Сэма ленивая? Нет. Как её зовут? Её зовут Пусси. У Лили есть кошка. Как её зовут? Её зовут тоже Пусси. Может ли Пусси Сэма ловить крыс? Да. Может ли Пусси Лили ловить крыс? Нет.
a sparrow A Patter a baby Bears like honey. Girls like cats. Cats like rats. Boys like balls. Girls like dolls. Babies like milk. Mice like cheese. Sparrows like peas. Owls like mice. Birds like grain. Say it all again! Squirrels like nuts. There are many nuts in the forest. Is Mr. Dale rich or poor? Mr. Dale is not rich. Is there any money on your table? Yes, there is. Give me some money, please! I want to buy grain for my ducks. tree mice Is there any milk for my baby? Yes, there is. There are some children in your room. Go there! There is some cheese on the plate. Take some peas too! I want to buy grain and rice. Grain for my birds and rice for myself.
1. patter fpseta] — скороговорка 2. bear [bea] — медведь 3. to like [laikj — любить, нравиться 4. baby [beibi]—дитя babies ['beibiz] — дети 5. mice [mais] — мыши mouse [maus]—мышь 6. sparrow [spaerou] — воробей 7. pea [pi:] — горошина peas [pi:z] — горох 8. all [o:l] — всё, все 9. again [э'деш] — опять 10. rich [rit$] — богатый 11. money [rnAni]—день- ги 12. want [wont] — хочу 13. to buy [bai] — покупать 14. rice [rais] — рис 15. myself [mafself] — я сама (сам) Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. I have some honey. I like it. Give me some money, I want to buy grain for my ducks. Give me some milk for my cat. Is there any butter on the plate? Yes, there is. Horses like grain. Hens and ducks like grain too. Sparrows like peas. 1 like rice and milk. II. Переведите письменно предложения. Куры и утки любят зерно. Воробьи любят горох. Лошади любят зерно. Куры и утки тоже любят зерно. У меня есть мёд. Я его люблю. Дайте мне немного денег. Я хочу купить зерна для моих уток. Есть ли на тарелке масло? Да, есть. Я люблю рис с молоком.
a )ucca The cat is an animal. The owl is a bird. The rose is a plant The yucca is also a plant. Yuccas grow in the South. Roses grow in the South too. Fir, pines, yuccas, violets, daisies and roses are plants. Bears, wolves, tigers, cows, horses, dogs and cats are animals. a duck Hens, ducks, turkeys, owls, swallows are birds. eagles, Words 1. plant [plaint] — расте- a horse ние 2. yucca fjAko] — юкка 3. to grow [grou] — расти 4. the South [saue] — юг 5. in the South — на юге 6. to guess [ges] — отгадывать 7. yourself [jofself] — вы сами
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. Is the yucca an animal or a plant? The yucca is a plant. Is the horse an animal? The horse is an animal. Yuccas grow in the South. Roses also grow in the South. Can you guess this girl’s name? No, I cannot; guess it yourself. Where is Jimmy now? He is in the South. Whose cat is this? This is Lily’s cat. Why won’t you play with me? II. Переведите письменно предложения. Чей это мяч? Это Лилин мяч. Юкка животное или растение? Юкка — растение. Юкка растёт на юге. Лошадь животное? Лошадь— животное. Можешь ты отгадать имя этой девочки? Не могу, отгадайте его сами. Где теперь Джими? Он на юге. LESSON ТШЯТУ-Е/УЕ (35) The Russians live in Russia. They speak Russian. The English live in England. They speak English. The Chinese live in China. They speak Chinese. The Indians live in America. They speak Indian and English. The Americans live in America. They speak English. The Germans live in Germany. They speak German. The French live in France. They speak French. 1 read English books. I like to read Russian books too. 1 can read French books. I can read and write very well.
We speak English and French though we are Russians. 1 can speak German too though I am not German. In Germany they speak German. In France they speak French. In America they speak English. Can you speak Chinese? No, I cannot. Who can speak English? Jimmy can. Can Mr. Dale speak French? Yes, he can. Who can speak German? The Germans can. Who can speak Chinese? The Chinese can. She is ill. I am not ill. I am well. 1 am strong. She is not strong. She is weak. My legs are long. Her legs are not long; they are short. He is tall. She is not tall; she is short. Words 1. the Russians [da ’rAfenz] — русские 2. Soviet Russia ['souviet гл$э] — Советская Россия 3. to speak [spi:k] — говорить 4. Russian [гл^эп]—русский, по-русски 5. the English [da 'irjglh] — англичане 6. England ['iggland] — Англия 7. English ['irjglifl —английский, по-английски 8. the Chinese [da 't$ai ni:z] — китайцы 9. China ['tSaina] — Китай 10. Chinese ['t$ai'ni:z] — китайский, по-китайски 11. America [a'merika] — Америка
12. the Americans [di: 16. the French [da'frentj] a'menkanz] — амери- —французы канцы 17. France [fra:ns] — 13. the Germans [дэ Франция 'dj^imsnz] — немцы 18. French [frentj] — 14. Germany['d^msni] — французский, no-Германия французски 15. German ['d^arman] — 19. though [dou] — хотя немецкий, по-немец- 20. to be well [wel] — ки быть здоровым I am well — я здоров Задания 1. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. Can the Chinese speak Russian? Yes, some Chinese speak Russian. Can the Indians speak English? Yes, they can. In America they speak English. In Germany they speak German. In France they speak French. In China they speak Chinese. Are there many Chinese in Soviet Russia now? Yes, there are. Are there many Americans here? No, there are not. Mr. Dale can speak French though he is Eng- II. Переведите письменно предложения. Сейчас много китайцев в Советской России? Да. Умеют ли китайцы говорить по-русски? Да, некоторые китайцы говорят по-русски. Много ли здесь американцев? Нет. Миссис Дэйл англичанка? Нет, она француженка. Умеют ли индейцы говорить по-английски? Да, умеют. Мистер Дэйл умеет говорить по-француз-
lish. Is Mrs. Dale English? ски, хотя он англича-No, she is not, she is нин. French. В Китае говорят по- китайски. В Америке говорят по-английски. Во Франции поворят по-французски. В Германии говорят по-немецки. LESSON THIRTY-SIX^ (36) Lily and Jimmy are hungry. There is no bread on the table. There is no cheese in the cupboard. Jimmy’s mother is not at home. Jimmy’s sister Polly is at school. Mr. Dale is in the forest with Reni. The little puppy, Roombo, There are some apples under the apple-tree is hungry too. in the garden. But Jimmy cannot pick the apples. They are too high in the appletree. Lily and Jimmy sit under the apple-tree and look at the apples. The apples are ripe and round and juicy. The children are very hungry. “Can you bring a long, long stick, Jimmy?” asks Lily.
