Автор: Milton  

Теги: color magazine  

Год: 1984


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Postal Address:	Visiting Address:
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PRIVATE LOOKS FOR GENERAL AGENTS all over the world* The magazine can be printed in your own country according to your own laws CONTACT US!
Moral: Anal advance advice  4
Carol: Bodily yours _____________________7
PRIVATE painting 	18
Tempting Ter6se 19
It happened to me- 30
Amateur photographers chance  _ 31
Mlle Baiser 40
Readers Request: Tanja 43
Cunt Contest Continues 49
Your PRIVATE girl 57
Sensuous Solvej 63
Subscription 76
PRIVATE model___________________________77
Joyous Jeannine 79
Presentation of PRIVATE 73 _____________92
Lust full Lindas libido 97
We at Private wish to promote a more liberal attitude towards sex. and a better understanding of all sexual inclinations. We believe that sex is both natural and enjoyable, and therefore It is most definitely wrong to attempt to hide or fe$I ashamed about It. Furthermore we know, that good erotogtaphy has a both positive and stimulative effect on human sexuality
Mit Private mOchten wlr fOr frelere Anschauungeq Im Sexuei-len und um Verst&ndnis fOr alle sexuellen Ausdrucksformen werben. Wlr melnen. Sex 1st etwas Schbnes und Waturiiches, vor dem es kelne Gehelmnlstuerel Oder SchamgefCihle geben sollte. Wlr wissen: Gute Erotografle hat elne positlv anregen-de Wlrkung auf die menschllche Sexualitflt.
X....................................      -S
Copyright^1984 by PRIVATE PRlfSS AR, Stockholm. This book may not be reproduced in whole or part, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission of PRIVATE PRESS AB. Violations will be prosecuted. You can write to us in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. PRIVA ТЕ IS PR INI ED IN SPAIN 9 TIMES A YEAR JUNE 85	иbmiwsoo-n
аши aDveucE АоикЕ flciaiE ясве«1п«п
Annaten smd mit Analem gefullt worden.
Verzeihen Sie mir den Wortgag. immerhin hat PRIVATE daren mitgeschneben. Was ware dem noch hinzuzufugen?
Ruckschau set uns aber edaubt. Und neue PRIVATE-Leser sind ganz gewiB auch hinzuge-kommen. Daher an dieser SteKe einmal mehr e.n
Wort - e«n Wort der MORAL - zum Anaisex. Und das mit Nachdruck.
Behalten S<e heber im Sinn, was Sie mir get-rost giauben durfen; D;e groBe Mehrzahi alter Paare haben diese Variante des Sex schon ein-mal prob>ert. Wenn’s immerhin nur einmal war.
Und manche mogen davon nicht mehr lessen
So many things about anal sex has been written before, not only in PRIVATE but also m various kinds of magazines all over the world so there is hardly nythmg more to add. But. for those PRIVATE readers who have missed previous issues with more else concerning this subject we would
like to emphasize in the first place the moral aspects concerning anal sex. First of all you could in my opinion completely forget about that m some states of USA. as well as in England, it is illegal to practise anal sex. even with your own wife in your own house. Believe me also when I'm telling you that the
Besonders. wenn der weibliche Partner entdeckt uns es sich eingesteht, welche neuen Genusse □nd Abwechslungen sich ihr da erschheBen. DaB die meisten manner uberaus gorBen Gefallen daran linden, versteht sich fast von seibst.
Viele Menschen sehen m der erotischen Handlung, von der hier die Rede ist, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes die Kehrseite des Sex. Analsex. fin-den sie, ist schmutzig. unmoralisch, widernatur-Ich und was weiB ich ooch. Das ist ihr gutes Recht. Das aber sind Fremdbestimmungen, auBere Programnuerungen. um mich etnmal ge-lehrt auszudrucken. So aber ist der Mensch nicht "vorprogrammiert”. Er kommt ais "unbesch-nebenes Blatt” zur Welt und wachst erst nach und nach zu emem Produkt seiner Umwelteinf-lusse heran.
Behalten wir, Mann wie Frau, stets im Sinn: Zurerotischen Lust, zur gegenseibgen sexuellen Befriedigung dart und so//der ganze Korper ge-horen. Ohne Ausnahme.
Wohlgemerkt: Lust und Befriedigung. Dazu gehort, daB der eine Partner, der Mann, auf die unerfahrene. die verkrampfte. die schmerzemp-findliche Frau Rucksicht zu nehmen hat. Und sich im Zweifel stets an die altbewahrte Reget halt, durch Sex kern korperliches Oder se-elisches Ungemach zu bereiten. Es sei denn im Extremfall, ein sado-masochistisches Paar en-tfaltet seine Verzuckungen in der Pein.
In meiner Kolumne MORAL habe ich es des bfteren schon ankhngen lessen: Ein Reiz der ganz und gar vorzuglichen Art liegt dann, daB eine Frau auch mal aus eigenem Antrieb ihren Partner ermuntem kann zum Verkehr andershe-rum. Und wenn es fur sie das allererste Mal geschieht, ist es. als brachte sie eine zweite jungfraulichkeit dar. Das schmeichelt der Eitelkeit sicher nicht wentger Manner. MuBig me-ine Mahnung, daB auch hier (ver) gewalttatiges Vorsturmen tabu ist.
Die hygiemschen Umstande des Analen sind mehr als die Moral uber jeden Zweilen erhben. Der vagmalen Veremigung die anale folgen lessen - das geht’ Die umgekehrte Reihenfolge -das geht nicht’ Die Gefahr von Infektionen ware zu groB. Unbedingt waschen. wenn Sie ”wreder von vom anfangen”, lautet daher das unumstoB-liche Gebot. Vom Medizimschen her gibt es eigenthch nicht einzuwenden. Auch wenn Sie regelmaBig anal verkehren. haben Sie keine Schadigungen zu Furchten.
Und uberhaupt - mal etwas ganz (B) Anales. Flanieren Sie, Mann, mal uber die PrachtstraBe Ihrer Stadt. Was tun Sie und so viele Ihrer Ge-schlechtsgenossen? Begehrlich emem schon runden und schon wippenden wieblichen Po nachblicken! Klaro!?
majority of couples usually have tried this form of sex at least once.
A few carry on with it, especially if the woman finds that it gives her a new form of pleasure and also a possibility to go outside the normal routine, not to forget about that it usually also is' extremely pleasant for the man.
