Автор: Ames K.A.   Straughan B.  

Теги: mathematics  

ISBN: 0-12-056745-8

Год: 1997



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vi Contents 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling Backward in Time 103 3.1 3.2 Singular Perturbation in Improperly Posed Problems . . . . . . . . . . 103 Modeling Errors for the N avier-Stokes Equations Backward in Time ........................................ 114 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Operator Equations ...................................... 123 Continuous Dependence on Modeling in the Cauchy Problem for Second Order Partial Differential Equations: Some Examples .......................................... 140 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics and in Magnetohydrodynamics .............................149 Continuous Dependence on Modeling in Porous Convection Problems ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Modeling Errors in Theories of Heat Conduction with Finite Propagation Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling Forward in Time 183 4.1 Modeling Errors for the Navier-Stokes Equations Forward in Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 183 4.2 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 4.3 Continuous Dependence on the Velocity for an Equation Arising from Dynamo Theory .............................. 195 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl Number Thermal Convection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Contents vii 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 217 5.1 5.2 5.3 The "Sideways" Problem for the Heat Equation........ .,. ... .217 The "Sideways" Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation. . . . . . . . . . . 225 The Cauchy Problem for the Laplace Equation and Other Elliptc Equations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 6. Some Further Improperly Posed Problems 238 6.1 Uniqueness and Continuous Dependence for Singular Equations ....................................... 238 Spatial Decay in Improperly Posed Parabolic Problems . . . . . . . . 243 Uniqueness for the Backward in Time Navier-Stokes Equations on an Unbounded Spatial Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Improperly Posed Problems for Dusty Gases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Linear Thermoelasticity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Overcoming Holder Continuity, and Image Restoration ........ 278 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Bibliography 284 Index 301 
Preface ix We both owe an immense amount of gratitude to Professor Lawrence E. Payne of Cornell University, whose influence on both the subject and us personally has been profound. It gives us great pleasure to have the oppor- tunity to thank him. We should like to thank Professor William F. Ames of the Georgia Insti- tute of Technology, for encouraging us to publish this volume in the present series. For pertinent comments on this and related work, special thanks to Professor James N. Flavin of University College Galway, Professoressa Franca Franchi of the University of Bologna, and to Professor Salvatore Ri- onero of the University of Napoli, Federico II. The work of B.S. was partly completed with the help of a Max Planck Forschungspreis, of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Max Planck Institute. We both wish to thank NATO for their support through grant number CRG 910630. This book is intended to be a resource for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers interested in the area of improperly posed problems for partial differential equations. Although there has been a significant amount of research on such problems in the last fifteen years, little of this work has appeared in any unified form. The aim of this monograph is to survey some of the recent literature on ill posed problems and to examine new directions and applications in the field. We are particularly interested in filling a substantial gap in the mathematical literature by collecting an assortment of results for non-standard problems in partial differential equations that have received attention recently in connection with a number of physical applications. Since it would not be possible to thoroughly cover the broad spectrum of improperly posed problems, we shall focus on the following topics: con- tinuous dependence of solutions on spatial and initial time geometry; con- tinuous dependence on modeling questions; problems in which the data are prescribed on only part of the domain boundary; the first two belong to the area often known as structural stability. We do not treat in detail other classes of improperly posed problems such as inverse problems or Dirich- let problems for partial differential equations. Our goal is to discuss the progress made with relatively new classes of ill posed problems. After an introductory chapter that includes a description of the method- ology typically used to study ill posed problems, the book is divided into five chapters. These address, respectively, the following subjects: contin- u.ous dependence on initial - time geometry and on spatial geometry, con- tmuous dependence on modeling backward in time, continuous dependence on modeling forward in time, non-standard or non-characteristic problems such as those where the data are only prescribed on a part of the boundary, and other relevant improperly posed problems. A bibliography is included in order to provide researchers with an up to date compendium of the math- ematicalliterature on the aforementioned topics. If any relevant literature is omitted this is entirely unintentional. Chapter 5 and sections 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 6.1, 6.5, and 6.6 were written by K.A. Ames, while chapters 2 and 4 and sections 1.4, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 were written by B. Straughan. The remaining sections were jointly written. Preface K.A. Ames Associate Professor of Mathematics University of Alabama at Huntsville B. Straughan Simson Professor of Mathematics University of Glasgow 
K.A. Ames & B. Straughan Non-Standard and Improperly Posed Problems 
1 Introduction 1.1 Introductory Remarks The study of improperly posed problems for partial differential equations has received considerable recent attention in response to the realization that a number of physical phenomena lead to these kinds of mathematical models. In this book, we intend to describe some of the topics confronted in the investigation of several classes of ill-posed and non-standard problems. A boundary or initial value problem for a partial differential equation is understood to be well posed in the sense of Hadamard if it possesses a unique solution that depends continuously on the prescribed data. This definition is made precise by indicating the space to which the solution must belong and the measure in which continuous dependence is desired. In general we shall refer to a boundary and/or initial value problem for a partial differential equation, or a system of partial differential equations as simply a problem. A problem is called improperly posed (or ill-posed) if it fails to have a global solution, or if it fails to have a unique solution, or if the solution does not depend continuously on the data. In the subsequent chapters we shall discuss the three major questions of existence, uniqueness, and stabilization of solutions to such problems. Considerable progress has been made in the analysis of improperly posed problems for partial differential equations. The monograph by Payne (1975) is a primary source on various topics in this field and includes a substantial bibliography of the work done prior to 1975. In the last twenty years, research on ill-posed problems has intensified and moved in so many diverse directions that it would be virtually impossible to give a comprehensive, up-to-date account of all the work that has appeared on these kinds of problems. It is no surprise then that the few existing books on improperly posed problems deal with very specific classes of problems. In addition to Payne's volume, there are the books of Bloom (1981), Flavin & Rionero (1995), Lattes & Lions (1969), Lavrentiev (1967), Lavrentiev, Romanov & Sisatskii (1986), Morozov (1984), Straughan (1982), and Tikhonov & Arsenin (1977). These books deal with various aspects of improperly posed problems although not exclusively so. 
2 1. Introduction 1.1 Introductory Remarks 3 Improperly posed problems occur in many mundane areas. We men- tion attempts to calculate the age of the Earth by extrapolation backwl1rd in time, notably work of Lord Kelvin. Similarly, there are studies of ex- trapolating the behaviour of the Earth's magnetic field to previous times; these are both examples of improperly posed problems. Another impor- tant area involves oil recovery from an underground source. Geophysicists take measurements using seismic waves and need to understand the state of the oil encapsulated in the rocks, often well below ground. There are many improperly posed problems in oil reservoir engineering, as may be seen in the accounts of Ewing (1984) and Ewing et al. (1987). Also im- portant in oil reservoir recovery theory is the question posed when a less viscous fluid breaks through a more viscous one. This is important when oil is attempted to be withdrawn from an underground reservoir by pump- ing water into the reservoir. The mathematical theory for this is closely connected with the Hele-Shaw problem where a less viscous fluid is driven against a more viscous one. This theory gives rise to an improperly posed problem and is studied by Di Benedetto & Friedman (1984), where other relevant references may be found. Other familiar occurrences of ill posed problems are in glacier physics, d. Hutter (1984), Payne & Straughan (1990b), where only the surface of the glacier is available for measurement. Climatology is another area which has led to several novel improperly posed problems, d. Diaz & Lions (1993). Chorin (1985) studies numerically a so- lidification/melting problem in three - dimensions. He shows how this is an ill-posed problem and how care must be taken. Joseph & Saut (1990) give several examples of problems in continuum mechanics where the equations change type and thus lead to improperly posed problems, and Joseph et al. (1985) do likewise, concentrating on flows of viscoelastic fluids. In the important field of multi - component mixtures of fluids, which have many practical applications, including cloud physics, upper atmospheric physics, and other areas, several practical improperly posed problems arise; a study of waves and related questions in these theories may be found in e.g. Muller & Villaggio (1976), Morro & Straughan (1990a,b), and Morro et al. (1993). Further instances of improperly posed problems in thermal convection stud- ies in fluid flow in porous media are given in e.g. McKay (1992), Morro & Straughan (1992), and Richardson (1993). A uniqueness theorem in an improperly posed problem for a piezoelectric material is given by Morro & Straughan (1991). We also mention Carasso's (1994) important paper which describes a technique for solving a class of ill posed problems. He illustrates his technique by showing how one can sharpen photographs of brain imagery. This is a highly practical study of an improperly posed problem which has application in the field of medicine. the human brain consists of about 10 26 particles. It is thus very sensitive to the initial conditions and use of a brain model will be difficult to predict the behaviour of a human. Finally, we note that related phenomena is involved with fragile economies. Here a small change in a parameter can lead to stock market chaos, currency fluctuations, and several other highly changeable situations. Mathematicians who investigated ill-posed problems for partial differen- tial equations before 1950 dealt primarily with questions of uniqueness for linear equations since such problems typically have at most one solution. However, it should be pointed out that examples of nonunique continu- ation for linear elliptic and parabolic equations have been constructed by Plis (1960,1963) and Miller (1973,1974). In fact, the literature of the 1950's and early 1960's is rich with studies which contain examples of equations, often nonlinear, for which uniqueness fails. While it is typical that improperly posed problems will have at most one solution, it is often the case that solutions will not exist for arbitrary data and if they do, such solutions will not depend continuously on the data. Throughout this book, the term "existence" refers to global existence. For some of the problems considered, local existence can be deduced from the Cauchy- Kowalevski theorem. Global existence of solutions to ill-posed problems is difficult to discuss with much generality. It is frequently the case that very strong regularity and compatibility conditions must be imposed on the data in order for a solution to exist. Since errors can be made in measuring data, such con- ditions cannot always be guaranteed in practice. Attempts to deal with the existence question have often followed the strategy of modifying either the concept of a solution or the mathematical model. In many physical situations, it is sufficient to define the "solution" as a domain function that belongs to an appropriate class and best approximates the prescribed data. Alternatively, changing the underlying model has led to the development of techniques to generate approximate solutions, including Tikhonov reg- ularization (Tikhonov, 1963) and the quasireversibility method (Lattes & Lions, 1969). The primary aim of these methods is the numerical solution of ill-posed initial-boundary value problems. The calculation of approxi- mate solutions may be as close as we come to establishing the existence of a "solution" to such problems. One issue we encounter in attempting to compute solutions of these problems is the question of stability. Not only do we need to derive stability estimates but we also need to develop numerical methods that effectively incorporate the prescribed bounds usually required to stabilize ill-posed problems. The work of Bellomo & Preziosi (1995), Cannon (1964a,b,c,1984), Cannon & Douglas (1967,1968), Cannon & Ew- ing (1976), Cannon & Knightly (1969), Cannon & Miller (1965), Carasso (1976,1977,1982,1987,1993,1994),Carasso & Stone (1975), Chorin (1985), It is worth making the connection that an improperly posed problem may have with studies of human brain models. Hawking (1993) remarks that 
4 1. Introduction 1.1 Introductory Remarks 5 Demmel & Kagstrom (1988), Douglas (1960), Elden (1987,1988,1990), Engl & Groetsch (1987),Ewing (1975,1984), Ewing & Falk (1979), Ewing et al. (1987), Falk & Monk (1986), Han (1982), Hansen (1992), Ingham et al. (1991), Klibanov & Rakesh (1992), Klibanov & Santosa (1991), Lin & Ew- ing (1992), Miller (1973b), Monk (1986) deals with these difficulties. The subject of continuous dependence on the data has received consid- erable attention since 1960 with the result that there exist a number of methods for deriving continuous dependence inequalities. It is now well established that for many improperly posed problems, if the class of ad- missible solutions is suitably restricted, then solutions in this class will depend continuously on the data in the appropriate norms. In many phys- ically interesting problems, stability, in the modified sense of Holder (John 1955,1960), is guaranteed when a uniform bound for the solution or some functional of the solution is prescribed. Since such a bound need not be sharp, it is reasonable to anticipate that it can be obtained from the physics of the problem via observation and measurement. We emphasize that this type of continuous dependence should not be confused with asymptotic stability or with the usual notion of continuous dependence for well posed problems. Our discussion of continuous dependence in the context of improperly posed problems will focus on three important sources of errors that arise in the derivation and analysis of a mathematical model for a physical process: (1) errors in measuring data (initial or boundary values, coefficients in the equations or boundary operators, parameters), In order to recover continuous dependence in ill posed problems, we must constrain the solution in some mathematically and physically realiz- able manner. It would be optimal if this constraint could simultaneously stabilize the problem against all possible errors that might arise as we set up the model. However, it is usually the case that the appropriate con- straint is difficult to determine. Moreover, such a restriction will turn an otherwise linear problem into a nonlinear one and thus caution must be exercised in any attempt to study the effects of various errors separately and to then superpose these effects. (2) errors in characterizing the spatial geometry of the underlying domain and the initial-time geometry, and (3) errors in formulating the model equation(s). In connection with the subject of continuous dependence on the model itself we point out that this is a topic attracting the attention of many people. Bellomo & Preziosi (1994), pp. 85-86, and Drazin & Reid (1981), pp. 407-415, also devote attention to this topic and present several exam- ples. Bellomo & Preziosi (1994) call continuous dependence on the model itself structural stability, or total stability. They point out that into this category one should include changes to the equations themselves, such as the addition of dissipative terms. Also important are questions of contin- uous dependence on the coefficients such as the body force. Bellomo & Preziosi (1994) write that structural stability is more dificult to deal with than stability of equilibria with respect to perturbations of the initial state. They also state that structural stability is hard to verify and to obtain in practice. We devote much attention to questions of continuous dependence on modeling, Le. structural stability, in the course of this book. Since this book is dedicated to studying novel classes of improperly posed problems we now list some of the relevant literature in the appro- priate sub-fields. The lists we give are not meant to be exhaustive, but give a guide as to where further references may be found. In the field of continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry we cite the work of Ames & Payne (1994b,1995a), Ames & Straughan (1995), Franchi & Straughan (1995), Knops & Payne (1969,1988), Payne (1987a,b,1989,1992), Payne & Straughan (1990c,1996a), and Song (1988), while in the field of continuous dependence on the spatial geometry we refer to Crooke & Payne (1984), Lin & Payne (1994), Payne (1993a), Payne & Straughan (1990a,1996b), and Persens (1986). The subject of continuous dependence on modeling, or structural stability, is treated in Adelson (1973,1974), Ames (1982a,b,1992), Ames et al. (1987), Ames & Payne (1992,1994a,c,1995b), Ames & Straughan (1992), Bellomo & Preziosi (1995), Bennett (1986,1991), Chirita & Rionero (1991), Flavin & Rionero (1995,1996), Franchi (1984, 1985,1995), Franchi & Straughan (1993a,b,1994a,b,1996), Knops & Payne (1969, 1988), Lin & Payne (1994), McKay (1992), Morro & Straughan (1992), Mulone et al. (1992), Payne (1967,1971,1975,1987a,b,1993b), Payne & Sather (1967a,b), Payne & Straughan (1989a,b,1990a,b), Richardson (1993), Rionero & Chirita (1987,1989), and Song (1988). The question of continuous dependence in improperly posed problems when data are given on non-characteristic surfaces, including the so-called "sideways" problems, or data are given on other non-standard surfaces, is investi- gated in Ames (1992), Ames & Isakov (1991), Bell (1981a,1981b), Cannon & Knightly (1969), Klibanov & Rakesh (1992), Lavrentiev et al. (1983), Levine & Payne (1985), Manselli & Miller (1980), Monk (1986), Payne (1985), Payne & Straughan (1990b), Talenti (1978), and Talenti & Vessell a (1982). Finally, several other relevant classes of interesting ill-posed and connected problems, including those involving spatial decay in a cylinder, and quasi-reversibility methods, may be found in Bellomo & Preziosi (1995), Cannon (1984), Elden (1987,1988,1990), Engl & Groetsch (1987), Flavin (1989,1991,1992,1993,1995,1996a,1996b), Flavin & Rionero (1993, 1995), Franchi & Straughan (1994b), Kazemi & Klibanov (1993), Klibanov & Santosa (1991), Knabner & Vessella (1987a,b,1988), Lattes & Lions (1969), 
6 1. Introduction 1.2 Notation and Some Important Inequalities 7 Lavrentiev et al. (1983), Levine (1983), Levine & Vessella (1985a,b), Lin & Payne (1993,1994), Miller (1973a,b,1974,1975), and Showalter (1975). (ii) the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (or simply Schwarz's inequality), ( ) 112 ( ) 1/2 In UV dx:::; In u 2 dx In v 2 dx , 1.2 Notation and Some Important Inequalities (iii) Holder's inequality, We introduce here some of the notation that will be used throughout this book as well as some important inequalities that will be referred to fre- quently in the course of the exposition. Many of the problems in this book will be defined on a bounded region 0 of N dimensional Euclidean space R N . The boundary of 0 will be denoted by r or ao and the exterior of 0 will usually be denoted by 0*. The spatial variable is denoted by x = (Xl, . . . , X N) while the time variable is denoted by t. On the boundary of 0, n = (nl' . . . , nN) will represent the outward pointing unit normal and the normal derivative will be given by au/an. We shall employ a subscript comma to denote partial differentiation with respect to the spatial variable and adopt the summation convention so that repeated indices in an expression are summed from 1 to N. Throughout this book, the symbol LP(O), p 2: 1, will refer to the Banach space consisting of all measurable functions on 0 that have finite norm In uv dx  (In UPdx) '/p (In vqdX) ,/q, where 1 1 - + - = 1, p q p,q> 1, and (iv) Young's inequality, r uv dx :::;  r uPdx +  r vqdx, Jo p Jo q Jo with 1 1 - + - = 1, p q p,q> 1, ( ) lip \lu\lp = In lulPdx . or the pointwise form uP v q uv < - + -. - P q The norm in L 2 (0) will usually be abbreviated to 1\,\1. For the most part, we have used integral notation but have occasionally employed the inner product notation (', .), where the inner product is understood to be that on the Hilbert space L 2 (0). The following four common inequalities will be used throughout the book: We shall occasionally want to formulate a problem in an abstract set- ting, in which case we will deal primarily with a real Hilbert space, denoted usually by H. In such spaces, we define a scalar product (u, v) for an ar- bitrary pair of elements u and v. As the norm of an element u we take \lu\l = (u,u)1/2. A subset D of H is called dense if the closure of D is H. An operator A, defined on some set V(A), assigns to each element u E V(A) a certain element v E H. This will usually be written v = Au or v = A(u). If the equality (i) the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality (sometimes abbreviated to the AG inequality), with weight a> 0, A(AU1 + j.LU2) = AAul + j.LA U 2, holds, we say that A is linear. If, in addition, there exists a constant c such that 2 1 2 2uv < au + -v , - a \lAu\l :::; cllu\l, Vu E V(A), (1.2.1) or its integrated form then A is called a bounded operator. The adjoint of an operator A is denoted by A * and is defined by the relation 2 r uv dx :::; a r u 2 dx +.!.. r v 2 dx, Jo Jo aJo (Au, v) = (u,A*v). (1.2.2) 
8 1. Introduction 1.2 Notation and Some Important Inequalities 9 When A is a bounded linear operator it can be shown that D(A) = Hand there exists a unique operator A* which satisfies (1.2.2). If, however, A does not satisfy (1.2.1) it is then unbounded and a stronger condition has to be placed on V( A) as we discuss below. An operator A is symmetric if Hence (a, b) = 0.) From (1.2.3) it follows that (Au, v) = (u, Av), '\Iu, v E V(A), (z - z', z - z') = o. So and skew-symmetric if, instead, z = z'. (Au, v) = -(u, Av) '\Iu, v E V(A). Holder Stability In dealing with improperly posed problems we frequently have recourse to use the concept of Holder continuous dependence on the data. This concept was explained lucidly by John (1960) whose notation we now employ. Consider a problem with a set, U, of solutions and a set, F, of data. Let A be the mapping from the set of data to the set of solutions. In order for the difference of two data terms or solutions to be meaningful, we assume that the solutions to the problem are defined on a subset of U, say R, and the data is defined on a subset of F, say G, such that Rand G are normed linear spaces with II.IIR and 1I'lia as the norms on Rand G, respectively. For any subset S, of R, with norm II . II s, if UI, U2 E U, and h, h E F, such that UI = Ah, U2 = Ah, we say the mapping A is Holder continuous at h, if and only if, It is a well known result that the domain of an unbounded operator A must be dense in H. However, for completeness, we now show that in general it is impossible to define the adjoint operator uniquely unless V( A) is dense in H. Let V = V(A) and let V be dense in H. Suppose that for y E H, there exists z E H, such that (Ax, y) = (x, z) '\IxE V. Denote by D* the set of all such elements y and define the operator A * : D* ---t H with domain of definition V(A*) = D*, by A*y = z. Then A * is the adjoint operator to A. The vector z is uniquely defined by the vector y, for, suppose there exists z' E V such that sup lIuI u211s < MEa u2ES whenever IliI - hila < E, where M, a are positive constants depending on U and S. This definition has obvious applications in physical problems, in which case we let (Ax, y) = (x, z') '\IxEV. Then, R = {u(t) E Ult E [0, Tn, where [0, T) refers to an interval of time, (x, z - z') = 0 '\Ix E V. But, since V is dense in H, this argument may be extended to show S = {u(t) E Ult E [0, T I )}, TI T, (h, z - z') = 0 '\IhEH. (1.2.3) and (The extension goes as follows. Fix a, b in H. Suppose an ---t a as n ---t 00, with an E V, i.e. G = {f E FI such that 3u E U with u(O) = f}. We may then reformulate the above definition in order to discuss the con- tinuous dependence of the solution on the initial data of the problem. The extension to other forms of data is clear. The solution UI(" t) is Holder stable on the interval t E [0, T), if and only if, given E(> 0), then Ila n - all ---t 0 as n ---t 00. Suppose also (an, b) = 0 for all n. Then, I(a, b) I =I(a, b) - (an, b) I =I(a - an, b)1  lIa - anlillbil. sup IIUI(" t) - U2(', t)lIt < CE a , 0:St:STl <T 
10 1. Introduction 1.3 Non-Uniqueness and Lack of Continuous Dependence 11 u == O. However, inspection shows another solution is whenever lI u 1(',0) - u2(.,0)lIo < E, V' U 2("0) E F, where a E (0,1], II . lit and II . 110 are norms defined on the solution at time t and initially, respectively, and C is a positive constant independent of E. We could equally well have said the solution depends Holder continuously on the initial data for t E [0, T). The point about the above definition is that Holder stability is defined over compact subintervals of a finite time interval. [ (1 - c)2 ] 1/(1-£) U = t 2 /(1-£) 2(1 + c) . The Initial Value Problem for the Backward Heat Equation Suppose we wish to know the behaviour of the temperature at a past time of a rod, length l, whose ends are kept at a fixed temperature. If we specify the initial conditions as a sine wave, then the temperature of the rod is effectively governed by the following problem: a 2 u au ax 2 + at = 0, subject to the boundary data 1.3 Examples of Non-Uniqueness and Breakdown of Continuous Dependence t E (0, T), x E (0, l), Mathematicians who investigated improperly posed problems for partial differential equations before 1950 dealt primarily with questions of unique- ness for linear equations, since such problems typically have at most one solution. The literature of the 1950's and early 1960's is rich with unique- ness studies, some of which involve nonlinear equations. Serrin (1963), for example, established uniqueness for classical solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations on a bounded spatial domain backward in time using weighted energy arguments based on work of Lees & Protter (1961). A number of uniqueness studies for various problems associated with the N avier-Stokes equations backward in time have appeared since, d. Ames & Payne (1993), Bardos & Tartar (1973), Calmelet-Eluhu & Crooke (1990), Crooke (1973), Galdi & Straughan (1988), Ghidaglia (1986), Knops & Payne (1968), Payne (1971), Straughan (1982), and the references therein. To illustrate the point that uniqueness and continuous dependence are not trivial, we present some simple examples which show the solution to a boundary and/or initial value problem for a partial differential equation may not be unique, or even if it is, it need not depend continuously on the data, at least in the sense of Lyapunov. u(O, t) = u(l, t) = 0, and the initial data C . ( m7TX ) u(x,O) = m SIll l . The solution to this problem, which may be shown to be unique, is C ( m 2 7T 2 t ) ( m7TX ) u(x, t) = m exp ---,;:- sin l . We note that as m -+ 00, lu(x, 0)\ -+ 0, but lu(x, t)1 -+ 00. Thus, the data becomes arbitrarily small, but the solution becomes unbounded in time. Hence we have a problem in which the solution does not depend continu- ously on the initial data in the sense of Lyapunov. (Continuous dependence may, however, be recovered if one adopts the notion of continuous depen- dence in the sense of Holder. For details, see pages 16 - 18. In particular, the two paragraphs following (1.5.20) are especially relevant at this point.) Non-Uniqueness for a Nonlinear Wave Equation Consider the boundary-initial value problem: N on- Uniqueness for a Nonlinear Diffusion Equation Payne (1975) presented an example which may be regarded as non- unique- ness, or decay to zero in finite time. His argument is the following. Consider the initial-boundary value problem: a 2 u 8t 2 = tlu+u£, 0 < c < 1, au u(x,O) = at (x, 0) = 0, (1.3.1) au at = tlu - ulul- a , in n x (0, T), u = 0, on r x [0, T), u(x,O) = f(x), x E n. (1.3.2) (1.3.3) (1.3.4) where the spatial domain is R 3 , and we are restricting attention to the possibility of a positive (real) solution. Clearly, one solution to (1.3.1) is 
12 1. Introduction 1.3 Non-Uniqueness and Lack of Continuous Dependence 13 Here 0 is a bounded domain in R n with smooth boundary r,  is the Laplace operator, f(x) is a prescribed function, and the fixed exponent a satisfies 0 < a < 1. Equation (1.3.2) might be regarded as a model for heat conduction in a body with a sublinear heat sink. We now use Payne's (1975) argument to show the problem (1.3.2) - (1.3.4) exhibits nonuniqueness of solutions backward in time. Define the functional and an integration from 0 to t results in the inequality [V()r :0;  [1- exp( -a l' [v(sW"dS)] :0; . Consequently, we conclude that ct>p(t) = l u 2P dx, (1.3.5) t   [v(O)r. a (1.3.9) dct>p 2 1 2p-l 8u d -;It = P 0 u 8t x. Observing that (1.3.9) cannot hold for all time, we see that if a solution to (1.3.2) - (1.3.4) exists, it must decay to zero in a finite time T satisfying the upper bound T   [v(O)r. a where P is a positive integer. Differentiating (1.3.5), we obtain Substitution of the differential equation and integration by parts leads to the expression The above exhibits a non-trivial example for which we fail to have a unique solution backward in time. Thus, d::  -2p l u 2P lul- a dx. Almost Uniqueness In connection with the subject matter of this section we draw attention to the interesting paper of Flavin (1993). In this paper Professor Flavin observes that Rellich (1933) and Courant & Hilbert (1962) show that there are at most two solutions to the Dirichlet problem for the Monge-Ampere equation, d:: = -2p(2p -1) l u2p-2u,iu,idx - 2p l u 2p iul-"dx. If we now let v(t) = max lu(x, t)l, o (1.3.6) 82'IjJ a2'IjJ ( a2'IjJ ) 2 8x2 8y2 - 8x8y = f(x, y), (x,y) EO, it follows that dct>p < -2 v-act> . dt - P p Integrating this inequality from 0 to t, we obtain !!>p(t) :0; !!>p (0) exp (-2P l' [v(s)] -a ds) . (1.3.7)  =g(x,y), on r, for f > 0; here 0 is a bounded domain of R 2 with boundary r, and 'IjJ E C 2 (0) U C(O). Flavin (1993) refers to the phenomenon of having at most two solutions as almost uniqueness. Flavin (1993) extends this idea to the situation where 'IjJ is a stream function for a fluid flow, which may be steady or unsteady. The function f is then 1 f = 2p p, with p the constant density and p the pressure. Flavin's (1993) paper is concerned with the equation arising from axisymmetric flow, Let us now raise both sides of (1.3.7) to the 1/2p power and then let p -+ 00. We find that vet) :0; v(O)exp( -1' [v(sW"ds) (1.3.8) The asumption that v(t) > 0 allows us to write (1.3.8) in the form [V()r :0; [v()] " exp( -a l' [v(sW" ds) , 8 ( 1 8 ) 82  1 ( 82 ) 2 1 8 ( 1 [ 8 ] 2 ) ar ;. 8r 8z2 -;. ar8z + '2 8r r 2 8z = II(r, z), (1.3.10) 
14 1. Introduction 1.4 Four Classical Improperly Posed Problems 15 in cylindrical polar coordinates r, z. The function 'IjJ is the stream function, such that the velocity field u = (u, v) satisfies and the boundary and initial conditions are (u, v) = (  a'IjJ , _ a'IjJ ) , r a z r ar u(x, t) = UB(X, t), u(x, t) = uo(x), x E r, t E [0, T], xEO. (1.4.2) We describe this problem in further detail in section 1.5. r II(r, z) = - D.p. 2p (1.3.11) The "Sideways" Problem for the Heat Equation Here the whole of the boundary r is not accessible in order to be able to make data measurements and consequently the data are not given on all of r. To compensate for this it is usual to give u and its normal derivative au / an on a part of r, r 1 say. In one space dimension such a problem is and Flavin's (1993) paper, in fact, shows that if II > 0 then the Dirichlet problem for equation (1.3.10) has at most two solutions. We conclude this section by noting that many other counterexamples to uniqueness, existence and stability occur in applied mathematics such as in geophysics, Ramm (1995). The nonexistence proof of Kutev & Tomi (1995) is also very interesting. Finally, section 1.8 of the book of Flavin & Rionero (1995), contains a variety of interesting examples of non-uniqueness which typically occur in continuum mechanics. In fact, within the field of contin- uum mechanics, they include counterexamples in the Navier-Stokes theory for viscous, incompressible fluids, in viscoelasticity, in dynamic linear elas- ticity, and in linear elastostatics. Flavin & Rionero (1995) (theorem 1.2, p. 10,) also show that lack of uniqueness immediately implies lack of continu- ous dependence on the initial data. In connection with the Navier-Stokes theory for the behaviour of a viscous, incompressible fluid, we draw the reader's attention to the book of Doering & Gibbon (1995) which includes a very readable account of properties of solutions to these equations. au a 2 u x> 0, (1.4.3) at = ax 2 ' with u(O, t) = g(t), au (1.4.4) ax (0, t) = h(t), where g and h are given functions. This problem is discussed in more detail in section 4.1. The Cauchy Problem for the Laplace Equation For simplicity we consider this problem on a strip in R 2 . Let 0= {x E (O,L)} x {y > O}. Then consider D.u = J(x, y), (x,y) EO, (1.4.5) 1.4 Four Classical Improperly Posed Problems with u(O, y) = h(Y), u(L, y) = J2(y). (1.4.6) There are some improperly posed problems which are cornerstones of the subject. To help with the understanding of later work we now present four such problems. One of these has already been encountered in the one - dimensional situation in section 1.3, namely the initial- value problem for the backward heat equation. We now record it in greater generality. Rather than prescribe values for u at two fixed y points as in the Dirich- let problem for the Laplace equation, we here give "initial" conditions as follows, u(x,O) = gl(X), and au ay (x, 0) = g2(X). (1.4.7) This has been known to be an improperly posed problem for a long time and is dealt with in greater detail in section 4.3. The Initial - Boundary Value Problem for the Backward Heat Equation Let 0 be a domain in Rn with boundary r. This problem seeks the solution to the equation The Dirichlet Problem for the Wave Equation In general in two dimensions this problem investigates the solution to the equation a 2 u a 2 u at 2 ax 2 ' (x, t) E 0, (1.4.8) au - = -D.u at ' in 0 x (0, T), (1.4.1) 
16 1. Introduction 1.5 Methods of Analysis 17 u(a, t) = UI(t), U(X, c) = VI (x), u(b, t) = U2(t), u(x, d) = V2(X). (1.4.9) Logarithmic Convexity One method that was first successfully applied to ill-posed problems by Pucci (1955), John (1955,1960), Lavrentiev (1956), and Payne (1960), is logarithmic convexity, a technique that makes use of second order differen- tial inequalities. A detailed treatment of this method in a variety of settings can be found, for example, in Agmon (1966). A sufficient condition for a function j (t) to be a convex function of t on the interval (tb t 2 ] is that j" (t)  0, Vt E (t l , t2]' If j"  0, then f' is increasing and thus i t j'(s)ds :::; j'(t)(t - tl), tl where 0 = (a, b) x (c, d). The solution u is given on r, i.e. This is another classical improperly posed problem. In general, even existence and uniqueness may fail. In this book we do not deal with this problem, but nevertheless it is a historically important one and ought to be mentioned. The existence question is considered by Fox & Pucci (1958) for 0= (0,7r) X (0, a7r). as well as, !,(t)(t2 - t) :::; [' !,(s)ds, for t E (h, t2]' Eliminating j'(t) from these two inequalities, we obtain the result J(t) :::; (::  :.) J(t , ) + (:2 -=- t:J J(t2). (1.5.1) If Jet) = lnF(t), we say that the function F(t) is a logarithmically convex function of t. We can therefore show that lnF(t) is convex on the interval (tl, t2] by demonstrating that They investigate 8 2 u 8 2 u 8t 2 - 8x 2 ' u(O, t) = u(7r, t) = 0, t E (0, a7r], u(x,O) = 4>(x), u(x, a7r) = 'IjJ(x), in 0, x E (0,7r]. They consider the existence question carefully. A very interesting paper on the stability question of a solution to the Dirichlet problem for the wave equation is that of Papi Frosali (1979). Existence and continuous dependence on data is considered for an abstraction of problem (1.4.8), (1.4.9) by Levine & Vessella (1985) who treat the problem in Hilbert space, d 2 dt2 lnF(t)  0, (1.5.2) d 2 u dt 2 + Au = 0, u(O) = 0, u(T) = Uo, or, provided F(t) > 0 Vt E (h, t2]' that F(t) satisfies the inequality p p" (F')2  O. (1.5.3) where A is a densely defined, positive, self adjoint linear operator with compact inverse. Thus, when we interpret (1.5.1) in terms of F(t) we find that F(t) satisfies F(t) :::; [F(tl)] (tz-t)/(tz-tl) [F(t2)] (t-t1)/(tz-t 1 ), (1.5.4) 1.5 Methods of Analysis Vt E (t b t2]' This inequality proves useful in establishing stability estimates for improperly posed problems. The logarithmic convexity method involves constructing a non-negative, differentiable functional, F(t), defined on solutions of the problem under consideration, such that F(t) satisfies (1.5.3). In addition, F(t) = 0 if and only if the solution is identically zero on the time interval in question. We note that it is often the case that rather than (1.5.3), we can only establish the weaker inequalities, Researchers have adapted a variety of techniques in order to resolve exis- tence, uniqueness, or continuous dependence questions for improperly posed problems. These methods of analysis typically rely heavily on the judicious use of inequalities. In this book we do not describe all the methods presently used in the literature. However, an elementary exposition of those most fre- quently employed is now included. F F" - (F')2  -kF 2 , (1.5.5) 
18 1. Introduction 1.5 Methods of Analysis 19 or F F" - (F')2 2: -kIF F' - k 2 F 2 , (1.5.6) where \I . II denotes the L 2 (0) norm, and we now show that F(t) satisfies inequality (1.5.3). Differentiating (1.5.13), we find that where k, k l , k 2 , are positive constants. Fortunately, both of these inequal- ities can be transformed into ones similar to (1.5.2) for F > 0 on [t b t 2 ]. Inequality (1.5.5) can be written as F'(t) = 2 10 UUt dx , (1.5.14) d 2 [ 2 ] _ ln ( Fe kt /2 ) > 0 dt 2 - , (1.5.7) or, after substituting from the differential equation and integrating by parts, we see that while setting allows us to rewrite (1.5.6) in the form ;:'2 (In [F(o-)o--k'/kiJ) 2: 0, where the notation F(a') is used even though the functional form of F may be changed. It follows from (1.5.7), (1.5.9), respectively, and the result (1.5.1), that F(t) :::; exp[k(t - t l )(t2 - t)] [F(tl)] (t2- t )/(t2- t 1) x [F(t2)] (t-t 1 )/(t 2 -t 1 ), (1.5.10) (1.5.9) F'(t) =2 10 u(-Llu)dx =2 10 l'\7uI 2 dx, (1.5.15) (J = e- k1t , (1.5.8) where '\7 is the gradient operator. A second differentiation and integration by parts now leads to F" (t) =4 10 '\7u. '\7Ut dx = - 4 10 ut Lludx , and consequently, on replacing Llu by -Ut using (1.5.1 2 h it follows that and k /k 2 [ -k2/k2 ] (0'2-0')/(0'2-0'1) F((J)(J- 2 1:::; F((JI)(JI 1 [ -k2/k2 ] (0'-0'1)/(0'2-0'1) X F((J2)(J2 1 , F" (t) = 411Ut1l2. (1.5.16) (1.5.11) If we now form the expression F F" (F')2, using (1.5.13), (1.5.14) and (1.5.16), we derive for t E [tb t2], and (J E [(JI, (J2], where (JI = e- k1h , (J2 = e- k1t2 . Useful information concerning solutions of ill posed problems for partial differential equations can be obtained from these convexity inequalities. To illustrate how the method is applied and the type of results that can be deduced, let us consider a Cauchy problem for the backward heat equation, namely FF" - (F')2 = 411ull 2 11utll 2 - 4(10 UU'dX) 2 2: 0, (1.5.17) au Ox (O,T), at + Llu =0, in u=O, on rx[O,T), (1.5.12) u(x,O) =f(x), xE 0, where the non-negativity of the right hand side is assured by the Cauchy- Schwarz inequality. Thus inequality (1.5.3) has been established. The convexity inequality (1.5.4) then becomes lIu(t)1I2 :::; IIfIl 2 (I-t/T)l\u(T)1I 2t / T , (1.5.18) F(t) = lIu(t) 1\2 , (1.5.13) for t E [0, T). Properties of solutions to the boundary-initial value problem (1.5.12) can be obtained from (1.5.17) and (1.5.18). We first observe that if F(t) satisfies (1.5.17) and if F vanishes at some point h E [0, T], then a continuity argument shows that F(t) must be identically zero for all t E [0, T]. In where 0 is a bounded domain in R 3 with a smooth boundary r, and  is the Laplace operator. We select the functional 
20 1. Introduction 1.5 Methods of Analysis 21 view of the properties of the functional F, it follows that the solution of the linear Cauchy problem (1.5.12) is unique. If we interpret u as the difference between two solutions corresponding to Cauchy data whose difference is f, then inequality (1.5.18) looks like a stability inequality on the finite time interval [0, T). However, since Ilfll being small does not necessarily guarantee that the product Consequently, if Ilu(t)1I is defined on [0,00), it must grow exponentially. Inequalities of the form (1.5.21) or (1.5.22) thus provide growth estimates for solutions. for some prescribed constant M. For such functions the convexity inequality becomes lIu(t)1I2::; IIfIl 2 (1-t/T) M 2t / T , (1.5.20) The Method of Lagrange Identities Another method that has been used to establish uniqueness and continuous dependence results for improperly posed problems governed by linear equa- tions is the Lagrange identity method. Brun (1965a,b,1967,1969) employed this method to study problems in elastodynamics, viscoelasticity, and ther- moelasticity. Novel recent extensions which employ Lagrange identities include the work of Rionero & Chirita (1987) and Chirita & Rionero (1991) which extends the method to unbounded spatial domains, that of Knops & Payne (1988) which obtains particularly sharp results on continuous de- pendence on the initial - time geometry in linear elastodynamics, Franchi & Straughan (1993d) who use Lagrange identities to study modeling ques- tions in theories of heat propagation which allow for finite wavespeeds, and Ames & Payne (1995c) who utilize the technique in their study of contin- uous dependence on the initial - time geometry in thermoelasticity. The technique entails the introduction of a function that satisfies the adjoint of the equation under consideration and integration of the identity 11111 2 (1-t/T) lIu(T) 11 2t / T will remain small for t E [0, T), we need to restrict the class of permissible perturbations in order to infer continuous dependence results. Inequality (1.5.18) clearly indicates a class of solutions in which we may establish Holder stability, namely the class of functions which satisfy the bound lIu(T)1I2 ::; M 2 , (1.5.19) from which we obtain the result that solutions depend Holder continuously on the Cauchy data in L 2 (0), on compact subintervals of [0, T). It should be noted that such a stability result is of practical value only if a constant M can be computed from the physical data of the system under consideration. As observed on page 4 because such a priori bounds need not be sharp, this computation is frequently possible. For example, if u represented the temperature in a particular problem then an upper bound for the temperature may usually be derived. From the preceding analysis we observe the fact that the imposition of some sort of a priori bounds leads to the recovery of continuous dependence in this modified sense. Such a stability result is typical of the kind that can be obtained for ill posed problems and should not be confused with our usual notion of continuous dependence. Additional information can be obtained from the fact that ln F(t) is a convex function of t. Integration of the inequality F F" - (F')2  0, leads also to the lower bound 0= 10' {(v, Lu) - (u, L *v) }d'l. (1.5.23) Here L is a linear operator on an appropriately defined space with inner product (,), L* denotes the adjoint of L, and the functions u and v satisfy Lu = 0 and L *v = 0, respectively. A judicious use of inequalities leads to uniqueness and stability results. Let us return to the model problem (1.5.12) in order to demonstrate how the Lagrange identity method is im- plemented. Suppose v(x, t) is any solution of the forward heat equation that vanishes on r x [0, T). Then (1.5.23) becomes, 0= 10' LH  H.u) u(-  +L>.v)]dxd'l, (1.5.24) or, after integrations with respect to r] and x, F(t) 2: F(O) exp [ t) ] . (1.5.21 ) l v(x, t)u(x, t)dx = l v(x, O)f(x)dx. (1.5.25) For the model problem (1.5.12) we then deduce Let us now assume that 0 ::; t ::; 2t < T, and choose 2 2 [ 2t ll 'V 1112 ] lIu(t) II  11111 exp 11111 2 . (1.5.22) v(x, r]) = u(x, 2t - r]). (1.5.26) 
22 1. Introduction 1.5 Methods of Analysis 23 lIu(t)1I 2 = In u(x, 2t)f(x)dx, We observe briefly that instead of using Schwarz's inequality, we could have used Holder's inequality to obtain, instead of (1.5.27), LP results. For example, since Holder's inequality gives Then we obtain from (1.5.25) the equation or, as a consequence of Schwarz's inequality, the result Ilu(t)1I 2  lIu(2t)llpllfllq 1 1 - + - = 1, p q lIu(t)\1 2 ::; lIu(2t)lIllfll, t E [0,T/2]. (1.5.27) it follows that if we restrict u to the set of sufficiently smooth functions whose LP norm is bounded at T by the constant Mp, then To see how inequality (1.5.27) yields continuous dependence results analo- gous to (1.5.20), we rewrite (1.5.27) as lIu(t)1I2 ::; Mpllfllq, F(t)  [F(2t)] 1/2 [F(O)] 1/2. (1.5.28) for 0  t < T/2. Thus, the Lagrange identity method is not restricted to Hilbert space as it would appear the logarithmic convexity method is. Replacing t by 2t in this inequality, we have F(t)  [F(2nt)]1/2n[F(0)r- 1 / 2n . (1.5.29) The Weighted Energy Method Let us now turn to a discussion of the weighted energy method which has also been used successfully on a number of improperly posed prob- lems for partial differential equations and operator equations to establish uniqueness theorems and continuous dependence inequalities. The thrust for this method was largely provided by the fundamental work of Protter (1953,1954,1960,1961,1962,1963), see also Lees and Protter (1961), Murray & Protter (1973), Payne (1985), and Protter (1974). Until rather recently, the usual result obtained via a weighted energy method was a weak loga- rithmic continuous dependence one. However, a modification of the method will in many cases actually lead to Holder continuous dependence of solu- tions on the data, as is shown in Payne (1985), and Ames et al. (1987). To illustrate the weighted energy method, we consider the initial value problem for the operator equation: F(2t)::; [F(4t)] 1/2 [F(0)]1/2. It then follows that F(t) ::; [F(O)] 1/2 {[F(4t)r/ 2 [F(O)] 1/2} 1/2 = [F(4t)r/ 4 [F(O)] 3/4 . Observing that (1.5.28) yields, for positive integer n, the inequality F(nt)  [F(2nt)] 1/2 [F(O)] 1/2, we find that continual resubstitution of this result leads to If we now take 2nt = T, then (1.5.29) implies d 2 u dt 2 = Pu, t E (O,T), T < 00, du dt (0) = Vo, (1.5.31) (1.5.32) F(t)::; [F(O)]l-t/T[F(T)]t/T, (1.5.30) u(O) = Uo, which is the same type of estimate as (1.5.20) for t = T /2n, provided we again restrict the class of solutions to that whose L 2 norm at t = T satisfies a uniform bound. The translation t -+ t - T /2 in (1.5.28) permits us to generate the desired continuous dependence result for t = (n + l)T /2n, integer n  1. The results at these time levels can in turn be used to establish Holder continuity at intermediary levels (e.g. T/3). Hence, the Lagrange identity method leads to the inequality (1.5.30) for all t in the interval 0  t < T. where the linear operator P maps a dense subdomain D of a real Hilbert space H into H and, along with D and H, is independent of t. We further assume that P is a skew symmetric operator, i.e. (u,Pv) = -(v,Pu), which is possibly unbounded, and that strong solutions u E C 2 ([0, T); D) of (1.5.31), (1.5.32) exist. 
24 1. Introduction 1.5 Methods of Analysis 25 We set U = e>"t v , for some .x > 0 to be prescribed. Then v satisfies the equation or,  [ _Ge- 2 >..t ] <  .x2 Q 2. dt -2 0 Integrating (1.5.40) from t to T, we have (1.5.40) Lv == Vtt + 2.xvt + .x 2 v - Pv = O. (1.5.33) We next form the expression 1 t (Lv, 2>'v. - Pv)d1) = 0, (1.5.34) G(t) ::; G(T)e- 2 >..(T-t) + .x2Q5(T - t)e 2 >..t. (1.5.41 ) If we now assume that u belongs to the constraint set which upon integration and manipulation leads to 1'1I2>.V. - Pv11 2 d1) + [>'llv.1I2 + >.311v1l 2 - (v., Pv) 11: = 0, M = {u E C 2 ([0,T);D)!.x- 2 G(T)::; N 2 }, (1.5.42) where N is a prescribed constant and choose, for Q5 sufficiently small, after using the skew symmetry of the operator P to observe that (P </J, </J) = 0, for all functions </J E D. Dropping the non-negative integral, we have the inequality 1 ( N2 ) .x = 2T ln Q6 ' (1.5.43) [>'lIv. 1I2 + >.311 v 1l 2 - (v., Pv)] I: <; o. (1.5.35) we obtain the result If we now assume .x > 1, reintroduce u, and use the skew symmetry of P, we find that G(t) ::; .x 2 N 2t / T Q(l-t/T) [1 + (T - t)], (1.5.44) .x\lUt\l2 + 2.x 3 \1u\l2 - 2.x2(Ut, u) - (ut, Pu) ::; .x 3 Q5 e2 >"t, (1.5.36) for 0 ::; t < T. Thus, recalling the defintion of G(t), we are lead to the inequality where Qo is a data term, specifically, 1'lIu II2 d1) <; N 2t / T Q(H/T) [1 + (T - t)]. (1.5.45) Q5 = alluoll 2 + ,8 \I Vo \12 + ,1\P u o\l2, (t 1 1 >. 10 [lIu.1I 2 + 2>.211 u 11 2 1 d1) - 211utll2 - >.211u1I2 <; 2>.2Qe2>'t. (1.5.37) Consequently, if we interpret u as the difference between two solutions Ul and U2 corresponding to different initial data, then inequality (1.5.45) implies that u E M depends Holder continuously on the Cauchy data on compact sub-intervals of [0, T). The method outlined here is better suited to use on equations with non- symmetric operators and on non-standard Cauchy problems than either logarithmic convexity or Lagrange identity arguments. For such problems, the weighted energy method commences with the introduction of for positive constants a,,8,,. Substituting the differential equation Pu = Utt in (1.5.36) and then integrating the result from 0 to t leads us to the inequality Let us define u = e>"<Pv, G( t) =  l' [lIu.1I 2 + 2>.211 u 11 2 1 d1), and observe that (1.5.37) can be written as (1.5.38) where the function </J, which may depend on any or all of the independent variables of the problem, is appropriately chosen. (In our previous example, we took </J = t.) 2.xG _ dG <  .x2 Q 2e2>"t dt - 2 0 , (1.5.39) 
26 1. Introduction 1.5 Methods of Analysis 27 The Weighted Energy Method for Unbounded Spatial Domain Problems Let u satisfy the heat equation forward in time, i.e. Assume now that I  2 and f(t) > 2k, (1.5.52) au - = .6.u at ' in 0 x (O,T), (1.5.46) for suitable t. Then we allow R -7 00 in (1.5.51) and from (1.5.50) we find d1 ( ) 1, dt 2 gu, u +2f (rl' gu, u) = - k gl\7ul 2 dV + If (rl'-l; gu, \7u) . where 0 is a region exterior to the closure of a bounded region 0 0 , 0 0 c R 3 . (We can easily allow 0 0 C R N .) On the boundary of 0 0 , i.e. the inner boundary of 0, we assume u=o. (1.5.47) "'Ie use the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality in the last term on the nght as We are interested in the uniqueness question for (1.5.46) and so let u be the difference of two solutions each of which satisfies (1.5.47) together with the same initial data. For conditions at infinity, we assume I I \ au \ < kr 2 u, ar - e , (1.5.48) '1'1 (r7-1 gu, V'u)  k glV'ul 2 dV + '1'21 2 k gr 2b -I)u 2 dV. Combining the above two expressions we thus obtain for some k > O. (We could easily put a constant, Q say, on the right of (1.5.48), i.e. write it as Qe kr2 .) Let (, ) denote the inner product on L 2 (0). To allow the solution to grow like (1.5.48) we introduce a weight d 1 r [ 1 2 f2 ] dt 2(gu, u) ::; io gu 2 -21' r l' +  r 2 C/'-1) dV. (1.5.53) 9 = exp (- f(t)rl'), (1.5.49) We ish to allow the solution to grow at infinity as rapidly as possible and thus m rer for the right hand side of (1.5.53) to have a possibility of being non-posItIve, the "best case" is found if we select where f(t) > 0 is a function to be chosen and I > 0 is a constant we select later . Note that ,= 2(, -1), ag , 'V at = -f rig, ag 1'-1 Xi - = - f,r - 9 . aXi r i.e. I =. . Then, to further ensure that the right hand side of (1.5.53) is non-posItIve we need 1 -21' + f2 ::; O. So by integration we see that Multiply (1.5.46) by gu and integrate over 0, i.e. (gu,Ut) = (gu,.6.u). (1.5.50) 1 f >- - A-2t' We integrate by parts, assuming that on the right we replace the domain o by OR which is 0 n BR, BR being the ball of radius R, centered at the origin. Then the right hand side leads to for a suitable positive constant A. Require now that A>2T. (1.5.54) 1 gu.6.udV = _ 1 gl\7ul2dV _ 1 VguVudV OR OR OR i au + gU- a dB. rR r (1.5.51) Thus (1.5.52) and (1.5.54) are conditions we must satisfy in selecting f. We may select 1 f = A 2t ' 
28 1. Introduction 1.5 Methods of Analysis 29 for 2T < A < 1/2k, e.g. choose together with zero boundary data 1 T= 8k ' 3 A= 8k ' u=o on 80. 0 , We then find from (1.5.53) that u == 0 on 0. x [0, T), for T = 1/8k. This argument may be extended to establish uniqueness on an arbitrarily large interval [0, T] since we apply it to [T,2T), and so on. The number k is fixed and once u = 0 in [0, T] we simply rescale to [T,2T), etc. The growth condition in (1.5.48) is the sharpest one can use. Protter & Weinberger (1967), p. 181, show that uniqueness holds if and zero initial data. Since (1.5.56) is a linear equation, a study of this equation together with these boundary and initial conditions is equivalent to the uniqueness question for a solution to (1.5.56). The combination of the weighted energy method plus the Lagrange iden- tity technique was first used by Galdi et al. (1986) in the context of linear elastodynamics. The conditions at infinity we consider are that u satisfy 2 \u\ ::; Ae cr . (1.5.55) \u\, l\7u\ = o(e aR ), as R -7 00, (1.5.57) They also conclude that if growth more rapid than (1.5.55) is allowed then a counterexample to uniqueness can be exhibited. We might include that the method just described together with that of the subsection to follow is extended to a system which arises in a theory for the simultaneous diffusion of heat and moisture by Flavin & Straughan (1997). Further generalisations of the method just presented may be found in Russo (1987), who treats the uniqueness question for the system for a suitable 0: > O. In addition, we require lim 0: 2 {2t { e- ar \\7u\2dV ds = O. a-+O Jo In (1.5.58) Conditions (1.5.57) and (1.5.58) are, in fact, those of Galdi et al. (1986). Galdi et al. (1986) show tat (1.5.58) is not trivial and is satisfied, for example, provided 8 U i 8 ( 8Uh ) _ 8 = _ 8 Aijhk- 8 +bi' t Xj Xk l\7u\ = O(R-l/2-E), as R -7 00, The spatial region chosen by Russo (1987) is unbounded and the growth conditions are very sharp. The boundary conditions satisfied on the bound- ary of the region (not the boundary at infinity) are of mixed type, i.e. for some E > O. With (, ) again being the inner product on L2(0,) we introduce the weight 9 by Ui = Ui, 9 = e- ar , where r 2 = XiXi, and 0: > 0 is to be selected. Let a superposed dot denote differentiation with respect to the "t" ar- gument, Le. on a part of the boundary, while 8Uh n j A ij hk- 8 = Si, Xk u(s) = : (x, s), u(2t - s) = 8(2 s) (x,2t - s). on the rest of the boundary. The functions Ui and Si are prescribed. The Weighted Energy Method in Conjunction with the Lagrange Identity Method Let now 0. be an unbounded exterior domain in R 3 with smooth interior boundary 80. 0 , We consider the heat equation backward in time, namely, We then evaluate (1.5.56) at 2t - s and multiply by gu(s), integrate over o'R, integrate by parts and let R -7 00 to find (using (1.5.57)), 8u - + .6.u = 0 8t ' in 0. x (O,T), (1.5.56) l' (9U(2t - s), u(s») ds = l' (gVU(2t - s), Vu(s) )ds + l' (VgVu(2t - s), u(s) )ds. (1.5.59) 
30 1. Introduction 1.6 Existence of Solutions 31 A similar procedure with sand 2t - s reversed yields where Q(t) has been defined by l (g;.(s), u(2t - s») ds = l (g\7u(s), \7u(2t - s»)ds + l (\7 g\7u(s), u(2t - s») ds. 1 [2t Q(t) = "2 Jo (g\7u(s) , \7u(s))ds. (1.5.60) We next integrate (1.5.62) to find, since Q(t) is increasing, Observe that d u(2t - s) = - ds u(2t - s), then subtract (1.5.60) from (1.5.59) and we obtain [2t (1 - t) Jo F(s)ds::; 2tQ?Q(t). (1.5.63) Suppose now t < 1, with t fixed. Then for R > 0 arbitrary, from (1.5.63) we see that -l :.( 9U(2t - s), u(s») ds = l (\7 gu(s), \7u(2t - s) )ds -l (\7g\7u(s),u(2t - s»)ds. (1 t)e- aR [2t [ u 2 (x, s )dV ds ::; 2ta?Q(t). Jo JO R (1.5.64) We now let a -7 0 and then thanks to (1.5.58), we see that Hence, since u(x,O) == 0, 0::; [2t [ u 2 dV ds ::; o. Jo JO R (1.5.65) (gu(t), u(t» = l (\7 gu(2t - s), \7u(s») ds -l (\7gu(s), \7u(2t - s»)ds. (1.5.61 ) Hence u == 0 on OR x (0,2t). The number R is arbitrary and we conclude by a bootstrap argument that u == 0 on 0 x (0, T). The above is an illustration of how the Lagrange identity method may be combined with the weighted energy one to yield uniqueness in an improp- erly posed problem without requiring severe decay restrictions at infinity when the spatial domain is unbounded. In fact, the combination of these techniques leads to many other results including continuous dependence, and similar results for half space regions or regions with other non-compact boundaries. Details may be found in Galdi et al. (1986). Note that x \7g = -a - g, r let F(t) = (gu(t), u(t)), and by using the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality on the right of (1.5.61) we may see that 1.6 Existence of Solutions and Outline of the Book (gu(t), u(t»  l (gu(2t - s), u(2t - s) )ds + (,,> l (g\7u(s), \7u(s»)ds +  l (gu(s),u(s»)dS + a2l (g\7u(2t - s), \7u(2t - s») ds 1 1 2t =- F(s)ds + a 2 Q(t), 2 0 (1.5.62) The last section of the first chapter contains some remarks concerning at- tempts to deal with the question of existence of solutions to improperly posed problems. One strategy that has been followed is to modify the underlying mathematical model and then develop techniques to approxi- mate solutions to the problem under consideration. The primary aim of these methods which include Tikhonov regularisation (Tikhonov & Ars- enin, 1977) and quasi-reversibility (Lattes & Lions, 1969) is the numerical solution of ill posed problems. Since existence theorems for such problems 
32 1. Introduction 1.6 Existence of Solutions 33 are generally not available, approximate solutions may be as close as we can come to establishing the existence of a "solution". The method of quasi-reversibility was introduced by Lattes & Lions (1969) and later improved by Miller (1973b) who developed a stabilized version of the technique. Application of the method to operator equations have been successfully made by Ewing (1975) and Showalter (1975) as well as Miller. More recently, quasi-reversibility has been used to obtain approx- imate solutions to the Cauchy problem for Laplace's equation (see Klibanov & Santosa (1993)). The basic idea of the quasi-reversibility method is to perturb the oper- ator in the differential equation in such a way that the perturbed problem is properly posed. The usual procedure is to add a differential operator multiplied by a small coefficient that formally tends to zero. One then also needs to include in the perturbed problem appropriate boundary and / or initial conditions that degenerate as the small parameter vanishes. Using the solution of this perturbed problem as a guide, an approximate solution of the original ill-posed problem is constructed, usually by numerical pro- cedures. It should be pointed out that the perturbation used in the method of quasi-reversibility is not unique. Physical motivation or computational simplicity serve as guidelines in choosing the appropriate perturbation. Approximate solutions have been obtained numerically using the regu- larization methods of Tikhonov (1963) and those of Nashed and Wahba (1972). A variety of other numerical procedures have been used to com- pute approximate solutions to ill-posed problems. For a more complete description and application of these methods, see the book edited by Engl & Groetsch (1987) as well as the work of Tikhonov & Arsenin (1977). More details of numerical work in improperly posed problems and results for prac- tical problems may be found in the articles of Bellomo & Preziosi (1995), Cannon (1964a,b,c,1984), Cannon & Douglas (1967,1968), Cannon & Ew- ing (1976), Cannon & Knightly (1969), Cannon & Miller (1965), Carasso (1976,1977,1982,1987,1993,1994), Carasso & Stone (1975), Chorin (1985), Demmel & Kagstrom (1988), Elden (1987,1988,1990), Engl & Groetsch (1987), Ewing (1975,1984), Ewing & Falk (1979), Ewing et al. (1987), Falk & Monk (1986), Han (1982), Hansen (1992), Ingham et al. (1991), Klibanov & Rakesh (1992), Klibanov & Santosa (1993), Lin & Ewing (1992), Monk (1986), and Seidman & Elden (1990). The remainder of the book is divided into five chapters, each of which addresses some aspect of the major topics of existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence for improperly posed problems. Chapter 2 will deal with continuous dependence of solutions on changes in the geometry. This is followed by chapter 3 which treats continuous dependence of solutions on changes of the model under study, for problems which extrapolate back- ward in time. Chapter 4 deals with continuous dependence of the solution on changes of the model itself, for problems going forward in time. The penultimate chapter then explores some recent results for non - standard and non - characteristic problems. For example, we devote sections of this chapter to problems in which the data are prescribed on only part of the do- main boundary. Other improperly posed problems are the focus of the final chapter, including Alfred Carasso's important recent work on overcoming Holder continuity and its highly practical application to image restoration. 
