                    Ю.И.ГОДЛИННИК И М.Д.КУЗНЕЦ

Юлия Ильинична Годлинник и Марианна Давидовна Кузнец УЧЕБНИК АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА для 6 класса
Lesson 1
Healthy and strong With a merry song We pass and pass and pass.
We have friends and foes, We are friends of those Who are for the working class.
Healthy and strong
With a merry song
We march into a great new life.
And if an enemy comes
Our pioneer drums
Are ready for struggle and strife.
M. Lebedinskaya
[e] [ou] [л]	[«:]	[Э]	[e.]
friend	foes	comes	class	strong	great
healthy	those	drums	pass	song
I.	Вставьте один из следующих предлогов: with, in, for.
I)	Many people are ... the streets. 2) We are marching ... red flags. 3) We are ready • •  struggle and strife. 4) We pass ... a merry song.
II.	Вставьте do, does, have, has, am, is, are.
1)	There ... many children in the garden. 2) She ... a girl. 3) When ... you work? 4) I ... writing. 5) Pioneers ... red ties. 6) Where ... he work? 7) This boy ... a ball.
III.	Вставьте а или an.
1)	This is ... book. 2) This is ... English book. 3) There is ... inkstand on the desk. 4) There is ... picture in the room. 5) Nina is ... girl. 6) She is ... schoolgirl. 7) She is ... Russian schoolgirl. She is not ... English schoolgirl. 8) Jane is writing ... exercise now. 9) She is writing ... Russian exercise. 10) What exercise is Misha writing? He is writing ... English exercise. 11) I am reading ... book. 12) I am reading not ... English book. 13) 1 am reading ... Russian book.
Lesson 2
Summer is over. The children are back at school again. Tom and Jane are also at school. They are glad to see their friends.
“Hallo, Tom!” says Misha.
“Hallo, Jane! How are you?”
“Good morning, Misha! How nice to see you again! Where is Nina?"
“Nina is here too. Look at Bob! How brown he is!"
The bell rings. It is nine o’clock.
Lessons begin.
[u:] [аг] [au] [e]	[□:]	[g]
school	hand	now	lesson	all	sing
too	glad	brown	bell	also	ring
I. Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения, начиная вопрос ловами who, what, when, where, whom.
Примеры. Tom. is reading a book. Who is reading a book?
The bell is ringing. What is ringing?
I see my mother. Whom do you see?
I am reading a book. What are you reading?
I work in the morning. When do you work?
I am at home. Where are you?
1)	The children are at school.
2)	He lives in Leningrad.
3)	School begins in September.
4)	Jane sees Nina at school.
5)	Tom sees his friends again.
6)	We go to school in the morning.
7)	We go to school in the morning.
8)	The bell rings at nine o’clock.
9)	Tom is glad to see his friends.
10)	Jane is writing an exercise.
11)	Misha is writing an exercise.
12)	We are singing songs.
13)	The inkstand stands on the desk.
14)	He works in the morning and plays in the evening.
II. Напишите во множественном числе.
1) The lesson begins at nine o’clock. 2) The band is playing.
3) My friend is at school. 4) He has a brother.
III. Напишите в единственном числе.
1) They learn Russian and English. 2) They are schoolgirls.
3) Pioneers have red ties. 4) Her sisters are at home.
Порядок слов в английском вопросительном предложении
Тот	has	a dog.
Who	has	a dog?
Тот	sees	Misha.
Who	sees	Misha?
Тот	skates	in winter.
Who	skates	in winter?
Тот	is playing	in the garden.
Who	is playing	in the garden?
The lamp	stands	on the table.
What	stands	on the table?
	Tom	has	a dog.
Has	Tom	a dog? Tom	sees	Misha.
Does	Tom	see	Misha? Tom	skates	in winter.
Does	Tom	skate	in winter? Tom	is pLaying	in the garden.
Is	Tom	playing	in the garden? The lamp	stands	on the table.
Does	the lamp	stand	on the table? 3. Tom	has	a dog.
What	has	Tom ? Tom	sees	Misha.
Whom	does	Tom	see ? Tom	skates	in winter.
When	does	Tom	skate ? Tom is playing in the garden.
Where	is	Tom	playing? The lamp stands on the table.
Where does the lamp
stand ?
Имеются три типа вопросительных предложений:
1. Вопрос относится к подлежащему.
Who has a dog?
Who sees Misha?
liZAo skates in winter?
Who is playing in the garden?
What stands on the table?
Кто имеет собаку?
Кто видит Мишу?
Кто катается на коньках зимою?
Кто играет в саду?
Что стоит на столе?
В первом типе вопросительного предложения подлежащее, выраженное вопросительным словом, стоит на первом месте.
Подлежащее отвечает на вопрос who? what? (кто? что?).
2. Вопрос относится к сказуемому и требует ответа лда“ или „нет“.
Has Tom a dog?
Does Tom see Misha?
Does Tom skate in winter?
Is Tom playing in the garden?
Does the lamp stand on the table?
Имеет ли Том собаку? Видит ли Том Мишу?
Катается ли Том на коньках зимою?
Играет ли Том в саду?
Стоит ли лампа на столе?
Во втором типе вопросительного предложения подлежащее стоит на втором месте. На первом месте стоит глагол.
Если сказуемое состоит из вспомогательного и главного глаголов, то на первое место ставится вспомогательный глагол:
Does Tom see Misha?
Is Tom playing in the garden?
3. Вопрос относится к дополнению или к обстоятельственным словам.
What has Tom?
Whom does Tom see?
When does Tom skate?
Where is Tom playing?
Where does the lamp stand?
Что имеет Том?
Кого видит Том?
Когда Том катается на коньках?
Где играет Том?
Где стоит лампа?
В третьем типе вопросительного предложения на первом месте стоит вопросительное слово, которое относится или к дополнению (whom? what? кого? что?), или к обстоятельственным словам (where? when? где? когда?). Остальная часть вопросительного предложения строится по второму типу.
Lesson 3
It is the English lesson. The teacher comes in and asks Tom: “Who is absent?*
Tom is on duty to-day. He answers:
“Ivanov and Nikitina are absent.’
Tom sits down. The teacher tells Misha to stand up and asks him to read the third lesson. Misha opens his book and begins to read. He reads well. The teacher says:
“Sit down, Atisha! You read very well. Now, Nelly!’
Nelly stands up and the teacher asks her to read.
Nelly does not read well. She does not know the lesson. The teacher says:
“You don’t know your lesson, Nelly!”
After this the teacher tells the other pupils to stand up in turn. He asks them to read. Then the teacher asks us many questions, and we answer them. After this we write a dictation. We write it in our copy-books.
When the lesson is over, the bell rings. The teacher takes our copy-books and says:
“Good morning!”
We stand up and say:
“Good morning!”
Примечание. Don't [dount] является сокращённой формой do not.
[ae]	[ju:]	[a:]	[ou]	[э:]	И	[kw]
stand	pupil	ask	window	third	they	quarter
hand	duty	after	snow	work	their	question
absent		answer	know	her	them	
I.	Замените выделенные существительные соответствующими местоимениями.
1)	The teacher asks Tom to read.
2)	Misha knows his lesson well.
3)	The teacher asks the pupils many questions.
4)	The children are singing a song.
5)	The blackboard is on the wall.
6)	Nina is sitting at the desk.
7)	The teacher tells Nelly to go to the blackboard.
8)	They are writing a dictation in their copy-books.
9)	We write exercises at the lesson.
П. Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения, начиная вопрос словами шЛа, whom, what.
1)	The teacher asks Tom a question.
2)	Tom answers the question.
3)	The teacher tells Jane to go to the blackboard.
4)	Jane knows the third lesson well.
5)	She is singing a song.
6)	Misha sees his friends again.
7)	The map is on the wall.
III.	Вставьте соответствующие местоимения.
1)	Jane says, "... am glad to see Nina, and ... is glad to see ... too.”
2)	Tom says, “... am glad to see Misha, and ... is also glad to see ....”
3)	Tom and Jane say, "... are glad to see our friends, and ... are also glad to see ....”
IV.	Вставьте a, an или the.
1)	This is ... English book. ... English book is open.
2)	This is ... classroom. What is there in ... classroom?
3)	There is ... map in our classroom. Here is ... map.
4)	This is ... table. What colour is ... table? There is ... inkstand on ... table.
Склонение личных местоимений
Именительный падеж Nominative Case Who? I go to school. Я хожу в школу. Не goes to school. Он ходит в школу. She goes to school. Она ходит в школу. We go to school. Мы ходим в школу. You go to school. Вы ходите в школу. They go to school. Они ходят в школу. What? The book is on the table. Книга	на столе. It is on the table. Она	на столе. The books are on the table. Книги	на столе. They are on the table. Они	на столе.	Объектный падеж Objective Case Whom? The teacher asks	me	to read. Учитель просит	меня	читать. The teacher asks	him	to read. Учитель просит	его	читать. The teacher asks	her	to read. Учитель просит	её	читать. The teacher asks	US	to read. Учитель просит	нас	читать. The teacher asks	you	to read. Учитель просит	вас	читать. The teacher asks	them	to read. Учитель просит	их	читать. What? The boy takes the book. Мальчик берёг книгу. The boy takes	it. Мальчик берёг	её. The boy takes the books. Мальчик берёт книги. The boy takes them. Мальчик берёт их. 11
В английском языке личные местоимения имеют два падежа:
	Nominative	Objective	I. Именительный падеж
	Case	Case	(Who? What?)
	Who?	Whom?	2. Объектный падеж
	What?	What?	(Whom? What?)
1.	I	me	Местоимение, стоящее
	r he	him	в именительном падеже,
3.	she	her	является подлежащим.
	lit	it	
1.	we	us	Местоимение, стоящее
2.	you	you	в объектном падеже,
3.	they	them	является дополнением.
Lesson 4
Teacher. Tom, how many hours are there in a day?
Tom. There are twenty-four hours in a day.
Teacher. And how many minutes are there in an hour?
Tom. There are sixty minutes in an hour.
Teacher. Good. Now, Misha, how many seconds are there in a minute?
Misha. There are sixty seconds in a minute.
Teacher. Tell me, how many days has a year?
Misha. A year has three hundred and sixty-five days. In a leap-year there are three hundred and sixty-six days.
Teacher. Right. Now, Vera! How many months has a year?
Vera. A year has twelve months.
Teacher. Do you know their names?
Vera. Yes, I do. They are: January, February, Anarch, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.
1 e a c h e r. Very good. Tell me, Nelly, how many days has a month? Nelly. It has thirty days.
Teacher. Are there any months which have thirty-one days?
Nelly. Yes, there are some. They are: January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.
Teacher. Very good, Nelly! Now, Bob! Tell me the names о/ some months which have thirty days.
Bob. April and June have thirty days.
Teacher. Are there any other months which have thirty days?
Bob. Yes, there are. September and November have also thirty days.
Teacher. Good. Mary, are there any months which have twentyeight days?
Mary. There is only one. It is February. In a leap-year February has twenty-nine days.
20 twenty 21 twenty-one	30 thirty 40 forty
22 twenty-two	50 fifty
23 twenty-three	60 sixty
24 twenty-four	70 seventy
25 twenty-five	80 eighty
26 twenty-six	90 ninety
27 twenty-seven	100 a hundred
28 twenty-eight	101 a hundred and one
29 twenty-nine	200 two hundred
	1 000 a thousand
How many seconds in a minute?
Sixty and no more in it.
How many minutes in an hour? Sixty for sun and flower.
How many hours in a day? Twenty-four for work and play. How many months in a year? Twelve the calendar makes clear.
C. G. Rossetti
[aua]	[is]	[A]	[A]	[ei]
our	clear	month	US	name
hour	here	other	sun	late
flower		some	hundred	April
[jus]	[ua]	[e]	[a]	[ds]
January February many September January any November June
December July
1.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	How many hours are there in a day? 2) How many minutes are there in an hour? 3) How many seconds are there in a minute? 4) How many days are there in a year? 5) How many months has a year? 6) Which is the first month? 7) How many days are there in January? 8) How many days has February in a leap-year? 9) What is the name of the third month? 10) What are the names of the other months?
II.	Ответьте утвердительно на вопросы.
Пример. Have you any English books? Yes, I have some.
1)	Have you any Russian books? 2) Has Tom any pictures? 3) Are there any pictures in your books? 4) Are there any chairs in this room?
III.	Составьте вопросы к ответам.
1)	Yes, we have some copy-books. 2) No, there are no pencils on the table. 3) No, he has no pictures in his book. 4) Yes, there are some tables in this room.
IV.	Прочтите.
24, 31, 58, 60, 73, 89, 92, 100, 105, 115, 146, 365, 366, 987, 1000
I. Some, any, no
Have you any books?
I have some books.
I have no books.
Are there any pictures in your room?
There are some pictures in my room.
There are no pictures in my room.
Есть ли у вас книги? (какие-нибудь книги/
У меня есть книги (несколько книг/
У меня нет книг (никаких книг/
Есть ли картины в вашей комнате? (какие-нибудь картины/
В моей комнате есть картины (несколько картин/
В моей комнате нет картин (никаких картин/
Is there any ink in the inkstand?
There is some ink in the inkstand.
There is no ink in the inkstand.
Есть ли чернила в чернильнице? (сколько-нибудь чернил)
В чернильнице есть чернила (некоторое количество чернил/
В чернильнице нет чернил.
Слово some означает несколько, некоторое количество. В вопросительном предложении слово some не употребляется. Вместо него ставится any, которое означает какие-нибудь, сколько-нибудь. В отрицательном предложении ставится слово по.
Слова some и any часто не переводятся на русский язык.
II. Предлог of
1. This month has thirty-one days. Этот месяц имеет 31 день.
2. The name of this month Название этого месяца —
is January.	январь.
В первом предложении слово month (месяц) является подлежащим и переводится на русский язык именительным падежом.
Во втором предложении слово month вместе с предлогом of переводится на русский язык родительным падежом.
Существительное с предлогом of переводится на русский язык родительным падежом.
Lesson 5
“Can you skate?” Tom asks Henry.
“Yes, 1 can,” answers Henry.
“Then let us go to the skating-rink,” says Tom.
“All right! Let us go!”
The boys go to the skating-rink.
“And can you ski, Henry?” asks Tom again.
“Yes, I can. I like it very much.”
“Let us go and ski together on the free day.”
“All right!”
“Do you like games?” Henry asks Tom.
“Oh yes! 1 often play football, volley-ball and tennis in summer.”
“1 cannot play football,” says Henry, “Then you must learn. It is not difficult.” “And can you swim?” asks Tom.
“No, I cannot, but I want to learn this summer.”
uOf course, you must. Do you hear the music?” asks Tom. “Here is the skating-rink!”
Up and down the hills we go, To and fro, to and fro.
Crystal air, and sun, and snow, Away we go, away we go!
M. Lebedinskaya
и	[ei]	И	[i:]	[ul
morning	name	have	see	book
forty	skate	banner	free	look
sport	game	can		football
(A]	[io]	[ea]		[э:]	
but	clear	chair	pupil	four	there
us	hear	air	duty	fourteen	then
must			music	course	together
I. Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	Сап you skate?
2)	Сап you play football?
3)	Can you play volley-ball?
4)	Do you swim?
5)	Do you play tennis?
6)	When do you play games?
7)	Do you like games?
II.	Напишите в вопросительной форме.
1)	Не сап skate.
2)	They can swim.
3)	She can sing.
III. Напишите в отрицательной форме.
1)	They can skate.
2)	He can sing.
3)	She can swim.
IV.	Напишите в вопросительной форме.
1)	We must speak English at the English lessons.
2)	He must go home now.
3)	They must do their lessons now.
4)	She must write this exercise.
V.	Напишите в отрицательной форме.
I must eat this.
He must eat this.
She must eat this.
We must eat this. You must eat this. They must eat this.
VI.	Составьте предложения из следующих слов.
Пример. March, in, days, thirty-one, are, there — There are thirty-one days in March.
1)	to, you, glad, see, am, I
2)	very, I, well, skate, can
3)	there, some, in, tea, cup, is, the
4)	them, know, well, 1, very
5)	morning, the, in, o’clock, nine, at, rings, bell, the
Настоящее время (Present) глагола сап (могу)
Утвердительная форма	Вопросительная форма	Отрицательная форма
I сап	Сап I	I cannot
Не сап	Can he	He cannot
She сап read.	Can she	,. read?	She cannot	. read.
We can	Can we	We cannot
You can	Can you	You cannot
They can	Can they	They cannot..
1.	Глагол сап не изменяется по лицам.
2.	В вопросительной форме глагол сап жащим.
I сап.
ставится перед подле-
Сап I ?
3.	Cannot — отрицание not пишется с глаголом сап вместе.
4.	После глагола сап всегда ставится другой глагол в инфинитиве (глагол, отвечающий на вопрос „что делать”, — питать, писать и т. д.). Глагол сап требует после себя инфинитива без частицы to.
Пример. I can read. (Сравн. 1 like to read.
I want to read.)
Настоящее время (Present) глагола must (должен)
Утвердительная	Вопросительная	Отрицательная			
форма	форма	форма	
I must	Must I	I	must not	
He must	Must he	He must not	
She must	Must she	She must not	
	go.	go?	go
We must	Must we	We must not	
You must	Must you	You must not	
They must.	Must they	They must not	
1.	Глагол must, так же как и глагол сап, не изменяется по лицам.
2.	В вопросительной форме глагол must ставится перед подлежащим:
I must.
Must I ?
3.	В отрицательной форме после глагола must прибавляется отрицание not (1 must not).
4.	После глагола must, так же как и после глагола сап, всегда ставится инфинитив (глагол, отвечающий на вопрос „что делать", — читать, писать и т.д.).
Глагол must требует после себя инфинитива без частицы to-Примеры. I must work.
I must learn to swim.
I must do my lessons well.
Lesson 6
To-day is the free day. Tom and Jane do not go to school on the free day. Father and Mother do not go to their work. It is half past two in the afternoon. Dinner is ready. Jane helps Mother to lay the table. She brings in some plates, spoons, forks and knives.
Now the family is sitting at the table.
Mother brings in the soup and gives some to Father and to the children.
Jane. Please, pass me the salt, Tom! There is too little salt in the soup.
Tom. Here it is.
Jane. Thank you!
Fred. I can’t eat the soup. It’s too hot.
Mother. Wait a little. Don’t eat it now.
After the soup Mother brings the meat and potatoes.
She gives some meat to Father and to the children.
Mother. Don’t play with the knife, Fred. Put it down.
Father. Please, pass me the bread, Jane.
Jane. Here’s the bread, Father.
Father. Thank you!
Mother. Now, Jane, take the plates away.
Jane takes away the plates. Mother brings some apples.
Mother. Don’t take that big apple, Fred. Here’s an apple for you.
Tom. My apple isn’t sweet. Give me another, please.
Mother. Here’s a nice apple for you.
Dinner is over. After dinner Mother washes up the plates. Jane and Tom help her.
1.	Wash your hands before dinner.
2.	Sit down to dinner.
3.	Do not put your knife into your mouth.
4.	Say “Please” when you ask people to pass you something.
5.	Say “Thank you” when people pass you something.
[ei|		[ai]	[«:]	1*1	[ei]	(i=l	[ou]
day	for	like	ask	also	again	eat	go
May	sport	knife	past	always	rain	tea	fro
lay	fork	knives	pass	salt	wait	meat	potato
	И	I®1	[au]		[91	[n]	
greet	can	thousand	something knife
sweet	apple	mouth	mouth	know
I.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	Do children go to school on the free day? 2) Whom does Jane help to lay the table? 3) With what do we eat soup? 4) With what do we eat meat? 5) Do you like meat and potatoes? 6) Do you like much salt in your soup? 7) Do you like apples?
II.	Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения.
1)	Mother gives some soup to Fred. 2) We eat soup with a spoon. 3) Tom likes to play chess with his father. 4) We eat meat with a fork. 5) He passes the salt to me. 6) I pass the bread to her. 7) Jane often plays with Fred. 8) We often play volley-ball with them.
III.	Поставьте косвенное дополнение перед прямым.
1)	Mother gives some meat to the children. 2) We give our copy-books to the teacher. 3) Pass the bread to me.
IV.	Поставьте прямое дополнение перед косвенным.
1)	Give him an apple. 2) Pass me the salt. 3) Don’t give her the knife.
I.	Местоимения с предлогами to и with
Whom does the teacher ask to read?
