Автор: Milton  

Теги: color magazine  

Год: 1985

                    THE WORLD'S BIGGEST	73
Moral 4
Tantalizing Terry 7
Man and woman i3 (ln(er}Continental twosome
PRIVATE profile_______________________	— Vw
Gibraltar orgy 31
PRIVATE POST-__________________________________50
R happened to me 52
Readers Request: Karen from P 50 53
Cunt Contest Continues 58
Your PRIVATE girl 64
Mlle Baiser 66
Subscription 68
PRIVATE model 69
Amateur photographers chance___________________73
Bashful Brenda_________________________________80
Presentation of PRIVATE 74 98
Safari Seduction 100
We at Private wish to promote a more liberal attitude towarc sex, and a better understanding of al sexual Inclinations. VS believe that sex Is both natural and enjoyable, and therefore la most definitely wrong to attempt to hide or feel ashame about It Furthermore we know, that good erotography has both positive and stimulative effect on human sexuality.
Mlt Private mOchten wir fur frolere Anschauungen Im Sexue len und urn VerstAndnls fQr alle sexuellen A usdruck sformc werben Wlr meinen: Sex 1st etwas Schones und HatOrIK* . vor dem as keine Geheimnistuerel Oder Schamgefuhto gabe soRte. Wlr wlssen Gute Erotogrefle hat otne posltlv anregrv de Wirkung auf die menschlicbe SexualltAL
/985 by PRIVATl PRESS AB. Stockholm This book may not be reproduced in whole or part, by mimeograph or any other meant, и if bout per mission of PRIVATE PRESS AH Violations will be prosecuted You can write to us in English, German, French. Italian and Spanish. PRIVATE IS PRINTED IN SPAIN 9 TIMES A YEAR SEPT 85
Ал oM Chnese saying goes -'Only once out «n the fields or by the s<do of the road, surrounded by the peace о» Nature »s worth as much as a thousand times bed" Wse and beautiful words, but a thousand times*-
One of the curses of today's ways of Me e unfortunately that a4 too much of the spontaneity of lovomakmg has disappeared in the closeness of the home. farruMr surroundng^bed. floor, frying room, tocheneron t always realty tnspmng. wtue unexpected disturbances' telephone, ne^bbourxontnbute thf-ir share to spoil the atmosphere As a matter of fact, the home isn't reaPy a.\vays me shoKonng castki we He to thoA of it as. m spite of its many undervabie advantages These advantages can even bo so many m numb©' that the corrvon once which they foster rules even our lovem.i« ng making о’ О mere
Leber ernmaf au! dem grunon Fold, n dor Strife dor Natur ais tausendmai <nBett so son o^ne a*te cNnevsche Spruchweshed sagen Wr «Ослеп uni dem Ren closer Worte ncht vorsagen, worn vioBecht ouch ’tausendmai' ?
Es geschoht lox** oft. aiUu oft m unseren edebmsschwachen ZertlAuften. da& unser bebesieben e»n gut Te»l se^er Unm-ttetoerted enbuSt Der Umkren unserer Behausuno <st ncht wed gcsparmi Bott Fufiboden. Emncntungsge-gensUnde vermppen dor Phonies* au* de Dauer ncht auf de Be no Zu hetfon Das Tolefon schnllt. e-n Nachbar schneii heron em Kind w И gotrOstot sein ’Лолл auch fast <ve de von uns ersehnto schutzende Burg, so «st unser Hem doch m»t елег Menge von Vortex ausge startet Mitunter soger so zaN rechen. doB de Bequembchkeit report und das Lieben rur Routine
Un wejw d<ton сПапо»5 d-t "SeuJe-meet une fos dans les champs ou au bord d une route au rrwLeu de la paa de la nature, e’est m-oux quo ml fos dans un lit *
Вале ot fort nteripente phrase mats vfatment mJ fori f?
Une des cmos maiedcbon do la we d aujourdhu. est quo ke couple a perdu la spontanea au moment de fatrel’amour Lout mason. entourOo de choses famiMres oomme les muebles. la ddcoraton. n'msp»ro pas tou/ours а Гamour et en plus, les votstfts. le telephone oontnbuo a ddcanger tout© lours bonnes dispositions ot rompro I atmosphere En v^nte. notre ma«son est k>n d’Bro
Mr chateau-fort quo nous croyons moigre ses avantages Justoment. cos avantages peuvent Otro tenement nomtxcru* et tenement b»er» 3
routine And routine is boring And not even <rve can survive boredom, сел <t>
Let's breakat least now and than-with routme level There’* realty to Htto that ts noedodeven a motel or a hoktoy resort can enkvon routine tovemakmg And rt shouldn’t bo at a* • dftcuFl to M upon new and mterestmg places to make tovo A bi of audacity and the wmgness to o»pef*nent can conquer everyday . routmo W'thm easy roach o< you <s weN found some esotmg place The sea. a lake, a rrver surrounded by the* sounds, their winds.4he>f >r There's always a qu»ct stretch of beach somewhere. between the cMfs or n the bushes The perhaps unfarrvkar sounds that the nearness to water bong with it. the coolness o< the rvght and. perhaps pth a bt of luck, moonshine
Forest park, fed M, vafley. ticket, ckffm such piece* <* easy
verbtoftt Farbtoso L»ebe w*e so* s-o ubortobon?
Schauen S«e SKh uml Das Loben sebflert in atten Schatberungen und hilt seme Uorraschungen m HOMe und FC ie bere>t Ennnom S-e sch noch an de StxTmxmp ihror totzton FeneHaM? Ar bobeapUtze <m fremden Land? Em wonig UM** und Lust am Abwiteuer enotzt te-cht de bebegewonnone Bequem-kchke’t
Em aJrogendor Tumme»ptotz leg1 gew6 zu three Fofion das Meer, das unendbehe. dor See. der Ftoft, der Wind Zwtschen den KLppon e»n verschw^egenos Stuck Strand. »rh Wald emo Lchtung Ale gehemno vo«en Laute des Wassers, d* Dufte dor Nacht und fur Nosiaigikor s tmger Mondschom Wald. Park Fold. Berg und Tai, Dctocht Kbppen - Obotafl toGt sch dem zArtkchon Wednork ffCmen Bieben S-e an
propos que fa re I amour se trans-•orme on routine La rout*» est monotone ot m mOme Fomour no pout ros/stcf * rennms
Essovons de rompre la monoton>e de Tamour * suffit do pout de choses Par екетрк. un motel, un camp de vaconce peuvent changer la routine ou a*or* «I ne doit pas 6tre drfl oi do trouver un endrot nouveau at mteressant pour fo*e l amour Un peu de audaoe at chercher Г «venture peuvent suffvent pour fa*e (H-parAtro la monotonw Pas tom do chw vous * dot у avoir un ondrot eiAant to mer. un toe. une nwdro. 4 у a touyour* km com vanqudo *ur to plage, ontre to* rochen au mAeu do to verdure Pout4tro quo Io brurt e&trafarrwiber de Toau. to frachour de to nut ou avec un peu de chance to der do lune au mAeu d un bos
f for л kttte romance. too. to f<x3 rts way «nto tevemak»ng But don t pit «op the car ю such places. for you cou»d «5 have m-wlc kwe at home, m the garage No. got Out! Feel the sand the grass' It s there that the va*ue of innovation hes But you* new tow^ptecos needn’t be beautiful and romantic They can simply be exoting or unusual For example, take the kft to the top boor о the rnMidJe of the npht The odds are with you that you can get ю something good and диск before some late carouser pushes the button down below to call the bit Sometimes it’s unbrHievabry exerting to make kne someplace where someone can come by without having to take unnecessary nsks Remember also that any number of places change the-r character completely when shrouded in the cioak of rvght the darkness that <s such a good fnend of lovers By the way. have you made love m the backyard recently ?-I mean as a grownup? Or by the turnpike, white cars rush by at nefcutous speeds’ Or ю a boat? Or ю the trar> todet ? Of m the cemetery on a black and rainy. windy n«ght>-Many women shudder m oxarted fright, with smM wish-fantasies of rape Of up m the attic? Or down n the сенег? Or why not m a tax>the o«tra f.p is wee worth it and if the drrvw is a real and reasonable man. no longer ducusson ts necessary Many cty apartment bu«kkngi h-rve flat roofs, or ba<con«es or terraces -Have you made love recently by the «xth hole of your nearby go ! dub? Of can a number from your irttte Wack book under *W' as m whole, or 'C' as »n саЧ g.rl Rent her budor for an hour Of two dur .ng her slack ponod To make teve there with your w*fe isn't such a crazy idea Fantasy usuafty gives nse to the best of ambrtxxis. when surrounded by such on atmosphere Your partner can consider it as a Study visit to experence the environment, or. »f she prefers she can ptey whore henelf if the notion occurs and the spmt is wMhng As for myself. I'm fortunate enough to have a private extols toense You know. H's not at bed at three thousand feet wrth the autoptot switched off You reeMy feel Йо a commg man. and fust th-nk of the VMTW