2.1 The Initial Time Geometry Problem for the Heat Equation 35 2 t Continuous Dependence on the Geometry .. Ef(x) 2.1 Continuous Dependence on the Initial - Time Geometry for the Heat Equation / x t=O The study of continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry was ini- tiated by Knops & Payne (1969) who studied this problem in the context of linear elasticity. This paper used the method of logarithmic convexity and actually investigates various aspects of continuous dependence for im- properly posed problems in linear elastodynamics in addition to the initial _ time geometry one. The results of Knops & Payne (1969) have recently been markedly improved in Knops & Payne (1988) where the main tech- nique employed is the Lagrange identity method. In three influential papers dealing with various aspects of modeling and continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry and on the spatial geometry in improperly posed problems Payne (1987a,b,1989) emphasized how important initial - time geometry problems are in general, and in particular, in improperly posed problems for partial differential equations. Payne's papers have certainly been higlUy influential on the ensuing research, see e.g. Ames & Payne (1994b,1995a), Ames & Straughan (1995), Franchi & Straughan (1995), Payne & Straughan (1990c,1996a), and Song (1988). Study of Errors in the Initial - Time Geometry for the Forward Heat Equation The topic of this subsection was first addressed by Payne (1987b). The idea is to compare the solution to the heat equation when the initial data are given at time t = 0 to the solution to the equivalent problem but with the "initial" data given over a "curve" t = Ef(x). In reality, data is rarely measured at the same instant of time and thus it is important to know if the variation of where the data is actually measured has a pronounced effect on the solution. The data curves in one space dimension are sketched schematically in figure 1. Figure 1. Configuration for a Study of the Initial - Time Geometry Error. Let now 0 be a bounded domain in R n with boundary r. Let 'E denote the surface t = Ef(x) and suppose If(x)\ < 1 (2.1.1) and for fJ > 0, nt < -fJ, (2.1.2) where nt is the component of the unit normal to  in the t-direction; ni will denote the component in the spatial direction, cf. figure 1. Suppose u solves the boundary - initial value problem: au - = .6.u at ' in 0 x (0, T), u = 0, on r x [0, T), u(x,O) = g(x), x E 0, (2.1.3) and let v solve the following boundary - initial value problem: av - = .6.v, x E 0, Ef(x) < t < T, at v = 0, x E r, Ef(x)  t < T, v(x, Ef(x)) = g(x). (2.1.4) 
36 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.1 The Initial Time Geometry Problem for the Heat Equation 37 Observe that v is the solution to the problem where the data are measured on t = Ef(x). The object is to determine whether v differs appreciably from u in some sense, since it is the u-problem which is usually studied in practice. Payne (1987b) tackles this question by introducing where J 1 foE II  11 2 ds, (2.1.11) and J 2 = li E ( a a V )2 dsdx. (2.1.12) n Ef(x) s The idea is to now bound J 1 and J 2 in terms of data, since (2.1.10) already contains an E on the right hand side. By using (2.1.3), W = u - v, (2.1.5) and then on nit x (Ef(x), T) W satisfies the equation aw 7ft = b..w, (2.1.6) w=o, xE r. (2.1.7) {E 1 au J 1 = J o n as b..u dx ds, 1 l E 1 a ( au au ) =-- - -- dxds 2 0 n as aXi aXi ' = 1 9 - g , dx -  1 u 'u ' dx l 2 , , 2 ,, , n n t=E <  1 9 ' g 'dx. - 2 n , , (2.1.13) and the boundary conditions Multiplication of (2.1.6) by wand integration over (2 with an integration by parts shows lIwI12 = _ 1 aw aw dx, dt 2 n aXi aXi where 11.11 denotes the norm on L 2 (n), and then use of Poincare's inequality gives :t  IIwll 2  -A1I1wIl 2 . This is integrated from E to t to find By a similar procedure employing (2.1.4) but recollecting that v has data assigned over t = E f (x) IIw(t)1I 2  IIw(E)1I 2 exp [-2A1(t - E)]. (2.1.8) li E av J 2 = a b..v ds dx, n Ef(x) S < { ( av n' - nt ) ds - J'L, at aXi  2 aXi aXi ' (2.1.14) The object now is to bound IIW(E)II in terms of known data and E and thus find an estimate of how v compares with u as a function of E, and in so doing we describe Payne's (1987b) method. If u denotes u but extended backward of t = 0 by g(x) and v likewise denotes the backward extension of v beyond t = Ef(x) by g(x) then for iiJ = u - v, dS denoting integration over L;. Next, (2.1.14) must be written in terms of data and so recalling the tangential derivative of v on  is av av at ni - aXi nt , J E 1 a - Ilw(E)1I 2 = 2 -E n iiJ a: dx ds,  8E J E II aiiJ 11 2 ds, 1f -E as where the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and Poincare's inequality have been employed. To proceed from (2.1.9) Payne (1987b) uses the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality to find Payne (1987b) writes (2.1.9) J2 {  ( av ni-nt ) dS+ { ntdS. J'L, aXi at aXi 2 J'L, aXi aXi Condition (2.1.2) on nt now allows further deduction from this, namely (2.1.15) 16 IIW(E) 11 2  - E (J 1 + h), 1f (2.1.10) 1 av 1 h av av h ::; -(nig,t - ntg,i)dS - -6 -- dS, 'L, aXi 2 'L, aXi aXi  ;8 h (nig,t - ntg,i)(nig,t - ntg,i) dS. (2.1.16) 
38 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.1 The Initial Time Geometry Problem for the Heat Equation 39 Estimates (2.1.13) and (2.1.16) are now employed in (2.1.8) to derive the a priori bound lIu(t) - v(t) 11 2  M 2 E, (2.1.17) for a positive constant Ko. The constraint set of Ames & Payne (1994) is relatively weak and im- poses a bound at only one instant of time, T. They suppose where the data term M 2 is given by lIu(T)1I2  Mf, IIv(T)1I2  Mf, (2.1.21) M 2 =exp [-2Al(t - E)] X :; [in g,ig,i dx +  he (nig,t - ntg,i)(n;g,t - ntg,i) dS] . Inequality (2.1.17) establishes continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry and since it is for a forward in time problem it is an a priori result. To extend such a result to the improperly posed backward in time problem requires restrictions and the introduction of a constraint set. for some known constant MI. We point out that as described in chapter 1, the imposition of a constraint set in an improperly posed problem is natural, and indeed, necessary. Since W = u - v satisfies aW - = -.6.w at ' Study of Errors in the Initial - Time Geometry for the Backward Heat Equation Payne (1987a) gave the first analysis of continuous dependence on the initial _ time geometry for the backward heat equation. In a recent paper Ames & Payne (1994) have weakened the constraints imposed by Payne's earlier analysis and thus we review the more recent work. Ames & Payne (1994) argue that in an improperly posed problem one cannot assume existence for arbitrary 9(X) and, therefore, they allow the u- and v- problems to have different prescribed data. They let u be a solution to for t E (Ef(x), T), with W = 0 on r, Ames & Payne (1994) use a logarithmic convexity method just as in section 1.5 to show that Ilw(t)1I  IIw(E)II(T-t)/(T-E)lIw(T)II(t-E)/(T-E), and then due to (2.1.21), IIw(t) II  (2M 1 ) (t-E)/(T-E) IIw( E) II(T-t)/(T-E). (2.1.22) It remains to bound IIW(E)II as a function of E. Ames & Payne (1994) begin this with the triangle inequality to observe au _ = -.6.u in 0 x ( 0, T ) , at ' u = 0, on r x [0, T], u(x,O) = 91(X), X E 0, IIW(E)II  IIU(E) - 9111 + 1191 - 9211 + IIv(E) 9211. (2.1.23) (2.1.18) A bound for the middle term on the right follows from (2.1.20). The bound for the first term is easier than that for the third but follows along the same lines. Only that appropriate to the third term is described here. Since while v solves av _ = -.6.v x E 0, E f ( x) < t < T, at ' v = 0, x E r, Ef(x)  t  T, v(x, Ef(x)) = 92(X), X E O. j E av a(x, s) ds = v(x, E) - 92(X), Ef(x) S (2.1.19) there follows The object is again to produce an estimate of how much v varies from u. The condition (2.1.1) is again required and the prescribed data 91, 92 are such that in g',ig',i dx < 00, in g2,ig2,i dx < 00, 1191 - 9211  KOEI/2, (2.1.20) IIV(E) - 92112 = r [v(x, E) - 92(X)] [l E v (x, s) dS ] dx, in Ef(x) S = - r [v(x, E) - 92(X)] [! E .6.v(x, s) dS ] dx, in Ef(x) = r [V,i(X, E) - 92,i(X)] [i E V,i(X, s) dS ] dx, (2.1.24) in Ef(x) 
40 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.1 The Initial Time Geometry Problem for the Heat Equation 41 where in the second step the differential equation (2.1.19) has been used, while the last step has been achieved by integration by parts. From this stage the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality is employed to yield IIV(E) - g211 2 :s f V(v - g2)( j € dS) 1/2 ( j € IvvI2ds)1/2 dx, in €f(x) €f(x) :S [ f E(l- f)IV(v - g2)1 2 dx f J € IVvI 2 ds dX ] 1/2, in in €f(x) and then noting If I :s 1 and using the triangle inequality one may show IIV(E) - g211 2 :S(2E)1/2[IIVv(E)1I + IIVg211] x [ f J € IVv(x,s) 12 dsdX ] 1/2 in €f(x) For the other term in (2.1.25) the analysis begins with 2 f ( T - S ) IIVV(E)II = - in T-E IVv(x,s)1 2 n s dx, and then using the divergence theorem this gives II 2 1 j T 2 j T f ( T - S ) av a 2 v VV(E) II = (T _ E) € IIvvll ds - 2 € in T _ E aXi aXi aS dxds, j T T ( ) a 1 2 T-s v = (T _ E) , lI'Vvll ds + 211. T _ E tlv as dx ds. (2.1.25) Integrating by parts, and then using the differential equation (2.1.19), there follows The term II V g211 may be treated as data and so bounds are needed for IIVV(E)II and In I€(x) IVv(x, s)1 2 ds dx. To establish the second of these note f J € IVv(x,s)12dsdx = f j € V,i(V,i - g2,i)dsdx in €f(x) in €f(x) + f 1 € V,ig2,ids dx, in €f(x) :s - f j € !:::.v (v - g2) ds dx in €f(x) + ( f J € IVvI2ds dX ) 1/2 ( f j € IV g2\2ds dX ) 1/2, in €f(x) in €f(x) where we have integrated by parts and used the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and then using the differential equation one may find f j € \Vv(x, s)1 2 ds dx:S f j € V (v - g2)ds dx in €f(x) in €f(x) S + ( f J € IVvI2ds dX ) 1/2 ( f j € IV g21 2ds dX ) 1/2, in €f(x) in €f(x) :S IIV(E) - g211 2 + (2E)1/21IVg211 ( f j € IVV I2 dSdX ) 1/2, 2 in €f(x) where the first term has simply been integrated and the fact that If I :S 1 has been used on the second. This quadratic inequality leads to 1 j T j T f ( T-S ) ( aV ) 2 IIVv(E)1I 2 = (T _ E) € IIVvII 2 ds - 2 € in T _ E as dxds, S (T  E) 1 T lI'VvIl 2 ds, = - (T  E) [ 1. vtlvdxds, 1 i T f av = (T-E) € inv as dxds, where further integration by parts and use of (2.1.19) has been made. The right hand side may now be integrated to find IIVV(E)1I 2 :S 2(T l _ E) l v 2 (x,T) dx. Dropping a non-positive term, and then an appeal to (2.1.21) yields lI'Vv(E)II' S 2(:: E) . (2.1.27) Bounds (2.1.26) and (2.1.27) are next used in (2.1.25) to find IIV(E) - 92112 S(2E)'/2 C(T )1/2 + 1I'V 9211 ) x (2E)1/211'V 9211 +  IIv(E) - 9211) , and this quadratic inequality is manipulated to give ( € ) 1/2 1 f j IVvI2dsdx :S (2E)1/2I1Vg211 + ;;:) IIV(E) - g2\1. in €f(x) y2 (2.1.26) IIV(E) - g211:S K2E1/2, (2.1.28) 
42 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.2 Initial Time Geometry, the Heat Equation on an Exterior Domain 43 where with the solution v to the following boundary - initial value problem: M ( M ) 1/2 K2 = ';2(/- E) + II V 9211 + (211V 9211)'/2 [2(T _ 'E)] 1/2 + IIV 9211 ov &t = !::::.v, v=O, x E 0*, Ef(x) < t < T, x E r, Ef(x):S t < T, (2.2.3) Use of (2.1.28), (2.1.20), and the analogous bound to (2.1.28) for IIU(E)- gIll then leads Ames & Payne (1994) to an inequality of form v(x, Ef(x)) = g(x) x E 0*. lIu(t) - v(t) 11 2 :S K ECT-t)/CT-€), t E [E, T]. (2.1.29) We note again that v is the solution to the problem where the data are measured on t = Ef(x), and the object is to determine whether v differs appreciably from u in some sense, since it is the u-problem which is usually studied in practice. As in section 2.1 we put This estimate establishes continuous dependence on the initial - time ge- ometry as we set out to achieve. w = u - v, and then for t > E, we see that w satisfies the equation 2.2 Continuous Dependence on the Initial - Time Geometry for the Heat Equation on an Exterior Domain ow at = !::::.w, (2.2.4) and the boundary conditions In this section we study the equivalent problem to that analyzed in section 2.1 except now the spatial domain 0* is the exterior to the closure of a bounded region O( eRn) which contains the origin. If we assume integra- bility of everything in section 2.1 then we could simply use the analysis there. However, Payne & Straughan (1990c) used weighted integrals to allow the solution to possibly even grow at infinity, and so we include an exposition of that work. The bounded boundary of 0*, i.e. the boundary of 0, is denoted by r. w=o, xEr. (2.2.5) Study of Errors in the Initial - Time Geometry for the Forward Heat Equation on an Exterior Domain The surface L: is now that surface t = Ef(x),x E 0*, and we suppose The starting point of the continuous dependence proof given by Payne & Straughan (1990c) is to multiply (2.2.4) by e-aTw, where a > 0 is a constant to be selected and r = ...jXiXi' The effect of the weight e- aT is to allow the solution and its derivatives to grow at infinity. This variant of the weighted energy method was used by Rionero & Galdi (1976) to study uniqueness for the Navier - Stokes equations. The function F(t) is defined by F(t) = f e- aT w 2 (x, t) dx, In* (2.2.6) If(x) I < 1, 1\7 f(x)\ < K, Vx E 0*, Vx E 0* , (2.2.1) and then after multiplication of (2.2.4) by e-aTw and integration over 0* we find OU ot = !::::.u, u=O, m 0* x (O,T), on r x [O,T), F'(t) =2 f e-aTw ow dx, In* ot =2 fe-aT w!::::.w dx, In* 2 1 -aTXi ow d 21 -aT OW OW = a e - w- x - e -- dx, D* r aXi D* aXi aXi (2.2.7) where K is a known constant. In this section we compare the solution to the boundary - initial value problem: (2.2.2) where we have substituted from (2.2.4) and integrated by parts. The solu- tions are assumed to grow no faster at infinity than the weight e- aT will u(x,O) = g(x), x E 0*, 
44 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.2 Initial Time Geometry, the Heat Equation on an Exterior Domain 45 dominate and this is why the boundary terms at infinity disappear. The arithmetic - geometric mean inequality is next used on the first term on the right of (2.2.7), noting xdr :::; 1, to see that We must now show hand J2 may be bounded by data. One of the au/as terms in J1 is substituted from (2.2.2) and then after an integration by parts, we derive 1. Xi aw 1 2 1. 20: e- ar - w- dx :::;-0: e- ar w 2 dx 0* r aXi 2 0* 1 -ar aW aW d +2 e  x. 0* uX z uX z (2.2.8) J l E 1. -ar Xi au au d d 1 1 -ar ag ag d 1 =0: e - -- X s + - e -- x, o 0* r as aXi 2 0* aXi aXi _  f e -ar au au dx l . 2 J 0* aXi aXi t=E Ixdrl :::; 1, and then from the arithmetic - geometric mean (2.2.15) 1 F' < -0:2F. -2 (2.2.9) Next, note inequality lo E 1 -ar Xi au au d d 1 2 1 E 1 -ar au au d d 0: e - -- X S <-0: e -- x s o 0* r as aXi - 2 0 0* aXi aXi 1 +-h 2 . Inequality (2.2.16) is used in (2.2.15) and the last term of (2.2.15) is dis- carded to deduce h :::; 0: 2 fE f e- ar au au dx ds + f e- ar ag  dx. Jo Jo* aXi aXi Jo* aXi aXi (2.2.16) Upon using (2.2.8) in (2.2.7) we then derive This inequality may be integrated from E to t to obtain 1 F(t) :::; F(E) exp ["20: 2 (t - E)]. (2.2.10) Inequality (2.2.10) is the beginning of the continuous dependence estimate on the initial- time geometry and it now remains to estimate F(E) in terms of known data and a function of E and thus find an estimate of how v compares with u as a functional relationship in E. Payne & Straughan (1990c) commence their estimate of F(E) by writing (2.2.17) 1 (l E au l E av ) 2 F(E) = e- ar  ds -  ds dx. 0* 0 uS Ef(x) uS (2.2.12) Further progress requires an estimate for the first term on the right and to this end note that by integration by parts and (2.2.2), l E I  l E I e- ar  dxds = - e-aru!::t.udxds o 0* UXz uXz 0 0* l E 1 x. au + 0: e- ar .....:.udxds o 0* r UXi l E 1 au = - e-arU- a dxds o 0* S l E 1. x. au + 0: e -ar .....:. u dx ds o 0* r UXi = f e- ar g2 dx _  f e- ar U 2 (X, E) dx 2 Jo* 2 Jo* l E I x' au + 0: e- ar .....:. u dx ds. o 0* r uX z J E av V(X, E) =g(X) + ads, Ef(x) S r au u(x, E) =g(x) + Jo as ds, (2.2.11) and hence note that This term may then be estimated with the aid of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality observing that 1 - f :::; 2 to see that F(E) :::; 3 E (J1 + J2), where the terms J1 and J2 are defined by J, = l in. e-ar( : )' dxds, J2 = f e- ar fE ( V ) 2 ds dx. Jo* JEf(x) uS (2.2.13) Now again use the fact that Ixd rI :::; 1 and use the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality on the last term. By dropping the second term we obtain (2.2.14) l E i au au l E i e- ar dxds a2 e- ar u 2 dxds o 0* UX z UX z 0 0* + f e- ar g2 dx. Jo* (2.2.18) 
46 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.2 Initial Time Geometry, the Heat Equation on an Exterior Domain 47 The triangle inequality may now be used to show may show (Payne & Straughan (1990c)) that provided we restrict a such that a 4 E 2 < 1[2(1 -')') 16(1 + E) , (2.2.24) (10' k. e -ar u 2 dx ds )'/2 <; (10' k. e -ar (u - g)2 dx ds )'/2 ( ) 1/2 + El/2 k* e- ar g2 dx , 2E IT  -y J 1 1[ ( ) 1/2 + El/2 l* e- ar g2 dx , for some')' > 0, then J < Q2 2 _ , ')' (2.2.25) where (2.2.19) Q2 =2a 2 f e- ar of of g2 dx In* OXi OXi + a 2 {1 + 2(1 + E)a 2 } f e- ar g 2 dx In* 21 -ar og og d + e -- x. n* OXi OXi (2.2.26) where Poincare's inequality (in t) has been employed. Squaring (2.2.19) and using the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality we find i E 1 4E2 e- ar u 2 dxds  2(1 + E)J 1 o n* 1[ + (1 + E) f e- ar g 2 dx. In* (2.2.20) Thus, if we now employ (2.2.22) and (2.2.25) in (2.2.13) we obtain a con- stant K 1 such that If we now require a (which is at our disposal) so small that the coefficient of Jl is positive, i.e. for some 8 > 0 we have F(E)  KIE, and then this inequality in (2.2.10) gives the continuous dependence esti- mate k* e- ar w 2 dx  exp {a2(t - E) }KIE. (2.2.27) Payne & Straughan (1990c) show that condition (2.2.24) is actually nec- essary, and not just artificial, by constructing a specific example. To use (2.2.27) effectively as an estimate for continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry we note that if BR denotes the ball center 0, radius R, then Inequality (2.2.20) is now employed on the right in (2.2.18) and the resulting inequality is then used in (2.2.17) and one finds [ 1 - 4a 4 E 2 (1 + E) ] Jl  1 e-ar og !!JL dx 1[2 n* OXi OXi + a 2 {I + (1 + E )a 2 } f e- ar g2 dx. (2.2.21) In* 4 2 1[2(1 - 8) a E < 4(1 + E) , f e- ar w 2 dx 2:: e- aR f w 2 dx, In* In*uBR then (2.2.21) gives the result for J 1 which we seek, namely, and this in (2.2.27) shows J < Ql 1 - 8 ' (2.2.22) 1 W2 (x, t) dx  K E, n*UBR (2.2.28) where where 1 K(t,R) = KleaRexP{2a2(t - En. Ql= f e-ar!!JL!!JLdx+a2{1+(I+E)a2} f e-arldx. (2.2.23) In* OXi OXi In* The bound for J 2 proceeds along similar lines but is more complica.:ted because v is given as g on t = Ef(x), not t = O. However, in that case one Inequality (2.2.28) is thus an a priori estimate which demonstrates contin- uous dependence on the initial - time geometry on compact sub domains of 0*. 
48 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.2 Initial Time Geometry, the Heat Equation on an Exterior Domain 49 Results (2.2.27) and (2.2.28) establish continuous dependence in an L 2 measure involving w. Payne & Straughan (1990c) also show how continuous dependence may be established in other norms. Due to the weight e- ar the logarithmic convexity method for the backward heat equation as described in section 1.5 needs modifying. In fact, we find Study of Errors in the Initial- Time Geometry for the Backward Heat Equation on an Exterior Domain Payne & Straughan (1990c) also show how one may establish continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry for the backward heat equation when 0* is an exterior domain as in the beginning of this section. To do this they utilize a logarithmic convexity method with a weighted functional, the purpose of the weight again being to dominate terms at infinity and thus allow growth of the solution and its derivatives. To briefly review this work let u be a solution to the boundary - initial value problem 1 awaw 1 F'(t) = 2 e- ar -- dx - .6.(e- ar )w 2 dx, n* aXi aXi n* (2.2.32) and FI/(t) 24 r e- ar ( a: ) 2 dx _ 4a? r e- ar w. w. dx )n* U )n* uX z uXz + r .6. 2 (e- ar )w 2 dx. (2.2.33) )n* au at = -.6.u, in 0* x (0, T), u = 0, on r x [0, T], Upon evaluation of .6.(e- ar ) and .6. 2 (e- ar ) this inequality leads to (for N 2 3; the case N = 2 is also dealt with in Payne & Straughan (1990c)), (2.2.29) FI/(t) 24 r e- ar ( aW ) 2 dx - 2a? F'(t) - a 4 F(t). ) n* at (2.2.34) u(x,O) = g(x), xE 0*, and let v solve the boundary - initial value problem av at = -.6.v, x E 0*, Ef(x) < t < T, v = 0, x E r, Ef(x) S t S T, v(x,Ef(x)) = g(x), x E 0*. From (2.2.31), (2.2.32) and (2.2.34) one may then show 3 constants k 1 , k 2 such that FFI/ - (F')2 2 -k 1 FF' - k 2 F 2 . (2.2.30) This is the basic logarithmic convexity inequality and is integrated as in section 1.5 to yield the result The idea here is as before to produce an estimate of the variation of v as compared to u. The initial- time geometry function f again satisfies (2.1.1) and w = u - v. The constraint set of Payne & Straughan (1990c) consists of those func- tions satisfying a2 ( rT r e-aru2dxds+ r e-ar l T V2dSdX ) )0 )n* )n* €f + r e- ar [u 2 (x,T) +v 2 (x,T)]dx S Mf, )n* F(t) S e- rnt [F(T)ernTf' [F(E)ern€r->-, (2.2.35) where m and A are defined in terms of k 1 , k 2 by k 2 m= k1 ' 0"2 - 0" A= 0"2 - 0"1 with 0", 0"1,0"2 being given by 0"=e-k1t, 0"1 = e- k1T , 0"2 = e- k1 € and 1 ar av av dS M 2 - e- --nt S 2' :E aXi aXi for constants M 1, M 2. The proof of continuous dependence begins with the functional F(t) defined by The term F(T) is bounded using the constraint. The bound for the F(E) term begins by noting that (2.2.13) is still valid in the backward in time problem. The relevant bounds for h and h are, however, different. For example, to bound h we define w(t) by F(t) = r e- ar w 2 (x,t)dx. )n* (2.2.31) T-t w=- T-E 
50 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.3 Initial - Time Geometry, an Equation from Dynamo Theory 51 J, S [ w L. e-ar( : f dxdt. (2.2.36) 2.3 Continuous Dependence on the Initial - Time Geometry for an Equation from Dynamo Theory and then note that i T l  i T ;; e- ar __ dxdt ::;a 2 e- ar u 2 dxdt o 0* aXi aXi 0 0* + ;; e-aru2(x, T) dx. 0* (2.2.38) In this section we again investigate the error due to the fact that in an evo- lution problem not all of the data assigned at t = to are actually measured at the same instant in time but rather over some interval of time. Precisely, we describe results of Ames & Straughan (1995) and focus our attention on the question of continuous dependence on initial - time geometry by deriving stabilizing inequalities for an equation that arises in the description of the behaviour of the toroidal part of the magnetic field in a dynamo problem when the flow is compressible and time - dependent. Details of the relevant dynamo theory can be found in Lortz & Meyer - Spasche (1982). Franchi & Straughan (1995) also studied the same initial _ time geometry problem, but when the spatial region is one exterior to a bounded set. The unbounded spatial geometry problem investigated by Franchi & Straughan (1995) is more involved and technically much harder; we here concentrate on the bounded domain case. (Franchi & Straughan (1994) have also recently considered the equation arising from the same dy- namo problem with a different goal in mind; their work resulted in spatial decay estimates as well as continuous dependence on the prescribed velocity field for both the forward and backward in time problems and is described in sections 3.8 and 4.4.) First we investigate the forward in time problem associated with the theory and afterward we study the improperly posed backward in time problem, obtaining in both cases, results that demon- strate the solution depends continuously on the initial - time geometry, w hen the spatial domain is bounded. Upon using the differential equation and integrating by parts and using the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality one may show {T W ;; e-ar ( aU ) 2 dx dt ::; ( 1 + a 2 T ) Jo 0* at T - E i T 1 -ar au au d d x e  x t. o 0* uX uX (2.2.37) Further integrations reveal Putting (2.2.36) - (2.2.38) together shows that J 1 ::; ( 1 + a 2 T ) [ a2 fT f 'e- ar u 2 dxdt T - E Jo JD.* + L. e-ar u 2(x,T) dX), < ( 1 + a 2 T ) M2 - T-E l' (2.2.39) The Forward in Time Problem We begin by comparing the solutions to the following two problems: where in the last step the constraint set has been employed. Similar, but more tricky calculations involving integrals over the surface L: lead to an analogous bound for J 2 , involving data and the constraint set constants. Further details may be found in Payne & Straughan (1990c). Once the relative bounds for J 1 and J 2 are used in (2.2.35) along with the constraint, a continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry result for the backward in time problem follows from (2.2.35). aH  = (ry(X)H,i) . - (vi(x)H) ., ut , , in n x (0,00), on r x [0,00), xE n; (2.3.1) (2.3.2) (2.3.3) H=O, H(x,O) = g(x), aK 7it = (ry(X)K,i) ,i - (Vi (x)K) ,i' Ef(x) < t, x En, K = 0, Ef(x) ::; t, x E r, K(x, Ef(x)) = g(x), x E n. (2.3.4) (2.3.5) (2.3.6) 
52 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.3 Initial - Time Geometry, an Equation from Dynamo Theory 53 where ..\1 is the first eigenvalue in the membrane problem for O. Setting c = M - 2'1]0..\1, it follows from (2.3.14) that Here Hand K denote the toroidal part of a magnetic field, 0 is a bounded domain in R 3 with boundary r, while '1](x) and v(x) represent the diffusivity and velocity, respectively, both of which depend on the spatial variables. Standard indicial notation is employed with summation from 1 to 3. We assume that for x E 0, :t (e- ctI1 hI\2) :S 0, and hence, after an integration from E to t, o < '1]0 :S '1] (x) , and denote by M and Q the bounds (2.3.7) (2.3.8) IIh(t)1I 2 :S e c (t-€)lIh(E)1I 2 . If(x)1 :S 1, (2.3.15) M = sup IVi,il, n Q = sup Ivl. n (2.3.9) H(x, E) = g(x) + l€ H,s(x, s)ds, We next need to find a bound for IIh(E)1I in terms of E. To this end we observe that Since the velocity field in this problem is prescribed these bounds are simply the maximum values which the indicated functions achieve. We let L: denote the surface t = Ef(x) for x E 0 in the following analysis and assume that this surface is sufficiently smooth. We now set h = H - K and observe that h satisfies the equation and K(x, E) = g(x) + j € K,s(x, s)ds. €f(x) Thus, IIh(E)11 2 = in (1' H"ds - L K"dSr dx, 8h at = ('1](X)h,i),i - (vi(x)h),i' (2.3.10) and after an application of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality, we obtain for t > E. To establish continuous dependence on the initial- time geometry, we intend to derive an explicit inequality of the form IIh(E)1I 2  3in (1' H"dSr dx+ i in (LK"dSr dx IIh(t)1\2 :S EF(t), (2.3.11) where F depends on the initial data and Using Schwarz's inequality and the fact that 1 - f :S 2, we have IIhll 2 = in h 2 dx. II h( E) 11 2 S3E [1' in H;,dxds + in L Kdsdx l =3E[J 1 + J 2 ], To obtain (2.3.11), we multiply (2.3.10) by h and integrate the result over O. After integration by parts, we find that (2.3.12) where J 1 and J2 are defined by  d d IIhll2 = - f '1]IVhl 2 dx + f vihh,idx, 2 t in in 1 2 1 1 2 = - '1]IVhl dx - - Vi,i h dx, n 2 n where we have also made use of the fact that h = 0 on the boundary of O. In view of (2.3.8), (2.3.9), and Poincare's inequality, we obtain the inequality (2.3.13) J 1 = l€ in H, 2 s dxds, and J 2 = f f € Ksdsdx. in €f We now need to find bounds for J 1 and J2. :t IIhll 2 :S -2'1]OA1I\hI1 2 + Mllhll 2 , (2.3.14) (2.3.16) (2.3.17) (2.3.18) (2.3.19) 
54 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.3 Initial - Time Geometry, an Equation from Dynamo Theory 55 J1 ::; _ r fJH,iH,i \ dx + r fJg,ig,i dx + r r [Vi,iH + ViH,i] 2 dx ds, In t=E In Jo In If we now integrate (2.3.21) from 0 to t, then instead of (2.3.22) we can derive the inequality l H 2 (t)dx <:; l g2dx + M l' l H 2 dxds. (2.3.25) We now set 1> = I In H 2 dx ds so that (2.3.25) becomes 1>' - M 1>::; l g2dx. Solving this differential inequality, we find that 1>(t) ::;  (eMt -1) l g2dx, from which it follows that r 1 H2dx ds ::; eME 1 g2dx. (2.3.26) Jo n M n Using this in (2.3.24) we conclude that J , <:; l1J9,i9'idx + [  + (2+  )eM'] l g2dx, (2.3.27) which is the desired bound for J 1. To bound J 2 we assume that nt, the t-component of the unit normal, is negative on  and, moreover, Substitution of the differential equation and integration by parts leads to J1 = i E l H,s [(fJH,i),i - (ViH),i] dx ds, = -  ll1J(H,i H ,i)"dxdS -ll H,,(ViH),idxds. An application of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality results in J1 ::; - _ 2 1 r fJH,iH,i \ dx + _ 2 1 r fJg,ig,i dx In t=E In 1 i E 1 1 i E 1 2 + _ Hsdxds+ - [(ViH),i] dxds. 2 0 n 2 0 n It then follows that and in view of (2.3.9), J , <:; l1J9'i9'idx+ 2M2 ll H 2 dxdS+2 Q2 ll H,iH,idxds. (2.3.20) Since H satisfies (2.3.1) - (2.3.3), it also satisfies an equation like (2.3.13), nt < -8, (2.3.28) i.e. from which we can conclude r r IVH\2dxds::;  r g2dx+ M r 1 H2dx. Jo In 2fJo In 2fJo Jo n Inserting this result into (2.3.20) we obtain J 1 ::; 1 fJg,ig,idx+ Q2 1 g2dx+ ( 2M2+ MQ2 ) r r H 2 dxds. (2.3.24) n fJo n fJo J 0 J n (2.3.23) for a positive constant 8. Then upon substituting the equation (2.3.4) and integrating by parts we find that h = -  ( j E fJ(K,iK,i) ,sds dx + { fJK,tK,inidS In Ef l"E - r j E K,s(ViK),ids dx. (2.3.29) In Ef Integrating the first term on the right hand side of (2.3.29) and dropping the non-positive term evaluated at t = E, we obtain J2 < _! r 'I1K.K 'n t dS + r 'I1K t K 'n.dS - 2 J2:, " ,z ,z J2:, " , ,z Z _ 1 r K,s(ViK),i ds dx, (2.3.30) n lEf < r 'TJ K ' ( n'K t - n t K . ) dS -!8 r 'TJ K t K .dS - J2:, ,z , ,z 2 J2:, , , _ 1 r K,s(ViK),i ds dx. (2.3.31) n lEf !!£ 1 H2dx = - r fJlV H\2dx - _ 2 1 r Vi,i H2dx , 2 dt n J n J n where IV H\2 = H,iH,i. Integration of (2.3.21) from 0 to E and use of the bounds (2.3.8) and ,(2.3.9) yield the inequality  l H 2 (E)dx + 1Jo lllV' HI 2 dx ds <:;  l g2dx +!M r 1 H2dx, (2.3.22) 2 Jo n (2.3.21 ) 
56 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.3 Initial - Time Geometry, an Equation from Dynamo Theory 57 An application of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality to the last term on the right yields inequality we have Jz s: 2 h ,.,K,i(niK,t - n,K,i)dS - 6 h ,.,K,iK,i dS + 2M 2 r j € K2ds dx + 2Q2 r j € ryK,iK,ids dx. (2.3.33) In €f ryo In €f (fJ; K 2 dSdXf2 s:(LDK - g)2dsdx f2 ( ) 1/2 + l E(l- f)g2dx , [ 4 2 r j € ] 1/2 :::; ;2 In (1 - f)2 €f Ksds dx ( ) 1/2 + L E(1 - f)g2dx , 4 ( r ) 1/2 :::; ; Ji/ 2 +  In g2dx Jz s: h ,.,K,i(niK,t - n,K,i)dS - 6 h ,.,K,iK,idS +  L j; K,dsdx + M2 r j € K2dsdx + Q2 r j € K,iK,idsdx, (2.3.32) In €f In €f from which it follows that Therefore, To handle the last term in (2.3.33), we write Ij € 16E2 1 K 2 ds dx :::; (1 + E)J 2 + 2(1 + E) g2dx. n €f 1f n (2.3.35) r j € ryK,iK,ids dx = r ryK,ignidS - r j € K(ryK,i),ids dx, In €f JE In €f We now substitute (2.3.34) and (2.3.35) into (2.3.33) to obtain r j € ryK,iK,ids dx = j, ryK,ignidS - r j € K K,sds dx J n €f E J n €f - r j € Vi,iK2ds dx - r j € viKK,ids dx. In €f In €f J 2 < 2 1 'I1K . ( n-K t - n t K . ) dS - 8 1 'I1K ,K odS _ . f ,z z, ,z . f ,z ,z E E 2Q2 [ r 1 r 2 1 r 2 ] + ry; JE ryK,igni dS - '2 JE g nt dS - '2 JE Vinig dS + [2M2 + 2 ] [ 1=2 (1+ E)Jz + 2(1+ E) L g2dx) (2.3.36) which becomes, after substituting the differential equation (2.3.4), Further use of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality in (2.3.36) yields r j € ryK,iK,ids dx :::; j, ryK,ignidS -  r g 2n t dS In €f E JE 1 1 2 - - v-n' g dS 2 E Z Z + M r j € K2dsdx. 2 In €f [ MQ2 16E 2 ] 1 r 1- (2M 2 + --:;;- ) --.;2(1 + E) J 2 :::; a1 JE ry(nig,t - ntg,i)(nig,t - ntg,i)dS Q2 1 2 [ rynin i ] ( 2 MQ2 ) 1 2 +_ g --nt-Vini dS+2(1+E) 2M +- g dx ryo E a 2 ryo n a Q2 r + (a1 + o - 8) JE ryK,iK,i dS , (2.3.37) Hence, (2.3.34) where al and a2 are arbitrary, positive constants. We choose aI, a2 so that We next find a bound for the last term in (2.3.34). From the triangle a2Q2 a1 + - -8=0, ryo (2.3.38) 
58 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.3 Initial - Time Geometry, an Equation from Dynamo Theory 59 for some constant (}:3 > O. Thus, (}:3 J 2 :S  f ry(nig,t - ntg,i)(nig,t - ntg,i)dS (}:1 J'E Q2 1 2 [ rynin i ] + - g - - nt - Vini dS ryo 'E (}:2 + 2(1+ EJ(2M 2 + 2 ) in g2dx. Inequality (2.3.40) is the desired bound for h in terms of data. If we now designate the data terms on the right hand sides of (2.3.27) and (2.3.40) (i.e. the bounds for Jl and (}:3J2) by Ql and Q2, respectively, then (2.3.19) becomes and assume E is so small that MQ2 16E 2 1- ( 2M2 + - ) (1 + E) > (}:3, ryo 7f IIh(E)1I 2 :S 3E[QI + (}:3 1 Q2], where f(x) and ry(x) satisfy (2.3.7) and (2.3.8) as before. We again set h = H - K so that h satisfies the equation (2.3.39) ah at = -(ry(X)h,i),i+ (vi(x)h),i' (2.3.49) for E < t < T. We shall now show that IIh(t) 11 2 :s i(t) F(t), (2.3.50) (2.3.40) for explicit functions 8(t) and F(t) with 0 < 8(t) < 1. In order to establish an inequality of the form (2.3.50), we first derive for E < t < T the inequality <p(t)dlIh(t)1I2 :s [<p(E)]8(t) F(t), (2.3.51) (2.3.41 ) with 0 < 8(t) < 1. (Here and throughout the notation  means the quan- tity is defined as indicated.) Since the problems for Hand K are both ill posed we anticipate that an inequality of the type (2.3.51) will be satisfied provided Hand K belong to the appropriate constraint sets. We note that h = 0 on r, E :S t :S T and suppose that provided (2.3.39) is satisfied. We then obtain from (2.3.15) the continuous dependence inequality The Backward in Time Problem As usual, instead of investigating equation (2.3.1) backward in time, we study the backward equation forward in time. In this section, we shall compare the solutions (assumed to exist) of the following two ill posed problems: Ilh(t) 11 2 :S 3E[Ql + (}:3 1 Q2]e c (t-€). aH  = -(ry(X)H,i) ,+ (vi(x)H) ., in n x (O,T), ut , , H = 0, on r x [0, T], H(x, 0) = g(x), x E n; and aK  = -(ry(x)K i) . + (vi(x)K) ., Ef(x) < t < T, x E n, ut ' , , K = 0, Ef(x) :S t :S T, x E r, K(x, Ef(x)) = g(x), x E 0, (2.3.42) Vini = 0 (2.3.52) on the boundary of n. We should point out that this condition is compatible with a compressible fluid. We shall also assume that the functions ry(x) and v(x) satisfy the conditions that ry, Iry,il, IVil, IVi,il, IVi,kl, IVi,ikl ::; M 1 , (2.3.53) (2.3.43) (2.3.44) (2.3.45) for a positive constant MI. The function ry is the magnetic resistivity and physically ry and IVryl are bounded, therefore, (2.3.53) is not restrictive. Moreover, in (2.3.43) - (2.3.45) or (2.3.46) - (2.3.48) the velocity field is prescribed, as is usual in the kinematic dynamo problem and thus, we may impose bounds on Vi and its derivatives. However, Vi,i being small is consistent with a slightly compressible fluid. We use a logarithmic convexity argument to establish (2.3.51). Conse- quently, we differentiate <p to obtain (2.3.46) (2.3.47) (2.3.48) 1/ (t) = 2k hh,t dx , = 2l ryh,ih,i + l Vi,i h2dx , (2.3.54) 
60 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.3 Initial- Time Geometry, an Equation from Dynamo Theory 61 after substituting the differential equation (2.3.49) and integrating by parts. From (2.3.54) we easily fmd that In view of (2.3.55) we then find that -27]01lV'hI\2 2: - 2k7]\V'h\2 d X , = - cf>'(t) + k Vi,i h2dx , 2: - cf>' - M 1 cf>. cf>" 2: 4\1h,t\l2 - Mfcf>' - ( 6Mf + 9Mf ) cf>. 7]0 7]0 We form cf>cf>" - (cf>')2 using (2.3.54) and (2.3.61), obtaining the inequality (2.3.61) (2.3.55) cf>cf>" - (cf>')2 2: 48 2 -  M? cf>cf>' - ( 6M? + 9Mf ) cf>2, 7]0 7]0 (2.3.62) Returning to (2.3.54), we differentiate again to get where 8 2 = IIh1l 2 11h,t11 2 - (k hh,t dX ) 2, which is nonnegative by Schwarz's inequality. It follows that there exist positive constants k 1 and k 2 such that </>"(t) = 4k 1Jh ,it h 'i dx + 2k Vi,ihh,t dx . (2.3.56) Integrating by parts and reintroducing the differential equation, we have cf>"(t) =4I1h,tI1 2 - 2k Vi,i h [-(7]h,k),k + (Vkh),k]dx - 4k Vi h ,i[-(7]h,k),k + (Vkh),k]dx. cf>cf>" - (cf>')2 2: -k 1 cf>cf>' - k 2 cf>2. (2.3.63) (2.3.57) This inequality integrates as in section 1.5 to yield After integration by parts, use of the boundary condition h = 0 and (2.3.52) as well as some simplification, the last two terms in (2.3.57) can be written as cf>(t):S e-k2t/kl [cf>(T)ek2T/kl] 8 [cf>(E)ek2E/kl] 1-8, (2.3.64) where 72 -7 15=-, 72 - 71 7 = e- k1t , (2.3.65) I f - 2k Vi,ih[-(7]h,k),k + (Vkh),k]dx -4k v i h,i[-(7]h,k),k + (Vkh),k]dx, = - 2k Vi,ik1J hh ,k dx + 2k Vi1J,il\7hI 2 dx - 2k (Vi,i)2h 2 dx - 6k VkVi,ihh,k dx - 4k ViVkh,ih,k dx - 4 r Vi k7]h ih k dx . if!' " and 72 = e- k1E , 71 = e- k1T If we now assume that IIH(T) 11 2 + IIK(T)1I 2 :S Mi, (2.3.66) then for t < T, (2.3.64) leads to an inequality of the form (2.3.51). Note that l5(t) as defined in (2.3.65) lies in the interval (0,1). We proceed to establish that cf>( E) is O( E). As we showed in the previous subsection, we have IIh( E) 11 2 :S 3E[J 1 + J 2 ], (2.3.67) (2.3.58) where J 1 = lk Hdxds and h = kL K,dsdx. To bound J 1 we define The arithmetic - geometric mean inequality and the bounds (2.3.53) then imply 12: -6M?lIhI12 -18M?I\V'hI\2, (2.3.59) and hence, cf>" 2: 411h,t1l 2 - 6M?\lh\l2 - 18MfllV' h I1 2 . (2.3.60) p(T, t) = {T - t)j(T - E), o < t < E, E :S t < T, (2.3.68) 
62 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.3 Initial- Time Geometry, an Equation from Dynamo Theory 63 and observe that J 1 :S lT 1op(T,s)Hdxds. Substituting the differential equation satisfied by H and integrating by parts, we find after an application of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality. We thus find that lT 10 p(T, s )H,dx ds = lT 10 (pH) .,H"dx ds 1 i T l 8 + () _ 8 H2dxds, 2T-E 0 n s = lT 10 (pH) "i'lH,i dx ds + lT 10 (pH)"(ViH),idx ds 1 2 + 2(T _ E) IIH(T) II . (2.3.69) lT 1opHdxds:s lT 10 p(viH),i(VkH),k dx ds - (T  €) lT 10 Vi,iH2dxds 1 2 + (T - E) IIH(T) II . (2.3.71 ) Upon expanding the first term on the right side, using the bounds (2.3.53), (2.3.70) and applying the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality again, we conclude To bound the terms in (2.3.69) we first observe that we can obtain from (2.3.43) and (2.3.44) 'I01T 10 I'\7HI 2 dxds:S lT 10 'IH,iH,idxds, = { H2 \ T dx _  {T ( Vi,i H2dx ds. 2 In 0 2 Jo In J 1 :S lT 10 pH,dx ds, :S ( T M1 + 2M? + Mf ) {T 1 H2dxds - E 170 Jon + { - T 1 + Ml } IIH(T)1I 2 . - E 170 (2.3.72) Recalling the constraint (2.3.66) and assuming that Thus, {T {1V'HI 2 dxd s :S IIH(T)1I2 + M 1 {T { H 2 dxds. Jo In 2170 2170 Jo In Returning to (2.3.69), we note that the first term on the right hand side is equal to { 10 H 2 dxds:S M;, (2.3.73) (2.3.70) for some prescribed constant M3, we see that (2.3.72) is the desired bound for J 1. To bound h we define 2(/- €) lT 10 'IH,iH,i dxds -  10(0) 'IH,iH,i dx , and so is nonpositive, and that lT 10 (pH)" (Vi H ) ,i dx ds :S  lT 10 pH,dx ds +  lT 1 p(viH),i(VkH),kdxds 1 {T ( 2 - 2(T - E) Jo In Vi,i H dx ds, { I E1 < t < E, p(T,t)= (T-t)/(T-E), E:St<T, and then write J 2 = { J E Kds dx, In Ef :S { {T p(T, s )Kds dx. In JEf Substitution of the equation (2.3.46) followed by integration by parts and application of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality leads to 
64 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.4 Initial Time Geometry and the Navier - Stokes Equations 65 for computable constants aI, a2. Thus, if we assume, in addition to (2.3.66), in f p(T, s )K,ds dx :'0 (T  <) in f 7) IV' KI 2 ds dx + r r T p( ViK),i (Vk K ) ,k ds dx lo. lEf - 2 h 'flK,sK,inidS + h 'flK,iK,int dS . (2.3.74) r i T K2dsdx S Ml, lo. Ef (2.3.78) and -  'flK,iK,intdS S Mi, (2.3.79) for constants M4 and Ms, it follows from (2.3.78) and (2.3.79) that The first term on the right side of (2.3.74) can be bounded using the differ- ential equation for K. We easily obtain an inequality analogous to (2.3.70), namely J 2 S al  'fl(K,int - niK,d(K,int - niK,t)dS + a3 N2 , (2.3.80) T T 'flo r r IV' KI 2 ds dx S r j 'fl1V' KI 2 ds dx, Jo. lEf lo. Ef S IIK(T)1I2 + Ml r r T K 2 dsdx 2 2 lo. lEf + r 'flKK inidS -  r viniK2dS. (2.3.75) l ' 2 J where N 2 depends on the constraints necessary due to the fact that we are dealing with an improperly posed problem. Combining this result with (2.3.72) and substituting it back into (2.3.67), we conclude that IIh(E)1I 2 is O(E) and have established an inequality of the type (2.3.50). To summarize the results for the backward in time problem, let us define a class M of solutions: Hand K belong to M if r T r H 2 dxds + r r T K 2 dxds + IIH(T) 11 2 + IIK(T) 11 2 S Ml, (2.3.81) lo Jo. Jo. lEf r j T p(T,s)K2sdsdx S ( /;:' ) +2Ml + Mf ) r j T K2dsdx lo. Ef ' 2 - E 'flo lo. Ef + ( 2(/- <) + !) IIK(T) 11 2 ( 12M? ) (1 1 1 2 ) + _ + - gK,inidS - - Vinig dS (T - E) 'flo  2  - 2 h 'flK,sK,ini dS + h 'fl1V' Kl 2n t dS . (2.3.76) for some constant M6, and if K also satisfies (2.3.79). We have thus es- tablished the following theorem which implies continuous dependence of solutions on the initial - time geometry. Expanding the second term on the right in (2.3.74) and using (2.3.75), we find, after some simplification, that Theorem 2.3.1. (Ames & Straughan (1995).) If solutions H of (2.3.43) - (2.3.45) and K of (2.3.46) - (2.3.48) both belong to M, then there exist explicit functions F(t) and 8(t) with 0 < 8 < 1 such that IIH(t) - K(t)1I 2 S i(t) F(t), for ESt S T. I d - 2 1 'I1K , ( K t n: - K .n t) dS _ 1 'I1K.K 'n t dS ., ,t , 'l.,2 ., ;l.,t ,   S al h 'fl(K,int - niK,t) (K,int - niK,t)dS - a2 h 'flK,iK,int dS , (2.3.77) 2.4 Continuous Dependence on the Initial - Time Geometry for the Navier - Stokes Equations The last two surface integrals in (2.3.76) can be rewritten as The first three sections of this chapter have concentrated on investigations of the continuous dependence of the solution on changes in the initial - time geometry for linear partial differential equations. However, many partial 
66 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.4 Initial Time Geometry and the Navier - Stokes Equations 67 differential equations which describe real life situations are nonlinear and it is important to be able to extend the analysis to such nonlinear equa- tions. In this and the next section we do tackle such questions for nonlinear systems of partial differential equations which arise in fluid dynamics. Song (1988) examined the continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry problem for the N avier - Stokes equations forward in time. Let 0 be a bounded domain in R 2 or R 3 with boundary r. Song (1988) compared the solution to the boundary - initial value problem the constants k 1 , . . . , k4 and 'Y depend here on 0 and v. In the case 0 C R 3 Song (1988) can derive (2.4.3) only provided a Reynold's number criterion holds, which essentially means for v not too large. The first result of continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry for the Navier - Stokes equations backward in time is by Payne (1992). He compares the solution to the boundary - initial value problem (2.4.1 ) 8Ui 8Ui 8p - = Uj- - vD.Ui+-, at 8xj 8 X i 8Ui _ 0 in 0 x (0, T), 8Xi - , Ui = 0, on r x [0, T), Ui(X,O) = gi(X), X E 0, with the solution Vi to the following boundary - initial value problem: in 0 x (O,T), 8Ui 8Ui 8p 7ft + Uj 8xj = vD.Ui - 8Xi ' 8Ui _ 0 in 0 x (O,T), 8 X i - , Ui = 0, on r x [O,T), Ui(X,O) = gi(X), X E 0, with the solution Vi to the following boundary - initial value problem: in 0 x (O,T), (2.4.4) 8Vi 8Vi 8p* _ 8 +Vj-=vD.Vi--' xEO, Ef(x) <t<T, t 8xj 8Xi 8 V i 8 X i = 0, x E 0, Ef(x) < t < T, Vi = 0, x E r, Ef(x)::; t < T, Vi (x, Ef(x)) = gi(X), X E O. (2.4.2) 8Vi 8Vi 8p* _ = Vj- - vD.Vi + -, x E 0, Ef(x) < t < T, 8t 8Xj 8 X i 8Vi = 0, x E 0, Ef (x) < t < T, 8 X i Vi = 0, x E r, Ef(x)::; t < T, Vi (x, Ef(x)) = gi(X), X EO, (2.4.5) and requires of f that sup If(x) I ::; 1, xEO Song (1988) requires and that the initial data are Dirichlet integrable, i.e. 8g i _ 0 8Xi - , in 0, ( 8g i 8gi dx < M io 8xj 8xj - , and o ::; f(x) ::; 1. for some constant M. The constraint sets of Payne (1992) are Ml and M2 where these sets are defined as follows. A function Ti(X, t) E Ml if there is a prescribed constant M 1 such that Basically, Song (1988) establishes continuous dependence on the initial _ time geometry by deriving an inequality of form l' 10 [Ui(X, 5) - Vi (X, 5)] [u,(X, 5) - V,(X, 5)] dx ds :S K(t ),1/2, (2.4.3) sup r iTi ::; M'f, Ox [Ef(x) ,T1 (2.4.6) while ri(x, t) E M2 for some prescribed constant M 2 if where K(t) depends on the inital data gi, the viscosity v, the geometry of the domain 0, and perhaps the surface :E (which is the surface t = Ef(x)). When 0 C R 2 the number K(t) has form ( 8ri 8ri ) 2 sup riri + -- ::; M 2 . OX[Ef(x),T] 8Xj 8Xj (2.4.7) K(t) = [1- el'(t-E)] (k 1 11g11 2 + k211V'gI\2)exp [E 2 (k 3 I\gI\2 + k41\V'gI\2)]; Payne (1992) establishes the following theorem. 