Кого учитель просит читать?
The teacher asks Misha to read.
Учитель просит Мишу читать.
The teacher asks him to read.
Учитель просит его читать.
То whom does Nina give a book? Кому даёт Нина книгу?
Nina gives a book to Misha.
Нина даёт книгу Мише.
Nina gives a book to him.
Нина даёт книгу ему.
With whom does Tom play?
С кем играет Том?
Tom plays with Misha.
Том играет с Мишей.
Tom plays with him.
Том играет с ним.
What do you see on the table? Что ты видишь на столе?
I see a pen on the table.
Я вижу перо на столе.
I see it on the table.
Я вижу его на столе.
With what do you write?
Чем ты пишешь?
I write with a pen.
Я пишу пером.
I write with it.
Я пишу им.
Употребление предлога to С косвенным дополнением
1.	The teacher gives a book to Misha.
2.	The teacher gives a book to him.
3.	The teacher gives Misha a book.
4.	The teacher gives him a book.
В каждом из указанных выше предложений имеются два дополнения.
A book (книгу) является прямым дополнением во всех четырёх предложениях. Misha (Мише) является косвенным дополнением в первом и третьем предложениях. Шт (ему) является косвенным дополнением во втором и четвёртом предложениях.
Как видно из примеров, если косвенное дополнение стоит после прямого дополнения, оно употребляется с предлогом to. Если косвенное дополнение предшествует прямому, оно употребляется без предлога to.
II. Образование множественного числа имён существительных, оканчивающихся на f и fe
one knife [naif] — two knives [naivz] one leaf — many leaves [li:vz]
Существительные, оканчивающиеся в ед.числе на f и fe, обычно меняют во множественном числе окончания /, fe на ves.
III. Сокращённые формы
В разговорном языке очень часто употребляются сокращённые формы, например:
can't [Aa:nt] = cannot
it’s [its] = it is
don’t [dount] = do not
Lesson 7
On the Seventh of November we celebrate the Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
There is a Soviet Army parade on this day. The soldiers come to the parade with automatic rifles and machine-guns. We can see many tanks and field guns. Big aeroplanes fly high in the air. The parade shows that our Soviet Army and Soviet Navy are always ready to defend our country.
There is a big demonstration after the parade. We hear music and songs. The streets are full of people. The people come to the tribune with banners, slogans and portraits of our leaders.
Long live our Great leader Comrade Stalin!
Long live the Great October Socialist Revolution!
Long live our Great Socialist Country!
[ia]	[ei]	И
hear	celebrate	work
clear	parade	world
	aeroplane	anniversary
[ex} [i][Jn][fl
great teacher demonstration socialist leader revolution
I.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	When do we celebrate the Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution? 2) Is there a parade on this day? 3) With what do the soldiers come to the parade? 4) What can we see? 5) Where do big aeroplanes fly? 6) Where do the people come with banners, slogans and portraits of our leaders?
II.	Выпишите из текста урока все лозунги.
III.	Опишите, что происходит на картинке.
(Lessons 1—7)
We must be at school at nine o’clock in the morning. The bell rings, and then the lessons begin.
Have you English lessons at school? Yes, we have. What do you do at your English lessons? We read, we speak, and we write. What do you write? We write exercises and dictations. We write them in our copy-books or on the blackboard.
Do you speak English? Yes, we do. Now we can speak English a little. With whom do you speak English? We speak English with our teacher. He asks us questions at the lesson, and we answer them. I always know my lesson well.
At two o’clock in the afternoon the lessons are over, and we go home. When I come home, I have my dinner. My mother gives 24
me some soup and meat. I like meat and potatoes. After dinner my mother often gives me an apple. I like sweet apples very much.
On the free day I often go to the skating-rink together with my friend. I like to go to the skating-rink with him. He skates very well.
Can you ski? Of course, I can. Can you swim? No, I cannot. I must learn in summer. Do you play games? Yes, I do. I can play tennis, volley-ball and other games. Have you any sisters or brothers? I have no brothers, but I have a little sister. She is very happy when 1 have time to play with her.
School begins in September. After September comes October. September has thirty days. October has thirty-one days. Are there any other months which have thirty-one days? Yes, there are some. They are: December, January, March, May, July, and August.
How many days has February? It has twenty-eight. In a leap-year it has twenty-nine days.
How many months are there in a year? There are twelve. How many days are there in a year? There are three hundred and sixty-five days. In a leap-year there are three hundred and sixty-six.
How many hours are there in a day? There are twenty-four hours. An hour has sixty minutes, and a minute has sixty seconds.
Review Exercises
I. Составьте вопросы к предложениям.
1) Lessons begin at nine. 2) The children are singing a song. 3) Yes, I can speak English. 4) No, we cannot skate in summer. 5) My friend is at school. 6) The children are at home. 7) Jane plays tennis in summer. 8) They live in Moscow. 9) I must come to school at a quarter to nine. 10) We must write this exercise. 11) Yes, there are some inkstands on the desks. 12) No, there are no balls under the chair. 13) She reads Russian, books and English books. 14) I am writing an exercise now. 15) She must go home. 16) Yes, he can ski very well. 17) The teacher gives us lessons. 18) I go to the skating-rink with my brother. 19) We eat soup with a spoon. 20) We eat potatoes with a fork. 21) We are carrying red flags.
II. Напишите следующие предложения сначала в вопросительной, а затем в отрицательной форме.
1) There are some pictures on the wall. 2) There are some pencils on the table. 3) There is some bread on the plate. 4) There is some water in the cup. 5) There are some knives on the table.
III. Напишите следующие предложения в утвердительной форме.
1) There are no maps on the wall. 2) There are no apples on the plate. 3) There is no tea in the cup. 4) There is no salt on the table. 5) There are no forks here.
IV. Закончите следующие предложения, поставив соответствующий глагол в инфинитиве.
Примеры. I like ....	I сап ....
I like to swim.	I can swim.
1)	Nina wants .... 2) My sister can also .... 3) We must ... .
4) He begins .... 5) We can .... 6) Tom must ....
V. Поставьте косвенное дополнение перед прямым.
1) The mother gives some apples to Misha. 2) The teacher is giving a book to Jane. 3) We give our copy-books to the teacher. 4) Pass the bread to Tom, please.
VI. Поставьте прямое дополнение перед косвенным.
1) Give Fred a pencil. 2) Pass your father some water, Jane. 3) Give her a knife.
VII. Поставьте местоимения в скобках в объектном падеже.
Пример. I give (he) many books.
I give him many books.
1) We often play volley-ball with (they). 2) I always see (she) in the morning. 3) The teacher often asks (we) to read. 4) I am glad to see (you). 5) She is glad to see (I). 6) His brother often goes to the skating-rink with (he).
VIII. Вставьте a, an или the.
1) We write with ... pen. 2) There is ... apple on this plate. Give me ... apple. 3) This is ... blackboard. What colour is ... blackboard? ... blackboard is black. 4) What colour are ... walls in your room? 5) ... soup is ready.
Lesson 8
Mother. Jane, I am free to-day. Put on your hat and coat, and let us go and do some shopping.
Jane. Wnat shall we buy?
Mother. We shall buy a pair of shoes for you and a pair of stockings for Fred.
Jane. What shall we buy for Tom?
Mother. We must buy a shirt and a red tie for Tom.
Jane. Tom will be very pleased, I know. And what shall you buy for yourself, Mother?
Mother. I must have a new dress. Be quick, Jane, or it will be late. We must be back at two o’clock.
Jane. I shall be ready in a moment.
И [ou]	[ai]	[ea]	[э:]
glad	go	my	chair	course
can	coat	good-bye	air	your
hat		buy	pair	yourself
		[u:]	[ju:]	lol
	meat	shoes	new	skating
	please		shopping
	pleased		stocking
I. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) What will Mother buy for Jane? 2) What will she buy for Fred? 3) What will she buy for Tom? 4) Do you like shopping? 5) Shall you buy a new coat in spring?
IL Составьте вопросы к предложениям.
Пример. Yes, they will go home.
Will they go hornet
1)	Yes, we shall go to the skating-rink. 2) Yes, he will swim in summer. 3) Yes, I shall buy a pair of stockings. 4) No, she will not read this book. 5) No, they will not be free to-day. 6) No, I shall not be ready in a moment. 7) No, we shall not have a Russian lesson to-day.
III.	Напишите в отрицательной форме.
Пример. I shall go home.
I shall not go home.
1)	I shall get up at seven o’clock in the morning. 2) They will be late. 3) She will put on her new dress. 4) We shall have meat for dinner. 5) You will see him in the afternoon.
IV.	Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы.
Пример. Shall you read this book?
Yes, I shall.
No, 1 shall not.
1)	Shall you buy a new dress for yourself? 2) Shall you go to the skating-rink on the free day? 3) Will she be free in the evening? 4) Will they come to see him on the free day?
V.	Замените выделенные существительные соответствующими местоимениями.
Пример. Mother gives some meat to Father.
Mother gives it to Father.
1) Put the coat on. 2) Mother will buy a dress for Jane. 3) Mother will buy a shirt for Tom. 4) The stockings are black. 5) Put the knife down. 6) Pass the salt to Nina. 7) Pass the apples to Bob.
Будущее время (Future)
Утвердительная форма	Вопросительная форма	Отрицательная форма
I	shall	Shall I	I	shall not
He will	Will he	He will not
She will play	Will she play	She will not p]ay
chess.	chess?	chess.
We shall	Shall we	We shall not
You will	Shall you	You will not
They will	Will they	They will not
Будущее время образуется с помощью вспомогательных глаголов shall и will и инфинитива главного глагола.
Примеры. I shall read. You will read.
He will be ready in a moment She will be ready in a moment.
We shall have an English lesson. They will have an English lesson.
Как видно из таблицы, shall употребляется для первого лица единственного и множественного числа.
Will употребляется для второго и третьего лица.
В вопросительной форме для второго лица вместо will употребляется shall.
Пример. Shall you see him to-day?
Yes, I shall.
Lesson 9
One day Tom asks Fred:
“Can you draw a manT
“No, Tom, I can’t.”
“Give me a pencil and some paper, and I shall show you how to do it.
I begin with the man’s face. Now I shall draw his eyes. He will also have a mouth and a nose. Then he will have two ears.
Now he must have some hair.
Look at the picture. The man’s head, is ready. Now I shall draw his body, arms,\\m&s,legs,and feet." When the picture is ready, Tom says, “You must go to bed now. It is nine o’clock. But to-morrow 1 shall show you how to draw a boy’s head, a girl’s head, a dog, a cat, and many other things."
It’s true, I have both face and hands, And move before your eye;
Yet when I go, my body stands, And when I stand, I lie.
[•ipiBM v]
[ou]		[ae]	[au]	[ou]	[io]	[еэ]
snow	draw	hat	house	stove	hear	air
know		can	thousand	rose	clear	pair
show		man	mouth	nose	ear	hair
	[e]	(i	:]	M		[ai]	
bread	greet	march	buy
ready	sweet	March	good-bye
head	feet	arm	eye
1. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: Tom's, mother's, our teacher's. Fred's, this girl's, Jane's, Misha’s, friend’s.
1) My ... name is Nelly, 2) This is ... schoolbag. 3) ... cat is black. 4) ... eyes are blue. 5) My ... hair is black. 6) This is ... pencil. 7) ... ball is in the box. 8) ... shoes are brown.
JI. Напишите во множественном числе.
Пример. The girl’s hat is green.
The girls' hats are green.
1) My friend’s coat is brown. 2) The boy’s shirt is white. 3) A pioneer’s tie is red. 4) The worker’s room is good. 5) The teacher’s pencil is red. 6) The girl’s cup is blue.
III. Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения.
1) Bob will draw a picture. 2) Bob will draw a picture. 3) His brother lives in Leningrad. 4) His brother lives in Leningrad. 5) 1 shall buy a pair of stockings. 6) We shall go to the skating-rink to-morrow.
IV. Напишите предложения в будущем времени.
Пример. 1 go home at four o’clock.
I shall go home at four o’clock.
1) I do not get up at six o’clock in the morning. 2) We have breakfast at eight o’clock in the morning. 3) He is at home on the free day. 4) They come home at half past two in the afternoon.
Possessive Case (Притяжательный падеж)
1.	The boy’s pencil is red. Карандаш мальчика — красный.
В этом предложении существительное the boy’s (мальчика) отвечает на вопрос „чей?”.
Если существительное отвечает на вопрос „чей?”, мы говорим, что оно стоит в притяжательном падеже. Одушевлённое существительное, стоящее в притяжательном падеже, принимает окончание Например: The girl’s tie is red.
2.	The boys’ pencils are red. Карандаши мальчиков — красные.
Во множественном числе к существительному, стоящему в притяжательном падеже, прибавляется только апостроф (’), если существительное оканчивается на $.
3.	The children's pensils are red. Карандаши детей - красные.
Если существительное во множеств, числе не имеет окончания s, то к нему в притяжательном падеже прибавляется окончание Ч.
Lesson 10
We have two eyes. We use them for seeing and looking. This is may right eye, and this is my left eye. People's eyes are of different colours; they are black, brown, grey, or blue.
We have two ears. We use them for hearing and listening. We like to listen to music on the wireless.
We use our mouths for eating and speaking. The tongue and teeth are in the mouth.
What do we smell with? We smell with our noses. What do we touch with? We touch with our hands and fingers. We use them for touching. How many hands have we? We have two. This is my right hand, and this is my left hand.
What do we walk with? We walk with our legs and feet. We have two legs and two feet. This is my right foot, and this is my left foot.
Spades for digging. Pens for writing, Ears for hearing, Teeth for biting, Eyes for seeing, Legs for walking, Tongues for tasting or for talking.
[ai]	[i:]	[ei]				[au]	[A]
light right	feet teeth	they grey		chalk walk	mouth	young touch tongue
[u]	[ju=]		Pl		[01	log]
good foot	music use		them that		young tongue	English finger
I.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	What do we see with?
2)	What do we speak with?
3)	What do we smell with?
4)	What do we touch with?
5)	What do we use for hearing and listening?
6)	What do we use for walking?
7)	How many teeth have we?
8)	Where is the tongue?
9)	Where is the hair?
10)	How many arms and legs have we?
11)	How many hands and feet have we?
И. Напишите во множественном числе.
ап eye	a finger	a foot	a knife	a man
a tooth	an arm	a leg	a child
III. Напишите глаголы в третьем лице единственного числа Present и Present Continuous.
Пример, to walk: he walks; he is walking to eat	to speak	to wash	to dress
to sit	to touch	to go	to write
IV. Поставьте существительные, данные в скобках, в притяжательном падеже.
Пример. (The boy) eyes are brown.
The boy’s eyes are brown.
1) (Misha) eyes are blue. 2) (The dog) teeth are white. 3) (Kitty) hair is black. 4) (Pioneers) ties are red. 5) (The cat) eyes are green. 6) (The schoolboys) copy-books are blue.
V. Вставьте соответствующие местоимения.
1) Tom says to Fred, “... shall show ... how to draw,” 2) A man has two legs; ... uses ... for walking. 3) Nelly is eating soup; ...is eating... with a spoon. 4) Tom says to Fred, “Give ... a pencil and some paper." 5) We have two ears; we use ... for hearing.
I. Образование множественного числа имён существительных
Мы знаем, что для образования множественного числа к именам существительным прибавляется буква s. Некоторые существительные являются исключением из этого правила. Например:
Ед. число
Множ, число
a child a foot a tooth a man
children feet teeth men
II. Употребление предлога в конце вопросительного предложения
В английском языке предлог может стоять в конце вопросительного предложения. Например:
With what do we hear?
What do we hear with?
Чем мы слышим?
Чем мы слышим?
И1. Окончание es в третьем лице единственного числа
Если глагол оканчивается на буквы ss, sh, ch, то в третьем лице единственного числа он имеет окончание es:
he dresses, he washes, he touches
Окончание es произносится как [iz]:
dresses [’dresiz], washes [’wh/iz], touches ['tatfiz]
Lesson 11
Teacher. Bob, when is the Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution?
Bob. It is on the seventh of November.
Teacher. Quite right. Now, Tom! When is the Day of the Stalin Constitution?
Tom. It is on the fifth of December.
Teacher. Very good. When is Lenin Memorial Day, Misha?
Misha. It is on the twenty-first of January.
Teacher. Good. Tell me, Ann, when is Soviet Army Day?
Ann. It is on the twenty-third of February.
Teacher. Right. When is the Day of the Paris Commune? Kitty, can you answer this question?
Kitty. It is on the eighteenth of March.
Teacher. Good. And when is International Women’s Day?
Kitty. It is on the eighth of March.
Teacher. Quite right. Tell me, Tom, when is May Day?
Tom. It is on the first of May.
Teacher. Very good. Now, Misha, when is Victory Day?
Misha. It is on the ninth of May.
IOth the tenth [tens]
20th the twentieth [’twentnO]
21st the twenty-first [’twenti-'ferst]
30th the thirtieth [0a:tu8]
40th the fortieth [’fortnS]
50th the fiftieth ffiftiiS]
60th the sixtieth [’siksttiS]
70th the seventieth [sevntixe]
80th the eightieth ['eitnS]
90th the ninetieth ['naintufl]
f/n]	[«:]	[®]	[ju:]	[kw]	[u]
revolution constitution demonstration	army	can	constitution	quarter	good march	man	commune	question	woman March	Paris	quite
I.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1) When is the Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution? 2) When is the Day of the Stalin Constitution? 3) When is Soviet Army Day? 4) When is International Women’s Day? 5) When is the Day of the Paris Commune? 6) When is May Day?
II.	Прочтите даты.
Пример. 1/IX — the first of September
10/1, 3/IV, 7/VIII, 15/XI, 6/II, 25/X, 30/XII, 11/11, 12/111, 20/V, 2/VII, 21/VI, 12/IX
III.	Составьте предложения из следующих слов.
Пример, desk, the, my, on, I, pen, put— / put my pen on the desk.
1)	football, he, friend, with, plays, his
2)	the, him, teacher, to, write, asks
3)	Nina’s, this, book, is
4)	any, do, pictures, you, room, in, see, the, ?
5)	see, you, do, whom, ?
6)	in, there, September, days, are, thirty
7)	blue, this, are, eyes, child’s
8)	I, coat, buy, new, shall, a
9)	touch, what, with, we, do,?
10)	use, writing, ink, for, a, we, pen, and
IV.	Вставьте, где нужно, а или the.
1)	April is ... month. 2) April is ... fourth month of ... year. 3) There are thirty days in ... April. 4) Soviet Army Day is on ... twenty-third of February. 5) Which month is December? It is ... twelfth month of ... year. 6) When is ... Day of ... Stalin Constitution? It is on ... fifth of December. 7) January is ... cold month.
Образование порядковых числительных
Английские порядковые числительные образуются следующим образом: к количественным числительным прибавляется окончание th. four—the fourth, ten—the tenth
Исключение составляют числительные the first, the second, the third
Обратите внимание на то, как образуются порядковые числительные от five и twelve:
iive—the fifth, twelve—the twelfth
Если числительное оканчивается на букву у, у порядкового числительного у меняется на i, и к нему прибавляется окончание eth:	. ,
twenty—the twentieth, thirty — the thirtieth
Lesson 12
There are four seasons in the year. They are: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
Winter is coming. The days are short, and the nights are long. The weather will soon be very cold. There will be much snow on the ground, and we shall put on our warm coats. The water in the river will become ice, and we shall skate on it.
After winter will come spring. In spring the weather is warmer than in winter. The days become longer, and the nights are shorter. Spring sowing begins on the collective farms.
In early spring it is not very warm. There are few flowers in the gardens, there is very little grass in the fields. When the weather is quite warm, we shall see many flowers in the gardens and fields.
April showers bring May flowers.
How do you like to go up in a swing, Up in the air so blue?
Oh, 1 do think it the pleasantest thing Ever a child can do!
Up in the air and over the wall, Till 1 can see so wide,
Rivers and trees and cattle and all Over the countryside —
Till I look down on the garden green, Down on the roof so brown —
Up in the air I go Hying again, Up in the air and down!
R. L. Stevenson
[к]	И	И	[е]	[Л]
read	August	for	head teacher	autumn	sport	breakfast season	short	weather	some come become
[ou]	[«:]	[u:]	[aua]	[i:]	1^1
snow	arm	too	flower	field sow	farm	soon	shower	together weather
I. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) How many seasons are there in the year? 2) What are the names of the seasons? 3) Is the weather cold in winter? 4) What does the water in the river become in winter? 5) Are the days long or short in winter? 6) Are the nights long or short in winter? 7) What do we put on when the weather is very cold? 8) Can you ski? 9) Shall you go to the skating-rink to-morrow? 10) When does the weather become warmer? 11) When do the days become longer? 12) When do the nights become shorter?
