Автор: Foxx R.  

Теги: sexology  

ISBN: 1-84442-076-0

Год: 2004

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THIS IS A CARLTON BOOK  This edition published by Carlton Books Limited 2007 20 Mortimer Street London W1T 3JW  Copyright © Hylas Publishing 2004 The moral right of the author has been asserted.  First published in 2004 by I-lylas Publishing 129 lVlain Street, Suite C lrvlngton, New York, 10533 wwwhylaspub|ishing.com  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior written consent in any form of cover or binding other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed upon the subsequent purchaser.  All rights reserved. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.  IS B N-10: 1~84442—076—0 IS B N-132 978-1~84442-076-6  Printed and bound in Singap.ore  5'9. 
Contents  Adventurous Sex Checklist . . . . . . . . 8  Section One: Foreplay and Oral Sex. 14  102 Backseat Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 103 Prepare for Takeoff . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1D4The Magic Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 105 Third Wish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 106 Cat in the Cradle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 107 Spank Her Thrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 108 The Double Grip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 109 The Slippery Slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 110 The Jigsaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 111 Put You on a Pedestal . . . . . . . . . .34 112 Under the Hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 113 Pumping Petrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 114 Sweet Spot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 115 Australian for Sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 116 Rising Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 117 The Dip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 118 The Bird Feeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 119 Chasing the Cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 120 Seat of Honor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 121 Give and Take . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54- 122 Downtown Glrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 123 Slippery When Wet . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 124 Always on Your Side . . . . . . . . . . . 60 125 The Grateful Hostage . . . . . . . . . . . 62  126 A Bridge to Pleasure . . . . . . . . . . . 64  127 Tunnel of Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 128 Checking the Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68  Section Two: Advanced Positions . . . . 70  129 Bumper Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..72 130 Back in the Saddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 131 The Plow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 132 My Door Is Always Open . . . . . . . . 78 133 The Nexus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 134 Elephants on Parade . . . . . . . . . . . 82 135Table Saw . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... .84- 136 Queen of the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 137 Fantasy City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 138 The Dinner Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 139 The l(issing Lotus . . T . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 140 The Sheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 141 Members Only Entrance . . . . . . . . 96 142 Lean on lVle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 143 The Consolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 144 Lady Godiva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 145 The Bare Hug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 146 Cupid's Bow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 147 Tight Quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 148 I've Found |Vly Niche . . . . . . . . . . 110 149 The Long and Deep of It . . . . . . .112 150 lnto Each, His Own . . . . . . . . . . . 114 151 The Door Jam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 152 Climbing the Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . 118  153 Synchronized Deep Diving . . . . . . 120 154 Long Night, Full Nloon . . . . . . .. 122 155 Spreading Some Joy . . . . . . . . . . 124 156 Deep Satisfaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 157 Surfing the Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 158 Leapfrog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 159 Blooming Lotus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 160 Speaking In Tongues . . . . . . . . . . 134 161 The Nail—Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 162 Praying Mantis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 163 Lowered l'nl'1ibition . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 164 Meet Me in the l\/liddle . . . . . . . . 142 165 Studying Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . 144 166 Behind the Scenes . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 167 Hopping the Fence . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 168 I Saved Your Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 169 Upside Down You Turn Me . . . . . . 152 Section Three: At the Office . . . . . . 154 170 The Corporate Merger . . . . . . . . . 156 171 The Motivator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 172 Won king Your Way Up . . . . . . . . . 160 173 Out of the Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 174 Power Broker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 175 Giving I-ler a Raise . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 176 Entry-Level Position . . . . . . . . . . 168 177 Loving Takeover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 178 Climbing the Ladder . . . . . . . . . . 172  179 Behind on Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 180 Flex Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 181 Double Shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 182 The Profit Share . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 183 Take a Letter Please . . . . . . . . . . 182 184 Sharing Your Assets . . . . . . . . . . . 184 185 Squeeze Me In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 186 The Ruthless Negotiator . . . . . . . . 188 187 Appealing to Your Target Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 188 Better Than Phone Sex . . . . . . . . 192 189 Tight Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 190 Getting the Memo . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Section Four: Toys . . . . . . . . . . . . ..198 191 Rough Rider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 192 Performance Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 193 Smear Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 194 Prisoner of Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 195 Love Slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 196 Impaled Passion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 197 Working Every Angle . . . . . . . . . . 212 198 Trapped Bumblebee . . . . . . . . . . . 214 199 Fire and Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 200 The Earthquake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Advanced Sex Checklist . . . . . . . . .220 