68 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.4 Initial Time Geometry and the Navier - Stokes Equations 69 Theorem 2.4.1. (Payne (1992).) If Ui(X, t) E MI and Vi (X, t) E M2 then we may compute an explicit constant K and a function 8(t), with 0 S 8 S 1, with K, 8 being independent of Ui and Vi, such that for ESt < T, and then J I S J I , (2.4.12) where J A = i T 1 2 aUi aUi d d I W a a x s, o 0 s s (2.4.13) t 1. [Vi(X, s) - Vi (X, s)] [u,(x, s) - Vi (X, s)] dx ds  K.6(t). (2.4.8) with a similar representation involving J 2 and J 2 . To bound J I involves the differential equation, boundary conditions, several integrations by parts, and use of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality as follows, The proof of this theorem first uses a logarithmic convexity argument on the functional F(t) = ],' 1. WiWi dxds + (T-t+k.)u 2 , A i T 1 2 aUi ( aUi ) h S W - Uj- -l/D..Ui dxds, o 0 as aXj i T 1 2 aUi aUi l/ i T 1 aUi aUi S W _ a Uj- a dXds+- (T ) W- a _ a dxds, o 0 s Xj - E 0 0 Xj Xj 1 A Mf i T 1 2 aUi aUi <-exJ I +- W --dxds - 2 2ex 0 0 ax j ax j , l/ i T 1 aUi aUi + - (T ) W- a _ a dx ds, - E 0 0 Xj Xj where Wi = Ui - Vi, for appropriate constants k 1 and () to derive an inequal- ity of form t 1. WiWi dxds  CIIW(') 11 26 (') . (2.4.9) The bound for II W ( E) II extends the functions Ui and Vi backward from t = 0 and t = Ef(x), respectively, by gi, and denoting these extensions by Ui, Vi we observe that with IIw(E)1I = Ilw(E)II. (2.4.10) where ex is a positive constant such that ex < 2. From this inequality one may bound J I as Wi = Ui - ih, IIw(E)1I 2 S 2E J E 1 aWi aWi dxds -10 0 as as A 2 [ l/ Mf ] i T 1 aUi aUi J I <- -+- w--dxds - (2 - ex) (T - E) 2ex 0 0 aXj aXj , (2.4.14) Due to the fact that Wi (X, -E) = 0 application of a Stekloff inequality gives and the right hand side of this inequality is then bounded using integration by parts and the differential equation to find and then from this one may find IIw(E)1I 2 S 4E(h + J2), (2.4.11) i T 1 aUi aUi d d TMfm(O) w-- x s < . o 0 aXj aXj - 2l/(T - E) (2.4.15) where J = i E 1 aUi aUi d d I a a x s, o 0 s s Upon insertion of (2.4.15) in (2.4.14) a bound is established for J I which with the help of (2.4.12) leads to the required bound for J I . The analysis for J 2 is not dissimilar, but more involved. Nevertheless, Payne (1992) shows J 2 is also bounded. These bounds used in (2.4.11) together with (2.4.9) prove the theorem. and J 2 = 11 10 aVi aVi ds dx. o Ef(x) as as The J a terms are bounded by introducing T-t W=-, T-E 
70 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.5 Initial Time Geometry and Darcy's Equations 71 In this section we again describe results for an initial - time geometry prob- lem where the data are not all measured at t = 0 but over a series of curves t = Ef(x), and since we typically compute the solution assuming data given at t = 0 we need to know precisely how the solution varies with changes in the initial data curve. We describe results of Payne & Straughan (1994) who investigated the initial _ time geometry problem for the Darcy equations for flow in porous media and the extended version of Darcy's equations known as Brinkman's equations. A lucid exposition of both sets of equations is given in Nield & Bejan (1992). For the forward in time problem Payne & Straughan (1994) derive an a priori condition on the boundary and initial data such that a solution to the Darcy equations with data given on an initial - time curve t = Ef(x) satisfies a precise continuous dependence estimate in L 2 norm when compared with a solution to the same problem with initial data given at t = O. A similar continuous dependence estimate is derived for the Brinkman system. Payne & Straughan (1994) also establish continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry for the solutions to the Darcy and Brinkman equations backward in time, these being improperly posed problems. The governing equations describing the flow of fluid through anisotropic and isotropic porous media and the variety of boundary conditions which may apply are carefully detailed by Nield & Bejan (1992), and applications of such equations in penetrative convection contexts in geophysics are re- viewed by Straughan (1993). Payne & Straughan (1994) study the Darcy and Brinkman equations for flow through an isotropic solid. The Darcy equations comprise an equation of momentum, and an equa- tion of energy balance, and are Equations (2.5.1) - (2.5.3) are defined on a bounded spatial domain 0 C R 3 , the boundary of 0 being r. If the porosity, defined as the ratio of the volume of fluid to the total volume of material, is close to one, or if the flow is near a solid bound- ary Nield & Bejan (1992) argue from a physical viewpoint that the above equations should be replaced by 2.5 Continuous Dependence on the Initial - Time Geometry for Solutions to the Darcy and Brinkman Equations for Flow in Porous Media ap v' - ..\V. = -- + 9,e   aXi , ae ae -+v,-=e at  aXi ' aVi = 0 aXi ' (2.5.4) (2.5.5) (2.5.6) where ..\ is a positive viscosity coefficient. Equations (2.5.4) - (2.5.6) are called the Brinkman equations. Richardson & Straughan (1993) actually needed the extra derivative term in the Brinkman equations to establish nonlinear energy stability for the Benard convection problem in a porous medium when the viscosity of the fluid is allowed to vary with the temper- ature as it does in reality. The gravity vector is taken to be constant and such that Igi ::; 1. (2.5.7) The Initial - Time Geometry Problem for Darcy's Equations, Forward in Time To compare the solution to Darcy's equations (2.5.1) - (2.5.3) with data given at t = 0 with the corresponding solution when the data are prescribed at t = Ef(x) we let (v;,p*,e*) solve the boundary - initial value problem ap Vi = -- a + gi e , Xi (2.5.1) * ap* e * Vi =-- a +gi-, Xi av; _ 0 aXi - , ae* + v ae* = e* at  aXi ' (2.5.8) ae ae _ a + v i - a = e, (2.5.2) t Xi where Vi,P, 9i, e are velocity, pressure, gravity, and temperature, and stan- dard indicial notation together with Einstein's summation convention is employed. The fluid is incompressible, and so the velocity field satisfies the equation on 0 x (0, T), with the boundary conditions v;ni = 0, e* = h(x, t), on r x (0, T), (2.5.9) and the initial condition aVi = o. aXi (2.5.3) e*(x,o) = eo (x), XEO, (2.5.10) 
72 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.5 Initial Time Geometry and Darcy's Equations 73 8p Vi = -- 8 + 9i 8 , Xi 8Vi _ 0 8Xi - , 88 88 at + Vi 8 X i = 6.8, We again let II . II denote the norm on L 2 (0), and let L: be the surface t = Ef(x), with dS being the element of surface integration on L:. The first step is to show that 1I0(t)1I may be bounded in terms of IIO(E)II. This is done in the following theorem which requires the velocity field v; to be bounded in part a) but not in part b). where h,8 0 are prescribed functions, ni is the unit outward normal to r, and we let (Vi, p, 8) be the solution to the boundary - initial value problem (2.5.11) Theorem 2.5.1. (Payne & Straughan (1994).) a) If the velocity field v; in (2.5.1) is bounded in 0 x [0, T] then :3 a constant c which depends on T, E and the maximum of the boundary and initial data for 8 *, such that for x E 0, t > Ef(x), 1I0(t)1I 2 S cIl0(E)1I 2 , t E [t, T]. (2.5.18) 8(X,Ef(x)) = 80(x), xEO. (2.5.12) (2.5.13) b) If the data term 1) given by Vini = 0, 8 = h(x, t), x E r, t> Ef(x), 81T Ui = -- + 9i O , 8 X i 8Ui _ 0 8Xi - , 80 80 88* - +Vi- +Ui- = 6.0, 8t 8Xi 8 X i (2.5.16) k 2 A 1/2 ( {t 1 ) 1/2 ( t 1 ) 1/2 1) =16 ( c 2 + ) J o Jr h 2 dSd'rJ J o Jr h 4 1\l sh\2dSd'rJ 3 1/3 [ 8'1j; 1 ] 2/3 t 1 + :a (mx I 8n \) Jr h 6 dS + 3q J o Jr h 4 dSd'rJ [ ] 1/2 + 118;)11 (mF I  I) i h 6 dS + 2118;)1I 3 7 /3m 1 / 3 Tl/3 [( I 8'1j; I) t 1 4 2 ] 2/3 + 4(34/3 mF 8n Jo Jr h h,TJdSd'rJ m 1 / 2 Tl/2 { i + 2 02 max II h 4 1\l shl2dS I 1 [o,t] r + 9 i [bi(922)2h4( : )2 + b(g33)2h4( ::' ) 2] dB 11 [ 22 { ( 8h ) 2 2 8 2 h } + 2ft 9 18h 8s1 + 6h 8(SI )2 33 { ( 8h ) 2 2 8 2 h } + 9 18h 8s 2 + 6h 8(s2)2 + 922 ( 8933 _ 8 9 22 ) h2 8h 2 8s 1 8s 1 8s 1 +  33 ( 8922 _ 8933 ) h2 8h ] 2 dS } 2 9 8s 2 8s 2 8s 2 ' (2.5.19) We shall assume the data curve L: is such that If(x)1 s 1, x E 0, } l\lf(x) I S K, x E 0, (2.5.14) where K is a constant. Payne & Straughan (1994) assume the boundary data function h to be constant for t S E. They argue that one may add a constant to 8 without changing (2.5.1) or (2.5.3). Then one must modify the pressure gradient to the form -8(p + 9z8)/8xi' It is then sufficient to take h=O, for t S E. (2.5.15) The procedure is to define the difference solution (Ui,(J,1T) by Ui = v; - Vi, o = 8* - 8, 1T = p* - p, and then this solution satisfies the partial differential equations on 0 x (max{O, Ef(x)}, T), and it satisfies the boundary conditions satisfies the bound 1 1) ::; k 4 ' 1 (2.5.20) Uini = 0, (J = 0, on r x [E,T). (2.5.17) 
74 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.5 Initial Time Geometry and Darcy's Equations 75 if 0 is non-convex and 4 k l = 0 1 ' To establish part a) note that if vi is bounded in 0 x [0, T) then by the parabolic maximum principle, 8* ::; 8m, where 8m is the maximum value of 8* on {r x [0, Tn U {O x {O}}. Thus l u i 8*(),i dx ::; 8mll u llllV'()II, ::; 8 m ll()IIIIV'()II, where k l is a constant dependent only on 0 and is defined by 1 [ 1 6B 8B2Q2 ] k l =- 4+- ( 1+-+ ) , 0 1 Al Po Po when 0 is convex, then where (2.5.22) has been used.Upon use of the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality there follows 1I()(t)1I 2 ::; 1I()(E)1I 2 , t E [E,T). (2.5.21 ) l Ui 8 *(),i dx ::; l81I()112 + II V'() II 2 . (2.5.24) In the statement of this theorem II . 114 is the norm on L 4 (0), k, c, c, q, (3, a, 'Y, 'Yl are computable constants, 0 1 is the constant in the Sobolev inequality Inequality (2.5.24) used in (2.5.23) yields [ ] 1/4 1 [ ] 1/2 i. (Ui U i)2dx :S 11 1 i. UiUi dx + i. Ui,jUi,jdx , :t II ()II 2 ::; 811()1I2. This integrates to give m is the volume of 0, b are related to the components of the second fundamental form of the surface r, V's is the tangential derivative to r, 8 1 and 8 2 are mutually orthogonal surface coordinates on r, and 'ljJ is the function defined by 1 1I()(t)1I 2 ::; exp {28(T - E)} II ()(E) 11 2 , Vt E [E, T), (2.5.25) 'ljJ = - 1, 'ljJ =0, in O, } on r. which establishes part a). The proof of part b) is involved and we refer to Payne & Straughan for full details. However, the proof first derives an estimate for The constants Band Q are defined before inequality (2.5.30). The proofs of parts a) and b) of the theorem are here merely sketched. We commence by multiplying (2.5.16h by Ui and integrating over O. Then with the aid ofthe Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the bound (2.5.7), 1 u,8*() . dx  , o in the form lIull 2 = i. ()giUi dx, ::; 1I()lIlIull, i. Ui 8 *(),i dx ::; 1 II V'() II 118* 114 (lIV' u Il 2 + 1I()1I2) 1/2. (2.5.26) A bound for lIV'ull2 is then established and this is lIuli ::; II()II, t E [E,T). (2.5.22) lIV'ull2 ::; 411V'()1I 2 + 2B ( 3 + 2Q2 B ) 1I()1I2, Po po (2.5.27) and so, Multiplication of (2.5.16h by (), and integration over 0 leads to if 0 is non - convex, whereas if 0 is convex then  :t 11()1I 2 = -1IV'()1I 2 + l u i 8*(),i dx, t E [E, T). (2.5.23) lIV' u ll 2 ::; 211V'()1I2. (2.5.28) 
76 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry For 0 non - convex (2.5.27) is used in (2.5.26) to see that 1, Ui8* 8,i dx -S , II 'i7 81111 8* 114 [ (1+  + 4B;t ) 11 8 11 2 +411'i7 811 2 r 2 , and then Poincare's inequality 11011 2 :S l IIV'O II 2 , allows us to show that 1, Ui 8 *0,i dx :S k l Il8*1I411V' 0 1l2. (2.5.29) The constant k l is given by 1 [ 1 6B 4B2Q2 ] k l =- 4+- ( 1+-+- ) , 0 1 Al Po P5 if 0 is non-convex and 2 k l = 0 1 ' when 0 is convex, where po and Al are constants dependent on r, while Q = max lxi, o and B = sup Vb/-Lwb/-Lw . r Inequality (2.5.29) may then be employed in (2.5.23) to find 1 d 2 2 ( * ) 2 dt 11011 :s -1IV'01i 1 - k l ll8 114 . (2.5.30) Thus, if the condition 118*114 :s :1 ' holds, we may derive from (2.5.30) (2.5.31) 1I0(t) 11 2 :s IIO( E) 11 2 , t E [E, T]. (2.5.32) The remainder of the proof involves deriving an a priori estimate for 118*114 and this in turn is used in conjunction with (2.5.31) to produce a truly a priori bound. This is involved but basically shows 118*1I :s 1), 2.5 Initial Time Geometry and Darcy's Equations 77 where 1) is defined in (2.5.19). We refer to Payne & Straughan (1994) for further details. To proceed from (2.5.32) requires an analysis of the initial- time geom- etry zone, i.e. the region between t = Ef(x) and t = E. Payne & Straughan (1994) present two results which impose a weak bound for either the tem- perature gradient or velocity, but only in the small region [0, E]. These are contained in the next theorem. Theorem 2.5.2. (Payne & Straughan (1994).) a) If:3 a constant M such that 1V'8*1 :S M, Vt E [0, E], 1V'81 :S M, Vt E [Ef, E], and h ViniP dB :S M, (2.5.33) then 1I0(E)1I 2 :S KE, t E [E, T], (2.5.34) for a computable constant K. b) If :3 a constant M such that * * M 2 Vt E [0, E], 3 Vi Vi :S  ' o < w < 2' E (2.5.35) M 2 3 V'V'<- Vt E [Ef, E], o < w < 2' -Ew' then 110(E)1I 2 :S K E 3/2-w, t E [E, T]. (2.5.36) The proofs are not given in detail but commence by observing that 8*(x, E) = 8(x, 0) + foE e1]d'f], 8(x, E) = 8o(x, El(x)) + (E 8,1]dry, JEf(x) and so, IIO(E)11 2 = [ ( r 81]dry - 1 E 8,1]dry) 2 dx, Jo Jo Ef(x) :S 3E(J l + J2), (2.5.37) where J l and J 2 are given by, Jl = foE 10 8*2,1] dx dry, (2.5.38) 
78 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry and J 2 = ( 1 E 81] &1] dx. Jo. Ef(x) The proof shows J 1 and J2 may be bounded by data and then a combination of (2.5.32) and (2.5.37) shows that IIB(E)11 2 may be bounded by E which is the continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry estimate sought. For further details of the proof of part a) we refer to Payne & Straughan (1994) . The proof of part b) given by Payne & Straughan (1994) begins with the triangle inequality to see that (2.5.39) IIB(E)H ::; 118*(E) - 8 0 11 + 118(E) - 8 0 11. (2.5.40) The estimate for 118(E) - 8 0 11 is trickier and only this is treated. We write 118(E) - 8 0 11 2 = r (8 - 8 0 ) 1 10  (8 - 8 0 ) dtdx, Jo. Ef(x) at = { (8 - 8 0 ) [1 10 (8 - Vi8,i)dry ] dx, Jo. €Of (x) where in the last line substitution has been made from the differential equation. Next an integration by parts observing 8 = 0 on r for t ::; E, followed by use of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality gives 118(E) - 8 0 11 2 = - {(8 - 8 0 ),i [1 10 (8,i - Vi8)dry ] dx, Jo. €Of (x) ( 1 ) 1/2 { 11 10 1/2 ::; E (1 - f)I\7(8 - 8 0 ) 1 2 dx [ 1\781 2 dry dx] 0, 0, €Of (x) 11 10 1/2 } + [ Vi V i 82d rydx], 0, €Of (x) { 11 10 1/2 ::; (2E)1/211\7(8 - 8 0 )11 [ 1\781 2d rydx] 0, €Of (x) 11 10 1/2 } + [ ViVi82dry dx] , 0, €Of (x) (2.5.41) where If I ::; 1, has been used. To continue from (2.5.41) note that for Ef ::; t ::; E, 2.5 Initial Time Geometry and Darcy's Equations 79 11\7(8(t) - 8 0 )11 2 = r 1 t a a 1\7(8 - 8 0 )1 2 drydx Jo. €Of (x) ry - h (8 - 8 0 ),i(8 - 8 0 ),i n t dB, = 2 { 1 t (8 - 8 0 ),i(8 - 80),i1] dry dx Jo. €Of (x) -  (8 - 8 0 ),i(8 - 80),int dB, and so substitution from the differential equation and integration by parts leads to 1I\7(8(t) - 8 0 ) 11 2 = 2 h (8 - 8 0 ),i(8 - 8 0 ),t n i dB - h (8 - 8 0 ),i(8 - 8 0 ),i n t dB -2 r 1 t 81]drydx-2 r 1 t 8,1]Vi8,idrydx Jo. €Of (x) Jo. €Of (x) + 2 ( 1 t 8,1]80drydx. Jo. €Of (x) By rearrangment and use of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the arith- metic - geometric mean inequality together with the bounds (2.5.35) one may then establish IIv(e(t) - eo) 11 2 ::; J" [ :n (8 - 80)]' ni1t;"" dB + 22 ( 1 t 1\7(8 - 80)1 2 drydx E Jo. €Of (x) + 4M 2 E 1 - w ll\78 0 12 dX + 2E k (80)2dx. (2.5.42) Put now <I>(t) = r l t 1\7(8 - 8 0 ) 1 2 dry dx, Jo. Ef(x) and Q = 4M2ll\78012dX + 2E w l (80)2dx. 
80 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry From (2.5.42) we note that since the first term on the right of inequality (2.5.42) is non-positive we may discard it to find 2M 2 <Ii ::; -z:;- 4> + E 1 - w Q, E (2.5.43) and an integration of this yields lj t Qe4M2 1\7(8 - 80)1 2 d7J dx::; 2M2 E, n €f(x) (2.5.44) and so from (2.5.43) 1I\7(8(E) - 8 0 )11 2 ::; QE 1 - w , (2.5.45) where Q is a data term which may be chosen independently of E. Note also that from use of the triangle inequality and estimate (2.5.44) we see that ( r j € . 1\7812d7J dX ) 1/2 ::; ( r j € 1\7(8 _ 80)12d7J dX ) 1/2 in €f(x) in €f(x) + ( r j € 1\78012d7J dX ) 1/2, in €f(x)  ,'/ 2 [ V e;' + 2 (J., 1\78 0 1 2 dx t']. (2.5.46) To handle the last term on the right of (2.5.41) the restrictions of the theorem, i.e. (2.5.35), are used to find (lj € ) 1/2 M [ lj € 1/2 ViVi82d7J dx ::; w/2 ( 18 - 80\2d7J dx) n €f(x) E n €f(x) + (2, J., 86 dx t'l (2.5.47) Also r j € (8 - 80)2d7Jdx = - r j € (8 - 80)2(E -7J),'f/d7Jdx, in €f(x) in €f(x) li € 88 = 2 (8 - 8 0 )- (E - ry)d7J dx, n €f(x) 817 = 2 r j € (8 - 8 0 ){ (8 - 8 0 ) in €f(x) 2.5 Initial Time Geometry and Darcy's Equations 81 - vi(8 - 8 0 ),i + 80 - v i 8 0 ,i }(E -7J)d7J dx = - 2 r j € (E - 17)(8 - 8 0 ),i(8 - 80),id7J dx, in €f(x) + 2 r j € (E - 17)(8 - 80)(80 - Vi80,i)d7J dx. in €f Hence, dropping a non-positive term on the right and use of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality leads to r j € (8 _ 80)2d7J dx ::; 4 E3/2 ( r (80)2dX ) 1/2 in €f(x) V:3 in x ( r j € (8 _ 80)2d7J dX ) 1/2, in €f(x) + 4 JIM ,3/2- w I2 (J., (\78 0 )2dx ) 1/ 2 x ( r j € (8 _ 80)2d7J dX ) 1/2. in €f(x) Thus (J., 1; ex) (e - 8 0 ) 2 d1) dx ) '/ 2  4 JI ,3/ 2 (J., (il80)' dx ) '/ 2 + 4JI M ,3/2- w I2 (J., (\78 0 )'dX) 1 /2 , and then from (2.5.47) we find (lj € ) 1/2 M v.v'8 2 d'l1 dx < - ( L E1/2 + L E 3 / 2 - W / 2 )   '/ _ w/2 1 2 , n €f(x) E (2.5.48) where L , = ..J2(J., 86 dx t 2 , L 2 = 4MJI(J., 1\78012dxt2 The bounds (2.5.45), (2.5.46) and (2.5.48) are next used in (2.5.41) to obtain J., (8(E) - 8 0 )2 dx::; (2E)1/2Q1/2 E 1/2-W/2(QE 1 / 2 + L 1 E1/2-w/2 + L 2 E 3 / 2 - w ), ::; kE 3 / 2 - w , (2.5.49) 
82 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry for a computable constant k. A similar estimate may be produced for 118*(E) - 8011. Then use of the two bounds in (2.5.40) establishes the theorem. The Initial Time Geometry Problem for Brinkman's Equations, Forward in Time To compare the solution to Brinkman's equations (2.5.4) - (2.5.6) where the data are given at t = 0 with the corresponding solution for data given at t = Ef(x) we compare the solution to the following boundary - initial value problem: V - )..V = - 8p* + 9. 8 *   8 X i  , 8v1 - 0 8 X i - , 88* * 88* _ 8* 8t + Vi 8 X i - , on 0 x (0, T), for some positive time T, (2.5.50) V; = 0, 8* = h(x, t), on r x (0, T), (2.5.51) (2.5.52) 8*(x,0) = 80(x), x E 0, for h,8 0 prescribed, with the corresponding solution to the boundary - initial value problem 8p Vi - )..Vi = -- 8 + 9i 8 , Xi 8 V i _ 0 8Xi - , 88 88 - + V.- = 8 at  8 X i ' (2.5.53) for x E 0, t > Ef(x), Vi = 0, 8 = h(x, t), x E r, t > Ef(x), (2.5.54) (2.5.55) 8(x, Ef(x)) = 80(x), Payne & Straughan (1994) again assume x E O. If(x)\ :S 1, x E 0, } l\lf(x)1 :S K, x EO, for K a constant, and take the boundary data function h to be h = 0 for t:S E. 2.5 Initial Time Geometry and Darcy's Equations 83 The difference solution (Ui, (), 1r) for the Brinkman equations satisfies the partial differential equations 81r u. - )..U. = -- + 9'()   8Xi , 8Ui _ 8 =0, Xi 8() 8() 88* _ 8 +vi- 8 +ui- 8 =(), t Xi Xi (2.5.56) on 0 x [E, T), with Ui = 0, () = 0, on r x [E, T). (2.5.57) The following theorem of Payne & Straughan (1994) shows that 1I()(t)1I may be bounded in terms of II()(E)II. They firstly require v1 to be bounded but then give a result which does not. It is important to realize that unlike the situation for Darcy's equations the following theorem is valid for all data. Theorem 2.5.3. (Payne & Straughan (1994).) a) If the velocity field v; in (2.5.50) is bounded in n x [0, T] then :3 a constant c which depends on T, E and the maximum of the boundary and initial data for 8*, such that 1I()(t)1I 2 :S CIl()(E)11 2 , (2.5.58) t E [E,T]. b) There exists a constant Cl depending only on E, T, 0 and the data such that 1I()(t)1I 2 :s Cl II ()(E) 11 2 , (2.5.59) t E [E,T]. We observe that the proof of part a) is identical to that of part a) for the Darcy model. Payne & Straughan (1994) give two analyses for part b). The first com- mences with the equation 1d l 2 2 r * 2 dt I()II = -1I\l()1I + in 8 Ui(),i dx, which extends as   1I()1I2 :S -1I\l()1I 2 + 118*1I4I1 u Il411\l()II. We refer the reader to Payne & Straughan (1994) for details of the remain- der of this proof. 
84 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.5 Initial Time Geometry and Darcy's Equations 85 The second proof of part b) given by Payne & Straughan (1994) starts with and then commence with the identity,  :t 11 0 11 2 = _11\7011 2 - L 8iUiO dx. r (8* _ R)( 88* + v; 88* 8*)dx = o. io 8t 8Xi (2.5.63) Use of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality gives From this expression Payne & Straughan (1994) are able to show that lI\7u11 2  4\ 11011 2 . lIe*1I2 + Io' II Ve*112 d 1):S  lie;; 11 2 + L Re* dx - L &:,e;; dx 10' L R,,8*dxd1)+ 10' i h  dBd1) + k21o'IIe*1I2d1), (2.5.64)  :t 11011 2  _11\7011 2 + 11\78* IIIIull411 0 lk For the Brinkman system one can bound II\7ull in terms of 11011 and this is of enormous benefit, i.e. The Sobolev inequality together with Poincare's inequality and the above bound for lI\7ull 2 show that and then upon use of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality they show  :t 11011 2  _11\7011 2 + 4A 1 0i (1 +  ) 11\78*1111 0 1111\7011. (2.5.60) Io'lIve* 1I2 d1) :S k21o'IIe*112d1) + data. (2.5.65) Part b) of the theorem follows by estimating J 118*11 2 ds in terms of data. Payne & Straughan (1994) then utilize the results of the last theorem to establish continuous dependence of the solution to Brinkman's equations on the initial time geometry. Their results are given in the next theorem whose proof we do not include. The Dirichlet integral term may be removed from the last term by using the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality to find :t " OIl2  AII\78*1I 2 11 0 11 2 , (2.5.61) Theorem 2.5.4. (Payne & Straughan (1994).) a) If :3 a constant M such that where 1 ( AI + 1 ) 2 A= 32A 2 0i  . After integration this inequality yields * * M 2 Vi Vi  --;;;- , E M 2 ViVi  --;;;- , E '\It E [0, E], 3 o < w < 2' 3 0< w < 2' (2.5.66) '\It E [E f (x), E], 1I0(t)1I 2 :s exp (A [lIve* 1I2 d1)) 110«)11 2 (2.5.62) then Completion of the a priori bound needs an estimate of IIO(E)11 2  KE3/2-W, b) If :3 a constant M such that t E [E, T] . (2.5.67) [lIve* 1I2 d1) if; 1I\78*IIdt  M, 1\781  M, '\It E (tf(x), E], and  ViniP dB :S M,  ViVi,jnj dB :S M, (2.5.68) in terms of data. To achieve this we introduce the function R which satisfies R=O, R=h, in 0, on r, then IIO(E)11 2  KE, t E [E, T], (2.5.69) 
86 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry for a computable constant K. The Initial Time Geometry Problem for Darcy and Brinkman's Equations, Backward in Time Payne & Straughan (1994) also carry out analyses analogous to those for the forward in time problem but when time is taken negative. They change t to -t and thus for Darcy's equations consider the problems * 8p* 8 * v' =--+9i- ,  8 X i 8vi _ 0 8 X i - , 88* 88* - = v'7'- - b..8* 8t  8 X i ' (2.5.70) on 0 x (0, T), on r x (O,T), (2.5.71) (2.5.72) v;ni = 0, 8* = h(x, t), 8*(x,0) = 80(x); xE 0, where h, 8 0 are prescribed functions, and 8p Vi = -- + 9i 8 , 8 X i 8Vi = 0 8 X i ' 88 88 - = v'- - b..8 8t  8 X i ' (2.5.73) for x E 0, t> Ef(x), Vini = 0, 8 = h(x, t), x E r, t > Ef(x), (2.5.74) (2.5.75) 8(x, Ef(x)) = 80(x), xEO. The analogous problems for the Brinkman system of equations are V'7' _ Ab..V'7' = - 8p* + 9i 8 *,   8Xi 8v; = 0, 8 X i 88* = '7' 88* _ b..8* 8t v 8 X i ' (2.5.76) 2.5 Initial Time Geometry and Darcy's Equations 87 on 0 x (0, T) , v; = 0, 8* = h(x, t), on r x (0, T), (2.5.77) 8*(x,0) = 80(x); x EO, (2.5.78) for h, 8 0 prescribed functions, and for the problem with data given on t = Ef(x), v' - Ab..V' = - 8p + 9,8   8Xi , 8 V i --0 8 X i - , 88 88 - = V'- - b..8 8t  8Xi ' (2.5.79) for x E 0, t > Ef(x), Vi = 0, 8 = h(x, t), x E r, t > Ef(x), (2.5.80) 8(x, Ef(x)) = 80(x), x E O. (2.5.81) The difference solution (Ui,(},1r) for equations (2.5.70) - (2.5.75) solves 81r Ui = -- 8 + 9iJ, Xi 8 U i _ 8 =0, Xi 8(} 8B 88* 8t = Vi 8Xi + Ui 8 X i - b..B, (2.5.82) on 0 x [E, T), and Uini = 0, () = 0, on r x [E, T). (2.5.83) Payne & Straughan (1994) assume the solutions belong to the constraint set which satisfies 1\78* I :S M, Ivl :S M, (2.5.84) where M is a known bound. They use a logarithmic convexity method as a first part in establishing continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry and the result of this is given in the theorem below. Theorem 2.5.5. (Payne & Straughan (1994).) Let (Vi, p, 8) and (vi ,p*, 8*) be solutions to (2.5.73) - (2.5.75) and (2.5.70) - (2.5.72), respectively, which lie in the class governed by the constraint (2.5.84). Provided iT IIOIl 2 d1) :": C, 
88 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry for C known, then the difference solution () satisfies t 11911 2 d'T/ S K(T - e + k,j'-Q 1J9(e) 11 2 (1-Q) , t E [e, T), (2.5.85) where Q, K, k 1 are computable constants with 0 ::; Q < 1. The above theorem is employed to derive a continuous dependence on the initial- time geometry result. This is contained in the following theorem. Theorem 2.5.6. (Payne & Straughan (1994).) If in addition to the constraints (2.5.84) we have IV81 ::; M, in t E [Ef, E], (2.5.86) then t 11911 2 d'T/ S Ce 2 (1-Q), where C is a computable constant. t E [E, T), (2.5.87) Payne & Straughan (1994) also extend the above results to a solution to the Brinkman system of equations, backward in time. 2.6 Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry Thus far in this chapter we have considered problems where errors have been made in the geometry where the initial data are measured. However, there is another very important class of problem involving geometric errors, namely that of estimating changes in the solution when the boundary itself changes. A study of continuous dependence on changes in the spatial ge- ometry is of much practical importance in numerical analysis. For instance in a finite element analysis of a problem for a partial differential equation on an irregular shaped domain one typically approximates the boundary by a series of intersecting planes, or in a two - dimensional problem the region is triangulated and the boundary is approximated by straight lines. One can ask if the solution on the triangulated region depends continuously on changes of the domain from the original shape. The first study of continuous dependence on the spatial geometry in improperly posed problems was by Crooke & Payne (1984) who investigated the behavior of the solution to the backward heat equation under changes of the spatial boundary itself. 2.6 Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry 89 We begin our account with an exposition of work of Payne (1987b) on continuous dependence on the spatial geometry for a solution to the heat equation forward in time. Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry for a Solution to the Heat Equation, Forward in Time Let now 0 1 and D 2 be bounded regions in Rn with boundaries r 1 and r 2 , respectively. Denote by 0 the domain 0= 0 1 n O 2 , (2.6.1) and suppose the origin is selected in O. The domains 0 1 and O 2 are through- out supposed star shaped with respect to an interior origin. The situation is depicted in figure 2. Figure 2. Geometry of the Domains 0 1 and O 2 . In order to compare the solution to the heat equation on a given domain with the equivalent solution when the domain is slightly altered, Payne 
em 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry (19870) studies the case where u solves the boundary - initial value problem au at = u, in 0 1 X (0, T), (2.6.2) u = 0, on r 1 x [O,T), u(x,O) = 91(X), X E 0 1 , and v solves the boundary - initial value problem av -=v, at in O 2 X (0, T), (2.6.3) v = 0, on r 2 x [O,T), v(x,O) = 92(X), X E O 2 . For simplicity he restricts attention to the case where 91 == 92 on O. Thus on 0 x (0, T) the difference function w = u - v satisfies aw -=w, at (2.6.4) with w(x,O) = 0, xE O. The next step is to use an a priori inequality for which a solution to (2.6.4) which is zero at t = 0 satisfies Ilw(t)1I2  k t 1 w 2 (x,s) dAds, i 0 Iao (2.6.5) where II . II here denotes the £2(0) norm, ao is the boundary of 0, dA denotes integration over ao, and k depends only on O. To complete a continuous dependence on geometry estimate requires a bound for the right hand side of (2.6.5). To this end Crooke & Payne (1984) have shown that one may compute a constant c such that t 1 w 2 (x, s) dA ds  co [ t r I \l u 1 2 dx ds io o io i0 1 + l' L, I'VV I2 dxdS] . (2.6.6) The number fJ in (2.6.6) is a measure of the departure of O 2 from f2 1 . If one allows a radius arm originating at the origin to rotate through 360 0 then 0 is essentially the maximum distance from r 2 to r 1 on this radius, cf. figure 2. 2.6 Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry 91 Let II . 1\1 denote the £2(0 1 ) norm then multiplication of (2.6.2h by Ut and integration by parts shows 1 d 2 1 ( aU ) 2 "2 dt II \l u 111 = - at dx , 01 (2.6.7) but by the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality _ ( r u  dX ) 2  -llull i r ( U ) 2 dx , i0 1 i0 1 t and so from (2.6.7) 1 d 2 ( r au ) 2 / 2 "2 dt II \lu II 1  - i0 1 U at dx Ilulh, = _ (/." ut.Udx) 2 /llu lli , using the differential equation, and then after a further integration by parts 1d / "2 dt II \lull i  -1I\lulit lIulli. (2.6.8) But from Poincare's inequality -1I\lulli  -A1l1ulli , where Al is the least eigenvalue in the membrane problem for 0 1 . Hence we find from (2.6.8) d dt lI\lulli  -211\lulli, and this integrates to show lI\lulli  1I\l9111i e- 2A1t . (2.6.9) An analogous calculation for v establishes that lI\lvll  1I\l9211 e- 2 (31t, (2.6.10) where II . 112 denotes the norm on £2(0 2 ) and /31 is the least eigenvalue in the membrane problem for f2 2 . Estimates (2.6.9) and (2.6.10) in (2.6.6), together with (2.6.5) lead to IIw(t)1I 2  Ke-p,t 0, (2.6.11) 
92 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry for K, Jl positive constants. This inequality establishes continuous depen- dence on the spatial geometry. Result (2.6.11) is due to Payne (1987b). Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry for a Solution to the Heat Equation, Backward in Time The analysis of the subtitle is contained in the paper of Crooke & Payne (1984) which began the study of continuous dependence on the spatial geometry. This is a somewhat technically involved paper making heavy use of a variety of ingenious a priori estimates. A very brief account is given here. Let u be a solution to the boundary - initial value problem au at = -u, in rh x (0, T), u = h, on r 1 x [O,T), u(x,O) = 91(X), x E rh, whereas v is a solution to the boundary - initial value problem av at = -v, in rb x (0, T), v = 12, on r2 x [O,T), v(x,O) = 92(X), X E rb. Define w = u - v, and then the paper of Crooke & Payne (1984) shows how one may derive a bound of form t { w 2 dx ds S {2t 1 w 2 dA ds + data. (2.6.14) Jo Jo J o Jao They further show how to develop an inequality like (2.6.12) (2.6.13) (10' in w 2 dA dB) '/2 :<; (10' in (1, - M dA dB) 1/2 + h ' / 2 (10' in, I V' ul 2 dx dB + 10' in, lV'vl 2 dx dB) 1/2, (2.6.15) where A,}2 are extensions of hand 12 to the boundary an. For example, if we consider a piece of an which coincides with r 2 then A is the value of h on r 1 but projected along a radius arm to its equivalent position on r 2 . Fur- ther bounds demonstrate that J J0 1 IVul 2 dx ds may be estimated in terms of boundary integrals of h and its derivatives and lIullI and J;t lIuliIds. The constraint set of Crooke & Payne (1984) is those functions which satisfy { u 2 dx S M?, J0 1 ' 1 v2dx < M 2 - 2' 02 2.6 Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry 93 and thus they bound t { IVul 2 dxds and J o J0 1 t r IVvl 2 dx ds. J o J0 2 This estimate together with (2.6.15) in (2.6.14) leads to an inequality of form l' in w 2 dx dB :<; k , in (91 - 92)2dx + k 2 t 1 (}1 - }2)2dA ds J 0 Jao + k3 b1 / 2 , (2.6.16) where k1"'" k3 may be calculated according to the recipe in Crooke & Payne (1984), and may depend on the constraint set. Estimate (2.6.16) is the inequality which establishes continuous depen- dence on the spatial geometry for a solution to the backward heat equation. Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry for a Solution to the Heat Equation Backward in Time with Prescribed Neumann Boundary Data When the Dirichlet data of (2.6.12) and (2.6.13) are changed to Neumann data the equivalent problems are au 0,1 x (0, T), - = -u In at ' au r 1 x [0, T), (2.6.17) a=h, on n1 u(x,O) = 91(X), X E 0,1, and av 0,2 x (0, T), - = -v in at ' av r 2 x [0, T), (2.6.18) a=h, on n2 v(x,O) = 92(X), X E 0,2. where n1 and n2 denote the unit outward normals to r 1 and r2, respec- tively. Persens (1986) established continuous dependence on spatial geom- etry for solutions to (2.6.17) and (2.6.18). He supposed the solutions lie in the class governed by the constraint set [ (in, u 2 dx + in, V 2 dx) dB :<; M 2 
94 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry If w = u - v, then the type of result established by Persens (1986) has form faT L w 2 dx ds :S: k,I19' - 9211 + k 2 + k 3 0 + k 4 0", {4t { (11 _ !2)2dA ds J 0 Jr 1 (2.6.19) where k i again depend on the constraint, and the number 0" is here a mea- sure of the maximum deviation between the directions of n1 and n2 at suitably defined "equivalent" points. Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry for a Solution to the Heat Equation Backward in Time with Dirichlet Boundary Data, but when Oi are Time Dependent Persens (1986) also considers the spatial geometry problem for (2.6.12) and (2.6.13), but he allows the actual spatial domains to vary in time, i.e. 0 1 = 0 1 (t), O 2 = 02(t). The sort of result achieved by Persens (1986) is of form (2.6.16) as estab- lished by Crooke & Payne (1984) when Oi are not time dependent. Payne (1987a) remarks that Persens (1986) analysis encounters surprisingly little difficulty beyond that faced by Crooke & Payne (1984), a fact which is somewhat remarkable. Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry for a Solution to the Heat Equation Backward in Time on an Unbounded Exterior Region Payne & Straughan (1994b) (see also Payne & Straughan (1990a) tackle the equivalent problem to that of Crooke & Payne (1984), i.e. they inves- tigate the behavior of solutions to (2.6.12) and (2.6.13), but 0 1 and O 2 are now unbounded regions, each being exterior to a bounded region 0i, O 2 in R n. They define 0= 0 1 n O 2 , and set w = u - v but due to the nature of the unbounded region they work with a weighted £2 integral over O. The weight is necessary in order to avoid imposition of solution decay at infinity. To establish their result Payne & Straughan (1994b) first transform w to a function which vanishes at t = 0, namely </>(x, t) = l' w(x, s)ds, 2.6 Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry 95 and then </.> satisfies the boundary - initial value problem 8</.> 8t + 6.</.> = 91 </> = fa' w ds, </.>(x,O) = 0, 92, in 0 x (0, T), on 80 x [0, T], (2.6.20) xE O. The main steps in the analysis of Payne & Straughan (1994b) are now outlined. Firstly an auxiliary function H (x, t) is defined so that 8H _ 6.H = 0 8t ' H=</.>, on H(x,O) = 0, in 0 x (0, T), 80 x [0, T], xEO. (2.6.21 ) Then another transformed variable 'ljJ is introduced which is zero on both 80 and initially, so that 'ljJ(x, t) = </.>(x, t) - H(x, t) satisfies 8'ljJ 8 H 7ft + 6.'ljJ = -27ft + 91 - 92, 'ljJ = 0, on 80 x [0, T], 'ljJ(x,O) = 0, x E O. in 0 x (0, T), (2.6.22) The basic continuous dependence result of Payne & Straughan (1994b) derives an inequality for the weighted norm fa' L e-ar(u - v)2dxds, for a constant a to be selected. The analysis begins with the triangle inequality to find ( t r ) 1/2 ( t r 8'ljJ 2 ) 1/2 Jo Jf! C ar (u-v)2dxds S; Jo Jf! e-ar( aJ dxds ( r { 8H 2 ) 1/2 + Jo In e- ar ( a;) dx ds . (2.6.23) 
96 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.6 Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry 97 The constraint set of Payne & Straughan (1994b) which is natural for an unbounded domain problem (and is weaker than £2 integrability) consists of those functions u, v such that and In e- ar (91 92)2dx, and then derives an inequality of form sup lul + sup Iv I ::; M. 01 x [o,T] 02 x [o,T] (2.6.24) fo2' In e -ar 1jJ2 dx ds S F (fo8' i" (U-V)2 dA ds , sp [9. - 9212 ), (2.6.28) After (2.6.23) the method proceeds via five stages which are now out- lined. Stage 1. Here an a priori bound is derived of form l t l 8H 2 l t i e- ar (- 8 ) dx ds ::; k 1 (u - v)2dA ds, ° 0 s ° 80 (2.6.25) where the functional form of F may have a variety of forms. Stage 4. This is a modification of the equivalent stage in the proof of Crooke & Payne (1984) and derives a bound for {8t 1 (u _ v)2dA ds J ° J80 for an explicit constant k 1 . Stage 2. This stage derives an inequality of form in terms of {8t 1 (h _ J2)2dA ds Jo Jr 1 t { 8'ljJ 2 {2t { J o Jo e- ar ( 8s ) dx ds ::; k2 Jo Jo e- ar 'ljJ2dx ds +k3 f In e-ar(  rdxds + k41n e- ar (91 - 92)2 dx, (2.6.26) and the geometry variation measure O. Here J2 is an extension of h to r 1 and 0 is essentially the measure of the variation of 0 1 and 02 described earlier. Stage 5. The procedure of the final stage is to combine stages 1 to 4 and determine a continuous dependence estimate of form where here and henceforth the constants K i are all explicitly computable. Stage 3. This stage is quite interesting and involves use of the Lagrange identity method to bound t {e-ar(u-v)2dxds::;C1 {T 1 (h-J2)2dAdt Jo Jo Jo Jr 1 C2{ <>. foT i, (/1 - iddAdt + <>26 + [<>3 ([ i, (J. - i2)2dAdt + <>46) 2 ] 1/2 } 1/3 a5 sup 191 - 9212 , (2.6.29) xEO and then uses (2.6.25) to show that lln e-ar(  rdxds SKI f In e- ar 1jJ 2 dxds + K2 {2t 1 (u _ v)2dAds J 0 J80 + K31n e- ar (91 - 92)2dx, (2.6.27) fo2' In e- ar 1jJ 2 dx ds where C1, C2, a1,"', a5 are computable constants which depend on the geometry, the constant a, and on the constraint set bound. If the right hand side of (2.6.29) is denoted by F, we may observe F is a data term involving O. For S(R) being the ball B(O, R) center 0, radius R (supposing R is sufficiently large that 0 C B(O, R)) an unweighted estimate may be produced which has form in terms of <> foSt In e- ar 1jJ 2 dxds, {8t 1 (u _ v)2dA ds, J ° J80 { { (u v)2dxds::;e aR F. 10' 1 S(R) (2.6.30) 
98 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry 2.6 Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry 99 The constant a is chosen by minimizing the right hand side of (2.6.30). The estimates (2.6.29) or (2.6.30) were derived by Payne & Straughan (1994b) and establish continuous dependence of the solution to the back- ward heat equation on changes in the geometry when Oi are unbounded exterior regions. depends on changes in O 2 from 01, supposing the region of difference of domains (0 1 u O 2 ) n Oc is small. To make the analysis not overly complicated Payne (1994) also supposes that fi(X) == 9i(X), in O. Analysis of Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry for Solutions to the Navier - Stokes Equations Thus far in this chapter we have described work on continuous dependence on the spatial geometry for problems involving linear partial differential equations. As we pointed out in the sections on continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry many real life situations involve nonlinear par- tial differential equations and so it is natural to expect the development of analyses of continuous dependence on the spatial geometry for such nonlin- ear equations. To date we are aware of only one such investigation, that of Payne (1994) who establishes continuous dependence on the spatial geom- etry for a solution to the improperly posed problem of the Navier - Stokes equations backward in time. The area of continuous dependence on the spatial geometry for nonlinear partial differential equations is one which could profitably be developed in the future. We now include an account of Payne's (1994) work. He again chooses two intersecting, but not equal, spatial domains 01, 02( C R3) with C 1 boundaries r 1 and r 2 . Suppose Ui is a solution to the boundary - initial value problem aUi aUi ap _ at = Uj- - V£1Ui + -, in 0 1 x (O,T), aXj aXi aUi _ 0 0 ( ) aXi -, in 1 x 0, T , (2.6.31) Ui = 0, on r 1 x [O,T], Ui(X,O) = fi(X), X E 0 1 , while Vi solves an analogous problem on O 2 , i.e. aVi aVi aq _ a = Vj- a - V£1Vi + _ a ' in O 2 x (O,T), t Xj Xi aVi _ 0 in 0 ( 0 T ) aXi - , 2 X , , Vi = 0, on r 2 x [0, T], Vi (X, 0) = 9i(X), X E O 2 . The constraint sets of Payne (1994) are M1 and M2 defined below. A function Ti E M1 if:3 a constant M1 such that sup TiTi::; M'f, Olx(O,T) (2.6.33) whereas a function Ti E M2 if:3 a constant M 2 such that sup [TiTi + Ti,jTi,j + Ti,tTi,t] ::; M. O 2 X (O,T) (2.6.34) Payne (1994) remarks that by a more careful analysis one could weaken these constraint sets. He develops a continuous dependence estimate for the function lo' (t - sf in WiWi dxds. If we put n = p - q the function Wi(X, t) satisfies the boundary - initial value problem aWi aWi aVi an - =u,-+w'- -V£1Wi+-' at J aXj J ax} aXi aWi = 0, in 0 x (0, T), aXi Wi = Ui - Vi, on ao x [0, T], Wi (X, 0) = 0, x EO. in 0 x (0, T), (2.6.35) (2.6.32) Payne's (1994) analysis is very technical and involves a logarithmic convex- ity argument. We only provide a very brief outline plus a statement of the final result. The inhomogeneous boundary data cause a problem and so the first step is to transform to a function which has zero boundary data. To do this Payne (1994) introduces an auxiliary function Hi which Vt E (0, T) solves the linear problem Wi = Ui - Vi, v£1H i = as aH i - 0 in 0, aXi ' aXi - , Hi(x, t) = Wi (X, t), on ao. (2.6.36) The object is again to study how a measure of 
100 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry Since (2.6.36) has a unique solution Payne (1994) then concludes Hi == wi on n for t = 0, and so Hi (x, 0) = 0, xEn. (2.6.37) He then sets 'l/Ji = Wi - Hi, and the function 'ljJi satisfies the boundary - initial value problem a'IjJi a'IjJi aVi a p - = Uj- + 'ljJj- -l/b.'ljJi + - + Li, at aXj aXj aXi a'IjJi _ 0 in n x (0, T), aXi - , 'ljJi = 0, on an x [0, T], 'ljJi(X,O) = 0, x En, in n x (0, T), (2.6.38) where P = 1f - Sand L i is defined by aH i aH i aVi Li=--+u.-+H'-, at J aXj J aXj The triangle inequality is used to see that [ t { ] 1/2 [ t ] 1/2 10 (t - S)2 In WiWi dx ds <:; 10 (t - S)2 in ,pi,pi dx ds [ t ] 1/2 + 1 (t-s)2l HiHidxds , and the analysis consists of bounding the two expressions on the right hand side. The continuous dependence on the spatial geometry result is given in the following theorem. Theorem 2.6.1. (Payne (1994).) If Ui(X, t) E M 1 and Vi (x, t) E M2 then it is possible to compute an explicit constant K and a function a(t), with 0 < a(t) :::; 1, a and K being independent of Ui and Vi, such that \It E [0, T), 1o'(t - S)2 in wiwidxds <:; K6 a , (2.6.39) where 0 is the maximum distance along a ray between r 1 and r 2 . 2.6 Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry 101 We close this chapter with a brief account of the only other studies of continuous dependence on the spatial geometry of which we are aware; these are again for linear partial differential equations. Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry for Solutions to Poisson's Equation Persens (1986) studied solutions u, V which solve b.u = FI, u=h, au an = 91, in n 1 , on I: 1 , on I: 1 , and in n 2 , on I: 2 , b.v = F 2 , v=f2, av an = 92, on I:2' where I: 1 is a smooth piece of r 1 and I: 2 is a smooth piece of r 2 . The two sets of data are given on only a piece of the respective boundaries. The result of Persens (1986) involves a suitably defined sub domain n k of the "common" domain n and essentially states { (u - v)2dx :::; K(al E2 + a201/2)I-a, ink where aI, a2, K are constants, a is a constant with 0 :::; a :::; 1, E is an estimate of the error in an L 2 norm of an extension of the Cauchy data, and 0 is as before a measure of the geometric error in variation between n 1 and n 2 . Continuous Dependence on the Spatial Geometry in Linear Elastodynamics This work is again due to Persens (1986) who does not require any definite- ness of the elastic coefficients. He compares the solutions to the boundary - initial value problems, a2Ui a ( aUk ) p(x) at 2 = aXj aijkh aXh ' Ui = fl, on r 1 x [0, T], Ui(X,O) = 9;(X), x E nI, aUi ( ) 1 ( ) () at x,O = hi X , x E .HI, in n 1 x (0, T), 
102 2. Continuous Dependence on Geometry and 3 a 2 Vi a ( aVk ) p(x) at 2 = aXj aijkh aXh ' Vi = fl, on r 2 x [0, T), Vi (x, 0) = gT(X), x E n 2 , aVi ( ) 2 ( ) () at x, 0 = hi X , x E .H.2. The elastic coefficients are not supposed sign definite but are required to satisfy the major symmetry in n 2 x (0, T), Continuous Dependence on Modeling Backward in Time aij kh = akhij . 3.1 Singular Perturbation in Improperly Posed Problems Persens' (1986) technique involves use of the Lagrange identity method and the constraint set requires Ui E H 2 (n 1 ), Vi E H 2 (n 2 ). The basic result of Persens (1986) which establishes continuous dependence on the spatial geometry has form 1.' in p(X)(Ui - Vi)(Ui - Vi) dx ds :'0 k,E, + k 2 E 2 + k 3 81/2, The task of stabilizing ill posed problems against errors made in formulating the mathematical model of a physical process is a difficult one, primarily because it is not possible to characterize precisely errors such as those made in treating a physical quantity as a continuum, in assuming inexact physical laws, or in approximating the model equation. Recalling that it is usually necessary to constrain the solution to an ill posed problem in order to recover continuous dependence on various types of data, we also observe that such stabilizing constraints should not only be realizable and as weak as possible, but also should simultaneously stabilize the problem against all possible sources of error. If these errors are hard to characterize, the job of determining the appropriate constraints is compounded. In this chapter we shall illustrate the difficulties involved in attempting to regularize problems against these modeling errors, and we commence with a study of a class of singularly perturbed partial differential equations. It is perhaps worth noting at this juncture, that continuous dependence on modeling has also been referred to in the literature as structural stability, as we stressed in section 1.1 of this monograph. Perhaps the first attempt at some kind of continuous dependence on modeling investigation for ill posed problems was made by Payne & Sather (1967) who compared the solution of the inhomogeneous backward heat conduction problem with that of a perturbed Cauchy problem for an in- homogeneous elliptic equation. In order to accomplish this they, therefore, considered the following pair of boundary - initial value problems: where k 1 , k 2 , k3 are constants which depend on the constraint, E1 is an £2 measure of the error in the initial data, E2 is an £2 measure of suitably extended boundary data, and 8 is again the maximum distance along a ray between the boundaries r 1 and r2. a 2 V av ax2 + at = F(x, t), v(O, t) = v(l, t) = 0, v(x,O) = f(x); in Sl, (3.1.1) 
104 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.1 Singular Perturbation in Improperly Posed Problems 1.T f.' u 2 dxd'7:S M 2 , for some prescribed constant M and if 105 The constants k 1 and k 2 are independent of E so that Q, which involves only data terms, is bounded independently of E. We proceed to show that F satisfies the inequality <p<p" - (<p')2 ?: -c<p2, for a computable constant c. Differentiating (3.1.5) with respect to t, we have {t {I 8w <p' (t) = 2 Jo Jo W 8ry dxdry, and a second differentiation leads to t {I 8w 2 t ( 8 2 w <p" (t) = 2 J o J o ( 8ry ) dxdry + 2 J o Jo W 8ry2 dxdry. 1.T f.' v 2 dxd'7 :S M6, for some constant Mo, then there exists a constant K, independent of E, such that 1.' 1.'< u - v)2dxd'7 :S K E'-a , 0 :S t < T, (3.1.3) where a = tiT. An immediate consequence of (3.1.3) is that as E -+ 0, U converges to v in £2 on compact sub domains of O. In this section we first describe the analysis of Payne & Sather (1967) for the case F(x, t) = 0 and then present an alternative comparison of the solutions to multidimensional versions of problems (3.1.1) and (3.1.2). Let us set w = u - v and observe that w satisfies the problem 8 2 w 8 2 w 8w 8 2 v E 8t 2 + 8x 2 + at = -E 8t 2 ' in 0, w(O, t) = w(l, t) = 0, 8w w(x,O) = 0, at(x,O) = g(x). 8 2 u 8 2 u 8u E 8t 2 + 8x 2 + 8t = F(x, t), in 0, u(O, t) = u(l, t) = 0, (3.1.2) 8u u(x, 0) = f(x), 8t (x, 0) = g(x); where 0 is the rectangle 0 < x < 1,0 < t < T and 0 < E < EO. Noting that both of these problems are ill posed, Payne & Sather (1967) pose the question: if v and u are solutions to (3.1.1) and (3.1.2), respectively, what restrictions must be imposed on the class of admissible solutions to ensure that u converges to VasE -7 0 in some sense? Using a logarithmic convexity argument, Payne & Sather (1967) show that if Consider the functional 1>(t) = f.' f.' w 2 dxd'7 + EQ2, where {I 8w 2 {T {I Q2 = k 1 Jo (at(x, 0)) dx + k2 Jo Jo v 2 dxdt. (3.1.7) (3.1.8) (3.1.9) Substituting the differential equation in the second integral of (3.1.9) and integrating by parts, we obtain 1>"(t) =21.' 1.' e ) 2 dxd'7 i t 1 1 [ 1 ( 8 2 W 8w ) 82V ] +2 w -- -+ - - - dxdry, o 0 E 8x 2 8ry 8ry2 {t (I 8w 2 =4 Jo Jo ( 8ry ) dxdry 1 t 1 1 [( 8W ) 2 1 ( 8W ) 2 1 8w 8 2 v ] _ 2 - - - - + -w- + w- dxdry. o 0 8ry E 8x E 8ry 8ry2 (3.1.10) An expression for the second term in (3.1.10) can be found by considering the equation (3.1.4) 0= t {I (1- e-)(wTJ + E-1w)(EWTJTJ + W xx + wTJ + EVTJTJ)dxdry, (3.1.11) Jo Jo 2 where t-ry =-, E (3.1.5) and where the shorthand subscript notation for derivatives has been em- ployed, e.g. (3.1.6) vTJTJ 8 2 v 8ry2 . 
