Автор: Fortin A.H.   Dwamena C.   Frankel R.M.  

Теги: medicine   diagnostics   medical ethics  

ISBN: 978-1-25-964463-4

Год: 2019


Smith's Patient-Centered Interviewing
NOTICE Medicine is an ever~hanging science. As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. The authors and publisher of this work have checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts to provide information that is complete and generally in accord with the standards accepted at the time of publication. However, in view of the possibility of human error or changes in medical sciences, neither the authors nor the publisher nor any other party who has been involved in the preparation or publication of this work warrants that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and they disclaim all responsibility for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from use of the information contained in this work. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. For example and in particular, readers are advised to check the product information sheet included in the package of each drug they plan to administer to be certain that the information contained in this work is accurate and that changes have not been made in the recommended dose or in the contraindications for administration. This recommendation is of particular importance in connection with new or infrequently used drugs.
a LANGE medical book Smith's Patient-Centered Interviewing An Evidence-Based Method Fourth Edition Auguste H. Fortin VI, MD, MPH Professor of Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine Yale School of Medicine Director ofPsychosocial Communication Yale Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Program New Haven, Connecticut Francesca C. Dwamena, MD, MS Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, PsyD Professor and Chair Department ofMedicine Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan Director ofPsychosocial Communication Hurley Medical Center Assistant Professor of Medicine Department ofInternal Medicine College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University Flint, Michigan Richard M. Frankel, PhD Professor of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine Indiana University School ofMedicine Senior Research Scientist, Center for Healthcare Information and Communication (CHIC) Richard L. Roudebush Veterans Affairs Medical Center Indianapolis, Indiana Education Institute Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, Ohio Robert C. Smith, MD, MS University Distinguished Professor Professor ofMedicine and Psychiatry Division of General Internal Medicine College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi Singapore Sydney Toronto
Copyright© 2019 by McGraw-Hill Education. Third edition copyright© 2012, by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Second edition copyright© 2002 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. First edition by Smith RC. The Patient's Story: Integrated PatientDoctor Interviewing by Little, Brown and Company copyright© 1996. Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-1-25-964463-4 MinD: 1-25-964463-4 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-1-25-964462-7, MinD: 1-25-964462-6. eBook conversion by codeMantra Version 1.0 All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill Education eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions or for use in corporate training programs. To contact a representative, please visit the Contact Us page at www.mhprofessional.com. TERMSOFUSE This is a copyrighted work and McGraw-Hill Education and its licensors reserve all rights in and to the work. Use of this work is subject to these terms. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976 and the right to store and retrieve one copy of the work, you may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, reproduce, modifY, create derivative works based upon, transmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish or sublicense the work or any part of it without McGraw-Hill Education's prior consent. You may use the work for your own noncommercial and personal use; any other use of the work is strictly prohibited. Your right to use the work may be terminated if you fail to comply with these terms. THE WORK IS PROVIDED "AS IS." McGRAW-HILL EDUCATION AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY, ADEQUACY OR COMPLETENESS OF OR RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM USING THE WORK, INCLUDING ANY INFORMATION THAT CAN BE ACCESSED THROUGH THE WORK VIA HYPERLINK OR OTHERWISE, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. McGraw-Hill Education and its licensors do not warrant or guarantee that the functions contained in the work will meet your requirements or that its operation will be uninterrupted or error free. Neither McGraw-Hill Education nor its licensors shall be liable to you or anyone else for any inaccuracy, error or omission, regardless of cause, in the work or for any damages resulting therefrom. McGraw-Hill Education has no responsibility for the content of any information accessed through the work. Under no circumstances shall McGraw-Hill Education and/or its licensors be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, consequential or similar damages that result from the use of or inability to use the work, even if any of them has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability shall apply to any claim or cause whatsoever whether such claim or cause arises in contract, tort or otherwise.
Dedication We dedicate this book to George L. Engel, the giant on whose shoulders we all humbly stand. Each author also dedicates the book as follows: To my parents, Auguste and Louise Fortin, for their life-long example of service to others; to my wife, Oi, and our daughter, Camille, for their love, support, and forbearance; to Bob Smith, whose generous mentorship has made all the difference in my career; and to my colleagues, students, and residents at Yale School of Medicine and the Yale Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Program for their uncompromising scholarship, support, friendship, compassion, and commitment to being the best clinicians they can be. -Auguste H. Fortin VI To my parents Emmanuel and Victoria Colecraft and my four siblings for their unconditional love; my husband Ben, for teaching me how to love. To Bob, the other co-authors of this book, my patients, and all my learners over the years; thank you for teaching me everything I know about patient-centered interviewing and for giving so much meaning to my work. -Francesca C. Dwamena To the loves of my life, Michelle and our five children, and to the hundreds of residents, practicing physicians, and patients whose interviews I have been fortunate enough to be able to record, analyze, and ultimately transform into programs to help them achieve what we all want from medical care: better communication, more meaningful relationships, and better health outcomes. -Richard M. Frankel To my husband, Larry, and our children, Douglas and Scott along with our grandchildren Mackenzie and Landon, who are the joys of my life; to my mentors Sophie L. Lovinger, PhD and Bob Smith, MD who provided empathic support for my personal and professional growth; and to the many physician, residents, and students from whom I had the good fortune to learn. -Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto To my first medical influence, my father, Elmer M. Smith; to my first teacher of humanity, my mother, Mary Louise Smith; to my guide, friend, and the love of my life, my wife, Susan Sleeper-Smith; and to the many residents, students, friends, and colleagues from whom I've learned so much over the years. -Robert C. Smith
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Contents Foreword ........................................................................................................................ ix Preface......................................................................................................................... xvii Instructors' Preface ...................................................................................................... xxv Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................... xxvii Chapter 1 The Medical Interview ........................................................................... 1 Chapter 2 Data-Gathering and Empathy Skills ...................................................... 13 Chapter 3 The Beginning of the Interview: Patient-Centered Interviewing ................ 33 Chapter 4 Symptom-Defining Skills ...................................................................... 71 Chapter 5 The Middle of the Interview: Clinician-Centered Interviewing ................... 89 Chapter 6 Step 11: The End of the Interview ...................................................... 143 Chapter 7 Adapting the Interview to Different Situations and Other Practical Issues ....................................................................... 169 Chapter 8 The Clinician-Patient Relationship ..................................................... 207 Chapter 9 Summarizing and Presenting the Patient's Story ................................. 235 vii
viii Contents Chapter 10 Remaining Patient-Centered in the Digital Age .................................... 255 Appendices Appendix A. Foreword to the First Edition ............................................ 269 Appendix B. Research and Humanistic Rationale for Patient-Centered Interviewing ............................................................ 281 Appendix C. Feelings and Emotions ................................................... 289 Appendix D. Complete Write-up of Ms. Jones' Initial Evaluation ............ 293 Appendix E. Mental Status Evaluation ................................................ 303 Index ........................................................................................................................... 309
Foreword Patient-Centered Interviewing: An Exercise in Evidence, Empathy, and Engagement Communication can play a key role in bridging the gap between evidence-based and patient-centered medicine, both in clinical practice, and in clinical science. Jozien Bensing1 During one of my first years of teaching communication skills, we were going to interview an elderly male patient in a small group teaching session for medical students. The setting was an Internal Medicine ward at our University Hospital. The student assigned to conduct the interview, let us call him Tom, told us that he had a question before starting talking to the patient. "Go ahead:' I said. "What do you want to know? Tom looked at me and posed a question which has had more impact on my thinking on communication skills training than any other utterance over all these years. Tell me, Tom said, are we going to interview the patient the way we have learned in your class or the way it is done in real life? It was a relevant question. It pointed to one of the classical dilemmas of communication skills teaching in medicine, the gap between communication skills as taught in training sessions and those that are actually practiced. The student had learned a patient-centered communication style in our classes, with an emphasis on exploring the patient's own perspective and on meeting patient emotions with explicit empathy. Patient-centered communication was well established, even when this episode occurred in the 1990s. As early as 1984, the Association of American Medical Colleges proposed that "every effort should be directed at developing and enhancing a patient -centered humanistic attitude in medical students:'2 The first edition of the present textbook, published in 1996, was one of the main influential books in promoting a patient-centered approach in medical schools in the United States and abroad, such as for instance our medical school in Oslo, Norway. Since then, principles of patient-centered, ix
x Foreword relationship-centered,3 and person-centered care4 have become dominant in teaching of communication in most medical schools. Another question is to what extent a patient-centered approach really has been implemented into everyday clinical care. There is some evidence that we have seen fewer changes in the communication style of physicians in general than could be expected from reading the research literature. Jozien Bensing and her colleagues in Utrecht in the Netherlands have a unique opportunity to monitor trends over time in medical communication behavior. They have over more than 30 years built up a huge data base ofthousands ofvideo-taped consultations, and have in a series of studies examined changes in communication style of doctors from the 1970s and 1980s on to 2008.5•6 For instance, they found that while physicians tended to pay more attention to psychosocial issues over time, consultations did not become more patient-centered. The researchers concluded that over time consultations had become more focused on task-oriented communication and less on showing empathy. 5•6 In an American study, cancer survivors' experience of their relationship with their physicians was studied in course of a smaller, but more recent, time span (from 2007 to 2013). There was a trend that ratings of patient-centered communication improved over time, but not significantly when other variables were controlled for. The authors concluded that many survivors continue to report suboptimal communication with their health care providers.7 The gap between a conventional doctor-centered communication and patient-centered communication illustrates a more general conflict in modem health care. Patient-centeredness is threatened not only from old conventions of paternalistic communication but also of trends in modern medicine. We witness an increasing complexity, with an emphasis on medical superspecialization and highly developed medical technology within an organizational context with increasing pressures on cost effectiveness. In this way, health care may function in a rather fragmented way. 8 Questions have been asked if these developments may jeopardize basic humanistic values of medicine and the primacy of the clinician-patient relationship as the cornerstone of health care. 9 To sum up: the trend toward patient-centered medicine is threatened by two different opposing forces, on one hand the old traditions of paternalistic medicine and on the other the trends of fragmentation of care. Unfortunately, Tom, the medical student, may still be right to some extent. There is still a discrepancy between what we teach and what doctors actually do. The integrated consultation and the two levels of patient centeredness How can we bridge the gap between ideals and realities in clinical communication practice?
Foreword xl One of the main qualities of the first edition of the present textbook when it first appeared under the title The Patient's Story in 1996 was the emphasis on integrated interviewing. This is a major principle of Smith's approach to medical interviewing. In many medical schools, courses in communication skills are often separated from basic courses in history taking and physical exams. One of the strengths of Smith's approach is the consistent emphasis on integration. The integrated interview blends the biomedical emphasis on the disease with a systematic attention to the patient's perspective, the patient's story. Both these aspects are essential in all phases of the interview. The patient-centered consultation is a fully integrated consultation in which a biomedical attention to the disease is combined with an adequate exploration of the patient perspective and a calibration to the patient's preferences and needs. However, it is somewhat confusing that the term "patientcentered" is used both for the whole integrated consultation and for one of the elements, the patient-centered skills that are applied to elicit the patient's perspective. It may appear inconsistent, but this terminology underscores the point that in order to provide truly patient-centered care you have to provide a combination of skills in which doctor-centered skills are blended with more specific patient-centered skills. This distinction between patient-centered approach and specific patientcentered skills is important. Patient-centeredness as a general approach has a normative component. The core value of patient-centered communication is to be attentive and receptive toward the patient and to tailor communication and treatment to patient needs. Patient-centered communication does not mean to employ a specific set of communication skills. There is no one sizefits-all in communication. It is always right from a professional and ethical point of view to tailor communication and treatment to the patient's needs. Specific patient-centered skills, however, are merely means to reach a goal. A skills approach is very fruitful in teaching communication, but skills may be used in different ways and to different ends, depending on the patient's needs. Hanneke de Haes has discussed this dilemma in an interesting article. 10 She pointed out how specific patient-centered skills may not necessarily correspond to patient needs and preferences. A truly patient-centered approach is characterized by the tailoring of communication to the patient, not by inflexible adherence to specific skills. Interestingly, research on patients' trust in physicians does not emphasize the importance of a fixed set of skills. The sense of "being taken seriously" is often found as the most important criterion for patients' trust in doctors,9 often in combination with patients' perception of the doctor's competence in technical skills. 10 Such fmdings highlight the emphasis on the integrated
xll Foreword interview, a combination of patient-centeredness and technical competence is important to prevent the split observed by Tom, the medical student in our little story above. Evidence, empathy, and engagement So what are the hallmarks of a patient-centered approach to interviewing, of an integrated interview taUored to the needs of the patient? I shall briefly point to three important qualities: a solid base in evidence, emphasis on empathy. and promoting patient engagement. Evidence. Evidence-based medicine is an important principle in modern medical science and health care. In a seminal paper published some years ago, Jozien Bensing suggested that evidence-based and patient-centered medicine represented the two most important paradigms in modern medical care. She pointed to a gap between the two models. 1 While evidence-based medicine traditionally represents a positivistic approach with a basically biomedical perspective, the patient-centered approach developed as an alternative to the biomedical model, based on humanistic values and principles, rather than evidence. Bensing pointed to a need to bridge the gap between the two paradigms and suggested that communication skills are important in overcoming the split. I suggest two ways to bridge the gap between evidence and patientcenteredness in the medical interview. First of all, in the integrated interview, biomedical evidence plays an important role in its own right. Teaching communication skills should include teaching students how to use their biomedical knowledge in history taking and diagnostic reasoning. Moreover, in giving information and negotiating treatment decisions the doctor must know how to convey and explain medical evidence to patients. Second, several of the principles of integrated interviewing within a framework of basic patient-centered principles are increasingly being based on emerging evidence. Evidence-based medicine is not any longer limited to a strictly biomedical understanding of disease. For instance, Smith and colleagues have argued how research on medical interviewing has an important role in developing a knowledge base for the biopsychosocial modeL 11 This attitude is central to the present textbook, and reflected in the subtitle of the book "an evidence-based method." Empathy. Medical consultations are often quite emotional affairs. However, emotions are most often expressed implicitly. in terms of more or less subtle cues to underlying emotions, often missed by the physician. 12 Sensitivity to cues is important in order to realize the emotional state of the patient. A subtle cue may be the first element in a sequence including a gradual buildup to a more explicit emotion, hopefully an empathic response by the physician,
Foreword xlll and sometimes with a continued exchange related to the emotional concern before a more or less abrupt topic change. 13 One of the strengths of Smith's approach to interviewing is the emphasis on emotional communication and on empathy as an integrated skill of the medical interview. There is increasing evidence that an active acknowledgment of patients' concerns as advocated in this textbook may have surprisingly strong impact on outcome variables. A number of studies have found that empathic communication in medical consultations are associated with better patient satisfaction and adherence, less distress and better coping and quality oflife, 1.,15 and even physiological parameters, for instance for patients with diabetes.16 These and other studies are excellent examples ofthe bridging of the gap between patient-centeredness and evidence. Engagement. An interesting and important development that has taken place since the first edition of Smith's textbook came out in 1996 is the increased emphasis on patient engagement in medical care, reflected in terms such as empowerment, patient participation, and patient engagement. All these terms are in a way cousins of the term patient-centered, but with a special emphasis on the active patient. In a number of recent papers in Patient Education and Counseling, these engagement-oriented terms have been discussed. 17 Patient Empowerment is less specifically related to health care, more to the individual process of taking responsibility for one's own health. 18, 19 Patient Participation is a rather broad term, often related to active engagement and partnership and decision making in health care?0 The term Patient Engagement is also often applied in literature on shared decision making. In this last edition of the present textbook there is a strong emphasis on engaging patients in shared decision making, more so than in the first edition, reflecting the increasing emphasis on shared decision making in the last 15 years. But patient engagement goes beyond decision making. Graffigna et al.21 describe patient engagement as a process from passivity and denial in relation to illness and health to an active and committed stance, from "I am in a blackout" to "I am a person." In a conceptual paper on patient engagement, Higgins et al. 22 pointed to four important attributes of the concept. One of them is the individual patient's personal commitment, including cognitive and emotional factors to participate in treatment activities. From the first edition on, this aspect of patient engagement has been strongly emphasized in the present textbook. But promoting the patient's commitment to change must be anchored in an exploration of the patient's perspective. A successful engagement may have to be based on a sincere acknowledgment of the patient's emotions. In the integrated interview, all elements are parts of an integrated whole.
xlv Foreword Hopefully, the principles of the integrated, patient-centered interview will gradually become standard practice in health care. Hopefully, medical students such as Tom will someday fmd that the patient-centered skills they learn in medical school are actually the same as those they observe "in real life." Arnstein Finset, PhD Professor Emeritus Department of Behavioral Sciences in Medicine Institute ofBasic Medical Sciences Faculty ofMedicine University of Oslo, Norway Editor-in-Chief Patient Education and Counseling REFERENCES l. Bensing J. Bridging the gap: the separate worlds ofevidence-based medicine and patient- centered medicine. Patient Educ Couns. 2000;39(1):17-25. 2. Association of American Medical Colleges: physicians for the 21st century: report of the Project Panel on the General Professional for Medicine (GPEP Report). Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges; 1984. 3. Mak.oul G. Essential elements of communication in medical encounters: the Kalamazoo consensus statement. Acad Med. 2001;76(4):390-393. 4. Mezzich J, Snaedal J, Van Weel C, Heath I. Toward person-centered medicine: from disease to patient to person. Mt Sinai J Med. 2010;77(3):304-306. 5. Butalid L, Bensing JM, Verhaak PFM. Talking about psychosocial problems: an observational study on changes in doctor-patient communication in general practice between 1977 and 2008. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;94(3):314-321. 6. Butalid L, Verhaak PFM, Bensing JM. Changes in general practitioners' sensitivity to patients' distress in low back pain consultations. Patient Educ Couns. 2015;98(10): 1207-1213. 7. Blanc.h-Hartigan D, Chawla N, Moser RP, Finney Rutten LJ, Hesse BW, Arora NK. Trends in cancer survivors' experience of patient-centered communication: results from the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS). J Cancer Surviv. 2016;10(6): 1067-1077. 8. Miller BF, Hubley SH. The history of fragmentation and the promise of integration: a primer on behavioral health and primary care. In: Maruish ME, ed. Handbook of Psychological Assessment in Primary Care Settings. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Routledge; 2017: 55-74. 9. Finset A. Patient education and counseling in a changing era of health care. Patient Educ Couns. 2007;66(1):2-3. 10. de Haes H. Dilemmas in patient centeredness and shared decision making: a case for vulnerability. Patient Educ Couns. 2006;62(3):291-298.
Foreword xv 11. Smith RC, Fortin AH, Dwamena F, Frankel RM. An evidence-based patient-centered method makes the biopsychosocial model scientific. Patient Educ Couns. 2013;91(3): 265-270. 12. Zimmermann C, Del Piccolo L, Finset ACues and concerns by patients in medical consultations: a literature review. Psychol BuU. 2007;133(3):438-463. 13. Mellblom AV, Korsvold L, Ruud E, Lie HC, Loge JH, Finset A Sequences of talk about emotional concerns in follow-up consultations with adolescent childhood cancer survivors. P Patient Educ Couns. 2016;99{1):77-84. 14. Neumann M, Scheffer C, Tauschel D, Lutz G, Wirtz M, Ede1bii.user F. Physician empathy: definition, outcome-relevance and its measurement in patient care and medical education. GMS Z Med Ausbild. 2012;29{1):Docll. 15. Derksen F, Bensing J, Lagro-Janssen A. Effectiveness of empathy in general practice: a systematic review. Br J Gen Pract. 2013;63(606):e76-e84. 16. Canale SD, Louis DZ, Maio V, et al. The relationship between physician empathy and disease complications: an empirical study of primary care physicians and their diabetic patients in Parma, Italy.Acad Med. 2012;87(9):1243-1249. 17. Finset A. Patient participation, engagement and activation: increased emphasis on the role of patients in healthcare. Patient Educ Couns. 20 17; 100(7):1245-1246. 18. Malterud K. Power inequalities in health care-empowerment revisited Patient Educ Couns. 2010;79(2):139-140. 19. Funnell MM. Patient empowerment: what does it really mean? Patient Educ Couns. 2016;99(12):1921-1922. 20. D~gostino TA, Atkinson TM, Latella LE, et al. Promoting patient participation in healthcare interactions through communication skills training: a systematic review. Patient Educ Couns. 2017;100(7):1247-1257. 21. Graffigna G, Barello S, Bonanomi A, Lozza E. Measuring patient engagement: development and psychometric properties of the patient health engagement (PHE) scale. Front Psychol. 2015;6:274. 22. Higgins T, Larson E, Schnall R. Unraveling the meaning of patient engagement: a concept analysis. Patient Educ Couns. 2017;100(1):30-36.
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Preface In an important series of research and conceptual papers in the 1970s and 1980s, George L. Engel expanded the centuries old (and very successful) biomedical model by demonstrating the importance of psychological and social factors in disease and illness and how these factors affect care processes and outcomes. While patients continue to be understood partly in biological terms, the biopsychosocial (BPS) model underscores the importance of the medical interview in diagnosis, treatment, and therapy by integrating the psychosocial dimensions of the patient and their experience of illness. 1- 3 Based on General System Theory,3- 5 Engel argued that the BPS model could simultaneously make medicine more scientific and more humanistic by incorporating elements of self- and situation/contextual awareness to the interview process. Shortly after Engel described the BPS model and under the influence of the psychologist Carl Rogers and others,6 Joseph Levenstein, Ian McWhinney, and colleagues7' 8 proposed the general concept that clinicians become "patientcentered" in their interviewing approach. Recommendations for patient-centered interviewing included suggestions that the clinician follow the patient's lead and interests to reach common ground and uncover important psychosocial issues relevant to their care. Other suggestions included inquiry that avoided interruption, and the use of open-ended and nondirective questions. The patient-centered method differed from the standard "clinician -centered" approach that used closed-ended, clinician-directed questions to diagnose and treat diseases. It also differed by asserting that the personhood of the clinician and the patient was key and grounded the relationship in a communication-based conversational context. While the role and expectations of each differed, the biopsychosocial model stressed the importance of mutual influence and reciprocity in building and maintaining healthy, healing clinician-patient relationships. Wide dissemination of patient-centered practices was promoted by the Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH), 9 EACH-International Association for Communication in Healthcare, 10 and the Institute for Healthcare Communication, 11 as well as by many other groups including several primary care organizations. Medical schools, accreditation groups, and xvii
xvlll Preface governing boards embraced BPS/patient-centered ideas and sought to implement them. In 2001, the Institute of Medicine identified patient-centered care as one of six domains of quality, thereby establishing the concept as a key to patient safety and effective, efficient care. 12 Teachers, scholars, and researchers moved the BPS field rapidly ahead in many areas to provide initial scientific support for the BPS model. But many, including Engel13 and several authors of this book,3 noted that a specific definition of the patient-centered interview and explicit directions for its practice were lacking,8•13- 22 limiting research and teachin(3.24 and producing variable, sometimes contradictory, recommendations. 15•18- 20 Scholars warned that researchers and learners needed to know exactly what to say, with behaviorally defmed patient-centered skills broken down into specific, definable components. 15.21•22 Research based on this approach demonstrated that well-defined methods produced flexible, skilled students and clinicians able to understand the unique personal and social aspects of their patients. 15•25•26 In addition, virtually all educational experts endorsed specific behavioral models for teaching any complex topic,17•21 •27- 34 and there is no more complex topic in medicine than the interview. The Michigan State University (MSU) group, under the direction of this text's original author,35•36 Robert C. Smith, developed a behaviorally defmed, replicable patient-centered method based on empirical evidence, literature review, consultation with others, and their own experiences. The result was the 5-step, 21-substep method presented in Chapter 3. In a randomized controlled trial (RCT), the MSU group demonstrated that the method was easily learned, efficient, and replicable.25.26 In a subsequent RCT, using the approach as part of treating patients with medically unexplained symptoms, they demonstrated clinically significant improvement in multiple measures of patients' health status and very high levels of patient satisfaction. 37 A subsequent pilot RCT corroborated these findings. 38 The 5-step patient-centered method became the first comprehensive, behaviorally defined, evidencebased method for teaching and learning the medical interview. In a typical outpatient encounter, no more than 3 to 6 minutes of patient-centered interviewing is necessary (additional time is needed for clinician-centered interviewing). Others have demonstrated that patient-centered practices do not add time to the visit.39 Our goal in this text is to present in a logical, step-by-step fashion the behaviors that are necessary to conduct an effective and efficient patientcentered interview. Interviewing is the most important and most difficult skill learners must master in their clinical careers. The book is designed for learners in medicine, advanced-practice nursing, physician assistant, and other health-related disciplines where communication and relational skills
Preface xlx are central. We have discovered from feedback on previous three editions of the book that learners and their teachers have particularly valued two unique features of the approach. First, the 5-step method is very user-friendly and easily learned. Historically, learners and teachers using the method have been pleased with the structure provided. Users report that they typically learn the basic skills in one session and the requisite interviewing steps in the next two teaching sessions and progress rapidly thereafter. Teachers comment, for example, that the method is "more substantive" and "less diffuse" than other approaches. Learners with prior interviewing training say things like "now I see how this all fits together." Both learners and teachers have commented on their increased ability to track progress and confidence in skills. Second, teachers using the method report that it fosters both the interviewer's and the patient's individuality-greatly enhancing the humanistic dimension for each, as shown by the research also. 26.40.~ 1 In this new fourth edition, an additional author, Brenda Lovegrove Lepisto, PsyD, has joined Drs. Fortin, Dwamena, Frankel, and Smith. All five authors are long-time members ofthe ACH and have benefited from the support provided to them by the organization over many years. As our way of recognizing this important organization, all royalties from the sale of the book will go to support the ACH and its activities. Another ACH product, DocCom, a multimedia, web-based curriculum resource providing expanded coverage of a wide variety of interview types and situations, is cross-referenced to the text. It is available at www.doccom.org. Importantly, McGraw-Hill is making available an Instructor~ Teaching Supplement and Companion Videos at no additional cost at www.accessmedicine.com/SmithsPCI. The Teaching Supplement is designed expressly for teachers conducting training in interviewing, while the videos are designed for both teachers and learners. Based on recent research, we have added measures teachers can use to evaluate learners' mastery of patient-centered interviewing: (1) a coding scheme by which they can directly evaluate patient-centered practices and (2) a patient satisfaction questionnaire by which patients can evaluate their interaction with the interviewer.42·~3 The McGraw-Hill AccessMedicine website continues to present three videos available with the third edition: Building Efficiency and Effectiveness Through Patient-Centered Interviewing; Clinician-Centered Interviewing; and Patient-Centered Interviewing. The latter two are long, hour-length videos providing detailed demonstrations of all parts of the medical interview. Newly prepared for this edition, the AccessMedicine website now also contains seven brief (2-5 minutes) videotape demonstrations of unique, sometimes difficult interviewing situations: New Inpatient Interview; Follow-up Inpatient Interview; Acutely Ill Patient; Patient with a Mental Health
xx Preface Disorder; How to Interrupt; Follow-up Outpatient; and Using the Electronic Health Record. The seven recent videos are conducted by medical residents to provide learners with a better approximation of themselves. AlllO videos are cross-referenced in the textbook All videos can be found at www. accessmedicine.com/SmithsPCI. We have reformatted the text and added more graphics to enhance learning. Each chapter and its references have been revised and updated. The text works best when used in the order presented. Chapter 1 (The Medical Interview) orients the learner to interviewing and the BPS model, provides necessary background material, and presents an overview of integrated patient-centered and clinician-centered interviewing. Chapter 2 (DataGathering and Empathy Skills) describes the requisite individual skills needed for interviewing. These are synthesized in Chapter 3 (The Beginning of the Interview: Patient-Centered Interviewing) as the patient-centered process of integrated interviewing; this chapter presents the basic patient-centered infrastructure of the medical interview. Chapter 4 (Symptom-Defining Skills) outlines the requisite skills needed for clinician-centered interviewing. These are then synthesized in Chapter 5 (The Middle of the Interview: ClinicianCentered Interviewing) as the clinician-centered process of integrated interviewing; this chapter presents the basic clinician-centered infrastructure of the medical interview. Chapter 6 (The End of the Interview) presents the patient-centered treatment process; it describes how to present information to patients and motivate them for behavior change when necessary. Chapter 7 (Adapting the Interview to Different Situations and Other Practical Issues) addresses more advanced interviewing issues, especially fme-tuning one's interviewing skills in widely varied circumstances. Chapter 8 (The ClinicianPatient Relationship) addresses advanced interviewing issues concerning the clinician-patient relationship, with a focus on interviewer personal awareness, patient personality styles, and nonverbal communication. Chapter 9 (Summarizing and Presenting the Patient's Story) describes how interviewers synthesize the information obtained from the patient and, in turn, present it to others verbally and in writing. Chapter 10 (Remaining Patient-Centered in the Digital Age) is a new chapter describing how to remain patient-centered while using the electronic health record. Appendix A is Dr. George L. Engel's foreword to the first edition. Appendix B provides the research and humanistic rationale for being patient-centered. Appendix C provides examples of feelings and emotions. Appendix D introduces a complete write-up of the case of Ms. Jones (presented throughout the text) as an example of the interviewing process. Appendix E presents the mental status evaluation. We intend the book for use in all phases of training. Chapters 1 to 3 (basic patient-centered interviewing) are typically taught first. Chapters 4 and 5
Preface xxl (basic clinician-centered interviewing) usually are taught a year later or later in the same year. Chapter 6 (patient education) requires expertise with the preceding chapters and usually is presented in clinical years, although sometimes introduced sooner. Chapters 7 (adapting the interview to many different situations) and 8 (the clinician-patient relationship) follow and, while sometimes introduced with earlier chapters, are designed to be used later in training, often for advanced interviewing experiences during clinical training. Chapter 9 (presenting the patient's story verbally and as a write-up) is taught during students' clinical years. The book ends with Chapter 10 (remaining patient-centered while using the electronic health record), and it is designed for use in clinical years. Training graduate learners and learners outside medical/ nursing professions typically does not involve Chapters 4, 5, and 9, either because learners are already familiar with this material or because interviewing for disease diagnosis is not part of their discipline. Other chapters are relevant to all learners. We hope you find the fourth edition ofSmith's Patient-Centered Interviewing to be an exciting and helpful guide to becoming a complete medical interviewer and clinician. We wish you Godspeed on your biopsychosocial journey of becoming a health care professional committed to caring for your patients. REFERENCES 1. Engel GL. The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science. 1977;196:129-136. 2. Engel GL. The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model Am I Psychiatry. 1980;137:535-544. 3. Smith R, Fortin AH VI, Dwamena F, Frankel R. An evidence-based patient-centered method makes the biopsychosocial model scientific. Patient Educ Couns. 2013;90: 265-270. 4. von Bertalanffy L. General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications. New York. NY: G. Braziller; 1968. 5. Capra F, Luisi P. The Systems View of Lift-A Unifying Vision. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2014. 6. Rogers CR. Client-Centered Therapy. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company; 1951. 7. McWhinney I. The need for a transformed clinical method. In: Stewart M, Roter D, eds. Communicating with Medical Patients. London: Sage Publications; 1989:25-42. 8. Levenstein JH, Brown JB, Weston WW, Stewart M, McCracken EC, McWhinney I. Patient-centered clinical interviewing. In: Stewart M, Roter D, eds. Communicating with Medical Patients. London: Sage Publications; 1989:107-120. 9. Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH). Available at: www.ACHonline.org. Accessed October 23,2017.
xxll Preface 10. EACH-International Association for Communication in Healthcare. Available at: https://www.each.eu. Accessed October 23,2017. 11. Institute for Healthcare Communication (IHC). Available at: http://www.healthcare comm.org/index.php?sec=who. 2010. Accessed October 23,2017. 12. Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2001. 13. Engel GL. Foreword-being scientific in the human domain: from biomedical to biopsychosocial. In: Smith RC, ed The Patients Story: Integrated Patient-Doctor Interviewing. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Co.; 1996:ix-xxi. 14. Epstein RM, Franks P, Fiscella K, et al. Measuring patient-centered communication in patient-physician consultations: theoretical and practical issues. Soc Sci Med. 2005;61(7):1516-1528. 15. Healy A. Communication skills: a call for teaching to the test. Am JMed. 2007;120(10): 912-915. 16. Inui TS, Carter WB. Problems and prospects for health services research on providerpatient communication. Med Care. 1985;23(5):521-538. 17. Maguire P. Teaching interviewing skills to medical students. Med Encounter. 1992;8:4-5. 18. Mead N, Bower P. Patient-centredness: a conceptual framework and review of the empirical literature. Soc Sci Med. 2000;51 (7): 1087-1110. 19. Mead N, Bower P. Patient-centred consultations and outcomes in primary care: a review of the literature. Patient Educ Couns. 2002;48(1):51-61. 20. Mead N, Bower P, Hann M. The impact of general practitioners' patient-centeredness on patients' post-consultation satisfaction and enablement. Soc Sci Med. 2002;55:283-299. 21. Stewart M, Rater D. Conclusions. In: Stewart M, Rater D, eds. Communicating with Medical Patients. London: Sage Publications; 1989:252-255. 22. Cegala DJ, Broz SL. Physician communication skills training: a review of theoretical backgrounds, objectives and skills. Med Educ. 2002;36:1004-1016. 23. Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL, Veltman Mw, Gillard S, Grant J, Stewart M. Effect on healthrelated outcomes of interventions to alter the interaction between patients and practitioners: a systematic review of trials. Ann Pam Med. 2004;2(6):595-608. 24. Lewin S, Skea Z, Entwistle VA, Zwarenstein M, Dick J. Interventions for providers to promote a patient-centred approach in clinical consultations. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(4):CD003267. 25. Smith RC, Marshall-Dorsey AA, Osborn GG, et al. Evidence-based guidelines for teaching patient-centered interviewing. Patient Educ Couns. 2000;39:27-36. 26. Smith RC, Lyles JS, Mettler J, et al. The effectiveness of intensive training for residents in interviewing: a randomized. controlled study. Ann Intern Med. 1998;128:118-126. 27. Schunk DH. Goal setting and self-efficacy during self-regulated learning. Educ PsychoL 1990;25:71-86. 28. McHugh PR, Slavney PR. The Perspectives ofPsychiatry. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1986. 29. Schunk DH. Self-efficacy and classroom learning. Psychol Schools. 1985;22:208-223.
Preface xxlll 30. McKeachie WJ, Pintrich PR, Lin Y-G, Smith DAF. Teaching and Learning in the College Classroom. 2nd ed Ann Arbor, Ml: Regents of the University of Michigan; 1990. 31. Feinstein AR. Clinical judgement revisited: the distraction of quantitative models. Ann Intern Med. 1994;120:799-805. 32. Flaherty JA. Education and evaluation of interpersonal skills. In: Rezler AG, Flaherty JA, eds. The Interpersonal Dimension in Medical Education. New York, NY: Springer; 1985:101-146. 33. Westberg J, Jason H. Teaching Creatively with Video: Fostering Reflection, Communication and Other Clinical Skills. New York, NY: Springer; 1994. 34. Carroll JG, Monroe J. Teaching clinical interviewing in the health professions-a review of empirical research. Eval Health Prof. 1980;3:21-45. 35. Smith RC. The Patient's Story: Integrated Patient-Doctor Interviewing. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company; 1996. 36. Smith RC. Patient-Centered Interviewing: An Evidence-Based Method. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wllkins; 2002. 37. Smith RC, Lyles JS, Gardiner JC, et al. Primary care clinicians treat patients with medically unexplained symptoms-a randomized controlled trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21:671-677. 38. Smith RC, Gardiner JC, Luo Z, SchooleyS, Lamerato L, Rost K. Primary care physicians treat somatization. J Gen Int Med. 2009;24:829-832. 39. Levinson W. Roter D. Physicians' psychosocial beliefs correlate with their patient communication skills. I Gen Int Med. 1995;10:375-379. 40. Smith RC, Mettler JA, Stoffelmayr BE, et al. Improving residents' confidence in using psychosocial skills. I Gen Intern Med. 1995;10:315-320. 41. Smith RC, Lyles S, Mettler JA, et al. A strategy for improving patient satisfaction by the intensive training of residents in psychosocial medicine: a controlled, randomized study. Acad Med. 1995;70:729-732. 42. Grayson-Sneed K, Smith S, Smith R. A research coding method for the basic patientcentered interview. Patient Educ Couns. 2016;100:518-525. 43. Grayson-Sneed K, Dwamena F, Smith S, Laird-Fick H, Freilich L, Smith R. A questionnaire identifying four key components of patient satisfaction with physician communication. Patient Educ Couns. 2016;99:1054-1061.
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The Companion Teaching Supplementfor Smith's Patient-Centered Interviewing: An Evidence-Based Method is designed to facilitate instruction of learners at all levels. For example, it offers useful suggestions for how to teach the material presented in Chapters 1 to 3 of this book (The Beginning of the Interview: Patient-Centered Interviewing) to beginning students in various medicine/ nursing disciplines-in 10 sessions, each with a 1-hour lecture/demonstration followed by a 2-hour skills-oriented small group experience. The Teaching Supplement also describes how to teach the material in Chapters 4 and 5 (The Middle of the Interview: Clinician-Centered Interviewing) over six additional sessions. This includes recommendations for teaching how to summarize and present the entire interview, outlined in Chapter 9. However, clinician -centered interviewing can be taught in the second semester or year rather than in one course as presented in the Supplement. Further, the new Chapter 10 can guide teaching in how best to use the electronic health record. The Instructor's Teaching Supplement is available at no additional cost from McGraw-Hill at www.accessmedicine.com/SmithsPCI. We invite questions and feedback via e-mail: auguste.fortin@yale.edu; francesca.dwamena@ht.msu.edu; rfrankel@iupui.edu; BLepist1@hurleymc. com; robert.smith@ht.msu.edu. We have also developed Companion Teaching Videos that are available at no additional cost from McGraw-Hill at www.accessmedicine.com/SmithsPCI. These videos have proven invaluable for instruction in the entire interview. They provide nonrehearsed and nonscripted demonstrations by authors Robert C. Smith and Auguste H. Fortin VI, demonstrating all requisite skills as well as all the steps and substeps in the patient- and clinician-centered components of the interview. The video demonstrations have been useful to review as learners progress through the teaching material, especially for those having difficulty or for those progressing into new, more challenging areas. Newly prepared for this addition, seven brief videotapes, conducted by medical residents to provide a realistic approximation of what new learners can do, demonstrate how to remain patient-centered in unique, sometimes difficult situations: new inpatient, follow-up outpatient, acutely ill patient, patient with a mental health disorder, how to interrupt, follow-up outpatient, and using the electronic health record. XXV
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Acknowledgments The fourth edition of this textbook would not have been possible without the groundbreaking achievements of Dr. George L. Engel who, among other things, introduced a new theoretical foundation for medicine in the biopsychosocial model. Research and education in the biopsychosocial tradition continue to this day and are reflected in such important publications as the Institute of Medicine's influential report: Crossing the Quality Chasm. Dr. Engel also established the University of Rochester Program in Biopsychosocial Medicine (formerly the Medical-Psychiatric Liaison Group). Dr. Engel attracted and/ or trained many like-minded colleagues in this program; Art Schmale, Bill Greene, Bob Ader, Bob Klein, Joe Messina, Leon Canapary, Mack Lipkin, and Manual Brontman were key to Dr. Smith's intellectual development and scholarship, first as a fellow and then as faculty in the program. We also would like to thank our own universities (Yale, Michigan State, and Indiana) for encouraging us to publish the fourth edition of the book and for fostering education and practice in the Engel tradition. After Rochester, Michigan State was an early adopter of the model; Indiana and Yale have followed and are making dramatic impacts on the field. The book and other biopsychosocial work can occur only in such fertile environs. We acknowledge the support of the Fetzer Institute in Kalamazoo, MI in providing the financial support to develop the method described in the book, the National Institute of Mental Health for their support of research that allowed us to demonstrate the effectiveness of the patient-centered approach, the Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH) for being a spiritual home for clinicians eager to improve relationships with patients and each other, and the Health Resources and Services Administration for recent generous support. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with publisher Jim Shanahan, and his superb team at McGraw-Hill: Amanda Fielding, Senior Editor; Kim Davis, Managing Editor; Catherine Saggese, Senior Production Supervisor; and Anubhav Siddhu, Project Manager. Each has been remarkably helpful, diligent, and patient; this book is very much improved because of their efforts and attention to detail. Finally, we would like to thank Drs. Mohamed Hassanein and Ashley Bartell for their help with the literature review. xxvii
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The Medical Interview The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease. Sir William Osler, circa 1900 The position of clinician is one of privilege. Patients entrust clinicians with the most intimate details of their lives, and society rewards them with prestige, job stability, and a decent standard of living. With this privilege comes responsibility. Patients expect support, understanding, explanation, relief from their symptoms and/ or cure of their ailments, and society expects clinicians to act in the best interest of their patients, subordinating their own self-interest. 1 Modern medicine was built on the foundations of the biological sciences to improve the diagnosis and treatment of human suffering. The resulting biomedical model focused narrowly on the pathophysiology of disease caused by anatomic, biochemical, and/or neurophysiologic deviations from the norm. Within this framework the clinician's task was to focus on identifying, describing, and determining the cause of diseases and then preventing, managing, and/ or curing them. This focus led to the discovery and management of many genetic, infectious, and other medical diseases. However, scholarship over the past nearly four decades has underscored some critical limitations of the biomedical model. For example, the model did not address symptoms that are caused by factors other than disease or abnormalities in anatomical, biological, and/or neurophysiologic states. The model also largely ignored the social, psychological, and behavioral dimensions of illness. 2•3 Indeed, some medical professionals believed that "mental illness is a myth:' and some argued that it was not appropriate for medical professionals to attend topsychosocial issues-a stance that perpetuated the suffering of many patients and the healthcare professionals whom they sought for help. 4 1
2 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Hierarchy of Natural! Systems 1 Culture Com~unity SOCIAL Nervous System t Tissues cJ1s t Organelles I FIGURE 1.-1.. The hierarchy of natural systems. By the latter part of the 20th century, it had become clear that the biomedical model was "no longer adequate for the scientific tasks and social responsibilities" of medicine.4 The human condition was noted to be too complex to be fully described and explained by the biomedical model. Engel4•5 proposed a biopsychosocial model to better explain how the symptoms and course of one patient with a particular disease can be completely different from those of another individual with the same disease. The biopsychosocial model explicitly acknowledges the interdependence of patients' biological (disease), psychological, and social characteristics, making it consistent with general system theory (Fig. 1-1) (see Appendix A for Engel's foreword to the first edition of this text to learn more about the biopsychosocial model). According to general system theory. disturbances in a system at one level have implications for other levels in the hierarchy of natural systems. &-s A person is part of a hierarchy of systems that ranges from the smallest organelle to the largest community and culture and can be profoundly affected by changes in any of these systems. Unlike the biomedical mode~ the biopsychosocial model makes dear that the patient's relationships (including the clinician-patient relationship) can be as important to the illness experience as the patient's disease. It also explains why a person with no discernible pathology or significant aberration in physiology can experience debilitating symptoms and physical illness in the absence of disease. Disease implies a disruption in normal biologic function. Disease is objective: you can see disease processes under a microscope and in
Chapter 1 THE MEDICAL INTERVIEW 3 abnormal laboratory or imaging tests. Illness is subjective: people feel a sense of "'dis-ease"; they identify themselves as sick; they behave in accordance with the way they feel, which is different from how they act when they feel healthy. In many cases, they seek medical care. A patient can have disease without illness, as in an individual with hypertension who does not experience any symptoms; and illness without disease, as in an individual with illness anxiety disorder who is convinced that the slight and transient discomfort in his abdomen is due to cancer, not peristalsis.9 Most patients who seek medical care have both disease and illness, in varying degrees. Some stoic patients can have serious disease but exhibit little illness behavior, while other more demonstrative patients may have little biologic disease yet be incapacitated. These are important distinctions relevant to daily clinical work, since patients come to clinicians with their illness experiences seeking relief of symptoms, and clinicians were traditionally taught to find and treat diseases. The distinctions between curing and healing now become dearer: we cure diseases with medications, surgery, and biotechnology; we heal illnesses mainly through our words and the therapeutic relationships we establish with our patients. To be most effective as clinicians we must be able to combine both curing and healing to benefit our patients. Medical interviewing is the process of gathering and sharing information in the context of a trustworthy relationship that takes into account both disease, if present, and illness. Even in this age of medical advances, the medical interview remains the single most effective diagnostic tool, contributing to the correct diagnosis more often than physical examination or laboratory tests. Healthcare professionals conduct well over 100,000 interviews during their careers making the interview, by far, the most frequently performed medical procedure. Even a small improvement in your skills will have significant longterm benefits for you and your patients. The medical interview is what makes the clinician. Through your interviewing skill you will establish relationships with your patients that are meaningful, intimate, and caring. Your patients will tell you secrets they share with no one else. You will have a window on the world of human suffering and resilience and will develop respect for your patients' courage and humanity. You will feel honored and privileged to be a healing presence in your patients' lives. This book describes an 11-step, evidence-based interviewing method used to obtain a complete biopsychosocial story that describes the person's illness experience as well as his/her disease state and will guide you in ways to educate the patient and help change health-related behaviors. The patient's story can include pertinent personal features of the patient, the effectiveness of the clinician-patient relationship, the family, the community, and the patient's spirituality or lack thereof (Table 1-1),4.5
• TABLE 1-1. Evidence-Based Interviewing Method Step 1: Set the stage for the interview 1. Welcome the patient 2. Use the patient's name 3. Introduce self and identify specific role (student nurse/student doctorjresidentjfellow) 4. Ensure patient readiness and privacy 5. Remove barriers to communication 6. Ensure comfort and put the patient at ease Step 2: Elicit chief concern and set agenda 7. Indicate time available 8. Forecast what you would like to have happen during the interview 9. Obtain list of all issues patient wants to discuss; specific symptoms, requests, expectations, understanding 10. Summarize and finalize the agenda; negotiate specifics if too many agenda items Step 3: Begin the interview with nonfocusing skills that help the patient to express her/himself 11. Start with open-ended request; question 12. Use nonfocusing open-ended skills 13. Obtain additional data from nonverbal sources: nonverbal cues, physical characteristics, accoutrements, environment, self Step 4: Use focusing skills to elicit three things: symptom story, personal context, and emotional context 14. Further elicit symptom story • Description of symptoms, using focusing openended skills 15. Elicit personal context • Broader personal/psychosocial context of symptoms, patient beliefs/attributions, again using focusing open-ended skills 16. Elicit emotional context • Use emotion-seeking skills Direct Indirect Impact Belief Triggers Self-disclosure Resonate with unexpressed feeling 17. Respond to feelings/emotions • Use empathy skills to address the feelings and emotions (naming, understanding, respecting, and supporting [NURS]) 18. Expand the story • Continue eliciting further personal and emotional context; address feelings and emotions (NURS) Step 5: Transition to middle of the interview 19. Brief summary 20. Check accuracy 21. Indicate that both content and style of inquiry will change if the patient is ready • Continue with middle of the interview Step 6: Complete a chronological description of HPI/OAP Step 7: Past medical history Step 8: Social history Step 9: Family history Step 10: Review of systems (Physical examination) Step 11: End of the interview • THE HISTORY OF PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinicians who were trained in the last century under the biomedical model were taught to interview patients using only clinician-centered interviewing skills to elicit symptoms of disease. Clinician-centered interviewing means the clinician takes charge of the entire interaction to acquire the details of the patient's symptoms and other data that will help the clinician to identify a disease. This is often done through the use of closed-ended questions, the answer
Chapter 1 THE MEDICAL INTERVIEW 5 to which is yes, no, or a short phrase. This usually meant that the patient's concerns and what the interviewer perceived as nonmedical data were largely ignored or even discouraged in the clinician's quest for a biomedical diagnosis. Closed-ended questions also made the interview feel more like an interrogation. In a typical clinician-centered interview, the clinician controlled the flow of information, kept the focus away from the patient's experience of illness, and prevented most personal information, feelings, and emotions from emerging, limiting the clinician's ability to form an adequate relationship with the patient or develop a biopsychosocial description of the patient's problem.2.3 As noted in Appendix B, this leads to poor patient satisfaction, physician frustration, and worse health outcomes. Recognizing these limitations, patient-centered interviewing was developed 10- 14 as part of the relationship-centered care approach. 15•16 In a general sense, every action with the patient is patient centered; everything is done in the patient's interest. As a technical term, patient-centered interviewing skills encourage patients to express what is most important to them. In addition to symptoms, the patient-centered approach also recognizes the importance of patients' expressions of personal concerns, feelings, and emotions. With these personal data, the interviewer can synthesize a biopsychosodal description of the patient. Not only does the clinician avoid an isolated focus on symptoms, but s/he also allows the patient to lead and direct portions of the conversation. 17 This means the patient's ideas, concerns, and expectations, rather than the clinician's, are drawn out. The clinical benefits of this theoretical improvement have been substantiated by significant research (see Appendix B). Patient-centered interviewing skills were developed to complement clinician-centered interviewing skills. Like clinician-centered interviewing, patient-centered interviewing should not be used in isolation. The method described in this book integrates the patient-centered and clinician-centered interviewing skills you wiU need to elicit symptom, personal, and emotional information. You must then interpret and synthesize these data, using your knowledge of medicine, along with available data from physical examination and laboratory and imaging tests, to produce a biopsychosocial descriptionthe patient's story. • THE PATIENT-CENTERED APPROACH The patient-centered approach is built on several premises: • Patients often do not seek healthcare only because of a symptom Clinicians trained in the era of biomedicine assumed that their role was solely to diagnose a patient's symptom and treat the disease. They did not recognize that often there were more complex reasons behind the patient's
8 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING decision to seek healthcare-the personal context of a symptom story often drives healthcare-seeking behavior, rather than the symptom per se. For example, a 19-year-old man develops low back pain that, if he worked at a desk job, would not cause him to see his clinician. However, because he works on a loading dock, the pain is interfering with his job and he makes an appointment to be seen. The emotional context of a symptom is another common factor leading patients to see their clinicians. This same young man recently bought a home for his new family. He is worried that if he cannot perform his work duties he will be fired and will not be able to keep up with his mortgage payments. Clinicians increase their effectiveness and their patients' satisfaction when they seek to understand the personal and emotional context of patients' symptom stories. • Patients usually bring more than one concern to their clinician Research shows that patients in outpatient primary care settings average three or more concerns per visit. 18- 20 Interestingly, the first concern mentioned may not be the most important one to the patient (or to the clinician) and sometimes the last concern raised is the most important one, but was saved for last because it is frightening or shameful. Clinicians who assume the first concern is the patient's only one will likely hear the additional concem(s) voiced at the very end of the visit, which is frustrating and inefficient. It also results in low patient satisfaction. • Allowing the patient to tell his/her symptom story is diagnostically useful Clinicians who encourage patients to tell the story of their symptom arrive at the correct diagnosis more often and more quickly than clinicians who learn about the symptom only through the use of clinician-centered interviewing skills. The way the patient describes the symptom is as important as the facts that are stated. This observation is not new-the physician Sir William Osler urged his students in 1910, "Listen to the patient, he is telling you the diagnosis." • Allowing the patient to tell his/her symptom story is therapeutic When patients are allowed to tell their illness narrative rather than only respond to multiple clinician-centered questions, they experience a catharsis-simply getting the story off one's chest can result in feeling better. Most of us have experienced feeling unburdened and less alone after sharing a story of difficulty with a good listener. • Patients do not want us to try to "fix" everything they tell us about Many clinicians have a strong "curative need;' wanting to fix things and make them right. This need can cause them anxiety when a patient mentions something (such as being unable to do work duties and feeling worried about losing the job) that is not "fixable." Patient-centered clinicians
• TABLE 1-2. Needs Communicated by Patients 1. Very common: Needs to express symptoms, personal context of illness, feelings and emotions, interests, desire for information, and other ideas; e.g., worry about cancer; sore throat; can't work with this back pain; feeling down; want to lose weight; fever; refill medications• 2. Common: Special communication needsb; e.g., non-English speaker, deaf, blind, cognitively impaired 3. Uncommon: Urgent, sometimes life-threatening needs requiring immediate attention° a. Biomedical; e.g., unconscious, hematemesis, symptoms of acute myocardial infarction, recent history of syncope, severe pain, severe nausea and vomiting, marked shortness of breath, multiple trauma b. Psychosocial; e.g., suicidal, homicidal, very disruptive, overtly psychotic, severe organic brain syndrome, very agitated or very anxious "Addressed in Chapters 1 to 5. bAddressed in Chapter 7. •Not addressed in this book.
8 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Most patients in outpatient and inpatient settings do not have such critical problems. They are able to communicate; are not prohibitively anxious; and want to talk about their symptoms, interests, fears, and concerns. In these more common situations, you will meet these needs, not by controlling, but by allowing the patient to lead the conversation and to discuss the symptoms or personal issues s/he prefers. Ideas in the initial dialogue originate in the patient's mind rather than in the clinician's; later, the clinician will insert his/ her ideas into the exchange. We will next introduce the process (timeline) and content (components) of the basic medical interview. In Chapters 2 to 6, we will discuss how to conduct the interview, and will consider how to handle communication problems in Chapter 7; you will learn the approach to emergency medical and psychological conditions elsewhere in your clinical training. • INTEGRATED INTERVIEWING Figure 1-2 shows a timeline of the medical interview. In the beginning of the interview, patient-centered skills are used (covered in Chapters 2 and 3); in the middle of the interview clinician-centered skills predominate (detailed in Chapters 4 and 5); ending the interview involves a return to patient-centered Integrated Medical Interviewing (PatientCentered Skills) 9911nlcian-Cento9 9 3,4,5, HPI--- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, -- HPVOAP, PMH, SH, FH, ROS] I! eg In n In g Set the Set the Stage Agenda Steps: 1, 2, Components: [CC, Middle centered Skills) Pallentcenlerad Beginning: Patient-Centered = Psychosocial and Symptom Data ' Physical Exam End 11 Middle: Clinician-Centered Symptom and Psychosocial Data Clinician Synthesizes / BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL STORY FIGURE 1-2. 1he Integrated medical Interview. =
Chapter 1 THE MEDICAL INTERVIEW 9 skills (discussed in Chapter 6). The amount of time spent in each varies with the circumstances but, generally, the middle of the interview takes much longer. We discourage you from starting the interview with the clinician-centered skills except in the rare emergency situations noted earlier. Even if you were to later attempt to use patient-centered interview skills to hear the patient's concerns, your having started with clinician-centered skills would suggest that your agenda was more important than the patient's. Additionally, there is evidence that patients have difficulty providing information in a narrative fashion after they have been interrogated by clinician-centered questions; this has been called the "question-answer trap."21 Because Fig. 1-2 depicts a first-time interview with a new patient, all components of the history are included: chief concern (CC), history of present illness (HPI), other active problems (OAP), past medical history (PMH), social history (SH), family history (FH), and review of systems (ROS). You will learn more about these in the chapters that follow. In patients whom you have previously evaluated, you will usually need only the CC and HPI because other data are already known, although sometimes a brief updating of the other components is necessary. The CC is the patient's most bothersome concern. The HPI usually is the most helpful historical component and is where the patient gives the story of this concern, describing both the symptoms of possible disease and the personal and emotional context in which they occur. When patients have more than one current medical concern, you will obtain these in OAP. The PMH is where the patient gives important past medical information that does not pertain to the HPI or OAP. In the SH, you will ask the patient about healthpromoting behaviors, health hazards, routine personal data, relevant ethicalsocial-spiritual issues, and functional capacity. The FH does the same with routine family medical information. The ROS screens for any symptoms or other problems not already discussed. Ordinarily the CC/HPI/OAP takes approximately half the total time available. The CC and initial portions of HPI/OAP are developed in the beginning of the interview using patient-centered interviewing skills while in the middle of the interview the latter portions of the HPI/OAP and the remainder of the sections are elicited using clinician-centered skills. The PMH, FH, SH, and ROS are elicited largely by using clinician -centered skills, but as the islands of patient-centeredness in Fig. 1-2 show, you will not remain entirely clinician centered during this time, but will periodically return to patientcentered skills as needed. For example, while obtaining the FH, if you ask the patient for his father's age and he begins to cry, saying that his father died last month, your next question is not "How old is your mother?"! Rather,
1.0 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING you use patient-centered interviewing skills to empathize with the patient and try to further understand his sadness before going on with additional clinician-centered questions, such as the mother's age. If the beginning of the interview has been conducted effectively, most emotionally charged issues will already have arisen and use of patient-centered interviewing skills will tend to be brief. The patient-centered skills used in the beginning of the interview allow you to gather the patient's unique perspective on her symptoms and important psychosocial information. In contrast, the clinician-centered interviewing skills used in the middle of the interview produce mostly symptom information and, to a lesser extent, psychosocial data (which also are of a more routine type than psychosocial data obtained in the beginning of the interview). Using your knowledge of medicine, you then synthesize these data into a biopsychosocial description of the patient. Integrated interviewing is used for most medical interactions-new or return patients, hospital settings or clinics, surgical or medical services, tertiary care or primary care, and emergency room or consultation visits. Having introduced the process and content of the medical interview, it is logical to ask about its intended functions. There are three distinct functions of the interview: (a) creating a safe atmosphere and establishing a trustworthy relationship with the patient; (b) gathering information; and (c) informing and motivating the patient (patient education).22- 24 Most clinical encounters will contain all three. In Chapters 2 to 5, you will learn skills that help you to establish a safe and trustworthy relationship with your patient, and to gather diagnostically important data. The third function, patient education, is covered in Chapter 6. Chapters 7 to 9 will address advanced interviewing issues and Chapter 10 will discuss how to summarize and present the patient's story. Throughout the book we will refer you to modules in DocCom, a webbased curriculum resource where you can get more in-depth information on over 40 important medical interview topics. Many schools provide access to DocCom for their students; individual licenses can also be purchased. The website is doccom.org. Module 1 of DocCom provides a good overview of DocCom25 and Module 5 discusses the integrated patient-centered interviewing module presented in this book. 26 We have identified the general interviewing process, its content, and functions, but we still are left with an unanswered question: What actually goes on at the bedside or in the clinic? What do we say and how do we say it? We are now ready to begin.
KNOWLEDGE EXERCISES 1. Define medical interviewing. 2. Define the biopsychosocial model, patient-centered interviewing, and cliniciancentered interviewing. How are they related? 3. Give examples of some patient needs that can be overlooked with isolated cliniciancentered interviewing. 4. Under what circumstances would you not begin an interaction with a patient-centered approach? 5. Describe three problems encountered with isolated clinician-centered interviewing. 6. List the benefits from integrating patientcentered and clinician-centered interviewing that make this more scientific and more humanistic, as compared to isolated clinician-centered interviewing. See Appendix B. 7. Draw the full diagram of the interview and label the following: beginning, middle, physical examination, and end; CC and HPI/OAP, PMH, SH, FH, ROS. 8. What do each of the components of the interview listed in question #7 contribute? 9. Where does important disease information first arise in the interview? Would you expect personal and psychosocial information to arise in the clinician-centered process? 10. How do you think the interviewer might feel in an isolated clinician-centered interview compared to an interview integrating patient-centered with clinician-centered processes? Why is that the case? REFERENCES 1. LoB. Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: A Guide for Clinicians. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2005. 2. Feinstein AR. The intellectual crisis in clinical science: medaled models and muddled mettle. Perspect Bioi Med. 1987;30:215-230. 3. Schwartz MA, Wiggins 0. Science, humanism, and the nature of medical practice: a phenomenological view. Perspect Bioi Med. 1985;28:331-361. 4. Engel GL. The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science. 1977;196:129-136. 5. Engel GL. The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model. Am J Psychiatry. 1980;137:535-544. 6. Capra F, Luisi P. The Systems View of Life-A Unifying Vision. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2014. 7. von Bertalanffy L. General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Application, Revised. New York, NY: George Braziller; 1968. 8. Smith R, Fortin AH, Dwamena F, Frankel R. An evidence-based patient-centered method makes the biopsychosocial model scientific. Patient Educ Couns. 2013;90:265270. 9. Kleinman A, Eisenberg L, Good B. Culture, illness, and care: clinical lessons from anthropological and cross-cultural research. Ann Intern Med. 1978;88:251.
1.2 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 10. Levenstein JH, Brown JB, Weston WW. Patient centered clinical interviewing. In: Stewart M, Rater D, eds. Communicating with Medical Patients. London: Sage Publications; 1989:107-120. 11. Levenstein JH, McCracken EC, McWhinney IR, Stewart MA, Brown JB. The patientcentered clinical method. 1. A model for the doctor-patient interaction in family medicine. J Pam Pract. 1986;3:24-30. 12. McWhinney I. An Introduction to Family Medicine. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 1981. 13. McWhinney I. The need for a transformed clinical method. In: Stewart M, Rater D, eds. Communicating with Medical Patients. London: Sage Publications; 1989:25-42. 14. Rogers CR Client-Centered Therapy. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company; 1951. 15. Inui TS. What are the sciences of relationship-centered primary care. J Fam Pract. 1996;42(2): 171-177. 16. 'IIesolini CP, Pew-Fetzer Task F. Health Professions Education and Relationship-Centered Care. San Francisco, CA: Pew Health Professions Commission; 1994:72. 17. Watzlawick P, Bavelas JB, Jackson DD. Pragmatics ofHuman Communication: A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies, and Paradoxes. New York, NY: WW Norton & Company; 1967:294. 18. Marvel MK, Epstein RM, Flowers K, Beckman HB. Soliciting the patient's agenda: have we improved? JAMA. 1999;281(3):283-287. 19. Heritage J, Robinson JD, Elliott MN, Beckett M, Wilkes M. Reducing patients' unmet concerns in primary care: the difference one word can make. J Gen Intern Med. 2007;22(10):1429-1433. 20. Kaplan SH, Gandek B, Greenfield S, Rogers W. Ware JE. Patient and visit characteristics related to physicians' participatory decision-making style. Results from the Medical Outcomes Study. Med Care. 1995;33(12):1176-1187. 21. Miller WR, Rollnick S. Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 2002:55-56, 73. 22. Bird J, Cohen-Cole SA. The three-function model of the medical interview: an educational device. In: Hale M, ed. Models of Teaching Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. Basel: Karger; 1991:65-88. 23. Cohen -Cole SA, Bird]. Interviewing the cardiac patient: II. A practical guide for helping patients cope with their emotions. Qual Life Cardiovascular Care. 1986;3:53-65. 24. Lazare A, Putnam S, Lipkin M. Three functions of the medical interview. In: Lipkin M, Putnam S, Lazare A, eds. The Medical Interview. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1995;3-19. 25. Gordon G. Module 1: Overview. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Intemet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org. 26. Fortin AH 6th, Dwamena F, Smith RC. Module 5: Integrated Patient-centered and Doctor-centered Interviewing-Structure and Content of the Interview. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[lntemet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www .DocCom.org.
Data-Gathering and Empathy Skills What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning. 1 Werner Heisenberg, 1958 In Chapter 1, we introduced two types of interviewing skills: "patient-centered skills" and "clinician-centered skills:' Patient-centered interviewing skills are used at the beginning of the interaction to obtain the patient's perspective. They elicit unique symptom, personal, and emotional information from the patient. They are also used throughout the interview to continue building and maintaining the clinician-patient relationship. Clinician-centered skills may be used sparingly during patient-centered interviewing but, mainly, are used in the middle portion of the interview to provide more control for the clinician. They elicit information the clinician needs to know that has not already arisen during the initial patient-centered portion. In this chapter, both skills are discussed with the emphasis on using the more difficult patient-centered skills. As stated in Chapter 1, the fundamental patient-centered communication skills discussed in this chapter are integrated, sequenced, and prioritized to create a behaviorally defined model that is used at the beginning of the interview. Patient-centered interviewing assists patients in expressing what is most important to them, recognizing the importance of personal concerns, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. A useful analogy is to view each piece of new information during the interview, as being placed on a table between the clinician and patient (Fig. 2-1). The clinician succeeds in being patient-centered when the information on the table has been placed there by the patient. When the clinician places new ideas "on the table;' this defines clinician-centered interviewing. Regardless of effort to not introduce new topics, clinicians using patient-centered skills can 13
1A SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING FIGURE 2-:1.. The clinician Is being patient-centered when the Information "on the table" has been placed there by the patient. still influence the type and amount of information patients disclose through gestures, comments, and selectively attending to certain topics. Used prematurely during the beginning of the interview, clinician-centered skills can contaminate the patient's story with what is on the clinician's mind, creating a cognitive bias. This is sometimes referred to as premature hypothesis testing by focusing only on the initial piece of information to make subsequent judgments. This can lead to an inaccurate or skewed view of the problem(s) and therefore lead to erroneous treatment.2 Individualized care relies on an accurate patient report of symptoms and, especially, their context in the history of the illness. Contextual errors occur when elements of the patient's environment, behavior, or emotions are not considered when making diagnosis and treatment plans. In this chapter, we focus on the specific data-gathering (open-ended, closedended) and empathy (emotion-seeking, emotion-handling) skills that are the clinician's tools on a moment-to-moment basis, the core patient-centered skills (see Fig. 2-2).3- 5
Chapter 2 DATA-GATHERING AND EMPATHY SKILLS :15 Core Skills: Patient-Centered Open-Ended Skills Emotion Seeking Empathy 1. Nonfocusing 1. Direct 1. Name • Silence •Nonwrbal encouragement • Conti''IUers ' 2. Focusing • Echoing • Requesting • Summarizing ! If Necessary 2.1ndirect • Impact on life, others • Beliefs about the problem • Intuit how the patient might be feeling •Triggers '' 2. Understand 3. Respect ' 4. Support FIGURE 2-2. Dynamic use of facilitating skills. • DATA-GATHERING SKILLS Open-Ended Skills Open-ended skills encourage the patient to freely express what is on his/her mind. There are two types of open-ended skills: (1) nonfocusing skills (silence, nonverbal encouragement, and continuers) and (2) focusing skills (echoing, open-ended requests, summaries). Nonfocusing open-ended skills are used liberally throughout the interview to encourage the patient to expand, elaborate, and raise important issues without interference from the clinician's questions. These skills are critical at the beginning of the interview. As the patient talks freely, s/he will introduce many topics that may or may not coalesce into a coherent story. As long as the patient is giving a coherent and nonrepetitive story, nonfocusing skills are effective. Later, focusing open-ended skills are necessary for most patients to help them develop their narrative beyond the opening statement, an invitation to expand and elaborate on topics that they raised already-topics placed on the table for discussion. When the patient's narrative becomes hard to follow, gets off-track, or overwhelming, focusing skills are used to help restore structure and balance to the interview-to focus the patient's story. Open-Ended Nonfocuslng Skills Nonfocusing skills encourage the patient to put more and more information "on the table" (Fig. 2-3).
16 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING FIGURE 2-3. Nonfocuslng open-ended skills encourage the patient to put information "on the table." Silence Remaining silent-saying nothing-while continuing to be nonverbally atten- tive and responsive (using appropriate eye contact and an open body posture, leaning forward with legs and arms uncrossed) prompts the patient to continue talking and signals that you are interested in what s/he is saying. For example, the clinician's silence in the following vignette encourages the patient to express what is really on his mind: Patient: ... and it rolled down and hit me here (pause). Clinician: (attentive but silent for 4 seconds) Patient: ... so I called you, thinking you'd be in, but you were not. I was hoping to have heard from you sooner ...
Chapter 2 DATA-GATHERING AND EMPATHY SKILLS 1.7 Silence can make some patients uncomfortable, a discomfort they may indicate by shifting about or looking away. If 3 to 4 seconds of silence do not prompt further information or the patient appears uncomfortable, move on to another skill. Often pairing silence with another nonfocusing skill provides the comfort needed for the patient to continue. Nonverbal encouragement Nonverbal encouragement often paired with silence, urges patients to talk freely. Typically; the clinician makes a sympathetic facial expression (expectation to continue), nods, or simply indicates by body language that the patient should continue speaking (leaning forward): Patient: ... so that it hurt his feelings (pause). Clinician: (leans forward with expectant expression while remaining silent) Patient: Well then I felt bad too and ... Continuers Integrated with silence and nonverbal encouragement, continuers are brief, noncommittal statements such as '1 see;' llh-huh,"' "Yes:· or "Mmm" that encourage the patient to talk without directing the conversation; they let the patient know you are following what slhe is saying: Patient: ... and later the pain went in the front part, right here ... Clinician: Uh-huh. Patient: Yeah, and it hurt like crazy. Clinician: Mmm. Open-Ended Focusing Skills Focusing skills encourage the patient to expand on specific parts of the information they have already "placed on the table" (Fig. 2-4). In essence, the clinician uses these skills to pick things up "off the table" in order to learn more about them. Echoing Echoing is a type of reflection, accomplished by repeating a word or phrase "placed on the table'' by the patient; this not only lets the patient know slhe is heard, but also provides encouragement to focus, expand, and elaborate on the word or phrase. Patient: After the pain let up, I still couldn't find him. Clinician: The pain? (Invites the patient to talk more about the symptom of pain.) -OR- Couldn't find him? (Invites the patient to describe a personal aspect ofhis story.)
18 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING FIGURE 2-4. Use focusing open-ended skills to learn more about what the patient has put "on the table." Open-ended requests Open-ended requests are used to focus the patient on an already mentioned area that the clinician wants to expand upon, such as "Tell me more about the daughter you mentioned:' Patient: Then my pain came back because I couldn't afford the medicine. Clinician: Go on (encourages patient to continue without additional focusing). -OR- Tell me about not affording it (focuses patient on the personal problem). -OR- Tell me about the pain (focuses patient on a symptom).
Chapter 2 DATA-GATHERING AND EMPATHY SKILLS 1.9 Like other focusing skills, open-ended requests move the patient to deeper levels of his/her story by focusing on something that the patient has already mentioned. They should not be used to direct the patient to a topic they have not already mentioned, for example, "Tell me about your family" when the patient has not said anything about her or his family. Remember the table analogy? Family was not on the table, so the clinician should not introduce a new topic. Summarizing, paraphrasing Summarizing by paraphrasing what the patient said invites the patient to focus on and expand the material provided, but also is an accuracy check. Basically, summarizing allows the patient to know that the clinician has followed the conversation, heard the details, and is ready for more information. Patient: (Long story about difficulty getting in to see clinician) Clinician: So, you had the nausea but couldn't get me on the phone. Then it got worse and your wife still couldn't get a hold of me until today. Patient: Yeah, I was really more upset than sick by now. As shown in the examples above, focusing open-ended skills encourage the patient to further explore areas that you are curious about. They allow you to actively develop a coherent, narrative thread in the patient's own words and to take control of the interview if necessary, while remaining patient-centered. With open -ended focusing skills the clinician can refocus the patient on an important topic that may have slipped by too quickly. Often patients mention an emotionally loaded topic, such as death, but rapidly move away from it. You can return to the topic by saying, for example, "You mentioned death a minute ago, tell me more about that:' Because the patient initially introduced the topic of death by "placing it on the table; the clinician can comment on it, even though it may interrupt the immediate thread of conversation. Using these open-ended skills, the clinician learns information, feelings, and thoughts important to the patient-patient-centered material-with less contamination from the clinician. Closed-Ended Data-Gathering Skills (Used In the Middle Portion of Interview) Closed-ended questions, typically answered with yes, no, or a choice among provided answers, are used primarily to confirm or refute specific issues, rather than expand the conversation in the way that open-ended questions do.
20 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING This makes closed-ended questions ideal for the middle of the interview where specific information is required from the patient. Closed-ended questions can enhance the precision of information. In the beginning, that is in the patient-centered part of the interview, they usually are counterproductive because they discourage information originating in the patient's mind and force the patient to respond to the clinician's concerns and ideas. Closedended questions are appropriate in the beginning ofthe interview only if used sparingly and to obtain clarification of an issue raised by the patient, rather than inserting new information; for example, "When did you come to the hospital?" "When did this begin, yesterday or a week ago? I'm confused." Used excessively or inappropriately, not only do closed-ended skills have a deleterious effect upon the clinician-patient relationship, they greatly diminish the quantity and quality of data about the patient. Close-ended questions imply that the clinician knows what is important to the patient, and possibly that the patient's concerns are trivial. Patients who are chronically exposed to this type of questioning during the encounter are less satisfied with the clinician and the interaction. There are three types of closed-ended skills, very familiar and reflexive, and helpful in the proper part of the interview. 1. Questions PI'Oducl~ Yes/No Answers These questions are asked with a specific issue to be answered. They can be used to clarify a patient's statement or introduce a new topic. Patient: My pain is right here. Clinician: Is it just in your left arm? -ORDid you have shortness of breath with the pain? Patient: No. Clinician: Did you come in this morning? Patient: Yes. 2. Questions PI'Oducl~ Brief Answers These questions also direct the patient to answer with a word or phrase. Clinician: How old are you? Patient: Thirty-one. Clinician: How high was the fever? Patient: I don't know. -OR103 degrees.