Back now to the moral aspect. Quite a few people find this kind of sexual activity dirty, perverted, immoral, unnatural etc. Of course, every human being has the complete right to form their own opinion, whatever the reasons are like religion, upbringing, the range of sexual activities and so forth. But. sexually all of us, every human being, start from scratch, don’t we? Our sexual behaviour. needs and demands are dictated by upbringing and previous experiences. What every human being, man or woman, should bear in mind always is that for the sexual pleasure, the mutual sexual satisfaktion, every part of their bodies could and should be used for sexual pleasure. It must be understood. though, that in case the woman can't relax enough or isn’t used to anal sex, the man has to remember that following the old general rule no sexual activity which causes harm, pain or other disadvantages for the spouses should be respected, unless of course she or he is up to sadism, masochism etc. Another advantage which I have mentioned many times before in my Morals is that a woman inviting her partner to anal sex. if it's tne first time for her. will be a form of a new virginity she brings to him. I should think that most men would really appreciate such an offer. Remember though that an extreme gentleness from the man is usually needed, maybe more than in any other sexual veriety. Rape in any form including anal is usually out of the question, except of course if the woman is turned on by a rape or masochism.
The hygienical side of the activity is simple and clear, you can switch from vaginal intercourse to anal but never vice versa because of the possibility of infection. Always wash properly before going back form anal to other forms of sex. From the medical point of view, there are no evidence whatsoever that anal sex, even if practiced regularly, will cause any harm to any other functions. And at the end. mustn’t there be something into the fact that many men most willingly are ready to follow and watch from behind a shapely female bottom, maybe especially if it is swinging in a tempting way.
Mode macht Madchen. Und ich fuhre sie vor. Meist mit Erfolg und oft mit Bravour. Rein in die Garderobe, raus aus der Garderobe. Das torn! mich so nchtig an. Ich weiB. ich hab was vorzuzeigen. Und nicht bloB schicke Hullen.
Being a fashion model, and quite successful I must say. sometimes I feel absolutely fed up by changing clothes and show the clothes off for other people. I feel that I have so much of other things to give and that’s the reason why I’m now aopeanng in this magazine.
Emen Touch von Exhibitionismus muB du schon haben. wenn du gewagte Kreationen auf den Laufsteg bringst. Fioden Sie nicht auch? Da soli es aber be mir nicht dran scheitern. Im Gegenteil.
Don’t you think one has to be a little bit of an exhibitionist to be able to show the latest fashion anyway. But my feelings and intentions in that direction goes now a bit further. There is so many things on me which few other people have seen and which I want to show right now for you reader.
Na. wefche Regungen kann ich denn bet Ihnen. dem Leser, wachrufon. Anregung9 Aufregung? Erregung? Wie. wenn sich was bei Ihnen in don Beinkioidem regie? Abce-gen kdnnen S>e srch hmterher.
Do I have to emphasize that my whole and only intention is to excite you. And I’m quite sure that l will, because I’ve never heard any complaints from my lovers and you ain't complaining, are you?

So ist es eben. Auf die Regsamkeit kommt’s an. Und auf den rechten Bhckwmkel auch. Der Beifall meiner Zuschauer ist mir noch immer sicher gewesen.
Positions are important. I think, and that’s just one of my specialities. My lovers always give me compliments for the talented way I’m using my body to their favour.
Zum golanten Gewand die attraktrven Ac-cessci’es. Zugegeben. es geht auch ohne dio. abor jetzt treib ch's mal mit. Damit Sie sehen, w« sich sowas macht. Sie brauchen Я mcht gloich den "Stab" uber mich zu br echen.
I hardly ever use tools. I must admit, when l*m masturbating but I’m doing it now to show you my technique And you would understand. wouldn't you. that it’s you and only you I want.
Fur PRIVATE posieren? Wir zahlen ★ groBzugige Gagen ★ und alle Spesen.
Schreiben Sie doch mal! Bitte Probeaufnahmen beifugen. Dazu Namen, Anschrift und Telefon, damit wir Sie erreichen konnen.
Private Press AB
Box 17079 S-104 62 STOCKHOLM 17
Are you interested in being a model in
★ Generous fee ★ All expenses paid. Send us some test shots. Name, an address and a telephone number, where we can reach you.
Private Press AB
Box 17079
104 62 STOCKHOLM 17 Sweden
Mit mir al lei n in memem Garten. Mem heiBer Korper in kuhler Luft. Dieses ewige Brennen zwischen meinen lusternen Schenkeln. Zwischen meinen wippenden Titten hindurch gleitet mein Blick an mir hinunter. Wirkhch, ”sie” ist wie eine halboffene Blume im Morgentau. Und mitten балл die pralie Knospe. Mem Finger spOrt, wie es ungedul-dig zuckt darm. Sie will gestreichelt und gerubbelt werden. diese nim-mersatte Knospe. Von mir?
Da, was fur erne Freude! John? Mem Geliebter. . .
HeiBer Korper in kuhler Luft. Da stehen die Spitzen der Bruste stramm. Wie rosa Raketen vor dem AbschuB.
Alone in my garden, my pussy is steaming in the cool air. hot as a burning ember between my lush thighs. I gaze down past my thrusting tits, tilting my crotch up. My cuntlips are unfurled like the petals of a fleshy blossom, streaked with dew. My lovebud stand out like a little log in a swamp, throbbing for attention. I know that I'll have to rub myself off - and then, to my joy, John arrives.
My tit tips are vibrant, like little pink rockets ready to be launched. They explode in his hungry lips.
тюттетеш ..
Semen Slander hat er freigelegt. Und ihn mir gereicht. w»e erne Amme ihre Brest dem Kind. Mein Gott, ist der w-eder hart. Ich ruhre ihn an - und er vibnert wie d»e reinste Stimmgabei.
Jetzt fahrt sen Schwengel m d*e schleimige Schlucht so wie das gluhende Eisen beim Schmied in den Abschreckbottch. Aah, wie das zischt und bfodeit' Es reiflt mir formlich die unteren Gefilde weg, wie er da so uber den Kitzler fetzt.
His huge prick is so taut it is humming like a tuning fork as I nurse on his cockhead, slobbering down his stalk. I’m whimpering hungrily as I savour his succulent cockmeat.
Hts cock hisses up my flooded canyon like a crowbar dipped into a blacksmith's tub. filling my cunt to the core. It levers my ass up as he plunges in over the fulcrum of my clit.