deser Stedten n<ht tm Auto srtzon. da kbnnten S* auch gte<h daheen m per Garage anspannen TobenSre uch m Sand aus. berflen S«e ms Grail We logon Deutschland* Schneider ? 'Otter mal was Neues'* Fmden S*e nchts ausgesprochen Schbnes und Romantuches. to bte»bt Ihnen enmer noch das Sparmonde und UngewOhnlcbe Nehmen Ste. d* Mitternacht peht naner schon den Aufzug rum obersten Stock - os btebt ihnen vchertch gonuoond Zert ehe S*e em vefspMeter Bummter w>eder zur Erde holt fs ut oft furchtbar aufregend. an e>ner Stoite be* drohender Entdeckung zu beben. ohne dabei e-gent'ch e»n Raiko emrugehon Wechsoto n»ch manche PtMre mrt dor Tageszort vbMg ihren Charakter? Hat S*e m cmem njcht-hchen Hntorhof schon emmal nchtige Geiihe-t uberkommen ais Envachsener? Schon emmai am Autob^nrastp^u angesKhti dor vorboirOhrendon Wagen? Im Zug-abcntt. »m Boot auf dem Fnedhof rur Gestefitunde? Manche Frau erschauert dort m lust und Schreden
Genen S>e m Burp Oder in den KeBer Nehmen S»e e«n Taxi, und ist der Chauffeur der rochte Mann, so nt das Gefd ncht rum Fenster fynausoeschmtssen Unsere ent/uckenden Neubauten haben FlachdScher, Ba’kone und Tert* ssen lotzthm auf dem Golfpiatz rugeschiagen? Am sexton loch? V^aecht verhuft Ihnen Ihr Nour-buch auch ru ener Nummer. Oe S-e bonahc schon vergessen hatten Em Hotefthmmer. dre< Storne Oder gar komen. nt slots aufzutre<ben. Ihre Frau braucht Abwochslung genau wne S*o Ode* kennen S<e gar ♦me Dame vom Stneh. de Ihnen und ihror Partnenn, sozusagen aH Sludienbosuch, ma> ihr Etabo-saement ubedHBt
ich wHbst Mb® das Gbck. Plot zu sen Be« 3000 FuG Flughbhe und abgeschaitetem Autcooten. das nt schon en e*hebendes Geluhl. we em oommg man Und welch e<ne fwnmlische Ausoichtl
dens un pare seront lei elements capabes de aHer un romance qm vous oondmra sur le спетю de Г amour
M*s ne suffrt pas de дмег la torture, soon forte Г amour dans voire garage, non il taut sortif et chercher dans le sable, ou dans I’herbe I'mcvation tent ottendue 'Ton nouveau <x»n d’amour’ ne dot pes Hve spOcxaiement beau ou romantipue. «I peul4tfe wnpiement exitant ou hors do rordma«re par example dans i ascenseur aneto ou donver Olage pendant k* nmt Lebut est de conseguir quekjue chose do bon. npxte et bon marend le temps qu'un vcxim 'couche lord’ pousse le bouton et ГарреНе au dtage mfoneur
Oueique fas. e'est ternbiement ex/tant do fare Г amour dans un endrort ou peuvont passer des gens et to w>r sans avoir boson de prendre des risque*
П tout aussi se rappe«er gue beou^ coup d endrot change de physx> noTTM ovec Fobscunte et que Fobscunta est /ustement faDHkr dos amenta
Par exemplc avervoui de>l fait Гamour dons votro цг<>п. au bod <Tune autoroute, dans les todettos d* un Iran ou d un awon ou dans un ometOe pendant une nurt sans »une? Se sont des choses que Гоп fart kxsque Гоп est jeune man Favoz-vous f»t depQ<s que vous Ates oduhe ? Beaucoup de femme trembto devant le possole danger ot и en p?us vous aioutoz une fantais>e do wd. И resuttat est garono Avez vous fait Г amour demore mont dons le 'hoyo 6* (fun champ degotf ?
Avezvous dOjA reserve une chambro dans un bordo’ pour у enmonnez votre Appose, ou votre martresse ? F»<e Tamour dans un bordei avec sa femme n est pas une toko car la fantatite provoque Г ambition c! on p*us, l otmosphero у est garantie Ta compagne peut considerer cotte visrte comme un appronvssage ou « e£e prefer♦ o«o peut gmor a la put© sunrant ce que sa menUMA nspiro
Pour ma pad. i'» la chance d ovpu une hcence de p^ote d eviation prvOe et far pfuneurs fo»s ехрОгь monte que a 1000 mooes dartrtude. avoc le pilote automatique branch^, les orgesmes que Г on obt»ens son vfament eitraocdnai/es. sans porler dupeyiage
Fin private posieren? Wir zahlen ★ groBziigige Gagen ★ und alle Spesen.
Schreiben Sie doch mal! Bitte Probeaufnahmen beifugen. Dazu Namen, Anschrift und Telefon, damit wir Sie erreichen konnen.
Private Press AB
Box 17079
S-104 62 STOCKHOLM 17
Are you interested in being a model in
★ Generous fee
★ All expenses paid. Send us some test shots. Name, an address and a telephone number, where we can reach you.
Private Press AB
Box 17079
104 62 STOCKHOLM 17
Vv (Якупа!Чпс' me n 'u«ury V*t torwWy for tN о *n M otoenco Mv ovm rand» are л f oe&e виЬОДЛО yet tnje to Nm. I Mwt» no Other rn*n л* «с heл ЖЛ .Г» My fond rremor ю» turn to my bord-ng whco» roommate to pasvom of the p»1-and there d tN? telephone
Ven Gc'-ebter mi m<h a en goas^en Er тжМ Qpicma! <♦ Und Ch'* V.c/sn лм modern	nach ZM’C**ef. ею ch itwn
doth trt?u ter'» unci kener лпое»гг VANN tx Abe* begehron ,4 daa fuo ch Mere Godan^on кЛле’ол ab w> Oe Efrner jnQ Zv der ₽>55*хм*п e.*r г-п4? D« :jt -т«мш> intn-r»ezxjr а^«ч>' се ел Oem in!e»r<i! izmj Ол *sJ exh dat Темное
Grace • mon amant dcHomatr /0 n» den> *u«ueu< xcunvnent rr^-s rr\aJncurou%rm<*ri en уо1лл<#е arrant aor. aosconce 0<ims4> .iwnie>frwi»| eisavede crrmpucer. гт><1 B<«n entrsndu. je no veui pal d’auVe homme mea^esttikxn En Шт seuie io то гасрой» пмп геиюсхл «yrxxousos »roc conencs copnes coAOqt to tdWxjne ott dov^J nx> of to tontaf’on eit en^rme
She ts dark. I am I ж*. complement.ng each other -is autMSU' A'Xl *! Ou’ buss S more than <’*-^4. ou’ r*r «ace emoe^shed bv desve. our memor'es sparing w4h pleasures we have V\jtf»«d xvj vv>m to share one*' moo
Reteung <n th* opulence of my rooms, we find ounebes t*»»<Tbfrng л-tn ct*utf dewe
S* »st An» »©h tm MXid Kuhnet Karv*ast a< K0H-0 und K?e<le lX*se*tr Kus sen etx • ’ mrH« *<• Fm/хМсАвЛ. »«se*e Umamxxigon von gehewrren Sehnsuuchten. итого Emmon/x/on von aon F rourcen ar л '
ОПГП4» teatcn »xj e«nm>) rrehr to»*on ло‘'*п vo< F rreg«x«g г.ч’^чп a f uni ,w!r* о смг IChw^^rf/tChen AtmoepNVe п^пт Z»tvtv>*5
Ей» est U devonf mo*.	est txxo ot то /л suts bkondo. nous пол comptetom htat»e txrw est pkrt цие ет<л1 e<
rxx/e entocemont fx peouve de beaucoup d'enne Toutm kes deux nous лот on mAmo» rx» pan **• de plew of nous dosxgm en profrtee цпе lov de pks Au rn«H»u de тех» «пхпоггуе ch-mtyr nou* nor, rvtrouvons toufns »e-, i>u« «»trembirf de desir
Her mmtrie tongue «э л w*wu, а Пам эле имэ 4 'йе э xJte to »U my creamy bc/Ai a»M my foom<yj tu«** txo.»« ove* her *pa' h n me bo* a j.e о*а *bp Лль he* mouth the Kkxe$ me. лсуэь co~g it my towing fount «nspr^ig m> own hunger wi return
VV«e flir* »e zurgett memen tcwon Schu^m клоп эсгш/г*д Kh .iqt' '.V e e<n •chkvwosSch.*» dasdenGncht^We’envorschherK^-^t ЗалгМцпо ок 4>Ogt me, цло таем daA auch -ch huk^gen wft
Se langue mo cane&se la chitte ele 1’on мп (ct ante $ on wwl Cvmmo d une cmHofe pour recuo’ibf au fond de mon coqu bge ma erdmo d amour Ses lAvei mcfcfMW* sur mon voxe provoque mwe d*nv ma cokme vone<x.> dev v.»gwe$ do jows$ance Avoc sa boucho e^e m adore et e< e tourmente m ♦ *uf exofonde do mon эе*е Jo /ou«i et me rappe * n t»n !лтр\

H*f sex r$ a fragrant Hower. the petals unfurled I must my t uuer-ng tongue »nto that sweet bos tom »<e a hunw ngt>rd Ш soecog nectar I forgo a saddle of my face, ufgng her to mo^nth and njo to tne mythm of my tongue jg We etne Outten BMo Ottnet s-cn «hr Gescnsecnt Und tef ’'•re ” n oer Чекгаг $епч© ch mcren sucnencen Mong to ле e»n gj Ko on auf se^nern f’anernden Гъд Hocn uber nw emoCf sen jetzt .rr rhytnmscn romancer Рцпч/ Und me ’Ч» Zunge «si № S Zugef. бег den Там anseb^gt	ф
E Son $еже s ouvre oomme une hour Jo goutto sa тошве abondante Мз langue sent ton sexe • eponcu.r ot jo me sens comme une abe ie en tra n de butmer sa fievr d amour E tie s «nsta e sur mon visage et mes carresses la font gaC<«or «u rythme de ma angue
WHh her succulence lingenng on my tastebuds «nd be* purgent aroma wa*t>ng up to my face. I ’onae the sweet honeycomb that has *ed me My breasts sway over be*, seemevj to hoet । *e batoons mf'-ated by the taut valve» of my rvppMs She fashions hoots o# her tn g*s and a cup ot het betry and her •Ah/mpafi of t> as enhance m> pleasure as her tove bud detonates m my fingers