Chapter 2 DATA-GATHERING AND EMPATHY SKILLS 21 3. Multiple-Choice Questions These questions are asked with a specific issue to be answered by choosing among choices provided. They can be used to clarify a patient's statement or introduce a new topic: Patient: My pain is right here. Clinician: Is it just in your left or right arm? -ORWas the pain sharp, stabbing, or throbbing? Patient: Sharp. Clinician: Did you notice the pain this morning, during the day, or at night? Patient: Early morning. Integrating Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Skills Open- and closed-ended skills complement each other. During the patientcentered beginning of the interview, open-ended skills predominate and are used repeatedly, primarily for developing information about symptoms and personal and emotional concerns expressed by the patient. Closed-ended questions are used sparingly during the beginning of the interview to clarify the patient's utterances. As you will learn in Chapter 3, at the end of the patient-centered part of the interview a clear transitional statement is made alerting the patient to a change in interview style. Then, during the cliniciancentered middle of the interview, open-ended questions are fewer and used primarily at the start of each step for brief but repeated scanning purposes. Closed-ended questions predominate and are used to pin down details and often place new information "on the table." Thus far, we have described the fundamental communication skills used for data-gathering. Next, we will discuss how to use these and other skills to build positive, strong relationships with patients. Then, in Chapter 3, we will show how to integrate these skills into a method to conduct a patient-centered interview in a systematic manner. • EMPATHY SKILLS One of the most important goals of patient-centered interviewing is to form a therapeutic relationship with the patient. Emotions maximize human communication and connection. Expressing needs through emotion antedates language and is a basic form ofhuman communication at personal and sociallevels.6- 8 Emotions, and the
22 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING thoughts and feelings they often represent, are central to effective decision making'·9 and, perhaps, to consciousness itsel£.8•10 Responding to feelings and emotions leads to strong and therapeutic clinician-patient relationships and results in the most effective communication.11•12 It is the essence of how we achieve the benefits ofbeing patient-centered, detailed in Appendix B. The patient can express feelings verbally (e.g., "I was upset"), and/ or emotions nonverbally (e.g., depressed face, slumped shoulders) or by acting them out (e.g., crying). Charles Darwin first drew attention to the expression of emotions in man and animals in 1872.7 More recently, Paul Ekman has identified 15 distinct emotions that can be read from a person's face: amusement, anger, contempt, contentment, disgust, embarrassment, excitement, fear, guilt, pride in achievement, relief, sadness/distress, satisfaction, sensory pleasure, and shame. 13 Feelings, being the conscious, subjective experience of emotion, are more numerous. We have listed the 15 emotions and a host of derivative feelings in Appendix C. Most learners are surprised to learn how many different feelings and emotions there are. For the beginning clinician, drawing out and addressing either emotions or feelings produces the same benefits, so we will often use the terms interchangeably throughout this text. When the clinician uses patient-centered skills, patients feel encouraged to share the information needed to understand their emotional world, made up of thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Communicating this understanding to patients is termed empathy. 14 As clinicians, we must identify and respond to emotions in order to form a connection with patients. Clinicians often miss or ignore patients' emotions and feelings, focusing instead upon establishing a disease diagnosis. Research has shown that patients seek and welcome inquiry about their thoughts and feelings, and that the clues they give through emotional expression are often subtle and fleeting. 15 It is important, therefore, to stay on the alert for these clues throughout the interview, but especially at the beginning, to quickly establish the clinician-patient relationship. Emotion-seeking Skills Because feelings and emotions are so important, you must actively seek them even when they have not been "placed on the table" -or when they have only been hinted at. The emotion-seeking skills serve this purpose. Once feelings and emotions are "on the table" and you have understood them via open-ended skills, you employ the subsequently described empathy skills. Use the emotion-seeking skills initially in the order given below, and then intersperse them freely. Typically, the first skill of direct inquiry suffices to
Chapter 2 DATA-GATHERING AND EMPATHY SKILLS 23 elicit the initial feeling or emotion and the second further develops it. In more reticent patients, indirect emotion-seeking skills are sometimes required to initiate the expression of emotions or feelings from the patient. Direct Inquiry One of the most important questions in patient-centered interviewing is some variation of "How did that make you feel?" 16 For example, you may suspect an emotion (anger) from the patient's statement ("she got my job"), nonverbal behavior (furrowed eyebrows), or actions (looking away from you). You can let the patient identify the specific feeling by asking how s/he feels about the situation (e.g., "I noticed that you have been looking away. Can you tell me how you are feeling?"). Most patients respond to this invitation. Some patients may not understand that you are seeking an emotion and may respond with how they feel physically ("sick to my stomach"). You can clarify or prevent this by asking "What emotions are you feeling?" Patient: (Has just been told he needs surgery) Clinician: How are you feeling about this, emotionally? Patient: Surprised, I guess (but looking anxious). Clinician: How are you feeling right now, talking about it? Patient: I guess I'm pretty worried. Indirect Inquiry Patients do not always respond to direct emotion-seeking skills with an expression of feeling or emotion; this does not necessarily mean that the patient does not have or want to share them. Because emotion is important, it is crucial to continue to seek feelings/emotions. There are four indirect ways, in no particular order, to encourage a patient to express emotion or feelings: 1. Inquiring about impact: Asking about how the illness or other situation in question has affected the life of the patient, family member, or friend also uncovers important information and increases emotional expression ("How has your back pain affected your day-to-day life?" or "How has your wife's death affected your life?" or "How has your wife's death affected your daughter?"). 2. Eliciting beliefs/attributions: Asking what the patient thinks caused the problem is not only helpful for understanding the patient's medical explanatory model17 but it may also uncover an underlying feeling or emotion, particularly if the patient believes that a serious condition may be causing the symptom. 3. Intuiting how the patient might be feeling: Sharing how you or others might feel in similar circumstances can help the patient identify her or his own emotions and feelings ("I think if that happened to me I would feel
24 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING upset:'). Avoid strong affective terms like "angry" or "depressed" because the patient may not feel comfortable endorsing them; instead use less intense terms like "upset;' "unhappy," or "frustrated." If a patient describes a situation that clearly hints at an emotion without clearly naming one, you can express your intuition with a statement like, "I get the idea that this might have been difficult for you:' In using this technique, say "might" or "could;' rather than "must." This encourages the patient to express his/ her actual feeling, rather than believing that your inaccurate guess is the "correct'' feeling. For example, if you were to say, "You must be very scared about this; the patient may believe that s/he should be scared. Better to say, "I can imagine that this might be worrying for you" or "The idea that your neighbor died of the same disease could be frightening." In this way, if you guess that the patient would have felt worry, but s/he actually felt anger, s/ he will likely correct you. 4. Asking about triggers: Determining why the patient is seeking care at this precise time, especially if the problem has been present for more than a few days, can uncover the underlying reason for the visit and provide a window into the patient's feelings and emotions ("What made you decide to see me today for this [symptom]?"). A common trigger that can lead to emotional expression is interpersonal crisis. When people are in crisis they are worried and distressed, which increases their sensitivity to pain and awareness of bodily symptoms. They often do not make the link between their stress and their symptoms. Asking, "What else is going on in your life?" can uncover the distress and allow for expression of feelings and emotions. These indirect questions have value in learning about the patient's perspective, presented in Chapter 5, but are used here as indirect methods of eliciting an emotional expression. Be careful using these because some early-career clinicians and learners get distracted by the responses and forget to actually elicit the associated emotion. If a patient doesn't name an emotion, it may be useful to reiterate your interest in helping elicit it. Patient: (Patient has just been told he has leukemia but acknowledges no emotion with direct inquiry.) Clinician: How's it going to affect your life? Patient: I don't know. Will I be able to work? Clinician: Well, we'll have to talk about that. How do you feel about not being able to work? Empathy Skills When the patient expresses an emotion, first follow it up with sufficient openended inquiry to be able to genuinely have some understanding of the situation. For example, if a patient says, "I'm so angry!~ you can reply, "Tell me more about that; or "Angry?':
Chapter 2 DATA-GATHERING AND EMPATHY SKILLS 25 Sometimes patients express feelings that are initially difficult to understand. In these cases, you need to learn more before you can respond with genuine empathy. For example, a patient, describing the recent death of her brother, says, "To tell you the truth, I feel relieved." The clinician, perhaps expecting an expression of sadness, may not yet understand why the patient feels this way and so needs to inquire further: "Tell me more about feeling relieved." As the patient explains that her brother had been suffering worsening pain from terminal cancer, which had been increasingly difficult for the patient to bear, the clinician comes to understand her relief and can now respond empathically. Seeking clarification of emotions as well as feelings is also important. For example, crying is a manifestation of several emotions such as sadness, anger, relief, joy, frustration; clarifying the emotion by asking a few open-ended questions aids in expressing empathy accurately. Once you can understand why the patient is feeling the ways/he is feeling, you should express that understanding with verbal empathy. Remaining silent or changing the subject can lead the patient to believe, for example, that you disapprove of the patient's feelings, that you believe slhe should have had a different feeling, that feelings should not be discussed with you, that you don't care about the patient, or that the patient's expression of emotion has made you uncomfortable. Empathy skills communicate that you have heard the patient; they result in the patient feeling heard, understood, and cared for. As important as empathy skills are, it is important to track the patient's emotional response so that you can adjust communication to enhance the patient feeling of being understood. 18 Empathy skills are essential for developing a positive clinician-patient relationship and being patient-centered. You can use the mnemonic NURS to help recall them: naming, understanding, respecting, and supporting. Using the four skills in order will help you become proficient in communicating empathy with patients. Once learned, the skills can be used singly or in pairs every time the patient expresses an emotion. Naming the Feeling/Emotion To name the feeling or emotion, you simply repeat the feeling expressed by the patient, "You felt sad" or the emotion you observe, "You look a little tearyeyed." This signals to the patient that you have heard the feeling/ observed the emotion in him/her; and that these are okay to express. Understanding An "understanding" statement acknowledges that the patient's emotional reaction is understood by the clinician; for example, "Given what happened it makes sense to me; I can sure understand why." It legitimizes, accepts, and validates the patient's expressed emotion. Because the occasional patient may
28 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING counter with, "You can't understand what I'm going through!~ it can be more effective to express understanding without using the word "understand; for example, "Given what you've told me, I can see why you are feeling this way:' or "I get it; that makes sense to me." You need not have had the same experiences to be able to understand the patient's emotion; such understanding usually arises after asking the patient to say more about the feeling they stated. Alternatively, one can indicate lack of comparable experiences with equal impact in appropriate circumstances; for example, when the patient describes being scared that his chest pain was signaling a possible heart attack, the learner's response might be, "I've never had that happen, but I can see how that would scare you." Respecting (Praising or Appreclatl~ the Patient anti/or Aclmowledtlnt His/Her Situation) Respecting is the least natural of the NURS quartet for most learners. Many clinicians already are behaving respectfully via their nonverbal behaviors, and do not understand what else is needed. Verbal respect appreciates the patient ("Thanks for being so open"), clearly acknowledges how difficult things have been ("You've really been through a lot"), or praises the patient's efforts ("I appreciate the way you've hung in there and kept fighting"). This often involves emphasizing the positive, finding what people have done well, and reinforcing it. Supportl~ Supporting statements signal to the patient that you are prepared to work together as a team (i.e., form a partnership with him/her) and help in whatever way you can; for example, "I'm here to help in any way I can. I'll make sure the attending physician is aware of your specific concerns:' Brief VIgnette Using NURS Quartet Patient: (Has just indicated feeling lonely since his dog died) Clinician: So, that's been pretty lonesome for you. [Naming] We grieve all our losses-dogs as well as people. It makes sense to me. [Understanding] I can see it's been a difficult time. [Respecting] Sometimes it helps talking about it. [Supporting] Patient: It does feel better. I was embarrassed to mention it to anyone else. You do not have to agree with the feeling or emotion for which you indicate understanding, respect. or support Rather, you are expressing your understanding and appreciation of the patient's point of view and circumstance.
Chapter 2 DATA-GATHERING AND EMPATHY SKILLS 27 For example, to an abusive parent you might say "I understand how all her crying upset you," or "It's really been hard on you;' or "I'm here to help you do what's best" -without condoning or reinforcing abusive behavior. Empathy means recognizing an emotion without the clinician necessarily experiencing it her/himself. Empathy involves three components: understanding, communicating the understanding, and an intending to provide assistance with this understanding. 12.19 Sympathy, on the other hand, is having the same emotional response as the patient or family member, usually emerging from discomfort that is relieved by helping the patient/family member. 19 Both are legitimate forms of affective expression. Empathy is more under conscious control and essentially allows the patient to have and express his/her emotion while the clinician is a witness or nonanxious presence to the patient's suffering. 20 Some learners worry that empathy will turn to sympathy and that, in experiencing the patient's emotion, worry that they are being unprofessional. Eliciting and empathizing with emotions provokes anxiety in some clinicians, for example, raising fears about harming patients or of being intrusive. Some learners worry that the interactions will get out of control. However, when they check with patients, they realize that these fears are unfounded.21 Patients know how to protect themselves and they usually are forthright when they do not want to engage in a line of conversation. Indeed, most patients feel supported and relieved when they are allowed and encouraged to express emotion. Clinicians must guard against the understandable impulse to shut them down or change the subject. Many early-career clinicians and learners fmd this a difficult new area due to a fear of experiencing an intense emotion, possibly crying and subsequendy appearing unprofessional. Experiencing strong emotions accompanies working with people in need. Crying by students studying healthcare is rather common in the hospital. Talking with your teammates or a trusted faculty member can help you better understand yourself and your reactions. Chapter 8 of this book and Modules 2 to 4 and 13 in DocCom provide more details about this important area. In Chapter 3 we describe how to put these skills together to conduct the beginning of the medical interview in a sequential, behaviorally based and systematic manner. Now, we encourage you to practice patient-centered skills before moving on to the next chapter. • PRACTICING PATIENT-CENTERED SKILLS like "Tell me all about your (patient's chief concern)." 2. Continuing directly without breaking, use nonfocusing open-ended skills alone for 15 to 30 seconds. Basically, this means being quiet (silence) and 1. Begin with an open-ended question
28 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. • using encouraging nonverbal gestures and continuers. That is, you just sit and listen attentively. Continuing without a break, change to a more active style by responding verbally to exactly what the patient already placed "on the table; using the focusing open-ended skills to encourage additional conversation. For about 2 minutes, intersperse echoing, requests, and summaries to draw out the patient's now evolving story. Simply "follow your nose" and apply the skills to whatever the patient says, be it vision problems, chest pain, a job problem, or the famUy pet. You don't have to work hard figuring out what to say but, rather, simply follow the patient's lead using focusing skills. This will generate some sort of story, which can be medical, personal, or both. Without breaking, now change from focusing skills to find what emotion attends the story you've elicited. Ifthe patient has not spontaneously placed emotion "on the table; use direct emotion-seeking skills ("So, how does all that make you feel, emotionally?"). This will produce some emotion, such as fear (of cancer) or worry (about job), which you then develop a little further by going back to the focusing skills with an open-ended request such as, "Tell me more about that (fear of cancer, worry about losing job)." Continue to use the focusing open-ended skills untU you can understand the situation well enough to genuinely say you understand it (next), usually taking 1 to 2 minutes. Proceeding directly without breaking, you now switch to empathy skills and use these for 1 minute. To aid learning these skills, use all four of them in the order given (NURS). Once you've learned them, you will use them one or two at a time. You could continue at this point or stop. To continue is easy because using NURS generates additional information from the patient. You then return to the focusing skills and elicit what will become the second chapter of the story, following that with another round of emotion seeking and, in turn, empathy skills to complete the second chapter. As many chapters as you wish to develop will then follow by simply continuing to use this sequence of skills. Also practice a situation where the patient expresses no emotion so that you have to use the indirect emotion-seeking skills. SUMMARY The data-gathering and empathy skills described in this chapter are the tools for all interviewing. As fully described in Chapters 3 and 5, they are integrated in both the beginning and middle of the interview but are used in different balances and for different purposes. The empathy skills, because of their close link to patients' emotional lives, are the key elements in efficiently eliciting information and establishing a relationship. Open-ended skills,
SKILLS EXERCISES 1. Ask your colleague to discuss a topic of interest (e.g., her or his career plans). When your colleague pauses, remain silent for 10 seconds, while looking at him/her. Then try the same thing while looking over your colleague's shoulder; ask your colleague to describe the results of both scenarios. 2. In role play, practice individual data-gathering and empathy skills for 5 to 10 minutes. 3. Now practice integrating all data-gathering and empathy skills in role play or with a simulated patient, as outlined in the text and summarized in Fig. 2-2. Use the book initially, but you should be able to integrate the skills without aids before proceeding. This takes a little practice and good feedback from teachers and colleagues. You often can master this in one teaching session but follow-up at a later date helps. 4. Do the same exercise but have the person in the patient role give no emotion when asked. The challenge is to then use the indirect emotion-seeking skills to find some emotion.
30 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING REFERENCES 1. Heisenberg W. Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science. New York, NY: Harper; 1958. 2. Lucchiari C, Pravettoni G. Cognitive balanced model: a conceptual scheme of diagnostic decision making. J Eval Clin Pract. 2012;18:82-88. 3. Bird J, Cohen-Cole SA. The three-function model of the medical interview: an educational device. In: Hale M, ed Models of Teaching Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. Basel: Karger; 1991:65-88. 4. Cole SA, Bird J. The Medical Interview. New York. NY: Elsevier-Saunders; 2013. 5. Lazare A, Putnam S, Lipkin M. Three functions of the medical interview. In: Lipkin M, Putnam S, Lazare A. eds. The Medical Interview. New York. NY: Springer-Verlag; 1995: 3-19. 6. Cacioppo J, Amaral D, Blanchard J, et al. Sod.al neuroscience-progress and implications for mental health. In: Social Neuroscience and Behavior: From Basic to Clinical Science. Washington, DC: National Institute of Mental Health; 2007. 7. Darwin C. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 1965. Reprinted from the authorized edition of D. Appleton and Company, New York. 8. Kandel E. Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and the New Biology American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2005. of Mind. Washington, DC: 9. Power TE, Swartzman LC, Robinson Jw. Cognitive-emotional decision making (CEDM): a framework of patient medical decision making. Patient Educ Couns. 2011 ;83: 163-169. 10. Eccles ]C. Evolution ofthe Brain; Creation ofthe Self London: Routledge; 1989. 11. Hojat M, Louis D, Kaye M, Markham F, Wender R, Gonnella J. Patient perceptions of physician empathy, satisfaction with physician, interpersonal trust and compliance. Int ] Med Educ. 2010;1:83-87. 12. Hojat M. Empathy in Health Professions Education and Patient Care. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Co.; 2016. 13. Ekman P. Basic emotions. In: Dalgleish T, Power M, eds. Handbook of Cognition and Emotion. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons; 1999:45-60. 14. Halpern J. From idealized clinical empathy to empathic communication in medical care. Med Health Care Philos. 2014;17:301-311. 15 Lang F, Floyd MR, Beine KL. Clues to patients' explanations and concerns about illnesses. Arch Fam Med. 2000;9:222-227. 16. Koo K. Six words. l Gen Intern Med. 2010;25:1253-1254. 17. Kleinman A. Explanatory models in health-care relationships: a conceptual frame for research on family-based health-care activities in relation to folk and professional forms of clinical care. In: Stoeckle JD, ed. Encounters Between Patients and Doctors. Cambridge: The MIT Press; 1987:273-283.
Chapter 2 DATA-GATHERING AND EMPATHY SKILLS 31 18. Back AL, Arnold RM. ·Isn't there anything more you can do?": When empathic statements work, and when they don't. J Palliat Med. 2013;16:1429-1432. 19. Hojat M, Spandorfer J, Louis DZ, Gonnella JS. Empathic and sympathetic orientations toward patient care: conceptualization, measurement, and psychometrics. Acad Med. 20 11;86:989-995. 20. Rogers CR. On Becoming a Person. Boston, MA: Houghton-Mifflin; 1961. 21. Smith RC, Dwamena FC, Fortin AH. Teaching personal awareness. J Gen Intern Med. 2005;20:201-207.
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The Beginning of the Interview: PatientCentered Interviewing The doctor may also learn more about the illness from the way the patient tells the story than from the story itself. (1861-1954) James B. Herrick, MD This chapter describes a user-friendly step-by-step method for the beginning of the medical interview that has been effective in many hands for more than 25 years. 1- 9 Your first task is to master the 5 steps and 21 substeps shown in Table 3-1. We urge you to learn these thoroughly, to the point that they become reflexive-this is easily accomplished by studying and then practicing them. Even though this may seem like a lot to learn, just as you learn the intricacies of cardiac physiology, this is your major task in mastering the medical interview. Using these steps and substeps will make you a more scientific and more humanistic physician-and your patients will benefit (see Appendix B for a detailed humanistic and scientific rationale for being patient-centered). To assist you, we also have developed a video that demonstrates the same skills described here: www.accessmedicine.com/SmithsPCI (see Preface). (See AccessMedicine video titled "How to Interrupt": www.accessmedicine .com/SmithsPCI.) When first learning these steps, use them in the order presented, primarily as a learning tool. As you become more skilled, you can vary the steps and substeps to experiment as well as to adapt to specific occasions and needs. You may find that some substeps can be omitted and, in other instances, you may want to change the ordering as you follow the patient's lead. 10 The steps and substeps are simply a pathway to lead you through the interview; use them flexibly to individualize and enhance your own style and the patient's individuality. 33
• TABLE 3-1. 5-Step Beginning of the Interview 5-Step Patient-Centered Interviewing Step 1: Set the stage for the interview {30-60 s) Welcomejgreet the patient Use the patient's name Introduce yourself and identify specific role Ensure patient readiness and privacy 5. Address barriers to communication (sit down) 6. Ensure comfort and put the patient at ease 1. 2. 3. 4. Step 2: Elicit chief concern and set agenda {1-2 min) 7. Indicate time available (e.g., "We've got about 20 minutes together today ... ") 8. Forecast what you would like to have happen during the Interview (e.g., " ... and I see that we need to review the blood tests you had done yesterday, ... ") 9. Obtain a list of all issues patient wants to discuss; specific symptoms, requests, expectations, understanding (e.g., • ... but before we do that, let's make a list of the things you wanted to discuss today." "Is there something else?" "What else?") 10. Summarize and finalize the agenda; negotiate specifics if too many agenda items (e.g., "You mentioned 8 things you were hoping to cover. In the time we have together today, I don't think we can address them all. Can you tell me which one or two are most troublesome for you; we'll do a good job with those and I'll see you back soon to work on some of the others.") Step 3: Begin the interview with nonfocusing skills that help the patient to express her/himself {30-60 s) 11. Start with open-ended question/statement ("Tell me all about your headache.") 12. Use nonfocusing open-ended skills (attentive listening): silence, continuers, nonverbal encouragement 13. Obtain additional data from nonverbal sources: nonverbal cues, physical characteristics, autonomic changes, accoutrements, environment, and self Step 4: Use focusing skills to learn 3 things: symptom story, personal context, and emotional context {3-10 min) 14. Obtain a further description of the symptom • Description of symptoms, using focusing open-ended skills such as: Echoes (repeat the patient's words, e.g., "excruciating pain?'') Requests ("That sounds important; can you say more about it?") Summaries ("First you had a fever, then 2 days later your knee began to hurt, and yesterday you began to limp.") 15. Ellcltjdevelop personal context • Broader personaVpsychosocial context of symptoms, patient beliefs/attributions, again using focusing openended skills. 16. Elicitjdevelop emotional context • Use emotion-seeking skills. Direct: "How are you doing with this?" "How does this make you feel?" "How has this affected you, emotionally?" Indirect: Impact (e.g., "How has this affected your day-to-day life?" "What has your knee pain been like for your family?"); Beliefs about the problem (e.g., "What do you think might be causing your knee pain?''); Intuit how the patient might be feeling (e.g., "I think I might be frustrated if that happened to me; "I can imagine that this might be worrying for you."); Triggers (e.g., "What made you decide to come in now for your ... ?" "What else is going on in your life?") 17. Respond to feelings and emotions with empathy skills • Respond with words that empathically address the emotion (NURS): Name: "You say being disabled by this knee pain makes you angry." Understand: "I can see how you could feel this way." Respect: "This has been a difficult time for you." "You show a lot of courage." Support: "I want to help you get to the bottom of this and see what we can do." 18. Expand the story to new chapters • Continue eliciting further personal and emotional context, address feelings/emotion with NURS. Step 5: Transition to middle of the Interview {clinician-centered phase) {30-60 s) 19. Brief summary. 20. Check accuracy. 21. Indicate that both content and style of inquiry will change if the patient is ready (''I'd like to switch gears now and ask you some questions to better understand what might be going on."). Continue with middle of interview.
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 35 The five steps in the beginning of the interview establish the clinicianpatient relationship and encourage the patient to express what is most important to him/her. Throughout this book, an ongoing interview with "'Ms. Joanne Jones" illustrates each step; this and other examples are derived from real patients and situations; we changed all names and identifying information to protect the confidentiality of our patients. Let's first talk about the preparatory skills of setting the stage (Step 1) and determining the agenda (including the chief concern) for the interview (Step 2). These steps prepare both you and the patient for the patient-centered interviewing skills you will use in Steps 3 and 4, where the data-gathering and relationship-building skills you learned in Chapter 2 are incorporated. • STEP 1: SETTING THE STAGE FOR THE INTERVIEW Setting the stage for the interview begins before entering the patient's room. It is helpful to prepare for the interview, much as an athlete or musician might prepare for a performance. 11 Begin by reviewing the patient's record, getting a sense of the patient's problem list, medications, allergies, and reading notes from recent visits/hospitalizations. However, do not allow this information to bias you before you meet the patient-every clinician-patient encounter is unique and medical records may contain inaccuracies. Determine your agenda for the encounter; for example, you may want to update the patient's immunizations or follow-up on chronic conditions. As you will learn, the patient will also have an agenda that may differ from yours. We recommend taking a "mindful moment" before entering the patient's room to mentally prepare yourself to be fully present to whomever is behind the door. Some clinicians take a breath in and "breathe out" the last patient, making the intention to be open to the next patient. Others use hand sanitizer or soap and water as an ablution to "wash away'' the last encounter and ready themselves for next. Mindful practice has been demonstrated to reduce clinician burnout and improve empathy. 12.13 (See DocCom Module 2.) The skills in Step 1 are simple, but often overlooked14- 16 courtesies that ensure a patient-centered atmosphere. Table 3-2 lists these substeps in their usual order of use at the first meeting with a patient; appropriate adjustments are made when the patient is already known to the clinician. These skills establish or reaffirm participants' identities, put both the clinician and the patient at ease, and ensure that the setting is appropriate for the interview. These preparatory steps should take no more than 30 to 60 seconds.
• TABLE 3-2. Step 1: Setting the Stage (30-60 s) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Welcome/greet the patient Use the patient's name Introduce yourself and identify specific role Ensure patient readiness and privacy Address barriers to communication (sit down) Ensure comfort and put the patient at ease Welcome/Greet the Patient As noted above, maintain patient safety and hygiene by washing your hands before entering the patient's room. When people become patients and enter our healthcare system, they experience many "micro-aggressions"-such as being partially clothed or being barged in on while using the commode-that can negatively affect their experience of care. Knocking and then waiting for permission to enter is a "microcourtesy" that can help to re-empower the patient and restore dignity. Greetings set the stage for relationships and their absence can make the relationship difficult to salvage. The clinician who enters the patient's room and says, "So what seems to be the problem here?" is missing an opportunity to use the relationship as therapy. In day-to-day life, we often greet others by saying, "How are you?" or "How are you doing?': We suggest not using these words in healthcare settings. Why? When a clinician, simply trying to greet a patient, asks, "How are you?': many patients begin to talk about their ailment. Others will say (or think), "If I was well I sure wouldn't be here!': We recommend using different greetings with patients, such as, "It's nice to meet you" or "Nice to see you again!" This keeps the interview from jumping ahead to Step 2 before you are ready. A handshake is an important part of greetings in many cultures. Because of cultural taboos about touch, a male clinician should generally wait for a female patient to begin to extend her hand first, before reaching out to shake it. Women clinicians should also be sensitive to nonverbal cues and cultural norms that indicate that the patient may not be open to a handshake. 14 For example, among some Muslims and orthodox Jews shaking hands in a cross-gender situation is viewed as culturally inappropriate. When it is not possible to shake hands, for example with very ill patients, a friendly pat on the hand or arm is equally beneficial to the relationship. You can develop some important initial nonverbal impressions about the patient from the handshake; for example, a hearty handshake suggesting a confident person,
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 37 a cold sweaty palm suggesting anxiety, and the feeble handshake of someone very ill. Healthcare professionals have mixed feelings whether to ban, change, or allow handshaking due to hygiene risk. 17- 19 We suggest you make your own informed decision on handshaking as a greeting. Remember that the patient is also reading your nonverbal cues, so personal awareness is crucial. 14•20- 22 Smiling; having a friendly, personable, polite, and respectful demeanor; being attentive and calm; making eye contact; and making the patient feel like a priority will enhance the relationship with the patient. Alternatively, fidgeting, frequently glancing at your watch or mobile device, avoiding eye contact, or looking distracted may be interpreted negatively by the patient.23 Use the Patient's Name Patients are divided on how they want to be addressed. 14•24- 26 Some patients want their first name to be used when they are greeted; but others prefer either their last name or both their first and last names. We recommend that you use formal terms of address, Mr., Miss., Mrs., or Ms., and the patient's first and last name in your initial greeting. It is easier to go from more formal to less formal terms of address than the reverse. If the patient has an unusual name, you may need to ask how to pronounce it. It is sometimes useful as a way of creating a welcoming atmosphere to ask if a non-English name, for example, Rakesh, Ming, Ganady, Kwesi, has a translation into English and what it means. Some patients reject or do not conform to the male-female gender binary. To avoid misperceiving the gender identity or expression of gender nonconforming patients, you can ask. "Out of respect for my patients' right to selfidentify, I ask all patients what gender pronoun they'd prefer I use for them. What pronoun would you like me to use for you?"27 Introduce Yourself and Identify Your Specific Role When introducing yourself, be sure to match identity terms to avoid suggesting an unequal relationship. 24 As with patients, initially use your full name"Hi Mr. James Brown, I'm Dr. Jane Smith." You should not say, for example, "Hi George, I'm Dr. Smith" or "Welcome Mr. Brown, I'm Betty:' Occasionally at the beginning but more often after some time, a relationship on first-name basis may develop. After you introduce yourself, mention your official role, for example, "resident physician," "medical student:' "PA student," or "nursing student." Medical students can use the term "student doctor" or "student physician'' after they pass USMLE Step 1.28 However, it is not appropriate to
38 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING use a professional label like "doctor," "nurse; "nurse practitioner," or "physician assistant" until you have been certified to do so. It is common for new learners, particularly preclinical students, to feel uncomfortable in their first patient interviews. You may feel like an imposter, that you are intruding or being voyeuristic, or that you are not playing a meaningful role in the patient's care. Remember that every clinician learned to interview through the generosity of patients. Patients often are quite happy to help a young clinician learn if you politely ask, express thanks, and understand why some patients may feel too ill to participate in this way. As a clinical trainee however, you are an important and legitimate member of the medical team, so you should not apologize or otherwise devalue yourself ("I'm just a student, thanks for letting me talk to you."). The annals of medicine are replete with stories of new learners' contributions to care, as they are with stories of patients deferring to trainees' opinions; for example, when the resident or attending physician makes a recommendation directly to the patient, the patient may say, "I'll have to ask Ms. Burns [the trainee] first." To respect patient autonomy, your supervisor/attending physician should ensure that the patient has no reservations about being interviewed or cared for by a trainee. 28 When visitors are in the room, ask the patient to introduce them and their relationship to the patient; this allows the patient to control the flow of information. Greet each person by name as above. Ask the patient if visitors or family members should remain in the room during the interview. You might ask, '"''m going to be asking you a lot of questions; some of them are very personal. Should we ask your brother to wait in the family room while we talk or would prefer that he stay?" If the patient elects to have the visitor(s) stay, you may need to ask sensitive questions at another time when you can be alone with the patient. This is particularly important if intimate partner violence is suspected (see Chapter 5). Substeps 1, 2, and 3 of Step 1 can be combined in a single statement like "Mr. George Brown? Hello, I'm Larry Burns. I'm the medical (or nurse practitioner, PA) student on the team that will be looking after you." Ensure Patient Readiness and Privacy Clinicians often assume that patients are always ready to speak with them but, especially in hospital settings and with very ill patients, it is important to determine ifthe patient is ready for the interview. Sometimes it is necessary to postpone the interview; for example, until after the patient has eaten dinner or relatives have departed; or until the vomiting from recent chemotherapy has abated. Severe pain, severe nausea, need for a medication, and a soiled bed,
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 39 for example, are physical problems that must be addressed before an interview is appropriate. It is also important to monitor the patient's circumstances for nonphysical, potentially interfering problems; for example, a patient may have lost his car keys in the waiting room, just received a disturbing telephone call, or be worried that the baby sitter will have to leave before she gets home. With all patients, it is important to determine if there are pressing needs that might require a brief delay in the interview; for example, to use the bathroom, get a drink of water. These courtesies not only help the patient directly but enhance patients' acceptance of you as a caring professional. Once ready, some actions that will improve the patient's readiness and privacy are shutting the door, pulling a curtain around the hospital bed, or respectfully excusing extra visitors from the room. Address Barriers to Communication You may have to ask permission to turn off a noisy air conditioner or TV set, or make efforts requiring more insight such as recognizing that the patient hears best out of one ear or needs to be able to directly see the clinician's mouth in order to speech-read. If there is any question, ask the patient whether s/he can hear you well. Strategies for addressing specific communication problems are outlined in Chapter 7. Patients experience that you have spent more time with them if you sit, so do so whenever possible, asking permission to do so in the hospital setting.29 Communication is optimal if you and the patient are at the same eye level.30 If you are both sitting, orienting the chairs at approximately a 90-degree angle is optimal for communication (see DocCom Module 1431 ). Attention to the nonverbal aspects of communication is important and is covered in more detail in Chapter 8, section "Nonverbal Dimensions of the Relationship:' And remember, at the end of the encounter, it is just as important to tum the TV you asked permission to tum off, back on! Exam-room computing may be one of the biggest barriers to the clinicianpatient relationship. 32.33 Ifyou plan to use a computer during the interview, be sure that it is placed so that you both can see the screen. Explain to the patient that you will be taking some notes or entering information into the computer and ask whether this is okay.34 Write or enter information in the medical chart or computer only intermittently, and not until the patient has fmished speaking. When writing or entering information, pause frequently and make eye contact with the patient. We suggest that you focus on the patient and not the computer during the beginning, patient-centered part of the interview and use the computer as a communication tool.35.36 See Chapter 10 for more details.
40 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Ensure Comfort and Put the Patient at Ease Determine if anything at the immediate time is interfering with the patient's comfort. Ask. "Is that a comfortable chair for you?~ "Is the light bothering your eyes?~ "Are you comfortable there?~ or "Can I raise the head of the bed for you?" Continue to monitor the patient's comfort as the interview proceeds. Your task is to put the patient at ease, as much as you can. Attention to these potential barriers fosters the patient's subsequent full attention and also shows your caring and concern. When clinically appropriate, a little social conversation-"small talk before big talk"-can help put the patient at ease before discussing intimate issues related to bodily or psychological concerns. 37 This brief social conversation should have a patient focus such as, "I hope you got your car parked OK with all the construction going on around here." With an inpatient, you can ask about get well cards or flowers in the room, or the food; whatever is appropriate to the patient's situation can be briefly discussed. This allows the patient to get more comfortable with you and shows your humanity. • STEP 2: OBTAINING THE AGENDA (CHIEF CONCERN AND OTHER ACTIVE PROBLEMS) In Step 2, you will focus on the patient and setting the agenda for the interview. This fosters the patient-centered interaction to follow (Steps 3 and 4) because it orients and empowers the patient and ensures that concerns are properly prioritized and addressed. Some clinicians unwittingly preclude agenda setting by saying "What brings you in today?". Patients often interpret this as an invitation to tell the story of the first concern on their list, rather than generating a list of concerns. This often leads clinicians to miss important information and fail to meet patients' expectations.38-42 Setting an agenda usually takes little time, improves efficiency, empowers patients,43 and yields more information. However, it is not necessarily easy and serious pitfalls can arise if it is conducted improperly.14•15•44•45 The following four substeps, summarized in Table 3-3, usually are performed in the order given. It generally takes no more than 1 to 2 minutes. Indicate Time Available Setting limits is difficult for many clinicians, so do not be surprised if this substep feels uncomfortable at first. Begin by indicating how much time is available for the interaction. This orients patients by letting them know the visit length and helps patients gauge what and how much to say.46 One common pitfall is to use the word "only," as in, "We only have 20 minutes today," which has a negative
• TABLE 3-3. Step 2: Chief Concern/Agenda Setting (1-2 min) 1. Indicate time available 2. Forecast what you would like to have happen during the interview 3. Obtain list of all issues patient wants to discuss; e.g., specific symptoms, concerns, requests, expectations, understanding 4. Summarize and finalize the agenda; negotiate specifics if too many agenda items connotation. Rather say, "Good, we've got about 20 minutes together today.'' In the inpatient setting, where visits are not usually on a schedule, it may be easier to use phrases such as "few:' "short:' "medium:' or "long;' for example, ''I'd like to take a few minutes of your time to .. .': Of course, in any setting there will be occasional times when you must extend the visit beyond what was scheduled or you had planned, for example, if a patient has gotten bad news or where you may be concerned about a patient's physical or emotional safety. Forecast What You Would Like to Have Happen During the Interview Tell the patient what you need to do during the interview to make sure the patient is properly cared for. For example, with a new patient, you may need to ask many routine questions or perform a physical examination; with a returning patient, you may need to discuss the results of a recent diagnostic test. Obtain a List of All Issues the Patient Wants to Discuss Most importantly, you must obtain a list of all issues your patient wants to discuss to ensure that the most important concerns are addressed during the encounter and to minimize the chance of an important concern being raised at the end of the conversation when time has run out.42•46 This substep is usually combined with the first two substeps in one sentence, for example, "Good, we've got about 40 minutes together today; I need to ask you a lot of questions and do an examination but let's start by making a list of all the things you want to discuss.'' Notice the use of the words "we' and "together" that help to establish a partnership with the patient. You may need to help the patient enumerate all problems. Possible patient agenda items include, but are not limited to symptoms, requests (prescription for a sleeping pill), expectations (get a note for work), and understanding about the purpose of the interaction (perform an exercise stress test).
42 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Obtaining a complete list may require some persistence.40•42•«.45•47 Often, the patient will try to give details of the first problem. When that happens, you must respectfully interrupt and refocus the patient on setting the agenda. The art of interrupting can be learned as any other communication skili.48- 51 (See AccessMedicine video titled "How to Interrupt.") Holding up fingers prominently as you count concerns helps to communicate that a list is being sought, not details of each symptom or concern. For example, while holding up one finger to signify the first problem given, you might say "Sorry to interrupt, that's important and we'll get back to the leg pain in a moment, but first I need to know if there are additional problems you'd like to talk about. I want to be certain we get a list of all your concerns." You may have to do this several times, asking questions like, "Is there something else?~ 52 "What else?~47 "How did you hope I could help?", "What would a good result from this visit today look like?", or "Was there something else you were worried about?':53 In the outpatient setting it is unusual for patients to have just one concern;4 2.54 one study found that diabetic patients had on average three concerns they wanted to share with their clinician, the third one mentioned being the most important from their perspective. Importantly, 70% of these patients never got to share their most important concern.55 Only if the patient raises a highly charged emotional issue while setting the agenda should you postpone agenda-setting and encourage further discussion at that point (e.g., if the patient is acutely distraught about a recent death in the family or a recent diagnosis of cancer in himself). In most situations, however, you can set the agenda and briefly delay addressing the emotional issue. Careful agenda-setting prevents patients' common complaint that they did not get to talk about all their concerns, as well as the common clinician complaint that the patient voiced his/her most serious concern at the end of the appointment.46 Summarize and Finalize the Agenda This substep allows you to prioritize the list and, if it is too long for the time available, to empower the patient to decide what will be addressed and what will be deferred to the next visit: "You mentioned eight concerns you wanted to cover. I don't think we'll have time to address them all in the time we have together today. Can you tell me which one or two are most troublesome to you today? We'll focus on those together and I'll see you back soon to work on the others." Of course, if one of the items is medically concerning (e.g., blood in the stool, substernal chest pain suggesting heart disease), you need to address it even if not chosen by the patient.
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 43 Note how mentioning the time available at the beginning of Step 2 allows you to refer to it without it being off-putting to the patient. You and the patient are aligned against the allotted time, instead ofyou and the time being aligned against the patient. Usually, however, because different symptoms may be related to a common cause it is possible to cover all the patient's concerns, in which case these are simply summarized. This also is a good point to determine, if not already known, which concern is most important to the patient, for example, "Which one would you like to start with?': This identifies the chief concern ("chief concern" is preferred over "chief complaint" because "complaint" has a pejorative connotation. In response to hearing the word "complaint; patients have said, "I'm not complaining, it hurts!"). We now begin to follow Ms. Joanne Jones through her initial visit by providing a continuous transcript for each step; some areas are shortened as noted for space considerations. VIgnette of Ms. Joanne Jones Stepl Clinician: (Knocks) Patient: Come in. Clinician: (Enters examining room). Ms. Joanne Jones? Welcome to the clinic. I'm Michael White, the medical student who will be working with you along with Dr. Black. (Patient extends her hand and clinician shakes it.) [Clinician uses his and her full names, welcomes the patient, and identifies his role in her care.] Clinician: I'll be getting much of the information about you and will be in close contact with you about our findings and your subsequent care. Patient: I wasn't sure who I was going to see. This is my first time here. Clinician: If it's OK with you, I'll close this door so we can hear each other better and have some privacy. [The clinician now ensures readiness for the interview and establishes as much privacy as possible.] Patient: Sure, that's fine. Clinician: Anything I can help with before we get started? Patient: Well, they didn't give my registration card back to me. I don't want to lose it. Clinician: We'll give that back when we're finished today. They always keep them. Is there something else? Patient: No.
44 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: (Sits down) Would you like to sit in that chair? It's more comfortable than the examining table. [The clinician addressed this barrier to communication, established equal eye level, ensured comfort, and put the patient at ease.] Patient: Sure. Thanks. (She moves.) Clinician: Well, I'm glad to see you made it despite the snow. I thought spring was here last week. Patient: I guess not. My kids have been home the last 2 days. I'm ready to get them back to school! I'm getting spoiled with them both in school [Patient places the topic "kids" and her feelings about the kids being home "on the table" for discussion.] Clinician: People have had all kinds of trouble getting in here for their appointments since the snow. It's no fun. Patient: You're telling me. I don't even ski! [The stage is set, a light conversation ensued. and the patient is joking.] Step2 Clinician: (laughs) Well, weve got about 40 minutes together today and I know I've got a lot of questions to ask you and that we need to do a physical exam. Before we get started, though, I(l like to get a list of the things you wanted to address today. You know, so we're sure everything gets covered. [Clinician gives his agenda in one statement. Doing this first models the more difficult task to follow: obtaining the patient's agenda.] Patient: It's these headaches. They start behind my eye and then I get sick to my stomach so I can't even work. My boss is really getting upset with me. He thinks that I don't have anything wrong with me and says he's going to report me. Well, he's not really my boss, but rather is . . . [Clinician artfully and respectfully interrupts. She places "boss" on the table for discussion.] Clinician: That sounds difficult and important. Before we get into the details, though, ni like to find out if there are some other problems you'd like to look at today, so we can be certain to cover everything you want to. Well get back to the headache and your boss after that. Your headache and your boss-that's two things (holding up two fingers). Is there something else you wanted to address today? Patient: Well, I wanted to fmd out about this cold that doesn't seem to go away. I've been coughing for 3 weeks. Clinician: (Holding up three fingers now): OK, cough; what other concerns do you have?
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 45 Well, I did want to fmd out if I need any medicine for my colitis. That's doing ok now but I've had real trouble in the past. It started bothering me back in 2010 and I've had trouble off and on. I used to take cortisone and ... (clinician interrupts); [Notice that the clinician has now interrupted the patient twice in order to complete the list of concerns. This is necessary, done respectfully, to complete the agenda in a timely way.] Clinician: (Holding up five fmgers): So, there are two more problems we can look into, the colitis and the medications. We'll get back to all these soon; they're all important. To make sure we get all your questions covered. though, is there something else? Patient: No. The headache is the main thing. Clinician: So, we want to cover the headaches and the problem they cause at work, cough, colitis, and the medications for the colitis. Is that right? [It is here that the patient and clinician would negotiate what to cover at this visit if the clinician determined that the patient had raised too many issues to cover on this day.] Patient: That's about it. Clinician: And do I understand correctly that the headache is the worst problem? [Ms. Jones' headache is her most bothersome concern, what we earlier defined as the chief concern.] Patient: Yes. Patient: • OPENING THE HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS (STEP 3) Having set the stage (Step 1) and obtained the agenda (Step 2), we now use the patient-centered skills learned in Chapter 2 to begin to elicit the history of the present illness (HPI). As reviewed in Chapter 1, the HPI is the most important component of the interview because it reflects the patient's current problem in its psychosocial and biomedical totality. The HPI begins at the beginning of the interview (patient-centered part) and continues into the middle of the interview (clinician-centered part), where relevant details are clarified using clinician-centered interviewing skills. Step 3, summarized in Table 3-4, consists of asking one open-ended question (or making one open-ended request) and then allowing the patient to talk. It establishes an easy flow of talk from the patient, conveys that the clinician is attentively listening, and gives a feel for "what the patient is like:' Ordinarily, Step 3 lasts no more than 30 to 60 seconds as the clinician listens attentively, using the following substeps.
• TABLE 3-4. Step 3: Opening the HPI (30-60 s) 1. Open-ended beginning question/statement 2. "Nonfocusing" open-ended skills (attentive listening): silence, continuers, nonverbal encouragement 3. Obtain additional data from nonverbal sources: nonverbal cues, physical characteristics, autonomic changes, accoutrements, environment, and self Start with Open-Ended Beginning Question/Statement When first learning the medical interview, some new learners are so worried about what they should say next that they don't hear what the patient is saying! Step 3 gives you the opportunity to take a deep breath, relax, and listen to the patient. It starts with an open-ended beginning question or statement, for example, "So headaches are the big problem, tell me more:' Avoid saying, "Tell me a little bit about the headache;' because you do not want to hear a little bit about the symptom, you want to encourage a detailed, chronological narrative. Sometimes, especially with reticent or disorganized patients, it is helpful to be dear about your desire: "Tell me all about the headache, starting at the beginning and bringing me up to now:' Sometimes an open-ended beginning question is not necessary; having completed the agenda, especially if there are only one or a few related items, many patients continue spontaneously. Use "Nonfocusing" Open-Ended Skills (Attentive Listening) Following the open-ended beginning question, allow the patient to talk freely for 30 to 60 seconds or so to get the gist ofhis/her primary concern. Encourage a continued free flow of information using the nonfocusing open-ended skills described in Chapter 2. Silence, nonverbal gestures (eye contact, leaning forward, hand gestures), and continuers (e.g., uh-huh, mmm, go on) encourage the patient to continue speaking. Listen carefully to the patient's opening statement for dues to the patient's story. Using these nonfocusing open-ended skills encourages the patient to put information "on the table;' typically details about the patient's symptom story and its personal and emotional context. Some clinicians are reluctant to use nonfocusing skills in the beginning of the interview because of fears that patients will talk incessantly, and that nothing will get accomplished. Research shows that when patients are given all the time they need to complete their initial statement, in nearly 80% of the cases it lasts 2 minutes or less; in the few instances where it went longer, physicians agreed that the patients were giving important information. 56 Although uncommon, patients sometimes do not talk freely. If this occurs, and 4 seconds or so of silence does not lead the patient to resume talking, you
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 47 can use focusing open-ended skills (echoing, request, summary) to promote a free flow of information. If focusing open-ended skills are not effective, you can also ask closed-ended questions about the patient's problem to get a dialogue going. This may be necessary in very shy patients, especially adolescents. Obtain Additional Data from Nonverbal Sources Although you are verbally quiet during the brief Step 3, you should be very mentally active, noticing the information the patient is putting "on the table" and thinking about what it means. Observe the patient for nonverbal cues (reviewed in Chapter 7), for example, depressed facial expression, arms folded across the chest, toes tapping nervously that may indicate psychological conditions or a style of rdating to the clinician. Observe also for clues in the following areas that will give additional physical information about the patient57•58: ( 1) physical characteristics: general health, skin and hair color, odor, deformities, habitus (e.g., emaciated and disheveled, "uremic" breath, jaundice, amputated leg, kyphoscoliosis); (2) autonomic changes: heart rate, skin color, pupil size, skin moisture, skin temperature (e.g., rapid pulsation of the carotid artery observed in the neck, handshake reveals cold and moist palms, pupils constricted but then dilate when rdaxed, sweating at outset of interview); (3) accoutrements or accessories: clothing, jewelry, eyeglasses, makeup (e.g., expensive suit and jewelry, thick eyeglasses, tattoos and body piercings, no makeup or poorly applied makeup); (4) environment: in the hospital setting, items such as greeting cards, flowers, photographs (e.g., several paintings by a grandchild, photograph of spouse, or their absence); (5) sdf: becoming aware of your own emotions and reactions to patients in real time is an important clinical skill.4.21•59 We cover this important topic in detail in Chapter 9 (also see DocCom Module 2). Continuation of Ms. Jones Visit Patient: Yes. Clinician: So, tell me all about the headache. [An open-ended beginning statement that is linked to the chief concern.] Patient: It's not bad at the moment, I guess. Clinician: (sits forward slightly) Uh Huh. Patient: Things weren't so good last week. though, when I made the appointment. Clinician: Mmmm. Patient: That's when my boss really got on me. Well, he's kind of uptight anyway, but he was saying how I was upsetting the whole office operation because I was off so much. And someone had to cover for me. I'm the lead attorney.
• TABLE 3-5. Step 4: Continuing the Patient-Centered HPI (3-10 min) 1. Use focusing open-ended skills to obtain further description of physical or other symptom (symptom) 2. Use focusing open-ended skills to elicitjdevelop personal context of symptom (personal context) 3. Use emotion-seeking skills to elicit/develop emotional context of symptom and/or its personal context (emotional context) 4. Use empathy skills to address the emotion(s) expressed by naming, understanding, respecting, and supporting (NURS) 5. Use sequences of focusing open-ended skills --+ emotion-seeking skills --+ empathy skills to expand the story to new chapters (expand story)
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 49 from 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the clinical setting and the information the patient presents. In addition to attentive listening, use focusing open-ended skills to help the patient continue his/her unique story of the present illness. In this step, you are picking things up "from the table" in order to learn more about them. First, direct the patient to talk more about the symptom (usually physical, but can also be cognitive, emotional, or other); second, the personal context of the symptom; and, third, the emotional context, that is, the patient's emotional reactions to the symptom and/or the personal context. This flow mirrors the way that patients often describe their concern to their clinician. Use the focusing open-ended skills, emotion-seeking skills, and empathy skills outlined in Chapter 2 to identify the story theme(s); rarely, use closedended skills for clarification. You will usually be much more active and verbally participatory in Step 4, compared with Step 3; often figuratively on the edge of your seat during the give-and-take interaction between you and the patient as you help the patient build the history. 60 You may initially find this step to be the most difficult of the entire interview. To help in understanding it, we have broken Step 4 down into five substeps, now considered in their usual sequence. These substeps produce the overarching story themes: symptom, personal, and emotional. Obtain a Further Description of the Symptom In a medical setting, patients typically present with symptoms mixed with their personal and emotional context. Because most patients expect it in a medical setting, we recommend an initial focus on physical symptoms while learning these skills; later, you can experiment with a different ordering. Use focusing open-ended skills (echoing, open-ended requests, summarizing) to help the patient to further describe the symptom(s) in his or her own words. This usually helps uncover the personal context in which the symptom(s) occurred. Let's pick up Ms. Jones' interview again. Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit All I want to do is go home and go to bed. [Four seconds of silence] Clinician: Say more about the headaches. [Since silence-a nonfocusing skill-was ineffective, the learner tries an open-ended request, one of the focusing open-ended skills, to learn more about the headaches.] Patient: Well, I never had any trouble until I got here. [Comment about personal context of her symptom and how long it has been present] Patient:
50 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: How long's that been? [Appropriate closed-ended question for clarification] Patient: Only 4 months. The headache started about 3 months ago. Clinician: Tell me more. [Keeps the focus on the headache] Patient: Well, they just throb and throb and it seems like every time I see my boss any more I get one of these headaches. I sometimes just get a little nauseated and can't concentrate because of the pain. [We learn much more of the description of the symptom and. also, that her boss seems to precipitate the symptom.] Clinician: Nauseated? [echoes a word he wants to learn more about] Patient: Yeah, queasy like I might throw up, but I never have. Clinician: What more can you tell me about the headaches or nausea? [Continuing to use open-ended questions to elicit more details of her symptom(s)] Patient: That's all I can think of. [The patient's response suggests that open-ended skills are unlikely to result in a further description ofthe symptom. Some patients will begin to repeat themsdves in describing their symptom(s). Either of these behaviors indicates that it is time to devdop the personal context. We have a good description of the symptom, know when it began, have heard some associated symptoms, and know (from Step 3) that it occurs in the setting of her boss. In less than a minute, the clinician has learned how the personal context and symptom interact by facilitating (encouraging) the patient's spontaneous narration.] Notice that at the outset of Step 4 the clinician used focusing open-ended skills to learn the patient's description and chronology of symptoms and learned some of the classic descriptive terms (throbbing headache and nausea but no vomiting), continuing in this way until the patient demonstrated she had no more details to offer. The clinician needs more diagnostic data about possible underlying disease (e.g., any head injury, fever, vision changes, prior investigation), but these details are not "on the table" and asking those specific questions here would run the risk of not exploring the patient's personal and emotion context, which are so important for diagnosis and patient satisfaction. The clinician should resist the urge to use clinician-centered skills at this point ("Did you ever have a head injury?" or "How does the headache affect your vision?" or pursuing other diagnostic data with closed-ended questions), and instead explore the personal and emotional context of the patient's story-those topics that the patient has placed on the table. The clinician will be asking closed-ended questions soon in the middle of the interview to answer these appropriate but premature questions.
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 51. While the new learner may not be aware of this, the symptom data given by Ms. Jones are quite suggestive of migraine headaches; that is, they are throbbing, unilateral, periodic, and associated with nausea. When given the chance, patients almost always provide information about their symptom that is highly diagnostic. Indeed, it is the great diagnostic yield of the beginning of the interview that led Sir William Osler to say, "Listen to the patient, he (sic) is telling you the diagnosis:'61 We also know that, occasionally, information diagnostic of a disease arises here that does not arise in later cliniciancentered interviewing.62 On the other hand, even when symptom data are not diagnostic, you will obtain a good overview of the problem, one that does not need repeating after your transition to the middle of the interview. Ifthere are only psychological concerns (no physical symptoms presented), the psychological symptoms are treated in the same way as for physical symptoms; for example, if Ms. Jones was complaining of anxiety or feeling blue and down instead ofhaving headaches, the clinician would elicit the description of these psychological symptoms, using open-ended skills. (See AccessMedicine video for an example of a mental health interview, titled "Patient with a Mental Health Disorder": www.accessmedicine.com/SmithsPCI.) Develop the Psychological and Social Context of the Symptom (Personal Context) Your next task is to learn about the patient and his/her illness in its broader psychosocial/personal context. This information relates less to symptoms and may be ofless value for diagnosing disease, but is important for understanding the patient's illness. In general, the longer the interview, the less the personal data relate to symptoms, and the more they reflect the patient's general life situation. Nonetheless, important diagnostic data about actual diseases can still arise, for example, stress-related disorders, occupational, or drug! alcohol problems. This information will directly influence treatment and prevention recommendations. Continue to rely upon focusing open-ended skills, redirecting the patient to personal statements "on the table" that seem most important to understanding his/her personal context-in this instance, Ms. Jones' stressful job situation. Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: You mentioned your boss. [Invites patient to talk about how her boss relates to the headache] Patient: Well, I have no trouble at all when he's not there. He was gone for 2 weeks and I didn't have any. But he's there a lot, although I don't have to be around him all the time. [The relationship
52 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING of Ms. Jones' headaches and her boss are becoming clear and we hear some considerations for treatment; perhaps avoiding her boss. Such information often does not arise during isolated clinician -centered interviewing.] Clinician: Not around him? [Echoing, a focusing open-ended skill, maintains the focus on the relationship of boss to symptoms.] Patient: I'm on the road a lot. No trouble then either, I guess ... except once when he called me. Clinician: Tell me more about him. [Encourages discussion of an important personal issue rather than keeping the focus on symptoms such as headache or nausea, because of the patient's prior indication that further description of the symptom would be unlikely without the use of clinician-centered interviewing skills; the clinician also could have focused on the job itself and accomplished the same goal of obtaining more personal data. Rather than an open-ended request, the clinician also could have focused the patient by echoing ("he called you") or summarizing the personal aspects; that is, any of the focusing openended skills could be used. They all lead to the same theme.] Patient: Well, he's been there a long time and I've replaced him in every way there is, except he is still in charge, at least in his title. He yells at everybody. Nobody likes him and he doesn't do much. That's why they got me in there, the Board, so something would get done. These headaches have all come since I got this jobright here. They throb behind my eye and . . . [Note the corroboration of earlier data: the job is linked to the headaches but Ms. Jones is now giving additional personal information about her situation that helps the clinician better understand this connection. Note too that she is repeating herself in describing her symptom, again indicating that patient-centered inquiry about the symptom is unlikely to be of high yield.] Clinician: Wait a second, I'm not following you. You say he's in charge but you are the lead attorney? [Clinician interrupts respectfully, and then summarizes personal issues to refocus on the job because the patient is getting away from personal data and going back to symptoms already discussed; also, the clinician knows he will address symptom details just a few minutes from this point, during the middle of the interview.] Patient: Yeah, they are phasing him out but he's still there in the meantime. Who knows how long it'll take. I hope I last. [She is further expanding the story to personal issues less directly related
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 53 to symptoms, allowing the clinician to begin to appreciate the nuances and depth of how her job and headaches interact.] Cllnician: Hope you last? [Echoing will maintain the focus in this personal/psychosocial area. Note how focusing open-ended skills are used repeatedly to focus the patient, and that they can be applied to the patient's immediately preceding utterances, or they can interrupt them to focus on utterances previously mentioned-but they never introduce new data to the conversation. The clinician develops a free flow of information from the patient, focusing the patient where intuition suggests the most key information resides, typically emotional information.] Patient: I'm not sure how much of this I can take. They said there wouldn't be any problem with him and that he would be helpful. Actually, I kind of liked him at first but then all ... Cllnician: They said? Who are they? [Clinician interrupts to focus on a bit of information mentioned just before and redirects her to that with echoing; if the clinician wanted her to simply proceed, using nonfocusing skills or an open-ended request would have sufficed, such as "Go on."] Patient: The Board, they run the company. It's not real big, but it's a good chance for someone like me to get experience in the corporate world. [A new layer of data that is not directly related to her headache but provides a deeper understanding of its context] Cllnician: Sounds like the Board told you one thing; that you liked him at first, but then he changed, and you're left with a problem? [Clinician summarizes what is becoming a free flow of personal data. This is abbreviated for space reasons, but the clinician ordinarily would further develop this with more focusing openended inquiry.] Although no disease explanation is found for 20% to 75% of physical symptoms,63 patients often have several personal concerns around their symptoms. In one study,64 67% of patients worried about serious illness, 72% expected medications, 67% wanted testing, 53% expected referral, and 62% indicated interference with routine activities. While 47% of patients who, like Ms. Jones, described stress and about 20% recognized depression and anxiety, only 1% considered their problem to be psychiatric in nature. In that study clinicians viewed the symptoms as being far less serious than patients did; and, not surprisingly, unaddressed concerns accounted for most of the patient dissatisfaction. Other patients may have disbelief/distrust of the medical system,65 grief and other losses, concerns about becoming independent (young people) or
54 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING dependent (older or seriously ill people), issues concerning retirement, family or job problems, and administrative issues (needing an insurance form filled out). It is these personal concerns, the personal context of your patient's symptoms, that you want to understand. In general, whether the symptom is physical or psychological, you can easily establish a personal focus as you inquire into the broader personal context of the patient's illness. To maintain the personal focus, avoid directing the patient back to previously discussed symptoms. You will focus on them when moving to the clinician-centered interview in a few minutes. At this point in the interview, you want to expand your understanding of the patient as a person. Patients will occasionally share their stories without much facilitation. Usually, however, they give small bits of personal information, one at a time, as though testing the water to see if you are interested, comfortable, and willing to follow them into what is often a deeply personal story. Because of this step-by-step unfolding of the account, you must use focusing open-ended skills repeatedly to draw out the underlying narrative thread. Early on, direct the patient to whatever bits of personal data appear to be of most interest to the patient and you. Once you identify the narrative thread of the patient's story and its apparent meaning. stay with it. If the patient gets away from this theme, respectfully interrupt with focusing open-ended skills and refocus the patient on the main story thread. Such refocusing is often needed because patients wander back to previously discussed symptoms (or other diagnostic or therapeutic data). After no more than a few minutes, you will get a good sense of the broader personal context-and have further enhanced the clinician-patient relationship by addressing features of central importance to the patient's life. If emotions are ..placed on the table" during these early stages, address them as discussed later. It is here that the initial integration of symptoms and personal factors occurs, the first view of the patient's mind-body connection, with further integration to occur when you address feelings and emotions. Uncommonly, patients may volunteer only physical symptom details in response to your patient-centered inquiry. In this case, we recommend that you "prime the pump" for personal data by using the indirect emotion-seeking skills described in Chapter 2 (impact, belief, intuiting how the patient might be feeling, and triggers). For example, if a patient offers no personal context of the physical symptom, you might ask, "How's that affecting your day-today life?': "How's that affecting your spouse?", "What do you think is causing the problem?': "Many patients with these sorts of symptoms are worried," or "What made you decide to come in now for your (symptom)?" See also Chapter 7, section entitled "The Stoic/Unemotional Patient."
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 55 Develop an Emotional Focus (Emotional Context) Just as you sought to understand the personal context of the symptoms, you now seek to understand the emotion associated with the personal and symptom information. This further deepens the story and makes apparent the three-way interaction among symptom, personal, and emotional dimensions. The full mind-body link and the biopsychosocial description become clear as you include the patient's emotional response to the illness. In developing an emotional focus, always monitor the patient's readiness to engage by observing how he or she is responding to the process so far and for any untoward responses to inquiry about emotion; for example, changing the subject after the clinician inquires about emotion. AI; you develop experience with the interview you will notice that many patients will offer the personal and emotional contexts of their story as a natural progression of describing the symptom. This will help you recall that it is often not just the symptom that motivates a person to seek healthcare and become a patient, but also how the symptom interacts with the personal and emotional contexts of the person's life. Patients often seek healthcare because they are concerned. If the patient does not spontaneously put the emotional context "on the table," you will need to develop an emotional focus. To establish an emotional focus, you will need to change the style of inquiry. Emotion-seeking skills, both direct and indirect, temporarily supplant focusing open-ended skills. Start to explore the emotional domain with direct inquiry about how the patient feels about the personal situation so far described ("How is this for you?~ "How does that make you feel, emotionally?").66 If the patient is uncomfortable or simply reticent, you may need to make several efforts before emotion can be expressed. Indirect inquiry about impact, beliefs and triggers, and intuiting how the patient might be feeling also may be necessary and are used when direct inquiry does not reveal emotional content (see Chapter 2). Once you identify an emotion, ask for clarification using open-ended skills to get a good understanding of the emotion and what produced it so that you can then respond empathically. AI; noted earlier, emotion-seeking skUls are not needed if the patient is already showing or expressing emotions, as many will do spontaneously following open-ended inquiry alone. Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: Sounds like the Board told you one thing; that you liked him at first, but then he changed, and you're left with a problem? Patient: Yeah, sounds kind ofbad, huh?
58 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: How do you feel about that? [Direct emotion-seeking] Patient: Oh, I don't know. The headache is what bothers me. Clinician: But how do you feel, you know, emotionally? [She did not give any emotion the first time and clinician uses direct emotionseeking inquiry again. It is okay to encourage emotional expression, as long as the patient does not protest or try to change the subject.] Patient: Oh, nothing really bothers me that much. We were taught to turn the other cheek. Clinician: You know, I think I would be upset if I were put in a bind like this. [Changes strategy and tries intuiting how the patient might be feeling.] Patient: Well, yeah, I guess I am too, now that you mention it. Clinician: What is the feeling? [She has acknowledged emotion (upset) but the clinician wants to get an accurate description, returning to a direct emotion-seeking question about feeling.] Patient: Well, I just want to throw something at him. He makes me so mad! I didn't do anything against him. I work really hard there and things are going much better since I've been there. It's when I get mad that the headaches come. The nausea is even worse and then sometimes I get these spots in my eyes and . . . [A more precise direct link to headaches, now not just to her job situation but more specifically to being angry. Note the value of encouraging emotion: she is now expressing it.] Clinician: So you get mad when he gets on you? [Interspersing openended skills is appropriate as the clinician summarizes to continue this focus.] Address Feelings and Emotions with Empathy Skills When the patient names a feeling or expresses emotion, either spontaneously during open-ended inquiry or after you use emotion-seeking skills, and once you have clarified with open-ended skills why this patient has this feeling or emotion, use the empathy skills outlined in Chapter 2: Naming, Understanding, Respecting, and Supporting, recalled by the mnemonic NURS. To address an emotion or feeling, convey to the patient that you have recognized it by naming it, that you understand it, that you respect the patient's situation, and that you are available to help in any way possible. These skills typically are used multiple times during the course of an interview. It may take you considerable time to work through strong emotional reactions. Using these skills once is seldom enough.
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 57 You can use all four empathy skills together as a set, in the order given; we recommend this when first learning them. Once they are learned, however, in addition to using all four at once, you can use one or two skills at a time to avoid their repeated use as a quartet from striking the patient as peculiar or scripted. Empathy skills are used only after you have heard enough to adequately understand the patient's feelings and emotions. For example, when a patient expresses sadness over loss of a spouse, it is not appropriate to immediately say you understand the patient's sadness. You must first listen to enough ofthe story in an open-ended manner to be able to legitimately make these empathic statements. Stating that you "understand" before the patient describes the feeling conveys an attempt to blindly follow communication scripts rather than real understanding. Patients may then respond, "How can you understand what I'm going through!" Allow and encourage the patient to describe the feeling in some depth; then your statement of "understanding" the feeling will be authentic. Words such as "see:• "appreciate; and "imagine" can also be used to express understanding, for example, "I can see why you'O be sad:' "Given what you've told me, I can appreciate why you are sad; "I can only imagine how sad this makes you." On the other hand, with reticent patients you may have to use empathy skills with much less emotional information than is desirable. For instance, in a very reticent patient who has lost a job and will only acknowledge being "slightly upset:' you can still use the NURS skills effectively. Some new learners resist emotion-seeking and empathy skills, usually because of unfamUiarity. They worry that these skills will seem forced and false. It may be helpful to recall the compelling scientific rationale for using them (see Appendix B). It may indeed feel awkward and contrived at first for some but, as self-consciousness is overcome, confidence is gained, and benefit to the patient is observed, most clinicians become converts,66 recognizing that they feel progressively more comfortable themselves, that their responses become quite genuine, and that patients respond favorably to this emotional connection, sometimes even saying, "You know, I'm feeling better already." Continuation of Ms. Jones Visit Clinician: So, you get mad when he gets on you? Patient: Yeah, he really gets me mad. I just get so furious I could scream sometimes (clenches ftst and strikes table firmly). Clinician: You get furious. It sure makes sense. It seems like you've done so much there to help, and all you get is grief from him. I appreciate the way you're able to talk about it. Maybe you and I can
58 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING talk more later about how you might handle that. [The clinician names the feeling using her exact word-furious, expresses understanding briefly, and spends more time expressing respect for her: acknowledging she had been through a lot, that she was successful at work, and praising her for talking about her emotions. Finally, the clinician supports the patient by offering to work with her on managing her anger.] Patient: That would probably help. Just talking about it gets me upset and gives me a headache, right now. [This further demonstrates the association between headaches and emotional upset, now occurring as a result of anger-laden material during the interview.] Clinician: I can imagine. You've put up with a lot. [Naming "mad" or "furious" again is unnecessary because it's obvious, but the clinician again indicates understanding and makes a respecting statement.] Patient: You know, I think I'm even madder at that damn Board. They didn't tell me any of this and said everything would be OK. Who needs all this? [As a result of addressing her emotions, the patient is now presenting new personal data and its associated emotional material; that is, the story deepens as the narrative thread further unfolds.] Clinician: That's a tough situation. [Clinician again respects, using just one of the NURS quartet.] The rich description of symptom(s), personal context, and emotional context obtained in the first four substeps of Step 4 provides the first chapter of the patient's story. Subsequent chapters are developed by expanding the story as shown in Fig. 3-1 and described in substep 5 below. As you will learn next, subsequent chapters of the patient's story do not usually return to symptoms, but concern just the evolving personal and emotional aspects of the storythe narrative thread. Expand the Story to New Chapters Let us review the sequence of skills outlined so far in Step 4: focusing openended skills followed by emotion-seeking skills and then empathy skills. This typically produces a beginning, but still incomplete, story. To develop the story further requires the repetitive, cyclic use of this sequence of patientcentered interviewing skills. Each cycle produces a deeper level of the story, another chapter. Personal information and its associated emotion(s) evolve in parallel-neither is more important than the other. This deepening of
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 59 The Patient's Story Chapter 1 Other Chapters RGURE 3-:l. The patient's story. the narrative thread occurs because empathy skills stimulate the patient to place new personal information "on the table;" offering you an opening to inquire about them and develop the story further. Then, you can return to emotion-seeking and empathy skills to develop the emotional dimension of the new data. Do this until you are satisfied with the depth of the story. The self-reinforcing effect of patients' psychological statements and emotions is key to obtaining the full personal and emotional story. This does not mean that you should focus on just the personal or just the emotional aspect. Both are developed nearly simultaneously in a progressive unfolding of the narrative theme. Returning to a symptom focus is generally not recommended, rather, remaining in the personal, emotion realm will help you better develop the narrative thread. The story will develop spontaneously as you repeatedly cycle through focusing open-ended, emotion-seeking, and empathy skills. As the patient becomes comfortable in expressing emotion, fewer of the emotion-seeking skills are needed and empathy and focusing open-ended skills alternate, taking the patient quickly to progressively deeper levels of his/her story. You will find that in developing the story, you will have ideas (hypotheses) about what it implies. Paradoxically and distinct from the middle of the interview (clinician-centered part), you should not directly ask about your hypotheses until they have first been mentioned by the patient-only what is placed "'on the table" for discussion by the patient can be commented on during this portion of the interview. This is a principle drawn from nondirective psychotherapy in which the meaning of an event or experience for the patient becomes apparent over time and without interpretations from the clinician.67 For example, if you thought a patient's story about disliking a woman who
80 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING "looks like my wife" meant that the patient disliked his wife, you should not ask directly ("Don't you like your wife?") because it would insert new data (dislike of wife) into the conversation. Rather, get the patient to continue talking about what he put on the table by saying, for example, "Tell me more about your wife." The hypothesis-testing process is analogous to dancing or playing jazz. 10 While the patient leads the dance or musical performance, once the patient has led to a specific place, the clinician can maintain a focus on that spot. Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: That's a tough situation. Patient: You know the head of the Board even told me my boss is a good guy who was looking forward to me corning so he could retire! Clinician: The head of the Board? [The clinician shifts away from empathy to focusing open-ended inquiry with echoing to get what appears to be new information about the situation. This will start a new cycle of active open-ended, emotion-seeking, and empathy skills.] Patient: She's the one who recruited me here. I could have gone to a couple other places but came here because she convinced me it was such a good chance for me. Clinician: Sounds like you didn't get a full picture of this place. [Focusing open-ended summary, still trying to learn more new information] Patient: Yeah, it's not really fair. Patient: How's that for you? [Now back to emotion with a direct emotion-seeking inquiry] Patient: Well I must sound kind of stupid, and I feel kind of sheepish; but mostly just mad. Clinician: It makes sense to me, but I don't understand why you feel sheepish. You did everything that you could. [Back to empathy skills with understand and respect statements. Notice how openended and relationship-building skills are interwoven to generate both emotional and nonemotional data. Notice also that one can indicate lack of understanding and ask for clarification.] Patient: Yeah, I guess, but I still feel kind of dumb. Clinician: Dumb? [Echoing; an obvious story is already present but the clinician is exploring further by again moving away from emotion.] Patient: That's what my mother used to say, that I was smart but dumb. You know what I mean?
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 61. Clinician: Smart with books but not so much with people? [A combination of a summary and an educated guess] Patient: Yeah, maybe she's right. Clinician: Howa that feel, when she'd say that? [Back to emotion with direct emotion-seeking] Patient: I felt mad! Seems like a pattern, huh? And I used to get headaches as a kid too when shea get on me. I'd forgotten that. [Additional supportive data about the association of headaches and anger] Clinician: So that made you mad, too. I'm impressed at how you're able to talk about it and put this together. [Clinician uses a name and a respect statement. Depending on the time available, the clinician could have further addressed another obvious clue, the patient's mother, perhaps with an open-ended request such as "Tell me more about your mother." Note in this vignette that another cycle of focusing open-ended, emotion-seeking, and empathy skills has been used to further develop the story.] Patient: Well, I appreciate your saying that. Actually, it feels kind of good talking. [A positive response to this interaction and an indication of a good clinician-patient relationship.] Clinician: Say more about that. [An open-ended request] Patient: Well, I just haven't talked much about it. My husband doesn't want to talk about it. Clinician: He doesn't want to talk about it? [Echoing] Patient: No. I think he feels bad because he thought this was the best place for me to come. Clinician: Well, I'm glad it's been helpful here. You've really been open. [A support statement followed by a respect statement. An obvious new area for further discussion has been introduced, the patient's husband, and this could be pursued further if time allowed. The patient also has referred positively to their present interaction. Simply acknowledging it, as the clinician did is appropriate.] Patient: Thanks. My headache's better now. It does help. The first three chapters of Ms. Jones' story are illustrated in Fig. 3-2. Given the importance of the clinician-patient relationship, it is important to check how the interaction is going if the patient does not raise it. You can inquire directly, such as "So how are we doing here so far?" If you have been patient-centered, the response usually will be positive and you simply
82 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Ms. Jones' Story Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Chapter 3 FIGURE 3-2. Ms. Jones' story. acknowledge this; for example, "Good, it seemed like things were going OK to me, but I wanted to check." When the patient mentions the clinician-patient relationship, as Ms. Jones did, this provides the answer about the relationship and you can simply acknowledge it. Of course, if the patient raises problems with the interaction, for example, getting tired, address these. If an urgent personal problem exists, easily determined in 5 to 15 minutes, the patient may require additional time, even immediate action. For example, if you discover a patient is a victim of intimate partner violence, you may have to take additional time to ensure his/her immediate safety. In the absence of an urgent problem, the usual situation, prepare to transition into the middle portion of the interview when you have an understanding-not of the entire story, but of the most salient, immediate aspects of the patient's story; that is, the first few chapters. Certainly, there is more to Ms. Jones' story but, given time constraints and lack of urgency, these areas can be explored another
G 63 >ortant, ; is usuor past g about rou and p 5) ewpro[ou can dcheck ms,you ituation •ility.69 W to 60 importerwise, entered :tion. ike you ;et with i I miss tone to eded; if d high- • TABLE 3-6. Step 5: Transition to the Middle of the Interview (30-60 s) 1. Brief summary 2. Check accuracy 3. Indicate that both content and style of inquiry will change if the patient is ready. Continue with middle of interview.