J06 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling Several integrations by parts lead to 1 t' {I -"2 Jo Jo [W - E-1W; + E-1WW TJ + wvTJTJ]dXd'f] = 1 {lIt {I - "2 Jo (1 - e-t/E)EW;(X, O)dx + 2 Jo Jo e-f.wvTJTJdxd'f] - fot fo' (1 - e-')ewv""dxd'l. If we substitute this result in (3.1.10), we find 1>" =410' fo' wdxd'l - 210' (1- e-t/')ew;(x, O)dx t {I t 1 + 2 Jo Jo e-f.wvTJTJdxd'f] - 4 fo fo (1 - e-f.)EwvTJTJTJdxd'f]. Use of the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality results in the bound t {I 1 <p" 2:4 J o Jo wdxd'f] - 2E fo w;(x,O)dx - 3 fot fo' w2dxd'l fot fo' e-2'v"dxd'l - 2e fot fo' (1 - e-,)2v""dxd'l. (3.1.12) Payne & Sather (1967) now observe that t {I e-2f.vTJdxd'f]::; - 2 1E(1-e-2t/E) ( max {I [v TJTJ (x,r)]2 dx ) , Jo Jo 0:::;T9 J o and show that there exist constants al and a2 independent of E such that max {I [v TJTJ (x,r)]2 dx ::; alQ2, 0:::;T9 Jo (3.1.13) and fot fo' v""dxd'l :<; D:2Q2, where Q2 is given by (3.1.6). Hence, it follows that (3.1.14) 1>"  4 fot fo' wdxd'l - 3 fot fo 1 w 2 dxd'l - C1 eQ2 , (3.1.15) 3.1 Singular Perturbation in Improperly Posed Problems 107 for a computable constant Cl independent of E. We now form the expression <p<p" - (<p')2 using (3.1.5), (3.1.8) and (3.1.15) to find <p<p" - ( <p') 2 4(10'10' Wdxd'l) (10'10' W 2 dxd'l) -4(10'10' WW"dxd'l) 2 + 4eQ2 fot fo' wdxd'l - 31> fot fo' w2dxd'l - C1 eQ21>. (3.1.16) Observing that (10'10' Wdxd'l) (10'10' W2dXd'l) - (10'10' WW"dXd'l) 2 is nonnegative by virtue of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, and recalling the definition of <p, we then conclude that <p<p" - (<p')2 2: -c<p 2 , for 0 ::; t < T. Integration of this inequality as in chapter 1, inequality (1.5.9), yields <p(t) ::; e ct (T-t)/2<p(0)1-t/T <p(T)t/T. (3.1.17) Since <p( 0) = EQ2, we note that if we assume foT fo' W 2dxd 'l :<; Mi, (3.1.18) it follows from (3.1.17) that there exists a constant M 2 independent of E such that fot fo' W2dxd'l :<; M 2 e , - t / T , (3.1.19) for t E [0, T). Let us observe that (3.1.18) is satisfied if we assume T {I fo J o u 2 dxd'f]::; M 2 and T {I fo J 0 v 2 dxd'f] ::; MJ, for constants M and Mo independent of E. Consequently, if u and v satisfy these constraints, we have (3.1.3) which is the desired continuous depen- dence result of Payne & Sather (1967). By employing the Green's function for the heat equation in two indepen- dent variables Payne & Sather (1967) are able to extend inequality (3.1.19) 
108 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling to establish that as E -+ 0 then u converges to v pointwise and uniformly on compact sub domains of n. An n- Spatial Dimension Version of the Elliptic - Backward Heat Equation Problem Continuous dependence on modeling results can be obtained for general- izations of problems (3.1.1) and (3.1.2) via the Lagrange identity method. We consider the following boundary-initial value problems: Problem A av at + .6.v = 0, v = 0, on v(x,O) = f(x), in n x [0, T), an x [0, T), x En; (3.1.20) Problem B a 2 u au E at 2 +.6.u + at = 0, in n x [0, T), u = 0, on an x [0, T), (3.1.21) au u(x,O) = f(x), at (x, 0) = g(x), x E n. In these problems n is a bounded open set in R n with smooth boundary an. Defining w u-v, we observe that w satisfies aw a 2 u 7it + .6.w = -E at 2 ' in n x [0, T), w = 0, on an x [0, T), w(x, 0) = 0, x En. Assume that w*(x, t) is any solution to the adjoint equation of (3.1.22). Then for such a w*(x, t) we have o = l' L {w' (w" + llw + EU"") - w( -w + llw' + EU") }dxd1), (3.1. 23) (3.1.22) where u* is a solution to the adjoint equation of (3.1.21). Integration of (3.1.23) leads to the equation 0= L w(x, t)w* (x, t)dx + E L {w* (x, t)Wt(x, t) - w(x, t)w; (x, t) }dx + < l' L (w'v"" - wv")dxd1). (3.1.24) 3.1 Singular Perturbation in Improperly Posed Problems 109 Here v* is a solution of the forward heat equation. We choose w* (x, ry) = w(x, 2t - ry) and v* (x, ry) = vex, 2t - ry) in (3.1.24) to obtain L w 2 (x, t )dx + 2< L w( x, t)Wt (x, t)dx = < lot L (wv" - w' v"" )dxd1). Integrating with respect to t, we find that lot L w 2 dxd1) + < L w 2 dx = < lot L (t - 1)) (wv" - w' v"" )dxd1). (3.1.25) Application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in (3.1.25) yields the estimate lot in w 2 dxd1) + < L w 2 dx  2ft (f L w 2 dxd1)) 1/2 (f L v"dXd1)) 1/2 (3.1.26) A bound for the last term in (3.1.26) must now be found. This can be accomplished by introducing the function ')'(t) E C 4 (t 2: 0) defined as ')' (t) = 1, 0  t  to; o  ')'(t)  1, to  t  h; (3.1.27) ')'(t) = 0, t 2: h, which also satisfies ')'(a) (t) = 0 at t = to, h for ex = 1, . . . ,4. Then for to 2: T we have ft L v"dxd1)  lo= L 1'(1))v"dxd1) 1 1 00 1 a =- ')'( ry) _ a (V,iTJV,iTJ )dxdry 2 0 n ry = _ r v' v' \ dx -  roo r ')" (ry)v iTJV iTJdxdry In ,TJ ,TJ TJ=O 2 Jo In " 1 roo r ' 2 Jo In ')' (ry)V,iTJ.6.V,i dxd ry = roo r ')'''(ry)(.6.v)2dxdry 4 Jo In = -  lo= !n1''''(1))V,;v,;dxd1) = roo r ')'(4) (ry)v2dxdry , 16 Jo In 
110 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling through repeated substitution of the differential equation (assumed to hold for 0 :S t :S h) and integration by parts. Thus, {2t { vTJdxdry:S  t 1 ( 'Y(4)(ry)v 2 dxdry. Jo Jo 16 Jo Jo Since "1(4) (t) is bounded for t 2: 0, it follows that if we require l' l v 2 dxd'7 <e: MJ, for a prescribed constant Mo, then a constant K can be computed so that (3.1.28) [' l v"dxd'7 <e: KMJ. Thus, (3.1.26) becomes 1.' l w 2 dxd'7 + E l w 2 dx <e: K,dMo (1. 2 , l W 2 dXd'7) '/2 (3.1.29) Assuming that we can prescribe a constant M independent of E such that 1. T l u 2 dxd'7 <e: M 2 , then there exists M 1 such that 1. 2 ' l w 2 dxd'7 <e: Mi, when 2t :S T and thus (3.1.29) implies 1.' l w 2 dxd'7 + E l w 2 dx <e: K2E, for 0 :S t :S  T. This is the desired continuous dependence inequality. We are thus led to the conclusion that if the solutions of both problems A and B lie in the appropriate solution spaces, then the L 2 integral of the difference between the two solutions over compact subdomains is small if the parameter E is smalL (3.1.30) Elliptic Singular Perturbation Type Problems Adelson (1973,1974) continued the investigation of singular perturbation in ill posed problems by considering a class of problems in which both 3.1 Singular Perturbation in Improperly Posed Problems III the perturbed and unperturbed problems are Cauchy problems for elliptic equations. He was interested in the following system: EbLv + v = u, in n c R n , a ( aU ) Lu == - aij- = F(x,E,v,u), aXj aXi (3.1.31) u, v, grad u, grad v, prescribed on r. (3.1.32) Here E is a small positive parameter, b is a constant, L is a strongly elliptic operator, F is assumed to be Lipschitz in its last three arguments, and  is a portion of the boundary of n. Adelson (1973,1974) asked several questIOns about the system (3.1.31) - (3.1.32) among which are the following: i) Can a reasonable approximate solution of this system be found in some neighborhood na of r if u and/or v are suitably constrained? ii) If E is very small, can a good enough approximation be obtained by setting E = 0 and approximating the solution w of the simpler Cauchy problem Lw = F(x,O,w,w), w, grad w, prescribed on r, (3.1.33) assuming the data of wand v are close? Using L 2 constraints, Adelson (1973,1974) was able to provide affirma- tive answers to these questions for the case b < O. For b > 0 the necessary constraints on v were more severe and the resulting estimates less sharp. The details of his analysis are quite complicated but a little ingenuity led Adelson to a continuous dependence inequality of the form IIv - wlla == {(v w)2dx:s cl)(a), JO a (3.1.34) where 8(a) is a positive function of a for 0 :S a < al < 1 and 8al) = 0, that depends on the imposed constraint, the sign of b, and the SIze of the sub domain na c n. The inequality (3.1.34) indicates that for 0 :S a < a < 1 v will be arbitrarily close to w in L 2 over na if E is sufficiently 1 , . small. Thus, continuous dependence on the perturbation parameter E IS established. To achieve the result (3.1.34) Adelson (1973,1974) employs the triangle inequality to write IIv - wllOa :S IIv - ulloa + Ilu - wllo a , (3.1.35) 
112 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling and then obtains bounds for the two terms on the right separately. The analysis for the first term is more or less standard while logarithmic con- vexity arguments lead to bounds on the second term. More specifically, let M 1 be the class of functions e/J E C 4 (n) such that fo e/J2 dx ::; M'f, (3.1.36) for some prescribed constant M 1 , and let M 2 denote the class of functions 'IjJ E C 4 (n) that satisfy fo ['ljJ2 + 1\7'IjJ1 2 ]dx ::; Mi, (3.1.37) for a prescribed constant M 2 . Adelson (1973,1974) obtains the bounds ( i) Ilu vllo< = 0(E 2 ), if b < 0 and v E MI, (3.1.38) (ii) lIu - vllo< = O(E), if b> 0 and v E M2, (3.1.39) for 0 ::; a < 1. He then proceeds to show that Ilu - wll is of order E to a positive power depending on the sign of b. Defining  =  - wand e/J(a) = l a (a - 'TJ) r [aij(i(j + L] dxd'TJ + Q, o JnT] where Q is data and 0 ::; a ::; al < 1, Adelson (1973,1974) shows that e/J satisfies the differential inequality 4Ye/J" - (e/J'?  -K1e/Je/J' K 2 e/J 2 , for explicit constants Kl and K 2 . This leads to the bound lIu - wllo< ::; KQl-v(a) [Q + Ilu - WIlO<l] v(a) , (3.1.40) where 1 - e- K1a o ::; v(a) = < 1. 1 - e- K1a1 Under the appropriate data assumptions, it can then be shown that, either lIu - wllo< = 0(E 2 (1-v(a))), (3.1.41) if b < 0, or Ilu - wllo< = O( E(l-v(a))), (3.1.42) 3.1 Singular Perturbation in Improperly Posed Problems 113 if b > 0, and in addition v E M2 for 0 ::; a < al < 1. Combining expressions (3.1.38) and (3.1.41) or (3.1.39) and (3.1.42) with the triangle inequality, Adelson (1973,1974) proved the result: Theorem 3.1.1. (Adelson (1973,1974).) If v is a solution to (3.1.31), w is a solution to (3.1.33) and the data satisfy the order conditions, Ilu - vllr = O(E), 11\7(u - v)lIr = 0(1), lIu - wllr = O(E), 1I\7(u - w)lIr = 0(1), (3.1.43) then, (i) for v,w E Ml and b < 0, IIv - wllo< = 0 (E 2 (1-V(a))), (3.1.44) (ii) for v E M2,W E Ml' and b> 0, IIv - wllo< = 0 (E(l-v(a))), (3.1.45) where 0 ::; a < al < 1, and 0 ::; v(a) < 1. Adelson (1973) obtained some extensions of these results by allowing the function F to depend on derivatives of u and v as well as on the functions u and v themselves. In addition, he treated a class of higher order equations in Adelson (1974). His results are sensitive to signs of coefficients, the powers of E appearing in the coefficients, and the geometry of na, which is described in section 3.4. One reason for considering problems such as (3.1.31) and (3.1.33) is that they arise in our attempts to model physical phenomena. One such example appears in classical linear elastic plate theory. If L == D.., F == 0, and bE = (KP)-l, then (3.1.31) models the deflection of a plate that is loaded with a very large uniform loading P in the plane of the plate. Here K is a combination of geometric and material constants. If P is negative, then the loading is tensile and then b < O. The case b > 0 corresponds to a compressive loading. The question that arises is whether a good enough approximate solution can be obtained by setting E = 0 and solving the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation, i.e. problem (3.1.33). Adelson's (1973) work addresses this question, establishing continuous dependence on the loading. In the above analyses existence of solutions is assumed; this is in keeping with many other studies of improperly posed problems. If one is assured of the existence of the solution to the perturbed problem for a sequence 
114 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling of values Ek tending to zero such that 0 < Ek :::; EO and of the existence of the solution to the unperturbed problem, then the results of this section indicate that the first solution converges to the second in the appropriate norm through this sequence of values as Ek -+ O. Even though the solutions of these kinds of problems may fail to exist for some or perhaps all values of E in the interval 0 :::; E :::; EO under consideration, if small variations in the data over this range of E values are allowed, then this difficulty may in part be overcome. 3.2 Modeling Errors for the Navier-Stokes Equations Backward in Time The last section was placed first in this chapter because historically the work of Payne & Sather was the first on modeling in improperly posed problems and inspired much of what followed. However, a beautiful and practical illustration of the modeling problem may be obtained by studying how a solution to the Navier-Stokes equations will converge to a solution to the Stokes equations as the nonlinearities are "neglected" in a certain sense. The N avier-Stokes equations are studied backward in time by reversing time and investigating the appropriate system forward in time. Thus, the boundary-initial value problem for the Navier-Stokes equations backward in time may be written: aUi aUi ap ) - - Uj- = -l/6.ui +-, at aXj aXi aUi -0 aXi - , in 0 x (O,T), (3.2.1h Ui = 0, on ao x [O,T], Ui(X,O) = EJi(X), X E 0, where 0 is a bounded region in R 3 with a smooth boundary ao. We shall say problem (3.2.1) is composed ofthe partial differential equations (3.2.1h solved subject to the boundary and initial conditions (3.2.1h, and continue this usage of notation when the numbering of a boundary-initial value prob- lem is split. Problem (3.2.1) is a Dirichlet boundary - initial value problem for the Navier-Stokes equations defined on a bounded domain n with p the unknown pressure and Ui the components of velocity. One question that arises is if E is very small, can the solution to (3.2.1) be approximated ade- quately by EVi, where Vi is a solution to the Stokes boundary -initial value (3.2.1h 3.2 Modeling Errors for the Navier-Stokes Equations 115 problem backward in time: aVi aq } - = -l/6.Vi + _ a ' at Xi aVi _ 0 aXi - , in 0 x (O,T), (3.2.2h Vi = 0, on ao x [0, T], (3.2.2h Vi(X,O) = fi(X), X E O. The writers in Payne & Straughan (1989b) address the odelin ques- tion for the N avier-Stokes equations backward in time. TheIr analysIs pro- vides an £2 bound for the difference Ui - Wi over a finite time interal assuming that solutions of the two improperly posed problems are SUIt- ably constrained. Logarithmic convexity arments are used by Payne & Straughan (1989b) to derive bounds for the dIfference Wi = Ui - EVi, which satisfies the boundary-initial value problem: aWi aWi aVi ap } - - Uj- - E Uj- a = -6.Wi + _ a ' at aXj Xj Xi aWi = 0 aXi ' in 0 x (0, T), (3.2.3h Wi = 0, on ao x [O,T], Wi (X, 0) = E[Ji(X) - Ji(X)], X EO. Here the equations have been scaled so that the viscosity has the value one and it has been assumed that (3.2.3h Ui(X,O) = EJi(X), xE 0, while Vi(X,O) = Ji(X), X E O. The data Ji and Ji are assumed to be close in £2(0). We point out that it is unreasonable to assume Ji == Ji because Ui and Vi might not exist for the same data. Since the backward in time problem is improperly posed we shall need two sets of functions to define constraint sets and hence obtain  bound on \I W \12. The constraint sets are introduced at this point. A functIOn 1Ji (x, t) belongs to the class M 1 if sup 1Ji 1Ji :::; Mf, (x,t)EOX(O,T) (3.2.4) 
116 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling while '1./Ji(x, t) belongs to M 2 if ( ) s;:p ( ) (II (1Pi,j -1Pj,i)(1Pi,j -1Pj,i)113/2 + l11Pi,t1Pi,tIl3/2 ) ::; Mi, (3.2.5) x,t EHX O,T where II. lip denotes the norm on LP(O,). In fact, in their analysis Payne & Straughan (1989b) require Ui E M 1 and Vi E M2' Payne & Straughan (1989b) apply a logarithmic convexity argument to the function 4>( t) defined by 4>(t) = IIwII2 + E4Q, (3.2.6) where Q is a positive constant selected later. By differentiation and use of (3.2.3) one sees 4>'(t) =21 WiWi,t dx =2 L Wi,jWi,jdx + 2E L WiUjVi,jdx. (3.2.7) A second differentiation yields 4>" (t) =4 L Wi,jWi,jt dx + 2E L Wi,tUjVi,jdx + 2E L WiUj,tVi,jdx - 2E l Wi,jUjVi,t dx , (3.2.8) where an integration by parts has been carried out on the last term. Further integration by parts and use of (3.2.3) allows us to deduce 4>"(t) =41 Wi,t [Wi,t - UjWi,j - EUj(Vi,j - vj,i)]dx - 2E l Wi,jWjVi,t dx - 2E21 Wi,jViVj,tdx 2E 2 L Wi,jVjVi,t dx . (3.2.9) Payne & Straughan (1989b) next define 1 E (i = Wi,t - 2UjWi,j - 4: Uj (Vi,j - Vj,i), (3.2.10) so that 4>" can be rewritten as 4>"(t) =41 (i(i dx - L [UjWi,j + EUj(Vi,j - Vj,i)] [UkWi,k + EUk(Vi,k Vk,i)]dx 2E l Wi,jWjVi,t dx - 2E21 Wi,jViVj,tdx - 2E21 Wi,jVjVi,t dx . (3.2.11) 3.2 Modeling Errors for the Navier-Stokes Equations 117 An application of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality on the second term on the right of (3.2.11) allows us to obtain for some positive c, 4>" (t)  41 (i(i dx - (1 + c) l UjWi,jUkWi,kdx - :: (1 + c) L Uj(Vi,j Vj,i)Uk(Vi,k - Vk,i)dx - 2E L Wi,jWjVi,t dx '- 2E21 Wi,jViVj,t dx - 2E 2 L Wi,jVjVi,t dx . (3.2.12) The Ui terms in the third integral on the right in (3.2.12) are written as Ui = Wi + EVi and then with use of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality this can be bounded as follows 1 U , ( v- - - v' ' ) U k( V- k - V k , ) dx J ,J J, , , n ::;(1 + cd L Wj(Vi,j - Vj,i)Wk(Vi,k - Vk,i)dx E 2 1 + -(1 + cd Vj(Vi,j - Vj,i)Vk(Vi,k - Vk,i)dx, Cl n (3.2.13) for some positive constant C1. This inequality is used in (3.2.12) and then we employ the restrictions that Ui E M 1 and Vi E M2, to find 4>" (t)  4 L (i(i dx _ [(1 + c)Mi + E 2 (1 + c)(l + cl)Mi A + 2EA 1/2 M 2 ] r Wi,jWi,jdx 4c in _ 23/21f1['/6 A 1/2 ,2 Mi (l Wi,; Wi;jdx ) 1/2 E 4 _ -(1 + c)(l + cl)MiI0,1 1 / 3 A, (3.2.14) 8CC1 where the Sobolev inequality 111P11 ::; A 11Pi,j1Pi,jdX, (3.2.15) has also been used. In (3.2.14), 10,1 is the volume of the domain 0" the constant A is independent of the size of 0" and the inequality 
118 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling IIvlI::; IO\1/3Mi, (3.2.16) has been utilized. Inequality (3.2.16) is established by observing that l Vi,jVi,j dx = l (Vi,j Vj,i) (Vi,j Vj,i) dx, and then by applying HOlder's inequality to (3.2.15) with Vi in place of't/Ji and the above replacement, i.e. 2 1 1 Il v ll < -A ( V,. - v' , )( v. . 6 - 2 n ,J J, ,J Vj,i)dx. To progress beyond (3.2.14) we now need to find a bound for In Wi,jWi,jdx and thus return to equation (3.2.7) from which we obtain r w. 'w' .dx = 4J' + ( r w' 'u'v'dx in ,J ,J 2 in ,J J  I, 1 = _A. + ( w"w 'v.dx 2'f' n ,J J  - (2 1 w'v' ( v' . - v' , ) dx  J ,J J,  , n (3.2.17) where it has been noted that Ui = Wi + Wi. The arithmetic - geometric mean inequality is applied to the middle term on the right of (3.2.17) as ( r w' 'W 'v. dx < (2 r V'V'WkWk dx +  r w' 'W' ,dx in ,J J  - 2 in   2 in ,J ,J , and then when this is used in (3.2.17) there results 1 w' 'w' .dx < A.' + (2 1 W'W 'v'v.dx - 2(2 1 W k V' ( V k ' - v' k) dx ,J ,J - 'f' J J   J ,J J, , n n n and then Holder's and Young's inequalities are used together with the fol- lowing Sobolev inequality, 1 ( r ) 3/4 lI't/JII::; J'Y 1I't/J1l 1 / 2 in 't/Ji,j't/Ji,jdx , and one estimates the Dirichlet integral of Wi as r (4 in Wi,jWi,jdx ::; 24J' + j3Mi'IO\1/3A+ (2,6+K)llwI12, (3.2.18) 3.2 Modeling Errors for the Navier-Stokes Equations 119 where the constant K is given by K =  \ O \ 2A 4 M 8 (8 256')'2 2 , and where ,6 is a positive constant. Inequality (3.2.18) is now substituted into (3.2.14) and further use is made of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality to obtain the lower bound for 4J" 4J"  4l (i(i dx - ,61 l WiWi dx - ,62(4 - ,634J', (3.2.19) for computable constants ,6i that are independent of E. Before forming the logarithmic convexity expression 4J4J" -( 4J')2 the quan- tity 4J' is rewritten using (3.2.10) as 4J' =2l WiWi,t dx r (2 =2 in Wi[(i + 4 Vj (Vi,j - vj,i)]dx. Thus the term (4J')2 may be written in the form, (q,')2 =4 (l Wi(idX) 2 + (2 q,' l WiVj (Vi,j - V j,i)dx -  (l WiVj(Vi,j - Vj,i)dx )' We may now form the logarithmic convexity expression 4J4J" - (4J')2 using (3.2.6), (3.2.19), and (3.2.20) to obtain (3.2.20) q,q," - (<fJ)2  4{(l (i(i dx ) (l WiWidx) - (l Wi(i dx n - 4J(,61I1wII2 + ,62(4) - ,634J4J' 4 - \4J'\ {jLlIwlI 2 + ; jL M iI O \1/3 A} +  (l WiVj(Vi,j - Vj,;)dx) 2, (3.2.21) for a positive constant jL at our disposal. The last term we need to bound is 14>'1. Manipulating (3.2.7), we can find that 14J'1 ::; 4J' + k 1 (lIw\l2 +  (4), (3.2.2 2 ) 
120 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.2 Modeling Errors for the Navier-Stokes Equations 121 ljJljJ" - (ljJ'? 2: -a1ljJljJ' - a2ljJ2, (3.2.24) Further Modeling Results for Solutions to the N avier - Stokes Equations Ames & Payne (1993) consider the Navier - Stokes system backward in time, which is f)Ui f)ui f)p ) - - Uj- = - - VL:lUi +F i , f)t f)Xj f)xi f)Ui _ 0 f)Xi - , where Fi(x, t) is, in general, the prescribed body force. Defining (Ui,P) and (Vi, q) as two classical solutions of (3.2.27) corresponding to two diffrent body forces Fl and F'f, they show that if Ui and Vi are suitably constramed, then there exist a computable constant C and a function 8(t), 0 < 8(t) :::; 1, such that for 0 :::; t < T, lot 1. (t -1))Wi W i dxd 1) S CQ'(t) , where Wi = Ui - Vi, and if F i = Fl- F'f, in 0 x (O,T), (3.2.27) where k 1 is a constant independent of E for E < 1. If we now discard the first and last term on the right hand side of (3.2.21), both of which are positive, choose J.l appropriately, and set (32 (31 ' then using (3.2.22) in (3.2.21) we arrive at the inequality Q (3.2.23) where a1 and a2 are computable constants independent of E. Expression (3.2.24) is the fundamental logarithmic convexity inequality (1.5.5) and by writing it as in (1.5.8) and integrating in the manner leading to (1.5.10) it follows that cP( t) :::; e-Q2t/Q1 [ljJ(O)] (0--0-1 )/(1-0-1) [ljJ(T)e Q2T / Q1] (1-0-)/(1-0-1) , (3.2.25) (3.2.28) where (7' = e- Q1t and (7'1 = e- Q1T . Recalling the restrictions on Ui and Vi, i.e. Ui E M1 and Vi E M 2 one may derive from (3.2.25) the estimate IIwI12 :::; [M2] (l-o-)/(l-o-d [ E2 11f -/112 + QE4] (0--0- 1 )/(1-0- 1 ), (3.2.26) Q = loT 1. :Fi:Fidxdt. (3.2.29) The restrictions which are needed to derive (3.2.28) are that Ui E M1 and Vi E M2 where M1 is the set of vector valued functions 'l/J(x, t) in which sup 'l/Ji'l/Ji :::; Mf, (x,t)EOX(O,T) for a prescribed constant M 1 , while M2 is the set in which sup ['l/Ji'l/Ji + 'l/Ji,j'l/Ji,j] :::; Mi, (x,t)EOx (O,T) for a constant M 2. In addition to proving continuous dependence on the body force Ames & Payne (1993) also derive results of continuous dependence on :he viscosity and of continuous dependence on the boundary data. What IS of concern in this chapter is continuous dependence on the modeling aspect and this is also examined by Ames & Payne (1993) who essentially derive another Navier - Stokes convergence to Stokes equations type of result. To see how the inequality (3.2.28) can be used to obtain continuous dependence on modeling results, let us again suppose we wish to find the solution of the problem, f)ui _ u ' f)ui + v Ui = f)p , ) f)t J f)x j f)xi f)Ui = 0 f)xi ' in 0 x (O,T), (3.2.30h where M is a constant depending on M 1 and M 2 , but not <:. Payne & Straughan (1989b) observed that this inequality may be interpreted as im- plying that if IIf -/11 is 0(<:), then the convergence of the function Ui to the function Vi in L 2 (0) is of order E 4 (0--0-1)/(1-0-1) on compact subintervals of (0, T). Payne & Straughan (1989b) compare this result to the analogous one that can be obtained by comparing Ui to the zero solution, using a log- arithmic convexity argument similar to the previous one. They conclude that their result is considerably sharper than this other inequality, at least for small t. The result (3.2.26) gives a justification for using the solution of the linearized Stokes problem as an approximation to the solution to the N avier-Stokes equations with small initial data, a practice frequently employed in solving applied fluid dynamics problems where the convective nonlinearity usually necessitates a computational approach. We complete our discussion of continuous dependence on modeling for the Navier-Stokes equations by briefly reviewing the results of Ames & Payne (1993). Using logarithmic convexity arguments, they derive an in- equality that implies solutions of the backward Navier-Stokes equations on an interior domain depend continuously on the body force. From this inequality, they are able to infer a variety of continuous dependence on modeling results, by formally identifying the body force with other quanti- ties. 
122 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Equations 123 Ui = Efi, on 00. x [0, T], Ui(X,O) = 0, x E 0.. The modeling aspect analysed by Ames & Payne (1993) may be summarized in the following way. One may ask the question if E is very small, can the solution of (3.2.30) be approximated by EVi where Vi is the solution of the linear problem, (3.2.30h Consequently, if E is very small, then (3.2.34) indicates that Ui and Wi will be close in a certain measure and hence, it is reasonable to approximate the solution of the nonlinear problem by that of the linear one. Observe that if, instead of approximating Ui by Wi, we had used the zero vector as our approximation, then the relevant inequality obtained from (3.2.28) has form OVi oq ) fit + v.6.vi = OXi ' OVi _ 0 = 0, Xi in 0. x (0, T), (3.2.31h l' 1. (t -1))u,u,dxd1):S C , E 2 .. The estimate (3.2.34) is a sharper result than (3.2.35). (3.2.35) Vi = fi, on 00. x [0, T], Vi(X,O) = 0, X E rl? The approach taken in Ames & Payne (1993) to answer this question is to set (3.2.31 h 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Operator Equations OWi OWi OVi oP 2 OVi ) - -u,- -EW--+V.6.w' - - +E V-- ot J OXj J OXj  - OXi J OXj , OWi _ 0 = 0, Xi (3.2.32h The papers of Ames (1982a,b) can be interpreted as continuous dependence on modeling investigations. Ames compared solutions of Cauchy problems for certain classes of first and second order operator equations with solu- tions of associated perturbed problems. Neither the original problem nor the perturbed problem was required to be well posed. Holder stability inequalities relating solutions of the perturbed and unperturbed problems were obtained by Ames using logarithmic convexity arguments. The class of problems and type of derivable results can be exemplified by a comparison of the solution of Wi = Ui - EVi, and observe that Wi satisfies the problem, these equations holding in 0. x (0, T), subject to the boundary and initial conditions, Wi = 0, on 00. x [0, T], Wi(X,O) = 0, X E 0., with P = p - Eq. In connection with continuous dependence on the body force Ames & Payne (1993) now identify :F i with the last term on the right of (3.2.32h, i.e. they take du dt + Mu =F(t, u), t E [0, T), u(O) =11, (3.3.1) (3.2.3 2 h with the solution of the perturbed problem dw 2 -+Mw+EM w=F(t,w), dt w(O) = h. t E [O,T), (3.3.2) :F i = E 2 Vj V i,j. (3.2.33) Here E is a small positive parameter, M is a symmetric, time independent linear operator (bounded or unbounded) defined on a Hilbert space, and the nonlinear term F satisfies a uniform Lipschitz condition in its second argument. Ames showed that if u and w belong to the appropriate con- straint sets and if the Cauchy data are close (in a suitably defined sense), then the difference U - w in a certain measure is of order EJ.k(t) for 0 ::; t < T where 0 < J1(t) ::; 1. They are then able to interpret the continuous dependence estimate (3.2.28) as l' 1. (t -1))(Ui - W;)(Ui - Ev;)dxd1) :S CE 4 ' (I T 1. VjVi,jVkVi,kdXdt) ., ::; CE 48 (MiTI 0. I) .5. (3.2.34) 
124 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Equations 125 Ames studied first and second order operator equations in two separate papers. Since the methods of analysis are similar in the two investigations, we shall focus here on Cauchy problems for the second order operator equa- tions, following Ames (1982a). The goal in this work is to establish contin- uous dependence results without referring to solution representation and without requiring the original problem or the related perturbed problem to be well posed. To be more specific, we shall be interested in comparing the solution of an original problem of the form u du  P dt 2 + L dt + Mu = F(t, u, dt )' du u(O) = h, dt (0) = gl, where E denotes a small positive parameter lying in an interval 0 < E ::; EO. We propose to find a stabilizing constraint set such that if u and w both belong to this set and if the Cauchy data are "close" in an appropriately defined sense, then u and w will remain "close" over a finite time interval. The logarithmic convexity method will be used to compare the solutions of (3.3.3) and (3.3.4). We will show that if u and w belong to the appropriate spaces of functions, then their difference in a suitably chosen measure is of order E to some positive power which is a function of t for 0 ::; t < T. Let us define H to be a real Hilbert space with inner product (.,.) and norm II . II = (', .)1/2 and D C H to be a dense linear subspace of H. Let P, Land M denote linear operators (bounded or unbounded) which map D into H and consider the problem d 2 u du du P dt 2 +L dt +Mu=F(t,u, dt )' du u(O) = iI, dt (0) = gl' with the solution of the perturbed problem w   P dt 2 +La;+Mw+ENw=F(t,w'a;)' dw w(O) = 12, a; (0) = g2, t E [O,T), t E [O,T), t E [O,T), The initial data 12 and g2 belong to H, N is a linear operator mapping D into H, and E is a small positive parameter. We adopt the following hypotheses: (i) The operators P, L, M and N as well as the space H are independent of t; (ii) P is symmetric and :3 a constant ,\ > 0 such that ,\2(p</J,</J) 2:: \\</J1I 2 , V</J E D; (3.3.3) (iii) L is a symmetric, positive semi-definite operator; (iv) M and N are symmetric; (v) the solutions to (3.3.5) and (3.3.6) belong to C 2 ([0, T); D); (vi) the nonlinear term F(t, z, Zt) satisfies, for Zl, Z2 E C 2 ([0, T); D), an inequality of the form (3.3.4) IIF(t, ZI, d: t1 ) - F(t, Z2, d2 ) 1\ 'SKI I (Py, y)1/21 + K21 (p  '  ) 1 / 2\ + K 3 1(Ly, y)1/21, where y = Zl - Z2 and the K i are nonnegative constants. In order to compare the solutions u and w, we define v == w - u so that v E C 2 ([0, T); D) satisfies the following problem: Problem A d2v dv ( dw ) ( du ) P dt 2 + L dt + Mv = -ENw + F t,w'di - F t,u, dt ' dv v(O) = I, dt (0) = g. t E [0, T), (3.3.5) Here the Cauchy data I = 12 - iI and 9 = g2 - g1 are assumed to be small in the sense that there exist nonnegative constants k i (i = 1,.. . , 5) such that (PI, I) ::; k 1 E 2 , (Pg,g) ::; k3 E2 , (LI, I) ::; k 2 E 2 , I(M 1,1)\ ::; k4 E2 , Here hand g1 belong to Hand T > O. We shall compare the solution of (3.3.5) with the solution of the problem w   P dt 2 + La; + Mw + ENw F(t, w, a;)' w(O) = 12, dw a;(0) = g2. t E [O,T), and I(N I, I) I ::; kSE. We proceed to show that the solution of Problem A depends Holder continuously on the parameter E in an appropriate measure for 0 :::; t < T. More exactly, we establish the following theorem: (3.3.6) 
126 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Equations 127 Theorem 3.3.1. (Ames (1992a).) Let u be a solution of (3.3.5) such that and T 10 II Null 2 dry  Ri d 2 cjJ i t i t i t  =2 (Pv rrrp v)dry+2 (Pv rp vT/)dry+2 (LvT/,v)dry + 2(Pg, f), dt 0 0 0 =2fo' (Pv",v")d1/ - 2fo' (Mv, v)d1/ - 2£ fo' (Nw,v)d1/ + 2fo' ([F(1/, w, w") - F(1/, u, u")], v)d1/ + 2(Pg, f). (3.3.11) for a prescribed constant RI' If v is a solution of Problem A which lies in the class of functions fo' [(Pv, v) + (t - 1/ )(Lv, v)] d1/ :s; C£2[l-.(t)] R;6(t) , (3.3.7) Expression (3.3.11) is obtained after substitution of the differential equation in the term 2 J (PvT/T/' v) dry. Consider now the identity 0= lot (v", Pv"" + Lv" + Mv + £Nw - [F(1/, w, w") - F(1/, u, u")] )d1/, 1 1 ="2 [(PVt, vd + (Mv, v) + E(Nv, v)] - "2 ((Pg, g) + (M f, f) + E(N f, f)] + lot (Lv", v")d1/ + £ lot (Nu, v")d1/ t - 10 ([F(ry,w,WT/) - F(ry,u,UT/)],vT/)dry. M = {1> E C'([O, T); D) : f [(N, 1» + (T - 1/)(L1>, 1»] d1/ :s; RJ,} where R 2 is an a priori constant independent of E, then there exist com- putable constants C and R3 independent of E such that on any compact subset of [0, T), v satisfies the inequality where 0  8(t) < 1. Proof. Logarithmic convexity arguments applied to the functional 1>(t) = fo' [(Pv, v) + (t -1/)(Lv, v)] d1/ + (T - t)(P f, f) 1 + 2 (T 2 - t 2 )(Lf, f) + Q2, (3.3.8) Thus, -(Mv, v) = (PVt, Vt) + £(Nv, v) + 2 lot (Lv", v")d1/ + 2£ lot (Nu, v")d1) - 2fo' ([F(1/, w, w") - F(1/, u, u")], v" )d1/ - G " (3.3.12) lead to the desired result. We shall show that if the constant term Q2 is properly chosen, then as a function of t, cjJ satisfies a second order differential inequality of the form where G I = (Pg, g) + (M f, f) + E(N f, f). Using this result in (3.3.11), we see that cjJcjJ" - (cjJ'?  -CI cjJcjJ' - C2cjJ2, (3.3.9) d 2 cjJ i t  =4 ((PVT/' vT/) + (t - ry)(LvT/' VT/)] dry dt 0 + 4£ fo' (t -1/)(Nu,v")d1/ - 2£ lo\Nu, v)d1/ + 2[ ([F(1/, w, w") - F(1/, u, u")], v)d1/ - 4fo' (t - 1/) ([F(1/, w, w") - F(1/, u, u")], v" )d1/ + G z , for computable, nonnegative constants CI and C2. As we shall see, Q2 de- pends upon the initial data f and 9 as well as on an a priori bound on the norm of N u. Differentiating (3.3.8) we have dcjJ ft dt =(Pv, v) - (Pf, f) + J o (Lv, v)dTJ - t(Lj, j), t t =2 Jo (PvT/,v)dry + 21 (t - ry)(LvT/,v)dry, (3.3.10) 
128 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Equations 129 G 2 = 2(Pg, f) - 2tG l . Application of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality to all but the first and last terms in the previous expression yields the inequality Here a1 and a2 are positive constants introduced by the application of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality and the b i (i = 1,2,3) are positive, computable constants. The integral where d 2 cp t dt 2 2:4 Jo [(PVry,Vry) + (t - ry)(Lvry,vry)]dry -4<T(1o'IiNU I12 d1/f2 (10' hIl 2d 1/) '/2 _ 2< (1o'IiNUIl2d1/) '/2 (1o'IIv I12 d1/) 1/2 - 21o'11F(1/, w, w,) - F(1/, u,u,)lIllvlld1/ - 410' (t -1/)IIF(1/, w, w,) - F(1/, u, u,)lIlIv,lId1/ + G 2 . (3.3.13) Jz = -21o'11F(1/,w,W,) - F(1/,u,u,)lIlI v lld1/ can be bounded in a similar manner. In fact, we have Jz 2:: - 2>..10'1 (Pv, V)'/21 [Kd (Pv, V)'/21 + K21 , (Pv, V,)'/21 + K3\(Lv, V)1/21] dry, t ( t ) 1/2 ( (t ) 1/2 2:: - 2AK 1 10 (Pv, v)d1/ - 2>"K 2 10 (Pv, v)d1/ J 0 (Pv" v, )d1/ i t )"K i t - ).,K 3 a 3 (Pv, V) dry -  (Lv, v)dry, o a3 0 (3.3.15) Consider now the integral J , = -410' (t - 1/)IIF(1/, w, w,) - F(1/, u, u,)lIlIv,lld1/. where a3 is a positive constant. I view of inequalities (3.3.14) and (3.3.15) expression (3.3.13) may be rewritten as J, 2:: - 4>" lot (t - 1/) 1 (Pv" V,)1/21 [Kd (Pv, v) 1/21 + K21 (Pv" v,),/ol + K 3 1(Lv, v)1/21]dry, 2: - 2)"K 1 r (t - ry)(PVry, vry)dry - 2).,K 1 a 1 T t (Pv, v)dry a1 Jo Jo - 4>"Ko lot (t -1/)(Pv" v,)d1/ 2)"K 3 {t(t _ ry)(Pvry,vry)dry _ 2).,K 3 a 2 r(t - ry)(Lv,v)dry, a2 J 0 J 0  - b , 10' (t -1/)(Pv" v,)d1/ - b01o' (Pv, v)d1/ - b31o' (t -1/)(Lv, v)d1/. (3.3.14) d 2 cp t dt 2 2:4 Jo [(PVry,Vry) + (t-ry)(Lvry,vry)]dry _ 4<>..T (1o'IiNU Il2 d1/) 1/2 (10' (Pv" v,)d1/) 1/2 _ 2<>..(Io'IiNU IlO d1/ )'/0 (10' (Pv, v)d1/ )'/2 - d , 10' (Pv, v)d1/ _ do (lot (Pv, v)d1/ ) 1/2 (lot (pv" v,) d1/ ) 1/2 - d3 lot (Lv, v)d1/ - b, 10' (t - 1/) (Pv, , v,)d1/ - b31o' (t -1/)(Lv, v)d1/ + Go, (3.3.16) To bound this integral, we make use of the arithmetic - geometric mean nequalt and the hypotheses on F and the operator P. The following mequahbes can be obtained: for computable positive constants d i (i = 1,2,3). We shall now proceed by showing that the term h = 1 t (t -1/)(Pv" v,)d1/ in the previous inequality is bounded from above by an expression of the form al cpt + a2CP + a3 1 where I involves initial data and the norm of N u. 
130 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling Equation (3.3.10) may be rewritten as , i t 1 TJ d t cp =2 - d (PV CT ' v)da dry + 2 {(PvCT,v) 1 dry o 0 a J 0 CT=O + 2[ (t -1))(Lv", v)d1), {t t = 2 J o (t ry)(PvTJ' vTJ)dry + 21 (t - ry)(PVTJTJ' v)dry + 2[ (t -1))(Lv",v)d1) + G 3 , where G 3 = 2t(Pg, f). Then, after substitution of the differential equation, it follows that t t 2 J o (t - ry)(PvTJ' vTJ)dry =cp' + 21 (t ry)(Mv, v)dry - 2[ (t 1)) ([F(1), w, w") - F(1), u, u")], v)d1) + 2£ [(t -1))(Nw, v)d1) - G 3 . The result of (3.3.12) leads to the equality t t 4 J o (t - ry)(PvTJ,vTJ)dry = cp' - 21 (t - ry)2(LVTJ'VTJ)dry t t - 2E J o (t - ry)2(Nu, vTJ)dry + 2E 1 (t - ry)(Nu, V) dry + 2[ (t - 1))2 ([F(1), w, w") F(1), u, u")], v" )d1) - 21'r t 1)) ([F(1), w, w") - F(1), u, u")], v)d1) + G 4 . The term G 4 is given by G 4 = G 1 t 2 - G 3 . Application of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the arithmetic - geomet- ric mean inequality as well as reference to the hypothesis on the operator 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Equations 131 P yield 4[ (t -1))(Pv",v")d1) :S <If + a 3 .\21' (t _1))2(PV", v")d1) +  t (t _ ry)2l1N u l1 2 dry +  t (t - ry)IIN u l1 2 dry a3 J 0 a4 J 0 + a 4 .\2[ (t - 1)) (Pv, v)d1) + 2.\ [ (t - 1))211F( 1), w, w") - F( 1), u, u") III (Pv", v")'/2I d 1) + 2.\ [(t - 1)) IIF( 1), w, w") - F(1), u, u") III (Pv, v)'/2I d 1) + (;4, (3.3.17) where - 2 ) G 4 = G1T - 2T(Pg, f and a3, a4 are positive constants. The last two integrals in (3.3.17) can be shown to satisfy the following inequalities: 2.\ [(t - 1))2I1F(1), w, w") - F( 1), u, u") III (Pv", V")'/21 d1) AK T2 1 t :S  (Pv, V) dry + A(K 1 a 5 + 2K2 + K3 a 6) a5 0 i t AK T2 i t x (t - ry)2 (PVTJ' vTJ)dry +  (Lv, v)dry, o  0 (3.3.18) and 2.\ [(t -1))IIF(1), w,w") - F(1), u,u")III(Pv,v)'/21 d1) ( K K T ) i t :S A 2KIT +  +  (Pv, V) dry a7 as 0 + .\K2 a r[ (t _1))2(PV", v")d1) + .AK 3 Ta s [ (Lv, v)d1). (3.3.19) Expressions (3.3.18) and (3.3.19) permit us to rewrite inequality (3.3.17) as 4[ (t -1))(Pv", v")d1) :S <If + "/o£2[IINu Il2 d1) 
132 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling t t + II Jo (PV, v) dry + 12 10 (Lv, v) dry + "13 [ (t - 1])2 (PV" v,)d1] + (;4' (3.3.20) The Ii (i = 0,1,2,3) are positive constants which depend on the quantities >., Kl, K 2 , K 3 , T and the constants aj (j = 3,. .. ,8) arising from applica- tion of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality. If we let H(t) = [(t _1])2(PV" v,)d1], then dd (t) 2[ (t -1])(Pv" v,)d1], and (3.3.20) becomes 2H'(t)  1>' + "I0<2[IINU Il2 d1] + "11 [(PV, v)d1] + "Iz Io\Lv, v)d1] + (;4 + "I3H (t). (3.3.21) The above differential inequality can be written as :t [2H (t)e -b,t I 2)]  e -b,tIZ) [1>' + "I0<2[IlN ull 2 d1] + "11 lot (Pv, v)d1] + "Iz [(Lv,V)d1] + (;4]. (3.3.22) We now assume that u belongs to that class of functions satisfying loT IlNuII Z d1]  Ri, for a prescribed constant R 1 . With this requirement, integration of (3.3.22) from 0 to t leads to an inequality of the form H(t) :::::; er3(t-)/24>(t) + 3 (e r3t / 2 - 1)(,oE 2 Ri + 0 4 ) + II {t (e r3 (t-T/)/2 -l)(Pv, v)dry 13 Jo + : [(e",(t-,)IZ - l)(Lv, v)d1], 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Equations 133 where 0 :::::;  :::::; t < T. Thus, there exist positive constants 8k (k = 0,1,2,3) such that H(t)  001>+ 01 ["Io<Z Ri + (;4] + Oz[ (Pv, v)d1] + 03[ (Lv, v)d1]. (3.3.23) Recalling that [(PV, v)d1]  1>, and that [(LV, v)d1]  1>' + (P f, f) +t(Lf, f), we obtain from (3.3.23) the result H(t) :::::; 8 0 4> + 8 1 bOE2 Ri + 04] + 8 3 [4>' + (P f, f) + T(Lf, f)]. Hence, it follows from (3.3.21) that 2H'(t) =4[ (t -1])(Pv" v,)d1] :::::; CXl4>' + CX2cP + CX3 bOE2 Ri + 0 4 + (P f, f) + T(Lf, f)], where CX1, CX2 and CX3 are positive constants. This inequality and the con- straint on the solution u allow us to rewrite inequality (3.3.16) as d 2 4> t dt 2  4 J 0 [( PVT/' vT/) + (t ry) (LvT/' vT/ ) ] dry _ 4<AR , T (lot (Pv" v,)d1]) '/ Z - 2<AR , (10\ Pv, V)d1]) '/ z _ d z ([ (Pv, V)d1]) '/z (10' (Pv" v,)d1]) '/ z - d 4 4> - d 5 cP' - d 6 G, (3.3.24) where G = b O E 2 Ri +b 1 (P f, f) +b 2 (Lf, f) +b 3 (Pg, g) +b 4 1(Mf, f)1 +b 5 EI(N f, f)1. Here the b i (i = 0,.. . ,5) are nonnegative constants. 
134 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling Using expressions (3.3.8), (3.3.10) and (3.3.24) we form </></>" (1)')2 2: 48 2 + 4Qi l' [(PV" v,) + (t - 1))(Lv" V,)]d1) - 4<AR,T</> (10' (PV" v, )d1)) 1/2 2<AR , </> (1' (Pv,V)d1)) 1/2 - d 2 </> (1' (PV" v, )d1) ) '/2 (1' (PV, v )d1)) '/2 - d 4 cjJ2 - d 5 cjJcjJ' - d 6 cjJG, with 1 Qi = (T - t)(P f, f) + 2(T 2 - t 2 )(Lf, f) + Q2, and 8 2 =(1' [(Pv"v,) + (t -1))(LV"v,)]d1)) x (1' [(Pv, v) + (t - 1)) (Lv, v)] d1)) - (1o'r(PV" v) + (t -1))(Lv" v)] d1) r. We note that both 8 2 and 8 are nonnegative as a result of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality. The term ( t ) 1/2 ( t ) 1/2 D:=-d 2 cjJ J o (Pvr"Vry)d'T] 10 (Pv,v)d'T] can now be bounded in the following way: D  - d 2 cjJ [8 2 + (cjJ') 2] 1/2  - d 2 cjJ[8 + IcjJ'l]  - d 2 cjJ [8 + cjJ' + 2 (P f, f) + 2T (L f, f)] . If we complete the square on t ( t ) 1/2 4Qi Jo (PVry, Vry)d'T] - 4E)..R 1 TcjJ 10 (PVry, Vry)d'T] , 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Equations 135 discard its nonnegative part as well as the nonnegative term 4Qi l (t 1)) (Lv" v,)d1) and apply the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality to appropriate terms, we obtain the inequality E 2 T 2 )..2 R2 cjJcjJ" - (cjJ')2  48 2 _ d 2 cjJ8 - Qi 1 cjJ2  (1' (Pv, v)d1) + (3, <2 Ri) - d 4 </>2 - (d 2 + do )</></>' - cjJ[d 6 G + 2d 2 (Pf, f) + 2d 2 T(Lf, f)]. The choice Q2 =(31 E2 Ri + (32 (Pf, f) + (h(Lf, f) + (34 (Pg, g) + (351(Mf, f)1 + (36 E I(N f, f)1, (3.3.25) for some positive computable constants (3i (i = 1,. .. ,6) permits us to write cjJcjJ" _ (cjJ') 2  48 2 _ d 2 cjJ8 - Co cjJ2 - Cl cjJcjJ' , which upon a completion of squares leads to the fundamental inequality (3.3.9). As a consequence of (3.3.9) and the fact that cjJ(t) > 0 for all t E [0, T), the functional cjJ(t) defined by (3.3.8) and (3.3.25) satisfies cjJ(t) :S e-(C2 t / C l) [cjJ(O)] 1-8(t) [cjJ(T)e(C2 T / C l)] 8(t), (3.3.26) where 1 - e- c1t D ( t ) = T . 1 - e- C1 In view of the bounds on the initial data, we see that 1 cjJ(O) = T(Pf, f) + 2T2(Lf, f) + Q2 = 0(E 2 ). If we assume that v E M = { </> E c 2 ([0, T); D) : loT [(P<!>, </» + (T - 1)) (L</>, </»] d1) :0; RJ}, where R2 is an a priori constant independent of E, it follows that there exists a constant R3 such that cjJ(T)e(C2 T / C l) :S R. 
136 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling The assertion of the theorem then follows from (3.3.26). A Special Case of the General Theory Let us now consider the particular case of problems (3.3.5) and (3.3.6) in which P = I (the identity operator), L = 0, N = M 2 and F = O. We also assume that the operator M is negative semi - definite. We can then establish the theorem with a less restrictive constraint class for u, namely .IV = {1> E C 2 ([0, T); D) : 10" 111>1I 2 d1) :S R 2 }, for some tl > T and a prescribed constant R. If M is negative semi-definite, the introduction of a suitable cutoff func- tion permits us to bound the quantity 1o'1IM 2 U 1l2 d1) in terms of the initial data and the integral 10" Ilul1 2 d1) for some tl > T. To see this, choose the function ')'(t) E C 2 (t 2: 0) defined as follows: ')' (t) = 1, 0 5: t 5: to 5: T; o 5: ')'(t) 5: 1, to 5: t 5: h; ')'(t) = 0, t 2: tl. It follows that 1o'1IM 2 U 112 d1) :S 10= 'Y(1))IIM 2 uI1 2 d1), = (M 2 u, MUt)lt=o -  10= ')'1/(rJ)(M 2 u, Mu)drJ + 10= ')'(rJ) (M 2 ury, MUry)drJ. (3.3.27) The equality in (3.3.27) is obtained by substituting the differential equa- tion Utt + Mu = 0 (now assumed to hold for 0 5: t < td and integrat- ing by parts twice. The definiteness condition on M allows us to discard Jo= ')'(rJ)(M 2 ury,Mury)drJ from the bounding inequality since it is nonposi- tive. Then, setting Q = (M 2 !I,Mg I ) 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Equations 137 and using the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality in (3.3.27) we find that 10= 'Y(1))IIM 2 uIl 2 d1):S(J +  10= 'Y(1))II M2U I1 2 d1) 1 1 t 1 ( " ) 2 + - 2-IIMuI1 2d rJ, 4a 0 ')' (3.3.28) for a positive constant a. Inequality (3.3.28) may be rewritten as r= 1 t 1 ( "? (1-) Jo ')'(rJ)IIM 2 uII 2 drJ 5: Q + 4a Jo (M2u,u)drJ' and then a second application of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality yields (3 1 = 1 l h ( 1/)4 ( 1-  - - ) ')'(rJ)IIM2uI12drJ 5: Q + --r.i lIuII2drJ, (3.3.29) 4 8a 0 8al-' 0 ')' where (3 is a positive constant. We observe that ')'(t) must be sufficiently continuous to ensure that the integral on the right hand side of (3.3.29) exists at t = h. If ')' is assumed to behave like (t - h)P as t approaches tl, then we need to choose p so that 3p 5: 4(p - 2) or p 2: 8. With such a choice, we see that (')''')4/')'3 is bounded at t = tl. Upon choosing a and (3 so that a (3 1- -->k>O 4 8a - , (one possible choice is a = 1, (3 = 2) and requiring Q to be bounded, it follows fl;om (3.3.29) and (3.3.27) that if t 1 Jo lIuII 2 drJ 5: R 2 , for a prescribed constant R, then 1o'1IM 2 U Il2 d1):S Ri, for a c<?nstant Rl independent of E. A Physical Example of the Abstract Theory To conclude this section we illustrate the abstract results with a specific example. We let M = , the Laplace operator and define n to be a bounded region in R n (n typically is equal to 2) with a boundary of], smooth enough 
138 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling to ensure the existence of various integrals which arise in our computations. In addition, we assume that u, wand tlw vanish on 80. The following two problems are then obtained: Problem I 8 2 u 8t 2 + tlu = 0, u=O, in 0 x [0, T), on 80 x [0, T), 8u 8t (x, 0) = gl(X), (3.3.30) u(x,O) = h (x), XEO; Problem II 8 2 w 8t 2 + tlw + Etl 2 W = 0, in 0 x [0, T), w = 0, tlw = 0, on 80 x [0, T), 8w w(x,O) = f2(x), 7jt(x,O) = g2(X), X E O. (3.3.31) We observe that Problem II is well posed, while Problem I, the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation, is improperly posed. In this case, u belongs to that class of functions which are continuous in (2 x [0, T], twice continuously differentiable in [0, T) and C 4 (0). Since Problem II is properly posed, we take w to be its classical solution. The Ii and gi (i = 1,2) are assumed to be sufficiently regular prescribed functions. The comparison of Problems I and II may be viewed in two different contexts. We might be interested in approximating the solution of the improperly posed problem by that of a well posed problem. In this case, (3.3.31) may be regarded as a comparison problem for (3.3.30) that is ob- tained via the quasireversibility method. Alternatively, our concern might be with the behaviour of the solution w as the parameter E -+ O. Thus, we might ask the question of whether in some sense the solution of Problem II converges to that of the simpler Problem I as E -+ O. An important motivation for examining problems such as (3.3.30) and (3.3.31) is derived from the fact that they appear in mathematical models of physical processes. One such example occurs in linear plate theory. More specifically, let us consider the problem of the bending of a vibrating rectangular elastic plate under the action of a uniform compressive force in the middle plane of the plate. We denote by w(x, y, t) the deflection of the plate away from its initial positioJ;l in the region o = {(x, y) : X E (0, a), y E (0, b)}. 3.3 Modeling Errors for First and Second Order Equations 139 If we adopt the classical linear theory of vibrating elastic plates, then w will satisfy the equation 8 2 w A 2 P o-+ktlw+Dtl w=O, 8t 2 (3.3.32) where Po, k and b are positive constants which denote the density of the plate (assumed to be uniform), the magnitude of the in planar forces, and the flexural rigidity of the plate, respectively. If we set *  t = -t, Po equation (3.3.32) may be rewritten as 8 2 w - + tlw + Etl 2 W = 0, 8t 2 (3.3.33) where E = blk and the *'s have been omitted. In order to complte te problem, we assume that the plate is simply supporte and prescnbe. Its initial displacement and initial velocity. Thus, we obtam  mahematIcal description of the form (3.3.31). Suppose we are interested  thIS probem for E < < 1 (e.g. the case of a very thin plate). One questIOn tha anses is how the solution w compares to the solution of the problem obtamed by setting E = O. If we allow for small variations in the initial data, we ae led to consideration of the ill-posed problem (3.3.30). We remark that n the present context, this problem describes the vibration of a membrane m compression. . If we assume that the solution of (3.3.30) exists, we can determme ap- propriate conditions on u and w so that v = w - u depends c.ontinuousl y on the parameter E. Assuming that the initial data are small m the sense indicated in our abstract theorem, we have the result l' L (w - u)2dnd1/ = O(E6«)), where 8(t) = 2(1 - tiT) for 0 ::; t < T. Thus, if E .is suffiiently small, (3.3.34) indicates that u will be arbitrarily close to w m the gIven measure on [0, T). (3.3.34) 
140 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.4 Continuous Dependence on Modeling in the Cauchy Problem for Second Order Partial Differential Equations: Some Examples Bennett (1986) considered three classes of ill-posed problems, obtaining continuous dependence on modeling results for a number of examples. These examples suggest that modeling errors may be the most critical type of error introduced in the formulation of a mathematical problem to analyze a physical process. In order to stabilize the problems he considered against modeling errors, Bennett found it necessary to impose much stronger con- straints on solutions than are required to stabilize these problems against most other sources of error. ' One class of problems Bennett studied consists of Cauchy problems for elliptic equations of the form 8 [ 8u ] 8xj aij(X,U, V'u) 8Xi = F(x,u, V'u), in 0 eRn. (3.4.1) Bennett compared the solution of the Cauchy problem for this equation with small data to the solution of the related Cauchy problem for the equation 8 [ 8v ] 8xj aij (x, 0, 0) 8Xi = 0, (3.4.2) assuming that the aij satisfy certain definiteness assumptions and that F(x, u,p) = O(lu\ + Ipl), (3.4.3) for smalllu\ and Ipl. A representative of this class is the Cauchy problem for the minimal surface equation. Bennett considered the problem  [ (1 + lV'vI2)-1/2 ] = 0, 8Xi 8Xi in 0 eRn, (3.4.4) with t (v 2 + V,iV,i)dS ::; E 2 , (3.4.5) where r is a smooth portion of the boundary of O. The substitution v = EU in (3.4.4) yields the equation A 2 (1 2 1 " \ 2 ) -1 8u 8u 8 2 u L..1.U=E +E vU --- 8Xi 8Xj 8Xi8Xj in O. (3.4.6) 141 3.4 Modeling in the Cauchy Problem for Second Order Equations If E is set equal to zero in this equation, the result is Laplace's equation h=O in O. If W = U - h, then w will satisfy the equation 2 2 2 -1 8u  w = E (1 + E lV'ul) 8Xi 8Xj 8 X i 8x j in O. (3.4.7) Bennett (1986) shows that if t (U,i U ,i)21(u,k U ,jk - u,ju)njldS = O(E- 2 ), (3.4.8) and if [(W 2 + W,iW,i)dS = O(E 2 ), (3.4.9) nd if U and h are suitably constrained, then in a region 0{3 adjoining r,  _ Eh satisfies a continuous dependence inequality of the form { (v - Eh)2 dx ::; K E 4v ({3) , iO(3 where v is a smooth function such that v(O) = 1, v({3d. =.0, and v'({3) < o. d t bt ' (3 4 10) Bennett im p osed the restnctlOns that In or er 0 0 am ., , o < {3 < {31 < 1, (3.4.10) ( lV'u\6 [1 + E21V'uI2] dx = O(E- 2 ), iO l (3.4.11) and ( u 2 dx = O(E- 2 ), (h 2 dx = O(E- 2 ). i0 1 i0 1 The regions 0{3 are defined as follows: For each {3 in (0,1], the surfce h(x) = {3 intersects 0 and forms a closed region 0{3 whose. boundary consIsts only of points of r and points of h = {3. In addition, a umque surfc passes h h h . t of n and the surfaces h = (3 satisfy the conditlOns t roug eac pom  "1 (3.4.12) (i) a ::; J.L implies Oex COM' (ii) lV'h\ 2: , > 0 in OJ, (iii) h::; 0, Ihl::; 8,2 in 0 1 , . bl fu t' h For n > 2 a radial Payne (1970) gives examples of smta e nc lOns. -, harmonic function can be chosen as h(x). 