“Yes, 1 can, of course,” says Jimmy. “Give me an apple, Jimmy,” says Lily. “But I have no apples,” says Jimmy. “Where are the apples?” asks little Lily. “They are high in the tree,” says Jimmy. “Give me one apple, Jimmy!” little Lily says again. “How can I give you an apple?” asks Jimmy. “Take a long, long stick, Jimmy,” says little Lily angrily. “Why must 1 take a long, long stick, Lily?” poor little Jimmy asks again. “You are a silly, silly boy, Jimmy,” says his clever little friend Lily. Try to guess why little Lily says that Jim is very silly! Words 1. to pick [pik] — срывать 2. an apple-tree [an 'aepltri:] —яблоня 3. to look at [luk'aet]— смотреть на 4. ripe [raip] — спелый 5. round [raund] — круглый 6. juicy ['djuisi]—сочный 7. to bring [brig]—приносить 8. to ask [a;sk] — спрашивать 9. angrily [aeggnli] — сердито 10. silly ['sili] — глупый 11. Why [wai]? —Почему? 12. to try [trai]—попробовать
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. Jim and Lily sit under the apple-tree. They look atthe apples. Are the apples ripe? Yes, they are ripe and juicy. Is bread juicy? No, it is not. What is juicy? Berries are juicy. Can you give me one apple? Of course, I can. Where is the apple? It is on your plate. Who is clever? Lily is clever. Look at this apple-tree! Are there many apples in it? Yes, there are. Try to count the apples! I cannot. II. Переведите письменно предложения. Посмотри на эту яблоню! Много ли на ней яблок? Да. Попробуй сосчитать яблоки! Я не могу. Джим и Лиля сидят под яблоней. Можешь ли ты дать мне одно яблоко? Конечно, я могу. Где яблоко? Оно у тебя на тарелке. Они смотрятша яблоки. Спелые ли яблоки? Да, они спелые и сочные. Хлеб сочный? Нет. Что сочное? Ягоды сочные. Кто умный? Лиля умная. LESSON THIRTY-SEVEN^ (37) We shall go to school with Polly. Will Jim read this English book? Yes, he will. Lily will not sit here. Will you take this puppy? No, I won’t; the puppy is too little. Will you take this kitten? No, I won’t; the kitten is too little. Is this boy English or American? He is English. Are you English or Russian? I am Russian. The Russians live in Russia. The Germans live in Ger
many. The Indians live in America. The Chinese live in China. I like to read French books. They are very good. 1 can read English books too. Can you speak French? Yes, 1 can Can you speak German? No, 1 cannot. May I take your new pen? Yes, you may. Who is in my room? Jim and Lily are in your room. Whose kittens are under my chair? Lily’s. They sleep there. What must you write in your copy-book? I must write an English patter. What can Jim draw? He can draw many animals: a camel, a horse, a cow, a goat, a tiger, a fox, a mouse, a rat, a bat, a rabbit, a squirrel, a snake. He can draw birds too: an eagle, a hen, a cock, a duck, a swallow, an owl. But he cannot draw a wolf. Where must you go after school? After school 1 must go home. Is your house far from your school? No, it is not. Is there a cinema not far from your house? No, there is not. Will you go to the cinema to-morrow? No, 1 shall not. 1 go to the cinema on Sundays. Will you go to the cinema next Sunday? Yes, I shall. Words 1. after [a:fta] — после, после того как... 2. to-morrow [te'morou]— завтра 3. on Sundays —по воскресеньям 4. Sunday ['sAndij —воскресенье 5. next [nekst]—следующий 6. together [ta'geda]— вместе 7. to cry [krai] — плакать
I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. Jimmy is a little boy. Не cannot read, he cannot write. But he wants to go to school. Will Jimmy go to school with Polly? No, he will not, he is too little. Will Lily go to school with Polly? No, she will not, she is too little. Will Jim go to the cinema with Polly? Yes, he will. Next Sunday they will go to the cinema together. Jimmy will not cry. He is a good boy. И. Переведите письменно предложения. Джими — маленький мальчик. Оь не умеет читать, и он не умеет писать. Но он хочет идти в школу. Пойдёт ли Джими в школу с Полей? Нет, он слишком мал. Пойдёт ли Лиля в школу с Полей? Нет, она тоже ещё слишком маленькая. Пойдёт ли Джим в кино с Полей? Да. В следующее воскресенье они вместе пойдут в кино. Джими не будет плакать. Он — хороший мальчик. LESSON TlilRTY-EIGHT^ (38) What is in the sky at night? The moon and the stars are. What is in the sky by day? The sun is. Are there any clouds in the sky now? No, there are not. What animal is sly? The fox is sly. What animal is clever? The horse and the dog are clever.
Is the Black Sea deep? Yes, it is very deep. Is a lake as deep as the sea? No, it is not. Is your river deep? No, it is not deep at all. Have you many apple-trees in your garden? Yes, we have eight apple-trees in our garden. This is your apple and that is mine. This is my pear and that is yours. This is her orange and that is his. This is his peach and that is hers. These are her plums and those are ours. These are our grapes and those are theirs. Words 1. by day ['bai 'dei] — днём 2. The Black Sea [blaek si:]—Чёрное море 3. deep [di:p]—глубокий 4. the sea [si:]—море 5. a river [riva]—река 6. a pear [pea]—груша 7. an orange [orindg]— апельсин 8. a peach [pi:t$] — персик 9. a plum [р1лт]—слива 10. grapes [greips] —виноград Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. What trees grow in your garden? Peach-trees, pear-trees, apple-trees, plums and oranges grow in our garden. Are there any pines or firs there? No, there are not. What II. Переведите письменно предложения. Какие деревья растут в вашем саду? Персиковые, грушевые, яблоневые, сливовые и апельсиновые. Там есть сосны и ели? Нет. Какие цветы растут под
flowers grow under these trees? Violets and daisies grow under these trees. Can yuccas grow in your garden? Yes, they can, because our garden is not far from the Black sea. I live in the South. этими деревьями? Фиалки и маргаритки. Могут ли юкки расти в вашем саду? Да, потому что наш сад находится недалеко от Чёрного моря. Я живу на юге. LESSON T^ilRTY-NINE^ (39) A Poem У обезьянки — a monkey была подружка — a frog — лягушка была сестричка — a fox — лисичка. Были ещё: — a rabbit—крольчонок — a bear — медвежонок — a duckling — утёнок
— a pig —поросёнок — a black cat —чёрный кот и козлёнок —a goat Они жили в лесу —in the wood и были очень хороши—very good! А около озера —near the lake Жила большая змея —a big snake. It was hungry — Она была голодна And was always angry —и была всегда зла (То be continued.) Words 1. near [nia] — около 2. was [w5z]—была 3. angry [’aerjgri] — злая, злой 4. to be continued [to 'bi: kan'tmju:d] — продолжение следует Задания I. Перепишите и устно переведите предложения. The fox was under the box. II. Переведите письменно предложения. Я был в кино в воскресенье.