Jene" Lrppen hat er mt "d»esen" vertauscht. Er stopft mir wahrhahtg die Kehkj zu. Mene Upper legen s»ch um dieses kostbare Stuck, damit m«r nur ja nichts entgeht. Emfach Zucker. diesor Zucker.
He fucks my mouth just as it it were a cunt, his massive knob clogging my throat My lips turn outwards as I suck through every precious inch, adoring his cockmeat and yearning for his joyjuice.
He damps his lips to my fuckslot like a suction cup to a dram and his nimble tongue flails in my hot hole. When he spreads my cunthps open the inner folds are lathered with cream.
Und seine Lippen. Die hegen weit ausgebreitet auf memem schleimigen Schlitz. als wollten sie mir das Innerste nach auBen saugen. Herriich. herrhch. wie seme Zunge wirbelt!
Wie ef stoBt und orgeit und sich mir entge-genwirft. So will ich ihn ha ben, ihn aussagen und vergfuhen lessen. Er schuttet sich aus. Fullt mil seinem phallischen Feuer meme fi-delen Fallen. Und als der erste Ansturm vo-ruber ist. grapsche ich gieng nach seinem glitschigen Gehange.
His sweet pnck fills me to the bim and my cunt is sucking on him like a mouth. His cockhead feels like a slab of molten iron deep in my twat and his hard rod throbs and thunders as he pours the pnck to me. shovelling the phallic fuel to my fiery furnace. I finger his slippery stalk as it pulls out. drenched with my lovejuice.
Mein Saft von semem Steifen.
Wie soil ich all das schlucken. was er an much verschleudert?!
Ha? Wie das warmt? Wie etn Cognac an rauhen Tagen.
Cum seeps from his pisshole and slathers his knob. I ike whipped cream on a fat, purple plum. His cum warms my belly like a fine cognac as he fils me with thejism of joy.
I considered the situation and visited the local sex shop, where I told the owner, a handsome young man, namedNick. that I required a dildo, blushng modestly as I noticed the gleam that came into his eyes. A great many rubber dongs
I’m writing you because I feel I must tell someone of a recent experience I had, but dare not confide in anyone who knows my husband. John and I both enjoy your magazine, usually together in bed, so if you should chose to publish this, please do not use my name.
Some weeks ago. John had to go out of town for a business conference. Since we both need frequent sex - atleast twice a day. first thing m the morning when, still groggy from sleep, it has a dreamlike quality, and last thing at night, fucking each other into an exhausted slumber - we knew it would be a frustrating period for us, if we remained faithful. I managed to last two days without sex. but by then my pussy was smouldering. I was so hot that when I fngged myself I thought my fingers would blister. Nor was a handjob enough to satisfy me.
were on display on the shelves and as I asmired them, I could feel Nick’s gaze burning into my big jugs and valentine shaped ass. I selected a huge rubber prick, realistically contoured, with a mushroom shaped knob and thick veins seaming the underside of the stalk and a cleft in the tip.
There were leather straps attached to the hilt, so that a girl could harness it to her haunches and fuck another girl - an interesting prospect. I
held it up.judging it for size and shape. Then, on a sudden naughty impulse, I licked at the knob and sucked it into my mouth. I heard Nick gasp and his arousal turned me on. as I played the cockteaser. The leather harness alid overmy boobs as I pushed the phallic tool into my mouth, drenching it with saliva. Glancing impishly at Nick, I asked if it was permissable to try the dildo out for size? His eyes bulged out like two hard borled eggs and his jawdropped open so wide that he seemed to be gnawing at his breast. ”Of
course,” he said. He moved to the door, drew the shade and turned the lock. I was trembling with excitement at the thought of having this handsome young stud watch me fuck myself. I drew my akin above my hips and slipped my fingers under the elastic of my tiny bikini panties, tugging them down and squirming from them. I was wearing black suspenders and net stockings and knew that my bushy twat. framed by the elastic, looked like a juicy missile slung in a cata-pault. When I tossedthe panties aside, they fluttered to the floor like a butterfly with damp wings, the crotchband sodden with my pussy juice. Resting my ass on the edge of the counter. I parted my thighs and let Nick gaze longingly al my cunt.
My cuntiips were unfurled like the petals of a fleshy flower and the dark inner folds were streaked with cream. A trickle ran down my thigh. My whole crotch was lathered nd juice was seeping into the tight crack of my ass as I lilted my loins upwards.
I fitted the head of the rubber cock into my snatch and slowly worked it. inch by inch, up my fuckhole. I held the full penetration for a few moments, savoring the pleasure of being stuffed to the core by that hard rubber dong. Then I began to shove it in and out. The leather harness slithered up my thighs as I buried the rod tothe hilt and wngled upon it. It came out slowly, almost turning my lovebox inside out as my cunt-lips distended on the retreating rod. The dildo
was drenched with pussy nectar and. on a sudden whim, I pulled it from my groin and brought it to my lips agam. Nick groaned as he saw me lap up my own cunt cream from the риск. I began to alternate between mouth and cunt. The rubber tool went into my fuckhole slathered with slobber. then into my mouth soaking with cuntjuice.
Aus der Kamera von John Spitz. GroBbrltannien, stammen dlese Fotos. Schick, Nicht wahr? Das fanden wir auch - und haben sie abgedruckt.
Das konnen Sie auch!
Zumindest versuchen. Wenn Sie GlOck haben, sind Sie In PRIVATE dabei. BLENDE AUF!
These pictures were sent to us by John Spitz in United Kingdom, and as we found his ambition and talent most encouraging we have published his material.
You can also try!
Send us your material. It might be published. GOOD LUCK!
S-104 62 STOCKHOLM Sweden

.Mlle BAISER. Eine der Faszinierendsten Gestalten der Sexszene schreibt:
Liebe Madame Baiser,
Meinen ersten Auftritt in PRIVATE dart ich mir als schbnen Ertolg enrechnen. Die Leser schickten schmeichelhafte Briefe, und der Herausgeber bot mir eine standige Kolumne an. Auch in Zu kun ft freue ich mich uber Ihre vertrauensvol-len Zuschriften. Q
zum Gluck bringe ich die Kraft auf, Ihnen zu schreiben.