Adventurous Sex Checklist  They say that nothing succeeds |il<e success, and successful sex is a joy! This quick refresher checklist lets you relive the delicious and slightly more accessible positions of Sex 1 01 and whets the appetite for more savory and sensational sexploitsl So catch up and catch your breath and continue exploring and enjoying.  Q: n A I ..a 43 ‘ Q‘  5 Pig in n B|an|<et 9 Inner Awakening 13 Jac|<|(n|fecl Splits  ‘ In» :7 . "g I i N. _‘ _,. . WK .‘ ,. ‘Q0 I. \ "1". ;‘ " 4 I  1 Straight—Ec|ge Sex A  i.  10 Scissors 14 Lateral Jackkniicd Splits  2 Fool. Rub will! R|1yt|In1 GTIE Penilent Forgiven  _ n ) t’: " 7‘ "”" 5  us “  I. J __;. 3 btralg|1l—l:(lgc Sex B I inc Awakening 11 Splitting of a Bamboo 15 Climbing Ivy  4 Always hy Your Side BThe Piked Awakening 12 lrlammel-head" 16 Inverted WheeIlJe1rrow  8 - Advanced Sex  1| I  17 Tne Crab  ‘V ‘E5.  18 The vvrapped Crab  -".1  _l ,1 .7 I . _ ‘‘ l9Tl|e Open Crab I I - F ,4 A .- (I H11 ‘ll |'I|r.' Press Ji ll .'1 Ilw Bicycle  _’,_..  22 Side-to—Siclc Press  I ‘I.’  1:-  ‘N  -, . -"*5 ' 1»  27 Lateral Kneel and Extend  u 2:} Hall Lotus 28 l<'n_eeI ‘and Push Back In ~ | '5"! " -41 4 -= " ‘- 24 I-ull Lotus 29 Side-toside Knzel and Extend I ‘ Q I 25 Wife of lnrlra 30 Surf’s Up ‘I.’  26 Kneel and Extend  31 Pelvic-11-rust  33 Locked I_an Dance  34 l<ama's Wheel  35 Reclining l<an1e1’sv\/lug  36 Sna kc Trap 
I ll — E I J! .:! ‘ ._. l- _ ‘.1 \ i \-_t\; I _‘*.-._1l .'.":1~.-‘ .. I .. ' ' ' -1 ' ' J _ I"-‘I ' T 1 '-X:  . _ -.- . - ..£‘..m.-“Lu ..... -- - - .. 37 Full Reclining Snake Trap 42 Pair of Tongs 47 Strr:tch'e'ci Spoon-on—Spoon 52 Will You Do Me? 57-Recnning Body Hug 62 lnveg-fed |-[eadloclg  .i- -. ' ,- 5. I -V I ‘ I.‘ -  " y'-' \ :- . . ,« _ 1' _'_ .:_.' '4.- l -. -' ‘_'|£'J nr .1  48 Sliding Into Home  L. I -3": '- 1 " ' '- - "at 39 Paired Feet  J1’ .. -. -if u. .._1..d..u.;-.-x_-'.u.-.1-I  54 Let U5 P133’ 59'Sweet Abandon 64 The See—Saw B 69 Taking Sides 74 The Elephant  : I .: —II ':' -r. -' .\ _ ,_ __ N." . ‘ I '_: - if '-I ' I .',Ii_'i3. __ - mm, - 1; _ ::-'  I" — ‘— —‘j" ~.-,__-.>"__ ‘V1. 1-§_; _ - i.-nlfiiid J L. _ I 41 The Mama's Trick 46 Speon-on-Spoon 51'l'h'e Bucking Bl'_Ql'lCU 56 F|e__>_a_ad Bo__cly Hug (.1 me Fleged Cur|_(5(jrew 6{)Thg '|'-hrqne 71 EnveI'()_[ge_c_I in Love 76 §‘rtt]ng' FIexi_ad Body Wrap  -_ . . | ,_,-  1O - Advanced Sex 11 
77 The Bazzkbend B  .. ‘ ' = "» ' I _ I I r: ‘-5 ‘Ir, w. 78 The Pushaver B3 The ‘ltmgn — _ 7 or W. '7 I . . Tl ‘ TI 79 The Cobra - 84 The Hamess '= I T g I I I ' - F- ‘ I. 80 The Pilot — 85 The BT:kbencl_ C . 3 F . __ I‘ I 81 The Stick Up 36 Congress of the Cow  12 - Advanced Sex  87 The Hoover  BB The Hoover Upright  1.1  -2-‘ '  91 The Chair Lift  1 1 III 92 Pun-Tent Plunge  94 Fida’s Feet  96 Lay--Z Girl  . 6 I I "' *~ *1 97 Tug of War I ‘I: ‘ -I-. ‘)8 Come Sit on My Lap .5 "___ _ . :- ‘ '. ' \- 99 In Reverse I r. -. :5 l . ' ' 51- -"‘- , 100 My Knight, My Em.- __  , ,- I 1 . l I ‘u  L01 Chair Twister  13 
Foreplay and Oral Sex 
Bac|<s_eat Driver  Both lovers ‘face the same direction on the bed with the man sitting between the woman's legs and her breasts "pressed against his back. She reaches around his torso with both hands and encircles his penis bringing him to orgasm while she enjoys watching over his shoulder.  16 - Advanced Sex  r:,'‘_?'  1.3-’ \i in 4 
Prepare for Takeoff  With the man on all fours, the woman grabs __ him tightly from the rear with her torso flat- tened against his buttocks. She massages his penis with one hand and reaches between his legs with the other, fondling his testicles while he comes to climax.  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 19 
The Magic Lamp  The woman lies on her back while the man pushes her leg high up against her body. With open access to her taut labia, the man rubs her. He maintains the contrast between the tight grip on her ankle and more "fluid motion of hand on her genitals coaxing her to orgasm.  2O - Advancecl Sex 
{ll  Third Wish  Variation of the Magic Lamp with the couple standing up, the woman's back against a wall or doorway. The man lifts her leg with one hand  and “rabs her |amp" with the other.  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 23 
2'4  - Advanced Sex  Cat in the Cradcle  The wornan hes on her back while the man Hes on his side next to" her. One arm slips under her neck and reaches doyyn to fonclle her breast. The other slips in between her legs massaging and teasing and eventually hooking inside her. The man kisses hen; capturing her complete sensory experience.  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 25 
v i Spank Her Thrice  . She's on all fours. He kneels beside her. : ‘ He caresses her breasts while his other hand explores her back, belly and thighs, at last finding her vagina. I-le grabs her ' bu'ttocl<, holding it tight, and maybe gives her a slap. lhis is a good prelude to See Spot Come (Sex 101 #67).  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 27  l l 
The Double Grip  Moving from The Crab (Sex 101 #17), he holds her feet with his thumbs between h'e'r big toes and the rest. He enters hen; pressing her knees agailwst her breasts, stimLIla'ting her vagin IE1 and ‘Feet for a double erogenous explosion.  \."t-  ’ 
The Slippery Slope  Covered in massage oil, the man and woman take turns slipping and slid-  ing over each other, first with her facing clownwarcl and him on top of her  and then reversing. Penetration is not the goal, just sensuous stimulation.  30 - Advanced Sex  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 31 
_ _. __ _  32 - Advanced Sex  __ j1 —_ use  I J Igsaw .P The woman curls up on the bed, her clelicate i parts exposed to her lover. I-le embraces her 1:! with his legs and fits in perfectly. ll > I" ‘  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 33 . 