The frog was on the log. The snake was near the lake. The cheese was on the plate. The bird was in the cage. The bear was under the tree. The apple was in the tree. The duck was in the water. The goat was in the garden. The cat was in the sun. The milk was in the bottle. Mrs. Dale was in the South. 1 was at the cinema on Sunday. Who was always hungry? Who was always angry? Where was the squirrel? It was in the fir-tree. Кошка была на солнышке. Кто был всегда голоден? Где была белка? Она была на ёлке. Лиса была под ящиком. Утка была в воде. Медведь был под деревом. Птичка была в клетке. Яблоко было на дереве. Коза была в саду. Лягушка была на бревне. Молоко было в бутылке. Сыр был на тарелке. Змея была около озера. Миссис Дэйл была на юге. Кто был всегда злой?
СТАНДАРТНЫЕ ФРАЗЫ 1. I have а реп. У меня есть ручка. 2. Не has a book. У него есть книга. (Он имеет книгу.) 3. What is your name? Как ваше имя? Как вас зовут? 4. Му name is Тот Dale. Меня зовут Том Дэйл. 5. How old are you? Сколько вам лет? 6. 1 am forty years old. Мне 40 лет. 7. What colour is his cap? Какого цвета его шапка? 8. Who is he? Кто он? (Mr. Dale, Lily’s father.) 9. What is he? Кто он? (По профессии: a doctor, a driver.) 10. What else? Что ещё? 11. Who else? Кто ещё? 12. How many rooms have you? Сколько у вас комнат? 13. How much grain have they? Сколько у них зерна? 14. 1 am ill. Я болен. 15. I am well. Я здоров. 16. I am hungry. Я голоден, я хочу есть. 17. 1 am angry. Я сердит, я сержусь. 18. What friends have you? Какие у тебя друзья? (Каких друзей ты имеешь?) 19. Whose book is on the table? Чья книга на столе? 20. Whose children are in my room? Чьи дети у меня в комнате? 21. Why not? Почему нет? 22. There is a mouse under your bed. Под вашей кроватью мышь. 23. There are some nuts in that box. В том ящике есть орехи. 24. There is some milk in that bottle. В той бутылке есть молоко. 25. Are there any chairs there? Там есть стулья? 26. Is there any cheese in the cupboard? В буфете есть сыр? 27. There are no mushrooms in that wood. В том лесу нет грибов. 28. There is no milk in my cup. В моей чашке нет молока. 29. Can you swim? Умеете ли вы плавать?
30. May I come in? Можно войти? 31. We must learn well. Мы должны хорошо учиться. 32. 1 cannot swim at all. Я совсем не умею плавать. 33. 1 like grapes very much. Я очень люблю виноград. 34. I’ll give you some honey. Я дам вам меду. 35. He’ll be at home. Он будет дома. 36. I won’t give him my gun. Я (не хочу) не дам ему моё ружьё. 37. Не won’t go to school. Он не пойдёт (не хочет) в школу. 38. Will you go to the cinema with us ? Вы пойдёте (хоти те) в кино с нами? 39. ГП give him the book if he is at school. Я дам ему эту книгу, если он будет в школе. 40. Open the window, please! Thank you! Откройте окно, пожалуйста! Благодарю вас! (Спасибо!)
СЛОВАРЬ (400 слов) 1. а |э] неопределённый артикль ап [ап] » » a boy, a girl, a book, ап apple, an eagle 2. after foeifta] после after school после школы 3. again [э'дет] опять 4. all [э:1] все, всё 5. also ['o:lsou] также, тоже 6. always ['odwsz] всегда 7. America [э'тепкэ] Америка American американский the Americans американцы 8. ат [ат] от глаг. to be 1-е лицо ед. числа 1 am a boy. Я мальчик. 9. and [send] и, а 10. angrily ['aggrih] сердито 11. angry ['aerjgri] сердитый 12. animal ['animal] животное 13. another [э'плдэ] другой 14. any[eni] какой-нибудь,сколько-нибудь 15. apple [aepl] яблоко 16. apple-tree ['apltri:] яблоня 17. are [а:] мн. число от глаг. to be We are boys. Мы мальчики. 18. as... as [az...az] такой... как as white as snow белый как снег 19. ask [a:sk] спрашивать 20. at [at] на, в, у, за at home дома at the cinema в кино at the window у окна at the table за столом 21. at all [at'3:l] совсем не ... I cannot swim at all. Я совсем не умею плавать. 1. baby ['beibi] младенец babies ['beibiz] младенцы 2. back [bak] спина to come back возвращаться 3. bad [bad] плохой 4. ball [Ьэ:1] мяч 5. bat [bat] летучая мышь 6. be [bi:] быть 7. beak [bi:k] клюв 8. beam [bi:m] луч 9. bear [Ьеэ] медведь 10. because fbi'koz] потому что 11. bed [bed] кровать 12. bee [bi:] пчела 13. bell [bel] колокольчик, звонок 14. berry ['ben] ягода berries ['benz] ягоды