84 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: If it's OK then, I'd like to shift gears and ask you some specific questions about your headaches and colitis, as well as a lot of questions to get to know you better as a person. [The clinician is checking if it is satisfactory to change the subject and indicating what is going to occur.] Patient: Sure, that's what I carne in for. (Ms. Jones' visit continues in Chapter 5) • BEYOND BASIC INTERVIEWING We have already begun to develop a dear understanding of the patient's story and the psychological, social, and emotional meaning it has for him/her. It is at this point that you can clarify your understanding of the story and begin developing preliminary hypotheses about what might be causing the problem(s) and what opportunities there might be to remedy them. Focusing open-ended skills, emotion-seeking skills, and empathy skills are essential for eliciting the required data, but there are many more skills in the experienced clinician's toolbox. Prejudices, time pressures, and preoccupation with other issues, for example, can interfere with hearing the patient's story. Take care of pressing personal or professional issues beforehand, relax, dear other issues from your mind, and focus on the patient. As noted above, it is often useful to breathe deeply or simply dose your eyes and become aware of your state of mind and what you would most like to accomplish with this patient for a few seconds before entering the clinic or hospital room. This will help you listen at multiple levels,11•70·71 a skill that will improve over time as the basics described in this text become reflexive. Attention to multiple levels means going beyond the obvious content and emotion presented by the patient to consider how the patient says something, what is left unsaid, and what is implied. This requires attention to subtleties of grammar, syntax, verb tense, changes of subject, tone of voice, nonverbal cues, incongruity in verbal and emotional content, and understanding metaphors.72•73 These areas are addressed using the same basic skills; for example, "What do you mean when you say, 'my daughter's father'?"; "I've noticed you often say; 'You can't win for losing.'" • SUMMARY The beginning ofthe medical interview consists of two preparatory steps during which we set the stage (Step 1) and the agenda (Step 2); followed by an open-ended beginning of the HPI (step 3), continuation of the HPI (Step 4),
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 65 FIGURE 3-3. Summary of the beginning of the Interview. and transition to the middle of the interview (Step 5). The transition (Step 5) prepares the patient for the more direct clinician-centered style of the middle of the interview. In Steps 3 and 4, you use the following patient-centered skills to "build the patient's history"60: nonfocusing and focusing open-ended inquiry, rare closed-ended questions, emotion-seeking and empathy skills. The cyclic, integrated use of these patient-centered skills occurs in Step 4. These tools allow you to begin to understand the richness and complexity of the human condition. Figure 3-3 summarizes the major events in the beginning of the medical interview. Usually, preparing the patient takes 1 to 3 minutes, eliciting the beginning of HPI (symptoms with personal and emotional contexts) takes 4 to 12 minutes, and making the transition takes 30 seconds. Using patientcentered interviewing skills primarily and delaying clinician-centered skills for 6 to 15 minutes will lead to the remarkable benefits described in Appendix B, for example, improved patient satisfaction, decreased risk of malpractice law suits, and improved health outcomes. Mter this investment, you will find the rest of the interview to be fairly easy and routine. The data you generate will be easily understood and usually describe the primary symptoms and their personal context. The mind-body connection will be established; data that will lead to a biopsychosocial story will begin to emerge; and, most important, the patient will feel listened to, understood, and cared for.
SKILLS EXERCISES (Likely spread over several sessions) 1. Practice Steps 1 and 2 together in role play until you can do them without looking at the book to recall all the substeps. Work on simple opening statements for each step, including several substeps in one sentence or so. See the vignette of Ms. Jones and the demonstration video. 2. When question #1 is mastered, practice Steps 1 to 5 together in role play, covering all 21 substeps. Conduct the entire patient-centered interview in 10 to 15 minutes, spending about 1 minute each in Steps 1 to 3 and 5-with 5 to 10 minutes in Step 4. 3. After you can complete all steps and substeps in role play, conduct the same exercise with a real or a simulated patient. A. Problems to watch out for: a. Hurrying into the interview rather than engaging in some small talk to let the patient get comfortable with you. b. Inefficient agenda-setting, omitting repeated "what else" statements until you know all items the patient wants to discuss. c. Excessive time spent in Step 3 which is just a 30 to 60 second step where you simply listen attentively-after an initial open-ended question-the next comment you make that isn't a continuer starts Step 4. d. Not touching the key bases in Step 4: symptoms, personal concerns, emotions e. Too little emotion-seeking f. Not enough NURS g. Not adequately signaling the transition B. With time and practice, you will notice the following markers of success: a. Smooth, seamless flow of data b. Understand mind-body links c. Ability to focus wherever you wish d. Ability to effectively and respectfully interrupt e. Control of the interview f. Skilled critiquing ability of your own and others' interviews g. Efficient interview. Once facile with the 5 steps and 21 substeps, you will be able to conduct the patientcentered process in 6 to 15 minutes. With further mastery, you will be able to be equally effective in 3 to 6 minutes.
Chapter 3 THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW: PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 67 REFERENCES 1. Smith R, Dwarnena FC. Grover M, Coffey J, Frankel RM. Behaviorally-defined patient-centered communication-a narrative review of the literature. J Gen Int Med. 2010;26:185-191. 2. Smith RC. An evidence-based infrastructure for patient-centered interviewing. In: Frankel RM, Quill TE, McDaniel SH, eds. The Biopsychosocial Approach: Past, Present, Future. Rochester, NY: The University of Rochester Press; 2003:148-163. 3. Smith RC. Hoppe RB. The patient's story: integrating the patient- and physician-centered approaches to interviewing. Ann Intern Med. 1991;115:470-477. 4. Smith RC, Lyles JS, Mettler J, et al. The effectiveness of intensive training for residents in interviewing. A randomized, controlled study. Ann Intern Med. 1998;128:118-126. 5. Smith RC, Lyles JS, Mettler JA, et a1. A strategy for improving patient satisfaction by the intensive training of residents in psychosocial medicine: a controlled, randomized study. Acad Med. 1995;70:729-732. 6. Smith RC. Marshall-Dorsey AA, Osborn GG, et a1. Evidence-based guidelines for teaching patient-centered interviewing. Patient Educ Couns. 2000;39:27-36. 7. Smith RC, Mettler JA, Stoffelmayr BE, et al Improving residents' confidence in using psychosocial skills. J Gen Intern Med. 1995;10:315-320. 8. Fortin AH 6th. Communication skills to improve patient satisfaction and quality of care. Ethn Dis. 2002;12(4):S358-S361. 9. Smith RC. Fortin AH, Dwarnena F, Frankel RM. An evidence-based patient-centered method makes the biopsychosocial model scientific. Patient Educ Couns. 2013;91(3): 265-270. 10. Haidet P. Jazz and the "art" of medicine: improvisation in the medical encounter. Ann Pam Med. 2007;5:164. 11. Lipkin M. The medical interview and related skills. In: Branch WT, ed. Office Practice of Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders; 1987:1287-1306. 12. Krasner MS, Epstein RM, Beckman H, et a1. Association of an educational program in mindful communication with burnout, empathy, and attitudes among primary care physicians. lAMA. 2009;302(12):1284-1293. 13. Epstein RM. Mindful practice. JAMA. 1999;282(9):833-839. 14. Makoul G, Zick A. Green M. An evidence-based perspective on greetings in medical encounters. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(11 ): 1172-1176. 15. Frankel RM, Stein T. Getting the most out of the clinical encounter: the four habits model/ MedPract Manage. 2001;16(4):184-191. 16. Kahn MW. Etiquette-based medicine. N Engl J Med. 2008;358( 19): 1988-1989. 17. Fred HL. Banning the handshake from healthcare settings is not the solution to poor hand hygiene. Texas Heart Inst ]. 2015;42{6):510-511. 18. Mela S, Whitworth DE. The fist bump: a more hygienic alternative to the handshake. Am JInfect Control. 2014;42(8):916-917. 19. Sklansky M, Nadkarni N, Ramirez-Avila L. Banning the handshake from the health care setting. JAMA. 2014;311 (24):2477-2478.
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Symptom-Defining Skills I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. Rudyard Kipling, The Elephant's Child. In: Just So Stories. 1 In the beginning of the interview, you greeted the patient (Step 1) and set the agenda for the visit (Step 2). You then obtained the first portion of the history of present illness (HPI) by eliciting the patient's unique description of his/her chief concern and its personal and emotional contexts (Steps 3 and 4); you responded to the patient's emotions with empathy. In Step 5, you informed the patient of the transition to the middle of the interview. The data you collected in the beginning of the interview, while essential, are rarely complete. In the middle of the interview, you will gather more detailed information on the patient's HPI and other active problems (OAP). You will also ask about other symptoms, the patient's life and medical history to help you make a diagnosis, identify medical issues other than the chief concern, assess for disease risk, and come to know the patient better. This additional information falls under the headings of past medical history (PMH), social history (SH), family history (FH), and review of systems (ROS). We will cover each of these in detail in Chapter 5. In the middle of the interview, you will be more directive, guiding the topics discussed by using the clinician-centered interviewing skills as contrasted with the patient-centered interviewing skills you used in the beginning of the interview. Clinician-centered skills, such as "coning-down'' -following 71
72 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING open-ended questions with closed-ended ones (see Chapter 2)-help you to clarify and explore details of the patient's symptoms to test hypotheses and make a diagnosis, as well as to efficiently gather the large amount of data required. Even though you will often be asking lists of clinician-centered questions, it is important to remain alert to the patient's emotional state and any verbal or nonverbal cues of emotion, and respond with emotion-seeking and empathy skills (NURS) as needed. Your first goal in the middle of the interview is to develop as complete and precise a characterization as possible of the patient's symptom story. To do this, you will use symptom-defining skills. Just as you learned facilitating skills before conducting the beginning of the interview, symptom-defming skills will help you perform the middle of the interview. But first, what is a symptom? Generally speaking, a symptom is an indicator of the existence of something else. In medicine, we take it to mean the subjective evidence of the patient's underlying problem. In this way, it differs from a sign, which is the objective evidence of a disease or disorder. The patient tells the clinician about a symptom (chest pain, shortness of breath), while the clinician observes a sign on physical examination (tender ribs, heart murmur). You will learn about signs in physical diagnosis courses and on clinical rotations. But, before you can learn all you can about the patient's symptom, you need to ask: Is the patient describing a symptom? • THE REVIEW OF SYSTEMS LISTS THE SYMPTOMS OF MOST DISEASES We introduce the ROS (Table 4-1) here because it lists and organizes most known symptoms related to underlying diseases. Symptoms are important because they are the language you will use to convert a patient's concerns to a diagnosis. Table 4-1 lists symptoms according to the body system they are usually associated with, although many occur in more than one system. The ROS listing is not exhaustive. Beginning clinicians should not worry if they don't understand what diagnosis a given symptom points to. You can make a diagnosis only after you have obtained and synthesized enough data about the patient. Medical terminology for some symptoms is noted in parentheses. Remember, though, that you need to remain bilingual, using technical terms with your colleagues and plain lay language with your patients. Beginning clinicians should learn all 19 categories of the ROS and know a few symptoms in each. All clinicians are advised to memorize all symptoms in each category, a necessary prerequisite for effective clinician-centered interviewing.2
• TABLE 4-1. Review of Systems• General Usual state of health Fever Chills Night sweats Appetite Weight change Weakness Fatigue Pain Skin Sores/skin ulcers Rashes Itching (pruritus) Hives Easy bruising Change in size or color of moles Lumps Loss of pigment Change in hair pattern Change in nails Hematopoietic Enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) Urge to eat dirt (pica) or ice Abnormal bleeding or excessive bruising Frequent or unusual infections Head Dizziness Headaches Fainting or loss of consciousness Head injuries Eyes Use of glasses Change in vision Double vision (diplopia) Pain Redness Discharge History of glaucoma Cataracts Dryness Ears Hearing loss Use of hearing aid Discharge Pain Ringing (tinnitus) Nose Nosebleeds (epistaxis) Discharge Loss of smell (anosmia) Mouth and throat Bleeding gums Sore throat Painful swallowing (odynophagia) Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) Hoarseness Tongue burning (glossodynia) Tooth pain Neck Lumps Goiter Stiffness Breasts Lumps Milky discharge (galactorrhea) Bleeding from the nipple Pain Cardiac and pulmonary Cough Shortness of breath (dyspnea) Shortness of breath with activity (exertional dyspnea) Shortness of breath when lying down and need to sit to breathe (orthopnea) Awaking at night with shortness of breath (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea) Sputum production Coughing blood (hemoptysis) Wheezing Chest pain Pounding or fluttering sensation in the chest (palpitations) continued
• TABLE 4-1. Review of Systems8 (continued) Cardiac and pulmonary (continued) Shortness of breath on exertion Swelling of feet or other regions (edema) Blood in urine (gross hematuria) Pain or burning on urination (dysuria) Particulate matter in urine (urinary gravel) Vascular Pain in legs, calves, thighs, hips, or buttocks when walking (claudication) Leg swelling Blood clots (thrombophlebitis) Leg ulcers Female genital Lesions/discharge/itching Age at menarche Interval between menses Duration of menses Amount of flow Last menses Painful menses (dysmenorrhea) Absence of menses (amenorrhea) Irregular, heavy menses (menometrorrhagia) Bleeding between periods Pregnancies Abortions/miscarriages Libido Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) Orgasm function Age at menopause Menopausal symptoms Postmenopausal bleeding Gastrointestinal Loss of appetite Weight change Nausea Vomiting (emesis) Vomiting blood (hematemesis) Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) Painful swallowing (odynophagia) Heartburn (dyspepsia) Abdominal pain Difficult or infrequent bowel movements (constipation) Loose, frequent bowel movements (diarrhea) Passing mucus Change in stool color/caliber Black, tarry stools (melena) Rectal bleeding (hematochezia) Hemorrhoids Rectal pain (proctalgia) Rectal discharge Rectal itching (pruritus ani) Yellow discoloration of sclerae and skin Oaundice) Dark urine-the color of tea or cola drink Excessive upper (belching or eructation) or lower (flatus) bowel gas Lump in groin or scrotum Urinary Frequent urination (polyuria) Awakening at night to urinate (nocturia) Infrequent urination Abrupt urge to urinate (urinary urgency) Difficulty starting stream (urinary hesitancy) Loss of control of urination (incontinence) Male genital Lesions/discharge Erectile function Orgasm function Bloody ejaculation (hematospermia) Testis swelling/pain Libido Hernia Neuropsychiatric (See headings Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, and Throat for cranial nerves) (See heading Musculoskeletal for motor function) Fainting Paralysis Tingling (paresthesia) Decreased sensation (hypesthesia) Absent sensation (anesthesia) Tremors Loss of memory continued
• TABLE 4-1. Review of Systems• (continued) Neuropsychiatric (continued) Depression Mania Apathy or loss of interest Loss of enjoyment of life (anhedonia) Suicidal thoughts Sleep Anxiety/nervousness Speech disorders Dizziness or vertigo Poor balance (ataxia) Inability to get to sleep or stay asleep (insomnia) Excessive sleep (hypersomnolence), nightmares Symptoms without an explanation (somatization) Bizarre or unrealistic thoughts (intrusive thoughts) Bizarre or unrealistic perceptions (hallucinations) Seizures Endocrine Excessive thirst Frequent urination Numbness or tingling of hands/feet Weight gain or loss Episodes of confusion, sweating, light-headedness (hypoglycemic reaction) Blurred vision Date of last eye exam Swelling in neck Weight gain or loss Palpitations or racing heart Tremulousness Hair loss (alopecia) Dry skin Heat or cold intolerance Loss of skin pigment (vitiligo) Constipation or diarrhea Musculoskeletal Weakness Muscle pain (myalgia) Stiffness "Many of these symptoms can be caused by diseases in several systems (including other than where listed}. Medical terms (used in oral and written presentations} are in parentheses. • DISTINGUISHING CLOSELY RELATED MATERIAL (SECONDARY DATA) FROM SYMPTOMS (PRIMARY DATA) Sometimes, instead of describing a symptom such as, "My head aches" or "My big toe is hurting:' a patient will say, "I have a migraine:' or "I think it's the gout:' While the patient may well be correct, s/he is describing a disease in each case, not a symptom. Symptoms are the patient's area of expertise and no verification is necessary. This is primary data. 3 Secondary data are any data apart from a patient's direct experiences. They are less reliable and more in need of verification. Non-symptom information obtained from the patient (such as a disease or disorder, treatment, procedure, medication, cause of the problem, or a laboratory test result) are secondary data that differ from the patient's actual symptoms. While these secondary data are less important,3 they often guide the clinician to areas requiring verification and additional information. We discuss how to incorporate secondary data into the interview in Chapter 5.
• TABLE 4-2. Some Common Concerns Needing Conversion to Symptoms in the Review of Systems • • • • • • • • • • • Blahs Dragged-out Bad blood I've got a "bunch" Really weird Funny smelling urine Wrung-out Midlife crisis Menopause Old age • • • • • • • • • • Terrible two's A rod in my head Wigged-out Sun troubles Chronic fatigue syndrome Heart murmur Indigestion The flu Dizzy Allergies TRANSLATING CONCERNS INTO SPECIFIC MEDICAL SYMPTOMS Patients often speak in nonmedical terms (Table 4-2) that you must convert to medically meaningful symptom terms. When the patient tells you that s/he has the "blahs;' a "wrung-out feeling;' or "bad blood;' what does s/he mean and how is the information to be used medically? If you couldn't clarify it in the beginning of the interview using patient-centered facilitating skills, you need to use symptom-defining skills in the middle of the interview: start with a brief open-ended question (focused on the patient's term) and followup with enough dosed-ended questions to adequately understand: Clinician: Say more about what you mean by the blahs. [A focused, openended request] Patient: Well, you know, the nausea all the time and no appetite. [Nausea and no appetite are medically meaningful symptoms (see GI System in ROS).] Clinician: Any vomiting? [Closed-ended question drawn from the GI System in ROS] Patient: No. Clinician: How's your weight been? [The clinician would continue to better define what the patient calls the blahs but has already identified at least two commonly understood medical symptoms in theROS.] Likewise, certain medical terms are ambiguous or are used by patients in an unconventional way. For example, "dizzy" usually means vertigo, a sensation
Chapter 4 SYMPTOM-DEFINING SKILLS 77 of whirling, as though one had just gotten off a merry-go-round or had too much alcohol to drink. But, some clinicians and many lay people use the term dizziness to mean a faint or light-headed feeling unattended by vertigo. This distinction is important because one approaches the patient with vertigo differently from the patient who is light-headed: Clinician: Tell me what you mean by dizzy. [Focused, open-ended request; this could also be phrased as a question such as, "What do you mean by dizzy?"] Patient: I get wobbly on my feet. [Still not very specific] Clinician: Do you get a sensation of whirling about, like you'd just stepped off a merry-go-round? [Closed-ended question to get necessary details] Patient: Yeah, that's it. I feel like I'm going around the room. Clinician: Do you feel light-headed, like you might faint or have to put your head down between your knees to get relief? [Closedended inquiry to determine if "dizzy" means light-headedness to the patient.] Patient: No, that makes it worse to put my head down. [The interviewer has identified the medical symptom vertigo as the meaning of the complaint of dizziness, although many more questions remain about associated symptoms and other details of the problem.] Other examples include "diarrhea," which means frequent liquid stools, but which lay people often use to mean frequent stools, regardless of consistency; and "constipation," which traditionally has been defmed as fewer than three stools per week. Patients have a broader definition for this term, using it to also describe having to strain at stool or a sense of incomplete evacuation. In fact, the medical definition of constipation was broadened to include patients' usage of the word.4 • CHARACTERIZING SYMPTOMS Once the symptom is clear, you want to learn as much about its characteristics as possible. To fully understand a symptom, you need to know its descriptors or "cardinal features": Onset and chronology, Position, Precipitating factors, Quality, Quantification, Radiation, Related symptoms, Setting, and Transforming factors (aggravating/alleviating). Some use the mnemonic OPPQQRRST to recall these (Table 4-3). These descriptors incorporate the "classic seven" attributes of symptoms.5
• TABLE 4-3. The Descriptors of Symptoms-OPPQQRRST 1. Onset and chronology ("When does [did] it begin?" "How long does it last?" "How often does it happen?") a. Time of onset of symptom and intervals between recurrences b. Duration of symptom c. Periodicity and frequency of symptom d. Time course of symptom i. Short term ii. Long term 2. Position ("Where is it located?") a. Precise location b. Deep or superficial c. Localized or diffuse 3. Precipitating factors ("What brings it on?" "What were you doing when it started?") 4. Quality ("What is it like?") a. Usual descriptors b. Unusual descriptors 5. Quantification ("How bad is it?" For pain, "On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain you can imagine, like surgery without anesthesia, what number would you give your pain?'') a. Rate of onset b. Intensity or severity c. Impairment or disability d. Numeric description i. Number of events ii. Size iii. Volume 6. Radiation ("Does it travel anywhere?") 7. Related symptoms ("Have you noticed anything else that occurs with it?") 8. Setting (circumstances that contribute to or precipitate the symptom) a. Environmental factors b. Social factors c. Activity d. Emotions 9. Transforming factors ("What makes it better?" "What makes it worse?") a. Aggravating factors b. Relieving factors Onset and Chronology-Course of Individual Symptoms Over Time Understanding the precise sequence of symptoms and other events is key to making a correct diagnosis and should be asked about first. Here we focus on the chronology and timing of individual symptoms and discuss how to integrate these data into the overall chronology of all symptoms and other data in Chapter 5.
Chapter 4 SYMPTOM-DEFINING SKILLS 79 Time of Symptom Onset and Intervals Between Its Occurrences The time of onset of the symptom and the time intervals between occurrences of the symptom are diagnostically significant; for example, the onset of a cough 6 months earlier that recurs at intervals of 1 to 2 days suggests a chronic pulmonary problem such as cancer or tuberculosis, while the onset of a cough 2 days ago that is continuous suggests an acute process such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Recalling Ms. Jones' clinic visit from Chapter 3, migraine headaches characteristically have specific times of onset and painfree intervals of days to weeks, whereas a brain tumor or tension headaches usually cause daily and non-remitting pain. Rate of Onset Whether the symptom began gradually or suddenly has diagnostic significance; the latter suggests an acute but not necessarily more important disease process. You might hear a patient with polymyositis say, "the weakness just gradually developed in my shoulders and thighs over a couple months" or a patient with pulmonary embolus or heart failure might say "the shortness of breath had been kind of gradual over that day but the chest pain and coughing blood came all of a sudden." Focused open-ended inquiry often suffices, although patients sometimes benefit from being given examples: Clinician: How did this begin? Patient: What do you mean? Clinician: You know, slow or all of a sudden. Patient: Gradual, a little bit at a time. Duration of Symptom The duration of a symptom also is of diagnostic importance. Precise understanding is essential; is the duration a few seconds, 5 minutes, 2 hours, 10 days, 3 years? To illustrate, typical substernal crushing chest pain of coronary disease lasting only 5 to 10 minutes suggests angina pectoris without myocardial infarction (heart attack) while a similar pain lasting an hour or so is more consistent with myocardial infarction. Similarly, migraine headaches typically last from 1 to 12 hours in contrast to the more constant headaches of a brain tumor or tension headaches. Periodicity and Frequency of the Symptom The pattern of symptoms can be diagnostically important. To illustrate, the fever and chills of malaria occur at distinctive and sometimes diagnostic frequencies. Body cycles also can affect symptoms; for example, premenstrual
80 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING syndrome happens around menses and nocturnal myoclonus occurs during non-rapid eye movement sleep. External influences can also have a cyclic impact; regular stressful events such as work or the anniversary of a loss can exacerbate migraine or depression, and allergic rhinitis and asthma can have a seasonal association. Course of the Symptom You will want to learn the course of the symptom over an individual episode Time and its pattern of occurrence over a longer period. For instance, pain stemming from obstruction of a hollow organ progressively increases and then subsides, often to complete relief, only to be followed at varying intervals by recurrence of the same pattern. This course is often described as crampy or colicky and is seen, for example, in biliary colic, ureteral colic, and labor. A migraine headache, on the other hand, typically pursues a slow but progressive buildup of a constant throbbing pain. The overall course of a symptom is equally important, as we will describe more extensively in Chapter 5. A patient with headaches of 20 years duration that are unchanged will seldom have a brain tumor while a progressively worsening headache over several weeks or months is more suggestive of a tumor or other intracranial disease process. You will usually obtain much of the chronology of a symptom in Step 4, using open-ended patient-centered skills. If more detail is needed, you will pursue it with mostly closed-ended questions as shown here: Clinician: When did the burning in the stomach begin? Patient: About a year ago. [Onset] Clinician: Do you have pain every day? Patient: No, sometimes it will be gone for weeks at a time. [Intervals between symptom occurrences] Clinician: And how long do they last each time? Patient: Quite a whUe. Clinician: How long is that? I need to understand your pain in detaU. Patient: Oh, I don't know. Maybe a couple hours. Clinician: What's the shortest they might last and the longest? Patient: Well, some of them are gone in just a few minutes. But most are about an hour I guess. Clinician: What's the longest? Patient: The worst one I ever had lasted from supper untU just before bedtime, about 4 hours. [Longest and shortest duration of symptom] Clinician: What seems to determine that?
Chapter 4 SYMPTOM-DEFINING SKILLS 81. Patient: I don't know, but it's always worse in the Spring, and it's not there on weekends when I'm not working. [Frequency and periodicity] Clinician: What happens to the pain over the course of each episode? Patient: It just gradually comes on and then gets a little worse. [Shortterm course of symptom] Clinician: Overall, how is the pain doing? Patient: It seems worse to me. Clinician: How's that? Patient: Well, it's not more pain, but it's more often. It used to be just once every day or so but now it's four or five times a day. [Overall course of symptom] Position of the Symptom and Its Radiation Determine the precise locations of symptoms when possible. Both the location and area of radiation of the symptom can have diagnostic significance. For example, generalized chest pain without radiation is nonspecific, but chest pain located in the substernal area that radiates into the neck, jaw, and left arm is suggestive of angina pectoris. Similarly, low back pain radiating into the left buttock and posterior thigh and down into the lateral aspect of the calf and over the dorsum of the foot into the great toe is highly suggestive ofLS-S 1 nerve root impingement from a herniated lumbar disc. Ifthe patient does not do so automatically, ask him/her to point to the area of discomfort. Ask whether the pain is deep or on the surface, specific in location or more diffuse. For example, a patient with headache who locates his pain over the course of the left temporal artery and describes the pain as "on the surface" may be suffering from temporal arteritis, rather than tension headache or migraines. To locate the symptom and its radiation, begin with a focused, open-ended request or question such as, "Can you describe or point to the location for me?" If the patient does not provide a precise description, use closed-ended inquiry to get sufficient specificity: Clinician: So, as part of the blahs you've got this stomach pain. Can you describe its location for me? [A focused open-ended request, phrased as a question, to be followed by several closed-ended questions.] Patient: It's in my stomach. Clinician: Where exactly is it? Point at it, if you can [Always be as specific as possible.] Patient: (points to upper mid-abdomen, the epigastrium)
82 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: How big an area? Can you draw a circle around it? Patient: (draws an outline) This big. Clinician: Does it move anywhere else, like your back or chest? [Giving examples is helpful as long as the answer is not suggested.] Patient: No. Clinician: Is it deep down, or does it feel more like it's right on the surface? Patient: Down inside. Quality of the Symptom You can often achieve additional diagnostic specificity from knowing what the symptom feels like. A patient with burning chest pain may have gastroesophageal reflux, whereas tearing chest pain might be a symptom of a dissecting thoracic aortic aneurysm. Here are some other descriptors and the diagnoses that are frequently associated with them: burning (gastritis or peptic ulcer when substernal or epigastric), crushing (acute coronary syndrome when substernal), throbbing (migraine when in head, or localized infection anywhere), burning, electrical, shooting, or numb (neuropathic pain), or cramping (disorder of a hollow organ such as the ureter, intestine, or uterus). Unusual descriptions can signify psychological problems or stress, and can sometimes be understood metaphorically. 6 For example, psychotic people have said such things as "it feels like my intestines have grown shut" or "it feels like they left a surgical instrument in there." Similarly, comments like "it's pushing up through my soul and tearing my heart out" are extraordinary and suggest the presence of some associated psychological issues. Learn the quality of the symptom by starting with a focused, open-ended request such as, "Tell me what the pain is like." Use closed-ended inquiry as necessary to pin down details: Clinician: What does it feel like? [A focused open-ended request, again phrased as a question] Patient: Pretty bad. Clinician: Well, how would you describe it: aching, sharp, dull? [It is appropriate, if necessary, to give examples, as long as several options are given without emphasizing any of them, so as not to influence the patient.] Patient: Kind of burning, like hot or on fire. Quantify the Symptom You will gain further precision and specificity for disease diagnosis by quantifying the symptom in the following ways.
Chapter 4 SYMPTOM-DEFINING SKILLS 83 Severity You can obtain a measure of intensity or severity by asking for comparisons to prior experiences (toothache, delivering a baby) or getting a rating on a 1 to 10 scale where 1 is no pain and a 10 rating is the worst pain ever. In general, the more severe the symptom, the more serious the problem; however, a patient who animatedly describes his pain as a 10 while seeming at ease may have a psychological problem, be opiate-seeking, or have learned that he needs to amplify his symptom in order to get adequate pain relief. Less intense pain does not signify an unimportant problem. Angina pectoris reflects serious disease but the pain is not always severe. In addition, certain pains are characteristically more severe than others, for example, testicular injury, renal calculus, and labor pains. You can begin open-endedly with a question like, "Give me an idea how bad it was," but closed-ended questions usually are necessary to get the needed details: Clinician: Tell me how severe it is. Patient: Well, it wasn't too bad. Clinician: On a 1 to 10 scale, where 10 is the worst ever, like surgery without anesthesia, how would you rate it? Patient: Not so bad, really. I guess a 3. Clinician: How is it compared to a toothache? Patient: Not that bad. Impairment or Disability Resulting from the Symptom Another measure of severity is how the symptom has affected the patient on a daily basis. For example, a minor episode of hoarseness could be a severe hardship for an opera singer or public speaker while it might be ofless consequence to a writer or night watchman. You should have learned this from the patient while eliciting the personal context of the problem in the beginning of the interview, but if you did not, you can begin here with a focused, open-ended question such as, "What effect is this having on your day-to-day life?" Use closed-ended questions for detail. Asking about what the patient is no longer able to do helps clarify the situation; for example, "Since the chest pain started, what have you had to give up?'' Comparing the patient's daily activities before and after the symptom further clarifies this. Many of these data will often have been obtained in the beginning of the interview and, if so, they are not repeated: Clinician: How's this affecting what you do? Patient: Well, it's caused a lot of problems.
84 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: Is it keeping you off work or anything? [A closed-ended question to get accurate details. The interviewer could also have tried an open-ended request such as, "'Tell me about the problems."] Patient: No, nothing like that really. I haven't missed a day of work. I'm just getting tired of it and snapping at the wife at home. She's getting sick of it. Obtain Numerical Data Where Possible You can usually identify or closely estimate the total number of occurrences of the symptom; for example, there have been about 20 such episodes of chest pain in the last week after no more than one weekly during the preceding year. It also can be necessary to precisely quantify symptoms in other ways when applicable: "It swells to the size of a softball at times but then goes back down to like a golf ball" (inguinal hernia); "'Only passed about a glassful of urine all day" (renal failure, urinary obstruction, dehydration). You will find that patients seldom respond with precise numbers, preferring "quite a bit" or "not too much'' to precise quantities. It is your job to find out details without alienating the patient. You will obtain these data almost entirely by closed-ended inquiry. You will often have to follow-up on answers that are not precise enough; for example, upon being asked how many times a pain occurs, the patient answers "'A lot" to which the clinician might respond, "'Can you be more specific, you know, how many times in a day or week?" Clinician: How many times a day do you have the pain? Patient: A lot Clinician: Can you be more specific, you know, how many times in a day? Patient: Oh, three or four or five Clinician: What's the most you've had? Patient: Seven or eight times Clinician: And the least? Patient: One or even none sometimes Related Symptoms As you learn more clinical medicine, you will find that it is uncommon to have only one symptom with an underlying disease. Rather, there often are several specific symptoms and, in addition, there may be secondary symptoms reflecting the general impact of the disease; for instance, in a patient with pneumonia, cough and chest pain are likely specific symptoms from the pneumonia while fatigue and irritability are nonspecific symptoms due to the general effect of the pneumonia on the body. Related symptoms (also called associated symptoms) are important because different combinations
Chapter 4 SYMPTOM-DEFINING SKILLS 85 have diagnostic importance; for example, in a patient with weight loss, a good appetite often suggests diabetes mellitus or hyperthyroidism while a poor appetite might suggest infection, depression, or cancer. Ask about associated symptoms by beginning in an open-ended manner, such as "Tell me any other symptoms that go along with this:' Closed-ended questions usually are required, however, as you ask about the presence or absence of symptoms that might be expected in association with the main symptom: Clinician: Tell me any other symptoms that go with this burning pain. Patient: Well, a little diarrhea when it's bad. [The clinician would fully develop this new symptom and its descriptors, just as was done for the epigastric burning pain.] Clinician: Any other symptoms with it? Patient: Not really. Clinician: Any nausea? [After the patient gives no additional symptoms, the clinician uses his/her knowledge of common associations to make further specific inquiry, as expanded upon in Chapter 5.] Setting Here you move away from understanding the symptom itself to considering external influences on the symptom that can have diagnostic significance. Patients will usually describe the setting while describing their symptoms in the beginning of the interview, or when you ask about the onset and chronology of the symptom in the middle of the interview. If this does not happen, you can elicit the setting with questions such as, "Where were you?" or "Who else was present?"' or "What exactly were you doing when you first noticed it?"' or "Where was this?"' As always, begin with an open-ended question like, ..Can you tell me the background of the symptom, you know, what you were doing at the time and who was there?" If this does not suffice, closed-ended inquiry can help: Clinician: Can you give me some of the background for the pain, like who's around and where you are when it happens? Patient: Almost always at work-there's been a lot of stress lately. Clinician: Not at home? Patient: Never. Isn't that funny? Clinician: Who's around at work? Patient: Well, it's just since I transferred to the parts department. [If you had not elicited this information while drawing out the personal context of the patient's symptom in the beginning of the interview, you would further develop it here.]
88 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Precipitating and Transforming Factors Additional external influences on the symptom that can have diagnostic significance include what brings the symptom on, what aggravates it once present, and what relieves it. For example, aspirin, alcohol, tobacco, spicy foods, and caffeine all are known to precipitate and aggravate gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux disease, while relief is typically obtained by drinking milk, eating bland food, and using antacids. Similarly, angina is brought on and aggravated by exertion, mental or emotional stress, or cold air blowing in the face, while it is relieved, usually in less than 10 minutes, by rest and the use of nitroglycerin. Begin open-endedly, but most of this information is obtained through closed-ended questioning, the specific content of which reflects your knowledge of individual diseases: Clinician: Tell me about anything that seems to aggravate or bring these pains on. Patient: Well, coffee does sometimes. Clinician: What about aspirin, does that cause it? [The clinician would continue closed-endedly to ask about what s/he knows can cause epigastric burning: other medications, tea, alcohol, tobacco, spicy foods.] Clinician: (continuing after completing the preceding inquiry) Have you noticed anything that helps, you know that relieves it? Patient: Eating almost anything, especially milk. Clinician: What about antacids? Patient: Yeah, they help a lot. Often the patient is unable to describe transforming factors but can say what s/he does (or avoids) during the symptoms, for example, walk about, lie down, and quit eating. Like a good journalist you want to understand all aspects of the patient's story. Reporters use the memory aid "What? Why? When? How? Why? Who?" Combining this aid with the descriptors of a symptom will ensure that you obtain the full story. Also note that the answers to some of these questions are usually offered by the patient during the beginning of the interview, as occurred in the vignette of Ms. Jones. If so, there is no need to repeat them here. • SUMMARY Use open- and closed-ended skills to establish a medical understanding of the individual symptom and then to refine it using the seven descriptors to enhance its diagnostic specificity. Remember, individual symptoms are
SKILLS EXERCISES 1. Each member of the group reads about a specific disease in a standard textbook7 with pain as a major symptom; for example, low back pain in sciatica, headache in migraine, flank pain in renal colic, chest pain in angina pectoris, abdominal pain in intestinal obstruction, and headache in temporal arteritis. 2. This member then acts as the "patient" in a role-play and portrays the pain problem sjhe just read about to another group member who elicits the descriptors of pain. 3. Elicit the symptoms and their descriptors from a real or simulated patient. REFERENCES 1. Kipling R. Just So Stories. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Company; 1907. 2. Barrows HS, Pickell GC. Developing Clinical Problem-Solving Skills-A Guide to More Effective Diagnosis and Treatment. New York, NY: Norton Medical Books; 1991:226. 3. Platt FW. Conversation Failure: Case Studies in Doctor-Patient Communication. Tacoma, WA: Life Sciences Press; 1992:183. 4. Sandler RS, Drossman DA. Bowel habits in young adults not seeking health care. Dig Dis Sci. 1987;32:841-845. 5. Bickley LS. Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2017. 6. Melzack R. Pain Measurement and Assessment. New York, NY: Raven Press; 1983:293. 7. Longo DL, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, et al., eds. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 18th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2011.
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The Middle of the Interview: ClinicianCentered Interviewing Give each patient enough of your time. Sit down; listen; ask thoughtful questions; examine carefully. ... Be appropriately critical ofwhat you read or hear. ... Follow the example set by William Osler: "Do the kind thing and do it first." Paul Beeson, MD This chapter describes the steps involved in conducting the middle of the interview using clinician-centered interviewing skills. This part of the interview includes the latter part of the history of the present illness (HPI) and other active problems (OAP), continuing directly from the patient-centered HPI, and the past medical history (PMH), social history (SH), family history (FH), and review of systems (ROS). Recall our progress to this point. During the beginning of the interview you used patient-centered interviewing skills to begin eliciting the HPI (Steps 1-5): you set the stage; obtained the chief concern and agenda; drew out the symptom story, personal context, and emotional context; responded with empathy, and made a transition to the middle of the interview, the point where we now find ourselves. There are five additional steps (Steps 6-10) in the middle of the interview, as shown in Fig. 5-l. To illustrate each step, we will continue to follow Ms. Jones . • COMPLETE A CHRONOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PATIENT'S CHIEF CONCERN AND OTHER ACTIVE PROBLEMS-STEP 6 Step 6 (Table 5-l) is the most important and most challenging part of the middle of the interview. By the end of this step, you often will be able to make a disease diagnosis or, if not, you can greatly narrow the range of possible disease 89
90 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Integrated Medical Interviewing BegIn n In g Set Set the the Stage Agenda {PatientCentered Skills) 9911nlclan-cente9 9 Middle Skills) Patient- Physical Exam End ered Steps: 1, 2, Components: [CC, 3,4,5, HPI ---- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, -- HPI/OAP, PMH, SH, FH, ROS] Middle: Clinician-Centered= Symptom and Psychosocial Data Beginning: Patient-Centered = Psychosocial and Symptom Data ' 11 Clinician Synthesizes / BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL STORY FIGURE 5-.1. Tbe Integrated medical Interview. explanations for the symptom(s). This will guide your physical examination and the subsequent laboratory evaluation, if any. The companion video tided "Clinician-Centered Interviewing: An Evidence-Based Approach; available on the McGraw-Hill website (www.accessmedicine.com/SmithsPCI) demonstrates what we will now describe. Module 8 in DocCom provides additional information about developing and clarifying the patient's HPI. 1 In almost all instances, you will have obtained a satisfactory overview of the HPI during Steps 2 to 4 but sometimes the patient's description of the personal or emotional context of the symptom was urgent enough that you will not have gotten a good symptom description in Step 4. If this is the case, you can begin Step 6 by obtaining an overview of the major symptoms, when they began, and the most pressing current issue, using both open- and closedended skills. Otherwise, as presented in Chapter 4, begin by converting each of the patient's concerns to a standard symptom and further clarify it according to the descriptors (OPPQQRRST: onset and chronology, position, precipitating factors, quality, quantification, radiation, related symptoms, setting, and transforming factors [aggravating/alleviating]). You will also need to know what other symptoms occurred before, during, or after the symptom under discussion.
• TABLE 5-1. Continuing the HPijOAP Step 6-Complete a Chronological Description of the Patient's Chief Concern and Other Active Problems 1. Obtaining and describing data without interpreting it A. Expand the description of symptoms already introduced by the patient B. Describe symptoms not yet introduced in the already identified body system (and general health symptoms) 2. Interpreting data while obtaining it: Testing hypotheses about the possible diseases causing symptoms8 C. Describe relevant symptoms outside the body system involved in the HPI D. Inquire about the presence or absence of relevant non-symptom data (secondary data) not yet introduced by the patient 3. Understand the patient's perspective Impact (meaning) of illness on self/others Health beliefs Triggers for seeking care •only clinical-level students are expected to be proficient with this style of inquiry. As you talk with patients, you may begin to have ideas about what is causing the patient's problems, and how the symptoms may be affecting physical functioning or activities of daily life. These ideas are known as "hypotheses" and the process of asking questions that make them more or less likely is called hypothesis testing. When you first learn how to interview patients, you may not have sufficient medical knowledge to test hypotheses, but you can still conduct an effective interview. Focus on first collecting as much data as you need to comprehensively describe the patient's problem(s). Beginners often need to postpone hypothesis testing to a second interview after they have had time to read about the problems that have been described. 2- 4 As you become experienced and learn more about specific diseases and conditions, you will become faster, more efficient, and more accurate at gathering data and will learn to recognize patterns in the patient's story that suggest certain diagnoses. 5 Chest pain, for example, has well over 20 possible disease causes, such as, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, pericarditis, esophagitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary embolus, costochondritis, and rib fracture. Each diagnosis has unique symptom and other diagnostic features and, often, different related symptom patterns. In the meantime, just ask the questions that will help you to comprehensively describe the patient's symptoms. As a beginning clinician, you can still test hypotheses during the interview but comprehensive questioning gives you data from which you can generate
92 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING better and more hypotheses.2 Comprehensively question only in relevant areas, do not ask the same questions of every patient, and do not simply elicit all known symptoms from the entire ROS.2 As you acquire clinical experience and your knowledge base grows, you will use more hypothesis testing and comprehensive questioning will be less necessary. Nevertheless, even seasoned clinicians use comprehensive questioning in challenging cases when hypothesis testing is ineffective.2 Beginning clinicians can generate a surprisingly relevant data base with the comprehensive questioning approach. We will explore this in more depth next and then briefly consider how the more advanced clinician integrates the hypothesis-testing approach. Obtaining and Describing Data Without Interpreting It-For Beginning Clinicians Both beginning and advanced clinicians should begin Step 6 with: A-expand the description of symptoms already introduced by the patient, and Binquire about symptoms located in the same body system that have not yet introduced. A: Expand the Description of Symptoms Already Introduced by the Patient Begin with the patient's most important problem and identify all symptoms and secondary data starting from the onset of the concern. (Recall from Chapter 4 that secondary data are any non-symptom information, such as, tests the patient has had or medications s/he has taken.) Group the concerns by common times of occurrence, translate each into a symptom, and then refme each symptom using the "OPPQQRRST" descriptors (see Chapter 4). Make use of repeated queries for temporal connections such as, "Then what?~ "What happened after that?~ or "And then?" The patient sometimes will not introduce secondary data and so you must ask about prior treatment, procedures, diagnoses, and other secondary information (see Step 6D, below). Alternatively, the patient may present a host of secondary data from which you must sift out the symptoms. For example, a patient might say, "This chest pain and shortness of breath occurred before my heart catheterization but after they found my cholesterol and blood sugar were high; that was when I was in the hospital last October for coughing up blood:' Here, the clinician must recognize the primary data (chest pain, shortness of breath, and hemoptysis) and not confuse them with the secondary data (heart catheterization, elevated cholesterol and blood sugar, hospitalization). Seek to understand the temporal (time) course of all data, using calendar dates and exact times when possible, and always for recent or acute problems. More remote problems often can be marked by weeks, months, or even years.
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 93 As you will see in the next vignette, the clinician uses closed-ended questions to elicit most information and offers periodic supportive remarks, maintaining a patient-centered atmosphere of warmth and understanding. Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit (From Chapter 3, p. 64) Clinician: If it's OK then, !'a like to shift gears and ask you some different types of questions about your headaches and colitis. I'll be asking a lot more questions about specifics. Patient: Sure, that's what I came in for. Clinician: I know the headache is the biggest problem now (chief concern). [The clinician will now elicit the descriptors of the symptom, recognizing that some were heard in Steps 3 and 4. If, however, the clinician somehow had not yet heard about the headache and other physical problems (because the patient expressed a pressing personal concern in the beginning of the interview), he would first obtain a detailed description in the patient's own words.] Patient: Yeah, it sure is. Clinician: When exactly did it begin? [The interviewer wants to reaffirm the time frame of the headaches and uses a closed-ended question.] Patient: Oh, just a few weeks after I got here. That's about 4 months ago now, so the headaches have been about 3 months. [Time of onset] Clinician: How long does each headache last, the shortest and the longest they might last? Patient: At least a couple hours. When they get bad, they'll last up to 12 hours or so. [Further characterizing the onset and chronology by identifying the duration] Clinician: What happens to the symptom when it's there? Patient: Well, it's not so bad at first but it just keeps getting worse and then the nausea comes. [Time course of symptom] Clinician: How many do you have in a week or a month? Patient: I can have 2 to 3 a week when they're bad. You know, every 2 to 3 days. [Symptom periodicity and frequency] Clinician: How long have they been that often? Patient: Since things got bad in the last month, especially the last couple of weeks. Before that they were only once or twice a week. [Total number can be calculated if important] Clinician: You said the headache was in the right temple; can you point to it for me? [Having gotten a good story ofthe onset and chronology,
94 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING the interviewer shifts to understanding the position (location), referring to the patient's description of the headache location in the beginning of the interview.] Patient: (puts hand over much of right side of head) It's all over here, sometimes larger than others. [Sounds more diffuse than specifically in one location] Clinician: Is it always in the same spot? [The clinician asks a dosed-ended question, focusing away from the personal dimension and on the symptom itself, now getting the precise position.] Patient: Yes. Clinician: Does it move any place else? [Another of what will be many closed-ended questions as the clinician asks about radiation, another descriptor of the symptom. Note that the clinician is introducing new topics and is also leading the conversation, appropriate for the middle of the interview.] Patient: No, it stays right there. [No radiation] Clinician: Does it feel like it's inside your head or outside on the surface; you know, does it hurt to comb your hair or touch it? Patient: No, it doesn't hurt to touch it. It's down inside I think. [A deep rather than superficial pain] Clinician: Could you give me a description of what it feels like; such as aching, burning, or however you'd describe it. [It's appropriate to give examples, if necessary, but provide more than one, with no particular emphasis, so as not to influence the patient.] Patient: Oh, it's more throbbing or pounding, like you feel each pulse beat. [Quality of the pain identified, and the patient offers no bizarre description] Clinician: How do they begin, gradually or all of a sudden~ Patient: Oh, pretty much out of the blue. [Onset is sudden] Clinician: Now I want to get an idea of how severe these headaches are. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain you can imagine, like labor pains, what number would you give these headaches? Patient: Well, they're sometimes worse than having a baby! I'd give them a 10, especially when they get bad. And I've missed work a few days but not very often. [Quantifying the intensity and noting some disability] Clinician: They sound pretty bad. You've really had a lot of trouble with this! [A respect statement. Empathic comments and behaviors are used during the middle of the interview.] Patient: You're telling me!
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 95 Clinician: Do you know of anything that brings them on? [The clinician asks about precipitating factors. He is not inquiring about the setting because he already knows that from the beginning of the interview.] Patient: Well, just what I've told you, getting upset. Once or twice it seemed like having some wine did it but I was stressed then too. [Perhaps another precipitant] Clinician: Anything that worsens them once they've begun? Patient: No, they're bad enough already! Well, bright lights sure do, now that I think about it. [A transforming (aggravating) factor identified] Clinician: They sure have been bad. What seems to help them once they occur? Patient: Just lying down in a dark room, and an ice bag on my head. Well, the narcotic shot they gave me in the emergency room took it away too. [Another transforming (relieving) factor elicited. Also, secondary data, the narcotic and the emergency room visit, are introduced by the patient.] Clinician: What about the nausea? When did it start? [With a full description of the headache symptom, the clinician is moving now to better define a related symptom, staying with primary data for the moment. Notice that a non-pain symptom has fewer appropriate descriptors; for example, one usually does not try to identify location or radiation of nausea.] Patient: I've had it for about 2 months now, just when the headaches are bad. Clinician: Help me understand better what the nausea is like. [A focused open-ended request] Patient: Like I'm sick to my stomach and could vomit if it got worse. [Quality of nausea] Clinician: And how does it begin? [A closed-ended question, as many of the subsequent inquiries will be] Patient: Oh, it just kind of gradually comes on after the pain has been there awhile. [Gradual Onset] Clinician: How bad is it, how severe? Patient: It's minor compared to the pain. It's never really been the problem the pain is. [Not very severe or disabling] Clinician: How often does the nausea occur? Patient: Just when the pain gets bad. I've probably had it each time with the headache in the last month; that's when the pain has been worse. [Number of episodes identified]
98 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: You said this began about a month after the pain, so that means the nausea has been there about 2 months? [Ms. Jones has previously indicated the time of Onset] Patient: Yeah, but it's been worse in the last month. Clinician: How long does the nausea last once it begins? Patient: Oh, about a couple hours, when the headache finally goes away. [Duration of nausea and Transforming (relieving) factor] Clinician: Anything else that relieves id Patient: Not that I know. I tried some antacid but it made me worse. [Other Transforming (aggravating and relieving) factors explored. Secondary data also introduced (antacid).] Clinician: And what's the time between each episode? Patient: Same as the headaches, you know, every couple of days. [Intervals identified. Chronology of symptom and setting also can be inferred from what Ms. Jones has said already since the nausea is linked to headaches.] Clinician: Ever throw up with them? Patient: Just once. That's when I went to emergency. [Related symptom] Clinician: How much did you vomit? Patient: Oh, just enough to soak a hankie. [The clinician has obtained pertinent descriptions of the nausea and now has discovered another symptom, vomiting, which would now be similarly explored. It can take considerable time to obtain appropriate details of each symptom for complicated patients.] Clinician/ [Not recounted here, the clinician and patient now develop Patient: details of the patient's vomiting and cough. As you gain experience, you will recognize that the headache, nausea, and vomiting go together. This allows you to develop the symptoms simultaneously and avoid repetition.] Clinician: It sounds like you went to the emergency room once when it was bad. What's been the time course of the headaches and nausea; you know, better, worse, or about the same? Patient: They are getting worse. They last longer and are more often in the last 2 weeks. [The overall course of the primary data is learned.] Clinician: Have you seen anyone for them? [A good description of symptoms and their course to the present has been obtained. and the clinician is beginning to move away from symptoms to associated secondary data.] Patient: Nobody, except the emergency room a week ago. I thought the aspirin would help. Clinician: Have you taken anything else?
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 97 Patient: Nothing except that one shot; a narcotic of some sort I think. Clinician: Did they do any tests on you in the emergency room? Patient: Yeah, they did a blood count and a urine test. Clinician: Any scans or any X-rays ofyour head? [Recent inquiry is aimed Patient: at understanding pertinent secondary data. Notice the repeated use of closed-ended questions to obtain a more precise description of the symptoms.] No. B: Inquire about Symptoms Located In the Same Body System(s) Not Yet Introduced (and General Health Symptoms) Until this point, the clinician has addressed symptoms (and related secondary data) volunteered by the patient but there often are other symptoms ("related symptoms" from Chapter 4) that have not been mentioned, which either by their presence or absence are pertinent to making a diagnosis; the absence of a symptom can be just as diagnostically important as its presence. The clinician thus needs to develop a more complete profile ofthe patient's problem(s). You can often assume that symptoms in the same system are related to the same underlying disease process. You know what the patient's major concerns are and can therefore identify the body system likely involved if disease is present. At this point, ask the questions from the ROS under the involved system heading; for example, a patient with urinary hesitancy and increased urinary frequency usually (but not always) has a disease in the urinary system and so you would use closed-ended questions to inquire about the symptoms under that heading in the ROS (dysuria, nocturia, urgency, hematuria, particulate matter in the urine, and so on until you comprehensively questioned about all possible symptoms under the urinary system heading of the ROS). At times, however, a symptom can suggest more than one system as a source of disease; for example, shoulder pain can indicate disease in the musculoskeletal system (rotator cuff injury), gastrointestinal system (cholecystitis), or the cardiopulmonary system (angina). In this case, you would inquire about all possible musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and gastrointestinal symptoms Qoint swelling, hemoptysis, orthopnea, vomiting, diarrhea, and so on). Questioning in this way often uncovers symptoms the patient may have forgotten or not thought important, and can at times provide crucial diagnostic information; for example, in the preceding patient with urinary concerns, discovering the periodic presence of particulate matter in the urine in association with bloody urine suggests renal calculi. Frequently; however, the patient will deny most symptoms on the list, this is also diagnostically important; for example, the absence of gross hematuria in this patient would weigh against renal calculi as well as some bladder or renal diseases.
98 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Inquiring about symptoms under the General heading of the ROS fills out the symptom profile. In most patients, ask about appetite, weight, general feeling of well-being, pain, and fever, regardless of the system their symptoms reside in. Many diseases, especially more serious ones, exhibit one or more of these general symptoms. In our vignette, the clinician relies predominantly on closed-ended questions, and continues to intersperse supportive remarks. Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: Any other symptoms you might have had? [A focused, openended request, phrased as a question.] Patient: Well, nothing that I think of. Clinician: Ever had problems with dizziness or lightheadedness? [Because the patient's major symptom, headaches, is a neuropsychiatric system symptom, the clinician is beginning to dosed-endedly inquire about other possible neurological symptoms in the neuropsychiatric system as well as relevant neurological symptoms listed primarily in head, neck, eyes, ears, nose, and throat.] Patient: Not now. I used to get carsick as a kid and did a couple times then. Clinician: Ever had a fainting spell? Patient: No. Clinician: Stiff neck? Patient: No. Clinician: Any problems with your vision? Patient: No. I don't even use glasses. Clinician: Any double vision? Patient: No. Clinician: Difficulty hearing? Patient: No. Clinician: Ringing in your ears? Patient: No. Clinician: Any change in your sense of taste or smell? Patient: No. Clinician: Any face pain? Patient: No. [The clinician would continue exploring all remaining symptoms in the above systems of the ROS: facial paralysis; difficulty swallowing or with speech; difficulty elevating the shoulders; muscle weakness or movement difficulty; extremity numbness, tingling, decreased sensation, or paralysis; the shakes or tremor; difficulty with balance or walking; and seizures.]
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 99 Clinician: Besides the nausea and vomiting once, have you had any other problems in your stomach or digestion? [A focused, openended question starts a new area of inquiry. The clinician will now obtain a complete profile of the patient's other major symptom, nausea.] Patient: There haven't been any. Clinician: [Even though the patient indicates none was present, the clinician would now use closed-ended questions to go through the symptoms in the gastrointestinal system not already addressed: appetite, weight, heartburn, abdominal pain, vomiting blood (hematernesis), bloody or black stools, constipation or diarrhea, dark urine or jaundice, and rectal pain or excessive gas. The clinician then shifts to general symptoms.] Clinician: You've told me a lot already about this, but how've you been feeling in general? [A focused open-ended question introduces a new area of inquiry, her general health. Information about appetite and weight will already have been obtained during the above inquiry about gastrointestinal symptoms.] Patient: Great, except all these things. Clinician: You've sure been through a lot. Any problem with fevers? Chills? Night sweats? Change in appetite? [The clinician continues to make empathic comments and asks some closed-ended questions about general health.] Patient: No. [Therefore, there is no problem with general health symptoms of fever, chills, appetite, or weight. Not included here, the clinician completes the general health questions from the ROS.] With experience, you will base the extent of this ROS upon clinical acumen, and it almost always can be considerably shortened; for example, an experienced clinician might be seriously considering a diagnosis of migraine and inquire only about "Have you ever had a stroke? Head injury? Recent fevers?, For beginning clinicians, however, systematically going through all the possibilities is the best way to learn them. Interpreting Data while Obtaining It: Testing Hypotheses about the Possible Disease Meaning of Symptoms-For More Advanced Clinicians From the gathering/describing technique described above, you now have a complete profile and chronology of symptoms. But, you have not interpreted or grouped them in a way that points to specific diseases that could cause them. Just recounting symptoms usually does not identify a disease. Nor have you
1.00 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING accounted for potentially significant symptoms in other systems. Inquiring about all symptoms outside the involved system is not feasible, would take too long, is intellectually unsound, and is boring. 2 After completing parts A and B of Step 6, more advanced clinicians should therefore add two additional parts: C-ask about relevant symptoms outside the body system involved in the HPI, and D-inquire about the presence or absence of relevant non-symptom data (secondary data) not yet introduced by the patient, before concluding with the third part, understand the patient's perspective. C: Ask about Relevant Symptoms Outside the Body S)stem Involved In the HPI Ask about symptoms outside the involved body system if they are pertinent to a diagnosis you are considering. For example, in a patient with advanced rheumatoid arthritis who is feeling fatigued, asking about gastrointestinal bleeding symptoms ("any black stools?"), while outside the musculoskeletal system, is still warranted if you suspect that gastrointestinal bleeding due to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy is causing the fatigue. In patients with more than one problem, you will need to inquire in multiple systems during the HPI. D: Inquire about the Presence or Absence of Relevant Non-Symptom Data (Secondary Data) Not Yet Introduced by the Patient It is important to know about any medications taken to relieve the symptom, diagnoses given for the symptom in the past, prior treatments, and clinician visits or hospital stays for the symptom. This is especially true for complementary and alternative medicine treatments. Research shows that patients, as a rule, will not volunteer information about complementary and alternative treatments, therefore you must ask specifically and concretely about their use and do so in a nonjudgmental way.6 Also, asking relevant questions about possible etiological explanations for the diagnoses being entertained may help narrow the differential diagnosis. For example, if pulmonary embolism is a concern, ask about recent long car rides or air travel; if lung cancer is a hypothesis, ask about cigarette smoking. How do you test hypotheses during the interview? Based on unique symptom(s) characteristics and secondary data suggesting one diagnosis over the others, and based on knowledge of what diseases are most common, you rank-order disease possibilities in your mind starting from the opening moments of the interview.z,s,7 Then, as noted earlier, seek additional diagnostic data (primary and secondary) to support the current best choice, almost always via extensive closed-ended questioning. If complete data have already been obtained descriptively, the new data will be largely outside the
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 1.01. involved system. If not supported, another disease hypothesis becomes the best choice ("next best choice") to explain the symptom(s) and you will similarly explore it. By following this process of testing multiple, ever-changing best hypotheses, you will eventually arrive at the best diagnostic possibility, the "current best hypothesis"-which is the best fit of our patient's primary data (and secondary, if available) with a known disease. It is common to start with one disease hypothesis (angina) and, based on symptom descriptors and associated symptoms, end with a quite different one (esophagitis). For example, because of substernal chest pain radiating into the arms, the clinician's first hypothesis was angina. But, s/he knew esophagitis also was a possible cause of chest pain radiating to the arms and asked about descriptors and other symptoms associated with this diagnosis and they were present (precipitation of pain by coffee or recumbence, relief by belching and antacids, poor appetite) and other descriptors expected with angina were not present (no relationship of pain to exertion, no dyspnea. or diaphoresis). When a hypothesis is well supported, it greatly enhances the probability that the corresponding diagnosis is present. A diagnosis can often be inferred from the history alone (e.g., angina) but sometimes additional data from the physical examination (e.g., elevated jugular venous pressure for a diagnosis of congestive heart failure) or the laboratory (e.g., low hemoglobin for a diagnosis of anemia) are needed before you can establish a diagnosis.2 The more knowledge and experience you gain the more facUe and efficient you will become in formulating the diagnosis and knowing the proper questions to ask in real time rather than in a subsequent interview. Nevertheless, virtually all beginning clinicians will find themselves fully synthesizing the diagnosis only after completing the interview, reading about the problem, talking again with the patient to clarify issues they overlooked, and discussing the problem with faculty and more senior team members. Although this vast topic of clinical diagnosis8 is outside the scope of this text, and you will study this material extensively during your clinical years of training, the process of clinical problem solving is illustrated in Table 5-2. The table shows how clinicians test hypotheses whUe obtaining the HPI. Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: Ever had problems with swelling or pains in your joints? [The Patient: clinician has the hypothesis that vasculitis might be causing headache and knows that this diagnosis is sometimes associated with arthritis. He is thus using closed-ended questions to inquire about specific primary data outside the system involved to support this hypothesis.] No.
• TABLE 5-2. An Example of Clinical Problem Solving Clinicians proceed, much as Sherlock Holmes? by first obtaining a few bits of presenting data (e.g., nonradiating chest pain, fever, acute shortness of breath, and a swollen left leg in a 70-year-old man) with which to generate the current best hypothesis (e.g., pulmonary embolus) and then ask specific questions (e.g., whether the patient has had hemoptysis) that would further support or detract from this hypothesis. 2 •7 •5 In this example, the clinician asks about hemoptysis, previously unmentioned by the patient, because her or his first hypothesis was pulmonary embolus and this symptom is pertinent to its diagnosis. Let us say that hemoptysis was not present but the clinician pursued the hypothesis further by inquiring if the leg swelling was recent or if there had been any long trips or immobility of the leg recently, common findings of some diagnostic value in pulmonary embolism. We'll suppose that symptoms began following a 12-hour car ride just 3 days ago and the clinician became more confident of pulmonary embolus as a possible diagnosis. Even though the diagnosis may be likely, the clinician tests alternative hypotheses-other diseases likely to be causing this patient's chest pain. For example, the advanced clinician also would consider questions supporting myocardial infarction (substernal location of pain, crushing or squeezing pain, diaphoresis), pneumonia (productive cough, chills), rib fracture (injury), pericarditis (pain relieved by sitting up and leaning forward, and aggravated by lying supine), lung cancer (weight loss, cigarette, or asbestos exposure), and a host of other possibilities as long as they reflected reasonable possible causes of the patient's chest pain and other symptoms. Notice that none of these symptoms had been mentioned previously by the patient, that the clinician introduced them with close-ended questions, that if left to a simple comprehensive questioning/descriptive approach and subsequent routine inquiry many would have been completely dissociated from the HPI (a history of chest trauma is usually asked about in the PMH and cigarette use is asked about in the SH), and that some may never have arisen without such hypothesis-driven inquiry (relief of pain by sitting up is not a routine question). The clinician in this case would of course proceed to obtain a complete history and physical examination and appropriate laboratory and imaging data to clarify her or his hypotheses and, hopefully, establish a diagnosis. Clinician: Ever had any dancing or bright, shimmering lights in your vision for a few minutes before the headache starts? [The clinician has learned that this symptom (scintillating scotomata) is of diagnostic value in migraine and is properly inquiring specifically about it to build support for the hypothesis of migraine headaches.] Patient: No. Clinician: Because these could be what we call vascular headaches, you know, like migraines, I want to ask you some specifics about that. Do you use birth control pills or other hormones? [The clinician is beginning to formulate diagnostic hypotheses about what has caused the headaches. He suspects migraine from the clinical story and his knowledge of headaches. Accordingly, it is appropriate to obtain additional supporting diagnostic data and, hence, the question about birth control pills, as these can
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 1.03 cause migraine headaches in some women. In addition, because head injuries also can cause headaches, the clinician will ask about that as an alternative hypothesis. Indeed, any possible causes that have been entertained could be further addressed in this way; for example, if the clinician were suspicious of meningitis from the story, perhaps because of intermittent fever and stiff neck, additional questions to support or refute that hypothesis would be in order: any rashes, sick contacts, or other exposure, and whatever else the clinician considered important in supporting a diagnosis of meningitis.] Patient: Yeah, I've been on them for the last 6 years. [The clinician would pursue the type, doses, and experience with this later in thePMH.] Clinician: Any family history of migraine? [Because this clinician knows that a positive family history supports the hypothesis of migraine, he includes these questions here rather than in the family history.] Patient: One of my aunts had what they called sick headaches when she was young but they all cleared up when she got a lot older. Clinician: By the way, have you ever had any head injuries? [The clinician is testing another non-migraine hypothesis for the headache.] Patient: No. Clinician: Have you ever been unconscious for any reason? Patient: No. Clinician: Any neck injuries or problems there? [Neck problems also can cause headaches and the clinician is exploring this hypothesis.] Patient: Nope. Understand the Patient's Perspective By this point, you have elicited a detailed description of the patient's symptom(s), performed a targeted ROS and, if you are an intermediate or advanced clinician, sought symptoms in relevant body systems and obtained pertinent non-symptom (secondary) data. Nevertheless, the patient's history of present illness is not complete until you have a good understanding of the patient's perspective on his/her illness. This is key to making an accurate diagnosis and being of the most help to the patient. Much of this information may have been elicited during Steps 3 and 4, particularly if you used indirect emotion-seeking skills in Step 4. The patient may also have related some of this data while answering your questions thus far in Step 6. Ask about each of the remaining areas now.
1.04 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Impact (Meanl~ of Illness on Self/Othets Ask, "How is this symptom affecting your life/work?'~ "How has it impacted your family/spouse/coworkers?" [How an illness affects the patient and his or her family is important psychosocial information and it can have practical implications, for example, need for home services.] Health Beliefs (See Also DocCom Module J9) Ask about the patient's "explanatory model" of illness, "What do you believe is causing your (symptom)?" because it is critical to understanding how the symptom is affecting the patient and what is important to her or him10; it can also give you an opportunity to correct misconceptions and address fears with an empathic response. It is useful to normalize this question by saying something like, "Many patients already have ideas about what's causing their problems so I ask this question of everyone. It really helps me help them." Occasionally, in eliciting a patient's belief or attribution s/he will say, "You're the clinician, you tell me!" Don't get flustered by this response. Calmly explain, "I find that it helps to share each of our perspectives so that we can come up with the best treatment plan for you:' Ifthe patient persists in saying that you're the clinician and it's your job, you can switch to a more cliniciancentered interviewing style, having learned about a strong patient preference at the same time. Trlggets for Seeking care Another indirect emotion-seeking skill which, if not asked about in Step 4, should be elicited here is to understand the reason(s) why the patient came at this time: "What made you decide to see me today for this (symptom)?" This often provides a window on the patient's personal life, important relationships, and health beliefs (e.g., a coworker with similar symptoms is recently told of a serious diagnosis, or a worried spouse insists that the patient seek care). Asking, "What else is going on in your life?" can uncover interpersonal crises or other sources of distress that can cause or amplify symptoms. 11 In the case of Ms. Jones, we learned in Steps 3 and 4 that her headache is related to her work and a bit about the impact on her relationship with her husband. The clinician now asks several questions to learn more about her perspective: Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: You mentioned that troubles with your boss might be causing your headaches. How has all this affected you and your family's lives? [Open-ended inquiry about the impact of the headaches on her and others' lives. This question could have been asked in
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 1.05 Step 4 (Chapter 3) as a way to "prime the pump" for personal context and as an indirect emotion-seeking skill if the patient had not spontaneously mentioned the personal context of her symptom story. Clinician-centered skills allow the clinician to take the lead like this to obtain necessary details about personal data.] Patient: It's been very disruptive. We were always quite happy and enjoyed things together. Even our love life has suffered. Clinician: Say more about that. Patient: For the past 3 months I just haven't been in the mood much. We used to make love a few times a week, now it seems like once every few weeks, and now the kids seem to get on my nerves all the time too. Things need to get settled down. The job; not just the headaches. I'm not sure I'll stay in this job if things don't change. Clinician: It's been a difficult time. I do think we can help with the headaches, but I don't know about your boss. [Interspersing a patient-centered intervention, here with naming and supporting statements, continues to be important. The clinician could pursue her sexual issues here, but there is also the opportunity to do so during the social history.] Patient: He's supposed to retire in 6 months. If the headache comes around, I can make it that long. Clinician: I know you think the headaches are from your boss, but any other ideas about why you might be getting them? [The clinician is leading and shifting away from her boss and probing for any other beliefs about why she is ill.] Patient: Well, I'm not really sure. At first, I thought it was just because of my boss but they have lasted a long time now, are more frequent and are getting worse. Clinician: Go on. Patient: I know it sounds silly but the past couple of days I've been worried that I might have a brain tumor or something. Clinician: I can appreciate why that thought would worry you. Thanks for sharing your concern. It really helps to know about it. We still have a lot of data to gather before coming to any conclusion but nothing you've told me so far makes me concerned about a brain tumor. I will keep your concern in mind and keep you as informed and up to date as possible. [The clinician offers respect and support.]
1.08 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Patient: It's a relief to know and it somehow feels less scary. Clinician: Good. Any other thoughts about what might be causing the headaches? Patient: Only punishment! I was raised with that always there. [Depending on the amount oftime available, the clinician could use patient-centered interviewing skills and explore this, allowing Ms. Jones' ideas to lead. On the other hand, it is not current and she is exhibiting no distress so that it also can comfortably be left until another time as the clinician does here. If it seemed relevant, the clinician could pursue any triggers for making the appointment now, but he seems to have gotten a good idea of her perspective on this illness.] Clinician: That's an important piece of information that I'll want to come back to later or the next time I see you. Right now, I need to ask you some other questions about your colitis, cough, and your past health issues, if you feel finished talking about the headache. Anything else we need to cover, before we go on? [It continues to be important to note transitions, check if the patient is finished, and see if she has anything further to add to the topic at hand.] Patient: That's fine. You've covered everything, I think. [This evaluation shows how a novice clinician first obtains data in the involved system to help develop hypotheses, then tests the hypotheses with selective questions designed to support or refute them, and wraps up with understanding her perspective. Not shown here because of space constraints, the clinician now learns about the patient's other active problems (OAP): her recent cough and her colitis. The write-up in Appendix D presents this information.] Procedural Issues When the patient presents more than one concern, you will need to evaluate each one in much the same way. For example, Ms. Jones also had colitis and a recent cough. These now could be systematically explored. If these are not currently active health problems, though, they can be explored instead as part of the PMH (Step 7), in less depth. And when not contributing to current problems, as in Ms. Jones' situation, they are included in the PMH portion of the written report. When they are contributing to the patient's current problems, they are included as OAP at the end of the HPI. This is a lot to assimilate, and it will require much practice before you feel competent and confident interacting with patients. Review the demonstration
• TABLE 5-3. To Minimize Bias from Closed-Ended Questioning 1. Listen actively-When the patient responds, listen to what she or he says and how she or he says it, rather than thinking about what question to ask next. 2. Proceed from general to specific-Start with an open-ended question in each major area and then "cone down" with closed-ended questions. ("Other than this chest pain, how is your health? Do you have any medical problems?", "How about high blood pressure?", "High cholesterol?", etc.) 3. Pursue details-For example, dosage of medications, how often they are meant to be taken, how often the patient actually takes them, barriers to taking them, side effects. 4. Use single questions-Avoid "Have you ever had headaches, fainting, loss of vision, blurred vision, poor memory, or a stroke?" Rather ask, "Have you ever had headaches?" 5. Orient the patient with transitional statements between sections-For example, "Now I'd like to shift and ask you some questions about your family's health, because some diseases can run in families." 6. Avoid negatively worded questions: "You're not coughing up blood?" 7. Don't suggest a response by the way the question is framed-Avoid "Do you feel the pain in your left arm when you get it in your chest?" or "You don't smoke, do you?" 8. Give equal weight to alternative answers-Ask "It sounds like there is some pain when you exert yourself, but what about when you're not exerting?" 9. Don't interpret data while collecting it-Avoid "Must be hemorrhoids. Ever had any nausea or vomiting?" 10. Give balanced attention to all aspects-Advise, "We've talked a lot about your constipation, but not much yet about the chest pain." 11. Don't confuse the patient with rapid shifts or technical languagejjargon-Avoid "Did they do an ERCP or another endoscopy?" "Were any lesions found?", or "Have you had an Ml before?" 12. Encourage questions. 13. Check patient's understanding. 14. Summarize-At the end of section or end of interview.