142 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling We point out that if the powers of E in (3.4.9) and (3.4.11) are reduced, a continuous dependence inequality similar to (3.4.10) can be obtained but with a lower power of E. Even though the constraints (3.4.11) and (3.4.12) are sufficient conditions for continuous dependence, it is unlikely that continuous dependence could be established under significantly weaker restrictions such as the usual £2 constraint that stabilizes other ill - posed problems against various sources of error. Bennett's proof of (3.4.10) utilizes a logarithmic convexity argument along similar lines to that constructed by Payne (1970) in his treatment of the Cauchy problem for a class of elliptic equations; an exposition of the latter work is given in section 4.3. Bennett's (1986) argument consists of showing that for (3 E [0,1], the functional . F(fJ) = l ({3 -'1) (1. (W,iW,i + WtlW)dx) dlJ + Q, (3.4.13) where the data term Q is defined by Q = ko l w 2 dS + k i l W,iW,idS + k 2 E 2 , satisfies the fundamental inequality (1.5.5), namely FF" - (F')2 2: -cIFF' - C2 F2 , (3.4.14) (3.4.15) on the interval (O,lh) for explicit constants CI and C2. The path leading to (3.4.15) is now briefly sketched. The first and second derivatives of Fare F'(j3) = rj3 r (W,iW,i + wLlw)dx dry, J 0 J nTJ (3.4.16) and F"(j3) = r (W,iW,i + wLlw)dx. (3.4.17) Jn Expression (3.4.16) is integrated by parts to find that F'(j3) = r 13 [r WW,inidS + r WW,ih,ilV'hl-IdS ] dry, Jo Jr TJ JS TJ = r wW,ih,i dx + r 13 r WW,inidS dry, (3.4.18) Jn Jo Jr TJ where r 13 and S j3 have been defined by rj3=rnoj3, Sj3 = {h(x) = j3} n flj3, 143 3.4 Modeling in the Cauchy Problem for Second Order Equations and where the observation has been employed that the component ni of t?e unit normal is h,ilV'hl- l . Equation (3.4.18) may then be used to rewrIte F({3) as F(fJ) =Q + l F'(lJ)dlJ =Q + r 13 [ r WW,ih,i dx + ('1 1 ww,inidS] dlJ. Jo Jn TJ Jo rf; An integration by parts and use of condition (iii) and the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality lead to F({3) =Q + r 13 [  1 w2h,inidS + 1 r w 2 1V'hldS Jo 2 rTJ 2 JS TJ _  r w 2 Llh dx + ('1 r WW,ini dS £L; ] dry, 2 Jn TJ Jo Jrf; 2: r lV'hl 2 w 2 dx - J.L I 1 w2dS - J.L 2 1 W,iW,idS + Q, (3.4.19) 2 Jn r r for computable constants J.LI and J.L2' The constants in (3.4.14) are now chosen so that r lV'hl 2 w 2 dx + Q 2F({3) Jn S(H 1) [l. lY'h[2W 2 dx + Q]. (3.4.20) Forming F F" - (F')2 and discarding a number of nonnegative terms from the right hand side it is found that FF" - (F')2  [i l. lY'hI2W 2 dx] [l. W,iW,i dx ] - [l. WW,ih,i dx )' + F r wLlwdx - 2IF'I\ r13 1 ww,inidS dry!. (3.4.21) Jn Jo rTJ In order to obtain inequality (3.4.15) from the inequality above, Benett (1986) showed that the following inequalities hold for {3 E (0, (31) provIded (3.4.11) is imposed: I r wLlwdxl  KIF, Jn IF'I  F' + K 2 F, (3.4.22) (3.4.23) 
144 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling and { [W,iW,i - 21V' h l- 2 (w,ih,i)2Jdx  -K 3 F' - K4F. Jo (3.4.24) Here the K i (i = 1,... ,4) are all explicitly computable constants. To bound the last term in (3.4.21) Bennett also used the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality to demonstrate Il h, WW,inidS d'1l :S; KsF. (3.4.25) Furthermore, use of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the inequalities (3.4.24), (3.4.20), and (3.4.23) allows one to show that [L. IV hl 2 w 2 dx] [L. w, iW ,i dx ] - 2 [L. ww ,ih,idx r  - 2K 4 FF' - 2(K2K4 + K 6 )F 2 . (3.4.26) Use of (3.4.22), (3.4.23), (3.4.25) and (3.4.26) in (3.4.21) finally leads Ben- nett (1986) to the desired result, (3.4.15), for explicit constants C1 and C2. This inequality is integrated with Payne's transformation as in (1.5.10) to yield / 2 [ / 2 ] (l-o-)/(l-o-d [ ] (o--o-l)/(l-o-I) F({3)(J-C2 C 1 ::; F({3I}(JC2 C 1 F(O) , (3.4.27) where (J -Cl{3 e , (J1 = e- c1 {31. Observing that F(O) = Q which is O( E2) by assumption, one may now conclude that by imposition of the constraint (3.4.12), F satisfies the bound F({3) ::; K E 2 [(o--1)+(o--o-l)]/(1-o-d. (3.4.28) The constraint (3.4.12) is needed in order to ensure that F({3I} is small. Restricting the L2 norms of U and h on 0 1 allows the computation of a constant M independent of E such that F({3I}(JC2/C ::; M 2 E- 2 . Thus, the result (3.4.10) follows from (3.4.20) and (3.4.28). Bennett (1986) also treats the capillary surface equation, establishing continuous dependence on modeling results in a similar manner to that 145 3.4 Modeling in the Cauchy Problem for Second Order Equations which he established for the minimal surface equation. He writes the cap- illary surface equation as  [ (1 + lV'vI 2 )-1/2 v, 1 = cv, aXi uX'L in n, (3.4.29) where c is a positive constant, and he assumes that on the surface r the Cauchy data satisfy l (v 2 + lV'vI 2 )dS ::; E 2 , (3.4.30) and then utilizes the substitution v = EU to yield the perturbed equation 2 au au 02u ( 1 ) U-CU=E2p___+cu --1, aXi OXj aXiOXj P (3.4.31) where 1 P = V I + E21V'u12 . Observing that  -1 = O(E 2 )IV'uI 2 , P Bennett (1986) then compares the solution of (3.4.31) to the function h which satisfies h = ch, in O. He establishes that v - Eh = E(U - h) = EW satisfies the inequality (3.4.32) 1 (v - Eh)2dx ::; K E v ({3) , o o < {3 < {31, (3.4.33) with (6 - p)((J - (J1) v({3) = (1 - (JI) , provided U and h are solutions of (3.4.31) and (3.4.32) that are constrained in the following way: -Cl{3 (J = e , and (J1 = e- c1 {31, ( i) l (w 2 + W,iW,i)dS = O(E 4 - p ), ( ii) £ (U,i U ,i)2I U ,jU,jk n k - u,junj\dS = O(E- P ), 
146 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling ( iii) lh [I Vu I 6 (1 +E2IVu\2) +u 2 IVu\4(1 +E2\VU\2)2 + lulp-1IVu\2] dx = O( E- P ), and ( u 2 dx = O(E- 2 ), J0. 1 1 h2dx = O(E- 2 ), 0. 1 (iv) for p < 6. . .The pr.of of (3.4.33) is similar to that of (3.4.10); the major difference IS m obtammg the estimate for IL. WWdxl which depends on finding a bound for the L2 norm of t'::1w on o'{3. Bennett (1986) also stdies continuous dependence on modeling for a cls of second ordr nonlmear parabolic partial differential equations. A typIal representative example is an end problem for a one dimensional nonhnear heat equation. In this example, the idea is to relate the solution of av a [ (I av 1 2 ) av ] at = ax p ax ax ' av v' ax to a solution of the problem in 0" (3.4.34) prescribed on r, ah a 2 h at - ax 2 ' in 0" h ah prescribed on r. , ax (3.4.35) Here 0, is n open region in the first quadrant of the xt-plane whose bound- ary contams a segment r of the t axis given b y 0 < t < TIt. d th t ( ) . h 2 - - . IS assume a p q WIt q = V x satisfies, for q 2: 0, p + 2qp'(q) - 1 P + 2qp'(q) = O(q). (3.4.36) The Cauchy data on r are assumed to satisfy !r (v 2 + (  r + e ndS  <2, 3.4 Modeling in the Cauchy Problem for Second Order Equations 147 for some small positive number E. Using a weighted energy argument Ben- nett (1986) derives a continuous dependence inequality for classical solu- tions of (3.4.34) and (3.4.35) that are appropriately constrained in o'{31 where o'{3 = {(x, t) : f(x, t) < ,8} n 0,. It is assumed that o,ex  o'{3, for a :::;,8; a, ,8 E (0, ,81], and af' in o'{31 ax 2: Co > 0 as well as a 2 f in o'{31' - < -C I < 0 ax 2 - In order to obtain this result, Bennett sets v = EU and w = u - h. He then introduces the function z = we-A! for some large positive constant A, and defines the operator M by a 2 cjY acjY af acjY [ 2 ( a f ) 2 ( a2 f a f )] M cjY == ax 2 - at + 2A ax ax + A ax + A ax 2 - at cjY. The function z satisfies the equation Mz = e- A ! g, (3.4.37) where a 2 u 9 = [1- P - 2qp'(q)] ax 2 . Integration and clever manipulation of the identity { ( 2A af az _ aZ ) (Mz _ e- A ! g)dxdt = 0 Jn ax ax at leads to the desired inequality. More precisely, Bennett (1986) shows that if (3.4.38) 1 [ 2 ( au ah ) 2 ( au ah ) 2 ] 4-d (u - h) + - - - + - - - dB = O(E ), r ax ax at at (3.4.39) for d < 6, and if the constraints { ( aU ) 2 ( aU ) 4 dx dt = O(E- d ), J0.l at ax (3.4.40) 
148 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.5 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics 149 in" [u 2 + h 2 + (  r + (  ) 2]dX dt = 0«-2), are imposed, then for 0 < (3 < (31, (3.4.41) 3.5 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics and in Magnetohydrodynamics and in" (v - <h)2dxdt = 0«(6-d)(1-P/')), (3.4.42) Payne & Straughan (1989a) study modeling questions in initial- boundary value and final - boundary value problems for the micropolar fluid the- ory of Eringen (1966). The micropolar fluid equations provide additional structure to the Navier - Stokes equations by including a description of the microstructure in the fluid. Micropolar fluids have received immense attention in the literature where the novel effects of the microstructure are often pronounced. For example, Payne & Straughan (1989c) have shown they may account for a plausible explanation of the drastic reduction ob- served in the critical temperature gradient necessary for convection in a gas with added smoke particles. The work of Payne & Straughan (1989a) addresses the question of how the velocity field of the micropolar equa- tions converges to the velocity field of the N avier-Stokes equations as an interaction parameter tends to zero. The continuity, momentum, and moment of momentum equations for an incompressible, isotropic micropolar fluid can be written in the form It is worth pointing out that Bennett's proof does not guarantee a contin- uous dependence result if d = 6. Estimates similar to (3.4.42) can be obtained for an equation of the form 8v 8 [ 8v ] 8t = 8x p(v,q) 8x ' in 0, (3.4.43) where 8p - = 0 ( 1 ) ' 8v ' p + 2q(8p/8q) 1 = 0 p + 2q(8p/8q) (q). (3.4.44) The proof of these estimates uses a weighted energy argument not unlike the argument employed for the equation (3.4.34). The details of these arguments can be found in Bennett (1986). Bennett (1986) is also able to adapt a weighted energy method to handle the Cauchy problem for the second order nonlinear hyperbolic equation 8 2 v 8 ( 8v ) 8t 2 = 8 X i P 8Xi ' in Ox (-T,T), (3.4.45) 8 V i -0 8 X i - , 8v- 8v' 8p 8 n k _ 8  + Vj- 8  - _ 8 + (v + A)Vi + AEijk- 8 ' t Xj Xi Xj ( 8n- 8n- ) 8Vk j 8t + Vj 8x; = - 2Ani + AEijk 8Xj 8 2 nk +(a+(3)- 8 8 +')'ni, Xk Xi (3.5.1) where 1 P = VI + IVvI2 ' and 0 is the interior of an n-dimensional ball centered at the origin in R n . The solution of this equation is compared to a solution h of the linear wave equation where Vi denote the components of the fluid velocity and ni is peculiar to the micropolar fluid theory. The vector ni accounts for microstructure effects in that it is a particle spin vector. These equations are assumed to hold on 0 x (0, T) where 0 C R 3 is a bounded domain and T> 0 (T may be infinite for the initial - boundary value problem). The constants j,).., v, and')' are nonnegative while a, (3, and')' additionally satisfy 8 2 h 8t 2 = h. (3.4.46) Under the appropriate constraints, it can be established that in suitable neighbourhoods of 80 x (-T, T), 0 13 , the estimate 3a + (3 + ')' 2: 0, ')' + (3 2: 0, ')' (3 2: o. r (v - Eh)2dxdt = 0(E(6-d)j3), JO{1 {3.4.4 7) The vectors v and n are assumed to satisfy the initial and boundary con- ditions Vi = ni = 0, on r x [0, T], for d < 6 holds. Vi(X,O) = Ji(x), ni(x,O) = 9i(X), xE 0, XEO, (3.5.2) 
150 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling where r is the boundary of O. Observing that when the constants A, a, (3, I' and j are all zero equations (3.5.1) reduce to the Navier-Stokes equations, Payne & Straughan (1989a) investigate the behavior of Vi as A --+ O. In particular they study the relationship between Vi and the velocity field Ui of a N avier - Stokes fluid that is governed by the initial - boundary value problem ° O Ui = 0, ) Xi OUi OUi oq 7ft + Uj OXj = - OXi + VUi, Ui = 0, on r x [0, T], Ui(X,O) = fi(X), X E O. (3.5.3h (3.5.3h Convergence in the Backward in Time Problem To study the backward in time problem for (3.5.1) and (3.5.3), Payne & Straughan (1989a) replace t by -t and deal with the resulting system of equations forward in time. Hence, let again 0 be a bounded, three- dimensional domain with boundary r. The idea is to compare the solutions Vi and ni of the system OVi _ 0 =0, Xi OVi OVi onk op - =Vj- - (v + A)Vi - AEijk- + -, at OXj OXj OXi .oni . ani OVk J-;:;;- =JVj- o + 2Ani - AEijk- o U Xj Xj 0 2n k - (a+{3)- -,ni, OXkOXi in 0 x (0, T), subject to the boundary and initial conditions Vi = 0, on r x [O,T], x EO, xE 0, ni = 0, Vi (X, 0) = fi(X), ni(X,O) = hi(x), with the solution Ui to the N avier-Stokes equations OUi = 0 ) aXi ' OUi OUi oq -=Uj--VUi+- at aXj aXi' (3.5.4) (3.5.5) (3.5.6) 3.5 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics in 0 x (0, T), which satisfies the boundary and initial conditions Ui = 0, on r x [0, T], Ui(X, 0) = fi(X), X E O. 151 (3.5.7) Both of these initial-boundary value problems are ill posed; hence, in the course of the analysis it is necessary to require that solutions Vi, ni, and Ui belong to constraint sets which we now define. A function 'I/J(Xk, t) belongs to the set M 1 if sup 'l/Ji'I/Ji:::; Ml, nx[O,T] for a given constant M 1; it belongs to M 2 if sup 'l/Ji'I/Ji + sup ('l/Ji,j - 'l/Jj,i) ('l/Ji,j - 'l/Jj,d nx[O,T] nx[O,T] + sup {('l/Ji,t'I/Ji,t)2dx:::; M, tE[O,T] in for a constant M2; and it belongs to M3 if (3.5.8) (3.5.9) sup [ { ('l/Ji,j - 'l/Jj,d(i,j - 'l/Jj,i)dx + ( 'l/Ji,t'I/Ji,t dX ] :::; M, tE[O,T] in in for a constant M3. We assume that Vi E Ml' Ui E M2, and ni E M3, in what follows. The argument used by Payne & Straughan (1989a) to derive continuous dependence on A is the logarithmic convexity method as outlined below. To compare the velocity fields we begin by defining Wi = Vi - Ui, and 7r = P - q, and observe that W satisfies the equations OWi -0 OXi - , OWi OWi OUi 07r ) - =v'-+w'-+ - - (V+A Wi ot J OXj J OXj OXi onk - AEijk- o - AUi, x' J in n x (0, T), and the boundary and initial conditions Wi = 0, on r x [O,T], Wi (X, 0) = 0, x EO. (3.5.10) (3.5.11) (3.5.12) 
152 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling The key function in the application of the logarithmic convexity method is cjY(t) = IIw(t)11 2 + CA 2 , (3.5.13) where C is a constant to be chosen. The next step is to calculate cjY' and cjY". Hence, differentiating (3.5.13), substituting (3.5.11), (3.5.12) and inte- grating by parts, one finds cjY' (t) =2 L WiWjUi,jdx + 2(v + A) IIVwII2 + 2>' L Ui,jWi,jdx + 2AEijk L nkWi,jdx. (3.5.14) An alternative way to write cjY' is to define 1 1 c.pi = Wi,t - '4 Wj (Ui,j - Uj,i) - "2 VjWi,j , (3.5.15) so that cjY' (t) = 2 L Wic.pi dx . (3.5.16) The function c.pi is introduced because it allows the removal of awkward terms. Equation (3.5.14) is differentiated, the differential equation (3.5.11) is reintroduced, followed by several integrations by parts to obtain an ex- pression for cjY" (t). An estimate for cjY" (t) is then obtained by judiciously using inequalities such as the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the bounds (3.5.8) - (3.5.10). The result is cjY" 2: 411c.p112 - clAIlc.pIl- c211VwI1 2 - c311wI12 - C4 A2 , (3.5.17) for constants Cl,.. . , C4 that depend on M 1, M 2, M3 and 0 but are inde- pendent of A. We need a way to control the IIVwII2 term in (3.5.17) and with this in mind we apply the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality to (3.5.14). It can be shown that M 2 -2(v + A)IIVwI1 2 2: - cjY' - (al + a2 + a3)IIVw11 2 - -2l1wlI2 a3 _ A 2 [ IIVuI12 + llnIl2 ] , a1 a2 for positive constants ai (i = 1,2,3). The ai must now be chosen to leave a negative piece of -IIVw112 on the left. A possible choice is a1 + a2 + a3 = v. 3.5 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics 153 Then with the aid of (3.5.9) and (3.5.10) we can find constants K 1 and K 2 independent of A such that -IIVw112 2: -cjY' - KlllwI12 - K 2 >.2. v (3.5.18) Upon use of this bound in (3.5.17) and an appropriate choice of C in (3.5.13) we may obtain cjY" 2: 411c.p1l2 - clAIIc.p1l - C5cjY' - C6cjY, (3.5.19) where C5 and C6 are constants independent of A. Now form the basic convexity expression cjYcjY" - (cjY')2 using (3.5.13), (3.5.16) and (3.5.19) to derive the inequality cjYcjY" - (cjY')2 2: 8 2 - 2 11c.pllcjY3/2 - C5cjYcjY' - C6cjY2, (3.5.20) where we have defined s" = 4</>11'P!l 2 - 4(L Wi'Pidx Y = 4q,!I'P11 2 - (q,')2, (3.5.21) and note that 8 2 2: 0 by virtue of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality. From (3.5.21) it follows that (3.5.20) may be rewritten as cjYcjY" _ (cjY')2 2:82 _ 2./c cjY [8 2 + (cjY')2] 1/2 - C5cjYcjY' - C6cjY2, 2: - ( 1 + C6 ) q,2 - C5q,q,' - 2:0 q,WI. (3.5.22) Rewriting (3.5.14) and using (3.5.9) and (3.5.10), IcjY'l is estimated to find IcjY'l ::; cjY' + C7cjY, for a constant C7 independent of A. Hence, from (3.5.22) one may show that 3 constants aI, a2 such that cjYcjY" - (cjY')2 2: -alcjYcjY' - a2cjY2. Since this is the standard convexity inequality it may be integrated as in chapter 1 to obtain for t E [0, T), cjY(t) ::; c[cjY(O)] 8(t) [cjY(T)] 1-8(t), where 0 < 8 (t) ::; 1. It follows from this estimate that 2 .... 28 Ilu - vII ::; K(8)A , (3.5.23) 
154 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling which is the desired inequality derived by Payne & Straughan (1989). Con- sequently we can conclude that w depends Holder continuously on ;\ in £2(0,) on compact subintervals of [0, T). For t < T, the order of conver- gence of Vi to Ui in £2(0,) is 0(;\8), 0 < 8 ::; 1. Modeling in Magnetohydrodynarnics Incorporating Hall and Ion - Slip Effects We now give brief details of work of Mulone et al. (1992) who show that the solution to the equations of magnetohydrodynamics depends continuously on the body force and the source term in the magnetic field equation. By this technique they are able to deduce that the solution depends contin- uously on the modeling process when the Hall effect or the ion-slip effect is present. The Hall and ion-slip effects are prominent in many physical situations, see e.g. Cowling (1976), Maiellaro et al. (1989), and thus it is important to establish rigorous quantitative estimates on how these effects contribute to the solution in magnetohydrodynamics. Mulone et al. (1992) treat, without any loss of generality, the viscosity and other coefficients as unity (although they do indicate how to modify the analysis when this is not the case) and then they write down directly the equations for the backward in time problem, but by changing t to -t and dealing with the modified problem forward in time. Thus their equations for an incompressible, linear viscous fluid permeated by a magnetic field, may be written OVi OVi OHi op -=v'--H'-+--v'-P ot J OXj J OXj OXi  , oH i oH i OVi -=v'--H'--H' ot J OXj J OXj , OVi 0 Hi _ 0 = 0, _ 0 = O. Xi Xi (3.5.24) Here Vi, Hi, P represent the velocity, magnetic field, and pressure, respec- tively, and Fi(x, t) is a body force which is additional to that associated with the Lorentz force. These equations are again defined on a bounded spatial domain 0,( C R 3 ), and t E (0, T). On the boundary r for 7Ji, Hi prescribed functions we have Vi(X m , t) = Vi(X m , t), Hi(Xm, t) = Hi(Xm, t), (3.5.25) while the initial data are, Vi(Xm,O) = v?(x m ), Hi(Xm, O) = Hp(xm), (3.5.26) with v?, Hp given. 3.5 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics 155 When the Hall and ion-slip effects are included equations (3.5.24) are modified to (3.5.27), in which the {31 term represents the Hall effect whereas the {32 term is associated with the effect of ion-slip. ov: =v ovi _ H": oHi + op* - v: - Ft, ot J OXj J OXj OXi oHi =v": oHi _ H": ovi - Ht {31 [V x (H* x V x H*)] i ot J OXj J OXj (3.5.27) - {32 [V X {H* x (H* x V x H*)} t, ovi _ 0 oHi = 0 OXi -, OXi . Equations (3.5.27) are defined on the same domain as (3.5.24) and (vi, Hi) satisfy the same boundary and initial data as (3.5.25) and (3.5.26). Mulone et al. (1992) set Ii = Ft - F i , gi(X m , t) ={3I[V x (H* x V x H*)L + {32 [V x {H* x (H* x V x H*)} L, and then define Ui, hi, 7r by Ui = v: - Vi, hi = Ht - Hi, 7r = p* p. These difference variables then satisfy the boundary initial value problem OUi = v OUi + U' OVi _ H": oh i _ h . oH i + 07r - Ui - Ii, ot J OXj J OXj J OXj J OXj OXi oh i * oh i oH i H * OUi _ h , OVi _ A h , _ g ' (3 5 28) -=v.-+U'-- .- J  , . . ot J OXj J OXj J OXj OXj OUi = 0, oh i = 0, OXi OXi in 0, x (0, T], Ui(X m , t) = 0, hi(x m , t) = 0, X m E r, t E [0, T], (3.5.29) Ui(Xm,O) = 0, hi(X m , 0) = 0, X m E 0,. The constraint set adopted by Mulone et al. (1992) consists of those solu- tions satisfying IVvl, IVHI, Iv*l, IH*I ::; M, \V x (H* x V x H*)I ::; N, IV x {H* x (H* x V x H*)}\ ::; N, 
156 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling for M, N constants we know. The latter two bounds simply say that the Hall and ion-slip effects are bounded which is entirely reasonable. To establish continuous dependence on the source terms Ii and 9i, and so establish continuous dependence on the Hall and ion-slip effects, Mulone et al. (1992) use the method oflogarithmic convexity and utilize the functional P(t) = t (lIull 2 + Il h l1 2 )ds + sup IIfl1 2 + sup IIg1l 2 . Jo tE[O,T] tE[O,T] Omitting the details they are able to show P satisfies PP" - (p')2  -k 1 FF' - k 2 P 2 , this being the standard logarithmic convexity inequality, and then as shown in section 1.5 this leads to F(t) ::; [P(O)] (0--0-2)/(1-0-2) [P(T)efLT] (1-0-)/(1-0-2) e-fLt, where J.L = k 2 /k 1 , 0'1 = 1,0'2 = exp(-k 1 T) and 0' = exp(-k 1 t). A final imposition is made that P(T)e fLT ::; K, and then it is deduced that 10' (lIull 2 + II h ll 2 )ds Soe-t K(l-u)!(l-u,) ( ) (0--0-2)/(1-0-2) . X sup IIfl1 2 + sup IIgll2 tE[O,T] tE[O,T] This inequality, of course, shows the solution depends Holder continuously on f, g on compact subintervals of [0, T), and consequently establishes con- tinuous dependence on the modeling. In particular, Mulone et al. (1992) deduce continuous dependence on the Hall and ion-slip effects in the sense that as {31, {32 --+ 0, a quantitative estimate is known for the rate of approach of vi --+ Vi and Hi --+ Hi. They also observe that by using the dissipative nature of the ion-slip term one may directly establish continuous dependence on this effect via the {32 coefficient. Continuous Dependence on the Velocity for an Equation Arising from Dynamo Theory We conclude this section with a brief account of recent work of Franchi & Straughan (1994) who study continuous dependence on the modeling in an equation which arises from the study of a dynamo model. The dynamo aspect may be found in Lortz & Meyer-Spasche (1982). 3.5 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics 157 For the backward in time case Franchi & Straughan (1994) consider the following equation - aa = ai ( T/ : ) ai (Vi H ), m 0 x (O,T), (3.5.30) where 0 is a bounded domain in R 3 . They suppose that on the boundary r of the domain 0, H satisfies the data H(x, t) = HB(X, t), (3.5.31) for a prescribed function HB, while fI also satisfies the inital data H(x,O) = Ho(x), xEO. (3.5.32) In the dynamo problem H is the toroidal part of the magnetic field, and Vi is a known velocity field. Franchi & Straughan (1994) use a logarithmic convexity argument and so we here only outline the result. If Hand H* are two solutions to (3.5.30) on 0 x (0, T), corresponding to different velocity fields v and v*, but satisfying the same boundary and initial conditions, then the difference solution satisfies the boundary-initial value problem, ah = - ( T/(x)h i ) , + (v;(x)h ) , + (ui(x)H) i' at ' , , , h = 0, on r x [0, T], h(x,O) = 0, x EO. in 0 x (0, T), (3.5.33) (3.5.34) (3.5.35) In addition it is necessary that on the boundary r, v;ni = o. (3.5.36) Franchi & Straughan (1994) when dealing with the improperly posed problem impose the bounds, Iv:l, IV:,il, IV;,ml, IT/,il, IHI, IH,il ::; N, (3.5.37) for a positive constant N. To show that H depends continuously on v Franchi & Straughan (1994) utilize the functional F(t) = 1o'IIh ll2 dS + Q, (3.5.38) 
158 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling where II . II is the norm on L 2 (0) and where Q is the data term Q = sup IIul1 2 + sup Ilui,iIl2. tE[O,T] tE[O,T] We omit the details of their calculation, but note that they arrive at the logarithmic convexity inequality (3.5.40) FF" - (F')2 2: -k 1 FF' - k 2 F 2 , (3.5.41) whre k 1 , k 2 are given explicitly in that work. Inequality (3.5.41) may now be mtegrated as shown in section 1.5 to find F(t) ::; [F(O)] (o--o-d/(I-o- 1 ) [F(T)eJLT] (l-o-)/(I-o-d e-JLt, (3.5.42) where k 2 fJ, = k 1 ' The cntinuous depe:ndence estimate follows from (3.5.42) by supposing !(T) satIsfies a constramt such as the assumption that an a priori estimate IS known for the quantity (J=e- k1t , (Jl = e- k1T , L(T) = [F(T)eJLT] (I-O-)/(I-o- d . The continuous dependence inequality thus follows and is: it IIhll 2 ds ::; L(T)e- JLt [sup lIull 2 + sup lI u i,il1 2 J (o--o-l)/(I-o-I). (3.5.43) ° tE[O,T] tE[O,T] This ineqalit.! establishes continuous dependence on the velocity for the backward m tIme problem on compact subintervals of [0, T). 3.6 Continuous Dependence on Modeling in Porous Convection Problems We begin this section by considering an ill posed problem connected with he phenomeno of penetrative convection or non-Boussinesq convection, m a porous medmm. The process of penetrative convection is examined in detail in a recent book by Straughan (1993). Here we review some results of Ames & Payne (1994b) who derive estimates which imply continuous 3.6 Modeling in Porous Convection Problems 159 dependence on modeling. More specifically, they show that solutions to the backward in time equations for a heat conducting incompressible fluid in a porous medium depend Holder continuously on changes in the form of the buoyancy law. The equations adopted by Ames & Payne (1994b) which have a linear buoyancy law are ap 1 _ a = - Vi - gi T, Xi aVi =0 aXi ' aT aT - =Vi- -T. at aXi These equations are defined on 0 x (0, to) where 0 is a bounded domain in R 3 with a smooth boundary r. In (3.6.1), Vi is the velocity, T is the temperature, and p is the pressure. For simplicity, the viscosity, density, and thermal diffusivity have been set equal to unity and g; = gl(xm, t) is a combination of the gravity vector and coefficient of thermal expansion. Associated with the equations (3.6.1) are boundary and initial conditions of the form (3.6.1) T(xm, t) =T 1 (x m , t), Vi(X m , t) =Vi(X m , t), on r x [0, to], (3.6.2) T(xm,O) =T2(Xm), Vi(Xm,O) =i\(x m ), The problem which is compared to (3.6.1) - (3.6.3) has a quadratic buoyancy law, so we consider xE O. (3.6.3) ap* * I T * 2 (T * ) 2 _ a = - vi - gi - agi , Xi av; =0 aXi ' aT* _ * aT* _ " T * --V, u, at  aXi (3.6.4) and require that (V;, T* , p*) satisfy the same boundary and initial condi- tions as (vi,T,p); in (3.6.4) g'f is another function associated with gravity and the thermal expansion coefficient. The goal in Ames & Payne (1994b) is to derive an estimate that indicates how solutions depend on the constant a. To this end set Ui = v; - Vi, () = T* - T, p = p* - p, (3.6.5) 
160 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling and observe that (Ui, (), P) satisfy the initial - boundary value problem {)P - = - u' - g () - a g ? ( T* ) 2 {)Xi    , {)Ui -=0 {)Xi ' {)() {)() {)T* {)t =Vi {)Xi + Ui {)Xi - 1l(), (3.6.6) in Ox (0, to) with ()(Xm, t) =0, ()(Xm,O) =0, Ui(X m , t) = 0, Ui(Xm,O) = 0, on r x [0, to], xE 0. (3.6.7) It is henceforth assumed that sup gfgf  K 2 , Ox [O,toJ (3.6.8) for a = 1 or 2 nd some positive constant K, and we now introduce two classs of functIOn that we will need in the course of the analysis Th functIOn 7/J belongs to M 1 if . e sup (7/J 2 + 1\77/J1 2 )  M 1 2, (3 ) Ox[O,toJ .6.9 for a prescribed constant M 1 and the vector Wi is of class M2 if sup Wi Wi  M?, Ox[O,toJ (3.6.10) for some prescribed constant M 2 . T estblish coninuous dependence on a Ames & Payne (1994b) use a loganthrmc conveXIty method. They define the functional 4>(t) = l' 11011 2 dry + ,,2, (3.6.11) and show that if T* E M 1 and Vi E M 2, then f/Jf/J" - (f/J'?  -Cl f/Jf/J' - C2f/J 2 , (3.6.12) for computable, positive constants Cl and C2. 3.6 Modeling in Porous Convection Problems 161 To review the analysis of Ames & Payne (1994b) we begin by obtaining an estimate for lIull which will be needed to obtain (3.6.12). Multiplying the first equation in (3.6.6) by Ui and integrating over 0, we have lIuII2 = - !o g;Ui O dx -" !o g[ui(T')2dx, KII()II + aKMfIOI1/2, (3.6.13) where 101 represents the volume of the domain. The inequality follows from Schwarz's inequality, (3.6.8), and the constraint on T*. To apply the logarithmic convexity method it is necessary to calculate f/J' and f/J" and so differentiating (3.6.11), introducing the third of equations (3.6.6) and integrating by parts, we find that 4>' (t) =11 0 11 2 = 21' !o ee,rydx dry, =2 l' !o Ou,T,dx dry + 2 l' !o O"O,i dx dry. (3.6.14) (3.6.15) If we differentiate (3.6.15), we then have 4>"(t) =2 !o Ou,T,dx + 2 !o O"O"dx, =4 l' !o O"O,irydx dry + 2 !o Ou,T,dx, (3.6.16) which upon integration by parts and substitution of the differential equa- tion, leads to 4>" (t) =41' !o O;ry dx dry - 41' !o O,ry (Vi O " + u,T,) dx dry + 2 !o ()uiT,dx. (3.6.17) The term involving (),tVi(),i causes problems and to remove it, it is convenient to write 4>'(t) = 21' !o 01jJ dx dry, (3.6.18) where we have set 1 ,,/, = () .,., - -Vi() i. 'f/ "I 2 ' (3.6.19) 
162 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling We may then obtain the expression </><P" - (</>')2 =4S2 - ([II 01l2 d T)) ([l [V i O,i]2 dx dT)) t t + 4a 2 io l!e,T}11 2 d1J - 44> 11 e,T}uiT,:dx d1J + 24> 1 eUiT*'dx , , S1 (3.6.20) where S2 = ([1I 0 1l 2 dT)) ([l.p2 dxd T)) - ([l O.pdxdT)) 2 (3.6.21 ) Note that 8 2 > 0 b y S h ,. . _. c warz s mequahty. We now need to bound each of the terms on the nght hand side of ( 3 6 20 ) Full d t . l . ho '" e al s are not gIven here' (3.2e)'a:; ( be;; ) e t;at the* necessary analsis involves the inequaliti .. . mce T E M 1 , we denve from (3.6.15) [l O,iO,i dx dT) :0: </>' + Aq" while from (3.6.13), it follows that (3.6.22) [IIU Il2 dT) :0: B</>, where the constants A and B are given by (3.6.23) 1 A= 2M1K{2+MtIOlto}I/2, (3.6.24) and B = K2{1 + MtIOlto } . (3.6.25) The second last term in (3.6.20) is rearranged as -4</> [l O,"uiT,dx dT) = - 4</> [l.pUiT,dx dT) - 2</> l' l VjO,jUiT,dx dT). (3.6.26) With the observation that [ 4> f o t 1!7{J1!2d1J ] 1/2 = [8 2 + (4)')2 ] 1/2  8 + -+- , ( in 't' 3.6.27) 3.6 Modeling in Porous Convection Problems 163 and that Ilullllell  K 1 / 2 [4>,]1/2[(4)')1/2 +c4>1/2], (3.6.28) where the constant c is c = K M{IOI1/2, one may show from (3.6.20), after employing (3.6.22) - (3.6.28), that 4> satisfies the logarithmic convexity inequality 4>4>" - (4)') 2 2: - 2'Y14>4>' - (,3 +  ) 4>2, (3.6.29) where ')'1 =M? + 4M 1 B 1 / 2 + 2M 1 Kf, ')'2 =( v'2M1M2B1/2 + 2M1C 1 / 2 )2, ')'3 =M{ B + 2M1M2B1/2 A1/2. (3.6.30) Expression (3.6.29) is the desired logarithmic convexity inequality. Inte- gration of this as in section 1.5 results in a continuous dependence on a estimate provided that solutions to the governing equations are suitably constrained. In this case the constraints are T* E Ml, Vi E M2, and e satisfies the bound to Jo lIell 2 d1J + a 2  M for a positive constant M independent of a. Then there exists a constant k (to) independent of a such that for t E (0, to) [II 011 2 dT) :0: k (to )(i[1-'(')J M'(') , (3.6.31) where 0  bet)  1. We have thus demonstrated continuous dependence of solutions on the buoyancy law as in Ames & Payne (1994b). The Modeling Problem in a Viscous Fluid Franchi & Straughan (1993b) obtain similar results in their study of an ill posed problem for thermal convection in a heat conducting viscous fluid. They establish that a solution to the backward in time Navier - Stokes equations coupled with a backward in time convective heat equation de- pends continuously on changes in the modeling of the buoyancy law under the requirements that the perturbed velocity and temperature fields as well as the gradients of base velocity and temperature are bounded. 
164 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling The equations which Franchi & Straughan (1993b) consider with a linear buoyancy law are OVi OVi op at = Vj OXj + OXi - LlVi - b/d, OVi --0 OXi - , 08 08 -=v'--Ll8 at J OXj , where Vi, p, 8 are velocity, pressure, and temperature, respectively, and b i is essentially gravity. The above equations are defined on a bounded spatial domain 0 (c R 3 ), and on the bounded time interval (0, T). On the boundary of 0, r, it is assumed that (3.6.32) Vi (x, t) = Vi(X, t), 8(x, t) = 8(x, t), (3.6.33) where Vi, 8 are given functions. The solutions are required to satisfy the initial data Vi(X, 0) = hi(x), 8(x,0) = (x), for x E 0 and prescribed functions hi, . The problem with which to compare (3.6.32) - (3.6.34) is that with a quadratic buoyancy law. The governing equations for this in 0 x (0, T) are ovi * ovi op* - = v' - + - - Llv:" - b'8* - Eb'8*2 ot J ox j OXi   , OV'! ---2.. = 0 OXi ' 08* 08* - = v- - Ll8* at J OXj . Since the object is to study continuous dependence on changes in the model itself it is sufficient to take (vi, 8*, p*) to satisfy the same boundary data and the same initial data as that satisfied by (vi,8,p). To investigate continuous dependence on E, we define the variables Ui, 7r and () by (3.6.34) (3.6.35) Ui = v; - Vi, 7r = p* - p, () = 8* - 8, and observe that these variables satisfy the equations OUi _ * OUi . OVi 07r *2  t - V j  . + U J  +  - LlUi - b/J - Eb i 8 , U uXJ uXJ uX OUi -=0 OXi ' o() * o() 08 ot =Vj ox. +Uj ox, -Ll(), J J (3.6.36) 3.6 Modeling in Porous Convection Problems 165 in (x, t) E 0 x (0, T), and the appropriate boundary and initial conditions are Ui(X, t) = 0, Ui(X,O) 0, ()(X, t) = 0, ()(x,O) = 0, x E r, t E [0, T], xE O. (3.6.37) Franchi & Straughan (1993b) assume the solutions Vi, 8, vi, 8* satisfy the bounds: IVvl, IV81, Iv* I 18* 1 2 ::; M, where M is a known constant. The above restrictions thus define the con- straint set. It is also supposed b i is bounded. Franchi & Straughan (1993b) employ the method of logarithmic convex- ity and define the functional F(t) by F(t) = 10' (lIull 2 + II01l 2 )ds + E 2 (3.6.38) After several manipulations they show this functional satisfies the logarith- mic convexity inequality F F" - (F')2 2 -kIF F' - k 2 F 2 , (3.6.39) and obtain the constants k 1 , k 2 explicitly. This inequality is integrated as in section 1.5 by putting (7 = e- k1 \ (71 = 1, (72 = e- k1T , to find [ ] (0'-0'2)/(1-0'2) [ T ] (1-0')/(1-0'2) t F(t)::; F(O) F(T)eJ1- e-J1- , (3.6.40) where f-L = k 2 /k 1 . Inequality (3.6.40) is used to establish continuous dependence on the modeling, i.e. on E, by supposing a bound is known for F(T). Franchi & Straughan (1993b) assume F(T)eJ1-T ::; K, where K is a constant independent of E. Then (3.6.40) implies that l' (lIull 2 + II01l 2 )ds :S e' K(1-a)/(1a')E2(aa,)/(1-a,) (3.6.41 ) This inequality thus establishes Holder continuous dependence of the solu- tion on compact subintervals of [0, T), and hence continuous dependence on the buoyancy. 
166 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.6 Modeling in Porous Convection Problems 167 Remark We have only considered the question of changes in the buoyancy from a lin- ear to a quadratic law. Straughan (1993) includes an exposition of various buoyancy laws which have been used in the literature, such as cubic, fifth and sixth order polynomials in temperature, and other functions. Franchi & Straughan (1993b) remark that it is not difficult to extend their analysis to the equivalent modeling problem of comparing a particular buoyancy law with another different one. The boundary conditions we consider are niVi(x, t) = ni'Vi(x, t), 8(x, t) = 8(x, t), C(x, t) = C(x, t), (3.6.44) where x E r, t E [0, T], n is the unit outward normal to r, ih, 8, Care prescribed, and the initial conditions are Continuous Dependence on Modeling Parameters Several of the studies of thermal convection have been devoted to obtaining continuous dependence on parameters such as a heat source or a body force. Such parameters are subject to error during the formulation of the mathe- matical model. Strictly speaking these investigations would not be classified as "continuous dependence on modeling" studies in the sense that we have so far used the terminology. However, it can be argued that these param- eters are part of the model and consequently, this work can be included in the present chapter. Examples of this kind of study can be found in Ames & Cobb (1993), Ames & Payne (1994a,1995b), Franchi (1995), Franchi & Straughan (1993a,1996), Song (1988) and Straughan (1993). Recently Franchi & Straughan (1993a) have established continuous dependence of the solution on changes in the heat supply in a model for double diffusive convective motion ill a porous medium, as we now show. For the problem considered in Franchi & Straughan (1993a), the equa- tions for flow in a porous medium, backward in time, with a buoyancy law linear in solute and quadratic in temperature, may be written as 8(x,0) = 8B(X), C(x,O) = CB(X). (3.6.45) (Initial data are given only for the temperature and concentration fields 8 and C, since this is all which is required in the ensuing analysis.) Since we shall study continuous dependence on the heat supply R, we suppose (vi,8,C,p) and (v;,8*,C*,p*) are two solutions to (3.6.42) - (3.6.45) for the same boundary and initial data, but for different heat sources Rand R*. In terms of the difference variables Ui =v; - Vi, 7r = p* - p, r = R* - R, () = 8* - 8, c = C* - C, the perturbation solution (Ui, (), c, 7r) satisfies (3.6.42) {)7r = b i [-a(8 + 8*)() + 2a8 o () + ,Bc] - Ui, {)Xi {)Ui = 0, {)Xi {)() * {)() {)8 - = v. - +Ui- - !::::.()-r, {)t  {)Xi {)Xi {)c _ *  , {)C -!::::.C  - Vi {) + U {) , u" Xi Xi (3.6.46) {)p = b i [1 a(8 - 8 0 )2 + fJ(C - Co) ] {)Xi {)Vi _ 0 {)Xi - , {)8 {)8 V- - !::::.8-R, {)t {)Xi {)C = v. {)C -!::::.C {)t  {)Xi ' Vi, on the domain x E 0, t E (0, T), together with the boundary and initial conditions on the domain X E 0, t E (0, T). Here, Vi,P, 8, C, R are velocity, pressure, temperature, concentration of solute, and heat supply. a, fJ, 8 0 , Co are constants and we suppose niUi(x, t) = ()(x, t) = c(x, t) = 0, ()(x,O) = c(x,O) = 0, x E O. x E r, t E [0, T], (3.6.47) The bounds we impose are that Ib(x, t)1 :S 1. (3.6.43) IV;I, 181, 18*1, 18,i/, IC,il ::; M, (3.6.48) 
168 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling for a prescribed constant M. To apply the method of logarithmic convexity we define the functional F (t) by F(t) = 10'(110112 + IIclI2)ds + Q, where Q is now the data term (3.6.49) Q = sup Ilrll 2 , tE[O,T] (3.6.50) and where 11.11 denotes the norm on £2(0). By differentiating F we obtain F'(t) =11011 2 + 11c1l 2 , (3.6.51) =2 10' 10 OO,sdx ds + 2 10' 10 cC,sdxds, (3.6.52) =21' 10 Ou,8"dxds + 21' 10 <:IJ.iC"dxds - 21' 10 Ordxds + 2 10' 1IV'01l2ds + 2 10' lIV'cI1 2 ds, (3.6.53) where use has been made of (3.6.46) and (3.6.47). Next, differentiate F' and after integration by parts and further use of (3.6.46) we find F" =2 10 OUj 8,j dx - 2 10 Or dx + 2 10 <:IJ.,C,idx - 41' 10 0" u,8 "dx ds + 41' 10 O,sr dx ds - 41' 10 c,sUiC,idx ds + 41' 111>11 2 ds +410' 1lti>11 2 ds - 10' 10 (V;0,i)2dxds -1' 10 (v;c,,)2dxds, (3.6.54) where 4> and 'l/J have been defined as 4> Ot - vO . , 2 J ,J' ,,/, 1 * 'f/ = C,t - 2 Vj C,j' (3.6.55) The next step is to multiply the first equation of (3.6.46) by Ui and integrate over 0 to find, lIull 2 = a 10 b i (8 + 8*)OUi dx + 280a 10 biOUi dx + f3 10 biCUi dx . 3.6 Modeling in Porous Convection Problems 169 We use the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality on this equation together with the bounds (3.6.43), (3.6.48), and hence obtain lIull 2  k(IIOI\2 + IlcI12), (3.6.56) where k is the constant k = 12 max{a 2 (M 2 + 8),f32}. Now use (3.6.52), (3.6.54) and form the expression F F" - (F/)2, to find F F" - (F')2 2::482 + 4Q 10' (111)11 2 + 1lti>1I2)ds + 2F 10 Ou,8"dx - 2F 10 Ordx + 2F 10 <:IJ.iC"dx - 4F l' 10 0,su,8"dxds + 4F l' 10 O"r dx ds - 4F l' 10 c"uiC"dx ds - F l' 10 (V;0,i)2dxds - F l' 10 (v;c,,)2dxds, (3.6.57) where 8 2 has been defined by t {t 8 2 = 1 (\1011 2 + Ilcl\2)ds Jo (114)11 2 + 1I'l/J1I 2 )ds - (10' [10 01>dx + 10 c1J dx ]dSY, (3.6.58) and is non-negative by virtue of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Next we derive from (3.6.58) the result 10' (11011 2 + IIcl12)ds 10'(111)11' + 1lti>1I2)ds = J 8 2 + (F? F'  8 + 2' (3.6.59) The sixth, seventh and eighth terms on the right of (3.6.57) are bounded as follows, using (3.6.56), -1' 10 0"u,8"dxds -1' in C,su,C"dxds = - l' 10 1mi8"dx ds - l' 10 ti>u,C,'dx ds 
170 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling -  l' in V;;'0,mUi6,idxds  l' in V;;'C,mUiC,idxds 3.6 Modeling in Porous Convection Problems 171 - 3M 2 F l (11\7011 2 + II\7cI1 2 )ds. (3.6.62) 2: -M lllu ll2 dS lll4> 112 dS M lilu ll2 ds lll1/1112dS M 2 i t i t M2 i t t _ 2 lIull2ds IIvel1 2 ds - lIul1 2 ds { IIVcll 2 ds o 0 2 0 J o > -MVk lll4>1I2dS l(1I0112 + IIclI2)ds - M Vk lll1/111 2dS l (11011 2 + 11c1l2)dS - 2 lll\70112dS - 2 lll\7CI12dS kM 2 t -  Jo (lie\!2 + \!cIl 2 )ds, From equation (3.6.53) we now derive an estimate for the gradient terms {t 1 - Jo (liVe\!2 + IIV c l1 2 )ds  -"iF' - KF, (3.6.63) where M(2k + 1) + JM2(2k + 1)2 + 4TM K= 2T . Inequality (3.6.63) is next utilized in (3.6.62) to obtain t 1 e,srdx ds = t { 4>r dx ds +! t 1 rv':ne,mdx ds Jo 0 Jo Jo 2 Jo 0 2: - lllr ll2 ds lll4> 1I2 dS TQ M 2 t - 4 - 4 Jo Ilve\!2ds. (3.6.61) FF" (F')2 2:482 +4Q l (114)11 2 + 111/111 2 )ds - 3M 2 KF 2 (M2 + 1 + 3VkM)FF' - (1 + T)FQ 2 - 2M 2 kF l' (11 0 11 2 + Ilcl12)ds - 4VTF Q lll4>1I 2dS - 4VkMF [ lll4>1I 2dS l (11011 2 + IIclI2)ds + 1'111/111 2dS l' (11011 2 + II C II 2 )ds], (3.6.64) (3.6.60) Inequalities (3.6.60) and (3.6.61) are now used in (3.6.57), and the third, fourth, fifth, ninth and tenth terms are bounded using also (3.6.51), to see that: The seventh term on the right in (3.6.64) is bounded as follows F F" - (F')2 2:482 + 4Q l (114)11 2 + 1I1/111 2 )ds - (1 + 3VkM)F F' - (1 + T)FQ 4VkM F{ lll<f>ll2 dS l (11011 2 + IIclI2)ds + lllWdS l (11 0 11 2 + II c II2)ds} t t t - 2M 2 kF Jo (lIe11 2 + IIcll 2 )ds - 4F 1 11 4> "2 ds 1I1r"2ds t {t -4VTF Q i 11 4> 1I2 dS  -TF 2 - 4Q Jo 114>1I 2 ds. (3.6.65) Inequality (3.6.65) is employed in (3.6.64), and the last term in (3.6.64) is estimated with the aid of (3.6.59) to obtain FF" - (F')2 :2:482 - 4M V2kF8 - (3M 2 K + 1 + 2T + 2kM 2 )F 2 (M2 + 1 + (3 + 2V2)VkM)FF'. (3.6.66) 2 Upon completion of the square we obtain the fundamental inequality FF" - (F')2  -k1FF' - k 2 F 2 , (3.6.67) 
172 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling where now 3 k 1 = 2M2 + 1 + (3 + 2v2)VkM, k 2 = M 2 (3K +4k) + 1 + 2T. Inequality (3.6.67) is integrated exactly as in section 1.5, to obtain in this case l' (11611 2 + 1!c11 2 )ds o;e-tK(la)/(la,) [ ] (0'-0'2)/(1-0'2) sup IIrll 2 , tE[O,T] (3.6.68) which clearly establishes continuous dependence of (), c on r, on compact subintervals of [0, T). Furthermore, we may then utilize (3.6.56) to deduce a similar inequality to (3.6.68) for Ilull 2 , and hence derive continuous de- pendence of u on r, again, on any compact subinterval of [0, T). 3.7 Modeling Errors in Theories of Heat Conduction with Finite Propagation Speed There has been an enormous explosion of activity in the field of heat propa- gation at low temperatures; this is also known as the phenomenon of second sound. Extensive reviews of second sound theories are available, see e.g. Chandrasekharaiah (1986), Dreyer & Struchtrup (1993), Fichera (1992), Jou et al. (1988), Morro & Ruggeri (1984), and Muller (1966,1967,1985). Experimental work is briefly reviewed in Caviglia et al. (1992) and explains the need for a theoretical model. Theories have often centered on ramifi- cations of the heat flux relaxation model of Cattaneo (1948), usually also associated with the work of Maxwell (1867), or the Muller approach, see e.g. Muller (1985) which includes the rate of change of temperature, T, as an independent variable in the constitutive theory. Fichera (1992) gives a critical appraisal of the work of Cattaneo, and especially others, and puts it firmly into context with what Maxwell did. His excellent article is a pointed account of this topic. Since it has became fashionable to associate Maxwell's name with second sound theories we shall, therefore, follow this convention. Our goal here is to follow Franchi & Straughan (1993d) and describe their analysis of properties of solutions to the classical Maxwell - Cattaneo 3.7 Modeling Errors for Finite Speed Heat Waves 173 (MC) model: 8Qi 8T 77ft + Qi = - K, 8 X i ' 8T 8Q i c- = - -, 8t 8 X i where Qi, T are heat flux and temperature, 7 is the relaxation time,  th.er- mal conductivity, and c specific heat. They also investigate a generahzatIO.n of (3.7.1) which accounts for space correlation at low temperatures. This is the generalized Maxwell- Cattaneo (GMC) model, which is described in Bampi et al. (1981) and Jou et al. (1988) 3 4 , (3.7.1) 8Q' 8T 8 2 Qj 7---3- + Qi = - K,-;;- + J.L!:lQi + v, at UXi uX j UXi 8T 8Qi Cat = - 8 X i ' A thermodynamic derivation of (3.7.2) may be found in Morro et al.. (199?). To account for the experimentally observed wavespeed behavIOr wIth temperature over a sufficiently large temperature range, the MC model has been found inadequate, in that the form of (3.7.1) holds good, but the coefficients must depend on temperature and the rate of change of temperature, thereby converting (3.7.1) into a nonlinear model. In fact,  thermodynamically consistent theory was developed by Morro & Ruggen (1988) who derive the equations (3.7.2) 8Q' 8T ( 8T ) F(T) 8t  + K, 8 X i + 1 + r at Qi =0, aT 8Qi co(T) at: + 8 X i =0, (3.7.3) where r = - K,[5AT- 4 + (5 - n)BT n - 4 ] , F =K,[AT- 3 + BTn-3], A B n being determined from experiments. The function co(T) is the euilibrium specific heat, and fitting to experimental data suggests co(T) = ET 3 , E constant. . Franchi & Straughan (1993d) concentrate on the linearized verSIOn of (3.7.3), namely (3.7.1); however, it is imprtant to r.ealize that for a d- scription of nonlinear wave motion, the hIghly nonlmear form (3.7.3) IS necessary. 
174 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.7 Modeling Errors for Finite Speed Heat Waves Even though this is a backward in time problem, the structure of the MC system allows us to obtain continuous dependence on T by means of a relatively straightforward energy method. To do this we let II . II dnote the norm on £2(0), and then we multiply (3.7.7h by ri, (3.7.7)2 by s, mtegrate over 0 and use (3.7.8) to see that 175 Continuous Dependence on the Relaxation Time for the Me Model Backward in Time In this section we study improperly posed problems associated with the heat propagation theories referred to above. In particular, we study the continuous dependence of the solution to (3.7.1) and (3.7.2), upon changes in the relaxation time T, for the backward in time problem. Without loss of generality, for the study envisaged here, we may take c = K, = 1 in (3.7.1) and (3.7.2), and we treat T, f..L, V as constants. To study continuous dependence of solutions to (3.7.1) on T, backward in time, Franchi & Straughan (1993d) obtain weaker restrictions on solutions by first integrating (3.7.1) with respect to time. Hence, consider (3.7.1) with t < 0 by reversing the sign of the time derivative terms, and let the modified (3.7.1) be defined on the _Cartesian product of a bounded spatial domain 0 with a time interval (0,0). Then define !!.- (  IIsll2 + T* IIr1l2 ) =lIrll2 - (3 1 Qiridx + (3 1 Q?ridx, dt 2 2 0 0 lIrll2 + (3l1rll(IIQII + IIQolI), (3.7.9) where we have used the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, and where Q? == Qi(X, 0). Sex, t) = l' T(x, s)ds, R,(x, t) = l' Q,(x, s)ds, Suppose now the constraint set is defined by (3.7.4 ) IIQ(t)1I  M, Vt E [0,0]. (3.7.10) and note S,  satisfy Then, put 1 1 F(t) = "2l1s112 + "2T*lIrIl2, to see that from (3.7.9) and (3.7.10), (3.7.11) oR i oS T--at = + OXi + TQi(X, 0), oS o at = OXi +T(x,O). (3.7.5) dF 2 23/2(3M rn -<-F+ R vF. dt - T* T* (3.7.12) We suppose (Qi,T) and (Qi,T*) [equivalently (,S), (Ri,S*)] are so- lutions to (3.7.5) with the same boundary and initial data but with (R i , S) satisfying (3.7.5) for a constant T while (Ri, S*) satisfies (3.7.5) for another constant T*, with 0 < T < T*. Define the difference variables r i, s, (3 by By using an integrating factor we may integrate this to obtain vF(t)  (e t / T * - 1) (3M. ri = Ri - R i , s = S* - S, 13 = T* - T, Thus, (3.7.6) lIs(t)1I2 + T*lIr(t)1I2  2T*M 2 (i/ T * _1)213 2 , (3.7.13) and then we observe (ri, s) satisfies: *ori o os T 7ft = - (3 ot + ri + OXi + (3Qi(X, 0), os or i at OXi ' (3.7.7) Vt E (0,0), which shows s, ri depend continuously on (3, i.e. continuous dependence on T is established. Continuous Dependence on the Relaxation Time for the GMC System Backward in Time We now give an exposition of the work of Franchi & Straughan (1993d) which establishes a result analogous to that above, but for the GMC system (3.7.2). An energy method does not work because of the presence of the J.l, v terms. Instead they employ a Lagrange identity argument. on n X (0,0), with s = ri = 0, (3.7.8) on the boundary r, of 0, and when t O. 
176 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.7 Modeling Errors for Finite Speed Heat Waves 177 aRi a8 a 2 R, T- at =Ri + _ a ' - J.L!:lRi - v- a , a J, + TQi(X, 0), x xJ x a8 a at = aXi + T(x, 0), where (3.7.14) are defined on 0 x (0, e). We again define the difference variables Ti, S, (3 as in (3.7.6), and they here satisfy the equations (3.7.14) 7'll Ti(2t - u)ri(u)dxdu = -i3l1 Q,(2t - u)r,(u)dxdu + l' l ri(2t - u)ri(u)dxdu + l' l S,i(2t - u)ri(u)dxdu + p, l' l r"j(2t - u)ri,j(u)dx du + v l' l r",(2t - u)rj,j(u)dx du + i3l1 Q,(O)r,(u)dxdu. (3.7.20) The next step involves subtracting equation (3.7.20) from (3.7.18), and then subtracting equation (3.7.17) from (3.7.19). The two resulting equations are added. After integration, recalling the initial data, we deduce Take now c = K, = 1 in (3.7.2), treat T, J.L, v constants, and define 8,  as in (3.7.4). From the basic equations (3.7.2) for t < 0 we may then deduce that  and 8 satisfy the partial differential equations * aTi T- at as at aR i as a 2 T' - (3- at + Ti + _ a - J.L!:lTi - v- a a ) + (3Qi(X, 0), (3.7.15) Xi Xj Xi aTi aXi' (3.7.16) 7'll r (tW Ils(t)1l 2 = i3l H(u)du, (3.7.21) where The boundary and initial data for sand Ti are again zero as in (3.7.8). To form the Lagrange identity we take (3.7.15) at t = u and multiply by Ti(2t u) and integrate over 0, then integrate over (0, t), and then multiply (3.7.16) by s(2t u) and do the same integrations, to obtain l' l s(u)s(2t - u)dx du = l' l ri,i(u)s(2t - u)dx du, (3.7.17) H(u) = l Qi(2t - U)Ti(U)dx -l Qi(U)Ti(2t - u)dx + l Qi(0)Ti(2t - u)dx - l Qi(O)Ti(U)dx. In this section we suppose Qi,  and Ri satisfy the constraint (3.7.10) on [0,20']. Then, note that from (3.7.21) we derive immediately T*lIr(t)1I 2 -lIs(t)1I2 ::; 4O'M 2 (3. (3.7.23) (3.7.22) 7'1' l Ti(u)ri(2t u)dx du = -i31' l Q,(u)ri(2t - u)dx du + l' l ri (u)r, (2t - u)dx du + l' l s,,(u)r,(2t - u)dx du + p, l' l r,,;(u)r,,j(2t - u)dx du + v l' l ri,,(u)rj,j(2t - u)dx du + i3l1 Q,(O )r, (2t - u)dx du, (3.7.18) where the superposed dot denotes partial differentiation with respect to the time argument, e.g. in (3.7.17), s(u) == ;: (x, u) . We now reverse the roles of u, 2t - u in (3.7.17), (3.7.18) to find l' l s(2t - u)s(u)dxdu = l' l r",(2t - u)s(u)dxdu, (3.7.19) At this stage Franchi & Straughan (1993d) employ a device introduced by Professor Lawrence E. Payne. Observe that from (3.7.21), Ils(t)1l 2 = 21Is(t)1l2 - 7'll r (t)11 2 + i3l H(u)du Differentiate this and substitute fom (3.7.15), (3.7.16) to see that i IIs(t) 11 2 =6 { STi,idx - 211 r ll 2 - 2J.L 1 Ti,jTi,jdx - 2vlI T i,dl 2 dt Jo 0 + (3H(t) + 2(31 QiTi dx - 2(3l Qi(O)Ti dx . (3.7.24) The last three terms are immediately bounded using the constraint, by 8M2 {3. Furthermore, using the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality 61 STi,i dx ::; ;v IIsII2 + 2vIlTi,iIl 2 . (3.7.25) 
178 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 3.7 Modeling Errors for Finite Speed Heat Waves 179 Thus, use of (3.7.25) in (3.7.24) leads to  IIs(t)1I 2 :S ;) lsIl2 + 8M 2 ,B. This inequality is easily integrated to yield If we request that Qi,, Ri satisfy the constraint (3.7.10) on [0,20], then from (3.7.29) one easily derives (3.7.26) IIs(t) 1\2 :S 4M 2 0 T . (3.7.31) IIs(t)112 :S K,B, (3.7.27) This establishes continuous dependence on modeling for s, for t E [0,0]. To continue note that multiplication of (3.7.29h by ri and integration over n leads to where 16vM 2 - K = -g(e 98 / 2V - 1) . This inequality is the required continuous dependence estimate for s. A similar continuous dependence estimate for ri then follows from (3.7.23). This has form T*llr(t)1I 2 :s (K + 40M 2 ),B. (3.7.28) Thus continuous dependence has been established on the parameter T for the GMC system. II r l1 2 = 1 r. .s dx - 11. 1 r' .r' .dx - V ll r' ' 11 2 , r ,J ,J , [2 [2 + T l[Qi(O) - Qi]ri dx . (3.7.32) To proceed, one employs the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality on the first term on the right of (3.7.32). This is followed by use of the Cauchy- Schwarz inequality and the bound imposed by the constraint set. Finally utilizing (3.7.31) leads to Continuous Dependence on Modeling for the Me and GMC Systems In this part we review the work of Franchi & Straughan (1993d) which studies continuous dependence on the model itself. We commence with a result for the GMC system. Thus, let (, S) be a solution to (3.7.14) for 7(> 0) and ld (Ri, S*) be a solution to (3.7.14) with T = O. We wish to derive conditions which ensure (, S) remains close to (Ri, S*) for T small. Suppose (, S) and (Ri, S*) satisfy the same boundary and initial data. Define now the variables (r i, s) by I\rl12 :S (2M 2 0 + 4M 2 T)T. (3.7.33) ri = Ri - , Si = S; - Si, This inequality together with the bound (3.7.31) clearly establishes contin- uous dependence on modeling for t E [0,0]. To demonstrate continuous dependence on modeling for the MC system Franchi & Straughan (1993d) use a logarithmic convexity method. This has the advantage over the Lagrange identity method in that the constraint is imposed only on [0,0]; however, the constraint set is stronger. We give their general proof for a system which encompasses both the MC and GMC systems. Observe that if we take the Xi derivative of (3.7.29h and use (3.7.29h, we find s satisfies the equation and then (ri, s) satisfy the system of equations: OS r.+-  OXi o2r' f-L/lri - v = OXjOXi os ot TQi + TQi(O), ori OXi' (3.7.29) os [1 - (f-L + v)/l] ot = -/ls - f, (3.7.34) where f = T[Qi,i(X,t) - Qi,i(X,O)]. (3.7.35) in n x (0,0), with ri = s = 0 on r and at t = O. We may first of all use a Lagrange identity method. To do this we follow the steps leading to (3.7.21). In this case we find IIs(t)II' =T l' 1. Ti(U) [Qi(2t - u) - Qi(O)]dx du - T l' 1. Ti(2t - u) [Qi(U) - Qi(O)] dx du. (3.7.30) Thus, if we restrict attention to the MC system, (3.7.34) may be regarded as a forced diffusion equation whereas the GMC version is a forced modified diffusion equation. A generalization which includes equation (3.7.34) may be obtained by considering the abstract equation in a Hilbert space, H, AUt = Lu - f, (3.7.36) 
180 3.7 Modeling Errors for Finite Speed Heat Waves 181 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling with u(O) = 0, where A, L are densely defined symmetric, linear operators with A positive definite, i.e. ' By using the properties of P and A, we may obtain (Ax, x) 2: (lIxIl 2 , VxE D, -2F(u, f) 2: -FF' F 2 , (3.7.39) for some ( > 0, wher D is the domain of A and where II. II and (, ) now denote the norm and lllner product on H. To establish continuous dependence on modeling we prove u depends continuously on f. Hence, let F(t) be defined by and by use of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality, t - t 4F 1 (u" f)ds 2: _F2 - 4Q 1 (u" Au,)ds. Upon combining (3.7.39) and (3.7.40) in (3.7.38), we may show that (3.7.40) F(t) = In' (u,Au)ds + sup lIi(t)1I 2 o tE[O,O] (3.7.37) F F" - (F')2 2: -kIF F' - k 2 F 2 , (3.7.41) where F' =(u, Au), =21 t (u, Au,)ds, t t =2 J o (u, Lu)ds 21 (u, f)ds, 1 k 1 = (' e k 2 = 1 + ( . Differentiate F, We may integrate inequality (3.7.41) as in section 1.5 by putting {J = e- k1t , {J1 = 1, (J2 = e- k10 , to find [ ] (0'-0'2)/(1-0'2) [ - 0 ] (1-0')/(1-0'2) F(t):::; F(O) F(O)e a e- at , (3.7.42) F" =410' (u"Lu)ds - 2(u, f), {t t =4 Jo (us, Aus)ds + 41 (us, f)ds - 2(u, f). t E [0,0), where a = k 2 /k 1 . To employ (3.7.42) to establish continuous dependence on the modeling, i.e. to derive continuous dependence on T, suppose now a bound is known for F(O). Hence, we assume and differentiate again, F(O)e aO :::; K. Then, (3.7.42) allows us to see that We now form FP" - (F')2 to find {t t FF"- (F')2 =4S 2 +4Q Jo (u s ,Au s )ds+4F 1 (us,f)ds - 2P(u, f), (3.7.38) i t ( ) (0'-0'2)/(1-0'2) (u, Au)ds :::; e- at K(I-O')/(I- O' 2) sup_ IIf(t) 11 2 , (3.7.43) o tE[O,O] where for t E [0,0). Inequality (3.7.43) is the basic estimate which establishes Holder continuous dependence of the solution on compact subintervals of [0,0). Q = sup IIf(t) 11 2 , tE[O,O] Remark As Franchi & Straughan observe, inequality (3.7.43) interpreted in terms of the MC theory takes the form 1 t lIst v) 11 2 dv ::; e- at K(l-uJ!(l-u,J K'r 2 (u-u,J!(1-u,J, and t {t ( t 2 8 2 = J o (u, Au)ds J o (u" Au,)ds - 1 (u, AU,)dS) (2: 0). 