IL Вставьте одно из слов: colder, shorter, warmer, younger, longer.
1) Tom’s pencil is long; Jane’s pencil is .... 2) My brother is...than me. 3) Ice is...than water. 4) In winter the days are... than in spring. 5) In spring the weather is ... than in winter.
III. Вставьте: few, many, little или much.
1) There is ... soup in my plate. 2) There are ... books in the bookcase. 3) Are there ... or ... knives on the table? 4) There is ... water in this cup. 5) I do not like... salt in my soup. 6) Is there... or ... ink in the inkstand?
IV. Расскажите, что нарисовано на картинках на стр. 38 и 39.
I. Употребление many, much, few, little
many books — few books much salt — little salt
Many и much одинаково означают „много', но в употреблении этих слов имеется следующее различие. Many употребляется с существительными во множественном числе. Much употребляется с существительными в единственном числе. Например, мы говорим: many books, many pencils, many pens, many rooms, но much soup, much salt, much bread, much time.
Few и little одинаково означают „мало', но, так же как и many, слово few употребляется с существительными во множественном числе.
Little, так же как и much, употребляется с существительными в единственном числе. Например, мы говорим: few books, few pencils, few pens, few rooms, но little soup, little salt, little bread, little time.
Заметьте, что мы говорим: much ink, little ink. Слово ink (чернила) в английском языке не употребляется во множественном числе.
II. Образование сравнительной степени прилагательных
The red pencil is long.
The blue pencil is longer.
In spring the days are warm.
In summer the days are warmer than in spring.
Красный карандаш длинный.
Синий карандаш длиннее.
Весной дни тёплые.
Летом дни теплее, чем весною.
В сравнительной степени прилагательное имеет окончание ег:
long—longer, warm—warmer
Lesson 13
In summer the sun is very hot. Summer is the hottest season of the year. The days are long, and the nights are short. On the twenty-second of June we have the longest day and the shortest
night of the year. It is pleasant to swim in the cool water when the weather is hot.
In summer the corn becomes ripe, and the fields are quite yellow. When the corn is ripe, harvesting begins. We do not go to school in summer, because we have our holidays. Autumn begins in September. Many fruits become ripe in autumn. We all like to eat apples, pears, and cherries.
In October and in November the weather becomes colder and colder. It often rains.
On the first of September the summer holidays are over, and we go back to school.
Everything is shining wet
In rain, rain, rain;
It falls with trickling, splashing sounds Upon the window pane.
Everything looks very grey
In rain, rain, rain;
I love to see it hit the ground
And then bounce up again.
Make hay while the sun shines.
	[u:]	И	[ai]	[ei]	[o:]
breakfast	school	sport	like	wait	all
weather	cool	short	shine	rain	call
pleasant	fruit	corn	ripe		fall
[d3]	[9]	[£Э]	[A]	[u]	[w]
January	something	hair	come	book	white
June	everything	there	some	look	when
July		pear	love		while
[a:]	[au]	[ei]	[g]
farm	ground harvesting	sound bounce	day	make	harvesting say	pane	trickling hay	splashing
I. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) When is the weather warmer, in summer or in spring? 2) When are the days longer, in winter or in summer? 3) When is the weather colder, in September or in November? 4) Which is the hottest season of the year? 5) Which is the longest day of the year? 6) Which is the shortest night of the year? 7) When is it pleasant to swim? 8) When does the corn become ripe? 9) When do many fruits become ripe? 10) What fruits do you know? 11) Do we go to school in summer? 12) When do we go to school again? 13) When does it often rain?
II. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: the longest, the coldest, the hottest, the biggest, the youngest.
1) Summer is ... season of the year. 2) Winter is ... season of the year. 3) Tom is young, Jane is younger, Fred is .... 4) Misha is ... boy in his class. 5) The brown pencil is long, the blue pencil is longer, the red pencil is ... .
III. Напишите противоположное по значению слово. Пример, to give — to take
short, cold, big, hot, to answer, to ask
IV. Вставьте a, an или the.
1) January is ... coldest month of ... year. 2) It is warm in ... May. 3) Misha is ... pioneer. 4) He is ... Russian boy. He is not ... English boy. 5) We eat with ... knife and ... fork. 6) This is ... apple; ... apple is big and sweet.
V. Замените выделенные существительные соответствующими местоимениями.
1) Тот and Jane are at school. 2) The teacher asks the children many questions. 3) Nelly gives Vera a book. 4) Misha likes Bob. 5) The clock is on the wall.
VI. Расскажите, что нарисовано на картинках на стр. 42.
Три степени сравнения имён прилагательных
Положительная степень	Сравнительная степень	Превосходная степень
long	longer	the longest
short	shorter	the shortest
hot big
hotter bigger
the hottest
the biggest
В английском языке имеются три степени сравнения: положительная, сравнительная и превосходная. Как мы знаем, в сравнительной степени прилагательное имеет окончание ег. В превосходной степени прилагательное имеет окончание est. Прилагательное в превосходной степени употребляется с определенным
the longest, the shortest
Прилагательные hot и big односложны. Они оканчиваются на одну согласную, перед которой стоит одна краткая гласная. При образовании сравнительной и превосходной степени в таких прилагательных удваивается конечная согласная:
hot — hotter — the hottest
(Lessons 8-13)
To-morrow my mother will go and do some shopping. She will take me and my sister with her. We shall buy many nice things. I shall have a pair of new shoes and a new winter coat. My sister will have a new dress and hat. Then my mother will buy two pairs of stockings for us and a shirt for Father. Father will be very pleased.
What do we see with? We see with our eyes. We hear with our ears, and we smell with our nose. We use our mouth for eating and speaking. What is in the mouth? The tongue and the teeth are in the mouth. We have two arms and two hands. We also have two legs and two feet. We walk with our legs and feet.
Spring is a very pleasant season. The weather becomes warmer; the days are longer; the sun shines in the blue sky; the grass is green, and there are many flowers in the gardens and the fields.
Summer months are also very pleasant. They are the warmest months of the year. The days are long, the nights are short. The gardens are full of flowers. The corn in the fields becomes ripe. And when the sun is very hot, it is pleasant to swim in the cool water.
Autumn is a good season too. Apples, pears and other fruits become ripe in this season.
In winter the weather becomes very cold. The ground and the tree are all white with snow. We often go on our skis or skate on the ice. Is winter not a pleasant season?
Review Exercises
I.	Вставьте данные слова в притяжательном падеже.
Пример, (friend) tAy ... dog is big.
My friend's dog is big.
father, boy, sister, Jane, teacher, child, Misha, Bob
1)	My ... room is big. 2) ... father is a doctor. 3) ... pencilbox is in his schoolbag. 4) The ... books are in the bookcase. 5) I see ... cat. 6) This ... schoolbag is in the desk. 7) She is playing chess with her... friend. 8) Don’t take this ... ball.
II.	Напишите во множественном числе.
Пример. Му friend’s book is good. My friend’s books are good.
1)	The child’s ball is big.
2)	My sister’s friend speaks English.
3)	The teacher’s book is in the bookcase.
4)	His brother’s friend can swim.
5)	The man’s shoes are black.
6)	The pioneer’s tie is red.
III.	Вставьте, где нужно, a, an или the.
1)	I shall buy ... new dress. 2) Summer is ... hottest season of ... year. 3) There are thirty-one days in ... Marcn. 4) This is ... tie; ... tie is red. 5) I see ... book, ... copy-book, ... pen, ... pencil and ... inkstand on this desk. 6) After ... summer comes ... autumn.
IV.	Замените выделенные существительные местоимениями.
1)	Тот brings a book to Bob. 2) Jane will go and do some shopping to-morrow. 3) Nelly puts the knives and the forks on the table. 4) This boy often plays chess with his sister. 5) The children often skate in winter and swim in summer.
V.	Вставьте одно из тех слов, данных в скобках, которое подходит по смыслу.
Пример. Summer is ... season of the year. (hotter, the hottest)
Summer is the hottest season of the year.
1) In autumn the weather is ... than in summer, (colder, the coldest) 2) Winter is ... season of the year, (colder, the coldest) 3) In spring the days become ... and .... (longer, the longest) 4) He is ... than his brother, (younger, the youngest) 5) He is ... boy in our class, (bigger, the biggest) 6) Tom is ... than Fred. (bigger, the biggest) 7) Ice is ... than water, (colder, the coldest)
VI. Составьте вопросы к предложениям.
1) There are four seasons in the year. 2) Yes, he can skate. 3) It rains in autumn. 4) The corn becomes ripe in August. 5) Apples and pears become ripe in autumn. 6) No, we do not go to school in summer. 7) There are two inkstands on the table. 8) There are three doors in this room. 9) I shall buy a coat to-morrow. 10) I shall buy a coat to-morrow. 11) They will have an English lesson to-morrow.
VII. Напишите предложения в будущем времени.
1) Не is drinking tea. 2) They are eating soup. 3) I go to bed at ten. 4) The children write many dictations. 5) He does his lessons at home. 6) We play chess on the free day.
VIII. Ответьте устно на вопросы.
Пример. Is snow white? Yes, it is.
Is snow green? No, it isn’t.
Is snow white or green? It’s white. What colour is snow? It’s white.
I. Is chalk white?	2. Is the sky blue?
Is chalk black?	Is the sky brown?
Is chalk white or black?	Is the sky blue or brown?
What colour is chalk?	What colour is the sky?
3.	Is grass green?
Is grass red?
Is grass green or red? What colour is grass?
IX.	Ответьте устно на вопросы.
Пример. What do we call the first month of the year? We call it January.
1)	What do we call the second month of the year? 2) What do we call the third month of the year? 3) What do we call the fourth month of the year? 4) What do we call the fifth month of the year? 5) What do we call the first season of the year? 6) What do we call the hottest season of the year? 7) What do we call the third season of the year? 8) What do we call the twelfth month of the year? 9) What do we call the coldest season of the year?
X.	Ответьте устно на вопросы.
Пример. What do we use when we drink tea?
We use a cup.
1)	What do we use when we write? 2) What do we use when we eat meat? 3) What do we use when we eat soup? 4) What do we use when we write on the blackboard?
XI.	Ответьте устно на вопросы.
Пример. When do we use a cup?
We use a cup when we drink tea.
1)	When do we use a pen and ink? 2) When do we use a fork and a knife? 3) When do we use chalk? 4) When do we use a spoon?
Lenin is dead, but his work lives.
Lesson 14
Sasha and Misha are pioneers. Sasha’s father is an officer; he is at the front. Misha’s father is a partisan. The boys live in a village occupied by the Germans. Sasha and Misha hate the fascist soldiers and officers.
One day Sasha and Misha are walking home through a wood. It is getting dark. It is very cold. The ground is covered with snow. It is very still in the wood.
Suddenly Sasha sees something white behind the trees.
“Look, Misha!” Sasha says. “Do you see anything behind that tree?”
“No,” says Misha, “I see nothing there.” Then he says, “Yes, there is something behind that tree. What can it be? It is not snow; it moves a little."
The boys stop and stand still. The white thing moves again. Now the boys see it well. It is a man. He is covered with something white. Suddenly the boys see that he is not alone. Another man in white moves behind the first man, then another... The boys count the men. They see ten men.
“Misha,” says Sasha. “Those men are fascists. They are moving to the front. They want to penetrate into our rear. Run and tell your father about them. He will come with his partisans and catch or kill them. Run quickly, and I shall wait for you here.”
Soon Misha comes back with his father and two other partisans. They carry their automatic rifles, machine-guns and grenades with them. They know that they must catch or kill the fascists.
When Sasha sees the partisans, he runs to meet them.
“Where are the fascists?” asks Misha’s father.
“They are not far,” says Sasha. “They move very slowly, because they are afraid of partisans.”
Soon the partisans see the German fascists. They begin firing at them. The fascists are afraid of the partisans and try to run away. But not all of them can run away. Eight fascists fall down on the ground. Two fascists are killed and lie still on the white snow. Six fascists are badly wounded.
[ai]	[a:]		[A]	[A]		[ai]
night fight	answer partisan	front	run	badly something	suddenly	catch nothing	stand		white behind
[ia]	[u:]	[ai]	[kw]	[0]	[6]
hear ear near	do move through	cry	quite try	question by	quickly	thing something anything nothing	thing something nothing anything
I.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	What are Sasha and Misha? 2) What is Sasha’s father? 3) What is Misha’s father? 4) Where do Sasha and Misha live? 5) Whom do they hate? 6) Where are Sasha and Misha walking one day? 7) What is the ground covered with? 8) What does Sasha suddenly see behind the trees? 9) Do the boys stop and stand still? 10) Does the white thing move? 11) What is the man covered with? 12) How many men do the boys see? 13) What are those men? 14) Where does Misha run? 15) With whom does Misha come back? 16) What do the partisans carry with them? 17) What do the partisans do when they see the fascists? 18) Why do the fascists try to run away? 19) How many fascists are killed? 20) How many fascists are badly wounded?
II.	Составьте вопросы к предложениям.
1)	Yes, Tom has something in his right hand. 2) No, there is nothing in my bag. 3) No, 1 see nothing behind the tree. 4) Yes, there is something on the floor. 5) No, I have nothing in my left hand. 6) Yes, we can see something near the house.
III.	Вставьте предлоги through, with, behind, to.
1)	Misha must run ... his father. 2) The boys are walking ... a wood. 3) I see something ... that tree. 4) The ground is covered ... snow. 5) The man is covered ... something white.
IV.	Вставьте much, many, little или few.
1)	There is ... snow on the ground in winter. 2) Are there ... or... pictures in this book? 3) There are ... trees in the wood.
4)	Do you like ... or ... salt in your soup?
V.	Напишите глаголы в третьем лице единственного числа настоящего времени (Present).
Пример: to stand - he stands
to read, to go, to walk, to do, to run, to try, to ask, to cry
VI.	Расскажите содержание рассказа "Two Little Patriots" своими словами.
I. Употребление something, anything, nothing
Is there anything on the table? There is something on the table. There is nothing on the table.
Есть ли что-нибудь на столе?
На столе что-то есть.
На столе ничего нет.
Слово something означает что-то. В вопросительном предложении something не употребляется. Вместо него употребляется anything, которое означает что-нибудь. В отрицательном предложении употребляется nothing, которое обозначает ничего.
II. Третье лицо единственного числа глаголов, оканчиваю-
щихся на у Present Tense			
I	try	we	try
he	tries	you	try
she	tries	they	try
Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на букву у, перед которой стоит согласная, имеют в третьем лице единственного числа настоящего времени окончание es, причём буква у заменяется i:
he tries, he cries но: he plays
Lesson 15
Tom. Hallo, Bob! Where are you going?
Bob. I am going to the cinema.
Tom. What is on to-day?
Bob. “Chapajev.” It’s a very good film. Can you go too?
Tom. No, thank you. I was at the cinema yesterday.
Bob. What was on?
Tom. “Lenin in October.”
Bob. Was it interesting?
Tom. Oh, very!
Bob. Was Jane with you?
Tom. No, she was not.
Bob. Why?
Tom. Because she was ill yesterday.
Bob. Is she better to-day?
Tom. Yes, thank you. She is quite well to-day, but she was in bed yesterday.
Bob. Were you at the cinema alone?
Tom. No, Misha and Henry were with me.
Bob. Well, good-bye now! I must go or I shall be late.
Tom. Good-bye!
[I]	[ai]	lol	[w]		[kw]
holiday	my	shopping	well	what	quarter
yesterday	why	harvesting	with	where	question
	good-bye	interesting	was were	why while	quickly quite
1.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	When was Tom at the cinema? 2) What was on that day? 3) Was Jane with him? 4) Why not? 5) Was Tom alone at the cinema? 6) Who was at the cinema with him?
II.	Составьте вопросы к предложениям.
I)Yes, I was at the cinema yesterday. 2) No, I was not at the cinema yesterday. 3)Yes, Jane was ill yesterday. 4) No, Bob was not ill yesterday. 5) Yes, they were at school yesterday. 6) No, they were not at the cinema yesterday.
III.	Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения, начиная вопрос словами: -when, where, how, whom, who, what, with whom, with what или to whom.
1)	Misha’s father works on a collective farm. 2) The boys are walking quickly. 3) We shall come home in the evening. 4) Sasha sees a man behind the tree. 5) We write with a pen and ink. 6) Tom likes this story very much. 7) Misha likes to read. 8) The white thing moves a little. 9) I often walk in the wood with my stster. 10) Fred gives Tom a pencil and some paper.
IV.	Вставьте something, anything, nothing, some, any или no.
1)	Is there... on the chair? 2) Yes, there is... on it. 3) Is there ... ink in the inkstand? 4) Yes, there is ... . 5) No, I have ... green pencils. 6) No, I see ... in this box.
V.	Вставьте I, ту или me.
1) Give ... some paper. 2) ... have a new book. 3) It is... book.
VI. Вставьте he, his или him.
1) ...has a ball. 2) It is ... ball. 3) Give this ball to....
Прошедшее время (Past) глагола to be
Утвердительная форма		Вопросительная форма		Отрицательная форма	
I was	C3	Was I	CO	I was not	w
He was	E*	Was he	Ее-	He was not	
She was	c-u ’6 Jr.	Was she	<D C 03 •0’S	She was not	c-o
We were	а? м £ <L>	Were we	, r СЛ	We were not	о -C <D
You were They were	** >> CO	Were you Were they	-«-• <L> cd	You were not They were not	CO
Lesson 16
Tom is at home. He is waiting for Henry. Soon Henry comes. T о m. Hallo, Henry! Why are you so late? It is already five o'clock. Henry. We had six lessons to-day, and after the lessons we had a pioneer meeting. And why are you at home so early? T о m. We had only five lessons to-day.
Henry. Had you a pioneer meeting yesterday?
Tom. No, we had a meeting last week.
Henry. What shall we do now?
Tom. Let us go to the shooting-range.
Henry. All right!
This is the song, The song it sings. These are the words The bell now rings: "Your play is done, Work has begun, Now boys and girls Must leave their fun."
This is the song, The song it sings. These are the words The bell now rings: "Your school is done, It's time for fun. Now, boys and girls, Play has begun."
[аг]	M	[ou]	[a:]		[ei]	(Э:1
can	salt	go	pass	meeting	again	learn
man	also	no	ask	greet	rain	early
has had	always already	so	last	week	wait	
I. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) How many lessons had Henry? 2) What had he after the lessons? 3) How many lessons had Tom? 4) When had Tom a pioneer meeting?
II. Составьте вопросы к предложениям. Каждый вопрос начните с вопросительного слова why.
1)	They must go home, because it is late. 2) Jane was in bed, because she was ill. 3) Tom and Misha go to the cinema together, because they are friends. 4) Henry had no lessons yesterday, because it was the free day. 5) Fred likes this book, because there are many pictures in it. 6) We shall read this book, because it is interesting.
III.	Составьте предложения из слов.
Пример: here, there, somebody, is — There is somebody here.
1)	mouth, with, we, our, eat
2)	for, we, writing, pens, use
3)	see, floor, the, I, on, something
4)	nobody, garden, is, the, there, in
5)	snow, the, covered, trees, are, with
6)	week, I, last, was, the, cinema, at
7)	yesterday, had, a, they, meeting
IV.	Вставьте слово из скобок, которое подходит по смыслу.
Пример. Winter is ...season of the year, (colder, the coldest) Winter is the coldest season of the year.
1)	In summer the days are ... than in spring, (longer, the longest) 2) I have three pencils. The yellow pencil is ... of the three. (shorter, the shortest) 3) Jane is ... than Tom. (younger, the youngest) 4) Misha is ... boy in our class, (bigger, the biggest). 5) To-day the weather is ... than it was yesterday, (warmer, the warmest) 6) On the twenty-second of December we have ... night of the year, (longer, the longest)
V.	Напишите порядковые числительные от чисел.
Пример: four — the fourth
twenty-two, thirty-five, twelve, sixty-nine, forty-three
VI.	Напишите во множественном числе.
1)	There is no book on the table.
2)	Where is the teacher? He is in the classroom.
3)	The boy is reading a slogan.
4)	The girl is writing an exercise.