Avec une succuM^te lentouf. -e tesp-'e son arome au dessous de mon visage et fi suce son fM Mes vn$ se vousent yudessus <fe«e et e“«e peut Ms admirer comme deu> batons gonfMf d amour et mas bouts sont comme des soupapes t/Ges a eipknoc Ses cweses, dgne d un magazme do mode at м font© de son ventre gu« mow-' n abondament m'excte et nous e«pMsona Ms dou« on mOme temps
Sx»	mir aut de* Zungc (No
KOe’4* •*!»<• umscrtfr^chotn worv£ nwn Ge*cN bftAowna imtp^en m*rw Fr\><H d-e	м de* ich meh to Wfl
□eiaM habe Utx* tv schweotn meme Brutfe *-•• схв'«е LunDonom Лм fur после Гогпчю M) ooch hat' Wie ш «m Genutl Aimrr«e*t U*xJ Глф:^п rn^r<sn F»ng<*rn zert>»V twe L*0ei*.no5c«
She purr* Urea cat atacreombo*! everng my legs *’de apart and cfcmpng Mr kp* to my wojido*^ te* Sm dXKkng to hard the seems to be nhiHy my paces rght down *>to ne< panting lungs I can scent me musky fragrance о* my loms •rd hear the noit tkxpngs o* her tongue •» I men *n • foam ng deluge
Am SarvwtcTime<CMn seftr^rn fade кмго Wo* Mt ve mono Scher*e* au$enanoe#ge$choOen und бее-лел %<h an
пчмчх дюпдсп Gnjtt AS$ aotowj men mi Haar ind Hphe vor/onrer wugt ve теле ««кодеп Трю л ten r*noo kn 'a<x.r-Qen Rausch Khmetfo eh da* n
£ :<• wwonne comm. ur»| ch<»H* un txjl de i «Л et т «сеЛл Чгх .imtm au rr^ • '^т род qq«‘ m гххкг-r tx*
s emp*er de ta loufrtt de mor so«c F“e нее teamen! «ort cju^mj do»t espror mon d«rectemen! dam w poumort Jo МЛ5 X» dduw pi’tum do notrw fou-swee et femend In bruit humxM» de м langue dam me стало pendent quo jo votxe uno *<>t do pu> dam м ftXMsance
Cxxilent satiated. we frohc m the sumptuous tub tOQOthnr The frothy vaapsuds gKten on our bodies He the lithe* of our lorn
RjrxKoi von Wohlbehapen Mehr wAfe nwei PUtschemdes NachspKH *m pracht voUen Bad Ja ch babe begehrt doch ncht eben cutch onem Mann
Super content* et tahifAtes de nooe org»e nous nous retrouvons ensemble dans t immense ba^notre Le trottement du savon sur notro peau nous dome one lots de ркл des «dAes
BUST If WAIST 2.¥ HU’S 3 3 in K.HT ft tt I кип


Oh. you exoung and romantic rock I have read a tot about your Mtory To me it couto be debated what country she realty belongs to But neve* mind here she <s and hero I am
Oh G-braia? Ou romanbscner und an/e^endo* Fe^ Ich hate vee uber Or re H-store ge’esen £s »st mir еда лот Du gebOrst und jet/t t>st Du und ch her
Oh, Roche romontque et exeunt Ха» iu beacoup de ton rvstO're Tu es IA ®-ns> que mo»

oos иез
ПОЛ w Put ApinpouAiu рорио*мм puo/oq Aw SOQucd Ou - BouXkd km; POSS-BJP p.l UO14M purju Am ,o ifovq ou; m Apoej)* им cop* ощ puou|Aoq Auu 6ui|puoj шоц ouj do;t РГЮ0 BumM>N Aput; | AfUOppM рипоЛ*эга оч; и» гхцу oioq 6uipuv)t mo\ Aq оиоб soun; чмо uxM; «оиооош 6u<i$ojo;ui (woq; и? ‘«AoifuOw '€/Ю ojQW 4du)t
PC 04) wmuctu pfO pue AAOU 041 •рипоЛзред оч) m oouq rj w»a Iaj iW’MI 0$04) И* 6uuAO*uO >0;,у
Sachdem scnonen AustXfc. La Lmea Mrtar ana und neue Hafer. Ffughten. Bergso-tauf/ugor. AHer, 31la rrtorosanto Efrnnorungen von fruher Jettt m*t Afnka druben pOW<h fun4j Ch meh ge-! Mchts LOmto meh authdren mw>en F round zu bii'eweren Oe tdee лг schor m me«ne Gedanker ais ch Haute Morgen meh angesogen haben obna Slip Mam Freund Mt sofort reaped
avo«r aOrwra toutc ia vuo La L.nca derr^rv. 4» po<t de pia-nance nouf et v»euw i aerppod. io te^farxyue. vnges. town <e$ mamoren tnterosiantas des s dc'es passes M♦ntorant so* ia avec FAfrique derndro et f* en^e de base* J’a< toucM mon copar L’»d6o dta.! OM avoc rno* ce matin quand ie me sms hab^de • pas de s‘.p Mon сое»n ro-»g t tout de su-tc

no time at all Ns hard cock was tnrust-rg ms*do me wtwbt I adm-ted the wew. also of course. h»s cock The tact »s that I kke and pref#' to make kive outdoors especially tn pl»ces where at any moment one could be d.soovemd by passers by And for that reason an overcrowed place hke Gibraltar rs rdeal for me
Ab so'od war or n m-r w -Wen <h den AusNc* ang»iseb<m habe Ich l-ebe drauScn zu f<ken oesenders wenn fomand kdnnte da
*оФе kommen Und doswegon wat es «л G<xi>itar sobr tort wofe Leute • I
Avec vitesse il me pAnetre tx»n pendant quo ?e rogarde la vue J'aimo b.ns<»f dehors spAoalement ou Л n’impede moment 4 pout sc passer *<e$ Q»^s C ost pour cotte ГД son dur G4>raita* Ata-I «dAal pour mo
After receiving M th« hot spun* a« over my face л my mouth and down my throat I made hm promise to show me no! only the enormous photic symbol of the t>g gun but also the extremely interesting and fascmat ng St Mchaei's Gwe
Nachdom ch so«ncn Salt uber m*n Gescnt. n menem Mund und m monem Ha's gospritjt hate hat er mr wsprochen noch e-non Aus Wet some de Grotte St M chaos’s ta :e*gen
J* re£u boacoup do foutre sous to vsage. dans ma bouche ot dans to gorge Jo Га» fad uno promosse de to fere n'impofte quo» s*d me montra autre chose de Gibraltar commo to cueva de St Mch6«

tn these suHOund»ngs human be ng$ have been !*v*4j for thousands and thousands Of years I began to get the same 50Л ot Гее'схр м before and I wftcspmed tn my boy<nond's влг. 'Daring please screw me >jj»n I prom so to do anything for you absoAjt eiy anvtrvrxj please *
f ur Uute'Mi Jahfe Lvut»1 ft t «• gewvhnt fch turtle nochmi sokhe Ge<u Ne und sagte ch ’ l*eoi<ng ctte nccfv»\a* wie fnjh** «ch vorspreche ch Aurdo «rgendwM fur Deft tun "
Dans cet dhdfod kes gens a h.»t>itM pout miles vt m os d ans J'j. rncorn senft» envMr wt । e« dt A mon cot»n • Chert ba*se
Взсй. n Толп ля »\appered to meet л mutual *»-end actuary on<* of my r overs Wa deeded to spend the f<nt o* th© afternoon and evening together Sudden^ I found mysert m a smell seciudod garden and I remembered what i had promised my txjvfreod - to bo available 4x anything he л.иней
Spate» m def Stadt haben лк oren Freund getroHen е-nen frfrwfl LiebMber von mu Wif haben abgemacht de» Nachm.ttag und fiaent zusammen ruvnrbnnger HOt/bCh tandw »ch meh m om©m Ganon und «ch tube di5 Vorsprechen <n hjbc rr**n<yn Freund fnjhcr gomacht ernned um irgondwas fu< tr Ju tun
Encore an vMie on se trowv* un autre copam un anoen amant do mo En « deexjo de passer le f«n do Гарте» md ensemble am*, due to so» Sooian me sues trouvO© dans un pet<t iard*n et jo mo sms rappel*© co Qu© i>' prom*» mon copam de fa«r© n^import© quo avoc M

OtA ovVy tt*s t»ro *0 wanted to кап» то «л i.' pos< O*c way* togetho* w-tn h s frond I MM m«nd а! a« eager as I was lo show my poss£»M<es and capacity So I dd my very tx»st to make them e.<otod and get them oh whch was not realty hard work
D e-.»r. Mai wo Че o' meh a c Afton haton Z'jsamm«n m.t m*n^m Reu^d Ich Mtta nchts oag^gnr. AJsq ch Moe ales mogxhes gerocht j*r rj« todo* g«? i Mnd a«K*’ noeb л/f/u machoc £ s wor rxht schwe*g
lu» auss> n 4 Cass out d et vOuted m© prand av<c notrv	J aimat$ I occasor de far и>г co qua pe pouv.rs ftito avoc les
dou« C etatbon и
। was wo** enthus»awcar. exerted and eager to »et them use me «л any wav they wanted As you may know, many women jre Mis^ute'y fascinated by the «dea of ha.-nq not on»r tw} txjf even пкие krvef s at the same t«mo ft’s true be' eve me
i :n wotte d*> d e oe»Jen m.<r so benuven wergen we a-e woi’en v-e • cht es .st oe* mnt e.r^ Fr»u hat me*v »s rwe« •/annem ge*^ zu seben Ze»t Es rst wati' GUmt mt
J a>ma<s fa re ce Que vous voyez avec *•> deu> Save; qv<* boacoup dr femmes p»efoments piuveuts hommes au l»eu qu un OuOua'CvSt Vfd*
Spud лМ wxxt & ow» me *x»n Ac*>do^u‘' AKit 4 bOtuVJ d*V »n G4x*'Ur * л' newer
*Otyt1 t h ttir wwl л tn the torr.jrM* Hex* .n in-’tutchg<outvj. I wti-vc-?*«J1omv bo/rend H*3MJ »♦•! 4 <X> tn.* .»р.л чхп *
Л’ипО»Ы<» Am fu e^dCi hort<hen Tag <n GVaty кг ле»<1е ei л<П! we'gewn Mt <*n. *• $ r rfCr uni <h г лЬг ги пм» Freund gevig: 'B<tte nochma1 vnv45 bad tun ’
JMie onco#ft <»ttc 54>u'. 'tq encore • t Que bonne f©um6c |‘.» pa\$e .1 Gib*» tv Avoc •<*
-^-nq . -•• c<>> ' > !, . у •«• a mgr cop r ••-- ’ Г1Л c t« 'o • r< »s t>e*-Ot r
5 л te рий	c
eine gutausse-
hende DreiBigerin. ist meine Nachbarin. Sie arbeitet.