Dave, meinen Derzeitigen, kenne ich seit drei Monaten. Er ist ein sympathischer Typ, 23 Jahre alt, Schauspieler, mit emem tadellosen musku-losen Korper... Ich selbst bin ehemalige Arzt-Frau und im-merhin schon 45. Viele halten Dave fur meinen Sohn. Jung wie er ist, braucht er mich sehr.
Im Bett ist er das reinste Energiebundel. Vogett mich zujederTages- und Nachtze-it. Ich weiB, einer der so unter Druck steht. braucht ein “Ventil”, eine jederzeit bere-ite Mose. Fur ihn bin ich im-mer warm und willig, wie es so schon heiBt in den Maga-zinen. DaB ich auBerdem in ihn verliebt bin und alles tue, ihn in gldcklicher Stimmung und in meinem Bett zu halten, brauche ich wohl kaum zu sagen.
Nun aber zu meinem Pro
blem. Eine Bekannte von mir, mit viel Geld und noch mehr Beziehungen zum Film, laBt unverblOmt bei Dave durch-blicken, wie sehr sie auf ihn erpicht ist. Ihn ins Bett zu kriegen. sein “Ding” im wahrsten Sinne zu “besit-zen”, ist ihr einziger und hdchster Wunsch.
Vor drei Tagen beichtete mit Dave, welchen Koder sie ihm hingeworfen hat: Einen Flug nach New York, urn ihn einem Filmagenten vorzus-tellen. Und Dave hat ange-bissen.
Ehe Dave mit diesem An-sinnen herausruckte, hatte er mich stundenlang begliickt. Nach achtzehn Orgasmen war ich vdllig ausgepumpt. Doch er. er konnte kein Ende finden, wurde ruppig und wollte mich von hinten ha-ben. Nun gut, wenn’s der Liebe dient dachte, und biB die Zahne zusammen.
Und dann kam der Hammer. Nicht bloB das mit der Amerikareise und dem Filmmanager, sondern auch, daB diese Frau - meine Freundin (!) - es immerhin gem von hinten hatte.
Das letzte Wort in der Sac-he hat Dave dann aber mir uberlassen. Wenn ich nicht wolle, dann wurde er absa-gen. Das glaube ich ihm so-gar. Aber ich bin sicher, ver-zeihen tut er es mir nicht.
Und wenn ich einwillige? Dann schwirren beide nach New York ab, und sie wird nichts unversucht lassen, ihn
mit Liebeskunsten auf ihre Seite zu ziehen. Mir bliebe dann nur noch ein ausge-laugter Scheingeliebter.
Was also tun? Ihn mit me-iner lockeren Freundin ziehen lassen auf die Gefahr hin, ihn zu verlieren. Oder ihn zum Bleiben bewegen und nach Kraften seine Karriere fordem?
Claudia Marbella
Liebe Claudia,
Jungstars ist es auBerordent-lich urn ihr Aussehen zu tun. Wenn Sie ihm den Trip nach New York ausreden, konnte es gut sein. daB er es Ihnen, wie Sie selbst sagen, nie ver-zeiht. Auch deswegen kann er auf- und davogehen.
Lassen Sie ihn aber mit den besten und uberzeugend ernst gemeinten Wiinschen fur eine Oscar-reife Rolle ziehen - gut, dann tut er es eben. Er wird es sogar heftig mit seiner Gonnerin treiben.. . bis er dahinter kommt. wo-rauf sie aus war. Machen Sie gute Miene zum (halb so) bd-sen Spiel und geben Sie ihm zu verstehen, daB er weiB Gott nicht der einzige ist.
VergieBen Sie bloB keine Tranen, wenn er druben ist. Fur eine Frau wie Sie finden sich Liebhaber in Mengen. Und nicht von den ubelsten.
Ihr Mlle Baiser
в 40
Mlle BAISER. One of the most interesting and exciting Sex Performers ever, says:
Dear Madame Baiser
Thank God I am able to write to you regarding my problem. I read PRIVATE all the time, my ex-lover has a subscription. It is a fantastic magazine and really a great help to those of us who are having sexual problems.
Dave and I have known each other for three months. He’s a very handsome and muscular 23 year old actor... I’m a 45 years old doctor’s ex-wife. Many people assume Dave is my son. This young man really needs me. which is the real reason why I am with him.
In bed he is very energetic. I get fucked morning, afternoon and night. I realise that he is a sexy young man and needs an outlet, a willing cunt that is there when he needs it.
z Since my appearance in PRIVATE no. 42 and 44.
The Editor and the Company have very kindly asked me if I would consent to answer some letters in future PRIVATE. Q
I am so glad it’s mine. Thank God I’m always ready for him, wet and willing as they say in all the sex magazines. Needless to say I am very much in love with him and I’ll do anything to keep him happy and in my bed.
The problem is that a rich friend of mine who has a lot of film contacts, makes no secret of the fact she wants to get him in bed ... I know that’s all she wants.. She has no interest in him other than sitting on his big cock.
Three days ago Dave told me she had offered to take him to New York and introduce him to a film agent. He believes her, I don’t. She has never mentioned this to me..
Before he told me, he screwed me for three hours. I had eighteen orgasms and was absolutely exhausted. Finally he became very aggressive and rough and demanded anal intercourse, which was very painful, but that’s what he wanted, and I’ll do anything to make him happy.
Afterwards, he told me about my friend’s offer of a free trip to New York and casually mentioned that she loved being fucked up the ass.
He has left the decision about the trip to America up to me. If I say no. he won’t go with her, but I’m sure he’ll hate me ...
If I say yes. I know my friend will do everything she can to satisfy his sexual demands and coax him to move in with her when they get back, leaving me a very distraught ex-lover.
What should I do? Allow him to go to New York with this scheming old bitch and risk losing him. or ask him to stay with me promising to do all I can to help his career
Claudia Marbella
Dear Claudia
Young actors are usually more aware of their good looks than the average young man. They are often conceited and know how to grab opportunities. If you forbid Dave this trip to New York, he will surely hate you ... he might even go anyway.
If you say it’s alright for him to go, wish him good luck and give an Oscar winning performance in acting, convincing him you mean it... he will go. He will no doubt have sex with your friend, but he will soon realise what she is after. You’ll have to put on a brave front and tell yourself he’s not the only fish in the sea... and while he is gone, don’t stay in and cry... go out and look for another lover . . . there are plenty of sexy young men around looking for women like you.