5)	My friend is a pioneer.
ГРАММА ТИКА Прошедшее время (Past) глагола to have					
Утвердительная форма		Вопросительная форма		Отрицательная форма	
I had He had She had We had You had They had	an English lesson yesterday.	Had I Had he Had she Had we Had you Had they	an English lesson yesterday?	I had He had She had We had You had They had	[no] English lesson yesterday.
В отрицательной форме глагола to have, как в настоящем, так и в прошедшем времени, перед существительными употребляется отрицание по. Артикль при этом не употребляется. В кратких отрицательных ответах вместо по употребляется отрицание not.
Примеры. Have you a ball?
No, 1 have not (haven’t). I have no ball.
Had you an English lesson yesterday?
No, I had not (hadn’t). I had no English lesson yesterday.
Lesson 17
Yesterday was Jane’s birthday. Jane is twelve years old now. She invited all her friends. She received, many presents: a new dress from Mother and Father, a book from Tom, a pretty cup from Kitty and a box of paints from Misha and Nina.
The children had cakes, sweets, and apples for tea. After tea they played games and dancer/.
Then they decided to sing a song which they all liker/ very much, ft was the "Merry Fellows."
	[ou]	[л]	[I]	[i:l
first	cold	become	many	sweet
third	old	covered	any	meat
birthday		colour	pretty	receive
I. Составьте	вопросы к	выделенной части	предложения.	
1)	Tom was at the cinema yesterday.
2)	Tom was at the cinema yesterday.
3)	Tom was at the cinema yesterday.
4)	We had a meeting last week.
5)	We had a meeting last week.
6)	Tom and Henry are going to the skating-rink.
7)	Bob wants to see this film.
8)	Bob wants to see this film.
9)	He must go to school.
10)	We shall read this book.
11)	Jane will write this exercise.
12)	1 shall play chess with my brother.
II.	Напишите в прошедшем времени.
1)	We skate in winter. 2) There are many flowers in spring. 3) We have tea after dinner. 4) We work in the morning and in the afternoon.
III.	Напишите в будущем времени.
1)	We play tennis in summer. 2) Children do not go to school on the free day. 3) We have soup and meat for dinner. 4) They are at home. 5) It is warm in spring.
IV.	Вставьте she или her.
1)	Jane received many presents from ... friends.
2)	... is thirteen years old now.
3)	Show ... this picture.
V.	Вставьте we, our или us.
1)	...were at the cinema on ... holiday.
2)	... teacher was at the cinema with ... .
3)	... liked the film very much.
VI.	Вставьте you или your.
1)	Were ... at the cinema on ... holiday?
2)	Who was at the cinema with ... ?
VII.	Найдите противоположное по значению слово. Пример: to ask - to answer
old to receive nothing new white cold evening	short	far night
Прошедшее время (Past) правильных глаголов
Утвердительная форма
to play	to work	to invite
I played s,	I worked	I invited my
He played	He worked	He invited his
She played S (/)	She worked	She invited her
(D We played	<D We worked £	We invited our
You played 75	You worked	You invited your
They played -°	They worked	They invited their
friend yesterday.
Прошедшее время большинства английских глаголов образуется путём прибавления окончания ed к инфинитиву:
to play-played, to work -worked
Если глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на е, в прошедшем времени перед окончанием ed буква е опускается:
to dance — danced, to receive — received
Произношение окончания ed
I.	В окончании ed буква е не произносится:
played [pleidj, received [ri'skvd], lived [livd]
II.	Если перед ed стоит глухая гласная р, k, f, s, c(e), окончание произносится как [t]:
worked [wa:kt], danced [da:nst], asked [a:skt]
III.	В глаголах, оканчивающихся на буквы t, d, te или de, окончание ed произносится как [id]:
to invite—invited [in'vaitid] to decide — decided [dfsaidid] to want — wanted ['wontidj
Lesson 18
Kitty. Good morning, Nelly!
Nelly. Good morning!
Kitty'. Yesterday was Jane’s birthday. Did she invite you?
Nelly. Yes, she did.
Kitty. Why weren’t you there?
Nelly. Because Mother was ill. Tell me all about it, Kitty!
Did Jane receive any presents?
Kitty. Yes, she did.
Nelly. What presents did she receive?
Kitty. She received a dress, a book, a cup and a box of paints.
Nelly. What did you all do there?
Kitty. Oh! We had a very good time. We had tea and cakes, and then we played games.
Nelly. Did you play games all the evening?
Kitty. No, we did not. We danced too.
Nelly. I am very sorry that I was not there.
[au]	[ei]	[ei]	[i]	[D]
house	day	rain	very	song
mouth	play	wait	merry	long
thousand	hay	again	story	ring
about	May	paints	sorry	bring
I.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	When was Jane's birthday? 2) How old is Jane? 3) Whom did Jane invite? 4) What presents did she reseive? 5) What did the children do after tea? 6) What song did they deside to sing? 7) Do you like to sing? 8) How old are you?
II.	Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения.
1)	Jane received a box of paints. 2) Jane received a box of paints. 3) They lived in Leningrad last year. 4) They lived in Leningrad last year. 5) Yesterday I played volley-ball with my friends. 6) The teacher asked his pupils many questions. 7) He asked us to come. 8) He asked him to sit down.
III.	Напишите в отрицательной форме.
1)	They lived in Moscow last year. 2) He played chess yesterday. 3) We learned a song last week. 4) She skated yesterday.
V. Вставьте, где нужно, a, an или the.
1)	We skate in winter. 2) It is Jane's birthday. 3) She does not work in the evening. 4) He walks very quickly.
IV.	Напишите в прошедшем времени.
1)	Не received two presents: ...new shirt and... box of paints. 2) Do you like ... apples? Yes, I do. 3) Give me ... apple, please. 4) Pass me ... salt, please; it is near you. 5) June is ... sixth month of... year. 6) Which is... hottest month?
Образование прошедшего времени (Past)
Вопросительная форма
Отрицательная форма
Did	I	dance		I	did	not	dance	
Did	he	dance		He	did	not	dance	
Did	she	dance	co*	She	did	not	dance	’O
Did	we	dance	<L> </r	We	did	not	dance	<L>
Did	you	dance	>»	You	did	not	dance	О
Did	they	dance		They did		not	dance	
Вопросительная форма прошедшего времени глагола образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола did, который
является прошедшим временем глагола to do. Did употребляется во всех лицах единственного и множественного числа.
Настоящее время do does
Прошедшее время
Отрицательная форма прошедшего времени глагола также образуется с помощью глагола did, который употребляется во всех лицах единственного и множественного числа. Did употребляется с отрицанием not. В вопросительной и в отрицательной форме главный глагол употребляется в инфинитиве без частицы to.
Lesson 19
On the twenty-third of February we celebrated Soviet Army Day. We had a meeting at school.
The meeting began after the lessons. Comrade Ivanov, an officer, came to our school to tell us about Soviet Army. He told us about the Great Patriotic War, about our heroes and their exploits.
At the end he said, "Our Soviet Army and Soviet Navy are very strong. Our artillery and aviation are the best in the whole world. Our soldiers and officers are always ready to defend our country.
"We must all be ready; you, children, must learn to shoot and become Voroshilov shots."
Long live the Soviet Army!
Long live the Soviet Navy!
Long live Great Stalin, Generalissimo of the Soviet Union!
[®]	[ei]	[au]	[ou]	M	[«]
can	take	house	cold	warm	arm
began	came	about	told	war	artillery
[u:]	[A]	[D]		[Jn]	[e]
shoot	country	strong	revolution		said
too	young	long	demonstration		ready
I.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	When is Soviet Army Day?
2)	What did Comrade Ivanov tell the children at the meeting?
3)	Do you learn to shoot?
4)	Are you a Voroshilov shot?
II.	Назовите по-английски даты.
23/11, 8/III, 18/III, 1/V, 1/IX, 7/XI, 5/XII, l/I, 22/1
III.	Замените выделенные существительные местоимениями.
1)	Comrade Ivanov told us about the Soviet Army.
2)	Tom and Misha learn to school.
3)	Nina gives Jane many books.
4)	The teacher asked the pupils to read.
5)	Mother asked Fred to put the knife down on the table.
IV.	Напишите предложения, поставив слова из первого столбца в притяжательном падеже.
Пример. 1	2	3
Tom pencil-box is yellow
Tom's pencil-box is yellow.
1	2	3
The children Jane Fred Misha Bob	ball	is white, flowers	are pretty, apple	is sweet, sister	swims well, brother	skates well.
Образование прошедшего времени (Past) неправильных глаголов
Present Tense
I come [клт] — я прихожу
I say [sei] — я говорю
I take [teik] — я беру
I shoot [/u:t] — я стреляю
I tell [tel] — я рассказываю
1 begin [bi'gin]— я начинаю
Past Tense
I came [keim] — я пришёл
I said [sed] — я сказал
I took [tuk] — я взял
I shot [/ot] — я выстрелил
I told [tould] — я рассказывал
I began [bigten]—я начал
Глаголы, имеющие в прошедшем времени окончание ed, называются правильными.
В английском языке имеются глаголы, которые образуют прошедшее время без окончания ed. Такие глаголы называются неправильными.
Глаголы, данные в таблице, относятся к числу неправильных.
Прошедшее время неправильных глаголов, так же как и правильных, не меняется ни по лицам, ни по числам:
I	came	we	came
he	came	you	came
she	came	they	came
	Past	Tense	
Вопросительная форма
Отрицательная форма
Did I come?	I	did not	come.
Did I say?	I	did not	say.
Did I take?	I	did not	take.
Did I shoot?	I	did not	shoot.
Did I tell?	I	did not	tell.
Did I begin?	I	did not	begin.
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы неправильных глаголов, так же как и правильных глаголов, образуются с помощью глагола did.
Как в вопросительной форме, так и в отрицательной главный глагол употребляется в инфинитиве без частицы to.
(Сравните с вопросительной и отрицательной формами правильных глаголов, стр. 61-62.)
Lesson 20
It was at the time of the civil war. Lena's father was a red partisan.
One day there was shooting all around the village where Lena lived. At night the shooting stopped. Lena was at home with her mother and her little brother. Suddenly Lena saw a man's face at the window.
"Open the window!" said the man.
"What do you want?" asked Lena.
"I am your father's friend, Lena. My name is Ivanov," said the man. Lena opened the window.
"Come in, please!" she cried.
“Mother, come here! Here is Father’s friend, Comrade Ivanov.” “1 cannot come in. Your father asks you to come to him. He is wounded. He is in the old mill in the wood. Take some bread with you and some bandages and run to him.”
“I shall go,” said Lena’s mother.
“No, no, you must not go!” cried Lena. “1 shall go. 1 am only a little girl. Nobody will touch me.”
Lena’s mother gave her some bread and some ban-
dages, and the girl ran to the wood very quickly. Nobody saw her. At last she saw the old mill. She opened the door and said: “Father!”
“Lena! Is that you?” cried her father.
“Here is some bread for you and some bandages. Are you badly wounded, Father? Can you go home with me?”
“No, I cannot. I am wounded in the leg,” said Lena’s father. “I cannot walk.”
Lena helped her father to bandage his leg. Then she gave him some bread and some water.
“Go home, little Lena,” said her father. “I am better now. Come here again to-morrow. Good-bye, dear, and thank you very much.”
Lena vsent to see her father every night. Soon he was well again. He said good-bye to his little “Red Partisan” and went back to the war.
Now Lena is a doctor. During the Great Patriotic War she was at the front and worked in a field hospital.
Примечание: to stop — stopped, to cry — cried
M	[a:]	[au]	[u:]	[ou]
all	mark	house	shoot	no
wall	army	about	wounded nobody	
war	partisan	around		
[□:]	[ei]	[аг]	[«:]	[$]
draw	came	can	pass	bad
saw	gave	man	past	badly
save	ran	last	bandage
[ia]	[ail	[0]		[d3]
near	like	shopping		village
ear	nine	skating		bandage
dear	life	shooting		
I. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) What was Lena's father? 2) Where did Lena live with her mother and brother? 3) What was there all around their village one day? 4) When did the shooting stop? 5) Whom did Lena suddenly see at the window of the house? 6) Who was the man? 7) What was his name? 8) What did Comrade Ivanov say to Lena? 9) What did Lena's mother say? 10) What did Lena answer? 11) Where was Lena's father? 12) Was he wounded? 13) What did Lena help him to do? 14) What did she give him? 15) How often did Lena go to see her father? 16) What is Lena now?
II. Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения, начиная вопрос словами -what, why, when, how. how often, where или who.
1) Lena's father was wounded. 2) Lena went to see her father every night. 3) The girl ran to the wood very quickly. 4) Lena
lived in a village. 5) The next day Lena came to the old mill again. 6) He went to the cinema, because he wanted to see the new film. 7) She gave him some bread and water. 8) The shooting stopped at night. 9) The mill was in the wood. 10) I went to the skating-rink, because 1 wanted to skate.
HI. Подберите к следующим словам слова одинакового с ними корня. Пример: to sing — song
to shoot, please, quick, bad, life
IV. Расскажите содержание рассказа своими словами.
(Lessons 14—20)
Tom and Jane are walking together in the wood. Spot is with them. He is running behind.
It is a cold winter day. The ground and the trees are covered with snow, and all around is white.
Tom sees something black on the snow near one of the trees. He asks Jane, “Do you see anything near that tree, Jane?”
“No, 1 don’t,” answers Jane, “there is nothing there.”
Tom looks again. There is something on the snow, but he does not see what it is.
Tom calls his dog, but Spot is not there. He is running quickly to the black thing near the tree. A little later Spot comes back with something black in his teeth. When he comes quite near, Tom and Jane see an old black shoe in his mouth.
“Last week was my birthday. I am thirteen years old now, 1 invited all my friends. One of them did not come, because he was ill.
“I received many presents—one from Father and Mother, another from my sister and brother, and some presents from my friends.
“We had cakes, sweets and fruit for tea. After tea we played games and danced. We were all very gay and happy.”
"And what did you do yesterday?"
"I was at the cinema."
"Did you go there alone?"
"No, I was at the cinema with my brother. We saw a very interesting film, and we were very pleased.
"I am learning to shoot now. I want to become a Voroshilov shoot. At first I did not shoot well. Now I shoot much better."
Review Exercises
I.	Вставьте something, anything, nothing, some, any или no.
1)	There is ...meat on the plate. 2) No, there is... on the sofa. 3) I see ... on the floor. 4) Are there ... desks in the classroom? Yes, there are many. 5) Did he receive ... presents yesterday? Yes, he did. 6) No, there are ... knives on the table. 7) Do you know ... about it? 8) No, I know ... about it.
II.	Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения.
1)Не came to see his friend. 2) We went to the cinema. 3) Tom said "Good-byel" 4)1 saw him in the morning. 5) She cried, "Come back\" 6) The man tried to run away. 7) The teacher asked his pupils to read. 8) The teacher asked his pupils to read. 9) The children were in the garden yesterday. 10) Yesterday the children were in the garden. 11) We had a meeting last week. 12) Last week we had a meeting. 13) He was at the skating-rink on the free day. 14) On the free day he was at the skating-rink.
III.	Напишите в отрицательной форме.
1)Не came late. 2)1 opened the door. 3) We went to bed at nine. 4) They took her book. 5) They saw us yesterday. 6) My brother lived with us last year. 7) He was at home yesterday. 8) They were at home yesterday. 9) We had an English lesson yesterday.
IV.	Вставьте, где нужно, a, an или the.
1) My teacher gave me ... interesting book to read. 2) Lena saw ... man near their house; ... man was her father's friend. 3) We have ... breakfast in ... morning and ... dinner in ... afternoon. 4) I see ... pencil-box on the desk; ... pencil-box is yellow. 5) There are four seasons in ... year: ... spring, ... summer, ... autumn, and ...winter. 6) This is ... apple; ... apple is
green. 7) On ... twenty-second of June we have ... longest day and ... shortest night of ... year.
V. Вставьте you или your.
1) Did ... invite all ... friends? 2) Where were ... yesterday?
VI. Вставьте I, ту или me.
1) Will you go home with ... ? 2) Lena’s father said, "... am better now.” 3) ... sister is a pioneer.
VII. Вставьте we, our или us.
1) She came to see ... . 2) They are older than ... .3) ... are glad to see you. 4) There are some pictures in ... room.
VIII.	Вставьте she или her.
1)	Nina is calling .... 2) ... is writing an exercise. 3) Lena lived in the village with ... mother and ... little brother.
IX.	Вставьте he, his или him.
1)	Take some bandages and run to ... . 2) ... brother is younger than ....
X.	Вставьте they, their или them.
1)	Ask ... to do it to-morrow. 2) ... often play volley-ball.
3) Who is the president of ... collective farm?
Lesson 21
Tom came home from the cinema. He was very tired and wanted to sleep. He drank his tea quickly and went to bed. Soon he was asleep. Suddenly somebody opened the door of his room and walked in. Tom -woke up. It was dark. Tom did not see who it was.
He asked, “Who is there?”
No answer.
“Is there anybody in the room?”
Nobody answered.
“Is there anybody there?” Tom said again. Again nobody answered.
Somebody came to Tom’s bed and touched his foot. Tom jumped, up. It was Spot.
The sun is not а-bed, when I At night upon my pillow lie; Still round the earth his way he takes, And morning after morning makes.
R. L. Stevenson
[A]	[aia]	[i:j			[A]	[el
suddenly funny jump	pioneer dialogue tired		week three asleep	come some somebody	many any anybody
[ou]		[a:]	[«]	(□J	
also no nobody		arm farm dark	thank drank	thank drank ink	
I.	Ответьте на вопросы.
1)	Where did Tom come from? 2) Was he tired? 3) What did he want? 4) What did he drink? 5) Was he soon asleep? 6) Did anybody open the door of his room and come in? 7) Did Tom see who it was? 8) Why not? 9) What did Tom ask? 10) Did anybody answer his question? 11) Did anybody come to Tom's bed? 12) Did anybody touch Tom's foot? 13) Who was it?
II.	Вставьте somebody, anybody или nobody.
1)	Yes, there is ... in this room. 2) No, ... is silting at the table. 3) Can ... speak English here? 4)... is singing in the other room. 5) No,... is here. 6) Does ... know the new song?
III.	Составьте предложения из следующих слов.
Пример: here, there, somebody, is — There is somebody here.
1)	nobody, garden, is, the, there, in
2)	see, floor, the, I, on, something
3)	there, room, is, the, anybody, in, ?
4)	water, she, and, gave, bread, him, some
5)	her, nobody, saw
6)	do, tree, you, the, see, behind, anything, ?
7)	bookcase, are, the, in, there, books, any, ?
8)	saw, because, he, it, dark, nothing, was
IV.	Вставьте many, few, much или litde.
l)Tom does not drink ... tea. 2) I have very ... time, because I have much work. 3) Were there ... or ... people there?
Употребление somebody, anybody и nobody
Is there anybody in the room? Есть ли кто-нибудь в комнате? There is somebody in the room. В комнате кто-то есть.
There is nobody in the room. В комнате никого нет.
Слово somebody в передаче на русский язык означает "кто-то". В вопросительном предложении слово somebody не употребляется. Вместо него употребляется anybody, которое в переводе означает "кто-нибудь". В отрицательном предложении употребляется слово nobody, которое означает "никто".
Lesson 22
Yesterday Bob came to see Tom.
"Tom," said Bob, "I am going to the Zoo. Let us go together." "All right!" said Tom. "There is a new monkey there. Let us go!" The boys put on their hats and coats and went out. They took the tram, and twenty minutes later they were at the Zoo.
It was dinner-time for the animals. First of all the boys went to see the elephant. Betty is a very old elephant. She is very big and has little black eyes.
"Look, Tom! She is going to eat " said Bob
"Do you know how much she can eat?" asked Tom. "She can eat forty kilograms of hay and twenty kilograms of bread and other things."
"Let us go and see the monkeys," said Bob.
"This big monkey's name is Jack," said Tom. "Look, he is playing with his apple. And this is the new monkey Rosie! What a funny face she has!"
"Let us go and see the other animals," said Bob. The lions and tigers live there. And here are the white bears. Can you see them?"
"No, they must be under the water. Oh,look! I see one black nose." "Do you want to see the birds?" asked Bob.
"Not to-day," said Tom. "Let us come here another day."
"We shall come here next week," said Bob.
"All right! Let us go then!"
And the boys went home.