Put You on a Pedestal  Woman or man leans against the wall, legs spread. Partner sits on‘ the floor between spread legs, wrapping arms arouncl lower back and pays homage to the other.  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 35 
« Under the Hood  Woman sits on floor leaning back on In--r forearms. Man kneels in front In-lween her legs, berlclifig down into In-r labia. She rests hen legs on his lv.u'l< vi/h‘i'le he licks Iielz  l _ I 36 -' Aelvan--ed 9:-zx Foreplay and Oral Sex‘-~ 37 ll 
Pumping Petrol  |V|an lies on his back with his legs straight up. Woman sits on man's face, and grabs his penis, bringing him to climax while he does the same for her.  Foreplay an'c| Oral Sex - 39 
I i- ii-.  Sweet Spot  The couple iies head to foot. The man moves the woman's knees up and out of the way as. he delves between her legs-. She reaches for his penis. He covers her genitals with his mouth.  Foreplay and Oral Sex- 41 
Australian for Sex  Woman lies on her back with her legs in the I air. lvlan lies on his stomach with his head clown Lniclei; between her legs.  , I 42 - Aclvancecl Sex 
.::1"  Rising Sun  Woman ii-es on her back with feet on the floor lifting her hips to the ceiling. i\/Ian goes on all "fours leaning his head between her legs with his feet behind her head. She unciulates her pelvis, rising up to meet him.  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 45 
The Dip  With legs splayecl, the man lifts the woman's hips and legs in the air. Balancing against each other, the man clips into her genitals while he holds her firmly.  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 47 
The Bird Feeder  Like The Dip, #117, the woman rests on her shoulders, her high legs in the air. This time he approaches facing her; his hands supporting her lower bacl<, her legs on his shoulders. His face easily reaches her pleasure spots. She practices yoga while he practices his technique.  48 - Advanced Sex  ll  ll 
Chasing the Cat  The woman crawls on the ‘floor, me man catches her on all fours, his face and arms in between her legs. For aclclecl spice, try this using a sl<2rte|3oarcl!  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 51 
Seat of Honor  The man lies on his back.The woman takes her seat on his. face, knees around his head, facing away from his body.  52 - Advanced Sex  T 
54 - Ac|'v-anced Sex  Give and Take  The man lies on his back. The woman lies over him with her vagina on his mouth. She takes his penis in her mouth. She undulates, controlling both ends of the situation.  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 55  L 
Downtown Girl  (or Time -Tested) The classic |J_|ow—jo|3. The man stands. with the woman kneeling in 'l’ron.t of him, grasping his thighs.  56 - Advanced Sex 
Shpper VVhen et  With lubricated hands, the man kneels in front of the prone woman, massaging her torso with teasing light sI;rol<es. Will his hands move all the way down? He keeps her guessing.  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 59 
21?.  -j} '  Always on Your Side  l I I l \ . I I ll Give ancl Take =i-i-"121, with a ‘twist. The couple 'tLll"|1S on I their sides, top most leg bent with the "loot on the - l ground so their Parts are easy for the other to access. ..____ l’ This comfortable position ‘Feels luxurious. ’ l l  60 - Advanced Sex  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 61 I  ' 'l|| 
The Grateful Hostage 31,.“  She sits in a chair, legs open, her ankles and wrists  tied to the chair legs. He performs cunnilingus on his  thankful prisoner. I r ‘I I  Foreplay and Oral Sex - 63 
.<'i'  A Bridge to Pleasure  The woman stands bending over so her hands are resting on the floor; her back arched like a cat. The man sits between her legs and stimulates her until he hears her mew.  64 - Advanced Sex 
_ ' — __._ .-  Tunnel of Love  She lies on her back. I-le squats over her placing his penis between her lubricated breasts as she holds them together creating a pleasing “titty” tunnel of tightness.  66 - Advanced Sex  1. 