Madame Baiser
Dear reader
By studying sales figures on various markets, I can'! see anything out that the so-called classical men’s magazmes like Playboy, Penthouse. Hustler etc. are going down slowly, but with an unmistakable trend or tendency. They are followed also by the cheaper weekly magazines. No wonder as they have improved not very much and been published an the same for decades. Taking into the consideration also the thousands of questionnaires from Private no. 62 which were sent to us and for which I *m very grateful wich told that the low quality sex magazines are disappearing one after another. That proves in my opinion, that readers of erotic material world-wide more and more appreciate quality skilled and tastefully published holography. Following now the intentions, wishes and ideas from those questionnaires which I respectfully have been studying over and over again, I can promise you. reader, that wo on Private now are working harder than ever and with a really generous budget. (thanks to you reader), using to the very outmost our skill and know-how about what we think is a top-dass erotic magazine. You will already from the next issue, number 73 of Private, see things like the classical stones of Grand Canyon. San Franslsco. the Swedish king's residence Drottnmgholm. the story from number 20 etc., etc., with the only difference that we are coming now with bigger, better and more exciting stones. It’s my definite opinion. and I should be very surprised incase I’m wrong, if any of our readers in the future will say anything but that Private is still the best sex magazine, only with the difference that it is even better than ever. Thank you.
Miltons Meinung
Auflagenziffem sind kein Geheimnis. auch fur meh nicht. Wenn ich rrw ansehe, wo es mit den sogenann-ten kiasstschen Herren-Magazinen wie Playboy. Penthouse Oder Hustler langgeht. bloibt mir eins bestimmt nicht verborgen Die Blatter segeki - langsam zwat. aber unverkennbar - im Abwind Und die bHfiger au-fgemachten Wochenschf iften des gtotchen Genres se-geln mH. Was Wunder? Sie erscheinon sett Jahrzehn-ten. und geanded hat sich wen»g. Jedenfails kaum zum Besse'en.
Dio Tausende von Antworten (ein neiziches Dan-keschdn an Siel). die auf unseren Fragebogen in PRIVATE 62 eingingen. sprechen cine deutliche Sprache: B«llig-M.agazine kommen und gehen vor aKem wieder. Das bestarkt mich in meiner Auttassung. daB Leser erolischer Publikatonen wettweit und zunehmend eines schatzen: Gekonnt und geschmackvofi aufge-machte EROTOGRAFIE. Kurz: Quahtat.
Von den Anregungen. Wunschen und gutgemeinten Kritikon. d»e ich aus Ihren Antwoden herausgeiesen habe und immer noch mit Aufmerksamkert herausleso. i$t marches schon verwirklicht. aber nlchts vergessen.
Ich versichere Ihnen. meme Leser, daB wir bei PRIVATE mehr noch ais bisher unsere Kratt und Kreativttat anspannen und mrt emem dank Ihnen runden Budget «n. wic wir hoffen. Erot»k-Magazin dor Spitzenkiasse machen.
Von dec nachsten Ausgabe an - PRIVATE Nr. 73 -lassen wir auch einige unseren klassischen Stones Revue passieren: das Panorama des Grand Canyon, das sonmge San Francisco. Drottnmgholm - die schwedische Kbmgsresidenz (aus Nr. 20)... und was sonst noch unser Archiv hergibt.
Dazu, und das ist def Unterschied, neue Biidge-schichten, die das. was basher war. sicher m den Schatten steiien.
Unsere Leser werden heute und kunftig mrt mir einig gehen: PRIVATE bieibt PRIVATE. Und wenn dem nicht so ist. dann deshaJb. weii es s»ch seibst noch uberirof-fen hat. Es wurde mich wundem. wenn ich mich aetrri hatte.
Ihr Milton
The sensations and the thrill of being watchedd-rove me wild and I began to fuck myself frantically. The dildo hissed up my slot and I was so hot I was afraid the hard rubber might melt inside my lovebox.
Soon I began to cream deliciously. My pussy melted around therod like a wax candle around a flaming wick. Waves of joy shot across my bely and coursed like an electric current up my trembling thighs. When the final spasm shook me. I closed my eyes and sprawled back on the counter, panting and smiling dreamily, with my lips all frothy with my juices. When I looked again. I was startled to seethat Nick had picked up my discarded panties and was hungrily tongumg the sodden crotchband, lapping up my overflow. He was desperate; my naughty exhibition had driven him crazy and the front of his trousers stood out in bas relief. I was responsible for his condition and. not being a cockteaser at heart, felt obligated to relieve him. Yet I didn't wish to cuckold my husband. With the dildo still stuck up my cunt, I motioned for Nick to come closer andhe did so. moving awkwardly, as if thrown off balance by the weight of his swollen cock and stepping bowleggedaround hts balls.
He stood in front of me and I reached out to open his fly. His stiff prick jumped out like a rocket’ I gazed at his meatrack in admiration for a moment. His purple knob was smoking hot and flared out from his thick stalk like the head of a hooded cobra, it was so long he might have used it to polevault! I touched him with my fingertips and found that his prick was so taut that it was humming like a tuning fork. I told him that he couldn't fuck me. as I was true to my husband, and a look of despaar clouded his face. But then I smiled and leaned down, laving the hed of his cock with my tongue. My tastebuds sparked and tingled on his delicious slab. A dribble of preliminary spunk oozed from his cleft and I lapped it up greedily, whetting my appetite for his full load. Cupping his scumbags in my hand. I lifted, as if weighing his heavy load. I squeezed gently and
was thrilled to feel his jism slosh inside the bloated sacs. Then, hungry for his cum, I kissed the slimy tip of his knob and let my lips slowly part, feeding the succulent meat into my mouth. I nursed on his cockhead, then began to bob up and down as if I were ducking for apples in a barrel, gorging on his sweet meat. I took it all. my nose nestling in his wiry pubic hair and my chin brushing his bails as my lips collared the root of his rod nd his throbbing cockhead clogged my gullet. Nick began to shudder at once and I felt his balls explode and his stalk pulsate. Suddenly my mouth was full of cum. It spurted out, skimming over my tongue and pouring down my throat. I sucked and swallowed, swallowed and sucked, as if trying to inhale him right down into my lungs. His cum was as hot and thick as melted lead and I adored it. milking him bone dry and drinking his joyjuice hungrily. Cum overflowed my lips and ran downboth sides of my chin. When he finally stopped squirting, I used my tongue to gather up the overflow, lapping him to a lustre, and letting him see his jism streaking my tongue. He told me that I didn't have to pay for the dildo, whick made me feel delightfully whoosh, and when I left I still had the tool jammed up my twat and, hidden under my skirt, had another orgasm on the bus going home.