15. big [big] большой 16. bird [bard] птица 17. black [blaek] чёрный 18. blue [blur] синий, голубой 19. book [buk] книга 20. bottle [botl] бутылка 21. box baks] ящик, коробка 22. boy bai] мальчик 23. bread [bred] хлеб bread and butter хлеб с маслом 24. bring [brig] приносить 25. brother ['Ьгддэ] брат 26. brown [braun] коричневый 27. bush [bu\] куст 28. but [Ьл1] но 29. butter [Ъл1э] сливочное масло 30. butterfly ['bAtaflai] бабочка 31. buy [bai] покупать c 1. cage [keidj] клетка 2. camel ['kaemal] верблюд 3. can [kaen] умею, могу 1 can read. Я умею читать. I cannot speak. Я не умею разговаривать. 4. cap [keep] кепка, шапка 5. car [kotr] автомобиль motor-car легковая машина 6. cat [kaet] кошка 7. catch [kaet$] ловить, поймать 8. chair [tjsa] стул 9. Cheetah ['t$i:ta] Чита 10. cheese [t$i:z] сыр 11. chicken ['tjikm] цыплёнок 12. child [tjaild] ребёнок, дитя children [’tjildran] дети 13. China ['t$aina] Китай Chinese ['t$ai'ni:z] китайский the Chinese китайцы 14. Christine ['knstm] Кристин 15. cinema ['smima] кино at the cinema в кино (где)? to the cinema в кино (куда)? 16. class [kla:s] класс 17. claw [kb:] коготь 18. clever ['kleva] умный 19. cloud [klaud] облако 20. cock [kak] петух 21. colour ['кд1э] цвет What colour? Какого цвета? 22. come [клт] приходить come in входить come out выходить 23. continue [kan'tinju] продолжать to be continued продолжение следует 24. copy-book ['kapibuk] тетрадь 25. count [kaunt] считать count from one to ten сосчитайте) от 1 до 10 26. cow [kau] корова 27. crest [krest] гребешок 28. cry [krai] кричать, плакать 29. cup [клр] чашка 30. cupboad ['клЬэб] буфет 1. daisy ['deizi] маргаритка daisies ['deiziz] маргаритки 2. Dale [deil] Дэйл 3. dark [dark] тёмный
4. day [dei] день by day [bai'dei] днём 5. deep [di:p] глубокий 6. dinner I'dina] обед 7. dish [di$l блюдо 8. doctor |'dokta| доктор 9. dog [dag] собака 10. doll [d?l] кукла 11. donkey I'dogki] ослик 12. door |do:] дверь 13. down |daun] вниз Sit down! Садись! Put down! Положи! 14. draw [dro:] рисовать 15. dress [dres] платье 16. drive [draiv] водить машину 17. driver ['draiva] водитель, шофёр 18. duck |dAk] утка 19. duckling ['dAklirj] утёнок E 1. eagle [i:gl] орёл 2. early ]'o:li] рано 3. eight [eit] восемь 4. eighteen fei'tirn] восемнадцать 5. eleven [flevn] одиннадцать 6. else |els] ещё What else? Что ещё? 7. England ['iggland] Англия 8. English ['irjghJ] английский, по-английски the English англичане 9. even [i:vn] даже 1. fan [faen] веер 2. far |fa:] далеко far from далеко от 3. fast |fa:st] быстро 4. fat ]faet] жирный 5. father ]'fa:da] отец 6. field [fi:ld] поле in the field в поле, на поле 7. fifteen ]'fif'ti:n] пятнадцать 8. fir [1э:| ель 9. fish [fi$] рыба 10. five [faiv] пять 11. flag [flaeg] флаг 12. floor [fix] пол 13. flower fflaua] цветок 14. fly [flai] муха flies [flaiz] мухи 15. fly [flail летать 16. for ]fo:] для 17. forest ffdrist] лес 18. fork |h:k] вилка 19. four |fo:| четыре 20. fourteen [b:'ti:n] четырнадцать 21. fox [foks] лиса 22. France ]fra:ns] Франция 23. French [frent$] французский, по-французски the French французы 24. friend [frend] друг 25. frog [frog] лягушка 26. from [fram] из 27. funny [Чаш] смешной, забавный
1. garden [ga:dn] сад 2. german ['dga.man] немецкий, по-немецки 3. the Germans ['dgarmanz] немцы 4. Germany ['djaimani] Германия 5. get up ['get 'лр] вставать 6. girl [дэ:1] девочка 7. give [giv] давать Give me! Дай мне! 8. glass [gla:s] стакан 9. go [gou[ ходить Go home! Иди домой! Go to school! Иди в школу! Go to bed! Ложись спать! 10. goat [gout] коза 11. gold [gould] золото, золотой 12. good [gud] хороший 13. grain [grein] зерно 14. grapes [greips] виноград 15. green [grim] зелёный 16. grey [grei] серый 17. grow [grou] расти 18. guess [ges] отгадать 19. gun [длп] ружьё , . н 1. hat [haet] шляпа 2. have [haev] иметь has [haez] имеет (он, она) 3-е лицо ед. числа 3. he [hi:] он 4. hear [hia] слышать 5. help [help] помогать 6. hen [hen] курочка 7. her [ho: | её 8. here [hia] здесь, сюда She is here. Она здесь. Come here! Иди сюда! 9. high [hai] высокий, высоко 10. his [hiz] его his book его книга 11. home [houm] дом at home дома home домой 12. honey ['hAni] мёд 13. horse [h?:s] лошадь 14. hot [hot] жарко, горячий 15. house [haus] дом 16. how [hau] как How many? Сколько? (для исчисляемых имён сущ.) How much? Сколько? (для неисчисляемых имён сущ.) How old are you? Сколько вам лет? 17. hungry [Ълрдп] голодный I am hungry. Я хочу есть. 18. hunter I'hAnta] охотник 19. husband ['hAzband] муж 1. I [ai] я I am a boy. Я мальчик. 2. if [if] если 3. ill [il] больной I am ill. Я болен.