We're off to the Zoo! We're off to the Zoo! We haven't a moment no spare;
We're going to see the kangaroo, And feed the big brown bear.
We're going to hear the hyena laugh,
And see the lion to-day, The tiger, and the tall giraffe, And the monkeys all at play.
Edward Shirley
Примечание: we're off = we are off
[u:]	[ae]	[A]	[еэ]	[aia]	[o:]
spoon	tram	tongue	pear	pioneer	wall
soon	kilogram	monkey	bear	violet	call
Zoo	animal kangaroo			spare	lion	tall
[ei]	[ai] [i:]	[a:]	[a:]	[f]	[d3]
day	like eat	girl	answer	elephant	bandage
play	tiger	feed hay	hyena hyena Exercises		first bird	laugh	laugh	village giraffe
L Ответьте на вопросы.
1) Where did Tom and Bob go? 2) What did they put on? 3) Did they take the tram? 4) What animal did the boys go to see first? 5) What is the elephant's name? 6) What does Betty eat? 7) Did the boys go to see the monkeys? 8) What is the big monkey's name? 9) What did Jack play with? 10) What other animals did the boys see? II) Where were the white bears? 12) What names of animals do you know?
II. Ответьте устно на вопросы.
Примеры. Is a cat an animal? Yes, it is. Is a cat a bird? No, it isn't. What's a cat? It's an animal.
1) Is a lion an animal? Is a lion a bird? What's a lion? 2) Is a tiger an animal? Is a tiger a bird? What's a tiger?	3) Is a bear an animal? Is a bear a bird? What's a bear?. 4) Is a monkey an animal? Is a monkey a bird? What's a monkey?
III. Ответьте устно на вопросы.	
Пример. Does a cat eat	meat? Yes, it does.
Does a cat eat	hay? No, it doesn't.
Does a cat eat	meat or hay? It eats meat.
1) Does a bird sing?	2) Does a lion eat meat?
Does a bird speak?	Does a lion eat hay?
Does a bird speak or sing?	Does a lion eat meat or hay?
IV. Напишите в прошедшем времени.	
1) Не puts on his hat. 2)	We come to school at nine o'clock
in the morning. 3) Tom goes to the Zoo on the free day. 4) They take the tram, and twenty minutes later they are at the Zoo. 5) He says, "I am glad to see you. 6) We see them every day. 7) He runs very quickly. 8) After dinner the mother gives some apples to her children. 9) He drinks tea after dinner.
V. Вставьте, где нужно, a, an или the.
1) Look at this picture! What do you see in it? I see many animals: ... elephant, ... tiger, ... monkey, ... lion, and ... white bear. 2) There is ... new monkey in ... Zoo; ... monkey's name is Rosie. 3) Betty is ... very old elephant. 4) What do ... elephants eat? They eat... hay, ... bread and many other things. 5) People eat ...bread, ...butter, ...meat, and ...fruit. 6) I like to eat... ripe pears and ... apples.
VI.	Найдите противоположное по значению слово.
Пример: short - long
new, young, late, big, to go out, to take, to ask, under
VII.	Расскажите, как вы ходили в Зоологический сад.
Lesson 23
The school year will soon be over. Summer is coming. In summer many pioneers will go to the collective farms. They will help the collective farmers in their work in the fields. After work they will play volley-ball and other games. On hot days they will bathe in the river and learn to swim. In the evening their pioneer leader will talk to them about many interesting things: about the Great Patriotic War, about our heroes and their exploits.
What a good time they will have!
Do you hear the bugle cry?
Do you see the deep blue sky?
We get up and laugh and shout: "Camping out! Camping out!" Camping means a lot of pleasure, Healthy work and healthy leisure; Rowing, bathing, games and walks, And, around the fire, talks.
M. Lebedinskaya
И	[ei]	[au]	[aio]	[o:]
tram	play	out	pioneer	chalk
kilogram	day	about	violet	walk
lamp	game	round	tired	talk
camp	bathe	shout	fire	
[:] И	[ou]	[e]	[39]	[ju:]
see	eat	know	head	pleasure	duty
feed	read	snow	healthy	leisure	music
deep mean Exercises	row	pleasure		bugle
I.	Напишите в будущем времени.
1)	In summer many pioneers go to the collective farms. 2) We play volley-ball and other games. 3) On hot summer days I bathe in the river. 4) In the evening their father talks to them about many interesting things.
II.	Напишите в отрицательной форме.
1)	I shell go to the cinema to-morrow. 2) He put on his warm coat in the morning. 3) We shall see him next month. 4) He came there early. 5) She will come to see us next week. 6) Bob went to the Zoo yesterday. 7) They will have a meeting to-morrow. 8) I saw her last week. 9) He will be at home to-morrow morning. 10) The dog ran away. 11) She took your book.
III.	Составьте по одному предложению на каждое из следующих прилагательных в сравнительной степени.
Пример: big - A tiger is bigger than a cat.
big, short, long, young, old, warm, hot, cold
IV.	Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения.
1) She put on a new dress. 2) She invited all her friends. 3)1 went to bed, because I was tired. 4) He took a cup of tea, because he wanted to drink. 5) Nelly said, "I am very sorry that I was not there." 6) Lena ran to the old mill. 7) Lena ran to the old mill. 8) The teacher asked me three questions. 9) I saw her every day. 10) Tom gave his book to Misha last week. 11) Tom
came home from the cinema. 12) Bob went to the Zoo on the free day.
V. Вставьте местоимения they, them, their.
The children went to the Zoo on... holiday. ...were very pleased, because ... wanted to see the animals. When ... came home, ... had dinner. ... mother gave ... some soup, meat, and apples.
Lesson 24
The First of May is a great holiday in the USSR. We demonstrate our solidarity with the working class of the whole world. We celebrate the victory of socialism in our country.
We march with banners and portraits of our leaders. Full of pride and joy we march to the tribune. We greet our leaders.
In all countries on May Day the workers demonstrate their protest against fascism.
Long Live the First of May!
Long Live the USSR!
Long Live Great Stalin, Generalissimo of the Soviet Union!
[ei]	[/]	[®J	w
celebrate demonstrate	socialist	banner	solidarity socialism	solidarity	victory
[ai]	[di]	[ei]	[л]	[a:]	[h]
life	boy pride	joy	again	young	world	who against	country	work	whole
1. Подберите однокоренные слова.
Пример: to sing — a song to demonstrate, to work, socialism
II. Вставьте слова: solidarity, country, victory, joy.
l)Full of... we march to the tribune. 2) We demonstrate our ... with the working class of the whole world. 3) We celebrate the ... of socialism in our country. 4) The USSR is a socialist... .
"Is there anybody in Father's room, Tom?" Jane asked her brother. "There is nobody there," answered Tom. "Father is not at home, and Mother is with Fred. "I shall go and see," said Jane. "Somebody is in there."
Jane went to her father's room. She opened the door and went in.
She saw nobody in the room, but she did not go away. There was somebody there. Jane looked under the bed and saw her cat.
Yesterday my sister was at the Zoo. She saw there Betty, the elephant. Jack and Rosie, the monkeys, the lions and tigers. She did not see the white bears, because they were under the water
all the time. She liked the monkeys very much. They were so fany! She said to me, "Let us go to the Zoo together next week."
"All right!" said I. "Let us go."
Last summer our pioneer camp was not far from the wood. We went there very often. It was very still in the wood; only the birds sang in the trees. Near the wood there was a river where we bathed and learned to swim. How pleasant the cool water is on a hot summer day!
This summer we shall also live not far from the wood. We shall bathe and play games, and in the evening we shall have interesting talks with our pioneer leader around the camp fire.
Review Exercises
I. Вставьте: some, any, no, something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody или nobody.
1) Do you see ... there? 2) No, 1 see ... there. 3) Are there... flowers in your room? 4) Yes, there are ... flowers in my room, because I like them very much. 5) Did ... come to see you yesterday? 6) No, ... came to see me yesterday. 7) We have ... lessons on the free day. 8)... is speaking with my father. 9) There is ... under the chair, but I cannot see what it is. 10) Is there ... in this bag? 11) No, there is ... there. 12) There are ... pictures in my book, but there are ... pictures in his book.
II. Вставьте прилагательное в скобках в сравнительной или превосходной степени.
Пример. Jane is ... than Fred, (big)
Jane is bigger than Fred.
1)	To-day it is ... than it was yesterday, (warm) 2) Snow is... than water, (cold) 3) January is ... month of the year, (cold) 4) July is ... month of the year, (hot) 5) In autumn the days become ... and the nights ... . (short, long) 6) Jane is ... than Fred; Tom is ... than Jane; Tom is ... . (big) 7) October is ... than August. (cold) 8) July is ... than September, (warm)
III.	Составьте вопросы к выделенной части предложения.
1)	She put on her new shoes. 2) Tom and Misha went to the Zoo. 3) They took the tram. 4) They saw many animals there.
5)	The teacher asked us to write a dictation. 6) I shall bathe in summer. 1) In summer he will often walk in the wood. 8) Yes, they can swim very well. 9) Henry will learn to swim. 10) We must write this exercise. 11) We go to school everyday. 12) He walks very quickly.
IV.	Напишите в отрицательной форме.
l)She will put on her hat. 2) They were at the Zoo yesterday. 3) He drank a glass of water. 4) She speaks very quickly. 5) They have an English lesson to-day. 6) I am tired. 7) He was asleep. 8) I want to buy a pair of stockings. 9) We shall see her in the evening. 10) They will come at six.
V.	Напишите предложения во множественном числе.
1) The boy's coat is warm. 2) The girl's hat is new. 3) The child's book has many pretty pictures. 4) The teacher's pencil is red. 5) The dog's teeth are white. 6) My friend's room is nice.
VI. Вставьте many, much, few или little.
1) There are ... flowers in spring. 2) There are ...flowers in autumn. 3) There is ... water in the river. 4) Is there ... or ... grass in summer?
VII.	Вставьте соответствующие местоимения.
My friend and I like to swim. One day ... went to the river. ... friend said to ..., "Let ... bathe." ... answered, "... shall not bathe, it is too cold for ... ." ... friend said, "Wait for ... here, ... shall bathe." When ... saw ... in the water, ... also decided to bathe. The water was cool and pleasant.
VIII.	Вставьте, где нужно, a, an или the.
1) We eat soup with ... spoon. 2) We write ... English exercises at home. 3) I am writing ... English exercise now. 4)... coldest season of... year is ... winter. 5) May Day is on ...first of May. 6) I use ... cup when I drink ... tea. 7) We eat meat with ... knife and ... fork. 8) Last week Tom saw ... interesting film. 9) I have ... dinner at home. 10) There is ... bookcase in our classroom. There are many books in ... bookcase. 11) Who is ... biggest boy in your class? 12) We have ... breakfast at eight o'clock in ... morning.
What is pink? A rose is pink, By the fountain’s brink.
What is red? A poppy’s red, In the barley bed.
What is blue? The sky is blue Where the clouds float through. What is white? A swan is white, Sailing in the light.
What is yellow? Pears are yellow, Rich, and ripe, and mellow.
What is green? The grass is green With small flowers between.
What is violet? Clouds are violet In the summer twilight.
What is orange? Why, an orange, Just an orange!
Christina 0. Rossetti
what is pink? какой предмет розового цвета?
by the fountain’s brink ['fauntinz 'bnrjk] у фонтана
poppy ['popij мак; a poppy’s red сокращ. a poppy is red
barley ['batlij ячмень
where the clouds float through
где плывут облака
swan [swan] лебедь
sailing ['seilirj] плывущий in the light озаренный светом
rich букв, богатый, здесь сочный mellow ('tnelou] спелый, мягкий with small flowers between
усеянная мелкими цветами violet ['vaialit] фиолетовый twilight [’twailait] сумерки summer twilight летние сумерки what is orange? что имеет
оранжевый цвет?
why ну (восклиц.)
an orange farinds) апельсин just ап orange просто апельсин
Ths little boy who says “111 try” Will climb to the hill-top;
The little boy who says “1 can’t,” Will at the bottom stop.
“1’11 try” does great things every day;
“1 can’t” gets nothing done,
Be sure then that you say “Г11 try’ And let “1 can’t’ alone.
I’ll try [trai] я постараюсь
I’ll [ail] сокращ. I will can’t (kaznt] сокращ. cannot who [hu:] который to climb [klaim] карабкаться, влезать hill-top [’hil-top] вершина холма bottom [’botamj подножие, дно
R. L. Stevenson
to stop [stop] останавливаться
every ['evn] каждый
gets nothing done [’gets ’na6irj ’Злп] ничего не успевает
be sure then that you say [bi 'Jus Sen Sat ju ’sei] смотри же скажи
to let alone [a'lounj оставить в покое
I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me, And what can be the use of him is more than 1 can see; He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head, And I see him jump before me, when 1 jump into my bed.
The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow — Not at all like other children, which is always very slow;
For he sometimes shoots up taller, like an india-rubber ball, And he sometimes gets so little that there’s none of him at all.
One morning, very early, before the sun was up, I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup; But my lazy little shadow, like an arrant sleepy-head, Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed.
R. L. Stevenson
shadow ['fsedouj тень
that [Saet] который, -ая, -oe to go in входить to go out выходить
what can be the use of him is more than I can see чем она (тень) может быть полезна, я не вижу (не понимаю) like [lark] 1) похожий, 2) подобно, как heel [hi:l] пятка up to ['лр tu] до
1 see him jump я вижу, как она (тень) прыгает
before [bi’fot] перед
the funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow самая забавная вещь в ней — это то, как она растёт
not at all like совсем не так, как which is always very slow—что обычно (происходит) очень медленно;
slow [slou] медленный
for (fo:j так как
sometimes ['sAmtaimz] иногда to shoot up ['Ju:t 'лр] здесь расти tall [to:l] высокий india-rubber ['indja-'rabaj резина to get little становиться маленьким there’s none of him at all её (тени)
совсем нет
early рано
before the sun was up до восхода солнца
rose (rouzj; прош. время от глаг. to rise [raiz] вставать
found [faund) прош. время от глаг.
to find [faind] находить
shining ['fainirj] сияющий, сверкающий dew [dju:] роса
buttercup [’ЬМэклр] лютик lazy ['lerzi] ленивый arrant ['aerant] отъявленный sleepy-head ['sli:pi-hed] соня had stayed behind [steid bi'hamd] остался fast [fa:st] крепко
The Army and Fleet of the USSR Wear a red star.
The star means freedom to all the oppressed In the North and South, in the East and West. The Soviet soldier bravely fights For Socialism, freedom and workers’ rights.
Long Live the Army that wears the star,
The vigilant eye of the USSR,
The workers’ and peasants’ protector and friend, The Army that knows what it has to defend!
M. Lebedinskaya
fleet [flirt] флот wear [weo] носить star [star] звезда mean [mirn] означать freedom ['frirdamj свобода the oppressed [3i a'prest]
North [пэ:9] север South [sauB] юг East [i:st] восток
West [west] запад bravely ['breivlr) храбро rights [raits] права vigilant eye ['vidjilant 'ai] бдительное око
peasant [peznt] крестьянин protector [pro'tekto] защитник what it has to defend [di’fendj что она должна защищать
The country needs coal, ore, bread, and oil.
Who’s ready to help it by eager toil?
- I shall be a miner and dig out coal!
- 1 shall find ore in the land near the Pole!
- 1’11 ride a tractor and plough the soil!
- 1’11 pump out tons of oil!
The country has rivers to conquer and chain, Steppes that need artificial rain.
The country needs factories, plants, and mills, And roads to run over plains and hills.
We’ll study and work as well as we can To build the new life and help the great Plan.
Until we can tell the country at length: “Take our gifts of knowledge and strength.”
M. Lebedinskaya
needs us [ni:dz as] нуждается в нас coal [koul] уголь
ore [э:] руда
oil [oil] нефть
by eager toil [bai ’i:go ’toil] упорным трудом
a miner [’mains] шахтёр
dig out ['dig ’aut) выкапывать
find [faind] находить
the Pole [poul] полюс
1’11 = 1 will
111 ride a tractor [ail 'raid э 'tnskto] я буду ездить на тракторе
plough [plau] пахать
soil [soil] земля, почва
pump out ['рлшр 'aut] выкачивать
ton [tAn] тонна
rivers to conquer [’korjko] реки, которые она (страна) должна побеждать
chain [tjein] заковать в цепи; здесь укротить
steppe [step] степь
artificial [aiti'fijol] искусственный plant [plaint] здесь завод mill [mil] мельница, фабрика road [roud] дорога
run [ran] бежать
roads to run дороги, которые должны проходить
over [ouvs] здесь через
plain [plein] равнина
hill [hil] холм
well = we will
study ['stadi) учиться
as well as we can [az 'wel az wi
’kaen] как можно лучше
to build [bild] чтобы построить plan [plaen] план
until we can tell [an'til] пока мы не сможем сказать
at length [at 'lerjS] наконец
gift [gift] дар
knowledge [’noilids] знание strength [stregej сила
Mary lived in a village occupied by the Germans. All the people in the village hated the fascists. But they were not afraid of them and fought against them as well as they could.
One day Mary and five of her friends went to blow up a fascist train.
It was night when they were going back.
One of the men was wounded and fell, but his comrades did not see it.
Suddenly Mary asked, “Where is Misha?”
She cried out: “Misha, Misha! Where are you?”
No answer.
“I must go back,” said Mary.
“Don’t go back,” said Mary’s friends. “There is too much shooting.”
But Mary decided to go back.
Soon she saw Misha. The place was open on all sides, and there was a rain of bullets in the air. Misha was wounded in the leg.
“Take my arm, Misha!” said Mary. “Five steps, and we are safe in the bushes. Come, Misha! Take my arm! Cheer up.”
Five steps! For them it was half an hour of terrible danger.
“Safe!” cried Mary. “Now, Misha!...” A bullet interrupted her words. She fell down wounded.
When Mary opened her eyes, she saw a long white room. There were ten white beds in it. A man in white was near her bed. The man was a doctor. She was in a hospital.
“How are you now?” asked the doctor.
“Better, thank you, doctor. Where are my friends? Where is Misha?”
“Misha is in the hospital. He is better now. Your friends were here in the morning. They came to ask about your health.”
“Doctor," said Mary. “When can I go back to the front?” “You must get stronger first,” was the doctor’s answer.
“Tell my friends, please,” said week.” I. heroine ['heroin] героиня fought [fo:t] боролись (от глаг. to fight) as they could как только могли to blow up [ blou 'лр] взорвать train [trein] поезд fell [fel] упал (от глаг. to fall) to cry out ['krai 'aut] воскликнуть to go back вернуться shooting стрельба decide [di'said| решить place [plots] место on all sides co всех сторон a rain of bullets [’bulrts] дождь пуль (ср. русское «град пуль") air [so] воздух step шаг	Mary, “I shall come back next we are safe мы в безопасности bush [buj] куст cheer up мужайся, не унывай half an hour [ha-.fon'auo] полчаса terrible ['tenbl] ужасный danger [’deindjo] опасность safe [seif] спасены to interrupt [into'rApt] прервать II. hospital [’hospital] больница he is better ему лучше health [hel3] здоровье front [frAnt] фронт to get stronger окрепнуть first сначала next week на будущей неделе
(After Kipling)
Many, many years ago the Elephant had no trunk. He had only a short black nose, as big as a boot. There was one elephant then, a new elephant, an Elephant’s Child —who was full of curiosity and asked ever so many questions. He asked questions about everything that he saw, or heard, or felt, or smelt, or touched, and all his uncles and his aunts spanked him. And still he was full of curiosity.
One fine morning this curious Elephant’s Child asked a new question. He asked, “What does the Crocodile have for dinner?”
Then everybody said “Hush!” and they all spanked him, without stopping, for a long time.
Then he came to Kolocolo Bird and said:
“My father spanked me, and my mother spanked me; all my aunts and uncles spanked me for my curiosity, and still I want to know what the Crocodile has for her dinner.”
Then Kolocolo Bird said:
“Go to the Great Gray-Green Limpopo River and find out.”
The next morning the curious Elephant’s Child said to all his
dear family, “Good-bye, I am going to the Great Gray-Green Limpopo River to find out what the Crocodile has for dinner.’
And then he went away.
He went from one place to another, till at last he came to the Great Gray-Green Limpopo River.
The first thing that he saw was a Big Black-and-White Snake on a rock.
“Excuse me,’ said the Elephant’s Child politely, “can you tell me what the Crocodile has for dinner?*
But the Big Black-and-White Snake only spanked him.