E’-  . Checking the Oil  The man stands leaning on a table. The woman approaches him from behind caresses his buttocks with her lubricated hands while she masturbates him.  7-; _. :.-—:.=_  H Foreplay and Oral Sex - 69 I 
Advanced ' W POS|1'.|0nS 
Bumper Cars  The man lies on his side and folds his top leg over her left leg. She leans back on her arms while he enters her, interlocked and colliding at a new angle. 
i Q i l  Bac|< in the Saddle ;.  The woman lies on her , stomach. The man pene- trates her from behind, deliciously stroking her back. She lifts up her buttoc|<s to meet him.  Advanced Positions - 75 
The Plow  From The Tango (Sex 101 #83), the woman wraps both legs around the man. She then arches backward and reaches and rests her hands on the floor. He con- tinues thrusting until he plants his seed.  76 - Advanced Sex 
My Door is Always Open  iVlan braces himself face up between a door- way, his back on one side and his feet on the opposite side.The woman straddles him leaning against the same side as his feet while he knocks pleasurably on her door.  Advanced Positions - 79 
, _. I '1 ,§'|l.'|t  I ,, i if i i  i 3 Wu  I 4  wt  in H  The Nexus  The man kneels on the floor, sitting on his ‘feet with his arms behind him on the floor for support. The woman approaches with the same leg position while he enters her. She leans back on her arrns, allowing each of them to thrust back and forth.  8.0 - /~\clvanced Sex 
Elephants on Parade ‘  While in the Baby Elephant (Sex 101 #72), the * ' llnl woman "twists on her side, throwing her leg over ‘ - the man. He 1’ incls his -way deep inside of her. 82 - Advanced Sex A-dvan'ee_d Pesltlons - 83-  l. lllil 
84 - Advanced Sex  Table Saw  (Becoming Unhinged)  The woman holds herself horizontal, her right arm on floor, her right leg resting on a chair. Her left leg points to the ceiling while the man supports her back with his hands as he precisely  guides himself to his mark.  : g.. 3 2 E . ' ; _ I T 1 u'_l-1. :..__ ‘C ' .' - .1 (- . . >.. , . \ :  . _./_~_a--.. . 3‘ ,,.-,,..,—;..._...'....._._ 1,5 ._-_,..-.,,,.,_\‘_ ,,..=_.__,_= ';- :5.’- 
Queen of the World  While balanced in the Tug of War position (Sex 101 #97), the woman turns 180 degrees to face outward on the man's lap. He holds her arms while she stretches outward, calling forth favorable winds.  86 - Advanced Sex  X: _.—-f'‘' 
-'-~.=..;‘- -  Fantasy City In Straight Edge Sex A (Sex 101 #1) the addi- tion of a chair acts as a barrier between the ' lovers. As the man rests his arms on the chair, he enters her at a 45-degree I angle, giving them both a new perspective. 1  Advanced Positions - 89 
The Dinner Party  The woman lies on her back on a table, her leg resting on a chair or stool.The man stands at the edge of the table, straddling her leg and entering her as he leans over to sample her treats.  90 - Advanced Sex  X;  .'+_,_  . . ;.,.,-. _. L  I -3;] ’ \ I‘ {IL 
3"?» __ .: ' _t'_-. A , 1-. .'I. - 3.‘: ‘E3. ” - ._ .05 _..- —. ’ .- ii: . I . '1.  11%"  The Kissing Lotus  Moving from The Crab (Sex 101 #17), the man intertwines his legs with hers.They are now kissing distance while they make love.  Advanced Positions - 93 
The Sheath  ‘ A reclining variation on the standing Hoover (Sex 101 #87).The man seats ‘l himself while inside his lover. She drapes -_ herself over his lap and pushes up against ’ the floor. Not for the weak of tricep. l l I l l  “I 94 - Advanced Sex 
Members Only It L  E t * ’ lhe man leans against a doomost and ._ . l invites the woman to climb aboard. She '-I \ . . -J straddles him holding on to his neck, and " l! he braces himself for the ride. I1 i ‘I  I I I. 96 - Advanced Sex £‘-:___. 1'‘ 1 
Lean on Me  The woman leans back against the wa|I.The man faces the woman standing in between her legs. The woman captures her lover's weight while he clips and raises himself in and out of her.  Advanced Positions - 99 
The Consolation  The classic doggy—sty|e with equipment. The woman lies face clown on a chair and the man enters her from behind. Great for G—spot stimu- lation. Don't forget the pillow for the knees!  100 - Advanced Sex  I. .‘ u - 3 u I‘. "' 1.9: . ‘f i-— S ‘{ '- :a_ .. I .; u '. .. 1'' ...J __ . .. ._.‘.; l"__ :3 3‘ ' -: ' 7.‘; ; . '.:: - Li I.‘ I "' 
I I -1.‘- _:I : *’ f . j 1 v‘ I ‘ Using a rocking chair or the edge of the ; :1 -' Z J ‘ bed, the woman sits on her lover's lap fac- ' - ._. " _-_'-"- ing away from him and pulls his legs up ,, between hers. They let the motion of the , chair rock them to climax. I; ' /\i|\/.u|u-(I |'u'.|l|n|r. - IIH 
2,}. ‘- , ‘\ Like the Sitting Body Wrap (Sex 101 #75), the woman sits on the man's lap pressing her body against his.This _ position allows her to control the movement by pushing _.{ her feet downward on the chair. {- 1: ._V4:~r-:  104 - Advanced Sex 
Cupid's Bow . Come Sit on My Lap (Sex 101 #98). From that position, the man stands sup- porting the woman at a right angle at hip level. Her legs are folded against him. He grasps her hands tightly to keep her safe. Only for the agile in mind and body. _ I I  ii’  106 - Advanced Sex 
.- V- e \ ' 5 < 5. C: T . (R ._' _ 2 5? .1 I \-‘. p . .1. ..  Tight Quarters  The woman kneels across an armless chair, her hands on one side, her knees on the other. The man pene- trates deeply from behind.  Advanced Positions - 109 