1.08 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING information into the conversation where necessary. This is especially helpful in testing hypotheses; for example, in a patient with a chronic cough, it is perfectly appropriate to introduce these thoughts if the patient hasn't mentioned them: "'Are you a cigarette smoker?': "'Have you lost weight?': or "'Have you ever been tested for TB?" The HPI/OAP concludes when you have addressed all the patient's presenting symptoms. At this point you will, after some experience, understand the problem and have the best possible disease explanation in mind, if not the actual diagnosis. This will determine what corroborating data to look for on the physical exam and in the laboratory evaluation. You will also more fully recognize the close interaction of symptoms and secondary data with the personal data obtained in the beginning of the interview. At this time, you will make a statement about changing the conversation to some topics "'we haven't yet talked about, such as your past health issues," as the clinician did with Ms. Jones earlier, inquiring if she thought her story has been completely discussed, summarizing, and asking if there was anything further to add. Addressing a Predominantly Psychological Problem In patients with psychiatric diseases or other serious psychological problems, the personal contextual data you obtained during the beginning of the interview usually are not sufficient for complete evaluation. Steps 1 to 5 are just the beginning. In Step 6, you pin down details about the psychological problem, just as you would with a physical symptom. Elicit the patient's symptoms and test hypotheses about the underlying diagnosis by selectively testing different diagnostic possibilities. For example, a patient's depression may have become apparent during Steps 1 to 5, but it now is your task to explore its possible disease causes, potential complications, and treatment options. Using open-ended inquiry and "coning-down" to closed-ended questions you differentiate, for example, major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, medication side-effects, and medical diseases as causes of depression. You will gain much more experience with the medical interview questions needed to diagnose both medical and psychiatric diseases during your clinical clerkships, but we use depression as an example here, because depressed mood can be a normal emotion or a symptom of a psychiatric disorder. One psychiatric diagnosis called major depressive disorder is prevalent, so we screen for it by asking two questions 12: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by: 1. Having little interest or pleasure in doing things? 2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 1.09 If the patient answers, "more than half the days" or "nearly every day" to one or both questions, the sensitivity to rule in the diagnosis of depression is 83% and the specificity is 90%. In this case you would follow-up with seven more questions to confirm the diagnosis. The patient needs to answer "more than half the days" or "nearly every day" to a total of at least five of the nine questions (the two screening questions and the seven follow-up questions) to meet diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder. 13 These questions are: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by: Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much? Feeling tired or having little energy? Poor appetite or overeating? Feeling bad about yourself-or that you are a failure or let your family down? 7. Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television? 8. Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed, or the opposite-being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual? 9. Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way? 3. 4. 5. 6. Many medical patients are like Ms. Jones and have no apparent overriding psychological problem or diagnosis. That may surprise you after everything we have heard about Ms. Jones' job stresses and interpersonal conflicts. While it is important for you to understand your patients at this level, life stresses such as these are not necessarily symptoms of a psychiatric disease. Indeed, these types of problems occur in everyone's personal lives and are not outside the realm of normal. Simply feeling heard and understood by a caring person is often enough to help. Indeed, some patients express, "I feel better just having come to see you!" You will gather additional personal details for patients like Ms. Jones in the SH (Step 8). General Comments about the Remainder of the Interview You now have completed the most important part of the middle of the interview. Step 6 is where you will spend most of your time. The remaining steps (Steps 7-10) are very straightforward, consisting of lists of questions on various topics you ask one by one. In many practice settings, patients complete a questionnaire beforehand and the clinician uses it to efficiently guide this part of the interview. While continuing to be on the lookout for clues to hypotheses, most hypothesis testing should have been completed. You will note that the questions are extensive and to completely ask and answer all of them could literally take several hours! We present all of this
1.1.0 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING material in order to provide you with an idea of the magnitude of potentially important information about the patient and what may be necessary to understand her/him fully. Note that the experienced clinician rarely obtains all of this information, certainly not at one sitting; pertinent but nonurgent information often is obtained over many visits. Information in Steps 7 to 10 is gathered selectively according to the individual patient's needs. As you proceed through these steps, consider which might be more important in, for example, older patients, women, men, children, crisis situations, and high-risk patients. As a beginning clinician, you should initially obtain complete information in all areas as a way of learning the categories and beginning to appreciate the rich diversity of your patients. When you have learned and memorized all the categories you should become more selective also. While much of the information in Steps 7 to 10 is quite routine, continue to watch your patient's response, particularly fatigue and impatience with a long process. Periodically ask how the patient is responding to the interview itself. It can be tiring and you may need to ask if the patient needs a break or if it would be appropriate to continue at a later time. At the other extreme, while these may appear to be very standard questions, they often strike an emotional chord in patients and you may need to return to patient-centered inquiry, particularly empathy skills (NURS); for example, when asking a spouse's age, the patient becomes sad because of a recent divorce. It is also essential in this more routine part of the history to maintain the respectful, patient-centered atmosphere you have previously established and not become hurried. Finally, normalize the situation by telling patients that the questions you are asking are indeed customary and asked of all patients; for example, a patient might get insulted when asked about drug use or sexual practices if you do not explain the reason for asking. • PAST MEDICAL HISTORY (STEP 7) In the past medical history (PMH), you elicit information about significant past medical events unrelated to HPI/OAP. Events occurring in the past that are related to the HPI/OAP, however, are elicited as part of the HPI/OAP. For instance, in a patient presenting with chest pain, the prior history of myocardial infarction usually is obtained in the HPI rather than the PMH; it would also be reported there in the written and oral presentation of the history and physical (Hand P). Similarly, because of the close association of diabetes and coronary artery disease, if this patient also were a diabetic of 20-years duration, this fact would be elicited and recorded in the HPI. On the other hand, if the same patient presented with diverticulitis or hip fracture, the cardiovascular history would be obtained and presented in the PMH as long as it was
• TABLE 5-4. Past Medical History (Step 7) • Inquire about general state of health and past illnesses o Childhood: measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, scarlet fever, and rheumatic fever o Adult: hypertension, heart attack, stroke, heart murmur, other heart disease, diabetes, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, cancer, major treatments in the past (blood transfusions, steroid treatments, anticoagulation), and visits to healthcare providers during the last year • Inquire about past injuries, accidents, psychological problems, unexplained problems, procedures, tests, psychotherapy • Elicit past hospitalizations (medical, surgical, obstetric, rehabilitation, and psychiatric) • Review the patient's immunization history o Childhood: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis B, tetanus/pertussis/diphtheria, human papilloma virus, influenza, meningococcal, varicella, Haemophilus influenzae type B, rotavirus o Adult: diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis boosters, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, influenza, pneumococcal pneumonia, herpes zoster • Inquire about status of age-appropriate preventive screening • Obtain the female patient's women's health history o Age of menarche, cycle length, length of menstrual flow, number of tampons/pads used per day o Number of pregnancies, complications; number of live births, spontaneous vaginal deliveries;cesarean section; number of spontaneous and therapeutic abortions o Age of menopause • List current medications, including dose and route o Ask specifically about inhalers, over-the-counter medicines, alternative remedies, oral contraceptives, vitamins, laxatives • Review allergies o Environmental, medications, foods o Ensure that medication "allergies" are not actually expected side effects or nonallergic adverse reactions
1.1.2 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING understanding of diagnoses or interpretations of treatments. Follow the already described procedure: convert concerns to symptoms from the ROS and refine them with the symptom descriptors, and then organize relevant primary data (symptoms) and secondary data (doctor visits, hospitalizations, tests) into chronologie sequence. For PMH problems with little significance to present health (appendectomy or tonsillectomy many years ago), little detail is needed other than getting the patient's version of diagnosis, complications, and statement that there have been no subsequent problems. Indeed, time constraints and patients' comfort discourage acquiring unnecessary data, such as the details of an uncomplicated appendectomy 30 years earlier. As listed in Table 5-4, identify significant past problems by inquiring in the following areas. Screen for MaJor Diseases Screen for problems that might not yet have been identified. Begin with childhood illnesses by asking "Tell me about any illness you had as a child." Then inquire about specific childhood illnesses (e.g., measles, mumps, German measles, chickenpox). Continue with adult illnesses by asking, "Other than (chief concern), how is your health? What significant illnesses have you had?~ followed by specific inquiry about common adult illnesses (hypertension, heart attack, stroke, heart murmur, other heart disease, diabetes, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, cancer), blood transfusions, and visits to healthcare providers during the last year. Similarly, ask about prior treatment, such as cortisone, insulin, blood transfusions, and anticoagulants, that suggests serious problems. Other Medical, Surgical, or Psychological Problems Inquire about injuries, accidents, visits to the emergency room, illnesses requiring several visits, unexplained problems, procedures, tests, psychological problems, and psychotherapy. Hospitalizations Hospitalizations may identify the most serious problems patients have experienced: surgical, medical, psychiatric, obstetric, rehabilitation, and any other type. The more recent and the more serious a hospitalization, the more data are required, sometimes more extensive than the HPI; for example, in a patient who is admitted with a hip fracture as the primary problem but who had a history of three heart attacks, you would need to elicit extensive details
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 1.1.3 of all primary and secondary cardiovascular data in order to assess the safety of planned hip surgery. Hospitalizations usually are presented in chronological order. Immunizations Ask about childhood (measles, mumps, rubella, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis B, tetanus/pertussis/diphtheria, HPV, varicella, meningococcal, rotavirus) and adult (diphtheria booster, tetanus boosters, measles/ mumps/rubella boosters, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, influenza, pneumococcal, herpes zoster, meningococcal) immunizations. The most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccination recommendations can be found at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/index.html. Screening There are a number of recommended health-screening procedures (varying by age, circumstance, and gender) that you will want to ensure are up to date. These might include screening for tuberculosis, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cervical cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, etc. Screening recommendations change as new knowledge is discovered. You can find the latest US Preventive Services Task Force health screening recommendations applicable to your patient at http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/pocketgd.htm. Women's Health History Essential information to obtain from women and girls about menses is age at onset ("How old were you when you had your first period?,), cycle length ("How often do you get your period?"), duration ("How long does your period last?"), discomfort or pain with menses, number of pads or tampons daily. and age at menopause. Use of contraceptives, including birth control pills or other hormonal preparations also is sometimes elicited here ("Do you or your partner[s] use birth control? What type? How often?"). The sexual history. sexually transmitted infection history. and intimate partner violence questions found in the SH can be asked here in the PMH if you prefer. The obstetric history includes number of pregnancies ("Have you ever been pregnant?" How many times?"), deliveries of living children and their outcome, other deliveries and reason for adverse outcome, any complications of pregnancy. spontaneous abortions ("Have you had any miscarriages?"), and induced abortions. You can elicit breast-feeding history and problems here. The women's health history often is elicited and reported as part of the HPI when genitourinary problems are the focus. Many women's health questions are also
1.1.4 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING found in the ROS because some clinicians ask about women's health history there instead of in the PMH or SH. You will learn from your teachers which section you are expected to record and report the women's health history in. Medications and Other Treatments List all prescribed and other medications with dose, duration of use, reason for use, and any adverse reactions. Also obtain a listing of medications used during the last year but which are not presently being taken. Specific inquiry about agents sometimes not considered to be medications is necessary as well: inhalers, eye drops, laxatives, tonics, hormones, birth control pills, patches, and vitamins. Inquire about agents obtained over-the-counter, from alternative healers, or from other sources such as a friend. In order to identify all the patient's medicines, you may need to contact the pharmacy or ask the patient to bring in the actual medications so that they can be definitively identified, particularly when all the patient knows is that "I'm taking a brown pill for my circulation:' Sometimes it helps to consult an online resource such as Pillbox from the National Library of Medicine (http://pillbox.nlm.nih.gov/), which allows for rapid identification ofpills based on color, shape, and size. Ask about non-pharmacologic forms of treatment, whether administered by self or others, including physical therapy, massage, biofeedback, relaxation techniques, yoga, acupuncture, psychotherapy of any type (e.g., individual, group), diet, and exercise. Specifically inquire about complementary and alternative treatment (e.g., homeopathy, herbal medicine, chiropractic) since these often are not mentioned out of embarrassment or fear of disapproval by the clinician.14 Allergies and Drug Reactions If not already ascertained, ask about asthma, hay fever, hives, and atopic eczema because they are common allergic disorders and these patients also may be more sensitive to certain medications (e.g., aspirin in asthmatics). Drug reactions can be allergic/immunological (rash due to penicillin) or non-immunological (candida vaginitis due to an antibiotic). Patients seldom make this distinction but you must because true allergic reactions usually preclude subsequent use of the medication while alterations in dosage and frequency can sometimes allow continued use following a nonallergic drug reaction. List all allergic or other drug reactions, dose and duration of use of the agent, specific symptoms (e.g., hives, anaphylaxis, rash) and secondary data (e.g., desensitization, skin tests, cortisone), recurrence, history of reexposure, and final outcome. We now pick up again with Ms. Jones.
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 1.:1.5 Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: Other than the headaches and colitis, how is your health? [A good way to start the PMH with an open-ended question.] Patient: Fine. Clinician: I'm going to ask you about some specific diseases now and just tell me if you've ever had them. By the way, these are routine questions; I'm not asking because I suspect something. [Instructions and a normalizing statement] Clinician/ Rheumatic fever (no), scarlet fever (no), diabetes (no), TB (no), Patient: cancer (no), stroke (no), heart attack (no), or any other diseases (no). [The clinician begins the PMH by screening for major diseases. In a series of questions like this is, ask each one individually and give the patient sufficient time for an answer; the patient should not feel pressured nor should a string of questions be asked at once. It is important throughout to be sensitive to the patient's response to all inquiry and to respond to questions. In particular, it almost always helps to reassure the patient that items being inquired about are routine and that you have not noticed something to make her or him suspicious.] Clinician/ Besides the cortisone for your colitis, I'm going to ask you a Patient: lot more specifics now about major treatments you might ever have had: blood transfusions (no), insulin (no), or anticoagulants (no). [This is an additional way of screening for any major problems not yet mentioned.] Clinician: Any visits to your doctor during the last year or so for anything we haven't covered? Patient: Well, I did have a bladder infection once and got some medicine for it. Clinician: How was it diagnosed? [The clinician is not taking her word for the diagnosis (secondary data) and wants to know more.] Patient: Oh, my doctor did a urine test and gave me an antibiotic. With the medicine it was gone in about 2 days, but I took the medicine for a week. Clinician: Any tests done, like X-rays or cultures of the urine? Patient: No. Clinician: Ever had this before? Patient: Nope, it didn't amount to much. [The clinician has established the chronology of what sounds like an uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection. This is a very simple and straightforward problem, but the clinician would evaluate each PMH
1.:1.8 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING problem that might be significant to the patient's present health in a similar fashion.] Clinician: Any other problems you've seen your doctor or anyone else for? Patient: No. Clinician: Tell me about any hospitalizations you've had, you know, other than that time for the colitis. [Although not recounted in the HPI/OAP or PMH, for space considerations, the clinician already has addressed Ms. Jones' cough and colitis; the results of this inquiry are given in the write-up of the history in Appendix D.] Patient: I had my tonsils out as a kid. Clinician: Any other hospitalizations? [The clinician might have asked about any complications or subsequent problems.] Patient: Well, I did break my arm once in high school and they had to set it. Clinician: How's that been since? Any problem? [It would be important to know how it was broken.] Patient: No, it's just fme. I play tennis and have no trouble. Clinician/ Other hospitalizations (no), injuries (no), accidents (no), Patient: or sickness (no)? [These questions are asked and answered individually.] Clinician: Didn't you mention having kids? Patient: Oh, yeah. I forgot! They're six and eight. But I had no trouble delivering [This sounds uncomplicated at this point, and the clinician will get the details of the menstrual and obstetric history at the end of the PMH although it could just as easily be done now.] Clinician: OK. If there's nothing else, I'd like to shift and find out about any medications you take, and some other things. [A good openended and orienting start into this new area. Because of space constraints, we'll simply summarize the clinician's findings about Ms. Jones: Except for the birth control pill and aspirin with the headaches (detailed doses and other data obtained), she is taking no medications or other treatments from either prescribed or other sources. Her history of prednisone use is reviewed. She has no allergic diseases and there is no history of adverse reactions to any drugs or other substances. She had her "baby shots" years ago and had a tetanus shot 2 years ago when she punctured her hand with a nail. Her women's health history reveals that she has Pap smears every 3 years and performs breast
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 1.1.7 self-examination about a week after each menstrual period. She has not had any sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis, HIY, chlamydia, abnormal Pap smears (caused by human papilloma virus-HPV), genital warts, or hepatitis. The remainder of her women's health history is recounted in the write-up in Appendix D.] • SOCIAL HISTORY (STEP 8) Also called the psychosocial history, the psychosocial ROS, or the patient profile, the social history (SH) is where you learn about the patient's behaviors and other personal factors that may impact disease risk, severity, and outcome; it also helps you to get to know the patient better. The routine information obtained here compliments, and should not be confused with, the rich psychosocial data that you obtain in Steps 3 and 4. As with other parts of the history, you may uncover aspects of the SH during different parts of the encounter. Regardless of where in the history you obtain the data, when you do an oral or written case presentation, you will place those parts of the SH not involved in diagnosing the chief concern under the heading social history, to help organize the information. Start with a transition statement ("Now l(:llike to ask you some questions about your life and things you do to stay healthy") and initiate each major SH area in Table 5-5 with a focused open-ended request or question ("Can you tell me about your work?"), then follow-up with enough closed-ended questions to get the necessary details. Because the SH addresses many sensitive areas, be especially careful to be patient, courteous, nonjudgmental, and understanding as a way of ensuring continuation of the patient-centered atmosphere. Patients often are reassured when you state that the questions are routine and asked of everyone. Address tension-laden areas delicately with considerable use of open-ended and empathy skills; you may need to use patient-centered interviewing skills if significant issues or emotions develop, or if a previously reticent patient begins to open up. It is not uncommon to go back and forth between patient-centered and clinician-centered skills many times. The interviewing strategy for obtaining very sensitive information, such as sexual or drug use history, is expanded upon in Chapter 7. The list of potential topics of inquiry in the SH is extensive and may not seem relevant to the reason the patient is seeking healthcare. However, understanding these aspects of the patient's life can aid you in diagnosing the chief concern, helping the patient recuperate after hospital discharge, and keeping the patient healthy by addressing harmful behaviors. As you gain experience, you will learn which questions are most important to ask for a particular
• TABLE 5-5. Social History (Step 8) 8 Occupation Workplace Level of responsibility Daily routine and schedule Health hazards Occupational exposures Work stress Financial stress Satisfaction Health promotion Diet Physical actlvltyjexerclse history Functional status Dressing Bathing Feeding Transferring Walking Shopping Using the toilet Using the telephone Cooking Cleaning Driving Taking medication Managing finance Cognitive function Extent of interference with normal life Safety Seat belt use Safety helmet use Smoke detectors in home Toxins at work and home Safe gun storage Health screening Cervical cancer Breast cancer Prostate cancer Colon cancer Lipids Hypertension Diabetes HIV Sexually transmitted infections Tuberculosis Glaucoma Dental Self-examination Exposures Pets Travel Illness at home, in the workplace Sexually transmitted infections Substance use Caffeine Tobacco Forms Pack-years Alcohol Type and amount consumed at 1 time/daily/weekly "CAGE" questions Drugs "Recreational" or "street" drugs Illicit use of prescription drugs Personal Living arrangement (with whom, how are things at home?) Personal relationships and support systems (Who do you count on? How have people responded to your Illness?) Sexuality Orientation Practices Difficulty Intimate partner violence/abuse Life stress Mood Spirituality/religion Faith Importance Community Address Health literacy Hobbies, recreation Important life experiences Upbringing and family relationships Schooling Major losses/adversity Military service Financial situation Aging Retirement Life satisfaction End-of-life planning Cultural/ethnic background Legal Issues Living will or advance directives Power of attorney Emergency contact "Items in bold should be asked about in most new patient encounters: they have high yield for risk factor modification, assist in building the doctor-patient relationship, and/or are important to patients but rarely brought up by them. Ask about other items as time allows and as indicated by the patient's symptom(s).
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 1.1.9 patient encounter. The bold items in Table 5-5 should be addressed in most encounters; these topics will identify targets for risk factor modification and assist in building the clinician-patient relationship. These issues, although rarely brought up by patients, should be discussed openly and in a nonjudgrnental fashion to both garner trust and obtain accurate information. You may need to obtain this type of information over multiple encounters with the patient. Ask about the unbolded items in Table 5-5 if time allows or when directed by the patient's illness. For example, you would ask about travel and pets if the patient presented with acute fever. We recommend that you begin with less sensitive topics first. generally following the order listed in Table 5-5. Make a transition statement between topics and assure the patient that you ask these questions of all your patients. Recommended questions for some important topics are listed in the following sections, followed by the rationale [in brackets]. Occupation Ask, "Do you work outside the horne? Tell me about your work. How long have you done this work? What other jobs have you had? Have you ever been exposed to fumes, dust, radiation, or loud noise at work? Do you think your work or environment is affecting your symptoms now?" If so, ask, "Do your symptoms improve away from work?" and "Are others at work having similar symptoms? Tell me about stress at work." Ifthe patient does not work outside the horne, ask what a typical day is like. [A patient's occupation can affect health through toxic exposures, injuries, and stress. 15 For example, auto body workers can develop asthma, woodworkers have an increased incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinomas, and clinicians can be exposed to tuberculosis, HIV, and viral hepatitis.] Health Promotion Diet (See Also DocCom Module 2518) Ask for a 24-hour dietary recall, "Tell me what you've eaten in the past 24 hours, starting with just before you came here and working backward." Avoid asking, "Tell me about your diet," because for some patients a "diet" is something one goes on to lose weight. A 24-hour dietary recall (assuming the day is typical) gives you a more accurate understanding of actual dietary practices than asking about what the patient eats on an average day. Screen for bulimia by asking, "Are you satisfied with your eating habits?" If the patient answers no, then follow-up with, "Do you ever eat in secret?"17
1.20 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Depending on the clinical scenario, you may need to explore some additional areas: • Sodium: Reducing sodium can decrease blood pressure as much as starting a medication, and it can relieve heart failure symptoms, so ask about salt use in patients with hypertension and congestive heart failure. Does the patient add salt during cooking and/or at the table? Ask about hidden sodium, found in prepared foods such as cold cuts, bacon, ham, canned soups and vegetables, and in restaurant meals. • Fat: Dietary animal and hydrogenated fat intake can significantly affect heart disease risk Inquire about intake of dairy products, eggs, red meat, and organ meats. • Caffeine: Can cause nervousness, tremor, palpitations, eyelid twitching, and insomnia. Ask about intake of caffeinated beverages (e.g., coffee, tea, cola, Mountain Dew, energy drinks) and caffeine pills (e.g., No-Doz). • Fiber: Low-fiber diet can lead to constipation, hemorrhoids, and diverticulosis. • Dairy products: For patients who might have lactose intolerance. • Wheat: For patients who might have celiac disease. [Understanding your patient's dietary choices and relationship to food is important because of the increasing incidence of obesity and eating disorders. Diet also plays an important role in many common diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. Symptoms can also be caused by foods, such as diarrhea and bloating in patients with lactose intolerance after consuming dairy products, and in patients with celiac disease who eat wheat. Malnutrition can exist even if the patient is obese.] Exercise (See Also DocCom Module 2518) Ask, "Tell me what you do for physical activity or exercise:' [A sedentary lifestyle contributes to many illnesses including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. The US Department of Health and Human Services in its 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (www.health. gov/paguidelines) recommends that adults get at least 2 1;2 hours per week of moderate intensity, or 1 hour and 15 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. It also recommends that adults should do muscle-strengthening activities that are moderate or high intensity and involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week. Understanding the details of a patient's exercise and physical activity can allow you to counsel the patient appropriately.]
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING :12:1 Safety Say, "Now I want to ask you about some personal safety issues. Do you wear seat belts? How often? Do you use a bicycle helmet? How often? Do you ride a motorcycle? (If so) Do you wear a helmet? How often? Do you have smoke detectors in your home? How often do you change the batteries? Can children get at medications or toxic substances like cleaning products? Is there a gun in your home? (If so) How is it stored?" [Asking patients about their day-to-day safety practices provides an opportunity for counseling that may be lifesaving. 18' 19 For example, in recent years about 60% of the approximately 30,000 annual fatal motor vehicle accidents have been due to failure to use seat belts. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that seat belt use saves about 13,000 lives a year. Accidents are the leading cause of death of young adults. If a clinician can convince a healthy young patient to use a seat belt, it is possible to have more impact on that patient's lifespan than any other medical intervention. It may be advantageous to reinforce the fact that seat belt use saves thousands of lives every year. Bicycle helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 85%; motorcycle helmet use reduces the risk of fatal head injury by 27%. 19 Ensuring that firearms in the home are safely handled and stored may reduce the risk of homicide or suicide: homicide risk has an odds ratio of2.7, and suicide risk has an odds ratio of4.8 in households with handguns compared to households without a handgun.18,2°-23 Smoke detectors reduce the risk of death from residential fires by 80%.18] Substance Use (See Also DocCom Modules .24,24 .29,25 and 3()26) Ask about tobacco use, including forms of tobacco (e.g., pipe, snuff, chewing tobacco) and number of pack-years for cigarette use (packs smoked per day multiplied by number of years of smoking, e.g., smoked 2 packages of cigarettes daily for 8 years= 16 pack-years). Determine whether the patient consumes alcohol and whether it may be a health problem. Ask "'Do you drink alcohol, including beer, wine, and hard liquor? How much alcohol do you drink? Has alcohol ever been a problem in your life? When was your last drink?" A response of "'less than 24 hours ago, to this last question has a positive predictive value of 68% and a negative predictive value of98% for alcohol abuse.27 Then, you can follow-up with the "'CAGE" questions28.29: "'Have you ever: • • • • felt the need to Cut down on your drinking? felt Annoyed by criticism of your drinking? had Guilty feelings about your drinking? taken a morning Eye opener?"
1.22 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING An affirmative answer to two or more has a sensitivity and specificity of >90% for alcohol dependence.27 Determine whether the patient uses or abuses either "'street'' drugs or prescription drugs, and quantify the amount. Also determine if the patient shares drug equipment, such as needles and straws. Prescription drug abuse is now the most common form of drug abuse. 30- 33 Patients often minimize their use of drugs or alcohoL in an attempt to delude themselves rather than hide the truth from you. Maintain a respectful and nonjudgmental approach in order to win the patient's trust. You might ask if the patient has had problems from using addicting substances (divorce, job loss, delirium tremens with alcohol withdrawal, emphysema from cigarettes), attempted to quit or decrease the habit; whether s/he was successful in stopping before and if not, why not; and if s/he is interested in getting help to quit. As welL ask about problems with the legal system, and with other substance abuse problems in the patient's life. Finally, particularly with drug and alcohol abuse, be alert for psychiatric issues that commonly co-exist with these problems, such as anxiety and depression. You will often find that, when alcohol or drug abuse exists, it often relates to the major problem the patient has and almost always has a significant impact on the patient's health. In such cases, you will present this information in the HPI, even if you obtain it as part of the SH. Examples include a patient who presents with chest pain suggesting angina and also a history suggesting alcoholism, or a patient who presents with progressive shortness ofbreath who also has a 40 pack-year smoking history. Personal Living Attangement and Personal Relationships A good way to inquire about home life is to ask, "How are things at horne? Does anyone else live at home with you? Tell me about him or her~ "Tell me about your support systems in your life. Who do you count on?" [Most beginning clinicians are uncomfortable inquiring about patients' personal lives. It can feel intrusive or voyeuristic to ask intimate questions about a stranger's private life. This is understandable. It is helpful to keep in mind some of the reasons you are asking these questions. As a clinician, you are interested in public health issues such as the spread of communicable diseases; you are also interested in patient safety, including falls and intimate partner violence; risky behaviors such as unprotected sex; inherited and inheritable genetic diseases; etc. As a beginning clinician, you may not feel that you can do anything helpful with the information you have gotten. Once you are on clinical rotations, you will be a key member of the team caring for the patient and the history you obtain may be the most important and complete one the patient will undergo.
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING :123 For example, knowing a patient's personal relationships allows the team to know who to contact and when it is time to discharge the patient, the team will know the potential support systems (or lack thereof)-this may mean the difference between sending the patient home, arranging for visiting nurse, or sending the patient to a rehabilitation center. Regardless of your clinical level, be honest with patients that you are learning about medical interviewing; most patients will be very willing to help you learn by answering all your questions. In fact, your encounter with the patient may be the high point of the patient's otherwise boring day.] Sexuality (See Also DocCom Module Uf4) A transition statement such as, "In order to provide healthcare that is right for you, it is helpful for me to understand your lifestyle" may provide a comfortable segue into asking about sexuality.35 Also, stating that "these are questions I ask all of my adult patients" may be helpful. After the transition, the following questions can then be asked: • • • • • • • • "Is there someone special in your life? Are you and this person having sex?" "Are there any other sexual relationships that I should know about?" "Do you have sex with men, women, or both?" "Do you have sex with people who might be at risk for having sexually transmitted diseases or HIV (intravenous drug users, cocaine users, prostitutes, unknown partners or gay or bisexual men)? (For persons having sex with men) "Are you using condoms to prevent disease? What percent of the time?'' (For women) "Do you have a need to discuss birth control?, Have you ever had a Pap smear? When was your last one? What were the results? Have you ever had an abnormal Pap smear? Have you ever had a biopsy or other procedure on your cervix because of an abnormal Pap smear?" "Have you ever had gonorrhea? Syphilis? HIV? Chlamydia? Herpes? HPV? Genital warts? Hepatitis?" "Do you have any other questions or concerns about sex? I'm happy to discuss any concerns you have." To detect sexual problems, ask: • "Have you noticed any recent changes or problems with your sexual functioning?" • Men: "Do you have any problems having or maintaining an erection? Any trouble having an orgasm?" • Women: "Do you have pain during intercourse? Any problems with lubrication or becoming aroused? Do you have difficulty having an orgasm?" • "Has your illness affected your sexual functioning?"
1.24 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING [Do not make assumptions about a patient's sexual orientation or practices and do not assume that orientation determines practices. For example, some men who have sex with men do not consider themselves to be gay or bisexual. Avoid questions such as "'Are you married or single?'' or (to a woman), "Do you have a boyfriend?" Gender-neutral language (e.g., "partner") communicates to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender patients that it is safe for them to be themselves with you. 36 Seek to understand both a patient's sexual orientation and the sexual activities slhe engages in. This will allow you to screen appropriately for sexually transmitted infections, give relevant health education, and provide personalized healthcare. For example, gay and lesbian patients receive less preventive care than heterosexual patients, primarily because of dissatisfaction with the clinician-patient relationship.37 Also, gay and lesbian teens are six times more likely to attempt or commit suicide than the national average.38 A trusting relationship with the clinician may help establish safety and uncover and respond to extreme distress and suicidal thoughts. It can be helpful to explore issues of gender identity with a screening question, such as, "'Because so many people are impacted by gender issues, I have begun to ask everyone if they have any concerns about their gender. Anything you say about gender issues will be kept confidential. Ifthis topic isn't relevant to you, tell me and I'll move on:'39 As with the rest of the medical interview, tailor questions to the particular encounter. For example, it would not be appropriate to take a detailed sexual history from a person in acute congestive heart failure in a crowded emergency department. Once the patient is stabilized and in a more private setting, you could return to these questions as indicated.] Intimate Partner VIolence/Abuse (See Also DocCom Module 2~ 0) One in three women and one in four men have been physically abused by an intimate partner; one in five women and one in seven men have been severely physically abused by an intimate partner.41 Although it may feel uncomfortable, you must learn to sensitively inquire about intimate partner violence, since patients are unlikely to broach this important issue themselves.42 One suggested approach43 is "Have you ever been hit, slapped, kicked, or otherwise physically hurt by someone?~ "Has anyone ever forced you to have sexual activities?" If the patient answers yes to either question, learn more about the situation, using open-ended questions. You can then follow-up with the "SAFE" questions44: • Stress/Safety: "What stress do you experience in your relationships? Do you feel safe in your relationships/marriage? Should I be concerned for your safety?"
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING :125 • Afraid/Abused: "Are there situations in your relationships where you have felt afraid?" "Has your partner ever threatened or abused you or your children?" "'Have you been physically hurt or threatened by your partner?" "'Are you in a relationship like that now?" "Has your partner forced you to engage in sexual activity that you did not want?" "People in relationships/ marriages often fight; what happens when you and your partner disagree?, • Friends/Family: "Are your.friends, parents, or siblings aware that you have been hurt?" "'Do you think you could tell them, and do you think they would be able to give you support?" (Assess the degree of social isolation.) • Emergency plan: "Do you have a safe place to go and the resources you (and your children) need in an emergency?" "If you are in danger now, would you like help in locating a shelter?" "Would you like to talk with a social worker/counselor/me to develop an emergency plan?" Stress Stress is ubiquitous in life. Unmanaged, it can negatively affect mental and physical health through chronic activation of the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal axis and suppression of the immune system.45 If not disclosed earlier in the interview, ask, "Can you tell me about the kinds of stress you're under?': "Have you had any recent changes or losses at home? At work?" Mood (See Also DocCom Module 2rt8) You might get clues to a mood disorder in the beginning of the interview and you could choose to pursue your hypothesis while you are completing the HPI in Step 7. Alternatively, you can inquire about the patient's mood here, or as part of the ROS (Step 10). Begin by asking, "How has your mood been?" or "'How are your spirits?" To screen for depression, the most common mood disorder, ask, "Over the past 2 weeks, have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things? Feeling down, depressed, and hopeless?" If the patient answers yes to either question, there are more in-depth questionnaires such as the PHQ-9 to confirm the diagnosis and its severity.13 SplrltualltyfRellJllon (See Also DocCom Module W 1 ) One suggested mnemonic for asking about spiritual and religious beliefs is FICA48: Faith and belief: "'Do you consider yourself to be a spiritual or religious person?" "What is your faith or belief?" "What gives your life meaning?" Importance and influence: "What importance does faith have in your life?" "Have your beliefs influenced the way you take care ofyourself and your illness?" "What role do your beliefs play in regaining your health or coping with illness?"
1.28 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Community: "Are you a part of a spiritual or religious community?" "Does the community support you? Ifso, how?" "Is there a group ofpeople you really love or who are important to you?" Address in care: "Would you like me to address these issues in your healthcare?" [Spirituality and religious beliefs are important to many patients, especially in times of illness. Beliefs can be a source of comfort and support. Some studies show an association between spiritual beliefs and improved health.49•50 Religious belief can also result in poorer health outcomes through avoidance of care.51 Additionally, belief that illness is a punishment from God can lead to increased mortality.52 Depending on the severity of the illness and time available, seek to understand what is ultimately meaningful for patients, how this relates to their suffering, what their belief and faith are, who and what they love, their meditation or prayer practices, their orientation to giving and forgiving, and the patient's actual worship practices; that is, the integration of mind, body, and spirit.53 While most patients welcome their clinicians knowing about their religious beliefs, the number is highest in cases of serious illness and lowest for routine office visits, so, as always, be sensitive to patient preferences.] 54 Health Literacy (See Also DocCom Module ~) Health literacy is defined as the capacity of a person to obtain, process, and understand health information to make decisions regarding illness prevention or treatment. 55 Ask the screening question "How confident are you filling out forms by yourself?" to identify patients with low health literacy. 56 [Examples of behaviors where health literacy is required include reading the instructions on a medication bottle, understanding an appointment slip, filling out health forms, participating in an informed decision discussion before an operation, managing a chronic health condition, and enrolling in a health insurance plan. Patients with low health literacy have worse health outcomes and incur higher costs than patients with adequate health literacy. Low health literacy is more prevalent among older people, those with less educational attainment, those with limited English proficiency, those in minority groups, and the medically underservecl It is estimated that one-third of patients in the United States have low health literacy. Patients may try to hide their low literacy by avoiding reading ("I forgot my glasses."); they may have few questions and may not be able to explain how to take their medications.] Other Issues Ask about the following areas as time permits and as indicated by the clinical situation.
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Advance Directives (See Also DocCom Module :127 3r 7 ) With patients who are severely ill, disabled, or elderly, inquire about advance directives (e.g., "do not attempt resuscitation" wishes, living will, use of a ventilator to sustain life), power of attorney, and whom to contact in the event of serious health problems. An advance directive makes the patient's end-oflife wishes known in the event of incapacitation. Experts in bioethics recommend advance directives, but they are not being used nearly often enough, leaving patients biased toward choosing cardiopulmonary resuscitation when they don't understand its ramifications. Research data show that addressing advance directives improves elderly patients' satisfaction, 58 which can be enhanced by using patient-centered skills when necessary.59 Functional Status (See Also DocCom Module 23'1") Especially in the elderly and those with disabling problems, it is important to know what their functional status is; for example, how well they can dress and bathe themselves, use the toilet, transfer from bed to chair, walk, shop, cook. clean, drive, take medications, and keep track of their bank account. Indeed, the American College of Physicians has asked that patient histories be standardized to include routine functional status and well-being assessments.61 In addition, make an assessment of how much a disability interferes with the patient's life and wishes; for example, one may no longer be able to climb stairs but this does not interfere with what the patient wants to do or, alternatively, the same disability results in great hardship by preventing the patient from attending baseball games. Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: Let me ask you now some other questions about your life and what you do to stay healthy. [A good transition into the SH.] Patient: Seems like I've told you everything. Clinician: I need to get a few more details so that I can be of best help to you. First, though, how are you doing with all this questioning? [Always attending primarily to the patient's needs, the clinician takes time to inquire about the process of the interview itself.] Patient: No problem. I like how thorough you are. [She is doing well and makes a positive comment about the clinician, indicating that a good relationship exists.] Clinician: Thanks. I imagine it can feel like pressure to get so many questions coming at you. I appreciate your patience. Now, I do need to get some more information. How old are you? [The clinician is beginning to get some basic demographic data. Age is sometimes asked much earlier for basic orientation.] Patient: 38 and just had a birthday.
1.28 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: Well, happy birthday! And your family has been here for how long? [The clinician is not clear how long she has actually been in the city.] Patient: About 4 months. [Because of space constraints, we will again simply summarize the findings about Ms. Jones, some of which required return to a patient-centered process of inquiry. We know about her work but also learn that she worries about being "workaholic:' The clinician explores more about her work stress and support, since it seems to be a very important contributor to her symptoms.] Clinician: If it's ok to change topics a bit, ICl like to ask you something else (she nods approval). You mentioned your husband earlier. Anybody else around that you can talk with? Patient: There's another new person at work with the same problem and we commiserate all the time. He's taking over in another area but has the same boss. We get along great and seem to help each other. And, a couple other guys there know what's going on and have been very helpful-and had some good advice: stay away from him. [As with the rest of this dialogue, nothing urgent is arising so the clinician, recalling the need to be timely, simply obtains the information and doesn't pursue these issues in any depth.] Clinician: It's great that you have some trusted colleagues at work. Is it possible to avoid your boss? [An empathic respect statement, followed by a closed-ended question addressing a very practical personal issue that has therapeutic implications, once again showing how inextricable is the link of disease and the personal dimension.] Patient: Actually, it is. I have to do a lot of traveling and can schedule it around him and things are much better then. I figured it out and I can miss him for at least half the time in the next 6 months! [If it weren't possible to avoid him and treat the headaches, the clinician and Ms. Jones would have a bigger problem on their hands. In that event, this could be further addressed now or, more likely, at a subsequent visit that might be set up specifically for developing a strategy.] Clinician: You've sure had a lot of stress. Are financial issues a problem, you know like medical insurance or anything? [Changing the subject to another important potential problem that must be raised by closed-ended means.]
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Patient: :129 No! That was one of the benefits here. They cover everything with their insurance plan. I only pay a few dollars for everything, even medicines. Clinician: Let me now ask you how your mood has been. Patient: Other than feeling stressed about my boss, I guess it's fine. Clinician/ Have you been feeling down over the past 2 months? (no). Patient: Depressed? (no). Hopeless? (no). Clinician: Have you been bothered by a loss ofinterest or pleasure in doing things? Patient: No. Painting is my true love. It really helps get my mind off of things, especially these days. I would like to do it every day, come rain or shine, but work has been so busy lately I've only been getting to it on weekends. [Current outside interests or hobbies rule out anhedonia, a frequent symptom of depression.] Clinician: That must be hard for you; I get a sense of how important your painting is to you for stress management. Patient: It sure is. I think I need to fit it back into my life. Clinician: Sounds like a good idea. [The clinician would generally postpone helping the patient strategize how to put regular painting back into her life until the end of the interview, see Chapter 6.] [Summarizing the remainder of the social history, she eats a low-fat/salt diet and exercises three times weekly in a 45-minute aerobics class, maintaining her weight around 120 pounds. She wants to do more about relaxing but isn't sure what to do. She is trying to be a good model for her "lax husband" and always uses her seat belt. Except for an occasional cup of coffee and glass of wine, she has never used addicting substances. She and her husband socialize frequently and she views him as her main source of emotional support. Her husband has had some erectile dysfunction; she has no reason to suspect her husband has other sexual partners. She thinks her decreased libido "will take care of itself" when her job problems are resolved. She's not interested in talking any further about it at this point. She has no sexual partners outside of her marriage and had two other sexual partners prior to marriage. There's no history of sexually transmitted infection or intimate partner violence (or other types of abuse now or in the past), and she and her husband are heterosexual. She feels that, if not for her work stress, her mood would be fme and she does not endorse symptoms of depression or anxiety. She acknowledges the role of stress in her symptoms.
1.30 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Her church attendance has decreased since moving here due to her busy schedule, but she still prays regularly and fmds it a comfort. The clinician learns that Ms. Jones has no functional limitations, has done nothing about an advance directive but thinks it's a good idea. Ms. Jones' situation is admittedly very straightforward, and she is a bright, resourceful patient. The circumstances and details, however, don't always fall together so easily and this inquiry can take much longer. Because of space constraints, we won't recount the remainder of the SH but, rather, indicate that the clinician inquired about each remaining item in Table 5-5 that had not already been covered. This information can be found in the written report of Ms. Jones in Appendix D.] • FAMILY HISTORY (STEP 9) The family history (FH) is another rich source for completing the personal database, as well as for understanding familial health risks, both genetic62 and environmental. The FH can provide information about contagious (pinworms, tuberculosis, varicella), toxic (carbon monoxide, lead), familial (breast cancer, coronary artery disease, alcoholism, depression), and heritable (hemophilia, sickle cell anemia) diseases. Also ask if anyone in the family has similar physical problems to the patient's, or if anyone at home has been ill lately with similar concerns. With families, the complexities of multiple interpersonal interactions come to the forefront.63 You most want to know who is who, who is available to the patient and in what way. In general, obtain information for at least two generations preceding the patient, as well as for any subsequent generations, and include parents, siblings, and children for each generation. Although not significant for genetic disorders, this includes spouses, adoptees, and other significant members of the family outside the bloodline, because shared environmental factors may contribute to illness, and these relationships can have importance for the patient's health that transcend genetics. Once again, use open-to-closed coning inquiry to obtain the information in Table 5-6. After announcing the transition and explaining your rationale ("Now Ia like to ask about the health of your family members, because sometimes diseases can run in families"), begin with a screening open-ended question ("Tell me about any illnesses or other problems that run in your family''). Then ask open-ended questions about the age and health of the patient's immediate family as well as the causes ofdeath and ages offirst-degree relatives
• TABLE 5-6. Family History (Step 9) 1. General inquiry 2. Inquire about age and health (or cause of death) of grandparents, parents, siblings, and children 3. Ask specifically about family history of . Diabetes · Tuberculosis · Cancer · Hypertension · Stroke · Heart disease · Hyperlipidemia or high cholesterol · Bleeding problems ·Anemias · Kidney disease ·Asthma · Tobacco use · Drug use · Alcoholism · Weight problems · Mental illness o Depression o Suicide o Schizophrenia o Multiple somatic concerns · Symptoms similar to those the patient is experiencing 4. Develop a genogram a. Two generations preceding the patient and all subsequently; involves parents, siblings, children, and significant members outside the bloodline for each generation b. Age, sex, mental and physical health, and current status are noted for each; note age at death and cause c. Note interactions among family members for psychological and physical/ disease problems 5. Psychological a. Dominant members and style (e.g., love, anger, alcoholism) b. Major interaction patterns (e.g., competition, abuse, open, distant, caring, manipulation, codependent) c. Family gestalt (e.g., happy, successful, losers) 6. Physical/disease a. Patterns of disease (e.g., dominant, recessive, sex linked, no pattern) b. Patterns of physical symptoms without disease (e.g., bowel trouble, uncoordinated, headaches) c. Inquire about others with similar symptoms (e.g., infection, toxic, anxiety, anniversary reaction)
1.32 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING ("How is your father's health?" "Your mother's health?~ etc.). Patients with recent losses may exhibit emotion, which you should address with "NURS." Then list specific diseases, for example, tuberculosis, diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, bleeding problems, kidney failure or dialysis, alcoholism, drug and tobacco use, weight problems, asthma, and mental illness (depression, schizophrenia, multiple somatic concerns, suicide, violence) ("Thinking now about all of your relatives, does anyone have diabetes? Tuberculosis?~ etc.). In the case of genetic diseases, determine if the affected family member is a blood relative; obviously this doesn't apply for infectious or environmental diseases. Some clinicians construct a genogram to organize these data.63- 65 Genograms can identify conditions that might be amenable to genetic testing, and help identify dysfunctional family patterns and high medical utilization. As demonstrated by Ms. Jones' genogram in Appendix D, this graphic form depicts myriad features in the family. Ages, gender, state of mental and physical health, and current status are obtained for each; when deceased, the age and cause of death are noted. Depending upon time, data can profitably be extended to include education, work, psychological style, and a host of other features for each member. Given time and need, learn also about dominant and nondominant family members, and their specific styles, for example, controlling, passive, caring. In addition to individual psychological proftles, the interactions among family members (e.g., direct, indirect, conflicted, close) are equally important. You can also ascertain the gestalt of the family and its unique persona, for example, the patient came from a happy family or a fighting family. Many patients link diseases in the family and their disorder ("my father had a heart attack and I've got a murmur" likely refers to different problems). Finally. especially following the death of a relative, patients worry about being at increased risk because of familial connections. To illustrate, a healthy 21-year-old woman presents with chest pain and worries about having a heart attack 10 days after her grandfather died suddenly of a myocardial infarction. Most of these symptoms relate to the patient's understandable grief and worry. While not the intent of the FH, if emotional material arises you must be supportive and address it; for example, in discussing the dates of death of her grandfather, the patient becomes sad and tearful. As before, patientcentered interviewing skills may be called upon. With the large amount of potential data, the FH focuses on family data relevant to current problems. Beginning clinicians, however, again are urged to obtain all FH data during initial interviews in order to learn the categories themselves and the richness and variability ofthe FH in different people. Busy clinicians often must acquire these data over many visits, often aided by questionnaires that patients can complete beforehand.
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING :133 Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: Well, that's a lot of information. You've sure had a lot going on (referring to the SH). We've still got a little more information to gather and need to switch now to your family because some illnesses can run in families. [The clinician continues to weave a patient-centered, respectful atmosphere into orienting comments to Ms. Jones, and is making yet another transition, now into the FH.] Patient: That's fine. Clinician: Are there any medical problems in your family, you know illnesses or any problems? [Focused, open-ended beginning] Patient: Nothing really. You made me think earlier about that one aunt who had some kind of headaches. Clinician: Besides headaches, is there anything running in the family. [The clinician makes sure Ms. Jones knows that any familial problem is being inquired about.] Patient: Well, my grandmother had diabetes; is that what you mean? Clinician/ Yeah, that's it. Any other diabetes in the family (no)? Tell me Patient: if anyone in the family has any of these diseases when I mention it: tuberculosis (no), cancer (no), high blood pressure (no), stroke (no), kidney failure (no), bleeding problems (no), heart attacks (no), alcoholism (no), high cholesterol (no), tobacco use (no), drug use (no), or mental problems (no) [This helps the patient understand what is being requested; the clinician screens for a number of diseases ofpossible familial origin, each asked individually.] Clinician: I need now to get some information on your immediate family, and then we'll go to your parents' and grandparents' families. Can you start by giving me the ages of your kids and your husband? [The clinician has begun getting a listing of each family member of this and the preceding two generations. This will include their ages, sex, mental and physical health, and age and year of death, as applicable. We will not recount the interview here because of space constraints but Ms. Jones' genogram is presented in Appendix D. Note the interactions among many members.] Clinician: Well, we're just about done. Before we go on, though, how are you doing? Patient: A little weary but I'm fine. Clinician: I know this is a lot of questions to be asking. You've been very helpful. Anything I can do for you before we go on? [Once again, the clinician uses patient-centered skills and attends to the patient's needs.]
1.34 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING • REVIEW OF SYSTEMS (STEP 10) The review of systems (ROS) is less important than other parts of the histor~.67; we already have discussed the ROSin Chapter 4 as a resource that lists most symptoms; Table 4-1 has a detailed list. Indeed, by this point, the interviewer ordinarily knows everything of significance. The ROS is not used for obtaining pertinent HPI/OAP, SH, or PMH data, rather, it serves only as a final screening tool. Recall that the HPI and OAP are elicited after repeated inquiries of "What other concerns do you have?" and "Is there something else?" during agenda-setting (Step 2)-which means that little if any new, important, or active information should arise here. Nonetheless, relevant data are sometimes acquired; you must then fit them into the appropriate section (HPI/OAP, SH, or PMH) during the write-up or oral presentation. The ROS concerns primary and secondary data from systems not yet considered. Here you return to the ROS and inquire about still unaddressed symptoms and any secondary data, including specific diseases such as psoriasis or cataracts. Some patients may attempt to list each cold and upper respiratory illness they have had over the last 20 years when you are asking about nasal symptoms. Rather than obtaining details, you want to know only if the problem has caused any disability, represents a significant issue, or has not completely cleared. Refocusing patients helps, with comments such as "I don't need all the details, but I do want to know if there have been any major problems." Do not probe for, or encourage, symptoms except in pediatrics (see Chapter 7). Most frustrating is the patient who answers positively to most questions, exhibiting a "positive system review:' If this persists following clarification, it suggests still unrecognized diseases or, more likely, a psychological disorder such as somatization in which patients present with multiple physical concerns that have no disease explanation. This represents the patient's expression of psychological distress through physical symptoms. The ROS proceeds almost entirely by rapidly paced, brief closed-ended questioning after an initial, orienting question such as "I need to ask you now about any other important or current problems or symptoms you might have had, so we don't miss something. Say yes only if the symptom has been significant problem." For example, if the gastrointestinal system had not yet been addressed, the interviewer might begin open-endedly with "Any trouble with your digestion or bowels?" and then inquire "Have you ever had trouble with your appetite" (No); "Weight loss?" (No); "Weight gain?" (No); "Difficulty swallowing?" (No); "Nausea?" (No); and so on until all of this system has been explored. Questions of course are asked and answered individually. When the more advanced clinician has memorized all symptoms on the ROS list, s/he is urged to obtain the ROS when performing the physical examination-as
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING :135 a time-saving device. For example, while examining the nose, ask questions about nasal symptoms, while examining the eyes, ask questions about eye symptoms, and so on. Always remain attentive to the patient's responses and needs, and tells her or him that questions are "routine" and that you have not noticed something to make you suspicious. When the ROS is concluded, summarize briefly, ask if the patient has any questions, and indicate that the physical examination will follow. Continue a patient-centered atmosphere of courtesy, respect, and support throughout the encounter. Continuation of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: I need to ask you now about some symptoms we haven't yet talked about, you know, to be sure we haven't missed something so far. Just let me know if you've had significant issues with any of the areas I mentioned. [An effective open-ended introduction to the ROS] Patient: Fine, but I don't think there's much more. Clinician: We haven't talked yet about any skin problems; any problems there? [An open-ended introduction to the integument system] Patient: I thought I had some infection in my elbow once in 2000, but it turned out used too strong a soap. It's cleared long ago. Clinician/ Any problems since (no) or other skin problems like sores (no), Patient: itching (no), rashes (no), changes in moles (no), abnormal hair growth (no), or nail problems (no)? [The clinician is getting an idea of how significant this is to Ms. Jones' current health and then completes the ROS for the integument-related system.] Clinician: [The clinician would now proceed to other systems not yet addressed and inquire about all possible symptoms in each, as outlined in Table 4-1 of Chapter 4; for example, hematopoietic, endocrine, breasts, genital. At its conclusion, he would conclude the middle of the interview as noted next.] Clinician: Well, you've done a nice job telling me a lot about the problems with headaches and your boss, and about the colitis. I think I have a very good picture of what's going on. Is there anything else you'd like to add? [A brief summary, understanding, support for her performance, and a patient-centered invitation for any final words.] Patient: No, I don't think so. Clinician: In that case, we'll move on to the physical examination. I'll step out now so you can get completely undressed. Please put this gown on with the opening in the back, have a seat on the exam table and drape this sheet over your legs. I'll be back in a few ra
SKILLS EXERCISES (Likely spread over several sessions) Note: All the following exercises are preceded by 3 to 5 minutes of patient-<:entered interviewing using Steps 1 to 5 with a smooth transition into Step 6. This emphasizes the integration of patient-<:entered and clinician-<:entered skills, which are not used in isolation from each other. 1. Conduct Step 6 in role play multiple times, taking from 5 to 15 minutes. Initially, use very straightforward disease problems, much as with Ms. Jones, over 5 minutes or so. As you become comfortable with developing the chronological description of symptoms (Step 6), the role play "patient" can begin to have more complicated problems, such as angina pectoris of 3 years duration but worsening over 3 weeks in conjunction with cigarette smoking and a family history of high cholesterol. See the vignette of Ms. Jones and the video demonstration for examples. 2. When comfortable in role play, begin doing the same exercise with real or simulated patients. 3. Try to do some hypothesis-testing with each exercise. When doing role plays, have the "patient" tell you in advance what problem they will depict so you can read up on it beforehand and, therefore, have some hypotheses and relevant questions in mind to ask about. 4. Each learner performs a complete history on a family member or fellow Ieamer. Ask all questions in each substep of Steps 6 to 10. It is recommended that you use the book or a checklist as a reminder of the many questions.
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING :137 • SUMMARY Begin the clinician-centered HPUOAP by converting the patient's concerns to symptoms from the ROS and then refining them with the symptom descriptors. Then organize primary and secondary data into chronological sequence, progressively learning to test disease hypotheses as you proceed. Use the PMH to elicit important but not current problems. The SH and FH complete the personal and, to a lesser extent, the primary and secondary data base. Finish by screening for still undetected primary and secondary data using the ROS. (This order-with minor variation-is used by clinicians throughout the world to present [in writing and verbally] the patient's history. Obtaining it in the same order will help you organize your presentations.) By the repeated coning-down process of brief open-ended screening followed by closed-ended acquisition of necessary details, you will better understand previous personal and symptom data from the beginning of the interview and, in addition, acquire other essential parts of the data base to complete the interview. Although not now as prominent, intermittently use patient-centered interviewing skills by making supportive comments and inquiring about how the patient is doing with the process of the interview, more extensively using these skills when the patient becomes emotional or presents important, new personal data, in order to draw out the story, seek out the emotion, and respond empathically (NURS). This completes the middle of the interview. You can now make a complete biopsychosocial description of the patient using integrated patient-centered and clinician-centered interviewing skills. By fully appreciating the patient's disease problems and the personal/emotional illness context in which they occur, you are using a scientific approach, which will benefit the patient. After obtaining further information from the physical examination, you will be ready to end the interview, as we will discuss in the next chapter. REFERENCES 1. Lown BA. Module 8: gather information. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 2. Barrows HS, Pickell GC. Develuping Clinical Problem-Solving Skills-A Guide to More Effective Diagnosis and 'ITeatment. New York, NY: Norton Medical Books; 1991:226. 3. Tierney LM, Henderson MC, eds. The Patient History: Evidence Based Approach. New York, NY: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill; 2005. 4. Wasson JH, Walsh B, Sox H, Pantell R, LaBrecque M, Wasson ES. The Common Symptom Guide: A Guide to tJre Evaluation of Common Adult and Pediatric Symptoms. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical; 2009.
1.38 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 5. Elstein AS. Psychological research on diagnostic reasoning. In: Lipkin M, Putnam SM, Lazare A, eds. The Medical Interview. New York. NY: Springer-Verlag; 1995:504-510. 6. Eisenberg DM. Perceptions about complementary therapies relative to conventional therapies among adults who use both: results from a national survey. Ann Intern Med. 2001;135(3):196-204. 7. Elstein AS, Kagan N, Shulman LS, Jason H, Loupe MJ. Methods and theory in the study of medical inquiry. I Med Educ. 1972;47:85-92. 8. Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, Loscalzo J., eds. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 19th ed. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill; 2015. 9. Lown BA. Module 9: Understand the Patient's Perspective, In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R. Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 10. Kleinman A, Benson P. Anthropology in the clinic: the problem of cultural competency and how to fix it. PLoS Med. 2006;3(10):e294. 11. Billings JA, Stoeckle JD. The Clinical Encounter: A Guide to the Medical Interview and Case Presentation. Chicago, IL: Year Book Medical Publishers; 1989:103-106. 12. Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Williams JB. The patient health questionnaire-2: validity of a two-item depression screener. Med Care. 2003;41(11):1284-1292. 13. Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Williams JB. The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure. I Gen Intern Med. 2001;16(9):606-613. 14. Eisenberg DM, Kessler RC, Foster C, Narlock FE, Calkins DR, Delbanco TL. Unconventional medicine in the United States: prevalence, costs, and patterns of use. N Engl] Med. 1993;328:246-252. 15. Landrigan PJ, Baker DB. The recognition and control of occupational disease. ]AMA. 1991;266(5):676-680. 16. Williams G. Module 25: Motivating Healthy Diet and Physical Activity. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R. Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.Doc Com.org 17. Freund KM, Boss RD, Handleman EK, Smith AD. Secret patterns: validation of a screeningtool to detect bulimia.] Womens Health Gend BasedMed. 1999;8(10):1281-1284. 18. Rivara FP, Grossman DC, Cummings P. Injury prevention. Second of two parts [comment]. N Engl] Med. 1997;337(9):613-618. 19. Rivara FP, Grossman DC, Cummings P. Injury prevention. First oftwo parts [comment]. N Engl]. Med. 1997;337(8):543-548. 20. Milne JS, Hargarten SW. Handgun safety features: a review for physicians. ]. 1Tauma Inj Infect Crit Care. 1999;47(1):145-150. 21. Doll L, BinderS. Injury prevention research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Am] Public Health. 2004;94(4):522-524. 22. Kellermann AL, Rivara FP, Rushforth NB, et al. Gun ownership as a risk factor for homicide in the home. N Engl] Med. 1993;329(15):1084-1091 [Erratum appears inN Engl] Med. 1998;339(13):928-929].
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING :139 23. Kellermann AL, Rivara FP, Somes G, et al. Suicide in the home in relation to gun ownership. N Engl JMed. 1992;327(7):467-472. 24. Goldstein M, Swartz Woods S. Module 24: Tobacco Intervention. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 25. Clark W, Parish S. Module 29: Alcohol: Interviewing and Advice. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 26. Schindler BA, Parran T. Module 30: Drug Abuse Diagnosis and Counseling. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www. DocCom.org 27. Fiellin DA, Reid MC, O'Connor PG. Screening for alcohol problems in primary care: a systematic review [comment]. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160(13):1977-1989. 28. Ewing JA. Detecting alcoholism. The CAGE questionnaire. JAMA. 1984;252:1905-1907. 29. Clark W. Effective interviewing and intervention for alcohol problems, In: Upkin M, Putnam SM, Lazare A, eds. The Medical Interview. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1995:284-293. 30. Ballantyne JC. Is lack of evidence the problem? I Pain. 20 10;11 (9):830-832. 31. Compton WM, Volkow ND. Abuse of prescription drugs and the risk of addiction. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2006; 83(suppl1):S4-S7. 32. Manchikanti L. Prescription drug abuse: what is being done to address this new drug epidemic? Testimony before the subcommittee on criminal justice, drug policy and human resources. Pain Physician. 2006;9(4):287-321. 33. Marasco BJ, Dobscha SK. Prescription medication misuse and substance use disorder in VA primary care patients with chronic pain. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2008;30(2):93-99. 34. Frankel R, Edwardsen E, Williams S. Module 18: Exploring Sexual Issues. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www. DocCom.org 35. Wi.ll.iams S. The sexual history. In: Upkin M, Putnam SM, Lazare A, eds. The Medical Interview. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1995: 235-250. 36. Bonvicini KA, Perlin MJ. The same but different: clinician-patient communication with gay and lesbian patients. Patient Educ Couns. 2003;51(2):115-122. 37. White JC, Dull VT. Health risk factors and health-seeking behavior in lesbians. J Wornens Health. 1997;6(1):103-112. 38. Remafedi G, Farrow JA, Deisher RW. Risk factors for attempted suicide in gay and bisexual youth. Pediatrics. 1991;87(6):869-875. 39. Makadon HJ. Ending LGBT invisibility in health care: the first step in ensuring equitable care. Cleve Clin] Med. 2011;78:220-224.
1.40 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 40. Varjavand N, Novack D. Module 28: Domestic Violence. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication SkiUs Curriculum[lnternet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 41. Black MC, Basile KC, Breiding MJ, et a1 The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2010 Summary Report. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/violencepre vention/pdf/nisvs_report2010-a.pdf. 42. Rhodes KY. Levinson W. Interventions for intimate partner violence against women: clinical applications. JAMA. 2003;289(5):601-605. 43. McCauley J, Kern DE, Kolodner K, et al. The "battering syndrome": prevalence and clinical characteristics of domestic violence in primary care internal medicine practices [comment]. Ann Intern Med. 1995;123(10):737-746. 44. Neufeld B. SAFE questions: overcoming barriers to the detection of domestic violence. Am Fam Physician. 1996;53(8):2575-2580. 45. McEwen BS. Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators. N Engl J Med. 1998;338(3):171-179. 46. Cole SA. Module 27: Communicating with Depressed Patients. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication SkiUs Curriculum[lnternet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 47. Waldfogel S. Module 19: Exploring Spirituality and Religious Beliefs. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 48. Puchalski C, Romer AL. Taking a spiritual history allows clinicians to understand patients more fully. J Palliat Med. 2000;3(1):129-1237. 49. Larson DB, Larson SS, Koenig HG. Mortality and religion/spirituality: a brief review of the research. Ann Pharmacother. 2002;36(6): 1090-1098. 50. Felix Aaron K, Levine D, Burstin HR. African American church participation and health care practices. I Gen Intern Med. 2003;18(11):908-913. 51. Asser SM, Swan R. Child fatalities from religion-motivated medical neglect Pediatrics. 1998;101(4 pt 1):625-629. 52. Pargament Kl, Koenig HG, Tarakeshwar N, Hahn J. Religious struggle as a predictor of mortality among medically ill elderly patients: a 2-year longitudinal study. Arch Intern Med. 2001;161(15):1881-1885. 53. Kuhn CC. A spiritual inventory of the medically ill patient. Psychiatr Med. 1988;6(2): 87-100. 54. MacLean CD, Susi B, Phifer N, et al. Patient preference for physician discussion and practice of spirituality. I Gen Intern Med. 2003;18{1):38-43. 55. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Health communication. In: Healthy People 2010: Understanding and Improving Health and Objecttves for Improving Health. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office; 2000.
Chapter 5 THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERVIEW: CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 1.41. 56. Chew LD, Griffin JM, Partin MR, et al. Validation of screening questions for limited health literacy in a large VA outpatient population. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(5): 561-566. 57. Arnold R, Hirschmann K. Module 32: Advance Directives. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 58. Tierney WM, Dexter PR, Gramelspacher GP, Perkins A], Zhou XH, Wolinsky FD. The effect of discussions about advance directives on patients' satisfaction with primary care. J Gen Int Med. 2001;16:32-40. 59. Rater DL, Larson S, Fischer GS, Arnold RM, Thlsky JA. Experts practice what they preach-a descriptive study of best and nonnative practices in end-of-life discussions. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:3477-3485. 60. Williams BC, Pacala ]T. Module 23: The Geriatric Interview. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Intemet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 61. Ware ]JE. Conceptualizing and measuring generic health outcomes. Cancer. 1991;67(suppl}:774-779. 62. Rich EC, Burke W, Heaton CJ, et al. Reconsidering the family history in primary care. J Gen Intern Med. 2004;19(3):273-280. [Erratum appears in J Gen Intern Med. 2005 Mar;20(3):315] 63. Mullins HC, Christie-Seely J. Collecting and recording family data: the genogram. In: Christie-Seely ], ed. Working with the Family in Primary Care: A Systems Approach to Health andnlness. New York, NY: Praeger; 1984:179-191. 64. Greenwald JL, Grant WD, Kamps CA, Haas-Cunningham S. The genogram scale as a predictor of high utilization in a family practice. Pam Syst Health. 1998;16:375-392. 65. Hahn SR, Feiner JS, Bellin EH. The doctor-patient-family relationship: a compensatory alliance. Ann Int Med. 1988;109:884-889. 66. Hoftbrand BI. Away with the system review: a plea for parsimony. Br Med f. 1989;298: 817-818. 67. Mitchell TL, Tomelli JL, Fisher TD, Blackwell TA, Moorman JR. Yield of the screening review of systems: a study on a general medicine service. J Gen Intern Med. 1992;7: 393-397.
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Step 11: The End of the Interview The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. Thomas Edison, 1902 In the beginning and middle of the interview you gathered information from the patient and established a relationship with him/her. At some point in the interaction, usually after an appropriate physical exam and/or review of laboratory data, you need to share your impressions and engage in a conversation about the next steps of diagnosis and/or treatment. You may be tempted to educate and/ or motivate patients earlier in the interview, but this vital activity is usually best done after data gathering is completed. A successful end of the interview leads to better health outcomes, because patients are more likely to understand and agree with plans and carry them out. Patients take the pills we prescribe, go for x-rays and tests, and keep their appointments. We do not do it for them. Therefore, the end of the interview is a key element in successful health outcomes. 1- 6 See also DocCom Modules 10 to 12?-9 The structure of the end of the interview depends on the needs of the patient. Consider these patients during a single clinic morning. The first patient, new to your care and similar to Ms. Jones, requires information on your findings from the history and physical examination, answers to questions, and diagnostic and treatment plans for the future. The second is a patient making a follow-up visit to discuss the results of a recent test. Unfortunately, you have discovered a life-threatening disease and you need to deliver bad news to this patient. In this case, you devote a large part of the interaction, following the interview and physical examination, to delivering the bad news and making subsequent plans. The third patient asks for no information but you want to discuss a topic that the patient does not ask about-the patient's 143
• TABLE 6-1. End of the Interview-General Guide 1. Share information a. Orient patient to the end of the interview and ask for permission to begin discussion b. Frame the discussion (diagnosis, treatment, prognosis) according to the patient's perspective-ideally already elicited c. Iteratively provide information using "ART loops" d. Use plain language 2. Assess understanding a. Ask patient to teach-back, using ART b. Provide written plans/instructions 3. Invite the patient to participate in shared decision making 4. Close the visit a. Clarify next steps, as necessary i. What you will do ii. What the patient will do iii. What the time of the next communication will be b. Encourage questions c. Acknowledge and support Speak as plainly as possible, avoid jargon, and give information in small chunks. Answer patient's questions, elicit and/or address patient's emotional reactions throughout the encounter. use of tobacco. You devote the end of this interview to motivating the patient to consider quitting smoking. The end of the interview thus involves issues stemming from either the beginning or middle of the current interview, or from a previous interview; and requires effective skills in delivering information, motivating, and sharing decisions with patients. 10•11 The end of the interview guide that follows, outlined in Table 6-1, provides a pathway for ending most clinical interviews. Sections entitled "End of the Interview-Giving Difficult News" and "End of the InterviewMotivating Patients for Behavioral Change" describe steps for those tasks. • END OF THE INTERVIEW-A GENERAL GUIDE Share Information Orient the Patient to the End of the Interview and Ask for Permission to Begin Discussion This can be done with a simple statement, such as, "We have about 5 minutes left; I'd like to share my thoughts about what may be causing your symptoms and then discuss where to go from here. Is that all right with you? Seeking permission before sharing information increases the patient's receptivity to it.6
Chapter 6 STEP 11: THE END OF THE INTERVIEW 1.45 Ftame the Discussion (DI~osls, Treatment, Prognosis) According to the Patient's Perspective-Ideally Already Elicited Sharing information with patients can be a difficult task as they often do not understand the information provided and forget up to 40% of it.12 Equally problematic, most clinicians underestimate their patients' desire for information, especially when the patients are shy, reticent, or inarticulate. As a result, they spend very little time explaining their findings to patients.4,5•13- 15 Seeking permission before sharing information increases the patient's receptivitf: "Would it be OK if I shared my thoughts about what's causing your symptoms?" Sharing information effectively does not mean you have to turn the patient into a "mini expert" on the topic under discussion. 10 Rather, provide enough information until the patient has a conceptual understanding or "gets it:'10 By this time, you should have an understanding of your patient's perspective regarding the chief concern, for example, fear that a headache could be due to a brain tumor. It can be helpful to incorporate this perspective in your discussion. Depending on their expectations, health beliefs, previous experiences, or general disposition, some patients can perceive as "bad news" diagnostic data that you consider routine. 16, 17 One way to mitigate this is to deliver good prognostic information before you declare the diagnosis,18 for example, "After reviewing all the information I feel confident that we have an excellent chance of controlling your headaches. I believe you have migraine headaches, not a brain tumor, as you feared." Clinicians have a tendency at this point to provide a "data download:' which can overwhelm patients, even those with high health literacy. Derived from the motivational interviewing literature, the Academy of Communication and Healthcare has developed some better, systematic ways for providing information at the end of the interview. 19 After sharing the diagnosis and before presenting details or plans, use the mnemonic ART to Ask, Respond, and Teach. Ask the patient what he/she knows about the diagnosis in order to establish the patient's baseline knowledge and help you tailor your message for maximum benefit, for example, "Have you heard of migraine headaches? What do you know about them?" See also DocCom Module 10? Once you have heard the patient's answer, Respond, with empathy if needed, for example, "Sounds like you know a lot about this!" or, "Wow, your cousin really had a difficult time with her headaches. I can imagine that could be concerning for you" -that is, use your NURS skills. Having a sense for the patient's a priori knowledge, Tell him/her what s/he needs to know to correct misunderstandings or fill in knowledge gaps. WhUe giving information, speak as plainly as you can, avoiding medical jargon, for
1.48 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING example, saying "pain killer" instead of "analgesic" and "cancer" instead of "carcinoma." Use clear, short statements with simple words about just one bit of data at a time. Encourage and answer questions until the patient understands the information. Present each major piece of data about diagnosis, therapy, or prognosis with ART. These "ART loops" can turn the "data download" monologue into a dialogue, encouraging the patient's questions and helping to ensure that the patient understands the information. Use the steps outlined in the section entitled "End ofthe Interview-Giving Bad News" and Table 6-2 in the cases where you anticipate strong negative reactions to the news you are about to deliver. Assess Understanding Use ART to ask the patient to "teach-back" information,20 for example, Ask, "Just to be sure we are on the same page, can you tell me what you understand so far?" or, "When you get home your spouse is going to ask, 'What did the doctor say?' What will you tell him?" Respond to the patient, for example, "You really recalled the details!" and Tell what is needed to correct any misunderstanding or repeat the most important messages if the patient does not mention them. "Closing the loop" in this way enhances patient understanding and adherence.20 Remember to assess and address the patient's emotional reaction(s) to the information given. Invite the Patient to Participate In Shared Decision Making Clinicians are increasingly expected to involve patients in decisions about their care. 1 For example, the 2010 Affordable Care Act includes provisions that foster shared decision making in clinical practice. A clinician may order the right tests and prescribe the best treatments, but these will do no good if a patient is not able or willing to follow the clinician's recommendations. Many patients are not aware that they can or should participate in decision making; so, explicitly invite patients to participate11 by saying, for example, "I'd like us to make this decision together; or "I want to make sure whatever we decide works for you; so, I want you to be sure to let me know your preferences and concerns about where to go from here:' Some clinical decisions, such as whether or not to order a routine blood test, only require a clear statement of what you would like to do and why, for example, "I think we should check your iron level to see how much blood you have lost. Does that seem reasonable to you?" Typically, these basic decisions have clear, singular outcomes. ART can be used for other decisions, like starting a new medication, which have moderately uncertain outcomes but are °
• TABLE 6-2. Giving Difficult News 1. Prepare yourself to give difficult news a. Prepare emotionally b. Confirm the medical facts c. Prepare your delivery (consider patient personality, health literacy) d. Arrange proper place and adequate time e. Determine who the patient would like to be present 2. Establish what the patient (and family) already knows a. Set the stage if not already done b. Ensure a safe, comfortable, private setting c. Ensure patient's readiness to hear the news d. Set the agenda e. Address/negotiate another time for patient's unrelated concerns f. Assess patient's ability to comprehend the news 3. Determine how much the patient wants to know a. Recognize, support various patient preferences i. Decline voluntarily to receive information ii. Designate someone to communicate on her or his behalf b. People handle information differently i. Race, ethnicity, culture, religion, socioeconomic status, age, and developmental level 4. Deliver the news a. Start with a warning shot b. Give the news, then stop Be comfortable with silence; do not rush patient c. Give information in small chunks (categories) with appropriate transitions d. Speak as plainly as possible e. Allow patient to determine pace and flow f. Encourage/answer questions directly 5. Use relationship-building skills to express empathy a. Monitor/address patient's emotional reaction throughout interaction b. Use emotion-seeking and empathy skills (NURS) c. Recognize that your presence alone can be therapeutic d. Convey hope while avoiding false reassurances e. Reassure patient of your support; that you will not abandon f. Explore beliefs about implications of the news 6. Iteratively explain and negotiate next steps a. Provide details as requested by the patient b. Develop a plan for the future i. May include further testing, treatment, consultations ii. Schedule next follow-up telephone and/or in patient contact(s) c. Assess/address patient safetyjsuicidality d. Ensure support system is available, including spiritual resources. If necessary, help patient to access support e. Ask patient to summarize main points and next steps f. Correct misunderstandings. g. Provide (written or taped) summary of discussion Based on information in Buckman R. How to Break Bad News: A Guide for Health Care Professionals. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1992:65-97. not controversial. These decisions usually require discussion of alternatives with their pros and cons; for example, "We need to control your blood pressure better. We could increase the dose of your water pill or add a medication called a beta blocker. The higher dose of the water pill might make you urinate a lot but the beta blocker might make you fatigued. Are you clear about the pros and cons of these choices? What would you like to do?" 11
1.48 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Decisions that are controversial require explanation of the associated uncertainties; again, ART can be a helpful structure. Clinician: Ask "We should talk about your desire for a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test What do you know about the test?" Patient: "It catches prostate cancer early and I'm worried about prostate cancer." Clinician: Respond and Teach "Many men are worried about prostate cancer; thanks for letting me know. Yes, the test can detect early cancers, but it can also be abnormal ifyou have large prostate with no cancer. Unfortunately. finding prostate cancer early is unlikely to help you live any longer, and we do know that there can be serious side effects from testing and treatment such as not being able to get an erection and leaking of urine. However, different men have different preferences, so I would like to hear your views. What questions do you have about the test?" 11 Regardless of the complexity of the clinical decision, be sure patient understands pertinent information and decisions by asking him/her to "teach [them] back."20 Decisions that require patients to significantly change their behaviors often require more active engagement from the clinician than just explaining and inviting patient participation. The section entitled "End of the InterviewMotivating Patients for Behavioral Change" describes a method that has been effective for motivating behavioral change in some of the most challenging patient encounters in clinical practice.21- 23 See also DocCom Module 31.24 Close the VIsit In the final moments of the encounter, ensure that the patient is dear about the next steps, has a fmal chance to ask questions, and that you part ways with warmth and courtesy. Clarify Next Steps, as Necessary Summarize the conversation and be prepared to provide a handout if necessary; be sure the patient can read and understand the written information. "We have decided that you will take one pill every morning and every evening until the bottle is empty. that will be 7 days. We also agreed that you would come back in ... Here is a handout of the exercises we talked about ... Do you have any problem reading it?" If necessary. have patient "teach-back"19 the discussion one last time. A three-step process can ensure clarity: state what you will do, what the patient should do, and when the next communication will be. "I will step out to call the radiologist. When you are dressed, please go to the receptionist to pick up the instruction sheet and schedule your next appointment. I will call you as soon as the x-ray results are back."