4. in [in] в 5. Indian ['indjan] индеец 6. is [iz] (3-е лицо от глагола to be) He is a hunter. Он охот- ник. 7. it [it] он, она, оно (для вещей и животных) <8. its [its] его, её (для вещей и животных) 1. jackal ['dgaekad] шакал 2. jam [djaem] варенье 3. Jimmy ['dgimij Джими 4. John [djan] Джон 5. jug [dzAg] кувшин 6. juicy fdjursi] сочный 5. leaf [li:f] лист leaves [li:vz] листья 6. learn [b:n] учиться 7. leave [li:v] покидать, уходить из 8. leg [leg] нога 9. lemon ['leman] лимон 10. lesson [lesn] урок at the lesson на уроке 11. library ['laibrari] библиотека 12. like [laik] любить, нравиться I like apples. Я люблю яблоки. 1 like this book. Мне нравится эта книга. 13. Lily |'hli] Лиля 14. lion ['laian] лев 15. little [litl] маленький a little немножко We speak English a little. Мы немножко говорим по-английски. 16. to live [liv] жить 17. lizard ['lizad] ящерица 18. log [bg] бревно 19. long [bg] длинный - 20. loud [laud| громкий 21. louder ['lauda] громче К 1. kettle [ketl] котелок, чайник 2. Kicky ['kiki] Кики 3. kitchen ['kit$in] кухня 4. kite [kait] бумажный змей 5. kitten [kitn] котёнок 6. knife [naif] нож knives [naivz] ножи M 1. ladybird ['leidibaid] божья коровка 2. lake [leik] озеро 3. late [leit] поздно 4. lazy fleizi] ленивый 1. man [maen] человек, мужчина men [men] люди, мужчины 2. many ['mem] много (для исчисляемых имён сущ.) 3. may [mei] можно May I come in? Можно войти?
4. maybe [’meibi:] может быть 5. me [mi:] мне, меня 6. meat [mi:t] мясо 7. milk [milk] молоко 8. mine [main] мой, моя, моё This pen is mine. Эта ручка моя. 9. minute ['mmit] минута 10. money [’тлш] деньги 11. monkey ['mAgki] обезьянка 12. month [тлп9] месяц 13. moon [mum] луна 14. mother |'тлдэ] мать 15. motor-car ['moutakar] легковой автомобиль 16. mouse [maus] мышь mice [mais] мыши 17. Mr. ['mista] мистер 18. Mrs. ['misiz] миссис 19. much [mAt$] много (для неисчисляемых имён суш.) 20. mushroom ['тл$ги:т] гриб 21. must [mAst] должен I must go home. Я должен ИДТИ домой. 22. ту [mai] мой 23. myself [mai'self] я сам 8. no [пои] нет 9. not [nat] не 10. now |nau] теперь, сейчас 11. nut [nAt] орех 1. of [av] предлог родит, падежа the window of this room окно этой комнаты 2. of course [av 'ka:sj конечно 3. old [ould] старый 4. on [an] на 5. one [wAn] один 6. only f'ounli] только 7. open [oupnj открыть 8. or [а:] или 9. orange ['armdg] апельсин 10. our [aua] наш 11. out of ['aut 'av] из 12. owl [aul] сова N 1. name [neim] имя What is your пате? Как твоё имя? Как тебя зовут? 2. near [та] около near the lake около озера 3. nest [nest] гнездо 4. new [nju:] новый 5. night [nait] ночь at night ночью 6. nine [пат] девять 7. nineteen ['nam'timj девятнадцать 1. pair [pea] пара 2. patter ['paeta] скороговорка 3. pea [pi:] горошина peas [pi:z] горох
4. peach персик 5. pear ]ргэ] груша 6. pen [pen] ручка 7. pencil [pensl] карандаш 8. penknife ['pennaif] перочинный нож 9. pick [pik] срывать 10. pig [pig] свинья, поросёнок 11. pine [pain] сосна 12. pistol [’pistal] пистолет 13. plant [plaint] растение 14. plate [pleit] тарелка 15. play [plei] играть 16. please [plitz] пожалуйста 17. plum [р!лт] слива 18. Polly [’poll] Поля 19. poor [pua] бедный 20. puppy I'pApi] щенок puppies щенки 21. Pussy ['pusi] Пусси 22. put [put] класть 23. put down ['put 'daun] положить 3. raw [ra:] сырой 4. ray [rei| луч 5. razor ['reiza| опасная бритва 6. read jriid] читать 7. red [red] красный 8. Reni I'reni] Рени 9. rhyme [raim] рифма 10. ribbon ['riban] лента 11. rice [rais] рис 12. rich ]nt§] богатый 13. ring [ng] кольцо 14. ripe [raip] зрелый 15. river ['riva] река 16. room [ruim] комната 17. Roombo ['ru:mbou] Румбо 18. rose [rouz] роза 19. round [raund] круглый 20. run |глп| бегать 21. Russia ['глJa] • Россия 22. Russian [гл$п] русский, по-русски 23. the Russians [дэ'гл$пг] русские Soviet Russia ['souviet 'гл$э] Советская Россия Q 1. quail [kweil] перепёлка R 1. rabbit ['rsebit] кролик 2. rat [raet] крыса 1. Sam [saemj Сэм 2. saucer 'sa:sa| блюдце 3. say [sei сказать 4. school [sku:l] школа 5. sea [si:] море The Black Sea Чёрное море 6. seven (sevn] семь 7. seventeen ['sevn'tim] семнадцать 8. shade ]$eid] тень in the shade в тени
9. shall [Jael] вспомогат. глагол будущ. времени I shall соте. Я приду. 10. sharp [$а:р] острый 11. she [$i:] она 12. shirt [$a:t] рубашка 13. shoe [$ш] башмак 14. short [$a:t] короткий, низкого роста 15. silly ['sill] глупый 16. silver ['silva] серебро 17. sister ['sista] сестра 18. sit [sit] сидеть 19. six [siks] шесть 20. sixteen ['siks'ti:n] шестнадцать 21. sky [skai] небо in the sky на небе 22. sleep [sli:p] спать 23. sly [slai] хитрый 24. small [sma:l] маленький 25. smoke [smouk] курить 26. snake [sneik] змея 27. snow [snou] снег 28. sofa ['soufa] диван 29. some [sAm] несколько, немного, некоторый 30. son [злп] сын 31. South [sau6] юг in the South на юге 32. sparrow ['spaeroii] воробей 33. speak [spitk] говорить 34. spoon [spurn] ложка 35. squirrel ['skwiral] белка 36. star [sta:] звезда 37. stick [stik] палка 38. stone [stoun] камень 39. strong [strap] сильный, крепкий 40. the sun [da'sAn] солнце in the sun на солнце 41. Sunday ['sAndi] воскресенье 42. swallow ['swalou] ласточка 43. swim [swim] плавать 1. table [teibl] стол 2. tail [teil] хвост 3. take [teik] брать 4. tall [ta:l] высокий 5. tame [teim] ручной 6. tea [ti:] чай 7. ten [ten] десять 8. than [daen] чем He is older than I. Он старше, чем я. 9. thank [Oaerjk] благодарить Thank you. Благодарю вас. 10. that [daet] тот 11. the распределённый артикль 12. their [dsa их their book их книга 13. there [dsa] там, туда 14. there is имеется 15. there are имеются 16. these [dr.z] эти 17. they [dei] они 18. thin [6in] худой, тонкий 19. thirteen ['9a:'ti:n] тринадцать 20. thirty ['0a:ti] тридцать 21. this [dis] этот 22. those [douz] те 23. though [dou] хотя 24; three [Ori:] три 25. tiger ['taiga] тигр 26. to [ta] к (дательный падеж) Go to your mother! Иди к маме! Give it to me! Дай это мне! 27. together [ta'geda] вместе 28. Tom [tam] Том
29. to-morrow [ta'morou] завтра 30. too [tu:] тоже My dress is blue too. Moe платье тоже голубое. 31. too [tu:] слишком Her dress is too short. Её платье слишком короткое. 32. tree [tri:] дерево 33. truck [trAk] грузовик 34. try [trai] пытаться 35. turkey ['ta:ki] индюк 36. twelve [twelv] двенадцать 37. twenty ['twenti] двадцать 38. two [tu:] два 1. umbrella [лт'ЬгеЬ] зонт 2. under ['лпбэ[ под 1. vase [va:z] ваза 2. very ['ven] очень 3. violet ['vaialitj фиалка w 1. wall [wo:l] стена 2. want [wont] хотеть 3. warm [wo:m] тёплый 4. was [woz| был 5. water |'wj:ta| вода 6. we [wi:] мы 7. weak [wi:k] слабый 8. week [wi:k] неделя 9. well |wel] хорошо; здоровый 1 am well. Я здоров. 10. what [wot] что, какой 11. when [wen] когда 12. where [wsa] где 13. while [wail] в то время как 14. white [wait] белый 15. who [hu:] кто 16. whose [hu:z] чей 17. why [wai] почему 18. wife [waif] жена 19. will [wil] вспомогат. глагол будущего времени Не will come. Он придёт. 20. window [’windou] окно 21. with [wid] с 22. wolf [wulf] волк wolves [wulvz] волки 23. won’t [wount] = will not 24. wood [wud| лес 25. word [wo:d] слово 26. write [rait] писать
7. yours [ja:z] ваш 8. yourself [ja:'self] сам yourselves сами 9. yucca ['jAka] юкка 1. year [jia] год 2. yellow I'jelou] жёлтый 3. yes [jes] да 4. you [ju:] вы, ты 5. young [jaq] молодой 6. your [jo:] ваш, твой z 1. zebra ['zr.bra] зебра
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ к ч. I № 1 THE OLD WOMAN AND HER PIG СТАРУШКА И ЕЁ ПОРОСЁНОК An old woman was sweeping ['swi:pig] her house, and she found [faund] a crooked little sixpence, [krukid] f'sikspens] “What,” said she, “shall I [sed] do with this little sixpence? I will go to the market and ['ma: kit] buy a little pig.” [bai] Старушка подметала свой дом и нашла изогнутую маленькую денежку (грошик). «Что, — сказала она, — я сделаю с этим грошиком? Я пойду на базар и куплю поросёнка».
As she was coming home she came to a stile; the piggy would [keim] [stall] not go over the stile. Когда она шла домой, она подошла к перелазу; поросёнок не захотел перелезать через перелаз. She went a little farther and [went] ['fu:da] she met a dog. So she said to [met] the dog: “Dog, Dog, bite Pig.” But the dog would not. Она прошла немного дальше и встретила собаку. И вот она сказала собаке: «Собака, Собака, укуси Поросёнка». Но собака не захотела.
So she went a little farther and she met a stick. So she said: “Stick, Stick beat Dog.” But the stick would not. И она пошла немного дальше и встретила палку. И вот она сказала: «Палка, Палка, побей Собаку». Но палка не захотела. So she went a little farther and she met a fire. ]'faia] So she said: “Fire, Fire, burn [bam] Stick.” But the fire would not. И она прошла немного дальше и встретила огонь. И вот она сказала: «Огонь, Огонь, сожги Палку». Но огонь не захотел.
So she went a little farther and she met some water. ['wa:ta] So she said: “Water, Water, quench Fire.” But the water would [ к went J] not И она прошла немного дальше и встретила водичку. Тогда она сказала: «Водичка, Водичка, потуши огонь». Но вода не захотела. So she went a little farther and she met an ox. So she said: “Ox, Ox, drink Water.” But the ox would not. И она пошла немного дальше и встретила быка. И вот она сказала: «Бык, Бык, выпей воду». Но бык не захотел.
So she went a little farther and she met a butcher. I'butja] So she said: “Butcher, Butcher, kill Ox.” But the butcher would not. И она пошла немного дальше и встретила мясника. Тогда она сказала: «Мясник, Мясник, убей быка». Но мясник не захотел. So she went a little farther and she met a rope. Iroup] So she said: “Rope, Rope, hang [haeg] Butcher.” But the rope would not. И вот она пошла немного дальше и встретила верёвку. И она сказала: «Верёвка, верёвка, повесь мясника». Но верёвка не захотела.
So she went a little farther and she met a rat. So she said: “Rat, Rat, gnaw |no:j Rope.” But the rat would not. И вот она пошла немного дальше и встретила крысу. Тогда она сказала: «Крыса, Крыса, перегрызи Верёвку». Но крыса не захотела. Then she met a cat. So she said: “Cat, Cat, kill Rat.” The cat said to her: “If you go to yonder cow and fetch me a sau-I'jonda] [fet$] cer of milk, 1 will kill the rat.” Затем она встретила кошку. И вот она сказала: «Кошка, Кошка, убей Крысу». Кошка сказала ей: «Если ты пойдёшь вон к той корове и принесёшь мне блюдечко молока, я убью крысу».