The woman leans face—fiist into a door jam.The man leans back against the opposite side, his feet braced __: _ H where she's leaning. He straddles her right leg. Her _, '1 ‘ _ I _: ' ‘ I _- ~ -~ left leg is bent and rests on his left leg. ' ‘  I've Found My Niche . .'  I 110 - Advanced Sex 
The Long and Deep of It  The woman lies facedown on a rocking chair with knees on the floor. The man enters her from behind as he holds one leg up. Deep penetration for him, increased clitoral stimulation for her.  112 - Advanced Sex  ,5»  -I. .- *'-~.-  ,/I // 
4-7. 2 . ;-.  Into Each, His Own  The couple is interlocked with the woman lying across a footstool and a bed. With her arms free, the woman can fondle the man's testicles as she stimulates her clitoris as well.  Advanced Positions - 115 
The Door Jam  Propped against the door jam Ii|<e l\/ly Door Is Always Open (#132), this time the woman faces her lover; allowing them to kiss as she presses into him. His solid stance gives her freedom of movement.  116 - Aclvancecl Sex  4,  P-N‘.-' 
- ._f"  Climbing the Walls  From The Door Jam (#151) she climbs aboard, her feet against the wall as he supports her weight. He can move deeply inside her as she clings to him.  Advanced Positions - 119 
..-3- .  . _‘ .<;s.>‘h3‘  S n c h ro n I z e d e e p D IV I n g From The Long and Deep of It (#149), he raises her leg higher, sup- porting it on his bent right |<nee.The bed acts as a buffer and he can thrust even deeper into her.  Advanced Positions - 121 
Long Night, Full Moon  Woman leans in a rocking chair; her butt on the edge of the chair, her feet on the floor. He lies across her body, supporting himself on his elbows. Her free hands can caress his legs, buttocks, and testicles.  122 - Advanced Sex  3- .’ . er ' \ I ‘Q . ~\ ‘, a _ I . .« _-‘-.-_ .' ‘ - ._l _. I} '1, . I . ||| I . .;| k _. ‘ I I , . ¥;§ ~'.,_ -t _~....., L_ l\ - -.,. ' '_ \ _'., I ‘ . .’ .'l \ I . . .J I  4...‘ 
Spreading Some Joy  She is on her back. He kneels and enters hei; holding a firm group on her ankles. Her legs are wide open, giving him a clear view of her genitals as he watches himself move in and out.  Advanced Positions - 125 
Deep Satisfaction  The woman does a modified headstand, careful  to support her neck and head with her hands. She leans over to give her man full access to her as he holds her steady and enters her from behind. She can't see what he'll do, leaving her with just the sensation of his thrusting.  126 - Advanced Sex  3?  -.-H: -'  _ .-2:.-znu-.13-r-.—_-.-.-@r.-a_..=.u-.~,._v_~ -_ ., ___,_ ,_ ._ 
Surfing the Wave  me man lies down faceup. His lover lowers herself sideways on him. Both have a hand free and easy access to rubbing her clitoris.  128 - Advanced Sex  v.14:-" 
Leapfrog  A simple hop into her lover's lap offers the woman an opportunity for G—spot activation. She controls the movements while he massages her back.  130 - Advanced Sex  '51:: - --_r i -v' ‘nu: { \e ‘ *1 ' - :3 .“. . '5. . l_; a_:- I 3% G 9'--' ‘ .3": '2 I '7. r. i. A 
Blooming Lotus  From The Kissing Lotus (#139), the couple spread their bodies apart, leaning back on their hancls. This position allows the point of penetration to be lower down, conferring new sensations with each movement.  132 - Advanced Sex  ‘$33  11- 
S eaking  in ongues  He lies on his back on the bed.111e woman squats over her lover's face, resting on his  knees with her hands. He kisses her genitals  while she moves back and forth, helping  134 - Advanced Sex  her to orgasm.  ‘W-vi‘-«H-Lu. 
The Nail-Gun  F - _ He stands on the floor facing the bed, knees ' I _- " slightly bent. She leans on the bed as he holds her by the hips, her legs straddling him.  ~ . ‘ Her knees are bent behind him, her heels on  his upper back. He finds his target each time.  Advanced Positions - 137 
} r i _' - ii “ -: .'i ‘ " !'I ’ 2.‘. \ '‘‘--.\I_ - ‘ ‘ i I :1 \ i. \ II Z‘: - I ', | ' ‘ __ - - g; --z Praying Mantis l ,. "H The man is on his back on the bed with his legs .? ‘ , ' up and knees bent.The woman crouches on top I ' ' _ 57¢ _ q ‘ -' of him. She squats to meet his penis as it dis- ‘ ' ;.'« appears inside of her. 1 (1-'.\'.’ - ' i "* s r I ! ! ‘ I | {x i :| l - II II II_ II Advanced Positions - 139 
'1" l V-1-\ , _. ,) -3“, Lowered Inhibition 5 -; ‘ _ The man assumes the yoga bridge position. ,_' ' The woman lowers herself onto him, leaning :3 '  against his hips. She can bounce up and down using her legs as leverage.  Advanced Positions - 141 
Meet Me in the Middle  Moving from Lowered Inhibition (#163), the woman faces the opposite direction from the man and assumes a modified yoga cobra position. They are joined only in the middle, creating a large X with their bodie...  142 - Advanced Sex  Advanced Positions - 143 
Studying Geometry  She lies on the bed near the edge on her side with one leg on the floor. He straddles her bottom leg, holding her top leg up and against his body. He pushes into her at a whole new angle.  Advanced Positions - 145 
Behind the Scenes  146 - Advanced Sex I  ‘_ ‘ _.‘___ ...._ - —-:_————-———-.—-v 1- -  The man enters from the rear as she kneels on I a footstool, leaning against a table or chair. He I 5 uses one hand to caress her buttocks as his ll other moves her back and forth. 