Chapter 6 Encou~ STEP 11: THE END OF THE INTERVIEW 1.49 Questions Give the patient a chance to ask remaining questions. It can be tempting, at the end of the encounter, to subtly discourage questions, by saying, "Do you understand?" or "Do you have any questions?" Instead be more encouraging by asking, "What questions do you have?" Acknowledge and Support the Patient before Saying Goodbye Warm partings, like warm greetings, lead to strong and trusting relationships. "It's been a pleasure to be involved in your care," "It was good to see you again;' "Please call if you think of any other questions before our next visit:' "Take care of yourself and say hello to your spouse for me:' Conclusion of Ms. Jones VIsit Clinician: We have about 5 minutes left. If it's okay, I<l like us to talk about where to go from here. [Clinician orients patient to end of interview and asks for permission to begin discussion.] Patient: Please go ahead. Clinician: Well, based on your history and physical examination, I'm pretty confident that I know what is going on. Patient: Oh good. Clinician: I know that these headaches really were interfering with your work and that you<l become worried that they could be due to a brain tumor [incorporating the patient's perspective]. After talking with you and examining you, the good news is that I don't believe you have a life-threatening disease like a tumor or stroke. I think you have migraine headaches. Tension headache is also possible, but less likely. Do you know anything about migraines? [notice how clinician begins with good news before sharing the diagnosis. Before explaining further, the clinician tries to establish patient's prior knowledge (Ask in ART)] Patient: Not much, but one of my coworkers mentioned it when I was telling her about my headaches. Boy I'm glad to hear that I don't have stroke or a tumor. Clinician: I can certainly understand that. I'm glad to be able to address that concern. [Here, the clinician Responds to the patient and expresses empathy with an understanding and support statement.] Patient: Me too. Clinician: Okay, let's talk about what causes migraines; and then we can talk about what to do about it. The exact cause isn't known, but there is probably a problem with how blood vessels on your
1.50 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING brain react to stress and other factors. Sometimes what you eat, changes in weather, or hormones in your body can "trigger" a migraine. We will have to figure out what your other triggers are, but it certainly sounds like stress is one of them. [Clinician first indicates the topics to be discussed, and then Teaches, using plain language.] Patient: [Nodding] How can we find out if! have any other triggers? Clinician: The best way is to keep a diary of your headaches. I can give you a handout: every time you get a headache, you will write down what you ate or drank, events prior to the headache, things like that. Bring the diary to your next appointment and you and I can look to see if we can figure out what brings on the headaches. Do you think you can do that? [Clinician follows the patient's guide in iterative discussion by answering patient's questions and responding to emotions and feelings.] Patient: I can certainly try. Clinician: Okay, once we figure out what your triggers are, we can talk about how to avoid them. In the meantime, I have some suggestions about what to do to help the headaches. Is it okay if I talk about them now? Patient: Yes, please, that's what I need. Clinician: First let me say that I want to make sure we decide what's best for you; so, please let me know if you have any preferences or concerns about anything we discuss. Patient: Okay. Clinician: Sometimes just managing stress and knowing that you do not have a life-threatening disease can really help the headaches; so, it is reasonable to just wait and see, but I'd like to prescribe a medication that can help with the headaches if they become too frequent or unbearable. Patient: Oh, that would be great. ICl definitely like to avoid taking pills if possible, but I like the idea of having something on hand in case I need it. Clinician: Okay. You don't have to remember all this, because it will be written out on the pill bottle, but for the pills to work best, you will need to take one at the frrst sign of a headache. If the headache is not significantly improved, take another one after 2hours. Patient: I'm glad it will all be written down. Clinician: Absolutely. In fact, I can send prescriptions electronically to the pharmacy right now so that they will be ready when you
Chapter 6 STEP 11: THE END OF THE INTERVIEW :15:1 get there. Which pharmacy would you like me to send it to? (Clinician sends prescription electronically to pharmacy after explaining dosage and instructions to patient.) Patient: Thank you. Clinician: So, if you go home and your husband asks you what we talked about, what will you tell him? [Clinician is closing loop by inviting patient to "'teach-hack."] Patient: I have migraine headaches. They are caused by a problem with the blood vessels in my brain, but stress can make it worse ... I have to figure out what else can bring them on by keeping a diary of my headaches, activities, and what I eat. In the meantime, if my headaches become unbearable, you want me to take this medicine whenever I get a headache; hut you don't want me to take more than two pills for any one headache. Is that right? Clinician: Perfect. Now, it is important for us to see each other again in about a month to see how you are doing and go over your diary. Will you be able to come for a follow-up appointment in about a month? Patient: Yes, that will he all right. Clinician: Before you leave I'll give you a sheet that summarizes everything that we have talked about. It explains what a migraine is and some of the things that trigger it. It also has a headache diary for you to keep and gives some suggestions about how to relax when you are in the middle of a stressful situation. like you to read it when you get home and we can talk some more about it at your next appointment. Patient: Okay. What about my colitis? Clinician: Thanks for bringing that up. like you to sign this form to allow us to get your records from Dr. Jergens. In the meantime, our referral clerk will call you next week. after we get approval by your insurance company. to schedule an appointment with the specialist. Patient: Okay, thank you. Clinician: What other questions can I answer before we fmish? Patient: What are the side effects of the medicine I will he taking? Clinician: Excellent question. A rare but significant side effect is chest pain, and you should call right away if you experience this. It is also possible to have an allergic reaction to it. This side effect is also pretty rare, hut you can call me if you have any problems with it, and we can try something else. Patient: Okay that sounds good. ra ra
1.52 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: What other question I can answer for you? Patient: No. You've explained everything very well. Clinician: Wonderful. Just to make sure we are on the same page, can you tell me what we have agreed to do from here? [The clinician uses ART to ask the patient to "teach-back" periodically and at the end of the conversation to enhance patient recall of important information.] Patient: Well, I'll pick up my prescription from the pharmacy and take it at the first sign of a headache. I will keep a diary and bring it to the next appointment in about a month so that we can figure out what I can do to prevent these headaches. I'll read this handout on stress management for some ideas on how to better deal with my stress. Is that right? Clinician: Yes, very good. The only other thing is that our referral clerk will call you next week to schedule an appointment with the specialist for your colitis. [The clinician responds to what the patient said before teaching to correct misconceptions or to reinforce information.] Patient: Oh yeah, that's right. Clinician: Okay, I will go out and get the headache information sheet and Please bring this paperwork to the receptionist so that she can schedule your appointment and give you a token for the parking lot. I look forward to seeing you in a month. [The clinician closes the visit by stating what the clinician will do now, what the patient should do now, and when the next communication will be.] Patient: Okay, I'll do that. Thank you very much. Clinician: Thank you. Have a wonderful day. Patient: You too. • END OF THE INTERVIEW-GIVING DIFFICULT NEWS As noted above, some patients may react negatively to routine information about their health, and you may inadvertently find yourself in the middle of a "bad news" situation.2>-27 Certain situations, such as sharing a new diagnosis of cancer, will negatively affect most patients. While we do not expect or recommend that students share difficult news with patients on their own without a more senior clinician being present for support, anyone who has mastered the skills already discussed in this book can learn to effectively deliver this news by following the steps outlined in Table 6-2. 25 See also DocCom Module 33.28
Chapter 6 STEP 11: THE END OF THE INTERVIEW :153 Prepare to Give the Difficult News First prepare yourself to be fully present with the patient. Consider how you feel about the news you are about to deliver. Clinicians who fail to attend to their own responses often are ineffective in delivering such news.29 Unrecognized emotions like guilt. sorrow, identification, or fear can cause you to falsely reassure a patient, ignore her or his emotions, or avoid giving the news altogether. 30•31 Next, determine who needs to be informed of the difficult news. In rare cases, giving this news might be medically or psychologically dangerous, for example, if the news would increase the risk of a depressed patient committing suicide. Nevertheless, we advise against long delays in giving difficult news. Sometimes families ask that information be withheld from the patient, often to "protect" them; sometimes cultural issues are involved (e.g., in some Asian cultures, family members make health decisions with or without the patient, and the patient sometimes defers all information and decisions to the family). The clinician may accommodate a brief delay, for example, to bring a close relative home, but a postponement should not be prolonged unless the patient declines to receive the information. Patients have the right to information about themselves and they can also decline to receive it (see Step 3). Determine who else, if anyone, needs to be informed and if this person should be at the initial meeting. When the patient is young or of limited competence, a responsible person must be present. Similarly, a psychologically fragile patient or one in denial needs a responsible and supportive person present. Indeed, many benefit from the presence of a supportive person. On the other hand, if the patient does not want anyone present. accept this initially. Review all relevant laboratory and other diagnostic tests prior to the meeting to make sure you have accurate data and that you fully understand them. Most patients will ask questions about further testing, therapeutic choices, and/ or prognosis.32 Be prepared with the answers to these questions as well as questions about logistics such as which consultants to see and where/when to obtain testing. Most patients remember very little after being given bad news, so be prepared to keep answers short. simple, and tailored to patients' needs. Before the difficult discussion, determine the important points you plan to make; you can even rehearse the key statements aloud. Incorporate information about the patient's personality style, spiritual life, beliefs, and support system in your preparation. Be prepared to offer the patient some written information that summarizes the major points of the conversation. This will help the patient later remember the information and follow your recommendations. Be sure to arrange a proper place and time to ensure privacy and allow enough uninterrupted time to deliver the news, address the patient's emotions, and answer questions. A private office or room often suffices. Avoid
1.54 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING discussions in hallways, coffee shops, or any other place where privacy and comfort are unlikely. When bad news can be anticipated, negotiate in advance who should be present at the follow-up meeting. If advance arrangements have not been made, you can personally make them; but avoid giving bad news on the phone; say instead, "Some of your lab tests are back. They're too complicated to talk about on the phone so, like you and your wife to come in later today, to discuss them:' This sort of "message framing" sounds innocuous but may still worry the patient, so try to arrange the meeting as soon as possible and provide sufficient time. ra Establish What the Patient Already Knows Use patient-centered skills to uncover and address immediate concerns and eliminate potential barriers to communication. As with every patient-centered encounter, first set the stage by properly greeting the patient and companions and making sure the patient is ready for the conversation. Next, set the agenda for the encounter. Indicate how much time is available and your need to discuss the health problem, and invite the patient to give his/her agenda items; for example, "We have about 20 minutes together. I want to discuss the results of your tests. Before that, though, ICllike to know whether there is something else you wanted to talk about." Setting the agenda allows you to learn about whatever else might be going on in the patient's life at the time that might be more important and/or more stressful than the news you are about to deliver.33 If the patient brings up an item that is not easUy addressed during the allotted time, negotiate a deferral. As you set the agenda. inquire about the patient's expectations and specific needs for the interaction; for example, "What do you understand about your illness?" "'How would you describe what is going on with your health right now?" "What did other doctors tell you about your condition or any procedures that you might have had?" "When you first developed your symptom, what did you think it might be?" Try to engage the patient in a conversation about what s/he understands about his/her condition. Determine if absent famUy members that the patient relies on can be brought in; reschedule if needed. Look especially for emotions; you may discover, for example, that the patient fears anticipated bad news or has exaggerated anxiety about its implications. Alternatively, you may learn that the patient has some misinformation that needs to be corrected. Determine How Much the Patient Wants to Know Having established what the patient already knows about his/her condition, it is important to determine how and if the patient wants to learn about any
Chapter 6 STEP 11: THE END OF THE INTERVIEW :155 bad news. Many clinicians misinterpret the biomedical ethical principle of autonomy as meaning that every patient must know all relevant information about their condition, that is, become a "mini expert." 10 Autonomy means that patients can decide how much, if any, information they want to hear. Patients have various preferences regarding the amount of information they want/need, and this step, whUe it seems counterintuitive, allows you to determine and respect those preferences. One patient may want all the detaUs, while another may decline to receive information, designating someone else to make decisions on his/her behalf. You can begin this discussion by asking, for example, "If this condition turns out to be serious, do you want to know~" or "Would you like to know the full details of your condition~ If not, is there somebody else you want me to talk to?" or "Some people like detaUed information, some people only want 'broad brush strokes; and some people don't want to know what is happening with them, but would rather their families be told. What do you prefer?~ The steps of this pathway up until now are best completed before diagnostic tests are ordered, but often in the hospital setting this is not possible and you will need to perform these steps while keeping the knowledge of the difficult news to yourself. This can be emotionally challenging, especially for clinicians early in their training. We urge you to seek out support from more experienced clinicians. It is often helpful to watch an expert share such news with a patient first, and then get support and coaching when you do so. Deliver the Dlfflcult News (See Also Section Entitled "Share Information") Based on what you learned from the prior steps, you are now able to share the news in a way that the patient prefers. It is important to prepare patients to receive difficult news, as sudden delivery may heighten the shock and prevent the patient from processing the information.34 Preface by indicating that a problem exists; for example, "I'm afraid I have some difficult news for you;' "This is more serious than we thought," "I'm afraid the news is not good:' This "warning shot" allows the patient to brace him-/herself for what is to come and lessens the shock of the news. Proceed by sharing the news, "The growth turned out to be cancer." As always, use plain language, avoiding euphemisms and jargon, and then stop to allow the news to sink in. Giving difficult news is often anxiety-provoking for the beginning clinical student. Many clinicians in high-anxiety situations find that silence adds to their distress and they respond by talking, in the case of difficult news by launching into a "data download" and listing treatment options and citing survival statistics. We urge you to resist the temptation and put yourself in the
1.58 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING patient's shoes at the moment they have been given what may be life-altering news. You and your patients will benefit from the use of engaged silence, what some label being a "non-anxious presence." Patients' responses vary widely, but they will usually give you adequate verbal and nonverbal clues as to what to do next.35 Use Relationship-Building Skills to Express Empathy While relationship-building skills are always important in interactions with patients, they are especially important in the setting of delivering difficult news. After hearing this news, many patients express emotions either verbally or nonverbally. Respond with empathy often using NURS. If emotion is not forthcoming, ask for it with emotion-seeking skills and then respond to it using NURS. As the interaction evolves, reinforce the patient's other supports, strengths, and prior abilities in dealing with adversity. Assess the impact of the news on the patient's life and the lives of others. Reassure patients that they will not be abandoned, a common and weighty fear. Silence and a quiet presence are powerful. Your own genuine emotions are appropriate and often consoling. Alleviation of suffering can be most successful when you abandon efforts to reassure and recognize there may be nothing to do but be available and provide support. You will be most effective if you can establish and develop this relationship over many encounters, as might occur in a primary care setting. When giving the news, avoid false reassurance but still convey hope (hope for the best; prepare for the worst). For example, in sharing a new diagnosis of cancer with a patient, you might say, "I know it looks bad but treatment is working better all the time, and there's still some chance for a cure." Sometimes, though, you and your empathy provide the only immediate hope. Your presence and support (both verbally and nonverbally such as placing your arm around the patient's shoulder or holding the patient's hand) are often the first link in eventually restoring meaning and hope to the patient, '1 will be here with you and for you." Iteratively Explain and Negotiate Next Steps (See Also Sections Entitled "Share Information" and "Close the VIsit") After attending to the patient's emotions and allowing the initial shock to pass, the patient will often have questions. Indeed, difficult news interactions usually involve multiple topics (such as the patient has cancer; s/he blames him-/herselffor the diagnosis; the patient needs further testing but is worried about how to pay for it; the best treatment is surgery, but the patient is afraid of surgery because sister had a complicated post-op course). 16 Give only one
Chapter 6 STEP 11: THE END OF THE INTERVIEW :157 bit of the most important information at a time and make clear transitions between topics. Remember to speak as simply and plainly as possible. Many patients do not understand common medical terms like "mass, or know the location of organs. Diagrams and pictures can be very helpful tools in explaining problems and diagnoses to patients. Try to avoid words Uke "positive; "negative:' and "progressing" that inappropriately alarm or reassure patients because they have different connotations in nonmedical settings. Follow the patient's lead in deciding how far and how fast to proceed, accepting questions and listening for emotions. Patients will usually ask for more information. Give clear answers and explanations, and clarify any misperceptions or overreactions; for example, "Yes, surgery will be needed but they usually remove just the lump and not the entire breast anymore." Gauge how well the patient is handling the information and try not to overwhelm him/her. Keep it short and simple. Most patients remember very little after being given bad news. You will find that it is often more efficient and effective to discuss details (e.g., of referrals and treatments) in a subsequent visit. Additional meetings are often necessary to allow sufficient assimilation of all information. When the patient is ready, develop a plan for the future. Next steps may include further testing, referral, and/or treatment. Ensure that the patient has satisfactory support. This includes medical and psychological professionals as well as family, friends, church, support groups, and others. With some patients, you may need to assist in obtaining support, either because there is little of it or the patient is too overwhelmed or defeated to seek it out. It is important to determine if the patient is suicidal. This can only be done through direct inquiry; for example, "This is a lot to throw at you and I know you're quite down. Do thoughts of hurting yourself arise, you know, taking your life?" Ifyou detect suicidal intent, hear more about it and ask for immediate outside help. DocCom Module 2736 has more information on communicating with depressed patients. In emotion-laden situations many people do not assimilate information well and can develop an erroneous understanding, often one that is dramatically better or worse than the actual situation. For example, a patient might erroneously expect to get better from a diagnostic test. Just asking the patient whether s/he understands what you have talked about may not uncover gaps in understanding. Instead, use ART to get a «teach-back,,20 described in section entitled "Assess Understanding:' Have the patient state his/her understanding of the main points and the next steps; correct misunderstandings and reinforce key points. Even if a patient provides an accurate summary, s/he may later not recall important information and/or instructions. To offset
1.58 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING this, it can help to audio or video record the interaction and give the recording to the patient, or provide written material as you normally would for the end of the interview.37•38 Arrange a specific follow-up visit in the very near future both to provide support and to monitor the patient for any further psychological impact of the news. Follow-up can be in person or via telephone. In the inpatient setting, you can ask if the patient would like a visit from the chaplain; you can get a sitter for the patient who is suicidal or visit the distressed patient again later that day. Psychological or medical interventions may be necessary. Prescribing specific tasks helps the overwhelmed patient; for example, listing who and how to tell the news, writing down questions, and talking to others with similar problems. • END OF THE INTERVIEW-MOTIVATING PATIENTS FOR BEHAVIORAL CHANGE In addition to giving information, clinicians often have to ask patients to adopt or change behaviors in order to improve their health. This can lead to a conflicted end of the interview and jeopardize the clinician-patient relationship. Shared decision making in the clinical encounter is a prerequisite for successful behavioral change.39 The transtheoretical model of change shows that behavioral modification depends on the readiness of the patient to change.2 Patients in early stages of preparation need the most help in arriving at the decision to change. The clinician helps raise the issue to full awareness, encourages insight, helps patients set realistic goals that are consistent with their values, and negotiates specific plans with the patient. The skills that are outlined in sections entitled "Share Information" and "Invite the Patient to Participate in Shared Decision Making" are necessary, although not always sufficient, for motivating patients to change. The patient who has already made the decision to adopt a behavior requires support to make and maintain the change. These principles have been used to help patients adopt healthy diet and exercise programs (see DocCom Modules 16 and 2540.41) and quit smoking (see DocCom Module 2442), drinking (see DocCom Module 2943 ), and abusing drugs (see DocCom Module 3044). We present here an evidence-based model of motivating patients that has its foundation in the patient-centered skills you learned in Chapters 2 and 33.2 1•45 and in the principles of motivational interviewing. 19•4M 7 For the patient who is not ready to commit to change, work to maintain the relationship and keep the door open for later educational activities. You can assume that you are working with emotionally charged material. Use relationshipbuilding skills throughout, particularly at points of resistance. You will need
• TABLE 6-3. End of Interview-Motivating Patients 1. Education a. Determine knowledge base, the patient's specific situation, and readiness for change b. Clearly inform about adverse potential of health habit needing change c. Make brief, explicit recommendation for change d. Highlight patient's capacity for change e. Emphasize that help is available f. Indicate that past failures do not bode poorly g. Check understanding and desire for change 2. Commitment a. Declare need for commitment b. Assess patient's readiness to commit c. Reaffirm commitment d. Manage decisions against advice e. Reinforce victories great and small f. NURS liberally 3. Goals a. Set realistic long-term goals b. Set short-term goals to operationalize long-term goals c. Should be specific, behaviorally defined, limited 4. Negotiation a. Medical interventions b. Behavioral change c. Consultations and referrals d. Follow-up a sound clinical base to effectively educate the patient. Because the specific approach to each adverse health habit is unique and varied, we have presented a general guide only. As you learn clinical medicine, you can easily fit specific clinical information into the template outlined in Table 6-3 (1). (See also DocCom Module 31.) 24 Use the mnemonic ECGN to help you remember the following steps. Educate the Patient Use ART loops to explain the issue and options (including doing nothing) to the patient. Assess the patient's knowledge base and readiness to change; for example, "What do you know about the health impact of cigarette smoking? Where are you in thinking about quitting?" In order for a person to change a behavior, the pros for the change must outweigh the cons. 39 Help the patient arrive at a realistic and meaningful understanding of the risks and benefits of the different options.
1.80 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Make a clear statement of your recommendation for the desirable behavior; for example, "Your smoking is putting you at considerable risk n:J.like to see you quit." Use your knowledge of the patient's personality type (see Chapter 8 section entitled "'Dimensions of the Patient that Affect the Relationship-The Patient's Personality Style") to maximize impact and to enhance the relationship. For example, cite statistics to a patient with obsessive-compulsive personality trait, for example, "'research shows that smoking increases your risk of lung cancer by 10-fold, even more for cardiovascular disease; it reduces your life expectancy by 6 to 7 years. Ifyou quit smoking now, your health will improve immediately; if you continue to be smoke-free for a year, your risk for heart attacks and strokes will be almost as though you'd never smoked; the same is true for emphysema after 2 years and cancer after 10 years"; emphasize cosmetic benefits to a patient with histrionic personality trait, ".. . if you quit smoking your skin will be brighter, your teeth will look much whiter, and your breath will be fresher ... I will work hard with you to prevent weight gain." Similarly, appealing to a patient with a self-defeating style that continued smoking could prevent his/her ongoing care of an ailing family member may be compelling. Emphasize interests that the habit could interfere with such as seeing grandchildren grow up, and the patient's capabilities for change, for example, "You've really done a lot at your church and are known as a doer. You could add this to your list of achievements, set a good example for many, and gain the benefit of saving a lot of money." Gauging from the patient's personality style and response to suggested interventions, you may need to be by turns a cheerleader, politician, diplomat, and/or confidant. Use the skills outlined in sections entitled "Share Information'' and "Invite the Patient to Participate in Shared Decision Making" to foster shared decision making as you educate the patient. If you use undue pressure without attending to the patient's needs and preferences, slhe is likely to resist. Keep a hopeful and positive tone; for example, "There are smokers' support groups and medications that are helpful. Weve had some great results." To further encourage the patient, you can say that having failed before at changing a bad habit bodes well for future success because most successful patients have had many unsuccessful previous attempts. Obtain a Commitment Behavior change requires commitment from both the patient and the clinician. Signal your own commitment, for example, "I'll be working with you weekly on this ifyou decide to go ahead ..." and explicitly ask for commitment from the patient, "'Quitting is not easy and it will require effort from both of us-are you ready to start working on this?" Trying to obtain a commitment
Chapter 6 STEP 11: THE END OF THE INTERVIEW 1.61. may be the most awkward part of the interaction; tension can lead you to be vague, indirect, or provide a loophole for escape. To someone who appears to be on the fence about changing, you might begin to obtain commitment by saying, "Are you really committed to walking ... On a scale of 1-10 (Where 1 is not at all and 10 is total commitment) where would you put yourself? Why did you choose that number and not a lower one? What would it take to help you get closer to 10?" If the patient does commit to change, support the plan and reaffirm your availability and that of other help. Praise and reinforce the decision to make a change; for example, "I'm impressed that you're willing to work on such a big change. I know it will be hard work but I know you can do it." Failure to do an agreed upon task is common and predictable. Patients may consent to a task because it is socially acceptable but fail to follow through because of unexpressed ambivalence that results in weak commitment. They may have difficulty disclosing the ambivalence or be unaware of it until after the visit. Maintain an empathic stance and express curiosity, for example, "We were both optimistic that you would set a quit date by the end of last month. Tell me what prevented you from doing so." Focusing on a patient's positive qualities when progress is fleeting or absent can be difficult, but it is essential to helping the patient to eventually succeed. Shared decision making allows and accommodates the option that the patient may choose not to follow your advice or recommendations. Nonjudgmentally inquire about the patient's refusal, being careful that the patient does not feel pressured or criticized, and clarify any possible misunderstandings. You can ask, "What would it take for you to change your mind?"48 Our cigarette smoker, for example, might answer with, "Well, a heart attack or cancer, I guess:' The answer itself sometimes helps the patient realize how really dangerous the habit is and encourages behavior change. Let the patient know that you accept and respect his/her decision. Defuse differences or tension that might interfere with subsequent care. Reassure the patient that you will neither pressure nor abandon him/her-but that you will continue to gently explore the patient's readiness to change. One empathic technique is to express understanding of a dilemma; for example, "I can see you are caught in a bind On the one hand, you're tired ofthese chest colds and want to stop smoking. On the other hand, you enjoy smoking and find it releases stress at work. So you want both to quit and not to. That's a real predicament!" Help Patient Set Realistic Goals A key component of effective behavior change is goal setting. Many chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and medically unexplained
1.82 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING symptoms (MUS) are not curable; patients who suffer with them need to establish realistic long-term goals to keep functioning or improve functioning after setbacks. Healthy people may want to prevent disease and maintain their well-being. Dialogue about goal-setting may include statements like, "What are some of the things you would be doing if you weren't feeling so badly?" Long-term goals are realized by achieving specific, measurable short-term goals. Ask the patient, "What two or three things could you commit to doing over the next 1 to 2 weeks?" If a patient indicates that she or he would like to start exercising, ask him/her, "What exactly do you plan to do ... How many times a week will you walk ... for how long?" Review these short-term goals during subsequent visits and revise them together as needed, for example, "You thought that stretching every morning would be possible for you. What got in the way?" Write down all long- and short-term goals to help keep both you and the patient accountable. Negotiate a Speciftc Plan After goals have been set and commitment is made, you need to negotiate specific plans with the patient and understand the details of the behavior to be changed so that an effective plan can be agreed upon. In our example of the patient who smokes cigarette, you want the details of when the patient smokes, the most important times for smoking (e.g., while drinking coffee), what stresses prompt smoking (e.g., work), who else in the patient's environment smokes (e.g., best friend), and what situations might make the patient resume smoking once stopped (e.g., "having a beer with the boys"). Strategies for change must address these issues and, at the same time, be compatible with the patient's daily life. As usual, involve the patient actively in identifying problem areas and the solutions. For example, if a cigarette smoker identifies drinking beer with his friends as a situation that leads to smoking, you can ask the patient to identify ways to either avoid or manage this potential trigger. Similarly, if a patient says that s/he wants to light up every time s/he drinks coffee, you might ask the patient what else s/he could drink or do instead of having coffee. Only the patient can find those solutions that are unique to his/her life circumstance. With some habits, use a "step at a time" approach; for example, in initiating a low-cholesterol diet, negotiate decisions about which foods to reduce (e.g., red meats), the amount of reduction (e.g., one serving daily instead of three), and the meal from which they are reduced (e.g., breakfast). Only if the cholesterol level does not fall would further negotiation be required (e.g., further reduce red meat intake to twice weekly, and omit butter). When applicable, negotiate medical interventions as well. For example, you may use medications for elevated cholesterol only after dietary measures
KNOWLEDGE EXERCISES 1. At what point in the interaction does patient education usually occur? During which visit? 2. List several circumstances where providing routine data is involved; list several circumstances where you might need to give bad news; list several circumstances where you may want to not only inform the patient but also motivate them to action. 3. In which patient education category will an extra focus upon the clinician-patient relationship be most important? In addition to using NURS, what other factor(s) enhance the relationship in motivating the patient to change?
SKILLS EXERCISES 1. In role play, inform a patient of the necessary details of his/her program for several medications taken at different times of day; for example, an antibiotic, decongestant, vaporizer, and oxygen for a patient with mild ("walking") pneumonia. 2. In role play, give a patient bad news; for example, that they have AIDS, an abnormal mammogram, an abnormal amniocentesis, an elevated blood sugar, or a cancerous-appearing lump in a chest x-ray. 3. In role play, inform and motivate a patient to stop or change a deleterious habit; for example, to stop smoking cigarettes, to change to a low-fat diet, to begin a program of progressively increasing exercise. 4. When facile in role play, conduct all exercises with real or simulated patients. REFERENCES 1. Grueninger UJ, Duffy FD, Goldstein MG. Patient education in the medical encounter: how to facilitate learning, behavior change, and coping. In: Lipkin M, Putnam SM, Lazare A, eds. The Medical Interview. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1995:122-133. 2. Prochaska JO, Velicer WF. The transtheoretical model of health behavior change. Am J Health Promo. 1997;12:38-48. 3. Stoffelmayr B, Hoppe RB, Weber N. Facilitating patient participation: the doctor-patient encounter. Prim Care. 1989;16:265-278. 4. Rollnick S, Butler CC, McCambridge J, Kinnersley P, Elwyn G, Resnicow K. Consultations about changing behaviour. BM]. 2005;331(7522):961-963. 5. Young HN, Bell RA, Epstein RM, Feldman MD, Kravitz RL. Types of information physicians provide when prescribing antidepressants. J Gen Int Med. 2006;21:1172-1177. 6. Miller WR, Rollnick S, Moyers TB. Motivational Interviewing in Medical Settings. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico; 1998. 7. Lown B. Module 10: Share Information. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 8. Lown B. Module 11: Reaching Agreement. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 9. Lown B. Module 12: Provide Closure. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 10. Braddock CH III. The emerging importance and relevance of shared decision making to clinical practice. Med Decis Making. 2010;30(5 suppl):5S-7S.
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Chapter 6 STEP 11: THE END OF THE INTERVIEW 1.67 Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 44. Schindler BA, Farran T. Module 30: Drug Abuse Diagnosis and Counseling. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 45. Smith RC, Lyles JS, Mettler J, et al. The effectiveness of intensive training for residents in interviewing. A randomized, controlled study. Ann Intern Med. 1998;128: 118-126. 46. Riegel B, Dickson VV, Garcia LE, Creber RM, Streur M. Mechanisms of change in selfcare in adults with heart failure receiving a tailored, motivational interviewing intervention. Patient Educ Couns. 2017;100(2):283-288. 47. Spencer JC, Wheeler SB. A systematic review of motivational interviewing interventions in cancer patients and survivors. Patient Educ Couns. 2016;99(7):1099-1105. 48. Williams GC, Quill TE, Deci EL, Ryan RM. "The facts concerning the recent carnival of smoking in Connecticut" and elsewhere. Ann Intern Med. 1991;115:59-63.
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Adapting the Interview to Different Situations and Other Practical Issues The interview vignette with Ms. Jones that we have presented thus far in this textbook is just one example of how the patient-centered interaction between a clinician and a patient can unfold. If you have viewed the AccessMedicine companion videos or the DocCom modules, you know that the patientcentered interview can be adapted to different clinical settings and all patient encounters. In this chapter, we will provide you with more instruction and details on working with patients and situations that differ from the routine medical visit and present challenges. We will discuss how you can adjust the interview to different clinical situations. Perhaps you worry about interviewing a patient who cannot seem to stop talking, or one who it feels hard to pull information from. The skills required in these situations are used primarily in the beginning of the interview (Steps 1-5). This chapter focuses only on how you can tailor the process of the interview in various medical encounters with a variety of patients and does not consider the content that needs to be addressed in specific clinical situations. Clinical textbooks will help you obtain the details that must be incorporated into many of the encounters discussed here. 1 To aid you, we have developed several companion videos available at AccessMedicine (www.accessmedicine.com/SmithsPCI). Rather than have experts demonstrate the clinician's role, we have used resident trainees to make the videos more realistic and applicable for readers who are themselves new to interviewing. The demonstrations show what is possible after training. • BALANCING PATIENT-CENTERED AND CLINICIAN-CENTERED INTERVIEWING SKILLS There is no ftxed rule on how to distribute the time you have for an interview between the beginning of the interview, the middle, and the end. Based on the 169
1.70 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING patient's needs, you will determine the initial balance during Steps 1 to 5. You might average 10% of your time in the beginning of the interview for most patients, but this allocation of time can vary from 2% for, say, a patient who needs a medication refill and has no personal issues to more than 50% with, for example, a patient with severe marital problems. The balance will depend on the severity and urgency of the patient's personal issues. It may also be necessary to return repeatedly to using patient-centered interviewing skills even late in the interview. In the beginning ofthe interview, the main block ofcontrollable time lies in Step 4, continuing the HPI. Steps 1 to 3 and Step 5 usually take little time and are similar from patient to patient. Consider the following examples where we first describe patient-centered medical encounters in a variety of clinical situations and then with patients who possess various styles and characteristics. • ADDRESSING VARIOUS MEDICAL ENCOUNTERS AND CHALLENGES New Inpatient or Outpatient without Urgent or Complex Personal Problems First consider a typical new patient, like Ms. Jones, who comes to the clinician without urgent medical concerns (where immediate action is required) or complex personal problems. Physical symptom complaints often predominate and we usually devote about 10% of our time to the initial patientcentered process of the interview. This will be your experience with most new patients in a medical setting, whether inpatient or outpatient. Such patients, like Ms. Jones, have defmite personal issues, yet they are not urgent or overwhelming; for example, a patient with known cancer is admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy but is more worried about his wife being home alone with the flu; an outpatient presents with a weight loss of 5 pounds and is somewhat concerned about possible cancer and wants "to be sure." The companion AccessMedicine video "New Inpatient Interview" demonstrates a typical first patient encounter in the hospital setting. In this setting, the same five steps are used. The AccessMedicine video, "'Evidence-based Interviewing: Patient-Centered Interviewing" is much longer and depicts the entire patientcentered interview with extensive labeling; it involves a new outpatient and is conducted by an expert. New Patient with Urgent or Complex Personal/Behavioral Health Problems Some new inpatients and outpatients present with more urgent and complex personal problems; for example, acute marital discord led to sleeplessness,
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 1.71. depression, headaches, and diarrhea for an outpatient who requested a "'checkup"; or a recent unexpected business setback immediately preceded the admission to the hospital of a now very angry man with chest pain; or a patient admitted for pneumonia who is overwhelmed and crying after being informed that his HIV test came back positive. In these instances, you will give more time to exploring personal and emotional issues by increasing time in Step 4 and, very likely, you also will spend time during the middle of the interview (especially in Steps 6 and 7) to better understand details of what could be a serious psychological problem (see Chapter 5). The companion AccessMedicine video, "'Patient with a Mental Health Disorder'' depicts Ms. Johnson, who comes to see her physician with vague complaints of fatigue. After development of the personal and emotional stories and through the use ofNURS, her clinician learns that Ms. Johnson suffers from depression. Follow-up Inpatient or Outpatient without Urgent or Complex Personal Problems Just as with new patients, most follow-up (return visit) patients do not have urgent or complex personal problems but these encounters differ because they are much briefer. Consider a 5- to 15-minute follow-up visit, either in- or outpatient, for predominantly physical concerns. You progress through Steps 1 to 4 but Step 4 will be rather brief, since the patient offers no pressing personal issues or emotional burdens. You will then make a transition (Step 5) to the middle of the interview (Step 6) where you will fill in the HPI of the patient's physical symptoms; for example, any worsening or new symptoms after treating the patient's strep throat 1 week ago or any change from the preceding day in this inpatient's chest pain. In both instances, you must listen for new personal contextual information ("'want to get back to work," "want to go home") and respond empathically, yet most personal data already will be known and the patient's symptoms will be your primary focus. The personal issues of follow-up patients frequently concern treatment and disposition; these are often addressed in the end of the interview, as we saw in Chapter 6. The companion AccessMedicine video "Follow-up Inpatient Interview" with Ms. Jones (a different Ms. Jones than the one we have gotten to know throughout this book) demonstrates using the five steps for a follow-up visit as does the vignette with a clinical student and Mr. Gomez below. ~nette of Mr. Gomez (Ward rounds by a clinical student on a patient with primarily physical symptoms on his second day of hospitalization with no more than 15 minutes available.)
1.72 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Student: Patient: Student: Patient: Student: Patient: Student: Patient: Student: Patient: Student: Patient: Student: (Observes patient for comfort, helps with pillow, and sits down) Hi Mr. Gomez, it's Nancy Brown. I'd like to examine you this morning (pointing to stethoscope), but before I do that, let's get a list of the concerns you want to talk about. [The student sets the stage by attending to the patient's comfort, gives her own agenda (stethoscope), and asks about the patient's agenda so that both Step 1 and Step 2 are addressed in no more than a few seconds.) Nothing new. How are you doing with the pain? [An open-ended question to start Step 3] The pain is better. Can I leave now? [The patient gives both symptom and personal data] Leave? Yeah, to go to my job. Remember, we talked about it? We did talk about that, anything new? No, but they still need me at work, and my wife's in a fix being alone at home with the kids. Well, I sure understand you're concerned about your job and that's a tough situation for your wife to be in, but there's a little more. Our (gesturing to the patient and herself) biggest concern now is to be certain you are OK and don't have an appendicitis and we aren't sure yet. [Note that, in a brief visit, the student addresses the personal issue to start Step 4, but does not reexplore what she already knows except to ascertain no change. The student also incorporates naming, understanding, respect, and support into her response. The response was supportive both verbally and nonverbally. involving the patient by pointing and using the terms "our" and "'we:'] You still think tomorrow? Well, if the blood count and CT scan tum out OK and the pain clears up, it's possible. But we just don't know for certain yet. Our focus now is your health and getting you back to your job in good shape. Sounds difficult for you, though. [The student continues addressing personal issues in Step 4 by staying focused on the question raised by the patient and again makes a supportive statement about wanting most to help the patient, and a respect statement about how difficult this situation is.] Yeah, thanks [The patient seems satisfied.] Let me shift now and ask you to tell me more about the pain. [This is Step 5, the transition, and a beginning of Step 6 of the middle of the interview still using open -ended requests. Note
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 1.73 that the student effectively conducted the patient-centered process in about 1 minute and now will address the patient's symptom in Step 6.] Patient: Well, the pain yesterday was more around the belly button but now it's down here on the right (right lower quadrant). It hurts to push on it but isn't bad otherwise. Student: Have you had bowel movement yet? ... [The student will spend the next several minutes determining symptom descriptors, if symptoms are changed from yesterday, and search out and defme any new symptoms. She will then examine the patient, review the laboratory data, and make further plans, in conjunction with the resident and supervising physician. Steps 7 to 10 of the clinician-centered process will be unnecessary because the student obtained these data when the patient was admitted to the hospital the previous day. The student also will inform the patient that she will be back when the results of the lab tests and computed tomography (CT) scan are available. Note again how closely the patient's personal issues revolve around the symptom.] This vignette demonstrates that a predominantly clinician-centered follow-up interaction also can address personal issues. Follow-up Patient with Urgent or Complex Personal Problems You may have a follow-up patient with urgent or complex personal issues, often but not always with no physical complaints. You will quickly determine this during Steps 1 to 4, and then take more time in Step 4 to better develop the personal issues, uncover emotion, and respond with NURS, resulting in a predominantly patient-centered interview. Even with no physical concern expressed by the patient, you will still make a transition to the middle of the interview and use clinician-centered skills to, for example, ask more about symptoms of depression (see Chapter 5, section entitled "Addressing a Predominantly Psychological Problem" and the companion AccessMedicine video with Ms. Johnson titled "Patient with a Mental Health Disorder"), and/ or briefly inquire about the patient's physical health; for example, "Any more problems with the heartburn? The constipation?~ that is, always integrating the personal and symptom data. ~nette of Ms. Wong (An outpatient previously seen for other problems now presents with a predominantly personal problem in a 15-minute appointment slot.)
1.74 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Clinician: Hi, Ms. Wong. I haven't seen you for a while. Aie you comfortable sitting there? (She nods.) Anything you need before we get started? [Step 1] Patient: No, unless you can fix my son. He's getting a divorce. And that means the grandchildren will have to leave town. And then ... [The patient is introducing tension-laden personal material already.] Clinician: That sounds very important. I want to hear more about it in a moment, but before we get started, I want to be sure to get a list of what you would like to talk about today; so I can be sure to address all your concerns, OK? [The clinician determines that it is appropriate, as is usually the case, to interrupt briefly and respectfully to get the agenda (Step 2).] Patient: Well, I came because of my back. It's a little worse, and you did all those tests a year ago that were 0 K. I think it's the stress with my son. Clinician: OK, the back and the stress. Is there something else? [The clinician is being certain that the entire agenda is elicited.] Patient: No, that's enough! Clinician: OK. So, tell me more about this stress. Sounds like a tough time for you [When the patient has already begun with strongly felt personal data, it is appropriate to return directly to the material raised to start Step 3.] Patient: Well, my son has been married for nearly 15 years and everything always seemed OK. I think they thought so, too. And now this. My daughter-in-law is furious at him. Clinician: (Silence) [The clinician is in the nonfocusing Step 3 and simply letting the patient lead.] Patient: He's always been a bit of a ladies' man and, well, that's caused problems before, too. Clinician: This sounds like it's been a tough time for you. How're you doing with all this? [Beginning to grasp the problem and recalling the need to be timely; the clinician introduces Step 4 by changing the focus to her emotions. While following the steps in sequence, one does not always need to address all substeps such as, in this example, addressing physical symptoms before proceeding to emotion. The details of the son's problem are less important also and can be developed later if necessary.] Patient: (Starting to cry) I'm mad at him for being so stupid. And I can't stand having to be away from the grandkids. She'll get them and they'll move back to her home. (More crying)
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 1.75 [This story would now be developed by using, active openended, emotion-seeking, and empathy skills over and over in a cyclic way. Using these skills allowed Ms. Wong to admit that she'd been feeling depressed and had stopped going to her card games; she expressed worry because this is how she felt following her husband's death. We will now pick it back up to show the transition to the middle of the interview.] Clinician: You've sure been through a lot and I'm glad you've told me about it. Do you feel OK to change gears now so I can ask a few more questions about your back? [The clinician is in Step 5 and checking to see if the patient is finished talking about this difficult problem.] Patient: Sure, and thanks again for listening. I feel better. Clinician: [In Step 4, the patient related that she had lost interest in a previously enjoyable activity-her card games (anhedonia) and felt depressed. She offered positive answers for depression, without having been specifically asked the depression screening questions (see Chapter 5, the section entitled "Addressing a Predominantly Psychological Problem" and the companion AccessMedicine video titled "Patient with a Mental Health Disorder"). Now, in the middle of the interview, the clinician will ask more questions to complete the diagnostic criteria for depression.] I wanted to ask about your sleep. How's that going? Patient: Not very good. Clinician: Tell me about it. Patient: I just stare at the ceiling and worry! [In addition to sleep disturbances, the clinician will learn that Ms. Wong has other symptoms of depression: a poor appetite, low energy, and difficulty concentrating, further supporting the diagnosis of major depression, an urgent problem that will require treatment. The clinician then ascertains, continuing to use predominantly closed-ended inquiry, that Ms. Wong is not suicidal. We now pick up the conversation where the clinician is addressing the back pain that brought the patient in.] Clinician: Well, that's sure been a hard time for you. Could you now say more about the backache? [One still addresses physical symptoms-however insignificant they may seem or however much the patient downplays them. Note again how closely the symptoms and personal problems often are related.] Patient: It's the same place. And it never did go down the leg after that one time 4 years ago. I don't think it's anything ... [During the
1.78 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING next few minutes the clinician reviews the symptom descriptors and then examines her. When the patient has dressed, the clinician will make recommendations about the depression and the back pain.] When a patient relates personal issues that cannot be "fixed; it is easy to feel overwhelmed and unhelpful, but remember that communication is therapeutic. The key to successfully managing the encounter is to recognize the power of simply connecting with the patient through careful listening (which begins in Step 3), drawing out the emotional context of the personal issue, and responding empathically, using NURS (Step 4). Most often patients merely want to express their problems and receive empathic witnessing, rather than being told what to do to flx the problem. Of course, as in this case when a diagnosis such as depression is made, specific treatments can be offered such as antidepressant medications, psychotherapy, counseling, and other mental health treatments. Some mental health treatments share the quality of professional and patient emotional connection seen with patient-centered interviewing, yet they are different, more complex treatments with different processes and outcomes, and do not substitute for one another. Dlseas&-Preventlon VIsit Patients often come without a focused, specific problem to address, yet they might want preventive screenings, frequently referred to as an "annual physical." In this case, you will proceed in the same stepwise fashion that has been outlined. In Step 2, the patient may often want to discuss several issues, for example, flu shot, exercise program, diet, mammogram, and Pap smear. Because the patient has no particular concern and may have many agenda items, it is essential to keep asking, "What else?" or "What other concerns do you have?" until all the concerns have been elicited. 2-4 It is often fruitful to ask why the patient has come in at this particular time. You might learn that some health problems have occurred in a family member or friends, or that the patient has noted some alteration in body function and wants to be sure there is nothing wrong such as cancer, high cholesterol, or diabetes. Upon eliciting this story in an open-ended manner, use the emotion-seeking skills to explore the attendant worry and anxiety. Then, you can use naming, understanding, respecting, and supporting (NURS), offer especially a respect statement praising the patient for corning in and working to achieve maximum health status. On the other hand, many patients simply come in for routine visits without a specillc reason. In that instance, the beginning of the interview may be no
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 1.77 more than 1 to 2 minutes oflargely agenda-setting and praising the patient for coming in. In all disease-prevention visits, much time is spent in the middle and end of the interview, using clinician-centered skills in the middle to pin down details of the patient's health-related activities; for example (a) present exercise pattern, how many minutes, how vigorous, or any related injuries; and (b) specific daily diet, understanding of caloric and fat content, interest in making major changes, and prior attempts to diet. Chapter 6 addressed how to educate and motivate patients to change harmful behaviors such as smoking. In addition, even though the patient may not have it as an agenda item, you will want to determine his/her interest in pursuing routine age-appropriate health-prevention recommendations, such as colon cancer screening, immunizations, and mammograms. During such visits, address all pertinent (to the patient's age, gender, and status) aspects of social history (Chapter 5): ethical-social-spiritual practices, functional status, health-promoting and health-maintenance activities, and health hazards. Of course, there is a spectrum of patients between the urgent and less urgent personal categories, and there is no way to predict how many physical symptoms will be present in either category. 5 In the difficult situation where both personal and symptom data are plentiful, urgent, and complex, careful agenda-setting (Step 2) will define what seems most important to both you and to the patient. Even so, some issues may have to be deferred to a later appointment. Acute, Ufe-Threatenlng Medical Illness VIsit During an acute, possibly life-threatening illness visit as seen in the AccessMedicine companion video titled "Acutely ill Patient" the clinician remains patient-centered as she addresses Mr. Green's medical issues, concerns, and fears. Patient-centered communication includes the use of touch and reassurance-no need to use all five steps during these visits. Patients require immediate medical/physical attention as they receive empathic words regarding their physical state and the state of loved ones. As seen in Mr. Green's emergency room encounter, the physician introduces herself, clarifies her role, orients the patient, provides education regarding injuries and subsequent plan, attends to comfort, and asks about his immediate emotional needs. Generally, emergency patients require care that respects, honors, and addresses patients' and families' needs, wishes, preferences, and participation in decision making. Patient-centered communication geared toward care, comfort, information and education, privacy and expectation management facilitates the patients' understanding and capacity to aid in their recovery.6
1.78 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING • ADDRESSING COMMON PATIENT COMMUNICATION STYLES AND CHALLENGES Even after you learn how to distribute time between the beginning, middle, and end of the interview, there are still patient communication styles and clinical situations that influence interviewing and affect how time will be spent. Patients interact with clinicians in diverse ways-some assertive, some passive, some informed. some less so, and some with communication challenges. For example, as can be seen in AccessMedicine video titled "How to Interrupt" and the section below "The Art of Interrupting," a loquacious patient can require more time, more interruption, and less encouragement to talk than a reticent patient telling the same story. Closing the encounter can feel awkward until the art of interrupting and skillfully controlling the encounter becomes learned through deliberate practice and learned techniques. Different interactional styles are influenced by many factors, including age, gender, education level, personality style (see Chapter 8, section entitled "Dimensions of the Patient that Affect the Relationship-the Patient's Personality Style"), and cultural upbringing (see section below entitled "Cultural Competence"). We now consider some of these unique considerations, noting that most decisions about the available time are made during Steps 1 to 5. The Less Talkative, Reticent, Embarrassed, or Fearful Patient It is important to get reticent patients talking, about anything, whatever it takes. Typically, the agenda items (Step 2) are limited and focused on physical symptoms, and there is little response on the patient's part to initial openended inquiry (Step 3). The nonfocusing open-ended skills (silence, continuers, nonverbal encouragement) often are ineffective and, in Step 4, you must rely on the focusing open-ended skills (echoing, requests, summary) and emotion-seeking skills (direct, indirect). Among the latter, self-disclosure may be particularly effective; for example, "I once had back pain and was very frustrated, how about you?" Even though the patient may express no emotion, you can direct empathy skills toward what you do know about the patient, for example, "It sounds like some difficult problems you've had; you were right to come in so we can help (naming, respecting, supporting):' Or "I bet you have feelings about that tough situation." The reticent patient will often share additional information in response. To get the conversation going, you might need to be very explicit about what you are asking for. For example, to begin Step 3 you might normally say, "It sounds like the back pain is the most important thing for you today-tell me about it." If the patient responds, "It hurts;' you will need to provide more detailed instructions: "Please tell me all about your back pain, from the time
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 1.79 it started until today, in as much detail as you can remember. This will help me to help you." This cueing will often get a reticent patient started. The key is to not give up on your open-ended skills too quickly. Rather, rely on more actively using the focusing open-ended skills than you might in another interview. Often patients need time and experience to learn that you are interested in the symptom story. If you try all the open-ended skills repeatedly and you still cannot get much of a symptom story from the patient, then, in Step 4 ask about the patient's symptoms using closed-ended questions, such as, "Where exactly is the back pain located~': "Does it go down your leg~~ ·1\ny leg weakness?" Remember though to elicit the personal context of the symptom, looking for any thread of personal data to facilitate; for example, ifthe patient says, "I can't walk the dog anymore;' focus on it to get some personal conversation going and attempt to elicit the emotional context in order to respond empathically. Specifically, ask about, for example, the kind of dog and age of the dog, rather than medical symptoms. Ordinarily, reticent patients will talk and satisfactory stories can be elicited, albeit briefer and less complete than with other patients. Symptom data are easier to obtain during the middle of the interview because you have more control of the conversation, and sometimes reticent patients offer personal data during the middle or end of the interview, seemingly warmed-up by what has preceded. For example, while giving the family history (FH) or deciding on starting an exercise program, the patient begins to talk about personal issues. Of course, you would then alter your style to become patient-centered and further develop this personal information. Thus far, we have assumed that the personal information obtained during the beginning of the interview is the most important personal information. Indeed, that is almost always so, but such data aren't always complete, especially around topics where patients feel embarrassed or fear others will perceive them to be abnormal; common examples include sexual practices, substance use, suicidal intent, and intimate partner violence. Proceeding through Steps 1 to 5, you may first suspect a hidden problem, such as a story of severe depression, which causes you to wonder about suicidal intent or a story of frequent fractures, which raises the question of falls due to alcoholism or elder abuse. In fact, sometimes awareness does not become apparent until later (e.g., you observe unusual bruises during the physical exam leading you to consider intimate partner violence). Clinician-centered interviewing skills allow you to obtain the necessary information, usually early in the middle of the interview (Step 6) although sometimes later, for example, in the past medical history (PMH) or social history (SH). Begin with a transition statement ("I want to focus now on your use of alcohol") and follow-up with progressively more closed-ended inquiry
1.80 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING until all significant information is obtained. Following this format orients the patient to the interview and what is asked of him/her. The social history section of Chapter 5 (Step 8) shows the key data you should elicit about areas such as intimate partner violence or substance abuse. Perform this inquiry sensitively, nonjudgmentally, and respectfully. Tell the patient how important this information is for you to be able to help, and reassure confidentiality. Often, the patient has some strong feelings that you must elicit with emotion-seeking skills and address using empathy skills. We recommend using clinician-centered interviewing skills in this way whenever pertinent personal information is not obtained in the beginning of the interview. For example, if the patient does not seem to be following your treatment recommendations, you might start the middle of the interview open-endedly with a question or statement such as, "Let's talk about how you're taking each of your medicines each day," and follow-up with more narrowly focused inquiry until clarity is achieved; for example, "Let's count how many pills you have left in the container to be sure you're taking them like I think you are:' Thus, clinician-centered skills that are predominantly dosedended often are required to supplement the personal database. Clinicians usually find it difficult to address issues that patients are avoiding and have strong feelings about. It is normal to experience fear, concern, abhorrence, or voyeuristic curiosity. Ifyou are personally aware, you can keep these responses from interfering with your patient interaction, as we discuss in more detail in Chapter 8. The OVerly-Talkative Patient Loquacious patients make clinicians feel overwhelmed. It is important to establish a personal and emotional focus efficiently, while redirecting the patient if conversation is either too detailed or too tangential. Talkative patients may begin without you saying anything. Developing the agenda (Step 2) typically is difficult. Nevertheless, you must develop a list of concerns, often by respectfully interrupting and refocusing frequently. Further, in Step 3 you might not even need an open-ended beginning question or statement because the patient is already giving much information. Indeed, silence alone often suffices as the patient talks on. After no more than 1 minute with a new patient (sooner with follow-up patients), you will need to get actively involved, lest you become a nonparticipator. Some patients feel the need to recount every detail of their symptoms and concerns. This sort of over-inclusive talk can interfere with your getting personal and emotional data. You must respectfully and tactfully interrupt, refocus, and redirect, sometimes repeatedly. Summarizing what has been
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 1.81. said up to that point can assist a patient to move on. ("Excuse me. So, you were hurrying, slipped, and fell on the ice, and still had to go to work where you were uncomfortable sitting all day, right? Tell me more about .. ,") Other patients discuss issues that do not relate to themselves directly, for example, other people's care, politics. Still others focus on remote past events with no apparent relevance to their present situation. In all instances, you will need to actively refocus the patient (Step 4) to the here and now ("The President's health policy affects us all; can you tell me how it applies to you personally?") and, in particular, their emotional reactions, using the emotion-seeking skills ("Those are important details, but how did that affect you, emotionally?"). Also, you can use NURS to redirect the patient; for example, "That's been a long spell for you. I can sure understand how upsetting it might be. Thanks for giving me that background. Let's move on now to what happened yesterday." On the other hand, if patients are talking about themselves in the present and giving emotional data, you will want to stay with and facilitate this focus. Once such a focus is established, your task is to complete Step 4 in a timely manner. A firm, clear transition statement effectively changes focus to the middle of the interview; for example, after summarizing and using NURS, "We need to change gears now so I can ask you some questions to learn more about your constipation if that's OK." Talkative patients produce plentiful personal data and you may easily obtain a long story. Because of time constraints, avoid a prolonged return to personal information if the patient reintroduces it later in the middle of the interview. The most important data usually will already have arisen. Nonetheless, if the patient expresses emotion, you must address it. Briefly listening and using empathy skills usually will suffice. Talkative patients can seem "easy" to the student inclined to passivity and "irritating to one who likes to take control-either way your task is to remain patient-centered as you gather relevant information. Awareness of your own personality characteristics will maximize effectiveness. In Chapter 8, we discuss further strategies for addressing your personal responses and for managing these patients. Let's take a moment to discuss the art of interrupting in greater detail. The Alt of Interrupting Even though you may have been warned, "never interrupt;' interrupting is a key patient-centered skill if it refocuses the patient on something they already have mentioned.7 But, during the patient-centered portion of the interaction, you should not interrupt to change the subject raised by the patient to something not yet mentioned by him/her. As described in Chapter 2, in the patient-centered portion of the interview, the clinician only talks about
1.82 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING what the patient has "put on the table" for discussion-and does not bring up new topics. For example, if a patient mentions chest pain but not dyspnea (shortness of breath) or mentions his own worry but not his wife's, it would be inappropriate to interrupt to ask. "is there any shortness of breath?'' or "is your wife worried?": On the other hand, it is very patient-centered to interrupt to focus (more accurately, refocus) on something already mentioned by the patient. In the example above, it is perfecdy appropriate to interrupt your patient who has perhaps meandered away from describing the symptom story, the personal context, or the emotional context to say, "you're getting ahead of me, sorry to interrupt but I'd like to get back the chest pain you mentioned," or "excuse me, that's important, but let's first get back to what you mean when you say you are worried." These are patient-centered interruptions because they simply refocus the patient on something already mentioned, typically something the interviewer believes needs further elucidation. As depicted on the AccessMedicine video "How to Interrupt;' interrupting may be necessary, especially with the talkative patient, during agenda-setting, during the body of the interview when the patient gets away from something the interviewer thinks is important (often emotional material), or at the end of the interview when the interviewer needs to interrupt a talkative patient in order to end the encounter. The sequential model (five steps) ofpatient-centered interviewing oudined in this text organizes the medical appointment to give the patient time and encouragement to discuss concerns as well as providing respect and understanding in an efficient manner. Patients want to be heard and you can learn ways to listen and still guide the conversation.8- 10 Here are examples of appropriate interruptions that successfully refocus the patient in a respectful way. • Agenda-setting-"Just a minute, could we go back to our Ust of concerns today? I want to make sure I get them all down so we cover everything you want to talk about"; "Excuse me, we'll get back to that, but I want to make sure we get a list of all of your concerns today." • During Step 4 and other times- "Can I ask you about something you said a minute ago? It sounded important;" "We'll get back to your medications, but you mentioned being angry, can you first say more about that." Going back to a previously stated topic or word helps the patient to join you in the conversation, and not feel interrupted. • Ending the interview-"I'm saddened to hear that your daughter's babysitting job (patient raised a new topic) has been hard for you (respecting). Before we end our visit today (telegraphing the interaction is about to end), could you tell me which pharmacy to send your prescriptions to?"
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 1.83 (changing the topic). "I know, you mentioned that earlier (concern about what an x-ray technician said) and I can understand your concern, I'll check on it for you. So, it's time for us to stop today, I'll see you for your next appointment in a month." Patients "feel interrupted" when the clinician changes topics, does not recognize that an interruption took place, or gives only a perfunctory response to a concern and then moves ahead. This is foremost with inappropriate, clinician-centered interrupting during agenda-setting. Research demonstrated that clinicians interrupt patients an average of 18 seconds after asking the patient what concerns they had, meaning that the clinician took the lead away from the patient before they got their first sentence out. Beckman and Frankel8 also found that when cut off early, patients often later raised the concerns-at the end of the visit. This means now needing to address the problem that should have arisen during agenda-setting, one that now must be addressed after the interview should be over. The Stole/Unemotional Patient We now focus on a difficult and fortunately less common problem: when the patient seems unable to discuss the personal context of the symptoms or the emotions connected with them and persists in describing symptoms and reciting secondary data, such as results of tests slhe has had. This patient differs from "The Less Talkative, Reticent, Embarrassed or Fearful Patient" discussed above in that, the patient is not able to focus on and describe emotions-they lack words to describe feelings/emotions. In these cases, open-ended skills may not be enough to encourage the patient to share the personal and emotional context of the situation, and you may have to actively direct the patient with emotion-seeking skills. The symptoms may be prominent, and these patients may be secretly fearful. Uncovering and empathically addressing the emotion can be therapeutic. First, summarize the symptom information and then follow immediately with emotionseeking skills. Direct emotion-seeking (e.g., "How does that make you feel?") is often ineffective, and indirect emotion-seeking must be used. Asking about impact ("How does this affect your life?") can be particularly effective in getting a focus on the personal context. Then you can ask about emotion directly. Respectful interrupting often facilitates the transition as well. As with the reticent patient, the personal stories often are more truncated and less complex. These patients can be frustrating because the interview is difficult and because they are hard to get to know personally. Simply recognizing this frustration will help you provide them the best care they will allow you to.
1.84 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Vl~ette of Mt. Swenson Patient: (In Steps 3 and 4, the patient has given limited descriptions of arm pain, headache, loose stools, and nausea from medication, but without expression of concern, emotion, or anything more personal. The patient also mentions a negative CT scan and Dr. Johnson's diagnosis of arteritis) [The clinician knows that s/he is going to have to work harder than usual to draw out the broader personal context of these symptoms.] Clinician: (first summarizes the physical problems and immediatdy follows with this entry) Boy, you've sure had a lot of things going on. How does that make you feel, you know, emotionally? [Clinician makes a respect statement followed by a direct emotion-seeking question.] Patient: I don't know. This pain keeps going right over here. And I've also been coughing. That started last ... (clinician interrupts) [Patient is staying with symptoms and not responding with hoped-for information about the personal impact of the symptoms; clinician interrupts quickly to try again to establish a more personal focus, otherwise the symptom focus will continue.] Clinician: I'm sorry to interrupt, but what I'm asking about are other things, like what you think is going on. Why's all this happening? [Indirect emotion-seeking probing patient's beliefs is tried instead of repeating the direct inquiry about feelings] Patient: Dr. Johnson says it's arteritis. It's a blood vessel disease ... (clinician interrupts) [Clinician continues to look for personal clues but none yet-will keep trying] Clinician: But why you, why do you think you got it? [Probes for beliefs; most patients usually have some opinion about this, which will lead to personal data.] Patient: I don't know. [The patient isn't saying much; clinician needs to use other indirect inquiry or return to direct inquiry about fedings.] Clinician: With so much going on, how's it affected your life? [This may be a more productive indirect emotion-seeking inquiry because it forces some personal data; the patient can hardly say he doesn't know.] Patient: Not much. I retired and wasn't doing anything anyway, until all this stuff came. That pain is right in ... (clinician interrupts) [At last, some personal data is "on the table''; the interviewer will now actively focus on this.]
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 1.85 Clinician: Tell me more about that, retiring and not doing much. Patient: [Combined open-ended summary and request; now that personal data have appeared, focusing open-ended skills will be used repeatedly to maintain the focus and develop the personal story, as already described. Earlier, rather than indirect inquiry about beliefs and personal impact, the clinician could also have used triggers, self-disclosure, or asked about the impact of illness on others' lives; if the patient lapses back into symptom data, these would be used now.] Well, since I retired I don't have a regular schedule. I just sort of sit around all day watching TV-not sure what to do. Then I stay up late thinking that I will sleep in but my internal clock wakes me up at the usual 6:00 am that I am used to, but now I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. [This personal data gives clues to the adjustment difficulties the patient has encountered since retiring-biopsychosocial data. Use NURS to both demonstrate empathy and elicit more information to rule out depressive disorder vs. adjustment disorder vs. alexithymia.] In many ofthe common interviewing challenges, learners can become frustrated and disappointed, either because the patient is reticent or because the patient's story lacks personal and emotional information. Learners sometimes lament they "didn't get much." Nevertheless, the patient still feels understood and a good clinician-patient rdationship devdops. The amount of personal information obtained, especially emotional, is not a marker of a successful interview. Rather than measuring a good interview by getting the patient to cry or express anger, we look for successful use of the patient-centered steps, and ultimately a good clinician-patient relationship. • ADDRESSING COMMON CHALLENGING COMMUNICATION SITUATIONS Developing a patient-centered focus requires special attention when communication problems exist. A clinician may focus so much on how to communicate with a deaf, blind, or dysarthric patient that s/he can be distracted from a patient-centered approach. In these cases, it hdps to pay special attention to the relationship. Nonverbal communication like touching, a well-timed smile or friendly gesture, or an accepting demeanor can be especially effective. The following section presents additional measures that can enhance data-gathering and the relationship, often focusing on setting the stage for a successful interview and attending to comfort (Step 1).
1.88 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Patients Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Most common in older patients, hearing loss can cause great difficulty, and is associated with higher than normal mortality due to lower health status 11 and is a barrier to mental healthcare. 12 A person who is hard of hearing can still get linguistically useful information from speech, whereas a person who is deaf cannot. Certain skills can help improve communication with the patient who is hard of hearing. 13 Ask the patient how you can best communicate, with an attitude of mutual decision making. Minimize background noise as much as you can. Sit so that your face is well lit. Be sure that the patient is looking at you before you speak. If the patient has a hearing aid, encourage the patient to use it. Use repetition, then rephrasing if the patient does not understand you. Check-in with the patient from time to time, "Am I doing a good job communicating with you? How might I be more effective?" Summarize periodically to be certain that you and the patient are getting the information right. Portable speech amplifiers, available at some clinical sites, can help you interview a patient who is hard of hearing. People who become deaf later in life and orally educated deaf people may communicate orally by speech reading. However, physicians often overestimate the amount of words that can be lip-read (only 30%). 14 The same guidelines for communicating with patients who are hard of hearing apply. Additionally. be sure that your mouth is not covered while speaking. Because the patient has learned to speech-read normally speaking people, do not slow down, shout, or over articulate your speech. Speak at a moderate rate. pitch, and volume; pause at the end of sentences; use complete sentences; and inform patients of changes in topics being discussed Because the speech of a deaf person who communicates orally may be difficult to understand, you may need to ask the patient to repeat, rephrase, or write to ensure that you understand Interviewing a deaf patient who communicates with sign language requires a sign language interpreter. Use the preceding guidelines for communicating with limited English proficiency (LEP) patients and orally communicating deaf patients, with a few modifications. 14 The patient and interpreter will determine the best seating arrangement, usually with the interpreter sitting next to and a bit behind the clinician. The interpreter will interpret simultaneously, in contrast to the sequential interpretation of an interpreter for LEP patients. Writing notes is not a substitute with deaf patients who do not orally communicate because American Sign Language (ASL) is its own language, with a different vocabulary and grammar than English; many deaf people who are deaf from birth or an early age may not learn English fluently. Deaf people, particularly those who use ASL, comprise a cultural group that has its own norms and values. You are not expected to be an expert in the details of every cultural group that you encounter; instead, expressing
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 1.87 respectful curiosity will allow you to better understand how your patient selfidentifies and how to successfully interact with him/her. You might learn that "hearing impaired" is felt to be offensive because of the term "impaired"; that people who are involved in the Deaf community and share their culture (especially the use of ASL) prefer the term "Deaf"; that lower case "deaf" refers to the audiological condition; that the term "hard of hearing" is used for others who may or may not be part the Deaf community and may have some residual hearing (i.e., individuals that have some hearing loss or those that have had oral schooling or may not know ASL). Such understanding can help to create rewarding bonds between clinician and patient, regardless of cultural differences. Patients Who Are Blind Persons who are blind, while communicating verbally in normal ways, use auditory cues to understand others' mood, style, friendliness, and other features rather than depending on sight clues. Therefore, it is helpful to check-in with their perceptions; for example, you might ask, "I believe I am understanding, so far, yet I want to check with you how I'm coming across and how our interaction is going." Barriers often include communication, including difficultly interacting with physicians and other medical staff, physical barriers in the office, and information barriers such as receiving written material in inaccessible formats. 15 It is useful to inquire if the blind patient has special ways of proceeding, if s/he needs assistance, if s/he has any requests relating to her/his blindness, and not to offer unwanted help, yet this does not replace medical staff education to ensure patient-centered experience. Patients with low vision or blindness may use assistance, such as service dogs, canes, and others assisting them. Allowing the patient to take the lead and know that you are available and open to his/her needs demonstrates respect for self-sufficiency. Introduce yourself and professionals in the room, and orient the patient to furniture and doors along with your movement during the history and physical examination. Your speech quality, intensity, and pace should remain normal and not be "adjusted" for the patient who is blind, although patient education materials may offer a challenge (e.g., need for Braille or large print labels, voicerecorded instructions, etc. V5 Patients Who Are Cognitively Impaired Persons who are cognitively impaired have challenges processing auditory or visual information. Therefore, the information they give you may be less reliable and meaningful, especially when the cognitive loss is severe.
1.88 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Cognitive dysfunction is a vast topic you will learn about during clinical rotations in medicine, pediatrics, surgery, psychiatry, and neurology. Such dysfunction is common, can be acute or chronic, and may have many causes, such as congenital, head injury, dementia, brain tumor, alcohol withdrawal, drug abuse, meningitis, medications, anemia, uremia, sepsis, hypoxia, poisoning, and postoperative state. In addition, psychiatric disorders of mood, altered thinking, and abnormal mental experiences can have cognitive changes as part of their presentation, for example, schizophrenia and depression. 16 Until now, we have assumed that the patient was a reliable authority for primary and secondary data. Cognitively impaired patients can vary considerably in symptom reporting with each telling and the chronology is typically unreliable. Similarly, emotions and other personal issues often are quite variable and nonreproducible. In these cases, you need to obtain external corroboration, often from family, caregivers, and others, while still attending to the patient's needs and the relationship. Use patient-centered interviewing skills with the family member, including empathy for the challenges caregivers often face. Begin the interview in the usual way. With severe cognitive dysfunction, you will easily recognize the problem during Steps 1 and 2: the patient may not know where he is, that he is in a medical setting, or who is with him. He may make little sense and his story may be inconsistent. There may be additional psychiatric symptoms such as hallucinations if the cognitive changes are part of a psychiatric problem. Mildly affected patients who remain aware that they are losing their cognitive capacities often compensate by keeping detailed notes of events and appointments to assist their failing memory, and carefully guard against showing evidence of cognitive dysfunction. Nevertheless, such loss of thinking capacity can be suspected during Steps 1 to 5 by vagaries, inconsistendes, an undue focus on familiar areas, and deft circumventing of areas where memory has failed. The patient may use humor to mask confusion and failing memory. Unlike in the case of severe cognitive impairment, you usually need to perform a systematic mental status evaluation to be certain. The formal mental status evaluation (MSE) is summarized in Table 7-1. The MSE and the screening Mini-Cog17 MSE are presented in Appendix E. Perform the MSE as part of the middle of the interview, starting as usual with a general open-ended statement and the pinning down details using closedended inquiry; for example, "Tell me about your memory" (No problems), "Good, I need to ask you some specific questions so we can get the details"; then ask specific questions in the Mini-Cog or the formal MSE, shown in Appendix E. A score of less than 3 or 4 on the Mini-Cog should prompt a formal MSE (Appendix E and summarized in Table 7-1).
• TABLE 7-1. Formal Mental Status Evaluation (See Appendix E for Details) 1. Appearance: age, physical stigmata, dress, depression, general health, cleanliness, neatness 2. Attitude: cooperative, angry, guarded, suspicious, attentive, seductive, playful, obsequious 3. Activity: increased (hyperactivity, agitation), decreased, catatonic, abnormal movements (tics, tremors), visual-motor integrity 4. Mood (sustained objective emotional feeling): sad, happy, anxious, angry, depressed, detached, irritable 5. Affect (transitory, immediate emotional expression): full, flat, blunted, inappropriate, anhedonic, labile 6. Speech: normal, slowed, reduced, increased, pressured, mute, dysarthria, punning, rhyming 7. Language: bizarre, distracting, colorful, word salad, circumstantial, tangential, loosening of associations, neologisms 8. Thought content: logical, incoherent, derailment, poverty of content, obsessive, delusional, paranoid 9. Perceptions: illusions, hallucinations (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile), depersonalization, derealization 10. Judgment and insight: realistic, unrealistic, Ia belle indifference 11. Neuropsychiatric evaluation a. Level of consciousness: comatose, stuporous, drowsy, alert, hyper-alert b. Attention and concentration: repeating digits, serial 7's, spelling backwards, immediate memory c. Language function: fluency, comprehension, naming, repetition, reading, writing d. Memory: recent (orientation to time, place, and person; recall three unrelated objects); remote (past events); amnesia (retrograde, anterograde) e. Other higher functions: abstraction (proverbs), calculation, intelligence Data from Andreason NC, Black DW. Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc.; 1991:37-40. We suggest that you complete the full MSE in all new patient evaluations during your early clinical rotations as a way of learning the content and becoming familiar with how cognitively intact and impaired patients respond. Written reports of the patient should include comments on the MSE in conjunction with the physical examination of the neurological system. Although mostly obtained during an earlier phase of your interaction, the MSE is part of the "physical examination'' of the brain and its functional integrity. Interpreting the MSE requires knowledge of the various psychiatric, neurologic, and medical conditions that cause abnormalities of mental status. These details can be found in standard clinical textbooks. 16•18
1.90 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING • PEDIATRIC PATIENTS (SEE ALSO DOCCOM MODULES 2119 AND 2220) Integrating patient-centered and clinician-centered interviewing skills applies with children and adolescents as well as adults.21 You still want to establish a trusting, therapeutic relationship and obtain adequate personal and symptom data, but with an emphasis on growth, development, and famUy interactions.22.23 The younger the child. the more age-related communication issues are involved: decreased ability to communicate, shorter attention span, less cognitive development, and increased dependency on parents. For pediatric and some adolescent patients, Steps 1 to 5 are modified. Children often lack the psychological maturity to participate fully in the beginning of the interview, and you may need to rely more on clinician-centered interviewing skills.24 Nevertheless, always elicit their concerns and involve them in treatment discussions and decisions.21 Children become increasingly autonomous as they grow older and patient-centered interviewing skills will become more effective; however, even as young children they have a right to express their perspective of their bodies and healthcare needs.25 Patientcentered interviewing skills should be used in interacting with the parent, with a focus on the child's problems, but also empathizing with the impact of the child's illness on the parent. Attend to the various steps of the interview, modifying your approach for the age and initiative of the pediatric patient. In Step 1, age-appropriate opportunities and facilities can be made available; toys, games, and small chairs can improve interactions with younger children while teens frequently do not want to sit with chUdren or in chUdlike circumstances.2 2,23 Older chUdren and adolescents can often provide their own agenda in Step 2 but parents usually formulate the issues for younger chUdren. The age of the child determines how Steps 3 and 4 are best carried out. Involve the parent more when the patient is a younger child. Even then, address the child first in an open-ended style and keep the child the focus of the inquiry? 1.23 Directly interview children who can speak. irrespective of age, but keep in mind their unfamiliarity with many medical and other words. 25 The younger the patient, the more concrete, simple, and brief your questions should be. Always try an open-ended approach; it can be productive even in the very young. In fact, clinicians often underestimate how much information they can get from little chUdren-"Mommy says Daddy needs to get a better job." Nevertheless, it frequently helps to initiate conversation by giving ageappropriate "menus" of topics to choose from such as inquiring about recent birthdays, school, siblings, friends, athletic events, social events, and the like in an open-ended manner?2 Get the child to talk about whatever interests
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS :19:1 him/her. In addition, you will want to see how the child interacts with the parent and others, perhaps observing the child in the waiting room. 23 Try to interact with the child, even if briefly, without the parent present. Observe the child's behavior as well as his/her communication. In Step 6 (completion of HPI) obtain information from child, parent, or both as already described in Chapter 5. Step 7 (PMH) and Step 8 (SH) are specialized in pediatric interviews. Because growth and development are critical, the younger the child the more detail is required about the mother's pregnancy and delivery, and the child's birth and infancy, and subsequent developmental landmarks (e.g., feeding, growth, walking, talking, toilet training, progress in school, social development). Immunization status, usual childhood illnesses, hospitalizations, poisonings, accidents, and injuries merit special attention. The SH contains information about the pertinent social aspects of the family (e.g., father's job) as well as the patient (e.g., less fighting at school and improved reading). Inquire about salient family interactions as well (e.g., ignoring a new brother, parents getting along better since mother got a new job). It might also be helpful to speak with a child's teacher to best understand the SH, especially if the child is having problems. Ensure that parents store toxic substances and medications out of reach, check that hot water temperature is no more than 125°F to prevent scalding, and use protective devices like car seats, seat belts, and bicycle helmets.26 As the child ages, the interview more closely resembles that of the adult PMH and SH. Step 9 (FH) also has a unique emphasis in the pediatric interview. The FH and genogram include the health histories of grandparents, parents, and siblings. Because genetic disorders and precursors of adult diseases frequently begin in childhood, it is important to obtain a careful genetic pedigree. The mother's health is especially important. Inquire about menses, contraception, marriages, pregnancies, and outcomes, subsequent progress of children, and plans for more pregnancies. Ascertain her feelings about her pregnancy with the patient, and learn about her physical and psychological health. Her own rearing (punishment practices, abuse) and expectations of what being and raising a child are like are germane. Assess preparedness for motherhood and look for areas where an intervention or support may be helpful; for example, she may need support to build her confidence as a mother. Similarly, inadequate father involvement is associated with poorer child health outcomes and higher infant mortality.27 All parents, whether living in the child's horne or not, need to be included in the child's healthcare.28 With many dual-income homes, employment and the parenting relationship are important health considerations. Whether or not both parents live in the child's horne, most want to be included and not marginalized.