sagt sie, als Privatsekretarin fur einen elnfluBreichen Pu-blizisten. Und sie ha! einen achtunggebietenden Bes-chutzer.. ihren stattlichen Schdferhund Prinz.
Ich selbst. eine Schei-
dungswitwe. lebe wie Nachbarin Margrethe allein. So freundet man sich an Wir sind uns recht nahegekom-men. Margrethe und ich. gehen beieinander ein und aus und wissen schon eine Menge voneinander Doch bis zuletzt Iragte ich mich. wie hat sie s eigentlich mit ihrem Liebesleben? Wer ist Ihr Intimtreund? Bin ich blind Oder versteht sie sich auf die Kunst des Vers-teckspiels?
Mittlerweile bin ich nicht mehr blind Oder getAuscht 4ch bin eingeweiht.
Zwel Wochen Ist es her
FOrstlich bewirtet hatte sie mich mit italienlschen Sche-lemmereien und StrOmen von Wein. Auf ihrer Liege hielten wir Siesta. argwOh-nisch beBugt von ihrem sichtlich nervOsen Prinz.
Uber einen seichten Videofilm mussen wir em-geschlummert sem Irgen-detwas UngewOhnliches

weckte mich wieder auf. Rhythmische ErschGtterun-gen glngen duch das Belt, und von Margrethes Seite her kam lustvoiles Stbhnen. Mit einemmal war ich hell-wach: Das Tier lag zwis-chen ihren gespreizten Schenkeln und beschleckte voller Gier ihre..Schockiert
flog ich in die HOhe. aber ein bedrohliches Knurren des Hundes zwang mich. dort zu bleiben wo ich war. Meine Freundin aber walzte sich in hbchster Verzuc-kung. Als der Hund von ihr ablieB und aus dem Zimmer verschwand. suchte ich fluchtartig das Weite.
Tags darauf tat Margrethe Abbitte. versuchte. alles zu erklaren: Prinz gebe ihr nicht einfachbloB Schutz, sondern auch alle erdenkli-che sexuelle Befnedigung Ich verstand die Welt nicht mehr Es war grotesk... aber auch von einem seltsamen
Reiz. Margrethe deutete meine Stimmung richtig: Ich kOnne da doch erst durch-bhcken, wenn Prinz einmal seine Kunste unter Beweis stellen durfte. drangte sie.
Es kostete sie eine Menge Uberredung und noch mehr Wein, bis ich halb wi-decwillig zustimmte Mit Streichein und gutem Zure-
den brachte sie ihren vier-beimgen Liebhaber dazu. sich zwischen meme Beine zu drdngeln. Ich kAmpfte zwischen Angst und Erre-gung. aber als ich die lange. rauhe Zunge des Tieres an memer geheimsten Stelle spiirte. gab ich jeden Wi-derstand auf Es war irre!
Die Zunge eines Mannes nichts dagegen. Ich durch-bebte memen ersten echte Orgasmus sell Monaten. und was fur emen!
Margrethe muBle ihren Prinz wegziehen von mir Sie war unvorstellbar heiB und entlud sich in konvuls»-vischen Zuckungen.
So bin ich - ich geslehe es - auf den Hund gekom-men. ein woliustiges Verg-nugen, an dem ich mehr und mehr Gefallen gefun-den habe Margrethe macht’s mOghch. und -wer weiB - am Ende IdBt sie sich von ihrem Beschulzer auch
rlchlig beschalafen. Daran allerdings mag ich nicht denken
Wie aber denken sie? Und Ihre Leser?
Maureen St. Hellier
Margrethe, the women who lives in the house next to mine is about thirty years old. She is quite pretty and is the private secretary to a wealthy writer.
I’m a divorcee and live alone, Margrethe has an enormous alsa-tian dog to protect her. For the past two months. Margrethe and I have become quite good friends, but I have now discovered she has a secret lover and I'm very curious to find out if I'm ignorant or just narrow minded.
Two weeks ago. after a heavy kalian dinner with a lot of wine. Margrethe and I lay down on her bed to watch a videofilm. Her dog. Prince immediately started growling at me, jumping onto the bed between us. After a short while, both Margrethe and I went to sleep. I was awakened when the bed started to shake. Margrethe was moaning and groaning in ecstacy as her dog Prince licked eagerly between her legs. I was shocked, but when I tried to get up. he growled. I was forced
to lay still while Margrethe had a numerous orgasms. Finally the dog finished and went to the kitchen to get some water. I immediately left.
The next day Margrethe apologized and asked me if I was shocked. I told her I was surprised. She then explained Prince protected her. gave her all the orgasms she needed and they were both very sexualy satisfied.
The whole arrangement seemed very grotesque at first. I told her so... then she persuaded me to allow Prince to demonstrate his technique.
After a lot of thought I agreed. We had a big dinner, a lot of wine and a porno movie on the video. It took a lot of coaxing to get Prince to put his head between my legs... but I was sexually excited and very wet and he soon began to slather his long tongue in and out of my cunt.
I couldn't believe it. My husband had often licked me out. but it. was nothing compared to this. Prince went
deeper and harder until I shrieked out as I experienced my first orgasm in months. It was incredible. I had another then another and still the dog lapped at my cunt until I begged margrethe to make him stop. He quickly began to lap between her legs and she was soon enjoying multiple orgasms.
We have now done this very often and it is more enjoyable each time. I am sure Margrethe also uses a dildo while prince licks her anal regions. Who knows, he may even fuck her... this I am frightened to think about.
Despite getting great pleasure from the dog, I still yearn for a man and a good hard prick. Are there many women who rely on dogs for an orgasm? Perhaps your readers will write in and let me know.
St. Hellier.