182 3. Continuous Dependence on Modeling where K* = [ sup_ IIQi,i(t) _ Qi,i(O) 112] (0--0- 2 )/(1-0- 2 ), tE[O,O] while the corresponding inequality for the GMC system reads, 10' (11 8 (7)) 11 2 + (v + 1') 11\7 8(7)) 11 2 ) d7) s: e- at K(l-q)!(l-q,) K'r 2 (q-q,)!(1-q,). An analogous inequality for IIrll2 may be found from (3.7.29h for the MC theory and from (3.7.32) for the GMC theory. These estimates clearly demonstrate how the solution difference depends on T. 4 Continuous Dependence on Modeling Forward in Time 4.1 Modeling Errors for the Navier-Stokes Equations Forward in Time A beautiful and practical illustration of the modeling problem may be ob- tained by studying how a solution to the N avier-Stokes equations will con- verge to a solution to the Stokes equations as the nonlinearities are "ne- glected" in a certain sense. Our consideration of the effects of modeling errors for the N avier-Stokes equations will begin with a comparison of so- lutions to the well posed forward in time problem. Not only is this highly illustrative and important, it preceded the improperly posed backward in time study, and was first tackled by Payne (1987b). The Stokes, Navier - Stokes Problem Forward in Time The study of Payne (1987b) begins by looking for a vector Ui, (i = 1,2,3) of the problem: Ui OUi op ) -+Uj-=l/Ui--' 8t 8Xj 8Xi 8 U i _ 0 8 X i - , in n x (O,T), (4.1.1h Ui = 0, on 8n x [0, T], Ui(X,O) = EJi(X), X E n, where n is a bounded region in R 3 with a smooth boundary 8n. We shall say problem (4.1.1) is composed of the partial differential equations (4.1.1) 1 solved subject to the boundary and initial conditions (4.1.1)2, and continue this usage of notation when the numbering of a boundary-initial value prob- lem is split. Problem (4.1.1) is a Dirichlet boundary - initial value problem for the N avier-Stokes equations defined on a bounded domain n with p the unknown pressure and Ui the components of velocity. One question that (4.1.1h 
184 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling arises is if E is very small, can the solution to (4.1.1) be approximated ade- quately by EVi, where Vi is a solution to the Stokes boundary -initial value problem: OVi = vt:lv' _.!!!L ) ot  OXi ' OVi --0 OXi - , in 0 x (0, T), Vi = 0, on 00 x [O,T], Vi(X, 0) = Ji(x), x E O. (4.1. 2 h (4.1. 2 h Payne (1987b) compares Ui and Wi, and in the process derives a continuous dependence on E result. We here give a slightly different treatment from that of Payne (1987b), and so set Wi Ui - EVi, and observe that Wi satisfies: OWi OWi OVi 0 P )  + Uj + EUj = vt:lWi - , ut UXj UXj UXi OWi =O, UXi (4.1.3) in 0 x (0, T), (4.1.4h Wi = 0, on 00 x [O,T], Wi(X,O) = 0, x EO, where P = p - Eq. Define the function cp(t) by cp(t) = 10 WiWidx == IIw1I2, ( 4.1.4h (4.1.5) and we derive an estimate for cp(t) in terms of E. Upon differentiation of (4.1.5) we find  =2 k WiWi,tdx, =2 k Wi [vt:lWi P,i - UjWi,j - EUjVi,jJ dx, = - 2v 10 Wi,jWi,jdx - 2E 10 WiUjVi,jdx, (4.1.6) after substituting the differential equation and integrating by parts. Rewrit- ing (4.1.6) using (4.1.3), we have dcp = -2v r w' 'w' .dx - 2E r w'w'v' .dx + 2E2 1 w'v'v' .dx dt } 0 ,J ,J } 0  J ,J 0  J ,J , (4.1.7) 4.1 Modeling Errors for the Navier-Stokes Equations and then the last term may be integrated by parts to obtain 185 dcp dt -2v k Wi,jWi,jdx - 2. l WiWjVi,jdx - 2. 2 k Wi,jViVj dx. (4.1.8) The Cauchy - Schwarz inequality is used on the last two terms to derive : :S - 2v k Wi,jWi,j dx + 2. (l (Wi W i)2 dx ) 1 / 2 11 V'v II 1 ) 1/2 + 2E 2 11\7wll ( 0 (VjVj)2dx . The next step is to employ the Sobolev inequality (in 0 C R 3 ), 1 10 ('IP(IPi)2dx ::; 11'l/J1I1I\7'I/J1I 3 , where the Sobolev constant 1 is defined as, 1I'l/J1I1I\7'I/J1I 3 1 = inf 'lj;iEHJ(O) JO('l/Ji'I/Ji)2dx' This then allows us to see that dcp < _ 2vll\7w112 + 2llwIl1/211\7wI13/211\7vlI dt - Vf 2 + 2II\7wllllvIl1/211\7vI13/2. Vf A bound for II \7 v II is found by observing that  l Vi,jVi,jdx = 2l Vi,jVi,jt dx , = - 2 k (t:lvi)Vi,t dx , = -  1 v' t v. t dx ,, , v 0 (4.1.9) ( 4.1.10) (4.1.11) ( 4.1.12) (4.1.13) where integration by parts has been employed and the differential equation has been used in the last step. Using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we may see that l ViVi,t dx ::; IIvll 1 Vi tVi t dx, , , o 
186 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling and upon use of this in (4.1.13) there follows  { v. .v' .dx < - r ( v.v,tdx ) 2 j IIVIl2 dt J 0 ,J ,J - 1/ LJ 0  , . (4.1.14) Let us now introduce the constant Al which is the first eigenvalue of the membrane problem: 6."p + A"p =0, "p =0, in n, on an. (4.1.15) Inequality (4.1.14) may then be rewritten after resubstituting the differen- tial equation, and then after using Poincare's inequality it follows that  { v. .v. .dx<-21/r (v' 'v' 'dx12 j11 V 11 2 dt Jo ,J ,J - LJo ,J ,J J . ' < - 21/A l 1 V. .v' .dx. _ J J o If we let F(t) = l Vi,jVi,jdx, then (4.1.16) becomes dF - < -21/ A I F . dt - Integration of (4.1.17) using the fact that F ( O ) = 1 f , . f ' .dx ,J ,J ' o yields the bound lIV'v(t)1I 2 ::; IIV' fIl2e-2vAlt. A not unrelated calculation leads to a similar bound for IIv112, namely (4.1.19) Ilv(t) 11 2 ::; IIfIl2e-2vAlt. Making use of (4.1.18) and (4.1.19) in (4.1.12), we then have d d CP ::; - 21/IIVw11 2 + 2 1/: IIV' fllllV'wI12e-vAlt t Al .Jf 2 + 2  llfIl1/211V' fIl3/211V'wlle-2vAlt. (4.1.16) ( 4.1.17) (4.1.18) (4.1.20) 4.1 Modeling Errors for the Navier-Stokes Equations 187 Application of the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality to the last term on the right hand side of (4.1.20) gives dcp ::; _ 2 ( 1/ _ E IIV' flle- vA1t - a ) lIV'wll2 dt A/4 .Jf 4 +  IIfllllV' fIl3e-4vAlt, 2 a')' (4.1.21) where a is a positive constant. We now assume that the initial data and viscosity 1/ are such that 1/A/4')'1/2 E < IIV' fll ' (4.1.22) and choose a as _  ( _ EliV' fll ) a - 1/ 1/4 . 2 A 1 .Jf It then follows from (4.1.21) that (4.1.23) dcp ::; _2allV'wIl 2 + ( E4I1fllllV'fIl3 ) e-4vAlt. dt 2')'a ( 4.1.24) Thus, with the aid of Poincare's inequality we find dcp < -2aA A.+ ( E4I1fllllV'fIl3 ) e-4vAlt. dt - II.f/ 2')'a (4.1.25) Integration of the differential inequality (4.1.25) leads us to lIu(t) _ EV(t) 11 2 ::; KE4(e-2aAlt - e-4vAlt), (4.1.26) where the positive constant K is given by K = IlfllllV' fll 3 (3A/41/')'1/2 + 2A 1 / 2 EI\V' fl\)(Ai/ 4 ')'1/21/ - EliV' fll) . Inequality (4.1.26) shows the modeling error to be bounded by the product of a decaying exponential and a term of 0 ( E 4 ). This inequality gives an estimate on the size of the error incurred in approximating the solution Ui of the nonlinear problem by the solution EVi of the linear one. 
188 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 4.2 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics The theory of micropolar fluids developed by Eringen (1966) has been intro- duced in section 3.5. As we pointed out there the micropolar fluid equations provide additional structure to the N avier - Stokes equations by including a description of the microstructure in the fluid. Also micropolar fluids have received immense attention in the literature where the novel effects of the microstructure are often pronounced. In section 3.5 we reviewed the part of the work of Payne & Straughan (1989a) which addresses the question of how the velocity field of the micropolar equations converges to the velocity field of the N avier-Stokes equations as an interaction parameter tends to zero, in the situation where final data are prescribed. We here wish to review that part of the work of. Payne & Straughan (1989a) which stud- ies the analogous question of the manner in which the velocity field of the micropolar equations converges to the velocity field of the Navier-Stokes equations as an interaction parameter tends to zero, but for the forward in time problem. Although the equations for a micropolar fluid are given in section 3.5, we recall them here in the interests of clarity. The continuity, momentum, and moment of momentum equations for an incompressible, isotropic micropolar fluid can be written in the form 8 V i -0 8Xi - , 8 V i 8 V i 8p 8nk _ + v-- = - - + (l/+ A)Vi + AEi-k-' 8t J 8xj 8 X i J 8xj ( 8n- 8n- ) 8Vk j 8t + Vj 8x; = - 2Ani + AEijk 8xj 8 2 nk +(a+tJ)- 8 8 +,ni, Xk Xi (4.2.1) where Vi denote the components of the fluid velocity while ni is a particle spin vector. These equations are assumed to hold on n x (0, T) where n c R 3 is a bounded domain and T > 0 (T may be infinite for the initial _ boundary value problem). The constants j, A, l/, and , are nonnegative, and satisfaction of the second law of thermodynamics requires, see Eringen (1966) 3a + tJ + , 2: 0, , + tJ 2: 0, , - tJ 2: o. The vectors v and n are subject to the initial and boundary conditions 4.2 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics 189 Vi = ni = 0, on r x to, T), xE n, xEn, (4.2.2) Vi(X,O) = fi(X), ni(x,O) = 9i(X), where r is the boundary of n. As we noted in section 3.5, when the constants A, a, tJ", and j are all zero equations (4.2.1) reduce to the Navier-Stokes equations. Payne & Straughan (1989a) investigate the behaviour of Vi as A -+ O. In particular they study the relationship between Vi and the velocity field Ui of a N avier - Stokes fluid that is governed by the initial - boundary value problem : = 0, 1 8Ui 8Ui 8q _+Uj_=--+l/Ui' 8t 8Xj 8 X i Ui = 0, on r x to,T), Ui(X, 0) = Ji(x), x E n. (4.2.3}1 (4.2.3h Convergence in the Forward in Time Problem Since one recovers the Navier - Stokes equations (4.2.3) from (4.2.1) in the limit A -+ 0 it is reasonable to expect Vi -+ Ui in some sense. To compare the velocity fields set Wi = Vi - Ui, and 1f = P - q. Then W satisfies the equations 8Wi -0 8Xi - , 8 W i 8Wi 81f -+Vj-=-- 8 +(l/+A)Wi 8t 8Xj Xi 8Ui 8nk - Wj- 8 + AEijk- 8 + AUi, Xj Xj (4.2.4) which hold on n x (0, T), and the boundary and initial conditions Wi = 0, on r x to,T), Wi (x, 0) = 0, x E n. (4.2.5) The goal is to derive an estimate for IIwll in terms of A, where as usual II. II denotes the nonn on £2(11). We stress that we are here including an exposition of Payne & Straughan's (1989a) analysis when n is a bounded 
190 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 4.2 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics 191 domain in R3. If 0 C R 2 the results achieved in Payne & Straughan (1989a) are much sharper. Let us now define cp( t) as where the second equality follows from substitution of the differential equa- tions in (4.2.3). Use of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality in expression (4.2.10) then allows us to deduce that cp(t) = IIw(t)1I2. (4.2.6) 1/211V'uII4 :::; lIul12l1u,t 11 2 . (4.2.11) Differentiating and substituting (4.2.4) in the result, we obtain If the Navier - Stokes equations, i.e. (4.2.3h, are now multiplied by Ui and the result integrated over space and time, it follows from (4.2.3) that cp' =2 10 WiWi,tdx = - 2(1/ + '\)IIV'wII 2 - 2l Ui,jWiWjdx - 2'\Eijk l Wi,jnkdx - 2,\ 10 Ui,jWi,jdx. To bound In Ui,jWiWjdx we make use of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the following Sobolev inequality, lIu(t)1I2 :::; e- 2 )\1 vt llfI1 2 , (4.2.12) (4.2.7) where '\1 > 0 is the lowest eigenvalue in the membrane problem for O. Substituting the above two inequalities in (4.2.9) leads to l cp 4 dx :::; AllcplllIV'cpIl3. (4.2.8) -l Ui,jWiWjdx :S  A 1/2 [ :: e -2>, vt 4>11 ill 2 10 Ui,tUi,tdx +  II Y'w II 2 ]. (4.2.13) (In section 3.2 we also employed (4.2.8) but A was there denoted by 1/,. However, T is here reserved for the micropolar coefficient in (4.2.1h. The analogous inequality in two dimensions has form The above estimate together with the arithmetic - geometric mean inequal- ity is next used in (4.2.7) to find that 10 cp 4 dx:::; AllcpIl211V'CPI12, [ 3 ] 2,\2 cp' :::; - 2(1/ + ,\) - 2a A 1/2 - b - C lIV'wlI2 + --;;-lInll2 ,\2 a3A1/2 + b ll V'ulI 2 + 21/2e2Alvt IIfll 2 cp IIUi,tIl2, (4.2.14) and it is this fact which allows Payne & Straughan (1989a) to sharpen considerably the convergence results in that case.) The result of using (4.2.8) is - 10 Ui,jWiWjdx :::; A 1/2cp1/411V'wII3/211V'ulI, which leads upon application of Young's inequality to for positive constants band c. The term in the Dirichlet integral of W may be discarded if we use the arbitrariness of the numbers a, b, c to ensure it is non-positive as a member of the right hand side of inequality (4.2.14), and to this end the constants a, band c are now chosen so that r 1 3 - in Ui,jWiWjdx:::; 4A1/2[a3cplIV'uII4 + 1IV'wI12], (4.2.9) 3 - 21/ + -A 1/2 + b + c = O. 2a For example, we may pick for a positive constant a. The term lIV'ulI4 is next estimated using arguments developed by Song (1988) and Payne (1992). Observe that v 2 11Y'u1I4 =v 2 (10 Uit.Uidx) 2 = (10 UiUi,tdX) 2, 1 b = c = '21/, a 3A 1/2 21/ If we drop the -2'\IIV'wII 2 term which remains (4.2.14) leads to (4.2.10) cp' :::; A(t)cp + ,\2 [lInIl2 +  IIV'uII 2 ] , (4.2.15) 
192 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 4.2 Modeling Errors in Micropolar Fluid Dynamics 193 where A ( ) _ 27 A 2 2 2 t - 16v5e2Alvt IIfll IIUi,t II . After integration (4.2.15) yields (4.2.16) By rearranging (4.2.20) we may then derive a bound for J(t) in terms of I J(O). However, the term J(O) = J0(0) Ui,tUi,tdx is not data, and so we replace Ui,t using the differential equation in (4.2.3) to observe that q,(t)  ,xz 1.' exp [[ A(7))d7)] [llnliz + 11'i7ullz] dT (4.2.17) J(O) = r Ui,tUi,tdx l  r (vf1/i - h/i,j )(vf1fi - fk/i,k)dx == J 1 (0). J0 t=O 10 The IInll 2 and lIV'ulI2 terms will be bounded directly from the differential equations and the real difficulty is to bound Ilui,t 11 2 in the exponential term in (4.2.17). To achieve this define The idea is to replace J(O) in (4.2.20) by J1 (0). At this point Payne & Straughan (1989a) consider two cases. J(t) = k Ui,tUi,tdx, and upon differentiation with respect to t and use of (4.2.3) one obtains Case 1 If dJ r r. di = -2v 10 Ui,jtUi,jtdx - 2v 10 Ui,tUj,tUi,jdx. 1 tJr A 1/211f11 2 ->K= , J 1 (0) 4A1V3 then (4.2.20) implies that ( 4.2.18) J(O) J(t)  1- KJ 1 (0) = K 1 . (4.2.21 ) Applying the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and Sobolev inequality (4.2.8) on the second term on the right hand side of (4.2.18) and using (4.2.1'2), we are led to Hence, A ( t ) < K e-2Alvt _ 2 , (4.2.22) dJ r 1 2 [ IIfll2J2 ) 1/4 ( r ) 3/4 dt  -2v 10 Ui,jtUi,jtdx + 2A / v2e2Alvt 10 Ui,jtUi,jtdx It then follows from Young's inequality that where dJ < [ -2v+ A1/2 ] r u' 't U ' , t dx+  13 3A1/2 [ IIfll 2J2 ] dt - 2/31 J 0 ,J ,J 2 1 v 2 e2A1 vt ' K _ 27A 2 K 1 11fll 2 2 - 16v 5 Since A is now bounded we may use (4.2.22) in (4.2.17) to see that for an arbitrary positive constant 131. The method is to select tJ1 such that the first term on the right is non-positive. We follow Payne & Straughan (1989a) and pick q,(t)  'xzl eXP[K z [ e- ZA '""d7)] [lInliz + 1I'i7Ullz]dT. (4.2.23) 3A 1/2 131 =  ' which leads to the differential inequality It is now shown how to estimate the integrals of IInll 2 and IIV'uII2. From the Navier - Stokes equations (4.2.3), we may derive the equality lIuli z + 2v fo'lI'i7U llz d7) = IItli Z (4.2.24) dJ < 133 A 1/2 [ IIfll2 J2 ] dt - 2 1 v2e2Alvt' (4.2.19) Also, using the two systems of equations in (4.2.1), i.e. the micropolar equations, multiplication of (4.2.1h by Vi and (4.2.1h by ni leads to Next separate variables and integrate (4.2.19) from 0 to t, and we then obtain  _ 13r A1 / 2 I1fI1 2 [1- e-2Alvt ] <  J(O) 4A1V3 - J(t)' (4.2.20)  d d (IIv112 + jllnll 2 ) = - (vllV'vII2 + l'lIV'nI12) - A II curl v - nll 2 2 t (4.2.25) - Allnll 2 - (a + (3)lIni,iIl2. 
194 4.3 Continuous Dependence in a Dynamo Equation 195 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling Poincare's inequality and the sign restrictions on the constants then allow us to deduce that there exists a constant p, independent of ..\ such that where B(t) is defined by d dt (/lv/l 2 + j/ln/l2) ::; -p,(IIvll2 + jllnll 2 ). B(t) = 1 - K J 1 (0) (1 - e- 2 )\1vt). ( 4.2.26) Substituting (4.2.31) as well as (4.2.24) and (4.2.28) in (4.2.17), yields Integration of this inequality yields IIvll 2 + jllnll 2 ::; e- tLt (11111 2 + jllgll2). It follows from (4.2.27) that (4.2.27) cp(t) ::; ..\2(K3 + :2 111112) / (B(t)r 3 / 13i , ( 4.2.32) lllnll2dT S ;Gllfll2 + IIg1l 2 ) = K3, from which we may again infer continuous dependence on ..\ provided that t is small enough, i.e. such that the inequality below is valid, (4.2.28) 1 - K J 1 (0)(1 - e-2Alvt) > O. where K3 is a data term independent of ..\. In view of (4.2.23), one may then show cp(t) ::; K4..\2, (4.2.29) We observe that in both cases one obtains the result that IIw\I = Ilu-vll is 0(..\) for the forward in time problem when 0 is a three-dimensional bounded region. Payne & Straughan (1989a) are able to extend their anal- ysis to the situation in which 0 is unbounded in all directions, obtaining the same order of convergence. They additionally treat the forward in time problem in two space dimensions. Again the order of convergence in L 2 (O) is 0(..\) but the restrictions are much weaker. The analysis is not dissimi- lar to that expounded above except that instead of the Sobolev inequality (4.2.8) the equivalent inequality in two dimensions is q,(t) S ).2e K ,;2>'," [ llln ll2 dT +  lll'i7U Il2 dT], and then using (4.2.24) and (4.2.28) we establish where K4 is a another constant given by K4 = ( K3 +  1111I2 ) eK2/2A1V. 1/ 1/2 k cp 4 dx ::; Allcpll211\7 cp\l2. Inequality (4.2.29) is the desired continuous dependence estimate in case 1. This leads to the bound Case 2 In this case, -l Ui,jWiWjdx ::; allwI1211\7uII2 + ;a AII\7wII 2 , 1 J 1 (0) ::; K, and there follows instead of (4.2.21) the bound instead of (4.2.9). The resulting analysis does not place a restriction on the time interval for convergence, or on the initial data. We omit the details of the argument in the two - dimensional case. J(t) ::; 1 J 1 (0) K J 1 (0)(1 e-2A1 vt) , (4.2.30) 4.3 Continuous Dependence on the Velocity for an Equation Arising from Dynamo Theory provided the denominator in (4.2.30) remains positive. This will be true for t . small enough. Assuming this is the case, Payne & Straughan (1989a) obtam t a 3 /13 3 exp 1 A( '/Jd'l S [ i:n ' , (4.2.31) We conclude this chapter with an account of recent work of Franchi & Straughan (1994) who study continuous dependence on the modeling in an 
196 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling equation which arises from the study of a dynamo model. The dynamo aspect may be found in Lortz & Meyer-Spasche (1982). Franchi & Straughan (1994) consider the following equation aH a { aH ) a ( ) - = - 7]- - - Vi H at aXi aXi aXi ' in 0 x (0, T), (4.3.1) where 0 is a bounded domain in R 3 . They suppose that on the boundary r of the domain 0, H satisfies the data H(x, t) = HB(x, t), (4.3.2) for a prescribed function H B , while H also satisfies the inital data H(x,O) = Ho(x), xEO. (4.3.3) In the dynamo problem H is the toroidal part of the magnetic field, and Vi is a known velocity field. First we recount the analysis of Franchi & Straughan (1994) which stud- ies continuous dependence on the velocity field Vi. They split the problem into two parts, one being continuous dependence on the prescribed veloc- ity field for the forward in time problem, while the other part treats the improperly posed analogous backward in time problem. Continuous Dependence on the Velocity, Forward in Time Franchi & Straughan (1994) point out that the forward in time problem is well posed, at least when the velocity v is not too large, and hence they are able to obtain truly a priori estimates without the need to restrict H whatsoever. To achieve this they let Hand H* be solutions to (4.3.1), H being a solution for a prescribed velocity Vi whereas H* is a solution for another prescribed velocity v;. The functions Hand H* are supposed to satisfy the (same) inhomogeneous boundary and initial data HB, Ho. Define the difference variables h, u by h = H* H, Ui = v; - Vi, and then these variables satisfy the initial - boundary value problem: h = ( 7](X)h,i ) , - (v;(x)h ) , - ( ui(x)H ) " ut , , , h = 0, on r x (0, T], h(x,O) = 0, x EO. in 0 x (O,T], (4.3.4) (4.3.5) (4.3.6) 4.3 Continuous Dependence in a Dynamo Equation 197 To achieve an a priori estimate multiply (4.3.4) by h, integrate over 0, and then make use of the boundary conditions to find   IIhll 2 = -l 7]h,i h ,i dx + fo v; hh,idx + l Uih,i H dx. The velocity field is C 1 (n) and is prescribed and so there is a known bound, M say, for Iv;l. Then the second term on the right of (4.3.7) may be esti- mated by employing the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality as follows (4.3.7) fo vi hh,i dx  : II h l1 2 +  fo T/h,ih,i dx . Further use of the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality leads to a bound for the third term on the right of (4.3.7) in the following manner (4.3.8) r Uih,i H dx   / 7]h,i h ,i dx + _ 2 1 IIHII2 sup lul 2 . J0, 2 J0, 7]0 0,x[O,T] Upon using (4.3.8) and (4.3.9) in (4.3.7) the weighted Dirichlet integrals add out and we may obtain: (4.3.9) !£lIhIl2  M2 11hll2 + IIHI12 sup lul 2 . dt 2 27]0 27]0 0, x [0, T] An a priori estimate follows easily from (4.3.10) if one can obtain an a priori estimate for the L 2 norm of H. To derive such an estimate Franchi & Straughan (1994) introduce the function cp(x, t) to be that function which satisfies the boundary value problem (4.3.10) tlcp = 0 in cp = H(x, t) Ox [O,T], on r x [O,T]. (4.3.11) Since H satisfies equation (4.3.1) they begin with the identity 0= 1.' fo (H q,)[H" - (T/H,i),i + (ViH),;)dxds. This identity may be rearranged with several integrations by parts to lead to IIH(t)112 + t r cp,sHdxds - r cpHdx l 2 J o J0, J0, t + fat fo T/H,iH,idxds fat fo T/H,iq"idxds - fat fo viHH,idxds + 1.' fo q"iVi H dx ds =  II H oll2 - fo q,oHodx, (4.3.12) 
198 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling where CPo denotes the value cP takes when t = 0, i.e. CPo (x) = cp(x,O). Estimates of the various terms in (4.3.12) are needed and these are -ll, <p"Hdxds   ll, <p,dxds+ ll, H 2 dxds, {4.3.13) 1, CPHdxlt ::; IIH(t)1I2 + IIcp(t)112, (4.3.14) lot 1, 7}H,i<P,idx ds  lot 1, 7}H,i H ,i dx ds +  lot 1, <P,i<P,idx ds, (4.3.15) where fj is a constant defined by fj = max 1771, xEO t r v'HH .dxds = _! t r v- -H 2 dxds } 0 } 0  ,  2 } 0 } 0 ,  + i t i !v'n-H2dSds 2   , o r (4.3.16) and, -ll, ViH<p,idxds m ll, H 2 dxds + m lot 1, <P,i<P,idx ds, (4.3.17) where m is the constant m = max IVil. Ox [O,T] Upon using estimates (4.3.13) - (4.3.17) in expression (4.3.12), Franchi & Straughan (1994) derive the following estimate for computable constants k 1 - k4 which depend on the known value of max IVi,il. IIH(t)11 2 2l i ViniH2dSdS+kllllHlI2dS + k 2 11<p11 2 + k 3 fo'll<p,' 1I2 dS + k4lll'i7<P1I2dS + 211 H oll2 4 10 CPoHodx. (4.3.18) 4.3 Continuous Dependence in a Dynamo Equation 199 To continue with the a priori estimate it is necessary to show that the cP terms are bounded by data. Franchi & Straughan (1994) do this by introducing a Rellich identity, following Payne & Weinberger (1958). The relevant identity is 1 - 1 1 ' - x -cP -cP - dx + - x-cP -cP 'dx o ,J ,  ,J 2 0 '  ,J ,J I i - i ' - - n'xA. ,A. 'dS + xA. 'n _A. odS = 0 2  'P,J 'P,J 'P, J 'P,J , r r which arises from (4.3.11), since 10 X i CP,i f1 cpdx = O. Upon simplification the Rellich identity yields 1 2 1 i i i i ocp - 11 "\1A. 11 = - n'x A. ,A. odS - x A. -- dS. 2 'P 2 r  'P,J'P,J r 'P, on To proceed from this the unit ,normal and tangential vectors to rare introduced namely, nand s, and then on r the derivative may be written as (4.3.19) ocp ocp i i =n +"\1scps, UXi un where "\1 sCP is the tangential derivative to r. Then (4.3.19) may be rewritten as 1 1 1 - ( OCP ) 2 1 1 . "2 II "\1CPIl 2 +"2 Jr xni on dS ="2 Jr xnil"\1scpI2dS 1 i ocp - Jr x Si an "\1 scpdS. ( 4.3.20) At this stage Franchi & Straughan (1994) assume that the domain n is star shaped with respect to the origin and put ml = min Ixinil, r so from (4.3.20) one may derive constants Cl, C2 such that II"\1CPIl2+ C1 i(  )2dS::; C2 i l "\1 s H I2 dS, (4.3.21 ) where the fact that H = cp on r has been used. Then upon use of Poincare's inequality on lI"\1cpll2 in (4.3.21) it may be shown for C3, C4 computable constants IIcpll2 ::; C3 i H 2 dS + C4 i 1"\1 sH1 2 dS. ( 4.3.22) 
200 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling An integration of (4.3.21) leads to 1.' IIVq\1I 2 ds <:; C2 1.' i IV,HI 2 dS. (4.3.23) The observation that cp,t satisfies D..CP,t = 0, in n x (0, T), and the boundary data CP,t = H,t on r, now allows a process similar to (4.3.21) and (4.3.23) to derive for computable constants CS"C6 1.' 1Iq\.,1I 2 ds <:; C5 1.' i HdS dr + C6 1.' i IV,H,TI 2 dS dr. (4.3.24) The procedure of Franchi & Straughan (1994) is to employ (4.3.22) - (4.3.24) in inequality (4.3.18) and this gives IIH(t)11 2 <:; k, 1.' IIHI1 2 ds + V. (4.3.25) The term V is comprised solely of data and is given by V=21' i viniH2dSds+q, i H 2 dS+q2 i IV ,HI 2 dS + q3 1.' i IV ,HI 2 dS dr + q4 1.' i HdS dr + q5 1.' ilV ,H,T 12 dS dr + 411 H o 11 2 . (4.3.26) The constants ql - qs may be computed explicitly for a given domain D. Inequality (4.3.25) is now integrated to see that l' IIHII 2 ds <:; l' ek'('-T)V(r)dr, and upon use of this in (4.3.25), one deduces IIH(t)1I 2 ::; £(t), (4.3.27) where £(t) depends solely on data and is given by L(t) = V + k, l' ek,('-T)V(r)dr. (4.3.28) 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl Number Convection 201 The estimate (4.3.27) may be now used in inequality (4.3.10) to obtain N IIh(t)1I 2 ::; TekT sup lul 2 , nx[O,T] (4.3.29) w here the constants k and N are defined by M 2 k=-, "10 1 N = - max £(t). 'flo tE[O,T] Inequality (4.3.29) is the one derived by Franchi & Straughan (1994) and establishes the continuous dependence of H on v. It is important to note that it is an a priori inequality in the sense that the right hand side is dependent only on given data. 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl N umber Thermal Convection As we explained in section 1.1, Bellomo & Preziosi (1994), pp. 85 - 86, define the concept of structural stability to be stability with respect to the model itself. For example, continuous dependence on the coefficients in the partial differential equations governing the model, continuous dependence on the boundary data, continuous dependence on the coefficients in the boundary conditions, or continuous dependence with respect to the par- tial differential equations themselves. We expect that for a model to be reasonable we should have some control over its structural stability. In this section we investigate some aspects of structural stability for a model of thermal convection in a viscous fluid, in the limit of infinite Prandtl number. The Prandtl number is the ratio of the fluid kinematic viscos- ity to its thermal diffusivity, and the infinite Prandtl number situation is a mathematical idealization which represents the physical situation where the kinematic viscosity is much larger than the thermal diffusivity. Such a situation is commonplace in terrestial convection situations. The infinite Prandtl number model is used in many applied mathematical situations, generally leads to a simplified mathematical procedure, and can yield very useful results, see e.g. Thess & Bestehorn (1995). Precisely, in this section we study three questions of structural stability for flow in a linear viscous fluid, concentrating on forward in time prob- lems. We are investigating problems forward in time and hence we derive a priori results. As pointed out by Franchi & Straughan (1996), when deal- ing with the N avier-Stokes equations truly a priori results have previously proved extremely difficult, d. Payne (1967), Ames & Payne (1996), Song 
202 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl Number Convection 203 (1988). We here firstly investigate continuous dependence on the cooling coefficient for thermal convection with Newton's law of cooling holding on the boundary. We derive an a priori result in three-dimensions and do not need to restrict the size of the interval or the size of the initial data. Such a restriction would presently appear necessary for a similar result involving the cooling coefficient in Navier-Stokes theory (see Ames & Payne (1996)), although for the Brinkman equations of porous media this restriction is not needed. The second investigation of this section studies continuous dependence on the model by comparing the theory which employs an equa- tion of state linear in temperature to that with the theory for a quadratic density law. We might point out that theories with nonlinear equations of state are important in astrophysical and geophysical penetrative convection contexts, d. Straughan (1992,1993). We close the chapter by examining continuous dependence on the heat supply for the infinite Prandtl number theory. Similar structural stability results for the Brinkman equations for flow in a porous material are established in Franchi & Straughan (1996). The work of Ames & Payne (1996) studies continuous dependence on the cooling coefficient in the full equations for thermal convection in both the forward and backward time cases. From (4.4.3) we see that the equations for thermal convection in the limit of infinite Prandtl number may be taken to be, d. Thess & Bestehorn (1995), ap - - + D..Vi + RaTk i =0, aXi (4.4.4) aVi -0 aXi - , aT aT - + V'- =D..T at  aXi ' (4.4.5 ) (4.4.6) in which Vi,P, T and Ra are, respectively, the non-dimensionalized velocity, pressure, temperature, and the Rayleigh number. The vector k is (0,0,1). These equations hold on a bounded domain n with boundary r sufficiently smooth to allow applications of the divergence theorem. On the boundary r the no slip condition holds for the velocity field so Vi = 0, on r, Continuous Dependence on the Cooling Coefficient If we adopt a linear density temperature relationship of form and we assume the temperature field satisfies the condition p = Po (1- a(T - To)), then the equations of thermal convection have form aVi aVi ap _ a + V m _ a = - _ a + VD..Vi + agTk i , t X m Xi aVi = 0 (4 ) aXi ' .4.2 aT aT _ a + Vi _ a = KD..T, t Xi see e.g. Straughan (1992), chapter 3. Now non-dimensionalize the above equations with the scalings of time = L 2 / K, and speed U = K/ L, where L is a typical length. The temperature is rescaled by a typical temperature factor T" and we introduce the Rayleigh number, Ra = L 3 agT" / KV. The resulting non - dimensional system has form (4.4.1 ) aT - + KT = F(x,t), an onr, (4.4.7) in which K is a positive constant and F is a prescribed function. Equation (4.4.7) is essentially Newton's law of cooling with inhomogeneous outside temperature, i.e. aT an = -K(T - Ta), (4.4.8) 1 [ aVi aVi ] ap Pr 7ft + V m aXm = - aXi + D..Vi + RaTk i , aVi _ 0 aXi - , aT aT - + Vi- = D..T. at aXi (4.4.3) in which Ta is the ambient outside temperature. Ames & Payne (1996) derive results for continuous dependence on the cooling coefficient K for the full equations for a heat conducting viscous fluid, by employing (4.4.8) with Ta constant. Thus, they consider instead of equation (4.4.4) the equation (4.4.2h. The continuous dependence on K result given here is for a more general outside temperature than that studied in Ames & Payne (1996), but the major impact of the result here is of interest in its own right due to practical applications. In the three- dimensional situation Ames & Payne (1996) have to restrict the size of the initial data, or alternatively the size of the continuous dependence interval. This is because of the presence of fluid acceleration and the convective nonlinearity, i.e. the Vi,t and VjVi,j terms in (4.4.2)J. In the limit case Pr --+ 00 under investigation here we are able to proceed without such restrictions, as are Franchi & Straughan (1996) who deal with the Brinkman system in a porous medium. 
204 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling To examine continuous dependence on "" let (Vi, T, p) and (v;, T* , p*) be solutions to (4.4.4)-(4.4.7) subject to the same initial data and same prescribed function F. However, the cooling coefficient for (Vi, T, p) is "" in (4.4.7) whereas that for (v;, T* ,p*) is ""*. Define a as the difference a = ",,* - "", (4.4.9) and then the difference variables Ui = v; - Vi, () = T* - T" 7r = p* _ p, satisfy the partial differential equations a7r -- + u' +R ak.()=O a   , Xi aUi = 0 aXi ' a() * a() aT !:U +v i - a +Ui- a =(). UL Xi Xi ( 4.4.10) (4.4.11) (4.4.12) The appropriate initial conditions are Ui = 0, () = 0, at t = 0, (4.4.13) while the boundary conditions become O a() () * Ui =, an + "" = -aT, on r. In our usual notation 11.11 denotes the norm on L 2 (n). (4.4.10) by Ui and integrate over n to obtain (4.4.14) Then multiply II V'ujl2 = kiRa l ()Ui dx ::; Rall()lIlIull, (4.4.15) where the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality has also been employed. Now use , Poincare's inequality, Alllull 2 ::; lIV'uIl 2 , in (4.4.15) to find lIV'uli ::; cll()lI, ( 4.4.16) where the constant c is given by c = RajA. By multiplication of (4.4.12) by (), integration over n and use of (4.4.14) we now derive   [[011 2 = - k UiT,iO dx -11'\70[[2 - If, i 02dB - a i TOO dB. (4.4.17) 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl Number Convection 205 To deal with the last term use the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality to see that a 1 T*() dS ::; a 2 1 T*2dS + "" 1 ()2dS. fr 4"" Jr Jr Then the first term in (4.4.17) may be manipulated by integration by parts followed by use of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality to obtain - k uiT,i() dx = k UiT(),i dx, ::; 11V'()lllluI14I1TII4' (4.4.18) ( 4.4.19) where again II . 114 denotes the L 4 (n) norm. We then employ the Sobolev inequality lIul14 ::; 'Y1IV'ull, in (4.4.19) and follow this with use of estimate (4.4.16) to derive -l UiT,i() dx ::;'Y II V'() II lIV'ull IITII4, ::;'YcllV'()IIII()IIIITlk (4.4.20 ) Inequalities (4.4.18) and (4.4.20) are collected together in (4.4.17) to now see that 1I()1I2 < -1IV'()1I 2 + 'Ycll V'() II II()II IITII4 + 4 a2 1 T*2 dS. 2dt - ""Jr (4.4.21) The next step is to estimate the L 2 (r) integral of T*. To do this multiply the form of equation (4.4.6) which holds for T* by T* itself and integrate over n to derive IIT*1I2 = -1IV'T*11 2 - "" 1 T*2dS + 1 T* F dS. 2& fr fr The arithmetic-geometric mean inequality may be used on the last term, then the Dirichlet integral discarded. After integration in t we obtain "" (t 1 T*2dS ds ::; D 2 (t), 2 Jo Jr where D2(t) is a data term defined by D 2 (t) =  {t 1 F 2 dS ds + _ 2 1 liT; 11 2 . 2"" Jo Jr (4.4.22) (4.4.23) 
206 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling It remains to bound IITII4 in terms of data. To this end multiply (4.4.6) by T 3 to find   IITII = _II\7T2112 -".i T 4 dS + .i T 3 PdS. Employ Young's inequality on the last term and we may derive d d t IITII + 2 1 T 4 dS + 311V'T2112 :::;  1 p4 dS. Jr 83 Jr (4.4.24) (4.4.25) The general Poincare inequality for a function cp with non-zero boundary data can be written for a positive constant {l as 1'111>11 2 :c: 2" .i 1> 2 dS + 311\71>11 2 Hence, use this in inequality (4.4.25) with cp = T 2 to derive  IITII + {lIlTII :::; D 1 (t), where D 1 (t) is the data term (4.4.26) 27 1 D 1 (t) = 83 Jr p4 dS. ( 4.4.27) Inequality (4.4.26) is now integrated with the aid of an integrating factor to produce IIT(t)lI :::; D(t), (4.4.28) in which D(t) is the following data term, D(t) = IITolIe-"' + l' e-"(H) D'(S)ds. ( 4.4.29) We observe that the data term D(t) actually has a decay effect due to the exponentials. The estimate (4.4.28) is now employed in inequality (4.4.21) to derive, with the aid of the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, d 1 2 1 dt IIBII2 - '2,2C 2 Dl/2(t)IIBII2 :::;  Jr T*2dS. ( 4.4.30) Inequality (4.4.30) is integrated in time and then estimate (4.4.22) is used to bound the right hand side. The result is 1 i t 2 IIB(t)1I 2 ::; '2,2C 2 D 1 / 2 (S)IIB(s)11 2 ds + a 2 D 2 (t). o  , (4.4.31) 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl Number Convection 207 In the interests of clarity we define the data functions A(t) and B(t) by 1 A(t) = '2,2C 2 Dl/2(t), B(t) = D2t) .  Finally, Gronwall's inequality is used in (4.4.31) and we obtain IIB(t)1I 2 :::; C(t)a 2 , (4.4.32) where the function C(t) is given by G(t) B(t) + l' B(s)A(s) [exp l' A(u) du] ds. (4.4.33) From inequality (4.4.16) we know that lIV'ull ::; cIIB11 and so this together with (4.4.32) furnishes a continuous dependence esti- mate for lIV'ull, namely lIV'u(t)1I :::; cC 1 / 2 (t)lal, (4.4.34) and a further application of Poincare's inequality allows us to deduce Ra / lIu(t)1I ::;  C 1 2(t)lal. (4.4.35) Inequalities (4.4.32), (4.4.34), and (4.4.35) demonstrate continuous depen- dence of the solution (v, T) on the cooling coefficient. Of course, they are truly a priori because C(t) is a function of prescribed data. Continuous Dependence on the Model in non - Boussinesq Convection In section 3.6 we have seen .studies of improperly posed problems in convec- tion when the equation of state, Le. the density - temperature relationship, is a nonlinear one. We here continue this study by comparing the solu- tion to the equations of thermal convection for the linear law (4.4.1) to the solution of the analogous system when the equation of state is p = po(l - alT - a2 T2 ). (4.4.36) Note that we are here dealing with a forward in time problem. The equation of state (4.4.36) is frequently used in penetrative convection which is the phenomenon which may arise when a convectively unstable layer of fluid is bounded by one (or more) stable fluid layers. The motions in the unstable 
208 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl Number Convection 209 layer may penetrate deeply into the stable layer, and this process has wide application in fields such as astrophysics, geophysics, and oceanography. Several models of penetrative convection are reviewed in the monograph by Straughan (1993) and a commonly employed one involves a layer of thermally conducting viscous fluid with a buoyancy law in which the density p is a nonlinear function of temperature T. Since there are many possibilities for the functional form of p(T), one may raise the question as to what effect the change in the model imparts to the solution. Thus we now address the problem of examining the difference in solution behavior between that for a model for convection in a viscous fluid with a linear buoyancy law and that for a model with a quadratic law, in the limit of infinite Prandtl number. We shall continue to employ boundary condition (4.4.7) on the temperature field. ,The equations of motion when a linear buoyancy law is adopted are, in the limit of infinite Prandtl number, We are studying continuous dependence on the model itself and hence suppose (vi,T,p) and (vi,T*,p*) are solutions to (4.4.37) and (4.4.40), respectively. These solutions satisfy the same boundary data in (4.4.38) and also satisfy the same initial data in (4.4.39). The idea is to now produce an a priori estimate, thereby demonstrating how the difference in solutions to (4.4.37) and (4.4.40) depends continuously on the coefficients  and E. We define the difference variables (Ui, 8, 7r) as Ui = v; - Vi, 8 = T* - T, 7r = p* - p. op -  + D..Vi + RaTk i =0, UXi By subtraction one may show (Ui, 8, 7r) satisfies the equations - 07r + D..Ui + Ra8k i + RaT* k i + ERaT*2k i = 0, OXi Ui,i = 0, 08 oT * 08 !:1.1. +Ui +Vi  = D..8. UL UXi UXi . (4.4.41) OVi -=0 OXi ' oT oT fit + Vi OXi =D..T. These equations hold on the bounded spatial domain n E R 3 , for positive time. On the boundary, r, of n we take The boundary and initial conditions become ( 4.4.37) Ui = 0, 08 on + 8 = 0, on r x {t > O}, 8 = 0, x E n, t = O. ( 4.4.42) Ui = 0, Vi (x, t) = 0, oT on + T = F(x, t), ( 4.4.38) By multiplying (4.4.41 h by Ui and integrating over n we obtain lIV'ull 2 =Rak i l 8u i dx + f;,Rak i l T*Ui dx + ERak i l T*2 Ui dx, ::;Rall81111ull + RaIlT*lIlIuli + ERaIlT*IIlIull, for a prescribed function F, and for initial data we assume Vi (x, 0) = vI (x), T(x,o) = TI(X), ( 4.4.39) where in the last line the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality has been used. Thus, using Poincare's inequality allows us to deduce for prescribed functions vI, TI. When we employ the quadratic law (4.4.36) then the system which arises from the procedure leading to (4.4.3) - (4.4.6) is -D..v; = - p* + Ra(1 + )kiT* + ERak i T*2, UXi lIV'ull ::;  (11811 + IIT*II + EIIT*II). ( 4.4.43) V;,i = 0, ( 4.4.40) Next, multiply (4.4.41h by 8 and integrate over n to derive !1I8112 = _ r Ui T ,i 8dx -1IV'8112 -  18 2 dA. 2& k h We integrate the cubic nonlinear term by parts and employ the Cauchy - Schwarz and Sobolev inequalities to see that ( 4.4.44) oT* oT*  +v; =D..T*, ut UXi - In UiT,/) dx ::; IIV'811I1ull411rll 4 , ::; 'Y11V'81111V'uIiIlTlk where E is a measure of the deviation from the linear equation (4.4.1) and  represents the variation in a in replacing (4.4.1) by (4.4.36). 