I . It ..;i"'. '{' ~. ‘I 3‘ -.-\_- L“ «.:?<' 1%‘ __ __ r Hopping the Fence ". ' The man is at the edge of the bed so his lover '*. can hop aboard. With her legs spread, she has access to both her own parts and his. .3; ‘“k\.. H _.  Advanced Positions - 149  ii 
I Saved Your Seat  Difficult but worthwhile, the woman leans back and provides a place for her lover to “sit.” He enters her while sup- porting himself with his arms on the floor. An unforgettable position.  150 - Advanced Sex  "4-I :. 
l\J))side Down ou Turn Me  She lies on the bed on her back, her legs together and raised toward the ceiling. He faces the opposite direction, backing into her; his legs straddling her body. She pulls him in closer and he rocks back and forth on his elbows.  152 - Advanced Sex  \¥ 
4-g  —-2;‘: . I"- 1  " la./Kai:  L_ The Corporate s- ' Merger  She's in the seat of power, asking him to join her company. He leans back against the desk, their bodies merged as one. His hands are free to provicie extra service.  At the Office - 157 
The Motivator  .I - - - I ’ -'7’ The Hoover (Sex 101 #87) with a little office sup- ‘ port. His buttocks and her legs are supported by the table. He gives a taste of her year—end bonus.  3;’ " 3 - At the Office - 159 
..-«-B  Working Your Way Up  (or Let's See Who's Boss) She's on his lap one minute, the next he pushes her over. Holding on around his neck, she allows him to continue thrusting with increased leverage.  At the Office - 161  ’ 
162  Out of the Box  The woman goes into a modified yoga shoulder Stand, while the man takes advantage of her openness. He gently offers a new way of looking at things.  - Advanced Sex 
II‘ ‘('1 . gl. .‘ _. \- I l ' l ( I I .5. l l‘: “J: _ llrl lg l I ‘ I I :-l{ “I1 ; ' ll l.' 1 i. K | _;§ .I I \ I . l l V, _o } Power Broker . l _ - \ « ' ' - I " She sends the profit line straight up as she ‘ ‘ " . ' ' straddles her lover. He supports himself 3, while he lets her ride the momentum. . ! I I. II .| l  l| I '..a{4_.5 I’  ' At the Office - 155 
Glvmg Her a Raise After he claims her on the bed, the woman is raised -= '~  up and fully supported. Her feet are wrapped around her lover's head.They use their arms to come closer.  166 - Advanced Sex 
H :\~‘ll I I = i I -“L, ". ’ ‘i I. 5' is I 2 F i| "' _ Q . 1: I W -.rf ‘ % i L’ Entry-Level Position While engaging in sex in the classic missionary position, the woman stimulates the man's hind parts. This cloub|e—entry ( position pmvicles bonus pleasure for both lovers. ' AdValTCed SEX At the Office . 169 
i‘ . ' I‘ - I; .~; - ._|:" ""4 . . -... E‘  .'p\:-  170 - Adxianced Sex  .- E J" hr; - . 5:. 1.; r, _ _ The woman takes charge, crouching over her . _ _ 7 \ lover's body. in this position, the vagina is fully ' _ open, allowing for deeper penetration. She can *1 H, __ take over her own pieasuring by rubbing her- .‘ - -" . 1 self against her lover as she moves. I . "“e V \  At the Office - 171 
Climbing the Ladder  Climbing on a chain and each other; the couple engage in rear penetration. Be careful not to tip over as you make your way to the top.  172 - Advanced Sex  :\- -\_‘-; -if‘ ‘ ‘.5’ 12: .- _q. i fig‘ K ...;I- '-2 .7} C ”"§. * I I I y_____ I £3. ”\ * ...'.u-., .- 
Behind on Work  Using a desk and chair, the woman leans forward onto the desl<.The man straddles the chair, and gets to work from behind. Recommended for a'fter—hours catch—up only.  At the Office - 175 
Flex Benefits  Because the woman is bridging between the chair and the bed, she is free to be flex- ible with how her lover enters her. He can clrape one leg over her and twist himself to make it work.  176 - Advanced Sex 
Double Shift ' ~ ' -  He enters her from behind while leaning back ‘ \W against a wall. She brings his hands around to “ "  her clitoris, instructing him in the best way to ;_ Q ’ pleasure her. They can time their orgasms to I ! clock out at the end of their shift. I7 W -5 .2 ‘I V-*’  178 » Advanced Sex 