1.92 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Step 10 (review of systems [ROS]) is more important with children than adults.22 Because children have much shorter histories and because it can be more difficult to obtain pertinent symptoms during the HPI, make detailed inquiry in all systems prior to the physical examination and pay more attention to transient or "minor, complaints; for example, increased urinary frequency off and on can signify severe disease, such a congenital genitourinary malformation. Adolescence can be a physically and psychologically tumultuous period. Some adolescents will be perfectly comfortable with the patient-centered approach you would use with an adult, while others can be made uncomfortable and anxious by it and prefer a more structured approach, that is, transitioning to the middle of the interview sooner than you would with an adult Prominent issues and themes that can emerge include dependency on parents, being forced to come to the clinician, conflict with parents and others, confidentiality, desire to see an "adult clinician; obliviousness of health risks, hypochondriasis, mood changes, confusion about sexual orientation, and rebelliousness.22 It may be more important to provide support and comfort rather than obtaining open-ended information, particularly at the beginning of the relationship. Seeing the adolescent alone for at least part of the visit is often more effective and can lead to a better relationship. Being aware of various ages of consent and under which conditions parental consent/ involvement necessitates a conversation with the adolescent. For instance, in some states a pregnant teenage girl can give consent for her child, but not for herself. It is important that you provide patient-centered care with the legal guidelines in mind. • ELDERLY PATIENTS (SEE ALSO DOCCOM MODULE 2329) As with pediatric patients, geriatric patients have unique issues,30 particularly difficult to address because older patients often have been overlooked in research.31 Research provides critical information. For example, older age is a strong predictor of long-term benzodiazepine use, which predisposes older patients to falling. 32 Older patients often have multiple medical problems combined with greater functional, social, psychological, and economic impairments. To understand and integrate this multiplicity ofbiopsychosocial problems, you will often seek the help of other professionals such as nurses, social workers, and therapists. Setting the stage and ensuring comfort in Step 1 requires special attention. Consider your patient's comfort and pride (dentures available, hearing aids in and on, full dress), their ease of hearing and seeing, and show proper respect (use the patient's surname). During the interview, the patient may tire if the
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS :193 pace is too fast and s/he does not have time to formulate responses. Your rate of speech will likely be faster than the patient is accustomed to-mindfulness of this factor can help you slow down. Check with the patient frequently to see how you are doing. In addition, the presence of friends and relatives may make the patient more comfortable and also provide information; confidentiality issues of course must be clarified. The longer one lives, the longer one's medical history typically is. Agendasetting in Step 2 can be difficult if there are many problems. The time available, the number of concerns, and the patient's fatigue may necessitate that you defer less pressing problems to a later visit; obtaining a full history may sometimes take two or three visits. Completion of a pre-visit history questionnaire form (and sometimes other forms assessing functional status, mental status, and psychosocial status) can be useful adjuncts that provide necessary information without overly taxing the patient.30 Steps 3 and 4 usually are conducted as already described. The following can sometimes greatly facilitate the interaction: touching the patient sensitively and caringly, showing interest and patience, and addressing the older patient's priority concerns.30 It can sometimes be difficult to get older patients to talk spontaneously, rather than responding to questions. It may be hard to move them from symptoms to talking about personal or emotional concerns. Nevertheless, most respond to and benefit from a patient-centered approach if you gently persist. Some older patients tend to recite long stories about the past, posing difficulty for the interviewer. Patients often tell "'old war stories" to communicate to the clinician that they were, and therefore still are, people of value and dignity.30 To shift the conversation to current concerns, you must first acknowledge what the patient is trying to tell you. For example, to a patient relating his successes with a job in 1949, you might say, "That's quite an accomplishment; you sure did a lot. Thanks for telling me. We'll get back to that ifwe can, but let me shift gears because I am very interested in how things are going for you now:' The history of present illness/other active problems (HPI/OAP) will be longer in most elderly patients because they usually have more than one problem, their multiple problems interact, and many problems are chronic with long histories. Focus primarily on currently active problems. Falls, painful feet, incontinence, sexual dysfunction, waning memory, depression, insomnia, and decreased hearing and vision are common. Similarly, functional difficulties are increasingly common as people age: dressing, bathing, feeding, using the toilet, transferring, using a telephone, shopping, cooking, cleaning, driving, taking medications, and managing finances. Multiple losses (of function, spouses, siblings, and friends) and loneliness are prominent. There also may
1.94 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING be more concerns about death and disability as well as about living circumstances and remaining independent. The past medical history (PMH -Step 7) also is apt to be extensive. Once again, focus on problems relevant to the patient's health. The social history (SH-Step 8) elicits the patient's social situation and her/his support structure. As patients age, they may lose capacity in what was previously routine, such as bathing and cooking. It is essential to learn specifically what their support structure is and how it is affecting their health (e.g., senior citizens' center, church groups, meals on wheels). Ask if the home has been assessed for fall hazards, such as throw rugs and uneven floors. This assessment can be done during a house call or by the local visiting nurse agency. Many elderly patients have active sexual interests and are willing and interested to talk about them. 33 They also have high rates of alcohol abuse. 34 Health maintenance activities are especially important but frequently ignored; it is particularly important to make a nutritional assessment for caloric excesses and deficiencies. Make sure the patient has the opportunity to discuss advance directives and end-of-life issues. The family history (FH-Step 9) can become quite complex, and it is essential that only information that is still important to the patient's health is obtained; for example, a family history of elevated blood pressure or diabetes in an 80-year-old is of little value, but who is available to help the patient is a critical question. Similarly, the ROS (Step 10) is focused only on issues salient to the patient's health. When More than One Person Is Present Although the family interview5 is beyond the scope of this text (see DocCom Module 20), there are other situations where the clinician involves more than one person in the interview (e.g., it is estimated that the mean rate of family accompaniment to routine older adult physician visits was about 46%). 36 The interviewer might decide (with the patient's consent) to consult a patient's relative or friend hoping to obtain unique information (e.g., a father giving information about his child, what happened while the patient was unconscious, information the patient has forgotten or denied). A properly conducted interview involving a relative or other third person provides information otherwise unavailable, including how the patient interacts in this relationship, for example, domineeringly, passively, distantly, angrily, or lovingly; many hours of interviewing the individual patient would be needed to provide as much "hard data" about the patient's interactional style. Perhaps the patient relates a story of great independence and achievement only to behave in a very dependent way when his/her spouse arrives. Or a person who appeared
Chapter 7 ADAPTING THE INTERVIEW TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS :195 very sensitive and considerate during the interview becomes hostile and sharp with a family member. During Step 1, it is useful to first introduce yourself to the patient and then ask the patient who the other parties are and their relationship to the patient; then determine if both the patient and the other parties want the other parties present. Sit closest to the patient, asking others to move as needed. Next, ensure the other parties that you value their input, that you would like to begin by interviewing the patient, and that you will ask them for their information afterward. Conduct the patient interview as usual. Monitor how the third party is doing, how slhe interacts with the patient, and what effect s/he has on your learning about the patient. Weigh whether more or less information is being obtained because of the third party's presence. Although older patients are known to contribute less information when accompanied to a visit, family members often contribute missing information.34 Problems can arise if the third party interrupts or nonproductively lengthens the interaction. Often, this possibility has led clinicians mistakenly to reflexively dismiss all third parties rather than productively structure the dialog placing limits on thirdparty input when necessary. If they are interfering, which is unusual, it is best to focus on them, obtain the information they might have, and then respectfully excuse and thank them. On the other hand, relatives and friends typically remain quiet. Involve them for points requiring clarification or at the end of the interview to see how they view the problem and how they are responding emotionally (e.g., a spouse may see the patient as at great risk for cancer while the patient denies this or ask practical questions the patient did not raise or may be far more upset than the patient). You can do this by asking if they have anything they would like to add, how they are doing with the patient's problem. Ensuring privacy while discussing sensitive issues and during physical examination are other reasons for excusing some third parties. You should always try to have some time alone with the adult patient, especially if the patient is a woman and the accompanying person is a man. Some partners in abusive relationships can be very controlling, answering for the patient, and not wanting the patient to be alone with the clinician. Also, in some cultures, the man traditionally is more controlling. Regardless of the reason, you cannot tell whether there is abuse or not unless you have the chance to ask the patient in private. The transition to the physical examination is often a good time to say, "I must ask you to wait outside now while I do the physical examination. I will invite you back in when we are through:" A patient's partner may feel more comfortable leaving if a female staffer is present as a chaperone, often required policy in clinics and hospitals. Once the partner has left, you can explore issues such as intimate partner violence and sensitive information such as sexual practices and illegal drug use.
1.98 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING The pressure of a group, often with an acutely ill or dying patient, is another complex and challenging interaction. If it is possible to conduct an interview with the patient, the earlier guidelines pertain. The less responsive the patient, the more important are the relatives, and the more important to identify who knows the most about the patient. Once you have attended to the patient's needs, consider your obligation to the relatives who also need to feel heard and understood. Listen to their concerns and emotions, use empathy skills, answer questions, and help find solutions. We often forget that spouses and significant others are impacted as much or more than patients themselves. Indeed, they sometimes require more empathic/NURS support than the patient. Involving third parties usually takes little time and produces information that otherwise would not be available (on average 5 minutes36). Nevertheless, the additional time required, the need to incorporate data from new sources, and having to focus on the needs of third parties do increase the demands on the clinician. Understanding your own feelings (e.g., frustration, loss of control, aggravating an already inefficient approach, strict time orientation) can help you avoid adverse, often reflexive responses such as impatience, dismissing third parties, or avoiding relatives. Working with an Interpreter Limited English proficient (LEP) patients report more problems and less satisfaction with their healthcare. 37•38 Poor clinician-patient communication is often to blame, including the fact that clinicians often are less patient-centered when interacting with LEP patients.38 LEP patients prefer a clinician who is fluent in the same language, especially for complicated or long-term care. However, it is possible to have an effective, satisfying, and therapeutic clinician-LEP patient relationship by using interpreters. Indeed, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires providers who participate in Medicaid, Medicare, or any other federally funded program to provide oral language assistance. Professional interpreters in healthcare are held to high standards of accuracy; confidentiality, impartiality, respect, cultural awareness, role boundaries, and professionalism established by the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC).39 If in-person medical interpreters are not available, video or telephone interpreters are usually accessible, even at remote sites,40 and are much preferable to ad hoc interpretation by a family member or untrained staffer. Ifyou must use a family member as an interpreter, realize that confidentiality will be an issue that may limit the patient's willingness to answer questions. All ad hoc interpreters should be advised of the requirements of their task, for example, "I'm going to speak to your mother and she to me. I need you to translate exactly what I say and exactly what she says back.
• TABLE 7-2. Guidelines on Using Interpreters Recognize that, by definition, the visit will take (at least) twice as long Use trained interpreters whenever possible Ask for exact translation Place interpreter out of the sight-line Speak directly to the patient and watch her or him when interpreter is speaking Write down key points, instructions, and ask interpreter to transcribe for patient Check for comprehension by asking patient to summarize I know you'll be tempted to add or subtract information because of what you know already but, for now, I need a precise translation only. Can you do that for me? When we are done I will be sure to ask your thoughts and answer your questions:' Table 7-2 summarizes guidelines for using interpreters. The interpreter should sit slightly behind and next to the patient, so you speak to the patient one sentence at a time, making good eye contact with the patient. Conduct the interview as you normally would; avoiding jargon, technical terms, abstractions, highly idiomatic speech, complicated sentences, sentence fragments, and changing your ideas in the middle of a sentence. Multiple questions at one time can be confusing for both the interpreter and the patient. Speak in shorter, simpler sentences so that the interpreter can communicate accurately. A professional interpreter can give you information on the patient's nonverbal reactions, their understanding, cultural interpretation, and tips on how to make the interview flow smoothly. Even with such an effort, the experience can be less fluid for patient and clinician alike. Indeed, it is helpful to acknowledge this; for example, "It may be harder for us to get to know each other, but I want you to know I'm going to work on if' Recognize that, since everything is said twice, the interview will take at least twice as long as a language concordant one. Allow for adequate time. Interviewing through an interpreter will take twice the usual time since every utterance will need to be repeated. Note that professional interpreters translate every word spoken in the examination room, even if you are speaking to the medical assistant or a colleague. 39 When possible, have bilingual family members complete the patient's medical history in writing on standard intake forms. Cultural Competence (See Also DocCom Module 1541) You may think that cultural competence is important only when working with patients who speak a different language or who come from a different country, but every interaction between clinicians and patients is an intercultural encounter. 37 Even if you and your patient have similar backgrounds, the
1.98 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING patient is from the culture ofpatient and you are from the culture of clinician. How does your patient want to be treated? The golden rule ("'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") is unlikely to give you an answer. The "platinum rule" is more helpful: "Do unto others as they would have you do unto them." Cultural competence requires cultural humility-the willingness to learn from patients how they would like you to interact with them.37 While the patient-centered interviewing skills discussed in this book can be useful in any medical encounter, additional knowledge, skills, and attitudes can benefit clinicians who care for patients from different cultures. Culture can be defined as, "Ideas, beliefs, values and assumptions about life, created by people and transmitted across generations, that are widely shared among a group of people and guide behavior.'>42 The first step in improving interactions with others is to understand your own culture. One's own values are cultural blind spots until understood.43 For example, many clinicians value punctuality and, as "time people," they may get irritated with "event people:' for whom what is happening now is more important than artificial time constraints. Another example is the value placed by dominant American culture on individuality and self-actualization. Clinicians can become frustrated when caring for a patient from one of the many cultures that value reliance on family overreliance on self, because our dominant biomedical ethical principle, autonomy, may not be dominant for the patient. After understanding your own culture and culture-bound values better, we urge you to learn about the cultures frequently encountered in your hospital or clinic, specifically the members' values, beliefs about health and illness, and folk illnesses.44 In addition to asking local cultural representatives, you can access resources with cultural information.45-47 A danger of relying solely on lists of cultural values and beliefs is generalizing them to all members of a cultural group. Cultures can consist of subgroups (e.g., Latinos include Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Dominicans, Cubans, and others) with widely different beliefs. Cultural beliefs are also, in part, affected by socioeconomic status, education, level of acculturation, and English language proficiency. Respectful curiosity and sensitive inquiry can help determine a patient's culturally mediated health beliefs. Kleinman48 recommends specific questions (Table 7-3). This knowledge can be critical to negotiating a treatment plan that the patient will adhere to. In follow-up visits, specifically inquire about medication side effects, concerns, and the patient's belief about medication effectiveness. For example, in some cultures the shape or color of pills is believed to indicate their potency. Failing to understand this belief can lead to poor adherence and outcomes. Health disparities exist among different races, ethnicities, gender identities, and sexual orientations and those with limited English proficiency.
• TABLE 7-3. Determining Patients' Explanatory Model What do you call this problem? What do you believe is the cause of this problem? What course do you expect it to take? How serious is it? What do you think this problem does inside your body? How does it affect your body and your mind? What do you most fear about this condition? What do you most fear about the treatment? Based on information in Kleinman A. The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing, and the Human Condition. New York, NY: Basic Books; 1988. "Race or ethnicity, sex, sexual identity, age, disability, socioeconomic status, and geographic location all contribute to an individual's ability to achieve good health:' 49' 50 Because all of us operate on various assumptions within our careers and personal lives, you may want to learn more about your own implicit assumptions by taking an Implicit Assumption test at http:/ /project implicit.net/index.html.49 • UNIQUE ISSUES FOR THE NEW LEARNER How Much Time Does the Interview Take? Learners in the first clinical year (e.g., third year of medical school) are usually required to obtain complete histories from new patients, often inpatients. Beginning clinical learners can ignore the need for efficiency. As experience accumulates, efficiency follows. Initially, the beginning of the encounter (Steps 1-5) takes at least 15 minutes; the middle of the interview (Steps 6-10) can take up to 30 minutes; physical examination will take another 30 minutes or more at the outset; learners must carefully attend to the patient's comfort and sometimes may have to return at a later time to complete the evaluation if the patient tires. The learner then reads, discusses, synthesizes data, obtains data from other sources, plans and analyzes diagnostic interventions, participates in treatment decisions-and may again interview the patient to focus the differential diagnosis. By graduation or certification, you should be able to conduct a full interview in less than 60 minutes and by completion of residency and with experience, in 20 minutes or so. New patients typically receive 40- to 60-minute appointments in residents' and advanced students' clinics. Follow-up visits with both inpatients (ward rounds) and outpatients (clinic visits) typically involve patients you know and should range from 10 to 30 minutes.
200 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Taking Notes During the beginning of the interview (Steps 1-5), you can unobtrusively jot down a few pertinent words or dates. This helps when the patient is giving the chronology of his/her chief concern. Nevertheless, avoid any excessive break in eye contact, so as not to disrupt the flow of information. You will be surprised how much of the patient's story you can remember, because you heard it as a story. During the middle of the interview, the patients tends to respond with isolated facts, rather than a narrative, and so most physicians take notes, sometimes quite extensive, but still keep the primary focus on the patient. In Chapter 10 we discuss how to use electronic health records during the encounter. Recording of Interviews You may have been introduced to using and critiquing audio or video recording during initial instruction in patient-centered interviewing skills (Steps 1-5). Because the interview is a core skill, it is important to continue recording interviews on your own, much as musicians or athletes hone their most important skills daily. Self-critique and input from your peers or supervisors lead to continuing improvement. Inexpensive audio recorders or your cell phone can be used with minimal inconvenience and great benefit. Inform patients that recording is confidential and that it will be erased when its use is completed; you should of course inform patients if others will be listening to the recording and who they are. In getting permission to record, you benefit from patients' usual willingness to help; for example, "Before we get started talking, ni like to ask your help. I'm interested in improving my communication skills and would like to record our interaction. I (and my instructor-or my group) will listen to it afterward to see how I could have communicated better. Nobody else will hear it. Then we'll erase it. Your medical care will not be affected whether you agree to the interview or not. This is purely for my training. If during the interview, you change your mind I will erase the recording immediately." Patients rarely refuse. Recording Steps 1 to 5 is especially important-to critique your patient-centered interviewing skills and transition into the middle of the interview. Clinical Conduct Many of our students and residents have debated which behaviors and attitudes are appropriate in the clinical encounter and, in many discussions, generated the guidelines presented here. These suggestions are not intended to be comprehensive, however. There is consensus that the behaviors listed in Table 7-4 are the most important.
• TABLE 7-5. Harmful Clinician Behaviors Drinking any beverage or eating Chewing gum or a toothpick Swearing Behaving seductively or making sexual remarks or jokes Poor personal hygiene Uncomfortable joking or teasing Expressing personal opinions about others Going beyond appropriate self-<lisclosure to discuss one's own problems Making judgments that imply good or bad about the patient or others Our students and residents believe the behaviors listed in Table 7-5 are seldom if ever appropriate when with the patient. Our discussions with learners addressed other difficult issues. While certainly wanting to avoid seductive behavior, what is the role of touching the patient outside the physical examination? The students and residents generally agreed that this was appropriate but only if it felt comfortable to the student or resident, was motivated out of genuine personal concern, and would appear professional. Although hugging or putting one's arm around a wellknown patient can be appropriate and professional, they preferred more limited touching, for example, a pat on the back or arm.
202 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING What sort of conversation should one conduct during the physical examination, especially during the more tension-laden portions, for example, pelvic, breast, genital, or rectal examination? All agreed that calm, confident discussion of what one is doing and why is appropriate, whUe attending to the patient's experience and comfort. Inquiry about symptoms and problems in the areas being examined also defuses tension. The clinician can explain self-examination and other preventive techniques, for example, during breast examination, instructing a woman in self-examination. • EFFECTIVE CLINICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP AS TREATMENT As noted already, this book is not intended to outline specific treatments for medical conditions. Nevertheless, it merits comment that you now have two powerful therapeutic tools at your command. Expressing empathy (NURS) and being present with the patient in times of difficulty, whether physical or psychological, are highly therapeutic in and of themselves. In this way, the clinician is the medicine. These skills are key determinants of the clinician-patient relationship.51 Clinicians may believe that they have nothing to offer patients who are beyond hope medically and/or surgically (e.g., terminal cancer) or who have no disease explanation for their physical symptoms (medically unexplained symptoms), but we know that being with patients in a supportive way and using empathy (NURS) are highly effective, from a humanistic and scientific perspective. Even for the many patients whose diseases respond to biomedical treatments, there is good evidence that the relationship contributes significantly to their health outcomes and satisfaction. We invite you to read an in-depth explanation of this effect in Appendix B. We have come full circle: these are the benefits that accrue from being patient centered-and you now know how to achieve them! • SUMMARY In the clinic or at the bedside, the advanced clinician makes key practical decisions during Steps 1 to 5. These decisions fme tune the interview as required for a particular patient: for patients who are reticent, talkative, focused on biomedical material, or in for a routine exam; when the personal context is not offered in the beginning of the interview; when more than one person is present; for patients with communication problems (hard of hearing, deaf, blind, cognitively impaired); and for pediatric and geriatric patients. Interviewing issues unique to the clinical student include taking sufficient
SKILLS EXERCISES 1. To get the feel for short patient~entered interactions, practice (in role play) using all five steps in 2 to 3 minutes. Touch all five steps but don't worry about each substep, except in Step 4 be sure to always start with eliciting the symptom story, switch to the personal context, and end up with the emotional context and NURS. 2. When you are comfortable with question #1, try omitting some of the substeps; for example: a. Ignore physical symptoms in an emotionladen situation; ignore personal data in same situation; in each case proceed directly to NURS and rely upon that as your sole patient~entered activity; b. In a low-key emotional situation but with many serious medical problems, use just NURS even though the patient has little or no emotion. 3. When you have mastered questions #2 and #3 in role play, do the same with real or simulated patients. 4. Perform an in-depth patient~entered interview, lasting 15 to 20 minutes, with a patient who has significant personal issues. The key here is in Step 4 where you keep using the cycle of skills to develop chapter after chapter of the patient's story. 5. In role play or with patients, practice Steps 1 to 5 in the following circumstances: reticent patient, talkative patient, deaf patient, using an interpreter, blind patient, pediatric patient, geriatric patient, patient with a terminal disease, with a relative present, with a demented patient.
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208 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 36. Wolff JL, Roter DL Family presence in routine medical visits: a meta-analytical review. Soc Sci Med. 2011;72(6):823-831. 37. Fortin AH (jlh, Communication skills to improve patient satisfaction and quality of care. Ethn Dis. 2002;12(suppl3):58-61. 38. Ferguson WJ, Candib LM. Culture, language, and the doctor-patient relationship. Pam Med. 2002;34{5):353-361. 39. National Council on Interpreting in Health Care. National standards of practice for interpreters in health care. Available at: http:/fwww.ncihc.org/assets/documents/ publications/NCIHC%20National%20Standards%20of%20Practice.pdf. Published September 2005. 40. Lotke M. She won't look at me. Ann Int Med. 1995;123:54-57. 41. Chou C, Pearlman E, Risdon C. Module 15: Understanding Difference and Diversity in the Medical Encounter: Communication Across Cultures. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 42. Brislin R. Understanding Culture~ Influence on Behavior. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace; 1993. 43. Berg J. Measuring and managing bias. Science. 2017;357(6354):849. 44. Kleinman A, Eisenberg L, Good B. Culture, illness, and care: clinical lessons from anthropologic and cross-cultural research. Ann Intern Med. 1978;88(2):251-258. 45. Pachter LM. Culture and clinical care. Folk illness beliefs and behaviors and their implications for health care delivery. ]AMA. 1994;271{9):690-694. 46. Flores G. Culture and the patient-physician relationship: achieving cultural competency in health care. JPediatr. 2000;136{1):14-23. 47. Carrese JA, Pearlman RA. Western bioethics on the Navajo reservation. Benefit or harm? [see comments.]. Hastings Cent Rep. 1995;25(1):6-14. 48. Kleinman A, Benson P. Anthropology in the clinic: the problem of cultural competency and how to fix it. PLoS Med. 2006;3(10):e294. 49. Project Implicit Available at: http://projectimplicit.net/index.html. Accessed October 19,2017. 50. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Foundation health measures: disparities. Healthy People 2020. Available at: https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/aboutl foundation-health-measures/Disparities. 51. Balint M. The Doctor, His Patient, and The Illness; Revised. New York, NY: International Universities Press, Inc.; 1957:395.
c::: UJ 1- a.. < :::I: The Clinician-Patient Relationship (.) Human behaviorflows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. Plato In this chapter, we will introduce two advanced aspects of the medical interview: how to increase your personal awareness and how to maximize effectiveness by understanding patients' unique personality structures. Working on both skill sets will allow you to strengthen the clinician-patient relationship with all of your patients. While we will address features of clinicians and patients that can affect the relationship, we will not consider more general determinants such as the sociocultural matrix, patients' and clinicians' roles, and subcultures1 (see DocCom Module 152), nor will we address relationships in medicine outside the clinician-patient dyad, a wider area often called relationship-centered or team-based care.3- 5 These include relationships among nurses, administrators, clinicians, educators, and community representatives within a hospital or outpatient setting (we refer you to DocCom Module 38 for information on communication in healthcare teams6). The relationship between clinician and patient is fundamental to good care; you will want to monitor this relationship as closely and continuously as the patient's temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate. First, inquire how things are going between you and the patient, both overall (e.g., "You've been in the hospital several days now and I wanted to check how we're doing working together") and in the immediate interaction ("That's a difficult problem, what's it like talking about it with me?"). This provides direct feedback on the relationship and, in turn, allows you to make changes where necessary, validating the patient by showing that his/her reactions are important. Also observe the patient's body language, behaviors, what s/he says and how slhe says it, how comfortable slhe is emotionally, and his/her ability to interact and 207
208 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING negotiate. For example, a comfortable, safe, and otherwise healthy clinicianpatient relationship is suggested if the patient's arms are not folded defensively across her chest, she makes appropriate (intermittent) eye contact, arrives on time and adheres to negotiated agreements, openly expresses concerns including negative aspects of her care, is at ease expressing emotions, and is able to negotiate solutions for her care (see DocCom Module 14 for more in nonverbal communication7). When the relationship is effective, patient and clinician alike experience respect, trust, and a reciprocal exchange of information. Both feel comfortable and note more rapport, satisfaction, adherence, confidence, and openness to negotiation. The opposite features characterize an ineffective relationship. To understand how both clinician and patient contribute to this relationship, consider the clinician's communication style and personality and the patient's as two interlocking gears. The gears must mesh to establish the relationship, lest we find ourselves in an uninvolved, distant interaction, perhaps where clinician and patient address different agendas. On the other hand. if the gears engage too deeply. the mechanism itself can be destroyed. resulting in an inappropriate relationship between clinician and patient, for example, one involving sexual contact (DocCom Modules 18 and 41 discuss sexual issues and professional boundaries, respectively8.9). You must understand both the patient's communication style and personality and your own. This understanding allows you to adjust your behavior to better mesh with your patient. • YOUR PREVIOUSLY UNRECOGNIZED RESPONSES AFFECT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE PATIENT Clinician interviewers frequently exhibit personal responses that are counterproductive10; changing them improves the clinician-patient relationship. Most problems occur during Steps 1 to 5 (beginning of the interview) because the relationship is just beginning, and because it is here that the patient expresses most of the personal information that can be stressful to hear. Nevertheless, your personal responses affect the clinician-patient relationship throughout the encounter. We define a "personal response" as one's internal feelings and their emotional and/or behavioral expression. For example, a beginning student became afraid of an authoritarian patient who reminded her of her father. This led her, in turn, to become verbally and nonverbally passive during the interview, allowing the patient to dominate, even though the student knew better. A clinician became anxious and felt out of control when a patient began talking about death. This led him to take excessive verbal control ofthe interview by switching
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 209 prematurely to the middle of the interview. In each instance, the interviewer's feelings (fear, anxiety) led to a nonproductive interviewing behavior. Negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions can be triggered by any aspect of a patient, for example, personality, job, illness, family, or even odor. Some clinicians have negative feelings about people with certain communicable diseases, perhaps because of fears of contracting the disease themselves. 10 Others experience negative feelings about people who abuse alcohol or drugs, because of their seeming unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions; and some respond ineffectively to patients with no definable disease to explain their symptoms, often from frustration at their inability to make a disease diagnosis. Negative feelings produce negative behaviors such as avoidance, criticism, or superficiality. Dysfunctional responses also can initially feel positive, as in sexual attraction to a patient. Similarly, "liking" a patient because that patient reminds the clinician of a positive person in his/her life can be harmful ifthe feeling results in treating the patient as though s/he was that other person. Such behavior ignores the patient's real self and needs. For example, a clinician might avoid a discussion of cancer in an elderly woman who reminds the clinician of his/ her own much-loved grandmother. The Problem Research involving medical students, residents, and fellows demonstrates that clinicians' negative responses to patients are very common. Thirteen of 15 sophomore medical students 11 and 16 of19 residents and fellows 12 exhibited potentially harmful responses when each was observed in a single interview. Table 8-1 lists the potentially dysfunctional outcomes and the feelings that underlie them. Commonly felt fears of losing control, of addressing psychological issues, or of appearing unpleasant resulted in interviewing behaviors that were, respectively, overly controlling, avoiding of psychological material, and superficial. You can imagine their harmful potential. Consider, for example, the life-threatening impact of not asking about suicidal ideation, nonadherence to treatments, and specific symptoms-as well as the effect of these behaviors on data-gathering and the relationship itself. In another study, board-certified physicians with an average age of 50 years exhibited potentially dysfunctional responses to patients, particularly when they felt that their integrity or self-esteem was threatened. 13 While these seasoned practitioners reacted adversely to fewer patient encounters than did students, residents, and fellows, their reactions did not diminish with age or experience. Once established, patterns remain intact. This suggests that experience alone will not change potentially harmful behaviors unless one is exposed to specific educational interventions.
• TABLE 8-1. Unrecognized Feelings and Resulting Behaviors in Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows During One Interview" 1. Unrecognized feelings elicited immediately after a patient interview Common 1. Fears of losing control, addressing psychological material, appearing unpleasant, harming the patient 2. Unique personal issues, e.g., reminds one of own difficult divorce, fear of cancer in self 3. Performance anxiety Uncommon 1. Sexual feelings, attitude favoring biomedical data, anger, fear of involvement, intimidation by patient, inadequacy, disdain 2. Identification with the patient Not found Severe anxiety, depression 2. Unrecognized behaviors observed during a patient Interview Common 1. Overcontrol of the patient and interview, e.g., inappropriate interrupting or changing subject 2. Avoidance of psychological material, e.g., death, loneliness, disability 3. Superficial behavior, e.g., overly reassuring, overly social, cocktail party atmosphere 4. Passivity, e.g., no control or direction, inactive, detachment Uncommon 1. Seductiveness 2. Critical, intimidating, passive-aggressive 3. Lack of respect and sensitivity 4. Withdrawal, distancing 5. Awkward interactions "These data were obtained during and following training interviews. 12 •43 The author personally observed the learner-patient interview and noted untoward behaviors that were potentially unrecognized behaviors. The teaching critique followed immediately and always was begun with open· ended inquiry. This produced data about the learner's affective response to the patient and also provided the data showing whether the interviewer was fully aware of the behaviors observed by the author. When the interviewer previously was fully aware of the emotions or behaviors observed by the author, they were not included, that is, only incompletely recognized emotions and behaviors are recorded here. We studied internal medicine residents who were learning patientcentered interviewing and associated psychosocial skills. 14 Of 53, 50 had negative reactions that interfered with learning interviewing and were harmful to patients. Happily, with instruction, 44 of 50 were able to change these negative reactions and to improve their communication and relationship skills.
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 2:1:1 Because these personal responses are part of the human condition, we consider them normal. 11 '12' 14 Nonetheless, unrecognized thoughts, feelings, and emotions have harmful potential and should be addressed. Why? Unlike most disciplines, where the relationship is not as central, the clinician-patient relationship is key to effective medical care and these very human reactions can interfere with learning as well as care. Troublesome unrecognized responses often override or interfere with new learning. Patient-centered interviewing skills require clinicians to relinquish some control and address patients' emotions but because of ineffective personal responses, many clinicians attempt to seize control of the interview and avoid exploring patients' emotional worlds. What You Can Do about Unrecognized Personal Responses (See Also DocCom Module 2 15) Effective coaching by a teacher16 will best help you become aware of previously unrecognized responses, but you can nevertheless make significant progress working alone or with colleagues. Diagnosing the Problem To diagnose difficulties with your personal responses you must make your reactions more conscious and recognizable. You can reexperience emotions by recalling negative or otherwise difficult experiences with patients, clinical situations, peers, and family. By thinking individually or talking freely with peers, you can become more aware and begin to understand your personal responses. First identify the thought or feeling. Then link it to a specific emotion or behavioral outcome; for example, one clinician was angry about a slight and shunned the provocateur. In considering many difficult situations, the clinician identified a common pattern: perceived slights caused him to feel anger and the result was to withdraw from nurses, friends, spouse, and a teacher. Another exercise to better recognize your interfering thoughts and feelings relates specifically to the interview. Following any interaction, a good first question to ask yourself is, "What was my emotional reaction to the patient, and how did it affect my interviewing behavior?" Look for one positive and one negative reaction to each patient, and identify the behavioral responses involved. Consider imagined as well as actual behaviors, for example, wanting to shake a patient abusing alcohol, "for being so stupid." Reviewing a video or audio recording of the interaction will allow you to reexperience your feelings and to more carefully observe any untoward responses, such as unnecessarily changing the direction of the interview or avoiding certain topics. Early learners who are not yet seeing patients can increase their affective awareness by considering other medical encounters: working on cadavers, operating on
2:1.2 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING animals, having blood drawn, drawing blood, watching an uncomfortable procedure, reading about awful diseases, experiencing difficult interactions with teachers or peers, and the general educational atmosphere. In addition to negative responses and emotions, it is also useful to track your positive experiences. Having a breakthrough in a patient interview, resolving a difficult situation with a colleague, spouse, or friend, and doing well in a presentation that involved a lot of preparation are all examples of positive responses to environmental as well as internal cues. Understanding the full range of your responses helps prepare you for your role as a working professional, able to recognize and adapt to a variety of situations. There are other routes to increase awareness of emotions, such as reading stories of patients' courage in the face of severe pain and/or suffering. Additional strategies include keeping a journal, reading emotion-laden biographies and fiction, watching movies with high emotion, recalling personal experiences, enjoying music and art, working with actors who can mimic emotional moments, or considering likely emotional events in the future (such as births or deaths). It is useful to seek positive as well as negative emotions. Self-help or centering measures can be valuable for hardworking students and clinicians. Regular exercise, relaxation, 17 meditation, 18- 21 taking personal time, nonintellectual pursuits, hobbies, creative endeavors, meeting different people, altruistic activities, and spiritual practices are all useful methods for increasing affective awareness and the mindful practice of medicine. Addressing the Previously Unrecognized Affect and Emotion Repeatedly acknowledging a problem with thoughts, feelings, and emotions sometimes leads to improvement; for example, a clinician recollects before each interview that "discussing death and other painful issues is difficult and I need to be on the lookout for how this could change the course and direction of the interview:' Selecting a specific healthier behavior to work on is frequently useful. Progressing one step at a time, for example, learning to make just a few comments, is a good start for someone who has trouble talking in the presence of a professor or attending physician. Rehearse the desired new behavior in your mind and then in role play with a peer, taking your own and then the other person's (or patient's) role in the problematic situation. Then re-perform both roles using the planned new behavior. This provides important insight about the old pattern and promotes satisfactory change in the new one. Changing affective responses is more difficult. Sometimes self-supportive statements help; for example, "He simply reminds me of my father. I have important things I want to begin saying." Using empathy skills with oneself helps. Consciously recognize that the work is uncomfortable, that you
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 2:13 are working hard and trying new behaviors, and that progress, while slow, is occurring. Reinforce your self-esteem with positive self-talk and recall that this work will make you a better clinician. In other words, be kind and patient with yourself. Whether new learners or seasoned professionals, clinicians can make remarkable changes as they get to know themselves better, take some risks, and stretch personally. Clinicians' innate capacity for adult growth and maturation uncovers unexpected strengths and capabilities that can lead to more effective relationships with patients-and others.22.23 Doing this work with a few colleagues produces the best results. You can provide each other support using open, honest feedback, and insightful suggestions for new behaviors. Table 8-2lists useful guidelines for teachers and clinicians within such groups (or pairs24). (See also DocCom Module 40.25) This process works even better if you carefully analyze your thoughts, feelings, and emotional responses by keeping a journal.26- 28 Synthesize selfawareness work and identify specific issues and behaviors to address in the future. Some useful guidelines for joumaling include writing about a memorable but not necessarily dramatic event; most important learning experiences in which you applied new knowledge, emotions (and resulting behaviors); how behaviors have changed; how feelings and emotions have changed; specific new learning goals including immediate next step(s), successes as well as problems; and whether the personal and group work are meeting your expectations and why or why not. A little anxiety and tension can help you with this process, but if you experience depression, marked anxiety, disruption of work or relationships, or other evidence of psychological disturbance you should seek help from a mental health professional. It is worth noting that self-awareness work does not "cause" problems but, sometimes, facilitates their identification. Finally, as noted in Step 3 (Chapter 3), awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions during the interview is an important part of a self-aware practice. Feelings engendered in the clinician by the patient are called countertransference. These can be due to a "personal countertransference" or a "diagnostic response."29 In a personal countertransference, your feelings when interacting with a patient have their origin in an issue elsewhere in your life. For example, feeling sadness when interviewing a patient because she reminds you of your grandmother who died when you were young is countertransference. Recognizing this response as coming from outside the clinician-patient relationship will help you manage your response and provide the best possible care for your patient. In a diagnostic response, the feelings you experience are actually coming from the patient and can help you make a diagnosis. For example, if you
• TABLE 8-2. Guidelines for Personal Awareness Group Work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Meet regularly for the sole purpose of personal awareness work/improvement. Observe strict confidentiality. Members speak only for themselves, and participate only when ready and to the extent comfortable. Give feedback that focuses on behaviors rather than the person; be sure the feedback is descriptive and nonevaluative, contains a balance of reinforcing and corrective information, and provides only a manageable amount of information for the next step. 24 Focus on feelings, emotions, and "here and now" events; intellectual discussions are appropriate but should not dominate. Ask members not only to work with their own problems but also to try to be supportive and empathic to colleagues. A nonjudgmental attitude and unconditional positive regard for each member keeps the setting safe and comfortable for the sharing that makes the process work. Members use predominantly open-ended questioning and remain person centered. Members and teachers facilitate problem-solving and provide support. These are more valuable than advice, analysis, trying to fix or change others, and "the hard truth." Foster patience, understanding, and recognizing that each person's behavior is what works best for her or him right now; this offsets frustration with slow or apparent lack of progress. Many people do not understand or even recognize aspects of themselves that are very obvious to others. Even after being addressed, the same issue often surfaces repeatedly and requires additional exploration. Self-disclosure and responding to one's own feelings encourage others to do the same. Recognize that respectfully and supportively discussing personal issues cannot harm another, and that others can take care of themselves; this assists in working with "painful" issues. Address feelings about other members of the group, especially when conflict occurs. Recognize the link between issues in personal and professional life. Expect to find that healthy, positive feelings often are among the most guarded and suppressed. Realize that support leads to hope. Appropriate touch helps, to the level of each member's comfort. A facilitator can sometimes enhance the group's work. Seek help if problems or conflicts arise that interfere with the group work. begin to feel down or sad while interviewing a patient, it may indicate that the patient is depressed. We urge you to hone your ability to become aware of your affective responses to patients in real time and determine if they are coming from another part of your life or from the patient. • DIMENSIONS OF THE PATIENT THAT AFFECT THE RELATIONSHIP-THE PATIENT'S PERSONALITY STYLE Most of us will have several features of the basic personality styles noted next; you are encouraged to look for these in yourself. For example, many clinicians have been described as having predominantly obsessive and authoritarian styles. These are very useful for ensuring professional success, but, in excess,
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 2:15 they also can have some adverse consequences personally and in clinicianpatient relationships.30 The patient's personality is far more difficult to change than yours, and it is not your job to try to change theirs. Nevertheless, ifyou understand the patient's personality style, you can improve the clinician-patient relationship by adjusting your behavior to the patient's unique style. Personality style is defined as that group of enduring personal characteristics that describe how a person thinks, feels, behaves, and interacts in relationships with others and the environment.31 Personality partially determines how people respond to the various stressors in life, including illness. It determines how a patient recognizes and presents her or his illness, relates to the clinician, responds to treatments and procedures, deals with discomfort and disability, and manages chronic and disabling conditions. Knowledge of a patient's personality style can alert you to likely stressful circumstances that can perhaps be avoided or ameliorated. As noted earlier, personality styles apply to clinicians as well as patients. We can identify and name these styles but we must be careful not to use the terms pejoratively. There is growing evidence that patients who share the same personality styles and characteristics as their physicians are more satisfied with the care they receive.32 Most personalities are within the range of normal, and readers will recognize parts of themselves in most styles described. Many styles are blends, for example, many people have both dramatic and organized styles. Personality characteristics form the bedrock of psychological structure and are the basis of success as people make their way in the world: a dramatic flair can be essential for a good performer or politician while an organized style is essential for an effective professional or a good homemaker. A personality style is abnormal only when it is maladaptive and interferes with successful functioning, then it is called a personality disorder 1; for example, a histrionic patient's over concern about his appearance leads to mutilating surgical procedures (multiple plastic surgeries), a person with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder may count ceiling tiles and wash her hands throughout the entire day. Importantly, maladaptive patterns can be precipitated or exacerbated by illness or stress. These patterns then may puzzle and obstruct clinicians, leading them to label the patient as a "problem," "hateful," or "difficult:' This section describes how to enhance the relationship by using knowledge of the patient's personality style, derived from a constellation of features rather than any one or two of them. You can assess a patient's personality style during Steps 1 to 3 and can use appropriate skills during this time based on your assessment. Further diagnose the style in Step 4 by focusing on corroborating features and considering whether the style is adaptive or maladaptive. The sooner the patient's style is accommodated, the smoother the interaction will be.
2:1.8 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING After identifying a personality style, meet the needs of its predominant feature to maximize the relationship. With normal, well-adapted patients this process is simply woven into each visit. Normal patients present no unique problems in the medical setting. Establishing the initial relationship with maladaptive patients, however, is just the start. Maladaptive patients usually require ongoing care by a mental health professionat with a goal of developing more adaptive traits and gradually weaning patients from their maladaptive behaviors, a topic beyond the scope of this text that will be addressed in further training such as your psychiatry clerkship. Note that each personality style has unique features that require from you different, and sometimes opposing behaviors. We will only present summaries of some major personalities and how they affect the clinician-patient relationship.31.33 For illustrative purposes, we will emphasize the maladaptive patterns (personality disorders), but remember that normal patients exhibit some characteristics ofthese, as we will also summarize. Further, while this review presents each type singly. you will want to consider how different patterns might be combined. Most of us exhibit features of several different personality styles. Dependent Style Basic need: The basic need of a person with a dependent style is to assuage fears of abandonment, starvation, and/or helplessness which were learned very early in childhood. The maladaptive dependent patient wishes for boundless interest, attention, and care. Clinical presentation: You will observe the following in better-adapted patients with dependent styles: normal and greater degrees of requests for advice, need for detailed directions, checking of plans in order to do things "right," a history of "super-independence"-overcompensation for dependence wherein the patient single-handedly performs many activities and seldom wants help, living in the parental home as an adult (when financial circumstances do not demand it), deferring to a spouse for answers and decisions, using the collective "we" to indicate another's close involvement in their activities ("We took the medicine and then we did the physical therapy"), repeated stories of how others help and support them, and problematic oral habits like overeating, smoking, excessive drinking, and other addictions. Maladaptive dependent patients may reach out quickly and impulsively to clinicians. They often demand urgent, special attention, and may appear selfish. The simplest instructions often require repetition and assistance, for example, how to get to the lab for a test. Losses and separations from loved ones are particularly stressful to these patients and can lead to illness
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 21.7 and psychological deterioration. Because illness leads to increased caretaking, relinquishing its nurturing aspects when health is regained may be difficult. Maladaptive dependent patients can pose difficult problems in medical settings, becoming angry and frustrated when their needs are not met. Incessant demands may make the clinician feel emotionally exhausted or "sucked drY. Many clinicians who are mothers have likened the situation to having a child constantly tugging at their breast. Passivity, helplessness, and a sense of entitlement often preclude following directions, paying bills, and performing other responsible acts. How to respond: You can meet dependency needs during your initial contacts by incorporating much support into your conversation and actions; by evincing a positive outlook and showing interest in patients aside from their disease; by giving guidance, advice, more detailed instructions, and special favors; and by arranging for more frequent visits. Supporting and giving praise for independent behavior as you provide empathy can sometimes decrease a patient's dependent behavior. Because the patient desires closeness and only know how to solicit closeness through dependence, sometimes offering frequent support and praise for independent behavior while not abandoning the patient can decrease dependence. Problems for clinician: The authoritarian clinician typically interacts nicely at the outset with dependent patients; that is, these clinicians like to take charge and these patients like to be taken care of. Unfortunately, this approach results in a cycle of the dependent patient trying to get increased attention from clinicians who derive satisfaction from helping ... until a pattern is established. At this point, the clinician faces two possible relationship problems. First, she or he may try to meet the endless dependency needs and the relationship may become over-involved, enmeshed, terribly time consuming, and nonproductive. The clinician becomes frustrated from trying hard and failing, and the patient becomes frustrated in not getting enough. Second, the clinician may reject and distance him/herself from the patient so that the relationship dies. Obsessive-Compulsive Style Basic need: The basic need of a person with obsessive-compulsive style is to maintain control, especially of emotional expression. Control assuages unconscious fears of emotion, dirtiness, disorderliness, impulsive aggression, and pleasurable indulgences-often the result of excessive childhood punishment. Clinical presentation: You may observe the following in better-adapted obsessive-compulsive patients: normal and greater degrees of orderliness,
2:1.8 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING precise speech, detailed information, self-discipline, tidiness, punctuality, conscientiousness, a well-organized approach, responsibility, conservatism, and concern with right and wrong. Maladaptive patients use knowledge as a tool for controlling their fears. Thinking substitutes for feeling and emotion. For the unaware clinician who may also share obsessive-compulsive personality traits, there is the danger that emotion will be entirely absent from the encounter-the medical visit transforms into a medical discourse. Maladaptive patients characteristically use ritualistic behaviors and obsessive thinking that replace action, and elaborate rationalizations follow. Far from being useful, patients may bring extensive written notes for reference and give detailed, boring accounts of routine body functions and symptoms to assuage their anxiety. Although asking many questions, they do not listen and obsessively focus on selected details as a way to control emotion (rather than for intellectual need). Because illness means a loss of control, they typically try to take control of medical interactions and often succeed. Obsessive patients guard against emotions. When asked how they feel or what their emotional reaction is, they characteristically respond with what they think. Maladaptive obsessive-compulsive patients in medical settings can demand a great deal of time, having many questions and presenting detailed expositions of symptoms. Anger, depression, and anxiety may supervene when control falters. Self-doubt, indecisiveness, and vacillation can pose problems when medical decisions (especially urgent ones) have to be made. How to respond: Meeting an obsessive patient's needs means giving information in appropriate detail, which can include written material, and often includes specific plans for diagnosis and treatment. Repeated requests for information, however, indicate an underlying anxiety that must be explored rather than responded to by simply supplying information. It helps to involve the patient actively, giving her or him a sense of control in decision making (e.g., which consultant to see), and in deciding the details of daily conduct (e.g., when blood is drawn, how bath will be given). Putting the patient in charge helps, as long as it is comfortable and consistent with good care. Also, it may help to compliment such patients on their knowledge, reasoning, selfsufficiency, and high standards. Problems for clinician: The authoritarian clinician can have trouble interacting with obsessive-compulsive patients if a battle for control emerges. The result is often an unengaged relationship in which patients may become unhappy and go elsewhere. If an authoritarian clinician yields appropriate control and gives information, the patient will be impressed by the clinician's remaining obsessive features such as thoroughness, precision, and clear reasoning.
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 21.9 Histrionic Style Basic need: The basic need of a person with histrionic style is to merge emotionally with others, especially of the opposite sex. Interacting in an emotionally intense way gratifies, irrespective of the pain and discomfort it produces for them or others. Clinical presentation: In better-adapted histrionic patients you may observe: normal and greater degrees of charm, colorfulness, liveliness, attractiveness, sexual appeal, gregariousness, romanticism, sentimentality, artistic interest, and creativity. Many people with this personality style exhibit a zest for life and pleasure, have a rich fantasy life, and arouse the envy and admiration of others for these qualities. Maladaptive histrionic patients communicate through emotions, feeling, and performing rather than thinking and doing. They are overly dramatic, flamboyant, teasing, inviting, flighty, and impulsive. Concern about appearance and bodily integrity is paramount. Although histrionic patients can be quite personable, engaging, and entertaining at the outset, you may soon note a pervasive superficiality and lack of depth. Patients often are seductive in dress, style, and language. Women may present as defenseless, vulnerable, or as sexually provocative. Histrionic men emphasize their manliness and courage, and may make "macho" remarks. Alternatively, men may present as effeminate and fragile. In the intellectual domain, maladaptive histrionic patients impress the clinician as vague, imprecise, inconsistent, circumstantial, contradictory, and exaggerating. Such patients may have a short attention span, decreased ability to concentrate, and handle factual data erratically. Maladaptive histrionic patients in medical settings can become angry, depressed, and jealous if they are not noticed as attractive and outstanding. Dissatisfaction in the clinician-patient relationship can lead them, as it does in their personal lives, to precipitously leave for another caretaker. Their impulsivity and inexperience with sound reasoning can lead to difficulties with drugs, medications, ill-advised surgery, and other decisions about care. Minor problems, especially perceived bodily defects, create ongoing anxiety. When deforming disease (breast surgery, facial laceration) occurs, these patients can be particularly vulnerable. How to respond: Meeting a histrionic patient's needs includes brief compliments on the patient's appearance made in a useful, tasteful, and non-suggestive way. It is essential, however, to show and express interest in such a patient as a person rather than just as an object of attention. Respond calmly and firmly when patients behave seductively. Allow patients to ventUate their fears and concerns, but do not foment or encourage them. Reassurance works better than intellectual explanations. Try to involve these patients in decision
220 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING making, but you may have to assist them by providing guidance, advice, and support. Problems for clinician: To the extent that you are susceptible to seduction or are seductive yourself, these patients can prove disastrous. Sexual encounters between clinicians and patients are a harmful outcome of such interactions. Similarly, fears of such involvement can lead to the opposite extreme-a distancing interaction. Most clinicians working with histrionic patients are troubled less by sexual issues than by the patients' lack of sound cognitive skills that can be a source of frustration to a more cerebral caregiver. This is perhaps a factor in the observation that clinicians seem to discount the reality of histrionic patients' problems. For example, with the same clinical presentation of coronary artery disease depicted on videotape, physicians pursued further investigation in only about half as many histrionic patients as they did in obsessive patients.34 Self-Defeating (Masochistic) Style Basic need: The underlying need of persons with self-defeating style, a category whose existence as an entity has been questioned, 31•35 is to sufferresulting from severely repressive upbringing (physical, sexual, and psychological abuse) that, nonetheless, symbolized love and attention. The child felt loved only when suffering or when the parent showed remorse following punishment. Clinical presentation: Better-adapted self-defeating patients may demonstrate normal and greater degrees of guilt and need to atone for misdeeds, complaining about their troubles, self-effacement and submission, expecting adverse outcomes, feeling unworthy of success, seeing themselves as victims without recourse, and meeting others' needs without concern for their own needs. Maladaptive self-defeating patients repeatedly fail. Expressions of much suffering and bad luck, many disappointments, and general hard times typify them. They present as the helpless victim, believing that they don't deserve success, and that if success occurs, something bad will follow to offset it. Such patients may precipitate their own misfortune and are often incapable of learning from prior mistakes, even when made aware of their repetitious patterns; for example, the spouse of an alcoholic who repeatedly returns to the marriage or, once having left, partners with another alcoholic. In the medical setting, maladaptive self-defeating patients can complain bitterly about many problems. Moreover, when one problem is resolved, they are not happy but, instead, present more difficulties. Reassurance typically leads to more complaints. There is resistance to encouragement, denial of
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 221. improvement, accentuation of yet unimproved aspects ofhealth, and a spurning of efforts to help. These patients feel helpless and futile, generating the same feelings in caregivers. They frequently reject advice that would improve their situation, for example, to quit riding a motorcycle that has caused five injuries. They often request painful procedures or surgery and sometimes seek them out against medical advice. How to respond: In meeting these patients' needs, avoid reassurance, suggestions of improvement, or promises of cure. Instead, simply acknowledge and respect their plight. Empathy skills work nicely for this. Tests or treatment can be framed as yet another burden for the patient to endure. When patients exhibit a prominent martyr component, frame interventions in terms of how it will help someone close to them ("Your husband needs you to be healthy so that you can continue to care for him.") Problems for the clinician: Self-defeating patients create a situation with great potential for unwitting, but nevertheless harmful, interactions. They elicit much sympathy, and you may respond by wanting to help, reassure, and cure. These responses are, however, counterproductive with self-defeating patients, create dissonance, and eventually lead to loss of the relationship and the patient. Instead, you should restrain your usual more positive approach, acknowledge the patient's plight, and use a less hopeful, more austere style. Narcissistic Style Basic need: The basic need of people with narcissistic style is to overcome low self-esteem and lack of confidence in maintaining personal identity. To be intimate or accept anything from others means merging with them and losing one's individuality. Narcissistic people overcompensate by attempts to be superior and unique. Clinical presentation: Working with better-adapted narcissistic patients, you may observe normal and greater degrees of expressing opinions and feelings. The distinction between well-adapted and less well-adapted patients is whether this pattern represents a healthy self-respect while respecting others' needs and opinions rather than representing an attempt to maintain one's own self-esteem. Maladaptive narcissistic patients present as all powerful and all important with exaggerated self-confidence, often appearing smug, vain, arrogant, supercilious, possessing mysterious knowledge, disdainful of others' opinions, and grandiose. With others, they may be patronizingly superior, overbearing, callous, or aloof. Not surprisingly, they do not have close relationships, have difficulty establishing new ones, and are not described as friendly or warm. They often irritate clinicians, particularly by engaging in prolonged monologues.
222 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING In the medical setting, maladaptive narcissistic responses increase with illness, and this is characteristically manifested by an attitude of superiority to clinicians, always trying to "one-up" them, being content only with the "'best" clinician (typically the chief of service), and being disdainful or patronizing of other clinicians. In their incessant search for weakness in their caretakers, patients lose confidence as they dwell on the clinician's faults, thereby exacerbating their stress and narcissistic behaviors. How to respond: You should meet the patient's needs by acknowledging the patient as a person of unique achievement; but, at the same time, being careful also to show expertise in a nonthreatening fashion, lest the patient lose confidence. It may help to engage the patient at a medical level by discussing recent journal articles and sharing ideas as one might with a colleague. Narcissistic patients respond most to an attitude ofrespect and concern rather than one of warmth and caring. Problems for the clinician: Narcissistic patients often challenge or threaten authoritarian and other clinician styles with their superior behaviors, lack of trust, self-referral to other consultants, and ignoring advice. You may enjoy working with such patients more if you can develop patience and not feel threatened. Paranoid Style Basic need: The basic need of persons with a paranoid personality style is to assuage their fear oftheir own faults, weaknesses, impulses (often retaliatory), and of infringement by others. Often severely criticized as children, they distrust others but allay their unwanted impulses by projecting them onto other people, for example, they see their own aggressive impulses in others. Their suspiciousness is rigid and intense, and characterized by a hyperalertness to anything out of the ordinary. Clinical presentation: Better-adapted paranoid patients may demonstrate normal and greater degrees of suspiciousness, critical evaluation, alertness to things being out of order, cynicism, complaining, planning ahead to avoid dangerous circumstances, self-righteous statements, rigid limit-setting, ruminating on negative problems, and anticipating problems. Maladaptive paranoid patients are guarded, vigilant, quarrelsome, suspicious, and fearful. They complain bitterly of mistreatment and neglect and blame others for their problems. Oversensitivity to slights and alertness to the negative feelings of others are typical. They often feel persecuted and can respond with self-righteous counterattacks out of proportion to the magnitude of the perceived criticism. In medical settings, a maladaptive paranoid patient's querulous approach for more attention, better food, less noise, faster nurses, and better clinic
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 223 personnel is disrupting and time consuming. Such patients, by threatening legal action and blaming others, frighten and irritate clinicians. Anger and aggressive control of personnel engender an unhappy milieu. Depression and anxiety bespeak deterioration. How to respond: Meeting patients' needs requires giving full information about plans and treatment, expecting to be more detailed than usual and subjected to greater scrutiny. Avoid inadvertent slights, including those by other staff. A friendly. courteous approach that avoids closeness works best. Attempts at more usual, closer relationships are met with great suspicion for what is perceived as an infringement. Do not reinforce, dispute, or ignore patients' paranoid assertions. Rather, create a sense of safety and acknowledge how difficult the problems are for a sensitive person like the patient to have to tolerate during an illness; you can also praise the patient's grasp of facts, self-control, and sense of autonomy, using empathy skills. Acknowledge the patient's feelings without either disputing or reinforcing them, and the patient is then ready for an appeal for more tolerance. Problems for the clinician: A paranoid patient creates considerable difficulty for authoritarian and other clinicians if they battle or ignore the patient. Even when these understandable tendencies are controlled, management is difficult and received without gratitude. Schizoid Style Basic need: The basic need of the person with schizoid style is to protect against certain disappointment when relating to others. These patients may have experienced repeated early emotional deprivation and the absence of long-term ties (absent caregiver, erratic caretaking, multiple foster homes, institutional rearing)-or the influence of schizoid or other distant parentsthat later in life make them feel uninvolved, detached, and remote. They never learned how to love or be loved. Aloofness is a protective denial of the many painful relationships gone awry. Clinical presentation: You may observe the following in better-adapted schizoid style patients: normal and greater degrees of distance in relationships and comfort in being alone. Healthy people have relationships of varying degrees of closeness and involvement. Maladaptive schizoid patients isolate themselves. They are unsociable, out of touch, relate poorly. and have solitary interests. Although they may appear independent and not easily impressed, they often are oversensitive, fragile, and lacking in resilience. Because this personality style and its isolation are not compatible with joining most workplaces where interactions are required, these patients frequently are oflow socioeconomic status and using public support. Although usually uninterested, some patients with schizoid style have
224 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING eccentric ideas and behaviors around foods, health measures, religious movements, social betterment schemes, and dress. Illness threatens the reclusiveness of maladaptive schizoid patients, and can trigger severe denial and minimization. Patients with schizoid style may appear surprisingly undisturbed despite very significant problems. Typically, these patients are brought to the attention of medical professionals by well-meaning relatives or neighbors. Solitary drinking as a means of selfmedicating is common but may go unrecognized. Schizoid patients can fail to follow up on recommendations, especially at the beginning of treatment. Intermediate and long-term adherence can also be poor. How to respond: Meeting schizoid patients' needs means accepting their unsociability and not threatening them with closeness or demands for relating. But do not permit withdrawal. This requires maintaining a considerate interest that is quiet and reassuring, and that does not demand reciprocation. Try to engage such patients to a degree they can tolerate although the relationships may frequently remain distant and refractory to your best efforts. Problems for the clinician: Many clinicians find these patients unappealing because of their inability to relate, yet their eccentric ideas and beliefs may arouse interest. Recalling these patients' long-term deprivation may help you maintain steady but reserved interest. Summary and Implications Conduct the beginning of the interview (Steps 1-5) according to the guidelines outlined in earlier chapters. In addition, during Steps 1 to 5, identify the personality style of the patient and then meet the unique needs by matching your approach to the dominant patient style identified. Matching enhances the clinician-patient relationship by meeting psychological (personality) needs of the patient. This process works with better-adapted patients; maladaptive patients will require much more work in consultation with a psychotherapist to develop healthier patterns. • NONVERBAL DIMENSIONS OF THE RELATIONSHIP (SEE DOCCOM MODULE 147 ) Nearly everything we have discussed so far concerns verbal aspects of interviewing. Nonverbal communication is equally-if not more-important in its effect on the clinician-patient relationship.36.37 Nonverbal communication has been shown to influence patient satisfaction, adherence to medical advice, and even clinical response to treatments. 37•38 This may be especially important for female clinicians.39 Prior to language acquisition, we all responded solely by nonverbal means; we cry to express hunger or pain, and smile to express
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 225 contentment.40 With language, we acquire a new way of expressing feelings ("I don't like you, Mommy").40 However, the original capacity to experience feelings and express emotions at a nonverbal level remains. Although normal growth and development requires that we integrate verbal and nonverbal expressions, much nonverbal behavior remains unintegrated41 and nonverbal expressions may remain incompletely recognized. This dissociation leads to the classic mixed message,36 for example, a patient answers "yes" to a request to stop smoking while shaking her or his head "no." The savvy clinician knows this represents ambivalence and that the nonverbal channel expresses the truer message.7 Nonverbal responses give you a picture "beyond words; for example, seductive, angry, or depressed. By integrating nonverbal and verbal information during the interview, you will get a better picture of the whole person and a fuller understanding of the patient and her or his suffering, and in the process, make the most meaningful connection possible. There are four categories of nonverbal communication: kinesics (movement), proxemics (the space between the clinician and patient), paralanguage (pitch, tone, and volume of speech), and autonomic (physiologic changes caused by the autonomic nervous system).7 Kinesics refers to movement, such as facial expression, gaze, body tension, gestures, fidgeting, touch, and body position. These nonverbal behaviors are under some degree of voluntary control. 7 Proxemics refers the space between clinician and patient, including differences in vertical height, interpersonal distance, angles of facing, and physical barriers created by crossed arms and legs, charts, computers, and desks.7 For example, to minimize feelings about power and control, you should not sit or stand higher than the patient. If the patient is lying in bed you can reduce the disparity by sitting or squatting at the bedside. The same applies to interacting with a child. You strive to empower rather than overpower. Paralanguage pertains to the vocal qualities of tonality, rate, rhythm, volume, and emphasis. If your voice is warm and inviting, your patient will feel more comfortable and will open up more? Autonomic changes refer to alterations in a person's internal state such as flushing or blanching of the face or sweating of the face or palms. Breathing and pupil size can reflect strong feelings in the patient.7 Observe the Patient's Nonverbal Communication To observe the patient's nonverbal expressions, it may help to briefly tune out the words, as though watching a movie without the sound. The four categories of nonverbal communication, as outlined earlier, interact to characterize many of the emotions found in Appendix C. As an exercise, consider what
228 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING nonverbal cues characterize each emotion listed; that is, what unique somatic or nonverbal features typify anxiety, grief, despair, joy, love, devotion, and determination? From the other direction, what are the possible emotional meanings of the following commonly observed nonverbal responses: leaning away from the clinician; frequent patting or stroking of the clinician's hand. arm, or knee; quivering lower lip; arms tightly crossed over chest; frown; slumped shoulders; furrowed brow; standing to talk; glistening of eyes (tearing); or smiling? As reviewed in Chapter 3, in Step 3 you will also want to integrate other nonverbal data about physical characteristics (emaciated), autonomic changes (sweaty palms), accouterments (tattered clothing), and environment (no greeting cards in the hospital room of a patient in the third week of hospitalization). As early as the initial moments of Step 1, you will begin to consciously observe the patient's emotional responses. This will give you an idea of the patient's associated nonverbal response pattern and let you recognize them more easily later on. Up until now, we have discussed observing and interpreting nonverbal behaviors, but done little about them. Below, we will describe how to respond. Matching Matching is a neurolinguistic programming concept wherein the clinician subtly mirrors a patient's nonverbal expressions to establish rapport.42,43 This is done slowly to avoid distracting or alarming the patient; for example, observing that a patient had her or his head tipped to one side, the clinician would slowly adopt a similar position. For example, with a patient who gestured a lot with her or his hands, the clinician would slowly begin similar hand gestures; talking to a patient who frequently pursed her or his lips, the clinician might emulate this unobtrusively. Matching applies to a vast range of behaviors, especially those in the kinesics and paralanguage categories discussed earlier. Matching need not be complex and can be as simple as mirroring the way the patient crosses her or his legs, folds her or his arms, or rubs her or his chin. It is very effective at establishing rapport and can be viewed as the nonverbal equivalent of NURS. Leading People in nonverbal synchrony might want to remain that way, but there is also the possibility of using nonverbal behavior to shift from one state to another. A leading behavior by one member induces a reciprocal act by the other, as long as it is introduced slowly and subtly.42•43 This provides two opportunities for the clinician40: (1) if the patient follows a lead. it confirms nonverbal
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 227 connectedness; (2) to lead the patient away from nonproductive behaviors; for example, after matching a patient's persistent frown, the clinician might gradually introduce a slight smile, hoping that the patient will follow the gesture and indeed feel better. You may worry that matching and leading seem manipulative and deceptive in some way. The intent is for you to become conscious of leading and matching activities and skills that are entirely natural but usually done unconsciously. In the same way that learning patient-centered interviewing skills helps you serve your patients more effectively, building and maintaining rapport by attention to nonverbal communication allows you to engage your patients more effectively.' Addressing Nonverbal Behaviors As with verbally expressed feelings, address overt nonverbal expressions of emotion with empathy skills (NURS); for example, to a crying patient, "That's really sad for you and I can understand ..." With less overt nonverbal messages, you need to use emotion-seeking and focused open-ended queries to better understand the nonverbal behavior; for example, "You look a little down, tell me what's going on ..." or "You seem kind of tense." Once the emotion is clear, respond empathically (NURS), deepening the clinician-patient relationship. Sometimes you will just note the nonverbal behavior if you suspect that addressing it would be poorly timed or offensive; for example, you might choose not to immediately address the fact that the patient's arms are tightly folded across the chest in a defensive way. Mixed messages, where the verbal and nonverbal messages are incongruent, represent conflict, perhaps conflict with the clinician, and a lack of safety for its direct expression. 7 The following can be helpfu140: (1) Indirectly acknowledge the disparity; for example, to a patient saying everything at work is fme who at the same time is shaking her or his head negatively, "I hear your words but I still get the feeling that things aren't going too well at work." If this prompts appropriate, congruent discussion, no more is necessary. If not, a brief apology for misunderstanding is sometimes useful. You also might frame the incongruity in terms of a paradox; for example, "I know some people who say everything is fine at work at the same time they were concerned about their jobs." (2) Sometimes, directly addressing the incongruity is best, "I notice you saying 'all is well' but shaking your head as if you are saying 'no: What about that?~ although you usually have to know the patient well enough to be comfortable that it will not be perceived as mocking. Clinicians themselves often send mixed messages, for example, saying, "'Ia like to hear more about that" while standing up to leave or looking at the chart or the
KNOWLEDGE EXERCISES Clinician-Patient Relationship 1. Define the clinician-patient relationship and its dyadic components. What are nondyadic influences on the clinician-patient relationship? 2. Why and how does one monitor the clinician-patient relationship? What characterizes a good clinician-patient relationship? 3. Discuss the obsessive-compulsive features of many clinicians, 27 why they occur, what is useful about them, what is potentially harmful, and what might be done to decrease their negative impact on the patient. 4. What is an unrecognized response? Are students and clinicians with unrecognized responses abnormal? Why is the clinician the best focus for improving the clinicianpatient relationship? 5. Distinguish between the clinician's unrecognized feelings and her or his unrecognized behaviors. Do these unrecognized responses feel good or bad to the clinician? 6. What problems can unrecognized responses cause? How common are unrecognized responses toward patients? Do clinicians outgrow these responses as they gain experience? List the common unrecognized feelings and unrecognized behaviors. 7. List several ways clinicians can conduct "self-analysis" to increase personal awareness of affect. (continued)
KNOWLEDGE EXERCISES {continued) 8. Why can't clinicians easily recognize these potentially harmful problems about themselves and, once recognized, easily change them? Is it possible for clinicians to prevent their feelings from becoming manifest? 9. Why is it valuable to develop selfawareness of unrecognized personal responses concerning other people as well as patients? 10. If one chooses to change, is the focus the behavior or the emotion or both? List several techniques the clinician can use to assist change. 11. What principles characterize working on self-awareness with colleagues? Personality 1. Define personality style, and contrast it to personality disorder. Why is the patient's personality important to the clinician? When and how does the clinician "read" the patient's personality? 2. For each personality style described (dependent, obsessive-compulsive, histrionic, self-defeating, narcissistic, paranoid, and schizoid}, answer the following: why does the personality occur, what are its general features in maladaptive and betteradapted patients, how do maladaptive and better-adapted patients present in the medical setting and what unique problems do they pose, what unique therapeutic measures are employed with each to enhance the clinician-patient relationship, and what problems might these patients pose for authoritarian and other type clinicians. Also, describe how control, intellectuality, emotionality, and ability to engage in a relationship vary from one personality to another. 3. To enhance the clinician-patient relationship, is it possible to change the patient or their behavior? If so, how? 4. In responding to the patient's personality, what does "going with the flow" of the predominant personality feature mean? 5. Given your own personality, what are your likely interactions with patients having maladaptive as well as adaptive personalities of each type-would the interaction "feel" good or bad to you? Nonverbal Behaviors 1. Why are nonverbal behaviors important? Are they more or less important than verbal behaviors to understanding the patient? What is meant by a "mixed message" or a mind-body split when verbal and nonverbal behaviors are compared? 2. What can the clinician do to ensure that her or his own nonverbal behaviors do not create an adverse reaction? 3. Give the different categories of nonverbal behaviors, as shown in section "Nonverbal Dimensions of the Relationship," and list the different bodily or somatic (nonverbal) manifestations of at least 10 emotions; see Appendix C. What are likely meanings of the following nonverbal behaviors: leaning away from the clinician; frequent patting or stroking of the clinician's hand, arm, or knee; quivering lower lip; arms tightly crossed over chest; frown; slumped shoulders; furrowed brow; standing to talk; glistening of eyes (tearing); or smiling. How are nonverbal behaviors similar or different in animals? 4. Define pacing and describe with an example how to perform it. 5. Define leading and describe with an example how to perform it. Why does it work and what is its potential utility? 6. How does the clinician address nonverbal behaviors when emotion is overtly expressed, near the surface, or when there is a mixed message?