Er war Modzmto. und war ouch tone ganz Loca Sofche AJCemhoten wzAhR man 'xh gem m Krantaihaus, wo Shctea und ch artrten An sUchem BJOdsen «st we rw, was d»an Denn an guten Gotegenheten wtr bto una tan ‘Aingrt Wr wvcten urrl ptegcn de Mannor. imd dtbto vnd nacki AU def Phvatetatcn logon гл m E mzUzcnmcf Doch was voR\ On nvn<*jn serf Hark und schteflund voA/rJQH	Btoutugungsmeote ttchte stete nehte
gttk unddubeifrutfrert Fte<xxkaUdonKhn*dercl
So natx-n wr derm, de Shrtee und ch. aU omom K/fu/tatvof angtanxA boim SctUEarzt AU emem Tnp zu dan frcAOren Sloten dew Erdc wordon doer» wttM ет paar knactogo Pteybo^ mAihrnn. de amou-rOu? Zorsirnuungon sucten - dachton wv uns Ate* was xt*Hte da uber de Docks'? Nchfc ah mude Ma»ononix<1pon<>5 Par chem Dabtebimsdonnwotu nchbataasubngaKa’JdnnDuftdto grotonwtoten Ша wadon
Abo» schon noch от paar logon. ah wu so a*marv ьсАтЛекатпп. war, wh an Bord ao alters tel. hob жА txwro Sammung DeCnwv.daswwc<idixchcteBar* кеде. stemmoo Manner Em Goschonk des Hmmok’ ttem. GESCHENKE waren das. Und bate! schon cteiten SKh dm erjton Freer от. hngon an zu balzcn. spend mden Drmfcs m dor Mansctviftsttif., edor write de» Mi som Вамп Schwann daa Prophoten. wtf haten, was ww suchten’
Gltoch zu Anting schen de Shtfkxi das SpU zu ver • dortxm. So hxWOj ska m omen Ox Matroccn. kh mutte уо dcowogon tadoln Es war ganz ttntech < x»!j><r. semo Tatorte don veten teboodurctondon Sooteukm vcwuorthaten. Fand kA jedentate und sorgin dahx. daft sch de paarte nachrcht we on Lnuteox ^xn Bug be zum Hack austteM; Bom ScMsmodumar MR его mmmersar» 1ЛУ» HU
Dor AtxMvj mi don drm ВсеЕхплппгхп war 'Z; ofw«s we ton НОПеехтИ unrxxer Kmuztahrt. unsoro Aqualor toUn son«agon. kA hate de Dre* HammhomWch m unwro Kabmo getoon. Stwtoo. de Odette. serau m •hr nr Kojn. Oder м zummdest so GMntae maetten de Rundo. de Sbmmung wtrde tmmer toctaor und Kh •mrrwr freer. E igantfrch мегon os de Typcn, de meh fr to machton Stuck um Sluck lunwreten se nw vom bo«b, bo «Ch Khtefifrch nur noch. IU от Memes VAHc/e»\ das - oh*- fouefte Htehen anhate
AK dvrH afie ScoU gostnehen war on. rrechion тгге Mairczen Hw Schfl zum Getochl Ox orJ» lefj PCh w rrw r.«kx und nxwr/vte m«ch mil амгют Zungrrnchtog. dw zwete УоисгИ reach m< у.мпот КклегЬаит vcm aettem an. und dom dnaon. e, dom
nahm Kh don О гЛта*л rwschcn tie Zfttmrj
Ot к ch war sekj Wm hate ch ncht ^пст sctchnn h<pgrx» GuoragU tmlgfjgengUc^-d. hate rJahtom an Land more maten Patenen bomuted tx»d ww ditx « ran Frutf und Encehnjng ErJ vtoVunxrefl >Art ater MU*J ch aU. tuhte rr»ch w»? m Нтпхй und vrm d»o« sutyxsef»;adwn Beckon umschlurM/m DaB eh оу*т gotonteg ww. hite eh mr neht trAuman lasson. Sue mann nms teg urtef nv und xhob seh vor <a more hmwtnHoceren - ah.eh Июп пиа» vof rafrm. das el dis GtoMe Swmann rwr.i sted von vern zu uns Beado lOUer aU dis ?Amdertar«te twbotot... gt dr. «si F ksto/-‘ Und dto df’te wvd abgUutKM. dim! omcm nur >.i nehfe опкухы
kh rotate und wand meh m ryUte» Vrxncfrung. •лев nr иск wonn se vorsedon, zucite und м» •. be os hm Haten nehr gib We oU cm gehumus Signal uflrmtan ate dr to it mj Schtei ren ixid >mzten z г о Soo manreteber
Shrtoe, m mrw Кое. muftc ates ггм гюдпЬст und angosoten habon Em sMjmphmrrgor Stem ware se Qoworen. wonn se dis unten/и getesen мое AU omnel war se da тлел mGotummU. imd sa we se sch krAcXJ zwtsc/wm den Boren HmA?. ztogt se uns kA macho m<
Und Shirk» meette mil We urr/xe Setters sch ste4 heten. mir bft houte em Rafr/4 Atxx «? schafften <e und kj6cn uns uber de KWago %гтд^\ mmer und mmnr w*x>x. de prachboten Pteafrm
Ats se ondkcA de Waten sirockten. p auch dinn gateri se tano Ruho Ob war. тгяпо Frourxjm und ch. ihren ncht malrrmn Katzennummof verturnm tauten Na. da hodo sch ater ates aU* proteuerten wr teut-stedc - und dachten msgUetm. togonftch haten war •xhon rrwrer mal рогдоггх» ^A»i. was denn den minnem an um Frauen so wzugteh schmocM Whs Fraten guflut, das wedonjm musr/jn w* ats Frwuon >a am trrJcn wesson
So tegiudten wv uns mtf emar Lock und^Schteck* hummer. diB unsnf Schlattern und Schmatzon de Клипе cftUte und unse»e dto Scehoidcn zu nouem Tatondmng orwachen
Endtaa Fck’Raute Das Grsschw^dcr unsernr Lct> hater amj «'ab Das rj de chrrjiereSutehd.diette w-r. •xr cm vtthg verxhwommen. und xhkjmmorten am
Dsswardtotaite,ftUxneh!dt/fr<rxTom.br»wu m FtemUhaten teMmachten und abmusterten. Shrloo. de Vortetta. hate hnrnach А» on Honzoni crwvted und ncht mohr so genau out de ZaN Arur F roer geoettet Umso mchr guachiu hater > w»f ritxx oU tons, namfcch aU das. was war annmandor gotendon haten 
I 5tud*ri M герои С№1 V» Kart Lornvom 79 .iM found »t not <t*ry promtvnrj at * не алл bmurjh* to !»M? host»!/» л tew Л»Г-vy; Aft»’» ht$ ihri'.ll Ch«<* up -1 ЛЛЛ obvexrs that thoro aw w many m h»S tXHt/ Af><b A*r*<Kl | »jnc!«o^<vj propnriy Л»Д kmj can •п'.эо-'ч* гол t’wcgi can bo at the age of 79 One Itvng though h/$ 5<>nt was remarkable Hw л л?1>’. njd л io»»*, a vr e tx vomethrng r<e to say to us Who tab о care of hen 0ut th.*. n<ar*.nq nv л.п vo QU-et Just Гу ng thcf© Stitt «4)1 one exA^niant MwokiV’Y $•«•nt .их! hn drin t oven »oact to my min» dress and bUc> stooatgs Very strange* By the му, lot m« nt'oduce my w • ' m '-n'oe ал ад»Иыу nu»M" 1c* two yn*«v I’m n- r>, twenty -rri have vomn •nponenct wrih bier per*»»* and the-* problems
S<h! **n pur TaQ»-n bjpoe w <%*h Kart JoMn LCosvOm 79 Jah«c at ♦? def St.it on k.h м»ь* ma se-nc K'xutf'ngesch'Chte an Bove sac^e das Kaum noth ten Organ ли* de* Hc.r>0 Ken Wunder &*• desert АИе» Аье» se-n Koo* dn« t<tt ww be е^м?т fungen tmme* Zu <ич?т Juw aufgc-eqt .mme» on freund Khes Won lur uns Schwestom ubng Abe* дл de sen» Morgen sche^t .iilev *us und vo*t>ei Zu LOmtrdm ftegt da und rphrl ic* rtoCht N* f't •’«'«yn B:<« fur mefwn edrrtten «r^ppen Scbwosterrriree u.-ri fTM*n.« M^ A V/»*n St rumple Was «St nut LOnWdm kn’ W.inrcrd LOrutrOm im DammcrzmUnd k»egi •an cn m<n erst rrvel vorMri’en H- fsKhwoM** Kam b 4hendc 19 M>1 /Ar. Jv*nn tm Oonyt Fur Aitr und Otxecniche not*' »ch v*a .4xkj da kenne ch m<h aus
AprK avo* ♦tudid to rapport de Mons*euf Kr' Johjn	de
79 anv /о no kr donnas pas beaucoup d espoir II Otari ddji e I’noptat <tepu>s guelQuo* /oun et opres son pn-m-or checkup nous a.ons romarquOs du*’* a*at de nomtxeu» orgares Qu» no ♦onetonaont pas txx» B«en entnndu vous pouvez vous «mag-ner comment scmt choses > 79 ons Рои» I instant, la seUe chose Qu> foncton*! t><»n atari son morM й jva>t toujours une blague un sounfe Ou uno be!io parokr pour нл f-cf-onrw^ ou. $ occupant dr
Co matm je»a* trouve trop tranqobe iat»tatcndu suf sonM %.msbougef el compietement s««enoeu< et fari has Otrange, 4 est rente* sons reaction dHVAnt ma mrm-jupt. et m<ts biv noris |J an prof de pou* me presenter jo sun Ka*en f* 20 ana et -e sun infimM»» spcc-v zee dans i*s podorwm agtot)
М> God’ Sot a s^n of Me M S p/sH can t W anytfw^g He kxx* as »t he’s dead
ZurOck zu LOnstrOfn Do» РиИфОве* Gott. def «st •utscbi Def Mann дем .м, аЧ se« or schon ncht moof von dew We*
MOS CXEU H exun s*jne do ve wn pal no dome axun vqha Je no vol awcun vg*w do w>e Ce n est pas possi>> qul K>t mo**
Well. I don’t know very much about heart massage or ad'ena-n shots, but I do know tMt the best wav to get a man to react <s to start treating and sucking M cock
Nun Adronahnspntzon und Horzmassago s»nd ncht rno-n F.Kh 0ай Massage лЫн auch woanders z«eht broucht rrw dagegen koner zu t^zarJen Laftt uns doch mat am PtmrrwM probe ran	e
U faut absbument fa*ro guekjue chose Je no conna t pas grind chose on massage cardkique mais par cont re. je connars ta me-iieur 1*;on de fate reag»r un homme
Yes I tn nk I made »t He’s M ot fo and why shouldn't I let bm enjoy t
Sehen S*‘ was hab »ch gesagt Das Loben «ehrtz zuruck Und alias, was dam>ede<iag. fbert Aufet-st ehung
OH OUIH ’10*1 encore окнп do ую I do»t Гоуо<г f>t orpros ot ma.r.tonanf ii on preMo
could te my дпм! o'KxJMtbct *cr v^<o but n« M coc* i$ h-rd ond rea*y q w-;j me pteawrv
Men U^yoGvitr' Ьbnrto «с яко. беде GflM def ei л vch hat r>ne Litto MoM itockitc<! щ d*o HONi und xxmdet oner true on to< 5ton GonyB
Й me ncc* e mon Gr.r«d ₽ero r! w* c<fVmm» Que м gronde t>te роигм <>«чахс me t>en Qu
LMn'i I make di He ‘сото’ to Mo Only God brc/w*. f<x how long Мл/txt that’s why he's than* .ng the Lcxd and Mtbo rrw?1
Das nenne ch Ihecapo Ihm <st os gokomnw Ihm «st buchsUbbch das Lobon zunjcfcgekommon Rjr w>o Unrjo. das stoht «л dor Stornoc Fm StoGgobot sooom Schdpfor und mw. Mhnem Schrdpfof
Il cst «xnpictomeht rovcnu л U <ao Dhjij >rul S4H1 pr>X W»4>*x« do !олчл Jo no ser> quo fane Jo cros quo и тюиж ost qu'd en prolitfi rje toute ♦agon moi «us>
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PRIVATE PRESS AB. Box 17 079. 104 62 Stockholm. SWEDEN
Energetic and active SUZANNE. 26. of German origin, enjoys a number of sports. Making love with 2 or 3 men on the beach in moonlight satisfy her very much.