When John returned from his trip he asked me if I had been faithful and I replied, with perfect honesty, that I had not been fucked while he was away. Then I told him I’d had a little help and showed him my well used rubber dong. John laughed, pleased by my clever method of remaining true to him and eager to watch me use the rubber prick on myself. But. of course, I couldn’t tell him the dildo was free - nor why.
Hildegard Muller West Germany
62 Stockholm, SWEDEN
г reader! Do continue to eend us material, face/cunt, for our successful contest. When published, you will be awarded $250.
Frauen- und Fotofreunde. Schicken Sie uns Mdse- und Gesichtsfotos. Jeder von uns benutzte Doppelfoto, hono-rieren wir mit $250.
ASTRID SVENSSON , 21, loves her pets, two dogs and a cat and a canary. But she has also many other interests and amongst them of course men.
19, dreaming about a career as an
actress. And have already played some small parts in television series. Now
seriously I love to seduce men and then see what happens.
RITA DARDELL, 23. Works as a nurse because "Hike to take care of people, to help them and do something for them. I like people, all kinds of people, young or old and I’ll do anything for them”.
LAURA MORENO, born 22 years ago in Kassel, now living in Los Angeles, prefession secretary and works for a director of the J.R. Type. She admits without hesitation that she has been his mistress
since two years.
EILEEN HEATH , 21, left school very early because she found it much more interesting and exciting to meet men, and learn from them.
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I ch bin Fachlehrerin fur Kurzschrift, auf Geri-chtsprotokolle speziali-siert und bringe meinen Schulern das Schreiben auf der Stenografierma-schine bei.
Selbst 38 Jahre alt, bin ich seit zwei Jahren mit einem 15 Jahre alteren Herrn verehelicht. Das hatte sich so ergeben: Er hat was an den FuBen, wie man bei uns in der Dornstadt sagt, und ich habe meine Rundungen, die ihn enorm reizten. Unser In-timleben findet eigentlich nur zu seinem Vergnugen statt, fur mich ist es, offen getanden, belanglos.
Wenn da nicht mein SchOler ware. Vor zwei Monaten kam er und mel-dete sich an. Zum Unter-richt aber erschien er nicht. Der war ihm wohl zu teuer. Ich konnte ihn nicht vergessen. Kurz en-tschlossen suchte ich mir seine Telefonnummer aus der Anmeldung und rief ihn an. Ich bot ihm an, er kbn-ne schwarz am Unterricht teilnehmen. Er sagte zu.
Kaum war eine Woche urn, waren wir zusammen im Bett gelandet. Jetzt
oder nie, ich muBte ihn ha-ben. Er war da, wohin ich ihn haben wollte. Ein jung-er, unschuldiger Bursche, der vor Saft und Kraft nur so strotzt und von dem man ahnt, daB er nie und nimmer genug kriegt.
Er hat mich, wenn ich’s mal so sagen darf, wund-gefickt. Mit ungebroche-ner Kraft und niemals wel-kem Stander sorgt er unentwegt fur meine be-friedigung. Dabei have ich mich nebenher auch noch um meinen Herrn Gemahl und seine zum Gluck et-was bescheideneren Be-durfnisse zu kummern. Wie soil ich es nur anstel-len, beide auseinander und jeden bei Laune zu halten?
In den ersten Wochen habe ich mir eingebildet, zu seinem jugendlichen Dauersteher konnte ich ganz einfach niemals NEIN sagen. Jetzt ist mir klar, daB ich da wahrhaft zu hoch gegriffen habe. Wo um alles in der Welt nimmt mein ’’Schnellschreiber” nur seine Ausdauer her? Wenn doch nur die rechte Freundin zur Stelle ware, damit ich mir mal eine schopferische Pause gon-
nen konnte!
Meinem Mann gelustet es einmal die Woche nach mir. Das aber widert mich ganz und gar an. So halte ich mich denn lieber an meinen unersattlichen Lehrling. Denn mit dem Gedanken, sein Steifer konnte mal nicht mehr so herrlich verwerflich in mir herumstochern, mag ich mich, so wie’s mir heute geht, nicht befreunden. Ich lasse mich in die Polster zurucksinken, ziehe die Beine hoch und lasse ihn eindringen, bis im Dorn die Glocken lauten ... Gelobt sei der Herr, daB er mich mit einem solchen Sunder segnet!
Nur... so zwanzig Jahre junger wollt* ich schon sein!
Mein Herr und unwis-sender Gebieter kommt auch nicht zu kurz: Unser Eheleben, meint er alien Ernstes, habe sich gebes-sert. Da mag er richtig liegen. Walzt er sich auf mich, druck’ ich die Augen zu. Und seh’ meinen jung-en Hengst vor mir.
Und welcher von Ihnen, meine Damen, geht’s ebenso?Maria
I am a 38 year old teacher, I specialize in court reporting, teaching my pupils how to operate a shorthand machine.
I married my husband two years ago. He is fifteen years older than me. I married him because he was rich and very interested in my big tits. Our nights in bed are really for his enjoyment . . . it’s not often I have an orgasm with my husband ... in fact sex with him is boring.
Two months ago I had a young male pupil apply for lessons. They were too expensive for him and I was very disappointed when he didn’t attend the classes.
His name and address were on the application form. I took a chance and phoned him He just could not afford the fee. I persuaded him to come into the classes and not bother to register. He agreed.
As each day went by I became more and more enamoured by his good looks, his modesty and his desire to succeed.
A week later he and I were laying on my bed. He had a hard on, I was yearning to feel it inside me. Supposedly we were discussing the lesson, but neither one of us intended to discuss school. After much coaxing on my part, he finally crawled on top of me and I eventually experienced the joyous feeling of a young, innocent stud entering my loins. The energetic youth that cannot get enough.
Six weeks later, I find my cunt red raw, well fucked and overly satisfied and I have a young student with a constant erection always banging on my bedroom door with an oversize penis, constantly erect and eager to please, plus a husband who also needed sex.
How could I keep them apart and both sexually satisfied?