So away went the old woman [o'wei] to the cow and said: “Cow, Cow, give me a saucer of milk.” But the cow said to her: “If you go to yonder haymakers and I'heimeikaz] fetch me a wisp of hay, 1’11 give [wisp] [hei] you the milk.” So away the old woman went to the haymakers and said: “Haymakers, Haymakers, give me a wisp of hay.” But the haymakers said to her: “If you go to yonder stream and fetch us a [stri:m] bucket of water, we will give I'bAkit] you the hay.” So away the old woman went, but when she got to the stream she found the bucket full of ['ful av holes, 'houlz] И вот пошла старушка к корове и сказала: «Корова, Корова, дай мне блюдечко молока». Но корова сказала ей: «Если ты пойдешь вон к тем косарям и принесёшь мне клок сена, я дам тебе молоко». И вот пошла старушка к косарям и сказала: «Косари, Косари, дайте мне клочок сена». Но косари сказали ей: «Если ты пойдёшь вон к той речке и принесёшь нам ведро воды, мы дадим тебе сено». И вот прочь старушка пошла, но, когда она добралась до речки, она обнаружила в ведре много дыр. So she covered the bottom fkAvad] I'botam] with pebbles and then filled the [peblz] [fild] bucket with water. And so away she went back with it to the haymakers, and they gave her a wisp of hay. [geiv] Тогда покрыла она дно галькой (камешками), а затем наполнила ведро водой. И вот пошла она обратно с ним к косарям, и они дали ей клок сена. The old woman thanked them Старушка поблагодарила их [Gaerjkt] от всего сердца. all gratefully, fgreitfuli]
She carried the wisp of hay fkaend] back to the cow and placed it [pleist] on the ground. [graund] As soon as the cow had eaten [haed'i.tn] the hay, she gave the old woman the milk, and away she went with the saucer of milk to the cat As soon as the cat lapped up llapt] the milk ... The cat began to kill the rat; |bi'gam| the rat began to gnaw the rope; Она понесла клок сена назад корове и положила его на землю. Как только корова съела сено, она дала старушке молоко, и вот пошла она с блюдечком молока к кошке. Как только кошка вылакала молоко... Кошка начала убивать крысу; крыса начала грызть веревку; the rope began to hang the butcher; the butcher began to kill the ox; the ox began to drink верёвка начала вешать мясника; мясник начал убивать быка; бык начал пить воду; вода на-
the water; the water began to quench the fire; the fire began to burn the stick; the stick began to beat the dog; the dog began to bite the pig; чала тушить огонь; огонь начал жечь палку; пайка начала бить собаку; собака начала кусать поросёнка; the little pig in a fright jumped поросёнок в страхе перепры-[frait] [dgAmpt] гнул через перелаз. over the stile.
And so the old woman got Итак, старушка добралась home that night домой в ту ночь.
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ к ч.1 № 2 THE LITTLE RED HEN AND THE GRAIN OF WHEAT [wi:t] Once upon a time there was [wAns э'рэп a'taim] a little red hen who lived in a big farm-yard. She had three ['farm ja:d] [haed] fluffv yellow chicks. ['flAfl] РЫЖАЯ КУРОЧКА И ПШЕНИЧНОЕ ЗЕРНО Жила-была (однажды была) маленькая рыжая курочка (которая жила) на большом крестьянском дворе. У неё было три пушистых жёлтых цыплёнка. (Она имела трёх пушистых жёлтых цыплят).
One morning as they were busily scratching about the yard, fbizili] [skraet^irj] looking for something to eat, the ['sAmOig] little red hen found a grain of [faund] wheat. Excitedly she called to the cat, [ik'saitidly] [ko:ld] and the duck, and the pig, who lived in the farm-yard with her. “Look!” she said. “See what 1 have found. Who will help me plant this grain of wheat?” Однажды утром, когда они усердно разгребали двор, разыскивая что-нибудь поесть, маленькая рыжая курочка нашла зерно пшеницы. Взволнованно она позвала кошку, утку и поросёнка, которые жили на крестьянском дворе с ней. «Смотрите! — сказала она. — Поглядите, что я нашла. Кто поможет мне посадить это пшеничное зерно?» “Not I,” said the duck. “I must go down to the pond for a swim.” “Not 1,” said the cat, “1 have some visitors coming in a few ['vizitaz] minutes." “Not I,” said the pig. “I don’t know how to do anything like that.” «Не я, — сказала утка.—Я должна идти к пруду поплавать». «Не я, — сказала кошка, — ко мне гости должны прийти через несколько минут». «Не я, — сказал поросёнок.— Я не знаю, как делается что-либо подобное».
They went away from the [went] little red hen as fast as they could and stayed over at the [kud] [steid] other end of the farm-yard where they could be idle. [aidl] Они ушли прочь от рыжей курочки, как можно быстрее, и остались на другом конце крестьянского двора, где они могли бездельничать. The little red hen got her hoe, [hou] her rake and her shovel. [reik] [JavI] Рыжая курочка достала свою мотыгу, грабли и лопату.
The three fluffy yellow chicks helped their mother, and soon they had dug a little hole in which to put the weat. They covered it I'kAvad] lightly with earth. After a few days, M [fju:] several little green shoots appeared, ['sevral] [$u:ts] [a'piad] The wheat grew and grew. “Now, who will water the weat?” asked the little red hen one day. Три пушистых жёлтых цыплёночка помогали своей маме, и скоро они вырыли маленькую ямку, чтобы положить в неё пшеничное зерно. Они слегка закрыли её землёй. Спустя несколько дней появились маленькие, зелёные ростки. Пшеничка росла и росла. «А теперь, кто будет поливать пшеничку?»—спросила однажды рыжая курочка. “Not I," said the duck. “1 have some other things to do just [9irjz] now.” “Not I,” said the cat. “I have to take a little nap." “Not I,” said the pig. “I have to go and refresh myself in the shed.” “Then 1 will," said the little red hen, and she did. «Не я, — сказала утка. — Как раз сейчас мне нужно (я должна) сделать кое-что другое (делать кое-какие другие вещи)». «Не я, — сказала кошка, — я должна вздремнуть немножко». «Не я, — сказал поросёнок,— я должен пойти и подкрепиться (отдохнуть) в сарае». «Тогда я полью», — сказала рыжая курочка и полила.