210 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl Number Convection 211 Then (4.4.43) is used to estimate the Dirichlet integral of u from which we derive the result for a computable constant C1, we then find - k uiT,/Jdx 5:.  1/\7BIIIITII4(I/BI/ + IIT*I/ + EI/T*IID. :t I/T*1/ 2 + 2cd1T*1/ 2 5:. K,* i p 2 dS. The arithmetic - geometric mean inequality then allows us to deduce We may integrate this to produce - k UiT,i B dx 5:.11\7BII 2 ,2 Ra2 ( +' IITIII/BI/2 +eI/TIII/T*1/2 + E2I/TI/IIT*I/). IIT*(t)1/ 2 5:. D 3 (t), (4.4.48) where the data term D3 is defined by Finally, we use this estimate in (4.4.44) to obtain D 3 (t) = IIT1I2e2c,t + ,,* l' e2c,(t-,) i p2(X,S) dxds. ( 4.4.49) 1 d 1 ,2 Ra 2 2" dt I/BI12 5:. - K, !r B 2 dS +  IITI/IIBI12 2eRa 2 2 2R 2 + ' 4.\1 IITI/I/T*1/2 + ' .\l a I/TIII/T*I/. (4.4.45) We then employ (4.4.7) and its T* equivalent together with (4.4.48) in (4.4.45) to find  IIBI12 5:. A(t)I/BI1 2 + E 2 B(t) + eC(t), (4.4.50 ) To proceed, multiply (4.4.41h by T 3 and integrate over n to derive where A(t),B(t) and C(t) are data terms given by Id 3 1 1 4: dt I/TI/ = -4:I/\7T 2 1/2 - K, Jr T 4 dS + Jr FT 3 dS. ( 4.4.46) ,2 Ra 2 D1/2(t) A(t) = 2.\1 ' ,2 D3/2(t) B(t) = 2.\2.\1 ' I/T(t)l/ 5:. D(t), (4.4.4 7) ,2 Ra2 C(t) =  D1/2(t)D3(t). 2/\1 Finally we integrate (4.4.50) to derive After use of Young's inequality and integration we may show where D(t) is defined as in (4.4.29) and (4.4.27). Since T* satisfies the same equation and boundary conditions as T, we obtain an identical estimate for T*. Furthermore, from (4.4.40h we derive I/B(t)1/ 2 5:. E 2 D 4 (t) + e Ds(t). (4.4.51) The data terms D4 and Ds are given by I/\7T*1I 2 + K,* i T*2dS  c1I/T*11 2 , D 4 (t) = l' (ex p l' A(q) dq) B(s) ds, D 5 (t) = 1.'( ex.p l' A(q) dq) C(s) ds We also observe that due to (4.4.43) we may produce a similar inequality for l/\7ull, and then by employing Poincare's inequality, for lIull. Inequality (4.4.51) and the analogous ones for lI\7ull and lIull represent continuous dependence on the model results, since as , E -t 0 the solutions converge in £2 sense. IIT*1/2 = -1/\7T*1/ 2 - K,* 1 T*2dS + 1 T*PdS, 2 dt Jr Jr and this leads to, after use of the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality   IIT*1I 2 S -11V'T*1I 2 - ,,* i T*2dS + ,,* i p 2 dS. If we employ the Poincare inequality in the form 
212 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl Number Convection 213 Continuous Dependence on the Heat Supply for Infinite Prandtl Number Convection In section 3.6 we included a study of continuous dependence on the body force and heat supply for flow in porous media for the backward in time problem. Franchi & Straughan (1996) consider continuous dependence on the body force and heat supply for flow in a porous body governed by Brinkman's equations. In this section we develop an analysis for continuous dependence on the heat supply in infinite Prandtl number convection in a viscous fluid. The relevant equations may be taken as, d. (4.4.4) - (4.4.6), and so employing Poincare's inequality we obtain, Ra lI\7ull :S  IIBII. (4.4.57) Next, multiply (4.4.53h by () and integrate over 0 to see that :t IIBI12 = -2l UiT,i() dx - 211\7B11 2 + 2(w, ()). ( 4.4.58) V. - ap + Rak.T = 0  aXi  , Vi,i = 0, The cubic term is dealt with as in (4.4.20) so that ( 4.4.53) - k UiT,i() dx = l UiT(),i dx, :SlIuI14I1TII411\7BII , :S'YII\7()IIII\7uIlIlTI14, :S  1I\7BIIIITII411()1I, aT aT _ a +Vi- a =T+r, t Xi where r denotes the heat supply. The boundary conditions we consider are no slip on the velocity and the temperature prescribed, so Vi = 0, T = TB on r, (4.4.54) where (4.4.57) has been used. Further, using the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality we find where TB is a prescribed function. In addition the initial values of Vi and T are assumed given. To develop an analysis of continuous dependence on the heat supply we suppose (vi,T,p) and (vi,T*,p*) are solutions to (4.4.53) for rand r*, respectively. The functions (Vi, T,p) and (vi, T* ,p*) satisfy the same boundary and initial data. Let w be the difference in heat supply, i.e. - k UiT,i() dx:S 1I\7()1I 2 + 'Y:;2 1ITIIII()1I2. (4.4.59 ) w = r* - r. Employ (4.4.59) in (4.4.58) to find  11()1I 2 :s II() II 2 ( 1 + R:;2 I1TII) + IIw1l 2 . (4.4.60) From (4.4.53) the difference solution (Ui, (), n) is found to satisfy an Ui = - - + kiRa(), aXi Ui,i =0, (4.4.55) The completion of the continuous dependence proof requires a bound for IITlk This is achieved as in Franchi & Straughan (1996) by introducing the functions <p and 7/J which satisfy a() aT * a() _ a +Ui- a +Vi- a =()+w, t Xi Xi with the boundary and initial conditions being, <p = 0 7/J = 0 in 0, in 0, <p = TB 7/J = T on r, on r. (4.4.61) (4.4.62) Ui = 0, Ui = 0, () = 0, () = 0, on r, x E 0, t = O. (4.4.56) The idea is to form the identity To begin we multiply (4.4.55h by Ui and integrate to find II\7uIl 2 = Rak i ((), Ui), l' k (,p - T3) (T" + ViT,i - !:J.T - r )dx ds = O. (4.4.63) This may be written after several integrations as 
214 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling 4.4 Structural Stability for Infinite Prandtl Number Convection 215 II1'II+  fo'lI\71'2112dS =II1'olI + 1.' 1, 1/1 v i1',i dx ds - 1.' 1, 1/1,,1'dx ds + 1, 'lj;(x, t)T(x, t)dx -1, 'lj;(x, O)T(x, O)dx + 1.' 1, \71/1. \71' dx ds  1.' 1, 1/1r dx ds + 10' 1, 1' 3 rdxds = O. (4.4.64) A bound for IITII4 is sought from this. We may use Young's inequality and estimate the cubic terms. However, this introduces £2 quantities which we must in turn estimate in terms of data. This involves the function </;. Hence, we form the identity 1.' 1, (</> - 1')(1'" + ViT,i  tJ.1' - r)dxds = O. (4.4.65) After several integrations (4.4.65) may be shown to yield where from (4.4.53h we note that Ra lI\7vll ::;  IITII. Thus, by application of the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality, {t { </;ViT,i dx ds ::; , {t IITII 2 ds + ,6 {t Wfllds Jo In 2 Y ),1 Jo 4Y),1 Jo + 4l 1.' 1I\7</>11 4 ds, (4.4.67) where , 6 are positive constants at our disposal. For other constants 6,6 we develop an inequality analogous to (4.4.67) for the 'lj; term. Then, expressions (4.4.64) and (4.4.66) together with the appropriate inequalities for the </; and 'lj; cubic terms lead to an inequality of form 1 {t 1 {t { "211TII2 + J o II\7TII 2 ds ="2IIToIl2 + J o I n </;ViT,idxds - 1.' 1, </>,,1'dxds + l </;(x, t)T(x, t)dx - l </;(x, O)T(x, O)dx + 1.' 1, \7 </> . \71' dx ds  1.' 1, </Jr dx ds + 10' 1, 1'rdxds = O. (4.4.66) The cubic terms may be dealt with in the following manner, i t 1 A-.v.T.dxds = - l t l A-. 'v.Tdxds 'f/  , 'f/,  , o non :S 1.' 1I\7</>lIlI v Il4I11'1I 4 ds, :S"Y 1.' 1I\7</>IIII\7vllll1'1I4 ds , ::; ' {t 11\7</;11 liT II IIT1I 4 ds, Y),1 J 0 II1'1I2+II1'1I4 + 1.' 1I\71'11 2 ds +  1.' 1I\71' 2 11 2 ds ::; IIToIl2 + IITolI -l </;(x,O)T(x,O)dx -l 'lj;(x,O)T(x,O)dx - fo'1, </Jr dx ds - 1.' 1, 1/1r dx ds + k 1 fo'II1' II2 dS + k2fo'lI1'lIdS + k 3 111'112 + k41.' 1I\71'1I 2 ds + Cl 1.' II \7</>11 4ds + C2 1.' 1I\71/111 4 ds + C;j 1.' 11</>,,1I 2 ds + C4 1.' 111/1" 11 2 ds + ",,11</>11 2 + ",,111/111 2 . + C7 1.' 1I\7</>1I 2 ds + Cs 1.' 1I\71/111 2 ds + CO 1.' IIrllds, (4.4.68) for known constants k i , Ci. The idea is to choose k3 and k4 so that 1 k3 < "2' k4 < 1. The next step involves estimating the terms 11\7</;11 2 , 1/\7'lj;1/2, J 1/</;,sI/2ds, J 1I'lj;,s 11 2 ds, 11</;11 2 , 1I'lj;1/2, in terms of the data function TB. This may be 
216 4. Continuous Dependence on Modeling done by using a Rellich identity in a manner similar to that after (4.3.17). The upshot is that one derives an inequality of form IITII2 + I'dlTllts d, (t) + 1'2 ([IIT II2 dS + 1', [IITlltdS), (4.4.69) -5 Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems for d 1 (t) a specific data term. The last inequality may be ntegrated to find IIT(t)11 2 + jtlIlT(t)lI :S d 2 (t), (4.4.70) where the data term d 2 (t) is given by d 2 (t) = dIrt) + 1' 2 1' e'('-')d,(s)ds. (4.4.71) 5.1 The 'Sidways" Problem for the Heat Equation If estimate (4.4.70) is used in (4.4.60) one may derive the inequality, for f (t) a data function, 1I0(t)11 2 S [( exp l' f()d{) Ilw(s)1I 2 ds. (4.4.73) In this chapter we focus on various nonstandard problems for familiar dif- ferential equations, the nature of which are ill-posed. We begin with the non-characteristic (or sideways) Cauchy problem for the heat equation and related parabolic equations. By this we mean the heat equation wIth the solution and its spatial derivative simultaneously given on only part of the spatial boundary. The first studies of this problem by Cannon & Dou- glas (1967) and Ginsberg (1963) established Holder continuous dependence on the Cauchy data for solutions of the heat equation but their methods do not generalize to related parabolic equations because they rely heavily on special representations and analyticity properties of the solution. Ew- ing & Falk (1979) derived a procedure for the numerical approximation of a more general class of parabolic equations by supplementing the non- characteristic Cauchy data with additional data. Bell (1981) studies a more general class of equations in one space dimension, obtaining uniqueness and a logarithmic continuous dependence on the data without requiring addi- tional data or relying on analyticity properties of the solution. For this work, a weighted energy technique was used to derive the estimates. Payne (1985) later showed how the weighted energy method could be modified in the problems treated by Bell (1981) to yield Holder continuous depen- dence on the data. Here we shall describe one such problem to illustrate the methodology that Payne developed. Suppose n is an open region in the first quadrant of the (x, t) plane with a portion of its boundary, r, that is a segment of the t-axis, 0 :S t :S T. The set r is thus a non-characteristic segment of the boundary of n. Consider the problem, :t 1lO1l2 :S f(t)IIOIl 2 + IIw11 2 . (4.4.72) Inequality (4.4.72) may be integrated to establish Inequality (4.4.73) establishes continuous dependence on the heat supply r. By using equation (4.4.57) and the Poincare inequality we may also simi- larlyestimate lI\7u(t)1I and lIu(t)lI. It is worth observing that our contin- uous dependence on the heat supply result is truly a priori because the coefficients are all expressed in terms of known data. a 2 u au ( aU ) Lu=a(x,t) ax2 - at =F x,t,u' ax ' in n, (5.1.1) 
218 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 219 au ax (0, t) = h(t), u(O, t) = g(t), on r. 5.1 The "Sideways" Problem for the Heat Equation (5.1.2) The function F(x, t, u, u x ) is assumed to be Lipschitz continuous in its last two arguments so that IF(x, t, UI, VI) - F(x, t, U2, V2)1 ::; C(IUI - u21 + IVI - V21) t (5.1.3) T for a positive constant C. In addition, the coefficient a(x, t) is continuous and positive for each (x, t) E 0 and aa / ax is a bounded function. J3ell (1981) and Payne (1985) approach this problem by introducing the level sets of a function f (x, t). They define As we shall see in the section after next, Payne (1970) first used surfaces of this type in conjunction with logarithmic convexity arguments to study the Cauchy problem for elliptic equations. For the problem of this section, the function f(x, t) is assumed to satisfy the following conditions: Da ={(x,t)lf{x,t) < a} no, Sa =aD a no, ra=aDanao. Da c Df3 and r a C rf3 for a < (3, a,(3 E [0,,], af ax > CI > 0, in D"  ( a af ) < -C 2 < 0 in D-v , ax ax - , I :x [a(  ) 3] ::; -C3 < 0, in D,. rf3 Sa (5.1.4) (5.1.5) (5.1.6) ra (5.1. 7) (5.1.8) (5.1.9) x (5.1.10) Figure 3. The geometry for problem (5.1.1),(5.1.2). Figure 3 illustrates the level surfaces of f(x, t). An example of such a family of curves is given by f(x, t) = AI(t - t o )2 + A 2 ln [A 3 (x - xo)] = a, Using a weighted energy method Payne (1985) obtains a Holder contin- uous dependence inequality in Da (a < ,) for classical solutions of (5.1.1), (5.1.2) that are suitably constrained. We outline his argument here. Note that we can assume that F(x, t, 0, 0) = 0 since F is assumed to satisfy (5.1.3) and we are interested in continuous dependence on the Cauchy data. Let us now set for any point (xo, to) E R 2 - n near r, any positive constants A l , A 2 , A 3 , and 0 < a < ,. U(x, t) = e>"f v(x, t) (5.1.11) for a constant A to be determined and substitute into (5.1.1) so that Kv == Lv + 2A af av + [ A 2 ( a f ) 2 + ALf ] v = e->"f F. ax ax ax (5.1.12) 
220 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 5.1 The "Sideways" Problem for the Heat Equation 221 We form the expression La [2Aa   -  ] [Kv - e->"f F] dx = O. Substituting e->..f u(x, t) for v(x, t), applying the arithmetic - geometric mean inequality and integrating with respect to a, one obtains the result (5.1.13) Ix n x = [J; + IIp/2 ' It nt = [J; + IIp/2 ' (5.1.14) r ( 81 ) 2 ( 8u ) 2 r ( 81 ) 4 2 (A - K I ) J D a 8x . 8x dx + 2A (A - KI) J D a 8x  dx a a I 1 1 ( 81 ) 2 ( 8u ) 2 1 2 1 ( 81 ) 4 2 1 - a - - -da-A a - u -da 2 Sa 8x 8x Ko Sa 8x Ko :::; K2A 2 e 2 >..aQ2, (5.1.17) Then using (5.1.8), (5.1.9), integrating by parts, and denoting the x and t components of the unit normal vector on Sa by it may be seen that for sufficiently large A and computable, positive con- stants PI and P2 where KI and K 2 are computable constants and the differential equation (5.1.1) has been used to replace 8u/8t. In addition, we have imposed the restriction (5.1.10). Following Payne (1985), let us define 1 8/ ( 8v ) 2 ' 1 1 ( 8V ) 2 1 8v 8v A a- - nxda + - - ntdn - - - nxda 8Da 8x 8x 2 8Da 8x 8Da 8x 8t 1 1 [ 81 ] [ ( 81 ) 2 1 ] 2 + -A 2Aa-n x -nt A - - -LI v dn 2 8Da 8x 8x a r ( 8v ) 2 3 r 2 :::; -PIA J Da 8x dx - P2 A J Da V dx 1 r 2>..f [ 2 ( 8U ) 2 ] + 4' J Da e- b I u + b 2 8x dx. G(a) = l. H  n  f + ,X2a(  ru2] dx (5.1.18) so that we can write (5.1.17) as :!a [_G(a)e- 2 (A-K,)a] :'0 K2,X2e ZAa Q2 (5.1.19) (5.1.15) Integrating from a to "I leads to Observing that the right hand side of (5.1.15) can be made negative since G(a) :::; G("f)e- 2 (>..-K 1 )C,-a) + 2i I A 2 e 2 [(>..-K 1 )a+Kn]Q2. (5.1.20) 8u _ [ 8v \ ] >..f 8x - 8x + ",v e , If we now assume that u belongs to the set of functions that satisfy for A > 1 the constraint we discard these terms to obtain the inequality G("f) :::; A 2 M 2 , (5.1.21) for a constant M and if we choose fsj'xa(  f +  ] ( : f ;0 da + fsj,X3a(  )' ;0 + O(,X2)]V 2 d" r 8v 8v 81 1 d - JS a 8t 8x 8x Ko a  l [b 3 ,XV +b.,X( : )2 +b5( : ) }". (5.1.16) 1 [ M2 ] A - KI = 2"1 In Q2 ' (5.1.22) then we find that G(a) :'0 ,X2 [1 + 2i , e 2K ,a] M 2a hQ2(1-a h ). (5.1.23) The right hand side is a computable data term of O( A 3 ) that we designate by Q2 and Recalling the definition of G(a), we obtain the desired continuous depen- dence inequality for solutions u that satisfy (5.1.21), namely Ko = [(  ) 2 + (  ) 2] '/2 la a(  ) 4u 2 dx :::; C o M 2a hQ2(1-a h ) , (5.1.24) 
222 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 5.1 The "Sideways" Problem for the Heat Equation 223 for a computable constant Co. We point out here that problems similar to (5.1.1), (5.1.2) occur in var- ious physical contexts. For example Payne & Straughan (1990b) consider such a problem in their study of a glacier, which is partly composed of ice at a temperature less than its freezing point, commonly referred to as cold ice, see also Flavin & Rionero (1996). If only the surface of the glacier is accessible for data measurements, then we know the temperature and the heat flux only on a part of the boundary of the glacier. This is reflected in our mathematical model by non-characteristic Cauchy data. More specif- ically, if we let 0 be a bounded region in the (x, t) plane with x > 0,  portion r of whose boundary lies along the t-axis with -T :::; t :::; T, then the temperature u(x, t) can be shown to satisfy the problem (see Payne & Straughan (1990b)), for some prescribed E > O. Defining [ 1 1 2 2 ] V = (Ul - U2) 1 + -El(Ul + U2) + -E2(ul + UlU2 + U2) , 2 3 (5.1.29) Payne & Straughan (1990b) use a weighted energy argument to show that the functional G(a) = lJ  n : )Z dx+ 2AZ ko (  rvZdx, satisfies an inequality of the form G ( a ) < K ,\2 E 2(1-a) _ 1 , (5.1.30) au a [( 2 au ] at = ax 1 + ElU + E2 U ) ax ' in 0, (5.1.25) provided the class of allowable solutions is restricted to those such that U(O, t) = g(t), au ax (0, t) = h(t), onr, (5.1.26) G(I) :::; ,\2 Mi, (5.1.31) where g and h are prescribed functions that are measured only on r. Equation (5.1.25) is a heat equation with a nonlinear thermal diffusiv- ity appropriate to cold ice, see e.g. Hutter (1984), Payne & Straughan (1990b). Using a weighted energy argument that proceeds in a manner analogous to that described earlier, Payne & Straughan (1990b) establish Holder continuous dependence estimates on the Cauchy data for solutions of (5.1.25), (5.1.26). Following Payne (1985), they introduce a family of curves f(x, t) = a for 0 < a :::; 1 that give rise to the regions described in (5.1.4) - (5.1.6) and (5.1.7) (ry = 1.) In their problem, the restrictions on f consist of two conditions analogous to (5.1.8) and (5.1.9) and a third condition, instead of (5.1.10), that has the effect of reducing the region over which estimates can be made to points that are not too far from r. The third condition is necessary due to the nonlinear thermal diffusivity. Con- sequently, continuous dependence results are again restricted to the regions D a for a < 1. Let Ul and U2 be two solutions of (5.1.25) corresponding to different data gi(t) and hi{t), i = 1,2, and assume that for a constant M 2 and ,\ is chosen so that it is the positive solution of 2'\ ( '\ - /31 ) = ln ( M2 ) . ,\ + /32 E 2 (5.1.32) Here /31 and /32 are computable constants that arise from the application of standard inequalities. Recalling the definition of G and v and using the bound (5.1.28), it follows from (5.1.30) that 1 (Ul U2)2dx :::; K 2 E 2 (1-a), Do< (5.1.33) if lUll, IU21, I :l l, l al l, l a2 1 :::; M l , are bounded in 0 by the known bound MI. Suppose also that the Cauchy data are close in the sense that (5.1.27) I  I  c > 0, for a constant c. Inequality (5.1.33) is the desired Holder continuous depen- dence result in Da for 0 < a < 1. Payne's modified weighted energy argument was also used by Monk (1986) to prove continuous dependence results for discrete solutions of a model non-characteristic Cauchy problem for the heat equation. Using these results, he then obtains error estimates for an optimization method for numerical approximation of solutions of this problem. The problem that Monk (1986) studies can be described in the following way. Suppose that 0 = (0,1) x (0, T], and denote the boundary segment max {sp Igl - g21, sp Ih l - h 2 1} :::; E, r r (5.1.28) 
224 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 5.2 The "Sideways" Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation 225 [0,1] x {O} by  and the segment {O} x [0, T] by r. A function u(x, t) is sought to satisfy 5.2 The "Sideways" Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation 8 2 u 8u 8x 2 - 8t ='If;(x, t), lu - Uoh,L; :::;EO, lu - gh,r :::;E1, j 8U _ h i :::;E2, 8x o,r in n, (5.1.34) (5.1.35) (5.1.36) (5.1.37) The ill-posed Cauchy problem for the wave equation with Cauchy data given on a lateral surface has important applications in geophysics and optimal control theory. This problem was studied by John (1960) who found it possible to stabilize the solution of the wave equation in some neighbourhood of a plane data surface if bounds on the absolute value of the solution and its derivatives are imposed. Later, Lavrentiev et al. (1983) investigated ill-posed Cauchy problems for a more general class of ultrahyperbolic quasilinear equations. Their work also required bounds on the absolute values of the solution and its first derivatives. Levine & Payne (1985) have established a Holder stability result for the wave equation when the data are prescribed on the entire lateral boundary. Using the methods of John (1960), they were able to stabilize the problem locally by requiring only £2 bounds on the solution and its spatial derivatives. These stabilization assumptions are less stringent than the L CXJ hypotheses of previous investigators and thus deserve some discussion. Consider then the following problem 8 2 v 8t 2 - v = 0, in f2 x (-T,T), v = f, grad v = g, on r x [-T,T], (5.2.1) (5.2.2) for prescribed functions 'If;, g, hand Uo and P ositive constants E' ( i = 0 1 2) th , , , . Here I . In,w denotes the n Sobolev norm on the line segment w. Monk (1986) begins his study of (5.1.34) - (5.1.37) by proving that so- lutions to the continuous problem with 'If; = 0 depend Holder continuously on the Cauchy data. His analysis follows the argument developed by Payne (1985). As Monk (1986) observes, such results for continuous problems do not directly reflect the behaviour of discrete approximations. A major contribution of his work is a continuous dependence result for an approx- imate discrete solution of the heat equation. He defines such a discrete solution by introducing a mesh of points (x n , t m ) in n with X n = nk for o :::; n :::; Ilk, and t m = mp for 0 :::; m':::; Tip. Then he denotes by u r:- the solution satisfying the finite difference scheme  ui+1- u i = J1[O(u:1l- 2u i+1 +u-/)+(1-0)(u+1_2ui+u-1)], (5.1.38) where n is the interior of an n-ball of radius r centered at the origin, with boundary r, and  is the Laplace operator in R n. To stabilize this problem locally, Levine & Payne (1985) introduce a family of surfaces for 0 :::; i :::; (Tip) - 1 and 1 :::; n :::; (Ilk) 1. Here J1 = plk 2 and 0 is a ?aram:ter rangig between 0 and 1. A main result of Monk's (1986) paper IS .a Hold:r contmuous dependence inequality for uf which he proves by usmg a dIscrete analogoue of the proof for the continuous problem. This inequality can then be employed to establish error estimates for a least squares method that approximates the solution to the problem (5.1.34) - (5.1.37). Monk's (1986) numerical calculations reveal that the discrete so- lut.ion,obtained by this method is accurate away from x = 1. Monk (1986) pomts out that his method is unlikely to be competitive with other meth- ods for one-dimensional problems such as those suggested in the papers of Ginsberg (1963), Cannon (1964), Cannon & Douglas (1967), and Cannon & Ewing (1976). However, what is interesting and appealing about Monk's (1986) work is that his method generalizes naturally to higher dimensions and to more complex parabolic operators. F(x,t) == Ixl 2 _t 2 = E 2 , (5.2.3) with 0 < EO :::; E :::; r. These surfaces are required to intersect n x [- T, T] along r x [-T, T], the lateral surface, and consequently, we want r 2 - E6 :::; T 2 . (5.2.4) Following Levine & Payne (1985), let us define the set DE == {(x, t)IF(x, t) > E 2 , Ixl < r}, and let BE denote the portion of the boundary of DE that lies on F(x, t) = E 2 . The point set {(x, t)llxl = r, It I < vr 2 - E 2 }, will be denoted by E' 
226 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 5.2 The "Sideways" Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation 227 Weighted energy arguments are used in Levine & Payne (1985) to derive the inequality r v 2 dx:s OM2/3Q1/3, JD e (5.2.5) we can obtain from (5.2.11), after discarding a nonnegative term and em- ploying standard inequalities, the inequality, J 1 U 'U . + ).,2U 2 [8,X2 F - 2(n + 1)'x] u 2 dx:S 0 1 'I ';adFI da De Be g + C 2 r (Ut + Igrad UI2 + ).,2u 2 )ds, (5.2.12) Je for (EO + r) :S E. Here 0 is a computable constant and Q consists of the data Q = J1r {f2+ Ig12+ ( ':!t n dffdt . The solution of (5.2.1), (5.2.2) must satisfy the constraint (5.2.6) for computable constants 0 1 and C 2 . Assume that)., is large enough that J [V2 + IgradvI2]dx:S M, Deo (5.2.7) n+l ).,  E6 (1 - a) , Note that we may assume that C 1 and C 2 are independent of E since for EO < E < r we may replace them by constants that are independent of E. If, moreover, we were to integrate the left side of (5.2.12) over a smaller domain, the sense of the inequality would be preserved so that we can obtain O<a<1. (5.2.13) with M a prescribed constant. We here present the arguments of Levine & Payne (1985). The proof of (5.2.5) proceeds by setting v = e->.F u, (5.2.8) J 1 u 'U . + ,X2U 2 8).,2 E6a u 2 dx :SOl 'I ';adFI da D Be g + C 2 r (Ut + I grad uI2 + ).,2u 2 )ds, (5.2.14) Je for)., to be chosen. After some computation, it is found that u will satisfy the differential equation u [ F - - Llu =2)" ( F tU t - F 'u . ) + u )., ( - - LlF ) 8t 2 ", , 8t 2 +),2 (F,jF,j - n] , (5.2.9) where f3 = (2E + r)/3. Integrating (5.2.14) with respect to E, returning to the v variable, and assuming that v satisfies the constraint (5.2.7), one is led to or, upon substituting for F, O=Lu, . 8 2 u = 8t 2 - Llu + 4).,(tu,t + XiU,i) - (4).,2(lxI 2 - t 2 ) - 2).,(n + 1)]u. r v 2 dx:s C 3 e->.(r- E o)/2 M + C 4 e 3 >.(r- E o)/4 . , J D 6 (5.2.15) where 8 = (r + Eo)/2 and (5.2.10) Q = L: 1r [ ( ':!t ) 2 + Igl2 +,\2 f2] d<Tdt (5.2.16) Let us now integrate the expression r {tu,t + XiU,i + (n - l)u }Lu dx = O. JD e (5.2.11) Observe that for)., > 1, Q /).,2 :S Q, where Q is defined in (5.2.6). Assuming Q is sufficiently small, the choice Observing that the components of the unit normal on SO" have the form 8 M ,X = ln - , (5.2.17) 9(r - EO) Q -Xi Vi = , v l x I2 + t 2 t Vt = v l x I2 + t 2 ' leads to r v 2 dx:S CM 2 / 3 Ql/3, J D 6 (5.2.18) 
228 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 5.2 The "Sideways" Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation 229 which is the desired inequality, (5.2.5), since for E> (r + Eo)/2, D€ C D8. The drawback of the preceding argument is that it cannot be applied when the data are prescribed on only a part of the lateral boundary. This difficulty was addressed by Ames & Isakov (1991) who established an ex- plicit stability estimate for the two-dimensional wave equation when the Cauchy data are given on the half - lateral boundary of a cylindrical do- main. If we let 0 be the cylindrical domain (5.2.19) Inequality (5.2.21) represents a stability inequality of the type that can be utilized to construct numerical algorithms which generate approximate solutions to problems such as (5.2.19), (5.2.20). Since there are presently no existence theorems for these problems, solutions obtained via numerical regularization are often the best that can be found. Therefore, it is desirable to have explicit stability estimates with optimal constants. Although the results of Ames & Isakov (1991) provide an explicit estimate, the constants in this estimate are not optimal and, in fact, may be too large to be useful in actual computations. We close this chapter by briefly describing some results obtained by Payne (1985) for a nonstandard problem for the wave equation. Let us consider the following problem: 8 2 u 8t 2 - u = 0, in 0, 8u u = f, 8v = g, on r, u(x,O) = 0, u(x, T) = O. (5.2.22) {X2 > -1,xi + (X2 + 1)2 < 1,-4 < t < 4}, and let r be the part of the boundary of 0 for which {xi + (X2 + 1)2 = 1, -4 < t < 4}, then Ames & Isakov (1991) consider the following Cauchy problem: 8 2 u 8 2 u 8 2 u 8t 2 - 8xi - 8x = f, 8u u = - = 0, on r, 8v in 0, (5.2.23) (5.2.24) (5.2.20) In this problem, w here v is the unit exterior normal to r. Since the details of .the argu- ment that Ames & Isakov (1991) used to obtain a stability result are rather lengthy and specific to a particular domain, we shall not describe their anal- ysis here. The basic idea of their argument is to combine Friedrichs - Leray energy integrals with the Carleman type estimates used by H6rmander (1976). The method of Carleman reduces estimates of weighted L 2 norms to estimates of symbols of differential quadratic forms. With these tools, Ames & Isakov (1991) prove: o = U Ot x {t}, O<t<T where each Ot is a smoothly varying domain in Rn and (5.2.25) lIull(l)(O€) :::; max{ Cllfll(Oo), [ ] €!(20-€) [ ] l-€!(20-€) } 11111(0 0 ) E- 2 I1 u ll(1)(00) , (5.2.21 ) r= U rtx{t}, O<t<T where rt denotes an (n - I)-dimensional simply connected surface of the boundary of 0. We further assume that the hyperplanes Xl = a for 0 < a < al intersect the boundary of 0 only in points of r. This problem is a special case of a class of problems analysed by Lavren- tiev et al. (1983) who derive continuous dependence on the data f and 9 using a modified weighted energy method. Their argument required uni- form bounds on the solution u and all of its derivatives. Payne (1985) relaxed these constraints on the solution, obtaining continuous dependence inequalities that required weaker L 2 conditions. These results were obtained via a modified weighted energy method not dissimilar to that described in section 5.1. Introducing the convex sets (5.2.26) Theorem 5.2.1 (Ames & Isakov (1991)). Any solution u E H 2 (0) of problem (5.2.19), (5.2.20) satisfies the estimate where O€ denotes the subsets 1 On {xi + (X2 + 5)2 - 2t2 - 17> E} with 0 < E < 1, lIull(1)(O) denotes the norm in Hl(O) and lIuli the usual L2 norm, and C is a computable constant. Do< = {(x,t)!x l < a} no, (5.2.27) and the weight u = e>"X1v, (5.2.28) 
230 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 5.3 The Cauchy Problem for the Laplace Equation 231 for a constant oX to be chosen, Payne (1985) establishes continuous depen- dence of the solution of (5.2.22) - (5.2.24) on the data f and g, by deriving the inequality We observe that sin nx/n tends to zero uniformly as n becomes infinite and that the solution of the limit problem is U == O. The method of separation of variables leads to the solution ( ) _ coshnysinnx ux,y- n 2 ' r u 2 dT:S K(M)Q[(3-V2)/2 j -2x 1 /a 1 , (5.2.29) iDe< for a computable constant K and data term Q. To deduce (5.2.29), it was necessary for Payne (1985) to constrain solutions u to satisfy the condition A 2 JDo, [ ( ::. )' + A 2U 2 ] dr :S M 2 . (5.2.30) Inequality (5.2.29) is a Holder stability result on the region ( 3 - V2 ) O:SXl <  aI, for solutions constrained by (5.2.30). Although Payne (1985) confined his analysis to the wave equation, his argument would extend to the class of equations 8 2 u ( 8u ) 8t 2 -!::::..u = F x, t, U, 8Xl ' where the function F is assumed to be Lipschitz in its last two arguments. Since the length of the stability interval for these equations as well as for (5.2.22) depends.on the choice of the constant oX, a different selection could lead to a larger interval on which stability is guaranteed. for the n-th problem. For y =F 0, u(x, y) does not approach the limit solution as n --+ 00. In fact, lu(x, y)1 grows rapidly as n becomes infinite. This example demonstrates how a small variation in the data might not lead to a corresponding small change in the solution. The above example may be viewed as an elliptic version of the parabolic case presented in section 1.3. A method of obtaining stability inequalities for the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation with general data was introduced by Payne (1960). In fact, Payne (1960) posed the problem in the form !::::..u=o, 1r (u - f)2cJn :SEi, in 0 eRn, 1r (U,i - gi)(U,i - gi)da :S E. (5.3.1) (5.3.2) 5.3 The Cauchy Problem for the Laplace Equation and Other Elliptic Equations Here r is a portion of the boundary of f2 on which the Cauchy data f and gi are measured so that El and E2 are known. By introducing a set of spherical surfaces of the form 'Ij;(r) = a for a constant a, with the property that the intersection of the boundary of 0 with 'Ij;(r) contains only points of r, Payne (1960) uses a logarithmic con- vexity argument to establish that solutions of (5.3.1), (5.3.2) which satisfy a prescribed constraint depend continuously on the Cauchy data in an ap- propriate measure. More specifically, defining S (r) as the set consisting of points of the boundary of 'Ij;(r) intersecting 0, Payne (1960) derives the inequality r u 2 da:S CM 2 (1-8) [ a 1 r u 2 da + a2 r U,iU,i da ] 8, Js)  ir (5.3.3) One of the classical ill-posed problems for partial differential equations is the Cauchy problem for Laplace's equation which was first studied by Hadamard at the turn of the century. This problem was introduced in section 1.4. Not only did Hadamard show that a global solution to this problem will exist only if the Cauchy data satisfy certain compatibility conditions, but he also demonstrated that even if a solution does exist, it will not necessarily depend continuously on the data. To illustrate this fact, Hadamard used the following example. Consider a sequence of problems for the two-dimensional Laplace equation where the n-th problem (n = 1,2,...) satisfies analytic Cauchy data, Le. 8 2 u 8 2 u 8x 2 + 8y2 = 0, ( 0) ":'" sin nx U x, - -, n for solutions U that satisfy the uniform bound IUI :SM, (5.3.4) 8u 8y (x, 0) = 0, o < x < a. explicit constants C, aI, a2, and a function 8(r) for which 0 < 8(r) :S 1. From inequality (5.3.3), both uniqueness and continuous dependence results can be obtained for harmonic functions satisfying (5.3.4). Payne's idea to use spherical surfaces to derive stability inequalities was extended by Trytten (1963) who established pointwise bounds for sec- ond order elliptic equations that have lower order nonlinearities. Schae- fer (1965,1967) generalized the method to higher order quasilinear elliptic in 0 < x < a, 0 < y < b, 
232 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 5.3 The Cauchy Problem for the Laplace Equation 233 equations and to systems of elliptic equations. Because Schaefer used a dif- ferent measure, the constraint on the solution that he required to stabilize his systems was weaker than the uniform bound Payne needed. Instead of (5.3.4), the condition where i 2 1 2 1 8U8U 1 2 Q = C1 U deJ + C2 _ 8 _ 8 deJ + C3 (Ku) deJ, r r Xi Xi r (5.3.9) i u 2 dx :::; M 2 , for a constant M was sufficient to guarantee continuous dependence results. One of the drawbacks of these studies is that the estimates at points in o away from the portion of the boundary on which the Cauchy data are prescribed are rather crude because the bounds at distant points depend on bounds at intermediate points. Consequently, the approximation error accumulates quickly. To circumvent this problem, Payne (1970) showed how the introduction of an approximate class of auxiliary surfaces could be used to avoid the accumulation error. He considered the problem (5.3.5) for explicit constants Ci to be chosen. Payne's (1970) argument relies on differentiating the expression for 4> in (5.3.8) to find that , l a i 8u 8u 4> (a) = [Kij- 8 . _ 8 ,+uKu]dxd1], o D,., x xJ (5.3.10) and after a further differentiation, /I ( ) 1 [ 8u 8u ] 4> a = Kij- 8 _ 8 +uKu dx. Dc> Xi Xj (5.3.11) K u = ( Ki j 8U ) = F, in 0 eRn, 8xj 8Xi 8u u = f, _ 8 = gi, on r, Xi (5.3.6) Rewriting 4>' (a), it can be shown that (5.3.7) 4>( a) = loa 4>' (1] )d1] + Q2, 1 i 8h 8h 2 1 2 2::- Kij--U dx - /11 u an 2 Dc> 8Xi 8Xj r 1 8u 8u 2 - /12 - -deJ + Q , r 8Xi 8Xi (5.3.12) where the data f and gi are prescribed on a portion r of the boundary of f2 and the matrix Kij is symmetric and positive definite. To analyse this problem, Payne (1970) replaces the spherical surfaces in his earlier paper by a set of surfaces h(x) = a, for 0 < a :::; 1, that may not be closed and are chosen so that they intersect f2 to form a closed region Oa. The boundary of Oa consists only of points of f2 and points on the surface h = a. Additional assumptions on the surfaces h(x) = a, 0 < a :::; 1, include the conditions, ( 1) if /3 :::; 'Y, then 0 (3 C 0" (2) IVhj > 8 > 0, in f21, (3) Kh :::; 0 in 0 1 , (4) Oa has nonzero measure; 0 0 has zero measure, (5) h(x) has continuous derivatives in 0 1 . Recall that these are the same type of surfaces Bennett used in his modeling investigations which were described in chapter 3. Using these surfaces and assuming the differential equation holds on r, Payne (1970) derives bounds on the solution u at points in Oa with a logarithmic convexity argument applied to the functional for computable constants /11 and /12. Consequently, the constants Ci in (5.3.9) can be chosen so that c [ r K..h.h 'U 2 dX+ Q 2 ] >A. ( a ) 2 if: J,,J _If' Dc> 2':  [La /<ijh,ih,ju 2 d:J; + Q2] , (5.3.13) for another computable constant C. Payne (1970) continues his argument by deriving the two inequalities 14>'1 :::; 4>' + a14>, (5.3.14) and l a i 8u 8u 4>( a) = (a - 1]) [Kij _ 8 . _ 8 . + uK u] dx d1] + Q2, o D,., X xJ (5.3.8) r K"U 'u ,dx - 2 i ir: J,,J Dc> Dc> [ K"U .h . ] 2 J , ,J dx 2:: -a24>' - a34>, Kijh,ih,j (5.3.15) 
234 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 5.3 The Cauchy Problem for the Laplace Equation 235 w here the ai (i = 1, 2, 3) are computable constants. A judicious use of these inequalities combined with standard ones then help to establish the result </;cp" - (</;') 2  -/31 </;</;' - /32 </;2 , (5.3.16) problem for Poisson's equation and succeed in deriving stability and error estimates for various numerical schemes. Later, Han (1982) formulated a class of ill-posed problems as variational inequalities and established con- vergence of finite element discretizations. A different approach was then taken by Falk & Monk (1986) who obtained error estimates for a regular- ization method that approximates the solution of a Cauchy problem for Poisson's equation on a rectangle by first deriving stability results for dis- crete harmonic functions that are solutions to a standard piecewise - linear approximation of Laplace's equation. Falk & Monk (1986) analyse the following problem: for computable constants /31 and /32. As is shown in section 1.5, this in- equality can be integrated by introducing the variable a = e-fhO'.. (5.3.17) Thus, as in section 1.5, one finds 2 [ f.I / f.l2 ] (l-o-)j(l-O'I) </;( a )a-/32 / /3 1 :::; </;(0) (0'-0'1) / (1-0'I) </;(I)a ;:-1-'2 1-'1 , (5.3.18) - D.. U = F, in n = [0, 1] x [0, 1], u(O, y) = u(l, y) = 0, lu - h iI,r :::; E1, IU n - h lo,r :::; E2 . (5.3.22) (5.3.23) (5.3.24) where a1 = e-/31. Observe that </;(0) = Q2, an expression involving only data terms. To ensure stability, we now assume that the solution u belongs to that class of sufficiently smooth functions such that r u 2 dx:::; M 2 , JD 1 (5.3.19) Here r is that part of the boundary of n that lies on the x-axis and I . Ik,r denotes the k-th Sobolev norm on the line segment r. The functions F, h and h as well as the constants E1 and E2 are all prescribed data. In addition, it is assumed that u satisfies an £2 bound on the open segment of the boundary of n that lies along y = 1. This bound serves to stabilize the ill-posed problem (5.3.22) - (5.3.24). Defining a discrete functional that is the analogue of functionals used in the logarithmic convexity method in the continuous case, Falk & Monk (1986) are able to derive Holder stability results for discrete harmonic func- tions v that vanish on the boundary of n and belong to a finite element space of continuous piecewise - linear functions. Using these stability re- sults, they then proceed to establish error estimates for a least squares penalty method approximating the problem (5.3.22) - (5.3.24). Even though stability estimates for problems such as (5.3.22) - (5.3.24) had been obtained by Payne (1960,1970) as described earlier in this section, such estimates are not sufficient for analyzing numerical methods for ap- proximating solutions. Error estimates can be derived from these continu- ous results, but they are frequently pessimistic and the constraints required to ensure stability are too excessive in actual numerical experiments. It is to circumvent this difficulty that Falk & Monk (1986) devote a part of their paper to proving Holder continuous dependence inequalities for discrete harmonic functions. Their proof of this result uses logarithmic convexity arguments applied to a functional defined on discrete harmonic functions Uh that satisfy for some prescribed number M. One can then compute an M 1 so that </;(I)a;:-/32//3i :::; M'f, (5.3.20) and conclude from (5.3.18) that cp(a) :::; AM;v(0'.)Q1(1-V(0'.)), (5.3.21) for a computable constant A and a function 0 < v(a) :::; 1. Inequality (5.3.21) is the desired continuous dependence estimate which can be used to obtain pointwise bounds on u in the domain nO'.. We emphasize that crucial to Payne's (1970) argument is the choice of the surfaces h = a. In the earlier work of Payne, Schaefer, and Trytten, the choice was a family of hyperspheres with origin outside of n. Although these surfaces were easy to work with, the initial bounds could be computed only at points sufficiently close to the boundary on which the Cauchy data were given. In practice, some problems are better treated with surfaces other than the spherical ones used in this earlier work. Numerical Studies Numerical investigations of Cauchy problems for elliptic equations include the early studies of Douglas (1960), Cannon (1964), Cannon & Miller (1965), and Cannon & Douglas (1968). These papers examine the Cauchy (VUh, V (h) = 0, V4>h E Sh, (5.3.25) where Sh denotes the finite element space of all continuous piecewise linear functions that vanish on r. 
236 5. Non-Standard and Non-Characteristic Problems 5.3 The Cauchy Problem for the Laplace Equation 237 Having established stability results, Falk & Monk (1986) then describe a numerical method to approximate the solution of the original problem and prove error estimates for this regularization method which involves minimizing a quadratic form with respect to a penalty parameter. These error estimates are conservative as evidenced by the results of the numerical experiments that are detailed in their work. A different computational approach to the Cauchy problem for Laplace's equation is taken by Klibanov & Santosa (1991) who use the quasireversibil- ity method proposed by Lattes & Lions (1969) to obtain approximat solu- tions. A reformulation of this classical problem leads them to consider the problem of finding a solution to where E E (0,1) and the function p is 1 in 0 0 and tends to 0 smoothly near the boundary segment ao - r. The constant v is positive and independent of E. The crucial points of this method are that (5.3.30), (5.3.31) constitute a well-posed problem and that U E converges to U as E and a tend to zero. Using a Carleman estimate Klibanov & Santosa (1991) prove an estimate for the rate of convergence of U E to U and thus obtain a measure for the difference between the solution to (5.3.26), (5.3.27) and the quasireversibil- ity solution. The key result needed to establish this error bound is the Carleman estimate, - u = f, in 0, au U = an = 0, on r. (5.3.26) (5.3.27) C [ A r IVvl 2 e 2AcP dx + A 3 r v 2 e 2AcP dx } no } no 1 i 2 ( a2v ) 2 ] 1 + - L - e 2 >"cPdx:s (v)2e2AcPdx, A no' '- I aXiaXj no ,J- . (5.3.32) Here 0 is a two-dimensional region bounded by a straight line and a parabola and r is the straight line portion of the boundary. Introducing the function ( X2 1 ) -/3 q; = X2 + -.!. + - a 2 4 1 - 2/3 ' (5.3.28) for functions v that are H 2 in 0 0 and vanish together with their normal derivative on the boundary of 0 0 , and constants A and f3 that are suf- ficiently large. The derivation of this inequality, which can be found in Lavrentiev et al. (1983), depends critically on the shape of the domain 0 0 which is reflected in the constant C. In order to actually compute numer- ical solutions to this problem, Klibanov & Santosa (1991) must discretize this quasireversibility method. They accomplish this using second order finite differences, obtaining a Carleman - type estimate for this discrete approximation in the process. Convergence of their numerical method and error bounds for their schemes can then be established from the discrete Carleman estimate. In their numerical experiments involving the discrete quasireversibility scheme, Klibanov & Santosa (1991) pay particular attention to examining the effects of data errors on the approximate solution, since these effects were not studied by Lattes & Lions (1969) in their earlier numerical simu- lations with this method. By solving the Cauchy problem in a half-space with data given on the axis, they find that their method is rather accurate, robust, and efficient. It seems to work particularly well when additional data are available on a line that is parallel to the boundary in the interior of the domain. This suggests that quasireversibility methods might work effectively for that class of problems in which the Cauchy data are known on only parts of the boundary. so that q; =constant represents a parabola and defining a region 0, = {X2 > 0, q; > "y}, Klibanov & Santosa (1991) solve (5.3.26), (5.3.27) in the region 0 = 0-0- for some a > 0 with the boundary segment defined by { XI ( /3 ) -1//3 I } r = X2 = 0, a 2 < 2 - a - 4 . (5.3.29) The quasireversibility method replaces the ill-posed problem (5.3.26), (5.3.27) by a related perturbed problem that is properly posed. The so- lution of this perturbed problem converges to the solution of the original problem as the perturbation parameter approaches zero and thus consti- tutes an approximation to the solution of (5.3.26), (5.3.27). Klibanov & Santosa (1991) approximate this solution by a function U€ that satisfies the problem E( - V pVu E + VUE) + (PUE) = Ef - (pf), in 0, (5.3.30) U E = 0, aU E an =0, onr, (5.3.31 ) 
6.1 Uniqueness for Singular Equations 239 6 If 'Ij;(t) is a real constant, equation (6.1.1) is an abstract Euler - Poisson - Darboux equation. The case where M is the n-dimensional Laplacian is used as a model for various physical phenomena, e.g. the motion of a gas when a sound wave of finite amplitude is propagated through it. The equation with 'Ij;(t) = 1/3 is known as Tricomi's equation and arises in the study of transonic gas dynamics. If M = -, then equation (6.1.1) is called the generalized axially symmetric potential equation. Since the analysis of Ames (1984) requires no definiteness assumption on the operator M, the Cauchy problems she studies do not have to be well posed. Consequently, logarithmic convexity arguments provide a natural means to analyse such equations. Following Ames (1984) let Dl be a dense linear subspace of a real Hilbert space H and let M be a symmetric linear operator that is either bounded or unbounded and maps Dl into H. (If M is actually bounded then we can take Dl = H.) Consider the problem Some Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.1 Uniqueness and Continuous Dependence for Singular Equations This, the final chapter, is devoted to a consideration of some new ill-posed problems for linear differential equations that have application to a num- ber of physical situations. Payne's (1975) monograph provides an excellent source of uniqueness and continuous dependence results which are available for such problems prior to 1975. Because research in the last twenty years has revealed various physical phenomena exhibiting behavior that can be modeled by improperly posed problems containing linear differential equa- tions, we take this opportunity to discuss the relevant analysis that has produced new uniqueness, continuous dependence and related theorems. We point out here that, despite the fact that the differential equations in the sequel are linear, the spaces in which we can establish continuous dependence for improperly posed problems are nonlinear. Consequently, we are faced with some of the difficulties inherent in nonlinear problems. We begin this chapter by describing the results of Ames (1984) on sin- gular differential equations. The paper of Dunninger & Levine (1976) is an interesting contribution to the theory for differential equations with a singular term which give rise to improperly posed problems in the field of partial differential equations. This paper also gives several references to other appropriate work on partial differential equations which contain singular terms. Ames (1984) establishes uniqueness and continuous dependence theo- rems for solutions to Cauchy problems for operator equations of the form d 2 u 'Ij;(t) du = M U dt 2 + t dt ' ( ) 1 du ( 0 ) = 0 uO=, dt ' o < t < T, (6.1.3) (6.1.4) where 1 E Hand T is finite. The following hypotheses are adopted as well: (i) M and H are independent of t, (ii) the solution u E C 2 ([0,T);D 1 ) exists, (iii) 'Ij;(t) E Cl((O,T)) satisfies for t E (O,T) 'Ij;(t) > 0, and 'Ij;(t)  t'lj;' (t), Le. 'Ij;(t) It is a decreasing function of t. Suppose v and ware two solutions to (6.1.3), (6.1.4) with different initial data v(O) = 11, Vt(O) = 0, and w(O) = 12, Wt(O) = 0, then u = v-w satisfies (6.1.3), (6.1.4) with 1 = 11 - h. We shall now prove that the functional (t) = lIu(t) 11 2 + ,81(/, M 1)1, (6.1.5) where f3 is a positive constant satisfies the inequality d 2 u 'Ij;(t) du dt 2 + t dt = Mu, t E [0, T), (6.1.1) in a Hilbert space setting and for the singular backward heat equation au ki au at + u +   ax. + g(t)u = 0, t E [0, T). (6.1.2) i=l   " _ (')2  _k2, (6.1.6) for a computable nonnegative constant k. Uniqueness and Holder continu- ous dependence on the initial data can then be inferred from (6.1.6), in a manner similar to that outlined in section 1.5. 
240 Differentiating (6.1.5), we obtain 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 241 and using the result to eliminate the term (u, Mu) in (6.1.9), we find that <jJ'(t) = 2(u,ut), and a second differentiation yields <jJ"(t) = 211utll2 + 2(u,utt). Substitution of the differential equation leads to the expression <jJ"(t) = 211utll2 - 2( u, 'Ij;t) U t ) + 2(u, Mu). Upon integrating the identity t 'Ij;( ) 0= 2 J o (Url' url''1 + -';;-Ury - Mu )dfJ, <jJ" (t) = 'Ij;) F' - 'Ij;t) <jJ' + 4F + 2(f, M f), where F(t) = (t lIuryIl2 '1j;(fJ) dfJ. Jo fJ Equation (6.1.10) can be rewritten as d [ d<jJ ] 4t d [ ] dt J1-(t) dt = 'Ij;{t) dt J1-(t)F + 2J1-(t)(f, M f), with the integrating factor p(t) = exp(J "';t) dt ). Integrating the previous equation from 0 to t, we derive the result 'Ij;(t) d<jJ =4F _ 4'1j;(t) t J1-(fJ)F(fJ) [ 'Ij;(fJ) - fJ'Ij;'(fJ) ] d t dt tJ1-(t) J o 'lj;2(fJ) fJ + 2(f, M J) - 2( J) 10' p('T)) d'T). 6.1 Uniqueness for Singular Equations (6.1.7) Since 'Ij;(t) > 0 for t E [0, T), it follows that F(t) 2:: 0 and condition (iii) im- plies that the second term on the right hand side of (6.1.12) is nonnegative. Hence, we have the lower bound, <jJ" 2:: 411 u tl1 2 + 2(f, M f)G(t), (6.1.13) where (6.1.8) 1 t G(t) = 1 - J1-(t) J o J1-(fJ)drJ. We now form the expression <jJ<jJ" - (<jJ')2 to obtain (6.1.9) <jJ<jJ" - (<jJ')2 2:: 48 2 + 4I1utI12,61(f, M f)1 + 2<jJ(f, M f)G(t), (6.1.14) where 8 2 = lIutll211uII2 - (u, ud 2 is nonnegative by the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality. Discarding the first two nonnegative terms on the right side of (6.1.14), we arrive at the inequality <jJ<jJ" - (<jJ')2 2:: -2<jJI(f, M f)1 max IG(t)l. 05,t<T (6.1.15) (6.1.10) In view of our definition of <jJ(t), we have (6.1.6). As we have repeatedly seen, uniqueness of the solution easily follows from this convexity inequality. Holder continuous dependence on the Cauchy data also follows from (6.1.6) provided we constrain the solution u to belong to the class of functions {<jJ E C 2 ([0,T);D 1 )11I<jJ(T)1I 2  N 2 } (6.1.11) for a prescribed constant N. Let us point out that the results concerning the uniqueness of solutions to the Cauchy problem for the Euler - Poisson - Darboux (EPD) equation a 2 u  au = Llu at 2 + t at ' in 0 eRn x [0, T) are consistent with previous work, e.g. Weinstein (1954), where the solution is shown to be unique provided c > O. Uniqueness does not occur when c < O. In fact, if U(a)(x, t) is a solution of the Cauchy problem with c = a < 0, then any function of the form t 1 - C U{2_a) (x, t) which vanishes together with its t derivatives at t = 0 may be added to U(a) (x, t) to yield another solution. (Here U(2-a)(X, t) satisfies the EPD equation with c = 2 - a > 0.) Uniqueness and HOlder continuous dependence on the Cauchy data can also be obtained for solutions of (6.1.2), a singular backward heat equation, from the logarithmic convexity method. Since the substitution (6.1.12) w(x,t) = u(x,t)ex p (l' g('T))d'T)), (6.1.16) 
242 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.2 Spatial Decay in Improperly Posed Problems 243 transforms (6.1.2) into the equation ow I: m ki ow - + tlw + - - =0, ot x. ox. i=l   ow =0 on ' W(X,O) =f(x), in 0 x [0, T), (6.1.17) for some prescribed constant N. We then conclude that solutions of (6.1.17) - (6.1.19) depend Holder continuously on the Cauchy data on compact sub- sets of [0, T). In view of the transformation (6.1.16), the same conclusion can be reached for solutions u(x, t) of the related Cauchy problem for (6.1.2). We point out that similar results can be obtained for several generaliza- tions of the problems for (6.1.1) and (6.1.2). For example, the operator M in (6.1.1) may depend on t, in which case we must define M'(t) appropri- ately and assume that for each t E [0, T) and 1/; E Dl, ow I: m ki ow -+tlw+ --=0 ot x. ox' ' i=l   we consider instead of (6.1.2), a Cauchy problem for w(x, t), namely (1/;, M' (t)1/;) ::; O. on 00 x [0, T], in O. (6.1.18) (6.1.19) For example M(t) = p(t)tl meets such a criterion if the function p(t) is increasing on [0, T). Also, if we include a second derivative Utt in equation (6.1.2), then logarithmic convexity arguments can be used to demonstrate that a solution to a suitably defined boundary - initial value problem for the resulting equation is unique whenever it exists and depends Holder continuously on the initial data in an appropriate measure. Here 0 is the domain {x E R m 1 0 < Xi < ai, i = 1, . . . , m}, and 0/ on denotes the outward directed normal derivative to the boundary of O. The k i are real constants, T is again finite, and f(x) E 0(0). Classical solutions to (6.1.17) - {6.1.19) are assumed to exist. Using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, it is easy to show that the func- tional 6.2 Spatial Decay iri Improperly Posed Parabolic Problems fjJ(t) = r w 2 ( jI Xi ) dx, in =l satisfies the standard logarithmic convexity inequality (6.1.20) The analysis of spatial decay of solutions to partial differential equations in various shaped cylinders has attracted much recent attention, see e.g. the a,ccount and the references in the book by Flavin & Rionero (1995), and we especially mention the novel work of Lin & Payne (1993) on improperly posed problems and that of Lin & Payne (1994) who investigated a variety of novel effects. It is worthy of note that apart from the paper of Lin & Payne (1993), these studies have typically been for well posed problems. In the field of improperly posed problems the study of spatial decay estimates is very recent having been initiated by Lin & Payne (1993) and continued by Franchi & Straughan (1994). Since this book is primarily devoted to improperly posed problems and also because the literature on decay esti- mates in well posed problems is so vast, we simply restrict attention here to an account of decay estimates as applied to improperly posed problems. To describe this work we use the notation of Lin & Payne (1993). Let R be the semi - infinite cylindrical domain given by fjJfjJ" - (fjJ')2 2:: 0, (6.1.21) so that if w is the difference of two solutions with identical initial data, uniqueness follows from (6.1.21). In addition, if w is the difference of two solutions with different initial data, then we can obtain from (6.1.21) the bound <jJ(t)::; [fjJ(O)r-t/T[fjJ(T)]t/T, (6.1.22) for 0 ::; t < T, using arguments outlined in section 1.5. This is a stability inequality if w is restricted to lie in the correct class of functions, i.e. the set of all functions 1/;(x, t) E 0(0 x [0, T]) n 0 2 (0 x (0, T)), /" 1j;2(X,T)(fi x7}x  N 2 , (6.1.23) R = ({x!,... ,xN)I(X2,... ,XN) E D,Xl > O}, where D is a bounded region in R N -\ where N typically is 2 or 3. The boundary of D is denoted by oD and is supposed smooth enough that Poincare like inequalities may be used. such that 
244 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.2 Spatial Decay in Improperly Posed Problems 245 & Payne (1993) need to define a constraint set and they require loT llV'U l2 dXdt S M, (6.2.2) R for some constant M. The second problem considered by Lin & Payne (1993) concerns the stream function for Stokes flow in a domain in R 2 . They investigate Xl 8v  2 0 7jt+ V=, 8v v = 0,  = 0, when X2 = O,h; Xl  O,t E [O,T], UX2 V(XI, X 2,0) = g(XI,X2), (XI,X2) ED, v(O, X2, t) = !(X2, t), 0 ::; X2 ::; h, t E [0, T). in R x (O,T), (6.2.3) z The constraint set for this problem consists of those functions satisfying i T 1 ( t - Z ) 3 ( v ".v ." + h 2 v " t V , t) dx dt < M l  ,J ,J ,, -, o R (6.2.4) Figure 4. Notation for the Cylinder R. for another constant MI. Here z is fixed,  is the integration variable in the z direction and dx denotes integration over X and , i.e. Xl and X2. The result of Lin & Payne (1993) for the backward heat equation problem (6.2.1) commences with the function The notation used is as indicated in figure 4, where N = 3, so Rz is the region E(z, t) = t r U,iU,i dx &ry, J 0 J Rz o < t ::; T. Rz = {(XI, X2, X3) I (X2, X3) E D, Xl > z}, By various devices they establish that 3 a constant k such that an inequality holds of form where z  0, and Dz denotes the region D but for Xl = z. Lin & Payne (1993) study two problems. The first is one for the backward heat equation in an R N dimensional cylinder, so they consider ! 8E 8z 1 8E ( 1 r ) kat + 2k E+"2 J Rz g2dx ::; O. (6.2.5) 8u 8t + u = 0, in R x (0, T), u(x, t) = 0, on aD, Xl  0, t E [0, T], u(x,O) = g(x), x E R, u(O, X2, . . . , XN, t) = f(X2, . . . , XN, t), (X2, . . . , XN) E D. They then introduce the distance s along a line (6.2.1) z + kt = constant, and convert (6.2.5) to an ordinary differential inequality in the variable s, i.e. Since (6.2.1) is an improperly posed problem, to establish spatial decay Lin dE 2k 2 ( 1 r ) a:; + v'f+k2 E +"2 J Rz g2dx ::; O. 
246 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.2 Spatial Decay in Improperly Posed Problems 247 From this inequality they are able to show that E(z,T - i)  Me- 2kz . (6.2.7) details of the dynamo aspect may be found in Lortz & Meyer Spasche (1982). The problem studied by Franchi & Straughan (1994) is oh = - ( 17(X) Oh ) +  ( Vi(X)h ) , in R x (O,T), ot OXi OXi OXi h = 0, on oD, Xl  0, t E [0, T], (6.2.10) h(x,O) = ho(x), x E R, h(O, X2, X3, t) = f(X2, X3, t), (X2, X3) E D. The diffusivity 17 and velocity v are here prescribed. Franchi & Straughan (1994) assume that h belongs to the class of solu- tions which satisfy the constraint loT 1,1\7hI 2 dXdt:S M, (6.2.11) for a positive constant M. Additionally the diffusivity is uniformly bounded below, hence E(z, t)  E(O, t + z/k)e- kz (1 - e- 2kz ) r g2dx. 2 JR z (6.2.6) At this point they employ the constraint (6.2.2) to bound the first term on the right hand side of (6.2.6). Thus they establish a spatial decay estimate which shows that for 0, < z < kT, The spatial decay estimate for the backward Stokes flow problem is tech- nically much more involved. It uses the function l t l 3 - 2 <J?(z, t) = (- z) (V,ijV,ij + kh V,itV,it)dx dt, o Rz where k is a constant to be selected. After much calculation Lin & Payne (1993) show that <J? satisfies the inequality o<J? 3h o<J? 1r OZ - 201r at + 5h [<J? + Q(z)]  0, (6.2.8) 17(X)  170 > 0, Define the quantities m and Q by Q = sup IVi,il, R VxER. (6.2.12) m=sup IVII. R (6.2.13) where Q(z) is a data term. If s now denotes distance along a line The decay rate of Franchi & Straughan (1994) depends on the numbers m and Q, and Vi is such that 201r z + 3h t = constant, Q < 2170 A l , where Al is the first eigenvalue in the membrane problem for D. Franchi & Straughan (1994) also need the conditions lim r h 2 dA = 0, Xl -+00 J D lim J h21dA = 0, Xl -+00 D ' (6.2.14) then (6.2.8) is rearranged as an ordinary differential inequality d<J? 41r - + [<J? + Q(z)] < O. ds h V 400 + 9h 2 /1r 2 - (6.2.15) This inequality is integrated to yield the result <J?(z, t) + [1- ex p ( - ; )] Q(z)  M I exp (- ; ) . (6.2.9) which are to be expected from (6.2.11). The analysis employs the function E(z, t), defined by E(z, t) = t r 17 h ,i h ,i dx ds, 0 < t  T. (6.2.16) J 0 J Rz By integrating this expression by parts and using the differential equation we find <I>(z, t) + [1 - ex p ( - ; ) ] Q(z) :S <I> (0, ; +t) ex p ( - ; ) , and then with the constraint this gives This is the spatial decay estimate for the problem (6.2.3). Franchi & Straughan (1994) consider an equation which is motivated by a problem for the toroidal part of a magnetic field in a dynamo. Further E(z, t) = r h 2 dx -  f h6 dx - t f 17 hh ,ldAds JR z J Rz Jo JD z -  t r Vi,ih 2 dxds +  ( J Vlh2dAds. (6.2.17) 2 Jo J Rz 2 Jo Dz 
248 6. Furter Improperly Posed Problems 249 6.2 Spatial Decay in Improperly Posed Problems Estimates for the last three terms in (6.2.17) are obtained using Poincare's inequality. The results are - t r Vi,ih2dxds::;  t l °O r h,ah,adAdsdT, 2 Jo JR z 2/\1 Jo z J Ds <E' - 2 A l'T/O '  ( r vlh2dAds ::; ; r t r h,ah,adAds, J o JD z 1 Jo JD z < i t 1 'YIh.h .dAds - 2 \ '/ , , , /\1'T/O 0 Dz m 8E =---; 2Al'T/O 8z and t [ t t r ] 1/2 - r r 'T/hh,ldAds::; r r 'T/h2dAds r JT 'T/h;l dAds Jo JD z J o JD z J o Dz ::; ( r 'T/h,ih,idAds .Jiil Jo J Dz 1 8E - .JiIl 8z ' where J.tl denotes the value JD'T/I\74>1 2 dA J.tl = min 4>EHJ(D) JD'T/4> 2 dA . Upon using (6.2.18) - (6.2.20) in (6.2.17) one finds ( 1-  ) E(Z, t)::; r h 2 dx -  r h6 dx 2Al'T/O 2 JR z 2 JR z ( m 1 ) 8E - 2Al'T/O + .JiIl 8z ' Another application of Poincare's inequality shows that r h 2 dx::; : r h,ah,a dx J Rz 1 J Rz ::; r 'T/h,ih,i dx /\1 'T/o J Rz 1 8E - Al 'T/o 7ft' and then using this in (6.2.21) we obtain (6.2.18) ( l- ) E(Z t) <_ ( + ) 8E + 8E 2Al 'T/o ' - 2Al 'T/o .JiIl 8z 2Al 'T/o 8t _ 1 r h6 dx . 2 J Rz Franchi & Straughan (1994) define A, B, 0, k(> 0) by (6.2.22) A =  + J.t-l/2, 2Al'T/O and rewrite (6.2.22) as 1 B=-, 2Al'T/O Q 0= 1--, 2Al'T/O A k=-, B (6.2.19) 8E 1 8E 0 ( 1 1 2 ) - - - - + - E + - hodx < O. 8z k 8t A 20 Rz - (6.2.23) Let now s measure the distance along the line z + kt = constant, in the direction of increasing z. The analysis is facilitated by introducing the function J (z, t) as (6.2.20) 1 1 2 J(z, t) = E(z, t) + 20 hodx, Rz and from (6.2.23) observing that J satisfies the inequality: 8J  r h 2 dA _  8J Q J < 0 8z + 20 JD z 0 k 8t + A - , (6.2.24) or (6.2.21) dJ + Ok J + k r h 2 dA < O. ds A vl + k 2 20 v1 + k 2 J Dz 0 - If the points Po and P are Po = (0, t + z/k) and P = (z, t), then since (6.2.25) kd z= vI + k 2 ' where d is the distance from Po to P, inequality (6.2.25) may be integrated and we find J(z,t) - J(O,t+z/k)e-Cz/ A + 2 e-Cz/A(lZ L, hdA<4;) <; O. 
250 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.2 Spatial Decay in Improperly Posed Problems 251 After rearrangement this gives and the boundary conditions, E(z, t) 50 E(O, t + z/k)e-Cz/ A - 2 (1- e-Cz/ A ) (1. hdx ). (6.2.26) U(Xl' X2, X3, t) = 0, (Xl, X2) E 8D, X3 2:: 0, t 2:: 0, U(Xl, X2, 0, t) = g(Xl, X2, t), (Xl, X2) E D, t 2:: o. (6.2.30) The first term on the right of (6.2.26) is bounded using (6.2.11) so that for o < z < kT, Additionally, Lin & Payne (1994) assume that E(z, T - z/k) ::; M e- CzjA . (6.2.27) [i t 1 8u 8u 1 1 ] sup _ 8 _ 8 dx dT + - u 2 dx t;:::O 0 R Xi Xi 2 R (6.2.31) The above (exponential) spatial decay estimate was obtained in the work of Franchi & Straughan (1994). The constant CIA is explicitly C 2Al1}O - Q A m + (2Al1}O/.Jiil) , is bounded. Lin & Payne (1994) begin by showing the solution U satisfies a Phragmen - Lindelof type theorem, so that u either must grow exponentially or decay exponentially, in a suitable measure. To establish continuous dependence on the coefficient v, Lin & Payne (1994) let u solve (6.2.28) - (6.2.31) for the coefficient v, while v solves the same problem for the coefficient i/. They set and this shows how the spatial decay rate depends on the size of the max- imum values of IVII and IVi,il in the region R. Continuous Dependence on Spatial Geometry and on Modeling in Cylindrical Geometry Spatial Decay Problems Lin & Payne (1994) is an influential paper which introduces the idea of studying continuous dependence on the spatial geometry itself into prob- lems involving spatial decay in a cylinder like that in figure 4. They use the equation of heat conduction in a bar to illustrate their ideas. Addi- tionally, they study continuous dependence on the model itself by studying continuous dependence on the thermal diffusivity, or on the specific heat. While these analyses are not specifically for improperly posed problems we believe they are worth reporting here due to the connection with the work in chapters 2 and 3. Of course, we could have included an account of their work in chapter 2 and in chapter 3. However, we believe it fits in well here with the account of other spatial decay problems. Let D be a simply - connected domain in R 2 with boundary 8D, and let R, Rz, be as defined earlier in this section. Lin & Payne (1994) study the partial differential equation, W = u - v, and show W satisfies the boundary - initial value problem 8w _ 8v vfit + (v - v) 8t = flw, in R x (0,00), W(Xl,X2,X3,0) = 0, in R, W(Xl,X2,x3,t) = 0, on 8D x [0,00), W(Xl' X2, 0, t) = 0, (Xl, X2) ED, t 2:: O. By deriving a differential inequality for the quantity <J? defined by <J?(z, t) = it 1 w 2 dAdT, o Dz Lin & Payne (1994) establish the following theorem which shows explicit continuous dependence of the solution on the variation in v. 8u v 8t = flu, in R x (0,00). (6.2.28) Theorem 6.2.1. (Lin & Payne (1994).) Let u be the solution to problem (6.2.28) - (6.2.31) and let v be the solution to the same problem with v replaced by i/. Then for arbitrary z 2:: 0, t 2:: 0, the following inequalities hold, The constant coefficient v(> 0) may be regarded as the specific heat, or alternatively, v-I can be thought of as the thermal diffusivity. The function u is required to satisfy the initial conditions, U(Xl, X2, X3, 0) = 0, XER 3 , (6.2.29) t r (u _ v?ds dT::; (v )2 Qo(t)(2kz + 1)e-2kZ, J o JD z 4 (A) 
252 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.2 Spatial Decay in Improperly Posed Problems 253 i t 1 ( V i/ ) 2 (u - v)2dxdT::; lk5 Qo(t)[4k 2 z 2 + 6kz + 3]e- 2kz . o Rz (B) where np is the radial component of the unit normal vector on oD. By developing a somewhat involved analysis they establish the following theorem. and In equations (A) and (B), k is the square root of the first eigenvalue for the fixed membrane problem for D, and the function Qo is given by Theorem 6.2.2. (Lin & Payne (1994).) Let u be a solution to (6.2.28) - (6.2.31) in Rl x (0,00) with data gl, and let v be a solution to the same problem in R 2 x (0,00) with data g2. Then, if gl - g2 is defined in Dl n D 2 it follows that for arbitrary z 2: 0, t 2: 0, Qo(t) = l JJ  rdAdT. l1,. (u - v)2dxdT :5:6 ' / 2 { A , V(2kz + l)zVB,(t) + B 2 (t) + A 2 VQl(zh/ B 3 (t) + B 4 (t)} e- pz . (6.2.32) To study continuous dependence on the spatial geometry Lin & Payne (1994) define regions R 1 , R 2 , by Rl = {(Xl, X2, X3) I (Xl, X2) E Dl, X3 2: O}, R 2 = {(Xl, X2, X3) I (x'l, X2) E D 2 , X3 2: O}, In this theorem, Al and A 2 are constants computed in Lin & Payne (1994), and the decay rate p is given by p = min {kl, k 2 }, where Dl and D 2 are different geometries as in figure 2; D 2 may be thought of as a perturbation to Dl' The function u satisfies (6.2.28) - (6.2.31) with R = Rl and g = gl, while v satisfies the same problem with R = R 2 and g =g2. Define where k 1 and k 2 are the square roots of the first eigenvalues in the membrane problems for Dl and D 2 , Ql is a quadratic function of z and B i are data terms given by W=u-v ( r [ 2 1 Ogl Ogl 1 ( Ogl ) 2 ] Bl(t) = J o )D 1 4k 1 g 1 + 2k 1 OXo: OXo: + 16kr a:;: dAdT, t r [ 2 1 Og2 Og2 1 ( Og2 ) 2 ] B 2 (t) = Jo JD2 4k 2 g 2 + 2k 2 oXo: oXo: + 16k OT dAdT, B 3 (t) = r t r [ 4k 1 ( {)gl ) 2 +  {)2g1 {)2g1 Jo J Dl OT 2k 1 OXo:OT OXo:OT 1 ( 02 g1 ) 2 ] + 16kr OT 2 dA dT, B4(t) = ( r [ 4k 2 ( Og2 ) 2 +  {)2g2 02g2 J 0 J D2 {)T 2k 2 OXo:OT OXo:OT 1 ( 02g2 ) 2 ] + 16k OT2 dA dT, D = Dl n D 2 =1= 0, D' = Dl U D 2 . Lin & Payne (1994) define the difference w by and then show w satisfies the boundary - initial value problem ow Vat = tlw, in R x (0,00), W(Xl,X2,X3,0) = 0, (Xl,X2,X3) E R, W(Xl, X2, X3, t) = u - v, on oD x [0, (0), W(Xl' X2, 0, t) = gl - g2, (Xl, X2) E D, t 2: o. They define a quantity 8 which is a suitable measure of the "distance" between Dl and D 2 and set where a repeated a denotes summation over 1 and 2. c=max (  ) , aD np Note that inequality (6.2.32) establishes continuous dependence on the spatial geometry by virtue of the 8 1 / 2 term which measures the "difference" in geometry of Dl and D 2 . 