SKILLS EXERCISES Clinician-Patient Relationship 1. In addition to your usual critique, identify one positive and one negative feeling toward a patient that you have experienced, for example, like them, not like them, warm interaction, distant interaction. 2. Over time, working with colleagues and teachers, identify one or more personal responses to patients or others that could be harmful, for example, overly controlling, overly "nice," avoid psychosocial issues, and fear in discussing a specific issue such as death. Also, identify those responses that could be helpful, for example, caring, respect, empathy, and desire to help. 3. If you decide to change a previously unrecognized, potentially harmful response, develop a new one that is more conducive to a healthy clinician-patient relationship. Role play the old response and the new response. 4. Maintain an active journal of personal awareness experiences. Personality 1. Role play the various personalities. The clinician practices Steps 1 to 5 with the additional assignment of identifying the patient's simulated personality. The simulation works best using the maladaptive patterns because the changes are easier to portray and recognize. Have the person simulating the personality do it as an unknown so everyone can make a diagnosis following the interview. 2. Role play meeting the patient's predominant personality need ("going with the flow"). Nonverbal Behaviors 1. Watch a video of a clinician's interview with the sound turned off and identify nonverbal behaviors in both clinician and patient, what they signify about the interaction, and whether clinician and patient are synchronized or not. 2. Role play different emotions using only nonverbal communication. 3. Watch any video in a foreign language and identify paralanguage (non-content aspects) communication and what it means, for example, voice pitch and rapidity. 4. Role play the positive and negative impact of various common nonverbal behaviors, for example, too close, too far, excessive eye contact, no eye contact, arms folded, supportive touching, appropriate smiling, and eye level interaction. 5. Role play appropriate and inappropriate nonverbal pacing. 6. Role play appropriate and inappropriate nonverbal leading. 7. Role play how the clinician would address nonverbal behavior when emotion is overt (with empathy skills), when it is not (with emotion-seeking or focused open-ended skills), and when there is a mixed message (with focused open-ended skills). REFERENCES 1. Fortin AH 6th. Communication skills to improve patient satisfaction and quality of care. Ethn Dis. 2002;12(4):S3-58-S3-61. 2. Chou C, Pearlman E, Risdon C. Module 15: Understanding Difference and Diversity in the Medical Encounter: Communication Across Cultures. In: No~ck D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Onlme
Chapter 8 THE CLINICIAN-PAT! ENT RELATIONSHIP 231. Communication Skills Curriculum[Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 3. Williams GC, Frankel RM, Campbell TI.., Deci EL. Research on relationship-centered care and healthcare outcomes from the Rochester Biopsychosocial Program: a selfdetermination theory integration. Pam Syst Health. 2000;18:79-90. 4. Adams CL, Frankel RM. It may be a dog's life but the relationship with her owners is also key to her health and well-being: communication in veterinary medicine. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2007;37(1):1-17; abstract vii 5. Frankel RM, Morse DS, Suchman AL, Beckman HB. Can I really improve my listening skills with only 15 minutes to see my patients? HMO Pract. 1991;5:114-120. 6. Mostow C, Gorosh MR, Crosson J, White MK, Suchman AL, Risdon C, Neuwirth Z. Module 38: High Performance Teams: Diversity and RESPECT. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare & Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 7. Shorey JMII Nonverbal Communication: It Goes without Saying. Computers & EHRs Jeannette M. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare & Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 8. Frankel R, Edwardsen E, Williams S. Module 18: Exploring Sexual Issues. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare & Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 9. Gaufberg E. Module 41: Professionalism: Boundary Issues. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare & Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 10. Epstein RM, Christie M, Frankel R, Rousseau S, Shields C, Suchman AL. Understanding fear of contagion among physicians who care for HIV patients. Pam Med. 1993;25: 264-268. 11. Smith RC. Teaching interviewing skills to medical students: the issue of'countertransference: J Med Educ. 1984;59:582-588. 12. Smith RC. Unrecognized responses by physicians during the interview. 1986;61:982-984. J Med Educ. 13. Smith RC, Zimny G. Physicians' emotional reactions to patients. Psychosomatics. 1988;29:392-397. 14. Smith RC, Dorsey AM, Lyles JS, Frankel RM. Teaching self-awareness enhances learning about patient-centered interviewing. Acad Med. 1999;74:1242-1248. 15. Epstein R. Module 2: Mindfulness and Reflection in Clinical Training and Practice. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom -an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: AcademyofCommunication
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c::: Summarizing and Presenting the Patient's Story UJ 1- a.. < :::I: (.) The deepest truth is found by means of a simple story. Anthony de Mello Up until now you have worked to create an effective clinician-patient relationship, elicited information about the patient's symptoms and their personal and emotional context, and translated this information into a biopsychosocial story about a person and her or his illness. Now how do you summarize and transmit this information to others? • SUMMARIZING THE PATIENT'S STORY You have gathered a great deal of information and synthesized it sensibly, but there remains the task of meaningfully summarizing to reflect the essence of the patient, that is, the biopsychosocial story, which includes disease diagnoses. 1 While you may not always include these details in your oral or written presentation, you should integrate mind (psychosocial) and body (biomedical) components to describe for yourself the whole person and his/ her dynamically interacting parts in order to provide the best care. Relationship Story Your experience during the entire encounter with the patient allows you to synthesize a story of the clinician-patient relationship. 2.3 Clinician Responses Your first task is to sort out and be conscious of your own personal feelings and resulting behaviors toward the patient or the patient's circumstance. For example, fear of doing harm could lead to avoiding a discussion of death, fear 235
238 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING of contracting a disease might lead to avoidance of touching the patient, or sexual feelings toward a patient could result in excessive attention or avoidance. These feelings and responses are not necessarily expressed in a written report or verbal presentation; only information that you are comfortable having many others know should be divulged. Reserve more personal feelings and responses for discussion with your preceptor(s), as this can be very useful in developing your personal awareness.4 Patient's Personality Because personality manifests itself in relationships, it is part of the relationship story. Make your observations throughout the interview and identify the patient's dominant personality style as dependent, histrionic, obsessive, self-defeating, narcissistic, paranoid, or schizoid (or other types), as outlined in Chapter 8. For most people, this designation depicts their style of interacting with others and is not abnormal. When personality style interferes with normal functioning, it is called a personality disorder and is so identified in the summary.5 Clinician-Patient Interaction Finally, consider the interactional process itself and note any difficulties. Does the interview feel strained? Is there a give and take to the conversation? Is there a lack or overuse of eye contact? Is the interview formal, collegial, parent-chUd, or charged? Personal Story Synthesize the multiple bits of personal data, gathered throughout the interview, into a psychosocial story or theme. This ordinarily is quite straightforward. Identify the major issues and summarize them in two or three sentences. While every patient is unique, you will fmd that the following themes occur frequentlf"" 8: (1) fear of death, mutilation, and disability; (2) dislike, distrust, and disbeliefofthe medical system; (3) concern about loss of function (physical and sexual), wholeness, role, status, and independence; (4) denial of problems; (5) separation, grief, and losses of many types; (6) leaving home and becoming independent; (7) concerns about retirement; (8) marital or job problems; (9) economic, housing, safety issues; (10) other unique personal problems of the patient; and ( 11) administrative issues relating to disease diagnosis (e.g., requesting disability). Disease Story Similar to the personal story, synthesize multiple bits of primary and secondary data to make disease diagnoses or, at least, high-level probabilistic
Chapter 9 SUMMARIZING AND PRESENTING THE PATIENT'S STORY 237 hypotheses about the disease problem(s). A list of problems or diagnoses represents the disease story. Such a list usually numbers three or four but there can be as many as 15 or 20 problems/diagnoses in complex patients. Data for problems and diagnoses derive from the personal description of symptoms during the beginning of the interview and their further clarification during the middle and during the physical examination. Of course, the more knowledge of disease patterns you gain the easier it will be for you to make diagnoses such as angina or infectious hepatitis. Beginning clinicians, however, are not expected to make diagnoses; you should simply describe and list the problems identified and characterize them as fully as possible; for example, substernal chest pain occurring with exercise and relieved by rest, vomiting and jaundice of recent onset where one other family member has the same problem. Even after thorough clinical and laboratory evaluation, clinicians often do not have a satisfactory disease explanation for their patients' symptoms. Sometimes symptoms resolve and we never know what caused them. Occasionally, symptoms persist and patients are later found to have a disease. Many patients are labeled as having medically unexplained symptoms-the expression of emotional distress through physical symptoms for which we find no disease explanation.9- 12 You cannot put the patient's story to rest as a fixed event or unchanging "'reality." Patient stories are dynamic. The story changes as diagnoses are resolved, treatment is implemented, new personal responses occur, and the clinician-patient relationship deepens. Indeed, the very telling of the story will lead you to new thoughts and emotions about yourself and, in turn, to new actions and attitudes so that a new, a different story will evolve as part of the narration process. 13- 15 • THE MEDICAL RECORD-THE 1'WRITE-UP" OF THE PATIENT'S STORY The written description of the patient's story is usually called the "write-up" or "Hand P" (for History and Physical). The Hand P follow the outline in Table 9-1. Appendix D contains a full write-up of Ms. Jones' initial evaluation. See Chapter 5 for general guidelines about length. As with most scientific endeavors, a well-organized, tighdy knit written summary does not describe the discovery process itself. In fact, write-ups synthesize personal, primary, and secondary data from different parts of the interview. The order in which you discover data often has little bearing on just where these data will be presented in the written version.
• TABLE 9-1. Recording the New Patient Evaluation-The Write-up A. Identifying data: age, gender, job, race, intimate relationship status, address, telephone number of nearest relative in case of emergency, referral source (if any) B. Source and reliability of information: patient, relative or translator (specify), outside records (indicate completeness), judgment of reliability of information from all sources C. Chief concern and agenda: the patient's most bothersome concern and a summary (list) of all presenting concern(s) D. History of present illness (HPI) and other active problems (OAP) 1. Overview of symptoms and time of onset 2. Complete description of the dimensions of each symptom; i.e., onset and chronology, position and radiation, quality, quantification, related symptoms, setting, and transforming factors 3. Pertinent negative symptoms 4. Relevant positive and negative secondary data 5. The personal contextual dimension of the above; e.g., story content, emotions, patient's beliefs and explanations, impact of illness on daily life, triggers for seeking care, relationships, support systems, and role of stress E. Past medical history 1. General state of health and presence or absence of past illnesses: childhood illnesses (measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, scarlet fever, and rheumatic fever); adult illnesses (hypertension, heart attack, stroke, heart murmur, other heart disease, diabetes, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, cancer); major treatments in the past (steroid treatment, blood transfusions, insulin, anticoagulants); visits to clinicians during the last year; injuries; accidents; unexplained problems; procedures; tests; psychotherapy; other 2. Hospitalizations: medical, surgical, psychiatric, obstetric, rehabilitation, other 3. Immunization history 4. Status of age-appropriate preventive screening 5. Women's health history: age of menarche, cycle length, duration of menstrual flow, number of tampons/pads used per day; number of pregnancies, complications; number of live births, spontaneous vaginal deliveries/ cesarean section; number of spontaneous and therapeutic abortions; age of menopause 6. Medications and other treatments: prescribed, inhalers, over-the-counter, alternative remedies, oral contraceptives, vitamins, laxatives 7. Allergies and drug reactions: allergic diseases (e.g., asthma, hay fever), medications (describe reaction), foods, environmental F. Social history 1. Occupation, workplace, level of responsibility, daily routine and schedule, occupational hazards and exposures, work stress, financial stress, satisfaction 2. Health-promoting and health-maintenance activities a. Diet b. Physical activity/exercise history c. Functional status: dressing, bathing, feeding, transferring, walking, shopping, using the toilet, using the telephone, cooking, cleaning, driving, taking medications, managing finances, and cognitive function; extent of interference with normal life d. Safety: seat belts; helmet use when riding a bicycle or motorcycle; smoke detectors; protection of self and others from poisonous substances (including medications), firearms, and dangerous circumstances at home and at work e. Health screening (if not listed under PMH): cervical cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, lipids, hypertension, diabetes, HIV. sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, glaucoma, dental, selfexamination 3. Exposures: pets; travel; illness at home, in the workplace; sexually transmitted infections
• TABLE 9-1. Recording the New Patient Evaluation-The Write-up (continued) 4. Substance use: caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, street drugs, prescription medications 5. Personal a. Living arrangement b. Personal relationships and support system c. Sexuality Orientation Practices Difficulty d. Intimate partner violence/abuse e. Life stress f. Mood g. Spirituality/religion h. Health literacy i. Hobbies, recreation j. Important life experiences Upbringing and family relationships Schooling Major losses/adversity Military service Financial situation Aging Retirement Life satisfaction Cultural/ethnic background 6. Legal issues a. Living will or advance directives b. Power of attorney c. Emergency contact G. The family history (FH) 1. Age and health (or cause of death) of grandparents, parents, siblings, and children 2. Presence of family history of tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, bleeding problems, anemias, kidney failure or dialysis, drug use, alcoholism, tobacco use, weight problems, asthma, and mental illness (depression, schizophrenia, multiple somatic complaints), symptoms similar to those the patient is experiencing 3. Genogram a. Two generations preceding the patient and all subsequently; involves parents, siblings, children, and significant members outside the bloodline for each generation b. Age, sex, mental and physical health, and current status are noted for each; note age at death and cause c. Note interactions among family members for psychological and physical problems 1. Psychological a. Dominant members and their style (e.g., loving, angry) b. Major interaction patterns (e.g., competition, abuse, open, distant, caring, manipulation, co-dependent) c. Family gestalt (e.g., happy, successful, losers) 2. Physical/disease: a. Patterns of disease (e.g., dominant, recessive, sex linked, no pattern) b. Patterns of physical symptoms without organic disease (e.g., bowel trouble, uncoordinated, headaches) c. Inquire about others with similar symptoms (e.g., infection, toxic, anxiety, anniversary reaction) H. System review items not already consideredreview of systems (ROS)" 1. General a. Usual state of health b. Fever c. Chills d. Night sweats e. Appetite f. Weight change g. Weakness h. Fatigue i. Pain 2. Skin a. Sores/skin ulcers b. Rashes c. Itching (pruritis) d. Hives e. Easy bruising f. Change in size or color of moles g. Lumps continued
• TABLE 9-1. Recording the New Patient Evaluation-The Write-up (continued) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. h. Loss of pigment i. Change in hair pattern j. Change in nails Hematopoietic a. Enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) b. Urge to eat dirt (pica) or ice c. Abnormal bleeding or excessive bruising d. Frequent or unusual infections Head a. Dizziness b. Headaches c. Fainting or loss of consciousness d. Head injuries Eyes a. Use of glasses b. Change in vision c. Double vision (diplopia) d. Pain e. Redness f. Discharge g. History of glaucoma h. Cataracts i. Dryness Ears a. Hearing loss b. Use of hearing aid c. Discharge d. Pain e. Ringing (tinnitus) Nose a. Nosebleeds (epistaxis) b. Discharge c. Loss of smell (anosmia) Mouth and throat a. Bleeding gums b. Sore throat c. Painful swallowing (odynophagia) d. Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) e. Hoarseness f. Tongue burning (glossodynia) g. Tooth pain Neck a. Lumps b. Goiter c. Stiffness 10. Breasts a. Lumps b. Milky discharge (galactorrhea) c. Bleeding from the nipple d. Pain 11. Cardiac and pulmonary a. Cough b. Shortness of breath (dyspnea) c. Shortness of breath with activity (exertional dyspnea) d. Shortness of breath when lying down and need to sit to breathe (orthopnea) e. Awaking at night with shortness of breath (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea) f. Sputum production g. Coughing blood (hemoptysis) h. Wheezing i. Chest pain j. Pounding or fluttering sensation in the chest (palpitations) k. Shortness of breath on exertion I. Swelling of feet or other regions (edema) 12. Vascular a. Pain in legs, calves, thighs, hips, or buttocks when walking (claudication) b. Leg swelling c. Blood clots (thrombophlebitis) d. Leg ulcers 13. Gastrointestinal a. Loss of appetite b. Weight change c. Nausea d. Vomiting (emesis) e. Vomiting blood (hematemesis) f. Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) g. Painful swallowing (odynophagia) h. Heartburn (dyspepsia) i. Abdominal pain j. Difficult or infrequent bowel movements (constipation) k. Loose, frequent bowel movements (diarrhea) I. Passing mucus
• TABLE 9-1. Recording the New Patient Evaluation-The Write-up (continued) m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. Change in stool color/caliber Black, tarry stools (melena) Rectal bleeding (hematochezia) Hemorrhoids Rectal pain (proctalgia) Rectal discharge Rectal itching (pruritus ani) Yellow discoloration of sclerae and skin oaundice) u. Dark urine-the color of tea or cola drink v. Excessive upper (belching or eructation) or lower (flatus) bowel gas w. Lump in groin or scrotum 14. Urinary a. Frequent urination (polyuria) b. Awakening at night to urinate (nocturia) c. Infrequent urination d. Abrupt urge to urinate (urinary urgency) e. Difficulty starting stream (urinary hesitancy) f. Loss of control of urination (incontinence) g. Blood in urine (hematuria) h. Pain or burning on urination (dysuria) i. Particulate matter in urine (urinary gravel) 15. Female genital a. Lesions/discharge/itching b. Age at menarche c. Interval between menses d. Duration of menses e. Amount of flow f. Last menses g. Painful menses (dysmenorrheal) h. Absence of menses (amenorrhea) i. Irregular, heavy menses (menometrorrhagia) j. Bleeding between periods k. Pregnancies I. Abortions/miscarriages m. Libido n. Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) o. Orgasm function p. Age at menopause q. Menopausal symptoms r. Postmenopausal bleeding 16. Male genital a. Lesions/discharge b. Erectile function c. Orgasm function d. Bloody ejaculation (hematospermia) e. Testis swelling/pain f. Libido g. Hernia 17. Neuropsychiatric (see headings Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat for cranial nerves) (see heading Musculoskeletal for motor function) a. Fainting b. Paralysis c. Tingling (paresthesia) d. Decreased sensation (hypesthesia) e. Absent sensation (anesthesia) f. Tremors g. Loss of memory h. Depression i. Mania j. Apathy or loss of interest k. Loss of enjoyment of life (anhedonia) I. Suicidal thoughts m. Sleep n. Anxiety/nervousness o. Speech disorders p. Dizziness or vertigo q. Poor balance (ataxia) r. Inability to get to sleep or stay asleep (insomnia) s. Excessive sleep (hypersomnolence) nightmares t. Symptoms without an explanation (somatization) u. Bizarre or unrealistic thoughts (intrusive thoughts) v. Bizarre or unrealistic perceptions (hallucinations) w. Seizures 18. Musculoskeletal a. Weakness b. Muscle pain c. Stiffness 19. Endocrine a. Excessive thirst b. Frequent urination continued
• TABLE 9-1. Recording the New Patient Evaluation--The Write-up (continued) c. Numbness or tingling of hands/feet d. Weight gain or loss e. Episodes of confusion, sweating, lightheadedness (hypoglycemic reaction) f. Blurred vision g. Date of last eye exam h. Swelling in neck i. Weight gain or loss j. Palpitations or racing heart k. Tremulousness I. J. K. L. I. Hair loss (alopecia) m. Dry skin n. Heat or cold intolerance o. Loss of skin pigment (vitiligo) p. Constipation or diarrhea Physical examinationb Initial diagnostic formulations and treatment interventions (if any)b Assessment Investigative and treatment planb "Many of these symptoms can occur in systems other than where listed. "Not addressed in this book. The following format is commonly used for recording the history (items A through H), physical examination, initial diagnostic formulations, and treatment interventions, assessment, and treatment/investigative plans. All but the history are outside the scope of this book; we include the others to illustrate the integration of the interview with the other basic components of a formal patient evaluation. These components will be extensively addressed during clinical rotations. Identifying Data Obtain identifying data (see Table 9-1) from admitting records and other data that accompany the patient and by simple observation and inquiry. Source and Reliability of Information The source of data and its reliability reflect the quality of data obtained. Note any concerns regarding reliability. Chief Concern and Agenda The chief concern and patient's agenda clarify the patient's visit, arising mostly from Step 2. Recalling that the patient may not have presented it as the first item during agenda setting, the chief concern, or most bothersome symptom, serves as a powerful tool to direct the focus of the written story. When possible, cite the chief concern in the patient's own words. Then the full agenda list should be summarized.
Chapter 9 SUMMARIZING AND PRESENTING THE PATIENT ' S STORY 243 History of Present Illness (HPI) and Other Active Problems (OAP) Noted in Table 9-1, there are five specific aspects of the HPI (or OAP): 1. An overview ofpertinent symptoms (those that fit together to best describe the underlying disease process) and their time of onset, 2. Specific symptom descriptors, 3. The absence of pertinent symptoms (called "pertinent negatives"), 4. Relevant secondary data, and 5. The personal context of these data. Using these five aspects of the history, you can convey a dynamic understanding of the patient's situation and thus prepare the reader to understand the full biopsychosocial description of the patient that is to be provided later (in assessment). For beginning clinicians, it can be helpful to put each category in a separate paragraph, as outlined here; as you gain experience, these categories will frequently be condensed and interwoven considerably. Paragraph # 1. Provide an overview of all relevant symptoms, reflecting the chief concern and other current problems, identifying when each began. You will most likely have obtained this information during Steps 3 to 4, or sometimes at the very beginning of Step 6 (if the patient's personal or emotional concern prevented you from hearing about the symptom during the beginning of the interview). Paragraph #2. Record all symptoms (primary data) relevant to the prob- lem and expand upon each with a full recording of the symptom descriptors (OPPQQRRST: onset and chronology; position, precipitating factors, quality, quantification, radiation, related symptoms, setting, and transforming factors [aggravating/alleviating]). The descriptors can be recorded in this order, as shown for Ms. Jones in Appendix D, and must be clearly anchored in the chronology and timing dimension. Rather than including all descriptors, experienced clinicians will often record only those of diagnostic significance, sometimes referred to as "pertinent positives." Beginning clinicians are advised, however, to remain comprehensive until their skills more fully develop. As your skills and understanding of diseases increase, you will recognize more and more symptoms that belong in this paragraph; that is, the "related symptoms" category of the descriptors increases. You will have gotten most information in this paragraph during Step 6 of the interview. Paragraph #3. Next record the absence ofpertinent symptoms, called "pertinent negatives." You will have obtained most ofthis information in Step 6. This paragraph includes the absence of symptoms from the same system involved in the chief concern. As you become more facile with hypothesis-testing and develop a better understanding of disease, you will also include the absence of other pertinent symptoms, especially those of causal (etiological) importance
244 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING and those outside the body system known to be involved. For example, in a patient with chest pain, beginning clinicians might record the absence of hemoptysis and dyspnea in this paragraph while more advanced clinicians would also indicate the absence of joint pains and skin rash if systemic lupus erythematosus was a diagnostic consideration (these are sometimes useful diagnostic symptoms). Data for this paragraph usually come from Step 6. Paragraph #4. Pertinent positive and negative non-symptom (secondary) data are included in this paragraph. This includes data about pertinent visits to clinicians and healthcare facilities, diagnostic tests and results, treatments and results, specific habits, occupation, and other non-symptom data that are important to understanding the patient's disease problem-especially the etiology (cause) and pathogenesis (mechanism); for example, a history of smoking in a patient with cough and shortness of breath, a recent hospital stay with normal coronary angiogram in a patient with chest pain, the use of birth control pills in a woman with headaches, or a famUy history of sickle cell anemia in an Mrican American boy with acutely painful legs. This information will often have arisen in Step 6 but less experienced clinicians may have uncovered it in Steps 7 to 10. Paragraph #5. Although usually obtained in the beginning of the interview (primarily in Step 4), personal data often are recorded last to enhance our understanding of how personal factors interact with the symptom. Here you will explicitly join symptom, personal, and emotional/psychological dimensions, establishing the mind-body link. Although obvious in Ms. Jones' situation, we do not always find a clear causal relationship between personal factors and the disease problem. In all patients, however, we can describe a personal and/or emotional context of the presenting problem. The HPI, the most important part of the history, synthesizes the patient's personal and symptom dimensions. Beginning clinicians simply record the chronology of primary data (including symptom descriptors), secondary data, and their personal dimensions. As you learn more about disease patterns later in training, you will begin to record the patient's data in a way that leads another clinician to the same diagnostic conclusion (given in the assessment). You will begin to selectively highlight portions of the story, still utilizing the five dimensions, to provide data for and against the diagnosis (hypothesis) you have arrived at. The diagnosis and reasonable alternative diagnoses are painstakingly recounted so that another professional (often a preceptor) can make an informed decision about their accuracy. Ms. Jones' HPI in Appendix D illustrates this diagnostic process. Only primary and secondary data are included in the HPI. Discussion and interpretation of the patient's problem come in the assessment. Interpretative comments can be made, however, when the clarity of data is in question; for
Chapter 9 SUMMARIZING AND PRESENTING THE PATIENT'S STORY 245 example, "The patient states that she underwent some type of heart surgery when hospitalized in 2003 but doesn't know what it was and we have no records of it yet:' The OAP is where you will record problems that are unrelated to the HPI but are nonetheless active and related to the patient's present health. Each of these areas requires a five-part approach simUar to the HPI, although usually less extensive. Each typically has its own symptom with cardinal features and its own personal and emotional contexts. While the HPI is recorded in narrative form, the remainder of the write-up can be recorded in narrative form, outline form, or both; the latter is shown in Ms. Jones' write-up in Appendix D. Past Medical History The past medical history (PMH) is recorded as noted in Table 9-1, often in the order suggested in the table. It is detaUed where necessary to provide an understanding of the patient's health, but abbreviated for past events of little relevance. For example, in a patient admitted for a hernia repair, you would record in the PMH data about the patient's coronary artery stenting 1 year earlier; if the patient was presenting with chest pain, you record coronary artery stenting in the HPI. Although usually recorded in outline form, pertinent details are essential for all major problems, for example, symptoms, secondary data, dates, treatments, doses of medications, types and outcome of adverse reactions to medications, and detaUs of any complicated obstetric problem. Social History The social history (SH), as noted in Table 9-1, is often recorded using a combination of outline and narrative form. Only background and routine data are recorded under the SH heading; when detaUs pertinent to patient's current problem(s) have been elicited during the SH part of the interview, they are recorded in the HPI portion of the written record. For example, when evaluating a patient with shortness of breath, cigarette smoking habits are recorded in the HPI. Similarly, some SH data may have already been recorded, where relevant, as part of the OAP or identifying data. Following the guidelines in Chapter 5 will allow you to record all relevant data, for example, dates, relevant people, when a Pap smear was last performed, daUy number of cigarettes smoked, number of pack-years, and efforts to stop. Family History In the family history (FH), record the information detaUed in Table 9-1, including a genogram diagram, as shown for Ms. Jones in Appendix D. Most
248 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING important is to know who is available to the patient in a support role; and which family member(s) have or had anything like what the patient is suffering from or fears about what they might have. As already noted, some of these data may need to be included in the HPI/OAP when pertinent to the patient's diagnosis. Review of Systems Here you simply record symptoms discovered in the review of systems (ROS) that you have not already mentioned during the HPI/OAP or PMH. Beginning clinicians often record a lot of information here, grouping the positives and negatives together in each system. lbis detail is necessary for learning purposes. More advanced clinicians record only pertinent positives, eventually noting only those that are significant. Physical Examination Documentation of the physical examination, 16 outside the province of this text, includes routine vital signs (temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, height, weight) and the details of the examination in each system (such as heart murmur heard on auscultation of the chest, an enlarged uterus on pelvic examination, or cerumen found on examining the ears). Initial Diagnostic Formulations and Treatment Interventions (If Any) Also recorded here are initial diagnostic or therapeutic interventions by you or others, which occur largely in acute situations. These might include a complete blood count and a CT scan of the abdomen in a patient with one day of right lower quadrant abdominal pain. These data should not be confused with secondary data obtained before the patient came under your care and are already recorded in the HPI or PMH. Assessment: The Biopsychosocial Description--The Patient's Story Sometimes, additional observation or diagnostic investigation are required before a full biopsychosocial description can be made. When descriptions are defmitive enough to allow identification of a disease, the disease itself is recorded in the appropriate category. When descriptions are not sufficient to permit a disease diagnosis, a succinct description of the problem is recorded and caUed a ''problem" in contrast to a diagnosis. Patients have from four to six problems/diagnoses on average in adult ambulatory practices. 17
Further Investigative and Treatment Plan Further investigative and treatment plans (not addressed in this text) follow logically from the assessment and could include, for example, pain medication and exploratory surgery for a patient with probable appendicitis . • PRESENTING THE PATIENT'S STORY (SEE ALSO DocCom MODULE 3718 ) Beginning and advanced clinicians frequently tell patients' stories to other professionals. These verbal presentations are valuable for learning and teaching, and they are the medium for communication among professionals. Although you may find presentations difficult at the outset, you will quickly master them. Presentations demonstrate your ability to elicit and synthesize large amounts of data, your skills in communicating with others, and the way you see and understand the patient as a person. The oral presentation can range from a brief summary on rounds to a more formal presentation in a conference setting. 19 There are some general guidelines for a presentation (Table 9-2): (1) It is essential to know beforehand what your goals are (what the listener expects), and how long you will have to present. (2) Know the patient thoroughly. (3) Begin your preparation of the presentation with the problem list/diagnoses you have identified (clarify it if uncertain), know what the differential diagnostic issues may be, and know what needs to be done to clarify diagnoses in the future. Your entire presentation will be focused on providing evidence, pros and cons, for your definition of the problem (although sometimes • TABLE 9-2. Guidelines for Making a Presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Goals (what the listener expects) and time available Know the patient Focus on the problem list/diagnoses Present only relevant data, saving interpretation for the assessment Use a standard format: CC/HPI, physical exam, and diagnostic investigations Summarize and invite questions Be engaging and interesting Use note cards only for reminders of factual data Practice and get feedback from colleagues Observe other good presentations and emulate those Avoid logistic and other problems Avoid personalizing and recounting specific conversations
248 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING presentations may focus upon difficult treatment issues for a known diagnosis). (4) Present only relevant data, usually focused upon the problem list. Present this much in the fashion of a lawyer presenting a case to a judge and jury. You are trying to convince the listener of your problem list items/ diagnoses, providing all relevant information on both sides of any controversial or unclear issues. In other words, you will be presenting the patient's story. (5) Stick to the standard format: start with the CC/HPI, interweaving only relevant data from other parts of the interview, and then proceed to the physical exam and, finally. to any diagnostic investigations performed. If the patient has had prior examinations and laboratory data (from before this illness episode), these are included in the HPI; you use only data from the present event when presenting physical examination or laboratory fmdings. (6) Summarize the presentation and invite questions. (7) Be engaging and interesting so your listeners become and remain interested. (8) Use note cards only for reminders of factual data and avoid reading a presentation. (9) Practice and get feedback from colleagues. (10) Observe other good presentations and emulate those. (11) Avoid logistic and other problems you may have devoted much time to but which are irrelevant to your diagnostic/problem list; for example, "Radiology was out of contrast media for a certain study and this delayed obtaining it,, "It took several hours to find a relative to obtain permission for a lumbar puncture., (12) Avoid personalizing and recounting specific conversations that occurred. There are three types of presentations: very brief, standard, and long. Very brief presentations last no more than a minute or so and orient another professional to key problems in nonurgent situations; for example, "I'll be in the clinic all afternoon. Mr. Johnson in Room 345 has pneumonia but is doing OK on azithromycin. Check his blood cultures when they're out at 4:00 p.m. His wife should be in about then; let her know all is OK and I'll be back to talk with her around supper time. Thanks:' The standard, 3- to 10-minute presentation conveys full, pertinent information to a listener unfamiliar with the patient. Such presentations are useful teaching exercises as well as being relied upon to transmit critical information to other clinicians. Students and junior residents make these presentations to preceptors or senior residents at morning report, on rounds, and in the clinic. The beginning clinician synthesizes personal, primary. and secondary data into a logical diagnosis, and then presents it cogently and interestingly. Presentations follow the same format as the write-up, including the logic of clinical reasoning, but are much more condensed and contain only the most essential data. The following is an example of a standard presentation-using Ms. Jones as our subject. (This is a transcript of the clinician's presentation of Ms. Jones'
Chapter 9 SUMMARIZING AND PRESENTING THE PATIENT'S STORY 249 initial evaluation to his preceptor in the clinic. Although some preceptors may want more detail, most prefer a succinct, pertinent presentation. Always ask your preceptors to be certain of their preference.) Identifying Data, Source and Reliability of Data, Chief Complaint, and Other Major Agenda Items The clinician gives these in one or two sentences, and conveys the broad strokes of the situation: Joanne Jones is a 38-year-old woman who is a lawyer and lives with her husband. She is a reliable historian, and self-referred for headaches of 3 months duration and to get establlshed with a primary care provider. She also is concerned about stress at work, a past history of ulcerative colitis, and a recent cold. History of the Present Illness If you can organize the HPI chronologically, the listener will better understand the subsequent diagnosis or problem identification you came to. This does not mean that a preceptor will agree with the analysis, but it allows her or him to judge the data and rationale you used. Avoid bias and emphasize pros and cons of diagnostic data. To continue with Ms. Jones' presentation, the clinician presents the following: Throbbing, nonradiating right temporal headaches associated with nausea and photophobia began suddenly 3 months ago. These have progressively worsened, especially in the last month, so that they now occur 2-3 times weekly, lasting as little as 2 hours and as long as 12 hours, during which time they progressively increase in severity. They are quite severe ("worse than having a baby") and make her miss work. An ice bag and dark room seem to help some. She has been well between headaches and there are no other symptoms, particularly scintillating scotomata or those suggesting neurological disease, meningitis, or head injury. I get no history of arthritis or anything suggesting a collagen-vascular disease. An aunt likely had migraine and the patient has used birth control pills for 6 years. She had to go to the emergency department a week ago, received a narcotic injection, and only a blood and urine study were done; we don't have these results yet. Headaches clearly relate to anger at her boss, who criticizes and disdains her often, and don't occur when he's not around. She is gradually replacing him as the lead attorney in GHI Corporation here,
250 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING and he is resisting this more than her Board had said he would. She's mad at them, too. She also had headaches as a child when her mother criticized her unfairly and repeatedly. Talking about these problems brought on the headache during our interview. Although her support system is fairly good, she's getting worse and, if there's no help with this, she may quit her job. She's not depressed and has had no similar problems getting along in the past. Notice that the clinician has covered the five components of the HPI we discussed as part of the write-up: a chronological overview of the story, the dimensions of each symptom, pertinent positives and negatives, the course of the problem and relevant secondary data, and the personal contextual aspects. The clinician next reports only pertinent OAP, PMH, SH, FH, and ROS data. Except for chronic stress on the job and being a self-described "workaholic:' she takes good care of herself from a health maintenance standpoint: seat belts, aerobic exercise almost daily, low fat and low salt diet, no addicting substances, and no risky habits. She is up to date with her health maintenance, including Pap smears. Her past medical history is significant for mild ulcerative colitis in 2010 when she was hospitalized at the University Hospital in her home town. Shea had bloody diarrhea off and on for 3 months then and responded to 3 months of prednisone and about a year of sulfasalazine after her work-up was completed. It sounds like both colonoscopy and barium enema were done as well as several other tests and I'm sending for the records. She was followed regularly by a Dr. Jergens and was asymptomatic until November 2015 when nonbloody diarrhea recurred and colonoscopy and barium enema showed minimal changes in what she calls the "distal sigmoid colon." No surgery has ever been advised and she continues without symptoms, having responded almost immediately to another course of sulfasalazine which she took for 6 months. A colonoscopy 6 months ago was said to be normal. She's had two uncomplicated spontaneous vaginal deliveries. Except for a mild but now cleared respiratory infection recently. and a single urinary tract infection in July. 2017, she has been in good health. Aspirin, 6-8 daily, is the only other medication. There are no drug sensitivities or allergies. The SH is significant only in that this job was a big step forward professionally. She does not use tobacco or drugs and drinks less than one glass of wine per week. The FH is not further contributory. ROS reveals nothing more.
Chapter 9 SUMMARIZING AND PRESENTING THE PATIENT'S STORY 251. Physical Examination Only pertinent data are given, both normal and abnormal, focusing at the outset on a vivid general description of the patient and relevant vital signs (because physical examination is outside the province of this text, only a brief report of the exam is presented; most preceptors will prefer that it be more complete and specific): Physical examination shows a normotensive, friendly, and healthy appearing woman. Head and neck are normal and without bruises or tenderness. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation. Discs are sharp and vessels are normal. Neurological evaluation shows normal cranial nerves, reflexes, cerebellar function, extrapyramidal function, and motor/sensory function. She does have a midsystolic dick along the left sternal border but there is no murmur or other abnormality. Initial Diagnostic and Treatment Interventions (If Any) As in the write-up, these usually emergency actions have been obtained under the clinician's and his/her team's direction: No diagnostic or treatment interventions have been made and we do not yet have the lab data from a week ago. Assessment: Blopsychosoclal Description-The Patient's Story Assessment is equally cogent, as shown in Ms. Jones' story: 1. Ms. Jones is under severe stress from the conflict with her boss on a new job. 2. In turn, this has precipitated migraine headaches, with a typical clinical picture of intermittent throbbing and photophobia and a family history. The birth control pills could be a factor as well. Less likely is a stress tension headache: I wouldn't expect this to be so intermittent, severe, or throbbing. Meningitis, subdural hematoma, and a vasculitis all are extremely unlikely. 3. She has ulcerative colitis, needing further assessment. 4. Recent cold symptoms, resolved. 5. Probable mitral valve prolapse, asymptomatic. Investigative and Treatment Plan This is equally brief and to the point, as shown with Ms. Jones. In complicated cases, this and the assessment are much more extensive. Ia suggest we start her on either ibuprofen or sumatriptan tablets for the acute headaches. Prophylactic treatment, with a beta blocker
KNOWLEDGE EXERCISES 1. In the write-up of the patient's HPI, what is the content for each of the five paragraphs? 2. List several guidelines for an effective case presentation. 3. Define the types of case presentation. 4. In a patient presenting with chest pain, where in your presentation or write-up would you include a family history of diabetes? Could there be more than one location, depending upon the nature of the pain? Explain.
SKILLS EXERCISES 1. Perform a complete new-patient history on a colleague, a simulated patient, or a real patient-and then write up your findings. 2. Present the same case in 30 minutes, 5 to 7 minutes, 1 to 2 minutes. REFERENCES 1. Barrows HS, Pickell GC. Developing Clinical Problem-Solving Skills: A Guide to More Effective Diagnosis and Treatment. New York, NY: Norton Medical Books; 1991:226. 2. Inui TS. What are the sciences of relationship-centered primary care. J Pam Pract. 1996;42{2):171-177. 3. Tresolini CP; Pew-Fetzer Task Force. Health Professions Education and RelationshipCentered Care. San Francisco, CA: Pew Health Professions Commission; 1994:72. 4. Smith RC, Dwamena FC, Fortin AH VI. Teaching personal awareness. JGen Intern Med. 2005;20:201-207. 5. APA. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2013. 6. Kravitz RL, Callahan EJ. Patients' perceptions of omitted examinations and tests-a qualitative analysis. J Gen Int Med. 2000;15:38-45. 7. Marple RL, Kroenke K, Lucey CR, Wilder J, Lucas CA. Concerns and expectations in patients presenting with physical complaints-frequency, physician perceptions and actions, and 2-week outcome. Arch Intern Med. 1997;157:1482-1488. 8. Smith RC, Hoppe RB. The patient's story: integrating the patient- and physician-centered approaches to interviewing. Ann Intern Med. 1991;115:470-477. 9. Smith RC, Lein C, Collins C, et al. Treating patients with medically unexplained symptoms in primary care. J Gen Intern Med. 2003;18:478-489. 10. Smith RC, Lyles JS, Gardiner JC, et al. Primary care clinicians treat patients with medically unexplained symptoms-a randomized controlled trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21:671-677. 11. Smith RC, Dwamena FC. Classification and diagnosis of patients with medically unexplained symptoms. J Gen Intern Med. 2007;22(5):685-691. 12. Smith RC, Gardiner JC, Luo Z, SchooleyS, Lamerato L, Rost K. Primary care physicians treat somatization. J Gen Int Med. 2009;24:829-832. 13. Chatwin J. Patient narratives: a micro-interactional analysis. Commun Med. 2006;3{2):113-123. 14. Eggly S. Physician-patient co-construction of illness narratives in the medical interview. Health Commun. 2002;14{3):339-360. 15. Haidet P, Kroll TL, Sharf BF. The complexity of patient participation: lessons learned from patients' illness narratives. Patient Educ Couns. 2006;62{3):323-329.
254 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 16. LeBlond R, Brown D, DeGowin R. DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination. 9th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2009. 17. Williams BC, Philbrick Tf, Becker DM, McDermott A, Davis RC, Buncher PC. A patientbased system for describing ambulatory medicine practices using diagnosis clusters. J Gen lnt Med. 1991;6:57-63. 18. Monroe A. Module 37: The Oral Presentation. In: Novack D, Daetwyler C, Saizow R, Lewis B, Hewson M, Levy J, eds. DocCom - an Online Communication Skills Curriculum [Internet]. Lexington, KY: Academy of Communication in Healthcare and Drexel University College of Medicine; 2018. Available from: www.DocCom.org 19. Tierney LM Jr. The case presentation. In: Henderson MC, Tierney LM, Smetana GW, eds. The Patient History. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2012:675-676.
Remaining Patient-Centered in the Digital Age • BACKGROUND: A BRIEF HISTORY OF MEDICAL RECORD KEEPING The modern era of medical record keeping began in the late 19th and early 20th century. Medical records ofthat time period were largely unsystematic, as was medical education, which was unregulated and taught in privately owned medical schools. Written records were treated as no more than "notes to self:' of use and interest to individual practitioners only. In 1911, Richard Cabot, a Boston physician, published a book entitled, Differential Diagnosis: Presented Through an Analysis of 383 Cases, 1 in which he demonstrated how individual records could be used to classify groups of patients according to the symptoms and signs they presented with, an early form of population medicine. The next major innovation in written record keeping came in the late 1960s from Lawrence Weed, a physician and medical educator who was interested in ways of evaluating medical students' clinical thinking skills. 2 The ProblemOriented Medical Record (POMR) was organized around the SOAP note (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan), a standardized method that could be used to assess students' and, as it turned out, practicing physicians' thought-processes and actions. Weed's innovation also paved the way for third parties (teachers, peers, and later insurance companies and the federal government) to use the written record to judge the accuracy, completeness, and quality of care delivered. Another important shift in record keeping came in the early 1990s on the heels of the "digital revolution:' One major limitation of paper-based records was their physical storage and portability. Records were typically limited to a single location and facility. had to be retrieved by hand, and were placed in a holder on the exam room door (most of the time) by a medical assistant. Computers changed all that and allowed records to be accessed, shared, 2&5
258 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING and archived instantaneously by individuals, institutions, researchers, and regulators without the traditional limitations of paper. By the early 1990s the Institute of Medicine recommended that all physicians should be using computers in their practice by the year 2000.3 By January of 2015, 83% of office-based physicians in the United States had adopted an electronic health record (EHR) in their offices (http://dashboard.healthit.gov/quickstats/pages/ physician-ehr-adoption-trends.php ). One final chapter in contemporary medical record keeping is the migration of computer-enabled health records from the back office, where they were used for coding and billing in addition to entering clinical notes and test results, to the exam room where they are used to document elements of the visit as it occurs. It is in the intersection ofcaring for patients (maintaining patient-centeredness) and documentation in the EHR (for coding, billing, and legal purposes) that is causing distraction and conflicts in clinician attention. Unfortunately, there are no national standards for where a computer and monitor should be placed for optimal patient-centered care, nor is there much guidance in how to handle the complexities introduced into the clinician-patient relationship by having an EHR as an active "third presence" in the exam room. In the following sections, we will explore these challenges and provide a guide to current best practices from the research literature for using the exam room EHR in the clinical encounter. • EXPLORING THE CLINICIAN/PATIENT/COMPUTER RELATIONSHIP Researchers and educators have identified three discrete points in time where the EHR can cause stress and negatively affect the quality of care and resilience of the clinician. These are: (1) preparing for the visit; (2) enacting the visit; and (3) entering additional information into the EHR after the visit has concluded. Sources of stress may be individual and/or organizational and when they occur over time, which is typical, the result is a chronic decrement in processes and outcomes of care. Table 10-1 summarizes the sources of stress and the levels at which they occur. Preparing for the VIsit As pressures on clinicians to be more efficient have mounted, and documentation tasks have multiplied, traditional norms of care have been challenged. One in particular is clinicians' review of patients' records prior to entering the exam room. In the era of hand written records, the physical chart was placed in a holder on the exam room door and the clinician could simply remove and quickly review it before entering the exam room entering the exam room.
• TABLE 10-1. Sources of Stress Related to EHR Documentation Challenges Preparing for the visit Enacting the visit Post-visit documentation Sources of stress Individual: o Some clinicians are naturally slower than others in their visits routinely creating challenges to being on time and prepared for upcoming visits Mlcrosystem: o Work flow may be inefficient and informal norms of staff, e.g., interruptions may limit time to prepare for upcoming visits Organizational: o Scheduling practices such as double and triple booking may limit clinician time to prepare Sources of stress Individual: o Limited typing skills may make documentation during the visit difficult o Physical placement of the computer may make it difficult to maintain patientcenteredness during the visit o Interpersonal communication skills may not be well-adapted to being patient centered and exam room computer use at the point of care Organizational: o Formal or informal expectations for efficiency may create a chronically stressful environment for the visit Sources of stress Individual: o After-hours time spent in EMR documentation may compete with family time at home o Accuracy of notes may be compromised over time o Time for self-care activities such as hobbies and physical fitness may be lost to after-hours documentation Organizational: o Completion requirements, e.g., within 24-48 hours may place additional stress on clinicians With EHRs one must be in a location where there is a computer available (typically the back office, which may be some distance from the exam room), log in (which can take 2-3 minutes), find the patient's record and click through separate fields to find the problem list, medications, tests ordered, results, and the plan of care. All of this takes time that is limited by scheduling and documentation requirements. The result, more often than not, is to skip the preparation phase in the back room and do it in the exam room, in the patient's presence. In other industries, such as aviation for example, doing a preflight checklist (which is the equivalent of the preparation phase in patient care) once airborne would be highly unusual and result in reprimand or even dismissal, while in medicine it is rapidly becoming an informal workplace norm. Foregoing preparation prior to entering the room has several associated costs as the following actual case study suggests (names have been changed to ensure anonymity). Case #l Paul Antonov is a third-year medical resident seeing his fourth clinic patient of the day, Albert Simms, who is a 71-year-old retired machinist with multiple medical problems including hypertension (HTN), diabetes mellitus (DM), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). His social history is
258 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING unremarkable except for the fact that Mr. Simms' wife died 4 months ago after a long illness. This is a follow-up visit to check his blood pressure since Dr. Antonov increased his dosage of hydrochlorothiazide at the last visit. The care plan also calls for checking Mr. Simms blood sugar level since it was higher than usual at the last visit, and refilling his prescription for albuterol. Dr. Antonov is already running 20 minutes late and has not had a chance to review Mr. Simms EHR. The visit opens with the following exchange: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Hi Mr. Simms, how are you doing today? Okay I'm just going to log into your chart here and have a look ((7 minutes of silence ensues)) So, what brings you in today? Well, you asked me to come back to check my blood pressure but then I had an asthma attack three nights ago and wound up in the ER. Oh, I didn't see that in reviewing your chart. Let me go back in and check ((3 minutes of silence ensues)) I see it now. So, what else beside the blood pressure and your asthma? Well, I've been feeling pretty blue lately. Why is that? Well, you remember at our last visit I shared with you that my wife of 49 years had passed away shortly before our 50th wedding anniversary. Oh yes, I remember now. I was sorry to hear it. What else? That's about it I guess ... The "costs" of not having reviewed Mr. Simms' EHR prior to entering the room can be summarized in terms of time, relationship, and "face:'4 In terms of time, 7 minutes were taken as Dr. Antonov silently reviewed the EHR in Mr. Simms presence, trying to "catch up," and another 3 minutes to access the information after being informed about his emergency department visit for an asthma exacerbation. At a minimum, 10 minutes out of a 30-minute visit were taken up by Dr. Antonov's interactions with the computer screen as he tried to establish who the patient was, the reason for the visit, and the problems he was following him for. All of this with Mr. Simms sitting in front of him, reminding him of their history together when, with preparation, that time that could have been used to discuss more meaningful topics like depression and coping with a significant loss.
Chapter 10 REMAINING PATIENT-CENTERED IN THE DIGITAL AGE 259 In terms of relationship, the fact that Dr. Antonov had to be reminded by Mr. Simms that he requested the visit and that he had previously been informed about the loss of Mr. Simms' wife is a threat to their relationship. In this case, having to rely on the EHR in real visit time to recall details of Mr. Simms' medical care that Dr. Antonov likely would have had in hand, had he had the chance to review his notes before entering the exam room, communicates both lack of preparation and potentially a lack of caring. To quote George EngeL the father of the biopsychosodal/patient-centered care model (see Appendix A), "'To know and understand obviously is a dimension of being scientific, to be known and understood is a dimension of caring and being cared for." 5 Preparation for the visit clearly establishes the importance of knowing and understanding the shared mutual biography created over time in the patient-clinician relationship and the impact it has on the patient's experience of care. Perhaps more challenging still is the loss of face and embarrassment Dr. Antonov experienced in failing to recall a critical fact and connect it to Mr. Simms' concern about feeling blue. Almost certainly, no clinician wants to find her- or himself in the position of having forgotten key information in the care of his/her patient, and embarrassment and shame often follow when they do. Clinicians often rely on patients to provide historical information such as their recollection of recommendations made in previous visits. This is one way of testing for comprehension and it can also enhance partnershipbuilding. You may not recall all the details of your patient's care but as long as you know the major ones you can rely on the patient to fill in minor gaps. When reliance on the patient for pertinent information happens routinely and/or when very significant facts such as the death of a spouse are forgotten or overlooked partnership takes a back seat and questions of trust and respect come into play. Lack oftrust and respect, in turn, have been related to reasons that patients and families sue for medical malpractice in the face of an adverse outcome.6 Some of what Dr. Antonov experienced in this scenario cannot be changed. The fact that his visits are scheduled every 30 minutes with little time in between may be an administrative fact of life over which he has little control. Similarly, the time needed to travel to the back office between patients, log in, and review progress notes is unlikely to change any time soon. Finally, the EHR itself has some significant limitations including multiple reminders, alerts and codes, not to mention having to click on multiple screens to retrieve information that was literally at one's finger tips in the era of paper records. These barriers notwithstanding, lack of visit preparation made an already difficult task much more complex and interpersonally challenging.
280 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Enacting the Visit One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity, for the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient. 7 Francis Peabody The quality of caring in medical visits can be defined in terms of how clinicians and patients share time, space, and language together. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal and nonverbal behavior, prox.emics (shared space), and the activity or action systems, like interviewing, doing a physical exam, or giving an injection, in which they occur. With the additional burden of EHR documentation during the visit, the tension between (interpersonal) caring and (instrumental) documentation comes down to a competition for the clinician's attention to the patient or the exam room computer. When it works well, shared attention communicates a sense of engagement on the part of the clinician; when it doesn't work well, it creates a sense of distraction that can become a source of distress, patient disengagement, and loss of clinician resilience. Distracted care in clinical practice has been shown to have negative effects on both ends of the stethoscope. 8 For example, one study found that time spent interacting with the computer screen varied by physician from 20% to 80%, with those interacting with the computer screen at higher rates having scores consistent with low patient experience.9 In the exam room and hospital room, maintaining healing relationships while entering data into the EHR will continue to be a challenge. Although research in this area is still in its infancy, some studies suggest possible tradeoffs and solutions to the problem. For example, one review of 43 studies of EHR adoption in office settings found that actively engaging patients as partners in co-constructing the record of care was important in successful implementation. 10 Studies have also found that physicians with excellent overall communication skills often used exam room computers effectively in their visits. 11 A recent systematic review of 52 articles identified several behavioral and communication best practices for exam room computing. 12 A similar set of practices are summarized below in the mnemonic, POISED: Prepare, Orient, Information gathering, Share, Educate, and Debrief. 13 Prepare-As already described, preparation for the visit is key to efficient and effective patient-centered care. Preparation favors active listening and responding to patient concerns and emotion, builds trust and connection, and reinforces the primacy ofthe patient, not the computer, as the appropriate focus for the visit.
Chapter 10 REMAINING PATIENT-CENTERED IN THE DIGITAL AGE 261. Orient-Creating a welcoming atmosphere at the beginning of the visit is an important step in creating trust, especially where the exam room computer is involved. Taking time to welcome the patient and face him/her directly, without hands on the keyboard or eyes on the computer monitor, communicates that s/he is the most important focus of the visit. Especially important for new visits is orienting the patient and accompanying persons to the computer, ensuring confidentiality, and describing its role in the visit. This can usually be accomplished in 15 to 30 seconds. Using partnership statements such as, 'Tm going to be using the computer from time to time to help me keep track of things. It's the best way I know of to create an accurate account of what we discuss" will alert the patient of your intent and rationale for using the computer. Most patients are grateful to know how technology, including the EHR, will be used in the exam room. In a study of physicians, half of whom had been sued for medical malpractice and half had not, orientation statements, as in the above, were a protective factor and were statistically more likely to characterize physicians who had not been sued. 14 Orientation statements are useful not only in introducing the EHR and its use in the visit but, more generally, in guiding patients in what to expect from the encounter. Information-gathering-Several chapters in this book suggest that some parts of the encounter should be patient-centered and others cliniciancentered. Being explicit about this distinction and the role of the computer will help patients understand points in time when you may spend more time interacting with the computer screen as opposed to engaging directly with the patient. For example, at the beginning of Step 10, you can say, "I'm going to ask you a lot of yes/no questions that we call a review of systems and I will be entering your answers in the computer as we speak. Of course, if you have any questions during this part of our conversation I am happy to hear them:' During periods of time when information-gathering requires attention to the computer screen it is a good practice to look at the patient from time to time. In a study of male and female physicians' exam room EHR use, it was noted that female physicians would punctuate long periods of screen time by glancing at the patient every 30 seconds or so. By contrast, male physicians tended to remain fixed on the computer screen and did not glance toward their patients with any frequency. 8 Frequent eye contact communicates and reinforces the importance of connectedness and relationship in the context of other tasks such as documentation. Share-The computer can be an important source of information and education. It also creates partnerships and brings patients directly into the care process. Many stationary exam room computers are located in a comer of the room where the clinician's back is to the patient as s/he types information
262 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING FIGURE 10-1. Computer use excludes patient. into the EHR. This is unfortunate as it creates a dyadic relationship between the clinician and the computer, one that excludes the patient (Fig. 10-1). A mobile mount or an extendable arm so that patients can see the screen invites partnership and collaboration (Fig. 10-2). This approach has the double benefit of partnership and having two sets of eyes on the screen to check on the accuracy and completeness of information that is being recorded in the EHR. Educate- The computer screen is an excellent teaching aid. With the click of a mouse, for example, a patient's weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. can be shown as a histogram on the computer monitor and also becomes the basis for a conversation either reinforcing good health habits or talking about ways to improve. Using the computer screen may be especially effective in educating patients with low health literacy as written health education materials may be difficult for them to follow. 15 At the same time, too much clinician screen time outside of patient education has been shown to negatively affect outcomes in patients with low health literacy. 16 Debrief-It is estimated that patients retain about 50% of the information they receive in an ambulatory consultation. 17•18 Since they will act largely upon what they remember of the visit, it is especially important to ensure that they recall and understand what they are being encouraged/instructed to do. One method that has shown promise is the use of a "teach-back," in which the clinician asks the patient to repeat back the instructions that s/he has given during the course of the encounter (see Chapter 6). This method is helpful
Chapter 10 REMAINING PATIENT-CENTERED IN THE DIGITAL AGE 263 FIGURE 10-2. Computer use includes patient. in identifying gaps in recall and interpretation of actions suggested by the clinician. 19 Using the visual effects of the computer screen can help reinforce health-related behaviors, recommendations about lifestyle changes, medication adherence, and important decisions that patients may have to make about treatment. Being POISED in enacting the visit need not cost additional visit time. Used well, just the opposite is true. Post-visit Documentation In a recent national study, Sinsky and colleagues20 estimated that the average amount of time American physicians spend after clinic hours working on administrative tasks, mostly documenting in the EHR, is 1 to 2 hours per night. In terms of time devoted to work, the additional effort spent on documentation could be the equivalent of an extra day and half in clinic or adding more than 2 months of work per year. After-hours documentation is a source of chronic stress on the clinician and also on the family as the following actual case illustrates (details and names changed to ensure anonymity).
284 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING case #2 Mary Decker is a 36-year-old physician assistant who has been providing care in a women's clinic at Midwest Hospital System for the past 5 years. She has a 4-year-old son and recently gave birth to her second child, a daughter. Her husband is a small business owner and shares many of the responsibilities of parenting but often travels and during those times is unable to provide parental care for the children. Over the past several months, Ms. Decker's productivity has slipped somewhat and in consultation with her chief they have identified documentation in the EHR as the main source ofher problem. They both agreed that coaching might be a helpful approach to improving her documentation skills and efficiency. In their first meeting, the coach, a communication scholar with expertise in exam room computing, asked Mary to describe a typical clinic day. She replied that she started her days feeling exhausted and quickly found herself behind in seeing her patients. After that it was "'catch up" all the way to the end of clinic and an hour or so after the clinic closed to do as much as she was able on her documentation. When asked about what she did when she got home, she got teary-eyed and said that she would prepare meals for the children, bathe them, and put them to bed around 8:00 PM, after which she would spend 2 to 3 hours per night finishing as many of her charts as she was able. Most nights, she said, she fell asleep sitting at the computer doing chart documentation. The next day would be just like the last, "'like being on a hamster wheel," she said tearfully. Although Ms. Decker's story is a little extreme, it is not unusual to hear clinicians decry the burden of documentation on themselves and their family life. As part of the coaching she received, Ms. Decker gave permission for an observer to join her for a half day in clinic and for him to record how she incorporated the computer into her visits. It was immediately apparent in reviewing the recordings that for each patient visit Ms. Decker was creating "interim notes:' in full sentences, that she would later discard and replace with new sentences in her fmal version of the medical record. In addition, the final notes included a great deal of information, only a portion of which were pertinent to the care she was delivering. Ms. Decker was surprised by these observations and over the course of several sessions, the coach showed her more efficient ways of entering and "shorthanding" notes that made her more efficient in the exam room, at the end of the clinic day and at horne. In addition to direct observation and feedback it also turned out that there were several "'super users" at her facility, clinicians who were able to complete high-quality notes during their encounters, and who also had high patient satisfaction and resilience scores. These clinicians had developed a number of shortcuts and efficiencies in using the EHR that they were more than willing to teach Ms. Decker. Although most computer users develop functional ways
Chapter 10 REMAINING PATIENT-CENTERED IN THE DIGITAL AGE 265 of managing the technology, it is rare that they get together to compare notes and strategies. In Ms. Decker's case, sharing tips and strategies worked so well that the practice group created a monthly forum in which new shortcuts and efficiencies in using the EHR were discussed. Finally, the coach worked with Ms. Decker to learn relaxation and mindful practice techniques so that she could feel fully present at horne and enjoy her children and husband without always feeling guilty about needing to complete her charts. Over a period of 6 months, Ms. Decker's productivity increased as did her energy level job and satisfaction. She still brought horne charts to complete but as she said, "I no longer feel like I'm chained to my charts at the bottom of the sea." Obviously, not all medical systems offer coaching in efficiently using the EHR to document visits. However, there are a number of things that can be done to improve one's approach; also see AccessMedicine video titled "Using the Electronic Health Record" (www.accessmedicine.com/SrnithsPCI). These include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keep a log of when, where, and for how long you document after the visit completes. Use the results to identify bottlenecks and patterns that are potentially modifiable. Invite others to observe your style of documentation and offer feedback. Identify clinicians who are highly efficient and patient-centered in realtime documentation and observe and learn from them. Gather together with colleagues to share tips and strategies for successful documentation. Be mindful of the importance of resilience, self-care, and maintaining healthy boundaries in balancing the responsibilities of home and work. • CONCLUSION Like it or not, exam room computing is here to stay and attempts to ignore it or hopes that we will return to the way things were in the era of paper records are likely in vain. It has been said that technology is neither good nor bad, rather it is how it is used that determines its effect(s) on individuals, communities, and society. In the early 19th century the invention ofthe stethoscope heralded a new era in medical science, introduced new technology into the exam room, and created new norms of use. Today, the stethoscope is used routinely and is an accepted ritual in practice. Electronic health records are a relatively new innovation in exam room design and use. As such, there is a currently great deal of variability in their physical placement and use during patient encounters. Research and best practices are beginning to emerge as are systematic reviews and curricula to teach students, residents, and practicing clinicians.21.22 Table 10-2 provides a checklist of such practices to use in different phases of the interview.
• TABLE 10-2. Checklist of Patient-Centered Behaviors to Optimize EHR Use 1. Preparing for the visit Review patient's chart o Check problem list, telephone messages, staff messages, and progress notes from last visit to familiarize yourself with patient's current conditions and recommendations made o Check for updated laboratory results o Check medication list for any changes or additions to medications planned o Make brief written notes of pertinent data and overall plan to take into the visit with you if necessary 2. Enacting the visit o Greet patient sitting face to face with the without hands on the keyboard or looking at the monitor o Engage briefly in social talk o For new visits, orient the patient to the computer, how it will be used, e.g., "There are times when I will be asking you a lot of yes; no questions, called a review of systems, and will be recording your answers into the EHR" o Where possible, physically orient the computer screen so that it creates a triangle between you, the patient, and the computer screen. (This may necessitate physically rearranging furniture in the room to accomplish) o Address any confidentiality concerns o Elicit concern(s) with minimal data-entry, looking directly at the patient o Use transition statements from face-to-face interview to data entry, e.g., "I'm going to enter some of what you've just told me into the EHR" o During long periods of data recording, look up from the computer monitor/keyboard and make eye contact with the patient o Use the EHR to educate patients about progress over time, e.g., graphs of weight loss, diabetes control, lab results, imaging o Invite patients to review tests ordered, prescriptions, and history to ensure accurate and complete data entry 3. Post-visit documentation o Avoid cutting and pasting pertinent information o Where necessary, develop shorthand notations made during the visit to be used in post-visit documentation o Limit interruptions and distractions when doing post-visit documentation, especially at home or in other nonclinic locations o Pay particular attention to documenting psychosocial issues as these may be more difficult than biomedical issues to enter into the EHR o Review notes for accuracy and completeness The task of medicine to heal the sick and minister to their suffering has not fundamentally changed in 2000 years. New discoveries and technologies have made possible today what was unthinkable as late as the mid-20th century. Nonetheless, the themes of being present and alleviating human suffering persist in the face-to-face conversations that clinicians and patients, with the aid of technology, continue to have every day.
Chapter 10 REMAINING PATIENT-CENTERED IN THE DIGITAL AGE 267 REFERENCES 1. Cabot RC. Difforential Diagnosis as Presented Through an Analysis of383 Cases. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders; 1911. 2. Weed LL. Medical records that guide and teach. N Engl J Med. 1968;278:593-600. 3. Dick RS, Steen EB. The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine National Academies Press; 1991. 4. Goffinan E. The Presentation ofSelf in Everyday Life. New York, NY: Doubleday; 1959. 5. Engel GL. How much longer must medicine's science be bounded by a seventeenth century world view? In: White KL, ed. The Task ofMedicine: Dialogue at Wickenburg. Menlo Park, CA: The Henry Kaiser Family Foundation; 1988:113-136. 6. Beckman HB, Markakis KM, Suchman AL, Frankel RM. The doctor-patient relationship and malpractice. Lessons from plaintiff depositions. Arch Intern Med. 1994;154: 1365-1370. 7. Peabody F. The care of the patient. JAMA. 1927;88:877-882. 8. Frankel RM. When it comes to the physician-patient-computer relationship, the "eyeS' have it. In: Papadok.os P, Bertman S, eds. Distracted Doctoring: Returning to PatientCentered Care in the Digital Age. New York, NY: Springer; 2017. 9. Frankel RM. The effects of exam room computing on the doctor patient relationship: a human factors approach to electronic health records and physician-patient communication. In: Agrawal A, ed. Safety of Health IT: Clinical Case Studies. New York, NY: Springer; 2016:129-141. 10. Lau F, Price M, Boyd J, Partridge C, Bell H, Raworth R. Impact of electronic medical record on physician practice in office settings: a systematic review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2012;12:10. 11. Frankel R, Altschuler A, George S, et al Effects of exam-room computing on clinician-patient communication: a longitudinal qualitative study. J Gen Intern Med. 2005;20:677-682. 12. Patel MR, Vichich J, Lang I, Lin J, Zheng K. Developing an evidence base of best practices for integrating computerized systems into the exam room: a systematic review. JAmMed Inform Assoc. 2017;24(e1):e207-e215. 13. Frankel RM. Computers in the examination room. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176: 128-129. 14. Levinson W, Roter DL, Mullooly JP, Dull VT, Frankel RM. Physician-patient communication. The relationship with malpractice claims among primary care physicians and surgeons. JAMA. 1997;277:553-559. 15. Schillinger D, Barton LR, Karter AJ, Wang F, Adler N. Does literacy mediate the relationship between education and health outcomes? A study of a low-income population with diabetes. Public Health Rep. 2006;121:245-254. 16. Ratanawongsa N, Barton JL, Lyles CR, et al. Association between clinician computer use and communication with patients in safety-net clinics. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176:125-128. 17. Rost K, Rater D. Predictors of recall of medication regimens and recommendations for lifestyle change in elderly patients. Gerontologist. 1987;27:510-515. 18. Kessels RP. Patients' memory for medical information. J R Soc Med. 2003;96:219-222.
288 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 19. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. AHRQ Implementation Quick Start Guide: Teach-Back. The Guide to Improving Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings by Engaging Patients and Families. Washington, DC: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2016:7. 20. Sinsky CA, Willard-Grace R, Schutzbank AM, Sinsky TA, Margolius D, Bodenheimer T. In search of joy in practice: a report of 23 high-functioning primary care practices. Ann Fam Med. 2013;11:272-278. 21. Alkureishi MA, Lee WW, Lyons M, et al. Impact of electronic medical record use on the patient-doctor relationship and communication: a systematic review. J Gen Intern Med. 2016;31:548-560. 22. Alkureishi MA, Lee WW. Frankel RM. Patient-centered technology use: best practices and curricular strategies. In: Shachak A, Borycki EM, Reis SP, eds. Health Professionals' Education in the Age of Clinical Information Systems, Mobile Computing and Social Networks. London, England: Elsevier; 2017:201-232.
X 0 z UJ a_ a_ Foreword to the First Edition -George L. Engel, MD <( ------- Being Scientific in the Human Domain: From Biomedical to Biopsychosocial We include as biology not only the data obtained by observing other individuals and things but also those that we reach through [our own inner experiences of living]. The biologist is himself of the same material of which are composed the living things that he studies. H.S. Jennings, 1933 Biologist Herbert Spencer Jennings' early insistence that "inner experiences" are proper data for biology was my first encounter with the idea that the use of subjective data need not violate the conventional requirement for scientific respectability. Quite by chance, in 1937 as a college student, I had stumbled on Jennings' Behavior of the Lower Organisms. 1 As a biologist, Jennings deemed his inner experience as a living organism no less integral for understanding living systems than his outward observations that were customarily relied on for information about the physical (nonliving) universe. However, some 20 years would pass before the complementarity of outer observation and inner experiencing fully took hold for me as a physician and helped me defme the requirements for being scientific in the human domain.2-9 As a profession and an institution, medicine owes its origin to three distinctively human attributes. First, we humans are aware of death and its inevitability and we realize that feeling and/or looking bad ("sicl(') may be its portent. Second, we suffer when our interpersonal bonds are sundered and we feel solace when they are reestablished. Third, we are capable of examining our own inner life and experience and of communicating them to others via a spoken and written language. Critical for all three and for the work of the physician is the distinctively human capability of using words to communicate both what is 269
270 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING being observed in the outer world, as well as what is being experienced within the inner world. For each of us the distinction between sick and well is preeminently manifest as inner experience, which must be communicated verbally in characteristic ways to become known. Surely, as scientists dedicated to organiz- ing our experiences and formulating observations, we should be careful to define science in such a way as to be able to include verbal reporting as legitimate data. From biomedical to biopsychosocial refers to an historical transition in scientific thinking that has been taking place over the past century and a half.6 Particularly pertinent for medicine is its explicit attention to humanness. That alone identifies biopsychosocial as a more complete and inclusive conceptual framework for guiding clinicians in their everyday work with patients. Physicians have always depended on what patients have been able to tell them about the experiences that led them to seek medical attention. This is testimony that the importance of verbal exchange between patient and physician is the primary source of the data required for the clinician's task. Scientists studying sick, diseased, or even dying animals or plants do not have a comparable resource; they are limited to what can be observed, as are all scientists dealing with physical or infrahuman systems. That we humans are able to participate actively in our own study by looking inward and by contributing information that is otherwise not available should be a great scientific advantage. Yet, paradoxically, biomedical thinking, a 20thcentury derivative of 17th-century natural science, categorically excludes from science what patients have to tell us on the grounds that it is nonmaterial in form and not measurable or subjective and not objective. On those grounds alone even posing such a question is axiomatically disallowed. Instead, the human domain as a whole is seen as the art of medicine, subject neither to systematic inquiry nor to the possibility of teaching. However, the history of medicine as far back as the papyri of Egypt of 5 millennia ago documents that information provided by patients was deemed sufficiently valuable to justify writing ways that doctors might improve their skills in eliciting such. 10 Paradoxically, its exclusion from medicine by medicine's science notwithstanding, few clinicians would seriously argue that what patients tell us can therefore simply be disregarded. Rather, the issue hinges on what has become a cultural imperative of western society, namely, that the canons of science as defined in the 17th century continue to apply. The possibility that the premise itself is a fallacy is simply ignored. This is what we now examine. What we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our method ofquestioning. W. Heisenberg11
Appendix A FOREWORD TO THE Fl RST EDITION 271 Physicist Heisenberg's dictum exemplifies a fundamental distinction between 17th- and 20th-century scientific thinking, the latter of which is derived from such conceptual developments as evolution, relativity, quantum mechanics, general systems theory, far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics, and. more recendy, chaos and complexity theory. Loosely speaking, we are applying biomedical and biopsychosodal as labels to contrast the two positions.8 Actually. what Heisenberg enunciates is what clinicians have known from time immemorial-namely, that the answers you get from a patient depend on the questions you pose and how you do so. More broadly, it exposes the fallacy of the 17th-century natural science position that what scientists discover exists entirely external to and independent of themselves. In fact, rather than simply examining or observing something "out there;' scientists devise mental constructs of their experiences with the observed as a means of characterizing their understanding of its properties and behavior. This change in perspective began in physics with relativity theory, which required acknowledgment that the location of the observer cannot be ignored relative to what is being observed. The rediscovery of the obvious occurred in that transformation-namely. that science itself is a human activity. The lesson is that humanness and human phenomena cannot be excluded from science. Medicine's long history of successful utilization of what patients have to say about their experience of illness itself surely suffices to justify reviving earlier efforts at developing more systematic (i.e., scientific) approaches to so doing. It is important to ask questions ofpatients because with the help of these questions one will know more exactly some of the things that concern disease and one will treat the disease better. Rufus of Ephesus, 1000 A.D. 10 The first formal document solely about the value of the information patients can provide is credited to Rufus of Ephesus. Surely, his words "will know more exacdy" eloquendy reveal his advocacy of an approach more scientific than those solely dependent on chance, fate, magic, or mysticism that were so commonplace in those days and that are still evident today in some instances of so-called alternative medicine. Rufus thereby revealed his intuitive awareness that the very universality of sickness and death as human experiences rendered the patient a logical source of primary data. The sick person's appeals for help and the helping responses evoked thereby already reflect a biologic social interdependency with a long evolutionary history, which, in humans, was evident early in the response to the crying of an infant. In that biologic constellation are already suggested the origins not just
272 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING of sick role behavior but also of the profession's and institution's responses thereto. What originated in infancy as nonspecific cries of distress are eventually differentiated to include personal and social awareness of being sick as a distinctive category of distress. Similarly, what may have begun merely as helping responses comes to oblige the helper to differentiate sickness from other types of distress. The mother's inquiry of her child as "What's wrong?" or "Are you feeling all right?" can hardly result from anything other than learning by living and experiencing; she has already gone through the same steps in growing up, as have most of us. Intuitively, doctors tend to take such lay opinions seriously if for no other reason than that they often do prove to be correct. But such judgments by physicians are still mainly extensions of natural reactions with which we all have grown up. They are not yet scientifically based. Biopsychosocial thinking aims to provide a conceptual framework suitable for developing a scientific approach to what patients have to tell us about their illness experiences. But to accommodate the human domain, science and being scientific must be redefmed. The object of science is to render as reliable as possible whatever claims to knowledge we make ... [and is achieved] by reasoned efforts that ultimately depend on evidence that can be consensually validated. Charles E. Odegaard, 198612 Historian Odegaard's succinct statement may be viewed as an effort to provide a more generic definition of science and being scientific, one that is independent of domain or method. With respect to the patient's verbal report of an illness experience and the doctor's version thereof, both constitute claims to knowledge about what each believes he or she knows about what has happened and about what the patient's experiences were like. These constitute the data on which the doctor depends for further study and decision making. Doing so scientifically requires the discipline to enhance the reliability of the very process of data acquisition itself. To explore scientific acquisition of verbal data, we can exploit the fact that every reader has surely experienced falling ill. I propose that readers pause and mentally reconstruct a recent occurrence of not feeling well, no matter how trivial, just as one might in anticipation of seeing her or his physician. I will do the same; but please do not look at my account until you are satisfied that what you have put together really represents what you think you would want to share with your own doctor. Our respective offerings may then be examined to see how useful Odegaard's generic definition may be for the scientific handling of what patients tell us about feeling ill. You might fmd it worthwhile to put your thoughts in writing as I do now.