The Profit Share  The woman is supported by her lover, while she wraps herself around him. She uses a footstool to l’€St her feet, relieving the man of some of his supporting duties. The foot- stool helps the lovers merge.  At the Office - 181 
Take a Letter Please  The man is on the edge of his chair; leaning back, feet braced against the desk. The woman backs into him while pushing against the desk.  182 - Advanced Sex 
5..  Sharing Your Assets  Another opportunity for a complete merger. The chair lifts her off the ground to meet her lover's body as they share their pleasure.  At the Office - 185 
Squeeze Me In  We woman curls up in a ball on the desk, facecIown.The man casually walks up and lets himself in.  186 - Advanced Sex  ..' 1 4 -1‘ 
The Ruthless Negotiator  The woman lies back on a footstool, legs in the air. She leaves the man no choice but to make a counteroffer.  188 - Advanced Sex 
‘Q-la  Appealing to Your Target lV|arl<et  Right on target, the couple converge. With the woman I crouching, she can press against her lover bringing his mouth to her. They have one goal in mind.  At the Office - 191 
it 5 Better Than Phone Sex  She sits on the edge of the desk leaning back on her arms. He stands before her and enters her while caressing her breasts.  192 - Advanced Sex 
Tight Schedule  Even with a heavy deadline, there's time for a quickie. She leans forward on the desk, her buttocks thrust out, one leg raised, giving him easy access to the break in her schedule.  194 - Advanced Sex  ‘ 9'2". !" :- ‘L "- ~ -3". Hi _ ‘ ‘.1 "I ‘ - : fisfiy - c “>4 -1 £ . I .' '\-= .1  W‘. X 
Getting the Memo  Classic, but still exciting. He's in his chair. She's under the desk, bringing the project to its climactic conclusion.  196 - Advanced Sex  ..-U. 
*'“"' xi  Toys 
4;”  Rough Rider  While enjoying See Spot Come (Sex 101 #67), the man uses anal beads to help take her for a wild ride. When she is ready, he gently inserts the beads one at a time, using a lubricant if needed. As she is climaxing, he slowly removes the beads, intensifying the experience.  Toys - 201  — 
Performance Art  Better than canvas, the lovers paint strokes of pleasure onto each other  using body paint and their moans to  202 - Advanced Sex  guide their inspiration. 
__x-’ .. .- 1-‘ _'7;"‘;_;.; 1" ., ‘ ‘; Smear Tactics ; _’ , He enters her from behind, drawing sensuous _ . ' r patterns with body paint where she cannot .. - J "'- .- i see. He leaves his mark inside and out. . \\ » » | *1"  Toys - 205 
': "'I—'I—I; _- .  E —.L.—._._ . . __...., _T _ __‘:_%_ fr... . .  Prisoner of Love  His passion (and handcuffs) keep the woman available to her lover's every whim. He chooses to take her from behind, holding her firmly, telling her he's in charge.  Toys - 207  4 
\"(  Love Slave  (or the Benevolent Dictator) Power has its privileges and responsibilities. The helpless woman, tied to the bed with love and ropes accepts her lover's munificence as he shows his appreciation for her loyalty.  208 - Advanced Sex Toys . 209  e 
210-‘J Advanced__SeX  'l .‘. '(  Impaled Passion  The suction—cup dilclo stays in place on the table as the woman moves up and down on it. Ah, the wonders of science. She presses close against her lover allowing his living equipment to rub against her. He adds to the mix by caressing her breasts.  Toys - 21] 
Working Every Angle  She's draped over an ottoman. He uses a vibrator to tease and touch her vagina and clitoris. He uses a hand to tickle her anus. She grabs at the floor in pleasure.  ,«~.='3v.*‘-  212 - Advanced Sex 
T d 7 i L Bumgllggge “ ‘  A pair of tight panties holds a vibrator snuggly in just the right spot. The man can then make the other parts of the woman's body buzz with his mouth anci hancis.  ll‘ I Q’  214 - Advanced Sex 
ll  Fire and Ice  The ice is cool, his mouth is hot. He alternates  using both on his lover's nipples. She closes her  eyes. Which will it be—fire or ice?  Toys - 21‘. 