The Elephant’s Child said “Good-bye" very politely to the Big Black-and-White Snake and went on till he stepped on something in the water. He thought that it was a tree. But it was really the Crocodile, and the Crocodile opened one eye.
“Excuse me,” said the Elephant’s Child, “is there a Crocodile in this river?”
“Come here, dear,” said the Crocodile and opened his other eye. “Why do you ask such questions?”
“Because I want to know what the Crocodile has for dinner."
“1 am the Crocodile,” said the Crocodile.
“Oh,” said the Elephant’s Child, “then will you please tell me what you have for dinner?”
“Come here, dear," said the Crocodile.
Then the Elephant’s Child came up to the Crocodile, and the Crocodile caught him by his little nose, his little nose, which was not bigger than a boot.
“I think,” said the Crocodile, “I think that to-day I can begin with the Elephant’s Child.”
And the Crocodile began to pull his little nose, which was not bigger than a boot.
The Elephant’s Child cried:
“Let go! You are hurting me!”
The Big Black-and-White Snake saw this and said:
“My dear young friend, you must pull too! The Crocodile wants to eat you.”
Then the Elephant’s Child sat down in the water, and pulled, and pulled, and pulled, and his nose began to stretch. And the Crocodile pulled too. He pulled, and pulled, and pulled. And at each pull the Elephant’s Child’s nose grew longer, and longer, and longer. It was five feet long now.
When the Big Black-and-White Snake saw this, he came up to the Elephant’s Child and began to help him from behind.
So he pulled, and the Elephant’s Child pulled, and the Crocodile pulled; but the Big Black-and-White Snake and the Elephant’s Child pulled harder than the Crocodile, and, at last, the Crocodile let go of the Elephant’s Child’s nose, and the Elephant’s Child said “Thank you’ to the Big Black-and-White Snake.
His poor nose was so hot, that he hung it in the Great Gray-Green Limpopo River to cool.
“Why are you doing that?” asked the Big Black-and-White Snake. “I am waiting for my nose to shrink," said the Elephant’s Child. But the nose did not shrink.
And that is why all elephants have long noses now.
elephant f'elifont] слон; elephant's child слонёнок
ago [a’gou] тому назад trunk [trapk] хобот as big as такой величины, как boot сапог, башмак
full of curiosity ['kjuan’ositi] полон любопытства
ever so many очень много everything всё that he saw что он видел heard [hatdl слышал (от глаг. to hear) felt [felt] чувствовал (от глаг. to feel) smelt [smelt] обонял, нюхал (от глаг.
to smell) uncle [Atjkl] дядя aunt [a:nt] тётка to spank [spaegk] дать тумака, шлёпать
still всё же, тем не менее
one fine morning в одно прекрасное утро
curious [’kjuariasl любопытный crocodile [’krokadail] крокодил everybody все
hush [hAf] тише
without stopping не переставая for a long time долго
Kolocolo Bird птичка Колоколе (название)
for за
Great Gray-Green Limpopo River
Великая серо-зелёная река Лимпопо to find out узнать the next morning на следующее утро dear family дорогая, любимая семья to go away уйти
from one place to another с одного места на другое
till пока
snake змея rock скала politely [po'laitli] вежливо to step наступить
thought [9o:t] думал (от глаг.
to think)
really ['riali] на самом деле
will you please tell me будьте добры мне сказать
caught [ko:t] схватил (от глаг. to catch) by за
began [bi’gten] начал (от глаг.
to begin)
to pull [pul] тянуть
let go отпустите
you are hurting me вы делаете
мне больно
to stretch [stretj] вытягиваться
each каждый; at each pull каждый раз, как он дёргал
grew longer становился длиннее
(от глаг. to grow)
feet множ, число от foot фут (мера длины » ‘/з метра)
five feet long длиной в пять футов
from behind [bi'hamd] сзади
harder [ha-.da] сильнее
let go of отпустил
hung [hAtj] повесил (от глаг. to hang)
to cool [ku;l] остыть
for my nose to shrink когда мой нос сделается короче (to shrink съёжиться, уменьшиться)
that is why вот почему
From the film “The Children of Captain Grant”
Words by W. Lebedew-Kumach Music by I. Dunajewsky
Once then lived о cap - tain brave, and he crossed the о  cean wave, and he
cattedЛ7 ma-ny lands on his way,	Fif-tten times he tried to sink, sharks avid
catch him on the hr inky	but he ne-ver, real - I у ne- ver, gave a
-J)	Л—Х-ДЦ
wink.	And in trouble,	and in war	al-ways
Sang the captain brave on sea and shore;	Cap-tain brave, cap-tain brave, give a
J) Jjl'.ji .О J - i Г J5 i<-----*----
sir. for a senile is like Vn flap of a ship.	Cap- Sun
Once there lived a captain brave, And he crossed the ocean wave, And he called on many lands on his way.
Fifteen times he tried to sink,
Sharks could catch him on the brink, But he never, really never, gave a wink.
And in trouble,
And in war
Always sang the captain brave on sea and shore:
“Captain brave, captain brave, give a smile, sir, For a smile is like the flag of a ship.
Captain brave, captain brave, cheer up, sir,
For the sea surrenders
once there lived жил когда-то captain ['kreptin) капитан brave (breiv] храбрый to cross [kros] пересекать ocean (ouj'nj океан wave [weiv] волна land [tend] страна country ['kAntri] страна on his way по дороге fifteen times ['fifti:n 'taimz] пятнадцать раз
fried [traid| пытался to sink [sirjk) утонуть sharks [p:ks] акулы could [kud| могли (от глаг. can) to catch [kaetJJ поймать
only to the quick.”
brink [brink] берег never ['neva| никогда really [‘noli) право never gave a wink ни разу
не моргнул глазом
in trouble [плЫ] в огорчении in war (wo:) на войне sea [si:] море shore [Jo:] берег give a smile [smail] улыбнись sir [so:] сэр, сударь for a smile ибо улыбка ship (Jip) корабль
cheer up ('tfiot ‘up] бодрись, мужайся surrenders [sa'tendoz] сдаётся quick [kwik] быстрый
A song from the film “The Children of Captain Grant”
Words by W. Lebedew-Kumach Music by I. Dunajewsky
Sing us a
song, о first  tg Song, you men-ry wind,	do,	you men - ry
wind, do,
you mer-ry wind, do.
The seas and
MlS V^e probed and «a^ ,hl	md aU
on earth gaAemJ-fy heard.	iMUh„n ,Mi^u!„,^
ттюип  fams, Smg of se- creh In the deep seo dens,	of
the chrping of th, birds,of th, high and dis- font wortds.the bra-rest and the gmd  est
Sing us a song, a pretty song, you merry wind, do, You merry wind, do, You merry wind, do.
The seas and hills you’ve searched and searched The whole wide world through,
And all the songs on earth you’ve really heard.
Well then, sing, wind, of wild hills and mountains. Sing of secrets in the deep sea dens, Of the chirping of the birds, Of the high and distant worlds, The bravest and the greatest men.
He who always for victory struggled, Let him sing now together with us, For who’s merry always smiles, And who’s willing always tries, And who searches, that one always finds.
Sing us a song, a pretty song, you merry wind, do, You merry wind, do, You merry wind, do.
The seas and hills you’ve searched and searched The whole wide world through,
And all the songs on earth you’ve really heard.
Well then, sing, wind, of dark woody thickets, Of the beasts’ trails well hid on the ground, Of the whispers of the night, Of the muscles strong for fight, Of the joy of gaining victory al! round.
He who always for victory struggled, etc.
sing us a song...do спой нам песню, ... спои же
sea [si:] море
hill [hil] холм
you’ve searched [sa:tj"t] ты обыскал
the whole wide world through
но всему свету
on earth [э:9] на земле
you’ve really heard ты действительно слышал
well then, sing of ... ну, так спой
wild [watld] дикий
mountain ['mauntin] гора
secret [’si:knt] тайна
deep sea dens в глубоких морских берлогах
chirping ['tjarpirj] чириканье
high [hai] высокий
distant [ distant] далёкий
world [watld] мир
bravest ['breivist] храбрейший
greatest величайший he who тот, кто always ['otlwaz] всегда
for victory ['viktan] за победу struggled [stragld] боролся let him sing пусть споёт together вместе
who’s = who is тот, кто
merry весёлый
to smile улыбаться
who’s willing =who is willing кто хочет tries старается (от глаг. to try) searches fsattjiz] ищет
finds [famdz] находит dark [dark] тёмный woody ['wudt] лесистый thicket [’9ikit] чаша
beasts’ trails [busts treilz] звериные
hid спрятанный
whisper [ wtspa] шопот
muscles [mAslz] мускулы
strong сильный
fight [fait] бой
joy of gaining victory ['geintrj 'viktari] радость победы
all round [raund] кругом
Words by W. Lebedew-Kumach Music by I. Dunajewsky
Я mtrnj
Sony maJasUxhtart I'jht ami happy,
tmw /hin<j dotm sue det- pest frowns-
friend. And those >sho march mth a song through lifdi battle, they ne-w
fail to be he-roes in the end,
A merry song makes the heart light and happy, Smoothing down our deepest frowns.
It is a sunbeam for millions of people And is beloved both by villages and towns.
A merry song helps to live and to build life, It calls us on like the voice of a friend.
And those who march with a song through life’s battle, They never fail to be heroes in the end.
Now march ahead, YCL generation, March ahead, sing and smile, laugh and joke. For we shall conquer expanses and seasons And rule the land that is free of any yoke.
We shall explore, understand and discover The frigid Pole and the blue arch above,
If our country commands us be heroes, We shall be heroes and show her our love.
We pledge to sing and be merry like children, In toil and struggle both great and small, For we were born into this world of ours Not to be crushed, but to win in spite of all.
And if our foe wants to rob us of gladness, And attacks us in bloody fight, Then we shall sing him a war song of ours And fight like heroes defending our rights.
march [ma-.tj] марш
merry fellows ['men 'felouz] весёлые ребята
heart [ha:tj сердце light [lait] лёгкий smoothing down ['smu:3itj ’daun] сглаживая
deepest ['diipist] глубочайшие frowns [ftaunz] морщины sunbeam ['sanbi:m) солнечный луч million ['miljan] миллион
is beloved [bi'lAvd] любима villages ['vilidjizj деревни towns [taunz] города to build [bild] строить to call on звать вперёд voice [vois] голос those who [douz hu:] те, кто through [6ru:J сквозь, через life’s battle [laifs bstl] жизненная битва, борьба
never fail to be не могут не стать heroes ['hiarouz] герои to smile [small] улыбаться in the end [end] в конце концов ahead [a'hed] вперёд
YCL generation ['wat 'si: 'el 'djena'reij'n] комсомольское поколение
laugh (la:f) смейся joke [djouk] шути for [for] так как we shall conquer ['korjka] мы победим expanses [iks'psensiz] пространства rule the land [ru:l da 'tend] править страной
season [si:zn] время года; здесь климат that is free of any yoke которая
свободна от всякого ига
to explore [iks’plo:] исследовать
to understand [anda'stiend] понимать to discover [dis'kavo] открывать frigid ['fndjid] холодный
pole [poul] полюс
arch [a:tj] свод
above [a’bav] наверху
if [if] если
commands [ka’maindz] приказывает
to show [jou] показывать love [lav] любовь
we pledge [pledj] обязуемся toil [toil] труд
struggle [strAgl] борьба
both great and small большие и малые we were born мы родились
world of ours наш мир
not to be crushed не для того, чтобы быть раздавленными
but to win но победить
in spite of all несмотря на всё
foe [fou] враг
to rob [rob] ограбить, отнять gladness ['gtednis] радость attacks нападёт
bloody I'bladi] кровавый fight [fait] бой
war song fwo: 'sag] военная песня fight драться
like как
defending защищающие rights [rails] права
Words by W. Le be de w-K u m ach Music by I. Dunajewsky
Our coun - try is a land of beau - ty, our
coun - try Is a land of glee. Ma - ny are its ri-nrs.tmd, and
d - lies, where a man is gio • ri-ous-free	Mo  ny
—4F—j	1 —-i)—
are its rf - rersf roods and d - hes,	where a
> 1J * j> CTi-~y~l
man is gio - rt - ous - ly free	Jr> the
heart of our land tn Mos - cow,	in the South, where snowy nd-get
ff—f -p- p f—
stand, on the shores of our nor - them о - ceans man is
lord and master of the land!	Our life is like the Vol -да
Ri - мег,	ne ~ *er stop - plag in its jog - ous
stream. To the young	Ml roads to life are о  pen. while old
Qje re-ceirts its due es - teems
Our country is a land of beauty, Our country is a land of glee. Many are its rivers, woods and cities. Where a man is gloriously free.
In the heart of our land in Moscow,
In the south, where snowy ridges stand, On the shores of our northern oceans Man is lord and master of the land.
Our life is like the Volga River, Never stopping in its Joyous stream. To the young all roads to life are open, While old age receives its due esteem.
Our harvest fields are hard to measure, New-built towns spring up and multiply, But the thing we most of all do treasure Is the name we call each other by.
“Comrade” is the word that makes you welcome To whatever race you may belong, Black or white or yellow — you are welcome, If your heart is full of our song.
Sunny breezes sweep across the country Making life as bright as bright can bel Nowhere else do people laugh so gaily, Nowhere else is love so true and free.
But if any foe attempts to slight us, We shall rise without a doubt or fear. As a bride we worship our country, We adore it as a mother dear.
At our table no one is unwelcome, Due reward awaits the brave and bold, And the words of Stalin’s Law of Nations In our hearts are written down in gold.
Of those words’ magnificence and glory Coming ages will not dim the light, For to work, to rest and grow in knowledge Soviet people have the lawful right.
country ['kAntn] страна land [land] страна beauty f'bjuzti] красота glee [gin] радость many [’meni] многочисленный rivers ['rivaz] реки woods [wudz] леса cities ['sitiz] города gloriously ['glsznasli] великолепно free [fri:] свободен heart [ha-.t] сердце south [sauO] юг snowy [’snoui] снежные ridges ['ridjiz] хребты shores [fo:z] берега northern |'пэ:дэп) северный oceans [oufnz| океаны
lord and master ['lo:d and ’шз-.sta] хозяин и повелитель
never stopping
не останавливающаяся joyous [ djoias] радостный stream [slri:m] поток the young |)лд) молодёжь roads [roudz] дороги while [wad] в то время как old age ['ould 'eidjl старость receives [rr'sizvz] получает due [dju:] должный esteem [is’ticm] почёт harvest fields хлебные поля hard to measure ['mejaJ трудно измерить
new-built ['nju:-bilt] вновь выстроенные
towns [taunz] города spring up возникают multiply ['maltiplat] множатся most of all больше всего we do treasure лелеем, дорожим the name we call имя, которым мы называем
each other by [i:tf ’лЗэ] друг друга makes you welcome [’welkam]
делает тебя дорогим гостем to whatever какой бы
race [reis] народность
you do belong ты бы (ни) принадлежал
welcome букв, „добро пожаловать" if [if] если full [ful] полна
sunny ['saw] солнечные breezes [’briiziz] ветерки sweep [swizpj овевают across [a’kros] через as bright as bright can be
такой радостный, яркий, как только возможно
nowhere else ['nouwsar 'els] нигде больше (не)
do people laugh so gaily смеются люди так весело
so true [sou ’tru:] так верна foe [fou] враг
attempts [a'temts] попытается to slight [slatt] оскорбить rise восстать, подняться without [wi’dautl без doubt [daut] сомнение fear [fia] страх as [aez] как
bride [braid] невеста
we worship [’wa:Jip] боготворим we adore [a'do:] обожаем dear (dia[ дорогая
unwelcome [An’welkam] незваный due reward [dju: n'wo:d] заслуженная награда
awaits [a'weits] ожидает bold [bould] смелый law [lo:j закон Stalin’s Law of Nations
всенародный сталинский закон magnificence [m^g’nifisns] великолепие
glory ['gloiij слава
coming ages ['kamig 'eidjiz] будущие (грядущие) века
will not dim [dim] не затмят knowledge [’nolidj] знание lawful ]'lo:ful] законное
Long live our teacher, our father, our leader, Comrade STALIN!