. 22, a nurse from Liverpool considers herself "a bit
oversexed". She goes out dancing a least three nights a week and never fails to bed the guy of her choice.
МПв BAI SER £,Пе FasziniefecxisteH Gestalten der Sex&zene schreibt:
Licbc Mlle Balser, wunn man so lost гпй wethen оспюп ootK епкухххммел ocx Ndton odar Seeten-Vtohwehcben do Frauen zu ihncn kommor. wo So гти omem wahron Wort don Kummer zersfreuon otter auch acbon mal einof verbohrten Scnroibenn de Augen Offnon. dann & das schon ganz sebdn Detutvgend Man sofit e«n. Don andom goht es obonso Und warum schroibo cli Ihnen? Goh! esrrw scwodenanderen?H6ren So mal тепел JMotruT.
кл t>n тилгипоагикуо. Qeocnie don. babe zwei Kinder Mem Mann halte trtwas Noues gefunden, one Wtero und vor aitem boguterto Frau do ihn kraft ihrns Goktes zu sch twutoerzog Do sebnette Schotdung versu8te er mr mf emem defcen Mercedes. Au8er-dem dart ch, gr o6zug»g wo do bexten sirxi, deren Jagdbutto bonuuon - venn ею ma) zuta)i»g ncbi jagen-.
Nun. das Leben ging Юг meh wviier. auch m dec Erobk Mir begegnete ею 2ljanngcr. em Deutechof von dor angenehm sten Sorto und. wo ch os emp-hndo. em phanlas4ischi?( Lobha-
9 Melnen ersten Auftrttt In PRIVATE dart ich mlr als schbnen Erfolg enrechnen. Die Leser schlckten schmeichelhafte Briefs, und der Herausgeber bot mlr eine stAndige Kolumne an. Auch In Zukunft freue Ich mich Ober Ihre vertrauensvol-len Zuschrttten. Q
bo* Er suchte Sex. und cfcn bokam er bei mir Auf dosem Gofrei hiitto merits braebgetegen zwechen metnem Ehemakgen und rrw, und wenn so ctwas abrupt zu Ende рек ей man begong auf Ersatz Dor Bauch hunger: nach Nahrung. und >o* e<n Hunger tel dor schknmsto Men doutsene* Hans sbifte dosen hutxtef. Er кат. wenn meine ton-der m dor Schute waren. Do Tur fol zu und «ph in seine Arma. Stun-donteng konnten wv uns dann im Bedausteocn
Em bw atechendes Loftor teOen war das. farxb*ofl ven L»et»o und Sex Aber scnori nadi Гил! Mona-ten kam das Finale. Wiectef steckle erne алого Frau daNnter - und Goki Erne amenkan^cbe Town sbn spendterte mm слот Au! enthaM in Каккхпюп. Er luhre nur. beteuerto er. weii dies seme e<n mabge Chance ware. Amonka kwmenzuternen
ich war аибогтг Aber was hall es
Hans machto rrw em Abechtedsgescrtenk. omen /rosier fur emsamo Stundon - to! schon dor btenke Hohn Ate Bolen schcteo ef semen sochzehn^Ahn-gen Vetter
Und hmr tang! mem Probtem an. Der Hans Vetter erwies sen ate gui proper ert.wv6teaDes uber unsere Beztetnjng und war ganz darauf omgesteitt. da6 ich ihn at Jung-Uobhaber aufnehmen wurdo.
Jctrt maent er mw tagteh den Hof. ich kann cs gar nchi uborse-hen: Der Junghng techd nach Ltebe Und ch muegestehen.das taSt meh aites andere ate kat
Doch txsiang bale ch meh zuruck Warurn. das *$1 rmr seihs! noch nchl ganz kiar. Etwa. wet! er so jung i$i zu lung?
Ich kdnf Me >a meme Befurchtun-gen sch in Wohlgetalien auflewn lessen und ihn m d« Froudon des Sex oinwemen. Oder ihn an one Gtechaftngo .vermachen* ото Unertahrone, die »m wahrsten Smne von Tuten und Blasen koine Ahnung hat Ьеве ch dann ncht am Ende omen Hortnungsvolten lungon Mann vockommon?
Astrid Rotterdam
Licbc Astrid,
So brauchon ihren jtans-Vetter. und w braucht So Nach аибеп bin em Burtchchon. ей so ein lunger Mann, wjs das Kfrpericho betr< altes anctere ate cine tote Hose, we os m se<w satoppen Sprache he>8i Der kann zu jedor Tapes- und Nacnuec
Aber or braueffl do test tub-rende Hand emer ertahrenon Frau, einer Frau, do sch darauf vefsteht zu hrem hObe<on GenuG dem Ewg-Eregorten den OueN der Jugend zu enttocken.
Seme Gotehrsamken tsi sem Dank an So. So tehron ihn. sch nach aiten Regein dor Kunst zu entteeron ~ wenn ch das so sagen dart Er w»rd So freHch auch schon mal mu Fordorungon uberziehen, wenn So »m Gfurxte ncht torod smd Aber So wefden sch rfvn dffnen. werden von semen SOCen txs in do beteten Toten angefuW sen werdor do gronz&nlose Befr tedigung vor > spuren, we So so nur mrt dose teuersten und jotbpsten* alter Nalurgewalten ertahren kOnnen
Ja. das werden So aus ’hm machea
Nehmen So m ihr Haus au! und pretsen So den Tag. def Ihnen dose Chance beschort да
Ihrc Mlle Baiscr
One of the moi! interesting and exciting Sex Performers ever, aaya:
Dear MUc Balser;
ft «s so good to read other reader's sex prob toms and *md out toe answers Many times you have answered problems mat have concerned mo. but I have never read about a probtem vke m®. ptease help me
l am a rwryfM* year old d»vor. cee w*n two сЬйбгеа My husband ten me tor an older woman who was ncn and gave him many expensive gifls..
I agreed to divorce hm qucWy. so she bought me a Mercedes and allows me to use het mountain chalet when she ts not there
I haw been aanng a young German you* of 21 who e extreme^ handsome, we« bwftand an mere-ditto tovef Ho tomks i am ncn and perhaps that e my fault because I dtonl deny 4 when 4 was suggested i had a tot of money i desperately wanted sex My cunt ached tohf attention My husband and I had sex qurte a tot and suddenly to be without the tool of a big cock msxte me was worse man bemg hungry tor food
Hans and I haw been having sex many times a day he arrived as soon as my chtoon toft tor
} Since my appearance in PRIVATE no 42 and 44
The Editor and the Company have very kindly asked me if I would consent to anawer some letters in future PRIVATE.^
senoot and undressed me white i was n the kehen doing the ds-has... he spread my tegs and sat on me floor, kefong me as I worked at the snk. gomg deeper and deeper илы I shuddered with ecstocy With my first orgasm. After mat we ran io too bedroom arid spent ha« toe day fuctong hke anmah tn bed. toying every portion we could tomk of Then we stept tor awtiAe and d-d it again
The wonderful sex Me had been going on tor over frw months and I was toe most satisfied woman n toe country that випЫ last week when Hans suddenly told me he had met an American toun$t who ottered to pay Гнь tare io CaMomia She « much dkter toan mo and he <s onfy domg«because he wants to go to America
I have been hysterical with gref. knowing i win be tosmg n<m As a parting gift he send me a large (Mdowhch was dtMrvered by hes young sateen year od cousin
My problem is tool Hans toto hes young couso al about me al toe throws we d*d tn bed and hinted toat I would most kke*y take him on as a lover.. Now he visas me defy wearing tight pants with a very obvnous throbbing hard-on.