, _ < I ‘ ' f '\'_.I‘\_ Q I‘ .\ {__ . , . ,_ ' (Butterfly on a Pin) ‘i -' The man kneels on the bed. His lover squats in front _ _ , of him. He holds tightly on a vibrator, allowing her to p' I _ I " lower herself onto the moving earth.  { - ’ Toys - 219 
Checklist 1» l "‘.. - . This handy checklist gives a visual of each position for quick reference. It also lets _ _ _ —..~_ _ -- I» ; _. ‘- -- - __ _i_,\_,\ .. _ ,_ 7' “‘ ’ you keep track of what you've tried. Be creative and make icons for ones that IooI< . - :3; _ l‘ ‘ \*~ Ex - Z "' fun, positions you've already tried and really like, and positions you still need to ' -I . . ' .\_ ,___g ' ‘- ' ' ' -“~\ .' ' - . . . . . - ' ' — _ : _ ' . " , A1. perfect——but oh, the efforts you are willing to make for sLich glorious perfection! ~- - T'“‘‘‘‘‘-’ - ' -‘ ' 118 The Bird Feeder 123 Slippery When Wet 123 C"'~’°'<‘"9 1'“ °" 133 T"° ”'“"‘”‘ I . I ; ‘ . I fl I an _ _ .. — . I '1 , 1 7 I ~ . a ' . . 5 -2 " . -1. “ -‘> ' , . 3 . ‘ » "ii ' ‘-2 .1 \ ' - , -* “*5 - 9 -_ —' +... _ _.i . -r W ._ \ «ts I _ _ ¢_ ‘*1’ . l .-- . - "‘ . ~ _ - \. '\—':_._-.- - '. ‘l , .._____, 1 V , _ “P \\r -' I 102 Backseat Driver 106 Cat in the Cradle 11o11ic.iigsaw 119 Chasing the Cal 124 Always on Your Side 129 Bumper Cars 134 E"’P“5““ °" P“"“‘° I I in I ' I? I- I I *1‘-' F . K3 \: ~ :‘ _ ' | : 1 1- . 1" ' ' - : _ K . i, . 1 , ' - 5‘ NF‘ ' _ I I _ '\ . - _ - _..r. « t __ _‘_ — - _ I _,_ _.-.a_ _ —ro. ‘ '‘-‘”4i \' _,.' _'r» i. _ ‘ ‘- ‘ ' ~-- I I 103 Prepare for Takeoff 107 Spank ller Tlii-‘ice 111 Put You on a Pedestal 115 Australian for Sex 120 Seat of Honor 125 The Grateful Hostage 130 Back in the Saddle 135 Table SEIW  .'| ' __ mu; _ 1 (A (‘I . ‘Q ' f.. _ .1 _‘ _ '_ '-'\ _ -.-1 _ _ H _ I 4- x ' _- _' ~ or *1 T a 1 - ll -‘§ / w — We h_—-lv-s. . _ .- .. __ ___ ‘-1 . . ..i - ‘L__.1..~- .  _ - AL ' - - . ’ . w id 104 The Magic Lamp 103 The Double Grip 112 Under Ihc Hood 116 Rising Sun 121 Give and Take 126 A Eridgll‘ to Pleasure 1317*“? P'°W 13“ °”“" °' W °'  '1» an ,I. I I 1 N rel”? ‘ l‘ ...- ' _;.'*~~ ' ~ '_ L" ' - I  1 , \ ‘ 1 . X. ‘ E {.5 ‘ I ‘ z .. '_ _ . , “ ,l - - . ' n i. L “ - I . _ - ~\A'_ ‘ __ ‘I ;r. . ', “ ' ' , ' : - . _ ‘*- V ' J fi r - _ ‘ -. H _ IV‘- 105 Third Wisli 109 The Slippery Slope 113 Pumping Petrol 117 The D19 122 Downtown Girl 127 Tunnel oi Love 132 My Door Is Always Open 137 Fantasy City  ' - 2] 220 - Advanced Sex Checkmt 2 
“c .  138 The Dinner Party  . ‘_.‘ (I. ' . ‘ 5 - - ‘ I " 1-—-it ‘C ' 0: 139 The Kissing Laws I (. . I _ I, , . '~ 140 The Shczi | .  nu.  .1-  -,» ' ' - 141 Members Only Entrance  142 Lean on Me  222 - Advanced Sex  143 The Consolation  _ r__ .. 144 Lady Godiva  146 Cupid's Bow  i|’l '  147 Tight Qu-arlers  D '._‘..'  u‘ ' ‘I ' I5: I  148 I've Found My Niche  149Thc Long and Deep of II  152 Climbing the Walls  lfi‘ ;f'  153 Sync-honized Deep Diving I‘ ~ ,3 - g. - . .....__ v .1 ‘ ,. , . .  ‘.’$— 156 Deep Salisiaclion I ~**  ., \-X .._ V. \ I .'. _ 1 ; 157 Surfing lhe Wave  p  163 Lowered lnhibllion 168 I Saved Your Seal  '- 3: - .' I 3r - ‘ ' ‘ I ' __| 3‘X_ r '- L‘ B If 3 __’. I “ x ‘ -i: " I ,_  159 Blooming I otus 164 Meet Me in the Middle 169 Upside Down You Turn Me 174 Power Broke!’  I  4 Q 3: _)_~ ‘I .‘ - '-»_=' \ WK?‘ '  1(,u Spgakling in Tongues 165 Studying Geometry 170 The Corporate Merger 175 Giving Her a Raise  .‘  1-7' . ., " ,..-_n(. “\ -. : ,»<-. Z  172 Working Your Way Up  162 Praying Mantis 167 Hopping W? FENCE 177 “Wing Takcwer  Checklist - 223 
E9 c-.\--.  H‘,. —.  .2; Q’  178 Climbing the Ladder 183 Talia a Leller Please  I 3‘  ‘-*. :- I .1! '1 179 Bell‘-nd on Work  180 Flex Benelils  l.- 1.  ?~ ' I 181 Double Shift  I  44  -' II 3?  182 The Pmllt Share  an  1 '\  184 Sharing Your Assets  I’!  -;r. N;-“ r - 185 Squeezc Me in  187 Appealing to your Target Market  224 a Advanced Sex  ‘ I - I‘  , -9, f _.._l '  189 Tight Schedule  194 Prisoner of Love  _ A.-.-.1. , -  190 Getting lhc Merno 195 Love Slave  4-3% .' V \ , - ‘:'&"- - ",2 _ _ r.-.  ,2 7 \;i  191 Rough Rider 196 impaled Passion  llerfi _ *7 A  192 Performance Art 197 Vkwlzirig Emmy Angle  xi. at  193 Fire and Ice  ZOU The Earthquake