постатейный словарь
healthy ['helOiJ здоровый strong [strorj] сильный pass [pa:s] проходить foe [fou] враг of those [av 'Souz] тех for за
workingclass['wa:kit)kla:s]pa6o4Hftoacc we march into a great new life мы идём к великой новой жизни enemy ['enimi] враг
if an enemy comes если придёт враг drum барабан
for struggle and strife к борьбе и боям
back at school снова в школе;
back обратно
summer is over лето прошло again [a'gein] снова, опять also ['a:lsou] также
hallo [ha'lou] алло, здравствуйте (англичане употребляют это слово в качестве приветствия)
how аге you? как вы поживаете? how nice [hau 'nais] как приятно bell [bel] звонок to ring [rig] звонить to begin [bi'gin] начинаться whom [hu:m] кого
to be absent ['absent] отсутствовать on duty ['dju:ti] дежурный to answer ['a;nsa] отвечать him его
well хорошо her [ha:] её
to know [nou] знать them их
in turn [tarn] по очереди us [as] нас question [kwestjn] вопрос
4.	DAYS AND MONTHS hour [’aua] час sixty ['siksti] шестьдесят second ['sekand] секунда year [ja:] год hundred [TiAndnd] сто leap-year [Ti:p-ja:] високосный год January ['djsenjuan] январь February ['febtuan] февраль March [ma:tf] март April ['eipnlj апрель May [mei] май June [djum] июнь July [dju'lai] июль August ['a:gast] август September {sep'temba) сентябрь October [ak'touba] октябрь November [no'vembaj ноябрь December [di’semba] декабрь any ['em] какие-либо some [sam] некоторые the names of some months названия некоторых месяцев (of — предлог родительного падежа)
HOW MANY? по more [mo:] не более calendar [talmda] календарь makes clear ['meiks 'kha] разъясняет
5.	SPORT AND GAMES sport [spo:t] спорт games [geimz] игры
I can far ten] я могу skating-rink ['skeitig-rirjk] каток very much [ven 'matj') очень много together [ta’geda) вместе free [fri:] свободный, здесь выходной often [ofn] часто football ('futboil] футбол tennis [’tenis] теннис must [mast] должен difficult ['difikalt] трудно to swim [swim] плавать of course [ka:s] конечно to hear [hia] слышать music ['mjuizik] музыка
up and down вверх и вниз hills [hilz] холмы
up and down the hills по холмам to and fro ['tn: and 'frou] взад и вперёд crystal [kristl] хрустальный air [еэ] воздух away we go прочь мы несёмся
to lay the table ['lei <5a 'teibl] накрывать на стол
to bring in приносить, вносить fork [fo:k] вилка
knives [naivz] ножи (от knife нож) to pass [pais] передать salt [sail!] соль too [lui] слишком little [litl] мало hot [hot] горячий
wait a little ['wen a'litljподожди немного meat [milt] мясо potatoes [pa'teitouz] картофель apple [aepl] яблоко
to take away ['teik a'wei] убирать that [Sa-t] тот, этот sweet [swiit] сладкий another [э'плдэ] другой nice [nais] здесь вкусный to wash up ['way ’др] мыть (посуду)
FIVE GOOD RULES rule [ru:l] правило into ['intu] в
before [bi’foi] перед mouth [mau6] рот something ['sAmOig] что-нибудь
to celebrate [’selibrert] праздновать anniversary ['ani'vaisan] годовщина Great October Socialist Revolution ['greit ak'touba 'soufahst 'reva'luijn] Великая Октябрьская Социалистическая Революция
parade [pa’reid] парад soldier ['souldja] солдат automatic rifle [oita'msetik 'raifl] автомат machine-gun [ma'Ji:n-gAn] пулемёт tank [tagk] танк
field gun ['fiild gAn] полевое орудие aeroplane ['earoplein] аэроплан to fly [flat] летать high [hai] высоко navy ['neivi] флот to defend [di'fend] защищать country ['kAntri] страна full (ful) полный, полон portrait [’poitrit] портрет leader ['liida) вождь
workers of all countries, unite ['waikaz av oil tentriz, ju’nait] пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь
down with fascism [ daun wid 'faesizml долой фашизм
hat [haet] шляпа coat [kout] пальто to do some shopping делать покупки
(от слова shop магазин) to buy [bai] покупать what shall we buy? что мы купим? a pair of shoes [э 'реэг ал 'JuizJ пара туфель
a pair of stockings [a 'pear av 'staknjz] пара чулок
will be pleased [pliizd] обрадуется for yourself [fa jai’selfj для себя new [njui] новый dress [dres] платье
be quick [kwtk] поторопись; quick быстрый
in a moment [’moumant] через минуту
to draw [dra:] рисовать tnan [man] мужчина, человек paper ['peipa] бумага to show (Jeu] показать the man’s face [feis] лицо человека eye [ai] глаз nose [nouz] hoc ear [ia] yxo hair (heal волосы head [hed] голова body ['badi] туловище arm [a:m] рука leg [leg] нога feet [fi:t] ноги (ступни) to-morrow [ta-'marou] завтра
it’s true [tru:] правда
both face and hands и лицо и руки to move [mu:v] двигаться yet [jet] однако; тем не менее to lie [lai] лежать; лгать (получается игра слов: «когда я стою (о часах), я лежу»; или «когда я стою, я вру»)
10.	THE BODY. II to use [)u:z] пользоваться for seeing [fa 'sing] для того, чтобы видеть (букв, «для видения») right [rart] правый left [left] левый different [’difarant] разный grey [grei] серый
for listening ['lisnirjl чтобы слушать; для слушания
mouths [maudz] рты to listen [lisn] слушать for hearing ['hiang] чтобы слышать;
для слышания
wireless [’waialis] радио; on the wireless по радио
tongue [tAfll язык
teeth [U:0] зубы, tooth [tu:O] зуб
what do we smell with? чем мы нюхаем? to smell нюхать to touch [txtj] трогать finger [’fnjga] палец to walk [wxk] ходить foot [fut] нога
A RHYME spades [speidz] лопаты for digging ['digit]] для копания; чтобы копать
tor biting [’baitig] чтобы кусать; для кусания
for tasting ['teistnj] чтобы пробовать; для пробования
for talking [’ta:kig] чтобы говорить; для разговора
revolutionary [’revaTu:Jnn] революционный
holidays [’halidiz] праздники quite [kwait] совершенно Constitution ['konsti'tjurfn] конституция Memorial Day [mi'matnal] день памяти Paris Commune ['pans Tomium] Парижская Коммуна
International Women’s Day ['mto’nafnl 'witnmz dei] Международный Женский день
seasons [si:znz] времена года autumn ['a:tam] осень short [/ait] короткий long [log] длинный weather ['weda] погода soon |su:n] скоро much [mAtJ] много to become (bi'kAtn] делаться warmer than ['worms dan] теплее, чем spring sowing ['sourrj) весенний сев collective farm [ka’lektiv farm] колхоз early [’adr] ранний few [fju:] мало field [field] поле
showers ['Jauazj ливни, дожди
swing [swig] качели
how [hau] как
to go up ('gou 'лр] подниматься
so [sou] такой
1 do think it the pleasantest thing ever a child can do я считаю, что это самая приятная вещь, которую ребёнок когда-либо может сделать to think [6irjk] думать, считать, пола-
the pleasantest ['plezntist] самый приятный
ever ['eva] когда-либо
child [tjaild] ребёнок
over ['ouva] над
till [til] пока
wide [waid] далеко
river ['nva] река
cattle [kstl] скот
all over [oil 'ouva] по всей
countryside ('kAntn'said] окрестность, сельская местность
to look down ['luk 'daun] смотреть вниз
roof [ru:f] крыша
I go flying [’fJang] я взлетаю
the hottest ['hotist] самый жаркий
it is pleasant [pleznt] приятно
cool [ku:l] прохладно
corn [ko:n] зерно, хлеб
becomes ripe [raip] созревает; ripe спелый
harvesting [Tiaivistig] жатва
because [bi'ko:z] потому что
we have our holidays у нас каникулы
fruits [fruits] фрукты
pears [peaz] груши
cherries ['tfenz| вишни
it rains [remz] идёт дождь
to make hay ['meik 'hei] сушить сено while [wail] пока
FALLING RAIN falling ['fo:lig] падающий; to fall падать
everything ('evriBirj] всё wet [wet] мокро trickling [ trrkhrj] журчащий, to trickle струиться, капать
to splash ]spl®f] плескаться sound [saund] звук
upon = on
window pane ['windou pein] оконное стекло
looks [luks] выглядит to love [Iav] любить to see it hit смотреть, как он ударяет to bounce up [bauns] подскакивать
LENIN is dead [ded] умер
14.	TWO LITTLE PATRIOTS patriot ('peitriat] патриот war [wo:] война; военный at the front [at da Trant] на фронте partisan ['pa:ti'z®nj партизан village [’vilidj] деревня occupied ['akjupaid] занят Germans ['djaimanz] немцы to hate [heit] ненавидеть fascist ['faesist] фашистский; фашист soldier ['souldja] солдат officer ['ofisaj офицер through [Orur] через wood [wud] лес it is getting dark [it iz 'getirj ’da:k] темнеет
covered ['kavad] покрытый still (stil] тихо suddenly ['sAdanh] вдруг something ['sAm0ig) что-то behind [bi'hamd] позади anything ['eniSir)] что-нибудь nothing ('naSig] ничего to stop [stop] останавливаться, остановиться
to stand still ['stsnd stil] стоять неподвижно
alone [a'loun] один those [douz] те
to penetrate [’penitreit] проникать rear Ina) тыл to catch [kaetj] поймать to kill [kil] убить soon [sum] скоро, вскоре grenade [gra'neid] граната slowly ['sloulij медленно to be afraid [a'freid] бояться to fire [’fata] стрелять to try [trai] пытаться, стараться to fall down l'fo:l 'daun] падать, упасть killed [kild] убитый, убит badly wounded ['baedli 'wumdidj тяжело ранен
15.	GOING TO THE CINEMA cinema ['sinima] кино what is on? что идёт? film [film] фильм I was [waz] я был yesterday [’jestadi] вчера interesting ['mlristigj интересно why [wai] почему ill [11] больна is she better? лучше ли ей? were [wo:] были were you alone? [oloun] был ли ты один?
good-bye [gud-'bai] до свидания
16.	AFTER SCHOOL so [sou] так already [ad'redi] уже we had [wi 'bred] мы имели back обратно last week [5a:st ’wi:k] на прошлой неделе shooting-range [’Jutlig-reinds] тир. стрельбище
THE SCHOOL BELL’S SONG these are the words [wo:dz] вот слова your play is done [dan] ваша игра кончилась work has begun [bi'gan] работа началась to leave [li:v] оставить fun [fan] забава, веселье it’s = it is
birthday [’batOdei] день рождения Jane is twelve years old now Джейн
теперь двенадцать лет to invite [in'vait] пригласить to receive [n'si-.v] получить present [preznt] подарок pretty [’priti] хорошенький a box of paints [peints] коробка
с красками
sweets [switts] конфеты to decide [di'said] решить
“The Merry Fellows” «Весёлые ребята» (название песни)
there [йгэ] там
to have a very good time хорошо провести время
al! about it [a'baut] всё об этом I am very sorry мне очень жаль that [daet] что
began [bi'gaen] началось (прош. вр. от глаг. to begin)
came [keim] пришёл (прош. вр. от глаг. to come)
told [tould] рассказал (прош. вр. от глаг. to tell)
Patriotic War [peitn'atik 'wa:[ Отечественная война
hero [Тпэюи] герой
exploit [iks'plait] подвиг end |end) конец
said [sed] сказал (прош. вр. or глаг.
to say)
strong [strap] сильный artillery [at'tilan] артиллерия aviation [’eivi'eijn] авиация best [best] лучший
in the whole world [in da 'hotil 'waJd] во всем мире
to shoot [,fu:t] стрелять
shot [fat] стрелок
Generalissimo [dsenaralisimou] генералиссимус
story [’stain] рассказ civil [sivtl] гражданский shooting ['JuitirjJ стрельба all around [ail a'raund] вокруг village [’vihdj] деревня saw [so:] увидела (прош. вр. от глаг.
to see)
mill [mil] мельница bandages ['baendidjiz] бинты nobody ['noubadil никто nobody will touch me никто меня не
gave [geiv] дала (прош. вр. от глаг. to give)
ran [ran] пробежала (прош. вр. от глаг. to run)
at last наконец
are you badly wounded? ты серьёзно ранен?
to bandage ['batndidj] перевязывать dear милая
went to see ходила навещать (went прош. вр. от глаг. to go)
every [’evri] каждый
field hospital [ fiild 'hospitl] полевой госпиталь
funny [Тлш] смешной
he was very tired [hi waz 'ven 'taiad] он очень ущал
drank [draegk] выпил (прош. вр. от глаг. to drink)
soon he was asleep скоро он уснул somebody [’sambadi] кто-то woke up ['wouk ’др] проснулся (прош. вр. от глаг. to wake up)
it was dark [n waz ’dark] было темно no answer [nou *a:nsa] нет ответа anybody ['enibadi] кто-нибудь to jump up [ta d^ainp др] подскочить
travels [traevlz] путешествия а-bed [o'bed] в постели upon [а'рэп] на pillow [’prlou] подушка still [stil] всё ещё round [raund] вокруг earth [э:&] земля way [wei] путь
his way he takes свой путь оно (солнце) совершает
morning after morning утро за утром 22. AT THE ZOO
Zoo [zu:] зоосад
to come to see [ta 'клт ta ’si:] навестить
a monkey [’шлдк!] обезьяна
put on надели (прош. вр. от глаг. to put on)
went out [went aut] вышли (прош. вр. от глаг. to go]
took the tram сели в трамвай (took прош. вр. от глаг. to take)
animal [’aentmal] животное first of all сначала
elephant [’elifant] слон
Betty ['beti] здесь имя слона is going to eat собирается есть kilogram ['kilogram] килограмм Jack, Rosie [djaek, 'rouzi] здесь имена обезьян
lion ['laton] лев
tiger [’taiga] тигр bear [bra] медведь next [nekst] следующий
we’re off мы поехали
a moment to spare [spea] минута лишнего времени
we’re going to see мы увидим (буками собираемся увидеть)
kangaroo [’kaegga’ru:] кенгуру to feed [fi:d| кормить
hyena [hai'i:na[ гиена. We’re going to hear the hyena laugh мы услышим, как сысётса гиена
tall [toil] высокий
giraffe [d3i'ra:f] жираф at play за игрой
collective farmer [ka'Iektiv 'fa:ma] колхозник
to bathe [bei5] купаться
to talk рассказывать
what a good time they will have
как им будет хорошо
camp [kaempl лагерь; лагерный
life [laif] жизнь
do you hear the bugle cry? [bju:gl] слышишь ли ты, как кричит труба?
deep глубокий
to shout кричать
camping out! в лагеря!
means означает
a lot уйма, куча
pleasure [’р!езэ] удовольствие healthy ['helQij здоровый
leisure резэ] досуг rowing ['rouirj] гребля bathing [ beidig] купанье walks прогулки
and, around the fire, talks и беседы вокруг костра
the USSR — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [ri'pAbliks] СССР
to demonstrate [’demanstreit] демонстрировать
solidarity [soli'daeriti] солидарность
working class ['wa:kir) kls:s| рабочий класс
whole [houl] весь, целый
victory ['viktan] победа socialism fsoufalizm] социализм pride [praid] гордость
joy [d30i] радость
to greet [gri:t] приветствовать protest ['proutest] протест against [o'gemst] против
а = [ае]	e = [e]	ir = [a:]
hand; band; stand;	bell; lesson.	first; third; birthday.
can; man; ran; bag;		
flag; happy; banner;		
apple; glad; hat;	ee = [i:]	i = [i]
catch; has; had;		ink; it; is; did; spring;
thank; drank; tram;	see; free; greet; sweet; feet; teeth; feed; deep.	
lamp; camp.		winter.
a = [ei]		О=ф]
name; game; came; late; skate; gave.	ear = [io] ear; hear; near.	shop; stop; stocking; comrade; spot.
a = [«:]		
		O = [ou]
dark; march; party;	ea = [i:]	rose; nose; old; cold.
arm; farm; army;		
harvesting.	eat; meat; teacher; leader; please; pleased;	
a = [o:]	season; read; tea.	
all; ball; wall; chalk;		0 = [ou]
walk; talk; salt;	ea = [ei]	go; potato.
already; always.	break; great.	
a = [e] any; many.		wor = [wo:]
ai = [еэ]	ea = [e]	
	bread; head; breakfast;	work; worker; world;
chair; hair; pair.	weather; pleasant; pleasure; ready; already.	
ay = [ei]		
May; day; lay; hay;	i = [ai]	ог = [э:]
say; play.		or; morning; sport; forty; short; corn.
	like; knife; life; shine;	
ai = [ei]	ripe; nice; white; while;	
rain; wait; again.		
au = [o:]	igh = [ai]	our = [o:]
autumn; August.	night; right	your; of course; yourself.
о = [л]
some; come; become; something; nothing;
mother; brother; other; another; tongue;
ou = [au]
house; thousand; mouth; about; round.
ou = [л]
young; country.
ow = [au]
now; how; brown.
ower = [auo]
flower; shower.
ng = [□]
bring; ring; sing; long; song.
j = [d3] January; June; July.
th = [3]
that; then; their; there; they; other; another.
qu = [kw]
quarter; question; quickly; quite.
kn = [n]
know; knew; knife; knives.
ow — [ou]
window; show; know; snow; fellow.
OO = [u]
book; look; foot; good.
00 = [u;]
too; soon; cool;
shoot; school.
our = [aua]
our; hour.
th = [6]
thing; something;
nothing; anything; through.
wh = [w]
what; where; why;
white; when.
wh= [h]
who; whole.
OU = [u:]
soup; group.
ear = [a:]
learn; early.
u = []u;]
pupil; duty; music.
п = [л]
us; sun; but;
run; jump; under; hundred; funny; summer.
y = [ai]
cry; try; spy; my; why.
ph = [f]
io = [ata]
pioneer; violet; lion.
tion = [fn]
demonstration; international; revolution; constitution.
ate = [eit]
decorate; celebrate; demonstrate.
age = [ids]
village; bandage.
Именительный	Объектный
падеж	падеж
I	Я	me	мне, меня	ту	мой, моя, моё, мои
he	OH	him	ему, его	his	его
she	она	her	ей, её	her	её
it	он, она, оно	it	ему, его,	its	его, её
			ей её		
we	мы	us	нам, нас	our	наш, -а, -е, -и
you	вы	you	вам, вас	your	ваш, -а, -е, -и
they	они	them	им, их	their	их
answer behind through	field receive often
buy	pleasure
eye	difficult
good-bye	laugh
big — bigger — the biggest hot — hotter — the hottest
try — tries — tried cry — cries — cried
receive — received decide — decided dance — danced like — liked
100 101
one [wAn] two [tu:] three [Ori:] four [fa:] five [faiv] six [srks] seven [sevn] eight [eit] nine [nain] ten [ten] eleven [1'levn] twelve [twelv] thirteen ['9a:'ti:n] fourteen ('fa:’ti:n] fifteen ['fif'ti:n] sixteen ['siks'tizn] seventeen ['sevn'ti:n] eighteen [’ei'tirn] nineteen ['nam'ti:n] twenty ['twentr] twenty-one ['twentr-'wan] thirty ['9a:ti] forty ['fa:ti] fifty ['fifti] sixty ['siksti] seventy ['sevntr] eighty ['erti] ninety ['naintr]
one hundred [wan Tiandrad] one hundred and one [wan 'handrad and 'wan]
one hundred and ten [wan 'handrad and 'ten]
one thousand [wan 'Sauzand]
the first (За ’fa:st] the second [da 'seknd] the third (da '9a:d[ the fourth [da 'fa:6] the fifth [da 'fifBJ the sixth [da ’siks9] the seventh [da 'sevn9] the eighth [di 'citOJ the ninth [da 'naind] the tenth [da 'tend] the eleventh [di r'levnfl] the twelfth [da 'twelfS] the thirteenth [da '9a/ti:n9] the fourteenth [da ’fa:'ti:n9] the fifteenth [da 'fiPtiznOJ the sixteenth [da 'stks'tirnG] the seventeenth [da ’sevn'trnO] the eighteenth [dr ’еГНтЭ] the nineteenth [da ’nam'tiznO] the twentieth [da 'twentn9[ the twenty-first [da 'twenti-fast] the thirtieth [da '9a:tu9] the fortieth [da ’fartii9] the fiftieth [da 'hftuej the sixtieth [da 'sikstnO] the seventieth [da 'sevntnS] the eightieth [dr 'eitirQ] the ninetieth [da 'naintu9] the hundredth [da Tiandradli] the one hundred and first [da wan
'handled and 'io:stJ
the one hundred and tenth [da wan 'handrad and 'tend]
the thousandth (da ’9auzand9]
Infinitive		Past
be [bi:]	быть	was, were [woz, wo:]
become [br'kam] стать		became [bi'keim]
begin [bi'gin]	начинать	began [bi'gaen]
bite [bait]	кусать	bit [bit]
break [breik]	ломать	broke [brouk]
bring [brnj]	принести	brought [bro:t]
buy [bai]	покупать	bought [bo:t]
can [кжп]	могу	could [kud]
catch [kaetf]	ловить	caught [ko:t]
come [клт]	прийти	came [keim]
do [du:]	делать	did [did ]
drink [drigk]	пить	drank [draijk]
draw [dro:]	рисовать	drew [dm:]
eat [i:t]	есть	ate [et]
fall [fo:l]	падать	fell [fel]
feed [fi:d]	кормить	fed [fed]
fight [fait] сражаться, воевать		fought [fol]
give [giv]	давать	gave [geiv]
go [gou]	идти	went [went]
have [haev]	иметь	had [hasd]
hear [hia]	слышать	heard [ho:d]
know [nou]	знать	knew [nju:]
lie [lai]	лежать	lay [lei]
make [meik]	делать	made [meid]
mean [mi:n]	означать	meant [ment]
read [ri:d]	читать	read [red]
ring [nrj]	звонить	rang [rarj]
run [глп]	бежать	ran [ran]
say [sei]	сказать	said [sed]
see [si:]	видеть	saw [so:]
shine [fam]	сиять	shone [fan]
sing [sirj]	петь	sang [saerj]
sit [sit]	сидеть	sat [sail]
stand [stend]	стоять	stood [stud]
take [teik]	брать	took [tuk]
teach [ti:tf] учить, преподавать		taught [to:t]
tell [tel]	сказать	told [tould]
write [rait]	писать	wrote [rout]
* Многие из вышеприведённых глаголов употреблены в книге лишь в настоящем времени, но всё же включены в данный список на случай, если учащийся захотел бы сам построить предложение в прошедшем времени.
алфавитный словарь
А abont [a'baut'J о, об absent [’aebsontj: to be absent отсутствовать
aeroplane ['earoplein] аэроплан afraid (a’freid): to be aftaid бояться after ['alto) после
afternoon ['anta num] после полудня (между 12 и 18 ч. дня)
again (a gein) снова against la’gemst] против air [sal воздух ail [ad] всё; all right хорошо alone [alounl один already [xl’redtl уже also f’a:lsoa| тоже always ('aJwazJ всегда animal ['гштэ!) животное anniversary ['atu’vasan[ годовщина another [э'плдэ], other другой answer ['omso] l. отвечать; 2. ответ any ('еш| какой-нибудь anybody (’enibadi) кто-нибудь anything [’eniinjl что-нибудь apple [apl] яблоко April ['eiprill апрель arm [im| рука army ['amul армия around (a'raund| вокруг artillery (з.-'tuan) артиллерия ask [зжк] спрашивать, просить asleep (a'slhpj: to be asleep спать at [set, at| в, у
at dinner за обедом at first сначала at home дома at play за игрой at school в школе to look at смотреть на ч.-л.