I always thought I could accomodate a young stud. I thought my ever-eager cont would never say NO to an erect young prick, but it’s not true. Was it possible that a young eighteen year od could get a hard on five and six times a day and want to fuck for an hour or more each time?
Right now I have a very sore and very satisfied cunt. Today I have been fucked three times for more than an hour each time. I slurp when I walk, his cum runs out of me and I daren’t walk in the nude in case he gets another hard--on. I am hoping a female friend will move in and help me satisfy this young stud. My husband still fucks me once a week, but I hate it. God knows what I will do when the day arrives and my young student’s hard on is not waiting to penetrate me... until then, I'll lay back, raise my legs and allow him to enter me as often as he wants to and I’ll thank the Lord for young energetic studs ... I just wish I was twenty years younger...
My husband thinks his sex life with me has improved. It’s only because I lay back and envisage my young student on top, fucking me.
How many of your female readers have had this problem with youthful lovers?
Maria {Cologne}
This nut was grown in the Seychelles outside the coast of Africa. The shape is no exception, they all look about the same and this is the female nut.
sin a way growing
The male part of the plant has the form of a penis. They are < only one place in this world, the Seychelles, no wonder it is called the Garden of Eden. Art of nature.....
W ie mir meine beiden spanischen Ve-ehrer den Hof machen. Wie sie fdrmlich iebedienern. Ich mufl sagen. ich fuhle nich geschmeichelt. Zwei auf einmal, ias ist heute das erste Mai. Ich zittere vor reudiger Erwartung, wie sie mich durch >pan»ens wollustig duttenden Fruhling in hre verschwiegene Liebeslaube fuhren.
[ know they yeam for me, my two Spanish admirers, and I am intimidated, yet ntrigued. I have never been with two men it once before and I tremble with both repidation and expectation as they lead ne to their villa through the fragrant Spa-lish spring.
Ein Toast in oer Uebeslaube. Bewundernde Bhcke aus funkelnden Augen hinter funkeln-den Glasern. Wein floften ste mir. denken abet tangst an noch viei siiffigere Getranke Geluste stecken an. Immer. Begehrt werden macht begehriich. Schwule Hitze rings um uns und m uns. Hitze. in der meme Hem-mungen dahinschmelzen.
Under a sun dappled arbour, they toast me. gazing over the hms of their glasses m adoration. Their dark eyes flash. It is obvious they tong to fill me with sweeter fluids than wine. Their desire enf lames my own. to bo wanted makes me want. Every nerve tmgles through the fabric of my body and my inhibitions melt in the heat of my desire.
Schmeichelnde. zarthche Hande offnen mich. teilen meh. Die Nerven spannen sich. Kdrperdunste steigen hoch. Was leer ist. will gefulit warden. Ich neige mich ihnen zu. mal dem einen. mal dem anderen Vex Neid und MiBgunst keine Spur. Ich schwebe zwtschen ihnen wie die wattigen Wolken uber unserer lauschigen Laube.
They caress me. fondle me. share me. My nipples are explosive, my pussy a steaming grotto, a void abhorred by my nature and yearning to be filled. I turn from one to the other, engulfing them. There eno jealousy. I am buffeted between them, floating like the fleecy clouds above the leafy bower.
Der Reihe nach nehmen sie mich FuBen mich an b«s obenhm. Und wenn sie mal ablassen fur erne We**e. recken sich ihre Slander in die laue Luft Und tnefen von meinen Saften. Ich schieie ve<stohien nach ihren pra’ien Schwanzspitzen. W»e de Kuppeln von Turmen. phantasiere ich.
They take me in turn, filling me to the brim. As they withdraw, their meat steams in the air. drenched with my juices. Their cockheads glow like the beacon a top a lighthouse, warning of the rocky shoals below.
Er "rankt" an mir wie die Rose am Rundbogen. DAHIN habe ich boi mir noch kemen vordnngen lessen. Zoll um Zoll wurgen sich m diesen jungfraulichen Eingang htnetn. Und ich wiirge wacker mlt. Wio erne reife Frucht fiihle ich mich zerteilt. Oder schwimmt er hinein auf dem Meer von Schleim. das schon uber mich hmweggespuit ist? ich hore mich selbst laut aufwinseln, ais sich setn scharter Strahl in mich ergieBt.
Und dann zieht er zuruck. So wie Keltrenkonig Artus se»n Schwert Excaitbur aus dem Stein.
He is mounted on my haunches like a gaygoyle clinging to a flying buttress. No man has been there before but he is gentle, vanishing inch by meh into my virgin passage. His massive reamer cores me like an apple, so deep I feel me must be unravelling the coils of my guts, yet my tight tunnel sucks him deeper, as if I am digesting his meat m reverse. I wonder if his pounding knob is floating in the slimy sea I have already swallowed. adnft m my cum-filled belly? I whimper as I feel his hot spurt and he draws his cock from my butt like King Arthur extracting Excahbre form the stone.
Zum SchluB ein greifes Crescendo rau-schender Kaskaden. Sie lessen los. was noch in ihnen ist. Mem Gesich reckt sich ihnen entgegen. mit weit offenem Mund. WeiBe "Regen"-Wolken ziehen uber rmch hinweg. Wolke. die mich <n den Himmel tragen.
I suck and swallow, swallow and suck, transported to joy. in cascades and torrents. the> release their sweet seed into my open mouth as, above my upturned face. I see the sperm--firm white clouds drift across the sky and. gazing at the heavens, feel I am m heaven, myself.
We offer you six issues or any combination of PRIVATE satisfaction. Choose your six from any back and/or forthcoming issues always sent under plain cover.
Be sure to get your copy of PRIVATE.
Subscription rales for 6 issues incl. postage for surface mail:
Europe £35 / DM 100 FF 300	America USS 75
Asia Yen25.000 'USS75	Africa USS75
Australia USS 75
You reader, you are important to us. It is for you we are making PRIVATE. We are always open to new ideas in the field of Erotography.
Talented amateurs or professional photographers, let us see your work. If you’re good, you have your chance in our new column: “Amateurs opportunity.”
We want erotic illustrations. cartoons, photographs of paintings or sculptures. Write for an appointment to show your portfolio or send us copies of your best work.
We are particularly interested in Erotic and sexy ideas. Any well written material will be considered. Send copies (non returnable) please.
Share your wildest daydreams and erotic fantasies with your fellow PRIVATE readers.
Give us your opinions about PRIVATE, sex, taboos, hypocracy and whatever else interests you or outrages you in the way of sex.