Hans cousin not onty wants sex. he obviously need II Ho is very handsome and i ree»y do get very sexuaiy exated at toe thought of educating toe young man «no toe joys of sex, but i am holding back tor some unknown reason, wnat
is 4 because he «s too young?
Should I allow my tears to eva porate and take on toe young boy and introduce him to too pys of se. or should i send him oft to some young inexperienced g«l who wM no doubt know nothing about pro longing orgasm r a mate She wonl know toe meaning of tore Dtay and her b-rm control m^ht
nottheneougiWouldlbecioniriOu-ttog to toe defcquency of a rrwnor?
Dear Astrid
You need Hans cousin. He needs you At sixteen, me youth л about to start on toe most produenve port dhesexkte he can nave sex as many fames a day as he vants to. reach a cimax. teen m a snort time, be ruddy to ckrruu again
He needs guidance. He needs an experienced woman to guide ho$ ever hard cock into a receptor pussy ma? wiii appreciate toe fountain of youth toai w%o bo hem, Л She Knows how to treat m<s energetic young stud
The reward for the teachog. ** be a young man who wil have Г constant oreebon. wil want ю try ал diftereiM ро&сюлз of sex A young stud who w\D worry you tor № when you may be too flred to open up to his demands, but you wMi open up ano tenwn neve h® sans-tecton. because to® young man mounts you tor usts he totobOmg pens deep mde you a totteng of complete satisfaction will invade your body as you are betog lucked by one of natures most efloent and inexpensive forms of enpy -ment
You w® educate to® young sfud to 5-i!<sN oil your demands ail your sexual ncr-ds inflate your ego. make you float wito toy on the oei-Ing and btess the day that ngd hard-ons were nvented
My ad*oe to you <s to wetoome toes young man into your homo and carefuAy teach tvm toe joys of SOX You Wrft have a oonsunt tover. perhaps too demanding, but never a bore I envy you
Mile Baiscr.

You reader, you are important to us. It is for you we are making PRIVATE. We are always open to new ideas In the field of Erotography.
Talented amateurs or professional photographers, let us see your work. If you’re good, you have your chance in our new column: “Amateurs opportunity."
We want erotic illustrations, cartoons, photographs of paintings or sculptures Write for an appointment to show your portfolio or send us copies of your best work.
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My bond Srwino and I ше nurses al a nospuj m Frankfurt. we nave seer many men »n ton nude and have many trees had to shave toem . so a man’s ргюк * no surprise ’A’o de cried one day м wouki go wt w о tn# mon nave no trouta gating a good огеаюп. on mat w.n bo hard enough to suck and fuck with
I'tebotogcfajCbonapissenix1? aueesh»p At first m? were d’sappomtod when ле saw the pas sengers walking on board. tocy were mostfy okl lades Then when mo sb p sated we were bom scasck This was not the tend of Ho we had dreamed about Because we worked -n the ship’s hosp&ti we had our cafrn next door, not w*m al inc» res: tX tne crew.
imagine our surprise and dehght to find that most ol the aes were young men? и was like a gift from heaven. . many gifts from heaven as an these txxny. muscuto' seaman imed up to buy us drinks in the crews bar
.. Shir tee was a tod and to»in love with one of tno seaman. I warned her trial «I was not la* just io tuck one man when there was so many who needed a л-’mgcunt Each time I had an hour off went to my catxi and pleasured a homy sailor t tound most of tnem warrted to get sucked Us! and I soon becamrc an expert... not hke Mita Baiser who is marvelous but I am practising very hr d
My most wonderful evening was when three saJcxs who had nof fucked kx two wwksaO came into my room one evening. I at towed each one to tko off an arteto ol my nurse’s urukxm unti I was only wear «ng m/ panties, when wore then very wetandstoty.. these were qurioy removed and t»tore i tied a chance to sto(> tr«n, t had one $a»-lor ketong my wot pussy, another was nmmmg my ass and me other was pushing nissteky fxjcock mlo my mouth Foe ton minutes i was heaven. my heart was pounding and I had many orgasms Then they decried to change around, but no ton-ger -wore they gong to lek me Ihadahafdprckm rny cunt and my body was tw stod m such a way that I could take a cock »nio my asshole. which was very wvt and rocept/ve. I kxe to be asshole fucked esDooaty when my tow friers my cunt al tfxj same ume, ux getting a t ю! cock in both holes at Ию same t«mo <s surety ecstacy .. especially
when there r> a b»g pnek <n tno гтххлп also wimsng a tot d action
it was realty a m<racto of brnmg. but I rocked back and forward on me two cocks fx>w deep msrio mee until rney txxn shot me-r hot luck юсе •nlo me and I milked them of every drop. It was easy io suck toe third one arid get him rocomc he was so exoted ho flooded me with »i
Ounng tots wtioto sex еддесэд Siwaiee had supposed*/ been asteep in her bed, buf she had Loen wafchmg togging herself Just as the sa<tors were about to start fucking me agan. she came across to my bed, n iked and wvf. and boggrxj to K>n <1 the orgy I needed her help satisfying three actors s a wondertui way io get sore and full ol cum. but Shxatoo’s cunt and asshole would soon be burning with toe fuWness of a hard pre.
After we had botn been fucked many ’ mes «n each noto. tno sa-tors lay on Sn-rafce’s bod and asked us to perform for them. Ma^/ tmes I nad wanted to di$ccM>f wnat it was l«ko hefong a clitoris., now was my chance. Knowing how wonderful it tools io gel a tongue deep in tne cunt I was able to reach the spot right away and Shirateo dri toe same tot mo Within mmutes were octo lappng at each others cunt, ano werо glad <A tfw excuse iodo so. .. but before we couto finish, ine saikxs were homy agam and we soon were pulled apart and (jetting fucked from a» diredcns
For anomer hour we enpyed mree hard cocks bounding in and out of our cunts and asses. We wem al t<od buf very saVsfied when too throe sa»tos left My cunt and ass were lu* of cum and I went to stepp with ab^siUsfedsnvte on my face, knowing I was lifted up win such beautiful juce
Shtratee soon took on hot tair snare of fiard cocks and we often had three or more of fvxny young seaman fucking us in every note
A: toe end of me voyage we signed off me sh p and wen! UxX to me no$pt u й was a r est but we had teamed nevi io satisfy each othc’ when w«) got homy., both of us have applied kx anomer cr msu as soon as poss/bte and can’t wait to ent ertam the sators 
Aus der Kamera von John Spitz. GroBbritannien, s tarn men diese Fotos. Schick. Niehl wahr? Das fanden wir auch - und haben sle abgedruckt.
Das kOnnen Sle auch?
Zumindest versuchen. Wenn Sle Gluck haben, sind Sle In PRIVATE dabei.
These pictures were sent to us by John Spitz In United Kingdom, and as we found his ambition and talent most encouraging we have published his material.
You can also try!
Send us your material. It might be published GOOD LUCK?
S-104 62 STOCKHOLM Sweden
Atovr>de<>6on«Medrtewwenbeech He t$ Peoro Нелеп, son of • wmw>y SokhVi urxkrwntr end Mw Vo % Rrorxb Bevrxb the wo bv wb<h she Ms been know f(X the p«* Vao ytm'S о a ‘Axoccen txoth- where Vo Ms t»r forced to wexb as • slave	Th<s mom^Q B'c<xb escaped from the txotn*. steekng a boat fгол Tange<s МФо^< •' 0
OmnoQ hersetf across the Struts of G<xVUr bMusted by her oednai. she d swnq cm the warm мгчК ot m e^t deserted Spanish beach	*
M-ttoimeer Erne «пае Freu emwngerMann Tunstow Typen. AJ»<Hwedsmonsct*n' Von wegnh'Lf Pedro ног^э Spro'. ernes machtoer t^mrichnn Grundbevunrs Se nun^a Brenda Sononnt ves<h	AisBreMaMt serbtletron
W «veJVwemomomMafoMcanef Puff gofoct Wie erne SMavm hat man s*e gehanen
Dann war (ba M.ift voH Nath T лпдгс »st w geturmf Mat .rr H i4»n e»rvc магм Motoryacftt pc« лсх*п urnj a n <n Coe*;*’
<M Sirafie von Gtw^ur ubvquwt S*e MH# rvcht» Zu wrHreo
-.....й* * •*’ «"•' 11 ‘ ”,ч " * В«< U -t.:. - пм ,Mnj tout tm, bom..;, du М кос *л, Оеиж а»1 <ж cut v «forced Г
tr*v*.lw comrn<- urw «CL»« Се nwt.n	« ЛлИМ du borne. e«e » vO6 ljn, bl^M) рол do T *nLv ,,t ь.Хча ia
dethit de GCx.tdar f <t»ou*e p.v un tel effort ' «• ett tombee eMonne »ui la jaOe cnaud <J u"e p me Eчидпо! PMt.qvemerit
О* 1>»Л ЛгчЗ(Г*»« *UC< пмг the nvr*u** I *.«*<• иС> And h« i touchmg пч« the bastard cant л*1 to jd h.% hMXh or
FT»» Well i I hAVt’ to 00 With MMVW-h ✓tfiXrnrnt ?КП !» .noch t-n Mac<et* Week! rrch Kit u-rxl ta&t m.<ch e-nfach ю ЛП K.Mir t>«4* r>£ht d*e PftOten be- vch Miter? Abet wenn <h'a OedeMc an *gerd^em*<xJ rmA <h *n<h hasten
Oh PuTA'V n e$t rode pouf dreguer. p пм» reve« e et «I ©st сп ?гл'П de rne OOter. to batF fl n"<i p.n atterwJu ром* rrwttfe ю ЫИП 'Т'ОсНЛ wr ПХ> Comment sest ^ лрегсм cjun 1 а»4»г env* i)r U»$*'
axvAiHd -v
Yet nesgenbe Andhesqu>et fnendS And.MM s where he Kes he must nave a LOT of money Of course к wants to fucimo I musn! bLime him for that
Ohhh Ил touch hit f ngers iceLng my cunt So >0*1 ^Otabrt • ke those drty Arab teste'ds who’ve beef Qmm<exj rt л n e r every оо$Мй9 way never дл ng a damn about how I »<•!