254 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.3 The Backward in Time Navier - Stokes Equations 255 6.3 Uniqueness for the Backward in Time Navier - Stokes Equations on an Unbounded Spatial Domain The functions vf and v? are prescribed and the upper limit of time, T, is a constant. To study continuous dependence on the initial data Galdi & Straughan (1988) let (Vi,p) and (vi,p*) be two solutions which satisfy (6.3.1) for the same vf, but for different v? and v?*. The idea as usual is to produce an inequality for Ui = vi Vi which bounds a measure of this difference in terms of Ui(X, 0) = v?*(x) - v?(x). The difference solution (Ui, 7r) satisfies The backward in time Navier -Stokes equations present a famous improperly posed problem for a fully nonlinear system of equations. The fundamen- tal result on uniqueness backward in time when the spatial domain 0 is bounded was demonstrated by Serrin (1963) who used a weighted energy method following Lees & Protter (1961). Continuous dependence for the N avier - Stokes equations backward in time followed by Knops & Payne (1968) who used a logarithmic convexity argument. Other results are due to Payne (1971), Bardos & Tartar (1973), Straughan (1983), and Ghidaglia (1986). A continuous dependence result for the backward in time Navier - Stokes equations which occupy an unbounded spatial region 0, which is exterior to a bounded domain 0*( C R 3 ), without requiring extraneous decay as- sumptions at infinity is due to Galdi & Straughan (1988). By using a weighted logarithmic convexity method Galdi & Straughan (1988) are able to demonstrate continuous dependence in the class of solutions for which the velocity perturbation and acceleration satisfy Ui E L 6 - E (0), 88i E L 6 - E (0), for any E(> 0), while for the pressure there holds p = O(r1-E), 8p = O(r 1 - E ). 8 X i Of course, the above work also predicts uniqueness. It is important to real- ize that this is non-trivial in such a backward in time improperly posed problem for a nonlinear system of equations. For example, Franchi & Straughan (1993c) show that another nonlinear fluid dynamical theory, namely that for a generalized second grade material, the solution may even fail to exist, let alone be unique. The interior boundary of 0 we denote by 80. For the purpose of this chapter the boundary - initial value problem for the N avier - Stokes equa- tions backward in time may be written: 8 V i 8Vi 8p at = Vj 8xj ilVi + 8Xi ' in 0 x (0, T), 8 V i _ 0 in 0 ( 0 T ) ( ) 8 X i - , X , , 6.3.1 Vi (x, t) = vf(x, t), on 80 x [0, T], Vi (x, 0) = vf(x), x E O. 8 U i * 8Ui 8Vi 87r  =v J o - 8 +Uj- 8 -ilUi+ _ 8 ' U Xj Xj Xi 8Ui _ 0 in 0 x (0 T) 8Xi - , , , Ui(X, t) = 0, on 80 x [0, T], Ui(X,O) = u?(x), x E O. in 0 x (O,T), (6.3.2) The constraint set employed by Galdi & Straughan (1988) is that for which 3 a constant M ( < 00) such that 8 U i 8Vi 8Ui 8 V i IUil,lvil,I-atl,latI,1 8x, LI 8x, 1  M, J J (6.3.3) Vex, t) E 0 x [0, T]. The proof in Galdi & Straughan (1988) begins with the requirement that Ui E L6-E(0) and 7r = O(r 1 - E ). By differentiating (6.3.2h one shows il7r = 8'l/Ji , 8 X i (6.3.4) where the divergence function 'l/Ji is 'l/Ji = -Uk ( 8Ui + 2 8Vi ) . 8Xk 8 X k Equation (6.3.4) is in standard form for application of the theory of singu- lar integrals and then one uses the Calderon - Zygmund theorem together with work of Galdi & Maremonti (1988) to deduce that 7r E L6-E(0). Like- wise, when one starts with Ui, Ui,t E L6-E(0) and 87r / 8t = O(r 1 / 2 - E ), the function 87r / 8t satisfies il 87r =  ( 8'l/Ji ) , 8t 8Xi 8t and the same procedure leads to the conclusion that 87r / 8t E L 6-10 (0). What has been achieved is important. By starting with the pressure perturbation and its derivative being allowed to grow at infintity we have 
256 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.3 The Backward in Time Navier - Stokes Equations 257 shown that 7r and 87r / 8t must belong to an integrability class required in application of the weighted logarithmic convexity method, namely L6-E(O). The weighted logarithmic convexity argument commences with the func- tion F(t) = 10 e-arUiUidx+Aa+KlalL+K2a2E, (6.3.5) where KI, K 2 are constants calculated in Galdi & Straughan (1988), a is a constant (related to the initial data measure), J-t is given by and 8 2 which is positive is E J-t= -, 6-E 2 [- ar d r -ar ( 8Ui 1 * 8Ui 1 ) 8 = in e UiUi x in e at - "2 Vk 8 X k - 4UkWik ( 8Ui 1 * 8Ui 1 ) d x at - "2 vp 8x p - 4UpWip X [ r ar ( 8Ui 1 * 8 U i 1 ) d ] - in e- Ui &t - 2Vk &Xk - 4UkWik X 2 The calculation from (6.3.6) involves estimating each term, but one can arrive at and A is a data term A I i -ar 2 dA 2i -ar 8 U i dSI = niXie 7r + Xinje 7r- . an an 8xj The proof of continuous dependence calculates P' and P" in the usual way and then computes P P" - (P')2 to find P p" _ (p')2 = 48 2 + 2P r 8e- ar 8 U i 7r dx in 8Xi 8t i 8e-ar 87r d 1 " ( ar ) 8Ui d -2P -Ui- x-2P u e- Ui- x n 8 m n m _ 4P r 8e- ar 8 U i 8Ui dx _ P r 8e- ar 8 v 'k UiUi dx in 8 X k 8Xk 8t in 8Xk 8t l 8e- ar 8u. i 8e-ar 8v. - 2P - v* u. ---!:. dx - 2P - U u. --.!:. dx n 8x m m Z 8t n 8x m m Z 8t 1 (1 8 -ar ) 2 - - v'kuiUidx 4 n 8x k 1 8e - ar * 1 ar ( 8 U i 1 1 * 8 U i ) d - 2 - VkUiUidx e- Ui - - -UkWik - -Vk- X n 8x k ' n 8t 4 2 8x k + 4(Aa + KlalL + K2 a2E ){1o e-ar i 88i dx 1 -ar * 8Ui 8 U i d 1 1 -ar 8Ui d } - e Vk-- x- - e Uk-Wik x n 8x k m 2 n 8t r -ar d r -ar ( * 8Ui 1 ) ( * 8Ui 1 ) d - in e UiUi x in e V r 8x r + "2UrWir V q 8x q + "2UqWiq x _ 2P r e-arUk 8 U i 8 V i dx, (6.3.6) in 8 X k 8t where Wis is the skew part of Vi,s, pp" - (p')2  _ CIF 2 - C 2 P P ' - aAP -C3 a2p 10 e- ar 7r 2 dx_a 2 P 10 e-ar( ; )2dx i 87r 87r - 4a 4 p e- ar -- dx n 8 X i 8 X i 1 e-ar 87r 87r -16a 2 p ---dx. n r 2 8Xi 8 X i (6.3.7) The first two terms in (6.3.7) are standard in studies of logarithmic con- vexity as we saw in section 1.5. However, the last five are due to the pres- sure or boundary terms and need handling differently. In particular, the pressure terms are estimated using the fact that 7r,87r/m E L6-E(O) and 87r/8xi = O(r 1 / 2 - E ). The last four (pressure) terms in (6.3.7) are bounded below by a term of form - K 1 aIL P - K 2a2E F. (6.3.8) This analysis allows us to deduce P satisfies the standard logarithmic con- vexity inequality pp" (p')2  -m 1 F 2 - m2 PP ', (6.3.9) for constants ml, m2 independent of a. As shown in section 1.5 this inte- grates to F(t) :S K(8) [p(T)f-8 [P(o)] 8 , t E [O,T), (6.3.10) for K(8) exp { : [T(l - 8) - t]} and Wis = Vi,s - Vs,i , 8= e-m2t _ e- m2T 1 - e- m2T 
258 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.4 Improperly Posed Problems for Dusty Gases 259 To derive an unweighted bound for Ui Galdi & Straughan (1988) bound F(t) below by 6.4 Improperly Posed Problems for Dusty Gases e-CY.R r UiUi dx lonB ' for R a fixed number and where B is the ball center 0, radius R. Then r UiUidx:S K(8)eCY.R[F(T)]1-8[F(0)]8. lonB , (6.3.11) In the last section we studied an improperly posed problem for the non- linear Navier - Stokes system of equations. We continue in this vein and report work for another nonlinear system arising in fluid dynamics which generalizes the N avier - Stokes equations to the situation where dust par- ticles may be present in the fluid. This system is the Saffman dusty gas model. The work we report on is due to Crooke (1972,1973) and Calmelet - Eluhu & Crooke (1990). The Saffman dusty gas model incorporates the N avier - Stokes equations for the solenoidal velocity field Ui, but allows for added dust particles by an interaction force term in the momentum equation. A separate equation is postulated for the particle velocity Vi, and a continuity equation is included for the number density of dust particles N(x, t)(? 0). The model is then When the initial data are such that IUi(x,O)1 < TJ, for a constant TJ, then it can be shown 3 constants K 3 , K4 such that TJ2 F(O) :S K3 3 + K 4 a a , a (6.3.12) ( OU' OU' ) op P ot + Uj ox; = - OXi + J-ttlui + kN(Vi - Ui), OUi = 0 OXi ' ( OV' OV' ) mN ---.: + V ,---2. = kN ( u' - v' ) ot J ox j  , oN 0 at + OXi (NVi) = 0, (6.4.1) where a = min{J-t, 2E}. Upon using the constraint set, F ( T ) < Ks - a 3 (4-E)/(6-E) . (6.3.13) If TJ and a are related so that TJ :S a(3+a)/2, r UiUi dx :S K aa8-3(1-8)(4-E)(6-E). lonB (6.3.14) where k is a positive constant, the kN( Vi - Ui) piece represents the interac- tion force common in mixture theories, p is the constant fluid density, and m is the uniform mass of a dust particle. The work we report all studies . the dusty gas equations on a bounded spatial domain O( C R 3 ). Crooke (1972) establishes a variety of results for (6.4.1) when time is positive. We do not include an exposition of these and refer only to his work on the improperly posed problem when t < O. In this case he was interested in a uniqueness result for the zero solution to (6.4.1). He adopted the constraint set then from (6.3.11) - (6.3.13) one may show, provided a :S 1/ R, Then provided t E [0, t*], with t* < T given by * 1 [ 3 ( 1 - e- m2T ) ] t = -- log + e- m2T , m2 3 + a(6 - E)/(4 - E) sup (IUil + Ivi! + N) :S M. Ox [O,T] If we define the function E(t) by (6.4.2) Galdi & Straughan (1988) show (6.3.14) leads to the Holder continuous dependence on the initial data inequality r Ui(X,t)Ui(X,t)dx:S Ka b , lonB (6.3.15) E(t)  l (PUiUi + mNvivi)dx, then Crooke (1972) proves the theorem: for b > 0, t E [0, t*] where t* is independent of a. 
260 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.4 Improperly Posed Problems for Dusty Gases 261 Theorem 6.4.1. ((Crooke (1972).) Suppose at some time - level T, E(T) = O. If 3 a positive real number M such that (6.4.2) holds, then E(t) == 0 Vt E [0, T]. Theorem 6.4.2. (Crooke (1973).) Suppose Ui, Vi and N are bounded solutions to (6.4.1). Then 3 positive constants r1, r2, r3, ( and A and a function E(t) such that Vt E [0, T], E(t) 2: 1, This is essentially a backward uniqueness result for the zero solution to (6.4.1). Crooke (1972) first showed a similar result is true for the forward in time problem and then interpreted the above result by arguing that E(t) can never be zero at any time unless it is zero for all time. Crooke's (1972) proof is based on a logarithmic convexity argument for the function  r T r PUiUidxds :S A [ , ( T+( ) r PUiUi dx +( 1 IdS Jt In 2 In(T) !r +  r mN ViVi dX ] E, 2 In(T) Ui = 0, NVini = I(x), xEr. (6.4.3) and _ 2 1 rT r mNvividxds :s r1A [ ( T+( ) r PUiUi dx +( 1 IdS Jt In 2 In(T) !r + (r mNvivi dX ] E 2 In(T) + _ 2 1 r2 r mNvivi dx + r3 1 IdS. In(T) !r J(t) = iT 10 PUiUi dxds. Crooke (1973) extended his uniqueness result to one of continuous de- pendence type. He supposes on the boundary of f2, r, He works with a function of form F(t) =  (T r PUiUi dx ds + _ 2 1 t r PUiUi dx + aQ, 2 Jt In In(T) (6.4.4) Calmelet - Eluhu & Crooke (1990) extended this work to the continuous dependence of an arbitrary solution by considering the difference of two solutions to (6.4.1) but they also extended the work to a dusty gas model where the fluid (gas) is acted upon by an applied magnetic field. The interaction with a suitable form of Maxwell's equations is not considered. It is assumed the magnetic field is prescribed and only enters in the Lorentz force. The system considered by Calmelet - Eluhu & Crooke (1990) is a a lap kN - + U.- = - -- + vD..U i + -(Vi - U i ) at J aXj P aXi P a + -(UjBjBi - BjBjU i ), P aU i =0 aXi ' aVi aVi k at + 1-j ax. = m (U i - Vi), J aVi =0 aXi ' aN a _ a + _ a (NVi) =0, t Xi where B i denotes the magnetic field. These equations are studied on n x (0, T) with n bounded, and the boundary conditions are (6.4.5) for a constant a > 1 and Q being the data term Q =  r (PUiUi + mNvivi)dx + 1 IdS. 2 In(T) !r The argument used is one of logarithmic convexity type and shows F sat- isfies the inequality F F" - (F')2 2: C1F F ' - c2F2, for C1, C2 > 0 and this may be integrated to show F(t) :S a 8 [F(T)a 1 8 ] (1-0-)/(1-0-1) (F(O)] (0--0- 1 )/(1-0- 1 ), from which continuous dependence of the zero solution follows provided F(T) is suitably restricted by a constraint set. The continuous dependence demonstrated is on both the initial and boundary data. In fact the following theorem is proved. U i = U:, ni Vi = ni V: S , N=N s , xEr, 
262 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.5 Linear Thermoelasticity 263 while the initial conditions are From this they derive the theorem: U i = Up,  = Vi o , N=N o , xEn. Theorem 6.4.3. (Calmelet - Eluhu & Crooke (1990).) Consider a solution (U i , ,N,P) with perturbations (ui,vi,n,p) with The functions (Ui,, N, P) are thought of as base variables and are perturbed by (Ui, Vi, n,p) and the boundary - initial value problem satisfied by the perturbation variables is U i , ,N + n,  +vi,B i bounded on n x [0, TJ aUi aUi aU i aUi 1 ap - + U j - + Uj- + Uj- = --- + vD..Ui at aXj aXj aXj p aXi k k + -(N + n)(Vi - Ui) + - n( - U i ), P P and N, Vi with bounded gradients on n x [0, T]. Then the function F(t) defined by (6.4.9) depends continuously on the data F(O) and F(T) and satisfies ' aUi _ 0 aXi - , aVi aVi a 'aVi k at + 1-j ax ' + Vj ax ' + Vj ax. = m (Ui - vd , J J J aVi = 0 aXi ' an a _ a + _ a (nvi +NVi +n) = 0, t Xi F(t) :s: exp{ : (t - f) } [F(T)] 1fq [F(O)] l-(l fq ), (6.4.6) where 1 eat - 1 q - eaT - 1 . Ui = u?, Vi = v?, n=no. (6.4.8) As a corollary they establish a backward uniqueness result. We close this chapter by observing that since B i is given in (6.4.5) an interesting problem would be to investigate continuous dependence of the solution (U i , , N, P) on the function B i . If the model is to be useful then the solution ought to depend continuously on the applied field Bi' unless there is some a priori reason to expect discontinuous bifurcation behavior. This would be a result of continuous dependence on modeling type. with on r Ui = 0, niVi = 0, n=O, (6.4.7) while at t = 0, The proof of the theorem of continuous dependence involves a logarith- mic convexity method and as might be imagined from the system (6.4.6), it is quite involved. In fact, Calmelet - Eluhu & Crooke (1990) define a function F(t) by 6.5 Linear Thermoelasticity F(t) = iT 1, Uiuidxds +  iT 1, ViVidxds +  i T r n 2 dxds + t r UiUi dx 2 t in 2 In(T) + ([1,(T) (UiUi + ViVi + n2)dx] . (6.4.9) Various ill-posed problems of thermo elasticity have been investigated in the literature. Among the earliest studies were those of Brun (1965b,1969) which also brought to the fore the importance of the Lagrange identity method in the field of improperly posed problems for partial differential equations. These investigations dealt with questions of uniqueness of so- lutions of the forward equations, assuming that the strain energy function is indefinite. The technique of Brun was extended by Rionero & Chirita (1987) who studied uniqueness and continuous dependence questions in lin- ear thermoelasticity. Rionero & Chirita (1987) obtain a weighted Lagrange identity from which they establish uniqueness and Holder continuous de- pendence on the body force and heat supply for solutions to various bound- ary initial value problems forward in time. They treat problems that are defined on both bounded and unbounded domains, including a half space region. As a consequence of these continuous dependence inequalities, they They show that for suitably constrained solutions this function satisfies the inequality, for Cl, C2 computable constants FF" - (F')2 2: c1FF' c2 F2 . 
264 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.5 Linear Thermoelasticity 265 are also able to deduce theorems about continuous dependence on the initial data and the thermoelastic coefficients. The novel contribution of Rionero & Chirita (1987) is that their results are obtained without recourse to an energy conservation law or to any boundedness or definiteness assumptions on the thermoelastic coefficients. The system of equations adopted by Rionero & Chirita (1987) is the usual set of partial differential equations derived by a linearisation process as described in e.g. Green (1962), Iesan (1989), and can be written as If Ui and () are assumed to be the differences between two solutions to (6.5.1), (6.5.2) that satisfy the same initial and boundary conditions but have different body forces and heat supplies, then we can set Wi(X, '1]) = Ui(X, '1]), w(X, '1]) = Ui(X, 2t - '1]), for 0 ::; t ::; T /2. After suitable manipulations Rionero & Chirita (1987) then deduce (6.5.4) leads to the equation fj2Ui 8 ( 8Uk ) 8 ( ) P 8t 2 = 8x' Cijk£ 8xo - 8x. /3ij() + pF i , J  J 8() 82ui 8 ( 8() ) a 8t + (3ij 8x j 8t = 8 X i Kij 8xj + pS, for the displacement Ui and temperature () in Ox (0, T) where 0 is a bounded domain in R 3 with a smooth boundary 80. As everywhere else in the book, the notation above conforms with standard indicial notation employed in the continuum mechanics literature. The coefficients p, F i , a, Kij and S denote the density, body force, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and heat supply, respectively, while (3ij and Cijk£ represent the thermoelastic coupling coefficients and the elastic coefficients which are assumed to satisfy the so-called major symmetry condition, (6.5.1) 2 in fYUi(X, t) ':i (x, t)dx = l in p[Ui(X, 2t-1))Ui(X, 2t-1))] dx d1), (6.5.5) (6.5.2) where a superposed dot denotes differentiation with respect to the under- lying time argument. Rionero & Chirita (1987) then show that use of the partial differential equations (6.5.1) and (6.5.2) in (6.5.5) yields the identity, 2 in fYUi(X, t) ':i (x, t) dx + in I<ij (l e,i(1))d1)) (l e,; (1))d1)) dx = l in p[Fi(1))Ui(2t -1)) - F i (2t - 1))ui(1))]dxd1) + l in p [e(1)) It-. S(E)d1; - e(2t -1)) 1" S(E)d1;] dx d1), (6.5.6) Cij k£ = Ckfij . (6.5.3) where F i and S now denote the differences in the two body forces and heat supplies, respectively, and 0 ::; t < T /2. Rionero & Chirita (1987) deduce uniqueness and continuous dependence results to various boundary inital value problems for (6.5.1), (6.5.2). For example, the following theorem can be obtained from (6.5.6). Moreover, the thermal conductivity is a symmetric form and the Clausius- Duhem inequality implies that the thermal conductivity tensor is nonneg- ative in the sense that Kijl;,il;,j  0, Vl;,i . Associated with these equations, Rionero & Chirita (1987) assume various standard boundary and initial conditions. Theorem 6.5.1. (Rionero & Chirita (1987).) Assume that the thermal conductivity tensor Kij is positive definite so that Lagrange identity arguments The argument that Rionero & Chirita (1987) use to establish their unique- ness and continuous dependence results is based on the application of the following Lagrange identity, Kij l;,il;,j 2: Kol;,il;,i, Vl;,i, (6.5.7) for a positive constant KO' The solution Ui, () to the boundary - initial value problem cons!sting of (6.5.1) and (6.5.2) and the conditions f [ 8Vi 8Wi ] In p Wi (X, t) fjt (X, t) - Vi(X, t) at (x, t) dx {t ( [ 82vi 8 2W i ] = lo ln P Wi (X, '1]) 8'1]2 (X, '1]) Vi (X, '1]) 8'1]2 (X, '1]) dxd'l] ( [ 8Vi 8Wi ] + In p Wi (X, 0) fjt (x, 0) - Vi (X, O)-at(X, 0) dx. Ui(X, t) = u;(x, t), ()(x, t) = ()*(x, t), ()(x,O) = ()o(x), x E 0, on 80 x [0, T), Ui(X,O) = !i(X), 8Ui "8t(x,O) = gi(X), (6.5.8) XEO, (6.5.4) is unique in 0 x [0, T). Moreover, if we assume that Ui, () represent the difference between two solutions satisfying the same boundary and initial 
266 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.5 Linear Thermoelasticity 267 conditions but correspond to different body forces and heat supplies, and that there exists a number 7 E (0, T), such that where the functions Ql and Q2 take the form 1 T k fYUiUi dx d'1 <:: Ml, 1 T k p02dxd'1 <:: M, (6.5.9) Q, (T) = [ k P -I e alxl ( Cijkl :; + f:1 ij O) ( Cij., : + f:1 ij O) dx d'1, Q2 (T) = 1 T k (pOa) -I e alxl (I<ij [ O,j) (I<ir [ O,r) dx d'1. and T II pFiFidx dry ::; Mf, [ k p([ S)' dxd'1 <:: Mi, (6.5.10) A weighted Lagrange identity analysis then forms the basis of the argu- ment needed to establish continuous dependence of the solution on the body force and the heat supply as well as the initial data and thermoelastic coefficients. As in the case of a bounded domain, no definiteness assump- tions on the thermo elastic coefficients other than (6.5.7) are required in their analysis. In addition, the methods used by Rionero & Chirita (1987) are not restricted to the conditions (6.5.8) but can be applied to a large class of boundary initial value problems of linear thermoelasticity. for prescribed constants M i (i = 1, . . . , 4), then k fYUiUidx + l' k I<ij ([ O,i) ([ O,j)dxd'1 <::MIT(1 T k P F i F i dxd '1)'/2 +M2T([ k p [[ SrdXd'1r2, (6.5.11) Logarithmic convexity arguments Continuous dependence of solutions to (6.5.1), (6.5.2) on the body force, heat supply and thermoelastic coupling coefficients was also obtained by Ames & Straughan (1992) who employ a different method of analysis, namely the logarithmic convexity method, to prove their inequalities. To establish continuous dependence in this case, we let Ui, () and ui, ()* be two solutions to (6.5.1), (6.5.2) on n x (0, T) corresponding to body force, heat supply, and thermoelastic coupling coefficients Fi, S, /3ij and Ft, S* , /3i j , respectively. We assume that the displacements Ui (x, t) and ui (x, t) satisfy the same data on the boundary of n and the same prescribed initial data as do the temperatures (}(x, t) and (}*(x, t). Defining the difference variables for 0 ::; t ::; 7/2. As a consequence of the above theorem, Rionero & Chirita (1987) are additionally able to establish continuous dependence on the initial data and on the thermoelastic coefficients. Another contribution of Rionero & Chirita (1987) is the derivation of uniqueness and continuous dependence theorems for a thermo elastic solid that occupies either the exterior of a bounded region in three-space or a half-space region. To obtain such results, Rionero & Chirita (1987) have modified the Lagrange identity (6.5.4) by introducing a weight function of the form Vi = ui - Ui, 1> = ()* - (), Eij = /3;j - /3ij, Ii = p(Ft - F i ), H = p(S* - S), (6.5.12) h(x) = exp (-alxl), for a constant a, in each of the three integrals and imposing growth condi- tions on solutions to (6.5.1), (6.5.2) at large spatial distances. In fact, for the exterior domain case, the restrictions they need take the form the following boundary - initial value problem results as Ixl -+ 00, a2Vi a ( aVk ) a ( * ) a ( ) p at2 Ii + ax. CijkR aX n - ax. Eij(} - ax' /3ij1> , J  J J a1> a 2 ui a 2 Vi a a1> a at + Eij axjat + /3ij aXjat = aXi (Kij aXj ) + H, (6.5.13) IUil, 101, ICijklUk,d, Il<ij l' OJ (x, s)dsl = O(ealxl), (6.5.14) and additionally holding on n x (0, T), with lim O?Ql (7) = 0, a->O and lim o?Q2(7) = 0, a->O Vi = 1> = 0, on an x [0, T], (6.5.15) 
268 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.5 Linear Thermoelasticity 269 and As has been shown in section 1.5, the inequality (6.5.20) may be inte- grated to yield the basic estimate 8Vi Vi = at = cp = 0, at t = O. (6.5.16) We make the physically correct assumptions that the density and specific heat are strictly positive, i.e. G(t) ::; exp[tct(T - 0] [G(O)] I-tiT [G(T)]tIT, (6.5.24) p(x) 2: Po > 0, a(x) 2: ao > 0, (6.5.17) from which continuous dependence results can be deduced, provided the class of admissible solutions is suitably restricted. Namely, if a bound for G(T) is known, say G(T) ::; M, for some constant M, then inequality (6.5.24) becomes G(t) ::; KQl- t IT MtI T . (6.5.25) as .well as assuming condition (6.5.7) holds. Continuous dependence results can be obtained by showing that the logarithm of the functional G(t) = l' in PViVidxdT/ + l' in (t - T/)l<im,p,i,p,m dXd T/ + Q, (6.5.18) In view of the definitions for G and Q, this inequality may be explicitly written as ,p(x, t) = 1'1>(X, T/)dT/. (6.5.19) l' inPViVi dX dT/ + l' in (t - T/ )I<im ,p,i,p,mdx dT/ :5,KM'/T {1 T in [hii + 2€ij€ij + €ij,j€im,m {t 2 ] } 1-tIT + H 2 + (J 0 H dry ) dx dt (6.5.26) is convex. Here Q is a constant data term to be selected and The key idea in this logarithmic convexity analysis is the integration of (6.5.14) with respect to t and the introduction of the function 'Ij;(x, t) in the definition of G(t). Ames & Straughan (1992) show that if the displace- ments ui, the temperature 0*, and the coupling coefficients (3ij are suitably constrained and the term Q is chosen appropriately, the functional G(t) satisfies the inequality, We thus conclude that solutions Vi, cp depend Holder continuously on the data, in the form Q, on compact subintervals of [0, T). Since the term Q involves changes in the body force, ii, the heat supply, H, and the coupling coefficients €ij, inequality (6.5.26) yields the desired continuous dependence results. CG" - (G')2 2: -cG 2 , (6.5.20 ) Extension to a theory capable of admitting second sound It is worth remarking here that we may extend the logarithmic convexity analysis just outlined to the system studied by Green (1972). Green's (1972) system contains a (time) second derivative of the temperature field in the governing equation for that field and is thus capable of allowing for a heat wave travelling with a finite speed of propagation. In fact, Green (1972) uses a Lagrange identity method to show that his system possesses a unique solution even when the strain energy function is !lot sign-definite. The linearised system for a thermoelastic body derived by Green (1972) is, when the body has a centre of symmetry at each point but is otherwise non- isotropic, for a computable constant c. More specifically, it is required that the quan- tities sup 10*1 2 , sup 1\70*1 2 , suplui,tI 2 , supl\7ui - \7ui(x,0)1 2 , (6.5.21) where the supremum is taken over n x [0, T], as well as sup l/3ij /3ij I, n sup I (3ij,j(3im,m I, n (6.5.22) be bounded by a constant Mo and Q is selected as Q = 1 T in [idi + 2€ij€ij + €ij,j€im,m + H 2 + (1' HdT/f] dt. (6.5.23) 8 2 ui 8 ( 8ur ) 8 ( 80 ) P 8t 2 = 8Xk kikrs 8xs + aXk aik(O + a at ) + pF i , 8 2 0 80 82Ui 8 ( 80 ) h 8t 2 + d 8t aij 8x j 8t = 8 X i k ij 8Xj + pro The constant c depends on T, Mo, Po, ""0, ao, and Al where Al is the constant in Poincare's inequality for n. 
270 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.5 Linear Thermoelasticity In these equations Ui, () are the displacement and temperature fields. The coefficients kikrs(X), aij(x), kik(X), are the elasticities, coupling coefficients, and thermal conductivity, respectively. They are subject to symmetries as outlined by Green (1972). The terms F i , r represent body force and heat supply. The point of including this system here is to draw attention to the fact that it is not difficult to modify the above logarithmic convexity analysis to be applicable to the second sound system, and thereby establish stability, structural stability, and uniqueness results, even with sign indefinite elastic coefficients, although they need to be symmetric in that Cij kR = CkRij, aij = aji, aij (i(j  aO(i(i, FijF ij S K, V(i, some ao > 0, Fij,jFim,m S K. 271 (6.5.30) (6.5.31 ) (6.5.32) (6.5.33) k Cijk(CPij(X)(hR(X)dx  0, In addition, it is assumed that the strain energy form is positive-definite so that for all tensors CPij (x) . We now describe the work of Ames & Payne (1992). Following Ames & Payne (1992), we now establish that an appropriately constrained solution of (6.5.27) and (6.5.28) with the boundary conditions depends continuously on the initial data if b > 0; (note that b > 0 holds when the equations of linearised thermoelasticity are followed backward in time.) We point out that since the system (6.5.27), (6.5.28) is linear, continuous dependence on arbitrary initial data is equivalent to the stability of the zero solution. The method we employ is again the Lagrange identity method but combined with an energy equality. Without loss, let us assume that b 1 since (6.5.27), (6.5.28) can be reduced to an equivalent system with b = 1. Let ui and ()* represent solutions to the adjoint equations k ikrs = k rsik , as required by Green (1972). Linear thermoelasticity backward in time A somewhat different class of problems was studied by Ames & Payne (1991) who derived stabilizing criteria for solutions of the Cauchy problem for the standard equations of dynamical linear thermoelasticity (i.e. with- out second sound effects) backward in time. These writers also obtained inequalities establishing continuous dependence on the coupling parameter that links the elastic displacement field and the temperature. The formulation of the equations that govern linear thermo elasticity that Ames & Payne (1992) used can be found in Green (1962) and can be written as, Ui = 0, () = 0, on 80, x (0, T], and the initial conditions 8u' 8t (x, 0) = gi(X), (}(x,O) = h(x), Ui(X,O) = !i(X), 82Ui 8 ( 8Uk ) 8 ( ) P 8t 2 - 8x' CijkR 8x n + 8x' F ij (} = 0, J  J 8(} 82ui {) ( 8() ) 8t + bF ij 8x j 8t + 8 X i ' aij 8Xj = 0, (6.5.28) in 0, x (0, T), (6.5.27) in 0, x (0, T). This formulation is, of course, the same as that given earlier in system (6.5.1), (6.5.2), although the body force and heat supply terms are omit- ted. In addition, the notation adhered to is more in keeping with Ames & Payne (1992). However, the major difference with (6.5.27), (6.5.28) and (6.5.1), (6.5.2), is that effectively time has been reversed. For equation (6.5.27), since this is an equation with only second order time derivatives, it remains unchanged. Equation (6.5.28), on the other hand, does change due to the presence of first order time derivatives. The components of displacement are denoted by Ui(X, t) and (}(x, t) is the temperature. The functions p, CijkR, F ij , and aij depend on x while b is a prescribed constant. The following hypotheses are again made: lot 1, { ui," [PUi,"" (CijklUk,,),j + (F ij 6),j ] + Ui,'fJ [pu:,'fJ'fJ - (CijkRUk,£),j + (Fij(}*),j] }dX d'rJ = 0, 8 2 u": 8 ( 8u k ) 8 ( * ) P 8t2 8xj CijkR 8XR + 8xj Fij(} = 0, 8(}* 8 2 u": 8 ( 8()* ) at + bF ij 8x j 8t - 8 X i aij 8Xj = 0, Form the identities p(x)  Po > 0, (6.5.29) (6.5.34) (6.5.35 ) (6.5.36) (6.5.37) (6.5.38) (6.5.39) 
272 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.5 Linear Thermoelasticity 273 and Then (6.5.44) becomes l' in {O' [0" + FijUi,j, + (aijOJ),i] + 0 [O'I] + Fiju:,j'l] - (aijOj),i] }dX d1} = O. (6.5.40) E(t) = E(O) + lin aijO,iO,jdxd'l. Combining (6.5.43) and (6.5.47) leads to the identity -in fYUi,' (t)Ui"(t)dx + lin aijO,iOJdxd'l = G(O, 2t) - E(O). (6.5.48) (6.5.47) Integrating (6.5.39) and (6.5.40) by parts and combining the resulting ex- pressions, we obtain fo [pU:,'I]Ui,'I] + CijkRUk,RUi,j + 0*0] dxl: = o. Observing that since (6.5.41 ) El (t) = El (0) -lin (FijO)JUi"dx d'l, If we choose O*(X,1}) = 0(x,2t -1}), U;(X,1}) = Ui(X, 2t -1}), it follows from the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality and the arithmetic - geo- metric mean inequality that ( 1 r [ 8Ui 8Ui 8Uk 8Ui G tl, t2) = 2 in -P7it(t 1 )7it(t 2 ) + CijkR 8XR (t 1 ) 8Xj {t2) + 0(t 1 )0(t 2 )] dx, (6.5.42) El (t) :;:; El (0)+  GUI lin fYUi"Ui"dx d'l + 21 l' in aijO,iO,jdx d'l ), where the constant K is defined by (6.5.49) and define then (6.5.41) can be written as G(t, t) = G(O, 2t). (6.5.43) K - { ijFij - max - n P' Fij,j Fim,m } pAl ' (6.5.50) We next derive an energy identity. This is done by multiplying (6.5.27) by Ui,t and (6.5.28) by 0, integrating over 0 and over the time interval (0, t), and combining the results. We thus find that and 0"1 is a positive constant which arises through use of the arithmetic - geometric mean inquality and may be selected judiciously. The quantity Al is the smallest eigenvalue for the fixed membrane problem for 0.. Using (6.5.48) in (6.5.49), we are led to the inequality El (t) +  in 0 2 dx = El (0) + l' in aijO,iO,jdx d'l +  in h 2 dx, (6.5.44) E 1 (t) =  fo [PUi,tUi,t + CijkRUi,jUk,R]dx. (6.5.45) 1 -1/2 I r 1 r 2(1 - K a o 0"1) in PUi,tUi,t dx + 2 in CijkRUi,jUk,Rdx ::; E 1 (0) +  K aI/2 0"1 1 [G(O, 2t) - E(O)] 1 -1/2 r t r + 2 K O"l a o io in PUi,'I]Ui,'I]dx d1}. (6.5.51) where the function EI has been defined by The next step is to set An appropriate choice for 0"1 in inequality (6.5.51) is E(t) = EI(t) +  fo 02dx. (6.5.46) 2K 0"1 = . rn;:; ' yaO 
274 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems Thus, we obtain the inequality and then an integration with respect to t results in the bound t r pu . u. dx d'YI < 3ao E 1 ( 0 ) [ e4K2t/ao - 1 ] io i0, ,ry ,ry ./ - 4K2 + 1 t G(O, 2'1)e 4K 'C t -.)/a'd'1, which is then substituted back into (6.5.51) to find in PUi,tUi,t dx 3E1 (0)e4K2t/ao 4K2 i t + - G(O, 2'1])e4K2(t-ry)/aOd'l] + G(O, 2t). ao ° 6.5 Linear Thermoelasticity 275 1 2K2 i 2t E(2t)  E(O) + (p(x, 2t)dx + - E('I])d'l]. 0, ao ° (6.5.52) Since, in (P(x, 2t)dx  M 2 , for 2t  T, by assumption, the previous inequality can be rewritten as (6.5.53)  [e- 2K 'ta" 12< E('1)d'1] :S [M 2 + E(O)]e- 2K 'ta,' , (6.5.59) For the current system of partial differential equations one may also derive the expression l (CijkRUi,jUk,R + (P)dx = 2G(0, 2t) + in PUi,tUi,t dx . Hence, (6.5.53) and (6.5.54) give bounds for E(t) in terms of G(O, 2t). It is now necessary to derive a bound for G(0,2t) in terms of data. In order to do this, Ames & Payne (1992) introduce the class of functions 'ljJ defined on n x [0, T] that satisfy max r 'ljJ2(x,t)dx  M 2 , tE[O,T] i0, for a prescribed constant M and they assume that the temperature () be- longs to this class. Now, G(O, 2t)  [E(0)E(2t)] 1/2, and from (6.5.48) we have E(2t) = E(O) + 12< in aijO,iO,jdx d'1' From the energy equation one may deduce the chain of inequalities, so that we can conclude, after an integration, that (6.5.54) E(2t)  [M 2 + E(0)]e4K2ta;;1. (6.5.60) Consequently, (6.5.56) yields G(O, 2t)  [M 2 + E(O)] 1/2 E(0)1/2e2K2ta;;1, (6.5.61) as well as (6.5.55) i t 4K2 G(O, 2'1])exp -(t - '1]) d'l] ° ao  22 [M 2 + E(O)] 1/2 E(0)1/2e4K2ta;;1, (6.5.62) for t  T /2. In view of (6.5.53), (6.5.54) and (6.5.62), we obtain the con- tinuous dependence inequality, valid for 0  t  T /2, (6.5.56) (6.5.57) E(t)  {4[M 2 + E(O)] 1/2 E(0)1/2 + 3E 1 (0) }e4K2t/ao. (6.5.63) 1 2t in aijO,i O Jdx d'1:S in 02(X, 2t)dx - in h 2 dx K2 i 2t 1 + - PUi,ryUi,rydx d'l], ao ° 0, 1 2K2 i 2t  (}2(x, 2t)dx + - E('I])d'l]. (6.5.58) 0, ao ° Ames & Payne (1992) also establish a continuous dependence result when b < O. In this case, no definiteness condition need be imposed on the strain energy nor a constraint on the temperature that is any stronger then (6.5.55). They complete their investigation of equations (6.5.27), (6.5.28) by comparing the solution () of the temperature equation with the solution of the heat equation which is obtained by setting b = O. This is, in a sense, a continuous dependence on modeling result. Inequalities that imply con- tinuous dependence on the coupling parameter b are then obtained under slightly different constraints which do not require the strain energy to be 
276 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.5 Linear Thermoe.1asticity 277 definite. These results are also derived from a Lagrange identity argument similar to the one described for the case b> O. In fact, Ames & Payne (1995a) choose to work with an integrated version of (6.5.2), because of the particular variant of the Lagrange identity method . they develop. They set The initial-time geometry problem in linear thermoelasticity The contribution of Ames & Payne (1995a) treats the initial- time geom- etry problem for the equations of linear thermoelasticity, forward in time, although no definiteness need be imposed on the elastic coefficients. Their work could rightly appear in chapter 2, although we include it at this point to keep the section on thermoelasticity self contained. The system treated by Ames & Payne (1995a) is (6.5.1), (6.5.2) with F i == 0, S == 0, and p = a = 7 = 1. They further suppose, Vi = w; - wI, () = cp2 _ cpl, and define ,p = l' B(x, fJ)dfJ. Then from (6.5.2), 'lj; satisfies the partial differential equation ( i) ( ii) ( iii) Kij = Kji, Kijij 2: KOii, sup IfJij fJij I , n a'lj; aVi a ( a'lj; ) fit + fJij aXj = aXi Kij aXi + H(x, E), in n x (E, T), where the function H is given by, (6.5.66) Vi, some KO > 0, sup I fJij,jfJim,mI ::; M 2 , n aVi H(x, E) = (}(x, E) + fJ i j - a (x, E). X. J for some known constant M, where n is a bounded domain of R 2 or R 3 . The major symmetry condition is required of the elasticities, Le. The constraint set needed by Ames & Payne (1995a) requires (wi a ), cp(a)) to satisfy the following inequalities, for known constants Ml' M 2 , M 3 , with M 2 > 0, M3 > 0, Cijk£ = Ck£ij' sup r wlw}dx + sup r w;w;dx::; Ml, €f5:.t50T in 05:.t50T in They study continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry as in section 2.1. Thus, they suppose (wLcpl), (w'f,cp2), are solutions to (6.5.1), (6.5.2), which both satisfy homogeneous boundary data on r, the boundary of n. The functions (wI, cpl) satisfy the initial data, [{ 1, (<f>')2dx + 1, (<J>2)2dx} dt S M 2 , IT { 1, <f>;<f>; dx + 1, <f>;<f>; dX} dt S M3 wI(x, t) = fi(X), cpl(X, t) h(x), aw a/ (x, t) = gi(X), on :E, (6.5.64) In this section of the book we do not include details of the involved calculations of Ames & Payne (1995a) and refer to the original article for such technicalities. However, Ames & Payne (1995a) establish the following theorem, where the constant C may be computed using the arguments given by those writers. where :E is the initial data surface t = Ef(x), If I < 1. Whereas, (w'f, cp2) satisfy the same initial data on the line t = 0, i.e. w;(x, t) = fi(X), cp2(x, t) = h(x), aw a/ (x, t) = gi(X), on t O. (6.5.65) Theorem 6.5.2. (Ames & Payne (1995a).) The solutions to the partial differential equations (6.5.1), (6.5.2), (6.5.66), which satisfy the conditions outlined in this section and belong to the con- 'straint set outlined above, satisfy the continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry estimate To study continuous dependence on the initial - time geometry they need to derive a stability inequality bounding the difference of (wI, cpl) and (w'f, cp2) in terms of the initial - time geometry perturbation E. l' 1, K.i;,p,i,p,;dx dfJ + 1, viv,dx S C,j€, (6.5.67) 
278 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.6 Overcoming Holder Continuity 279 where t lies in the time interval, 1 o < E < t < - ( T + E ) . - - 2 from the boundary" (SECB) constraint, can be described as follows. Let the continuation variable be t, 0 ::; t :::; 1, with t = 0 being the continuation boundary, and let X be an appropriate Banach space so that the continu- ation u(t) is X-valued and has norm lIu(t)1I for fixed t. If Ul (t) and U2(t) are any two continuations from the data at t = 1 that satisfy lIu(O)11 :::; M, lIu(l) - III ::; E, and the estimate 6.6 Overcoming Holder Continuity, and Image Restoration Ilv(t)1I ::; Ilv(0)1I 1 - t llv(I)II\ where v(t) = Ul(t) - U2(t), then Carasso (1994) shows that IIUl(t) - u2(t)1I ::; 2C 1 - t E, (6.6.5) It has been seen in much of this book that the best continuous dependence result that we can expect for many ill - posed problems is Holder continuity. Recently, Carasso (1994) has done some very interesting work indicating that, provided a further restriction on the class of admissible solutions is imposed, one can actually establish an improved stability result in a number of ill - posed continuation problems. A typical example of such a problem is the backward - in - time continuation problem for the heat equation, with the spatial domain, 0, being a bounded one in R n. The problem is, given I(x) E L 2 (0), find u so that (6.6.6) for 0 ::; t ::; 1, provided there exists a known small constant (3 'with 0 < (3 « M/E, and a fixed 0", such that whenever 0" > 0"*, lIu(O") - u(O) II :::; (3E. (6.6.7) The threshold parameter 0"* is shown by Carasso (1994) to have value, lIul(t) - u2(t)11 ::; 2M 1 - t E\ (6.6.4) * ( M (3) = log (M / (M - (3E)) 0" E" log (M/E) . As Carasso (1994) points out, given any E > 0 the inequality (6.6.7) al- ways holds with a small (3 by continuity since a sufficiently small 0" always exists. What further limits the class of admissible solutions is the require- ment that 0" is known and 0" > 0"*. One would like to have (3 as small as possible while making 0" < 1 as large as possible, so that 0"/0"* > > 1. In the case of the backward in time heat equation, problem (6.6.1) - (6.6.3), the SECB constraint is an a priori condition requiring that the values of the solution at time 0" approximate the initial values closely. This is distinctly different from prescribing bounds on spatial derivatives of u(x, 0); neither condition implies the other. In fact, the SECB constraint reqqires less knowledge about the structure of u(x, 0) than is needed to impose deriva- tive bounds. The SECB condition serves to suppress noise contamination as t -t 0, leading to the improved stability result (6.6.6) for 0 :::; t :::; 1. The term C is a function of the constants (3 and 0" and C < < M / E provided 0" / 0"* is large. A major result of Carasso's (1994) work can be summarized in the fol- lowing theorem: (6.6.8) au at = KD. u, x EO, 0 < t ::; 1, u = 0, x E ao, 0::; t ::; 1, lIu(l) - III ::; E, lIu(O)1I ::; M, (6.6.1) (6.6.2) (6.6.3) where II . II as usual denotes the L 2 (0) norm. Here f(x) represents noisy data at t = 1 and E is an upper bound for the norm of the error in this data at t = 1. A logarithmic convexity argument can be used to establish that the norm of the difference of any two solutions Ul (x, t) and U2(X, t) satisfies the bound, for t E (0,1]. It is important to note that at t = 0, the dependence on E is lost so that the inequality yields no new information at this boundary. We would like to find useful error estimates near t = O. Carasso (1994) observes that it can be shown that if lID.u(O)1I ::; M, a logarithmic continuity result, can be obtained at t = 0, producing an error of the order of K M flog (M / E). As pointed out by Carasso (1994), a bound on the derivatives of u requires knowledge about the structure of u that is often not available in applica- tions. Moreover, a logarithmic continuity result is considerably weaker than the Holder continuity obtained for t > O. Carasso (1994) introduces and analyses a supplementary a priori con- straint on the solution that leads to stronger error bounds near the con- tinuation boundary at t = O. This constraint, called the "slow evolution Theorem 6.6.1. (Carasso (1994).) Let the Banach space X have norm 1/.11 and let f E X. Suppose there exist positive constants E, M and (3 with E < < M and (3 < < M / E so that the continuation u( t) from the data I satisfies lIu(O) II ::; M, and lIu(l) III::; E. 
280 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.6 Overcoming Holder Continuity 281 Moreover, the difference vet) of any two continuations satisfies the convexity inequality where IIv(t)1I ::; IIv(0)1I 1 - t llv(I)lI t , (6.6.9) for 0 ::; t ::; 1. If lIu( 0-) - u(O) II ::; {3E for some fixed 0- > 0-* with 0-* defined by (6.6.8), then al =K, ( ) 1-<7 i = {3 + a j b - 1 , j>1. (6.6.16) IIv(t) II ::; 2C 1 - t E, (6.6.10) A standard method called fixed point iteration, namely if (3+1 ::; Xo ::; M/E, with the iteration where C({3,o-) is the unique root of the transcendental equation X n +l = {3 + x;-<7, n= 0,1,..., () = {3 + ()1-<7. converges. This leads to the conclusion that an will converge to Cb as n-+ 00, where C({3,o-) is the unique root of () = {3 + ()1-<7 provided 0-* < 0- < 1, for We emphasize that while prescribing the bound lIu(O)1I ::; M serves to prevent explosive growth in the error in continued solutions, such bounds may not eliminate contamination of the desired solution by spurious high frequency oscillations that data noise induces. The convexity estimates reflect the potential for such spurious noise with their loss of accuracy as t -+ O. Carasso (1994) quite clearly demonstrates the existence of such noise . as t -+ 0 and then continues to show how the SECB constraint effectively reduces this contamination. Carasso's (1994) proof of theorem 6.6.1 proceeds by noting that the inequality (6.6.9) can be written as * log (M/(M - (3E)) 0- = log (M/E) . Hence, IIv(o-)1I ::; C 1 -<7b. Resubstitution of this into (6.6.13) together with (6.6.11) and (6.6.12) re- sults in the estimate IIv(t)1I ::; 2C 1 - t E, (6.6.17) IIv(t)1I ::;lIv(0)11 1 - t llv(I)II\ ::;(lIv(o-) v(O)1I + IIv(o-)II]I-t llv (I)W, (6.6.13) for 0 ::; t ::; 1. A beautiful illustration of the theory of improperly posed problems is made by Carasso (1994) because of the precise application he has in mind. To illustrate the utility of his results, Carasso (1994) applies them in the latter half of the paper to a class of image restoration problems in which an original image is reconstructed from a noisy blurred version. This deblur- ring problem can be formulated as an integral equation. If h(x, y) repre- sents the blurring kernel, g(x, y) is the unblurred image, f(x, y) denotes the blurred image that would have been recorded in the absence of noise, j(x, y) is the actual recorded image, and n(x, y) represents the cumulative effects of all noise processes, then Carasso (1994) shows that mathematically these quantities are related by the equation IIv(t)1I ::;K 1 - t b t , (6.6.11) for 0 < t < 1 where K = 2M and b = 2E. One may also replace the SECB - - , constraint with the equivalent inequality, IIv(o-) - v(O) II ::; (3b, 0- > 0-*. (6.6.12) Now, from the convexity inequality (6.6.9), it follows IIv( 0-) II ::; ({3b + K 1 -<7 b<7] 1-<7 b<7. (6.6.14) j(x, y) =f(x, y) + n(x, y), = f h(x-u,y-v)g(u,v)dudv. JR2 (6.6.18) so that, using (6.6.11) and (6.6.12) one may conclude that The initial estimate (6.6.11) has been used to find a new estimate given by (6.6.14). Let us call each estimate vn(o-) starting with n = 1. Continual resubstitution leaves us at the n-th iteration with Both f(x, y) and n(x, y) are unknown, and n may be a function of f so that the case of multiplicative noise is included in the analysis. Carasso (1994) limits his investigation to shift - invariant blurring kernels h(x, y) that have the Fourier transform II V n (0- ) II  a; -<7 b<7 , (6.6.15) F {h(, 1J)} = exp (-a(e + 1J2)b], (6.6.19) 
282 6. Further Improperly Posed Problems 6.6 Overcoming Holder Continuity 283 where a is positive and 0 < b  1. This structure includes several spe- cial cases that occur in a number of imaging applications. For example, b = 1 corresponds to the Gaussian distribution while the case b = 1/2, corresponding to the Cauchy distribution, appears in models of x-ray scat- tering. If the kernel h(x, y) satisfies (6.6.19), then the blurred noiseless image f(x, y) = u(x, y, 1), where u(x, y, t) is the unique bounded solution of the well posed problem au b at = -JL( -) u, u(x, y, 0) = g(x, y), (x,y) E R 2 ,t > 0, (6.6.20) (6.6.21) The SECB solution can also be obtained explicitly in Fourier spaces. Moreover, the Fourier transform technique forms the basis of an efficient, noniterative computational procedure which is based on two-dimensional fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms. Carasso (1994) concludes his paper with a numerical deblurring experiment that is designed to determine how effective the SECB constraint is in suppressing noise. He accomplishes this by comparing SECB with three other deblurring procedures: Tikhonov - Miller restoration (see e.g. Miller (1970)), the backward beam method (see Carasso et al. (1978)), and Hansen's L-curve method (see Hansen (1992)). The experiment consists of artificially blurring an undegraded sharp image of the inside of a human head, expressed mathematically by g(x, y), by convolution with a point spread function h(x, y) whose Fourier transform is given by (6.6.19) with a = 0.075 and b = 0.5. What Carasso (1994) quite clearly demonstrates both quantitatively and qualitatively, is that not only does the SECB constraint sharply reduce noise contamination but that it is the most effective of the four methods in preventing the occurrence of noise as t -+ O. In particular, the relative L 2 error reported by Carasso (1994) is 7.7% for the SECB method as against 13.8,25.2, and 27.4% for each of the Tikhonov - Miller, Hansen's L-curve, and backward beam methods, respectively. The innovative method of Carasso (1994) would appear to have the po- tential to play a useful role in image restoration problems, and doubtless other practical improperly posed problems. In this section we have only been able to give a brief flavour of all the details of Carasso's (1994) con- tribution. However, we believe a detailed study of Carasso's (1994) paper is certainly worthwhile. where JL = a(41{'2)-b. Observe that if b = 1, equation {6.6.20) is the classical heat conduction equation while for 0 < b < 1, it models a generalised diffusion process. Consequently, the image restoration problem is equivalent to backward - in - time continuation of the solution of (6.6.20), (6.6.21) from noisy data I(x, y) at t = 1. For a given fixed t with 0 < t < 1, u(x, y, t) is a partial restoration which becomes sharper but noisier as t -+ O. In oder to solve the de blurring problem by the SECB restoration metho<!., Carasso (1994) writes the integral equation (6.6.18) in the form Hg = f, where H is the integral operator in L2(R2) with kernel h(x - u, y - v). Now define H t for 0  t  1 to be the convolution integral operator in L2(R2) with kernel h(x - u, y - v; t) where h(x, y; t) is the inverse Fourier transform of exp [-.\t(e + ry2)b]. Noting that HO is the identity operator and HtHT = Ht+T, t,T 2:: 0, one can write the solution of (6.6.20), (6.6.21) in the form u = Htg, for 0  t  1. In this context, Carasso's (1994) restoration approach assumes the a priori constraints, 1. 2. 3. IIH 9 - III  E, IIgllM, IIg - H CT gll  {3E, (J' > (J'* fixed, (6.6.22) (6.6.23) (6.6.24) for given E,M > 0, ElM « 1,0 < {3« M/E, and (J'* defined by (6.6.8). Ideally, we would like (6.6.24) to be satisfied with a small {3 and a relatively large (J' so that (J' I (J'*' is large. The SECB restoration is then defined as the unique function k(x, y) that minimizes the functional Hq == IIHq - 111 2 + (  )2 11q1l2 + ;2 11q - H CT qIl2, over all q E L 2 (R 2 ). If (J' = 0 in (6.6.25), the SECB restoration reduces to the classical Tikhonov - Miller restoration (see e.g. Miller (1970)), one of the most widely used deblurring methods. (6.6.25) 
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302 backward in time 148 in micropolar fluid dynamics, forward in time 186 in non-Boussinesq convection 206 in nonlinear elliptic equations 139 in porous thermal convection 158 in the Maxwell-Cattaneo model of heat propagation 171 on the relaxation time in the GMC theory 174 on the relaxation time in the MC theory 172 Continuous dependence on spatial geometry 5,87 for Poisson's equation 99 for the Navier-Stokes equations 96 heat equation backward in time 90 heat equation forward in time 88 heat equation backward in time, exterior domain 93 heat equation backward in time, Neumann conditions 92 heat equation backward in time, time dependent domain 93 in linear elastodynamics 100 in spatial decay problems 247 Convergence of a solution of elliptic to parabolic equation 107 Convergence of a solution of micropolar equations to Navier- Stokes equations 187 Convergence of a solution of Navier- Stokes equations to Stokes equations 181 D Dirichlet problem for the wave equation 15 Dusty gas equations 256 incorporating magnetic effects 259 E Elliptic equation, Cauchy problem 232 Elliptic singular perturbation problems 109 Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation 237 Index Index H Heat equation with data on part of the boundary 216 numerical analysis of 221 Holder's inequality 7 Holder stability 9 equation 38 for the initial - time geometry problem for the backward heat equation, exterior domain 47 for modeling problems with nonlinear elliptic equations 141 growth of solutions via 20 in linear thermoelasticity 264 in magnetohydrodyna:rllics 154 in micropolar fluid theory 150 in modeling of a thermoviscous fluid 163 in modeling of a thermo-diffusive- viscous fluid 166 in modeling in dynamo theory 156 in modeling porous convection 159 in singular partial differential equations 237 in singular perturbation problems 103 in the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation 230 I Ill-posed problems 1 Image reconstruction 279 Improperly posed problems 1 L Lagrange identity method 21 combined with the weighted energy technique 28 continuous dependence using this 31 in linear thermoelasticity 262 in linear thermoelasticity backward in time 269 in modeling the GMC system 174 in modeling the GMC and MC systems 177 in the initial - time geometry problem for linear thermoelasticity 274 Linear thermoelasticity 261 backward in time 267 continuous dependence on coefficients 263,266 with second sound effects 267 Logarithmic convexity method 16 and weighted arguments for Navier- Stokes equations 253 for a singular backward heat equation 239 for the dusty gas equations 257 for modeling errors for first and second order operator equations 125 for modeling errors for Navier- Stokes equations 115 for the initial - time geometry problem for an equation from dynamo theory 58 for the initial - time geometry problem for the backward heat M Monge-Ampere equation 13 N Navier-Stokes equations backward in time 251 Non-uniqueness for a nonlinear diffusion equation 11 Non-uniqueness for a nonlinear wave equation 10 Numerical methods for ill-posed problems 3,32 o Oil reservoir recovery 2 Overcoming Holder continuity 275 Q Quasireversibility method 3,31,233 S SECB constraint 276 Second sound theory of heat propagation 171 303 Sideways problem for heat equation 15,215 numerical analysis for 221 Sideways problem for hyperbolic equation 222 Carleman estimates 225 Singular perturbation in improperly posed problems 102 Spatial decay 241 in a dynamo equation 244 Structural stability 4 Symmetric linear operator 8 T Total stability 4 Tricomi equation 237 U Uniqueness and continuous dependence in singular partial differential equations 236 W Wave equation with Cauchy data on lateral surface 222 Weighted energy method 23,25,28 combined with the Lagrange identity method 28 continuous dependence on spatial geometry for the heat equation, backward in time 93 for a non-standard problem for the wave equation 227 for the initial - time geometry problem for the backward heat equation 47 for the initial - time geometry problem for the forward heat equation 42 for the sideways heat equation 217 for the sideways wave equation 223 for unbounded spatial domain problems 25 y Young's inequality 7 
Mathematics in Science and Engineering Edited by William F. Ames, Georgia Institute of Technology Recent titles T.A. Burton, Volterra Integral and Differential Equations Ram P. Kanwal, Generalized Functions: Theory and Technique Marc Mangel, Decision and Control in Uncertain Resource Systems John L. Casti, Nonlinear System Theory Yoshikazu Sawaragi, Hirotaka Nakayama, and Tetsuzo Tanino, Theory of Multi-objective Optimization Edward J. Haug, Kyung K. Choi, and Vadim Komkov, Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems Yaakov Bar-Shalom and Thomas E. Fort mann , Tracking and Data Association V.B. Kolmanovskii and V.R. Nosov, Stability of Functional Differential Equations V. Lakshmikantham and D. Trigiante, Theory of Difference Equations: Applications to Numerical Analysis B.D. Vujanovic 'and S.E. Jones, Variational Methods in Nonconservative Phenomena C. Rogers and W.F. Ames, Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems in Science and Engineering W.F. Ames and C. Rogers, Nonlinear Equations in the Applied Sciences Josip E. Pecaric, Frank Proschan, and Y.L. Tong, Convex Functions, Partial Orderings, and Statistical Applications E.N. Chukwu, Stability and Time-Optimal Control of Hereditary Systems Viorel Barbu, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Infinite Dimensional Systems Yang Kuang, Delay Differential Equations: With Applications in Population Dynamics K.A. Ames and B. Straughan, Non-Standard and Improperly Posed Problems Z. Gajic and M.T.J. Qureshi, The Lyapunov Matrix Equation in System Stability and Control D. Straub, Alternative Mathematical Theory of Non-equilibrium Phenomena