We will pay our regular fees for anything we publish. Return postage must accompany all submitted material if it is to be returned. Send all letters to: PRIVATE PRESS AB. BOX170 79 STOCKHOLM 17, SWEDEN.
J0V0U5 JEAtlfflflE
Na, willst Du mal oin sathges Sdzfle-sch sohen? Einen nchtig bombigen Bu-sen’ Da bisl Du bet mir grade an de* nchigen.
If you hke big firm arse and nice swinging boobs you are going to adore me. Weil, I’m nothing of the slim youngish looking girlish type, as you can see. I’m a mature woman and I'm proud of that.
I'm well aware of the fact that not all men like my type of woman but those who are doing it I’m a capable to give incredible satisfaction
Dio emen mbgen die Molhgen. die ande-ren mogen ste nicht. Klar. Wem sagst Du das? Ja, aber Dif, dem Fan des toll»-gen Fleisches. Dir bring >ch den Himmel aul Erdon.
Zum Vollweib wie mir gebort nun mal Vollformat. Ich weiB das aus Erfahrung. Glaubt mir.
My waist and my full-sized loins always create a good effect. Believe me, I have the experience.
Of course, it <s not only a question of Manchmal macht's auch die Masse, quantity, it’s also a question of quai-ty, Qualitftt durch Quantitat. Attraktiv, well activity and attractivity. Do you find me aktiv. Find'st Du nicht auch?	attractive?
Junge Unbedartte. die wfiren vielleicht entsetzt. so wie ich drauf scharf bin. ти die T itten vollspr itzen zu lassen. Und s»e werden sehen. m.t welcher Begeiste-rung die Manner draufhalten.
I should believe a young girl is fully surprised why my lovers loved to spunk over my tits. Now you know the secret. Of course they want my cunt, my mouth, arse, everything of me but quite a few prefer to spunk over my tits.
Siehst Du dean mcht. wie wilbg ich schon warte? Du mags! doch' Dann mach...
And whenever you want to come I’m always willing and ready for it. Make your choice, but make it now. and come......
-r^	--- •
Marianne: “Es hatte alles ganz harmlos begonnen. Fur em. zwei Tage wolite ich auf Foto-Safan m die mexikani-sche Emode. Doch dann wurde die Tour zum Horror-Trip. Ich kam vom Weg ab. Fand nicht mehr zuriick. Und war bald dem Verdursten nahe, Ich wolite fast schon aufgeben, da fanden mich zwei Mexikaner.
Gerettet’ Sie entdeckten eine Quelle, die uns das Leben wieder gab. Wie aber solite ich's ihnen vergeiten? Ich hatte ja nichts als mich selbst. Das aber gab ich dann ruckhaltlos hin. Sie werden es sehen.
Marianne. The whole thing started just like another day, when I used to go out for a small photo safari just for a day or two. I got lost, but I was fortuned enough to meet two Mexican peons, when I was ready to give up. They saved my life. They found a well whch saved all the three of us. and what could I give them in return? The only thing I had was just me, but I gave them the whole of me, absolutely everything. You will see.
NAME:	---------------------------------------
BUST: "Wf WAIST HIPS 331 HEIGHT Ч.Я WEIGHT /0?______________________
TURN-ONS: /'Ы к''”!#	ЛлП	_________________
HOBBIES:	<^-CT/f£S S/MP	_____________________
BEST BOOKS:	--------------------------
BEST COLOURS:	'kfrf’irF_Sf/vQ /ЭРлУК-------------------
BEAUTY:______/fa AysfOS	-----------------------
AMBITIONS:	~7q___/?	---------------------
DRINKING HABITS: И^О?Г/<дг*&кху £_____&JS5 Qf	----------
PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES. ~7o___-----------------------------------------
SEXY EVENING:	-------------------
PROUDEST ASSETS: Z^r	--------------------
SEXIESTOUTFIT:	ZV%Z <^<з 4*£77~ A""^7 АПА£^----------
SELF ALTERATIONS:____Z^X___'JfJAsSSS-----------------------
BEST SEX TECHNIQUE:	zA Z~ VO ~Г£к&-7	'Г/У£	-------
MASTURBATION-	FZ ^/V£-----------------------------
FANTASIF-S:	M _______6 "&	-----------

Den lieben langen Tag in der Sonne goaait. Stundeniang gefaulenzt, Ab und zu emen Drink zu Erfnschung. Und emen Schmoker dazu. Was will man mehr?
Ach ja naturlich! Em biBchen was fur die Geiiheit. wenn die einen uberkommt Aber, woher nehmen? Aut em Geschenk des H«m-mets warten?
A lazy day in the sun. hours and hours of resting, a drink and some good reading material. What can one more wish for?
Oh yes. I forgot to tell you that I felt randy and started to masturbate and what happens?

Wie die Passion, so die Positioned Und die Jungens. die egten los' In vollen Zugen und zu alier Vergrugen
My passion created the positions and they were both very much agreeable and capable which is important. I let them twist and turn me up to their own choice, not mine

Ich bin die Super-Erfahrene. die mit ailem Sperma... pardon: Wassern’... Gewasche-ne. Denkste’ Meme Sportfreunde zogen die Schau ab - unglaublich, aber sagenhaft.
I thought myself that I had experience from everything, and I have, I know, but this, oh my God. the way they were treating me I couldn't believe it. but it was wonderful, absolutely marvellous.

Spielen ist schon. Orgasmus ist besser1 Fur alle. die mitmachen. Zwei stammige Dinger wuhlten m mir. Und ich spurte: Gleicb ist was los!
All right, it’s nice to play, but isn’t the orgasm the peak of everything, at least for me. and no doubt about it also for these guys. I felt two cocks trobbmg and I knew that they were on their way.
Es лаг was los! Und as ging was lost Ur. beschreibhch. was da ruberkam Alles alles woltte ich abbekdmmen. An mir ant mir, »n mir...
And they came, and they came, oh Christ. I couldn’t believe how much they had to give and. ol course, willingly I took it all. all over me. over my tace. m my mouth, everywhere
I shouldn’t say I gave it all to them, they took it. but I loved it. They are Wellcome back at any time, and not only them, maybe even you next lime...
Und was habe ich gegeben? Kommt drauf an . . Genommen haben sie’s sich. Und mir war’s recht Wenn sie’s doch nur bald wiedef taten!