After a while some weeds ap-[wi:dz| peared among the stalks of wheat [sta:ks] Спустя некоторое время сорняки появились между стебельками пшеницы. One day the little red hen asked: “Now, who is going to weed this wheat?” “Not I,” said the duck. “That sort of work does not agree with me.” “Not 1,” said the cat. “I would [wu:d] not be able to tell the weeds from the wheat.” “Not I,” said the pig. “I have other things on my mind besides that wheat.” “Very well, I will then,” said the little red hen, and she did. After a while the wheat began [bi'gaen] to ripen. [ta'raipan] “What fine wheat we have,” said the cat, the duck and the pig- Однажды рыжая курочка спросила: «А теперь, кто будет полоть эту пшеничку?» «Не я, — сказала утка,—такая работа не для меня (такой сорт работы не подходит мне)». «Не я, — сказала кошка, — я бы не смогла отличить сорняки от пшеницы». «Не я, — сказал поросёнок,— мне не до пшеницы (у меня другие вещи в мыслях, кроме этой пшеницы)». «Очень хорошо, я выполю тогда», — сказала рыжая курочка и выполола. Спустя некоторое время пшеница начала созревать. «Какая прекрасная пшеница у нас», — сказали кошка, утка и поросёнок.
“Yes, indeed, it is time to reap the wheat,” said the little red hen. “Who would like to reap it for us?” «Да, действительно, пора жать пшеницу», — сказала рыжая курочка. «Кто бы пожелал сжать её для нас?» “Oh, not I,” said the cat. “Not I," said the pig. “Not I," said the duck. “Very well, then 1 will,” said the little red hen. She cut the heads off the grain very carefully and put them in a bag. Then she called to the cat, the duck and the pig. “Now, who will take this wheat to the mill to be ground into flour?” she asked. [flauaj . “Not I,” said the duck. “You know I cannot carry such a heavy ['kaen] fhevi] load.” [loud] «О, не я», — сказала кошка. «Не я», — сказал поросёнок. «Не я», — сказала утка. «Очень хорошо, тогда я сожну»,— сказала рыжая курочка. Она отрезала головки (коло-сики) от хлебного злака очень осторожно и положила их в мешок. Затем она обратилась к кошке, утке и поросёнку. «А теперь, кто понесёт эту пшеницу на мельницу смолоть в муку?» — спросила она. «Не я, — сказала утка, — вы же знаете, я не могу таскать такой тяжёлый груз».
“Not I,* said the cat. “The dust would get into my nose [dASt] and make me sneeze.” [sni:z] “Not I,” said the pig. “I do not know where the mill is.” “Very well, then,” said the little red hen. “Then I will take it myself.” So the little red hen trudged ItrAdsd] off to the mill, and in a few hours she was back with a sack of fine flour. “Now, who is going to make this flour into bread?” asked the little red hen. “Not I," said the duck. “Not I,” said the cat. “Not I,” said the pig. “1 will then,” said the little red hen, and she did. Soon the loaf was ready for [louf] the oven. [луп] «Не я, — сказала кошка,— пыль попадёт мне в нос и заставит меня чихать». «Не я, — сказал поросёнок,— я не знаю, где мельница». «Очень хорошо, — сказала рыжая курочка, — тогда я отнесу её сама». Итак, рыжая курочка потащилась на мельницу, и через несколько часов она вернулась с мешком прекрасной муки. «А теперь, кто будет делать из этой муки хлеб?» — спросила рыжая курочка. «Не я», — сказала утка. «Не я», — сказала кошка. «Не я», — сказал поросёнок. « Тогда я сделаю», — сказала рыжая курочка и сделала. Скоро буханка была готова для печи.
“Now, who is going to bake [beik] this bread?” asked the little red hen. “Not I,” said the duck. “Not I,” said the cat. “Not I,” said the pig. “1 am afraid that I should burn it.” [a'freid] [Jud] [bam] “Very well, then,” said the little red hen. “1 will do it.” «А теперь, кто будет печь этот хлеб?» — спросила рыжая курочка. «Не я», — сказала утка. «Не я», — сказала кошка. «Не я, — сказал4 поросенок,— я боюсь, что я сожгу его». «Очень хорошо, — сказала рыжая курочка, — тогда я сделаю это». So the loaf of bread was baked, ]beikt] and it was beautiful golden and ['bju:tiful] ['gouldenj crusty. I’krAStl] The little red hen put it on the kitchen table, and the cat, ['kitjin] and the duck, and the pig came into the house and looked at it longingly. [’bgigh] Итак, буханка хлеба была испечена, и она была покрыта красивой- золотистой корочкой. Рыжая курочка поставила её на кухонный стол, а кошка, утка и поросёнок вошли в дом и смотрели на неё с завистью.
'“Well now, who is going to «Ну, а теперь, кто будет есть eat this loaf of bread?" asked эту буханку хлеба?» — спросила the little red hen. рыжая курочка. “I will," said the duck quickly. “1 will," said the cat stepping close. “1 will,” said the pig, pushing his way right to the table. They crowded around the little [kraudid] red hen, each one trying to get closest to the tempting loaf of bread, but none of them dared to touch it. «Я буду», — сказала утка быстро. «Я буду», — сказала кошка, подвигаясь ближе. «Я буду», — сказал поросёнок, проталкиваясь прямо к столу. Они столпились вокруг рыжей курочки, каждый стараясь подобраться ближе всего к соблазнительной буханке хлеба, но никто из них не смел тронуть её.
"Oh, no, you won’t,” said the little red hen. “1 am going to eat it myself.” Then she called her little chicks together, and they ate the whole [ta'geds] [et] [houl] loaf of bread. Not a crumb was left for the [кглт] duck, the cat br the pig. «О, нет, вы не будете, — сказала рыжая курочка, — я буду есть её сама». Затем она созвала своих цыплят, и они съели целую буханку хлеба. Ни крошечки не осталось для утки, кошки и поросёнка. The end — конец [di'end] Валентина Ивановна Скультэ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ДЛЯ МАЛЫШЕЙ Книга первая Редактор А. Д. Климентенко Оформление художников Г. П. Кляевского и В. В. Трофимова Внешнее оформление художника И. Г. Брюлина Художественный редактор И. Л. Волкова Технический редактор В. И. Корнеева. Корректор М. С. Паевич ♦ ♦ ♦ Сдано в набор 6/IX 1960 г. Подписано к печати 3/1 1961 г. А-00001. 70 X 108V16- Печ. л. 8,25 (11,3) + вкладка 1 (1,37). Уч.-изд. л. 11,29 + вкладка 1,37. Тираж 70000 экз. Заказ № 1251. Цена без переплёта 38 коп. Переплёт 8 коп. ♦ ♦ ♦ Москва, Учпедгиз, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. ♦ ♦ ♦ Ленинградский Совет народного хозяйства. Управление полиграфической промышленности. Типография № 1 «Печатный Двор» имени А. М. Горького. Ленинград, Гатчинская, 26.