Appendix A FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION 273 I had another of those unpleasant episodes last night. I awakened early, about 5 A.M., feeling vaguely uncomfortable. Then gradually I became aware of a steady, annoying sensation in my throat, a familiar recurring experience awakening me from sleep. The sensation is hard to describe-it is clearly located at the level of the suprasternal notch, I can indicate it with my fingers, as a "full, feeling, as though somehow being stretched; slightly achy, steady; a little lump, a little sore in the throat. I wanted very much to sleep longer and hence tried to ignore it, but it was in vain. Then I realized I had slipped down from the semiupright position and was lying flat, my head raised but slightly against a pillow. From past episodes I had learned the mitigating effects of sleeping semiupright. I immediately sat up, swung around and, leaning forward slightly, lowered my legs to the floor. In a minute or so, I belched with prompt relief. I lay back against the pillows, propped up at about a 70-degree angle, hoping I might now be able to sleep. But the unpleasant sensation soon returned. Determined to get more sleep, I did the next thing that usually helps; I got up and, while standing and moving about, drank a few swallows of hot water. Soon came the first of three belches and again prompt relief. Confident that I would enjoy another couple of hours of sleep, I returned to bed, again propped up. I awakened symptom free, but feeling a little sad, remembering how in the past when my wife had noticed I had slid down, she would try to help me get repositioned before symptoms developed. She has been in a nursing home for more than a year. From this representative sample of human (patient-derived) data, however idiosyncratic, how may its acquisition and processing be rendered as scientific as possible? [The scientist] devises mental constructs of his experiences with [nature] as a means of characterizing his understanding of its properties and behavior ... [They, in turn,] are predominantly communicated by language, it being difficult to communicate them in any other way than by speaking about them. M. Delbruck, 1986 13 The whole ofscience is nothing more than a refinement ofeveryday thinking. A. Einstein, 1950 14
274 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING The raw data patients proffer are in the form of speech, gesture, and posture and not much else; that is, they are bits of distinctively human behavior, verbal and nonverbal. Physicists Delbruck and Einstein remind us of two things: that 20th-century conceptual transformations render self-evident the dependence of science and being scientific on a spoken and written language and that the efforts of the person feeling sick to figure out what is happening call on the same mental operations humans ordinarily employ whenever confronted with threats to their sense of well-being. But in contrast to the distress evoked by threatening external events or circumstances, feeling sick and falling ill more often begin as private experiences that are not necessarily apparent to anyone else. Hence, the truly scientific physician not only must access that private world but also must be reasonably assured that the information (data) can be relied on. Critical is the recognition that the patient is both an initiator and a collaborator in the process, not merely an object of study. The physician in tum is a participant observer who in the process of attending to the patient's reporting of inner-world data taps into his or her own personal inner-viewing system for comparison and clarification. The medium is dialog, which at various levels includes communing (sharing experiences), as well as communicating (exchanging information). Hence, observation (outer viewing), introspection (inner viewing), and dialog (interviewing) are the basic methodologic triad for clinical study and for rendering patient data scientific.9 My written account of illness provides an opportunity to examine a patient's inner viewing that has not yet been influenced either by the physical presence of or by dialog with the doctor. It derives both from what I literally strove to remember and to reconstruct from what I had experienced a couple of hours earlier, as well as from much else that carne into my mind in the course of so doing. The actual written material available to the reader, however, is already limited by the fact that I am obliged to convey that information not only in words but also in writing and in a textbook to boot. Moreover, you have no means to ascertain on what basis my final words were selected from the myriad of associations with which I was bombarded in the process of writing it. Clearly, this process is very different from what would have gone on in my head were I seated in the doctor's waiting room rehearsing what I would want to tell her or him. Such a state of affairs at once identifies long-known barriers to being scientific in the handling of human (patient-derived) clinical data. Painfully evident is the fact that what can be communicated of such data to others is limited both by the frailty of human memory and by the constraints imposed by the requirement to convey in words actual experiences for which suitable words may not exist. Gaps are inevitable between what patients experience
Appendix A FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION 275 and what they can effectively communicate to the doctor; between the words of the patient and what the doctor remembers and may select as relevant; and ultimately between the preceding and what the doctor reports orally or writes in the record, which is the public data available for clinical reasoning. Yet, the fact remains that, notwithstanding such formidable obstacles, experienced clinicians using observation, introspection, and dialog can be remarkably successful in documenting the existence of explicit pathologic bodily processes and of associated nondisease issues as first inferred simply from what the patient had to say. Thus, a clinician knowledgeable about physiology surely would quickly consider problems with the esophagus as one plausible explanation for the attacks I described and would accordingly pursue appropriate inquiries to test such a hypothesis. 15 Moreover, the experienced clinician would recognize the interrelationship of my disease process and my personal life. Consider, for example, how my sadness about my wife's incapacity might affect my esophageal symptoms, for example, they might be worse since she went to the nursing home. Biomedical education has an a priori assumption that such patient-derived data and the means of their acquisition are neither teachable nor subject to systematic study, which needs to be examined. To do so let us consider two dimensions of such data by again using my case protocol. [The] relationship between doctor and patient partakes of a peculiar intimacy presuppos[ing} on the part of the physician, not only knowledge of his fellow man, but sympathy... [D]esignated as the art [of medicine] ... [intimacy], should most properly be called [its] essence. W.T. Longcope, 1932 16 [The] widened, vicarious experience [provided by] narrative is memorable precisely because it is necessarily enmeshed with past and future, cause and consequence. {Patients'] life stories cultivate ... interest in their oddities and their ordinariness and a tolerance of both. The narrative in each case belongs to a human being who is an object of scientific study and to that person's world of lived experience and belief ... [it] remains central to knowledge in medicine [precisely] because the patient is the focus. K.M. Hunter, 1991 17 Odegaard proposed defming science as independent of domain. 12 But a universal requirement for being scientific is that we understand and respect
278 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING the natural state of whatever domain we are concerned with. Thus, just as marine biologists must master functioning underwater to study marine life scientifically, so too must clinicians accommodate to what is distinctive about the human condition and the environment of patients. And what is more distinctive about being human than how we communicate and interact? In effect, Longcope's "'intimacy" refers to a unique quality of the doctor's relationship with the patient, one that he felt was so indispensable that medicine "would cease to be" medicine without it. Where in my protoco~ if anywhere, does intimacy reveal itself? I, in my anticipation of meeting with my doctor, deliberately included one item that, on the face of it, would seem to contribute little or nothing to his understanding of the symptom complex that I was struggling to make clear to him. (Actually, it did contribute something, as I already mentioned.) It was my reference to my wife's residence in a nursing home. His response to that intensely personal and poignant item would, I anticipated, give a clue as to where we stood with each other, whether my confidence in our intimacy was shared by him. By the same token, while imagining myself telling my doctor what I had just gone through, my recollections quite naturally took on a narrative form, as my story. That is, after all, how we humans ordinarily communicate our experiences to others, especially to those to whom we would turn for help. As Hunter reminds us, narrative style facilitates vicarious participation of the listener in whatever the patient was or is experiencing. That, in itself, implies an element of intimacy between the two participants and helps direct attention to what is distinctive about the individual whose story is unfolding. Readers need only review their own experiences with doctors taking their histories to appreciate the difference between encouraging narration and requiring reporting. The latter approach is deliberately interrogative with the doctor assuming the initiative and agenda and the patient as an object of study rather than an active participant in his own study. Eighteen seconds has been reported as the mean length of time that elapses before doctors interrupt the patient's first response. 18 Small wonder that patients complain that doctors do not listen. Interrogation generates defensiveness; narration encourages intimacy. Do the words intimacy and narration refer to phenomena about which consensual agreement with regard to criteria can be achieved? The answer to that question is key to whether the concepts that the words express fall within the scope of science. The history of science is a record of repeatedly rendering the tacit manifest, the difficult easy, and the impossible possible. We all agree the answer to our question is difficult for many reasons that have already been cited. Others insist that the very consideration of such questions in medical matters is impossible. But surprise is also characteristic of science-the
Appendix A FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION 277 unexpected. sudden discovery, or technologic development in one field that fosters a corresponding progress in another. ... [R]ejoice in the discovery of a great and final instrument of drama [one], which all the other arts have had since time immemorial, which the oldest art, the theatre, lacked until today; ... [an] instrument that gives it precision and scientific serenity. R. Boleslavsky, 1933 19 What discovery could be so important to a noted stage director and teacher of acting to inspire him to announce it as fmally providing the theater "precision and scientific serenity?" Astonishingly, Boleslavsky awarded that high honor to the newly introduced "talkie" motion pictures, which at that very moment were being ridiculed by traditional theatre as an outrageous degradation ofthe stage and its art for purely commercial purposes. For Boleslavsky films finally made possible the preservation of the art of the actor and of the theatre. "Do you realize; he passionately exclaimed, "that with the invention of spontaneous recording of the image, movement, and voice, and consequently of the personality and soul of an actor, the theatre is no more a passing affair but an eternal record?" Written more than 60 years ago, Boleslavsky reveals an impressive grasp of one of the essentials of being scientific-namely, to have publicly available and lasting records of natural phenomena that are otherwise evanescent or not accessible to direct human perception. The introduction of talkies, an early stage of audiovisual (AV) technology, marked the first time in history that humans could observe the behavior not only of another but also of one's self and could do so repeatedly and in public! Although I have made use of AV technology for teaching and research for almost 50 years, appreciation of that momentous change for humankind came to me only on reading Boleslavsky's Acting. The First Six Lessons.* The conclusion seems inescapable. However powerful the cultural imperative was that was engendered by the 17th-century scientific revolution, medicine's resistance or, more accurately, blindness to the need to address the issue ofbeing scientific with human data stems not just from the inherent difficulty of so doing but also from a lack of any dependable means to do so, an altogether common occurrence in the history of science. For the human domain, *When I first came upon Boleslavsky's little adialog" with the fictional "CreatureH as an inexperienced, stage-struck young ingenue in 1992, it seemed to me that both he and I had been struggling with the same problem: his concern-how to teach actors-mine and my colleagues-how to teach medical students-was the common domain of human phenomena not subject to reexamirultion.20
278 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING AV technology fills that gap just as did telescopy for astronomy and microscopy for biology. A successful dialogue between patient and physician is at the heart of working scientifically with patients. G.L. Engel, 199520 Those words epitomized my final tribute to John Romano (1908-1994); they also epitomize this book. What they recall is the impact of my seeing Romano in 1941 sit down with a patient on medical rounds and engage with him as though in the privacy of his office. That single experience was to inaugurate an association between us that culminated in Romano's concept of human biologf1 and in my move beyond the biomedical to the biopsychosocial and finding synthesis and subsistence in the Rochester medical curriculum as an integrating, driving reality. Bob Smith's book represents an effort to extend that reality by examining its operation at the very heart of the doctorpatient encounter in the process of the interview. The Patient's Story: Integrated Patient-Doctor Interviewing makes progress in key areas, although such a claim becomes possible only after we see how the book works in students' and other learners' hands. In the fmal analysis, research on how effectively learners pick up this approach will be important,22 as will the impact that its patient centeredness has on the patient.23 For example, can it be shown that patients feel better or do better when the interviewer uses this approach?23 Identifying a basic infrastructure of the interview carries much potential for medicine as a science. The benefit, of course, is that a basic interviewing approach allows us to obtain human data in a more systematic way by one interviewer on multiple occasions or across many interviewers. To the extent that it is successful, this addresses Odegaard's concern that, as a means of acquisition of data, the interview process should be demonstrated to be as reliable as possible. Smith's emphasis on how idiosyncratic and confusing the approaches to teaching interviewing to students have been in the past is well taken. The lack of a basic methodology to medical interviewing may itself have encouraged students to acquire patient data erratically and unsystematically. Although this method provides sufficient structure and necessarily detailed instructions for the beginner, the overall approach is still flexible enough to offer promise that the personhood of the patient and humanity of the interviewer will both be enhanced. As Smith cautions, this interviewing approach must not be seen as a fmal destination for the interviewer but rather as a point of departure. This prospect is facilitated by the text's incorporation of teaching directed specifically at enhancing the doctor-patient relationship, especially by fostering the
Appendix A FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION 279 effectiveness of the intimacy between doctor and patient; by considering introspection at the level of better understanding oneself and the importance of opening such self-awareness to the patient; and by actively incorporating the relational dimension of interviewing instruction and placing it on equal footing with the informational aspects of interviewing. An important distinction this book makes, often overlooked or misunderstood, is that although the biopsychosocial model provides a basis for the description of the patient and the patient's problems, the ability to interview effectively is indispensable for operationalizing the model, hence my earlier reference to the significance of a "successful dialog." George L. Engel REFERENCES 1. Jennings HS. Behavior of the Lower Organisms. New York. NY: Columbia University Press; 1923. 2. Engel GL. Homeostasis, behavioral adjustment, and the concept of health and disease. In: Grinker R, ed. Mid-century Psychiatry. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1953:33-59. 3. Engel GL. Selection of clinical material in psychosomatic medicine: the need for a new physiology (special article). Psychosom Med. 1954;16:368-373. 4. Engel GL. A unified concept of health and disease. Perspect Biol Med. 1960;3:459-485. 5. Engel GL. Psychological Development in Health and Disease. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1962. 6. Engel GL. The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science. 1977;196:129-136. 7. Engel GL. The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model. Am J Psychiatry. 1980;137:535-544. 8. Engel GL. How much longer must medicine's science be bound by a seventeenth century world view? In: White KL, ed The Task of Medicine: Dialogue at Wickenbu~. Menlo Park. CA: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation; 1988:113-136. 9. Engel GL. On looking inward and being scientific. A tribute to Arthur H. Schmale, M.D. Psychother Psychosom. 1990;54:63-69. 10. Sigerist HE. A History ofMedicine: VoL I: Primitive and Archaic Medicine. New York. NY: Oxford University Press; 1951. 11. Heisenberg W. Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science. New York, NY: Harper; 1958. 12. Odegaard CE. Dear Doctor. A Personal Letter to a Physician. Menlo Park, CA: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation; 1986. 13. Delbruck M. Mind from Matter? An Essay on Evolutionary Epistemology. Palo Alto, CA: Blackwell; 1986. 14. Einstein A. Out of My Later Years. New York. NY: Philosophical Library; 1950.
280 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 15. Gignoux C, Bost R, Hostein J, et al. Role of upper esophageal reflex and belch reflex dysfunctions in noncardiac chest pain. Dig Dis Sci. 1993;38:1909-1914. 16. Longcope WI. Methods and medicine. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp. 1932;50:420. 17. Hunter KM. Doctors' Stories, the Narrative Structure NJ: Princeton University Press; 1991. of Medical Knowledge. Princeton, 18. Beckman HB, Frankel RM. The effect of physician behavior on the collection of data. Ann lnt Med. 1984;101:692-696. 19. Boleslavsky R. Acting. The First Six Lessons. New York, NY: Theatre Arts Books; 1962. 20. Engel GL. For whom the bells toll a second time. John Romano, physician and psychiatrist (1908-1994). Rochester Medicine. 1995;1012:36. 21. Romano J. When I first came upon Boleslavsky's little basic orientation and education of the medical student. JAmMed Assoc. 1950;143:409-412. 22. Smith RC, Mettler JA, Stoffelmayr BE, et al. bnproving residents' confidence in using psychosocial skills. J Gen Intern Med. 1995;10:315-320. 23. Smith RC, Lyles JS, Mettler JA, et al. A strategy for improving patient satisfaction by the intensive training of residents in psychosocial medicine: a controlled, randomized study. Acad Med. 1995;70:729-732.
Research and Humanistic Rationale for Patient-Centered Interviewing X 0 z UJ a_ a_ <( Nearly 40 years of research has confirmed the value of integrating patientcentered and clinician-centered interviewing skills into most encounters, a few of which studies are summarized here. Teachers, scholars, and researchers have advanced the field by identifying three functions of the clinical interview1.2; refining patient-centered definitions3; acknowledging the role of nonverbal communication4.5; pinpointing the shortcomings of isolated disease-oriented interviewinlf; demonstrating the key components of the clinician-patient interaction7 •8 ; identifying interviewers' negative responses to patients9 •10; demonstrating the principles11 - 14 and effectiveness of teaching biopsychosocial/patient-centered modePs- 19; integrating patient-centered principles into treatmenf0- 22 and prevention23; exploring specific patient-centered approaches24.25 and alternative theories26; critically reflecting on the biopsychosocial model27•28; going beyond the dyadic interaction to other relational aspects of medical care29 - 31; identifying the important role of qualitative approaches in clinical research32.33 and linguistic studf4; emphasizing the need for research to direct the interviewing skills that should be used35•36; and connecting patient-centeredness with health outcomes, albeit with mixed results.37-40 In this chapter, we synthesize the arguments for adopting patient-centered, biopsychosocial practices instead of a solely disease-oriented, biomedical approach. • MORE HUMANISTIC Most students recognize the powerful humanistic rationale for integrating patient-centered principles: it gives them tools to respond to patients' biological, psychological, and social needs. Responding in this way allows us to hear and understand our patients in a way that validates them as human beings 281
282 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING rather than as objects of study.41 This also strengthens our patients' involvement, sense of self-sufficiency, and feelings of responsibility, leading to selfactualization/2 an essential contributor to the improved patient outcomes seen with patient-centered care.30 Thus, effective communication involves a patient who is the expert on her/his needs and experiences, and a clinician who is the expert at responding to these needs and experiences, identifying the responsible diagnoses, and determining appropriate treatments.42-44 Clinicians also benefit from using a biopsychosociallpatient-centered model. They report that they can more fully embody such human qualities as respect, empathy, humility, and sensitivity. Because these qualities seemed less valued during their training, physicians of the past often felt guilty in expressing them, asking colleagues to "not tell anyone" if they were observed doing so. The idea of developing meaningful relationships and feelings of connectedness with patients, which was discouraged until the latter part of the 20th century, has now been shown to have a variety of positive benefits45•46 for patients and clinicians alike.39•46•47 • MORE SCIENTIFIC Integrating patient-centered interviewing skills is more scientific than isolated clinician-centered interviewing. 1. Deficiencies of a solely clinician-centered approach. a. Physicians do not allow patients to complete their opening statement of symptoms and concerns in 69% of visits, interrupting patients after a mean time of 18 seconds.6 b. Clinician-centered interviewing elicits only 6% of the primary problems that were ultimately determined to be psychosocial.48 2. Superior results from integrating patient-centered skills with cliniciancentered ones. a. Many studies show increased patient satisfaction when patient-centered skills are included, as compared to isolated clinician-centered ones.7,39,47.49 b. Patient-centered approaches enhance patient adherence7•47•50 and patients' knowledge and recall.'-39.47 c. Improved patient health outcomes have been reported when clinicians use a patient-centered approach, which includes the use of patient-centered interviewing skills, empathy, and psychosocial support. For example, patient-centered approaches lead to better blood pressure and diabetic contro~ 51•52 improved perinatal outcomes, 53 shortened and less complicated postoperative courses,54- 56 and improved cancer outcomes. 57- 64 Improved results have not been invariably found,65 but this has often been due to
Appendix B RESEARCH AND HUMANISTIC RATIONALE FOR PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 283 issues of the definition of patient-centeredness,38 study design, and study power. Several reviews have summarized the benefits to patients and clinicians.30.37·49·66 A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found a small but significant effect of the clinician-patient relationship on health outcomes, greater than the effect of aspirin use for preventing myocardial infarction or smoking cessation in men for decreasing mortality.67 d. Patient-centered interviewing efficiently elicits much of the physical symptom data previously obtained via clinician-directed inquirf8and it adds physical symptom information not elicited at all by clinician-directed approaches.69 Sir William Osler captured this best in 1910, "Listen to the patient, he is telling you the diagnosis;"70 e. Studies also show decreased risk of malpractice suits71 - 73 and decreased doctor-shopping74 when clinicians integrate patient-centered skills. 3. Integrating patient-centered interviewing skills is more compatible with general scientific principles. a. An isolated clinician-centered approach produces biased data about the patient. This is at odds with the basic scientific requirement that data about the subject of any science be reliable (consistent, unbiased). 75-77 Experience shows that patient-centered interviewing skills elicit information that is less biased because it is far less influenced by the interviewer.44 b. Patient-centered interviewing elicits personal and emotional information that is not obtained by isolated clinician-centered interviewing78-80 and fulfills the scientific requirement that data about the subject of any science be valid (complete, fully representative).75-77 By including the psychosocial as well as the biomedical aspects of the patient's illness experience, an integrated approach produces more complete and, therefore, more valid data about the patient-who is, after all, the subject of the science of medicine.6.44,4S,at- M c. Not only are data more reliable and more valid, but patient-centered interviewing skills also produce a biopsychosocial description ofthe patient rather than a simple disease description. Biopsychosocial medicine stems from general system theory, which superseded the simple causeeffect model85-87 responsible for the disease-oriented biomedical model. An additional attribute of patient-centered interviewing skills is that they help clinicians to efficiently determine the most important concern the patient has at a given time.44.88 Also importantly in the current era of medicine where the emphasis is often on productivity, research has shown that integrating patient-centered skills takes no more time than a solely clinician-centered approach.89 Because of the benefits listed above, using patient-centered interviewing likely saves time over time.
284 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING REFERENCES 1. Cohen SA, Bird J. The Medical Interview: The Three Function Approach. 3rd ed Philadel- phia, PA: Elsevier; 2014. 2. Lazare A, Putnam SM, Lipkin M Jr. Three functions of the medical interview. In: Lipkin M, Putnam S, Lazare A, eds. The Medical Interview. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1995:3-19. 3. Epstein RM, Fmnks P, Fiscella K, et al. Measuring patient-centered communication in patient-physician consultations: theoretical and practical issues. Soc Sci Med. 2005;61(7):1516-1528. 4. Carson CA. Nonverbal communication in the clinical setting. Cortlandt Consultant. 1990:129-134. 5. Rater DL, Frankel RM, Hall JA, Sluyter D. The expression of emotion through nonverbal behavior in medical visits. Mechanisms and outcomes. I Gen InternMed. 2006;21{suppl1): S28-S34. 6. Beckman HB, Frankel RM. The effect of physician behavior on the collection of data. Ann Intern Med. 1984;101:692-696. 7. Rater D. Which facets of communication have strong effects on outcome-a meta-analysis. In: Stewart M, Rater D, eds. Communicating with Medical Patients. London: Sage Publications; 1989:183-196. 8. Quill TE. Partnerships in patient care: a contractual approach. Ann Intern Med. 1983;98:228-234. 9. Novack DH, Suchman AL, Clark W, Epstein RM, Najberg E, Kaplan C. Calibrating the physician: personal awareness and effective patient care. IAMA. 1997;278:502-509. 10. Hall JA, Rater DL, Milburn MA, Daltroy LH. Patients' health as a predictor of physician and patient behavior in medical visits-a synthesis of four studies. Med Care. 1996;34:1205-1218. 11. Branch WT, Arky RA, Woo B, Stoeckle JD, Levy DB, Taylor WC. Teaching medicine as a human experience: a patient-doctor relationship course for faculty and first-year medical students. Ann Intern Med. 1991;114:482-489. 12. Fortin AHVI, Haeseler FD, Angoff N, et al. Teaching pre-clinical medical students an integrated approach to medical interviewing-half-day workshops using actors. I Gen Intern Med. 2002;17:704-708. 13. Lipkin MJr, Quill TE, Napodano RJ. The medical interview: a core curriculum for residencies in internal medicine. Ann Intern Med. 1984;100(2):277-284. 14. Thomas PA, Kern DE, Hughes MT, Chen BY. Curriculum Development for Medical Education-A Six-Step Approach. 3rd ed Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press; 2016. 15. Williamson PR, Smith RC, Kern DE, et al. The medical interview and psychosocial aspects of medicine: block curricula for residents. I Gen Intern Med. 1992;7{2):235-242. 16. Maguire P, Fairbairn S, Fletcher C. Consultation skills of young doctors: !-benefits of feedback training in interviewing as students persist. Br Med J. 1986;292:1573-1578. 17. Langewitz WA, Eich P, Kiss A, Wassmer B. Improving communication skills-a randomized controlled behaviorally oriented intervention study for residents in internal medicine. Psychosom Med. 1998;60:268-276.
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X 0 z UJ a_ a_ <( Feelings and Emotions Many people use the words "feelings" and "emotions" interchangeably, as we do throughout the text, but there are important distinctions and several theories drawn from more than a century and a half of research, beginning with Charles Darwin. To summarize, feelings are cognitive and internal while emotions are "expressed" and visible. Paul Ekman has described 15 distinguishable emotions 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Amusement Anger Contempt Contentment Disgust Embarrassment Excitement Fear Guilt Pride in achievement Relief Sadness/distress Satisfaction Sensory pleasure Shame These emotions are all visible and discernable from one another by facial expression and other nonvocal cues. Feelings are the conscious, subjective experience of emotion, and are more nuanced and numerous. Examples of some feelings are listed in the following pages. This dichotomous approach to feelings and emotions may be useful to you as a beginning student because it gives you visible sign posts for emotion 289
290 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING that you can observe in patients and see yourself exhibit on video recordings. You can then process the feelings your observations trigger in you, thereby increasing your personal awareness and improving your mindful practice. • EXAMPLES OF SOME FEELINGS Abandoned Mraid Aggravated Agitated Alienated Alive Alone Amazed Ambiguous Ambivalent Amused Angry Annoyed Anxious Appalled Apprehensive Ashamed Astounded Astonished At ease Awed Awkward Bad Bashful Betrayed Bitchy Bitter Blamed Blissful Blocked Blue Bored Bothered Bugged Bummed-out Burdened Calm Capable Captivated Cautious Challenged Charmed Cheated Cheerful Childish Clever Combative Comfortable Committed Compassionate Concerned Condemned Confident Conflicted Confused Consumed Contented Contrite Controlled Creative Crummy Crushed Curious Deceitful Deceived Defeated Defiant Degraded Dejected Delighted Depressed Despair Destructive Determined Devastated Different Dirty Disappointed Discouraged Disgusted Disoriented Dissatisfied Distracted Distraught Distressed Distrustful Disturbed Dominated Doubtful Down Downtrodden Drained Driven Dumb Eager Ecstatic Edgy Elated Embarrassed Empty Encouraged Energetic Engrossed Engulfed Enlightened
Appendix C Enraged Enthusiastic Envious Euphoric Evil Exasperated Excited Exhausted Fearful Flustered Foolish Forgotten Forlorn Fragmented Frantic Frenzied Fretful Friendly Frightened Frustrated Funny Furious Gloomy Glum Good Grateful Gratified Great Grief Groovy Grouchy Guilty Gullible Happy Hassled Hateful Hdpful Hdpless Hesitant High Hopeful Hopdess Horrible Horrified Hostile Hurt Ignorant Ignored Impatient Impulsive Important Inadequate Incompetent Independent Indifferent Inferior Infuriated Insecure Insensitive Inspired Interested Intimidated Involved Irritated Isolated Jealous Jittery Joyful Jubilant Jumpy Lazy Left out Letdown Lethargic Light hearted Listless Lonely Longing Loved Loving Low Mad FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS Manipulated Marvelous Maudlin Mean Meek Mdancholy Mellow Miserable Misunderstood Mixed up Modest Morose Mystified Needed Negative Neglected Nervous Numb Nutty Obnoxious Obsessed Odd Oppressed Outraged Overwhelmed Pained Panicked Patient Peaceful Perplexed Persecuted Perturbed Petrified Phony Picked on Pity Pleasant Pleased Positive Pressured Preoccupied 291
292 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Proud Pushed Put down Put upon Puzzled Quarrelsome Querulous Quixotic Quiet Rage Refreshed Regretful Rejected Rejuvenated Relaxed Relieved Remorseful Renewed Resentful Resigned Restless Rewarded Righteous Rotten Sad Safe Satisfied Scared Scattered Screwed up Secure Selfish Sensitive Sensuous Serious Shattered Shocked Shy Smothered Solemn Sophisticated Sorrowful Sorry Spiteful Strange Strong Stubborn Stuck Stunned Stupefied Stupid Successful Suffering Superfluous Superior Surprised Suspicious Sympathetic Tense Tentative Terrible Terrified Testy Threatened Thwarted Tired Tormented Torn Tranquil Trapped Tremendous Troubled Tuned on Turned off Terrific Terrified Ugly Uncertain Uncomfortable Uneasy Unfortunate Unhappy Unimportant Uninvolved Unlucky Unpleasant Unsettled Unwanted Upset Uptight Useful Useless Violent Vital Vivacious Vulnerable Warm Weak Wary Weepy Whimsical Whole Wicked Wonderful Worried Worthless Worthwhile REFERENCE 1. Ekman P. Basic emotions. In: Dalgleish T, Power MJ, eds. Handbook Emotion. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons; 1999:45-60. of Cognition and
Complete Write-up of Ms. Jones' Initial Evaluation X 0 z UJ a_ a_ <( ------- • IDENTIFYING DATA This is the first visit to the Clinical Center for this 38-year-old married, white woman who is a local attorney with GHI Corporation. The interview was obtained by M. White, a clinical student. • SOURCE AND RELIABILITY OF INFORMATION The patient was cooperative and reliable. No other informants or data sources were available. • CHIEF CONCERN/AGENDA The chief concern is (1) headaches in the context of problem (2) difficulties with her boss. Other agenda items are (3) cough, (4) "colitis," and (5) she wants to know if medications for colitis need to be added. • HISTORY OF THE PRESENT IU.NESS {HPI) The patient's headache began rather suddenly at work 3 months ago. Headaches are accompanied by nausea during the last month and she vomited once last week during the most severe headache ever, which prompted this appointment. The headaches are located diffusely over the right temporal region and do not radiate elsewhere. They feel deep within the head, are not associated with tenderness or increased sensitivity of the scalp, and are described as pounding and throbbing. They begin suddenly and then increase in intensity, described 293
294 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING as "worse than having a baby" when severe. Ms. Jones has had to miss work a few days because of the intense pain. The headaches occur two to three times per week and can last as long as 12 hours at a time, although initially they occurred no more often than once weekly and lasted only a couple of hours. The headache is getting worse but seems to clear on the weekends when she is not at work. Nevertheless, the headaches have progressively worsened and are interfering with her life. Bright lights make the headache worse (photophobia). Lying in a dark room and placing an ice bag on her head seem to help. Drinking wine may also have been a precipitant once or twice. Nausea accompanies all headaches and she vomited a small amount of nonbloody material with one severe headache a week ago. The patient feels entirely well between her episodes of headache and nausea. Except for a problem of being carsick a couple times as a youngster, there have been no other associated symptoms in neurological, gastrointestinal, or other body systems. In particular, there has been no loss of consciousness, change in vision, paralysis, stiff neck, rash, fever, chills, change in memory, or history of seizures. She feels well otherwise, has a good appetite, and enjoys outside activities. There is no history of joint pain or swelling. An injection in the emergency room 1 week ago provided relief, but the exact medication is not yet known to us; only a blood and urine test were obtained, the results of which are not yet available. Except for no more than six to eight aspirin daily and this one injection, she takes nothing for the headaches and has seen no other caretakers. Regarding possible causative factors, she has been taking birth control pills for 6 years and there is a possible history of migraine in an aunt. There is no history of head injury or neck injury. As noted below, the headaches seem clearly to be precipitated by stress she is having on the job. Ms. Jones' headaches occur at times of conflict with her boss. She is the corporation's new lead attorney and was brought in to replace the man who is now her boss, and promised there would be no problem during a year of transition prior to his retirement. He has been pushing and criticizing her, which makes her angry, and this leads to the headaches. She is also angry at the Board for promising that this problem would not occur. The relationship of anger and headache is similar to what she experienced as a child when her mother would unfairly criticize her. She believes her boss is the problem because, when she can avoid him, she has no headaches. Although she believes stress is a major precipitator of her headaches, Ms. Jones also attributes her headaches to the possibility of having a brain tumor. This makes her even more anxious. She wants help with the headaches and coping with the stress because she is afraid they will adversely affect her and her family's personal lives. She is considering leaving her job. She has friends who provide support
Appendix D COMPLETE WRITE-UP OF MS. JONES' INITIAL EVALUATION 295 at work and her husband is supportive, but he does not say much because he encouraged her to take the job. Ms. Jones has been satisfied with her sexual life until the last 3 months when her interest has decreased. Sexual intercourse now occurs about once every few weeks, but was a few times a week before starting this job. She is not worried about this, thinks that it relates to her work problems, and was not interested in further discussing it. • PAST MEDICAL HISTORY General State of Health and Past Illnesses 1. She was followed regularly by her gastroenterologist Dr. Jergens for ulcer- ative colitis (see Hospitalizations) and he also acted as her primary physician until she moved here 4 months ago, since which time she has seen no one except for one emergency room visit. Dr. Jergens urged her to get a primary care physician when she moved here. 2. Cough and stuffy nose 3 weeks ago with a slight persisting cough. There was no sore throat, earache, or fever and the cough is nearly gone. She took an over-the-counter cough medication for a week at the beginning, but does not recall the name. 3. Her first and only episode of urinary tract infection occurred in July 2017 with symptoms of increased frequency and dysuria. She felt well otherwise and there was no hematuria, fever, chills, or back pain. She received a 3-day course of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole tablets (twice daily) from an emergency room in Colorado, where they were vacationing, and was symptom free within 2 days. 4. Knows she had measles and chickenpox as child and thinks she had a mild case of the mumps. Screen for MaJor Diseases 1. There is no history of rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, diabetes mellitus, can- cer, tuberculosis, heart disease, sexually transmitted infections, or stroke. 2. She has never received blood transfusions, insulin, anticoagulants, heart medications, or blood pressure medications. 3. Past injuries, accidents: Fracture ofleft ulna 21 years ago as the result of a fall. It was casted for several weeks, and there has been no problem since. Hospitalizations 1. 2010-She was hospitalized for 3 days, and a diagnosis of mild ulcerative colitis was made. She had presented with a 3-month history of periodic loose stools with occasional blood and mild abdominal cramping. Tests for "parasites and other germs" were negative at the University Hospital
298 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING in the city where she was attending law school. She was cared for by a Dr. Jergens. Colonoscopy led to the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, and she was told she did not need surgery but to follow-up closely, which she did at about 6-month intervals. She took prednisone for the first 3 months following discharge, starting at 40 mg daily and slowly reducing the dosage. She also took sulfasalazine, starting at eight tablets daily (presumably 500 mg tablets but not yet verified). After 3 months, when the prednisone was stopped, the dose of sulfasalazine was slowly reduced to four tablets daily over the ensuing 3 months. This was stopped altogether a year later. She was asymptomatic until November 2015 when some diarrhea without blood developed. Colonoscopy by Dr. Jergens showed a mild flare-up. Again, no surgery was advised and she was treated with sulfasalazine (she brought this pharmacy label), 1.0 g qid for about 2 months. It was then gradually reduced to 0.5 g qid for 6 months and then it was stopped. There has been no recurrence of symptoms. At her most recent colonoscopy with Dr. Jergens 6 months ago, she was told her colon looked essentially normal and that nothing further was necessary except close follow-up. 2. Two uncomplicated vaginal deliveries 6 and 8 years ago, productive of healthy children. She was hospitalized less than 72 hours each time. 3. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy as a child. Immunizations She has had all of the usual "baby shots" but does not know exactly what they were. A tetanus shot was given 2 years ago following a puncture wound to the hand. She does not think flu shots work and does not want any more because she got sick after the last one 3 years ago. Women's Health History 1. Menses began at age 12 and are attended by only slight discomfort for a day or so. They last 5 days, require five pads daily. and occur regularly every month since she has been on the birth control pill. 2. She is gravida (pregnancies) 2, para (deliveries) 2, abortus (spontaneous and induced abortions) 0 with 2 healthy living children. There have been no complications of her pregnancies, both vaginal deliveries. Medications and Other Treatments 1. Aspirin, two 325 mg tablets daily with her headaches during the last 4 to 6 weeks, with smaller amounts during the preceding 6 weeks. No adverse effect. 2. "Birth control pill" of uncertain type for the past 6 years. She will call in the dosage and type. 3. No use of laxatives, vitamins, eye drops, other hormones, herbal, homeopathic, or over-the-counter medications.
Appendix D COMPLETE WRITE-UP OF MS. JONES' INITIAL EVALUATION 297 4. Except for Dr. Jergens, she has seen no one else and has not sought care from CAM providers. Nor does she use any complementary or alternative healing remedies. Allergies and Drug Reactions 1. There is no history of allergies to drugs or other drug reactions. 2. There is no known allergic disease and no history of asthma, hives, or hay fever. 3. There are no known food or environmental substances to which she is sensitive. • SOCIAL HISTORY Occupation The patient is 38 years old and just moved here with her husband and two children 5 months ago. She left a job as a corporate attorney in the city where she had trained as a lawyer to come here with GHI Corporation as the lead attorney. See the History of Past Illness (HPI). She views her new job here as a big professional step upward in corporate law. It provides the opportunity for leadership and creativity that did not exist previously. Her husband also is a lawyer with GHI but works in a different area. His job was a big step upward for him, and he has been quite happy here and is getting along well. Both were happy in their previous jobs but felt the need to progress professionally. She has no financial problems and is well covered by health insurance. Health Promotion Diet: The patient adheres carefully to a low-fat, low-salt diet. Exercise: Exercises actively in an aerobics class four to five times weekly for 45 minutes or so; this is vigorous enough to bring the pulse rate to 150 per minute and prompt a drenching sweat. Her weight is stable in the 120-pound range. Functional Status Ms. Jones has no functional limitations. Safety: She always uses her seat belt. She does not ride bicycles or motorcycles, there are no weapons in the home, all medications are out of reach of the children, and the home has smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Health screening: She has had regular physical examinations with Dr. Jergens, who has also acted as her primary care physician, including a Pap smear 1 year ago; she does not know what blood tests he performed
298 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING but some were done. She thinks her cholesterol was normal when hospitalized in 2010. She has not seen a dentist since a cavity was filled 4 years ago, although she has no symptoms. Substance Use Except for a rare cup of coffee and glass of wine, the patient has not used addicting substances. • PERSONAL The patient and her husband are monogamous and heterosexual She had two other sexual partners prior to marriage. There is no history ofsexually transmitted diseases or of sexual abuse. Her husband has had problems with occasional erectile dysfunction. She is not worried about her decreased libido. thinks that it relates to her current stressors, and was not interested in further discussing it There is no history of physical or sexual abuse directed toward Ms. Jones nor has she ever been abusive. Life stress (see HPI): She would like to take time for relaxation but does not do so now. She enjoys painting but worries that she is getting so busy that it will fall into the background. She describes herself as a "workaholic" and says that this prevents her from doing more interesting things like her painting, but that it does not keep her away from her children. She would like to curtail her work activities but sees no way to do this now in a busy new job. She and her husband also "socialize" a lot. Although neither seems to enjoy it much, it is part of their businesses and she sees no alternatives. Spirituality She wants to resume church activities, which have faltered during the last few years as life got busier but, she says, "I don't want all that guilt stuff." Ms. Jones indicates that her children have brought her more meaning in life than anything else, and that she and her husband are often able to "get out of ourselves" through them. Legal Issues Ms. Jones has never considered advance directives. She and her husband have arranged for power of attorney, but she does not think it includes directions for health issues . • FAMILY HISTORY General and Speclflc Inquiry There are no known diseases the patient is aware of that seem to run in the family and, in particular, the patient is aware of no familial problems with
Appendix D COMPLETE WRITE-UP OF MS. JONES' INITIAL EVALUATION 299 80 Hip fracture 66 "Sick HAs" HBP 70 FIGURE D-1.. Ms. Jonas' ganogram. Age of family members appears to the right of each. Under some figures Is listed the cause of death (deceased persons) or the current status of living persons. , mala; , female; ~ deceased; ---+--• divorced; ~ close (good) relationship; - . conflicted relationship; ..,_, close and conflicted relationship; ______, distant relationship; _____, the patient. HA, headaches; HBP, hlgb blood pressure. (Adapted from Mullins HC, Chrlsti.Seely J. Collection and recording family data: the genogram. In: Chrlsti.Seely J, eel. Working with the Family In Primary care: A Systems Approach to Healtll and Illness. New York, NY: Praeger; 1.984:1.791.91.. Reproduced with permission of ABC-CUO, LLC.) the following: tuberculosis, cancer, heart disease, bleeding problems, kidney failure, dialysis, alcoholism, tobacco use, weight problems, asthma, or mental illness. Her paternal grandmother has diabetes mellitus (Fig. D-1). • REVIEW OF SYSTEMS General-nothing additional Skin-had rash while traveling that seemed due to harsh soaps; no recurrence since moving here Hematopoietic-excessive bruising years ago when taking prednisone but none since
300 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Head-nothing additional Eyes, ears, nose, throat-uses reading glasses when doing much reading Neck-nothing additional Breasts-breasts are generally iumpy" around her periods but never has felt any masses; did not nurse her children Cardiac and puhnonary-nothing additional Vascular-nothing additional Gastrointestinal-nothing additional except moderately painful hemorrhoids in the later stages of each pregnancy Urinary-nothing additional except for brief period of enuresis around age 5 Genital-nothing additional Neuropsychiatric-nothing additional Musculoskeletal-nothing additional Endocrine-nothing additional • PHYSICAL EXAMINATION [Because this text does not address the physical examination, we will only summarize pertinent fmdings.] Ms. Jones had a blood pressure of 110/70, a pulse rate of 66, and 12 respirations per minute. There was no evidence of neurological or gastrointestinal abnormality; these are the areas most likely to have explanatory value for her symptoms if abnormalities were found. There were no other abnormalities on physical examination. • INITIAL DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT INTERVENTIONs• None • ASSESSMENT: PROBLEM LIST 1. Intermittent right temporal headaches, throbbing, associated with nausea and photophobia, increasing in frequency and severity over 3 months; on birth control pills; headache associated with severe stress; no historical or physical exam evidence of neurological dysfunction. The following are the diagnostic possibilities, in order oflikelihood: a. Migraine headache-by far the best explanation b. Stress-tension headache-possible but less likely c. Chronic meningitis-very unlikely d. Vasculitis, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus-very unlikely 'Included for completeness but not addressed in this book.
Appendix D COMPLETE WRITE-UP OF MS. JONES' INITIAL EVALUATION 301. e. Chronic subdural hematoma-very unlikely f. Cerebral artery aneurysm-very unlikely 2. Severe stress without depression due to work-related problems, resulting in anger [closely associated with headaches]. Additional stress brought on by the fear that she may have a brain tumor. 3. Recent respiratory tract infection ("cold"), cleared 4. Wcerative colitis, quiescent and mild by her report. But, these patients can have a higher incidence of colon cancer. 5. Past history of one lower urinary tract infection in 2017. • TREATMENT AND INVESTIGATIVE PLANb Headaches 1. Obtain records from recent emergency room visit. 2. Start treatment of migraine headaches with ibuprofen or sumatriptan tablets. 3. Will consider later addition of prophylactic treatment with a beta blocker or calcium channel blocker if #2 is not effective. 4. Also, will need to consider discontinuing the birth control pill and finding an alternative means of contraception if #2 and #3 are not effective. 5. Defer any further investigation of the headaches until observing the impact of treatment upon what appears to be a typical migraine pattern. 6. Further discuss specific strategies for dealing with her boss at the next visit in 1 week. 7. Instruct her in a relaxation procedure. Ulcerative Colitis 1. Obtain outside records from Dr. Jergens. 2. Referral to gastroenterology for evaluation. hrncluded for completeness but not addressed in this book.
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X 0 z UJ a_ a_ Mental Status Evaluation <( ------- • COMPLETE MENTAL STATUS EVALUATION 1. Appearance Observe the gestalt or overall appearance of the patient: whether they appear older or younger than the stated age, the presence of unique physical attributes (prosthetic leg), grooming and neatness, if slhe appears depressed or anxious, and apparent state of health (ill appearing). 2. Attitude Observe the patient's attitudes, both exhibited, and expressed during the interview (particularly for cooperativeness). Other attitudes include angry, guarded, suspicious, attentive, seductive, playful, and obsequious. 3. Activity Note the patient's motor activity: increased (hyperactivity, agitation), decreased, catatonic, and abnormal movements (tics, tremors). One also asks the patient to draw a simple figure, such as a clock set at a specific time or a square inside a circle, to assess visual-motor integrity. 4. Mood Determine, primarily by inquiry, the patient's sustained, day-in and dayout, emotional feeling, for example, sad, happy, anxious, angry, depressed, detached, and irritable. 5. Affect Primarily by observation note how the patient expresses her/his immediate emotional state. Is the patient fully and appropriately responsive to stimuli and circumstances or, are her or his responses flat or blunted (dulled emotional responsiveness), inappropriate (laughing when most would be serious), anhedonic (no enjoyment of anything), or labile? To 303
304 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. combine mood and affect, the clinician might say, "The patient's mood was depressed and the affect blunted." Speech Observe the following speech characteristics: normal, slowed, reduced, increased, pressured, mute, dysarthria, punning, rhyming. Language Observe the patient's use of language for the following characteristics: bizarre, distracting, colorful, word salad (incoherent mix of words and phrases seen in psychotic states), circumstantial, tangential, loosening of associations (connections that are difficult to follow), and neologisms (coining new words). Thought content Determine the presence or absence, via the patient's speech and language, of the following features ofthe patient's thought content: logical, incoherent, derailment, poverty of content, obsessive, delusional, paranoid. The clinician also notes the content of the thought, describing any delusions in detail Perceptions About abnormal perceptions, typically hallucinations that may be visual, auditory, olfactory, or tactile. Hallucinations are abnormal sensory perceptions in the absence of a stimulus (voices coming from a picture on the wall) while illusions are misinterpretations of stimuli (belief that the doorbell ringing is someone speaking). Depersonalization is the perception that one's body is strange and unreal, as though apart from the patient. Derealization is a similar perception of unreality and estrangement of objects in the environment Judgment and insight Determine if the patient is realistic or unrealistic about her or his problem and other issues. An apparent obliviousness of a serious problem is called "la belle indifference:' Neuropsychiatric evaluation a. Observe the patient's level of consciousness, for example, comatose, stuporous, drowsy, alert, hyperalert. b. Carefully investigate attention and concentration by asking the patient to repeat a series of from three to eight digits (e.g., repeat the following: 8-1-6-3-9); having them subtract from 100 by 7 and continuing doing so with each answer, so-called "serial7s" (e.g., 100 - 7 = 93; 93 - 7 = 86; and so on); spelling a word (like "world") backward; and inquiring about immediate occurrences in their environment (repeat the clinician's name after clearly stating it).
Appendix E MENTAL STATUS EVALUATION 305 c. Also assess the patient's language function for fluency, comprehension, naming, repetition, reading, and writing. In addition to observing and listening to the patient, the clinician asks the patient to read and explain a simple text and to write a sentence or two (without giving them the sentence); such exercises should be appropriate to the patient's level of education. d. Recent memory is tested by determining the patient's orientation to time, place, and person; for example, the patient is asked to describe the day. date, year, time, place, and her/his name and identity. Recent memory also is tested by asking the patient to recall three words (object, animal, color) immediately after mentioning them (e.g., comb, dog, yellow), then warning the patient they will be asked to recall the three objects in 3 to 5 minutes and, finally. testing the patient's recall at that time. Remote memory is evaluated by inquiring about events of several days earlier as well as events months and years earlier; for example, "What day did you come into the hospital" or "Who is the president?" or "What are your daughters' names?" e. Other higher functions include how well the patient thinks abstractly. Interpreting proverbs, such as "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones," can vary from bizarre to very concrete to quite abstract and interpretive. Similarly. the clinician can determine the capacity for abstract thinking by inquiring how an apple and an orange are alike and different. Calculations and testing general intelligence also can be helpful at times.
308 SMITH'S PATIENT-CENTERED INTERVIEWING Instructions for Administration & Scoring Mini-Cog© ID: Date: _ _ _ _ __ Step 1: Three-Word Registration Look directly at person and say, "Please listen carefully. I am going to say three words that I want you to repeat back to me now and try to remember. The words are [select a list of words from the versions below]. Please say them for me now.• If the person is unable to repeat the words after three attempts, move on to Step 2 (clock drawing). The following and other word lists have been used in one or more clinical studies.,_.. For repeated administrations, use of an alternative word list is recommended. Varsian 2 Leader Seaaon Table Version 1 Banana Sunrise Chair Versian3 Village Kitchen Baby Version 4 River Nation Finger VersionS Captain Garden Picture Varsian 6 Daughter Heaven Mountain Step 2: Clock Drawing Say: "Next, I want you to draw a clock for me. First, put in all of the numbers where they go~ When that is completed, say: "Now, set the hands to 10 past 11." Use preprinted circle (see next page) for this exercise. Repeat instructions as needed as this is not a memory test. Move to Step 3 if the clock is not complete within 3 minutes. Step 3: Three-Word Recall Ask the person to recall the three words you stated in Step 1. Say: "What were the three words I asked you to remember?" Record the word list version number and the person's answers below. Word List Version: _ _ _ Person's Answers: _ _ _ _ _ __ Scoring _ (0-3 points) Word Recal: _ Clock Draw: _ _ (0 or 2 points) 1 point for each word spontaneously recalled without cueing. Normal clock ~ 2 points. A normal clock has all numbers placed in the correel sequence and approximately correct position (e.g., 12, 3, 6, and 9 are in anchor positions) with no missing or duplicate numbers. Hands are pointing to the 11 and 2 (11 :1 D). Hand length is not scored. Inability or refusal to draw a clod< (abnorma~ ~ 0 points. Total score ~ Word Recall score+ Clock Draw score. Total Score: _ _ (0-5 points) A cut point of <3 on the Mini-Cog- has been validated for dementia screening, but many individuals with clinically meaningful cognitive impairment will score higher. When greater sensitivity is desired, a cut point of <4 is recornmended as it may indicate a need for further evaluation of cognitive status. Mini-Cogn 0 s. Borson. All right• reserved. Reprinted with permiasion of the •uthor solely for clinical and edUCIIIio""l purp084!8. May not be modified or uaed for commercial, m•rkeling. or reeHrch purposes wid'IOUI permission of the aU!hor (aoob@uw.edu). v.01.19.16 Mini-Cog
Appendix E Clock Drawing MENTAL STATUS EVALUATION ID: _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ __ References 1. Borson S. Scanlan JM, Chen PJ, et al. The Mini-cog aa a screen for dementia: validation in a population baaed sample. JAm Geriatr Soc. 2003;51 :1451 -1454. 2. Borson S. Scanlan JM, Watanabe J, et al. Improving identification of cognitive impairment in primary care. lnt J Geriatr Psyr:hiatry. 2006;21 :349-355. 3. Lessig M, Scanlan J, et al. Time that tells: critical clock-ilrawing errurs for dementia screening. lnt Psyr:hogeriat!. 2008 June;20(3):459-470. <4. Tsoi K. Chan J, et al. Cognitive tests to detect dementia: a systematic review and meta-l!nalysis. JAMA Intern Med. 2015;E1-E9. 5. Mccarten J, Anderson P. et al. Screening for cognitive impairment in an elderly veteran population: acceptability and results using different versions ofthe Min~Cog. JAm Geriatr Soc. 2011 ;59:309-313. 6. Mccarten J. Anderson P. et al. Finding dementia in primary care: the results of a clinical demonstration project. JAm Gl!fiall Soc. 2012;60:21 0-217. 7. Scanlan J, Borson S. The Min~Cog: receiver operating characteristics with the expert and naive raters. lnt J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2001 ;16:216-222. Mini-<:og• C S. B0101on. All right8 r..ervocl. Reprintecl with permiaaion of the author oolely for clinical and eclucational purposes. May not be modified or uaed for commORlial, marketing, or reoear<>h purpooeo without permi11ion of the author (ooob@uw.edu). v.01.19.16 307
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Index Note: Page number followed by f and t indicates figure and table respectively. A Abuse/violence, 124-125 Acute, life-threatening medical illness visit, 177 Advance directives, 127 Agenda, obtaining, 40-45, 41 t forecast what you would like to have happen during interview, 41 indicate time available, 4Q-41 obtain a list of all issues the patient wants to discuss, 41-42 summarize and finalize the agenda, 42-43 vignette, 44-45 Allergies and drug reactions, 114 American Sign Language (ASL), 186-187 ART (ask, respond, and teach) mnemonic, 145-146, 148, 159 Asking about relevant symptoms outside the body system involved in the HPI, 100 Attentive listening, 46-47, 46t Autonomic changes, 225 B Balancing patient-centered and clinician-centered interviewing skills, 169-170 Barriers to communication, addressing, 39 Beeson, Paul, 89 Beginning of the interview. See Patient-centered interviewing Bias from closed-ended questioning, minimizing, 107-107t Biomedical model, 1 Biopsychosocial description, 251 Biopsychosocial model, 2 Biopsychosocial story, Sf, 90f Blind patients, 187 Bulimia, screening for, 119 c Cabot, Richard, 255 Caffeine, 120 CAGE questions, 121 Challenging communication situations, 185-189 blind patients, 187 cognitively impaired patients, 187-189, 189t less talkative, reticent, embarrassed, or fearful patient, 178-180 overly-talkative patient, 180-183 patients who are deaf or hard of hearing, 186-187 stoic/unemotional patient, 183-185 Characterizing symptoms, 77-86 onset and chronology, 78-81 duration of symptom, 79 periodicity and frequency, 79-80 position of symptom and its radiation, 81-82 quality of symptom, 82 quantify the symptom, 82-84 rate of onset, 79 time course, 80-81 time of symptom onset and intervals between occurrences, 79 overview, 77-78t precipitating and transforming factors, 86 related symptoms, 84-85 setting,85 Chief concern and agenda, 9, 242 Chronology. See Onset and chronology of symptoms Clarifying next steps, 148 Clinical problem solving, example of, 102t 309
3:1.0 Index Clinician-centered interviewing, 4-5, 89-137 knowledge exercises, 136 overview, 89-90f, 131t, 137 skills exercises. 136 step 6: Complete chronological description of patient's chief concern and other active problems, 89-110, 91t addressing a predominantly psychological problem, 108-109 general comments about the remainder of the interview, 109-110 obtaining and describing data without interpreting it, 92-110. See also Data, obtaining and describing without interpreting procedural issues, 106-108, 107t step 7: Past medical history, 110-117, lilt allergies and drug reactions, 114 hospitalizations, 112-113 immunizations, 113 medications and other treatments, 114 other medical, surgical, or psychological problems, 112 screening, 112-113 women's health history, 113-114 step 8: Social history, 117-130 advance directives, 127 functional status, 127 health promotion (diet, exercise, safety, substance use), 119-122 occupation, 119 overview, 118t personal, 122-126 step 9: Family history, 130-133 step 10: Review of systems (ROS), 134-136, 246 Clinician/patient/computer relationship, 256-265 enacting the visit, 260-263, 262f-263f post-visit documentation, 263-265 preparing for the visit, 256-259 sources of stress. 256-257t Clinician-patient relationship, 207-230 clinician's previously unrecognized responses affect relationship with patient, 208-214 addressing previously unrecognized affect and emotion,212-214,214t diagnosing the problem, 211-212 extent of the problem, 209-211, 21 Ot knowledge exercises, 228-229 nonverbal dimensions. 224-228 addressing nonverbal behaviors, 227-228 leading, 226-227 matching, 226 observing the patient's nonverbal communication, 225-226 overview, 207-208,228 patient personality style and the relationship, 214-224 dependentstyle,216-217 histrionic style, 219-220 narcissistic style, 221-222 obsessive-compulsive style, 217-218 paranoid style, 222-223 schizoid style, 223-224 self-defeating (masochistic) style, 220-221 skills exercises. 230 as treatment, 202 Clock drawing, 306-307 Closed-ended data-gathering skills, 19-21 multiple-choice questions, 21 questions producing brief answers, 20 questions producing yes/no answers, 20 Closed-ended questions, 4-5 bias from, 107-107t limitations of, 5 Closing the visit, 148-152 acknowledge and support the patient before saying goodbye, 149 clarify next steps, as necessary, 148 encourage questions, 149 Cognitively impaired patients, 187-189, 189t Commitment, obtaining, 159t, 160-161 Communication barriers to, 39 challenges, caring for patients with blind patients, 187 cognitively impaired patients, 187-189 hearing loss or older person, 186-187 Computers. See Clinician/patient/computer relationship Continuers, 17 Core patient-centered skills, 15-16f
Index 31.1. Countertransference, 213 Cultural competence, 197-199, 199t Diary products, 120 Diet, 119-120 D Differential Diagnosis: Presented Through an Analysis of 383 Cases, 255 Data, identifying. 242 Data, obtaining and describing without interpreting, 92-110 A: Expand description of symptoms already introduced by patient, 92-97 B: Inquire about symptoms located in same body systems not yet introduced (and general health symptoms), 97-100 C: Ask about relevant symptoms outside the body system involved in the HPI, 100 D: Inquire about presence or absence of relevant non-symptom data not yet introduced by patient, 100-103, 102t understand the patient's perspective, 103-106 Data-gathering and empathy skills, 13-29 data-gathering skills, 15-21 closed-ended data-gathering skills, 19-21. See also Closed-ended data-gathering skills open-ended data-gathering skills, 15-19. See also Open-ended data-gathering skills empathy skills, 21-27 emotion-seeking skills, 22-24 naming the feeling/emotion, 25 respecting. 26 supporting, 26 understanding, 25-26 integrating open-ended and closed-ended skills, 21 knowledge exercises, 29 overview, 13-14, 14f-1Sf, 28-29 practicing patient-centered skills, 27-28 skills exercises, 29 vignette using NURS quartet, 26-27 Deaf or hard of hearing patients, 186-187 sign language, 186-187 de Mello, Anthony, 235 Dependent personality; 216-217 basic need, 216 clinical presentation, 216-217 how to respond, 217 problems for clinician, 217 Difficult news, giving, 147t, 152-158 deliver the difficult news, 155-156 determine how much the patient wants to know, 154-155 establish what the patient already knows, 154 iteratively explain and negotiate next steps, 156-158 prepare to give the difficult news, 153-154 use relationship-building skills to express empathy, 156 Digital age, remaining patient-centered in, 255-266 enacting the visit, 260-263, 262f-263f history of medical record keeping, 255-256 overview, 255-256, 265-266t post-visit documentation, 263-265 preparing for the visit, 256-259 sources of stress, 256-257t Direct inquiry, 23 Disease-prevention visit, 176-177 Disease story, 236-237 DocCom, 10 Documentation, post-visit, 263-265 Drug reactions and allergies, 114 E ECGN mnemonic, 159-163, 159t Echoing. 17 Edison,Tho~,143 Educating the patient, 159-160, 159t Elderly patients, 192-194 Electronic health record (EHR), 256-266. See also Digital age, remaining patient-centered in Emotional focus (emotional context), developing, 55-56 Emotions versus feelings, 289-292 list of, 289 Emotion-seeking skills, 22-24 direct inquiry, 23 indirect inquiry, 23-24 Empathy, definition of, 22
3:1.2 Index Empathy skills, 21-27, 56-58 emotion-seeking skills, 22-24 naming the feeling/emotion, 25 NURS (naming, understanding, respecting, and supporting) mnemonic, 25,56-57, 145, 156, 176, 227 nonverbal equivalent, 226 respecting, 26 supporting, 26 understanding, 25-26 End of the interview (step 11), 143-164 assess understanding, 146 close the visit, 148-152 acknowledge and support the patient before saying goodbye, 149 clarify next steps, as necessary, 148 encourage questions, 149 giving difficult news, 147t, 152-158 deliver the difficult news, 155-156 determine how much the patient wants to know, 154-155 establish what the patient already knows, 154 iteratively explain and negotiate next steps, 156-158 prepare to give the difficult news, 153-154 use relationship-building skills to express empathy, 156 invite patient to participate in shared decision making, 146-148 knowledge exercises, 163 motivating patients for behavioral change, 158-163, 159t educate the patient, 159-160 help patient set realistic goals, 161-162 negotiate a specific plan, 162-163 obtain a commitment, 160-161 overview, 143-144, 144t, 163 share information, 144-146 frame the discussion according to patient's perspective, 145-146, 146t orient patient to end of the interview and ask permission to begin discussion, 144 skill exercises, 164 Ensuring privacy, 38-39 Evidence-based interviewing method, 4-St Exercise, 120 Expanding description of symptoms already introduced by patient, 92-97 Expanding the story to new chapters, 58-63, 59f Explanatory model of a patient, determining, 198-199, 199t F Facilitating skills, dynamic use of, 1Sf Family history (FH), 9, 130-133, 245-246 Fat, 120 Feeling/emotion, naming, 25 Feelings versus emotions, 289-292 list of, 290-292 Feelings and emotions, 289-292 examples of some feelings, 290-292 fifteen distinguishable emotions, 289 Fiber, 120 FICA mnemonic for asking about spiritual and religious beliefs, 125-126 Five-step patient-centered interviewing, 34t, ee Focusing skills, 17-19 echoing, 17 open-ended requests, 18-19, 18f summarizing, paraphrasing, 19 Follow-up inpatient or outpatient without urgent or complex personal problems, 171-173 Follow-up patient with urgent or complex personal problems, 173-176 Foreword to the first edition, 269-279 Frame discussion according to patient's perspective, 145-146, 146t Functional status, 127 Further investigative and treatment plan, 247 G Gender nonconforming patients, 37 General system theory, 2-2f Genogram, developing, 131t, 132 Giving difficult news. See Difficult news, giving Goals, helping patient set, 159t, 161-162 Greeting/welcoming the patient, 36-37
Index H Hard of hearing or deaf patients, 186-187 Harmful clinician behaviors, 201t Health literacy, 126 Health promotion, 119-122 diet, 119-120 exercise, 120 safety, 121 substance use, 121-122 Heisenberg, Werner, 1958 Helpful clinician behaviors, 201t Herrick, James B., 33 Hierarchy of natural systems, 2-2f History of present illness (HPI), 9, 243-245, 249-250 continuing, 48-63, 48t address feelings and emotions with empathy skills, 56-58 develop an emotional focus (emotional context), 55-56 develop the psychological and social context of the symptom (personal context), 51-54 expand the story to new chapters, 58-63, 59f obtain a further description of the symptom, 49-51 vignette,49-51,55-58,60-62 openll1g,45-48,46t obtain additional data from nonverbal sources. 47 start with open-ended beginning question/ statement, 46 use "nonfocusing" open-ended skills (attentive listening), 46-47 vignette, 47-48 Histrionic personality, 219-220 basic need, 219 clinical presentation, 219 how to respond, 219-220 problems for clinician, 220 Hospitalizations, 112-113 I Immunizations, 113 Indirect inquiry, 23-24 3:13 Information sharing. See Sharing information source and reliability ot 242 Initial diagnostic formulations and treatment interventions, 246, 251 Inquiring about presence or absence of relevant nonsymptom data not yet introduced by patient, 100-103, 102t about symptoms located in same body systems not yet introduced (and general health symptoms), 97-100 indirect, 23-24 Integrated medical interviewing, 8-10, Sf, 10, 89-90 Interpreter, working with, 196-197, 197t Interview, 169-203 addressll1g common challenging communication situations, 185-189 blind patients, 187 cognitively impaired patients, 187-189, 189t patients who are deaf or hard of hearing, 186-187 addressing common patient communication styles and challenges, 178-185 less talkative, reticent, embarrassed, or fearful patient, 178-180 overly-talkative patient, 180-183 stoic/unemotional patient, 183-185 addressing various medical encounters and challenges, 170-177 acute, life-threatening medical illness visit, 177 disease-prevention visit, 176-177 follow-up inpatient or outpatient without urgent or complex personal problems, 171-173 follow-up patient with urgent or complex personal problems, 173-176 new inpatient or outpatient without urgent or complex personal problems, 170 new patient with urgent or complex personal! behavioral health problems, 170-171
3:1.4 Index Interview (continued) balancing patient-centered and clinician-centered interviewing skills, 169-170 clinician centered. See Clinician-centered interviewing cultural competence, 197-199, 199t effective clinician-patient relationship as treatment, 202 elderly patients, 192-194 end of, 143-164 assess understanding, 146 close the visit, 148-152 acknowledge and support the patient before saying goodbye, 149 clarify next steps, as necessary, 148 encourage questions, 149 giving difficult news, 147t, 152-158 deliver the difficult news, 155-156 determine how much the patient wants to know, 154-155 establish what the patient already knows, 154 iteratively explain and negotiate next steps, 156-158 prepare to give the difficult news, 153-154 use relationship-building skills to express empathy, 156 invite patient to participate in shared decision making, 146-148 knowledge exercises, 163 motivating patients for behavioral change, 158-163, 159t educate the patient, 159-160 help patient set realistic goals, 161-162 negotiate a specific plan, 162-163 obtain a commitment, 160-161 overview, 143-144, 144t, 163 share information, 144-146 frame the discussion according to patient's perspective, 145-146, 146t orient patient to end of the interview and ask permission to begin discussion, 144 skill exercises, 164 integrated, 8-10, Sf, 10, 89-90 interpreter, working with, 196-197, 197t knowledge exercises, 203 overview, 169,202-203 patient-centered See Patient-centered interviewing pediatric patients, 190-192 setting the stage for, 35-40, 36t address barriers to communication, 39 ensure comfort and put the patient at ease, 40 ensure patient readiness and privacy, 38-39 introduce yourself and identify your specific role, 37-38 use the patient's name, 37 vignette, 43-44 welcome/greet the patient, 36-37 skill exercises, 203 time required for, 199 transition to middle of, 63-64 unique issues for the new learner, 199-202 clinical conduct, 200-202, 20lt recording interviews, 200 taking notes, 200 time required for interview, 199 when more than one person is present, 194-196 Interview, recording, 200 Intimate partner violence/abuse, 124-125 Investigative and treatment plan, 247-248 Inviting patient to participate in shared decision making, 146-148 K Kinesics, 225 Kipling, Rudyard, 71 L Leading,226-227 Life-threatening medical illness visit, 177 Listening, attentive, 46-47, 46t Living arrangement and personal relationships, 122123 M Major diseases, screening for, 112 Masochistic (self-defeating) personality, 220-221 basic need, 220 clinical presentation, 220-221 how to respond, 221 problems for the clinician, 221
Index Matching, 226 Medical, surgical, or psychological problems, 112 Medical interview. See Interview Medical record ("write-up" of patient's story), 237-247 assessment: the biophyschosocial description, 246 chief concern and agenda, 242 family history (FH), 245-246 further investigative and treatment plan, 247 history of present illness (HPI) and other active problems (AOP), 243-245 identifying data, 242 initial diagnostic formulations and treatment interventions, 246 overview, 238t-242t past medical history (PMH), 245 physical examination, 246 review of systems (ROS), 246 social history (SH), 245 source and reliability of information, 242 Medications and other treatments, 114 Mental status evaluation (MSE), 188-189t, 303-307 complete mental status evaluation, 303-305 Mini-Cog, 188, 306-307 Middle of the interview. See Clinician-centered interviewing Mini-Cog, 306-307 Mood, 125 More than one person present at interview, 194-196 Motivating patients for behavioral change, 158-163, 159t educate the patient, 159-160 help patient set realistic goals, 161-162 negotiate a specific plan, 162-163 obtain a commitment, 160-161 MSE (mental status evaluation), 188-189t, 303-307 complete mental status evaluation, 303-305 Mini-Cog, 188, 306-307 Multiple-choice questions, 21 N Narcissistic personality, 221-222 basic need, 221 3:15 clinical presentation, 221-222 how to respond, 222 problems for the clinician, 222 Natural systems, hierarchy of, 2-2f Needs communicated by patients, 7-8, 7t Negotiation, 159t, 162-163 New inpatient or outpatient without urgent or complex personal problems, 170 New patient with urgent or complex personall behavioral health problems, 170-171 Next steps, clarifying, 148 Nonfocusing skills, 15-17, 16f continuers, 17 nonverbal encouragement, 17 silence, 16-17 Nonverbal dimensions, 224-228 addressing nonverbal behaviors, 227-228 encouragement, 17 leading, 226-227 matching, 226 observing the patient's nonverbal communication, 225-226 NURS (naming, understanding, respecting, and supporting) mnemonic, 25,56-57, 145, 156,176,227 nonverbal equivalent, 226 0 OAP (other active problems), 9 Obsessive-compulsive personality, 217-218 basic need, 217 clinical presentation, 217-218 how to respond, 218 problems for clinician, 218 Occupation, 119-120 Onset and chronology of symptoms, 78-81 duration of symptom, 79 periodicity and frequency, 79-80 position of symptom and its radiation, 81-82 quality of symptom, 82 quantify the symptom, 82-84 rate of onset, 79 time course, 80-81 time of symptom onset and intervals between occurrences, 79
3:1.8 Index Open-ended data-gathering skills, 15-19, 15f focusing skills, 15f, 17-19 echoing, 17 open-ended requests, 18-19, 18f summarizing, paraphrasing, 19 nonfocusing skills, 15-17, 15f-16f continuers, 17 nonverbal encouragement, 17 silence, 16-17 OPPQQRRST mnemonic, 77-78t, 90, 92, 243 Osler, Sir William, 1 Other active problems (OAP), 9 Overly-talkative patient, 180-183 p Paralanguage,225 Paranoid personality style, 222-223 basic need, 222 clinical presentation, 222-223 how to respond, 223 problems for the clinician, 223 Past medical history (PMH), 9, 110-117, lilt, 245 allergies and drug reactions, 114 hospitalizations, 112-113 immunizations, 113 medications and other treatments, 114 other medical, surgical, or psychological problems, 112 screen for major diseases, 112 screening, 113 women's health history, 113-114 Patient, educating, 159-160, 159t Patient-centered approach, 5-8, 7t Patient-centered interviewing, 13-14£, 33-66 beyond basic interviewing, 64 history of, 4-5, 4t knowledge exercises, 66 overview, 33-35, 34t, 64-65, 65f skills exercises. 66 step 1: Setting the stage for the interview, 35-40, 36t address barriers to communication, 39 ensure comfort and put the patient at ease, 40 ensure patient readiness and privacy, 38-39 introduce yourself and identify your specific role, 37-38 use the patient's name, 37 vignette, 43-44 welcome/greet the patient, 36-37 step 2: Obtaining the agenda, 40-45, 41t forecast what you would like to have happen during interview, 41 indicate time available, 40-41 obtain a list of all issues the patient wants to discuss, 41-42 summarize and finalize the agenda, 42-43 vignette, 44-45 step 3: Opening the history of present illness, 45-48,46t obtain additional data from nonverbal sources, 47 start with open-ended beginning question/ statement, 46 use "nonfocusing" open-ended skills (attentive listening), 46-47 vignette, 47-48 step 4: Continuing the patient-centered HPI, 48-63,48t address feelings and emotions with empathy skills, 56-58 develop an emotional focus (emotional context), 55-56 develop the psychological and social context of the symptom (personal context), 51-54 expand the story to new chapters, 58-63, 59{ obtain a further description of the symptom, 49-51 vignette,49-51,55-58,60-62 step 5: Transition to middle of interview, 63-64 Patient personality styles, 214-224 dependentstyle,216-217 histrionic style, 219-220 narcissistic style, 221-222 obsessive-compulsive style, 217-218 paranoid style, 222-223 schizoid style, 223-224 self-defeating (masochistic) style, 220-221
Index Patient's chief concern, complete chronological description of, 89-110, 91t addressing a predominantly psychological problem, 108-109 general comments about the remainder of the interview, 109-110 obtaining and describing data without interpreting it, 92-110. See also Data, obtaining and describing without interpreting procedural issues, 106-108, 107t Patient's name, using, 37 Patient's perspective, understanding, 103-106 Patient's story. See Story, patient's Pediatric patients, 190-192 Personal awareness group work, guidelines for, 213-214, 214t Personal history; 122-126 Personal matters, 122-126 health literacy, 126 intimate partner violence/abuse, 124-125 living arrangement and personal relationships, 122-123 mood, 125 sexuality, 123-124 spirituality/religion, 125-126 stress, 125 Physical examination, 246, 251 Plato, 207 PMH (past medical history). See Past medical history (PMH) Practicing patient-centered skills, 27-28 Privacy, 195 Problem-Oriented Medical Record (POMR), 255 Proxemics, 225 Psychological, medical, or surgical problems, 112 Psychological and social context of the symptom (personal context), developing, 51-54 Putting the patient at ease, 40 Q Questions CAGE, 121 closed-ended, 4-5 bias from 107 limitations of, 5 encouraging,149 multiple choice, 21 "SAFE;" 124-125 those that produce brief answers, 20 those that produce yes/no answers, 20 R Recording interviews, 200 Religion/spirituality, 125-126 Research and humanistic rationale for patientcentered interviewing, 281-283 more humanistic, 281-282 more scientific, 282-283 Respecting, 26 Review of systems (ROS), 9, 72-75, 73t-75t, 134-136, 246 s "SAFE" questions, 124-125 Safety, 121 Schizoid personality, 223-224 basic need, 223 clinical presentation, 223-224 how to respond, 224 problems for the clinician, 224 Screening, 112-113 Seduction,219-220 Self-defeating (masochistic) personality, 220-221 basic need, 220 clinical presentation, 220-221 how to respond, 221 problems for the clinician, 221 Sexuality, 123-124 Shared decision making, inviting patient to participate in, 146-148 Sharing information, 144-146 frame the discussion according to patient's perspective, 145-146, 146t orient patient to end of the interview and ask permission to begin discussion, 144 SH (social history). See Social history (SH) Sign language, 186-187 31.7
3:1.8 Index Silence, use of, 16-17 SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) note, 255 Social history (SH), 9, 117-130, 245 advance directives, 127 functional status, 127 health promotion, 119-122 diet, 119-120 exercise, 120 safety, 121 substance use, 121-122 occupation, 119-120 overview, 118t personal, 122-126 health literacy, 126 intimate partner violence/abuse, 124-125 living arrangement and personal relationships, 122-123 mood,125 sexuality, 123-124 spirituality/religion, 125-126 stress, 125 Sodium, 120 Source and reliability of information, 242 Spirituality/religion, 125-126 Step 1: Setting the stage for the interview, 35-40, 36t address barriers to communication, 39 ensure comfort and put the patient at ease, 40 ensure patient readiness and privacy, 38-39 introduce yourself and identify your specific role, 37-38 use the patient's name, 37 vignette, 43-44 welcome/greet the patient, 36-37 Step 2: Obtaining the agenda, 40-45, 41t forecast what you would like to have happen during interview, 41 indicate time available, 40-41 obtain a list of all issues the patient wants to discuss, 41-42 summarize and finalize the agenda, 42-43 vignette, 44-45 Step 3: Opening the history of present illness (HPI), 45-48, 46t obtain additional data from nonverbal sources, 47 start with open-ended beginning question/ statement, 46 use "nonfocusing" open-ended skills (attentive listening), 46-47 vignette, 47-48 Step 4: Continuing the patient-centered HPI, 48-63, 48t address feelings and emotions with empathy skills, 56-58 develop an emotional focus (emotional context), 55-56 develop the psychological and social context of the symptom (personal context), 51-54 expand the story to new chapters, 58-63, 59f obtain a further description of the symptom, 49-51 vignette,49-51,55-58,60-62 Step 5: Transition to middle of interview, 63-64 Step 6: Complete chronological description of patient's chief concern and other active problems, 89-110, 9lt addressing a predominantly psychological problem, 108-109 general comments about the remainder of the interview, 109-110 obtaining and describing data without interpreting it, 92-110. See also Data, obtaining and describing without interpreting procedural issues, 106-108, 107t Step 7: Past medical history, 110-117, 111t allergies and drug reactions, 114 hospitalizations, 112-113 immunizations, 113 medications and other treatments, 114 other medical, surgical, or psychological problems, 112 screening, 112-113 women's health history, 113-114 Step 8: Social history, 117-130 advance directives, 127 functional status, 127 health promotion (diet, exercise, safety, substance use), 119-122 occupation, 119
Index Step 8: Social history (continued) overview, liSt personal, 122-126 Step 9: Family history, 130-133 Step 10: Review of systems (ROS), 134-136, 246 Step 11: End of the interview, 143-164 assess understanding, 146 close the visit, 148-152 acknowledge and support the patient before saying goodbye, 149 clarify next steps, as necessary, 148 encourage questions, 149 giving difficult news, 147t, 152-158 deliver the difficult news, 155-156 determine how much the patient wants to know, 154-155 establish what the patient already knows, 154 iteratively explain and negotiate next steps, 156-158 prepare to give the difficult news, 153-154 use relationship-building skills to express empathy, 156 invite patient to participate in shared decision making, 146-148 knowledge exercises, 163 motivating patients for behavioral change, 158-163, 159t educate the patient, 159-160 help patient set realistic goals, 161-162 negotiate a specific plan, 162-163 obtain a commitment, 160-161 overview, 143-144, 144t, 163 share information, 144-146 frame the discussion according to patient's perspective, 145-146, 146t orient patient to end of the interview and ask permission to begin discussion, 144 skill exercises, 164 Stoic/unemotional patient, 183-185 Story, patient's, 59£, 62£, 235-253 knowledge exercises, 252 medical record ("write-up" of patient's story), 237-247 assessment: the biophyschosocial description, 246 31.9 chief concern and agenda, 242 family history (FH), 245-246 further investigative and treatment plan, 247 history of present illness (HPI) and other active problems (AOP), 243-245 identifying data, 242 initial diagnostic formulations and treatment interventions, 246 overview, 59£, 62f, 238t-242t past medical history (PMH), 245 physical examination, 246 review of systems (ROS), 246 social history (SH), 245 source and reliability of information, 242 overview, 235, 252 presenting,247-252 assessment: the biopsychosocial description, 251 guidelines, 247t history of present illness (HPI), 249-250 identifying data, source and reliability of data, chief complaint, and other major agenda items, 249 initial diagnostic formulations and treatment interventions, 251 investigative and treatment plan, 247-248 physical examination, 251 skills exercises, 253 ~arizing,235-237 disease story, 236-237 personal story, 236 relationship story, 235-236 Stress, 125 Substance use, 121-122 Summarizing, paraphrasing, 19 Supporting,26 Surgical, medical, or psychological problems, 112 Symptom-defining skills, 71-87 characterizing symptoms, 77-86. See also Characterizing symptoms distinguishing closely related material (secondary data) from symptoms (primary data), 75 knowledge exercises, 87 overview, 71-72,86-87
320 Index Symptom-defining skills (continued) review of symptoms (ROS), 72-75, 73t-75t skills exercises, 87 translating concerns into specific medical symptoms, 76-77, 76t Symptoms, characterizing, 77-86 onset and chronology, 78-81 duration of symptom, 79 periodicity and frequency, 79-80 position of symptom and its radiation, 81-82 quality of symptom, 82 quantify the symptom, 82-84 rate of onset, 79 time course, 80-81 time of symptom onset and intervals between occurrences, 79 overview, 77-78t precipitating and transforming factors, 86 related symptoms, 84-85 setting, 85 T Taking notes, 200 Three-word recall, 306 Time required for interview, 199 Translating concerns into specific medical symptoms, 76-77, 76t u Understanding, 25-26 assessing, 146 Unemotional/stoic patient, 183-185 Unique issues for the new learner, 199-202 clinical conduct, 200-202, 201t recording interviews, 200 taking notes, 200 time required for interview, 199 v Vignette (Ms. Jones), complete write-up of initial evaluation 293-301 Violence/abuse, 124-125 w Weed, Lawrence, 255 Welcoming/greeting the patient, 36-37 Wheat, 120 Women's health history, 113-114