August ['o:gosi[ август
automatic rifle [□tla'nuetik'ratfl) автомат (винтовка)
autumn ['atom] осень
aviation ['eivi'eifnl авгадаа away [o'weij прочь
back [bak] обратно
bad fosed] плохой; badly тяжело, серьёзно (о pane)
bag (bag) мешок
bail [bad] мяч
band (band) дуговой оркестр
bandage ['bendidj) L бинт; 2. бинтовать
banner [’bans] знамя
bathe [beid] купаться; bathing купанье be [bit] быть bear (Ььэ[ медведь
because [biTo^l потому что
become [tMTcsni] становиться, стать bed [bed] кровать; a-oed в постели before | bi’io:) перед
began [bi’gsen] прош. вр. гл. to begin begin [b*’gm| начинать!ся) behind ibilianidl позади bell [bel] звонок best [best] лучший better ('beta] лучше bird [batd] птица
birthday ['teSdei] день рождения
bite [ban] кусать
black [bisk] чёрный
blackboard ( bimsoxd] классная доска
blue [01ш[ синий body [Trshl тело book Ibukj книга bookcase ['bcskeis] книжный штаф
both [bou5] и ... и ...
bounce [bauns] подскакивать boy [boi] мальчик bread [bred] хлеб break [breik] ломать(ся) breakfast [trekfast] завтрак bring [brig] принести brother ['Ьглдэ] брат
brown [braun] коричневый, загорелый bugle [bjurgl] горн, рог but [bAt] HO buy [bai] покупать
cake [keik] торт; cakes пирожные calendar ['kaehnda] календарь call [кэ:1] звать
came [keim] прош. вр. глаг. to come camp [ksmp] лагерь camping out в лагеря can [ksn] мочь carry [’kren] нести case [keis] падеж cat [kaet] кошка catch [kaetj] поймать celebrate ['selibreit] праздновать chair [tjsa] стул chalk [tjo:k] мел cherry ['tjerrj вишня chess [tjes] шахматы child [tjaild] дитя; children дети cinema ['sinitna] кино civil ['sivil] гражданский clear [klia] ясный coat [kout] пальто cold [kould] холодно
collective farm [ka'lektiv 'fa;m] колхоз colour [’кл!э] цвет
come [клш] придти; to come in войти commander [ka'tnainda] командир commune ['kamjutn] коммуна communist [’kamjunist] коммунист comrade ['komridj товарищ constitution ['konsti'tjujnj конституция cool [kucl] прохладный copy-book ['kopi-buk] тетрадь corn [кэ:п] зерно, хлеб could [kud] прош. вр. глаг. can country ['kantri] страна
course fkots]: of course конечно cover [’kava] покрывать covered ['kavad] покрытый cried [kraid] прош. вр. глаг. to cry cry [krai] воскликнуть crystal [knstl] хрустальный cup [клр] чашка
dance [da:ns] танцовать dark [da:k] темно;
it is getting dark темнеет day [det] день dead [ded] мёртвый; is dead умер dear [dis] дорогой, милый December [di'semba] декабрь decide [di'said] решить deep [di:p] глубокий, густой defend [di'fend] защищать demonstrate ['demanstreit| демонстри-
demonstration ['deman’streij'n] демонстрация
desk [desk] парта
dialogue ['daiabg] диалог dictation [dik'teijn] диктовка did [did] прош. вр. глаг. to do different ['difrant] разный difficult ['difikalt] трудный dinner ['dins] обед
do [du;] 1. делать; 2. вспомогательный глагол
doctor ['dakta] доктор down [daun] вниз drank [draerjk] прош. вр. глаг. to drink draw [dra:] рисовать
dress [dres] 1. платье; 2. одевать drum [drAm] барабан duty ['dju:ti)r on duty дежурный
E ear [is] yxo early [bill] рано earth [эй] земля eat [irt] кушать, есть elephant ['elifantj слон end [end] конец enemy ('enimi] враг English ['igglif] английский evening ['i:vnig] вечер
every [’evn] каждый
exercise ['eksasaiz] упражнение exploit [iks'pbit] подвиг eye [ai] глаз
face [feis] лицо; циферблат
fall [fori] упасть, пасть
family ['faemili] семья far [far] далеко
farm [farm] хозяйство (в деревне)
fascism ['fzsizm] фашизм
fascist ['faesist] фашист; фашистский father [’fads] отец
February [’februan] февраль
feed [fird] кормить
feet [firt] ноги
fellows [’felouz]: the Merry Fellows весёлые ребята
field [firld] поле
field gun ['firld 'gAn] полевое орудие
field hospital ['firld 'haspitl] полевой госпиталь
fight [fait] воевать, сражаться
film [film] фильм
finger ['firjga] палец
fire [’faia] костёр
fire [lais] стрелять
first [farst] первый; at first сначала
flag [flteg] флаг
floor [flor] пол
flower ['flaua] цветок
fly [flai] летать
foe [fou] враг
foot [fut] нога (стопа)
football ['futborl] футбол
for [for] для
fork [fork] вилка
fought [fort] прош. вр. глаг. to fight free [frir] свободный
friend (trend) друг
fro [frou]r to and fro туда и обратно from [from] из, от
front [frant] фронт
fruit [frurt] фрукт
full [ful] полный fun [fan] забава funny I'fani) смешной
game [gcim] игра, спорт garden [gardn] сад gave [geiv] прош. вр. глаг. to give gay [gci] весёлый Generalissimo [djenara'lisimou] генералиссимус
get up ['get ’лр] вставать
German ['doorman] немец; немецкий giraffe [dsi'rarf] жираф girl [garl] девочка give [giv] дать glad [glaed] рад; to be glad радоваться go [gou] идти good [gud] 1. хороший; 2. хорошо good-bye до свидания good morning доброе утро grass [grars] трава great [greit] великий green [grim] зелёный greet [grid] приветствовать grenade [gra'neid] граната grey [grei] серый ground [graund] земля group [grurp] группа
had [haed] прош. вр. глаг. to have hair [hea] волосы half [had] половина hallo [ha'lou] алло! (приветствие) hand Ihtend] рука; стрелка happy ['haepi] счастливый harvesting [ Тталтзиг]] жатва.сбор урожая has Ihsez] 3-е лицо ед. числа наст. вр. глаг. to have hat [haet] шляпа hate [heit] ненавидеть
have [hav] иметь; to have a good time хорошо провести время
hay [hei] сено he [hi:] он head [bed] голова healthy ['heFiil здоровый hear [tua] слышать heart [han] сердце help [help] помогать her [ha:j её, ей
here [tool здесь; сюда; вот hero ['hiarouj герой high |hai| высокий him (him] его, ему his [hiz| его bit (hit) ударять
holidays I'holidiz] каникулы, праздники home (houm) домой; at home дома hospital ['h.ispitl) госпиталь hot (hot] жаркий, горячий hour ['аиэ) час house (haus] дом
how [hau] как; how are you? как поживаете? how old are you? сколько вам лет?
how many? сколько? hundred ('handrad] сто hyena [hai'imaj гиена
I [at] я ice [ais] лёд ill [il] больной in [in] в (на вопрос „где?*) ink [igk] чернила inkstand figkstaend] чернильница interesting ('intristirj] интересный international ['inta'ntejnlj интернациональный
into fintu] в (на вопрос .куда?') invite [in'vait] приглашать
is (iz) 3-е лицо ед. чис. наст. вр. глаг. to be
it [it] он, она, оно; это
its [its] его, её (о неодушевленных предметах и животных)
January ['d^tenjuan] январь joy (djot] радость July |d3u*lai] июль jump [djAmp] прыгать, вскочить June [d^utn] июнь
kangaroo ['ktegga'rui] кенгуру kill [kil] убивать killed [kildj убитый
kilogram ['kilograem] килограмм
knew [n|ut] прош. вр. глаг. to know knife (naif] нож (Множ, число knives) know [nou] звать
lamp [1жтр] лампа land [laendj страна last (locstj прошлый; at last [at 4a:st]
late (leit] поздно laugh [la:f| смеяться lay [lei] накрывать (на стол) leader f'liida] вождь leap-year ['li:p-ja:| високосный год learn [lain] учиться, выучить leave [li:v] оставить left [left] левый leg [leg] нога leisure ['leja] досуг lesson [lesn] урок let us (let’s) (let as] давайте lie [lai] 1. лежать; 2. лгать Life [laif] жизнь
like [laik] 1. любить, нравиться; 2. как, подобно
lion [Чагэп] лев little [htl] мало live [liv] жить long [log] длинный look at (Tuk at] смотреть на lot (bt) куча, уйма love [Iav] любить luck [1лк] счастье
machine-gun [ma'/im-gAn] пулемёт make [rneik] делать; make clear разъ-
man [m®n] человек, мужчина many ('tnem] много map [тжр] карта March [martJ] март march [maitj] маршировать May [mei] май me [mi:] меня, мне mean |mi:n| означать meat [mitt] мясо meeting ['miltig] митинг, собрание men [men] множ, число от man
Merry Fellows ['men 'felouz] весёлые ребята
mill [mil) мельница minute [’minit] минута moment [’moumani] момент; in a moment через минуту; a moment to spare лишняя минута
monkey ['тлдк!) обезьяна month [тлпО] месяц тоге [тэ:] больше morning ['тэгшд] утро mother [’тлЭэ] мать mouth [mau9] рот move [mu:v] двигаться much [тл!]] много music ['mjurzik] музыка must [тля] должен;
must be должно быть ту [mat] мой
N name [netm] имя navy ('neivi] флот near [тэ] возле new [nju:] новый next [nekst] следующий nice [nais] хороший night [nait] ночь; at night ночью no [пои] нет nobody [’noubadt] никто nominative [’nammativ] именительный падеж nose (nouz) нос not [not] не nothing ['плОщ] ничто, ничего November [no'vemba] ноябрь now [паи] теперь, сейчас; ну
objective [ab'djektiv] объектный падеж occupied [’okjupaid] занятый ocean [oujn] океан
o’clock [a'kbk] часов (5 o’clock 5 часов) October [ak'touba] октябрь of [av] предлог, отвечающий на вопрос .кого?*, .чего?' of course [ka:s] конечно off [af|: we’re off мы отправились often [ofn] часто
officer ['ofisaj офицер old (ould) старый; how old are you?
сколько вам лет?
on (an) на; to be on duty быть дежурным; what is on? что идёг? (в кино) once [wAns] однажды one |w«n, один only ['ounli] только open [oupn] открыть or [э:] или other ['лдэ] другой our ['аиэ] наш
over ['ouvaj: summer is over лето прошло
paints [pernts] краски pair [рээ] пара pane [pein I оконное стекло paper [’peipa] бумага parade [po'reid] парад Paris ['paeris] Париж; парижский partisan [’paiti'zaen] партизан party ['pxti] партия pass [pats] проходить; передать patriot ['peitnat] патриот patriotic [pettri'otik] отечественный pear [pea] груша pen [pen] перо
pencil f'pensil] карандаш pencil-box [’pensil-boks] пенал penetrate [’pemtreit] проникать people [pitpl] народ picture ['piktja] картина pillow ['pilou] подушка pioneer [’paia'ma] пионер plate [pleit] тарелка play [pier] 1. играть; 2. игра pleasant [pleznt] приятный please [plitz] пожалуйста pleased [plitzd] рад pleasure [’pleja] удовольствие portrait ['pottrit] портрет potato [pa'tettou] картофель present [preznt] подарок pretty [’pnti] хорошенький pride [praid] гордость pronounce [pra'nauns] произнести protest [’proutest] протест proverb fpravab] пословица
pupil ['pjuipilj ученик put (put] класть put down положить put on надеть
quarter ['kwarts] четверть question [kwestjn] вопрос quick (kwikj быстрый; to be quick поторопитесь
quickly I'kwikli] быстро quite ['kwait] совсем
rain Jretn] дождь; it rains илСт дождь ran [raen] прош. вр. глаг. to run read [ri:d] читать ready [’redi] готов rear (па) тыл receive [n'siiv] получить red [red] крпспый review [n'vju:] повторение Revolution (’leva'lurjn] революция revolutionary ('reva'lu:Jnn] революционный
rhyme [rann[ стишок rifle [raifl] винтовка
right |rait] 1. правильный; 2. правый;
3. право ring (rirj] звонить ripe [raip] зрелый river ]'riva] река rose [rouz] роза round [raurid] вокруг rowing ['гоищ) гребля run [ran] бежать
said [ted] прош. вр. глаг. to say salt (ssilt) соль save [seiv] спасти
saw |sa:J прош. вр. глаг. to see say [sei] сказать school [skurl] школа schoolbag ранец schoolboy школьник schoolgirl школьница season [si;zn] сезон, время года second ['sekandj секунда
see [si:] видеть
September [sap'tembo] сентябрь shall [/г1] вспои, глаг, употр. для образования будущего времени she [Ji:] она shine [Jain] сиять shirt f/artJ рубашка shoes [Ju:z] туфли shoot ffurt] стрелять shooting-range [’Jurtnj-reindj] тнр, стрельбище
shopping [’Japtrj] покупки short [Ja:t] короткий shot [Jot) 1. стрелок; 2. выстрелил shout fjautJ кричать show [Jou] показывать shower |'Jaua) ливень sing (etg) петь sister [’sista] сестра sit (sit] сидеть skate fskeit] кататься на коньках skating-rink ['skeitir)-rirjk| каток ski (Ji:J 1. кататься на лыжах; 2. лыжа sky [skai] небо sleep [sli:p| спать slogan [’slougan] лозунг slowly ['sloulij медленно smell [smel] обонять smile |smail| улыбаться snow [snou] снег so (sou] так socialism [’soujalizm] социализм socialist ['soujalist] социалистический sofa I'soufa] диван soldier I'souldsa) солдат
solidarity I'soli'dairitiJ солидарность some [sAm] несколько, немного somebody [’sAinbadi] кто-то something ('satnOtgJ что-то song [sdq] песня soon [sum] скоро
sorry [’s3ri].Tm very sorry очень сожалею soup [su:p| суп soviet [’souviet] совет sowing ['souiql сев spade [speid] лопата spare [spta| лишний speak [spiikj говорить
spoon [spurn] ложка sport [span] спорт spring [sprig] весна spy [spai] шпион stand [stand] стоять still [stil] тихо, неподвижно, всё ещё stocking ['stokig) чулок stop [stop] остановиться story [’staai] рассказ stove [stouv| печь street [strict] улица strife [straif] борьба strong [strag] сильный struggle [stragl] борьба, схватка suddenly [’ssdnli] вдруг summer ['sama] лето sun [san] солнце sweet [swi:t| сладкий swim [swim] плавать
T table [teibl] стол take [teik] взять talk [ta:k] 1. разговор, беседа; 2. разговаривать
tall [tail] высокий tank [tagk] танк taste [teist] пробовать taught [tart] прош. вр. глаг. to teach tea [tit] чай teacher [’tirtja] преподаватель teeth [ti;6] зубы tell [tel] сказать tennis [’tents] теннис than [джп] чем
thank you ['Otegk ju] благодарю вас that [diet] тот, этот; что the [da, dt] определённый артикль their [dea] их them [dem] их, им then [den] тогда, потом there |dea] там
there is имеется, есть; there is a demonstration происходит демонстрация
these |di:z] эти; these are the words вот слова
they [det] они thing [Otg] предмет this [dis] это, этот
those [douz] те
thousand [’oauzand] тысяча through [Эти:] сквозь, через tie [tai] галстук tiger [’taiga] тигр tired [’taiad] усталый
to (tu, ta] 1. частица, употребляемая перед инфинитивом; 2. предлог, отвечающий на вопрос .куда?”
to-day сегодня
to-morrow завтра
to and fro [frou] туда и обратно told [tould] прош. вр. глаг. to tell toiler (’taila) трудящийся together [ta'geda] вместе tongue [tag] язык too [tu:] 1. тоже; 2. слишком took [tuk] прош. вр. глаг. to take; took the tram ехал трамваем
touch [tAtJ] трогать, осязать travel [traevl] путешествие tree [tri:] дерево tribune [’tribjum] трибуна tried [traid] прош. вр. глаг. to try true [tru:] правда try [trai] стараться, пытаться
under [’Anda] под
understand [Anda'statnd] понимать union [’jutnjan] союз unite [Jur'nait] соединяться up [лр] вверх
up and down вверх и вниз us [as] нас, нам use [Ju:z| употреблять USSR [’jutese'sat] СССР
very [’ven] очень; very much очень много victory [’viktn] победа
village [’vtlidj] деревня violet [’vaialit] фиолетовый volley-ball [’vsh-bo:!] волейбол
wait [weit] ждать
walk [wa:k] 1. ходить (идти) пешком;
2. прогулка
wall [warl] стена want (wont) хотеть war (war) война; военный warm |wa:m] тёплый was (waz) был (ед. число прош. вр.
глаг. to be)
wash [waj] умываться water (’warta) вода way (wet) путь we |wt| мы weather |'we3a] погода week |wi:k] неделя well (wel| хорошо;
we are quite well мы здоровы went (went] прош. вр. глаг. to go were (war) были (мн. число прош.
вр. глаг. to be) what (wai) что when [wen] когда where (wea) где, куда which [wiif] который while [wail] пока white (wait) белый who [hu:| кто whole (houl) весь whom [burnt] кого, кому
why [wat] почему
will [wtl] вспом. глаг., употр. для образования будущего времени
woman ('wuman] женщина
women ['wimin] женщины
wood [wudj лес
word [ward] слово
work [wa:k] 1. работа; 2. работать worker ('warka] рабочий world [world] мир, вселенная wounded ['wurndtd] ранен;
badly wounded тяжело ранен write [ran] писать
year [jta, jar] год
yesterday ['jestadi) вчера
yet (jet) однако
young (jag] молодой
yourself [jor'self] себя;
for yourself для вас, для тебя youth ЦиЛ] молодёжь; юношеский
Zoo [zur] зоосад
Lesson 1. Always Ready (Poem).......................................... 3
Lesson 2. Back at School. Порядок слов в английском вопросительном предложении........................................................ 4
Lesson 3. At the Lesson. Склонение личных местоимений.................. 9
Lesson 4. Days and Months. Counting. How Many? (Poem). Местоимения: some, any, no..................................................... 12
Lesson 5. Sport and Games. On Skis (Poem). Глаголы can и must......... 15
Lesson 6. At Dinner. 1. Предлоги to и with. II. Множественное число существительных, оканчивающихся на f, fe.............................. 19
Lesson 7. The Demonstration on the 7th of November.................... 23
Review (Lessons 1—7).................................................. 21
Lesson 8. Shopping. Будущее время..................................... 2S
Lesson 9. The Body. 1. A Riddle (Rhyme). Притяжательный падеж......... 29
Lesson 10. The Body. II. A Rhyme. 1. Множественное число существительных (исключения). II. Употребление предлога в конце вопросительного предложения. III. Окончание ез в третьем лице единственного числа................................................................. 32
Lesson U. Revolutionary Holidays and Anniversaries. Образование порядковых числительных.................................................. 35
Lesson 12. The Seasons. I. (Winter and Spring). The Swing (Poem). I. Употребление many, much; few,	little.	11.	Сравнительная степень..... 37
Lesson 13. The Seasons. II. (Summer and Autumn). Falling Rain (Poem). Степени сравнения имён прилагательных................................ 41
Review (Lessons 8 — 13)............................................... 46
Lesson 14. Two Little Patriots. I. Местоимения something, anything, nothing.
11. 3-е лицо единственного числа глаголов, оканчивающихся на у. . . . 49
Lesson 15. Going to the Cinema. Прошедшее время глагола to be......... 53
Lesson 16. After School. The School-Bell’s Song (Poem). Прошедшее время глагола to have..................................................  55
Lesson 17. Jane's Birthday. Прошедшее время правильных глаголов....... 57
Lesson 18. A Dialogue. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы прошедшего времени...................................................... 60
Lesson 19. Soviet Army Day. Прошедшее время неправильных глаголов. 62
Lesson 20. A Story of the Civil War................................... 65
Review (Lessons 14—20)................................................ 68
Lesson 21. A Funny Story. The Sun’s Travels (Poem). Местоимения somebody, anybody, nobody................................ 70
Lesson 22. At the Zoo. To the Zoo (Poem)............................. 73
Lesson 23. In Summer. Camp Life (Poem)............................... 76
Lesson 24. The First of May.......................................... 78
Review .............................................................. 79
Poems and Stories for Home-Reading What is Pink? (Poem)........................................... 82
“I’ll Try” and “1 Can't” (Poem)................................ 83
My Shadow (Poem)............................................... 83
The Soviet Army (Poem)......................................... 84
The Country Needs Us (Poem) ................................... 85
A Heroine...................................................... 86
The Elephant's Child........................................... 88
Songs The Captain’s Song............................................. 93
The Merry Wind..................................................94
The March of the	Merry Fellows..................................96
Our Country.................................................... 99
Постатейный словарь .................................................103
Слова для диктовок...................................................110
Числительные ........................................................113
Список неправильных глаголов.........................................114
Алфавитный словарь...................................................115
Пески в приложении переведены