‘•a nwneM. e«n Mecke* st et n«cht Dee hat ehef de mid* Mascne driuf Ja. und wenn das her se n trautes He m «st dann aiie Achtung. dann hat er das nOt»ge Kiengeid Auf’ne Summer <st ch aus 1st doch юдо W»o so«! »ch hm das verubom?Worsefemvorfuhlt derdarf 1stdochдал/was anderes -ils de Wust’inge von d*uben
И eat gennl et й a Or xnabte. c ost une chance de I avo»r rencontre Et natureimont. .1 bind© commo un tauroau mas co n'est cena-nement wi mex qu> iui rvprochora»
OHHHH limebranie I me p*ote io curt Они н commo e’est bon. jamais yn bata'd d Arabe ne DenetrO comm*? u
He's Mtuewy turning me on I don't 0*Mtvo tn»s I haven't er ov*-d м?« ю у*»пь A t>g heathy P*<x I can t w*4 to teste n end suck d good
Hen def macht m<b >a ocht Пев* Daft os so was noeb gtX* JebreUng war Sex ais Zwang Und огчГсП mt». Gonutl
И m'exotc oh omd m'o«oro commo pm.HS Jo no рем« pas I attends donne-ie mo
Yean. Hide rt m there. Pedro baby N ce and easy Gwe me a long. stow fuck For you It'S free Oh wow’ My cunt s uwng ю it's own jwces ft was never natura-fy wet »n the whofehouse-a* that jety. I must have used a ton of the Stuff
Pedro Baby. jem bs du d<an Immef sanft und sachte laG dr Zed und n-vr das Leben Was kdstiich <st. das kostet ruchts Oh. me»ne Muschi suhit $<h im e«penen Saft Im Hurenhaus war <h w»e ausgetrocknet Immer nur 0<o und Safben Tonneoweise haben d*e meh beklecken
Pedro Chen, comme tu me penetre t*cn t>en et f segment OH OU IH tmse-moi doucemer.t et tongtemp, pouf to» e'est grau»t OH LE SALAUD” ma chatte est pto^e de jus. su»s toute mou ee. je n as иипа»5 eu la f^ue suss» ben tobnf>ee II me sombie due tu me U-s decharper one tonne de foutre
You’re good boy You've had a few cbos your t*r-e But I bet you've never done some of tn* tn-ngs I’m go«ng to show you
Oh. du S^Ger du t-s: ganz дтво к urn* und Вепмкпон hast du s-cher schon afcMhand vomascht Abe* tx** rrwr • annst du mmer noch was dazuternen Wetten >
Tu as bon mon amour Мии ©ortarement base quekjues putes dans u v>o mas je sues s6r que tu n'as pas fOu<s oomme avec mo*
I actuary WANT to do those whorenouse treks with you W you take my bum л I otter i to you? ’ ou l iKt that don t yOuf it nght up-nght up to yOut blocks I can taka afl you can g<ve. that Их a hoHs been stretched by a thous^rxi and one Amb m
Scne-G Pt/t Oder ncht Den Tnc*. ^еогегп ^adenfa'is w »<h dr n<h! vorenthanen Schau her we ch <nn dr entgeganrac^o merer Hjntam Rund und rassfl Л'-е ch’s .n tausend und e^r \acrt mt -den R *«ac,>r getneben habo
Maeitenar: je veus vra-ment faro i'amour avac U> ProMs mo. pa* e cult Tu a.meV Moi er tout cas jo sen*, u queue bm at jo dev>ne Que tea cou< as sort p-e»nes Э craquer Ne la t/aca&se pas. ,e vas 'as vide» tu me sens comma a suis at
i !

I WM onto forced to go with nme guys together m lingers Between them they ти! have Wunted ovo# every ftxh of my tx<b • halt'd that But »f >"Ou have that much cum tn you 1*1 love >t ф
DruOen. tn Afnka. da muttte ch ma* neun лидЧисп bedtenen We de meh volgesudott naben Zum rotten war’s Abe* be Он da ist das ganz was anderes Gat ncht genug knegen мпп ch
A Tanger. f«t»s obtgee de f*ro Famou* avec neuf types a la foe at J me pron»s pa# tout les enorots possoie ceta«: yra^nenf oft tout Mart to» tu peus me p»endte pa# ou tu veus
♦ f4»UUCM| *> ;ОАГЮД ОщГрОЭ t*ns 9! амиоч q «нихиоо oi>q »ип золу au од op oujujOm । iOAAon u<iua •/ 4H|d «>е>,.ем?л оц ol щсищиод op ubed у
рчХод uunz u>p o v. uod^i uo 01 »цХЛ hnvv «из $« jp uxj j-p i4> б« ме a;noq uoa
u>owop .oq q^q юцпд uois-oi uouo<p oq q^fl joicnipg
I'noA aw tprje ^und$ u*jM
ОЧ1 омххр I ®UJ1 «О|А кодепд ojui ^oeq iqfrout 6ucfl wj
Enjoy the love story of Beautiful virgin Lilian in her first sexual experience and as a contrast mary the nympho in an orgy with 8 guys, where every part of her body is used and none of her holes unfilled.
Geniessen Sie die Liebesgeschichte von unschukhger Lilian be ihrer ersten Sexerlebnis und als Kontrast Mary die Nympbomanm mit 8 Mannern. Wo jeder Ted
thres KOrpers ausgenutst wird und samthche
LOcber gefullt werden
Idon'tbebevetn-s I геа Эу am lost I thougn* I кпе-л Ve»coas л<и-asmy ov*ti bodv V.*cn лау пол* н© *<-че* rn nd anrrais I need to f«nd some wate*	_
Das dad doch ncht wahf se«n i Bin ch tatsachtch verkxen ? Her auf Fototnp tn act metukancsenen WOste. von det ch m.r e "bidet©. s e л .e mere Westentasche ги kennen Wohc passerWmmhI
Je ne peus рм у cn>re. i* tuts bo' ot t>en perdu© mot Qu cwy»i connjut Me<co comm© mon co*p Dans oud d'’©ctcn dos 4» aiier? Je dos absoJumont trouver de leou
I mutt have t*er hours on !M track ИI don t до кхгетптд to dnn< soor I’m gomg to pass out And now I m e.en out of rado contact Motion-do I hear voces?
Peones1 Out hen?5 Oh. God and they ve ДО guns Anything car happen tomenihs vs derness and nobody win клол I Ought to dr>ve away i reaf-V ought but ’ munt dnnk My mouth *s so parched Er hey you guys
Stunden schon ate Ch rnnher Tinker' Em schtick Zu Tnnken. od«< ch копит» urn Jettt g»bt auch noth das FunkgeUt semen Ge-st mi’ Aber dJ no* ch recht> St-mrr^n J Da nanern s<h Leute Arbiter LandsVeche*> Was suchen d«e h«e< drawee* *n de< E mode ’ Und <h pm mnen h ’tot •«лДОе’оп Acer Cknst dt scN.nvne* si Angst
Cea fa t des hemes due je sms ce cherrun S» ,e ne t*ouve pas de I eau tout do suite jt crois quo )e va s m*a*»nou‘r En plus mamtenanL je sou smement hors de portae de a radc CHUT 11 fentends des vox J'aoerco«s det hommes armes fa pour car ii pou»r»t rn'amver n’importe Quo», au RMbeu de cette ;ung«e of personne n’en wur»t r-en Je devrn tn’enfu^. ma«s fat te'-ement SQilfH Sc<t pa es appe >e
No water » Then oftty o*w ttvng wJ s4<o my tfttfll Grve me yOjf Me» e
Wwse<? Na Wasser I Тгшкеп muG cb aoer* Kommt he< .hr haot ooch ii n’ont pas (Тмю. f* le ocxgo e* <eu et мне ииа cho^ oewt
МММИег ma so>f sorter vos t>tes. mes gattards
АЛ1 S* heben S* *•&•" •$ о эсЪОлег schHen Strtfw* Ол «М men® RaCung V»f«crhMiC(MMch «dwtr«n w dMM n<r> t i^QegarQ«n ru m<« \v*